HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 5B LEGALTOI,[Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartTent of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DRB040595 Proiect Description: REMOVE EXISTING DOOR TO PUT IN SHOWER AND REPLACE WITH SAME EXTERRIOR MATERIALS Participants: OWNER O'HAM, THOMAS W. & LAUM K.LtlL0l2004 Phone: 303-970-0078 22674 ANASMI WAY GOLDEN co 80401 License: APPUCANT O'HARA, THOMAS W. & LAUM K.LllI0l2004 Phone: 303-970-0078 22674 ANASAZI WAY GOLDEN co 80401 License: Project Address: 1711 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 17118 GORE CREEK DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 5-B Block Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILI-AGE FIL # Parcel Number: 210312312030 Comments: SEECONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval= lLlLQl2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval ofthis project shalllapse and becomevoid one (t) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 .a;\ Application for Design Review T,r{,rvm ;'wqg1''3i,i,}",t$l#:" i*:**:vHDT0l'1'1V 0f yAILFfl web: www.va,,sov.com I ..I iitti, I0r{l[.1 I General Information: i All projects requiring design revrew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit appri&ionlQWoi|i,DEV. refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design c€nnot be acceptsd until all required information is recsived by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lap8es unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: 'i,'.:,,;tcLtZ t-=rt'r- Lt/'!i'i- l ! , . ,/- z./--./ -,Z-t Physical Address: parcer no.:? ( 93 lL3 | 7 6o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Location of the Proposal: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):th,,.n^--,- U ,i- l4itlo- /< r),?/r;t-a, Mailing Address:..d,n4 ' il'Ld''/7,, r'/) Phone Owner(s) Signature(s): -t', i 7*7z*:- Name of Appli ..n t -l/=--,I-t:-!a-" Mailing Address: E-mail Address' 17i'/1 tif ": liliftll r;',t'/ Fax_---__-_.7----7,I '/ lFor Office Use Onlv: FeePaid: -LP -- +l-aType of Review and Fee: X Y . n I. Signs $50 Plus$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. rr' 9 \l-I. Conceptual Review No Fee. Conceptual Review No Fee . New Construction $650 For conslruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. 7rt = L i. Addition $3oO For an addition where square footage is added to an$fedldb$ial or IL mmmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior convlCiqrD). I Minor Alteration $250 _ For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, ,j (multi-family/commercial) - reroofing, pain-ting, window additions. landscaping. fences and l! E retaining walls, etc. k tr Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, O G0 (single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Stafi or the Design Review Board Seoaration Reouest No Fee hreeting Date: ePlanner:____t( -(.2 -oY-- Pase 1 of 12t04t01to4 5{q_+ M.,d FR0l'1 : TODD P f4lLNER PHONE NO. | 9?A 926 A635 Nov, EB 2AA4 IA:44P4 Pz Fon 9a'bare lrl.rnay T::Todd Dltei l l/[r2oo.l fime 117 lOFU Pe9.2Bf2 To; Joe Souther Towrr of Varl Planning Deparonenr Front: Todd Milner lvfr- Souther, I am selling the prope{'located on l7l I B Geneva to l2ura and Tom O'Hara on Novembet 15,2OQ4. I rmder'stand they wordd like to submit and applicarion tQ dre torvn pnor ro tre closing dote. I give my opproval to such l request provided there are no costs or rcquirements or1 my pafl. ftank vou,r) Todd ltilrrer. Owner I Tl I B Geneva Drivc Vail. Co. tt { r Gv Building Itat€rials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Roof Slding Other Wall Materials F*cia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimne)6 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the mlor name and number and attach a color chip. /hal'lvt ., fat- " *a-M*in Fbge 6 of 121M101104 .6}{i'fil:-',\r I.^ >. ' t,'r '7"1 i; tJ"T 5 ,t,2x: i,tt'7li 1',ilt Dep a r t me n I of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 t+,ww.t ailgov.com October 5,2004 Prudential Gore Range Reality c/o David Nudell 27 Mdn Street, Suite 10S Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 171 1 B Geneva Drive/Lot 58, Matterhorn Vilrage Mr. Nudell, This letter.is being sent in res.ponse to your questions regarding the above identitied property. I haveresearch the records 1 f-"gd that the property in queslion *is annexed into the rorirn 6t Vait byordinance 18, Series of. ts8-o using iniormation you have provide the structure on the property wasconstructed in 1973. Tlgt"toP y.oui property was annexed into the Town of Vail subsequent to thestruclure's construction. lt is also ihe uhoerstanoing that the property is approximately g,700'square feetin size and has three dwelling units. ,The propelyj: it is zoned today, Two-Family primary/secondary Zone District, is limited to a minimum lot size oi ts,OOO square feet and one dwelling unit. Perchapter 18, Nonconforming Sites, Uses, Structures, and Site lmprovements, Vail Town Code, yourexisting property is considered-nonconforming in regards to lot area and density on the property. rneuses on the site are allowed to continue per the requirements in Chapter 1B (see ittacnment).' ln addition, the three units could not be platted to be condominium units as this is not permitted under thesubdivision regulations. section..l 3-1-2(c)g), specific eurpos-s, vail io,tln Code, require, art piat. to o"in compliance with all zoning ordinances. 'creating a condominium plat for the three units would increasethe nonconforming status oithe site and therefore is not permitted. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter prior to my absenceplease contact me atg10-479_2148. $/itf regards, MM, Senior Planner Cc: File f,p *".r"""o t t* 12-18-1 SECTION: 12-18-1 : Purpose 12-18-2: Continuance 12-18-3: Sites 12-18-4: Uses 12-18-5: Structure And Site lmprovemenl 12-18-6: Maintenance And RePairs 12-18-7:. Discontinuance 12-18-8: Change Of Use 12-18-9: Restoration 12-16-1: PIIRPOSE: This chapter is in- tended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and struc- tures by prohibiting or limiting their enlarge- ment, thsir reestablishment alter abandon- ment, and lhelr testoratlon after substantial destruction. While permltting nonconforming uses, structur8s, and lmprovements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoralion, or replacement which would incraase the dis- crepancy between existing conditions and the developmeht standards prescribed by this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.100) 12-18-2: CONTINUANCE: Nonconlormiirg siteg, uses, slructureE, and site improvembnts lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof may continue' subiect to the limitations prescribed in this chapter. Sites, uses, structures' and glle improvements lawfully authorized by per- miis or regulations existing prior to the effective date hereof may coniinue' subject CHAPTER 18 NONCONFOFMING slTEs, usEs, srRucruREs AND SITE IMPROVEilIENTS to Euch limitstlons as prescribed by such permits or regulations. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 20.200) 12-18-3: SITES: Sites lawfully estsblished pursuant to regulations in effect prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the minimum lot area and dimenslon requirements prescribed by this title for the dislrict in whlch they are situat' ed may be continued and shall be deemed tegally established building sites' subioct to rtre site development standards prescribed by this title. No such site shall be turther re' duced in areaor dimensions. (Ord.8(1973) s 20.300) 12-'18-4: USES: The use of a slte or struc- Ure lawfullY established Prior lo the ettective date hereof which does not conform to the use regulations Prescribed by this title for the distrlct in which it is situated may be continued, provided that no such nonconlorming use shatl be enlarged to occupy a greater site ar€a or buildlng floor arei than it occupied on the etfective date hereof. Any subsequent reduction in sito area or floor area occupiecl by a non- conforming use shall be deemed a new limitation,-and the use shall not thereafter be enlarged to occupy a grealBr site are-a o.r floor arel than such new limitation. (Ord' 5(2001) $ 5: Ord' 8(1973) $ 20.400) 12-18.5: STRUCTURE AND SITE IM. PROYEMENT: Structures and 12-18-5 Toun of Vail December 2001 12-18-5 site improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the development Etandards preacribed by this title for the districl in which they are situated may be continued. Such structures or sita improvEments .may be enlarged only in accordance with the following limilations : A. Lot And Structure Requirements: Structures or site improvements which do not conform to requirements lor setbacks, distances between build- ings, heighl, building bulk control, or site coverage, may be enlarged;,pro- vided, thal the enlargement does not further increase the discrepancy be- lween the total structure and applica- ble building bulk control or site cover- age standards; and provided that the addition lully conforms with setbacks, distances between buildings. and height standards applicable to the addition. B. Density Control: Struclures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexistirtg nonconforming struclure, C, Open Space And Landscaping: Struc- 'turss or sita improvements which do not conform lo requirements for us- able open space or landsceping and site development may be enlarged; provided, that the useable open space requirements applicable to such addi- tion shall be fulty satisfied, and provid- ed that the percontage of the total site which is landscaped shall not be re- cluced below the mlnimum require- m€nt. 12.18€ D. Off Street Parking And Loadirtg: Struc- turgs or site improvements which do not conform to the off street parking and loading requirements of this title may be enlarged; Provided, that the parking and loading requirements for such addition shall be fulty satisfied and that the discrepancy between the existing olf strest parking and loading faciliti€s and the standards prescribed by thls title shall not be increased. (Ord, 8(1e73) $ 20.s00) ( 12-18.6: MAINTENANCE AND RE. PAIRS: Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convgnienl, safe, or efficient operalion or use; provided, thal no such maintenance or repair shall increase the discrepancy be- tween the use, struclure, or site improve- m€nt and the development standards pr€- siribed by this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.600) I 12-18-7r DISCONTINUANCE: Any non- conforming use which is discon- tinuod for a period of twelve (12) months, regardless of any intent to resume opera- tion of use, shall not be resumed thereafter, and any future use of the Site or slructures thereon shall contorm with the provisions of this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.700) 12-18-8: CHANGE OF USE: A noncon- forming use shall not be changed to anothsr nonconforming use unless permission has been iTranted by the town council. Prior to granting such perrnis- sion, the council shall determine that the proposed use does not substantially ditfer from the existing nonconforming use in terms of compatibility with the charaqter of the area in which it is located, and the I December 2001 Toum of Vail 12-18-E council shall determine ihat the proposed use doss not increase or aggravate the degree of nonconforrnity existing prior to any such change of use- (Ord. 8(1973) $ 20.800) 12-18-9: RESTORATION: Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with lhe regulations for the district in which it is located, or a noncon- forming structure or site improvernent which does not conlorm with the requlrements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other.cala;nity, by act of God or by the public enemy, its use may be re- sumed or the structure may be restored, provided th6 restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursuecl to completion. All new construction must con- forrn to the applicable adopted building codes. fire codes and other relevant codes regarding safety and construction which are in effect at the time rebuilding is proposed. (ord. 31(2001) s 12: ord. 3e(1982) $ 1: ord.3s(1981) $ 1: Ord. 8(1973) S 20.s00) 12-18-9 Town of Veil February 2002 F[[ffil (or SE, M*rrt* "lil tt''lff CERTIFIED MAIL # P156091539 Return receipt requested Dear Ms. Axelrod and Ms. Kapelovritz: I stopped by your house the other oay hoping to rneet wiih you. l.lc cne was around lo talk with, and I could not find a tdldphone nunrber by v,rhich lo reach you. Therefcre, I am writing you this letter. The purpose of this letter is to address several Tcwn of Vail Zoning Code violations at your residence, locaied at 1711B Geneva Drive. The violations were broughl to my attention as a result of an anonymous teleohone comolaint. According to Section 18.54.050 (e)(2) Fences and Walls. in part. " no chain link fences shall be alloweo except ai temporary constructron feirces or as required for recreational facilities." A visit to your resicience indicated that a chain link fence has been constructed on the west side of the house. It also appears that several exterior lights have been installed on lhe east side of the house, adlacent to.the parking'a'rea. My visit to the house in-d;cates that the exterior lighting may not comply with the Town of Vail 'Exterio-r Lighting'Ordinarrce. To determine as to \ryhether the exterior lighting complies with the !ighting ordlnance,"plea!e subnrit 10 the Town of Vail Oflice cf Community Development, a Design.Review Board. ipptication ind a rnanufacturer's specification sheet detailing the lights. You, may also wish to.include within ttiei Oesign Review Board application information with regard to an alternate1ence-type. sho_uld you wish to still havifencing on the property. For your convenience I have enclosed a Design Revierv Board application. As a further note. the Town of Vail Fire Departmeni asl(ed me to rernind you that house numbers need to be displayed on the side of ycur residerrce. The rrumbers should be a contrasting color and easily readible from the street. I.he numbers need to be displayed so that if there is ever an emergency at the property, the appropriate responding parties can easily find the residence. lf when you have any aciditional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in_ giving me a call. I can most easlly be reached dLiring regu!ar off ice hours at 479-21 38. lf I do not hear back f rom you, I will assume that you have already stopped by the Town of Vail Ofiice of Community Development and dropped off the completed applicalion. I look forward to working with you towards resolving the zoning violations. Again, ii you have questlons or concerns, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 December 26, 1995 Saundra Alexrod / lsadore Kapelowitz 9317 Yucca Blosson' Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 Department oJ Community Deve lopment F|tr.1 71 1 B Geneva Drive ''^ff:,--?*'",a George Ruther Town Planner Enc. GR/jr {S *rn'.ur r*"*