HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 7 LEGAL//lo//il,'n'Vn7e' l.+ 7 Design Review Board ACTIOH FORI.I Department of CommuniU Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgorr.comC0i'i'f, .nifi lEt €LOFIC|{I Project ilame: JOYCE DECK Project Description: REPLACE AND ENLARGE EXISTING DECK Pafticipants: OWNER JOYCE, JOSEPH P. PO BOX 6093 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT JOYCE, JOSEPH P, 0613012006 0613012006 DRB Number: DR8060267 PrcjectAddress: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsl PO BOX 6093 VAIL co 81658 7715 GENEVA DRVAIL Location: 1715 GENEVA DR loh 7 Blodc SuMivision: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL # 2103-123-1400-1 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 06/30/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not becorne valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction as commeficed and is diligently pursued toward completion. Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review General Information: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com 4r"t ->ttf All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revie\fled by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of l*re approval. Description of the Requegt l/ZPL+Lt &ll c qlnrye e l rt L,-t d,& Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:L Physical Address:11r i 6ale'l+ Dt'L-E parcetNo.: Llo) 123 t'.{OO I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Strlk-t A\*t,.y' f o,ttu" Name(s) of Owner(s):Jatif:4 J "/G Mailing Address:'7 r i-t^l 6tne/u clc- Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): t/4't /,, 7-t"- {tO- rTco 0c o No { J Name of Applicant:-l ' sp pr+ -f ":'cF Mailing Address:t1t f- w 6raz/, dt. /+,,- A Srcij Phone: fl1 c. E-mait Addrers: f Pu J (J e, /4 Jil- Lo,". Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 STAFF APPROVAL , Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. DATE'- ----For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition wh{G FBrare Footage is added to any residential or commeroal Durl0rn9 (rncludes l5u ao0toons & Intenor convergons), For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr X tr tr retaininq walls, etc. {5fr.--.t; For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Buildino Materials \,/ \,/,^-/\ PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Btatto, o Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_mi nor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc LU23l200s Page 6 of 13 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E}CSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb_minor_alt_1 1 -23-2005.doc Lu2sl200s Page 7 of 13 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print n" q--l€'144---hqt , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)t1( 6e^it,t+ De. d,t'r Co 8tui1 , P$ut L vt+!44 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submifted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: tl Z "! Qt-u,,tL Dt Ck Lcctre.$ .) Lrtt( 5'X. .( pl.uli. , ftr.x Srzr- r\ Zt x l+ See ,+'rr4tk/a> I further understand that minor modifrcations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. AJ p.L€^J l^^hrrt 2'-' 0 L ("*"J F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc rtl23l2o0s (Signature) Page 2 of 13 ")V.xq /..$ MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey* -5Q Site and Grading Plan* 1'7 Landscape Planx / o -Architectural Elevationsx'.. D -Exterior color and material samples and specifications. 5 Architectural Floor Plansx - */za Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures-\.-/- q- -intle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* t q--Pnotos of the FEistEgEEe and adjacent structures, where applicable. ,.'o -Written approvElTrofi'a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableu e Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicablex a The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of thc naterials noted with an aslerhk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Plannin g\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc LLl23l20o5 Page 3 of 13 ' :TG h&:of Endortgo.dr ro Folicy @'er'' t/0O1 srEwARI Ir-TLECUIRANTY COMPANY INDBX OF BNDORSBMENTS TO POIjCY COLORADO fuent Filo No.: O0O28264-c5 Innred: atotEPE P. at<'rcl Policy No.: 09701-135291 Policy Form: ALTA OIVNERS FOLICY l0-17-y2 Chargc 9983 'Oo theEndorgenent6indlcatedbelograrealtachedtothea.bovereferencedPollcy3 gDonFEt|5rl[ 110.1 l-o DEErtg cErnoE t5o',oo AITA oW-ItrB.'S FOIICT - lGlT-g2 POUCY OF TTTI.E INSI,'RANCBISSI'ED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY SI,JBIECT TO TI{E EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGB, TIIE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDI'LE B AND TIIE CONDITIONS AND STIPT'LATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, T Texes corporation, herein callod tho Corysny, imres, as of Date of Policy sbown in Schedule A, against looe or not exccoding the Aruxnt of Insrrmce stgled in Scbedute A, sstained or incurred by the insured by reaeon of: 1. Title to the esht€ or intcr€rt dcscribed in Schedulo A being vested other rh"n as stgted therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or cacumbranco m the titlo; 3. Unmartetability of the title; 4. I-act ofe right of rccess to rod ftom tb land. The Conpmy will dso pay tbo costs, attomoys' fees rnd exp€oses ircurr€d in defenso of the title, as iuured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions rnd Stiprlations. IN WIINESS WIIEREOF, Stewrn Tille Guereaty Conpmy hrs ceused ihis policy to be signed eod sealed by ite duly aufhorizod officcrr es of lhe Date of Policy shoum in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTYCOMPANY Ctai rrnn of th: tratsfct tlqrlt! fiom thc frilurc: (i) to timly rccord tte inarur€nt of t8!n!fcq or (ii) of such rccordation to impErt notic€ to a purchrtlf fot vituo or i iudrm€ot or lin crcditor. EX(LUSIOT'6 FROM COVERAGE Tbo following D.ltrrs lre cxprcldy cxclud.d &on ttG Govcrigo ofthir poliry ald ttrc Company will not piy loec or damago, coar,rftongft' ftcs or expco.s wticb ariro by rcarol of:l. (a)Aly law, ordiaare or govcmmcotal rcgulatior (induding but not linit d to builditrg and zoning lowr, ordiaaoccs, or rcguletbu) rc*riciog' rcgulating, pmbibling or r,cltlilg to (i) tbc occrrylncy, ue, or GojoyDcot of thc laad; (ii) the cnaractcr, dimcnsioor or locatbt of rny iryrovcmeot now or hcrcaficr .ncct d 06 tf,c lmd; (iii) a rcparctbo in o*acrship or a changc in tho dimeooioar or area of tlc lcnd or ray parccl of wticl the hnd ir or wls ! p!n; or (iv) cnvirooncatal prutcciion, or tho elfrct of ray violation of rhcac hwE, ordiaroccr or govcramcotal regutations,_crc?t-to lts oxtcot tbrt s aoticc oftto €rforcceent tbcreof or a noticc ofa defect, lien or encumbraace rce ting fioo a violation ot allcgod vbtation alfoctiag thc land bar bccl rccordod in tlc public recordr at Datc ofPolicy. (b) Any govcrnmeotal polico pourtt not Gxcludcd by (!) !bov3, sxc?t to the cxtcnt ihat a ootico of Oe exerciee thcreof or a notico of a dcfcct' licn or cncurnbnnco rcsulting fiom a vblation or allcgcd violatioo afrccting tho laad har bocn rccordcd in tte publb rccordr c Dato of Policy. 2' Rigbtr of editrcot domail unlccs noticc of tlo ctrr(ciso rh.rcof hrs bcon r€cordcd in tlc public rccords !t Datc of Poticy, but not ucluding fiom covcragc any takiag wtid bar occurrcd prior to D*c of Policy wtich uould bc bindhg on thc righa of a purchaa for vatuc wirtolnlmwtcdgc. 3. Dcfc.t!, lioor, cocumbrancc, odvaec claior or othcr manr : (a) clcatcd, artfcrcd, rslmod or rgrlod to by ttc insurcd clainam; O) oot known to the Coryaoy, not r.cordod ir tho Fblb rccords at D.!o of Folict, but tnswr to tho i8ur€d ctlim.trt lod lot dirdoFd ir *Tititrt to tto Compot by tlc inrutcd claimant prbr to tbo ddo tbo inrurod claimrat bccano an insrcd undcr thir pollcy; (c) rceultiag ir no lo8! or d.'nrto to thc itrluld clri'mnt; (d) alachilg or creatcd rob|cqucot to Ddo of Folicy; m (o) rcru.ltiog in loss or dcmagc wtich uould lot hnto bcco sustaincd if tho iarurcd claimant had paid value for tlc cdate or intcrcst inrurcd by thb policy. 4. -Any claim, whlch adlcr out of tho trulaction rrcdilg in ttc losurcd tla a*!t or inter€$ iorurcd by thie policy, by rcaso[ of thc of fcdcral baokruptcy, rtatt ineolvooc1r, or rinilar crcditon' rights lawE; thrt ir bascd on: (a) tho aaaractloa crcating tho odato or htorrd iarurcd by tlis policy bciag dcamcd a fra[dul€rt convcyanco or fraudulmt tranrfcr; ot @) tbc tranraction crcating tlc cltrte or int rc* insurcd by this polky bcilg dooncd a prcferootial tranefcr oxcrpt uriac ttc prcfcrcotirl 2$[TTTLE OF BAOIE @UNTY, INC. Scriaf No. O-n Ol - 13 529 | ALTA OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDALE A Order Number: ooo28264-cs DAe of Policy.' I'tovem.ber 17 , 2ooo ax 2 .79 p .t1. Amount oflnsurance: $ 29o,ooo.oo 1. Narne oflnsured: JOSEPH P. JOYCE \ 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FEE SIIIPLE 3. TXtle to the estate or iuerest in the land is vested in-' JOSEPH P. JOYCE 4. The land referred to in this policy is described asfollows: SEE ATTACHED IJECAL DESCRIPTION Policv No. : o-97o t-r3s2 9 1 SCEEDULE A Order lifumber: ooo2 82 6 4-cs IEGALDESCNMON PARCEIT 7 'IIATTERSORII OI'EN I A RBSOBDIVISION OE TPT 7, I{AI?'EREORTT VILLAEE ' FILIflG TTO. I. According to the plat recorded Deeenber 28, 1978 in Book 280 aX Page 87 aE Reception No. 776490 and Xhe Daclaration of Party tlall and Eaaement Conditions of ltatXerhofi cl.en Subdivieion recorded Deeember 28. 7978 in Book 28O ax Page 30 aa Recepxion flo. 176489. COI'NTY OF EEOLE STATE OE COIPRN'O ALTAOWNM,SPIOUCT rcMDAIE B Order l,Iwnher: ooo 2 I 2 6 4 -cs Pollcy I,Io. : o- 9 7 o I - I 3 s 2 s 1 This folto fues not irtsure agabxt loss or danuge (ond tlE entpou wtll na pay costs, attornzys'fees or qemes) which afise by reoson of: I. Nglts or clalns of pwttes ln possesslon, not slwnt by ihe pbltc rcmnh. 2. Easenvnts, or dabt of easancnn, ,rot slrat'r, by tle ptibtic reurds. i. Discrqanctes, corflias in bwrdary lltus, slnrtage ln uea, encroochnens, and ary faas uttidr o aorrect swwy ad hspeaion of the pranlses twnld disdose ail which se ,wt stwwn by the puilic records. 4. Arry-llen,grrigrynahen, torsemices,laboror noerialluraoforeor hcreSerfiirntstud, htposdbylnt and no shown by tlu pnbltc records. 5. anpatenadminingclaims; nesetwfurnsoracqttiow lnp@efis,orqract auhorEing tlv issuarcethereof; waer rights, claims or tide tu wster. 6. Atty and a77 unpaid xe'.ea and aaaesga'entE and unrsdecaed xax Beras. 7. The effecx of inclusions 7n any ganeral or epecitic.ater eonlewancy, tlre proxacxLon t soiT coneewation ot oXher dtatrict oE Tnclusion ln any vaxeraervice or Btreet taproveaenX atea. 8. Reacrvatioaa or ercepttonz J.n Patents, or in Actg authorizing xhe issuancexhereot. futeluding xh1 reaervexion of a righx ot vay for dltehea ot canals congtrucxed by the author:lty of the on!.xed sxates, aa reaewed in onixed States Patenx iecordad tune 75. 1918 tn Eook 93 ax Pag. 15 a',d oetob€r 4, lg78 ir Dooft93 at Page 307. 9. A perpexuaT eagemenx ln and aTong all roada hetetotore dedLcatad xo the publie througbout xhe llatXethorn VtlTage Ail:tngs 'fog. I and 2, gtanted Xo eagFaciltxiea| Inc.. Eeeotded Auguax 71, 1965 ln Book l9O at Page itOS aa RecepxlonNo. 1O1911. 10. RestrictTona, rr.hich do not eoaxain a forteitute oE taverxer cJ.auee, aa contaisted. ln the LnEtrument recorded uovaaber 20, 7963 in Book 178 at page 263 aa Reception No. 98289. 71. Eaaam€nta. teattictions and righxz-of-tays as shovn on the plat ot axterhoEa YiTTage EiTing No. 7t recordcd November 20. 1963 aa Reception no. ggzgr. 12. order of, InclueLon in the vttl VtTTage rest Eire Protectlon DLBtrLct, recordad SeE toarber 79. 7975 aa RecepXl'on Xo. t27OlO. 13. Qrdar of IncJug,ion i,t xha vrtl. vlTTage gfe'x water and aanLtation Disxnict. tecorded geptember 7. l9Z3 ae Receptl.on tlo. 126944. Continued on next page ContinuatTon ot Schedule B - AIJIA Or//ner, a pollcy Policy frumber: O-97O1-t3S29t 14. order of xnclusion in xhe VaJ.l YalTey conEoLLdaxed naxer Diaxrict, recorded November 30, 1983 in Book 373 ax page gg? aE Reception No. 27O2O4. 15. Easemeaxs, regtnicxions and righxa-ot-waya as shoyin on xhe Finar prat ofaatxe.rhorn Gtlen tacotded DecenbeE 28. 7978 itt Book 28O ,x page 8l aa Receptiontto. 176490 . 75. Tez'',e, eonditione, r.eseivaxiona, reEtrlctLons and obligaxionz aB contained inPatxy na77 and Ba$e','€nt Agtcament reeorded Decenbat 29. 1978 7n Book 2go at Page 80 aa Reception No. !76499. 77- Eaae'f.ent agreenent Recorded frovanb'r 7?, 2ooo .a Recepxion ro. Tttttttsg. 78. A Dead ot Truax dated rovgxaEx g, 2ooo, e'.ec/utcd by JosEpE p. Joycg, to thePublic ftugxee of Eagle counxy, ta aecure an indebtedness of g2j2 rOOO.OO, intavor ot !IERICA ' S vAOLES^I'E LENDER recoided TIOVEEBEA 77. 2OOO as ReeepXion No. 744467. 19- A Dced ot Trust dated NOYEIIBER 8, 2ooo, ezecuted by JosEpE p. JoyeE, to thePublic ':ruat€e of 8ag7.a counxy. to B.cure an ladcbtednesa ot g28.g7O.OO, intavor of BANN oNE' NA record,ed NOyEIIBER 77. 2OOO as ReceptJo a xo. 744462. El{DORltBlE{T FORM lro.r e'v.5/9t BNDORTIEMBNTATTACUED TOAND MADE A PART OF POIICY OF TITLE INSI'RANG SERIALNI,JMBBR O' 9?01-13529T ISSTJED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY HBEIN CAIIED TIIE COMPAITTY ffier No.: OOO2826e-c5 Said Policy is tereby anended by deleling prregrrphs l-e , inclusive, of Schedtle B. This €ndtrffit is mrdo e pert of tho policy md is subject to dl of tho tcrms and provisions thcreof aad of any prior eadorae"g'te th€re*o. Erc€pt to tho erteot cxproesly strted, it Dtith€r modifics my of the tqmg od povirios of tte policy md oy prior eodoremfr, lor does it exteod tto effcctivo &te of tbe policy nd eny prim endorsemeotr, nor docl it increere tto fecc amulrt thstrcf. Signed rmder Boal fur tho Coryaoy, but lhis mdorsm.ot ig to bo valid only whm it borrs an euthorizrd comtadgnehro. TEW ART TIT CUARANTY COMPANY LE ART TITI.B OF EAGLE COI'NTY, INC. A8!d lD t060058 Scrbl No. & 9851-lgl3l4 COM)ITIOIS Al{D Sf,IULTiTIONS Co&ed 5. PR(X)F O[ rOSS OA DlillAGX" trn eddirion to ud aier lho lo.iccl rcquircd urda S.crbo 3 of tt ro CondAioa, |nd $fouldoo. hfrc bc.a Flaidd tbo Coquy' a proof of lorr or damrS: rfuncd rod norn to by tho iuuaed claimrot Jrrtl bG ftrrdtcd to tho Coq|ly wifbin 9{! dryr dcr rho i[r|red clrimf drll arcsnria lho ficrs dvilg dr, b thc lo|| or dtmte. Tho proof of tor! or rhoryo $all rtcrcribc rbc &fta h, or lisn or cc||abnc.c oo 6G titlc, or oahcr mrnor inercd rgdu by thir policy viich co'nlims |!c bcir of lorr or durgo rod &dt d!tc, !o tbc ancd ?odbL, tt brdr of cdcutelhg ffo rmf of 6c lo|| or drorp. If rbc Coryray ir p&irdicGd by lh. fiihrc of tho ioorcd ctrim1a, 6 prwi6e tto 1g$d1pd ploof of loo ot drurgc, tbc Coopoy'r ob[Sttoo io lto inxrcd urd?r lt Pofiat ddl tcrrilrlc, irchdiag llt bbility 6 obli!trln ro dsfcad, prorcqrs, c coOi!|r uy lirigrrioo, f,ilf, llrril b |to Ee of mtccrr r€quirilt rroh proo,f of lo|| c &mrgr. In edrfirioo, rbc iDn|rsd cbimrt mry rcsoorbly bc rosdrql to r$[&lo !ruindioo uldcf 6lh by aay alhorized rcPrcrcoLlivc of tlo Coqrny rd drll producc for c,xrdndoa, in4oc.fioo rnd copyiog, d |oct rlarorbb t'rDor ud phccr r Dy b" tletilDJod by lry arttolfucd rprcroa|tivo of lto Coryrry' d rccoid+ bootr, lcdgr4, cbccb, concrpmdco rd oorlrandr, rrtalbcr tceriry r d& bcfrrc or rfrd DAo of Policy, rrhich rceroorbfy portlin to ttc ha I d|orF' hrthcr, t- r"queccd by |ly |uthorizcd rcprtrc*nivo of thc Coqrry, fho imrcd chimrn rhrll Fd fu pctni$ioo, i! !,ritilg, fot ray rrlhorizcd rcprclotlivo of thc Co4oy | , cxroiro, iflp€pt ud copy rlf rccodr, boo&r, tcdgcd, chcct4 corrsryoodcc rnd remudr il itc culody or colrol of r lhitd P.rty' which r€.loolbly Ft!fu io riro lorr or drorgc. Att hforoat|oa &rixnrtcd r| cotr|idodd by thc icl|ld chimta lrtovidcd b to Coq,lrt purrJrd lo ltir Socliol 6dl mt bc diralo.cd ro otlft r,ntc', in tto rcannablo judgncc of rbc coaray, b ir nccrlrry il tc rdmidm&ra of 6c cbio. Frifurc of tho incd ohinrc to anboit frr .ffiirrlb! u!d!t od' Prodrcc othcr rsuootty rogoaoO itrcrnion or tr.n pclidooto r({l1! r|-'|bly ec|r.rt idororen ft,om lt&d parricr u r:quind in thir prregnpb idl ' 'rminoc ery tiabitity of ltp Coq!ry mdrr tfiir poli:y || lo 6n chin' 6. OtrIoNS rO rAY OR OIf,ERWTSE SETTLE CIAn|Sl IEIMINATION Or |JAilrITY- Il c.rrc of a elrio rmdor Oir poticy, tho Co,ryroy irtr hrvc tho 6llo*iry rddftioul oplioo: h) To Pry or T.rd.t hold of Oe Amu of lre. To pey or radot prymoc of rhe rmgf of iurnrs rmdcr fbir policl laSelicf wilb |!y codr, |lto(Dyr' fcc. |!d otpcot* incurrod by tbc iutrcd chitrlr' vhich -crs anhorizcd by tbo Coq)!ry, W io the lic of prtred or Lodr o'f p.yM .d *tich |hc cl4oy it oblifdcd to pry. Upoo rtc cI'rci.3 by rb C,oryany of rhL ogfoo, .tl lLbitty Ed dliflrti.ro, ro tho inrrcd undcr tbir Polict, oahor &r! ro mate lhc pyrn rcqdrcd' Ae|| ,crnhae, i6r6ing rny llbitity or oblitrtios to rlobod, pmrocrtc, or cflde|c rry litiflrtioo, rnd lts Policy &all bc rmndenld to thc Co4uy for c|tEGlldoo. O) to ?ry rr Otlerri* S.a& TVIh f|rd.. OOr tr lb lryrrl cWILt lrlr.l Oirra. G)to!.|yor o|tc'ri'c |Gdlc rtlt orhcr part'rar for of iltb [D of m iaorcd cleiorn uy cbim irrcd rylhr udcr lhir pofioy' logctrcr tvfih tllry codt, rrrocnoyr' &a rad crycnrcr irurrcd by rho iurod ctrlnrrf rtid rcrro rtltorizod by rho Coryruy rry to |i. tino of prymca and which tho Coqaay ir obftrtod to lry; (n [i) to pry or crtcrTiro r.trl6 with th. inrrred clrimlt tbc b|. or dmago providod for uodcr thil policy, togclhlr wilh |ly codt' acorncyr' fecr rod orycorcr ;'rur.!d by rhe ilt|t !d cldlt.c wbictr *c.rc rutornrcd by rb Co4rry r{| b rho riD of p.ym.da .td t tich if,c Cooprtly ir obfuatcd to pry. Upon tho ercrcirc by tbo Corylry of oitbcr of tc oprlru pwidal br ia purenpbr Q)6) q 0i), lbo Co'ryrry'r obltgdkm ro tbc hrrcd uoda 6ir policy for thc , triood lo|| or d.nqga, o{fli db|! tho Fyn dl rquiltd ro tro mrdo, dall tormioo, irtudint y li.bilitt or oblignrioa to dcfnd, Prp*cure or cdtinD ray fFdoo. ]. DEIENMINATION, ETIENT OT UABILITT AI{D COIIISIJXTNCT. Itrir poticy ir r codnct of lDdcdity rFinr rcnd oodrry hc 6 drdg! r|nri!.d or irurnrt by rho inorcd cbio|dt lho hrr uftrcd lou c drmic by rcrna ,'f mrto in,fod r3rinl by tf,ir polhy .d oriy lo lfr..n d bctdt d.$tlbcd. (r) Tbc lirtrility of lbc coqrny undcr 6ir policy $.ll na ortccd tha larl oft G) tb Amoud of hf,lnrc rtrtcd in S.,h.fulo A; or' (i) tho difttEce bctrvcon tho vatuo of th. inrcd cd|t3 or lddra || bruEd |[d 6c vdro of thc ioorrtd cdris q idlfctt arbiccr b lb dcft€f, lic|r ('E (|iIu|t}' rlrc irurcd agabc by ttir policy. O) In thc Gvld rlrc Aoouc of In.unrc d|rcd il Schofilo A d th. Dde of Folfot ir ld.lt.[ t0 potr€d oflto veluo oftb6 imrld dric o( fur.tlt 01|l. firll ,'o.idcflfbf pdd ftr thc lmd, rrtichcvor ir lorr, a if lbrcqnoA !o tc DdG of hlicy ro ilprwcocl b crtcrcd oo thc hd vLicb incnrrcr lho vduo of thc iolrcd {rtc o( idrrrd by |l tc$t 20 perlclt ovcr tbo Amuc of hl|llco arLd in Schcdulc A' thcn thir Folicy ir rrtjcct lo thc fouwittg: C) x/h.|! m r$|.{Iort iq)rovcDot hr.booln&, rr!o|'y p|nid lo..,tbo Co,ryrry $rll oly pry tbl bo pm rrL h lho proPotrion tbrt thc rmn of .nar,tDe rt Dd. of Folicy born to thc toj vrito of |to hmrd !d||! or in&fi* ll D.i. of Folby; or GD whcm I erbrcqucnf inp,Iovcrea, h.r b..o md., to asy panid lo|', li. Co,ry.ty ndl ody pay tho l,o|. pro trt! h lh? ProPotliol thlr 120 p€rect|[ of tp A.noula of lrrrsffc lrtcd ia Schodulo A b.rt| ro 6o era of tto Amor! of In|rnm lacd in.Sr;horfulc A rnd ttc aoUC cryoodcd for lhc iryr'ovemd' Thc prwidocu of rbir panfnph ertr fr q4,t! rD eo,lt, tut!yr' fcor end caryooa ftr lribh tho Cqrny ir lbblo uodor tbir polioy, rd idl ooly rmly to ttt porrioo of uy loo vlich cxcccd!, it lh3 r88r4d.' l0 pcrt€c of tbo Am|[a of larrnro lacd ia Schcfub A. (c) The Co,4ny vilt pry only rhoro cod+ torryr' frcr rot olqleaa imn:d ia rccordre wilh Soclirn 4 of ttcra Coodhbr rod Stipuhdoor. 8. APFORTIOIIIMEITT. If |jhc f|nd &*ribcd ia Sc.hc&dc A aoodL of two o( rd! Fllob wtiah .r! oot urod .r r ringlc dlc, rd r b|| ir srlebli$cd aftcling ot! or ura of thc prreb bur Dt rtt, thr to|' &dl bo coryrnod eod rarlod oo I prc 'rtr brd, |r tf tho rmrc of iunrc utdct |hb policy wrr diviilcd pto rlr rt io lhc vduo on Daa of Folioy of aob roprnrs perccl io the rrholo, .xehdvo of ray iqrwom rdc ribecqu.d o Drrc of Fo[ey, unlcl e lirbility c vrhc hu o6crYlt b€ld rSrccd lryoo rr to erch perccl by thc Coryrny rnd the iormd rt tbc tirc of thc irocs of ltia policy rd Sovo by m crp(o!. dtteErod orby m cndors.fi.d rlechcd to ttir polhy. (qftal rd cocfdd r H |l{r.f, da Pdict) (AIJTA Ordr Folby) r!!_t?a..1-",. .a ."-! ,rf- -- - ' itaittt rora- t .-t..-.__i__.. i a*.r. .- a| *-.tl 't I . alJta r, d | - l' tr.t :'r| !..1 ;.t L _) :,7'*2fi' ttTt ztlv QTtsrtl &' OtcL n€uJ &"L ..,t1 "*Iqnd +) MATTT r4{ Rezubdivision of Lot7,N a.ol'U l\t'Y, .l rr r. ?i.ai ll'r,-f. r r... id..l.}l'ji'lr_4. ,j r. \r .,. I l,l 'll' 1l L. I i, i. .", t.1,lr,ltrtt-t- t. .. '.. r1.,5'lt ! r.6.,. ,', ,t t,-r a.tt t. t'rt : t't,,r. t.,..'t..r'tr'rt'"r. :+. . t. 't.i- rr.rr-!. |r.I l ii' .' 1.,"' . . -'l,r!'.9 :a .t co . (t|.'tr'r rc.r .: r' toffitltatltlIttl t,It I tt a- nt:*.o - .-r d .'' -,ron' , -Jt- '+ , ..tfr at " ti ,.? f/C/rylfy n lP * **,1. * * * **** * * * ** ***+**,1*'t,l * ** * ** * * * * **** * * * ***+** * * * * * * *+'*,|********:*** * *****,1*************** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********t*****{.+'t i.****r}******'t l.****** * *{.*{.*** ** * * + * * * **** * * ***** * * * * t * * *** * **,}** * **** * ** * * * * Statement Number: Ro6ooOOgO2 Amount: $20.00 o6/30/2o05o8:41 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: 'JSNotation: S/iIosEPH iIoYcE Permit No: DR8060267 Type: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DuP Parcel No: 2103-123-1400-1 Site Address: 7715 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: l-71-5 GENEVA DR Total- Fees: This Payment:$20.00 ToEal ALL Pmts : Balance: ****'t*'s********,i*****************************************1.:t :t ***+**************************** $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo CurrenE Pmts 20.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00L00003 ]-]-2200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES frryAddr6s MyCty,'Stab, Zp Thu Jun 01 18:30:41 20{16 3D View i3 vier is a three direngiot l vies ot tbe .tect.lsuLt your local buildlnd .departlent tor youi-correct bulldtDg cod€ ald fastelcr r€quireDenta.rtlons copyright o Lggg-ioo3- cad euest, rii.- ----- t fla@er DecEot, ver8lon s, s. o, copyrigti- C ZOOI Big BaD.r, LI,C. ( Io \J O\t-@Z-r $r-'( d\ U)DvaA/ t-- ;^ Y) Fz (n rrl z r Y'1fi o.l+t oozaFlf 2ZrY'l r r'l ir-E .,.,!a)v v€;o.U ra) .-ir.=Ti F lrl Uzrrll-l Ra 14il 14U cl-) or l-o-o o9 'I ^o=oo LD rt .= c r'!'6oa(' xi 0) ID.Yii >.e v +:*; G'6iir o s E,: (l, =-c -o .: o io9o oro :! oq) cO- €r I t \ c) ql o- -OO oa c$*\ o U) (I] (I] c v1 Ea q) o- 0) =c\a v) (r (L ll) o (L or'g'a q) (D o P-i(oo e-O -= q)!e'tL Y\ o- () I ol o\ c.lc/) \O o_ o o- o =c:< + c{ @ r.) €!q)c) .>p b '- -,A, m )<(\ PF s,>Q (L clt tl N '- .P () o .q 0_ !rl 0_ -Y () o vgZ1 nr-r d\,isv6/,rl c-;A Y) t\ K. z (t rrl = o TL ?\ Xnl?iiNx€r +Nc{r o- Oq -..ts lt lD.rO :E)@c) b+ I NO\ U) \O z rrllli or*tooz8l-l +F sl=AO f r'l rYl g\.o 't(F6 ]io o..9{.xsY ai,- =*o^r9:xa:NLL I q.o rE--- iN N \t tttttt/ N L! N_ .*o)et |r)@ _l I o> c vl*" NalJ F l'rl Uz I'r Ilrln aHtl. r-r A r-l+t : tl]r\ i:v gco> 88 F-:-> \h}: .^Y LL oe -c! c! x N c! !o(I N .'.9@(LC\."P@NNr FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 27,2000 Steve Erickson Re: Development Potential for 1715 Geneva Drive Dear Steve: Please note that an error was made in calculating total allowable GRFA for the primary and secondary units allowed on this site. The corrected information is provided below. Lot Size: 14374 s.f.Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Standard Allowable Density (A) Number of dwelling units: (B) GRFA: Primary Unit: Secondary Unit: Site Coverage: Setbacks: Landscaping: 46obt tL6? " 6362 i /"4 2 !o% = zrratf? 't-rx 4443 s.f. (includes 2x425 credits 13593+425+425) 2581 s.f (60% or greater (2156+425)) 1862 s.f. (40Voor less (1437+425)) 2875 s.f. (20%if slope <30o/o) 2156 s,f. (15% if slope > 30Yo) 20 ft. (fronO / 15 ft. (sides and rear) 8624 s.f. (60% minimum required) Our files do not describe the existing development on the property in terms of density, GR-FA, site coverage, landscaping. parking, etc. Therefore, ue can not tell you rvhat remaining development potential exists on the lot with the exception of the following: i. A Type II Employee Housing Unit (EHU) may be constructed where it is possible to receive a 500 s.f. GRFA bonus (the unit would not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating density) unless the propcrty has an existing EHU; {7 otn"*o'o"' ii Up P ?50 s f. per existingdwelling unit may be added under the 250 Ordinance (once thetotal allowable GRFA on the propJrty has been utilized); iii' E1lrne crawl'spaces or attic spaces, which are less than five feet in head height and liewithin the building footprint rnay be converted to rivable space via trre interiorConversion Ordinance. Another important consideration is that-the property is classified as a geologically sensitive areabecause it is located within a moderate hazard debris flow area. prior to approval of anydevelopment plan where additional living space is fioposeo, the community Deveropment Ptlp:lt would require that a qualifiei grotogi.i o;.ngineer conduct a site-specific geologicaltnvesttgation. Development approval would be cintingeniupon the recommendation of thegeologist or engineer and could potentially require miiigatioo *rasu.rr. I hope this information has been of assistance to you. lfyou have any further questions or requireclarification ofthe issues trrat have been raisd pr.ur, .onu.to, e at 479-2r4g orakjenrlf@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerelv- AnnKjerulf Planner I Town of Vail DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPI4ENT rr^.. 17nDUA l.' 'EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 EAGS.E C@q.FE\TTY BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSSloNERS 328.6809 AOMINISTRATION 324-657 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6593 BU I LD ING I NSPECT I ON 328-6339 CLERK & t1c.Lul(LrEll Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-771A EXTEN S I ON AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIOGE328€591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328.551 I BaIa lt 927-3244Gilman 827.5751 soc I AL 5E RV I CES 328.6328 TR EASU RE R 328-6376 rt? aoo -r 41 1 December 28, 1978 hlol fgang Muel l er and John SiverlY P.0. Box 645 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: File No. Sm-77-78 - Matterhorn G'len At their meetjng on 27 December 1978, the Board of County Conrnissioners approved your minor subdiVision. Uoon receipt of the required filing fee ($10 Der page for the plat, $2 per page for the declaration), thjs office wil'l fjle your fjnal plat and party wall agree- ment with the County Clerk. It is the applicant's responsibi'l ity to be certain evervthing is completed and fjled wi thin 90 days of approval. If you have any ouestions- p'lease contact this office. sv/j k Fq er ,.:; [. i.'' Board of County Recording fees ?{*n"'''g+Z-Susan Vauqhn Commissioners have been received. . _J,__. Application Forr,r l.[]toR su3DrflsToli Naine of Name ofIf to Address $ecti-on 3.2Q ot Eagle Counly Subcij-vision neguLattons I,roposed. srrr-:dlrrision flg//er//r r r, 6/,. li;ii:xli uet L,^km"subdivide property. or Appricar* 8o4 645 , V4/t , (0, g/ 66f Iocati.on of Parcel Lot #/orrr Vi//a.J-. 2. 4. gs,ft/et Size of parcel to be Nunl>er of lots to be subdi.v:lded created copies of the applicaiion forn, sub;niLbeci by the first vrorl:davthe rcguJ-ar Plaruring Cor,urlssion sj-te pl-an, andof the nonth. Rerievr meeLing related app1ication fo1-J-ol.ring The the ' O< t'tZone dlsfricL in which the parcel :*ies A)/"/ 5. T\rent1'-tvro (22) informati.on s;he1l bevrill be revicwed at month. Date subnitted 6.. -4r original anO five (5)shail be subnittecl af lcast meeting. Date subnritted Refcr to S".tion l*.Of.C 7. r\rnish erridence of adequat,e water supply. (thy be attached as exhlbi-t A) t..''' t/rn\of the Final Plat r^rith alL required sig-natures days prior to the Plaruring Connission Rev-ier,; nc /t ,'r l;"r*tltin evj'ciencc of adeqr"ratc sewage disposal system. (t.tay ue attached as 9, Ibrnish evidence of acccss maintenance . ( t,ny ne attachecl a county rclad trlr-i,ch hasexhibit C) been accepted forto AS i--l !-.F ;.r .....fuu.:.n.fl-€- a ^..r l.r: 1 , -,r. l'i"./..i1. COfuiM. ;li:r-.'" "j i -'; '/ ni , .:r'r; ' r jl ao N=+,_l?_Zl 1r:r-r'.: Dr /'- I ! Application Forrn - 0) (4) (:) (ol o page 2 rlr 10. F\rrn-ish add:itional j-nformation as reqr:.ired. (ttoy be attached as extr-ibit D) a. ff th-is is a resubdivision of property r.fiich has been previously sub-- div:idcd and recordcd in accorCance rdth liagle County Subdivisions Regulations adopted September 5, 1972 or later, indicate namc and recording data of said subdlvision. /?JatlcAn,, k /ot f b. If 1Oa does not apply, furnish evidencc of adequale and safe buildingsites for the proposed uses irith regard to the follorring items. (2) Geologic concLitions Topographi-c and slope condi-iions /-p/ 4q:, .' ,r..,-,, ,/,,'21"2se,4 Drainage conditions Flood hazard potential 11. l\rnish utility and road plans (vrhcre applicable, refer to Section l.2OEagle County Subdivision Regulations) (l.tay Ue attachecl as exhibit E) '\' " ' "l,/ ',' / 'The above information is correct accurate to the bcst of nry lanorvleCge. signature For official use: / r7rReveiveC b:t Acccpted for the Plar:dng Con':r.ission Revievr meeting of DaLe t,r-L-78 2EC€,ydE< 24 /92.9 Review Fee Paid Recording Fee r:!r r:- :F ,4,.?;!:t11;m.t't.,1 t-' a ., ]i"'l:' L'' ^, .l '.r { .\ l.i f : ;' I ; :'' L;"-u4'-F*-''/t"d' rnc. KETCHUM r KONKEL o BARRETT I NICKI1 . AUSTIN.l;rc. I CotssitingEngiiSers December 19, 1978 Mr. Terrill Knight, Di rector Eagle County Departnent of Planning & Deve lopuent P. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Ur. Knight: Ife have checked the final plat of Uatterhorn Glen, a resubdivision of Lot 7, l{atterhorn Village, Filing No. 1, as per your request, and have found it to be complete and correct excepr for the following conmenta: 1) Property pine are not indicated to tie plat survey. 2) Plat restriction statenent applies to parcels I and 2 but not to par- cel 3, and a land u8e atatement is not included. Very truly youra , .l,ar 2 L/l [L-U-' 1)e'*------'-.- Al Gooez AG:et Vr:in€l f1- ijrrritt Crrrlri! i]. li;.r'!l C ..1.r.:. r.ict:o.l ri_iii.3- tirtr..r! Lrnvra D. Si:lr.r,r,l Sobr:1 4. frr.lrlir! rll'ljirr lr :i.i./nf. Vi oS ii;:..} ,.| !r,,,': a i;r.,,. r,rt rr J. tlria rllflS li5/) i: Vl]_r.r ( 1rP,r irii2l.l!rC ,11l:1"11::i5 :l 1:.n:..r!l 5i.irr:tt. a:id. c I !:d rJ |, ojll.1-.)t],9)(J o rrt:n o - > o r) l< -! (L |:_w i- o ru coo!,ctc i 11- o: o "o::o ir5 iD @@ L-.rr '?.-- cq,(JrrEL o l:+ol.ita --;u .- rrFc!L .FPN.Pl:-,-- o cr,o c.p o rr!.; < t.F c >, -r !t d Pq- ol o! -'-: o q a:.e c'.).- a.J <] o cajn c-O-J T-Occou rroo:-' -- o 5c! c c o '.'ut o eaa -o:\o'-dp .l oc-o.r-! d9a) p>|o," o =xo-c--{rL L co f - c l}o aJ cahEo- roLrri o'<I d > {r c'O., |- 'oc-(,/g <.Jd:l_crjl.cooc!u): F .-9o9+ o..-9e9Xt Pli'-+ <<'-a-.'-! d ij oo I o<'d '5! -oF+ri:or oF c0./L-o (L (U! o J oaor I'irJ.;.d --: o c:Po -l:!a)pEJ rF..0rl:6ouii t- !..- < _(J(l)ouL. o? r3r-oosL)(J o c o oq-aord d.-.-.r ErJ o -c<,r-o,rr E!oo6c.!ia @6L l! o.C.- 5A?e d.;a-t1ra6'i'L octo!.5ard@ oso>4rooJooe- orr- z@.t.-a)+t=4:r,/r oo-or.) d.a o(/)F d-r dcoa)EY) a<! l)'''(:.lt]'t: !;-.!Mr!) !: f .:: o rr "(4 :: ' rrnr{n ,- :< ..) -6rtt: .o .F nlr c d !1 f !p 3 > dc E 3 c e1 nJ-- U I d3 O c >!q'Lo\ e LoE6rU a0)CC).F c.1 cr'-.D (J E N LlJ> L d o<{ c -(lJ >- C UF . o'- u'- I F.. tt - o.oJor :J '!6 o >(o cu.-.Jto c EPoq->'--L, ocrodaoolt ca of 3o 16F d<D(u o .! O' rl o ,d- r) l_ !rEpduo ro.L ,g f q,, c at: si >'oo nr-iqcu o rr L: L _>j._ .a o .c o)+r r:!10r 6!ot:c-r. ro' rJ.( r .J ro.- L q >c)C c ^c q, d(^ -roG OJ:oo o) o o€ o!d ool rF codtr- or L drJ c o €F-d {J6jE o A r-.e .-6!0 P ?d>o o af cr' oJ 3(rl L .- 0, . o-t orF d- oos< lo! E 5.jcoo (^oc > 't' o, O .FF L -}l.- ' O !. o F c a, o oc.-t t= o = 6 (! .__ o d o a) i:a .- 6 e o0r+r = o >< ! !FE, E ! .- L dJ F L:< -- O O c dgrr- >1c O .- nr (u O -c o.- >,o oP >-N oc!9- > o >< ooo!T,(uoo !rrpcft<! cr '.o rooL d<{Lr{J .-.! E.!E O Q'Poa cro or :-u L d (r c - (r) o^rP-c c-ct-ordcco!Lr op --r:.e 6 a -6o, I L-< - d-(,rr (F I r!< d-p.rul- > oF (Uo- i! @ .-_o {) <J or 6, @Ed F\o -oor = > or.c NoEO-C rF.''o>,CCJ rF..,s O O 't' 3.- O'- - d rt >,L o-\o E o o) o cri- \o()(u()coEpooa)c<'-or E{JoLPEoaL .h4 LCJ! 9- € (roL.!-t-Cq->o cJ (JrF rs O. :>r o!e (J- odlu ottucc'so-'! oso! o o z o.J.- a r o-o-u1-cE cr.o+r 5(J3 o r!.d-o E _ a.f<' -O6 >-Co r'-- cJ o, o - ?L E< L Oo-od >r c E L r+- OdllEo.- t ..- f, .- (\J o orf) ^ 0.,.a.ar (J(,!clJ (u (u 6 .)-o o-o J dN or E: o cr+r-- r o ou o) -c -l-,- ro lrrox 0, ! 'r- uro O c -q, c p {r o .- OCJ cj+J€. ! oo .) o 3 -Cdtc .-c o p- d.J a +, >>l(,>io !q,!:pdo f-- r:\ 6o ,- E.- 16! = r > o crc @ L OJ -3OEA CFO c an o=' '- O'-!o 4r @d(J oE <t -(toc co .3 q, oo '- 4r !:Eoco =L€c.- >EO oo AL I,F ? 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Tgt! R. * Ro ii ;:oo ii:; S.E ij-,liii R."q q[fl!'qa.tt,!'=.;;*iti -i;; i "l'';; ;.''''.:=;;;..i' .i ''ijs"'l ,o -'';i;J:,;-.;a t1.r.F r. c(, s, " N !co...!c ') o o'rL:\c l:r1ar'r. rp.1 1 F+r'_.'r'NLd rri'i,! z t, @6.-la.;d!.r rn'!;io(r .rTl:i.F 'o oc() o(iiF'rt- L d{,q c = ,:r ;..,r, :: i, - 1j :-,, i- 6 Lu o: o):-r't .r-.t! a rf ;., ur c..1r .l: !'.rr t- rr /r o r).vt L' I ro.o (J u-d 11 :i -l I j ..1. l- l; .I oIola OF c(F .- a2 o q c 3;F =66 ' I';., : EqisE;;Ej.r ! 3 o$_o o Lor!iJd r:(j|O-c')a! o- e o- - -. < !-'P.ol-tr XF E' o; L5cF(-^- - oro.- 3{r ,o=!-Jorroo;o i, !r ;1 ; ; !o >,t{-- - <D -,:,oa F..-'.P L;c o ocou 4'a !oEo 3 !ar c9t59 ^ J d , cr o6G 'i o4t -c.: ot Ld'o "','?9 --r dt99!! . j-.r u '! -o<on(|o .n r'rJa: o u (? 5Ll! Lc!.o i" 't:t ; rr-i a, o)L.o ,o uo'u.i . r ra-o.<o ii i;l" irll ?.3:h;:''";.- .a=-,i=;.J i. >:- |''@''' L. 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L (,F 9- ,1 .- Cr O t.ft$ o- o >',a - oroo.dB6 oo = E >,- x !-r-.-F- c, o.o Eo.c < ,!o >=-L <D U.-.c I, .J oira'- c {f,E:rr.- (Ir1r c El: ar . -r:ozd r:! .- L crp ,c !.-o r.'o rl tr ()Ijod l- >r! o o ..- o oE: --oe3- E'E--e;3h.5 dr (D fo: ooccJ .- Ec{ro,)cL (J'- rd o! .< 6 o.-.o > o -PcJL>'o.aEFUa!uLUo-H! c o I - >-'o c o -O :O-oc !- .p L{- JOFcCTo)Ed .-<(lJ OCoJ J N @ '- .O q- q) l!Frr.rJ E o-l:eo | >...Fr aJEoo €€ E "o+) co '00coopo! o 16 t]) E- o l- o()O'-orc oo>+ro: L >.lro.p! od oN __- <lr r- r! 4,:j-o (fr.a f -+ o (|]o<lroFe, o -o (J.J ore € ao.) o- z or 6 r o Ee o cr o, !rJ o! !*r o 'oo .t) 3O.-OL.-d J (r6x(i.P>oJ€ c c,, --c .-: p€ cr.pI occ)! = o L >|E ,! 0r tO o oEr.o ! Oc o€ -P.-o L (L > !J- C oC! O t 5 ort') -€ E =+rf .-(u= cda-O!a = -6E n , or+1roi-. - u.FL!*=:4-'."-:rg- 6 = =6oLL-nctc,ry :a le-oiD.!-orr .r l: - ! uwt.t(/) E<t o5C' E . O (J= -[5-dc odJcq) 1: t -a \d - o .>rc-cO€c! odn c r- 7).- FL u ii - aJs rL, t: ! c),-- - <, f i: o - -4.t.i o or c^do, - +r P L nJ.- €F9- .J Gr:!, o-Ec o!ou ! .; j\;'-(J c c.- 5(U c d>.r'- > tsr 16 !.- > E 5! I: o:. :' - <t.-'o L +r d 'a = ! .rr .;- olo (lJc uU) a o rU I Lr- ")<()rnqoO@ra.n6.u 5= | -C -C tt0J C E.IJ E(,=Bo 5o, (I) o oJrU X (4FF CLdcJ= q-F OJ jz O C Ecf) o- -.c t_ t_ 0J O>< = C.5.6 g- EoJ-vo =o-o_ o(, g -C) O .- OO-O-sZF C C (, C+J(-):5- O O O.r L rU =oco O 0Jp+r ) o- c o- O c c') crr.r -c o_ !-9- F'{ | rct C C -IJ 3- (u O(u (O C J.r.r -O O Oi ltr -:Z = _c -c =+J cqd{JO.v.AV, (,+J"|J-\l .lJ = O !F.6 rO 4J rd 6Jr -CJcOrJJ==c<=Etrl F AJ v1 acOr-='- --O P'r>.6 31foc(4.+J(JE EcJ L()L OJ O,' OJ L.Cq- +-, lc0J c (n+).r +J .OOJ(JE.-(u E-cLo3(o(J oz OJ aJ- +)(4L(I, cJoo)-o >)cE'-5 (u+,cP (u.6oJq, '- E -(J.-0JE(FLO (to(nc.6rn 3-o Eo- Er-IJO o3rf- Crr 0J 3'r .a(,l-+r- q- o)El.pEcJ r-oEo- (I) r-E(lJ16 160 :- 30tl- o, (v 'g>oJ cJ o-c(/) L+Jo - ! O'o(J = .{J CJco =(u >.' l- a)o.-(U 5- '- >coLo)Fq- cL !- @@ooco@@@co@@l-\ |..\ N l.\ F-- F\ F\ F\ F.. F\lltttttttlO ."r C\.1 cO sf !r) (O |.-- F\ Orr\ T\ F\ F\ F\ F\ IT\ F\ Il) LOllltlttttt u) (, a vt Ln u) .,n u1 co v) / .ti^ ,, /f \*"'-*f:tt*t -'- a .54 O -c +),o J'r @Ir\ I OJ EqJ (J (ua z c)c!-o +J .d> +.) :)LO CJ (-) -Ol FL CJ>>ol !- ojlaalJOI tl (Ul< (rl :< a)i\a(.'l I..1.olFl P c) E qJ OJo (U ct, (o Iq-l ol I {JIo-l 8lFI .'l l(=I )'-llt-I L_______.i| - --1 l€le | /'-1 l$eI I -----r l9ti. li'5teItqt- | 610I \-,-/ | (t5) lv \F 0n_., (o) (0D)\,.//v)l7-, Iiqt"-l>l DIr --r I[-t\lc)l tr! -J(D u{r ('"r Eagle Planning Deparbnent P.O. Box 672 Eagle, Colorado 81631 DJB/pf ()neParkCentral - l515 Aropohoe Streer P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (303) 534-1261 Decernber 6, L978 Re! Preliminary PIot Plans Matterhorn clen Das schone, Filing #1 Resue find that at this time and our approval does not Gentlernen: We have examined the above captioned plot ptans and Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that, lre are a gas transmission utility reflect our ability to serve subject subd.ivision. Very truly yours,*M Sr. Right-of-Way Agent ''.:' iufqrri 19ig ., rl | -" "' "''E "eit counfi' co* Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 t Er l:-'1 p (lnrrnJ--ir Box 'l 7a llagle, Colorado Ea61e C^':'e1y Pla-Lrer Dl . nri rn ln-* A1 A?'I Dccerber 5, .97t Terrill: The }latterhcrn Glen r11nor subdivisi:'n reqr,.est l'u'as County So11 Con-=:ry"+-j tr Dj sirlct, i11' levisr.'r 4r1{ l Ie h.ave no ccniiient.s ccncerr Lil'i5 tlt'i ., r'eq:esi,. Sincer ely, Brd (iot.c r,gg J9, v, President :r i l)|ai-tted ccrr-elf . to the Ilr n'l o l I 0tL , ,, i,rig tcpi. {. , . ' ..f4gla tirr,, ,, oo OO otb COLOSAOO DEPTRTMETT OF HEALTI{ 1210 EAST I|TH AVENUE o-RECEttrrr"r tj L {"' ,1 t rqle t)oLrrr, l!l.lr . D. ENWR,COLORADO 80.22u qHONE 3t20-8333 Anthony nobbins, X.D., ll.P.A, Er.cultvc Dlr.ctor DATE: November 30. 1978 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV I EW AN D COI.II{ENTS T0: Mr. Terrill Knight Director, Eagle County Department of Planning and Developnent Box 179 ag1e, C0 81631 PROJECT TITLE: STATE IDENTIFIER See Conments Below :NA COH|4ENTS DUE By 3 December 20, L978 YeS No [J r_.]No | | II v.s | | rE5i I i-lNol I H" [i ls th is project cons istent with the goa ls and obj ect ives of this agency? ls the re ev idence of overlapping of duplica- t ion with other agencies? ls meet ing des ired with applicant? ,A I 5-da'y extens ion i s reques Eed. Comments: Radiation and Hazardous waste Control: Have alternative methods of dornestic sani uat ed ? Lrater Qualicy Control: We are concerned that the Eagle County Commissloners are sure they have adequate water and treaEment facilities prior to their approval of any of Ehese subdivisions: Sn 77-78 Matterhon Glen Minor Subdivision Srn 76-78 Geors Weidmann Mlnor Sub. Sm 74-78, 78-78 Washi-ngton Park Replat Srn 70-78 }faler Duplex Sn 79-78 Wood-Mosenthal Minor Subdivision Srn 73-78 Elk Lane Tor,mhouses Sm 78-78 Crown Mountain Estates Sn 80-78 LaSambuy Minor Subdivision Sur 71-78 Mul1in/Davison Resubdivision Name, Micki Barnes, ATTACHI.lENT B S0C-3, Feb 77 Sm 72-78 Brovnr/Cook Duplex RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN IT. ROLD D iroctor COLORADO GEOTOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNTAL BUILDING _ 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVEB, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 November B, 1,978 Mr. Terri'l I Knight Eagle County Dept. of Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: We have no objection LRL/ba cc: Land Use Conrnission Planning and Development RE: Sn-77-79/I{ATTERH0RN GLEN MINOR SUBDIVISION to approval of this subdivision. Si ncerely, ##4, Engineering Geologist Rfc[!\/I"j 0EC + 1s/fj Degt. !; rrrnr,r:,{ ErgL County t;i,i. GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST. . . KEY TO THE FUTURE oo rtrcl-tAfi D D. LArvll\,l Govornor DIVISION OF WATER RESOUFICES Department of llatural Resources 1313 Sherman Strcet - Room 818 Denvet Colorado 80203 A.lrni^icl',ii^n /?O'l\ F'lQ-q.\cl Ground Water (303) 839-3587 November 20, I978 _--Mr. Terrili Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Prianning and Development\P. O.'Eox 179\,Eagle,'CO 8163i ol ]ADrlGDV:md cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. C.J KUiPER. State Errgineer i i . {,ti iJrLlr t i r urt"'',--..,.r C:l:. f'aili: v""'' ' , ----/nRd: Matterhorn Glen Minor Subdivision, #Sm-77-78, and Weidmann Minor Subdivision, #Sm-76-78 Dear lt{r. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of prelirrinary pian material for the above referenced subdivisions. The VaiI Villaqye West Water District has leen designated as the source of ',vater; however, no Ietter of commitment for service has been subnritted. Information available in our files indicates that the District rnay have sufficj.ent water available to serve this develop- ment, We would recommend approval of the Matterhorn Glen and !\reidmann Minor Subdivisions contingcnt upon the developers obtaining a written commitnent for service from the District. Very ]eris A. uty State Da nie Ison Engineer ERgle Count)', Colorado o$ j' *T'?;:]li); ".-nri s.qion . u" *",Q9,.,, CeltificBtion is hereby mttle that rr copy of un apJrlication submitte(l antl ,qivel tjrc abovc frile No. was cntcrcd into the U.s. lrlails, or hrnrl rlclir.crctl , on y V4.,<-Jc* /?2,|-totlreofficcs.,;)(lrsonSusli.stedhercon,pnAcs,()[/,n,n'n"k@ /!^/--Certifier I s Signature : r.Ali Applications refered to: +--#--yl nK 1. Colorado Geological Survey Ut/ 2. Colo. Oepartment of Health ily 3. Colorado State Engineer O lC 4. Eagle County Sanitarian tU 6. Holy Cross Electric Assrn 8' u's' soil conservation service c.Apprications in upper Eagre valey: /)y 11 . Div. of water Resources--v-- l.Applications in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Bepresentative 6. School District RE5OJ :5. Eagle County Eng ineer 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management 10. Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. 3. School District RE IJ 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. D. Applications in Eaglc-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1. Town of Eaole Eagle Sanitation District Colorado Division of Wildlif e U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co, Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School District RE50J '1 . Town of Minturn 2. Town of Fled Cliff 3. Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. 4. Eagle-Vail Metro D istrict 5. Other oist. (none at present time) 7. Coloradc Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 2- 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt U/ater and Sanitation Oisi. 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo. 7. Colorado Oivision of Wildlife L U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas .Applications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum Eagle County Airport Authority Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Serv ice Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocl<y Mtn. Natural Gas School D istrict FE5O.l ..-2.' . r-,nZ<."I :''--; - " -"1" V"'1i'L ll .Applications in Gore Valley - Vail Area: k I 1 . western S tope Gas --)OL 2. Town of Vail t.:'-----i-- 4. 6. 7. Lions Ridge Water Vai I Village West Fire Vai I lnterrnountain Water Vail S.initation Dist, School District REsOJ Colorado Division of Wildlife U. S. Forest Scrvice . -....._-.J I rn. Sar,itatiol r__l.t..ict ) /-1:rt"i-d:-tn )-i ir'r (lol.1ri.1(I) |1iv.'r,r\r':: : 1. S,:l',ool D i:. i.rict ni:50J Sct rool District il I US Fu.rt.-':3.,r'.yice ( Errgic) US f:orc-.st Scrvic. ( I.4 inllrrrr) E ac3lt".. V:-rl lcy T{rl4phone Co, Yanrpa Valley E lectric .(liirr:r Aqcnc ics (wh(-.rc :rppropri ert,:) 1. Colorar.lo Dr-.pt. of I li,:jiiv/ays 2. 6. 1. ,l- Qy- 11. Mtn. Bc.rll TeloJ>hono Co. --[Z-e. PLblic servica co. of colo. n ,>p 13 . Ur. Jcr E aal" V.tl lcy S an.._-7.- Ff l-E ;lq ...-tfu..:--t t-:-?.{i." . L:A,ril ll l'.'. l:i ,'..1.1. COIVll. ::i:: -'. - -. l. '. . i, 0L 3. Vail Village West Water & San. r a/<- 8. __ft,_ s. --44.-10' $k__ :1. Colo. l-l t;,rtc l:orq:st 5j -.rvice EAG.E couNrY rlr eoo DEPARTITENT OF PI'ANNING & DEWLOPMENT Box 779 328-73L1 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 A55E550 R 328.6593 BU I LD ING INSPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Ba;6lt 927 -3244 CO U NTY ATTO RN EY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77 t8 EXTEN 5ION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 324.7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 475-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328-66 | IU,all 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c tA L 5E RV ICES 328-5328 TREASURER 328-6376 RE.' FiTe No. Sn-77-78 Matterhorn GTen Minor Subdivision APPLICANT: Wolfgang MuelLet & John SivetJg Box 645 vaiT , co. 87657 EncTosed herewith is an application and pTan submitted to the Eagle Countg PTanning Commission for review and recom- mendation at their regular neetingi on 20 Decembet 7978' rn accorilance with c.R.s. 706-2-9, 706-2-33 and f06-2-34 ' 7963, as anended and EagTe Countg Subdivision Regufations ' Section6.00,TgT2,asanendedeffectivelAugustf9T6'gou have 35 dags from date maiTed within which to respond or the tequest wifT be deemed to have been apptoved bg gour agencg. The PLanning Conmission woufd sincerelg appteciate gour cortrnent s and recommendations priot to the meeting date' If gou ilesite additionaT information ot time ' pTease advise this office. Novenibet 8, 197I Thank gou vetg much,q--*zWf,. TerriTl Knight Director EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328.6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDE R Eaqle 328-5377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY328-6674 ENG INEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77 ta EXTENS IO N AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vait 476.5844 PLANN ING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6s9 r sHE RIFF Eaqle 328-661 |Ba,all 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50ctAL 5E RV ICES 328-6328 TR EASU RE R 328-6376 TO: Terrill Knight, Director of Planning' & Development FROM: Erik W. Edeen, Environmental Hea1th Officer I Uz' DATE: November 9, I97g suBJECT: FiIe No. Sm-77-78 Matterhorn Glen Minor Subclivision COMMENTS: No Obj ections ) I I I,l t l DRCLnRATLON OF.PARTY "no ANT) EASEMII'N'I CONDITIONS ot' MATT]'RHORN GLEN SUBDIVIS ION 1 . Irtrereas, the undersigncd are the or./ners of record of the following real propetty in Eagfe County, Colorado: Lot 7, I,tatterhorn Subdivision, lst Filing, according to the recorded pl.at thereof. 2- Whereas, the above referenced property has been resub_ divj-ded into threc parts, known as parcefs 1, 2 and 3, as shown by that plat recorded in Book , page in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; and 3. I,thereas, a duplex residential building has been erected on Parcels I and 2 of the above referenced property, as shown on the plat referred to in paragraph 2, which building contains a residential unit entirely on parcel I, and a residential unit entireLy on parcel 2, with a warl dividing these residentiar units, said wa11 running along the line which separates parcel_ 1 and Parce.I 2; and 4. Whereas, it is contemplated by the undersigned that Parcel 1 and parcel 2 shall be owned and occupied by different par ti es ; wa 11 which party right 5. Nor"r, therefore, the undersigned hereby declare that the in the above described building which runs afong the line separates Parcel- I and parcel 2, is and shall remain a wa11, according to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 6. The owners of parcel I and of parcef 2 shalf have a to use this party wal1 jointly with each other. 7. Neither the ov/ners of parcel l, nor the owners of Parce.L 2, shall cause or suffer this party wall to be impaired in its structural integrity, or otherwise in such a way that the interests of the owners of tlte other parcef in said party wa1l, or in thej.r parcel, are adversely affected. 8. In t-hc cvcnt thrt rcPair or rcpltl t ccmc nt of this Party r wall is requircrl by circunlstatrces which arc l)ot the rcsponsibility of the o',?ncrs 6f qither Par:c-cl :rlot-re' thcn the cost of effecting such repair or rePlaccmcnt shall Lrc bor:ne by onc half by the owners of Parcel I, ancl ottc iralf by thc owncl:s of Parcel 2 ' This responsibility for the expcnse of repair or l:eplacement shalI tlot apply if the entire building is reniovcd' dcst-r:oyed or so damaged that repair or rcplacemenL is econornically impracti.cal' g. In the plat refcrred to in Paragraph 2 Lhcre are certain areas indicated as parking and access easements' These easements shall be aPPurtenanL to Parcels as indjcated on the plat' or if no specific parccl is indicated as hol<iing all ease:nent' Lhe easement shall be appurtenant to Parcels 1' 2 and 3' Responsibility for maintenance of any such easement area, i'cruding srrow plowing, shall be borne by the owners and occupants of the Parcel to which tlrat easer'rent is appurtcnant' or j-f there is more than one parcel to whi-ch the easem()nt is appurtcnant' then responsibility for mainLenance, including snow plowing' shall be shared by all such owners and occupants' and expenses shall be shared pro-ratat based on the number of separately owned parcels to which the cascment is aPPurtcnant ' IO. The rights and obligations created by this instrument shall be perpetual-, unless otlrerwise agreed by the owners of Parcels 1, 2 and 3, and the hol<lcrs of any liens of record en- cumber,-ing either Parcel' The rights and obligations created hereinshallrunvJiththeland,btrtshallnothavetheeffectto convey to the owller of either Parcel the fee to any part of the otherParcel'thccreationofaperpetualpartywallbeingthe sole Purposc her-eof ' DoND this 2il1'\"v of :)et-!B-c--' rs78' '"1i t tt aI t tI tlI IIiJ I { -z- tt SI'ATE OF COLORADO COIJI.']TY OF EAGLE ss. acknowledged before me this 19 t t' , by John Siverly and The foregoing was -:\W, day of Wolfgang MueIler. EAftiil[ Ctrt-$t\$T'V DEPARTMINT OF PLANNING & DIVELOPi,ltNT Rox 179 3?B-7?,IL EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD Oi: COL'I'iTYcot'nMrSsroNERs 328.6809 ADMINIsTRATION ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R JZO-OfYJ BUILDII'iG INSPECTION ozo-oJ\)v CLERK & RECO RD E R Ea qle 328-6377Baialt 927 -3244 co u l',lrY ATTORI.(EY4,29-AR1L ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH 3?8-77lA EXTENSION AG ENT 328"6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 or tDt l^ uEn t'ru Eaqle 32 8 "659 4Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING 328-6338 ROAD & B R IDGE 328-6591 SHE R IFF Eaele 328-661 IAalalt 927.3,244Gilman 82t-5751 50c tA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 December 2I , 1978 RE: Fi I e lio. Sn-77 -78 lulatterhorn Gl en At thejr meetjng on 20 December i978. the Eagle Count.y Planning Commission recommended approval of your minorsubdivision. This recorimendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners at their meetjnq on 27 December 1978beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Commisiione"s' Meeting Room, 550 Broadvray, Eagle, Coiorado. If you have any questions, please cont,act this office. l,Iolfgang Muel'l er and John Siverly Box 645 Vail, Co. 81657 sv/j k cc: Board of County Commissjoners <)>Z'.-az*-l%t,f* t Susan Vaughn !;j\t f^..|/ i i:-li:/l /r)ttl, pcJ -> l, e,ryg't --. --'i, 1 t I\ zs'l II 2uh/er l"-'--e+ "//'\'I i I tl | 'l 'l--jSJ '"'t \ F. I t I t t/1 - ve\. - -?-I ..'.' a:- v -/J*2r!? l'l - !v\ -l i \-, 60',l T r fri$ +stt iii$i $t- $*{i.' $ \ $\{ rIlI "3-:v ,,r i't tj Y$ \ (s-\\ \o -l \F.,., 0 -t" ,t i ,alC u,^ottlp --!--a # f-r /-,* ( -t' r9Ol [)61;V ' u ct ',,..**.\ +? .l.r) S) \ o \ t( ,) P s't\sS {\\r u{t *.-$g, \ s". il$pq )*c qs{F I t.. s.ir hj'3 !s i ^\-rh! jr I1..,lIi.t' I )= I I t-' .s'i . c\t (' ..'.: ; c( 1i (.0 T\..- \\ bij\ I'..J Ihi- , rP "\,\s " ./ '1.{ \J5lJ q, r.- --tr)-t: ),, c'-- *;. t,,r Y ^C.'$.i\ :\-ji. tY.4. S 'r.v)'-/,o i_t-:t ') \, '-. \l ,,1$K x-\- \} :" \F"/ \\A^lq y I \ '..** r-:'l-s\.l. ILIll-i \ \. [-:-:-i \l $ $*, M) f:-*i' \.:i <l 'olt I I -o: -t.Gl nJi I I I I I I I I I l l i+:lol vl I I i:- .o S.E \r. I -i ^q ^t. r'"i- 3\ \I-t,I ao o i.* $ ll.il b a i'- - i \ I lr I I i';t:' 6. ..-, / ..}' i: l"; r.. ?<.2 ri{.i 'ir- .* :; 1ia{ i,1 ,6'>* '-\-/-cJ .\l.'R !l \ ):-,a! \5 ..<.-: w) \i*-t \$ ci- r\'J \ NJ 11 +\|rffi-4[.i|-;,:liI i lls]ll s 11 \ si 1l iTil €. ltr/, : *l |li lil,i Fi []l *ril Il-t { lJl or ilI tl--"--- -,:;d,b 1 i- liit i_'- u*z ii ilii Ni lL-'' FrEl lllri l,' Fi []l $i Ri Hl-t \ \Jl 6l iil\i -- ':;u'b * i- li $";ill =-1e|--=-Jl '.{=. ' -ll -Lt.li.= li,o,1 .,, -lF" \ ] i ll t +:'o,i ;il .. rr,,l"iil ,,'J| , i | .,lilrl I l-: | \firl-l\|.sfl \Dl\lyl q.N * ;l,l I ii *\ i'"r--i .i:1.".i , rii S *t-'-Co ,a/ i I il \l1-1 d I I lr .A i ii -\-r={ .*,1-- ,l-1 , ---}- \r-i- ll ,, i r;il | .fr! Iit \*, \"Jlli :i - ,,o,u ----lar'h ,o,i \ r! rt i, rli ii ql":, '', t {i :" "i*lr iii v$ € $i; flT l'$i ili ,i-l lil rit | $. : sl ; ;,ill ti n :,*r ' trl n !,ililI ir r..] d , '51 -i i l: i' .:l| | r \ | .- '"l. fi-- -i-- - . -:.--- ir- ril li ,i '[ i\ 't- I I I,)lI rl,',1'| '.\ 'l 't''-l'-'-l-'ltr.'_t. |.l| ,l iF'l'\ il\'nlil $rl (. ^l!r\jl (/)'\l !ii *" < _r' -a t',1 \-'l io I j .v \i; .:>': -i- r'. ' :\'! )!+ I \+rl.t - |=l I I I\- -l-'l s$ \ + $ >$\4 '.1 I -\] i , '.', i.i ,:.i ..J i. ^,\.] (t I .", r I . \ l-,i l \rr:' (.) i .,! \l -1.* ll -\ -ii rl I Iil Irltr ir (U, -++rl i.,tll ll'rrr,._-r..- _._..'' t . N N ,(, \i. N I it'l:rb I I I I':i t!ii I il il ,l I lrii;il t,liirl.t -., -\ '. - ' . .-::: .' :.:-{l. _v .{- Sou$ i.. rQ'cr vl -,ll I )ll'! |\{ lt-.- II l\,1- ll. l;l\i(i'Jr)l .Jl--l \01 >l 1l \rl UI\Jlqt J" | | |j ltil . I i {vrl f $r r l\hti I '^ -t I ll.l.\i I li':/\- .: I trt\. 13^a\)!I$ \ Yo*s$ otL.\ -: \J vr .5'a \.) \-\,u\ c,,FNl ,0 1 -llrllql -rlJI -i*'lbol ql'--+ \lI \--l -i r- u)l.ll rlI IE EI.llI,l / LltT-/ r- l\ dF=-_-!+ A ^ ^nl/]L!-iTr*:-------fiI= ' :'_= lt fll r ; \,Ar,ooll \,'l r') 1v;! I =. \i -i: 9l -(.., ir I sr,tD\\'1,.:::" ', I \i \iQsi - ll \\..tQ ii'r-: ] \,\i, , i \' tt\ \ \i r.,i il \ .,r:; I tiU u -s :j ; .t- =t;\r rj \! \i: N. \.t tlll i;i 5 ,< ,t,:i J li iir\() r 'i ' ..i;io x i [,'.j'*i,ii $:: t i:','-, l: !r * "r. i it t') .l:1, ;"S (iije'l\r'.I a r :r .l', 1 -; i\| \ \l-31 ;i I llel ," I )'" .-'. l*l il ,' Ii t 1-- -,--*\,il.l,il' | \\\ j ;[,-iJ'",\\\---,.o s \bt\ -b s, -sv) ..4\.i .', I .1. !) l-- l 't1 o\r\. i\.,, ....1\l * '\.Ir) i.i,.', { \J a: ,",, t f. L) ). \\J I I I ,i \ c\ L)o \N rF\)t! f.\ i.l \rf')) I i' v 1.1 '- l -: 'J\\. t:. {l .\:. ,-: i.>i" '11 r' t: ') \i; \, \t o ta ) .< \9' -Y ? lo $ \ ts U9€l tl *$\ rEl,; .\s, N o'a s s-, h "L ir -\n d 3 +'....iN'A.so.-\tq\ ( *qe$ \5 sqN N s.3 ,H s*"; )\- (\lN\( cy d sXr _\S.:lJ-/ -.{ LV)lr\ o lr.) € \) ar {($, \'3 3*$.+ .,t ..r.{.t S.l iC) X ,!s;(u GJ x NJ t'-- ,h, \r/ t\ {x\t\ \ I'z< \'l t'r /\.s:s\ t"$>< $ 53 $Xt\l \$x,\, \ si s rS\, \\ \N s*di,: t*tfl F €: *Yi<\oNlt- ",.t i \ <rt x- ql \<> \ . _\ :"..- -'l /--- N\, FN,.t \\ s^>-\ sr') $\< G/-svl ,T. Planning Departmcnt/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning McDonald Bldg.550 Broadway 14 April 1977 PLANNING: Not approved. "Lot ? does not appear legal description." ENGINEERING: Not approved. a, permit. tl trDriveway still HEALTH; Approved. W.V. Smith, Engineer Box 250, Eagle, CO 81631 328-6337 Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-633E Administrntion (303) 328-6339 to DETAITMEIIT OT TI.ANNIIIO AND DTIITTOPMTIIT P.O. Box ?89 Eegle, Colorado 81631 our records with the same errill Knight,er Box 179, Eagle,o 81631 328-6338 has to meet Regulations and have Siverly and Mueller P.O, Box 645 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lot 7 , Matterhorn Village #1 1?04 Geneva Drive The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering andEnvironmental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your application for Iot ? in the Matterhorn Village Subdivision, Filing l was routedon 4 April 197?. Ilsted below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have anyquestions or wish to get further explanation, please contact the appropriate departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting departments are listed with each comment. ilEIT COUNTT \ooo OoSiverly and Muelller Page 2 It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirements as soon.as possible so as not to delay the issuance of your building permit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a copy of the Revlew Routing Form for your information. Thank you very much, &_l/64Leister L. D{dglas Eagle County Building Official I,LD: TK: WVS: EWE:ge enc. ac: Terrill Knight, Eagle County Planning Department; W.V. Smith, Eagle County'Engineer; Erik W. Edeen, Eagle County Sanitarian roo oro N Lor 7 // lar/r,rhorq /;//aJe ?k nr,! , co/orcrd, Srol<; /"=30' l" b; :i'/+";d( n I ue //e' / 6A.5s' tc'- \ \.\,"L Dec,(,-> \JI \A d o? \6. \>\-* S) -'f - Ld -.f ' I I tc) NI tTtL \ )i en 'ff $ffi,i 28' -T_+ 4a'.Do 1\,- ]y .t.,1. )/ ,, 9r/t /er l)' .*'\\ q2' , -'1lr-l\ ]: J . JU|Jt-rctuz AppRovED ' 'rtt Dano ,';;: 'ri,,,,. r,,. '' F :r.ril # lii:,p. F.i\GLE e Uui,l i\', CuLu,i^DO ? 'aA' -o0'''lv BUITDING DIVISIObLOF EaGrE couNw, e.o] zae couRTHousE, EAGLE; Co.-ptLl3o3) 328-6339 BUILDIN PERMI OATESiverly and MuellerAPPLICANT PER MIT TO (lr o. )(5IREET'(C ONT R' S LICENSE} CtttPI€X 1__1(TYPE oF tMPRovEME NT) No. STORY NUMBER OF OWELLING UI.I ITS (PROPOSED I'SE) 0699 AT ( LocAT IoN )17Ol+ Geneva Drive ZON ING o tsTR tcT (STREET) B ET WEEI,I (cRos5 srFE ET ( CROS5 STREET I3 d) o @ oz: o suB0tvtstoN BUILOING IS Matterhorn ViIIaee TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG gY a ecr LOT --l_ BLOCK -- S rZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SIiALL CONFORM IN COTISTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP EASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION ( IYPE) provided in that Location. RE MAR KS: PLANtr CHECK Esr TMATED cosr $ 25.000.00 FEE---$80.00 FEE"'' $ l-6q. qo (CUAIC/sOUARE FEET) oUo IJOX (Aftidovit on ?ovorrc ride of opplicotion to bc completed by I hereby certify thoe proposed ond I hove been outhorized by oulhorized ogent. work is outhorized lhe owner to moke by thln", of record this opplicolion os his SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER)(STREET)(clrY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE l9 oo t ..1{: o.-i . p {J .r-l .r{ Pgtkc\ Oo zo F l z = E o -' J - o lri = F > z<rO- -- 5CJdolrl r, z Lz lll ." aiz.= =<=L)-r ll --coF , IJJ I I I I $t \ N$ I trl F o tTl tn LU F g FE IJ T L>o(,zG- rl 5N 2 F. ;o )) = z dl allo o F F dl ('z J F ID |llI- F F I z ! .--l F1' 'r{F ha .(;,. ,l) z 9I o(D 696 | de-YtrOA'ON vlBO.J F NO z 9F o ; oo BUILDINGS Approved by Remarks ELECTRICAL r Perrnit No. teDa ) u.?, Permit No. lri;teQa I ) l, E zoo a +) = +, cj = 0', o (u F\ t\ bo .q I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.l q)it(ul =i*i n Tl (ut >lq s 5 b IaU7 7 N I oN .: .= O F I I i Ioriorl(o vl I az E c.o € I I I I I 1 i c., Ittnl I I :.1rl€ 6 I I I I I I I 1 I l I I I I I I I a,Iul dI .Ft t/)l (1)l'l>i FI rol*l aJl :l -l € 7t 9 Hp9L.--.1_ E3i tV .J\O :- .'r f. mqi Fa *ch-b a--.O 9E-! F.:., z\ rvt -'-r- ul(J=s ?i3 = X)r'rB ;frEa4! !- i:- r,a 6?5.!. 2.H.^ = '; ===,r.s 'x gE==a[ = E-95 .S r! s 1P'dF hn i-|-.-'&: :iu ^$sP-\ \J-J_C -i F:9trN * 2ZZ8. : s>>rr- -\ a- ,J LL .:o' H 97H7.!ii!t:f: E;l' at o:=o: BF;Eh AY. :r ,--F I*i;.!: o\ /t (J X! Szze = *q=6 =A ==*Z\i td6u :*="9 :6X:{* b 92oi '=i,7 s > .r). F2tcc YJt\i) \D\)r-\|\ \v \'ta'obaHA\J \, xir'\,Fhfri\,AtyraD la\vvA\i \A'v =A\avohi+Ril!,'v :E rli.rrjLa \, z oo CI U) + c) F q) o +) P .ct t]., I €J l. f6 aJ F\ ' l-* I IEanl -l I N p I I I .'.,1 I Iog N I I I I I I I i I I I I>l I ,5 Q F c'rOt(o z F b! I I I I I I I I I I IcnJ-1 I 6 I I I I I II I I I I I I Il Ialq I 'F| u1ql-t i '1 ai.-l cTt .1a I I I I I E '5 'a 5 :--) (1z = -.lFJ F CL aht z F(J Frhz z J z F J Fz F (nz FpJ (n a,t)f ir.l F F B ()z F.l z CA = u )F(J Fa F F.l()Z (n an q. F F F F F(,z ,t- F tr.lO (-) (Jz ".1Fi E l!z- lI.] F z F(J a t! (nFztrl ) F F Fz p an D ) IJD F U F EI(J (n EF 4 o bl p br vr- $l--\Fq or . v \1-' F)hri NAvv a>\ir'v F)hFtUAt\{iaD vvA\l \ v vh)Rvp\\,:F\oD. +rJL E,l \J t].l J ; z a d) () = oo E , = TI :,.''11 t: l" ll l.ll i.::l z-: ri iuI l':.lii'i County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PF,RMIT Applicanr....... Slloature APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 782 $. . ..... .. ..... $.................. ......... E.-44:.Qo-..... .... $.......... ....... ..... $..6.&.,.08 Plsn Chccker II- Date Paid...f,-. .J :u]-v. .?9.r....L9.7.7 Received By. K.. .Pe-!.efs.sn. 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