HomeMy WebLinkAboutLODGES AT TIMBER CREEK CONDOS UNPLATTED UNITS 13-14 LEGALF2" .' ,,!'TT"_-: 4-, -'-; (frrttftrtttr nf (Orruputtrg Onttttt (0f Httil llttilitittg Depurtmettt THIS CFRTIHCATE l.SLS'UfiD f'[/R.SUAj\rr T0 THfi RfiQUJREMENT:S OF THE UNJFORM BUILDING CODE CERTlFYING THAT AT THIi TlME Ob' lSSUAl\iCE THIS STRUC'rURfi \YAS lN COAdPJ JANCE \VlTH THE VzlRJOt/S ORD/N/tNCl:iS OF THE T'OWN RfiGU[ATJNG BUII DING CONSTRUCT/ON, AND OR USE, TO Tl lE BFST OJ' OUR KNOVl.EDCE. N'.IlltD ----''?9'Lt'f TIMBER CREEK m3 AND C14 Usc Chsdficnrion DUPLEX ----.-Group -3:3 -__- Building l'crmit No. B95=0140 - -- 'f ypc Construcrion VdL Owncr of Building CHARLES T OBILBY Building Addrcss 2983 -TffaEL@Effi I)L Cl3lmC14 2/11/97 -------'-]--'----- The building ofGcial may, in writing, suspend orlevoke a Certincale of Occupaney issued under the provisions of this codc whcnever lhe certificste is isstled in error, or on Ihe ba.9is or incorrect informat jon supplied, or when it is detcrmined that thc building or slrueture or porlion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regu]ation of the ]'own of Vai1 or any of the pmvisions of thi5 code.ilding ()ff icill POST lN A CONSPlCUOUS PLACE I I I L H ffi ffi [ fi [i ' ffi I! I] I ,! I / h1 [ =" "ffitpmn:wt- .v,." *'*iii '.q L:1 L-? q, ta\p, '--"RWP=tFl:llll.=....-..-- l"= r'Y-l I="ilaa sal.atLJf < :};U,;:f,jffi )L'U-i.:-.T-.;;,- ]^t 'LlilL>IlA |o ::ffij! t*s;gn Review Action r*m TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe( Project Name: Building Name: ProjectDescription: D(Z.fb,.,ryz,t,..z,J ii, r,.7 n,ni,k. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: t;.{[,,-i Lr, ,,,,<,,, vu, bler Legal Descriplion: Lot __- Block- Subdivision L olf,, a+ if, wJ,t;;ht+: ic. Zone District \)i(. ProjectStreetAddress: -)'|:.fi ]',Lr,rzrr-t /)/'i/ff Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: (] Approval ;; Disapproval jq_ Staff Approval Conditions: j-, .'---', f ; /'(.u;}lUi,,_;(/,. Town Planner Date: i/j/'T,'(z;,. DRBFeePre-paid Itlllll, 06 ; 5P..,..,,*,.'?l:.g[,llh,il'iltt?.*,,, 4/a3/96 B95-Oliflel 4/P3/% Type: B-BUILD LODGES rIT TIMBER eFEEK #C--1.3 C-1/l CONBTRUCTION 0F DUPLEX 0GILBY T CHnRLES - S H C0LE OGILBY T CHnRLES - S H COLE S. H. C0LE C0NSTRUCTl0N CO PrtGE 1 rlRErll I:F Aetivity: nddresgl Location: Parcel : Deseript ion : Opplieant: 0wner: ContFiaetoP: =============.===______.,____._.. __ Statusl ISSUED Constyt: NDUI:j occl (a007' Us{sl V N Phone; 476-307171 Phonel Ji7'6,-3070 Phone l 303/}7f}31Z}-?'0 Inspoet ion Request Information... Requestor; STflN Ct3LE-SH C[JLE C0NS Req Timet 0B;00 Com=ents; UNIT l.fr Items requested to be Inspeeted.-. 00530 BLDG-Temp. C/D "" " UNlCQUffi- - 51i1 o.xa___Dr trc:aP.S _ Cf-1LL FOR REINSPECTI0NItLlB3l% Inspector; CD Notes: CORRECTI0NS HnVE BEEN Iten: IaelO4O * * Not On Fi1e * * Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item; 00OGeJ BLDG-SheetPoel{ Nail 11/07/95 lnspeetor: CD 11/0B/951nspeetor: CDNotes; rlDD NflILS T0 tfJflLLB Il{ Ol!O9/9E, Inspeetor; CD Itenl 00OBO * * Not 0n Fi1e *. * Itenl 0007'0 BLDG-Misc. io/a7/95 Inspeetoe; CD 11/03/95 Inspector; CD ItP=l 0laO90 BLDG-Final 1P/15/95 Inspeetor: LP Item : 00010 BLDB-Footings/St ee1 Item : aO0P0 BLDG-Foundat i on/St ee1 06/PP/95 Inspeetor: DS Cl6/a9/95 Inspector; CF ib€tl3€SllJ5 Inspeetort CF nLJDHnFJHLD FJH[ISDLlJ Iteag eilaSao PLnN-ILC Site Plan 11/t?lG/95lnspeetor: RS fletion; rtPPRIte=: 00030 BLDB-Fraaing nct ion I rlPCR ftPPROVEl)/CO RRECTInN RE[!D 0ct ion: nPPR APPR{]\JED/DRIUEl.JOY. 0ct i on : nPPR nPPRDVED net i on I nPPR rlPPROVED netionl nPPR nPPROVE:D ilet i on ; flPPR MnDE UN I T # 1 z+ Aetiont NR CrtNCELE:D NOT RERDY fletion: rlPPR nPPROVED ON CONDITIDNE MECH. R0OM flND L0bJER BATHR00H Plctionl nPPR UNIT 14 Aetiont nPPR eHII4NEY CHnSE HEST IJNI'r Action: PlPPR f:HII'IlNEY CHnSE EPST Slt€ Phone; 47E1-lJiaE} net i onjjp--Tine E). Inspeetion History.. Item: 00510 driveway grade fina1 1P/06/95 Inspeetor: LP 0ct iont nPCP rlPPR0tJEl)/CORRECTlON RE[ID Notes; FINQL INBPECTION FOR DIUEt4AY LODGES nr TItilBER CREEH *C-13 #e-1j+ IPl0Bl9'5 lnspeetor; LP Notes: hIEEDS TO GRnDE eUL-DE-Sr1C nND erlLL BflCK FOR INSPECTlON. NEEI}S TO CnLL FOR FINRL DRIUE[!InV INBPEeTIONS C-13 & C:-1*. Not es : nPKDJP I FJriP0FJnPS0 JnSP0JSnP0 JSPn0JSP0FJSPD{JJSP0FJSPDnJSP D ILC approved 1E/P9/'J5 Inspector: CF Oetion; DN UNIT #14 Notesl SHIH lillCROLnMS IN BnRnGE nND C}THER rlRElqS CHnNBE V CONNECTI0N TO SflNlTnRV TEE IN MnSTER BIlTHR00M Comme " ''.;.',. Ot?IlJl, 15 : 45 HF!OUESTPFO.'?!1.?I, ::; ;,;:'tlt:;*,, : 4/a3/% PnBE flRErl: I::;F' Retivity: rlddylessl PayBeell Descript ion ; Opplicanfi Ownerl Contractorl B95-0140 d}/a3/')6 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: NDU.I L0DGES nr TIt4BER CREEK {rC-13 C-1j} CONSTRUCTIDN 0F DIJPLEX OGILBY T eHrlRLES - B H e0LE OGILBY T CHnRLES - S H COLE S. H. e0LE C0NSTRUeTl0N CO Oeel 0O{a7 Use; U N Phone : 476-307'0 Phone l 476-3O7'fa Phone l 3la.347'6307O Inspeet ion Request Infornat ion..... Requestoet ST0N COLE-SH Ct3LE COhlS Req Time; 08;00 Comments; UN1T 14 Items requested to be Inspeeted... 00530 BLDG-Tenp. C/O CnLL FOR RElNgPEC'IlON 0l/0,3/% Inspeeton: CD Notes; C0RRECTlONS HnVE BEEN Iteal 0O0z}0 * * Not On Fi1e * * Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Ite=: 00060 BLDG-Shdetrock Nai1 11/€l7/95 Inspeetor; CD 1l/0B/95 Inspeetor: CD Notesl nDD NnILS T0 WnLLS IN 01/09/96 Inspeetor: CD lteml O00BO * * Not r]n Fi1e * * Iteml 0007'0 BLDG-I'4i5e. 1(?)/P'7/95 Inspeetoe: CD 11/03/95 Inspeetor; CD lteall oel{?I90 BLDG-FinaI Item: 0053€l BLDG-Te=p. C/0 Pllonel J}^76-14,176 net i on Comment g T i m e E >; -iX-rbtruttG-- APfS-n.= tx.,_ ffi1b- -_ Inspeetion History,.... Item: 0(d;510 driveway grade fina1 lP/0€,/95 lnspectort LP Qct ion t nPCR nPPROVED/C0RRECT:[ 0N RE iiD Notes: FINFtL INEPECTION FOR DlVElrlnV LODBES rIT TItiIBER CREER itC-l3 #C-1/} 1P/0B/95 Inspeetor; LP Action; nPCR PlPPROVED/CClRRECTl0N REJD Notes: NEEDS TO GRnDE CUL-nE-SnC rlND Ci]LL BnCR FOR INSPECTlON. NEEDS T0 CnL-L F0R FINnL DRIUE[.JnY li\ISPECTlONS C-13 & l:-lJt- dfl-- --jlfPa-uLzr:-D ---- 0ct ion : nPPR nPPRrjVE:D/DRlVE[\InY. nct i on I rlPPR IqPPROVED rlet i on ; rlPPR nPPR0VE:D nct i nrl I APPR nPPROVED net-ion; rlPPR tJNIT If 1d} MPDE netionl NR eflNCE[..En NOT REnD*l' netionl nPPR nPPR0{JlED nN Ct]NDITION!] MECH. R00M rlNl} L-O[.jER BPlTHROOh1 Fletion; rlPPR UNIT 1.dr 1P/15/95 Inspeetor: LP Itea ; 00010 BLDG-Foot inqs/St ee I I t em : o(aOao BLDB-Foundat i on / St e e I 06/EP/95 Inspector; DS t0E,l?9l'15 Inspeetor; CF(d6/30/'J5 Inspeetoi-l CF nLJDHAFJHt-DFJHUSDL 1 J Iteml 0€}Sa0 PLnl{-ILC Site Plan 11/06/95 Inspeetor: RS Action; nPPR Item: 0B030 BLDG-Feaning Not es : nPKDJP I FJnPOFJnPSOJrlSPn.JSnPO JSPnrJJSPnF JSPl)nJBPOF JSPDOJSPD ILC approved 1E/P9/95 Inspeetor: CF Oetion; DN UNIT #14 Notesl SHl}4 MleROLnhlS IN GflRflGE nND OTHER nREnS CHnNBE Y CONNECTION TO SrlNlTnRV TEE IN IYInSTER BIlTHR[}r)M netion: nPPR f1ct i on I rlPPR CHIMNEY CHnSE t,JESI Uh IT CHlt4NEV CHf.tSE EqST S] DE oo REPT131 O TOUN nF UnlL, cntomncO04/P3Z% 06:5P REOIUESTB F0R INSPECTION WOfIH sHEETE"FOR: 4l23l'a€J PnGE j flREjl I t::F =============;= =::=== ::=: flctivity: P95-011B 4l?3l'16 Typet B-PLHB Btatust ISSUED Constt= flSFR Oddeess ; PB83 KINNICRINNICK RD Loeat i on I Pareell al1O3-143-OO-007' Description: PLMB SYSTEh1 Applieant : Olfd11elll 0GILBY T CHrlRLES - S H COLE ContractorLl Oeel Phonel Phonel 476-:]07'0 Phonel U5el Inspeetion Request Information..... Requestor; CHRIS-SIBLEY PLUMBINS Req Time; (JlB:00 Co:mentt;: UNIT 14 Items nequested to be lnspeeted. O0a9€l PLt4B-Final Phone I Ba7'-57J}6 3€J PS I DN GrIUGE 6O PSl n1R TEST rlction /[P- Time E> Inspeet ion Ite=: Iteml Ite=: Item I History-. 00P'Piil PLl'IB-Rough/D. U. U. 10/P7/55 Inspeetor: CD 1e/a9/95 Inspeetor; CD Notes I L0NB SIDJEEP 'JlaS flECl' D CHnNBE Y TO SnNlTrlRV01/03/% Inspeetor: CDNotesl CORRECTI0NS HrlUE BEEN Ia(aa3o PLMB-Rough/hlater 10/P7/95 Inspeetor; CD 1P/P9/95 Inspeetor: CD 00E4,0 PLtllB-Gas Piping10/a7/95 Inspeetor: CDIE/?'l/')3 lnspeetor: CD 00P90 PLltlB-Fina1la/15/95 Inspector: CD netion; rtPPP CLEnN OIJT NEEnED net i on ; DN tJN I T # I l+ IN CONCEnLED CONSTRUCTlrJN TEE IN MriSTER BnTHROOIiInetionl rlPPR LINIT II 1/[ MnDE T0 SnNlTnRV LINE IN BnTHRCJOM nct i on I nPPR net i on : nPPR rletionl nPPR 1O PSl 0N GnUGEftetion; flPPR tJNIT 1114 l€FPSl 01R TEBl' Aet t on : nPPR nPPR0VED o o "/;t,- FIRST SUPPI.EIllIENT AND AMENDI{ENT TO CONDOMINIU14 DECLARATION FOR THE IlODGES AT TIIl}IBER CREEK THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION is made as of the |?. day of December, 1995, by T. CHARLES OGILBY and S. H. COLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a Colorado corporation, together a Colorado genera1 partnership ("Declarant"), which declares hereby that "The l,odges at Timber Creek" (as defined in the Declaration) is and shall be held, transferred, so1d, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth and as a "common interest community" pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Act (as defined in the Declaration). I(NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, by Condominium Declaration ("the Declaration") recorded December 27, 1994, in Book 658 at Page 42, Eagle County records, there was submitted to condontinium ownership pursuant to the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act the rea1 property described on Exhibit A attached hereto (Condominium Map) and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 2.2 thereof, Declarant reserved the right to create, from time to time within ten (10) years following the recording of the Declaration, within the area described in Exhlbit "B" to the Declaration, a maximum of twelve (12) additiona1 Units by recorded supplemental declarations, which shall not require the consent of then existing Owners, the Association or any Owner's rnortgagee; and WHEREAS, this First Supplement and Amendment to Condominium Declaration is executed in accordance with said Section 2. 2 ; NOW, THEREFORE, the Declaration is supplemented and amended as follows : 1. Definitions. Words used in this Supplemental Declaration anElEGfiEEEfiE shall have the same meait;ng as those contained in the Declaration. 2. Leqal Description. t'he rea1 property which is and sha11 be held,-Eransferred, so1d, conveyed and occupied subject to this Supplemental Declaration and nnendment is located in the Town of Vatt, Eagle County, Colorado, and is more particularly described as PARCEL B on Exhibit A attached hereto, a11 of which rea1 property (and a11 additions and improvements thereto andless any withdrawals therefrom), together with the rea1 property descrlbed in Exhibit "A" to the Declaration, is herein referredto collectively as "The Lodges at Timber Creek" ("the Property"). fr c.? P t \re/q7 ?'Jj-\uJ 579481 B-683 P-475 12/13/95 03:45P PG 1 OF 5 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Reeorder REC DOC 26. 00 o 3. Riqht to Create Additional Units. Declarantreserves the right to create, from time to time within ten (10)years following the recording of the Declaration, within the areadescribed as PARCEL C on Exhibit A attached hereto, a maximum often (10) additional Units by recorded supplementa1 declarations, which shall not!-equire the consent of then existing Owners, the Association or any Owner's mortgagee. Nothing herein, however,shall obligate the Declarant to create such additional Units.All Owners, by acceptance of a deed to, or other conveyance of,their Untts, thereby automatieally consent to any such creationof additional Unlts and shall evidence such consent in writing if requested to do so by the Declarant at any time (provided, however, that the refusal 'to give such written consent shall not avoid the general effect of this provision). Except for the number of untts, the future development disclosecl in Exhibit "C" may be changed, from time to time within ten years following the recording of the Declaration by the Declarant, without the consent of the Owners, the Association or any Owner's mortgagee. 4. Condomin[um Units. (a) The Property is herebydivided into six (6) Condominium Units designated as CondominiumUnits C11, C12, C13, C14, D25, and D26. Each Condominium Unitconsists of the Unit identified by such Condominium Unit'sidentifying number on the Map, the undivided interest in the Common Elements allocated to such Condominium Unit pursuant to Section 4(b) hereof and the exclusive right to the Limited Common Elements allocated to such Condominium Unit pursuant to Section4(c) hereof. (b) The gross floor areas in sqtfare feet (GFA) of the Condominium Units and the total undivided interests in the percentage of Common Elements (CE) allocated to the CondominiumUnits, as provided by Section 1.2 of the Deelaration, are as followst UNIT GFA 2157 sq. ft. 2157 sq. ft. 2157 sq. ft. 2157 sq. ft. 576 sq ft. 576 sq. ft. gl 22.055% 22. 055 % 22.055% 22.055% 5, 89 % 5. 89% C11 C12 C13 C14 D25 D26 (c) Those portions of the Common Elements are Limited Common Elements which are assigned to the specific Condominium Units comprising each individual residence. (d) The future development disclosed as PARCEL C onExhibit A attached hereto, which, except for the number of units, may be changed from time to time as set forth above, contemplates Condominium Units C15, C16, C17, and C18, each having 2157 square /='i64.-fsJ,J .h{.,-.[ /D 6taAJ r"h a\i 579481 B-683 P-475 12/13/95 03:45P PG 2 OF 5 i feet of gross floor area and Condominium Unlts D19, D20, D21,D22, D23, and D24, each Unit having 768 square feet of grossfloor area which may or may not be developed and may or may notbe developed at the same t1me within ten years from the date ofrecording of the Declaration. At the t,ime of the creation ofadditional Condominium Untts, if any, the Allocated Interests orSharing Ratio shall be adjusted using the formula set forth inSection 1.2 of the Declaration and the actual gross floor area ofthe Condominium Units as constructed. 5. Rates of Assessmetgg. Subject to the provisions below and of seEETGFSTTG"lfiEffi" Declaration, each Unit shall be assessed a proportionate amount of the total estimated operating expenses of the Association, such rates being as follows: (a) Each Unit shal1 be responsible tor, and assessed, a percentage of the estimated operating expenses (0E) of theAssociation, said percentage being set forth below and based uponthe gross floor area ("GFA") attributable to each Unit as itrelates to the gross floor area of a11 the Units(9,780 square feet) : Unit GPA OE C11 C12 C13 c14 D25 D26 2157 sq. 2157 sq. 2157 sq. 2157 sq. 576 sq. 576 sq. 22.O55% 22.055% 22. 055% 22.055% 5. 89 % 5. 89 % ft.ft.ft.ft.ft.ft. (b) :f additional Units are created pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Declaration and Section 3 hereof, the percentage of the estimated operating expenses for which eachUnit shall be responsible shall be reallocated among a11 Units based upon the formula above, 6. Duration. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind The Lodges at Timber Creek and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Declarant, the Association, the Town of Vai1, and the Owner of any Unit subject to this Declaration, and their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, for a term ofninety-nine (99) years frorn the date the Declaration was recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each unless an instrument signed by the then Owners of 75% of a11 the Unitssubject hereto (and 100% of the mortgagees of those supportingtermination) has been recorded, agreeing to revoke said covenants and restrictlons; provided, however, that no such agreement to revoke shall be effective unless made and recorded three (3)years in advance of the effective date of such revocatton, and unless written notice of the proposed agreement is sent to every f", f' F q \J\j il"') U0 579481 B-683 P-475 12/13y95 03:45P PG 3 0F 5 Owner at least ninety (90) days in advance of any signaturesbeing obtained. '7. Seygfi_iJ_ffiy. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or rEELrtcttons or any part, clause or word hereof, orthe application thereof 1n speciflc ctrcumstances, by judgment orcourt order shall not affect any other provisions or applicationsin other ctrcumstances, all of which shall remain in fu11 force and effect. 8. Amendment. In addition to any other manner hereinprovided for tEJ"EfiEEEEent of this Supplemental Declaration, the covenants, restrtcttons, easements, charges and liens of this Declaration may be amended, changed, deleted or added to at anytime and from tJ:me to ttme, in whole or in part, by approval at a meeting of Owners holding not less than 67% vote of the entire membership in the Association (as opposed to only those Members represented at a meeting of the Association). Further, noprovision of this Declaration may be amended if such provision isrequired to be included herein by the Town of Vai1. The foregoing sentence may not be amended. 9. Effective Date. This Declaration shall becomeeffective upon its recordation in the Public Records of the County. 10. Conflict. The Declaration shall take pre;edence over any conflicting provisions in this First Supplement and nmendment and the Declaration and this First Supplement and Amendment shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association and the Articles shall take precedence over the Bylaws. to the generality (and subject to the limitations) of Section 6 hereof,it is the intention of all parties affected hereby (and theirrespective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns) that these covenants and restrictions shal1 run with theland. Without limiting the generality of Section 7 hereof, if any provision or application of this Declaration would preventthis Declaration from runnlng with the land as aforesaid, suchprovislon and/or applicatlon shall be judicially modified, |f atall possible, to come as close as possible to the intent of suchprovision or application and then be enforced in a manner which wi11 allow these covenants and restrictions to so run with theland; but 1f such provision and/or application cannot be so modified, such provision and/or application shal1 be unenforceable and considered nu11 and void in order that the paramount goal of the parties affected hereby (that these covenants and restrictions run with the land as aforesaid) be achieved. (:': f \ %lbJrn Q: 11. Covenants Runninc With The Land. Anythingcontrary herein notwithstandinq and without lirniting the 579481 B-683 P-475 12/13/95 03:45P PG 4 0F 5 amended, and the TO CONDO 12. tn Full Force and Effect. Except as hereinthe Declaration shall continue in full force and effectprovisions thereof are incorporated herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this FIRST sUPPLEMENT AND AMENDMENTis signed on the date indicated below. T. CHARLES OGILB S. H. COLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,a Colorado genera1 partnership a Colorado corporation, together By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGIJE s s. foregoing instrwpent was acknowledged before mer _ day of [\ec., 1995, by T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole as President of S. H. Cole Construction Company, a Colorado corporation, together a Colorado general partnership. ;.,if ''' ' 'tev'iieiii,,,.t,,t.,, expireffT#;;=a\//:/-lc/-? 'i...i... 1} ' -j: '. J.-I:..J,'' ;'.' :' 1:,. J '' ' '. 4.. ;|, ',' !, ',i'' ' '. 4.. ; t ' J.....',.J'.f T':"Nol\OLdrr t"U&l'lfLU ",JJ i : i - -\--4" __First Bank of Vail, being the holjarGra lien upon the Property, hereby approves this First Supplement and Amendment to Condominium Declaration for the Lodges at Timber Creek. First Bank of Vail was acknowledged before mer by )) ss. ) ,.6. j+ P b 'ltAJI ]b ,L4'i \=I.l nt 1(' 1. 579481 S-683 P-475 12/13/95 03:45P PG 5 '"" i; The foregoing inst of Vail. OF 5 urfi, *, !i'\'O,,,i,,,,, :-;:-','+rx,;'f'^' _ _ ;OVLOlv,,/.Otiu!' l' [[(J!,.. ?n 0) Date Received by the Oommunity Developmentn ln ' I(J'I." Department - Odlfif f ""' ---.----..-..fffL'9tl!9F--F9F- ___'_____',j"I CONDOMlNlt;;;,rrt;;;I;;[?,S'';',T,,,.,.,.,, { JL C J+:JTl=n ga lIL(1' "^*"'i,|JjjJJJ,fJ[i[if""'' APPLIcANT Lovaes /tr "T/,,16E,{ (l€€€k MAIuNGADDREss293a S.rkou-rr;oel€ftd__ Vatcg)(,s; PHONE zl-z(a-"so-;o z/;;-zt/p; "/py-sCtoy B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE {Huck Oc.}Ls ADDREsS-S/ll/?d yy /l6o/€ ,,oN C. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL: STREETADDRESS 2893 2/% -9o -;o %t-ytpa; 46 o-zt -llvllS,El< ('A Da< (/zu;r> t'tsy(-Jt E. F. APPLICATION FEE $100:00 PAID Iz', cHEcK #j/yzL DATEJ3-/l a/9; coyalt) D- LOT BLOOK___ SUBDlVlSlON FILING MATERIALS TO BE SUBMIlTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall indude a site map with the following requirements: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or Iarger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the Ieft and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all Iines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for publio or common uses and other important features. AII curves shall be drcular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc soored distances and bearing. AII dimcnsions, both Iinear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, Iots, blocks, and names for all streets. \ ' I 2. 3. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or fadlities as shown on the plat, and a dedioation thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A wdtten survey description of the area ineluding the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The aoreage of eaoh lot or pareel shall be shown in this manner as well, g. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a desoription of all monumonts used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the Iand surveyor explainlng how bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the registered Iand surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Artide 51. ' j. A certificate by an attomey admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as' shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and dear of all Ilens and enoumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clork and Recorder. I: Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedieation of Iand or improvements to the public, all benefieiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. m. AIl current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also indude floor plans; elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaoes and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. A copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions induded for all commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one eopy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review ooncurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and retum comments and u. H. notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on 'the plat so that the Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the approved plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Reoorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applioant. The Oommunity Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. If this application requires a separate review by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be inoreased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may indude, but are not Iimited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any mattor Is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. FINAL CHEC IST FOR BUILDING o PE num # J0B NA1\1B : The items tisted b,1,w must be completed before a permit shall receive a rina1 certificate of occupancy. SOlLS REPORT: o KL E] [ L] [] [] [ I FINAL ELECTRICAL : FINAL PLUMBING : FINAL MECHANICAL : TEMPORARY CO : FINAL LANDSCAPING : PAvING/PUsLIc woRKs : rco EscRoW/LINE oF cREDIT : * * * * * * * MlSC. NOTES ; |o oo REPT131 11/0E:/95 fZt7:tZt9 PaPce 1 :Description: fipplieant: Ownerl Contractor; TOIalN (JF VFtIL., CDLORFIDD REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION [bjORH SHEETS FOR:l.l/ E:/95 PnEE:.Jj QREFi ; CD Octivity; B95t-€l140 flddress: L(JDBES QT 1t/ P/95 Type; B-BUILD Statt.ts: ISSUED Constr: NDUPTIHBER CREEH {}C-1.3 C-1./+ CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEX()GILBY T CHflRLES - S H e0LE OGILBY T CHnRLES - S H C0LE: S. H. COLE CnNSTRUCTlON CD Occ; 0€l(07 Use: V N Phone : 476-3tZl70 Phone ; 476--.1i070 Dh em e : :3lZ0::/+7E,.3lZl7l2l Inspection Request Infornation.....Requestor: STAN/SHCOLE CONST Req Time: 01:00 Conments; INSIDEItems requested to be Inspected... F'hone: 47€,-1/+e6 C[jIlYINEY CHnSE rlotion Conments Time Exp Inspeet ion History.....Iten: 005t0 PW-Drive by Inspeetion Item : 00010 BLDG-Footings/St ee 1 Item : 000P0 BLDG-Foundat i on/Stee1OEi/aa/95lnspeetor; DS Ftetion: QFtPR APPROVED06/P9/95lnspeetor CF Oetion; OfJPR nPPROUED06/30/95lnspeetor: CF Qetior= FtPPR nPPR0UED Not es : rlPKDJP I FJnPOFJnPSOJnSPO.JSqPO.JSPnOJSPOFJSPDO. ISPOFJSPDl]JSPD nLJDHnFJHLD FJHIAISDLiJItem: 005P0 PLnN-ILe Bite PlanItem: IZl€l03lZl BLDB-FnamingItem: 0tZt040 BLDB-Roof & Sheer Plywood Nai1Iten: 00050 BLDB-InsulationItem; OtZltZlG€1 BLDG-Sheetroek NailIten; IZi€l€ISID BLDB-Courtesy Item : 12112107'0 BLDG-Ivlisc. 10/E:7/95 Inspector; CD Flotion; nPPR CHIIYINEY CHASE [jEST UNITItem : 0tZt090 BLDG-Fina1 Iten : tZt05.30 BLDG-Tenp. C/OItem: 00540 BLDG-Final CZO t ,'c.- /yl qg- b\ ?O- B9{ 0 /92.' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE zu,/;o/Cr," Jos,,,, ^}f.:j r:.Z ' o] READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: l"?3 Ot) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 WED f:<|,tL ,/'r''a *J THUR ,r_0-, BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEnGROUND CI ROUGH / D.W.V.E] FOUNDATION / STEEL r] FRAMING E] ROUGH / WATEFi - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING Cj GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB CI FINAL D INSULATlON EJ SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: [] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: lrHEATING m EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR E FINALtO DISAPPROVED [] REINSPECTION BEQUIREDAPPROVED COllRECTlONS: '-2,D P51 r)i\I |?2( Lfv(( 3D tDst ozu f &n;d /) t € efC ro - 5 t - r5 INSPECTOR I N S P E C T I O NTOWN OF R EQ U ES' VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI BUILDING: rJ FOOTINGS / STEEL E] FOUNDATION / STEEL Fnl PLUMBING: a UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D-W.V. E] nOUGH / Vv'ATERAMING ROOF & SHEEn PLYWOOD NAIUNG E] GAS PIPING [] [] [] E1 INSULATlON SHEETROCK E] POOL / H. TUB NAIL El E] DF[NAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: CI TEMP. POWER I.itECHANlCAL: [] HEATING C] ROUGH EJ EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUlT r] SUPPLY AIR 0 n E] FINAL E] FINAL a DISAPPROVED [] REINSPECTlON REQUIRE PERMITNUM 479-21e //na, CALLER APPROVED CORRECTlONS: DATE -./{)hdr/5 NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES T0WN 0F VAIL liEW SFR BUlIsBl=NG "ERlfET Permit #: B95 S'tte 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-4 79-2 1 38/4 79-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Job Addre$s :Location/.. : Parcel N6.. :Project Nd:r LODGES AT TIMBER PRJ95-0091 Status,. CREEK #CApp]-ied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED 05/29/L995 O6/L3/1995 \2/\O/L995 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR OGILBY T CHARLES - S H COI,E CONSTRUCTION CO, 2938 SOUTH OGILBY T CHARLES - S H COi-,E CONSTRUCTION CO, 2938 SOUTHS.H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO 2938 S FRONTAGE ROAD, VATL FRO, VAIL FRO, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 81657 Phone: 81657 Phone: 476-3070 476-3070 3034763070 CO CO Description: CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEX Occupancy: R3 Single Family ResidenceType Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: 550,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 5304 Firep[ace Information: Restricted: YES #Of Gas AppLiances;#Of Gas Logs:#O1 Uood,'Pa[[et: 2 ********************i******************** ***************i** FEE SUHHARY *lht********** ************ ********i****k********* ********** Bui tding-----> P[an Check---> Invest i gation> UiLt Catt----> 2,540.00 1,651.00 .oo 3.OO .oo 400.00 1,591.20 750.00 6,935.20 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> DRB Fee-------- --------> Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES--------------> Tota[ Ca[cutated Fees---> Additiona[ Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> 6,935-2O ,00 6,935.20 6,935.20 accurate pLot and p[ot pLan, subdivision Payffients BALANCE DUE-------------> -oo*****************i**********i****ii***i *ii*tii********* i****i****** ***i*****i i***ki**+* ********** *********** ********** ************ Dept : BUII,DING Division : De]Dt : PLANNING Division :see conditiohsDept: FIRE Division: Dept : PUB W0RK Division : Item:.05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/01/1995 CHUCK Action: APPRIt'em:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/09/1995 RANDY Action: APPRIt'e.m:'_05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/09/1995 DAN Action: APPRIt'e.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS06/09/1995 DAN Action: APPR i********************t ******i****tt*t *i**k*i**i***i i********k *fifiifii* *++****+ii ii*i****** **k**k|**i **i********i k********* ****+** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS lhereby.acknowtedge that I have readthis apptication, fitted out in futL the infomation required, compteted anptan, and state that att the information provided as required is ccrrect. 1 agree to compLy with the tntornattJi ::.::'Pll-f iP-:.'.l _Iotrtan.e.r_an' :'eH. Lau:, )nd '.o byi Ld thi s st nucture...,;di,g to the Town's zoning..dcodes, design review approved, Unifom Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto: Send Ctean-Up )eposit To: {} RECYCL|DI'APER TURE OF OUNER OR CON FOR HlHSELF AND OUNER 0F V/IIL 75 South Frontage Road Department of Cornmunity Development Vail, Colorado 81657 CONDITTONS gpp:g)t;Ll;;ffizgfiOJy#140 as of o6/L3/95 Status---: TSSUED ** +f,Nccdl(f:,rNtjk413ll ** * ** * ** ************ * * * * * * * *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ******** * * * * Pemiit 'rype: NEW SFR BUILDING PERMIT Applicant--: OGILBY T CHARLES - S H COLE 476-3070 Job Address : tocation---: I,ODGES AT TIMBER CREEK #C-13 C-14 Parce1 No--; Description: CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEX * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditions * * ****** * * * ****** ** * * *** * * * ** * 1. THIS PROJECT WIl,L REQUIRED A SITE lMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALI, BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALI. HAVE A CETLING HETGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS l4EASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEl4BERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEl4EBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. trim colors to be heritage blue and pilgrim red. 4. road and driveways to be paved to point past units 14 and g prior to tco for any nore units. developer improvement agreement executed with tco's for units tt, 12, g and h _requtre paving and landscaping in by july L, 1995-keep this in mind as deadline is fast approaching. 5. continue to remove dirt piles. this activity not completed as required, but will issue permit it you continue to remove dirt as you work. 6. cul-de-sac must be kept clear of dirt debris and constructio n vehicles in order to allow emergency access and turnaround {} RECYCLEDPAPER Applied--: 05/29/1995 :ssued---: 06/13/\995 ro Expire: \2/10/\995 TOV/N 0F VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-4 79-21 38/4 79-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Job Address:Location... : LODGES AT TIMBER CREEK Parcel No.. : 2103-143-00-007Project No. : PRJ95-0091 S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO 2938 S FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTlON CO 2938 S FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 OGILBY T CHARLES - S H COLE CONSTRUCTION CO, 2938 SOUTH FRO, VAIL CO TRIANGLE ELECTRIC P O BOX 4068, FRlSCO CO 80443 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Totat CaLcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynent s----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit # : E95-0132 Department of Community Development Status... Applied.. Issued... Expires.. ISSUED o6/o9/L995 06/\3/\995 12/\0/\995 Phone: Phone: Phone: 81657 Phone: 3034763070 3034763070 476-3070 3034535424 Description: **i*ltlii lfilfii*l*****it********i***i**i**inlfRii* i*ii*iii*i FEE SUHHARY Etectri ca [--->225.m Valuation: 228.00 .oo 228.00 228.00 .oo . 00 DRBFee --->.oo .m 3.O0 lnvestigation> Ui[[ Catt----> TOTAL FEES---> 228.00 **ii*iii*i*i*iii Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/09/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divlslon: *****i******iFi**ii***iii**********i**i**i**i****i**********************ii*i********************i********i*********** **********i** CONDITION OF APPROVAL i*iiii*i****ii***i***i*iii**i****i**i*****iii*i***i***i* *i*ii**ii***********if*f*****iii****************************************** DECI.ARAT I ONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have rcad this apptication, fitted out in futt the infomation required, conpteted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that att the infomation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty uith the infomnation and ptot pLan, to compLy uith aLt TowI1 ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. FROH 8:OO AH 5:OO PH SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR {} RECYCLEDPAPER HlHSELF AND OUNER 1 1 INSPECTION REQUES TOWN OF VAILffnr- oy/o PERMIT NUMBER OF PFjOJECT ,,,, (o/So/€S",,,,...,@ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON ES W THUR BUILDING: CJ FOOTtNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r1 UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V- E1 ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL C1 FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLvwooD NAILING m GAS PIPING [] INSULATlON EI SHEETnOCK E] POOL / H. TUB Cl FIN/tL O FINAL ELECTR I CAL: n TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING C] EXHAUST HOODS 0 SUPPLY Aln E] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: 0 DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION BEOUIR /n,- P -7 - f 9 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT =INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTlON: _, MoN fuisi WED THUR FRI ______AM PM LOCATION 15'-//2, 7" n/; tz r ( /t BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.0 FOUNDATION / STEEL E] FRAMING El ROUGH / WATEB - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING 0 GAS PIPING EI INSULATION n POOL / H. TUB El SHFETF!OCK NAIL -,q-t La4A A/n,l,,x /4z,,n.i a FINAL ELECTRICAL: r3 TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS EI SUPPLY AIR D FINAL EI FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: 0 DISAPPROVED E] FlEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE f', './ <:INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTlON: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS n FOUNDATI [] FRAMING /STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. r] ROUGH / WATEFI ON / STEEL - nOOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING El GAS PIPING EI INSULATION m POOL / H. TUB El SHEETROCK NAIL E E] E]m FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: EJ TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: r] HEATING a HOUGH m EXHAUST HOODS 0 CONDUIT E-j SUPPLY AIR D [] c]El FINAL FINAL m APPROVED COFlFlECTlONS: Cl DlSAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE lNSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ____ JOS lNSPECTION:MON WED THUR FFII NAME CALLEF1 TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND U ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER Ej FOUNDATION / STEEL a FRAMING -- ROOF & SHEEFILI PLYWooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING CI INSULATION m POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n FINAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: a HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT Ej SUPPLY AIR El FINAL ,O,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED E] RElNSPECTION REQUIRED nATF lNSPECTOR O INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI FOUNDATION / STEEL C) UNDERGFIOUND I] POUGH / D.W.V. El ROUGH i WATERa FRAMING -- FIOOF & SHEERLJ PLYWOoD NAILING D GAS PIPING El INSULATlON m POOL / H. TUB 0 SHEETROCK NAIL E Cj D EI FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: [] HEATING D ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS CJ CONDUIT CJ SUPPLY AIR E El [] FINAL El FINAL .AFPRoVED EI DISAPPROVED a REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFlRECTlONS: l'"//,.='' ,,j'j" -', DATE INSPECTOR 0 ? 0 PEI N S 5' -CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMITNUBER OF ECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION:e-,.J BUILDING: 0 FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V0 FOUNDATION / STEEL XFRAMING E] ROUGH i WATER - POOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING m INSULATION r] SHEETROCK D c] El El POOL / H. TUB NAIL cl a FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: a HEATING E1 ROUGH n EXHAUST HOODS Cl CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIFI Cl Cl Ll El FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REOUIRED/' a" t' r a.t?'- l' /DATE INSPECTOR 0 PEINS ;-/J'yr LD ,,!/{) PERMIT NUMBER oF PRdJEdi- DATE ' ' -,.''"^ JOB CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME -,-,- __ CALLER ___ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATl EI FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND El ROUGH i D W V E] ROUGH / WATEn ON / STEEL r1 ROOF & SHEEPU PLYWooD NAILING [] GAS PIPING EI lNSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL El Dr{j,OCrhanlh:15 m FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING D ROUGH Ej EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR 0 El a DFINAL FINAL EI APPnOVED CORRECTIONS: 'e;DISAPPFIOVED Ej FIEINSPECTION REQUIRED tJc,,l ri;;. DATE INSPECTOR o PEINS 'g, k j-( iii :CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME | """" READY FOR LOCATION: '" CALLER lNSPECTION: I MoN i' TUESI \;;;;y'"_._..J ) t -:.; ' f- WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El FOUNDATION / STEEL El UNDERGROUND E] POUGH / D.W \l. EJ ROUGH / WATEREl FnAMING - ROOF & SHEEPLJ PLYWooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING D INSULATION a POOL / H. TUB El SH l] ,[{Ll E]FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING 0 ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR m Cj El FINAL E] FINAL APPnOVED CORFlECTlONS: a DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED LL; F:>T c: M l-"" DATE INSPECTOR ?J 1 ; I'a: PEFIMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTlON:MON {b INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE CALLEFi TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION:] Q Q '){. v' j BUILDING:PLUMBING: I] UNDERGROUND - Cl FOOTINGS / STEEL KfoUNDATlON z srE.J?E] ROUGH / D W V [] ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ____ ,, ROOF & SHEER ":' PLYWOOD NAILING [] GAS PIPING Cl INSULATlON,:CJ POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL "L Cl D FINAL n FINAL - ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: 0 HEATING El ROUGH n EXHAUST HOODS Cl CONDUIT Ej SUPPLY AIR EI El El FINAL E] FINAL L/2 VED m DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED COnRECTlONS: DATE {/},/&{ J,f" INSPECTOR * nf (, IN | SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 i i, ' iDATE - JOB NAME READY FOR.tNSPECTION:MON CALLEP TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM LOCATION: '(,\t.. . 1; !j/'\ ' BUILDING: EJ FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: [] UNDERGROUND Cl ROUGH / D.W V E ROUGH / WATER Ja FOUNDATION / STEEL Cl FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWoo6 NAILING [] GAS PIPING -El INSULATION E} SHEETROCK C] POOL / H. TUB NAIL rJ 0 [J DC] FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: (] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: [] HEATING m ROUGH CJ [] El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR CJ El FINAL Ej FINAL - EI APPROVED eORRECTlONS: m DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION FiEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN =SPE0 k - c':L- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT i : : '"''.i' DATE - - JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ; READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: JKFOoTINGs z sTEEL PLUMBING: a FOUNDATlON / STEEL [] UNDEflGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W. V E] ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ,-, ROOF & SHEERL= PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING D lNS El POOL / H. ]UB El SH EI D FINAL Ej n FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING r] ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS n CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR c] - El E1 FINAL E] FINAL ra APPnOVED CORRECTlONS: [] DlSAPPROVED Ej PEINSPECTION FEQUIFlED DATE INSPECTOR NOTE: THIS PERl/jIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIPjES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E95-0132 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138/4 79-2 139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Department of Community Development Job Address Location. Parcel No..Project No. LODGES AT TIMBER CREEK 2 l 03- 1 4 3- 0 O- O 07 PRJ95-0091 TotaL Ca[cuLated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Payments---------------) BALANCE DUE-------------> Status... Applied.. Issued... Expires.. ISSUED 06/09/1995 O6/\3/L995 12/10/1995 S. H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO 2938 S FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 S. H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO 2938 S FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 OGILBY T CHARLES - S H COLE CONSTRUCTION CO, 2938 SOUTH FRO, VATL CO TRIANGLE ELECTRIC P O BOX 4068, FRlSCO CO 80443 Phone Phone Phone 81657 Phone 3034763070 3034763070 47 6 -3 07 0 3034535424 Description:Valuation:. 0 O *i*****i*i**i*t**t**tt*t*t** i**ii*t**i*f**tifi*it*t*t*tt **i FEE SUHHARY i***i**j*ii it***+*i** ii**i***** +********* *******i*******i* Etectricat---> DRB Fee --> Investigation> Uitt Catt----> TOTAL FEES---> 225.00 .oo .oo 3.OO 228.00 228.00 .oo 228.00 228.00 .00 *****i*******t**i**i******ii*i*t***i******i**i**ii****i********i *****|**** ******i***** *i**i******ii****************i*i*** #*i***i*i Ite.m: _05100 BUILDING DEPARTl4ENT06/09/\995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept : BUILDING Div:ston : i*ti****i*******i*i ***i*******i******i**it*i*t** |i*k*|**i** ******ii**i**ii*****i****i*i#***i**i** i*i*********i****i***i******* **** CONDITION OF APPROVAL i**i**i**i***ii*ii*l** ***i*i*ii*i*i*1***i**i**i***i***if**i*i********* ***i*i*******i******i ************ii*****ii*ii**i**** k*+ *** +* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that t have read this apptication, fitLed out in fuLt the information required, conpLeted an accurate pLotpLan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct_ I agree to compty with the information and pLo( ptan,to conpty with aLt toun ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision coctes, design review approved, Unifom BuiLding Code and other ordinances ot the Town appticabte thereto. FR018:00 AH 5:00 P'1 SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTIUCTgR F0R HIHSELF AND OUNER f} RECYCLEDPAPER ,{h.o- INsPEcTIoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE BEADY FOR LOOATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FBI 479.2138 PLUMBING: Cl UNDEFGROUND r3 nOUGH / D.W.V. 0 FRAMIN0 0 ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILIN0 I] GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB 0 HNAL l,lECHAN!CAL: 0 HEATING r3 EXHAUS1 HOODS 0OONDUlT," ' " og r;' ;dl....-. o APPROVED 0 0lSAPPnOVE0 C1 nEINSPECTION BEQUInED IONS: DATE /t) :?0 P-:- =b&"" ,,S,,O,OR -.c-- * READY FOR LOCATION: 0 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES WED THUR FF11 PMAM sUltmlNG: m FOOTlNGS / STEEL PL El E] [] a E] EJ UMBlNG: E14F;PUNDATIoN z sTEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D W V ROUGH / WATEBCI FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF1LI PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING Cl INSULATION || POOL / H. TUB a SHEETROCK NAIL cl EJ []D FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: m HEATING El EXHAUST HOODS t], { EI CON DUIT t E] SUPPLY AIR E] ClFINAL FINAL APPRoVED J EI DISAPPROVED n REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: DATE INSPEOTOR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit # : M95-0122 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... :Location-.. . : Parcel No.. : Project Number: Department of Community Development LODGES AT TIMBER CREEK 2103-143-00-0O7 PRJ95-0091 Status. Applied Issued. Expires ISSUED 08/17/1995 09/28/1995 03/26/\996 **ii****l*************i****i *i******i**iii** *********i ***** FEE SUhHARY **i**i***** *****i***+ **************f****i*******i******* ** APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUl4BING P O BOX 34O, MINTURN CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 34O, MINTURNOWNER OGILBY T CHARLES - S CONSTRUCTION CO, 2938 Description : HEATING SYSTEM FirepLace Information: Restricted: CO 8 1 6 4 5 CO 81645 H COLE SOUTH FRO, VAIL #Of Gas Apptiances: Phone: 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 Phone: 476-3070 CO 8 1 65 7 Valuation:27, 000. 00 #Of Uood/Pattet:#0f Gas Logs: Tota[ CaLcuLated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paymen1 Hechanicat---> Ptan Check---> Invest i gation> Uitt CaLt----> 540.00 135.00 .oo 3.OO -oo .oo 678.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> DRB Fee------- --------> TOTAL FEES------------> 678.00 .oo 678 -O0> 678.00 BALANCE DUE------------->.OO******f******i********************** ********i** *****l***** *********** ***jr****k* *********** *********** ***i****** *k******** ********* Ite_m: _05100 BUILDING DEPART[IENT0B/18/1995 CHUCK Action : APPR Dept: BUILDING Dtv:,ston: CONDITION OF APPROVAI. 1. SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS lhereby acknouLedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the infomation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty with the information and ptot pLan,to corapty wjth a[t Town ordinances and state Laus, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Unifom Buitding Code and other ordinances of the ;own appLicabte thereto- RE0UESTS FOR lNSPECTlONS SHALL BE HADE TUENTY-rOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONIRACTOR FOR HIHSELr AND OUNER CE FROH 8:OO AH 5:OO PH {} RECYCLEDPAPER j...'..z ; { j | l # : fi, )O /f/ POSTED ON !/} 'i-{f-.. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MIJST BE MECHANICAL PERMIT CO Bl645 CO 81645 H COI,E SOUTH FRO, Phone: Phone: Phone: VAI[I CO 816.57 Valuatj-on: L]OBSITE Permit A[IL TIblES M95-0122 .7ob Address... :t,ocation... : LODGES AT TIMBER CREEKParcel No..... : 2103-143-00-007Project Number: PRJ95-0091 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 34O, MINTURN CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBIJEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURNOWNER OGIl,BY T CHARLES - S CONSTRUCTlON CO, 2938 Description: HEATING SYSTEM Status... Applied.. Issued... Expires.. APPROVED 0s/17/1995 0s/1s/1995 o2'/L/i'/L996 3038275736 303 82 '757 36 476-3070 27, O00.0O #Of Uood/Pat[et:Firep[aee Infornation: Restricted:#Of Gas App[iances:#Of Gas Logs: Hechanicat---> Ptan Cheek---> Investigation> Ui[L Ca[[----> Restuarant P[an Review--> DRB Fee--------------> TOTAL FEES------------ --> TotaL Ca[cutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Tota[ Permit Fee--------> 540.00 135.00 .oo 3-OO .oo .oo 678.00 678.00 .oo 678.00>. oo BALANCE DUE-------------> 678.00*i**i**i***i*******i**it*ii*i**ii***if****t ** *ik**********h**i**** **iilii l*ii*fi i i*****i Item: -05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/18/1995 CHUCK Action : APPR Dept: BUII,DING Divlslon: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DE C LARAT I ONS : hereby aeknouLedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futL the infomation required, compteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that a[L the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan, to comp[y with a[[ Town ordinances and state Laws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivi.sion codes, design revieLJ approved, Unjforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the 1own app[icab[e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH 8:OO AH 5:OO Ph SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIHSELF AND OUNER ., lt?IlJl, 06 : 5P REQUES*I] ,,'?lll,,t li, flctivity; M'?S-01aa 4z'P3/'Jtt '[t nddr%e55 : Loeation; LODGES R"" TIt4BER CREEH FlayLeell a10B-l43--fBO-la[l-Z Description: HEATINB SYSTEM Ftppltcant; JERRY SIj}LEY Pl-UMB"!- Owneet 06ILBY T CHflRLES - 5 fJontractor:.TERRY SI.)LEY PLUIiIIB[f'J Inspection Request lnForlnabion.. Requestor: flHRIB-SI3LEY PLUIYIBIN[ Req 'fine; 0Br00 Con=ents: UNl-r Items requested to be Irspac4ed. t/t0390 MECH-Final Inspeetion History..-.. Itea: 00310 MECH-He;tting IBl3ll95 Inspeetor: CEt Notesl 3O PSl [lN l{nSTE-:';? - COt4FLETE Il{STnLrl; ] l'E/PSt/95lrspecto-e: cn Noteg: ISDLnTIIflE IqE:Iil]E{} ltem; 00.340 MECH-Mi 16t!= 1012119'5 lrspeetor; C:D Notegl FLUE: VIEt4l |lr}I:lFi{-:',' Item: OfD3'J0 MECH-Fin...1 L?ll'Slti'Slnspectorr Ci Notesl Pnnr)En {]]IR BIlr| iiii': SCR[:ENB I\IIEEI}EI} !'i]' PlP[: BqCrF.-DW. ld/1'B/95 Inspe :i:or: C. ,,,:-'t:%:,L- nYr<( ; € rureoer.r DJt''ffOb r. ic ) /5 S ']]{ s-> u ', '77 ' l) ;-5 k- /q INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PEHMIT NUMBER OF PFOJJfiT DATE l'/Z([f{} ,,BNAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTlON: LOCATION: MON WED THUR PMAM/ ; BUILDING: C1 FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: Ej UNDERGROUND [J nOUGH / D.W.V.n FOUNDATION / STEEL C] FRAMING 1 , o ''\ 1- EJ ROUGH / WATER I ' - ROOF & SHEERt_l PLYWooD NAILING o GAS PIPING j'' EJ INSULATION E] POOL / H. TUB C1 SHEETROCK NAIL El cl r3 FINAL [] FINAL ELECTRICAL: CI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING E1 rlOUGH CI EXHAUST HOODS EIi CONDUIT CI SUPPLY AIR El EJ FINAL [] FINAL c0 [] RElNSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED COFlRECTlONS: VEDPROPSA Cf DlEJ./ J I tJ :' ']u__ ;\i f 7 ', Fo {-. Ba r t (zg DA]rE /D-}-]-q5 INSPECTOR | INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM " " " ' 'j _: j j: r: ::.::;r;;;;;;.:;w; : t t LOCATION: __________ BUILDING: 0 FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH / D. W V. [] ROUGH / WATER 0 FOUNDATlON / STEEL n FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEnLJ PLYWOoD NAILING E] GAS PIPING EI INSULATlON Cj POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL El EI C1 FINAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL. D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING E] ROUGH a EXHAUST HOODS a CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR 0 EI [] FINAL E] FINAL 6] APPROVED CORRECTlONS: I] DlSAPPFIOVED' '; -=m REINSPECTlON REQUIRED nATF f. 'll\I9PPCTOR s.Il.COl\STRUCTIOI\ May24, 1.995 Randy Stoudor Department of Community Development Town of Vail 15 South Frontage Road Vail, C08!657 I Dear Randy, The Lodges at Timber Creek would iike tc move the position of Units #13,#14 one foot to the South East(away from Gore Creek), from the position presently shown on the site p1an. The reason we wouid like to do this is to give us the ability to have a 10 foot deck in front of ' ' "'" -.units #13,#14 and still be entirely out of the flood plain. Units #j3,#14 will-be 6 inches higher than #11,#12 which means we will be well within our 10% gradc requiromont for our hcated driveway. Wo will be 3feet Zinches below our maximum height requioment so that will not be a problem, either. Wo wi11 also be able to keefi a 22foot long drive for units #13,#l4 which will give us 4 parking spaces per unit, I hope this lo..tPr wll ltave addressed your concems regarding this adjustment of location for units #1.3,14 of the Lodges at 'fimber Creek. Sincercly, '"",C- i/ a1u t*;gn Review Action F(an TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Date Legal Description: Lot ________. Blook- Subdivts;on Zone District ProjectStreetAddress: Jf9:?,/':f;/ht?r ________________________________________ Comments: Board i Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: jdApprovaI ; Disapproval [ Staff Approval C,.diti..,:d;lk,- ./.. J,, """"""""""""""""i"" {a-) z,a/ -t +"n,,,-, --,t-- - - """"""" """"" __-__ _ J-'P ; d,,,. "" DRB Fee Pre-paid I ".h ) ''- rovlgod 1lL4l94 DESIGN REVIEIJ BOARD APPl,ICATIOlg - TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING :******:*** * =********* vAlb, I. A. ' ''?!L ri l' j DESCRIPTION: J3.TYPE 0F REVIEW: X New ConstructionAddition ($50.00) [j0y c. D. ADDRESS : LEGA[I DESCRI Subdivision Block a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and . (d[Lt.V\. rt property is described bydescription, pldase provideto this application. te- C-oo m-ty attach E. ZONING : F. NAME OI G. I{. NAME OF APPLICANTi S REPRESENTATIVE :Mailin Address : NAME O,F OWNER(S) : ,----'?" OWNBR rsl SIGNAl'URB: S, aqDl ,e'.5)6$2Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOU'I OWNER'S SIGIIA'IURE I. Condominium Approva1 if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abovej are to be paid at thetime ot submittal of the DRB apptfiatton. Later, whenpplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the pt;oposal. The Town of vail witt adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. NAME 0F APPLICANT : Mai_ling. Address : FEE SCHEDULE : ' . VALUATION FEE LI$LOF MATERIALS NAME OF PROtTECT : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L0T BLOCK SUBDlVl S ION STREET ADDRESS : The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given:.F({J(Zd A. 'U;IIDINGMATBRIALS; TYPsoFI4ATsRIAL '_ (coLoR; { Roof <l,Jnpl nfatiuJf Roof _ s'rJw; nf,ti,,ul ,,,,,,hv-ff{ffii,hgr.t(,,t;,,.,,,.t [O/Fascia "=__= . _ _. EPf(offits. al;r N[k tl B. l{| L F"'' ;Other Wall Materials iiY( Fl{- uL (,u;dv:ptv"' Dl'Doors a,4 []4and or Deck Rails fiph p/tues O"Flashings (,ff{''" H"Chimneys /l//fl-Trash Enclosures i4.1pJ Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING :Name of Designer : Phone: f/ta; /- fll|lGl f,fiL{l{r'" ryce cJ cJ}\fik E/'Door Trim firy-h7 /(, a-, 'r,, n;r, #(,y- ;pq( G{lAcee Plhl\&lr fGatt :L c PLANT rL\TERttS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Co[rynf!?N,lllie ouantitvguj Aspevt a z '_ a,*eJ. -fi+LL L"t\ac_-E+t,LqPPffY\.D+d,L+4dt /idana?brr( 1 -"+' TvDe Sauare Footaae ;pg, (e,s,cde,J, qo rYul/4L 44sffi3 qw>ases, PROPOSED SHRUBS GROUND, COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION a 1h ' TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C.' LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. IdenLify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, type ofight proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) |D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. :ndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6' lI \ \/ -\><. i "--= -----_ ---" --- I _.,..OllT=I'"-!- :" - -"",.- -- ._-- "-- - ""- ""'"--,.._ -'-""'===i_... tJ ^---i---. "--ec "-_-.. Pr.:.ij:. ,:{ji::!i'.'.jt. l.....\ "-=- o| COLE B - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN = y/l, lL, Ij ft 0 = o ? t i,8[ i"t 8ii i ft = oUJ OUJ <(t xo oJu oUJ Om>r I-< {.n UJoooJ u: JFj 0A1€ ISSl.tD 21 JA?iUARY t994 DRAn BY: LARRY BAILEY mvlss A O 1 SiE'r " O '!!ii|i|| | lI|Ii t;tttt " : '--Jf i--# r;(;;;;(;;;;(((((i :g '^-L -tttttttttm-.. tn--p i .lillil I illlll-, ;| I,, i, i,,, -l I I --:--"-- _ 'i""" i s t -iL /;.;;;;r;;;r-;;;;;Jt -'\ 6t6 atl atiu a$ 8=,n Eg E blo F E = {n UJ>O =oOJ x LLjrzO CK LL = ohJ OLLI <ft xQ oJft oLIJ ocn>r {n LIJoooJ I-< tu J = <I- > DAE ISSt€D n JallUMY 1 LARRY BAILEY *z:, n4 A O2 == SECOND FLooR ''uctx [ I-- ---.---J; -SEcoNDFLooRPLAN ;,I-;'-jlCOLE '1 (n-tu 3> !o3 " I8 aot io6 fi"t g rt! t'LIJ5 fr "z.g! = oLJ C)LIJ <Ct {Yo oJx oUJ Om>r I-< {n UJoeloJu; J-r <F >, DAUlSStlm n JA}iUMY 1994 FAn BY: LARRY BAILEY SHEE1 A o 3 P;ll.I ?! e: i i i nns: nom i -----xe SoUTH ELEVATIoN t,u-tu/' WEST ELEVATION e rr+l , rFr y;I - ;'-,,Il fit> ! ? t i,ot io6 1"t g ct! tHf tI-6tEi y OLJ OUJ <Cd (Yo oJft OLIJ om>F I-< c) LIJoOoJ m JFj OAlE iSSt@ 27 UARY 1994 LARRY BAILEY A |4 g *! "b (crdr.7 - j l!jJr" / y-;-f /{dx z r | 0 p4 tsnt c. FaH.K- . i 1\ ! - -, i1 - .r ' rJ.:t' t; ,,\f-. , i."f ;?.a o o ^ H6 AT lllI[bEK dFEGl< o = o = L4E4EljL[LHilffi g -K- ;rl;(+ A-H FrA[z- rLEW,trT ]:J'-,,' t,,f G[{(k qppgya. (;vgu Yb', ; I-,I |;UEla urvru j61=ILa[ /s,ffd.P-{Hr-Ilffi-F11E UarrO,€+ /{ flMffiFr- alaEEk- Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303} 479-2138 Plan review based on Town of b'all the 1991 Uniform Building Code Name: LODGES AT TIMBER CREEK 13 & 14 Address: 28$3 KINNICKINNIcx Date: OCT 31, 1994 Oecupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const : V-N t j = = == = = = === = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = === = === = === = = = = == = ===+== =t I All electrical work is to be complete to theI requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, '"']FFlf][i 00,Py Contractor: S. H. COLE CONST.Architect : PEE[,/LANG Engineer : HERMANNS Plans Examiner : CHUCK FELDMANN all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. Tbis project wi11 require a site improvement survey. 'rhis survey sha11 be submitted and staff approved 48 hours prior to a request for a fra;ne inspection. Under no eireumstances wi11 a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvement survey. There shall be only one kitchen ctesignated per dwelling unit allowed by the :own of Vail Zoning Regulations. All other such labeled areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided witltexterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. A11 new construction within the 't'own of Vai1 wi11 berequired to have an initia1 inspeetion by 70V Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and eulvertinsta11ation. This approva1 must be eomplete prior to any inspeetion by the Building Department. This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted lotin size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. 1O 11 12 tn bathrooms with a tub or shower and in launctry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be -ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' length. No dorttestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material. UMC 1901. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mecl:anical drawing indicating design ofsystem size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and termtnatton, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the ntaximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper flush. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure frorrt ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32B1. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 170'7(d). Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 13 l4 1 q 16 l7 town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 Town of Vaff '},',rlO,E 00PY Plan analysisthe 1991 Uniform Name: LODGES AT TIMBER CREEK 13 & 14 Date: OCT. 31, 1994 Occupancy : R3, M1 Type of Const : V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. based onBuilding Code Address: 2893 KINNICKINNICK Contractor: S. H. COLE CONST.Architect : PEEL/LANG Engineer : HERMANNS Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a completein the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to NAMEFL AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Bedroom3 Bath room 3 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR F[,OOR 2 Living room2 Dining room 2 Kitchen2 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Halls, elosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Garage1 Bedroom #41 Bedroom #31 Bath room1 Laundry room1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUTLDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 258 72 194 524 191 133 74 102 240 324 1064 446 134 125 49 52 258 1064 2652 25,80 0. 00 0. 00 19. 10 13. 30 10. 00 0. 00 24.00 0. 00 0. 00 13. 40 12.50 0. 00 0.00 0.00 12. 90 3. 60 0. 00 9. 55 6. 65 5. 00 5. 10 12. 00 0. 00 0. 00 6. 70 6. 25 2. 45 2. 60 0 - 00 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No 1 1 1 1 1 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) rhe minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) 'rhe minimum clear width is 2O inches 3) The minintum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation systerrt may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc_ 3. t ROOM DIMENSIONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. :f the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable roortts except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207, (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207- (c) GLAZING REQUIREMEl\lTS :All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (dl 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs( whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartrttents where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inehes above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corriclor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. :f the upper level contains sleeping roomts;, a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210, (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE neQUIREtfENTS : PjASONRY FIREPIjACE :1) Fireplace ntust be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wa11s of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. :f the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (g) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches raay not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at least: :f Opening size is: Front extension Side extension tess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (l) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for 1hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B 6t Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum lteight 36 inches, maximum opening size 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc. #lrhe minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306_ (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (l) SHAFT ENCLOSURES :1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be 1 hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure sltall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door l 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in 1 hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a 1 hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :|) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building officia1 approves. For a 618.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio l4inintum sq.ft. of vent 1/150 4.12 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth andfloor joist is t8 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inehes. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREt4ENTS : For R3 occupancy'rhis project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved 48 hours prior to request for frame inspection. All crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516(C)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval. Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from thestreet- For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water 6l Sanitation District. :n garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UsC 503(B). \ MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLlC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUInED -TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": ;t/ rut, M/4u4{,,lah Fb IEa HQ 1) Isthisanewresidence? '/Zadhdel M 2) Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ,,tof way, easements or public property. 3) Is any utility work needed? x Job Name:]Tt-oazc &<eOr{ Date : /o -- ; 4) Isthedrivewaybeingppaved? x 5) Is different access needed to site other than existing driveway?.td 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? )( 7) Is a "Revocable Right Ot Way Permit" required? 8) A. Is the right of way, easements or public property to be usod for staging, parking or fencing? B. If no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 'Ly?" answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained."_Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or atC-ommunity Development. If you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspoctor, at 479-2158. Job Name Contractor's Signature \ How it relates to Building Permit: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) '! y'? w'' answered 'o ''y of the above questions then a "Public Way Permir is [-'q",'[e,dilo1J g"',,P'"lp a(n app!ication at either Commun;ty Developmen(,Iocated at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, Iocated at 1309 tira;: Valley Drive. |!fiejonys ":-?tj!ity, '?mpanles. AII t{ilitios must field verify (b..t.):nPr"!! ufiliti3s pf'-!? sigr}ng 3pplication. Some utility co,,p,.;., require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate). |H?'f nJcti.on !""9ffl[O' p'en [!ust--be P"p'[ed on a separate sheet of paper.!"'' p'a' will show 'ocations of a!l traffic control devices (signs, oones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area ot oonstruction, staging, eto.) :}ff'.t1?['",e'ng,p.eltmled must be submitteq indicating dimensions (Iength,"''!! ' 'epth, of wor;c). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a siteplan for the job. H1']'] ffflP]le.d '.p?" c:afion to_(he Publie ]'{ork's offioe for review. If required, 'oca:es will be "'"!'?' forthe Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigafion crew. TheIocates are take place in the nioming, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. IHPb'tc_ Wq(s 'og;try;t;on !?spector w')' rgview the applieafion and approve .',rffa_ggpve thg p." TiL _You will be contacted as to the status a,d any ohanges!?'-"'y!e needed Most permils are released within 48 hours of te;ng received,but please allow up to one week to process. f,;_)ggg pp-eJnlitjs. Pf"'.sed, q copy will be faxed to Commun;ty Developmen( ,'.''7i!g th.e-"B-ujlding: !.ermit'_to be,eieased: Please do not contLse the 'PublicWay Permir with a 'Building Permir to do work on a projeet site ;tset Note :, *The abovo prooess is for work In a right-of-way only. *Public Way Permit's are valld onlv until November 15th. *A new Publlc Way Permit is required each year. 7) \ 75 *outh Irontage road vall. eolorado 816S7 {3O3} 479-2138 or 4792l39 off Ioc of oommunlly devolopmg;)g BUILDiNG PERHIT ISSUANCE TIHE FRAHE !f )his ;)en)it_ rgquire? g Town of Vai1 Fire Departntent Approva1, ?gineer 's(Pyb1 ii )or(s) reviety and ap;ro.,l, a Planning D.,.,.,.., ,(gy_'gyor_Hefith 'eear'me:nt_revtew, andia_revtew by the Building:rth!t:!Lff: estimated time for a tota1 review ntay take as long A11 commqrgta: ('large or stna11) and all rtulti-famUy pemits wi11have to_follow ihe ;bovg-Illentioned maxirnua: requirertents. Residentia1an'.s;nali.Projects-!hould take a lesser an:ount of tir:e. However, ifresidentiai or snta11er projects impact the various above me;tioned !$pa'tlnents.with regard, to ngcessarJ/,evi.,,,, these projects ntaya1so take the three"week period. Every.attempt wi11 be t(n(ie by this departmen( to expedite thispemjt as, soon as possible. ' '_a the undersigned, understand the p1an check procedure and timefran:e. x Community Oevelopment Departn:ent. x \ 75 3oMlh Irontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlee of colllmunlty development TO: FROX : DATE : SUBJEcT: AL! eOlgTRACTORS CURRENTLYI, nEGISTERED WITH THETOIjlIN OF VAIJ. TOWN OF VAll, PUBLIC WORKSyCO:aq(;y;gy DEVELOPIlfBNT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARXING & I{ATERIJffi STORAGE edged I:,:'jl":SY{-.9rc'inaFce l'o '-'*''fF fitat it is unlawftg for anye:'::: te !'*!er! t(acJc_ or deposit- any soi1, r.=J., sand, debriso: ma*eriat: including trash Zttuapsters, portable toilets and!'"""'- vehiel*s, "p"', -''y street j sigeyal]c, alley or publiefi;p;;;g ::r1?".!'?reo' t{e y'ght-of-way J,, a11 Town orThis ordinanee,i[''f : ::,.:[[[;"::;::!:, ',f*;,, :'f.[:":l[ :i,'"'ie-Works ''P?rtJnent ?ersons found vio:attng this ordinance"''!=be-given--a-24 hour written no=ee to remove said naterial.I?-ll:te *YFP! tJ1e pr-'-"n so notifi.d-d.., not colllpiy with the:ricF "Hl'p-th: 24 hour[ine spgcifi.d, t,e,uifii.,or,cs::f?:Ht:nt y.i11 r'"?" ? d n t4tt-et the exp.,,i, or person?fHfie.d: qhe P5'y'sions of this oralnance.h.U, not be:PP'icab!e to ':"'''"''''on n,)intgna,,q. or repair projects ofany street or a11ey or any utilities in the right-a-Iffiy. ''o, revffir.g'''nanee. No. 6 in fu11, please stop by the Town of:::;Jfi ! ::"],, ':[lr;:[:.:: obtain a copy. Thank you for your # 7 I qATlf|,11 tg;ptfdn FILLED OUT COMP[,ETEI.,Y OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ) -Eleetrieat [ ) -Mechaniea1 ( ] -Other1,..4 ="\ / : t7ob' Name: '@({€Zlffi1'""*Job Address; '"'",,,=,,,=a=I"l=I==,_,...___... PEIO[IT Number of Acconunodatjon Units : I,egal Description: Itog Owners Na:ne : Architeet ;,U+ Genera1 Description: Work Class: b(]-New ( ]-A1 !Jon t ) -Additionat ( J -Repair ( ) -Othet;tera .ZNumber of Dwelling Units BUIL,DINe : $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Gas EI,ECTRICAn: $ MECHAlIICAt,:.I Plunbing Address: Mechanica1 Address: BUILDING PERIf I'r FEB : PLUl{BING PERMIT FEE : I{ECHANICAL PERMI:' FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE : DRB FEn : ?'/2"26K;,dd,.,, : 1///4 ;-rautzzp n4?,7 12F: fia9J e,l r- Gas Logs_ Wood/PeU.tj-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * OTHER : I TOTAL :.f i,fffii)Hi!'rPfis!PZS?';ifi_*ii*g;;;i:; i *iJ i"zfi,lii'n/ ,, Phone Nuntber: _ 37a Town of Vai1 Rec_ Noirown or vart Rec;. NO.Phone Number: - """"Fd fi ii Contractor;/;)nro€czoevl ?ffi p., ,,--,,, ---Town of Vail Rect. NO.Phone Number: " """ Contracto=neJ Town of Vail Rect. NO.Phone Number : " """= == * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *BUILDING PLAN CHECX FEE :PLUHBING PLAN CHECX FEE ;I{ECHANICAL P1AN CHECX FEE :RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERItIIT FEES BUILDING: SIGNATURE ; ZONING: SIGNATUne : Appliances VALUATIONS VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RErOND dllCfir"ffi!a i;j?fi:J:-tb!Ui L .l ^"""":""^^"Tt1 "t"h'" 'O& tLl.lClU QUJ, UQl'U'J-I$thl.d Ul{ J,'r nAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I* * * * * * * * * * 'ry * * 1n:: t{+!tthi fr * PERlfIIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ''fX]-B-ildL\{['i ]-Plumbing (J-Eleetriea1 (,-,,.RJ!h!; 'f1-.Cll!' t() / Jo; Name: JD6?5e7},.,s6( Oiea{, Address: Z /zhazm Legal Description:Lot Owners Nane : Arehitect: Genera1 Description: Bloek_ Fil Address : z?Jg Ji 6€o>f raR WorJc Class: b(]-New ( ]-Alteration [ ]Additiona1 ( ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwe11ing units :Number of Aeeomnodation Units : ''''""'"Address : -lJl//PT-4727 0F fi(p)pg)- Jf" and Type of Fireplaees: Gas Appliances- eas I;ogs_ wood/Pe11et-t-- '[,*::,*;: : *;;;d *.; * i ****.*,*..*ii,*Ji!!t""' **********:::::*:******* ********* OTHER:PLUMBING : $MECHANICAL: I"'"""""1 )f;:; ;: i EiJi"u,: (iiiii JiiFiiiffi"""""'='o -- -ll- JJ-LYfiffff-,ffi , Phone Number: Eleetrica1 Contraetor: );q'yy,g,(p -M7;F:d[32--,,...-._ 4 TTdi """"''"=Il__ "":::"'''' concraetor: - !?" n o_( '_ail Reg. No.[J(J6Phone Number : EI.,sCTRICAL: I Address:Town of Vai1 Phone Nunber : Town of Vail Phone Nunber : Reg. N0. ""''"llF=IqllSiE==_..Ii Mechanical Contractor; UA/.b€C[ha----- Address : ""'"""'"""El =l ==_._.._.._Il_._.Reg. N0. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *BUILDING PERMI:' FEE : PLU14BING PERIfI'r FEE : I{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE : BUILDING PIJ\N CHECX FEE :PLUl{BING P1,AN CHECX FEB :I{ECHANICAL P1,AN CHECX FEE: RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSI:': TOTAn PERMIT FEES,: ELECTRICAL FEE : ""' OTHER TYPE 0F FfiE: [ l !TJ!"""""DRB FEE:, p /,,/ t z ri- ' 'I" f 'd1 r L VALUATION //).tdi (d BUILDING : SIGNATUnn : ZONING : SIGNATURE :Connents: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFtIND .i P1an Review Based onthe 1992 uniform Codes NAME : TIMBER CREEK MECH DATE ; 8/18/95 ADDRESS:2883 KINNICKINNICK RD. CONTRACTOR:SIBLEY PLUMB VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlON:V TownofVail OFFmr c0py ARCHITECT : NONE ENGINEER : PLANS EXAMINER : C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REoUIRED :'he items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of a11 possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. trhe fo11owing is not to be construed to be an approva1 of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes ot any ordinance of the rrown of vai1. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COl4P[lY Wl'I'H SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.. ' 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.1206 OF THE 1991 UPC. 5) GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. 7) BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 8) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.305 OF THE 1991 U14C. i. ( I 9) PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAlI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. / ; I o THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT :l t' ' ; / 435.00 108.75 tocatioit... Parcel No..Project No. : PRJ95-0091 Restuarant Ptan Review--> T0TAL FEES-------------> #; p95-0118 Phone: 476-3070 81657 Status... : APPROVED Applied.. '. 08/17/1995Issued. : 08/17/1995 Expires.. ; 02/13/1996 OWNER OGILBY T CHARLES CONSTRUCTION CO, Description : PLMB SYSTEM **i*ii*fi****fi*fi*fifif fii**i*******i****i*iiii*iii i*fliiiiffiiiil FEE -/S H COLE ' 2b3s sourH FRO, VAIL CO Valuation:29,000.00 SUHHARY .oo Tota[ CatcuLated Fees---> 546.75PLumbing-----> P[an Cheek--->.oo 546.75 .oo 546.75 Invest i gat i on>.o0 Uit[ Catt----> 3.O0 iiiii*iiiiii*i**iiiiiiiiif iiiiiliii*i* tfiii****if*i**** t**i*$i*ii*i**i*ii*ili Dept : BUILDING Divlslon : 546.75 Additiona[ Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee-------> Paynents------ --------> BALANCE DUE-----------> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTos/17/1995 DAN Action: nPPR **i**ii***i****fi****fii*iiifi*fififii*fi i* CONDITION OF APPROVAII ii*iiiii*iii**i*i*ii*fii**i*fi*iifi*iii***********i*i*i**ii*i*iiiiii*i*i*ii r DECLARAT I ONS : hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptieation, fiLted out in fuLt the infornation required, compLeted an accurate pLot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the infortnation and pLot pLan, to compty with aLL rown ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Bui[ding Code and other ordinances of the roun appLicabte thereto. REQUESTS F0R INSPECTIONS SHALL BE hADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS 1N ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH 8:O0 AH 5:O0 PH SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIHSELF AND OUNER AT ALL TIMES : 2103-143-00-007 ooao 4 r \ T0: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM o ALL CONTRACTOFIS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLlC WAY PERMIT" IS REaUlRED Job Name: l..,.Lc,. Is this a new residence? Is demolition work being pdrformed that requires the use of the right, of way, easements or public property? Is any utility work needed? Is the drivewdy being repaved? Is different access needed to site other than existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done '' affecting the right of way, easernents, or public property? Is a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" u:,\t. A o 0--: YEfi y NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Y X y | 6) 7)^. required? 8) A. Is the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? I s._ !'"otoSA,is.a fprkilg,stagi "g )dor fencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permiff (nJst be obtained.'Public Way Permif applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. If you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construotion Inspector, at479-2158. I have read andanswered all the above questions. y K-l(p -[4q (- Job Name Contraetor's Signature Date How it relates to Building Permit: 1)ermit a Iication. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If y'? "ts answered Io ?ny of the above questions then a "Public Way Permif is :'qujre.d _You can.pick "p a' applieation at either Community Development,Iocated at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Wo,ks, Iocated at 1309 Vail Valley Drive.. 'l"'''..''gn..fifs 'ot utility. oompanies. AII utilities must field verify (Iocate):npr'!e utilitigs p!or t? sigr|ing application. Some utility companies require upto a 48 hour notioe to schedule a looate). A construction traffic control plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show !ocations of all traffic.ontrd devices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zono, (area of oonstruction, staging, etc.) S}fich_o[wo(;t '-"'g.P.'r'?[rlled must be submitted indicating dim.,,sions (Iength, "'dth, &.!ep!h, of wia,). This may be dra,,, on the traffic control plan or a siteplan for the job. !|n! '?.!plete.d '.P?"," "n to the Public Work's office for review. If required, !ocates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. TheIocates are take place in the rnoming, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. !he Public Worfi's 'ons'ructon Inspector will review the application and approve " "'pprove th9 permit You will be contacted as to the status,;d any changesthat may be needed. Most perrnits are,e;eisea within 48 hours of ie;ng received,but please allow up to one week to process. f,;_)_qg; gs p3lr[jtjs, arocessee a copy will be faxed to Community Development 3''?*'!g '^g'Bujlding-Permit" to be released. Please do not contJse the "PublicWay Permif with a 'Building Permir to do work on a projecl site itser. Note: *The above prooess is for work in a right-ofway only. *Publio Way Permlt's are valid onlv until November 15th. *A new Public Way Permtt is required eaoh year. / o | ';ffi,i[ I;;t [;[i[[';!,fi'- 1J/, :, J-., ; DATE: Aug Iil,{q'ib" 'A- '. ' , j ''''r.'-,,,':.J=' '... PERHI.T.#: A Ii. ti mat* th...J ( ) -Build Job Name : I,ega1 Description: I,ot owners Nane : S{ o,-tnt Architect: tX: -I:f ephanica1 Ph. \l1G - bft4, Genera1 Description: WorJc class: [}f-new ( Number of Owelling Units: ?.- Jfmber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances /\**************** * * *************** VALUATIONS BUILDING : $ELECTRICAL : I Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanica1 Address: * ***** i i i* ** * ******** +***** ***** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE : PLUItf BING PERMI'r FEE : MECHANICAL PERMm FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE : OTHER TYPE 0F FEE : DRB FEE : ) -Alteration ( ) -Additional [ ] -Repair [ ] -Otheq 6 Number of Accomnodation Units : Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i OTHER : $ TOTAL : l-sta-,utz- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vai1 Reg. NO. Phone Number : 'I'own of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. cv|q 5 -al.2.?- OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUII,DING PLAN CHECX FEE : PLUtfBING PLAN CHECK FEE : MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE : RECREATION FEE : CLEANUP DEPOSIT: L. ON Reg. NO. I31 P Ja1 - r]Jb TOTAL PERMIT FEES :, BU,.;,,,.: C...fr:l:.,, -.-_t.J!iii!""""" SIGNATURE : """""' ZONING; SIGNATURE : Comments : CLEAII UP DEPOSIT REnIND S; Ue3 8o( gLfd t.-,,,[..,, co [lc vF 75 sotIIh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 479-2!38 or 479-2139 T0: FROltf: DATE : SUBJ"EC'r: ofllee of communlly development ALI. CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OP VAIL TOWN OF VAIII PUBLIC WORXS/COI€MUNITy DEVELOPI|IENT l€ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTlON PARXING I& HATERIAL STORAGE !y__yyyuttyrv(, ?ydinance No. 6 statqs that it is unlawful for anyp''''n to !itter: track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debris'' materiatt including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and*orknen "ehicles.upon any streetj sidewal]c, alley or publicP!?F' gr 'ny portion thereof. The right-of-way on a11 Town of!ai1 strgets anc'.(oads is approxinat.ly 5 ft. ort pavenent.!h.is ordinance wi11 be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic WorJcs Department. Persons found violatinc; this ordinanceyit) be given a"24 hour written notice to rem.,.-said naterial.In the eyent the person so notified does not eolnply \,rith thenotiee within the 24 hour tine specified, the P.,i,li,work. ??P?"tnent will !**q"q said nateri,l at the expense of pet-sonnotified. The provisioyts of this ordinance shall not be!PPlicable to ebnstruct:ton, ,,.i,,t.,,.,,=. or repair projects orany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. ''g (eviey g'*inance No. 6 in fu11, please stop by the Town of1:i1-3tjilding 'gf'?" "ent to.btai,, a copy. Than)c you for yourCOoperation on this natter. )i'(rr';t:::::j" i J 7S south fronlageroad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479.2139 of flce ol communlty devclopment SUILDING PERHIT ISSUANCE T[HE FRAHE. |f !hts ?en?i! (qqui,res (t Town of Vai1 Fire Department Approval,Engineer's-[P[lb]tc for!s) reviety and apfiova:, a Plannfng Depart,,..t(evitvt or Health Department review, and a review by the BuijdingDep?rtment, the estirllated time for a tota1 review may take Js 1ongas three weeks. f\ll corrnqrg_fa1 ' (!arge or sr:a11) and all rnulti-family pemits wi11have tQ fo11ow the above :nentioned maximu:n require;nents. Residentia1andqrna!] projects should take a lesser an:ount of ti;ne. Ho,,.,er, ifrestdentfai or s;na11er projects i:npact the various above rnentioneddgpartnlents with- regard- to necessary revi.,,, these projects mayalso take the three week perfod. Every atten;pt w{11 be ;(ade by this depart;nent to expedite this ;pemft as s.qon as possible. I, tbe fran:e, undersi.gned, understand the plan check procedure and tin:e /w) f, o(- ' x.,!:h-,[:! cR.,xL Corrmuni ty Developn:ent Depart;nent. { ll'1 J&V{* |TQt) #:jorl fIIIIH tonons AT l{J,t-id:Jj-lJ bHUHT FORM 1-20-93 Htq ClgOutside 'db -2i 81Inside db 7O 75Design TD 95 6Daity Range - HInside Hunid, - 5OGrains Water o T11IIBER eRBBl( yo/c,. \., By! Const. Quality a# of Fireplaees O COOl,I]tlG EQUIPHENT o.o o stuh 0 Btuh 590 Btuh;rt 1 ? 8 Feet O Btuh;Pt 0 I'eet COP/ESR/SEFR Sensible CoolinqLatent Cooling Tota1 Cooling Aetual Cooling ranetg Air Flow Paetor I,oad Sensible 'fieat Ratio 0, 0 0 0 o o o. 000 Btuh Btuh nituh CFII Cl'M/stuh \,, i L., ROOH NAIIE AREA SQ. P1. HTG BT[JH CLG BTUH BSBRDFT LOW HIGH CLG CFH 1 GARAGE ,? LOWER BATH/STR 2 BnDnOOlf 32 I3E'DR00H 43 DIN/KIT/[,lV/EN4 1fASTER BATH4 WALXIN el.OSBT 4 HSTn BBD/STG5 IlOPT 44O 245 145 154 616 8O 80 ?58 44O /z--too et1.l 4 8 10 40 1 1 18 18 .+6*86t,- 2382 4774 5743 23655 846 616 10388 10622 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0'0 o 0 o 0 0 Entire HollseVentilation airEquip. € 0.95 RSHLatent Cooling 2458 75262 o o 0 o 0 128 TOTALS 245s | 75262 |o | 12s o ; a/z'd 'O3 '][iOHlH]/\-l15. j5;j]0l1U5 '1 'i[ lJ.jBP :EEI 9E,, ET. 5]f ILI jd- I I I l1 \i J \^ sP- : /\::./ L [i{t !,,JJi, i[---J,!jlj -' ---:[-i:y,.., ;rt:rtt;ji |'J |,![;||j!i: ,,,,, J J)ffiffiZ-5- /i=- u.*L{{ i UJO<x<o (y<o c\I d THIS D0OE It) i :?-9?f ", ' ':;u f t n (/€{/ [lh"'l'j g6, ;o jodrr 5 tl" F:RE [iAT' '.\.'l',! L & i'-li-i:.' NG F;An OUTSI[ L Rc| I ?n J D @ I BATH 'fi+..- P LA N *'["' .". ug ;u,(,,,$f;-- -nz.s9 '" Ohr ':--\-'' ' irtt#b)t-- " ;;j' |ua dalnbda{td,,.),t,"r ia a.{JJ,. g,,t+..- (pquai SPcq{ fiit;;;r;;:;;;:::;;) -Efi,##Tffifi Tl lS Dnnr.: i)!,f.]P P.' cn4loe( 'yC-atay d t'" - -] / lgotsc /; oa.,-d/ /" t0_ I ld I,L '7 i ! UJo<fi<o rt< c-) c\I C / tto C o". PERMIT NUMBER oF PRGJEEi- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 0ATE (b8"15 JOBNAME L,ocrs z_f lanst-.t (trtc CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PLUMBING: a UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V. t] ROUGH / WATER rJ EI 0 Ej GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL MECHANICAL: [] HEATING n EXHAUST HOODS 0 CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR El D FINAL 0 FINAL DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED } * CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: Cl FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL El UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROUGH / WATEREl FRAMING - nOOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING rJ INSULATION El POOL / H. TUB El SHEETFIOCK NAIL EI EI Cl FINAL C1 El FINAL ELECTRICAL: r] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING El ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT El SUPPLY AIR D c] c]D FINAL FINAL E] APPROVED CORRECTlONS: 0 DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED \, '. : I,,' i\; t t., ; 'f ; ; u. DATE INSPECTOn 08PfF I L f 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2]39 FAX 303-479-2452 :ttay 25, 1995 Stan Cole 2897 rrimber Creek Drive vail, CO 8165 Department of Community Development Dear Stan: The following issues must be resolved prior to issuance of a building permit for units c13 and C14: The dirt piles must be removed from the property, and snow fencing and si1t fencing installed along the fu11 length of the floodplain line on your property in order to keep construction equipment and soil from moving done into the floodplain. the fencing should be maitained throughout the active construction period. /ul. rrhe unpaved road section and cul-de-sac must be regraded and ,,9/\ ;)o, a new layer of base course added to maitain this road as an ,,tr,/(thJ''" a11-weathe, emergency access. rrhis is imperative as two of utr 0\i, the units have been tco'd. l/ \ .,,t*'!,A The patch over the utility cut through the timber Creek (;( ') ,,jtV Condo's parking lot must be redone since it is failing due to 0lL';.0"'" improper compaction. \, found the original copy of the Developer rmprovement Agreement (DIA) for the landscaping and paving work that could not be completed 1ast winter before we TCO'd units C11 and C12. I understand that the driveways for these units have been paved and ,re heated as required. The paving of a portion of tintber Creek Drive, the paving of the driveways for the two smaller units, and the landscaping work that is covered by the DIA must be completed by July 1, 1995 according to this agreement. Please keep this in mind as this deadline is' fast approaching. As soon as this work is completed we can release the letter of credit. As always, please check directly with Chuck or Dan in the Building Department to ensure that they have all they need to release the permits for these units. Sincerely,fi4#/-Randy Stouder tfik