HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE MATTERHORN INN CONDOS COMMON LEGALr 1 d o o aa L ..''.= ,,.!!m Project Name: HILB RESIDENCE Project Description: MINOR ALTERATATION Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040293 Location: 1592Matterhorn Cr Participants: APPLICANT DAVE HILB 06/29/2004 Phone: 476-7051 Ranch Creek Development 1970 A Chamonix Lane Vail, CO 81657 License: |('I"'- ProjectAddress:,FdrvIAlTERHoRNcRVAIL Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: DONOVAN PARK Parcel Number: 210312300003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Vote: 4-0 DateofApproval: 07/21/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town Of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actMties. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall Iapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006572 The applicant shall relocate the structure to comply with all setback requirements. Planner: BiII Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Iolffilffifffi';'' O Minor Exterior Alteratffis Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web; www.vailgov.com R E C E I y E ij JUN Z.1 2U0+ General Information: AIl projects requiring design review must rece;ve approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be acceptett until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval Iapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal: tot: "?- slock: \ Subdivision:"rimScr UA: c Physical Address: Mailing Address: \ $"\"L /V\o, H{ l,Jr.e i t- c *, t.\ Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: t)J4 dJ.'\" L{"7$,- loSt E-mail Address:Fax:utlS- o-S3 r Type of Review and Fee: El Signs fJ Conceptual Review EI New ConstructionI Addition 0 Minor Alteration (multi-family/comme rcial) Minor Alteration (single-family/dup Iex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request EI m $50 ?]gg $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerdal building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee, Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 PROPOSED MATERlALS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material cOlgr Roof /|gr.li- lnJlAffi4Siding -6-'"'\ (f. G;,- fSt,-.-,OtherWallMaterials LJ.r,I1 KervX 'ezt:-t &h,u;/) Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other . 'J'u {,C dUJ\-Z,, fitu -T-4[,- o;)g_(,rn>o KnuJ1 Notes:,y\\ -\, (n,.l(L, €\d,S-','-\ L),,_\q Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12/0a/28/04 ElUTrnlnlllUUJUff, 2). 7004 ]:OlPI1 [AGLE AGE TITLE COMPANY, t 81631 a(g?0)328-5211 FAX: (9?q)J28-5252 AGEHt or mnsr At{IsnleANeOmPAJ|IY.: ': : i ; {0, 379 r. I ;@ ;n Mlbillr Pl,EASE REVIEW THE SchcdrlQA: SdtclhlleBl: S1l1cdok Bll: TrrLE DEPARTMBNr -TRAI+iSMnTAL rmst AMElucAN P.O. Box t9S0, l18 BmlfhlJay, Gaglc. FILBNUMBER: 615-H0002?5l QicqleVail,CO 81657 ! DATE: June?5,2004 PROPERlTADDRESS: t592 OWNBR/BUYER: Dave Rilb Alme Yarte Hilb / To qc Dctcrmitfil COMFLETELY ANn T'lJ'B NOTE OF 1HE FOLLOWING TERMS CONTAINEI) THEREIN; ABOVE IS A USf OF CLEbrtS WHOM THE AlTAcHsD MATsFIJil$ ntvc BEEN DELIVERBD. SHOULD YOU HAVEANYQU!S1Ig-lI$ ,,,.l,SE CON,,CT nnsr AMERIeAN HERlTACE TIrLB COMPANY AT 1HE ABOv e FHONg NUMBER. R€GARDING THBSg MA Vrestl1ce?alythostcyouforyov 1j92 M3lttHllo[1 Ctclt l,'ail.CO 81657 476.033 I!aFc lll=rlall - P.O. Bo{ 1980, 31 Baglo,C0 81431 EagleTideOnly {9?0) )28-52t 1 (g?O)328425Z JUN, ?). 7004 3:01Ptl cbl PSK out obligalio11under ttt;s I :t[n,.m.,,,t. I TbeExeeptionsin FA [AOL[ lI'I.Ii : STAIjDARD cottntrmxtvi FoR rrrrn lNsURANcE ISSUED pv l0. ]79 D 1[. z O FileNc: ots-mma;st.aa-rro HlC0 o in the Commitmcnt bave nor bejn mct within stx ,,..tt,, after the Commitrnent date, our ment wit1 end. Also our obligatioi under this Commitment wi11 end when the Policy ia issued is a tegal contract between jrou and tbe company. It b issued to sbow_thq basis o't Insuranco Policr to you. The Polioy wilt insure you against certain risks to tjle tand title, thc bnd title as of the Commitmcat Datc. fipy dlwapp in the land titlc or the transactiGn and the Policy. j to \ts requircmcnts, Bxcoptions and Conditions. IS NOT PART OF 1WE TITLE INSURANCE COMMlTMEIqT. YOU SHOULD WENT \llR\ CAREFULLY. rr YOU HAVE g)q QUESTIONS ABOUT THE $:,"JpUil:,*.J Thc Co,n)$ny wUt give----- 'l- - TboComlliitraontis mayarrec{etecom: ThcConnlilitl,letlti9 THIS INfORMATION READ TIIE COMMI] becolltes I If the Reqt|ircments sbot obligation under tblS Con and tbcn our obligation to Amcrican Heritage Title Company As AGtNT FoR': First AlncricaD Title rnsumnce Coupnny AGREF.MFNT TO ISSUE POLICY ncc Company, refencd to in tms oolllltlitmellt os tho Contpany, thtougb its agant Pirst tpany. refcncd to in this AgreGnlinl as the &gcmt afircas to issue a policy to you acegrctinfi to Whon we sbow the policy att)ou{t and yout narae as tbe proposed insured in Sobadulo A, this as of the Commitment Date s'ottat in Sohedulo A is limited 'cty dte follqwiqg: A. ' 11ie Roquiremcnts in Schedub B-I. B.2., 11leDigelogurcsmdConditiollscotltainedinthis Commitment. witbout SCHBDULE A and Scettins : alld2 of SCHtDULE B attached. JUN. Z), ZU04 J:02HM I i6h5/2004 2,33|l0.bl P$k I I .,,k,,,,,, [A tAGLL N0, 3?9 P 4 | FlleNo.: 61s.H0l02'fsl-6ll ETo colllllrnoNsj t bt land or emdmiuium uait dcshbeil bt Schcdtae A and any improvemenn on the :and wltith ate real j : B _Scotion 2 may tm anleldod to 9hpw anr defects, Eens or cnetmbmtes tb= appelu' for the *gt Ume tn attad=d uetwien ttte Comlllihllel1it Dam antt *e d= on whielt all ofthe Reauiremntts of Scbedule B. bave no habfiity to yau beoausc of thisaaleodalellt- '! andil toitgtfflns. HlC0 o I i : lt.> wmt !(b) Tobli !,, hrt'-i.i(c) 'mlld' r | prGpelly. Socdolt I arc I=t. We 3.nxrim.:c DEFEcTsr aJr aarects, ;tena o tbell[.IflvcdDmlolld motnnbrmcea edsting st Conunitmctu Dpl are not sbol\In in Scttade B, u,= mry =tenc Sebcdule B m shotv *&lllk B b show mese tbfcots, |iq;g or qGeunbrlllcos, wa dtat be litble to you ncoording to Paragraph 4 tc:ow mfbrmation and dtd not tell u bout itin ivra;ng. ]- UABILIlY : I isaua to you the Pg|icy relblled ta in this Conlmitmcnt, when you havc mct its Raquirernents. If we have any ;s you irmttr bcuso of u enor ttt \his Comlldunont ow Iiability wi11 be ]j;ffi(gJ (p ygg actual Iosa itlsed tr yotff=Iying ot this vaten you acted in aod fti!L to; with thc Requiwmenu shown in Sobd&llelB. Secdm I or s wtttt ou written consent my Excepfotti, showu 'u SeMlulc B. Sectim 2. [ wrtn dtat the I'olky Atnount sbo=p in fchodule A of thts Commitnent and our IiabOinr is subject to thc tom= [9lucd to yot1. ' ; I MUSIBE cbiln, wllether not based on negligeacc, wttieh yotl !ll*y]hltve agdnstt= concmtiqg tbc title to ute lalld must be based on this ntsctoStmts NoTlccro PRi)sTicIIYE owntns (A STATEMENT MADE !S I(EQUIRED BY cotonano lNSURANCE RBGULATION}' e*r PitolscrloN thc dosiag and is resptnsbla for iecotttng or filing tba tcgat documcnts resultiqg froto tto ttollsactioll, tho fall mattars whtch appea on te ttcolli prior to mcb time of mtording or filing. :ttccm:actst.tr,i; rnotncr:ott ftratlyresidate )oumay acquest mottta:tm :;ta cwerage m bc issuod on )Dllr policy of illsullncc. has not been the subjoctof coastiuctiil, impnnrcmonts or repak 'ta the Iast six montha pdot ta the date of nu will be payment of tho appropri= ptcmiutn uul t1tc corrylction of an Affidllvit mtd Indannity by tha wq qstruaed, hproved =itaptted within six months rior to ftq jatg of tbis commitutcnt thc of e=uio fimncial infomucitm,pgymcm orprcmtums, md ind=tnlty, among otbcrs. abcivc IlI0 subjcetto the twisiou and appovd of the Oompany. smcnu TAKqIc ttrsnuer NolIcE (ANolice Givmt1 Collforlrlty Witb Section I0fia122 C.R.S.) thc board of oou&ry eamtissioncn, ttaiomry dctk nd =ctwder cthe oomty assess= PRlVACV mOMlSall'OR eUSTOMERS lic personal infonntdon to my exteinat non.affiliated organiacdtm nnlesa we have been authoriaed by tha Iaw- i ; CONSlJMER DECLAnATION STAmUBNT Insu=: may ktclude a Sdteduto B cxcipdm rcfarcnce ta rcoardtd evidcnce that a mincml estatc Ims bean wallout th@ Iurface owiters pcadsslm. You maybc able to obtain 6de jnsuane cov=agengarding qy sev=anco and its elft= vpon yGuf:o\lalershm. Ask your title compPg; represcntative for assismnco whh tbis (ANolice Givmt1 CollfOrltity Witb Section lGllalZ2 C.R.S.) ttcdin a gpxm t=bg a;sUcq a c.,ir,c=e of taxes due listing oaeh taxing juriadiedon sball bo obtained ftovt eountt teasttet's mtthotized agent;i at;d;inlbtmttion mg,ardilg-Ilpgcia| diatticts and the boundarios of suoh convoycd hrxu thc turt*tt estate. ltsttc[ re.fcrtaoc ia madc, tbcre it a suts=ttia1 titceliboodtbma tbird pllty ofi, gas, othr mbcmls, ot geothetmtt encrgy in thc propcrty- Thc, rcfetenoedmintml ostato may inclwlc the tlle nd1 IllhOrltl -J_Contnmi sha11btn llr. Ifthc The reqtllrFmefi!s distligt6 be obtained We \ltill inol revea1 orareltquilrcd issllc. i JUN, 2b. 20t4 3:02PM I I ALTA Plain Languagc ConumitatentNo: :l. Commit=ent Datc: I2. Policy o' polieics to c*) owncrl| : : ToBo ; Fce Simplc httcrest Tbe Iand relcrred t.ot 2j r;mter vau 757172, Countv of Eagle, I (for ;nromiational Ownet' Policy O6/25/20042:33:l0cb1 Dave Hilb and [AGLE American Il 6lS.H0002751-61 Jttne 9, 2004 at 8:00 issoed: tbe Iand dcsctibed in Ililb in this Commiffic=t is accotdina to ofColorado pnly) I592Matterhom HTC0 o N0. ]79 P. 4 o Title Company Policy Amonnt $ i C...;itme.t ;s owncd, at the Commitment Dntc by: asfollowsl May 16, 2001 at Reccption No. 8165'7Vail. CO JUl. Z), 2UU4 J:02FM I|- I wZsnno4 2:33i1Oebl PSK For= IiJo. l344.Bl (C0-8t) ALTA Plain Llllmla|c Tbe f.Il...i.g a. b. c. d, l, 1 Psy us the Obtain a hctoin, to the benefit of 13; 2003 at satisfaction Cdmpliance tequiring evidence rhts 3. LAGLE SCIIED must be mel: Pay tbe agreed fortheinterestinthe fics and charges for of taxes due front the The following satisfactoty to us wi,,,my neect to convey tbe fee Insured, Sehedule A, Reloase of the t.iertt or M of Trust fium Dave Stanley Dean Witter any other amounts 2002 s1 Recoption No. in collneotion AfilC0 o $500,000.00, redorded June Su!oordination Nd. B44018. neilease of tbe of Tnlst ftom D&ve deleted upon Funding associates to g)g| nny othor and/or obligations No. 8440]7. n!e following which may not the provisions of Section ion and filing of a Real to the Company of ate&lestate tax within the Town of Btidcnce tltat taxos and assessment9 I NbTE: This is is sttbject to SUO)1 whentbtnante the (Proposed Insured, N0, 379 P, 5 PilcNo-: 6l I-B000215l-6l0 ETO B i" Scction I intMor for the mortgage to be insured. tqasurer or thc county trcasuref s authorizod agcnt. be signed, deliverod and recordod: esttte or interest in the bnd deseribed or referred to 2L Anue Hilb lO tho Public Trustee of Bagle County for the J to socure an indobtedness in tb* principal tum of obligations securod thereby, dated May 25, 2002 and Deed of Trust reeorded August 13, 2003 at Reeeption Anne Hilb to tbe Public Tntstee of Eaglc County for thc. an indebtcdness in the principal sum of $300,000.00, thereby, dated August. t3, 2003 and recordcd August be rocorded, must be futnished to the Company to its 'l4-i02, Colomdo Revised Statutes, !Transfer Deolaration, I with an otdinance enacting t}getber with all atnendments thereto. been paid. i iBx{eptions atnd/or Requirements as may appear llecessary A, Item 2A) has been disclosed, JUN, 2b. 2004 3:03Pl,il od:aaoa 2:33:10 ott PsK Fonn.i.to I344-B2 (co-ss} ,tLT,t Plain Language Any pollcy wc Isaue will Tffies and Any facts, Eascments, or Discrepapdes, survey and t. 2,. 3. 4. l0, 1l. 5, 6. 1 9. Any lien, or 1aw and 110t Anyandall Therightof or intorseet the Right of way United States Terms, Deed recordcd Terms, UpperEagloV Basements, 7S1\12. 13- l4. Te=ns, Maintaine Terms, FAHIC0 [AGLE thefollowimg notcenifiedtolhe iDterests or claims which ascertainod by an ofthetandorby of easements, not tn tmmaary ;ines, of the Iand would to a lien, for services, by the public reeords. tnxes, assessments and of avein or lode to thereby granted as Book93 atPago l;andallyalldall ditches and canals recordedOctober4, l91 provisions, agroements 28, 197t in Book 220 Water a11d watcr ditcbes and ditch plovisions, agreements Sanitation District and resttiotiol}s as provisions, agrecments on a Publio night provisions, agreements Unit Restictive reeorded Nlarch L, t ^ Ba i=^^i 6ia |a ' SCHED N0. 379 P, 6 PileNo.: 6l.S.n000275l.6l0-rrO unless tbey are takcn carc of to ou sntiafaction; sOffice- dot shovm by tho publio rocords but whieh could bc Eng inquiry of persons in possession thereof. in area, encroacbments, and any facts which a conoct ie, and v.ttich are not shown by the pubhc reoords. io, i,,,t.a,t beretefore or bereafter futnished, intposed by tax sales. dr remove his ore should the same be found to penetrate tn United States patent recorded October 4, 1918 in ittareoror interest th-erein. ,iby tbe authority of tbe United Statos, as roserved itt in gook93 atPage 301. I o,bligations contained in tha Basement and Conective 38, o!:Iigations contained in tha Ordor of Inclusion by thc AUrJSt 25, 1981 in Book 328 at Page l74. on tho plat recorded May 16, 2001 at Reception No. obiigatiolls contained in tbe Revocagle Permit to Brect or ivay, recordcd March 6, 2002 at Recoption No. 788300.I: ol|igations contained in the Typc II Employec Housing ; 20!}2 at Roeeption No. 7s95s5. Request for Proposals Designers/Builders of Community Recreational and Park Facilities 1. Introduction: The Town of Vail and the Vail Recreation District is requesting that qualified consultants and designers submit a proposal creating site development plans and arohitectural plans for a combination of uses on a 9.5 acre parcel of Iand Iocated in the Town of Vail. The Town's preference would be to hire a designibuild firm. The combination of uses may include: open space park, tot Iot, basketball courts, community pool, gymnastics facility, rnulti-use gymnasium, youth service facility, childcare facility, and housing for park employees. One design team will be selected to: 1. conduct a public review process in order to further refine uses and conoeptual designs; 2. process application through the Town's Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and the Town Council; 3, prepare construction documents; 4. prepare an estimate of construotion costs; 5. Create an operations and management plan for the proposed facilities; and 6. act as project manager completing the construction of the improvements. The selected consultant would also be responsible for aiding in the development of funding mechanisms and operation and management plans for the facilities. It is expected that the design team will have to spend considerable time in the Town of Vail working with citizens, stakeholders, and Town staff. 2. Objectives: 1) Program, design, and construct a community center and park facility on the Iower bench of Donovan Park to primarily serve Vail valley residents. 2) Create a funding and phasing plan for the construction of these facilities. 3) Create an operations and management plan for the proposed facilities. 3. Scope of Service: PHASE 1 Task 1. Programming Process: Work with the Community Facilities team to develop a community review process. Obtain information from the Community Facilities team to refine the specific scope of the project. This task will identify the mix of uses to be programmed on the property. This step will help define a series of different altematives for uses on the property. Deliverable includes: A refined Iist of recommended uses for the property with approximate square footages for each use. Task 2. Charotte: Facilitate a design charette to develop alternative concepts for siting various uses. This charette would be conducted with representatives of the Community Facilities team. Task 3. Public Input: Facilitate public meetings to obtain input from adjacent residents and citizenry at large on the altemative concepts. Present concepts to the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and Town Council for preliminary input. Task 4. Preferred Altemative: Based on input received, develop a preferred altemative. Task 5. Public Input: Facilitate public meetings to obtain input from residents of the area and citizenry at large on the proposed preferred alternative. Direction will be obtained from the Town Oouncil on whether to proceed to Task 6. Task 6. Conceptual Designs: The consultant team will refine the preferred alternative into a detailed conceptual site plan, building plans, building elevations, and preliminary civil plans. The consultant team will present a conceptual design of the fadlities and their associated programming, a preliminary financial plan, and a preliminary operations and management plan to the stakeholders and Town staff. The design will include interior use of space, exterior architectural elements, parking, park uses, Iandscaping, access, and interactions with adjacent properties. The preliminary financial plan will address the tolal cost of implementing the design. The Town will provide to the consultant a complete topographic survey of the property and a limited scope soils analysis. Deliverables include: A full conceptual set of plans as described above and a preliminary financial plan with cost estimates. Task 7. Revise Conceptual Plan: The design team will revise the preferred conceptual design plans based on the team input and prepare for public open houses. The consultant team shall present the final conceptual plans to the Planning and Environmental Oommission, Design Review Board, and the Town Council lhrough a series of worksessions and ultimately obtaining final approval, PHASE 2 Task 1 Master Plan Development: Prior to funding approval additional design and financial planning is anticipated. The design team will work closely with the Community Facilities team on refining the preferred conceptual plan and the financial plan, which will include on- site, and off-site construction costs and operational costs. Deliverables include: 1. Final development plan/master plan; 2. Architectural plans (including elevations and floor plans); and 3.Preliminary civil engineering plans. Task 2 Development Plan: The design team will create a detailed development plan and construction drawings including the phasing of construction and initiation/completion dates for the master plan. Development of a final operations and management plan is also included in this phase. Deliverables inelude, but are not limited to: 1. Site work plans/Civil Plan Package (utility plan, drainage plan, soils report, wetland investigation (if any), roads, sidewalks, grading); 2. Architectural package (floor plans, building elevations, specifications and details, utility plans) Task 3 Constructlon: The design team will be the lead in the actual construction management of the facility to its completion. 4. Desired Qualifications: - The Town is Iooking for designers.with experience in community, recreational, childcare, housing, and park facility design and who also offer creative flexibility and innovative approaches to multi- use facilities. It is desired that the design team have experience in all of the following areas: major recreational facility design; review of planning documents; public processes, including open houses; and coordination with stakeholders, agencies, and Iocal govemments. The team should include an experienced construction manager/contractor who is involved from the beginning of the process to aid in the development of cost estimates and project phasing. Outstanding design, organizational, communication, and negotiation skills are essential for this project. An understanding of the local community and political landscape and familiarity of the development review process in the Town of Vail. The consultant team shall have experience in the management and operation of such facilities. Experience with developing bonding requirements and election process is also desired. 5. Meetings: The design team will be expected to meet at Ieast bi-weekly with stakeholders and Town representatives to discuss progress. These meetings may occur by telephone or in person (preferred) at mutually agreeable times. They will also be expected to appear before the Planning & Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and Town Council, upon request, to make presentations and to answer questions. The team will also be expected to facilitate public engagement sessions which might include charettes, open houses, and the like. 6. Proposed Rough Schedule: November 23, 1999 Project initiated Phase 1, Task 1 15 days Phaso 1, Task 2 3 days Phase 1, Task 3 5 days Phase t, Task 4 30 days Phase 1, Task 5 2 days Phase 1, Task 6 25 days Phase 1, Task 7 10 days Phase 2, Task 1 20 days Phase 2, Task 2 60 days August 1, 1999 Implementation begins 7. Submittal Format: AII submittals should include 10 copies of a letter of transmittal, a completo description of qualifications of the company and individuals who would oomplete the tasks outlined in this RFP, hourly cost estimates, and cost estimates for each task and any associated overhead. AII correspondence and questions should be directed to: Dominic Mauriello Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2148 email : dmauriello@ci.vail.co. us 8. RFP Deadline: All proposals must be submitted to the Town of Vail no Iater than November 8, 1999, 9. Selection Schedule: RFP issued: October 12, 1999 Proposal and cost estimate submittal deadline November 8, 1999Interviews November 15, 1999 Design team selection November 23, 1999 10. General Conditions Limitations and Award: This RFP does not commit the Town of Vail to award or contract, nor to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of qualifications in anticipation of a contract. The Town of Vail reserves the right to accept or reject all or any submittal received as a result of this request, to negotiate with all qualified sources, or to cancel all or part of the RFP. After a priority Iisting of the final firms is established, the Town of Vail will negotiate a contract with the first priority firm. If negotiations cannot be successfully completed with the first priority firm, negotiations will be formally terminateg1 and will be initiated with the second most qualified firm and, Iikewise, with the remaining firms. Selection: Initial evaluation will be based upon the qualifications of the applicant. The Town of Vail reserves the right to not interview, and to make final consultant selection based upon the qualification statements and cost estimate. Eoual Emolovment Oooortunitv: The selected consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for ernployment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Oontract Phasino: Proposed tasks within this document may be eliminated by the Town of Vail at any time (i.e., depending on progress in Phase I, Phase II could be delayed or eliminated}. Development of construction drawings and project management should be budgeted separately, as contracts for this work may be issued as a separate contract. _ rr)tttferhtrn ""'r-,ib, - ;c,<u, '.: !,., h""" '. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 14n47w. ci. vail. co. us Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail April 1,2004 Karla Sjogren Ron Byme & Associates 285 Bridge Street Vaif, CO 81657 RE: Matterhom Inn Condominiums- 1152 (t 150) Matterhom Circle Dear Karla, The following is in response to inquiry conceming the avaitable GRFA (gross residentia1 floor area) for' the Matterhom Inn Condominiums. Since this property was originally constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction in 1967, the Town of Vai1 has very few records conceming this property. Should any future redevelopment of this property occur, it will be necessaty to prepare updated surveys and architectura1 plans to verify and validate the following: Our records indicate that this property is,J,,.a Residential Cluster (RC) District with a lot size of approximately 22,714 square feet. Today 1 t dwelling units of approximately 4,616 total square feet of GRFA exist on this site. These I1 dwelling units are legally-nonconforming in regard to the provisions of Chapter l2-6E, Residential Cluster District, Vai1 Town Code. Pursuant to Chapter l2-6E-8, Density Control, Vail T;,,, Code, this property is allowed a maximum of 3 dwelling units consisting of5,679 total square feet of GRFA, plus 225 square feet of GRFA for each constructed unit. Therefore, should the existing 1 1 dwelling units be demolished and the property redeveloped, the maximum development potential for this site is 3 dwelling units with a total of 6,354 square feet of GRFA. Should this property be redeveloped and all 1 1 dwelling units maintained; the maximum development potentia1 forthis site is l; dwetling units with a total of 10,904 square feet of GRFA. This GRrA total includes the 5,619 square feet based upon lot size, plus 225 square feet for each existing unit, plus an additional 250 square feet for each existing unit based upon the provisions of 12-15-5, Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance), Vai1 Town Code. If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173, ,(/,/t"/Zr //- 1 P66YCl.&JPdJ'&lt::$ Design Review Action Form T0WN 0F VAIL [)atc:'7-r; - rr Parccl Numbcr: Projcct Namc: BuildingNarnc:__ Project Dcscription: /(,Jl, k.,, /,;; uG,u:tr,c Owncr, Addrcss and Phonc: d-I{.,+lZdJlgt co sooz) ;gg-z-,z;pZ-G"?gf e, 6'7r-jd'/3 Arehitect/Contact, Addrcss and Phonc: Lcgal Dcscription: Lot _____- Block Subdivision Zono District _ Projcct Strcct Addrcss:/aa Commcnts: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Votc: Sccondcd by: a Approva1 m Disapprova1 b( StaffApprova1 Condi tions: o . Li.;:i, i,. Qucstions? ca*c Pl,,,,i;g Staf!:!79-2 : 2s APPLICATION F0R DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL ]NFORMATION This apptication is for any project rcquiring Design Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw mus' rcceivc Dcsign Rcvi cw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, scc the submittal rcquiremcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstdd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all_t'te rcqu're' information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also noed to bc rcviowcd by thc Town Cound' and/or thc Planning and Environmental Commission. Dcsign Rcvicw Bonrd approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOVIN 0F VAIL tOCATlON OF PROPOSAL:L0T:_______ BLOCK:_ FlLfNG:B. c. D. E, PHYSICAL ADDRESS: J_IR PARCEL#:(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINGAD F. G. MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVlEW AND FEE: El Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. r] Addition - JII Minor Altcration - /3 $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntia1 or commcrcial building. $20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvements, such as,' reroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping, fcnces and retaining walls, dc. DRB fccs aro to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building permit, please idcntify thc accurato valuation of the projcct. Thc Tow,, of Vail will adjust the fee according to thc project valuation. PJ,EASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Al\lD THE FEE T0 THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITV DEVEI,OPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE, ROAD, VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657. OWNER(S) SlGl\lATURE(S): NAME 0F APPL[CAN'f : PHONE: | LIST 0F PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILD[NG MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAIj COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sofflts Yi/indows Window Trim Doors Door Triln Hand or Dcck Rails Fltlcs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs GrcenhoLlses -ffi RetainingWa!ls ka / 5/04(- Sys {e/-/--d'/ ///I/ Extcrior Lighting** Other * Please specify tho manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** AIl extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Grdinance 18.54.050(J). If oxterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicato thc number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous aroa, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Common Namc Quantiu Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTlNG TREES T0 BE REMOVED: *Minimum requiremcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hoight sltrubs - 5 gallons Ixac Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED ]RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHBR LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (rctaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Pleasc specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of rotaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewherc on tho propcrty is 6 foct. ,r,z;J, c:,a-.;; /i,,.-z. - :..P.Pa 4-a -ac.c4- 8ra srf l'nt,,/,;f a4,,,,,d,c dp €aa pll /,' ' '' l/ "/ l/,d-,,r,d,", ) ;/.-.d,,,.a- )7/,,.,,,J,,, - l."jJ.v'tz./ V01L PUBLIC [IjORKS ID:3034792166 | 21 ' 97 o JUL 14:55 No.005 P.02 IioJ}$[mm]((q, pg(g rlVK0t.b%o (vxwfi\ -t!ccp|et] fHloaJ€dlm\ ;crr fOh;,rtVc} 11U Yn t.ttfi [<1.v. \o 0lCg.-rCVlffX1 tU=OOte" LQ0g": '',''" 'e-"n3"{ffhe h*ffi-')(.)qetatt :tq= tga/o (ry- c'. g'l. bo rele4lfa, ItrrJlftmahq ' lffi!br 4 J' l;' Q arctta.totwun 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 393-479-2452 July 14, 1994 Depamnent of Community Development Ms. Pat Macaluso Homeowner's Association President 3762 Simms Street Wheatridge, CO 80033 RE: Recent expansion to the parking Iot at :552 Matterhorn Circle Dear Ms. Macaluso: Thank you for meeting with Kristan Pritz and me today regarding the parking area. I understand that you will be converting the area back to natural grasses and would Iike to meet with me out on site to confirm your plans. Because I will be out of town for ten days at the end of July, I think it is reasonable for us to extend the July 26th deadline into August. I will plan to meet with you out on the site on August 10, 1994 at 9:00 a.m. At that time, we will confirm your plans to revegetate the area. We will then give you one week to complete the work and I will check the site on August 17, 1994 to verify that the work has been done. Again, thank you for your cooperation in this effort. The Town wants to work with you as well as the tenants in the building regarding your parking needs. We are trying to enforce the Zoning Code uniformly and consistently and appreciate the cooperation you have shown in our effort to do this. Please call me if you have any questions about this. I can be reached at 479-2138. Senior Planner xc: Susie Brendon Bruce Beier J-.. $'"'' J F 1:.f uui [0P f T0WN 0F VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 39!-479-2452 Depamnent of Community Development June 22, 1994 Ms. Pat Macaluso, Homeowner's Association President ' 3762 Simms Street Wheatridge, CO 80033 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent expansion to the parking Iot at 1552 Matterhorn Circle Dear Ms. Macaluso: It has come to our attention that as the Homeowner's Association Presidenl, you have expanded the parking Iot at the condominium complex Iocated at t552 Matterhom Circle. It appears that this has been done without Design Review Board (DRB) approval. In the Town of Vail, all improvements to property must be first approved by the DFIB. I have included. an application for you to complete. Please note that the DRB application requires a site plan and a survey of the site. Providing the survey is imperative in this situation as the Town staff will need to determine the exact Iocations of all property Iines and setbacks. Since the Zoning Code states that parking may not be Iocated in the front setback in the Residential Cluster zone district, the new parking will need to be Iocated out of the front setback. From my analysis on the site, it appears that this parking area may be Iocated in the front setback. This is something that would have to be verified by a survey if you choose to try to get DRB approval for this parking. ln addition to the setbaek requirements, the Town has a requirement that all new parking areas must be paved. The pavement would be needed for the parking area. Another altemative would be to remove the parking area and revegetate it to natural grass. We must require that you resolve the issue within thirty days (Le. July 26, t994). We must require that either a DRB application be submitted, showing that the parking is outside the front setback and will be paved, or that the pea gravel and plastic be rernoved and the soil revegetated with natural grasses. If you would like to discuss the details of either of these options with me, I would be happy to talk to you. Please call me at 479-2138. Sincer,gly, //-tvH.an, Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner xc: Susie Brendon, 1552 Matterhom Circle, Unit t, Vail, CO 81657 Bruce Beier, 1552 Matterhorn Circle, Unit 3, Vail, CO 81657 T0WN 0F VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2107/FAx 303-479-2157 July 19, 1994 Office of Town Attorney Ms. Macaluso 3762 Simms Wheatridge, CO 80033 RE : JATS Services -Wolfgang Mueller and John Siverly vs. the Town of Vai: Dear 1tfs. lfacaluso : PHostd.y"' triti find _a copy of the settlement acfreement that was?:''''' into between the Town of Vail and the Plaintiffs in the?''3"'-5eferenced matter to,e,.l,. all t,sueJ and terminatelitigation. ^f!:-:-you.'ave 'tad a chance to review the document, : wi]-l happy todiscuss with you any of the provistons contained therein. f!!!e I_ qq_anxto_us yo answer any quegtions you have in regard to|?is___s_ett'ement__ agreement, it is impossibie to compare'"c:s'ames, you "^y qncounter to improvements you nay want to!ff-:-H Y'J'' PjTPfi'y wj:th other p''pe'ty uses in the neighborhood.However, ; will do my best to address your coceris. Very truly yours,,--\, fj'/)4\ //tt%.(R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney Enclosure DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Civ;'t Action No. 91 CV 598 co[Pv STlPULATION JATS SERVlCES, WOLFGANG Plaintifts, '' vs. MUELLER, JOHN SIVERLY, ;g[[j',\,^'jL[g[S;lg[ ,Ai PLANNING AND ENVlRONMENTAL COMMlSSlON, VAlL Defendgr)(g. .,,,=,,%?'J,![;)O_W,,'[';tg;n)rts, JA!S SEllVl9ES, WOLFGANG MUELLER, and JOHNfl!!H1!fft,tte r:Jjtr!:),3Y.r.!..th[..,h i'j[ :lt]omeys, s,..ALL & GooDMAN, P.O.,;rJh'?#t&'Jth[t'! '"}!!G, A-ND E-NVjRgll.M-ENTAL.6..,,,,,., and VAILffi'jlYt'ff:YSL9P,ff:f, ?F-f;'nrM;;i' I!:J*{|J," [Ti,ti :.tl;fi:;f} fi,f,!tiAttomey, R. THOMAS ^'OORHEAD and hereb; snputate and agree as follows: ,,,,,.. !;,,..-ltfle_);;y(g ?" 'come for fj!e[.party in proceeding to trial, the undersigned e '}P?'se of itg,tq, and desire to iesotve this dispute in amanner which encourages harmony between the palties and within Maternom. ___:;_ _:ttnr e;gry)m th.e a"ega'ons contained in the other's daim or counterclaim::!::::'::h:Tj::s eitffr gryr wa;ve an; aet;nse, however, for the intent and purpose of thisf,9j:f::91j:jo.rPom:r--1:1 ytue tnts" mat'ec all undersigned ,,;,., agree to end,hel!:,fiffiJr the ;d,es pursued before this Court subject to compliance ;ith the conditions set ,,.,.J,_,, JlJl.P:ff,[a]jlamcrs, ""ER.LY AND MUELLER are the owners of real t '!'? "attcrhgrn Cirde, Vail, Colorado, and have been theowners of said real property since prior to its annexation by the Town of iaa in 1983. whinh h:: ,,--:H:'I:-,af :hp::pi1tors, of a 'us'ness_known as JATS.SERVICES ("JATS")::!:J.!::He: ::Pff[:eHin!ss, g !ight ionstruq;q,, ,,.,,.,.,.,, street sweeping, ,,d::::jYjp:' ::1, "::e:H ?rilt Vajl,-cojorad.. Plaintiffs have er;gag.d in a use of their[;:,r:},,n:; : p""*''gs and which ',, allegeu to be,.i::TP'?'1 wt1 """t !"j!g re-g;[ati-o,;;;; ,,,is: 'lc:O_eU '? b3 not : ,:;tffi:i'.i,i!JFiJ!f!"JATs" Sh-drbeFer;irt-6; i" JJii;",L"i"ifi",".'i'.';!-',iT'i : ,,::j,;f:':::loLff P',9- ;_' jh condidons and Iimitations set forth herem are not ma,er,arv \deviated from and there ;s no expansjon to tne agreed upon legal 'on-conform;pg use. Th; 7 ; t" \j:Y' )(li :,b!'tiffJiljtg-f99i[9gJl-ggTS!L,jlLt|&pg,,i!-,,,,J;I;;$, cu_pqti o ns. "JATS" and:'a;mfiElTe!fi66i;Gienr Iocated at 1550 Matt-ei'hG?fil/G[a:T;l;dGi;rado, pursuant to this ^9"?" '?t, shall be p'"''" in nature and not appurtenant to the property and shall not be 'rans'errable to a'y p*"on not a party to this Agreement. This use shall be permitted to continue 1:]717-'' gge)co_t the persons who is a party to this Agreement shall be involved in the dailyoperation of "JATS." _,,___E,, "'""'s- may.not enlarge, increase, expand, or extend the use of the subjectP:'-P-'1' ?[ ta}e '.!y action which would increase the discrepancy between the eonditions agreedyp'! 'terein. for the 'ndoor storage facility for vehicles which are used in Iight construction, !'!dscaping, street sweeping, and snow plowing. Plaintiffs shali apply for and meet requirernentsj,!:J'?]:ff:ltl'?lflT]'t P""ff set forth i, the Town of Vait Munidpal Code consistent ,' i3i#fjfff:g,9ggq,gll|gteq-affiggggqn t!g any matedal used innot generate sig-fi]ilffirv-e-hEOffiEjmlfiliEEgg dwellings. Dg@stldLbe no exterior Iegal non- tt is and such use shaT onthe flcjlm-On-th;: ;!9id6 ;'f';;;i;;;;'t;';,:;rJ fJJii ), f::rh11:::ffit 3!!..?ny, ["'E:' _use qf 1550 M,tte,ho,. Circle; Vail, Colorado, shall conform with the ') 4a.2,L&,,,provisions of Title 18, Zoning of the Munidpal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado. " jf >/;41.1;7 .,., _ 6. Plaintiffs shall be permitted to maintain a home office at 1550 Matterhom Circle, "a' go'orado with '!? exnress understanding that it shall be used by the owners of that propertyg;!_!g ?'?p'etors.of "'^TS" o.nly and the,a?.e shall not generate,i,.ifi.,,, vehicular traffic_g(parking in excess of that typically generated bv residential dwellir)gs. Additionally, Plaintiffs shallbe [jdfiittbd vehicles"IGr their-personaj,se" and those ajreadyTermitted for the residentiall"""lg.,"'ts existing on the premises and,ot at issue in the Iitigation. The office shall not ::ce_ed the site Iimitations as defined per the Home Occupation Requirements for Permit Section18.58.160. .,. !: Plaintiff: T:'y 'wn, operate, and store the following vehides on premises inside 'l'--'i"]f?,g,i3'ag?: (3) Me(cedes Benz Unimogs and (2) "Bobcat"-type loading machines. It isHrl,!H]t? !TP,']l:ffi '953. Ford "actot the Bucyrus Front Loader/Backhoe and (1)"'"car''typ3 loading mact'ne shall be ,,.o,,d from the premises and stored outside the Town1!i1_': at,:'n :!ppr?ved 'ocation within the Tow: of Vail in compi;ance with the Zoning::e:'t'::_:r w p,?'p?'?l?' this ^g'eem.ent, in the event any Jeh;cte or machinery is:''"!'!i'Y P'!!'d '9g.!'y at !550 Matterh-om Ci,d,, Vail, Colorado, or in the driveway or in theg'"g? for ' (easonatte period of time not to exceed four (4) hours, the sarne wi11 not becons"ered..to be an e!argement or extens;on of the permitted use. Plaintiffs shall be permitted. !3 "'[', '(t the existing g.".'g' at 1550 Matte,h.;, Circle, Vail, Colorado, various attachments tdi!!!'ry'': em,,,e,aie"d above) P"'g'aph (7), induding but not limited to snow pushing blades,'?T "?'^'i'g ryp'""'! s'(eet ?" 'eping apparatus, and otiier i,ems aciessorr to the vehideswhich are permitted to be stored on the property. lj !'q'n""s'_y)e shall not be considered to be eniarged or extended if, by way of"'"PU ''.?isting- ve"c'.e qnumerateu in paragraph (7) above is repia;ed by a vehide of the:::f :{P.':'9]' p'!." T"y '!:e "T' or srnaller 'nsize or weight as any other vehicle presentlyused and so long as the number of vehicles remains the same, and the other terms set forth / "'"__ /,'{'/ ' ' /,' l| herein are adhered to and used in "JATS* business of Iight construction, landscaping, street sweeping, and snow plowing. 9.' The Plaintiffs have agreed to bring Lot 6_ (J_71gGeneva Drive) and tot 8-A (i7t7-|\- Geneva Drive) to the Town o' "a" desired neighborhoodttandards within a reasonable,pe'od i of time by removing building materials, construction machinery, and general clean-up of these" Lots consistent with the Town's enforoement of the required standards throughout the |i' neighborhodd. Vehides and machinery necOssary to aooomplish this clean-up shall be permitted :,f )' onthe premises and shall nof be construed as. a violation of this Agreement provided they g" /)- not permanentJy stored thereon and such use is eonsistent with the Town of Vail Zormg y ( requirements. /\-.\ 10. 'The undersigned parties respectfully request that the Court approve this Stipulation /, ".and agreement for Settlement and incorporate the same in the Order of the Court dismissing this,;' ^"ie'11. It is oontemplated that this Agreement for Settlement shall be executed in counterparts. The separatety exeouted counterparts shall constitute the entire document REsPEcTFULLY sUsjlftlrrED TH;S hrr, of gt,aze. 1994. Avon, Colorado 81620 (3O3} 949-4200 ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFFS STOVALL & GOODMAN, P.C. , #18812 JATS SERVlCES MUELLER, /,-\ 4 FL Thomas uoomeaU, #O22445 ' TOWN OF VAIL Town Attomey for DEFENDANTS TOWN OF VAIL ROBERr W. Mc e:l.lATSSnPlGR I.....4_......'....._;;....... l., ) =1902 t::] iY Chapter3 PERMITSANDI NSPECTIONS Pormlts See. 30l. (a) Permtts Required, Except as specified in Subseetion (b) of this seedon, no building or structure mgulated by this eode shall be orected, con. stucted, enlarged, altered, mpaired, moved, improved, mmoved, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official. (b) Excmpted Work. A building permit shal1 not be reqttired for the following: 1. One-story detached aecessory buildings used as tooi a11d storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the projected roof area does not exceed 120squate feet. 2. Fences not over 6 feet high. 3. Ofi derricks. 4. Movable ces, counters and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches high. 5. Retaining walls whieh are not over 4 feot in height measured fmm the bottom of the footing to the top of the wa1l, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class l, II or III-A liquids. 6. Water tanks supponed direcdy upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed UNIFOnM BUILDING CODE stage sets and scenery, / -\ ft one. Platforms, walks and Temporary fi '' ff 8. 9, 10.Yv'indow awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R, Division 3, and Group M Oceupaneies when projecting not nlom than 54 incbes. 1 1. Prefabrieated swimming pools accessory to a Group R, Division 3 Occu- pancy in which the pool walls are endrely above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons. Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrieal and mechanical permits will be required fot the above exempted itoms. Exempdon from the permit mquirements of this code shal1 not bo deemed to grant authorizadon for any work to be done in any manner h violation of the provisions of this coae or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Appllcation for Permit Sec. 302. (a) Applicadon. To obtain a permit, the apphcant shal1 fkst fde all applieation therefor in writing on a form fumished by the code enforcement agency for that purpose. Every such application shall: l. Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for whieh applieation is made. 8 r'" 1988EDlTlOl{204-205 interpretation of thiscode, there shallbe and is bereby creited a Board of Appeals consisting of members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to buOding eonstuction and who are not employees of the jurisdietion, Thebuilding of ficial shallbe an ex officio memberof and shall act as secretary to said board but sha11 have no vote upon any matter before the board. The Board of Appeats shal1 be appointed by the goveming body and shall hold off ice at its pleasure. The board shall adopt rules of proeedure for eonducting its business and shall mnder all decisions and findings in writing to the appe11ant with a duplkate copy to the budding off icial. (b) Limltatlons of Autbority. The Board of Appeals shall have no authority reladve to interpretadon of the administrative provisions of this code nor shall the Board be empowered to waive requirements of this code. Ylol=tlona 1' Scc. 20S, 1t shal1 be unlawful for any rerson, finn or corporadon to constntct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, imp:ove, remove, convert or equip, use, oecupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the same to be done i1l violadon of d1is code. L t N H i c_: : '.:: : tf;;:!;:j'.'jiy:y j.p' !'Jiffil fJd! 'j.i}:t;:,rJH, i:,:,{ ' ' ' '... '.D0' 'T',' '.'0.'. '.: i :'i' ' a'i'i'O;I' ' '' ...; i i,:.: tffii CODES ADOPTED All occupant load certificates shalt be posted at the ma;n^ entrance of the establishment. Any occupant Ioad increase granted pursuant to this ordinance shall not be included in determining off street parking requirements as required by Section 18.52, I00 of the Vail Municipal Code. (0rd. I4 (1985) g 3: Ord. 5 (1983) [ 1: 0rd. 2l (1982) g l:Ord. l7 (1982) g 6.) 15.02.040 Copies of code available. Copies of all the codes adopted by this chapter and all amendments thereto shall be available for inspection at the office of the town clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado. '\ 15.112.050 Violations and pcnalties. \ Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be puhished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety days or both unless otherwise stated by an exception of the Code. Each and every day that any violation continues shall be considered a separate violation. (Ord. 17(1982) j L) 15.02.060 Amendments to Uniform Fire Code. The following amendments are made to the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 edition. A. Section 4 (c) of Appendix III-C of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 edition as adopted by Ordinance No. I7, Series of 1982. is repealed and reenacted to read:(c) ALARM SIGNAL is an audible orvisualsignal orother indicating the existence of an emergency fire condition, Audible devices may be homs, chimes, speakers or similar devices. Voice alams and pre-recorded messages shall be approved by the Chief. Sound pressure Ievel of fire evacuation signals shall be no less than I5dbA above ambient noise levels of 5 dbA above the maximum noise Ievel lasting 60 seconds or more. 3. 4. t. "c (;:.p.;); { ', ffi;':' :ii.t:y:.:Ji i;:.t ::t;'t;:;)-:: (-, 200-5 (Vail l-21-86) I rovlsed 1lL4l94 DESIGN o OFREVIEW BOARD APPLICATION - TOWbI DATE RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING :********** ********** \ ESCRIPTI B. TYPE OF REVIEW: -New Construction ($200.00)Addition ($50.00)Minor Alteration -Conceptua1 Review V, DEPT,I. A. C0l-- -$- .l ($20. 00} ($0) u. D. ADDRESS : LEGAL DES Subdivision If property is described bydescription, pldase providdto this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and attac \-" -,.i-- - ZONING : NA14E OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address : G.NA14E 0F Mailing APPLICANT ' S Address : REPRESENTATIVE: H.NAME 0F OWNER(S) : OWN:ER (S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address : APPLICATIONS WILL NO1' BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNAI'{lRE Condominium Approval if applicable.. DRB FEE:. DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRs application. nater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. rhe 'rown of Vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correot fee :a- is paid.,rt (Jtu;,u c/l,,-l,,,, $l]j-lnWk. ee\t fe( iJ/////5/9 FEE SCHEDULE : . VALUATION $ o $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVA[l EXPIRES APPROVA[I UNLESS A BUIIIDING PERMIT ISIS STAR'l'ED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50. 00 $ 100. 00 $ 200. 00 $ 400. 00 $ 500. 00 ONB YBAR AFTER FINAL ISSUBD AND CONSTRUC'I'IObT \-,L-/ q -? NAME 0F PRO,JECT : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L0T STREET ADDRESS : The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDINGI4ATERiAI,s: ' rec;uired for submitta1 approva1 can 'be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL SlON\ to the Design collOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other B. LANDSCAPING :Designer: Phone: PLANT [lATE]RIaS,Botanical Name Ouantitv Size*Coff[moaianle Minimum caliner forheight for coniferoustrees.**lndicate size of5 c;allon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE 0R METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE show the numbe fixtures andlightinq plan. Iddiiin the space belowlight propos the light fi Sciuare Footacte If exterior lighUt s proposed, please ons on a separateture frorn the lighting p1an height above grade, typeoutput, lumind rea and a cut sheetture. (Section 18.54.050 J) of of iii'iiii,i*"' \.tt.,fi h tht L t,iJ au" lfi-;-ffi;- -"l[ty --- *lndicate caliper for deciduous trees. 1 2 inches. Indicatettt proposed shrubs. TvIJe D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is :f!lt:\t' "1'{ !":r'L\LT ''l erty is 6 ' \s ttoutq Daign Review Action F,O1 TOWN 0F VAIL CategoryNumber d/ Date S//d/Ti/ Project Name: /. -n4aay ', '"1, BuildingName: "77?q(g. l., f- r, 1fiJ Projeot Description: ddress and Phone: 9, * ff7,jZ d;,,.,,,. g ; Architeot/Contact, Address and Phone: dw.,. Legal Desoription: Lot 11 slook- Subdivision 1fL(, t 4.,.Jy:;)zy) \/,:a/ Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: EI Approval fi Disapproval Vote: ,,!f---){ Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Date: R//[z[Td/ DRBFeePre-paid Glzo-ra 75 Sotah Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 November 16, 1993 Department of Community Development Ms. Susie Brenden P.0. Box 563 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Zoning on 1552 Matterhom Circle Dear Susie: On November 15, 1993, you called me and requested information on the zoning for the property at 1552 Matterhom Circle. Per our zoning and address maps, this parcel is unplatted. I believe the parcel you are referring to was originally called the Matterhom Inn. In respect to zoning, our current zoning map indicates that this parcel is Residential Cluster. Per the Town of Vail Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1983, it appears that the parcel was zoned Residential Cluster. I have attached to my letter, both a description of the Residential Cluster zone district as it exists in our current Town of Vail Zoning Code and Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1983. I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, ffifi#ckt Director of Community Development xc: Tom Sheely Dick Gericke CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 1 1/8/83 ' t " PERMIT NO.0015tl5 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE oF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMlT LI LlI Ll Lli BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANlCAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION I II III lV V 2 OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H t&U DlVlSlON t 2 2/74 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 0F WORK : V insta11ation of window on side =o F< J<> TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. V PERMITFEES $500.00LEGALLOT-__ BI FILING llllf1 BUILDINGPERMIT JOsNAME: Unger Hindow addition NAME Douglas S. Unger CITY vai1 NEW( ) ALTERATION( ) ADDlTIONAL( ) REPAIR( ) DWELLlNG UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ADDITIONALPERMITS INITIAL MAILADDRESS CITY PH DESIGNREVIEWBOARD GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM se1f TOWN OF VAlL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMlNISTRATOR & BUILDING NOTES: LECTRlCAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAlL BEG. NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required ;s correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and othe( ANDTHEOWNER. TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. tho prlnbly/vail