HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE MATTERHORN PLAT SURVEYORS BIDS LEGALEAGIE COUi\JTY Department of Planning and Development P, O, Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 9 May 1978 This letter sent to : Johnson and Kunkel; Darre11 White ; .Iames Burk; Richards Engineering Dear Sir:. Bagle County is in the proeess of making a determination of the existing lot configuration of the Matterhorn Village Subdivision. We have discovered that the area has been redivided by metes and bounds description not in conformanoe with adopted Subdivision Regulations. The County has made a commitment to review theeurrent situation in order to possibly redraft the plat thereby clearing up the disorepancy. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.6674 ANIMALSHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eagle 328.6377Baialt 927.3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328.7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH EaQle 328.6594VaIl 476.5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF EaQIe 328.6611Baialt 927.3244 Gilman 827.5751 SOClAL SERVlCES 328.6328 TFtEAsURER328.6376 A moratorium on new building permits Subdivision. We are therefore anxious as soon as possible. has been imposed for the to clear up the problem Our plan ls to first obtain an accurate survey of a11 of the lots and parcels as they exist as of this date. Secondly, if necessary, we intend to have a Fina1 Plat drawn to County specifications and recorded with the County Clerk. We are hereby inviting all licensed surveyors in Eagle County to submit proposals for completion of a survey and drawing of the Matterhorn Village Subdivision to inolude : 1, Section breakdown, survey and description of subdivision boundary. 2. Survey, map and description of alllots, parcels and ownerships. 3. Location of all improvements (buildings, driveways and parking areas. ) 4. Location.of all public roads. 5. Location of major utility faeilities (power lines, sewer manholes. )6, Location and description of all easements of record. P age 2 If you are interested in eontracting for the work, please submit. an hourlyprice breakdown of field work appropriate for the job and hourly price for drafting work. Also, we need an estimate of tota1 time to complete the job. This is not an invitation to bid, the Board of County Commissioners wi11 eontract the work with a surveyor of their choice. Prior to commitment for the job, we need to know the approximate cost of the project. Only surveyors looated within Eagle County wi11 be considered; A copy of the existing p1at and additiona1 informatio)t may be obtained in this office. In order to initiate the project as soon as possible, we must receive your estimate and prices by May 23,,1978 if you wish to be considered. The information wi11 be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on May 24, 1978, Terrill Knight Planner TK/kp ec: County Clerk and Recorder Lot 18A & 18B & l9 (N l/2) Date sTATE 0F coLotuoo) cOUNTY or EAcLE ) SS .The foregoing certificate , 19, bv Wltness mjr hand and seal: tly Commission exptres: was acknowledged B111y U. and Velma before :tte this L. Sanders. day of Notary Public BillyZ}f. Sanders Box 1257 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Lot 25B .OliNER : Florenee Habenicht ' 1536 Underwood Avenue Atwater, California 95301 STATE OF COLORAD01 cOuNTY 0F EAGLE i SS TheJoregoing Dedication was acknowledged before me thisOeloAet- A.D., 1978 by//p Hy Comtnission expires tJitness my hand and sea1 ao/l,day of -fiGlTFrFJ[-ffi 1l 4, a 16'a, l8, td(l{, ta; ut Pr- /!r ar -l ; Vai1, Colorado 81657 sTATE oF COLoRADO) coUNTY 0F EAGLE ) SS The foregoing Dedication was acknowledged before me this 1o/Jl day of : 5, My Commission expires Uitness my hand and sea1 Veltna Sanders P. O. Box 1257 Lot 11-B I\tOV. Z9. 19'78 DaLe STATE 0F COLORADO) COUNTY 0F EAGLE ) The foregolng NoV Eh BEIa, Witness my hand and ss certificate t9_yfi____, off1c1a1 seal: was ackno'tledged before by William R. C1em and me this Franziska A. Cleu. ao0,:4oe 3757oc;lo str,t-; zl)+b day of ny Commission expires: bECEHBFra zzl e8o, a /"a tle>c 3'?r1l/a4,c:o vzcr,r t,ot 19 (S 1/2) Date STATE OF COLORADO) ,,couNlr oF sAGLE ; " Th; toregoing..,tifi,ate wasblovrHsGn,, zrne, Wltness my hand and seal: Date Hy Commlssion expires: beG'-<Bc7 zz, Jil,''' Publ:c Lo t 20 acknowledged before nte this 3ae day of Rlchard F. Vlalker 707 E. Filmore Colorddo Springs, Colorado 80907 was acknowledged before me th1'q day of Notary Public elma P. O. Vai1, Box 1257 Colorado 81657 STATE 0F COLORADO) -,couNry 0F EAGLE ; ' The foregoing certlficate , 19. Witness my hand and seal: My Commission explres: Lot 21 & 23B Date James W. Parsons P. O. Box 674 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Altce L. Parsons STATE OF COLORADO),f' CoUNTY 0F EAGLE ; D The foregoing certlflcate , 19______, by James Witness my hand and sea1 : My Commission expires: was acknowledged W. and Alice L. before me this Parsons.day of Notary Public tot t7B Date , 19 Uitfiess rny hand and seal: STATE OF C0L0RAD0) q, cOUNTY or nactn ; " The foregoing certificate Terry Siverly P. O. Box 645 Vai1', Colorado 81657 taas acknowledged before me th1s day of Notary Publlc My Conmission expires: ;Lot l7| Date STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF ) ss 'rhe foregoing certificate , l9-, by Witness ray hand and seal: My Commission expires: was acknowledged Arthur and Haja Arthur Janlcki 3765 No. 97th Street Hilwaukee, Ulsconsin 5J222 Maja R. Janicki before rae this R. Janicki. day o f Notary Public Lot 25B Date STATE OF CALlFORNIA COUNlY OF Henry Habenicht 1536 Underwood Avenue Atwater, California 95301 ? ss ) Florence Eabenlcht The foregoing Wltness ny hand and seal: certlficate was acknowledged before me , 19, by llenry and Florence Habenicht. this day of My Commission expires: Lo t 1 Date Johann Hans lJasmeler Rita l.Jasmeier P. O. Box 1021 Vai1, Colorado 81657 STATE OF COLORADO) oo coUNlY oF EAGLE ; oS The foregoing certlflcate was acknowledged before me this day of , 19_, by Johann Ilans and R1ta Wasmeier. Wltness my hand and offlcia1 seal: Notary Public Xy Conmisslon expires: Lot 2 Date Billy \l. Sanders P. 0. Box 1257. Vai1, Colorado 81657 STATE 0F COLORADO) q, cOUNTY oF EAGLE ) The foregoing certificate was acknowledged before me this day of. , l9 Witness my hand and seal: Notary Public My Commission expires: Lo t 3 Date James P. Farrel1 5861 N. Klngsdale Chlcago, I111no1s 60646 STATE OF ILLIN01S' ) coUNTY 0F ; SS The foregoing certiflcate.was acknowledged before me this __ day of , 19. Witness my hand and seal: Notary Public Hy Conmission expires: 16-Tract Date Jerry "T" Sibley P. O. Box 2404 Vatt, Colorado 81657 Judith A. Slbley STATE 0F C0L0RAD01 cOUNTY 0F EAGLE i SS The foregolng certiflcate was acknowledged before me this 19_____, Jerry "T" and.Judith Sibley. Witness my hand and seal: day of My Commission explres: Lo t 13 Date Ernst Larese P. O. Box 325 Vail, Colorado 81657 Barbara AnnLarese th1s STATE 0F COLORADO) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing certificate was acknowledged before me Ernst and Barbara Ann ss , l9______, by Wltness my hand and seal: My Comrnisslon expires: Notary Public Larese. day of Lot 9 6 1O Date The foregoing certificate was , l9 Witness ray hand and seal: My Conunission expires: Lo t 1 1A Louis Leonard Scher IV Lagoven, South Amerlca Apartado 889 Caracas-101, Venezuela acknowledged before me this day of Notary Public Date Ernst B. Henry P. O. Box 1784 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Clara R. Henry STATE OF COLOPADO) OicoUNlY or EAGLE ; oS The foregoing certificate was , l9_______, acknowledged before me by Ernst E. and Clara this day of R. llenry. iJitness my hand and seal: My Commission expires; Lo t 12 NoLary Public Dat IJalter }loritz P. O. Box 1/11 Va11, Colorado 81657 SS certiflcate was acknowledged 19_, by Walter and Marie Harie Claire Mortiz me this Mortiz. S.TATE OF COUNlY OF coLORADO) EAGL E ) foregoing day ofbefore Claire lJitness my hand and seal; My Comrnlssion expires: [\ Notary Public I - L Lot 7B Date STATE OF COLORADO) -COUNTY or EAcLE ; SS 'fhe foregolng certifieate wasNnvemfee, 19Jfi_. Uitness ny hand and seal: acknowledged before tne My Commisslon expires:,PeCElqBER az, t:80 Lot 8A & Lot 11B Date Andrew Stehney 508 Bunnlng Drive Downers Grove, I11inois 60515 Virglnia A. Stehney STATB OF ILLINOIS ) COUNlY OF, ) The foregoing Witness rny hand and ss certtttcatd was acknowledged 19________, by Andrew and seal: before me Virginia A. day o f Stehney. Notary Public My Comnission expires: Lo t 8s r ilGhn Siver1 =-'P. O. Box 645 Vai1, Colorado 81657 No tary Pub1 ic Ddte John F. Phelps P. 0. Box 1041 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Harvey A. Phelps th1s Phelps. STATE OF COLORADO) COUNIY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing ss certiflcatewas acknowledged John F. and before me Ilarvey A. d ay o f, l9__, by tJitness my hand and seal: My Commlssion expires: Notary Public \ Date Lo t 7A STATE OF COLORADO) coUNTY or EAcLs ; SS The foregoing certificate was 17ECEMBER. ' 9 19jfi___. Ultness my hand and seal: Lo t 7A Date STATE OF COLORADO) CoUNTY or EAGLE i SS The foregoing certificate was N0VE mBE lZ, 19_ff_____. Witness my hand and seal: My Commlssion expires: Lo t 7B - tZ,-l9 -']f Date If P. O. Vai1, acknowledged before me this Siverly Box 645 Colorado 81657 acknowledged before me this Vai1, Colorado 81657 '\ sTATE OF C0L0RAD0) alcoUNTY or EAcLE ; oS The foregolng certiflcate was acknowledged before me this ;a+day of D::ca-tiBE e_ , l9 -zn. "-"="-'-"'-""--i"=-F=-0--= - " ' L' Witness tuy hand and seal: Hy Commisslon explrqs: e Mu Box 645 Colorado Public 1f Recorded at. :...Jt40-..............u.e..t......n.,........99-t.. Rcceptioll No...........JjZ209"lj........,....MArJe]] n Ballz nprnPdGP of the County of Ear]-e Colorado, of tlle first part, and Yelna L, Sanders of t11e County of Ea r1c Colorado, of tlc second part, WITNESSETII, T]mt thc sa;d party of tho Iirst part, for and in consideratlon of the sum of TLII DoLLARs, b the said,arty ol the Iirst pay( in hsnd paid b:r thc said papf y of the second part, thc rcipt whereoi is heieby confcsse{l and ackno1$lcdgt}d, llss rcmised, re]cased, so1d, collvcyec1 a1ld QU1T CLAIlIED, and by L!l€Se Iresents does rcmise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAl}I unk tlle said parL y of the Rcond part, her heirs, succcssors and asigns, Iorc\cr, all the right, title, interosL claim and denland wllich tlle said party of the filggt part hss bPing in t]le in and k the fo]lo\ling descrjbed lot or parce1 of 1and sjtusb, lying and Cour.tyP of E;i g!e and Stak of Colorado, b wit: 1,ot 1, except that portion thereof described in Deed recorded in Bock l9? at Page 297 of the records and files of the 01erk and Recorder of Eagle County, Oolcrado; Lot 2; and Lot }, cxcept that portion thereof described in Deed recorded in Book 191 ab Page 339 of thc records and files of t:r:c Clcrk and Recorder of Eadle Cotmty, Oolorado, a1lin Xatterhorn Yillage TO H.A\/E AND TO HOLD dle sanle, together with all and singular the appurtenances a1ld privjlege9 thereullto be]onging or in anywise th'ereunto appertaining, and all the esfite, right, title, jnfirest aJ1d claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part, cither in law or equity, to the on1y proper usel bellefit and behoof of the said part y of the solld part, her heirs and sssigtls forever. IN \\'ITNESS WHEREOF, TlIc said patt y ol the first part ha s hereunk set his hand and sca1 on the day and }'eer filst above writbn. Tms Drrn, liadethis lltlt dayof befiten Bi11y ',4J, Sanders Sired, Sealed and Delivcled in the Presenee of lly comnli.qsion cxpircs October, 1978,Sifil[ ffiifii[ilJl18t fEocr, q t,de,-zeatauzaand stab of and state of [SEAL] [SEAL] [SE,\L] STATE OF COLOnADO, County of ,,]f he forccoinr htstrument was acknowlcdmt! bcf ore mc this 1lth 19fO,b}i* lBS. day of Oetcber 19.lt'itness my llalld and oflicial seal. 24.1SB2, Nolsrr l'tlbllc. :. ' ^ ' l0 ''' i J.i L.J, t'.-, t :. 'lf I y lI ttll' ', I I ', Ir I. '".rH :l. r l,.utrt n.ntttt ot ttnt ' |: If I yD t'"I-'lin n.'lll'r IIl rllrr?qrlltlt[\n or orIlclal ca11ac:t\ 1l M nlt. l1 I^i I : I. 1I i, lI rt l, I I.l. : I I + In ' ' I ! \illt :. l:'. DI, i\.{1 I l. t I I Ull:. r.^.'r,''','J..l:',,';',:',;;'ii.';,,: ',A'., ;.',.,",','::'.(,;',;.:.:,'; .11Ji. n! li il'il)li:i l. ;iiJi! 1l\.l: -1 c'\' l]Jrl..':l l:€\!:jit I li!iltU!.i11 l:jpi:. R 5i3 .U'.'/i\Ll( : STATE 0F COLORADO) u. ;, i,i;i t COUNTY 0F EAGLE ) ss The foregoing-Ded ieationCrhbcz A. D., Hy Commission cxpit'cs was acknowledged bcfore me th1s197s YYi]zrellce'i/QlLQ,,'dl,i- 30/1, dav nF.Z-- ":--.--.--. ' /O//T,//?/PZ-- - /r:,_,,/brd4yL -.,/ ' Notary Publlc -''"J4-- ;/, ; A )A _ r:-r-a"# I/J1P|</Yl,A.lL.4'"|) Wltness my hand and sea1 ,J' Lo t 4 Date Robert C. McClure 27 Skyline Drive Denver, Colorado 80215 Jod1 Ann HcClure STATE OF COLORADO),. COUNTY 0F EAcLE ; oS The foregoing certificate , 19__,was acknowledged by Robert C. and before me Jodi Anne th1s day ot HcClure. tJltness my hand and seal: Notary Publlc My Conunlsslon explres: LoL 5 Date Ear1 bf.; Bretz 6811 S. Lamar Littleton, Colorado 80123 Patricia Il. Bretz STATE 0F COLORADO) coUNTY or EAcLE i SS The foregoing certificate was , 19___,acknowledged by Ear1 H. and before me Patrlcia H. Bretz. this day of Witness nty hand and seal: Notary Public Hy Conmisslon explres: Lo t 6 Date STATE OF COLORADO) ,,cOUNlY 0F EAGLE ; " Box 645 " Colorado 81657 The foregoing certifieate was acknowledged before meNoVEHBER,, 19-78. Ultness my hand and seal: Notary Pub11c Cotmnission expires: DECEMBFR ZY, 198'0My n . 0. Tms DlnjD,Madcthis 2fi.h davof Ju1y llctlvn /ilice L. I'iirsc,ns ,\9'l?,, and state of Md stRte of Cotlnty of tP..qle Colo)ado, of the fii.qt rlnd, It-llcl \'e.lry.a L, E.Jndels of the County or EacJe Colorado, of tho second par(, .l'ttJt:.H: 1}'-:'.Y I I of the 'jrst -p3rt, for and in eonsideration of the sum oroo 'clhs ane cLher va It; t liiei ",j,,ff::{,,R !: ![;;'|c;;)r, _g :t:ji:! t'", ': hnnd pnid 'y the said ratt y of ,,, i,..,,. J.,,,,;i; ;;;,,;;':;t;:)!:t::" :::.':r: :t:tr:tt=a '!.' ;ffi;d,!d--;;..ti..,;;.;;-d :;n[;;i;:J;;[: !!iTJ"""J::"'" y :.n' Q"'I cIJAnI.,t;;;,;;;,;;;4:^^ 1;,;J;:;.,:;;j!her _'e)s 'nceessors and nssigns, 'opeven aJl the right, titlo, intereg(,.li.iJliJ delll;n'd' !Jf,.TllJ '.'.?J [],f,j!,,i6 of the "rs' part ha '; 'n_ant'_(o '|e 'o"owinr descdbed I.;.;-;;.;;, ;,;;;;,,;,i;;",;,:'. ::: of the bttinr in t11c Count} of Eai;Ie and State of Cololado, to \\it: l::hJf -:O!..'h, ff_f : hom Villace, Ptling N'o. :; mi]fJUJJ|[iJJ',Jj],...descJibec] a5 fo11o,,s: 'et:innins ab Lhe U'orthwest corner or Lot 2l, beinq theI::'tj'P:jf.. }fffY)Oij '!"'t 5&gS feet alonn t.h;-;,;^.r; ilfiJlf,T,,,.Tffi:irfff y_.t.p ie?.t '+ ?- c[tord bearin.q s s2.-;,"il; r;';i:[j:: tif?!,t"J:..: r:t ??.tH..HlF[h]ii;l; ;1-i,;;'21,-;h.;;; lii i.itliiit'fiJi,nt::.:}.':r1 : tn:t r-s-a.d!;t;ai; ;i-2i;;?:'f..t, !heneo s o6o o5' y,J :,fi:::::[e,:f -H':!3, f:et, t: t roy|n che)ouUt uiili iJit"il,",lii.J'i,_j[::::r,n;:!;: :f, j;f-:l-te:f r ? 'f; g t 53'] g a d;;tnJl," i; JJ!!i, i$r;:,J.:f :Jl:J?: !'_a}oyet,tte _Soutt Jine of kt 2i-;-;;;J;Jl}"'e;:,:; ',..,l!: ii!t::ffir:: n:* ]lc thence N o2' o4' 2ff-g-.i;;nU,JiJji!.'[[ 'o' " a "s'ance of '93,96 r.itiJii." 't:lJt; ;3lEroP PEGiffNINo:ConLaininq lj,GO? square feet. ' ' TO HAVE AND TO IlOl.D the samer tocether with all and dnmtlar the appurtenapcqg ad ptivileges tl:ereunto !:',rf:s or :n "':]isrl,l:reunto."Tj*"''ffi nnd all the estate, riaht, titie, interest and elaim,hat,,ev,,,,/,,,of the fffit part, eitlter in la* or qgigy, (g the only pmper uae, tener;t and behoof or the sddof the sccond pan, he, heirs d asskns forever.lN-WITNBSS WnEltEOF, nto iJi pary of tl;, fi..t p..t b., 'hereuntoset h,, band said llart., patt],r nl]d scd the day nd year filst above w'iTitten. Sipled, Sealed and Delivered in the Plticnce of hl}P conlmissil)n c\-llircs "^"J.',,!f}ffi;a, l- ' ta i1f.TPZ?Jl'J)tl'i ()#:};n).t;r;; Ulla '?" 1i- -.a..t, l9 ZJ, Witncss nly hand nnd of fietat seal. -{,/f| -/-; .4;,,,.a.,,-=,-.-....-..--..-. Noblvhblie. &ll..', j. ', '..'.',.?:i.t'.;";|. : ',- 1n," ',.'," I,." "llq c trt t t rt tttn p pq;).osu; lf ht IlI l\nll nrll Ifi i jl rpDrdDeninll\n ar clff IcIAl cn.n4ltl or u lh".r'I i'I, t.l. Il.ll''I'lllllll,.r\,.Il..fl.,,'l '::'Llil'ilr..lltl.ri \.ln.I.ILlF Il' ll'I'r'llll'^ltl' D.IrU. .rlll[l.l||; lf llli..f. il.lf r..r. /lrGllJt'l0l'J'. lncll.. I, I'.I;.l ('..I ,,..j,, l,.,';.i, '.'.','('.i..',!, l'.j. ) ".tlLGnU Ur 0tJlll illll\ls tll ggq'|) i'.lrlli lllllull, l'Ullll:lq It...';;)f ;(;,ay Na.9;:t. QUlr cLtnl D}:I:l).--Ij,.df.t,I I'ubfihirur CiJ,, IS:l-{l; Stdut Stli0ryl, Denr.!r, elllorado.4-?l fit P c d.d st..l2:;0...... rcto t-, p, ^', 0cU, 30, }9?8. ' i ii =ia Giii66Dl0llGDiaGi0 neee;ti,, No.--..l7_38JJt.-..-............. 'Jfanrn!.l...!lt...Ikra , Tms DEED, vnae ttmt,t day ol october betwoen Ja[n.cs P. Farrell D l9 7s. snd state of afirl iF+4A A4 trlrr nfinl!tllllll.0V rrr lt*n0cf 30., l{ sJl.a.:J&&9- and seal lBS. The forcgoing instrument \t'as acknow]edged bef ore nle this 16th19'IU.hv*.;T-.,,, J....d.i I dsy of Oetober "'' ',?f k:uviL- STATE o}' ILLINOIS. County of Cook Nobrhbllc. qfl!tg,,,,. Countyof d0JK e})j\ill(di"o'i tile firsL l)alt. and.." ' velna L. Sanders CoiJntv of L'r.,1 Colorado, of the secolld part, WITNESSETII, That the said part of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ten and no/lOO dollars and oLhar |ood and valuable consideration DOLLARS, b thc said rart y of thc first part in hand pnid b thc soid l)ali y of tlte sccond pact, the pgecip( whercof is herclby co]lfcssed and ackno\\ledged, 11as nmised, released, sold, eonveycd a11d QUIT CLAIbfED, snd by tllesc presents do lelllise, relen-se, scll, convc}' and QUIT CLAI}I ullto the said patty of the seccnd part, her heirs, successors and assirs, forever, a11 the rieht, title, intercst, daim and demand which the said party of the first part has in and fi tlle follo.ving descrjbed lot dr parcel of land simab, lying and beina in the Count> of Eag! a11d State of Colorado, to wit: A11 that patt of Lot ] of liatt.crhorn Vt::aae, Eagle gounty Colorado, not inollJded 1n a deed rgcorded in Boo-k 191 at. Page 339 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Eagle County Court. House, Eagle, Colorado. TO }IA\'E AND T0 HOLD tlle sahe, together tl,ith 9ll and sjngulzlr the appudenance6 and pdlPileges tF.ereunto belonging or in an)rllise thcreunb sppertailling, and a11 the estate, right, title, interest and clailn \\hatsoever, of the said party of t11e fir.st part, either in 1aw or equity, b the onllr proper use, bellefit d bell@l ol the said psrt y ol the seeoid part, her lleirs and assigns folel,-er. IN WITNESS Wl{EnEOF, The sajd pafi y of the first part ha3 set his hand the day and )'ear first above \tFllitbn. ''': {[ Signed, Sealed and De]il.rered in the Presence of [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] -lY?c, /5, 19JL.Witness my hand andof fieiat seal. Vn, ry ir. 'If I y ltaturjtl l'c!l :'()n cr l]Cr.ir)nf1 bere Illf Il!rt n,n,a,r Il.'.n]Cq; If l,,P ,, ,,,,,, n,,,[rc I,,,Ir,,r,,,,,ntAll\Ollr,{rl:,I,l carlcltlF iJr a6 ' ' :.t.','f di.ll? u ' I' Jtei;}Iolrlrlljllrllf, l'd\ii. 11S.C.l etllnrllllll ll.'vi'ted Gtltll:lle= lJeJ. ' Nu, f133, qluT clAI ;.t U!:r.D, [ifiJr j [ L rlin;, C) ) ; ; ;); ; q) jl t11t, ll,.,vtr. Co[.,raf Io "!?'D j.?11 s' :tZOGl..5 QUIT CLArYl DEED ST-\T]D OF .----,-..---.-....-.---.-.---Coun ty I hereby cefidy U1at tNs instltment was f0ed ror record in tnv ofn'fce at.... lGg€- -. ' '0 F0 ..,,...2.=.,.,..5/-,,,'f(p.?-+..., ,,.2.l- d is duly n o dcd ' n b.GL.-.....+j:+/:.-...... Film No..-.- -......Reception No. iii^ e'ii J ,...,,..!.,,,.,d-===lj"""" STATE OF COLOP$Do ""lin........-.-_.co qgy q r4,,4,...-.j" [ henby certify that thb il19t{lent was raea l'..} \\-- .' 'J .z """'_flIIITI rr a rt.r =tnn=tt"'" ffitll ljrltlL1 P " '"'"''"'='Ialp'"f"-" S'F 4=' or====='Y i''"'liiq"reLa'Fan9 = IDlli+ =lF=*a for record in Iay o'c:ocU-d..u., ----t;=fi-., Jj /4fi,,,/;iD""'9 0cXy /7-f7 ' c,'a,tx Uj{I) Fzas-") 3b d is dulr re<orded tn b..L.......fi?, ZZ...-..,.......- N _ tvae=w-!J ..-._-.....-.._=\.i==i=!lD+:-==0=-"-"- QU1T CLAni DEED " :]!::r:,::{::&.--j- I hereb:r certify tltat tbjs iAsLrjmellt w filed for record in my ofjjco at..J-.--'-::::-.-.-------........... ..d..kJe.u., -(h.d-..,r-Z,---....,,o2l., nd is d\Ily rcrdcd tn s..t.....,,12d.--.,. Ffim No.. "'^'" _._.........Reception No...4rfZ.........- Fees, $.,f-1!4e'-...... ,;i /,>J-7 d J Q,- t. ?/:I ; ;.-.,.,,ff+rJFTf ' iP"'"' --,.-.,,d!tdtP''"" "''''T'-" '.. a/ A l' 0 ,jJ.- CIZ,lJ\/\A4/L/ ;f'a, l8 !&,w>xev-, lq a Uw i\I:',;t ; 5'fA!'fi 0r aY.ORADO) i:' '.'''., rjoU:;]Y OL' !:ACLE ) ss Thc fotogtffi)g Dedicatlon cc/elzcr-_______),. n., was aeknowledged bcfore me this Jd /l,day of 1978 by l/(/.,,(, F. Sa.t,.leri ::! fio:;:m t !;s]on expires _-Z4/Jr,LZZJLL-:-'g,,-,-dlfifi-, NGtary Publle t Lo t 28 Date l.Jeldon }I. Tarter 218 Mining Exchange Building Colorado Springs, Colorado 80902 STATE 0F C0L0RAD0) ,, cOUNTY or EAGLE ) The foregoing certiflcate was acknowledged before me this , 19________, by Weldon M; and,Virginia L. Tarter. Ultness tny hand and seal: Notary Public My Commlsslon expires: Lot 15 day of Date Eric Uhitten, Trustee 2027 Orrlngton Avenue Evanston, Il1ino1s 60201 Thomas lfititten, Trustee day ot STATE OF ILLINOISj ) cOUNTY oF ) SS The foregoing certlficate was acknowledged before me this , 19-, by Eric and Thomas Whitten, Trustees. Witness ny hand and seal: My Commisslon expires: Notary Public Lot 22 & 24 Date Robert E. 6738 Long Houston, Nesmith Drive Texas /7017 STATE OF TEXAS ),c* COUNTY OF., ) JU The foregoing certifieate was acknowledged before me this, l9.day o f Witness my hand and seal: My Commlssion expires: Lot 23A Date , 19 Wltness my hand and seal: My Cotnmtssion explres: Notary Public Sue Bristo1 Z Susan Herzog P. O. Box 431 Vai1, Colorado 81657 STATE OF COLORADO) ,,COUNIY OF EACLE ) " The foregoing certificate was acknowledged before me this day of LoL 25l\ Date Paul Il. Hills Z A1ice Parsons P. O. Box 674 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Julia L. Mills STATE OP COLORADO) coUNTY 0F EAGLE j SS The foregoing certificate , 19____was acknowledged before by Paul H. iandiJulia L, me this day of l{i11s. Witness my hand and seal: My Commlssion expires: 1!^'' 0F 'OLORADO? q, cOUNTY 0F EAGLs : " The foregoing certificate was acknowledged before Date Uitness ray hand and seal: 1vly Commission expires: I(ar1 R. Ross P. 0. Box 1178 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901 , 19, by Karl R. and Eloise M. Ross. Elosie }1. F[oss me this day of No tary Pub1 ic Lo t 2 7 Tl\T_'t_'9t?RA'O) qs COUNTY OF EACLE ) J| The foregoing certificate was Date , 19 Witness my hand and seal: My Cotmnission expires: Alice L; Parsons P. O. Box 674 Vai1, Colorado 816:7 acknowledged before me this d ay o f Notary Public