HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK DEV03-0001 PRJ01-0300 B03-0149 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS LEGALI q Middle"Creek Village Vail, Colotado Structural Calculations Town of Vail Prepared by KL&A of California 6110103 KL€tA of Califomia Structural Engineem and Builders 3350 Scofi Blvd SantaClara, CA 95054 Te|ephone: 4O8 654 0475 Fax: 4O8 654 0476 www.klaa.com Middle Creek Village Vail, Colorado Structural Calculations Prepared by KL&A of Califomia 61\0103 KLEtA of Califomia Structural Engineers and Builders 3350 Scofi Blvd Santa Clara,CA 95054 Telephone: 408 654 0475 FaK 4O8 654 0476 www.klaa.com f$:q''fil Trtble ofContents SECTION TITLE 100 General Building Description a......................................1 110 General 11Oa aaaoooaoolDoaooooooo=oDoaaoa 1 120 BuildingA 130 Building B 140 Building C 150 Children's Garden Leaming Centet 1 Doaoooo=ooo=oooaag 3 200 Design Criteria..................4 210 Building Deynartment l 4 220 Structuml Design Criteria Summary | 10 230 General 10 231 | 1 0 232 Insurtmce Requiremen ts D 1 0 233 Design Loads " "" 'o"' "' " "' aoa oo" " "" " " " "'a "' "" " " "" "" 'D "' 10 234 Design Live """""""""""""""" 1 0 235 Superimposed Deat1 ' 11 236 Roof Snow ' 1 1 237 Wind 'O"""""""""""""'D0O0 1 1 238 Seismic """"""""""""""=IOO 1 1 239 Dejlections and Floor Flatness "" " """ """"" ooa' 12 231 0 Fire Ratings """ "" """" "" ""a D0"" " l 12 2311 Foundatiotts """ "" " "' aoa ao' o" "' "' "' "" " "" " "" 12 A Spread Footings and Drilled B Foundation Walls C Slab on Grade 2312 Concrete """""""""""""'aaaa 13 2313 ' 14 240 Eloor Live Loads... Q 15 250 Superimposed Dead Loads = 16 260 Roof Sno w Loads DoaooaoiaoaoaoolooaDoaooaiooaoaoloolaaaaoao=oloooooooooDa9="= 1 7 2 2 2 270 Wind Load 271 M;fit Wind Force Resisting ' 18 272 Contponents and Cladding Daoooaa 19 280 Seismic Loads and Criteria............,........, = 20 290 Snow Drift l 21 2100 Building Department Reoiewer Responses D==o="'^""""""""ooaooa ooolaaooa""""""" ooaDooaaoloao 4 300 Columns o=o=r=a"'*'*""""'o=o=ooD=..50 310 Column Desctiption/Design | 50 320 Descriyntions of the Gtavity Load Resisting System 50 51330 Key Plan Building C 340 Summary of Studzoall, stud column, and | 52 341 Spread Sheet Summary of Studwall demand vs. Capacity _ Building A................ 52 342 Spread Sheet Surnmary of Studwall demand vs. Capacity _ Building B................. 52 343 Spread Sheet Summary of "u'wy" demand vs. Capacity _ Building C................ 53 344 Spread Sheet Summary of Studs and Posts _ Building A iOa 0i0l00aD0O "" "' 54 345 Spread Sheei Sumtnary of Studs and Posts _ Building B o 55 346 Spread Sheet Summary of Studs and Posts __ Building C......... 'oo 'I" """ "" "' 56 350 Studwall Load and Design 351 Spread Sheet of Studu:all Capacity Calculation "" " 'o" " "' __ _ " "" "" "" " """" " ' 57 352 Studwall Load Ramdottm Building _A| 58 353 Studwcdl Load Rtotdozon Building _ B DOa0i0" "' "" " "' "" ""DOOD0O0a00D00D 63 354 Studzotdl Load Rundown Building _ C """ "' " "" "" "ll" " """"' 65 355 Key Plan Studwall Load of Building _ C at Plaza level,..........,...,, aaioal""'oloooooDoooaooa 80 360 Concrete Column Load 361 Colutnn loads grouped by type and location "'D=a=I00l0=DO0Oa 82 362 Concrete Colutnn Load Ru;tdotan """ """"'oo "' aoa ooa "" """ " """" DO' ao" "" " " 83 370 Studs and Wood Post Load Rundozon o 93 371 Column loads grouyned by type attd location_Building A " "" """ " 93 372 Column Ioads grouped by type and location_Building B ""'o " """""" 94 373 Columtt loads grouped by fype and location_Building C 1 95 374 Stud column and post Capacity Calculation """"'oooDooDoaooaaao 96 375 JrJ,&A 400 Foundations =....112 410 Table of content forFoundation Section 420 Sytread Sheet of tyyaical Cantilcoer retaining walls 430 Synread Sheet of Tyytical Spread Footings l 114 440 Grade Beams l 115 441 Typiccd Gtade Bearn 442 Special Grade Beam 443 Strap Beam on Grid 450 Miscellaneous Foundation 451 Special Retaining Wall _ Building A """" "" " "" '= "" " """ " " "" " "" "" "' 119 452 Special Retaining Wall with Counterfort _ Building A " "" "" "" """ 120 453 Retaining Wall around elevator shaft _ Building C "o " " "" "' 126 454 Stair | 128 455 Special concrete Wall footing - Building B....,. | 136 460 Drilled Piets a=D==o=ao==ao'ao"D"a" 141 461 Key """"""""""""" 143 462 Piles design "" "' "" " " "" "' aoa D" "o """"" "" " aloa"" """ """DDOlO' aao'o 'a" """" " """ "" 144 500 Permanent 5oi1 Retention System........................................153 510 Table of Content of Permanent Soil Retention l 153 520 Latetal soil Pressure _ Parking Gatage Building C 530 Intemal Forces of Precast Element _ Building C patking Gatage 531 Key Plan DOa 0i0lOi' lOa aial 159 532 Shear force and Overtuming Moment Diagrams of CMLI Walls " "" " "' "' 162 533 Shear force and Ouertuming Momen t Diagratns of CIP Walls """"""""""""""' 1 63 534 Shear force and Overtuming Moment Diagmtns of PC Walls """ "' 164 535 Spread Sheet of in-plane shear summary "' """' " " "oo " "" """ " " "" """"' D= " 168 600 Latera1 Systems........173 610 Lateral systems Description..,................. 173 620 DesignApproach ' 174 630 Latetal System and Cay;acity of BuildingA...175 640 Lateral System and Caynacity of Building a 176 ...........1ll 112 113 aaoo al" """"""""" iia laa DO """""" " " aa aaa ao" " "o "" " "" """""" " "" ""' 115 on Grid Line A _, Building C.. """" """ " """" "' 1 16 line A _ Building C | 1 1 7 154 159 650 Lateral System and Demand on Building C......... I{L&,A. 651 Story Shear Break Down """ "" """""""""" l 1 77 Shear Walls ua=oao'l"""Do==ooo=a=oo 1 79 661 Summary of Shear Demand and Shear \/Vall Capacity "" """' 1 79 662 Summary of Shear Wall Schedule "" " " " "" " "" "" " "" " "o "o "" """ ' 185 663 Typictd Studs Shear Wcdl l 186 670 Diaphragm...........187 671 Summary of the Shear Demand in ' 187 672 Shear Diagram of Building C-! " """' aoog ooo al" "' a" """""'ooiaaooaiial aa la'a 188 673 Shear Diagram of Building C-1 Linked with Building C-2 " " 189 674 Dejlected Shaped of Building C-1 and C-2 " " "" " "" " " """ "" " """" " " 190 675 Diaphragm """'DOOD0aDiODO0DOOD00a 1 91 676 Diayohragm Types and Capacity "" "" " " "" " " " """" " "" "" "" " " 'aoo "" " """ "" 191 680 Lateral Load Calculation _ Building A 681 Wind ' ' 1 92 682 Seismic Load ' 1 95 683 Wall Location Pltm €t View........ | 1 97 684 Shear Distribution """""""""' 200 690 Lateral Load Calculation _ Building | 203 691 Wind | 203 692 Seismic Load ' 206 693 Wall Location Pltm €t ' 208 694 Shear ' 210 6100 Latetal Load Calculation - Building a 213 6101 Key Plan and Weight Break ' 213 6110 Lateral Load Calculation _ Building C-1 | 214 6111 Wind ' 217 6112 """""""'OD0=DaOD0OD0ODO.....214 61 13 RISA Equivalent Stick Model, Analysis and ' 220 61 14 Wtdl Location Plan 0 """"""aoaaoial"l""'ao" 22 7 61 15 Shear Distribution = 228 6120 Latetal Load Calculation _ Building C-2 6121 Wind ' 229 KL&A. 6122 Seismic Load """" " " = "'E"" """ " """" " """"'ooaaio'l""" " "" """" """" "' 232 6123 TAlall Location Plan b """"""""""' 233 6124 Shear """"""""""""""""" 235 6130 Lateral L oad Ca lcula tion _ Building C-3 l 238 6131 Wfnd | 238 6132 Seismic Load 'o """ "" "lO0"" " " o'a" "" " "" " 'aa"' 'o'= 'o""""" 241 6133 Wall Location Plan 8 D 243 6134 Shear Distribution """""""""' 245 6140 Lateral Load Calculation - Buildittg C-4 6141 Wthd o 249 6142 Seismic Load "' aoaoolDoaaoao 252 6143 Wall Location Plan €t |254 6144 Shear Distribution """"""""""""""' 257 6150 Latera I L oad Calculation _ Building C-5 | OOOO0D00D0aD0aDO 261 6151 Wind ' 261 6152 Seismic Load | 264 6153 Wall Location Plan % """"""""""""""' 266 6154 Shear 1 268 6160 Lateral Load Calculation _ Parking Gatage Building | 273 6161 Summaryofln-Pla """"""""""..273 61 62 Wall location Key Plcm DO'"" " i="" "" """ " """"' l 2 74 61 63 Wind Load | 2 77 6164 Seismic Load "' oaoa"' D" Da'D0"" "' "" " "" " "' " "" " """""' 280 6165 V-Frame: Seisrnic Shear Force Distribution "" "' " o 283 6170 1IBC Tables for Shear Walls and Diaphtagms 1 307 700 Above Grade Floor Framing 10 710 Table of Conteztt of this section o 310 720 Topping 51ab - Batilding C Plaza Leuel o 311 721 Floor Construction Type B (Residentird) '0"""'D "" " "" "' Dooooo'Ilal"I'a"""' 31 1 722 Ploor Construction Type A (Open Plaza) aoa ai" "Dl00000 """ " " """""""""" 313 730 Beam 1 314 731 Summcrry of Beam Schedule | 314 XL&A. 800 Roofs 732 Typical Beant Design _ Building A.. aao ""I "I " "" " """ """ " "" " "" """ " " "" 315- 733 SpecialSlabSuppo rt_NorthFaceofBuildingA..... .......31O 734 Tyyical Beam Design -Building B | 319 735 Specictl Beam Design _Building B,.. """"""""""" 341 736 Typical Beam Design _ Building |323 737 Specicd Beam Design _ Building C Htmdicap Unit,.,,....,..... l 324 740 Above Gtade Typical Floors oaaolDoaaoooooaooaooolaaa""" | ooooaDoaDoaD=oDoa= 331 741 T]-Pro Rating "' Doa "" "" " """"" ao""" "" "" 'o " "" "" "" """ " "" 'l"'a "I"""""" 331 742 T|I 11 7/8" maximum span ' 333 ..........................346 810 Table of Contents of this section 820 Allozoable Uniform Roof Live Loadfot Pte-engineered 347 830 Design of Canopy - South face of Building C 348 900 Wa11 Systems 361 910 Table of Contents of this section 920 Design of Cast-in-place concrete zoalls - Building C Patking 921 Walls Key Plan aaaaoialaloaaoaai 922 Shear Wall Capacity 923 Interaction Diagram 930 Design of CMLI zoalls - Building C Patking 940 Design of Transfer Beatn _ Building C-4, F-3 Lcoel 1000 Soils and Foundation Investigation 1100 Early Learning Center 1110 Description 1120 Columns 1130 Foundations 1140 Lateral 1150 2nt'FloorFraming 1160 RoofFraming 361 362 36| 364 366 367 368 qqo KL&A. KL€iA of Califo | rnia o 00000 1 Consulling Struotural Engineers 16OJeffersolDlive Melio Pa[k, CA 94Cl25 Ptr65O475-5522 Fa;c6604756523 MmDLE CREEK VILLAGE Structural Project Description Date: June 10, 2003 General The project is located on a mountainside the north side of I70 across from Vail proper on a site adjacent to the Qwest telephone tower. The existing grade on the site varies from about 8213 on the southwest end of the project to roughly 8280 (USGS) on the northeast end. Middle Creek Village is an affordable housing development that includes wood framed residential structures and precast concrete parking structure, There will be a total of four buildings on the site stretching along a spine that is generally east west. Only the structural bearing walls are shown on the structural plans. Refer to architectural drawings for non-structural partitions. Interior structural bearing walls are typically 2x6 studs at 16 inches on center with 5/8 inch gyp both sides. All walls are assumed to be shear walls for resisting wind loads in a11 buildings. ALL GYPSUM WALL BOARD MUST BE NAILED AT ALL EDGES, INCLUDING THE BOTTOM. Exterior walls are clad with 'h inch plywood sheathing on the outside in the free standing buildings and with two layers of 5/8" gypsum board in building C. Wall intersections are critical to the performance of the buildings under wind loads. The framing contractor is expected to be familiar with and use the wall intersection details shown on S 1.61. Altemative details will be reviewed and accepted if they provide ef fective transfer of shear between the interior transverse walls and the exterior longitudinal walls and around the comers and steps that are featured in the fagade. 1n order to be used, altemate details must be submitted and approved prior to the start of construction. All wood floors are framed with l1 1l8 inch TJI sections (250, 350, or 550 - see plans for location) supporting 3A inch plywood sheathing that is glued and nailed. A 1 inch gypsum overlay is provided on all residential floors. The roofs are typically framed with pre-engineered roof trusses spanning front to back. The wood trusses are used to create the special roof shapes requimd for the architectural aesthetics. False dormers are created by over-framing to complete the fagade. The over framing is applied over the top of the main plywood roof diaphragm. n MddeCreek JJage Catc 000BddlngDescnptlm 69Sdlelnad StructurdDesdptm030(Il&dlx Structural Description 000002 BuildingA Building A is a free-standing three story building on the extreme west end of the project. There is roughly a 30 foot grade change from the front of the building to the back of the building. This is accommodated by the use of a soil nailed gunite wall set back from the back face of the building. The design and construction of the soil nailed wall will be performed by a specialty engineer and contractor. There is a landslide hazard mitigation wall at the top of the cut immediately behind the building. The hazard mitigation wall is formed by a "T' shaped concrete assembly consisting of a six foot vertical section cast against the back wall of building A, a horizontal section formed by meta1 deck spanning from an angle on the back wall of the building to the top of the soil nail wall, and a specially reinforced thickened section incorporated into the top of the soil nailed wall. Additional tiebacks are required at the top of the soil nailed wall to accommodate additional loads imposed by the hazard mitigation wall. On the east end of building A there is a storage area that bridges between the building and the soil retained by the soil nail wall. This section of floor is framed with a concrete slab that is supported at the back wall of the building 1ag bolted to the wall studs. To accommodate the heavy loads and large lag bolts, the wall is framed with 3x6 studs at l2 inches on center. The floor joists in building A typically span about 14 feet with a maximum joist span of about 21 feet. The floors on the eastem wing of building A are offset vertically by 5 feet from the floors on the west wing. It is anticipated that at the ends of the building the excavation will be laid back creating a wedge of soil nailed wall. Upon completion of the structure, the soil on the two ends will be backfilled against the walls of building A to produce terraces. The foundation walls on both ends of building /x have been designed as cantilevered retaining walls. BuildingB Building B is a three-story structure situated to the east of building A and south of building C. The north wall of building B is a 10 ft. cantilevered retaining wall to accommodate the grade change from front to back. Building C Building C is the largest structure on the site with a footprint of about 189 ft x 160 ft., not including several contiguous buildings that are outside the footprint of the main structure. It consists of several wood framed residential structures ranging from 1 to 5 stories on top of a two story precast parking garage. 06/07/03 Page2of3 KLdrA of Califomia $ Structural Description There is a 30 foot tall soil nailed wall on the north side of Building C. There are retaining walls on the east and west sides that consist of cast-in-place walls below the lowest level and precast walls above that level. The precast parking floors are framed with 24 inch double tees spanning approximately 40 feet to 35 inch deep inverted tee beams. The tees and beams are topped with a structural slab ranging in thickness from 3 inches minimum to 4 inches maximum. The top level of the precast garage supports the bearing walls for the structures above that are arranged around the perimetor of the deck. The area in the center of the deck is a pedestrian plaza. Some of the bearing walls are supported on the topping slab between the stems of double tees and some are supported on individual rcctangular beams between the double tees. In order to carry the transfer loads, there is a 6 inch structural topping slab under the buildings. The sandwich above the topping slab consists of 3 inches of concrete fill over 3 inches of expanded polystyrene insulation. In the plaza areas, the sandwich consists of 4 inch nominal structural topping screeded and floated, then a waterproof membrane, protection board, and a 4 inch wearing slab. There is a precast stair and elevator cote on the west side of building C outside the main footprint. This structure also serves as a retaining wall supporting up to 20 feet of earth. The retaining walls are built on a 30 inch pad. The elevator pits extend through the pad. Children's Garden Leaming Center The Children's garden leaming center, locateg on tho extreme eastem end of the project, is a mostly one story building with a partial 2" floor. The north wall of the building is a cantilevered retaining wall with up to l4 feet of fill behind it. The roof is primarily pre- engineered wood trusses. The small 2'* floor is framed with TJI joists. 000003 06/07/03 Page 3 of 3 KL&A of Califomia @ o$ :::ft!,JfrJ!:r* 3350 Scot Blvd Santa Olara,CA 95054 Telephone:4086540475 Fax:4086540476 www.klaa.oom 000004 1ob r{gtne: Mithlte Cnck,%'it(age 1o69{!lffi6er: 1169 Project: Location: Building Department of Project: Phone Number: KL&A of Califomia Employee: Date: BLIILDING DEPARTMEJVT' INFORMATION Middle Creek Village Vail, Colorado Building Official (or reprcsentative) contacted: Doris Flores Town of Vail 970-479-2138 JLM June 10, 2003 Typical Questions; Code Goveming Building Code: UBC 1997 Willd Wind Speed: 80 mph Exposure: B ImpottanceFactorJ= 1.0 Loads Snow Load: 100 psf for flat roofs or pitches less than, or equa1 to, 4: l2. 80 psf for pitches greater than 4:12, 100 psf for decks and exterior balcony. Drifting Requirements: per goveming code - see above P: \Middb Creek Vlb€e'Caic'02C0 Design Crilerif t\1 tffi BttBdklg DeF@llrmlt Infi]f matbndoc June rfb'c]oo5 Eave loading requirement due to wind or hanging icicle: No special eave loadings requirements. Snow Load Duration Factor for Wood: Not Allowed Seismic Seismic Zone: 1.0 (UBC 97) Seismic Snow Load Reduction: Yes, take reduction per UBC/goveming code Seismic Source Type = A Distance to Nearest Seismic Source = >15 km Soil Type = B ImportanceFactor= l.0 Frost Depth: 48" Special requirements or Building official recommendations of site: NONE o Page2 g'g|LURDE, Town of 'f erry Voster Ctuef Building Official PO Box 397 Telluride, C081435 (970) 128-2\15 Fax: (970) 728-0548 'rHORNTON, City of Creg Wheeler Chief Budding Officia1 9500 Civic Center Or. ntornton, CO 80229 (303) 538-1250 Fax: (303)538-7373 TRINDAD, City of John Clenin Building Inspectm PO Box 880 Trillidad, CO 81082 (?l9) 846-9843 Fax: (719)846-4140 VAlL, Town of Chief Building Official 15 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 (970) 479-2i38 Fax: (970)479-2452 WALDEN. Town of Paula Harrison Q|tief Building Officia1 Walden, C0 80480 (970) 7234344 (g7O) 723-3213 hmne watsexBURG, City of Leo Bigelow Building Inspector 525 S. Albert Waisenburg, C0 81089 (719) 738-1048 Fax: (719)738-1875 WELD, County of Monica Daniels-Mi]ca Chief Building Official 1400 N. 17tb Ave. Greeley,C0 80631 (970) 353-6100 Fax: (970)352-6312 WEST CLIFF, Town of DanDiaz Qtief Building Oflidal 305 Main St. Westcliffe, C081252 (?l9) 783-9626 Fax: (7l9) 783-2943 wESTMINSTER, City of Dave Horras Chief Building Official 4800 W, 92nd Ave. Westminster, C0 80030 (303j 430-2400 Fax: (303)426-5857 WHEAT nmGE, City of John Eckert Chief Building Official 7500 W. 29th Ave. fifieat Ridge,C0 80215 (303) 237-6944 Fax: (Z03}235-2851 WINTER PARK, Town of Mark Mardlus @l)jef Building Official PO Box 3327 Winter Prk, CO 80482 (q7O) 726-8081 F,,, (970)726-8084 WoODLAND PARK, City of Ronald Walker Q)ief Bufiding Officia1 PO Box 1886 Woodland Park, CO 80866 (?19) 687-3048 F,x: (l19j6g7-5256 YUMA, Cityof Bi11 Eastin Chief Building Officia1 Box 265 Yuma, CO 80759 (970) 848-3878 Fax: (970)848-5101 000006 46 NAME 0F LOCAL JURISDICTION: julisdicdon? ,,,,,,.,;;;;;F;;;;Ij;;;fl;;awithin 199s? g;Tffififfii|ig! ffit[fillg 1ffir TrEffiiJioading clitelia =e ;n cni..t, please aesetne then =.,=fi;;rJi&;;;i;JiJafpitdlper1994UBC Secdon t605.4? :;T,'"," ;r;'" i[[F;!t]ffi!-i:j:f:-:23 or to u1o lY>'* up "'-'-- -]-,? 1f the above has notbeen toad Pg, fr gge in sw drilti j1g "'"'! tx;ortea ao you haw ay requirenlens for snow ardting? bythe 1994 UBCSection.1616? ffi;;;ffi;IaGJ;;&-;;fia;-*:' w;na loadiltg per 1qq4iJsc sddon 16147,fuelh.,euyreshictioG? n-&;;;ffia;;G;""""' ffi;;;;G;affilJ;aF'""""'' -fi-;;;ffi;f;;- T] ;w" j""""' 1f you ,,e, please provide the natne anu pnono numbor of tbo pelson ffil!Effi'fiT':'"ffi'm-ffi;Gottollloffootin9or ffiBl$l':'ffi'i:mTffiT;T;;;;G;e:dst filrewocd stacks, idcle impacts, etc.? ffilf?ffi'm';?J;;;GaldstwindloadS. h,,gingicicles,eteJ !rff'fi'='m;' -ffia'oc' foundation 6 -,,.,d d,,ig,, that differ trom the UBC? r I i i ! ! 'lt:Uoo iii; unc by 1!7! sOpsf l0O psf - opel1 decks or pitch ts than 4:12 airpon rtear Walden by Fairarounds in oullty stopogreatertban"'es"" for gloulld req11iro $g11leen stamrrcrtoundadon' 1994UBC 1997 UBC l99 Y6 Depelldson design/tocado LaVetaAirlx Yes o Snow Load by Location LOCATION ALTITUDE (feet) SNOW LOAD (Dsf) Alrowhead 7,260 60 Aspen Mesa 7,200 54 Avon 7,500 59 }asalt 6,600 43 Beaver Creek Village 8,150 77 Bellvachc Ridge 8,800 93 Berrv Creek 7,350 57 Bond 6,752 45 Bums 6,463 40 Colorow Subdivision 8,200 77 Cordi[lera 8,000 72 Cottonwood Pass 8,280 79 Derbv Junction 6.463 40 Dotsero 6,149 35 Dowd Junction 7,726 65 Eag]e 6,497 40 EaRle-Vail 7,600 63 Eby Creek 47 Edwards 7,260 54 ElJebe1 6,500 40 Frvine Pan Rivcr Area 7.000-8,000 50-72 Fulford 9,900 l2l Gilman 8,800 93 GYpsum 6,320 37 LakeCreek 7.500-8,000 59-72 McCoy 6,742 44 Meredilh 8,000 11 Mintum 8,000 72 Radium 6,800 5O Red Table Acres 7,200 54 Redcliff 8,700 90 Reudi Shores 7.800-8,400 67-82 Seven Castles 7,200 54 Squaw Creek 7,500-8,500 65-85 State Bridge 6,886 48 Sweetwater 7,500 46 Tennessee Pass 10.400 98 Vail 8,150 77 Vail Pass Area 10,400 98 West Vail 8,000 1Z wolcott 6,984 50 * Local jurisdictions may vary from this table. Section 2306 "Reduction of Live Loads" (from i991 UBC) is ddeted. 000008 NOTE: Appendix 4 See Resolution Section APPENDIx 4 - EAGLE CoUNTY 000009 I9O 18O I?O l6O l5O 14O l30 Basic Snow Loads sooo *i' 9000 Elevadon (feet) -a-K4 -rf-K6 oa =I'tldo I..l boa VJ eu ooel 12O 110 100 90 8O 70 6O 5O 40 3O 20 5000 Atl of Eagle County is on the K4 line, except the Tennessee Pass area, which is on the K6 line. (This graph takenfrom thc manual "Snow Load Design Data for Colorado," March t 978, by SEAC) Appendix 4 | KL&A, Inc.0000 1 0 Consulting Structural Engineers a Builders Structural Design Criteria Summary Middle Creek Village Vai1, Colorado June 10, 2003 GENERAL The project consists of multiple multi-family housing structures and a few community support structures. It is located in the town of Vail, Colorado, on the North side of I-70, near the Mountain Bell Building. Typically, each building consists of: First Floor: Parking on slab on grade Second, Third, & Fourth Floors: Residential Living Units Roof : Long gable with intermittent dormers The general section of this section covers issues such as project location, goveming codes, insurance requirements, etc. Codes The governing building code is the 1997 UBC. The goveming authority is the Town of Vail Building Department. Insurance Requirements At this time, special insurance requirements are unknown. DesignLoads The discussions in this section cover the design loads that will be used for the building. They includc the standard code design loads contained in the tables in the Appendices and special loads covered under the individual sections. It is important that the special live loads below be reviewed by the owner for consistency with the program and leasing intent. The architect should review all of the loads below in the role of prime professional and coordinator, but specifically the finish allowances as these may affect not only the structure loading, but the detailing as well. The statements contained herein represent the structural engineer's understanding of the requirements of this project. They constitute the definitive design criteria for the project unless they are modified at the request of the owner, contractor, or other design team members. Design Live Loads Floor Live Loads are set according to the 1997 UBC and ASCE 7-98, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures", as noted in Appendix 1. P:\Mf ddle Cmek lrflklge\Calc\OZO0 Destgn Crtteria\Structurcd Oestgn Crttertt.doc Printed: 06/07/03 Poge ] KLSrA, Inc. Oonsultlng Struotural Englneers & Bullders 00001 1 Live Load Reductions Design live loads will be reduced for beams, girders, columns, and foundations as described in the UBC. Members supporting more than l50 sq. ft. with live loads less than or equal to 100 psf, except for areas of public assembly, may have live loads reduced. The reduction shall not exceed 40% or members receiving load from one level only, 60% for members, or 20% for columns supporting multiple floors with live loads greater than 100 psf. The maximum reduction in live load for parking structures is limited to 40% for members supporting more than one level. Superimposed Dead Loads Superimposed dead loads include ceiling and flooring allowance, partition loads, suspended pipe and lights, duct allowances and exterior fagade loads. See Apnendix 2. Note that superimposed dead loads D0 NOT include the self-weight of the structure, columns, beams, girders slabs etc. Roof Snow Loads Roof snow loads and associated drifting and sliding provisions are in accordance with the City of Vail Building Department requirements. See Annendix 3 for detailed snow load requirements. Wind Loads Wind loads are based on UBC 97 Wind loads are based on a design wind speed of 80 mph and are summarized in Appendix 4 Wind Loads - Main Wind resisting System, The roof construction is pre-engineered wood trusses @ 24" o.c. Roof wind load to be determine and roof trusses to be designed by the roof s supplier. Seismic Loads Seismic loads are based on UBC 97 Seismic loads are based on a code seismic zone designation of Z = |.0 and are summarized in Appendix 5. In calculating the seismic mass, 25% of the design snow load will be included in the roof dead 1oad,' Deflections and Floor Flatness All structures deflect and this one will be no exception. ' Ellingwood and Rosowsky, "Combining Snow and Earthquake Loads for Limit States Design", ASCE Joumal of Structural Engineering, Vol. l22 No. l1, November t996. XL&A. Inc Structllra| ErLgirLeers & BuUders Desfgn Criteria SLlmmclrg Page2 Middle Creek VlUnge 6/7/2003/2003 KL&A, Inc. Consulting Structural Englneers & Bullders 00001 2 Floor Fkttness and Levelness The floor flatness and levelness are primarily dependent on the methodology employed by the contractor to monitor the elevations during screeding operations as the concrete is placed. The only way to get a level floor is to pour it level under load. This is possible only with composite floors on steel beams and metal deck. Post tensioned concrete floors tend to be level if the contractor places them level, due to the restoring forces of the tendons. Cast in place concrete floors will not be level unless they are cambered at the time of placement. This is a difficult operation, the success of which can only be ascertained if the floors are surveyed before and after the forms are removed the first time. A cast-in-place concrete floor that is level the day the forms are stripped will not be level five years later. It is the nature of concrete De flections-Gravitu Loads Floor members will be proportioned such that the live load deflection calculated in accordance with normal engineering practice will be limited to span/360. Total maximum deflection shall be limited to span/240. Where The architect shall identify non-structural components that cannot accommodate these deflections and, together with the structural engineer, develop appropriate supply appropriate criteria, No additional restrictions on the deflection/vibration of the floor systems have been communicated by the owner's representative at this time, Deflectio11s-Lateral Loads Lateral deflections due to wind and seismic forces shall usually be less than h/400 where h= building height and/or story height. UBC Section 1630. l0 will be used for drift criteria verification. Fire Ratings It is assumed all steel members and decking need not be fire-protected. A three hour or greater separation may be required between parking and residential areas. Project architect will verify. The architect has indicated structure type is Type Il-Non-rated. Foundations Foundations and interior slabs on grade will be designed according to the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report which include the following: Swead Footings or Drilled viers Minimum frost depth required from grade to bottom of footing = 3'-6" Minimum dimension of column footing = 24" square or 30" round Minimum width of continuous wall footing = l6" Bearing capacity = 4,500 psf Foundation Vlcdls Foundation walls will be designed for the maximum active or at-rost pressure, subject to confirmation by the Geotechnical engineering report. Active pressure = 35 psf/ft jYf iddle Creek Vaklge 6/7/2003/2003KL&A,Inc Structuro1 Ertgineers & Bullders Desgn Criteria Summarg PQge3 | KL&A, Inc.000013Consutting Structural Engineers a Bullders At-Rest pressure = 50 psf/ft Friction coefficient = A Passive pressure = 300 psf Slabs on grade Typical interior slabs will be 4" thick. Under vehicles they will be 5" thick. Slabs on grade will be underlain by 4"of free draining granular material per the recommendations of the soils report. Cetnentfor concrete in contact with soil or bedrock Modified Type II or Type V Construction Tolerances Concrete Construction Tolerances for cast in place concrete as prescribed by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301-89 will be specified unless requested otherwise. Copy will be fumished upon specific request. See designer note #5. . Slab elevations ACI prescribes a tolerance of (+-) %" with respect to slab elevations. This tolerance is intended to apply to slabs on grade and to top surfaces of formed slabs before removal of supporting formwork. KL&A believes this \\h" envelope to be excessive, therefore we propose to tighten this tolerance to (+-) lh". We believe this reduced tolerance to be appropriate for most projects, however certain architectural details may require even more stringent tolerances. : ACI does not specify an clevation tolerance for slabs cast on composite deck supported by steel framing. KLdcA intends to specify the same (+-) l6," as discussed above. . Finish tolerance (flatness). ACI specifies a maximum 3/16" gap at any point between a 10' straight edge and the floor slab for floors described as "flat". KL&A belioves this tolerance (described as "Ax" in specifications and in ACI 117) to be realistic and will be specified. . Finish tolerance for slabs cast on composite deck and/or precast concrete members will be increased to a 5116" gap at any point between a l0' straight edge and the floor slab. See designer note #6. Miscellaneous o Fireproofing of structural elements is not shown on the structural drawings. Refer to architectura1 drawings and specifications for fire proofing requirements. o Structural drawings are intended to be used in conjunction with Architectural, Mechanical j Electrical and Plumbing drawings on the project to clearly define all requirements for construction. o J(L&A, Inc Struttural Er|girleers & Builders Design Crtteria SurnrnGllJ Page4 Mf dd[e Creek Vl11nge 6/7/2003/2003 , * !f[f[;.t;!::f;,., :glneers & BUllder8 000014 . Demolition of existing construction is generally not shown on structural drawings. Demolition requiremonts are usually shown on demolition drawings prepared by the Architect. o See Architectural drawings for door and window openings, drip slots, reglets, masonry anchors, brick and precast concrete bearing, ledges and for miscellaneous embedded plates, blots, anchors, etc. . Concrete finishes are not dealt with on the structural drawings but are defined in the structural specifications. Lacking architectural location for specified finishes, the specified provision for "unspecified form finishes" and "unspocified s1ab finishes" will apply. Copies will be provided upon specific request. Roofs . The roof construction is pre-engineered wood trusses @ 24" on center. o Slopes: High roof slope of 6: l2 and low roof slope of 4: 12. JC,&A, Inc StructlLraL Engineers & B[dlders Design Cdtella Summarg Pclge 5 Affdd[e Cmek VlLage 6/2/2003/2003 Consultlng Structural Engineers d Bullders APPENDIX 1 FLOOR LIVE LOADS Concentrated Ioads in additio, to thosc shown shall be fumished to thc structural engi:=er by the architect. 'See section on roof snow loads. 'Stair Treads. KL&A, Inc. XL&A,Inc Structural Engineers & Buaders 0000 1 5 Middle Creek ViUage 6/2/2003/2003Destgn Criteria Surnmc[rg Page6 Area Uniform Load Concentr ated toad' Reducible Source Residential/Living Areas 40psf 300 lbs'Yes UBC 97 Exits, Corridors, and Public stairs 100 psf 300 lbs'No UBC 97 Exterior Balconies 100 psf No Garages - Public 50psf 2,000 lbs Yes UBC 97 Stairs 100 psf No ASCE7 Storage - light 125 psf No UBC 97 Mechanical equipment rooms 150psf No Roof 2 No KLScA, Inc. Consultlng Structural Englneers & Builders 000016 In multi story buildings, the first "typical" floor may not be typical on the load keys because of the non-typica1 suspended loads from below. Verify this independently. Don't forget to include vertical sections of pipe that connect horizontal runs to units. Quite often these are attached to the units using 'f ex" couplings (roquired in high seismic zones and where piping is isolated for sound and vibrations. APPENDIX 2 SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOADS [tem Uniform Load Comment Ceiling Allowance 0 Loads are applied to floor above ' Parking 0 Residential 14 psf 1" gypcrete over glued & nailed 3/4" plywood sheathing Suspended MEP allowance Loads are applied to floor above ' Parking 0 Lights, sprinklers, storm Residential 0 liehts, ducts, sprinklers Roofing 5psf Includes insulation, and membrane type roofing in residential area. Plaza 0pen area above Residential area above 115psf Include concrete topping, insulation layers, and/or wearina layer Normal weight concrete 150pcf Lieht weiaht concrete 120pcf 1. 1 XL&A, Ine Sf ructuro1 E11gineers & Builders Design Crtteri{L Summarg Poge7 Mfdd[e Creek ViUage 6/7/2003/2003 KLSrA, Inc. KL&A, Inc Structurcl Engineers & Butlders 000017Consulting Structural Englneers d Bulldets APPENDIX 3 ROOF SNOW LOADS Flat roof or pitches less than or equal to 4:l2 P(= 100 psf Reductions due to roof pitch are: 80 psf for pitches greater than 4: 12 Ground snow load for drifting calculations Pg= 80 psf Snow loads due to drifting, sliding, and unbalanced load conditions will be considered in accordance with ASCE 7-98. Maximum snow drifts on lower roofs Pd= 85 psf Special eave loads due to ice dams are not required. Snow Load Duration Factor for Wood: 1.00 (No duration factor allowed) Exterior Balcony Loads: Min 100 psf, or use snow load criteria (greater, or combination of loadings). Design CritericL Sumrnarg PcLge8 Mtddle Creek VtUo.ge 6/7/2OO3/2Oa3 KL&A, Inc. Consulting Structural Englneers & Bullders APPENDIX 4 WIND LOADS - MAIN WIND RESISTING SYSTEM Wind loads for the design of the main wind resisting system are summarized in the table below. 0000 1 8 KL&A,Inc Strttetuml nrtgtneers & Bufiders Design CdtjerilL Surnl]larU PcLge9 Parameter Value Comment Basic Wind Speed 80 mph Importance factor 1 Exposure B C, (horizontal)l.4 UBC Method 2 (Projected area) Cq (upward)0.7 UBC Method 2 (Projected area) Maximum wind pressure for building wind resisting system l6.4 psf Varies with height. Mf ddje Creek VUlclge 6/7/2003/2003 KL&A, Inc.00001 9Consultlng Structural Engineers d Bullders APPENDIX 5 WIND LOADS -- RO0F AND CLADDING Wind loads for cladding, including cold formed metal framing, and roof are estimated maxima for reference only. It is assumed that the architect will specify that these elements be designed by a competent licensed professional for all applicable wind load criteria for the location and exposure considering both local codes and recognized national codes, whichever control. Parameter Value Comment Basic Wind Speed 80 mph Importance factor 1,0 Exposure B Building is protected on three sides by site, per Building official. C, (horizontal)1.3 UBC Method 2 (Projected area) C, (upward):7 UBC Method 2 (Projected area) Typical wind pressure Walls Flat roof Eaves Corners. 25 psf 50psf 75 psf Typical wind pressure Walls 0 - 30 ft 30 - 50 ft. 25 psf KL&A, Inc Str[[ctural Engfneers & Bullders Design Criteric SummGrg Pclge 1O Mtddle Creek VUlnge 6/7/2003/2003 Consultlng Structural Engineers & Bullders APPENDIX 6 SEISMIC LOADS The following criteria for seismic loads will be used. In calculating the seismic mass, 25% of the design snow load will be included in the roof dead load.' ' Ellingwood and Rosowsky, "Combining Snow and Earthquake Loads for Limit States Design", ASCE Joumal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 122 No. 11, November 1996. The allowable soil bearing capacity is fumished to the structural engineer in a geotechnical report provided by the owner. KL&A, Inc. KL&A. Inc Structural ErLgirLeers & Fuilders 000020 Mtddle Creek VUllJge 6/7/2003/2003Desfgn Criterf ct Sllmmc[rg Page ] J Parameter Value Comment UBC 97 Zone 1 2=0.075 Seismic Source Type n/a Importance factor 1 Soil Profile Type Sc Very dense soil and soft rock. Allowable soil bearing capacity 4.5 ksf R 4.5 Bearing wall systems with light-framed wall system with shear panels and concrete and masonry shear wall system Q,2.8 C.0.13 C,0.09 00002 1 t sa oo okk Y>> >>> > .gc tUo o< odJY 9)!-o m 3> o P da o lJ. Hb We eo o @oooB =CLo'6o ih =auo Xo lI >DDafi fi P Ull. oo =b fD= aD ao o5 p1 ffiE >O tho fio oE g (o =(L H ;; ;; 98 98l._" _"=6? 'aB=,'fi 9 :E 9A' "6l V1 'a t o tn o t t oo@ff I0,i cq o? c\! (N Tq6 (\l 0 II II IIo o jl Dfi fL p..i oo=oeo dIao PE 9 5i :e H Qo q E9 ; Qa Is g } s " Hit _f f}! iii ii KL &A Consulting Structural Englneers g:l2 s[,c?.\ .,-j, 4:I2 -l- q r" o.zm tJTu, ffi[j! --; r kf m:t( m.etlffi- ee' tfi--C\ sa<t; !_:,,:i r ftr1J o.4b 'Jllti' 'TE,;;o - rs ?€2 kd +Qf |2 a o.6h) 12.e2. 1 =o.oFtt+t+ <'6o' : JJ!! jo)4 :i4 -,o4 <: L.-> t' hb = t,. Ct[r } i - dEL{P)- 2q + : :,]J l.c g'-f, - i;_, = 62r-: d =j.q1 ! -/ hz5 }- 4. z:' } :(Ig'. J. Ttle }\C \J V-Jd ' Date S/fSiT.p'JSbdbdbb Subiect.l.,-.{+ lo;,e\ gv Mtc Sheet of |\ ntt I tam,J utt Ft"' cj" A = (,..z 'JTi, "Jf,+:; - l,L1 ))g ,[h = lou: d uuat!b - a PJ25' ;) tlyc )g' P(= cyy} pt:i ie;,ti -:!1' kJ =(o€E,*Tdi..,o _ h9)% = I TD lr---,t 6'' lJlt; J r,tg( ut,t F;a 'o B. ,L l".t = Ad. <.racn lr.., r h( :. ' '.' {: '4(2.6:) : I( q 8 (;;) 'y votJ te,ryl'; i 4f-c, fi, -iJ, rif Pd = h. Y " a.bz (;ta) 44 f Cfr* €6,!: (e--'J-,g ,(----':)1t0i-), = = mmlm|mmlffil EII Cl [1 ffim ffimt [1 E[ mm [ffil mmm EI C[ c[ cll ffil=l B]I=l ffil I-Ii cl cl mffiI=i ffi Cl E[ ffilffi[ mt ea ffi ,BB ffiffiE mt=tffi ,EILl EH 000023 J I i b'Jt ' eE dOfMa lffit&b PJef ,---j{- ;lLt{ijjj; ji ?" ' :1 f L2r,J,t4t [d = o.'(l bjn fi6;{6 - llS- njt too{ ;s.e' czr' # q;c_ 1IAZS'. Pr bol?€ ha " or,'fSE+ffiF,o-ur = 2, 31 h)r,,dyvr,J [,JDj1 tn ffijiii -} g1 a( l, ;z6' 'g 0o(>s4 h = (p.ta 3[|c] "[$Tiq -tr)'/q = ;.0z 9 UL hd = Zll | dJ}F,,-'d't 2+'+ <1O0V h,= {t ffir, zs6 h.Js!*p-hb =a?S-Z.96= L.-lq 5ic.cA, fi,, ( ( ) &J' 4hd j < (: ;i= q.qg Pg 4a t" , {?,!,i)i24q'j " !$j!i r,l, a,cu l,\AoC Date Crd-DZ?Jobno. '', ( F, es' s17p (pr,;,,,J ffi 0,93!17[, +[fiTij t.r h?t,'' wo( : (;,-)g! dzs-' +:tatr !n,-zs Pg- fiop. h,) O,cB HDr d1;;;; -t s- =^ 2.',-1 bJr,} a,t.J k,t Co,4] lu'I., lffiJTTo - t.y]ffi |D1,] vx}l," |f.0 <:_Y' =;ntt f,, -)-g' i1,, bo ps( hJ,,i,d,,,-,/,./ < 4su,,-,.,,, $ \,; = z.%P y = o'?c) +l+ " :tt-,+ d j]o Oti. \,,.. 4., b9,.. : ).4c;" c TL. j hc ffip -ht = fu--ztG=-;ou crnu h; c ke ih)=4[!Jr4r2 i?)q{€a pd - h, t " 58d KL €iA Consuhing Structural Engineers fgr "gy* e r' = = O- "" """""" o L- _- r f \ 000025I=I=I EJI ffi E1 E[ El Et EJlEllElIll[]j [J [] [] =[ [l] I=lffi ffi ffi\'' I-=[lr=lI ll I llI_..le==u I_i U E:[I I]l ffi|ffi] ffil EI ffil mlffilmlffil E[ E1 ffi|ffi| [filml B]I m Iml ffil \ I | I I I I I KL€iA O Consulting Structural Engineers Ltlfffi-* d h:o{ :-,T F ---- - * ._- Jj 4!2 )J:ly L,{ ffi! Ig, oaz'(fi ";"€"*o -hr JU: 3"zJ Pq Do psf hu o,4) 'J-j-2 fiTGTlb -t ; : 2.10 ' ; i,g; [d/ u1 |ac ; (oP -'ri, ^[{|,,, - f,s)!et IofA) koD{ ;,J+L = -y-r' c ;y' :) i,; ;j Fi: f!idpi{ l,d = (o.r+ (;qgTto -a.r)|+ " l.l?J' r) ha = aJ?0 ' lf., o,''lPcrt;/h :ffi.{ <:Bo gg hg = B ir =kB-I = €o, qq )(6o)' -"-'i'i:4- ' ' 2 "5l ;q,st-cg-fnu jqj;y - Zj5! = 16'l+ Subieot By ,,9900,26 Job no. + ; | 1!.15 i * |,.q t- h( cl' 4fl - <J;.";) ' |O.P0' >ji.!!d){,,?,t|, Pa ha li " :n-;o(;q 4] " 6 r. :t -+J ,k- T.d', y- ---_Jt:t--,.y | = = O- """" \--- -r f 000027 \I=[l=l EJI H]lsq==.I ffi....!i E[ E1 E1 [J El[Ir[ElE1 []l [J Lj [] []l t=m ffit m,\E:[l E:I E:[ l] ffilffil] mlffillmlm| E1 EIj EI ffilffilffil lfilml m El KL &a Oonsutlng Structural Engineers Ttle Date ottfGes Subieot Bv Sheet of .bUg;- $ou*h : h''^'% "niy alD.f' fij::.J tm ;( 1g : (o.a:> \% 'JElto ',ow0., tt{) ;acHi. p;; j,' 25 ^ 'i ( o4} 'J7s 4{fi,,o n/r --.r Me ut td . hJ ' 0.4}'Jn 'jfiiiJ - t.s J o,+S 'J6i "JgjJii6 -ttr = 3.oC t;t{ "g, (._q ;<-nti sJrpe 6ttJ .t,r) 'h :: tt.l ?,o tj -I-YY'/4 h.t ( he 9 c()= +hct ' = 4 r +, or) =-t;.-;,.' P..j./ = }i0\ t 2'fi$ -- : '*4 hJ : a \ a {T ku n4 : },0j D e%,+ iq C3O " ;a Jq < so oK = b : 9YiU j = f:LliL, ).'(q 2'f + [-11]:-! he -- ''ap - h = ;O-f"? - t(o.rT'' a 000029 O- O- fiffilffil Ct Cl EI ffi;m Et EIl Ct E1 gJ= E]= ffi[CJ EIl r1 Ml H'J t= ffi ffiBE ffiffiE HJE:lm LE[] EI KL &a Consulting Structural Engineers Date Job no. Subiect By 9[[90!0 -Utj-:PbfLLdiL%-@t"'J+ at t ' ;;-',k-J-i'- ---{ + 12a' i )c Lrt,t u( ha r4!'JTi f|jJiij-u lJ" ;4 t Lr.: figy_ i ;.-ca;'.,,Z";" :;.,-lj :- ; iq |aJ ;pJ tua J \p (o,ztt 1jl, 'fFoTio -l.r)3/4f lop,r, r!' [, j.d!L t -, 7J =) vA A; ;,-' (',]- ?;ogs4 h ( o.d.s 3ffi tffilb : u ) K = t. : b ha " 2.]9' 1-, o;P,tt ;O =)qfi-d]o gp:' Iat ft- = 0 - :,ctrZf 29,9 J, - ?rop -2.'rr. = |), )/l -).%5 " 9 %' ,,t ; 4,'-{ h., < lnc : l:-"V& i= z{ ffi?q) r- n,t( ' Pd J ta t' =f;,ff! )nqQ) : l* ! ;__ - - j! !':--, = = O--- o \- - "" r f 000031[=Il= I=l Hll [l Et Et IJl Ijlfi]r[[jlE[ I:] I] []l [] [:l [] lmlm ffil d|E:[I E:[l E:[l [] ffiffi|] mj EI El' mlml mlffil| [l EI ffilffil [mlml m| ml [=l ml KL &A Consulting Stmctural Engineers Subject By of f to,z' Ij- )-3-+i--.- - ---i-ffit-[ bor ;.4 ha = oe!|?, 'f{iiiG'-ns- Iu = Brt.s 1b ?o ha o,43 3ffi-.,*jG-;;D -f.I" : 4.'3,I kham,J h = (o.e'ITJ *f['ili: - hr)'/4 p-A"1 l;,:go hJ :(o,t \T4i+ !r%;;i -t;)a;q '_ J to ) \d ',.3r 3'= ftBfq4l4 =:(.{ t: %oot I Pj l, ""' -{ ' :;.:2'| }ljsfi(J-?J" q ). ;s ' Ia,( S h( i ;: " 4h = 4(1 1l) = l-/2+ Pa h./ 1 at f 2u 9 ) r Ic f * lc6fi ,;*i f- f ?. L+ -a O o o | 000033 I 1h -l Jb It ti t f f KL &A Consulting Structural Engineem hU1 S stfar }te[ p__ta,xi.___tt:ls______,_r-:ui. ?:S 5''f Lt{I,#Fd uR Fi :"i 6l |q O,4f[[.'Jq;]o-!,, ),- ';gc, rra( r,;dt;, -jjJr;' P{, - cyas jnco /or.c: fj0{)5{ A) , o..u;fiii!, !GTJir -hr 2,]b |J;..J rva,J ll1, -loa;> 'J?JJi|io -t.:-) 1a ..f;B c,o.!7'' ''g a2r5f hJ = co.e +g;fi(r;;JJ,-:Iy4 ; 2. 7b :) r.;t i/ld : 2.TB 1 = 'eR,J !4410 = /, j!fjl) +iq "249<]0 [b= {t. -- ';fi = 2+6 h, ' S+4e 4g , ::lr-7.q,', = O.29 .h = OJz <.0.z hb + d.r,e+ foaJ :mftffi | rte fiAd\j bto, 9 Oatet, hjn:Jobno. '.'c'! ootfOJC Subject u '" I.t,d gy rzu( Sheet ot 45 "r# I ,& 'r'E d? - rUc -!'. ; t^r,' h,rc^- J/'[[l.( - t. :J I,= 60.79' Pgt- Sop-[ I, o,c3 'Jffij {[|'|il -; r B, 1 I (Ju a (t akt ha ' (oS -{A, *lP,+J, -.r,r)J4 j,, 30.25' P,j 6or{ hd = ( o.43 fiGiT,'ffi]i -nr\4 'l-f aUS4 [ = 3.3r j : O,i] f!? -! ;tt {!o = (;,()ijjt>\jf! :: y q ( io otr n,= Jt - co, -p.d ' 2 96 \.9tj}f-hL -q.sjZ$G= ?o1' {,,,L h; s he t,: r ( La = 4(;.;t)= [L|bq' I''g =i,.' - 0.-n){zt|"") = ql* I |* ' | |oo| 000035o / \ f J! it i i\ i-'r- o o t;J [cgc;) J nm F't 1-Q fid = offi tf7. TfdJuo - ;s fu.= kb' ificf c,.;d+fi = ao,s' r,= Olo@md amu bd Sby-;€ fid " o4li6i!rii;;o -!, g r 2. b-5 rt;e 'c.l !:t,,fi Date'.; 'u;Jobno," Subtect :m " IJd gv lvc 99,po,16 P( -- 0.1€e 6t I r!, : g,q do4Y c. |( r) [)() a 6o I ),l rrt/ u,',t Rct :-'I h--(o.+3:jT;l|F;-D -I, r);4 j,,; Id!,d' ffi fcx,.s.. I--O-i a t:.53' '!j zym" "ty ffird 6opf - hd -- (aeYSb *ffii;6 Jr)4 " h?a KLGiA Consulting Structural Engineers 9kd i'oD( dt t t.s' t1.2s' q.2r' |;, !;,-,,., d;:.(:, ;) ;g -- : i.: I = o: t: Pd1 -; 4 ( t, = rt;reo)at+ : j.et < ]j; o<i h,= \fi-\ Jgfv!ut 29 rl ' 1 :l h,; et;:; - t; = )-;g- 2.]l' = r+Ott+' S;mrj A;. S hc ;-,:4'ro = + ( ; 6!\, = lP.5'2' py) ) w:e[ L-('i. =a +t;,,.e,,t fitr ed-ff Pd +; / = :l! cZlJlLlj - / /4" bt :!jcd2g + p_g ,,ffi j l-L&:iJa- to.t-:k t-:ffi!-r 000037 4fi :jio H;)t:bji! i i 1t | 1 \ ] =][] [] E]] ] i:j::i -tif- [ \ ' : ;. ! L.. :, "-i"-' j\, ,,' "44,,.Ia" .ll--"\ ,,, ( Uu;,.' 0 o 000038 c--.='.I...1-]'-- \ ] I j.d-- / o: I ,J I. $f so I:o I h liti lli @ $ld+ ffi rllI ffi| +ltol I "= 000039 !- i(.---- "- -- --j.| t I I JlJf=kiu O cfj Il J I 1 I jt- mjYsl-s I 6glh el= 'r +fil'r =I6.-.Li-Ig|0 T b \ I : T) I c\ I 0O /"'\ / _\-g 0- 0- 00004 0 ;.__i iilii !:l;ii:i;li'i:: I ?.0 SN0W LOADS 7.1 SYMBOLS AND NOTATION C," exposure factor as determined from Table 7-2; C," slope factor as determined from Fig. 7-2; C, = therma1 factor as determined from Table ?-3; hb " height of balanced snow load determined by di- viding Pf or p, by "y, in ft (m); /:, = clear height from top of balanced snow load to (l) dosest point on adjacent upper roof, (2) top of parapet, or (3) top of a projection on the roof, in ft (m); h, = height of snow drift, in ft (m); t," elevation difference between the ridge line and the eaves; /l," height of obsuuction above the surface of the roof, in ft (m); I= importance factor as determined from Table 7-4; J," Iength of the roof upwind of the drift, in ft (m); L = roof length parallel to the ridge 1ine, in ft (m); Pa " maximum intensity of drift surcharge 1oad, in pounds per square foot (kilonewton per square meter); pr" snow 1oad on fiat roofs ("flat" = roof slope s5'), in pounds per square foot (kilonewton per square meter); p," ground show load as determined from Fig. ?-1 and Table 7-1; or a site-specific analysis, in pounds per square foot (kilonewton per square meter); p," sloped-roof snow load, in pounds per square foot (kilonewton per square meter); .r = separation distance between buildings, in ft (m); W=horizontal distance from eave to ridge, in ft (m); w = width of snow drift, in ft (m); f = gable roof drift parameter as determined from Eq. ?-3; 7 " snow density in pounds per cubic foqt (kilonew- tons per cubic meter) as determined from Eq. 7-4; and 0 = roof slope on the leeward side, in degrees. 7.2 GROUND SNOW LOADS, p, Ground snow loads, p,, to be used in the deter- mination of design snow loads for roofs shal1 be as set forth in Fig. ?-1 for the contiguous United States and Table 7-1 for Alaska. Site speciftc case studies sha11 be made to determine ground snow loads in ar- eas designated CS in Fig. ?-1. Ground snow ioads I 0001j[1T for sites at elevations above the limits indicated in Fig. 7-1 and for a11 sites within tbe CS areas shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Ground snow load determination for such sites shall be based on an extreme value statistical analysis of data avail- able in the vicinity of the sie using a value with a 2% annual probability of being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval). Snow loads are zero for Hawaii, except in moun- tainous regions as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. 7.3 FLAT-RO0F SN0W LOADS, pl The snow load, Pt, on a roof with a slope equal to or less than 5' (1 in./ft = 4.76') shall be calculated in pounds per square foot (kilonewton per square meter) using the following formula: Pr " O.lC.C,Ip,(Eq. 7-1) but not less than the fo][owing' in;n;mum values for low slope roofs as defined in Section 7.3.4: where p, is 20 lb/ff (0.96 kN/m') or 1ess, pl " {Z}p, (Impor- tance factor times pi) where p, exceeds 20 Ib/ft' (0.96 tOtZm'), pf " 20(/) (Importance factor times 20 lb/ft'). 7.3.1 Exposure Factor, C, The value for C, shall be determined from Table 7-2. 7.3.2 Thermal Factor, C, The value for C, shall be determined from Table 7-3. 7.3.3 Importance Factor, I The value for / shal1 be determined from Table 7-4. 7.3.4 Minimum Values of rr for Low-Slope Roofs Minimum values of pf sha11 apply'to monoslope roofs with slopes less than l5', hip, and gable roofs with slopes Iess than or equal to (70/Hi) + 0.5, and curved roofs where fito vertical angle from the eaves to the crown is less than 10'. 7.4 SLOPED-R00F SN0W LOADS, p, Snow loads acting on a sloping surface shall be assumed to act on the horizontal projection of that 69 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES surface. The sloped-roof snow load, p,, shall be ob- tained by multiplying the flat-roof snow load, p,, by thq roof slope factoi, C,: C," 0). Balanced loads shall be determined from the balanced load diagrams in Fig. 7-3 with C, deter- mined from the appropriate curve in Fig. 7-2. 7.4.4 Roof Slope Factor for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtootb, and Barrel Vault Roofs Multiple folded plate, sawtooth, or barrel vault roofs shall have a C, = 1.0, with no reduction in snow load because of slope (i.e., p, =,n)). 7.4.5 Ice Dams and Icicles Along Eaves d- 14-rq l+ lYA1 Two types of warm roofs e:ai drain water,#f"'"''fiT their eaves shal1 be capable of sustaining a uniformly distributed 1oad of 2p, on all overhanging portions there: those that are unventi]ated and llave an Jt-value Iess than 30 ffilr'Frntu (5.3 ILm'/iY) and those that are ventilated and have an lR-value less than 20 ft"h!F/Btu (3.5 IO m'/W), No other loads except dead loads shall be present on the roof when this uniformly distributed 1oad is applied. 7.5 PARTIAL LOADING The effect of having selected spans loaded with the balanced snow 1oad and remaining spans loaded with half the balanced snow ]oad shal1 be investi- gated as follows. 7.5.1 Continuous Beam Systems Continuous beam systems shall be investi- gated for the effects of the three loadings shown in Fig. 7-4: o Case 1: Fu11 balanced snow 1oad on either exterior span and ha1f the balanced snow 1oad on a11 other spans. o Case 2: Ha1f the balanced snow Ioad on either ex- terior span and full balanced snow load on a11 other spans. o Case 3: A11 possible combinations of full balanced snow load on any two adjacent spans and half the balanced snow load on a11 other spans. For this case there wi11 be (n-1) possible combinations whero n equals the number of spans in the continu- ous beam system. If a cantilever is present in any of the above cases, it. shall be considered to be a span. Partial 1oad provisions need not be applied to structural members which span perpendicular to the ridgeline in gable roofs with slopes greater than 70iW + 0.5. 000042 Ps = C,pl 1Eq. 7-2) Values of C, for warm roofs, cold roofs, curved roofs, and multiple roofs are determined from Sec- tions 7.4,1- ?-4.4. The thermal factor, C,, from Table ?-3 determines if a roof is "cold" or "warm." "Slippery surface" values shall be used only where the roof's surface is unobstructed and sufficient space is available below the eaves to accept all the sliding snow. A roof shall be considered unobstructed if no objects exist on it which prevent snow on it from sliding. Slippory surfaces shall include metal, slate, glass, and bituminous, rubber and plastic membranes with a smooth surface. Membranes with an imbedded aggregate or mineral granule surface shall not be considered smooth. Asphalt shingles, wood shingles and shakes shall not be considered slippery. 7.4.1 Warm-Roof Slope Factor, C, For warm roofs (f', = 1.0 as determined from Ta- ble 7-3) with an unobstructed slippery surface that wi11 allow snow to slide off the eaves, the roof slope factor Q shall be determined using the dashed line in Fig. ?-2a, provided that for non-ventilated roofs, their thermal resistance (R-value) equals or exceeds 30 ft' hJF/Btu (5.3 Km:'iiY) and for ventilated roofs, their R-va\ue equals or exceeds 20 ffih3F/Btu (3.5 Km'/M/). Exterior air shall be able to circulate freely under a ventilated roof from its eaves to its ridge. For warm roofs that do not meet the aforementioned oonditions, the solid line in Fig. 7-2a shall be used to determine the roof slope factor C,. 7.4.2 Cold Roof Slope Factor, C, Cold roofs are those with a C, > 1.0 as deter- mined from Table 7-3. For cold roofs with g, = 1.2 and an unobstructed slippery surface that wi11 allow snow to slide off the eaves, the roof slope factor C, shall be deyermined using the dashed Iine in Fig. 7-2b. For a11 other cold roofs with g, = 1.2, the solid line in Fig. ?-2b shal1 be used to determine the roof slope factor C,. For cold roofs with C, = 1.1, C, shall be determiried by taking the average of values obtained from the appropriate C, s 1.0 curve in Fig. ?-2a and the appropriate f, = 1.2 curve in Fig. 7-2b. 7.4.3 Roof Slope Factor for Curved Roofs oll, fft:: ;: ?0 o 7.5.2 Other Structural Systems Areas sustaining only half the balanccd snow load shall be choson so as to produce the greatest ef- fects on members being analyzed. 1.6 UNBALANCED RO0F SNOW LOADS Balanced and unbalanced loads shall be analyzed separately. Winds from all directions shall be ac- counted for when establishing unbalanced Ioads. ?.6.1 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Hip and Gable Roofs For hip and gable roofs with a slope exceeding 70' or with a slope less than 70/iP + 0.5, unbal- anced snow loads are not required to be applied. For roofs with an eave to ridge distance, W, of 20 ft or less, the structure shall be designed to resist an un- balanced uniform snow load on the leeward side equa1 to l.SpylC, for roof slopes of 5' or less, and 1.5pJC, for roof slopes exceeding 5'. For roofs with H/ > 20 ft and with slopes (in degrees) greater than 275 ppllyW, the structure shall be designed to resist an unbalanced uniform snow load on the leeward side equa1 to 1.2(1 + I3lZ}pJC, with f given by Eq. 7-3. where L is the roof length paralle1 to the ridgeline and lI/ is the horizontal eave to ridge distance. For roofs with W > 20 ft and slopes (in degrees) equal to or 1ess than 275 ppllyW the structure shall bc de- signed to resist a linearly vatying snow 1oad on the leeward side. This linearly varying load is L:ZpflC, at the ridge and 1.2(1 + I3>pflC, at the eave. However, the intensity of the surcharge at thc eave, 1.2l3pllC,, need not be taken as larger than the product of the snow density, 'y, and the elevation difference between the ridgeline and the eaves, h,. For the unbalanced situatibn with B7 > 20 ft, the windward side shal1 have a uniform load equal to 0.3p, when the angle in question is greater than 275 |3pylyW and 03,nr when the roof slope is equal to or 1ess than 2?5 ppllyW. Balanced and unbalanced load- ing diagrams are presented in Fig. ?-5. 1.6.2 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Curved Roofs Portions of curved roofs having a slope exceed- ing 70' shall be considered free of snow load. If the oootiT3" slope of a straight 1ine from the eaves (or the 70' point, if present) to the crown is less than 10' or greater than 60', unbalanced snow loads shall not be taken into account. Unbalanced loads shall be determined according to the loading diagrams in Fig. 7-3. In a11 cases the windward side shall be considered free of snow. If the ground or another roof abuts a Case 2 or Case 3 (soo Fig. 7-3) curved roof at or within 3 ft (0.91 m) oI its eaves, the snow load shall not be decreased be- tween the 30' point and the eaves but shall remain constant at the 30' point value. This distribution is shown as a dashed 1ine in Fig. 7-3. 1.6.3 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtooth, and Barrel Vault Roofs Unbalanced loads shall be applied to folded plate, sawtooth, and barrel vauJted multiple roofs with a slope exoeeding 3i8 in./ft (1.79'). According to Section 7.4.4, C, = 1.0 for such roofs, and the ba1- anced snow load equals pf The unbatanced snow load shall increase from one-half the balanced load at the ridge or crown (i.e,, 0.5rr) to two times the bal- anced load given in Section 7.4.4 divided by C, at the valley (i.e., ZpylC). Balanced and unbalanced Ioading diagrams for a sawtooth roof are presented in Fig. 7-6. However, the snow surface above the valley shal1 not be at an elevation higher than the snow above the ridgd. Snow depths shall be determined by dividing the snow 1oad by the density of that snow from Eq. 7-3 which is in Section 7.7.2. 7.6.4 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Dome Roofs Unbalanced snow loads shall be applied to domes and similar rounded st11lCtllfOs. Snow loads, determjned in the same manner as for curved roofs in Section 7.6.2, shall be applied to the downwind 90' sector in plan view. At both edges of this sector, the load shal1 decrease linearly to zero over sectors of 22.5' each. Thele sha]l be no snow load on the ro| maining 225' upwind sector., 7.7 DRIFTS 0N LOWER R00FS ' (AERODYNAMIC SIIADE) Roofs shal1 be designed to sustain localized loads from snow drifts that form in the wind shadow of: (l) higher portions of the same structure; and (2) adjacent structures and terrain features. 7.7.1 Lower Roof oI a Strllcture Snow that forms drifts comes from a higher roof or, with the wind from the opposite direction, from [ 0.5 uw= tp1o.33+f;61Llw 'lflJ:;^ (Eq.7-3) 7l MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES *;;;;;; ;;,cq_;_y: ::ffi:f;::r.::,..- tively) are shown in Fig. 7-7. The geometry of the surcharge load due to snow drifting shal1 be approxi- mated by a triangle as shown in Fig. 7-8. Drift loads shall be superimposed on the balanced snow load. If h,lhb is 1ess than 0.2, drift loads are not required to be applied. For leeward drifts the drift height ha shal1 be de- termined directly from Fig. 7-9 using the length of the upper roof. For windward drifts the drift height sha11 be determinid b\ substituting the length of the lower roof for J, in Fig. 7-9 and using three-quarters of A, as determined from Fig. 7-9 as the drift height. The larger of these two heights shall be used in de- sign. If this height is equal to or 1ess than h., the drift width, w, shall equal 4t,, and the drift height shall equal h.. If this height excetds h., the drift width, w, shall equa1 4h1lh, and the drift height shall equal h,. However, the drift width w shall not te greater than 8/l,. If the drift width, w, exceeds the width of the Iower roof, tbe dfift shall be truncated at the far edge of the roof, not reduced to zero there. The maxi- mum intensity of the drift surcharge 1oad, Pa, equals h,v where snow density, y, is deftned in Eq. 7-4: of a roof projection is Iess than 15 ft (4.6 m) long, a drift load is not required to be applied to that side. 7.9 SLIDING SN0W The extra load caused by snow sliding off a sloped roof onto a lower roof sha11 be determined as- suming that all tht snow that accumulates on the up- per roof under the balanced loading condition slides onto the lower roof. The solid lines in Fig. ?-2 shall bo used to determine the total extra 1oad available from the upper roof, regardless of tbe surface of the upper roof. The sliding snow load shall not be reduced un- less a portion of the snow on the upper roof is blocked from sliding onto the lower roof by snow al- ready on the lower roof or is expected to slide clear of the lower roof. Sliding loads sha11 be superimposed on the ba1- anced snow load. 7.10 RAlN-ON-SNOW SURCHARGE L0AD For locations where p, is 20 psf (0.96 kN/m') or less but not zero, all roofs with a slope less than 1/2 in./ft (2.38'), shall have a 5 psf (O.24 kNZm') rain-on- snow surcharge load applied to establish the design sn6w loads. Where the minimum flat roof design snow load from Section 7.3.4 exceeds Pf as deter- mined by Eq. ?-1, the rain-on-snow surcharge load shal1 be reduced by the difference between these two values, with d maximum reduction of 5 psf (0.24 tN/m'). ?.11 PONDING INSTABILITY Roofs shall be designed to preclude ponding in- stability. For roofs with a slope 1ess than 1/4 inJft (1.19'), roof deflections caused by fu11 snow loads shall be investigated when determining the likelihood of ponding instability from rain-on-snow or from snow meltwater (see Section 8.4). 7.12 EXISTING R00FS Existing roofs shall be evalttated for increased snow loads caused by additions or alterations. 0wn- ers or agents for owners of an existing lower roof shall be advised of the potentia1 for increased snow loads where a higher roof is constructed within 20 ft (6,1 m) (see footnote to Table 7-2 and Section 7.1.2.}. 00004 4 tO.l3r, + 14 but not more than30pcf (Eq. 7-4) (in SI: y = 0.426r, + 2.2 but not more than 4.7 kN/ m'). This density sha11 atso be used to determine hb by di- viding p, (or pJ by y (in SI: also multiply by 102 to get the dLpth in meters). 7.7.2 Adjacent Structures and Terrain Features The requirements in Section 7.7.1 shal1 also be used to determine drift loads caused by a higher struc- ture or terrain feature within 20 ft (6.l m) of a roof. The separation distance, s, between the roof and adja- cent structure or terrain feature shall reduce applied drift loads on the lower roof by the factor (20-s)/20 where s is in feet [(6.1-s)/6.1 where s is in meters]. 7.8 R0OF PROJECTIONS The method in Section 7.7.I shall be used to cal- culate drift loads on all sides of roof projections and at parapet walls. The height of such drifts shall be taken as three-quarters the drift height from Fig. 7-9 72 MINIMUM o DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES In 0S areas, sib-specific Case Smdiea ate requird b esbblish grod sn Ioads. Extreme lal vadaUs in ground sMw lds in these arss preclu& mapping dffills@alo. Numbs in paronffieses rewesenl the upper elevaUon Iimits in feet for ffie grod snow ld values prGented below. Sib-spif Ic ose studies are required b esUbllsh groand sn Ioads atelevaUons not covered. To conved Ib/sq fi to kN/m', multiply by 0.0479. To nvedfeet k metes, mulUplyby 0.3m8. 2OO 3OOmlles FIGURE 7-1. Ground Snow Loads, pg 00004 5 74 for the United States (lb/ff) o MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES | 00004 6 3 4 on on 12 12 3 4 6 B 12 on on on on on 12 121212 12 68 on on 12 12 12 on 12 O e 1.O 0.8 O.6 0.4 O,2 ' I' I I I I -lh [- L \ \ \ L- Unobstru | Slippery St V withR?30* (! I u,,..ntaat,i |- orRz20' (3 [ Venti!ated | "T" a. Warm roofs with Ce :.0 or Iess \ I -l I I I Io 3O' 6O' 9O' 0 Roof Slope 3O' 6O' Roof Slope FIGURE 7-2. Grapbs for Determining Roof Slope Factor C, for Warm and Cold Roofs ?6 o ASCE 7-98 10 FIGURE 7-8. Configuration of Snow Drifts on Lower Roofs If I, > 600 ft, use equation I u " 600 tt 4O0 . 2O0 1 50 25 If I, < 25 ft, use Iu = 25 ft 1l- d,_h,-OJ(3vl, i|p,+10-15 p, Ground Snow Load (Ib/ft') 'ro conven Ib/fi' to kN/m 2, multiply by 0.0479. To opnved feet to metem, multiply by 0.3048. FIGURE 7-9. Graph and Equation for Determining Drift Height, ha = "li='bc .g)o =#'= "-4'o = 100 8l 0 0 00 4 8"' 7-9S TABLE 7-3. Thermal Factor, C Therma1 Condition'C, All structures except as indicated below. Stmctures kept just above freezing and others with cold, ventilated roofs in which the therma1 resistance (R-value) between the ventilated space and the heated space exceeds 25'F h ft'/Btu (4.4 K m'ZW;. 1.0 1.1 l.2 0.85 'These conditions shall be repmntative of the anticipated conditions during winters for the life of the stuctwe. 'Green houses wiffi a constatly maintained intedr tempemttue of 50'F (10'C) or mom at any point 3 fi atove the fir Ieve1 dufing win,ers and having either a maintenance at,endnt on duty at a11 times or a temporatre darm system to pmvide waming in the event of a heating failum. Unhe,md structures and structures intendonally kept below freezmg. Confinuously heated greenhouses' with a roof having a therma1 resistance (R-value) less than 2.0'F ln tf;ntu (0.4 Kmt'.W). TABLE 7-4. Importance Factor, I, (Snow Loads) Category' I II III IV 0,8 1.0 i.1 1-2 'Se Stion I.5 and Table 1-I. MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS F0R BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES TABLE 7-l. Ground Snow Loads, p,, for Alaskan Locations 00004 9 Ptpg Location Ib/ft'tkN;m';Location Ib/ff (kN/m';Locadon lb/ft'(kN/m') Adak Anchorage Angoon Barrow Barter Island Bethel Big Delta Cold Bay Cordova Fairbanks Foff Yukon Galena Gulkana Homer Juneau Kenai Kodiak Kotzebue McGrath Nenana Nome Palmer Petersburg St Paul Is[ands Seward Shemya Sitka Talkeetna Unalakleet Valdez Whittjer Wrangell Yakutat 60 ?0 40 60 70 30 60 70 80 70 50 30 50 ?0' 25 35 40 50 25 l00 60 60 (l,4) (2.4) (3.4) (l.2) (1.7) (I.9) (2.4) (l.2) (4.S) (2.9) (2.9) (2.9) (3.4) (l.9) (2.9) (3.4) (I.4) (2.9) (3.4) (3.8) (3.4) (2.4) 150 40 50 25 50 120 50 I60 300 60 l50 (7.2) (l.9) (2.4) (l.2) (2.4) (5.S) (2.4) (?.7) (14.4) (2.9) (?.2) TABLE 7-2. Exposure Factor, C, Teffain Category Exposure of Roof Fu11y Exposed Partially Exposed Sheltered A (see Section 6.5.3) B (see Section 6.5.3) C (see Section 6.5.3) D (see Section 6.5.3) Above the treeline in windswept mountainous areas. In Alaska, in are where trees do not exist within a 2-mile (3-km) radius of the site. N/A 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.? 0.? 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 N/A NiA Notes: The errain category and roof exposum condition chosen shdl be mpresentativc of the anticipated condidons dudng the 1ife of the structure. An exposum f&tG shall be determined for eh mof of a structure. 'Definitions: Partially Exposed: AIl roofs except as indicated below. Fully Exposed: Rfs exposed on all sides with no shelteli' afforded by tenain, higher structues or trees_ Roofs that contain severa1 Iarge pies of mechanica1 equipment, prapets which extend above the height of the bdanced snow load (/tJ, or other obstructions are not in this category. Sheltered: Roofs lated tigbt in among conifers that qudify Dbstuctions. *Obstructions within a distane of t0fi, pmvide "shelter,'' where h, is the height of the obstruction above the roof level. If the only obstmctions are a few deiduous trees which are leafess in winter, the "fully cxposed'' category shdl be used except for krrain Category "A." Note that these e hcights above the roof. Hcights ud to mblish the Terrain Category in Sdon 6.5.3 ae heights above me ground. Q1 000050 o 310 Columns and Stud Walls Descriyztion / Design Aytptoach / Results This section describes the gravity loads resisting system Buildings A, B, stud buildings C-1 through C-5. The stud walls with 2"x6" studs spanning at 16" on center are the typical vertica1 elements of the gravity load resisting systems in the freestanding buildings A, B, C-1 through C-5 and Children's leaming building. The capacity of this typical wall is 4.4.5 klft. In heavier loaded area walls with 2"x6" studs at 12" o.c. are used. Beams and columns system are used to carry the loads around the openings. When a column is not confined inside the wa11, solid post is used to prevent weak axis buckling. Structural stud wall locations for C-1 through C-5 are tagged and shown in the Figures on next pages. Wall and post loads for all buildings are tabulated and shown on next pages. The studs and post configurations are also shown in the same tables. Concrete column loads for the parking garage in Building C are also calculated in this section. Stud walls and columns rundown is attached at the end of this section. 000051 d9L--R E -d'i ' J,IE ni L r&| L [ [ [ [ I B I I n II E I 0 :=I I ';I P 000052 Title: Job No.: Dam: Subject: by: WALL TYPE BUlLDING-A Wr7-3 WT8-3 WT13-3 WT16-3 WT17-3 WT 8-3 WTR13-3 WTR14-3 WTRB13-3 WTRB14-3 WTS7-3 BUlLDlNG-B WTB-3 WT15-3 WTRB13-3 2X6@16in 2X6@16jn 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6 @ 16in Middle Clek Vlllage 1169 37728 STUDWALL LOAD DEMAND VS CAPACIrY wr DeadLd LiELoad ServleLoad SludCodiguration Wfi O.64 O.89 O.94 1.04 1.14 1.19 O.49 oso O.56 O.58 O,75 O.69 1.04 O.56 O.56 O.64 1.O4 1.2O 1.36 1.44 1.O4 1.12 1.54 1.62 1.12 O.64 1.2O 154 1.2O 1.33 1.98 2.24 2.5O 2.63 1.53 1.62 2.1O 2.2O 1.87 1.33 2.24 2.10 1169 STUD WALL SUMMARY, xls STUDWALL LOAD SUMMARY 5/27/2003 page 1 of 2KL&A of Calibmb o 000053 BUILDING C Pl [I L[I I] C1a and C2b - 5 story WT7-5 WT9-5 WT11-5 WT 2-5 WT13-5 WT 4-5 WT17-5 WT18-5 WT19-5 WMASON18-5 WTR14-5 WTP16-5 WTR16-5 WTRB16-5 WTRB26-5 WTS9-5 WTS12-6 WTS15-5 WIS17-5 C1c and C3d -4 story WT7-4 WT9-4 WT12- WT13-4 WT14-4 WT16-4 WT17-4 WTR14-4 WTR15-4 WTRB23-4 WTS12-4 WTS15-4 WTS17-4 C4e-3sbry WT9-3 WT11-3 WT 3-3 WT16-3 WT18-3 WTR15-3 WTR19-3 WTRB15-3 WTRB193 Parkingbel v\J1l2-5 d F- a, s'r U-/X -f. Lev<-L o.fi; L/[{ 9hcl'd/hlt 1.16 1.36 1.56 1.66 1.76 1.86 2.16 2.26 2.42 5.66 O.67 O.69 O.71 O.86 1.OO 1.31 1.69 2.19 1.66 0.90 1.O5 1.2B 1.56 1.43 1.58 165 O.59 O.6O O.84 1,34 1.73 1.34 O.74 0.84 0.94 1.O9 1.19 O-52 O.58 O.59 0-65 1.12 1.44 1.76 1.92 2.08 2.2A 2.72 2.88 3.14 2.88 1,12 1.2O 1.32 2.32 3.O8 2.12 3J6 3.6O 3.6O O.84 1.O8 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.92 2.O4 1.12 1.2O 2,59 2.75 3.O0 3.O3 O72 O.88 1.O4 1.28 1.44 1.20 1.52 1.7O 2.02 3.58 384 4.1O 4.8B 5.14 5.56 8.54 1.79 1.89 2.O3 3.18 4.O8 3.43 5.O5 5.79 5.26 1.74 2.13 2.72 3.12 3.11 3.5O 3.69 1.71 1.8O 3.43 4.O9 4.73 4.37 1.46 1.72 1.98 2.37 2.63 1.72 2.1O 2.29 2.67 1.85 1.73 1.B5 1.27 O.29 O.56 0.58 a.66 O.45 O.49 O.97 2.O4 2.16 2.35 2.28 2X6 @ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@12in 2X6@12ln 2X6@12ln 2X6 @ 16in 2X6 @ 16in 2X6@16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@12ln 2X6@12ln 2X6@12ln 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16ln 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16ln 2X6@16in 2X6@12ln 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in WT17-4 WT18-4 WT19-4 WTS12-4 WTS15-4 WrS15-3 WTS174 \r:.'t;,:::t 2X6@16in 2X6@16ln 2X6@16ln 2X6@16in 2X6@12ln 2X6@16in 2X6@1Bin 3.69 3.89 4JO 1.34 2.75 4.09 1.73 3.0O 4.73 1.27 2.40 3.67 1.34 3.03 4.37 WTS15-3 C4l-2sbry WT5J WT14-2 WT15-2 WT18-2 WTR16,? WTRB16-2 C5g - 1 story WTS19-1 2X6@16ln 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2X6@ 16in 2.4O O.2O O.56 O.6O O.72 1.2O 1.57 2.28 3.67 O.49 1.12 1.18 1.38 1.65 2.O6 8.25 1169 STUD WALL SUMMARY.xIs STUDWALL LOAD SUMMARY 5/27/2003 page 2 of 2KL&A ol Cal#ornia go Q 00054 t ffi'E onffio o < odJ Sd o o o o o o oQ a a a 1 a:g :g :g 'g :g 'g ^g ,..otn c\I m n N Ki o. I\ oq cq cc! cqJ O r"'m N o\J=7 r'' N n t m o t ob.!;i!! ii!!!!i!Hoffno.g;==toomi'fia'x )q >( = = x x x >( >c H >< O o1l qil Io @ [\, t o tn oooo o o o oa 11y c\I r" tO COcq c\! "': o. co rn. r=, l\co <i n o _o Hi l! N: J n i"' 'a^' r- N <clo ? oE xnfifit1 tdd3 Rfi c T T Trr o o o = z z z ffi r r r = LL tL LL > > =UJ UJ U.I = I I < tJ EoJDm u:lo 5J> v. UJulco I&lJog > *. oo =coox LLi =Do u.ITo U)o =l- <Doo off0 Eoc IJ.I :I o d!I = OYf F Ul Y o 8 U1 o B olll = 'o aY! I0 OIt 3 g '6 b9 = o oI u} € =o F< QoJ # oD =u(\l oDooc D Ctf9 b,-.g h iot € a\ H ="h Sfi ! s ? = 9 HU 59o 11X "'. a f 81 tD ; 9 i f i : O @ N m "t n o U1 E 0l & ch Vl o T'" O ff O tq b: 'q cq cq q:o o o o o o I '0 ^O'0=. =- = =a t a L a ao b @ 'Ch o @ = o x o >< x(\I CL (v & (N N t = O ffi ql N [ t 5s[t o oo o (\I'i 'i tf o o |vR | 8fi |h {h @ = o co (N ffiqdl o cooo Qco ryln .ge on cuo o < ol5J = 000055 {h O O 0CL f1 O. O- = = = a n R fi Ld c; 3 R ccE =tIJ = Ino =od =m ulo<JJ > =m IJ,Ico IlIJoo E m IooJ co9)! UJJDo LUIo cn oDI-{n o)co o o oz z ze fC IrE E E > > > UJ UJ IJ.I = = I Lo€.. H e 0 ul4= = O O'6 {n J fi G fi to = to orb( = = )4 O t\I qi to o o =L(g Eoe 1l.I =o == oF IlJ U1 =otn oo o0 = eo'.=o {ooc >I o 0 o o = =o H<oo = ro @JJ(a {n I\..mo 'o =U1 @x tv co '-.to T" CO c\Itoo 'o =cn @ =c\I nl o) 8 000056 oooc\Io to g g gfi a aqF m N G 0 O Q 'qE B I a8 g 1' (\I L L (/l3 3 i a aa aa a a !e e r d ?,B, B,B d 8 te e €. E EE EE a 5 3ai ai ai- aa tFttFttF[ af iif if ]f ]t f;fifi;qq;q 1t 1tta tt tt tt itfitiiii v,i, ifaf at at at iEi[E:[E: s[ t; ii-if-i{-ff iiiiiiiii ',-F iiii!ii!ii{ii fifiifiif ii fi m t.Q o st.9 q' q'.9 =f q6 c\I q' N N 9' N N qjD N slr =ll N q6x + B= + Bx + ?.>< + + = + + = + + x + H x + =O N F @ ol F @ H O l" (\I O (\l N @(\I Ol @ N 0 O O O .ge o do o< o6 JM 'B o N n o t N tO O @ O hl.. t(? ro oo oo Is: c? q tq q cq c\! T .o d o o o o o o o o o o H88RSHfigF afi Racjd c5 d dcid d d dci oo t 11'O '0'0 'o 'o =- ==- ==_ = I aL =a haaF-aa!" a h t 6.o$aofimofio fifi ofi = o= =o x >< o = o o = om & ffi c\l fi c\l c\I G N O. 0. cq G +" (q N N N N N N C'tl 0D (v) q =o, tD tL o @, (a G o 0 IL O 0 0. O Ch O- O G 0. O G @ @ = x 0 @ F 0 g F @ 0 '* N q 0 ffi =i' Ol = @ { q Q Oo {d od B8 BB8888888 o; <6.J oi c\i,-: d c\i.J ?5 c\i o oo oo c\l tt ='o 'o'o 't}- ==- ==. ==, a}s 1l H b- a a ry a 6!" 6fi o o fi o o fi to o fi o d = = o = = o = x o x IL N N G cq ol cL c\I N G @ o @ = | @ o o x = = P o | >4 o = nfiatRntatt 8fi nnc;$od+gejdr-: + Ffi o; cd t { t a o o (\I N C\IN N N 0 O 0 *" i" dc\i c\i.-:.-:,-:.-:,: t.! ,, aoonoooOO..i n d d m + t t o o o i-: i-:,-:,.: ;.-: d d d ! R n 4 fi t, a 4 no o j Pq. m A; o to =e O " N N '" i- ' d O @ @ o q q = (\l N (\IO O tO IQ tq O. O. O, 'q C! .N N i" o o o P R $ $ fi 8 & g 8 fi B -;.-:.-:..:..: d cj ej d d c; "t ''t "'t *t "t "t "t "t "t{ '1' qF g q qii q q qi i i i i ; ; i ; ; o oq o n o t qiD i* o e] ffi N N. C\I. ,',' o' m',' o' m' o' m' o' m' i i i i i i i ; ; i i In "IooJm (a; tLi =Jou[ooo>Fooo; 888888888 o; cd.: c; ed.-: c; crJ J "Io m t .,',.' l: F? B o cooi" c\Ic\I . oln N 0 0 N& e! th cq qq t'! a! J O e N O" m e u o _a b N t0 O& I\ b: gq CN, '! e)m n N N N1all ? cll o =ID lO O 3 t11i E U U U) U B ! = o o o o fi xJ G G L tL, ': =l' qll tO @ @ :: = = H x = = )i @o N@ ooo, c|l =o .| @o Bo. o}co uIL o =H0 oo 0g =0 o oe Q| o .H Ul 0oL 'oooJ .. n l\. ! O 0 Q ad 9 b; ci q ": tf! .,t n a o P O O " N 0 qll =ID .. a o t o ou q N, o! c'! q q? ,,t m t n to o o " N 0 t b filo Bc oeo 0fL d d d d dz z z z ze e c m tc E E C E C > > > > >u $ $ w $r t r I r i0 1:|l ID O O =O O 0 L.t'IL G O,." = o o T | = x = = =o a o o o o oz ze cE E > >u mI I 1}h e q = oJ 0, =ll I0 = )q cN O 9 tO O rb. 0 O ooo iN t 000057 (\I cq b.. o ffio.H'tn ov.e o cun m.g CLoF eo Q,M? cE o '" do 'o R Dr N e 9, d '- E to _Ill..1 O CH,-: '" o o > t f fi t '=ffiC o1' ttoa R 9de, o 'o 2g "'5 a E,,, a=8SH,a 1fi!6 G 9;ogI b tt., II ,, }.fOE a! Il., u::- tt" ?t:ad H,f tj jeu;te;t 8r31 ctle 3ij t E..z ;:.R 9OA=-O OF48db d .@ =Ig P 9u .E lD lDob o 9 fit36 E 6h ffi = t a.q; gg f t 'i ^a 'a \.@ g ^a 'r} 'aa (1 > a a aI o a o o m o o o i, 88_ ' d : 9 b r o 'v- 8lE,.s o c3 oo =, e T.a '">o .g b .9 clo o < 5Y fi >:Ir<>. 6 h 9 Y -l fi ; 1 9 JEj 'll, eo P 1- (0 a lll O 0e t11 mp " q q 1l b0 C N = e f\I 0o = '" I-: t' I e @ o o'o = aJ :g o oq Q.(N T- v- @I! Cq OD | e N{ tl} 'T.g.g.g.g 9 tO m Q 1n Ojd 9 h g $l- 6l a KL€tA of Califomia Stturd Bgi@em ad Buimers 3350 Scofi Blvd., Sule 21 sm Clara, CA 95054 Ph: 408654.0475 Fax: 408.6540476 000058 KL&A, Struclurnl hgineers and Builders Page J 0l / Projt Informadon for Column Loads PnjKt: Dalc: Englnen NumMrolStodes LlvcLmd RedWtlon Melhod Livc Lmd Facmr Dead bAd Fador L? 1J (Upto lOstodeg in ffijs loat ) I) (Hau]t, 1997 UBCbe) LLR =.0008(A - I50) Ma)[imum 4091 forone floor, 60% forlwo fioon.4O% ih parHng slmemms 2) (alternate, ASCE 7-98, 1997 UBC a:tcrnate; LLR= 1-(0.25+4j?4(KLL*AT)'2) for KLL'Ab400. KLL=4J.2.1 for various emditions) (Defaull is l.6) (fault is I.2) NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT 7l$ Slud Wall Loads BUILD-A.-rls 4/22/2003 I2:50PM NOT NOT NOT NOT Notcs: 1. Stmcmm ]f weight should illcludc an allowallce tbrcolumlls andbcllms gcnerally lO-20psf formildings uplo30 smdes. 2 Supedmpo=d deud joads for offies must include panidons (20psf in UBC, undefimd in AE) if ffie Iive load il les3 ttl$ 80 mf. 3. Pla and siddks ffiould jnc jude M al jowanee for an 8" toppiDg slab al jd at Ieast l00 psf peop je lod. S jaH sMuH bo cheekd for nmtmek outdmer of 43 bps,whid 4. If option "2" is chGn, the values for KLL st be gt for e&h coiu Msed o11 thc values tabulated i11 ASCE ?-98 Table 4-2 Live Load Elelll ractors, 5. Y- amly redtjm ill accordace with lmlhod specified in Pmject Daa. 0 00058 Load Type Definition (Notcs appear below wdl tym scheduk Mlow) had Tyw Name Sdure SejIWdght pd (Ite I) Srin Dc&lLosd PsI {notcZ) ToblDsd Lood psl Sgerf LlveLmd psf Lired ucdon(Y.N,P. slcS) Umbroffnings R0OF 1O l0 psf snow load for sloll{is >4:I2 l00 p51 snow loAd lor dopc < 4:12 Inmt roof slope ln lhB pmjd b6:l2 WP 0FnCE 0OR 6 86 g Y 91LE 1!80 N CSoLCD||l1lDOl|m \ffiETlNC]tOOMS B v P.4,IllClNe 10tl p RnqIDF,NTIAL l1 :M 8 Y bW =4 psl JOE + JF Jf 4" plFooU slleamln| + 4psr Z Iayem of rZ"drywall \'""\' '"''R''a g JaIl N V""'lA""C'' 'l0"'l'I +QGMal+l'40HtlffiSCEllnt[VffiqtllplneJtt-F u ?8 n5 I00 N Nol€ 15 mp fim truc't outrtggcr Ioad for fmmlng icslm 0PBN-Pb- I Sno11 ' osd 100mr u 1A 1g J60 N u Ill.4aJTF.Il4-l-EF.ET A Y u 1i 1 P oad-wlEll-ckSlsloffilaet[oll9 14 Im N 1s 1IJI a1c &N ResidclltlilLPles+nvclltlidlilleffill4sp g10iFS I a 11 l8 19 ?jl 2l 22 fi Stdmll w/ 1 laycr $ h6StMHllw/Zlayeffior PROJECTDATA i : ; : 8d Pd e l.< =A.?. t .6 L IJ i3 6a' ti I.; h JoI d9 is i ltE <U I l4e tr } lte <l a i D a d d! & %. ! 1 IfIt i; a r ! ,c < h l4a r a I< B ld.a r iJ a r ir I 000059 g 8.; c15 <! a! d |,: H a6,: 6 d = ?R 9 H t* E ? It 3 Q t: E i; <6U Q j lI St 1: J I R =: o ',i $ : r8;-'d Rfid..! ffg6 d ff 8d 6 9 q be= =; f q,.,-. il!! :||| I8 B 8 d!*r.:q.j I | | I'';i|3 n.lt E i' iJ ;* i t !i i i i ! ; f i I I i B q J U8 1'.II ql- i$ 8 l:. 8 1 Ei -00l8$;. i.. I.a 3 J i J588a d !lI o I.E q a< jA. s I 6 R X J |;-d s g i a i !i i= f i; I l4e ar i it = df b ] & i} a r I I< ir Et< x h $7 o I< h lda I a" E8 88 df' qq n8d d 88o d ss t- g : & 5 n e r il!! i = g ; a I B 8 | I | | I I I I8 d I II a Ii!1@ "lE u!. H i i2 r91!!i I J ! I -< I3 a * f i I I II II tiI I?';B3 B ?: Ilj 8 Ei g = S =8$l. u I.. ! L. Il ! I I J I1 fi,91l a o XI lt a 1 I= T I 1J 1 2| i i.t" i di I at " a" 1ltIC <I I ldar I ld.i ar g d ai I J t ?a & 1:' 3 B < I i$ < x B qd I D lH< I Io I H Et< x B i l.,,. blll1333 3383 l$R1 lllI d d i Il1Iil3e"le :!. Hii9 *p t9E8o. IT nI1l I -I = D < afill$e I'i9 I III t Ig tl$ F 8 E 8 8 =sr-8$F.iu 11111]u o o o = > l:2 ='J =o J<F =woo e B fi e | <oao 9 EPld!!1 I t IQ H I $ i Is | e fi FIL 000960 iiI l'- o:iI:iti 7. <- 'tjL s ;i i f-s x/ >t t t t t 1 ..:d d,: I'l: 'q €! " *:a 88 i:;: 8 = = Ig 9a* =$.i f" 3 1 lt ;.+ J = i df I ;t J }* i l€@ <u 3ld,e.tE I it i J dl I & j 3 ir < I 3 ia l:I r i} !t< x i$ < I it J !!l B 8d ot I5 q0* =$B 5 6 L i-! t! a g o I d$ i dsE tc= -I I* i l€IE <| 3 lHP ar i It & d 69 t i d g € h < I I ! h lqa r I !id it a r e< ii ld< x it $ 8Gc\id a8 d.: 8Bd.: 8 rd,: leZe "l a m Fi d | I I ::2= ".'t @ P I ! i I0" j t la P,.lu E U 411biiit i i t ! ;flfg |t '-!I g PI!IJ fi lL U 1 Ec I =Hs8$L. ti ? I i I d qq l.;I\:b;r.: d,: 6 v:: ry 6 d,: 6d,: *$ q.,. i |88 BBBB ": at l!l, c4 I | | I1 J 5 X-Ii J ifiy I tn_ E 'i i9 ;9 a t I t l1 t I -q a : < q;4i.E = ][ lb d 8 i.8 = Hg 3 wa I'€t 4IB 8 t:. o 1 Ef = a] i=8$l.t t.. B I I I J lb qt_ EIi1;9t:!!;Js t_a I I a.-!IIII i ;-|it 3fi 8p [ E, 8 =Ia8$l.i t..HIIaIii O O O = I1)-lld :;;;H:: ltt&3313 88a8 r;t:d.Joj;;;;| | | ! I |8l ' i I iil; I i i a Is qo I !' H g B -IIt J '6 I H J s =19J o i ug i ;t J |s u euffi <u E 8de ar b sdE <a B 3 %t 8Ih a ft | = a r "n Ee & H E 3 c B & $! e< lr 8dI F I $h e<8da r o BF e< I Dj= e t< : < co !r < u |r 8 c cti d .-tlJ R8 dd oo oo oo oo oo loood |l>.1n. e.It\I o o P P o o 000061 t < CQ "cL 9 t0 tQ E t a a<- 9ij t..l S lI > cclq e: $I t Pa p IIL d N e 5 $ d b '<, rJJD E I IYjS = If 1tO d=s,E d o T 9t -1e J -HE "F J ld. Jo i u8 ILI i ae J Iat d Rd ct <x 3 E4P ar h Edd lr I = 8da r -I8 "g o B | o B a^ q & Ea 3 e< I a a g &H e h < B ? e< i$ a g < B a F |t tc d "": (\l(M dd oo S8 o o (\l qr 9 x t II II ll II I ! ! !tsl g 8 P 8 J i{f! &&&&R = = 'J ltl qF =o ol {o Il n Ii HlJ = = t3!j ! 1 B 8 T s '! t I ;P o di lll_ ii6 i t i t s d B 8! a I B.1 T f I f I I 3 os +-8 I'B g ql' g H Brl H Q Ee6 f; = ?l e8S'E.i t..tt i f a0 O O 0 = o o oo oo qD if o o o o o o 3 7 dd 88 88 od oo aeffoo a. a t ! !siIH-! ti, & 9' I Q I ' & & & &g g = g d;:l.:oj II Il ll a 8 B 88 I 1 t I ' ! j t H % Il0 ! ' I .i "?_pllt. o @ Iigt t f sd 8 a Il a J a d,e a L e.f'< ; a q J f 8 i I f'. "F q 'g $ s t-A g 6 E cy- g s B r.:. IJjo $ Ec = a e8SE. I.. I =P t a t ]til O 0 O H oo oo o o oo o o Iii le r l.+ T'9,| | liD $& It E ; H = 3e H J I ag i !E is B etIt <u I 8de ar t P€E <a J 6tll 9o+ = $; di! a"g d9 c P ct H € o B € e=3 I rj= $E e H e< i$ a r i$ 8Ha g I Dj= lqI g |t R Il. a, d II II II ll b'o=9t!filfI!-! I;, I; e'?Z1'|< B = H E 8$ 5.i r..G*J:aJ fi 88 ct Q s9ss $8$$d I.: I.: I\i n II II II 8888 I 3 1 I 15d I aq m E H n ILI E 3e"Ie e Il!. U i; + B E 'bcrl.ffi;t I J B s ":'t I q a T,.= a_ Xt 88 E E t l.Ij8 I bg q' g 5 B l:uo R E 9 &> I:: E = d oa Il,ooc e Boo ==c | 'oJ €h < Q =a,;9QJ O = t ; f t f I 'J ! tI ; ug$J t E& I4.' g s qae tg ' F d o [s ti 5 =H Jo i ag f ;t t iat d I5;tc <u a 8q'f ar b 8dc <u g 9o= = < U "; id 6"; oI E B & ID & €D= 3 i I& e< ii $7 t I= I< ir a r o3 < l9 o':a g e o e 14 ! g .t r |t tc d,-: =fb.dd oo oo sff o o oo oo o o 000062 's I4l ";L i -B t:ta a u $, 'q 3fi II 3 B >c/) cq c\: t $ e bo H Ba F J r liIt 1gg g" F t1 a el6 "F J af F J x.=6 =9,E "= i ;t }at u et@ <x 3 84e.kr i 1% = ,..l 3 m i a r + 1 de I &p 3 o B & 3 B e ell I a < x &H e< I r a g g e< i$ l? o e4 ie $7 ft 8c Illj ui d d o; d c\I = oo oo 3 a n n : II II II t ! ! iu, = = o I f I1-: til Iil P P a i << &&gLg 9 :; g l'! a! +O F F d\l a II II IIQ '0 = I3!3jI 18B s ; t [!1I I f I t.i ts o; T E i i &EFt a E Ko. d n II = J a ae € ; e {^< a 1 < J f sll tg uf IIs ql- g s Iuo Q E8 = n gl8$E.[ i..i t i f aIII O O O = oo oo oo oo dto d& f=. Iifi o o ; 3 3aen fi 888 h: s 1 g lIeAJ :pfff g :g ; n 0aDN =: il? o g'? PCq {o o Il II n III Q I I ! 3 j ! i 1 i il8! H n ILIGIc P o o f,. I u E i i9 :Pt '; t g d 8 I lII :' B $ 1 a I q.t f€ g a a.i " IS,! I3 ws +-8 IIs $f$ B4 $o $ E€ g= RE[$l - P._ E u B t i t JIlj O O O = o KLS/L of Califqmia Strduml EnginBrs and Buildels 3350 sn Blvd, Suite 21 Sb Clara, CA 95054 Ph: 4O8. 654.0475 Fax: 408. 654.0i[76 Projet Inf ormation for Column Loads 000063 KL&A, Strul:hral El|ghleers andBuilders Page J oj J Pmjet: htc! Enginer: NumllerdSlodes LiveLoad Reducdon Mdhd Live Load Faclor DeadLoadFbr Yllddle Crcg; Village Wa:t mad Run h ror stud un11. BUILDING B 4/22f2003 cdir 3 I (Up b lO smfies in tllis formal. ) 1) (defdjt, I997BCbe) LLR=.00OB(A-l5O) hximum $9o f one fiol. O'b ror No fim. 4% in parking stncmms 2) (sltenlate, rtSCE L98, 1997 UBC alte11lato) LR = I-(O.25+4.S?/((KLL'AT)^Z) forKLL*AT>400, KLL=4.3JJ forvalliNs condtions) (hf &h is l. 6) cDdaultis I.2) Noks: 1. Slnlcm sell'wsight shou]d include an a jlowin forlus ad bcall]l genem]ly 10 -20 psf f buildings up m 30 stoGes. 2. Supelimposed dead ]oads fd officcs must incbde pmiljons (20p5f in UBC, undefined in AE} if mc live load is less fian 8O Wf. 3. Plauddsidewalks shouk ineludeuallowane foran 8" toppjng slab d at 1ct 100 psf people lod. Slabs shwMbochked for nRtmek ItHggqrof 43 Hps. whid 4. If optioll "2" jschos$, thevducs fd KLL Inust be set for e&h lum1 Msed oll the vals tabulated in ASCET-98Table 4-2 Live Load Elemcnt factors, 5. Y - apply mduction in &cordance wid1 lhod specifid in Projet Dda. l.? 1.4 NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT N0T NOT N07 NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT ]169 Stud Wall bads BUlLD-B.xb 4n2l2OO3 ]2:57PM Load TyF Dennition (Nolcs appear bclow wd1 vw schdule hlow) Load Type Nn Shdure SdrWtighl p5I (Mkl) Sulm. DeallLillld psI (no1e2) TI Dead bllll F Supcrin LiveLd psr I.jvcL ucth (Y.!\'.fP. seS) Cnmnlcntq Ugloropcning6 lIl m N lOpsIsnow lond for slopes > 4:l2 l00 psl'ow Imd fordow < 412 Irmst mof slope in lhb pliojcctls 6:12 nP 0FFleE BOOR I 85 m * FILE u g N $m UBBTING-ROOMS I m PAlUClltle 6 1a(}h 9 RESIDENTIAL Il m 2S 4 v 5W =4 psl JaSl + JpsI J/4" plywootl lllnlng + 4ptl Z I/Z"dry wall fi METAl,$ndlRS g IIHl M=ell.OtlleJtJ-ItOOMS dq u H 10 PL..tY.A4lll#-41 .lrll J1E 10ft N Netc 1i lttp Itttttutl. eutrtggcr lcttd IoFlrall| aestrn OPElll]tlllllll+SrlotiCLoad]00llSF u qDBWAUC4Elo1o.3l l65 12 %g 9 ;0 UI 1.I0 p I=HHPtH+hYcleil+ Jlh cltlater rrcttrs l4 mlcony 1O l5 lm N H 1ao #22E.&bi Reddclltlal-Pllll[HllDvc-btlldlillgs+ll4op b Sla[Fs 1 2q 1'7 1R 0 l9 0 20 0 0 0 I PROJECTDATA 000064 ibd"I d.' t(I vt<Ii:;. <-:l< $d,' 1 Hts J't n.; A tib Il o.\ cl !'] ti1 88;'d .jd di-! d,: 88d,: sat 8$ s d'I 0 toa II D R :iiil ;D;; q I ! q i I 8 Ia- I ii'tE fiF 0 n Ifl_ E i iiCPatlt!1I | -: J I f ffI^if{'B VI ItJS f PI;;IJ a IJ. B 2 EI I e =fl8$;. i..t.,a e a i J Ifi 8 d B d Iii c\i q i.:;+ 8R dd =a" oj ",i o I11a D,E i1 It :;' | = t HaE " I ;; j Ia' i IE@ <x I ld.9 aE' i l1it <I n J L"n I i B & 6 3 !o B & 3 I I H lda r I t ir l4a r i$ < I I o I< iJ a r a" 3l | I;IJ" ae o I5 o.=+ 19. B 1 FE 8= l '--j _RJ = I a! h J=! d9 jat I Ite i11U I l4.tr i it a d a; & i" 3 E ii < x t I< D :< I Dj= ld< I ir li o qd iJ Ic I ir E iij ,iJ::. ....::...,| 1...: j ld tc'? jd :9 ;8 o IS 4.iE :'9. | G 6 I I J -9t"'1 -sE= I ; i az ;tt | l€e <x I ldP ar t l€it <I i i IFIn & a' ] L c@ I < i$ l? ff a g i; < x 8 I Ii < I it 8c 11E Eoett i!!!iJ== EEEE iii5 I | E B liiI"l i Iiii b i i9 rg1 i I I f ! i t ! ;€l{I I 1= " O O iE = Fg I ;fItj;Ds Bli ot [ Enea tii1 LLtLn n g g 81BBdd,:i1i : ; ; ;ii3j i : t iI1lI.g3e"IB .,.lt Eii9;p .t t I 8 i i i ! ;iiII I I IUI r- .ii d.ii$ 8 i: o 1 EI gtt;. i..i=PIIlJIil O 0 O I > ;: E =:.Izo <F =n9lh = e B fi t| B o m g 6 t 51 X =s ; mi i +8;I e J a i1E t 8& =H98Sl. it i t : aQoN N ,.$ D00006 .ge o ao o< odJ = \d o' =IDo lh B 5 4> tJDpDga Q )oP5g-o oe ffi(1oo = IO =N I.L d d E oor fi--------I----o o @ @o @ @o o to o o to o o@ @ o @ @ @ @ (o @ @ @ @ Q O Q @ 0 o@o@ooo@o @ o o @ @ @ o o @ @ o @@to@@@ o@(oo@oo@ o o @ O Q O @ @ @@ @ @ o @ o @@ o o@ @ Q @ o @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Q 0 @ @ @ @ @ @ o @ @ o o o @ @ @ @ O Q O @ @ @ o o o o o @ @ @ @ O Q Q @ @ o o o o @ o (o o Q @ O o o @ @ o o o o o o @ o @ @ o o @q'" 'PT"'| T" d D' u f L tff R88a8Fg88 8$ B RR n 8cv o; Nd cd cdd d + c\i F5 IJj ui ui d + oc) r0. r=|lOO { o o N m NQ, r 9tq qq o, q, ro: c\! o, q s, cq ry c!1C\I N0I (\I N (q co o cN N + i t m <I a&!?aRqhaa rR n b $ R8c\j c\I c\I N o o q" o d ei cd ej @ *q1) (\i (\I O Ooo nn N | o o o1qD qr I\ o oo o o o r4 di i o m d o.j.-:.-' ?: qJ & dd d rJ d d d c\i rfj t\i Rb8$$8gE8 R9'& 8B9Eo ?" T" l" == I Oj CV O O i-; 1-.-.- c\i Neto t ooaaN n0 dJ O I0 N N d ON a!l; =: lrj td od.-'.-: Jd c\i & o o o o o d d d + d {\I C0 t O O N o t o a 'q q o! 'I? C9q Q tQ @ i ro|N N N (\l 0 rt)o o q' = 9 Q t 9 m(Il NN O F + tN ol (\I (\I (\l tQ 0 o ll\. 0 O | o 1on fi N o o Il.: 0 =iL N f N N g I0 0 I\. O O N C9 @ b o O O Oo t o o o o B t Rfi f g R' 88r a h B 8a Rd|i,.-^,-','.-: *-: =.-: d c\i c\i r\i c\i c\i +' 988RR8gg89'5 R Efi% 8d d d ddddd.-:,J =;,.: I.: q.: q.: d (\j N C\I N(\lN Oj N 0J C\I (\I N (\I N N |Fr=IGllv" r" l o6 d d dddddddddd d 6 r-: JJ i' o tL oom g ff 89U8 888H8gUa 8 89' B 88 fi fie' I" i" l" g" C\I ==|C\I Nt\I N c\j d d..: & cd c15 c6 d 6 = N O (\I C\I 0 tO O b.. 0 N N O tn o o o o o o No(\I O OO o to Iil, 00i o N o o t s N e d N d.-:.-'.-' J 1- c\i.-:.- ,,:,-: (\i c\i (\j t\i,-: l- c\i ti d fii c\i c\I o q o o N o t o o N 0 t dN t (0 I\. O O N t O f\.: O q.;. Oq.: I.; q.: T.: q.; 1; d d d d d c\i ll5 d 48a a q q fi a a a a 5i JI fO Q q"' P N N N 0j I!4 R: a a S{ a q R fi Ii1 h !o o o o o ol T" i" g" i'' ="' ="," aff,aS!qa aa4qRqa4ol l:a ? 9qRgl^"l" l'" TiF =ii 1-67-l!(\I N N (\i t\I q CV 4q[iaqa (EaaHqhRa$i 4q B a g fiRT" i" l"' l o v=llq=I N N OO 1 f l=n N N 8 fi R g g 8 888 Y R gg g 8 88 g R g H g ,-:.-:,-:,-.-: d d dl.: l.: q.:,-: r-: l-: d d d d.J J,-:,-: o od! O.o o O NO No o O Q o o R a R g 88 g e [j 88 g 8| R Rd d d d d d d d d dd d d d d d 88 88888888888888d d d d d d d d d 6 6 d d d d d =o ooff l.L o1 IL f aa ffia9aSfaa t$fRq 8 8b8FR8 R'R6gg8888 EE B P8 U Ro T"v= T" T" i" I" l" txt ctt ct; to d o d d o d d dd o d d c; d.- =' I" =" <t: v- d,.i a!q 888PRaSQ8fi8RB8 h8888k SgSRfffRgB gggRah8 o o o o t- t-,^.-.-: T" T" q.: 1-: |; g' dd d d d d d o d o d od d d d l,:,: ?: ?: 6.-^ 9qqq884a4aaa!qh4 9sqaas kaqaqo!aER aq808L8o o o o oooo O Ot r t' v" r" m o o o o o o d o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o =u- CQ@ OF O OO a o o o o N n m o o n oO! tq q'q q7t q4toooooiq b: t q:qq'r = @ qQoqq\Qa$8 9g g G 8 U Ro o o o oo d e o oo o o o o cv d o d d d o d o oooo o o o oo e; e; d d a ql ql N N Q (N N 0j c\l c\I c\I (\j N (\l (g o lo rt r ''' O ri. NC') lON t\. | N a n N v., li.== =" l" T" T" T" V" l'" T'' o co C'J ro cO i$ l0 N rO ca) no = = to nr iJ N 65 b = =o d o d o o d o 6 d d d o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o oo o o o o d a<H J =<B Fgg;;;;;[;i;[i [i[[[[ [iiiii[[[ e[i[i[[to o I\.H F FB ? B XLGrA of California Strl.Ictural Engineers and Buildem 335OS@t Blvd., Su jte21 Sanm Clalla, CA 95054 Ph: 408.654.0475 Fa: 408.654.0476 Project Inf ormadon for Column Loads Projcct: Dalc: Englr: NumbcllolSmdffi LIwLoad RduUon Meffid Live Lond Faetor Dcad had Factor NOT N0T NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT 1.? l.i (Up Io 1O stolicl in thil fonnat. ) I) (ddlt, 1997 UBC base) LLR;.OmS(A- l5O) Mdmum 409b foroR fir, 609b f two fioors, 405t in FUng slNds 2) tahemato. ASCE 7-98, 1997 UBC altomate)LLR=l-(O.25+4.57/((KLL*AT)'2) forKLL'AT>400, KLLi4,3,2,I ror var;ous eollddds) (hfuult is l.6) (hf aull is 1. 2) 000066 KL&A, Slruclural Engheers ald BuiMers Page / of J NOT NOT NOT NOT Notes: 1. Stm&le self weigH should incMe an ullowan br @brlllls Md bcs gellerally l0- 20 psf br buil&ngs up m 30 gtodes. 2. Sumdmposed dead lods fofrleel mst iNlllde pffitioN (ZOmf in UBC. ulldeEned in CE) if & live load is less tllan 80 mf. 3. Hdaand sidewahs should incltlde all allown bt 8" topping slab ddd lot Im mf ple lolid. Slabs shdld be chockd for firetmck ouldggerof 43 Ups.wNd 4. If option '2" ischffiell, the vdues for KLL st be set fgcrhcolu based on thc values tabulated in ASCE?-98 Table 4-ZLive Load Elel]t fadors, .5. Y- apply reddon in accordce with thod specified in Pmject Data. ll69Stud Wall bads rep 03-U-IS.xls 4n2/20O3 l:O3 PM CCH 5 Load Type Defifition (Nol6 appeai ilebw wnn type schedlllc bclow) Load Type Ne Strmp SelfWdgllt PsI (tl0tCl) Supclih DelidLolld 1lsl (notcZ) Tamld Load Psl Superim. LIleLd psl UveLcad llon (Y,N,P. kn&S) hllllnenL5 Useforopenings ROOF lq m pslsnow load for dopes > 4: \Z 100 pd'mow Ioad Ior|loP<4:12 llmst roof dom ln thls pmjecl is 6:IZ a TVPOPFleEnOOR m 3 IElIJ;1$80 4 nC11-CA|l|lllN|m 5 UEETlPlC-RqOMS B Il.UllCrltle 100 A a 7 RF.IilDF.NTIAI.25 L\v bW =q pfi JOlSl + JF J/4" PlFod slnlng+ 4psI Z Iayers d I/Z"drywall 8 MBTAl.GTAlRS o ffi Illil 9 !4BP,1lA,N|gl&.RP01AS u #SlUleoreffillalF,e+tlmllallffilClellt5 m PLAzA4llote4)1fill Ndc 'S kip fin tnek ouffiaeer]olld-Ior-IHllffilgdcslglb riPEllUlb=il+&loFLoad l0g HF 4 Q Itl.4N.TERSJ.IEET 366u l4 Balcuy IIl q 15 lllII N 8 u &3I R€9idelltM[l4llal-m+bllldliflffioll-lop %I A l7 0 l8 0 l9 0 20 2l PROJECTDATA q. o a I I I Ii d o o 83J1B !lEq lllIdi I Il!Ji |3 cL F.0 llt. Hii9R91 t t ! ilJl l-4, I | a *€l{3i:- o P 'i 3 u I f'I}s iy- i J9 B r:. Bp EI E =S.,8$F.u.I I..tlila >;|>-J =o J<rawom Ir | fi cc | a Bi E O> e e n iQ n I3 J a = = =i $ t t e !ii 8 r i. B ina F '6 1 |s i! -j s g 'd I i h d&i e9 is j !t I l4p ar I |tr <I j I I & ai & 3 I e Et4 r % j h et< I h ;;]a r it Id.< x it < x jt I E dljP^ti.i iqcilq dddd d o o o d d 66 lt lt 8 8 |a 9 r R qN l i!l! n n g g 8899,1 d d d 1l | I11'E E"I I ea o Ig=lLIII '1t. h' ^i i9 ;9 LrE80. l7 II i i i ! : f i i I.I H g E 1-IIII9 8 Au 8< I g =$o8$E. i i..t t I I aIil O O 0 = I1 I,e31 I 90ff j3.| | I L I= ;:' ie"d i ; I d&f =:g i= i l€e 11lX I l4I aT 11't I 3I I g d9 3 I I< > dl ] ir 2t< x ii < I i$ lq< I ia < x it 9 dt:dPi d..:,cli d d d d dddd ddd,: l88 bt bt ol'Pfi tftoal... i ; ; ;t!l! nngg e: g': q 1jt IIII I |81 8 'I i IlF lH I t, i i gfFi'b9!8o. a i nI d B I -4 I I I * f 3l I.I'B 1I : Ig q' i8g l:- ot EI 8 =s,-8$E.lE 8 a I t :; ul O O O = IiI 8 d .E 9 =* :9 a E Il I -,l aBt" I"J Ie '-d I a; I ;; t i= i I€c <x I ldp ar I it I1 3I I a a i a! a € 1 If h Et< u ii a r I Ii4 h a":a r h l; B" I 0 0 00 6 7 O. G! q i4 d r: r.: C1i q lCJ gCt i. R 88 }d d ei v,: 8 a 8 Pd d IS.; tJ'o.D \pt " 1n l}- :t ul E i;. < 'd |< $ 1I E tt: bt r: > :JQi\ : $ d 3 a R III = = r b I I i! 3 j 3 $$3.g qqatit 'iiiil; o- Ilt.. E i i9 ; 9iiit I J I l-< I E a qf ! i I I I J IIJ8 1'€ItIj9 a r:. 8 2 EI i = $,8$B. L'| |.. t t I i a :8BaJddlij d;I.:& tqqqc\! d d d, 88SS a: S 1 ff : 8 a a i ! ! ! .B$.9.4. 0l i\l =! q ; ; : : s ; I I i1 d ! i I q!].. EiilF.Pattfl: I l-< B B a {' ! j I I i J U8 1'.lII Pg B& 8 ? E E =fi=8Sl - i __ t :Tl3Ji:i fi 8 8 A d Iii s Xs o.= I Y i 1 i-! -sl= aile= i di i at -l IF I' ItIt <B I ld,e ar I I€c <l | al t }: 3 t .g : ii a r e P< i; < x I Iid h < I h lHa r a" I1i d q = IE q. 6 rns I it i. ti- ie i df i a+ -l I* ; i; I lde aF I if H de I= 3 o B l= 3 I i$ a E I Dj= l4< x .s 1i I r ii I Ic l; a" i.: c\i d + d.JGifJ d d ;:,: 8181d d.J.: !*.lS.qq **## @5h8 oooq !i:'i, 4.., t!l! ;i;; 8B8t;,: oi.i: I I | I''ii!; i;gt i iia!!t I i i I ; f i I I I| l"9 a i EII8i BA 8 ? Et -8.[gi - i..t.Tl3 J i J188a d d d d 6 iii a = TE 9=t j& B T * =e 9- I !i FJ -LJ = t HgE "= i ;; J |at i IEE <I I lde ar I it d[ t %. 3 Io B 3 ir < I ir |d< B i$ ld< x !o a ii $1 fr br 000068 d | > i "' i h :t 8.l g:i <- J ff B: h d I -q b :J B fl $i I! q: Cq j!l: d,: dl id d d..: ;: d d ;;:,: d o'..:..: 8 ;P ae i IlI 86 d = I13LI I' P.E }t :ti 3 g I d$ i ttt c i I8 i liiIC <U 3lHe ar I l4d ar 0 A. dl B i B t Tli" o B h < I e ! H l:< x H J< U Io IId i$ < u ir $ =000069 {; d - i l. ' d s i::I$ }. <'q Q 1tt EiiI\ x>a r. ^:g hj E = tl,t; =; |.; ,: d.,f d g g ; g ..:,' d d fi B 8 8d..:,: & B 888d.:.J cti B X 8 Rd d,:,' 8 s F 1e 3l |Ie3g d Pd 8d = Is qo* 19. B 1 1 E i bt i' '-i I.; ! ;; i* i l€@ <I I ld,e lr i it B E B B, d de t 3 1? t. 3 I t]= ld< x |h I r B H lt< I e< B a r jt ,: d 4 d d..: d d d d..:.: ! q T q d d ;,J * aR ff ae 'Il o =F g |8|*J=J B. l33 !1!E I3tlilla e F- I t E 'i i1 ; o I T E a l1 t I - ! I f I I 3 u8 f €I $9i 8 &. Ut E e g -{1 e) 8Sl. I.. I : % 3 a * J .5 a 8 d d i. ONF f I P 0' iij = I13ri r 1i. I# '-d s n i ; i J& it i l€tr <E 3 8d3 ar I it &g f t;' 3 a & 3 B l; i$ ld-a r I| ii a r o I ia < I ir i ie q d? ". d,: d cij d d ;;. i @ cil Iq aRa?s$ rRB1 a 8 g B Ilt66, i!!! EEEE qqqtll;::: I I I B I | | I9 n 'g h"!Ltili 9'.lu 5 i if5g11E8 ! i t ! ; € I { 3 i 5 q i y' .9!EIi0 : H< EI g =ll8$l. I i. 'a 9 2 i J :gas1 i!!i n9in 8RgPq.;r;did 711133J3I | l1s3! II!IIiI r,,lt i t i 11l8o, E a II I i I I ; f i i I I = I=9 I y .g bgtI 19 B l1. o ? E E 8 =lr8$E. I =|.lu?lll]lII O O 0 = q ll a I 8 |8 a & 1 R;;;g q 41 ?: R E | I | I ] B I"I i ! i | Ic"le r,.;% } 'l [ i!;f i i i ! ; i ' I i I J Ula 1' 8I $|Jg ri U ? E e g =SJ8$; ; H.-. i a i t :5 A 8 a d i:t; tD I5 qo|| :4.a t i L &: al I g i d$ t js E Ir& -l I= i IEx <g I l4e ar I l4I ar B i B a j d! 1 3 L E 3 I I < ir a g B I ir |d< I iJ li h < I it i ,:dq'd d,:,J c.i I4qi:qc'! 199997 gi## oooo 96al t ! I ! n ; i 9 8889,.: d.d d I I I I ' t i iili P I. I % E i ii ;Jlfi!f I : ! 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DOO o o ocj d 6 o o o 3ora Il ll II II t333 i3H I' i I " g&&gg = = n r a 8 br: lli + I,: Il II ll II 3333 s : I ip o a EiEl.i,Ii3 1,i 4.- E I i!FEe & 8 E 'll g J B s ":l1 g a T!sl g t E 11I J =-8 IIs g 9 a 8 ILuQ 1 Ee6 B o. =gffU8 $ E B.i u.. F ! g t ]0 0 O O = t 7 s E :g T'+ d"i t, Eg it. Io! g" | G .c"5 I $u"S' S I1lo$ a g P 1a tI'= 0 '<;,' 9 t): fi I nidqf c\i c\i N c\i d ci d,:,J LlQIL .'l| =t o o = CV Ol N N oooo NqOjN o o o o p.j oooo c\idcq o o o o l\ I+. rs ooo ooo . f \,qGST O.,,,,,, ; ffi q----q- --:- --- f{/tLP J1,.r I' ') #.cr4-Io 9+y#,, 'v'I p5 uf s t it t I I I I li t t t |i llIli I I I I @ I-ffiiCtj)b/l. 0 000082 f tffi\\., i .'' . 1 ---.\; ir:a"\ ' +.< \ i tj J --- /" fic.'t -____ () -_____ j i 4..,- \i.,z' o J1 ( '';1 i - '',; (rt,ii(td1 [ - u Qb qN r|l\ "4 j ]J <bri c1 /Z'":\;., \fq} L1- u-'-fi. /:'\.":- ixl :-' 'Jl ''.., {' -, i, 'i\.-j fjg $jg!n\Lr J D , {.-.I 'I /_,G}! I fF"i1 hiI fi-i i blQ gm\ y) cO rtT'J . Jg $H e) MoH,h- =]co (gj ffi'I i i ii jl L+ -',;,Qo-- [\ i{€}oj O :.CQl,.bo /" '-e) jx[ ns{ fd _\{ -E\' 9?c\-_<r'UJ",o\go t..-../ \c\I :t\5JD \s-e j-#l J :.-'cd r-\ l/. c\I $-n- )-s" r;,-, >L fo,O 'r-:co\.'- i a)O n "t T-",\' -(5) J "-'P h ae+, (tfi L.-..Ic\I+-o)Oco -ffi L[-J LO rSffJ IqN } LO c6-s LJj: I\O! co i -\[ H f'"ri; c\lc\j,g-fii; .J i:|o) ir i C '' QO 0 fi :J \'j t,tol\r'\ cOiffj hr::-{Io-' "=- -C5:U J cgfico---- LO--- ---ffi I.: =KL8A of California Structural Bgiers d Builders 3350 Scd Blvd, Suite 21 Smta Clara, CA 95054 Ph: 4O8. 654.0475 F: 4O8 654.0476 Pmjcct Informafion for Column Loads Pn]ecl lbddeCkVtllryc 1169 Lo1u fijsc Co[urlls Loa& 0-]-0-]-17.4s PROJECTDATA [J 0 008 3 mm: Elwlllel': NumberofStodffi UveLoad Rducllon Mdhd Uve Load Faclor had kad Fnctor 1:? 1.4 (Up Io 1O stoHe9 in 111i5 fomat.) I) (defau]t, 1997 UBCba) LLR=.0008(A-l50) Majdmum4q folo floor, 60q forNofirs, 40{11 jnwrUng stmcm 2) taltemate, ASCET-98, 1997 UBC alternate) LLR 110.25+4.57/((KLL'AT)^2) bl KLL*AT>400, KLl43,2,l for vatious c@dtions) (Def aull is l. 6) (Defau1t is I.2) NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT N0T NOT NOT N0T N0T Noh: I. Swmrc self wdghl should includean d]owallce for colulnlls andbcams gcmlly 10 -20 psf for buildillgs upto 30stolics- 2, Suwdmpoddoad loads forofficffi must inciude palliti@s (ZOpsf'in UBC, undefined in ASCE) if *e livo lolld is hs m& 80 mf. 3. Pla and sidewdks sh jd ilude allowace foran 8" Mpping slab dd d ]east l00 p6f pcopk load. Slab5 shotlld bedkcd br firehckoutdfferof 43 Ups, whi& 4. If option "2" ischoscll, thc values tor KLL 5t be se1 forchcoju bd on ffie valwslabulated ill ASCE ?-98 Table 4-2 LiYc Load Elcnt fom, 5. Y - apply redtioll in accodance with Imthod specifjed i1l Pmject Data. nonm? 7:25A4l | KL&A, Struc:lural Engineers andBuilders 3 B H J ot B + j9. B t .6 &". g e n 9.G" '- d I9H =o i df ! ae : jae ti fid E <v, B 8dP llr 81En <: gj a tll 9 = B q a r J = 6e o Il B & Pd3 a o id I IL e = I BJ" et< x I F e< I rj= a r o BH < ie a g e< ir a g jt t E o o r n g g g .QQO,g[4 o o g 3 P fi g o o e s IJ fi 8 o o w ff T fi g eQt et Q Ei ca =q-otl =.lbd 9l< Ba \g B'q u E ftl.a =e: :t} tq' $ $a ooP 888 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a B n .o 1q A ff9: b dll E\I :' r : 8l a fi fi 8 a 888 g o 8 ; s o o o o o o P o o o o o e o o o o $ | o q8ag 88 O 0 O N 0 O O o o o o o o o 11a O 0 ql iq =6 o o A, d h Ql '! = t;ta88 $ g 9 F 88 9 F fi 1 fi fi r" Od) O n u, e fi fi f EEE 4 m o n I,'- "' &,- " se ff ff * = ff sggggg 999888 sss88.n o Q :- :- tq_ "! b tl II II lI II t !33tL = I o I f 8 i-! I;, cil P P i a ir < R a & & = i = ; $ a n 8 II II II tlt t t I 3333I g 8l s ' ! I|l1 a = L $ IH o o o o o o 8 il?.., E i i eEER t t ! tsJBs1tlia1 '[lliH u J t-a I bt- + fi B rJ. wo R E P o 6o 9. H fi B " Q :' = = " R p q- '.".. o o o g o o o o o g ! oo girH 01::: t I. n. 1.. [ =Tl a.? 9 :i 1ii O O O = o o o o o o o H J o oo of $8 tfi il? gg oa, l{c m Es ql B 'a=D,! |4 0 !s n.B6 " J Ia i df I ;t jae e <|, B 8Hp ar i E5;e <X 'o 3I Ich = a r "g oE oI B & 3 o c P=;3 olL e< 1$ oql:< U t H eI4 o| Eid i $ I r i $ a g o e< Ig a g jr oE B3 FJ N ol Is o.l|+ 16f g" F :6 g g" F J aE.o I ;.tB| " i ;t jat d P€e <x E Bdf ar i it 3 8 o .t r :f 69 oI r E Pu 3 o o a & H +P= 3 I e< Ii a r I = 8 < I9J" < x o .B < lt a r Iq i $ .t g it oE + & ff R 88 & a 9 f I g : $ $ a a s E 81l R R R R fi g o P 1888 d o = 78819 $ # ae a fi B, 0 B 88 gagRgfifi ooaaQQgB88'dU" f!s.. ll II l1 II b = = t t ! 3 3iIH $ i ' g & & g n g n g h d B II II ll II 9 t t I 3333ll.l?d d i $fl o} EI n 6l6l@ r tE ff ut._ f= @ o g U g JF?a i I ; t 8 J B s ":t I q I T !Sl8 E ^9 u8 I bI q' 2 fi B rLuQ|D< E9 o o o o o o o n Qm ffi & & a o i:4 :g\j ol ('il {1 :} ':.1 )'' il = { { R O 0 88888 o o o o o o g o o o a o o d il o@= l+ @ @ 9 o ol P O O 8i:!i]i o S E B m o t I E..i i i f au o o o = 4 D d o II II lI Il bl=tt!fi 8 ' 8 q 8i' g t g &n = = n Il II Il II 533 I I I I Bsd!$ 9 0 E H n 6 I.6 3e r tE t =Il| e EJoo Boo ==e 'o 3 e E =oo R tn_PF 0 @ U U E 3 R 3l ot';fE d' 8 T 'n s J B 8 !t I E lJ T t I t t ig u a g-8 iIs ql g fi Brluo $ Eg oaB9.l., t.. t =IltitJ0 O O O = ooE > oeo P oI a5 m i.; o6 6 Td['os5 o r a fi B P :: N'l It) t q rt.s kl E : Dl <c' 'tl..J 'l. * b: ni} E h1t\I L E hj L: Qc .l 0q' B a : o : : e fi 6 e = t 9 f fi o t I E ? o : o a 98 t e e $ f $ oo 9 8 8 fi o9 a ? fi 8 o w e 8 8 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9' 9 $ $ o o o o o o o : o o o o o o 8 o 6 o o o ? ) o o o + o V ff H I\ N I\0 IS llq. 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In lll ax=ll.t.63@PO ul o =la e E2oo c Boo ==It =oJc E ,?oo IO Iba. lll g u g 3 R It o t t ! fIdB s1t I q a T sslg E 'E ula 9-8 | bI ql 9 g 8 r: uloo< E € 8 RQa = Ol j =iia a I< o ql i t.. Ft i f :w o o o | oos > o o9o B g = m i, o6 IL 000093 t* MIDDLE cREEK vILLAGE- BUILDING A LOCATION Supporting B4 Supporting B2 B5-stair B5- others HEM FIR No. of story above 3 3 3 3 Reactlon (Kips) 21.32 OR 6.93 OFl 10.50 2.59 Pweak Use 4 6 2 4 2 1 D/C 2 X 6 Stud O.9O POST -I' O.92 2 X 6 Stud O.58 POST 7' O.84 2 X 6 Stud O.88 2 X 6 Stud O.44 Capacity 2 X 6 Stud 4 X 4 Lumber 5 X 5 Post 6 X 6 Post 7' high posts 4 X 4 Lumber 6 X 6 Post 5 X 5 Post 6 X 6 Post 6 X 8 Post 6 X 1O Post e X12 Post HEM HEM HEM FlFINo. FIF{ No. FIR No. Pstrong 5,94 6.85 14.79 23.24 8.29 15.78 14.56 24.80 37.27 47.21 57.15 kips kips kips kips 8.29 kips 13.03 kips 14.56 kips 24.80 kips 33.82 kips 42.83 kips 51.85 kips = 1169 stud load_NEW.xls BLDG-A KL&A of California 411712003 o 0000[j 4 * MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE- BUILDING B Capacity ZXGStud 4 X 4 Lumber 5 X 5 Post 6 X 6 Post # 1 2 LOCATION No.of story Reaction Use D/C above (Klps) BSstair@gridline1 1 6.19 2 2XGStud 0.52 B5-baloony 3 5.18 1 2XGStud 0.88 HEM FIR 5.90 kips HEM FIFI No. 1 6.80 kips HEM FIR No. 1 13.00 kips HEM FIR No. 1 23.17 kips 1169 stud Ioad-NEW.xls BLDG-B KL&A of California 4/8/2003 000095 * MIDDLE CBEEK VILLAGE- BUILDING C b(ft) 1.63 9.63 &-1€ &80 1.75 3.75 2.OO 1.75 4.OO 2.25 1.63 9.63 343 3,86 1.5O 1.5O 2.88 2.88 4.75 1.75 1.75 4.75 1.75 1.75 3,88 3:-13 9.63 1.63 2.25 3.75 1.5O 9.OO 2.OO 6,60 2-OO # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5 6 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 7 6 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 DL 1.39 1.39 1.39 1=39 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.81 1.81 1=B1 4=81 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.1O 2.1O 2.1O 1.58 1.58 1.58 4=40 1,10 1.1O 1.10 O.59 0.59 O.59 1.O3 3.1O 3J0 3.1O LL 1.50 1.5O -1=60 4=60 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.OO 2.OO 2.00 2.00 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.61 2.61 2.61 1.96 1.96 1.96 -1=20 1,20 1.20 8.29 kips 13.03 kips 14.56 kips 24.80 kips 33.82 kips 42.83 kips 51.85 kips reactlon (kip) Use4.7O 1 ZXGStud ZXGStudx 8 P0ST T 2-X-6-Stud 2-X-6-Stlld ZXGStud ZXGStud ZXGStud 2 X 6 Stud 2 X 6 Stud ZXGStud ZXGStud ZXGStud x 1O POST 7' Z-X-&Stlld 27.82 OR 9,03 ffi98 7.39 15.83 8.44 7.39 16.88 9.5O 6.19 36.67 OR 11:91 14,67 7.94 7,94 15.21 15.21 22.37 8.24 8.24 16.82 6.2O 6.2O &91 749 22.14 OR 3.74 2.59 4.31 1.73 9.25 15.46 -1-7,07 6.21 D/C O.79 0.94 O.82 gJ8 0,93 0.62 O.89 O.71 O.62 O.95 0.8O O.52 0.88 0.86 0,67 2-X-6-Stud g,g2 2 X 6 Stud O.67 2 X 6 Slud O.67 2 X 6 Stud O.85 2 X 8 Stud O.85 2 X 6 Stud O.94 2 X 6 Stud O.69 2 X 6 Stud O.69 2 X 6 Stud O.94 2 X 6 Stud O.52 2 X 6 Stud O.52 2-X-6-Sttld g:76 2-X-64tlld 0,61- 2 X 6 Stud 0.93 1.2O O.56 O.56 O.56 6 POST 7'O.89 2 X 6 Stl.Id O.63 2 X 6 Stud 0.44 2 X 6 Stud O.73 2 X 6 Stud 0.29 2 X 6 Stud 0.78 5 POST O.71 6-X-6-Post #DIV/O[ 2 X 6 Stud 0-52 *eol32 + Its own Capacity 2 X 6 Stud 4 X 4 Lumber SXSPost 6 X 4 Post 6 X 6 Post 6 X 8 Posl GXlOPost 6 X12 Post 7' high posts 4X4Lumber GX4Post SXSPost 6 X 6 Post 6 X 8 Post 6 X 10 Post 6X12Post HEMFIR HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. HEM FIR No. Pstrong Pweak 5.94 kips 6.85 6.85 kips 13.03 13.03 kips 14.79 10.77 kips 23.24 23.24 kips 36.32 31.68 kips 46.00 40.13 kips 55.68 48.58 kips 8.29 15.78 14.56 24.80 37.27 47.21 57.15 1169 stud IoadiNEW.xls BLDG-C KL&A of California 4/17/2003 000096 s E Q < = g Qb B Hts; bitlaallit halaattIt- ':- I.,a1..,,dff$tl'^'::- ;;9[::38 b E 8I35 n$ d.qg8Pl"ffiI id$I..: 6 u i eEi!d 1 iEqddB ; ; : i 6 i ro<to91( Bltjz D' 8 EJ B Table 4D (Cont.) Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x $" and Iarger (Tabulated design values are for normal Ioad duration and dry service conditions, unless specified otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.) USE WITH TABLE 4D ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Species md commemial grade Ste classifjmtion Design values in pounds per squam inoh (psi) Gmding Rules Agenoy Bending Fb Tension paralbl to grain Fg Shear pardlel bgrain Fv Compressioh peTendkular b grain Fd Compmssion pamllel tograin F. Modulus d Elasfcily E Select Slmclural No.1 No.2 Beams and Slringem 1350 1160 75O 925 775 375 155 155 155 550 55O 550 950 8O0 550 1,200,000 1.200,000 900,000 NELMA NSLBSelect Structural No.1 No.2 Posts and Timbers 1250 1050 600 85O 7O0 4OO 155 155 155 55O 5O0 55O 1000 875 4O0 1,200,000 1,200,000 900.000 Seled StructuralNo.1. No.2 Beams and Stringers 1400 1150 7SO 925 775 375 155 155 155 555 555 95O 8O0 5O0 1,200,000 1,200,000 900i000 NELMA NSLBSeled Slrudural No.1 No.2 Posts and Timbem 1300 1050 600 875 7OO 4OO 155 155 155 555 555 bbb 1000 875 4OO 1,200.000 1,200,000 900,000 select Structural No.1 No.2 Boamsand Stringem 1450 1200 775 850 6OO 40O 165 165 165 bbb 555 555 95O 8OO 5O0 1,300,000 1.300.000 1.100,000 NLGA Seled Struotural No.1 No.2 Posb and Timbers 1350 1100 65O 9OO 725 425 165 165 165 555 555 555 1000 6OO 1,300,000 1,300.000 1.100.000 Soled Structuml No.1 No.2 Beams and Stdngem 1050 90O 575 725 6OO 275 135 135 135 390 39O 39O 75O 375 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 NELMA NSLBSelect Structural No.1 No.2 Postsand Timbem 1000 8OO dS0 675 55O 3O0 135 135 135 39O 39O :1gO 775 675 noo 1,400,000 1,400,000 1 nnn ono Select Structural No.1 No.2 Beams and Stfingem 1050 575 70O 600 275 125 125 125 350 350 350 675 575 4O0 1.100,000 1,100.000 900.000 NELMA NSLBSelectSUuduml No.1 No.2 Posts and nmbers 8OO 450 65O 525 3OO 125 125 125 35O 35O 350 725 625 325 1,100,000 1,100.000 900,000 SelgctStruduml No.1 No.2 Boams and Stdngem 1300 1050 675 75O 525 35O 14O 14O 140 dnq 4O5 405 925 750 5O0 1,300,000 1,300.000 1.100,000 WCLIB WWPASelectStructuml No.1 No.2 Posts and Timbem 1200 07€ 575 8OO 65O 37S 14O 14O 140 4O5 4O5 4O5 07e 850 1,300,000 1.300.000 1.100,000 SeloctStrudurd No.1 No.2 Boams and Stdngers 1250 1000 676 725 5OO 325 135 135 135 4O5 405 4O5 9OO 75O 475 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 NLGA Seleot Struclural No.1 No,2 Postsand Timbers 1150 925 55O Tl5 625 375 135 135 135 4O5 4O5 4O5 95O 85O 575 1,300,000 1,300.000 1,100,000 Seled Stmctural No.1 No.2 Beams and Stringers 1150 975 625 7OO 5O0 32S 18O 18O 18O 6Z0 620 62O 725 60O 375 1,100.000 1.100,000 900,000 NELMA Select Structural No.1 No.2 Posts and Timbem 1100 875 500 725 600 350 18O 180 18O 620 620 62O 75O 65O 3OO 1,100,000 1,100,000 900,000 AMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOClATlON 000098IffJ' !f o adjustment factors.) I USE WITH TABLE 4A ADJUSTMENT FACTOnS Specjes md mmmeroial gmde Sbe claffition Djgn values in pounds per square inch (psi) Grading Rules Agency Bending Fb Tensbn parallel to grain Ft Shear parallel Io gmin F. Compmssion perpandiwlar to grain F.1 Compmssion pamllel to gmin Fe Modulus of Elasfdty E Select Structural |No.2 I 2' & widorNo.3 IStudh.i- I 2'&wldor 1250 Tl5 575 350 i::i: :i :ij45b!i]::i i: 35O 275 150 !!ii :i i2bOiiiii,ii 14O 14O 14O 14O :i!!i ! ii:i:4oii;!:i!;: 335::ii 335i i:!! 1200 1000 825 475 ii !i i !i 52d :!.i! 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,100.000 900,000 NELMA NSLB !i!""""" | 2'&wider 1250 775 575 350 j:i:i]ij:i:;i:{46di:::::;iji 575 350 275 150 :iii !iij2oo jij ji:i: 170 17O 17O 170 :i:i!ii:i!70:iiii:i!::j;! 555 555 555 555 i!i j :iii;i:jd&qi ji:ij!!: 1200 1000 825 475 1,200,000 1,100,000 1.100,000 900,000 NELMA NSLB p!l!r[[lFlI | 2'&wider l,!,1-. I n a widPr 1Z50 775 575 35O 460 575 35O 275 150i ,! :!;iOO!i!!ii|i 140 140 14O 14O }::jiiiib:t::ii 335 335 335 ii:;iiiii:ibbd!iii:li 1200 I 1.200.0001000 l 1,100.000825 I 1,100,000475 I 900,000coc I ctrtnnnn NELMA NSLB !i!!"""" | i,.,,,.., 1250 775 575 35O :|iijij::!:i:i:4atlii-i!]ii 575 35O 275 150 i;J:i] i) :Oi:i!:iiii'i 135 135 135 135 :]ii: ::,;ii!ffi!iji!:::! 36O 35O 35O 35O }iii: iJ:i!fWlijj: ;+;:! 1200 I 1,200,0001000 I 1.100.000s25 I 1,100,000::: j. ffff NELMA NSLB Solect Strudurd I ffi]r"' !| ll Dn 1 [[f | 2' & wider 1400 1100 975 85O 5OO 925 726 625 525 3OO 150 16O 15O 15O 15O ijil]"i:iqiaii!;!!:i: 405 4O5 405 4O5 4O5 1500 I 1,600,0001350 | 1,500,0001350 | 1,500,000taoo | 1,300,000725 l 1.200.000 WCLlB WWPA Select Stmctural No.l/No.2 No.3 2' & wider 1300 1000 575..;l;;:}ffil;ii;;id 775 575 325 ii.iHi#;tibiiijt[i 145 145 145 iii4!l$gG{eUjfj 405 4O5 4O5 ;:;: :! )i:;:jAfij\Il:i 1700 l 1,700,0001450 I 1.600.000s5o | :aoo,ooo NLGA jff * 1 1 AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL de ;e p_ y+od s 4 S = 4 sthd 000099 gy:- yx s r-# rr tyx+ fl'r I iPl-)& rf:;:!". '; i jfi ' 1111 / i '!4:-!'.)I:i !'!!i; 'iL/1 "- ! /, !-r+ii':- / "" ( ' o o :::: j -' -=- J- _:-:: :::: --,,- -; ::: 7q s !,Fd;: '$t: : [&s ,1,J ;|q U 25I-s 35j J 'f i.",.5 23;':r ,>)r .\'qP, y/p, d+.> dis zS zs t': e z5 :l,.I: I =" lz5 3\ 1s !_ '. :; Iq !u i 1:ii iI iI. J,| |s ' I5 i" l5 -Ie91 I [ o BI/(C - 4'" p; 0001 00 COMBINED BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPRESSION - RECTANGULAR TIMBER MEMBERS PROGFlAM DESCRIPTION: Proiect: Middle Creek Village Purpose: Checks wood members for combined biaxial bending and compression stresses following the provisions of NDS (Revised 1991 Edition) Section 3.9.2. Usage/Restrictions: Rectangular timber members. Known Limitatlons: None. Corresponding Spreadsheet: None Update Flecord: Initials Date Update JLB 4/1i97 Original development for uniaxial bending GRK 6120197 Added biaxial bending. LOADS AND LOAD DURATION FACTORS M,, := 0.Ibf.tl Applied moment - strong axis My : 0.lbf.ft Applied moment -weak axis P := 5900.lbf Applied axial force CD := I.15 Loaddurationfactor MEMBER GEOMETRY AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH d) := 5.5.in Member depth (Iong dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) d2 := 1.5.in Member width (short dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) I := ?.875-ft Member Iength IQ) := I Buckling Iength coefficient for strong axis buckling K,2 := 0.1 Buckling Iength coefficient for weak axis buckling le: := Kg(l Effeotive Iength of compression member for Iel = 7.88 ft strong axis buckling - l,2 := K,2d Effeotive Iength of compression member for le2 " 0.79 ft weak axis buckling MATERIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS HEM-FlR Fc := 800psi Compression design value. No adjustment factors. Fb := 675psi Bending design value including sizefaotor E' := 1200000gsi Allowable elastic modulus = C,,'C,*C, ' E (See NDS Table 2.3.1) c :=.8 =.80 sawn Iumber, =.85 round timber piles =.90 glued Ianinated timber (See NDS Section 3.7.1 ) KcE :=.3 =.3 visual grade, =.418 for COVE <= 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KbE := 0.438 = 0.438 for visually graded and machine evaluated Iumber = 0.609 if COV < O.11 (See NDS Seotion 3.3.3) 0001 01 CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Calcnlato hending stress and allowabe bending stress (without axial Ioad) per NDS Section 3.3.3 d,.d,' Q ^_,"x a- 6 Sx = ?.56 i,,' Sy = 2.06 i,,' fbl Opsi fb2-0psi Rs-4.s1 FbE = 22753.25 psi F'[ " 776.25psi C;." 1 F[; " 774.88 psi F'b2 " 776.25 psi F'[:-Fb(D NDS Eq. 3.3-5 See NDS Eq. 3.3-6 F"b represents F* in NDS Eq, 3.3-6 Includes Iateral buckling coef. CL Cannot buckle laterally rFbE)I *l a ICl :=" l-9 F'b1 := FbCD{L F'b2 := Fb(D r - fi FcE1 : SEiEi [t]- Calculate compression stress and allowable compression stress (Without bending) per NDS Section 3.7,1 fc " 715.15psi See NDS Eq, 3.9-3 F,E1 " 1219.45 psi 000 1 02 XcEE' FcE2 := [tl See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 FcE2 " 9070.29 psi Fgg " 1219.45 psi F' L = 920 psi ( NDS Eq. 3.9-3 Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending and axial Ioad F,E : min((F,El F,E2)) F'[ := FdCD t + 1E F'[ Cp : -;];- - F', := F,{D(p F"o represents F*c in NDS Eq. 3.7-1 F'c " 716.1?psi CHECK MEMBER DESIGN Cheok unity equation for compression only Jt i, Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for compression only F', Check unity equation for uniaxial bending in each diroction independently fi:" = 0F[; fho Fb2 Chdck unity equation for combined bending and axial compression per NDS Seotion 3.9.2 [:f[i - i:NDS Eq. 3.7-1 Strong axis bending, Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Weak axis bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending [t]'ft:fb2 4-ffih]] ' ,[-{b-[t:i] 'C = 0.59 FcEl J: = 0.0s Fcez ft: = 0 FbE Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for either uniaxial or biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending o 000103 COMBINED BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPRESSlON - RECTANGULAR TIMBER MEMBERS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Project: Middle Creek Village Purpose: Checks wood members for combined biaxial bending and compression stresses following the provisions of NDS (Revised 1991 Edition) Section 3.9.2. Usage/Restrictions: Rectangular limber members. Known Llmitations: None. Corresponding Spreadsheet: None Update Fleoord: lnitials Date Update JLB 4/1/97 Original development for uniaxial bending GRK 6/20/97 Added biaxial bending. LOADS AND LOAD DURATION FACTORS M,, := O;lbf.ft Applied moment - strong axis M, := 0.lbf.ft Applied moment - weak axis P := 6800.lbf Applied axial force CD:= 1.l5 Loadduralion factor MEMBER GEOMETFlY AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH d; := 3.5in Member depth (Iong dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) d2 := 3.5.in Member width (short dimension) (Soe NDS Figure 3H) | ;= 7.875.ft Member Iength IQ) := I Buckling length ooefficient for strong axis buckling K,2 := I Buckling length coofficient for weak axis buckling :,t : Ifi4 Effective Iength of compression member for le1 " 7.gg ft strong axis buckling l,2 := K,2] Effective length of compression member for le2 " 7.gg ft weak axis buckling MATERIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS Fc : 1350psi Compression design value. No adjustment factors. Fb := 97ipsi Bending design value including sizefactor E':= l500000psi Allowable elastic modulus = C,,*C,*C, * E (Soe NDS Table 2.3.1) c :=.8 =.80 sawn Iumber, =.85 round timber piles =.90 glued Ianinated timber (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KcE :=.3 =.3 visual grade, =.418 for COVE <= o. t : (See NDS Section 3.7.1 ) KbE := 0.438 = 0.438 for visually graded and machine evaluated Iumber = 0.609 if COV < 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.3.3) 000104 CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Calculnte hending stress and allowabe bending stress (without axial Ioad) ;ier NDS Section 3.3.3 d,,,d,' Sx := -'f - rFbE)I *l n I CI := -l.-,Z. -" 1.9 F'b1 := Fb(DtL Fb2 := Fb(D r. P 'C'" dTd1 - KcEE' I'cE1 := ""! (l.1Y [aj S, 7.15 i,' Sy = 7J5 i,,' ftt Opsi fb2 " 0 ps- Rs " 5.2NDS Eq. 3.3-5 See NDS Eq. 3.3-6 F"b represents F* in NDS Eq. 3.3-6 Includes Iateral buckling coef. C, Cannot buckle Iaterally NDS Eq. 3.3-6 FbE " 24333.33 psi F'[ = 1121-25 psi Cc " 1 Fbl " ll18.56psi F'b2 " 1121.25 psi Calculate eompression stress and allowable compression stress (without bending) per NDS Section 3.7,1 fc " 555.1 psi See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 F,El " 6l7.28psi ,JltElf FbE [F'[jl F'[1r] -i; 0 (]0105 KcEt' Fgg := -; ' [a F,E := min((F,E1 F,E2)) See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 FcE2 " 617.28psi FcE " 617.28 psi F'[ = 1552.5 psi F'cn Fc(DCp F'e=555.4lpsl CHECK MEMBER DESIGN Oheok unity equation for oompression only fc = I Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for compression only F', Oheck unity equation for uniaxial bending in each direction independently ftt =:_ = 0 F%; fb2", 0 F'b2 F'[ := FdCD F"o represents F'c in NDS Eq. 3.7-1 fc = 0.9 FcEl f,:-: = 0.9 Fce: fm , 0 FbE Check unity equalion for combined bending and axial compression per NDS Seotion 3.9.2 ( r, f fb1 fb2 NDS Eo. 3.9-3lE;j*]]-[-ri*-r-]-;::;i-' '' "'' ',X Z -|-[;;;;ji -|1::;-[t:Il Strong axis bending. Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Weak axis bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for either uniaxial or biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending 0 J I]1 06 COMBINED BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPRESSION - RECTANGULAR TIMBER MEMBERS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Project: Middle Creek Village Purpose: Checks wood members for combined biaxial bending and compression stresses following the provisions of NDS (Revised 1991 Edition) Section 3.9.2. Usage/Restrictions: Rectangular timber members. Knolvn Limitations: None, Corresponding Spreadsheet: None Update Record: lnitials Date Update JLB 4/1/97 Original development for uniaxial bending GRK 6/20/97 Added biaxial bending. LOADS AND LOAD DURATION FACTORS M, := 0.lbf.ft Applied moment - strong axis M, : 0.lbf.ft Applied moment - weak axis P ;= l3000.lbf Applied axial force CD :- 1.l5 Load duration factor MEMBER GEOMETRY AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH d; := 4;5.in Member depth (Iong dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) d2 := 4.5.in Member width (short dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) I := 7.875.ft Member Iength K,; := I Buckling Iength coefficient for strong axis buckling K,2 := I Buckling Iength coefficient for weak axis buckling l,t := K,;l Effective Iength of compression mernber for le: " 7.88 rt strong axis buckling l,2 := K,21 Effective Iength of oompression member for l,, = T.ggft weak axis buckling MATERIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS F, := 850psi Compression design value. No adjustment factors. Fb := 925psi Bending design value including sizefactor E' := 1300000psi Allowable elastic modulus = C,,*Ct*CT * E (See NDS Table 2.3.: ) c :=.8 =.80 sawn Iumber, ".85 round timber piles ".90 glued Ianinaled timber (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KcE :=.3 =.3 visual grade, =.418 for COV, <= 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KbE := 0.438 = 0.438 for visually graded and maohine evaluated Iumber = 0.609 if COV < 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.3.3) 0001 07 CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Cnlculate hending stress and allowabe bending stress (without axial load) per NDS Section 3.3.3 d,,.d,' Sx := -';-'- d,.d,' F'[ := FbCD rFbE)I *l n ICl := -.-&-.-.Z-"' 1.9 NDS Eq. 3.3-5 See NDS Eq. 3.3-6 F"b represents F* in NDS Eq. 3.3-6 Sx " 15,19i,,' S, 15.19i,,' ft: =0psi fb2 " 0 psi Rs " 4.58 FbE = 27114.29 psi F'[ " 1063.75 psi F[; " I06l.59psi F'b2 " 1063.75 psi fc " 641.98 psi F';,; := FbCD(L Inoludes Iateral buckling coef. C, Fb2 := FbCD Cannot buckle laterally Calculate compression stress and allowable compression stress (without bending) per NDS Seotion 3.7.1 P fc :" liiJi KcEE' FeEl := [:il See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 F,E1 " 884.35psi o KcEE' 'ee: := 6!l See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 [j 00 1 08 FcE2 " 884.35 psi FcE = 884.35psi F[=977.5psi =, NDS Eq. 3.9-3 Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending and axial Ioad F,E :" min((F,El F,.2)) F'[ := FdCD : + If F'[ Cp := "' 2.c F', := FdCD{p F"c represents F*c in NDS Eq. 3.7;1 ' F.g - '' 'c NDS Eq. 3.7-1 F', = 640.66psi Strong axis bending. Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Weak axis bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending CHECK MEMBER DESIGN Check unity equation tor comprpssion only fc = Must be Iess lhan or equal to 1 for compression only F', Check unity equation for uniaxial bending in each direction independently ftt._, 0 F'b1 fb2- = t) F'b2 Check unity equation for combined bending and axial compression per NDS Section 3.9.2 [t]'fitt fb2 4 -ffi:;]]f,, rt,,f1 "1'-n;;[a;j 1 'C _ 0.73 FeE1 'C = 0.73 FcE2 fm =-, = 0 FbE Must be less than or equal to 1 for either unlaxial or biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending 000109 COMBINED BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPRESSION - FIECTANGULAR TIMBEFt MEMBERS PRoGRAM DESCFIIPTION: Project: Middle Creek Village Purpose: Cheoks wood members for combined biaxial bending and compression stresses following the provisions of NDS (Revised 1991 Edition) Section 3.9.2. Usage/Restrictions: Rectangular timber members. Known Limitations: None. Corresponding Spreadsheet: None Update Record: Initials Date Update JLB 4/1/97 Original development for uniaxial bending GFIK 6i20/97 Added biaxial bending. LOADS AND LOAD DURATION FACTORS M, := 0.lbf.ft Applied moment - strong axis My : 0,lbf.ft Applied moment - weak axis P ;= 23l70.1bf Applied axial force CD:= 1.15 Loadduration factor MEMBER GEOMETF{Y AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH d; := 5.5.in Member depth (long dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) d2 := 5.5in Member width (short dimension) (See NDS Figure 3H) I := 7.875.ft Member Iength IQ; := 1 Buckling Iength coefficient for strong axis buckling K,2 := I Buckling Iength coefficient for weak axis buckling l,; := Ifil Effective Iength of compression member for let " 7.gg ft strong axis buckling l,2 := K,21 Effective Iength of compression member for le2 " ?.ggft weak axis buckling MATEnIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS Fc := 850psi Compression design value. No adjustment factors. Fb := 925psi Bending design value including sizefactor E' := 1300000gsi Allowable elastic modulus = C,,'Ct*Ct * E (See NDS Table 2.3. t ) c :=.8 =.80 sawn Iumber, =.85 round timber piles =.90 glued Ianinated timber (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KcE :=.3 =.3 visual grade, ".418for COVE <= 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KbE := 0.438 = 0.438 for visually graded and machine evaluated Iumber = 0.609 if COV < 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.3.3) 000110 CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Calnulntr: hending stress and allowabe bending stress (without axial Ioad) per NDS Seetion 3.3.3 d,.d,' Q ' b r, : J-" dTd1 KcEE' FcE1 := !1 [tl- F'bi := FbtD(L F'b2 := FbCD NDS Eq. 3.3-5 See NDS Eq. 3,3-6 F"b represents F* in NDS Eq. 3.3-6 lncludes lateral buckling coef. C, Cannot buckle Iaterally Sx = 27.73 i,,' S, 27.73 i,,' ftt Opsi fb2 " 0 psi Rs " 4.l5 FbE=33139.68psi F'[ = 1063.75 psi C(.=1 F'b1 " l06l.99psi Fb2 " 1063.75 psi Calculate compression stress and allowable compression stress (without bending) per NDS Section 3,7,1 fc " 765.95 psi See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 F,E1 " 1321.07 psi o [j 00111 XcffE' FcE2 := [ti F,E := min((F.El F.E2)) F'[ := FdCD F"c represents F'c in NDS Eq. 3.7-1 See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 FcE2 = l321.07psi FcE " 1321.07 psi F'[ = 977.5 psi F'c := FdCDCp F'c " ?66.04ps: CHECK MEMBER DESIGN Check unity equation for compression only fc = 1 Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for compression only F', Check unity equation for uniaxial bending in each direction independently ft:" = UF[) fb2 = 0 Fb2 'C = 0.58 FcEI 'C = 0.5s Fce: ftt __ _Il FbE Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for either uniaxial or biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Strong axis bending, Must be less than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Weak axis bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Check unity equation for combined bending and axial comprossion per NDS Section 3.9.2 rf,)' fbl fb2. NDSEq.3,9-3 | - I + -r1];T1 + -1-]-;:-i;l = I Must be Iess than or equal to 1\ / %t-[;;;;j] "{'-;b-[ti] :!1ffi:r-i- ?Lb.ASE INSERTlHE rDLt,otAJhu(lr 3fAGrE'S p(gg( UIA z 11415 i ' -A-4.Ii./lqlllOl+l94aj"".ILliHliliill0D Ar 11{F ptD OF-.gg(-nod soO g a6ua f,,,,,:, eOffi-unr !szro t99 B,9 !VlNuojl]Vo so wlx :Ag ;uas ELC s1wf i " x + JL = to -|l, ,,MBIN€D BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPnESSlON FlECTANGULAFl TIMBER PRO0RAM DESCRIPTION; Projeot: Middle Creek Village Purpo,e: Chocks wood mombers for combined biaxial bending and comprossion strossos following the provisions of NDS (fiovised 1991 Edition) Sootion 3.9.2. Usage/Reatdctiona: Rectangular tlmber members. Known Llmltalions: None. Correspondlng Spreadsheet: None Updalc Record; Inltiab Dale JLB 411197 GRK 6120197 LOADS AND LOAD DUnATION FACTOFIS Appliod moment - strong axis Applied moment woak axis Applied axial Ioroe Load duration factor MEMBEn GEOMETnY AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH Update Original developmenl for uniaxial bending Added biaxial bending. (See NDS Figufe 3H) ($oo NDS Figure 3H) Mombor depth (Iong dimension) Membor width (short dimonaion} Member Iength Buokling length coof ficlont tor strong axis buckting Buckllng length coef ficient for weak axia buckling Effeclive length of comprosslon mornber for strong axts buckling Eff ective Iength of comprossion mombor for woak axie buckling o,-, 1() := K*24 MATERIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS HEM-FIfI Compression doeign value. No adjuatment ktclora. Bending design value inoluding sizef aotor Allowablo elastic modulus = C,'q'O," E (Seo ND8 Tsblo 2.3.1) I.8O sawn Iumber, =.0S round timber ples ".90 glued laninated timber =.3 visual grqde, ".418lor COVr < 0.11 (See NDS Seotion 3.7.1) (Soo NDS Soction 3.7.1) = 0.438 for vinually gmdod and machino ovaluated Iumber . 0.609 if COV < O.11 (Soe NDS Seotion 3.3.3) Iet " lOft I.: " I f^t !VINHOJI]Vo dfeii t a6ea ft{det:9 e0-64Jnr fszro I799s09 j0 V?]i :/E luaS Ifi B CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STFIESSES Cnm.ulatn hnncling stress and allowabe bending atress (without axial Ioad) S. per NDS Section 3.3.3 3.06i.' F[ := Fb(D NDS Eq, 3.3-5 See NDS Eq. 3.3-6 F"b ropresents F' in NDS Eq, 3.3-6 Sy = tJ1 b' fb1 " 0psi fb2 = 0psi Rg " 4.32 rbb = 28l57.t4psi F'fi = Tl6.25psi Cg " t F[; =?75.I5psi Ft,2 " 716,25 pfi (without bending) fc " 28l.33psi FcEI =306.25psi , JfiI F'Il Icl := --J-.-=.La 1 -q F'bl :a Fb CDCg Pb2 := Fb(D Catcutate compression per NDS Seotion 3.7.1 Pfe:= ;;;; _ K.pE' t'cfil :| ----T; ffil tnctudos Iatoral buckling coof, C( Cannot buckle Iaterally stress and allowable compression stress $ee NDS Eq. 3.9-3 fszro pggg e6ed !VINHojTlV3 do y'g;y :Ag ;uas III O K,EJr Fcs2 := -"""": [tl See NDS Eq, 3.9.3 F"c represonls F'c tn NDS Eq. 3.7-1 NDS Eq. 3.7-1 FcE2 =5625psi F,g " 306.25 psi F'[ = 920 psi F'g=28l.44psi ,, NDS Eq, 3,9-a Must bo Iess than or oqual to 1 for biaxlal bcndlng and axial Ioad FcE illill((r.E1 P.,,,)) F'[ := FdCD l+ 11e Cn := _-" -^ 2.o f|= Fc<:D4p CHECK MEMBEn DESIGN Cheok unity equolion for oompression only fC = ; Musl be tess than or equal to 1 for compresston only F', Oheck unity equation for uniaxial bending in each dkoctlon independently \1 = o Strong axis bending. Must be tess than or equal to 1 tor un;axtat bondlng F|); fb2 = o Weak axis bending Musl be Ies6 than or equal to 1 for unlaxlal bendlng F'b2 Chock unity oquation for combined bending and axial compression per NDS Section 3.9 2 t[; !9(99):9 COffiunr H' t;." = 0.92 FcE1 t[,. -0.05FcE2 fb1 o FbE fb2 Must be Ioss than or equal to 1 for clther uniaxid or blaxlal bendlng Must be Iess than or equal to t for blaxlal bonding Must be Iess than or equa; to 1 for biaxial bendmg fszto pgg so9 ;4;T:J *iTliiffii lL16 a6ed !vlNUojl]Vo ao vt:>t :AE ;uaS 000 1 12 410 Foundations Description / Design Apy;roach / Results- This section contains the calculation for: o Typical cantilevered retaining walls used in all buildings o Individua1 footings for columns under parking garage in Building C o Typical grade beam used under the stud walls o Special grade beam in Building C on grid line A o Combined footing for column A1 and B1 in building C o Special retaining walls in Building A o Special retaining walls in Building C o Stair footing o Wall footing o Piles Qo q ': c? :q: T cy eo l0 fC< mo xe fi & < &d 8d d $ <Lo $d,d 9 o o o 6 ; a a B d ad d [5 $t1 $Irj o fi d d e; d 6 9 QtLo @c<mo >0 tq 8 d c! Id d d q q <o. B==o =o =o o z ; a ad d 8d 8d 8 d >d q 6!<! Qa '':'t, q d! q <\! < o lD =o < Ez (c e Irico to >o 8 &= <d d N d qd a. : =J'"' .H b t .vI t 8 .H b ! t 8d 8d a o-d = a?'q oo d d d d d d oc|<IIl< > < g co i.q q d < 1b q q f.: q: qf al = <d d d '!=: =d +c\! H 1 q id 65 f d d d g E€ao < o 113000 kr' E€ bg 6l 8 ! ;-r' s- 8I .g E? : ! e;S bI "tI 8 b|It EI Ed 'fi g Uu E 9 H I P: } 6 9b'e %9 * fi [ J II I I Il.Ioe< =oeDo = g >I eo ffJ aJ< Bo i = o EaF0eo I1IcIll>IlIdI_z<o E q'! R& a 9 Liip ql <? |cf 99e H9% % a aE aB B B B D | . r 2 d P€s t8gl gI Iillt 1ig E,Iif!Ja8E iiXll$thEs EH;;gg.aB4g l,E;';bs9BHu Illliil€l[8 IIIiIII5I reafsit t 9 8sr 88a oa6eo =0r|oa< bIll =oszgo H ._t_ttt_f n.dh.-, t ,, t ; i i ,, I f 1 g88t!!3 a : 3-g::; +,bHR99'"tE'''"" I |ilii!iiiiftiii ;;it,_;i, t i;iiiiii' i ;i iiii;;iiiii!;d bRY!" > zi fll;g i g "I t8a I | =I,rls:ar.anttti tttf t tI[ t IEf t I i rtuxt . g 8d o..l;!d eldt ad cN c\i al&i d 9 rf 8 ll.: sl '-j E q q ,.I,'! ! qil F c\! >..A ut 9 = alc' oiq: I.i q } ae =T.: II!al =; ul 1l'{ i I g : 'F"a 9:lf. e = Q'|d E B d T cz ca az oa o z 11j..ld +cc!li H s b NjN!q noll: tq q I". 1 =r ?'jl Ii q t !l rl9 q{ 9 |< *:ol lfi td 'q I ;l 3 n.'I:d d h Schodi 000 114 Middle Creek Village - Spread Footing Design Jlb0 Usvg. ldu )L+LL &6U l6 fffi;-dlT;-I E TE FLEXUMLrEL DhlolslollhldinhX-0iludion DlllolldollbiflhV-Dlracmn TQlsldepthdfootnghkldls0 g||Opllll OICff= column dLlliaf IdOf I in X-DirG0tllh Btlgaplsb gcqllod coltlmn dlml b v.Dlroodon BsfaizohX-clFkn Ntllnbof dM=p&dH bYdm aLebY-dh bdd==b ndJ d DoIIlS b Cae br Puncliri9 Shlf If >lDhbm0 11kl m PllIlCdlllll hat Notoa] Plrlchillgshaalpldty{Vc)b fii l m Il.36.11/37 a11. Addldollajly. bl h atlaoL bla gpity Illl=I begl=ter b h a&$ dl psulo fil= h d h ba:o I b al d== Hl. mbolDalttjtgCapadtybr \YayShal I>l.O hbMbbaloltaydo=r M14 1ho Cf Idcaj ahoEr pllh6 i8sdijl,ood (D47owr) 1wo h fagDof h llal. mk d D9malld b Upa4 h Md Il>ID. hbdngblbb Molllantf NDba: Mdapadly h= Fy=YbHslrariOlhd9tSd DWELOmEf LENOlH AWABE CpM d+go1lvr In fim oal6 blu@wll ogqlllin h allsulsvan Ojotlgh Al q> As prov. n5o@lll&h 'j' Iaotolil3sdbrg1lllgAsbhhigh h ll=hiOl \==hfiH=d h Mn b calcllbH h hiddall cclllrrlM bolof o h ==l& IllUlh=Iullbl= d=ddko @drallll <agdbdll@Vef <2'd. IllDwo. hrobadaelPEsDd 1il|r1 hdlrapadngls >5'ffi doavar>aS'db "ffolll)t mbhm ilool Ia qd4 dol=Ioplllolltlangdl l| ddlaDll (aAol9aGl Dt Ilpre3s[J$'a DL4L lpls9alfs*aroa DRL+Ea 9lpres=Ifo'Dfea D cy bar N| baf ki TEST U42003lO:$8N KL&A, Gtafal€llghe€lSBlJlhIS KL€iA * Oonsuhing Structural Engineers Sotu DATA ; geAn6 gg?m : BAsp, H e tGra-r, llF [ AI F LoA> CAjQeY!/\)G, O FLF xutalF q5 Mn qGF'ln = \/\/\/t '. 000115 Title \/lCV D,t,$/{,/O3 Jobno. Subiect GRat>e seTkffi5 By 9Vf' Sheet of - g,c_oGrs A, s, atngt gL-Q ?o 4.n Ls[ L,,,,, F^", = to [ = Jg" fi= {2," 3 * z roe t ezo-r-rov\ A n.L ?+="^_r\sl z-.o/jn urKou dAFAelr7 (L/ft)grt seJ on, ; o,'1 + L2,3t7,. 6o lcs; )* (J2-21,.s'V,= ea,s L-pc L " vffi IR"o-+-a-r- -/K -{.e IZ (.to' ) "= 4. 2,'1 lcs f iJ at\ \o v.a fi,4 '</pt t * e5M,, t- :__::-: KL&A O | ;UeMIDDLE GeGUct/lLLfi(,,eDateG/4 /03 Job,!,tq116 Oonsulting Structural Engineers Subiect bLDfic-PARKI/\lGr sv WT Sheet / ot3 O,tasoe srr,M S -DESt$cnl DE.slO[j\l or GiRADE BrnM.9 ou 6RlD ;(pE /\, s,LDGI C O 435" W) YA , NET SO[L M;.,,, " ( o9f j ao75 ( ' ; a |6)c24 q------- GRAJIE gEr\fi jL -//'+z Wl DE 3 g' oevp krf ALLoIA/AsLlaI s@lU ffie$ssulee' ?- ( a44 '[< pREssuRe,JiEJ-- 4,s ,a'.,(J'kJ) tu (4.5h[...*1j+ (2s)' Ia A,tn-44 "=. 11:n" 4 x (:t - (.z-+oy+oQJ " a=.39'/ VL 2 \ffJJ? ,, 4,', ,,"= le6 L _ U[,, 4- d Vu as (4,g[c4 * 4krtrteG" -> / \/. IJSe. +z"/,l ,,- (sotrz\ I \ a- / fM, = 1607'[. lf\/,-2,5'- = 363L )a Ag " O.€ s = 6ll in" : V, 3q[ lo 2 eo L, at_ ! osxloo)g5 ) \/,=363'4 -9 \ ; # I1 = o3F Os6 +27, ) + 'ap * + e 6 ' o ShjLdur ronj. KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers CoL. A Z $ GlQaPe: ;_= Axta t LoAD fA," 285" ; s5 k w 000117 Ttle MIDDLE Atecffiev;Ltfi€,e Date Iol:-l.s Job no. I16fi Subiect FffiGrC- PAlclicH\lfJr By Wf Sheet2 of3 6R j}rDg sEhMS- De5\&7\} S-rR ne J onl '"'poruva 4-5 I<gf e - gJ__ q" _ 2jl", 33"z z V\ u " t.r + 2 =.g3.3 ft -p USe Q 'K 'l ' noot,,.., (D.ry-2(f') ' ECCENTRlC'T/ or Cot- Aa od q;4' fgg::NG (avonrg ljneO] t----- '$=yo |---- 29'-9ii peel'=3D /I 2 / / ll 1 -. b X "$ -.----,p-- ss +P 3,' -a-uvL 'L:-:T;11oO btcx nesuutffid of cn lu,,,,, R,,,.a ts to,atuJ e " 2<&c>'L + s,+'-= sl"l L _Ru,..d{,oc,ot \oo,a ?(p loc,d X(q sl'l = 2"l. +rJ -2g5'- I.-/ -'z[3-'; 4'4 # Q Qo 0 001 1 9HE"€1 a/a g,LDG,C- p&eIQNGr GkllDe r4€r\4}L .ge o=ao o < o6JM g x. oc >< LJ fDUJ. Q Bc o,O eI Oo '5 81" (D /,, \, im cti to IIJls clj Yo f r \LuK = E E e i ooo' = I\@ c\I.o oN con @oo ffd o cn ono oxot I.LIJ \L J l| b tq ; \ e e Iy-. ea ?\>;''< q m .--qf Nols o o too m< BoJJ<z Mo zo 7)z UJI- oz i ? JoiH til;ia-" \ -q € € o N oNq 9 i Isqrn o @ =.to oN - <rI- CD{n UJJ >oj I-bI= N<e o o 1: @ 4h > Igo < n i l0om oI\s. {to c1') to io =lI\-' o ooo e =oo e o =ooo Qro od (Lol- 'E'6c >{gu ooo ll => I\.. I\m to < IJ.IIr<i o t Is.N o I\.,€\I N IsN oo c\i c\I E =E^R ffi = 'iE =E .E> G oo C1 o>< lIo< ooo'6 =o I.Il He IJJGo >-'o.9 LOIs QoN oc\! t ao> o >< E 9 mol- o o1q cJ) l0ql: (q oe N< 6 o =p.on =o) oI\.oN u) I5.o<I o =(o >o o to c5 I-z UJ>e c g oQ oQ =o e ta Qy Q E UJ E ol:oo o)o m N m o oq o)N q' m c\I o o < fi ox (oo c\i (oo c\l ofro I.L L UJc oo riD-N o .-: to I\. o;(\l oo No ff o oo oN 5do <o :J fiol- >< u.Im IJJo<{ro co o =:: o co ffi o}- 'o doJc aoJ e o oo >.to cooo UJ Eo Eo> e =o1ooa o {D o.a < o> oc oD =U) >< IJJ m LUo<eo .goI II t II B IIc = coc do =<D II => lI o> iktUooo (\I ooD lI o> Il > KL&/t O Consuhing Structural Engineers Y1-r ryt z.utu<,T GH10 c)F l?)[zrco ;rz() A vTfEn/C /5 4 tgDhrEs 0F Vl3l24l+CF5 yfypsttPfi' l/la&rTcA(L fI7)/5 Ppkr)ljll0 yO /3lJll,O/ll6 A-T p((o(r( S-',/c, zvv lrf ///o//fir pd{Hr, nH5 PouHlOl+'rldN rtvtu(. Darzurzs *gaar- 03 rt, dP corL. 9TlZ+rti.& Vf @ i//'zzzpe yetrfitn ontft2 fi/J,4fnff Iunu, ls (boli|lra42rolLl-S y( yttg /#le//l (a,t*a t A }rj / \bq..= cO Q szz-e 77t€ Bfi€E F1G> ////O?Tr g(yP_ (ygg_*cc 'mlbl(J'') FoS lf l/St YH soc ll,lSl0€ 70f6 |Jyr(,prtu( Forc Ic4lOllYC, /Z€S,SF+/ttl D B16, ta lHHk li*t c.- TO SPA-N g(gqp&&at oatuvrcarau$ tV n((ty ny(ttry P/ZlESl/4e-€ ;*FTuzctt41, tu = l4lJ/,., E,,F-,,E-,/ bestc,rt lJc/L|)ELS brla)l4 /l/fi4L *4lA 0oc4l4TT& rwalr /=o,e- tLMrurzot.t (rrzn.- ar+cut €l{)$) l|f /nfihclnlll/lrl lH/Tfl9ft"f, fir sto tv zWe FoorZNc 7t SPlO\1l lftR,l:4ll p7r6/, '/ |3TluH, Col/H TEgPgary tzutnr Sort-- l/}F.4oc'rr ^-'bol/€/ ua Otttrr.or lbEulu (uvcurrs+r rllflHG} Dc-slGH DOc<}f-L1 P,Fc<zH, Py( r (ytrmaFbtUT pora nttr pyglouq (paattx P,tqtt $(()(g. n&l9tGN Clc4+ltleA petaer- l1/#,4, S P*-lL Ot.V J'7d.,B4/6J14t2 o |lrte /ll;r;;ztcaraCC D,t,/,./{/dl3J,b,,.. /),ffierra?{ 0F llHlalk++lCU gctt- ()sg 6aY Bone,o 9r-tlK l4lM/, ffi gl'*att,a efi ??lff> p A &u t.c ry'pa(n ttuT WlWl-9 KL&A O Consuhing Structural Engineers ou c;e- a+c Sffi 6 uz Zu/ roorlHc hJ{OrT/ eUuH rP/L{-0P{', =-: fi+ttt w+u- l2" zt-+l/,, J,3 ' I 59d p;, - Qa3fi,o|gjh - -py'*- ",,,-,,- aati(da;L+t),z) = / zg ' fio,s = /Z&/fl -= log -) z,r 6l4- ,', (/,SC r?>ma Fo6r71lG Out,)y-zt oF *aour q, 9' n'lA/!/ tvA{L ke4H rG*&llqGl $- IlOlY.?!cgY,l!+- PO|uE/-g h//kc l)E(rAu499 /fs A PUa-t f'tfifib ot,t 7 scl)66 fvd p(L€,t oto vw ( d. 4_== /u-- J),csf pc-r fi,, naar/zaj-(,at fipo*ayaon+vt. Ml, " R n hr 'm,Ho Pm/,F d/ifh- +,otrzsrffy= J,},:{,) 3- fr'{9, o LDc, Z SubieotFd/W ta/afzt€ sv Cp(, SheetG,of JrPl(/ /h.--t%,)P,,,/L)://L " ln3 :{f},g?(gDQof/lL--5;c, "/p, gL'Jd)P,.., L >&,sfi,g{)cJO} =6,7' nt*s t @ s+|es /Y),, L /:}(fiG) = y,r/'7,,, at - ?, 2? & = 1,s-/,((e,zd = ff),za @ s1-f-5, rt);t4(firQ ty,,)y'Vg,, d " /2 - a -, z9 7, zf ,t," /o,/l/4e,?€} = (fitZ6,.1/6r- 6 +p/a' jfGelZ" VF-lNFolacllv(, *,t-' r" el " \6 '. af I_, %,, tz " tr, r, c, O s*€ZS TB*ne ",(pyg(yg)()/ = -&), |3 nL/st j4 € te t, e, r G) Fffl"5n, a,fu:i q(,q''(( 4, :11,1{/3(l1;} " (D|zl It:Y&- 4a e a ' *, =lb Soyt -{/J" Z3(]li) - zera #sr LJ,." ?, B6 YVlu's.odtof/a - +4,3'''/6F. d = t8 -s.r- /+€ *c = +efitc(r+c} = d),g? w,'/gy-, * lo(3-sG} : se,o %/ct, Ts,b/,r@ - d2, 7'l l/a,rora0 -- 6*sh gz,(. gf{-9-roAl e Cdclll|TDleF?YlZr l/be&' lt-4eg' +7e{ KL &A Consulting Stmctural Engineem ;f,ren' 7;-n4: - y% " //5e #$e/z' , o Ttle lkltoot.cc-yztrx ,,,,//9/,77,,,,, -E;;7-Subiect FFrr4 W*cts sy 0,l)( Sheet3 d/[F[(/ !#ffiiir';jilrJ e t D a @ rMf61-- UdIJ119 4/lS/zoo3 bF, : t t *- h" - -l \ L-.\,. f@lll/4l*?fiJ i[eJth[4 /L fi [\-- satt anl,t A gq M f (#}.o t JPA-' AFt 11t ; il1 o,ot,',tpi = o. 8 Kl{/; (:,< o.ffi ffi)4ffif/,r;a] aa#* zg{c''/( eFr}- r.nfilopr). ""#f"1 ""#'--L \/JhoJxG)+boSz-€)-o.-s t f. g K / ff M| =. 8.5xz€ - j to,v,z.rn?ruG- 1s,,,q = Vs.Z,d. 11,/4 cp-ta" ,od V,M.(,uhF,j [s svtr(oR{ ff ffitfi,Gtgpr(g(;(p I( Fdffiat-"o lpolF{I fj*qqcz[}J }m'l' '1. ro t+e v*tt A ,,"" jotL !q}Jtu cpt,U (i, /\4sL1Mf1l0l{ : tot(czrftuv Frct ,,ao" cl- u4.ut F, i PEFLGt{lof )-l.:'I ',:i i- fir1u : n "-':li,-{ !aa G g = g =- 1 " O"l+o.oq---f ->r=tsvfit onkGdxvC = zn,,9"-mfi,fJrffi.thft /1 W/0 J-v,€tUA{(|L wtt. PA-6 ItT"T"fi 3rd flr 8232-0 fifin,1/ WAtt ba}la gcc.(e(v\€f) WtuL h1o1 l/(Ku FlJdg IlNfIL jq {! ! I \rJ) { 'fffi, i-------------$i - t- - -IJ! 1J[ g2]J-j oKL &A o Consultlng Strudtural Engineers 3p 4 to' - FitGE "b,f,, pttJ ptatl R9 \N V H3b p€fAlN. v;t,q oT( frlfalffi[1 rrT:, << rlfrdff /rflP ;ffiAPfSa or fu4]ta1 CLkoLlLhL Af10 ;\ ytffi?tqL MElIQPf >) t?Tga"""" Ctac a. '17 (scc l;cT&cl+€D") a,= /7.r' b: ;' -> d?/j = r.1r fi' z.o |\/l;a( = Cl P, b " =,, 06,Z,,c P.Z. /a *= a, /-, k- ft /,cy-y uznx, tsrc-tfl? Mlb= [,-?,lp" =- ootl?xoJbto1 vv,.-(,%cf :-o.0l/Zf0:}//15'" M3b = Cu.?# = -o,oc[yz x oJ]x, l0 ' M b ' C9 f, b' =, oQ| x : x o'" : r + k- (e/ (t af Wkl-L, l/€/cl//r |\/lsb " (( f, b' :-0.0r4/ y..]y l0- =-.;',1 y- (+/ftoy vlAt{ 14k,f (gy ;;' l[{|d,/4 (,p);g, wrAuL -> d,,, : t--:,-o.f-o,zl =- B.o€"3)---.Z- rna*ota lfof'jafAf-e19E \}at'[. I Wht |(S coyj{[41olcr FltYAllPf\/ f,=o,o'n,€x I'l,6= aJ Ksp ' ^{[fffi!;;;b;Ir4c:I',loF A -/4 = -1).0 y- ft/f{- ol---'-'-""'"-r -t,1 K-ff/ftofv/A-uL r(ru"'" <atufiP€ t+oK'C .m.tume vrrl, l\s,r,,,,,, t,,,,= l.TxHAr(Mf,,t,;,+)/rt,fid. =rlx |3/(c(/t),{)= o,o};rJ/(t f\s, SotuStag vat1." I."? x Mza/rac,tr,c; r Y," ?t "{tt+xt;h.tr,r ks, fi)pg,)r veq. =- rll tJll,j(!.l$h I,h a.l//4dJ$) ;;;i;;. t solt.slPe ""-:j:lrr;yt;Y;J{{:;:Ed,,-] Subiect ALL 6(,;Sheet f ofNe/IrlNIINOI YVl'"Uu/ OOIlNlER F0R] {f f 4rcfiorl F-f3 KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers tt og?a?{a PN0l0 fi?lq{[lAl- corlftmo)t 5noa ;( 5a;u 510e /rH0 l2l4C; To kIE I1" u/P 6 W/{dq v//fi4@ trt rzt. vIAY 1h F {o u -( n} -6oru ?d?r# prpt thffiffi"-f ffiJ"ffi11 |-, '; f '*l@ IJJr le fi._u:ttlll It, 0001 1f43Job no. tt d Subiect F€fhllJlN(1 I,l/,{U- sv e LJ" Sheet Z,,t (o t,/OQI/|HT€T?FoK1 lf,Mi/l (la*taptcouivrt +?wkoo,e)"a.aa/fx ;?y&gq " o, za il?Tft +lvu,@lZ" \ L\ fo .l/)k ,,f!!t/|'[li'|{Fi;['i[d | |' g !t'.!- a+" t')i".rtte _ /pA'-' ffishY[lfl/['.Lb "-'rO"-'-"f}Jg,y!, !,[|(') GeDfIOd c-c ' " ton P-DI':,, [((l(t Jl:"' lt.Ifi usrAui/44/L:; l/DNg. ffi4tG gtf"'"' wrtdrr o? (&b4y IA/4UU -[Oo)]f !b,fi'',., fo'ffjjtjggz(cgg)] ?t;fi:ff{;,ffffJr;ffi = 6O { 'Z€"l'*llJtl1 diJ!fit'tiii!i'ii r1fi.- 0J6Kf$x16xll = ,,,; 1 TA L RaTo R t{G| l\/lONl€r{T ToTAu ovH?11{ILl{Isc? t\,tOa,tENT, Fo{ FkF- 5l.0U mt l/a rvtorcnttrs KZ(l p ?;f rri/lt[s s =l +sw, 7, ).,]{(->uc(). or tamtct; slD6 ts fjlcKSlPG {Ia/fflcH ylt$, sAvIrle[ sr Ht;Nf 4t+@l.9': 't-+ i =I ! = t : a.J'\ I ' tO' jtu l/liElGfHT " a.tzx(lx?d?-;fa?xf-t ?,,nxt +l,,Cl/?')- ;f? K ]oTfic_ rG[tLl{lr[ w€l(q42 vJ= iot+r,stzrt- go?k PlSf#llcc oF rGSl4uT/61lT t/rElfilff fo "ffiNT O"=, roxl,rlffx.Gii;;;kG+4h(,r -o:(u' f'j /7,e "- 6o? x 5J/9- = 3jaLL:jL -[' oJxlV<tlx(zxk+zoJ+ [d,,.3d)xtc.dfi & j2,5)] ,,- rf3' 1€-11LL:jr fi'=. a.agfxf 0 4 VJj[vl /f ' I l//,/,z,y= j?26/66l[= GuottA(nI KL &A Consulting Struetural Engineem 5L[0L; gfi; 1A1,i06 SUlDtNGq rogce .I+ll' r '1:;-f- ijt = 000122 Title |/ilnpuddrr/jz9jl.A Datef/kZ/id99 Job n-o. Ui? SubiectKr[Afl{lNC1 yj&uu sy /;Iz{ Sh,.tg,f 6 x/ LoaNTUtrott; // ,fp o,t[xra] ?obKjs = (-}x o,T.Itxll )t ( +,.a,t,, r,,tz)= rft:g= etyr- FR/F," zou/tt( = zJ,lJ, >. |,g {fi4Ef;RC, kOKc UKE I|/lA1 Ffe( c.'; ;to; ' geupgp, lrGouf l/a of- ftte ttA1 H"fi, wlLu ge /fPFOaAlF, Nou cljGMc: FAot1 vJ4uu fgg f{q.. KG@PtdRGMjIalT, fljul{.d[ffiClc . pv41ntxNg( $ SUIOtNGn c;trtVG( 6[Kt f Ffe(, ronftGt,tffifaN. "' _ fip(t_li|r wA,uL A{,0l\I.6 '|}fffi Bl,4Y!1.(flkwilh t( cctisitFff g$ g(et( I )t' - M',,gj l". I M ?J'xls'f_:_*;ffi ryF+4--u/lfiqf{- 11tfi-&-ift:I44.l,vlltibl fi.1h d "'"'.' Frd?. w Fl e|l+ f rol- '71i€ lljbolVl4$NT)I. | M.=',z,.(fte.) Yl,T= [/lga.= 3 K-{G/ft,f mmtaqt; Gsrrmau) t) MR/M,, ' ), g ?JDc;(4tZ) r l,6-> i,o8)h,{{:s?x,ci f,,,D 2(=, -+:h&Iil?:Fi:;F;T:iT} - ,,.,,', ,'z x ;, og- " U I gtaPtg(y; F,, ca K/,r-t wa,uu un{tflH Fr- OJf:]jl't ffififgr' i " "U./tt t':q (,Ot u " { ) o:;(r((;.+x) f *J6t = a,{g-( ll,.63L:/}C'Tvlr, - (, 6 -,> afirry,s-9rt, -,, s- -> g,,,.t| 'vnca:_Zl b. 9 } yVJ0 t'1" 000173 ' 'fC Po j[HEE[]E[[El =L 0 (w),,,/,,,-b!," C,2o# (wL- rz,,-o " cz'ff' Ov)...,,-azz - cs'ff [A7], and [A17]po ffi xr l. Structural System and Static Loading {m; -.i1,,.b/, - clpob' (Il1y)._./2,,=6/2 cpgb'a {mY>.-./z,,-o,b - csPob' (Fl,},,=o,,=b,l, - c4pob' {m,>.-o,-o.b - cpgb' alb 0.30 0.40 0.5O 0.6O o.?o O.80 cl C2 C3 e4 0.0044 O.OD38 -0.0138 0.0073 -0.0212 0,0067 0.0059 -O.O1B6 0.0099 -0.0227 0.0077 0.0079 -0.0227 0.0115 -0.0228 0.0079 0.0098 -0.0262 0.0119 -0.0202 0.0078 0.0115 -0.0294 0.0118 -O.0l 8 0.0076 0.0131 -0.0322 0.0113 -0.0155 alb 0.90 1 m 1.2O 1.5O 2.OO c| r2 r3 0.0070 0.0145 -0.0344 0.0106 -0.0132 0.0063 0.0158 -0.0365 0.0096 -0.0113 0.0050 0.0180 -0.0393 0.0083 -0.0092 0.0031 0.0198 -0.0414 0.0064 -0.0070 0.0009 0.0208 _0.0425 0.0042 -0.m46 [A17], and [A19] II 9 yh o JJ > bd Xi;t o o =o =<o Do'h' ff"''''""(ln.>.=./z,,=bn, ct,aJt' Qn,},=dz.,-,I, - b,iGbz {m,),,-.J-bn - c3poa' '"'Y'"-!'!.Y-.o,b - c4pob' (miu-o,,-tn c)pgb'z On;).wm.r ( c(eo'' oo > > prl ie lI s> 5" g' n1 j o d o = =e. <d (wl...zz,,-vz c: 2f1 ttr;.-,za.,-, ,,'''' cw).-.,,_,,, - ,,''# (D?.).-./2,,,=,/2 c4poa' (/fi,).-./2,,=a/2 cspoa' Qrl.},=./z,,=, - c6p,a' {m,}.-.,,=,i, - ClPoQ' bla 1.0 o.9 O.8 0.7 O.6 0.5 C1 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 10.0263 10.0172 l 0.0172 0,0947 0.0947 0.1606 0.1606 0.02]8 0.0164 0.0119 0.1016 0.0698 0.1541 0.1361 0.0180 0.0157 0.0079 0.1078 0.0479 0.1486 0.1148 0.015s|o,014s 0.0J51l0.0146 o.ooso | 0.0030 0.113210.1178 0,o2s9l0.0l3l 0.1435lo.13s6 0.0955 l0-0769 0.0140 0.0141 0.0016 0.1214 0.0005 0.1339 0.0592 [A7], and [A17] v I b/a ].o 0.9 0.8 0.7 O.6 O.5 cl fi C3 0,0122 0.0126 0.0126 0.0100 0.0117 0.0089 0.0080 0,0106 0.0059 0.0063 0.0093 0.0037 0.0048 | 0.0036 o.007s 10.0063 0-0022lnno1l 99 y I "TflffWlff ff:$:::Tff,,,?,, (97ff 0 J o1jt ; 614 FOBMULAS FOR DESIGN OF PLATES For the intema1 forces, the following notation_s and used: APPENDIX slgn conventions are X,u p, drrdp."r',(p=0 / ! / z,w mqt qxqy m q., (b) Circular Plate(a) Rectangular Plate When only expressions of the deflected plate surface are listed, the interna1 forces and momcnts can be obtained from the pertinent equations given in Secs. 1.2, 1.3 and 1.11, respectively. The fiexural rigidity of the plate [Eq. (1.2.28)] is expressed by ' - Eh11) "n(-r:7)' where E is the modulus of elasticity and v represents the Poisson's ratio. Formu. las marked by an asterisk (*) are simplified expressions, introduced by neglecting the effect of the Poisson's ratio (v 0). More exact expressions can be obtained from the original source. The error caused by neglecting the Poisson's ratio is approximately 2% for the deflections, which is acceptable in most o! U'! cases. Considerably larger discrepancies (tO-i5%), however, are produced by this assumption in the expressions for the intema1 forces. If thc bcnding moments [(m,),, Qn),1 are determined for this condition (v, 0), then the following relationship can be used to estimato the moments pertinent to v; = 0: and (,m), (mJ, * v,(m,). (p;,), v,(rr;,), + Qn,^).. Similarly, if the dellections and intemal forces are given for a specific t'; value, then the effects of another Poisson's ratio, v,, can be estimated from w,<x, D - ||jw,(x, y} tn;.;a ,-,L;I[(1 - v,vJ(ra.\ + 0, - v,Xm,)J tm,;, - J-qt(v, - v,)(mJt + (1 -v,v,)(rn,)J APPEND]X A 0 (] C] 1 25 APPEND]X A FORMULAS FOR DESlGN OF PLATES 615 0;O, - 'r-l+Jm,,'),. fiiitt,',,;::,'.,,::.; ,,:;:' ',,':',::i.::',:,'.':: ed bffi y (tJ,), ]];;[(1 - v,)(u,), + (v, -,J,,J (o,), "- 1-]7;[(1 - v,xu,), + (v, - v)q). ,, frequencies, co, frequencies of the free vibratioq 6 f6 r = F rnz:/1t ' ' relationship (Sec. 4.1). coooc\I (o (o u 0 0 1 26 cq t' O .g.g P 5 : tl') c\I o < .g mgo O to cD 'oo'o = oJ QJ '= IUL$ fi f Pi i:iii 'o €4fi o. =q'= @IL.= l) mIlI 9) OeE.i ; i 'fi m b< 56 coo c\l<e e E BJ' = € - !!; tt;8,: ;!-J EfP., t fegiji;[i }L E tJi[f Q 0a o.:g :g e fio i,I oc\l<e c\ll< =.g .ge o:bHo o< o6JM : 5 m P In.l\ ln, d'- g dI=ID =IJ,I =u.Io mo I,Lz u.Ic a f.aa.a t :=== ==9 ==.= x O X esR.n8u tufi 4 t ! +LdR,q"?c' odtdfi 8 dt[ [ii,: f:;, EE+ ,, ;fit;ii tffl n'n'r,' : f c\l I.O c5 e; IIII oeo oo o c0 cUE EE Effi ffio) o) E== =s.= 9l t0 o m L 3f 'a dU) o.S LUC OQP aijf 9tt H bffi" CH€b fi89 4de! E9; J6 sl n J I u ll IIt!f iii 9>i Bff CQo c\l I.O (o 0 () 0127 e f., i c\I<c et 51[1 m.1 \g 7'-t-cq 'q /o g) @\,, --'o r"l a z' t,.'O r' / 9 j I / -#-', \ '.oto$ E -- :H 8 'bI 1ts t tg L.o o)o c ; 'fi = a' 'oo = B = LqJ '= ffiLS fi € e:i i,iii 'oo'o4h 0. Lq'= IULUJ i t PQ.d;sffim E<=a' c\I<.g.g cx; fi1"' o toi,;!,- = I ,, t t 8 " tfiiji{tf Ja E tJi I- =lIJ =,u,Ioeo I,L =UJ ffi ." \,.,/ '\ c G)\tn\f8'0'E a- 88 =.H.E O\ l J= = . c\Imto t mf:g;g'l'F fi; Mo ej)ql cd II I[ E e Jl II fi fi '9 n E, E' E' s' c, n'k.kk m' Y # =.== i ttn f{lS\dcB e 99 e=I ttt cxtto M tocoeo \:D_.;; t :;;.$) ._ 8t t:J tF t'g 0 i t ,, i.,..tf Il.,:6 fii;hb Bgf$=' tf5f Jl I u Jl ttt!f iii !- 9! ti LUC OOO J'\ Z:3 ti?H h IUJ ffi#cj fitg ! =Io cii ;t E.== =.c= sP,{,fco g >! Brr 9 r3\ l-0 { 0 IJ 0 1 28 KL &A consulting Structural Engineers Ttle MtV ffia,,B - Dat, rl25l0% ,,bng_______q 'j {,f' J[ i- "I - -.:l :l;/: :="\ r :l lI :. -:-:j.. \]! 'lj! -i,' .' ""_.a' J ;i !', '......J'".,<' '':.. +.!' ".F' KL &A ConsuRing Stmctural Engineers O 000129 T1Ie /40U l{loF ,,,,fi23 Jobno. Subiect qJhi, fippfido) sy /YlFO Sheet Zot --r / ( W/lrk\a,,z0 - € .F-l.i/ ;- i1i,-"' Jc c/tr/, @Gfa,d A g,s h/ 'D fic( i, Artru (r;est-e- o, oar fef [,p--" o#€; |fi, ',ue6U I{ l\ v- -|| -b----,/? vo.o'4SY 5= (?-" */4 ,)y g' Ja,a- - - \. ffi;];" o k -to*,,,f.!,,,..( tta/= t.3>t I5i a = dl.b" //;w,," p, ; b 11/1 ; a, t;b (9.4yl9) = lf b"4l- ffi -il-,'-r 13+ a )4 r, raTt,t decJ AJ,5' = t b1 f.I" 12, 2"l, r," qpoe,-+(9.q) = cJl;i- KLGiA O Consulting Structural Engineer9 _ ' , n/Tltle i 61tB Date511O]Job'-',{. 0130 S,b,,,,flr-r {edthf\ sy /\4hC Sheet3of -/ 7,,,- 'y = L( fi') 3 6.S3" \lc - 2[fL b,.d " z- Jffi6D ( 6zu,1 = -t a'1zo --lct" \h-;' /Lz e gz;.g F- = o$St?.rk- 33,S' > \/u rc _"'ru,o 'q ' KL&A O ConsuR[ng Struotural Enginoers fiJ (od om 4q_')ifi;r p rr( ZndPM oh yJat+;c;q,t( O, rtl,//\U/ G|clqb g,,y,ejza/o3 ,,,yj{0131 I ll;'' ! ffi ,,-L?11, ar{( La1J ?[. t; uC-- 80 31d Flr s-ht, b4 0e zc (rcD t vo'*" I I ,,fil o D4 \dl/I I ""f lI; [ \sgl+/ Irr n fi.fia tt h/41 }L 2SV9{ f20' o, ?'l€+ ta' H,xct.-(JJ) -, /J'|/ Ko{itttr{J}"fft -(?jf/' "'\ .j '? / j j / 6ffij? ( :::I'' non €,clDre4 tmo 7' 4ac+Ycd a,az'*| i\cfh-d oi lkd\hldlb+'},",r^"" :Jf;l:.:""'''''"'.oL(g}+,fiffY' rta{. miq;|Ut'ff-(ll)''' n-- h4- Subiect ):;rg;tr f&O!t sy iV\k-C Sheet + of oKL &A Consulting Structural Enginoors m|rr at::'*/t;- Subieot 'jh"cr f(;*nq Bv Sheet 5of J (011[ ll,[l!! rffi,Lt /:ji; / so r Jt-, zs s(f' s4A,; Ph- nenfiL +l, €z/"' + fe"btselt =+l'- e.t' '!:]:fi::; 1j{;, - ck(.k fichv-,, A. 2ffi", shea-a y.= ;; '/'lYz"-(!ffP) 26k- '. 'Y.--(zfi)JTJ'hj ''', Ap / t/e : ("o.ts)(z+z1 t[TQ,& 4 46Srn' '1 " l-Tn tka =: too' )t( on =2 2L 000132 ',,",g.5"t aeK So,,\'-+d'oy, j], )r Pr,= Il,L' fi, LE- I I I$lJ- "( t', ' ? /EbXb'l ;' h=12'' l 7.S 3fJ: /"- lxlntLrmeJ4 IH br Ay- 4cl\1o (7.r), atr rn; I t k/{* fiL ci) -CfJ) chtk orc uttaaa, eJae+z t-- n (2x1{) = o 0[L" /V, - p zJ?',h,d - " a,ts (:! fiiiffi zths:iffi ;l'lA")J,,or- E1 ,f-'\--/r C= 0 -r ', OutlJJ Tte FffiF D,t,9h$3J,b.g- J L,|- j mTFr J'J" t+, r - ;= + fi! qfi] KP+- KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers Ditr rz;.0, dh iFffi'{1 t I r/fl} A, -" ffi = j j:l- a ' n T-) "o I6 0 co t a 6 h : o oo (g f"pa)/ I2) : 0.5l r (, tnt f u0 Brrr) [j-h ffiin A) ( 10-j3 f [lz,z) nst g*q- =- i ffi, - KL &A consuhing Structural Engineers (y(,g(fi zf tztSC /'-"-""- Il- o 000134rtte f;lLU F,l,il?, D,t,';bbba Jobno." c ; (;g/l ,/y"' l2" '' Y L ';jjj { %, fod't |yL 2'(,{2'(0\12' ,p-c" l[*'! 'd';|::] 7J 5' x tfi '? b' Ph " tt'' + ; 4'l' \l -VU - \lvc " /lA-lEl,8 )Jq $ TT(l:if {/lbP /n ltv.r. A, r? 00',, f 6v'2V7.s) = 2.3tt f0 vtst g f' 6 :'t / I ; = (et H ) x_)_;gj [+Ieo0 " !F -[.t17{f -€t,, Z tmt'q s Irra. n,t'f (2,5'-- (l+r) - 39.1' ro +tn\ ffi l.l-""-"-/, = [-,, 2] J6L z-{g -r F,,d, a_tt )q+ soJ peesutfC (figj- ffi-rha,d, b 1t( /2 x ';.--tv. / ,, \: 4- '7.'] -r J0:_ q)F7.a ][3 = ood' ? \/, or _-i,, ()tt '',i,.L-- \/tAe,.,t'r"',,,.Jgf" n :as" 9( \/,, fj ;J?E b,,1 = o.sS c2-y[!T;oY3o)(Ts),ffi" =24'' )/ Dcul ,t / \,;" KL€iA O Consuhing Structural Engineors I)€sh, \fialnf, t 11 t1 n.tffi+tz 1s 5,J J I h----- ].i4xl\-x! -: l "!K Ag = f, :- rs I zl.(t0 o, t 0 = O, oaffi b\ = D,rotB(-aoXe) 0,65- c)r,z 4"+ = o g ;,,) [:I/\/ bTr 00013b vy'" M-I't:TY fi' "S s1 rilfs r- --J t=- [- """"" ""' --] i[Jf [4 [\, ,,,e /I/lDl/ rg, h,a,e YlZ)|$,,,,,, Subiect 9'f\1{ /,.j,i( B, /V\K(- ,,,,, 8 ,, 6cy pL r#j--: KLGiA fn t /'"' ' (pa1 r( fffi nt( ConsuRing Stmctural Engineem = 000136 me fil&t b Date rla1 Jobno. Subiect Ofjiu imfih,. ,,t;' sv t\ztY-c Sheet J ot fnld t \ / l/y -::[YLlO['5 tl4.fi Foof,{r-<p-{ ':'j"*=,,.,,-1l,/ +d E:|. (*+#}-4ql#L2'24 jsi:,ffijh=4qil/ p1" l'K,!]!1xtvol',[Gbb*U -f+1 33l+\#l' ="3,5y' o ( at; :,1c() tt:/oz) c' wl ;ffi(; KL€iA O *{jP' Consulting Structural Engineers e,Jr tJol\ 4 ;d -q d. - |r,ytnz +out-,,t, fc/p - Iz",,,,&t O%q /l/lCV b Date Subiect 1-''"t- ne(qa( G,.t;g,sd "4.shgf - l'VGlrlTfF - a'xO,rt ; 3 5') hH t,tx st- ffi( €, o.,,sr,,,d;.- /Yl{ -- 3,21r f:lJil 000137 Job no. Bv Sheet 2,of LL|( t n 1 t1 d:?, ^D!J $- 'f, = ttf, _," ' feot a,r 'F/c" - O,qtk,f-1',?/"1 so 'ma- I0" '.rJ2 1t toJ &= IZ" - a" a og"r "l ! ba- cLrh + f.s f;n fnef ovet( nt+ p'€%Sv(& '6hV. -- r{x 2J0Cl}'"'^ a!6Z : 3.)t( P/re'- = O+ """/e+/ tu -ffi "4a:h --o.olll,z ;" r(99/l\L cDd= ())fifie ""kJ 'y(,: N wT|\ -+ 3-' = r, 0o IffiIJ =g. go tfi fta ?tlz\ ! 0,7,6 r.'/e+ #1 @ q" (= o.a6? 7-V: 1I s- O rz' Dvtc KL&A O rtl,fficli B 000138 Job no. Oonsuhing Structural Enginoem Subiect By Sheet J,t c|roiF- (ffi :1,& 6".,ja,., + uo pttt'r(t gher, t/, ;- ve 'y Ul ' ;- /i = } JZq- >< fi: '' 4 tt '/++- l\A,a;= In(6 tc IQ: b = 6o, ]J-r?' M,, qd - 3+D t J11 = 2,57 7n"CIF 4 :g 3j' = zj-F[ ba,l :=Efi, ftarf,;) = Iq, l5] --f;;-v,- ff! -,19,3r 1.1ll'- KL &A Consuhing Structural Englneers /I/tGA/B Date 000139 Job no. \L{{V "; d 1zq \I '5 ^r 60'" o.t'" il-q(c t )" : -1]!j s = bs h,'-F : ,,,,.'"'[- a,tus ?Jl;-d9r l,,,,,,," B (('c blA& = bE9 rlDxar'}=-]q 76rq '\fv,,,clOcfJTil:A og- : (J(0 ?9)r4;1lJ'/9l {000i tv' ; v., olf' KL€iA O Ttl, moV a O ,,,,0 L) 0140Jobno. Oonsutting Structural Engineem ff:l....jd- 4 U\}flT 9bJt,- Subject Bv Sheet ffit s+uWhr(q x=(' -(;lIy €lrd=r gb/{F14r=- (kt,oy= :su*[ "'-'-"--O----.---_- mc p,al =,gp}/fi.,,,,,.,'.,::::j,' s t ;s- "/ l;. pfuc[<, hq-,+J(, th,edhu- l/J=h A)o = '2"-6 ia.r,,.,lf, JfiArrL. g(a,,. a, x u" 4/ I 4.Gfi*// n, - e-L' D ' s'?-{- k4f [L4d 3-i, r +OJ) -( :a" = a46 /l''" As, 00nz-' k o oo{5 ( ']Dyll) " f )88 = >d't, KL€iA * Consulting Structural Engineers Ttle //tOU jj Date 000141 Job no. P:l& learm( rqac', +Eocopst - at'I?& q flce x ffif1t, - :z: / s.5' l 8 'gb,9 " z4 '/ ;+'- Subiect |lQ crbrCh-(+1 sv /l/lfi Sheet fot I 4.9 ksf' ,z 4 ''f' t-I KL&A O Consuhing Stmctural Engineem # I I.f)' + Date 9-|2? 0t00142 t I | I I I I ; t Dett- Su,,ec, PJr Bv/'/lr' Sheet Iof 4S-oooprf I=a;;oryaa| (t !&{ /.' r ; f(, J -> '{ ' f t q-r t 1J d / ;8lj5 2a}1 ,L p 4go o gsf = 4,:; k+f 3.5F ,u' HJ' )b# .,-jU0014J,-o 'iJ I? '3J !J:''\ ..1) \l\j * 4:t \j { -:-- Q" ( . H-,14 - 9-',c ' '..,.-.J.ii" 1w. *U tp ;; ?IJ i1 '.. -:J:' qi d s_ "=-,s., \' qi.9j Yi J:.. !' /\:. 1l' -'i;\ c\: >c :..-- ''' '$... , lj'. i, 'I q 1 ,jo "---.,/ N i i "\) JJ N-! {-j L-----licrm't-qn I-1[[-1I :",, g =--J I I I Iffi I I I i Iij I ii Iii Ii! i!! iii.+lli i FJI fi{li fii L-J L I-@ml I 5l-omlq- >IU+ "" """' """" "' -I 11P. [-iiI Ii lti +;!]ff ,I'?Ii !;I-di i>IDi i*ii I IiI IiI IiI Il [===JJ """ "" " " """" "" 1 i:j fii-ji 'q.e o 'I[ tttOlo;.,r ',- ;,.),t! _ t '!, '\\ LJ 6rpL |ru 0 t) 01 4 4 :['4r 're[h[. Ik,,.,, J d4o-// ('G^'' d' Fi-f" fnn L /6 K/y- )(,4tj --,ao k(F 1 :) -.../(/,.{(J-'= }LL/gJ -/d,.p/0 /D =/r!? ^ 2ar4(+s) "-r z t aa33cfiffPfl-| g/ .c,,_,(<j ".C ,f',", :,r' ,,:.]//4 -::"^-:4,' e= ?ry- 'lrJ I 'l f4 '/r I"t4 v t ff-, """ + ?.] 4..t F #, fif, \; t; ; A ,{ / \, .f)\I' €}, i.: /' z1r rfP"f KL &a [(;,'a o L i0.H[ g:J,g z, ''ow) h'ry C6.-i o 0100145 Job no. Oonsuldng Structural Engineers Subiect Bv Sheet of t '--,t a 4lsl*/p-"$- q)auut, t>9 z.4+,/ + rc,t- z,spsf + yzg* /ff +M ',.a,tl ,)p)(: 2' +rfiut, rrttt DL< ;s er l00 + Z%O+kf 1 r o\Jf/pJ ) Y1z,Y"/hl=- 1 \ /i =/ t: ;,:',;f;ii!,,.,,,,,; h;tlff, cJ- " 52, ; "/e,(-LC " 'ZJgo '{{! S1I, ''/.€+ rQ 1ff-'l + t:t"''z't"k ;ur o F/ {;L,- o --f, r €)' \h-I ftttt BIJqIJ Il-./ &-, a ( f, "'- j Dr r t Lc--rc0 ? I | I | I :';,,{-!, | fi,,{f n40t/' af41 fi,, 5001' |/i,[l 4gofl' o u u 147 gtJp;, €,zo*+ zwrt>4r " ttt,ur 4rd'd/l1;;;[ ,If 5td J ; p:| 3 d rt4 tM{ I a \)0,1h ih|lr f].bB z|z jji zO'to*/' z4'g5 14' = Ysxx:O uta*f ap;f/' a-;n+/' rllil-l-[I I:[llPtb II I'flf- P I Root---r [t;tr ----- ; -6J '"H,J- KL &a Consuhing Structural Engineem 0 L) 0148 Job no. Subiect By Sheet of I/llJt GB (ZtN),\ttl lllVl' 29ctf.llJ;4l/I |/\-/\ ,jL,, JJL, U --1-n\ I )|t jl u\J ----- I:f\ t t f\l RA $ ! /x. % |I+Rt} ei{ $$li fi)l ( { OO \ ,l\ =I- ' --:c/ \ ( \\ q-\ =l- ' _:cr)// ?,,, \b-\ I/Kl}k-\ 'r [iN tt i i '"r., \ ! "i, 1l iti\ 'q;i j:j il . -t r --ll ""\\,t .\ c t$i tj l( f) t 0't } 9; unt.li : + $'\ Ri$i()i /./ ]611 / %jl t, 'ott i f\,,' c\;J!. Q1i: i ' Q- J: j jy -+\Dt* f\. '\)c\ 0r\ \j\- l\ = | t,t t tl; ; J="\ \f \" r H -x I-e"- Y,\\t1 h t>$!l $ tb. s.s -l i\L.!ol\\\ Y $, N \ { ct \// J ,{ffie qsb f \ \. H- \\qbll i 1 (I / OO \ ,l\ =I-',-' Qj}/ ^d- \;$ 'b V \i 6\\/ d/ +,/ :L mVqfi\offiv \\ i 1u1 iqi'\ !tl"$,! ':I+ cc\t- R Lr1! ?' L1\ t \t_ :GbI fi,1 E:.c\ ta[A {...o J....J"L + ffij \x / \ /{hO \ J){.J \ /'q7'-{ry \Lt ,..\i '$-: [\1 t,\ %,, ltt nl 5C i 8 'l N,.ti t \/\-+-o+ '{\o "=0EQ-fi\ KL&A O Consulting Structural Engineers 0 i]0151 Job no. SubJect Bv Sheet of rv, ccJA, to"f ;;"- ylj,,!t aB @ \l, Sh,'r f)g' f?c- l-r-*-,,,,,/ Rl=- ';f,;f (+-7'- 3scl-lSa}) -J9PJZLl?Il?L(r, a a)Z[(?)S -t fg /+rcz)r7) - ;a r+9)){7) +-+] - Zb1 ;' ;za; /zf / '' '"!fif}c"''* 3,2(7#J v)) + ''"l+lP;LU-z'-t {SJ'(?+3Sb}) -r-fi rtrn)r+') a % r+sr+;) gff + /g-;y -f /?a? x2- "= Alkb3 xr&a fp. 0 0 1 5 2 Job no.Date Consuhing Struetural Engineers Subject By Sheet ot e, ""TrTfJ r+rn'--znrnao)) _ 1z a ( rra)(gg,[ 4 ( : ) a +fic'l-/)(7} - " 101 - 1o * /2bry =- ;; * f d z+3.fi) ,f /4r-rp,r7) {a f 6b @ 55}lA, :flL:rJr"l', -- +ao' .f-I:-!,,92,9,./53" R> ' 7.6%il 500 PormanentSoll pg|gption System o 0 t) t]1 53 Q 510 Permanent Soil Retention System This section contains the calculation for: o Lateral force due to soil pressure to precast walls (parking garage) in Building C o Calculation for the distribution of the above soil pressure to parking garage walls o In-plane shear and overtuming moment to precast walls are provided to precast contractor KL &Arrrj;\.:$-me M. C, \/ ' 0.00154 Date 9/6/03 Job no. @ 1l: } mdt O Oonsulting Struotural Enginoors /hl-PLA-1\l€ solL PR€SS<ltC€ WEsr 'l\ll\ L L (,p,d* iyt D I F-F' 52L6 " zv;s ' ,i-L" te.s' g/ s ' Subiect P/[€/c/4/dr d-/lff/fdffigv dF Sheet I ot A9T w*t.,.t-- 2C|/ / owr 8o 7 61 7 ! s-'7 I \ zt 97L6"Ql'';ely ,,'4'-l2;-'|l "rr ITa-'- ' 62 ' / lll DIFr / I2.6 .-/I$.')- -"/7,5' o O E.Y\/ €) ""=.... ,,a=,- F PO ,sJ I I ;0MU I iI-- I : j J, fc, 9 OU1 7,'-J' ]L as ' 52' to" a, r 'PLA?A 07, 1a tr,o' Jl o ta.C-V Dates-/KL &a Consuffing Structural Engineos . 0i]0r55g/os Job no. Subiect PF[Rl(HV6 GAf?J\Glg gv Wr Sheet Z of HESLYtLL PC LeMfh gq' Levc( ?a- ACrl\/E SotU f€ffiSue6 1,a{ - {oa - ss H p'F Ar ea, L I I! rLll.z> t 16'l'J PLAZA Areot t e 6.3 r'f t7j5' 978 rsF P3 P 625 ' WFST solL. PReSSUR,a e. P2 LeVFL. L rL,gv 8262,€,' ) y(t = fireat -p *cg_o,v 2 l*ta1-2 (4D3 ps[) {(,cl'- 5\].61/, 0 J 1]156 ttue M.C.\/ Date S/G/os Job no. Subiect PARKIl\l0 (:,pteAOE Bv WT Sheet3of z st : pt| " 7,9 Z I pl[ KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers yvALL Hrc,z (3o6t 1gg), (71.27'-5\7,5') Acl,c r,s,.ee,fzL ct-+,l'lplt F,,,, C P. Ievtt ''a'*- Lv+' ) sotL FREJS9'" -e PtJ\?#_Jgyg= (g)_e-v *oeo') w -- '- ( ees ) (so-7,.25') = 46-o pt[. (sOl/) f=,;; C fffizJGf Le'vm., _)g'* o KL&A O ConsuRlng Structural Engineors EAS-r wa,LL pl.c. \/ 0 J 0 157 Date V/(.lvS Job no. Subiect PAIqlqtllJG, r,MtAer€ Bv nT Sheet 4 ot wan l,./,,{a /3.6' P{.[7-,'88pt[ +5? rlq assoRE e f't Fs,l\- um;e-u ( g-;ryy t sz61sz) - g_g ,, t7,-67.5) ,,, z ,_ z, l</d,6 =, 'l.,5=. | DateKL€iA Consulting Structural Enginees 0 00 158 Job no. SolL LoA,D IVr-s-( Y\/A [- L- o oo 000159'. 0 Q On- "-- 'q '".Q QQ O /\,I"l..r:] fol\/ \/ @o @oO /\I IL-J c\I LO hO I I> nnoa+ no O@ nnoen I T I\/ /\ I F I\/ /\ [:]\/ -;.a L-/\ nIflei /\ t Q ""g L \I Q-)e. n _fiI I Ln rmfi >\LUJei- L-n os=" -+JLn 0 r \ rL- U)o QD oa {tl /\ fi"rn] H\/ "-f a g- ra '9 E"'k naq O - "$:o/\[ Iq/ O =cii:o ,a''\ LnJ \..I/' o+'-, td ,.I'\[+l\/ '-,N+o o cq '1-N+.o/\ f o 1\/ o 000160 o on- '-- @ ocd od@ e /\ /\[:] LoJ\.," \/ o@ N-@ cd :, f <: 1\/ o oo -o odm,:/\[ol\/ o oo 1 '-. @ @o5 cd@ QC, :./\ /\te; tJ \.,i'' \/ LLJ c\I I I> nno =fo;, nnoa@ nnoon €] e /\[ ]L"-J N4t =sg b] T =' Lra'l!, 5]""8 <{ "'"l\i-h<rr;Ifi ] P\LgJc;_ ' =sfi-H (n r 1 CL r/) CJ(/] ej a$ /\-6 [ P j n f n 'o.4 - *:o I I\/ o =t\[ c;/\ I n I\/ ot '-_N+ c;/\[+l\/ o csin- +c;/\[ IQ ) [j 00161 o 0 On- '-.>o @cd c15m ffi :. C-/\ /\[:] fo1\/ \/ "-r\tq ffi CJ.:./\f:1\/ o ao- ho. m :,/\ fm1\/ o no'-, '--h h'e o.m mo m /\ /\I Ol I I[ '- j L J \.,D" \/ r r"} ;L j hO I I> IBOndt-- /\o- _Y [P]$ o \..,I''.- .n 1510-\/ o Q.:. -n/\ [ ': j c;-\/ onU lso O I.O oco Lo C)-ct-"- CDCL ).( O -+J(/) CJ CL {n 0 ) (n"AJ ffitoN O I Ot KL€|A O Tkle 14cv bUUc O Date f3!Jo/,}J,'bt!![f Oonsulting Structural Enginoes Subject |l\gnc(p. IA]O}) -foyttssv Sheet of --r i^asonitq Nodl wau(gQr{}gQ o* I (D Pb;, I .' $ PlJIH{ ] "T J'tit I Pjj I ?b r'," \qi] lj\ gp: i H (dl;CC{,,sKPP,i1hr\-/ o' '; j _b !] \P [ |.,, i:?:l"l ;o| ?L 0 IU /58-b = Jj KL€iA O fiijjP' oonsulUng Structural Engineers g ( P fn/ct 1 O '000163 T,Ie /lM\l blA,r Date dzolo-3 Job no. 11[1 SubiectClf;lfQ.[1 {arg,-. By Sheet of Pk+a a,l" I P| I I D <ml 'M(1 rhaui[ "" I t I'Jj ll6--> ;L O kJm; g 6}(9 O (B ' *' ,.J.h tooLl 6-* rx-\ F-U}@ ktt- ? I rr) t(p6 z -? ffi '\-/ Plqg zz,9 I ItlIrzj 0 a IcL&A * Consulting Structural Engineers Pc hJ oJl O Q 02 ffi ffi ffi ;oJ K (oo{d | U) O (]Jl0164 Ttle lV\UJ hlc,e Date t{)doZ Jobno. !thl s.,bi..t[t(Ah{t €Glc*g By Sheet of ' o* Plazn T I :i 0 fia,a.-I ,,I ,\ P|qryt zo{ I I [1 0 Plq('l j 0l rfi 0 { -P 4l -? sotl (bqA 5 =+ c,J krJ {-> 7€7 44-) =lr,--xd.; 5aJ, (0Ad /--1.^-r" 56l 0"' 9/5 o ffi KL€iA o Hfi|jilP consuhing Structural Engineers --ll}0t l, F fcaJ O 4-/,fj[l0165,,..rtte llA(v Hdee _ Date\{)r!|f)L JobnG. Hb7 Subiect [C tnau {J.1!}, Bv Sheet of )D1 K Ianol P:1([b)/ffi] /"--\ tLD <@ Phtq ] 'l 1 0 ,'' Pla|cl zt{ I | d. J 0 2i-9 1S-b 0f-> 1q.-..) 3-P soJ 1ond 6-'2 fis-> ztJJ 4.U y,z0 v/4\h cy kZ:z(0 o Lll I -; 3 -? BGll? l;lo PO[l/d1 mtadffitOffiffidD O' !L 5tff 769 KL &A O Consuhing Structural Englneers g Luu]66 trueMa' [lJ,.c Date17{o3Jobno. ro) Subiect ft ;Jgil{ke--. 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The lateral force resisting system in Buildings A, B, and E is light frame-walls with shear panel shear system (97 UBC Table 16-N system t.t.b, R = 4.5). The latera1 force resisting system in Building C consists of: (a) Parking structure levels to the plaza level: a combination of Precast and cast-in-place concrete wa11 system (97 UBC Table 16-N system 1.2.a, R = 4.5) and masonry bearing wa11 system (97 UBC Table 16-N system l.2.b, R = 4.5). The upper deck of the plaza leve1 will be framed with precast girders with a cast-in-place concrete topping of " A precast contractor is responsible for the design, manufacture, and installation of all the concrete structures based on the forces provided by the structure engineer. (b) Rqsidential aroa: light frame-walls with shear panel shear system (97 UBC Table 16-N system l.Lb, R = 4.5) combined with masonry shear wall (R = 4.5). All walls (Building Cl through C5) are anchored at to the concrete floor at this level. The walls used as the lateral force resisting system are shown on the structura1 plans. The structural walls supporting balconies are not being considered as the lateral force resisting system. All structural walls are framed with a minimum of 2," x 6" studs at 16" on center, blocked on a11 four edges and sheathed on both faces. A total of five types of shear walls are used in this project. Table 6-1-a: Shear wall capacity (plf) shows the type of the shear wall, short description, shear capacity (plf), nailing requirements, and the general location of the walls. The residentia1 floors are framed with 11 7/8" TJI sections (250, 350, or 550) as shown in the structural plans, layered with %" plywood sheeting that is glued and nailed, topped with 1" thick gypsum overlay. Two type of nail requirement are used for whole project. Table 6-1-b: Floor diaphragm capacity (plf) shows the type of the diaphragm, short description, capacity (plf), blocking and nailing requirements, and used of the diaphragm types. In general, unless it is indicated in the plan, the unblocked diaphragm with 10d nail @ 1" 0 IJ 0 1 74 DESIGN APPROACH The Wind load and seismic load are calculated based on the design criteria established in Section 200. The shear forces are calculated following 1997 UBC provisions with the following general criteria:o Seismic Zone \, Soil Category SB, and an R-factor = 4.5 (97 UBC Table 16_N system 1.1.a, l.Lb, and l.2.a) o Exposure B, Basic Wind Speed = 80mph, and Important factor = 1 The base shear and overall overtuming due to theso loads are calculated using in-house spread sheet Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls and Seismic Loads UBC97.xls. The goveming force is used for the design force (V). For the wood shear walls, the maximum shear demand per unit length is computed by dividing the base shear V by the total length of the solid wa11s. For buildings of 3 story high and Iess, the shear stress dosign is satisfactory when the shear demand - capacity ratio is less than 1.0. The gravity 1oad (dead load only) carried by each wall is able to resist the corresponding overtuming moment (OTM) due to story shear, no uplift force occurred. Special analysis was carried out for stud buildings C-l and C-2, they are five story buildings with a combination of gyp walls, wood shear walls and masonry walls to carry the lateral load. An equivalent stick frame model that has the same diaphragm and wall deflections was constructed. Building C-1 model and Buildings C-1 and C-2 tied together models were subjected to the wind loading. The shear demand on the diaphragm are shown in the next pages. The diaphragm and shear walls are design based on these intemal forces. For the concrete and masonry walls in the parking garage of Building C, the seismic force is the goveming latera1 force. The design force was distributed according to the rigidity of the walls, including torsional effects and accidental torsion required by the Code. The envolope of these element shear forces is computed and used to design the concrete elements. The calculation in this step was done using in-house spread sheet VFRAME.xIs. (J d 01 ?5 RESULTS - Building A Building_A is a, 3 story building with a foot print of 42.5ft in N-S face and 173 ft in E-W face. The total seismic dead 1oad is 304 kips. The seismic base shear is l4 kips (seismic coefficient = 0.045) in both directions. The calculated wind pressure at the roof level is l7 psf, and the wind base shear forces are 17 kips and 51 kips, in E-W and N-S direction, respectively. Therefore, the governing lateral force in Building_A is the wind force. Figure A_1 shows the shear wall locations on the first floor and the goveming lateral load and 0TM. The total length of shear wall in E-W direction is 328 ft, Considering only the solid part (46.5%) of the wall to resist the shear force, the shear demand on the wall is I l2 plf. Most walls running in the N-S direction have very small openings {94.5% solid ratio). The total length of wall in N-S direction is 275 ft, the shear demand in N-S walls is 218 plf. Shear wall SW1 is used in all exterior walls and SW2 is used as interior walls. Both types of wall have an allowable shear capacity of 350 plf. Therefore, the demand to capacity ratio, D/C = 0.32 for the walls that run in E-W direction and D/C = 0.62 for the walls that run in N-S direction. Figure A-2 shows the shear demand per unit longth in the walls and its corresponding demand-capacity (D/C) ratio. Exterior E-W fioll v " 112 p1 D/C - O.32 t E L?ED h;I il il 'k'S >. e; Elter;of [-W *ol % '.na'J. \t{fi N-S wcll yl12 plf 0/C = 0.32 ,€!7:iild' r.lPclol " =flr,f fi. g31 Exterior [-fi woll v = Il2 plf D/C = 0.J2 Figure_AZ: Shear demand on the shear walls in Building A (plf) and the D/C ratio All shear walls are bearing walls. The dead load carry by N-S walls ranged from 0.5 k/ft to l.5 k/ft. The resisting moment due to the gravity load at each wall can counteract the ovortuming moment due to lateral force, thus all walls are in compression. Figure A_l : Shear wall location in Building /\ subjected to wind load g %] L?EU i.; tt R a:$ l:S CJ J 0 1 76 RESULTS - Building B Building B is also a 3-story building, located to the east of Building A, with a foot print of 40 in N-S face and 138 ft in E-W face. The total seismic dead load is 359 kips and the base shear is 16 kips (seismic coefficient, 0.045). The wind forces are l8 kips and 62 kips, in E-W and N-S direction, respectively. Therefore, the goveming lateral force in Building_B is the wind force. The length of solid shear wall in E-W direction is 186 ft, and the corresponding shear demand 97 plf. The total length of wall in N-S direction is 263 ft, the shear demand is 236 plf. The D/C ratio is 0.32 in E-W direction walls and D/C is 0.62 for the walls that run in N-S direction. Figure B_1 shows the location of the shear walls, the base shear, the shear demand per unit length, and its corresponding demand-capacity (D/C) ratio. All shear walls are bearing walls. The dead load carry by N-S walls ranged from 0.5 k/ft to 1.5 k/ft. The resisting moment due to the gravity load at each wall can counteract the overtuming moment due to latera1 force, thus all walls are in compression. ft?i,D h cLi II'E II o od ; .l E =@o' bi1l5 % 'i'Eh aR:tb'R % 1tb. aRu'Elo $ fSb a.i4.t } t' D/C = a 28 Elterbr [-fi fiol | " 97 pl [xlericf E-'l fid v= 97 Dlf DlC = o28 Figure B_1: Location of the shear walls, magnitude of base shear, magnitude of shear demand per unit length, and its corresponding demand-capacity (D/C) ratio V=62k Olll = 1261 k-ft 0 d 0 1 ? ? RESULTS - Buildine C Building C consists of 5 stud wall buildings of various heights, supported at the plaza level by a combination of cast-in-place, precast concrete and masonry wall systems. Figure C- 1 shows the stud-wall building Cs key plan and its 3-D rendering. /' Pal{ung Below Figure C_1 : Key plan of Building Cs and its three dimensional rendering STUD WALL BUILDINGS: The seismic base shear at the plaza level is l37 kips. The distribution of story shear to each building is based on their tributary weight (/o'). Table C- I shows the summary of the tributary weight and story shear break down in Buildings C 1 through C5 due to seismic load. Table C-2 shows the summary of the story shear force in Buildings Cl through C5 due to N-S wind and E-W wind. Table C-3 shows the goveming values to use for the design shear force (service load) of the walls. Table C-1: Story shear break down for Buildings C1 through C5 (seismic) Table C.2: Story shear force in Buildings C1 tbrough C5 due to N.S wind and E-W wind Building Story Shear Force N-S wind (kips) 1 2 3 4 5 Story Shear Force E-W wind (kips) 1 2 3 4 5 Roof level F5 level F4 level F3 level F2 Ievol 2l 10 64 27 5 105 42 l3 8 l45 56 20 28 182 69 27 52 7 4 7 l2 l9 ? l9 29 l8 5 25 39 28 l3 31 48 37 [9 4 Building Broak down of building weight (!/o} 2 -1 4 51 Story Shear Break down of story shear (kips) I 5432 Roof level F5 level F4 level F3 leve[ F2 level 16 l1 20 10 30 9 25 l1 61 39 51 27 46 23 40 20 37 18 27 56 84 112 13? 17 11 33 18 5 46 25 8 6 57 30 1l l4 66 35 13 20 3 0 t) u 1 78 Table C-3: Design story shcar in Buildings C1 through C5 Building Dosign Shear Force for N-S wa11s (kips) 1 2 3 4 5 Dcsign Shear Force for E-W walls (kips) 1 2 3 4 5 Roof lcvol F5 level F4 level F3 leve[ F2 level 2l 1l(A 2? 5 105 42 13 8 145 56 20 28 182 69 2? 52 1l 12 24 jJ 4l 66 11 I9 7 29 l8 6 39 28 14 48 3? 20 4 The shear demand and types of shear walls used in buildings A, B, C1 through C-5 are summarized on the next pages PARKING AND PLAZA STRUCTURE The seismic base shear for the parking garage is 473 kips and the wind base shear forces are 66 kips for E-W wind and 77 kips for N-S wind, respectively. Therefore, the seismic load is the goveming lateral force for the design of the parking structure. The parking structure consists of three levels above the ground, Pl P2, and Plaza levels, and framed with 24 inch double tees spanning approximately 40 feet to 35 inch deep inverted tee beams. The tees and beams are topped with a structural slab ranging in thickness from 3 inches minimum to 4 inches maximum. The top level of the precast garage supports the bearing walls for the structures above that are arranged around the perimeter of the deck. The area in the center of the deck is a pedestrian plaza. Some of the bearing walls are supported on the topping slab between the stems of double tees and some are supported on individual rectangular beams between the double tees. \n order to carry the transfer loads, there is a 6 inch structural topping slab under the buildings, Title: Subject: Bullding: Middle Creek V;Ilage SHEAR WALLS FORCE & DESIGN A Building: B 1 1 69DIAP&WALL-SH EAR.xIs OTHER - SW DEMAND 0 Li u 1 '/ 9 54 142 218 14, 14 261 37 23 261 57 20 261 4 4 152 26 12 8 152 79 17 5 152 112 263 65 263 1 67 263 236 17 17 44 27 62 18 fi 186 186 186 51 74 97 9.4 9.4 13.8 4.4 18 4.2 gFEArCffifidiffFEFj- " Type )aDaoitv IUse at Description SW1 SW2 495 29O Exterior Intorior Ext - 1l2' plywood Int - 5/8' GYP, see she wall schedule for nail size and spacing Blocked, one Iayer of 5/8' GYP at each face, OU cooler @ 7' KL&A of California 5/23/2003 Title: Middle Creek Vlllage Subjeot: Shear Distribution Buildlng: C_1 (EAST-WEST WIND) Roof Ievel FSlevel F4level F3level F2 Ievel Building: C_2 Roof FSlevel F4 level F3 level F2 level Building: C_3 Roof F4 Ievel F3level F2level Bulldlng: C-4 () u 'u 180 SW3 0.15 SW3 O.4O SW3 0.61 SW3 O.83 DlC 0.27 0.66 1.02 0.93 1.14 SW2 0.11 SW2 0.37 SW2 O.69 0.37 0.15 0.30 O.42 O.52 O.83 D/C 0.17 0.3O 0.46 O.62 O.76 O.23 O.58 o.9o o.99 Roof Ievel F3 Ievel F2levol SW2 O.13 SW2 O.31 SW2 0.44 SW2 O.26 Bulldlng: C_5 Roof Ievel 1169DIAP&WALL-SHEAR.xls OTHER - SW DEMAND 44 88 121 15O 242 12 12 9 8 25 273 273 273 273 2A 33 41 66 11 27 42 56 69 16 15 14 13 142 142 142 142 19O 296 394 486 217 217 217 217 217 51 88 134 180 221 11 l9 29 39 48 8 1O 10 9 65 169 260 351 5 5 77 1 3 8 77 2O 7 77 27 7 Tl ? 7 107 65 18 11 1O7 168 28 10 1O7 262 37 9 107 346 V N-S F N-S Length Shear/ft KiDs KiDs ff plf 11 11 1O2 108 ft 53 7544 ffiEAR-CAPACiTY(PLF) Tvpe )apacity IUse at Description SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 29O 425 35O 635 O-Intedor O -Extedor O- lnledor C-Interbr Blocked, one Iayer of 5/8' GYP at each face, 6d cooler @ 7' Ext - llayer 0[5/8' Gyp + stucco, Int - 2 Iayem of S/8' GYP, see sohedule for nail size and spacing Blocked, one tayer of 5/8" GYP at each face, ed cooler @ 4' Side 1 - 112' Dlvwood Side 2 - 5/8" GYP KL&A of Calilornia 5i23/2003 g RIJ (\I1 '0 t] i]18 T .g ot<dJk o =<>Uo Bo .:.o o'o co IefI' t9 et8 oFg ,p o = o B ood o oo d B 8ocoNilliE''' o o@ d B oDd oql'o T bi"d " g } -rl € nsooHg!4o+=|o = !"gggg;g! t. e e n a nog IIl '"""""ta " f[i ftaa=n1j; i;iifasPP9 - L*11111 =89!3311 iL,tf ;rrre :{jtf! * 9c<@ =oj J<? cIlJ1soo o8ff08 N{hlbi (qqn ofisg8 ; e u, D P goG,Lf ngRPII o o ovFrO rO Tfoooo tO N q O oooo o o o o o e o ON O N q Oo o o o o (oo)ooBBBBoulo0 qt@oaBBBovl{no BBBB0QOO NNNNNaBBBBhoooo NNNNN? B B ? Booooo aaaBBooooo ? ? ? B BOo{OQQ B ?. ? ] B{DqOQQ Baaaaooooo aaaBBiD0>0Q0 dl t + 0 lDaaaBBOooO{h NNNNBBBBBlnooOO aaBaB{oO0QQ 3 a I a i Q t o Nd""""- o t o== ": o! tq q PN00 =ll q? @ 9? n A D..: d IO d 6l.,; =: ddddd o o oi- (o ddddd N tO tli O D d d d d d NOitfTOO ddddd O N c0 qID o- '". co- |h, ls:ooooo Ol o o tn o9 O N 0 }i.t)Idc\idui ocoNo.-D '":oloo!':' d.-' c\i + B g a g p g d ' d =f q 98fi a Q d d,J c\i N c\I o to e c6 d r-: d XN q Iii- 0 = q o to ri I\i. '": o m q't 9 d d.J c\i lL. -, o o oT " N 9 O R t t-. t- t. "l N N CO o o Q6i to @ ooooo ! o lb.. r n ddddd N n O =l O+ o o o iIID d iJ l-; d qf b o oiiLl foqcqooop d d,: = otn48:dqdr: 0| N O =Ild 1.: c\i d d o =FF cil = mddddd g'm "" " YR b > > > > ? q G T E &d = IL @ IL ILE" o 1UG>IF =J<B - g- e 6aaa 1. Baaar3 B i i i Ig i i i i 0 6ih e Q otoN,t'"""" a,E'-"-"" 6 9gh8B '; n 8 E 9 nffSffg N$ti9i$ N =li qiF I t\I n = n N o@| ql' O0 \X L" N o ie d d d d d LJ I" e' i" N g Jt'J182 [ .g B ao b<s = o =<> Il.lo ?oJ "lo 9 cD H cc<ux(DJ <B cltlcso @ 'l>. ooo o bd.,; & + l-: C') ,eoQ o l-:dl; H.-: o o o to o @ - oNo:|o@;.. u ol I\;. o |o,: b g:qpRg 8g Q9 d,; c\i I-: m a988$ 8L99 dd d *.; T- Itoooo o9LN ": C\l O t= Q ;ihgg d dN,: = RDSGH 8hg pd d ; i-: + aQ4Qfi sffdRlgBffi Id;- BSfigR 8hg dd d 1-: r-: + 88g8B fie d d d.J d q..: c0 x8hg8 Re Pod c\i l_ "' o i sf o e ogff;;;p :R ry ':' ! + b ot- - n =T T' NO w o1 d aJd di-:dqf 6,-: d d ae]?Jn___ _ ;'g i I i i AE gb;;;; Yla 0 ,v tL tl:. @ tl.: o aGI= a'egi o m lffi o Odq 'l: r'? I': P CH fi '99Q8jr T i P g cu o L C HN (\l iaF C\i d ""erc\id t:t o R € cv y q s g r o f B b P 0j R % o 9 n 8 E e g a | f M u co d 6lL U L 8 0d01s3 ffi .g Eo ao o<dJv qkP ds- h-"l,t: ta agffi tq-*,b j6 h g =. E ouj z = <O 5j 8 f aL< Q 8 s' i- J.- m r [ i r t : 3 F &j /'\ q o = o B oo c?5m O no d i co O f " g q oo m ?. m cde Tr d i [ q o C\1 t\i B 'Ql^'il N m o o NO I\.. i" @ .-: c\i =: uj o n a t fi o o Hl cqo e a @ ffiol ql' @ o e s F 1 f n t f F t r n p g to o n N nr" H* m :J mr" Na o o q7 c\I o o t a m ol"'t o m oT" O 0 O 0 '.--.--c\iN- m 1" tO O OI i" N t Q .. n o <i o1l\I N t N 0 .-, o o o m17q" O O ffi F 0 @ @ = F 0 ql' OI q" N N co a t n 1 I\. @ o 9 $q- 9 co ;- ; m o a m? ? ? Bo o m u) q i o @ B B ?. Bo u) 0) {n N (\l N N B B ? ?{n O UJ Q (\l N N N N? B B B ?{n (0 u> uj o N N N N Na a B B B(n {D o o o N N N N N? B ? B ? cn o {n o (D N N N N N B ? ? B ? U) <h O {D O (\l N C\l N C\l? B ? B ?{n o (D (n (o N N N N N B B ? B Bcn o o u) CD N N N N (\I ? ? ? ? Bo m o u) (/) ql ff sf O 0 B B B Brl) o Ch ln N N N (\I ? ? ? B U1 0) CD {n ? u> N B {D co ffi m o co B B B ? ?tn u) (/) <n o nf;fiff:d:+i"ilfff.i ii!.i:i ji!f :: ;i'i;: 9g *'" o o o '' =t LO, b: O. ';- O 1" CN g 9 co o b. ff'. '-: cq cq q: & O o n- t H r N ffqi c\! m c\! q: t" 60 N ffi o q* o o o(\I s m o tn e; d.J c\i c\i !i;i'i c\!'eo '-.c\Io N o' ooJmxb Bouboz<>uoe< UJI {D o o4oJDm 1169 DIAP&WALL-SHEAR.xls OTHER -SW DEMAND 0 d 018t1 C-2 (STAND ALONE) Floof Ievel FSlevel F4 Ievel F3level F2level Building: Lwall Roof Ievel FSlevel F4 Ievel F3 Ievel F2 Ievol C-2 (TIED TO BLDG C-1) 27 42 56 69 1 6 1 42 1 5 1 42 1 4 1 42 1 3 1 42 T7 19O 296 394 486 KL&A of California 61712003 (o Bo EI- € i9 6 a 6 N Bo N Bo Nyo (\Iyo N Bo o|tl) ffi<D o ?o 0 tJ tJ 185, o $o .g =o.s ffio b<cdJ = a>o cIJu,ng ecll o (o c oeoo booe 'o'eo |>eo (\I @ D>u @x oDo D o IIJo, >DFo =J< B It<fi =o c\j? N N d1 d @ m Bo c;9t\I> q a fi @ N?o N- $ t\I } a 6 d $ ?\I d i a m Bo $q c\I $ t\l B fi @ m?o \d<uI uI j J O4q uB =o5 QC O< J = J.,r 8 Br ui 0L)0186 g $ .g Eo alob<odJY o9d< b-$ i- t 9j B 5 0 ed tt s 6 o @ otl 9 B.- a oeo Eo ^5 oo fCoe 'a = Ia q' @ 8 oo'o de ff 'ooo E E<.o I^.. E@ = o ! tI s( p g Eo tz b r e P 0'g ;.;o =o'.(oe;H o Iii.. @ 9oo to o) fi t doDG o o do :g oJ) o.go .g Do o m b o dD6e de D-o og D l= li!lO.N9 gD n> doo otoql' J @ Lg @ H o1 6(b 8px E ze GI- 83 J 3 ?D ql oao o ti$F Oo 6 =o so 8 T} oe t(i D 15oD >o oB 6o.v c b a9o t xosm oe 'a c rJo og D Edol)1>o N @ ^IJo 9o ql' @ o ffieoo o I-o g 'ejl @ I @ 9 E 2il1 O oo.qD =m .gooD o o|o co'oe c0< o oe;oDect c] < o ouo o o N_ I @i 1t\! 9N 0a ug I g d'= ;O i 6 E q" m' +, Q. .; p7 o:€ B'e..o t N 7(j a o u @ moE tJ dl1 oo o. N Fa_ N j c\i Ic/) O -P 'o6 i _t\jb +. I Ded c\IL o c\ioe D o al6N >o g ecd oo e .N '0 a) d_. a H cjl ffi @ @ x N o @ @ o o Qx N o @)o = o @ @ c\I >;'o -g6 ffio tooe ooN o t omm tomo oeo =ohoo o.)-o o Q Ioi6 q m o d offo ffi fi >Fo o o o d oeo N: o R L : b |b aE Q @o b E ao> = r<fi 8d =o o & >-o ma'6 o d oco L>o e No .qo oo },n c\I o9o -I u d tB [-?o o1'9 d Bo t R c/) n B0 tJG >=Fo<IL<o JJ< B cr<w =fD Title: Middle Creek Village Subjeot: DIAPHRAGM DESIGN Bldg C-1 Diaph C-: Bldg C-2 LN-S= 189 67 LE-W= 33 33 46.5 Building: C_1 (EAST_WEST WIND) Roof Ievel FSlevel F4 level F3 Ievel F2 level Building: C-2 Fioof FSlevel F4 Ievel F3lovel F2level C-4 1 169DlAP&WALL-SHEAR.xIs OTHER DIAPH DEMAND Q suilding: c-3 Floof Ievel F4 Ievel F3level F2levol Bulldlng: Roof F3 lovel F2 level Buildlng: C-5 Roof Ievel ff 11 11 25O 74 Diaph C-2 Bldg O-333.5 34 1 5 46.5 Diaph C-3 Bldg C-4 34 118 1 5 34 F ips Kips ft j! 4 4 118 59 [j t} 0187 Diaph C-4 Bldg C-5 Diaph C-5 18 44 2O ft 34 34 34 ft SiIFRFAGM-OIPAOiff(PLFI Tvpe y Useal Description DIAPH-1 DIAPH 2 215 425 Unblooked, 3l4' plywood Blocked. CASE 1 Der UBC. 3/4" plvwood E-W F E l2 12 363.6 32 32 24 21 66 2A 12 363.6 33 9 272.7 41 8 242.4 66 25 757.6 11 11 164 27 16 239 86 42 15 224 81 56 14 209 75 69 13 194 7O w 237 172 215 215 194 11 19 29 39 48 28 35 35 31 8 10 10 9 5 1 47 54 8 235 86 7 2O6 75 7 206 75 5 13 2O 27 7 18 28 37 7 151 24 1 1 237 3B 1O 215 35 9 194 31 Shear/ff plf V N-S F N-S w KiDs KiDs plf 8 8 68 18 28 2O 169 45 52 24 203 54 w 6 l4 20 6 8 6 1 76 88 235 1 1 8 1 76 88 KL&A of California 5/23/2003 I r8 =UJ = _: _.; = ? 'g g g g 'l,UJ UJ UJ UJ LLJ J J J r\..I,.'..' ,,I 6tL lL tL tL @ + I I I I Ia= I.L IIIo =< I=Il9o I.L =IL I-oolL fi< u.I =: Loo. c/<U 8a! = L o<M =fi<6 o el o o o o\n I0 t0 IO 1O t0' r ff '? iotor0 oIO (J-Id) toou H3d uv]Hs I Vl I-blL I1Io =<I.-tno lL =IL = I--oo I.Lt,< u.I =J Lofi d< Il.I =o >o<ff =G<o U-Id) tooa ll]d llv]Hs =|e o a No 0ca o u g' d J---=l;--?,, oD n "'ihl.+2 Z Z Z Z"E'-*------*-*-'--1 0J0190 I .g E ao o<q?j Jv x9<=UOgl' OJ 0 L]019i O'8 o > {t$m o'z c\1 ;ffim 9'9 >dm o'9 o -6 Il) Z'9 L'f I\ 0'9 0'C 9 9'Z o' I ou!l p!Jo t\1 Eoe o (\I €lto 1J o @ @ ffietlo D |i Eoe g 1)to Q =.ocD @ 8 t d oo T d9 b @ 1Jo @ dD ?mYa"=i' E,o-g= c j 6N $n, dt F @o-f0(g =e,g b P 8 tJ. --eI a 8 b oefi =m .go @> n '6 F b e0 >ePo -L0 EV1 o ,." Ho Eg)s .b D P =m >q..- eQ cg 1o N @(\Iq' 'ao o oo qI 6 a TI- 8zeD 'eb om> &€eu a2Eo t; o ffi = &fi &< >-6, H IIfiso N II(Lso .g o do o<{4jJM ficr. f 8 0 odJ uJ J i 6a ufi 1< o R f@ <r E e =G >=l. U<C<o >o<Ir =Gsoe 8JL o IoozoJ5 m ouG >DF =o< ==o.so PLFASE IhlSERTlHE | OLLowc;vd., S PA4ffi PA0E5 |qIA l\. IollC AFIER f|&E:J:,L_- _=,Ii=jlll""' e6ea !fid[tll:9 eo-G-unn !szto 999 eot !VINHolI]vo uo W]H :Ag ;uaS HI Pr .|f Qt4sg a < = uls3a6=o1 otoGtoIlIQI d EIlll=a 8!; af = a t a [o I b E =ad ot8 gk : !i !,il ul:Iu6o'o.9 H'n2,1 '1![I dY2 f[ HU h G P 1) + n g m & N N Pl a a + ! 9 ln |I| In @ 0 r,fegfi $${OllaAa,!4?q?iltj t1J N +i +i tlj (\I elj N dqw I\l d n O O I')N(M + o. a > N 0J d1 h 9 $ g a EI Bf dI 1l ; E d. =a h ll1B II!!I taatt tillf!iiii EEilE iEFEt tttt wn | trl PdO* 16l i= 1 O = m PNm* B8888 88888 888a8 R888ddddd dooo o oooo d dddd B8888 8888B 8888a 98a8dd d d d o o o 4 o Q O Q O O O O 0 0 81l!9 SEgEI StErE 9F99|| >>> 2 : :: 2 I 121X : XX1 !VINuoJI]Vo so vru :AE tuas! gZt0 999 so9:nd[9:g e0-6-unre a6eu colloctors Diap. Wldth WalI Iength Beam Iongth shear/fl Tension Line 2.6 (Building C{ ?9.5 12 17.5 ft 215 plf 3,783 Ibf F1 I B o... I7 o6ea !fidzP:9 C0-Gunr :gZpo 99g s0f fVINHOjIlVo ao vrut :Ag tuas IqlO Hqldown5 lf e u5ed Io ttanslcr tensbn blds bOtw@€fi n@r5. to tit pudlns to masonry or coficrelc, ctr. Use HDAs and HDs rm ulleltull]lf jg itcuiremof ItS a]d olhcr Ipplicltions to transbr tanslon Ioads, AII HDAI ana ate mts ata sclglgglng, astrlng codo-requir@d minimolll 7 bolt aamau; IFadllg ffom tha and of the twott mamber to Ilia tanld 0l ml HD10A (HDaA. HDIA HDi4A and HD20A *lmllr) I HB l$ UH IOqUlItll fnhllnUll1 dllUnco fruln tbll Ind d tho 51ud lo 1h c;gnffi d IH nlst ltud bolt ho1o. [nd dimn'co mlyM il=rlasad aglmcaswy fgr iclitallstion, 6. Im dDsiq IlluSt Splcly dnchor bdt typt, Ien!lth and lmt:djlllm Seo SST6 AficMr Boks lnd Addidoml Anchor DtsigE 6. SlH Illga 12 hr Illche MIt mtmf il 7 [l9 Mlts wi jl aot delllelop ffil IiQd Ioi4s, I Holdon1rll ifisullffi riissd 6l 1110 mudslH hlve largar&lclr,tion vllul$. Collsull Slnlpsofi for llllo. !9290 P99 eot H06A (HDZA slmllll) U.S. Pdllit Nol865l72 elddaPalDln Ho. 1.253.181 Typ[cal HD1S Holdown Insllll=Ion lyped HD5A Holdown Inotallatiof I w101 887B onohor bolt WasllDrlal*not mqulld al lho balo. Typleal |WS| TIo bolw=n Flffi= fi Io rhilvl ublo IllldS, nP Ininil?Ium llolt ond disUf Ig9 il l,tvolltolt dllmotlrl. Ih$ ditnce is doliqnod inm holdoms. Bdt alr; dbuno6 lnay be imrasad, llro}Jidod tho andlOl' IM B not overtorquld. wltleh ccsjll iplll Im t.ud. ndnadlon skasl may bt Iiglw. IP5t bDlt IlDIe H06& HDSA. HDlOA and H0'l4A's soat do5lgn lllovl5 grelter : hstalbtbn GdJustlbllity. An overatt widlh of 3'/o' r the l.10M, HD8A pnd HDl0A. lnd alt' for the HD14A rf ovHls an easy nt In a sundard 4\ !lll, HDA SPEaAL FtAlURES' : ffitgb ptcce nn-wcldcd acs;qn rtsults in hlgher capadty. ; I Lold Tmnsfor Plam climinate5 thc neod for a seat wasf mr,, 4otwr inspoction probloms. : lIAItRIaIJ sae tatb fiMSR HD2A, SA, 6A, 8A, 1oAffilvanlled. H0sA may bo oldlmd H06: chefi wlh fady. H01 tA. H016, HD20lrSimpson gray paifil ; HSTALI.ATIOffi Usa afi spcdkl flsteners. See Conemt Ilotos. ; o ;gc |n imrttved calnadbn, uqn a staal nylan Iodclng nut c a ; thread adheslvc on lh0 amhor boh. ' o sdt holes shall be a mmlmum DI 'd12' to I maximum ot 1/(I' : Iargorthln tho bolt dilmotof (pcf 1997 NDS, sectim, ; I Standard wlshars am roqulrod botwoon thc baff plate and ancflor Nt (HDl 5 onty), and on stud boh nuts against the wooo. The ; Load Tmnsftr P;atc is an htegmt part of thc HDA HoHown andi washer ts rcquired. Scc paqe 10 fOr SP/LBP Bea Ing Pffies ; g Sct SSTB Af lChOI Bolts, Stmpson's Anchoring systems and Adilltlollll Anchomgc Dcsbns for af *l1onge opuons. me ocslgn anginaar my specify any atemab mthorago cakttlatcd to re3llt tht tcnsionibad for t spoelnc job. : . Ujcate on wond member I0 mdntain a mkimum disuffic o[ : mvon to;t di6molor5, dismncc is automaOolly ru;ntmned wher end ol vlood membff is tbsh with tho bottom of tht holdown. : i To tla aot*h 2x mcn*ers tOgelner lhe aestgner must dotermirio tho fastanars requlrod to blf ld mombcrs b ad as ae unit : wthout splitting a ror holdoulm llldto| bnll mRl shodd be Illlg@ltqM : phs 'h to 'lo tum wl* a ttr=ch with coaaidcmtion given ; to posstb e murc wva shnnkage. 0am should m tatcn b Im Heratoloua the Ilul. ' I Stud bOlt5 ShOlJld be snugU tUttenct; (1997 N05, sqrlbn Btta[ l'or additiffial inf 0f ln:ltiofi, fOquQsl I IlD. :. 000l$: B0CA. I0lO, SBCCl NER.303, NER-469: ' Cky d LA. RR 2lB1g, RR Z5: ll ana RR 25293 i HD6A lnd HD14A lm not N€R listod. ' * o' r 1} E r. fi a 8 blu Poo g d 3'Il.All(rJJd)Il Iljld1 hltf 0 bmn incros=d 33% for glllquakD or wind loldif [9 fitll no bllhlr inerlasl dowd. radl jcq whtro olhlr b1ds gwanl. 2. HD1S roqDh5 s ndnm Br6 Nmhal msl. MinlllMn pD1a si2D II lsqDkid m &lig0 0m 1oad c,lrlJi[g camtitf tof thecr;tical lle1 sert;on lnHOll I11@ lHllOrJW0 0fJpaOf ly 3, Us€ I minimum lx6 flomin8l mn ff r Ihl HDIIA alxl tb H020l. Minilllum posl sile is l4quir& l1} llfi.$uf 1? tho 1oad (;}f lyifiq chflll$ly D}' Il1e cri[cil nul .!Jll;l;oh qli6 tiia llold.-,Wlt cip4ilf. 9. rull [lnsbn Iolds Ippjylllf llln H05A b ultd wkh lq'andlorbDjl. I0 Sll pgs 6 ? m testlllg dd ixlltll illlptlftalll il jrllrNtif. 1l f]llllffilklll 4l Hiuh!st Alowsbb Dlsign LDld; Im dofldbn d a lloHnwn IInaslJloll bllwlln fh0 lnd1or boh ald ult stldp polljon of Ijlt ml0OWfi wlmll Iudd m tlw higmll Jlnable Iold IMffi ln flocllsbgtlblP. Thil movamcnt ll itrUdy dt1o l0 l110 holdwn daf ormation undff I stltlc Ioad Ust colld jcld ma$tslljt lk, rll| Illrfil f'il r' ll[ll.!llt}qtll$ 'f ali[MllR. 16 g a6ea fHdzt:9 eOG-unr fVINHoJIlVO ao vrot :As ;uas I q2, 2I& ?1 J-: mooN4 a un'o D J elb fi b II> B &'Jl dep IIt a l1I ,M tn= lI> 'o b E B oi.l i o o fU = = doo Joo }! fUo 4 u ;Q =tffioJ a B i D U L ufrl =o }z E ,Id o :ffi$ 1ae! =ffl affi ;:li{ti i!ii!;:! }#ffi fL;:;i!;J Il , ;.1 a gt t i t : % t t $ se = Q B Bs E t a.et i : l2. 8 i i ; ; i i H t ; ! it I E ! a t' 1 I d tG " e- Fg t t t E i.j q $ t 9 ';s-.g 1 t.j gii if 11 a t,: >.E.E t+,g; ; t t t It.t ; ; i t: t t t t f'F 'i '; '$. < 1.,; t a a 3 t It t i i $ i i it= d (= (fi I= m fJ.1 : f:;:j: ffi fff !i!:] !j ii:ji ::!} {yj!4 i}} j!i ta ffi ffi $$ ?i;;:j | ffi :jjjj !#[ ffi ffl ; a n 8 8! rq a $ F h a h I8 a 6 fi 8t a a s t a [ f g f [ ' [ i i i i ! i ; i i [- ": [: Y i =l< c >I ui- '[ cg dga, PA H3 Middle Creek Village Bldg A Table of North South Forces Base Sbear =51 kips Overtuming Moment = 1072 ft-kips Apfil 24, 2003 (Note that ptessures include combined windward and leeward walls, i.e., eff ecdve pressue on pmjeted area) 31.00 j8.50 9.00 16.8 13.? l3.7 14 23 20 1?7 529 1072 14 37 57 File: 1l69 bldg A Wind Load UBC ASCE.x!s Sheet: NS LOADS Page 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 4l2Al2O03 1:24PM HIY Base Shear = Overturning Moment = Middle Creek Village Bldg A Table of East West Forces Date: Apdl24, 2003 (Nom that pressures include combined windward and leeward walls, i.e., ef fecdve presswe on pmjected area) l7 kips 330 ft-kips ROOF 2 I ROOF 2 1 31.00 18.50 9.00 16.8 l3.? 13.7 56 167 330 4 lZ 17 File: 1169 bldg A Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls Sheet: EW LOADS Page I of 1 Last Update: 4/24/2003 12:45PM I 'l r = d: 9I J a o: J I E; BJ Et d; :g i EI I I F'3 b E 9 1 :g € t 1 E B6J{ B B B5 E 5 4 6 ='% F h b B 8 U 8 6 I {6 bi& 3fi b a\ B3b 6t b q d ? '6 8 H & .f R '. 8 E ! R aE.E I Ib bt tJ If8 8t t8 8 h IX a d u :F. c ,g ' tlo E E =oo ==Qocc B (B Eo o a m^ P> t 9 Eo 9i 1 E ! A fiE q 0 cLt6 a; ;z n t- d % t8 8 dg q' F BP a g M6 9 d 1 n d ?9 e +d P9 P t- 8 i I5 bt€;e o' .9 e b| P E E'| } 9 a = E iQ 9fir: v. J <j -'5 1E t3 .H 'g .E t': u fi dJ = T: 8 Q!q &5 u 4 1 E a S eo6 Ifo Ia =Ih=mo .$ E.o r 'H'IHe nU i lI '.L I "8, eo'i i ;{ l 8.I d ;; i $ I Itii g I Ilit : 9:3: i.=.j --.|.. ' / = +=Ja t..E :E- r f i i ; iti : : f5 "o 8 8dr.: A''? a[t> 9o I[i[t[f;ftitg[e!= L C | | l4 N T 8 J c1 i g "' g t [ i i i i G = Cm 6 Bg E e. U;,9.1 d d=$.='t-a d'Pggi|?.r9 t| ei to o o o = a 6J 6 = l1Io ^E e Qt < J ld 'pi up ? ..-l '0 < fi lL cb I\.ao oooNtNt o afi 6' 8 9d e.ft tS9 < G fi U)fi*.E JH '0O" I.gm o o tUo oo j 1 ? -1.,i """ -o P" "l ',= ,"'-c *t *JN o oo Pl9 |o o0 F11I+n)---o o---[--- ' " "' I I I I I [.I ii1 .I jj ? " {} 9C.*i- \ov ll 9, a I""o"o I--,"' i6- C {\ f\j I (I }ilJr' d! s' =T'? .a4 GJ o- ="-+ =I E] I[l[]l 2oooKL €iA Consulting Structural Engineers !.4-j J7-22:5 vlji ]itle Date bl12, Jobno. tt61 MUtl te Cretk qal,,(g ----=' n' -6b'r f (c2"' , \, uza=t=ea t I"''"'\ ',#'i,i ilr=,...=.E? ' - t' { ;t----- _,",,, D,ddiha A u v-rrJ yt/;vd cpod asuvaz r;g;d a;aghttgm zruu,tt7 q;K il=ir-+li=iT9 q7l j=) l.-U:-* /\A,r w M,q,q ";: o, (d3.+') a--s-. +DM , 4.r?l L- Evf, rg,,( > yfi k/€P ln/ ,, yt'(L /l/l)c= /J4L. ! = o.s'tSt" a fita,, >, ut t 0.51gqt t, zt, ntu t ;, -ng't I+- ", dl phJ uJitlt Lu,'' = ({fi*'YzY = (t;) {i hd;.rdu.J c/uhd Ud6 = u ;(+;*tr ,;-L-:, e&c( coJu gy(qff: t- *yqtc,,f fiLj ha,: +, 4g } uuen t+t4 r?, cfi} "r gp"", y((Jls 0{|, Or t zo) a N rfi J,;11 :[ !'t: L/L1 4 tP ,r\ \J\ oj d q.t, '-s t+ C "" q: i r: 1 c\i "ft :| "'a.i I \od' x '' _e ' n!:,': t J qT- 1 "' i; Il ;l 0 ; _ . - I1 t\ "t: <1 >,i 't -: t -t i q t; r:u O------------ '2O2,. Date {h2, Jobno. llb'lKL &A Consulting Structural Engineers AsGt,tme, r;g:' Sv{w(n bol;IJ?% A -J- N - S l/l/;mcl I oAA 15b]. 2( 6.oa u o,^, MF >, Mq ;.oypb, d 9b u ut 5,15.f.!, 0FJ AL[- ex1, a;df 'rc "y C.-zS" q*]! I u I tj +.-,3z,J [/J,\P u=q'ta Z?S' xq5F zr t ' =. L "* =^x "vpM, wdl /h., ' 6, oSt-. /zlgr 4.: t % = ?,b9 L" O 'i M, >y A197 .). Il9 L" >/ 4.obu u >/ 2.67{jj'- or-'. All t"atf, t.au(/ 1 >, p. S-zcr r+- I,,a?.id..,c{ L/t-i ZCr(( = hliL[l O;*gtu fio(, r(- 1>,._"'"""2 r/?, Lvn Wa t I /Vl.; ' hi L h"-r n^* bl,; z =lf?gL' z o3 xfio9$ fiooN h U dt = J o b0 o.. =,a d .9U uo..e c/) 3 F! [Qu UJ<udl J tdo l..l 'o.e a cn t Jb u {1. t t i f fI I { t g I e = J P i i i i i] ig n,s 9i i : :: i i; e.s.{ f (fi i.f; 3.: J i i I I i ! i i! i i i t tI 1 i i i 1..e,e e f f fi !i i i i ; : ; ;z fi.u.r go E B L t. f f f f i : ;-.i i ; n a _ a e i _ fi1 a - ii ("\ F + F [-i fi fQ m 0 d,fi a g g t f h R $ t H e: t a r e a i3f t i it i [ [ [ f [ [ i3f 9 'i 'Ch 'Z + [[] e = o = = ff' j t I i ! [ " a i 3 [T. H d " 1 a 1 Ec. F a g = III' J n L << F >- U5 t-F [-i [-1 IaU iHfi/"\ aoy Middle Creek Village Bldg B Tablc of East West Forces August 5, 2002 (Note that pressues include combined windward and leewffd walls, i.e., eff ecdve pressure on pmjected arn) 75 196 366 5 [3 I8 5 8 5 Fik: 1169 bldg B Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls Sheet: EW LOADS Page I of 1 Last Update: 8/5/2002 2:40PM z.oS"' August 5. 2002 (Note that pressues include combined windwffd and Iceward walls, i.e., ef fecdve pressue on projted rs) Middle Creek Village Bldg B Table of North South Forces Base Sbear = 62 kips Overturning Moment = ' : ', j:, l6.8 I3;7 B.i 260 6?6 1261 File: 1169 bldg B Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls Sht: NS LOADS Page 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 8l5l2OOZ 2:40PM 2,ol, c!]6i 7I EIj .g a| ; F5 .Br $ E :g i :5 Js 1q g 81 :I 4jt .| LI 8I F' 8'g Itt 9I h o o0Lo m =l+..oo e-=tgfi Ill;,.L jttg & CJ I lIql., h ofi, e0'l ifilB$i i!llh..l I H E; H }4 " dOC[L ; J\} \,:\: Bt.eI 3\ Bb5 E 8$ tb {@ E E =o |I ==moe 4;Ep ='Pe6i b EI b' 8 I % F' biA;| g ali 3 'B IzIo E .gtII sf R P B;.8 PR j8 .g.g b t b b E I I E 8 f8 |i t:I d}E ad A g e a d = 'E ! IF.c Tl- Rr! 8R RS.Eb > ddg '|5 d g a d P9 P b-t If ;8 i J BI b (t a Jj o a A Ji ' q q ; ;z z e e d s .E e H a E € E E 1 4I < 9 'a 8q j g 'g a N B et': {cj 'odl N Do fio E B H $ 8 if H IJ 'E E g'a i]![ B88d d I.: jl ? 1 LLF€E,= = > 3oo4 i'ifi[[[[ " ti!};'"alf ' g ; t PE 9 o0 i.V IB 'tl69 '6 o.q fi = =0) 'l5 a st dLo.. o. 9 E eO t e g = e x ==EF fi =t .B.; A P9td=d,4:-r-a'j!fi 9 tb tl el 1 a a 8 'o+ I\e 4 e U J mi0c c e4\l = $ a! E h 8< cc g 8 9> dB c a 3 rt slI a o e ! a o ,c 8 t t' [ ' E tl = | a i * o3 B s F E 0o = Is o g.: b EP H Eq uI I' >D h | = o.& = =o tn "" b 8|o h..; r1 It "d |It, 8. .9 t 5n =o F Ji ; f ; r t ua ;d0 >ba o Y =a 1 "- od =o.sfi lLg- ><: n' o a it'a€ o |3I E a m s $ Log H-].=- _k 2-'1 c;"6 u \0 6 k : "=. ID-b '-"eef t 'i,nto x x } J. "\ {\ g 'Jo F-+ * i Ii I| 1. j fi __.,es "t 'ij j \f)fit d I tr $ -fii i ta4.,'-f i-- !p1 nn j"" (l ,| {.J =-t, LI =ILI zto ,;,, h/n J,b,,. n(? Subiect s\l/l4kc/c{/4 Sheet of KL €iA Consulting Stmctural Engineers /yllJJj4 (/|eek \h'Uff 9[9:-1l N/ - 9 lAh& TipfiJ6L /\/l,r t-;Ll x + qJffi L yy= y_p'-/e+ x L 7 : p.44L Me. ' p.+H; L : rJi'lS/:- a,1 Ma ); //lp( p,qcyyf u'), 9, 7olL L2,,01t^* or Pul art. uva;t '2z /0,-lb + tcyutun fi;;J dr a(^tttgan f; >( l-?)c Z6)t lB?' *ta,< w b .t-H--a+' 11D.ll -b+d kaa u rtn zS:, ?hdfi{/i0lkdL[ dtd a.,Ju, t 2 $fi = ,\-l -* 4A-+* -? ll.+. I4/4.# /l/,r = ;)gfH : /(-yq[ W/= ri* rL /{fL " ; qfiL L z = o. 11cz p.'r afi;t " /Lf or p.(q; l}- ) '-I,-/'1L U>/ s')-; l+ Or< '_ )+ll 7i,f l//l!ll 'a 5. 37/H 2l/ J y^ J '"c-f P-t \.a fJk ;r t s0 h \ J4 Q .'. P' \r; x Aly q0 lY' .I i il p .h -K'J i iI : 1 -t} '= u <r1 5 o_?= -L /i u1 \J) !j'l + -lf\lu) \j- * Il0 r\l :a[] E ' |1 ELI LIE1 LI = ''E rr11 I []E1:::I FI [EI EI El [| EJI [] ;=t ' E ::f I =]ElI z / a, Date [rlZ- Job no, ; /6? Consulting Structural Englneers KL &a ta.. dJCc/ c,jc sF.*" Subiect sy thtC C0H Sheet ot as$l,c}=4., H'J'dl fi:[Lffi-L ,,,..]\ aePa=\_ ,,,,,I / g leffi Ib-\l u€,..,,-H -b,arJ ntt{ banr, (ta / tl, 1+ Iy(; ;),.J/.Jdl ? drq; J: agm r-Vl i/l/i,lj |- (# =-= / I\ '. 5x -* @,/' -=-> bc _=_= "\ kl.,p = 766}\ " I.97L hlf I.c,'/'-FL Mg= ;(t.L- "- o 6t o!l/tlg ) na,, o.6l (D.eZ{}> a, I.f^JL L)2.-73e'- r;r- '. t-fi e#, n;4 > 7.n), fa- 2 l3 'a In =l|| 5 9:fiR RLAE BE "N N nn t H = i:i =,9 S a8 G 8 R 8 9?-' ? n 1 f P 9 n x 9 Sa 8 G d ?-' 9: jf t o i[ _r O h F { :l.i N N i' J, N o mN F{ == n m 6 N N N n n n m n d d N N N N { } e t ta e c o o oo oq t t HF N N N -. N N d N t t = t { '! Qfil =q J 9 .G < h H 0., ::o-' c} xfL =: a * t B fi nq ; f | i+ N 2l1 if q 9 Egt 1 1 ll a E a B :5 a5 c? gos eao >: T g E|.b .9 I J5 1 il po L 12 1?'5 'B Er E €& € i .B I ?ba E E =oo ==ooc i6 9 € 5 Peffib Bi t I 1 I? 8E B 9 .? ol 'f bi6 9 P 6 a\ b U$ €ud a Q6 n & R '. B;-.. A R .G s I tb bI E P P 8 8 VJ ,d < o ciA t6 g 9 ad Y g 9 j' z d D 'EIb 'C i I .E Sb > ;.) s 3;3; d g 9 + d 9€ d d e il d F9 g e b3 a iJ g ^1 z .E a 1 E <1 'a .: < :g i N jj E e r^: E 8 x q d ;! o al 3 : 5 a G 0 o offilLo m =soo F .s E-o g *H^fa'Uf nu ! lI9. h " 8., Eq'.i i 6 R B< tt I eil ai I J9igj I Ilit g 9-ftp t tt EFti i i i i i " ! < < i5 " B B 8d d l.: 88e 6 0 ll'I.L Il, E a > 9o o =xN tD e fitt$f 9 a ; 5 8 P B EIL G| |ta Q. s ; g ol stQ ii iiE6 -g.ga 9 G& '5 e@ 6 a.E€9e d.o. d :g iiiPggi '| c b tb tlo o oo I/J cn z ;F 'qo q q q o N N N d S N 0 O O d.j 1: c\i + N O O i* a Ila. o (\I o o o o o 9 w wr 6 o o ie N" O CO bl. q Ni- N N llu. =r ! ! ti. Q to ofi P o o q q p. q q O N O O COo o o o o o n Q O o o o m o 9P E 8 B :qo R6d mod o. ,-'.-: d tij :o88o o N Oo od d r-: 't:o o$ o ls o & iii O886 d iiiON nd d 1i I! tq cq @ q' ltl, lq Iqo o oo Io to I't oP d lI) lOo on 1O o qll @ lo O t=Jo m o ool ai (q @ F o [g= c \q 1q Lo.o o o c\lT- x< cl Htl F Q > 1 3.l .ia .E Z d ! s cild t e F a e, q 9 ol. E h g< 6c 6.e t e o I *lI B.I B t ! a =8 : :' a S 6 c| f ; t oa '€ so o; '- I " fi U.E o g i i : >t h =6 pJ 6 U| '" tt 8 x,o ka t u 1h e t.o.b q o =o = # F Ji .eh o :d I F e9.b fifia i d Pltfi6.p e61"' Eodao.Eo =\/\. ? hn\ r'i n\6-i ) t- '-u'f- -r rJ- b [ (;' '-Lr iI Lh,;o\ UJ ! Q\ {1 z ; 6 O; ?l4C\ kaqpldm/l ,._..=:I., d I ,r- O ,,,[l0 a$h_a.,.dllg 2 ; ? x<o 'n NooN& u dt el.> ,-l o b0 =fi fiQo o =}$ u et 1$ [I]oQ<uln J 'o o ,_] =.E B o\ u o IX1 =diU1"1b.9 =r F = HE &. :: #fi&)ffil ffil mmm t t i f f; ; t i i=; f I t f 8i i i { i ; i i i : j ; i i ; i i ii.t i t t ti i i i i f.t.t ; I i- I : r : i i i ii i [ i f i [ ia a.u e J rfi "" r1 'E ', ; ffififfffiffffiffiffiffiffi , ;, : & ? t,. i $ cq e1 ? H H e t- II II lI II II r = e 9n u: !). F 8 a 6 B 8? [ i i [ fi i i ! fi g t+, i = H '1 t4 o n.F i E fi t t g t s ? ; ui ! 3 t t t t a t a a fi- 6 g fi g a, 6 o g ; fF $ i " fi ! 8 arJ : E H <3 H Eub }H H ffi ffi I.i bJ =='u ='JIn ug July 3l, 2002 18? kips (Note that pressues include combined windward and 4962 ft-kips leeward walls, i.e., effective pressure on projeted area) Middle Creek Village Building C1 Table of North South Forces Base Shear = Overtuming Moment = 4 J 2 I 82.00 70.17 60.67 5j.j? 41.67 32.17 21 43 42 39 37 File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building Cl.xls Sheet: NS LOADS Page 1 of I Lt Update: 8/12/2002 ll:50AM z t 9 Middle Creck Village Building C1 Table of East West Forces July 31, 2lJ02 (Note that pressues include combined windward and lwrd walls, i.e., effecfive pressure on projeted aru) Base Shear = Overtuming Moment = 31 kips 816 ftkips ROOF 4 3 2 I ROOF 4 3 2 1 82.00 70.17 60.67 51.17 41.67 32.17 24.7 l:ylj?1 .!.:.:, ' ' 22.6 21,4 .'i_ 20.0 52 167 345 583 g76 4 12 19 25 3l 4 8 7 6 6 File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building Cl.x[s Sheet: EW LOADSPage 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 11:51 AM z a o zz / [: IfiI- 1.--lo Ir'- I8I@ l5 ) ) -F]ffi-| c')oo(\I a) >\ cu >, ><g t.oI\ Do n B o eoo U :g E oE' o'aH <-= o{do Eg' B.+ Ii 6o o)o ec3 tg a .9> 5 = clooc co B'E cjI- >h'oeo B 2 z 2. 1a==- zLY ||g,zJ"" J UJ = = _t _t ?tLI UJ UJ UJ "i> > > > "l UJ UJ UJ UJ LIjJ, J, =, J, o t' r' r' r' 9 I I I I I Q O O O O O O O O O1n I.o Ij) to to to I.O I.O LO LOqql- co c\I =" ' r '}I '? "r (J-Id) tooa u]d uv]Hs a aZ Job no. Subject By Sheet of .f"'-"-- ---""'-'-"---'-''"'""-'"--\-} , ' ,,, . f,F-- l- ---< KL &A Consulting Stmctural Engineers 2jx 4ax '-rZh f|>t ,1lx h4.,D lb >< D /O' -f=565 O,Cl 'lV1f, z affi ffi ;o | 2,+l t GJaL au. =tz LAfYlDr ?.LJ,|l r 35c, " -/ i-li-b -+ =DlqD.+ -=->I [V = A)|l. \.M,r dfitlk /c IJ$ rke au L /h;J(l.|€ @(ffi \hll,,aa -"------'-'-t1-+trucl 4afl (lz-|+h asa H= L 36b 'l.b7 azS z8.8s 2b,83 p'rva ) l.oL zte, 6 lbl[ )zlZ 15 ffi1 l,-a/\/lR = j= JO,lb Zl l2 4,'l+ L| I6 0K 4< J;/4 pl< )a ?$ h N} ; {u0 It'^, l\,l rii I '-j (\| f[ l| -9:9 f-' .s -':\ !\J c=. -l: -l-I L] [l ] O -!j o\J ..j t.4 !\;/1 ] A-,/\ ', Date zz 8' Job no.KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers E-V\l S€lSltt;C lD.7y -_> 'tx -+ 6.rtr.._a 4,}x = 9' zlzx --;i = eJL /U,(= 1|602 MK " auL = Qj: 2, 0,0; /4p z, /i/lor a.9 % > 'h75L ro t ) 1,++ " lsx ffis = :o,:r it |,..,.,,t, Subject By Sheet of asua<. ''yd d"aph(a- O q | v:}++J.rt/f U)+tn g-yyPt- -,dd ^V d,.U{ ,,ll/l =|b+g4vt djj /a = ^)r |- z-?B u/'(tAur /l=" 1 uz - /j r jo-- '-rl > L 9,++" 0KJ ? ? '? 9 9 'p ? ,l I I.UlUcF shaf mtutl = t:s'/er z-z'| z<o 'n Noed N<& '6 € =p J bl]d 0 a doo o,aca bt &u a '96 =o [I]QClj<o CADtd 3 'u.E a \D: $ [.I.. I 8I3v r11 =ug 6c ='i 6 8 =d'a2 8 '8n u4j Inm >Q H 4M < LJ|i9o ob Q 'A1, 'a9 fi Frt L ffij0 i$!j ijlffi -:1 ; *: ffi#ffiW nk|} {Pfifi ffiffi'goF jd?ia C$'{I I:i 4 j ' ttt, t t c""i ,," , ra 8 _ $tjg b 3I fii.'9 ua 9gl.t 88.Ei!Ittfi$AhI! &B.E H' E8:t3e fn)" r€ J,' 4 =.= g= =mtg- Q o o eo =o€ o =.9>oaE d.,.i ao o .= =o= .H tfi c =t Bo€ .E fi hfi#{' .:.':, }jll)lki 8#!|.. II [-i [ua [-I <u] =r_t ra a =<Q >a E-l ;Bb bIIiedit! ['; 't3Efglrra4.j 3 E- Et [;5 ^€;Iaa.E.9I 1'F 'F&a5,6gg tfi e aHEffiffi mWXiffifaW$t$ffi-luu n = [1l uJ o {lr=i fi u m nD o € e ;u F.o o u o + u[ ? ? $ ; f$ I J f fi ?; H H H fi E[= ;; < =; $- t = dl<o E >0iH [-I Hgp B HH D > C|o O / O[[i[to Z }h mjtii '!i'[.4 cl I=u =i z]u July 31, 2002Middle Crcek Villagc Building C2 Table of North South Forces Base Shear = Overtuming Moment = 1957 ft-kips leeward walls, i.e., effective pressttre on pmjeted area) 4 3 2 1 ROOF 4 3 2 I 82.00 70.17 60.67 51.17 41.67 32.17 Il6 374 ?71 1301 1957 10 Z7 42 56 69 10 1? i5 14 l3 24.? 23.7 22.6 2l.4 20.O File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building C2.x1s Sheet: NS LOADS Page 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 11:5OAM z,S I | RO0F 4 3 2 1 Middle Creek Village Building C2 Table of East West Forces Base Shear = 48 kips Overturning Moment = -'.."....: 82.00 70.17 60.67 51.17 41.67 32.17 Date: July31,Iffi (Note that pressucs include combined windward and leeward walls, i.e., effecfive pressure on projted area) 7 19 29 39 48 ? 12 10 10 9 o File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building CZ.xts Sheet: EW LOADSPage 1 of 1 Last Updak: 8/12/2002 ll:50AM ?, 3 ?., 'B a1d dv I g P E g '5 t| Ep d as I E 1I 3 € II t $ ;{ 1I gI 3 &; 9 &I I1 tJ 2; 8E E B1 lll ==gloc d 'o z I: d 11 er 6 d $ E[ b-t .g E B < Ee or f B 45 ip E' 6;\ I a B bI .a jl d g D I J 9 8 E Pfi R.g.g o ot B b b15 1 p p 8 8 | ; 7 (8 u fi e o cd i6 9 3 dg "? f d F a e = 2 d D 'EI6 'e @ 9a 4I_ q q17- q' R Rs.g> bE E F9 P U If d c)j P e BE ad d 9€ u 8 B6€ p Ri 8 e i bi I e 'q d 1a l3 e I": o o oa 1L ooD b.oo x D' di B H; Bb 0 1 j t dj pg a E .s Eei "Illl dqlt &U i lI\R b o8, Po'.R 96R$ s f ttl! C.U I dY B 8gJ I;;l t 9)q 9 oo &.v oE 3 q " 8o. = cm 6 z-3 z- Q q q q q(0: N 4V N (N q ol, q F N b N ri.o o =o, '! ":o o o o o od d d N b 0 J'1 = o o o oTn L' N O tO N O O N n i!i c\i.J J d N 0 { n o o o o o od d d d d.".: -!. , i.-. u* O fi O o o o o o o IP I'. (9 (9 ,;.: o:n 0 o I1:? r r: r: q o q n ol cq q q q qo o ID O ON N N G N n N m o =.n N O o Yt* N 0l "I' ;x; o d o co @ N Pa. I'lu N q q !q ci- o oo o o o ; A Q? n o to a ; o @ o o N =N od Q @ a o I\I. 0 N 0 o o,o x;N '" x< S 7 l: 7 o Da j g i E $ i1j8 = o m fie 4 e'c eu = nc ? a, q = s q s !8< 11,e =6 9> isB rc 6 t ti 8= E B d i J a f ; [Ir f a ; o3 B s O OJF E Ofi fi I.E'c 1.'I '>o s= eb 8,F 8:B = 'og 8 pD h= = a.fi fi S t18= U1 L" q t, a. 8 t5o = a F Ai f i; g. b Gea I ^ >lo =a # '" Et'Il e=o.Efi 2 3JIo /c.) R.g aar} ' ;tu J. ,......-b ! -.,)u i . fil, , i\ L;,.' \ i./' L i I O a a Y /j q: + tr} L 0- {-iJ\- ( / i'i a ji Qr F- T: ci\u' .l [0- r-j- ,-b"1... .-l ::!: -F (+ (:]h [:)- 2 BJ- Job no,KL &A Consuhing Structural Engineers ,L{{ O )t ' '- /,....3 t J_,. JW-\/ /[J--.J :- : - --.-_a,,--.,,Jbd{@ nz;;ddtt CYlllk \/;ILt,t'---- j]ud[tlj1 Date Subiect By a+>u.n.e v:gd d;frrga ib+,t -IrnCl. 'Tx...+r.b lzY" l@( -_slF lox..=.+ fix /l/IpT " = /VIR = t2.tt l/lt\ ; a a j.J['ryt j' """["" hL l55bY g.z5b u rot. L'z o u'-r /v[or >, G.trbt- >/ a.'? tA,l G.,,-fh =m"- .,,t/l tu,+u L ,i,. L pc zi7 pqJJ (D IaJ 4.ZJ L - 27' j4fL = l68.z1 ? tS,'l ot< j vttfi €) (yg " f, 77 t = ifi' lzuU = 5,-r?x yg"':: fi&Sf >, /3,'/0K/ z.a4o -----j O- O- GF 6- O- I I I ]'j' / I I I .j 'd1 5q;.,.-/ -\TJ:i g !" \/1 Jir\.=-' Ol! --I; -t i i /---. -/ :z- r \ \5 5 L..--i-"' \r\ !' 1 ;" -: | j z s 7 KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers Date Job no. Subiect Sheet of zntllc Uppy \lAd,. -r fis'-3 C2 N S h/;nd I/l/ftd (0 th,/0 ji::l ;fij un' "-Fi Pl /l4,- = lb.5L : zbs " d"' P," "7.'+2>< zfi t >lo}.bS'- /zfa =- P, x zc+ = toa. ?/b r ;y = HSlf t+ p, 4/d,q = Bp"| t+ )- /U,( C21< ! atssamo- r';tc' ''arJA-1m b+J t-.ard Ua)-I = to+fi- -,J. t,aZ/ b/l€{[h : L /15 =--L-{Ol+ IOx-h l1/. jSx-Ji l4ix-+ uz;' B) l'Lspec'{'", IAlaA 3 &.-ll{ t,.o& (= tt; wpl;l+) /Vl,r ' c1s? x . 1E) 8L fi=9j?Txap=/TJ P, = 4fll+x aa = ;+g /l/J( = f, x /? + P, x ;,-z > rlZ)x /7 + /9-3r a7 L 1783 <|+ /vl,JL-- ;:t 9oa F1- o, ? lv1g = [,;gzl- kP+ ot< ! z3' 7 2<on dooN N u t0.> _l o oM d: = cl d o oo=Q zI! mu = =oou < Q{nD 'g B =tc> u =f1., J 8t n,ou0lD U&'a 6a B 6 E^a ,H =2 8 of B [Il =u Hcn tH < k \J&E 5 O 9.i Oa & a9 fi [=,Et Lff}}#{l#l; ;!ti$}:Wt &l!;. 11;1;}i =Im =mfffi mmfirffij mlr&#ffi fiffi!ffilm mffiffi ='ffim m 6-.-.a a 4 Jf tt a t E d% '; t $ B€ ': E t EH a '€ u 00d 9 e [fi '|! f i d Ii{ o ".= 'e '6 '0> ". En ! fi t oJ = ir' >= r $ " tt I a # 1T, ot u.t => 'F - m[ ;.S-.I t1€ ": T E o.j j-,5 t 9e' R Q a dfi fi i ifi €g.g l 3 a,.'€ t : : Q., >.=.="l' 11'r t t e'z. [Il.F.E a9 9 a B Qt = ?.e.g e e r1a t 'el € € 9.E.E : n fis s a s Qa t a a 8H H n.te Qgl.1) .e T8 3 'g :g g :e U J U U rfi "' f?f1 f6ff 1,' qffa, lv ffi$ffi 11#ffi li{Pjf fi}ri} $t$ij ffiffi lffflla fii11i1t[fiBffiffiffififfiMffiffiffiffiffimnn [-i + [-1 o [-l = fl] u] = t {h. Il} 'A F O8 8 $ g # a 8 65 f $ h h ;' E Qfi i fi t t t a 3[ i [ [ [ i ! g 6 g t g t E "f i f " [ :fiF tHa 'F ffi eq|'\ m a 3 1 Middle Creek Village Building C3 Dale: :uty 3l, 2002 Table of North South Forccs Base Shear = 27 kips (Note that presswes include combined windward and Overturning Moment = 62,5 ft-kips lwrd wa0s, i.e., effccdvc pressure on projected area; 3 z 1 3 1 5 8 7 7 5 13 20 Tl Fik: 1 169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building C3.x1s Sheet: NS LOADS Page 1 of I LastUpdam: 8/12/2002 11:5OAM z4o Middle Creek Village Building C3 Table of East West Forces Base Shear = 37 kips Overtuming Moment = 861 ft-kips -;,,ffii.idaie leeward walls, i.e., effecGve prGsure on pmjted area) 7 1B 28 3? 77 248 511 861 File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building C3.xls Sheet: EW LOADSPage 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 ll:5OAM z9 / a ., gI E i -5l q E I I'i j sE)a $8 & tFi > i { Fz E 'a .a I EI E bD E d1 F B tt Ep t .9 g 1 e5 E 1 |} la @lff 9g P ,e-tl pt B I E h €If E 8 B 8 .p or F b z-d 3fi E' B| Eg 'b IzIo G 9 E x dq 9 8 B P s.g o ot t g g e P 8 a d u 6 Q q q P f B E E t8 8 i g d 'e'p bt .g Iq .E PfJ l3 i" a .EJ\ E qi ql P 9 adg Y ;z 9 If Io fi =cl Ho dd D P9 6 lll ,e d F J F 1j I1 8 '?8 |i| s-rle e 'U E < 9 r: '} < T g B & B'F Ta b: U 8t4 0 ot cglLo m =NooF Rs ie tlg 1 I + g II .B I< d] 9.' d! $ h .i. J g a i e e .s Ee$t^t,P i II 'IH., R "'- sl ID Pe-i 1j !f b i < I' fHi 0d i I:ii d i [lil t glg 9 oo -b.V fi 'oF 9 t o,9 L = eo i5 a o Eoo. E- i 8 t 5 E x =Re F IS a:.E€ 9 $a;r9 =J €6bE 1 J : tl d t999o o o zy z- o o O Ol^dEf Q O { !f Q O tQ gntr a a r f a ll:i o N dtb. Iq e:qr-i ! 9 ,..J :. a d o d c\I =, |9 oo o o o o @ @ o o m o d ?: l-: d i 1l;., Is la., l!.; .p. i':', t"' Y = s o q o o o <>, ql, q 1h O;d 0 O ; ; 0 (\l '6" " tq lq 1rl- tqo o o ol ilL' 8.et.ra rc ><r aT ;' h( u =Tj .l .a I}) P5'B s a1 a 4 e = h,.l {oc e b €9 =.s I8< fic. e6 9 B c t11 1 rfi.P& E B =rl a ! a o 8 t t E S Ec tl =a i d o3 B s }' E oo = I.g'c 'o '>o & = b Es '+. | 'e I +f 8" ?Dl h = o.d fi S b 8 =o b..lo u, " o t. I =a t 5o =q> F Ji f f J e9.b $ a 6 i ' >la o Y ea f"" o =CL .go z13 ,,' {,' qj\ 7 }' \0_ x,t ;\i' 0\ 'v /i is ei0." \kQ j ;.' 16' !,",:i hJ - : ], '," nlt I-,- I|ayc{ Ttle 'Date (-- Jobno.:/:: Subiect Bv/qfe C(H Sheet a25[flltll/ r;y' J?ffUy tp(J t,oput/ a.,,Jh -- q1 kdrvrckvd,-vttzOf U)4t, t \/ Mo-r pa-re" Catst ', dt* w,lU g (() n l+,bb'Yfh u = ; ' l,JL" 52 h 2J1! so (()l r,atj/e- da,.,ld Lo pr lh E-I/lj dTteJzata J KL &a Consulting Structural Engineers bull;nrd -J- "g - vl h/tn,l .\r"'\ '\-\/ L,t-} P =- !- "lY-) Ilx-} [0l a9 'lx Nl% c,:|g tv\p aa,-r = b[l x = 8, aa L Mft " rou. L = aLlz 'z aPl//l; >, raor a'(st') >j mat zoL ? fl;ta " zv+l.o* €! O- rH- "i/\ I-l r-l oo 7 y 7 i EJ El EJ IJ EI / [l [l [I [ [I EI [I EI EI El ,[l [I [l [I [l I-rl [lI [ll KL &A Consuhing Structural Engineers Ll r I Jl\rJ cllra{jl,ry\ /l/lo: " [z5r = 9, 6ffc_ h/a/i O zqg Sub;ect Bv Zvttc ccH Sheet of J z- P P,/ affi r; 4 fi){ 3fflr = ?c 4 l', '- S,b9K%xi = fi/l" /kJ,.t 76x lq+ 'l+*zy 3llsZ''' ffia4e aa fi+ /10r = &68L " {, ffi 27 ' z 3at " / ofl/Vl)q 'zz All(fr g;< J *>Surae. h-ertd J:aph;*qt,\j I ' 0) a tO ++Jl t,t/1 k.,..--?a' J 7,ild,,.-otd rL b = h=),. 7L iq I h5ffi',a bld/U O Lvfil b,o& f no uu(nn,r+) ;P, =i4.b-}y3O x -L ; 45" /l/l;a : 65 x 6 = a-s r-l 0.'1 MRr %-lgr(*' /l/|g," a.68. 19 i DoF' 0,9/vl( >z lV\ot gb-I- Date fiyp), Jobno. 1167 tJ;JA ly/ z.<o 'n: NooNR & d d D J o M -o =e doo ;..oonQ e H:u$a 'o==,b nlu <um =t oJ 'o B \o U t t i i f % '[ f $ 9f ; ; : bf f t { i ;i.! t {t e.t.t i iii i { i ; ; t f i i i i i i i; t i ii ( i,t: ;; : : : : i i, i = i i] i f i i i i t h#ffi #W ffi ffi# $;#l ffi , ; G _t, [ -. 8 - [ [ [ [ [ i [ i i [ [ [l. fi Q H [+ EqB? ; t 3 8 3 i ! i i 3 t14 X O h d rH m z fi n n ! ! i i i f' 3 t ! 8 t t - t ; t[ { j ' i 1 8 E- t 9 l 6h ' [- Er r :g :g I= "z{u Basc Shear = Overtuming Moment = 6300 51.17 4167 32.17 Middle Crcek Village Building C4 Table of North South Forces July 3l, 200Z 52 kips (Nom that presswes include combined windward and 858 ft-kips leewrd walls, i.e., effecdve pressure on projted arm) 8 20 23 22.6 2l.4 20.0 8 28 52 98 368 858 File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building C4,xls Sheet: NS LOADS Page 1 of 1 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 11:5OAM zs-/ Middle Creek Village Building C4 Table of East West Forces Base Shear 19 kips Overtuming Moment =355 lbkips July 31, 2002 (Nom that pressffes include combined windward and leeward walls, i.e., effective pressre on pmjted area) 63.00 "3i.n .i ;41.:67 22.6 2l.4 20.0 5 13 19 54 I73 355JL.l\l File: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building C4.xls Sheet: EW LOADSPage 1 of 1 LastUpddte: 8/12/2002 11:50AM a(ra,| d s T E I (t 9t 3I E B$ tI 4 .9: p; Pjl bII I b3 E I; i@ T f I|Ip "i /; J "t L; 'O ,s! 99€F d 1l e1 u b3 E g 9 8 E I T,i or F ilb; F HttI a B bI .al B a 96 I} qli' B P 8;-.8 Pfi 8 t bb bI 9 g p 8 8 Jj ?i ; =< t\8 E E =o m '5 aoc dlg =o IUo q f9 d t 8 I a2 d L E a .E E R .Et q E z d 9 .r- d '? 9 H a6g 6 9fi .g| d g 9 6 R b' \.9 P Iq n q J tJ e E 'd1g < 9 H E < E q a 1 R B t9t! 6 x< 6: cj H h} u '; j t d PI'B I| 9 .S Eel 1'0111.d(Sv Ru ! llH.\ h "' 8., e0'.R iIl B { i i!'ii h.l I Rt; H h4 " iDitOCLll: B 9l g 9 dlo -b -V is tf ! I ' S m 6 a o Eo6o..k b e t 5 g x =ne I=D lU b edr -fiei9€ibl o lI$6 eiB J b tl tlo o o6 6l & 2-rj o m Nn, '! q l"T" o " '0r..!ql. & :88Bd d d., !. : -, ' ' n o No! Iq qo o o d oo!...'qf..,.d ''ffi', q f!: 9! N @ o @dd d i'. !!. P.' '.H 9fig s3F t9 o. n oR P d o d d d ll;i8i' d::. Hc 1< a B eg a; 'n I< u =1 'E d. E^5 E |7. $ & e | P @c ? b q = 9 q s !8< o,e e ?5 9 B c a 3 rg 9 E B o t i a 9l x o;t ; 8 tb e a i d -9-s t.b}' I a cl t Is = 'o '>o s = b Ep 11. S i it plb t |B 9Ja a > et 8|2l orr0 lL " Qt, 8 =a t 5 = =F J ; i i =9.8 6 &63' >lax oO fi 1 " Eo E =fLEfi ?fy i \f-\/-' ii fi C;'i U -lH!ihll i e ,Q t:l } \\ eJlT .j- -U-r :: p --l-- .f€-,6 nl_oc €F- 0- O-I---l I I I ?{6 \-/ 0- e- 0- zrr Job no. Subject By Sheet of .l'hJJL C,geb ';lUf. fi:Utq-c a N-s tzJt,1 (,O, ; - 3Ol0 gJ3-- ,, ?i__ /\ttr " KL &A Consulfing Stmetural Engineers lJ 1,315 1,513 i, r/3 x 7, r '-5.5b Lf,P :l 45 x 9J 26ffiff" l--- rl.---J' -? ""Oi]l -? t tr'/', rr ' )ss '' i.at'_' t-_Pg,.fi; Mg - ;t/|;z Mop - p(<_r/ tb L(,'d' + /, 5z: xt 1 *. 9 Z6 :c 3o. 83 // zr'l ZZ a KL &/t Oonsulting Structural Engineers Date Job no. Subiect Bv of /b.|J, €,,,L '{ [, (j ae:4:t)-ct .fi,--r-kJ-. :I4/iffii. Qtj //l,, fi vo.c,Io 1 I'lX oJU -r- gggxp.;cy = yz t; 9I LPu- v lq t_JJ, b-c-- r 1z5 '_ o.sSa" i'.0lS1O =n=' f- u t'-i' or '. flJl (, * ;1,)t x\J3" " ; o'l " /h (, "?r M,7 9,--..-Ijtjlifk ! 2/ / x<o 'n N BN&q 9dD > ffi,l ou 1| =d d.9U; Qo= 3}(no b0fit == u.]u < c) rnD o,,)te $ u =L EgE-t3HI;t?"I3 f.o H H 'H€ = H o G... ,..l bb : H 9fiaJ 3T 1 a B9 E i ='J! F ti : 'f Hg 6.;.1fi ^e H Hi|i i1 $.j.t1 1 & 3; ;p 3:; :; e df i I !i | f f !fi :g E H Js s s <( + ;a3 g J J J s.n.n H) a g b a o.= L a'f R:E :a s b d 3t F." '' = N=P . bt= tt cQ [ii Fffia j1ii1 ff## ffid ii0j ffi# 1;ffi = = ff#j ml B1 ffi ma ffi F.r w fi aM ffi ffi'M IE ffi =fiffifiBffi$ fim u m ffimm m II II II II I Il II aFb bIl Eatla.g'; >n fH |ttrrgE €l Q.'--s.Et.[€ P;fg3 .E.HI ?'F ';&a6ag'8 e tn t: ffiaijH11;41mmmll$fiffililg#]ffiffiffiffiml=I#mm;44 h F 8 a 6 a g! i 9 ! ! g tt a E 3 ;: 9 t;1l r1 c? : < ; u[ t ; ! i ; 3; x " a s H . = Q HlllRa t I{..J J d56F E a + a\ bJF a aa aJ. z, Middle Creek Village Building C5 Table of North South Forces Jdy 3l, 20(0 Base Shear = 7 kips (Note that prsues include combined windwrd and Ovcrtuming Moment = O Flle: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building CS.xls Sht: NS LOADSPage 1 of I Last Update; 8/12/2002 1l:50AM zl,s Date: ', : " ' iillti?i$l:Ji:ddii (Nom that pressues include combined windward and leeward wafis, i.e., effdve pressure on projeted rea) Middle Creek Village Building C5 Table of East West Forces Base Shear = 4 kips Overturning Moment = 4g ft-kips JFile: 1169 Wind Load UBC ASCE building CS.xls Shcet: EW LOADSPage I of 1 Lt Update: 8/12/2002 l1:50AM g,l,| o; 5 .| g .t. a 9 T I Ij i I I 1 $ I B I EI1 4 c?; ILI 1 :5 fi 'bt E tt$ f; Ta E L 6 D; T c> \q..,j -: 5;i).;; I0 E E =oo =: @dlc fiffi;i}!:j ffiffi ffiBm v!i|lj O.s Bffil, =s 9i m: O 4 P n 4 Ppt B b IJ g t & E e J' or F id 9 P ij hl ? g btEb go ? q q P 'f9 9 a E E B bo! dg ', q p fi fi.€ s b b t fif.f 9 p 8 a i1 I8 d o a ln I PI t 1 9 q' G ,F.g E E d -? f9 o- R 9 p ; R B;7 € IP d e E 0ea d 9e $€I L e e b I E E d n T ci 9 .e 'u 9 < 9? A 1J < G I R .E e I": g 8 o o offilLom =r+om tt.\Ui qj; &u I lIb[ it;[Itl " J qt II1 $ I H!i g J Il;I x< 6.' ji o ,h o = j E s 88drJ P: a[t> Eo i'f[t[tfff t- [ i t t [ ihul"'=IqN*SJff i to 8 B (8 b Ee,e J dg dt =Pgg*B' IJ tl tl b999o o o ;, (fi oq' o g d Q oo''' $8d d =d q ol o tN Tl. 'ql' oq q o, qo o od x< l7 l4q! z tl.; o =; 3 Pi 7 E $ 0j = g s @c a e, q I=, a :E b g < fic =6 9> @g "o 1'tt 8=g' | t I a o 8 :' e E S Ec f t ; =oI B so o=t el o = I6 = t '>o s = t= ES * Eq1 Hf I " >l h a= = O il1 = =m o " t18= E ol:'0 U. " oe I.S t 5V1 =o : qg = ; f i 9. A I:fi >,r B 9 P B 1'- E@a =o.so oo @ 2,& (,oo o o zt ?- i"':r';'," t,npry;nffi.? O- e- .O- r-( T'-t J:-,-1S v' zl,# KL &A Consuhing Struetural Engineers Job no. Subject By Sheet of V,, lJ;mq C 5-'""'-'-"-=- N 9 &\/#d c,p,d Sk(nle* Fxfi,;,a oJd /\\ oy " = ,,''i-',, I4$ ) ;-; -"['- 0.tl ?c2.}3' i-.t> 2..71 rtt/ rtl"1!- No '^llf'" b [fi83 v 'L="" n 141J, \l l/91:U t t ' I tt (,/ J 24o k+' zffi t( IJtI :,;-a rff N\p- ' a1 A, "i{R / /{clT c' Z 6 f Job no. KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers /l/\dJC.- Clr€c[- V-'Vff N-s ;(); et t_gp; (g,pd FHaa.. c Jpc (1 w lLbJ J-O. - Subject By Sheet of X ffi:-- -, /Vl,. " t.9t x -l.'I6 t--r7- G.oa+* 3,1s' o s11Y d.%] 6.og ra,. 6.off r iJ?} 7z,g rf+ /Vt;,_b, M;t or-. No "Ipl:f' oI z 7o i ( 6H (+ e)- ty) ;;ffi KL€iA O tijJ" consulting St uctu at Eng;neers //-1jU grmt,Yi"€?- fidLgj[ E:uC- I tf[hj L,,-l Date Job no. Subiect Bv Sheet of La]nqa,+" fy"T(,,,. 4llI " i-LLlifi Le-- r- r' \ I t"----te_=i iI j iI ;i II il I I -L|- -Ij4 g' ' 'tySp) l'I,," O.3-16"r Il.U : 4,45rf=- //;t " O o ?a2- Date Job no. Subiect By Sheet of KL &A Consultlng Struotural Engineers fY:tl&. 0.t,k Y[ll,r4'-'-----0 AtdhdJEJ E-h) d,( O;J Za% 2'-2L''c+, i h} {-y f f ! i i \ \Sk.d,;t fi.ie, t+J ).a( v Ih33' v O 2 q2 'r---- M.-, = : Mp "gJ#l k t I ,a, o Lt '.r, --=- -':,':',*., ';::- O, IGrHH g3 ;. rars I' l fil p X (dr nc' 2-y3 blJg'vfratne +| Plaza P1 9e:t:,u',, loa(t Plaza P1 zyyo O o '1 '--L D cd cdo @ /\,.'\f;l fnl\/ \/ aQ- hcq @:,/\rN]I." J o OO- @ cd@:.fl\/ O @ - - 'o, 'qo @@ @ /\ /\fel fl\-/ \/ 9 =srr1 r '\ e, tlomU zs fi I F I d-\/ o? CO C\l I I> /\ i1 I D I c;-\/ o: a"s L-fi oo.,a'' "'g<l- H-l\I-rJ ,='<]fi ] c"8ffiE U] /\I @ It; /\ [ t: I O Eo QJ cn oa '$' /\ fi r n I idL:J d-o:. cq a cqH:o /\,["j \,F'' o: tq+.o/\ fn1\/ o+'-,N{o/\ [ t IL J c! n {-o/\ f o I\/ L L }'.9-,tZ 1.o-,oa ] ?.Troo 6 an- '--D D cd cdm O /\ /\ [:] [oj\/ \/ O@ o ffim I N II,- j tOO- h 'o.coO folL J 6' a{.o c\I'-: '--D D cd cdm ffi.:. :,ral G]\/ \/n c; -'fC-=- /\ O- I :r [P]$-t" "":I " ''ol zs fi-;l el 3-I E_[- I a to%l zs fi.J I,EJ a- o:i ' f> L: C]o -CN- Cr) [L > O -+J CD h@ On'-.oco r ) fi L (D QJo"t >- I+-' yy4oo * 6 an- 1U D$ B:, U/\ /\tJ I{J t0q 'c! mc./\el 2 o-'/\ tQ €j E zs "fi el 3@e, C\I -Lf-j;sfi hOE'f n= > _q uJg; c:t 8 =, r-\ -CII {[, tafi >"'7 b\=" +-J(f) ,ttfi Ot'd- '; -$'- tI.c:I ol,,a (D I L:j g I -9 O noqncq N{-o /l'\fJ\/ o '-.{ c;/\I I\." o+ "-. i:o ( >I + I\/' oN c\in cJ+ c; QI1.. ) O 2,7-y z<{q! cslootsl N U d'o D _l b0 IU =o.a d ,9 o ,ecn }! [1luO<o co ='c1do l-l'o.| a b0c^J o.[v b0'o ,o o\ d'e ojJ1 =tH = o [-i o ffi;ffl!!;M %k1 Imgnij V:#ij ljJ:!}i =alll cloHu<[l. [IlQ'z<H c<o z, fio ?L $'= =lI I=Ii#r {11:| ?a} ffi=l!jffigm no:ej9ffii II o I& @1 o.. oz> u O< Irl 3 Qto ffiJboal J 6u =B;no'= E ,9 4\l D IIlQ < e H 8 >< [I] fg:]: :d&;11} ==ba #m{mmll In II o c4ou rn < fQ [y.Dcno xI: ,-, t o "a t : t tH b H a u">' I0 o -o fno B =I,5 b xi e fi ; :U (b b -9! 'a "'.r| z H h! f i a g6.9 : '='; > Q : ia ! fi t od f 'f i t8 P a P a; t,.e.s Ea a : e^ oi q i f [.j.3-,g | B =- F Q B dO.= J I.J'd tit ;d, [.I.I '-'8 E H H Il€ '€ : T PfA k.=.= o".' b':'t t iz [I].g.9 Pa a : : !.g.g e e flla ; fi t I'F ^I 'F 'i gi & a a d,a H.'a.u to Ef g f ;a t i e d fi t: e ;A:t!1iffil:aEiJ{j;|!{#$]a!i;|!1'ffi n ffii ffi ffi, $f ffi ffiw m m aa m al ffi ffitrt m tu mt m td ffi, ffiflf n ffi ffi n VB m.mffi m ffi Iffi ffi Iffi m mlm =[ ffi mn ad ffi ffi o d i r.I [-q H = fa o = e ra [I] Ya [i Q U)ii h ; R ; 8 8 6F E t E fi ; o e[ [ f [ [ i i !J Flq H B H P " cQ;{ g $ a a s "'[ i i ' f i< = b.I U! "[ ?0i F= u zo [-Icq ==l el ba:oi "ej ='= fIQ z it Middle Creek Village Parking Garage Table of North South Forces Base Shear =T1 IJps Overtuming Moment = 1524 ft-kips August I2, 2002 (Note that pmssues illclude combined windwrd and leeward walls, i.e., effecdve pressure o1l projeded area) l9 32 26 16.8 I3.? I3.? 32.17 20.00 10.00 0.00 19 77 235 ?5O 1524 File: 1 I69 blda C Prking Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls Sht: NS LOADSge I or 1 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 11:34AM z-f| Middle Creek Village Parking Garage Table of East Wcst Forces Base Sbear = 66 kips Overturning Moment = 1290 ft-kips August 12, 2002 (Note that pressures include combined windwrd nd Ieeward walls, i.e., effecdve pressure on projccted area) '4117 20.00 ]0.00 o.oo 16 n 22 199 635 1290 l6 44 66 LastUpdate: 8/12/2002 I1:34AMFile: 1169 bldg C Parking Wind Load UBC ASCE.xls Sheet: EW LOAEltSe I of I z-?0 T d s j g ii a6 Ps I HJ I d 1 :5 iI 6r EI1 4 is I I .l b 8Ij Pt'5 b E I Q a+ Bu E F th IU E E =o 95oo @ 4f9 P dp e E BIf g I 8 EIs or P iA B 1E n D E93 E Ib g 6 .gb I c|!9 R 89. ! Pa R 3 bB t% 1| If.fI I 8 8 fi ; r'|d - g d e C 6 o! jf $ B t o ec6 t6 9 9 + d Ifj J Rd '?8 e P d a a rJ d< 6 ti. D 'Ft6 a i 1 =' = 18 R.gs q g =1 P9 o- 9 p E < 9 'a G < E 18 -E 5'E & t'-: Ej 9o %Eoao x t!5s p &5 =+ J E E $ -: @ oo Itom =Ih=oo P .s E-o g\H{{'tt n \,.tl : q8 'b.i 1.!R8;'t {iiiq I I:i1 t=111 g n ht ; Ni" d@NL 3: o=6 E 9a 9 GX 3 e @) 6 *1g1 e U;.o.dg€id?fg =s I.r tl ti tl99 9O Q Q ; a oo = 2-8l Projeet: Building: Direetion: Code : o Buildin Z87/ a = d = e":t\ 58 t ? t, fiI=. $ q E !8< 6c =6 s > idB e o 3 t18I B t i a =8 : tz E S Ee f t t e -9-= o" ' f ' = us = 0 '>o g = tb E9 1i Se J dt i" >| h |B 9= b O / tb 8 =9 bIJo ll, " t. I.9 t 5Q =o g " t t t # I F e9. 6 a" V1 *" >ba B 9 g' 6 f- Eo e o.5o 1L:8ij.-ii '.+ =< g S S it? Bu =3I 1 E ,ElH &u E g Seismic Shcar Distribution L0AD DATA AND 42764 47069 1353207 4610635 97.95 31.64 1.42E+O8 8.68E+O8 1.01E+09 @(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) (103.95,88) (103.9S,72) @(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy-0.05Ly) STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD #1 DATASum of Kx = Sum of Ky = Sum of Kx'Y = Sum of Ky'X = Center of nigidity at: xcr= Yor= Sum of Kx*Y"2 = Sum of Ky'X^2 = Sum of K'D'2 = :;:' ::: : : ffi+ :: Torsion = -1.58E+O4 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: ix-0.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) (85.05,88) (85.05,72) Jx-0.05Lx, Cy,0.05Ly) (94.5,S0) @(cx,cy) o 281 0.00 0.01 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K in. in rad. 189 BO :;: : Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torsion = 1.68E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Defiection Rotntion 281 K O K 0.01 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. atY= atX= 11 69 VFRAME Bldg C Plaza plus 5x plw Sy.xls 5/20/2003 PaGPlll STIFFNESS SUMMARY Page 7 of 7 g' % t cjuio a.<t .1mo. =+ Plbo Jn; 8g 'fi 9:9 ca@fi HI.E =fiO 6ffi= LE8 u,.,\l/cn <ao,: E H n F ;g :> 8 III(.) o "e1: a |o.\o\J EQ d $ $a -: ;!ia utu $ctl kl:{ 1 $ = a EIu c| [=d fix g lA< 3 =[ii 8rnfit 8 b1.U @. = ri 8 N i b d 'Qb u'} =i s17 NN (NN o\o\'qO &n 'no mqt t =i: d 'iF!Q o o 'no d 'nQ ,t J \o i7 Finnn tio N N 'cF o d h N Nt\l o o\ o 8d Bd a Bd a B 8 8 8d 8d o mN ,, EIai ;g 8d 8d a a 8d a _:od 8d 8d 8d 8d o o t t t n e: ? \o N h H Ep g tA<t 3 h $t d ;Ti,i F N o .-:=N =: o ,i &d q o!t R fi: h o\ n qjF 'n ql6 mq m ,-;d N hb ,.:N bt|. N N Is \o 'Q@N t d b EF g tsv! N h N N q 9 d ql' iqlF =d oqq o = oq 8 oo o d o d ood 8d d oq d = E[ai :g Bd a d d d d h N q a a 8d a r J >hr! N N@ m N Tt ! N lZ cl rr] >IH N \o h &N n g F &6 oN N N q \o m i*h e\N (\lN ca'zo [=I le. E =rA Middlc Creek Village Bldg C Pbza "@(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) Seisnllc Sbcar Distlibudon FRAME STIFNESS mAME LOCAnON AND SnFFNESS CAmULATlONS LoadCnse#1 [--Il-Gnla-I I om?n1 I I 4.00003 I I-fia-l I nonojn I1-6616-1 =E= Lo=dCltsD#Z ll@ vFRAME mds C Plapf pl Sxplus 5v.il5 SEM&J Z:PM Seismic Shcar Distributton L0AD DATA 42764 47069 1353207 4610635 97.95 31.64 1.42E+O8 8.68E+O8 1.01E+O9 AND STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD #1 DATASumofKx= Sum of Ky = Sum ol Kx*Y = Sum of Ky*X = Center of Rigidity at: xcr= Ycr= Sum of Kx*Y"2 = Sum of Ky*X"2 = SumofK*D^2= at y = 'Nfffflffiffi n. ffimBligmimgfi at X = ffiffffi(Iff@gffi fi. Torsion = -1.13E+O4 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torsion = 1.68E+03 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx SumRy X Deflection Y Dcf Iection Rotation = ix-0.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) @(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) (85.05,88) (103.95,88) (94.5,80) (95.05,72) @(Cx,Cy) (103.95,72) Jx-0.05Lx, Cy-0.05Ly)@(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy-0.05Ly) 1169 VFRAME Bldg C Plazaplus Sxmines Sy.xls o 281 0.00 0.01 0.0000 Lx= Ly= ;: : :;: : at v fffiffif n. at x = ffi|ffi; tt. 281 K O K 0.0l in 0.00 In 0.0000 rad. K K in. in rad. 189 8O 5/20/200LOlW &MTIFFNESS SUMMARY Page / of j b 8Iu rE kl =tu HI,lIno ej ;,,(.) >{ h.]Ioo -I-.=H eBi oe)b !1!1.'a YfiO 6ffil.i & Cf{ IIl;;,E n"cn <,b'.u Em fio 'I1 1' r1J H> JotQs := ?. > ct: Y clli s $ Il{a 1 .S E .r. 1x 1{u =cq [&: a B., $ 9 u (I] [1e n ttl; 0il Q4<co I.l I=l =oma [Fti fXo z. IGI.M oqql'e N + N{b. fr;'n T \o "ii*'ns17 N N o a\ o a{ o i =:'t oo b o N ,t j \o . 'ql'm N N t hc\]nh Bd \o 'cf N NN d d d 8d 8 a a 8 ao q 8d @N jq El&l n 8d a 8o dod Bd =d 8 a 8 8d & 'n d 'Qo id H:id o d t5.d v]q d 'nq 8d g'.: =E C4 g el 8I.l h $ [=rnI B E [1I.H toq q:N nN tq o? N mr: N t! h f!n tq o6& &{ mn nm N m NN NN b q'q t^i. o h 0 :g <I&q'N to \oe (\l oqo \o h t F 8d 8 t\i ooo 9 o 8d s?g2 Ro Q od e d o '= e d -lt 8l :I 8d 8d 8 8d o d oq mt-: d a 8d 8d od ood @i a o1 m m N n N n NN \ID A N t o hd N q aN a J @J >IH N m q'o d =\o F N t\I d o d m 'q'N =@ oN N d {h'zo [=I dl dB =i o Middle Creek Village BMg C Pbn "@(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy4.05Ly} Seismic Sbear Distlibufion mAME STlFmESS mAME LOCATlON AND SnmNESS CALCUUnO LdC=se#l x v 0 x Y 0 r-B;;;-I I nmsRR I I nnfnifi I l 4.0m02 I f-fin-Il-GmiG-II-Gffi;;;-II-;1 e1oH 42764 o 47069 4616]5 lOl0dGlM 1169 VFRAMESHs C P lh1.% lnill?1 5| 1ls 5l1Jm03 ?|6 PM Sum of Kx = SumofKy= Sum of Kx*Y = Sum of Ky*X = Center of Rigidity at; xcr = Ycr= Sum of Kx*Y^2 = Sum of Ky*X"2 = Sum o| K*D^2 = Seismic Shear Distribution L0AD DATA AND 42764 47069 1353207 4610635 97.95 31.64 1.42E+08 8.68E+08 1.O1E+O9 @(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) (103.95,88) (103.95,72) @(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy-0.05Ly) STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD#1 DATA Torsion = -1.13E+O4 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx SumRy X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torslon | -3.63E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation ;: ::;:m t :;: :at v tt. at x = tt. 281 K O K 0.01 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. ix-0.05Lx, Cy+0.05Ly) (85.05,88) (85.05,72) ]x-0.05Lx, Cy-0.05Ly) o 281 0.00 0.0l 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K in. in rad.(94.5,80) @(cx,cy) 189 8O 1]69 VFRAME Bldg C Plaza mines 5x mines Sy.xls S/20/200D]ZUTLBlIFFNESS SUMMARY Page / of / a [dulvo I&, k1 Ii a. =ln e; Au Jh=.A I:'"r.=' =U 16t ffi'a 8 6J;. =0.191 url J ="-u) <ff.t E cA :q).H P tt H> ,,Motu 3'o'e;; [e. t !F. n eg S $ $4t,s E At.ss Etu Hua a 1 = fi E E o [! Dn a;b el<o b..l: [=Ioo Qp g oz. 8 E IEI A N t m c!Ft F N h =l:N sl: \ot d =' a)h h ts !{o ri m h EISl :a dt-:h 'D.cn hq &. t'Jfit I-: {\l d q t o)r: rill t-: ts ao 8o o H 8d 8o a B c3 8 8 H@N a f qo dd od Q.i '0!8Q ht cNi Bd 8d 8d 8d 8 e!e!=o)o o?o o oe5! d "-:d @: =fi lX QE o< 3 h B [=I d q* $.=m N d a d Q ts €q o fi =:mm oo cno Q N d&. NN o bNt t d .H t idl m N N { . T oq rQ IQ o N 8& ood a a a 8o 8d Q 'I-I:8d 8 8 B6 a i 8d 8 eH 9 d m N Q o g2 8d 8d od q 1t. m tqo Q m OQ. NN e .Nd r\!i v N Q =hN @N Ia4d @ F=I N m b Q N m qll \o o1 ffi N m i h o N g h d fi N oz FH <d z.xo ; Q i[[[E iE[[l =>lo H)=o = ;= o 3nQd &. QIj.l 3 a t\ = al ^E E'j5 e (q =(:)-d 3o ='= on= J;ti 6E"' o= o> ut tfi= Fo oe) o= =€ < iL o kooJ0 =<ItlL > I I $ .;i Ii i -t u i ss Et o6ul =tl,tLFo uln<e Seismic Shear Distribution SumofKx= SumofKy= Sum of Kx'Y = Sum of Ky'X = Center of Rigidity at: xor = Ycr = Sum of Kx*Y^2 = Sum of Ky*x^2 = Sum of K*D'2 = (85.05,88) (94.5,80) (85.05,72) L0AD DATA 42764 47069 1353207 4610635 97.95 31.64 1.42E+O8 8.68E+O8 1.O1E+O9 AND STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD #1 DATA Torsion = -1.58E+O4 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum nx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torsion = -3.63E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: SumRx Sum Ry X Deflection V Deflection Rotation atY= atX= (103.95,88) (103.95,72) 0 281 0.00 0.01 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K in. in rad. 189 8O ;: [ 281 K O K 0.01 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. :;: ::ii:Ilm t 1169 VFRAME Bldg C Plua mines Sxplw Sy.xls 5/20/2001-0M] Bl|GTIFFNESS SUMMARY Page / of j s U o[u iJJ q IK : Q,. Y. [ QIcs A fil a 1u A 1.s fu.si S4 f1 1 R g1 a o EFI I.l IDq2 lIi ?llcEo<oI.lfi [=l =o VJ ln fXo z. I%i & Nt:\o HF t r-:tN RI:ot m \ot h h F F N_;-:t d n cqo o n 'r!ci d >bIII r: i*t<=h'* @ d ='\d+ sf ,d = o\&> rab h 8 8d 8 8d 8d 8d Q g2 Q o eN H EIrIl :g 8d 8d QH o 8d o d b9 8d 8d 8d o 'il]o 8d hN N T t Q N N !6 ra 5o ap eog l..l hf u d =Cli h t\l mh tq N In N 9 i: @ri:=IDd t qdlNt bcq h qd + no n o\&N N hh N hF d o h \o \o 'q 9\o ,rf N h q N ='8+8 t t tN t q't a o 8d a 8d 8 8d Bd d a J1 Bl :g oq a 8d 8d 8 8 ri= N o d od Q 8d o d e o\ m o\ oo oq R t'Jl, N t-: N cq F &N q N 8 ...:e eil I&|bi [.Il a,I >i f=l N =h o N q (\l (\l N(N o N q N n ql h N NN cl)z t=lt^i<a IaD cn .tmQ.ihu JIo Q. |9.9 c:) 1,t;'E 8ru oai5 8491.1 IL 0.111 III;i Z ="c/) <.ff.u E m E i !, :=> ,Mo euo€ T2x Middle Cnek Villflge Bldg C Plala "@(Cx4.05Lx, Cy+OJSLy) Scismlc ShEr Dhtdbufion FRAME STlFmESS FRAME LOCATlON AND STIFFNESS CALCULATIONS CloH mtlllces Sdffnc= d Cllxe #l LddCosel2 l-ffii;-l I nmsm I I o.m3ol Ij-fiffi]1 I-fi;a-l I fvvn1 II-r-l =5ffii1 L hrl I:y ba2 n. in bl b^4 bq b 246 1118 371633ri79857171436m17143 3g 3 n 30E7 7t14 ]i!:ii$fi:lU ln '0 JoltOry K wdl I 7114 3 629 7 5Z2 294 Z7 I 1335 1 2l6 2J 2 I49 2741 lffi93028802231E47B7 in20'O 27O 92l60m 4 36O 2880 32 @l|360 2880 jL 3 2124 1 l]2880 27 31E7 1S 360 2880 31E+0?5692 15M2B14531E47 30 36O 4Z 3 8 b 30'O 3-st K wdl ]31E+O7 36o 8 in 9'0 3-ddr m wdl l08 3 I53 3686 ]686 1 8 in 28'O 3.sl 9dl 336 6837 13077 4 8 in 28'O 3-slorv m wdl 5 11832 11d 11832 3r8 in 28'0 3-stalv 1vdl 336 2688 32 27 ll 1d39B 11468 3 1169 VFnAME BUg CPlll:a 1}i|e1 51pl uJJvdJ 52@m3 2:47 m Seismic Shear Distribution Sum of Kx = SumofKy= Sum of Kx'Y = Sum of Ky*X = Center of nigidlty at: xcr= Ycr = Sum of Kx*Y^2 = SumofKy'X^2= SumofK*D"2= L0AD DATA 57988 94451 4060416 17820019 188.67 70.02 5.18E+O8 3.36E+O9 3.88E+O9 !i:= t AND STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD #1 DATA Torsion =.3,6OE+O2 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torsion = -1.07E+03 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation 31 K O K 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. at v tt. at x = Vfflffffff tt. o 31 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K iL in rad. (145. 16,97.80)(153.71,97.80) (149.44,89.80) (145.16,81.80)(153.71,81.80) 85.5 16O :;: : ;: : 1169 VFRAME Bldg C PI plu 5x mine5 Sy.xls 5/20/2003 2tl6nE14f ; STIFFNESS SUMMARY Page j of j 'tl d tl c4o Lt) 8 { ?,;i tldg QlI/i fi la c.s E ld $i Ru& CQ Q):sts P bf d rA SD m a a a 3 '/1 }-l 6(fJfi I=I lXoz I I a Bd 8d 8d t^=Bd N\d id7 s17F B .,:, m t!a a od Q e t cF;=d a t 'e9 a i 8 8o a a 'Q a o d r:o + o Q\m ,-: Q o 9 od 8d o 8d 4 8d 8d a d 8d 8d qo o od 8d o '={a a 8d 8d 8 o.a in o5 n q {q: o d cn [E! H g g Q< 3t [Tl$ h fi 8d q od 8d d 8d o a UD a a 8 8d ood od '10D:Q qq'=f N6 QH r:ri a j 8d 8d 6d Q '-io 8d 8d d o d o d o d o d 8d a 8d a 8d 8d o ood Q o = ,: i ao a a a 8d 8d \o d od od d Bd a 8 Bd 8d Bd t fi: N \CJr:o ,a<rll [Ii il.I Fi b'I o h o\N o o o\N NN N ='c\n q @ N d @z [IlI< ias: a =]; (} ,1Inq + =O eY O9 'a'if rt.g PI,]o 6ul=I lL.E g ui.= ahU) S0H.H tr\ fi ff 'tj .= CA mooaJ => ,Mo euo a1 :9 ja Middk Crcek Vmagc Bldg C ParMng Lcvd l"@(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy4.05Ly) Seismic Shear Dlddbulbn FRAME LOCAnON AND SnFFNESS CALCULAnONSFRAME STIFFNESS x Y 0 LoadCasc#1 Fi-II 11 ItfilLi1ql LDAdC#2 I-fi;;-l I O-C0O42 II ooom9 I I 0.OD000 I CbMl hllice5 Stiffn o -4060416 0 94451 wail willl Inll Lend(L}L A lcldt{hl Ix rfUlnl tvN Illaledal DliM ffi fi.M ina n- b ffi M^4 3Eln'3 l.lAGal h InA4 Ely/ll'3 l.UCfil ky CMU 4torv CMU wa11 33O d I18 m I0in 2R'd 24lo m wd]10 I 4 34 3400 2?33E.I07 17143K9dlo3]O 3.9E 11701 18151 71ld mmo 5 8 inZO'02,smryCMU wslt D n 240 t920 1024 4985 aow 2g4 2352 27 33O 17E 1909 4441 1335 12 1.stf 216 G718d6d 9216 2399 58 8in3j l-storvClPdl R 3.1E+O7 33135 16 8 im I'O I.s[{Inf cm D 360 2880 In l2O 3lE7 96 wdl 12O 9216000 57 2@2 18215 iO2dO 64 26622 64 I2 8 in 3O'0 2-stonr CMU wdt I 360 15360 7477 13 30'OZ-st 16fl 288D 27 3]0 3lE7 9361 14521 5692 in3ffO2-5tP 0 360 31Flm 1491 l@ S360 14521 l5 PC m 2-3ton wdl y5 3lE+O7 8192 13B 61 4 B in m'o klon r wJIl 30 o 360 2880 3l 5360 12778 8in30'O2-stow 160 2880 ?24O 31E 24334 I9966 10967 SinwOZ-storvP 3.IE4O7 Iq 10967 6360 \9966 l2 19 9'OZdo wdl ?4O d9 65'dB0A 4m8 in 2R'n ?4lnw m wsll 2B 336 1R 26P4O7 13077 L'ZB'Old o 316 2ffiB I9 228 25E7 23015 I9616 I0603 28'O2.5lP o 336 )EFi1 18611 9596 14336 18635 ll6 vFMME 8laR C PI p111 51 llliM| -5y.di 5l20nlO3 24 PM Seismic Shear Distributton Sum of Kx = SumofKy= Sum of Kx*Y = Sum of Ky'X = Center of Rigldlty at: xcr= Ycr= Sum of Kx*Y'2 = Sum of Ky*X^2 = Sum of K'D^2 = L0AD DATA AND 56982 94451 3979897 17820019 18B.67 69.85 5.12E+O8 3.36E+O9 3.87E+O9 STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD #1 DATA Torsion = -8.55E+O2 Load #1 Sum of Reslstances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Dcfiecfion Rotation LOAD #2 DATA atY= atX= o 31 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Lx= Ly= 85.5 16O K K in. in rad. (145. 16,97.80)(153.71,97.80) (149.44,89.80) (145.16,81.80)(153.71,81.80) :;: : :;: : Torsion = -1.33E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx SumRy X Deflection Y Dcllection Rotation 31 K 0 K 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. 1169 VFRAME Bldg C P1 mines Sxplw 5y.,tb 5/20/2003 ZL€&lEldf[ STIFFNESS SUMMARY Page / of J tt q 8t k1 I > IC Ti4 T5N&a $ fi .q\tfi 4 .I $ Ru =al Ii): t = Q h5 [1lfi ab CA<o l..lnHpoox E=I I=o 'Z. s -g 8d o d o '=j h 'q 86 @ F ='ql'hd B V'1 mr!m qo d a a idi In qf .d 8d o _ E= 'u a o 8d 8d h ed '=o i*8 .€l mn mr!a 8o 'IF!o 8d qo ao a 8 8d a z'.l a o d oq 8d 8d @ 8d 8d Ro o a 8d 8d tcn T t 9 mc\!o 8d 'Qo v!o d nHD ffifi g o< S [El B B h d $.E 8d 8o qo o 86 o ci q o a a 8 d ao Q d 8d a 'Q ?] &,!!'b a 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d d t!8 a o d o d 8d a a a ood ood 8d 8d 8d 8d a H BIJd g a 8d 8d Bd Bd 8d N 8 8 8 cS o d 8d 8d a a 8 o 8d 'q Gde1 tll<i< c 0.I >I [=i o o o IiJi N b o d d N 'q'\o 6 N m \o N N (A 'zc [lIl Iaa. ';ca $me: Q+ >au .1g e; ?t9 a C9 'd :_I |;t fit.g 9.]el 6 Ul-I lL -9 !! lIJ,:,E =Eca < 5 t E e t,: cn r4o ol)Er=>,|otuo€ :9x Middle Clleek Village Bldg C ParHllg Levcl l"@(Cx4.OSLx, Cy+0.05Ly) Seislllic Sllear Didfibullon FRAME STlFFNESS HAME LOCATlON AND STIFFNESS CALCULATIONS x Y o x Y 0 x Y e Lonllhq*l b=lC#z 1-6;;i;-1 I 0{YmR I I olm6q I l 0.ffi00 I I-GGr-lI-TffiG-II-Gam-lI-Tffii1 Gkbd Matd Stffll o -3979897 o iTBZmIq ITBZmI 38?l720 wdl wdl =nfih(Lj L A Melll(h)viWlnl tVR fi- b in b'2 n. in h inAd 3nA3 h 3ny4l'J laG4l hf 2 K IOln28^4 3 Z7 1714 17143 IO in 30'O Z.sb1v K wdl o 360 33O 71ld mooo8in2(1920 240 102dO 4985 CMU B in 2a'6 2-qlnN rMI I w=Il 2H 6 33O 17E7 19l 1E&ImpI8n91a4q2395915263 Sin3O'O Pwdl 31Xl 2880 31E47 33t35 15 96 32 8in30'O 11jdl ln 12O a1rJ7 33135 16360 F32 96 8 in D'D Ilan cm lall 1921 120 9216CCO -57ffi0 1U4 64 8iDl2 28B0 7n 240 7477 5 7477 8 in I'O 7-qlllrv PC wAlI 360 6 33O a1E47 1E36O 8 in 30'02-st{ PC wdl 3O 27 3.1E+O7 36l l4-521 14521 8 ia 30'O 2.st lAldl 360 2880 345 31E 5l5 15360 4 8 in 30'O 3-gtos wd1 x 2880 3l 1271 lZ7?8 8 b3ffOZ-smrymwdl B 20 31E 24334 19966 1096 19966 8 b 9'O 2-ston1 PC wdl IO8 864 240 808B .592 /mo8 4 PC 8 in 28'02-lb m tt/dl 336 20 0 2.SE 1863 1jl.336 II lB635 8 im 2g'0 )-qlnN r wn11 336 o 240 2E l4 II 22 8 in 28'O Z-stonf K wdl 28 ?o o 25E IqB4 18635 18635 1169 VFRAl4E Bldg C Pl lles 51plll5 5115 5lJ0l1003 Z;48 PM Seismic Shear Distribution L0AD DATA AND 292965 169244 7307457 6026950 35.61 24.94 5.79E+O8 1.13E+09 1.71E+09 STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOA0 #1 DATASum of Kx = Sum of Ky = Sum of Kx*Y = Sum of Ky*X = Center of Rigidity at: Xer= Ycr= Sum of Kx*Y^2 = Sum of Ky*X^2 = Sum of K*D"2 = atY= atX= Torsion = -1.25E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: SumRx SumRy X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torsion = 1.88E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistanees: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation 35 K O K 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.0000 rad. :;: : at Y = fLatx= tt o 35 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K in. in rad. 189 160 (70.01,76.48)(88.91,76.48) (79.46,68.48) (70.01,60.48)(88.91,60.48) t: : 1169 VFRAMEBldg CPZplus 5xminu Sy.xls 5/20/2003 ad&tPm STIFFNESS SUMMARY Page / of J b &. d t c<o4 ClJ ;L\ | Y g $ A H 1h' 1.s Ji gu Ru B [Ll:s s $ = C1 c3 r d a 6 CA<ol-l [ne 9fitg ! f N ! t \o N \o cq 'n\o cilo)i:8Q aQ 8d 8d m mvi b ,-:'T J =N &d N ,tj $=t \d t\I d 6 bq.8d 8d a 8d \r;.A 8d Q Q o 8d o d d d o a a N n = Bbi 'J 8d d d q Ro 8d 8d d ood a F h h h o @ d @ G 8d a 5 DnIq b el<o l.l tIEl 'fib t=I <t IQ 9.g [l.I.M t d N_: o\n o\a a 8d 8d N N o d d d d m N d CQo (\l (\t (\l h Effi :g ='N ol\o\t!s ":6 ouli 8d 8d ood N@ N@ 8d 8d 8d ao Bd ao Q UID a 8d a d o .H a 8 8d 8d 8d ood a a 8d 4 8d 8d rl cq (N N (\l N h4no d oN tn tf1 ;I.l 4( [II 11D0i DE[ IE1 N =o N m =.r h &o\N NN H n q \o F &o\N n =n o o cN N az Hi er a, Hltn cS hu )[ l..ln +xU a 'Tl' O(g) 'a bl | lA = 'e Ei$H oJ8 8 Ml.j IL .E 8 uakta SP,.Y tr\ =u.'4: & moud E> ,&o eu ,9 ;=,a o Middle Creek Vabge Bldg C Parking Levd I@(Cx+O.05Lx, Cy4.05Ly) FRAMESTIFHESS Selsmlc ShEr Dbldbution FRAME LOCAnON AND SnFFNBS CALCULATIONS LosdC=m#l I--I I nln I I oooffil II-6:-I I-n;;-I I nmfYM II-6ffii;1iE1 L C=tE n a 1169 vFRAMEBUg CPZplu 5] lldllv1 jydl -mlJm3 Z\1SN / Sum of Xx = SumofKy= SumofKx*Y= Sum of Ky'X = Center of Rlgidity at; xcr = Yer= Sum of Kx*Y^2 = Sum of Ky'x^2 = Sum of K'DA2 = L0AD DATA AND 324672 169244 9844042 6026950 3S.61 30.32 7.82E+O8 1.13E+O9 1.91E+O9 STIFFNESS SUMMARIES LOAD#1 DATA 36 o 0.00 0.00 0.0000 K K in in rad. 189 160 atY= atX= o 35 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Lx= Ly= K K in. in rad. Seismic Shear Distributton :;: : t,: : (70.01,76.48)(88.91,76.48) (79.46,68.48) (70.01,60.48)(88.91,60.48) Torsion = -1.62E+O3 Load #1 Sum of Resistanees: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Deflection Rotation LOAD #2 DATA Torslon = 1.21E+03 Load #1 Sum of Resistances: Sum Rx Sum Ry X Deflection Y Defiection Rotation 1]69 VFRAME Bldg C P2 mines 5x plw Sy.xl. 5/20/2003 2llBc1El& STIFFNESS SUMMARY Page 7 of 7 I bt o, U o [u =tt h l-lh e;+ >bu M l-]If) e; HU e 'Ti' e9 d}., aL:::' 9l-ol.i U>?I 0G).:1F.le1 6MI= IL.: E W.e ='1{h <rfi.u Eu E n €,: (n aao ba =$ ,=oo 1.lu 3, ;a Ie. t g Rg =j Gl al\q tI j& uq' $ [i,l:st d p dfip;b Ia<o l.]:Hoo Qp g o'z [li &= oo Q r!Nm H '-io 8d d '01i N =' N =' oqo o?htd 'n q l11 efrll 'I1 \d t!tn N a a 8 a nr]t eo!t 8 a 8 a 8d 8d 8 Bd a a eelve bi EfEl n 8d a H d 8d d 8d 8d 8d 8d \o&d \od &o o o d tN Q 'q Q 'T 8 e; HeliJ V1p a CA< 3 h F [0icn d I i ot-:o Ne!8d 8d 8d 8d N (\l N t\l 1917 ='d tfi =Iri iqlii(\l t ='(\I tH'(\l N b o ,tJ o\N rab 'q t!N o a q 8 8 N N N 8d d 8d 8d 8 8d 8d aq 8 * e ,: j \of o d o '-{o qo 8d 8o o 8d Q o 8d 8d iie qdl i7 i t *7 N q* t5i { !ldi N hN N .t':io Nq \o fil n a <( ul t ?q N t o o o o d e i V h N N ffiN N =@ d N n q'tn \o ra+m (\1 N(\1 {azoFlF tZ =qa = Middk Crcek Village Bldg C Parldng Lcvel r@(Cx4.OSLx, Cy+O.OSLy) Scbmic Sbear Distdbufion FRAME SnFmESS mAME LOCAnON AND SnFFNBS CAmUUnONS x Y 0 dGPal I--I I noooff7 I I n{ffiu Il-d-l I-ffir-lI-6-I I oooooo I LdCnse#2 1169 vFRAiV€&d CPZldhl Slp/lf s Jy.x/r 5nOn0O3 2;48PM 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE DIAPHRAGM BOUNDARY CONTINUOUS PANEL JOlNlS l'ntese values are for short-time loads due to wind or earthquake d must be reduced 25 pement for normd loading. Space nads 12 inches (305 mm) on center atong intermodiate framing members. Allowable shcar valu for nails in framing members of other species set forth irl Divbion Il[, Palt Ill, shall be calculated for all other grades by multipl}ing the shear capacities for nafis in Structura1 I by the following factors: 0.82 for species with specif ic gravity greatcr than or equal to 0,42 but less than 0.49, and 0.65 for species with a specific gravity less than 0.42. 'Framing at adjoining panel edges shall be 3-inch (76 mm) nominal or widcr and nails shall be staggered where nails are spad 2 inches (5l mm) or 2'l2 inches (64 mm) on centor. 'Framing at adjoining panel edges shdl be 3-inch (76 mm) nominal or wider and nails shd1 be staggered wherc 10d naib having penetration into fmming of more ffian 1'/g il!ches (41 mm) are spaced 3 inches (76 1l1m) or less Qn entel. \ FRAMING BLOCKlNG FRAMING a CONTINUOUS PANEL JOINTS NOTE: Framing may be oriented in either direction for diaphragms, provided sheathing is properly designed for veltical loading. TABLE 23.Il-H TABLE 23-II-H-ALLOWABLE SHEAR IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOn HORIZONTAL WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL DIAPHRAGMS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE1 PANELGRADE COMMON NAILSIZE MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING Ohes} MtNIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNES s (inches} MlNIMUM NOMINAL WlDTH OF FRAMIN0 MEMBER {inches) BLOCKED DIAPHnAGMS UNBLOCKED DmPHRAGMS Nail spacing fn.) at diaphragm boundades (allcas), at minuou6 panel edges pamllel to Ioad {Cases 3 and 4) and atall panel edg6(CaGSandG}Nails spaoed 6" (152 mm) max. at suppoded edges x 25.4 for mm Case 1 (No unblked dges or condnuoMsjoinls parallel b load} AII other configuralion6(Cas 2, 3, 4, 5and6} 6 4 2'l2''22 Nail spacing (in.) d other panel edges x 2S.4 for mm 6'6 4 3 x 2S.4fof mm x 0.O146for N/mm Stmctural 1 6d 1'l4 '/16 2 3 185 210 250 280 375 420 420 475 165 185 125 140 8d ['/2 qf-/8 3 270 300 360 400 530 600 600 615 240 265 180 200 10d3 l'/s 15/32 3 320 360 425 480 640 720 730 820 285 32fj 215 240 C-D, C-C, Sheathing, and othel grados covemd in UBC Standard 23-2 or 23-3 6d l'/4 "/16 2 3 170 i90 225 250 335 380 380 430 150 170 110 125 'ls 7 3 210 250 280 375 420 420 475 165 185 i25 i40 8d 1'/2 3/.2 3 240 270 320 360 480 540 545 610 215 240 160 180 'i16 2 3 255 285 340 380 505 570 575 645 230 255 170 190 "hz 2 3 2?0 300 360 400 jjU 600 600 615 - a240 i 265:;\ 180 200 l'/s "/32 2 3 290 325 jt!] 4-30 515 650 655 ?35 255 290 j90 215 "/32 d}-320 360 425 480. 64U ?20 ?30 820 -]ffi--- 'qi}' CONTlNUOUS PANEL JOINTS BLOCKING 2-287 TABLE 23.114-1 TABLE 23-11-1-2 fi* t t?'j ffiY TABLE 23.II.I.1-ALLOWABLE SHEAR FOR WIND OR SElSMlC FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOO:I: FOR Wgpp STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEAR ijlfALLs wITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH OB SOUTHERN plNE1,2,3 l/J| pd edges backed with 2-inch (51 mm) nominal or wider fratping. Panels installed eitber ho{zqntally o) vertica!ly.fpage nf]ryat 6 igches (1?2 mm,[o_n.cef er alone btermediate fiamine ,,,omters for j/g-inch (9.5 mm) and '/16:inch (11 mm) panels instal!ed on studs spaced 24 inphesJ610 ytm) 9? ""'F' atd!2 inches;i$;';,,;fi;d;i;E.;;;i;'g-,;abi;; i;;'d/;-i;ai9:i.,iijiiiJ17J-t;ic;t ( mm) panels instal!ed on siuds spaced i4 i"nches (610 mm) on nter aqdl2 'nc'es(305-mm) on cen,er for other ,,,a;u.is and panel thicknesses. These vatues are for short-time loads due to wind or eartttquaie and mist be mdud 25 perent for normal lding. " ' i i a ' i"i' ' ^ !== h J TVV q il I..|...l.4.J =. ill JtGLl,....,I., L.. _.,.ll;..l.,:iiG'iiJiiiJiil',.t.., ror nails in fiaming members of other spi set fonh in Division I1l, Part Ill, shall be calculated for all othqr gra jes by mll-ltiplyilf . effitr tmnneif ffi fnr naik in St,,,.t,,,,1 I bv the followine factors: 0.82 for species with speeific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49, andthe shear capacities for nails in Stmctural I b"y ttte following factors: 0.82 for species with specific n Aq fnr qnpliipq w;lh n qnf!eifie rnvitv Ie!;s than for species with a specific gravity less than U.42. ZWterc panib are apphed on both fas oia wallpnd nai! spacipg is les) )h_an 6 inghesJl52 mm) o: center o: etmer s;de; panel joints shaU be offset to fall on diffcrent 3Where alowable shear values exceed 350 pounds per foot (5.11 N/mm), foundation sill plat_es and all fmming members receiving edge nailing hom abuting panels) 3-inch (76 mm) nominal or thicker and 50 pounds per foot (5.11 N/mm), foundatic (?d mm) nomina1 memben Nailq shall byshan not be Iess than a sinde 3-inch (?6 mm) nomina1 member. Nails shall ! 4rte va;ues tor 3/s-ffich (9.5 tim) and '/i6-inch (t: mm) panels applied direct to _ studs are spaed a maximum of 16 inches ({0f mm) on center or panels are Iails shall be staggcrcd. A direct to framina may be incmased to values shown for 15/32-inch (12 mm) pantls, pmvidcd panels are applied with long dimension across studs.studs are sDaeil a maiimum bf 16 inches (406 mm) SGalvanized itaUs shall be hot-dipped or tumbled. TABLE 23-IH-2-ALLOWABLE SHEAR IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PARTICLEBOAft_D SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH OR SOUTHERN plNE1,2,3 lfi! nanel edees backcd with 2-inch (51 mm) nominal or wider framing. Space nails at 6 inches (152 mm) on nter along intermediate fiaming m_embe)s tor ';a-tnch (9:5 mm) tianel installed wiffi the Iong diincnsion parallel to studs space{ 24 inches (6t0 min) on cehter and !2 ;ndies (3g5 mm) 'q gentgr for other ndidons ind panel tmctmesses. The vdues are for shon-dme loads due to wtnd or earthquake and must ba redud 2S perent for normal loading. _ Allowable shearvalues for nails in fmmitm membcrs of other specics t fonh in Division Ill, Parl 11l, shal1 be caleulated for atl grades by multiplying the values for common and galvanizcd box naib b;r thc following racto^rs: Group Ill, 0.82 and Group IV, 0.65, ZWhere particleboard is applied on both faces of a wall and nail spacing is ls ttan 6 inches (152 mm) 'q center on either side, pryel joints shall be offt to fall on dif}elent framing membcrs, or framing shall be 3-inch (?6 mm) nominal or thicker and nails on each side shall be staggered. 3Where allowable shear values exeed 350 pounds per foot (5.11 N/mm) foundation si0 plates and a11 fmming members reeiving edge nailing fiom abutting paneb shall not be tcss than a single 3-inch (?6"mm) nomina1 member. Nails shall be staggered. 4Products shall be mnuf actured with extedor glue and shall be identif ied with the words "Exterior Glue" foLowing the ptoduct grade dcsignation. 'Framing at adjoining panel edges shall be 3-inch (76 mm) nominal or wider and nails shall be staggered where 10d naib having penetradon into framing of more than P/g inches (41 mm) are spaced 3 inches (J6 mm) or less on center. 2-28B i-!, l:iU[lF:,R;;UlLDlNGCODE PANELGRADE MINIMUM NOMINALPANEL THICKNESSIhlell MINIMUM NAIL PENETRAnON IN FRAMING finchesl PANELS APPUED DIRECTLY TO FRAMING PANELS APPLIED ovER l/,INcH (13 mm) on S/g.INCH {16 mm) GYPSOM SHF:ATHINC NaII 9 (Comm Galvanlzed sox)5 NaIl Spaclng m Panol Edg (ln.) NaII Size (Common or Galvanizods}5 NalI Sp&ing al Panel EdgB (In.) x 2&4 lor mm x 2&4 lof mm G 4 3 2 G 4 3 2 x 25Jlormm x O.O146fof N/mm x O.0146for N/mm Stndffal I /lb \'l4 6d 200 300 390 510 8d 2O0 300 390 510 % 1'/2 8d 2304 3604 4604 6104 10d 280 430 550 730 '/l6 2554 3954 5054 6704 1ql--/32 280 430 550 730 '5132 1'/g 10d 340 510 665 8?0 C-D,C-C Shething, plywood panel siding and other Prades covered in UBt Standald 23-2 ol 23-3 ql-/16 l'/4 6d 180 270 350 450 8d 180 270 350 450 'ls 2O0 300 390 510 200 300 390 510 'ls 1112 8d 2204 3204 4104 5304 10d 260 380 490 640/l6 2404 sso4 4504 5s54 "hz 260 380 490 640 15l--1"/8 10d 310 460 ?70 19/--340 510 665 870 NalI Sizo (Galvanlzod Caslng) NailSis(GalEnlzed Casing) Plyw@d panel siding in grades covered in UBC Standald Z3-Z '/16 l'/4 6d 140 210 Z15 .1nlj 8d 140 210 215 360 '/s l'/2 8d 160 240 310 410 10d l60 240 310 410 PANEL GRADE MlNIMUM NOMINAL PAItIEL THICKNESS fndls) MINIMUM IiIAIL PENETRAnON IN FRAMING finoh) PANELS APPLIED Dln€CT TO FnAIIING NdI siza (Common or Galvanisd Box} Allowablo Sheaf (pounds pr foot)1 Nall Spaelng m Pahel Edges Onches} x 25.4bl mm 6 4 3 x 2S.4 lor mm x O.0146kr Mmm M-s4 and M-24 '/,l'/2 6d 120 180 230 300 '/,|'lz 8d 130 190 240 315 'l,140 210 270 350 'h I'ls t0d5 185 275 360 460 '/,200 305 395 520 EXCERPTS FROM CHAPTEH 25 1997 UNIFORM BUILDlNG CODE TABLE 25-I-ALLOWABLE SHEAR FOn WIND OR SElSMlC FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR VERTICAL DIAPHRAGMS OF LATH AND PLASTER OR GYPSUM BOARD FRAME WALL AssEMsLIEs1 lThese vertical diaphragms shall not be uscd to resist loads imposed by masonry or oncrete constmction. See Section 25t3.2. Values shown are for short-term loadin, due to wind or dW m seismic loading. Vdues shown must be reduced 25 percent fDr norma1 loading. The values shown in Items 2, 3 and 4 shdl be mduedloading due to wlnd oi du to seismic loading. Values shown niust be feduced 25 percent for norma1 loading. The values shown in Items 2, 3 and 4 shdl be mdued 50 pcttent for loading due to eaffhquake in Seismic Zoncs 3 and 4. 'Applies to nailing at aU studs, top and bottom plates, and blocking. 3Altemate naib may be ed if their dimemions are not ls than the specified dimeions. Chapters 26-34 Chapters 26 through 34 are printed in Volume 1 of the Uniform Building Code. 4i J I5a'jH fi ! *I TYPE OF MATERIAL THICKNESS OF MAtERlAL WALL CONSTRUCTlON NAILSPACING2 MAMMUM (inches)SHEARVALUE MINlMUM NAIL SlZE3 25.4 Iof mm 3m-Bformmx x 25.4lormm x 14.6mr N/m x 25.4 kf mm 1. Expandqd metal, or woven wire lath and pofiland cement plaster 'l{Unblocked 6 180 No. n gage, 11/2" lqng, T16" head No. 16 gage staple, 'lg" legs 2. Gypsum lath '/g" lath and 'l2" plaster Unblocked 5 100 No. 13 gagc, 11/9" long, "/64" head, plasterboard blued nail 3. Gypsum sheathing boald 'l," x 2' x 8'Unblocked 4 1S No. n gage, L314" long, T16" head, diamond-point, galvanized 'h" x 4' '/2" x 4' Blocked Unblocked 4 7 175 100 Oypsum wdlboard or veneer base '/2" Unblocked 7 100 5d cooler (0-086" dia., 15/g" :ong, '1l6{ head) or wallboard (0.086" dia., P/g" long, !/31" head) 4 125 Blocked 7 125 4 150 Unblocked 7 115 6d cooler (0.092" dia., r/g" tong, '/4" head) or wallboard (0.0915" dia., 1'/g" Iong, Di64" head) 4 145 Blocked 7 i45 4 Blocked Two ply Base ply: 9 Faceply:? 250 Base p1y-6d cooler (0.092" dia., 1'/g" Iong, 'l4" head) or wallboard (0.0915" dia., 1'ig" long, "l64" head) -Face ply-8d cooler (0.113" dia., Z'lg" long, '/32" head) or wallboard (0.t13" dia., 2'/g" long '/," head) o g 810 Above Grade Floor Ftaming This section contains calculations for: o Slab support along North face of Building A o Topping slabs on the Plaza level of Building C o Exterior glulam beams and interior microllam beamso Selection of TJI joist sections KLGiA O ConsuRing Structural Enginee6 FLool< CoNSrRUCTlohl l"|f€. Et COt\lOR€T€ TOf'r'lNa SL*s Tttle lJ1IDDL€CReUK ilLLfi o (ar Date 6/1/03 Job no, zz67 Subiect bLDc| f - PL/\zA W T Sheet Z ot TOPPIAla SLhB - DeSl61/V - rt&slbeMTlhl... - LOArDlhl& , bET|RlNG watfi-ts,FSroDsuIvblNkC . SPpcl\l, DlsrPrTV(€ BETIIEUN Ple€c}rkT DOUSL6 T€Ys , -rHlckl}as t 6" -y d - 6"- (s.t/'*o.r*/ h z.. _),/ = t;-ooo pm" ibvt"- t,,z ty,, 6' ) v" \&GPrRlGlG wPrLLS PlyRf|LL€L 7p DOUl3L€-reeL WTtug :,L = I.r#/'It ( Hcavi4s4- Loaof _ wTlw_ 5 (on PL+zn ) t," (,,.- ' !iy" ""s, ", a lJse #5 € t)" prov'dc /\s = o st un'/y 61+ v;f,ff:,J!:'f,,,,,,, \-=--;_./\-/\-.- WTlL5 : 0L = I.r(}/'pt II Hcavi4s+- Loaof _ wTlw_ 5 (0fi Pl}zh / (tzue@) LL= lvGk/# || >uz.zc'-/pt LL-Zsg'/fr v;_ utt || ,, roG^/y(sea *25rr{r1 sp.to.seftttci;a* -''**'-P+'"j4||,,, ,,,,,ElH"kNess ;;" 1 Fr WIDE STRlP Or sune '. Il ' " :-:'j]-. "' |b-,Z'' II 70-rht- b€lDTH = g". 4)\k=8.3Vpt w- 'l/ a lI l/,,,Gk/F,<d\/J,(' ;-''-q- t VJ'"_a,z' <,cp'v!'-c.zv-aJ|| -l{'^7Lb44{:-"'" || liAs=?, =3;!-,2B'h || . B€ARltab IA/ALLg RUl\) ACRoSs,)(cs. WTS 16-r DL = 2. Fl ( ; = a, 6 Wu ; 1,8(t jf );f;,;::, cleour 'prtnn /q:" = l\i,,4 t,'1r ?.pv K s'1Z- Jx-n = g ' (ngsur|led ) = 2q. 6 k-Ik /s - :tt-- (+ x cn)= ;, 23 Tn '' rt;Y 6",,D1H __-r,;u-ozob''/h \/:'^X, zc v,a.L. - GI cnL c av -,,\[;;-). lrJ.o)\ttn"= LZ,jTrk- ?a. I KL€iA O Consulting Structural Engineem Title MlDbLE0K€ffk Vl{,(:l'rGrG Date 6fi/ /03 Job no, rtA1 Subject BO66- PLAz-& Bv A/T Sheet 2,of -ro?PlN6 SLAB - bGSl(Al\l ( TEl{4P. R€TA/F ; x 6 " x l2 '' o, l3 REINF, ffrRPrLLET "Fo 7tF3 UsE Mf/V. R€lGlF = o,oolt rv-/""",-(use #+els") ToP o/\lL/L_._,--. -' -2/ln / +t - P/+R,bjLLe-L -rO -I6t"S KLGiA O = I, l), *Y\ftA M, pLf h;c,u, " + /' A, jy_ 4- d |xs, Yn'tln o,oo in Loffi JJ,cr efitm: \|,, tJt,( Ln = q t + t L; l- f Vc S8'|o lb; / o ttte tzt c V Date L/S/o3 Job no. ;; 6q Subiect BLaOrC - f'LALA gy vlT Sheet of Toppt/\)Gr,( y\fEnRIAlG S[_A@ - O?el\J pLAZA fon 4 FT wtnTH surtS I t' r L--,L -- \ -/Lm B b yy\Ax Oonsulting Struotural Enginoem .,"-\ es- + t.q J 145} 36s.5 Wut Lt = 0.761 /R lZ ol = ?-Jh-L + x 3 4" - 3/,-' - v/ = a" = o.o6s u'/yt tt-x,I2''* 3' = o.oGv avf /|t -r' /t = oo7 tn'/(t. )"t cooo c\I ClD c\I to o o mfi fi bo ; P to g Ro = o ofi fi toIr o.. o o c i'" UJ co c\l .g)I .b J'"\ ff R o o F ,ge o ffio o< od =M >ief p to 88 ffi T"T" m .gt 9;$r3og t c >c<>>D(/) 9 >!zo {D UJo =< UJ co Io)(o 'o ctloJ "lfifiv ; t-YAJ8 e ;'-'>= : o6ci69) 3 tBa83 P t 9 oD P-o otu.t 9'c co.b o.t " me5.E ?e ax o.9) H 'E8 E1o o UJ ulv dt[o 6ll.I OJ88E m te =f1 c0 .g'oeaI o clle 9 m e a== $ $ ry$ $.b co v" r"\=I' r" OD (\l C\l ff C\I q J> =E >>#' <<o J= o -{-{5 dd UJ o? Qm m Is. 9 qf ||;|Q.,;,a'+ ;- ;- >< qi qD >< 9E ><xgBB eiJq qco T- i" T"',;-BB;E'a 0o '-'-ococl)(\l (\I COg (D tO Is.m mmm m mm ooN i\1 B gl ot tUo o< Jv o lo oO N Ol\: '-: 'o.Q c') MV VUU U v= voo o 8 x0 t teb rJ> F 9P D =oaedo Io m Utz (\j o" '"eo 9,,, &g.gg *€.9.g -OO6U1 Tl/? =eG .=e Hrqa 5Eaf afifi,gF lB gfiSlBg o N N CO Q; ,o-q-"- @d*'""' m a" i - t i -. - t H 3 ; i t t H f t t t i tE a =st 1ufi { Ra1s8 =s} iat f eals; ii.tals_iii 'a-iFniii it;,iiiii ii;t:;; a,EE gii!i] !iii![ MM Yoo o o R t H.b.E oRg o,$g.g,g 'a_'D,4l_ql_ J)--=# &&&a 'Eza =o o to oo to o q' o t 11' OtOb;: Nmo 8q8 aggs3m = coT_ co-d" .g)oI o R 3., o F.+ogs.8.. aata tfa = |.= EEEE t$8gggt fis"s ggg ${$fEg ip; negp gp_g_ =0O "=''a'4fi coc\I "ooia 0 "ooo am m 66 6 to 88 s,o,00Jg ---- g,dA.EGb## g&g& tla =a o s to o o In aoo d m m N niEE 9 @ 'fi.fi- if,f-i:" 'a T" T"' ct O 0 (\j b, 85a : m i O t ' b" =oMM 5doo o = 1do o <ozdJ5m9Hio6uo><$m o'o -IlTUl= yt PcdC€EEl{_ /cuuA&fi'-Ft.fd; A D/'tTE /t ;utf)_ JotSlr- I16'f jqg,fdf, ;(.,,, sl/trl'ocf Oi; MR1d tsuva.TArc6 6Y, '-;___ Sd€,€f j r,.9 LCffi-: PL; lyf(Jf;+U4u)ttroi /c{T_.gsf + RPtVF.dnzrtsc.= /J!fff_ g(qgp otJ (pyuq ll.hc&ErT SL/yi](T'/z:} " . [[$ |a-.€ FSf (utezttf SToleA€?G) fZaruet!fio(q [j Ho-f 4. col\/cFRbl i/€FF' Prltqpt ldW4 6dU1 ffipar;( d#f/ro11f K€e>,4-,.,<ff12=.. /,9 ffiro,l2 f:sffiP,J /a"J, C, ;Wr[fftTckt; cp,pp,((f( rcGu.aecD=- fiFTij!l/3c. t*xamo Strtr A{fjcjldlr?2 t/er Cc#€ll) Ti{tt&61:, vuc,_yfi"rbx sJ'rtz_: a-aer__screy, fEK ''1'=''1!r:3:1,- i/,,,,,, SEE ARCH. DWC. HAZARD MITIGAIION WALL ,,q,,q,J(cr"nma' {ffi ;\- FILL i;iG-i:3s tag Screw Design Values (Z) for Single Shear (two member) Collllectioms&'' with \l4" ASTM A36 steel side plate, or ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel side plate (for t.<1/4") stocl Side Plate t, inches 3 gage t.=0.239" 1/4" Lag screw Diameter D inches 6=0.43 Hem-Fir C=0.42 Spruce-Pine-Fir GH).37 Redwood (open grain) 6=0.36 Eastem Sof twoods Spmce-Pine-Fir(S) WGtemCedars WestemWoods 6=0.35 Noffhem Species Z;; Z, 1hs- lbs- Z.l ZIbi'- :tt. Z;c Z, Ibs. lbs. Z;; Z, 1hi- lbs. Z t t Z,1bs. 1bs. 1l4 5116 3/8 7/16 1n 5/8 3/4@ 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 370 250 460 300 580 370 730 440 1070 610 1490 820 1990 1050 2570 1310 3230 16003970 1910 200280 280 370 450 580 720 1060 -usg.-( 19s0 )"Sff-' 3200 3930 430 6j0 8]0 1030 1300 1580 1880 190 250 290 360 260 l 80 350 230430 2?0 55O 330680 400 1010 5601400 740 l 8?0 9502410 1190 3030 14303720 1730 260 l 70 350 23O 430 270 540 330 680 390 1000 550 1390 13O 1850 9402380 1170 2990 1410 3680 1690 340 220420 260 54O 320670 390 98O 5401360 720 1820 9102340 1150 2940 ] 3803610 1660 170 1l4 5/16 3/8 250 340 410 230 160320 210 390 240 230 l60310 2O0 380 240 ? gage t,4179" |l4 5116 3/8 [60 210 250 220 310 380 160 3i0 210380 250 220 210 140 290 l 90360 230 140 l90 220 2l0 290 360 l40 180 220 200 280 350 10 gage t =0. 1 34"r l1 gage e0J20" 1/4 5116 3i8 210 150290 200 360 240 2]0 l40290 190 360 23O 200 1 30280 180 340 2l0 190 130270 1 80 340 2l0 l90 13O 270 1?0 330 200 [/4 5/16 3/8 140 190 230 200 290 360 l4O 190 230 20O 290 36O 130 180 2l0 190 270 340 l90 270 330 130 1?0 2l0 190 130 260 l70330 200 l2 gago tr0J05" |l4 5/16 3/8 140 190 230 200 140280 190 350 230 l90 l30270 170 330 2l0 I90 l30270 170 330 200 180 260 320 l20 1?0 200 14gage t.=0.0?5" 1/4 140200 140190 18O 12O 180 l20 120180 r'>o g)o =III$ U|l. Tabulated lateral design values (Z) for lag scmw connections shall be multiplied by d1 applicable adjustment factom (Table 7.3.1). 2. Tabulated lateral design vdues (Z) are for "full diametef' lag rews (see Reference 6) insened in sido grain with Iag screw is perpendicular to wood fibers, and with the following lag screw bending yield strengths (F,b): F,, = 70,000 psi for D = I/4" F,,=60,O00psi for D=5/16" F,=45,000psiforDZ3/8" 3. Tabtilated tatera: design values (Z) ue bed on dowel boaring stmngths (F,) of 58,000 psi for ASTM A36 sted, and 45.000 psi for ASTM A653, Grade 33 st1. AMERICAN FOREST & PAPERASSOCIATION 3 of g 11.2 withdrawalDesi n Values 11.2.1 Lag Screws ".'J.: [he withdrawal 'esiar values, in lbs./in. of .g;lE!lti?L fO?TlElTfig screw inserted in side.,,;' 1!"! !'e.'ag 'c(ew axis P"rendicular to the wood #b;,,, "a" bedetermined fron; T;bl, lL2AorEquation 11,2:1, ""'''! ":) ranqq of specific gravities and screw diameters 1'!p in 'a?!e 11.2A. 'a'ulated nominal dosign values, ,,, " i,.. ___ "'+2 When lag screws are loaded in withdrawa] !::"',''' ara'n, nominal withdrawa; design values, W,shall, ?e-n]u]tilljled by the end erain factor, C,, = 0.7j. ,, !!' \! Whe11 lag screws are loaded in withdrawal,the !'lowable tensile s"'tre,,gU, of the lag screw at the Jct(root) section shall not be ;xceeded (see 10.2.3). I W=18OOG3/2D3/4 (11.2-1) Table 11.2A 'aa Screw ffii Iaiii:iii[:[tat;.;',,l(J0 ,,Speeific | tsee Appendix t,). Gravity Lag Screw Untllreaded Shank 0.49 0.46 'j'-" *"T"*'"'f"'"'trJ"!'iE%Fl" :{fi:'$ffitz$rYii-xh- : s+w:xh;.q[ipg jg$fiff|.-jJ!,: t ,,?lL1 6_00 0.39 d57"' ""l "",'Jf^I"'i)f!'^'' l' ""'ffilil'#fi22fi';:fifjJf:tb: k:t i2glfpk1 - - ,l-,-: J,ii.J., !i-!,.J.,,.1l1 I _ 5__l 8 j i'i" --' ' r' *-"""'"'-'"'";'' f4 U'rfiP!{;:{}}}F;&iY-E-;:7$J;.},4 k--en-stt-in:airi,J,,,, 'ii...l.., JJi,,J_ 111_L 4_79 44l Yi' G 73 m 68 0. fi 0. 0.58 rf65,6 0.5l c- 940 86-s 715 730ffi 664 559 1. '""" - 'M^a'r-- 4 6'l * W 1,o 6 6 'b ,,tr =ttSrrrrr:::rrrr c'F'FqlY(1 ,,,,,ia.,v,,e,yn'wg;(;;,;fi[ffijJ"*'.""" -;'i|r"-"'' fd I |l ' f ' "'= ,l; FIL p .,,,j,,,jJ;ffiji,Jyf ooEb //or co;cotz;- B 0l a oo :9 a.-...-..- &,.. bE" C\INOO '\'gg,gf ool .""" cd,- =d{-"6,'-x E @so :Begp 4 =6.. atat t1a = Igg -""" '$$ g$$lS" .p "t 1€'E o .gE g,B 9'====.- € o .ess g}nssn sss S,d,.: S ='r e' V" i- O- - g d o a -d4.Es =e-<i-F--' q2 o0 >dq-"- E f o#. E _____ t_ d0.E.E te= E888 EIl "S ififi e??? Sil.gt--3'a -- ;,- c\I i sr s, 66 6 8 d3 E 3i I, "En.,., !, "Ia.i a'= EEBE st8 = a.. EEEE tlfi = !8$ 5Rgf gt-t,[t--I' I33 f99E fiti,t[-f' j IO" o io'- 3 i - g H I s Ii 6 u 3 e Ii. iti tiiitiii i:e,it"iii tli,ii! it,,,i:i;iii 6 n 40.9.9 o8 -I1.g.g a A ==oo oo==oo ==oo =M B :dd "" F:-P .g}t .g E o IKj ="h..., g - -,,.. s unuu -.. sg[-5' ;st fi9PF gg-r 8 8b 1le g8 E. = e BtEE tl a unn _c\Itoo Rg-g- I--;' "'.P = P'! 66 6 $ E R "e.I' E "J?n_c\I.P E ==.=.GEe ttta tlat8n PR8f PP8 86 PYl-1d '-" ":fi 9g-;--dI u)'- 8G 88 >dqFF"' m $2 o < dt = "'dd=- f I i I 66 oozd 5m 'R igoooiu ".g "8 -I h.g.g !ol=+=imo-U-," It d E t P.b eI & fi 'E E EI!J!t! =o, =c\!ql' tl'Joo n D ilj t0D QD ud g H Iq m .gIaeo Eoto Q oJ>! >zooJ<m >'<umooo? U L I.Lo E =E :g> oodfi ffi aoco Is. o ff o t c\I EtuoL,"'6 T" 5ag o J i" s o m ff o o o o(\I c\I tomN oo(\I ooo offio mtog ij: ifP '#l I;j: oN No o N l0N oN Nffm Isoq g m qIo tos oc\I mmc\I q Is.N co c\I co i*om cv o fi Q a ij co r a a, u f E g : n u f F E = h c a s a fi m a n 93 f fi s t n 8 f f fi o n n f f ! fi : n i E h ff fi P a f fi fi fi t os mm oo q m Iso qo c\I c\lq c\I mo c\I oq o = mto Is oco m Isqf too oo4\I o o m(\l oN too o =' mto IsIs. oo otnR 8 n f n | n H x '"S > 13""- t = fi # l i m to co o Is t0 (\J fi $ E ff $ X-E E hRG-aP- l"l" v=Ii-ITiniC\I fN.. O O i'" m T'" m q I\ Nmi?! Q) N O O {D CY) N tO N n t5I = Ov=6 O o m In o @ o T" i"'N Vl.-- c\I- c\I- co- ff-.-,- c\I- cd q- @- cS ='c .e<I, cnQ '-: cq '-: 9 cq o, '-: c! sf, b: N, c\! o!m rD\ q q" i'" mm (\I co m NCO Or" c\I m q to r"' (\I 00 m NO (nnaffi$ ssfh{fi ln 0 o o m = = to I.0 CO CO CO mC\l N N 0 o mm Is. l\. T- i" i" l"'ld cd.-: cd cd o; c\i cd ei cd cd crj cdr" l" N. r'" C\I (\I C0 m n"-Jo" a S )gggSSS 999533 co ntso;ff to tso;f$ C\I N (\l N C\I C\l N C\j C\I (\I (\I NN T" *" T" 1" i" T"' T" C\I C\I C\I (\I NN a t 5 .g EoZ e E :jj !. :.:.L-, -'..:{1:tJ.j;::.:: L'.J j;;i ; O: N: ild' O t\I :0if Cd q :cq :rt cv :j, '.",,J':,.]:Ji.l: tJji:]':.i! mlcl9l HI O| o ogl E E'=l o =tl !? !;ol II chol o ocl z >- =b =,el<oJ Eeob ==> =n =< = 8lol'=I 8l el 8l I;;,;t E =6 =b T" (\I Oel" b b b il ! t t t6lo a z z ol tl ,, '6 t e OI rn = z z f t i) i d D ;rn or c i i [ t> rE cr ? fioE-sst 933a i.L.L.u t' IJIl C U U [ 'IL il il ! ? ? J t ; EI < o o o I =ol nl fi,.=s,,gm h h b t t g } [9 '6 'a 'a1o o oo I\ oo m In o1" O T.:.-: II lI J Ofi ll II> u.I rL j.;I =Iolsl Q1 E(gom LoJ) =I- Ig =o tncoP =o $2o ='IJe(B o E {uo * +_: fiq#T#t..- TJ-Be(TM) 6.O5 Sedal NumGer:"*)iiiit,m.(,,.)-.., @ 16".P BUILDINGA Ur15/23/20033:52:29PM Pa1 EngineVersion:l.S.12 THIS PRODUCT ,.-_CONTROLS FOR '[' Maximum Design Control Control 989 982 1925 Passed (519'0) 989 989 1535 Passed (64'/0) 5613 5613 7982 Passed (70'/0) 0.556 0.577 Passed (L/498) 0.881 1.154 Passed (L/315) 36 3O Passed MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Other t PIy t 1/4" O.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ : PIy 1 1l4" O.8E TJ:Strand Rim BoardO Location Lt. end Span : under Floor Ioading Bearing 1 under Floor Ioading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading MID Span t under Floor loading Span t 23' 6" Product Diagram is Conceptual. LQAPg; Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf): 40.0lJve at :OO % duration, 7.0 Dead, 14.0 Padition Vedical Loads: Type Class Live Dead Location Application Comment Point(Ibs) Floor(1.00) 0 67 6' - SUPPORTS: tnput Bearlng Vertical Reaotions (Ibs) Detail Width Length Llve/Dead/Uplifffi'otal 1 Studwall 3.50" 2.25" 627/379/0/1006 A3:RimBoard 2 Studwall 3.50" 2.25" 627/346/0/972 A3:RimBoard -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGN CONTROLS: fi}j{{i{i;; (IbS) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) TJPro -Deflection Cdteria: STANDARD(LL:L/48O,TL: L/24O). -Allowable momen1 was increased for repetilive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite aclion whh single Iayer of 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24' Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): AII compression edges (top and botom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c un:ess detailed otherwise. Proper anachment and positioning of tateral bracing is required to achieve member slability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor pefformance information and ts based on a GLUED & NAILED 23132", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Raling) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: Ceiling - 1l2" Direct Applied Gypsum Ce:rng, Use Bridging or Blocking (8' o.c. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been pedormed by the program. Comparison Value: 2.33 ADDITlONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished m accordance with TJ product design crileda and code accepted design values. The specific product application, inpu1 design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THlS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stess Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the ru Distdbution product Iisled above. -Dead Ioad on ponion of joist area is Iess than minimum allowed. PROJECT INFORMATION: Middle Creek Village Q--- ---- --- '::J:t::;, \!310!11'!1 ;:::';:I... e-I Joist".Pr d TJ-Pro" are traderks of Trus Joist. D:\Progr Files\Ts Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files\midelcreekO 30414.sllls OPERATOR INFORMATION: fiJ l?mar,ffif.,,,_ TJ-Beam(TM) 6.05 Sedal Num6ec User15/23/20O33:52:30PM Page2 EngineVemjon:l.S.12 BUILDINGA THIS PRODUCT CONTROLS FOR Load Group "'I[ ijJ ,,,,,,,;c,,.)-,,, @ 16",P MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs} Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) LDF = O.9O, Dead On1y 371 -338 373 -34O 373 340 379 346 2064 * Group: Primary " 23' 1.OO" Max. Vertical Reaction Tota1 (lbs) 1006 Max. Vertica1 Reaction Live (lbs) 627 Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) tdax. Unbraced Length (in} 32 Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor 982 -949 989 -956989 956 1006 972 5613 0.556 0.881 972 627 2.25(W) PROJECT INFORMATlON: Middle Creek Village e-I Joist",Pro" and TJ-Pro" are a Weyerhaeuser Business trademarks of Trus Joist. tradelltarks of Trus Joist. D:\Progr Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Be\Job Fi les\rlliddelereekO 3 0414. s OPERATOR INFORMATION: g U r\I+ ggfg :;:O'N-" I I a IS'fi#l ='t= = '"O'O 0 H. E4dtps I= a - [ $ -! ' I _t [ ; 'i di,-A \ o E t t P.b A e a fSHI\ I =>>JO = Z tlItt" b Bd Ffi oo =6J =9)!zoa UJo>< m B f u I t i: -t, ', I ! Ili,ii; ii!,iiiii iiit::i ill,ii;iii t' : l. R == =oo o r nrllfis t5 = T$} Bgga:" t-.-- "Q-d" - RRRE 8aR T .g b;o 'b <j = 66 6 _g, BZ a "gG1.,.a8B1m ,'o' > 'o;G" 66 6 r a a a :lBss o,l.. Es11 sZ3 = F.. EEEE t13 I1I fi8"8 'ff f$f!S' !5f RRgf f[i€ s VM =OO Q ,gf :'":dt''" 666 666 66 6 i _ fEa,, Ift,..Ia,.I.. t'tt tf = aata.ia I," "'' a_= attt.aEn. I$[ ne"s 1ff. ![t!S' !81 "'P gEf. f[!:E' ffi5 P99f F$I s[t-5' a f co Jj" P o&9.gS ,ne ?CD ="i'" a, rla,, ffa,,l.. tt1E t1a = = 1B1E t11 >t ee !RS fie"S g$s :hg11s ti' fiRSS $99 :fi:SE6 i''$"" (-o' "'ffe'"- n,f ' 666, 66 6 ln f,. rl3ss t. "3sss a.# tttt tll = I.. tttt tla l3$ fRSS f9[ !11:$' fg5 $99f P![ ggt-tl'g 8 i', fi i" I" i" N q-- N- " " " " 3.- f88f Rb8Q - =- oo o f g _ = ol-I-ta" == =oo o b9r B 8 'n'B'B% 666 ii66 g tQ Ft !'d Efa,, e rld=s fl.. EEEE t11 = 8.. tata tta =,I..3gg fie"s 8:R gff$grl 'qBg R88fi bR$ 9t{9B8 18Bii9 "!t ;k?'' ;*' -- H;;- ^r:--' i'"'g J ff 't a.E.gtf a = ,--,- r0 N-,- c\I '" j, I; i *.€oFbe M9qd:iill t!!lli Ia = _ G J |Y111.1.rl '/tx1 ii! Iill:ii == koo o=g =oo o oo o e %%%u a N t @o o lo Eod a e KLsiA * Consuhing Structural Engineers bESIGF/\l OF SrFCI nu HE&DO-rq HPrAIDtCAP unttt - ;St rLooK ;z/_ 9ll Posr l-of+[) INhLU Tl\& : TRIB Leru&rH sP, HEAb€l< P pt)s+ i2.2 o Mr\/ Date 5]011 \rlTlg-+ --> v\lrotl23+2,lL-3?qlt/Pt | - 3,l' j a; Job no. lI (,1 Subiect BLb - ( sv v\lT Sheet of I I- L::L:JLj r/.a |*- wrtt-+ - use 2xg e /4 ' f,q,,qg ((" q.q-g-'U p,,," !2" h L/, n t;o ; /.39 /L/pt = ui\ob f IJl / ii' = 2,yA + 3.9 + /.f" = s,z(,L M,.,,,- (jj[L!Jj] v\llg R, ,.=Fle'-'-''-"'4fJ-L..._. /" "\, i' Use 'x( :qy{' n w".J \---JY.0 _---"'",,_.,.,...-."'"' i{/; o. " 9. L19' k. 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Q € Q Q I@ U & L [ L U B u & lL B u u L o$ = o o s o o = < I.I- ( I.L l.L U l.L U LL Oo = o o o o o = < > meuuuEQQQ h h h h > oP' L L L L L L9 t o t o = o h t h h h h h 8= 'AO c5 1 (\l m q lo @ Is> > > > > > > I.L tL lL I.L LL L I.Lo @ @ o o o o Nla)=jC\IlN (q e o l'.. 0 Oii=> > > > > > > > > I.L tL I.L I.L tL l.L I.L I.I., I.Lo o o o o o o o oN N N N N N N $ C\I 1oo>>>> LUtLI.L(\I (\I C\lN N N N D O(\l q' o Ol1> > > > > > > [L U.. l.L U I.L tL 4ie q' iqlF =iF qi = q C\l N N N N N N oLoio QI& f =o =i Q ='0< < lO oa(q IIII .= =B oQ = AMERICAN WOODCOUNClL o l1 coF Wood Bealns and Jolsts Shear Modifieation I 1.OO No splits or sh 1.0O Split < O.S^wic 1.00 Split < O.75'w :.oo Split < 1.0^wk :.o0 Split < 1.5'wic KL and A of Colorado Dimensional Tit lopgt Maleria Load Ej Repetil Deflect Shearl Dimension Lumber: F'b = 975 psi F'v = 75 psi E= 1500 ksi Ld= 1,15 Rep = :.00 71/2 7 1l2 71/2 7112 7112 7112 7112 71/2 7112 7112 71/2 201918 5fi2 34 29 25 21 51/2 87 74 63 54 51/2164 138 118 101 51/2 295 249 211 181 5112 441 393 345 296 5112575 513 460 416 5112 721 648 581 525 51,2 824 768 716 646 5112 932 868 812 -l62 51/21.046 972 907 s51 1 1 9 1 0O 224 1 88 403 339 601 536 85 16O 288 471 628 793 976 73 137 247 4O4 567 716 881 700 File: WOODBEAM-BALCONY.XLS Sheet: Dimensbn Beams LastUpdale:4/18/20O3 1:34PM MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE Floor Framing - TJ Beams maximum span TJ-Plo Rating Svstem Design Criterja: Dead Load = Superimposed Dead Load = Live Load = Floor decking Ceiling Use Bridging & Blocking at denote maximum span GLUED & NAILED 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" span rating) 1/2" Direct applied Gypsum ceiling 8" o.c. max. 7 psf 1 4 psf 4O psf BOLD 1169JFJ-Pro Rating.xls MAX. SPAN & RATING 11.O 14.O 18.0 21.0 23.5 25.O l.0D 1.65 1.65 1.82 2.33 2.41 11 7/8" TJl@/Pro-250 @ 16' o/c 117/8"TJl@/Pro-250 @ 16'o/c 117/8"TJl@/Pro-25O @ 16'o/c 11 7/8" TJl@/Pro-35O @ 16" olc 11 71B" TJl@/Pro-55O @ 16" o/c 14" TJl@/Pro-55O @ 16" o/c 65 58 47 39 34 39 KL&A of California 5/22/2003 >< to l.Oo coooc\l q* tr o cu'o CLD mdJ IotA o o ffifi 0Pe ofi oleLo'=qr (tl ct o o,J.p co'=oLo > Loo I,L LoII F =o |n >bo Il=Ic ofL ol =0 CL o =o. ="DI-'t cl o o)e'; Glc ofi =1I-;oo =o ox o)e cU[c ") l-,- 9 LL toco co to(\I 8o (o to LO o(\l aeom d\oo 8 88 8 uo;;e;ndog ;o luooJod \ g b tc ffi OD = O \o \o \oo" o" o" + + I ofr e, 8 € tA''O L6.g eo.I_l fi4Cf I 'I"l' -e ""\ 8 "; fH;.Q E =Jfi gf ]! g Y =fi C1 i f[[ ftt=g I I \ \ J /I / \ // €J tta,tzotat ?'t Vherhaeu= Business TJ-Beam(TM) 6.O5 Sedd Numtier 11G" TJlO/Pro(TM)-250 @ 16" o/o * Ur 1 5/2O/2m35:44:23 PM Page: Engineverston: 1.5.12 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Product Diagram is Conceptual. L9APg; Analysis is for a Jois1 Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at t0O % duration, 7.0 Dead, 14.0 Padition SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactlons (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Llve/Dead/UplifMf o tal 1 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 480/252/0/ 732 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ 2 Stud wall 3.5O" 2.25" 480/252/0/ 732 A3: Rim Board : PIy 1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ -See TJ SPEClFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGNCONTROLS; Maximum Design Contfol Control Loeation Shear (Ibs) 715 -708 1420 Passed (SO%) Flt. end Span 1 under Floor Ioading Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 715 715 1170 Passed(61%) Beadng2 under Floor Ioading Moment (Ft-Lbs) 3143 3143 4430 Passed (71%) MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading Live Load Defl (in) ot,,!,,!d Defl cln) 0.327 0.440 Passed (L/645) MID Span 0.499 0.879 Passed (U423) MID Span under Floor Ioading under Floor Ioading47 30 Passed Span t -Deflection Criteria: STAN DARD(LL: L/480,TL: L/24O). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with s;ngte Iayer of 23132", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wooU decking. -Bracing(Lu): AlI compression edges (top and bofiom) must be braced at 2' 8" olc unless detailed otherwise. Proper atachment and positioning of Iateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor pefformance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The conlrolling span is supponed by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: Ceiling - 1l2" Direct Applied Gypsum Ceiling, Use Bridging or Blocking (8' o.c. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been pefformed by the program. Comparison Value: :.65 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from sofiware developed by rrus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be acoomplished in accordance with TJ product design cdteria and code accepled design values. The specilic product application, input design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. ,Not an products are readily available, Check with your supplier or TJ technical representat e for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOlDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product Iisted above. -Dead Ioad on ponion of joist area is Iess than minimum allowed. PROJECT INFORMATION: MIDDLECREEKVlLLAGE TJ1@ and 'PJ-BealltO are registered tradelnarks of Trus Jaist.e-I Joistl,Pro and TJ-We are trademarks of Trus Joist. DI \Proqrant Files\Trus Joist\TJ Be\Job Piles\middelereekO 3 Od1d. sms OPERATOR INFORMATION: ti:!Jf!f:::?ffif-,-n * TJlO/Pro(TM)-250 @ 16" olc O Uson 1 5/2O/2CO3 5:4:23 PM Page2 EngineVoffilon:l.S.12 THIS PRODUCT CONTROLS FOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED " 17' 7.OO' Max. Vertica1 Reaction Tota1 (lbs} 732 t4ax. Vertica1 Reaction Live (lbs} 48O Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) Max. Unbraced Length {in) 32 * Group: Primary toad Group Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear {lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) tloment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) 732 48O 2.25(W) LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor 7O8 -7O8 715 -715 715 715 732 732 3143 0.327 0.499 Loading on a11 spans. Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) LDF = O.9O, Dead On1y 244 -244246 -246 246 246 252 252 1082 PROJECT INFORMATION: MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE oC'Sbyright @ 2002 by us Joist, a Werbaeuser susiness TJIO and TJ-Beand are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. e-I Joistl,Prol and TJ-ko" dre trademarks af Trus Joist. D:\Progralll Files\Trus.Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files \middelereekO3O414.s OPERATOR INFORMATION: 11 o 7/8"TJlO/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16" o/c MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED E] -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUlLDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Control Shear(Ibs) 837 -83O 1420 Passed(58%) Vedical Reaction (Ibs) 837 837 1308 Passed (64%) *::ntn, 4307 ::'J, ::t iiiiiill'i(t, Total Load Defl (in) 0.769 :.029 Passed (L/321 )TJPro 39 30 Passed Product Diagram is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group- Residentiat - Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 % duration, 7.0 Dead, 14.O Padition SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (lbs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Upliftrrotal 1 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 56O /294/0/854 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4' 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim BoardO 2 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 560/294/0/854 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim BoardO Loeation Rt. end Span 1 under Floor Ioading Bearing2 under Floor Ioading MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading Span : -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/480,TL: U240). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single Iayer of 23132", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Brac;ng(tu): AIl compression edges (top and boUom) must be braced at 2' 8" olc unless detailed otherwise. Proper atachment and positioning of Iateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System vatue provides additional floor pedormance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23/32i', 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supponed by walls. Additional considerations for this rating indude: Ceiling - 1/2" Direct Applied Gypsum Ceiling, Use Bridging or Blocking (8' o.o. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been pedormed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.82 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from sofiware developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software wiII be accomplished in accordance with TJ pmduct design cdteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Assooiate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOlST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOlDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product Iisted above. -Waming: Span exceeds Resident;at Specifier's Guide span (L/480 table). Strength and stiffness requtrements have been met. -Dead Ioad on podion of joist area is Iess than minimum allowed. Copyright @ 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJI@ and TJ-Bea11@ are registered tradelttarks of Trus Joist. e-I Joistl.Pro and TJ-Pro" are trademarks of Trus Joist. D: \Program Files\Trus Joist\TJ BeaJrt\Job Files\Illiddelcreek. sllls Usec 1 4/14/2003 10:33:26 AM o' Enginevemion: 1.5.12 Jffi',;[[[",gl, OJECT INFORMATION:OPERATOR INFORMATION; $];((;(;gr-o 7l8 User 1 414i2O031O:33:26AM * ::::::::,.filiFtifJ 11 " TJlO/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16" o/c MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED " 2O' 7-OO" Max. Vertica1 Reaction Tota1 (lbs) 854 Max. Vertica1 Reaction Live (lbs) 56O Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 854 56O 2.25(W) Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs} Max Shear {lbs) Mem]Jer Reaction (lbs} Support Reaction {lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor 83O -830 837 -837 837 837 854 854 4307 0.504 0.769 Loading on all spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (Ibs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs} LDF = 0.9O, Dead On1y 286 286 288 -288 288 288 294 294 1483 PROJECT INFORMATION: copyright @ 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJI@ ad U-BeallfD are registered tradelllarks of Ts Joist. e-I Joistl,Prol and TJ-Pro" are trademarks of Trus Joist. D:\Progralll Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Bealtl\Job Files\midelereek. sms OPERATOR INFORMATION: €J r;vtzoartTA\X€verbaeuser Bustn TJ-Beam(TM) 6.O5 Sedal NumGer nffi TJlO/Pro(TM)-550 @ 16" olc O Usec 1 5/20/20035:43:29 PM Page1 Enginevelsion:l.S.12 :'HIS PRODUCT CONTROLS FOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 23' l1 1/2" Product Diagral11 is Conceptual. L9APg; Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - LMng Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 % duralion, 7.0 Dead, 14.0 Padition SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vemical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Upliftrrotal 1 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 639/335 / 0/ 974 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4' O.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ 2 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 639/335 / O / 974 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4" O.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Shear (Ibs) 957 Vedical Reaction (Ibs) 957 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 5634 Live Load Defl (in} aiI,:oad Defl, (in) Design Control Control Location -951 1925 Passed (49%) Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading 957 1535 Passed (62Yo) Beadng2 under Floor Ioading 5634 7982 Passed (71%) MID Span1 under Floor Ioading 0.599 0.589 Passed (L/472) MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading 0.913 1.177 Passed (L/3O9) MID Span 1 underFloorloading Ul 30 Passed Span 1 -Deflection Crileria: STAN DARD(LL: L/48O,TL: L/24O). -Allowable moment was increased for repelitive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single Iayer of 23132", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): AII compression edges (top and botom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper atachment and positioning of Iateral braoing is required to achieve member stability. TJ.Pro nATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor pedormance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23/32", 3i4" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is suppoded by walls. Additional considerations for this rat;ng include: Ceifing - 1/2" D;rect Applied Gypsum Ceiling, Use Bridging or BlocHng (8' o,c. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been pefformed by the program. Comparison Value: 2.33 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from sonware developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in aocordance with TJ product design cdleria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative tor product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THlS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution produot Iisted above. -Wam;ng: Span exceeds Resident;at Specifier's Guide span (L/480 table). Strength and stiffness requirements have been met. -Dead Ioad on podion of joist area is Iess than minimum allowed. PROJECT INFORMATION: MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE O- O 2002 by ts ;oist, a weyerhaser TJI0 snd TJ-Belurl0 are registered trdemarks of e-I Joistl,Pro and TJ-Pr are trademarks of susiness Trus Joist. Trus Joist. D: \Proqr Piles\l'rus Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files \middelereekO3O414. s OPERATOR INFORMATION: * Group: Prllnary Max. vertica1 Reaction Tota1 (lbs) 974 Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 639 Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs} Menlber Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment {Ft-Lbs} Live Deflection (in) rota1 Deflection (in) LDF = 1-00, Dead + Floor 951 -951 957 -95'7 957 957 9?4 974 5634 0.599 0.913 !%};((;g(g;r-n * TJl@/Pro(TM)-55o @ 16".,. O Usel: 1 5/20/2003 5:43:29 PM P4e2 EngineVersion:l.S.12 THIS PRODUCT CONTROLS FOR .Load Group MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED " 23' 6.5O" " 974 639 2.25(w) Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear {lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) LDF = 0.90, Dead On1y 327 -327 33O -33O 33O 33O 335 335 1940 PROJECT INFORMATlON: MIDDLECREEKVILLAGE o TJIO and 1'J-Bea=D are registered e,I Joist". Pro" and U-Pro" are a Weyerhaeuser Business tradelllarks of Tr=s Joist. tradelltarks of Trus Joist. D:\Program Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Beam\Job Files\middelcreekO 3 0414. s OPERATOR INFORMATION; fi],;((;ggr-lPTJl@/Pro,TM,-550 @ 16" o/c O Usec15/20/?0O35:46:13PM Page1 EngineVeffiion:l.S.12 Maxilnum Design Shear (Ibs) 1 OOO -993 VedicalReaction(Ibs) 1000 1000 Moment(Ft-Lbs) 6144 6144 Live Load Defl (in) 0.494o;i',:""'""'" :J" THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Control Control Location 2125 Passed (47%) Rt. end Span 1 under Floor Ioading 1S35 Passed (65%) Bearing2 under Floor Ioading 9797 Passed (63%) MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading 0.615 Passed (L/598) MID Span : under Floor Ioading 1.229 Passed (L/392) MID Span 1 under Floor Ioading 30 Passed Span 1 Product Diagram iB Coneeptual. L9AP$; Analysis is for aJoist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at tOO % duration, 7.0 Dead, 14.0 Padition SUPPORTS; Input Bearing VertioalReactlons(Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Llve/Dead/Uplift/Total 1 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25" 667/350i0/1017 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy 1 1/4' 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ 2 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25" 667/350i0/1017 A3: Rim Board 1 PIy1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board@ -See TJ SPECIFlER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGN CONTROLS: -Defleotion Criteria: STANDARD(LL: L/48O,TL:U240). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite act;on with single Iayer of 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): AII cornpresston ectges (top and bofiom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper afiachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor pefformance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is suppoded by walls. Additional considerations for this rat;ng include: Ceiling - 1l2" Direot Applied Gypsum Cetnng, Use Bddging or Blocking (8' o.c. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Oomparison Value: 2.41 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The anatysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants tne sizing of its products by th;s software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design va;ues. nte specific product application, input design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not ar products are readily available- Check with your supplier or TJ technical ropresentative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOlST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTlON VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product Iisted above. -Dead Ioad on portion of joist area is Iess than minimum allowed. PROJECT INFORMATION: MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE Cowright @ 2002 1]y Trus Joist. UI@ and U-BealIID are ristered e-I Joist".Pro" and TJ-Pre are a Weyerhser Business tradenlarks of Ts Joist. tradenlarks of Trus Joist. D:\Progralll rUesVrrus JoiGt\TJ-Beall[\Job rJ:esUniddelereek03o 414-sms OPERATOR INFORMATION: €J f$#7olat7A\Xellclllltuser Business TJ-seamcTM) 6.05 sedal NumGer:OTJl@iPro(TM)-550 @ 16" o/c O Usec 1 5/20/20035:46:13 PM Page2 EngineVersjon:l.S.12 THIS PRODUCT CONTROLS FOR Load Group MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED " 24' ?.00" " Loading on all spans, LDF = Design Shear (lbs} Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) O.9O, Dead On1y 342 -342344 -344344 344 35O 35O 2115 PROJECT INFORMATION: MlDDLECREEKVILLAGE ayright 2002 by rrus aaist, a We:rerhaeuser gusiness TJIO and TJ-Bealr0 are registered trademarks of Trus Joist.e-I Joist",Pro" and TJ-Pro" are tradarks of Ts Joist. D;\Progr Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Beam\Jab Fi 1es \midde1creekO30414.sms *- Group: Primary Hax. Vertica1 Reaction Total (lbs) 1017 Max, Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 667 Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in} 32 Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Hember Reaetion (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Homent (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) LDF = 1.0O, Dead + Floor 993 -9931000 -1000 1000 1000 1017 1017 6144 0.494 0.753 1017 667 2.25(W) OPERATOR INFORMATION: KL &A o Ttle IIICV blJg B Date 510103 Jobno. 116'1Oonsuhing Sttctural Engineem ""'+ Subiect b.c,,, Ae,,.(\A fg, sv atrr Sh,,tfi,f (tolJ u( "c,.1J0.o, yv(ttl ' ' 1\--- '"^'3" z;a'I Dt ;,t4,i ;n; = L+6z S ''l f J::3L {Zl9*/lL,, '' uvu ] ;nkur' ;'; ntd I ''4,.- 3' { 1 t 1 ( ( ( t ( ( (_,,gtp ,tz---d-,c Rrof pL''s LL"bo |,=cy, ;a;= 1215 'Y,- 3raipl.ar fiL=;g (.({p b=13b' h/= bl*/&- zdrlco,, >LF?S y_t-qg b,lz',. A,, 6Sfh R= f[cfi-Az}-% e b5 ct-n-tzftt0 2( b) 3 =. - t og ' G--_, +o6 b?1 nt ova ikt ej-s io s' +<,. drts rzw'fce }G*i;" PL CL l'l9 !Q+ 33 S3 25 4O I?o4J ;tJ ; wa11 f;-ti.; : r< KL &a Consulting Stmctural Engineers | Dat{l{OV fi Jobno. Subiect Bv --, LL ',D yt.ffi= L#!l -/ a-- OL 2Syl.ab" at+/r lAa-,-,P-\a " ev"q * zb-l2; ;;r,'!__ __._j/ 1 2f11 Att- ":*= c4{+jat) + {[irn a; ,4"\ Sheetk3/Gf de[\L j s/ FRrd-jq9 T t ;::r : ::,i I I J';'F{h/ -= fi' | = k9+# -I-l I-zol o' c; &( TJ[ P,o cSo 1 ;y on'li r-.cynsdee F = ;!cooo: p\9i Atu " O.O+Sin TtBfag t!*t| LVL = 121.19 T," z45B O (am s{v n'{ tvu) o o Date/il6i/ 6KL 6dA Consulting Structural Engineers Job no. c[l:& Z rr.,t +- t'/ DLt,4ra, jj !xraa+t' [ :,i Lr"l"--'''' L,4Cv,$-53'/ +..,-TI:-.-]::-,." __ (D :.. " '.. "'"-- -.,::._ :.:.j':]: 'a €ff "l----:-:4-]j---I Auu fi$1; u(}- -FJL P,,, l5O I { fiij;Lt. T [i : !qOOC{:/: g" ALL O 60f77,1 { e -c'-}{ li= '{ ut : l2l 9+,-,,q ; ]if|) / / JJ,, KL€iA O "tltJf" Consuht g Structurat Engineers Ttle /AO\/ 0 | Dat Job no. agldc E,ff ifit L\/L |/ f 111t t 111 wafi[g + Subiect Bv Sheet{h,f tzr*/' tP'/' * ,);;trv: tvaur1 kt1 o.t t''' zuf/cc' [ I j b?sz tj l,0(Al/,l{/ j rr'R> ]'r ntf I %oj * Qoo 8 A/? c)U-f''", €Y-p--l|" ) '!:"',od.^",,',,.(ar-' Ffi l< ;tf6 4t [l50fi1 fi//o c,fL rOat,/uW-- fou py4lFT, 8 rLEl'tSE INSERTTHE rouuova;t;(r 7 pAce-1 I'Ake y,qg A -- 3456; 67\jP- OF SEC:rlOAl 8 0O '''A6ovE' GRh g€ ry)ott,.,,,,.Ij\JGJ' !naers eoffiunrztlov, a6ea !92170 pgg 9017 !vINHOJIlVo J0 V'slx :Ag }uas y(s A ti l.U-J ot a To5 9En ig P g'B!i ii[i ij Ga8 .e€ E 1Ilo 9o a @ EdoD N Wo = fi e , rlil,ss gt13 = i !'aa st$s1s g .Jn' I1'I €;',- " q N 0ll E N 8 = 'Ea,,,I=- tttt,ft g f[' fggE Ffi :[f-5' iJ ff,,,_4. =nd p ' 0i-[ fi-if3' ui se9 : 1 a.e.: ,f a "e$8 9449r8b0 ' 00' A * ?l I..^.-'- "' n f a.s.s | i o IV U1 = t Ig = 8"$P-"' i -d6, a e i f t!iti;i' it,,ttitl 66 6 Mi i,oo o 66 6 66 6 66 6 % '6 t BCL a a a 98 fi n EIEE D 0 O li'Ie4q o # =585! R " Tr w =Jsou&tn I n I+1N q o a oa oobt. N tO F tn ; tlidgdF;$s slt ooo t Noa)e 6 a o S N tTj O (O0'g vi qd d 4 d d d id'6 !mqrro, ' a ; Ii!iilI H @ I uj 9 to4=1 = >< x x = x xxx O t\1 t tn lD 1D @ to @ ddddddd = = 22 t = =c e Ir (e e r: e e L L U UL tL U G| >$>>x> =m fiU UUUU dI tXXlllX n. d; .gJ g ==ibii = 89&& 3 gss RRssaFs#" - 3{ g F .,b: igI ;f _ _ atre,f a ij[fi fiRS9 '[fiJ t $ : I fi ==t Issn d lJ ryEL' ' B Jn p $# !VlNuojllvo uo vru :Ae tuas:gZpo 9gg sopfHdgt:g C0-6-unrL|lVL a6ea B KL &A oof =ulUl'lg aruoturd Englnoes {.o Cv, \.0 ' 4pr' llled\hiJt;.....,,,...:.. i ? = ll3Qlk, gZs{yptps", i:aaffi biP.,:* l,t''":, 'i- _ " o lLldL a0ed "+ 'tf"A" r- r""""v, _.Gitvx r :( ,,-)+4&- J,.{hd-gBlDFoP1 --\,.--/ ' ""F,2' -fnurt:s eo-6-unp fszto P99 8O9 !vINuOJIlVo o ytg;y :Ag ;uas WolJtl DDallli and Jollla 346 e KL &nd A d eolor:do La01 Ulx}Sl& 6/0/2003 l:IGPM !vlNHojllVo so v'ru :As ;uas Flb: WOOBEA= OAI.OONY XL3 Sh6fi Olme{Illon BDsllIa L|leL a6ea fWdPP:s PsDoldl !9Ztzo 999CO-G-unr 8O9 Sent By: KL&A 0F OALIFORNIA; To: KLA OF COLORADO At : 1 408 654 15,100 Jun.lO-0475;1AM;Page t /1 %lhrD o (ccl Tablo 9.3A Lag Scrow Deoign Valuos (Z) for Single Shoar (two men*or) gggg)ggc;gg;g= HiIlI bolh Illcmberq of jdcnllcal sur Mejbbcr TMukns$s t, inche.q I.ll screw DiamotoJ D inches (b{l.43 Hclll.Pir (H).4? $pluccrilleFk C=O. 3? kodwood (open gtain) 0=0.36 Basleln SoIlwutlJfi Spruec4'tntffi (5) Weslcl11 (;cdll$ WDltcm Woods 0=0.35 Nortblrll Sproii.s 2, Z.. Z,. Z, lbs. Ibs, lbs. Ibs. Z; Z,. Z.,. Z, Ib$, lbs Ibi. Ibs. Zu Z,., Z,, ;. Z; lbl. lbs. lbl. lbi. z, z,, z., z, Ibh. Ibt, bs, lbs. ?.t 7.,. 7.., Z,Ibl. lbl. Ib5. Ib5. l/2 I/4 .-5/1d'.. ]/8 I5O 90 Il0.9O I9q J001 l8.I90, 13(l ll0 I80 llO lSO 9O IlO 90 tru looy-Isd- -I{l0220 1l{) 1l{) Il0 I3O 70 ]00 70 Lili$,gffiidi@;:::Ii[j90 90 fd0 9O I30 70 100 ?D 'tfq-' iso.uo_. r dqI90 8O l50 H0 I80 I20 70100 ?O rda - tao_ g?- B0 l.$O 8O 51V l/4 I!.!-l"J: 3/8 I6O IlO l2O l0(l zzo ;att uM' ::fo" 210 I4O l90 l40 I50 Il{} ll0 If)0 !Ui0i dlJ;fff$}}f4f 2?() l30 l90 l3O I40 9O l0O 90 iZPll.10f'--'t;[( -'lClq 240 l)0 170 1l0 I40 90 I00 90 lq) d-j0Cf i40:- 10(f' ?40 no rm nd 23O 140 80 l00 8ll .90 t|Q ^{m IOO lH} I0O 3/4 I/4 -wlGit l/8 I60 IlO 120 Il0'.gg; t:o tta.'{i1 280 l'/U 2CX) I,7{l l60 ll0 I20 1l0 2t0^-.lj0' ldtf','filf0 280 160 200 l6O j50 I00 110 90 !9ltH}t{dttmffi::ilf 26O j30 I80 I30 l$O 10U llO 9O-l0( 120 lSBl no 25(} l3(l n() l10 I40 IOO I00 90 ltltl" 110 IlO'll+ 250 I20 l?0 l2[} I I/4 tt6i 3i8 I90 13f} l40 I?0 .ast); ';\ffi.. ;jg !ffirq' 3lO j9O 2?0 I80 l9O lZO I4O I2O ,Uqil:I60, fl10. 1sa 30O l9O 22O I?O I7O Il0 12fl l00 ima;+ffimtt(rrffif2l0 I70 2(X) 1JO l70 ll0 I20 I0(} m.-t t* tto ilf, 11{) l70 l90 [5O l6O I00 l20 1O0 7l0 140' lffi. I30 270 I60 I90 Ij0 I.t/4 ll4 *16:'.! |l8 2l0 l40 l50 I40so :to ata l- l7a ll0 2l0 25Q l9O 2OO I4O I|0 jl{) ';j=rffiitdt)' i.;t.#fiffi 340 1fi0 til ]9l} l90 I2l) l4l) l2l) ,'}JGffltpfJJra;;ffat{.3l0 1110 22O l60 l9() 12n I40 Il0 ffigggfiffirffijffig) }00 i80 2.j0 I60 I80 llO l3O IlO 14t,, l50 l9O '+40 300 l502l0I?O 1.l/2 l/4 J/16 .1/R 1116 |n ,$d..:. 1/4 7A.''.1 1 ;1-1dr ;i I-I/4 2lO I50 j50 l40 .no "200 ZlO'.'.flO 37O 23O 260 21U 41'o 27u _tao' no 580 330 40U 30C) .'k2L JI1ni goy;afd' I I20 460 72l j 46(} ttm 'sto-- p'20-'J00 1800 540 1l5tl.SilO !io3dj.i7{i{:iffi: jlfdi 22511 60l) 1610 600 200 15U I.50 14O 100..15t0.. ?.ld ' 18C 3?{} 220 26O 2O0 a:a av.:dd.J*o. 5?0 120 400 29O 8lO- 410" 54O 400 1100 4$0 ?t0 450 qisr ;do ; ttxri.:ian 1760.5]0 ll:{0 5J0 ;fmo::.fidalJ ii'|ai.&ffi 2200 58O 1650 58O l90 ldO I4O I:1O 2so' ' l7o I90' l60 34O l90 24O l80 430 ?40 3O0 t2D 5l0 l90 3$O 260-ffi:, sso:' +;a..:so' 1020 3?O 64O 370 iffitii,pJ'iddi:.'mr 1560 440 1030 44O 1756',Jij0.iff0 l66 1950 49O 1510 49O I9O I30 j40 l10 27a.l6o l9q. ;id 34O l90 23O I?0 ;'42li': nb:' 29o' bld: i;d ' :w m ' fio 1j0 1Yl\ 48q }30 1010 36O 630 -160 1330- 3}0 nto ffi 1520 420 10tO 41O $,td;tdo{bht +it 1900 470 1480 4?O 190 l]0 l30 l20 .,270 'w0 lf10. l,50 l30 1BD 230 I?0 a:o cao 2s0 200 500 280 34O 25O tza aio 4n" aia, 980 350 620 350 I18P ',Po 'nl}, \37o t460 4lO 990 4lO tUo. ;',do;.lqffi.ap' 1810 45'0 j45{l 45l} 1.|n l/4 .J/l'f. I' 3/8 Yl'{l'lla' 1/Z f/B; 3l4 1l$ 1 1..l/8 jBj/4 2lO I5O l5O I4O 30o '1:o 2111 tvo 1?0 2d0 260 230 510 34O q40 300 66D jl2(1 41ID 380 ;r.: Q ;r n r140 810 nID 150 2140 90O 1340 900 2600 96O lJ90 96O 3110 1000 t850 1000 zoo ljO Ij0 l40 : agp:i2ld'i?Ii}' nn; 37(l 260 2fi() 230 boo' :to 34o _m 6.50 4lO 43O J70 lb20/ 530'' djo' 470'no 6so 'iao 59o I?Ib, 81p l.tlqO^' 740, 2110 88O 1310 88O 2560 vni ;i,n' nd 3070 9?0 1820 9?O t9U l4O l4O I30 zoo'uao.' ;;o tno 3.5{) 24O 24{) 2l0 '4'1q.JlO 3.t0 J?0 620 l60 400 32() .960 |41O. i100.ilO 1240 6l0 800 $20 d6(l 680 980. 6dO 1940 7-1O 1180 730 ?aGll, 7dcr t!0d 16O 2840 8lO 1650 8lO l90 140 l40 l2O 2?o :ab ;ao n;o 340 210 230 200 ;)Pq :.*x(., 'd}oii:;?,lAj 6l{) 34t} 39l) 3l0 91b 460 Jm-4m t220 fk)0 ?lQ 5l0 I54o^ 660 960 f$0: 1910 70O 1160 ?O0 2330 73o 1370 730' 2800 78O 1620 7l0 l9O l30 l30 l20 .R70 l90 I90 I?0 )40 23D 23O 21X} v460 - 190,'3@..ifl}6a) 340 390.100 ffiHJ:mfj$Sd : fi)' 1180 580 1{0.S00 tffiiyyy:;v* ".mo1860 6l0 1130 680 1270 700 I)40 700 2740 ?50 1580 ?50 l" 11|oglo '1JIII$gl l,lbbljlatcd bteral design v;ttpu (2) tiw tttg scmtv connootions shatl to fmlllipliad by nll upplit;ubk tqitum:ent fatlt)rs (Tabtc 1.3, l}. L. hhubtql lalecal design ntues @ arc fctg "full dtantctc;" lag ;cmws (ste Rtftrancc 6) tnscnart in sidc grllin with lug aunw ub perpudit;ulur tu wtxxt libcm. and with the follotvbg log m=w bel[dillg :ridd 3troltgths tFnt F,, = 70.000 psi for D = t/4", F,," 60,000 pgi for D = 5/l6'. F,, = 45,ffi0 ps) for D a 3/8". )14i N0; AMrPICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOClATlON jffiii a +s F K[&A oorlOumng 8tf uotuml FnOlrll=rs SubiectGHED rgpP Bv tv:'_ gn,.ttof iu-ff)*tts }-;rJ,[' =zorlft '.!^ : . ! ': -' Z[/9 a0eu .' 9290 t99 sot k/ t o a KL &/1 oonsuklng StrueturoJ €nglneor4 fndgp:g e0-6-unr Tltlo Date {ob no. Sut>ioet,. Bv Shqgt o1 U.'?i ;A" .3Jffi F /[/9[ a0ea fgZp0 pgg sot !vINHOJIlV0 :o vvu :Ag ;uas a+s 0r KL ddA Sheot of i :.i.._J, t. ; , i i;! '::i( i :" I i ' 'i i i_r. =' ! ' ; :, ' j ;.-, :. , i; , i I '_ i : o!. : ii: ^ ': :'j j i i ; =t 9 ! 1!' "''":"'"'!, i.. ' i i i I: ;i.i i ; tt- i::', : :. , i i-': '. ' ; : !! i' ''' ' : ' i l''i ;i .t..i... -.:...--J Ii, i ', -.'i i! i ! ' :, :...-..;!l'il : i' i :i. ''. ! I I: i. ''' -'i. : : oon*ultlng struotuml Engler0 !VINHOjrlVo ;o w:x :ig ;uas:9290 P99 sot2!fidZ9:9 coGunr((y(( a6ea o o 900 Roofs r,l ///, ;,,,,'i | o g 910 Roof Most of the roof framings are pre-engineered frames @ 24" on center. Some roof elements are designed by the structural engineers. The calculations of those elements are included in this section. They are: o Structure supporting the canopy located at the South face of Building C i;t = === 'e c\I mC\I CID qf o g-oc\l taoao| o =ooo";' al =o c.,) €o=o, =V1 o De go @ e'gIi, g g .,Iu Ia Ij s IQ I $ Io II d I + c\Iql| !ela oc\l @F tn o oco to N 8 $ R 8 88988 T"' 88R 8 R $ 8v" r'" cv to 888R88 t tt\Ic\I ' I f8888 t t t+Tl=b(o ' I I Sg|$m;; o eD oN e6ul$ V1og i.l lAI> =s i@ IIe I = Io II.l I d I bo=9e o =0oo "J'oeo C.D eoEB =@ o beg Eg% cl1 I eI @ |, I e H { ." ; -l : I o o ot'J (o o 8888 T'" 888 g 8q" c\I 8889 tq=EDl-=tv ' 888 t ;i" (\l ' I IooPkIII :' e a'h a a a a e n F' P R fi fi g 8 $ g 8 fi g $ $ 8 Uuo CB02+ ==ffiQ e $9o=ul =H WPfi $9 e ffq vltaW ==C.D =I== J =It R .,.S,.S$S Q co B B.; i nt"Q" v", T s P-9F pi:l-$: V> b p- n $ g $ " p"cs f1fi "o c/loll.I =9a'gP.E...a" =ff ggS_ et\I -(\l r'".ffi Cfi t Je a a _" ': IO -t\I VJ (\l g f : "" f o o o o Q co p s10 c\I mt} 9 R i ! fi $ t ; I d d d d dd d c; c; d @ o 9 (\I mT"' C\I C\I CO + |,. :-o o o o f f fi fi ff $ = E ? 2:a-a = \a o o 1AJ Qc=,a $E m * fi Eg a* r> Illl= r""' 0 :a # I= 9 E EGr ffi< fL = = ffi [ g : 3 ] E ; sI cc i g : I.U I + I 0I ce ! =i V1 = KL€iA o nLE czaetw, utttn(,GD,t, 'o|Consulting Structural Engineers SoufH CA/\I0f'Y / gegywt.: L oaA : IeJpczr- ,rtp.)gqgRAQE [/fi +e,;|{-U.a-/J z" ,- *}, / \ [ure aern;uau uours ' {IJI 44,2 \_o,. ol "p DL- [-I-too psf FLPf ] eoo [ V- ""1""" "'^' C,: t a e pef e CgrkB L e 'g " d,e- = /6, 4 a. J mmph "''rsF. PN@.Il?\ W(;oo +2ot)+ z' = 'sg__plf U$e,!HE-MF1K /qo.l Qyj} loo + 70 11:21 /a d yrf 0 bdarf\ %de- 6'lZf pt{ 4O, 421 |[,-|t \\/ = Ao6 rsf Mma. tLl =[O / ae / I , z/ Ubg 4-;T;"' HFM I"ttC No. 13'| 12." e z t(' RoonNG, R Fla/YMl/\lF S/\lovJ ez, f"ur h Ctof' sl,1O\hJ DRIFT WtND fi2R CPrNo?tV", @.r -r p.d + (o s€) Ttle MID 31,,-Job ,,. n 69 Subject I$LPG,C-PARlclNjdr sy NT Sheet l,t SourH CAAloPy pert:rt;Uer ;,:r<;rT HtLAVY ggPsf'i I I C/)UJL GUu Lrt nn g;$); KL€iA O o ' i.iaP Co:nsutt;ng St uctu a: Enginee s b Lu Date bhlos, Job no. 1169 (l6',,-6'}, -2-'= {u.a'- HnutnR No. j PoST FoqrlJ\l6 Subiect $[}$( Q- P/rRKIA/G-gy (( Sheet Zof Pfie1' I i=Ir I ;l.IElllaq==jl=" "-} + tz9 psf n /4 " _ t 2 ' ) |oa;trrn G.Ualdt/rfi btar1rA to, tyo i[.. ito" = o(,uJ [oAfi B?psf * ffiz,{,775Flf HAI\jGrERS -roR SMALLBeT\MS USE rACE PtoufilTHl'rl\lGrER %s+ Woa"- U9g SIMFSON OB coLotAN BA-9F [rgq 66-sDSL gnouJ Loatd :. t85ofof dk AmrtZa "f , sJl lkL A=;+.'t ft ^ /'it \ I ali. "fi4liotAl / 3//fiZ" LEbGrER to PC WAL L p09r CaF cc.0t b use, 2.6' l>I,i$wv\ t,64L I l4ILTl k[l/lksoL:rlt (CARB.flSreel-) dP Y2' Yo,,&.d,.oit bqo4 = 2-|/[" -"-v'?[y 21+"- srA-G6f EIaRD ,\,/q, 3"x <z'l rUBIo "/ tccA no,iLs aat=uiJt, >1420'\ cmmGI9 ) x '-t E'e u'i.\ ;;t,:' t9llt f'$"\ =\d 9<,}" gt Bj, 5 @ g B Efio I CO0E8: See pagE 8 for Code L jsting Key Chad 1.10d common nails or 16d sinkers (9 gauge x 3'/l') may be used instead of the specif ed 16d nails at O.84 of the uble 1oad mlue. 2.16d sinkers (9 gauge x 3'4') may be used instead of the specified 10d commons with no 1oad redudion. 3. Roof Ioads are 125Yo of floor Ioads unless limited by olher criteria. 4.Upliff Ioads have been increascd 33'/0 and 60'6 for eadhquake or wind loading wjth fi0 fudher increase allowed. Divdc by 1.33 and 1.60 for nomal loading such as in calilever construction. 5.MIN nailing quantiU and load values-fill all round hol6; MAX nailing quanUly and 1oad yalucs-fill all round and Iriangle holes. G.DF/SP Ioads oan be used fo1 SC[ thal has fastener holdifig uapacity of 0oug Fif. 7. Sce pg 11 for headers with reduced capacity due to iDfiallation with different nails. Joisl 8ize IYlodel No.Ga Dimensiong Fastenem Spmce-Pine-Fir Allowable Loads Code Ref.w H B Headef Joid Uplifi Floo f100}Snon {116 Roo (125} 10d 16d (133]I c160)10d 16d 10d d6d 1Dd 16d SAWN LUMBEB $lZES DBL 2x12 LUS210-2 18 Jx.2 8-16d 6-16d 1390 1670 1465 1680 1830 1, 36, 84, 122 U21O-2 16 91s 8)4 2 14-10d 14-16d 6-10d g2O 1345 1610 1545 1850 1680 2010 26,83,120 LUS214-2 18 3X 10y,2 10-16d 6-16d 1390 1670 1695 1945 2115 HUS210-2 14 3J4 99{,2 8-16d 8-16d 1755 2105 1650 1900 2065 1.36,84.122 HUS212-2 14 0YA 10x 1O-16d 1O-16d 2195 2630 2065 2375 2580 HU212-2 (Min)14 3X 1O9{,2y,16-16d 6-10d 785 94O 1855 2135 2320 26.83,120HU212-2 (Max)14 h 10v.22-16d 1O-10d 1305 1570 2550 2935 3190 TPL 2x1; LUS28-3 18 4%6x 6-16d 416d 925 1115 1050 1210 1315 9.42,122LUS210-3 18 49f 8X,2 8.16d 6-16d 1390 1670 1465 1680 1830 HU212-3(Min)14 41X.10y,2J4 16-16d 6-10d 785 odn 1B55 2135 2320 26, 83, 120HU212-3 {Max}14 41X.10x,2Jf 22-16d 10-jOd 1305 1570 2550 2935 3190 U210-3 l0 496 JZ4 2 14-10d 14-16d 6-10d 77O g2O 1345 1610 1545 1850 1680 2010 2x14 LUS210 18 19{,7'X,1H 8-10d 4-10d 780 935 1085 1245 1355 4.3B.87.122 LU210 2O 1H,7'X,1%1O-10d 1O-16d 6-1Odx1J4 63O 760 g6O 1150 1105 1320 1200 1440 2.43,120 U210 16 19{,'7|Y 2 10-10d 1O-16d 6-lOdxlx 625 75O 960 1150 1105 1320 1200 1440 HU214 14 1x,10X 2x 12-16d 6-lOdxlX 625 75O 1390 1600 1740 U214 16 1x,1O 2 12-10d 12-16d 8-lOdxly,83O 1000 1150 1380 1325 1585 1440 1725 dU, 0O, 14U DBL 2x14 U210-2 16 Bj4 2 4-10c 14-16d 6-10d 770 92O 1345 1610 1545 1850 1680 2010 LUS214-2 18 o/A 1Uy.2 10-16d 6-16d 1390 1670 1695 1945 2115 1, 36, 84, 122HUS212-2 14 3J(1o% I 10-16d 1O-16d 2195 2630 2065 dO/O 2580 HU212-2 (Min)l4l 3x 1o9f. I 2)4 16-16d 6-10d 785 g4O 2135 2320 26,83.120 HU212-2 (Max)l4l \l,Ifl 1o9fB I 2j6 22-16d 10-10d 1305 1570 2550 -l 2935 3190 HU214-2(Min)14l 3J[173/,1 D1/18-16d 8-10d 045 1255 2090 -l 2400 I 2610 HU214-2 (Max)14l 3J6 12'%, 12J4 24-16d 12-10d 57O 1880 2785 -l 32001 -3480 TPL 2x14 U210-3 l6l 4%7%2 14-10d|14-16d 6-10d |77O 920 1345 1610 1545 I 850 I16so 2010 HU214-3 (Min)14j 4'Jf. I 12x,2Jf 8-16d 8-10d O45 1255 2090 - I 2400 l-2610 HU214-3 (Max) I11L il'Jf6 i 12X,I 2J6 24-16d 12-10d 57O 1880 27B5 | 3200 I-3480 2x16 U214 16l '9fo I 10 2 l2-10d|2-16d 8-10dx1X I 83O 1000 1150 1380 |15s5 11440 1725 HU214 14l txa I 10)6 2X 2-16d 6-1Od><1y,625 75O 1390 1600 1740 DBL 2x16 HUS212-2 14l 3x I 1O9{2 -I 1O-16d 1O-16d 2195 2630 2065 2b75 2580 1. 36. 122 HU2162(Min)14l /s 13z 2J{-I ?0-16d B-10d 1045 1255 2320 2670 2900 26,83.120 HU216-2 (M&)14l 3J(13'/,2J{-I ?6-16d 12-10d 1570 1880 30151 3470 3770 TPL 2x16 HU216-3(Min}14l *xa I 1yA 2X -I ?O-16d 8-10d 1045 12551 -I 2320 |2670 2900 HU216-3(Max)|14l *xo I 19/,O1/"-I ?6-16d 12-10d 15701 lsso|-I ootsl 3470 3770 3x4 U34 16l 29{6 I 3%2 4-10d|4-16d 2-10dx1J6 21o |25o |ses I 46o |44O 530 48O 575 HU34 14 21fo I 3%2X 4-16d 2-10dx1J6 21o |25o |-I 465 |535 -l 58O 3x6 U36 16 2'h I 5%2 8-10d s-16d|4-lOdxlJf 4151 50o |77o |92o |885 1060 96o I 1150 LUS36 18 2o/. I 2 4-16d |4-16d 925 I 11151 -l s20 |945 1025 I 160 HU36 14 zxa I 5%2J{8-16d 4-lOdxlx 415 I 5oo I -l 930 1065 1160 3x8 U36 16 2x,5x 2 8-10d B-16d 4-lOdxlX 415 I 5oo I 77O 920 885 1060 g6O 1150 HU38 14 '216 7y.2x 10-16d 4-lOdxlJf 415 5OO 1160 1335 1450 CV, OO, IdV 3x10 U310 16 D{)l sx 2 14-10d 14-16d 6-1Odx1;6 625 75O 1345 1610 1545 1850 1680 2010 LUS310 sl ogll 7x 2 6-16d 4-16d 925 1115 1050 1210 3151 16O HU310 4l ?%6 I sz j)1/-I 4-16d 6-10dx1J6 625 75O 1625 1870 2030 26, 83, 120 cfi 97192 ol 29f6 I o'Al 2 4-10dl 4-16d 6-lOdxl)f 625 750 1345 1610 545 rissQ;16s0i 2010q:pl HU312 4l z;ro I 10%2J{6-16dl 6-1Odx1J6l625 75O s55 I 2135 -I 2320 3x14 U314 e|axa I 1O){2 6-10dj 6-16d|6-1Odx1)(625 I 75O 535 |s40 |765 2115 t 92o |Z?lJO HU314 4l ?x8 I 12y,OM s-16d |B-1Odx1;6 s30 |0001 -l 7090 |)d -I 2610 JXID U314 6|zxo I 10J6 4 I4 I 6-10dl 6-16d I B-1Odx1)4 oes I 75o I sssl s40 I 765 2115 19201 2300 HU316 4l d9f6 I 14x zx I - |:o-toul B-1Odx1)4 aso |oool -l ozo |2670 -I z900 4x4 US44 sl 3xa I 3 2 4-16dl 2-16d 44o I 44o I -I 64o I 735 -I 8O0 1.36.84,122 U44 6|5%s I "/8 z |4-10d I 4-16d 2-10d 255 I 3o5 I 3s5 I 46o I 44O 53O 4so I 575 26, 83, 120HU444lxc I /2X I -I 4-16d 2-10d 26o |315 |-I 465 I 535 -I 580 4x6 LUS46 s|Jlfo I 4%2 4-16d I 4-16d 925 I nsl -I s20 I 945 O25 1. 36. 84. 122 U46 o|aro I 4'/8 4 I I s-10d|s-16dl 4-10d 1510 I s15 I 77o I g2o I 885 1060 960 I 15O 26. 83. 12O US46 4|lJfa I 5 2 4-16d I 4-16d s75 I 0551 -l azs I 95O O30 1, 36, 84, 122 HU46 (Min)4l }xa I 5X,zX I s-16d I 4-10d 525 I 625 I -I 93o I 1065 16O 26, 83, 120HU46 (Max)4|19fa I 5X,2J6 I - I1 2-16d|6-10d ..,- I/OD I 940 |sool 1600 74O clnul GE= ..q'r' ,j,f The CBS0 uses Simpson's SDS screws, which allow for fast installation, reduced rcveal and high capacity, while maintaining the net seclion of the column. IYIATEBIAL: See table. FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATION: o Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. o Install Simpson's code-reoognized SDS1/4x2 waod screws, whlch are provided with Ihe column hase. (Lag screws will not achieve the same loadJ o Not recommended for nomlop-suppoded installations such as fences. CODES: See pa0e 8 for Code Listing Key 0had. 1, For higher downloads, solidly pack 0rout under 1' stando# plate before insUlljng CBS0 into concrete. Base download on oolumn or concrcle, according to the code. The CB0 uses Simpson's SDS screws, which allows for fast installation, reduced reveal and high capacity, while maintaining the net section of the column. MATERIAL: See table. FINISH: Galvanized. niSTALLATIOIi: oUse all specified fasteners. See General Notes- o Install Simpson's code-rccognized SDS1/4x2 wood screws, whlch are provided with the column base. (Lag screws will not achieve the same Ioad.) a Not recommended for non-lop-suppoded installations suoh as fences. CODES: See page 8 for Code Ljsting Key Chad. LCB-Low-cost column base for patios, carports, breezeways and porches. CB-For columns that require high structural values and rugged pefformance. FINISH: LCB, 0B44, 0B46, CB66-galvanized; all other CB-Simpson gray paint or HDG. INSTALLATION: aUse all specified fasteners. See General Notes o For full Ioads, minimum side oover required is 3' for 0B, 2" for L0B. o Install all models with botom of base plate flush with concrete. o Not recommended for non-top-suppoded installations such as fcnces. OPTIONS: = The LCB may be shipped unassembled; specify "Disassembled". a L0B and 0B are available in rough size. Other sizes available for CB specify W1 and W2 dimensions. Consult Simpson for bolt sizes and allowable Ioads. See PBS. CODES: See page 8 for 0ode ListiDg Key 0han. ffi, ..J:::;::::,,, ffi CBO-SDS2 ffi ffi LCB forglulamcolumn l.Upljff Ioads have besn increased 339; aod 60'/; for sadhquakc or wind Ioad jng, with no fufiher increase allowed; reduce where other ;oads gavern. ,,2. PSL is paralle j strand lumber. Typical CBSO-SDS2 Inslallation Typi[al CBQSDS2 Installalion CB44 {CB46, CB66 similall dz o +I7lo o =o =a o s5 Model No. Mamrial Dlmcfisions Number 0l Simpson SDS% x 2" scmws Uplifi Avg UIt AllowabIe Loads Code nef.Oolumn Sin Base (0a) Stmp (0a)W1 wz D H Uplifi (133) Uplifi (160) Down (10O) 0BSQ44-SDS2 4x4 12 ]tlaAX'?I/J 3Yi6 3'/i 7'/16 8%14 16667 5335 1097.5 48CBS046-SDS2 4x6 12 1 Oaa x 3 3V16 5Y16 79/4 8'1/16 14 16667 5335 14420 CBS066-SDS2 6x6 12 1 Oaa x 3 ql/b 6'/b 8%14 24000 5710 685.5 14420 MDdel No. Nominal Matelial Dimenslom Numbelof Simpson SOSl/s x 2" screws Uplifi AYg UIt Allowable Loads Code Ref.8ize Base (Ga) 8trap (Ga}W1 wP D H Uplifi {183) Upliff {160} CB044-SDS2 4x4 7 7aa x 2 3Y16 39'16 8 8"/16 12 14350 4200 4200 48CB046-SDS2 4x6 7 7aa x 2 \j716 8'1/16 12 14350 4200 4200 CBQ66-SDS2 6x6 7 lX'.5 5'2i 8"/16 12 14350 4200 4200 Effml GEg- The industrv smndard co:umn cap. Precision tactory gang-punched holes , CC64, CC66, CC68, CC6-7'/b-7 gauge; all others-3 gauge FINISH: Simpson gray paint; may be ordered HDG; CCO-no finish. ntSTALLATION: =Use all specif ied fasteners. See General Notes. o Bolt holes shall be a minimum of Y(' to a maximum of %e' larger than the bolt diameter (per 1997 NDS, section OPTlONS: o Straps may be rotated 90' where W1zW2 (see illustration). = For special, custom, or rough cut lumber sizes, provide dimensions. An optional W2 dimension may be specified with any co;umn size givep (not!. that the W2 dimension on straps rotated 90' is limited by the Wt dimension). a Column caps with W:, L, H1, and hole schedules different from the table may be special ordered. Provide a drawing to ensure accuracy 0C0-Oolumn oap only may be ordered for field-welding to pipe or_ _ other columns. No loads apply. C00 dimensions are the same as CC. 000B-Any two CC0s may be specified tor back-to-back welding to create a cross beam connector. Use the table loads; the 1oad is no greater than the lesser e;ement employed. 00C/0CT-Cross Oolumn Cap/T Oolumn Cap. 7 gauge stirrups mav be welded to column cap sides. Upliff Ioads do not apply to side strrups. To order, add the appropriate leters and dimensions to the model number in the table; see examples. TIle following erileda apply: 1.The stde stirrup maximum allowable download cannot exoeed 40% of the download tn the table for the unmodified product, and cannot exceed 10,665 Ibs. The sum of the Ioads cannot exceed the table Ioad. ne column width in the direction of the beam width must be the same as the beam width: W1. Z.Specify the stirrup heioht from the top of the cap. The minimum H2/H3 for the stirrup is 6'/2" (3'/' for 44s). 3.The L dimension may vary depending on W3 or W4. Ordering examples: A C0C66 with W3 = SV;, H2 and H3 = 61/" ;s a CC66 column cap with 51/' beams on each side with all beam seats flush. l.Post sides are assumed to Iie in the same vertical plane as the beam sides, Z.Loads may not be increased Ior shodterm loading. 3.Downloads are determined using Fcl equal lo: 560 psi for glulam sizes and CC86. CC88 and CC106; 750 psi for 7'/a' size; 625 psi for a[l others; reduce where and bea[ing value of post UR of post, or other criteria are limiting. I llil;fl IA4rl. L..,, ll,\Ali :66l.fi,./.6H '1101..Ind Ano/- for aadhquake or w jnd Ioading; reduce where other Ioads govem. Uplifi Ioads ate Iimitcd bv Ihe beam shear oapacit per 1997 NDS S;ction 3.4-5 cxcept CC76, CC78, and CC96 Ihrough 0C106. S.Spliced conditions must be detailed hy ffie sDecifisr lo tmnder tension Ioads between splioed members bv means other than the column oap. A Ilnlilllnade dn nnl nnnlv to snlioe conditions. Thcre are cost-effeolive allernatiYcs for rcplacing cotumn caps by using a combinalion of connectors. Here ara some examples. Oes;gner musl spcolly the options required. Indead of ffie column cap, considef Ihls confiector comblnatios. G%'MIN H2 p1i'FOnCCI44} lnslead of the oolgmn tap, lomidsr this connector combinalios. Order each conneclor separalely. For mole information, request Form T-CC and Ihe Producl Worksheet. NOTE: The sidecap willbe welded tlush with the top 0 f the main cap. CC0B 1 F1j Optbnal 0C with stmps mtated 90' g d eiTo od =o = .P @ o = f}$\.J,V"L" / TGAUGEfirlnmP : See page 8 for Gode Listing Key Chad. Model No. Dimensions Fadeners Allowabls Loads Code Bef. W1 W2 L H1 Beam Post Uplin Down 0ly Dia Qty Dia (133)(160){100} C031/.-4 3'/4 3'76 11 6'/i 4 5/s 2 3035 3170 19250 20,80 CC3'/4-6 3'/4 5'/i 11 6'h 4 5/s 2 ^1'8 3035 3170 19250 CC44 3ys 3%4 ys 2 %1220 1465 15310 CC46 3'/s 5'/t 11 6'7i 4 2 2330 2800 24060 CC48 3'4 11 6'/2 4 %2 2330 2800 24060 CCS'/[-4 5'/4 J'7a 13 8 4 3/4 2 Y4 6305 6690 37310 CC5'/4-6 5'/4 13 4 74 2 V4 6275 6690 37310 0C5'/4-8 5'/4 13 8 4 3/4 2 %6275 6690 37310 CC64 5'/6 3%11 61/1 4 %2 5/6 3365 3660 37810 CC66 91A 5'/5 11 61/2 4 %2 1B JO0O 3660 37810 CC68 5'/7'/2 11 6'/2 4 %2 3365 3660 37810 CC6-7'/s 5'A 11 6'/2 4 '/s 2 6A 3365 3660 37810 CC7'/s-4 7'/e 3'76 13 8 4 '/4 2 ';'4 6260 7510 68250 CC7'7b-6 7'/s 91A 13 4 ^74 3/4 6320 7585 68250 CC7'/s-7',6 7'/s 7'/s 13 8 4 ry4 2 Y4 6320 68250 C074 6'/s 3%13 4 3/4 2 %6270 7525 49140 CC76 0'/8 5'i 13 8 4 2 Y4 6270 49140 CC77 6'/6 6'7i 13 4 Y4 1'4 6270 7525 49140 C078 6'/s ?1,{.13 8 4 ^y4 2 '74 6270 7525 49140 0C86 7',6 5'/2 13 8 4 3/,2 6200 7440 54600 CC88 '71/.7'/13 8 4 2 '/4 6200 7440 54600 CC96 8'/s €1/.13 8 4 3i 2 %6260 7515 63700 =;:: 8776 7'/i 13 8 4 Y4 2 1/4 6260 7515 63700 .06 a1A 5'/2 13 o 4 3/4 2 '/d ozou 7515 69160 Anchoring Systems 4.3.3 (Carbon Steel Kwik Bolt II Allowable Loads in Concrete Ancllor Diameter in. (mm) Embedment Depth in, (mm) 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)3000 psi (20.7 MPa)4000 psi {27.6 MPa)6000 psi (41,4 MPa) Tension Ib (kN) $hear Ib (kN) Tension Ib (kN) Sheal Ib (kN) Tension Ib (kN) Shear lb (kl\l) Tension Ib (kN) Shear Ib (kN) Y4 (6.4) 1'ls (29) 270 (1.2) 430 (1,9) 330 (1.5) j130 (1.9) 380 (1.7) 430 (1.9) 470 (2.1) 430 (1.9) 2* (51) 560 (2.5)530 (2.4) 590 (2.6)530 (2.4) 630 (2.8)530 (2,4) 670 (3.0) 530 (2.4)3'/4* (95) 670 (3.0) 670 (3.0) 670 (3.0) 'h (95) 1'/. (41) 530 (2.4) 990 (4.4) 650 (2.9) 1040 (4.6} 750 (3.3) 1100 (4.9) 850 (3.S) 1100 (4.9) 2'12* (64) 1200 (5.3)1470 (65) 1290 (5.7)1470 (6.5) 1370 (6.1);I?ffi (6.5) 1550 (6,9) 1470 (6.5)4'14' (108) 1330 (5.9) 1390 (6.2) 1440 (6.4) t\Q R .$U\\ N..o 8 Y2 (12.7) 2'l4 (57) 1170 (5.2) 1940 (S6) 1310 (5.S) 1970 (s.s) 1450 (6.4) 1970 (s.s) 1730 (7.7) 1970 (s.s) 3'l?* (s9) 1870 (S.3)2450 (10.9) 2130 (9.5)2450 (10,9) 2400 (10.7)2450 (10.9) 2800 (12.5} 2450 (10.9)6* (152) 2080 (9.3) 2310 (10.3) 2530 (11.3) = Y8 (15.9) 2'l| (70) 1600 (7.1) 3070 (13.7) 1870 (S.3) 3070 (13.7) 2130 (9.5) 3070 (13.7) 2670 (11.9) 3070 (13.7) 4** (102) 2400 (10.7)3840 (17.1) 2850 (12.7)3840 (17.1) 3290 (14.6)3840 (17.1) 4190 (18.6) 3840 (17.1)7** (178) 3200 (14.2) 3470 (15,4) 3730 (16.6) 14 (19.1) 3'/4 (S3) 1970 (s.s) 4140 (18.4) 2320 (10.3) 4140 (18.4) 2670 (11.9) 4140 (18:4) 3200 (14.2) 4140 (18.4) 4^l4** (121) 2930 (13.0)5120 (22.8) 4130 (18,4)5120 (22.8) 4800 (21.4)5120 (22.8) 5870 (26.1)5120 (22.8)8** (203) 4000 (17.8) 4930 (21.9) 5870 (26.1) 6320 (28.1) 1 (25.4) 4'l2 (114) 3330 (14.8) 7070 (31.4) 4050 (18.0) 7600 tJO.O/ 4670 (20.8) 8140 (36.2) 5070 (22.6) 9200 (40.9) 6 (152) 4930 (21.9)9200 (40.9) 6000 (26.7)9200 (40.9) 7070 (31.4)9200 (40.9) 8400 {37.4) 9 (229) 6670 (29.7) 7670 (34.1) 8670 (38.6) 10670 (47.5) * Values shown are for a shear plane acting through the anchor bolt body, When the shear plane is acdng =#Jl:.!:1::the shear values by 20yo. *fi Valuesshown arefor a shear plane acting through the anchor bolt body. When the shear plane is acting through the anchor bolt threads, reduce the shear value by 12'/.- AII other values shown are for shear plane acting through either body or threads. f t I I I / Anchoring Systems ion Anchor ) 4.311lE9t!l9tLfiE ""----_ Bolt Stze Details -"-_in. (mm) '/, (6.4) 1s (9.5) 12 (12.7) Ys (15.9) 14 (19.1) 1 (25.4) d,,: nominal bitdiameter'in.4 '/s '/2 'h 14 h,,,J h,,,,,.: minimum/standard depth of embedment in. (mm) 1'/l (29) 2 (51) 1'l| (41) z'lz (64) 2'/4 (57) 3'lz (89) 2'l4 (70) 4 (102) 3'l4 (S3) 4'/4 (121) 4'/z (114) 6 (152) h,: minimum/standard hole depth in. (mm) 1'/8 (35) 2'/4 (57) 2 (51) 2'l| (73) 2'l4 (70) 4 (102) 3'/s (S6) 4'/l (118) 4 (102) 5'l? (140) 5'l2 (140) 7 (178) e: anchor Iength mirt/max. other Iength available In. (mm) 1'/4 (44) 4'/2 (114) 2'l4 (57) 7 (178) 2'l. (70) 7 (178) 3'l4 (95} 10 (254) 4'/4 (108) 12 (305) 6 (152) 12 (305) a,,: thread Iength/ extra thread length in. (mm) 'l4 (19) 3 (76) lslth (22i28) 4 (102) 1'h (32) 4 (102) 1'l2 (3S) 1hl4'h (89/114] 1'l2 (3S) tl,l4'h (89/114) ?'l4 (57) 4'l2 (114) d,: wedge olearance holeinplate in. (mm) 'l1| (7.9) '/16 (11.1) '/l6 (14.3) "/11 [17.5) "/1l (20.6) 1'l| (28.6) T,,,.,I Recommended lnstallaton rorque' Guide Values nlb (Nm) Normal weight Concrete Stainless Steel h,,t.4 (5.4)20 {27.0}40 (54.1)B5 ( 115)150 (203)235 318) h..,.7 (9.5)30 40.5)75 ( 101)110 ( 149)200 (270)450 (608) Carbon Steel h..,4 (5.4}20 27.0)40 (54.1)85 ( 115)150 (203)250 (338) h..,,7 (95)25 33.8)65 (87.8)110 ( 149)235 (318)450 (608) Lightweight Concrete Carbon Steel h,,,t,(54)4 15 (20.3)25 (33.8)65 87.8)135 (182) h.,.(5.4)4 20 (27,0)30 (40.5)75 101)150 (203) Grout Filled Block Carbon Steel h,,,4 (5.4)15 (20,3)25 {33.8)65 (87.8)120 (162) h,..4 (5.4)20 (27.0)30 (40.5)75 ( 101)130 (176} IiliiJGiie matedal thickness gggGF[GiTffi]ilfiiiGiiiiTumberjggg{g( ) Kwik Bolt II Specification Table :_ Hilti carbide-tinoed drill bk,; matched tolerance HILTI DD,B di€;mond core bits (available In diameters from t/2" to 1"). 2. Do not apply dr\y type of Iubricant to threads prior to torquing anchor. Countersunk, Rod Coupling and HCKB Specification Table " -__ solt StzeDetails """---__in. (mm) Y4 Oountersunk {6.4) '/,Countersunk (9.5) 'h Bod Ooupling (9.5) Y4HCKB (6.4) d,: nominal bRdiameter in.Y,Ya '/l 14 h,,,/h,,,,,: minimum/standard depth of embedment in. (mm) 1'l| (29) 2 (51) 1'/s (41) ?'lz (64) 1'/l (41) 1'/16 (37) h,: minimum/standard hole depth in. (mm) 1'/l (35) 2'l4 (57) 2 (51) 2'l| (73) 2 (51) 1'/2 (3S) f: anohorlengthmin./max. other Iengths available in. (mm) 1'/4 (44) 5 (127) 214 (57) 5 (127) 2'/4 (127) 2'l4 (127) f,,: thread Iength/ extra thread Iength in. (mm) '/4 (19.1) 3 (76) 'l,nYs (22/2S) 4 (102) 'l| (22)N.A. d,: wedgeclearance holeinplate in. (mm) '/l6 (7.9) '/ll (11.1) '/ll (11.1) '/ta (7.9) l.i Recommended lnstallation Torque' Ouide Values ftlb (Nm) Normal weight Concrete Stainless Steel h,,I.4 (5.4)20 (27.0) h,.,,7 (9.5)30 (40.5) Oarbon smel h,,.,4 (5.4)20 (27.0)20 (27.0) h...7 (9.5)25 (33.8) Lightweight Concrete Carbon Steel h..,4 (5.4)15 20.3)zo (z/.u) h,..4 (5.4)20 (27.0) Grout Filled Block Carbon Steel h,,,,4 (5.4)15 20.3)20 (Z/.U) h,,,.4 (5,4)20 (27.0) h: m;n. base material thickness 3' (76 mm) or 1.3 h=, whiohever number is greater 1. Do not apply any type of Iubdcant to threads prior to torquing anchor. Hihi ProductTechnical Guide 10/97 Combined Shear andTension Loading (ffi[\ (J:[L 1.C (Flef. Section 4. 1.3) g Fe-2 101 >& Iu..qo ooo o ;1j ffit}eD j o ooffi o,, Ed @m e .goeo Eo oo =o oJH o o> Ee 8 o =<umooo? i1; L co =(f) oo e: oo oo 1-; oo T.: oo .j o o E D R fi 8 ff' " "!N N ,, ,, i O o no x'I :ix o o m o9491 U/," 1 N m s n t f fi R 1 A, - N O 0 No t,5 io f R R g a'= ==t O Is O O O = x( o o o g 0' "' | T" c\l O sf Jia /=L i O N t N Ij Yi! C\l O l" O C\I' " i-NOm 0 e sx 8 R b U I' '^' T- mt @ " " LO (\I @ O Oi\I io R g 08 ff n f fi fi 8 f ff n 9 fi t t 88 $ fi t t t 8- $- a fi f F t t a s { s g f [ [ t a f- i- t- t- t a a F- [- fi- 9- ;-" "' r- N m t o rl.. o @ m1889 8l" - C/; t- d; r *: a r s e n g f f e e e f | ( n e 9 ? i ff n r- F f fi fi s a a fi t f .. m N O S tYJ l" N n o o " N N O _l\.. o t a)X t o m @ "' l- (\I N (?) t . oooo NIJ Q lO !f (\I O '- riF= N O t O @ o I,O O O OO GI N (\I Oc\I o q 0 N a'\ 1" m 1" q" 1" o om o o oX{=Is ON o o mooo o o"" "' v.I. N a 9'm i" N o m o o ,. O ff N O t t N m o o m !;X{ mN l- N N O l" I\..NO I=.. ::''' *ll. N m i tn o N m tfi N O ', .A m lO 0 m o o o N R et6 L 9l!: r 9 P S? r g F_ t6_"' I n = o I\. O (\I I.O b., i," '," mna:nhfi RF,fifi!h"'' c\I g 0 0 "_ ""_ *F N ", '. ,,l"i" T-i==(\l = =.- m to o -- o m N n mH H:'H 5V @ o c\I !l?t o t s t:'HESj):k u:3;,$g "' " o o m m l" N OiYi== om ocooot;j c C\to-c\I- -o-qq- l-iqOiN |(\INO co a n a R f m x c r 8 f o : a ; a 9 f t : n u a, ? F e L 0 e 8 E f ,NNr"' = N m o "' i" C\I @ m o oo q Is, oi" T" (\I i =/L O O N 1"O :{ = N N 1- m\'o9 1sV i"," N N w e P fi 8 L, Q' " l- N N m JA JraL IO m =l N O = )x o m o l"' N ' '^F' l-fi6 iJN m t tn n 8 ts. k 8 ls olelol l o gol ol>Iellallololcl o Edo m ll o = .go1 jl oo >- o = Ill =o'=oo =o =IB fSl =jIUj 3l Eo Eo> co oo;oo =b =o<oJ =eo+ ==x ==R< = co=oo cco >- =uo E =E ]g> o cuo U) = EcloD ocoe 3 N ctl E 2 ?o CD t B .g E.goo o mo E o eJo =o o9om o o =o cloo 77m o o 31 E == N oI) E == co ol1 E = a Is oo o = No = mo = @ =edJ.iu Q =ej .Hu toz .Eu, Eo = mo Do .H.> 'o o BDo cc o.bu o .go, oo =CLo o coDoo e o Qo? q' fi U)< .bu J[o .bI Eo1 a z =Io o) I.Lo [t u = o>B cc [ o.,o o B x m>>Q)n to(\l 1o mNa oN '-, oom ooo. m coo' om c\IN I.Osm ,-- IO I\..o i-: m c\[ o o N o oo o o m aNN m o .-- o c\Io N Qo c\1o ooq m Qmoq' ooc? to xffi>>Qj)oNa ooN I\.o, N o,b.to, (\I o c\I <l5 c\I LO c\I ,f- m m, Ino c\I (\I @o '--m ooN = m'emld otDos No q'oo .-- @@g A @oot Qo U? c\Ioo Nc\lo .-: {hfi oo o e I.O N coo mm mN oN ci)qt mm Qm too NoN l.Omq mms oqt oN oN m q oNo =Dmo Ch E(go a1 Loar H (0 eo 0eo Eo o lJ.':: oo oa o I.Oo oq ooo <c to(\I td toN cd to c\! m 0q m mcqo o coo m co t\Ic\I toN m toN m o '-.oN m oN m '-.mm m mm nN N toc\Io QcioN Qo o Q o?om Qooq (o c2oto = cg o oo Il I) [L II -> lI UJ co e '-.m @s '-.q q ,-:(\I @ ,-:o o! coq '-.mo o c\i 9mN b: mo b:Ntn c\! coH qom Is:I\: o Nn ooqD moN =No Is too 'B '=o {tl> =.g fi =o DooJ (\D .t oc .Q oo oo l:l: tjo E aoL{n a'J o< "o N m Q lO N hD. g o q t co t l.O (\I l0 Q N i o q q (o lO ry o N to N I\, t o sl'v to uoJlrl oa oo Q ?e N ry N N N Q N N c\I N N N N N N (\l N N c\l N o Q m Q m N o N m N o Q m Jl =lol 01 5l El ol I.0Iqo oto ooo oo oo '6 .g E = .g '':!L!;.=r;;;:L ;idiooiF' co; cGi:tiG : ::t'f J :: ''iJff Q = ij}ii:.Jt o t o o fi ff f f t 9't il* q q q N t O ffi o m -.. J.JI, :.lI ':. IlaL lI >L II UJ ll DJ IIooc ?.g o'o e a 'De I0J = $o6"lu =tg 0doo B oo a o Input:Mabrial:iL-DF Material ODtions Ld Duration Onllon| Load Duration:Nonal GL-DF= Douo Fir Glam Nonrlal Deflection Crimda L/38O GL-AC=Alaskan CedGlam Snow Wind Nob: smndad GLB width is differod for Sebmlc souffiom species-Use '€lulam-Soulhem.xls'Impad Fb=240C psj Fv=135 psl E=140C ksi Volume Fador ] :=r. , fi]:1\ 'f11t 1 l'Atr:t Ld='-\t/ \d l\ b Rep=(Repettive factor not allowed br alulams} Must multiplv Moment Value bv Volumo Fador, Cv aa> Nominal Actual wlu Md w d W s A M V M'C, (in)(in (in)(In (in3)(in2)(in4)h-lbs Ibs2 1l2 6.OO 15 15 45 3,000 1.350 1.18 qqqn 2 1l2 7 1i2 7.5O 88 4,688 1.688 1.16 5.4242 1l2 g 2.5O bjW 34 152 6,750 2,025 1.142 1i2 10 1l2 10.50 46 9.188 2.363 1.12 10,2802 1i2 12 oqn 12.00 6O 30 360 12,000 2.700 1.1O 13,2482 1/2 13 1i2 13.50 76 34 513 15.188 3,038 1.O9 16.5712 1l2 15 15-0O 94 38 703 18.750 1.O8 20.244 3 1/8 7 1l2 3.13 750 29 23 110 5,859 2,109 1.13 6.6313 1/8 9 3.13 g00 42 28 19O 8.438 d.OOl 1.11 9,3763 1/8 10 1n 313 10-5O 3O1 11.484 2.953 1.O9 12,5663 1/8 313 12-OO 38 45O 15.000 3.375 1.O8 16.1953 1/8 13 1/2 13-6O 42 641 18.984 3.797 1.O7 20,2573 1/8 15 3.13 15.00 117 47 87$23.438 4.219 106 247473 1/8 16 12 16.50 142 1.170 28.359 4.641 1.O5 29-65g3 1/8 18 1B.OO 16g 1.619 33.750 5.063 1.O4 34-991 5 1/8 5.13 9.O0 69 46 311 13.838 4.151 1.O6 14.69 5 1/8 1O 1n 5,13 10.50 H 54 4g4 18.834 4,843 1.O4 19.614 5 1/8 12 12.00 123 62 738 24.600 5,535 1.O3 25.2785 1/8 13 1/2 13-5O 156 69 1.051 31.19 6,227 1.O2 31.6185 1/8 15 15-OO 192 7-l 1.441 38.438 6.919 1.O0 38.6255 1/8 16 1l2 5.13 16.50 233 1.919 46.509 1OO 46.294'5 1/8 18 5.13 1800 277 92 2,491 8,303 o.99 54.6165 1l8 19 1n 5.13 1950 325 1OO 3.167 64.959 8.994 O9B 63,5875 1/8 21 5.13 21.00 108 3.955 75.338 9.6B6 O97 73,2015 1/8 5.13 22 5O 115 AAAc.B6.484 10,378 O96 83-d6d5 1/8 24 5.13 24.00 492 123 5,904 98,400 11.070 O96 g4-341 6 3/4 7 1/2 6.75 750 63 51 237 12.656 4.556 1.O5 13.2616 3/4 6 3/4 G!i3/4!i6 3/4 9 .i,lOi.,ffl'' :|2 j ! 13 1p 9.O0 .']iitBGi, 1200 1350 41O i.ffi!t,..:. 972 1,384 1B,225 24806 32.400 41,006 5.1[68','tJbl9iJ 7;290 8.201 | 18,750 ! d]S;j3j! ?z::sijb 40.5 2 1.03 6 3/4 15 6,75 5.0O 253 1O1 1.898 50.625 9.113 0.98 49.491 6 3/4 16 1l2 6.75 6.5O 30B 111 d.Od/61.256 10.024 O.97 59,316 6 3/4 6.75 8.OO 122 3.281 72,900 10.935 O.966 3/4 19 1l2 9.5O 428 4.171 85.556 11.846 O.95 814736 3/4 1 6.75 2 O 496 142 5.209 99.225 12.758 0.g5 93,7926 3i4 22 1l2 6-75 6?O 152 6,407 113.906 13.669 0.g4 106,9296 3/4 24 6.75 2 OO 648 162 7.T7e 129.600 14.580 O.93 120,879 8 3/4 8 3/4 8 3/4 8 3/4 9 'i;Jdj;i&12 - 13 1/2 8.75dtiii 8,76 8.75 118:jiiiii i-di6, 266 79.#j. .,'i6|"... 11B 23,625 !$4;)jmjj; 4i,ooo 53,156 1.0O 23,6B3 O.99 31,743 O.97 40.910 O.96 S1.1708 3/4 6 8.75 15.00 328 131 2,461 65,625 11,813 O-95 625118 3/4 6 1l2 8.75 16.50 3g7 144 3,276 79.406 12.994 O.94 74-9218 3/4 8.75 18.DO 473 15B 4,253 94,500 14.175 O.94 8B,39O8 3/4 9 1l2 B.75 19.50 555 171 5.407 110.906 16,356 O.93 102.9088 3/4 21 8.75 2tOO 643 184 6.7S3 128.625 16.538 O.92 118.468 8 3/4 22 1l2 8.75 22 5O 197 8,306 147.656 17.719 O.91 135.061 B 3i4 24 8.75 24 OO 84O 21 10.080 168.000 1B.9O0 0.91 152,681 8 3i4 25 1l2 H./b 26.50 948 12,091 189.656 20.081 o.9o 171.&1 8 3/4 27 8.75 27 0O 1.06S 14.352 21.263 o.go 190.974 8 3/4 28 1l2 8.75 28 5O 1.185 249 16,880 236.906 22.444 D.89 211.636 8 3/4 3O 8.75 30.00 1.313 263 19-8BB 262.500 23.625 D.B9 233.300o ARSU L ?j q "''? -IWmr[Ll -M9El -WAmAUlliSS tm-tT/d'" -$mll80l1jltS/rmX -JUTSlUffi$$U -Mmvtslsl[fi. IlFi q[lml l9H}ll 9llClfS mltARfi9 Z:'- ;r,.5 ffi1m-ldf.UC]\ mlm-zllOFlml\ m1oo, 1r ml mmt 09210-3MSMC0 ""-t'fiP'[qri'l") o6lml/fmrm@& D7a00-SAnmllSnRX m?IO-!MlSltCOSlS]D1-Mrl&tlnffil -mAUlremfitdldhl.H' mlm- mtffi- r laMmc?-Effi:iTE- To0raacq'-E:-ffiC?- +ffi- ld;;FIJUt srod I -O{tcoff': a COMBINED BENDING AND BIAXIAL COMPRESSION - RECTANGULAR TIMBER MEMBERS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Project: Middle Creek Village Purpose: Checks wood members for combined biaxial bending and compression stresses following the provisions of NDS (Revised 1991 Edition) Section 3.9.2. Usage/Restrietions: Rectangular timber members. Known Llmitations: None. Correspondlng Spreadsheet: None Update Fleoord: Initials Date Update JLB 4/1/97 Original developrnent for uniaxial bendingGFIK 6/20/97 Added biaxial bending. LOADS AND LOAD DURATION FACTORS Mx : 0.Ibf.ft Applied moment - strong axis My : 0.lbf.ft Applied moment - weak axis P : 20000.lbf Applied axial foroe CD := 1.15 Load duration factor filEMBER GEOMETRY AND EFFECTIVE LENGTH d; := 5.5.in Member depth (Iong dimension)(See NDS Figure 3H) (See NDS Figure 3H)* d2 := 5.54n Member width (short dimension) I := 9,l6.ft Member Iength K,; := 1 Buckling Iength coefficient for strong axis buokling K,2 := 1 Buckling Iength coefficient for weak axis buckling l,( := K,pl Effective Iength of oompression member for Iel " 9.16ft strong axis buckling l,2 := K,21 Effective Iength of compression member for le2 " 9.t6tt weak axis buckling MATEFIIAL STRENGTHS AND CONSTANTS F, := 850psi Compression design value. No adjustment factors. Fb := 925psi Bending design value including sizefactor E':= 1300000psi Allowable elastic modulus = C, C,*Ct * E (See NDS Table 2.3.1) c :=.8 =.80 sawn Iumber, =.85 round timber piles =.90 glued Ianinated timber (See NDS Section 3.7.1) KcE :=.3 =.3 visual grade, =.418 for COVE <= 0.11 (See NDS Seotion 3.7.1) KbE := 0.438 = 0.438 for visually graded and rnachine evaluated Iumber = 0.609 if COV < 0.11 (See NDS Section 3.3.3) CALCULATE MEMBER STRESSES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES Calculate hending stress and allowabe bending stress (without axial Ioad) per NDS Seetiori 3.3.3 - d,d,' D)c := "i" s," 2?J73 i,,' NDS Eq. 3.3-5 Sy " 27.73 i,,' ft: =0psi fb2 " 0 psi Rs " 4.47 F'[ := Fb(D F'b1 := Fb{D{L Fb2 := Fb{D See NDS Eq. 3.3-6 F"b represents F' in NDS Eq. 3.3-6 Includes Iateral buckling coef. C, Cannot buckle Iaterally See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 FbE " 28490.72 psi F'[ = 1063.75 psi CL=l Fl); " l061.?psi Fb2 " 1063.75 psi fc " 66l.l6psi FcEl =976.42psi Oalculate compression stress and allowable compression stress (without bending) per NDS Seotion 3.7.1 r. P 'C'" dTd1 - IQEE' t'cE1 := -'--; [bl- ( d; ) o XcEE' Fcez := -;[:;I FcE := min((F;E1 F'[ := FdCD : + EfE Cp := -'"- - F', : F,tDCp 'C = 0.68 FcEl 'C = 0,6s FcE2 ft: =0 FbE See NDS Eq. 3.9-3 FcE2 ) ) F"c represents F*c in NDS Eq. 3.7-1 FcE2 = 9?6.42psi FcE " 976.42 psi F'[ = 977.5 psi CHECK MEMBER DESIGN Check unity equation for compression only fc ::- = 0.98 Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for compression onlyF', Gheck unity equation for uniaxial bending in each direotion independently ft:" = 0 F'b1 fb2" = 0 F'b2 NDS Eq. 3.7-1 F'c " 675.06 psi Strong axis bending. Must be less than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Weak axis bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for uniaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for either uniaxial or biaxial bending Must be less than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Must be Iess than or equal to 1 for biaxial bending Check unity equation for combined bending and axial compression per NDS Section 3.9.2 rf.f ttt fb2 NDSEa.3.9-3I;;-I *-;-;-:q*-;-:-;-0.96 'tiJ 4-tii;l m;-;;,-(ffil o o o pgOWallSysloms ,Il rr/ (( /(/'l,ll/( o | o 910 WallSystem | This section contains the calculation for: o Reinforcement for Cast-in-place (CIP) concrete walls in the parking structure of Building Co Reinforcement for CMU walls in the parking structure of Building Co Special transfer wall located on Building C-4, Level F-3 cooo Qo)t\I Io .ge onao o <otl == {{ '€J sj..- qL "* Q\q l.Ot\I eom"a ffie (v1m.F e B c6 d cd cdffi g; e' d *-O = 'E 'i= 'E.,='g t 'g ta ff ;(t.9 l\i.g I\it '= t 'co o oo> I > I N C\I Cq N q* qnc\l c\lo o In to t\I 0) o o @ o I.O I.O# # 9a Eo o e c1D to r=; = |+ i-c\I 8 o@ ff coffo ## o> 4e0 lIv => v c\I'b >+ ooffio "= 9J tog 'n +=lr' 8fi E cv\= m tl> I_ t "5'CC Q :a.O.S Iic/) e v(\I =e- g > n S -n u.E (p88 f 8 m .9 eoeoo Bo oI 0 >- P}- p 6.B< fifi = 6 $ a aB B o o DI > @ coc\! '-:co qD = 4 e e nfi d d c; a B => Sl 4-' o o oo 5 '+lDl l'"' T"' T"' l"I N.-. co o: o) co5 c\I e\I C\l C\lI gj.-, o o oo 1 \I_ =" co co c\I fi 5f co I\.. I\ o)s E c\! cq c? e? J " (\I N (\I s"' ffi >Ifi 9.c m m m m =zg U) UJo ==@ <T Bm Ifi 1'B O c\l (\I o @ qD q' # qa o @ co co @ qi 4h o co 4k Eod ts, m o: fi l=Oroo t.o fi-co roroo LOco roroo [.o f=O roroo I.O r6s InOroo UJo<I- roro O LO ,ro/ \ ffi)ISlc;-\/ Lrjo /\0l O'-- Is.@ coco ;,/\ [u:]\/ o LO IqO I\.co coco \..//\I=- I[T- I\/ tnco rsco ooco /\f cst II q"" I\/ LOo) f.- 'o.coco:./\ | m I "<P' LOc\l --I\.co cooo ; I o I\j;" o-l I+') "L |5!\_' j fJ I I a LO'-- r6\co cd co:. ,;<;:}\ji:ffi1 \j;;" |$i ;,|J \ "n [.L- ei(-j (" eLdo h-co o) LO ooo o 'L=o9 Bt oco oogl a .so @m ooao < :o 1b eq = c\Iq oq o cqo toI!oqe 4d o u?o td mq a oc?o m#:od cood =sd c\Iod obd r\=td d Nod srod od o(\I o fsc\lo I.0(\Io N NN c\!o q' Ib =:N D o <o.o o =I:o TI' o qoo mo N qD cNo Nc\!o c\!o co d riq. d @ d to d q7 6 :':*'-. = o:od o d ol C11d C1 d s 4 o d d o d m d o d ood mod I\..od e oe'o t0 to {0m m N a D o N e to o m e'a o eo>ffi o B .Poo =a | u 'og >'" 6 <o + IIo>+ co, P d I } cN q ql: m o o+ + qf' o o oo o o gq. b e Q c hl P {Ij ''-' b Ifi; RJ 9-=o I.-f e 9 $OL"9'o e= 'g a g X e 8 :o cd g o P9 .E 9 Ji bt pi $ i ; o> IIv =>v N o>+ b b c[ d,g E iD rfi 8 f ffi ffi fil) D wo to nt t =-.=o oo o '-.c c =e '3 g o o uH_ 'F. 9'o 9 = = '5 a a g = c. "N o ei- N ffiO O4..o o ed d 9eo99e-E l1 Il.: = o< o*,. 1 6q' a aer.'s g y H 3J 8Ea?,-FB r ;,FE 8l9E tig; E gii E++ J = a J#|t E =E ;E 8n o Q. Cqo o '-. '-. o oo ocn Q R^9 oa o =oe9# lhe 8 oIl| wo >0., o F jJ O io=.E : o- b<" t IL<oc<u =o JJ<D tt9 kD 9,,.. = 1) -:: -"o .y e I lI G =d Wo < ,e e 0 iH QIo 'u < .-: JJ J)e uo I E J4o I bq n o HH # # t # L0H U lJ$4 ecd U JJ$1 E,et, 8 Io [.I IMB ed e I-l oH = fi JJ.H B t lJe qql dH o# 'c1 l-]$h.l.) I o aH dP U) O b)t u 8 ! .Q Ho o u O.Q+"-l u rc E# -I-l O,e ncN I),eol o<lJU >eo,I-I o aH mB- o o i ooo 4 0f-I p JJ lI eo IIm,-, f.4 a#.Q omoU9-l I< E-IDi 0H d I1-I 'U fi I+ -H. O 0l :O dd bl OE-I eo$-Ii dO dIa O D 'OlJ o O ol-1 HQo oc/) o0 [i OH II.. JJo ia e oe-. JJ $-I-H d 1 O HtH sa O JJ c6e.I-I >i JJ &}o,e d d OO 0l I-lf11 EH H am > n O O H m o Ho 'q1' O H H O O h O N N O O 0 t-l qil o m h.n Q N O O H N o n mm D+ H O O H 1-l lJ a H Ll-I o Ifi,5. Q I b< I1I QI-I-I 'U,M cdo I-l r-I {d .I-I x< JJao II :,-, o II Oe lJ lI,QH q lI d" -H III-I o II U)W O f\ II en > lI.I-It O H jl 'dm u o ll e: Il OlJ Il rQQ lIo lIo II n qi # O n qi (\l m R1i # rN ql > o oH H = # # # i+ ql o nd { O o o I+ cc U Uc $- c FcL cL'. I1 e b< m ol ql H # # # # <fi =H ffio [-I< q iH e cd.ao o N .I-I |rj <e DiH to IH< ; DH EtTHo o N od ta nH <to e<H q'e <.I-I fi-I-I H e H 4H C\1Ij a o ,eJJ lI lIpl0 >1OO Hbi 'uo+ JJoa O JJb) ed ': Ct1 >1L) DH d DHufiH -I-l lIoR e=H oa m o d}a o Mo 0o o m olI II k:lJ ol >1 U :q m d 'oop o 'c1 HoH dm :He nO JJu vp lJ 1qo lJ.a 'zv)m H 1-I Dd aEgH m ob) molDa e o >1nm eE-1o g o oo Q eem 'UEiH JJ e jb)-H o Hed Hom D u) o p o :E< mu) o< n< o.-,o e{dH .Q ffi.I-} Et t Ql-I o l-Id O.Q N OoHr| u) rN < e =H m Nr\ H eal-I lI q'o b)<< elI iH ,e t\oJJ OO'u IqOjH d +: ofi 1oIa o qt L iH m nacU 0t-lfi DI-j o>.H d: oo oU) mQo Ea 0o u) UJJ m Il ll nu o oO I.1XO qIX OH >4 C. BH 0fi, ed\ Q,oH moo o lI iH U1 fi-I fi,M m -H-H.Y d U1 n ntn ,M o qjl JJ coDm 0qlmm ooIj II II P Ild H H oo-H t C,O J-llJ O\ U U H O oHq rTlU D rn lJuo(/l O U) cU l-j Hfi fi> o H oi-l O,M,V lJUO U {do o -a L0 U) 'cj }q,e o\ id OL) lJ I JJ mI+ o m.H OEjJO=H OX rnoH I-I m m > d OlJ 'U d I aH eK1 0l H H >4 j.)j..IHO U: L) < oo ob0 fi Ol0 O.. OE -H m [-IffiJ-) JJiH l1IZQQ, 0,XoE.. O<t HOnjO dH O H 'U c e dHLlOO :'1 nh101 UU P4 ry, O.lJ g I ffiu'a ffiO HH O E-l< dH.Oo eO du) u) ca<-d E-I.j-Iz erTl [-l = om u o =I=j H C1 d = o<I,a U EH O ry,o <llI ttj I-]I M o EO eoo oI l-) dm IJ>'d cdO EI-lm koe ouo LI-I<u ei*i \ oo o:\t-l e:Nm O\ aa oJ1 hO H l, -\1 3 t.lk w u F\4- I1 i ti ! v' i I : iI o I I -l I u I I+,,l I et : ; J- *; QJ rC) # s;'e qH o\ 6 N 'to'> t \!) Atu llt , *: i[ .,1 Fi1ut ,, | a! j.,] ; 1 I (|,-{J" |jlt," |*| f m-l1 g t f,f iIfii ; ffi ---L.__.I I ----L- I j I I ii L I I I Ir d I 6) I "- !a j .g cq(o co II o>oo tdgo ;.G; 3 . c\I,.f n$ E.t s.g.Pt F 8 Q 8 Eq :,.: (\l O O Og n lI II n he o) m o o 2UJ < < >< >;, O I- I r ----Lj---- I I /l lI |l---T- -- J j I,/, I\o II o :^=' =o. o;d II o ." ='=o, od e; II (tl :='' =CL ^o .g[- i-;eo Eoec= =oO 'a b"e |n o co-SRi[u Il paffi,' oo)$'5t.t6E"= I.gi f t : I f ? tl ^a f '905g t t ; ! J, 9 "f rt;; ; i i f\] ao ll u \/l <) <o dgo ffi e c6 CD d'E o=ao o<od =M U tjooeo.gJ o)o)o) <o CL oq. col>i Jo:o<:O!(L; I- l-,r-I---_"""=-'| 'o ec€_fi fi '8 q 'P.g) H *i<,8 1 fi ; ? ff =, I i ? t:! t g: 9fi !J 8 R> at {' [ i ; [ t t8! ; ; j j f f "" -r - - - - r - "" r - - --r "" " -r " g Nt @ .g Eo ao o< o5Jv f11 UJ gx v -1; efa <9 fio| H o ':' oJ o Jo m o ul u)o. q. 0d d dh b E € I J a nq7 ql O P E P@@o o o 9 q e e = # 1b o ry N ry ryd ffi Ih: $ $ t| N Nt e e t t fit||fitJfg lo Io I0 @ co m o o oo o @o o @ N N Nidl q17 qji du & .f 8 | = X,H o9 :g t.go'I 'oooc oe aD o q * * 11F N S S N O F O F CL e G= = = = D t t 0o o o oo o o oc e e eo o o oc e e e o o o @o o o o o N a_q Iq q &g F B co N m qil mm! d NF t\j Cl'J o lh.. oo! l': c\to (\I In t. <I 9 s 9 n 9 no :J o to _ to.-. i, & d & Iq,rl.t # o =.H VJ ? P.b6 QB >s >Fo mu If c0 > =.g)o[ Ia e f0o,eo o etja'R dg Dd D9 R G oe V1 i >s >Fo du €P=3 o o .gcF G GE P E P.H.=.b.H 1D O {D 0'o a 'o 'oo o o oo o o oe e e e o o o oc e e c o o IO iqlD tn N o o |to oq o! cN o t ao e aN N o N OO N O?: d J r4: q I!o t oo LO m t o tln o u1 idl qd7 i g N N N61 N (\I o o o o o o o o mN O N n o to oN N N n m o o = D D> > >o o o to co : D Nn N ru..(\I Q q1' u) om .g.g N Od '9o N II = 1Io ;: eth O = =5 gD >o o "o .g o! Lo og tt Eo 0 & e .g a 1P o 'ri oa g # .g q1' o@m II = 4toe o t o. In tle< d e cU ml1' I[i oe 1l rUo =o \tN @) o Eo9s -ge seoN o =o qd' c\I @q # 8 In9d U te< bQ ff L <uOqgj p 5cg -p E 4 Bfi#(:) EEoo o P tu 4 b::| o q,qH+' E 8sd $8 I I l- I I T I L I IL F L I I l- I Ir I L I ' [ r - :-:-=-=-=-:-:-: " " : - - - " " " " " ]dOlS I::::::r:::='----, ' 7 /I,,b/l """""' "" "' -. ------------------"""7 N0 ]dOlS d L:9 *:I,l ] L---- "" """" " :- """ JjI Ii Iji : I I I ,,L[ -,{ [ t ti V -: d r iu-tJ R-'1L\ o,t rt UI c} Lb"'M qb,c\ c\J Aqq4 l-l-,=-1/,,. \If w 1 ffi | O +gl^ al$ fil HI' =P a[.br 'Q &fil t x E B I, q a B ffE E E X HILI E R6 w 9*b f = Idl,"l"a € ab =€ pg}+ '#H Eb ' cL =6 BF I? 6 j a I ff I & 3 B a I | H = ^} I B l- -.IE 'l' '6 t'fi E' I .H ? B = P3 =- 5 I =8 - 8g I IDI88 fi a E 6, fi t g"TT fi a Ba B s KL &A Oonsumng Structural Engineers TJI BffTiM - PDll\lT LoAD dALe 9' 1d/z" me YllDDL€cR€€l< t//d/Z;dreDate 572d?/o3J,b.o, zzC7 peFAuL,( 9rrqENGllti ?hCTOB {.16 zuOf ALLOYJE1 USe OF THlS S1reTl\lGT%'f INCee-Pr3,€ ) SNova uoacn. "us C.^\le.Gor<IZ€'b hs FLooR-LoAb ADD. Fl?P,lvl/f4c?| ott F-3 fipgFDt= lo*S- jSpgf szx;ovV J 8O ps{- ' RooF -rRuss e2+'' ALLa, To €Zoov rr<uss oI TjP t)wALL 56LF W€lGtlf : RooF gu SHow LoA9 (;;;_ Qu ?g" x 35b ) TJI - CoAlTlAlou5 B cga : ts psf * zaJ roo| IZ : '"ps( * 2+,r- I2 * gi t: 'p I /j-\ffi |8 ' -];;,;---f -;-,:-j.;f oj e P"f * 9,5' V,u,gU\ + jG"lJlspa /, 1,L (pu CLL .\/ 3) ir,ss spa lA" l2- = 4o Ibf zts lL[ /\l o1E ', 1,j-BEAM - ,,,,,W '--oAQ CjTy oF VAIL, Co >ors 4 m AVolD AJ5 rACroK use nt tt V€" /.S5O - Co,uTnvuous Building C3, additional residential area over the 11 7/8" TJlO/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED | opening l| olc l8' 1 l/2"5' 3/4" A Product Diagram i* Conceptug;. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group- Residentat - Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 % duration, 7.O Dead, 14.O Partition Vedical Loads: Type Class Point(Ibs) Floor(l.OO) Point(Ibs) Floor(l.OO) SUPPORTS: Input Bearing VedioalReactions(Ibs) Detail OtherWidth Length Live/DeaU/Upnttrrotat 1 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 308/ 84/ -61 /392 A3: Rim Board : PIy t 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim BoardD2 Studwall 3.50" 3.50" 995/424/0/1419 B3 None 3 Studwall 3.50" 3.5O" 1027/521/0/1548 El:Blocking lPlyTJl@/Pro(TM)-35O :$ee TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE tor detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3,E1 : Blocking =IGN eONTROLS; "'-M.,i,,,.,, Deslgn Contro: Control Location Shear (Ibs) 740 728 1420 Passed (51 %) Right 0H under Floor Ioading Vedical Reaction (Ibs) 1548 1548 2320 Passed (67%) Beadng 3 under Floor ADJACENT span Ioading Momenl (Ft-Lbs) -2749 -2749 3900 Passed (70%) Right OH under Floor ALTERNATE span Ioading Live Load Defl (in) 0.241 0.260 Passed (2L/519) Right 0H under Floor ALTEFtNATE span Ioading Total Load Defl (in) 0.275 0.521 Passed (2Li455) Right OH under Floor ALTERNATE span IoadingTJPro 50 30 Passed Span2 -Deflection Cdteria: STANDARD(LL:L/480,TL: L/240). -Allowable moment was increasea for repetilive member usage. -Permanent Bracing or a direct applied ceiling is required at third po;nts in the backspan for right cantilever. See Iiterature detail (PB1 ) 1or clarification. -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): AII cornpression edges (top and botom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of Iateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. -The Ioad conditions considered in this design analysis include altemate and adJacent member patem Ioading. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System va;ue provides additional floor performance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23/32", 3/4" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is suppoded by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: Ceiling - ;/P" Direct Applied Gypsum Ceiling, Use Bridging or Blocking (8' o,c. max). A structural analysis of the deck has not been pedormed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.82 Llve Dead Location Application Comment 213 4O 33' 3/4' - Snow and root Ioad, Tip of cantilever 0 63 33' 3/4' - WaII self weight, Tip of cantilever PROJECT INFORMATION:f-"- copyright @ 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser susinessTJI0 &nd TJ-alliS) are ristered trademEtrks of Tns Joist.e-I Joistl.Prol d U-Pro" are trademarks of Trus Joist. D;\Progr Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Beant\Job OPERATOR INFORMATION: Building C3, additional residential area over the 11 7l8" TJlO/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16 Usec 1 5/29/20031O:17:O6AM 2 Enainoversion:l.S.12 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN l' CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from sofiware developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its producls by this software wa; be accomplished in accordanoe with TJ product design criteria and code aceepted design values. The specific product application, input design Ioads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associale. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TU technicat representative for product availabitty. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR THUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was usea tor Building Code UBC analyzing tne ru Dislribution product Iisted above. -Dead Ioad on podion of joist area is Iess than min;mum allowed. -Permanent Bracing or a direct applied oeiling is required at third points in 1he backspan tor right cantilever. See Iiterature detail (PB1 ) for clarification. Copyright @ 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerbeuser Business TJIO and TJ-BeudD are registered tradeniarks of Trus Jolst.e_I Joistl.Prol and TJ.ProI are tradelnarks of Trus Joist. D: \Progr Piles\Trus Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files\middelcreekO 3 0414. sms o opening || olc OJECT INFORMATION: dle Creek Village OPERATOR INFORMATION: fil r;eeaotatTAVelrcrhalxlscll BusillegsTJ-BmffM) 6.O5 Sedal NumGen Ur 1 5/29/2003 10:17:06 AM *' Engine elBion:1.612 Load Group: Primary " 9' Max. Vertica1 Reaction Tota1 (lbs) 392 Max. Vertica1 Reaction Live (lbs} 3O8 Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25{W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on a11 spans, LDF = 1.0O, Dead + Floor Design Shear (lbs) 223 -513 617 -74O 728 Max Shear (Ibs) 23O -556 666 -796 74O Member Reaction (lbs) 23O 1222 1536 Support Reaction (lbs) 241 1222 1536 Xoment (Ft-Lbs) 326 -1576 1150 -2749 O Live Deflection (in) 0.006 0.068 0.076 Tota1 Deflection {in) -0.018 0.107 0.110 ALTERNATE span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs} Support Reaction (lbs) Moment {Ft Lbs} Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) ALTERNATE span loading *iiHiiiitii! i,,, Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs} Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) ADJACENT span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) ADJACENT span loading Design Shear (lbs) Hax Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) o opening || o/c THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Load Group o Building C3, additional residential area over the 11 7/8" TJlO/Pro(TM)-350 @ 16 8.OO" A 17' 11,75" h 5' 2.50" 1419 1548 995 1027 3.5O(W) 3.5O(W) 32 32 32 59 on odd # spans, LDF = 1.00 368 -377 98 375 -411 108 375 52O 392 52O 865 -174 0.045 0.045 on even # spansj LDF = 1.OO -69 -314 733 -67 -337 789 -67 1126 -61 1126 N/A -1954 -0.045 0.047 , Dead + Floor -369 728 -395 74O 1135 1135 36 -2749 O -0.130 0.241 -0.106 0.275 , Dead + Floor -624 245 -673 249 922 922 1872 -916 O 0.189 -0.1650.226 -0.131 over support # 2, LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor 162 -571 744 -612 245 168 -618 8O1 -661 249 168 1419 91O 185 1419 910 174 -2172 1772 -916 0 -0.024 0.172 -0.153 -0.029 0.208 -0.119 support # 3, LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor -1.256 6O5 -751 728 -5 -276 654 -8O9 740 -5 93O 1548 1 930 1548 N/A -1358 1270 -2749 O -0.026 0.087 0.063 -0.028 0.125 0.097 .&ROJECT INFORMATION: =""';-copyright O 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJI@ and TJ-BeaIIjD are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. e-I JoisF, Prol and TJ-Pro" are trademarks of Trus Joist. D; \Prcgr F:les\Trus Joist\TJ. B€dJ!l\JOb Files\mldelcreekC 30a l4.s OPERATOR INFORMATION: €) mag(;;,_,_ TJBeamffM) 6. O5 SeHal NumGer: Ur 1 5/29/200310:17:06 AM * Engi BlBlOn:15.!2 Loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Concentrated 1ive 1oad on Deflection ( in) A11 dead load and concentrated Deflection (in) A11 dead 1oad on overhang(s) Deflection (in) o.ooo a11 1ive 1oad -0.016 Building C3, additional msidential area over the 11 7/8" TJl0/Pro(TM)-35O @ 16 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED on a11 spans, LDF = O.90, Dead On1y 76 -178 214 -253 24578 -192 231 -272 24978 424 52184 424 521109 -552 4O4 -916 O overhang(s), a11 dead 1oad on span(s)0.000 0.000 0.062 o opening || olc Iive 1oad on overhang(s), all dead load on span(s) 0.000 0.176 on span(s) 0.118 0.000 copyright @ 2002 lly T=ls Joist, a Ueyerhaeuser BusinessTJIO ad TJ-BealtrD are registered tradeltlarks of Trus Joist.e-I Joist".Pr aM TJ-o" are tradelllarks of 71s Joist. D:\Progr Files\us Joist\TJ-Be\.rob Files \midelcreek03Od 1 d : s OJECT INFORMATION: dle Creek Village OPERATOR INFORMATION: KL &A Oonsulting Structural Englneers sTuD V/kl-L LOADs WALLLINE INA L.L Th6r LoAD /Fr h/ALL (kz(t ) P- / - LEV€U ADD, rRl+-lVlf/\J& . L oltf) | Ttl, ldllDDLE oeeq< VlLLAGgDate 5/29/03 Job no, //d7 Subiect J3LDG C-ct sy tzoy SheetZof APD. FRPrMllv6 on F-S LGv€L 3 lA/r//-3 /. 7 z o, 3 ') 3, 3 lNT/4-Z '+ pg(lB-Z /,39 / t-{-' /./z /. 'tt z (L /pe ) (q,6l, )r?rrn !fim; To T/4 L Aje-l/\/ L onro /r( lAlhL-L dnrtnoly of 9fid walt .', STuD INALLs F -.: t evru 2ey la;/2x6 slwls g y{' = ',t,4r 'qpt B eLovU CP|N cA R?y ll\l BL.bGr C-4- '/pt ADDlTIol\lAL ennnztrrvCz ON €STODVlhLl-S TJJA"-,.___,= J z.u /2 t'y ot) "''"7t'fi'' ''-;; t:tt :::ttr:- l:|'T':":' - BEAM ,-,.,,d,,),.,,,.Jkj$rff"",51/4"x18?2.O EParallGm0BSL #'''''"''"',t;,:;t:;r,t;f;,ratf,px'n;f;DES J"e-Ia,s rr;utk t,, pt;,gJartu, coJ-c :'t +u dm,o ;kr.r olA&j d 9' 101/2"l8' 1 lf2"6' 3i4" 6 Product Biagram t* Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member. Tdbutary Load Width: 1' Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf): 1393.0 Live at 100 % duration, 262.0 Dead Vedical Loads: Type Ctass Live Dead Looatlon Application Point(Ibs) Floor(:.OO) 107 52 33'3/4" - SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vortical Reactions (Ibs) Wldth Length Live/Dead/UpllfUrotat 1 Woodcolumn 3.5O" 3.5O" 705216931-307117745 2 Woodcolumn 3.50" 7.87" 25995/4988/0/30983 3 Woodcolumn 3.50' 5.92" 192851401010123295 -See TJ SPECIFlER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE tor detail(s): L5 earing Iength requirement exceeds input at suppod(s) 2, 3. Supplemental hardware is required to satisfy bearing requirements. Design Control Control Location 14905 18270 Passed (82%) Lt. end Span 2 under Floor ADJACENT span Ioading -49787 65497 Passed (78%) Bearing 2 under Floor ADJACENT span Ioading0.443 0.599 Passed (L/487) MID Span 2 under Floor ALTERNATE span Ioading0.504 0.899 Passed (L/428) MID Span 2 under Floor ALTERNATE span Ioading -Deflection Criteria: STAN DARD(LL:L/360,TL:L/240). -Uplifi exceeds 1000 lbs for unbalanced Ioad. :Braci-n-g(Ly): /yll compression edges (top and botom) must be braeed at 2' 8" olc unless detailed otherwise. Proper afiachment and positioning ofIateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. -The Ioad conditions considered in this design analysis include allernate and adjacent member patem Ioading. ADDITIONAL NOTES: :IMPOPTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TU warrants the sizing of its products by this software willbe accomplished in acoordance whh TJ product design cdteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design Ioads,and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not aa products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ teohnioal representative for product availability. -THlS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSlS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product Iisted above. -Excessive upward deflection on cantilever Comment WaII parallel to roof truss Detall Other L5 None L5 None L5 None Shear (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) Maximum 17678 -49787 Copyright @ 2002 bv Trus Joist. a Weyerhaeuser Business Para11aniD is a registered tradelllark of Ts Joist. D: \Progr Files\Ts Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files \midelcreek03O 529bam. sms OJECTINFORMATION: dle Creek Village OPERATOn INFORMATION: $1 lFlll7otat AVherbaeuser Busines; TJBeamffM) 6. O5 Sedal Numbec a' fin'::::f:TJ: Load Group: Primary Max. Vertical Reaction Tota1 (lbs) 7745 Max. Vertica1 Reaction Live (lbs} 7052 Required Bearing Length in 1.97(S) Max. Unbraced Length (in) Loading on a11 spans, Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (1n} Tota1 Deflection (in) 2759 -49787 42967 -4225 N/A -0.052 0.402 -0.371 -0.060 0.463 -0.402 support # 3, LDF = 1.0O, Dead + Floor -2944 -4820 13152 -11590 6160 -2470 -5300 15924 -14362 8933 -2470 21225 23295 -2426 21225 @N/A -37717 37551 -23676 N/A -0.083 0.341 -0.184 -0.089 0.402 -0.215 9' 8.50' A 17' 11.75" a 5' 2.5O' Building C3, additional residential area over the opening 5 1/4" x 18" 2.0E ParallamO PSL THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Load Group o BEAM 32 30983 25995 ?.87(s) 32 32 oqT0Q 19285 5.92(S} 32 263 LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor 962 -9882 13472 -11270 61603699 -12655 16244 -14042 89333699 28899 229753980 28899 22975 4062 -43471 34852 -23676 N/A -0.038 0.299 -0.154-0.045 0.360 -0.184 ALTERNATE span loading on odd # spans, LDF = 1.O0, Dead + Floor Design Shear (lbs) 4727 -6118 1209 -3073 6160 Max Shear (lbs} 7464 -8890 1689 -3553 8933 Member Reaction (lbs) 7464, 10579 12486 Support Reaction {lbs) ffiJ 10579 12486 Xoment (Ft-Lbs) 16537 -6921 -2029 -23676 N/Ative Deflection (in) 0,076 -0.146 0.248rotat Deflection (in) 0.072 -0.089 0.217 ALTERNATE span loading on even # spans, LDF = 1.0O, Dead + Floor a:iH:::itji!i,,, _,,;iiii :iiiijiiii !:iii.i;;; Support Reaction (lbs) -3077 23308 14500 Moment (Ft Lbs) N/A -44032 45393 -4225 N/At,ive Deflection (in) -0.100 0.443 -0.402Tota1 Deflection (in) -0.107 0.504 -0.432 ADlTACENT span loading over Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection {in) ADJACENT span loading over Design shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Tota1 Deflection (in) support # 2, LDF = 1.OO, Dead + Floor -10533 14905 -9837 1091 -13305 17678 -12609 1570 311 3049 3049 3330 14180 14180 nROJECT lNFORMATION:ffi-""'- copyright @ 20a2 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business Parallalrm is a registered trademark of Trus Joist. D: \Progr Files\Trus Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files\middelereekO3O529beam, s 30983 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Building C3, additional residential area over the opening - 51/4" x 18" 2.0E ParallamO PSL *""""'"' toadino on a11 spans, nDF = 0.90, Dead 0n1y o BEAM Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member neaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Homent (Ft-Lbs) 1?1 -1706 2322 -1960 1091 645 -2186 2802 -2440 1570 645 693 4988 4988 4010 4010 712 -7482 5983 -4225 N/A concentrated 1ive 1oad on overhang(s), all dead 1oad on span(s) Deflection (in)o.ooo o.ooo -0.067 A11 dead 1oad and concentrated live 1oad on overhang(s), a11 dead load on span(s)Deflection (in) 0.000 0.000 -0.024 A11 dead load on overhang(s), a11 1ive 1oad on span(s) Deflection (in) -0.050 0.388 0.000 =BEIOJECT INFORMATION: Qtt Creek Village Copyright @ 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Busiss ParallalliD is a registered trademark of Ts.Joist. D: \Progr Files\Tns Joist\TJ-Be\Job Files \nliddelcreekO30529be. sms OPERATOFl INFORMATION: (She,,,UJcll ) DESIQN OF B€Ab4 obl LINE D.{, Roor,, = )g rs F RoF,, 80 PSF TR;bntdtf, - (IT'll''-+ 16'I,* ) - 117'-5' = t'/.4z ' Ttle MIDDLE CleeEK //LL.A&E Date s/aO)/oa Job no. //d7 62lL{ D L lOTlbf LL h)p J'6l.2s' plf Nu 1,3'13,33 pUf KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers P- I f / -> -=16> hOaa, ReOc]:,o.s 7/45 h/-r t G55 pt( l4,zLzs133 23215 j ,ll DD F{?hlll[l\/G 0l/ F- 3 h1nx she--bUeln sp-a lLG?Lt-Iq64lb/?L -',,',- SHETlffIA//jLG - c)NeslDe 3/* ;-qsc;q -t-(g) /%" x nVh' l/l/Cl<OLL/+A/j (Y( p;;rdoouI ICQU-> cOrnpos'+c 6L+;0c1 I KL &A yJ L.€x € z " -_-) ( s.de Oonsuhing Structural Engineers A 3o : Fy = to lcsi Ag o, 2 ;,,'' Ij ! / ll "/4' UO\N\ Pt)rwood tar ) CojYlB otts nrw,.t |Il (i; | Ttle l\/llDDLeoReyl{ p;c,d46eDate 'Zg/,jJ,b ,,, l/6'( Subiect BLDG (-g sy ff Sheet 7ot ADD, FRh/}lA/6 0N F-3 L€y€L F,,, ,,," + *(o.z q to ) t L,,, /-""/ h e,nL cAnrcc)'y+o{rotrnvvy too\ OLtfe3l,, f"nc'{a- co6a pt{ 1964 plf - 66n plf - lbDo H[<< Fr, uat- /.' L,ti |%"/ |l1,{'' ;(zL ;t',t; KL &A Consulting Structural Engineers STun Vllb|LL LoAI)J Ttle MIDDLE gegp< yy(;a4ff Date %/o-? Job no. 1/67 Subiect SLDGr (, -EAs;rslD€gy wr Sheet of TR?wlFen ggy(y) oN PLhZh ceVFu (lfilT1 - etaurof LtcJ€t ) Q Se?lM ;s zz ' RooF ' 5H€D 4 DIAIF r 1b ltooF Tl?llSt Tl?lB A/IDT|1 2 ' RooF TRlg y;YpYcy = LoAD ( h'rL R20+ ) (2'dd'+5'd7';/2 +/S- / er(-I I shea mo{ Dd{* Load HJA nol ]l n I"I 2g2 bll/ 'J plf plf ia 1g2 plf (,,,, ) (/,,,., i rooo plf --:Jf12 = ez r r.''-rnax, sffirr. 4o b<, 4vt,,.{ud * ;mop:f 7 'bviJl /\I4J4lP +ro /n'.,r '1.:111174- shcd ttoj Lard = ns pf . 4.IJ-'.r tls- ysf '' I- ($;(SJ) j (51-?)(g,3 ) : 2 x ]r psf = /1o rlf i !JJ*--,, Cann use,L mrn cle-+ov.lcd Usee( /,e 4nwsfirrea Lportn & B-1 oo SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - 6.5 ACRE MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE AT VAIL VAIL, COLORADO Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 \N. Alameda Pkwy o Suite 1150 Lakewood, C0 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AYQN (97O) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (97O) 468-6933 (3O3) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX I io I I I I I I I0 I I I I I I io KOECIILEIN CONSULTING Et\lGIl\'EERS, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECIINICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - 6.5 ACRE MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE AT VAIL VAIL, COLORAD0 Prepared for: Odell Architects, P.C. 32065 Castle Court, Suite 150 Evergreen, CO 80439 Job No. 0l-136 March t4, 2002 DENVER: 12364 lYestAklmeda PrkwJl., Suite ll5, Lakewood, C080228 (303) 989-1223 AVON/SILVERTHORNE: (970) 949-6009 ;0 o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers March 14, 2002 Job No. 0[-l36 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS EXCAVATIONS sHoRING GROUND WATER EXISTING FACILITIES FOUNDATIONS FLOOR SLABS FOUNDAT[ON DRAINAGE LATERAL WALL LOADS SURFACE DRAINAGE COMPACTED FILL PAVEMENT DESIGN Flexible Pavement Design Rigid Pavement Design Pavement Construction LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LEGEND 0F EXPLORATORY sORlNGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION I 1 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l2 13 l4 l5 l6 [7 l8 l9 20 20 I I0 I I I I I I io Fig. I Fig. 2 Figs. 3 thru 6 Fig. 7 Figs. 8 and l2 Fig. l3 Fig. 14 Fig. l5 Table I Appendix A March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-[36 KOECIILEIN CONS{jL TING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers I I I I I I io I SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investigation and pavement design for the proposed commercia1 development of 6.5 acres located in the Mountain Be11 Site in Vai1, Colorado, The approximate site location is shown on the Vicinity Map, Fig. l. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed constructio n. This report includes descriptions of subsoil and ground water conditions encountercd in the exploratory borings, recommended foundation systems, pavement design recommendations, allowable soil bearing pressure, and recommended foundation design and construction criteria. This report was prepared from data developed during our field investigation, our laboratory testing, and our experience with similar projects and subUurface conditions in the area. The recommendations presented in this report are based on the proposed multi- building commercial development. We should be contacted to review our recommendations when the final structural plans for the structures have been completed. A summary of our findings and conclusions is presented below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY l. Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings were generally similar. Tho subsurface materials encountered in exploratory iO March 14, 2002 Job No. 0i-136 KOECIILEIN CONSUL TING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers borings (TH-1 thru TH-l6) consisted of 0 inches to l.0 foot of topsoil underlain by either dense to very dense, silty, sandy, gravelly cobbles and boulders or a medium dense to dense, silty, gravelly sand with scattered cobbles and boulders to the maximum depth axplored of 20.0 feet. Practica1 dril1 rig refusal was encountered on cobbles and boulders at various depths of 3.0 to 18.0 feet in borings TH-1 thru TH-l1 and in TH- 14. In addition, caving soils were encountered at a depth of 3.0 feet in TH-2, 4.0 feet in TH-5, and 18.0 feet in TH-l5. At the time of this investigation, ground water was encountered at a depth of l5.5 feet in exploratory boring TH-l3 and at l8.0 feet in TH-l5. We anticipate that the cobbles and boulders or silty, gravelly sand will be encountered at the proposed foundation elevations for the proposed buildings. In 'our opinion, the natural cobbles and boulders or gravelly sand witl safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed buildings. Refer to tho FOUNDATIONS section of this report for complete recommendations. In our opinion, the cobbles and boulders or the gravelly sand will safely suppot1 slab-on-grade floors, Refer to the FLOOR SLABS section of this report for complete recommendations. Below grade construction at this site requires precautions as recommended in this report in order to maintain the stability of the slope and sides of excavations. Refer to the EXCAVATION section of the report for additional details, All of the existing facilities foundations, utilities, and fill should be removed prior to construction of the proposed development. Refer to the EXISTING FACILITIES section of this report for additional details. Because cobbles and boulders were encountered throughout the site, it is our opinion that heavy duty construction equipment wi11 be necessary to completc the required excavations. Drainage around the structures should be designed and constructed to provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration of water adjacent to foundation walls and retaining walls. 4. 5. 6. ]. 8. I h March 14, 2002 Job No. 0l-[36 KOECllLEINCONSULTINGENGINEERS, INC, Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 9. The shallow subgrade soils classified as A-l-a, A-2-4 and A-6 soils, as defined by the AASHTO classiftcation system. Pavement designs were based on the subgrade soils having an AASHT0 dassification of A-6. Pavement sections are presented in the PAVEMENT DESIGN section of this report. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Tlte project consists of the development of 6.5 acres in the Mountain Bell Site in Vail, Colorado. A site plan for the proposed development was provided by Odell Arohitects; P.C. prior to our investigation. The development plan is shown on the Locations of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2. Based on the site p1an, approximately 9 to l0 multi-family, commercial buildings will be constructed within the development. In addition to the multi-family cotnmercial buildings, car canopies and a learning center will also be constructed. We anticipate that the multi-family buildings will vary from 2 to 4 stories in height and will be of cast-in- place concrete and wood frame construction. We anticipate that the car canopies and the leaming center will be l-story in height and will be of cast-in-place concrete, structural steel and wood fratne construction. We understand that excavations of up to 30 feet in depth will be required for construction of the multi-family buildings. Maximum wall loads were assumed to be those normally associated with commercia1 construction. Access to the proposed development will be provided by two paved access roads off of the existing North Frontage Road West. We anticipate that both rigid and flexible pavements will be used throughout the development. I I I I I I I0 I I I I I I i0 I i0 I I I I I I I0 March 14, 2002 JobNo.01-i36 KOECHLEI*ONSULTINGENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers SITE CONDITIONS The proposed development is to be located on 6.5 acres in the Mountain Bell Site in Vail, Colorado. The site is bordered by the North Frontage Road West to the south and partially by Mountain Bell Road to the north. The Mountain Bell Tower borders the site to the west while open space will border the site to the east. The subject site is shown on the Site Plan, Fig. 2. Two existing buildings with associated amenities and utilities are located on the subject site. The buildings are single-stoty buildings and are of wood frame oonstruction. Because of the previous development on the site, existing fill was observed throughout the proposed development in the area of the existing buildings. Existing fill was not observed in the area south of Mountain Bell Road. The topography of the site consists of moderate slopes of 5 to 10 percent to steep slopes of 15 to 20 poroent. The overall drainage of the site is generally to the south. Vegetation on the site consists of grasses, bushes, pine trees and aspen trees. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on March 7 and 8, 2002 by drilling sixteen exploratory borings with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger at the locations shown on the Locations of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2. An engineer from our office was on the site to supervise the drilling of the exploratory borings and visually classify and document the subsurface soils and ground water conditions. The i0 I !o I I I I I I I0 I I I I I I io I March 14, 2002 Job No. 01-l36 I{OECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers engineer also obtained representative Samples of the soils within the exploratory borings to be examined in our laboratory. A description of the subsurface soils obsetnred in the exploratory borings is shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 thru 6; and on the Legend of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 1. Our laboratory investigation induded visual classification of all samples and testing of selected samples for natural moistttre content, dry density, Atterberg limits, gradation analysis, and swell-consolidation potential. Results of the laboratory tests are presented on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 thru 6; on the Gradation Test Results, Figs, 8 thru l2; on the Swell-Consolidation Test Results, Fig. 13; and in the Summary of Laboratory Test Results, Table I. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings were generally similar. The subsurface materials encountered in exploratory borings (TH-1 thru TH-l6) consisted of 0 inches to 1.0 foot of topsoil underlain by either brown to red-brown, dry to slightly moist, dense to very dense, silty, sandy, gravelly cobbles and boulders or a brown to red;brown, dry to wet, medium dense to dense, silty, gravelly sand with scattered cobbles and boulders to the maximum depth explored of 20.0 feet. Practical drill rig refusal was encountered on cobbles and boulders at various depths of 3.0 to 18.0 feet in March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-136 o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 1NC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers io I I I I I I borings TH-l thru TH-1l and in TH-14. In addition, caving soils were encountered at a depth of 3.0 feet in TH-2, 4.0 feet in TH-5, and l8.0 feet in TH-15. At the time of this investigation, ground water was encountered at a depth of 15.5 feet in exploratory boring TH- l3 and at l8.0 feet in TH- l5: EXCAVATIONS We understand that excavations of up to 30 feet may be required for construction of the building foundations. We strongly recommend that the buildings constructed in hillsides be stepped to reduce the excavation depths. Because cobbles and boulders were encountered within the excavation, it is our opinion that heavy-duty construction equipment will be required to complete the necessary excavations. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. In our opinion, the cobbles and boulders and gravelly sand encountered at the site classifies as Type B soils in accordance with OSHA. However, if water is encountered during excavating within these soils, the soils will classify as Type C soils in accordance with OSHA. OSHA regulations should be followed in any excavations or cuts. If excavation depths cannot be limited to l0 to l5 feet, we anticipate that shoring will be necessary to complete the required excavations. Due to the presence of cobbles and boulders within the soils, special considerations should be taken when selecting a io I iO I I I I I I I0 I I I I I I ii I March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-l36 o KOECHLEINCONSULTINGENGINE,ERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers shoring system for the proposed development. Refer to the SHORING section of this report for additional details. All existing foundations, utilities, fi1l, and soft soils beneath the proposed construction should be removed and replaced with properly moisture conditioned and compacted fi11. A11 fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. SHORING We understand that excavations up to 30 feet in depth ara currently planned. We strongly recommend that the buildings be designed in order to limit excavations to between l0 to 20 feet. If exoavation depths cannot be limited to 10 to l5 feet, we anticipate that shoring will be tiecessary to complete the required excavations. Due to the presence of cobbles and boulders, we do not believe that a soldier post and lagging shoring system or a sheet pile shoring system could be easily installed within the natural soils. In our opinion, a shoring system utilizing soil riails, drilled in to the natural soils, is the most appropriate shoring system for the subsurface conditions. We anticipate that soil nails installed within the natura1 soils will be subjected to ground water. Soil nails installed using a low-pressure grout within the natura1 soils may be designed for an ultimate unit resistance of l0 kips per foot. Due to the potential size of the oxcavations and associated foundation wa11s, it might be beneficial to design the I !o I I I I I I ffi I I I I I I io I March 14, 2002 Job No. 0l-136 o KOECHLEIN CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers shoring as penl]anent shoring to reduce the lateral loads on the foundation walls. In addition, if tie-back anchors are used in the foundation walls to resist latera1 earth loads, the tie-back anchors, installed using a low pressure grout, may also be designed using an ultimate unit resistance of l0 kips per foot. For tremie-grouted anchors, a minimum angle of inclination of about 10' and a minimum overburden cover of l5.0 feet are typically required to allow grouting of the entire bonded length and to provide sufftcient ground cover above the anchorage zone. The minimum horizontal spacing of anchors should be d:e larger of three times the diameter of the bonded zone or 5.0 feet. If smaller spacings are required to develop the required load, consideration may be given to differing anchor inclinations between altemating anchors. Every anchor should be performance tested, proof tested, andior creep tested during construction to penttit evaluation of its expected long-term 1oad carrying capacity. GROUND WATER At the time of this investigation, ground water was encountered at a depth of l5.5 feet in exploratory boring TH-13 and at 18.0 feet in TH-15. Our borings were drilled during a dry time of the year. We anticipate that shallow ground water will be encountered during wetter times of the year. Because the development will be construoted within an alluvial fan, we anticipate that ground water will be encountered in isolated channels during construction of the proposed development. Ground water March l4, 2002 Job No, 0l-l36 | KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers I I I I I I io I amounts could be quite substantial during the Spring and Summer, as the snow begins to melt. In order to reduce the risk of encountering ground water during construction, the proposed development could be constructed in the drier months of the late Summer and Fall. If ground water is encountered within excavations for the development, the ground water can typically be controlled by shallow trenches on the outside of the foundations for the buildings or deep trenches outside of the building excavations. The trenches should be sloped down to a sump pit, where the water can be removed by pumping or to a gravity outlet. Ground water encountered in excavation slopes for the proposed development can generally be controlled by the use of geotextiles and coarse angular rock. If ground water is encountered within excavations for the proposed development, we should be contacted to provide site speciftc recommendations at that time. EXISTING FACIL[TIES We understand that the existing facilities will be removed prior to construction of the proposed development. All of the existing facilities foundations, utilities, and existing fill must be completely removed prior to construction of the proposed development. After removal of the existing facilities, properly moisture conditioned and compacted stintctura1 fi11 may be placed where nccessary. A ropresentative from our March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-[36 I[OECIILEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, lNC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers m office should observe the completed demolition of the existing foundations, utilities, and existing fill in order to verify that they have been completely removed. Provided that the existing fill does not contain deleterious material, the existing fill may be used as structural till for this project. Deleterious material includes: organics, building materials, topsoil, and trash. All fill for this project should be moisture treated and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report, z\ representative from our office should observe and test the placement and compaction of any fill beneath the proposed development. FOUNDATIONS The subsurface material at potentia1 foundation elevations for the proposed buildings and structures consisted of the natural cobbles and boulders or the silty, gravelly sand. In our opinion, the cobbles and boulders or the silty, gravelly sand will support spread footing foundation systems for the proposed buildings and structures with a 1ow risk of movemenL We recommend that the spread footing foundation system be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria: l. Footings should be supported by the undisturbed natural cobbles and boulders, gravelly sand or properly moisture conditioned and compacted fill, as described below in Items 9 and l0. 2. Footings should extend below topsoil or soft surface soils and should be supported by the undisturbed cobbles and boulders or gravelly sand. On I I i Io 10 I o | I{OECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, lNC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers this site, we recommend that the footings be constructed at a minimum depth of 2.0 feet from the existing ground surface. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure 4,500 psf Spread footings constructed on undisturbed cobbles and boulders or gravelly sand may oxperienco up to l.0 inch of differential movement between foundation elements. Because the soils are granular in nature, we anticipate that the majority of the differential settlement wi11 occur during construction. 5. Wall footings and foundation walls should be designed to span a distance of at least 10.0 feet in order to account for anomalies in the soil or fill. Foundation wall backfil1 should not be considered for support of load bearing footings. Footings should be stepped and supported by undisturbed natural soils a:td should not be constructed on foundation wall backfill. Foundation walls or grade beams should be dcsigned to span across an excavation backfill zone and should not be constructed with footings within this zone. The base of the exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth below the exterior ground surface, as required by the local building code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local building code in this area is 3.5 feet; Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of l6 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. We anticipate that cobbles and boulders will be encountered at the foundation elevation. Removal of the cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. Tlte resulting depressions can be backfilled with compacted backfill or lean concrete. Refer to the COMPACTED FILL section of this report for backfill requirements. l0. Pockets or layers of loose soils or existing fill may be encountered in the bottom of the completed footihg excavations. These materials should be I I March l4, 2002 Job No. 01-136 -1- 4. 6. 1. 8. 9. Io March l4, 2002 JobNo. 01-[36 o KOECI]LEIN CONSUL TING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnicql Engineers 'oI removed to expose the undisturbed cobbles and boulders or gravelly sand. The foundations should be constructed on the natura1 cobbles and boulders, gravelly sand or compacted fill. Refer to the COMPACTED FILL section of this report for backfill requirements. Fill should be placed and compacted as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. We recommend that a representative of our office obsetnze and test the placement at:d compaction of structural fill used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques occur which result in poor foundation performance. We recommend that a representative of our office observe the completed foundation excavations. Variations from the conditions described in this report, which were not indicated by our borings, can occur. The representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions. FLOOR SLABS The subsurface soils at the floor s1ab elevations consisted of cobbles and boulders or silty, gravelly sand. In our opinion, the natural cobbles and boulders or gravelly sand wi11 suppot1 slab-on-grade floors with a low risk of movement. We recommend the following precautions for the construction of slab-on-grade floors : 1. Slabs should be placed on the natural cobbles and boulders, gravelly sand, or compacted fill. All existing fili or soft soils beneath slabs-on-grade should be removed prior to construction of floors. 2. Frequent contro1 joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shtinkage of the concrete. 3. We anticipate that cobbles and boulders will be encountered at the floor slab elevations. Removal of the cobbles and boulders may resUlt in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with compacted backfill or 1ean concrete. I l. 12. I I I I I I I I [2 I !o I I I I I I March l4, 2002 Job No. 01-136 | KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Refer to the COMPACTED FILL section of this report for backfil1 requirement s. 4. Special attention should be given to the moisture treatment and compaction of all fill below slab-on-grade floors, including utility trench fill and fill placed adjacent to foundation walls. This fill should be moisture treated and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. 5. Any construction area should be stripped of all vegetation and existing fi1l, scarified; and compacted. Fi11 may be required to establish the grade for slab-on-grade floors. Fill may consist of the on-site soils or approved imported soils. Fi11 should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of ouroffice. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Surface water tends to f1ow through relatively permeable backfill typically found adjacent to foundations. The water that flows through the fill collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface water and possible ground watet can cause wet or moist below grade conditions after construction. Because below grade areas will be constructed for the proposed buildings, we recommend the installation of a drain along the below grade foundation walls. The drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravd and a manufactured wall drain. The drain should be sloped so that water flows to a sump where the water can be removed by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended l3 March 14, 2002 Job No. 01-I36 | KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers I: dotails for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in the Typical Wall Drain Detail, Fig, l4. LATERAL WALL LOADS Below grade walls will be constructed which require latera1 earth pressures for design. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wa11. Walls, which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill, should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls that are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. The following table presents the lateral wall pressures that may be assumed for design. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation walls and retaining walls should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Place:nent and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our oflice. I Earth Pressure Condition Equivalent Fluid Pressure' (pcf) Active 35 At-rest 50 Passive 300 NQl9E;l. Equivalent fluid pressures are for a horizonta1 backfill condition with no hydrostatic pressures or live loads. 2. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used at the base of retaining wall or spread footings to resist lateral wall loads. [4 I iO I I I I I I March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-l36 o KOECHLEIN CONSULTINGENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers To reduco the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind conventional retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of I.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. A typical detail for a retaining wall drain is presented in the Typical Retaining Wa11 Drain Detail, Fig. 15, SURFACE DRA[NAGE We recommend t1te following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the development is completed. 1. Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavations should be minimized during construction. 2. A11 surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavations during construction. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the buildings should be sloped to drain away in a11 directions. We recommend a slope of at least l2inchesinthe firstlOfeet. 4. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, must be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. I0 I I I I I I I IO l5 I io I I I I I I : I I I I I I I Io March 14, 2002 JobNo.01-l36 o KOECHLEINCONSULTINGENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engi eers COMPACTED FILL Fill may consist of the natural gravelly sand, existing on-site fill free of deleterious material, or approved imported fill. Deleterious material includes: organics, building materials, topsoil, and trash. The imported fill may consist of non-expansive silty or clayey sands or gravels with up to 30 percent passing tlte No. 200 sieve and a maximum plasticity index of l0. We do not recommend that cobbles or bdulders larger than l2 inches be placed in fi11 areas. If cobbles and boulders as large as l2 inches are placed in the compacted fi11, specia1 precautions should be taken to make sure that they do not nest and create voids within the fi11. Cobbles and boulders larger than 12 inches in diameter may be used in landscaping areas. Fill areas should be stripped of a11 vegetation and loose soils, then scarified, moisture treated, and compacted. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture treated, and compacted as shown in the fo11owing table. The redommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. l6 I !o I I I I I I ;O I I I I I I io I March 14, 2002 Job No. 01-136 o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers We recommend that a representative of our office observe and test the placement and compaction of struotural fill. Fill placed below foundations, slab-on-grade floors, and pavements is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques can occur which result in poor foundation, slab'on-grade and pavement performance. PAVEMENT DESIGN We anticipate that both flexible pavement and rigid pavement may be used for the parking lots and access drives. We recommend that rigid pavement be used in high traffic areas such as entrances or where heavy vehicles (trash trucks, fire lanes, etc.) tum or maneuver. Two sections based on high volume traffic and low volume traffic are UseofFill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-1557) Percentage of the Optimum Moisture Content (ASTM D-698 orD-1557)' Below Structure Foundat:ons 98 95 -2 to +2 Below Slab-On-Grade Floors 95 90 -2 to +2 Pavement Subgrade 95 (AASHTO T-99)90 (AASHTO T-l80)-2 to +2 Pavelnent Base Course 95 (AASHTO T- l80)-2 to +2 Utility Trench Backfill 95 90 -2 to +2 Backfill (Non-Structural)90 90 -2, to +2 Notes: 1. For clay soils the moisture content should be 0 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content. For granular soils the moisture content should be -2 to +2 of the optimum moisture content. l7 March 14, 2002 Job No. 0l-l36 KOECHLEIN CONSULT-]NG ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers presented for the flexible pavements. High volume traffic areas are considered to be access roads, fire lanes or lanes between parking areas. Low volume traffic areas considered to be parking areas. The following sections present design assumptions recommended flexible and rigid pavement sections. Flexible Pavement Deskn The design of the flexible pavement was based upon an Equivalent Daily Load Application (EDLA), laboratory test results and the Colorado Department of Transportation pavement design manual. Design calculations were based upon assumed engineering soil characteristics from soi1 samples encountered in the exploratory borings to a depth of 4 feet. Subsurface conditions encountered within the exploratory borings, are presented in the SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS section of this report and are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 thru 6; and the Legend of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 1. Laboratory tests indicated that the soils encountered within the exploratory borings, to a depth of4 feet, classify as A-l-a, A-2-4, and A-6 soils as defined by the AASHTO classiftcation system. Pavement designs were based on the subgrade soils having an AASHTO classification of A-6. This soil type resulted in an estimated Hveem Stabilometer (R-value) of 35. The R-value was estimated from the AASHTO classification of the soil. The EDLA for high volume traffic was taken as 20. The EDLA for low volume traffic was taken as 5. Two flexible a1'e and IO I I I I I I io I l8 March l4, 2002 Job No. 0l-I36 pavement designs, based on the above method, These tlexible pavement designs include one full aggregate base and asphalt pavement section. KOECHLEIN COj\lSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnicctl Engineers are shown below in Table A. depth asphalt pavement and one =I I I I I I I I I I I I I F These designs assume that the asphalt component of the pavement has a l500-pound Marshall stability (strengtlt coefficient of 0.44). Norma11y, an asphalt should be relatively impermeable to moisture and should be designed as a well- graded mix. These designs also assume that the base course has a minimum Califomia Bearing Ratio (CBR) of80 (strength coefficient of0.l2). A Colorado Depatlment of Transportation Class 5 or Class 6 base course will normally meet this requirement. Riuid Pavement Design A rigid pavement section was designed using the same values of the EDLA and R-value as those used in the high volume traffic flexible pavement design. The rigid pavement design is based on the working stress of the concrete, which is assumed to be 450 psi. The Colorado Department of Transportation I Table A Summary of Flexible Pavement Section Altematives Traffic Volume Full Depth Asphalt (inches) Asphalt + Base Course (inches) Low (EDLA5)4.5 3.0+6.0 High (EDLA20)5.5 4.0+6.0 I9 March 14, 2002 Job No. 0l-136 o KOECIILEIN CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers pavement design manual, along with the above mentioned design values, were used to detennine a rigid pavement section. The rigid pavement design resulted in a design section of 5.0 inches of concttte. Pavemdnt Construction For pavement construction, loose soils and existing fill should be removed and replaced with properly moisture conditioned and compacted fill. Where soils are removed, the resulting surface may need to be stabilized with granular material before placing and compacting fill. Prior to placing fill the subgrade should be stripped of all loose soils, t1ae resulting surface scarified, and the soils compacted. All fi11 should be compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. A11 asphalt should be compacted to between 92 and 96 percent of the maximum theoretical density. For a more thorough description of our pavement construction recommendations, please refer to Appendix A. LIMITAT10NS Although the exploratory borings were located to obtain a reasonably accurate determination of foundation and subgrade conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible: Any variations that exist beneath the site generally become evident during excavation for the new structures. A representative from our I I I I I I io 20 I io I I I I I I I I I I I I h I March 14, 2002 Job No. 0l-l36 | KOECHLEINCONSULTINGENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers office should observe the completed excavations to confinn that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory borings and to verify our foundation, floor slab, and pavement recommendations. The placement and compaction of fi11, as well as installation of foundations, should also be observed and/or tested. The design criteria and subsurface data presented in this repot1 are valid for 3 years from the date of this report. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of thid report or in analyses of the proposed project from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please contact our office. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, lNC. Reviewed by: d}/[;- v{K,J&- William H. Koechlein, P.E. President (4 copies sent) Senior Engineer 2l I !o I I I I I I IO I I I I I I !o I JOSNO.01-136 o I NOT TO SCALE FIG.1 VICINITY MAP oI i loCHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers .,.,a"',,." ,.../"''' ' / ;/- /."'" /'s ,," "...-..---._r' ' fi... ,,f -----"""'-'---'-, "',J't )s. 1 I I I ,O I I 1" = 80' FIG.2JOB NO. O1-136 I 'oI I I I I I I- :; mfio I I I I I I i= TH-1 APP.EL. 8224 TH-2 TH-3 APP.EL. 8230 APP.EL. 8242 TH-4 APP.EL. 8244 WC 1 9 -200 = 15 LL=45 Pl=5 50/7 23/12 WC=5 -200= 19 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY m ffiffi1 Faffii [ '] sn:a ;'*:'.'.l ffi [,:i30/12 ffij U:iJ-I- -I- JOB NO. O1-136 BORINGS FIG. 3 om-o =-I =a TImm+ I io I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I- I.I.I u,I I.L a =I-o. I.I.Io KOECH]IIEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. =onsulting Geotechnical Engineers TH-8 APP.EL. 8254 ffi ffitL I!jjII-d [P; I H;iiil ' 1_I5O/4 I WC=7 -200=35LL25 Pl=3 24112 TH-5 APP.EL. 8230 30/12 TH-6 APP.EL. 8246 TH-7 APP.EL. 8256 50/11 WC=8 -200=34 JOB NO. O1-136 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. a, o I11'u-I =a TI ITI r11+ I !o I I I I I I I- I.I,I I.I.I I.L a :oto I I I I I I io o TH-9 APP.EL. 8240 TH-1O APP.EL. 8223 45/12 WC=2-200 19 50/12 JOBNO.Ol-136 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 5 I io I I I I I I IO I I I I I I I- I.IJ I.IJ u., z =}-Dfi I.I.Io i= TH-13 APP.EL. 8225 TH-14 APP-EL. 8255 KOECHmtN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. =onsulting Geotechnical Engineers TH-15 TH-16 APP.EL. 8236 APP.EL. 8218 17/12 50/12 50/11 44/12 42/12 WC=4 -200=18 WC=31 -200=41 LL=39 PI = 14 40/12 50112 20/12WC 1 2-2005534/12 50/0 JOB NO. O1-136 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 6 o ITI'o-I =a "n mm-I IoLEGEND: | TOPSOIL, Sand, Silty. Moist to very moist, Loose, Brown to ffi Black. I ;g; ::tt:nt: ?,U[:::fJ, t;::ffv;,!:ffi;J!P DrY to Slightlv = ffffi SAND, Gravelly, Silty, Scattered cobbles and boulders, Dry to I Efifil wet, Medium dense to dense, Brown to red-brown. | REFUSAL. Indicates practical drill rig refusal. I J. CAVlNG. Indicates depth of caving soils while drilling. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers ] = WATER. Indicates depth of water encountered while drilling. I I ! g sULKsAMPLE. Obtainedfro maugercutt ings. = I SPLIT SPOON DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 50/7 indicates that 50 I I blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required toB drive a 2.0 inch O.D, sampler 7 inches. . n CALIFORNIA DRIVE SAMPLE. The syrnbol3O/12 indicates that 30 I= ' :fJn'j,t nffi'.gi!:;;i;I/f![:[;? inches were required to - Notes; ! n. Exploratory borings were drilled on March 7 and 8, 2002 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. | 2. Ground water was encountered at a depth of 15.5 in exploratory boring ! TH-13 and at 18.0 feet in TH-15. 3. The boring Iogs are subject to the explanations, Iimitations, andD conclusions as contained in this report. I 4.LaboratoryTestBesults: WC - lndicates natural moisture (%) 1 DD - Indicates dry density (pcf) | -2oo - lndicates percent passing the No. 200 sieve (%) LL - Indicates Iiquid Iimit (%) Pl - Indicates plasticity index (%) 5. Approximate elevations are based on a topographic survey map provided by Odell Architects. io I ,,,.,.,,-,,i LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FlG. 7 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 30 4O 5O bU 70 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM 'o Sampleof source TH-1 Sampleof source TH-2 GRAVEL 47 '/o SILT&CLAY l5 PLASTICITY INDEX LIQUDLIMIT 5 45 'lo IO I I I I I I E!evJDepth 4.0 feet GRAVEL 23 SILT & CLAY l9 PLASTICITY INDEX LIQUID LIMIT /o '/o io 0 - 4 feet f.L+zfif1(t $fi 7O 6O 5O 4O mo 8O w 1O0 DIAMETER oF PARTlCLE IN MM JobNo.0l-l36 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 8 I io I I I I I I I I I I I I Ij: Sampleof source TH-5 KO o EC HLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS o SAND, Siltr, Gravelly GRAVEL 22 ElevJDepth 9.0 feet SILT & CLAY 34 LIQUD LIMITSampleNo. Sampleof source TH-8 Sample No. PLASTICITY INDEX GRAVEL 20 '/o SAND SILT & CLAY 35 45 '/o PLASTICITY INDEX GRADATION TEST RESULTS % LIQUID LIMIT 25 % 3 '/. o 1O 2O 3O tmD40 Omz+5O 7Jm 60 izm 70 0 80 9O 1m 90 8O 7O 40 30 20 10 o DIAMETER OF PARTlCLE IN MM IO 2O 30 40 50 6O 7O 80 9O 100 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM ElevJDepth 0 - 4 feet 0l-l36 FIG.9 I ',o I I I I I I o o OECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS GRAVEL 34Sample of source TH-9 Sample of SAND, Gravelly, Silty GRAVEL 38 TH-11 Sample No.ElevJDepth 14.0feet SILT&CLAY 16 PLASTlCITYINDEX SILT & CLAY 19 PLASTlCITY INDEX IO I I I I I I io I '/o LIQUID LIMIT 0l-l36 o 10 2O 3O 4O 50 6O 7O 6O 50 4O DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM ElevJDepth 4.0 feet 3O 4O 5O 60 7O 8O 9O l|oo DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM JobNo. GRADATION TEST RESULTS FlG. l0 I io I I I I I I Sample of source TH-l5 | o OECHLElN CONSULTING ENGINEERS GRAVEL 44 '/, '/o9.0 feet SILT & CLA:{ 18 PLASTICITY INDEX LIQUD LIMIT I I I I I I Sample of source SAND and CLAY, Gravelly PLASTlCITY INDEX GRADATION TEST RESULTS GRAVEL 16 '/o SAND Elev./Depth 0 - 4 feet SILT & CLAY 41 '/o LIQUID LIMIT h TH-16 SampleNo. 0 1O 2O 3O 4O 5O 60 7O 8O 90 1O0 50 40 3O 2O 1O o DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM Elev./Depth o E 8 6O <fiH 5Ozu 8 4O o1 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM JobNo.0l-136 FlG, I I I io I I I I I I IO KO o EC HLEIN CONSULTING ENGI o NEERS Sampleof source TH-l6 14.0 feet GRAVEL 5 SILT & CLAY 55 LIQUDLIMIT PLASTlCITY INDEX GRAVEL '/o SILT & CLAY 'l. LIQUID LIMIT I I I I I I Sampleof source SampleNo.Elev./Depth '/o io I PLASTICITY INDEX GRADATION TEST RESULTS 1 1 u. DIAMETER OF PARTlCLE IN MM Elev./Depth JobNo.0l-l36 FIG, l2 I io | o KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS I I I I I I =I I I I I I i= Sampleof source SAND, Silty Natural Dry Unit Weight= I l2.2 (pcf} TH-j2 SampleNo.ElevJDepth 9,0 feet Natural Moisture Content = l2 % Pressure, p, psf JobNo.0l-l36 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIG. l3 io I I I ,, CLAYEY BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFlLL EDGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVATE AS PER otHA REGULATIoNS) WATERPROOFING I -l,PLASTIC SHEETING 2" MIN. PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND l/4lNCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 3. GRAVEL SPEClFlCATIONS: WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3Z PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE. 4. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFlNG OR AN E0UIVALENT PROTECTION METHOD. I JOB NO. 01-136 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG. 14 I I I I I I HLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geoteehnieal Engineers I I I I I I NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARD TO A POSlTIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 lNCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3Z PASSING THE NO. 20O SIEVE. I I h EDGE Or EXCAVA JOB NO. O1-136 TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG.15 oz {n CL UJ UJz oz UJ oZtD(/)zoo 4 I.LIJ[ O LUoM ia I r.lDIf [-I c/)I: t0! tm r"I! OItx;i I -o o =o B eo =B c0fiooo- o oo)(g eoouofi CD-6 "-?.Lo oJ d'^ zS m9 OL 1 | d EO b4m H >5 =p I.>d o Q 7.<O b o> E LD o z,<O >I - z.<O l-l cn "oaffi Q'a<n a\T>d I.Io o'z<rn >t o> eo elz< >1 =c/) Qz,}n >1 o>ffit.io Q z,<a / _lrJ id ad o'z<o edUj [-! m o c,r c4;,l.; }ch 1 1 u .di' d1 << E ><rr1u o04 i7o = O b,z, l=I E1 }rj f-- g E 6 PH e}E F O bJ a'sH4 \Ol^-c Ch o"m oC/J O< CN e.{ =Fm n n c4 [-4 ,? b-lofi.[Il CAu [Ll [-I[+< >4[-cH bdri1,.,..- H L] o\t 'd q/ hJ Q.| t o r_I 'i_.' }I /'"^\ d E 6 1=1114 I ,l l'"l t N o\m it i i t g N 1 UJ ffia p,-, h tr=i \O fi, n e, 4f m2 5 &N t t m [J,l 1=4 =l fi -O., ffi38- ff ot q'ot t o\ + o t [J]_lo'r H H C51 [-([-i H [-i [-i [-4 N [-1 T H + [+ -;+ [-1 I Marcll 14,2002 Io JobNo.Ol-I36 I I I I I I KOECIILEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineets APPENDIXA ILECOMMENDATIONS F0R PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION I I I I I I io I I io I I I I I I Marcl1 l4, 2002 -lob No. 0l-l36 | KOECIILEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC Collsultillg Geolecllnical Ellgilleers I I FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Experience has shown that construction methods can have a significant effect on the life and serviceability of a pavement system, We recommend the proposed pavement be constructed in the following manner: l, Where the subgrade soils do not satisfy the compaction requirements, they should be scarified, moisture treated, and recompacted. Soils should be compacted as specified in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. 2. Utility trenches and all subsequently placed fill should be properly compacted and tested prior to paving. Fi11 should be compactod as specified in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. 3. After final subgrade elevation has been reached and the subgrade compacted, the area should be proof-rolled with a heavy pneumatic tired vehicle (i.e., a loaded 10-wheel dump truck). Subgrade that is pumping or deforming excessively should be removed and replaced. 4. If areas of soft or wet subgrade are encountered, the material should be overexcavated and replaced. Suitable on-site soils or structural fill may be used. Where extensively soft, yielding subgrade is encountered, we recommend the excavation be inspected by a representative of our office. 5. Aggregate base course should be laid in loose lifts not exceeding 6.0 inches, moisture treated to within 2.0 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted as specified in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. 6. The aggregate base course may consist of processed recyded asphalt. The recycled asphalt base course should meet the gradation requirements of CDOT Class 5 or Class 6 base course. The recycled asphalt base should be laid in loose lifts itot exceeding 6.0 inches, moisture treated and compacted as specified in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. 1. Asphaltic concrete should be plant-mixed material and compacted to between 92 and 96 percent of the maximum theoretical density or to at least 95 percent of the maximum Marshall value. 8. The subgrade preparation and the placement and compaction of a11 pavement layers should be observed and tested. Compaction criteria should be met prior to the placement of the next paving lifl. I I I h I Mareh l4, 2002 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geotechnical Engineers |o *,', ^.::::,,.,,,,, CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS - Rigid pavement sections are not as bensitive to subgrade support characteristics as flexible ' pavement. Due to the strength of the concrete, wheel loads from traffic are distributed over a large area ! and the resulting subgrade stresses are relatively low. The critica1 factors affecting the perfonnance of a , rigid pavement are the strength and quality of the concrete, and the uniformity of the subgrade. We recommend subgrade preparation and construction of the rigid pavcment section be completed in I accordance with the following recommendations. I t. Where the subgrade soils do not satisfy the compaction requirements, they should be ; !f Soils should 'e comracte' as specifted in the Utility trenches and all subsequently placed fill should be properly compacted and tested prior to paving. Fi11 should be compacted as specified in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. The resulting subgrade should be checked for uniformity and a11 soft or yielding materials should be replaced prior to paving. This should be done by proof-rolling with a heavy pneumatic tired vehide (i.e., a loaded 10-wheel dump truck). Concrete should not be placed on soft, spongy, frozen, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade. Subgrade should be kept moist prior to paving. Curing procedures should protect the concrete against moisture loss, rapid temperature change, freezing, and mechanical injury for at least 3 days after placement. Traffic should not be allowed on the pavement for at least one week. 6. A white, liquid membrane curing compound, applied at the rate of I gallon per l50 square 1. feet, should be used. Construction joints, including longitudina1 joints and transverse joints, should be formed during construction or should be sawed shortly after the concrete has begun to det, but prior to uncontrolled cracking. All joints should be sealed. Construction contro1 and inspection should be carried out during the subgrade preparation and paving procedures. Concrete should be carefully monitored for quality control. 2. I I I I I I :* 4. 5. 8. AD0 1O PSF /I OYEffit&}fr0 ARElST/P. O SEE " _ ---l-US2.14(E)| 4:\ EAR[Y LEARNIN0 CENTER /7) EARLY [EARNING CENTER\tJi1fi5Ti66T toto KEY r;\ EARLY LEARNIN0 CENTER -"r. S.0.G. +i@ffiq "'|, o| o * o U-)Hz UJ == c\lc'\l T- T:,;I: sl-V/\ U1U') UJLIJ O-,1 On J:l Ln(n c(ffi OO LuLoCJ << oO j J = Bo zo z <n< (D o LcJ L (/) Ln CLL nO oo o offi aD r- J<I-zue)(/)uct L CJ-)L oo II o<OJ =Oz(/) \jzOoJ<a] Js+zLI]o7 LIJffi <l\Ij CL LLo CL LO =* lI e)<OJ =ozffi z LIJ(LO <fSlj 1 rf\ = <1 4 :< (r) uo<ffi [i-iLn JsI-z LLJ Q(/] LLIu <I\I] CL s.<U = LL(/) 1 tO Il o<oj = {n ,-:, LIJfio <I\I5 CL B< = L.l.,U1,fim .a"cqcn '-ffi II IIc) -g ? QI'1Jj 6 t t- (n B ELc.O >< -;o < effi = = K; ,o(L(No '-o II IIo- 6 H Q'i O, 7 + I I Ul % &'-'oL. 8 1 dx = = Lg][um .a("@O '-co II II Q c; o E a AJj1 =,O U h- cn E fiL.O x -,:o < fi ffi = = =Q 9o t = >--r) i;..-/ #' =>Ifil z >->->-z z z z =z = 0o<oj o UJ(D Oa =& UJ CL =cn e]< 'iJai: in" UJ>: oc\I i16 o oq-+n o 1.O o o+oc\I oc\I o< "a o a<uo LO i-n t.o LOo to o LO to too n LO .l- dO"k Ll-l '-" = o I0@ LO@ oa LO o I.O OD LO aD o O o zffi LIJ I:< fi o << LI-IO ffiJ < /l\bl r,]O IQl \i'' 0l\/r@l\/O /\[oj /\ [o] /\[Pl "ll.J"0 /\ l.-I\.,''ral\/ 8Noo oooo E- =e9(0o# kd a i II >-Dd(L *_U 8 too =b 9(g'0 c119 g =C1E >o oO fio oB go =fi IddD (N Nr. r. @ qi N N!- r.o 'qrlt tttt)s tlD ='Z 9 'E 9fi o EoEao o < odJM |n h o Oa 1 = I= t o|n o qffoo:,fffiq' [O = @ O N " o ::ffaj{;{#ll '.):Lffi!€!djiltl ooeQ -es =9 moo. ffEE fX/ ot : 8 fa o 1 K 8 a$s b a IIII IIcrd J-2 o'R oJ UJ (ooJ> o|Z J Y, <a o IJ, I-L Uff fro o it t a J BPa fi 8.. ca{t 5 :t,,t 19 -oUfff E# 'a'ffi 'om tO =I T'.I E "' Nc\! q: Q Q F LL Mo t a g 'e'o '=D d a > '=D t >e C1 (6> th(1 oa e fio ;. o o o o0 N $) a @ ;- N Oo o N (\l N @e? cq c\I o oq cq N l\. 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Subiect fi;uuq {,elrfl4ll4C. sv Gpc Sheet / of lBtQl osy-S ot-t B, 3 T[Lll5 - {77jG-,}('/4 - zzt-z4 l/5E t€ ps r o t P, '' 3+?U4i = rs rf; x 3//,x4'/, [= 1, zs pc/r P; = $ h ? ust P,r ru k- >so ' rs a'r,x/r,,€/a, t- /go psl' Oatrr- st L Fv 4{, /b3,8 = t1+ Cot-{khl--r.'""'==._.._..__._-. AwVEllls SPllXYN?SlrnlmJ d)lJffJmFmlS T/YlAL-SEPllll SPljCE'k'BlRS ATCOlNERFUlTSSEEMUFORIW[ffiM. lII*TE SlRUClVltE 0CCURS MU,OfSO€DmCifjll[lVt?? BACKFILL UNnL STRUCIURE S fi PtACE 18'w. fPtr O?U'Il\jC E 0?aj?.1lX4CrmI DPS0l PA|lllEIERS |Rr Als€b &j gt jrjldpr: C0EF. ff /CTfi/E PRES9REaO.OJ5 XCF ffiF. ff FhSSiYE P/€SSUREl o.m Mr COer.0FFRlmOllla4 &tOr/&f S0t PRESSURE=4.5 XSF uw t' atl?s 1'84RS VNlS lj'ml&lRr 'P'SOllOlRf Sfrl{fiCl10llt9 rORlWM?lLlwnrs | l4Ot2' L|. O WllJS llflAffr 'nrffiffOs lfJ4 m |IERE ]}OlE 6 lAstAaOfilP XBlRS JBlRS SPtrE r81/iS'ffibEm COUNlERrOllS SfUOf "C' 81/?S AT C00lV)ERfnRlS lt'Il{RS Z'lVlEEP| 1o'-o' o.c. llmH1lmt COUNTERFORT GEOME|RY - WHERE REOUlRED. SEE COMMENTS / {l,ti+M;,r' ;r I ""{ ""j"/ gggppg(gg)gp((J -ffACCm SlC€-S0r 01SI.401lljSr UlJOlSlU?SfD S0.f[ {lllEj?f PCGSlB[E) {R C&1o.10r I0 95Z fJROCIfJf? TaffiS' Srr tlNnLnlERED ml)llPlt IlltU StJlEDlLE P d E 'aot 1 Lr' 8 t Il-r'J g fi$ B 8 I Hl 9 & EI II ia 9 I Balit a I:i =gge soigogI I Qoe< =ofi =o;fof1J a =<?o Ia 'a<FIIIeouIr0>fia '=<o ,.fE t:fl_ tI I!IIL!-i Il!!ffiilfI, ii!!iiiii! fG,isf[$9gsl[ts > !t 9' a a T{ 4{l ry ? t o|oeo:IoI 1on =8 o Ie bi;Ii _ tl.IHI nftlll Iiiiiiiiiiiii d = I e I s : a n e a s I t f$t$fll t [ [[[[[t !!!![[i i [ iFii$, il[if[t i i I d[ i i!il'r! " i Iii ! is aUtl i tt ! 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C August 4, 2003 Allison 0chs, AICP Town of Vail Planning Department 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Middle Creek Ilousing - Grading Permit Requirements Allison, This memo clarifies the issues you indicated that Odell Architects must resolve before the issuance of a building permit for Middle Creek. In addition, our responses to TOV Building and Fire department comments have required us to change the exterior appearance of buildings A and B. Those changes are described below as well. 11 0n sheet A4.5 - Building C, West elevation - the cast in place concrete must be stucco as shown on DRB approved set of plans. The columns supporting the balcony on the west side of Building C are now stucco-wrapped cast- in-place concrete. Please refer to drawing 2/A4.5C for details. 12. 0n sheet A2.2 - Building A, indicate the roof material of the flat roof area above thc trash enclosure. The storage and recycling/trash rooms on the third level of Building A will have a river-rock ballasted EPDM roof. A gabled parapet with asphalt shingles will create the series of smaller roofs that define the recycling, trash, and water service rooms. Please refer to drawings 2,lA2.2A and 3/A4.1A for details. Please do not hesitate to contact Lee Mason or myself if you have any questions. J,,- iLffi Bo3 |4>\ Y? ggOEiVED AUG ? 1 7003 rov-q9EPEY: