HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK MOUNTAIN BELL 1990-1998 LEGALTOI,IIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPLTCANT CO}fTRACTOR OWNER RD RD Permit #: St"trr". . Applied. Issued.. E>cpires. 898-0168 ISSUED 06 /te /L998 07 /09/L9e8 0L/0s/]-999 Clean"up approved amount dste Add Sq FL:Valuation: Fileplace Informatsion: Restricl€d: Buildi-ng-----> 62s.oo PIan Check- --> 406 -25 76, 300 +of caa ADpliancca: Restsualant Plan Rcvielr- - > DRB Fee-------- Recreacion Fe€----------> clcan-Up Dcposit---- ----> Tota1 calculatcd Fees- - - > Additsional Fees---------> ToEaI Permit F€e------ -- > Pa)nn€nte------- #of cae Logs:#Of Wood/Pal ler: InvestigaCi on> will call----> .00 100.00 .00 250 ,00 1,3e4.25 40.00 !,424 .28 !,424 .2s -o0 3.O0 BAI,ANCE DUE-... .OO /4^) 8s,/. to"no**E,rr oF coMMrrNrry :,,:ffifu|'6! 2'l NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT iIOb AddrESS: 160 MOI'IiITAIN BELL LOCATiON...: 160 MOI'NTAIN BELL Parcel No.. : 2LOL-064-00-001 Proiect No. : PRir98-0157 SPE TRI]M CONST. COI\TTRACTING, LLC 72OO E. DRY CREEK ROAD, SUITE C-202, SPECTRT'M CONST. CONTRACTING, LLC 72OO E. DRY CREEK ROAD, SUITE C-202, U S WEST COMMIJNICATIONS INC Phone: 303 -22L-8468 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 Phone : 3 03 -22L-846?, ENGLEWOOD, CO 801L+ coRPoRArE rAx DEPARTMENT McB, 5300 fowgbrffirffADeTE 700, ENGLE DescripEion: ADDING AI\TTENNAS AND EQUIPME}flT SHELTER Occupancy: T)pe Const.ruction: Type Occupancy: FEE SUMMAIY sit Refund Di-vi-si-on:Division: IEem:05L0006/L9/1998 o6'/ 30'/ 1,998 07'/ o9'/ 1-998Item:05400 06 /L9 /1998oG'/t9'/L998 06 /30 /1998Item:05600Item: 05500 BUILDING DEPARTMENTJRM Action: NOTEiIRM AcLion: NOTE C'GOODELL AcI,ion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTTVTENTJRM Action: NOTECBARTON AcLion: APPRCBARTON AcLion: APPRFIRE DEPARTT,IENTPI]BLIC WORKS Dept: BUIL,DING Division: PI,ANS TO GARY ROUTED PTANS TO GARY DCPE: PI,ANNINGPIANS TO EHRISTIEanrrcroved bv PEC & DRBbldq plans- appr by cbDebt: FIREDebE: PIIB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenE. for any conditions thaE may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolvledge lhaE I have lead thi6 applicaij.on, filled out in fu11 che informa!ion required, compl,6tcd an accurale ploc plan, and alate thab all the information provided as required is colrect. I aglee to eomply wich lhc information and ploE p1an, to comply wj.th al.1 Toirn ordinancc6 and statse lawe, and to buila tshj.s etructsurc according tso che To!.n'e zonj.ng and subdiviaj.on codes, design tevicw apptovcd, Unifom Buj.1din9 code and other ordinancea of Ehc Town applicablc thcrcco. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STTALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADI,ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT :00 AM 5:00 PM sFnd Cl6an-Up Dcporit To: gPEcfRUu coNSA O srclnrrrRE * 3 oR coNTRAcroR FoR HrMsEr,F AND o!INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0168 as of 07 /09/98 sE.agus: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit Tylpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: 06/L9/!998 Applicant: SPECTRIIM CONST.CONTRACTING,LLC Issued: 07/09/L998 303-22A-8468 To E>cpire; 0l/05/L999 Job Address: LOCAEION: 160 MOUMfAIN BEI-,L RD Parcel No: 2101-064-00-001 Descriptsion: ADDING ATYTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT SHELTER Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTNIENT APPROVAI' IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. 3. A11 work is tso be in accordance with the approved, engineer-sEamped construcEion drawings and Ehe applicable provisions of the 1991- Uniform Buj-lding Code (IIBC) & the 1996 National Elect.rical Code (NEC). Electrical inspections are performed only on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. JJr{ 12'94 1?rs3 FR Us UEST i,rrRg_ESS 343 398 B4;d TP 9?,"LEAF74.,\--.-l \e0 ^*'l:'W;;"2' rJr{ :2'e8 1?:s3 FR us r.dE5r TTRELESS 3a3 3s8 "ufl 2 TiiilTLu,u p.ozt@3 ,.*.;."rrroc.uncyn'"."r"tr.. O9A*'fft -c.\C !&*d;f'-qfr"'ffi.',1'"'1" 'gIH,$ Xiffir:iili3$"ffii1* . ^ 4qA-nifittt !- ( oetei---J#i---- '-'" t (iJ t' - - APPLICATToN MttsT EE FILIIJD ou? coHPtEfELy oR ff l,ttrv No" BE ACcEp"EDfr*+**l***r**a*************r*** FERMIT rNFOR},{AtION * * * * * * * * * r r i !r * * * * I * r * jr * * * * * * |b t l-BuildfiBg,#",1;,"e3lHfr1i*fl,*nf,d,;"t""tricar [ ]-Hec]ranl'ca1 [x]-orher hcrrbbrde rob Nane; _wrnlg_lqsphmcfsdlitiec Job Addrcss: ldOltrountsiuBellRd t egal Description: lat unplajtcd Bl oc!(FilihS sUBoIvlsIoN: nrpl )nners Natnc:Addrcss! _ 1&l Crlihrni,s Ste 5100 Dcpvcti pOt02a0ph. -tg1,8964sS3\rchitect: thdrick{g!.Aslodatc$q.C Address! Jgsrs.Middr€FldRd r;detsn ph.-_!otzeee4.s leneraL DesoriptLo" t &'lorR Classs [ ]-New [r]-ALteration [y]-Addltionaf [ ]_Repait [ ]_Other____- tuhber of oucrllng unit6 l g- Nunber of Acoonaodaiion units: nonc Pr0bcr and TyFc of Fireplaceg: caF Appltanees. n/€-. Gas Logs-_g! wood/petlet_!&_ t******|r******t********!r**t******* VALUAIJONS *rf ******t*****t*t*t**{.*********Jrr) --iurlDrxc, c 3f. noq ,IUJHBfNG: $, rrr/A,' r ** * * ** * **** rr tr** * * * rt?t* *-** * *!lleneral ConLracLor: lD-.-<>.'*.r oTHER: $ La. 3oO toTALr < o Phone NurnbcE: Rl{Al'fON *+ *'& * * *** r* ** t * !r * I !r * r* t - * r * rr).:_ut,- Town of, vait Reg. No. /40 -Aiddrdes: ilectrical contractor: ,ddr6€s::cTQ \(-Reg, NO. rLurilb inE rddress: Contraefor: ,' 01';1 to'"rn of vall Fhone Nunbcr: Town of vail Phone Nunbe!: Town of Va lI Phsne Nunber: Reg, No. Iechanical ConEractor : iddr€gsr Reg. No. :***t******************it***t**** FOR OFFICE USE *******a****t****r** *********t iIUILDTNG PEru''Tf FEE;)LU!{BING FERUIT FEEI IECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE! |TECTRTCAI-T FEE: )THER TYgE OT FEE: )RB FEE: EUITDTNG PIAN CHECK F'EE: PLUMBTNG PI.}'N CHECK FEEJ}!ECH.}NICAI, EIAN CHECX FEE:.RECREErION FEE: CLEAN-UF DEPOSIT:rOTIL PERXIS FEES; BUITDING! SIGNATURE: ZONIHGI SIGNATURE: U$WEST Comnunicetions ElrcrnrcAl: s 28 coo HEcHANTcALT f=jft*: , CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFM{? TO: I 75 south lronlage road va il, colorado A1652(303) 479-2138 or 479_2t39 FROI'I: DATE: ot/lce ol communlly developmenl i""k"3|tfiiloo" cuRRENTLyL REGT'TERED wrrH rHE ToLrN oF vArL puBlrc woRKs/coilo.ruNrry DEvELopr\rEN" ltARcH L6, 1988 SUBJEC?: CONSTRUC?TON PARKING & }IATERIAL STORAGEIn sulnmary, Ord. i*tr5; T,i':ti[li-;:i;t-l:#:!. li1'= rf ' ] =':ii::iiro l'i.;:I= prace or anv,-,^].:po''.-.""v-"i.I"mpsters' poriable toilet! ;;;'t- Vair srre".i in5.i"n.ti"i-.J;:-=;;"'iliilil};_;1rey or public liii';t;::*rutiili:-::-i:fi;"il:l:iv -u""l'f i"ol]l"'3:;: "' ii ^in I ""g:x;".i" ;ltli:: :".1;ff i";:f ?iiS'"i5' ii;.l"11* :j";:l;",.. ;:;i;:":ii.nit, $:::f;:" :;.*!i:i:i. ii=1"" ::":;;;ii'l,x;;;i;i: = 1;lt i5iilj i::l:::,:=i,, i::,;r;:iii:jr:l::!.iriiiri:;tir:"".any srree. ;; ;il:;-::.::;,"[iil::::"i;-:i",:l;l :*:ii.= ", $ltl"xiilo?i3'll:::' No' e in rul "oop"..ti;;,,:.":f;ii*i*"::""iijl; :'::;;. =.;f;.:il ii; ?::,r:j. '.'tl'trI Read and acknowledged ositionTnETEETons_-(i e. contractor, owner) 75 south lronlage road va Il, colorado 816S7(303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 olllce ol communlty deyolopmeltl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII.tE FMNE If thi.s perm.l:t reeujres a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Ensi neel ''s (pubr ii trort<si ;;;;";'unl'Jpprouui ,'.'pi'.-".il!"o.p.rr.n,rev i ew or Hea I tn o:-0.31 pint -;;; ;;:'-uib. u. """ i u, Lv- ti,.,,i, I i a i ns3!ri[lli.,l;.ll: "rrirut"J iir"'i"i'a'iotur review iray take as ions All commercial ('rarge or sma'r l ) and arl murti-fami.ly permits willhave to fol row iire iuove ;;;ii;.il"r]r,,n* requirements. Residentiarand smal l projects st'ouio ia[e-;-i";;r amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrarer projectt irpaci the various above mentioneddepartments r.rith regard' to'nu."riui!"i"ui"*, these projects maya'l so take the three wu.t -p"iioilJq' J ' ( Every attempt vri'r l be made by this deparLnrent to expedite thispetmi.'t.as s.gon as possible. " - "- vLFs' L..rsrr L LU exPeol f,e i;.jll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time I Daie''iorffi Communi ty Deve l o5rment Departnent. tll'trl t 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2I39 FROM: DATE: CTI El TE/..'n . Y ead and acknowledged by: os11l onlReIa onship of llce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBLIc r^ioRKs/COMMUNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary;' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposi-L any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materiil, inciuding tr;";-;;;ster!, portable toilets and.workmen vehicles :l l:;^::- ;F-il;.1::".i:1":::"1;"=iiEHilli_i""I."l,i"ll*i ",val-t streete and.Ig"-d" is approximateiy 5 ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance wirl be "t.il-tiv'-"nforced by the Town of VaiIPubric works Deoartment. i pers-ons found ,il:..Ii"g this ordinancewi'1r be given a 24 hour vrritien notice to rernove said rnateriat.In the event the person so notified. does ,lot -"o.pf y wi_th thenotice wirhin the 24 hour.tir.-=p""i;i;;,"ii""i"iiic worksDepartment wilr renove said urareii"i-"t-iir;";";;;" of personnotified' The nrovisions of t-his ordrnance shall not beapplicable to c'onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any utilities in,the rigni_u_ruy. To review Ordinance.No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town of:::i.::ii3i"3"":f;i1il:*":a d;;il a copv- rhank vou ror your -c'sL to Project r6s /)""" i? g (i.e.contractor, owner) ( O 75 south trontage road vril. colorado B-t 657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflco ot community dovolopmenl BUILDING PERTi]T ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this perml.t ttq'j:::-? ]9w1 or Vail Fire Deparrnenr Approvar,5:gil.:.1 -',,( pyfl i9 lr:lp l;;;"n'.ni'app.ovat, a pianni ns Departnentrevrew or Hearth Deoartment review, unl-.-ruui.n lv-ii.,."driilirg Siri[Hi.,l;"1!,1 es tima t"J ii,"' ir'^'u*.itur i",i"*-iluy',iun.' ji r ong All commercilal (laroe or small) and all multi:family permits willhave to folrow tne irove mentioned maximlm requirements. Residentiarand smail projects snoria ii[e-;-i.;;;;';rount.of time. However, ifresidentiar o.snater,projects imfiit the various above mentionedoepartments with reoard to-necpssaiv-r.ui.r, these projects mayalso take the three w".l p"lioirlrs J g' Every attempt wilr be made by this departrnent to expedite thispetmit.a5 qOOn aS pOSSible. - q".'.L Lv trAPcq I Le Inl i;"i!i unders.igned, understand the plan check procedure and time X Communjty Development Departrn.rt. - \i _- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I - MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOV/N OF VA|L PUBLIC MAY g, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT" IS REOUIRED t Job Name: L-to^rs*eAi Date: Please answer the fbilowing qGstil;ajre regarding the need for a YES Date 'PublicWay Permit': NO t/ '\./ l/- ,-/^ € ls this a nev/ residence? ls demolition work being perforned lhal requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public [ropefy? ls any'utility rvork needed? \/- ls the driveway being repaved? ls diiferent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done affecting lhe right of way, easemenls, or public properly? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls lhe right of way, easemenls orpublic property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no 1o 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing ptan required by Commjnit! Development? !f-vgu, alswered yes ro any of rhese questions, a "public way permit" ,rrt be obrained,"Public way Permit" applicalionl miy be obtained at the pubtic work,s office or atc9.ryT.tu1ity Development- .lf you h.1ve!ny questions please call charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Conslruction Inspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered all the above questions. 1) 2) e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) l\i clols SignatureJob Name TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-2L38 EPARIMEI{:T OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT I D rJOb AddTCSS: 150 MOI'I{TAIN BELL RD LOCAI,iON...: 160 MOU}TIAIN BELL RD Parcel No.. : 2L0L-064-00-001 Project No. : PRJ98-0157 80501 APPLIEAI{T ELEETRIC ELE TRIC 225 PRICE ROAD, #42, LONGMOMT, CO CONTRACTOR EIE TRIC ELEETRIC 225 PRICE ROAD, #42, LONGMOI{r, COOI{NER U S WEST COMMI]NICATIONS INC CORPORATE TAX DEPARTMEN| MCB, 6300 DESCTiPtsiON: ETECTRICAL FOR MTN BELL TOWER 7OO, ENGLE 12, 610 . 00 Electric.l---> Investsigetlon> will call----> "i TorA! FEES- - - > Total calcul-tscal Fecs- - - > Ailditional Fec6--------- > Totsal Prrdits Fee-- ------ > Palm€nta- - - -- -- - BAI,ANCE DUE-. - - - 23{.00 .00 .00 3.OO 23't .OO 237.OO . o0 237.OO ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPART'IVIENT DEPT: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON:O7/L5/L998 .JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED .]RM-IIbM:,O560O FIRE DEPARTIIENT DCPL: FTRE DiViSiON:07/L5/L998 JRM Acr.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknoylcdgc thrt I havc lcad thi6 applic.lion, fill,cd oul in full thc iDfonaEion rcquLrcd, codplcEed an accuratc PIoL p1an, .nd 6Cate tha! .1,1 the infornstlon providcd ee rcquitcd i. corlcct. I agrcc to couply wieh the infornagion and plot PIan, to comply rith all Torn ordinanccs and 6catc laws, end co build lhiE Ftructurc according to tshc Toth's zoning and subdivi,aion cod€s, desigr! review .pproved, Uniforn Building cod€ and oth€r ordinanceE of th. Toirn applicabLe theleto. REQUBSTS POR INSPECTTONS SHAIL BE MADB Tl^tENfI-POt R HOT RS IN ]Drr]NCE BY TETEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OFFICE FROU 8:0 0 Al4 I DEVELO 8050r- S SYRACUSE WAY STE Valuation: tr*****rrrret*ra FEg sul,lMARY PMENT .JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES PermiE. #: E98-01-55 Stsatsus...: ISSIJED Applied. . : 07 /1"5/L998Issued... : 07 /1,5/]-998 E>cpires. . : 0L/Lt/]-999 Phone: 303-651-1071- Phone: 303-651-L071 OR gIOIITR.ACTOR HIMSEIJF AND vrrlrrlyo l/.o{gv l(J *o* u{o{r EKKALUi\ I I U rg 002 US West Wireless LLC 4301 E. Colfax Street, Suite 314 Denver, Colorado 80220 Attn: Mr. Jason Little Re; Geologic Hazard Investfgaflon US West Cellular Site, MTN.108 Vail, Colorado Terracon Project No. 26935149 Dear Mr. Llnle, ll'erracon lol N. llowo6. P.O. gox !03 Fo Collins, Colorlrjo 605?1.0504 (e70) 'lF4.oe69 Fcr. (970) 4€r.oasr As requested, Tenacon has completed a geologic hazard investigation for the above referenced slte. lt is our understanding that ihe existing US West building and tower are to have a small addition placed on the north side of the existing facility. The addition is to be a 15 ft' by 16 t' equipment shelter that will be located at the northeast comer of the existing facility. on' June 11, 1998 an engineering geologist from Tenacon performed a site reconnsissance and reviewed the city of Vail's debris flor and rock fall hazard maps. The site is located in the sourheast quarter of Ser>tion 6, Township 5 South, Range B0 West on the north side of Interslate 70. The site slopes moderately to steeply to the south. A creek flows out of a narow canyon that issues frorn the mountains just north of the site. The creek bends around the west side of the US West facility. A chitd care facility is located east of the proposed facility. The e,risting US West facility is a multi-story concrete structure with an existing tower. A concrete water diversion swale was noted around the north, east and west sites of the existing building. The site is located on Quatemary (Bull Lake) age alluvial fan deposits. The deposits are poorly sor€d mixtures of silt, sand, gravel, crbbles, and boulders. The gravel to boulder clasts are subangular to subrounded and do not appear to exhibit a dominant direction of orientation. The bedrock undedying the Quaternary deposits is the Pennsylvanian Minlum Fsrmation. The Mintum is comprised of red to pink interbedded units of sandstone. conglomerate, shales with some carbonate deposits. The Mintum strikes towards the nonh and dips approxintately 15" to the west. Outcrops of the Minturn Formation were observed approximately 300 to 400 feet north of the US West facility near the mouth of the canyon from which the stream issues. The city of Vail debris flow and rock fall hazard maps show the us wesr sire being situated between rock fall hazard zones and east of the debris flow hezerd zone. The rock fall hazard zones are mapped as being on the west side of the strearn, and direcily adjacent to the east side of the si!e. The proposed addition is not located within eiilrer of the two rock fall hazard zonas which are adjacent to the site. The debris 1ow hazard mao Arzotro IAd6fro(|6!coloiadoIl&hotlllinobrloi/EaKansE!IMinnesotaIllbro{jtlItvonranaNe!|||SlllNetrd!lNcwMexcotNorlroat.lqtrokanonerTgnno$66r'rgrastugniwsoonirnlwvomrdo Ourtity Enginaarihg Si6c. t965 JUN 11 '98 1?:41 9?A 484 A4S4 Pe3e.a2 ve/ J,r/ 9o l, : Ja '(l'v I u 'lo{ u{0.1 irlfiAcuN t I c identifies this hazard zone as closely following the existing course of tne strJSfill"on Therefore, ths debris flow hazard zone does not encompass the proposed addlilon to the US West facilily. No evidence of other geologic hazards such as landslides, soil creep, or other forms of mass wasting were observed during the site reconnaissance. As the site does not fall within the city of Vail's mapped geologic hazard areas, and no evidence of other geologic hazards was observed, it is Tenacon's opinion that the slte can be develooed without coneclive engineering or other mitigath/e procedures. f tt is also our opinion that ihe construction of the 15 by 16 foot addition will not increase the geologic hazarde to other structures or properties. I The analyses and recommendations in this report are based upon visual observations performed at the location. The scope of servioes for this project does include any geotechnical recornmendations in regards to particular construction melhods or procedures which may be required to build in this particular geologic setting. lf the client is concemed about the geotrechnical aspects of the project, it is suggesled that a full geotechnical soils investigation be performed. we appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this projec{. lf you have any questions cqncemlng this report, or if we may be of ftrrther service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. Reviewed: s.,tl'ii''#xlz --\-.rsi.';S]lt-.:'.*tr r>D;:qi-:$itl9..4{g&,W'i'i;;;/qJz x,[, :"n* :yi' o ", €';'i? u rffi\t=Office Manager E-u ! =--2,='i:'.7zl?)'r,#;t.=..-"':i{ #;;r;;is.So Id oor ,q -c1:l-s-- orrrr,i;i'lh,,i,irN s#f,,,gt F'P?/ iffiDoug Copies to: Addressee (2) JUN 11 '98 L?|4t 9?A 4g,4 A454 PNGE. A3 JOB NAME LOT RT.aaI.FTT T \I/' The rocation and avair-ability of utilities, wheiher they be maintrunk lines or proposed linei, -*u.t be approved ancthe rotto"ins u^ei:'iei"r i;;-;i""';;companvins .,.." J,liiiried bv ..rl.,/lJt1-cJJ NOTE: Authorized Siqnat.ure 9. i : -w9:r Comrnunicarions1-800-922-198? 468-5850 or 949-4530 P"lll._ g"rvj-ce Company949-5781 Gary HaIl HoIy Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael neritage Cablevision 949-5530 Steve Hiatt A q cnz. Laverty Uplef Eagle valley wat.er&_sanitation District * 4't 6-1480 Fred liaslee Il:":":::::l:?ll:ls-do 5ror.rerieve riie conrracror ofli: i:::"::tP,11 +it-r. -"ilI"ii=:':;;.:i*.::";::;:3"15* 5li"T:"1,:f-yl'+1-?';";il;;; lr''"iii.';;.i:'li: i;"iI.j"i"f,li..'isnc-o ilrii" iIil. ^ *qr roo:-cut permiE *u This form is to veri fvrocarion. rni, ";;;iifllluiins. your uririry:-nstallations - service availability andbe useci in conjunction withp i an and s checiu l_ i nq . please brinq':-t.aining upp6rrtow needs must a site plan, floorEagle ValIey Waterbe addressed. plarr, and elevations when& Sanitation signarures. US West Wirless koject 4301 E. Colfax Ave. #314 Denver, CO 80220 Phone: 303-398-8444 Fax: 303-39E-E497 Document Transmittal LTR: T 21? TO:Spectrum Construction 7200 E. Dry Creek Rd. Suite C-202 Englewood, CO 80112 Jeff Kriznoski 22t-8468 FROM: US WEST 4301 E. Colfax Ave. #3t4 Denver, CO 80220 DATE 6n6t98 JOB NO. 23474 Response required MTN-OI8 Lionshead Quantity and Type: 2 stamped sets of construction drawings for permit. Drawing Revisions of Documents Being Transmitted: Sheet TI C3 E2 E5 Remarksr Rev Date 6/S/98 6t8t98 6t8t98 6t8t98 Rev 3 J J Rev 5 J J Rev 3 J J J Sheet c1 C4 E3 E6 Rev Date 6t8t98 6t8t98 6t8/98 6t8t98 Date: Sheet C2 EI E4 E7 Rev Date 6/8/98 6t8t98 6t8t98 6t8t98 Received By: Page I of I o4F h,tp/*/4/ , V"T,#rtTftrtf ?,,tf{- Srrcrnuna CoNsrnucrloN, LLc. Fru( TRANSMITTAL b. 4tt, . ?PDATE: TO; FROM: FAX NO: SUBJEGT: coMlurE l- h oJ" 30\ r UIJIQ t( rAloJ\ , 1,,( oax- 0l p pt" PAGES: I? 7200 E. Dry CrceL Rd.. Ste. C.202 Enslewc,o'j, CO 60112 Phinc: (303) 22i-6468. Fnr: (3[3) 221-d407 0d "=[F tg'a 9luz 9919 999 NOI I3ndISNO3 !rn:rl33ds l.lu €'g: gg 86-92-Nnr ' "YT-'"'ea oe:EB PRor4:ifr yvrs r wRELEs5,i]L.c. 1301 E. Collax Snca, Suite ll1 Dcnycr, Colordo e0220 Phana: (l0l) t|t-t9tl Fax: G03) 39E-E49i f AK'I'RdNSI!T I'I.TAI". SI t I E'T ' Plonsr delircr thc fotlowhg Drget tot G;r.o- Sp.cfrurn FA,\IOr ??l-8\|u'l FROM: Xtrri DtGooztguo -tDarE: '. (llz+ /qt TOT.{L NUMBER OF PAGES (iutluding covcr rhcct): f ] ITAC]E | / 7" N.$[B; CODIPAT\Y: Fcllc',*',n3 Are c,arli*,1 Jnn,.1.ng5 {r lic.rs l.k,.d. Thu& Yo'r, Tcni DcGonzogue TIIIS COrW\tLl{ICATIOil ls fORTEI SOLE USE 0F TEE .{BO\E brDnlDUAI' OR ENlllY, ^-r{D i6\Y SE TRIWICED, COivEDENrtrL r\:D EC}CPT r.RO&r DISCLOSURE I'?{OER LAW, AI{t. OIE& DTSSEI{Di.T?ION, DISTRET:TION OR COPYtr|C OT IEIS CO}DILTiICATION IS S1RICTLY IROSIBTTID. zg-d urvz 9t9 2a2 No r r3nlJlsHo3 HnurSSds l.l u 99: 8€| €|6-92-Nnf Jult-z{'98 O€l:58 FROH ' U lD' 3O3 AMESICAN zulLolNcs coRa 2892w.64 AVE. offwtR, co, 80zzt (3O1) 427-1444 Cont.ct Brlrn L llorrc NOI.E; EACH HALF IS INDEPENDENT FROM THE OTHER HALF. 8s A$ rai43frllt r6rLl ,!r..,1 . i 70 FIELD J{,[i;i.i.,._rrf 0:i5tr *.ll_f_ _- 15'- 0" lfr alt tirll.lJrtatt tottal I'OlUa j+uoon;8'x15' (LH) BOTH MODEIS ARE IDENTICAL (MIRROR ItvlAGE oF EACH OI'HER) MODEL;8'Xl5' (zu-l) t==<]lfiia!." E=== DrL 1lr|| r.t ,.,o t 6/ sIEl Xf,lR I lolr w^vl CUiDC llglll Llt. 2(}y I 9sr r'ourtt 7r. aF,?.l.-<<1a',i{;**[-- tF- I I Ict I€ t/{' GDt TDJ:O f,}AID hs"'rTlD l{' alt' N.'nAl tovE ftTB' AlI ^rstcttD ruElt r|lor Lrxfis : l'xl !'l srt|ll6 Ail A$r:lilD|bltSl .ilDE LlltSI I'vxr'! fliolt nlDI U,irN ;tlt!1 C^}l COS'G lN trro !'Ollt cl|r HA]ID oB lsFr X^r!. l,ctrrx^r! rEDar^ll c^umor,? /|s lllt'(Bt,tgf iANF l€OAl ^8E CAlilDc,{rrAs t'xlt (llll DO0aE WD8 HODIJ ARI ^ co]4lst^foN OF ru ttr'O Slmu r40l tj|m llFll lOCl-]{I& | lfllt,l DglnE WlDt U-\-lTl rl,|lr CD:.ll WlTh AT M tAcl$9f {'.\+ v.' col TEi(r rtAlo lro.JfflO l{'ALF. !..t E€' - d nt,z 9r9 9a2 NOIl.3ndISHOC HnUl.SSdS HU Ag: A9 A6-92-Hnf JUf-2.1-Sd 99.98 lROttrU i..yegf to.3o33sa6g5s I'ACE a,' l? ffiffi RoSEPLA! ;Eiilfl;33.1[1,' DATE 5-20-98 ItoBr 427-1444 Conrrct Brlrn L. Morsn AMERICAN rcRTABLE BUITDINGS OQIRP. S:tr*E lS'dE EG;)r.c1.w{\F_SHEilB NCTE; FACH HAI,F IS INDEPENDENT FROM THE OTHER HALF. BOIH MODETS ARE IDENTICAT (MINROR II{AGE OT EACH OTHER), 7'_ 6" 4-.-__----------| --- il MODEL;8X15' (RH) : b' q ,-FlS''*** ' *, ,r'l--I'-,r: i_.-i_.,; ..\ | rl, '-\r _ei- - I tl.- i-'=:O- - j j:i-+--- I i.'| '.: ,/ ---;--' <- rl' rEpf tru\T'&rul. la.T nnD0{ trllffE tpGt ,r/ -:- Sflrr***rrEour€ur.Diu\rD(rnr,, JlJilI2 gd aTtartt Ati /lsrcxrD mltu wlt* UNi.t (t 6r: l r. llNolt tfEa u{n:t {tntl clN collt tN lTro boolLs ffi*i$Bt$trIff**^, *r,, ,.,, .f. t':tr1 dXtDfi5?'-^.. LFT IIAIO r&o!a /\rr OulO clrT AI fIl!..U0 _-."'"u'"' rlr I lil.r..',,r.' !.J0.! rr'rDt r€!,5:r AnEA col:DNAleli Ef -f|.! rdostrtu \r:oE uNr SvalEcI Ic FrE c' tlJsp.-:-:.''ttaD tOCrTtlEl I rAIll'l Irrl rtlr wlDl urlls sllAtl co$t rflTx A Tlrg t icli^cf .,,. |.u" I I I I It'tootl.{rurrl1?lNl/Drt I \-]truNt rtlrt6r, I i, il *-\+ ffi q--- l, nr : il r \J i.',i"'.:-i li ? ;-'r'\ ' ll -l .ri ll i it*i$'r'cd$r'L{c' MOI)EL; I'XI5' (LH) 9g'd blvz 9}9 EAg HO I I3n:IISHO3 Hndr33ds ].t U r g: 8e| A6-92-Nn.c JUN-2.r -EE 06, i" FRotr , U rOTB IACII HAI.Fr ll|DlPFlErT ttOM 'rtf oflli B :A XrTll l,nDls ^It lrL\Irl.:^l(M[rl{jr lxac[oF r LB urx[, I toltw w ou[r tNfltrfi(rrtlu ,l' AFJ NOTE; Ar I FACToRY INSTAIIID WIRING YETS T996 N8C. AII I,$NING RECE5SED IN tuAll rtOMEXl L2/2 W/ CllD. AWE. Ul{:r*L{ illltlrll t ta. axlrllno lia^L, |Erol! tti tr _ :l.t13 JlpPR0'Jii ,-,ffiJECr !i REL0 il'tlPsii.-.,1 ,J:i5tt tD.363 I l6v Dt?150wut raorjVTID 16" AlJ, a'It l/f cBttto I)A|D :rtt STD l.l' At,l, -g+iirrd\- :.:1.LNitrr.f{rrrr. ldrr | ,^ | r.rr . A | $|} | l:01, irrot,,rvtc:ir l *' i ,r^ j rrs | *^ | o'' i o- |1_,. I t. i ._[___r tgftt^tt |.AiQO t txtltt! | cctTox na !{ttA:J4lDx DATE €'3-98 2892 W. 64 AvE. DEIIIVER. CO. 80221 (S03) 427'1444 Cuntaa 8rlnn L M rrrc t.lawxartll :mnMnIitAYn rwftttt I,|O'JNIE .|r Alt lDt-ralE! {' at s6'd br,z 9',9 2A2 NOIl.3nUISN03 !rnUl33dS l.t u I g: a€' a6-92-Nnf AMERICAN POSBLE zuILDINGS CORPELE.qBCIIL.eLAN 2892 W. 64 AVt. DINVER. CO. 80221 (303) 4?7.1444 Contact Briatr L luorgoArE 5-S-g! $0.o' x 1tso-oF,wloilltrPvm$T' slHf,ilLlTN, Irtnt U.:l{ ll^tt I l9Ectblocxt FiOM ?nC drYtt llrt- loot l'c)ua5 AlI DamcAt I xnrct LvAff cr 'Ac|{ oTltEll lltv artulorrur Holr.lF rcr atn +.t{ f/ar cB TII.C'I E TD MotJhTD lf ait t.tfivlr|fartl lltf,?l|.trLtAlg lwrfE|l rdJ\TrDa!. rf.l. l[,uxlE.tl'Aff. t.in 12 "f, . .,..::,i APpfi$l':l :l,BJFCl ?$ Fl5L0 tfrgPii: i,:,i 151t, NOTF; Al,L FACTORY INSIAU-ED wRINc ML'ET5 1996 NEC. Atr WltlNG RICtSSED lN wAt.l. (noMa) r2/2 w/ cND. Alim. rrrr. rlt t^ r!€ aAlaf rlrcrt At tE ,r\r^L ArIt l^f|l6 tlxtl 7.r'a st|l c{ll, nrl^lt4lrl tr.L-.lncllrltflJl.e JUN- 2rr -sE det r s" pttoH . u E wEsT lDr !!If9€€6lr r'AoE s/ l? 9A'4 blbz 9u9 2@9 NOrlSndrsNoS Hndl33ds ].lu z92eg a6-92-Hnr JUN-2{ -34 9F,6" FFA!'! , U E WAaT PACE s/ 17 roru!ffifi* ELQQR PLAN oi*vei, co. so?el OATE S3-90 (30S) 4e7'14't4 Corttcc't Bd'n t.. Morrc AMERICAN PORIIBLE BUITDINGS CORP 2892 W. 64 AVE DENVER, CO. EO?81 (303) 427.1444 Corrtgc't Bden t... Mc.* )M THE OTHER HAIF. T IMAGE OF EACH OT}IER) =- MoDEu B'xls' (RH) \ -J t\\Pf, l.t l crt | \\ /**:l )t-'3l -d' | *^o r^*, = N l*-* rl i.:.I ---f.. ...,,__ | Ft 2@^rPf/.r -. .:,ri1::ua),:.u$ suara nm - ' t ,-l iA i i.rt2 gt ,ar,ral-7\ tu snilmgf +': . :; fipPfi l,;,:,: ___4 lypfsdi!tr uH,iir. ::tLH) tl -1 ':;:ltl I ,10S-S-15-O:-W NOI.E; EACiI IIALF IS INDEPENDENT FROM THE OTHER HAIF. BOTII MODEI,S ARE IDENTICAT (MIRROR IMAGE OF EACH OT}IER) I l- lrV+'P'-; O A'5 rtr'-ir t lt r--rfihfr,"'ll:=1 l\. I ll D(llJE P'R !',o l rr! l\\ /O l ll srEE Dotr I \///-f I lFo , d'7oi |lifilHf ts|i fitgnl;f' Nl<qe.^st'ttrI Il t#hH#*i=l N, l*'*I H A tl - --+tiE - -- -'{.ot ILrhI l:. /1 ,=--_ry i... __', :i.-,.,:. ri; I \ i.*,,ffi€&tlF* tr==::r N ffiiE**H},:i,.:,ri1::ua),:.:j. I Titgf"ml. dibl l$i.i*';iL..n "*LL i-tlZ9l .r I it- ,.*.r.1-71..' | | i r-- s:r"o rgHi"*\Ls'.-:; filtPfil';':,:I li sH r-"F - -- { Tpfgfiglgffi.{t:'turl | 15'-0" I i__+ ti:lrr totE; scMESrrE Ait A$ld{EDsl:$ClE WIDIi Ur-rF I a rtrt ot'xEtJ Atl! l$tcNtD munl T,!D! uNnr I llrrf t. Nllrcu fiDlutilE (arilll c^li coltE llJ tlrlg ll0!rl5 |[oBt rA|lD ot Ltt ll^xB tlcHT ll^\lD l'(,DEs AIE laruD ortlt trll,{Lltlult flrholrlDE5 ArE o{u.E 01,TN !xll'rrl Bltrlu wlDl loDD,J All A @foNATb\ of lx t rr'3 $hgu lt lDg LItll ?ltlt lYr;n l. Fl t rjrll'tdjtu $llDt ursftt tr^4 con! wnl{ A'l'llM t^ar.rci LA'a tt,z 9u9 2a9 HO r r3nul-sNoS t{n:l I33ds 1.lu zg: a€t e6-92-Nnr .tuN-2rl -gB OA sel FROti U DATE S3.9E I O. 3633999955 AMERICAN BUILDINCS CORP. 2892 W. 64 AVE. DINVER, CO, 8022t (303) 427-14'f{ Gontrct Bdan L Marce ELECTRGALITAN r.6o-oeo,g-ws:'@li[B NOTE; EACH I{ALF IS INDEPENDENT FROM THE OTHER HALF. tsOTH MODEIS ARE IDENTICAL (MIRROR IIV1AGE OF EACH OTHER) MODEL; I'Xl.5r (RlI) r=<1 m&.'*E:DtLllllSLt 37q116 sit+:. Dcaf,"l.rl"l + ]-_ | lotTwAvl cr,rol !.flrrt{orllDtr aF,tt=:il#3'*F-r I l,ptJr(lo lf alf. :taaptrg' f{,tf^aa l{.trft, r.oJl{t$ {r a}J. r , r _t: -._ 1,....|'...\,r to A|f tll6. lili,ffiirril Z !lrv tJnEqrfra .r-.jU:..._ I lprf |Y^v8 :ouioF rlrlrf, tr.srll l^l?O &Altt r}|gltflra.a u& tutt t,r. .l5L 0" tlci.ll nnat-l|r0 l'{t[|O l. Atfi ir,|.l I mtrgra! !lfAlumx xi:r"{ppnf:::: 10 Frn0lhg;?ilt:: j1 MODEI;8'X15'jjt5lr IE! Io I JnY hlrtttnl^?lt tr (rH) NOTE NI FACTORY INSTAIJED WT$NC MEm 1996li[c. AII WIRING nECISSED lN wAu- (lloMEt) lz/}w/ cND, Au/G. r,nLltfD.f. at , r l.u Hbtn E.ETIEAI 8'IUxJtJ ag'd ulbz 9u9 9@2 NO I l3nUl.SHO3 Ltn:ll.33dS L.t U Zgi8g €t5-92-Hnr JUN-2{-Eo 9C', S€ rRoil I U WEST lD'30335CtO9SSa AtrExrcllr xlrAgrr q.ilres mr. ?'92 YU. E/|AT'E DErwtR, CO,6023r (3CS) ar-taa Csmacr &nn L Mm a/ t? I DATE 5.26.98 804p x 15cd EqlrmffDfr s0{if,TGn RqpJ s.rsllrM gtt covlr lr Cr. ifA'.tlllE fai,l ,OOt la{!l sr, $r Txrdc :.,t cd tLYt{60 t/smtr aLur Ttl5s l^ft4 t. x rr t,r. t+ o'c, [{tJl TFI r-Xr 'ltllrol 6 lATr flura: lr?. ri5.ln,unDcrF ll WAILTb:tlM JruD 2' I U [r. rd. OC it*,l^Ttol{ t It Flttl| ! IATT htdtoA l.'r lllcg t^xLl)fc srDNc n^Tnalofrlcxl lrcA slE IRt (ngtic rr.c(lf t/re' o&]lol rrr' ?-l-l | ( i{, SE{NC ICXER iqrnE'l0t dtD|it l P $qilc t i0 qrNE !^cx$ rgJnrqolt. Urtigr&r{ rcrr'G rr{oJptNq }rJ(ti i&Ur$D, E1008$[Iar t,l- ldYltllt 3/{' T16 Cfi Plrr,9QP 01,Y9 TAYETSI lgrttl'x rot l.E t0'CC rxNsl^Totr I 19 RlElCtA$ BATT UiDD |!rr !0 0.L as* OllS fS8 ffEt rtJ$ $5f$1, 5TEL lldf D0?tD sFgflQll_vIEltt gr$&v-e-.u NgTD AlI 'TITE?UIALLCMIiR 0l flIl.l tll'l , f,njD o iADS ol |.flTA Er. st{EA1fi|lic, Pr fAlll2i li.l.l|!tfttrr 0r6'F DEEIE, ttrlALttl. U* l{Alt D& lcDtl& nt TA$t r3 a. ut 6g'a blbz 9b9 999 NO r t3n8lsN03 Hn:l]33ds l..t v 9g: sa a6-92-Nnf .ruN-24 - SS 0E', 5€ FROM .uJEsr trt 'rrl '(tl tu c'r6 GD ..4sq x,{gl q F tr ilfi E E @ H H e2 T 1qt!t ta IE n H I I il tr $ f.PP fltr.! I it! WE tr I frg D rH z 5) NOIl3nllsNoS Lrnd133ds Hu 9q:aa a6-92-Hnfnrbz 9b9 269gI'd JUr{-2{-36 oa: Ea F::i] Ir"t I D ! l6l3lAA3l!.-,PAGP lO,/ ll E' X 15' EqUPMEirr SHELTER ^|ENCA!| PORTABLE EUII'IiTGS CORP,zEt w. ef AvE DElfvt'i. CO, S22r (lo!r azr-laraa Comrct lnarr L. rrafrDATE 5-3"98 cr-Pc ta, o,&a' I t"1, lf(.ritl t5'- 0" .clPl t3. 0.9,_rfilg(B llo? 0rrro Gravtrzo T v 6 a'x5a.c l|lta li !tt rt at lrtc - 't|Jrl; FArnt(T .f,r. ! 2 gt . -i:.:,1flfPftl-:J $UAiigf ;0 Fmtr lN!i,:.. :-:r J-;511 o.$$t as3 rF dq r' r t/li lrd l0t-l3 cxo lo Jor't co htffBr€ r. cr,Qt l'trG clr {'rl{aoltfd\] le I l& tftu Mr€ { r rrd tlbz 9b9 zgg HO r l.3n:rISNO3 l.ln:lI33dS l^lt' ?S: A9 A6-92-Nn.c JUN-z{-SB OA,SS FROlt,U SilEr? !D,3O338€AEEE AMEiIcAN poRrABLr BUtLorNcs O, sHEEr-r- oF --4JcusroMF8 u.s. u/Fsr - Quorr brre-a.aoEc v sltE (o'xr 5, sKlo MoUNT BLDG,) DELtvERy DATE DESCRIMOf{ EqUMIENT SHELTER ORDER DATE SUILT TO THE UMFORM BUILOING COOES. 8.2 , WPE 5.N CONST,SPECS. TTEHS COMMENTS MLON^DO STATE CSNFFD AiD STA]E SEA! MUgtE SKID VA' TREATEO sKIDS IIAIN RUNNER IO" X 12# WDE FLANGE I.SFAM 8.10 TT, LUMEER S[,RE DERS '0'r X 5,4# Ctl,Ai.1Ng1 ONE MtD SPANBUMBERS 4" X 5,4f OIAI.INEL FROTT ANO BACK UrnilG EYES FOUR CORNER SKID HOUI{T CFOSS RUNNFRS tVANRES N/AAXCLS wA RUIINING LIGHIE IVAJACI(S N/ACOANTG HOT DIPPED GALVINIZEDCUPS SIEEL CLIPS IG" ON CENTERMrsc- N/AMISC. ROD AND GAS $tAssts cosTT0TAr o,c, ts01 | Ol.{ 80ARD 29 GA. GALVINIZED ONE PIECE ST€EL UNDERB€UY FACE ll/ l7 IttlSUl+\TPl{ R.lgJosTs 2'xt0' HF JOIST EAND zNXIO" HF I6' ON CENTENI,t0 Fr. LUUBET . . .._'..s.. _.i . -_..'-.;,:. .-. .,.r1I Z '$DECKIITIG 314'TTG U/L PLYWOOD TWO LAYERS FL00R CoVIRING l0 aC. I a" x | ?" vcl coill,LAqRPET t.I/A uG BOLTS 3/6" X3' llc EoLTS 16" ON CTMER FLOOR WRAP H/Ailtsc. YlA FLOOR LIVE LOAD I50 PSF nmifTfsfrT-lffiff--e"x6" ":i f;Ppn"'::: HF Brt'rrr"sruDsls"oNcENrEt j - i5t I rOP R.AIE ZUX6" I{F OOUBLE 8oTToM Pt-Al€ anxcn l{F SlNGLl COLUHNS & JAMS N/A II{IERIOR BACKER 1'I/A II{IERIOR GOVER l/+'Al,l- HARD W000, nV" GR0UVED PANEUI,I0lNstl^TloN R-19 51la"9|Tl,66,lrt, 16"0.c. stotNc opTtoNAL 26 cA srEEL SrorNG SlolNG BACKER REqURED gDrN6 OPTIONAL 5/E'T-r-t 1 PLYWOOD STDTNG NO EACKER REqUIFED SlorNC otrlroNAt CEDAR LAP SlolNG (STAINED) No BACKER REqURED sotNc oFfloNAL I'LOG CAEN gorr.rc (NATURAL) hro BACKER REQ!1f,80 SIOING BACKER 3/8' O.S.B, SHEATHING FOR STEEL SIDING OIITY PAITIT OR STAIN COLOR FOR T.IIIOR CEqAR l.AP, PA|MT 0R ST rN COLoR MErAL (8AKSD EMMEL) CEIUNG HEIGHT 7'.5' CEIUI{G TIEIGHTIfADET N/A r{rf{D LoAD 30 PsF 125 MPH W|NoSpe0c I zt 'a gluz 999 '.AE NO r lSnUrSHO3 HnUr3SJS tlv 'S: €t9 e6-92-Nnr JUN-24 -E A 65 : 66 FROt'l : tl NONE }UA ltUA l D: M3E€|€915 PAQ!' l?/ 17 sH€Fr-2--oF --.-o Bol ro|,r PtArE wA hMROR BACKER I{/A INTERIOR COVER WA INTERIOR COVER }VAcovER'r{i N/A c0vERlN6 gAcKEf r,r/A CEILIHC FEICHT N/A PTENUM WAtl. t{/A LNFT. Mt8C, EXr. fvlNDotAl HIA ROOF EAVETili,I !'TEEL RAKE'TRIM sotFtT vExrs il/A NIA N/ 5" STEEL EAVE TNil J.MOLD J.MOLD wA N/A N/A FmffirrTmffi-z'x1z' rxr. R00F EDGE TRITTI FXr-.OooR HF HF FXr. BASE Z.FIASHING ETT. CORNER 5" X 5" STEEL OUTSIOECORNERI' .irit JECT'i0 FlILi, iNgi=;:'::':l 29 GA. MUBU ANGLE 29 GA. J-r4or.D 29 GA. J-MoU) BUTDilT [,tAT. COSTTOTAL lit-r''' '..llb,.:j'.i lNI, HOo Ut{E (omoilAL) D8L ll'Dl PACI(AGE lNc[lDES IIfi, TIOD LII'IE RIDGE CAN CLGURE STRIPE TWO IIODUTE UNE rt{i. xoD uls FtAsHtr{G a F stEt{ERli g(RT FRAMING N/A SKRTING 5'SOFFIT FACIA FR l,llilG IPA_FT]T6FT-Iffiffi TOP PI.ATE tRtissEs gAfiD 2*x6' GIRDERS B€AI4 }UA oc z,{'oN cENlEtl2'x1u llF ROOF COVER 26 GA. $TANDING SEAM STTEL ROOF ROOF COtOt COLOI ". n4c 4& ROOFING EACKER I /2" CDX PLYhIOOD [I9 tNsul.Anoil R-30 TBBHGLASS 9Al I ACCESS PANEL ROOFACCESS PANEL INSUIJ\TION BKR. TVA CELTNG COVER I/2'PRE-DEC. I/2" PRE'OECORATED gYP. TRUSS CUPS SIEEL TEKO CLIPS CLOSURE STHPS NEOPREME CLOSURE ffruPS R00F SWLE ONE WAY PITCH pitch 2' lN 12' ROOTLUELOAD IEO PSF ffniii-----] INT. SASE /+" V]NYL BASE TruM IM. CORNER PRE FIN. VIIfVL TRII{tNr.qgJuls P.RE FrN, VTNYL TRIM _ _.#.ri:_ CTIUNG BATTEN PRE TN. VIHYL TRIM \,' , ' T.t T 3 INT. }t'NDIV/fl)OF PRE TN. VINYL IRIM 9r'd N/A ,tlz 9t9 292 HO r 13nUISHOS llnUI33dS ].lU Cq: s6 A5-92-Hnf ."-uJ-et:,::-nlt,ol F;or,r,u r yEsr wlNrER DEsfGN DRY-BULB: i ,-d" n" hFNuF'. ^ t o' 30333Ei65ss '€GREE DAys HEATTN. r.*1[? oN 0Eer{lctJt]{fffitrgron wnr-r-s a rAGE I ?.,1 ? MAXIMUM RFQUIRFD WALL"U'VALUE-----U r U CALCUA"IIOH FOR WALLS 0.185 EQUIVELENTRVATUE -5.40540541 ' '-'-:'.' wi i,.v,_ g',...j" T/TOI.,TAL RE I 1,6859932 aI'd btbz 9t9 gsE NO I l.3n:rtsNoS Hn:J133dS l.l v zs: Ba e6-92_Hnf a t,r--. {Ufl-Al -It; €S, A, r|,lcrt\ . U - .$)gAipfr{&c i!'$ITFn t"i-,1.1. !)rt i. 61,,1-*. -r , ,J lrJirr.:;r :.;1 ,: 1,, ,13**r,f,.: r*... :r.:r:.r' ,r ..i" I i i,r.tti^-...' ' 'l ,;4 rAcE ta/ t? .{ fi ,ffi I i tr.. r ; '' i-'.J "-:'r..t ._-_-rEr*rir+!E+a |i 4. I! ?- ""'- :: \;;.---* -_-!. . 12tr BESTCOPY AruABtE 'i, - Hn.c -s a;wNoFvAILlY Project Name: Mountain Bell Tower Project Description: Two new antennae Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: 160 Mountain Betl Road unplatted Buildine Name: Board Action: approved The antennae shall be painted an earthtone color Project Street Address; Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 7lt4/95 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: fi.ign Review,t.f,r, Form TOWN OFVAIL Town of Vail Police Department ':. ,,-l ,&'. Staff Action o F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALg8 $,1TBELL.7 I 4 $0.00 oo oo Updated 7/14 9am PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, July 13, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Deoartment 1i:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop (left at 4:30 p.m.) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 12:00 p.m. 1 . La Tour - 122 East Meadow Drive2. Antleds - 680 West Lionshead Place3. Scolnick - 2935 Basingdale Blvd.4. Liberty Wirestar - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road (Vail Mountain School)5. Craythorne - 2701 Davos Trail6. Mt. Bell - 160 Mountain Bell Road7. Rockledge Rezoning - Rockledge Road8. Gorsuch - 263 Gore Creek Drive9. Byrne - 493 Beaver Dam Road10. Ptarmigan Rezoning - Ptarmigan Road11. Meyer- 813 Potato Patch Drive12. Timber Falls - 4469 Timber Falls Court 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the construction of an inclined elevalor, located at 2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Sonia & Brian Craythorne, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Tom Weber VOTE:6-0-1 (Galen Aasland recused) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: Driver: George @ NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers oo Updatcd 7/14 9am 1. A revocable Right - of - Way Permit will be obtained before a building permit is issued and changes be made to the slaff memo to incorporate the 0 setback and the relocation of the tree from in front of the structure. 2. A request for a variance io allow for GRFA in the front setback localed ai 2935 Basingdale Blvd./ Lot 19, Block6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Scolnik, represented by Railton-McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for a primary/secondary residence - located at 493 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Ron Byrne, represented by William ReslockPlannen George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 4. A request for a minor exterior alteration in CC1 at the Clock Tower Building, located at 263 Gore Creek Drive/ Lots C, D, E & F, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Gorsuch Ltd., represented by Resort Design CollaborativePlanner: George Ruther MOTION:AnnBishop SECOND:JohnSchofield VOTE:7-0 APPROVED W]TH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings indicating how the gulters and downspouts will be tied into lhe Town of Vail stormwater system. The drawings shall be submitted for review and approval of the Town Engineer prior to ihe issuance of a building permit. 2. That the applicant submii an application and receive a revocable right-of-way permit to allow for work to be completed in the Town of Vail right-of-way prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the applicant pay $2,677.65 into the Town of Vail parking fund prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the insiallation of a telecommunication facility at the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Kalsos Ranch Road/ Lol 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th. Applicant: Liberty Wirestar, represented by Jill JilenickPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION:Tom Weber SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED rt to o ',' :t ' tjl oo Updated 7i 14 9am 6. A request for a major exterior alteralion in CC2 and a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Village Center Building (La Tour), 122 East Meadow Drive/ Block 5E, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Fred Hibbard, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 7 CONDITIONS: '1. That the unpainted soffits on the existing building be painted prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the addition. 2. That the applicant provide spot elevations, as deemed necessary by the Public Works Department, for the proposed addition, prior to applicalion for Building _ Permit. The purpose of the spot elevalions is to determine the effects of the proposed addition on lhe surface drainage of the plaza area 3. That the applicant install a snowmell system under the entire area of the plaza. Portions ofthe plaza have been left unheated pending lhe proposed improvements to the Village Center Building. 4. That the applicant replace the non-matching pavers along the curbline in front of Cleone's and Karat's wilh ihe matching pavers that will be removed to accommodate the footprint of the new restaurant addition. 5. That the applicant submit detailed drawings of the new landscape planter for ihe review and approval by the Town of Vail. The new landscape planter shall be constructed pursuani to the direction outlined in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. 6. That the applicant pay $48,896.17 into the Town of Vail parking fund. The pay-in- lieu fee is intended to mitigate the increased parking requirement resulting from the construction of the new addition. The parking fee shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupanry. 7. That permanent ski storage be e3tablished. 7. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for the conslruction of an additional garage, located at 813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant; Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William PiercePlanner; Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE: 6-0-1 (Tom Weber recused) APPROVED w oo FILE Popv Updated 7/14 9am 8. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 10, 1998 9. A request for a worksession of a major exterior alteration in CC2 and the establishment of a Special Development District for lhe Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Anllers Condominium Associalion, represenled by Robert LeMnePlanner: Dominic Maudello WORK_SESSION 10. A request for a conditional use permil to allow for additional antennae on th€rMoun|rir Bell tower, located ai 160 Mountain Bell Road/ Unplatted Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS; 1. That the applicant paint the additional antennae and the appurtenant equipment an earth-tone color (grey/brown), to reduce any visual impacl associated with lhe installalion of the antennae. 2. That The Leaming Tree and ABC School be notified of this approval. 11. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the Uniied States Forest Service and lransfened to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located at Rockledge Road/portions of United States Forest Service Lot 3, totaling 1.78 acres based upon the proposed Final Plat (not yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Subdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhorn as Job No.0332-002 dated February25, 1998. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 12. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States Forest Service and transfened to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District for property located at Ptarmigan Road /Govemment Lot 2 (1 .66 acres) and Lot3 (4.252 acres) created by a survey done in 1995 under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management Cadaslral Survey. 4 ot oa Updated 7/14 9am Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 13. A request for a minor subdivision of Lot G-1 to create a new lot, located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1 , Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant: Leroy Schmidt, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 14. A requesl for a conditional use permil, lo allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located ?t 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicanl: - Malin Johnsdotter/ Robert ZeltmanPlanner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24; 1998 15. Information Update 16. Approval of June 2?, 1998 minutes. The applicalions and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation availabte upon request with 24 hour notitication. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 10, 1998 in the Vail Trail. oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Town of Vail Police Department 160 Mountain Bell Road unplatted Buildine Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: approved The antennae shall be painted an earthtone color Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 7ll4l98 F:\E\trRYONEIDRB\APPROVAL9SWTBELL.T I 4 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$0.00 and/or thc Dcsigt Rwiew Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: . tr Additional GRFA (250) tl Bed and Brcatdast E Conditional Use Pcrmittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoning tr Sigrr Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndment B, DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REOTJES' tr tr tr n tr tr TOWNOFYAIL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, sce the zubmittal rcquirements for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc apptication can not bc accepted until all roquired information is submittcd. Thc project may also necd to bc reviewed by thc Town Council Qucstions? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2 I 38 fir"r"orroN FoR pr,ANNrNG,n *t uvrnoNM ENrAL COMMISSION APPROVAL Amendmcnt to an Approved Dwelopment Plan Employee Housing Unit flypc: ) Major or tl Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Alteration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or D Minor Amendmsnt to an SDD DESCRIPTTON OF TI{E REQITEST c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LoT-BLoCK-t,t,*6 U "ro ktJz,L. ADDRESS: D. E. F. G. BUILDINGNAME: ZONING:0-se.- NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINCADDRESS: PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAMEOFREPRESENTATTVe' Toro^ of U.r \ MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE:_ FEE . SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI,BMIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMITNITY D.EVEL0PMENT, T5 sourH FRONTAGE ROAD, For Oflicc Use 0nly: FccPaid:-N/t+. cH:By: Application Date:_ pEC Mccting Datc:_--._,,__ H. VAIL, COLORADO 9t657. Rcvirod 6D6 suBrlrrrrAL *rO*r"rNTs FoR A coNDtrlonn",Jonr*t,, pR u-eppLlcntloN coNpp ReNcp A prc-application confcrcnce with a planning staffmcmbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can Uc'acccpica untcss it is complc-tc. It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointmcnt with thc staff to dctcrnrinc additional submittal requircments' SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE $200.00. Thc fec mug! be paid at tbc time of submittal. Stamped, addresscd envelopes and a list ofthc namcs and mailing addresscs ofall propcrty owncrs adjacent to thc subjcct properfy, including propcrties behind and across sEeets' Thc applicant is reiponsible for concct names and mailing addrcsscs. This information is availablc from the Eagle Coung Assessor's office. - ' i A dcscription ofthc prccise naturc of the proposcd usc and its operating charactcristics and measures proposcd to make thc usc compatiblc with other propcrties in thc vicinity, Thc dcscription must also addrcss: l. Rclationship and impact oftho usc on dovclopment objcctivcs ofthc Town' 2. Effccr of thc use on light and air. distribution ofpopulation, transportation facilitics, utilitics, schools, parks and rccrcation facilitics, and othcr public facilitics and public facilitics nccds. 3. Effcct upon traffic, with particular rcfcrcncc to congcstion, automotivc and pcdcshian safcty and convcnicncc, taffic flow and controt, acccss, mancuvcrability, and rcmoval ofsnow from thc strccls and parking arca. 4. Effcct upon thc charactcr ofthc arca in which thc proposed usc is to bc locatcd, including thc scalc and bulk ofthc proposcd usc in rclation to sunounding uscs. ,. A preliminary titlc rcport, including schcdulcs A and B. to vcriff owncrship and cascmcnts. lfthc building is condominiumized, a lcttcr from thc condominium association in support ofthc proposal must bc submittcd to staff. Four L4) copics ofthe following: An improvemmt survcy ofthe property showing property lines, locations of all improvcmcnts, topography. and natural feahres. A site plan at a scalc of at least l " = 20' showing proposed dcvelopment of the sitc, inctuding topography, building locations, parking. traffic circulation, useablc open sp.lcc, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage featurcs. Building elcvations and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than onc-eighth inch equals one fool Il. cl o tr o 0 tr o Pagcl of2 U Any additional nratcrial n o cccssa ry for thc rcvicw of lhc application as dctcrrnincd by thc Adntini.strator. II I. rv. For intcrior modifications. an inrprovcnrcnt survcy and sitc plan nray bc waivcd by thc Adnrinistrator. PLENSE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THEREQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO tsE DEEMED COMPLETE,. TIME REOUTREMENTS A' Thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission nlccts on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of eachmonth' A complctc application form and all accompanying matcrial (as dcscribcd abovc) mustbc accepted by thc Communify Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt by thc appropriatc subnrittal datc,which is a minimum of.four (4) wceks prior to tht datc of thc Prgpubii. h.-ing. Incomplctc applications (as detcrmined by thc pranning staff) wiil not bc acccptcd. B' All PEc approvcd conditional usc pcrntits shall lapsc if construction is not commcnccd wirhinonc ycar ofthc datc.ofapproval and diligcntly pursucd to complction, or ifthc "rc i.i*r'idrt ii.approval is grantcd is not conrmcnccd within-onc year. A, B. C. If this application rcquires.a scpararc rcvicw by any local, Statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thcTorvn of Vail, thc application fcc shail bc incr..t.d by $200.00. Examptc.s of such rcvicw, mayincludc, but arc not linritcd to: colorado Dcpartnlcnt of Highway Acccss pcrmits, Army corps ofErrginccrs 404, ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50y. olthc :rpplication fcc. tf, at thc appricanis rcqicst. any mattcris postponcd for hcaring, causing thcmattcr to bc rc-publishcd, thcn. thc cntirc fcc for such rc-pubriiation shail bc paid by thcapplicant. Applications dccmcd by thc community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt to havc dcsigr. land usc orothcr issucs which nuy havc a significant inrpaci on thc. comnrunity may rcquirc-rwicw byconsultants in addition to Torvn staff, Should a dctcrnrination uc nraac'by tirc Town staff that anoutsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc. comnruniry Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt rnay hirc thc consuttant.Thc Dcpartmcnt shall cstinratc_thc antount of nron.y'n.".ssary to pay thc consultant nnd thisamount shall bc forwardcd.to thc Town by thc appricant at thc tinrc of firing un afftication.Exqcnys incurrcd by thc Town in cxccss of thc uro*t forwardcd uy tfrc fpticant shall bc paidto thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notificarion by thc Town. #t.;;;r, funds wirlbc rctumcd to thc applicant upon rcvicw contplction. Page 2 of 2 Sdnd '. Be;nt..1-D TelAW A request for a conditional use permit to allow for Mountain Bell tower. located at 160 Mou Town of Vail, represented by Corey Schmidt George Ruther oxtEt _ 1l t4,lIR TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department July 13, 1998 Applicant: Planner: lppggl6D $r rHE OF VAIL PI..ANNER: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, lhe Town of Vail, represented by Corey Schmidt of the Police Department, is proposing to install two new antennae atop the existing Mouniain Bell tower. The new antennae will be approximately 2 114" in diameter and will be approximately 8' tall. The antennae are proposed to be mounted along lhe back edge of ihe tower. In order to reduce the visual impact of the new antennae, the applicant has proposed to paint the anlennae an earth{one color to help blend in with the sunounding area. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The Mountain Bell lower is located in the General Use (GU) Zone District. Pursuant to Section Q-geA, Conditional Uses, public utilities installations, including transmission lines and appurtenant equipment, are conditional uses in the General Use Zone District. Siaff has determined that the proposed installation of additional transmitting and receiving antennae and the appurtenant equipment requires the issuance of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. III- CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Title '|2 Chapler 16, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors; 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Staff believes that the requested conditional use is compatible with the existing telecommunications use on the site, and is generally consistent with the purpose of the General Use Zone District. The additional antennae will be painted an earth-tone color to blend in with the f :\everyone\pec\memos\98Vntbell.7 1 3 ffis(lnwwnnlY surounding area. Staff believes that it is advantageous lo accommodate several telecommunication uses in this one location, rather than having numerous facilities scattered about the Town. 2. The effest of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes there will be no impact on lhe criteria described above. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular neference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes there will be no negative impact on the above-described criteria, since once the equipment is installed, there will be little or no reason to revisit the site. Visitations to the site will only be required periodically for maintenance purposes. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in rclation to surrounding uses. Staff believes the proposed request will have no negative impact on the scale and bulk of the existing facility tower, nor will it have any negative impact on the character of the sunounding uses. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed localion of the use is in acsord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be delrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. t\everyone\pec\m emos\98\mtbell.7 1 3 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, to allow for the installation of additional anlennae atop the Mountain Bell iower, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road. The recommendation of approval is based upon review of the criteria and findings outlined in Section lll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission chose to approve the applicant's request for the conditional use permit, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purpose of the General Use Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propeilies or improvements in the vicinity of the Mountain Bell tower. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the appliceble provisions of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code. Further, should the Planning and Environmental Commission chose to recommend approval of lhe conditional use permit request, staff would recommend that the following condition be made part of the approval: 1. That the applicant paint the additional antennae and the appurtenant equipment an earth-tone color (grey/brown), 1o reduce any visual impact associated with the installation of the antennae. Z, {oriaayt+to.r +o *BL. f :\everyone\pec\mem os\98Vntbell.7 1 3 ,/ {! lio =oF Foo =@ =rho CL0F C' THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 13, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls Court/unplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Planner:Dominic Mauriello Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for a work session / conceptual review for a major exterior alteration and an SDD for the Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 4th. Applicant: Antlers Condo Association, represented by Robert LeVine A request for a major exierior alleration in CCI and a conditional use permit, located at lhe Villagie Cenier Building, 122 East Meadow Drive/ Block 5E, Vail Village 1st' Planner: Applicant:Owner, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects George Ruther A request for a variance to allow for GRFA in the front selback located at 2935 Basingdale Blvd./ Lot 19, Block 6, Intermountain. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Scolnik, represented by Railton-McEvoy Architects Planner:Christie Barton Planner:Christie Barton A request for a fronl setback variance to allow for the conslruclion of an inclined elevator, located at2701 Davos Trail/Lot''|5, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision' Applicant: Craythome Planner: Christie Barton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an additional antenna on the Mountain Bell tower, localed at 160 Mountain Bell Road/ Unplatted Applicant: Town of Vail Planner:George Ruther SuOOivision prepardd by De'nni! Shelhom as Joi No. 0332-002 dated February 25' 1998' Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit to install a telecommunication facility at the Vail Mountain Scnobt, locaied at 3160 Katsos'Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th. Applicant: LibertY Wirestar A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property ownedty the U.nite states Forest Service and transferred to the'Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment. , . ngii"tn"ntlo National Area Preservalion District and Primary / Slcondary Residential District foi proferty localed at Rockledge Road/portions.of United States Forest Service Lot 3, totaling i,Z6 j"r"iO"sed upon the proiosed Final Plat (not yet_r_e9gr!^ed) of Rockledge Forest _ ,ntbge Road Io 81657 Learning Tree 129 North Frontage Road West Vai'l , Col orado 81657 tage Rod t 81657 ABC School 149 North Frontage Road l,lest Vail, Colorado 81657 o f:AnT !il.tHET' VAIT. AFFTINDAELE }jLIl.'SINI? ocTt)FER lr)rtct l. Town o.f Vai I I FsurEcJ F_{ond 1990. IndLtcrlrnc:trt Rrlr;otr.rticrrr r:n June 19, 2. Application f ilerd uri Lh Deprartment tr.f ["ocal n.f {air.B based tlre Fr'o'f e.sionar Developrnenr" [o'po'ati.r] pr"olrosar .f 'r- a $lSrC,CrOr(:lr)O Bond Al locerti orr. 3. State { i rst approvelcl $4 | 0(rO, Or.){r , ilrerr i rrcy-eased to $6fclooloctO 46p rg9o, r,lith verbar agreemerrt that they woulrt al I ocate the bal ance c] f the :f l g, ODo , Cr(l(t I rr .Ianlrar-y l99l . 4- The proposal to D0LA irrclLrcled {or- cclrei rlerati on variours gites suggetiterr by t3ba{f and several possirrre private erteg. A'f ter irrverstlgatlorr n{ eites, ilrm fl[Lll:l-T0.U_BF_t,L ef te, ourned try the Towrr of vail, was deLerminecr hy ilre par"ties to tre the best, politically potisibler'l'or.rn ourned elte, FDC obtained oprtiong on a . slte krr0r,Ir ars trrel rEpQ:l-L,Q r.iite in In[-.er-molrrrt:ain, lrrest VaiI arrd a collection of contig oi.lli lr:rt-s irr ulest V;,,ril, hehirrd tlre liaf eur.-ry $itore, gennrally referre,j; to try tlre yrar-tiG|r ;rsi tlre oBERLol.rR site. 5. Ths fieveL,rper orieinated this proposal to the Town of Vail and r,rr-r6iht t': ,-':nmhi ne the best elements of pr.ivate sector rlEv'+l':'FmFnL and funding, wit:h gcr ?,.Jrnmcrr La I cooperation, to fr^rlf ilr a pr-rt'lie need fc,r af fordabre housing. l^le wirr manage the ItnitE tlrrr'r-rgh llamFbelr Fr':perties- l'le pr:esently manage over 1?00 nni t.s r1f sr-rnr,'sntiona r market rate and low and moderate lncome hnrrsing in five states. we own and manage low income units in Eagle, Lamar, La.lunta, Fort Morgan, Ft. Lupton, Windsor and Eerthoud, C,-.,Iora,lo. We know what the construction costs and pr,:bJ.ems are here in Colorado and as managers know what the br-rirdings have to hsve to be to provide long terro affordabre lr--,r11;i111.1 and eontrol maintenance costs. We have experl-enne l-n 1*;r:ing in qt-nfnrmance with Federal regulations for low and mr,derate incr-,me housi ng arrd have deveroped policies which w.i. l-L msintain rrn.i tr and bheir surrounding in excellent shape. l1 Theax Lrnits rrifl r-emrin Affardable Hor-rsinH. Federal law f r--i +, txn rr:ii+nF,t, txrrds i rsrr*= rL-:qnil..{.is tha L t,he un i ts be kept as af f or:i.-laL,ls lr,rtrr i''g -llr.i r "r mini.mrrm Fc-r:iod of lF years or for the l.ife ':f thn h*nds, r.rhichever is greater. The Bonds wirr be 2b or l0 yea' bonds. t^le have infu-,r'r,rally agreeci to keep the units as ;rf fr'r'l.rhI',: h':ursing frr a period of 50 ycars. [owever, if we adopt [.li;1 pr,rp,:,ral whxr*hy th-: Tor.rn is the owner of the land for all tlr'*,= sites. all of those issnes will also be controlled in the l ea.t e. 7. l{ow elEF does tlris project differ {rom other proposals whlch lrave been cl i scutsged i n Vai I ? l. bJe haver not asked f or {ree land or tax exelmptions, 7. The sites presently propoged are al 1 ln the Town of Vailt convenient to :rhopping t with bt.rsi gervlce and in one case close enourgh to bursinelisee to walk ln to the Villaqe. 3. The Devel oper wi I I be ttrer contr':rctor ancl tras proposed an Agreement witlr the Town wheretJy r-Fnts witl not be increaeed, except to meet certaln operating eltpen$e$ r CI"{AFA rentg and debt gervice obligations. 4. Thr.{ Dev€?lnpmr lra* a hcrme} irt Vail artd wlLl menage the unttg, with a regident man.ager located in the Ltnits. E. Urrcler our propog.rl PDC wi I I pay the Tr:wn $1 r 168 r zC,C, f rom the Frivate Activity Forrds (recoLirse to FDC but not to the Town of VaiI ) aB a "orlGi time" Iease paytnernL. The T'ownr with those funds, utnder the proposed Agreement, will purchase the privatn liites at cl$$iing arrd loase thnm to PDC. At tha Fnd o+ the leas$ terrn tlrn -lown will ownr not only the land for all three'qitesn hut also the buildingsr wiLhout havl ng pal d any pLrbl i c {lrncls to ['ruy thel l arrd or to erect the uni t,tg. E!. We h;rve pc*ncli ng Rerorri ng Appl i cati orrri .f or al I three Bl te6 as .f nl L owsir A. l"loltntai rr llel I ---"-l otrrr [)ulrred*.-";: onetl aqr i cul turr-al -*l ocated on the l.lorth Frontage Road, "rt the Be*ll Tmwer', Vail with two cJay care cBntErr'$ al r"e;lJy on t:frs* rii t$, Llrri L rir irppl i erl f or under MD1'{F. roni ng 6'4. E. Peclotto--Privett?Iy ownc?d under optic:n Lo PDC. Located on Hnicknick Road trr l,rlest t/ai1. lirice, $i50flr0{ttlt. Freeently loned Frimary- Eiecorrdary. Appl ication {or- L"!D[E- {S. units, f or densl ty only. Jl're reeL. o.f tlie rlenign wi l l rneet al l recluirements of t,he preaent underIyirrq zcJne as to set-baclre, I arrdscapi rrg , Srarkl rrg .' e[,c. C. Oberlohr"**Frlv;itLnly owrreecl"- lrrlhs l5-l l., Iucatecl behirrrl Saf eway in WeEt Vai I , is eonerd frr-iotar-y* liiecondar"y anct ownecl by l'inoracl []her-lohr urrrder- o;r'Lion {:r: [:'Dil. Fr".rr"nhase pr"ic$, $4gi{r, (r(::rr::r; Ltlt l? owrred tly tli ckman nrrcJnr- optiorr tr: flD[.i. Fr.esent roning, Frim;lry-" $*rcorrrl*rr-y. [::'r"icm $*'fjr()(.){)i l.-trt lS gurneld try l{nicJht LrncJ€!r optl orr to FDC. F'reserlL eoning, Fr-im;itr-y fierccrnrlary. frr-ice *65,OCt0. ilonincl r"equrert;t, l.LDlJ[., 59 urrri.t.s" /-\q1ain, thqr r-est cr.f tfrm cleriign wl l1 rneet al I of the requi remorrrtri cl.f the* urnclerl yl ng =one. TOTAL LJhlITgi ON TI-IREE SITE$j: 166 IIULJABI.F-. In ordelLo use 'L.he allocation {nr. 19?C, +r-ont Lhe $t"-rte, all mat here must proceecJ or1 an expecti ted basis. Reeoninp and Deeign Review muet be completed by Decenrber l, lgg(r, An Agreement with the Town with respect to the leasing o.f tl're sites must be finislrpd wlthin l(t days of October 16, l?90 in orcler for it to go to the Underwriterr, who will in turrr siencl it to pr"on;:ectlve i nsti tuti orral trond purchaliertr. Thi:i Agreement r.ri ttr the Town murc',t tre approved but wlll not be in final {orm, since the Eond purchaser who is pr-rtting Llp the "liiold" will yrarrt some input lnto the ter'rns, particurlarly those relaL,ing to tfreir r.iglrts in the event o{ any rlaf ar.rl t on Lhe BnncJs. I I( R11l/,I I I I I I f I q s ; {*-tS {HrF)A FT Flr)-\q / A f$ Prqfessional Devel0pmen-t corporation hag deveroped -the capabllttyto dev_elop, construct, flnanci, ;;, and nanage "-rr rt, propertlee,regardlese of slze, locatlon, oi type of a-vefopnent. Thenanagement of these proJects ie un-dLr contract -to canpue-iiPropertl'ee, a sor-e. propriltorship owne{ by Thonae H. canpbelr,whlch has an eEtabrLeied hone "ri-G" staff to handre thre functLon. H|SIBIT A RESultB PROTESSIOIIAI, DBIIBII)PIIEIIT CORPORATIOIT llo:3:",t:sl D,E]rEp-p^tr8^!l coRpoRArroN I s -a rennessee corporatton .T: "::_l:T'"S_-11, le-8o and has a"r"i;p"d ;l*ty'G;;iiriiiil"ilii#; *1,.::T::t.^l"y:l"g-,^ '"-ir-rl-1 ;;li;T";;i ;;' ;& T:ilil ":;i::: I*"9:.1-ln__t":11_'-_€eropfenls;;l'"";';;;;:a??1"ffi :T;.iEi!i;of lloual.ng & Urban Devel,r' .'.,usr-ng r urpan ,Dever-o.pment, The Departnent of agrliurt"r",Farmere Home Administratibn, f"* Frea lfrrntrr{rrrr Darir --,, Tax Free l,lunl_clpal ionds, andconventlonar r,enders, wrth r"i"oir" ""a-"""-il;;ffi; riiiiii6. ::?:::?*::"-I _o^".,r',*:q1"it _ ggrporart on throushout tts htstory, has::l ?:: I I "l-. -p-1{ "_v i r c-l o s e -6""i""T - i" r tr' 6e'il;.il;JT l?'"ii iE::::,1i:::-*-t::*:_:"gltll._;-;i-C;_;ii-tn;_'-".frii11T1=v';;'"#;il::::*:.T:it'-, _":_ _!!: r enoe rs, . i*i ; - ;.f, *nuii" i.ii ;;ii "::: = =J"T'i; 3:::::- l*-,f tl:::,r:l_ 31f urri ica 1. ri rab I i r Ci - " r- a rl r-i, -p""t l"tr -'?:::":'l::: r - ?:y: l:p5l f . iorpo ratlon nal n-dver r,"-f "' ii"i:;t1;i iLnto a caeh defl.cft.po-iti""T-""r'lof the above regrulatory "sr.6r5ni". 'rr'r' .r caan qerrc''._ poB1t10n, For had a project rn default of anyof the above regrulatory aqre6r5nis. TEOilTS E. CEilPBBI,L S:^l1Tfl?ll_1:l_b_1,des1ee, a1 Elec.trical Ensineer, wlth a s.s. inIl:"_.f-r":r*pfi":"_!lp.r."'r_Cni=-t-r""-;;;;#;':":JrrJi]ir;;:.;:wae.,tlre owner o-{_ganprer_l e _capnr"rr c"nrurtl"g E;;i;:"".;'" iiii'rrE! ::. # lj :._:l,r ;1 " _ fr ,o-t* . F. -tl; A.; hTt" J l1r";T T;;il"^.;i; s.' : ; :":*:::*lt_::l':,"*p:^"t-l:_r,r_t:._i-i.*i"iri'il:;ililil"u' j''"1'i=,="'#Liia crosa sectl.on of the varLous projecis. slnce Lg7z, l'rr. canpberr has been invorved in the rear estatedeveropnent busrness, and was the presldent of wrc Rear EstateD'evelopnent corporation frou rgis-to 1980. -wtrr"-"ervtng ln thleposJ.tlon, he wai invorvea-iitrreievetopnent of approxlnately 3o0ounlte of houel_ng. Ir:T--1^9_90 -to p-resent, trr. Canpbetl has been the Pregldent and:*l*?*j:,n:'"1.""':":1*p;y:i:p-!;it-cii,p"."Iii",- "ia'ri"T'.,1'*'r"llEi:#"T,lT1-'^""sf :.::gl:oo9-f ^1i;-a;;;i;,"d;;il"i#;;;;ff ;;':ffi :::3:,.SL.," jr^*::*1v13g.o,gtio,q"'.;'i"-J-l,r''i""1Tir'i;;t""":il;severa I s ing I e r anl ry - iubdlirs io;- ana s rn!i" -i.r-r1"f i'o""rfi;: I l.tr. campbell is :?_y":=_?f €9e, and carries $trZOO'oOO of key nantnsurance for hi.J goTpany. All constiuiti""' ." personartymonitored by ur. CanpUe:.-i, Lna tfr" companyre project lrtanagera. Personar lnspectiols,of all _occupred proJects are nade by canpberrProperties etaff on a monthty laiis. A riet of the Dr-o-pert-tgs deveroped by professionar DeveropnentCorporation and -nan]ugea by A;d;iI properties fottorre: I I I I I IOCATTON ROSEDAL,E, MS 24DREW, !!s 36II|EUPHIS, TN L47IIIKA, l,ls 7aCLEVELAND, lls 40HOTLY SPRINGS, lils S0BYHALIA, lts 25RED OAKS, US 25HORN IAKE, l.ls 48GREENVIr.I,T:, l,ls 48FORREST crTY, ARN 37WINDSOR, co 36BERTHOUD, co 3LItlEl-lPHIS, Tl[ 396I'T. LUPTON, co L2cr.,EvEraND, !{s 37ITIEMPHfS, TN 98TUNICA, us 80I{EDOWEE, AL 24DALEVILLE, AL 48I|EADOWOOD, AL 32SI'NRISE I SOSI'NRISE rI 50EAGLE, co 36IAlltaR, co 3.7FORT ttoRGAN, CO 25 1I|I !!I!rcr{s, r{PHs (s.r.) s5 TIE__Errows, us (s:F. ) ' 84IAJI'NTA, co 24WESTWIND, MS 92WII,IOW cRovE, MpHs. (s.c.i * Thousands n74 #IINTTS DATE OCCUPANCY }IORTGAGE* L981 1982 t 984 L983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1984 1984 198s 1985 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 Le87 /8et989/90 1989 1989 L989/9O 988 92* 988 96* 988 988 98* 98t 988 988 98* 98t 98t 98t 98* 98* 988 988 88* 98t 98& 988 97* 98t 98t 988 100t(u.c. )rooS (R.s. )(R.s. ) $s37 s865 $5, O5O 91 ,44 3 $1,045 $1 ,083 g66O 9653 9L,292 91,283 $1,120 $1,193 9e58 i7,254 $3OO $e89 $6,4OO $2,376 $584 91,045 $580 $1,268 $1,305 91, o31 9e8e 98OO $1,548s e58 936e $3,3O0 $3,700 !t.I. ) - single Fanily eubdivielon!s.c.) - Shopping Center !I.S.) - Renting stage(U.c.) - constrrfctiofr Stige and Single Fanily resid,enceE. I fl /\ I il I I il il il a n LIST OF PROJECTS: APAR${ENTS: Amar1l.lo, TexaaLlttle Rock, Ar.Albuquerque, N.Irt.El Paso, TexaBLexington, Ky.Ioulevll-J-e, Ky.EvanEville, Ind.llashviLle, Tn.Hot Sprlngs, Ar. (Archltectural EngLneerl.ng DeBlgm) l2-story hLgh-ri.se12-story hlgh-rleelo-story hlgh-rleelo-story hlgh-rieel4-etory hlgh-rlaelO-story hlgh-rlae12-story hl-gh-rleel2-Btory hlgh-rleel2-story hlgh-rlee Fairhope, Alabana Spartanburg, 8.C.Colunbla, S.C. WLlnlngton, S.C. Taupa, Fla.Iafayette, Ind. Bloonington, Ind.threveport, Ia. NI'RSING HOl.lE FACILITIES: GreenvLlle, N.C. RJ.chnond, Vlrglnla Towson, ![d.Cherry Hl-ll , N.iI.Greeneboro, N.C.ttLnston-SaLem, N.C. GaetonJ-a, N.C. UOTEIJ PROJECTS: lliani Springs, Fla. Tucumcarl , N.lit.Ia.ncaster, Ohlo OFFICE BUTLDTNGS: Clncinnatl, OhloIndianapolis, Ind.Ioulsvitle, Ky. Paducah, Xy. Kansas City, l{o.St. Louis, l{o.Ilouston, TexasAt1anta, Ga. New Brunswick, N.J.llenphis, Itl. SCHOOL PRO;'ECTS S Indianapolis, Ind. 3 five-story 12 story 5 story 4 atory 5 story5 story 3 story 10 Btory 6 story 14 story u u il u il x T Twelve (12) tn the t{enphle, Shelby County Area Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: US West Wireless and Sprint Spectrum Project Description: Equipment shelter for telecommunications facilities Six panel antennls and two microwave dishes (dishes not to exceed 2' in diameter) Owncr, Address and Phone: US West Cornmunications fuchitect/Contact. Address and Phone: Jitl Jetinelr. Libertv Wirestar 730 lTrh Sireet Std. 830 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 534-6991 Project Street Address: 169 North Frontage Road Legal Description: unplatted Parccl Number: 2l0l-064-00-001 Building Name: Mt. Bell Tower Comments: PEC approval for a conditional use permit received on 5/18/98 Motion by: Bill Pierce Seconded by: Clark Brittain Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 5/20/98, Amended 8ll2l98 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $20.00 Vote: 5-0 Conditions: !. That the roof and sldlng materiat match the existing roofing material.2. That the shed roof slopl to the north.3. That the appllcant protlde revised plans bofore the bullding permlt is lssued. Note: Revised plans received 612198. These meet the conditions of approval oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: US West Wireless and Sprint Spectrum Project Dcscliption: Equipmentshclterfortelccommunications facilities Owncr, Address and Phone:US West Communications Architcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phone: Jill Lelinek, Liberty Wirestar 730 lTth Street Ste.830 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 534-6991 Project Street Address: 169 North Frontage Road Lcgal Description: unplatted Parcel Number: 2l0l-064-0G001 Building Name: Mt. Bell Tower Comments: PEC approval for a conditional use permit received on 5/18/98 Bill Pierce Clark Brittain Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovedMotion by: Scconded by: Votc: 5-0 Conditions:1. That the roof and siding material match the existing roofing material.2. That the shed roof slopt to the north.3. That the applicant proVide revised plans before the building permit is issued. Note: Revised plans received 612198. These meet the conditions of approval. Town Planncr': Christie Barton Datc: 5120198 DRB Fec Pre-Paid: $20.00 .. t-Qucstiorrs? Call |lanning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIElV APPROVAL TOl'/iN OF VAIL CENERAL INFORMATION f6i-oppf i.ution is for any pijcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv nrttst' rcccivc Dcsigu Rcvicrv approval prior to subnlitting for a buiitlirrg pcrnrit. F<lr spccific infonrratiolr, scc thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particuliu approval that is rcqucstcd. rhc appiication canrrot bc acccptcd until all,the rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwtd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Euvironmcntal Corrrrrrission. o.rign Rcnicr" Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrnrit is issucd antl construction is started' (pJqs-o ttl-- DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: " IjLOCK:- FILING: PI.IYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #i 240 I -IAq'eo.Io | (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Otficc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIt,ING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURD(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: J I MAILING ADDRESS:l\fI t-1- PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 h]]ltino, Altcration - $20 I n c o p o r d t e do dcsrgn gulo( DRB fecs arc to bo paid at thc time of subrnitt {lJj;1tl'};#r;5-,,i,'#l1H" Ptanning iry on. thc accurate valuation of the projcct' Thc Tov' -- - - ' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT oF CoMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE RoAD' o3' c. E. F. c. l{. COnStrtftiOn nf :r ncw hrrildinrr Includcc any Iconrmcrcial \ | / Includcsnrit \rt'/ r f rLr, l0ir. r'r i rt.tt il]L'tt.trtlr' 7r0 ]TTH STREET SUITI Bl0 i Dt NVfc, ( )loaADo 80?0) 303/'534 6991 lax/534 6992 mobile phone 303,,210 8844 ligfp nc rcroofing.pi \ f.conccptuar Rcvicrv - $0 Hl'in;;' LIBERTY Board to dct w i r e s t a r PHONE: VAIL, COLORADO 81657, BUILDING MATERIALS: LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Solllts Windows Windorv Tri nt Doors Door'l'ritu Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys. 'l'rash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Othcr COLOR:* Tafis€I_ lorvratch trr.ll * Pleasc specify thc nranufacfurer's color, nuntber and attaCh a srnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting nrust urect thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr of fixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify cach fixture type and provide itr. tt.igt t above grade, luntens output. lunlinous arca. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixtures' Updated 6/97 T'\tL, rru tHTH I :) trPR 56 t(i11 | f l'.J:l caa 15 '98 1?:;.A FR U$r Ji{ -loco IJIRELESS fg3 398 849? Al'tll CA'l I O N I;Olt t' J,A NN I NC A N D IiN Vl f { ON'\l 1':N'f A l' CO;}Ih1 ISS I ON AI'I'ROVAL A. TI'Pi: OF APPJ,ICA'I|ON: FJ A<iditional CRl:A (zJO) U llcd and Brstl{irrt I Corrditional Usc Pcrrn it 'O Major ur B Mi:ro: Subtli''isisn O Itcz.crting n Sigrt Variancc tl Vivi:rrrcc n /,9nirrg Codc Attlcrtdrttcr:l t] l)llscRtPTloNoF'rl{cRllQUES',l': n Arucrttlrttcllt 19 nn ApprovcC Dlvclofrtttcnt Pl:tn C Iinlrloycc l{orrsir:g U;ri: ( fYlc: tr Mlior or D Mirror CCI Exlcnor n ltciilllorl ,' (Vail Villagc) ' i n MiUc. or I Mirro; CClt Exlcrior Alicritlior: (Uonsbcad) O .spccial Dcvcloprtrcit Distrill O ),lajcr'cr B Milcr Artrcrtdlrlcr,t to Arl SDD TAI'N OF VAIL cJjNf,lldLiNlpR!1n rloN 'f|is l;plicntiOrl is tor lrny prOjcct rcqrririug n;rprOvll by tirc l'iarltrirrg ill)(l ErlvirOlln lcn tal ColrrrrriSiiOrr' Ior spccr{ic infor rrr,rliorr, $cc llrc sub.littal r cq,.rircr:rcttr for tlrc purliculrf lririlrc;tl th:tl is rcq.csicd. 'Ilrc npplic:rtiorr c;\rl rrol lr' llcecnl3d .rltil nll rcqrrircrl inforrrrlrtiorr 15 5ngllrirrcd 'f1,. f,o1cii,,'.y irlso llccd lo bc rcvicrvcrl lry thc'forvrr CcLtr:cil lirtl/or lhc [)usi5,rr Rcvicw Boe: C I:tLlr.tC D. ZON]N(i, D,NAMII O!: OWNER(S): t\4AlLlNC ADDRF-SS: PiIONE: U S c'tes r La xt t, ct,j r Cnn orJ 5 6JCa C, o\YN ER(S) S t GNAI'URE(S): NAIVIE OF REPRESENTATIVE: MAILINC ADDRESS; PHONE: .lt. FEE - SEE TflE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE API',ROPRIA]'E FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUTREMEI\TS AND TI{E FEE TO T}ID DET'ARTMENT OF CO $ITVII,JNITY DE V ELOTM EN T, 75 S OIJTH FRON*TAG E ROA D' vAIL, COLOnADO 8165?' llerisd &96 Fcc Paid:-.-=-- Cldt: Application Datc:-PEC Mccting Datc: hrH t3 '5b J/:ud RPR 15 '98 L?tzA r R!J11 bUi !54 'r,rut) FR LE}T UIRELESS 363 398 849? Tc 91es41385 Datc:April 15, 1998 Re: Tcnant's Sitc Codc : Mbr l8'Uonshcad (US WEST Ccntral Officc) 160 Mountain Bcll Road Vail, CO To: Mr. Kcn Wdker, PSL Manager US WEST Communications/Rea] Estate f ilut , Ugl P. efl03 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATIoI"j To Whom It MaY Conccrn: Thc undcrsigacd hercby authorizes U S WEST Wirelcss' L'L'C" ils attorney' agcnts o, ,"prrr.n l,ivcs, to makc application for any nccessary zoning petitions including rhc fiihg of building pcnnil applications. Very tdy youn, Kcn Wdket (602) 9s2-0s57 Wrtncss: Due r,x T0TAL PQGE. e3 *r' oo LIBERTY \vIRESTAR, INC. TRANSMITTAL SHEET ChristyBarton JillJelinek )) COMPANY: Tovmof Vail DATE: 0s/11/98 SENDER'S REFERENCE NIMBER: SSLP #415 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: RE: DESIGNREVIEIUTAPPLICATION Per our discussion, I am prwiding you wfuh a Desigr Review Application and dreck for 160 Mountain Bell Road to be processed in tandem with our CUP Application, Please refer to the color photos from the CUP npplication. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to conracr me af Q03) 534-699L Thankyou a8ain foryourassistance. EQUITABLE BUILDING 730 17TH STREET, SUITE 830 DENVER, CO 8 02a2 oo o o o sl Eg*l .ih'l €xlrJ | !., r\^ sl$ pi? +IF EF; il$ i€$ $lj ;g3 z4- +=_j Fz,Eo- UI o|r) v=-:h+\ 'C' V'26 t!3E-e=9 3H95;6' 4ai I = EE=o-= 72a l4J l-ura E*E 229 fi3u3a 1s![ Sn UOJ OlnSSl ooE ,2 -, iIH u d3 = -, '-^E E r' ..E 5E E;eF T'3 E E qe vfr a E;=u€ gs<d HH E eg-H ;Ef@ ai iFn ii;38 a!9G^ X<|.16v8E{- qfr=x: c < - Xor -' ;AFF 3 Es:B E frr-23r,t zzo @ c =iis 69; =:ui: i e'rriL:-ii E.=F..: 5 RB5 ?z :|.o .18 g J.g = c,-...i ;6 3\Eo -E; =g;fi g ,ra:f e ;;aal;E;g; : t76 3E 3i 62 A ,"8 z6 Ep9 o e..rz -of < (trt =48$XYo r =:;"3 tg: g: .' ,BEH il - o.ai o Fsgzz 'ooo z S .Zztu9 E3E 9I iii ct 6 z ta Ed =t4 T3 o. Q>ze.go dz -o6Z <oaz : a 2g-- =81s 1e 53:E *T EE ? 4 -Es gF" EiiEiEi*E= Yz.8Es E,EHg aEEQE ei!9 <* : dsE!iE: -!BE=33 IE::!s; aP=EE?E EdedE;s R. !2 .D t = rrJ=zq =.<k t- 3rsirdo 0a *Co.?.-a^ S 7z_9+ -a5bFP3>oxx<<< (!.-j5q;. . . >--roxxa<< gH: tztZzAz dggF E E d T "' T - v1 a -@/ @ QQ. ) ; sEa"a se * H; Zi *5s* F rBe f; ErEiEE= ;:c:;s*E= uE;c 3g z=Eg=!:Et;;;33Eii EH F u.reEs*4qEi8:38 e 3 pq t.u: F isaa=gEg;gEE'EsEEs*E* i sete?*E: aSBtEE;xE.,s,H !,J E l,/1 !.r z. .o g'i 6l l I >d ID (n dd a )"6 UJ z,d CLI ^ ttt =;e+ dF@^ tn .EE Afcd ; 6B+ ?J-> 2F = t- t!aa o-:! ?.2=-{*3PR329 z.I ot! CE5zlrJ riShlu lslvr Sn 80J olnssl a5;pF =FH - r..i X9=|; € 6,r,I o$ > Xco-iR5"^3dH :6- H=c $ -.J 14..$J T !4 \ t xs Af sv9 - sv9 - svc - svg - B'\a ;E Et=l EgE 9'a deE o \ \ ,' tt -1G 2.4- z,E(Lc ^otE5 i> 6^ an .EE A *9d;6Bi ?">i = =E= Z2zlr, l-a6g*E 22q= al63u rs3n sn uoj of,nssl 5;pF PRB5 r-:!.iiEB;I o$ >:€-iR 3gH - ;i.-, 't) = ,.E=p xq F $ E S $ -J\, t4 .\ oI \t k ^N \' 6 gFt -:F.rFB'9=I .-f tiE EE EE iEc tll p5 tFE taf laI rC 'rg t? EE k€ l0l!e IF iie i ' g{ 1B 27 I hbEr-tr:" EH l! ll dE^ ;lltg EIIH ig;Bt- "ldi tl hla crE,t* :l 11 t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, May'18, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 1. 2. 3. Driver: MEMBERS ABSENT fiu coPY Updated 5/18 4pm 12:30p.m. 1:00 p.m. US West - 160 Mountain Bell Road Yaros - 5119 Black Bear Lane Golden Bear Store - 286 Bridge Street George @ NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow a US West Wireless and Sprint SPeclrum facility, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road/Unplatled (on the exisling Mountain Bell tower). Applicant: US West Communications, represented by Jill Jelinek of Liberty Wirestar.Planner: Christie Barton MOTION:Ann Bishop SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVAL WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant provide a site specific hazard report before issuance of a Building Permit for the project. 2. That the DRB approve the shed. }i 2. Updated 5/18 4pm A request for a side setback variance, lo allow for an existing garage in the side setback to be converted to GRFA. located at 51 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Dr. Ronald Yaros, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED - With direclion to the DRB to pay special altention to the tree mitigation. A request for a minor CC1 exterior alteration, to allow for a change to previously approved plans, located at 286 Bridge Street, A & D Building/Lots A & B and Part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Kirch, Golden Bear StorePlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-2 (Tom Weber and Brian Doyon opposed) APPROVED AS IT RELATES TO THE NORTH ELEVATION WITH 6 CONDITIONS . With a recommendation for staff to give the applicant some flexibility: 1. That a public way permit and a revocable right-of-way permit be executed prior to issuance of a building permit. The public way permit application shall be accompanied by a construction fencing, traffic control, and staging plan. These plans must be reviewed and approved by Public Works and Community Development statf. The applicanl shall coordinate and receive approval for all final grading plans for the paver/drain pan repair work from Public Works prior lo issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall also coordinate plans 1o direcl rooftop run-off inlo the slorm sewer system with Public Works. 2. That the applicant prepare and submit a detailed exterior lighting plan for review and approval by the DRB prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 3. That the applicant provide a minimum of two streetscape benches along Gore Creek Drive/Bridge Street prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. That the applicant coordinate irrigation plans and plant material selection decisions with Todd Oppenheimer at Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. On-going maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be required of the applicant. Final Town review and approval of landscaping around the Fire Departmenl connection shall occur prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. That payment of the parking pay-in-lieu fee shall occur prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. UPdated 5i l8 4Pm 6. That a gable roof form be designed into the Proposal over the large display window on the north elevation, to break-up the horizontal eaveline and to enhance lhe appearance of the improvements. 4. A proposal lo amend the zoning regulations to allow single-family and two-family structures to expand by 500 sq. ft. or less in allowable Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA), without compliance with certain design requirements; allowing interior GRFA conversions for multiple-family slructures; reorganizing the conditional use section of the Zoning Regulations; and allowing Type ll Employee Housing Unils as a permitled use rather than a conditional use in Single-Family, Two-Family and Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JUNE 8, 1998 5. A requesl for a worksession lo discuss a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fraciional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Weslhaven Dr., Weslhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JUNE 8, 1998 6. Information Update 7 . Approval of May 1 1 , 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificaton. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora"do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 Rc: May ltl, l99tl Jill Jclinck Libcrry Wircstar 730 lTth Stlcct Suitc ll30 Dcnvcr. CO 1t0202 US West Wircless and Sprint Spcctrum Antcnnas Mountain Bell Towcr 169 North Frontagc lload, Vail, CO Dcar Jill: At a mceting on May ltl. l99ft. the Planning and Environrncntal Commission approvcd your application fol a conditional usc pcrrnit to install 6 pancl antennas and one equiprncnt shcltcr'. Conditions on thc application are as follows: l. That the applicant providc a site spccific hazard rcport bcfore issuance ofa Building Pcrmit for thc projcct. 2. That thc applicant obtain Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval fbr the equipmcnt shed. Ifyou havc any qucstions. plcasc callmc at (970) 479-2454. Vcry truly yours..,1 - .1(this/obrn-l Christic Barton Planncr Il {,7 *""n"o'^"* tpno,leD By THE TOWN OF VAIL PI.ANNINO AND ETWIRONMENTAL COMMISSIONMEMORANDUM To: Pfanning and EnvironmenialCommission OATE: q -lg4K . FRoM: community Devefopment Department gga1111Eg. Un^nhz (7u,4zJ DATE: May 18, 1998 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for wireless communication antennas with equipment shelter, located at the Mountain Bell tower, 169 N. Frontage Road/ unplatted. Applicant: US West Wireless & Sprint Spectrum, represented by Jill Jelinek of Liberty WirestarPlanner: Christie Barton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant proposes to install six panel antennas mounted to the existing Mountain Bell tower. The antennas will be painted lo malch the tower. The equipment shed will also be designed to blend into the background and will not be visible from the frontage road. The construclion of the shed will not involve any additional site disturbance, but will be cantilevered over existing concrete areas. The shed will be constructed of cedar siding with a forest green roof to blend into the background. Cellular services and antennas are considered a public utility or service requiring a conditional use permit in this zone district. The proposal includes the installation of 6 panel antennas and a 16'x 18' x '10' equipment shed localed on the north side of the existing tower. The employees will snowshoe into the shed in the winter to maintain security, as US West Communications is concemed with the securily of the facility. See proposed plans and photos attached. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The subject property is zoned General Use (GU) District. According to Chapter 9C of the Zoning Code, "Public Utility Installations" can be permitted in the GU zone district as a conditional use. Development standards are determined by the PEC. This proposal will add 240 sq. ft. to an existing 8405 sq. ft. of site coverage for a total of 18o/o. III. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Title 12 Chapter 16, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impac't of the use on development objectives of the Town. Staff believes that the proposed use is compatible with the existing telecommunications use, and is generally consistent with the purpose of this zone district. The antennas will be painted a flat (non-reflective) tan to blend in with the color of the existing tower. Stafl believes that it is advantageous to accommodate several telecommunications lacilities in one location, rather than having many towers throughout the town. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation f acil ities, uti lities, schools, parks and recreati on facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes there will be no imDact on the above-referenced issues but will creale a benefit in the form of providing additional telecommunication services. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traftic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes there will be no impact on the above-referenced issues as the facility will be visited once per month for maintenance purposes. Utilizing an existing structure further reduces impact as the access road is already maintained for the primary use of the facility. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes lhe proposed equipment building has been designed in a way to minimize any detrimental effects. The proposed panel antennas should have little or no effect on surrounding properties and uses and provides for co-location ot telecommunication facilities on the same structure. B. Findings The Planningand Environmental Commission shall make the lollowing findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location ol the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section ol the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDANON Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit based on the criteria discussed above, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ol lhe conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purpose of the General Use zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. The recommendation is also subject to the lollowing condition: 1. That the applicant provide a site specific hazard report belore issuance of a Building Permit for the project. FIEVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\98\USWEST.51 8 oo L.JO =u,LJv) ! \I I \\I t PRMGM tE UEST N|mtAE t70 raIt,IH PROFSED t6 hEST NIEIME IOO MII'TH PROPOsTD SPR}IT NIE{IUE IOO MIIIJTH t€ I F:tGI PROPSID I,,S TEST GPS t@ 1o PROF0SEI l5'rt6' lfS EI & sPRrfi Eouilsfi sHtutR Ht,K l5 ':JtJ Il:, 14( RPR 15 'q) 77t2A r0}l'N 0r VAIL nd/or thc Dc-si8n Raviow Board. A. TYPI: OF APPI,ICATION: E nddirional CR[:A (2t0) U tlcd and Brstlfit-sl fi, Conditior:al Usc Pcrtnit'tr Major or F Miiror Sub<livision tr l{cz.oningn Sign V;uiancc ll Vtriarlcc D Zonin6 Codc Arrtcndnrqnt t]. D|I,SCRIPTION Or THE nEQUCS ;'.r?^i;.'r;;;-r:;"" 3a3 3eB B4s? T0lr=rroo=r. ii] ,;i"' 0rrcsriorrs? Call th: Pi:r'trrinfi Strfi il1 'l j!) '1 l J'" AI'PI,I CA'I']O N I;OTT P I,A NNI NG N D IiNvI RONM T|NTAI., coivl nl l$sl oN AI'l'RovAL SJJNEI3ALIIIIOBMA.I.ION fftii Wf i*fi.tr is fo, or,y prilcct rcquiring npprgvll by lhc l)lnntrirrg antl Ertvirotrntcntal Cotnrrrissiorl. For spccific inforliiitiorr, scc tlro subririitnli'c<1ui,cn.rcnt.r foi tlrc puriiculur $npro;irl that is rccltrcsictl' Thc npplicatiott can ttol hc ncccptcdu4til all rcqrrircrlinfornrlrtionissubnrittcd.'thcprojcit'rrr;rynlsonccdltlbcrcvicrvc(l bytlrc'lorvnCortncil D Arrrcrrchtrcnt 19 nrr Approvcd Dcvclopnrcnl Plan El llnploycc l{orrsing Unit ('fypc: , ) tr lvtirjor or B Mirror CCI Extcrior Altcnrtion. ' (VailVillngc) | i tr Major or El Minor CCli Extcrior Altcratiorr (Lionshutd) D Spccial Dcvcloprncnt District tr Majcrr or B Mirror Antcn&ucnt to srl SDD L. D, li, I-OCAT'f ON OF II(QPOSAL:.LOT-IILOCK- I:tLlNG I'<.'n eLaF'z.O ^DDREss: 1'f; fiamff.ft{/ I}uILDINcNAME: trar Bcdr ---j,:,:l ZONING: ,-, C4z"reua{ (4 ,--. -, - '-----"-'------ l c c. NAMDOF OWNER(S): IT4AILING ADDRESS: o\YNER(S) SIGN 'r'URE( NAME OF.REPRESENTAT MAILINGADDRESS: FES . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE, SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIRE}ITENTS AND THE FEE TO T}ID DEPARTMENT OF COTfMTJNITY DEVELOFMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, For 0ffice Use Onlvr Fcc Faid:- Ck#:- BYr Application Datc: 1 PEC McctingDatc:- ,, . ,H. Rcvird &96 DI1SCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUESI': Pl-toNE: (ro ;L-tl5lo-55.z-- U S UASr t-a xu,c4Jtdna^t t tJC SIGNAl'URE(S): vAIL, COLOTTADO 8165?, AI'PI,I CA'T' ON TIOR I' I,ANN I N G AN D ENVI RONIVT IiN'f A I, COMNII.SSION APPROVAL TOIyN OF V/|IL GFNEITAI. INFORMATION 'fhis applicltion is for any projcct rcquiring npproval by thc Pliurnirrg and Environmcntal Conrnrission. For spccific infornmtion. scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval thnt is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc ncccptcd rurtil allrcquircdinfornrationissubnrittcd.'fhcprojcctnrayal.sonccdtobcrcvicrvcdbylhcTorvnCorurcil and/or lhc l)esign Rcvicw Boiud. A. TYPE OF APPLICA'IION: tr Additional GRFA (250) E llcd and Brcakfast El Conditional Usc Pcrmit tr Major or El MinorSubdivision fl Rczoning n Sign Variancc El Variancc D Zoning Codc Anrcndnrcnt Qucstions? Cth. nhnning Staff a: 4i?.1111,o B Anrcntlnrcnt lo nn Approvcd Dcvclopnrcnt Plan tr ErnployccllousingUnit(Iypc: )tr Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration . 'I(VailVillngc) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvcloprncnl District Major or E Minor Anrcndnrcnt lo an SDD D. DESCRIPTION OF Tl{E REQUEST: US WEST }Yircless & Sorint Soectrum oropose two unmanned telecommunications facilities consisting of a totd of 6 panel rntcnnas mounH to the existing brick tower, paint€d to blend into the background and I equipment shelter (16 x 18 r 10 high at peak) located on thc northeast corner bchind the building mcchanicel pad. c. D. D. I-OCATION OF PIIOPOSAL: LOT_IILOCK_ FILING unotatted ADDITESS: 150 Mountrip Bcil Rd (169 N. Frontrye) BUILDING NAMII. Mountain BeU ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): US TVEST Communicetions (Mountein Stotes Telephone & Telegraph) MAILINC Dcnver. CO E0202 PI{ONE: (303) 89G.d383 Bin Riedcu F. c.NAME OF.REPRESENTA OIVNBR(S) STGNATURE(S): Scc attached siqned bv Ken Walker Wircless LLC and MAILING.ADDRESS: PHoNEry73 FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. $200.00 SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THD DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL,coLoMDo 81657, For Officc Use Only: F*P'y-4AIX%I k-ltS By, (''/b AppticationDatct ('174(' PECMcctingDaw 6484{ tr tr .H. ..-i L, i:; ' -F'' ." ' .: 1" For Co.applicanh: (303) s34-6991 I 'ff'.Iit#+\ i.r" :i , : *n": {t ;-4 d : -:' E TRANSMTTTAL Date Received APR eO 1e98 Date: February 17, 1998 To: Town of Vail Department of Community Development From: US WEST Wireless LLC and Sprint Spectrum LP Re: Submittal of Application for Planning and Environmental Commission Approval Attadred please find: 1. Application 2. Letler of autlorization and separate handwritten application signed by Owner. 3. (4) sets of 24 x 36 drawings, consisting of site plan, enlarged site plan, elevations and as built grading plan redlined with proposed equipment shelter to show topography. 4. 4 sets of equipment shelter specs and elevations 5. 1 black and white photo sim, 1 color photo sim 6. 1 check for $220.00 to pay ihe CUP fees and $20 for DRB fee. 7. 1 application for Desigr Review Approval (application requirements for DRB will be supplied by CUP hearing date) 8. Mailing list and stamped addressed envelopes. 9. Justification of application 10. fitle RepbrL Description of proposal: Spdnt PCS is joined with US WEST Wireless in the l-70 conlJor buiHout, to minimize the number of appl'n:ations and sites in Vail. US WEST and Sprint are projecting co-development of two sites in lhe Town of Vail jurisdiction. The subject application consists of adding 6 panel antennas to lhe existing bricktowerpaintedtoblendwilhthebuildingmaterial,plusal5xl6xl0highequipmentshelter. Ht,t{ l5 ' uB I /: uB F RUm E Ue 554 43Ub t'H\2E , UVZ P.@3/A3ApR 1s 's8 L?tzs FR o/EST UTRELESS 303 398 849? r0 ]ZSsaaSee Date: April 15, 1998 Re: Tenant's Site Code : Mtt l8'Lionshead (US WEST Ccntd officc) 160 MountainBell Road Vail, CO To: Mr. Ksn Walker, PSL Mutager US WEST Communications/Real Esute LETTER OF AUTHORTZATION To Whom It MaY Conccra: The undersigucd hercby authorizcs u s wEST wileless, L.L.c., its attoroey' Egents or r"prcr.otitivcs, to make application for any necessary zoning petitionS including rhc filing of building pcnnit applications. Vcry tdy yours, IGnWalke.r (602) 9s2-oss7 Date wirocss: So^Ja+-d Ao,^,*"#b q'rl-qf )xx ToTAL PRGE.A3 x'r f oo Iraming Tree 129 N Frontage RdW Vail, CO 81657 ABC School 149 N. Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657 o THIS o RTYITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 18, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in lhe Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow a US West Wireless and Sprint Spectrum facility, located at ',|60 Mountain Bell Road/Unplatted (on the existing Mountain Bell tower). Applicani: US West Communications, represenled by Jill Jelinek of Liberty Wiresiar.Planner: Christie Barton A request for a side setback variance, to allow for an existing garage in the side setback to be converted to GRFA, located al 51 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Dr. Ronald Yaros, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: George Ruther A proposal to amend the zoning regulations to allow single-family and two-family structures lo expand by 500 sq. ft. or less in allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), withoul compliance with certain design requiremenls; allowing interior GRFA conversions for multiple- family structures; reorganizing the conditional use section of the Zoning Regulations; and allowing Type ll Employee Housing Unils as a permitted use rather than a conditional use in Single-Family, Two-Family and Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign f anguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479' 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 1, 1998 in the Vail Trail. I' i z) Ax ct,,Inc, qlv I tlV l/ ,{lt U ffiE{r/ rowtorvruV O *a schoor Oro*n of vailLeaming Tree 129 N Frontage Rd W 149 N. Frontage Rd Vail. CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 c/o Finance Dept 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail. CO 81657 Mtn-18 Lionshead (US WESTCO) adjacent owners mailing list JUSTIFICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. Relationship and impact of the use on developmcnt objectives of the Town of Vail The proposed use is consistent with the existing use of the property, providing less impact than previous rvireless installations at Solar Vail and Red Sandstone Elementary School. ll. Effect ofthe use on light and air, distribution of population' transportation facilities, uses, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facility needs. Our proposed installation will not affect these uses. in fact will create a benefit to the community by providing additional telecom municatiott options. III. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive, and pedestrian safety and conveniences, traffic flow and control, rccess, maneuverability and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. Our sites are visited approximately once a month tbr rnaintenance purposes, thereby creating little to no vehicular impact. Utilizing an existing structure turther rninimizes impact as the access road is already maintained fbr the prirnary use of the fhcility. IV. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed use is conrpatible with the existing use on the property and provides for collocation of communications on the same structure. EQUTPMENT STTELTER SPECTFTCATTONS AND ELEVATIONS ATTACHED PROPOSED OUTSIDE MATERIALS : Cedar Lap Siding Standing Seam metal roofing- for maximum fireproofing. Color proposed Forest Green (Can be ordered almost any color-perhaps to blend wi0t existing building) US WEST Wireless and Sprint Spectrum CoProposal for 160 Mountain Bell Rd. Mnrl8 Lionshead (US WEST CO) S* StttlI GIwX0ltDo worlto STAJRrAD 6'-5 t/.' slr}rorxc surl l/Era nootuc . For€t m€E't) O ll Fo.J ^Jc*o;.5 C{rl LrP SOrtC qre elgrAnOtt fMsr{ GRloE Sc,rre t/!'rt'-o' PRGE. 92'98 13:1? --'*-RPR L7 ',gB At:ATPn SITE ELB/ATTON P.3/9 sO{,.e l4'=t'-0' APR 1? '98 13:1?PNGE.A3 AMERICAN pOnUgLe BULDI1{GS CORP. SHEEr-l- 9F -,_a-- cusroMER u.s. wEsr Ouon 911-t- -{-B'qg . o9 ^.^,.,&0;Ei.;,;". I{*l;'r".[ffi"*) BiHI:u?t" itl ,ff;ff'-euiiio rHe uuroiu EutLDlNG coDEs. B'2 , TYPE tN coNsr' sprcs. rrEMS CoMMENTS @LORADO STATE CEXIIHED AND SilATE SEAL rlff'- ,Oiltbv'lffisJs-l - t o-,t'"'ffiDouBlJ sKtD vATTRFITED sKlDs MAIN ruNNER IO' X 12# WDE FI.ANGEI'BEAM 8,'IO FT. LUMBER SPREADERS 4" X S.4# CFIANNEL ONE MID SPAN zuMBERS q X5.4 C}IANNEL . FRONTAND BACK UFTING EIES rcUR CORNER SKID MOUNT CROSS RUNNERS I{/A ' TIRES N/AAXEIS N/A RUNNING UGHTS N,/A JACI6 N/A COATING HOT DIPFED GALVINIZED CUPS STEEL CUPS 16" ON CENTER MISC f,l,/A MISC. ROD ANO GAS fBUfl Fr.[ .].J--fo 4L'nt f| | INSUI-ATION JOlsrs JOIST BAND DECKING FLOOR COVERING CARPET LAG.BOLTS FLOOR WRAP Mlsc Pl.f0l.E N0. i 3€J427La/4 C}|ASS]S COSTTOTAL o.c. 29 GA. GALVINIZED ONE PIECE STEEL UNDERBELLY O Rpr, 12 rsse'i6'j56€m p3 R-t9 2"X10" HFz'xl0" HF 3/4T/G U/L PI-YWOOD 10 GA. l2'r X I2" VCT COMM. N/A 3/8" X3" l-AG BOLTS 16" ON CENTER N,/A wA. r50 PsF 5l/2" BATT, l6'o.c I6" ON CENTER8.IO FT. LUMBER TIVO I-AYERS FLOOR LIVE LOAD Friffi-l STUDS TOP PI.ATE BOTTOM PI.ATE COLUMNS & JAMS INTERIOR BACKER INTERIOR COVER INSULANON SIDING SIDING BACKER PAINT WRAP EXT. BELTRAII-S CEIUNG HEIGHT DIAGOMLERACIII SH|PP|NG WAr l-s Haben WINO LOAD R-i9 CEOAR LAP SIDING }VA STAIN N/A N/A. 10'-o,'To 7'-5" CEILING HEIGHT N/A N/A wA 30 psF o.c.. 92 5/8" STUDS16" ON CENTET DOUELE S]NGLE 5 l./2" BATT. TRAFT. 16"O-c .I25 MPHWINDS Page I 2"X6u HF2"x6" HFz"x6'r HF N/A N/A 1/4" ALL HARD WOOD, "\T'GROUVED PANEUNG APR 1? '98 13:19 PAGE. A6 '' '-" HfK I/ >E YL.gOftl | | frJr rL; r'rf.J. . JI.J)F1e, ( L.+t+21 Flpr. 12 l99Br,r.: j j5fE p4 SHEET-Z- OF NONE N/A roP PI-ATE N1A BOTTOM PI-ATE TVA INTERIORBACI(ER N/A INTERIOR COVER }.|/A INTERTOR COVER N/A @vERttG N/A COVERIT.IG BACKEIN/A- CSUNG TIEIGHT N/A PLENUM WALL }UA LNFT. N/A Mrsc. zrxl0' HF 2"X10i HF l.YA o __4_ 26 GA STAIOING SEAM STEEL ROOF \tz" cox PLYwooD lvA R-30 R@F ACCESS PANEL MA l/z'PRCOEC. STEELTEKO CTIPS NEOPREI'IE CI-OSURE STruPS ONE WAY PITCH 120 PsF 4" VltifYL BASE PRE FIN. VINTL PRE FIN. VIT{fL o.c 24' ON CEhfrER 8,10 FT. LUMEER FIBEERGI.ASS EATT I./2'I PRFDECORATED 6TP. pitch 4 tN 12' 1X X4" CEDAR TRIM 1' X4'CEDARTRIM I. X4'CEDARTRIM I" X4" CEDARTRIM TRUSSEs TRIJSSES BAND GIRDERS .BFAII ROOF COVER ROOFING BACKER TRUSS BRIDGING Il.tsUIANON ACCESS PANEL ]NSUIAT]ON BKR CE]TING COVER TRUSS CLIPS CLOSURE STRIPS ROOF SWLE ROOF UVE L]OAD CzuNGBATTEN PRE FIN. VII.{YL INT. WNDW/DOOXPRE FiN. VNYL lm INT. BASE INT. CORNER INT. CSUNG TRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM EXT. BASE DO. CORNER EXT. ROOF ROOF CAP EXT.DOOR WOODTRJM W@DTRIM WOODTRIM FORMER RIOGE CAP WOOOTRJM trr. wNDow N,/A ROOF EAVETRIM STEEL RAKETRIM SOFRTVENTS NlA6'SOFFr N/A FACIA WAFRAMING N/A INT. MOD UNE N/A GUTTEN./DWN SF}YA CARPETMOD UNE}VA' SKIRT FRAMING N/A SKIR11NG N/A RPR 1? '98 13:18 BTRRID$G }tAT. COST TOIAL PAGE.gT I ltr I t-tT,\ I I Jo IJI t (JoTl I | | fvf rg f tfJ. I Jo.Jq4 ( L1<+4 $EEr -3- oF Hpr. 1Z llltjr-i8j-/7All o FRAME HARDWARE HARDIVARE trr.000R LITE I{ARDWARE INT. DOOR HARDWARE HARDWARE INT. DOOR TTARDWARE MtSC. BREAKERS. BREAKERS RACEWAY UG1ITS UGHTS wAvE Gulog BOSTS LIGHTING PERMIT twNoow I srzE (A) lvA HARDWARE (A) I.YA srzE (B) N/A HARDWARE(B) N/A. stzE (c) N/A r-IARDWARE (C) wA stzE. (u) N/A r.{ARDWARE (D) N/AMrsc tvA.r4tsc N/A |?iE6mC-1 MAIN PANEL IZOI?NV 2OO AiIP I PHASE oNE 3/0X6/6lEGA- 16 GA. WELOED STEEL . NON REMOVASLE PINS LOCI( sET N/A N./A WA lvA N/A l.YA N/A N/A lvA Z0 Alr,lP 20 AMP EREAKER ROMEX 12-Z FOtJR, 48'ZTUBE N/A WAVE GUIDE ENTRY POFT Ercl'ff 4" BO0TS N/A STATE EUCTRICAL INSPECNON COMMERC!{L STEEL DOOR WEATHER PACKAGE KWICK SET DOOR COSTTOTAL fvrNoow cosrTc[AL LOAD CEII{TER w/ MAIN LUG FLOURESCENT FIX W/DIFF ONE uPro 1 1/z' MICROFLECT MODEL 8576 REC€PNCALS WA RECEPTICALS RECTIOV DUPIIX RECEPNCALS N/A swrrolEs STD. SWITCH 3 WAY SWITCTIES MA ENTRANCE IL' ENTR "L" MISC I,IATERIALS N/A METER BOX NOT INCLI.'DED. MUST BE SPECIFIED WHATTYPE, JUNCTION BOXES }VA MISC IVA FIREAI.ARM SYS. N/A . TNTER COM. S-rS. N./A HEATTAPE REC. TVA FOUR APR 1? '98 13:19 ELEIIRCAL COSTTOTAL PNGE. A8 .. ' inOm F-A i{r,.,ro e!'4ort I Pf'{0NE N0. i 3A3421t444 SHEET -4_ OF o -l-- Mrsc COUNTER TOP BASE CABINETS Mrsc. WALL CAEINET BASE CABINET FILECABNETS Mrsc I\YA N./A N/A N/A tYA N/A N./A WA lvA N/A lffi r soo *ATT t zo voLT wAtr MouNT FoRcED AIR FAN HEATER COOUNG N/A HEAT/COOLUNIT N/A f-smi TIMER; 6 HR sPRlt'lG wouND MEcHANIcALTIMER TRUNK DUCTII{G N/A FLP( OUCT1NG N./A RETURN AIR I{/A SUPPLY AtR N/A DAMPER GRILL N/A s/M DRoPS l.YA' C.BOXSIDETAP }.|/A SPIN IN N/A ROOF VENT I2'. TURBIN VEiIT ROOF MOUNT o{Br F VS{TS N/A EXhIAUST FAN N/A ' RV.A.C. coSTTOTAL NOr.lE WAT-RC-LOSET N/A URIML . LAVTTORY SINK CAEINET }VASINK N/A FAUCETS }VI WATER HEATER N/ASHOWER N/A FIXTURES WA SUPPLYSYSTEII N/A DRAIN SYSTEM }YA DOWN VENT IYA ACCESSORIES f,YA. ACCESSORTES N/A GRAB BARS }VA TOWEL USPEI{SETN/ACODE N/A.Mlsc. N/4. ETC. cuRSE{T NEg AND UBC, UBC CONSTRUCNON OCCUPANC( V?, TYPE 5-N PLUMBNG @STTOTAL tr*ttune cosTToTAL MlsC ITE]4S COSTTOTAL LOADS ts 1 50#/w-3 0#t'l-^1 ZO# Page 4 Apr. 12 rsge-idlizcn ps FPR 1? '98 13:19 PAGE. B9 O LA\ID TITIJE GUARAI\ITEE COMU{ CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION April 15, 1998 Our orderr No.: v26L627 Propercy Address: US WEST P.qRCEI, / , / us wEsr wrREtEss, L.L.c. -e3or EAsr cor.FA:(, RooM 314 DElitvER, co 80220 AEEn: CORI K- ALIILI FAJ! 303 398-8497 Copies: 1 via US Postal Senrice trR 16 '9€ @:Sg L9?A4?64534 PRGE.@I "aQ **t rrrr.,E GUARANTEE coM,?o coNrAcrs April ls, 1998 our Order No.: v25l-527 Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED SeIler,/Owner: MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TETEGRAPH COMPAITY, A CORPORATION Property Address: US WEST PARCEL If you have any inquiries or reguire further assiscance, please conE,act one of che nuEd)ers lisEed below: For Closing AssisEance: For Ticle Assisc,ance: . JIIL I{ELLS. 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W.Phone: vAfL, co 91559Farc: Phone -. 97A 476-225t Phone:Fax: 9?0 476-453a_ TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! FPR 16 '99 A8:58 L9?A4764534 PAG3.A2 C}iICAGO TITLE INSIJR\I{CE COMPA\TY Oo"ro coMMrr*"G SCHEDULE A Our Or:der # v26L627 For Informacion Only US WEST PARCET - Charges -Art'aowner-Po1i8{*- - t3l3:33 *** THIS IS NOT AII I!.IUOICE, BT'T A\I ESTIMATE OF FBES. THEN R,EFERR,ING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V261527 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLB TO I.AI'ID TTTLE GUARA\|I'EE COMPAIW *** 1. Effeccive Dace: fBD aE 5:00 P.t'{. 2. Policy t,o be issued, and proposed. Insured,: . rALTArr Owrler's Policy LO-L7-92 Proposed Insured:. TO BE DETERMI}IBD 3- The esE,aE,e or inEeresE in Ehe land described or referred to inchis Cornmicmenc and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Tic,le co c,he est,aE,e or inceresc covered herein is ac theeffective dat,e hereof vested in: MOUMIAIN STATES TELBPITONE A}ID TELEGR}.PH COMPANY, A CORPORATION 5. The land referred Eo in Ehis ComrnitmenE is described, asfollows: A TRACT OF LAIID IN TIIE SOUTI'EAST ONE-QUARTER, SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER; SECTION 6, TOIO{SHIP 5 SOUTE, RANGS 80 WEST OF TtiE 5T:iP.M., EAGTE COUNTY, COLORADO, MOR.E PAR,TICI'i.A.RIY DESCR,iBED AS FOLLO9.IS: BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING T17O.2O FEET NORTII 36 DEGR.EES 01 MIITIJ:IES 25 SECONDS WEST FROM THS SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSIIIP 5 SOUIH, RA\IGE 80 9IEST OF TIIE 6TH P.M.; TIIENCE NOR?i: 00 DEGREES 00 MfNUTES 180.11 FEET; TEENCE NORTH e8 DEGRIES 34 MIN,TES WEST 143.57 FEET; TISNCE SOUTH 50 DEGREES 09 MINUIES PAGE 1 nPR 16 '98 68:58 t9?a4?64534 PRGE.A3 LflIu{\rU l,!I!l IN 5 UR.J{NL.iI LUPIPAN t Oor"o cor"1 Mrr*rl" SLILf-UUtrti A our Order # v251627 a-- WEST 107-00 FEEf; THENCE SOUTT{ 25 DEGREES 17 MINUTES WEST 32.25 FEET; TI{ENCE SOUTH Ag DEGREES 30 MINUTES WEST 120-00 FBET;IT{FNCE SOUIH 35 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 65.24 FEET; THENCE SOIJTH S3 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 30 SECObIDS EAST 411.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TOGETIiER WITIi AN EASEMENT FOR ACCESS TO AI{D EGRESS FROM TEIE AEOVE-DESCR.IBED TRACT BY PEDBSTR.IAN, \EIiIC1II"1.R., AND MOTOR TRAFFIC, FOR AERIAL A}.ID BURTED TELEPHONE AND ETECTRIC POWER. LINES A\ID FOR BURIED WATER, SEWER, GAS, AND OTHER IJTILITIES TO SAID TRACT OVER AIID ACROSS TI{E FOLLOWING DESCRIBP PROPERTY, TO WIT: A TRACT OF tAt{D IN TIIE SOUTIEAST ONE-QUARTER, SOuTHEAST ONE- QU.\RTER, SECTIO}I 5, TOWNSEIP 5 SOT'TE, RA\IGE 80 WEST OF TIIE 5T:iP-M-, EAGTE COU!trrr, COLORADO, MORE pARTrCItr,Atrty DSSCRIBSD AS FOLLOWS: BEGTNINNG AT A POIT.IT BEING 1.170.20 FEBT NORT'{ 35 DEGREES 01 MIITUTES 25 SECONDS rfEST IROM fi{E SOSTIEAST CORIIER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUIH, R.ANGE 80 WEST OF TliE 6TH P.M-; THENCE SOtnT{00 DEGREES 00 MINL:IES 40.25 FEBT; lHEl[CE NORTE 83 DEGREES 36MINU?ES 30 SECOIIDS WEST 382.48 FEET,. TIiENCE SOUTH 15 DEGR,EES49 MINI'ITES WEST 88.18 FEET TO TlG NORT:i RIGiiT OF WAY LINE OF INTERST-{TE 70,. T!t!t{cE NORTI{ 74 DEGREES 21 MI}{UTES 35 SECOITDS WEST 4O.OO FEET AIONG TiE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY IINE OF INTERST.\TE7Q; TI{E\ICE NORTII 15 DEGREBS 49 MINUTES EAST 122.20 PEET; THENCE SOUTII 83 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 30 SECOIIDS EAST 411.93 PEET To TIIE POIfi:r OF BEGINNING, COtnITy OF e\cLE, STATE OF COLORADO NorE: TIIE FrNAL PoLrcY DoEs Nor rN ANY wAv GUARAIITEE oR rNsuRETIIE DIMENSIONS Op THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, TlrE tEcAL DESG,IPTION IS DERIVED FROM TI{E G'AIN OF TTTI.,E A}ID ONLY AN ACCURATE SURVEY Cfu\ DETERIVITNS TIIE DIME:I\SIONS. PAGE 2 RPR 16 '98 A8r59 t9?44?64534 Peci,a4 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCI] COMPAIIY Ar,TA coMMrr**" SCHEDI'LE B-SECTIONl (Requirement,s) Our Order * V25r62? the following are the reguiremenEs to be complied wiEh: IEem (a) PayurenE, to or for che account, of Ehe granEors or mort,gagors of che full consideraEion for Ehe esc,aEe or interes-,_ E,o be insured. IEem (b) Proper inst,rumenc(s) creaEing Ehe esEaEe or inEeresE co be insured must be execuE,ed and duly filec1 for record, to- wiE: It.em (c) PaymenE, of all Eaxes. charges or ass;essmenEs lewied and assessed againse che subjecE. premises whi.ch are due andpayaJrle. ' IEem (d) Addicional requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. EVIDEI{CE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPAIIY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AbiD PROVISIONS OF THB TOWN OP VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2. CERTIFICATE FROM TIIE SBCRETARY OF' STATE OR OTIIER APPROPRIATE OFFICER OF COLORADO, SEOWTNG TIIAT MOUNTAIN STATES TETEPIIONB AND TEtEGRA.P!{ COMPAIIY, A CORPORATION IS A DUIY ORGAITIZSD A}ID EXTSTING CORPORATION UNDEP. TI{E I,AWS OF COLORADO. 3 - wAR-LAllTY DEED FROM MOUNTAIN STATES TEI-,EPHONE AI.ID 1ELEGRAPH COMPAI,TS, A CORPORATION TO IO BE DETERMINED CONVEYING SU9JECT PROPERTY. NOTE: SAID DOGJMENT t'lUST BE EXECIJTED BY THE PRESIDEI'IT, VICE-PRESIDEIIT OR. SECRETARY OF TI{E CORPORI,TION. IF A}I ASSTST.A.I\J:I' VICE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTAT{T SECRETARY EXECUTBS S.\ID DOCU},ENT, A CORPORATE RESOLUTION I.,IUST ts3 9ROVIDED TO l,A\rD TrTT,l cIvING SArD ASSTSTATfI AU.TT{ORTZATION. NOTE: TITE $31O.OO PREMIUM SIIOWN HEREIN IS R\SED ON A TO BE DETERI',IINED PURCHA'SE PRICE. UPON RECEIPT OF THE DOII.A.R, A}4Oi}flT TO BE INSURED, S.\ID PREMIIII,I WILL CIIANGE. NOTE: UPON NOTIFICq,TION OF TEE BttvER BNITITY, ADDITIONAI REQUiRSMEMS .{i{DXCEPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY. NOTE: EFFECTIVE SEPTEN(BER 1, L997, C?'S 3O-10-4OG REQUIR.ES TTIAT AII, DOCOMENIS RECEI\TED FOR RECORDING OR FILING IN THE CLERK AI{D RECORDER'S OFFICE SE.A.IL CONTAIIV .\ TOP I4ARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE INC}T A.\ID A iJEFT, R,IG}TI A}ID BOT?CM MARGIN OF AT PAGE 3 RPR 16 '98 0Et:59 19144?64534 FnGE.A5 CHICA@ TITLE INSUR.\N-CI] COMPAI']r A L T A C O M M I T "?* ' SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (RequiremenEs) Our Order * v261627 . TEAST ONE-IIA.I.,F OF AI'I INCH. THE CLERK AND R.ECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANf DOCIJ}4ENT THA'T DOES NOT CONFORI'"I, EXCEPT TH.AT, TiiI R.EQUIREMEITT.FOR THE TOP I,IARGIN SHALL NOT APPLY TO DOCU'IENTS USING PORYIS ON WHICIi SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RBCORDING OR FILING INPORMATION AT TH']i TOP I\T\RGIN OF TIiE, DOCUMENT. NOTE: EFFECTIVE .tAlilUARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT I'LAII{TAIN A PERMANEAIT PIJACE OF BUSINESS IN COIORADO, .A}iD NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES A}ID TRSS'TS WILL BE SUSiTECT TO A COLOR.ADO '.TITI{HOI,DING TN( FROM TTIB SA],ES OF COLORADO REA! ESTATB rN E"XCESS OF $100,000.00. Tlill wrTlIHOi,DrNG TAX WILL BE TEE SI,'AI,LER OF TWO PERCEIIT OF TITE SAI,ES PRICE OR TliE NET PROCEEDS FROM TITE S.AJ,ES OF TgE REAL ESTATE. TTIE TAJ( WILL BE WITIISELD BY THE TITLE INSURqNCE COMP.A] T OR ITS AGSNI A}JD ST]BMITTED TO THE DEPARIMISIT OF REW€}IUE, WHSR3 IT WILI BE CRSDITED TO THE SELLBR'S INCOME TN( ACCOUNT AS AN ESTII4\TED T.U( PAYI,EIIT. TIIE SELLER CAN CL,AIM CREDIT POR THE ESTIMATED PA:|I,[EI..IT AGAINST THE INCOME TAX LIASILITV WHEN HE OR SHE FII.ES A COLORADO RETIJRN FOR TITE YEJTR OF TI{E S.AI..,E. PAGE 4 nPR 16 '99 A8:59 L9?44?64334 PncE.A6 o:"i": "':": :-,::-T': :"Ht" SGEDULE B-SECTION2 (EccepEions)Our Order # v26f627 The policy or policies co be issued will concain excepE,ions Eo Ehe following maEters unless Ehe same, are disposed, of Eo t,he saEisfaccion of Ehe company l-- Right,s or claims of parties in possession noL shown by thepublic records 2. EasemenEs, or claims of easemenes, not, shown by che public records. 3. Discrepancies, confliccs in boundary lines, shortage i.n area, encroachmencs, and any facEs which a correct sunrey inspectionof Ehe premises would disclose and which are noc shown by chepublic records. 4. Any lien, or right Eo a lien, for senrices, labor or mat,erialheretofore or hereafEer furnished, imposed by law and noE shohEby the public records. 5. DefecEs, Iiens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matrcers,if any, creased, firsc appearing in ehe public records oracuacfring subsequeDE, Eo gbe effective dace hereof buc prior t,othe daEe Ehe proposed insured acguires of record for value the estaEe or inE,eresE, or morEgage Ehereon cowered by this ConEniE,menE,. 6. T+es or special assessment,s vrhich are not shosrn as exisEingliens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpai.d water and sewer charges, if any. 8- In addicion, the owner's policy uilL be subject to E,hemorcgage, if'any, noted under icem one of Sect,ion ]. of Schedule ts hereof 9. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTT(ACT AA]D REMO\TE HIS ORE flTEREFROM SHOUTD TI{E SA}4E BE FOUITD TO PENETRATE OR TMTERSECT Tl{E PRBMISES A'S RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 24, :-904, IN BOOK 48 AT P-\GE 503. ',.tIU. I(IGTI'I. U!.. WAY FOR DITCITES OR CAI'IALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY O' THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN INiTED STATES P.\TElcr RECORDSD t4av 21, L901, IN BOOK 48 .4.T P-\cE 503. PAGE 5 RFR 16 '98 88:59 L9?44?64534 PCce.A? ::T": ":': ;":TT:pr SC]iEDULE B-SECTION2 (ExcepEions)Our Order * V261627 11. WATER ANID WATER RIGETS, DITGI AI{D DITCT RIGIIIS. 12. RIGIfT OP WA.y 40 FEET IN WfDTII AS DESCRIBED IN CONDEMN-ATION FOR RIGitT OF wAy AWARDED TO TIIE IJNITED STATES OF AIvIERICq TN INSTRUME}IT RECOR.DED AUGUST 12,1935 IN BOOK 115 AT PAGE 349. 13. RIGHT OF W.\Y AS GRANTED TO THE STATE OF COLORADO IN INSTRUT"IENT RECORDSD JUNE 8, 1940 IN BOOK 127 AT PAGE 455. 14. RTGHT OF WAY AS GRAbIfED TO TIIE FLBMING LUMBER AND II4ERCA}.ITIIE COMPA}TC IN INSTRUI,IE}TI'RECORDED.IAI{UARY ].3, ]-943 IN EOOK L27 LT P.I,GE 563. 15. RTGIIT OF WAY E.ESEMENT A,S GRAI.ITED TO GAS FACILITIES, INC. IN INSTRUI.IENI RECORDED SEBRUARY ].7, ]-965 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 149 AND IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE L51- AIID RICORDED MARCIT 9, L966 IN BOOK 192 A'.r PAGE 203 AND AT pAeE 207- 15. EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATBR A}{D SA}IITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIT 7, L966 If'I BOOK 192 AT PAGE 355. 17. TERMS, COIIDITIONS A}ID PROVISIONS OF NONEXCLUSIVE UNDERGROUND RIGITT OF W.\Y EASEMSI{I AS GRAI{TED TO EOLY CROSS EIJECTR.TC ASSOCIATION, INC. RECORDED June08, L994 IN BOOK 542 .dr PAGE 344. 18. EXISTING LBASES A}ID TE}IANCIES. PAGE 5 RPR 16 '98 A9IAA L9794?64534 PRGE.AE LAND TITLE GUARAN'IEE COMPANY -v DISCLOSURB STATEI4ENT Reguired by Senat,e BiIl 91-14 A) The subjecc real propertry may be locat,ed in a special Eaxing disericc. B) A Cercificase of Taxes Due liseing each ca:cing jurisdiction may be obEained from Ebe County Treasurer or Lhe Coungy Treasurer's autborized agenE. c) The informaEion regarding special d:lsBricEs and che boundariesof such disericcs nny be obcained f::om che Board of County Cornnrissioners, che Councy Clerk and Recorder, or the County -\ssessor- Required by SeDaCe Bi}I 92-143 A) A CercificaLe of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiccion shall be obeained from che Councy Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's auEborized agent. RPR 16 '98 A9.gA L9?A4164U34 PRGE.Ag I a ZOI\E CHECK Date: 6' I 149 Legal description: Lot _ Block Address lb"l N-f-t'Z,J :Arehiteet Phone Phone Zonedtsa'tct G<-.zrz! Ctg<-- " "Proposed use ToaI GRFA t.,-l , /utgg,e a.z *T{CK <':'-E Buildablearea Allowed Existing Prooosed Total Remainins Primary GRFA _ + (425) (6ZS*; - SecondarvGRFA +/425\(675*)= * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesfl 8'lo5 *zlo = gL L/9 = l{/Site Coverage Height Setbacks (30)(33) Front Sides Rear 20' l5' 15' MinimumLandscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drivway 3', t6' Required_Errclosed (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pernritted Slope _% Proposed Slope _% Yes NoComplies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Environmental/[Iazards Yes_ No 1) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche b) Rockftll c) Debris Flow Previous conditions ofapproval (check property fite1: fJ o i€- crt 9-p l"^Z^4 Is the property non-conforming? Describe:rua 1\t L1 IA v t] FLOORPLANS Project: O SURVEY\/T\JI iI I F t_ \-LV o r,tJ[* Scale Benchmd( Legal description Lot Size BuildableArea Easemenb Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Seback Environmental Hazards Trees Ut'ility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachmens Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') DakslBalconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Reaining Walls Fences ParkingiGange Tuming Radius Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA ,/ Crawl\Anic SPace i EHU O BUILDINGELEVATIONS ./ Scale /<'/ ColorMaterials ,J Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trees Proposed trees ./_\./ Legeno MISCELLANEOUS + T- l i t- i+- il/K cotaoApproval-..,.--- ,/ ____/_ _/_ MA _/ ,/ 1l -4x {/X Title report (A & B) Utility verification fonn Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\ShadeAngles Ut'rlities (underground) ttA' Yiew Conidon :W vri*.o {J il Plat resnictions /lr /r Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposed DESIGN RE\IIEW CIIECKLIST -:/!,,47i/ (access and grade) cottuty Development Plan Routin!rort Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton, ComDev Datc Routed:5t4t98 Return By:5n2t98 Proiect Name:US West panel antennas Project Address:160 Mountain Bell Road (169 N. Frontage) Project Legal:unplatted Project Description:FYI - 6 panel antennas mounted to existing tower, painted to blend into the background and I equipment shelter (16 x 18 x l0' at highest point). Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)_Approved with conditions Plcase provide a topographic survcy stampcd by a licenced surueyor of the arca whcre the cquipment sheltcr is to bc locatcd.. Please show all proposed grading around the ncw building. Proposcd glading nccds to bc lcss than 2: l (horizontal to vcrtical), and any retainage over 4' in height should be dcsigned and stamped by a licenced engineer. No rctaining wall should cxcecd 6' in hcight. T. L. Partch Rcccivcd 5/7i98 Reviewed 5llll98 Returncd 5ll1/98 Datc rcceived: Rcvicwcd bv: ll kveryrmc\dorn\rrxrt tinn oz E =(E ulo- N U' rJl IJJu- F =Elu o- \NR\t$s$ o\ ct) ts zH E X tolro\ t- lo o\c! I E <Fi -r+YrdEE?xZ'i lu) tllF o F F2 =o zzc) a|,[l oz zo J o .6 ozzo tr(uz- ulI t- z tr.l =I oF Fz o ILo * A o o a (E c 'R q) CE o (, (tt .g \xti E (u o)Eoo =l m E o = f Eq) o 3't CDq o() .9o ol oN .D I\q) o rt| E o o o !t -o o o ' o (! at (6 U'o()c(! = I r- (! = = o- EoIra c(E o- o a c .E o.c .-- 3 E E (5 E.EE'5E E3 .9o =o:LEloH cL.- at) rD(E5o -c)=.9c9'- cL o.9 E(6Oq CC 'EX ;i--Y- o-(I'O=(5: Ecl E6OELC O(o (5c.c(u -E(!0 ogcD6 36o6 tE(dro >g-oo!u o_ sEr-o -o \t cn .tr c.)& F =E uJl z o 5qt t uJ C)z J EF UJ oz6 lJ Iz oul = UJultr-z tr uJ olllE o 3g gJ z 6 uJo oILut o-l z UJ x ulol tn uJluu- F =E IJJ J F z () F UJJ z J 9z our NO|lVn'lVA ts Ea z --u =4:14 = =i2O oOE-lF^ttZAI i 50aip 6E3 tD O Ec)z>-o82 fr;rL<oqi<ig Ee; (\i 6E >G -I z tr IL cr rri uJ F E z Eoo x[ z tr llJ F =UJz lt/ s llJc ^z I Lz. 9z urO =EOI Lzfz F- o X X x X f-l F z F o z Y ulo Jl<t zl zl .. >l UJo uJ UJzaF llJ(L z Eo 2 F 5az *:f 50'3*J---5| 'cJ I ) ) tl .).J'.< IJJ tro oazo t- LltY ul dI oF ts GOllJ ol aL o\u-- -(']aNO >.'ro<rE I Hur re3 z.no =e(oo =zJOa! tr J .-<5!., \J = ="e 6il= L = uJ o- ll- uJ z oLo (rI TL Jt-lu :-h= o- l.lJ>(LOt!9o - IIJ x>Er- I Ll- uJ o Eclo 0r o1t .E t E Eo(, ts =Elrlo-z9F(JfEFa =o() trnD o& FfFllslfq zH Flz E o\o (,z lJ- Jdl F ) FfH tia B tn rjj =z .D l-) 7 j E (J E at) z ts 9AF- Ll UJEo (f) @ \' I dco- 4 F tr UJG : = -o- ts = !L- oz ot! J TL z3 F zH H H FT Fl z aJ) = tr Az ,; Iu ! z 3oF \o rn o\t\ I\T \t I i I =tr IJJ EE ioz Bo F = tl, lol lu T <l>l 6iz 3lI =(r rL- ci z. uJ J <1 u-o 23oF IIJ UJ F E u.lz3 (J uJ E <F(lC)uJ<zEUJF Q=L JE<o()F;(JFS XF', z. a8 2? =<z.E JZrJ- o C) OF =3!E l-Eir UJ b= .J<()e9.rrr LlJ:o I -ttEltt-lr--J rt<, r--r lr '-ld d qJ F o)ra lro(H F-l F F H rH IJ.ri H ru A. oP(! Hd oa o H(s o F OJ FIo .'{ oo t (! t.l{Jo c,r{ oulF z z oI c6 z .t uJuju- E =E UJo- tl.Julo =ol! c F Fzo uJz 3vc !L tlJ ?.= (E\J fr urFI<FZrto2o6 1'\G(D z H FI v z & a)tz trrd<p1 BFTAFr< a)fiEFE E-r .& at, EI Fl '-'{r1l rna c.l +J (d QJ .r + ^ () q, 6 .9 (6 'oF q) o IA C'o ral o Ec(u Q) oo ==f m E o f Eo o 3.; oti ('.Y' '=oo;i*ioiE3E,; F 9 R€*t E s F=EF "A 8p:6c-o> CT;E:98 d r.= r; >= XcY"(6 -*=o): F;.-c"i >.FEEAX =FE,^5 0 0kiEo'gqeE !!seo- o o--o=-o.sxo-oi6or:fie€ ; EE 3 EslS_ o..Y o --cfroO-5!; o oi i€.e :,F!= sglc9 645 xcF9(U9 6* EfBE9E o -c5g: .; q df;s)< tr.l z H Fl ts MFz ../>Iultltlt =culo-) F F =g. UJ(L z6 =lo z Jo- UJ uJILz tr l! UJg. o 3lljtqJ z = o +J o li tt(, (t{ o olr lr lrq)u.., H lr IFr= 6) a< -rln - =zzu-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 >eF9OE66 EZr-()8e frLL <(oq i!i-rI =XuJ;6 3iGt(, z tr l {..: tr ao- e. J z Eoo x z EE UJ Bluz <l trl 3 F llrl (E z (J I F. zo F Jl U)z Fz:)zOo < (.)o< >6>(! R!L6o<z tz, Oz d636o:f UJo z YE z f- (D l O F zl ol uJl .El JI <l>l rLlol zl;l 0lFI I I I I dl =.1ol r.rjl 5l al>l ttlol il g Ol rJJFI F I ol =.1olull 1l <l>l tr.lol zl FI I =.1olull 1l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI .$ \o INtt e.l. {J F) ($ t{ E(J +J HdE F- cn\f, lug,oo .J = r{ r-{hq, (! g @ o\N I \TN I I*l il dl. IJJI 1l <l>l u-lol zl 3lplrl +J ui ol{ r{q) E q I ILI' I Itttuj B.gi>{= =o rr c,B tn UJ z o0 Fl +J q, EI ..{ .u (0 q) B aJ) u; =z m -1 z t'|-E2?9?>EfF o-3 F z z T() uJ g o2 Eo F E z ) 9 F UJ) UJ uJ tsT O J E uJz u.l uJz3 J<c)f{fr:o oz i =G, IJJd '.'1.: n J z -r (J uJ = z (5= =ed}o =zJO(! 1! ..nrrlLILIL --.r I "6!z=. =;(dd; b (r UJ l!ot!()z f at)L cc o- UJ-h=fErL l.ll>o-OtL9o5uJ;(Lx>tFJ IL uJ tD F co Eao G' Btt .E a E Eol) ,). oIlr rro>Fl=E -o,:,o:E giltr .:f cY) O lut U) d! 1 zo F(L ulY uto oF ts Eul TL ttlodlq65o-+r'J HuJbkzo E =E,lrlo-zIF() E.Fazoo IT RMIT APPLICATI o ON .t BUILDING PE Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. LION S €Ab AAEA C VA t C SCE ?cor ?ca"J lflsea rrrecx:o sx::t1 ZIP PHONE2 MTJ B€t-u tOO Bn^o,rtOgK s'i- Dewfa 2t-sl3q ,"Z#jro t\, ?d,, LICENgE NO, \ $ c ls3o ut. rt'dA(F Dc+lvELqrrzrr, 2.55-460 ARCHITECT OR DeSl6l,lER zzz473l4 RNL r.N)tD AeAPAt\o€ ENCINEEi MAI I AOORES!5 sAr..1.€zzz 413 6 t{.udE Lt9E OF lll I LOINC CEcTfzo^JrC E0.J. 8 Classof work: llruEW tr AOOITION DALTERATION E REPAIR E MOVE D REMOVE s Describework, S1EFL TOr^,.f Eff { Bl To H Ar:Ctt Qanr< ,t'trS5 io05 10 Change of use from 1l valuationolwork:$ 3"1 S.OOO gf SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. oFFSTREET PARKING SPACESI NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF I1lORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOF A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D, ALL PROVISIITYPE OF WOHEREIN ORPRESUME TO PROVTSTONS ( CONSTRUCTII 3IONATIJFE CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ,s , #.. 100.1 +6e PERMIT VALIDATION o P roiect Application ,^. 4-'1= of roI f t Q . , M ';a12 t ,{- "/ : - f'{or" *h, n 8. ( I IAr.-r- uo_,"*^__' it (ulr",uProject Name: t Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: KE,x""I Town Planner f L n2,A. L//so /Q o,, / y'{:tt Approval Fo Fz O 2; lrl F z lFiE:9-l.FO {,o Y z 1- dz6 eQc xv:i: azaz^)< a5 I oEO.ia z=g:: o FcO<ei3 .' {E > -(,o n=lqE<<;,: F*qs; N + F =uJ ul lll z ur zgF UJ Jtt uJ G F J J oF lll ct cr E J oF Fz uJ Eul u E t tt ! 5a- =tr=ulo l&eO -=-oE'Ib---f n G-r =-r!t >(,g) 2o9_v, z 9qqe6FC.40 t>;io-z*< >o -.{ o? v Project Application ,hb\ q7\ 1rJ Proiecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: i Architect, Address and Phone: t,il+"' Zone - Design Review Board Date s 16 7b U*.^/b D ISA PPROVAL Summary: i '*' E Statt Approval tfY 15 '90 lg:e9Al'4 HTNIEsT CoNStlG SERV It .r/ l l lre rrtO r,., Dtt lrtttctltor ADPttctalo[ trtclrvBDtDAal Ol DR! tlEtlll|cr il.;;fiiillBllffllrotr rItL l|o! rE rc]clPlllD urfrr! Nrr,, rrroRr{arrotf l. DnI-IDDLICI8IOI ttuttltal i;ilfi iilil;i!:ii:lliiri:tiiri:il iil Tiririir:l1l " P,3/? a.iPontout-$ffi -;eiltiinli^IuiiliEli'lHlll.:::1.*',i!$: ::-f nd $liirtrL *n'*uli*$i*i*ri,mr';:;;: B. fiEti'it'3ri*i:"i',"l3ttlorttcn,:tt "": rr proor---- t.DRoitle! Dl8cRlptrot|r L.9.1 D..crtDtton Lt Blooh Subdlvlrlon lonlnE E. D. c,NlltB ot APPLICNTT! Ehona lddra.. t NIIG OF APD&TCATTIS llrtltnE Addr.rtr Ehone lA3^o877 bN Ns o 2.9( t. G. ltE t r0.o0c 25.00 150.00 1t00. 0o 9200. 00 1300.00 t o-f ro,oooIto,oot-3 go,oooIt0r00l-t l30.0oofttO,0ol - | SOO,ooO 1500,001 - $r,ooo;oooI onrrr lr, oooiooo Nll|l OP OTNIR8I ttotlllr!(tl r tlltng Adds.r.r won -Fq A - HB gS Ccndcllntul tDprovtl t! tgpllorblr. IIIIIIII;9I 03/tt/9or r, ,1.., lI. tltDOmf$! t|OAIel iloARDtnO tttJ 8UII(IASIONE AO !lt! DnD: A. fn rddltlon to !..tlng rubDlttrl r.quir.E.ntr, th.lppltcant lurt .r.k. i,he rlto to indtciir-Jioiro#"ttn.r rnd bultdtng eorn.r.. Tr..r thrt vtil ir rllovrdrurt rl.o br arrtid. tlbtr vorh Du.r b. cJiirl[ra-----brforr th. DiB vt.ltr thr rlto. l. Ilre rrvlru Drocr.. lor t|!fl IUIIDINCS vlll noErllytnvolva tuo .agarat. r.atlnga o! ur. Derlgm Revl.i!or!d, ro th. -ppltcrnt $oild trlrn on rt-l.r.t tjor.rtlng. lor ! ltnrl apDrovrl. c. lpDltcrnt. rho latl to rpDorr b.tor. thr DrrlEn Rtvhvlorrd rt thrlr rchrduloit- iottnE end rho hrvr-not ri*rdlor r po.tpon.!.nt ylll br rrqulrtd to br r.puDllrhrrl. D. lt thr dlrorrtton o! thr ronlng rd!1n1.tntor, th.tolloelnE lt.D. lry not hrv. to br pruntrrl io thrDorlgn trrlrr loard. thoy, bovovrr; hrv. to b.Dr...nt.d to th. pltnnlng D.DtrtD.nt lor rpDrovrl r a. llndolr, rkyllEbtr rnd rtrtlrr .xt.rlor ohrnE.rthrt Co not alt.r thr txlrtlng Dlrn. ol th. - bulltllngr rnd D. tulldlng .ddltlont th.t .r. not vl.v.d lro rnyotha! lot or publlc lprca, chlch h!v. h.d l.tt.rr.ublltt.d lron rclJolnlnE Drop.rty oyn.rr approvlngthr rddltlon, a',{/ot rDprovrl troD th. tt.nt tor,or DanrE.r o! c condoalnlu! aa.oclatlon. l. Iou lry br rrgulrtd to oonCuot Ntturrl thrtrd Studl.r on your Drop.rty. You .hould ohack ulth r Sorn Dlrnnarbrtcrr proc..dlng. <7EAW&L F BI- MINUTES (rdvtsed 03-0r-94) VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETINC FEBRUARY 1,1994 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesdat February l, 1994, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Paul Johnston Sybill Navas Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Jan Strauch Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The frst item on the agenda was Citizen Participation, Michael Staughton was present on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Vail Restaurant Association. Mr. Staughton expressed the Association's support for the expanded evening parking program in the Lionshead and Village Parking Structures. He requested an update from Council conceming the future of the program. Mayor Osterfoss indicated Council planned to continue the program until the end of the season, at which time an evaluation would be done. Tom Steinberg expressed the cost to the TOV would be a consideration in determining whether to continue the program, Item No. 2 was a Consent Agenda consisting of two items: i) Approval of the minutes of the January 4, 1994, and January 18, 1994, Vail Town Council evening meetings, and ii) Ordinance No. !, series of 1.994, second reading an ordinance repealing and reenacting Section 18.69.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, setting forth new procedures for development of land in the Hillside Residential Zone District and providing details in regard thereto. Merv Lapin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Before a vote was taken, there was a brief update from Andy Knudtsen, informing Merv of the details of Ordinance No. 2, as Merv was absent during first reading. Paul Johnston requested that ltem No. 4, Resolution No. 3, Series of 1994, a resolution authorizing employees of the TOV to purchase, sell resell, to or from Merrill Lynch; and setting forth details in regard thereto, and Item No. 5, Resolution No. 4, Series of 1994, a resolution authorizing employees of the TOV to purchase, sell, resell, to or from Unitcd Daniels Securities; and setting forth details in regard thereto, be added to the Consent Agenda. The motion was amended to include Resolution No. 3 and Resolution No. 4 Series of 1994 on the Consent Agenda. Mayor Osterfoss read the titles in full. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No.3 was Qp;6Hq,+Sclf€rof l!|94 first reading, an ordinance rezoning7.7L0 acres from Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32 to Low Denisty Multi-Family, Section 18.16 located between Tract C, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch and Parcel B. (Note: This was formerly Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1993.) Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Staff recommended this ordinance be tabled indefinitely rather than denied, due to the fact a tremendous amount of work had been done by the Housing Authority. Mayor Ostcrfoss rcitcrated that rcquest and suggested the item could be revisited in the future, possibly by another Council. Paul Johnston recalled previous discussion regarding rezoning the site for daycare at some future time. Jim Shearer commended the Housing Authority, expressing his appreciation for the extensive and thorough studies tlrat had been done and the sites the Authority has come up with. He felt the Council needed to move forward with one of the sites. Merv Lapin made a motion to deny Ordinance No. 4 series of. 1994, with a second from Tom Steinberg, Further discussion included comment from Paul Johnston er<pressing his opposition to denying the ordinance and Kristan Pritz stressed the substantial amount of work that had gone into the project by the Housing Authority, asking again that Council consider tabling the item. Discussion continued and Jirn Morter expressed the employee housing issue should move forward, thereby supporting the TOV's commitment to employee housing in the Valley. Mr. Morter felt there would be problems with any proposed site. Mayor Osterfoss agreed, suggesting Council was responsible for delaying this issue. Jan Strauch expressed his opposition to the proposed site being used for possible housing. Merv Lapin called the question. A vote was taken and passed, 43, thereby defeating Ordinance No. 4 Series of 1994, with Peggy Osterfoss, Paul Johnston and Jim Shearer opposed. [ f;ilFY \ { i] \ N^.; \c, \;\\i' \i \ Vall Town Cdndl Evenlng M€otlngMlnut6 ()2/O1y'94 rII F T NL;, f,i 4 fn lr,,: ItemNo.6wasmlresolutionapprovingandadoptingthe1994Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation Master Plan. Larry Grafel summarized the five-phase plan to expand and renovate the public works and transportation facility. $1.2 million was budgeted for the project in 1994, with additional monies rolled forward from previously unexpended budget years, Federal funding was also mentioned as a possible source for supplementary financing. Merv Lapin moved to approve Resolution No. 5, Series of 1994, with a second by Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No. Z the Town Manager's Report had been discussed earlier during work session. Proclamation No. 1, Series of. 1994, which did not appear on the agenda, was read in full by Mayor Osterfoss, declaring February 4 - ll, 1994, Commuter Rail Week in Vail, Colorado. A motion was made by Paul Jol'rnston, with a second by Tom Steinberg, and passed unanimously, 7-0. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made and passed unanimously, 7-0. The meeting was hdjoumed at 8:26 P.M. Respectfully submitte4 ATTEST: V.il To*! C.uDc{l Ev.nk|8 Metlng Mlrul6 oAlOlPa et A. Osterfoss, Mayor JTfNUTES REGULAR MEETING /Or,r5 Wt IrP" Bdc titd'-r{j 1AIL TOWN COUNCIL L APRIL I8, I978 page two motion;, aIl present voted in favor and the motion passed. Larry Rider then stated that he would be happy to enter into further negotiations with John Amato if the Council so desired.. The Council directed Mr. Rider to do so. Mayor Slifer then introduced 0rdinance No. .l2, Series of 1978, amending Title 18 of theVail Municipal Code with regard to hazard zones, on first reading. He asked Diana Toughill, Town of VAil Zoning Administrator to exp'l ain the purpose of the ordinance. Ms.Toughiil, using maps and overhead projected drawings, explained the hazard zones which had been identified and the elements of the ordinance which pertain to those areas. There was a general discussion regarding the changes and revisions which would be made. Council suggested that perhaps first read'ing should be delayed unti'l after the changes had been made. Councilmember Donovan moved to continue first reading of Ordinance #.|2, SEries of.|978 untjl the May 2nd meeting of the Council; Councilmember Heimbach seconded the motion;all present voted in favor and the motion passed. Mayor Slifer introduced 0rdjnance No. .|3, series of 1978, amending Title lB of the Vajl Municipal Code w'ith regard to zoning in CCI. Councilmember Donovan moved to postpone the first reading of 0rdinance No. l3 until the May 2nd meeting; Councilmember Steinberg seconded the motion; all present voted in favor the motion passed. Reso'l ution #6, Series of .|978 was introduced by Mayor Slifer. He then asked Larry Rider to explain the Resolution. Mr. Rider covered the history of the walkway adjacent to the Norgren House and the existing pedestrian easement, There was a brief discussion and Councilmember h|ilto moved to approve the Redolution, Councilmember Ste'inberg seconded themotion, all present voted in favor ahd the motion passed. Resolution #7, Series of 1978, was introduced by Mayor Slifer. He explained that at the previous Council Meeting a presentation had been made by those opposed to the CF&I Quarry and that the group had requested a Resolution from the Town of Vail supporting that oppos'ition. There was no discussion. Councilmember Steinberg moved to adopt the Resolution, Councilmember Wilto seconded the motion, all present voted in favor and the motion passed. Resolution #8, Series of 1978 was introduced by Mayor Slifer. He explained that this Resolution authorized the Town Manager to accept the dedication of the Lionshead malls. Dan Corcoran, Town of Vail Staff member, explained the area being dedicated to the Town by Vail Associates. There was no discussion. Councilmember He'imbach moved to adopt the Resolution; Councilmember Palmateer seconded the motioni all present voted'i n favor and the motion passed. Resolution No. 9, Series of 1978, temporarily amending the Development Plan of SDD6 (Vail Village Inn) was introduced by Mayor Sljfer. Mr. Bill Ruoff, representing Josef Stauffer, the developer, explained that this amendment to the original development plan would allowfor dressing for Building #5 (which houses several corunercial operations'i ncluding the Dairy Depot) There was a brief discussion regarding the modifications to be made in thebuilding. Councjlmember Steinberg moved to approve the Resolution; Councilnnmber l'li'l to seconded the motion; a1l present voted in favor and the motion passed. The Mayor then introduced Diana Toughill who,exp'lained the request from ABC School for a conditional use permit to allow a private school in an Agricu'l trual Zone. She sfated that the Planning Conrnission had voted unanimously to approve the school to be placed on the site of the Mountain Bell Microwave building. Sandy Mills, a member of the planning conrnission pointed out that the school should be aware that th'i s may be the future site of employee hous'ing. Larry Rider stated that the annual revjew clause in the lease a'l lowsfor this and that the School was aware of the possibility. Councjlmember Donovan moved to grant the conditional use permjt; Councilmember Steinberg seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion passed. Next matter for consjderation of the Council was the request from Thomas lleber for re- subdivjsion and variance from minjmum lot size requ'irements for Lot 4, Vai'l Meadows, Filing No. l. Mayor Slifer excused himself from the proceed'ings due to a conflict ofinterest. Mayor Pro Tem John Donovan introduced Diana Toughjlll who explained the proposed project and the reason for the request. She pointed out that the Staff had recormended disapproval and that the plann'ing commiss'ion had voted 4 to'l , with one abstaining, in favor of denial . The prospective buyer, Roger Hyatt, presented his reasons for the request. There was a general discussion regarding whether or not there might be other alternatives for solving the problem. Councilmember Wilto moved to continue the request pending an investigation of other alternatives to so'lve the problem; Councilmember Steinberg seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion passed. tr. , MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 2,'1993 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: FIL [ ff$Py A.regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, November 2, 1993, in the Council chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.M. The first item on the agenda was citizen participation of which there was none. ftgm No.2 was approval oI the minutes of the October 5, 1W3, and October lg,7gg3, Evening Meetings. Merv Lapin moved to approve the rninutes of the October 5,1ggg, and October 79, Iggi, Evening Meeting Minutes, with a second from Jim Gibson. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No.3 was Ordinance No.21, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance rezoning 7.7'10 ases from Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32 to Low Density Multi-Family, Section i8.16located between Tract C, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch and Parcel B. Tlie applicant was Town of Vail/Vail Housing Authority. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Kristan Piitz requested this item be tabled because Jen Wright, Housing Authority Chairman, was not present due to illness. Merv Lapin moved to table Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1993, first reading, until Decembe r 7,'1993, with a second from Tom steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion pasied unanimously, 7-0. Item No.4 was Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1993, second reading, an annual appropriation ordinance: ldggting a budget and financial plan and making appropriations to pay the costs, expenses, and liabilities of the Town of Vail, Colorado, for its fiscal year January 7,-1d94, through December 31, 1994, and providing for the levy assessment and collection of Town ad valorem property taxes due for the 1993 tax year and payable in the 1994 fisca,l year. Mayor Osterfoss read the titie in-full. There was brief discussion regarding previous years' budget formats which had included line item definitions and the outconte based budgeting process. Steve Thompson advised cost accounting procedures would begin January 1,'1,995. Merv Lapin moved to appiove Ordinance No. 25, Seriei of 1993, on second reading, with a second from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No. 5 was Ordinance No. 28, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance providing for the establishment of Special Development District No. 31, Golden Peak House; adopting a Deve-lopment Plan for Special Development Dishict No. 31 in accordance with Chapter 18.40;f th; Vail Vtunicipa Code; rezoning a portion of Tract E from Agricultural and Open Spice Zanng to Commercial C6re l_Zonng, and setting forth details in regard thereto. The applicants were Golden Peak House Condominium Association/Vail Associates, Inc./GpH partreij, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Mike Mollica noted the applicants had eliminated 455 square feel offloor area overall since first reading, and he reviewed iurther modifications. He indicated the changes requested for Ordinance No. 28, Series of 1993, on first reading, had been made for second reading. Those changes induded detailing what each of the four co-applicants were responsible for. Discussion followed, particularly with regard to Section 8, item 3 of the ordinance related to Council,s desire for more definite language regarding the open space dedication for the Mill Creek stream tract and/or the Pirate Ship Park area of Tract E. Bob Buckley felt VA would have problems with a Permanent reshiction on Pirate Ship Park because of new technologies and ski area operations. Gerry Arnold, representing VA, explained VA's concept of conveying the area under-discussiot as i "dedication parcel" to TOV, rather than permanently reshicted open space area, and that dedication would occur prior to the issuance of a building permit by TOV. She reviewed a letter to Council frorn VA dated Novembdr 2, 1993, regarding the proposed open space parcel dedication. In that letter, VA stated they understood the concern of Council regarding the reconfiguration of the "dedication parcel" and had done a prelimirury study for a walking path from Hansbn Ranch Road Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Rob LeVine Bob Buckley Larry Grafel, Acting Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Aftorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk Vril Torn Council Evenint Ms€ring Minutd ll/208 * l! ,l l-" f" ./..!ir:j 1 $.t Cem{ery Task Force to come up with financial altematives with respect to building the cernetery. Tom Steinberg encouraged them to proceed, and if it was necessary to go back to at ittre. vote, then the facls of the issue could be better presented to the votrers. Jim Sheani agreed. Merv Lapin askedif it would be worthwhile to wait untlt there was another uotu bufo." *y"f,trther work was done.Kristan said they would no! want to get into the position of promoting the project. She feltdixYssion should-be pursued with the Olstrict and th6 Task Forceis to wha-t they'ndjht want to doand bring that information back to Council. Merv inquired what the attitude oi the"private sectortoward taking the cernetery over might be. Since it had been agreed that the Master pLn was valid,it seerned that explo_nng all financi?l opportunities to get it buii was the next step. Mayor Osterfosi stated there seemed to be a high level of consmsus, with the exception of lan Strauctr, that staff should move ahead and come back in the short run with some suggestions as to how to proceed, She also felt Diana Donovan's suggested concerning retaining oonoiin Park as part of the "u-*"rynaune was ap,propriate. Itern No.4 was Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1993, first readhg, an ordirunce repealing and reenacting Section 18'24.065 and 18.26.045, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, se"tting forth ne# p_rocedures for exterior alteratiors or modifications of buildings in the Commercial-Core I and Commercial Core II Zone-Districts; and providing details in regird thereto. Mayor Osterfoss read tl_re title inhrll. Shelly Mello stated this ordinance proposed a sE ies of clarilications for the exterior alteration Section of Commercial Core I and Commtciat Core tr. She indicated there were a number of changes proposed which made the Code more oglanatory. She highlighted some of the proposedchllges whidr included changing the application dates ior the bi-ariruat submittal, "i *"tt "sinduding exterior dining decks and roof line modiJications in the exterior alteration process. The remaining changes served to further detail the application materials and the review crileria. Kristan Pritz stated the staff would also like to establiSti the requirement of payment of one fee only fordining decks._ lvlayor Osterfoss suggested information-about the one fee be spelled out in the ordinance, and Tom Moorhead recommended including ttnt in the ordinance. Merv Lapin moved t9 aPProve Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1993, on first reading, with the addition of language to specify lhJ ony one fee would be charged for exterior dining decks. Tom Steinberg seconied-the *otioti. Before a vote waE taken, Merv _Lapin asked if saff had discussed these chlanges with any of the architects or people who would be affected by them. Kristan llritz said tfrere fraa been'general discussions concerning this, but no specific meetings had been held. Merv suggested somiof the local architecb be contacted for their input on these changes before second readin"gi leistan indicated this would be done. A vote was takm and the motion passed unanimously, zi. Item No. 5 was Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance rezoning 7.210 acres from Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32 to Low Densif Multi-Family, Section iA.tO located between Tract C, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch and Parcel B. The applicant was Town of Vail/Vail Housing Authority. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Andy Knudtsm noted, at this time, theHg}tTg At$gtity was tryrng to work out the dgtails ef this pioposal and requested this item be tabled nntil.February 1,1994. Merv Lapin moved to table Or-dinance No. 21,-series of 1993, first ryading, until February 7, 7994, with a second from Jim Shearer. Before a vote was taken, Tom Steinberg asked if Council consensus could be reached as to whether this itern should be withdrawn altogether, but Andy indicated he was not sure the Housing Authority wanted to withdraw this item and he did not feel ttut decision could be made without ihem at this time. A vote was takm and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Itern No 6. was Ordinance No. 33, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance rq>ealing and reenacting Section 18.U.770 and Section 1S.58.040(C) - fences, hedges, walls and screeiiog, of tne Uunicipai Code of the Town of Vail; and providing details in regard thereto. Mayor Osterioss read the title infull. Shelly Mello indicated the proposed change addressed height definition and would not modily the.building height allowance, but would serveto darify this section of the Code. the change to ttre wall hgrghtsection of the Code was proposed in order to correct the height limit for walls in ihe front setback. The memo to the PEC dated May 24, 1993, and minutes wtricfr aetalt the discussions l"ggdlg$" proposed change to the Code were available for review. This proposal was approved by the PEC by a vote of 60. Tom Steinberg moved tro approve Ordinance Nb. 93, Series ofi-993, on f.i1st g3ding, with a second from Merv Lapin. After discussion clarifyrng the intent of Section 78.U170 of the ordinance by the addition of 'Vertical" to clarify the definition of height, a vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7{. Itern No. 7 was Ordinance No. 35, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance making Supplernental {PProflations from the Town of Vail General Fund, Capital ltojects Fund, The Realtstati Transfer Tax Fund, Police Confiscation Fund, Heayy Equipmmt fund, West Vail Debt Service Fund, and Vail Marketing Fund of the 1993 Budget and the Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and authorizing the expenditures of said appropriatioru as set forth herein; and setting forth deta;ls in regard thereto. i/(ayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Merv Lapin moved to approvi Ordinance No. 35, Series of.7993, on first reading, with a second from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimousln 7-0. V.,il Torn Council EvcniDS MGetinS Mind.r lzl'!3 o Nlcholas Lampiris, Ph.D. cor{$[rNo oEoLoolsr 0793 VAIIEY ROAD CARBONDALE,-COLORADO 81623 (3031903{16@ Ba HOUFS) Nav 28, LSq6 FloI lv Ruther"f ord, fJirector ABC Schoo] 129 N. Frontage Roerd Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Rocl,.:{al I Evaluation Dear l'1s " Fiuther'f ordl Ihavevisitedthesiteofyourschoolancjnoterlthgji3rea.foi- planr"led expansion on the north side of the e){ i:;titrq e:t-rutrtuFe. -fhe proposed addi ti orr i 5 showtr Llncler separate Crlvi:l". I h.rve al so noted the posi ti on o+ the schoul. wi th f- e:-"ti f:c t to the geologic rocl.:{al I hazard mapping Ehst I produrct=:d f or- the Tor.rn o{ Vai } in 1t?84. The school i s showrt iri thi n trie categor-y of "tttotlErrate rock'f al l halard I " b{ll: on cel:ai [ 'ed i nspect i on I bel i eve that the I i ne, shoul d be arnendFd tr' 5llclw tlrai your gchool and i ts proposed addi ti un ;rre not r'r i thi n a rock{al I ha:ard zonci. I subrnitted an ovet-lay tc' th€":' LEi{rninq Trc"e school in 19BCr which showed c1 flElw west bounciar-y nf thc' mappeeJ hasard rone +urther to the eagt and thei-ef ore trot including yclur school . I do, however, find tlrat fl'iert=' is s debris f low hal.rrd to the school . This can, and should, be mitigaterl as we di:icugsed in thc' {ieId last week by extending and perhaps addlng to ths erx:i sti n0 lowr I inear rocky hillside, northwer:t of the scirool , which was {ormed by a previDus debris f lor+ cJec:ades ;rgo" Ths rni.bigation can be extended to a point parl r^t.ey to t-he steep frilliide beyond the school to provide Protect-ion t-c thc' ex.ist-ing br-tilding and the proPosed acJdiLionr or it csn be extended al I the way to tlre steep hi I l si cle, thereby protecting the playEround areas northe'aEt r:r{ the school as wel I . The con{ i gurati on of the berm i n ei thei- csse glroul d be estgbl ished in the {ield in concelrt with your archi tect' t bt'tt can he expLscted to have a f irrishecl n€rt veriical r'el i.ef on i tg we:it side oF sboLlt I to ltl f eet. I ^:,..-'l€-\\ In the iornrer traser debris would be {or'ced to {low around the scl..ool and the proposed addition to both sides; in Lher l.rtt*rr case. al1 Ehe debris would be forced to {i.ow between ther subject propert,y and the Flt. BeII in$t-allation ta thg: wr:'gt - They are probably aware o+ the potenti aI il"r:ard ber: ar-t:;e they ha.rris l:'-ri l. t a concrete ditCh artd dti:f 1s,lrti,::,!l 15!'5lern l:D r:r'otect thej.r- 6rrooetrty, but I am not convincsd th.at t'rhe! the'\" ha\"e *r:r:gLr-r,ir:te,J wilL provi'1e eldequattil 1:: r'r::it l*'* L:i. (:rrt iil til*r1 t?v(:flt (]f a l ar.g* clebr- j.s flow emanati ng {rom the gr-tI ll.r, tc J:fie north. l-tr Er trrro choices f or. rnitigating debris f l ti hn:::1v-d ,it yclur- g;ite that I heve described will nof. increasrij the har;r'd ie: other proFerty or gtructures, or to pr.rbl ic l-:r-ti ldinqsr i"iqht=- o{-wayr'roads, 5treet5r. €rasements, uLti:iit j. in:t or {ari1ii:ielt ol"' other proFerties o{ any t:ind. I{ there e.rr:' i t'ti-r-hs}r' questionsl plea5e do not he:ii tatn tn cnni-ar.-i: me' W*fu, Cnn*Ltl t !. rrri 6eoloqist nceirel o7/13/SE toN 13:{3 },'AX 970 0454 TERRACON US West Wretess LLC 4301 E. Colfax Slreet, Suite 314 Denver, Colorado g0220 Attn: Mr. Jason Liftle Re: Geologlc Hazard Investigation (Revision tl US West Cellutar Site, MfN_f Og Vail, Golorado Terracon project No, 259g514g 484 o @ ooz Ilbrracon 301 N. Horres . pO. Box SO3 Foft Collins. cohrado 80521.o5(t (970)4E{-0359 Fax (970} 4aa.{Ns4 Dear Mr. Litile. As requested, Tenacon has compreted a georogic hazard irwestigation for the abovereferenced site' lt ls our understanding that the exisflng US west builiing and tower are tohave a small addition placed on the north side of the existing facilig. The addition is to bea 15 ft' by 16 ft' equipment shelter that wilt be located at the northeast comer of lheexisting facility. on June 11, lggg an engineering georogist from Tenacon performed a sitereconnaissance and reviewed the city of Vairs debris frow and roc,k fa[ hazard maps. Thesite is rocated in the southeast quarter of sec-tion 6, Township 5 south, Range go west onthe north skie of rntersrate 70. The site sropes moderately to steepry to-ne south. Acreek flows out of a narow canyon that issues frorn the mountains just north of the site.The creek bends around the west side of the us west tacirity. A chird care facirity islocated east of the proposed facility. The existing us west facility is a multi-story concrretestructurc with an existing tower. A concrete r,rter diversion swate was noted around thenorth, east, and west sites of the existing building. The site is rocated on euaternary (Bu[ r.-ake) age ailuvial fan deposits. The deposits arepoorly sorted mixrures of sirt, sand, graver, cobbres, and bourders. The graver to bourderdasls are subangular to subrounded and do not appear to exhibit a dominant directjon oforientation. The bedrock underrying the euatemary deposirs is the pennsyrvanian MinfumFormation. The Mintum is comprised of red to pink interbeddea units of sandstone,congromerats, shares with some carbonate deposits. The Mintum sbikes towards thenorth end dips approximately 15o to the west. outcrops of the Mintum Formation wereobserved approximately 300 to 400 feet north of the us west facility near the mouth of thecanyon from which the stream issr.res. The city of Vail debris frow and rock fal hazard maps show the us west site beingsituated between rock fal hazard zones and east of the debris flow hazard zone. The rockfall hazard zones are mapped as being on rhe west ;" ;i;;;;1,""* direcrtyadja€nt to the east side of the site. Based on the hazard maps and our sitercconnaissance' it is our opinion the proposed addition is not located within either of the ftrzon'r&brBastcdof|do-tfthhorrnobtrdarr<ar|!.'rtrdrrlsoErlirEsqrrrtibrtrana l'lora3&a ' eEda r Nfills:doo I torrr o"rrr" i'ixr"di;,;*-"" t r€rr8 r t trh I tusconstn I u4DmrD olrlty Etreln a.lng E||c. te65 07/L3/9& ION l3:14 I.'AX S?0 4E4 o 0454 'TERRACON Reviewed: Boos il"ffi;! fi[?=r.,|::f= which are adjacenilo the sfte. rhe debris floil hazad rnap opiniontha{the"*,;;il"':;,L":il'*TirffJ'#fl trffi tr;AH j,#:T are located courd be induded in a debris fl;;"=l zone. Horever, because the streamis incised into irs channer and trre exisfi;ia;il has diversion il;;;"; phoe, webelieve he risk of debris florrrs afectins,t. t""ln, ," minimar. Arso, the propo'ed addnionwill be an unoccupied storag€ shed, fiom "**ri" and engineering perspectives, it doesnot appear that conective.engirrering o.. titig;* procedures are warranrect for the :^111"1 ^rt is arso our opinion thd thJconstruion or u," 15 by 16 foot addiuon wi, notIncrease the georogic hazards to other structures or properties. No evidence of othergeologic hazards such as randsfides, *oir o"p, o, other forms of mass wasung !r,ef€obeerved during the site re@nnaissanae. The anaryses and recomrnendations in this report are based upon visual observationsperformed at the location, The scoie nf eanriaa- {rr r'^r^il.i*;,-' ;"ffi':"#-':: Yf^Il-:':* ror this project does nor incrude anv Drooedures urrrir*r ma.,.:il"j:__ilr."S:1. to particular conskudion methods orffftTtr l;:T.'.T:ffi ll ::S,f *-.;t;;il;Jffi , T',lT:Jlev,r" ''|e seq."cnnrcaf aspects of the project, it is suggested that a fu'fgeotechnic€l soils investigation be perlonnea We appreciate the opportunlty to with you on this projecl. lf you have any questions of furthEr service to you, please Oo noin""it"t"io cuneming this report, or if we may contact us. Sincerely, TERRACON Engineering Geologist Copies to: Addressee (2) #'ilffi*R.' t\ r =i \AIPG DEBRIS FLO1Y AND ROCKFALL HAZARD ANATYS$ t " foioui.iTA:ii.i BELL" SITE I VAIL, COLORADO Prepared For Mr. Duanc Piper Prepared By Arthur [. Mears, P.E., [nc. Gunnison, Colorado November, 1992 1 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The follorving summarizcs the findings of this study and provides rccontmendations. Additional dctail is given in Scctions 2'4 of.lhe report' ROCKFALL Rockfall is not a potcntial hazar<l to thc proposed developmcnt as shorvn on a concePtual site plan prcparcd on3-L9-92 by Alpinc Intemational. This conclusion is bascd on the following obsewationr;: a. Flockfall source arcas do not cxist above the eastcrn Portion of the proposed developmcnt (thc "East Parcel"); b. Although rockfatl may occur abovc the "West Parcel" it rvill consist of moder:ltc-sizcd, rare rockfall o'cnts that rvill not reach thc proposed building. DEBRIS FI-OWS Debris florvs rvill not affect the East Parccl but c arc based on thc followins obsen'ations: West Parccl. This conclusions a. l'hc East Parccl is not in line rvith debris florvc b. The West Parcel is located on an alluvial fan produced by debris-florv dcpusition as evidcnced by 1) granite boulders 1 - 5 feet long on the surface, 2) degrsitional lobcs 5 fcct high, and 3) a large source areal c. fhe florvs may bc dcep as thcy are channelized tluough thc canyon eroded into , the bcdrrlck directly above the site. RECOIvfMIINDATIONS The follorving recommendation altcmatives are bascd on the conclusions outlincd above and on my cxpcricncc rvith thc debris-florv proccss in Vait and at other locations: a. r$oid construction on thc West Parcel; or b. Design structures on the West Parcel for impact and depositional forces from debris flows; or c. Procced with the dcvelopment plans as shorvn on the 3-L9-92 conceptual study, build no mitigation, and acccpt the risk of flows with return periods of " approximately 300 - 1000 ycars tha! would damage structures.-l I I ! Thc rcturn period of dcbris flou's can only be estimated, based on the observational evidcnce discusscd abovc. An order-of-magnitudc (nearest factor of 10) retum period estimate for debris flows at this location is 300-1000 ycars (annual probability range of O'LVo to 0.3Vo). 3 DESTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF DEBRiS FLOWS Debris flou's affecting thc West Parcel rvill probably bc relatively slow-moving decp florvs, similar to the debris florv that occurred in Booth Creek jn May, L98.1, but probably of smaller volumc. On the fan near the proposed building site, the debris florv conditions that should be considered in design rvill be: Velocity: 1-5 feet/sccond; Density: 125 lbs/ft3; Florv thickncss: 4 - 8 feet; Bouldersize: 1 -5feetdiameter. Because of small velocities, depositional loads, rather than impact loads rvill probably govem design of structurcs. The depositional prcssurcs may exceed 500 - 1000 lbs/ft2 on exposed wall and roof surfaces, s'hich is many times the loading capacity of ordinary structures. This means building u'alls probably rvould be crushed if a nrajor florv rcached the site. In addition to depositional loads, debris florvs rvilI divert strcam rvatcr (the tributary drainage will probably be jn flood at the time), to unpredictablc directions on thc fan. The divertcd flood rvater c_og_ld erode foundations and landscaping and flood buiidin-gf Even if thc building is completely protected by structural reinforcement, (Section 4), considcrable damagc to thc surrounding tcrrain and landscaping rvould occur during a major debris-florv episode. 4 MITIGATION If the risk from debris florvs rvith a retum characteristics listed in Scction 3 is unacceptablc and'the site rviil bc developed, structural mitigation should be uscd to protect buildings. Buildings must be specially designed to resist design loads. Design loads should be derived from the loading characteristics discussed in Section 3 of this report. Inads rvill depend on the follorving architectural details: - Building shapc; - Building orientation; - Landscaping details and grades ncar the building. Tbe required design loads rvill depend on exactly horv a debris-florv dcposit is distributed against building surfaces. I:ndscaping and building structurc should bc designed, thercforc, so that large, thick deposits do not accumulate on building walls or roofs. Window and door openings must be avoided on thc uphill sides of buildings. Final design-loading details cannot be provided until architectural details are knorvn. 12 ' -.1rlr'-/ period of 300-1000 years rvith the dynamics u I -: I o t o C $ $lJ t\i :t k \T _\ _' r[ I t'J_ --l ln r:i,'i if Dalton Williams, Allison Lassoe, Jeff Bowen, Kathy Langenwalter, Greg Amsden, Diana Donovan and Bill Anderson all were opposed to additional GRFA for this project. Greg Amsden inquired whether lhe current employee housing units had kitchen facilities. Tom Braun stated that the employee housing units had kitchen facilities as well as common laundry and storage facilities. Jim Lamont stated that he was in favor of this project going through lhe variance process for redevelopment but that he was opposed to the Cornice Building increasing its GRFA. 6. A request for a rezoning from Agriculture Open Space to Low Density Multi-Family for an unplatted parcel located between Tract C, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch and Parcel B for the purpose of allowing an employee housing development. Applicant: Vail Housing Authority Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of this request for a rezoning from Agriculture Open Space to Low Density Multi-Family with the five recommendations outlined on Page 7 plus a sixth recommendation regarding the future uses of the site. Diana Donovan inquired why they had taken access through the schools instead of the four-way stop. Kirk Aker, the architect for the project, stated that if access was taken via the four-way stop, that the grades would be excessive. He then showed the PEC the modifications they had made to the project since the PEC worksession on September 27 ' 1993. Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned that a large amount of existing vegetation would be removed from the site as a result of the accel and decel lanes and that the Housing Authority did not have the money to replace each tree and bush. Dalton Williams inquired why such a large accel/decel lane was needed for this project. Kirk Aker responded that the Colorado Department of Transportation had a chart which they went by. Andy Knudtsen stated that he had spoken to Greg Hall concerning the accel/decel lane and that the daycare centers have already triggered the requirement for the accel/decel lanes. Planning and Envlronmental commisslon october 11, 1993 15 Dalton Williams inquired why the Housing Authority was proposing for sale units and not a mixture of for rent and for sale units. He stated that the Housing Task Force found hat a mixture of for sale and for rent units seemed to work best. Duane Piper stated that the Housing Authority was considering options which lean towards the for-sale versus for-rent units. Dalton Williams stated that he was prepared to vote for approval of the requested zoning change with conditions. He stated that he wanted to see the employee housing permanently deed restricted so that the owners occupy the units and so that the resale costs cannot rise too quickly. Duane Piper pointed out that the land was still owned by the Town of Vail and that Town Council still had some say as to the way the land was ultimately used. Moe Mulraney, representing the Learning Tree School, stated that she was representing the school and the parents. She stated that they had been working with the Housing Authority to figure out a way to relocate part of the playground that this proposed housing development will impact. She stated that there were concerns about how the employee housing development would impact the school. She said that many of the parents had safety concerns. She presented the PEC with a lefter documenting their concerns. She did indicate that the Housing Authority had been responsive. However, she wanted to make sure their concerns were addressed in the future. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, stated that he was concerned that this proposal was precedent setting in that Agriculture Open Space was being rezoned to a more urban use. He stated that he lelt that there are sites that could sustain more density than the Mountain Bell site. Duane Piper stated that the Housing Authority has been aware from the beginning that the Learning Tree would lose part of their playground as a result of the employee housing development and thal the Housing Authority fully intended to replace what was lost on one side of the site on the other side of the site. Allison Lassoe stated that she was in favor of the rezoning request. Jeff Bowen stated that he was in favor of the rezoning request with the stipulation that it is lor employee housing purposes only and that any proposed development on this site would need to come before the PEC concerning design. He said that he would like to see demographic studies that show exactly what people need and that this should determine whether the units will be for-sale or for-rent. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Jeff's comments. He said that he would like to see the density lor the site decreased and some enclosed parking. He said that he would like to see the Learning Tree get what playground area that is lost relocated elsewhere. Plannlng and Envlronmsntal Commlssion october 1 1, 1993 16 Diana Donovan stated that she is in favor of the rezoning request as long as it is for employee housing only. She stated that she would like to see parking concentrated in a small area. She stated that she is concerned that Town Council might negotiate land to a private entity and that the Town could lose control and quality of the employee housing. Bill Anderson stated that he agreed that the employee housing development was an appropriate use for the land. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she is in lavor of the rezoning request as long as it is permanently restricted for employee housing purposes only. Diana Donovan made a motion to approve this rezoning request per the staff memo and the recommendations contained on Page 7 with the additional recommendation to be worded by Tom Moorhead regarding the restrictions to be replaced on the rezoning. Jeff Bowen seconded this motion and clarified the sixth recommendation. He stated that the rezoning should allow employee housing as the only use and should require the Town to retain ownership and control of the site and development. A 7-0 vote approved this request. 7. A request lor approval of the Cemetery Master Plan and Report, for the Town of Vail Cemetery to be constructed in the upper bench of Donovan Park. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO OCTOBER 25,1993 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until October 25, 1993. Greg Amsden seconded this motion and a 7-0 vote approved this reguest to table this item until October25, 1993. 8. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: VailValley MedicalCenterPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO OCTOBER 25, 1993 9. A request lor setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filingi325 Forest Road. Applicant: Timothy DriskoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request indefinitely. Greg Amsden seconded this motion and a 7-0 vote approved this request to table this item indefinitely. Plannlng and Environmontal Commlsslon Octobsr .|1, 199] 17 Tlonrrla -.{amn c)rrl z @q N{$ a € I No(, !r{ O) It N Yot co!4{-t ,?= q -'{ >..-\I _s-( \A L I F* fs igiug -b"Hi Nl, <ooi? F OI Fo X ri P OOU)r* " 39f;; [*r33 gFF { r+' D oO i fl ort O O FrrOdE < !r I = I i i,(o ^f, OJ $+o? \O \,A> o 3 O). r,J I ;/,I s/ z --l-r' -Tt ,. -.f: a\z rrl [8 H H F E-ffi' n lti -= ff' = " ll-llo tl =l||u il llt, @_oA923z lctAUls lsluoj 's'n I lF0s1 lb\ss DRB APPIJICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI-IATIONIS SUBMTTTED****r I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appllcation neetJ.ng wlth a planning staff nember isstrongly suggested to deterrnine if any additionaLinforuration is needed. No appLication wil1 be acceptedunless lt is complete (must include all items recruired bvthe zoning administrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additionat subrnittal requirements. please notethat a COMPLETE ripplication will streamline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the nurnber ofconditl.ons of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALLconditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpennit is issued. Application will not be processedwithout Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:.,"L-,-- t'"1 .t -: /ti.: ;.'"- . | 'l ,' l' B.I-CATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ,. "" LeSql Description Lot Subdivision P<>n-,, g!qsy(- {'-:r ':,; nl ".'-,r ..li :. 1' ' , Phon C. NA.I,TE OF APPLTCANT: Mailing Address: Z,'-t14 D.NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: M,.'' T: Mairing Address , lf ,1t :z +:l , V.+u .,, -) Phone E.NAI,IE OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (8) : Mailing Address: Phone Condonlnium Approval lf applicable.F. G. $ o- I 10,001 -$ 50,001 - $150, 00t - $500, 00L -$ over $ LO, ooo$ 50, 0oo$ 150, ooo$ 5oo, ooo $1, ooo, 0oo $1., ooo, ooo DRB FEE: The fbe wiII be paid at the tine a buildingperrnit is paid for. VALUATION FEE I r-o. o0 s 25.00 $ 50. oo $r-00. 00 $200.00 s3 oo. o0 zoningfu', a-'.F:,.1 {/'i))l:t' "- '1*:";.F::.1 .{/'i ))l:t , (ovER) NAI,IE OF PROJECT: ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESChIPTION OF P L.IST OF MATERIALS . - /: ) l,.j/ !,. t /,/ ,A / ,r-'. / ::'J /-- :"/lJ? F')t)r'/.\x The follorving information is required for submitta.l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR V-Lt,t tt: ?). : f:"./ (:/''t./-t :.U' ..1r1 -,j.''tt''ti', ;),\,i' i:=-. L. Roof Siding 0ther Hal I I'lateri al s Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim r+^'i )t/.:.1:.]. 2 B. S:=-7ttt1\./ ) Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings. Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED . I i::y'. i v iF :)y' tl / /.:-! !:.ri 1, '-! 5t";rtt z- --a)l L?t ." ! .-- Quani ty I t c-.' )-t./t+ -f .?e= /5 LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name €ommon Name Ce,lfpg!l,,,ta'Uz ftaF A4./zr'14 fr1-l:,:t.^E?,rj Si ze* f l;:t' - Z'14'i ? lt - Zr2:4 /L7r'-, 11 ---L a- 4 /I,- tr --7 tt 6ltct-tN,6 &iLeUlTEgt ,1'7 -t / /.: fu,;7=7.r1' Grep/r'1(71J4,>4 ,, l: Indicate height for conifers.*lndicate calioer for deciducious trees. I . PLANT }IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical llame.Corunon Name Pt-Ptr'u'"C-ctP&\*rr-ffi.n. Quani ty Gar+ c-- 5 6;rtc - fT)cx,'^ tIV+ t/\.1 tuc+lod/.\t'tV Pturl lta[7]-^?trr,..' a*;,a ,.- l ."-) 4 5 4n;, E5 t:: rt t... , >t-;, ::: t )L.-, EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS TYPe Square Footaqe /2t C':r'' 't lD,t',oc.'*NAl*l t/E #{"12 't il).; " 5LLI' i l'.i .. .,,. , . ulil I TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining llalls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) Please specify. -t:Jf1F;/t/2rn'Hh /,'//