HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE DESIGN REVIEW LEGALTOI4'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location o-f the Proposal: Lot:_Block: Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing {ddress:16 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 2tolo a@7-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: B Signs E Conceptual Review n New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfami lylcommercial) tr Minor Alteration (singlefamily/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:_ By: MEMO May 6,2002 TO: Town of Vail, Planning & Environmental Commission From: John Schofield Re: Middle Creek Village Design Review Board Submittal May l, 2002 I attended the May 7,2002, DRB presentation for the Middle Creek project and in my absence I would like to pass on the following comments: . The conceptual project as presented has come a long way toward the direction that both boards gave last month. o The decrease in site disturbance, the increase in open space, the preservation of the trees along Middle Creek, and the learning center parking area are all great improvements . Try to provide for a north -south opening in the buildings to provide solar penetration into the center plaza. o Explore the possibility of adding an additional level of parking under the southem buildings. I believe it would be possible to enter this additional parking level and connect to the upper levels ofparking with direct access from the frontage road. This configuration could possibly allow the access road to be shortened and used only as fire and maintenance accessr I see the possibility for more units behind the western building and by stepping down the eastem end of the main building. . Pay attention to breaking up the mass ofthe long east/west roof lines o Consider supplying storage for each unit inthe garage area Keep going, I think the project is headed in the right direction. %z Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 IrlX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 5, 2002 Mike Coughlin 140 E. 19th Ave. Suite 700 Denver, CO 80203-1035 Otis Odell 32065 Castle Court Suite 150 Evergreen, CO 80439 RE: Submittals for Middle Creek Dear Mike and Otis, The Community Development Department has reviewed the submittals for the final review ol the major subdivision and the conceptual review of the development plan for Middle Creek. At this time, the submittal for the major subdivision is not complete. No application was submitted and no adjacent owners' envelopes were submitted. While I understand the necessity of moving foruvard with the major subdivision, planning staff has found a section of the code (13-3-9) which would allow us to schedule the major subdivision lor a Planning and Environmental Commission hearing, and subject to agreement with the Planning and Environmental Commission and applicant, the requesl can be tabled to anolher date. This way, the preliminary platting will not expire and we can hold otf on the final platting until the development plan is finalized. However, a complete submittal must be received by the Department of Community Development before I will schedule it for a meeting. In addition, I have received the plan for a conceptual review of the Middle Creek development plan. However, I do not believe that the plan has been developed enough to warrant another meeting with the Planning and Environmental Commission. I will, however, schedule it for a conceptual review with the Design Review Board, if you would like. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. Sincerelv. ^,lfr;ru Allison Ochs. AICP Town ol Vail {,7 ***o'^'"' .fi -./ r: i3\" - rlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.us August 16,2002 Jim Yates Fax: 479-0108 RE: Upcoming hearings for Middle Creek Dear Jim: I wanted to thank the residents of Spraddle Creek for their participation at the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting on August 12,2002. For your information, there will be additional hearings on the following scheduled dates: o Design Review Board on August 21 ,2002 at 3:00 in the Town Council Chambers.r Planning and Environmental Commission on August 26, 2002, at 2:00 in the Town Council Ghambers. These are the only two meetings cunently scheduled for Middle Creek. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. Planner ll Town of Vail {S*or"*rn o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 27,2002 Mike Coughlin 140 E. 1gth Ave. Suite 700 Denver, CO 80203-1035 Fax: 303-863-7100 RE: Middle Greek schedule Dear Mike. Below is an outline of Planning and Environmental Commission meetings and the required deadlines for any submittal: Final Review on September gth - full submittal by noon on Friday, August 30th Final Review on September 23d - full submittal by noon on Friday, September 6th The above submittal deadlines are based on the assumption that everything is complete and that there will be no outstanding issues. lf there are any issues with code compliance, the request will be tabled. I am including a Design Review Board application, which includes a checklist for all submittal requirements. Any overlap with the Planning and Environmental Commission submittals does not need to be re- submitted. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970- 479-2369. Sinperely, a71/ t Atlllll/r) | n/flvtl'l*Vixt- Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail {,7 *u"'"'""o'"r Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vsil.co.us September 17,2002 Mike Coughlin 140 E. 1gth Ave. Suite 700 Denver, CO 80203-1035 Dear Mike. As you are aware, a conceptual review for Middle Creek is scheduled for consideration by the Town of Vail Design Review Board for Wednesday, September 18,2002. The public hearing is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers, located at 75 S. Frontage Rd. As you are also aware, on August 23,2002, and September 9,2002, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission specifically requested that additional design information be presented to the Commission. This information is especially important given that on August 21, 20Q2, the Design Review Board requested that your application be reviewed by an independent consulting urban designer in an attempt to address concerns of building bulk and mass. As you know, it is the responsibility of the Planning and Environmental Commission to review projects pursuant to Section 12-61-13 of the Vail Town Code, which states, "building design with respect to architecture, character, sca/e, massing, and orientation is compatible with the site, adjacent propedies, and the sunounding neighborhood.' Given that the Design Review Board has expressed concerns about bulk and mass, the Planning and Environmental Commission has requested that they be provided with the Design Review Board's comments of the revised plans prior to their final decision. Therefore, according to Section 12-61-12A-14, the Community Development Department, acting as the Administrator, has deemed it necessary that the conceptual comments and feedback of the Design Review Board in response to the revisions of building bulk and mass be provided to the Planning and Environmental Commisston prior to taking any formal action on your application. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. .n Singerely, n/ //t,t. I il/Mff"trc Ailison Ochs. AICP Planner ll Town of Vail CC: Matt Mire, Town Attorney John Schofield, Chairman, Planning and Environmental Commission Clark Brittain, Chairman, Design Review Board {S r"n"r"o r^r", c( HI (Jz z* (J €zJ x C) €Et J 3 6l F E. si '5 o- Ec\It 9 E P 3- *69 € I E(J + == E E .8ct 5 .E dgo .9ut €( HI (\laGI =C\ R oz 2t xI { 7- d aEt f6 c6E =g .sl o P 3- -e!!a .IE E(J o!t == 6EEaoac Ean 6aI EC) d -! EE -ErnE Uz z s Uq 7 ..,]T =(J o = (g e{ o(! a (o(\I /$$ J J$.' drlj^n I ,Hl<,ri,{ d .Eg c d co Eo- E o)o c'6 fo-(l) (lJ o o E q) = atco o(Da o) at,(! UJ'rtG o(n EEoz. (! f o.(D<)coO c( HI dz 7 (J €z-l F ,Y o!tEtC) j 6 (\lo TEf6I e -go- E(D e _9 9t CDc6 3--9lla!9cl I E() ott!t = E fI I $! $ €f g = 4120 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8"W x 8"H x 4"E bulbs: 1 MED-60W 4'121 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8"W x 8"H x 4"E bulbs: lMED-60W 4122 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8"W x 8"H x 4"E bulbs: 1 MED-60W 4123 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8.5"W x 4.5"H x 4"E bulbs: l MED-60W 4124 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 4.5"W x 8.5"H x 4"E bulbs: 1 MED-60W 4'125 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8.5"W x 4.5"H x 4"E bulbs: l MED-60W 41005 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 5.25"W x 8.5"H x 4"E bulbs: 1 MED-60W 41015 finish: BK, Rl VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 10"W x 10"H x 5"E bulbs: lMED-100W 41505 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 8"W x 8"H x 4"E bulbs: 1 MED- 60W 41515 finish: BK, RT, VG, WH glass: RIBBED dim: 10"W x 10"H x 5"E bulbs: lMED-100W 4124 I i:l I.ili. - I ll'- . CDz FI CI I trr *\ b'C qa sr f\} ODELL ARCHITECTS Name of Project: Location: Applicable Gode: Gode Gheck by: Building'A' Middle Creel< Affordable Housing Vail, Colorado I997 UBC Tony Nutsch O.A. Proiect Number: Date: 0 120 7 -t2-02 SECTION 1. Occupancy Classification: Principal Occupancy: Others: Chapter 3 R-i A-3 Table 3-A 2. Occupancy Separation Required Occupancy to Occupancy -+ Hours Table 3-B to to R-1 A-3 --+ One ( 1) - hour Table 3-B 3. Construction Type: 4. Maximum Allowable Basic Floor Area: lf adjacent to open area on two sides: lf adjacent to open area on three sides: lf adjacent to open area on all sides: lf over one story: lf Sprinkled: Total Allowable Area: Type V l -hour 10,500sq. ft.Table 5-B Section 505.1.1 Section 505.I .2 Section 505.1 .3 10.500 sq. ft.Section 504.2 Section 505.3 21,000 sq. ft. Building Area: Area of living units (R-1 occupancy, Area of community center (A-3 occupancy): Total Building Area: 5. Maximum Allowable Height: Feet: Stories:Three (3) Four w/ sprinklers I I,545 gross sq. ft. 737 gross sq. ft. 12,600 gross sq. ft. Fifty (s0) ft. Chapter 5 Table 5-B ODELL A Rc H ITEcTS, P. C. Archilecture Plann rng Interiors Section 506 Building Height: Feet: Stories: Approximately Forty-five (45) feet Four (4) Note: sprinkled throughout 7. Fire Resistance of Exterior Wall$ -(see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) ForType A-3 and R-1 Occupancies Bearing:One (l) Hour Tables 5-A, 6-4 Non-Bearing:One (l) Hour Tables 5-A, 6-A 8. Openings in Exterior Walls {see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) Group: R-1 occupancy, iype V- Nor permined less than five (5) feer Table 5-A t hour construction Unprotected openings permitted A-3 occupancy, type V-1 hour Not permitted less than five (5) feet Table 5-Aconstruction Protected less than ten (10) feet Unprotected openings permitted 9. Windows required in Rooms: Window Area required: l0sq. ft. minimunl 10%of floor Sections 3.10.4, area in dwelling units 1203.2 Five-point-seven (5.7) sq. ft. in sleeping areas 10. Pedestrian Walkways - size As specified in chapter 10 Section 310.4 required: 11. Minimum ceiling height in roonrs: Seven feet six inches (7'-6")Section 310.6.1 12. Minimum floor area in rooms: Seventy.(7O) sq. ft (not lessthan 7' Section3l0.6.2 m any olmenston, 13. Fire Resistive Requirements: Exterior Bearing Walls: Interior Bearing Walls: Exterior Non-bearing Walls: Structural Frame: Permanent Partitions: Vertical Openings: Floors: Roofs: Exterior Doors: Roof Coverings: Boiler Room Enclosure: Electrical Rooms: Telecommunications Rooms: One ( 1) One (l) One ( 1) One ( 1) One ( 1) One ( 1) One (1) One (l) Unprotected Type B roof ODELL ARCHITECTS, P.C. Architecture Planning In teliors H :, Projects\o | 20\Code Re!ie$ \VCkcode_Revie\v_bldg-A_07- I 2-02.doc Hours Hour Tables 5-A, 6-.{ Hour Table 6-,{ Hour Tables 5-A, 6-A Hour Table 6-A Hour Table 6-,{ Hour Table 6-,q Hour Table 6-A Hour Table 6-A Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours ,/ 14. Stainray Construction: Interior: Exterior: Community Room(Type A-3 Occupancy) Any permissible material 2x wood or non- combustible materials 15. Exits Occupancy Load Basis (square feet per occupant) The following floor areas were used to calculate number of occupants: Section 606.4.2 Section 606.4,3 Table l0-A Occupant Load = 49 [735 sq. ft. i ls] One exit required Table 10-A First Floor Living Units (Type R-1 Occupant Load = 14 Occupancy)[7 units - 2,776 sq. ft./ 2001 Two exits reouired Second Floor Living Units (Type R- Occupant load = 18 1 Occupancy)[8 units - 3,5 l3 sq. ft./ 200] Two exits required Third Floor Living Units (Type R-1 Occupant Load = 14 Occupancy)[7 unirs - 2,776 sq, fr../ 200] Two exits required ODELL ARcH ITEcTS, P. C. Architecture Planning Interiors H \Projects\o I 20\Code Review\MCkcode_Review,bldg-A _07- I 2-O2.doc Table l0-A Table 10-A Table l0-A -3- O D E L L A R C H I T EC T S PC Name of Proiect: Location: Middle Creel< Affordable Housins O.A. Project Number: Date: 0120 Vail, Colorado Applicable Code: 1997 LtsC Gode Check by:Tony Nutsch Building'B' 7-tz-02 SECTION 1. Occupancy Classification: Principal Occupancy: R-l Chapter 3 R-1 Table 3-A 2. Occupancy Separation Required Occupancy to Occupancy -+ Hours Table 3-B N/A 3. Construction Type: 4. Maximum Allowable Basic Floor Area: lf adjacent to open area on two sides: lf adjacent to open area on three sides: lf adjacent to open area on all sides: lf over one story: lf Sorinkled: Total Allowable Area: Building Area: Area of living units Area of circulation Area of mechanical Total Building Area: Type V 1-hour 10,500sq. ft.Table 5-B Section 505.1.1 Section 505.1.2 Section 505. 1 .3 10,500 sq. ft.Section 504.2 Section 505.3 21,000 sq. ft. 8,328 sq. ft. 974 sq. ft. 394 sq. ft. 9,696 gross sq. ft. 5. Maximum Allowable Height: Feet: Stories: Fifty (50) ft. Section 506 Table 5-B Three (3) ODELL ARcH rrEcrs. P.C. A rc h itec tu re Plann ing lnleriors Table 5-B Building Height: Feet: Slories: Approximately Thrty-five (35) feet Three (3) 7. Fire Resistance of Exterior Walls -(see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) Bearing: One ( 1) Hour Tables 5-A. 6-.{ Non-Bearing:One (1) Hour Tables 5-A, 6-A 8. Openings in Exterior Walls -(see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) Group: R-1 Occupancy, Type V-1 hour construction 9. Windows required in Rooms: Window Area reouired: Not permitted less than five(S) feet Table 5-A Unprotected openings permissible l0 sq. ft. minimunq 10% of floor Sections 310.4, area rn dwelling units Five-point-seven (5.7) sq. ft. in sleeping areas 10. Pedestrian Walkways - size required: As specified in chapter l0 310.5, 1203.2 Section 3 10.4 11. Minimum ceiling height in roonrs: Seven feel six inches(7'-6")Section 310.6.1 12. Minimum floor area in rooms: Seventy (70) sq. ft. (not less than 7' Section 310.6.2 in anv dimension) 13. Fire Resistive Requirements: Exterior Bearing Walls: Interior Bearing Walls: Structural Frame: Permanent Partitions Vertical Openings: Floors: Roofs: Exterior Doors: Roof Coverings: Boiler Room Enclosure: Electrical Rooms: Telecommunications Rooms: 1 4. Stairuvay Construction: Interior: Exterior: One (l) One (l) Exterior Non-bearing Walls: One (l) Hours Hour Tables 5-A. 6-,{ Hour Table 6-A Hour Tables 5-A. 6-A Hour Table 6-A Hour Table 6-,4 Hour Table 6-.4 Hour Table 6-,{ Hour Table 6-,{ One (l) One (l) One (l) One (l) One (l) Type B roof Unprotected Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Section 606.4.2 2x wood or non-combustible materials Section 606.4.3 ODELL ARcHITEcTS, P.C. Architecture Planning Interiors H:\Projects\O 120\Code Revie\r\lr,f Ckcode-Re\.iew bldg-B _07-t 2-01.d n - 2 - Any permrssible material 15. Exits Occupancy Load Basis (square feet per occupant) The following floor areas were used to calculate number of occupants: First Floor Living Units (Type R-l Occupant load = 12 Table l0-A Occupancy)2,380 sq. ft. / 2001 Two exits required Second Floor Living Units (Type R- Occupant load: 14 Table l0-A 1 Occupancy)2,777 sq. ft. /2001 Two exits required Third Floor Living Units (Type R-1 Occupant load = 16 Table l0-A Occupancy)3,171 sq. ft. i 2001 Two exits required Number of Exits Required: One for each unit on frst level, Two (2) on upper levels ODELL ARcH rrEcrs, P. C. Architecture Plann ing Interiors H:\Projects\O 120\Code Review\MCkCode-Review-bldg-B _07- 12-O2.doc - 3 - Table l0-A r- ODELL ARCHITECTS PC Name of Proiect: Location: Applicable Gode: Gode Gheck by:Tony Nusch Middle Housing Creel< Affordable O.A. Project Number: Date: 0120 Vail, CO 1997 UBC 7-12-02 Building'G'SECTION 1. Occupancy Classification: Principal Occupancy: Others: Chapter 3 R-1 s-3 Table 3-A 2. Occupancy Separation Required Occupancy to N/A Occupancy -+ Hours Table 3-B s-3to to R-1 -+3 Table 3-B 3. Construction Type: 4. Maximum Allowable Basic Floor Area: Garage (S-3 occupancy) Living Units (R-l occupancy) lf adjacent to open area on two sides: lf adjacent to open area on three sides: lf adjacent to open area on all sides: lf over one story: lf Sprinkled: Total Allowable Living Unit Area: Building Area: Total area of parking garage (S-3 occupancies) Area of living units north of area separation wall (R-1 occupancy) Area of living units south of area separation wall (R-1 occupancy) 42,766 gross sq. ft. ODELL ARCH rrECTS, P.C. Architecture Planning Inleriors Type III 1-hour (R-l ) Type I (S-3) Unlimited 13,500 sq. ft. Section 505.1.1 27,000 sq. ft.Section 505.1.2 Section 505.1.3 13,500 sq. ft.Section 504.2 N/A Section 505.3 54,000 sq. ft. 65,500 gross sq. ft 47,827 gross sq. ft. 5. Maximum Allowable Height: Feet: Stories: Building Height: Feet: Stories: Section 506 Sixty-Five (65) ft. Four (4) Approximately 65' Five (5) -one-story increase for fullv-sorinkled 7. Fire Resistance of Exterior Walls -(see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) Garage: Bearing:Two (2) hour non-combustible Table 5-A, but not 6- A Non-Bearing:One (l ) hour non-combustible Table 5-A, but not 6-A Living Units: Bearing:Two (2) hour non-combustibie Table 5-A Non-Bearing:One ( 1) hour non-combustible Table 5-A 8. Openings in Exterior Walls -(see Occupancy Type and Construction Type) Garage: Unprotected Table 5-A Living Units: Protected openings less than Twenry Table 5-A (20) feet 9. Windows required in Rooms: Window Area reouired:l0 so. ft. minimurn 10% of floor Sections 3.10.4. area in dwelling units Five-point-seven (5.7) sq. ft. m sleeping areas 1203.2 10. Pedestrian Walkways - size required: Garage: Living Units: 11. Minimum ceiling height in roonrs: Garage: Living Units: 12. Minimum floor area in rooms: As specified ir Chapter 10 As specified in Chapter l0 Section 31 1.4 Section 310.4 Seven (7) feet minimum to anv Section 3l L2.1.3 obstruction Seven feet six inches (7'-6")Section 310.6.I Living Units: Seventy (70) sq. ft. (not less than 7' Section 310.6.2 in any dimension) ODELL ARcHrrEcrs, P. C. Architecture Plann ing lnteriors H:\ProJects\0 | 20\Code Review\MCkCode_Review_bldg-C,07- | 2-02. doc 13.Fire Resistive Requirements-Garage: Exterior Bearing Walls: Interior Bearing Walls: Exterior Non-bearing Walls: Structural Frame: Permanent Partitions: Vertical Openings: Floors: Roofs: Exterior Doors: Fire Resistive Requirements-Living Units: Exterior Bearing Walls: Interior Bearing Walls: Exterior Non-bearing Walls: Structural Frame: Permanent Partitions: Vertical Openings: Floors: Roofs: Exterior Doors: Roof Coverings: Boiler Room Enclosure: Electrical Rooms: Telecommunications Rooms: Stairway Construction: Interior: Exterior: N/A I Type A roof Reinforced concrete. iron or steel Reinforced concrete, iron or steel ODELL ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Architectute Planning Interiors Review_bldg-C 07-12-02.doc Hours Hours Table 6-A Hours Table 6-4 Hours Table 6-A Hours Table 6-A Hour Table 6-A Hours Table 6-4 Hours Table 6-A' Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Table 5-A Table 6-,4 Table 5-A Table 6-A Table 6-A' Hours Table 6-4' Hours Table 6-A Hours As per Fire Marshall's request 14. Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours 15. Section 602.4 Section 602.4 H \P roj€ cts\01 2o\Code ReviewrMCkCode ODELL ARCHITECTS Name of Project: Middle Creel< Housing Location: Applicable Gode: Gode Gheck by: Vail, Colorado Krassin Gueorguiev / Tony Nutsch Affordable O.A. Proiect Numben Date: 0120 1997 UBC Early Learning Genter SECTION 1. Occupancy Classification: Principal Occupancy: 2. Occupancy Separation Required Occupancy to None required Occupancy -+ Hours 3. Construction Type: 4. Maximum Allowable Basic Floor Area: lf adjacent to open area on two sides: lf adjacent to open area on three sides: lf adjacent to open area on all sides: lf over one story: lf Sprinkled: Total Allowable Basic Floor Area: Total Building Area: First Floor Area Second Floor Area Type V-N 9,100 sq. ft. 9,100 sq. ft. 4,668 gross sq. ft. 3991 gross sq. ft. 677 gross sq. ft. 5. Occupant Load Occupancy Load Basis (square feet per occupant) The following floor areas were used to calculate number of occupants: I "' floor 3991 / 35 occ. per sf:l 15 2"d floor 677 / 35 occ. per sf= 20 ODELL A RcH tTEcTs, P.C. Arch ltecture Planning Inte rrors Chapter 3 E-3 Table 3-A Table 3-B Table 5-B Section 505.1.1 Section 505. I .2 Section 505. I .3 Section 504.2 Section 505.3 Table l0-A Lantern $eriese E sr6ffi a n DWefi'fr o o 180'*-Pccs-sE-sF80 181--PCCS-SE-SF80 182r"-PCCS-SE-SF80 L80r*'-PCCS-SE-SF80 luminaire on a BS Pole 130/t81 l6 Standard Colors Available The lfiIx luminaire consists of I one- piece cast-aluminum cage wih four 14) double-arm ribs and four {41 medallions mechanically assembled on a casl- aluminum decoradve pole-top adaptor An injected satin clear polycarbonate globe is assembled inside the cage, on the pole-top adaptor. An aluminum hood complete wifi deco- rative finialand band is afiached to the cage's integrated hinge and secured bv a stainless steelscrew. EPDM gaskets are used atthe globe's base and atthe hood's edge to ensure weatherproofing. The ltld luminaire is identicaltotle U0 but comeswifitwo {2} double-arm ribs and medallions. PGCS Satin Clear Polycarbonate To achieve a high letnl ot caston/E/r satislactiot . Iamec duigns and namfacfrnes Uoda* according to tl/€ nlf/st stingent sbndads. Wattage RR/RACE/SE Olher 70 MH, medium 100 Mfl. medium 150 MH mosL,l 175 MH mosul 250 MH. mosul 35 HPS. mosul 70 HPS, mogul 100 HPS, mogr:l 150 HPS. mogul 250 HPS. mos'rl . Ranule tialla:si ti) ntu)t)liiM or &th' basc The 1.80ru and [81" lantern series accomm0dates H.l.D 0r incaf descent lamps up to 250W l"e LL o' CSA-'ecognireo CWA ty0e bal lastfeatufes a 30'F(34 C)lamp slartrng capac ty, a power factor 0f 90% or better and a regulation ol amp power with n rl09/o 0f rated rnputvottage. HPS ba lasts 0perat€ wrthrn ANSI trapezoidal inrits. The ballast is integrated in the !mnarres ba se, 0r is rem0te in the mounting or p0le Dase. RB optics Bound borosilrcate retractor The specia ly-lormulated textured (TX) Lumital powder coat is available In a ranqe 0f l6 standard c0l0rs. This !nique coatrng ol thermoselting polyester resrns prov des a high y durab € UV resistant exterior finish as per ASTIVI G7. Lum tal coat ngs are special y f0rmu ated t0r outstanding salt-spray resrstaf ce accord ng to AST[,4 B] 17 standards. A I surfaces are chemica ly treated usrng a lor.r step {alu rrl-nl or six slep lsleell p 0( ess p||Or to 0a ntrng ConsLh Lurec for comp ete specifications SC SpecialColor Prov de a 4 {102 mmlsquare c0l0r chip It is possible to order snaller mrn nal q!ant ties of powder parnt at a premirm Your representative will be able to tel yo! f a powder c0atlng can be developed tor yo!r prolect lumiseal, a b ofnendly react ve organ c conversion coating, is applaed on all alum num parts that are sublect t0 sd I sp ay co||osron. Conslrtt Lu rec for complete spec fic atio n s. Please note that where quant ties do not warrant it, Lumec reserves the rghtto use an oven cured liquid polyurethane f nish. /-m ltr/ l] RR5: Symmetrical{V) RR3: Asymmetrical(lll) I'//A RR3MD: Asymmetrical llll) with medium detlectof SE optics Segmented cut-otf ref lector syst€m set in laceted arc rmage duplrcat ng patleros SE5: jll.gl'rul,V) SE3: Asymmetrical(lll) RACE optics Round acry ic (100W max ) or borosi|cate (150, 175 and 250W) ref ractor with segmented up rgnl recovery 00r1le RACE5: Symm€trica lvl BACE3: Asvnrrelflca i ll|) RACE3D: Asymmetr cal (llll!^/ith dellect0r other opt cal systefirs avai able LN:Nickel plated louvers tB:Bronze-plated ouvers Lamp without optica systern ( a rnps nol rnchdcd I N/A I.MP: t vt! (445 mml 11 ti2" f -l+qs. i I I= E I =.= 9P+=; l lc I lS0 90(12 Eegistered The qaality managementq em ol Lwrec is lS0 !tUP-94 rcgistercd with aMl. 040 Cure-Boivin Boisbriand, 0uebec Canada, J7G 2A7 Tel : 1450) 4i]0-7040 Fax : {4501 430-1 453 www.rumec.c0m Genlyte Thomas Group LLC Printed in Canade. tl 4l18" (105 rnm I nter or diarneter olthe aclaptor 4 r,i 8" 005 mml inter or diameter of the adaptor [f) on SFH) pole Luminous Cenler top adaptor with lrom the adaptor's SE opt cs base: EPA: 1.32 sq ft. SE:24"(610mm) weight:45 bs RACE:21" (533 mm) (21.4 kq) RR: 18'(457 nml [81 on SF80 pole top adaptor with RACE optrcs EPA: 1.32 sq.lt. Weiglrt 46 bs l2l I kq) Luminous CenteI trom the adaptor's 0ase: SE:24'(610 mml RACE: 21" (533 mm) flB; 18" (457 mml itx. L&) ar Ut i riaris a.a u eril CSA.pptoved FS Fusing (Consull lacloryl sF72 u|/ SF73 a sF80 E sF0 w SFS -.v CDnsLll Lunet :ot lrtfthtlr detals and the conplcte iist ol availabic opttons. sF70T7 1A .J 3B L M For rnlontiJ!t6v rcq616r,g avalable nawujgs and pales tefer ta tlrc Pale Gut(le 0rdering Sample 1 3A i.:' 5 J224 .J. oqa Lur]recrese",estferigh:losLbslrlLtennt0rasrrcharEulherirnLlacir,rnEprccesscflsp'odJclswlh0Llrrr0rn0llcal0r Rrq s1,.rc( Lrrec rfc + + Preliminarv Color SelectionJ +Crcck Aff ordablc Dcvclopmcnt Plan Vril. COoDELL AlCflrTECTt. Iol l{o. llJj Middle Housing ODELL ARCHITECTS PC Date: To: Re: From: January 31,2003 JeffWinston Middle Creek Affordable Housing Lee Mason Changes to Middle Creek desigr from our meeting l/6/03 Jeff- we are sending you a package ofupdated drawings. This is the set we are also sending to the 3-D computer illustration company today for our DRB submittal next month. I wanted to review with you the changes made to the project design, which have incorporated conments and discussions at our meeting on January 6. All in all, I think it is an improvement to the overall feel of the projec! and we appreciate your input. There were a number of specific items addressed in this meeting, and I will simply list the changes and you can follow along with the drawings you will be receiving. We will be meeting with you and Allison in Vail on Wednesday to review this in person. . Arcades at building C and B have been revised to be more "colonnade" like with heavy stucco columns and header with a stone base. o We have limited the cementitious panel "wood" to the north side of Building C and less visible areas on the plaza at Building C. o Stucco joints have been visually eliminated by using a construction detail we have developed with Shaw Construction.r The attic vent dormer forms have a pediment form rather than the shed. This is a forrn seen on a number of Vail buildings.. The eaves have been extended to 16 inches at the gable ends and 12 inches on the shed eaves. We have also thickened the profile of the fascia board.o All the windows on the souti faqade and east fagade of Building C will have a recessed profile, creating a strong shadow line.. . We have added sills at the windows.o 70 assorted windows in the 3 buildings have shutters in a random pattem. o We have added some Romeo and Juliet balconies in random locations. r Large horizontal walls at the south ofBuilding C have been broken down by stepping the footprint in and out. o The towers have similar openings and proportions. We have extended the horizontal eave of the towers substantially. o Roof brackets have been added at the gable ends ofpedimented roofs. Ifyou have any questions prior to our meeting, please give me a call. jeffwinston memo I -31 ! e *+\ \ *t -$+{+ Fg$ s .u.*s=E+5E \ +E*€EsrgE B E.€+{siF€_**EF€ $ gss{s* I s$€$Eg3+$ffi .R Ekl .tlitv oa( lt o-r. * € *i -.....E -II; \J E-,<.t: rl S=F B-+Ee \. *EB =*$sE F$*F-tr_9tsF o, -e-?a9-E-= rlt -S lt ^83 E \= ] $-'' rg i:e r + FS.$-\=s -. rr hr=.:rZgS-'<, \-- F S+EY:E E=5E + ..i* S>-s g i.>N .E o -E --' -S $--E s l.-++c S;"E T.L-F E=+ -s;*S=SEs-Es'E.= E'ss -F. s N,-, LJs 5E:i SEE; E-SE E+EL Ee€= +*+ €rsFe'E+ <€€T€F E{ =i,Ej * i-+ s€E igSE=E=F! .t ss s $3i) = =<j €E+ - @ s>fi I =$,s !tr : E sI* { *d f: s s\ 5c,r<f E L) -.>\r s-t$ET\- -'F BSEz+_:3 =, € '=$+F =E5Rr \-€E --=i' €E s.€t'i --.€ €+$\ It_ :t _JS dF e € BF :s =F EE.-=,t =$r s {a € qls ! ,l t,'t ODELL ARCHITECTS Date: To: Re: From: January 31,2003 JeffWinston Middle Creek Affordable Housing Lee Mason Changes to Middle Creek design from our meeting I /6/03 Jeff- we are sending you a package ofupdated drawings. This is the set we are also sending to the 3-D cornputer illustration company today for our DRB submittal next month. I wanted to review with you the changes made to the project design, which have incorporated comments and discussions at our meeting on January 6. All in all, I think it is an inprovement to the overall feel of the project, and we appreciate your input. There were a number of specific items addressed in this meeting, and I will simply list the changes and you can follow along with the drawings you will be receiving. We will be meeting with you and Allison in Vail on Wednesday to review this in person. o Arcades at building C and B have been revised to be more "colonnade" like with heavy stucco colurnns and header with a stone base. r We have limited the cementitious panel "wood" to the north side of Building C and less visible areas on the plaza at Building C. r Stucco joints have been visually eliminated by using a construction detail we have developed with Shaw Construchon. r The attic vent dormer forms have a pediment form rather than the shed. This is a form seen on a number of Vail buildings. o The eaves have been extended to 16 inches at the gable ends and 12 inches on the shed eaves. We have also thickened the profile ofthe fascia board. e All the windows on the south fagade and east fagade ofBuilding C will have a recessed profile, creating a strong shadow line.. o We have added sills at the w.indows. r 70 assorted windows in the 3 buildings have shutters in a random pattern. o We have added some Romeo and Juliet balconies in random locations. r Large horizontal walls at the south of Building C have been broken down by stepping the fooprint in and out. r The towers have similar openings and proportions. We have extended the horizontal eave of the towers substantially. r Roofbrackets have been added at the gable ends ofpedimented roofs. Ifyou have any questions prior to our meeting, please give me a call. Lee jeffwinston memo I -31.doc t t" ODELL ARCHITECTS Date; To: Re: From: January 31, 2003 Jeff Winston Middle Creek Affordable Housing Lee Mason Changes to Middle Creek design from our meeting l/6/03 Jeff- we are sending you a package of updated drawings. This is the set we are also sending to the 3-D computer illustration company today for our DRB submittal next month. I wanted to review with you the changes made to the project design, which have incorporated comments and discussions at our meeting on January 6. All in all, I think it is an irryrovement to the overall feel of the project, and we appreciate your input. There were a number of specific items addressed in this meeting, and I will sirrply list the changes and you can follow along with the drawings you will be receiving. We will be meeting with you and Allison in Vail on Wednesday to review this in person. o Arcades at building C and B have been revised to be more "colonnade" like with heavy stucco colurrns and header with a stone base. o We have limited the cementitious panel "wood" to the north side of Building C and less visible areas on the plaza at Building C. r Stucco joints have been visually eliminated by using a construction detail we have developed with Shaw Construction. o The attic vent dormer forms have a pediment form rather than the shed. This is a form seen on a number of Vail buildings. r The eaves have been extended to 16 inches at the gable ends and 12 inches on the shed eaves. We have also thickened the profile of the fascia board. o All the windows on the south fagade and east fagade of Building C will have a recessed profile, creating a strong shadow line.. r We have added sills at the windows. o 70 assorted windows in the 3 buildings have shutters in a random pattem. . We have added some Romeo and Juliet balconies in random locations. r Large horizontal walls at the south ofBuilding C have been broken down by stepping the footprint in and out. o The towers have similar openings and proportions. We have extended the horizontal eave of the towers substantially. o Roofbrackets have been added at the gable ends of pedimented roofs. If you have any questions prior to our meeting, please give me a call. Lee jeff winston memo I -3l.doc ,I, ODELL ARCHITECTS Date: To: Re: From: January 31, 2003 Jeff Winston Middle Creek Affordable Housing Lee Mason Changes to Middle Creek design from our meeting 116/03 Jeff- we are sending you a package ofupdated drawings. This is the set we are also sending to the 3-D computer illustration company today for our DRB submittal next month. I wanted to reviev/ with you the changes made to the project design, which have incorporated comments and discussions at orr meeting on January 6. All in all, I think it is an irprovement to the overall feel of the project, and we appreciate your input. There were a number ofspecific items addressed in this meeting, and I will simply list the changes and you can follow along with the drawings you will be receiving. We will be meeting with you and Allison in Vail on Wednesday to review this in person. o Arcades at building C and B have been revised to be more "colonnade" like with heavy stucco columns and header with a stone base. o We have limited the cementitious panel "wood" to the north side of Building C and less visible areas on the plaza at Building C. r Stucco joints have been visually eliminated by using a construction detail we have developed with Shaw Constructton. o The attic vent dormer forms have a pediment form rather than the shed. This is a form seen on a number of Vail buildings. r The eaves have been extended to 16 inches at the gable ends and 12 inches on the shed eaves. We have also thickened the profile ofthe fascia board. e All the windows on the south fagade and east fagade of Building C will have a recessed profile, creating a strong shadow line.. o We have added sills at the windows. . 70 assorted windows in the 3 buildings have shutters in a random pattem. o We have added some Romeo and Juliet balconies in random locations. o Large horizontal walls at the south of Building C have been broken down by stepping the fooprint in and out. o The towers have similar openings and proportions. We have extended the horizontal eave of the towers substantially. r Roofbrackets have been added at the gable ends of pedimented roofs. If you have any questions prior to our meeting, please give me a call. Lee je ff winston memo l-J I .doc TOI,INffi Pnoject Address: Applicant:fuhav -Tnppntu Phone Number: +]6 'gC|'/ Submittal X. Stamped survey of property r( Civil/Site plans Survey Requirements: j. Survelo/s wet stamp and signature a Date ofsurvey A North anow * Poper scale (1"=10' or 1 "t20') F LeSal description tF Basis of bearings / Benchmark Ir Spot Elevations tt Labeled right of way and prcperty lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. F Lot Sizeg. Buildable Area (excludas red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain) Site Plan Requirements: l. Access (check all) e Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. /\ Unheated o Heated (portion in RO\A/ in a separate zone) ,c.' Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of driveway aree il unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated) F, All driveway grades, dimensions, mdii are cleady noted on the site plan and con$ to Development- Standards, p. 11 . Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average gnde):-fr- g Parking spaces and tuming radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 Construction Site (check all) Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. Umits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plam, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. F I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of 12107117102 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us 'This checkllst must be submitted pfior to Public Works review of a proposed development. omers/FrojectN"r", CoUat+ut,.l t LOr,,rp*p/ K Landscape plan 5 Title Report (Section B) g' Erwironmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) x Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled eeements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc..) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. f( F FrX il. x )6p ilt. F e xF )F .tv.x V= 0 rlx e Drainage (check all that apply) The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)e 4 Foot Concrete l*rn ! 8 Foot Concrete Pan Pcitive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer)ga Eosion Contml (Check all that apply) \ Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. t. A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stramped. Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion mntrol devices are shown on the site plan. Floodplain (check all that apply) The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. 100 year Flmdplain is shoffii'Ihe site plan. A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain Geological/Environmential Hazards (check all that apply) The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) AHaard Report has been provided The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. Grading (check all that apply) Exbting and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. All disturbed areas have been retumed to a 2:1 grade. All disturbed areas not retumed to 2:1 grade-ha!! been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. Vlll. Parking (check all) ! All residential and commercial parking spaces mnform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19. All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stramped detail has been provided within the plans. All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. No retaining walls are required for this project. X. 6 Sight Distrance (check all that apply) [, I Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. e i Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- t Addttional Comments Please piovide any additional comments that pertain to Public Wo*s Review. e vt. F )&' 0 vil. )c* *, tx. 7F A 0 Page 12 of 121O7 l17lO2 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 03-24-2003 Propaty Address: US WEST PARCEL Our Order Number: VC272436 PEAK LAND SURVEYING 1000 1IONS RIDGE L00P VAIL, CO 8165? AtM: BRENTBIGGS Phone: 970-{76{6{ Fa* 97G{7S8616 Seot Vla Fax KAMLET SHEPHERD REICHERT & MAES l4m l6TH ST #250 DENVER. C0 80202 AtU: MIKE SCTIROEDER Phmc: 30i!825-4200 Fu: 303-825-1185 Copl€s: I Seni Vla Fax tom DUYERY LdTitleGrafeGrrpaty rc.R@.fiACIS f,l e: 03-24-2003 Our Order Number: VC272436 Property Address: US WEST PARCEL Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A COLOMDO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL I TOWN OF VAIL, A MTJMCIPAL CORPOMTION, AS TO PARCEL 2 Ifyou havc any inquiries or requirc further assistancc, please contact onc ofthe numbers bclow: For closing Assistance: For Title Assistancc: Vail Tltle Dept. Roger Avila 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 816s7 Phone: 970-47&2251 Far 970-476-4534 EMail: ravila@ltgc,com Need.a m?p or dircc-tions fol yorg up_compg closing? Check out Land Title's web site at ww.w.ftgc.comlbr .lirec{ions to any of our 40 office lQpqtiotrs. ENMATECF'ITITEE Informadon Blnder 9775.00 TCTA $77s.00 Fo:.D C€!ImCT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI LAI\D]]TIEGiaF${IE@vIPANIY IN,|f,CE Owner: TI{E MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPAIIY, A COLOMDO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL I hoperty Address: US WEST PARCEL Your Reference No.: When referrlng to this order, please reference our Order No, VC272436 CHARGES - Inforuradm Blnder $r7s.00 -Total-$175.00 Please make c-hec.ks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Dmver, CO 80217 Chicago Tide Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. YC272436 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: US WEST PARCEL 1. Efrective Datc: Aprtl 26,200L at 5:00 P,M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Propoced Insured: Infonnation Binder Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. Th€ cstate or intcrest il the land described or refqred to in this Commitme,nt and covered hqein is: A Fee Slmple 4. Title to the estatc or intercst cov€r€d herein is at thc effectivc date hereof ve$ed in: TIIE MOTJNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGMPH COMPAI{Y, A COLOMDO CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL T TOWN OF VAIL, A MTJMCIPAL COR}OMTION, AS TO PARCEL 2 5. The land refcrred to in this Commitmcnt is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Our Order No. VC272436 l.GLTHRF'NCN PARCEL I A TRACT OF LAND rN TrrE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER, SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER, SECTTON 6, TOWNSTM 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TTI P.M., EAGLE COUNTY, COLOMDO, MORE PARTICI,JLARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING I17O.2O FEET NORTH 36 DEGREES OT MNUTES 25 SECONDS WEST FROM THE SOUTTTEAST CORNER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTT{, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TI{ P.M.; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 180.11 FEET; TTTENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 34 MINUTES WEST 143.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60 DEGREES 09 MINUTES WEST 107.00 FEET; TI{ENCE SOUTTI 26 DEGREES 17 MII{UTES WEST 32.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGRX,ES 30 MINUTES WEST 120.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTII 36 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 65.24 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 411.93 FEET TO TTTE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ACCESS TO AND EGRESS FROM THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED TRACT BY PEDESTRIAN, VEHICULAR, AND MOTOR TRAFFIC, FOR AERIAL AND BURIED TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC POWER LINES AND FOR BI,JRIED WATER, SEWER, GAS, AI{D OTTIER UTILITIES TO SAID TRACT OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. TO WIT: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER, SOUT}IEAST ONE.QUARTER, SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRMED AS FOLLOWS: BEGININNG AT A POINT BEING II7().2() FEET NORTH 36 DEGREES OI MINUTES 25 SECONDS WEST FROM THE SOUTI{EAST CORNER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTII, RANGE 80 WEST OF TIIE 6TH P.M.; TIIENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 40.25 FEET; TIIENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 382.48 FEET; TTIENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 49 MINUTES WEST 88.18 FEET TO TIIE NORTII RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE ?0; THENCE NORTII 74 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 4O.O() FEET ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE 70; THENCE NORTI{ 15 DEGREES 49 MINUTES EAST 122.20 FEET; TTIENCE SOUTH 83 DECREES 36 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 4TI.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: THE FINAL POLICY DOES NOT IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE OR INSURE THE DIMENSIONS OF T}IE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, TT{E LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS DERWED FROM THE CHAIN OF TITLE AND ONLY AN ACCTJRATE SURVEY CAN DETERMINE THE DMENSIONS. PARCEL 2 A TRACT OF LAND IN TI{E SOUTTI HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COT'NTY, COLOMDO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT TI{AT IS N ()() DEGREES 28 MINUTES 16 SECONDS W A DISTANCE OF 686.60 FEET FROM THE SOUTI{EAST CORNER OF SECTTON 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEING THE TRI,JE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 70; THENCE N OO DEGREES 28 MINUTES 16 SECONDS W ALONG T1IE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION Our Ordet No. VC272436 LgLtEScRmcN 6 A DISTANCE OF 633.40 FEET; TT T.TCN N 89 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 2T SECONDS W A DISTANCE OF 2633.?6 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST BOTJNDARY LINE OF VAIL/POTATO PATCH FILING; TTTN]\ICT S O() DEGREES (l? MINUTES 12 SECONDS E ALONG SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE A DISTANCE OF 351.21 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE, SAID CURVE ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE ?(|; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTTTERLY RIGHT OF WAY ON THE FOLLOWING 8 COTJRSES: 1) A DTSTNACE OF 204.62 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGIIT, SAID CURVE ri,q,r,mC A CENTRAL ANGLE oF 0z DEGREES 56 MINUTES 18 SECONDS, A RADruS OF 3990.0 FEET, AI{D A CHORD BEARING N 85 DEGREES 3l MINUTES IO SECONDS E A DISTANCE OF 204.60 FEET; 2) N S0 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 06 SECONDS E A DISTANCE OF 211.80 FEET; 3i N s4 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 50 sEcoNDs E A DISTANCE oF 319.70 FEET; 4t s zs DEGREES 56 MINUTES 28 sEcoNDS E A DIsrNcE oF 424.40 FEET; si s o oscRErs 55 MINUTES 2l sEcoNDs E A DISTANcE oF 303.20 FEET; 6i s ?4 DEGREES 2t MINUTES 35 sEcoNDs E A DISTANCE oF 204.70 FEET; 7) s 83 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 29 SECONDS E A DISTANCE OF 826.30 FEET; ii i zr pscREEs 33 MINUTE5 45 SES9NDS E A DISTANSE oF 196.10 FEET To TI{E rRgE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LAND DESCREED IN WARRANNT DEED, RECEPTION 1I4()IO' BOOK 2I8, PAGE 419, FILED OF RECORD IN TTIE OFFICE OF CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO. NOTE: TIIE FINAL POLICY DOES NOT IN AIIY WAY GUARANTEE OR INSI'RX THE DIMENSIONS OF TIIE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, TIIE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS DERIVED FROM TT{E CHAIN OF TNLE AND ONLYAN ACCI]RATE ST'RVEY CAN DETERMINE THE DIIVTENSIONS. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdonl (Requiremcnts) Our Order No' VC272436 The following are the requiremcnts to be complied with: Item (a) palmmt to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideraton for the estate or interest to be lnsured. Ite' O) proper instrummt(s) creating the estate or hterest to be insurerl must be executed and duly ffled for rtcord, to-wit: Item (c) paymmt of all taxes, charges or assessrnents levled and assessed against the subJect premises which are due and payable. Itesr (d) Adrtffonal requlremmts, lf any dlsclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Exc€ptions) Our Order No' VC272436 The policy or policies to be issued will contain cxc€,ptions to th€ following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfac'tion of the Company: l. Rights or claims of pardes h possessim not strown by the public records' 2, Easements, 61 slalms of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, confllcts in bounrtary tlnes, shortage ln area, encroachments, and any facb whtch a correct srrvey and tnspectton of tlre premises would dlsclose and which are not shown by the publlc records. 4. Any llen, or rlght to a lim, for servlces, labor or material theretofore or hereafter firnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appeartng tn the pu-bltc records or atiaching subequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the dati the prop6ed inslred acquires of record for value thi estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commihtent' 6. Taxes or spedal assessmmts which are not shown as exlsting llms by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 , Liers for uapatd water and sewer charges, if any. ' g. In addldon, the owner's pollcy will be subJect to the mortgage, if any, noted ln Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOIILD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PEIIIETRATE OR INTERSECT TI{E PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, I9{|{, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE TJMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24' I9O4' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503. II. WATER AND WATER RIGHTS, DITCH AND DITCH RIGIITS. 12. RIGIIT OF WAY 40 FEET IN WIDTH AS DESCREED IN CONDEMNATION FOR RIGHT OF WAY AWARDED TO THE TJMTED STATES OF AMERICA IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12' 1935 IN BOOK 116 AT PAGE 34S. 13. RJGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO TTIE STATE OF COLORADO IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JtrNE 8, 1940 IN BOOK 127 AT PAGE 466. 14. RIGI{T OF WAY AS GRANTED TO THE FLEMING LTJMBER AND MERCANTILE COMPANY IN ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdm2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC272436 The policy or policics to be issucd will contain exc€Ttims to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisf,action of the Company: INSTRI,JMENT RECORDED JANUARY T3, 1943 IN BOOK 127 AT PAGE 563. 15. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO GAS FACILITIES, INC, IN INSTRUMEM RECORDED FEBRUARY 17. T966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 149 AND IN BOOK I92 AT PAGE 161 AND RECORDED MARCH 9, 1966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 203 AND AT PAGE 207. 16. EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED APRIL 7, 1966 IN BOOK T92 AT PAGE 365. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF NONEXCLUSIVE TJNDERGROTJND RIGHI OFWAY EASEMETIT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RECORDED JUNE 08, T994 IN BOOK 642 AT PAGE 344, 18. EXISTING LEASESAND TENANCIES. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCL OSIJRE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-122, notice ls hereby given that: A) The subJect real property may be located in a spectal taxing dtstrict. B) A Certiffcate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's au0rorized agmt. C) The informadolr regarding spedal dlstrlcts and the boundaries of such disdcts may be obtalned from ilre Board of Countlr Cornmisioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effecdve September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-106 requires that all documents rtceived for recording or ffIing ln the clerk and recorder's office shall contaln a top margln of at least one inch and a lefl, right and bottom margln of at least one half of an tnch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any docummt that doeJnot conform, except that, the rcqulrement for the top margin shall not apply to documents uslng fcrrs on which space ls provided for recording or flling informadon at 0re top margin of dte doctment. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article MI requires that "Every title entity shall be r€sponsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the dtle entlty conducts 0re closlng and ls respmslble for recordlng or filing of legal documents resrlting from the transaction whlch was closed". Provided that Land Tltle Guarantee Company conrluct the closing of the lnsured bansactior and is responslble for rtcording fte legal doorments from the transacdon, exception number 5 will not aPpear otr the Ovvner's Tide Poltry and the Lenders Pollcy when issued. Note: Afrrnradve mechanic's lien protection for Oe Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Excepdon no. 4 of Sclredule B, Secdon 2 of the Comrnlhnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance wlth the followlng condldols: A) The land descrlbed in Schedule A of this commibnent must be a single farrily residmce which lncludes a condomlnium or townhouse rurit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics m material-men for purposes of construcdon on the land descrlbed tn Schedute A of thls Commltment within the past 6 months. Q The Company must r€ceive atr approprlate alEdavit indemntfylng the Company ag"ainst un-ffIed mechanic's and materlal-men's llens. D) The Company must recelve payment of the appropriate prenium. E) If there has been conshucdon, lmprovements or maJor repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased wtthin slx months prlor to the Date of the Conmltnent, the requlrements to obtain coveragc for unrecorded liens wtll lndude: disclosure of certain construcdon informadon; ffnanctal informadm as to the seller, 0re builder and or the conMctor; payment of the approPriate pterdum fully executed Indemnity Agreernents satidactory to the company, and, any additional requlrements as may be neoessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Compalry. No coverage will be given under any circumstmces for labor or material for whtcl the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l&U-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evldence that a mineral estate has been severed, Ieased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estale and that there ts a srbstantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all lnterest ln oll, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energr ln the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property wlthout the surface owner's pendssion. Thls notice applies to owner's pollry commitments containlng a mlneral severance lnstrument exception, or exceptlons, ln Schedule B, Secdon 2. Nothing hercln contained wtll be deemed to obligate the company to provide ary of the coverages referred to herein unless dre above conditions are fullv satisfied. Folm DISS-OSURE 09/0!/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of companies/chicago Title Insurance company and Land Title Guarantee ComPanY JulY 1, 2001 #i"fi.ttr#ifl{'trr"Ti'Hit1t:,,H,#Fi,{Frr$',iiJ t'ffiilu,r$.j+t+1"*lTiii## that we serve. This privacy st i"r,#3ii"rr"i"t,ilid,;ffi;ih"-rt6iliv;;;-fi-th6 right to change this Privacy- Silieiriiifr6in tfid i6'tifrelonslitent'wlth applicable prlvary laws' In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Infornation about you from the following sources: :Filili','*'rfffi $"11ffd:r,'fr:ilThTl1"#sn."'il"J'?H#tf if$,':mmi*:;ororhers;* From 'our lnternet web sites;. hiiil irti itiblii?iiniG f.i"u-ed, by gove.rnmentat entides that we either obtain directly from those endties. oi fron our afiiliates 0r others; and* From c6nsumer or other reporllng agencies' our Policies Regarding tle Proteolion ofthe conlidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information we maintaln ohvsical, elechonic and procelural saf- -eggards to protgct yoltr Penorpl Infoqation from unauthorized ili.iltifitfiIoii.W;iillGilfiidifffffi;friiiff'qidiofrriitiid ttoJe.employees who need such access in ffiil'"ffi;ffft"titt'ig d;,ifiGji JfraaiJ to yonbilor other l6gitlmate busines purposes. our policies and Practices Regarding the sharing of Your Pcrsonal Information WemavshareyourPenonallnfol4qfon.withoulafiiliates,suchasin.surqncecompanies,agents,andotherreal;;6:idfi;dffi#;iii"i7.ni. ilti aisi-niav disdose vdur Personal lnformatlon : to asenb, brokers or representatives to provide you with.services you have- requested;.. to thirrl-party contraaon or,sertlipiliii,itt-*it6 piii"ia,iiliiAiforperforni marketing or other funcdoni of our behalf; and to othen wlth whom we enter into jolnt marketing agree.rrents for products or servlces that we bellwe you may find of interest. 'li,.F#1.ifr"j#-ffiTfB'iHffi f#,H#ffiri3:i+1ffi*i##F,ffi#"f T#I'Hft ##,T" one of the important responslbllities of somg of our. aftliated companies is to record documents in the public domaln. Such'documents may cqltain your Pemonal lnlormauon' Right to Acce$ Your Personal Information and Ability to correct Errors or Requesi changes or Deletiou g#*l[H*#if.tfiti$$f,}if,ll:$-n**:trtTffi#n'"Ui*ffi 'Um*if ;'T1",1 All reouests submitted to the Flttelity Naqonal Fina4cjal Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shalt b'e in wridng, and delivered to-the followitrg address: Privacv ComPllance Officer Fideliti Natirinal Financlal' Inc. $9il'$*.1:1ei$5.''?3' Muhiple Products or Services If we orovlde vou wlth more than one financial. product or service, you may receive more than one prlvacy notice from ris. We a'pologize for any inconvenience uis may cause you' FoEn PRnI.DOL. CHI Datel To: Re: From: Remarks: ODELL ARCHITECTS P March 24,2003 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 i Phone: 970.479.2369 F ax P hon e : 970.479.2452 0120 - Middle Creek Affordable Housing DRB Final Submittal Lee Mason Odell Architects, P.C. 32065 Castle Court, Suite 150 Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Phone:303.670.5980 F ax P h o n e : 303.670.7162 For Yow Use I For Your Review I Please Comment I Urgent n Allison, Enclosed are 5 full-size copies and I 8.5x1 lcopy of our DRB final submittal for the Middle Creek project. Colored renderings and computer graphics are at the back of the set. kn Application for Design Review Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tarx 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General lnformation: All prolects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andior the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unless a building permit is lssued and conslructlon commences withln one year of lhe approval. Description of the Reques t hilW 0(nlt l (41fu^t Location of the Proposal: Lot: _ Block:Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.:, ,, / (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Il hllrv t*lvto( ----Name(slof owner(s): -E q or Veic llwe'Ub *\r*fraftLj TOI44V# 19 Address:Maili_x Own *i r'*.'i Nameof Appricant: - C4,\t41lJl) 1 @lPLaJ'l E.mail Address:bllA@ aA.cat rax 2oZ'6Ob-awo Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an additjon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such 6, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such s, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plarE already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. No Fee er(s) Signature(s): Malling Address: For Office Use Ohly: Fee fuid: _ Check No.:Blr- DRBApplication Date:No.: Plannen Project No.: Building Materials PROPOSED MATER]ALS Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: k(t*l ^h,*$t 4,' m>lrar( boxr ) aw*\an a);\ 4 Avczo /rVfL \)oiltz,P- Nvdd ll gw'q) t I elt) "Cu; C<- *t ,t ,' 4**) 4e zruA-rtx lorn{aD. fiAll IW?b e bu,frA * rua^rvPa/u (& rdit{ W 0n>tv"t ktuL b,dd,i1 AIA . fu- EWv,*+. J ?,ufr^caJ, t"ly?h- l.qn e@)\ ?ua- l\tt - (aru/9')a Pant \ dd t Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 121071'17102 Res6nd21- 3-O3 ; IOI51AMIUS WEST 03/2I/20oJ La:Zt FAX. g?047$S8ts hFR lE '63 IT:'B FR )CEL EbEFGY9.. a-. ---- a-.ra- ar* -r-r.e..4Jl, rtr.-l?.ia!G! rt:3[flil l€LY ffi vffL-7J (Ilt]".|fltl..ga (jtfrt0|r.g? lEscrrE Si atat ElLllFtrrcrs.t'8'!dirId'AG,frErt- |.IAYGEEIIIIT'G99Jr5mtllrfr.|llaniltrrr fu|tlt qdlfi.lGlar . 3?OlELaoa€$ ,,*trr)-rrrt-irrr .,nLlFrulgt'*fn'nrnol a !9704640672 i 3,/ PEdr LAND cvNstrl. FrtgZ 9?6 2GA 4{Eg TO 9."5861€ P.Ot :*:::- .r'-lt.aF P-? 'r.. .[iiHrlrrrr b -_,3 l?,o3 ts;l3:g3. EraEmua.th rtxar".lax ]?lrell,..IttqqtlE Xl llrlrt CrF lrE,j D||NEFatlrtictat!IrEi'frfrArrc Ffi A' ;rTEruU.|Grrt5.qaarrtttbu?o.srsrrFl brna.r I rt.hL tbrdF $aF,sta iradilirilltirir5b5r5l--trE fEE L.--EErE rPlr r(ttta: l- It h rlltr_:f5rr O4rtr t-trn r lri -.t f. r-U -tFb. a{ r GEf-=.;|!;!rgr r--. r'r -.d' rl ;lrc r5E r-5E:i--b = -:- r JrE F-- +- -ErF -:- =u 5G-r tr {Qrr|'rr!l|U_':t *-r - t -- r r.<lrr - EI|r| t' llEti rG -r-r-ff, P,HtffitE=*:g;ffi =;=''Eft_Fr g:lEEffrF..effir-tJcEI----11. i: t rrlr!"rrt lEz ... Y+1la attr Iiit .,i- +ira mrf-effifl *r .''lcF_, _e$"?@fu 1 e: 3?B[rl rcI-3y$*gg,L%er u NO.3E9 P.!/LNa79E P.e rFrut?railT|ol$lrtfgtilar " rldnrHfftntlr InctErrtu"*fiEt(utqll.errcairlElirG lrrfrD $f,im]-u"SI+xlrfb #;ffi?fl=|E' tro.r.caftfuosrt c ?tih*r=.awr.l}.!^arEafft'frrfirtrarsr|EF ttrt{:tt ffislnumrtxtilnor.|'lat|'tatEttlnt+rtannccrh*ni5 5fflHtrnot'|! .r,il|+!rttc|ot?ollutlrdb - - brrc Fbr-*? W;:1E:g'' rnEft*' *Frt'fl rl-n tha Elb tru.rr l'- lfut| slltl-F4ldsr l|ltn trr *rlbrrr *ril dr gf rrr rrfltr rrt-, rd 6 6qrl!!-!f Wt # t| bF. Irr ;cn *. pll rr ria F rD rcltir -rt Gfi||-t'IF!tL-C h-tr-. e f r W'T1r1?| lr anqp*$r_h Errd sft{*; tu uilU rrlnrri. #lil lB& F--Fdffi'E E -E r icitg s=,ffi1.|Fhr arrr b-ldq!_!4gtC !E a L nt| t-{d i,h*,Frffi; r_r'=E r:- i. =r ,i.lr'-trJ1.r ;{E=rrryr- =r5gr=-1iffitlibtr,-Hffi-sEftEiffis,EffiE$ fr;flr urtG'*vuleiEEid*rntr f,frf dtlfrtn?rE' -r '.f ADE to8sroc $nl f9sd eTefll?ori xvd tlttl eoor/n/eo r0l,[Nm *This ch*klist must be submitted prlor to Puhlic Works review of a propased development. owners/projecu.r"r": CoUar+Ut..l t LOr,tp*r-tl PojectAddresst fr' 100 - ts? I,/\\L)NTHIN BELt. FD Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Deparlmenl of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 faxi 970.419.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Phone Number:61./tppnant: llA{l( 'Tn 22Att Submittal X Stamped survey of propertyr( Civil/Site plans Survey Requirements: Surveyorrs wet stiamp and signature Date of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20') Legal description Basb of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elerrations Labeled right of way and prcperty lines; including bearings, distrances and curve information. Lot Size Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalancfie, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain) w6 -8 x t(F F X 9( * F 9.a FIi lt It FF fr Landscape plan 5 Title Report (Section B) g] Environmel@l flaza6l5 (ie. mckfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc..) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Slte Plan Requlrements: l. Access (check all)e Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. . 4 Unheated o Heated (portion in RovV in a separate zone),( Sfow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of drivewa y arca itunheated; 107c of driveway area if heated) X All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Strandards, p. 11. SteepestSection DrivewayGrade (not theaveragegndg: d%f, Farking spaces and tuming radii are noted on site plan and contonn-tJDeviilpment Standards,pp.12&14 il. x# E F Construction Site (check alt) Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. lam aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic C.ontrol Plans, as perthe Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. I am aware that a Revocable Right of way permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of 'l2l07l17l0Z ilt. F 0 FF)r .tv.{ V-. 0 Drainage (check all that apply) The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) e 4 Foot Concrete Pan X 8 FootConcrete Pan hitive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. Culraerts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. A Hydraulic report has been provided. (fu requested by Town Engineer)qr- Erosion Control (Check all that apply) \ Dbturbanoe area is greater than one half acre. r. A separate Ercion Control Phn has been professionally engineered and PE stamped' Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices arc shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) *, The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. X 100 year Floodplain is sholiilon-Ihe site plan. e A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within corstruction limiG or as requested by Town Engineer)e The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain Vl. Geological/Envimnmental Hazards (check all that apply) p The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) 2e. A Haard Report has been provided e The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard atea. Vll. Grading (check all that apply) yQ &isting and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. ,F All disturbed areas have been retumed to a 2:1 grade. *, All disturbed areas not retumed to 2:1 grade-tre!!been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. e Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. Vlll. Parking (check all) )< All rcsidential and commercial parking spaces mnform to the Derrelopment Standards, pp. 12&15. lX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) F All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.'i All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. lF. All retaining walls are shom on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.e No retaining walls are required for thb projecl. X. A Sight Distrance (check all that apply) [ | Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. e 1 Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Rddtional Comrnents Please pibvide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Fleview. Page 12 ol 12107 117102 gA/L4/2AA2 16:37 97A6413236 ART MEARS ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.8.,INC. Nanral Hazards Consultane 555 Counry Rod 16 Crsmiso!. Colondo 8 lZ3O Ttl/Fu: 90{4t.3236 uEE]rlDrmii.Eo[r PAGE AL Augnst 14,2@2 ith. Micha€l P. Coughlir. 140 E. 19!t Avenue. Suite 700 Denvar, CO 8020$1035 RE: Debrir',f,owdynamie enBtysis ardmitigaion design cribria - Mddle C;raek, Vail Dear Mr. Coughlin: The attachrrd reporb fndings of rry debris-fiow analpis at thc Middle Creel afurdable houeirry site in Vail. This report consists of (a) a bdef summary of the debris f,ow pot€ntial and site obs€rvatons, (b) an analysis of the debris-fiow dynamice, and (c) mitigation design perlonnance specificalions. The section of florrr potential and sib obeervatiorn is expanded in the eport by David Cushman sf Churcfi & Aseociates and should be studled for more detail. Please conhd eitfier Mr. Cushrnsn or nryseff if you have further questions. Sincerely, C,l,zF,A rilLo.no Arthur l. Mmrc, P.E. Avalanche conbol enginser Mer, wbning. Ayalanchct. Aeal&'ahc hrol &rihrfiinr A8/U/2AA2 15:37 9796413236 ART F1EARS PAGE 82 1 1 REPOR'T OBJECTIVES AND LIMTANONS As discussed with Odell Archibc{s (the prolact architrgc-t) and David Cuehmarn of Church anrl Asaociatee, this report has the following objectives: a. [:.valuation of the debris-flow pd€ntial at the afiordable housing site; b. Oaloulation of the debris-frow dynamics through appropriate mode'ling t;chniques that take field obsarvslions into account; c. F,roposal of mitigalion at buildings; and d. ()alculation of debris-flow loading potential on the proposed mitigefiion. This report also has the folloring limibtions, wlrich should be understood b1'all those relyirrg on the findings, condusione, end re@rnmndations. a. I'he analysis is sibspecific, thus appliee only to the Middle Creek site; b. the mitigation recornnpndations depend on ttre OdellArchitecG ceveloprmnt plan "A1.0," undabd; this was the latest aveilable arl of tlre July, 2002 field work; any oubgtantial cfranges to theee plans tnay irtvalidate the findinge and recomnendations of this report; c. ()alculations of debris-f,ow dynamics aSgunr a reasonab_ly foreseeable event with a rstum period on the order of 1000 years (103D yearc); extraordinadly large event8 with eizes in excess of the event assuT|ed here could occur. 2 FIELD 0BSERVANONS The field olpervetions are diecussed in further detail in the accompanyirB re port by David Crshman. Primary observations are ouUined below. 2.1 lUaior debliq-flor source areas. A typicel potentiel eouroe area (irreas 'rhere potentially unstable elopes exist) is shown on Figure 1, an tlnlargement to a ecale of 1" = 500' of the U.S. Geological Survey rluadrangle map. Larg+volurn (in exoess of 10,000 yd') exist on riteep eouheast-facing slopes approximately 500 fuet above the llfiddle Creek channel, Additional Eouroe areas also exist on the uvest r$de of the valley farther b the north or to tha south of that ehown on lsigure 1. The large Booth Craek debrie flow of lrlay, 1984 shrtecl in iln area eimilar b the one shovm. 2.2 ltlinor debds-fow source area-g. Minor Bouroe areas also exist wi lhin srnall landslide baturee on the east skle of he valley a short distitnce rtbove the old (deactivat6d) U.S. Geological Survey gaging sbtiorr.'fhese lardslides are too ernall to show on Figure 1. 2.3 l?revipug towg. The Middle Creek chennel has extensive prior de rbris llow and flood deposita. TtEse consist of boulders (up to 3 feet in tliarneter), smeller rocke, soil, and vegetative debrie. The llow tleposib arc lobaE in shape within the channal and on the allwial hn A8/L4/2A92 16:37 97A6413236 ART i,4EARS above lnbrstate 70, charac'tedstic of debris florrt. The lobes are up to 5 ffi in thicknEes. A &'tuot diameter rock is congidered to be of ths sizo to be us€d in design for impact at the buildings and is consisbnt wilh observetione. 2-t[ Freouenw of fiorvs. Definitive ostirnat€s of debds-f,ow frequenq' nere not obtained and rnay be impossible to estimate accuretely because of mixing by many floods and srnall debris-llor evenb. Only nearest'order of magnitude" (oonect b the nearcst hctor of 10) estirnatee can be rnade. Based on our eryerienoe, we doubt the retum period of large llorvs_ reaching to the alluvial fan could be as long as 1O,OO0 years ('tdr years) or aa ehort as 100 years (102c years). We assunn_, therebre, thatthe retum pedod lies in the ntnge of 1,000 14r-ars (19:'yaars) and probably liee betvreen 300 and 3000 years (10'" to 10* years). More accurata estirnatee rnay be po:r$ble using detalled nadleca6on dating of buried soil horizons, but yve Coubt such studi€s rvould be fruittul given the propeneity br mixitrg of soil layers by f,oods and fiorrn within the channel. Furthennore, lo our knorvledge, sudr 8ft.ldies have not been done at ofter locations vdthin dre Torn of Vail. 2.5 the alluvialtan characbdstics. The cunent alluvialfen is sho,vn on 'lhe detailed topographic map (Figure 2) provided courtesy of Torr Kassmel of the Town of Vail. This fan consiets of debris that has lreen tansporEd doun Middle Creek by floods and debris florrc rmd 's intermir€d with glacially-bansported bou{ders Fom upper Boo0r lreek and the high+levation basins to the east and north. The l\tfounhin BellRoed, the large communication toil€r, the earfy- rearning c6nler, and parking lots have been excevated into this fzn. 3 DEBRIS;FLOW MODELING 3.1 l-imihtions of rnodelinq. Procsduresfor rnthematical modeling ttf rlsbde frow are available and heve been used at various areas throughout the United Stabs and elsewhere. All of these models are r;ubject to sone undefinable degree of unoertainty b€Eause tp f iction irnd otier resistive terms used in the nrodels are not known but rrust lle estimated- We bel such modeling is of limited applicability here.'[he Middle Creekfows, similarto those observed atVail in 19&4, t'eeult as unstable soil end rock avalandre and slide into flooding lributary channelg durirg heavy spring runofi. The flovns begin as ttnstiable, saturebd eoil is "pushed" ofi sbep slopes by groundwater lilped through and betlpen sedinentary rock layers. Thia is exa$y \yhat occunad in rnany ol tle 42local xfl-slip landelide, debris avalancfres and debrie frorvs of 1984. Such events do not lend lhenpelves to $pical hydraufic modeling, but ingtead, suggest an twalanche-type or'inertial-tlpe" model in wtricfr the initial PAGE O3 2 68/14/2AAZ 16:37 97A64L3236 ART MEARS landslidddebris avalanche stage rnoves at relatively high speedtr and quickly deoderates to slorwr speeds in the str€am channels. 3.2 Mo4gljltq goelied. We applied a two-dimensional, three-compon:nt stochaetic nrodel to the avalanche/debris llow prooe$ at Middle Creek. This is kinetically similar to an avalancie rnodel but the pararnebrc that control the output of dre model were rnodified to eimulate field obsenrations. The peults are summarized graphically on Figure 3. A high speed of approxirnately 20nr/s is atbined on the steep slope but a more'steady-stab" velocity of approxirnately 6 - 10 r/sec (20 - 33 ft/eec) is rnaintained in the centrel cfiannel above the alluvial fan. Velocity measurernents of the maseiva Booth Creek fiorvs nere not rnade in 1984, but visualestima€e made by rnyself suggesl speed maximE in the 4-5 ny'sec (1&18 fUsec) range in the uoper channel. WB essunre, therebre, an impact speed of 4nlsac (13 ft/sec) et the proposed housing units on the alluvial fan because his is consisbnt wtth ttre 19&4 observations and the modeling resulb. This speed une ueed in the developrnent of design cnteria. MITIGATION DESIGN CRTTERIA 4.1 Elemenb of the desion gdtada. Theee consist of three elements: (a) the inpact pressure, (b) the impact height, and (c) impacl of boulders in the f,ow. The nngnitudss of hese pararreters depend on the ooation and odenbtion of building gurfucee eposed to the fro ,. 4.2 .lmoact eurfaces. These consist of the uphill (north) facing walls tf rruilding "A" (which is ergosed to nonnal inrpact) and the west-fating 'ltall of building 'C' (wtrich is exposed to rsduoed normal impacl and ,rhear), These are summarized on Figure t[ wtrich indicates tte tnagnitudes and vertical disbibutions of the debris-flov design loards. 4.3 'Solid imoacl of boul-d.e_qs. BulHing walle are also erposed to irn$tct t?om tfie 3-fuot diarneter deeign boulders wtrich could be cenied in the 1low. The irpact of a solid boulder diftn from the impact of the fine- tlrained materiel and small rocks comprising the matrix of the mu,l trhich produces the impact pressurss defircd in Figure 4. The boulders produce pdnt loads. Forflexible consfruction elements such irs beams, structural deflection must be considered in computing the impact brce, P. Equating the kinetic energy of the lfoot design Iloulder with vrcrk elqendq! in bending defiection yields the relationship P = (M W K) o't, wlrere M L rre rnaes 6tne g-lcot bculder t'2,333 lba or 72.4'slrBs'), V is the impact velocity (13 ft/sec), antl K is rt stiftress factor. For a sinple cantilever beam, K = 48 El/Lo, wh,tr€ lil is beam stiffness and L is lengfi. The relationships erpressed itbove indicate that flexible struc'tural rnembers are more efficient in lesisting impect than stift ones. The actual elpregsion ficr stifinesrs will lrobably differ from that given depending on shrctural engineering rletells and would need to be condde€d in finalengineering. PAGE A4 3 AB/I4/2882 16:37 97864L3236 ART MEARS PAGE 65 4 FI,EURE 1. Oasln bads on ex'psd f,, ofDr*frgs A' (t otlh- fsl,'f,4/ od e (west]Ftr'n.f/^ l@ il lritd(ks ue nd rrdud€d and 6n be *t/gted in a ngulg ffi to ilpt d Srlcsotr 4.3. .l I I tl2?gaf (silan on lnrlldr,Dg "c" 1g M of ncral'ltlecsurc 4.4 1\ddilional consideqgqions. Windowr and dools should be avoided on lhe nor$ eide of bullding 'A' and the nest silJe of building 'C" unless lhey are designed br inpad of debds end rocb. 4,5 ,\ltemate mitigqtign*_An altnmab form of mitigation considered uas rlonsfuctng a defieding wall on the south side of the dtannelabrye lhe parking ares and exisUng Mt. Bell building. This eltamati\,€ was tojectad because fiald woft conduded on July 30, 2002 indicatec (a) rnajor f,om (eimilar b the Booth Creek flour of 1984) would quick y fill in $e channel, and (b) gmall, lo*viscosity f,ot ts coufd be defrec'tttd by such a berm donnstreem onto adjacent prcperf, in violation of tlhapter 21 of the Vail hazErd ordinanoe. 4.6 llomoliance wi-u_\ Vail Hazard ordinance. The propoead mitigatiorr will lrc fully conplienl with bnns of Chapter 21 of the Vail hazarde ordinance. The mitigation will not daf,ect frons onto adjacent pulilic (rr privaE property. 6e/I8/2A42 o9:E@ 9796413236 ART MEARS PAGE A2 D 5 ROCKI=ALL ' The north wall of building 'C' is indiceted on Vail hezErd tnaps as lying within a "rnoderate eeverff rockhll hazard area- The steep tenain direcfly above the building ri:;es approximately 60 vertical feet and doeo contain some srnall, (< 1 foot long) potentielfy unstable boulders. Sonre of theee appear to have rolkd to the propoeed location of the north watl of building 'C.' Suclr rockfall evenb would not darnage the building and are aucfi rare evente that mitigation is not recomnended. Report prepared by, C:,1il,*1 v\[r o.,,/ Arthur l. Msars. P.E. A8/I4/2802 16:37 9706413236 ART MEARS a,GURE 1. .lffitlon nq #nw}llg hyaotffit ffin d I meit, '8norF'Clcleh tyry' ttow. St,ci en evsnf uos usd in head quentiltHfron. SmahrundeDb rhpes wrng elfi lo(.affi on fic 6e6f si* ol da ctlcrulrl W E 10O feei. slevation. SCAL€; 7'= &O PAGE A7 n EGdc | ! qf, D.dt l&l Dcc MD!? 88/L4/2882 l-6:37 97A64L3236 ART MEARS PAGE A8 Ltflr FICUFE 2. DE/tailed /qFpgillF,hlc mry al tll nirdp Ct€pl. $uyid fan ltcr;ailon of 11|,is pntject)- @!ng pobntial llmlts d c mtryirltot crtffirg anant (JW, AOZ) cpnAfior,a. rv€',/y|F1proios€d Utffiirrgl and Wrdco,plrtg may dterlrw dlnld|wt. SC"AI€: l'= l(E tUfiD) 7aM)1=Ea: gSlL4/2552 16:37 97964L3236 . .56{ partlcJ..t et:.rt from top rcancnt. c: \plh\niclctle :rcch f[oH. rxt Patb dropr: 251 r Ftlctlon mr - 0.11 Iog nlD - 2.o0 Rudoo R - 0.400 Alpha - 15. { degrccr ART MEARS 1{82 prrtlelca drpolitod, PAGE 69 :> l' ,i' iii O !t@t rtolrr at X ' 913 D ......... ........-.!rqrt tt cGd {tlat - 19. t n/sl ------rh.n rEGCd (!rr - 2A.l !/sl - Drporltloa (not to rca.l.c, Brit lnd eie( dLotributioi! in your .fl]e cr\plk\result!,txt -155_s a@t't&,rilr. l,ofFeri'! CHURCH & Associates ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS Sep 12 O2 O9:38tr p.? September 13,2002 Michael loughlirr & Company Attn: MichaelCoughiin i40 East lfth Aveuug Suite 700 Denver, Coloradc' 80203 Subject Geological Investigation ofDebris Flow and Rock Fall Hazards and Mit gation Recommendations Proposel Mddlc Crcek Alfordable Housing Project Vail, Eagle CountY, CO Job No. 14613 lvlr. Corrghiin: As requested, CI{URCH & Associates (Ctruroh) and Art Mears, P.E. Inc. (Art Mears) hnve studied Oe geotogic iazrds related to debris flows and rock falls at the subject site. The purpose 'rf our work is to zusrmarize our fiadings aad recommend mitigation measures for the planned strur nrres This report clescribes the geolo#of the site area.and.disctlsses the geologic hazards present' Art Mears *illpr.r"n design criteriifor the structures under separate coYer. Jh.e project Structur{ Engineer and ihe project lrchitea (Ociell Architeas) wilt incorporate the design criteria into trc building designs. koecil,:in Consuliing Engineers Inc. is providing geotecbnical recommendatirns for the prop-os"d dweiopment. R. J. Ii'ish p-erformed an fnginesring Geologic Hazard Study for the project, irs presrrrrted in a report dded August 16,2001. BACI(GROUND AND SITE CONDITIONS The sutrject prof erty is located in Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The lot-is north of the I-'70 Frostage Load and *lst',rf tnr oH Vaii exit of Interstate ?0.'the site is located in a pan of th5 South l/2' iouthe.rst li4, o[section 6, Township 5 Sout\ Range 80 West, ,Qr{ble, multi-familF strucilres ar. propos.d for. the prr*i. fhu concept grading plin prepared by Peak Land Consultt.nts and the O.nltopr*t Plrn Drawing Ai.0 by Obtf e.cniticts indicate tluee housing buildings :'re planaed, iuildings A and B of modirUe size, and a larger Building C. Existing structtu'es include a Mountain 3e1I teiephone building and tower and an Earty t earning center, Th1 Early Lea::niag c:nter (ELt) will be moved irito a new building in the southiast cornei of the site. An access road and parking lots, were created for the Mountain eeit buitaing and ELC, with associated cuts and. fills to a rrarimum of uUo* f O i".f tti:;h. Yard areas have also been created on the slope, with smaller cuts ard fills' The westem and no:1hera portion of tlre site are wooded with cottonwood, aspeq and fi:, while thc 3astem portion i; covered with grass and bushes with soattered asPeo trees' The property is located on an alluvial fan complex emanating fiom Middle creek on the rrorth side of inr VuifVrif.y. Gore Cr..t *os in the valley bottom and drains to th€ v/est' The grour d surface in the par,:el sloper down to the soutlL and the eievation in thc planncd building areas rangeE from 8280 CENVEF 450: Wads,vorth Boulsvard 303.463.91r 7 \{heat Rldge, CO E0033 Fax: 303,453.9321 CASTLE FO( :K 303.660.435€ EVEFGRE:N 303.816.1455 LovELA.l0 970.66C.11?4 wESTEFN sLc2E 970.948.5803 Sep.12 O2 O9:38a Gcologica Investi g$ion .obNo. 14613 page2 to 82ll feet. Eedrock oo the north side of the valley is coruprised of the Mintum Formation, consisting of sandstone, conglomerate, siltstonq shale, and limestone. A portion of tte Bedrock Crulogic. Sur{icial Deposits and Poteutial Geologic Hazard Map Eagle Countv. Coioracle by Allen Miller, Consultirg Geologist, 1977-78 is preserted as Figure 1. The base maps for this study were prepared by Charles S. Robiuson & Associates. The Minturn Formation is a Purnsylvaoian age deposit described as medium to coarse-grained, gray to reddish-brown, sandstong ccnglom€ritic sandstone, thin t'eds ofreddish-brown siltstone, and sandy and silty shale and prominent pinkish-gay to gay timestorre beds. The property lies on an alluvial fan, and bedrock is only exgrsed on the steeper slopes ncrthwest of the site and in the channel of Middle Crsek. The alluvium consists of gravel :o boulder size rock fragmeots in a matrix of silty sand. Boulders typically raage_from l_ to 3 ieet ne,6 the site, but boulders up to 6 feet in diameter occur in tbe area. The slopes to the north are mantled with glrcial deposits called Morarne. The Morainal deposits consist of bouldes, cobbleg grave[ sand and siit deposited at the margins ofthe glaciers that once filled the Vail vtlley. These iateral Moraines covsr the slopes north ofthe site up to an elevatioo of about 8800 tc 9000 fe€t. When we obserred the channel of Mddle Creek north of the site, we noted that the noraine was present on the eut side ofthe valley but the west side had thin colluvium over bedrock or exposed ledrock. Erosiorr since the end of the last Ice age has removed much of the Moraine and leposited it in the \ralley bottom as well as in the alluvial fan underlying the site. DEBRIS FLOVE During times of heavy precipitation or rapid snowmclt, water is concentrated on the siope s above the valley bouom rnd runs off quickly, creating floodwaters and occasional debris flons. At the relatively high elevation of the Vail are4 debris flows are typically created during pericds of rapid snowmelt and nrt heavy precipitation from thunderstorms. The drainage basin uphill of the fan is relatively large, tn the order of6 or 7 quare miies, and the slopes are steep but usualiy c'rvered with vegetation. For this type of basin, debris flows are typically generated by relativeiy infreryent slope failures within tre drainAe basi4 which introduce large amounts of unconsolidated nurterials into Middle Creek ard floodwater transports it downstream and ultimately to the fan. By rornpariso4 smaller and $teeler basins with abundant ioose materials on the vailey sides generate m('re frequent but oflen smalltr debris flows. In ordcr for debris flows to occur, several conditions must exist, :ncluding 1) zuficient available unconsolidated debris, inciuding soil, roch and organic naterial, 2) steep slo.-pes, ancr 3) a potential for undrained conditions to develop within the initial flov' mass. In a soil saturated ftornsnow melt or during rain, the pore water pressure withinthe soil inleases and only a slight increase in external stre$s can induce flow mobilization of debris (liquetbcion)' Some resiarchss have zuggested the stress increase necessary to cause a failure can be as mi nor as load transfer fron swaying trees, small ground vibrations, or strong wind gusts. The relatively :ine grained nature of the soit developed on the Mirturn Formaiion increases the risk of undrained conditions to occgr in soii sinr:e the Minturn Formation is comprised of sedimentary bedrock with abuldant fineq sucb a.g shale, rihstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. Debris flows are unique in tturt they can transport very large rocks, and cao actuailt gain mass during tle flow process. lvlrss wasting ,ror.rses typicatly accumuiate coarse materials in existing drainage chanaels above the fa4 where :apid vateirunoFliom intense storm events or rapid snowmelt causes the coarse material I to slide or flow downhill. I{hen an area oflower slope gradient is reached the channeis often become blocked with debris, and floodwater from higher in thi basin becomes temporarily btocked behin I the debris darns. Once enorrgh water accumulates, the blockages re-mobilize and debris flows can rel'ult' p.3 Sep 12 O2 03:38ir Gcologica I Investigxioa tob No. 14613 paCe 3 An e:<amination of the channel of Middle Creek disclosed source areas on the valley sides, where oversteepend siopes in Morainal and Colluvial materials apparently fail periodically ard introduce soil and rock in':o the sueam channel. We noted slope failures of various ages on both lhe east and west sides ofthr: channel upstrealo. ofthe fan. An area ofoversteepened Morainal deposit was noted on the east side rf tie Middie Creek channel about 200 feet upstream of the fan- We also noted wbat nay be old debris flow deposits within the chaonei at one location abotrt 500 feet above the fan and what appears to be an old landslide deposit on the east side ofMiddle Creek about 100(t feet above the fan. An exa:nple of the kind of deposit that may help to generate debris flows is the landslide deposit labeled t)ds3 (Quatenrary age debris slide) on Figure I which exists about 3500 lbet nonh of thi fin on the w,*t side of the Middle Creek channel. This landslide was apparently dweirped within :tre colluvial mirterial and siid downhill to the valley bottom. A similar phenomenon occuned in Booth rlreek ea,t of the site ia May 1984, where a large debris slide and flow occurred rn the west side of Booth Creek. This siide (and many others that year) was initiated U * slevstirn of about 9400 fest when water issued &om bedding plaaes and fractures within the bedrock ard satuated slope materials, causing them to flow downhill into the channel ofBooth Creek where a debris flow fi|lid tfte cre€k r:hannel and almost reached the water trealment plant. The went reportecly occurred over a period of days and included many "pulses" of debris flows. The alluvial fri was exacrined as part of our study. The active channel of Middle Creek is now located on the otreme western edge of the alluvial faru but this has not always been the case. Middle Creekhas nove,J back snd forth across the fan over geologic time as the active channel rvas biocked by soil and the !/ater channel was diverted from the area ofthe soil deposit. The area frotn the active stream channel to about 200 feet east shows evidence of numerous gullies and debris flcw lobes' In this area, old chunels exist between raised lobes of bouldery materials. This area apPears to be tle location ofthe nost recent debris flows on the fan. By compariso4 the area from 200 to about 500 ftet eagt of the present channel is fairly uniform in cross-section. We noted a prominent debris flow deposit about 5j0 feet east ofthe chamrel. This tobate deposit is located south ofa fenced yard and is about 5 feet thick, Numerous boulders with a nominal size of about 3 feet in diameter gxist within and on the deposit. This deposit and associated field observations are the basis for the desigt recommendatiors presented in the Art Mears report. A dcflcc'tion wall and soil berms were originally envisioned as the mitigation scheme for the project. However, after r:onducting fietd worh we believe there is a substantial risk that a Booth Creek type event could resu.lt in a plugged channel between the walt and the steep hillside to the rort\ and a later flow could overtop the dam and flow south towards the site. Another viable alternative is to individually pro':ect eacl structr,lre on the fan that is subject to a d*ris flow hazard by dr;sigrring_the structures to res:st the forces of a debris flow. Based on our understanding of the projct objectives and constraints, we believe the best course ofactiou will be to protect the individual struotures. As stated in the Art Mears reporE structures at risk are Buildings A and C. TECOMMENnATTONS Debris Flow Ha::ard ln order to mitigile the debris flow hazard for this project, we recommend designing the north wall of Building A and rhe west wail of Buiidhg C to resist forces from a potential debris flou evert. The site hasl-been mrdeled by Art Mears in orAer to determine these forces, ard his report should be consulted for deaited recommendations. A-ffected stuct$es should be designed for appli:able forces P. '+ Sep 12 O2 CS:39a P.5 Geotogical Investigatistr J'bNt'Pt"Trli from the grounrl surface to 6 feet abovc the ground surface. The entire north building wali of Building A will ]:e extended 5 feet without openiugs, aod designed to resist the apolicable forces' The Dumpstu enclorwe buildin; ilJi"nrt "?ildidA;iii;;i be occupied, so it *itt rot need to be designed to:.esist apptiille forces. The west sid-e of Building C willneed to be dxigned for debris::low ibrc:s, but since the wall is not normal to the flow direction' the forces are reduced''A lgfrining wall dosigned for-the applicable forces wifi Ue installed west of the nortlwett comer of Building C to pptect tne area" *'n'ere *inaows exist. The solid meai door on tle west side at the southwest corner should U" a*igt.l * iesist applicable forces, as wetl as the remainin'; west wall without oPeningl. The proposed mrtigation scheme will be fully compliant with terms of chapter 21 of the lrail hazards oroirranie. The rnitigation will not deflect flows onto adjacent public or private property. Rockfall Hazard We observed the slopes above the site to evaluate the potential for rockfall .Portions of the project axea ar€ shown <ln Vaii hazard naps as lyiog within nlrriJ"."t. severiry" roc6ail hazard area' Based on the develop:nent plan and our obsl*itions, structures that could potentially be rrffected are Buiiding c and the E*rv r.*lng center @LC). we examined the slopes above the:;e proposed structures durinlg our fieid work ia irder to evaiuate the risk ofrockfall on a site-specific :asis' There are no bedrock r)utffops .b;;th; area of Building cand the ELC that could coutribute rocks to the buildirg area. Any rorHuti'hutarJniesent ;11el1ei to cobble to boulder sized rocks contfned within tJreMorainedetr,gsilcoveringthebillslope'whilesomeiargebouldersseveralfeetacrossatepartialiy exposed on the billslope, ie did not obsewe any that ippeared to-present a sigpifi':arn risk of ;ffi;;;;;r*fii,ti" G pio.i"a life, assumed to ue ibo years. Slveral smaller rccks' usuallv about t foot in rliametet otl.ti i"". tolled down the hiil in recent years an! stgnneO 1e1r the bonorn of the hill. Roc!:s of this ti".,-*nif. possibly able to siightly affect the exerior finish of *e structures' do nor present a signif,c; tisk ;f structural Ottig"" aod.y." do not believe fonnal rockfall protection mear;ures *. ;;;J. Construcion activitd may dislodge. some rocks Aorn the slopg which should l" ,r*ou.j-u-ti-og *itii."y t""f-" that are noted to be loose on the slole above cut areas. The developu and owneishould scale toose to"tt Aom the slopes above Buildirg C and the ELC curing constructioo to reduce the risk for co$metic damage' In geoeral' the anticipr'ted removal area is the steep er slopes b"io* "n elevation of about 83 80 feetl and not the more gentle ;lopes above this elevation. .{ccess to ti. ,top. should be restricted since foot traffic on the slope nay dislodge rocks. we should observe the area during construction to help guide this process' LIMIIATIONS It is important to realize that the risks from geologic haeards cannot be compietely elirninated witJt engineered structures, and that the owner(s) **t o"o.pt ttte risk of property damage asrociated with ths hazard zoir,: on tf,e fan. As stated in itre ,qtt Mears report, 9ur ryllendations ar: based on a reasonably for,:seeable .u"nt *itn a return poioa oo lii. "'tO* of i000 years' Due to geologic uncenainty, it is possible that events larger than .t*toaO herein could occur' We believt' the outlined approach wiil provide * o"r"piuUf. lJvet_protection eot:ift" planned structure and is a reasonable approach for tle field "oodirio*, except for the iowest risk approach which is avoirlance by not buiiding on rh: site. W;;.k;;" ***tV oi p.tfot*un.e oTthe structures, either expressed or implied. We slpuld r*i,* th. ."*pto"O de$gn *[en avarlable, as well as field concitions during Sep 12 O2 O3:4O:r Ceologicol IE Estigsion tobllo.14613 Fes 5 construction. OL:r rnalysis and recommendations are specific to this site and the planned r)on$truction as described herein and we should be contacted to r+evaluate orr findings and recommenddious if plans change. We appreciate tlre opportunity to be of service for this project. If you have Erestions, pltase contact our office. Sinccrely, Church and Associates. Inc. Q*cc David A. Cushrna4 CPG Enginetring Geclogist DAC 3 copies sent Afiachment I copy to Artlun.[ Mears, P.E. Inc. 555 Cornty Road 16 Gunnisoq CO 81230 i copy tc' Odell lrchitects, P.C. Attn: Lee lvlason 32065 Castle Cort Suite 150 Evergreeq (:O 80439 Faxed to 30367C-7162, Attedion Tony },iutsch I copy to Peak Lrrnd Conzultartg Atr: Mark Tarrall 1000 Lion's Ridge Ioop, Vail, C0 8l6j 7 p.6 trW Se.p. 12 02 09:40ir p.7 Vy'-,.4T: "{ff$,Y:iT;,;"ilil; Qds3-DebrisSides,letterinparenthesisindicatesunitthatfailed ?Pm - .Minturn lionnation Qm - lvloraine Qaf - Alluvial Frn Scale 1:24,000 'i.l t:jI / Figure 1 Map of Surficial Deposits Job No. 14613 z LJE LJ c)u Eftrz ulu L)zz*Hnt,lN==F -FL-n!2]r2)->f2U><LJ . UJ I.3LLtrluu T-'l t-l -J-r- 'r -r H!-t-Hl^ i->fr> ,, F I,J,,J ,^ tlur ll )d--r O lrJF o-X-xLr)\.r<in 3E z= =z (o() -f.....-. o(o;)< .J m Oz o atdx s o s _*] Therma-Tru Doors : Steel Doors DESIGN SHOWCASE PRODUCT CATALOG C la Esic- C reft Fiber-class ic gmooth-Star Fire Doors Ste el Doors Pitio Doort DEALER LOCATOR PRODUCT HELP COI'IPANY TRADE RESOURC E S I'IEDIA CENTER INTERNATIONAL FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SITE I'i AP Search @ Page I of I Premium Steel Thanks to Th€rma-Tru, st€el exterior door systems are nearly maintenance- free and hav6 none of the disadvantages of wood. Premium Steel exterior doors foature : r A tough, semi-gloss white primer factory-aPPliad to the door I optional white vinyl-clad jambs r optional solid, white vinyl brickmould r White or bronze w€atherstriPPing Sccurity The Premium Steel exterior door is constructed of durable 24-gauge galvanized steel and has a wood lockblock for secure mounting of the hardware. Our propri€tary security strike plate str€ngthens the entire door system for security and peace of mind. Encrgy EfficicncY Th€rma-Tru premium steet door systems completely s€al the entryway, etiminating the transfer c co|d.Aso|idpo|yurethanefoamcoresprovidegfivetimestheinsu|atingva|ueofcomparab|ewoo( almost double the R-Value of most polystyrene core steel doors' Warr!nty Premium Steel door system is backed by a 10-year limited warranty' To obtain a copy of thE Pren system warranty, contact your l-osellhlrDa:I4r-CGale!' @ 2oo2 Therma-Tru' Al http //www.thermatnr.com/productJsd. shtnl 312412003 CAT NO D Esc RrPTroN PRMN V3 vertical lamp, type 3 reflector PRMN V5 veftical lamp, type 5 retlector PRMN lL85 includes a 85 watt QL Induction Lamp, electronic ballast and an LDL lens, specify 120 or 217 uolt. PRMN |L]65 includes a 165 watt QL lnduction Lamp, electronic ballast and an LDL lens, specify 2O8. 240. or 277 voll. WHT White DBZ Dark Bronze IBLK Black I DGN Dark Green MAL Matte Aluminum VGR Verde Green ATG Antique Green CRT Coften Custom and RAL colors are available at an extra cost. Please submit a color samole or RAL color number. BPS Struts are finished in a brass colored powder coating. LDL Lightly diffused lens to conceal the fixture interior and reduce lamp brightness. Chimney not included. RST Instant restart ballast for 150 wan or less HPS lamp (S55). QRS Quaftz restrike controller and socket for a T-4 mini-cand halogen lamp. QL Socket for a T-4 mini-cand halogen lamp. Field wired to a separate circuit. HSS House side shield, factory installed PSB Pulse start ballast for 250 MH, V3 or V5 only. FS1 Single fusing for 12O, 277, and 347 volts FS2 Double fusing for 208,240 and 480 volts See the ML catalog for a full range of decorative bases, arms and poles. FIXTURE BALLAST/LAMP TOMH uses medium base ED-17 lamos. 70 watt metal halide multitap ballast 12012O812401277 volt TOMHTG bi-pin socket for T6 lamp 70 watt metal halide multitaD ballast 1201277 volt 1O0MH uses medium base ED-17 lamps. 100 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120120812401277 volt 15OMH uses medium base ED-17 lamps. 150 wan metal halide multitap ballast 12O1208124O/277 voll ISOMHTG bi-pin socket for T6 lamp 25OMH uses mooul base ED-28 lamps. 250 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240127 7 volt. Horizontal lamo. 70HPS uses medium base ED-17 lamps. 70 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 120120812401277 volr IOOHPS uses medium base ED-17 lamps. 100 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 12O12O812401277 volr 1'OHPS uses medium base ED-17 lamps. 1 50 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 120|2O8/24O1271 volt ?OOHPS uses mooul base ED-18 lamps. 200 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 12Ol?O812401277 volt 250HPS uses moqul base E-l8 lamos, 250 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 12Ol2O8/2401277 volt. All fixtures prewired for 277 volts. COLOR DIMENSIONS: 36" x 19" dia 915MM X 480 MM EPA=2.75 WT.=38 Les. IP RATING= 54 ARM 1 50 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/2081240/277 volr 17sMH uses medium base ED-l7 lamps. 175 wan metal halide multitaD ballast Shown with st tfis linished wth 6rass Nwdet coat iinish (APS) 2.PRMN V5 25OMH 2.TRA35U DBz-5R18-1 88 @rt OPTIONS PRMN IL85 120 DBg-4R12-1 25 DGN Refer to your AAL catalog for a complete listing of available arms and poles. CO NsN ol c.l C)bo €tE-- 5.r: :i -t----- I I I I L I I I I -L---- ol Iobo :, {) 3 > ' E E E ./t Ittlql 0lUI oEo b;5 g s; o e .Jrltl 1':- a ,J ,i! r.g.:;l. Jl ,E o 4-\= (\ -^.: F,:9 /il : El ix Yt= =t r(6l fsl I xl l:{l ;r <l :iz (Jl ! Il r F.7 2 J ODELL ARCHITECTS PC Date: To: Re: From: Remarks: February 9,2003 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i 0120 - Middle Creek Affordable Housing DRB Submittal Bridset Venne Odell Architects, P.C. 32065 Castle Court. Suite 150 Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Phone:970.4'79.2369 F ax P h o ne : 97O.479.2452 Phone:303.670.5980 Fax Phone : 303.670.7162 For Your Use I For Your Review !Please Comment !Urgent n Allison, Enclosed are 4 full-size copies and I 8.5x1 I copy of our DRB submittal for Middle Creek Affordable Housing. There is also a short memo, which describes our proposed changes. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact myself or Lee Mason in our office. Thank vou. Bridget Bridget Venne Odell Architects, P.C. L Date: To: Re: From: Allison, ODELL ARCHITECTS PC February 10,2003 Allison Ochs Middle Creek Affordable Housing - Preliminary DRB review - March 5, 2003 Lee Mason This memo is a summary of the design evolvement of the Middle Creek project since the project received PEC approval late last Fall. Middle Creek's PEC approval was based on l5 conditions that must be met prior to application for building permit. These were documented in PEC Meeting Minutes from September 23,2002. Frcma design standpoint, we have addressed many of the issues noted in Item 10, and further reinforced our compliance with the Vail Design Guidelines. I will outline specific design changes to the project based on our meetings with Jeff Winston after I address the 15 conditions item by item. 1) All items in Condition #l will be met and accommodated prior to application for building permit. We have already received our CDOT access permit and are working with CDOT to design the improvements on the notice to proceed plans. 2) Proposed grading not on the property will be approved by adjacent owners prior to permit. 3) All information required in Condition #3 will be submitted as part of the final DRB submittal. We are continuing the DRB review process with this submiftal. Shaw Constnrction will develop and submit a phasing plan prior to application for permit, if required. All off-site improvements will be subrnitted prior to application for permit. The project has already received a verbal approval for our CDOT access permit (paperwork to follow shortly) and we are working with them to design the site improvements. 8) We will have preliminary color and materials for the preliminary DRB meeting on March 5. 9) Bonding requiremelts to b€ addressed in Developrn€nt Agreement. 10) During the past mont\ the design team has refined the building design, as is noted below. I 1) AII units will be Type 3 employee housing. 12) Coughlin and Company has submitted an approved Parking Management Plan. l3) The landscape plan has been adjusted to increase 100% the trees on the North Eastern planting zone, and 5O%o on the Southem planthg zone. We have added 50 Evergreen trees, as well as 100 single-stem Aspen trees. 14) (There is no number 14 in the PEC Meeting minutes) 15) The submitted landscape plans expand the landscape islands on the surface parking. 4) 6) PrelimDRBmemo2- I 0{3.doc Paee 2 of3 Contents In iesponse to Condition 10, * " lutt months to refiae the design. Specific design items reviewed and adjusted are as follows: o Building Mass has been reduced in several promrnent locations. I full floor has been removed from the eastern section of Building A, and 2 stair towers have been removed from the front of Building A. These stair towers were previously partially located in the set-back. The southeastem corner of Building C has been broken down into smaller segments, creating more significant breaks in building mass at this prominent comer. o "Hardi-board" paneling has been largely eliminated. The paneling only occurs at the plaza areas of Building C that are hidden fiom view and at the north elevation of Building C. All building facades that are visible from the town are of a heavy textured cementitious stucco product. . Stucco joints have been eliminated. We have developed a construction detail with Shaw Construction that will allow "invisible" joints. o Eaves have been extended. Gable ends extend 16"; eave ends will extend 12". A heavy builrup fascia board has been introduced with a 2" x 10" profile. r Arcade columns have been widened and have a stone base, evoking a classical "colonnade". . Attic vents have been redesigned to have a "dormer" form with a gable roof. This is a form seen on a number of the older Vail buildings. e All windows facing south and along the east elevation of Building C will have a recessed profile, being mounted on the inside of the exterior wall. This creates a "punched" opening outline with a heavy shadow. . Many windows will have integral mullions. o All recessed windows in stucco walls will have a built-up sill detail. . We have introduced a few, randomly placed "Romeo and Juliet" balconies. r Board and batten shutters have been added to a random pattem of windows. c The south wall of the parking garage at Building C has been stepped in and out to break down the expanse of vertical wall. Furthermore, an additional roof section has been added at the southwest comer of Building C (over the entrance to the parking garage) to reduce the apparent vertical height at this location. o The roofs at the towers have extended eaves and heavy brackets. We have added brackets under the gable eaves on the buildings as well. Enclosed with this memo is a set of Preliminary DRB documents dated February 10, 2003. We will supplement these documents on February 19,2003 with color graphics and 3D computer photomontage views of the project. We look forward to presenting this project to the DRB. Thanks for your help in facilitating this process. Lee O :\Proiects\02 I O\memos\PrelimDRBmemo2- I 0-03.doc t, O:\Projects\02 I 0Vnemos\PrelimDRBmemo2- I 0-03.doc flaL Jn *ft,C tffibrdrd. rtru4" Vtiddl, U"VW e.7g ,l*- /n/wnn^hhhhn,+dt4 b\l - Yqrltv/ n nrw &db Va niltt Nkrid*1, hrtinu t' u*tk, v*E ^A lvfuv{tii rUivrlrrttl Jr& - +r,e* w?,/dv*rt lrrdow +nr'Vt olrb' + wlafile, ffid)e dtufue WW'4v\n{'"a*l'lwfuhw ' 4otlulrUv.wyl fi( ffi.+o Wal"| \W\?{tlu I ftraa dth'jdl-U bhd,F v'Vq'! r'{-naw*ltuu* \ttnr hur+lt'l &nd$G".'vugffiWfru/r,ufli,ns $ necYctcounzn . From lhe desk of,., Alllson C. Ochs CtlL u4 rtrhnrtrt rrrilit ^./w!\.zrnoil ilik, tp Urrfutt fuotl, f* duon'l lik dornrr -rw* i61, [rtrrlu'p -hilunarfrrlg b''ri^r-d.J ty* tWb $ nrctu,eoe*an From the desh o;f, . .Allison C. Ochs lw-- -wv*4-ilw'*" ,,h I ltilr Li d t^ +*,,fr tu y,. We*', t6W'DAki'^lE v r\ h,v, ;1,^ ilrJrilll t lu*4o,', ',uu 6al.u ,r[-tnf 'pinh/ r v wiryls'\ f'*Utjalr4 t^at,, 4/\Id^, [r,., . ln* n4'ntmutlinr'ta ,4 iffi uvYYv &, r\,,W tW,\{ ffii t'. rortt y}u^l M (tlrni*vt un"n ['f {n,n\ w,]t / nr,rr4 \rv, D,tdrr{t t/ htu ran {orrrur.",'tt$*t ''tft*/'fu,n, tt',l'tfu,*9 b*l#,rril hE ltltdfu,qg -d,rlhrs qn^tb'- @uoo*"!;*"y$ From the desk oj, . . Allison C. Ochs fi7n u 4tt a*'rutwlbwy* tz afea 9A,A4 dw&r +.,4 VwV*4 { *'l 4*"#vt \lfawrd'nf ,^ ,4 +o,Uv,Ih>,Wou 'f, v-P )Atu tu M& Ittt\nflr,^Ltrff WW $ nncra,ro r*en \ q)z (t) O € cteo- FE rI] '-1E ae v-= O -r3 r-., E =tu 3:< ==v Frl FLI &(J ri .:' !-o&; F 4 A rI] Jan = E I) v) Ft'l>lzl(t vt(t ttt = = v t;l;ll;lttttt I r3l<l>l)vll"l : 7 r- gi; :!"a ;I t):l I " =1 E € 3d :,B3 p -E t: :l "..i.. "o,=n ii:iilr€irEi liiF:l :: !: ':?! €El--li5-; 8fl i:' I l: E :ilrti= ;I :e lqFql 1a:i :!:; ;;<E r': ' EdB: iFI: '= ;1 = ; =.li! di =llE;;E ! IEE F; E Le!:' t,r r a;li::" l3! 3t a2,i ,rt d a: =elt ; TI lrEl>lIrEllxt; t*lu' l=tl<lt>l-ll*lrl E I g a d ag s- E-i Eg!t2aa E 9l- F' Elii EI eh. i5\:a E* 1E :5 : c a ",1l;ill'rl'l "zlulrf'ltill I l iE:E:! ri -. 2 ----E -.7; ';3;er . E F;FT'g:::5 i,'.r : E E- g .!tt! :BE ;r9 'a;le -e3 t ! r ! r r t €..4E<. t4Er lA {|1*FF !:!AtsR6' ;ci eEe:;;i:tt!:" :??sEE'€Ed;i€€; Ei_?E*n iii;E*E: ':: E E E:h; tll- 1;a,, :{'ffFlilrl;lilelIlil :l L:JI;"ll' It lnti- a1L 'It EE It It Middle Creek Affordable Housing IhEho&!| n ! oo rir E ll Sit V.il Color.do q FiI Ilir I ififii!' 1-* M, (+l l_i l- l= I' -2 zZ9tz FE5;iE sEEiis i !8 R{uts J t/ I Eqa s5E 9et i)/ ,l x!! 'FF ', 5>o Eii,E{a r53 3ZA 6t3 gEEIa I I ), T F=* Fl- "l il rTrlr ir il' rl lt :hll'rlill 'ilti uLI, ltll ,j" i, 11 Iti l Middle Creek Affordable Housing DrlcloDncnt Pltn Mountli0 E ll siro Vdl" Colorsdo 0 3l 7: :;. ] f... 1iHriti I iiiiii:FD I iiiril:I,''' Dr';ll e; ; l= t;l:l'9 (sa d= ll=;llrm iE ffiN l;l:[4 ii l; WFl!'lll++--r4-ll: L r. l l: l__r1 llqF lli ,!D, '.{-' ile.l? l: l= n a#.ff(A|"I I F]'+t|. Fl3 [ F1il9 rFd F+ IF IF L4 19l- t- i 61"'r i; g : l=+r' t"I t;.t- s '(+ 1 ffi-#5\\'Ii f;;'E ;i'3F;ui rm--11 ffi /:D\ "'f::t+ IE: t= .:I E'!E :IE iF 5i lii=/ T-r &! \" /r&] FMIII'I l'l'lltl =-8 ME rff 'lf II E' E Middle Creek Affordable Housing I>r.hpna lht l{ounuh &ll Silr VriL Color.do rii'ii',-e ls lltrl:ll.it tl !LlI rt, ]|i dlll l ll | /---\ -| \/l-F It-ffi r =3:r9El a lT{ff{t-- llillTl' TffiHtr fir n' E + llILI I ffi m NE nI iffi Middle Creek Aflordable HoueirB oevelopmont Plon Mountoi. Bell Site Voil, Colorodo M ilr 1 l i9EE s* oe Ei:E:ffE.:;' E;E ! 9 6 I ? E:!:iglg!g iEIE;E: E: ii'eEEiii igEi'Ei:;;ii i;l gc:E !: :;rii:i- . :lr Hb E::E;; E EI d , i:;i: .. .,:, I o r-ll:l !ft | 4E t 93 IF Itll E, u dE It rt rffi il ddlelui I t Creek Affordable Housing EDlvalopnrd PIatr"1,:1i[il,1" liiiri iiiiiii' o o ri o( ,)o\_-/ o o ti \ ir^ iio^q€" 3t,, /p.1o oo /-\ " (.) r')v/ o t I l 4 5 !il ii! i?iiiii:i I - oI l; =ls IF t- l" ,,.)O O ijr'l Os i =@tr : E h : tfl ti r? 9a F! !t:F:' iH ;B-3i .iit6'T 9H3EF3: l;!fiii "'!!.'Et !83-11f; EE FE*l. :l EgE EEE!F H5;E; .EE i$ ;,g6 E6 !t E$ r'^l e t€ 5:Ei ;i; Bgi cEEF:t; ; Ei !:r :l ;r Fr ;H et iliiiEiiili i-:lolu I E E! t 'i' l;t -!Il' L- iI !Lr tl ]E ll- "] IL Middle Creek Affordable Housing eDcvalolodt Phn Mo!trtrb Erll Silc lllll vrl, cotor.do tii l'i !i .'t H/, I tl ,at Ii rg4z }E;.:, i t,/[ tle - =& a a 6 a ; :E IE:: -8 7E Ei :3 :i :F i: iE 3; d f;E:iEE! i;ii;:i .!!t!s :E 3!,8 !s !Ei i/ * l-i! : I ,(.'" !tF=!l sg i:Fii €i -f, EitiiiEi:Ei; -{yor..l (y ::d lel !:n !:Erl 5.! C; ;F3" l; Tg s 3 EgE eea ti ;6 -+ e iliiEEiEiii I Oo) ,ET i-3 ; lo I r,-iFTt mfl[]' ffiE F,F"i-I'li5[ Affordable DrYllopomt Plm Moutrin &ll sih Y.il, Cohtldo Middle Creek Housing E tiiili RAr-n !E:EIE:I'I:lril tE;l'l tlish I ld t-r6le& a E - a z F t ==al;p EI:EFEg iE.:E:;i=;rE=:'ErE!:"3€!.E-..!1!tF !Eg!:E lF I EpE' .- t; iEiiEEiEi'i iE 'E*? cr;! tl:c :! iE ;n!! !;Eii 'ii 3;i' i :Eiiil'iiF iiE'!;'ii F';E'e'ii;l;lFt:l;i i,ll il I I I I ,# Flr E' n 5!6l t Middle Crcck Affordable Housing D.l.lopo. Plro Mou rh B.ll Sib V , Colondo E riiili , i,-l t;) T "i (-,.1 \ \ \\\ \f j5t llffir it YY I i rAY {yl"l i I I q ,€l) lTe 1t l€ l3,i\17 (+) !tE_l='t: t_:ti I I ,..+.,t]t I ri illt (.-'_i | /iT:r | !t"ftlt? (3 t-J e, i > T;FI P ',I"trll 'lL.=-rra. t :z tt: Tili ]I rt It lt' I !lls'!l' lt tat ;ll Ei t] ii [-l- i!ffil '?' 'i 9)| \li \i+'fil; _/ \ l\ n\ \l\ €) )-4 -r9 Fr'- .-^I \ \ \ \ \ rl,-r i.,t:-., rE i (o i=l"- = t?It I ,,T.,ut 2e =! \a-la:l I I (:,1 ii rrl,lilrl I i-'r I I Gl p! !et..) ffi a--l =E=t-:g "l Tll m ]I llT llllt r+-t EE I " rt"il' I!lil I ;tn t,t !t1t. I -fFLtIfl ffi li ll, dtlc fi]I ii Middle Creek Affordable Housing htaloDtrEl n! Xountair lcll Silc V!il. Coldrdo lM e 'E f= r i;1:i ilirl!fiIt l.- l! I' ,;l i: l, I ritr:t -rr=4. 3, l= ffiE ]l-r 1=f-1 Hffi HH lfTF I _lF tr lr + tl '+l-r FF I ffi ac =ib. = :l- ;Ii tl! r'ir I' tl rrn It ;lEll 4i[]; ff IE t; llll Middle Creek Affordable Housing I).vcloDrl.nt Plri l{ou rin E.ll Sit vdl Color.do iil,r r i iiiiii;"l-,r t /lrt- 6DF .l /-\ \-.1-l ir ./ iiP it9 1i l= t: I's TT"?iT ttt>'!-, t! 1;iTm;i;iffi?,fJ:l ;j Lllllll I Jllllll l II I'; ilIlEll mlErl ll 'T.il lMiddle Creek Affordable Ho DwtloltEot llaa XourtriD Lll SiL V.ll C.lo.r|b T I 6)G) T- raD\L/ al=i9 .=. - 4 g l-zA-,H\l_/ ll I (lo o l>!| !*rI r\) lE! Ft?ttlt"l l'l'r [, --'l i Ill 9a9l , I -lll ilE EBra et"il' E]]L;li It qFll r [flE'I I # ]I ll_ ffii1 itii nI 'll Middle Creek Affordable Housing ItEbpo.nt PL! Ho{dd. Lll SL V.il Colondo riFiillp, tryL I i+) -I,,Et=i=i: )Et; l= J= (tl, tie i19 rt1 Fta: IT I (:lr A1- l CT f. t; E' n I' FI ilil i Middle Creek Affordable Housing Dlralol|ncnt Pl.n Mo|tlh|ll E l] SiL I Vril. Cohrrdo I:il# I iiiiiiip I ifi rit; ILt " l lI-lTI tl C i. lr C I )Sl i ilClLl {l I -1 I I I I I 6D.t--t= 1: It li t; t-,.i\w l- -r-- Et. I| _.Ll tl *llll ,E 1i >!ITl.) Flit I'l'ltl =3!!=;tr Itl]I Flr |;tt E Irrs T TII ffi illll dttlr llrJL tn Flt tll ffi;l 6F) r= i=t:It l= t:t: --- I.-f\\,n '--' . ,| 7l >!| !-)| (-, Lc) FTIl:l;l ul FF!;=i ]E qF JIttt !tl itr,I n Er u E T Middle Creek Affordable Housing Iblh06t t'tn Xorlbh &ll 8L VriL Colondo ( ilil lial if;rii' f il: 9: 1i l; ,f sl:r ,-Nlil, | -: | !d .,.____L__-L-_t l - :H"1,\t i l f ; l!?ll, 'F ilbi- .10,:r, i ilr+dT t"--- -1 lr-rtl,lltll-.lill | - lllllll- i 'liL I jlt" r1- .J 1-(: .1 (:l i.- ) l-./:' I{i-F - t -,"l'if.il-j -+ 1' lril ilil Irll .rlc-> l., I).:(.1-) I",J)(, t'-! t\J5a)li ==xf c il ll TI I[L: tllsrt iEi. -il Ii]!lE rll .LI rm itt _117 tEl Ir ]:ill Middle Creek Affordable Housing i [ra\&lopm.[r Pla[ t{ounEin lcll Stu Vril, Colondo | :iio+ iiiiiiip iii'ii:j'" l I ir.rdH ll' ripfr"'ffi=l :lffiffini.) rffi rH lffi#-ffiffi-l rl[:rrrll Jji lfil]ftb ill--l rl r-a .lir. lFffiJl r ru+lp-dffi|; ffilhl l"I llffi [il ffiL?*'r | | ll[ ]*S t,l'--fl*rt | ,di Hi il l' I I i r Uil_F1# ,'l -,1- *-t_ + t-:it-q-lL#+ f,, l+'ll +i l[ffi#!]Lffid +I ir L ,1, i' lI ,:l, i- | | ' ! t[4, " i' i, J f I irii I 'l r I il [-.;]+1 ri,1 + f I i ll'r'..1r,i t J-'1...'-l-'jlllltlll4.- L' Nr_- l__ ,q l__ I _ t +€) (-t (;) (i) (:) 6 ,i:, ti .:r lt 3:iF+ffidf;= UlllllllI l TtttiEttrt1llllFa L I lle liltl I I'l'l n il Middle Creek Affordable Housing l:il# iiiiiiip ifi rii: |tr' l 6F,Y {= it= t_ Ie t:ItIILP - IT" t"l- -Tl-':) l'lI--l-'' +li^- -T[' _1t" l'l- -T[' l'l- - -+-'l<'o ,, Il _------T-----_--T-- lIt- I __]] il;lI liI __t_ tlrI I I I I I IIrl rl ;l it I l'---t- ttl t-t (tT) a.l = ; I ,-1_.. \.J_.' l. I J ,-l -_f1 -. l -l Ill.,t_ [].t-l i- rII'lrlI >'iliI lrr "l-lI --l tll.) lll.rll t : - r [,-[T l=9E- lllil -rftti|l l:l:'ttIJ; il l;t l.h l!lr t' : [i' E rul',"Hlllm lfc c il llill'i l'l ll *l f.) F] a.i Ti: lrl, T-t- icl l:] I;lr l;; {-: F' Lt TI: llll EllI it: it ]:111 Middle Creek Affordable Housing Dl1aloDdcnt Pbtr Moonbio Bcll Sit Yril, Colondo tliln*l liii'i':] =_l lrT= -*--f t-* I I I I I li*li ll- rl ____ l 6D iE t= l€t: I' ;A \,l/ r-t-1-l 64,+,4,J, E][llltb iltl t c, lll I lr :PI +Ei ftl nt -, tlr ' LL E lE@ lltr r.lFh l|Ilili .ltl T Middle Creek Affordable Housing Drralopant Phn , Molilir &ll Sl4 I V|il, Cohrdot_ q It-rll HIEIEE EEIEE EIEIEH ri ,,-\1_, {-l rlr ...' 6) r= -- lv 4 2 t> I I II E tr E E HEIEH trtrtrtr HHEH I [! [= l- lEJr l .1 II ;=!tmllLLlnt g,'illlllTl[l'" tlI]]IffiT Middle Creek Af fordable DaY.lopnant Phn UouDr.ir &ll Si& Vril. Colondo a-) IHE Htril HET E EE 'il 'ilI-T-t rnIT il,;IHHIt [=E LEUI tr EEE tr IN rtnfl mllllil tr liilllllll= ililtiltL E illsl E IItifl |'...' tillilfltil iltil1il J ll'lillLill 'ru t) illEltrHlilrtilr lrllE tilE tll [= [_i u il fl Ltf llllllE Ulr]L r - .- | Fh-)lo I fll ?=l a;1i .,: 5 |IIf r itffiItr t! fl' l' TF Tll -+F uil JI i'I I I rsl Middle Creek Affordable Housing ?, ) I)cvclopnc Ptm - ii I MouDtsi, E ll gitc | ?i Ivrilcolondo | ;l I ffl.,,: l liiifii:=l ELET=E:[=FE EEHE --lr o F8iE -- =: i= i I I l I ,e li, tE IE EE -,; 1:) I qF,(, a)r1l Tftlt.jITfIT|llNllll! I I;l * liit t!. rt lt I nE- ]}4f,{ ru 1II :lr glrl lrl'lllll Middle Creek Affordable Housing Dclclopent Pbn lloqot io B.ll slc V.il. Colo.do ;ItlfT_IIJLrl Ilr =llI lltl rl l[r ilF lrrl Ittlll llrtlT- Lll Ji"-T_:-- I IE IE IiI EEEEE trtrtrtrtr HHH#g I E tr fiI rHI tr ilI >t5bc) FT'I lu'i t1|[- :--l€Gi ==2 Iz; Itf- L,l]I I ilT ilt._ II]F ulL ;Ft r- !Lrl r [f-l''lll t.lI[ EII l1It 'll Middle Creek Affordable Housing lLrlotd! n[ Xoonsitr Lll SiL Vsi[ Colondo lilrri lifiliiip Ilif;til: I t- | | | tl tt I otrtrtrtr IEETEHE HHHHE fllEtrf]trfltEfl||l=t=tE r_flEf,tiE-JlglItElt=[=| l- tE- ti-t-[-- I I - [: tEt I hltulttoltul l l t- E t ] flErlEx=- El Fliltull+ El lL- il n rlt ill F! \i )i/ Jtflffitr r []iltill milnil- Iiltillil. illtilLtil 1|ililil ililililt -'' rfr -{ 1 'l'3 l I -.i -(:) --a:l ('t I lfrl* = r= rE' lil\|" E E E, lille = E E rillil* E H *fifi lfii,fl.m8"|il lill'*EE-Eltl ffi::,IffiffiililI lillfl* E Elillilillilillilllrllli fliltJilil,ili^ mililxilililililn1 -l l[ ll[eI lltrr ll -rl lt-I I tltEt tL lL r E-lll l- fr ll El li ll ll - lt ]| |t:ril |I f -,- -F -- H lL irtl/ fall lE//rrij/rllll';]iill\it/llrlli= ll tllll llli illrTr Ii't r/ li/ il |ttl/\iii\llllil rlrri Lll lllliilr lll /ii/ili,tllilrlllL irr *rI ILlfll -a llLiI|t il ll ll r lI*:ll r-t+ t-lll I ll l:-t ll ri l' ld'-- j--r 1f 't-lt -r -i_:__ / U-J rl---i ILJ ll-J i**IFFH rfifiR[_-iIII,'/ J ,>i Fl9tlc) I m [] tE! t lTlI:lfTI I I lll- f[hl:I Lrlq I'lc Fl' I E T'i|lf" II]IT l]-lllt r-l trl tL In I nr*irr I l' ]tlMiddle Creek Affordable D.vclopocDt Pl|n I xo|d[i! Lll sL I VriL colordo I E H r.il, rl=i= 1! IE lil: r= ffi it>'l+lO\lc)r_l ltl c Fl'illl N|] _Ht{d4 rulMI 'j'filrll G#l GD;r-Ft= ilP:lg ,:T',\it-/ lrc 6f) rE iF -f-----------\ -4 rl L_l =4Eli=:i=9= =f:39iq e EFr: Elltr 'll' L] L] BE Ei I E I Middle Creek Affordable Housing Dcv.hpncrt PI|l llo.oa.ir ldl SiL V.il, Colordo \'l ,l iltl rl ffii F>i f- /;1,-\ ';[:] ; riir ': I lllli ,il) H--- 'E [ile F :i ;';!'ii '" - i; 'i rJ"\ ;l; rl={l= l= l- l: l! d= z I (i-:) !i: il ';lJ li $firi E!E 4i il I:tl E; + rr, l}l ri'I fr I llirlrll'lI Middle Creek Affordable Housing I).vclopdcnt PL! llolobir Bcll Silc Vril, Colondo 1,, "il:.,,: i iiiiilip Iiii'it:l I 5A €5 IqcH = 9s p E3 dD\ EIF fl={E ls l= I /;) ;ti 1= ta l" I fL* I z? q) l; a 2t i1 F E = t.l:1 L3 (t! fl=il: l= l= I 6l)'+' Et=:{Aq: t; l= I I \o t_ tFttt;t; I'i'l LLI il e rf r--- i !a1 llllfEIr Irffirl' Tlffir, i;lt 7l- 'l t filtlrl: '-l ll _Ll l!s Middle Creek Affordable Housing I ir Dlt ro0o. Ptrtl | *i Mountrir &ll 3i& I ?iv.ilcohtdo , !i ffi qe 1l FE !i ,ri o Ee ^(!r-u) rt GI E-tJ d !.r =&o (,z V) o rfl FI E oc4i^ O := rr. E= fr. = U- <== v FLI FLI& C) tr1 Fla A = trll>llzlt-ltl t-llall-ltllv, l t-ll=ll=ll>ilr"ll<l t:lt-.llzlt-lI'Jl v, =l=ll>ll,"l I *_l f-]I'Ell>lF) i7( Il;ll"llv, I t-ll<ll<ll>l lro I i t-;t,*ll;llrdll'lt-llzlt-llf'rl LXJ t: liilii,;ll s lE p EE ali F CH E-5g rl I "ra '! i! iiiliiiiillit!!.l ,,1 l! lr- : rtE!rt ii!?l;-51 :l : I : !t at F T ttf9 itiii ii I -FFFBB" rlti ;ltii; !tl !ttr!i i"E-! ; iac- * ffiliE .liiF!l' Il =,"=l e.eo'cco""B !!!s'it!i;!i!i! ll iEl!!;! !itii-!tt - ---r iiiiiiiiii i: itiiiii;i:: !llt !ll:I T I I t'.liltrttl l'l'lt,l 9r Ei ]II T l-l:Fl: l'TfiF IIII Flr fl' n _El u n I Middle Creek Affordable Housing DsYdo?o.nt t||! liloutrbln E ll Sitc vril Olond. rll., ,: iiiiifip ]iii'iiil L_ + 2 a $n IE F:lo a'L= z(irqirz iI E3Efi 8EX E-laE EEE 8t 97 ll ,", tlll '*( 7 Er6t EI ; ilt z F s 2 .1 I, i 5 2. FE i,ift, ljiXEaz !f;r 3CA s3E g< -Ei, t//.:.vz//z'//1. Fl rr lt /l ! i!:l\:il:,i ',' .,' ) tt,,r8 I i/l 'ri1f,:;';,1,:' ,;'t, ''i iEi:Frg El u n lt' [5 trIlllrl l'l'lU E' E t] Middle Creek Affordable Housing Dlvdopd.[t Pb! llolnld! &ll Sib Vdl" Colo.do I {1.,, ! iiiiii:p iii'tt: f -t N t!I tttr 7 ; el'tllll,:iti; ' ,lttr,f,F I IL !-i:*z:\l a.i, .l ) - l\ l\)o\ 4 ;ill i N Crla t'\^ f\ t'\^ T\ I\ I\NcdA. A 1\ 'l=//// s////, AYl%/,r,/lrs_ntA\' t!:aig rwT,iga ,",-&a.::j- llIlt ; i --' ./ -z'tt!!t ,' \ ,/.",,l,J^(,'ffi.,' 't /,/,",,".Jgv)A ./ \ / ,/ / ,'\iq,g / t ; /./,' .wAp / ; I / / .' ,/I ,', ! I ,,' .. ..' ,,-,' ! d/,"' ,, ,'./ i ,nf ,/,, ,' ,-,| | !'.fr. r' / ,' _---I /t'...- I i:i? / .' /' ./ --*-' / --.J-_l:l:!,.t'/ .,' t. - _ _'J_,,'. ,- i# Middlc Crcck Affordablc HousingH.tshIdEIvd,h T I /,tnI nlil il tt,ll I1 l1 ll/ lir 1 ;.i ry(.tl t1 r'r,/;/ffi l#lltgll/ll,ffi I/t l/l riltl i\ -/- t\JN I i\ l\ l\ 11^ n^ .\^a\ a\ a\ I\ c^r9i\0o(oA \J \,/ \.,' \J \J 'l I i\ cx t\ l\('o\ ai ;; , E B tr,,i,I ttit, ? t tiilIr 9 lilhlllt ll;ili F ,t3 {/a ?r//S i!'.a Middlc Crcck Affordablo Houeing hIFbrdnlvdl6d f -l + t-- @ f, E F E A\[7- '' lil l T!l lli I I I I t,i.i {te'Era ffie ii!' El l'l H li l!l ill 'm I Middlc Crcck Affordablc Houring hIFTb IdII V{,h-ffifiii" + IL t!t-)t.P {E 1A IT lst- IH Middlo Cr€ek Affordabb Hotdrg Drvdopmcnt Plqn U ntoh 8dl Sit. Voll. Cdqpdo t tc lTlHs lNtlHc_LYn;,fI I I I I I I I I lt],PET'-- /t 0 iII /iri,r I I d f F c I t tr! ,l ,,/ s.l rv^ lo NMo I lo-l'n'l'E Mlddle Creek Affordabb Fbtrsing Drvdoprnrt Plar llorntokr 8dl Sitc Voil. Cdorudo Hi 3 I- lfddle Creek Affordable Housitg Drldopmrlt Plal llountoln Bdl Srlto Vqtr, Cdqldo imH' MkJdle Creek Affordable Flosing Dodopme{rt Plan llountoln Bdl gtc Vol, Cdrodo Mkidle Creek AffordaHe Houdng D.ldogmdt Plon Iontoh Bc sit. Voil, Colorodo i*[u- EI EI s 7It Mlddle Creek Alfordable Houdng Dcr'doomt|li Plal Lountoln Bdl Slt. Vol. Cd(odo zo-{ cl 'ttavtnc'E9<-2= z2o oz Middle Creek Affordablc HouirB Drvdopmdt Plon Uo0ntoh gdl Sitc Vqfl. Cddqdo I I I. ) i*[u-- imH'H Middle Creek Affordable Houning Dcvdopmrit Plan llarntoh BCI Silc Voll, Cdqodo qli1 W ll tttl,l I I I I ittltl I I i*[ e E /_ r-TTi-_l =E,mH' Mkldle Creek AflordaHe Houirg Drvdopnc0t Plon Udlnloln Bd 9t. Voll, Colorodo Hr I ffi Mklde Creek AflordaHc Fle.rSrB Devdoomat Plan llcutoh Bdl Sltc Va||, Colorodo \?ra \6 a ^V \ Y Y(vl \l Ilt\tt,.--.| \t _)a le e\l ..\\t , -r4 e__ /lT\eP flF TT ln t: t3 l. I ,+..4\l-l i lo I Ioe @o I\3 j il t>ll!eIFL- llll ul T Err I =it - EBI it-t III m rFlitit Efl'luLTF]i lrlrlr Flr [' n mil m ffiil ru El u n HI [] L? I t\I'l\ I - -----e- -----o t I@ IEflt 't-: Et- l' I I I/.t\rt7 !l|l ile i= l_; t; l3tit l I,Kq7 IA i"iooI t____L______--_J__i L'e, I .F iEEiat a 'mi >;tlt| !e ril'lt..)ll>I Y rttl E' B UE m m @II dE It m j Middlc Crcck Affordable Housing I Dlr.loto.l! Pl|! I llountrh lcllsib I v.tl, Colondo $' ? t 7 iiitii' lii'tt: I + TT -l | - --r:\ll\./ @ flEril E E lp l- I /1t\ r17 6l) ilc 1E lgo E rI$ JII IJ 6 TT@?TT [tlt|ll]I lrr lil'ii(rliG Il- L'Ll -El ell3{ 4a t ]E !lF ]L;ltT UL r[I-'I I ffi Middlc Crcek Affordable Housing I!.vtlolollt I'l|! Xo! .ln &ll Slh V.il color.do st i t I L- TT TT ftlI t\)lbIGl- [lII tll iSile5 I Flr E' E Et u E m il I Middle Crcck Affordable Housing Dt bto.d n|! Noutd! E U 8lL vdl colondo ffi t_ It \ I ill lt, rD\y IIE lx l! ! i- I,.f\ rJ7 -'---1t-----E'.-lh-'t./,-llr I I I I l-- -t I I I ---+ I I I ___t I I l : - -- \ t-./-\ .-, r.r3 i j-}-a9 .nll(, u)l- la-lf ", u)tlcJ1 *-€ Middle Crcek Affotdablc Housing IrfiloErol lh! Moulda lcll Sltc Vd[ Cnlondo \to li <J> u) I s1 il.u) slsltLllil l >!t\)b\6l- FIIlltrl l'l'l iLl FF!;il fII TFIT I'EII I llll' IHr-rFtit; I lt lll lTr E' n m m m ffi ffi m El t] n !T! I Middle Crcck Affordable Housing IhnlolDllt Pl.t Xo||!td! &ll Sib VdL Colordo [i'i'i',iil1iii'tt:l L -J aa\ \.t!-t----+--- 1 >lF.)\IAL- Flil l'l'l U J E;i ]II]I TFFII TEiiEI rL"|ltl tTtiFt; I lr rlr Flt E' n El u n T Middle Creek Affordable Housing Drrclo9@a Plt! Xorltrh &ll Eib V.iL C.lard. 9'l ? I T tiil;;;i- IflL _t @@ I i - ---aD ill b . r-e (I -) ---{il-', - *fo r "l-lr 1 . ' .::i t>lI b,.)lborc)L-l [-m|. l'l'l ul lE!;llE.i 6 T ]I flE rl-'l t Hffi El u n llF Ii Middle Crcck Affordablc Housing Dclo'l.nt Ph Xot Li. E ll Sit Y.l[ cohndo -]i..' I iiiiil=p i iii'tt: LL lllllllltrfti -Lll illt MF!l!lL T]I ull m ;|\ull ilc i=h t:t: t: l- I I/'-t\t' - - -\-\ ,. i -- 'Fic, : __- .F ._{a) i : --,- +-€ i -- + \-o lo -- \ I1-, EHiIs"I t r\oa Frlll1 | | l','l Lu u]l :l:l:l E' n lbbl+bb Ht u n tl:l ul Middle Creek Affordablc Housing DdlloD5l Pl|| INdd! &I 8it V.lt Colondo $ i I 1 iilrrr! iiilii!p iii,it: ffi m iTatitr iltliEII rlllr tIffim r*€ : : ----f I'r, : gFi l'i | >l!e'e c)_.\/ l!ltl ul E' n I FFlpFbF !l u E I o ? i ,! 2 !11., ,: iiiiilip iii'tt: uI Mldole ureex AlIoroaDle llouslng D.r.bDedt Ph! lilolnld! Lll Sit! VriL Colondolm L _-____+{.6 i _ \ r-!) : /il\aP HE itE l: t: IF I' I,-t\#\l_,/ =Ei iilrrr; iiilii:l> iiiril:ttl le C) rllr t_:JB ,I t Fbl+FF !l il E I Middle Creek Affordablc Housing Dav,log[aol Pla! Mou ri! l U SiL VdI Colordo !TTLI il iN -.t-I:fti l-r !ltllrilil iHF !t!l L RTtLl tT -'i o 'l -+ F,"l l:] \u, rlE fl:E!! t3t- I I/_|\T-E\l-l - 't f-L-7 i - +-ra ---+ '.€ >!b.) " N) C) [lII tfl 3El ;II Flr E' E El tl E ilil;t'l t1tl Middle Creek Affordable Housing D.rhDE! Ilu Nornr.io lcll lib VdL C.londo F-r r-& - ---e - --€ tEl!e(, (') iilr il T !Ei [III rHT ITEElt IEIIF |ilrl llrlrll Flt E' n TW#mffirif El t] n m u I Middle Crcek Affordable Housing I Drrloto! E|! i Xouldn lcll Stu I vdL colodo -F.tiltl [-iiiii," iItll: l A i4 aIi 1E FTIllirl l"l LJ 4F! EEI =H I ]I ]II m ttFlr- I I llllullt TTfiE | | llll ]E !lI IL;IT !tL ! I I I wilil ffi ffiI El u n Middlc Creek Affordablc Housing h$blst tb Iort b Lll Sir. V.iL C.lordo iiiiiti'" lii'it' L I GD ;E!t:{a ffiE' ffiIilIE ii3'ffiE' I milHiEln Middle Creck Affordable Housing ILadltut |! Xo.nl|i! lcll $t! Ydl Colcdo EE* -:I: r lffillli i il\r/,Trifirql {: ll , -r --_,-r tl t'E I Ilffiw.E|1- 6t)vt=t: t!l T I ,l I l!95 |lEIIri Illl L1 lL'-, Ll_lll___ll 'NffiE fiffiE fll *irtru- I fl iii'ri; - ;l t 6) flF ti: t3 r I Rflr l* t- I' I {lI 'Ttl I I I I I 'l+f------ EF EE€ c 3Er gi - *-€ 3;Ea: 'R @ E EI lE t; l3 I' I 61.') dEit IE t; r I :';E Eg E 3E L $ E T:]FJ EEE $+ r>ll+ e tTilll|r l l'l'lU E al Ei E E ]I T]I mltil tLlltl-li Lllr ffiE ffir rl ll EI'T EI!] L r lTl 'n I ffi ffim El u E Elil u -----.-.''l €) : ;: ! a t- -I ill.,,: Iiiiiiiipi lliril: Lll ^ GF)\.t, flE E1l- t: IE r I 6t)Y ||E ni It t: l=j- '5a --o --o ---o - --o GD F IE E F I 6DY TIEit IF t; t:t: ItIt 6D ilr q! h iE B r 6f) ilru E l- t2 le I r $ t+ T>lIFlN) iilF ul EI:l - x Tll |TF]T l-t-tiTiti I EIFilltl TTIiEI; lltlllt ftl r E' E T T]I ilffi ffim El u n llll I Middle Creck Affordable Housing D.YrL0old lt! l{ol!d! t ll S|! VdL coldnb s ?- I t L I tlli$ $ ir+'F .l f i t I iE f+t @IF qt lr rl=-lE I I -3 :t :EA FH: l $EE ;fi$ tE E 1l E E tr tr EI tr fl 5 fl! EI E EI:l = E rl 'I l >l5t l! ltl!l ul L_l IIlI IL-T-|; tl ll tl Tli llt :ll t- illlFlllr fltitrlrli ql t] E !:l l'l Middle Creek Affordablc Housing DrvlloDe!! Il|tr uortrLia &ll siE v.il C.londo :, : t EF FFI ' | 'l=I I 3t i. NEE EF .-\? 3I e\ e9 --\? I @IE ltit-l I: I I F:g 'iga7:.F: <9i EFE E;l HE r€ n [ffi8 \MNNMNE It""r n""r tl""r fl""rlt-J ut-J Lr-J ur-J cF!E:I 3 f,-t r E' E >l5b() lil!l ul El t] E [-ll] ul Middle Creek Affordable Housing D.r.lotdlr Pl.! llo! dn Lll Sit VrlL Colordo ril .,, i iiiiiiip iii'ri: trE} trtr tr EEEE= trE[rtrtr --€ EF E E E tr Etnt]-J Lr- i l il-1/ "it; @IE rE F. lt! r I EEESgE'E=8. 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Ean EmE mEm EEEE] EEEE ++{;+ $+fiiE *iiiltrri-t' trtrtr 11 [] EEEEE EffiEffiE (fl)}- EIFi: |e F. t I >lFB-I t il'ltooitll.Alllo tltY lLtl eE! =:lx Tt]I TI; -T-t;tl ,la lltllTFIt :t-t Ftr ffiFl iltuin rn !l!t L l Tffi# iill 8E I[ NE rlili ul Middle Creek Affordable Housing Daclogdrnl Ph! Yo[nr.h Bcll 8lt V.lL Colondo -----l i i t?l ;im Ft H E EEI =ila.l ftlt E' E l>!t$lioto :l!l i'l'l !l u n Middlc Creek Affordablc Housing D.r!h9.!ot ll|! Xoutdr &I 8tL Ydl, Coloido 0i It iil.,,i iiiiilip iii'it: L _-t 6t)dl -T--r- Ht/llE= r-llll t< F- IUItE =il|I|lt- I I /:r-\\yqt {ts IE EFI F I] Fr 6D TIF 1t lR I' I O rla :1. 1: l= F 1 J 6l]\+/ {i E FE I (!l-) il? t;l- I 6D ilr!- FFI (rl.l..f flt{: l- 1-. -J ilr 1; IBt- i ; I :l l! IE i H I ti tt I, ! IEEI 'i EI-l I liTil iL I !o lr I lil t I'l'lll E' E Middte Creek Affordable Housing I)!ftloro.lt Pl|! Xolrtrb 8.ll SiL VriL C.londo (" t i 2 , ill'rr! iiiliiip 'tI: l.i l2 t>1Z t\ dd z-1 3 I(J E 6 oo Ee6 =(\r ! f, I! g 5 E3 g is t '. 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