HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE FIRE ALARM LEGALo RE0O NOV 2 2004 Middle Greek at Vail c/o Coughlin & Company 140 East 19'Avenue. Suile #7fl) Denver, CO Et)203 November23.2fi)'l Mr. Charlie Davb-Chief BuMhg Official Towr of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax:97U9*252, RE: FireAlarm Fix- Middb Cred(Vilhge Mr. Davb. The hterft of tis letter b to pr.t h wilitg tte frnHin of lhe necessary ft for tre fre ahrm system at the Middle Creek Mlage project As llou are aware, marry rx{i-be*<rom db do not achiane the req.dred decibel bvd at the 'pfol,f, dre b tre lmproper aeSg of lhe fre ahm qdem. The suitable ft b to add a device ir eacfr afiected bedoom. Thb ft wil take place over tn nod 3 vueeks folovrirg receirt of materiab, wt**r are d.re Monday Nwember29'. The ft wil reqtie irstatalion of nelv fre ahrm wie, hdalalim of nerv da*:es, patdip oi Cym[ and repak paintig. TtE ft vr,l mo€t lkefy take abod 7 to 8 <hp O cornpHely irstal and repa- eacfi uit. As we irdend to move ternnb iilo trci rrib p*r b tE ft takilg pbce, the proper decbel level will be acftieved ir eadt of fte tnits by rerrcvitg lhe bedoom door fiom ib lirges and sfiorirg the doo6 ir a storage area on sb that b not accessltle to b nls (rre itnd b use the gaage stagirg area fur storage of lhe doos). llow$ewod( will be mnplished: A member of Midde CreeKs managemed and mahfrenance stafi u,l hfom eacfi tenant, orior- to movcrilt, about the absence of doors fofi the afiected bedoo|m and the neces$ty of tis as a req.ired ard important lrterim safuty measre. The tersis ni be irf,ormed M trey carnd lrarg tpi ouin door" or take any dter $eps tnt rvodd *tincd$y iryad tte fans r$s$m of sqnd trct{h tre door operiu (affindr pivacy measres, tke lwqiB a bed slreet q beads urodd be acce@le). The brs$s rrrl be hfiormed of the fufure work to be performed h trci uib to comdete the p€rmaneot resofulirn as outkred above. The tenant will be hformed tnt the i/f,dde Creek mamgement team and Stnw Gorxtrudim wil wo* wih tfrem ,. o Page2 ilovember24.2fiX Electician, and Pahter. We abo udetsland tnt folortitg the comphte ft il $il be neoessary for lhe Fke Deparbnent to come trough eacfi trit and verfi proper ffi le\€l and proper umrking order of tre sll$em. AgBin, tpm cfiec*+ and trrps of tte uit, we uil edair lhe procedre of lhe ft, and make stre the tenant undersfards tte irnpoftance of uiry tis fu ur| be implemented. lf tp tenant does not feel comfortable wih ou hHim resollim ild tte ircon erience of IviB troqh the implementation of fte permaneflt fr<, rve wl contirJe b proaite |he terant horlirg h anotrrer local hotel or condomi*rm. For tenarG wlto are prepded b rnoysi! r.tder tte dove codins, re ufl be ofierirg a rent-ababment incenlive to compersate for tte irconvedence. Please bt me know if you have any drer concenrs r qredirrs on tis ftr and orr resporsbfities to iL We appreciate yorr wttgness to crealiudy addess tt sft.ralirr and are nroct grateil that many of o|r g|anb wil soon be ade b efioytni rcw uG at l.fidde Creek Please feel fiee to cal me on my cel ptrone d ary tfune at (303) 90!7480 if you have arry questiors, addilional suggiedkxrs or reqtiemer*s abc.* trow re n{fi besf hande and manage tis effort. ffi#v(L_=' Coughlin & Company Cc: Mike McGee. Russ Fone€fi - Town of Vd I I I ALL-srATE FIRE PROTECTIoN. rNC. | 6045 8.76'n AVE. #l},Commerce City, CO 80022 Phone (303) 288-3901 * Fax (303) 288-1936 I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I FIRE SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR Middle Creek Housing Building E Vail, CO fvrr te VQ 4fi sf<le.{1i<y--Ie.orvh. 4eh^ VATL TIAE DEPARTM.cNI ApProvad es Subt*itted tr -''ItPPitv*d rr l{attd E-- Tltio: , -Eate: " -' -' Project Name: Address: Calculation Arca: Hydraulic Calculations Project hrfornration Middlc Creek Housing Bldg E Mountain Bcll Site Vail CO Rcmotc Atca#2 Date Filc # Index 7 t|4lO4 E40tE-2 l1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Occupancy Classifi cation : Conetruction Density: Area of Operation: Area per Sprir*ler: Numbcr of Sprinklers Calculated: Hose Allowancc 0 gpm rns,ide 100 gpm outside Wuter Supply Design Criteria Light Hazard Occupancy Combustible tr Nou Combustible .10 Deneity sg/ft I I 170 sq. ft. I30 sq. fl. Max. 25 heads Rack Sprinkler A llowance o gpm Sprinklcrs Make: Globc QR Upright Size: 7/16" K= 4.2 Temp: 200o Static Residual Flow 102.0 psi 90,0 psi 1635 gpm Calculation Summary Total Sprinkler Waler Flow: Flow & Pressure: (at basc ofrisor): (at point ofconn.): 377.8 pm 377.8 gpm @ 83,9 psi 477.8 gpm @ 84,4 psi Notes: | = fuea reduced 4Vo/o for quick response sprinklero then increased 30% lbr roof slope. I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I DaEe: 07/L4/2004 ITOB TITLE: MIDDL,,E I{ATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTE]VI HYDRAULIC A}IAIJYSIS CREEK AFFORDAELE HOUSING BUILDING E Page I 840lE-2. SDF1n/11"r| c s. SOI.IRCE NODE TAG s NODE TAG 3t 40 'tr 43 44 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 fJ q( 58 ft 60 51 62 63 64 OJ 66 67 <A STATIC PRESS. (P8I ) 102.0 ELEVATION (FT) 11.0 11.0 19. S 10 a 12 .5 LZ .l 19. I 19.8 18. s 27 .0 21.0 27 .0 2t .0 21 .0 21.0 18. s 19-8 19. S 1C C Lt.5 19.8 19.8 18.1 r7 .0 18.1 lo. r 18. I 18. 1 16. 5 15.5 15.5 15.5 RESID, PRESS. (PSI ) F',LOW AVArL. TOTAL REQ ' D@ PRESS, @ DEMAND PRESS.(GFM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 90.0 1535 .0 100 . 8 411 .8 84 -4 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FIJOW AT EOURCE TOTAI IIOSE STRE.A}4 ALLOWAI{CE AT SOUREE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWN,ICES TOTAI DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKIERS NODE ANALYSIS DAIA soL{r i J'*. U 51.9 13,0 '! '2 t 9.9 10.4 LZ.t L4 ,4 Lf,. o 9.6 rn 1 'I 1 n L2 ,4 14 .0 15.6 ]-3.2 13.9 9.6 13.I J-f , t' 9.9 l-u - l 13 .9 15.1 L6 .9 L7 .4 18.9'to o 13.8 'I 4 q 47?. g 6P14 O. O GPM 100.0 cPM 377,8 cPM NODE TYPE K* 4.20 K- 4,20 K= 4.20K- 4.20 K= 4.20 15.1 r:. b L) .4 13.5 15.r 13,0 13.3 l+. D 14. { 14.8 1S.3 18. ? 1s.6 1A A PRESSURE DISCFIARGE ( PsI ) (cPM) R= 4.20K- 4.20K- 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K- 4.20K- 4.20 K= 4.20K. 4.20 K= 4,20 K= 4.2oK- a,2QR. 4.20 K= 4.20K- 4.20 15 .3 15.7 1? n tJ . { .,'-.? 1? 1 13 .2 IJ . b L5,'l t6,3 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= a .20 t\= q. zu I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAI'LIC ANALYSIS Page 2 84 0lE-2 . SDFDale: 0? /L4/2004 JOB TITLEI MIDDLE CREEK NODE TAG EIJEVATION (FT) l5. s 16. 5 11.0 4,5 4.5 0.0 0.0 AFFORDABIJE HOUSING BUII,DING E .10/11?0 S F NODE ?YPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE 69 70 1t ErI BF2 BR UGI s K- 4.20 HOSE STREAI'I sottRcE (PSI ) 18.8 20 ,9 24 .4 66.2 80.2 s3.9 44.2 84.4 (GPM) L6,Z t 00.0 471 .8 PF EE PV ET PE PV PF FE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV EE DE! PV PF EL PV I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC AI'IATYSISDater 07/t4/2004 JOB TITLE: MTDDLE CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUIIJDING EPIPE DATA Page 3 84018-2. SDF .10/1170 S F PIPE TAG Q(CPM} DIA(IN) I,ENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL (I'PS) I{W (C) (FT) SUM,NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) , PiPe: I _1.5.1 1.049 PIJ 9.39 PF 0.737 19.8 4,2 1.3,0 15.1 5.5 120 FTG pE 0.038 19.8 4.2 L3.7 15,5 0.078 TL 9.t8 pv 0.2 Prpe:2 -30.? 1.380 PIJ 3.67 PF 0.?38 I9.8 4.2 L3.7 15.5 6.6 120 FTc T pE O.O42 19.8 0.0 14.4 o.o o.o?5 TL 9.67 pv 0.3 Pipe: 3 -L3,2 1.049 pL 9.00 pF 0.539 r2.s 4.2 g.g r3.2 4.9 l2O FTc PE 0. O40 12. 5 4 .2 10,4 13.6 0.060 ?L 9. OO pV o .2 Pipe: 4 _26.9 1.049 FIJ L: .zs pF s.640 r2.5 4.2 10,4 13.6 9.9 120 FTG 4E pE -3.241 19. I 4.2 72 .9 15. L O .223 TIr 25,25 pV 0.7 A1 ,z 43 43 50 45 45 46 45 49 47 48 48 49 49 4.2 0.0 0.0 1-Z a,z 4.2 a,,a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72 .9 14 .4 14 .4 L5.5 15 .6 15.5 9.5 10.1 10.1 11. L t2.L 14.0 11 .8 LZ.+ 12 .41a n l4 .0 tq ( 3 .62 3.52 -t ,50 7. 50 9.38 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 o.2 2.Q o.0 0.5 r.! 0.0 0.5 -L,b u.6 0.6 1.1 Pipe;5 J,v.at Pipe; 6 av. d 18,5 Pipe: z 't9 q, r8.5 Pipe: 8 27.0 2L,O Fino. O 2L .0 27.O Pipe:10 21 .0 21.0 Pipe: 11 2L.0 21.0 Pipe; 122t.o 21 ,0 Pipe: 13 2t .0 18.5 -41.815.r. 9.0 0.0 - IZ.>0.0 6,9 - tz.)0.0 4.0 0.0 - 13 . O 13 ,0 4.8 13 .3 - zo . J 13 ,3 9.8 ]-4.6 -41 .0 14.5 8.8nn - 1.4 .4 14 .4 5.4 I4 .8 -29.2r.4.8 10.8 -70.L 0.0 6.7 0.0 2.729 PL 120 FTG 0.013 TL 1.049 pIJ 120 PTG 0.059 TL 1.049 PL 120 FTC o .217 TIJ 1.390 PL 120 FTG0.129 TLJ 1.049 PI'] 120 FTG 0,071 TL 1.049 PL r.2 0 PTO Q,262 TL 2,067 PL ],20 FTG 0,049 TIJ 1.380 PL 5.67 PF r.6I2O FTG T PE O.O0.r34 TL t7.67 PV O.s 2,067 PL 7.25 PP 0.6 120 FTG T PE 0.60.052 TL 11.2s PV 0.3 9.38 L42 T L4 ,42 Ls0 U, )U r.00 T 6.00 z , Jv 'I 12.50 I Dare I o7/L4/2004 PIPE TAG I END EIJEV. NOZ . PT DISC. L NoDEs (FT) (K) (PSr) (cPM) SPRINKLER SYSTEM ITYDRAULIC ANALYSIS I JOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK A.FFORDABiJE HOUSING 8UII.,,DING E .10/1T70 S FPIPE DATA (cont. ) Pipe:14 18. 5 Pipe: f5 r9.8 19.8 Pipe: 16 L>.4 19.8 Pipe: L71q tr Pipc:18 15.5 19.8 Pipe I l9 19.8 19.8 Pipe: 20 19.8 18.5 Pipe:21 18.5 L8.t Plpe r 22 18.1 18. t Pipe; 23 r?.0 17.0 Pipe: 24 ,! 't AL, rV 18.1 Pipe: 25 IO.I 1A 1 Pipe: 26 TO,I 18. I -r42 -70.0 7 .8 0.0 L2. I - 2n o L5 -7 6.5 -.LJ . U13.0 4,8 13 .4 -26 .4 13 .4 9. I LA . Z -4L,6 L5,2 8.9 0.0 - tz,a0.0 6.9 0.0 -zL).1 0. 0 11.8 -17.L 1? 1 a '' 0.0 - L5 ' ZL3.2 4.9 13.6 -26.813.6 1.0.0 -42,515.? 9.1 1< 1 J.O . J L1 . E o.0 1 .049 PL 9,38 120 Frc 0.0?9 TL 9.38 1.380 PL 1.67 ].20 FTG T 0.0?7 TIJ 9.67 1.049 PL 9.00 120 FTG 0.059 Tr_, 9.00 1 .049 PIJ I.2O FTG 0.217 TL I.3EO PL 120 FTG 0. 132 TL 2 .06'.1 PL 120 FTG 0.052 TL 2.729 PIr 120 FTG 0. 1 00 TiJ 1,380 PL LZ U ! lL, 0.025 TL 1.049 PL I2O FTG 0.061 T[, 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.224 "tL 1.380 pL 1?O FTG 0, 138 TL I,3EO PI, 120 FTG o.252 tL Page { 840I8-2 . SDF TI(tlSS. SUM. TDCTI pF 0.2 PE O.OPV 0,4 0.1 0,0 v -z a1 0.0 U.-' 0.0 0.2 4.9 -1.9 0.0 u.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.2oa 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 3.t -0.5 L.Z 0.5 t.o 0.0 1a Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH vBr_, (FPS) HW (C) (Fr) F,L. /FT 2.729 PIJ 120 FTG o,o47 TL 3 -62 3.62 PE PV PE PV rE PV PF PE PV PF PV l.F PE PV EE EE PV PF Ed PF EE PV DF PE PF PE PV Prf PV t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t s0 52 52 55 53 54 54 55 56 56 3',l 5T 64 58 bl 59 60 OU 61 62 62 53 0.0 0.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.0 4,2 4.2 4,2 4.2 t.z 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 4.2 a,z ?,4 0.0 1E < r>.6 13 .2 13.9 13.9 14 .7 9.5 10. r 10.r. 13.1 13.1 14.7 L4 .'t 15.8 ro,l lb .:, 9.9 10.5 10,5 L-5 -:t t3 .9 15.9 14 .50 4E 22.50 5 .67 T 11.67 L, Za '.1' 11 .25 4 .75 14.55 I .42 T 14 .42 9.00 9.00 t. f,u 4E 17.50 8.50 8.50 1 ,00 T 7. 00 I Dare 3 o7/L4/zoo4 SPRINISJER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC A}']A]..YSIS PF PE PV I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JoB TrrLE: MTDDLE CR.EEK AFFORDABLE IIousrNG BUTLDTNG E .10/1170 s FPIPE DATA (cont,. ) PIPE TAG Q(CPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.END EIJEV. NOZ, PT DISC, VEI., (FPS) HW (C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSI) . PiPer 2? -?5.9 2.067 pt 0.54 pF 0.g63 1S.1 0.0 15.9 0.0 7.3 120 FTc T pE 0,064 18.1 0.0 L7,4 0.0 0.055 TL 10_54 pV 0.4 64 7t 65 66 o9 70 o, ott f,R AA 69 70 7l Pipe: Pipe:1l 35 Pipc; 35 35 9i na. 35 BF1 Pipe: EEZ EIET 1 pipe: BF2 BR Pipe: 28 r8. I I1.0 Pipe; 29 16.5 16.5 Pipe r 3o 16.5 16. 5 Pipe | 31 J,5. 5 15.5 Pipe; 32 15. s 16.s Pipe: 33 t6,5 16.5 -29t ,00.0 15.0 0.0 -18.3 18 .3 5 .8 18. ? -37,01S.? 7.9 -15.6 r.5.6 5. S 16 .0 -31.6 16.0 7L.7 18.2 -4 9.8 rB .2 t0 .7 0.0 -85.80.0 8.3 0,o 2.729 PLJ 120 FTG 0.175 TIJ 1.049 PL,, 120 FTG 0.110 TL 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.107 TIJ 1.049 PIJ 120 FTG 0.082 TL 1.049 PIJ 120 FTG 0 .303 TIJ 1.380 PL 1.20 FTG 0.185 TL 2.067 PIJ 120 F"TG 0.072 TL LZ, bZ E 22.42 9.38 9.38 3 .67 T 9 .67 9.00 9.00 1t .50 2E 15.50 5 .67 T 11.57 s.50 r.5 .50 Page 5 8401E- 2 . SDF ?o 3.1 1.1 1.0 0.0 0.3 r.o 0.0 0.4 0.7 0.2 4.7 -0.4 0.9 2-2 0.0 0.8 1.1 2.4 0.5 9.5 0.0 2,9 t7 .9 2.9 DF 1I 4 PE 2,8PV 2.9 34 16.5 11.0 35tL,0 11 n 36 11 n 11.0 37 11.0 4.5 38 4.5 4.5 39 4.5 0.5 0,0nrl 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.0 4.2 4.2 .a.z 4.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 .4 18. 9 1q c 19,9 20.9 13-8 14 .5 14,5 18.8 18.8 20 ,9 20. 9 24.4 24 .4 34.0 l4l .0 ql 0 sl,9 66.2 80.2 oo. z 80 ,2 83.9 1.9 1.7 2,9 PE PV PF PE PV Etr PV PF PE PF DE! PV DF PE PV PF PE PV -3?7 .8 2,729 PL 1.4.00 PF0,0 20.7 120 FTG T PE0.0 0 .284 TL 33 .50 Pv -171 .8 2,729 PL 43.420.0 20.7 120 FTc 2E0.0 0.284 tL 63.02 -377 -8 2.729 PIJ 6.500.0 20.7 120 FTG ECG0.0 0.284 TL 40 ,?o FIXED PRESSURE IJOSS DEVICEo.0 14. 0 pei , 317, 8 gpm 0.0 - 377 .8 2 ,729 PL 5 .t? PF0.0 20.7 120 FTC c FE0.0 0.284 ?L 6.71 PV I I T I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page F DaEe r 07 /14/2004 e4oig-2. SDFJOB TITLE; MIDDLE CREEK AFFoR,DASLE HoUSING BUIIJDTNG E .10/1170 s FPIPE DA?A (cont, ) PIPE TAGEND EI.,EV.NODES (FT) Pipe | 40BR 0.5uG1 0.0 Prpe: 41ucl 0 .0s o,o NOTES: Q (GPM) DlA (IN) IJENGTH PRESS,NOZ. PT DISC. VEIJ(FPs) HI^I(c) (FT) sUM.(K) (PSr ) (CPM) P .t,. /FT (PSr ) -377 .8 8.38s PL 60 .00 PF 0. 10.0 83.9 0.0 2.2 1.40 FTG ETc PE O.2H.s. 84.2 100,0 0,001 TLr L56,40 pv o.o -477 .e 8.385 PL 5s,00 PF o,2H.S. 84.2 t00.0 2.s 140 FTc Tc PE O.oSRCE 84.4 (N/A) 0.001 TIJ 121.00 pV 0,1 EquivalenE FitElng Lengrhs (1) calculatione were perforned by the HAgs 6.9.0 conpuEer programunder license no. 50040231 granred by HRS SysE.emB/ fnc. 4792 LaVieta RoadTucker, cA 30084 (2) The pysEem has been balanced to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.002 gpm and a maximuilimbalance at, any node of 0.079 gpm. (3) Velocity prcgEurea are printed for lnf ormatr.on onl,y, and arenot, used in balancing Ehe aystem. Maximum hrater vilocityis 20.7 fE/Eec aE ptpe 39, (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Namc: ALJLSTATE.PIP PACE: A PIATERIALT S40 !tWC:120 -r- 1.049l" AY z ]-38o /'//. T 2.067 l,: DiameEer(in) E PAGEI D DlameE.er(in) 8 .385 PAGE: N Diameter 811 Tee LngEll Chkvlv 2 .00 s. o0 2 .00 5.00 3 . 00 5.00 2. 00 7,00 s. 00 10. o0 3.00 11 .00 MATERIAI-,: DIRON HwCr 140Equivalent FrtBing LengtheETLCB811 Tee LngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv 30.40 59.20 22,00 76.I0 20.30 MATERIAL: HD FLW HwC: 120EguivSlent Firring t,engthsETLcEEIl Tee 45$*D B BfyVlv 5.00 6 .00 6.00 in FeeE GatVlv 1.00 1.00 in Feet GAEVl1/ 5.80 in Feet G 6LJ ALrnChk DPVI v 10.00 L0.0010.00 10.0010.00 10. 00 I I T I I I t I Dare: 01 /t4/zOO4JOB TITLE I MIDDL,E , SPRINKIJER SYSTEM I{YDRAULIC AI{ALYSIS CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUILDINC E Page ? 84018-2. SDF.10/11?0 S F 2.729 9.80 19.50 4.90 2z.ao 11.{O 1.50 0.00 0.00 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I !( E .> 5 U R ( P sI ) 72+ 63+ 5{ + 45+ 36+ 27+ rtt+ 9+ Date: 01 /74/2004 JOB TITLE: MIDDLE WATER SUPPLY CURVE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CREEK AFFORDASI.JE HYDRAULIC AJ.IALYSIS HOUSING BUII.,DINC E Page I 84018-2. SDF.10/11?0 S F 108+ I I*\\\\o\\\ 99+\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 pei @ 1635 gpm-> r Flow Teet point 90+ 6J-+ x |l 0 = Available Water Supply ,l 100.71 psi @ 477.8 gpm LEGEI.ID X-= Reguired Water Supply >84.41 pei o az1.B gpn- tb.ez FI,,,OW (GPM) Hydraulic Calculations Project In forn'ration' Middle Creek Housing Bldg E Mountain Bcll Site VallCO Rcmotc Arca #l Project Narne: Address: Calculation Area: Date 7/I4lU Filc # 84018-l Index I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I Occupancy Classifi cation: Conshucrion Dcnsity: Area of Opaarion: Areo per Sprinkler: Numbcr of Sprinklers Calculated: Hosc Allowancc 0 gpm inside 100 gpm outsidc Water Supply Sratic 102.0psi Rcsidual 90.0 psiFlow 1635 gprn Design Criteria Litht Hazaxd Occupancy Combuetible !Non Combustiblc .l0 Dcnsity sq/ft +1170 sq. ff. 130 sq. fl. Max. 14 heads Rack Sprinkler Allowanceopm Sprinklcrs Make: Globe QR Upright Size: 7/16" K= 4.2 Ternp: 200o Total Sprinklor Watcr Flow: Flow & Pressure; (at basc ofriser): (at point ofconn.): Calculation Surnmary 287.3 pm @ 81.7 psi 387.3 gpm @ 82.I psi Notcs: r = Area rcduccd 40olo for quick respon$e sprinklers Ocn increased 30% for roofslope. sl.'ll',..,"''=i dr# I Dare , o7/L4/2004 SPRINICLER SYSTEM I{YDRAI'I,IE ATALYSIS Page 1 8401E-1.SDF I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I .]OB TITI,,E: MIDDIJE CREEK AFFORDABIJE T{oUSING BUTLDING E .10/1500 s PWATER SUPPIJY DATA s 102.0 90.0 1535.0 r1L.2 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS : TOTAL FL,OW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREA!,I AI,LOVIANCE AT SOURCE OTHER I{OSE STREAIiI ALLOT{ANEES TOTAIJ DISEHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODS A.NALYSIS DATA SOURCE NODE I A\' NODB TAG 1 2 J 4 5 I v 10 11 t2 13 1< 77 19 20 al 22 t? A B 24 25 26 28 29 JU3l STATIC RESID.PRESS. PREgS.(PsI) (PsI) ELEVATION (FT) 20.7 20 .7 20 ,7 20 .7 20.0 25,0 25. 0 25.0 25. 0 20.o 27.4 2l .4 2r -4 2L .4 20 .o 11 n 15. s 1.t at 15. 5 11.0 L9,2 L9,2 22.2 22.2 .ll, v l1 n ].9.2 19.2 1r.0 15.5 11 '' NODE TYPE K- 4.20 K- 4,20 K= 4.20 FITOW AVAIL, TOT^AL REQ'D@ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS.(cPr{) (PSr ) (cPM) (PSr) 387.3 62. L 387,3 GPM O. O GPM 100.0 cPM 287,3 GPM K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 K= 4 .20 K= 4.20 K= 4.20K- 4.20 18.8 19 .4 20 .5 L9 .7 20 .4 zr.J 21 ,0 2L,2 PRESSURE (PS1) 22.2 23 .5 26.3 28,L 5V - Z 20,o 2L ,3 23 .8 2a .1 30.3 zz , L 23.3 26,2 28.0 30,5 35.9 24 .9 25 .4 25.3 30 .4 38.3 2L .9 23 -5 33.7 33.7 3e.5 38.4 J5.l J5.I 38.7 37 .3 39.0 37.3 ?? 1 DISCHARGE (GPM) 19.8 20 .4 2L .6 K= 4 .20 23.2 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 19.6 20,4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 32 33 34 35 35 BF1 BF2 BR UGl 5 SPRINKLER SYSTEM I{YDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 29l!.1 o7/L4/2004 s4otE-1.sDFJOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK AFFORDABLF HOUSING BUTLDINC E .10/iiOO-S-T'--'NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DTSC}ARGE(Fr) (psr) - -idpul 11.0 1,1.0 11.0 ll. v 11.0 4.5 4.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 HOSE STREAM 80uRcE 39.3 39.3 39. 9 44 .2 55.0 54.8 78.8 8t.7 82. 082.I 100. 0 387.3 I Date; 07 / t4/zoo4 SPRINKI-JER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSIS Page 3 8401E- 1 . SDF T I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I JOB TITLE; MIDDI.JE CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUILDING E .10/I5OO S FPIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.gND ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) F,L. /?T (PSI) Piper I -Ig.g 1.049 pI, 11.33 pF I.4L 20 .7 4 .2 22.2 19.8 7 ,3 120 FTG PE 0.02 20.7 4.2 23,6 20.4 o,L2-7 tL 11.33 pv 0.4 pipe: 2 _40,2 t_.049 pL 4,50 pF 4.s2 20.1 4.2 23.6 20.4 L4.g l2o FTG T pE 0. o4 2Q,7 0.0 28 .r 0.0 o .473 TL 9. 50 pv L. s - Pipe: 3 -2I .6 1.049 pL d. 83 pF t .83 2Q,t 4.2 26.3 2L.5 8.0 120 FTG T pE 0.04 20.7 0.0 28,t o.o 0.149 ?L 11.83 PV 0.4 pipe:4 _6L.7 1.380 pIJ 0.67 pF 1.s4 20 .'t 0.0 28.l. 0,0 73 .2 120 FTc T pE o.35 20.0 0.0 30.2 0.0 0.275 TL 6.67 pv r-2 _ Pipe: 5 -6L.7 2,729 pL 8.67 pF o.t5 20.0 0.0 30 .2 0. o 3 .4 120 FTc PE 0.0L0 20.0 0.0 30.3 o.o 0.010 TL 8.67 pv 0.1 pipe: 5 _18.8 1.049 pL r.1.33 pF I.j6 25.0 4.2 2o,o 18.8 7.O 12o FTG pE o.o7 25.0 4.2 21 .3 19.4 0.L1.6 TL 1r.33 pv 0.3 Pipe: 7 -38.2 1,.049 pL 4.so pF 4.17 2s.o 4.2 21.3 19.4 L4.2 120 FTG T pE o.o9 25.0 0.0 25.4 0.0 0.430 Ti, 9.50 pv 1.4 . Pj.pe: I -20.5 1,049 pL 6.93 pF 1.68 25.0 4.2 23 -8 20.5 1 .6 120 FTG T pE 0, 09 25.0 0.0 25.4 o.O 0.136 TL, 11 .83 pV 0.4 Pipe: 9 -sl.-t 1,3g0 plr 5. O0 pF 2.ge 25,0 0-0 25-4 o.o 12.6 120 FTG T PE 2,210 20,0 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.250 TL rt,oo pv 1.1 Pipe: l0 _120.4 2,729 PL 8.67 PF 0.310 20.0 0.0 30.3 o.o 6.6 120 FTc pE o.o15 20.0 0.0 30.6 o.o 0.034 TIJ 8.67 pV 0.3 PiPe:11 -lg.i r.049 pL 11,33 pF I.411 2t,4 4 ,2 22.1, 79 .1 7 .3 120 FTc PE O. O12 2r.4 4 ,2 23 .5 20 ,4 o .:-27 TL 11 .33 pV 0.4 pipc:12 ,40.1 1.049 pL 4.s0 pF 4.SL2 2l .4 4 -2 23 .5 20 .a 14 . 9 t-20 FTG T pE 0.014 2L.4 0. 0 2s .o o. o 0.471 TL 9.50 pv 1.5 - Pipe: 13 -21.5 1,049 pIJ 6.e3 pF l,e13 21 .4 4 .2 26 .2 2L.5 8.0 L2o FTc T pE O . O14 2l .4 0,0 28 , 0 o. o 0. r49 TL 11.83 pV 0 .4 PF PE PV PF PE PV EE PE PV PF EE fv PF PE PV PF PE PF PE PV Fb PV PF PE PV PP PE PV c A B B I I I I I I T I t I I t I I t I I I t SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC AT.IALYSISDa!€; 07 /t4/2004 JOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUILDING EPIPE DATA (cont.) Page 4 84018-1, SDF.10/1500 s F PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTIT PRESS.END EIJEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW (C) (FT) SUM,NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L, /FT (PSI) . Pipe: 14 -6t.6 1.380 pL t.42 pF 2.O14 2L.4 o.O 28.0 0.0 13.2 120 FTG T pE 0.515 20.0 o.o 30.6 o.o 0,274TL 7,42 PV 1,2 Pipe: 15 -182. o 2.729 pIJ 13.1215 20 .o 0.0 10.6 o. o 10. 0 120 FTc 2E15 11.0 0.0 35.9 o.o 0.073 TL 32.72 _ Pipe: 15 -IB2 . O 2 .7Zg plt j_L .Lz16 11.0 0.0 36.9 0.0 10.0 120 FTc ET34 11.0 0.0 39.9 o. o 0.073 TL 40.42 Pipe: 17 -21,0 1.049 pIJ 3.Izt7 15.5 4,2 24,9 21.0 7,8 tzo FTGl.9 15.5 0.0 25.3 o.O o.t42TL t.rz 2,4 3.9 0.0 i1 PF 0,4PE O,OPV 0,4 Pipe: 1818 rL.1 4.2 25.4 2I .2L9 15.5 0.0 25.3 o.o -21 .2 1,049 PL 5.58 PF7,9 120 FTG T PE 0 . 145 TL 10 .58 PV 4.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 q,z 4.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 o,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.3 30 .4 30.4 38.3 38 .3 JO.{ zr.t a5,) zJ .5 38,4 38 ,4 38.5 33 .7 33 .7 33.7 38 -5 9 .88 1.l qn ET 1 9.50 9.00 9.00 13 .00 r3.00 15 .25 2ET 24 .2s 4 .77 4.L7 13.00 9.88 13,00 1?.0s 1E L 26,O8 1,5 -1.6 0.4 5.1 0,o 4,C) 6.0 1.. 9 1.3 0.r. 1.5nn 0.4 II.'A 3.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rl .9 0.0 l9 2L .L z+ 22 55 23 24 P j.pe : l9 1R C 15.5 Plpe: 20 1.5.5 11.0 Pipe: 21 11.0 11 .0 Pipel 22 t9 .2 19.2 Pipe I 23 L9.2 t1 n Pipe: 24 11,0 1.1.0 Pipc; 25 22.,2 az , z PLpe: 26 22,2 11.0 -42.I0.0 15.5 23.2 23.2 14.0 0.0 -6s.30.0 3,6 0.0 -19.5 rt.g t,J 20 ,4 -40.0 av,l la. E 0.0 -10s.3 0.0 5.8 1.049 PL ].20 FTG 0.5L6 TI_, 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.305 TL 2.729 Pt) 120 FTG 0.011 TL 1.049 PIJ ],2 0 FTG 0. 125 TLJ 1..049 PL 120 PTG o .469 TI) a, lZ> Yl) 120 FTG o.021 TrJ 0.0 1.049 PIJ 0. 0 120 FTG 0.000 ?L 0.0 1.049 PL0.0 120 FTG 0 .000 Ttr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o I Dale I o7/r4/zoo4 SPRINISJER SYSTEM HYDRAI'LIC A}IALYSIS Page 5 84018-1. SDF JOB TITLET MTDDLE CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUILDING E .10/1500 S FI prpE DATA (conr.) I I I I I I PIPE TAG END NODES Prpe I ELEV, (FT) 27 .tl. u 11. 0 28 79.2 19 ,2 29 L9 ,2 11.0 30 11,011 n 31" J-t. f 15.5 32 LL. I J-5. f 33 15 .5 15.5 34 15.5 11.0 25 26 zo 33 28 JU 29 JU 1n 31 32 32 33 33 34 u.u 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pipe I Pipe r Plpe: Pipe: Pipe: Pipe r Pipe: Pipe: 35 38.5 38, ? 35.1 2q I J5,I 38.7 38. ? 39,3 37.3 37.3 39.0 37 .3 37.3 37 .3 37 .3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.9 39.9 44.2 44 ,2 55.0 55. 0 54.8 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NOZ. PT(K) (PSr ) PRESS. SUM.(psr) PF 0.1 DE' N N FV 0.2 PF O.O PE O.O PV 0.0 PF O.OPE 3,5PV o.o rE u.b PE O.O PV O.2 PF O.OPE O.OPV 0.0 PF O.O PE -1.6PV 0.0 PF O.O PE O.OPV O,O PF O.OPE 1.9 PV O.O PF O.OPE O.OPV O.O PF 0.6PE O.O PV O.2 PF 4.3PE O.O PV L.7 PF 10. IPE O.OPV !.'.l PP 7.0PE 2.9PV L,1 F.L. /FT 2.729 Pr., 120 FTG 0.o21 TL 'I O4g pT, ]20 FTG 0.000 TL 1 . 0.19 PIJ ].20 FTG 0.000 rL 2 .?29 PI, r2O FTG 0 .027 TL I ,049 PL 120 FTG 0.000 TL L,049 PIr 120 FTG 0.000 TIJ 1 .049 PIJ I2O F?G 0.000 TIJ 1,380 PL 120 FTG 0.000 TL 2.729 PL 120 FTO 0 .000 TIJ 2.729 PL 120 FTG 0.021 TL 2 .'t29 PIJ 120 FTG 0 .171 TL 2.'12.9 PL 12 O F'TG 0,171 TL 2.129 PIr ].20 FTG O,1?1 TIJ Q(GPM} DIA(IN) LENGTHDrsc. vErr (FPS) HW (c) (FT) (GPM) -l_uf . J0.0 5.8 0,00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 -L05.30.0 5.8 0.0 4 .83 4,83 IJ . UU 13.00 12.00 ET 19.00 J . Z> T zz . t 5 3.72I I I I I I I I I I I I 0,0 lln 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 JJ J5 D,i na .--Ftr 35 36 Pir-!o. 36 BFl Pipe: Pipe: 11.0 36 11,0 3t 11 n Ll.0 JU 1r. .0 11 .0 39 11.0 4.E 0.0 0.0 nn 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 ,88 r0 .50 E!'n 19.50 5.75 T z) , ta 3 .42 T zz . >z 25 ,42 25 .42 43 .42 2E 63,02 6,50 ECG 40.70 3.12 5.58 T 10 .58 9.88v.v0.0 0.0 fio 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 -105.30.0 s.8 0.0 -287,30.0 15.8 0.0 -297 .30.o 15.8 0.0 - zat t . 5 0.0 15.8 0.0 I I t I t I SPRINKLER SYSTEI,| HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSISDate r 07 /14/2004 JOB TITLET MIDDI,E CREEK AFFORDABIJE HousING BUIIJDINGPfPE DATA (cont. ) PJPE TAGEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DISE.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) Pipe r 40BF2 4.5 0.0 18 -8 o. oBFl 4.5 o. o 64.8 0.0 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS, VEIJ ( FPs ) Hl{ (c) ( Fr) sUM .F.1,./r,t (PSI) FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE14.0 pei, 297.3 gpm Page 5 8401E-1.SDFE .Lol1500 s F PF L,2PE L.7PV L,7 PF 0.1.PE 0,2PV 0,0 PF 0,1PE O.O PV 0.0 in PeetGADGatvlv AlmChk DpVlv 1,00 10.00 10.001.,00 10.00 10.00 in FeeE GaEVlv I I Pipe: 41. -ZA7 ,J Z.7Zg pIJ 5. ]7BF2 4.5 0, o 78,8 o. o 15.8 120 FTO cBR 0.5 0 .0 81.7 o . o 0.1?1 TL 6.77 Pipe: 42 -287.3 g.385 pIJ 60-00BR 0,5 0.0 8L,1 o.o 1.7 L4o FTC ETcucl 0.0 H.s, e2.o 100.0 0.001 TL 155.40 - Pipe: 43 _381 .i 8.385 pIJ SS.OOuGI 0-0 H.S. 82.0 100.0 2.3 14o FTG rGs 0.0 sRcE 82 . L (N/A) o . oo1 TrJ 121 . 0o I I I I I t I T I t I NOTES:(1) calculationg were performed by r,he HAss g.9,0 eompu.er programunder licenee no. SOO+OZg1 iranted by HRS Syetema. fnc. 4792 LaVLeta RoadTucker, GA 30084 (2) The systen has been balanced Eo provide an averaseimbalanee at each node of 0.002 ipm and - ,"*i."iimbalance at any node of 0.080 gpm. (3) vclociEy preeeureg _ are printed for informalion onry, and arenoc used in balancing the syegem. Maximum water viioeityls 15.8 tE/aec at, plpe 4r. (4) PIPE FTTTINGS TABI,E Pipe Table Name: ALLSTATE.plp PAGE: A I'IATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120Diameter Equivalent Firring Lengths(in) ETIJCB Et1 Tee LngEJ.l chkvlv BtyVIv r.049 2.00 5.00 2.OO 5.00 6.OOr,380 3,00 6.oo 2.OO 7.00 5.00 PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON H!{C: 140Diameter Equivalent Fiteing Lengths(in)ETLcB EII Tee r.,ngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv I spRrNKr,.ER sysrEM HyDRAuLrc Al{Atysrs page TI Dare: o7/L4/20o4 84orE-1.sDF JOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK AFFORDABI,E 1IOUSING BUILDING E .10,/1500 S F 8.385 30.40 59,20 22.00 76.L0 ?0.30 5.80 PAGE r N MATERIAIJ: ED FL,L| llWC r t20Dlametcr nguivElent Fictlng L,engths in Feet(in)ETLcBGAD Ei.l Tee 4EttD 2,729 9.80 19.50 4.90 22.50 11,40 1.60 0.00 0.00 I I T I I I I t I I T I I I I T I I I T I I I I t I t I T I I t I I I I I P R U lt ( P D I I 90+ 8l+ 72+ 53r 64+ 45+ 35+ 18+ 9+ Dar,e: 0i / 14 /2004 .]OB TITLE: MIDDLE WATER SUPPIJY CURVE SPRINKTER SYSTEM CREEK AFFORDABLE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS HOUSING BUILDING E Page I 8401E-1.SDF .10/1s00 s F I08+ I I*\\0\\\\\ 99+\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi O 1535 gpm-> * Flow Test Point IJEGEND X = Feguir€d Wat.er Supply ,, 8?,10 pBi O 3B?.3 gpm ;: 0 = AvailabLe Water Supply ,' 101.16 psi @ 3B?.3 gpm- :; 0++-+- - t +- - r-+- - - - - -+- - +- -- - t, , -+ ! r _+_ __ _ _ _ _ _ - __+ 4 00 600 800 1000 LzoO 1400 1600 1800 2ooo FL,OW (cPM) lq,ot {1K ra 7t T t I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I LOBE FTfrT SPN|JVI{I,Efi CORPOSAT'ON D r sc n t pt.r o I' .4\' D O pe nan o x The Globe Quick Response GL Series Sprinkler is a low profile yer durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the therrnosensirive element. This provides sprinkler operation approxi- mately srx times faster than ordinary sprinl<lers. While the Quicl< Response Sprinkler provides an aeschetically pleasing appearance, ir can be insralled wherever srandard spray sprinl<lers are specified but offers the additional learure of grearly increased safety ro life. Quick Response Sprinklers shou ld be used advisedly and under the direcrion ofapproving author'rcies having lurrsdrction. The iieart of Globe's GL Series sprinl<ler proven actuaring assenrbly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule rhar conrains a precisely nreasured anrount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasirrg the internal pressure. At the prescribed lenlperarure the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the scrength of the glass causrng che glass ro shaccer. Tl-ris results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved parrern depending upon the deflector stylc used. 7'Et.tt,vtc.tL DAT.,I " See reverse side for Approvals and Specificarions. t,Tcrnperarure Ratings - 135'F {57"C), 155'F (68"C), 175'F (79"C), 200'F (93'C), 286'F (t4 t.C). $ \ /arer Working Pressurc Racing - | 75 psi (l 2 Bars). e Factory tested hydrostarically ro 500 psi (34 Bars). * Maximum low tenrperacule glass bulb racing is -67'F (-55"C). + Frame - bronze q Deflector - brass * Screw - brass - Bulb seat - copper " Spring - nickel alloy * Seal - teflon s Bulb - glass with alcohol based solurion, 3mm size. e Escutcheon Assernbly - steel " s P R I\' KL E R'I- E M P E R.4TLI R E k4TI NG/CL.A ss IF IC AT I o iv a il d co L o R (' o DING 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 OCTOBER 2OO3 989-846-4583 . FAX 989-846-923 | Qt;tt'N II t:spoxsn Aurou,trlc SaRINKLERS GL Snnrcs RncnssTD PENDENT R nc nssnD H o RrzoNTA L S msw,ttr SUICK RESPONSE RECESSED PENDENT QUICK RESPONSE RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL BULLETIN GL28OI, REV. #4 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I t Rncnsssn Pnxonxr /lrcEss e n H onrzor,t ret S m nwALL NOTE i'1FTRIC 'ONVTRS]ON5 ARE APPROXIMATE. gft:rr"n ffr:.ri,rl,15t; Aurovartc Spruxxtnns GL Snruns 'HORTZOT'JTAL srDE\1,ALL iS 2 9i t6gFINISH€S AVAITABLE ON SPICIAT ORDER +AVAILAELE A5 CULU! LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT \^/IIEN SPECIFIED ON ORDER, Cnoss S.g'cruo,l,'s \HORIZONTAL SIDIWALL cL-]Lus L|SIED FOR D€ILECTOR 4'TO l?. BILOW THE CEIL|NG. i5 6K ORtFtCE. 7 8K ORIFICE AND 8.1K ORIFICE LISTED FOR ALt HAZARDS.| 7.8K X t/2' NPT. 1n286" F cUL!, LISTED ONLY. it i,7" RFCiSSED ESCUTCHFONS ARF RTQUtRED FOR FM APPROV€D SpRTNKLERS Onnsnrivc lxponm.trrcx SPECIFY 'Quantity . Model Number . Style 'Orifice . Thread Sizes . Tenrperature . Finishes desired . Quantity - Recessed Wrenclres - P/N 32539 | ( l/2"); P/N 325401. Rev. F (1.O.) . Quanriry - Protective Caps , P/N 127 l09,CAP (Friction Fir Recessed) G t o s n' P no D (r c r W,q n nqlry Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own I manufactured products found to be defecdve in marerial or ]_.," worknlanship for a period of one year from date of shipmenc. For specifrc details of our warranty please refer to Price Lisr Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 @.-LoBEsst FtFEspnfNxt€R -7 CORttoRATtOiV HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 989-846-4583 t,800-248-0278 PRINTED U,S,A. FAX 989-845-923 | www.globesp rinkler.com BULLETIN GL28O I , REV, #4 Speuprc,trloNs NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE .I.LENGTH FINISHES 2.8 (39 metric) 4.2 (59 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 7.8 (lllmetric) 8.1 (l16 metric) I/2" NPT I /2" NPT I /2" NPT I/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 7 U4" (5.7 cm\ 2 ll4" (5.7 cm) 2 l/4" (5.7 cm) 2 | 14" (5.7 cm) 2 7l | 6" (6.2 cm) Factory Bronze #Satin Chrome Bright Chrome White Polyester+ Black Polyester+ *Lead Coated APPROVALS STYLE stN MODEL K FACTOR t35'F 57"C t55.F 68'C | 75"F 19'C 200'F 93'C *r286"F l4 t"c I cULus ii FM L.P.C.NYC - DOB l.lEA l0l-92-E PENDENT \ G1280 | G1420 | lcrseor GL8r0 | GL8 t06 28 4.2 5.6 7.8* 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X HORIZONTAL STDEWALL RECESSED $ G12826 GL4226 G15626 GLgt77 2.8 4.7 5.6 8.1 x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ocToBER 2003 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOB.E- Q t-, t t; tt Jl*''st oil,:s[ Auroa,qrrc Spruxxtnns FTBT SPR|JVffLEK CONPORAT|ON GL Snnrcs Uprucnr.PnxnENr Vnnrrcat Srnnwuu Hontzo:rar SnnrrALL D rsc nrcuox /r ND O P F, R,trIoN C owl,'E xrrcx,qt (O m S rym) The Globe Quicl< Response GL Series Sprinklers are a low profile yet durable design which urilizes a 3mm fr"angible glass ampule as lhe th ernrosensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approximately six times faster tlrarr ordinary spr^inklers. While the Quicl< Resporrse Sprinkler provrdes an aesthetically pleasing appear- ance, it can be insmlled wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified when allowed by the applicable smndards. lt offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life and is available in various styles, orifices, remperarure ratings and finishes to meet many varying design requirements. Quick Response Sprinl<lers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. The heart of Globe's GL Series sprinl<ler proven actuating assembly is a lrerrnetically sealed frangible glass ampule thar conrains a precisely measured amounc of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the !;quid within the bulb expands increasing the inrernal pressure. Ar che prescribed remperature the internal pressul-e within the ampule exceeds the srrength of rhe glass causing rhe glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is disrribured in an approved pattern dependirrg upon the deflector scyle used. Tnutxtc"tI. D.4'rA e See reverse side for Approvals and Specificario rrs. * Tenrperature Ratings - 135"F (57'C), 155'F (68"C), 175"F (79'C), 200"F (e3'c), 2e6"r ( t4t'c). n Warer Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi ( l2 Bars). a Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars). $ Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67"F (-55"C)-* Frame - bronze * Deflector - brass r Screw - brass * Bulb seat - copper . Spring - nicl<el alloy . Seal - teflon * Bulb - glass wirh alcohol based solution, 3nrnr size. 1 6!rl N K L E R T E ]'I P E44M RE RATI N G/c L A s s I F I c AT I o N a n d c o L o R c o D I ^{G QUICK UPRIGHT QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT VERTICI\L SIDEWALL QUICK RESPONSE HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 989-845-4583 . FAX 989-846-923 | BULLETIN GL56I5, REV, #5 .ffi ,&TRhl*t t |liEl I t*!Sl r* 16tnawfiffi5rro -.3 RESFONSE CONVENTIONA ",';.i+q*-'r'ff fi[ ffi 4077 AIRPARK DR{VF. STANDISH, MICH'GAN 48658 JUNL 2003 A_20 I I t t I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I #t're-n l?f"spr"l'rit[ Auroptartc Spruxxtnns GL Ssruns U pnrc ur . Pnx nENT . VERTtcrtt Sna vALL NCT!. I'lTTRiC CONVTRSIONS ARE APPRCXJI'ATF.'' HORTZONTAL StDEWALL tS 2 9,',t6-..: FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. + AVAILABL€ AS €ULu! LISTED CORRoSION RESISTANT WHEN SPECIFI€D ON ORDER. O n n UU t"' O I :\ I : O RtrtA T I O N SPECIFY 'Qrranticy . Model Nurnber " Style 'Orifice ' Thread Sizes " Temperarure 'Finishes desired " Quantity - Wrenches - P/N 325390 (l/2"); PiN 3t2366 (1.O.) S!' F'flESPfrffiXTER-- conPlanATtoN 989-846-4583 t-800-248-0278 PRINTED U.S,A. FAX 989-846-923 | www.globesprinkler.com BULLETIN GL56I5, REV. #5 HontzoNTAL Snnwztl. ConvENTroNAL (OLD Srvrc) Spncrrrc.tTIoNS NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE +LENGTH FINISHES 2.8 (39 metric) 4.2 (59 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 7.8 (lll metric) 8.1 (l15 metric) I/2- NPT I/2" NPT I/2" NPT I/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2 | 14" (5.7 cm) 2 | 14" (5.7 cm) 2 |14" (5.7 cm) 2 ll4" (5.7 cm) 7 7l | 6" (6.2 cm) Factory Bronze sSatin Chrome Bright Chrome White Polyester+ Black Polyester+ sLead Coated Appnortts 'HORIZLINIAL SIDFWALI <ULUS LISIED TOR DETLECTOR 4'TO I2" BELOW THE CEILINC, FH APPROVED 4' TO 6'. i vERTICAL SiDEWALL 5PRINKLER <ULus LISTED FOR L,ctlT HAZARD oNLy P€NDENT vERTICAL StDEWALL cULu5 LTSTED FOR 5't4lN. SpACtNG. UPRTGHT vERTtCAL STDEWALL cL_JLus LtsrED FoR e' r'* ,lii.gis?. Gton r. Pnopttcr Wennexry Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured produc* found ro be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date ofshipmenr. For specific details of our warranty please refer to price List Terms and Condirions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 STYLE slN MODEL K FACTOR t35"F 57"C t55'F 68'C | 75'F 79'C 200"F 93"C 286.F | 4t'c cULus F.M.NYC - DOB t{EA t0t.92-E UPRIGHT GL28 :rc l+z lcr-se GL8I GL8I 5 5 5 5 6 7.8 5.6 7 .8+ 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PENDENT \ Gt280 | G1420 | G1560 | cL8 r0 | GL8t06 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.9* 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VERTICAL SIDEWALL. G15632 GL8 t33 5.6 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X HORIZONTAL STDEWALL $ G12826 GL4226 \lL)ol6 GLgt27 2.8 4.2 5.6 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) G15624 GL8 t25 5.6 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X JUNE 2003 I I I T I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I LOSf;'Atrroutrtc Spruxrtens GL Snruns F''ff€ SPfrilVI{TEII Upnrcar . PENDSNT Vnnrucat Snnwett HonuoNTAL Stnrwtrt D r sc n nuox.4 \,'n O pp. n.cr t 0 x I he Globc GL Scrics Sprinkler is a low protile yet durabte design v;hich r"rtilizes a frangrble glass ampulc as the thermosensitive clcmcnt. Whrlr: the sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed whercvcr standard spray sprinklers are specified. This spr,nkler series is available in various styles, oflfices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet varyrng design requirements. The heart of Globe's GL Series sprinklcr provcn actuating assembly rs a hcrmetically sealed frangible glass ampr.rle that contains a precisely measured amount of fluicl. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal prcssure. At the prescribcd temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This rcsults in water discharge which is distributed in an approved patterlr depending upon thi) dcflector style used. TECH,t'tc.lt, Darl Sec revr:rse side for Approvals and Specifications. Tcrnpcrature Ratirrgs - 135'F (57'C), 155'f (68"C), 175'F (79"C), 200'F {93'C), 286"F (141'Ci, 360"F (182.C). Water Workinq frrcssurc Rating - 175 psi (12 Bars). Iactory tested hyclrostat ically io 500 psi (34 Bars). iVlaximurr low Lemperature glass butb rating is -67"F (-55'C). Framc -bronze * Deflector - brass * Screw - brass Bulb seat - copper * Spring - nickel alloy r Seai - teflon Bulb - glass with qlycerin solution, 5mm sizc. a 4077 AIRPARK DRIVT STANDISH, I\IICHIGAN 48658 NOV[\48[R 2002 Coxv'E xrruxAl (Om S rvm) CONVENTIONAL VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 989 846 4583 . FAX 989,846.9231 UPRIGHT PENDENT . S P R I ^ K L E R T' E I,I P E R.4I- {' R E RAT I NG/C LASS I F I C.4TI ON s n d CO LO R COD I N G BLJLLETIN G15661, REV. #1 T I I I I Auronr.anc SpntNKLERS GL Ssruss Lrpnrcur. PENDENT. Vnnncet Snnwltt APPR0VALS IlontzoNrat SnnwALL .CoxvENTroNAL (Om Sryu) SpnctrtctrloNs NOMINAL ''K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE .I.LENGTH FINISHES 2.8 (39 metric) 4.2 (59 metric) 5.6 (80 metric) 7.8 (lllmetric) Ll (l16 metric) I/2" NPT I/2" NPT I/2" NPT r/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2 ll4" (5.7 cnl 2 | 14" (5.7 cm\ 2. ll4" (5.7 crr') 2 ll4" (5.7 cn\ 2 7116" (5.2 <ff| Factory Bronze #Satin Chrome Bright Chrome White Polyester+ Black Polyester+ Wax Coared **Lead Coated sxWax over Lead NO-rr :.1t R ( .- ( J LRrIC)tJ) ;eL APPR _ ( LIAT[I I " ltoR,zoN tAt- stDfwAtl t5 2 9t16'... TINISHTS AVAILABLE ON SPTCIAL ORDER.." WAX COAIING Ut LISITD UP IO 2OO'f ONIV. r AVAILABLt AS UL Al!D C'UL LISTID CORROSTON RFSISTANTWI,IIN SPIC ITD ON ORDTR, I I I I I I I I I I I t O n o t n t rc I r r ontutlrtox SPECIFY 'Quontity " ["4,rclel Number . Style '(Jrrfrce " 'lhread Srzc5 ' Jemperaturc . I inrshes desired . iluaniity . Wrenches . PIN 325390 (1i2"): Pi N 3 i2306 (1.O.) @effi - I VFItIi(]AI 5IDIVr'AL,L UL I-ISIED {]OR LICH I iIAZNIiD O[]IY. PEi!DEi!T VERTICAL SIDEU./ALL UL LI5TED FOR 6'MIN. SPACING IJPRICHT VERTICAI StDEWAtt r-JL LISTID f OR I MtN .9AClNG G t o n r" P no D u c r W,qRRAN ry Globe agrees to repair or replace any oF its own manufac, tured products found to tje defective in materialor workman- ship for a peftod of one year lrom drte of shipment. For specific details of our warmnty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sate (Our Price List). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 989-846"4 583 1-800-248-0278 PRIN'I[D U,S.A. FAX 989-846-9231 www.globesprinkler.com BULLETIN G15661, REV. #1 STYLE stN MODEL ORIFICE slzE | 35"F 57'C t55"F 68'C | 75'F 79"C 200"F 93'C 286"F t4 t'c 360'F t82'C cULus FM NYC . OOB MEA r0 t-92-E UPRIGHT Gt286 G1426 GL8I6 GL8I6, 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.9* 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PENDENT G1285 | G1425 | \JL)OJ I GL8 t5 | GL8t56 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.8* 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VERTICAL SIDEWALL G15575 ! GL8t76 5.5 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HORIZONTAL \ STDEWALL $ G12870 GL4170 \r-sozo GL8t7l 2.8 4.2 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) G15668 GL8t69 5.6 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X X X ] HOR1ZO:.ITAI SIDFV./AI I {,]I LIS'iTD FOR DETI.IC]OR 4' TO ] 2 BELO\AJ THE CFILING, FI!,l APPROVED 4' TO 6" NOVTMBER 2OO2 I I lFEBCA REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY@ BACKFLOW PREVENTION T I I T Physical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Off Valves {'}s.+'.6",8", & io" ii75 PSr (1200 Kpa) 350 PSI (2a00 KPa) 320 F to t400 F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and external AWWA Cs50-90 NRS and OS&Y resilient wedge gate valves AWWA C5O9 Bronze EPDM Stainless steel U.S. Patent No.4,989,635. U.S. Patent No S.107.888 U.S. Palent No. 5 385,166. U.S. Patent No. 5.226,441 U.S. Pateni No 5,392,803. U.S. Patent No. 5,503, i76 MODEL 88OV REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY (Shown in vertical orienialion) MODEL 880/880V REOUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY (Shown in standard orientation) I I I I Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Installation Views Grooved End Coupling FLOW I 18" I T t I I I T I t 4'mln (18" with Atr Gap Drain, refer to local code) Standard orientation (Model 880-/g8OV) " Note-Model 880 does not include grooved end coupling. Recommended minimum clearances from permanenl structures tor ease of testing and maintenance are shown on above drawinos. Verlical orientation (Model SBOV) "- Adaptor supplied with 880V only. mAsEEiR. t I I I t I I I I I I I 10" Disc Assembly Body Cover 1" Check O-Ring Capscrew Hex Nut Expansion Pin Cover 2tu Check Seat Ring Gasket Arm Bushing Swing Pin Swing Pin Retaining Clip Hairpin Cotter Check Disk Seat Disk Disk Holder (10") Disk Retainer (i 0,') Capscrew (10") Load Pin Spring Stem Elastic Stop Jam Nut Spring lE Check Spring 2to Check Spring Guide 4536 GF 65-45-12 4536 GR 6545-12 EPDM ASTI\4 D2OOO Plated steel Plated steel SS 4536 GR 6545-12 Bs84 Alloy C83600 EPDM ASTM D2OOO 8584 Allct/ C83600 Acetal Flesin SS JJ SS EPDI\,4 Coated cR, 45 &d'le l|on V SS Stern 12 Upr Spring Retnr 12.1 Bushing-Spr Stem13 Pivot Bearing 14 Flange Gasket 15 Bearing Socket16 Hex Jam Nut 17 Washer 18 Flange Bolt 18.1 Flange Nut 20 R.V Cover 20.1 Bleed Screw 20.2 Gasket 21 R.V Body 22 Cover Bolt 23 Elbow 24 RV Mtg Bott 24.1 Washer - FV 25 RV Mtg Bolt 27 Lrg. Diaphragm 29 Button 28.1 Flow Screw 29 FIV Spring 30 Stem - RV 31 t/ain Guide - RV Allcy Acetal Resin Alloy Rubber/Fabric Acetal Resin SS SS Plated Steel Plated Steel Allct/ SS HDPE Alloy SS 4536 GR 6545-12 Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated steel Nitrile ASTM D2000 4240 304 SS Acetal Resin SS Acetal Resin AIlcry 32 Seat Disc - FtV 33 Lower Guide34 Seat Disc 34.1 O-Ring 35 O-Fing 35.1 Back-Up Ring 36 Adaptor Plate 37 Sm. Diaphragm38 Betainer 38.1 Slip Ring 39 Flow Washer 40 Ball Valve 41 Nipple 42 Gate Valve 43 Bulkhead Fitting 43.1 Bulkhead Fitting 45 Gasket 45.1 Gasket 47 Nut Detail EPDM ASTIV DzOOO Acetal Resin AIloy FDA EPDM Acetal Flesin EPDM ASTM D2OOO Alloy Nitriie ASTM D2000 Alloy Acetal Resin Acetal Resin Alloy Brass AWWA C5O9 Alloy Alloy EPD[,4 ASTIV D2OOO EPDM ASTM DzOOO Alloy SAE Hydraulic Hose Alloy Alloy SS A\ 4 ./A cAnA Materials of Construction SS SS SS SS SS SS 1 2 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 .J. t 4 4.2 5 c. l 6 o. I 6.2 6.3 7 I 9.1 10 10,1 II t I 50 cl 60 62 70 Sensing Line Street Elbow ldentification plate Drive Screw Clamo (880Vt Relief Valve _-rE'-XrE) I Model880/880V Standard Orientation Note: The Model 880V is shipped in the standard (N-Shape) orientation as shown above. Model 880 does not include grooved end coupling 241lq Model880V Vertical Orientation NRS Side View *_ E + t+ Lrtt I I I I I t Relief Valve Detail Relief shipped on right side {shown) Dimensions U.S. - lnches E1 E OS&YCDNRSOPENFGHJT Approxlmate Net Net. NRS OS&Y (Lbs.) (Lbs. 121122112" grooved end coupling field reversible to left side. 210 220 7'lt14'ta51lzI O'/822'latz ta2431t12112I 280 2902811+ 1431e 17jla 71lo231|t27 7le't4 lc /241lz 320 350 21alt301/e18183211a3211tto6"9'la18s/s5' lz71lz 480 530371ia 18'tz8'I 1t 1210'/483la23'lz 247le37112 810 880 249J,o421122110'111t2 27'lz 10 11'lzI I Metric - MM EBCDNRS E1 os&Y OPEN Approxtmale Net Net. NFS OS&YSize A 1350 1480 F G H J LK M 65 317.5 654.1 616.0 125.4 320.7 415.9 422.3 158.8 139.7 88.9 346.1 184.2 99.8I692.2 95,s 80 317 .5 654.1 6287 1 38.1 327 .O 305.2 422.3 158.8 139.7 95.3 358.8 184.2 717.6 127.0 t.Jt.3100 sss.6 708.0 679.5 .166.7 36s.1 590.6 450.9 177.8 152.4 tt+.J 393.7 184.2 787 .4 145.1 158.8 150 406.4 819.2 819.2 217.5 479.4 765.2 547 .9 203.2 190.5 139.7 473.1 1+t.J 946.2 217.7 240.4po 469.9 952.5 923.9 242.9 596.9 9s8.9 oJl.o 235.0 222.3 r/ t.5 q)7 1 260.4I 1054.1 367.4 399.2 250 533.4 1079.5 1035.1 292.1 698,5 1219.2 698.5 254.0 247.7 203.2 I Weights do not include risers or optional valve setter. Note: Dimensions shown are nominal. Allowances must be made for normal manufacturing tolerances.Refer to Specification Sheet SS VS for details on valve setter. 609.6 292.1 1219.2 612.3 671.3 I I I I I I I Application Health Hazard Flow Orientation Standard orientation is inlel f low vertical up, ou et flow vertical down. Vertical orientation is inlet and outlet flow vertical up. Options fl Valve Setter with MJ x MJ, MJ x FL, or FL x FL endstr UUFM OS&Y RW Gate Vatvestr Relief Valve Air Gap Drain Funneltr Wye Strainer Agency Compliance (Sizes 21h"-10,') . ASSE (Std 1013) . ANS|/AWWA (C511-S9) . CAN/CSA (864.4) . UL* . FM* . cUL . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the Universitv of Southern California. ' Less gate nol FM approved. Less gate not uL listed unless installed wilh uL listedgated valves. Model 880/880V Flow Curves 2112" 150 GPM -A - ---_g .- 0 100 200 3oo 4oo 5oo 600 GPI\4 A-Vertical orientation (model 880V) B-Standard orientation (model 880 and 8g0V) B- *A 6rt pro =143t>o- GOo^ r3l; lE: ^206 18 -- toa 14 ; 106R Ib 200 300 400 500 600 700 GPM 100 le li 312 lE 'f 2 I =20a.^L to d '', oJg a I 0 -lotn 1F O rn p8Eo 2 100 t 8tt3" 1000 1500 GPI\,4 4u I I GBCO Backflow Prevention r.O. Box 8070 . Fresno, CA 93747-8070 fg 252-0791 . Fax: SS9 453-9030 . www.cmb-inct.com . FEBCOon ne.com J880v z0l copv oht 2o0i cMB Indostries tnc B -A A - -B.- 2OO 4OO UOOnr"tOO ,'OOO 12OO 14OO o A tt A B 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30oo 35oo 4ooo 45oo 5ooo GPI\.4 The 6" and 10" flow curves (B-standard orientation) include the FEBCO valve setter model 61 1. CMB Industries, Inc. A United Dominion Company ICa\ onnl rr--tB-s 3000 10" t I @PqfIHR,,".VSR-F YANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD I I I I I I I I u.s Par. No. 392.1 989 Canadian pat No i 009680 ulne r Palents PendJno Potter Electfic, nO., t dso Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling [^"i"r""l,ill^"::lor,5v ,i to rour stories iJ;;i-];;National Frre Alarm Code NFPA-72 NFPA.13 NFPA-13D Optional: UL, ULC and CSFM Listed. FM and LpC Approved. NyMEAAccepted. CE Marked Service pressurer Up to 450 pSt r3l BAFr Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm: t 0 cpl,/ (30 Lpm lMaximum Surge: 1A FpS {i9 mr37 Contact Ratings: Tyio sets oi SpDT tFcrm C 15.0 Amps a! 125/25AV AC 2.0 Amps ai 30VDC Fesjstrve Conduit Entrances: T,,n,o kr Environmentar sp..iti.rtio,ijl uts pr''t id' o t ot 1 /2 ccn()ui.. . Su;table for tndoor or outr gasket and die-c".in"r#it use '// th iact'rry rnstalled . NEMA 4/lp54 Rate(l Enclos-ure . use wrih approf)rialeconduit fitting. : I::l:,ilr" Ranse 4o"F/120"F. 4 s.ct{s"c. l\on-corrosive sleeve faclory rn5talled in sadrjle. Caution: Thrs .Jevrce is ,-lot rilcr'l{tF.J t^r > ^nr,. -,i^ - -environments cnded lor applications in explosive Sizes Availabje: Sreel prpe scned|lles 1 0 thru 40. sizes 2,,thru 8,,FS 1 387 prpe 50nrm 161x 21gm ^ Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSF_CF.Service Use: I I I I I t I Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 009001 g GENERAL INFORMATION The l!4odei VSB_F is a vane tsprinkter systems. u; ;';J,uJ.^"---"terflow switch lor use on wet ,i."p,o"l'..i"i",J:ir";,:Iffi .*A:XIJi,iii::9g,iilf ill LPC approved sjzes are 2 fl The unit may also be used arru 8' (50mm thru 2o0mm) large systems. 'i a sectjonal waterflow detector on The unrt contains lwo sina e ;1:l' i:: i'o ?,,' ";j ; ; ; l" " ::]:^'il ['5.1ffi 1 ":lff";:',::;: ."::""'i'lt-t arE actrateo \.'t e, a trc.',.i io ou ,".. -.,. ";; ;: :: ;:",?,",i ?j, ;, ;.17;.^l'.T "',"; ;, ;:' i; :..r"e ife ,.,.,i"0 ,'r'rl, l.ij"i'tt or time r,ecessanr' to cver- _tI9:?:.u'F_r,_'re r.rr s enc,_sec,,-a ge.,efa, oLrpcse d,e.-osL n0uSlrg The CO,.,er s hp ":. I :,.':,j : :,' . r" ;; ;-.'.,1:. ; ".1:',;:' :. [:.,:1"; i'.;:', ;.:..I14315 COter iaaaper S./-,rl.l-':ay be uieoL,.0ir,.'r'rrrln^t,:l:'llt't as an option'"vhich - - :, r - ^ ..rr,6z-5 .o. '.;; :::f I .::i#;I'iii.1,. =i;,i... ;:ffi,:;ffin fflrffJ;;i?t on ho'zonrar or verricar pipe. llT yh":. il;; ;,, ;"" ;1,".'.':,f J"'+;i"f i;"';: il: ;:,Hsta €cj]/i ithin 6, (1scnn) of a ffitng vihich changes the direchon oflne warerftow or withrn 24" !60 cm\ of a valvJ "; ;r;; -", Drain the system and drill a I In a srow speed drill rn., 1i,1"-ll1'^f,?'.Y:1'.qg circurar saw rpoLr re a 'o . -, in " o",l"i:::i] i",1 1','" uull, devices ;r#l i:"J., ,,r". ,.qr,," " -no u ,in , J,i".,", ;1rii:ilJ :'-:":: ^,1* '::,0? p pe oi ail grolvth or other marefiat for a cr s_iance equal to the pipe diamr ::, :::: : : ^."s c t h ai,t,",,.- :iJH,::';ff :':: ::lt;. ".:: :l:ase t Inse( re vane so tar tre arrovr'J.li" ,"10,.polnls in the direction of the,ano trgnten nuis;;;;;;"il;"*"terflow lnstali the saddle strap :? ffii, ;; i jll;'j ; # ;".1 *i t il:i i:fl ,?: ffi .,:iil:T l # Speciflcations subject to change vr'ithout notice. INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 o^,, _. _' 'L'|er trlectric srgnalco ntparty .2081craig Foacr. s,. r*[ rolilu.o, u.,I I . Phoner e0O-32S-3936/Canada 8llB-8e2.1 gO3. www.pottersignat.com MKT #88OOOO1 - FEV T MFG. #5400761 _ 1olo 1 PF/I]TED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 I I I I t I I T I I I I I @PqfTHR, FIG. 1 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL VSR-F FIG. 2 ;-:-'-. ca it_t:-i Er r- ii r' i il!,t-'. )' j ! t!: t, : : Jz . r' = E'.. - !-.- r (, ii1-="' ,:,t: :i!'. ":-:'-'.i.'r ,FrL:..i/.PJ,]( I a <.rr,,.. ^a ' L:a.. .: art; --" - -''.. r---.= . = a.- )aa _i- ta a.r tEc ]F= ..,8E i: DEi--.F )J-.r,..' CA UTIO N: An Lrninsi-.rlatecl seclion of a s Ingla con.Juctor shoulcj not ne laoped around the terml nal and serve as two Sepa_ rale connections. The wirerlust oe severed there byproviding s upervision of theconnection in the event that the vr'ire becomes dislodged rrom Lrnde r the termtnal. FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS NOTES: 1. The lv4odet VSF_F has twoswrtches ore car be uscd lL operate a Cenlrat Station pfO.pnetary or remote srgnaling rin,t, .//hrle.h. othe. errtact riused to operate a local audlble or vtsual annunciator. 2 A conditron of LpC Approvat ol rnrs pr0duct s that the electri-cal er.ttry mlst be Sealed toexclude moisture 3. F-o I supervtsed crrcutts see S witch Te rminal Connec. tron s " drar'"/ing and caution 'rote lFrg. j t FIG.4 To remove knockouts: place screwdflveT at edge of knock- outs, nol in the center J':fl'::--=,_.-- --"lto.;; l_:;;ilt'ier d'sc'a.s:,s ca-sedll, - i."r,nl^.,,r,.,.,". ,.,.,._i!,,.ui.. .,;.i,i,",i.,il;iJJ:::'J::;;:?:i:i:i.iJ,.:;:",':;::TrLt[.i#il"J]",,;;,,j,:n", faar,r"""'essrcr svsierrs us escu ds Ins sore rnjtrating de'./ice to o..h.rg. A'fFi-;;;;':i""' - 'aqte.c. ei 'r:^.^+,^- ^ - ::^"1;; .,,;.r;?.r";lJ,,?.5;-l:t |c'rre -ooe VSF.F arc rs assrc,ared r_.oiecive !.::e-, =, - i.."ti =,,Zi',;. ' r-rA uDde< arc Starda.-js ai-: r.rcl,de.j rh. r.cno^i.,-r^^."o,"ooura'dsrandardsand,'orrhearrhoritvr",;;l;;;;l.T"Trl.Tt,rJ.li1l,;:#Hi:;!.l,: c-, iosEs ,,ii.l. ",i i'j^1: : rua' s -5-3". D.ated i r.- -' . -',' =.,--.iolr;.'jil,:;;:'"i;:ft ;;:i?j'""'.:;i.';;;;;",?'J ;l;J: :;';;1"fi,:["J'J;l:l:j.."11:; o' l;;#J^T{r"[:l]:"1t: lr^lirml is requrl.eo ro act,vare rhis devjcel;ir.n I ANT N0TlcE: p,ease e.rv,ca t^. ^::^::::'"'c tr 'rb 'revrce- -- I, accordance v,/jlh rhF,"'-?:Y':-t lnt person responsibr€ l- - .,sl'ng jnstrucliona. '-l-"-'- + 'or lesllng cl the flre protectjcrn systerr lhai lhrs syslem n,usr oe MKT. #88OOOO1 . REV T MFG #5400761 - 10/O lI Ill1sl!._l1l'. r.,Le r: r LrrArE: -rF. :ttt , Farl F- <LrL I iQ Jl)r at, p FE .-) \ __ F zr:pf: .. rl|.,r,i:,1 _,-J-__ ...i.... .J, |g t aF vrarEtlFLa\tl ''4t 'o,orrr,ru, ort i I.alier'lo'i t I i,,., -;. )r "'t=.) 'r, ,.'nu,, t FE-*^po se'rir.,oi,'.r srPEI!.PD SETTiII(iS /tl sEas, e o 5a-lt € IITED ]I..J USA PACE 2 OF 2 I I ffiPqflHB,,,,osYst.,_ 1 , -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I I I t I I I I 3i iljfr:-r Listed, FM Approved, NvMEA Accepted, Dimensions: 6.1 9,'L X 2,2S,,W X S 88,,H157cmLX57cm$/X146cmH Weight: 2 tbs f0,9 kg.) Enclosu re: Cover _ Die,Cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts harrs s9prs5i9n resrstant finishes.Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available.Contact Ratings: OSySU,l: One set of SpDT (Form C)OSySU_2: Two sets of SpOf ri^, _7 ,j 5.00 Amps ar 12St250VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations:. NEMA 4 and NEMA 6p Enclosure (1p67) when. 1.,"^1 "IilL ",p.p'op ri:]",. y?l" rtis r,t co;Ju it' ifti; s".. Inooor or outdoor use (Nol f"rr.i.. i" h.llro"r.locations. See bulleti tor hazaroous'tffi:j! 540070s osYS-u-EX . Temperature Range:-40.F to 140.F (_aO"C to 60.C)Conduit Entrances: OSYSU-1 Stock No. OSYSU-2 Stock No. 10 101 06 10'10206 2 knockouts for 1/2,,conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two ra.nily dwelling xesrdenttal occupancy up to fouf storiesNational Fire Alarm Cooe NFPA-13 NFPA.13D NFPA.l3R NFPA.72I t I I I GENERAL INFORMATION I T,?-!.r:, is used ro monftor rhe open posirion of an OS<l Y (outs;de screw and vot"i ru.,^ ^irl ,:i:^' :1" -' is avaitabie ; l;" #Jl:let rype sate valve This devrce set or SPDT /Form c) .o.il:.osYSU-l containing one r a, r : n s t wo r. ; ;, t ;; f "l'",'j o j l.^ ?-: I-: u - 1, co 1 - .s::rhes 'ornt connenl.trr lo "'o',; :T,T,:/ I;;::ranglng in size from 2,, to 12rnount on some valves ., "i??Tti:^f o0mm; Thev will ,tT :::::, n-",o " 0,.. o'ff : il;:, lll;,l;J 1.,"_,L, dr requtre a special tool to ji'f :1'l o:t,; ;; ;il;l; ;.#,fi ,lT jxl i: H:il:?r', responsible party. Replacement or addi{ional cover screws and hex keys are atron on paqe 4 ''ariable see ordering informa- ??rlgNAi covER TAMPER swrrcHA field installable cover ta ::i":.P ;;; il::JiT [ilJ:-;: JTj,i'i ?:.xiliJee oroenrg infor.nation on page 4. TESTING The OSySU and its associ l"-l : ! : : q 99 il; fi #'5,j:.,::?j:. li'", ffi :Jfl :: il*;appllcable NFpA codes and.standards and/or the authoritynavrng lurisdictjon (manufac more frequentlv). ""er recommends quarterly or I I . Pt one gC:-:ZS.3georCana@ MKT. #8820004 - REV P 12t01 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 4 I I ffiPwm,,,,0$YSU_ 1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I trln 1 SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION THESE SY/iTCHES MOUNI vA LVES As'nioi iI l)) i ;:i^Yiil T'Jbtl: - 1/2" THRU 2112,' (12,Smm THRU 63,Smm) STZES y?SI2 ' TC) i2" Qs & y VALVES rHEy i/r/lLL lr/ouf.tT oN SOiVETIAY BE REOUIRED oN VALVES \^/ITH LIIVI]TED CLEARANCE SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES ,.- ITAY 8E USED FOR FINE., ADJUSTI"4ENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKETI I c,t AMP B^R T I ERACKET DU/c. #979,3 -I SrvlALL VALVE |NSTALLAT|ONI'I Remove and discard ,,C rod. washer and roller from the trip a2 l,lllT::_1,::,n, rhe FuLL opEN posrrron ,ocare ihe ;r",]"-:-iT"-r^s the.varve yoke as far as p".rilJ"lro. tn" 6 Remove the OSYSU. F centered on the mark ""'l"i J'19 '13 3tm) deep sroove !1! l"' f ,t,. o . "" _i#H I;:* ;:""T.':li :t :ilJ ?;" ::9,es__of rhe sroove ro prevent o.r.g" to inu ;"iil., . pacKtng and to allow the oruhe g-roove.' #;Jl::Xll:,[ou" easjrv in and out 7. Mount the OSySU with fne iflp rocj centered in groove.8. Final adjustment is made,by loosening 2 screv.rs (see Frg.1) and stidjng the OSySt correct y,/hen switches rr'on tn" bracket Adjustment is sealeo n the valve ,t"r:-1:t actrvated with the trip rod a".ivate when ';" 1;;;;%."":. il1 :?ily;,:ll,;t"" 9 Tighten the acljustment s(*,e c k to r,.,,ii in, i * "",ffi i:3 :l,:?i,I i:JX:, :::;,anC that the swrtches activate ,rithjn o"e tur. rinen ifrl/€lve_rsorerated from rr-e f Uff Opf f,f lo,irr;;;;, " CLOSE D positio n NOTE: CLOSE THE VAI \/F I l: : !; ry ;" iffi J ;'"' i ji'^'.'rl^?,, l.r?Til,'"H' Hi:yit_.J l.E ,f g^ASj. ytrEo av rr{i sre r.,, i,.,n"e no,!-wuLU f(truuL I rr\ A FAASE VALVE O?EN lNOf Cnf f Of,f- l:l:: gti.d so that rhe tnp |.oO ,uy. agarnst the non_tnreaded portjon of the vaive stem I t I I roosen the locking screw thal ; tt ll t ti}ff I tr I lff .'# i: r,i? i"l;i j:x:' l:ittti:fl [.,"J:ffi r;lxl;:!ii,","i"':"T','#'"' IoJ,l. :':.'..;'"i;:'l;;T:'= /e ocse' ,re 'o:( -s ;;:; '""' "l;ffi';Iiiuili" lir:*i;* iiil:ii:.lit"?"3;.y,r[::,i;,:.,J]il1. j:A:::,.. l,:iffi;:,1i'j#,i.fj " the carriase 0",,', "c .r,.," l/lark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. t NTED iN USA PAGE 2 OF 4 I lO OPqmm,.,osYsu- 1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I I t I I FIG.2 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION 3" THRU 12" (76mm THRU 300mm) STZES ._ BRACKET _ CLAI/P BAR ,- CARRIAGE BOLTS (2 RFQUIRED) ,,-.._ YORE -- TRIP ROD .-- GTAND 3" -l-1RJ 12" 176rm rdRU 300mm, VAt \/trs USE CARRTAGE BOr_TS. eOLrS vOU\r-" ON INSIDE OF YOKE, IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE, SLOTTED I,4OUNTING HOLES, MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET. DWc. #979-4 ---- - ROLLER ,'4, I I I t I I l I LARGE VALVE INSTALLA]ION , Y11,. jh. vatve In the FULL OpEN position, tocate rheoSySU across the valve yoke as L, ". o".rilj"ir"r,n"valve stand, so that the trp rod iayi ";";.;i;;"";;l , , rhreaded portion of the vatve stem.2 1,4^o,u nt the OSySU Ioosely wrth the carriage bolts andctamp bar supplied. t !::S^e]l ,n,. tockrng screv/ that holds rhe rrip rod in ptace:T :qlr.l the rod length (see Fjg. .r) /lhen aoirsr._opropert)"/ the rod should eriend p"asi ,n, ""iu.1lr"'r. ir,noi so far thal rt contacls Ircckins screvi ro noic ri,e i[ :iXTi oo,?;"t'nn'.n ''-," N-OTE: it tlo rod ler.gth is ercessir,,e ioosen the lccktncsr re / ara :emc, e lr.e tr c ro,J fr.m ,r. ,. ^:^ ,^- :: ) t cliers 3.s3i( off the one ,, t"rt:"l ,the ir-ip iever' Using .,',";; ;';' ;; ;'i.i ;",# "JllJ:::,1'':iT;::::'. 4 l',,1arx the ,tal,,e sienn al the aentar cf ih3 trjp rocj: Renro're the OSySU File icentered cn rhe mark .f ,nJ,]]?,^(:;1im1 deep groove,/at',ie stem utilizing a 3/g, llliili:r"o non_tapered fite Round and snrooth rhe ::g:,: r the groove ro prevent damage to the valvepacKrng and to allow the or the froove ;. i;;;;"'l: :"01:,1"" easirv in and oL,t 6 lv4ount the OSySU loosely wrth .re trip rod centered ingroove. 7 Final adjustment is madez, n a .i io i n g lr. " A; ; ;t'J" :rf i:l? j,'I;[:,,;::,lit correct \r'/hen switches are not activaled ,i,f_, t,n. irif ,o j Seated ln tne valve stem grcove and that tne svritcf,es - activate,//,thrn one turn vitrr r r n n_, , . , ren tne valve is operated from lheuL- -/-r,\ rov/a/CS,he Ci_OSFD pcs,rron 8 lighten the adlustmenl screws and mouniinq hardware.Check ro insure that ihe roc mo./es oui or,i l il;; " easity and that the switches activate v/ithin onJ,rin ,f].,, I"^u_r!,. is operated from the f Uf f Ope ru ,.";;;;; ;;.CLOSED positio n. f oJE^._glosE THE vALVE FULLy ro DErERr"4tNE THAT]l! :'E\4 rIREADS Do No- ncr vniir};vi,T;ilTIE sw,rch BEr\G ACTvATFD BV rHF srir,iiin"e eoscouLD REsuLr rN A FALIE i;Lve oiri ir.;l;;;;i," MKT, #8820004 - REV P 12t01I PRINTED IN USA PAGE 3 OF 4 Pqf,;HB,,,,*$Y$U_ tr, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH r I(J. J DIMENSIONS FIG.4 PARTS I If- l ,1" ] "-..,,*,0 -.f' coo perprcrec ?z ^|o 1Partlvt, , tz -.r sFarrpr pEr.,ro,/Eo I BREAKING EXCESSIVE RONI LENGTH r Flc.5 l ''t',- ' ,. 1"^j'''.,..... ,,)"'I ard;' l !f! !''i-: SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LocaL crR.,r' tr;--lra -aara ._c .:"f r u. - ',,Or.a:,N.'r.D'C,1in _ Ot.,:r JJ DC,rrLi__.i_-'-=r_-F - '. sr.-t- .,.R. .p.,,- I t --r ICr r...rFor o"..r. '' L ' v 'r I ] r"1 -.-:i\ i i :,;,1.,. DtC #-o79- I Ccntacts sho/,n ;n ror.aal Iral,,,e openi conditicn ryPICAL SWITCH ACTION CAUTION: An -lninsutated seciion .jl a srngle .cncucto/snorlo not be loapec aro!|d ihe_'ie.n-lnal andse.,/e,as tr/o separate connections The !a,,ire-_ s' Lc 5e.:-el 1:.eb, O,0.. t,._: S-!e:. -1 :-''ra a_r-oat:a. .,-a*.c.,.-1,.,," ",eoea0nes Crslodged lran t).dai ihe lerrntnal ORDERING INFORMATION- ; ttoDEL DEscRlpTloN l 'S i Si-'l cr.rtslde Screv,, & /oke_Surer,.,i<..", q . 1-L ,6 - STOCK NO.-.s.s-.2 o,,, i. ri,,", ; ;:i: :::::l::" s,r/ r.h,sinsie s,,"' tch, 101c106 r{e,oLlps.r' so../ S,i rah iDcubje sritcn ) 1C1C20F"r _o./:i S:re;.iI.I r-rex Ker FOr ao./€. S-_ opronarcov6.."#:fff;ff'a'a.orAdjLstmenrs i:iii:;F:r pressure reducer type *iuu lnar"rr",^. u,*' ,,, .^^, ,--,, 0090131 f_- lllaton kjts (if required) coniact valve manufacturer rf.tTED tN USA MKT, #8820004 - REV P DwG #E79_2 5A"*!%lf31.3rso be used in comb'nation with the l{::iiF*"=:'ff 3"'l:"il:?;",il111.xi,il1?n'"ntfl n'n''i:LT'JlL'[?o:Jl"i;,"nru;:*r+i]:ltii:::;:l ji::, n[rir#,zu:"*i'":{l?,"r#,Tifl .B:i1',lnti{;[i+r,: 'ir::q wo,ks :noepeno;#;:"ffT'":1; ;:';::::: trlop ot the horn When mount l"m':f ,:;,:*{*'#::ii:'ii:::.if l""'"ff "':l:i."", a€ seie:tron of a sound ts dc ^:- -'_ar,u-rs o':i-.ee rabs on'il^t:qt,r by Dreaking varjo',s - -:'c Lrc..cn,ri^ Ine electronic printed circurt::':j ;.," ?i;' i? l' .?;, [. ;,ilil;Ji n it ^j* r,: ", Jiunattine Srrobe 1ffiffilffiuu# Multi-Alerl Sounder 12/24 VDC. Hlgh Reliabllltvr 8 -Variable sou'nd outputs (user select). Low power consumpiionI Low Inventory costsI S.landard backboxes 4" squaree ll.L. listed to Std. 464. can .be Inslalted In varlouscomblnallons with or wlthout trim platesI T MA,-12i21 Sounder t2 & 2a v l"/^ /SS- 12 Strobe/Sounder t2V rne sounder shall have the ootion of having a BRK flashinqsrgnal strobe Or eOUal morrnra2^.{ rF,^ -r-^-^ _- , _ ..,d .o -e ironr of rhe sounder 1'. ::il::i?; J :: : : :,Ti#' " r' =' l'' ; n' -' i'"''."'"j' ",''l'ltAiSS-24 SS-T 2 Strobe/Sounde r 24V Strobe 12Vt33-2! Strahe 24V ;i; ff tJfl ;';1?i; lx"'li'3 :- l r 1'Ie F oi / c a rt,: a'Ie e r s 1ry *, ltiinnfu ri#jl{ ;#;' ?,7ii,:::)*;':'1,21:.[X'n *,,2 seconds nrr mooers Ja]ineliTi'l';rffi j:i{{f ::'t:,,#'i4i:.t,,i,,iitr,:xr'""a., r s h,. t, r€ .r our r, n9 ;.;,:;; ;r',,,", : :' .0,r,',.2;::,.2::...,, r + I lJi.Pt Y::lll:: Praie conceareo Qond,ir t :'l -5' Mo,rnrin; Flate Sem,_Frusr D:-: __ Bac,(bc, Deeo I rJdchbo, Sl"nJa"o tGa,.a. ,2.- I ,.:.;.. ,' :-:,i,lr::i,=.'=" .' ,1!r,:;,.,, : The Multr-Aler1 Soun d€I irrl;; seg ", ;#i'"fffi:i illi:iil[.,i"i'l:J:l.r ilil# i,l3 n:: Y"H"#,T.xli"iff [ ::","#{ii"1.?,3": 1,",,I :i!:5" f?,il.#ii ;ff ff jJJ'.,:'# l"_*:1":r:nr :"{:ltry,il1qip"; il.*:n:i,*:l, :ir,:,., ;,;,.,mount lo a standard 4,, I,; ;;,.;6,#;",:':r:.i?^':J:;:::ii:l ", rrush nrount - 'i, i, ti':i.il r !j, r.3;,?.ii:.j.1p1ui l_.:.-.t' ob. Culent 30 ma @ 12v & 25r,A ro_ 2a\totiP. r-leasured In anecno.c rOOm ar l0 teef Jl"r?;;J::f?i,?rtpur shail meer the currenr requ,rements or L IBreak1 100€ I Trh I a.,o Hz Lon,rro* L^1, | 2UJ Hz Inrtrtuptqc I i ' I aoo-rtloo I a | 2400 Hz Interrupred I a 24A0 lz r,.)nttr \r,)ut I igstovi,r'/hoop I nc Svrepl Flequenc,, I ni Fast WarDte I AAr NdtA si/^hn .,,"-^-.. a^ I dBA- I oeF T-,rna tzu z4u llzv [au lvv--;lrrS'"'' rlr, lL" l:igs s lsz stl n u15 3ol85 y lsz c;l ;i srl9 40 | a; n I s-, sel zc s.r?9 3:leo ss lea rocl ei a;l9 40 I 8e g" J s: ,ool s, so?? 4uIB6 ez|st erl ;E a:Jso 12alB; tz lv, iil qi aqzo :sla: aslsr ssl ia aJ I' F' I I l" I System Sensor Division 780 McCture Road Aurora, illtnois 60504 -t .r Eji." SS Serles: l-ffiffiffi= J:{':J$$$.% i+ (312) 851-7330 I I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I f \drspsHlls Series FtrT FireLockTrvl PFoDucr DEsc*fprloru check vaives lt ,, rwi UrL'l utL '-i1 DIMENSIONS < i-> <'-9 -- (. -tI l rr4E IJlJorrinal i---i Inches I F r" e ! ' : I ti.'i i-tt .tta;ai ,t.,r.: : llFJ ir"tr,.,t,.a.i Lta|_ . fypicat 10 . 12, . . V,CIAULTC'rS ArJ tSO 9001 CEFTIFIED COMFANY ,il;tl,#:''''':':ri2 ffi I I FLCW C}IARACTERI$TfCS !F:l:c -,- 2D,atJr) I t t I T T I I I I I I I I 2A 30 40 t0 an FLOW RATE. G,P,M, 4 A0A 6 0()a n.a00 l AAD 2) lrr|. a.i ir.i]rr* erBffi fi *jg*.r*jffit$E JATERf AL SPEcrFtcATtoNS t' '-.-.-: I I II I I I I I I T I I I I * c a':: lltr:trt tfn^,, != I ,1*:i1t '7;i)"?i,,r'.s c.,. !r-,iegrqlFi,shirg dc,ncte, Fqcior,/i,;er or rz5 pSi ,,,riih orho, I --.=.t.:"..-;:1"'l:i"t' pr.essiie cc'Jsec bv srrees ".,.r0=.or,: '" r) "'/rrh oiher _ Jr::rgce;L",I',-' ,,'Ci,,,s piping sc1,,es ihe n,t'ttt' :' ier-'rpei'clure chorges. l-". , ", "r^i.::" ^^ v :v r!-; rrre ncggrng problem oi Relief i/ct'ie outel _.. . pc,i, oi;;I"tpifr,;;;?;?T,;3,j:[rJiffL?.",;i;;,]i^I:l:lJfi,ve cnd rhe Byposs T.';::::f;;."nis ore incruded in ihe pockose 1'",',i,'i' b Et?Xt"T i il?fiffi n "".rro ry ro r rh e i n sro i io ri o n n r .,...^ ^ ^ I I I I rv{QDEL tOt I MOpEL Kffiffiffimruffiffieffiiv4ODEL lii I i V/IrH RELIEF ,/AtVE AIID BYPASS PIPII.JG r,,ia.SlL i0 I lT ##df iti6$?ifl'ji{ffiil#'$,if,{+'#tifr n: :, TA p p N G i0ttT Ji*t:l: Ij ': -,- - J t?tltl I I r-- I_ !ri: 3- 1/ NC t4 3 EI th 'h h 7 (Jp CI ll r-)LE NS E s o IC 'ogr rvE Lf\ E rsto :E rB ol 'af Ofl lFl \tt EN I Pc l' Rlrf qlve s.utr .1 )16.1,2 1.2 rt E, 7 t N EJ I /1 17 /32. ELo(518)., ESFR(3/4). MATFRiAL i.-IST PART: HANDLE SIEM BALL BODY VALVE SEAI iNDIC,TiCR P1 ATF Ptrl lEtr \/^1,,. '' eipiss"iiilri,". BYPASS tue[,rG- IIATERIAI.; \IFFI ROD BRASS C P BRONZE BROI.IZE II,4P-REGI,J ATFD TEFIOI JJIEEL BRONZE BRASS NYLOBRAID --- -MTffi- JOB NAME; ARCHITECT: ENGINEER; r"tcf{,T "rl€w _ rdcaFt I *; I ?_ o,,rp,qtt tEric,];- 1,- j t01 IKE t .. g :,.t r0llT ll ta roit AND 1011I F 1 z r i a r.,. j 6 , ,,o. -- l) t . I J J | 4 . ,t I o , ,, ^nt\lTn a ^'^ r I I I I t I I t rj I I I I I I i,#ffi1 - ,.*-'',,# ufu. w4ffi# Standarc 40c pst wp btr'ffircse h*$E p31, a "iyr;,V1s69 Sody o EiO,.r,,c:i-Fr;,:l Siei-n n iFF Seaisi.j*ri.-€*+*k Co ld Water Confcr:ns l._: i\4SS Sp- 1 i C I,,iATEF]I;\L LISj sFEClFliAIt0x I Har dl€ tiui lt^l P)atet1 't.nl2 H aftIE Zir." Plal.,1 iiar .,,rit Fi.,i ..-t rlr! 4 Pactt.A 5 Stem ;1,;:?,:,;:i; ^.'" B.:7j 4jio,, c6e{L.rl Brals ASTtj A.i6 Dt tSL E.5B4 Allo\ Ce4t1r.) 7 :eat Rii_rs I Eox/tast etol!.4!iI4 g.5B; A|0,/ CA4iLIC 0r fcf!.,iC 3ia95 isiln E ft4 !ua! :J1i 9 Eadl Erdf)te.e casi Eronlr aslrJ 8,58,1 Atiry c814c0at rut?.g tstzat tSTt.{ 8.12,1 jrli}. J7l Cli'IENSIONS --.lEilfrs -- eL;AN1, rES li0ftjraj Ulmensions Btas3 ;:aTM E.it) llfn i sbrttlos 2 ?lLltia a)idltl Kf-530 f.JFl io iipr KT-580 ihreaded 0li:ri ita:!e rAFptar. Ear Lefltifiel itl lir' lrf. it. r 3 i.r :ir : ii[ 1;' _i l 2 . r: . j ,::2:, l j , a', .t:.i:3': 63,',. K'i-530 iila.!leciureo r t.lleCC )d.ea.zat iy i l,1€riaJ NIBCO INC., ELKHABT, INOIANA I I I t t I t t I I I I I I I I I T I PIPE SPECIFICATIONS (summary of information from ASTM Annuar Book of standards) ' Intendedfor conveying lrquid gas or vapor. Grade A Supptied as welded Adaptable for flanging and bendingphysicat requiremlnti: J:i:il" Strensth - 48,0oO psi minimum Yrero Strength _ 30,000 psi minimumttongation in 2 inches _ 1S% to 36%,depending on th+cross ' Grad;T',"ff**ortest specimen -re'v Must be heat treated to 1000"F or similarphysical requirements I:i:ir^" Srrength _ 60,0OO psi minimumyield Strength, _ 35 000 psr minimumElongation in 2 inches _,29,SVo toli Sv" depenorng on thecross section al area of test specimen. . Testing ;,"":,#i,Xr:"st _ appropriate destructive rests performed during ff it"i;::l! T".:,ilg is a nondestructive e tectri cal test performed practice iJ!f,?it tubing in accordance with stanoari-nsrvr Hydrostatic Testing is optional and not performed on BMT pipe. permissible Variations Diameter may vary +l_ 1%frorn tne nominal sizeThickness [ray not vary more th an -12.so/oof the nomrnar wa,thickness. Notrce ttrat t'trere is no positive torerance on warlth ickness M a rk i n j ;;i:ff i"lf,ii :? H,: Tlfi m wa' I packaging is per ASiM ATOO BfvtT Products: ED?IplpE _ Sc-hedute 40, Schedule 1O 5, .*li ;,.i fi,'ft..'.:i ig:j j; n ;: " EDDy FLOW _ Schedule 10 Replacement II-1 May - 9'7 I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I I t I I EDD'THREAD 40 - Lightweight Threadabre pipe with corrosionResisiance Ratios equal to or greater tnai t 0 anc itdoes not have a thread warntno. ASTM-AZ9S Stand ion for Bla 11 Galvaniz Wel4ed and Sea D Joining is suitable by the followino: !ln^T:ry:'g.lt (schedute r 01 - norlo sroove,nrandard-Weight (Schedute 40)_ Cuior Roitplarn-end fittinos Grade A Supplied as welded Adaptable for flanging and bending Grade B (not made !y BMT) Must be heat treated to .1000.F Intended for fire protection use "The pipe may be bent, but it is not intended for bending made at amorenttemperature wherein the inside oiameter oilhe.bend is ress than twerve timesthe outside diameter of the pipe o"ing buni and successfur bending is a functionof equipment and technique as well a"s pipe propurt,".,. classification is Type E for Erectric-resistance werded inc-Coat g_1Qr Fire welding, and plain end fittingsgroovtng, threading, welding, and Physicals J911it_e Strength _ no requirementyield Strength _ no requirement Elongation _ no requtrement Testing Flattening Test - aporopriate destructive tests performed during manufaciureEddy current testino is a nondestructive erectrical test perrormio on eacn pieceof tubing in accorda-nce with standard ASTM practrce (E309).Hydrostatic Testing is optionar ano not pl.rormeo on gMT pipe Permissibfe variations (same as 4135 exceplooser on 1 1r2,, &smarer) II-2 May - 97 t I I ASTM-AT9S tinued Diameter - For pipe 1 112" and under, the oD may not vary more rnan+1 164" (.01 5,,) or _1 /32,, (.031,, \- For pipe 2" and ou"r, tne OD may vary +l-1o/o fromthe nominal size Thickness may not vary more than -12.50/oof the nominar wa, thickness. As t[?fij:* positive torerance; nominar wa, thickness equars maximum warl certification of inspection must be suppried by the producer stating that the#,ili?iii;:?:t j:it1xjiffi :;if,?:"J;*$;5."#"#":,lTJisn"".o,o.n"u Marking for each length of pipe is required Packaging as raid out in the Bulr Moose Tube company Eddypipe schedure I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t BltrlT Products: EDDyplpE _ Schedute 40, Schedule 1O 5. # li uh lfl,,ift 8l',H::Xif, :"J, f""EDD.YfLOW _ Schedute tO Reptacernlntuo?*TIIT? 40 _ Lishtwag!!!re9!abte pipe with corrosionResistance Ratios "qrlt io or greater than 1.0 II.3 May - 97 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t g"s' U BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY NPS (in ) NomLnal OD _ (u) Schedules Nom Wall Tluckness (rn) ID (n/-I neoretrcal Wt. per ft 0b) Pieces Per Bund.le Bundle \Vergit _?1_ 1t12 1798 194'/ 2050 2151 Buadle 25' r323 2141 2318 2440 2561 1024 167 | 18u 1979 2103 I 3l5 Lltra Eddv 0 065 I l.2o I 0 toe I t, 0e70lle J i0e3 0.126 J 1o9o0133 I rO+s 0 868 I404 i 520 I 600 t 679 61 ol 61 6t Schedule l0 Eddylrte Eddfthread 4 ScherLr le dn L t/4 | t.eso ultra b.ddy Schedule t0 Eddylite Eddytluead 40 I Schedule 40 I;;:- 0 065 0 109 0 119 0 13l 0 140 I 546 I 442 | 438 1 425 r 380 1.107 I 806 r 958 2 139 37 37 37 860 1403 t52I 1662 1766 990 I25I 1620 t 800 199 I 2Lt2 1246 1579 2050 2281 2614 2838 1t/2 i rsoO u rrla Lddy Eooy f low Schedule l0 Eddylite Eddythread 40 Scher r I. 1n o 065 I r.tsa-l-- r27a0083 I rtsa I| _ r 1610oloe I 1.6s2 i zoasor22 I ren I ,.=r,uiro I t655 I Z.S|Z0.145 I L< tn I:_-' ': I L.tt tv | 2.'7 f$ '37 3l 37 37 37 | 178 i 489 t929 2143 2370 2514 2 vrud ,c{lQy 0.065 | z zdt0.083 | z zzo0109 | tt<'t| -'"'0122 I 2 t47 0 r4L I 2.124 0 r54 I z.oat ,l:-:_=--j-I OU4 I 772032 I zt 2.638 I r z2936 I zt3364 | ;;|'1653 | tt Eddy Florv Schedule l0 Eddylite Eddythread 4C Schelrrle 4n 1484 1880 2440 2716 3112 33792 t/2 2.87 5 3 500 2.729 r.oJ) Eddy Flow Schedule i0 0.083 0 t20 2.47s I tt353r I i,1923 2743 1521 2183 1730 2240 195 I 249A 2289 3265 18 17 2599 2059 2560(24') Eddy Flow Schedule l0 3 0.08 3 0 120 3.354 3 260 24 1A 19 I9 l0 4 4 500 EZ FIog Schedule lO J Schedute I '*,- 10 10 0 092 0 t20 4 320 4 260 +.JJ) 5 613 9 289 1l i,l b o.ol)0134 6 357 (24') 2230 (24') 2845 8 6 tlJ)0188 8 249 7 Mav'92 IV-4 I BULL MOOSE rUBEI I I I I I I I t I I I EDDYLITE PIPE i*:li:;'", ii'ir,'#' ;:" j,. j[::j' i': ;:#r.,1X,,'"', lT,1f ,li' H i,.",*:: I' .|I ::.::lgi"*:ed to provide ,"*.. Jr,"ro.j"tii :ffi[,fu f i i, T l.ff li:"r,,L:.;#" J fj lhe Superior S,rinkler pipe Corrosion Resistance Ratio (CRR) Eddylite pipe is nranufa and A-795 ,p..inrutio.t:red,to AsTM A'135 :I,_p,,:u.q uy' ru.to.y"ilril.l :n T:L^IJ ;1"'.'ffi::';,.,.f1;,.1; :'. '. ,n. L"i"*i pressures of 300 psl o, i.lr'rttt having working AdYantages of Bull Moose Eddylite.r Lighter weight than Schedule 40 lT::::i:*t'r strong, exceeds ASrM A-r35mrnrmum yield and tensile require;; ."- l:fI, burst strength and corrosion i,:T:?l.T ratio compareo ro orher :';tff:ltn, threadable p,pe. ,r.i., * eii* F,:l- O.:r.g with standard coupiings,nfttngs and valves Lower sprrnkler system costs Freight savings Eddylite offers bener hydraulics than Dyna_Th.read 40+, Super 4Q*i, ,oor,i*.Tid.ii Schedule +O products. Standard O.D. dimensions. yll.,,:,!.y^.ss and weight greater rhan*.;;;., i. ll',n.Tllu.?',1ii.r,''n*.', ;,.Tff:T,,'.', .:Hn - :?Hilj threadabre ' BLT & Dyna-Thread lA are Trade..xL & super 4o "* r*or^,o, )nf,"ot],ir":::::::,::r:: AII informatron conbincd hc.cin ir [1? ;;:H : ^: I i** :iiil*T ffi : I *d;I##: :' a aI a I l: I t I Standard UL, CUL Bundle 1" 1-1/2 2" 1.3.15" 1.660. 1.900' 2.375' 0.74 0.48 o.47 0.3B 13.20 8.48 r.Jo s.96 o.72 0.60 0.60 0.50 A{ 37 37 '7'7 I I @ MOOSE TUBE I EDDY FLOWIItWRrplnrr^ent.for Schectule I 0I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Realizrng thc growing constructton. Bull tr{oos e products need of fire protection systems in commercial and residentialTube has added Eddy Flow,to it,s compreirenriu.,,n. of.sprinkler pine Eddy Fiow is a specialry. engincered replacement for schedulc r0, offering befter florvcnara*ersrics while providing Jesign n.riuiLif rhis proauci i, rnl'uooro"ed, as we, as LrL;:,1;hJi':','l?#"t',*;;"?;;i;i,'r'ir"^..r'."t *i,il*0.#,,.,. sources ror up-ro- As an added benefit' it is more econonical to use than schedule l0 due to reduced delivery costs::i,ffi,r[iilXfl:.j:ll;H:;; il ;;*', ru.g., 'D "0,""'0., an oppornrnity ror Dual Ceftified to ASTM A135 and AtgS. FM approved fot roll grooving and welding lor use in wet sysrcms. UL and CUL listed for toinino bt)type sprinkter sysrci!"""'" 'y welding or by listed rubber gasketed fitlings /or use n we\. dry, preacuon, and deruge Ligh(weight ' saves shipping costs, and offers easrer handring. Can be used with rolt grooved c< l!::::-,.rr avaitabte in ,, "no ,'uul" ,'":,.,tn:r'r"r':::r::' ::,'::,':,"'"""' up to 17s psi tengths -- ' !"e"'r ptvuuceo rn r renton GA end Gerard, Mo. Atsa can be orde.ed in cusronl Can be supplted rolt gtaoved or ptain end.. Cen be used fot wet end dry syStents. 'Ecdt Ftct, rur o E .. t, - - AJl tnfotmabon cana;oed herctn ls accurcr- as kno,EU't t loose rub€ rese,.ves he nght( to change product s*",1"r6on rY,!'^,!e ame ol pubricabon __-__ .tFe,^26uens wt(haul na6ce and wihout incuning oDttgalon For ao6111sn;ri6ila ; at (314) 537,26A0 n BENEFITS con ta ct your salesperson the USA or from Canada laoo) zzs-qcajrooay at cail (800) 1_ COMPARISON Corrosron p"s,rtJiE?# Ins ide Diameter Eddy Flow Eddy Flow Sc hed u le 40 1 682 2157 2 635 3.260 ,@ 8824666 I I I I r Wheatland's fSch edu Ie 10& Sch edule 40I Sprinkler Pipe !I9re is high quality sprinklei pipe offering you the full range of assurances you require. Both our Schedule l0 and our Schedule 40 Sprinkler Pipe have passed some of the toughestlab tests ever created for sprinkler pipe. Made in America by Wheatland Ttrbe Company means made to the highest standards for consistent qu-ality, Approvals Wheatland's Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 Sprinkler pine is macle tiom the highesr quality steel in one of rhe nition's moit modern and most complete pipe manufacturing plants. Our proprietary nrill coating offers you a clean, conosion and heat resistant surface that outlasts and outperforms standard lacquer coatings. plus, this coating can be quickly and easily painted without special preparation. Or it may be hot dip galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in -accor_ dance with the zinc coaring specifications of ASTM 4,79-5 or A53. Gall today for more information, or for the name of your nearest distributor gOO-257-g1g2, I t I I I r UL Listedr FMApproved! ASTM .,4.135, Grade Ar ASTM A795-E Specifi cations, illusrrated materials and descriptions are accurate as known at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. I t I I I I I I I l'trI Wheatland ruBE coMpANy ' The 6" Schedule 1O is sold under license from another domestic producer 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, NJ 08i08 Tel (800) 257-BlBz Fax (g56) 854-0616 www.wheatland.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tu?ffiffisT ,+llF Fl I_VI/E L p: lt4f s E R,. TE E. L E T,P o*'*,Jg:;^;;;;NcH o uru er irmrucs MERTT M 319 Circle of ANUFACTURIN Progress . pottstown. G CORPORATION Pgnnsvlva nia 1eAA,t oo< < I t I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I Threads merhcds i7r crjsli2q 1,./lg,;, tJ)ttlEr tizE I l I C4qn'r,4 'Jl.,hari l/t:rtl 1/'/+lr) l ltt<zr -"!.!!i :-!= !-1 j Jominal lou el I s'..u f=-r 1, t2 : _'a j i ) Za lt :itr oimeffii6ffi orreaponAffiT 1t,t, ti, I .rn,/ 11i,2 I nj2' li2.l n:c.lz el,iii--l-r---+---- i !-'i: I jF| I I ',. ',, I ,ili r,tominai Header Size B1 Parl llumber 0uIel Lenglh lnches c ^lnside I Make ulamelet J ltn rncnes ] lnches -u I tv 1 D,25 | 7LA Nominat /No;;tOullel I Hc:rr", slZ€ i Siro l1-.'1 l. parr i ou el 1 riumber J lenorh /rnctes -lcl Inside 0iametef InchesDl up Inches 1_l / 2 2::ii t '-tj i .., 9r -.:-; -- ---- - .- ..=-:-:'.-S'_ -a,tlAftrD^,.-- '!.-Ll t' >1" t, {{UrCIl TEE.LETS fit exacUv on ,h. ri,, fi?l |X,".?;";J ;:;'ilffi fi f ff.1 ;': '': .Iyp* B Mare Threadsrd, wr,lType !,grr Graeve Srd. 1/r/r lf Vpe {"lH Rotl Groove Sch, jC 0rderinq Data I]-,^, .t l::t ' J1 .r e tr.tlJ,-,,itir;rJrerhccs ie . rlr6crtn1 ,..r.._ ,,..:2 r;1.4,:+:. Te+__r:: - I I I t I l.'lmensiond Correspd?Ttffis art FJumbeG ,, Wall IInrCkneSs Sld. Wl I )t ILI t" 'r . r-_ r-l 1 ^-UF. fhnd I haove srd [/r. I sld. V/l 12':t I t'tt: 0u tlrt c Cul ParI tAale F) ict e 0! ./er | =Zal. r". - :Tp E_'r:. i I UADE rr,t u.sl MERIT MANUFACTURiNG CORPOHATION 31 9_Circie of progress ?:l:':yl .pennsyrvania-r g+o+ :sr r(01 0)-s27. 400_0 . Fax f or oi si[_i]r, l.-:= --------__ I ,, . :r.i Lr;ruia.r-rno Lo,cora.,r,r,I Fax Toil free gOO-Sq3.7013 Fnst'L>t:friing Mec lt a n i ca ! a r a nc* ilt,t t t ef I I -. t- ' - '. a ;;,-: -i., - , 2t ''':t' t"a' ,,: i',)t .' - .t)-2,,.;i,,, 1r...,t,,.,i,,ii',r,.'u,rr';i;,,'rrt;',.1,,i,rrr,,i,,,,-,r;...;,;''(. T q,,l.er,trt,. )riit)r.rrtl.,, ,)r,i;',gi;-;;i:iri,i,:!ii:1,,,1i,,,':iii,,,',,1:1'1,,,ii.,!i.'',','' ':r'i';iZ?lt':"i!i:r1 rz1qrv' ,t . .t,,: .i lrt,.tt .- ,.c,,,,,,i,i,,tu,t Gt'uv-Flanqe 1 -.)p+- '.r t bri,.,-Flart,:q ;ntl r, - c i-,,' ! .;,,,,', )'.',:=, i,'.' ! ":' ":, - l t''- ,n* 4,'ru,,t i. + - r,Jo..1 ' ',","!:J),',,'ti,o!:',1!::1,1,,i,,,;';ii-:!:i :;:''::,::'',')u,,1!'["0'nnu,o ' il:i:.': l!!:::i,l,ir'r,,;;.'!,r""[;::,.::,;t;:i:":,7,,:i?""{!.i:.t ,t,n ; .+ Press ihe easre nl2, r;2,1qy 7.,2,_ lnaeri a si^n.r,..r _,_..^ - , 'u'uan lhE otpe a Lt at,.l Flantle re,-e:: i,',',! l' "il. :,.': : .lt ; J i,: : J "1,')l ; [,,i.,1'; i,'' ] :,lo',,',,'', i.rJ! lLrrned. A.JO |,ia rsnta n| rq !t?nda,deret )ry L)t-)r)t taCes ce,nta"t, .,L1?'lg: bolts and tighten dI n!/rs Jornt torque vaiues,:; ;i,""0,f tac+ s,- -..t "r-i, : : ; ii ;:.'i,i, i ;::;,_"1#; Styte Product 100 *'ri:.'.'ergh: Ccr.lpi r^ g !,,aa Pet:::nQ C::c,h.: 500 Flcio CoL Pipe Size lnches FM Approved.pSl std. wr. Pipe I1,lU 5004tj 30c Std. Wt. I t-iShl*.Ll HlPe I Pina i 5C0 30c 1,f,r/t i iJ l,!'.2-,,- <3L' it3 Ji ll 250 I ', - ;,j--..---..---'i-e :-7 : - .1 := --....,'..l'.'T,F "- ,.!,' = '-t '- = "'::1:':+ :: "t l,i -: ,.:='-:.; :: I UL Ratings-pSl 'g ro L.l0 up, j n,_r t'f ../3 Gicc,iec tsiunch Ouilai 1.,a... th-rt * t ,t,250 aa\) 25A 25a 160 Branch Ou.lletThreacied 2 x 1tz ThruBx4 250 1000 1010, rroo. ftoo, tsoo urooved Fittings 1-1t4 - I 500 500 500 l,o,u.i',1"'r,otuo=u,o" ' :: "': -' ' :':1"' | ;,:;.. .:;';;.;,t-,,i,' r..' --1': , ' ,tr:ii:,; ,:';,r:i;;;;';,il'!::' -' ' j,,i;:i::i,: i"iz:)i'i,iii1',',1,;i.;,;Lizi',,u ^,:,'; "'; 1t,' : t' ;i :;';:,' i"; ==,t .;1' ;,:,,: .,ffi ,r':'} :' :," , .,' :,::i:',' i ;,,rr,,;:i,, 1l'lll;ir{j :,,::|.i,,i,',' I L j'' I I I -a > : +_ t: HOLL GROOVE a 'a a .:.-:-.:-,._.^., Groovet-w_ioth J a,oou, 3-- j-,''.:,= ,'u ,.. 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', "'i ';;;.'";;':f,;:tjj;l:"j+l;:;.;:"t:;J;ti: gs. lncofE,oraled pottsto,u,rn, pA 1g464 Grccved products as ffilgggw ffisssffitr ffirpssptesffd#- I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I STYLE 5 ,,UL , -::a- /-\../ u< ..a =! -.1-/Y l.^Y -'--- - .tulv, , =:-,^.. :- -:. =__"_:-:: ^FtrPa,=o I l- _*l l*_ Pipe,nch Patl Nu m ber ftlax. Worl Press.' psi / kPa A llow Pipe End Sep. + in. ,'mm l\,lar.0eflectioi lr0rr Cenler Line+ 0eg. Perl pipe Coun | ^ tr ,',', - N0. Boll/Nut s fleq.-Size Incn 0jnensiors in. ,irrlrn " -t-r-llom. Size 1.1/,1 I 1-1t2t___I2 I I z.1tz If- r ;;-+ ili----- - --l- -- ---* .',2 D Aptx. wot. Each lb ltgr.66 12125 6 n 2B IA 300 2010 1t8 3 1€ 4..19 .90 75 212 .lt9 | 2 262 lr-J 104 | 1sj _l_ro3 | a5.o 1.S0 {a 3 603 2.815 12150 130 118 3 18 3".46'66 2n .318 \ 2 71 S 3.31 425 108 r81 450 1.311220aJUU 2 070 300 zAiA 3 1! 0.62 52 22.318x2 .64 1r6 I .83 067 .48 1/8 3 r€ 2t 29 052 .ll 2i2.3i8xz 3. E1 4.02 1nn , 3.00 76 i 350 l_; ll.l J 'tl',': 0 625 i6a 3 b tJ 183 174 0.77 1230n i 300: 2cil: 300 300 3.,f 050 42'2i2 . 3tE t z 122 5.81 lJ7 r.!J 165 1.t3 J65 2.20 r00 1a) ,r ji 'r /a ,3'.1i a15 r ,,J 2'.ii o:: 2 0i3 Z6 i 2,2-3tatZ.l,l ;;in.tt;zn 1i3; z1tL 74 104 | ili I 3 5t r 2A1 51 .0 2.41 !u 0.54 tl l Z Z. t,Z , l.t,l 1 6 9 ..ir%ti-r-# --=+--!!l!,roru i J00 4.85 2)n1i4t".10'046 Ja l,2t2 1? | 3i A1 e54 l242 l ?.01 s.3 0 21A 0 2 2r.1),1.i1 r.44 l 239 i 2.01 51 0 518 | 21i 1 | ,, 2a:l ilctES rt4 i 1..,10 i 0.3t i3:; j I 1? 31 | 2.41315 | 6i0 10.40 € ----_-l ]-}{-r ::,; : ;:f .: j.;, r#,ri:l;-j1;t ;;- ':':,';, ifi1;,,iri YII r,r*, S ize re Inc h II ou,u I Pu,' J Size I llumber lylal. r A lI! r'., -Work I pip€ E Press ' I Sep.: Psi / kaa i in. / nrr I ilo i ^.B0lulJut ! u ]]tenir0,rs ln. ].1eq.utz€ n.hlllo rirr l APrx --_i WqtI Each I I /,J r eo l liii )22 300 1ie -uz.u, u )aa ,f_i 5 ) 10:1 r3r i 130 190 :,3 5150 300 23ii 1/8 I ltt JiArl : 2A1 , 42ci-ir..-=_:+ --g.-i -'"', I 402 i lB1 r 17- I 150 | . 6tI-:; --_ I r.dr ] dE -lll 1-; - i2\ 60:i*300 2!1,J 2.875 !! 3.00 7El I 5250 I 3oo -Eff 1la :: ,.1 -=ff'*t:io t) 1tb .1 1e I 2/2.3tE|2 Pn;:.l,itY-!:, lztz 1i2x3.1t i zt2- 112 t3.1t4 I*r*-rJ 482 1ta 2 5 .28 r34 1.83 J6 5 | ","I 2.20 I IOU i3.50 s:on 1 -:oo | zlltt 118 4 5l 11-J i 584 1.r i 1.83 2.27 '1 lJ34.50 t1t 3 s400 i .l|1o _ | 2D1C '| /4 a 3,,1,1 ,; 7.0 r 1i7 2.02 5r ! 320 I ll 111 l 5550 I 300 - | ?07t) 1/4 bla 169.1 4.52 202 51.t 5.00 2 2t6 625 166 3 5600 300 2U70 1/4 7.85 lss a I51 2t2 202 5.4461/20D 6.50 165 1 300 2A?A 114 t.t3 r96 5 9.43 239 202 51 0 530 244IB.625 ?121 5800 300 2070 1t4 trt at6 \ q.1R 10 1 256 1 12.31 3r 3 2.43 6r.0 14.47 475 I I I L a I I u' t L I SHtEtD 900,'. 19464.3811 . 319 Circle of progress . p0[stown . ,rrrrfff"f,.. Nalion a I Fitilngs, Inc'rp'rated --------- u.u.A. . ret.6l0/327.4000 . Fax610/910.92S2 . T0il Free Fax800/E4J.70ilI I | ffisgigrsnr{js &Ffssvstr #sd.Epxsf|fe STYLE 25 "_\'\.9 : i: :-:a I I I I I I I I €, Pip e llch 3'8-3'J r 3 10 8.81 'll j5 35 59 .'ii'075 9l r 300 2a1l 300 'i l\ 6.5 11 00::r I e.s0 l| 2!1 ' 11.75 300 ic 16 00 1 18 t: t: l Pire " ' 1ta:-11t,,,, Ilominal j Wa,k plpe EnJIU€ , Fa| PrrSS Sep =lnon I l.lirmher . psi t /F'j jn ; rnJl ^ r-:-,rin--l- ---- 'r A 'tt ,J 2i,=12 30! ta -r;l"n'f,"o|#I :nrn ll; :- - *i.t ioc Ti _--:-- :--:-- :..)212 2525?A I J00 l8-::=_ -- ..- ..'. :ttu,/ 2a?9?,J ,00 , l6 -- -- :_-- ' : '. I :'t'2 | 2t3020 | J00 te _-3x2.1/2 | 2fi02i 300 I 1ta zltt I ') 2:j i4ax Oeile:tir,i |t,6 ' ''0n Lrnl€. L:r.e_ S j'ir, , | -:":,r-: ir"t_l, . Jeg =,.. P,p- qeo S /,L:)a ''1. tflh A R n ,-'--. -' -- ,-, i. ,i -:ie -lr, ,--1 "--'1l j-. r4 * - rli--ir o' zlla,: -,::-# i-- :;z- . - .-.-.- - - .0,1 jl!- 5.0-E-. aJ-T .lb_l- '."- "'"'*, -;-# *,*.,rul-"---lrllrlfitr 0.26 22 0.26 1'.11 1'tr 2;2.1i2t2it| 2t2 -1/2 ' 2.3t,1 148 I 615 i48 i 615 :i.97 1Z 1.43 183 JIJIJD 253029 300 | tta 2'Je 2'.38' 026 22 212 -112 | 2.314 4.4 8 113.1 6.15 3 i4I 83| 4t2 -;rn 254A20 zs4o-t 3oo | 1t4 300 | 1t4 ?Q?L_i__ !-i 0 ztz . ttz rz su pz | 144 7 0.5s 4b 7.8 19e 205 523 6.3 9 29 46 2/2 .112 | 2.3t4 144 1 tqq 205 611 25402q 300 | 1t4 2".38'055 46 2n-112 x2.3t4 144 7 199 205 595 2.i1 rx: T.zsaolo 300 20,-0 1t4 6 ,10 2".38'055 46 212 1t2 x 2.3t4 2/2.s18' 3i/4 5.72 r44 7 r99 2.05 5.51 ?5I .^" I z3bu4u T:-,;;;- --r - 300 2A7r 114 6.,10 - 1/4 6 ,10 1'.44 0.38 32 /.91 199 B t .74 10I r0.g 205 523 110 50l,,."".clzroi4u ]8t6 1 zs8ooo ill;*-;= ---r- + 300 201tt I".44'0.38 JZ 2/2-5/8x3114 2.05 11 0 50300 ?0in 61L 1'. r 3'0.26 22 2/2-llatt.lt!10.11 13.4 3.11 l 243 60 5 15 S 12uu I rrdubs l 300 2A1A 6 40 I".50 826 ?2 2t2.3t4 , 41t4 lU 1t 256 7 13.4 341 4 2.43 [0 5 15.9 i2 Tr' finoove Ta FwNnEERAmEB TTYLE 14 I 1.06 ,_J_ ?6 I| 166r J2 ? 4i4- 513 \2.1t2 r ttsl0 i0 3,'6.:i1 r E 1t.5 0 r 13 242 aJ2 s.0 0 00 I 0 L27-rl jr 6 63 r1.00 ::! -q I 50 iJ1 |.t.l ''^" E-= . '((upt) [_lL-l,,,,-,-,! :f- =..';t'j L SiFC APPFO\,/F[) +l c i<-- h-_+--r,,,r 0 im e nsio ns in- / m ris I o;s tzt | 1q1i,l__'f i9_l 1T-T=-t 300 l4/4 s/0r2.1/2 lJ41 2.375 I 6.00 jj.i'--=1.?6 : 2t.z l2 J it I c ' rcr e o I pros ress . po,o,orn . r, nnrflf#, 8., !f!!, fr'0!:Nalional Fittings, Incor!orated U.S.A. o Tel, 6101327-4000 . Fax 610/970.92g2 . Toll Ffee Fax 800/543.7013 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t Snaoven Elun Frwtllas F106, F107,135 & Fl55 STYLE F105 STYLE F106 STYLE F107 pipe In ch:l--r-nom I ActualSize I Sjze Max. Wort Press. psr / kPa 90oEtbow. No. Fi0S 450 Elbow . No EF1 F106 Equal Tee- No. F107 Cross . No. i35Patl Number CloF in. / mtn Wgl. Ea. ib. / l(0 0.70 0.3 0 -_-=T-i--Part I CroE lWOt. Ea Number I in. / mm j lb ,/ kl End Parl Num bef F155125 Cap - l.to. Flb5 I Cto€ lWot.Ea. Parl Number .ctoE I wsl. Ea In. / nlnl lb. / tq Pa{iF t'lumter Jin. imm Wgr. Ea1-1t4 ---:-:::_-_i 166 J22 300 2010 F105125 2.26 F106125 1.53 J41 0.50 020 F107125 2.26 i 103 572 i 0ls 135125 i 2.26i+l1 05 ltn ./mm Itnnsi r.s0lJ83 300 207A F105150 2.26 0E0 032 t.01 25 1 0.40reJ i 070 :Ar i 03n F 1 07150 z.zb i 1.20 135150 135200 1,r^525 0 135290 135300 z tZ.37E - :50i 300 207C Fr052oo I !i )t z i 277 | 5S 9 1.2 Ft 55150 1.01 25J 1 .01 i 0.50i c rn | 0.50t^", ...t t ; 1.10]V: : a5C l11ilT Fr 07200 t--i;. :3!300 F155200 t:F1o625oj 1zs : tii'- n'as0t+#, ril- ,-ffiT+*-i-g!i- rtozsoi 3s2ps--;--,!ilj,_-{+*iJ | 3.02 I ta.! : 3.02i ,az tI 3.42 | r-!! -' r t?i 328iit :6 Ft 55250 F155290 .r r oi| ?5. J 1 .01 070 0!c 077 i-ffi6'+,z;c i,l ;;n-;;i-+:+F10i30c 3 J2 l--l-i;- JBO Fro5roo i ,r dit-ll3 F155300 1 .01 0.90 0. J0 ...J I a. yU ?Tffi,. rro;loo j a. o,t l-Jh 101 € | 2,10 135400 1355 00 a.i coJ I 300 20;c rossoo j T!i- r--EIi *--'r---#ri# 101. _6 j ;86 -12.1 j. c0 F155400 i-;;;:;;-+ 1.06 j 1.40 060__rujtlF3:207t i Fi06600 | tt--_J-!--, ;'1 r I r^.ci -: r.u0 2.42 i 10.i-v, : I F107600 ; 5.5d i i39: rs.f ;0 135600 139 i 10 tl u.95r.5? I 1013 il-Lr ' I 50 rrooosor '1-|l]- r.ub 2i .0 J30 1.50#-+:-_=-r-rrozeso 1 s.se _ | 139; I C.i ? .0a 135650 riq i iqj i ,n'n I !5E00 |o.er 1 -oT-"*llillll r.u6 3.12 r.t5j 1i3 I 9.30 F107600 | 6.gZ | 173.0 27 .0 135800 6.81 34.4 15.6 Frl3E00 1.20 30.2 7.00 3.50 STYLE 135 STYL I I I r'UL, ffiggsapgxmw yxs STYLE F1 11llonrfal Srze Inc I lJ f.lll-_ IDE tClo r ilnnru Enow. STYLE Fl05-D t)11 | . L.P - 1,,.,' I I I I l I lfirawnptpa Ter F127 tFE,a1t'ti,.; []r0lL,?tufai :.-.r3tj€r1.., AP PROVE D ,l l------- q 3.2s l sl:!ll!3r :j Nominal Size Inch Max. Worl Pless. psi / kta Parl Number 0 im. rn. / nrm CtoE Appfor. Itqt. Lbs./k! 1.112x1.12r2 300 ?47 0 Fr 1t s l520 2.75 6_0 I 1g ta5x 2-112 300 ?470 F111202025 3.00 i 10x2r30.0-300 2A7A 1292029 313 12n 300 2AiA F111202030 3.40 85.9 3.1 i102-1t2 x 300 207C F 111252530 3.40 35S 32 30.0 x30D x3 300 20i D 111292!30 3.40 33 l6! 300 2 07n F111202040 4.00 i!|',6 iJt2.112]r2.1p\4 300 20i 0 F 12 52540 4.0 0 2li30 0.1300 x4 300 , 1070 i F111292940 400 01 6 i.b 2i53x3r4 l I soo I 2o7c i Fr 13o3o4o I 4.00 i ro1 6 I i.1 41416 I I 300 2A1A F 11 1404 060 D.I U i .aalr4r6.1/20.0:300 2Ai0 111404065 14.3 x6x8 300 2 0i0 11 160608 0 6.81 173 0 26.4 12 0 ',!^ cicie 0r pr0sress . p0rtsr0wn , ,^*llrlf,rS!!!r!!r.frlt:National Flttings, Incorporated U.S.A, . Iet. 610/327.4000 . Fax610i970.g282 . Toll Free Fax 800/543-7013 iutt@."i!,:i!+, LIsrEg IsIEo APPR.jVED Tnneasen frenuees STYLE 60 gtr Emow STYLE 61 I I I I i flomtnal S ize In.,.nnr i ,Tll; i oi,,;;;I;;;il "-11''L_r T:'psii rrr ] A :Llr-..,J 300 201A 1.69 13.0 0.4 0. 191.69 i o,o 43 0 ) B.Zi N0mrnal S ize In / ntl in.i nr l V/ql. 300 , r.zs -j-ll 2070 I r.i 5 , O.S 57 .2 0.9 gW Effiaw Sepwstwe Elasrrw STYLE 63 <--___A , z-- i-t l1ir ,)' l #tr Eaasw STYLE 62 /t'' L ,/"',,/' , ) '/ rl il 1-_ -l _--.] ,,_ l -_rI'--_--. ;.. 'f--**---- ----r ; "1T1J'' . ,,:;';, ; ,yi'. 011'r,,;1"' . ^ii,i' 1 I I I I I I I I I I,j J , Jlomrnal I patl i ltze j Numher I ln.ltrtn I i I i 62100)?ai i lvlar. I work I fress J psi tlPa-_io 207 0 Dim en s ions l1l'",. 112 284 Appro r WqI Ea Lbs. /kl: 0.5 3 n 2d 1'1/ 4 32 62125 300 2010 1 .25 32.8 0.8 5 0.3 8t- l/l 40- 2 50 b2150 300 2010 1.43 JO-J 1.11 0.5 r-:a- 0.8 62200 1.68 12.7 300 207 A A --l It--,q---1 ;.i---tiitilI lr r< ibrnnrsnr {,?.uo I + I ,'t't iI I I llonltnal Si.e In. / nllr fril* i o11'l:rr 1nfl,,::"In /ntnr I Wgl. !!!I'J n la ltrs.aq 19Zl lseo i!ss lo.zz 1-114 x 1/2 1.1/4 x 3/4 1-112 \ 314 50 )( 15 ?0ia,'I*l__ "._""=_=_ zo-,0 ir:; irll il,i:. ,i -ostii- -irfm= ;t-_m;ru^{!Z07n,ir?.1^:.! fvla r | .fl trl rrs I ',P! 300 ?ai0 1 .38 u.0J {./c 4{.J 300 2070t^t, -r'50--3oo ffi:b | .hi.15 t rn- ' 04 - lUlU lo.? .a1 .,- 64zDo 3oo -ll------; ZUIU \7 ' l a, I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffimpsmrrus Tses STYLE 65 /=-t*-=?- i----i----l I-\l ll- ofirnal pa rlSize I flLrmbrr In /.,- i-{ -Irllx1/2 i651010025t2'"r19t r ' rj-'.- --_1_-;- - i Mar I wo*Dlmensions APPror ,rn /-- ---, tJ:' A I e j c iLr'-',nPst I t1 300 '107 0 1 .26 32.a 1.26 'r2.0 1.36 35.5 0.72 ti 3f",^u/e l0clit 25X?ti I 300 207t) 1. I 1 .37 i4.8 36 B 0.8 0 36l1-l14xlxitl l32x25x1E 651 21 0 05 --;'-=:-:--- 300 ?070 1 .34 34.0 1 .26 32.0 38.9 0.9 32x25x2r) f -it-;: ",- octltuu/300 2070 'r.45 3 6.8 't.37 3 4.8 1.62 1.0 0.45 25 65121200 JUU 207 0 t.Jat 40.1 1.1.57 42.4 1.06 0.4 8t-tAxt.tEii _32x32x15 bb121205 300 2010 1 1i 34.0 1.34 3 4.0 r.tJ 38.9 0.95 0.431.1/4 r 1.1/4llE 32\32xZA h:121201 300 201A 1.45 32.8 32.0 1.62 36.6 1 .1 0.51-114 t1,114 x 1 32t32x25 6512lzm-300 207 A i l,'T 'l .58 10.1 't .bt 42.4 0.5 4| 1-1n x 1.1t4 x 1tt l40x32r15 VIEilT/a-.m +E## i###!,,i, _l!qx40x15 65t51205 300 2070 | 1.41 I rs.o 'r .34 3 5.8 42.? 661.1.14 n52 I oo to tlu /300 2t110 1.52 3 8.6 1_45 3 8.6 1.15 4'+. C -7.1{ n56i oiIbtztU I 300I lntn-osisrm{iim- -*_=--l 2070 I.DJ ,11 .9 40 .1 '1.58 45.1 .80 1.33 0.61.4'l 35.8 1.41 35.8 '1.66 n, t 1 .28 0.5 81412 x 1.1lZ rM 40x40rZ0 b5 t 51507 300 ?070 1 .52 J0.o 1 .52 38.6 4 4.5 1.35 0.6111.1/2x1.1lIrTffi### ;+#.. -!3- 65'1515'lF -EErTiB?- ., uti 2070 .65 'I .9 .65 1.9 1.80 45.7 1.54 0.7300 207 0 1 .82 46.2 .82 o.t .88 7.8 '1.65 0 75 qx40xls 652 0T5 05-300 207 0 .49 .41 5,8 1.88 0.6 82 x 1IE|TA 50xl0xZ0 65201507 300 i 201a , rSol 40.6 i 1.52 l 38.8 l 1.S7 5 0.0 1 .73 0.78z x .t_tEi7 50x40x25 65201510 T -.-;;=;;-l 207 0 | t.tJ i l:q 't.65 ! ?.0r lr5 JL.l t.d z t 1.1t2 t. 1 tl i ir-l I l0 r::rra.T-T- 5C i.li , Jr, -- t r Z \ 1.2 5l r :0 r 1i--7l7mT- illcn".n#)i 50: ?5 lxtx1.1t4 6l 3+q+1_,- i.,"1," l:,1 1t.r,t ) 2.02 0.97 2 .1 4 2 5t, TTfrTT 4ulu t{r! .i3."o 151..1s_[ffix 8;s; ' 16 bazuzurs fl0" lzoz-rrz-.ii-n'mrul! :r3 51 3 5l 9 ,22 #smss STYLE 66 f r'rominur I Size |t. /nn. - ---------l 1 25 I Parl Number 60100 Press E'11! 300 2070 l-I u'me lsro ns Ltl1T1ln 1.50 38 1 Ap p rox. wgL Ea. Lhs./t0 1.0 0.451'1/q 32 66125 300 2070 1.75 44.5 |.O 0.73t'l/z 40 66150 300 207 0 1.94 4 9.3 1.9 0.862 50 66200 300 207 D t. zJ 57 .2 2.95 1.34 Eap STYLE 67 llominat I part , Size j Nurnbef In , firll iVar Press. psa , {t. In./mm l WSt. ,,i 6705ffi ?qB _L_13 5 0.08it' ozozs---:ooffi . lu/it )t a 300 ) 1.ZB 20i0 i 33.8 I 3ie circ|e 0fprosress . p0trs,o*n . ,rnnrflfrt, 8,rlf!!^-frrn!;t National Fittings, Incor[orated U.li.A. . Iel. 610/327.4000 . Fax r -- 6i0/970-9282 . Toll Free Fax O00iS4!.7013I I | #wwnemTr&N ffruwnosrs{s*# lffilrlarite trnsw T#naanere Fwtwa* l.iaiicnal Fire Shial- 30C: Ductile lron Threarjed Fitiinos:.c a':al:o in accoroance r/irh Al,,JSl Bi 2A.t.,p..iri.ution lol I :1-r-.4 D Oe'hreaqs lrp' . rn add,trOn. tl-eS. ,,11,1g-, ere a.,)C:. i ,:h e t.,t! P,rr. f :.aoe"ec oroe tl.r-ats. gsr, '- " I nmertcan Standarrj NpT rrhrough 2,, requie u ,rr^,r'"'''o threads rn sizes frcm i /2' i'iat ar)atrecommends ,",i!t]o rnsure a pressure tight loinr 3'a^",,;.i.;iil,;: :'-:l,i;T;ijX yje searanr o' a I rhe folro',ing chart shorrys that pipe threaded into National J::^:::la 3,a0. threaded ductire rron ,,,,,ng., ,r,or,o"r;nu ,o lirree ro r0ur ilrreads hand.tight lf this cannot be a..omjishedlhe threads should be exam fi^Il,.j,- ." '',* " ,..n l,!ii illili.';j?l',?lIl;.i:Llli I ,r'/rencn are required. _ [ a teak is detected after lime is allowed ior the sealant toJt. rr should be remembered rhat any effort,o ,,nnlrli5u,1l,I stop.rhe teak acluaily breaks the'seal ,ri ,i,. ,*r,U ,n.,j /er lighlenrnq will cause thrr 1 " r. " "s, i;", ;; ", r* J ;",I.iil;lX, l l: 5ffi :; T::::1aprreo. and tiq hte ned Ji:::"::ilrr.niil::. to be adjusted ro a|ow the above ]wnurwrn Spscwrcartov I nreaded f ittings from 1/2,, thr l:',1,1;ii*oJffillt8H;::;i|.'iJffff5,.::3::*]:?ji,:1'_:dFit,ns_s conformingrorherequilsrl/ A536 Grade 65-45-1 --v € J"o" u€ rrre )nrelo 300 Ductile lron Threaded Fittings, conforming to the requrrenrentsr 3. crass 150 specirication ':?';:?:n: i:.-?;1lll":'*Itnsti unJreri, '[.n.i,.'r Dimensions shar conrorrn ro ANsrj-^lt::d. Fire shield 3ooi ru' rrrrcdueo rrnrngs and threads shall conform to ANsl B1 e0.r Npr tape,eo ;ec-states ani ;;;;,;;,'#i;,J"il,iJ:l'g:*1,i::::::"i11';11i!l# ii uno.,*,it",s Laboraror es rnc ooti]1ec states ,";;;.;,.,,,"j:i[:i:"il,i,:l'g:,'11:,::::;:l,i::'?j,,lij.;.:.,.:,!:ff:-**:Xlffiinlfi: | -:l 11e Pr:iecl'on Assocration Builetin i 3 ieicl 6diii^h i^^1 ,i.-, ,,raf ron Butletrn 13. ra issl 3di :?: . l:. :,:::1 ] h o s e € pp L ca ti c n s e m o I o yi n s 0r.. o, ., r,r,, i n fr r;,j, ; il iln liH:,Ti1il,':,,il,:fj.J'':ji::glli:!^',*;.i,.;.'.ilq1ili.,?T:x.iT;il:i.f;Tli#.i l; :.i:X': :,il:. iTi: l": I I rnents of thei c.. Fi:3 Srieti 3C0. c,r 'arional .i,tinS, f,.,.-'p;;i;;r;;1#:;,, r, I I I DISTRIBUTED BY FIEE f,FIIELE 3OO, National Fittings, lncorporated _ 3j9 Circle of progress lglgtgwn pennsytvaniir g+o+_se I r(610) 327-4000 . Fax (610) 970_9282 Fax Toil Free g00-54i-ZOrg .rt, t-l IP?ttrr NPT TAPERED PIPE THREADS Length of Effective Threads 0 32U 4 4e a 319i4 75 t.Aaai4 6Q a 420t4 83 0 42At4 a3 () 436/5 A1 0 682/5 46 0 766/6.13 a 844/6 75 0 21413.0t a 2143.00 D 2iu3 ac 0 270/3 AA Q.2i0/3.aa t) 27C/3 Dr) 0.25A/2.0a 0.25At2 00 a 25At2 A0 c 53J,/i 18 | 553ti 75 0.6 r-Arl 60 0.690/7 83 D 69A/7 .83 r) 706t3 a1 4.932/i.46 r 015/t t3 1 494t8 t5 0 534/7.47 a 546/; 64 a.6Pr3/i a5 Q 707 /a13 0 t24/a 32 D i57 t9 ,.0 1 13€/9 t0 i .?0at9.6A r.300/10 10 ; i,, rr"r ";;iFil;os n,il;;; <..F M > I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I -.r r,..i.i{1*:\ i a_trj i, liilj iir, i', i Dui.,'.-{x'ii-lj I-,.tttV llenu.e_r t1 _f F .; I+ l,j W::' t-_- I ,---.-- -i--, j, I Iill.!'^ l l I:. I :. I j'I..t i . i..i' j.t_J" itt, t1 lr,t. -i--' . l-; , --' --.'- l'' 1-#+;;f--i'-*----l llotJel #130 Sr.rr.ice li/eight Slviyel Ring Hanger (NFpA Rocl Sizr.sr F: - - I j' 5lZ[ R-.\NrjE: L],'rhru i, rjt])e srze.i trIATERlAl.: pre _qalranrze,J rarbirrr sreel .ritl.r zrrr. el.,.rr.,pl3t.. in:elr irLri{PPRaJ\:"\L: f a!r(.,ri, lvlurLr,ri {F}i r LJSTINTj: JL lrsr: j r,, l. S ;r.:J,_d,.r.,rjn ,,ftr. ::", lrrti: I,larir farturer< S ranLjar,lr:ar:on Sc ciet., ..\NS JitrlSa-rr_r_,_, i- ; i lir l:ll '" ', .-.i.-.. - f':j stall in r:r rr,jari.i ,\:th .{\_SJ/,}lSS_Sp-69, StR|ICEr Pin: sLipr:,r-: :iarrLrfr cture i t,: u:l r:titil:urn r,,i :i::: u5t Wootl Sammy I I I t t I t I T I I I I I I I I I I Lt+- i Page 2 of 4 t se #l{ \ut Driver tltem #100t Itent No \ I odel Rod Size shk Diarrr shk Len F\I f'es t Load (lb; UL Test Load (lb ) UL/F}I Pipe Size .{ctual Pullo u t Note: 3:.e ..:t ,a -'-i i,\a)., 2' :i | ,)a 1a-a.- i, L'teL, :ieiir,,., (': taat?. ii,2t', ?' 'a1" ta: a,lr::., Z:i a:. 3t' | .)t | ,lg^ .?-.1 ,. .: , i (.r u5t..,f -1 9 i6 i,a 34 56.1i - 6 Pl,,' il CST I.]t 8- 16 tI 2Ioi-',tao:;n 570t - l" p1t ',, (,:',1.'GST ]O 19 l5 l/o ?940:3l',t/"I- 5()tt - Fr #14 Item #100 iti)11 GST t5-380 3'8- 16 3/8 2L/z 1_i00F 1 llil#-Fir ll GSI lrr 3,8 16 ,,/o )150()i A-4 2060r - Fi ]0)GST 1I)I /8- t6 t,4 I 218()# Fn I4 CSI 60 i,8- I6 ,/4 ())23()i+ , Fi Note: l"it .h' rt-1ii..i ir,- i!:.-!l i,,, . i .,,,11i, 1,".:rt:. I se Fl+S\\ Nur l.iuiilltci ctOt Shank Diameter Shank Actual Pullout t760tt - Fi GSItiJ8r)lllSh - Fir #l4sw Item # 1t] 1 lll5! _ F;. It^ I180# - Fir F\l-:rrrn.nr.,.,l .-i- - ur-ti.r=F-==_=__--.- .ii irlab,e i,, ,,.*:"llloJ-=- u \ !Jrrr,ur.\ _.'. )-anoard lrox quantlt\ 1ii. e.,,.cf r \1.\ere ] so indicated. I s GST - Wood San-lmv Installation Diagrams Page 3 of4I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I Composite Joist Irr!lh|.: 'lrnit I i 1/ ld !: :-i .) ':; '.-i ::-l -i-n z ,.. .{ {ii: 2 i,. i:1it.,l \- ;;'"; '"l-1,.,-rlr,l :. -t , :, +t: j;l- 'r'.,- - ' )arrfi, 4'"Lrn',Fti ;- i:l:t.is,tot, ,i; i" -;);ilir,.q i ja,j. t a,;:..- ' ; :l"ajI l? /t ral I il:t r.,;_il-: \ 55 ::2 CorrsLrlt tmss nranu fac rLtrer tbr rec()ntnlended rnstallation pLrint. See ! pcr ::r_.1 -I1'1 1 g:. 'i : \- . .:, .. , ..jt: :t, r,; liJ.,:.,, Installation per NFpA 13 ''. i',:r:iij .. i:1a'.,,tt..:t.t'.. Ins tallation Instructions Ir... -r. -: , . F, ^j i.- .\ ,1, -,...i.r '_- 11_j lfl.A\iiItgS l ir s1;1!l4qqr1 Iil5rllictiols ,,.':i .,i t.t"t.,,'.:.:1,,':,, I :'-:,,., t.,i ',:..:, ., t,tii' .r, ,,;1 Step 3 Position drill ancl begin installarron: a. b. tbr instaJling GST. drill should be rn a ', enical positton. for installing SWG drill should be in a horizontal positioll at a right angle ro the smctural nrenrber a. b. S tep 'l \\''hen rhe nur drir,er spins freeJi, on the cap ofthe sL-re\r' rnsrallauon is conrplete. Step 5 Scren' is nou ready, to receive t,4,' .3/gt, - yz,, or netric all diread rod or bolt stock. l" ++^. /t, I Sit,fs ry l4frnr;aqi,i14 J\!\i- \\,OOO J \! -fi tsri?r??S $uprr f -.$ Ef yf Is'"' Fluarblng " Page I of3I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ite nr )o [ . '' -'''. -]i: ari ,;;1,., i; t" . ryLy;:2;,,1 il,\'l.,t{-: - ',t',louJ i\j',! ll ote: 5i,'e.,.,s ri,iS iil a ii 2' n ieiigiii +irll be lrlaieai ).,e ji()\rl. Gr-eaie r thari 2' are clear zrnc per r:r .{ctual Shear/Pullout FF; Self drrllin-u & self-tapping inro wood ^,.H*.""Wood Sidewinder - hank I Shank iameterl Length Rod Size L,L Test Load UL Pipe Size :l':' ..r-1,1 'l 1*, Item # 101 tise #I4S\\'\ur Driver (tterrr #l0l ) t\Iodel Sh ank Dianreter Shank Length Actual Sh car Pullorrt S\\'G l{')()1, -+-l r) i + lll 1 ll5+ - Fir llff6,,/ri^rjrr: )Iodel ^^.n i Q \r,r/-: L16. ' .i-i, i irI: :1: l:!!i i,;:... i j Ins talla tion per NFpA lJ li. il,::i;:' ,:.y,; ,,, 11, s;y;1 ;-. Page 2 of 3 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I i it.ii:).i1-(i'. l'.ri .ii(rl. l.;1-.;tiii'(753 I(b) Installation Diagrams fln+r .tri.1 < ,..3r' Composite Joist C onsult truss rnanufacrurer fbr recoui nrended rns ta liatrern point See !pg,::a i )ots Lr il , ffi;;jffi H I i::.lt tii -. t. ' :_l', 'o i. ai- l7 L .I : i ;,-l I -=;, r a Ih i55 I* Esw: !:*-3i Installation Instructions See Figures 1 - I (vertical) utttl Il - l4 b i:,i::il'E€Ji.3',:1 l t' :EI ffi.:jW., #14S\\'' Item # 10I l8 SWG IrJ 3 8 t6 t/o I tll I9 S\\'C 2..]l.q - 16 .,,s 1 1lirj'J 1715+ - Fir i:j )6,s\r'c t5 380 3 8 - t6 .1 3 )'t't l iOtr:4 2219# - F i li a 5\\i G i0 38 16 !,/4 F\i-approved. UL-Irsted s A r. ailab le in Starnless Sreel I llc,.\ qrLaitlrl\. Li. Stantlard bor rlLrantiti.. ll_i. erccpt u,.her.e so rndicated, Nd la..€ tla.r I namindleidh i1 1i2'l up iE I ,il?' pipe: not hist.ni'nrminCrridth { &S pip, \4"ood Samml'(GST) Self drilline & . \4'ood Sidewinder (SWG) self-tapping into rvood nttp :ii www.samlnvsuperscrew. corn/S WG.htm Step 3 ) t)1 t) ooa SWC - W'ood SW ( lt o r iZo n t a 0 oJ i,: r t1 i i at tt i 1 t.s: r a li u ti o t t nttli]!a:tio!]: for more diagrams anrl illu strations, Step 1 hsen the apprr:priare nut drir er intc, a 3,,g,' or %'r portable drrll: a. Lrse Fl4 NLrl Dn,, er. frrr GST lnr 3ig" ancl rAt' rod: b. use ii4S\\'Nur Drivel fbr S\\/G. and ILr GST tbr tA" rr_,d. Step 2 Insert the scre\\ into rhe nut drir er. Nou. vou are read\, to rnstail the screw. | [nsl;r1]at rr-,n lnstrur iir,rrs i'i i,,rt I ,-i u lt r '- f,-., Position drili and begin insrallarron: a. lbr installine GST. dnll should be in a Ieflrcal p65i1j6n; b for installing S\!'G drill should be rn a horizorrral positron at a righr angle to the strucn_rral rre mber. Step 4 \lihen rhe nur dri\ er spins lreell, on the cap oftite scre\t installatron is complere. S tep 5 Screrv is nori, ready, to recei\ e Y,tr, ,3lgt, , tf', or metric all tlu-ead rod or bolt srocr. F Salct]' inl,rr-]]ratrcrn Page 3 of3t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I -rih ': e lt r-, i: f,. !: ':,lt: Tr:,f l i-:-i,i itrrri t As; rt rt rrretil '-.:T - 1""i-,r-r:, i,:tif *rt j, nLli llf iine :i,:rririiir 13addle [5T - l]tee | :l:rrrm,i iE ll-iarrrrri,i i_:;:r!.rIiF: , :;l r;.: i ,-ii,,1,, liiiJ',/i_.; - i_. r11ir-11rl1p !,fr,r,, ':if lli1r1 g ',,, 111 'j.,1 Infbnnation: sublnit a te+Uest or contact. drrtntg(rrit\\ buileler-eqm 1D Last rtloclifled 'lune o" 'tltt-. ia11 1l-I in rniieper.-1enr. n,:n-1.r, fir cr,nrenr rzr,nq ( fslnrz,rion. ,, ..i . .i.,,, -. .. , '!3Lir-'*J:Lr ei''<sao'ro'"'ro'ur'o'-'f'nJt'jll.l**:'1,.:;1,i:.ii.:r1.'.=1"i;'":"#I,':;;:.r.';!,.",,,.d,,u For,.ro,e;urbnnariona=bour L r+,.. / /,,,r,,,., Siri rr: ri :,:,: 1;., r,; ,l .t r r,. -;;; ,- 1,_ \lr lp :r.rrh q!es:i4ls ar c.rnu.renl) abcirt the ri elpage S izes; S ys tem Requirements and Limitetions ii :'6 r,r i_,ieiili 5l_t-r.rr,ii, :r:r;, ,: ..t-:, -aa-t l --.: -. --'-.::1,. ..| ). ., ' 'a a,.-.;t =a;_;i | .,,:,.- | )i.Fi t(:, : a. a .a: --... I : I.t' , -' i. .C=. -, . a i.,= rti a: t.tf I e tlF .:a-t:-ilt.,;ii, a,,t).-,,: aa.) t-iE ...a! tt |\''nCF titLf: ettl'tLale.)t tlLa) r.f;:,ill- j,:tiF., |18 i i-r-'-1_r nLeLi, j t)t_jt' j Dt:dl f ,"A ltl i ;r-rtt-.Or I i,r| S r i rltrtat iF, a,],i q,leSltfit rS CDfiCp,t i ftq iltE 63.1e., ,, , , , :-,1'e d Maintenance | ru$TA il.ATf 0tu I t1J sTF U0Tt 0tu$ lf th€ lilling cup is above the highest sFrinkie,,, use the following installation pr0ce0ure: - i-'t)l -:'.,..'. ': )):; ,-,e a-t_, ,tJi t: i : -:- i ir',) - .: I, I - ::'- . -'f-j.:.j:r.e, -,, .-''-'-. - '-.' :...:1 .' L: a. .. :_. r-_. : ., -.'- : .:.t ' lf the filling cup is N0T above the highest sprinkler; uge one of the following iristallat;on p foc edures: i Atlrninlsirl FtreFrqlr;er- Gt_ r,i F rel-iairler pG tlrliE ltr!lhes,t !ilfjrklEi branch lrr E lsr.t(l a iriirr,,,t'Ctil Tr^re r,lt t.)t., QtDe tfto-ticl irE filled titic.lctu, :fre '.lJ '-. r: :9 '.0/.,- rt, .i r.,:t,at:J .r. ,a.,;8 i: c a Lr s e r,j p r;i' 121 t 1 66! 5 i.!i. t) t,i., a._ii | | | ) | : : eFrlrFrohre' GL anCl Ftr,e Figitr er ?i) r-::tt r:i ea.r fJ0,/,r{r rr\,'€r. illt-p 5/sIelf l5 3]toUld rje te,,,i,lal ;a iel,ei fiirrE ;he ievel il ftapz?. [_rr Oirjcr.r!ri al th,,il-iecri r lirft Of taitl. free:;q SealOn ii- ;;---i .1,g frgele rrrDiectrr,n e,ri,i lf Fi.eF,Et i.-llL Lrse a l iydron-:etrr lo determrne []- e 5!rErlirc ctra,r L,i af thE 5{_rlrt 0| i0 i.r.,aini.!r| a l5 F ilOy,,,''' -ltl_L: , if 1 -_.1:,11 -1 .J .,..:/ 0j I cL 1r.1, :L5''-r Ci LF r;ll- -r; To f t;t ilro fr pF:p 'rrr',,o.r--" --- L I E 9' 't''9tr: ..'rr: .,5€ d nidronieief [C :]eLe.mrl.te ,j f e Snitri i1'at a.t ii ile soi,-ii,o'. h,.-et,.:ii,it 3, t5. .,ic,..- :.::.. ' . i:l::r :c_'i =-., :. - - ..tr .--._:- ?l : -- _ _E _-i_ : l- ..-:-,-: ::: --t a::_:: -. ::: ---e ._:,_i- a=::.:_-::. : -::. :-:: l:: T :.:ar .,trIt -j:: . r-' ::' r'-:,'-. :_:.: .::.-:= :. -_:: .- :-: j.::-: -:- _-:-! ! Tr?i'rl'r the 5p il.jklei irraOs ar ;r l flr6r l,E[] il'l :rnt I Lire tjr-0tJ fjrIe anr:l ti Lle a]]\te i a1,,,{: +'t ar.e ,- jllDl,r ,t i_iase ta r i"t Ctose tl r r llrnE,.,alvr: Slo,r,riV operr Lltc sultllt,/ ral!,e ll r: hEiiil A;a t F 1 rrl ili _. ii ai:r i..t li:1,, 1.1t u a 5,1611 pJrrn i.a aoci F r,eFrql_ter GL Lrr F;reF qlttei PG f o :ie -:,i Siert, at al-E , er,.re ra"iis.l#2 r ;t'g ii i cli'3r.-- 51 1;,. ! iter il-E.ialif !11tr !ll:irrrf, rri il0l n 8aI-ir,tr, \llll-iE iriiHtAim Aflr! Slrr i: er N:ad Lpaic raS lrid ic a i ll \ r-.1 ,^i iaive 0rcl i ft nrir 7 | rA1l-1 ii2"s L Check Vaive I fl '32" hole rn Ctoopefl___ l II- l'.) r,trnr,ur,o 'r' ,',,, 3clut'r.t" I i,lI 4..'l lr') tila| i./) tvtii./ ta -'-vt--'t l---r:1-- ''-t^ L_ Uratn Valve P easE tr.r'r I0 oacl DAne lor aco,tron8r rrlornatron Fireiighter lit F tEli.r:: !L : : i:'1,'ie,i,re i_j.,:e:,, j::aa. : .' ': , ,'," ':" ' :- .i-' . --i:, . ,,. ,..- . : .)r'L - _ --,,! i-i I i ' :,_l a:i-i! . '. ' ' '-: i ' : ' a,/ +.'r!qtttei. Pij - . l: .rf i ! i i-,G .r i:t ?: 1p.1 g, ,p- al iall ,.,atlaaj taar a rillt cit _! ,tlrlNr.ar i-.r ie rf., tn all .tDtrlar4j rl i:: fli :{-ri ijttle r:rl,!: a l,:i,t.|,1 ri "ft \ta..- 'Lt I a!-, !.i -,F,/a -i."- r.tl-\, -r- i: ll E-iE, f: Typical Fhysical Properties of firetighter GL anl Firelighter" PG i 'a'-'r -r' ,.,4 ,:E I I :- !?F .15. F a.t - ,15' i ..C' F fr04 Heferences litr:'rie':e Gr.,aol ,j'liii.el 'J 5:,0'.,L'l EBa[;r,i [,I Lr]:rtL Fi,rsf rl- tt,i o. :l,re '. ''.) I' -- ' :'-ir-:. -: ,; a,a,i\l_il)r),_a) rll ft,l llr - Pn ,ri rf //\inlts lri rE1'tc !.e,,srtTg t-1Fa1 i 7'l p1r11r1 [ 1611 ': zt '1t 1-11 I l\r1 rl,rT11i1-1-' ,,q 11rq1 T..,.-,^-,. -, .-^t- tJtt c1 .,t i lf larcl Fretz:c l i.,, ,, -.-.^!Ur \ 'Lt ::rT iPerrskv i',larten s f,10:e.j lluol Fla:h PO r-rr tr:Pln: a)-,) I aar. F ttr ,..'.'' f lamnrahiliry ! r rFrli:rel GL a ,l F raat-tf;er ?E or t .,01 '3iirtaille s nce i'rEr l-3116 -11 1-65:11, "r1 r , 6.1i! rr'. '-i_,!e ;ei. i-'lti prli;-;iis iar i=Sf a- ltr_,. : ! ,i-f ,,, aiEi C0riiErI S I rtirrJiE!.od rrfr l,ja 'a:a. a;r:t 5 i"rl-'F! irtr :flral_rCL:l Ioxicological, E nviro n mental and H ea lth Inf o rmatio n . ':.,a ll ,..- i.-- -"^-- i3L' F 400 F -a :- l - =- '.- :__ -._ ::!-.. :l _ .-a-',-.cS: ,-t a-.:9 i- 5i3._15; ".,.,1..,a_ a _:: =-= _ - :- _. -. Ii -a^': -- :-a: . :r -:: -l.a :-:!E :^i __i€_: Hug O3 O4 O2:38p APPLICATIoN WLL ItIoTBE ACCEPTED IF INCoMPLETE oR Fire Sprlntler sf,op O .T:i"l.ii."lyg?-Fl"_f lplins-.permlippricationwrurAoe;il;iil'-"-llhout this Informafion: Registerqd E cut GOMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) RECEI YED UJ ,,M 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81rVaif, G Contact or vlsit com for # **********:l********it''*************s***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******.*!t*********r*:r.*******ir******* p.3 Project f:ol-6Boo Bulldlng Permit #:eNfSprinltler Permit #: .E.T. Level lll (min) stamp. Gontraclor. CONTRACTOR TNFORMATIOTI' Fire Sprinkler own of Vail Reg. No.: suooivision: Ftrdd k Cra1a Location of work: (i.e., floor, unii #, Approvad es Suh'rlttsd D WorkClass: New( ) Adrug.g9gl1:J- Repair( ) iR'*ro_rrr( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Stngle-famity ( ) Two-famlty ( )( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Atarm EGt--Yesl-J-N6'i Exlst: Yes( ) XoTl trVoil'dutsrcd!ail-ORMSt pliRl, TSAPRNpliRM.DOC tlffrlUrrr.r: APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED tFlrtFra|t75 S. Frontage Rd. allh ffi*d-t ,,*ffifl REVrsroN ro rowN oF vArL tEf,Gp-EBlr/rr Vail, Colorado 81657 coNrRAcroR rNFoRMAlo* FA .Sl. eI . General Contractor: Are- $Tffi Cr.rr fr Town of Vail Reg. l{o.: 3?o- 3 Contact and Phone #ts: f -303. Ur -JQol ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREG, DORIS Contractor Signature: GOMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL:S OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$REVISED TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Easle CounfyAssessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit P"a!Ga'-t Ltr4{6{o- i, ap oJ. JobName:ll[dJlo Cn h lltgiint '"'rElff'N. Fuxiler'- al t,u3l Legal Description Lot:Block: !t Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: R REVISIONS:YAIL ff PE DIPAPT'IIEnI r ,'--- - fuarr:vnd lr Suhnlttt'd o [ 'iPlrlt'vE:rt rs lltltil'-l Sy: *trs*ffi*s*#**tt#f,**RoUT|NGs[loRMAT|oNFoReFF|ffi+************f*****t* BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: C:\windows\Deskiop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Bldg permit.doc 10116t2002 TOI4/N 42 llest Meadow Drive Vuil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2250 FAX TRAI{SMTTTAL SHEET FA)( NT'MBER 970 479-2L76 RESTRICTED USE FOR GENERAL USE E1CR ADDREIISEE ONLY UNRE STRTCTED DTSTRTBUTION DATE: TO: )'I eq Aa,'f-c LAu-.*"t- vx * '4J2' .2- NIJMBER OF PAGE S NOT INCLUDING RESPONSE REQUIRED: YES Pr{oNE Lgz. lsqctt COVER SITEET NO AT YOUR DISCRETION 6". fu*|r_rA,n FRoM: M,L.\lrb U*r,qu^J RE: M,44lu eruek trrrrr,iJ p*^,J rer/isi"n NorES: %sr^b^',I F- y'.,(J,^a ,€ - il-c.r 4"rrr, iol,-^ "n1,1S". Sgrln" h"n F€,,.,\+ . lJnoru Ve,vrgeA U4l.^q,-- - C r,lt ;( {^n L^au- {,,,.crt,.-r5 Vail Fire & Emergency Services 4 | I"Tna^k , f,r,, Le- V . ALL STATE EIRE PROTECTIOM INC. 6045 E.76TTI AVE., UNIT #72 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 TEL LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTN: ]oB NAME: { | change ordero [ | propoeal { lsign contract { } site plan WE ARE SENDING: I I attached tpUt"" linea | |vmylare l! n.oao"t submittal f! nl"r, regietration form I I eamplee ,lP2nvwp DATE: ,-\-a 1f,\l a JOB #: 4'- ', t \'-,/\-/ | ( ( )copy of letter I I flow te6t I lapproved printo | | elevation water and eize pother -P*\y*$ - SETS OF PLANS WITH -PAGES, DATED DESCRIPTION -/1 4 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ( | for approval | | for your use { lasrequerted ( }for review and comment PLEASE RETURN COPIES. COMMENTS: SIGNATURE ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF RECEIVED trt;,'r,i; lJ J ,;;,,,r; TOWN OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATIQN Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this inffmation: INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project#: Pfl.\Ol -O30O Building Permit #: Fo3. otV? Sprinkfer Permit #: troV. OOIO 97 0-47 9-21 3 5 (l n spection s) ffilfI,l6r"g ro*ve'|'| (m n, s'lamp MWNOFUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Clofro Regis gin I Plans must be su ed by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. Fire Sprinkter: $'4OO, 600, OO Contact *************rt*************************FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY***************************r(********* Other Fees:Date Received: .2. Public Way Permit Fee:AcceptedBv{ l}. Occupancy Group:t, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com for Parcel # Parcel# AOI Ob4 OOOO i Job Name: F-\,Ld,cl-Lz +lcvA.JobAddress: tlq ,4J. ]""tttt* Pd Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Vl4" M le-C fe- lf owners Namet ch ()O_^ 0 ll nocress:Phone: Engineer:v ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: SingleJamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) \\Vril\data\cdev\FOR14S\PERMITS\SPRKPERM.DOC 07i24t2002 wl ol Arr-srATE FrRE pRoTECTroN. rNC. 6045 E. 76t" AVE. #lZ, Commerce City, CO g0022 Phone (303) 288-3901 * Fax (303) 288-1936 FIRE SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR Middle Creek Housing Vail, CO ERIC PRICE NICET LEVEL IV, # 071151 I T I Hydraulic Calculations Prqect Information I Project Name: Middle Creek Housing Bldg CAddress: Mountain Bell Site Date 2/24/04 File # 8401cr7p Index 1lI I Vail, Colorado calculation Area; Building c Residential Living Area's Remote Area Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Light HazardOccupancyI construction X combustible n Non combustible r Density: .10 Density sq/ft t Area of Operation: Remote 4 heads I Area per Sprinkler: 190 sq. ft. I Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 4 heads I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkler Allowance0 gpm inside 0 gpm I 100 gpm outside r Water Supply SprinklersI i'J,lT,,", '333ili il*:' "iL*" *?:Tg*' Flnw 1635 gpm Temp: 155oI Calculation Summary Total Sprinkler Water Flow: g 1.2 pm I Flow & Pressure: (at BOR): 81.2 gpm @ 68.7 psi (at street connection): 181.2 gpm @ g5.3 psiI *","" I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I DATEz 2/27/2004 'JoB TITLE: Middle I'IATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUI.,IC ANAIJYSTS C: \HASS75\HASSCreek Housing REMOTE PENDENT .10 ON 4 page l_ DATA\ 84 01CR?P . SDF .1Iltt'IJD SOURCE l\lr\ n Er STA?IC TI(EDD. rpqr'l 102.0 rFTI oJ, b R1 R, 64 .0 64 .0 63 .6 54 . O bJ. U ?n t z1 .z z+ . z 2.5 z.) z,) z.) z.> z.a 0.5 -8.0 RESTD. PRESS. (Dqr'l FLOW @ (GPM) AVAIL. DPFE C 101.8 12.T J-r.9 LZ . > LZ , > L3.9 18.0 40 .2 qQ R 58.6 5U. / 5tt.6 s9.0 o.' / 06. / 68 .'.l aA 1 81.6 TOTAL REQ'D @ DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) (Psr ) :-8!.2 85.3 AGGREGATE FIIOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALIJOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKIJERS NODE ANALYSTS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION 18L.2 cPM 100.0 cPM O. O GPM 81.2 GPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (Psr ) (cPM) 3 4 ) 6 7 8 9 2! JI 32 33 -'b 37 5tl J> R1 R2 R3 R4 B! I BF2 BOR POC NODE TYPE K= 5.50 K= s.50 K= 5.50 K= 5.50 SOURCE Lv . z 19.0 z3 .3 87.2 I I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 2DI+!Li 2/Z//2U|J4 C: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\8401CR7P. SDFJoB TrrLE: Middle creek Housing REMOTE PENDENT .r.o oN 4 HEADSPIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q (GPM) END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL (FPS) NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) Pipe: 1 -Lg.2] 63.5 5.5 L2.1 1_9.2 7.03 64.0 0.0 L2.9 o.o I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 3 5 4 5 5 b 7 I q v 20 20 2! 2T 3I 5t 3Z 32 JJ Pipe: 2 2 63.6 5.5 11.93 54.0 0.0 I2.9 DIA (IN) LENGTH PRESS . HW(C) (FT) SUM. FL/FT (PS I ) 1.055 PL 9.00 PF 0.9 150 FTG E PE -0.2 0.o77 TL l_2.00 PV 1.055 PL 4.50 PF 1.1 150 FTG ET PE -0.2 0.076 TL 15.00 PV 1.055 PL 3.79 PF 1. O 150 FTG PE O. O0.277 TL 3.79 PV 1.0s5 PL 4.50 PF r.2 ]-50 FTG ET PE -O.20.082 TL 15.00 PV 1.055 PL 6.s0 PF 3.9 150 FTG PE O.2 0.599 TL 6. s0 PV 1.055 PL 6.50 PF 15..7 150 FTG T PE -O.21.120 TL 14.00 PV r . 527 Pr_, 27 .50 PF 6 .2 1.50 FTG E PE O.4 0.185 TL 33.50 PV 2.495 PL 34.00 PF I.4 120 FTG CB PE r4.2 o.026 TIJ 54.85 PV 3 .260 PL 1.58 PF 0.0 120 FTG PE O.'7 0.007 TL 1.58 PV 3.250 PL 6.00 PF 0.1 120 FTG E PE 1.9 0.007 TL 15.40 PV 4.250 PL 17.33 PF 0.1 ].20 FTG ET PE O.O 0.002 TL 55.83 PV 4.260 PL 65.25 PF 0.1 ].20 FTG PE O. O 0.002 TL 65.25 PV 4 .260 PL 34.88 PF 0.1 120 FTG E PE O. O 0.002 TL 48.08 PV '7 at o{ . u o+ u Pi nc' a 63.5 64 .0 64 .0 oJ, o Di h6. e 63 .6 64 . O Di na. 7 o+. u 53 . 0 Pipe: 8 OJ. U 30 .2 30 .2 28 .6 D i ^6 . 1 nI 4yu . r v 28 .6 z+ . z Pi no. 11 z+ . z Di ha. 'l t! +ye . 14 z+ . z aA a 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 3.f, 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.9 1? q 13 .9 l-3.9 18.0 18.0 33 .5 JJ.5 40 .2 40.2 55. U 55.8 56.5 58.5 58.5 58.5 )d I 58.7 58.8 -19.0 19.0 7.0 0.0 -38.2 0.0 14.0 0.0 -19.7 1q ? 1 ) 0.0 -a t.> 0.0 21 .3 -b_L.J zJ.J Z>-6 0.0 -81_.3 0.0 L4.2 0.0 -81.3 0.0 5.3 0.0 -81.3 0.0 3.1 0.0 -81.3 0.0 3.1 0.0 -81.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 -or.l 0.0 1.8 0.0 -81.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM I{YDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 ^ l^- l^^^.Dt\r Ei z/ z | | zvv+c : \HAss75\HASs DATA\8401-cR7p. sDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing REMOTE PENDENT .l-O ON 4 HEADS -H-LTE.L?T\J Q (GPM) D]A (IN) LENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C)NoDEs (Fr) (K) (psr ) (cpM) FL/FT (FT) 9.33 ro..lo vl: EPE 29 .66 PV 1"5.08 PF , E]T DF 67 .78 PV 2.00 PF PE 2.00 PV PRESS . SUM. (esr1 PF 0.2 PE O.O PV PF O . O PE O.O -81.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 -81.3 0.0 t-.8 0.0 -81.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 -81 .3 0.0 l_.8nn -UI.J 0.0 0.8 0.0 -81.3 0.0 0.8 0.0 -p1 ? 0.0 0.8 0.0 -81.3 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 't . ZOU Etr rzU r'ttt 0.002 TL + . z6u vL 120 FTG 0.002 TL 't . ZOV Yl) 120 FTG 0.002 TL +. ZQV EJ) IZV T I\' 0.002 TL 5.357 PL 120 FTG 0.000 TL Pipe: 14 33 24.2 0.0 s8.I 35 24.2 0.0 59.0 aA a aA a z+ . z 7.3 YLpe : 1U PinF. 1q z.- 2.3 Di na. )a 2.5 2.5 lJ t hA . R3 Pi i\a. R4 BF1 Di ne. BF2 BF1 BF2 BOR Di na. -81.3 4.260 PL 66.t20.0 1.8 120 FTG T0.0 0.002 TL 92.42 3"7 37 38 38 39 39 Rl- .K .L t<z R2 R3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5v. u 59.0 59.0 59.1 59. i. 66 .5 oo. tr oo / 68 .'7 btl / 68 .7 bd. / 68 .7 68 .7 58 .'7 80.7 oat. / 39.08 PF 0.1- 2E PE O,O 65.48 PV 0.1 7.3 0.1 2.7 0.0 0.0 2r z.) z.) z-a z5 z.a 2.5 z) 5.357 PL 2.00 PF 0.0 120 FTG PE O. O 0.000 TL 2.O0 PV 6.357 PL 2.00 PF 0.0 120 FTG PE O. O 0.000 TL 2.00 PV 5.357 PL 4.00 PF 0.0 ].20 FTG EG PE O. O 0.000 TL 2s.40 PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 12 . 0 psi. 81 .3 gpm 0.0 80.7 0.0 8r..6 -o-L.J 0.8 -8!.2 U.U b. J5 / -HL 120 FTG 0.000 TL O . Z | ) EJJ 14 O FTG 0.000 TL 4.00 EG 25 .40 50.00 ETG L23.80 PF O.O PE 0.9 PV PF O . O PE 3.1 PV BOR I no' I I 0.0 81.6 0.0 sRcE 8s.3 (N/A) I I I I DATE: 2/27 /2004 JOB TITI-',E: Middle NOTES : (1) Ca l cul at i ons under 1i cense SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIYSIS page 4 c : \HASSTs\HASS DATA\84 O1CR7P. SDFCreek Housing REMOTE PENDENT . t-0 ON 4 HEADS were performed by the HASS 7.5 computer programno. 15070888 granted by HRS Systems, fnc. 4192 Lavista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been cal-cuf ated to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.006 gpm and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.142 gpm. /?l T^l-: l nracc"-^ at each nOde iS uSe.l in hal anr.irro Iat eacn node Is uL__ _-- _he system Maximum \,vater velocity is 29. g f t/sec at pipe G. I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I (4) PIPE PAGE: B Diameter (in) 3. ZOU o. Jf / PAGE; D D].amet.er (in) 6.275 PAGE: I Di ameL er (in) 1.055 7 . 52'7 2 .495 FTTTINGS TABLE Name : EFS . PIP MATERIAL: THNWL HWC: L20 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in FeeE.ETLCBGAD EIl Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv AlmChk DpVl-v9.40 20.20 6.70 2l-.50 l_3.40 1.30 r7.40 t3.40L3.20 26.30 7 .90 29.00 15.80 2.60 26.40 13.20L7.60 3'7.70 11.30 40.20 12.60 3.80 35.30 24.00 MATERIAL: DIRON HWC:140 Equj-va1ent. FitE.ing Lengths in Feet ETLCBG E1l Tee LngE1l ChkVIv BfyVlv catvfv 22.00 47.70 14.10 50.20 15.70 4.-70 MATERIAIJ: Cppr M HWC: 150 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETIJCBGR El] Tee LTE ChkVa BFVa Gateva RunTee 3.00 7.50 3.00 7 .50 9.00 1.50 3. O0 5.00 72.00 3.00 13.50 9.00 1.50 4.50 9.00 18.00 6.00 21.00 10.50 1.50 4.50 I t I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I DA'IE: 2/27/20O4 JOB TITI-,8: Middle Creek Housin c: \HASS75\HASS REMOTE PENDENT .10 ON 4 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYS]S P,a.Y- q DATA\8401CR7P. SDF . tlA'|.r :j Ul n \o B .-l lI. ..1 a o o 0) .t, oEs'AF{o Bo F] o o.l FI crJoHc| U) ''r NFlo4-{z{...U>l'r{Fl .p+6l-4 lJDU) cr) H Fl{B o N @ r{ r{ co to \o-{ N F{ sfl : $ r.l I ml N T H E.' i 9"3-c5 ///t ///lt//t ///l 2 trlo E] r.l o(Dotrt AtrEtqlC'lDc(Fl v am..{^ I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I .LU+ -t( E s S U R E ( P I ) vu+ o-L+ 53+ 54+ 5b+ Y+ , SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANAIJYSISUAI'.E;: 2/2t/2uu4 C: \HASS?s\HASSJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing REMOTE PENDENT .LO ON 4WATER SUPPLY CURVE page G DATA\8401CR7P.SDF !IEAIJD 108+ I *o\\\\\\\ 99+ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ 1535 gpm-> * F 1ow Test Point tl tl tl 0 = Available water Supply ,l 101.79 psi @ 181.2 gpm r LEGEND X = Required Water Supply 85.30 psi @ 181.2 gpm L400 1500 FI.,OW (GPM) 400 600 800 l-000 1200 r_800 2000 I I I Hydraulic Calculations Proj ect Ilformation Vail, Colorado Calculation Area: Building C Residential Attic Remote Area I Project Name: Middle Creek Housing Bldg CAddress: Mountain Bell Site Date 2124104 File # 8401c-r7 Index 1lI I Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Light HazudOccupancyI consrruction X combustible r Non combustible r Density: . l0 Densitv so/ft I Area of Operation: *12g7 sq. fr. min. I Area per Sprinkler: 130 sq. ft. I Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 15 heads I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkler Allowance0 gpm inside 0 gpmI 100 gpmoutside I Water Supply Sprinklers I Static 102.0 psi Make: Viking M eR Uprightr Residual 90.0 psi Size: l/2,' K: 5.6Flow 1635 gpm Temp: 200o I Calculation Summary Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 271.2 gpm I Flow & Pressure: (at BOR): 271.2 gpm @ 73.2 psi (at street cormection): 371.2 gpm @ 90.1 psi I t I Notes: * area increased 30 percent for over 2 in 12 slope then reduced area for quick response sprinklers with attic height of 14'-0". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page LDATE; 2/26/2004 e: \HASST5\HASS DATA\8401C_R7:SDFJOB TITLE: MiddlC CrCCK HOUSiNg REMOTE ATTIC SYSTEM .1.0/1287 S.F.WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE NODE POC STATIC PRESS. (Psr) 102.0 (F'T) 75.4 75.4 78.9 78.9 78.9 75.4 73.2 80.2 83 .7 83 .7 83 .7 80 .2 '73.2 73.2 80 -2 6U . Z 83.7 65 - I 83.7 80 .2 73.2 '73 .2 30 .2 26 - 6 24 .2 24 .2 24 .2 7.3 2.5 RESID. PRESS . fDer\ 90.0 FIJOW @ (GPM ) IbJ5. U (PSI ) L01.2 14 .6 8.3 8.8 10.8 17 .2 4!.O LZ ,3 t.a 9.2 14 .8 22 .0 11 n ?? t.d >,b '1 | A zz , o 26 . d 52 .4 )J . Z 56.1 57.L f d. J )> , L ov. o 50.9 62.t /J,Z 73.2 TOTAIJ REQ ' D @ DEMAND PRESS,(GPM) (PSr ) 37r.2 90.1 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS : TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE ] U IAII IIUS,U s'l'REAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES I.UI'A! D.LsUHARG.EJ I'ROM ACTTVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA MUll IAU El,EVAl.'ION 371.2 cPM 100.0 GPM O. O GPM 27L.2 GPyl PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PsI ) (cPM) 40 4I 42 43 44 45 4A 49 50 51 52 53 CN 55 56 57 58 59 60 51, oz 20 31 32 J.1 36 37 Jat 5> R1 2L .4 ,) i 15.1 16 .7 L8 .4 NODE TYPE K= 5.50 K= 5.50 I\= ). OU K= 5.60 r\= f,. bu r\= f . bu r\= f . bu t\= f,, ou ^= J. bu ^= ). bu r\= :. bu n= 5. bu ^= ). bu lv. u.rn A 14 .8 If,. J ro. > 20 .2 tn a If,.,L If,. b '1 ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATE:2/26/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle Creek NODE ANAI]YSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSIS Housing REMOTE NODE TYPE Page 2 c: \HASS75\HASS DATA\84Ol.C_R7 . SDF ATTIC SYSTEM .1,0/7281 S.F. PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM) R3 R4 BF1, BF2 BOR poa ( FT) z.) 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 -8.0 73.2 73.2 66 . Z Qn 1 27I .2Cr)TTDTiLI I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 3DATE: 2/26/2004 C:\HASST5\HASS DATA\B4O1C_R7.sDF I JOB TrrLE, Middle Creek Housing REMOTE ATTrc sysrEM .Lo/1287 S.F. I PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.I END ELEV. Noz. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) Hw(c) (FT) sUM.I NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (CNU1 FLIFT (PSI) I Pipe: 1 -2!.4 1.055 PL 9.50 PF 0.9 t 4? 15.4 s.6 !4.6 2r.4 .7.s 1so Frc pE 0.04r 75.4 5.5 t-5.5 22.0 0.095 TL 9.50 pv I Pipe: 2 -43.4 L.2gr pr-) 3.g2 pF r.7r 4r '75.4 5.6 l-5.5 22.0 10. d 150 FTG T pE 0. o45 75.4 0.0 I7 .2 o. o 0.132 TL 1_2.92 pv I Pipe: 3 -10.1 1.055 pL 9.50 pF 0.542 78-9 5.6 8.3 16.1 5.9 150 FTG pE o.or 43 7a.9 5.6 8.8 L6.7 0.056 TL 9.50 pV Pipe: 4 -32.8 1.055 pl_, 9.50 pF 2.o43 78.9 s.6 8.8 16.7 1,2.0 150 FTG pE 0.0I 44 78.9 s.6 10.8 t-8.4 0.209 TL 9.50 pvI Pipe: 5 -sL.2 !.29L pr" 9.oB pF 4.8I 44 78.9 5.5 10.8 l-8.4 72.6 150 FTG 2ET pE 1.s I 45 75.4 0.0 77.2 0.0 0.179 Trr 2.t.08 pv I Plpe: 6 -94.i r.s27 pL 2.2s pF 3. sI 45 75.4 0.0 r7.2 0.0 76.6 t-50 FTG T pE 1.0r 46 73.2 0.0 2r.G 0,0 0.24s Tr., r4.2s pv I Pipe: 7 -9q.t 2.49s pL g.6i pF 0.2t 46 73.2 0.0 27.6 0.0 6.2 Lso FTG pE 0.0s3 73.2 0.0 2I .9 0.0 0.022 TL 9.67 PV I Pipe: 8 -19. e 1.055 pL 9.50 pF 0.84'7 80.2 5.5 1_2.5 19.8 7.3 l_50 prc pE o.o - 48 80.2 5.6 13.3 20.4 0.082 TL 9.s0 pv r pipe: 9 -40 .3 I .2g! pL, 3 .g2 pF 1 .548 80.2 5.6 13.3 20.4 9.9 150 FTG T pE 0.0 I 52 80.2 o.o 14.8 0.0 o.1l_4 TL r2.g2 pvIPipe: 10 -l-4.g 1.055 pL 9.50 pF O.s I 49 83.7 5. G 7 .O 14. s s.4 1s0 Frc pE 0.0 I 50 83.7 s.5 7.s 1s.3 0.048 TL 9.s0 PV I Pipe: 11 -30. L 1. oss pL 9.50 pF I.jI 50 83.7 s.5 7 .5 15.3 11.1 L50 FTG pE o. or 51 83.7 5.G 9.2 l-6.9 0.L79 TL 9.50 pv I p j_pe: 12 -47 .r l- . 29L pL 9. og pF 4 .rt 51 83.7 5.5 9.2 15.9 t-1.5 150 FTG 2ET pE 1.s52 80.2 0.0 14.8 O.O 0.153 TL 27.08 pV I Pipe: 13 -87.3 !.52.t pL 7.OO pF 4.or s2 Bo.2 0.0 14.8 0.0 15.3 150 FTG T pE 3.053 73.2 O.O 2r.9 0.0 0.211- TL l_9.00 pV I DATE: 2/26/2004 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 c: \HASS?S\HASS DATA\8401C_R7 . SDFJOB TITLE: Middle CreeK Housing REMOTE ATTIc SYSTEM .70/1281 s.F.PIPE TAG Q (GPM) D]A (IN) LENGTHI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Pipe: 14 53 73.2 0.0 2L.9 54 13.2 0.0 22.0 II'T) -r82 .0 2.495 PL 2 . 000.0 r_1.9 1s0 FTG 0.0 0.075 TL 2.OO -182.0 2.495 PL 7r.9 1s0 FTG0.0 0.075 TL "7.61 9.50 PRESS. - ulvl . (Psr) pE a t PE O.O PV rE U. O PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PE O.O PV J.>Z PE 1.5 T PE O.O LZ, >Z PV q qn DF n q PE O.O 9.50 PV q qn Dr. 1 a PE O.O 9.50 PV 9.08 PF 4.3 21 .08 PV 7.00 PF 4.2 T PE 3.0 19.00 PV 8.75 PF 4.2 T PE O.O zo. ta Ev 44.00 PF 7.0 E I \,l:) EEJ J-.', b 108.50 PV 1.58 PF 0.1_ EL U. I 1.58 PV 6.00 PF t-.0 15.40 PV 1? ?? DF 1 N ET PE O.O 55.83 PV END ELEV. NOZ. PT DTSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C)NODES (FT) (K) (ESr; (GPM) FLIFT Plpe : -[ 5 54 '73.2 0.0 61 73.2 0. o 22 .0 22 .6 55 56 Pi no ' 11 56 80.2 60 80.2 Di no ' 1 a 51 83.7 58 83.7 D i na . 1 o 58 83.7 qg e? " Pj.pe: 20 qq e? ? 50 80.2 Di hA. ,)1 t +I/! . -f60 80.2 or I3-2 Pipe: 22 or | 3 - 2 oz t 3 - 2 P i na . ? ? 62 73.2 9 30.2 9 30.220 28 .6 D i n6 . t ( zv Zd .6 27 24 .2 Pl-pe: Zb al z1 . z 31 24.2 Pipe: 16 80 .2 80.2 J. () J-J ,6 u. u l_f . + 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.5 - aw . z zv . z L 1 )a e - 4L .1_ 20.8 10.1_ 0.0 -15.1 lq 1 q < J-). tt -30.8 17 .3 -48.1 1? ? t1 a 0.0 -6>,2 0.0 ls.5 0.0 -ztr-z 0.0 r7.8 0.0 -ztL.z 0 . 0 10 .4 0.0 -ztL.z 0 . 0 10 .4 0.0 - 271- .2 0.0 r-0.4 0.0 -ztr.z 0.0 5.1 0.0 150 FTG 0.085 TL 7.29L PL 150 FTG n'Ito TT r. ulf, l.! 1qN FTr] 0.050 TL L.055 PL 150 FTG 0.185 TIJ I.29L PL 150 FTG 0.159 TL L.527 PL 150 FTG 0.220 TL 2.495 PL 150 FTG 0.157 TL J . ZAU EL) ].20 FTG 0 .065 TL 3.260 PL 120 FTG 0 .065 TL 5 , Z6U YJ) rzv .c L\J 0 .055 TL .t . zov vL IZU .C I\-' 0.01-8 TL 9.50 '7.3 7.8 7.8 0.0 15.4 0 . 0 15 .4 0.0 22.6 0.0 22.6 u . u 26 .6 0.0 26.8 0.0 52.4 0.0 52.4 0.0 53.2 0.0 53.2 v.u 30 _L 0.0 56.1 U.U 'I.I I DATE; 2/26/2O04 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYS]S D=.ra R c ; \HASSrs\HAss DATA\B4o1c-R7 . sDF JOB TITLE: Middle CreeK Housing REMOTE ATTIC SYSTEM .IO/1287 S.F. Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.I I t I t I I t I I I I I I It I I I PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. PT NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) Drsc. vEL (FPS) HW(C) (Fr) (GPM) FLIFT +.ZOV E)J t)f,-zf, 120 FTG u.uro r! oa.za 4.260 PL 34 .88 1.2 O FTG E 0.018 TL 48.08 1. ZOV Etr OO. -LZ 120 FTG T 0.018 TL 92.42 4.260 PL 120 FTG 0.018 TL SUM. (PSI) PF 1.1 PE O.O PF O . 8 PE O.O PV PF 7.6 PE O.O PV 9.33 PF 0.2 PE O.O 9.33 PV PF I.2 PE O.O PV PF 0.5 vE I .5 PV EI I. Z ,aL z - r 31 32 32 33 33 36 36 37 37 38 _?8 39 39 RI R1 R2 R3 R3 R4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.r 58.3 58.3 )> ,I )> . t ou.6 60.I 60 .9 60.9 62 .1 o> , > 73.2 '73.2 13 .2 73.2 73.2 73.2 73.2 '13.2 t). ) 85.3 t5.5 atl. .t z+-z 24 .2 D i na . ? a 24 .2 24 .2 z1 z 24 .2 Plpe: JU aA a 24 .2 24 .2 24 .2 24 .2 I.J Pipe: 33 7.3 2.5 Pi na. 14 2.5 Pipe: 35 2.5 2.5 I/l-pe: Jb 2.5 2.5 -27L.2 U.U O.I 0.0 -27L.2 0.0 6.r 0.0 -217.2 0.0 5.1 0.0 -271.2 0.0 5.1 0.0 -27r.2 0.0 5.1 0.0 -271.2 0.0 5.1 0.0 -2'7r.2 0.0 6.1 0.0 -2'7L.2 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 -ztL.z 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 4.250 PL 39.08 120 FTG 2E 0.01-8 TL 55.48 + . ZOV EJr -Lb - 44 r, ].2 O FTG E 0.018 TL 29.55 4.260 PL 1s.08 ]-20 FTG 2ET 0.018 TL 67 .78 5.357 PL 120 FTG 0.003 Tr-., 6.357 PL 120 FTG 0.003 TL 6.357 PL., 120 FTg 0.003 TL 2.OO PF 0.0 PE O.O 2.OO PV 2.00 PF 0.0 PE O.O 2.00 PV 2.00 PF 0.0 PE O.O 2.00 PV t(+ z . 3 BF1 2 ,5 Pi r.\a. ?A BF2 2 .5 BFl 2 .5 BF2 2 .5 BOR 0.5 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 12.0 psr. , 27f .2 gpm 6.357 PL 4.00 IZU f t\r .Er\-t 0 . 003 TL 25 .40 5.357 PL 4.00 120 FTG EG 0.003 TL 25.40 PF 0.1 PE O.O PV PF O . 1 PE 0.9 PV 0.0 0.0 -27r.20.0 2.'7 0.0 I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I It I t I DATET 2126/2004 .IOB TITI-,8: Middle PIPE TAG END NODES Dr nF BOR D.)(. PAGE; D Diamet er (in) . a- tr PAGE: I Diameter (in) 1 ,91 L.>Zl 2.495 MATERIAI,: CPPr-M Equivalent HWC: 150 Fitting Lengths in Feet /rAD GatVlv AImChk DPVIV 1.30 r7.40 13'40 2 .60 26 .40 13 '20 3.80 35.30 24'oo ,^p Gatseva RunTee 1.50 3 .00 1.50 3.00 1.50 4.50 1.50 4 . 50 EI T . E'\I / E'F\ . 4n -8.0 SPRINKI-,ER SYSTEM HYDRAUL'IC ANAL'YS-IS Page 5 ' "'-'.. ;;iHASS?s\HAss DArA\8401c-R?'sDF creek Housing REMOTE ATTIC SYSTEM 'tO/]-2e1 s'F'-ii"t-ti DrA ('N) LENGTH PRE's ' Noz . Pr Drsc' v;;iepil r:w rcl (Fr) ,iHT;(K) (PSr) (GPM) Eut E L -27!.2 6.2't5 Pl-', 50 ' oo PF 0 '2 o.o s6.2 o'o -';'; 140 FrG ErG PE 3'7 SRCE eo.1 (N/A) o ' oo2 rl-' 123 ' 80 PV NOTES: (1) CafculaLions were performed by the HASS ?'5 computer program under ricen'e "o;ri3;i::::, ,3::"t'u oo 4792 I'aV ist.a Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated Eo provj-de an average imbalance "t'Ittft-"ode of o'o03 gpm and a maxlmum imbal-ance ac any node of 0'125 gpm' (3) ToEal pressure aE each node is used in balancing lhe system' Maximum ttt"t*t'ltocity is )'7 '8 fE/sec aE pLpe 22 ' (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name I EFs'prP PAGE : B MATERIAI-,: THNWL HWC : L2 0 rli rmar- cr iquivalene Fitting l-',engtshs rJtqLrrsev* n !(in) E T ! \- Ell- Tee LngUIl ChkVIv BfYVlv 3.260 9 '40 zo 'zo 6 "1 0 21' s0 13 '40 4.260 L3 '2o ie ','o '1 '90 29 ' oo 15 ' 80 6.357 L7'60 li"'o 11'30 40'20 72'60 MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Equivalent FitLing l-,engths in Feet RG ""tt i"" ""nit'' chkVlv Bfyvrv^Gatvlv 22.oo 47.!o 14'10 50'20 15'70 4'70 gTL E1l Tee LTE 3.00 7.50 3'00 4.50 9.00 3'00 6.00 l-2.00 3'00 9.00 l-8.00 6'00 ChkVa BFVa 7.50 9'00 10.50 9.00 13 .50 9.00 21. oo 10.50 lc,tc{'eek Houslng lrllt"w * 6, E>>' s; i I j g I !d $iA;EEf"!o;; rB.ias:!rl3?i //A ///)// /t '//)//A //A z frl() F] Fl \ U !) (d ,p U) Page 7 SPRINK],ER SYSTEM HYDRAUI,IC ANALYS]S cl(""ist srgAss DArA\8401c-R7' sDF Creek Housing REI49II Arrrc sYSrEM rl.ol-1SILjLL c{ DATE:2/26/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle I T I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I II co (o -lo\ rn 14€ Fl 3 -.t m O{ .'l YI rDl 0Jlsl I.,r Iol HO(/)>(\ d'ezd.. U>r..r Fl !)o.t rdtrlJ v, d rn t oE<t Orr{O Bo F. (o <f N r'{ co rl4 I .l I c{\ocoN A o '.r ^OdDOttl AC(rrlvJr'DtrEl I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I I T I aOe- 8L+ bJ+ 54+ P R E s U ( -I ) SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAL'YSIS Page I I DATET 2/26/2004 "'^'-*-. I JoB TITT,E: Middl-e Creek Housing REMOTE ATTIC sYsTEM 'Io/L287 S'F' WATER SUPPLY CURVE 108+ I I.\\O\\\\\ 99+ \\\\\\\\\ 45+ JO+ _16+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 90'0 Psi @ L635 gPm-> Flow Test Point tl rl I-,EGEND X = Required Water SuPPlY 90.12 Psi @ 31r '2 gPm o = Availab1e Water suPPlY rl 101.23 Psi @ 3?1'2 gPm :: 9+ FLOW (GPM) I I I Hydraulic Calculations t Project Information I Project Name: Middle Creek Housing Bldg CAddress: Mountain Bell Site Vail. Colorado Calculation Area: Building C Storage Locker Remote Area Date 2/24/04 File # 8401-p1 Index I I Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Ordinary HazardGroup 2 Dry construction r combustible x Non combustible I Area of Operation: 1950 sq. ft. min. I Area per Sprinkler: 50 sq. ft.I Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 56 heads I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkler Allowance Calculation Summary I I 0 gpm inside 0 gp_I 250 gpm outsideI I Water Supply SprinklersI Static 102.0 psi Make: Viking M UprightResidual 90.0 psi Size: l/Z', -f: S.eFlow 1635 gpm Temp: 200o I Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 1011.3 gpm t Flow & Pressure: (at BOR): 1011.3 gpm @ 50.g psi (at street connection): 1261.3 gpm @ 73.9 psiI N"* I t I I I I I I t I t t I I t I I I I DATET 2 / 24 /2004 JOB TITLE: MTDDLE WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS C: \HASSTs\HASS CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOEKERS .20/1950 Page 1 DATA\8401-P1 . SDFqr) ET SOURCE NODE POC STAT I C PRESS. I DCT \ 102.0 t(11J 1u , rl(l1DD. I DCT \ on n FLOW (GPM) .LbJf,. U .HJAEDD . (Psr) 94 .5 1251.3 cPM 250.0 cPM O. O GPM 1011 . 3 GPM TOTAL REQ I D @ DEMAND PRESS. (GPM) (PS I ) '13 .9 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES IU.LAL UI.5UHARG.bJ I.'ROM ACTIVE SPRTNKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION (FT) 2t.o 21 .O 27 .0 2'7 .0 2't.o 27 .0 2'7.O 27 .0 27.0 27 .0 27.O 27 .0 27 .0 2'7 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27.0 27.O 27 .0 2'7 .0 27 .0 2'1 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 2'7 .0 27 .0 2't .0 21 .O 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 NODE TYPE r\= f . b u K= 5.60 l\= 5.6U l\= f,. ou l1.= 5. bU K= 5.60 J\= J. bU r\= t.ttu r\= f, . b u I\= l. ou r,= 5, bU r\= f . bu l\= 5. bU r\= f,. ou K= s.60 .N= f,. OU I\= 5 . b U K= 5.50 a\= f, ou I\= 5. bU K= 5.60 1\= 5. bU J\= J . O U PRESSURE D]SCHARGE ( PSI ) (GPM) 30 31 5Z J.1 34 35 35 3'7 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 AC 46 47 48 49 50 f,I az 53 55 55 57 )U 5v 50 5L oz 53 7.0 7.5 7.9 I .'7 L0.0 l-1.0 J- -L f 6, / v.5 IU.3 1L .2 11.8 73 .2 l-u.5 12 .2 Lt-.1 Lr .4 l-l .l 8.4 8.8 10.8 r-0.4 l-1.l- 11.5 t2 .3 13 .4 8.5 I0 .2 Y,5 14 .8 1A A La I 16.5 r7 .'l 18.5 19.0 rb.5 16 .9 r7.3 18.l_ 79.2 1a '1 L5.2 lo . z L5.5 L'7 .3 18.4 18.1 18.5 19.0 t9 .5 t\= 5. bu I\= L OU K= 5.60 r\= tr, bu 1C A 16 .4 _1 b.5 1? O 11 1 I I t t I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS page 2DATEz 2/24/2004 C:\HASSTS\HASS DATA\8401-P1 .SDF,JOB TTTLE: MTDDLE CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20/LgsO SQ. FT. NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATTON / F.r' \ 27 .0 27.O 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 2'7 .0 27.0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27.O 27.O 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27.O 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 4.0 z.t z.) .2.52.5 2.5 u.5 -8.0 NODE TYPE t\= J. ou K= s.50 r0 .2 1t .1 LZ,5 12 .7 13.l- L5 ..t L4 .3 1.7 7.2 7.8 8.4 10.5 tL.8 14.5 J.U. -L LL.1 L2 .7 1q o t-1.1 77 .7 15 .2 10.8 11.9 LJ. b J-O. U L0.5 11 . L L2.O 11 < L6.2 Jl_. b Jf,.I 5d. u 5U. U 52 .9 f,^1. U 55 . _L 53.8 of,. U o L+ PRESSURE DISCHARGE ( PSI ) (GPM) 65 oo 67 68 69 70 71" 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 DV3 R2 R3 R4 BF]. BF2 BOR POC L> . L I K= 5.60 K= 5.60 r(= 5, bu K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.50 K= 5.50 J\= J. bU K= 5.50 K= 5.60 K= 5.50 l\= f . o u K= s.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 ^= 5. bu K= 5.50 K= 5.60 20.3 zv.3 If,. _L I I t I I I I t I I I I I 19 .2 lr.= 5. bU A= f . ou v- tr aA K= 5.50 L7 .8 18.7 20 .0 18 .7 l-9.1_ 19.7 18 .4 r-9 .3 -';.i 19.0 19.4 zv .6 SOURCE 101L.3 I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 3DATE: 2/24/2004 C:\HASS75\HASS DATA\g4Ol--pl-.SDF I JOB TITLEI MIDDLE CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20/1.950 SQ. FT.I PIPE DATA I PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH PRESS . I END ELEV. Noz. pr Drsc. vEL(Fps) HW(c) (Fr) suM.I NoDEs (Fr) (K) (Ps]) (GpM) FLlFr (psr) I Pipe: I -t-4.8 1.090 pL 4.50 pF O.s r 30 27.0 s.5 7.0 !4.8 s.1 1OO FTG E pE o.o31 27.0 5.5 7.5 15.4 0.087 TL 6.2L pv I Pipe: 2 -30.2 L.425 pL 4.00 pF 0.4r 31 2't.o s.G 7.5 15.4 6.1 100 FTG pE 0.032 27.0 5.5 ./.9 )_5.7 0.088 TL 4.00 PV I Prpe: 3 -45.9 I.425 pL 4.OO pF O.B32 27.0 5.5 7.9 15.7 9.2 l_00 FTG pE o.or 33 27.0 5.6 8.'t L6.5 O.l_91 TL 4.OO pV I P]-per 4 -62.4 1.425 PL 4.00 PF l_.333 27.0 5.6 8.7 16.5 L2.6 1oO FTG pE o.oI 34 27.0 5.6 10.0 !7.7 0.337 rL 4.OO pVI Pj-pe: 5 -90.1 l_.655 pt, 4.OO pF 1.o I 34 27.O 5.6 10.0 77.7 L2.0 100 FTG pE o.o I 35 27.0 5.6 11.0 18.6 0.2s8 TL 4.OO pV I Pipe: 6 -99..t 2.:-24 pL 4.OO pF O.s I 3s 2l .o 5.G 11.0 18.G 8.9 100 Frc pE 0.0r 35 27.O 5.5 11.5 19.0 o.l-13 TL 4.00 pv I Pipe: '7 -1L7 .1 2.3-24 pr, 3. o0 pF !.7 I 3G 2t.o 5.G 11.5 19.0 10.? 100 FTG T pE o.o43 2'7.0 0.0 ]3.2 0.0 0.l-56 TL 1L.14 pV I Pipe: 8 -1G.5 L.090 pL 4.00 pF 0.4- 37 2't.o 5.6 g.'t 16.5 5.7 100 FTG pE o.o38 21 .O 5.5 9.1- t6.9 0.105 TL 4.OO pV I Pipe: 9 -33 .4 !.425 pL 4 .00 pF O .438 2'7.O 5.6 9.7 16.9 6.7 LOO FTG pE 0.0 I 39 21 .o 5.G 9.s r7.3 0.10G TL 4.oo pv I Pipe: 10 -50.7 l-.425 pL 4.OO pF 0.9 I 39 27.0 5.6 9.s ]-7.3 1"0.2 100 Fre pE o.o I 40 2i.o s.6 10.5 1s.1 0.22s rL 4.oo pv r Pipe: 11 -68.8 1.555 PL 4.OO PF 0.8 I 40 2'7.0 5.5 10.5 18.1 10.3 l_OO FTG pE 0.0 t 41 27.0 5.6 Lr.2 18.8 0.195 TL 4.00 pV I Pipe: !2 -87.6 2.1-24 PL 6.00 pF 0.5 I 41 27.0 5.5 rr.2 18.8 7.9 l_00 FTG pE 0.042 27.O 5.6 l_1.8 r9.2 0.090 TL 5.00 pV I Prpe: l-3 -105.8 2.124 PL' 3.00 PF 1.5t 42 27 .o 5.6 11.8 :-9.2 g.7 100 FTG T pE o. o 43 27.0 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.130 TL 11.14 PV I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS Page 4 ut\!E: z/ z+/ zvv+C: \HASS75\HASS DATA\8401"-P1 . SDF JOB T]TLE: MTDDIIE CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20IL95O SQ. FT. -H-LTE IA\J END ELEV. NOZ, NODES (Fr) (K) O (GPM) DIA (]N) iJENGTH PRESS . {F'TIPT DISC . VEL (FPS ) HW (C) (PSI ) (GPM) FLIFT SUM. (PSr ) 43 2'7.0 0.0 r3.2 48 27.0 0.0 13.3 -ZZ+.4 +.J-Lb H.L b.tJ/ Yl 0.0 4.9 100 FTG PE 0.0 0.01-5 TL 6.67 PV 0.1 0.0 44 /l 48 46 47 47 48 48 59 49 50 50 5l 51 52 52 53 53 59 EA 55 55 55 5.6 5.5 5.5 0.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 5.6 l.b 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.5 s.5 0.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 72 .2 12 .2 13 .3 11.l- 11.4 IL .4 13.3 -LJ. .t 7.4 8.4 8.4 8.8 8.8 10.8 10.8 13 .4 10.4 10.6 10.6 11.1 27 .0 27.Q Plpe : Ib 27 .0 27 .0 27.0 27.O Pipe ; 18 27 .0 27.0 Pipe: 19 27.0 27.0 Pipe: 2O 27 .0 27 .0 Pi na. )1 2"7.O 27 .0 Prpe:. 22 27.Q 2'7 .0 Pipe: 23 27 .0 27 .0 Di nc. )A 21 .O 2't.o 27 .0 2'7 .0 Pipe: 25 27 .0 27 .0 ro.l o. z t9 .6 -31 .7 L9.6 7.6 0.0 -18.6 J_d. b J. I Ld . t -5 t.) t-8 .9 1 .6 0.0 -299.8 0.0 5.5 0.0 -15 .2 La. z ). z LO . Z -31.5 16.2 5.3 15 .5 -48.0 16.6 9.7 t7 .3 -55.4 L7.3 l_3.1 18.4 -83.8 ro.:t ).2.2 0.0 -18.1 .LTJ. -L -1. tJ L6, Z -36.3 r8.2 7 .3 18.6 t-.090 PL l_4.00 1OO FTG o.726 TL 14.00 L.+Z> Y\J 1OO FTG 0.133 TL PF 1.8 PE O.O PV J.Z) t,r _L.I T PE O.O 8.25 PV L.425 PL 10-50 0.035 TL 10.50 L.425 PL 9.50 1OO FTG T 0.132 TL 1-4.50 4.315 PL 1OO FTG 0.028 TL PF 0.4 PE O.O PV PF 1 . 9 PE O.O PV 3 .42 PF PE 3 .42 PV 0.1 0.0 PF 1 . O PE O.O PV L.090 PL 11.00 1OO FTG 0.091 TL 11.00 L .425 PI.J 1OO FTG 0 .095 TL L.425 PL ]-OO FTG 0.208 TL L,425 PL 1OO FTG 0.357 TL 1.555 PL ],OO FTG 0.280 TL L.425 PL ].0 O FTG 0.034 TL L.425 PL 1OO FTG 0.1-23 Tr.., 4.00 PF 0.4 PE O.O 4.00 PV 3.7s PF 0.8 PE O.O 3.'75 PV 3.50 PF l-.3 PE O.O 3.50 PV 2.75 PF 2.5 T PE O.O 9.24 PV 4.00 PF 0.1 YE U . U 4.00 PV 4.00 PF 0.5 EEJ U U 4.00 PV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE:2/24/2004 C : \HASS75\HASS DATA\8401-P1 . SDF JOB TITITE: MIDDI,E CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS -20/1950 SQ. FT' DTDtr TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Q (GPM) DIA (IN) IJENGTH PRESS . PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (TT; SUM. (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT (PSI) 55 57 57 58 58 59 59 OL 6L 62 62 63 O.' 65 55 66 66 61 67 72 58 69 5.6 5.6 ).o 5.6 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 f,.o 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.0 5.b 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.b f,.b Ll.1 l_1.5 1l_.5 L2 .3 12.3 l-3.4 13 .4 13 . B 7.6 8.6 8.5 9.0 9.0 ro.2 70 .2 13.8 >.5 L0.2 10 .2 1L.'7 tL.'7 13.8 L5 It 14 .3 L2 .3 1) '7 21 .0 27 .0 Pipe: 28 2'7 .0 21 .0 27 .0 2'7 .0 PIpe: JU 27.0 2"t.o 27.0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 27.0 27 .0 27.O 27.O 27 .0 21 .O 27 .0 27.O 27 .0 Di '.\6 . ? q 27 .0 27 .0 - 51 - t ..L tJ. b d. z L9.0 -73 .9 19.0 6.'7 19 .6 - v5 b 19.6 8.5 0.0 - 4'7 't .2 0.0 10.5 0.0 -15.4 L5.4 5.3 -.1_L.at l-b .._t o . + 15.8 -48.6 lC. A q A L] .9 -66.5 I'7 .9 L3 .4 0.0 -L7.L rt-r 5.v r'7 .9 -34.9 1? A ? n 19. t- - f + . l- '1 0 1 ln q 0.0 -597 .8 0.0 13.l- 0.0 -19.7 19 .'7 4 .0 L> . > 1OO FTG 0.128 TL 2.t24 PL 11.00 1OO FTG 0.056 TL 11.00 2.124 PL 3.00 1OO FTG T 0.102 T1-, l-1.14 4.00 PF 0.5 PE O . O 4.00 PV PF O .'7 PE O.O PV PF l- .1 PE O.O PV 4.315 PL 1OO FTG 0.066 TL l_.090 PL 11.00 1OO FTG 0.093 T1_, l-1.00 c nn DE n 1 PE O.O 5.00 PV PF 1.0 PE O.O PV 4.00 PF 0.4 4.00 PV q. (nDEI'l) PE O.O 5.50 PV 4.50 PF 3.5 T PE O.O 9.50 PV 8.00 PF 0.9pE 0.0 8.00 PV PF l- .5 PE O.O PV PF 2.I PE O.O PV PF 0.5 PE O.O PV DF N ? PE O.O PV L. +23 Y)J ].0 O FTG 0.097 TL I.425 PL 1OO FTG O.2I2 TL J- .425 PL 1OO FTG 0.379 TL 1.090 PL ].0 O FTG 0. t_13 TL 1.425 PL l-3.00 1OO FTG 0.11-5 TL l-3.00 1- .425 PL 3 . 00 1OO FTG T 0.258 TL 8.00 4.3L5 PL s.00 0.1"00 TL 5.00 1.425 Pr-, 8.00 ]-OO FTG 0.040 TL 8.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM }IYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 6 DATE: 2 /24/2O04 c: \HASSTs\r{ASS DATA\8401--P1 . SDF JOB T]TLE: MTDDLE CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20/T950 SQ. FT. PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. pT Drsc. vEL(Fps) Hw(c) NODES (FT) (K) (PS]) (GPM) FLIFT .FT] PRESS. SUM. (PSr) 59 70 70 '7r 7I 72 72 79 73 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 '79 at.' 80 8l_ 8l dz l.o 5.6 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 l-b 0.0 0.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.6 :l .b 0.0 0.0 0.0 ).t) 5.6 5.6 5.6 12.7 13 . L 13.1 13 .4 13 .4 14 .3 14 .3 14 .5 7 .1 7.8 7.2 7.8 7.8 8.4 8.4 10 .5 10.5 11.8 11.8 -L]. U 10.1 11.1 11.1 L2 .7 1.58 Pipe : 40 zt.v 27.0 Pipe : 41 27 .0 27 .0 Pipe:42 27 .0 2t .0 Pipe; 43 27 . 0 27.O Pipe : 44 27.0 27.O Pipe: 45 27 .0 21 .0 Pipe: 46 27 .0 2'7 .0 Pipe : 47 z | ,v 27.0 Pipe: 48 27.O 27.O Pipe: 49 zt.v 21 .O 27 .0 27.O 27.O 27.0 Pipe: 52 27.O 27 .0 -39.5 ]-9.9 5.9 20 .3 - )> . > 20.3 5.4 20 .5 -80.4 20.5 7 .3 0.0 -o /6. L 0.0 74.9 0.0 - 1_4 .9 t4.9 5.1 0.0 --Lf._L -lf,. _L ) . Z 0.0 -IU. U 0.0 6.0 15 .3 -+o.z l-8.1 -64.4 J.O.-L LZ.J -oJ,o 1-9.2 1-2.5 0.0 -161_.7 0.0 16.1 0.0 -L7.8 Lt.d o._L 18.7 -Jb. f 1-8.7 7.3 20.0 1 .555 PL 1OO FTG 0.070 TL Z. !Z+ YtJ 1OO FTG 0.045 TL 5.50 PV 6. s0 PF O . 3 PE O.O PV PF 0.9 PE O . O PV PF 0.2 PE O.O PV PF 0.'7 PE O . O PV o, f,u 2.r24 PL 3.00 1OO FTG T 0.077 TL l_1.14 4 .3L5 PL 1OO FTG 0.L26 TL 1.090 PL 1OO FTG 0.088 TL 1.090 PL 1OO FTG 0.090 TL T .425 PL ]-OO FTG 0.087 TL r. )t' T r.lo vl TPE 5.85 PV 0.5 0.0 7.75 PF 0.7 PE O . O 7.75 PV 7 .425 Pr., 1,0 . 50 1OO FTG 0.193 TL 10.50 !.+Z) EJ) 1OO FTG 0.355 TL 1 .555 PL ].0 O FTG 0.279 TL +.lrti _HL ]-OO FTG 0.156 TL l-.090 PL lOO FTG 0.t22 TL J /f, !,.e I..' PE O . O 3.75 PV 3.00 PF 2.6 T PE O.O 9.49 PV PF 2.0 PE O.O PV 0.5 0.0 PF 1_ .6 PE O.O PV 3 .42 PF PE 3 .42 PV 8.00 PF 1.0 PE O.O 8.00 PV t.42s PL 13.00 1OO FTG 0.125 TL 13.00 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJ I C ANALYSIS DA'IE:2/24/2004 c : \HAssTs\HAss DATA\8401--p1 . sDF JOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20/1"950 SQ. FT. PTPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 53 82 27 .0 83 27.0 n f l:DM\ nTl/Tr\]\ T rirr^rrruE!'l\J I.r1 r.l(laD D , IFT]NOZ. PT (K) (PSI ) :. b rz - I 0.0 1s.0 DTS(- \/FtT, lEpS) Hr^l rr'.| (GPM] FT, /FT SUM. (PSI) PF 2.2 PE O.O PF 'J- .'7 PE O.O PV PF 0,4 PE O . O PV 4.00 PF 0.5 PE O.O 4.00 PV -lo.l L.+za YL J-uu 20.0 1-L.4 100 FTG T 0.0 0.280 TL 8.00 83 87 84 85 85 86 85 87 87 9L 88 89 89 90 90 >L 97 92 93 93 94 O/l 95 0.0 0.0 l.cl 5.5 5.5 (< 0.0 0.0 0.0 f,.o 5.6 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 5.5 5.6 5.6 15.0 75 .2 11.l- 11.7 7r .7 12 .4 !) . z 1"5 .2 .l-b. u 10.8 11.9 11.9 IJ . b 15.0 16 n ro . z 1n q 1l_.1 t-1.1 _l_,L f J- -L ] 12 .0 D i ne . qL 2l .o 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 Plpe: 5b 27 .0 27 .0 Dl ha. q? 27 .0 27 .0 27 .0 2'7 .0 27 .0 27 .0 Prpe : 5O 21 .0 27.0 P]-pe : bI zt.v 27.O Pipe: 62 27 .0 27 .0 P i r'\ a . 61 27 .0 27 .0 Pipe: 64 27 .0 27 .0 Plpe: 65 27 .0 27 .0 -.J.!.J.2 0.0 \7.9 0.0 -78.7 18.7 6.4 t-9.1 -37. B 19.1 7.6 ]-9.7 - 57 . 5 19.7 tl_.5 0.0 -875.8 0.0 !9.2 0.0 -18.4 Ld.+ b. J L9.3 -J I / 19 .3 '7 .6 20 .6 -58.4 20 .6 LI .7 0.0 -934.2 0.0 20.5 0.0 -l-8.1 18 .1 6 .2 0.0 -l-8.1 0.0 3.6 19 .0 -37 .1 1"9.0 7.s 1q 4 1OO FTG 0.178 TL 1.090 PL lOO FTG 0 . l-34 TL I.425 PL 1OO FTG 0.133 TL., 7.425 PL 1OO FTG 0.290 TL 4.316 PL 1OO FTG 0.202 TL 1.090 PL ].0 O FTG 0.1-30 TL 1.00 PF 0.2 PE O.O 1.00 Pv 4.00 PF 0.5 rE U U 4.00 PV 5.s0 PF 0.7 YL U U 5.50 PV 4.50 PF 2.8 T PE O.O 9.50 PV 4.00 PF 0.8 PE O.O 4.00 Pv 8.00 PF 1.0 PE O.O 8.00 PV I.425 PL 13.00 1OO FTG 0.133 TL 13.00 I.425 PL 1OO FTG 0.298 TL +,5lb LL 1OO FTG 0.228 TL 1.090 Pt, 1OO FTG 0.]-26 TL 3.00 PF 2.4 T PE O.O 8.00 PV 1.00 PF 0.2 t.EJ U. \J 1.00 PV 1.00 PF 0.'l T PE O.O a. 26 Ev 7.425 PL t-1.00 0.034 TL 11.00 !.125 EJ) 1OO FTG 0.729 TL I I I I t I T I t I I I I I I I I I t SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 8 DATE:2/24/2004 a. \IJlcc?c\T-racc naTA\ A4o1 -p1 snF .JOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK HOUS]NG STORAGE LOCKERS ,20/7950 SQ. FT. Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT NODES (Fr) (K) (PSr ) DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) (GPM ) F],/ FT 1- .425 PL ]-OO FTG 0.280 TL b - Jtr / r! 120 FTG 0.029 TL 5.357 PIJ 120 FTG 0.029 TI_, 5.50 PV SUM. /DCT\ PF l-.5 PE O . O PF 0.7 PE 0.9 PV PF 2,8 PE 3.7 PV Pipe: 66 27 .0 21 .O Pipe; 57 2l .o 21 .O Pipe: 68 21 .0 27 .0 Pipe : 59 2t.o 27 .0 - f,b . :) 19 .4 l-l- .4 )n A -17.r zv .6 J.r . f 0.0 --LUl-l-. J 0.0 22.2 0.0 -1011.3 0.0 lo.2 0.0 -l_01-l_.3 0.0 r0.2 0.0 -1011.3 0.0 ro.2 0.0 -1011.3 0.0 ]-0.2 0.0 - 1011_ . 3 0.0 ro.2 0.0 -.LUII.. J 0.0 L0.2 0.0 -1011.3 0.0 ro.2 0.0 5.50 qq 96 96 97 9'7 >6 98 99 5.6 5.6 l.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 nn 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tJ. tl L6 .2 L6 .2 JI. O 35.1 38.0 -J6. U 50.8 52 .9 52 .9 53.1 )5. -L f,.1. O 65.8 ol. o 67 .4 2.OO 1.655 PL 4.50 1OO FTG T 0.240 TL 10.99 b-55/ !! L.fu ].20 !'TG TB 0.029 TL sl.80 PF 2.5 PE O.O PV 4.316 PI-, 38.33 PF ]-5.4 ].OO FTG T PE O. O 0.264 TL 58 .38 PV 5.357 PL 1OO FTG 0.040 TL 87.00 87.00 6.357 PL 59.00 1OO FTG E 0.040 TL 7L.56 5.357 PL 30.00 PF 2.9 1OO FTG 2ED PE 10. O 0.040 TL '72.25 PV YE .1.5 PE O . O PV PF 2.9 PE O.O PV Pipe: 7O oo )1 A 100 27.0 Pr-pe: 1I l-00 2'7.o DV3 4.O Pipe: 72 DV3 4.0 t<z z . ) I(-' I(J R4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 PF 1.5 PE O , 5 PV 2.00 PF 0.1 PE O . O 2,OO PV 2.OO PF 0.1 PE O.O PV PF 0.7 PE O.OR4 2.5 lti l z . a ! :I'e . lJ!.J- z . ) Et z z . 3 BOR 0.5 BOR 0.5 POC -8.0 - 1011- . 3 0.0 r0.2 0.0 5.357 PL 4.00 120 FTG EG 0 .029 TL 25 .40 6.357 PIr 4.00 120 FTG EG 0.029 TI_, 25.40 6.275 PL 50.00 140 FTG ETG 0.023 TL 123.80 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 12 .0 psl, 1011 .3 gpm0.0 0.0 -1011.3 0.0 67.4 0.0 10.s sRcE 73.9 (N/A) I I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t DATET 2/24/2004 .JOB TITLE: MIDDLE NOTES: (1) Cal-culations under l-icense were Performed bY the HASS no. 150?0888 granted bY HRS SYSLems, Inc - 4?92 I'aVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 MATERTAL: Ed-Thd HWC: 120 EquivalenE Ficting I-'engths 7.5 computer Program SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS PA9E 9 c : \HAss75\I{Ass DATA\84 ol- -P1' sDF CREEK HOUSING STORAGE LOCKERS .20/7950 SQ' FT' (2) The system has been calculated Eo provj'de an average imbalance at each node of o ' 001 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0'055 gPm' (3) Totaf pressure ac each node is used in balancing the sysEem' Maximum waEer velocity is 22'2 fL/sec at pipe 68' (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe TabIe Name: ALLSTATE ' PIP PAGE: B MATERIAL: THNWL HWC: I2O Diameter Equivalents Fitting Lengths in Feet (iN) E T I-, C B G A D El1 Tee I,ngEIl ChkVlv Bf yVlv Gatvlv AImChk DPVIv 6.3s7 77.50 37.70 11.30 40'20 L2'60 3'80 35'30 24'00 PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: L4O Diameter Equivalent Fitting l-'engths in Feets IiN} E T L C B G Ell Tee LngElI Chkvtv BfyVlv GatVIv 6 .275 22. OO 47 .'J-O 14 . 10 50 ' 20 15 ' 70 4 '70 PAGE: O MATERIAL: EZ-FLW HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalents Fitting Lengths in Feet (iN) E T I-', C B G A D 811 Tee 45 4.315 L4.00 28.L0 5.60 30'90 16'80 2'80 0'00 0'00 PAGE: R ni.maier linl 1 nqn L . +23 c 5.00 8.20 10.30 LZ ,0V B 6.80 6.80 6.80 b.6u 1 1n 1 1n 1 1n 1 ln 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 F rF T,EI !. l l 'naa 2.40 6.00 t.20 3.50 ?.00 r.20 4.60 9.10 2.30 5.70 11.40 2.30 D 0. 0. 0. 00 00 00 00 Page 10 DATA\8401--P1 . SDF sQ. FT. : SPRINKIER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAI-'YSIS c: \HASS75\HASS CREEK HOUSTNG STORAGE LOCKERS '20l1950DA1E':2/24/2004 .'OB TITLE: MTDDLE p]I oll Iol'llnlril\ol-rl I"l3Inl -1 |il'al p,l o ; o\ d-r{ (n (u ogl "; U._t o rJ(/l I t I I I I I d- -'i6 il: !; i:$rs:ggi"i.a3 l;*P;; \o <' (o UJ Fl t4z4 Fl Or Du trlh4B I I I I I I I I I I I I I stl r-{ Io c{<l\o l-lol Fl or (I) ..1 ^acirl(n(nDClrlodDo I DATE:2/24/2004 I eol I ,,.i I lse l( li D OJI-lu TR E t i-'i I ,.1 I I I I T 54+ SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUI-,IC ANAL,YSIS Page l- l c: \HAssTs\HAss DATA\8401-P1 . sDF I JoB TrrLE: MTDDLTE CREEK HousrNG sroRAGE i.,ocKERs .20/t950 sQ. FT. I wATER SUPPLY cuRvE r- L08+ll \\\\\\\\\ \0\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ 90.0 psi @ l-535 gPm- > * Flow Test Point 18 + L,EGEND X = Required Water Supply rl ?3 . 88 psi @ 1251'.3 gpm rl *\\\\\\\\ + \\\\\\\\\ l9+ I I O = evailable water SuPPIY r' | 94.57 psi @ 126r.3 gPm '' -lI 0 + + - + - - - + - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - + - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - 'r- I 4oo GOo go0 1oo0 12oo 14oo 1600 1800 2000 F].,OW (GPM) I I I t I Project Name: Middle Creek Housing Bldg CAddress: Mountain Bell Site Hydraulic Calculations Project Information Vail, Colorado Calculation Area; Building C parking Level Remote Area Date 2124/04 File # 8401-p3 Index 1l Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Ordinary HazudGroup I Dry r construction I combustible X Non combustibre r Density: . 15 Density sq/ft t Area of Operation: 1950 sq. ft. min. I Area per Sprinkler: l 13 sq. ft.I Number of Spnnklers Calculated: l g heads I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkrer Allowance0 gpm inside b gpm I 250 gpm outside I Water Supply SprinklersI Static 102.0 psi Make: Viking M UprightResidual 90.0 psi Size: l/2- f= S.OFlow 1635 gpm Temp: 200. I Calculation Summary Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 397.8 gpm I Flow & Pressure: (at BOR); 397.8 gpm @ 62.3 psr (at street connection): 647.9 gpm @ gl.g psiI *"" t I I T I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I DATE.2/24/2004 JOB TITLE: MTDDLE WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS .REEK HousrNG 'ARKTNG ""#i\llt:l;)13:; Page 1 DATA\8401-p3.sDF sQ. r't. SOURCE NODE poa s't"aTT n f DCT I L02 .0 RESID. fDqTI 90.0 El l. a\ r^7 (g (GPM)f ps r I 99. 8 647.8 cPM 250.0 cPM O. O GPM 397.8 cPM AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYS]S: TOTAL FLOW AT SOUREE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRTNKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE K= 5.50 K= q AN v- l, aA t\= f. bu K= 5. 60 TOTAL REQ I D @ DEMAND PRESS.(CPM) (PSI) 647.8 81.8 DI SCHARGE l alDM I 'l? n z),5 Z T .Y 1) 3 4 5 o 7 at 10 7L L2 _!J T4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2I DV1 R4 l5 t, r BF2 .rJv.t( POC 20 22 21- z5 27 .2 .0 . ET'F \ 19 .2 1A '7 1A ') 11 1 1q n l-9.8 Ld I LA. Z I7 .6 r7 .7 15.0 1q e L>. Z 1A'7 .J-O . Z _L/.O 1'7 1 1q n '1 tr n 4.0 2.3 z.a -Q n K- 5.60 J\= ) . b u r\= J. bu t\= !. ttu K= 5.50 K= 5.50 K= 5.50 K= ( An r\= ). bu r\- f. bu K= 5.60 K= 5.50 PRESSURE I pc r I IU. tI t2.r 20 .5 24 .9 4n q 11 1 _r-5.-L zv, ) 41.0 'l? t !2. I 1q ? IO. U 1a t 25.3 35 . Z 44, J a+. f, /o. b 81.8 11 n r>. f, zL.tt 25 .4 28.o q^ltD aEr I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS page 2DATE:2/24/2OOA C:\HASS75\HASS DATA\8401_P3.SDFJOB TITLE: MIDDLE CREEK HOUSING PARKING IJEVEL p3 .L5l1950 Se. FT.I PIPE DATA I PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH PRESS . I END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (rr1 SUM.r NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT (PSI) I Pipe: 1 _17 .0 1 . 090 PL l_0 . 50 PF r .2 I 1 19.8 5.6 9.2 !.1 .O 5.8 l-00 FTc pE o.22 79.2 5.6 10.5 i-8.3 o.l-12 TL l-0.50 pv I Pipe: 2 _35.3 :- 42S pL tO.5O pF I.2r 2 r9.2 5.5 t-0.6 18.3 7.r 1oo FTc pE o.23 18.7 5.6 1,2.7 19.5 0.117 TL 10.50 pv I Pipe: 3 -54.7 r.425 PL 10.50 PF 2.a3 T8 -7 5.5 r2.I 19.5 11. O 1oO FTG pE 0.2I 4 I8,2 s.5 1s.1 2L.7 0.254 TL l-0.50 pv Pipe:4 -l|.s 1,.42s pL 10.50 pF 5.14 1,8.2 5.5 15.1 27.7 15.4 100 FTG pE 0.3I 5 L'1 .6 5.5 20.5 25.3 0.490 TL 1O.sO pvI Pipe: 5 -101.8 l-.655 pL 10.50 pF 4.2I 5 r'7.6 5.G 2o.s 25.3 rs.2 Loo FTG pE 0.2I 6 L7.I 5.6 24.9 27.9 0.402 Tr., 10.50 pv I Prpe: 6 -129.7 2.L24 pL 56.50 pF 15.1r 6 r7.)- 5.5 24.9 27.9 r7.7 100 FTG 4ET pE 0.9r 7 1s.o o.o 4o.g o.o 0.18? TL 80.91 pv I Pj.pe: 7 -1,29.j 4.316 pL 10.75 pF O.lt 7 1s,o 0.0 40.g o.o 2.8 100 FTG pE 0.014 1s.0 o. o 41. O 0. o o. 006 TL 10.75 pv I Pipe: 8 -L7.0 1.090 pL 10.s0 pF .J_.2 B 19.8 5.5 9.2 17.0 5.9 100 FTG PE 0.2 - 9 1_9.2 5.6 l-0.5 l_8.3 0.112 TL 10.50 pV r Pipe: 9 -35.3 r.425 pL 10.50 pF r.29 79.2 s.6 10.5 18.3 7 .I 1oO FTG pE o .2 I 10 18.T s.6 1-2.r 19.s 0.11T Tr., 10.50 pvtPipe: 10 -54.9 L.425 pL l_0.50 pF 2.aI t0 1"8.7 5.G I2.I l-9.S 11.0 1OO FTG pE 0.2 I li- 18 .2 s.5 15.1 2L.8 0.264 TL 10. sO pv - pipe: 1J_ -76.5 r.425 pL 10.50 pF s.2I l-1 ra.2 s.5 15.1 2I .8 1s.4 l-oo FTG pE 0.3I L2 :-7.6 5.6 20.5 2s.4 0.491 Tr_., 1"0.50 pv I Pipe: 1,2 -101.9 1.555 pL 10.50 pF 4.2I L2 1_7.6 s.6 20.5 25.4 1,5.2 1OO FTG pE 0.213 L7.7 5.5 24.9 28.0 0.402 Tr, L0.50 pv I Pipe: 1_3 -r2g.g 2.J.24 pL 5d.50 pF 15.1r 13 L7.r 5.G 24.g 2g.o 11.8 1oo FTG 4ET pE o.e _ 14 15.0 0.0 41.0 0.0 0.187 TL 80.91 pv I I t t I I SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS page 3DATET 2/24/2004 C:\HASST5\HASS DATA\8401_P3.SDFJOB TITLE: MTDDLE CREEK HOUSING PARKING LEVEL P3 .1.5/Ig5O SQ. FT.PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEIJ(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (CEM1 FLIFT (PSI) Pipe: 1414 15.0 o.o 4t.o2L 15.0 0.0 4L.2 Pipe: 15 15 L9.8 5.5 13.? 20.876 19.2 5.6 L5.7 22.2 -259.6 4.31-5 PL 10.?5 PF o.20.0 5.7 100 FTG PE 0.00.0 0.021 TL 10.75 PV -20.8 1.090 PL 10.50 PF !.7 7 .7 100 FTG PE o.20.L62 TL 10.50 PV I I5 I9 t7 18 18 I9 I9 20 20 )1 5.5 5.6 5.5 qA t.o 0.0 J.J. / ]a ? r_f . J rb. u LA . Z L6 , Z zJ .5 Pipe : 1- 5 -Ll.O Pipe: L7 18.7 18 .2 Pipe: 18 78 .2 I7 .6 Pipe: 19 r7 .5 Lt.L Pi.pe ; 2 0 77 .I 15.0 -42.9 zz. z d. b zJ . > 2r.9 4.4 -+1,5 22.4 8.9 z3 . v -l__rI. -L zJ. a Io. b )'7 d -I38.2 27 .0 L2.5 L.425 PL 10.50 1OO FTG 0.169 TL 10.50 1_ .425 PL 10 . 50 rvv rrtJ 0.048 TIJ 10.50 I.425 PIr l-0.50 rvv rl'Lt 0.179 TL 10.50 DF .] A PE O,7 PV PE 0.2 PV pF 1 q PFI n " PV pE ( n DE A ' PV 12.0 0.0 4.3 4.8 0.1 0.0 I I I I I t I I I t t I I lOO FTG 0.472 TIJ a , J-2.! rLt 1OO FTG 0.210 TL 10.50 10.50 56.50 PF 17.0 4F:T DE' N O 80.91 PV P i Y.la . 2I 22 Dina. 22 DV1 DV1 R4 P 1 ',t'\ A . R4 15 t' t P i na . BF2 BF1 D i nc . BF2 BOR 0.0 41 .2 0.0 53.2 0.0 53.2 0.0 62.3 0.0 62.3 0.0 64.5 0.0 64.5 0 . 0 54 .6 0.0 '76.5 v. u ot o 0.0 76.6 0.0 77.6 PF 0.1 PE 0.9 PV 27 .15. U 1q n 4.0 z5 4.0 z,J z.) 2.s za 2,2 z.) zo z.a 0.0 -397 .7 4.316 PL 7I5.52 PF0.0 8.7 100 FTG 7T PE 0 . 0 0 .047 IL 256 .00 PV -397 .7 4.316 PL 62.25 PF O. O 8.7 1OO FTG 3ED PE0.0 0.047 TL 92.23 PV -397 .7 4.3L6 PL 1.50 PFO.O 8.7 ].20 FTG TB PE0.0 0.033 TL 46.40 PV -397 .7 5.357 PL 4 . OO PF O. O 4.0 120 FTG EG PE0.0 0.005 TL 25.40 PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 12.0 psi, 397.7 gpm -397.7 6.357 PL 4.OO0.0 4.0 l-20 FTG EG0.0 0.005 TL 25.40 I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSISDATET 2/24/2004 JOB TITLE: MTDDLE PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ NODES (Fr) (K) P:-pe: 27 BOR 0.5 POC -8.0 NOTES : c : \HASS?5\HASS DATA\84 O1 PARK]NG LEVEIJ P3 . ]. 5 i/ ]. 9 5 O SQ . FT . n l//:DM\ T_\ T ^ / Tr\r\! -A \ rr! / I-.,ENGTH Page 4 - r5 . 5lJ tl'CREEK HOUSING 0.0 77.6 SRCE 81 .8 PT DISC. VEL (FPS) HW (C) (PSI ) (GPM) FL/i FT - s> | .6 0.0 4.I (N/A) (FT) 6.275 PL 50 140 FTG 0 . 004 TL 1,23 in Feet \JA 2.80 0.00 I-J(.ElDD. SUM. l Dc T \ . OO PF FI T'] DE' .80 PV 0.5 3.7 (1) CalculaL.ions were performed by the HASS 7.5 computerunder license no. 1dO7Og8B granted by HRS Systems, fnc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The sysLem has been calculated to provide an averagej-mbal-ance at each node of 0 . O 05 gpm and a maximumimbalance aE any node of 0.144 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing theMaximum wat.er veLocity is L5. G ft/sec at pipe f6. program system. I 4 \ D T DEI y].pe I'abI e Diameter (in) 6.357 pAcF - n Diameter (in) o.zt3 PAGE: O Di amet. er /in\ FITTINGS TABLE Name: ALLSTATE. pIp MATERIAL : TIINW]_., IIWC : 12 0 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in FeetETLCBGAD Ell Tee LngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv catvlv AlmChk Dpvl_vI7.60 37.70 11.30 40.20 L2.60 3,80 35.30 24.o0 MATERTAL: DfRON HWC: 140 EquivalenL Fitting Lengths in FeetETLCBG 811 Tee LngEtl ChkVIv BfyVlv GatVtv22.00 47.I0 14.10 50.20 15.70 4.7Q MATERIAL; EZ-FLW HWC: ].2 OEquivalent Fitt.ing LengthsETLCB E1l Tee 45 14.00 28.10 s.50 30.90 16.80 D 0.00 I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDATE: 2/24/2004 C: \HASS7s\HASSJoB TTTIJE: MTDDLE CREEK HousrNG PARKTNG LEVEIJ p3 . r.5/1950 PAGE: R MATERIAL: Ed Thd HWC: 120 page 5 DATA\840L-P3.SDF -q6 FT D Diameter finl 1 non L . + Z) r. olf 5.00 7.00 o 1n 1L.40 Equivalent Fit.ting Lengths in FeetTLCBGAE .Ei -L J- 2 .40 3 .50 4 .60 5.70 o.6u 6.80 5.80 1 1n L . L0 1.10 'l 1n 1.20 5.00 !.20 8.20 2.30 10.30 2 .30 72 .60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C' tn F] z F]A (rl H Fl43 I I I I I I t I I t t I I T I I I t I DATE:2/24/2004 JOB TITLE: MIDDIE SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSIS c : \HASSz5 \HAss 9XqEK HOUSTNG PARKTNG LEVEL p3 .15/L950 page G DATA\8401_-P3. SDF SO ETT N @ r.l ; \o F{ ; ..1 tri .ri U) oo o 4 o 0 'F{ u) Pr ^; (J JJ 6l I rl Iolr-{ o Nrl EI 7n 7n //A //1 t--l2H f'l F] orqt{tnuDF4t{o<D() I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 54+ 415+ 3 5+ 2'7 + P R s s U R,E ( P S ) 18+ 9+ DATET 2/24/2004 .]OB TITIJE: MIDDLE WATER SUPPLY CURVE l nnr I I.\\\\\\\\ >v+ >u+ d_L+ bJ+ SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS .REEK lrousrNc pARKrNc o"#;\filt:l:)lff ; page 7 DATA\8401-P3.sDF SQ. FT. 0\\\\\\\\\ LEGEND X = Required water Supply 8J_.83 psi @ 647.8 gprn \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ l_635 gpm- > * FLow Test point X n tl tl 0 = Available Water Supply ,l 99.84 psi @ 647.8 gpm ,l 0++- +- - -+- - - - +- - - - - +- - - - - -+- - - - - - - - +_ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _+400 600 800 1000 ]-200 L4oo l-600 1800 2000 FI.,,OW (GPM) t I t Hydraulic Calculations Project lnformation I ProjectName: M:1*ff'i:i,t:,:""' Vail, Colorado I Calculation Area: Building..A,,- First Floor Date 3/t/04 File # 84014-2 Index 105 Design Criteria r Occupancy Classification: Residential r construction X combustibre I Non combustible I Density: t Area of Operation: Area per Sprinkler: I Number of Sprinklers Calculated: I Hose Allowance! 0 gpm inside 100 gpm outside I.t Water Supply r Static 102 psi I Residual 90 psiI-Flow 1635 gpm .05 min density N/A. 256 sq. ft. max. 4 head(s) Rack Sprinkler Allowance o gpm Sprinklers Make: Viking M-4 VK430Size: 7116" K= 4.30 Temp: 155o Calculation Summary I Total Sprinkler Water Flow:53.8 gpm I Flow & Pressure: (at base ofriser): 53.g gpm @ 40.7 psrt (atcityconnection): 153.g gpm @ 43.4 psi I t I Notes: I I I I I I I I t I t t I t t I I I I ^ ta l^^^,D!+LL: J/ L/ ZVVl JOB TITI-,E: Middle WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSTS C: \HASS75\HASSCreek Housing - 4 Head Calc. Page 1 DATA\8401A,-2. SDF AGGREGATE FI,OW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM AI,LOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANAIJYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE SOURCE NODE POC qTA'FT.l I DCT I 102.0 t.HDI, FLOW rg| (GPM)\ .FDI,' 1nl e 25 .4 26 .4 40. z 26 .2 za .6 zL . o >.r 9.2 10 .4 10.5 L0.4 to.7 1-6.5 !t,) t7 .9 1a o 20 .9 J-O.:' 18.7 ro. o l_9.1 2L .5 9.9 2r .7 zz . > zo . o 26 .5 26. I zo .6 1.53.8 cPM L00.0 cPM O. O GPM 53.8 GPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM) TOTAL REQID @ DEMAND PRESS. (GPM) ( PsI ) 153.8 43.4 1 5 5 o 7 I 10 l-L I2 13 T4 15 16 L7 l_8 L> 20 2t z5 za zo 27 28 z> 30 J.L 32 JJ 34 35 13 l-3 IJ IET\ - zo . ) -zo. f, - zo . ) - zo , v -25 . O -r6.7 - zo . a -2b.5 -zo. u -zI.) -26 .0 -26 .0 -26 .0 -t5.7 -o o 'I 1 -ro. / _LO. / -1 E, '1 1 1| 11 K= 4 .30 1=_n_'l K= 4.30 K= 4.30 0 1 : a1 IJ. t' I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJTC ANAIJYSIS Page 2I DATET 3/!/2004 C:\HASST5\HASS DATA\8401A_2.SDF 'JOB TITLTE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc.I il8;; HA""";:#i;?".' IFTI 1.1_ 'I 1 L.l- 1.1- -4.5 - /.f, -7 .5 -7.5 -8.0 -8.0 - t.a - t.:) 1.1 l-.1 u.b 1.1''| r 11 11 u.b 0.6 1.1_ 11 L.l- 0.6 0.6 1.1 L.1 l-.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 oa >.6 >,d o.tr J..5 _a n NODE TYPE SOURCE 40 . > ZI.I 2r.7 23.0 45 , U 23 .7 23.3 25 ,1 zJ . z z5 , a zu .3 24.1 )1 < 27 .4 zt.) zt.J zt.6 zL6 at,o z t.o z+.5 z1 . a 2., . J 25 .9 z3 . t 27 .4 ?R 4 40 .7 43 .4 PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM) I t I I I JO 11 JU 5> 4I .tJ 44 AC 47 48 49 f,J- JZ ll 55 5b 57 5d 3> 60 bJ- 52 63 64 55 67 69 RL R2 R3 R4 R6 POC I I I I I I I I I I I I 53.8 I SPRTNKLER sysrEM HYDRAULTC ANAlysrs p:..,a ?r DATE: 3/7/2004 C:\HASS75\HASS DATA\rnoro_]]io"JOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc.I PIPE DATA I PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRE5S.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. I NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT (PSI) Pipe, l" 0.0 1.055 pL 5.62 pF 0.0I 1 -26.s o. o 26.4 o. o 0. o 1s0 FTG E pE _0.2I 4 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o.o o.ooo TL 8.62 pV I Pipe:2 o.o 1.055 pL 8.96 pF o.o I 2 -26.s 0. o 26.4 O. O 0.0 1s0 Frc ET pE _o.24 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o. o o. oo0 TL 79.46 PV I Pipe: 3 O.O 1.055 pr_, 10.50 pF 0.0- 3 -26.5 0. o 26.4 o. o 0. o 150 FTG ET pE _0.24 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o.o o.0oo TL 2I .OO pV I Prpe: 4 o. o 1.055 pL 1.88 pF o. o4 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o.o o.o 150 FTG pE 0.0r 5 -26.0 0.0 26.2 0.0 0. OOO Tr.., 1. Bg pV t Pr-pe: 5 0.0 l-.055 pL I.7g pF O.o5 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o.o 0.0 150 FTc T pE 0.0I 6 -26.0 0.0 26.2 O. O 0.000 Tr, 9.2s pvI Pipe: 6 -7 .3 1.055 pL o..tr pF o. oI 6 -26_0 0.0 26.2 0.0 2.7 150 FTG E pE 0.0 I 7 -26.0 0.0 26.2 0.0 0.013 TL 3.7L pV I Pipe: ? -7.3 1.055 plr 9.29 pF 0.2I 7 -26.0 0.0 26.2 o. o 2.7 l_50 FTG T pE _4. or g -).6.7 o. o 22.4 o. o o.0l-3 TL 16.79 pv I Pipe: I 7.3 1.05s pL 29.79 pF 0.4t 6 -25.0 O.O 26.2 o.o 2.7 tso FTG E pE 0.09 -26.0 0.0 25.8 o. o o. ol_3 TL 32.79 pV I Prpe: 9 7.3 1.055 pL 9.2g pF 0.29 -26.0 o. o 25.8 0. o 2.7 150 FTG E pE _4 .orr 10 -16.1 0.0 2I .6 O. O 0.013 TL I2.2g pV I - pipe: 1o -13.0 1.055 pr, g.2g pF o.711 -26.s 4.3 9.1 13. O 4.8 150 FTG ET pE _0.2 I 13 -26.0 0.0 9.6 o.o 0.03g rL Ls.lg pvI Pipe: 11 _13.1 1.05s PL 5.33 PF 0.6I 12. -26.5 4.3 9.2 l_3.1 4.8 150 FTG ET pE _0.2 I 13 -26.0 0.0 9.6 O.O 0.038 TL 15.83 pV r Pipe: 12 -26 .l_ 1 . 055 pIJ 5.3g pF 0 . 9I13 -26.0 0.0 9.5 O.O 9.6 150 FTG pE 0.0I rs -25.0 o.o 10.s o.o 0.13? Tr_., 5.38 pv I Pipe: 1-3 -13.8 1.055 pr_, 7.96 pF 0.8a 14 -27.5 4.3 10.4 13.8 s.l 150 FTc ET pE _0.6]s -26.0 0.0 L0.5 o.o 0.042 TL 18.46 pv I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS page 4I DATE: 3 /t/zoos c:\HAss?s\HASs DATA\8401A_2.SDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Ca1c.I PTPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.I END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM-NODES (Fr) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT (PSI) I Pipe: 14 _39.9 1. Os5 pL 0.62 pF o.2- 15 -26.0 0. o 10. s 0. o r4.7 l_so FTG pE 0. or7 -26 .O O. O 10.7 o. o 0.301 TL 0.62 pv f Pipe: 15 -13.8 t_.05s pL L2.79 pF 1.016 -27.5 4.3 10.4 13.8 5.1 l-50 FTG ET pE _0.6I L7 -26.0 0.0 IO.7 0.0 0.042 rL 23.29 pv I Pipe: 16 _53.8 1.055 PL 3.54 PF 5.877 -26.0 O.O t0..7 0.0 !g.7 150 FTG T pE o.oI t8 -25.0 0.0 15.5 o.o 0.522.tr., 11.04 pvII Pipe, 17 _37 .L 1.055 pt l-. 04 pF 1.1I 18 -26.0 0.0 16.5 o.o r.3.G 150 FTG E pE 0.0I 19 -26.0 O.O !7.5 0.0 0.263 TL 4.04 pV I Pipe: 18 -37.I 1.055 pL g.2g pF 4.4 I \? -26.0 o. o r7 .s 0.0 13.6 l_so Frc r pE _4. o20 _16.7 0.0 77.9 0.0 0.263 TL L6.79 pv I Pi.pe: 19 -16.6 t-.055 pl, 40.93 pF 2.4r 18 -26.0 0.0 15.5 0.0 6.I l-50 FTG pE 0.02r -26.0 0.0 18.9 0. o o. 060 Tr_, 40.83 pv I Pipe: 20 -rG.6 1.055 pt_, 57.79 pF 4.227 -26.0 o.o 18.9 0.0 6.1 150 FTG 4E pE _2.2r 22 -27.0 0.0 20.9 o.o 0.060 TL 69.79 pV t pipe r 21 -16.6 1.055 pL r-1. og pF 0.822 -2T.0 0.0 20.9 o.o 6.7 150 FTG E pE -4.8I 23 -9.9 0.0 1G.9 0.0 0.0G0 TL 14.09 pvI Pipe: 22 -L6.6 l-.055 pL 22.6i pF 1.8I 23 -9.9 o.o 15.9 o.o 5.1 150 Frc T pE 0.0 I 24 -9.9 0.0 1_8 .7 0. o o. o5o TL 30.17 pv I P j.pe: 23 -31. O l_.055 pL 11. OO pF 2.6I 24 -9.9 0.0 ]-8.7 0.0 11.4 l-50 FTG E pE _4.8r 2s r-.1 0.0 !6.5 0. o o. r.BB TJ.., 14. oo pv I t pr.pe: 24 14.4 1. oss pL 49.92 pF 2.5I 24 -9.9 O.O L8.7 O.O 5.3 150 Frc 2E pE 2.e25 -16.7 0.0 19.1 o.o 0.045 TL 55.92 pv I Pipe: 25 I4.4 1.055 pL., 25.75 pF 1_.225 -16.7 0.0 19.1 o. O 5.3 L5o FTG pE 0.0 r 20 -16.7 0.0 'J,7 .9 O. O 0.045 TL 26.75 pV I pipe: 26 -22.g l_.055 pjJ 23 .04 pF 3.620 -16.7 0.0 t7.9 0.0 8.4 l_so FTe TL pE 0.0I zt -L6.7 o.o 2r.s o.o 0.106 Tr, 33.s4 pv I I I I t I I I 10 27 27 28 8 28 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page sDATE: 3/7/2004 c: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\8401A_2. SDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc.PIPE TAG Q(GPM) D]A(IN) LENGTHEND ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT)NoDEs (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpr,l) FLlFr 7.3 l_.055 PL 0.71 PF 0.10.0 2.7 150 FTG T PE 0.00.0 0.013 TL 8.2r PV -15.5 1.055 PL 15.33 PF 1.20.0 5.7 150 FTG T PE 0. o0.0 0.052 TL 22.83 PV -7 .3 1 . 055 PL L7.42 PF O .20.0 2.7 1"50 FTG T PE 0.00.0 0.013 TL L8.92 PV -22.8 1.055 PL 5.67 PF 1.70.0 8.4 150 FTG ET PE _14.s 0.0 0.106 TL 15.77 PV -22.8 1.0s5 PL 9.2\ PF 1.30.0 8.4 t-so FTG E PE 10.50.0 0.105 TL 72.27 PV -22.8 1.05s PL 3.62 PF r.20.0 8.4 150 FTG T PE O.O0.0 0.105 TL Lr.12 PV -17.8 1.055 PL 5L.67 PF 3.70.0 6.5 150 FTc L PE 0.00.0 0.068 TL 54.67 PV -77.8 l-.055 PL 47.42 PF 3.60.0 5.5 t-50 FTG 2E PB _3.7 0.0 0.058 TIJ 53.42 PV -17.8 I.291, PL 9.50 PF 0.20.0 4.4 150 FTG PE O. O0.0 0.025 TL 9.50 PV -77.8 L.291 PIJ 3.58 PF 0.10.0 4.4 150 FTG PE 0.00.0 0.025 TL 3.s8 PV -77.8 L.29I PL 3.s8 PF 0.10.0 4.4 150 FTe PE 0.00.0 0.025 TL 3.58 PV -17.8 t.297 PL 3.s8 PF 0.10.0 4.4 150 FTG PE 0.00.0 0.025 TL 3. s8 PV -r7 .8 L.29]- PL 3. s8 PF 0.1O,O 4,4 150 FTG PE O.O0.0 0.025 TL 3.58 PV SUM.(psrl Pipe: 27 -'J-6.'7 0.0 -L6.7 0.0 Pipe: 28 aL.o zL.:) -r5.7 0.0 2r.5 -76.7 0.0 22.7 Pipe: 29 -16.7 0.0 22.4 -L6.7 0.0 22.7 l3:' l# l30 -1 II I I I I I I I I T 3i_ 5Z 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 .]b 35 37 Di ha. 2 n -16.7 Di no . " 1 _Ll]. / - /.5 Pipe: 32 -7.5 _7.5 Pipe : 33 - t,a - t,) Di^a. 2/r fyL r Jz -7.5 1,.1- Pi na . " c! 4rv r JJ t-.1 L.1 D i na . ? ^ l-.1_ 1.1- Di ^o . 11 1.1 1.1 Di ne. ?q t-.1 l-.L Pi ne. ?Q 1.1 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22 .7 oo 9 -9 11 1 2L .7 26 .6 zo . a 25 .8 26 .8 zo , > 11 A )'7 1 SPRINKITER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS p^da a! DATE: 3 /I/2004 t- . \ rr ^ q e " F \ .r ^ o c nnhn\ ^,^r - s:'v v ,foB rrrLE, rvi jare creek Housing _ 4 Head a"i;)"ottts\HAss DArA\840r-A-2 ' SDF I n'"irlo" ELEV. Noz. pr NODES (Fr) (K) (PSr ) Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH DISC. VEIr (FPS) HW (C) (FT) (GPM) FL/ FT -I1 .e 1 . 29L PL 3 .58 0.0 4.4 150 FTG 0.0 0.025 TL 3.58 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I PRESS. SUM. (PSr) YT U.l. PE O.O PV .fO 5> 39 J-L 4L 40 4I 4! 42 42 43 44 43 43 45 45 47 47 48 25 48 48 49 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4J . U al .1 23 .0 23 .0 23 .0 zJ , v ZJ L 25.3 23 .I 23 .1 23 .2 z3 , + 4). Z 23 .2 zJ , ) ,n ? I6 .6 20 .3 )n '2. aA 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pipe: 40 l-.1 0.0 27.t 1.1 0.0 27.2 Pipe : 41- 1.1 0.0 27.2 1.1 0.0 21 .4 Pipe: 42 -17.8 L.29t PL 0.50 PF O. O 4.4 150 FTG T PE0.0 0.025 TL 9.50 PV -7.5 -7.5 Pipe : 43 -.1 . o _7.5 Pipe: 44 -1 .5 -7.5 Pipe: 45 -7.5 -7 .5 Pipe: 45 -8.0 -7.5 Pipe: 4? -7.5 -1.5 Pipe: 48 -8.0 - /.1 Pipe: 49 -7.5 - t.a Pin-, trnr+P!, _7.5 l_.1 Pina. c1 1.1 1.1_ Pipe: 52 l-.1 l-.1 -4.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.055 PIJ 74.25 150 FTG T 0.006 TIr 27.75 1.055 PL 6.04 150 FTG 3E 0.000 Tr, 15.04 0.2 0.0 pE n 1 PE O.O PV PF O.Opll r ? PV -4.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 -4.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I. Uf,f, rir 150 FTG 0.006 TL 1.055 PL 1qn F'Tr] 0.006 TL r. ul) l1.L 150 FTG 0.000 TL 1.055 PL ]-50 FTG 0.000 TL I. Uf,f, 11! 150 FTG 0.006 TL 1qn FTr: 0.006 TIJ L.055 PIr 150 FTG 0.188 TL 1.055 PL ]-50 FTG 0.248 TIJ PE 3.38 PV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4.9 -t.at 1.055 PL 9.L2 PF 150 FTG PE 0.005 TL 9 .L2 PV 8.75 PF 0.1 T DF N N LA , Z) l:V 3.7I PF 0.0 2E PE -0.2 9.7L PV 0.1 0.0 3.00 PF 0.0 yL - v . z 3 .00 PV q? ?q DF N ? rL U. U 5J, /5 PV 65.88 PF 0.5 2E PE -3.7 72.88 PV 9.00 PF ET PE l-9.50 PV B.T7 PF TPE T5 .67 PV 0.0 J,> 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 -4.9 0.0 l-.8 0.0 -31_.0 0.0 L1,.4 0.0 -35.9 0.0 ]-3.2 0.0 JOB TITIJE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head CaIc. I PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH t END ELEV. NOZ. pT Drsc. VEIJ(FpS) HW(C) (FT)NODES (rr1 (K) (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT I DArE: 3 /L/2004 SPRINK].IER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS C : \HASSTs\HASS DATA\84 O j-A_2 . SDF !.l(ED D . SUM. (PSI ) 1.055 PL L3.21 PF 3.3 I qn ETt,:PE O.O0.248 TL 13.21 PV 1.055 PL 4.08 PF 150 FTG E PE 0.000 TL 7.08 PV 1.055 PL 3.58 PF PE 3.58 PV 3.58 PF PE ? qA D\/ ? ne DF ^ ^TFDETN^ 12.08 PV 4 1q, DE' n 1 4.75 PV I A'7 DP n n 20.t7 PV 12.33 PF 0.0 2E PE -0.2 1n ?? D\/ 14 nn DF ^ ^ HE U. U 14 .00 PV 4.83 PF 0.0 rF DF A A L2.53 _HV 4 '7C pE n I 4.75 PV 6.00 PF 0.0 trT DE" -6 a IO. ]U YV 4.50 PF 0.0 7.50 PV I T 49 50 lsl l:,1 lE4 59 t I 157 l;3 rse I I 162 I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -53.8 EA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -f,J.at :)..1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Prpe; 53 1.1 'I 1 Prpe: 54 0.6 1.1 Pi ne. qq 1.1 1.1 Pipe: 55 1.1 1.1 Plpe : 5 I 1.1 1.1 Prpe: 58 1.1 1.1- Pipe: 59 1.1 Pipe: 50 0.5 1.1 Prpe: 6L 1.1 l-.1 Pj.pe: 52 1.1 1.1 Pipe; 63 1.1 1.1 P j.pe: 64 0.6 1.1 Pipe: 55 0.5 1.1 24 .I 27 .4 2't .6 27 .4 )1 A 27.4 27 .4 27.4 27 .4 27 .5 27 .7 27 .7 27 .5 2'7 .5 z | .) 27 .6 27.8 27 .6 27.8 -Jf,. > 0.0 3.3.2 0.0 lz: t;; 0.0 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55 59 56 150 FTG 0.000 TL r. vtf, li! 150 FTG 0.000 TL 1 'qr DT. l qo FT.: 0.000 TL 2.009 PL 150 FTG 0.023 TL l- . 055 PL I qn ET/: 0.000 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.000 TL 150 FTG 0.000 TL t. uf,tr L! 150 FTG 0.000 TL 2.009 PL 150 FTG 0.023 TL 1.055 PL ]-50 FTG 0.000 TL 1.055 PL 1 q o F'rFr: 0.000 TL l;; OU 67 51 I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I nA.FF. -, /1/.A^A SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS page 8unr.: r / tl zvv.r c: \HASS75\HASS DATA\e4otA_2.sDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc.rTTE lAI' Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEIJ(FES) HW1g1 (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FI,/FT (PSI) 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 57 o,/ 58 68 69 69 R1 R1 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 .5 ?q o z) . > z) , t 38 .4 27.4 38.4 40 .7 Pipe: 66 1.1 0.0 27.6 1.1 0.0 2"1 .6 Pipe: 57 1.1 0.0 27.6 1.1 0.0 27.6 0.0 1.055 PL 4.00 PF o. o0.0 0.0 l-50 FTG PE O.o0.0 0.000 TL 4.OO PV 0.0 1.055 PL 4.00 PF o. o0.0 0.0 150 FTG PE 0.00.0 0.000 TL 4. O0 PV Pl-pe : 5 8 1.1 1.1 Pipe: 59 1.1- 1.1- Pj,pe: 70 1.1- 1.1 Pipe : 71 t-.1 9.8 Pipe: 72 9.8 9.8 Pipe: z3 9.8 qa Pipe: 74 9.8 o.5 Pi.pe; 75 o.l o.5 Pipe: 75 6.5 J..1 Pipe: 77 3.3 Pipe : 78 3.3 -2 .0 0.0 27.6 0.0 27.5 \J,U Zt.O Lr, v z I .o 0.0 27.5 0.0 27.6 0.0 27.6 0.0 24.3 0.0 24.3 0.0 24.5 0.0 24.5 0.0 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -53.8 0.0 3.s 0.0 -53.8 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 I.29I PL 150 FTG 0.000 Tt r. Z>L E!) 150 FTG 0.000 TL 1 ?q1 DT. 150 FTG 0.000 TL 2 . 495 PL 1 5 n E'Ta: 0.008 TL 2.495 PL 150 FTG 0.008 TL 2.4v5 PL 150 FTG 0.008 TL 5.00 PF 0.0 PE O.O 5.00 PV 5.00 PF 0.0 6.00 PV 0.50 PF 0.0 T PE O.O 9.50 PV L6,L2 PF 0,4 2ET PE -3 .8q) 1) D\r 9.83 PF 0.2 T DE] A N 27 .83 PV 3.33 PF 0.0 PE O.O ? ?? Dv -s3.8 3.260 PL 3.290.0 2.L l_20 FTG0.0 0.003 TL 3.29 53.8 3.260 PL 0.so0.0 2.r 120 FTG0.0 0.003 TL O.5o -53.8 3.250 PL 3.2s0.0 2.t 120 FTG E0.0 0.003 TT_, L2.55 pF n n pF 1 4 PV DF N A PE O.O PV PF O,O PE !.4 PV PF O.O EPJ Z. J PV l*, R4I R5 l*' 0.0 0.0 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 11.0 psi, s3.B gpm -53.8 3.250 PL 2.OO0.0 2.7 120 FTc E0.0 0.003 TL 1i..40 t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I DATE:3/I/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle Creek PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe: 79 R5 -2.0POC -8.0 Housing - 4 D.t nrea (PSI) (GPM) SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 9 C: \HASS75\HASS DATA\8401A-2 . SDF NOZ.lv\ 0.0 40.7 43 .4 -53.8 0.0 1.3 (N/A) Head Calc. Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH VEL (FPS) HW (C) (FT) trf,/F,r 4 nqq DT. n nnl TT ?E nn el )i qT TM rDETI D[r n 1 PV NOTES: (1) Calcufations were performed by the HAss 7.5 computer programunder ficense no. 16O7OBgg granted by HPq q\t<t- amc Tn^ 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated imbalance at each node of 0.001imbalance aE. any node of O.053 (3) Total pressure at each node is Maximum water velocity is L9.7 to provide an average gpm and a max j.mum gpm. used in balancing t.he system. ft / sec at pipe 1G. (4\ PTDE] PAGE: B Diameter (in) 3.260 pAr:F - n Diamet.er (in) 4.095 PAr]E . T Di-ameter (in) J-. U55 t nno 2 ,495 FITTINGS TABLE Name : STANDARD. PIP MATERIAL: THNWL HWC: ]-20 Equivalent Fitting I_,engths in FeetETLCBGAD Ell Tee LngEII ChkVlv BfyVlv catvlv Almchk DpVfv9.40 20.20 6..70 21.50 1-3.40 1.30 !7 .40 13.40 MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: l-4 0 Equj-valent FiEt.ing Lengths in Feet.ETLCBG E]l Tee IJngEll ChkVlv Bfyvlv GatVlv!4.40 28.90 8.70 31.80 17.30 2.go MATERIAL: Cppr_M HWC: 150 Equivalent Fitting I_.,engths in FeetETLCBG El] Tee LTE ChkVa BFVa cateva 3 .00 7 .50 3.00 7 .50 9. OO 1. so4.50 9.00 3.00 10.50 9.00 L.50 7. s0 l-5.00 4.50 l-6.50 9.00 1.509.00 r8.00 5.00 2l-.00 10.50 1_.50 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I DATE: 3/1/2004 JOB TITITE: Middle Creek Housinq SPRINKLER SYSTEM I{YDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS c: \HAss?s\HAss- 4 Head CaIc. page 10 DATA\8401A-2.SDF o N corl (o .l ; r.) \ori ; h U) O .i OI lJ.rl (, (J m u)o HCI II{-rz U> --lrl!tudAri (o F4B ^Nr{ I r-1 I\o N E E9! .. od d B" fl: AE : Eo i U 6 7n 7m//t //i//A //Ao'" ao trl C,4DOrrl Adt'1 C0 sl D F4 frl I li I noi t"i I n,,l Ut; lr sI i"i" I"i I ,,1 t I bJ+ 54 + v+ SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUITIC ANALYSIS page L1t DATET 3/!/2004 .roB TrrrJE: Middle creek llousing - 4 Head ".i;)*ttts\HAss DATA\8401-A-2'sDF t WATER SUPPLY CURVE I 108+ I -lllr .0\\\\\\\ 99+ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ 1635 gpm-> * Flow Test point. -lr t----_____Ir 18 + r-,EGEND rr tl X = Required water Supply ,l 43.31 psi @ L53.8 gpm r tl 0 = Available Water Supply ,l 10L.85 psi @ 153.e gpm r 0++- +- - -+- - - -+- - - - -+- - - - - - +_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _+_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _+l 400 600 800 1000 12oO 14oO 1600 1800 2oooI FLow (cpM) t t I I I Hydraulic Calculations Proiect Lrformation I Project Name: Middle Creek Housingt Mountain Bell Site Vail, Colorado r Calculation Area: Building ..A" - Third Floor _ Storage Area Date 3/l/04 File # 8401A-4 Index 105 Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Hazard tr I Construction X Combustible I Non Combustible t Density: I Area of Operation: Area per Spnnkler: I Number of Spnnklers Calculated: I Hose Allowancl, inria. .20 min density Entire Room 79.5 sq. ft. max. 22 head(s) Rack Sprinkler Allowance o gpm250 gpmoutside t Water Supply Sprinklers - Static 102 psi Make: Viking M VK302 I Residual 90 psi Size: ll2" K= 5.60Flow 1635 gpm Temp: 155o Calculation Summarv I Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 405.9 gpm I Flow & Pressure: (at base ofriser): 405.9 gpm @ 6g.g psi! (atcityconnection): 655.9 gpm @ 74.1 psi I I I ' Notes: I t I I I I I I I t I I I I DATE:3/I/2oo4 L]OB TITLE: MJ.dOOe WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYS]S C: \HASS75\HASSCreek Housing - Building A - Storage Page 1 DATA\8401A-4.SDF SOURCE NODE POC STATIC PRESS . (PSI) r02 .0 RESID. (Psr) 90.0 FIJOW @ ..:DM I 1635.0 AVAIL. r DC T } 99.8 27 .4 27 .4 zt,L a1 1 23 .7 27 .2 23 .2 za . I 28.7 za , a 27 .9 2a .5 z I .> zt.6 23.8 28 .0 1A , V zr.5 Itr.6 aJ . > zJ, z 23 .0 8.3 18.6 18 .4 -!5. J 8.8 8.8 oo TOTAL REQ'D @ DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) (Psr ) 555.9 14.r AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTI{ER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCI{ARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKI-IERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG EIJEVATION NODE TYPE 6qq q r:DM 250.0 cPM O. O GPM 405.9 cPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM) I 1 2 3 5 o 7 I 9 10 11 I2 13 t4 15 16 I7 18 l-9 20 2I 22 23 )4 za 27 28 10 30 31 34 { FT'I 'zo .2 - z0 . a - z6 - u -26 .0 -16.7 - ao . ) - zo . J - zo . v 'z |,) - 26 . u -z I .a -26.O -21 . O 11 -ro ,/ -16.7 - t.3 -7 .5 11 11 11 K= 5.44 K= 5.44 K= 5.44 LO . Z LO. Z I I I I I I I t t t I t t I I I I t I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS page 2DATE:3/7/2004 C:\HASS75\HASS DATA\8401-A_4.SDF,JOB TITLE: MidOoe Creek Housing - Building A _ Storage NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG EIJEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE ( Fr) ( psr ) (GpM) .1O .'at J' A1 13 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 :)b 58 59 50 5T oz 63 65 66 58 eo _i< t R2 KJ r(tr 11 11 11 11 -4 .6 - t,) - t.) -8.0 -a n - t,J 't.) 1.1 11 0.5 11 '1 1 11 'I 1 u.b AE 1.1 11 l_.1- 0.5 0.5 11 l_.1 l-.1- 'I 1 11 L.1qn qa o.f, -8.0 9.2 qe l_0.8 1'1 A t8 .7 ro. o 10 n L9 .2 1C ? L>. L 1q a 1.7 1 18.0 1',t n r7 .2 L8 .7 17.8 >.2 1n 1 L3.3 L9.8 zv . L o.f 9.4 1',t 1 12 .5 1q ? J:.5 44 .8 45 .9 47 .8 47 .4 qn o bu. E 74.r 11 A 17 .9 L>. Z 18.5 Ld , z 19.0 zv ,3 - ,;.; 71 .0 17 .3 19 .9 za . )- LO . Z J-O. O 10 1 L> .5 27.3 K= 5 .44 K= 5 .44 K= 5 .44 K= 5.44 K= 5.60 K= s.60 K= s .44 K= 5.44 K= 5.60 K= 5.44 W_ E AA K= 5.44 K= s.50 K= 5.50 \.- E AA W- E A' K= 5.44 K= 5 .44 K= s.44 SOURCE 405.9 I I I I I I I t t I I I I t I t I t I TrA,r,F. ? /1 /.^A^ SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 3I Ll zvv.! c: \HASS7S\HASS DATA\84O1A_4 . sDFJOB TITLE: MidOOe Creek Housing - Building A _ StoragePIPE DATA HI-HE lA(J Q (GPM) DIA ( IN) LENGTH PRESS .END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 O.O 1.055 pIJ 5.G2 pF O.OL -26.s 0.0 21 .4 o.o 0.0 1so FTG E pE _0.24 -26.0 0.0 27.L O.O o.ooo TL a.62 PV Pipe: 2 0.0 1.055 pL B.9d pF O.O2 -26.5 0.0 27 .4 0.0 0. o 150 FTG ET pE _o.24 -26.0 0.0 27 .t o. o o. ooo TL L9.46 pV Pipe: 3 0. O l_.055 pL to.5o pF 0.03 -26.5 0.0 27.4 o.o 0.0 150 FTG ET pE _0.24 -26.0 0.0 27.L O.O o.o0o TL 21.00 pv Pipe: 4 0.0 1.055 pL 1.88 pF 0.04 -26.0 0.0 27.I O.O O.O 150 FTG pE o.o5 -26.0 0.0 27.I O.O o.o0o TL 1.88 PV Pipe; 5 0.0 1.055 pL 1.79 pF 0.05 -26.0 0.0 27.I 0.0 0.0 150 FTG T pE 0.06 -26.0 0.0 27.I 0.0 0.000 TL s.29 PV Pipe: 6 2.6 1.055 pL O.77 pF 0.05 -26.0 o.o 27.r o.o 1.0 150 FTc E pE o.o7 26.0 0.0 27.L 0.0 0.002 TL 3.-7r PV Pipe: 7 2.5 1.055 pL 9.2g pF 0.07 -26.0 0.0 27.L O.O 1.0 l_50 FTG T pE _4.08 -16.'7 0.0 23 .I O. O 0.002 TL r6..tg pv Pipe: I _2.6 1.055 pL zg.7g pF O.l_6 -25.0 O. O 27 .t o. o l-.0 150 FTG E pE 0.09 -25.0 0.0 27.2 o.o o.oo2 TL 32..79 pV Pipe: 9 -2.6 1.055 pL 9.2g pF o.o9 -26.0 0.0 27.2 o.o 1.0 150 FTG E pE _4.010 -16.7 0. o 23.2 o. o 0.002 TL :t2.29 pV Pipe: 10 o. o 1. Os5 PL a.29 PF O. O11 -26.s 0.0 2A.r 0.0 o.o 150 FTG ET pE _0.213 -25.0 0.0 27.9 o.o o.0oo TL r8.7g pv r2 13 13 15 L4 15 Pipe: 11 -26.5 0.0 28.L o.0-26.0 0.0 2.7.9 o.o Pipe; 72 -26.0 0.0 27.9 0.0-26.0 0.0 27.9 o.o 0.0 1.0s5 PL s.33 PF O. OO.O 150 FTG ET PE -0.2 0.000 TL l-s.83 PV 0.0 1.055 PL 5.38 PF o.o O. O 150 FTG PE O. O0.000 TL 5.38 PV 0.0 L.05s PL 7.95 PF 0.00.0 L50 FTG ET PE _0.5 0.000 TL 18.45 PV Pipe: 13 -27.5 0.0 28.5-26.0 0.0 27.9 0.0 0.0 I t I t I I I I t I I I I T I I I t I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4DATE: 3/I/2004 C: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\840]-A_4. SDFJOB TITLE: Midooe Creek Housing _ Building A _ St.oragerJ-TE Ir|\' Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH PREss .END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) 15 I7 IO L7 L7 18 18 19 I9 20 18 21 2I 22 23 23 24 24 25 24 26 20 20 27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )1 0 1'7 0 z6 ,3 2'7 .9 )'7 0 27 .8 27 .8 ?? a )1 a to n 28.0 zo . v 2L.2 2r.2 )1 ? 2I .3 16.8 2r .3 23 .9 zJ . > z5 .6 23 .2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 3.3 L.2 1.04 E 4 . 04 9 .29 T 40.83 Pipe: 14 - ao . v _26.0 - zo . u Pi na. 1 e - 40 . u 26 .0 Pi nc. 11 - zo . u - zo . u Di nF. I e - zo . u -16.7 Di ha. 1 o -26 .0 Piha. ')n -26 .0 -zL-v Pi na. 11 -9.9 Fi ne ' )) -q o -9 .9 Di na. ?-)- 1E/Y, -J -q a 1.1_ Pipe: 24 - 76 ..1 Pi na ' )8, -ro - / -75.7 Pipe: 25 -76.7 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.000 TL 1.055 PL L2.t9 PF 0.0 150 FTG ET PE -0.50.000 TL 23.29 PV 1.055 PL 3.54 PF 0.0150 FTG T PE O. O0.000 TI_, 11.04 PV PF O.O Ptrnn PV -3.3 0.0 r.2 0.0 -3.3 0.0 I.2 0.0 -.'. .1 0.0 L.2 0.0 -3 .3 0.0 t.2 0.0 -8.2 0.0 3.0 0.0 4.90.0 r-.8 0.0 4.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 a,z 0.0 3.0 0.0 J-. Vf,f, L! l qo FT|1 0.003 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.003 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.003 TL 40.83 1.055 PL 57 .19 150 FTG 4E 0.003 TL 69.79 PF O.O PE O . O PV PF O . Optr -4 i PF 0.1 PE O.O PV PF 0.2 pF -) ) PV 11.08 PF 0.0 E PE -4.8 14 .08 PV 22.67 PF 0.1 T PE O.O 30.17 PV 11.00 PF 0.2 E PE -4.8 14.00 PV 49 .92 PF 0 .4 )trDF)O 55 .92 PV 26.75 PF 0.2 PE O.O 26.75 PV 23.04 PF 0.5 TL PE O.O JJ.3+ EV l qo F'Tr] n nn" .T'T 1.055 PL 150 FTGn nn1 Tr 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.01-6 TL 1 nqc DT. 1qn FTaf 0.005 TL 1.055 Pr.., 150 FTG 0.006 TLJ I qo FT.: n nt< rFT I T T T I I I T I I I I I t I I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page SDATE: 3/I/2004 c: \HASS75\HASS DATA\8401A-4.sDFITOB TITLE: MidO0e Creek Housing _ Building A _ StoragePrPE TAc Q(GPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH pRESs.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) FLlFr ( psr ) Pipe: 2710 -76.7 0. o 23.227 -L6.7 0. o 23.2 Pipe: 2B27 -!6.-7 o. o 23.228 -16.7 0. o 23.0 -2.6 1.055 Pl, o.7I PF O.OO.O 1.0 ].50 FTG T PE O.O0.0 0.002 TL 8.2I PV 5.6 1.055 PL t-5.33 PF O. O 2.L 150 FTG T PE0.0 0.008 TL 22.83 PV 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Di 116. ,o I -76.'7 28 -16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.8 0.0 5.8 0.0 15.8 0.0 5.8 L5 .2 -0.4 L6.2 0.1 LO, Z -15.5 LO . Z + - I IO. J 15.3 8.1 15.5 -49.4 l_7.0 - oo . + 17.0 16.3 11 .9 1 . 0s5 PL Ir .42 150 FTG T 0.002 TL 18.92 L.05s PL 5.67 150 FTG ET 0.01-5 TL 16.L7 1.05s PL 9.2J_ 150 FTG E 0.015 TL 12.2I 1.055 PL 3.62 150 FTG T 0.016 TL 1,1 .!2 I.055 PL 51,.67 150 FTG L 0 . 054 TL 54 .67 1 'q1 DT. 150 FTG 0.000 TL r. z>! YJ) 150 FTG o . 022 Tl) 1.291 PL 150 FTG 0.078 TL L.29r PL 1 q n F.r1: 0.157 TL \.29T PI) 150 FTG 0.288 TL PF PE pF n ? pF -12 q PV DEr n ') PF 0.2 DE A N PV pF 2 a DF A r\ PV q qn DEr ^ ^ 9.50 PV z6 29 29 30 30 J-t. JI 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 JO JI 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 trA q, ,4 E/l 5.4 EA e/1 d.A )'a 1 ?? n 23 .0 8.3 18.5 18 .4 78 .4 _11.5 15.5 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.9 9C 9.2 9.8 9.8 10.8 1.0 o.z 3.0 8.2 3.0 9.2 3.0 Pi no . 2 n -16.7 LO . I Pi Y"\a. ? l LO - | _7.5 Di nc. 2 t - t.) - t.3 -1 .5 -7.5 Pi ^o . 1A -7.5 1.1 Plpe: 35 l_.1 1.1 Pipe: 36 l_.1 1.1 Pina. ?.7 1.1 1.1 P i na . ? c 1.1 1.1 Di na. 2O l-.1 1.1 l- . 055 PL 47 .42 PF 2 .9150 FTG 2E PE -3.'7 0 . 054 TL 53 .42 PV 3.58 PF PE 3.58 PV 0.1 0.0 3.58 PF 0.3 DF N N 3.58 PV ? qa DE' ^ e ptr n n J . f,d ?v ? qA DL' 1 ^ptr n n 3.58 PV I 138 I I I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I r.\,\hn ^ t. t^^^. SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 6Lr,-'rl:i r/ L/ zsu4 c: \HASST5\HASS DATA\g4ol-A_4lsDF :?:_t:T:": Mid0oe creek Housins _ Buj_Iding A _ sroraserI'.Il IAL' Q (GPM) DTA (IN) LENGTH PRESS,END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC, VEL(FPS) HW1g1 (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FLIFT (PSI) -'6 5> Prpe : 40 1.t_ 5.4 t-0.81.1 5.4 1,2.4 -84.3 r.29t PL 3.58 PF 1.5 J_7 .9 20.7 150 FTc PE 0.0I9.2 0.449 TL 3.58 PV -103.5 1.29I pL 0.s0 PF 5.225.4 150 FTG T PE O. O0.555 TL 9. s0 PV pipe: 41 39 1.1 5.4 I2.4 79.254 1.1 0.0 r8..7 O.O 31 4r 40 4L 4I 42 43 44 43 43 AE 47 47 48 25 48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 IB ,4 I8 .7 17 .4 L8 .7 !6 I 18 .8 18.8 l-9.0 79 .2 19.0 19.0 79 .7 \> 5 _tv. _L 19.1 -Lv. u 1q R t7.L 15.8 11 1 17 .1 1C n o 1t 3.00 Prpe : 42 -7 .5 -7.5 Pipe: 43 -4.5 - |,a Pipe: 44 -7.5 -7.5 Pipe: 45 -7.5 -7.5 Prpe: 45 -8.0 Pi.pe : 4 7 - /.:) -7.5 Pipe : 48 -8.0 -7.5 Pipe: 49 -1 .5 -7 .5 Pipe: 50 -7 .5 1.1 D i na . q 1 1.1 1.1 Pipe: 52 1.t- l-.1 -7 .5 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 - t.) 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7 .5 0.0 2.8 0.0 _7 .5 0.0 2.8 0.0 -8.2 0.0 3.0 0.0 --1f,. d 0.0 5.8 0.0 1.055 PL t4.25 150 FTG T 0.014 TL 2r.7s 1.055 PL 6.04 150 FTG 3E 0.000 TL 15.04 DF N ? DF N ^ DE .\ A 3.38 pF 0.0 DF N ^3.38 PV 8.75 PF 0.2 T DE' N A ro. z: Hv 3.71, PF 0.0 2E PE -0.2 9.77 PV >. )-z I. Uf 5 YL 150 FTG 0.014 Tr.., I. Uf,] t/! 150 FTG 0.014 TL 1 nqq DT. 150 FTG 0.000 Tr, 1 n(q DT. 150 FTG 0.014 TL 1.055 PL l qo FTr: 0.000 TL PF O . 1 PE O . O PV pF n n PE -0.2 PV3.00 1 .055 PL 53 . 75 PF ].5 O FTG PE 0.01"4 TL 53 .75 PV L.055 PL 9.00 PF 150 FTG ET PE 0.015 TL 19.50 PV 0.7 0.0 l_.055 PL 65.88 PF 1.0 150 FTG 2E PE -3."] 0 . 014 TL 72 .88 PV 0.3 0.0 I 48 l*' I L.055 PI-, 8.'J-7 PF 0.8 150 FTG T PE O, O 0 . 054 TL 1_5 .67 PV t I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t SPRINKIER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS paqe 7DATE: 3/L/2004 c: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\e+Ore_a]soF,JOB TITTJE: Midooe Creek Housing _ Building A _ StoragePrPE TAG Q (GPM) DrA (rN) IJENGTH pREss .END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe; 53 -1s.8 l_.oss pL 13.27 pF 0.749 1.1 0.0 18.0 o. o s.8 150 FTG PE 0. O54 1.1 0.0 I8.7 0.0 0.054 TL 13.21_ PV Prpe: 54 50 0.5 5.5 1l-.0 18.551 1.1- 5.4 Lr.2 L8.2 -1-8.5 1.055 PL 4. 08 PF6.8 150 FTG E PE 0.073 TL 7.08 PV 51 az 52 53 53 c/ 59 55 59 56 at 5"1 58 58 59 59 50 67 61 E] EA EA EA 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.6 EA rr .2 12 .2 12 .2 14 .2 18.7 78 .7 19.8 17.8 19.8 9.2 10.1 10.1 J-J. J 13.3 19.8 1g A 22 .0 20 .1 d.J 8.5 P] Y]F' \\ 1.1 1.1 Pi rra. qA 1.1 1.1 Di na. <? 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.5 l-.1 P i ?'\F ' An 0.5 1.1 Pina ' (1 1.1 1.1 PihF. 4t 1.1 1.1 P i na ' 4 ? 1.1 1.1 Pi nF. AA 0.6 1.1 Di na. 4q t-.1 -35.8 l-9.0 -55.8 'I O n tn E - to-z 20.5 L8.7 0.0 -r-yf,.:) n n 10 a 0.0 -25.t) 1J.O t1 | 0.0 -17.0 1- dr/.v o-z 77 .3 -34 .3 ! | , J rz.6 -54.2 1q q la q 0.0 -ztJ.3 n a ).7 1 0.0 -25.7 ?q 1 0 .) 0.0 -16.2 16.2 5.9 15 .9 I. \,/!f, EL 1qn FT/l 0.258 TL r, vff t,! 1 q o E'T/: 0.558 TL L.291 PL 150 FTG 0.3'12 TL 2.009 PI) 1 q n E'Ta: 0.241 TI) 'I n<q DT. 150 FTG 0. t- 14 TL -1 . U55 -PL 150 FTG 0.052 TL 'I qo FT.] 0.227 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.529 TL 2.009 PL 150 FTG 0.459 TL I. Uf,f, t,! 1qn ETl: 0.128 TL I, U3f, lnL 1qn FTr: 0.057 TL 3.58 PF 0.9 DE' N A 3.58 PV 2.0 0.0 3.08 PF 4.5 T PE O.O 12.08 PV 4 14 DE' 1 ) pF n n + I) PV 9.67 PF 2.3 ET PE -0.2 20.I7 PV 1? ?? DF 1 1 2E PE -0.2 l-8.33 PV 14.00 PF 3.2 PE O.O 14.00 PV 4 A? DF E R T PE O.O L2.33 PV 4.'75 PF 2.2 PE O.O 4."75 PV 6.00 PF 2.r ET DE' -N '16.50 PV 4.50 PF 0.4 E PE -0.2 7.50 PV ? qP DET PE 3.58 PV I I r\7\mn ^ t1 t^^^. SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSIS page 8.,Jrrr.Er: r/ Ll zuu+ C: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\8401A_4.SDF 'JOB TITIJE: MidO0e Creek Housing _ Building A _ StoragePrPE TAG Q(cPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH pREss.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) 162 63 I 63 154 l2: l22 l,l t67 58 I 68 l6e 59 tR1 tr; lff lR3 R4 lRs tR4 R5l*' I Pipe: 55 1.1 1.1 Pipe: 67 1.1" 1.1- Pi na. aa 1.1 1.1 Di na. Ao 1.1 1.1 Di "1a ' "n1.L 1.1 Pipe: 71 1.1 9.8 Di no. 1'> 9.8 9.8 Pipe: 73 9.8 9.8 Pr.pe: 74 9.8 Aq Dir'\a. ?E 5.5 6.5 Di r\a. ?4 o,:l 3.3 Di ^6. ?t+ +yu . 3.3 Pipe: 78 -52-r 16 .6 -48.7 IO.I -oo. d 18.1 16.4 10 ? -oo,-L 1q ? )1 1 2J. .3 -707.4 0.0 -{u5.u v . v zo . o 0.0 0.0 r. rJf a tilJ 150 FTG L, Z>I Yl) 150 FTG 0.292 TIJ PEs.00 PV q,A EA EA tr/l 0.0 0.0 0.0 at.: o,4 9.4 11.1 11.1 LZ. J 1_2 .5 I' . .1 15.3 J3.: 0.201- TI_i 4.00 PV 1.055 PL 4.00 PF !..7150 FTG PE O. O0.435 TL 4.00 PV 4.00 PF 0.8 DE A N 5.00 PF 1.5 0.0 L.291 PL 5.00 PF 2.8150 FTG PE O. O o .467 .IL 5.00 PV L.29I PL 0.50 PF 6.7]-50 FTG T PE O.Oo.702 TL 9.50 PV 2 .495 PL 3_6 .12 PF 1,7 .3 150 FTG 2ET PE -3.80.332 TL 52.12 PV 9.2 0.00.0 35.5 0.0 44.8 0.0 44.8 0.0 45.9 0.0 45.9 0.0 47.8 0.0 47.8 0.0 47.8 0.0 47 .8 0.0 s0.9 0.0 64.9 0.0 50.9 0 . 0 54 .9 0.0 58.8 -405.8 2.495 PL 3.33 PF 1.10.0 26.6 150 FTG PE 0. O0.0 0.332 TL 3.33 PV -405.8 3.260 PL 3.29 PF 0.40.0 1s,6 120 FTc PE I.40.0 0.135 TL 3.29 PV -405.8 2.495 PL 9.83 PF0.0 26.6 150 FTG T PE0.0 0.332 TL 27.83 PV -405.8 3.260 PLJ 0.50 PF0.0 15.6 120 FTG PE0.0 0.135 TL 0.so PV 0.1 0.0 -405.8 3.250 PL 3.25 PF L.70.0 1s.5 120 FTc E PE 1-.40.0 0.1-36 TL :-2.65 PV FIXED PRESSURE IJOSS DEVICE 14.0 psi , 405.8 gpm -405.8 3.250 PL 2.OO PF 1.60.0 t5.6 L2o FTG E PE 2.30.0 0.135 TL Li-.40 PV I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I DATE:3/7/2004 .]OB TITLE: MidOOe Housing - Building Q (GPM) PT DISC. VEL(FPS) (PSI ) (GPM) Creek SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS Page 9c: \HAss75\HASS DATA\B4o1A-4 . SDFA - Storage DIA (IN) LENGTH pTptr TAal END ELEV. NOZ.NoDEs (Fr) (K) Pipe: 79R5 -2.0 0.0POC -8.0 SRCE NOTES: 68.8 74.L -405.9 0.0 9.9 (N/A) ET./F.n 4 nqq DT. 0.034 TL rET} J5. UU Q1 )i t.]1ED J . SUM. I DeT \ Er z / rE z . o PV (1) Calcurations lvere performed by the HAss 7.5 comput.er programunder license no. 16070BBB granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista RoadTucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated imbalance at. each node of 0.002imbalance at any node of 0.184 (3) Tot.a1 pressure at each node is Maxj-mum waLer vel-ocit.y ls 27.7 F^ ^-^..1l^ -- ---^--LU Pr 9v J_ Lte dn average gpm and a maximum gpm. userJ i n l'r a l:nr.i n.r t- hF cvcf 6mulrs _J _Lcllr. ff / <or- :t- hiha 4"se F-}/e vJ r \4) PIPE Di t.ra 'Fr l"\'l ar 4!,9 lq!rv PAGE: B Diameter (in) 3 .250 PAGE: D Dl amet er (in) 4.095 DiameC er (in) L. Z> I 2.O09 2 .495 FITTINGS TABLE NAMC: STANDARD, PIP MATERIAIT: THNWL HWC: I2O EquivalenE. Fitting Lengt.hsETLCB El,] Tee LngEII ChkVIw Bfyvlv 9 .40 20.20 6.'70 2L.50 13.40 D DPVIv 13 -40 in FeeE \,4 Gatvlv AImchk 1.30 17.40 r-n Feet GatVIv z , >v MATERIAL: DIRON HWC:140 Equivalent Fitting Lengths ETLCB El1 Tee LngEl1 ChkVlv Bfyvlv 14 .40 28.90 L70 31.80 17 .30 MATERIAL: Cppr_M HWC: 150 Equivalent Fitt.j_ng Lengths in FeetETLCBG El1 Tee LTE Chkva BFVa cateva3.00 7.50 3.00 7.so 9.oo 1.504.s0 9.00 3.00 L0.so 9.oo l-.507.s0 15.00 4.50 16.50 9.00 1.509.00 18.00 6.00 2L.oo 10.50 1.50 a; o\ o-.{ o() -i m o N r{ JJ([ +J c0 N r1 q H U) F14z4 >t}f O{ o. a Htrl Er B I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I T I DArF.t 3/t/2oO4 JOB TITIJE: Mid00e Creek Housin C: \HASS75\HASS- Buildin A - Storaqe page 10 DArA\8401A-4.SDF SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJ]C ANAIJYSTS c{ ; fo \o 3oi tr{ G)rt F{ @ v) F\ {,rl IN E efl i psfisF$ ac Is o oi;,;35 7nin // //A zHo Fl U<bUH A&Hstq)Dtrt4 - Oo...t^ SPRINKIJER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS page 1tI DATET 3/1/2004 C:\HASST5\HASS DATA\8401A_4.SDFJOB TITLE: MidOOe Creek Housing _ Building A _ StorageI WATER SUPPLY CURVE t 108+ I -lTI I *\\\\\\\\ 99+ 0\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ 1635 gpm- > r Ffow Test point I"i t ,,,! I I 'oi x Rlt 5.,1 Ut; I( lP - I i"i I"iI ,,+ I I 54+ I t________-II 18+ LEGEND ll X = Required Water Supply rl 74.L4 psj. @ 555.9 gpm 'l II 0 = Available Water Supply 99.79 psi @ 655.9 gpm ,t tl 0++- +- - -+- - - -+- - - - -+- - - - _ _ +_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _+_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _+_r 400 500 e00 1000 12oO 1400 1600 18oO 2ooor FL.I^I (cPM) I T 9+ I I I Hydraulic Calculations Project Information I ProjectName: il:1tff';'i,t?,T'"t _ Vail, Colorado I - Calculation Area: Building ,.B', - Third Floor Date 3/1104 File # 8401B-1 Index 105 Desisn Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Residential I construction X combustible I Non combustibre I Density: .05 min densitv I Area of Operation: N/A.I Area per Sprinkler: 256 sq. ft. max.It Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 4 head(s) I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkler Allowancer 0 gpm inside 0 gpm100 gpm outside I Water Supply Spnnklers I Static 102 psi Make: Viking M_4 VK430 I Residual 90 psi Size: 7116,, K:4.30Flow 1635 gpm Temp: 155o Calculation Summary I Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 53.5 gpm I Flow & Pressure: (at base of riser): 53.5 gpm @ 67.9 psiI (at city connection): 153.5 gpm @ 70.7 pst Notes: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATE: 3 /L/2004 ,IOB TITL,E: Middle WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUI.JIC ANAI]YSIS C: \HASS75\HASSCreek Housing - 4 t{ead Calc. page 1_ DATA\8401-B-1. SDF SOURCE NODE POC STATIC pptrcc / pc r \ 102.0 RESID, PPESC IDET\ 90.0 FIJOW @ T T:DM \TDCTl L01.I 1q? q |:DM 100.0 cPM O. O GPM 53.5 GPM TOTAI., @ DEMAND (GPM) REOID ppFlcc r PS T I 70.7 AGGREGATE FI-TOW ANALYSIS : TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM AIJLOWANCE A? SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG EIJEVATION (FT ) 20.3 ,n ? 27 .0,n "2! .0 20.3 2t .0 2I .0 11 n LT .6 r"8.0 18.0 18.0 8.6 1q r.at l-.8 2.4 2.4 8.6 8.6 r_t-. o d.b o.o 8.6 z,6 2.8 L.4 NODE TYPE K= 4.30 1=_n_'l n = + . 5 u K= 4.30 ol Y.3 1n 2 !1.> 25 .3 24 .8 25 .4 2n q JU. J 2n ? 2n 2 2n 1 36 .6 Jb.6 33 .4 zJ . > z> . + Jb. l- 49.3 50.2 J5. Z 1? n 13.1 r5, b PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI) (GPM) I t 3 A 5 7 8 9 10 11 72 t-3 L4 15 T6 T7 18 r9 20 2I 23 25 26. 27 z6 30 31" R1 tlz R3 R4 1? A I t SPRINKLER SYSTEMDATE: 3/1,/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 NODE ANAIJYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVAT]ON NODE TYPE {E'TI L.4 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS C: \HAssTs\HAss page 2 DATA\84018- l- . sDF SOURCE Head Cal-c. PRESSURE (Psr) 65 .2 10 .7 DISCHARGE (GPM) f J.5 lff POC t I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I DATtr. -2./1/r^nA SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALysrs page 3 ;;;-"t;i,;i'"iior" creek Housins - 4 Head ."i.)"o"tts\r{Ass DArA\84ore-rlsoF PIPE DATA END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (Fr) (K) L 20.3 4.3 3 2L.0 0.0 Pipe: 2 2 20.3 4.33 2r.o 0.0 3 2t.0 0.05 27.0 o.o P].pe: 44 20.3 4.35 21.0 0.0 Di na. tr-rl/er J 5 21.0 0.07 2I .0 0.0 Pipe: 5 6 20.3 4.37 2L.0 0.0 Q (GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.(PSr) (GPM) FL/FT {psr,\ _13.0 t-.055 PL 8.95 PF 0.79.I 13.0 4.8 150 FTG ET PE _0.39.5 0.0 0.038 TL L9.46 PV _13.1 1.055 PL 4.96 PF 0.69.3 l-3.1 4.8 l-50 FTG ET PE _0.39.6 0.0 0.038 TL L5.45 PV 9.6 IU.5 '7 I I 9 t_0 o 11 11 L2 Pipe: 7 2r.0 0.0 2I .0 0.0 Pipe: 8 2L.0 0.0 21 .0 0.0 Pape; 9 2L.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 Pipe: 1O2r.0 0.0 18.0 0.0 Pipe: 11 L8.0 0.0 l-8.0 0.0 Pipe: 12 18.0 0.0 18.0 0.0 Di ha ' 1 -r 18.0 0.0 8.5 0.0 l_.05s PL ].5 O FTG 0.515 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.198 TL l-.055 PL 15 O FTG 0.198 TL r. \Jf) lllJ 150 FTG 0.097 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.097 TL 1 nqc Dr. 1 q n F.Fal 0.097 TL J.. Uf,f, 11! 150 FTG 0.097 TL 10.3 LO .7 ro .1 15.1 _ro. _L I7 .9 17 .9 25 .3 20 .7 20 .7 z+ . d 24 .8 25 .4 25 .4 30.5 -f J.5 0.0 19.6 0.0 -J_L. at 0.0 LL.7 0.0 -31_.8 0.0 1_I .7 0.0 _2L.6 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 7 .9 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 -13.6 1.055 PL9.9 l-3.5 5.0 150 FTC10.5 0.0 o. o4t- TL _39.7 l-.055 PL10.5 0.0 L4.6 1so FTGro.7 0.0 0.297 .IL -26.r .t .055 PL 0.0 9.6 150 FTG0.0 0.137 TL -13.8 1.055 PL13.8 s.1 1s0 FTG0.0 0.042 TL 7.00 PF l-.0 PE O.O 7.00 PV 11.50 PF 0.9 F:T DF -N ? 22 .00 PV 0.58 PF 0.2pEnn 0.58 PV 6.54 PF 0.7 ET PE -0.3 r7.04 PV 2.92 PF 5.4 T PE O.O L0.42 PV 6.21 PF 1.8 E PE O.O 9.2L PV 9.38 PF 3.3 T PE 4.I 16.88 PV 28 .67 PF 3 .4 2E PE 1.3 34 .67 PV 42 .46 z . av E >. Jd E! LZ. Jd PF 4 1 PE O.O DE' A E pE 0.0 PV PF] A 1 PV ll: l'=I4 I SPRTNKI-.,ER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS D^d^ At DArE: 3/r/2004 c:\HAssTs\HAss DArA\eaore]ilEniJOB TITLTE; Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc.I PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.I END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.. NoDEs (rr1 (K) (PS]) (GPM) FL/FT (PSIi t Pipe: 14 ^ - 0 .0 1. 055 pL L2.75 pF O . 0I ls 1.8 o.o 30.s O.O O.O l-50 FTG E pE _0.3L6 2.4 0.0 30.3 o.o o.ooo rL 15.75 PV I Pipe: 15 0.0 1. OS5 pL, 10.75 pF 0.016 2.4 0.0 30.3 0. o o. o 150 FTG T pE 0.0r 18 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.ooo TL 78.25 pvIE pipe: 16 O. O 1.055 pL t.I2 pF O.0'J-7 1.8 0.0 30.5 0.0 o.o t-50 FTG ET pE _0.3I 18 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.000 Tr, :- L.62 pvI Pipe: L'7 O.O 1.055 pL O.5g pF 0.0I 18 2.4 0.0 30.3 o.o o.o t-50 FTG pE o.o| 20 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.000 rL 0.58 PV I Pipe: 18 O.O L.055 pL L7.96 pF 0.0I L9 1.8 0.0 30.5 0.0 o.o t-s0 FTG ET pE _0.3r 20 2.4 o.o 30.3 o.o o.ooo rL 2e.46 pv I Pipe: 19 o.o 1.05s pL 2.gz pF o.oI 20 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.0 150 FTG T pE o.o2L 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.000 TL 10.42 pV I Pipe:2o 14.6 1.05s pL r.2r pF 0.2zL 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 5.3 150 FTG E pE 0.0r 22 2.4 0.0 3O.L o.o o.o4? TL 4.21 PV r Pipe: 21- 1,4.G 1.055 pr.., g.2r pF o.822 2.4 0.0 30.1 o.o 5.3 150 FTG T pE _4.0I l0 1l-.6 0.0 2s.3 0.0 0.047 T! L6.77 pv I Pipe: 22 -14.6 L.055 pL 43 .79 pF 2.3r 2L 2.4 0.0 30.3 0.0 5.3 l-50 FTG 2E pE 1.3 a 13 -0.6 0.0 33.9 0.0 0.047 TL 49."79 pv r Pipe: 23 -74 .6 l- . 055 pL SO .I2 pF 2.7a 23 -0.6 0.0 33.9 o.o 5.3 150 FTG T pE 0.0I zq -0.6 0.0 36.6 o.o 0.047 Tr.., si.62 pv I Pipe: 24 _14.6 1.05s PL 2.46 PF 0.34 24 -0.6 0.0 36.6 o.o 5.3 150 FTG E pE 0.025 -0.6 o.o 35.8 0.0 0.047 TrJ 5.46 pv I Pipe: 25 -14.6 1.055 pL 9.21 pF 0.6' 25 -0.6 o.o 36.8 0.0 5.3 l-50 FTG E pE _4.o _ 26 8.5 O.O 33.4 0.0 0.047 Trr L2.2\ pV I Pipe: 25 -14.6 L.055 pL 2.46 pF o.s26 8.5 o.O 33.4 0.0 5.3 150 FTG T pE 0.0-27 8.5 O.O 33.9 0.0 0.047 TL 9.96 PV I I I I I I DATE: 3 /t/2004 SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJTC ANALYSTS Page 5 JoB TrrLE: Middle creek Housing - 4 Head ".i;)"o"tt5\HAss DATA\84018-r-:sDF PTPE TAGEND ELEV. Noz. pr Drsc. vBJ,?;yl, ffitJi', "?ilFi" "lffi:NoDEs (Fr) (K) (psT) (cpM) FL./Fr (psr ) 27 J_t 10 28 2a )o 29 30 14 30 Pipe: 2? 8.6 0.0 33.98.6 0.0 35.1 Pipe: 28 11.5 0.0 25.311.5 0. o 25.9 Pipe: 29 -14.6 l-.055 PL 29.46 PF 2.2O. O 5.3 150 FTG E2T PE O. O0.0 0.047 TL 47.45 PV -1,7.3 l-.055 PL !.21 PF O. O 6.3 150 FTG T PE0.0 0.054 TL 8.7I PV 0.0 5.3 u.b 0.0I I I I _fl_.o o.b Pi na . 2 n 8.5 Pi r'\ a ' 1l 8.5 QE 0.0 5.3 nn t.> - J6 . > 0.0 14'.3 0.0 n n r? 1 0.0 0.0 13 .1 0.0 ].5 O FTG 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29 .4 29 .4 JI. t} 30.5 ?1 C J.L. O JO. -L +9 - 3 1.055 PL 28.52 PF 2.2150 FTG 2E PE 1.30.054 TL 34.62 PV 1.055 PiJ 34.96 PF PE 0.0 I 3o nto'' t3.. 31 8.5 I pipe: 33I ?r o.b Rl 4.2 t p j.pe: 34Rt 4.2 I R2 2.e I Di na. a tr_ 4yv r Jr r R3 2.8 I R2 2'8 Pipe: 36I n: 2.g I R4 r.4 I pipe: 3TI Rs r.4 K4 I.4 I pipe: 38I R5 I.4R6 _2.0 I pipe: 3eRd _2.0 r poc -B. o I I 0.054 TL 34.96 PV 1.055 PL 2.50 pF 1.0].50 FTG T PE O. O0.097 TL 10.00 PV 1.055 PL 8.77 PF 4.5].50 FTG T PE O.O 0 . 285 TL !5 .57 PV I.291 PL 37.67 PF 11.3150 FTG 5E PE 1.90.193 rL 58.57 PV 1.291_ PL 1.39 PF 0.3 -Lf,u r -r'G pE 0.50.193 TL 1.39 PV 0.0 49.3 0.0 50.2 0.0 5l_.3 0.0 50.2 0.0 51_.3 0.0 53.2 0.0 55.2 0.0 s3.2 0.0 55.2 0.0 57.9 0.0 57.9 SRCE 70.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 .1 0.0 0.0 0.0 -f J.50.0 13.1 0.0 -f,5. f 0.0 L.3 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEV]CE-t 1 ^^]r.J. IJDIt )J.5 gDm r.29I PL 2.oo PF l-.3150 FTG E PE 0.50.193 TL 6.50 PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVTCE 12 . 0 psi, 53 .5 gpm L.291 PL 2.00 PF 1.3150 FTG E PE 1.5 0. r-93 TL 6.50 PV 4.095 PL 185. O0 PF 0.2140 FTG ETG PE 2 .60.001 TL 23L.20 PV r SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 6I DAIET 3/t/2004 C:\HASS75\HASS DATA\84018-1.SDF JOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing - 4 Head Ca1c. I NOTES: t (1) Calculat ions were performed by the HASS 2.5 computer program I under license no. L6O?OBg8 granted byI tfi,'#;::i; lll; Tucker, GA 30084 t (2) The system has been calculaE.ed to provide an averageimbalance at each node of O. OO2 gpm and a maximum I imbalanCe et- anl/ rrnda ^f n 058 gpm,r (3) Totaf pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is j.9.6 fX/sec at pipe 7. I ( 4 ) PI PE FITTINGS TABIJE I Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIp I PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: l-40 I Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T L C B G r EII Tee LngEI1 Chkvlv BfyVIv GatVlv I 4.095 ]-4.40 28.90 8.70 3l_.80 17.30 2.90I PAGE; I MATERIAL: Cppr_M HWC: L50 I Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet I (in) E r L c B GEII Tee LTE ChkVa BFVa cateva I 1.055 3.00 7.50 3.00 ?.so 9.00 1.50 I r.29r 4. s0 9.00 3.00 10. s0 e. oo 1. so I I I t t I I I cr) H v) H{z{ FlA co E1 Fi( B I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I DATET 3/r/2004 JOB TITITE: Middle SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUI-,IC ANAIJYSIS c: \HAss?s\HAss Head Ca1c. \o AT( Fl Ca(/)DF(F] page T DATA\ 84 018- 1 . SDFCreek Housin c{ F{ lo.{ ; c.)\o d 3o h -..{ m o .io lJ--t o lu .r{ u) 9r n -{ -..1 rd t) u) qr@ lr| Fl ol -t N I r{ I E e99 o.uooo i al 3. c g 7n 7n /a //,1 2 o F]; O o .'{ ^u4po I ri I 'oi t"i I ,,,! Ult 54+ti I i'ui I"i t ,,1 o.5 + t I I 18+ 9+ t ^ spRrNKI_',ER sysrEM HvDRAUIJTc ANALysrs page II DATE; 3/I/2004 c:\HASs75\IiASs DATA\84018_1.SDF ITOB TITLE: Midd1e Creek Housing - 4 Head CaLc.r WATER SUPPLY CURVE r 1oB+ llr *o\\\\\\\ 99+ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\, \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ 1635 gpm- > * Flow Test Point X = Required Water Supply rl 70.58 Psi @ 153.5 gpm rl tl 0 = Avai labLe Wat.er Supply ,l 101,.85 psi o J.53.5 gpm ,l tl 0++- +- - - + - - - -+ - - - - - +- - - - - - + - - - - - - - - +- _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.l- _ _ _ _ _ +I 400 500 800 l_000 T2oo 14oO 1600 1800 2o0oI Fr,ow (GpM) I I I I t Hydraulic Calculations Project lnformation I Project Name; Middle Creek Housingt Mountain Bell Site Vail, Colorado r Calculation Area: Building,.B" - First Floor Date 3/1104 File # 84018-2 hdex 105 I Density: I Area of Operation: Area per Sprinkler: I Number of Spnnklers Calculated: Desiga Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Residential t construction X combustible tr Non combustible .05 min density N/A. 256 sq. ft. max. 4 head(s) I Hose Allowance Rack Sprinkler Allowancerr 0 gpm inside 0 gpm - 100 gpm outside I warer supply Sprinklersr Static 102 psi Make: Viking M_4 VK430 I Residual 90 psi Size: 7fl6,, K= 4.30Flow 1635 gpm Temp: 155. Calculation Summary I Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 55.1 gpm I Fiow & Pressure: (at base of riser): 55.1 gpm @ 62.9 pstI (atcityconnection): 155.1 gpm @ 65.7 psi t N","- I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I T I DAAET 3/r/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle WATER SUPPLY DATA SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS C: \HASSTs\HASSCreek Housing - 4 Head Calc. Page l- DATA\8401_B-2. SDF SOURCE NODE TAG pa) a STATT.. ( ps r l 1nt n PRESS. lDer\ FLOW @ (GPM) 1635.0 AVAII. PRESS. (PSI) l-01.8 15.3 J.b. J lo, u 15.0 16.3 r.6.0 16.0 18.8 I:7.I zo - L q1 '1 1 1 J-2 .0 't1 1 1a 1 Lt,6 18.8 zJ,5 za. ! zJ. I 26 .5 JU. .5 44 .2 tl. J- .to , z +U. J- AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALI,,OWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE lFT\ zu , J 2L .0 20.3 11 n 2LO 21, .0 zI.u tr. o 10 n 'ta n 1a n 6.b _L.at L.o l_.at aA -u. o 8.5 o.b I-L. O ob o.o u.b 1A K= 4.30 K= 4.23 K= 4.30 K= 4.30 1qq 1 r:DM 100.0 cPM O. O GPM 55.1 GPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM) TOTA T. PFN I N @ DEMAND PRESS. {GDM} /DcT\ 13 .0 13.0 L4 .7 1 a 3 5 7 tJ 10 l_t t2 t_3 L4 15 IO L7 l-8 20 2L 4J 26 27 30 Jl- r( _t- T(J R4 14 .3 lt: POC I I SPRTNKLER sysTEM HyDRAurrrc ANALysrs page 2I DATE:3/1/2004 C,\HASS75\HASS DATA\84018-2.SDFJOB TITITE: Midd1e Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc . I NODE ANAL.,YSIS DATA I NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE(FT) (PsI) (GPM) 1.4 Go.1-2.o 62.9-8.0 souRcE 65.7 55.1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3I DATET 3/r/2004 c: \HAss7s\HAss DATA\g4o1B_2. sDFJOB TITT,E; Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc. - PIPE DATA I EIT T Il1I: Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH PRESS .END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.I NoDES (Fr) (K) (psr) (GpM) FLlFr (psr)I Pipe: 1 0.0 l-.055 PL 8.96 PF o.oI 1 20.3 0.0 16.3 0.0 O.O 150 FTG ET pE _0.3 t 3 2t.0 o.o 16.0 0.0 0.000 rL !9.46 pV r ripe: 2 o.o 1.055 PL 4.96 PF 0.0I 2 20.3 0.0 15.3 0.0 0.0 150 FTG ET pE -0.3r 3 2L.o o.o 16.0 0.0 0.000 TL 15.46 pv I Pi-pe; 3 o. o 1. oss pL 7. oo pF o. oI 3 2!.0 O.O 15.0 0.0 0.0 150 FTG PE 0.05 2L.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 o.ooo Tr.., 7.OO PV I PiPe: 4 o. o 1.055 PL 11. s0 pF o. oa 20.3 0.0 16.3 o.o o.o 150 FTG ET pE _0.35 27.0 0.0 16.0 0.0 o.o0o Tr-, 22.00 PV f eipe: S O.O t-.05S pt 0.58 pF O.O5 21 .0 0.0 15.0 0.0 o.o L50 FTG pE o.oI 7 27.0 0.0 1G. o 0.0 o. o0o Tr., o.5B pvtPipe: 5 0.0 1.055 pL 6.54 pF O.Or 6 20.3 0.0 16.3 o.o 0.0 150 FTG ET pE _0.3I 7 2L.0 o.o 15.0 0.0 o.0oo Tr., r7.o4 pvI Pipe: 7 O. O 1.055 pL 2.g2 pF O.0I 7 21-.0 o.o 15.0 o.o 0.0 150 FTG T pE 0.0I 8 21.0 0.0 1G.o o.o 0.ooo TIJ 10.42 pv I Pipe: I 15. L 1.055 pIJ 6.2L pF 0.5I 8 21.0 0.0 15.0 O. O 5. s 150 FTG E pE O. O9 2L.0 o.o 15.5 0.0 o.o5o Tr_., 9.21, pV II Pipe: 9 15.1 1.055 pr_, 9.38 pF O. B- 9 2L.o o.o 15.G o.o 5.5 150 FTG T pE 4.r10 11.5 o. o 18.8 o. o o. o5o Tr_, 15.88 pv ! Pipe: 10 -15.1 1. o5s pr, 28.67 pF J-. jI 2r.o o.o t-6.0 o.o 5.5 150 FTG 2E pE 1.3I 11 18.0 o.o 19-1 o.o 0.050 TL 34.61 pV I Pipe: 11 -15.1 1.055 prr 34.96 pF 2.L11 18.0 0. o 19.1 O. O 5.5 l_50 FTG T pE 0.0I 12 18. o o. o 27.2 0. o 0.050 TL 42.46 pVr Pipe: t2 -15.1 1.055 pL 2.50 pF 0.3I 12 18. o 0.0 2r.2 o. o s.5 150 FrG E pE o. oI 13 18.0 o. o 2L.4 0.0 0.050 Tr_, 5. so pv I Pipe; 13 -l-5.1 t-.055 pr., 9.3g pF o. o t ll 18.0 o.o 2L.4 o.o s.s 1s0 FrG E pE 4.1L+ 8.G 0.0 26.7 O.O 0.050 TL L2.38 pV I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 4t ?oTt:3/1'/2001 c:\HASSTs\HAss DArA\84018-2.sDFJOB TITLE: Mj-ddle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Ca1c.rrr.E ra(r e(cpM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.I END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEIJ(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.r NoDEs (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) FL/FI (psr) I Pipe: 14 -13. o 1.055 prJ r2.7s pF 0.6I 15 1.8 4.3 9.1- 13.0 4.8 l-50 FTG E pE _0.3t6 2.4 4.2 9.5 13. O 0.038 TL 15.75 PV I Pipe: 15 -26.0 1. oss pL r-o. Ts pF 2.s16 2.4 4.2 9.5 13.0 9.5 150 FTG T pE 0.018 2.4 0.0 !2.0 O.O 0.135 TL L8.25 pv r Pipe: 15 -1,4.7 L.055 pL L.12 pF 0.sL7 1.8 4.3 II .7 I4.7 5.4 150 FTG ET pE _0.3I 18 2.4 0.0 r2.o o.o 0.047 TL rr.62 pvI Pipe: 17 _40 .7 l- . 055 pL O . 5g pF O .2I 18 2.4 0.0 L2.0 0.0 !4.g i.so FTG pE 0.0 I 20 2.4 0.0 r2.1 O.O 0.31-2 rr_, o.s8 pv r Pipe: 18 -14.3 r..055 pl, !7.96 pF 1.3I 19 1.8 4.3 11.1 74.3 5.3 150 FTG ET pE _0.3r 20 2.4 0.0 r2.r o.o 0.045 TL 2a.46 pv I Pipe: 19 -55.0 1.055 pL 2.g2 pF 5.-tI 20 2.4 0. o 1,2.t 0.0 2o.2 150 Frc T pE 0.02L 2.4 O.O 1,7.8 0.0 0.545 TL 10.42 pV I Pipe: 20 -35.1 l-.055 pr., j..2r pF 1.0r 21 2.4 0.0 J.7.8 o.o 1,2.9 150 FTG E pE 0.022 2.4 o.o l-8.8 0.0 Q.237 T!, 4.21, pv t pipe: 21 -35.1 1.055 pL, 9.2L pF 4.o22 2.4 O.O 18.8 o.o 72.g 150 Frc T pE _4.0I 10 11.5 O.O 18.8 0.0 0.237 Tr., )-5.77 pv I Prpe: 22 _20.0 1.055 pL 43.19 pF 4.22L 2.4 0.0 r7.8 0.0 7.3 150 FTG 2E pE 1.3I 23 -0.6 o.o 23.3 o.o 0.083 TL 49..t9 pvI Pipe: 23 -20.0 1.055 pL so .L2 pF 4.8I 23 -0.6 0.0 23.3 0.0 1.3 1so FrG r pE 0.0I 24 -0.6 0.0 28.1, 0.0 0.083 Ti.., 57.62 pV I Pipe: 24 -20. O 1.055 pL 2.46 pF O. sI 2! -0.5 o.o 28.! 0.0 ?.3 1s0 Frc E pE 0.025 -0.6 o.o 28.5 o.o 0.083 TL 5.46 PV I Pipe: 25 -20.0 1.055 pl, 9.2r pF L.or 25 -0.5 0.0 28.5 0.0 7.3 150 FTG E pE _4.026 8.6 0. o 25.6 0.0 0,083 Tr., 1,2.2L pV I Pipe:25 -20.0 1.055 pL 2.46 pF o.B26 8.6 o. o 25.6 0.0 7 .3 150 FTG T pE 0.0r 27 8.6 O. O 26.4 0.0 0.083 Tl_, 9.96 pV I I r SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS page 5I DATE: 3 /1/2004 c: \HASsTs\HAss DATA\84018_2. sDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Cafc. I PrPE TAG e (cpM) DrA(rN) LENGTH pREss.I END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NoDES (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) FL/FT (psr) I I Plpet 27 -20.0 1.055 pIJ 29.46 pF 4.0r 27 8.5 0. o 26.4 0.0 7 .3 150 FTG E2T pE O. O31 8.5 0.0 30.3 0.0 0.083 TL 47.46 PV I Pipe: 28 -20 . 0 1 . 055 pL :-ZI pF o .710 l_1.5 o.o 18.8 0.0 7.3 150 FTG T pE o.oI 28 11.5 0.0 19.5 0.0 0.084 Tr_, 8.71 pV r pipe: 29 -2a .o 1 . 055 prJ 28 .62 pF 2 .928 11.5 0.0 19.5 0.0 7.3 150 FTG 2E pE 1.3I 29 8.6 0.0 23.7 0.0 0.084 TL 34.62 pvr Pipe: 30 -20.0 1.0ss pL 34.96 pF 2.gI 29 8.5 o. o 23.7. O. O 7 .3 l_50 FTG pE 0.0r 30 8.6 0.0 26.5 O.O 0.084 rr., 34.96 pv I Pipe: 31 -15.1 i..055 pIJ 2.50 pF 0.5I L4 8.5 0.0 25.7 o.o 5.5 l-50 FTc T pE 0.030 8.5 0.0 26.5 o.o o.o5o TL 10.00 PV I Pipe: 32 -35.1 1.O5s PL L77 PF 3.7I 30 8.6 o.o 26.6 o.o 72.g 150 FTG T pE 0.031 8.6 0.0 30.3 o. o 0.237 Tr, 15.67 pv t Pipe: 33 -55.0 r.2g)_ pL 3r.57 pF 1,2.0rr 8.5 0.0 30.3 0.0 13.5 150 FTG 5E pE 1.9R1 4 _2 o. o 44.2 0. o 0.204 TL 58.57 PV I Pipe: 34 -55.0 7.29L PL 1.39 PF 0.3Rl 4.2 0.0 44.2 0.0 13.5 150 FTG pE 0.5I R2 2.8 0. o 4s.l- o. o 0.204 .rr_, 1.39 pv I Pipe: 35 pIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICEI R3 2.9 0.0 46.2 O.O 1-.1 psi, 55.0 gpmI R2 2.8 o.o 45.7 o.oI r Pipe: 35 -5S.0 I.29\ pIJ 2.OO pF 1.3I R3 2.8 0. o 46.2 0.0 13.5 150 FTc E pE 0.5I R4 1-.4 o.o 48.1 o.o o.2o4.rr, 6.so pv I pipe: 37 prxED pRESsuRE Loss DEVTcEI Rs 't-.4 0.0 60.1 O. O 12. O psj., 55.0 gpmR4 1.4 O.O 48.1- O.O I Pipe: 38 -ss.O J,.2gI pL 2.OO pF 1.3- R5 J..4 0.0 60.1 0.0 l-3.5 150 FTG E pE l_.sR5 -2.0 O.O 62.9 o.o 0.204 TL 6.50 PV I Pi.pe:39 -SS.t 4.095 pL 195.00 pF 0.2R6 -2.0 O.O 62.9 o.o 1.3 140 FTG ETG pE 2.5I POC - 8 . 0 sRcE 6s .7 (N/A) o . ooL rL 23r .20 pv I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T T t I I III SPRfNKIJER SYSTEM I{YDRAULTC ANALYSTS page 6DATE: 3 /T/2004 C: \HASS7s\HASS DATA\84018-2 . SDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Ca1c. NOTE S : (1) Calculations were performed by t.he HAss 2.5 comput.er programunder license no. 16070888 grant.ed by HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista RoadTucker, cA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an averagelmbalance at each node of O. OO5 gpm and a rnaximumimbalance at any node of 0.1gT gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing t.tre system.Maxj.mum water velocity is 20.2 ft/sec at pipe 16. (4 ) PIPE Prpe TabLe PAGE: D Diameter (in) 4 .095 PAGF - T Diameter (in ) 1 nqq r .29t FITTINGS TABLE NAME: STANDARD, PIP MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Equivalent Fitting L,engt.hs in FeetETIJCBG 811 Tee LngE1l ChkVlv BfyVlv carvtv14.40 28.90 8.70 31.80 l_7.30 2.go MATERIAL: Cppr_M HWC: 150 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in FeetET'LCBG ElL Tee LTE ChkVa BFVa cat.eva3.00 7.s0 3.00 7.50 9.OO 1.504.50 9.00 3.00 10.s0 9.oo 1.50 tt) rn\o d 3 .rl d or d..1 !l (l) H -.{ o "; r-J U.r{ IJ s6 N r-l (a H >l F](zd ){ F]&A (o & t4 Er4B I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I T I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEMDAIE:3/L/2004 JOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housin HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS c: \HASS?s\HAss Head CaIc. Page 7 DATA\84018-2. SDF c{ O @ o \o adEl (/)(n bF( rq I I o N$ E e99 flo3'95 j 6,o n 3 6 odDo q o '.r ^ I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I T 90+ 54+ 45+ 35+ SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAIJYSTS page IDATE. 3/r/2o04 c: \HAssrs\HASs DATA\84o1B_2. sDFJOB TITLE: Middle Creek Housing _ 4 Head Calc. WATER SUPPLY CURVE 108+ I I*0\\\\\\\ 99+ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\90.0 psi @ 1535 gpm- > * Flow Tes t. poi_nt 81+ v R E ) U r( L ( P I ) 7 2+ I Ilv cr.1+ 27+ 18+LEGEND X = Required water Supply 'l55.73 psi @ 155.1 gpm 9+ 0 = Available Water Supply 'l101.85 psi @ 155.l- gpm ,l tl 400 600 800 1000 t2oo 14oO 15oO FLOW (GPM) 1800 2000 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Decernbe r 5. 2003 1. PRODUCTNAME Vikrng Microfast! and MicrofastHP'i, [4odel I',4 Quick Fesponse Pendent S p rin kle rs 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. lndustrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U S.A.Telephone: (269) 945-9501 (877) 384_5464Fax. (269) 945-9599 e-mail. techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Vik Ing Microfasti and t\4icrofasIHp' Ou,L r Fespo.tse Penoent Sprin,,,ers are small. thermosensitivc spray sprin- l,lers available wrth severaJ ftn:shes, te'nper,atJre ral'ngs. a.td oflltce stzes to meet desrgn requrrements. The special Poly finishes and Teflon,i coatings canbe used in decorative applications wnere colors are desired. h addition, these two fintshes are corrosion resis- lant and provide protection against many corros ive enviro nments. The pip cap and sealing assembly of the sprinkler is held in place by a 3 mm glass bulb. During tire cond jtions, when the temperature around the sprinkler reacnes jts operating te.rperature, the heat-sensitive Iiquid in the glass bulb expands, causrng the bulb to shatter, releastng the prp-cap and seatt.rg spring assernbly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler clellector. {orm,ng a unttorm spray par- tern to extinguish or control the ttre. Deflector: Brass UNS-CSlOOO or Cop- per UNS,C19500 for Sprlnkler Base Pad Nos. 066628, 066668. 06765B. and 12282. Copper UNS-C j9500 for S prinkler 12104. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Pad Nos. Bushing lior Sprinkter Base pad Nos. 067188 067208, ard r22!Q1 91655 UNS.C36OOO Bulb: Glass nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville S pring Seating Assenrbty: Nickel Alioy, coated on both slcJes wtth Teflon Tape Screw: Brass UNS C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C110OO and Stain tass Steet UNS.S3040O Pip Cap Attachment: Brass UNS-C36OOO EjectorSpring {Pad No. 12104) Stain, less Steel Sprinklers with Teflon. Coating Bellevilre Sp ngi Nrc(el Alloy. e,/posedScrew: Brass UNS-C360O0, Nickel piated Pip Cap: Teflon i, Coated Sprinklers with potyester Coating or Poly Finish Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass. Chrome-Enloy " (palents pend- rng), White Polyester (Whire poty finish for Part No.066628), Black po,!ester (Black Poty tinish for part Nc. 066628), and Black Tetlon'!, ACCESSORIES Spnnkler Cab,nels (Avai able sincc 1971): A, Six-head capacity: part No. 01724A B. Tweive-head capacity: part No. o1725A S prinkler Wrenches; A, Standard Wrench. part No. 10896W/B (avaitabte since 2000) or 05000cw/B (no longer avail abte). B. Wrench for coated and recessed Viking Mrcrofasf and l/|icrofastHp! QR Pendent Sprinklers: paft No 07398W* (avaiiable since 1990). or Part No. 121 44W lB* , availabte s ince 2003. NOTE: Becessed pendent sprinklers wlth protec- tive caps must use wrencn 12144W lB.'A )', ratchet is required (not avaiiabte ihrough V king) Refer to the "SPRtNKLER ACCES- SOFIES" section of the Viking Engi- neering and Design Dafa book. S prin kler 4t a 4. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to tne Approvar Cfarl on page 4. b Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 "F (-55 "C). lvlinimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa) FATED WATER WORKING PRES. SURE Sprinklers VK317 and VK342 are rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the mini- mum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPal for high-pressure sys- tems. High-pressure (HP) sprin- klers can be ldentified by tocating the number "250" on the deflector. All Other Sprinklers: Maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa), Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,g74 Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,710 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No, 4,831,870 SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 Sprinkler Temperature ' Nominal Sprinkler Temo.Maximum Ambient BulbClassilication Rating (Fusing point) : Ceiling Teqperglurer Colof 1ss"f (68"qL- . lqo.e igejg) . n"a - in-letriredlete .-..__?.0-ql_(ggiaL_. __: - lqo,:l_,(Q_5_:Q q. . .. .]1elt __ .._a8-q T 1t,4-1 "QI_ - ,.:__ aas ]F_|1QZ.c) Btue Sprinkler Finishesi Brass. Chrome-Enloyi {palents pending), White polyester (White poly i irish to, P,/N C66628), Btack Potyesrer (Black poty frnish ior p/N 06662b). and Btack Tei- on - Corrosion-Resislant Coatings3: U/hite polyester (White po y fjnish fof p/N 066628), Black finish iDr P/l.l 06662 Black Tetlon ! NOTE: The sprjng is exposed on sprinkJers wrth Teflon. Coatino or polv fjnrshes Note: U nits of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Form No. F 081296 FootnotesI Based on NFPA-13. Otner imrts may apply. depending on fire loading. splnkler location, and other reqLriremenis ol th6 Authority Having Jurisdict on. Refer to specific installailon srandards i 'Tne lernpsrature ratlng is stamped on the deflector i " The corfos!on resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests requrreo oy panrc_ i u ar appfovrng agenc es. Fefer to the approvai chart on page 41 b. Thesg tests cannot andI l^ ^^i --^.^.--do noi represeiii all possible co osive environments. prior to instailation. verifu throuoh !he end-lser that the coatings are cornpat ble with or su table for the proposed envrro'n In ]he coatings indicated are applted to the exposed extenor suriaces onjy. Replaces page 41 a-b. dated May 2, 2OO3 (added Fl\I approval of Black Poly finrsh for SIN VK302. Refer to technical d"ij p"oe QR1.2 for care, installation, and maintenance informationL \IKINIG'IVICROFAST' AND MicrofasrH pr QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quick Besponse Pendent Spnnkter with a Standard 1/8, (3,1 mrn) Surface-Mounted Escutcheon .3: t / +". 1-1/2" (32 Mlnl|num t Ouick Response Pendent Sprinkl€l ceiling Opening Size: 2-5l16, (59 mm) Mtnimum 2-112 (54 mm) [,4aximum, Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler lnstalled vr'ith the Vrking MicrofastE N4ode F-1 Adjuslable Escutcheon Figure 1 Quick Fesponse Pendent Spr nkler lnstalled wrth the Viktng Micromatic! Model E-1 Becessed Escuicheon S prinkier 4l b December 5.2003 \lKIlfG'IVIICROFAST' AND MicrofastHp' QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - ApprovalChart Microfastc and MicrofastHpx euick Response Pendent SDrinklers 2 11410 rnD __ 125 -_,l 069328 Approved Temperature Flatings nex Esv I - r as! i,r Approved Escutcheonss X - Slandard sudace-mounted escutcheon' or the Viking Microfast o Modet F,1 Ad-justableEscutcheonro Footnotes , :::"-::11:I?..1 rs,shown For comptete part number, refer to Viking,s current price schedule.t l]'":it['#y;]i"":::l,g' ano app'lvat. lJal;ilil;;;;i;,.,nin's. otn",' "pp,.ovars may be in process, check with rhe manuraciurerlor any addrt onal approv;Js. rinc.epted for use. City ol New iork Department of Buitdrngs, MEA 89-92-E, Vol XVI " Accepted lor use, City of New york Board of Standards and Appeals, Catencj ar N u rnber 21 9-76-SA' Tl-re sprinkler orifice is bushedt ::ftlt:J""r"tjililer Accessorres" sec tion of the viking Engineering and DesignDafa book for rechnicat data on approved escutcheons and : L::leo by Unoerwflters Laboratones t']c io..rsp In tne U.S and CanaoacuLus Lrsltngs and NYc Appfovals limited to Light-Hazard occupancies wilh hydraulically calculated wet sysrems" l'4etrrc K'Factof shown is lor !se when pressure s ieasured,in *ea. wnen f essure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-Factor shawn by 1o o.! FM Approved for use onlv in wet-oipe sprinkler systems (or preaction systems quarjfyrng as wei "y"t"#rito,. prot""tron of occupancies de--scrrbed in the Factorv H'tutuat Enoineering *o n'""""i"ri1.i"" ii"J"nirt" outu 'sn";r":; i;h;;i;vilory Buletins.vrhe vrkrng Microfast d M odel F- 1 A:djustable Escutcheon is cons iaeied a s r rta"" r o, nt"J es"rt1.i " o"iur"" ,, ooes n ot a ow the ius bre e !.-ement of the sprjnkler to be recessed beh'nd the face olihe wall-o;;;rirr rg.'cULus Listed as corroslon resistanl -- - Temperaiure KEy v i- Finish A1X <- Escutcheon (rf apot cable) 1-s/4'' (4s rnm)1-3/1" (45 mm)Minim!m i 3:t]:..-,ryg:.1a-b,.dated Mqy_?, ?o_03 (added FM approval of Btack poty finish for SrN vK3o2,HeTer to technicar data page QRr-2 for care, installiiion, and maintenince intormation.Form No. F 08i 296 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I June 27 , 2003 sensjtivity, glass-bulb residential sprin- kler. The sprinkler is available in several finishes and temperature ratings to meet design requirements. The orifice design, with a K-Factor of 5.5, allows the sprinkler's efficient use oI available water supplies lor the hydrau- lically designed fire-protection system. The 3 mm glass bulb and special deflec- tor combine speed of operation and ar- eas of coverage to meet residential sprinkler standards. During tire condi- tions, the heat-sensitive liouid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, releasing the pip cap and seaF ing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. 4. TECHNICALDATA Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -AC oF /-(F oa\ Bated to 1 75 psi (1 207 kPa) water work- Ing pressure. Factorytested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Bulb: u.s.A. Patent No. 4.796.710 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread Size: Nominal 72" (15 mm) NPT Nominal K-Factor: 5.5 U.S. (7,9 metric*)* Metric K Factorshown isforusewhen pressure is measlred in kPa. When pres,sure is measured in BAR, multiplythe mel ric K-Factorshown by 10.0. Overall Length: 2-114" (57 ,2 mm\ SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-CB440O Detlector: Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assem- bly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Taoe Screw: Brass UNS-C36OOO Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-CI 1000 and Stainless Steel UNS.S304OO ACCESSORIES Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Six-head capacity: Part No, 01724A B. Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 01 7254 Available since 1971 . Sonnkler Wrenches: A. Standard Wrench: Part Number 10896W8 (avaitable since 2000) or 0500OCWB (no longer availabte) B. Wrench for coated and recessed sprinklers: Part Number 07398W** (available since 1990) or part No. 12144**, available since 2009. NOTE: Recessed pendent spri]} klers with protecti\re caps must ute wronch 121114.*rA %'ralchet is required (notavailable from Vi king). Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" section of the Viking Engineering and Design Data book for information on sorinkler accessories. Refer to the 'Viking Residential Sprinkler Installation Guide,, pages (i-iv) for general care, installation, and mainbnance information. 1. PRODUCTNAME Viking Microfast.. Model M-5 Residen- tial Pendent Sprinkler SIN VK432 (5.5 K-Factor) . Sprinkler Base Part Number '10050 Available since 1997. 2. MANUFACruRER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, U.S.A.Telephone; (269) 945.9501 (877) 384-5464Fax: (269) 945-9599 e-mai | ; techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCTDESCRIPTION Viking's Microtast-d Residential Pendent Sprinkler SIN VK432 is a small, high- Unjts of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Form No, F 060697 Replaces page 1 41 a-d, dated Ap(il 17, 2002. Refer to resi- dential sprinkler technlcal data page (i-iv) for general care, Installatlon, and maintenance information, Sprinkler 141 a \IKINIG'MICROFAST' RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER srN vK432 (5.5 K-FACTOR) Nominal Sprinkler*Tff:ilffijff"'" .Iff'#frl*[?:' Sprinkler Finishes: Brass. Bright Brass, Chrome,Enloy@ (patents pending), White, and Navajo Wnite iooinoies - r Based on NFPA-13. Other lrmits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and , other reqLrirements o,lne Authonty Having'Jurisdiction:Refer to specif-ic tristallation standards.' Ine splnhter temperatLtre ratrng rs stamped on the deflector. Table 1 I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 141 c June 27 , 2003 MICROFAST' RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER srN vK432 (5.5 K-FACTOR)\IKII\G" rcsizeNominatK.FactoroV9E!!.!-9ngth.sprinklerBase.sprink|er Deflector style r.,"io" -- : -u.i.' - ."ttiit Inches r[]n P94-!!I!!9f. .ldentitication NUQEI - pr"q".J --'r:'z'],l- -,--A--'-t,,14 .'^-51,r-- .,--:qoso - .- ;,.- Yrl?2*--,, Appiou"l chart2 .;;femcerature KEY Microfasto Resldential Pendent Sprinkler VK432 : AIX< Escutcneon (it applicable) This paqe applies !o system designs using SIN VK432 Sprinklers manulactured belqg July 12' 2002' I nstqll ed bel ow smo4!'fl 3!-bofiz-on!q!-qej!i!S s. "r. n *, or cou.ran"t,t - --- -tt iltrrullwAlgl_supplv Requirerlents6 -wjd.lh x Lg!'g![ ....- i _.. -.,.. sjllste.splint!-er - , --Two or Mqrqlpdnklers L a ^^m 61 7 A.i IE?I a I lni^ ta L-, a-r rr 3,7 rzl xtLz'(g,z m x g,ziqL.-111s!nr @ 8.5-pq-loAgL/m!@lq!lPal'_115-sp!! @ Z-P9il94f-L[min @ 47 t'o;;,,.11 1aamX1,3!:n) .1sgpm@r1.epsi (7-1,e L/min @ 8?'q!PP) 16 $)F-@.9-5-psi Gq9'Vrun @.98 p n la8. 5 9s1,160, 6 !L.m_i!,@_9!36lx 1,6' (4,e m X.19.d I1s spu,l,@ 119-psi (71,e L/min @ 82i18?d -.L6-,spnggs gs,!,Lou, I'X 18 (5,5 m x 5 r!i!,@1a!.5 k 20'r 20 [q,1 m x 6l 1 9.0p-9j (903UrnE @__1 31 psilT,l-s LII!!! @ !!stal!c-d jelsw {gprd sei!!!sa lqith s!-9p9! c!!c aldilgu4os Requ!leme,nts"; . . t-islingsf iI 4 ia_tlt4,7 Nl'(.4,__ Two or More Splnklsrs 16 oom @ 8.5 osi (60,6 Umin @ 5 I2 x 1? .(?,7. m r3,7 n)..121 sp.D @ 11.6--pglgqi1!1mi! @-1g 14'L14 (4E]! I4,9j) t2qspr @...13,? pe-1175'2-L1llr!n @ 9l psi (00,6 L/min @ 6 qpm @ 8.s psi (60-q Urnrn @ 58,3 14' x 14' (4,3 m x 4,3. m) i21 gpm@14.6-psi (79,5 L1mi0@ 1(6 qmin-,@.59,3 ! l6l r 16' i4.9.nr-4e m)+?Q Sp-qr-@ 13.2i9LEqLLfI!]n @!1.?l-e4 t16-qpm @ 8.s ps-Ll6gqlJn!-! @ 16',x 16', (4,9 m x 4p m) i2! gpm.@ 1a.6 psi (79.:5 LlBi! @ 1qO,-9 KPa): 16 Spqn @. .5.p9i (60,6 !-./-rylln..@6',x 16', (4.9 m x 4p m) i2! gpm.@ 14.6 psi (79.:5 LlBilr @ 1qO,-9 KPa): 16 Spqn @. .5.p9i (60,6 !-./-rylln..@.5q,316'x16(4.9mx4,9 X1-8,(5'5mX9,5m)]229pm@']9ps|.(93,3Llmj!@'..1'1o,3kPd''i19gpm@1-0-'Z''psi.1'6''q'l x20'(q.lM q,1 mI i_2-.q9p4 @ 25.9p!r-(106 Un!! @-U!,ZlP3)124-gpi!-@-1-ep9i (g1l8-Llmin @ 131,q iPaLAlX : ^^^' va.r Finich6< ' Aooroved EscutcheonS AlX18 x ]-sl (5,smx9,5m) I 22 gpm @, I I ps| (93,3 Llmj! @..,1.10,3 20'\2.l'tc,1 mx6.1 m) i28oom @25.9psi (106 Umin @ 178,7 Approved EscutcheonsADDroved Temperatures n. r s5f (m"c)ana r75'F (79"C) B - 155 'F (68 "C) only e - 17_:? "F (7e'c) 9!1Y Approved Finishes 1 , Brass. Briqht Brass, x - standard surface-mounted escutch^eons or the Microlasto' Cnr-orn'" Enf oid."Wiit", i"l l/oaei F-l Adlustable Escutcheons. or recessed with the l "-y-ej o Wn!!i -: -J\4rcromatrg:-Modq-E'1 or E'2 Recessed Escl4qh6on -Footnotes I Metric K-Factor shown is for use when presstrre s measured in kPa. When pressure Is measured in BAR, multiplythe melric K-Factorshown by 10 0. t iil'i ir,rirriii*1iri" i,"tingi ;J upjr.o;ti iuiii.tl"ir rn" t're of pnnting. other approvals may be in proCess. check with the manutactur€r for anv adoitronal hshnqs or approvals. 3 Lrstrng rs tor residenhalbccupancies with smooth, flal, horizontal ceilings., " iiiii"i iJ t"-1,".-ia""tili"""rp5"Ciei *itn tro"tn, nat, hbrizontal ceilings ind ceilngs with slopes up to and including a 6/12 (26.6") pitch s r-iit"f"i"i "i "'"""i^.. -""!ri"-Jir.". ceitino. bonsult Fioures 3 and 4 below, an-d "Flesidential Installanon Guide" paragraphs that p€r- LlsllnQ ls rcr resloenllal occuparlcles w s Listedarea of coverage measured along ceiling. Consult Figures below, an-d "Flesidential Installanon Gulde rparagraphs that p€rtain to "prrlLii*itn ri"ti.ds for both smootli. flat, h.-orizontal, an-d sloped^cerlings for installll?l-9,""t1iF: " F;;;;#;;;";g"" "';.iiJrin;" ih;*"Li""ln";Mrirrm Witer suppl! nequirement" forthe next larger area listed. Flows and pressures listed are oer sorinkler.listed are per sPrinkler. 7 r:^+^r tr., I r^.1^--.il^,.Listed bv Underwritqrs Laboratories lnc. for use in Canada rL^ r/:r-:-:^ rrr^.^t^^r3 rr^,.1^lE I d.1,, ,crrhla F.^, ,i^ha^^ ic ^..I#'V;i,i""M;;;;;':i'. vEilir:i-AJri,"tiote Eicutcneon ts considered a surface mounted escutcheon because it does not allowthetusible el- ement oithe sprinkler to be recesied behind the lace ol the wall or ceiling.ement oithe sprinkler to be recesae-d behind the llce.ol the w3l]!r ceiling. s ,q"""oi"o loi r.,'ie, ciiv ol New York Department of Burldings MEA Number 89-92'E Vol 15 ruoieitn.statt l,ticroiast t Bes,dentral Pendent Sprrnkler SIN VK43?fryith !be-dg!!e9!9t between 3/4NdTEilnstatt M,crofast' Res,d-entral Pgldg!!furrnkler SIN VK432 w Minimum 8" lintel lor lofvupper level (cathedral) applications.Listed areas of coverage correspond to areas measured along ceiling slope (For sloped ceiltng Inslallalrons, actual floor coverage in the I r i_ . . honzo-ntat plane will be less than the listed area ) I -........-.----: :' : ',,:-.,. 7... ,t IM6ximun'l ceiling slope - 6/12 (26.6'). I Refer to - Chart 2 above for listed areas of coverage. Notes; I ' -,C 1. Actual installations may requile multi- f \ ple sprinklers. A single sprinkler instal- | i^: I \.\ ;'', '- iraximumlatron has been shown for clarity. 2. For "cathedral" ceiling applications, in- | 'l-,i iI 6t12 (26'e) stall sprinklers in a syhmetrical mirror- L pitch Reter imags oI Figure 3. | -_:*-_'_:-. - - , to chart 2 3. For ireas ofioverage smallerthan the | f;--- above. listed areas (up to 20' x 20'), with ] - slopes between a 2/12 (0') pitchanda 1 , :..slopes between a 2/12 (0') prtch and a 1 ,.- 6/12 (26.6") p'tch, use the "l\4rnrmum - I Water Supply Requirements" for the I j ' i' ' next larger listed "sloped" spacing. i , ' l, , Refer to Aporoval Chart 2 above Figure 3: Installation Instructions Figure 4: Installauon Guidelines . Lofts I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I November '14. 2003 ,1. PRODUCT NAME Viking FreedomrM Model M-4 Residen- tial Pendent Sprinkler SIN VK430t . Sprinkler Base Pan Number 09530 tThe Sprinkler ldentifioation Number (SlN) is stamped on the sprihkler deflector. 2. MAI{UFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, USATelephone: (269) 945-9501,877\ 384-5464 (269) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Viking's FreedomrM Residential pen- dent Sprinkler SIN VK430 is a small, high-sensitivity, glass-bulb residential sprinkler available in several finishes and temperature ratings to meet design requirements. The orifice design, with a K-Factor of 4.3, allows efficient use of available wa, ter supplies for hydraulically designed fire-protection systems. The 3 mmglass bulb and special deflector combine speed of operation and areas of cover- age to meet residential sprinkler stan- dards. During fire conditions, the heat- sensitive liquid in the glass bulb ex- pands, causing the glass to shatter, re- leasrng the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water tlowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sorinkler de- flector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. 4. TECHNICALDATA Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -6s 'F C55 "C). Rated to 175 psi (1 207 kPa) water work- ing pressure. Factorytested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 4aB kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,710 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread Size: %" (15 mm) NPT Nominal K-Factor: 4.3 U.S. (6,2 metric.)* Metric K"Faclorshown is lor usewhen pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the m€t ric K-Factor shown bV 1O.O Overall Length: 2-'l14" (56,2 mml SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-CI 1000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S3OZIOO AGCESSORIES Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Six-head capacity: Part No. 017244B. Twelve-head capacjty: part No. o17254 Available since 1971 . Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard wrench: Part Number 10896W8 (available since 2000) or 05000CW8 (no longer avaitabte) B. Wrench for coated and recessed sprinklers: Part No. 07398W** (avail- able since 1990), or Part No. 12144W18**, available since 2003. NOTE: Recessed pendent sprln- klers with protectiv€ caps must use wrench 12144W1A. "A 1/"" ratchet is required (nol available lrom Vi, king). Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" section of the Viking Engineeting ancl Design Data book for informalon on sprinkler accessories. Sprinkler 140 a Footnotesr Based on NFPA- 1 3 Other limits rnay apply, clepending on tire loading, sprinkler location, and r other requrrements ot ihe Authonty Haung Junsdrclron:Beter to specific inbta ation standards.' r re spnnktertemperatu/e rattng ts sta^rped on the defleclor. Tabl€ 1 r Bulb: Color ordinary 155 "F (68.C) log:t (3s:Q. . ......;,... .... netlntermedrare 175 "F (79 "C) . . .:. . :159 :F- 1q5..:g). i ye ow Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrom€-Entoy.:,(p,!qe!!s_p_g]]9lngLq!{Wbil9 Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Form No. F 082095 Sprinkler Nominal SprinklerTemperature Temperature Raring2 i ^ii:'::aT:::::,Classification (Fusing Poinq - uerlrng lemperature Replaces page 140 a-c, dated September '19, 2003. R6fer to residential sprinkler technical data page (i-iv) for ger} eral care, installation, and maintenance information. \IKII\G'FREEDOM'" RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER srN vK430 (4.3 K-FACTOR) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 140 c \IKINIG FREEDOM'' RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER stN vK430 (4.3 K-FACTOR) I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I November 21 , 2003 1. PRODUCTNAME Viking Micromatic" Model M and Micro- maticHP' Model M Standard Resoonse Sprinklers .Available Styles: Upright, Pendent, and Conventional 2. MANUFACruRER The Viking Corporataon 21O N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, U.S.A. Telephone; Fax: (26e) 945-9501 i\877) 384-5464 (269) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIP'IlON Viking Micromatic i and MicromaticHP. Standard Flesponse Sprinklers are small thermosensitive spray sprinklers available in several finishes, temperature ratings, and orifice srzes to m€el design require- ments. The small trame and 5 mm olass bulb provide a pleasing appeardnce. Used in conjunction wath one ol the vari- ous corrosion-resistant coatings, the units provide protection against many corrosive environments. ln addition. the Polyester finishes and Teflon' coating can also be used in decorative applications where col- ors are desired. During lire conditions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter. releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flow- ing lhrough the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler defleclor, forming a unilorm spray pattern to extinguish or control the fira. Viking Standard Response Glass-Bulb Styte Sprinklers may be ordered and/or used as open sprinklers (glass bulb and pip cap as- sembly removed) on deluge systems 4. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Feter to the charts on pages 1'1 b-d, Spacing Requirements: Max. spacing 15 tt. (4,6 m). min. spacing 6 tt. (1 ,8 m). Glass bulb Jluid temperature rated 10 -65 oF (-5s 'c). Springr U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167.974 Min. Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa). RATED WATER WORKING PRESSURE Sprinklers 09992, 09993, 09994, and 09995 are rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) for high-pressure sys tems. High-pressure (HP) sprinklers can be identlfied by locating "250" stamped on the deflector. Allother Part Nos. notmentioned above are rated to a maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factorytested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3 448 kPa). SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS.C84400 Deflectori Brass UNS-C51000. Brass UNS-C26000, or Cooper UNS-C19500 lor Sprinkler Base Part No. 09992.Brass UNS-C51000 or Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprinklgrs 10139, 10142, 10170,10173, and 10223. Cop- per UNS-C19500 for Sorinkl€r Base Part Nos. 10138, 10141, '10169, 10174, 10187, 10190, 10193, '10220, 10233, 12105, and 12106. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Part Nos. Bushing (lor Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 09994, 09995, 10188, 10189, 10191, 10192, 10218, 10219, 10221, and 10222): Brass UNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 5 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Te{lon TaDe Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap lor Sprinklers 09932, 09993, 09994, 09995, and 10221: Bronze UNS-C31 400 or UNS-C31600 Sprinkler 1 1 a Pip Cap and lnsert Assembly tor alt othsr Sprinkler Part Nos: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Pip Cap Attachmsnt: Brass UNS-C36OOO Ejector Spring (Part Nos. 12105 and 1 2 1 06): Stainl8ss Steel Sprinklers with Teflon@ Coating Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Ex- posed Screw: Nickel Dlated Pip Cap: Teflon@ Coated Sprinklers with Poly Finishes Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly; Ex- posed AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass, Chrome-Enloy@(patents pending), White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 10138, 10i39, 10141 , and 10220), Black Polyester (Btack Poly tinish for Sprinkler Base Pan Nos. '10138 and 10139), and Black Teflont in atl temperature ratings; Wax-Coated Brass or Wax over Polyesler* lor sprinklsrs Note; Units oJ measure in parentheses may be approximations. Beplaces page 1 1 a-d, dated May 2, 2003 (new SIN for Sprinkler ,1 O2O3). Form No. F_100397 Refer to technic_al data page SR1-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information, \IKINIG MICROMATIC'AND MicromaticH P" STAN DARD RESPONSE SPRINKLERS Uprlght Pendent Conventional Sprinkler Temperature Classilication Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Ratinq (Fusing Point) 1 55 "F /68 "C) Max. Ambient Csilinq Temp€raturel Bulb Color2 100'F t38 "C)ffed YellowIntermediate175 'F (79 'C)150 "F {65 "C} lntermediate 200'F (93 "C)150'F (6s "C)Green ntermedrate 212 "F t100 'C)150'F (65 'C)Green Hioh 286 'F 1141 'C\225 "F fiO7 'C\Blue Extra Hioh 360 'F (182 "C)300'F 1149 'c)Mauve |'Ul!|aHigh4-''L5oo:Et29'9':.c)iSprinkler Finishe-s: -B-ras_s, -C-hrome-Enloy'e, White Polyester (Whate poly finish for Sprinkler Base_Part Nos..10138, 10139, 10141 ,and 10220), Black p^olyester (Black'polylinish for Sprin-kler Base Pan Nos. 10138 and 10139). and Black Teflon" Corrosion.Resistant Coatings3: Whiie Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base part Nos. 101 38, 10139, 10141 , and 10220 only), Btack potvester (Black polvfinish for SDrinkler Base Parl Nos. 10138and 10139),ald BtackTeflon" in a temperature rdtings. Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Polyester tinishr for sprinklers wjth the tollowinq tempeAture ratinos; 155 "F (68'C) Lt. Brown Wax 2OO "F (93 "C) Brown Wax 296.F 4141 dcy Dk. Brown-Wax 175 :F (7s :c) Blown W3I 212 :F (1o! "c) Brown wax 1 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and " olher requtrements of the Authonty Havtng Junsdrctron. Reter to specilic Instailation standards.' lhe lemperature ratrnq rs stamoed on the deflector.3The corrosron-resrstanicoatings have passed th€ standard corrosion test required by the ap-proving agencies indicated on pag_es 1 1 b-d. These tests cannot and do not repr6sent illposslble corrosive environments, Prior to Instaltatton, ventv throuqh the end-us€r that the coatings are compatible with or suitable tor the propos€d 6nvronitent. The coatinos indi- cated are applied to the exposed exterior surlaces only and, therefore, the sprinkleis can_not be used as oBen sprinklers. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with poly fin- rsnes and lellon* coatrnos. 4 Spnnkl€rs ol Ulka-Hrgh teirperature rating are intended for use inside ovens, drvers, or sim-ilar enclosures with normai op€rating temperatures above gO0 "F (1 49 "C). Where the ambi_ ent temperature around the Ultra-High temperature rated sprinkldr is sighificantly reduced below 300 "F (149 "C), response time mav be severelv retarded.5 Wax Over Polyester unavailable for Sprinkisr Base p/N3 09992, 09993. 09S94, and Og99S. 75 "F and 75'F ) "c) 175 " 175 175 00'( ). 17 "c) 1'C "c), = (1C.c) F (10( 'c) 212"F F (68 "F .F 21 11e2B-155' 286c 155' and D - 155 I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 11 b .15 mn] 15 mml 15 mm , Pendent, 10 Approval Chart Micromatic@ Standard Pendent Sprinklers Listings and Approvals2 FM NYCA ls mD 175 3i4 20 mm, 15 mml 20 mml 20 mm Approved Temperature Ratings A 155 "F (68'C). 175"Frs5'r- (68'c), 175'F (79.C),200 "F (93 "C), 212 "F {100 "C),286 "F (141 'C), and 360 "F Installed with the Viking Microfas '5 mm 175 Pendent 10i39 , VK102 , 5.6 e.115mm_ 175 rPendeotl 10223 ) VK2O2l 8.0 i 11.5 .15 mm- 175 I Pendeff. 18221e10 - VKOO_gl 2.8 .-_49',' rs... rzs . FenJ-:en-rl r6zzrrt, vi<obi* +.i.- o,o "ittotse: D14 20 mm 1/5 Peld.ea!_ lOiL- V!<2g_B.O t t.5 25/16l 59 . D j - i5 F-n 175 Pencle.r .01 Zg'2 VK.0?...... 5.6 B, J 2 3/.6 56- 20 mD 175 ,Pendent: 14.17_A, - VKZo_2,_r g0 11,q..__Z:?18 l6!_ - .15 mm- 175 lPendeffl 18221e,u - VK00_31 2.8 :-_ 4,a ]] 3116, 15 mm 1 75 , Pendent i 1Q222e:14 i VK004 , 4.2 6,0 - 2.1/4 20 mm 1/5 Pe1d.e4 lOiL- Vl<2]gA_8.0 t t.5 25116i5 F-n 175 Penqerl '91 73 2 , VK'0?...... 5.6 B, J 2 3t.6 D1 rw.!]_v, - !!Ey_4_1 .lJrw I 1.1,9..__4:91o r_ov+ ._-' 20 mm. 1 75 , Pendent , .12105 , Yl(2O2 : e.O 1.1 ,5 .2,Ql1O L 56 Approved Finishes1 Brass. Chron e-Enloy:. White Polidstef. Btack potVesters, and BtackTeflon.5 2 . Brass. Chrome-Ertoy " . Whrte Poli Frnrsh5.-B,ack p6lv Finish5, and Black Tefton !'s 3 - Whrte Polyeste' Bla_ck Polyester. Btack Feflon ", Wax-Coeteo Brass. and Wax over polyester4 Wh.te Poly F,nish. Black Poly F irrsh. Btack lefton" Wax-Coaied Brass. and Wax oirer poly F rnrsh (e3'c), ) (e3 "c), 200'F 0'F( 0"F( and I ), 200 ), 200 'c), a e'c),t0'F( s "c), (7s'c I 360 "F t7 5 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy3, Whrte Poly Finish, and Black polv Finish6 - White Poly Finrsh, Black Poly Frnish, and Wax-Coated Brass (co(osjon resjstant)6 - Whrle Poly Frnrsh. Black Poly Frn,sh. and Wa 7 . Brass and Chrome-Enlov' I'Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over PolyesteF _ 19q lq) - 10- Wax-Coated Brass (corrosron resista;t) F .r:! ,F (:^": 9f 11 High lemperarure 2OO "F {93 "C) Wax Coaling (corrosion resrsranr): maxI -5uu t- 'lbu u) lenperature a owed alceil,nq _ 150 "F {65 "c) . Base oar n-roe.shown For comp eie 0"" "j'.;3ilij;9[",n:;:i$;Si5::i'lli5j;lJt B]ac( Po'|vestel " ltrs table sr'ows the lstings a.d approvals avarlable at the t..e of p.intinq Other aporovals rnav be in orocess.'ALcepted 'o. Jse. Crtv ol New Yo.k Departmelt of Buridings. l\,4EA NL,mbei g9-92-E, Vol. Xll.' Listed by Underw ters Laborator es Inc. for use In the U.S. and Canada,' cULus Lisied as corroston-reststant. ; y:Jll: 11J1"]?i:|.:Yl:.19i!::'//f."n p*ssure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAF, multjplythe metric KJacto r shown by 10.0.Sprrnklers or uLt/a-Hlghiemperature rati19 are 'ntended lor irse Insrde ovens, dryers. or srnrlar enclosu16s wtth normal ooeratino tehoera- l{::,ao9y: J:u:1 1119 "u). wh€re the ambrent temperatLre arodnd the ultra-High temperature rated splnkter is signrfrcanity redu-ced detow "qqq'"49"C).tf'e.esponselireo.theUtt.aHigl.temperaureratedspnnktermaybelevereivretarded.d llv ApqfqvJ! o')i il(ing Microratic ' Stanoa.o Respbrse Recessed Penoent Spnnkle.s instat'eb with the Vrkipg Micromatrc i l\4odel E-, or E-2Hecesseo Escutcneon rs lrmned to wet systems and preaction systems qualitying as wet systems, lor hazard oacupancies up to and includjng - Ordinary Hazard, Group ll. .L!sJirlSS qld Approvals hmrted to Lighi-Hazard Occupanc es with hydraulically calcu ated wet systems only.'"rne sprnKler ontrce rs bushed. Refer lo lhe Sorrnkre' Accessories sect.on for tecnntcal data o. approved escutcheons aro other accessories Escutcheons must be or- .de.ed separatery kon so.tnklers Refe/ to V,ktng s current prJce schedule.zSpn^kre s '0173 '0189, and r0188 are ava able on soecia' order. I - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax Over Poli Finishs 10 - Wax-Coated Brass lcorrosron resislanfl November 21 , 2003 \ilfl\G'MICROMATICO AND MicromaticHP' STANDARD RESPONSE SPRINKLERS Larqe Orifics--'-.'..17s ,Pendent 1.0223 . VK2o2 i 8.0 11,5 , ?:318 I6Q.r..B-1,_D8, Et-]., FZ_ 87, C1.0.. f-z : et , 0e,' F.:.,r,'] ..175 iPendentl 10142 \lK2o2 8,0 ; 11.5 ,2-5116i.F9i..81.0s,.F11.F7:BZ,Ctg; Ft-"B.t. Da" E,j.r, -175 Pendenti 10187 vK2o2 ] 8.0 11,5 I 2-318 oo lar. oe, .'Etr, ii i 'Cio '..,- '" - .175 Penden!. 10120 . VK2O2 18.0,11,5 2,3/8 60 1 Br,Oe,Etr c1o,A7 I :....... _ 1 75 Pendent ; 10142 VK202 I 8,0 , 1 1 .5175 Pendenti 1O173li ]VK1o2 i 5.0. e.1....175 Pendent L 10170 Vt<2O2 8.0 11.5175 Pendent 12105 VK2O2 i LQ : I1,5 Spacing Requirements; Maximum spacrng t 5 f't. t4.6 m), mrnrmum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m). I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I November 2'1 , 2003 with temperature ratings through 286 "F (1 41 'C).* Wax Over Polyester unavailable for Sprinkler BasePanNos 09992 09993,09994.and09995. ACCESSORTES Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard wrench: Part No. 10896W8 (available since 2000) or 05000CW8 (no longer available). B. Wrench lor coated and fecess€d l\4icromatico and MicromaticHPo Stan-dard ResDonse SDrinklers: Part No. 07398w*. (available since '1990), or Pan No. 1 2144W8**, available since 2003. NOTE: Recessed pendent sprinklers with protective caps mu3t use wrench 12144W1B. i*A %" .atchet is required (not available from Vi king). Reter to the "Sprinkler Accessories" sec- tion ot the data book. Sprinkler 1 1 c \IKINIG MICROMATIC'' AND MicromaticHP" STANDARD RESPONSE SPRINKLERS Approval Chart M icromaticHP@ Standard Response Pendent Sprinklers ,- lemperature , +; Finish :Al KEY aximum 250 PSI WWP Thread Size Pendent15 mm 250 09994i 2.8 A1 Installed with the Mking Micromatico Model E.1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheons fz" 15 mmi 25O Pendent Black Polyestera, Footnotes 1 Base part number shown. For complete part number, reter to Vtkrng's current price schedule.z This table.shows the listings and approvals available at the time of prrnting, Other approvals may be in process. ' Listed by Underwriters Laboratories lnc, for use in the U.S. and Canada.a cULus Listed as corrosion resistant.5 lVetric Kjactor shown rs for use when pressure ismeasured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiplythe metric K-tactorshown by 10.0.' Listings. a'rd Approvals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies with hydraulically calculated wet systemd dnly. tne sonnhter ofllrce rs DUsnedI The Microfasto l\,4odel F- 1 Adiustabl€ Escutcheon is considered a surface mounted escutcheon because it does not allowlhe fusible element - ot ihe sprinkler to be recessed behind the face ot the wall or ceilinq.e Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories sectron for technical data on ipproved escutcheons and other accessories. Escutcheons must be or-dered separately from spdnklers. Refer to Vrktng s current price sc6ddule. Spacing Requlrements: Maximum spacing 15 ft. (4,6 m), niinimum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m), Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 wiih a standard 1/8" (3,1 mm) surface-mounted escutcheon. Ceiling Opening Size:2-5l'16" (59 mm) Minimum, 2-1/2' (64 mm) Maximum, 2'(s1 mm) Morlmo|n* 1-1/2' (3E Mlnlmsm mm) i_S'/1" (44,5 mm) 1-1/8'(28,6 Mlhlmumi mm) I -rs---t-_ dEEb Moxirhum dG Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 Sprinkler Base Part No. 10139 installed with a Microfastq) Model F-1 Adiustable Escutcheon. Sprinkler Ease Part No. 10139 installed with a Micromatic@ Mod8l E-1 Fiecessed Escutcheon. I I I I I t I I I I l I t I I I t I I S prinkler 11 d Replaces page 1 1 a-d, daled May 2, 2003 (new SIN for Sprinkter 10233). Refer to techni. cal data page SR1-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Form No. F 100397 November 21, 2003 \IKINIG'MICROMATIC'AND MicromaticHP' StAtTtORRD RESPONSE SPRINKLERS APProval Chart - remPerature Micromatic@ and MicromatcHpo standard Resoonse I i1- Finrsn Maxlmum 175 PSI WWP Stgjldard qtlee size p,lljj;,. sprinkrer Descliption $?T:1:l 9:'::?lprJlT.ir" sprinkterDescriprion ;i_?';tt# iJfiiiij , ustinesand{cclovat* Npr BSp pstc srvr" l"*l;.f stN u.s. metrics Inch mm cUlusa FM i H"C vosl Lpce v" rs,t---_' lia - 15 mm. 175 :Upright. :!0174 VKI-o._Qi 5.6 - 15mm_ 175 Uoright 10193 VK1OO 5.6 8.1 2-3116 56.- 91, E19,F13, Cg. i ng,Oz, Ca iel, ero,FJ33j _ I . 817 Maximum 250 PSI WWP Standard ';" t s rnr Zso lUprigr '2 15mnl ' 2-114 Apprgved Flnishes Approved remperature Ratinss I Ei33i: 3ii3il:.Eii3V;:W[ll: E:iy?F:li'Si*i"r:i,"J:i:d?'"5',6ii:1";:?,*i. A - 155.F (68 C)..75.F (79 C). 2OO t 3 - Whtle Poly_ester. Black Polyester. Black Teflon{, wax-coated Brass, and wax over Polvester ,93"c1 2j2't r1Oo.c\ 2F6,Frj4i ,it a - White Poly finish. Blac-k Polyester, Black Teflon ". Wax-Coated Brass. and Wax over Polye3ter i"a #b:irr'd n -' : Brass. Chrome Erloy', White Polyester. and Etack polyester s is6frioetcfri6.r(7e.c).200.F 9 913::91-j19::nloy?, white Pdry Finish. and Brack'Polyester (93 C), 286 F {141 Ct, ancr gO"O jF 7 - White P^oly Frnish and Wax-C,oated_Bras_s (corosion resrdtant) liaz t)--- 8 - Elrass' Chrome-Enloyr and Whrte Poly Frnish c. rss'r r'oe-c1. tzs r (79 c).2oo F 9-- Brass and Chrome-Enloy. rq.r'r]\ end 2A6aFt1a1 .c\ 10 Wax Coated Brass andWax over Polyesters n _ ii., F'ini tl-izc Jp iiqi6, 2no.F 11 - Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Poly Finish5- ,si.ii-;i)t);i ,,rirr:ci, --- l2 - Wax-Coated Brass (corrosron resrstant)r r:? r-r?ie"o rzl"rizd;cflnazoo"r 't "?9fi1",:il;15':i;li,T3"i"l;6""|viluq3i''"s (corrosron resistant): maxrmum ambient tem- p-rii E',,or ", 1a-Brass.Ch.omeEn'oyr.WhitePolyFinish5.BrackPolVFrnishs,andBtackTeftonE5 c - i|6 r izoo "6i 15 - Wh'te P_oly Frnrsh. B'ack Poly Finrsh. and Wax-Coated Brass {corrosron resistant) 16 - Brass. Chrome-Enloy'" , White Poly Finish, and Btack Poty Finish Footnotes I Base pan numoer showr. For complete part number. refer to Viking s current price schedule.z Thts lab e shows the ||st'ngs a^d approva s ava:lable at the trrne of -printing. Other approvals mav be in process. " Accepted lof use. Crty of New York Department of Buildrngs. |y54 llurber 89-92-E: Vol, Xll. " Listed bV Underwriters Laborator|es Inc for use in the U.Sl and Canada. : cULus Listed as corrosion-resistant.o l/ekic Kjactorshown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiplythe metric K-factorshown by 10.0.7 Spnnklers of Ultra-Hrgh temperature ratrng are Intended for use rnsrde ovens. dryet's, o, s,m,lar enciosrr6s w,tn normal operatinq tempera- Lu^r_el-ab9y9 9!0:f (149'C). Where the ambient temperature around the Ulrra-Hrgh temperature rated sprinkter rs significaritly redu-ced delow .,300'F (149'C), the response time of the Ulka'High temperature rated sprinkle; may be severely retdrded. " L'slr.gs and Apo'ovals. 'mrted to L,ght-Hazard Occupancies witn hydrau|cally calctlated wet sistems only." tne sorrnKter onlrce ts DUsneoloSprinilers 10168 and10172 are available on special order. ' Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings. l\,'lEA Number g9-92-E, Vol. lll. Spacing Requirements: Maximum lment of Buildings. l\,'lEA Number 89-92-E, Vol. lll. 15 ft. (4,6 m), minimum spacing 6 ft. (1,8 m). I T I I I I I I t I I t I t I t I I I october 1 . 2000 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Microm-atic I N4odel M/M-s and MicromaticHP'E Model M Standard Re- sponse Horizontal Sidewall Glass-Bulb Style Sprinklers 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. lndustrial Park Fload Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A.Telephone: (269) 945-9501 (4771 344-5464 Fax:(269) 945 9599 e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Vrkrng Mrcromatic u and MicromatrcHPi Standard Response Horizontal Side-wall (HSW) Sprinklers are small thermosensitive glass-bulb style spray sprinklers available with finishes and temperature ratings lo meet design re- quirements. Used in conjunction with one of the various corrosion-resistant coatings, the units provide protection against many corrosive environments. ln addition, the special Polyester or Tef- lon ! coatings can be used in decorative aDolications. During fire conditions, the heat-sensi- tive liquid in the 5 mm glass bulb ex- pands. causing the bulb to shatter. re- leasing the pip-cap and sealiqg spring assembly. water flowing through the sorinkler orifice strikes the sorinkler de- flector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. Viking Slandard Response Glass-Bulb Style Sprinklers may be ordered and/or used as open sprinklers (glass bulb and pip-cap assembly removed) on deluge systerns. 4. TECHNICALDATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the approval chart on page 14 t. Glass-bulb lloid temoerature rated to -65' F i-55" C). Rated Water Working Pressure: Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 09849 and 09997 are rated for use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi (48,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa) for high-pressure systems. High- pressure (HP) sprinkler can be identified by locating the number "250" on the deflector. All Other Part Nos: Maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi f3 448 kPa). Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa) Springr U,S,A, Patent No. 4,167,974 Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations, Form No. F 123096 Tefl on@ Coated Sprinklers Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Nickel olated. Pip Cap Oeflono coated): For Part Number '10224: Copper UNS- C31600. For all other Part Num- bers: Coooer UNS-CI 1000 and Stainless Steel UNS-530400, AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass, Brighi Brass, Chrome-Enloyc, White Polyester, Navajo White Polyes- ter, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon in all temperature ratings: Wax-Coat€d Brass or Wax Over Polyester for sprin- klers with temperature ratings through 286 'F (141 'C). ACCESSORTES Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Six-head capacity: PartNo. 017244 B. Twelve-head capacity: Part No. o17254 Available since 1971 . Sorinkler Wrenches: A. Sbndard W€nch: Part No. 10896/V/B (available since 2000) or Part No. 05000CW8 (no longer available). B. Wrench for coated and recessed sprinklers: Part No. 07398W* Available since 1990.r A 1/2' ratchei is required (not available from Viking). Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" sec- tion of the Vlkng Engineering and Design Data book. Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,71O SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castlngs UNS-C84400 Deflector: For Sprinkler Base Part No. 09997: Brass UNS-C26000. For allother Pan Nos.: Coooer uNs-c19500, Bushing (for High-Pressure Sprinklers) : Brass UNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 5 mm diameter Seal: Teflon@ Tape Spring: Nickel Alloy Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap: Copper UNS-C31600 for SprirF kler Base Part No. 10224. Fo. all other Paft Nos,: CoDoer UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400. Polyester Coated Sprinklers Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed Screwr Brass UNS-C36000 Nickel plated. Pip Cap: For Part Number 10224: Copper UNS-C31600. For all others: Copper UNS-C1 1000 and Starnress Steel UNS-530400. New format replaces page 1 4 a-d, dated October 14, 1 999, page 14 e-9, dated June 4, 1999, and page 31 a-d, dated May 27, 1999. Refer to technlcal data page SRl-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Sprinkler 14 e \ll(llG MICROMATIC'" AND MicromaticHP@ STAN DARD RESPONSE HORIZONTAL ALL SPRINKLERS ,"',flTllil.",jilTli .gr,-gi!:'sry _,, -1.9p "f_p8:c) Intermediate 175 "F f79'C) Max. Ambient : Max. Recommended Temp. Allowedl ; Ambient Temp.2 tllq "F (46'( Intermediate 200'F (93'C) I 180'F High 286 "F (141 "C) . 266 "F (130 Extra Hioh 360 'F {182 'C) i340"F1171 22s'F (107'c) BL9C 'F (149.,"C) _ Mauve 135'F (57 "C) Ofi-White Wax 200 "F (93 "C) Brown Wax 155 "F (68 "C) Light Brown Wax 286 'F (141 'C) Dark Brown Wax 175'F (79 "C) Sprinkler Finishes: Brass. Bnght Brass. Chrome-EnloyE (patent-s pending), White Polyes- ter, Navaro Whrte Polvester, Black Polvester. and Black ietlon D ' Corroslon-Rosistant Qoatings4: Whrte Polyester. Navajo White Polyesier. Black PolVes- ter. and Black Tellon " In all temoerature ratrnos. Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over polv. ester {or sprinklers w th the tollowing temperaiure rat'ngs: Footnotes 1 Based on National Fire Prevention and Control Administration Contract No. 7,34860.2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limiis may apply depending on fre loading, sprinkler location, and - other requirements ofthe Authority HaMng Jurisdiction. Referto specifc installation standalds.I Th€ temperature rating is stamped on the dellector. 4 The corrosion.resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Chart on page 14 f. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verity throuqh the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable lor the propose<J enviro-n- ment. The coatings indrcated are applied to the exposed e)iterior surlaces only and, thers fore, cqnnot be r.r5ed as open sprrnkiers. Note thatihe spring is exposed on spiinklers with Tellon s or Polyester coating. Table I 340 "F 1171 I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I T I I Sprinkler 14 f October 1, 2000 Form No. F 123096New fo-rmat replaces page 1 4 a-d, dated october 14, 1 9gg, page 1 4 e-g, dated June 4, 1 999, and page 31 a-d, dated May AZ, 1999, Refer to technical dati page SR,l -2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. \IKING'MICROMATIC'AND MicromaticH P" STAN DARD RESPONSE HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS Approval Chart Micromadio and MlcromaticHPo Standard Response HSW Sprinklers m 175 psl wwp Standard Orifice Nominal OverallK-(^.r^. | 6nnrh LtsBngs and Approvats. A1 X, 41Z, B4X,A1X, B 1Y, 81Z, B4X, B4Z, B4Ysg I Bt V, B4Y, B4Z,.. 15 mm 175 10171 VK1O4 - 7I....r - , l1/2''.1s mm 1zs i OS8+S : VK116 S.O ] z,S 2.5 , 64 :- 1/2" 15 mm Maximum 250 psi wwp Slandard Orifice, for lnstallalion 4"tq 12" (i02 mm to 305 md Below Ceilings. 49 ' vK1 16 5.6 7.g 2 5 64 UL - C:UL"' : D1W, BlV D 1!V. B1V 1/2"115 mm Approved Temperature :Ratings Approved Finishes . j35 "F ts7.cj t f,t-, "F r6a 1 - Brass. Bright B.ass. bhrome-EnloyD. White polyestef, Na-,':' 'Y- \,a,^ \^/hii^ o^r,,^-+^5 or^^r- Er^r.,*.^5 ^^! 6,^^i- '^a--le)s Approv€d Escutcheons V - Installed with standard surtaco-mounted es- cutcheons or the Viking Micromaticr Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon W - Installed with standard surface-mounreo escutcheons or the Viking Microfasto Model F-1 Adjustable EscLrtcheons X - Installed with standard surface-mounteo es- cutcheons only, Y - Recessed with the Viking Micromatic@ Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon. Z - Installed with the Viking Microfast@ [,4odel F-1 Adiustable Escutcheon. A _ 135 "F t57 ^(]\ 155 "F /AA ' - ero$, D g r or.rss, vrn9 te-E toy-, vvnue rotyesler, t\a-' Jdir io';i ,#'"ci"rnn:i vajo White PotyesteF, Btack potyeiteF. and Btack Tefton@s ,ii' "c-, ,ii "r-'i.,7i"i e . Brass, Bright Brass, and Chrome-Entoyri"c),175 "F (79 "C), 200 "F ^ 1aju (93 "C), aB6 "f ir+r;Cf 2-Brass.Bnght "..-r rnh .i , i"o "n, -' 3. Wax-Coatedl1'" ;:| .3:?";'""f +''q 5 irlliiiJ"i""!' ;;;;: (:#;#' [;;i#tand 360'F (182 "C)s ii! ;F 1 si cy.-i s s " r : ylqfl ?qanqwsTo€jP:lvester (con€sionresishnt) and 200 "F (93 "C)6 - 200 "F (93 "C) Wax Coating (corrosion resistant); maximum c _ 286 "F (141"C) ambrent temperature at ceiling : 150 "F (65 .c) D 13s "i (57 'ic), r ss 'F 7 - Brass,^Bnght ?111 ".n'?13;E1.v!, white PolyesteF, N-a Footnotes " P3!". q",n number,is shown F or com plete part number. refer to Vrk ing,s current price schedule.' .l,nrs table shows the lrstings and approvals availabre at the time of printing. Cheak with the manufacturer for anv additionat aoorovals. ; :_.. 111y-t: _t'.",99 ror Lrgnt Hazard occupancies only. Locate with deflectors 4" to 12" (102 mm to 304 mm) befow ceilings. r !-.fr ApPlqvgo ror Lrghl'Hazard occupancies only, Locate with deflectors 4" to 6 " (1 02 mm to 152 mm) below ceilings. - : UL and ULC, and C-UL Ltsted as corroston-reststant. :Y:trrc f-lqglol:hown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure rs measured In BAFI, muttiptythe metnc K-t actor shown bv 10.0.uL anq u uL Lrsteo lor Lront-Hazard, Ordinary Hazard Group I, and Ordinary Hazard Group ll occupancies. Locate wrth deflectors 4ito 12' " {.02 mm to 30b mm) be-low ceilrngs, o The Vtk tng M rcrofast.!' Model F 1 Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mountsd escutcheon because rt d oes not allow the fusjble el- ^ ement oJ the spflnkrer to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling. ;#! 9nd C:VL Ltstjngs limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies with hydrautic;ty catculated wet systems.'rne spflnkter onltce ts bushed. ]]4pprou"O by the New York Crty Board ot Standards and Appeals under Catendar Number 219-76-54."spnnkler I D. Nos and nominal U.S. K-factors provided in accordance with the 1999 edition oi NFpA 13, Section g-2.2 and Section g-2.g, NOTE: Locate with deflectors 4' to 6" (102 mm io 152 mm) f rom walls. Exceplion; Horizontat siae*att dpiiniiers may Ue insiarieo wifrrine Oe.flectors less than 4" (102 mm) from the wall in which they are installed. Alrg; horizontat srdewatl spnnkters wrth top oi deflectors par;lleito theceiling or roof. 1X, 41Z, 1Y, B4Y, 2.4 61,9 -- uL 2-7 /16" (61,9r. m ) ', 1-1 /4" ,(3r,8mm) Ceilinq Hole Size 2-5/16" (58,7 mm) minimum z-t/z \oJ,J mm) mor'mum ( s7.2mm) Vikrng HSW Spnnkler Base Part No. 09849 Installed with a Standard 1/8" (3. I mm) Escutcheon Vikhg HSW Sprinkler Base Part No. 09849 Installed with the Vikinq Recessed Escutcheon I I I I June 13, 2003 i Max. Ambientj Ceiling Temp.t Sprinkler 101 e Yellow Green t 1. PRODUCTNAME Viking Model M Standard Response Model l\4 Dry Upright Sprinklers . Sorinkler Base Part No. 08050 (Sprinkler ldentification No. VK160t) . Sprinkler Base Part No. 08079 (Sprinkler ldentification No. VK1 60t) tThe Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN) is slamoed on the sorinkler detlector Available since 1992 2. MANUFACruRER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 USA Telephone: Fax: (269) 945-9501 (877) 384-5464 (269) 945-95e9 e-mail ; techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Viking Standard Response Dry Up- righl Sprinkler is an assembly consist- ing of a thermosensitive glass-bulb spray sprinkler permanently secured to a special supply nipple. The special supply nipple is designed to prevent water trom entering the nipple before the sorinkler operates. This feature makes the Viking Standard Response Dry Upright Sprinkler suitable tor use in unheated spaces above ceilings of heated rooms equipped with wet sprin- kler systems. Viking Standard Re- sponse Dry Upright Sprinklers may be installed on wet systems, dry systems, or preaction svstems. A chrome es- cutcheon rs provided with each sprin- kler to cover the ceiling penetration (see Figure 1on page 101 0. The Viking Standard Flesponse Dry Up- right Sprinkler features a sealed brass inlet and a durable threaded steel barrel with an Electrodeposited Epoxy Base coating. The upright sprinkler frame and deflector are of the familiar Model M design, and the sprinkler is equipped with a 5 mm glass bulb. The sprinkler is available in several temperature ratings to meel design requirements. The seal at the threaded end of the assembly is held in place by force transmitted from the compression screw, through the glass bulb and jnternal parts, onto a special sealing spring, During fire conditions, the heal-sensi- tive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causjng the glass to shatter, releasing the internal parts to open the waterway. Water flowing through the sprinkler ori. fice strikes the sprinkler deflector, form- ing a uniform spray pattern to extin- guish or control the fire. Viking Standard Response Dry Upright Sprinklers may be ordered in 1/2" (12,7 mm\ increments, in lengths ("8" dimension) ftom 4-'l12" to 49-112" ( l 1 4,3 mm to 1 257 mm)* (See the "Ordering Information" section on the nexl page.) * Lengths between 49-112 and61-112' 11257 mm and 1 562 mm) are available, with no approvals, on a 'made-lo.ordea basis. Contact the manu- facturer for more information. 4. TECHNICALDATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Referto the Approval Chart on page 101 f. Approved to maximum length of 49-112" (1 257 mm)*. Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 'F C55 'C). Rated to 1 75 psi (1 207 kPa) water work- ing pressure. Thread Size: 1" NPT or 25 mm BSP Nominal K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (8,1 mef ric**) for all listed and approved lengths.*ri/etric K.factor shown is for us6 when orgs- sure is measured In kPa When pressure in 8AR, multiply K factor shown by 10.0 Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa). Factory tested pneumatically at 100 psi (685 kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No, 4,796.710 SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Casiings UNS-C84400 Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb: Glass. nominal 5 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assem- bly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Spring Base: Brass UNS-C312100 or UNS.C3l600 Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 PiD CaD: Brass UNS-C31400 or UNS-C31600 Seat: Copper UNS-C21000 Orifice: Coooer UNS-C21 000 Washer: Stainl6ss Steel UNS-S30400 Gasket: Buna.N Tube: ERW Hydrauljc Steel Tube Inlet: Brass UNS-C3l600 SprinklerTemperature Nominal SprinklerTemp. : Classification I .R?!jl-9'1f99!lg.P_o!n!)''. Ordinarv 155'F (68'C) I I I t I I I I I I I I I t Support (lnternal): Stainless Steel UNS.S3O4OO Spring (|nternal): Stainless Steel UNS-S3O20O Barrel: Steel Tube UNS-G10260, Elec- trodeposited Epoxy Base finish (Black) Escutcheon: Brass UNS-C26000 or UNS-C26800 (with decorative chrome finish) NOTE: This escutcheon is orovided with each sprinkler to cover the ceiling penetration (see Figure I on page l0l 0. AVAII.ABLE FINISHES Plain Barrel with Brass Sprinkler SPRI NKLER TEMPERATURE RATI NGS Refer to Tabte 1 below. ACC ESSORIES Standard Dry Sprinkler Wrench: Part Number 07297W8 Sprinkler Guard: Chrome, with no list- ings or approvals, tor installation on Standard Besponse Dry Upright Sprinklers manufactured after May 1994 only (Part No. 08954). Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Form No. F 033192 ' Based on NFPA,13. Other limits may apply. depending on lire loading, sprinkter location, and oth€r requirements of the Authbniy l-iavinb Jurisdrction, Refer to-specific installation standards.2lemperature rating is stamped on th6 detlector. Table I Fleplaces page 101 e-f, dated October 1 , 2000 (updated the sprinkler materials list). Refer to technlcal data page DRY1-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance Informatlon. \IKINIG"STANDARD RESPONSE DRY UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I Sprinkler '101 f Juna 13,2003 Form No. F 033192 ORDERING INFORMATION For proper shipment, specify: model, finish, temperature rating, and length (B dimension) desired. For Viking Stan- dard Response Dry Upright Sprinklers, the B dimension is the distance from the face of the fitting (tee), into which the sprinkler is to be installed, to the top of the deflector (see Figure 1on this page). Viking Standard Response Dry Upright S prinklers may be ordered in %" (12,7 mm) increments, with lengths ("8" dimensaon) trom 4-112'to 49-112' ( 1a,3 mm to 1 257 mm)*.*Lengths49-1/2'and61-1/2 (1 257 mnt and 1 562 mm) are available, with no approvals, on a''made-to-order" basis. Contact the manufac- turer for more information. A chrome escutcheon is orovided with each sprinkler to cover the ceiling pene- tration (see Figure 1). Replaces page 101 eJ, dated Octobe|I , 2000 (updated the sprinkler materiats list). Refer to technicaldata page DRYl -2 forgeneralcare, installation, and maintenance information. \IKINIG*STANDARD RESPONSE DRY UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS f!T94!!1" ---,- sprinkl€r :sprinkleftdenlification,NominalK-Facto Npf esp -V'" Bu." Part No.3 Number (SlN) U^S. metric Yes i Yes Footnotes I M inimum length ("B" dinension) = 4 112" 1114,3 mm). Maximum standard (hst€d and approved) length ("8" dimensron) = 49-1/2" (1 257 mm).' This chart shows the lrstrngs ano approvals avarlable at rhe trme of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer _ lor any aqofionar approvars ' Base parl number shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price list. a K-Factor applies to all listed lengths ("8" dimensions). Metric K-Facto[shown is for use when pressure is m€asured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiplv the metric K-Factor shown bv 10.0.5 Accepted for use, City oi New York Department ot Buitdings, l\,lEA Number 89-92,E, Vol. 15. 12,7 I Y€s For 'B" Dimenslon: t. Delermine the distance from the face of the tee to the top of the sprinkler deflector. 2. Round to nearesl l/2" (12,7 mm) increment between 4-1l2" and 4+1/2" (114,3 mm ard 1 257 mm). Outside diameter: 1 5/16" (33,4 mm). Outside diame- ter is ihe same outside diameter as 1" (25 mm) Schedule 40 pipe. ---t-, Figure 1 Standard Response Dry Upright Sprinkler I t /FEECA DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY@ BACKFLOW PREVENTION t I I I I I I I Characteristics Physical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Off Valves Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Clamp Application Non-Health Hazard Options E uurHa os&y RW D Wye - Strainer 21,2",3, 4",6", 8", 10' 17s PSI (1200 KPa) 3s0 PSI (2400 KPa) 32o F to 1400 F (0o C to 6o0 c) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Ductile iron Grade 65-45-.12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and external, AWWA C550-90 NRS resllient wedge gate valves AWWA C5O9 Bronze EPDM Stainless steel AWWA 606 Gate Valves U.S. Patent No. 4,989,635 Agency Compliance . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Fesearch at the University of Soulhern California. - 2112" - 8' (Horizontat & Verticat Up) . ASSE ( Std, 10 15) - 21t2" - 8" (Horizonrat & Verticat Up), '10" (Horizontal) . ANSf/AWWA (C510-89) - 2't.i' - B" (Horizontat & Verricat Up), 10" (Horizontal) . CAN/CSA (864.5) - 2112" - 8" (Horizontat & Verticat Up) . cUL - 2,lr' - 8" (Horizontat & Vertical Up) . FM Approved- - 2112,' - 8" (Horizonral & Verticat Up) . UL Listed. - 21b" - B'(Horizontat & Verticat Up) ' Less gates not FM approved. Less gales nol UL lisled unless installed with UL listed gate valves. 2Vz" and 3"t I I I I I I t t Model 850 Flow Curves 6" Minimum Refer to Local Codes t5-C' - 10 J o'r 0 t 3 tr'15 4"and 4OO GPM 6" - L- 10 q I 0 1600 8" 2OOO GPM and 10" tc o.J roq) .L MODEL 850 VERTICAL INSTALLATION 3000 Atl 1000 2000 SOOO GPM mAsEER, I I I I I I I I 1 I l I Model850 B A Dimensions and Weights (U.S. - Inches) SIZEABC-T}GHNRSOS&Y 12112" 40314 ZSi, I 3" 4'tlls 255t8 127te 10 41lz 73la 211 219I c' 46..14 28 143ta 101/a 51tz 8'/€ zla 3126' 50 3431+ 1871e 12310 61/z 9?le 450 494 1 1]ie 711 773't23t\ 980 1080 NET NET (lbs.) (lbs.) NET (ks) Y 92 97 224 J3 l 490 - 8" 65 4131t 23112 15s/e 7 I 10" 7251e 4631e 27112 15% II (Metric - MM) B 1035.05 1063.63 117 4.7 5 1422.40 1651.00 1844.68 NET (ks) 90 96 131 204 445 65 80 100 150 200 250 I 647.70 650,88 711.20 882.65 1060.45 1177.93 320.68 327.03 365.13 479.43 596.90 698.50 254.00 254.00 257 .20 323.90 396.88 396.88 1 '14.30 114.30 139.70 165.10 177.80 228.60 180.98 187.33 206.38 250.83 282.58 314.33 With NRS Gate Valves ote: Dimensions are nominal. BacKlow Prevention Allowances must be made for normal manufacturino tolerances. Materials of Construction j,9. -Bol 8070 . Fresno. CA 93747-8070 159 252-0791 . Fax: 559 453-9030 , www.cmb-ind.com, www.FEBCOonlina.com ISTUO o2/O1 Copyrighl2OOl CMB Industries, Inc. CMB Industries, Inc. A tinited Dominion Company ISO 9001 Ccrtified 850 Top View ITEI,4 DESCRIPTION MATERIALS 1 Body A536 GR 65,45,121.1 Pipe Plug calv Steel 1.2 Bushing (2'i, -4 oniy) Brass 2 Cover A536 GF 65,45-12 2.1 O.Ring EPDM ASTI\4 D2000 2.2 Cap Screw Plated Steel 2.3 Hex Nut Plated Steel 3 Seat Ring 8584 Alloy C836OO 3.'1 Gasket EPDM ASTM D20004 Arm 8584 A ay C83600 4.1 Bushing-Swing Pin Acetat Besin 4.2 Swing Pin 304 SS5 Retaining Clip 302 SS 5.1 Retaining Clip 302 SS6 Check Disk Assy EPDM Coated GR, 45 Duclile lron with type 304 SS stem 7 Load Pin 304 SS I Lwr Spring Relnr 8584 Alloy C83600 I Spfing Stenr 304 SS 9.1 Elaslic Stop Jam Nut 1B-B SS 10 Spring 4313 Type 631 SS'11 Spring Guide 8130 Alloy C22000 12 Upr Spring Relnr 8584 Alloy C83600 12 1 Bushing-Spr. Stem Acetal Resin 13 Pivot Bearing 8585 Alloy C83600 14 Flange Gasket Rubbe/Fabric 15 Bearirg Socket Acelal Resin 16 Hex Jam Nut 18,8 SS'7 Washer 302 SS 18 Flange Nut Plaled Steel 18.1 Flange Nut Plated Steel 19 Cover A36 Stl Epoxy Coated 24 Bolt Piated Steel 24.1 Washer Plated Steel 25 Bolt Plated Steel26 Gasket EPDti ASTM D2000 35 O-Ring EPDM ASTM D200035.1 Back-Up Ring Acetal Resin 36 Cov€r 8584 Alloy C8360040 Ball Valve 8584 Alloy C84400 41 Nipple Brass 41.1 Nipple Brass 41.2 Nipple Brass 42 Gate Valve AWWA C509 60 ld Plate 836 Alloy C26000 62 Drive Screw SS 70 Clamp AWWA 606 (10" Only, Not Shown Above) I I ,FEBCA REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY@ BACKFLOW PREVENTION I T I I I I I I I Physical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Flange End Connections Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut O{f Valves Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Installation Views I '| 8" mtn 21lz' , 3, 4' ,6", 8", & 10" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32o F to 140o F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated Internal and external AWWA C550-90 NRS and OS&Y resilient wedge gate valves AWWA C5O9 Bronze EPDM Stainless steel U.S. Parent No. 4.989,635 . U S. Patent No. S,107,g8B U.S. Patent No. 5.385,166. U.S. Palent No. 5,226.441 u.s. Patent No. 5.392,803. U.S. Patenl No. 5,503.176 MODEL 88OV REDUCED PBESSURE ASSEMBLY (Shown in vertical orientation) MODEL 880/880V REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY (Shown in standard orientation) I I I I t I I I Grooved End Coupling -T mln I Optional Valve Settar (18" with Air Gap Drain, refer to local code) 4" mln FLOW Standard orientation (Model 8g0.iS80V) ' Note-Model 880 does not include grooved end coupling. Recommended minimum clearances from permanent struclures for ease of testing and maintenance are shown on above drawinqs. Vertical orientation (Model 880V) -- Adaptor supplied with 880V only. mAsEER" I I l t I I t I I I I I I Detail 10" Disc Assembly Materials of Construction 1 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 \). I 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 6 Body Cover '1q Check O-Ring Capscrew Hex Nut Expansion Pin Cover 2! Check Seat Ring Gasket Arm Bushing Swing Pln Swing Pin Retaining clip Hairpin Cotter Check Disk S€at Disk Disk Holder (10") Disk Retainer (10") Capscrew (10") Load Pin Spring Stem A536 GR 65-45-12 4536 GR 65-45-12 EPDM ASTM D2OOO Plated Steel Plated Steel SS A536 GR 65-45-12 B5e4 Alloy C83600 EPDI\4 ASTM D2OOO 8584 Alloy C83600 Acetal Resin DJ SS SS EPDM Coated GF, 45 Duciile lon W/ SS Sla'n 12 Upr Spring Retnr 12.1 Bushing-Spr. Stem'13 Pi\,ot Bearing14 Flange Gasket15 Bearing Socket16 Hex Jam Nut17 Washer18 Flange Bolt Alloy Acetal Resin Allcy Rubber/Fabric Acelal Resin JS SS Plated Steel Plaled Steel Allcy 5D HDPE Alloy ss A536 GR 65-45-12 Plated steel Plated Steel Plated Steel Nitrile ASTM D2000 M40 304 SS Acetal Resin JD Acetal Flesin AIloy Seat Disc - RV Lower Guide Seat Disc O-Bing O-Ring Back-Up Ring Adaptor Plate Sm. Diaphragm Retainer Slip Ring Flow Washer Ball Valve Nipple Gate Valve Bulkhead Fitting Bulkhead Fitting Gasket Gasket Nut Sensing Line Slreet Elbow ldentification Plate Drive Screw Clamp (880V) EPDI\4 ASTM D2OOO Acetal Resin Alloy FDA EPDIV Acetal Resin EPDM ASTM D2OOO Alloy Nitrile ASTIV D2000 Alloy Acetal Resin Acetal Resin Alloy Brass AWWA C5O9 Alloy Alloy EPDM ASTM D2OOO EPDM ASTI\,'I D2OOO Alloy SAE Hydraulic Hose AIloy Alloy DD AWWA C6O6 32 33 34 34.1 35 35.1 36 37 38.1 39 40 43 45.1 A'' cu 60 62 70 -J SS o, l 6.2 6.3 7 9 9.1 10 10.1 'tl Elastic Stop Jam Nut SS Spring 1i Check SS Spring 2t Check SS Spring Guide SS 18.1 Flange Nut20 R.V Cover 20.1 Bleed Screw 20.2 Gasket21 R.V Body 22 Cover Bolt23 Elbow 24 RV L4tg Bott 24.1 Washer - RV 25 FIV l/4tg Bott27 Lrg. Diaphragm28 Button 28,1 Flow Screw2S RV Spring 30 Stem - R'/31 Main Guide - RV Relief Valve 31.1 O-Flrna - RV FDA EPDM h Model880/880V Standard Orientation Note: The Model 880V is shiooed ln the standard (N-Shape) orientation as shown above. Model 880 does not include grooved end coupling. Model880V Vertical Orientation NRS Side View - E -+ t_ Relief Valve Detail Relief shipped on right side (shown) Approximate Net Net. NRS OS&Y I I I I Dimensions U.S. - lnches E1 E OS&Y I I I I I Size A B C D NHS OPEN F G H J K L M (Lbs.) (Lbs.) 2112" 12112 253h 2411a 4151,a 1251e '163/8 165/a 61lo 51lz 3'lz 135/8 71la 2711q 21o zzo 3' 12'lz 25314 2431a 571,e 12'la 22111 16s/e 6'/a 51lz 33/o 1411s 71lo 2811" 280 2gO 6' 16 3211q 3211a 8s/'s 181e 30Ye 21alz I 71lz 51lz 18s/e 91lz 3711" 480 S3O 8' 18'lz 37'le 363/8 9s/ro 2311p 373h 2471a 9'/o 834 63/a 2o3lo '10,/a 4111p 810 880 10" 21 42112 4031a 111[z 27112 48 27'lz 10 93/, I 24 11112 48 1350 1480 Metric - MM ApproxlmaleNet Net. NRS OS&Y E1 E OS&Y I SizeABCDNRSOPENFGHJKLM(kgs.)(kSs.) 65 317.s 654.1 616.0 125.4 320.7 415.9 422.3 158.8 139.7 88.9 346.1 184.2 692.2 95.3 99.8 80 317.5 654.1 628.7 138,1 327.0 565.2 422.3 158.8 139.7 95.3 358.8 184.2 717.6 127.0 131.5 100 355;6 708.0 679.5 166.7 365.1 590.6 450.9 177.8 152.4 114.3 393.7 184.2 787.4 145.1 158.8 150 406.4 819.2 819.2 217.5 479,4 765.2 547.9 203.2 190.5 1s9.7 473.1 241.3 946.2 217.7 240.4 200 469.9 952.5 923.9 242.9 596.9 958.9 631.8 235.0 222.3 171.5 527.1 260.4.1054.1 967.4 399.2 250 533.4 1079.5 1035.1 292j 698.5 1219.2 698.5 254.0 247.7 203.2 609.6 292.1 1219.2 612.3 671.3 Weights do nol include risers or optional valve setter. Note: Dimensions shown are nominal. Allowances must be made for normal manufacturing tolerances. Reter to Specilication Sheet SS VS for details on valve setter. field reversible to left side. I I I I I I t Application Health Hazard Flow Orientation Standard orientation is inlet flow vertical up, outlet flow vertical down. Vertical orientation is inlet and ou et flow vertical up. Options E Valve Setter with MJ x MJ, MJ x FL, or FL x FL endsD UUFM OS&Y RW Gate Vatvestr Relief Valve Air Gap Drain Funnel O Wye Strainer Agency Compliance (Sizes 21/2"-1 0,') . ASSE (Std 1013) . ANS|/AWWA (C511-89) . cANicsA (864.4) . UL- . FM- . cUL . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the Universitv of Southern Calitornia. ' Less gale not FM approved, Less gate not UL lisled unless installed with UL tisledqated valves. Model 880/880V Flow Curves 2112" 150 GPI\4 300 400 GPI/4 -A =+-B 100 A-Vertical orientation (model 8B0V) B-Standard orientatlon (model 880 and 8g0V) GPM A B 1000 2500 6rt 100 la rt - 12 rg'3rF: 2I l: ag li q) I I )io.^L to o 0 4" 200 300 400 500 600 7oo GPM t a 1AIl 'v -11-t tz j tuo8j! I 1C pre 3tz3io 18 14 12 10I 6 4 2 8tt3rt 700 _20olB916 a .^ J:: 6Ro:Ib 4 1000 '1200 1400 3000 10" 100 1500 GPM r :EBCO Bacldlow pr6vsntion 1p. Box 8070 . Fresno, CA 93747-BO7O l9 252-0791 . Fax: 559 453-9030 . wwwcmb-ind.com , FEBCoonttne.com iS88oV 2/01 Copynghl2OOt CMB lndustrios, Inc. L B4 0 500 1000 1s00 2000 2500 3ooo 35oo 4ooo 45oo 5oo0 GPIVI The 6" and 1 0 ' f low curves (B-standard orientation) include the FEBCO valve setter model 611. CMB Industries, lnc. A Uniled Dominion Company ISO qnnl Ca*ifr-A EE' A B- A.. A- -B.t I I ,FEBCA REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY@ BACKFLOW PREVENTION I Characteristics Physical Properties Size Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Valve Body Elastomers SpringsI I I I 'lz" ,3lo', 1', 1114", 11li' . 2" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32'F to 140"F (0"C to 60"C) Threaded ANSI 82.1 Bronze Silicone Stainless Steel Agency Compliance . ANSI/AWWA Conformance (Cb j 1 .92) . ASSE Listed (Std. i013). CSA . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Application Health Hazard Options E Wye - Strainer MODEL 860 C/,' . 2") REDUCED PRESSUBE ASSEMBLY Model 860 (1/2" - 2") Flow Curves 1lz"I 6"" =25o20o -- o lc Ero 5 -?ntt -'O. .c o ^-2 Zt)J ,'" l! ,^ =loo-_o. i5 q ,-r t3 a tnr5 12 1510 o u) ^^ I 5 I I t tS 18 (GF,tvl) 3lq" 1'lz" 100 120 (cPM) 30 (GPrv) o 30 60 90 1zo Installation Recommendations 150 180 (GFf\ 1"6^- q)o ..J IJ G 10lD'I I 60 (cFM) 1r lq"=30P". - lc O a^ -5I MODEL 860 CL' - 2') Outdoor Installatlon 2" II 1 2" l\,4inimum Clearance to Fixed Structure 10 100 j20 (GFM) t t l" i t- : l. Model 860 (1i2" - 2") Relief Valve Assembly Check Assembly :i/e,:!) :li i-a -{.afra, IIEM DESCRIPTION 1 Body 1.2 Tailpiece 1.4 O-Ring 2 Covel 2.2 O-Fing 3 Seat 3,1 O-Fing 4 Poppet 5 Seat Disc 5.1 Disc Fetarner 5.2 Rnd HD Screw 6 Spring 6.1 Spring 7 Guide 8 Retainer Spacer I Ball Valve 9.1 Ball Valve 11 Test Cock 12 Seat Ring-RV 12.1 Gasket Ring-RV 13 Spring-Fv 14 Seat Disc-FlV SS 15 Diaphragm-RV 16 Outer Diaphragm-Rv 17 Small Piston-Rv 17.1 Rnd HD Screw 17.2 Washer 17.3 Hex Nut '18 Cylinder-RV 18.1 SlipRing-Cylinder 18.2 Slide (Plug) 19 Cover.RV 20 O-Ring 21 Hex HD Capscrew 22 Large Piston-Rv 23 Guide-RV 60 ldentificationPlate 61 Drive Screw Stick MATERIALS Bronze Bronze Silicone Bronze Silicone Noryl Silicone Noryl Silicone Rubber Noryl Phillips, 18-8 SS SS SS Noryl Noryl Bronze Bronze Bronze Noryl Silicone Rubber SS Silicone Rubber/ Fubber/Fabric Rubber/Fabric Noryl Phillips, 18-8 SS 18-8 SS to-d ti B rass Acetal Nylon Bronze Silicone 1B-8 SS Noryl Noryl Brass -D I I .-1 ,r, -19l (181.1 O C GxC, Dimensions and Weights I t I in / (mm) SIZEABCjU' 10 (254.00) f i: (38.j0) 1!1, (38.10) 3lq" 103/" (273.05) f i, (38.10) 1'1, (38.10) 1' 12'jl, (317.50) 1?1s (4763) 15/s (41.28) 1'/c" 15ri8 (403.23) 3 (76.20) 2,/, (63.50) 1112" 1613 (415.93) 3 (76.20) 2,/, (63.50) 2" 171t6 1449.94) 3'L (88.90) Z'i, (6g.50l NET WT. D E tbs/(kg) 3';6 (79.38) 3'z (88.90) 5.6 (2.54) 3 e (79.38) 3': {88.90) 5.8 (2.63) 33/a (85.73) 35/8 (92.0S) 9.2 (4.1S) 4'L (107.95) 55i8 (142.88) 20.2 (9.16) /' . t1a7.95) 55e (142.88) 20.6 (9.35) 4'14 (1O7.95) 55is (142,88) 24.8 (11|.26) Note: Dimensions are nominal. Allowances must be made for normal manutacturinq tolerances. :EBCO BacKlow preventlon '.O. Box 8070. Fresno. CA gg7 47 -AO7O 19 252.0791 . Fax: SS9 453-9030 . www,cmb-ind.com , FEB17onttne.com I60SM 10/99 Copyright 2OOO CMB tndusrri66, lnc_ CMB Industries, Inc, A United Dominion Comoanv ISO 9001 Certified 107I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I June 12, 1989 1. PRODUCT NAME VIKING DRY PIPE VALVE Model E 3" (80mm), 4" (1 00mm), 6" (150mm) Flange x Flange Outlets and Flange x Groove Outlets 2. MANUFACTURE THE VIKING CORPORATION 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Fax Number: (616) 945-9599 Easyiink Mailbox: 628841 45 Telephone: (61 6) 945-950i Telex Number: 22,6400 U.L. of Canada Listed Guide No. 2280 F.M. Approved - Consult FM Approval Guide for acceptable applications. Approved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals under Calen- dar Number 219-76-54. Approved by Verband der Sachver- sicherer. Approved by Loss Prevention Council (F.O.C.). Rated to 175 PSI (1207 kPa) Warer Working Pressure. Factory tested hydrostatically at 350 PSI (2413 kPa) with the clapper open. Air pressure to water pressure area dif ferential: Approximately 6 to 1. Standard Flange Connectlons ANSI 816,1. Standard Groove Connections ANSI/AWWA C6O6 MATERIAL STANDARDS: Cast lron: ASTM A48 CIass 308 and ASTM A126 Class B tensile strenoth not less than 30,000 PSI (2068a3 kPa). Ductile lron: Grade 65-45- 1 2. Brass Castings: UNS-C84400. Manganese Bronze: ASTM B 147 Alloy 8A. Tensile strength not less tha; 65,000 PSI (448,159 kPa). Brass Bar Stock: UNS-C36000. Neoprene Rubber: ASTM D2000. EPDM Rubber: Eth ylene Propylene Diene Monomer ASTM D2000. Stainless Steel Spring : UNS-330200. Size and Friction Shipping part Outlettype Loss' Welqhts No. 3" Flange 5 Fl. 192 Lbs. 04010C 80 mm) i1.5 m 7 3"Groove 5 Fl. 183 Lbs. 04107C mm) 11.5 m 4" Flange 14 Ft. 192 Lbs. 03746C 100 mm) 14.3 4" Groove 14Ft. 183Lbs. O4lOgC 100 rnm) (4.3 ml I 83 6'Flange 22FI. 263 Los. 05915C ]50 mm) {6.7 m) l12O 6'Groove 22FL 246 Lbs. A4620C (150 mm) (6.7 m) (112 kg) 'Expressed in equivalent length ol pipe C= 120 5. FEATURES AND ACCESSORIES A. Features 1, EPDM Rubber to brass air and water seats. 2. Latching clapper for easy resetting. 3. Spring-loaded clapper with fully open Iatch. 4. Field replaceable clapper and air Dlate rubbers. 5. 1 " (25mm) NPT tapped ouilet to facilitate sprinkler installation in the Dry Valve house. B. Required Accessories The following accessories are re- quired and are included in Vikino's Valve Accessory Package ana Standard Trim Package. The valve must be trimmed as shown on the valve trim chart. 1 . Drip Check Valve 2. Drain Cup 3. Reset Bar 4. Alarm Test Shut-off Vatve 5. Drain Check Valve C. Accessories '1 . A standard trim package with or without gauges is available. lt in- cludes the required valve acces- sory package and the fittings and nipples shown on the valve trim chart. 2. Additional accessories are avail- able and may be required for operalion or supervjsion. Refer to the system description for com- plete operating trim requrrements. 6. OPERATION The clapper and air plate assemblies combine to form a floating member as- sembly. With the clapper latched closed, the air pressure forces lhe member as. sembly down, sealing the water seal from the intermediate chamber_ When a Sprinkler operates. the system air pres- sure is reduced until it reaches the dif- ferential tripping point of the valve. The water pressure lifts the member as- sembly and llows into the intermeorare chamber. As lhe member assembly nses, lhe hook is forced against the operating pin which unlatches the clap- per. The clapper is spring loaded and swings to a full-open locked position, When using the optional accelerator, the accelerator senses lhe system air pres- sure drop and trips. Upon tripping the accelerator allows the system air pres- sure to enter the dry valve intermediate chamber. This immediately destroys the differential causing the member as- sembly to rise faster. The intermediate chamber is normalv ar atmospheric pressure and is connecied to the alarm line. When the valve trios the intermediate chamber and alarm line 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Viking Dry Pipe Vatve is a tatching differential valve used to separate the water supply lrom the dry pipe sprinkler system. The valve combines a positive latching clapper and air plate assembly, with a differential air to water seat design. The latching clapper and airplate assembly prOvides a positive mechanical seal for the air oressure in the dry pipe system while the differential design allows a moderate air supply to control a much higher water supply. When the air pressure js lowered suffi- ciently to destroy the pressure differen- tial, the valve opens allowing the water to enter the dry pipe system. The Viking Accelerator can be used to speed the valve operation on large capacity sys- tems 0r where faster aclion is required. The valve is also designed to operate a watermotor alarm and/or an electric pressure alarm switch. 4. TECHNICAL DATA u.L. listed Guide No. VPZV Conrrot No. 959A. Form No. 081088 DRY PIPE VALVE MODEL E Form 06400F 108t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I are pressurized activating the con- necled alarm syst6ms. 7. AVAILABILIry AND SERVICE The Viking Dry Pipe Vatve is available through a network of domestic and inter national distributors. For proper opera- tion and approval the valve must be trimmed in accordance with Vikinq trim charts. Where difficulty in performiance is experienced make sure that the valve has been trimmed properly. Contact Viking or Viking's authorized repre- sentative before any field adjustments are made. See the yellow pages of the telephone directory for closesl dis- tributor (listed under "Sorinklers-Aulo- matic-Fire"), or write: The Viking Cor- poration, Hastings, Michigan USA 49058. Telephone (616) 945-9501, At- tention: Sales Depanment. 8. GUARANTEES Viking agrees to repair or replace goods lound to be defective in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. For detarls of warranty, refer to price list. 9. MAINTENANCE Warning Any syslem maintenance or testing which involves placing a control valve or detection system out of service may eliminate the Fire Protection of that sys- tem. Prior to proceeding notify all authorities having jurisdiction. Con- sideralion should be given to employ- ment of a Fire Patrol in the affected area. A. INSPECTIONS It is imperative that the valve be in- spected and tested on a regular basis. The following recommenda- tions are minimum requirements. The frequency ol the inspections may vary due to contaminated water sup- plies, corrosive water supplies or cor- rosive atmospheres. In addition the alarm devices, or other connecled trjm may require a more frequent schedule. Refer to the system description and applicable codes tor minimum requiremenls. 1. Assure that the valve and trim is adequately heated and protected to prevent freezing and physical damage at all times. 2. Check and maintain air pressure at the desired pressure sening. See Item 10-F, Recommended Air Pressure Setting. 3. Test the water flow and low air oressure alarms and oerform a water flow test through the test drain valve quarterly. 4. Trip test the dry valve annually during warm weather. See ltem 10-3, "To Trip Test The Dry Valve." and llem 1 0-D, "To Place The Valve In Service." for reset- ting instructions. B. REPAIRS WARNING - Prior to perlorming any repairs take the necessary precautions and remove the system from service by closing the water supply contrcl valve, opening the test drain valve, closing the air supply valve and relieving all airpres- sure on the system. '1 . To Replace The Clapper Rubber a. With the system removed from service, remove bolts, No. 29, hand hole cover, No. 31, and gasket, No. 28. b. lf the valve has not tripped, in- serl the reset bar through the hole in hook, No. 30, and apply downward oressure on the wrench lo trip the valve. c. With the valve inlet covered remove hex-head cap screws, No. 23, and separate clamp plate, No. 22, from clapper, No. 7. d. Remove and discard claooer rubber, No. 6. e. Inspecl and clean the valve and tnm. f. REASSEMBLY. Using a new clapper rubber, reverse disas- sembly procedure. 2. To Remove The Clapper As- sembly a. With the syslem removed from service, remove bolts, No. 29, hand hole cover, No. 31, and gasket, No. 28. b. Remove one colter pin, No. 10, from hinge pin, No. 9. c. Remove hinge pin, No.9 and allow clapper arm, No.5, to move to the OPEN position. d. Rernove the clapper assembly from the valve. e. REASSEMBLY. Reverse dis- assembly procedure. 3. To Disassemble The Valve a. With the system removed from service, disconnect the lrim June 12, 1989 and remove the valve lrom the system piping. b. Flemove hex-head cap screws, No.29, hand hole cover, No. 31 , and cover gasket, No. 28. The valve clapper should be in the fully oPEN position. c. Remove hex-head cap screws, No.24. d. Remove the valve housing, No. 1, Irom its base, No. 18, e. To repair any ot the dry.pipe valve's sub-assemblies, lift the valve member assembly, Nos. 5- 12, 1 4-17, 19. 20. 22. 23, 25, 26, and 30, from base, No. 18, and proceed as lollows: ( 1 ) To replace the air-plate rubber, No. 17, remove hex-head cap screws, No. 20, and clamo ring. No. 19. (2) To replace the clapper as- sembly, Nos. 6-8,22,23, remove cotter pins, No. 10, and slide the hinge pin, No. 9, from clapper arm, No_ 5. To disas- semble the clapper assembly see paragraph, 9-8.1 above. (3) To replace the clapper arm, No. 5, remove clapper as- sembly, and cotter pins, No. 14. Slide springs, Nos. 1 1 and 12, and shaft, No. 15, from arm, No.5. (4) To replace the hook, No. 30, remove cotter pins, No. 25, and slide out the shafl No. 26, from air plate, No. 1 6. Remove the hook. g. To remove the latch, No. 2, remove brass pipe plug, No. 4, and slide latch pin, No. 3, through hole. h. The following items are not tield- replaceable: Side-stop pin, No.'13, and water seat. No. 21 . i. REASSEMBLY (1) Reverse disassembly proce. dure. (2) The socket-set screw will n€ed adjustment. After the valve nas been completely reassembled, latch the clapper in place. With a 1/4" (6.35mm) Allen wrench, turn the screw clockwise until it conlacts the hook. Then, turn the screw one complete turn counter-clockwise, set up the system, and trip test the valve.a DRY PIPE VALVE MODEL E I Io I I I I I I I lo t F I June 12, 1989 I I I I I C. ABNORMAL CONDITIONS '1 . The valve trips when no sprinkler has lused. Possible causes: a. Loss of air pressure in the sys- rem. Remedy: Check the system for leaks and check for proper air suppiy. Consider adding an Air Pressure Maintenance Device or a Maintenance Air compres- s0r. b. An extreme pressure surge in the water supply. Remedy: Increase the air pres- sure on the system. The maxi- mum limit is 60 psi (414 kPa). 2. Water constantly passing through the drip check when the valve ls in the SETposition;or, water leaking over the water seat into the inter- mediale chamber. Remedy: Clean the seat thoroughly, replace the clapper ruooer. 3. Clapper will not latch. Possible causes: a. Clapper rubber worn. Remedy: Replace the clapper ru0Der. b. Internal parts damaged by ac- cidental application of high pressure. Remedy: Replace the vatve member assembly. c. Tho hook not sliding on the reset bar. Bemedy: File or grind the reset bar to remove rough spots and give clearance. 4. The valve latches but will not remain set. Possible causes: a. lmproper resetting procedur€. Remedy: See paragraph '10-E Installation, To Place the Valve in Service. b. Inadequate air supply. Remedy: See Paragraph '1 0-F lnstallaiion, Recommended Air Pressure Settings. c. Air pressure and priming water passlng through the inter mediate chamber and out of the drip check. Remedy: Clean the air seatand the clapper rubber. Replace the clapper rubber, if worn. lO.INSTALLATION A. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The valve must be installed in the Vertlcal posilion only. 2. The valve must be installed in an area not subject to freezing temperalures or physical damage. lf required, provide a valve house enclosure with ade- quate heat around the valve and trim. 3. The valve trimming instructions are provided with the trim package. lf they have not been provided, con- tact your local supplier. (See Sys- tem Description or relaled Equip- ment Charts for additional trim- mrng ccnnections.)4. Prior to installing the valve thoroughly llush the water supply line to assure that no foreign mat. ter is oresent. 5. Remove all thread protectors and pacKrng 6. Remove the hand hole cover and gasket, and check the valve clap- per for freedom ot mcvement. 7. Install lhe valve in the system piping and trim according to the appropriate trim charts. 8. Open the valve clapper ano teave open until the system piping has been tested. Do NoT PEHFORM A 200 PSI (1379 kPa) HYDROS- TATIC SYSTEM TEST WITH THE DRY PIPE VALVE CLAP- PER IN THE CLOSED (SET) POSITION. Never exceed 60 pSl (414 kPa) pressure in the system piping with the valve clapper closed. Freezing temperatures andior excessive pressure will damage the valve member as- sembly. B, TO SET THE DRY PIPE VALVE CLAPPER Raise the latch, No. 2, and move the clapper down lo the horizontal posi- tion. While holding the clapper down, insert the resel bar approximately 1', (25mm) through the hook hole and apply an upward force. The hook will slide on the resetting bar and latch the clapper closed with a positive set- ting action. C. TO RELEASE THE DRY VALVE CLAPPER Place lhe reset bar through the hook hole and apply a downward force on the bar. The clapper will unlatch and swrng open. D. TO PLACE THE VALVE IN SEF. VICE 1. Close the water supply control valve. 109 DRY PIPE VALVE MODEL E bronze latch steel wrenchI bronze water seat pperating screw VALVE SIZE MOOEL A E c n E 3" 75mm 18.1/4" 464mm 7" 1 78mm None None 16-1t2 419mm 4" 100mm E-2 18.1t4" 464mm 7', 178mm 13-1tz'. 343mm 17', 432mm Non e 6" 150mm tr-l 20.1/16" 51omm 7-314" 1 97mm 13-112 343mm 17-3/4" 451mm None I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I 110 2. Open the main drain and drarn rne system piping. Be sure to drain all low and trapped points on the sys- tem. lf an accelerator is installed the in let and outlet valves must be open during system draining. Refer to Accelerator Data page for additional warnings and main- tenance. 3. Close ali Drains. 4. Remove the hand-hole cover and rnspect and clean the valve andtrim. Remove any mineral deposits and operate all parts to assure freedom of movement. Renew or replace damaged or worn parts as required. 5. Set the dry valve clapper. (See Item 10-B) 6. Fill the Dry Valve with water to the bottom of the hand hole. Inspect the drip check valve to assure the praming water is not leaking through the intermediate cham- ber. 7. Replace the hand hole cover and gasket. 8. Open the air supply to the system and allow the pressure to build to the desired level. See the accom- panying chart for suggesled air pressure to water pressure set- ting. NEVER EXCEED 60 PSI (414 kPa) AIR PRESSURE. 26 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11,12 t.l 14. 15 to 17 23 22 21 '20 MANUFACTURE DATES3" 4" 6"(80MM) {100MM) (150MM)1979 1979 1981 Groove Outter1984 1984 1984 Ftange Ouflst 9. Partially open the test drain valve. 10. Slowly open the water supply control valve lo prevent tripping of the valve. When water aooears at the test drain, slowly close the test drain valve completely- Open water supply control valve fully and secure. 1 1 . lf the valve is newly installed, has been repaired or has been out ot service, trip test the system lo as- sure proper operatron. 12. Assure all equipment adequately heated and protected to prevent freezing and physical damage. E. TO TRIP TEST THE DRY VALVE 1. Open the inspectors tesl valve fully. The air pressure will reduce, - SUB.ASSEMBLIES AVAILABLE the valve will trip, the alarms will sound and the system will f ill with water. 2. Resetthesystem. See, ltem 10-D, "To Place The Valve ln Service". 3. Assure all Control valves and alarm valves are f ullv ooen F. RECOMMENOED AIR'PRESSURE SETTINGS 32 ,tl 30 29 2A 27 25, 24 June.12, 1989 DRY PIPE VALVE MODEL E Maxlmum Water Pressure Psr | *ea 50 | 34s 75 | s17 10 | 6e0 12s | 862 150 | 1034 175 | poz Air Pressure Setting Minimum Marinum PSI 15 2A 25 30 35 kPa 138 172 207 241 310 PSI 30 45 50 60 kPa 247 241 310 345 414 ITEM No. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION MATERIAL lroltEo.3" 4" 6" E-2 E2 E13" E-2 4" E.2 6" E-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 17 18 20 21 22 24 26 27 2A 30 31 32 020008 04000A 02545S 03750C 04la8B 01991A 02008A 02002A 02003A 020084 019338 037568 037578 015174 04873A None 048744 02079A N0ne 02008A 019938 07029A 041878 o2a79A 01986C 05436C 020008 04000A 02545S 03750C 041€88 01991A 02008A 02002A 02003A 02008A 019€38 037568 037574 01517A 04873A None 0487 4A 02079A Non e 020084 019938 07029A 041879 02079A 01986C 05436C 020008 02001A 02545S 01987C 04622C 01991A 02008A 020024 020034 02008A 0T 9S3B 019948 019958 01 517A 04297 B 02383A None None 02101A 02008A 019938 07029A 041878 0207s4 01986C 05436C lH0usrnq lr-"r.n - lLatch Pin l3/8" NPT Pipe Plug lClapper Arm I I lClapper Rubber Clapper Cl.nnor A,,ch'n^ Hinge P n Cotter Pin Flighl'Hand Spring Left Hand Spring Side Stop Pin Corter Pin Clapper Shait Air Plate Air Plate Rubber Base Clamp Fling 3/8-1 6x3/4" H.H.C. Screw Seal Clamp PIate 5i 16-18x1i2" H.H.C. Screw #10-24x 1l2 H.H.C. Screw 5/8-l lx2" H.H.C. Screw 3i 4-1 0x2'1/4' H.H.C. Screw Co ef Pin Clapper Shalt 1/2.1 3x1 -3,'4" Set Screw Hand Hole Cover Gasket 5/8-1 1x2" H.H.C. Screw Hook Hand Hole Cover Adapler lCast lron lCasr Erass lbrass t---- lCast N4anganese l6ronze EPDM/Brass Cast Ouctile lron Bronze Brass Brass Siainless Steel Starnless Sleel Brass Bfass Brass Cast Brass Neoprene Cast lron Cast Bfass Zinc Plated Steel Cast Bfass Sla nless Steel Slainless Steel Stainless Sleel Steel Steel Brass Erass NyloldBrass SBR Rubber Cast [.4anganese tsronze ] Casl DLrcti e lron i Cast Duclile lron I t'1 1 111 111 222 rtl 111 111222 111 111 111 222 222't11 111 111 111 111 10 10 12 111 11i 003 330 10 10 0 0 0 12 222 111 111 111 444 111 111 111 5-12,14-17 , 19,20,22, 23,25.26, 30, A.A 2t 2a 16, 17, 19,2A 03748C 048718 037618 03748C 048718 037618 04617C 046198 019988 [4emberAssembly Clapper Assembly Air Plate Ass6mbly Varaous Various Various 111 111 111 t January 28, 1999 :oI t I I I I I lo 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Model D-2 Accelerator Part Number 09881 Available since 1998. 2. MANUFACTURER The Vikinq CorDoration 210 N. Industri;i Park Roacl Hastings. Michigan 49058 U.S.A.Ietephone: (616)945-9501 (877\ 384-5464Fax: (616) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcs @ vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Viking Model D-2 Accelerator is a quick-opening device, with an integral anti{lood assembly, used to increase the operating speed of a differential type dry pipe valve. An accelerator (quick- opening device) is recommended on all differential dry pipe valves and is re- quired on dry pipe systems of certain capacities. Refer to NFpA Standards and authorities having jurisdiction, The Viking Model D-2 Accelerator is a di- rect replacement for the Model D-1 Accelerator. The Viking Model D-2 Ac- celerator may also be used lo speed the action of a pneumatic release sys- tem on a deluge, flow control, or pre- action system. 4. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS UL Listed, Guide No. VJPZ, UL Control No. 9564 FM Approved: Consult FM Approval guide for acceptable applications. Factory Tested Shipping Weight: 6.2 lbs. (2,8 kg) Material Specificalions: See Figure 2 on page 1111. Related ltems: lr4odel F-1 Dry Pipe Valve and Model D-2 Accelerator Trim 5. FEATURES A. Pilot responsive, B. Reler to NFPA-.13 f or maxrmum system s ize. C, Automatically resets. D. lntegral antiJlood assembly. 6. AVAILABILTTY AND SERVICE Viking products are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. For proper operation and approval, the Accelerator must be installed with trim in accordance with the current Vikino trim chart for the valve used. Where diflicultv in performance is experienced. verity Form No. F_010898 MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR that the accelerator and trim are installed properly. Contact Viking or Viking's authorized represenlalive before any field adjustments are made. See the Yellow Pages of the telephone direclory for a local distributor (listed un- der "Sprinklers-Automatic-Fire") or con- tact Vikino. Viking technical data may be found on The Viking Corporation's Web site at http://www.vikin gcorp.com. The Web site mav include a more recenl edition of this technical data 7. GUARANTEES For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact The Viking Corporation directly. 8. OPERATION (Reler to Figure 1,) The accelerator operates on the princi- ple of unbalanced pressures. When the acceleralor ls pressurized, air enters the inlet, goes through the screen filter into the lower chamber and through the antiJlood assembly into the middle chamber. From the middle chamber, the air slowly enters the upper chamber through an orilice restriction in the cover diaphragm. In the SET position the system air pres- sure is the same in all chambers. The accelerator outlet is at atmosDheric pressure. When a sprinkler or release operates, the pressure in the middle and lower chambers will reduce at the same rate as the system. The orifice restriction In the cover diaphragm restricts the air flow from the upper chamber, causing a relatively higher pressure in the upper chamber. The pressure differential 111a forces the cover diaphragm down, push- ing the actuator rod down. This action vents the pressure from the lower chamber to the outlet, allowing the inlet pressure to force the clapper diaphragm open. The pressure in the acceleratol outlet forces the antiJlood assernblv closed. On a dry pipe system the air pressure trom the accelerator outlet is directed to the dry pipe valve intermediate cham- ber. As the air pressure increases in the intermediate chamber of the drv valve. the dry valve pressure ditferenti;l is de- stroyed and the dry valve trips, allowing water to enter the dry pipe system. Alter the dry valve trips, water entering the intermediate chamber of the drv valve will fill the trim piping connecting the accelerator lo the dry system. How- ever, when the anti-flood assemblv is pressurized closed, water is prevented from entering the middle and upper chambers of the accelerator. On a pneumatic release syslem, wnenthe accelerator operates, the outletpressure is vented to atmosohere. speeding the release system operatjon. 9.INSTALLATION A. On Dry Valve Trim Verify that the Model D-2 Accelerator Trim Chart available is for the dry valve model used. Verify that the water supply piping has been adequately flushed to reduce the opportunity for foreign matter ro con- taminate sprinkler piping and/or trim comoonents. Install the Model D-2 Accelerator in the dry valve trim piping according to the Model D-2 Accelerator Trim Chart for the dry valve model used. The dry system air supply must be connected as shown on the trjm chart for the dry valve model used. DO NOT expose the accelerator to the hydrostatic test. Caution: The dry valve clapper musr De latched open during performance of the hydrostatic test. Follow installation instructions below in Paragraph 9C: General Installation Instruclions. B. On Pneumatic Release Svstem Use a 1/2" (15 mm) NPT nipjle to con- nected the Model D-2 Accelerator to the pneumatic release system at the loca. tion shown on drawings provided in the Technical Data Page for syslem used. Replaces page 111 a-f, dated March '12, 1998 (modified Note B in Paragraph 5). t I I I t II I MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR I t I I I t t I I T I I I I I T I I I 111 b A 1i2" ( 15 mm) NPT ball valve should be installed between the accelerator and the point of connection to the pneumatic release system to allow the accelerator to be removed without placing the pneu- matic release system out of service. The 1/2" (1 5 mm) NPT ball valve should be normally open and tagged to inform nersonnel. A nioole and 90" elbow should be in- stalled at the discharge outlet of the ac- celerator with the outlet ol the elbow turned down to direct any airborne mat- ter downward when the accelerator lrips. Follow installation instructions belorv in Paragraph 9C; General lnstallation lnstruclions. C. General Installation Inslructions Air supply should be from an automatic, regulated and restricted source supplied with clean, dry, oil-free air (or nitrogen). Devices used should be specifically lisled for such service. A Viking air main- tenance device and an appropriately sized dehydrator are recommended. When corrosive atmosoheres and/or contaminated water supplies are pre- sent, it is the owner's resoonsibilitv to verity compatibility with the tr,loOel b-Z Accelerator and associated eouiDment. 1 . Remove all plastic thread protectors from the openings of lhe accelerator. 2. Apply a small amount of pipe-joint compound or tape to the external threads of all pipe connections re- quired. Take care not to allow any compound, tape, or other foreign matter inside any of the nipples or openings of the accelerator or trim. 3- The Model D-2 Accelerator must be installed upright (with the air gauge opening at the top) as shown on the tnm chart. Observe flow arrow, on bottom of accelerator, below the 1/2" NPT inlet. 4. Install a 0-80 psi retard to 250 psi (0-550 kPa, retard to 1 750 kPa) air gauge in the 1/4" (8 mm) NPT open- ing in the top of the accelerator. 5. DO NOT expose the accelerator to the hydrostatic test. CAUTION: The accelerator isolation valves are to be kept in the normally open position. DO NOT CLOSE, ex- cept during hydrostatic testing or to service the accelerator. 1 O. PLACING THE ACCELERATOR IN SERVICE A. On Dry Valve Trim When the dry pipe system is ready to be placed in service, verify that all equip- ment is adequately heated and pro- tected to prevent freezing and physical oamage. 1 . With the water supply main control valve CLOSED, drain all water from the dry pipe system. lf the system has operated, open all auxiliary drains and the system test valve. Allow enough time to completely drain the system. 2. Verity that the intermediate chamber of the dry valve is free of water. No water should flow from the drip check when the plunger is pushed. 3. Reset the dry valve (see Technical Data for the dry valve model used). 4. Close all auxiliary drains, the system test valve, and the priming water level test valve in the dry valve trim. 5. Observe the air pressure gauge on top of the accelerator. The gauge must read zero before the accelerator will automatically reset. lt may be necessary to loosen, remove, and re-inslall the accelerator air gauge (use the appropriate wrench) to vent trapped air pressure from the upper chamber, even when the gauge indi- cates zero if the air supply is on while performing this step. 6. Pressurize the svstem in accordance with recommended settings. See Technical Data for dry system used. Do not exceed 60 psi (414 kPa). 7. When the air pressure on the accel- erator air gauge equals the system set pressure, pedorm Dry Pipe Valve Priming Water Level Test described in Paragraph 118-1 to verity that water is not present above the prim- ing level test valve in the dry valve trim. Priming waler is NOT required for Viking dry valves, lf the presence of water is detected above the priming leveltest valve, the system may not have been properly drained. To verify that the system has been properly drained, repeat Steps 1 through 7 above as required. NOTE: Step 7 is required any time water has entered the sprinkler pip- ing. lf no water has been allowed to enter the system since the previous priming water level test, this step may not be required. 8, Open the main drain valve (located on the inlet of the dry valve). 9. Slowly open the water supply main control valve. 1 0. When flow is developed from the main drain, close the maln drain valve. January 28, 1 1 . Fully open and secure the water sup- ply main control valve supplying the dry valve. 12. Secure all valves in their normal op- erating position. 13. Notity authorities having jurisdiction and those in the affected area that lhe system is in service. B. On a Pneumatic Release System When the pneumatic release system is ready to be placed in service, verify that all equipment is adequately heated and protected to prevent freezing and physi- cal damage. 1 . Observe the air pressure gauge on lop of the accelerator. The gauge must read zero before the accelerator will automatically reset. (lt may be neces- sary to loosen the air gauge to venl the trapped air pressure in the upper chamber.) 2. Pressurize the system according to recommended settings. See Techni- cal Data for pneumatic release op- eration of the system used. 3. Open the l/2" (15 mm) NPT ball valve (if provided) located between the ac- celerator and the point of connection to the pneumatic release svstem. 4. When lhe air pressure on the accel- erator gauge equals the syslem set pressure, proceed with placing the system in service. Refer to Technical Data for the system used. 5. Verify that the water supply main con- lrol valve is open and secure, drain valves are closed, and all other valves are secured in their normal operating position. 6. Notity authorities having jurisdiction and those in the affected area that the system is in service. 1 1. INSPECTIONSANDTESTS Prior lo performing any work on the sys- tem in which the Model D-2 Accelerator is installed, reter to Technical Data for the system and equipment used. NOTICE: The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condi- tron. The Viking Model D-2 Accelerator must be kept free of foreign matter, freezlng conditions, corrosive atmospheres, con- taminated waler supplies, and any con- dition that could imoair its oDeration or damage the device. It is imperalive that the system be jn- spected and tesled on a regular basis. The frequency of the inspections may MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR uary28, 1999 vary due to contaminated water sup- plies, corrosive water supplies, corro- sive atmospheres, as well as the condi- lion ot the air supply to the system. For minimum maintenance and insoection requirements, refer to the National Fire Protection Association's pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the authority having jurisdiction may have additional mainlenance, tesling, and in- soection reouirements that must be fol- lowed. WARNING: Any system maintenance that involves placing a control valve or detection system out of service may eliminate the fire orotection caoabilities of lhat system. Prior to proceeding, no- tify all authorities having jurisdiction. Consideratron should be given to em- ployment of a fire patrol in the affected areas. After every operation, and each time water is allowed to enter the system: 1. Inspecl the interior of lhe acceleralor for the presence of water. Dampness or condensalion may indicate that the air supply is not being dried ade- quately. lf water is allowed to enter the middle and/or uooer chamber of the accelerator, it may contaminate the accelerator oritices and prevent it f rom operaling properly. 2. Remove the 1/4 ' NPT inspection plug. lf water or dampness is present, the accelerator must be disassembled (as described in Section 12C: Dlsas- sembly), cleaned, and dried. A. Inspection of Accelerators In- stalled on Dry Systems or Pneumalic Release Systems: Weekly inspection is recommended, lf the system is equipped with a low air (or nitrogen) alarm, monthly inspections may be adequate. 1. Check the air pressure gauge lo- cated on the top of the accelerator. Air pressure in the upper chamber of the accelerator should equal the air pres- sure mainlained in the system on which it is installed. NOTE: Standard tolerance allow- ance in pressure gauge calibration may result in a slight variation when pressure readings of any two gauges are compared. a. A difference in pressures other than slight variation due to gauge calibration tolerance may indicate gauge malfunctron, plugged accel- erator orifices and/or filters, or other malntenance is required. See Paragraph 12A and I ot Para- graph 1 28 of ACCELEMTOR MAIN- TENANCE. 2. Verify that all other trim valves are in lheir normal operating position. 3. Check lor signs of mechanical dam- age and/or corrosive activity, lf de- tected, perform maintenance as re- quired or, If necessary, replace the oevrce. 4. Verity that the accelerator and lrim are adequately heated and protected to prevent lreezing and physical damage- 5. Verify that the water supply main con- trol valve is open and secure. B-1. Dry Pipe Valve Priming Water Level Test. Low Air Ahrm Test and Non-Flow Acceleraior Test for Dry Valves Equipped with a Model D2 Accelerator and Installed According to Model D2 Accelerator Trim Charts: The priming water level test is recom- mended quarterly and each time the sys- tem is placed in service after water has entered the system. Also, each time the system is placed in service after water has entered the system, it is good prac- tice to repeat the priming water level test within one week. Testing is used to verity that the system has been properly drained and that no water is present above the priming level test valve in the dry valve trim after draining lhe system. Any water columning (accumulation of water above the priming level test valve) can slow or even prevent the dry valve clapper lrom opening when lhe dry sys- tem ooerates. Ouarterly tesling of low air alarms is recommenoeo. Semi-annual testing of accelerators is recommended. Conduct non-flow test when partial flow test or full flow test is not required (see Paragraph 11B-3: Flow Testing on Dry Valves). 1 . Notify the authority having jurisdiction and those in the area affected bv the IESI. 2. Close lhe water supply main control valve supplying the dry valve. 3. Open the main drain valve (located on the inlet of the dry valve). NOTE: Performing Steps 4 or 5 of this test will cause the accelerator to operate. However, with the water supply main control valve CLOSED, and the main drain valve OPEN, op- eration of the accelerator should not trio the drv valve. 111 c lc I I I I I I I , t I I l t t I I I \IKING MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR 1/4" NPT Gag€ Conneclion Cover Diaphragm Actuator Rod Anti-flood -<- F Middle lChamber Middte Chamber 1,'4" NPT --..iInspeclion Pluq -\ Clappcr 0iaphragm Screen Filter 12 ' NPT INLET 1/2" NPT Outlel SECTION A-A aLrelFigu ---.rll 1 \ I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t 111d 4. Dry valve priming water level test: a. Verify that lhe waler supply main control valve is closed and the main drain valve is open. b. Close the air suPPlY. c. Fully open the priming level test valve in the dry valve trim to check for lhe presence of water. ll lhe Dresence of water is detected, the system may not have been prop- erly drained. Perform stePs 1 through 7 in ParagraPh 10A of PLACING ACCELERATOR IN SERVICE on Dry Valve Trim. d. When test is complete: lflwhen no water is detected, open lhe air sup- ply and continue to SteP 6. 5. Low air alarm test and non-flow accelerator test: a. Verity that the water supply main control valve is closed and the main drain valve is open. b. Gradually open the priming level test valve in the trim of the dry valve to simulate operation of the dry system. 1. Observe and record the Pres- sure at which the low air alarm operates. c. When test is complete, continue to Step 6. 6. Close the priming level lest valve. 7. Loosen (use the appropriate wrench), and remove the accelerator air gauge to release pressure from lhe upper chamber of the accelerator, allowing it to reset. 8. Re-inslall, and tighten (use the appro- priate wrench) lhe accelerator air gauge. 9. Allow pressure to be restored to the dry pipe system and accelerator. 10. When air pressure on the accelerator air gauge equals the system set pres- sure, verity lhat the intermediate chamber of the dry valve is free of water. No water should flow f rom the drip check when the Plunger is pushed. 1 1 . When testing is complete, return tne system being tested to service. Per' form Steps 8 through 1 3 of Paragraph 10A: PLACING ACCELERATOR lN SERVICE on Dry Valve Trim. B-2. Non-Flow Accelerator Test on Pneumatic Release Systems: Semi-annual tesling ol accelerators is recommended. Conduct non-flow test when f ull flow test is not required. 1 . Notify the authority having jurisdiction and those in the area affecled by the test. 2. Close the water supply main control valve to prevent unwanted operation ol the system. 3. Open the necessary drain tesl valve to relieve pressure from the inlet chamber of valve being controlled by the pneumatic release system 4. Ooerate a detector or open a test valve to relieve Pressure trom the pneumatic release system, (simula! ing operation of the detection sys- tem). 5. When testing js complete, perform Steps 1 through 6 of ParagraPh 108: PLACING ACCELERATOR IN SERVICE on a Pneumatic Release System. B-3. Flow Testing on DrY Valves: Partial flow tests are conducted with the water supply main control valve (supply- ing the dry valve being tested) partially closed to minimize the amount of water entering the system during the test. The water supply control valve is closed im- mediately afler the dry valve operates to keep water f rom f illing the system piping A partial f low test may verify operation of equipment and devices, bui does not simulate operation of the system in fire conditions. Full flow tests are conducted with the water supply main control valve f ully open. The dry valve is operated by opening the system test valve lo simu- late the opening ot a sprinkler in lire conditions. Conduct a partial flow test during warm weather at least annually. Conduct a full flow test during warm weathef at least once every three years. More frequent testing may be required by the authority having jurisdiction: 1 . Notify the authority having iurisdiction and those in the area affected by the test. Caution: Performing SteP 2 of this test procedure wlll cause the dry valve to open. The accelerator will operate, the dry valve will triP, and water will enter the sprinkler sys' tem piping. 2. Operate the accelerator by performing the steps indicated below for the test procedure desired. a. For full flow test: 1. With the water suPPlY main control valve open, fully open the main drain. Allow the flow to January 28, 199 continue long enough to flush any foreign material from the water suPPlY Piping. 2. Close the main drain. 3. Open the system test valve to simulate operation of sPrinkler. 4. Close the water suPPlY main conlrol valve after the accelera- tor ooerales and test is com- plete. Proceed to SteP 3. b. For partial flow test: 1 . With the water suPPlY main con- trol valve fully open, open lhe main drain. Allow the full flow to continue long enough to flush any foreign material from the water supply piping. 2. With the main drain fullyopen, slowly close the water suPPlY main control valve until flow from the main drain is reduced as lar as Dossible while main- taining the full flow from the main drain. 3. Close the main drain. 4. Fully open the priming level test valve to simulate oocration ol a sorinkler. 5. Close the water suPPlY main control valve IMMEDIATELY a|. ter the accelerator oPerales and the dry valve lrips. 3. Record operating times as required by the authority having jurisdiction. 4. When operation time testing is com- plele, return the syslem being tested to service. Pedorm StePs 1 through '13 of Paragraph 10A: PLACING AC- CELERATOR lN SERVICE on Dry Valve Trim, and Technical Data for the dry valve and equiPment used. B-4. Ftow Testing on Pneumatic Re- lease Svstems: 1. NotiVthe authority having jurisdiction and those in the area affected by the 2. Perf orm PERIODIC NON-FLOW TEST to verify proper operation of the Accelerator. Refer to Paragraph 1 1 B- 2: Non-Flow Accelerator Test. Caution: Performing SteP 3 of this test procedure will cause the valve conlrolled bY the Pneumatic re- lease system to open' Water will enler lhe system Piping. 3. Ooerate a detector or open a test valve to relieve pressure from the pneumatic release system (simulat- ing operation of the detection system). 4. When operation testing is complete' return the system being tested to MODEL D.2 ACCELERATOH 28, 1999 111 e MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR I I I I t t t I I I t I I lo service. Refer to Technical Data for the system used: a. Close the water supply main con- trol valve. b. Open all main drains and auxiliary drains. Allow enough lime to com- pletely drain the system. c. Close all drains opened in step "b" aoove. d. Close the detector or test valve opened in step 3 above. e. Perform steps 1 through 6 of para- graph l0B: PLACTNG ACCELERA- TOR lN SERVICE on a Pneumaric Release System. 1 2 ACCELEFA'TOR II'ANTEMT{CE (Refer to Figure 2.) A. On Dry Valves To remove a Model D-2 Accelerator from the trim of the dry valve for inspection and/or maintenance: 1. lsolate the accelerator from the svs- tem by closing the shut,oft valves on the accelerator trim. 2. Loosen the accelerator air gauge to vent the trapped alr pressure from the acceleralor. 3. Refer to Paragraph 12C: Disassem- Dty. B. On Pneumatic Release Systems For installations with a 1/2" (15 mm) NpT ball valve between the accelerator and the point of connection to the pneumatjc release syslem: The acceleralor may be disassembled withoul taking the pneu- matic release system out of service. 'l . Close the 1/2" (15 mm) ball vatve located between the acceleralor and the pneumalic release system, 2. Loosen the accelerator air gauge to vent the trapped air pressure from lhe acceleralor. 3. Refer to Paragraph 12C: Disassem- blv. C. Disassembly (Feler to Figure 2.) 1. To inspect ancyor remove cover dta- phragm assembly (2), or actuator rod (4) with spring (5): a. Remove the four round-head screws (16a) from cover (1) and lift otf cover (1) from housing (7). b. Remove cover diaphragm assembly (2) for inspection. Blow air through filters and ori- fice. Replace the assembly if unit is plugged or damaged. Do not attempl to wash or clean the filters or orifice. Water may cause them to become plugged, requiring replacernent of the as, sembly. c. Remove actualor rod (4) with spring (5) for inspection and cleaning. Replace the actuator rod (4) if it is pitted, corroded, or dam- aged. NOTE: Replace both U-cups (10), whenever actuator rod (4) is re- placed. See Step 2-c. 2. To inspecl ancl,/or clean seat (14) or inspect and/or remove clapper dia- phragm (.13): a. Remove four round-head screws (16b) from base (15) and separate housing (7) from base (15). b. Remove clapper diaphragm (13) and horJsing sprirg (12) tor irl's@ton. c. To remove the lower U-cup retainer (11), and lower U-cup (10) for in- spection, carefully push them out of their seat from the opposite side of the clapper diaphragm (13). Up- per U-cup retainer (1 1) and U-cup (10) may be removed by pushing them out of thelr seat from the oo- posite side of the housing insert (6) CAUTION: Use only a blunt tool, not more than 1/8" (3,2 mm) di- ameler, lo push U-cups lrom their seats. Replace U.cups if dam- aged, and whenever actuator rod (4) is replaced. d. Inspect housing (7) and clean ori- fices as required. lf necessary, re- move screen filter (9) f rom housing(7) for cleaning. Replace the screen fitter (9) if it is plugged or damaged. e. Inspect seat (14). lf contamination is detected, wipe clean. lf the seat is damaged, remove the damaqed seat by turning it counterclolck- wise, threading it out of base (1S). A 7/8" socket wrench is requrreo. D. Reassembly (Refer to Figure 2.) 1. To re.install seat (14), reverse Disas- sembly Step 2 e. 2. To re-install clapper diaphragm (13), reverse Disassembly Steps 2.a. though 2.c. as required. a. Apply a non-petroleum based lubri- cant to U-cups and U-cup reralners to hold them in place during reas- sembly. b. Verify that locating pin and screen lilter holes are properly aligned. 3. To re-install cover diaphragm (2), re-verse Disassembly Steps 1.a. through 1 .c. a. Hold actuator rod down so retainino ring (3) is f lush wirh top ot housin! insert (6) when inslalling cover dia- phragm assembly (2). 4. Perform steps described jn para- graphs 9A and I or 98 and 9C of INSTALLATION as required to re-in- stall the accelerator. 5. Refer to Paragraph t0A and/or 1OBof PLACING ACCELEFATOR tN SERVICE, and Technical Data for the system used. 6. Verify that the water supply main control valve is open and all other valves are in their normal oDeratino position. 7. Pedorm flow test and/or non-flow test (as appropriate) to verify proper operalion of the accelerator. Refer to Paragraph 11B- 1: Non-Flow Test and / or Paragraph 1 1 B-3: Flow Test- ing on Dry Valves. IOI I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I 111f Replacespagelll (modif ied Note B in @-4 o DENOTES ASSEMBLY SEOUENCE. NUMBEBS IMPRINTED ON PART. NOTE THAT THE PLASTIC PAFTS AND RUSBER OIAPHRAGMS AFE NOTCHED FOF PROPER ASSEMBLY. January 28, 1999 1n" NPT Outl.l a-f, dated March 12, Paragraph 5). MODEL D-2 ACCELERATOR o41 6 i 07748 7l 8 051055 9l10 i11 I1) I ';;,i ] ourooo 2 | 054808 16a&bl 08059 11 17 05472A 18 | 054864 19 i 07048420 1 Cover Cover Diaphragm Ass'y Retaining Ring Actuator Rod Actuator Rod Spring Housing insert Housing 1/8" Pipe Plug Screen Filter U-Cup U-Cup Retainer Housing Spring Clapper Diaphragm Seat Base Round Head Screw Locating Sleeve Anti-Flood Cover Anti-Flood Cover Screw Flrece llrctin^ Various, Nitrile Stainless Steel 157 Brass Rod Stainless Steel 30? Brass UNS-C36000 Brass Casting Steel Stainless Steel 304 Buna-N Stainless Steel 302304 Stainless Steel 302 Polyethersulfone/EPDN4 Brass Rod UNS-C36000 Brass Casting zinc Plared 1t4"-20uNc 3/4" Stainless Steel 304 Brass Bar UNS-C36000 Stainless #8-32 UNC x 7/8" Indicates part is not available from The Viking Corporation. lndicates part is available in a Sub-Assembly only, See Sub-Assemblv rrsr. SUB-ASSEMBLIES AVAILABLE Clapper Diaphragm Kit Various Various Various 1998 Figure 2 Form No. F_010898 I !o I June 2, 1994 l,,4anufaclured 1993- Co||{EcT REGULATEo & ->- RESTRTCTED AIR SLpfty TO THIS OPENINC (sEE NorE 5) I I t T I I I I I I I I ll2xlt2xVz TEE Note 1: General Notes: Valve must be trimmed as shown. Anv deviation from trim size or a,rangemenl may airect the pioper operalion ol the valve. All pipe,3/4" (20mm) and sma er, shall be galvanjzed steel except when other materials are specified in the Technical Data tor the svstem used. When the N4odel E Dry Valve is used on pre-mixed Foam Syslems, trim piping must be of black steet pipe with cast iron or rnalleable rron fitlings unless other materials are specified in the Technical Data for the system used. Dimmensions in parenthesis are mlllimeter and may be app roximalions. llems denoied with I are removed when the oDtional Ny'odel E Acceierar'rr Trrrtl js insralleci All trim can be used with Vjking Modet D Dry Valves. Conneclion lor eleciric Alarm Pressure S,,,! tch lo activate electric alarm panels. Note: Alter the Dry Valve trips, supply to this location cannol be shul otf untitthewatersupolVtoth6 Dry Valve rs shu I olJ Foam Sysiems: When a PORV is used to activate a HalanO Coated Deluge Valv0, connect ihe 1/2" (15mm) NpT water s_upply for POBV at this location. (See Viking Foam Sysrems Engineerlng and Design Data book. l/2'UNra t/2 x l-l/z (J8,r) ALAFTI Coxr€cTtoNs5/a' 19., po* 21 llzr v2 x 3t1 lEe ll2 x l-ll2(58,r) d.i,' -Pvt xva lt2x ll2 ; 174 COIIPRESSION ll2'PLuc Sriur-OFF VALvE (NoRnaLLY 0FEN) ll2 x t-vz (58, r) v2x90 ELBOT{ lxll?xl llZ x l-ll2 (58,D ll uoo* llr/8.x 5, 6. il CoPPER II TUBING l(sE! or! s) ll eucrnrc ALAHI PAfiET Cot Eclrot (SE NorE t) '@@ lt? \ l-ll2 (58,t) ll2 ,, l-l12 (58,r) l/2'ALAFi Note 4: l' (15mm) NPT connection for sprinkler. Note 5: Tube must discharge TO OPEN DRAIN. Do not cr mp or plug lubing. ll2 x l-ll2 (50,r) v2 x t-v? (58,l) l/2'LNtoN ll? x l-ll2 (J8,l) ll2x l12 ilt v2' PLu6 ll2 x ll2x ll?v2x ll2 x l-ll2 (58,t) ll2t ll2''' ....I.: x l12 ll2 x 90 ELBow cHECt( VALVE ltZ x l-ll2 (38,r) .lJX, A), \\OJJ\ I 'E?/ l/1. x L srDE i (65,5) ourl€r A(GLo€E 6> ' rrz' 1' PLI,G ll2 x I ll2 (J8,1) TO DRAN ll2 r,2 l/Z'ALARri TEST VALVE(No*ruv ] CLoSED) l/ ttz I r. l'(r0t,6) ll2x ll2 x llt U2 x t-Uz (98,r) ll2 x 90 ELgow v? x t-t/? (5e,1) VALVE -Fi\X-a,n ?a>lv1' 6t*W PLUG ll2 x t-ttZ g o8,r) v tFflt PflHtNG w^rER l:Fh LeYeL fEsr 'Wy(Lve (,,,/ (Nof,r{Arl.y Kb cLosED) tr lIvzxE I €05.2) ] Iilv 1"6't/2x9 (228,6) 5't-v?x6(l52,t+) 4'&6'2x6052,4) l-ll2' A|16|l VALVE L" 6' 2' AGLE VALV€ DRrP CHEcK lt? xz (s0,8) DMIN CUP t-ti 2 NFT I Trim 115 \IKING MODEL E DRY VALVE CONVENTIONAL TRIM Thrs Trim Chart rs lor use with the tollowrng Viklng Tim Sels Size Stardard'lFoam Sysiem ' Siandard Conventional tim sels lor lhe Model E Drv Valve consist of qatvaniied nipples and fittinqs. " Tnm sels for Nrodel E Dry Valves used on pre-mixed Foarn Syslems consist oi black sleel nrpples and cas{ iron or malleable iron fitllnqS. See Tim Chart Noaes Conventional Trim provides a conneclion for installatio n of a non-interruptab le press ure switch to activate an electric ararm panet. (see note 1) Note 2: Waler flow alarm connections. 314" l20mm) NpT for Water lVolor Alann (slrainer required) and 1/2" (jSmm) NpT for electric Alarm Pressure Switch to activate electric alarm bells. Note 3: Locate listed Air lvlaintenance Device (order separately) as close as possible to lhis connection. Fefer to installation standards. Fecommended location for Air Supervisory Swilch and Air Mainlenance Compressor connection. Pipe and fillings shown dashed are not included in trim packages. ll? x 90 ELsovi llzx ll? x ll2 .=;\ \ -. '- (\N\:'lJ:: )V:/ r.hlPr' ut. r s **@.* J':] GLOBE VALVE -.:' Lxv2xuz - TFF Form No. F_030793 TAP Replaces page 1 15 dated April 27, 1993 I I T T I Trim I to Note 1: Acceleralor and Anti-ilood Device are not includeb when establishing air pressure on the dry pipe system. When syslemset pressure is eslablished, secure th€ Anti{lood lsolationvalve in lhe OPEN position. MOOEL E-I AccELERAToR (SEE NoTE t) with trim packages and must be ordered seoaratelv. Vtking [4odel C or D Accelerator may be subslituted for the Model E Acceteraior. Accelerators must always be trimmed as shown. The Model B-1 Anti-flood Device is alwavs re.ruired. For instructions pertainrng to pLACtNG iHE SYSTE|!,| lN SERVICE, refer lo Technicat Data lor the Model E Accelerator and Model B-1 AntiJlood Device. Note 2: Connect nipple to 1/2', (l smm) ou el prcvided in air supply piping of Modet E Dry Valve Conventional Trim. Note 3: Close the AntiJlood tsotalion Valve June 2, 1994 Manufactured 1993- General Notes: Accelerator must be trimmed as shown. Any deviation trom tnm srze or arrangement may affect0peration of the Accel€rator. when a viking Accelerator is used on pre-mixed Foam systems, tdm piping must be of brack steer pipewith casl iron or malleable iron tinings, except when olher materials aie specified in the Technical ' ' Data lor the system us€d. Dimensions in parenthesis are millimeter and may be approximalions. I l/2'LJHjor,t ttz x l-ll2 (58. l) llzx ll2 x TEE t-u2 t)l ll2 x (58, I I I I I I t I I I I I I 3'6L'v2x3(76,2) 6' tlz x t -tlz (llt1, 3) ltZ \ l0-l/2 (266, 7) v2 x t-vz (58, t) ll2 x l-l/2 (58, t) )v2 Stvr c CHEcx ExHAUST FRoI,| AIR INLET PIPING (AFTER 0FERAIq{) VENT TO ATMOSPHERE Do Nor PLUG tlooEl B-l ANr-FLooD DEvrcr (SE NorE t) v2' A}rtl-FLooo lsot_ATtot{ vlwE (Nod.raLLY opEN) (S€E NOTE 3) llZ x Fllz (5E, r) l/2'U{oN ltz x tl Q79, L) I e.2 i3 _dt E8=t nt t ACCELERATOR OPEBATION (Refer to Accelerator Technical Data) 1st: System air pressure is reduced. znd: Accelsralor operates, exhaust- ing air pressure trom inlel piping and priming chamber of Anli_ flood Device. 3rd: Anti-flood Device opens, allow_ ing system pressure lo enterthe inlermediate chamber of the Dry Valve. ''I ), .. a u2 x t-u7 I (58, r) MODEL E DRY VALVE WITH CONVENTIONAL \IKING MODEL E ACCELERATOR TRIM Foruse with Model E Dry Valves trqutpped with conventional Trim - This Trim Chart rs ror use with lhe following Viking Trim Sets ' The Standard Trirn set tor lheModej E Acceleralor consisls or gatvanized nipples and fiflings, " The trim set lor the Modet EAcceleralor us€d on pre_mrxed Foam Jystems consists ol blacksleer ntpples and cast jron ormalleable iron tittrnas. See Trim Chart Noies. v2x90 ErJovl Replaces page I16datedApril 27, 1993 Form No. F_030793 I t I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I Telephone: Fax: (616) 945-9501 (.877\ 384-5464 (616) 945-9599 January 28, 1999 1. PRODUCT NAME Vikino Model D-2 Air Pressure Miintenance Device Part Number 02280C Available since 1973 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. lndustrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Shipping weight of Model D-2 Air Pres- sure Maintenance Device (Viking Part No. 02280C): 3 pounds, 8 ounces (.1,59 kg). 5. FEATURES A. Replaceable air filter. B. Air pressure setting is factory set at 40 psi (276 kPa\ linlet pres- sure to 175 psi (1207 kPa)]. Out- let pressure setting range is 5 to 75 psi (r 2 psi) (34,47 to 517,1 1 kPa). Air pressure setting may be readjusted after installa- tion. See paragraph 9-A, RESET- TING. C. Ball check to prevent back flow. D. Restriction 1/16" (1 ,59 mm) to prevenl rapid repressu rization of a system. E. 114' (8 mm) tapped inlet and out- let. F. Available preassembled with by- pass trim. Order Viking Part Num- ber 07459 (includes Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance De- vice, Part Number 02280C). See Figure 2 on page 127 b. 6. AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Main- tenance Devices ate available throuoh a network of domestic and internitional distributors. Se€ the Yellow Pages of the telephone direc- torv for closest distributor (listed un- dei"sprinklers- Automatic-Fire") or con- tact Viking. f Vil.-s i""h"I""rc"t" may ue rornO on I The Viking Corporation s Web site at I http://www.vikingcorp.com.I The Web site mav include a more recent ] edition of this iechnical data page. 7. GUARANTEES For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact The Vlking Corporation directly. 8. INSTALLATION The Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance Device regulates and re- slricts air flow. 1 . The air or nilrogen supply provided to the Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance Device must be con- tinuous, clean, dry, and oil free. 2. lnstall the Vikino Model D-2 Air Pres- sure Maintenaice Device in the air or nitrogen.supply piping between two valves to allow isolation of the device for maintenance and adjusf ment. a. A union should be installed be- tween the outlet of the Air Pres- sure Maintenance Device and 127 a Product Note: The Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance De- vice, preassembled with bypass trim (Viking Part Number 07459), pro- vides the necessary isolalion valves, union, and bypass trim valve. Refer to Figure 2 oo page 127 h. the downslream isolation valve for servicing.3. Bypass piping may be provided to allow initial pressurization of system prping more rapidly than the re- stricted air flow through the A,r Pres- sure Maintenance Device will allow. a. Bypass trim must include a valve which must be closed for the Air Pressure Maintenance Device to function. See Product Note above. 4. The Air Pressure Maintenance Device must be located in an area where lhe minimum ambient temperature is 40 "F (4 "C) or higher, and not subject to mechanical damage. 5. Delermine the appropriate pressure to be maintained in the system. Reter to System Data and Technical Datafor the system and components useo. 6. lf adjustment is necessary, refer to paragraph 9-A RESETTING. 9. MAINTENANCE The Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance Device should be checked for correcl pressure regulation after in- stallation or repair by noting the air pres- sure reading within the system. lf ad- lustment is necessary, refer to para- graph 9-A RESETTING. The filter should also be inspected and replaced or cleaned as reouired. A. RESETTING (Reler to Figure 1 on page 127 b) On installation or after repair, adjust- ment may be necessary. 1 . Turn air supply on and check down- stream pressure for desired reading. 2. lf adjuslment of downslream pressure rs necessary: a. Loosen lock nut (No. 3) b. Turn adjusting screw (No. 1) clock- wrse Io Increase oressure or counter clockwise to decrease pressure. c. Tighten lock nul. B. DISASSEMBLY '1 . WABNING: Do not disconnect or disassemble the Air Pressure Main- tenance Device without closino the inlet and outlet isolation valves-(Re- fer to Figure 2, page 127 b\. 2. CAUTION: Syslem air pressure will be trapped between the outlet of the Air Pressure Maintenance Device e-marl: techsvcs @ vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Viking Model D-2 Air Pressure Maintenance Device is a pressure regu- lator that automatically reduces the sup- ply air pressure to a presel requiremenl when connected to a constantly main- tained air supply. 4. TECHNICAL INFORMATION LISTINGS AND APPROVALS UL listed. Guide No. VIOT. Control No. 955A C-UL Listed and FM ADoroved Approved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar No. 219-76-5A VDS Approved MATERIAL STANDARDS Refer to Figure 1 on page 127 b. N4inimum Recommended Ambient Tem- peralure: 40 "F (4 'C) Form No. F_041989 MODEL D-2 AIR PRESSURE MAINTENANCE DEVICE Replaces page 127 a-b, dated September 26, 1 996 (added outlet pressure range). I I I I t I I t I I T I I I I t I t I and the downstream control valve. Relieve oressure before proceeding with disassemblY.a. Carelullv loosen the union be- tween the outlet of the Air Pres- sure Maintenance Device and the downstream control valve lo relleve Dressure. 3. To orevent accidental tripping of the system, manually maintain system air oressure at a constant level while the Air Maintenance Device is out of service. 4. When olacinq svstem in operation, open the INLET'globe valve lirst! January 28, 1999 MODEL D-2 AIR PRESSURE MAINTENANCE DEVICE 4-B/f6, <t?2 nn) + / - l/ 4' (6,4 dependinQ on Pressure seaarno 2-5.232'(54,8 nn) l'rl'i.) Item No. Part No.Description Material SPecitication No. Req'd 022734 Adiustmedsqew-Brass, U N$:EMllll2- 2 01791A Spring Stainless Steel, UNS-Sq0200 1 3 022754 Lock Nut Brass. UNS-C3ii000 Cover Brass. UNS-C84400 5 022764 SDrino Retain€r Brass, UNS-C36000 1 6 045054 #10-24 x 5/8" i 15.9 mm) Lq R.H.P.D.Stainless Steel, UNS-S30200 6 7 Diaph ra!!!Neoorene. AST[9?Q9!-- I Diaohraam Plate Sta in I e ss Ste9l,-UNS$31qQo 1 0641 8A Schrader Valve Core Assembly Brass, UNS-C;2600u Brass, UNS-C36000 Sta in lessr9le aLU N S- S30200 lal BodV -l&]-ve il e!,9l-!s- -Spring -- Ball Brass, UNS-C84400 - Brass. UNS-C36000 Stainless EtCglL!Dl9l!90200 Stainless Steel, UNS-S30200 'l 't 'l 1 12 IJ ] 1 1A -d-R-ino Nitrile. {Buna-N) Retainer Plate Brass. UNS{26QQQ- 16 f r"qrn".'I grass. UNS-c?99!o - - 17.iF-I Fiher Seal I rirtei- - I uoooer. uNb-u I ruuu I SlrterellBl9lze i 1I 022718 Errer Cup I B,ass. UNS-C36000 'lndic€ -- lndic SutsA! Ltes pan is a etes replace ;sgqbl!e9_ ,/ailable in Sub-Assembly rT ent part not available o1792A I Draphraqm Assemblv 9, 11-16 17. 1a 07240 n?no7a Housing Kit _ Viking 4'rg999gre Mainr Figt lenance E tre 1 |evice (Vikinq Part Number 02280C) Vil(ing Air Pressu.e Device(lnctuded) | / 4' (B r.n) NPT P|.ug 9 3/ ',' (?47,f nn) t/e' (15 r,n) NPT Eut le t ' +/- 1/4' (6,4 nn) dePending pressure sett ng u5e o l/4' <B .i'r) I s ot o-l ion Volves No r r.r oLL y Dpe n 1/2'(15 r'r) ByPossshut-of€ Vo Nor noLiy Cto5ed Fiqure 2 Air Maintenance Device aniPreassem-bled-Trim with Bypass (Viking Part Number 07459)Reptaces page 127 &b, dated September 26' 19b6 (adde-d outlet pressure range). hsr ru nu ilourrn ffi Goilpn$$on$ It BASE rrnnEt TAN K MODEL, MOTOR H.P. 60 CYCLE SYSTEM CAPACITY GALLONS 60 CYCLE MOTOR H.P. 50 CYCLE SYSTEM CAPACITY GALLONS 50 CYCLE DIMENSIONS (inches) BASE MOUNTED TANK MOUNTED TANK CAPACITYLIWIHLIWIH(ga llo n s 120033'1T20033"1/3 200 1/4 loc 23 13 33 13 25 10 1T29050r 1/2 290 1t3 240 23 11 13 33 13 25 10 1T425100- 3/4 JOt)1t2 260 23 13 33 13 25 10 L425100.1 425 3t4 320 23 I\'33 13 25 10 1620100'1T620100"1 620 3/4 460 23 14 15 36 15 30 20 1900150"1T900150'1-1/2 900 1 o /:)23 14 1E 36 15 30 20,l3UUJUO 1T 1 300300-3 1300 ?800 23 15 36 15 30 20 1T1600300' 1T2000500. 3 1 600 2 100 34 16 28 40 18 44 30 12000500-5 2000 3 1500 34 16 28 40 18 44 30- L25UU500- Refer lo Tech Data 1T2500500'5 2500 3 1800 34 16 28 40 18 44 30Herer lu tecrl uara une6ls tor vollaqe Raltngs IEsrngre rnase E=|nree Phase ld -50 to End of Modet Numbef lo Specity SO Cycte J ilI I l /- ." Ir.uss Hmnr$$ons I' E6tr --l -Lq=E It----tii-. 'tl')"i I/ :'-*-'. r If --l L-'w' I RISER 4OUNTED MODEL NUMBER' TANK MOUNTED MODEL NUMBER' MOTOR H.P. SYSTEM CAPACITY GALLONS 60 CYCLE SYSTEM CAPACITY GALLONS 50 CYCLE DIMENSTONS (inches) RISER MOUNTED TANK MOUNTED TANK CAPACITY L W H LIWIH gallons) )L1 1016AC oL1 1016ACT 1/6 110 90 1499 32 13.5 22.5 10 )L21533AC _oL21533ACT 1t3 ltc 200 169l0 32 13.5 23 10 oL3355OACT 1t2 270 16 I 32 13.5 23 't0 L42575AC oL42575ACT 3/4 425 340 17 11 9 32 13.s 23 10u15251 00AC o15251 0OACT cz5 420 17 11 9 32 13.s 23 '10 16751 0oAC oL67510oACT 1 540 20 18 10 14 z.+20!,L6UU'15OAC nits 1 15 0r 1 15/rl oL800150ACT 800 640 22 18 10 35 14 24 20 RI$IR ilt0ultftll *eEFiEtq*- oil.less Ai automatic and desi 0il-les$ Plston Selections sir h ilR iltff1ffilfiilc]DilGl$ REQUIRED BY CODE for all.Dry Pipe Installations, g-==;,r;-,?;; ULlFM Approved Air Maintenance Devicescontrol the amount of air availabie to'be fed into the'cliy pip" rntt"* ro iirat tne 'olume of air available while :iI,.1,11,T^€,ll: systempressure does not effect the abtiity bf tli" *ut", to -o.,u through the piping system. Twomarn stytcs {otlrers availahle _ consult tlre factorv) I Sompressors are fuily tor easy installation. I I I It swllch [t tisled Pressute fill the system to 40 pSIG within 30 mi as outlined rn NFPA pamphlet 13. . Uniaersa 9IANDARD EQUIPMENT: Units are fully automatic and include pressure switch, check vah,e, safety valve. Molors are single phase (three phasc available) and include therrial bve.l.,ua protection. Fractional horse power models are UL listedn. Each unit comes staridard with Universaliqr Mounting Kit. Check Valoe . BuiIt-In I Oaerload Protection ser Mounting Kit Included AMD.2 Model AMD-2 is used for automatic operation in conjunction with a dedicated air compressor for the sprinkler system, such as base mounted units. I I I I I AM[-1 Model AMD-1 is used when compressed air is supplied through.an existing iictory a1r supply or when using tank mounted units. lms: iltilfrrat r I I oSHA Inclosed Ben 0uard tMA RalBd Motor, 1 tisled lnduslfial 0uty Comprsssor Pump Automatic operation of Base Mounted Air Compressors is obtained by the use of the *--"E?s'-"*_i Model AMD_2, ULIFM Air Maintenance Device. Compressor Oil in ot. containe.rs, and a pressure relief va lve arelllcluded wrth everv unit. Tank Mounted Air Compressors are rntesra llvmounted on A.S.M.E. aii receivers to off& fuither ease of installation and versatility. Multiole drvvalves may be supplied from the one .oi.rp.urlo,tank wtuch rs a constant source of air,. Tankmounted units should always be used when anaccelerator is required on the sprinkler svstem. Use fnEssrn4 -Modet AMD_1; ulliM i;;--^' Maintenance Derrice, when required. CompressorOil in quart containers shipped with every'tankunit. Integral Ail hralc titter , A.S.M.E. Safety Valzte o Industrial Air Check Valz:e I t I t Sleel Base Ptate I Inffiil0ulfflt- I ur usred ilIlllA Ratsd M0t0r.Pres$[re $wilch llrisreil I l## I I I lir Pressure 0auge Air I I @PqffHB,,VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW 4!4RM SWTTCH W|TH RETARD I t I I I I I I U,S. Pat. No. 9921 989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents pendinq Potter Electric, nO., tdSO !1, ULC an_d_CSFM Listed, FM and LpC Approved, NyMEAAccepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Up to 450 psl (31 BAR) Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm; 1O GpM (30 Lomr Maximum SLirge: r 8 FpS (1 0 m/s) Contact Ratings: Two sets of SpDT (Form C) 1 5.0 Amps u 125/2SOV AC 2,0 Amps at 30VDC Resistrve Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provtded for 1/2,,condurt Environmental Specif ications;. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installedgasket and die-cast housjnq.. NFMA 4/1p54 Rated Enclos'ure - use v,/tth appropriateconduit fittjng.. Temperature Range: 40"F/120"F, 4.5.C/49.C. Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosiveenvironments. Sizes Available: Steel pipe schedules 1O thru 40, sjzes 2,,thru 8,,BS 1 387 pipe somm thru 20omm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to lour stories Nationat Fire Alarm Code NFPA.13 NFPA.13D NFPA-13R NFPA.72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, StockNo.OO9001BI I I I I I I GENERAL INFORMATION ]f":_y,:d", VSR-F is a vane type waterftow switch for use on werspnnkrer systems. tt is UL Listed and FM ApproveO ioi ^" onsteel pipe; schedutes 1O through 40, sizes z"ti.,r, a;Jioril"tnru200mm). LPC approved sjzes are 2', thru 8,, (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a secfional waterllow detector onlarge systems. I5^:y conlains two singte.pote, doubte throw, snap acrion .t_*'1.19" and an adjustabte, Instan y recyc,jng pn"ur"ti.'r"_tard. The switches are actuak minute (3e r-pm; or mo,e oc;;;:,ffff;:?l":i;:i3i:::ffJ flow condition must exist for a period of ,irn" n"..r.uiy i-ou"ucome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit js enclosed in a general purpose, die_cast housjng, The cover js held in place with two tamper resis-tant screws which require a speciai r,.v ror'r..rnouj.'iji.ri',"-stallable cover tamper switch is availabte ", ".'"pti.. *ii.nmay be used to indicate unaulhorrzeo removal of the cover. Seebulletin no. S4OOT75 for installalron instructions of this switch. INSTALLATTON: SeeFig.2 These devices may be mounted on horjzontal or vertical pipe.On horizontal pipe rhey shoutd be in.trrr"o onln. t* .ii.'.j,,n"prpe where they will be accessible. The unils snouio noi Oe in_statled within 6,' (1scm) ot a titting wnicn cnanges ine oir".t"^ "rthe watedlow or within 24', (60 cm) of a uufuJ oi Orar, -"' ' Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw :i: :]"i:l-::d dril. rhe 2,, (50mm) antd 2 1/2,, 1"0smm; Jevicesrequlre a hole with a diameter al j 1t4' + t n, _ |.t/., r.>.> :-2:.t lr otn"' ri.".ieqrir" "-nor" *in; #.;,ji:1rli:il$(50mm t2mm) Ci-ean lhe insid€ pjpe of all groMn or other material Jor a dis_rance equat to the pipe djameter on erther side of the hole. l:! l!" ""?. so that it may be insefied into the hole; do nor bendor crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on tf," ,"lOf"points in the direction of the waterf low. Install the ."JJf . ,iupand tighten nuts alternately lo an eventuat 50 ft_lbs. (6g n.m) oftorque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the in.iJ.'oitn. i,p"or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. 1.Phone;8oo.325.3936/canada888.882.1833.wWW'potterStgna|.comI I t\,,tKT. #880000.1 _ REV T t\.4FG. #5400761 - t0/01 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 I I I I I I I I I @PqffHB,,". FIG. 1 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CL.AMPING PLATE TERMINAL VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG.2 RETARD AO,] I-] S TI.,1E N T TO CI-]ANGE T I,IE TUFI] KN']A IE TlEA NIioioiI;'eo : iri,l1,""'".?.'r'Juu? I li i,' o" :.lO-U_N- Ol- eE-cFo \Ec!ssrq\ .o poF. L\ |FALSE ALART/S I n" srrrrN.- r< ' . ,^, i: ^ oiou";i io"" i"i "_1c;),; : !'s?Tl;, 2 lo 2 1t2 r50mm ra 65n rnl : to 8" (80mm 10 200,nml DO I]OT LEAVE CO\./ER OFF FOR EITEI.]OED PER JD OF TII"1E CAUTION: An Llninsulated section of a s Ingle conductor should not be looped around the termi- nal and serve as two sepa_ rate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged trom under the terminal TIGHTEN NUTS ALTERI..]ATELY TO AN EVET.ITUAL 50FT,LgS {68 n rr OF TOROUE tv'tHlJEl COU rREDr N O !aLACkrN.c t40UNT OU PTPE SO ARRQW ON STOOLE Po I'ITS IN DIRECT oN OF \^/ATERFLOY/ ROLL PADI]Lt IN OPPOSITE D]RFCIION OF WATERFLOW DV/G #761-30 APnPOT RETARO SETTDTCS irN SeCS I-r---_--ralelcDiF io 2b 20-40 rs.ss i so.zo oo-so I Ftc.3 TyptcAL ELECTRTCAL CONNECTTONSr ,.,,,- .'-.,:,,: .., , NOTES:FIG. 4,:,. ,. 1 The Model VSR-F has two | _- .--,.. .. .,.i;,"t i ,,' r,,,,'o .i- .;-;:-i switches, one can be used to | ]^o--fuT9u" knockouts: Place- .' - '"' , :;-- .:..:' '',:jl, operate a centrat station. Dro- | screwdriver at edge of knock-i i -.-lrT,.f.*operate a central station, pro- | 5t'rcwurlver aI eogg o prietary or remote sionalino I outs, not in the center,I .!;" i :; -: i - . ,l --: .':1 ,. :- . prietary or remote signaling t -- ;: --+ - , ! unrt. whrte the orher conta.t i< -j.,--.--_-, -i ._ , l-.1 -'i :::.1::^?T:',1:-11?caraudib,eor vrsual annunciator. I lJ-, L3: :..1 i-- iil-i L-l 2 Aconditionof LPcApprovaroiI r -:l l-i .T.: this product is that the electri-I :..- i, .,, .,r,:i._,-r: .r:,:._,:., -,.-...- T entry Inust be sealeo to I*r-l .- tions drawing and cauro" I I-note(Fig.1)'1.'. I APPLtcAlor Due to the possrbility of 'n'll"l9?g discharges caused byp_res-sure sur.ges..rrapped air..or shorl retard times. waterflo\,,i swrrcnesr :lX';:""Hili1::3 J.':iy*";prinkler svsteis .-norii ""i o" used as rh! sore initiaiing oevice to discharse AFFF. deiuse, orI chemicai suppression systems. us useu db Lrle sole Inlllatlng devlce to I TESING l!^"^11"_Ou9n.y 9f inspection and testing for the modet VSR-Faccordance *itn uppli.ruL riipA cocjcq An.r qi.^^^,^^ ^^.,,1i1]tt^ u:-t:ciated protective monitoring system shoulcl be inI i:T:,'yF.i[i"i?5{:::ii,i'pn coo"u' "n'r si#;';";;i;iili'T'",""T;;?l#::;L:?#;;iil*','.J;',",T,,;:3;Hi:;l. ir.i"oilr'.l;i" liif,.8'J,: iTl,-,ii;lfil:,::y,i'y,i""'1'^"-'.:lll-^??l.jll:Iosr.remote branch rine, shourd arways be used rortest purposes lf ihere are no - '-' v ruucrtuu dr trre erlo oI Ine most remote branch,line, should always be used vof.1-F rs nor recommendeo ...ojl|iliti,l ttt testing the operation of the flow detection orui." on rne system, application or theVSF-F is not recommended ir aovisable.I vS8-F is not recommended oi advisable f f"|l:rl p* ?f ]9 sp. (ss Lpm) is required to activate this devjce.IMPORTANT NOTICE: pteas resrecj in annnrrirnna ,^,,," ,,^^ l:^l9Ylie the person responsibte for testing of the fire protection system that this systern must betested in accordance with the iesting jnstructions.r# r\,lKT. #8800001 - FEV T MFG. #5400761 - 1o/01I PAGE 2 OF 2 I I @PQIHB",,,MODEL PSlOA PRESSURE SWITCH I I I I I I I I Dimensions: 4 3/ 4" (1 2.1 emlw x 2 1 I 4" (5.7 cmlD x4 3/8, ( 1 1. I )H Enclosure: Cover . Die-cast with textured red powdercoat finish Base - plated Steel - Pressure Connection: 1/2, NpT lvlale Factory Adiustment: Operates on pressu re increase at 6 ,t 1 pSl (.41t.07 BAR) Operates on pressure decrease at 5 r1 pSl (.351.07 BAH) Maximum Differentiat: 1 pst (.06 BAR) Maximum System pressure: 2S0 pSl (17.2 BAR) Switch Contacts: SpDT (Form C) 1 5.0 Amps at 125/2SOVAC, 2.5 Amps ai 30VDC One set in pS10_1A, Two sets in palO_2A Environmental Specitications: Inooor or outdoor use NEN/A 4/lpss Fated Enctosure _ when used with properconduit fittings Temperature range: _40.F to 140"F (-40"C to 60"C)(Not for use in hazardous locations) Service Use: PSlO-1A Single Switch - Stock No. PSlO-2A Double Switch - Stock No. 1340101 1340102 Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Besidential Occupancy up to tour stories National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-13 NFPA-13D NFPA.l3R NFPA.72 U-Land CSFM Listed, FM and LpC Approved, NyMEA nccepted, CEMa rked Tamper: Cover incorporates tamper resistant fasteners that reouire aspecialkeylorremoval. One key is supplied with each devl"". ioropt,onacover lamper switch kit, order Stock No. OO9Oj 34. I I I I I I I INSTALLATION ANDTEST PROCEDURES The Potter PS 1 OA Series pressure Actuated Switches are designed forthe detection of a watedlow condltton rn automatic tire sprinkler svstemsof particular designs such as wet systems wltn afarm-cfrecX'uju". o,dry pipe systems They may also be used to prouiou u Lun ;;"."rr" ::p"il,ro.ry siglrat: ]hey may be adjusted to operate on pressurebetween 4 and 20 pSt (.27 and .4 BAF). MOUNTING: Device should be mounted in upright position (threaoeoconnection down). Requjres NEMA type a .oiOrit nro io'i o,ltioor.insiallations. T,.ESTING:.The operation of the pressure atarm switch should be testedupon comptetion ol installation and periodically thereafte, in accordan""with the applicable NFpA codes and standards anOlor tne autfrorityhaving jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends qua(erly or more fre_ WETSYSTEM: y^ET:O? I : When using pS 1 0A and controi unit with retard _ connecr-- ruA Int0 atarm port piprng on the input side of retard chamber andeiectncally connect pSl0A to control unit that provides a retard tocompensate for surges, lnsure that no unsupervised snut_otivatvesare present between the alarm check valve and pS 1 0A. y:IlgP? When usingthe pSl0Afortocal be|appticarion orwithacontrol that does not provide a retard feature . tn" pS i On .u.l O" installed on the alarm ouflet side of the retard chamber of the sprinKtersystem. TESTIN-G Accomplished by opening the inspector,s end-ol_line resrvarve. A ow ttme to compensate lor system or control retard. CAUTION: Method 2 is not applica ble for remote station service rjcoif there is an unsupervised shut-ott vatve between th; ,l;,;;h;valve and the PS10A. WETSYSTEM WITH EXCESS PRESSUFE: Connect PS t0A into alarm pon piping extending from alarm checkvalve.Fi-eraro provistons are not required. lnsure that no unsupervised shuforr vatves are presenl between the alarm check valve andlhe pS10A, TESTING: Accomplished by opening the water by.pass tesi valve orrneinspector's end-ot-line test vatve. When using L.o_Llli* t".i "]r"*time lor excess pressure to bleed off. DRYSYSTEM: Connect PS 1 0A into alarm port p jping that extends lrom the intermediatechamberof the ararm check varve. Insta on the ouflet siae oiitre in]tinech.eckvalve olthealarm portpiping. Insure that no unsrp"r""j anrtoff valves are presenl between the alarm check valve a"j tn" pij On TESTINGi Accomplished by opening the water by_pass testvalve, CAUTION: The above tests may also activate any othe r circuit closeror water motor gongs that are presenl on the svstem. Potter Electric signar company . 2oe 1 craig Road. st. Louis, [/o, 63146-41 61 . Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada g88_8BZ-1 8g3. www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 I I MKT, #8810001 . REV I MFG. #5400923 - 1o/01 I t I I @Pqf;HB",,." DIMENSIONS NOT[: rO PREVENI LEATGGI. APPLY ITFLON T'P' SIALANT TO ,ALE IHREADS ONLI. USt 0F PIPE JCrNTCIMINI VAY RESULI IN oESrRUCIION Oa ]HE APERIUPI ANO LOSS OF SICNAL. Dwa. TYPICAL SPRINKLER APPLICATIONS WET SYSTEM WIIH TXCESS PRESSURE i-ll ,11)2, i 4 lla MODEL PSl OA PRESSURE SWITCH SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL .-t-' An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed. thereby providing superv.sion of the conneclon in the event thal the wire becomes distodged from under the terminal. comply wilh PRESSURESWITCH TERMINATTON I I I I wET S/SrEv WITHOUT tXCtSS PRESSURE I I cnurroru: spInkter head, owo' ,,closing of any shutoff valves between the alarm check valve and the psloA will render the psloA inoperatrve. ToNFPA-72 any such valve shall be electrically supervised wttn a supervrsory switch such as potter Model BVS. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSI I I I sr?LE D (CLr.s i) srpERVrsaD LOOo l3'-ijtl3: ;?1 l;"-t^".I?l'I!m,service pressure rating of 250 psr (17.2 BAR) and shail be ractory adjusted to operate on pressure increase ar- i* Jj"i.":,::":T)^,,::':.:i^1llo" ".: (1)orrwo (2) spDr contacts rared ar 15.0 Amps at 12s/2sovAc and 2.5 Amps ar 3ovDc.]I :::,:: i:r.:: sha,^be_weather proof and oit resistanr. ,n. .0"",.;;;;;;;;;*il:#;. L'JflL CIRCTJIIIP.AiJ'|ORMIR OR SAIIERY POWER ."=tli?Fi:;s. r-qI- -_l ."."J==,JEE .$ 6 6 s 3 3;,i."* E9 =,; !.. r,- -no F€eissN!r'2-6- -_ Due to the possibility of unintencJed discharges caused by pressure surges. trapped air. or shon retard trmes, watedlow switches that areI monnorlng wet pipe spr/nkler systems should not be used as the sore initiating device to discharge AFFF. deluge. or chemical suppressjonI sTsrems. - ENGtNEEFyABcHtrEcrspEctFtcATtoNS ;"??':."1f_:J1,,:j:?..y:t.j"^:..:r11 ?:-a,y:der psloA as manuracrured by potler Erecrric sisnar co. oi st LoLis. Mo. and shall be insta ed I Drar uv d tvroqet trbtUA as manulactured 11. ln" sprinkter systems as shown on the drawjngs anOloispecifieO irerein. ! :wllches shall be provided wilh a 112" NpT male oresslra .^nna.r,^n r^ h6Ig:,lf:."T""::111".,:"j, i1:,"j::::.j:d ill" rhe ararm check varve or a -wet,.sprinkrer sysrem or $;ri,:, ?':s:'"te chamber or a "dry" pipe svsrem ".0 ,n"ii ol,.t'"t#rr filil :i-ffi:i:'T,;i:1Js:':'iffi .t"J;.',!:TiTH: Model No. PS 10.1 A PS1O.24 BVS Des c riptio n Pressure switch with one set SpOT coniacts Pressure switch with two sets SpDT contactsHex Key Cover Tamper Switch Kit 112" Ball V alve wilh tamper switch Stock 1340101 1 3401 02 5250062 0090 1 34 1010150 APPLICATION WAFNTNG! PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 lThe unii shan be UL and CSFTV Listed. FM and LpC Approved, "r; ffi;;;;;.I MKT. #8810001 , REV T MFG. #5400923 - 1o/01I I I OPqmm,,,,OSYSU.l , -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I t I I I I I I OSYSU-1 Stock No. OSYSU-2 Stock No. 1010106 1010206 UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted,CE Marked Dimensions: 6.19"1 X 2.25',W X S,88,'H 1S,7cm L X b,7cm W X 14,6cm H Weight 2 lbs. (0,9 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-Cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available. Contact Ratings: OSYSU- j: One set of SpDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SpDT (Form it 15.00 Amps aI 12SI2S0VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Envi ronmental Limitations:- NEMA 4 and NEMA 6p Enclosure (1p67) whenused with appropriate watertight conduit httings.. lndoor or Outdoor use (Not for use in hazardous' locations. See bulletin no. 5400705 OSYS_U_EX for hazardous locations. ). Temperature Range:_40"F to 140"F (-40.C to 60.C) Conduit Entrances: 2 knockouts for 1/2', conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to four stories National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-13 NFPA-13D NFPA-13R NFPA.72 I I I I I GENEML INFORMATION The OSYSU is used to monitor the open position of an OS& Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. This devicers avartable in two models; the OSySU_.1, containing oneset of SPDT (Form C) contacts and the OSySU-2,"ctn_taining two sets of SpDT (Form C; contacts. ln""uswitches mount conveniently to most OS a V urju""ranging in size from 2" to 12,,(bOmm to 300mm). They willmount on some valves as small as l/2', (12,Smm). The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screwsInat require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnishedwith each device and should be left with the buildin! owneror responsible party. Replacement or additional cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering informa_uon on page 4. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH A field installable cover tamper switch is available as anoption which may be used to indicate removal of the cover.See ordering information on page 4. TESTING The OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring sys-tem should be inspected and tested in accordancJ wrthapplicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterty ormore frequently). lotte, Eluct,ic Signal Company . 208.t Craig RoI I MKT, #8820004 - REV P 1AO1 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 4 I I @Pqf[m,,osYSU- 1 , -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG' 1 SMALL VALVE INSTALLATTON - 1/2' THRU 21r2,, (12,smm THRU 63,smm) srzEs THESE SWITCHES MOUNT CONVENIENTLY TO MOST 2 'TO 12' OS & Y VALVES THEY WILL MOUNT ON SOMEVALVES AS sMALL AS 1t2" (1z,sMM). r-Hoori nrev ee REeuTRED oN vALVES wrrH LrMrrED cLEARANCE. o CLAI,4 P BAR STOTTED MOUNIING HOLES N/AY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTI?4ENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET BRACKET DWG. #979-3 CARRIAGE BOLT I 2. SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION 1. Remove and discard "C', washer and roller from the trip rod. 6. Remove the OSYSU, File a 1/B', (3,2mm) deep groove centered on the mark on the valve stem utilizing;3/16,, (4,8mm) round, non-tapered file. Round and shooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and outof the groove as the valve rs operaled. 7. l\,4ount the OSYSU with the trip rod centered in groove. 8. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 1) and sliding the OSySU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not actjvated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate when the trip rod moves out of the groove. 9. Tighten the adjustment screws and all mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the giooue "ustyand that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OpEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY To DETERMINE THAT THE STEIVI THREADS Do NoT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FAISE VALVE OPENINDICATION- With the valve in the FULL OpEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from thevalve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjustedproperly, the rod should extend past the valve screw. but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod ln place. NOTE: lf trip rod length is excessive, loosen the lockinq screw and remove lhe trip rod from the tr,p tsys1. g5;6j 0t ers break off the 1 {25mm) long notched section (sJerrg. br. t-{ernstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. On valves with limited clearance use J-hooks supplied instead of the carriage bolts and clampbar to mount the OSYSU. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. l, I I l. l, I r\4Kr. f8820004 - REV P 12t01I PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 4 t ro @PqHm*,OSYSU.l , .2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I I I I I FIG.2 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION - 3" THRU 12,, (76mm THRU 3o0mm) VALVES USE CARRIAGE BOLTS. BOLTS MOUNT ON INSIDE OF YOKE, IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES. MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET. DWG. #979-4 3" THRU 12" (76mm THRU 300mm) STZES ERACKET CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLIS (2 REOUIRED) GROOVE VALVE STEM TRIP ROD I I I I I I bI I LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION 1. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, tocate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from thevalve gland, so that lhe trip rod lays against the non-threaded po(ion of the varve srem. 2. Mount lhe OSySU loosely wjth the carriage bolts andclamp bar suoolied. 3. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in placeand adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjustedproperly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, butnot so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten thelocking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: lf trip rod length is excessrve, toosen the lockino screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Usinq'pliers, break off the one 1,, (25mm) long notched sectio-n(see Fig 5). Reinstall trip rod and|.epe-t Step 3 proce_ du re. 4. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. 5. Remove the OSySU, File a 1/8" (3,2mm)deep groove cenrered on the mark of the valve stem utilizing ; 3/8,, (9,5mm) round, non-tapered file. Round and smooth theedges of the groove to prevent damage to the valvepacking and to ajlow the trip rod to move easily in and outof the groove as the valve is operated. 6. Mount the OSySU loosely with the trip rocl centered ingroove. 7. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fro 2) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adiustment is" cor.ect when swjtches are not activated w,th tie trio rodseated in the valve stem groove and that rhe switches actjvate within one turn when the valve is operated from theFULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. 8. Tighten the adyuslment screws and mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of thi orooveeasily and that the switches activate withtn ond turn whenthe valve is operated from the FULL OpEN towards theCLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY To DETERMINE THATTHE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITC;THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEN/ THRLADSCOULD RESULT IN A FATSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION, l\4KT. #8820004 - REV P 12/01 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 3 OF 4 @Pqffm,.,OSYSU-1, .2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I t I I I I I TI I I I I I I I T t I FIG. 3 DIMENSIONS FIG,4 PARTS euc' "i.\\'-. ll _E 225 iDo I l / ROOREIRACTED .33 BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH FIG. 5 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PI.ATE TERMINAL ryPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS IO SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT OF CONTROL PANEL INDICAT NC DEVICE ENO OF LINE Dwc. #979 - I Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. ryPICAL SWITCH ACTION OPEN V,ALVE POSIIIoN cLoSED VALVE POSITIoN CO M. sw #1 sw #1 -$-*'"CAUTION: An uninsulaled section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as tuo separate connections The wire rrJSt be severed. thereby provdinq superv,- sron ot the oonneclion In the event tnat the wire becomes dislodged from under the termtnat. l\,lKT. #8820004 - REV P 12t01 ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION STOCK NO.OSYSU-1 Outside Screw & yoke-supervisory Switch (Single switch) 1010106OSYSU-2 Outside Screw & yoke-supervisory Switch {Do;ble switch) 1O10206-- Cover Screw s4g1344-- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjuslments 5250062- Optionai Cov6r Tamper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. PRINTED IN USA DwG. #919-2 PAGE 4 OF 4 t @PgffHB,MODEL PS4OA HIGH/LOW PRESSURE SWITCHES I t I I I I MODET PS4OA PRESSURE SWITCH FOR MONITORING HIGH AND/OR LOW PRESSURE VARIATIONS UL and CSFM Listed, FM and LpC Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Dimensions: 4 314' (11.jcm)W x 2 j14,, (S.7cm)D x 4 3/8,,(11.1cm)H Enclosure: Cover - Die-cast with textured recl powdercoat finrsh. Base - plated Steel Pressure Connection: 1/2', NpT Male Factory Adjustment: PS40-'1A: Operates on decrease at 30 pSl (2.1 BAR)PS40-2A: Operates on increaseat50 pSl (3.5 BAF). andondecrease at 30 pSt (2.j BAR) Pressure Range: 10 - 175 psl (.7 _ 12.1 BAR) Maximum Difterentiat: Approx. 2 tbs. at 20 pst (.i4@ 1.4 BAR) 5 tbs. at 175 pst (.35@121 BAR)Maximum System pressure: 250 psl (li .Z AeAl Switch Contacts: SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 12S12SOV AC, 2.5 Amps at 3OVDCone set in ps4o-1A, Two sets in ps4o-2A Environmental Specif ications: Indoor or outdoor use NEMA 4/1p55 Rated Enclosure _ when used with properconduit fittings Temperature range: -40.F to 140"F G4O"C to 60.C)(Not for use in hazardous locations) Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to four stories National Flre Alarm Code NFPA.13 NFPA.13D NFPA-13R NFPA-72 PS40-IA Singte Switch - Stock No. PS40-2A Double Switch - Stock No. Tamper: Cover incorporates tamper resjstant fasteners thatrequrre a special key for removal. One key is supplied with eachdevice. For optional cover tamper switc|t kit, oider Stock No.0090134. 1340401 1340402 t ? t I I T t I I I I The Potter PS4OA Series are pressure actuated switches oe_signed primarily to detect a j 0 pSl (.2 BAFI) i*"-"r" ""01",::^:r"^?:-: lr". normat system pressure in automatic fire sprin_Krer systems. Typical applications are air pressure supervrsion in drv ornesystems and pressure supe,vis.on of pressure ,unt, un iupivor water supply, INSTALLATION AND TEST PROCEDURES Mouniing: Device should be mounted in upright positjon (thread_ed connection down). Requires NEMA type 4 conduit hub for outdoor installations,Dry System: Connect PS4OA jn air suppty line on lhe system siae of any shutoff or check valve. Provision for testing the unir can De accompljshed with theinstallation of a Potter Bleeder Valve (Model BVL) in lhe line'to thePS4OA. Testing: The operation of the pressure supervisory switchshould. be tested upon completion of installation and pe'riodicalry thereafter in accordance with the applicable NFpA'roOL, ""0standards and/or the authority having jurisdjction (rn*rf""fur.|. recommends quafierly or more frequen y). CAUTION: Testing the pS4OA may activate other system con_nected devices. ffi PRINTFD IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 MKT. #8810002 - REV R MFG. #5400924 - 1ol01 I I @Pgf;88*,,.IVIODEL PS4OA HIGH/LOW PRESSURE SWITCHES I t I I DIMENSIONS NOTE: Ig LnFyEltr IEAKAGE, AppLy TEFLoN rApE sEALANTrO MALE THREAOS ONLY. WARNING: USE OF PIPE JOINT CEMENT MAY RESULT tN OBSTRUC.TION OF APERTURE AND LOSS OF SIGNAL, FIELD ADJUSTMENTS; Tne operattng po:nt of l.resw.tchrorswtrcnes on the p540-2AJ can be adjusred lo any pornfbetween lO and 175 pst (.7 and 12.1 bAR) OV t*"i.,iir.,.adlustment knob(s) ctockwise to raise the act'uation joini and counier-clockwise to lower the actuatjon porn1. ln lhecase oi the pS40-2A the two swlc.res operate cornoleielvndependentJy or one another. ano each sMrcn .aV U6adjusted lo actuate at any point lhe system requlres. Flnatadjustment should be made with a pressure gauge. I I I ADJ!SlMTNI(fr0Es (12.1.6) Pressure Switch Terminations PRESSUR€ INCREASE 2.)ta I I I l 1Jj5 Dv,ta i924 3eI t Typical Sprinkler Apptication _ Dry System vatvI 8VL CHTCK 8V5 Dwa 11924-1 WATER 8Y-PAs5 TE5I VALVE N.C, coM. o ---rlj= *.o. IPFISSUFE J -,/ Y I oecnrrse l\- ,\ -l-(, (, L) COM, N.O. N,C. 0ryc- 1926_3 os&Y VALVE CHECK VALVE t t I t I I Typical Electrical Connections SlcN UN6 OEVCE Switch Terminal Connections Clamping plate Terminal vttc. 1926-1^ n6H Lor NOTE: Switches are shown in standby condition with ,,normal,, press!re apptied. Swjtch #1 (high) changes with pressure increase.Switch #2 (low) changes with piessure decrease. LOC^!crRcurr eN0 IINE Aasr5l0R Ordering Model P54O.1A PS4O.2A BVL Information Description Pressure switch with one set SPDT contactsPressure switch wilh two sets SPDT contactsBleeder Valve Hex Key Cover Tamper Switch 112" Ball Valve with tamper switch t=<%,, ;:"tt'''t Stk. No. 1340401 1340402 1000018 5250062 0090134 1010150| 'us An uninsulated section of a single conduclor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separale connections. The wire must be severed. thereby providing super vrsron ol the connection in the event ihat the wire becomes dislodged lrom under the terminal. I Engineer/Architect Specifications I Arr pressure supervlsory svJitch shall be a lvlodel PS40A as ."i:11-.lr:"j by potter Erectric srgnar co. of St. Lours, N,4o and shal be Instared onrne sp nkter systems as shown on the drawings anOlor as ;;ecfreo herern lThe un* shalt be UL and cSFtVt Lisred. FM and LpC Approved, ;ffiil;.;;;;;;.rI:f,II.TED N USA - sv/itches shali be provided with. a 1/2" NPT male pressure connection to be connected into the air suppry rine on the system side oi any shut-offI valve A Model BVL bleeder valve. as supptieo oy'Potiei irJii. signur co. of sl. roris rvo 'oi Jqurvarent shal be connected in rine wrth theI PS40A to provide a means of tesiing the op.."ttn oii " *p.*uony switch. (see DWG. #924,1)The switch unt shall contain sPDT (Form c) switch(es). one switch sha operaie at a pressure decrease of 10 psl (.7 BAR) from normar. Iri\Jo switches are provided the.second switch shall "p"rr," "t " pressure increase of 1b psr (.7 BAR) from normar. switch conlacts sha, bel"*,itlt;l"Ai?'t;',;'.titjlll:"iil,?Af.;t-5ovoc-ii",nits shail have " n."*i,ui., piessu,e ,ailns or 2s0 psr (17.2 BAR) and shail be The switch housing shall be weathefproof and oil resrstant The cover shall incorporate tamper resistanl screws. t\,4KT. #8810002 " REV R I srYla 3 (clrss B) suFEF,rsEo crRcutr MFG.45400924 - 10/01 r-Autr z uF ? I I POTTER ELECTRIC SIGNAL CO. 2081 Craig Road . p.O. Box 28480 . St. Lours. Mc 63146 Toll-Free (800) 32s.3936 . (314) 878.4321. FAX: g14 E7g 7264 @"VS.SP VANT TYPE SWITCH. WATERFLOW SMALI. PIPE SERVICE PRESSURE MINIMUM FI.OW RATE FOR UP TO 250 PSI ALARM -4 TO 10 cPM cHARACTERTSTTCS U.I.. LISTED DIMENSIONS: 2 %"W x 43/+,, L x 5Vt', D 5.Zcm W x 12.1cm L x 13.3cm D WETGHT: 1,28 Lbs. O.B0 kg ENCI_OSURE: Cast Aluminum Finished: Red Enamel CONTACTS: One Set of S.p. D.T. (Fornr Cr 15.00 Amp @ 125/250V. AC 0.5o Amp. @ 125V. DC 0.25 Amp. @ 2s0V. DC 2,S0 Amp, @ 0_90 V.DC Resistive Optional- Add,L. S.p.D.T. (Fornr C) Switch Order Switch Kit No.0090013 USACE: Listed. plastic pipe, Schedule 40lron & Copper pipe. Fits pipe sizes _ I ", 1 %", & 1yr. Note: 3 paddles are furnished with each unit, one for each pipe size. SIZE SIZE ,,TEE" FITT rNc REQUTRED1" 1,,x 1 %" 1vt" x 1Y2 " jy2" x ENVIRONMENTAT LIMITATTONS; OPTIONAL: Cover Tamper Order Stk. No. I I I I I t t I I " x 1" %" x 1" Yz" x 1" Stk. No. 111 1 l0l 40. F/1200F 4.50 C/ 49" c S wit ch 5420 220Par. No. 392 t989I I t I I I t TL^ a/^-J-r\/..^ - I i,E rvruucr vJ_)r ts a vane type waterflow switch for use orrwet sprinkler systenrs that do not have an alarn., anu.t u"t*. Screw the device into th" ,,rert fitti^g;;ffit" depth of 9/16". Care must be taken to properly 'orient th"These units may bc used as sectional flow indicators on lare:;sprinkler sysrems. The VS_Sp can also b. ;J ;; ,;:-sprinkler svstems in mobile homes and residential dwellinss. INSTALLATION: These devices ma;, be mounted in a |1li:.:r, or verrica I pipe On horizontal pip",f-"r ri""f a'U"lnsra ed on the top s ide of the pipe ivhere thev will be accessi_ble. The unirs should nor be instailed within 6., of. ,rlu.draln orfittingr,,,hich changes thedirectron "f ,f.,. ""i.rfi"*. The \1odei \ \-SP i. shinnprl ,n irh " r .. ^-rr r^_ ,-_-_ with a 1,, paddle installed. fi rt i:-?:,":* on lr'' .o' 1t/2 pipe. remove rhe 1 paddle andInsta the correct size paddle. CAUTION: Tighten both screws holding paddle. Failure to righten screws could result i" l.rr;;;;j_dle in pipe. The unit has a i " NpT threaded bushing for installation in a i|!:iliiori* "TEE" fitting. See information above for properrcE Stze. device for the direction of waterflow_ {See iigure l.) I ne vane must not rub the inside of the ,,T EE,, or bind in anyway. The stem should move freely when operated bv hana. CAUTION: The proper paddle size must be used forthe size pipe berng used - | " , 11/+" , ot 1V2. . The device can also be used rn copper or ptasttc pipe instal_lations with the proper adapters so that a siandard ,,TEE,, fit_rng may be rnsralled on the pipe run. FLOWADJUSTMENTS: The small coil spring holds the vanein the.normal position against the direction oj the waterflow. It can be adjusted if necessary to restore fully, but do not over-trghten, as this will decrease the sensitivity of the device. TESTINC; Operation of the unir is checked by openins the"lnspection Test Valve,, at the end of the sprinkleilin" o"r ihudrain and test connection. 4-87 BUTTETIN 737 1 OF 2I I VS-SP t I I I I I T T OPTIONAL. sEcoND swllcrl A VAILABLE IF REOUIRED. SWITCH KIT sTK. NO. O0 90013 S$/ITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TEBMINAL IMPORTANT I IN OIFECTION OF WATERFLOW WARNING AN UNINSULATED SECTION OF A SINGTE CONDUC. TOF IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERi/4INAL ANO SEFVE AS TWO SEPABATE CONNECTIONS- THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TOSEFVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS, THEREBY PRQVIDING SUPERVISION OF THE CON. NECTION IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIFIE BECOMES DISLODGED FROM UNDEB TERMINAL, SEFIVICE USE: RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER CENTRAL STATION LOCAL AUXILIARY REMOTE STATTON PROPRIETARY Ftc. 1 IIIE UNIT IS SHIPPEO WITH AI" PAOOLE INSTALLEO, tF IT rs To aE usED o8 a t-114" OR I.1/2'PIPE FEMOVE TII E 1" PAODLE AND II{STALL THE CORRECT SIZE. CAUTION: TIGHTEN AOIH SCREWS HOLOING PADDLE. FAILUFETO TIGHTEN SCREWS COULO RESULT IH LOSS OF PADDLEIH PIPE. CAUTION: IHE PROPEN PADOLE MUST BE USEO FOR !", 1-tl4", OR otaEcTroN OF FLOW THE DEPTH TO THE INSTDE BOTTOMOF THE 'TEE" SHOULD HAVE THE FO LLOWIN G DIM ENSIONS: 'TEE" FITTING SIZE DEPTH REO.1-x 1" x 1. - APPHOX. 2_1/16.1-1t4' x 1-1t4' x 1' - AppROX. 2_7/16" 1-1t 2' x 1-112" x 1' - AppROX. p_11t16. DWG.5400735-32 NFPA-130 N FPA.71 NFPA-72A NFPA-728 NFPA.72C NFPA.72D DWG. s400737.30A \\\ (a MOUNT SO ARROW I. \' . oN BUSHTNG POTNTS lf | ^ \-=-/ il I t I I I I TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SWITCH INFORMATION switcn nction l$fr![ ALARM- -\ix o coM.C'_1. _-o t{.c. TYPICAL CONTROL PANEL CONNECTIONS End Of Line Resistor Type Open Circuit Type TO PANEL Closed Circuit Type N.C. Local Bell ,, Horn Connection l.o- I lo-lEl The lod6l vs'sP has one s P.D.T. switch. An optional second switch is availabte if required. For axampte, one switch wourd connectI lo an annunciator panel, and the optional switch could b€ u86d to opsrate a local bell. order switch Kit: 00goo13I flc.2 I TO PANEL TO PANEL THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE TESTED ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO INSURE PROPER OPERATTON. THIS DEVICE IS NOT DESIGNED FOR USE ON "DRY PIPE,'SYSTEMS. 1,ffi;;PRINTED IN USA I I I I I I I BRK s electronic Multi-Alert Sounoer combined with BRK,s ;19:?oil:?ffd:+l'J:ij'#,J:*;fi i":,:"*?'r: j::."c,''itv sound from 8 different alarm sound combinatl6ni. --'- The Mutti-Alert Sounder mounts direct to a standard 4,, ;?.'€:":l:[i$,1:,:f x.:J;l?,L.lll.",li!1[11-1,*.i1,'".", I i'i Jr"io"r'j,irr?rn,,ie n t c o n s u m pt i o n a nd ca n o pe rit" lio.' The selection of a sound is done simply by breaking variouscombinat;ons of rhree tabs on the elecfronic printeO" ciicu-ii L:ilfl .,??ff lEl'"1:,ii;&,#,.l"li_,%1i1Tilb't"" Il9 lgrn may also be used in combination with theBRK Signat Strobe. The Signal Slrobe is an electronic visual warnino sional thatflashes approxlmately once every two seconds. in"i,ql_l' - Inrensrry slrobe tight uses an extremely reliable xenon llashIuOe wttn tow current requirements. The electronic circuit isencroseo wtthtn the durable polycarbonate lens. All circuitsare.pota zed to be compatible with DC alarm suoervisionano sartsty the tatest code requlrements for visudl signalling. The strobe works independen y, but it may be mounted onlop ot rne horn. When mounted alone, it mav be eithersemi-fl,rsh or surface mounted, depending o'n tne Cnoice otmounting plate options, I Signailing Strobe Multi-Aler1 Sounder 12/24 VDC. High Rellability. 8 _Varlable sound outputs (user selecl)t Low power consump on. Low Inventory costs. Slandard backboxes 4,, square. U.L. listed to Std, 464r Can be Installed in varlous combinallons wlth or wlthout trlm plates r Convenienl rnounting lo standard boxes or horn. Solld stale circuitry wlth extended operatina llfe' ii?'8e "J,'llil;$taoes. u.L. flsted to Std. 1639. 3-Year Warranty t I I t I I t I Ti..i i:i ll:ll:-rl- ' MA-12/24 Sounder '12 & 24 V N/A/SS- t2 Stro belsounder lZVMA/SS-24 Stro be,/Sounder 24VSS-12 Strobe 12VSS-24 Strobe 24V -=. .- i::. -.;',111i tr* lccqslo.]el are rct packaged wrrh rhe i\'/uttr_Atan Srqnat Strobe-he MLlrAlarn Sounder ;s I2VDC,2AVDC The Sionai S,r"i,. -- should be specified j2VDC or 24VDC. Order by Mo-dei and Vottaoealong with the mouniing accessories to suit you ruuqrlr"nrenG.--- MP-CC Mounting plate Conceated ConduitMP-F Mounting ptate FlushMP-SF Mou nting plate Semi_Ftush8B-D Backbox DeepBB-STD BackboxStandard(Galvanized) , rr il l,: !-i I i E ;;T ri ft A !_,i tr 1 1,,; i i'j g E ;:l l f-: +: !f {: i iri ar}.'Jr i:jrlji The l,4ulti-Alert Sounder (Strobe) sha be BRK Etectronic,sA/A/SS Series of approved equal. They shall be U.L. l;te;-ror ttre protective service and Shall provide 12VDC or24VDC inputs, with field selectable sound selections lrom Bdifferent sounds with a sound output up to 101 dBA pe;k a1'10 feet. The sounder shall include screw terminals tor ln orrfield wiring. The sounder and or strobe shatt surface mountto a standard 4" sq_ x 2i/8,' backbox and shall semi-flush.o!f l_lo9 standard 4,' sq. x Zt/8" backbox or flush mountto BRK's BB-D 4" sq. x 23/i' (ssp backbox. .'rj'il,.r r,,i E't i.i * g {} grtl.rrna $ The sounder shall have the option of having a BRK flashingsigna.l strobe or equal mounted to the froniof tn" .ornJaiand the strobe must be capable of operatrng in tandem orInoependen y ol the sounder. The integral strobe shall have a white polycarbonate lenswith red FIRE lertenng. The potarized stroOe sna opeiarelrom 12 o( 24 VDC panel and snalr prodLlce at leasr lCandela or the equivalent of gO0O peak candle po*u|, utapproximarely one flasn oer 2 seconds. All .roders snatl bernrsned In a red finish -,-r .tE- -;-gi =r y;,1h1 Note: Strobe Current: 30 mA @ 12V & 2SmA @ 24V'dBA measured in anechoic room at iO feet The acousticat^oulput shalt rneet the cur.ent requrren enrs olUL Standard 464. Tone 800 Hz Continuous 800 Hz lntefrupted 800-1000 2400 Hz lnterrupted 2400 Hz Continuous Slow Whoop Swept Frequency Fast Warble Break Tab N0ne A B C A8 AC BC mA 12U 24U 20 3s15 3020 402A 3520 4025 40 50 12020 35 d8A' Average 12U 24U 85 9085 9187 92 90 9589 94 86 9287 9283 89 dBA- Peak 12U 24U 92 9792 9793 99 94 100 93 100qd 0q m roils4 egl dBA Rev. Room 12U 24U 7SU 76 81/9 84 81 8784m 78 83 s1 84 78 83 I I ,'4,.,;?ft', il =24,'kzrn illea-sro llfl i4f o*(17'r 'SS Serles) I t ':),t-;,t i:i ti.!r::i -., i rt ':t.jie it:l.i rr,.:. BB.STD MA-1A24 {,. t'ff;,f.tft - - :-eN:Li-;-ltl l!i BB-STD lli..rr.l r a. ;e!' i'rit itj .Ji,,,tr -; Iir,l.-=hr l.,a t,i., rrt f)'.; --: ,:, f i. , ',i,p1 :.,1':.-l ti1.,riret t =i:, ,:ii BB.STD MA-1,,24 9'.,'l,l:.lr+l p;i,.1 ;l; ;l :"-,= $ .-1 "f 4 r1 g1 f,*r-l 31; iii trmWM,lil%' MA.1z24 \ tl'kllt t ,. **.\$oo E- #ffiffi= sysrem r"nro*,u,.,on r'_i.i9gYflg6..*Fgfr*S z5o rtacclure Ro"d nuror",I ' .'-.-:=:i=:;,l -'-,, - ,-- .-: .:- -, -,:.--= -:'-llllnois 60504 (312) 8s1-7330 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I r6g**e PRODUCT DESCRIPTION z?2 - o )tzes /^', /a-'{u9 {u@> Ftq!e5i /r.raulc 8. 12" Sizes putJrt zn.,. ltt1 i.( a.t|)< .l -++H Series 705W +1,+ F<-L+ I VICTAULIC@ IS AN ISO 9OO1 CERTIFIED COMPANY '.'jciai' tic 0cr;rpl,:,i :t Ate,.i;r_ r-r.r r,i..1 +J00-P lC{-Vt! i-Arjl- it2-5E!2) Fat i10 2i0-8817 ! :iie.;lc Ccrirailv ,! it,,:C?: thcr't 416-6i5-55i5 Fai 4t6-675-5505 e,mail vicaanada@/,clault.arm rricia,.tlic E,tfc'te Phon: 32-9.381.1500 Fax 32-9-380-4438 e-ttal: r r,ew D@riLlaulf, ha '..l..iia!ll;c Ayi., r 3,:iiic Phtne.65-?'35-3035 Fai 65-235-0535 e-mail vicap@ryiclautr[ [om Series TOSW FireLockrM Butterfly Valve With Weatherproof Actuator For 3OO pSl Service a!.'" a ; ti !.,1'.,,:.J ;a j 1,": :t t,a ?., t 2'-,,-,: z:r't :+:,---,: l:. r_:l_ -': : :.'.':.a : - .-,'.'- : -,: :;. :,'; ., :,,. -. t : . ..:at i, :, 7i,.: i,,.,,_) ? ;,: .: i, t: : a.. :. ! )..!. -t !i-L Weatherproof Actuator jr-11,;1 .,L.,1.,r :,..,,-,-ti,eS i,:t','ai,t: arr :.i.'atlal:,)e Zla 12 7 :: rt - 12.: ! Ir !-ri DJr- ,,t|i:l ,P i.l ,Strpply-side Tap )alia. tt)1ll /a .2\ A!--...) - !i;isui:: ii-reir._,? Lii;:; Phone: 610,559,3300 Far:610-559-3608 e-mart. vicat@viclaulic conl a'.1 art') a.:. ar-,i a i-f i ra a1:. . t; ,-. ". I rPl .jr.: rt,, : - .. :.a. : ::.a'. a:: .a - t .-': a .: _. . 'J:-:a" .. _a: :,1:',,_, ::t-.r-i.-,-,r.:: ..':: . t., -_ I _y:i, r;,... 21;.,, :ri -- , iy; ,;1 ;;= ;- , t, ..:,, ..:: :j::::t-;,laie :lfi ;:-ti--,:,2,: . I ft.: l'i :if.,-llla-,-lrat raaixr! a.t-r :i t-rj iSl L2 ,.1.arl-i f-rte,l ,rrr all o!.,lrfs1-l,,tiaa: /'l,rtcLtl:i I,,t e,,l lt_ Llriral IIrt.r1t^r--:ilt. rr .-,f) i.a|.b;: ) DIMENSIONS stTF Nominal ln. 21,2 2 Dim enslons -. r',".r.,..71_ir* =_-. s"ries 705w with rap Hgt. c D E l- Aprx, Wgt. Ea. Lbs./kg H J K r' arl t\,4n;N P3AO!32 2le e .J7 702 t- a2 1?7 9.1 s s,!LA0 ". 92 2AA ! -q7 r?7 221 15,{t o b_a -tt ..lL- 1.Q2 -.:a) tt 313 77 1t 48 1??lt lrz J 5()i91 : '15 732 a.-t7 231 163 11,?? ;;; 271 :l 1r5 Ea9 .?i 2l.J ! i,t t 29",t'?,r2:j'. .2 1n ).r!1 914 lt -ai 3 '1:a t5a :12 tr cl r, t1 93:tt 3-': '.t?I:,t1 a i)E i _.,i 2.,'i a 'r'l '4, 't 21 25 t-: _tF,'a 2t 32 i2a 'i ,t-.2a) ;---:--: t:-:22 ) :--a:a'l ata (r ,a tl ,. ) ',4.,t 2.45 _?.20 --' t': t;a: i 1?.ti: ' - ' l-.::--=-- ----: i: ,2 -: i --.--------.-'=2taa.-, I I r-nAil pi'tk./,c@viilau|||" rrm I I I I t I I I I t I MATERIAT SPECIFICATIONS lEr SWITCH AND WIRING r #H",;::"i#:"J I srzes; Series 7O5W pW _ Tr,.,: . .. r= t::l: ri-.,_ijtta r.l-rt ,.. ltia, | - .-.I;; .!..,.,,ir:u7 liii Bodyl -, I ,itr.,::r, .: ,r:,:oL:r-:::-: cr .-.i::.: .- ':l'r, :::...;_ r_,.,_li_!8, ,,.;.-: r .'. 1l: L:a:i: ",,--l.- '-',;;,:',,, .,[f_ t:,__.] Li.:n..,r:rrC Disc: , ,::::.: .::.-. -_:t.,,- t-.]--: ::- ... -t .::..: -i-i:a-. .-..1 .- ---:jr: ;:.':- a.--.-.-,- .?-, i .i : : a\it,-.l PERFORMANCE II*t::::::l-l :r I il -,1- . ',,-.;).)i.,it-!, _ a ,l . . .: .t. : :.:i.::., i-ar--.i.i t. . | ,:- i.. -,.;,:a.t, a.tt,.at:, -:t , it :::ri L ;,,i1-,c Di6c Coatinq f Grade ,,E; EPDMzt.,'jt ;;r==r"',a:)!, t, a Te:i-ri:e:.. r tr': tai-,?a :1,.a :,.-Z:t)rl | '.1.t_ ..: _,.'!-,.,_. .'=',-1'a:' =:'.._:: :., ):: ai.::.4'_ -- _: :a_.-_-,a ..- a_ -.:.: 'p,:r I -li : .ial!- : :; :l:,,1:_= a- -is '_:. - :i;,-;l. z:,)..:.-.1,.. 1;,.,1-.,..- :. I :t: '::: -- .. - : : t_ Cu Values a: i.l,tE:: i,,t .t ; . 'i. ,,.,,u, ,,-_ -t:,( )'l +itJ .-: . .I:. ? i-.11., :,i !a, ,at,ia'11'.:i, ;,.,r., tr-, .,-,,. l.al,le r'eir''t; I tr .j f l':i r',l.rt-r.il 4,, t.al5, .;.., ;,y,ru, ' i t, ::.aitlir: a',- ,. , : -,-,,. -.a,1 _:-.,.: :,;.:i ..] :--1I I:t 'i Ef r -..-r1_ LL-l ',:. f tt a:'. Stem Bearings: l._:: r ::-_,:-.::. ::.^a:: :. : :: a:'i :-1 -i - ..--. : -:aa :a.t a :.:.:t:!. t:aal,:it:t Stem Bearing Nutsi r ta:r:.-, Z'.::. :..,',..-., : z'.: : ^et, r.!rY, _:_ :.::- _: _ Formulas for Cu Values: / l: clr' a)=( '!.! iia:l Bracketi 1.=:t, : :-.e=- .:=- ::z: Actuat o ri J 21/2. 6" (?3,0 - 168,3 mml:ll a !,1: a' | 1-.t a.- ::.: :i ;-,:, a a :...- ,aa )':a,:a :f,; --:i.--l ::-s,:-:: J 8. 12' (219.1 -323,9 rnm):;::al .-': I I:, a::1 '_':...-. ti --,: ai::A1- r.-j.i itlt -t : :a.:l:t::. l-, s:lt; I,A/here: q-Fr.,'.rtGpIni AF - Prr:ssrlre Diol; ipSlt C) . - Fy-" t,, C,tefirt,:t tt- Actuator Fepair Irt tlr-- r'nll!:ei.rr eire !11, -.! ar) a,-at)at:t f;,tj,-rr g .:tr::fri.ra.. a.,:1,)a-;a:-. iepraaall-rtir i .S l-..,rUI : :i i^Lt, REPL.q,CEI',,lEi IT F,ARTS L,tusT EE,-[]'i.r,iliED Fnr rt,l-i1E l/i.r-t ll-lFr a_IUI-]EF Ta .r_S :ri,ri! tF:apa? ,i i,Ei:.i-l _!t ; 1iE:.ti-,tur_l :,:r -rlt,_.tai!i i_,,c 1lc 1r11q:11, ii_o,.rttres at sel,a, ret:1,,--att:n:: srrh as i:. .r:ai|'- a,l11 :1,.aii't-..:,1 :, 1 ., ; -laltJl.a ar.rt.-.:r i--.a ii=i "' ir'.: -'.-,1 : ,.1:-iall:r:tat- :_ ! r:: :.- =i ._,' .[!.,'-,.'-'-' : :\ l1 -l -.: ... , .:t _ !rt ...." . -':.:. [=.,. - -,,-:, 5-{ i'::..-,_:.:. :,-.I i:: *. .-. . -.:r.; t! -:.. ".1 -r-'!, -- t::.:u _ :o'rr. '-o"r-_i_ Ii'i"t;'n"'"""Switch t I I l' '''t qtTF nal Inches 21. i I ll T.rt J cv CrI !e9") 'J25 225 SIZE Nominal lnches lc"(Futt Open) - t,a JIZE Nominal Inches cv (Full Open) i39,7 mn E i4co - a'J0lr I 115C 1tl ; 1e5 1 n'..r,trr2 iz5a 12 -;.t-'t,i.:t:"::1,::-.: l,ri.r:]!treat /.r. ).a.,xr..,., _ rrt:tLr:13 sha b. nsr.r i',l f;.:i;Jl..95:]e..t|.|:..1t|iI.j.t'.rn:.D|.].],J.i:[e.lL:1l..s SPLUIt-IUAI /0/v5 A/Vu I N STALLAT I C N //VS IRUC Ii O/VS la I t t I sys ,t{ I I It I I I I t I I I I MILWAUKEE V*L,Y,H ,@* LISTED APPROVED ULBB-SC040300a.cd. I t SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOW CLOSE o-I I I I t I I t t I I t I APPROVED For use with fire protection Approved by the New york City Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996-g1 -SM, for 175 psi and Calendar number 720-83-SA for 350 psi and 500 psi. (500 psi rated valves not snown.l ALL PATENTED SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVES... r provrde slow opening and closrng properties in a quarter- turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protection and other liquid systems. . are available with or without an internal, pre-wired supervis0ry tamper swttch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, the switches signal movement of the valve disc from the full open position. r are available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for field installation on previously rnstalled valves. r have switch ratings of: '10 Amps/11 5 VAC-60 Hz 0.5 Amps/28 VDC o are equ,pped with tamper switch assemblies FOR INDOOR USE ONLY. o have UL/FM ratings to 175 psi. (Also avaitable at 350 psj and 500 psi with N.yC.B.S.A. approval.) BUTTERBALL SLOW CLOSE TNSTALLATTON (BB_SC) A. The EBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping system using standard Naflonal pipe Threads. Wrench should be used to hex on the encl of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe seatants should be used spaflngly. B The valves with internal switches can be easjly wired in the field. They will have two switches, switch_1 wjll have dual leads on the terminats. This switch is to be connected to the supervisory circuit of a Listed alarm control panel. Switch-2 will have single leads and may be connected to auxiliary equipment per direction of the local authority having jurisdiction. Cap any unused wire leads with wire nuts and tuck into JUnction box. All connections shall be reviewed and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction. C. A 14 gage green wire has been fastened to the interaor ofthe housing and is to be used as a housino ground. D. Recommended type of wire to be used is No..16 Dual Rated UL 300V 80 C and 300V 105 C. E. Instaliation must be in compliance with NFPA 72 and 13, or bonded and grounded per Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 . F. The 8B-SC, BBHSC (threaded_end) and BBVSC. BVHSC (grooved-end) valves are intended for use with schedule 40 and/or 80 pipe, sizes 1", 1_114", 1_ 1 12", 2" and 2-1 t2" perANSt 836..1 0. INSTALLATION FOR NEWYORK CITY VALVES N.YC. special valves have a large flow jndicator which points in the direction of the valve disc, indicatrng open or closed. The valve should be installed in a position where the indicator is readily visible. TISTED sprinkler systems 175psi. MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZESI I I I BB-SC100 BB-SCSO2 BBVSClOO BBVSCSO2 BBHSClOO BBHSCSO2 BVHSC.lOO BVHSCSO2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 175 psi - Threaded Ends NYc BSA Approved 1 1-114" 1-1t)' z , z- |l 2,2-1t2" Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 175 psi - Grooved Ends NYC BSA Approved Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Threaded Ends NYc BSA Approved 1' , 1-1 t4" , 1-1t2" , 2", 2-1t2" Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Grooved Ends NYc BSA Approved z',,2-1t2. ULBE-SC040300a.cdr I buttgrball " BUTTERFLy vALVEs _ .u,i,_- "D" - 'A - _. BB-SC100 (Threaded Ends) Sizes 1", 1-1t4", 1-112", 2",2-112" BBVSC100 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2" BBVSClOO Uni-body with Grooved Ends Size 2-112" VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY VALVES WITH SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWTTCH ASSEMBLY I I I ALL DIMENSIO M.4O ARE DII,,4ENSIONS USING SCHEOULE 40 PIPE M-80 AFE DII\IENSIONS USING SCHEDULE 80 PIPE N-40 IS FLOW RESISTANCE EXPRTSSED IN EOUIVALENT LFNGTH OF SCHEDULE 40 PIPE W IS THE WRENCH MAKE.UP LENGTH ULBB SC040300a.cdf NYC INDICATOR (Available on both switched ano non-swttched models. ) BBVSCSO2 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2" MATERIAL LIST Uni'body with Grooved Ends Size 2-112" 1-13132 1-11116 NO,PART MATERIAL gPECIFtCATtON 1 Indicator Sintered lron F0008P 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 Disc Stainless Steel Type 304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housino Die Cast Aluminum WIRING DIAGRAM (swrTcH PostTtoN VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT RED TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR SWITCH 2: SINGLE LEADS !r9en !:ad provided is ground for switch housing Switch Rating: 1OAMP/ 11S VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wire nuts and tuck inside junction box (not provided)NorE: Valves incorporating supervisory tamper switches are for indoor use onrv. - SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH - 1/2' ELECTRICAL iCONDUtT -/- = << \V'.3s 3Fl I N62 ! al) z_u - - - 8FA^g Fflv/2 nfr ,v'vg trfrR^=U :.E=Uicl(, !; < \ri I UL LISTED JUCTION BOX Milwaukee Valve Companv 2375 South Burrell Street ' Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sg2O7 -15g2 lelephone 41 417 44-5240 FAX 4141744-5840 www.milwaukeevalve.com ULBB-SC04030Oa.cdr MILTA/AUKEE VALVE I I I I I I I t I I T I t I I I I I I Gheck Vafves f=- -l |r i ill\, - ";./ ri ''-=z li' :: t: ' A-+ <-A -> <- , E Ilil lil +''-'li!- Iri 1'+--_2{ € Typical 21/... 3' rdm*lo PHODUCT DESCRIPTION ,1- 'ur t 'U,Cl_-..:ai,!-,. % DTMENSIONS ,:': _ rl -.. ',r _i:t- - ..!,.--)',. t,:t-_.,,i i -,- ;,_ i-. r -.irr,|r,i .r.i. j-,.!- /! - :+!))\, I rlrt :tj., . , r, -r t.: i I .r. ir ,_l.r i)- -:t.)ar il ) !.t;) lr: -.j 'i,_j - ;:l.t.t, r -i );)l t)t--t ::lZ.:.\- at+ 1,t.;it,.1,:,.1 L .: llPT /Jil:ir€arri Dri,,r r'f l PT Dornst-.afi Drarl.]I ? l.)P) tDtatnAf .)trat) Typical 4 - B, :::. l::; _ ._ :r=t .,..:-,:.._--,t).. ll . ;:;-r--- ' l -: ii-:. .- .- -,. -.a..,,:. -a: =- . i i ji =)i, 1.-:1.,1 i, - ,.',2 ,".t:'-. :, l': .) ,.f .l '-i- ,t ,itt,, :...-.::tt: lJL l-jLr. Lr:i;j,i -t,i:l 4 ii1-l -: r-,rrrr t!.:a:, ;tt \..1 )11a[,:j ai,,IJL/t tL,: ,.)::t,..-t :,t!.a: Fj,,i .-.;,rt,-, ,, -,.i 1'! IIPT UpSkeefi Drarr! 'i li Pf D.wtl.ttean-t Dt ai-, Typicat 1D - 12,, Series Tiz FireLockil/ Sizes 4.12 C VICTAULICS IS AN ISo 9oO1 cEFTIFIED cofuIPANY \/,3 ia ii: Cr.rcar1,,,,)l azmae - r''.i a ! 1. - :,t, -..,i a i...lli-1'r/5-5!5i e-ma I rraa3r'r|d;e,rial;.J iir ia]r '.,ictauiir_ Etifla;€ rr-)n,''j2-i - 121 - i,t\rFt :2-2-1A0.rjIi e.n)at !)tefiitL1r ata t r)t i,'!':iaJlia A:-*sf ica i-aiin? thane Frlt-,si.130t:l F:.r 5iu-559-3608 e n.iart /ta;l@./ialaIlt!t !otn irrctaLlia A: ie Faci!ia Frrttt E5 225-3tt:5 Fat E5-235.05?,5 +nat). t taaja!'v nlai|:i. I rtn I I I I FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 6.4 !0 J,l-| ltJ 2l 0.2 ATERIAL qFQIF C 7,; I I I t T I I I I t I I -': o-| .^ LL ";\) ;: o07 UJ nri U) tt ,ta ult 4.3 rvu JUU 400 600 1 000 800 FLOW BAIE _ G.P.IU, 1,, Lri.r - .r:1.,--l t:l ll:.F '. I : i - .l . :. F - ll .. l t.'Jt . ',Et-). L t +F)2, ,- . t ,^ ral- t-'ir..! .,=!\. t.? l1-.,1 p -J-,r_tj,\ I,IIi IDEt F',P r I-TF 'LFI ] I/4iEP t-,tl';:-,,i,:i! i:-:it_l ar. -;:t-r.:r:i t_i!t-' t:: j-,ni _rn,:.,ri-r:iai;:t,-.,:h1., lr:r::.i.:, j:,: :. -,.=,:: -r.:.'-; - : -,:.. :- :::: i:: .: r-::r-,:-.: _1.a:,::;. _ -:_i r__i:..::_.,::- - il:t il. - r r:: _:-.:r_ -. .'.4.:.: j.j:=- :::'-:,:t-- 1,.... :-::.. l,::_ti1 11;.: :: ::: -::.. -.::.-.:--- ::::-- : .tt;:::-.: _ .::.:::. l.::.. . : -_.:: :: :,:-::i-:t-.-r: Discs; : . -. ---... .,: t::.;... ---.'-'- - _-:l- --_;: i l: :::.:- . :t'.:i ;-. i;: .:.tt: ;-t , tt','-;:' :- ::'-'- ,.'.- - --- .:a 'tta::a a- 2.000 4,000 6 000 10,000. 3,000 8,000 20,000 SPECIFICATTONS Body: ;r,r.: 1- r,,:,r.,. ,j,..- l -il 1.. l .'.,,-.-,.1:'i.:r r ! :11 i .-. .l :r.. r: :,. lf1:,,1i. -,:1,i-...,.|.... _ I r.: .,.r . ..1 1... I 1l : . ?2 t fJ it-r]li/ .ria"" )..,4rttaal ):,)a,:L a talr !el F^.1" c^ -. -. -svL,y trea[i :. j ._ -.),).9 t,r;:: a.ta=: F,. :: : _-,!:i J-it 'i- ---- 1: -, ::.!: ..;:i.:: !:;i, : ''- - 'i ,1, t,;::::t i:.. Disc Seal or Coating:J crade ,,E,, EpDM -rlt , :.. =:.-. _-,:,,_:.:::.-:.- :.:;. _ .: :_ :.-t:..-_ :t:::: ,., .:-,_ :'. ::i. -- -: l...::: _".:,:=,_. :,-_-- _= ,. -,- .,,j: : i::::.,. :: :t:,-::: : ::: . ..:.'-= - ! : i::.::, _ -l! li i,rr,l - _;l i/l .,, r:L: ,,,,-,r-Fr! -ra-:- fnll, *,,.ra..-,l.r7rt ,r.',_;ra,l. E -:!a,..>t \ ! nq..) Shaft: -r; r : r ji-- i, ,= ..1t : :::.]lri_._: ,::. i - . I ' \ \+ :, !j:, r t:itn T,,l:,+ jja, t a.rt)a..:.i.-.) Spring: .-1,.jl:,..: T., + ._-l _i:rr <: a lI.,: _: : !ia: Shaft Plrro: :1. . - '1.. .--: .._ ..--l (-- ..i .-. . __- :::__, r,t-.,::i l' -_:;i__-i : :; t--,,,.. ..-; -- -. 1'1 ..::::--atr,:._. ._.!..r1:,-_ ::- , t:- :-,. :aii:t, :l:.1:;:i I .:la': I .' ._, !f..1 !.- : :: PipePlucr: - ; 1 :....:L: : -:-:;.: :::i- i.:t:,).-. ,:t-a., :-:-: ,, .-::: i: ---:ll I .-: jj I t,, I 1,. I I I I t I UNITED SWING CHECK VALVES rnrs swrnQ check varve is buirt for tighr seal on backfrorry through a broacr range of rrackpressures. rt is made v/ith substantiar wair thicknesses ro grve rong rasting seryice. The ggis standard \,^/ith a metar disc that rotates on ti.,e Lrridr to loirinuorirv"f,.o"uio. .r,.seating Not recommended for pu sating or uibratinq-Jervrce I 125 lbs. WSp 200 lbs. WOG 100% Pressure Tested Screwed Ends Metallic Disc for General Service Body Material: Bronze Conforminq to ASTM B5g4-C84400 Sizes: 1/4" - 2,, 99 lnstall horizonlaliy or verlically with flo'^/ In upward direction Do not rnstall laying on side Keep seat crear)t I I I I I I No.210 Sv,ring Check tor use on automatic installatron as required Valve with 3132' orifice in Clapperpressure switch line of fire pump by NFPA No. 2OA-Z-S 2 1 No.210S Special with 1/32,,Hole in Clapper for use inAntr-Freeze Loop NFpA j3 5-5_.4 No. 210A Swing Check Vaive with l/8,' orifice I Size 3/8"1/2"1' | 1 1t4'1 1t2' 1 57 /64',1 57 /64'2 9/64',2 33/64',31/32"3 29/64'3 13/16"4 7/1Ao1 7/32',1 7 /32'1 9/32',117/32'21/16"2 13/64'2 13/64'2 55/64"Dnlp Wt. (lbs.).45 ,58 .81 1.81 JA' QUan. Unit Pack 12 12 12 12 6 6 4 4 Per Case 60 60 60 60 30 18 12 12 210 I I I I I I I I T I I I I !I 'r "evrur Kellel Volve with Droinoge plping " v .. 'or\rrrqrron. ll hos the qdde : t yj'+ill:%FJfii volve hos on rniegror Frushing Hondre Focrory ser or r z5 psr w'h oiher I -.' lt relieves excess system pressure cqusedJ The provided n"ri",u" ,^-o:,::::::':,o pv surges or temperoture chonses, I D;; |,.il=ffir5!"tr votut Piping sorves ihe nogging probrem or Rerier vorve ourer- I ne unii comes shiI o' o i n io iti piG; l8i ?3, J ?'i:;: ;S'i 3 g'Jtg,:L?S,yJlll U i^ 5:ii:lJ,g * o n d ih e B yp o ss] All nssg55qly components ore included in lhe pockoge. t Iis'J$L'Lst"JlxTiil?i$J:%:"cessorv ror rhe insroriorion or o pressure souse. I I I I MODEL tot I MODET IO I IT I u***, KffiffiWmruffiffieffiruMODEL IO I 1 WITH RELIEF VALVE AND BYPASS PIPING fV{ODEL 1O i IT fltTdi]l5,l'ril,'di{ffiifi5$,qfl{P;,'trtH:ilcEIApp'NG vtEw " MODET 1fir t From the Februqry I , 1994 Edition of NFp, ,\,' | | rr re reoruqry | , lgg4 Edition of NFpA l3: :::::::::.o,:",requitesore|iefvolvebe,n,,o,u"..I ":.:::"": : 6 123 requires o retief votve be insroiled downsrreom of oil resutrr rorogroph 3 - r.2 requires ALL GRTDDED S'STEMS be provided with rerief uotuJ.. ' Itiliililt: tr, r, r,, o, | / 2, | 7 / 3z,Elo(s/a)., E.FR(3/4), XMENSIONS - INCHES MATERIAL LIST PART; HANDLE STEM BALt BODY VATVE SEAT lNDt_qAroR PLAIE KELIEI- VALVE BYPASS FININGS BYPASS IUBING MATERIAL: SiEE L ROD BRASS C P BRONZE BRONZE IMP-REGNAIED IEFLONsrthL BRONZE BRASS NYLOBRAID FROf.,T VIEW - I4CDEL i 0? t T S IZE z 1ro,s,.J*.,, :...t-J.)r, ,. "llETii l0l I AND lol lT 9 tita I I cl rc 4 c/td 6 s'ro 11 t/16 4 9 jt6 6 sii6 Irs,'ro i 5 tia 7 tttt is=lnxlI:.;?}i**' iiii;i'i,":l"lLlt,Ill!ir,,Iqx; (610) 429_4321 JOB NAME: ARCHIIECT: ENGINEER; enhlTD a r^T/.\ D. I I t I ffi"ry# 400 [b" w wp hro{tra# balB Stan(larcj Port r lyyo-Fieee Bcdy ' Bicv,",out-pr.-.'ff Sierr o TFE Seats 400 PS! F.ion-$hock Cotd Water Conforms to fr,4SS Sp-11C I,IATEFiIAL LIST c-SFECIFICATION Masle. Crrlorl 01,t. 1:/i 1v2 t I I I I I I I I I I 1. Handle Nut Ziic Plaled Sleel 2. Handle Zjic Plated Steel ,riih plasnsol G!.ip 3. PaDkjnil 6land Srass A.lTlil 8.16 4. Packi\o Noa Asbeslos 5 Stem Silicon Eronze ASTM 8-_171 Altoy C69400 or ASTM 8,16 6. Ball Erass ASTM 8,16 or ASTM 8.584 Aljoy C84400 7 S€at Bings 8. SoCy Casl Eronre ASTM 8-584 A oy CB.1-400 0r Fore'nq Sfass ASIM 8,124 A ov l?7 9. Eody Endpiece Cast Brcn:e ASTM B-SB4 Altoy C84400 0r Forging Brass ASIi/ 8,124 Ailoy 377 DIMENSIONS - Vt/EiGHTS _ OUANTITIES KT-580 NPT io NpT KT-s80 threaded l{omiIal Slr€I C D Prrt Appror. 8or l{6t Wl. oty. 1er\a 3,5,ie 1?100 121i\2 3'i,,8 100 2/' {r jo 1.? Zti,a 4jl'r.1B 21311. 6t 10 KT-s80 manulactured in NIBCO owned iacility !n llexico NIBCO INC., ELKHART, INDIANA ANGLE UAI'UES - 3OO LB. RATED Fire Dept. Valves FEMALE X MALE S'ANDARD EoUIPMEx?: Fema|e NPT inlet X Male hose thread outlet cast brass valve with wheel hanote. Fire Hose Rack Assembly Valves DOUBLE FEMALE S?AXDARD EOUtpitEr,tT: Female NPT inlet and ouilet cast brass valve with wneel handle, 5010-501 7 Fig. No. 501 0 5015 5016 5017 Size 11/2" zf2 2Vz X 3"ava', U'L L NY BOARO SPECIFY ?IIREAD OPTIONAT FINISIIES: PB - Polished Brass RC - Rough Chrome plareo PC - Polished Chrome plated IS?ED rrnd Fi| AFPIIo!,ED OF S'Ar|DARD5 & APPEALS APFROI,ED 5020-5025 /.fr\ fF\+r=-11\ 1,1>JY Fig. No, 5020 5025 Size 1Vz" 21/2" r-- 0 -Ii---+-_1i-.-----'tJinJ lllI -F-1 ,/-T\/tll@JT"IY+E__t _ / Size 1V2"2Vt"2Y, X 3"3X3" 2"La"al/ i,4t l.z" B 4'1/tz"4t1/tr" \..ULUbEU 6tla"9Vz"I J '/e 13t/a" C.OPEN 11 161/s"to'/a D 33/a"5"7"7" E 2'%2"43/t"4x/c" 43A"43/a" U/L Listed Yes Yes No No lUjPProved Yes Yes No NoNY City Approved Yes Yes No No ANGLE I'ALUES Fire Dept. Valves FEIVALE X MALE !s'ANDA|ID EeutFl,|EI.|T: Female NPT inlet X Male hose thread outlet cast Drass vatve with wheel handle. - 3OO LB. RATED Fire Hose Rack Assembly Valves DOUBLE FEIVALE SIANDARD EQUrt'l|Eltt: Female NPT inlet and outlet casl brass valve with wheel handle. 5030-5035 trin Nl^ 5030 Size t'/2 21/2" OP?IONAT FIHISHES: PB - polished Brass RC - Rough Chrome ptated PC - polished Chrome ptated UIL TIS'ED dnd Fr,| APPRoUED XY BOARD OF 3?ATIDARDS & AFF!AL!, APPROV-D 5040-5045 Fig. No. Size5040 11/z' 5045 2Vz"SPECIFY IHREAD I_______l Size 1V2" 21/e"31/2" o 31/2" C.CLOSED 63/a"Y./A C-OPEN 7s,a"1lVa" D A',5" E 21/a"3Vz' F 23ia"31/2" U/L Listed Yes Yes /1 [ :J-:..- 11 t P; ,:e 5-3 SING1E CLAPPER TWO.UUAY INLE?s An exposed auxiliary inlet connection with S0O G,p,M, inletcapacity to supplement fire protectjon water supply. Exposed design provides an economical method of satisfying Fire Dept,inlet requrrements. STANDaRD EOUtpt|EX?: Cast brass two-way inlet bodyonly with single swing clapper and pin lug swrvel; back or angteoutlet connection as selected by figure number. sI'EGtFy?t{f,lEAD. BRANDII{c:,,Auto Spkr.,, Ftt|f|SH: Cast Brass oP?toHAt FlNtsltE!5:PB Polished Brass RC - Rough Chrome plareo PC - Polished Chrome plated t]4u5 Back Outlet 6407 U'L II5?ED AND Frf AFPROI,ED 6407 Angle Outlet e - -- --.1' A 6405 Back 51/a 10 63/a 6407 An le BVq 10 4 3/t I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I 6410-641 5 64?A-6425 DOUBLE CLAPPER IlflO.WAY TNLE?S An exposed auxiliary inlet connection with 500 G.p.M. inletcapacrty to supplement fire protection water supply. Exposeddesign provides an economical method oi satisfyinj Fire Dept.inlet requirements. !5?AHDARD EOUtpi,|ENT: Cast brass two-way inlet bodyonly with double drop clappers and prn lug swiveis; back orangle outlet connection as selected by figure-number. Branding AS SEIECICd. SFEGTFY ?HftEAD .tfrd BRANDIllfG. BRANDTr{G:*Standpipe,',,,Auto Spkr,,,,,standpipe-Sprinkler,, F|NISH: Cast Brass OF?IONAI FINISHE!5: PB - Polished Brass RC - Rough Chrome plated PC - Polished Chrome plated U'L LItl'EO AI.ID FII AFFROI'ED}IY EOARD OF s?ANDARDs AI,ID APPEATS APPROVED 90" Angle Ouflet 6427 ,l, l I i:l'".lir ..-,..i;rl,t Angle ' '-:"'-:fll- ,94:c,. 641 0 6420 4X2VzX21/z t/2 | | '/2 8t/z 1 1Va 6411 6421 5X2VzX21/z 10 113/a tzt/8 103/a 71/z 6412 6422 6X2VzX2vz 101/a 1 1 3/a 1 1 3/t 103A 71/^ 641 3 6423 4X3X3 10 121/z 12Vz 1]Ya tf2 6414 6424 5X3X3 1)Va 12Vz 12Y4 101/z t'/2 641 5 6425 6X3X3 103/a 12V2 t zv4 107/a 6427 (45. Angte)4X2YzX2Vz I 12Vz 83/q Back Outlet 45' Angle Ourlet I I I T I t I I t I t I T I I T I I I PIPE SPECIFICATIONS (summary of information from ASTM Annuar Book ofsfandards) Intended for conveying liquid, gas or vapor. Grade A Supplied as welded Adaptable for flanging and bending rnysrcal requirements: Tensile Strength _ 4g,000 psi minimum Yietd Strength _ 30,OO0 psiminimum Erongation in 2 inches - 150/o to 36%,depending on.lhe.crosssectional area of test specimen.Grade B (not made !y BMT) Must be heat treated to 1OOO"F or similar Physical requirements .f91sile Strength _ 60,OOO psi minimum Yietd Strength _ 35,O0O psi minimum Elongation in 2 inches _ 29.S% to 12.S%depending on thecross sectional area of test specimen. Testing :.l:ltelin.g Test - appropriate destructive tests performed duringmanufacture Eddy current resting is a nondestructive erectricar test performedon each piece of tubing in accordance with standard AS}Mpractice (E309) Hydrostatic Testing is optional and not performed on BMT pipe ASTM.A135 a a . permissible Variations Diameter may vary +l_ 1o/o from the nominal sizeThickness may not vary more than -12.so/o of the nomrnar warlthickness. Notice that there is no positive torerance on wa,thickness, nominalwall equals maximum wall. Marking for each length of pipe is requiredpackaging is per RSiu nzbo BMT Products: EDDyptpE _ Schedule 40, Schedute 10. EDDyLtTE _ Lightweight Threadabte pipe. ULII{_ Lightwalt tton_Threadabte pipe. EDDy FLOW _ Schedute ,lO Replacement. II- 1 May - 91 I I t t t I I I t I I t t t I EDDYTHREAD 40 - Lightweight rhreadabre pipe with corrosion Resisiance Ratios equar to or greater than 1 0, ano rt does not have a thread warnino. ASTM.A795 ,l I I Intended for fire protection use. "The pipe may be bent, but it is not intended for bending made at ambienttemperature wherein the inside diameter of the bend is iess than twelve timesthe outside diameter of the pipe being bent and successful bending is a functionof equipment and technique as well a! pipe properties". Classification is Type E for Electric-resistance welded Joining is suitable by the following: Light-weight (schedule 1o) - Rolled groove, welding, and prain end fittingsstandard-weight (schedure 40) - cuior Roil grooviig, tnriaoinj, werding, andplain-end fittings Grade A Supplied as welded Adaptable for flanging and bending Grade B (not made !y BMT) Must be heat treated to 1OOO.F Physicals Tensile Strength - no requirement Yield Strength - no requirement Elongation - no requirement Testing Flattening Test - appropriate destructive tests performed during manufactureEddy current testing is a nondestructive electrical test performid on each pieceof tubing in accordance with standard ASTM practice (E309). Hydrostatic Testing is optional and not performed on titttt pipe Permissible Variatiohs (same as 4135 except looser on I 112,,& smaller) II-2 May - 91 I t I t I I I I I I I III I I I I t I I ASTM-A795 Steel pipe for Fire protection Use _ Continued Diameter - For pipe 1 1lZ,,and under, the OD may not vary more rnan +1 i64"(.01 5',) or -1 /32,,(.031,,) - For pipe 2" and over, the OD may vary +/-jo/ofromthe nomrnal size Thickness may not vary more than -12.s% of the nominar wail thickness. As there is no positive torerance; nominar wail thickness equars m""iilu* *"rrthickness. certification of inspection must be suppried by the producer stating that thematerial has been manufactured, sampred, tested, and inspected in accordancewith 4795 and found to meet the requirements. Marking for each length of pipe is required Packaging as raid out in the Buil Moose Tube company Eddypipe schedure BMT Products: EDDyptpE _ Schedute 40, Schedute 10 EDDr/LtTE _ Lightweight Threadabte pipeULII{ _ Lightwalt Non_Threadable pipe EDDY FLOW _ Schedule 10 Replacement EDDYTHREAD 40 - LightweighiThreadabre pipe with corrosionResistance Ratios equ-l to or greater than 1.0 TI. 3 May - 97 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t &ss BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY NPS (in) Nomrnal OD (ur) IPS Schedules NomWall Thickness (in) ID (in) Theoretica] Wt. per ft 0b) Pieces Per Bundle Bundle Weight 2t' Bundle Werght 25'I l.Jl)Ultra Eddy Schedule l0 Eddylite Eddythread 40 Schedule 40 0.065 0.109 0.1l9 0.t26 0.133 1.201 1 097 1.093 1.090 1.049 0.868 1.404 1.520 r.600 1.679 6l ol o1 6l ol - 37 )I JI 1l 12 t798 1947 2050 2t5I 2t4I 23t8 2440 256rI r/4 1.660 Llltra Eddy Schedule l0 Eddylite Rldythread 40 Schedule 40 0.065 0.109 0.119 0.131 0.140 1.546 1.442 1.438 t.425 1.380 1.t07 I .806 r 958 2.t39 2.273 860 r403 t52I 1662 r /oo 1024 t67 r r8lI r979 2103L t/2 1.900 {.Iltra Eddy Eddy FIow Schedule l0 Eddylite Eddythread 40 Schedule 40 0.065 0.083 0.109 0.t22 0.136 0.145 t 786 | '7 <A 1.682 r.otz I.655 1.610 | 't.t A 1.610 2.085 2.317 2.562 2.7 t8 37 JI )t )T JI 990 t2s1 1620 1800 t99l ztlz r 178 1489 r929 2t43 2370 25t4L 2I/2 2.375 2.875 Ultra Eddy Eddy Flow Schedule l0 Eddylite Eddythread 40 Schedule 40 0.065 0.083 0.109 0.t22 0.141 0.154 2.261 L.LZ> 2.157 -t t A., 2.124 2.067 t.604 2.032 2 638 L.v 50 3.364 3.653 37 )l 37 )t 1246 1579 2050 2281 26t4 283 8 1484 1880 2440 2716 3rt2 3379 Eddy Flow Schedule 10 0.083 0.120 2 729 2.635 2.475 3.531 3I 37 1923 2743 2289 3265 3 3.500 Eddy Flow Schedule l0 0.083 0120 3.354 3.260 3.029 +.J51 24 1n 1527 2183 r817 2599 A 4 500 EZ FIow Schedule l0 0.092 0.120 4.320 4 260 5.613 19 l9 t730 2240 2059 2s60(24',) 6 6.625 Schedule 10 0.t34 6.357 9.289 l0 195 1 (24',) 2230 8 6.OZ)Schedule i0 0 188 8.249 16.94 7 2490 (24') 2845 May-97 IV-4 BULI MOOSE TUBE EDDYLITE PIPE The Su enor 1!4kler Pipe Bu.ll Moose Eddylite pipe is a threadablelightweight Sprinkler pipe manufa"*..J-l; lfroletr 2" and is a truly unique p.oduct *ithinrne rtre protection industry. This product hasbeen engineered to provide ro*.. *rt ,pJntiJ lj:l*Ij." *ilhoyl compromising ,r*i"" iir.,aqequate wall thickness, or standard O.D.dimensions. I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I Eddylite pipe is manufa*ured ro ASTM A-135and A-795 specifications and has b.* frll; lfploved by Factory Mutual ana tisteJ-UvUnderwriter's Labs for use in the U.S-_iCanada for sprinkler systems having;rG pressures of 300 pSI or less. Corrosion Resistance Ratio (CRR) Advantages of Bull Moose Eddylite: a a Lighter weight than Schedule 40. Exceptionally strong, exceeds ASTM A_135mrnlmum yield and tensile requirements, Superior burst strength and corrosionr€srstance rado compared to otherlightweight threadable pipe, such as BLT*or XL** 9T be used with standard couptings, fittings and valves. Lower sprinkler system costs Freight savings a a . Eddylite offers better hydraulics than Dyna_ ]lread a0*, Super 40**, Eddythread qo "naSchedule 40 products. o Standard O.D. dimensions. o Wall thickness and weight greater thanSchedule 10 and most othir lighrwall threadable pipe on the market today. " . Superior to other lightwall threadable products such as BLT* or )il-*r t BLT & Dynq-?:hread t0 arc Trademark olAmericqn Tub. & pipe. " XL & Super 10 arc Trudenqrtr of AUied Tube andCondsil lnc. All information contrincd hcrcin i5 !.curalc es known d thc timc of LY:::Tl_?",1 j,r"oee rubc rcscrvcs th.,teh, " "r,_e. prJ;;,rpccurclrons without noticc rnd wiriout incu;ng oOliiui;ns. For additional ,nto'., or (314) s37-2600 in the uS A. or. trornirn"o" i,iidol 8824666. Nominal Pipe Size 1" 1-1t4" 1_1/2 2', Standard o.D. UL, CUL Threaded UL _Unthreaded CUL Unthreaded Bundle _Size 1 .315" 1.660" 1.900" 2.375 0.74 0.48 0.47 0.38 13.20 8.48 5.96 0.72 0.60 0.60 0.50 61 37 ,5t 37 '@ ^@ --\vvvlve'"reeo I t I I I I I BULL MOOSE TUBE EDDY FLOW rlu cost Effective Reprocement.for schedute t0 Realizing the growing need of fire protection systems in commercial and residential ;:fi:T;"""' Bul[ Moose Tube has adaed dddy Flow to ir's *rp..t.,.nriue line of sprinkler pipe Eddy Flow is a specially. engineered replacement for schedule 10, offering befter flowcharacteristics while providing design flexibility, This product is rtnl approued, as well as ULand ctrl listed for roll grooving and welding. pt"*. ,h""k *irtt upp.opriate sources for up-to-date listings and approval information. As an added benefit, it is more economical to use than schedule l0 dueto reduced delivery costs :::.-:T: ^"f lrlnaline Furrhermore, Eddv Frow's rarger rD p."'i1", an opporhrnity roroownslztng and further cost savinss. Nr inromabon conrained heroin is accurate as known 8t the ame of pubricationEull Moose Tube toserves the ight to change product sqcincitioni without notica and withoul incuning obligation For additional lnfo or (314) 537 -2600 in the USA. or from Canada catt 1OOO1 g82_4666 I I III I t I I I COMPARISON Inside Diameter c.R.R..NPS OD trooy l-tow Schedule 10 Schedule 40 Eddy Flow Schedule 40 1-112" z- tta 3' 1.900 2.375 3.500 1 '7<A z.zzv 2.725.,2EA 1.682 2.157 2.635 J.ZOU 1 049 1 380 1.610 2 0.F''7 230 1.87 1.07 078 100 100 100 100C orrosto n Resrstance FJG BENEFITS. Duat Ceftified to ASTM A135 and AtgS.. FM approved for roll grooving and wetding for use ln wet systems. ' ";r::":r::h:::;:,tor iointns by wetdins or by tisted rubber saske.'d riftinss fot use in.wet,.dry, preaction, and detuse . Lightweight - saves shipping costs, and offers easier handting.. Can be used with rou grooved couplings or welded outlets for pressures up to 1IS psi. fJ"r;;n"'* "vailabte in 21 and 25 ft tengths produced in Trcnton, GA and Geratd, MQ. Atso can be ordercd in custom . Can be supplied ro grooved or ptain end. . Can be used for wet and dry_ systems. 'Eddy Flow can Ou no, O,O* ,@ &ffi Tke {.:opger Tubs H{4edbp*k Technical Dsta : Trtbles @ensiortsnnd.plt ical Churacteristics I t I I I I I I I I II II t t I Technical Dota; fabletn e-C opw:tllh s Elt nllnnl Nomiual dimensionr, inchei g$l?lues-easert on nominal drmen sions) Weigbt \\/eight C roli ol tuhe ,,f ru l,'e-,1Cti0Dtl nnlr. L0OtentS {rl tuhe Inside diameter li sectlonal ri only. i; s,ater Lutrrents 01 tub 11 TiLi'il ",11" 11 Tl',1'r+ryii-:!]:!!es_-!the1|L_,i linc'rrft. i1 crrt. ,l "".l5e lr5 --;==_- 7.^lli--:00110 ,, 00g26.ol)569 Outside diameter 500 l 517 ll :zs 0017 6 2 e8t ll otz 16i ]i :;r 513 lt :a.l ,6/1t98 1 'he Copner Tube Har Technical Dsts: tdbooli I I I I I t I I I I I t I NOTES: Allotr ances are for strr For rhreade.d o*,"r,, ;l#,JiL':i*:i:1i:-ffi ill,;ffiiJ-ea leci nnings ,i:H:;lf "'il,;?H.li::.il,.l;ffi ni:';H?",ffi f ::"J;Li:Ii.the nearest haif foot. Technical Data: Tubles Ilu e-ap pst_Tub qE_slrttr o o t I I file r/C \\\TNDOWS\DESKTOp\copper submittals\copper fitrings ht'r t Staldard EIINr.rmin al or st;Ln d a rd size, in.9()o :l J5" lilsrrarght .mn il Coupling rr Ball i Gate i Btfl":==.--:::!__L _r " -/8 li 15 i5 il 1i.5 6nt98 I I I I I I I I I I I N#HRgT fYrEE_lT WELD:MfSER,, TEE.L ET.UNIFIED DESIGN., WELDIT'rC ENNTVCH OUTGT PITNruOS I I I I I t I I UNIFIE MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 319 Circre of progress. pottstown, pennsyrvania 19464-3g11 I I I I I I I I I t T I I I IT t I I I IYpeA-FemaleThreads Ordering Data use either of the foilowing methods for ordering MeritWeld-Miser Tee-Lets. l"leihod f,Jo 1 - Speciiy quantrty des,red fcllovred by the parr r,umbersho,lln in lhe o,rmensjons cnar,,gi 1yg lypq 2n49;ze oi o 1,. e: oes i, ed OUAljTlT'/ pp,nr rrrLtr,leTR - Use the iollo,i/jng s/stem: ltlc,lltcd l.lo 2 MerilType '0/etd MiserFnd Tee.Let I I + emale Threa.iA-F O !an lity I I I I Y Ai:Hay9 otder a le'r'/ nrore lhan aatiJa y reeried lar rfe l0b. 0utlet Size I It Colurnn "A of charl Header Size I I Ii Insert size consotidalion irom Column "B" of charl 300 lbs. U/erght Sleel Malerial orrespon um ,8, Norninal lNom t outlet jHeader brze i SizeAIE parl Number 0utlet Length lnches c lRside 0iameter Inches D Make Up lnches M 1/2 x 1'h 1'tt 1'12 2 2.2'h 2'h I 1010 1012' 1015 1016 r.0625 0.700 0.500 j/4 i 1034' rc36' 1a3i 1.1'/i 1'tt lh 1't.2 2-2'L 0 9!0 ' "; ':, I ii,,, ll.ri:'l I i i' j.::' ,::i , .-., ' ,. ' .-...:.. i ,-,:,. , -" -" ; t' : NomlnatlNominal Oullet I Header size J SizeA IB --t-:-. Parl l{umber 0ullel Length hches c hside Diameler Inches D Make Up Inches M I 12! 1125 llU r 1J5 11ci 1' 5t I l iil 2'lz 3 t 5 , E 2 tei l?i5 | ,_, jr5: i i) j r lrFf I r I l,.,i, i',:it i I I"' i i i )::i l ztzt I zuai l,,z' I Ij j I 15. ---l---ii.-^i I ,-:)i.,':.;. il.-"I t): I:iI i,r I UE! l!1 I l .r/ r l l'tat i ,1,.a | ...0, n8r I i " ros5 I l1050 I I . :,,rrl u0,c ,t, ltr;, 1095 1100 1105 11 10 r 111' |15 i.625 1610 I t' I ? ! .i )litl..,c. 1 l--tittesiz:tol :,:aar2c! I j !aa: l-:r !t E ltin l-"1 ,zt) i't22C i : r,l 'z<) | Note: --_--=_--_,-- ;i:_:-,,:T fit sxacily on the firsr header size :;:11 l"] " siven consoridarion whire reavins alisll-sjl .t"Ls the tonsrtudinat centerrine"ol(ne neadet on the second size lisled. .Special Order I f fype B Male Thread srd. Wr.tfype C cut Groove Std. Wr, lType C/R Rotl Groove Sch. 1o . Ordering Data lUse either of the following r-nethods for. cslsrlng -flerit Weld f'liser_ Tee_Lets ]t-.--. tt- .- / r,r !u r u i _ apeaf,l quanlriy CeS jreC ic lc,reo, b,l ttreI ff:1,','.:';;;::,,!,] !,:,";1,,1,j,1,,,"0,,',.,,,,I i',laih ol I'lc ountrLrv- Fr,nr r,iul,lern mensions orresponding umbersart Cul Groove std. \l/I. Parl |r4ale Thread std. ll|/l. Diameter std. wr. 0 l{ominrl neaoel Size B 0ullel Size A Male fhrcad Cul Gfoov€ srd t il. Wall Thickness srd. lsch. 10uit 1140 1350 i2t5 1)Lt) j3E5 F ir 1r.10 ir.i, .,QA i€,25 1c.'ia 163 -q I 1 3t2 I blLT b4u :f,5a iL6A 1f,65 ',914 1t5t) 1!55 i!5!. 1!,iI I 13C5 131"^ r3t5 i 321 132t "23tl3!r te: TEE-LETS a strght gap fit exacily along the on the frrst header size ltsreo iongitudinal centerline of the consclidation while learrrng tne second size listeri for a gi,,,en header- on Outside 0iameler E 128i, r 285 1?95 1300 DISTRIBUTED B'I I I MADE IN U.S.A, MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION _ 3,19 Circle of progress Pottstown pennsylvan ia jg464_381 1(610)_327.4000 . Fax (610) 970.9282 Fax Toil Free 800_543.7013J:. or tuer,t l\ldnLJ.acl-r.ng Co,pora.ro_ t'GouPling | 7':i.?"i?,ix,!: ' ,!, '' 4lJ.) t 'O.,.C,-.trgi L.i>a ir,e .,-.1et .,w...'i'. 1.:- 4:1 ',e c.,,r E+:. _.= t. t_ ):.r. +-.,. - : I _r L' tvt lres_' I.hJ, ^-^,- , -.':. :". i.:,s'rlES or€ UL Lrsteo a1o F[,4il :: --1 ;*t.a,1tt;a s ;;"-'E':E?6il;" t. --,-_-^:e<'c.,urr relqe .30..tr la _23q:f.SL .- -.-^. --. vv ! I oue E :trrU Vl a. --,-_- -e<'c,,urr tel?e -30..tr la _2jj: . -" : i :rqo,.,. n. i*'"i.iiu. . .lul,i,l,"'- = :'.:t,Y -1r hcl warer se. . cE ,a-." eL ,:nogral-.- ra-o€ p !s 3t- . r' Li r":: "^{ .'iit'=l".'.',i'.-r - lt.;:' Mechanical Branch )uttet: '- -'. -: ,-r:.aJL( . rL - ^'r rt-t--' ,-.:':: -,.:'-: ''- 1'c:t "i:''i==-" ='.'rt' -:,::";-.t:' -.,..t1:': j f ,'= ,-:.. -; -- ,- -.--'. ,:'_..'-- .-t'7'.:;r'.,1..,-..':_. ,: ' : ,rl-= - -=-. .i. , r.'=:i t.,,. l'1,, | .J Ni ,.r a i'Cte i: a €ai. a.r,aai. -c.. A ir21 ,1, :2,.1,i2 a'i;taja.-tiaeta ija ta. .1.,Jt., Ziit.-r OrClz, :ea: :ta. .-+ -,-,=: , ,. -.t., ....:",,- '(,::: .::' , ..,. =?.*..iJ'pe arta t i1 ir,e eall.al -= 1't':','l- . 2+-r, ',-.:'i aar'a .a i:ta 1';,i,';,':;t'.ii'i jii;;i,'i,;|;.i,jt,',',.. . '.."'ata,--1 .::.t )i:,=:C,a,Lr.C.n.p.L ),t.r _-.---.i ^. a ::;,:?: r:,,-l- i. i:ii'l' 3^Z'ri,'?r'!,1,!.",t' ii,,;i,:i?;; r - l', i'):.-C -. A,tr.+ _-.jl tca=... at 2((. ...j_ j):.:. . _ t t 1i,.t 2n, 9 t n tei o o o e i[, r r,, ri-_'; il;, . ; : ; : =':' :,: :,::.' ., r:;2, I : : '.i::7:;.d:t-^.-." ...'..,,..-.- --' al:ii::l:i',0},!,li[.',?,')t)o1.,l,:rl':,l,,Zzi,i,i,?;!iJ,i,,i!, l:::i,:;i ,ili:i.i,l,";i^:iil"?i: i;i;"',,i2't,l,l.:,ii,,i;"'ii:lo':,,7i0. JF! f:i', #1^ 9:y r :l? ?, " ^h c,sins s p, e, n o r e,J a3, E t |,.,r, i#,:ffiru**',;:,#,,rufi'r*, Ii:!:firfi ililiffi iiffi 1t?f,Jfi ;riJJpe e nd nlo ; ;';;;;l"li:,-'1ff!f lifl tr n'event the movement or smalrer I;;::ff":ii;l;!r?,T,i:il#Ji1%x.ff !,;l'r?3#,.,n"ji .", ,I ";J'J;ll'; ;l;:R.n:::l;1"T,1.;rer,o.o, ,,e l--^:-:l-l?. borrs and srart the rl;r i: ; l: ;r,el rn ;rilft ti"h'j;, r.:J#if:'' i i:f::l.l-:-l':,t-:'at ci,s't''.r''= .)' li.t.: ::, ti. ;..Jti..., t.) 2,,?,r)rreaa3 ct -.. t 2a.:l..ei 7t,J. .,c a) cr n.t. 'uo. ,,, ,i?t, ,,f i i:: ;,:;a2t r;.r,,),;! r,;'-. ""t' =-,,.- ., ^ - ,^.,.JZ=' i"r'',,'.;; ,1.1'F,;..' :i _r,;."-r, ;.= :,.i,.),,,=' :,^l-i?-?!:: .t, tt.. rtiiil ira crjl el ro e f,)(er)ated p6f nslr!rlcr.: ?,i'l ,,2',1"ru'' ia'ttet "e'ittr at'-)rtttc t e st';te a,-Z-cti'Ja i,. I tt:.r-r\ Ln1i n ri! rto e ar.-l ij"l; l!: ':..tr;e ,,,iui ,,i ,)''i,',' )|,j,[i;"?:'l:i;:,: i;!,,:,?,:*, - Inal Ine firrsrtiorrng l,.rqs are al,gned pripl,ty-'t *lli'l i!.,1; :;['Jiil:illl]t: s?,'n"' poctet area or ue,1ppq1 ,tru,-,.,.6ty ,, ,Eor ii;l: ;]l]'"'' 'r'l th pipe surrac€ and the r::::;i;:,:i::,i:";J;;#:i?ii;'IT;:i#i[?::Hii;.., Gruv-Flanaet 9f iff ..f.',4.Ftange arrd place hinged flange arouncJ lhe qrooved. proe end /,i,tf, ll.e c,rctri.t, f ey secrrg. i6931.. S "; i;;;i;;2. Insert a standarcl bolt througi,the mating h-o/es ot ftre Aange tose.-ure the Flange in lhe groo,,,s. 3 Checl. surrah ljry of gasker fol]tr i11:irdgd service and appty a:i! ::ij ;: :ifi l?:ifl i"' compatitrre LLic,"iL g"".f5i rip. 4. Press the gasket into cavity belv/€en the pipe O.D. and Flange recess5 Jn;"1, U sta'dard I rarge boh t- r\+ hingc no,o oppoo,1.',1.,"ock.boit and drrect the two Irta',!e ofrhe ;";:;" i; ol",ol?[0"=*'no'v Io -are ,rh the :---.. , "-.: .- ,_.::j:+:,:. :. _ .:- :, ---1 .a..- - : !- C. l;ri i,. I,!-.^.- - < .-, -. J.=t t-t / , j!: _l-c :'r,2 ta.di. iig.hi b,, Brit l,tccse .".'^'r - uyna l'Ow by Are,rcar rljha , 6 19j^li" ::ll"inins siandard F/ange borrs and .e,venty untit faces contact tirmty oi Uoris atiii"nloinl torque values. trg hten all nuts recommended I StyfeI Product I i 100 1 Lightweight Coupting a-140 - l,ruv-t_tange___=-- <JU Reducing Coupling Pipe Size lnches UL Ratings.pSl FM Approved.pSl---_------_- Std. Wr. I LightwallPipe j pioe srd. wt. Pipe Lightwail Pipe 1-114 - 3 4 5-8 500 400 300 500 400 enn 500 400 300 500 400 300 1-6 t r,'# Ti* 4 x3 6x4 | /a I /J 175 | /3 JUU 1J\) 300 z5u 300 250 300 250 t/3 500 Rigid Couptino - 150 Grooved Bfanch Outlet 1-1t2. I 3 x 1-1t2 ThruSx4 !lc | /c | /3 250 I q,i acu ?x 1/2 ThruSx4 'I i,-,, . I li I t -r -, El- .IC,CUT GROOVE t,ri qr.'o / r,c :\zaiiac ataai Ptf,a .ltft., /25 ta:a.ia\a ,.. IaaS tjttlr ',i aa thiaari.3 ,ite r:i2tataa tt,a aaa a,. aa',\.:it i, .-: :. = . ac ROLL GROOVE I t It I I I t I I I I Column 1. l.lor^ii jnat lpS pipe Srzc. Column 2. IPS c ut srde ciameterlne o r-.1tsrde ,:Jiame|er '.tt ,,,.'t QrOO ted peesfrall not vary mote :n an In e bleran..e l9te.l fot tps pipe. Thetl a). trf)Ur u allOWabletalerana.e from thesqLrare cut end is...(.' lA bt l/4' Ihrouqhi i ,2" . t:t 045" f ar 7"through 6"r and 0.060,,lor 8" O.D. and aboverncasufed f rom a tfuesquare ljne. Column 3 fjaximum AIloI!. Flare Gasket seat: the ptoesufface shall be frb erfont tnd er'ltations. roll ..na rks, and projectrons rr0m the end of the Z:ir:::n:**"e io provrde a teaktighr seat for rhe gasket Ail roose paint, scate drrt. chjps. grease and rUSt Inust be removed.iroove tudlh. bollom ot ^.^^,.t'il;;;; ;;;";;;il1'';J[3';.:%be tree ot roose diri, ch,ps rusr and scare Colunn S - that may irterfere with proper coupltnq assembly. Corrrer at Groo,/e outside dr:meter thp nd ameter t.eirr." liri"'J t' E gr00ve mLrst be Lrn form depth for the enIfe prpe crrcurnference. Groove mlrst be maintaiDed within lrrg ,c.Column 6 GroovE Cepth ior reiere nce Column 7 . only. Groor,,e mLrsl conlofnr to trle groo.,e rJrameter C.iasted. .] ;, :,:"t^l'rye,ar.r''cknes<,.fc ,n,. : rne m,,1,,,..nr ...ar,i: ,! i-tJr^rrntLrr-, wall thrcpne:! calumn g which may oe '.or, i,looira6""'1 1111r-kneSS whicf' rna'| be atit grccrzd lrlin,mum alloviable rla thickness iTFr: l;ia:' jr^',Jn] ailo,vabl€ orpe 9nd ilare diamer.ar.l/e as ! rac 2i iirg ri.tcsl eltrere oio€ end drar_i.teier square clt or De,,/elecJ croovi woth B +r'. 0.03 +0.0'16 +0.01 9 +0.024 +0.029 +0.030 +0.035 +u.U45 +u.ubb +0.056 +0.063 +0.063 +0.063 +0.063 1-1t4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 0,D. 3 4 5-1t20,D. 5 6.1/2 0.D. 6 B O.D. I '1.600 1.900 ) a7q 2.875 3.000 3.500 4.500 5.500 5.563 6.500 o.oz) 8.000 8.625 ,0.016 -0.01 I -0.024 -4.029 -0.030 -0 031 -0.031 -0.031 -0.031 -0,031 -0.031 -0.031 -0.031 0.625 0.625 0.625 v.ozJ 0.625 0.625 0.625 v.oza U.OZJ 0.625 u.ozc 0 750 0.750 0.313 0.31 3 0.31 3 0,313 0.313 0.31 3 0,375 0.37s 0.375 0.37s 0.438 0.438 0.281 0.281 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.469 0.469 I./ IJ 2.250 2.720 2.845 3.344 4.334 E aetl 5.395 6.330 o.4cJ 7.816 8.441 -0.015 -0.0 15 .0.0 15 -0.0't8 -0.018 -0.018 -0,020 -0.020 -0.022 -0.022 -0.022 -0.025 0.053 0,063 0.063 0.078 0.078 0.078 0.083 0.083 0.084 0.085 0.085 0.092 0.092 0.065 u.vo3 u.ub5 0.083 0,083 0.083 0.083 0, 109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 ai40 0. 145 0. 154 0.188 O.1BB 0. 188 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.219 o 210 0.238 0.238 1.77 2.01 2.48 2.98 3.10 3.60 4.60 5.60 5.66 o. bu 6.73 I . . ' j ;;rl-r;il'F!ts&8a-ritc.*5-ktu - - -._._-_ _ I I I I I I ffircm Eaaswew &owptttvs STYLE 5 /T' , ,-.;,:.r:t- {{u1Cf) _ r,i.n;i.,:_,. l)/ :- : ".i.,ar,".)-Is-E; APPRoVED *l I I t I I I I T I I I I Pipe loch Part Number Max. Work Press.' Fsi / lPa Allow Pipe End Sep.+ In. / mm Max. Deltection llom Cenler line+ D€9. Perl Pipe C0up. I ir.rr /mn,n No- Boll/Nul o Req.'Size lnch 0imensions in_ / mn;T;T; Aprx. wsl. tach lb. / kq N Dm. Size Actual Size 1.'v4 42.2 12125 300 2070 1t8 3 t8 4"-19'.90 75 212-318t2 4.04 103 1.81 450 1.30 1't lz r.90 48.3 12150 300 2070 1ta 3.18 3!-46'.79 0i2 66 2n .318 \ 2 u:Mn 2.83 71.9 4.25 108 4,61 'r 16 1.81 450 1.S3 46.5 vlf 1.37 0.62 1.48 0.67 2 2.375 603 12200 300 2019 1t8 3'-1'3.31 8,1 B2-1t2 2.815 730 12750 300 207 0 ltE 31E 2" 29 0.52 43 212 - 318 t,2 3.81 st.7 5.13 129 1.83 465 1.70 t.713 0 0.3.00 76.1 12250 300 2010 1t8 3.18 0.50 212.318 x 2 4.02 100.8 '132 1.83 46.5 2.20 1.003 E 8.9 12300 300 2070 1t8 0.43 2n - 3ft \2-3/4 4.5 113 7 5.8 l 1.83 46.5 2.25 1 .024.50 4 3 12400 300 2070 114 635 tl 0.67 212-318 x 2-314 't 4,1.7 7 .04 117 2.01 51 0 3.'15 1.135J-iDJ t41 3 r2500 300 20i0 1t4 6.35 0.54 212 - 112 x 3-114 6.67 169.1 216 2.01 51.0 4.85 2206.625 168.3 12600 300 2070 1t4 6.35 2..10 0.46 38 U2-1nx3-114 7.92 199.5 9.54 242 2.01 51.0 5.30 2406-112 0 0 6.50 165 1 12650 300 2070 114 6.35 2"-12'0.46 38 212 .112 x 3-114 7.12 196.5 9.44 239 2.01 51 .0 5. 18 8 L 219 1 12600 300 ?07 0 1t4 635 1E40'0.34 29 2tZ - 5lE x 4.1t2 10.1 1 12.31 313 2.41 61 0 10,40 4.70 --------l l--- $ , " t - l }pr.r'on Sr, r : qd.ourLcslnirL:e.nlr0ilr9|1e'.,Jllrt.r]''!,..i,o',i;.",,.j-i.',0a0s!1cj.on]ra.lidn'squ,rentl|cafla0e.li4i Fnxtsts EnoovEn STYLE 12 G)/G\ trer'.r:i({ULC}) r iJtrra[' aC,/ i'."'\t',i;' LISIEO APPROVED ::fi'ri:iriiii,!x;i,;;.i.l;f;l,;li1i]I:"1hH;:l,*ik;r,:ft$iifTiT'f1ln#iTll:i|.iiliui:i1T'!: Pipe Inch Parl N!mber Ma x. Worl Press., Psi / kPa Allow Pi[e End sep.5 In, / mtl N0_ Boll/Nuts Req..Size lncn 0im€nsions in. / nrrl Aprr. wst. Each Ih /!n N0m. Size Actual Size B c 1-1t4 r.66 422 51?5 300 2070 1tE ;.18 212-318x2 555 4.02 r03 1.81 1.30 t-1ft .90 r8.3 5150 300 207C ltB 313 2/2 . 318 x2 2.81 71 I 4.25 108 1.81 {5.0 1.37 a.62 603 5200 300 2A7IJ 118 3 1A 2/2 - 3lE x 3.32 E4.A 4.62 116 183 4 6.5 1.46 2-1ft 2.E75 730 5250 300 201A 1tE 3 t3 2/2 -318 x 2 381 5.11 1.E3 165 1.72 0./B3 0.0 3.00 5290 300 2tJ7 0 118 .t€ 212 - 318 tz 4.02 1C0.8 134 1.83 16.5 2.20 1003 8B.9 5300 300 2D7A 1t8 318 2/2 - 3lg x 2.314 4.51 113.7 5.84 117 1.63 46.5 2.21 'r 0344.50 11d 3 5400 300 207 0 1/4 635 2n - 318 r 2.314 5.73 147 7.01 111 2.02 51 0 3.20 1.4d55.563 r 41.3 5550 300 2870 1/4 b.35 212-112 r3-114 6.67 169.4 L52 216 2.02 51.0 5.00 2.276.625 168.3 5600 300 ?u 70 1t4 6.35 2t2- 1t2 x 3.1t4 199 B 9.51 242 2.02 51 0 5.44 2471/2 165 l CDJU 300 2070 1/4 635 2n-112 | 3 114 7.73 196.5 9.43 239 2.02 51 0 5.30 2.408.625 219 1 5800 300 2t70 '| t4 635 2t2- 5t8 | 4.112 10.11 256 1 12.31 313 2,43 61 .0 10.47 4.15 3rs cr,cre or progress . portsrown . *rr,liffli,{1tfrfl.f,A14'Nationa I Fittings, Incorpofated U.S.A. o Tet. 610/327.4000 . Fax 610/970_9202 . Toil Ff6e Fax 800/S4t-7010I I t t I I I I t I Hsnuewo Enoavsn Gnwpwwe STYLE 25 I l8noovn To FmNBE Anaprnn TY LE 14 -;l P tl ipe rch Parl N umber Max. Work Press.' PSi / kPa N0. Boll/Nul s R€q.-Size Incn Sea ling Surface 0 ime ns ions rn. / mn Appror. wsl. Each lb. / lg Nom. Size AclLral Size (MrN ){ruAx )A c 2 1.06 269 14200 300 207n 414- 518 x 2-1t2 3.41 87 2.315 6n 6.00 152 I 4,75 121 0.75 tq l 2.97 l, 1 .66 422 14250 300 2010 4/4- 5/8 x2.1t2 tal 99 2.875 13 7.00 177.B 5.50 r40 0.75 1 9.1 4.18 190 603 14300 300 2010 4/4- 518 x 2-1t2 4.58 45 3 .5 8q 7.50 1S0 5 6.00 152 0.75 1 9.1 4.41 2.0012.875 1 11.3 14400 300 2D7D 818- 518 x 2.112 9.0 0 228.6 00 1 1.0 t5., 7 .27 3.30b4.25 168 3 14600 300 2070 818-314x3 7.78 198 663 168 11.00 2l ,q..1 L50 1.0 s.15 l6-112 0.0 3.5 0 165.1 1d650 300 207 0 818- 314 x 3 195 6.5 11 .00 219 4 9.50 211 1.0 I01 t.004.5! 21q 1 14800 300 2010 818-314 r31t2 9.94 252 8.63 219 13 50 3J2.9 11.75 298 1.13 28.6 11 .0 5.0010 2131 14910 300 2010 12112.718 x 4 12 31 313 10.75 273 16.00 .106. J 14.25 362.0 1 .18 3 0.0 16.1 7.30 8S 50 1t9t?300 2A1B 12fi2.718 | 4 14.31 12.75 3?4 '1S.00 182.6 17.00 1.26 320 11.0Ites l f. :;ir'o.; Ir.,, -r',,,ii,ff,+iitl+hfiffi ,*i#llixj ; :;;..* jiil*it*tr:il1#,ji;f* .*i @Ge lF:ait'l'..t r Iqitru'rti'r.a I]!Jf S'llianRr APPNOVEC) t I I t Pipe No mina I S ize ln ch Parl Numbef M ax. Worl Pfess.' psi/ kPa A llow Pipe End Sep. + In_ / ntm l\4ax.0eflection lfom Center Line+ Deq. Per I Pip€ Co!p. lin.lt. / mnr N0. Eoll/Nul6 R€ q..S ize tnc n 0 tmensrons rn r mfi Apprx. wqt. Each lb. / k_o R c 1-112 x 1 251510 300 207u 1t8 3.2t) 1,.53'1.46 33 212 .318 x 2 2E8 73 1 115 e 1.17 ,15 il 220 1-1i2 x 1.114 231512 300 247 0 1lA 320 1.,53',1.46 33 212-3lB|2 2.88 7ll 115 e 1.71 15.0 2.20 2x1 252010 300 2874 1/8 2.2t 10.53'0.40 33 212-318 \2 25.0 123 4 177 150 2.42 2 x 1.1i2 252015 300 207 0 118 \20 1!.33'0.40 3:] 212-318x2 5.05 123 I 1.98 0.!2-112 \ 2 252520 300 207r 1t8 324 1,-33'0.32 2l 212 .318 r 2 3.85 t4t 8 1.83 46.6 3.09 t,!3 0.D. xz 212920 300 2B7t r/8 3.2t 1'-33'032 2t- 2n 112 x 2.3/4 448 r13 /156 : 1.83 ,16 6 3.0s 1.43x2ZbJU2()300 2n7 n 1/8 3J0 1/8 3 2tl 1t-17 0.26 ?2 212-112x2.314 4.48 113l 6.15 15fi 2 1.83 3.97 133 | 2.112 253025 300 2E7ll 1t-17'0.26 22 212-112r2.3t4 4,48 1131 156 i 183 46fr 3.14 17253029300 ,!!J IB 118 3?9 1t4 640 1L-17'0.26 22 2/2 ln x 2.3t4 4.{8 r 13 ;' 6.15 156.2 r.83 3.14 1t-4x2 254020 300 207 0 2..3E u. ii 212.112r2.314 5.72 144 7 7.8 lqq 2.05 52.3 2.94 t 2.1n 254025 300 2D1n 640 2"-38' 46 212.112r2314 5.72 144 7 7.8 1Sq 2.05 523 617 284r30.0.zJ4U2!300 20 70 1t4 6.4 0 20-38',0.55 46 2n-1nx2-314 5.72 1.8 19S 2.05 523 5.95 27254030300 2010 114 i.,t0 2!.38'0.55 46 212 112 x 2-314 5.72 144.1 7.8 199 2.05 52.3 5.51 6x4 256040 t00 2470 1t4 f) 4t) 10-44'0,38 32 2n.518r3-114 7.91 199 I 1,74 196 5 10.11 10.9 276 2.05 52.3 10 6-1n 0.0 x 4 256540 300 2070 1t4 640 1..44'0.38 3? 212-518x31t4 r 0.I 276 2.05 52.3 1l B 508r6258060300 2010 1t4 610 1"-15 0.26 22 2/2 314 x 4-1t4 '13.4 3,11.4 2.43 60 5 15.9 l2| 6112 0.0 258065 300 207 0 1t4 6.40 1.-50',0 .26 22 212-314x4.114 10.11 256.1 13 4 341., 2.43 605 15,9 t2 I + 31 9 circte ot progress . pottstown . rrnnrf'ufn{u SflllELD 9000,. 19464-3811 | 1198 National Fittings, Incorpofaled U.S.A, . Tet. 610/327.4000 . Fax 6i0/970.9202 . Toil Free Fax 800/S4t_7013 I I I I I I I Fne $HIELD., Enooveo Eun Fntwas STYLES Fl05, F106, F107,135 & Fl55 frr /;a EE.s.'t ' it {Sry =,r=t;=LISiEO I]SIED APPROVED I I t I I I I t I t I I A ICtoE I I Y STYLE F107 STYLE F155 STYLE Fl05 STYLE F106 !<I cloE STYLE 135 Pipe In ci Max. Worl Press. psl / kPa 900 Elbow - No. Fl05 45oElbow.No. Fl06 Equal Tes- No. F107 Cross ' No. 135 End Cap - No. tl55Nom Size Aclual Size Parl Number CloE in /mm Wgt. Ea. rb. / tq Pai Nu mbel CtoE In. / mm Wgl. Ea. lb. / ko Pan N umbe r CroE In. / mm Wgt. Ea tb. /kg Pa Nu m bef '| 35125 trs150 In. / mm z.26 57 .2 2.26 572 W0l, Ea 10. / kU 1,1 Part Num ber CloE In. / mnl Wgl. Ea. l!. / kq1-t A t.66 42? 300 207n F105125 2.26 51 2 0.70 0.30 F106125 38 1 0,50 0.20 F107125 2.26 572 't .03 0.45 F155125 1.01 254 0,40 0.181.90 483 300 2070 F105150 2.26 572 0.80 032 F106150 38.1 0.70 0.30 0.80 04n F107150 2.26 51 2 1.20 n5d 1t 055 F155150 1.01 254 0.50 0.20 2 60.3 300 2070 F105200 2.77 699 1.10 0.50 F106200 F107200 6qq 1.90 0q0 135200 135r50 2.77 599 16.2 3.02 1.76 0.8 1.23 Fr55200 1.01 254 0.50 0252.875 73.0 300 201A F105250 3.02 76.2 1.70 0.75 F106250 1.75 1 ,10 0.50 F107250 3.02 76.2 2.40 1.10 F155250 1.01 0.70 0.30 3 76 1 300 2070 Flobzgt 3.02 76.2 2.09 0E5 F106290 2.0 508 1.43 0.65 F107290 3.13 7 9.5 2.90 1.30 135290 3 .28 r49 F155290 F155300 1.01 25.4 0.77 0353.50 88.9 300 ?070 F105300 3.42 85.9 2.40 1.10 F106300 2.0 50.8 't.60 0.70 F107300 3.42 di9 3.10 ;; 2.40 r35300 135400 3.42 85.9 4.04 101.6 J.JJ 63 1.01 0.90 0.40 4 4.50 114.3 300 2070 F105400 4.04 101.6 4.08 r .85 F106400 57 .2 2.90 1.30 F107400 Eo?soo F1o-i6io F10765,0 4.04 101 6 F'155400 1.06 27 .0 r.40 0.605.563 300 ?070 F105500 4.93 124 0 6.81 3.0s F106500 4,65 2.20 4.92 124.0 9.00 4.1 0 135500 4,93 124 8.8 4.00 Fl55500 1.06 27.0 2.42 1 .106.675 168.3 300 ?070 F105600 5.52 139.7 10.0 4.50 F106600 ?a 73.7 ?3 13.7 6.50 3.00 3.05 139.7 16.0 7,0 135600 139 7 10 71 8.95 F155600 F155650 1.06 27 .0 3.30 1.50 6'1t2 0 6.5 165 1 300 2010 F105650 5.52 139.7 10.13 t.60 Fl06650 5.52 139 7 7.00 135650 18.3 1.06 21 .0 3.12 1.45I8.625 219.1 300 2070 F105800 6.81 173 20.5 9.30 F106800 13.6 F107800 6.82 173.0 27 .0 12.2 135800 6.61 'I73 34.4 15.6 F155800 1.20 30.2 7.00 HBE Pennsylvania 8flrErn g0lra o 19464-3811 .319 Circle 0l Progress o pottstotl{n.Nalional Fittings, Incorporatod U.S.A. . Tet. OtO/SZZ-{00 . Far610/970-9202 . Toil Free Fax800/E4g_7013 I t I Dnnu Euow I :IJI.;A I UIOE II I I I I I I I Buunens fss STYLE F111 n Oa Fsr,i'e r r t yL I ({uLcf) ut,ujtu'r,O''.-_7 \5_/ i5 ;ls\trer:iuL1STED LISTE' APPROVED I sro*or,r, Tre STYLE F127 @@:rgi€ffi'II5TEO LIsiEo APPRoVED [,\, 7G\ F-;-r,:r ' 1, (try -\'t:'i:'LISTED L s'rIo APPRoVEc) Nominal $ize lnc h lllar. l{tork Pr€ss. psl/ kPa Pa Num be I 0imensions In. / mm Approx. wsl. Ea. Lbs,i kqCloEH 2-1t2 300 207Q F1050250 3 76 2 50 1.72 078 300 ?070 F1050300 3.38 88 z 50 2.50 I 1 300 2070 F1050400 4 102 z 50 4.20 1.9 300 2070 Fr050600 5.5 140 2 50 9.91 lllax. l,t/o* Press. psi / kPa 4x4x2.1lz 6.rrz 0 o. rtDiT r30n SxBx i 0.D. Nominal Siu e Inch Mar. l{,orl Press, psi/ lPa Pan Num be r 0im. in. / mm CroE Appror. wsl. Ea. Lbs-/kq t1n | 1.112 x2 300 2070 F11151520 69.9 1.9 0.85\2r2.1n 300 2070 F111202025 3.00 16.2 2.3 1 10r2x30,D 300 2870 f111202029 3.13 7!.5 2.6 1.20xzx300 2070 rr t tzozolo 3.40 85.9 3.1 1.102-1n x 300 2070 Fl1125?530 340 859 3.2 30.0.r30.D.r3 300 2070 Fl11292930 3.40 85q 3.3 1.602\2x4 300 2870 F111202040 4.00 101 6 ?ln 2-112x2-112r4 300 2010 F111252540 4.00 101 6 5,4 30.0.r30.0.x4 300 2070 F111292940 4.00 101.6 J.D 2.553x3x4300 2070 Fl11303040 4.00 101 6 26fr4x4xE300 2070 Fl11404060 5.50 13S.7 15.4 7.004x4r6.1120.0.300 2074 FI11404065 5.50 139.7 14,3 6.506rEx300 2070 r1'11606080 6.81 173.0 26.4 120 slechcreof pr.sress . p'rtsr.wn , *^rflIfos!!!r!!*fr?/*Nalional Fittinqs, Incorporated U.S.A. . Tet. OtO/gZz-400 . Fax610/910-92g2 . Toll Fres Fax00064g.7013 @@;,rEF:xF' LISTEO LISiEO APPROVED I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tnnsnnrn Eenucen STYLE 60 gtr Etsow STYLE 61 { Nominal Size In. / mm Parl Nu m ber Mar. Work Pfess. psi/ kPa 0imensions In. / mm Approx. wst. Ea. Lbs./kg 1x112 20 x 15 601005 300 2070 1.69 43.0 0.4 0.19 1 x3l4 25x2i 601007 300 207 0 1.69 43.0 0.6 0,27 Nominal Size In. / nm Parl Number lVar. Wo* Pfess. psi / kPa 0 im e nsions In. / mm Approx, wsl. Ea. Lbs./k0A 1 25 61100 300 207 0 1.50 38.1 0.71 0.32 1-114 JZ 61 125 300 207 0 r.rt qq,c 1.1 0.5 't-112 40 61150 300 2070 1,94 49,3 1.37 0.62 50 61200 300 207 0 a.. aa ot.t 2.0 0.s r*'.,,o, r,on** . ,ro.', . ,,,*ff?ii,{ltfnl##PJ.'ul[1]'.oi'fii"dif,al}ufftri:1u, 087n.s282. To, Free Fax 800/84a.7013 I I I I 4tr Enow STYLE 62 gtr EBow Eenaaus Emow STYLE 63 I I I t I I I I t t I fiTRATBHT lTns lsrYLE 64 i/A\({upI)\.c/ LISTEO @ raGta a.. [4iltu:ai S=.'rsirenr APPROVED l,lo min al Size In. / mm Parl Nombet Max. Worl Prcss. Psi/kPa 0 ime nsio ns In. / mm Appror. wol. Ea. tbs./kqA 1 IJ 62'100 300 2010 1 .12 28.4 0.53 0.24 1-1/4 32 62125 300 2070 1 .29 32.8 0.85 0,38 1-1/2 40 62150 300 2070 1 .43 .to-l 1 .11 0.5 2 50 62200 300 2070 1.68 42.7 1.78 0.8 Nominal Size In. / mn Patl Numbef Mar. Worl Ptess. Psi / kPa Dim6nsions In. / mm Appr0x. wgl. Ea. Lbs./kqI 1x112 25x15 631005 300 2010 1 .26 32.0 1.36 35.5 0.5 0.221x314 25 x20 631007 300 2070 1.37 34.8 1.45 3 6.8 0.57 0.26 1-114 x 12 32x15 631205 300 207 0 1 .34 34.0 1.53 38.9 0.64 0.31-114 x 314 32 x20 631207 300 2070 1.45 36.8 1.62 41 .2 0.7 0.321-114 x 1 32x25 631200 300 2070 1.58 40.1 1.67 42.4 0.77 0.3511n x 314 40 x20 631507 300 2070 1 .52 38.6 |.rt 44.5 0.95 0.43tlnx1 40 x25 63151 0 300 2070 t.oi 4't.9 1.80 45.7 1.1 0.5 1-1ftx1-114 40 x32 631512 300 ?070 't .62 46.2 1 .66 41 .8 r .11 0.522xln 50x15 632005 300 207 0 I .49 37.8 1 .88 47.8 1.3 0.6 2 x3l4 50x20 632007 300 207 g 1.60 40.6 'r.97 5 0.0 r.39 0.63 2 x1 50x25 632010 300 2070 t., it 43.9 2.02 51 .3 1 .58 0.72 2 \1.114 50x32 63201?300 2079 712 48.3 2.16 53.3 'r.81 0.73 2x 1.112 50x40 632 015 300 207 0 'L 90 51.3 2.1 0 54.9 1.67 0.76 Nomina I S ize In. / mm Parl N umber Mar. Woft Press. psi/ kPa Dimensioos In_ / mm Appror. wsl, Ea. Lbs.agA 65 64100 300 2070 1.50 38.1 't .0 0.45 1-t A b5 64125 300 207 0 1.75 44.5 1.38 0.63 1'1/2 OJ 6415 0 300 2070 1.94 49.3 1.84 0.83 z oc 64200 300 2970 Lt? 57 .2 2.9 FIEE SlttELD t00o. Pennsylvania . 19464.3911 r319 Circle ol progress . poltstown National Fitlings, Incorporated u.S.A. . Tet. 610/t27-4000 . Fax610/920_9282 . Toll Ffee Far 800/543.7013 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I frrnucffie ftes STYLE 65 Gaass STYLE 66 Enp STYLE 67 Nominal Size ln. / mm Pa Nu m bef lvlar. Wofk Press. psi/ kPa 0imensions In. / nm Approx. wgl. Ea. tbs./kgA8c1x1x'll2 25x25x15 65101005 300 207 0 | ,ao 32.0 1.26 32.0 t.ito 0.72 0.3 31xlx3/4 25 x 25 x?0 65101007 300 ?07 0 1.37 34.8 1 .37 34.8 1.45 3ti I 0.8 0.3 61-114 x1 \ 112 32x25x15 65121005 300 207 0 1.34 34.0 1.26 32.0 1 .53 38.9 0.9 0.411-114 x1 x3l4 32x25x20 65121007 300 2070 1.45 36.8 |,Jt 3 4.8 I .ot 4't .2 1.0 0.45'l-l/4x1x1 32x25x25 65121200 300 207 0 1.58 40.1 1.50 38.1 1 .57 42.4 '|.06 0.48 1.114 x1.114 x1n 32x32x15 65121205 300 2070 1.34 34.0 1 .34 34.0 1.53 38.9 0.95 0.43 1-114 | 1-1t4 r3l4 32x32x20 6517.1207 300 2010 1.45 32.0 1tE 32.0 |,oa 36.6 1.1 0.51-l14r1-114x1 32x32x25 65121210 300 2010 1.58 40.1 1.58 40.1 1.67 42,4 1.2 0.541-1ft r1-114 r 112 40 x 32 r 15 6b1s12ot 300 2070 1.41 35.8 1.34 35.8 1.66 42.2 1.14 0.521-1t2 x1.114 x3l4 40 x32 x 20 6515120-300 2070 1.52 38.6 '1.45 38.6 I rt 44.5 1 .24 0.5611nxl1l4 x1 40x32x25 65151210 300 207 0 1.65 4'1.9 1.s8 40.1 1.80 45.7 1 .33 0.6r1nx1.1nxw 40 x 40 x 15 65151505 300 2070 't.41 35.8 1.4t 35.8 r.66 42.2 'r,zE 0.5 81.112 xfin x3l4 40x40x20 65151507 300 2070 1.52 38.6 1.52 38.6 1.15 44.5l-1ftr\1nx1 40x40x25 65151510 300 2070 1.65 41.9 1.65 41.9 1.80 45.7 1 .54 0.7 1.112 x 1.112 | 1.114 40x40x32 65151512 300 2070 1.82 46.2 't.82 46.2 'r.88 41 .8 | .oc 0.75zx1-112x112 50 x 40 x 15 65zolso5 | J-Etr I 2070 1.49 37.8 1.41 35.8 1.88 47 .8 1.5 0.682 x'l -112 x 314 50x40x20 6520150t 300 2070 1.60 40,6 1 .52 38.8 1.97 5 0.0 t.tJ 0.7 82x1-1/2x1 50x40x25 65201510 T30"0 12070 r.73 43.9 1.65 41.9 2.02 51 .3 1 .63 0.832x1-1J2x1.114 50x40)(32 65201512 I 300 t2070 1. 48.3 90 1 .8? 46.2 2.10 IJ,J 1 0.932x1-112 x 1.llT 50x40x40 65201515 l30b' i?070 'r.49 5'1.3 t.{ | 49.3 1.E8 54.9 'L6 0.732x2x112 50 x 50 r 15 300 ?07 0 65202005 1.49 37.9 1.49 31 .9 1.88 47 .8 1,87 0.852x2x3l4 50x50r20 65202001-T-30-0- 1207s 1.60 40.6 1.60 40.6 '1.s7 50.0 l.E5 0.842x2x1 50x50x25 65202010 J 300 i2070 LLt 43.9 1.73 43.9 2.02 51,3 2.14 0,97zxzxl-1/4 50x50x32 65202012T3rd I2070 1 .90 48.3 1 .90 48.3 2.1U CJ.J 2.4 'LI2x2 x 1-112 50x50x40 5520201- fmfI 2070 2.02 51.3 2.02 51,3 2.16 54.9 2.68 1.22 Nominal Size In. / mm Patl Numb e r lvlax. Wofk Press. psi/ kPa Dimensions In. / mm Appr0x. wgl. Ea. tbs./kqA 1 zil 66100 300 207 0 1.50 3 8.1 1.0 0.45 1'tlq 32 66125 300 2070 1.75 44.5 1.6 0.73 1-1t2 40 66150 300 2070 '| ,94 4 9.3 1.9 0.86 50 66200 300 2A70 2.25 57 .2 2.95 1 .34 Nominal Size In. / nrm Pa rl Number lVax. Work Press. psi/ kPa Dimensio ns tn. / mm Appror. wol. Ea. Lbs./lqA 1t2 IC 67050 300 207 0 0.53 t,t. i 0.17 0.08 314 20 67075 300 207 0 0.97 24.6 0.2s 0.11 'I 25 67100 300 2070 1 .16 ?OF 0.35 0.16 1-114 32 67125 300 207 0 1 .28 32.5 0.55 0,25't-112 40 67150 300 2070 I.JJ 33,8 0.7 0.32 50 67200 300 2070 1.45 36.8 1.0 0.45 --* ---"*-"* - I I | {rurralrarrion Easrna crrttwsI llucnte Inow Tnnennea Fmtwos t Natronal Fire Shield 30Oo Ductile lron Threaded Fittings areI threaded in accordance with ANSI 81.20.1. specification for _ tapered pipe threads (NpT). ln addition. these fiilings are atso I avaiiable with British tapered pipe threads. B52j.I American Standard NpT tapered threads in sizes f rom I /2,,l through 2" require a sealant to insure a pressure tight joint I National recommends usjng an anaerobic type sealint or a seatanr wntcn Sets up Io a semi_hard condition. I The following chart shows that pipe threaded rnto NatjonalI Fjre Shield 300o threaded ductile iron fittings should make up three to four threads hand-tight. lf this .rnnot be accomplished Itne threads should be examined for debris, .orrortn Olrug.Ior defects. To make a leak tight joint, two to three turns usrng a wrench are required. I lf a leak is detected after time ls allowed for the sealant to-set, it should be remembered that any effort to tighten the pipe -to stop the leak actually breaks the seal, and it is likely that Iver tightening will cause thread damage. The pipe connecreorlo a leaking fitting shourd be backed out, additionar searant _applied, and tightened. I Make-on machines need to be adjusted to allow the aooveprocedures to be followed. DISTRIBUTED BY NPT TAPERED PIPE THREADS Length of Effective Threads Drop Nipt]le or Tee-Let 0utlel Size 4.320t4.48 0.33 9/4.7 5 0.400t4.60 a 42At4 83 0.420/1.83 0 436/5.01 0.682/5.46 0 766/6.13 0.844/6 75 0.214t3 00 0.?14/3.00 0.27 At3.A0 0.270t3.A0 0.270/3.Q0 0.27A/3.A0 0.250/2.0a 0.250t2.00 0.25At2.0A 0.534/7.48 0.553t7 .7 5 0.67At7.60 0.690/7.83 0.690/7.83 a.706/8.01 0.932t7 46 'r .016/8.I3 1.094/8 75 0.53417.47 0.546/7 .64 0.683/7.85 0.707 /8.13 0.724/8.32 075t-/9.70 1 138/9 10 1.200/9.60 1 .300/ 10.40lrnuurnro speancnno, I Threadedfittingsfroml/2"through2"shall beFireShield30oDuctirerronThreadedFittings,conformingtotherequrrements ll::1ff:i;,:::"?,r;i:"r,1:r;r"1ll.j: i: qs,o00 yiero strensth and 127" .[ns,,ion1 Dimensions sha, conform to ANSrrE16 3' crass 150 soecirication ror mareabre i,on tr.'',.aielliil;;:# ;;J.T:Yl:il1",";Tl',1'J;;i]f]*l,TT [#.t]l'1,"-lt:.11:. Fire Shield 300e Ductile lron Fittings .r'rar o. iisied and/or upprouJ by Underwrirers Laboratories, Inc. both-nrte. states and canada and Factory Mutual Research corporatron for use in accoroance with the requirements of the -\ational Fire Protection Association Bulletin 13. latest edition. inciudrng those apprications emproying proprietary threadabre thinlall oine Fire Shierd 300: by Nationar Fittings. rnc., pottsto*n pennsyrvanra. I I FIEE SHIELD gOO" National Fittings, Incorporated 319 Circle of progress Pottstown, Pennsylvania 1 9464_381 1 (610) 327-4000 . Fax (610) 970-9282 Fax Toil Free 900-5 49-7019 gse Oy l,tal,o;at Eii;;l;;;;;i; I I I t I II l.Irriel #115 IIeavv Duf.r,Snilel Loap Hanger (NFPA Rod Sizesi @,@ S{ZE F.g.\Gl: I I iirir: !,ip= s::.: IIATERiAL: Pre-gai'. alizra .-i.:rioii sl€€l ,.,, iir; z .tr"^ ..1:.;icpia:.: ,,!: r ::i:l.\PPRU\ ALS: i:,_r.,1, 1..:rr:i;.i fJi., LISTI\CjS: L,i i:srec i.r L. S. rrn,l Crnadrar.ai:r..srardarii, CaJ\FOL\I-S \l ITH: f tcer;:t Srr.::i:L:j,:n \t \1 -H_171 /r. , . I '.l.rnr.:la-. r'lri: - .iar..:li.r j:j:.::-::.: tcrer, {ISI ll:S-Sp-<r - ,. ,. i l'-tall r:,.r-:._:.rn::'..: A\(1.-\lSS-Sp-69 5fR\ ICE; Pile :r:pp. r-t ntiinui:iciired lr,, u-.: rntnir.li,-rrr r(,ii !rza, !.lliI:,1 b,,, 1,.t-PA ii:,r tire spunl:Ler prplrt{iRDERI\G: ,!pe ,,:ir. pipe siz:. itr.rticl nun:i-.1.! ;ijtd rJ:me I I I I - -r, tl l,l r.ita llar, rtconr. I :l - l"i' j-t, i6" J-3:'lr:" i-14' ) :,, ) t," li, J.,"j-Irt' 1. ri/16' 4- t/)" l.li,t6" l - I i/1t' a- | /4" 2- 1i2" 3', 3 t/2" i- 15/ 16" 6- t/2''l-tit(," .l-113" 3.i13" l-l5.rr;' r lt2" t-1i8, t-1t8"1-t/2" 11- I _51 I 6 |-t/t6" t2-1/3' 4- t,,N" 4-ji/16" 6-9/ 16" 7.3,'3" l" t-li{" t -t i1" I - 1i4" l -1t3" :--i/Lr; ' 3-3it 6"I l/ 16"I I t I I I I t I I g @,@ Modet #130 Service Weight Swivel Ring Hanger (NFPA Rod Sizes) R5 * _SIZE RANGE: t,,:" thru g" prpe srzcs l\IATERIAL; prc-galvanrzed carbon steel rvitli zinc clectroplate insen nu{APPROyAL: Factory Vlunral iFM) LISTING: UL listed tr.i l-, S and Ctanaclian safef,.standar(ls CONFORryIS \l,ITH: Fe,leral Specificarion $li_H-171 rType lt ..f,Ianufacturers Slandardization Societ' ANSI/IVISS-S p_5g fT1,pe I rrr; lnstall in eccordance rvirh ANSI/i\ISS_Sp-69. SERI'ICE: Pipe suppctrt manufacrureo to use lrrntntutn rod sizespemlined bv NFP.,\ for fire sprinklcr piprne. OR DERI\G: Saec rf'. pipc ,ir". ,oj.i nunrb,"r ,rnci name H Pipe H CL R5 i\IRI i-lJ ti'i6 i_r l5 ]far, recom. load lbs. :00 i00 -i 00 ! :'_i-I ii' _r. I l5 l.i: i-il t! _:i ] q t-t i t-I:".'.]' l- i i,i6 ' 4-l : I -11 10 - ti 16" :. i -l' i -l ..' ' 3 s" ,1.[' I I r 5' i5" r-l i6' r-I 8" i00 _100 -1()O j 5-; .'. 6.9 l6 r.: s' -1-j ' 1" .r- i5 16" J,5 _1 i l-t s i- L'l t -i.'4 52i -i.2 -i i6i,i" 6', 8" ;,i l'15 8-j's" 9-.!.1' I :.I /1 r-t l6' 1- 1.: 5,ti 16" 6-_ii6' ,1,6 I/2 I/',1 I i1. r,i,r l-t;4 l-r14 1-ri,l6' !-r'8 ' 2-ii I6" 650 1000 i000 1000 I t I I HDI Flush-Mount Internal Thread Anchor Meets Wide Range Fastener Requirements Applications The HDI is.an internally threaded metal anchor for medium loadrange appticatjons such as fastenings with bolts and threaded iodsfor plumbrng heatin g, air_conditioning and ventilaii0; l;;td;ii0;;,ptpe,s uspe nsion, ajr ducts etc., for securing channels, raits ptiiei, brackets and suspendecl ceilinos Features . Anchor, settlng tool and Hilti drill bit form a matched tolerancesystem provide reliable fastening. Below surface setting for easy patchwork. Allows for shallow embedment withOut sacrificing perfor_ m ance Listings/Approvats . Underwriter Laboratories Control No 767G. Factory Mutual serial No 22765. International Conference 0f Building Officials Beport No 2895. Southern Building Code Congress International Rep0rt N0 9930. City of Los Angeles Report No 23209. ll_eu^ts-tjrr description in Federal Specitication FF-S-325, Group Vill, Type j I I I I Materials. f ?! rO_a_rborlSleel material meets the requirements 0f SAE l119Yt.o,SAt t0r0 for rhe l/4", ve and 1lt Hbi,rinonrsr12L14 for the 5/8 ' and 3/4', HDI's.. HDI Stainless Steel materral meets the requirements of AlSl303.. Carbon Steet HDI plated with a dull zinc tinish for conosionprotection rn accordance with ASTM 8633, Sc. f, fypJffi. HDI Drop-in Anchor flrE See this section page 3g for ordering Inlormation I I t I I I I t 2. Hanner-drill ke hole.3. Clean hole.4. lnstall anch1r using aper settn7 tool. Setting taolto be driven ind anch1t until setting taol shoulder meets top af anchor. HDI Setting Toolsi this section 39 1. Adjust the depth gauge sa anchor wt De flush wlk the base matetial suiace. ETrqfi Crrslnmpr Sohri^o l-Ortn-t7O-tn.tn /ir ^.r\ | -._-_- -- . .... I GS'f - Woocl Samny Page 2 of 4 T I I I I I I I I I t t I t t I I \ ERTrcrAr- \,loiiNT.p<rr'(5e4 Kb) I hrtn'//www samfirvsunerqcrew com/GST hfm i.'., ri j;..iii " "l ,' ii,:ri . X.r.r:iu;il 1:Jl.:riirt. Use *14 Nu t Driver (Item #100)Note: Screls iess lnari 2" rn lengrn are olated yeliovrr. ireater than 2" are clear zinc per \STN4B6331i i I t em No IIodel Rod Size shk Diam shk Len FM Test Load 0b) UL Test [,oad 0b) UL/FM Pipe Size Actual Pullout l0 lJ5 l /)3i 8- l6 ,/,a %564# - 6 PIv ll GST IO 318- l6 '/4 210# - ri l6 osB 610# - %" Pty ," t$.ll GST 20 3i 8- t6 '/4 2 940#850#%-z%1760# - Fir #t4 Item #100 €,)21 cisT 25-380 3i 8- l6 3/8 2r/z 1500#4 2113# - Fir l3 GST 30 l/8- t6 l t47 5|+1500#%+2060# - Fir 403 GST 10 318- l6 '/4 4 2l 80# - Fir l4 GST 60 3/8- l6 ,/o 6 2230# - Fir Note: r, I 4\ \\i nrirst bc Lr.,c,,l li)f -iit-('\-..\ !\ i!h :.:r'r ir:lll. Use #l4SW Nut Driver (Item #l0l) Itern No Model Rod Size Shank Diameter Shank Lensth Actual Pullout 8 CST 2 t/z - t3 tA 2 1760# - Ft 06 GST 2.5-.380 t./z - 13 3/8 2',/2 2113#-Fir #l4sw Item #l0l l-5 GST 3 7z-13 ,/o 3 2275# - bv t6 GST.+I/z - 13 ,l 4 21 80# - Fir I1 GST 6 72-13 %6 2130# - Fir i . r'1ii,.-i FM-approved.$UL-listed. $,AvailaLrle in Stairrless Sreel. Box quantiry 25, Standard box quanrity 125. excepr where so rndicated. 'l l11t1AaA GST - Wood Sammy Page 3 of4 Installation Diagrams Composiie Joist Consult truss manufacturer for recommended installation point. See $pecral Notes iil ;I ,: :ii:It;l:II :,irr f *", ;it.r"Ir;:.:ili:rl .,ilit altlr:.0prial{,n1l1. t,t.r\r:1.! .' tJd l*?r ih* t' rcd|lnit{ldI #l'c$ .l ",*viof'l sti ;*'" : t: llc*rrrg " r __" ii. l-r] litl - g'- o*i* E*nlr.,*6 :;Sl'.droct 8. 6ICrilinq L:, ts Ila ;g t otr E.fl. :otg g E Installation per NFpA 13 l+ crtn:trJ: il ilh 11;tfrjlltt), I I I t I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I pr;l1'nip4d !,\D Dlpqlgq r lnsliiLlq,ti_sn hs_jn$li,q$s http ://www. sammvsuperscrew. com/GST.htm Installation Instructions ',1' *lr{i !:irlil:'ti i{;}i f i ::rr.i l' {'i ;'il iirit" .&: See Figures I - 4 (vertical) and II - 14 (ltor izontal) oJ,leteulrdi_a;t4ltttptt i-tt.structiutys Jbr more iugrums tnd illustrations. Step I Insert the appropriate nut driver into a 3/gt' or %" portable rJrill: a. use #14 Nut Driver for GST for 3/grl and /a" rorJ: b. use #145W Nut Driver for SWG. and for GST for /2" rod,. Step 2 Insert the screo' into the nut driver. Now you are ready to install the screw. ' 1\ tllr*.{ ,:ir}*:r{llr{rl" 15\1 {."} qrl{..t r; F*ri*l;, i*!u lr **ll Step 3 Position drill and begin installation: a. for installing GST. drill should be in a vertical position; b. for installing SWG drill should be in a horizontal position at a right angle to the struchrral memtrer. Step 4 When the nut driver spins freely on the cap of the screw installation is conrplete. Step 5 Screrv is now ready to receive r/o",3/g",Yz" or metric all thread rod or bolt stock. n !i'rr1 t, tte:,t,rii,..ri 1i1ir:r1l;;;1)j.lrrif-i:.ilitltltir.et.iltc{} tiii\!1i{brli}frar}f1,. ' r.r...:r1lfi...-'!;!ril rirr.'rrirl irt rr,rrrl .ii itil !i$r,Jr r.irr* in.,txllirtg tilir p.rqirret. > S,a-& [: hrtb,r_$l.tr"qn 2-/).'7 /?OO4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SWG - Wood SW Page 1 of3 'SnmmE l,-ri iri ir'-it-ti'it r:;:lheelrrrr,k i ! i, !r-:;,lr rE . e i:l-r,:l lliirri,,,,',:.- Lr E -lul ilia nt rrr y As,.rr_'r rtn r* rrt !l: r'r'rl'i'r:' ,lf rgr:r:i::ljl - '1r';,_ oU :;rj tft-r,/ :,' "t'F - :itir !,'i:T r- r'nL_ rete l:i,irrrlri l:; y'lrtl-: l. r-rttl i Fl p l--jr,,r,/ ii il i:lrd,,: ,;, trr I e r l: : ,l,l r:i :,'u-l Wood Sidewinder -Self drilling & self-tapping into wood UL Pipe Size hank tiame Rod Size Item No Shank Length UL Test Load Actual Shear/Pullout i{ote: Screws ie ss than 2" in iength rr,'ili be prlated yeliow. Greater than 2" are clear zinc per i: ;i Ii : rt trr ,' #14SW Item #l0l Use #l4SW Nut Driver (Itern #l0l) Model Shank Diameter Actual Shear Pullout swc 100 s\\rG 100 1,1-20 1 72.5# - Fir . r'ia. ri;, . 'i . i..,,i,.1 ,' ,ll;t,i;, l:llil;i ",!;rtrl;i t-,sc #l4S\\'\ut Driver (Itenr #101) 1.tt^.//,,,.,^,, llodel ^^,.. /C \X /ta L+,.. .j, vr \J _ vv vuu J vv I{ORIZONTAL i\,{Ot;N t "g11'(753 Kb) vage I ot J ASl"t,l8633'l 11 rrI L ffi #l4sw Item #l0l l8 SWG 10 3 8 - 16 t/I g*l9 SWG 20 l8-I6 Y"2 3 1725i1 - Ftr {*:60 swG 2s-180 38 - t6 3/8 2L/z 1500#A 2249# - Fir 25.SWG 30 3 8 - 16 t/o 3 FM-appror.ed. tul UL-listed. $Available iu Starnless Sreel. o Box cluantity 25. Standard box quantity 125, except wher.e so indicated. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Installation Diagrams Floor -bisl -* ::,n t!':,€{ J* -nc" fiq\t' ,,1- lil Composite Joist Nd l€G6lha! 2' ner in.lvridh {t l,tl"] uFirS ill' piFi: nd hrr lhrn l" nonin{ $ridh f f I pbe s o! dgi'{ iI5 E ^= l *' I Fi€inl "P;,IE IFE,$s i*.F€T 5.8 g Consult truss manufacturer fclr recommended installation point. S ee Sp-''gc,i'i{ \ot-e,s Installation per NFPA 13 '.., :i . . ; . : i : . , : i ; : i I .. :i; ri ii iir. iil,: Iii..ii:1-r; ,t;lii iinrirr)itfaiif{. 8ut {lfi!i.t"i fi, (i,|ll,il1,trilh tr:rr,raitr1. Installation Instructions See Figures 1 - 4 (vertical) and Il - 14 Wood Sammy (GST) . Wood Sidewinder (SWG) Self drilling & self-tapping into wood http : //www. sammysuperscrew.com/SWG.htm 2t2712004 SWG - Wood SW (h orizo ntal) of q! e1 u i Iml i nstu I ! u rio.tt i t1t!t11111ti14rt s .fbr ntore diagrams anl illustrations, Step I Insen the appropriare nut driver intc, a 3/8 " or % portable drill: 0. use *14 Nut Driver tbr CST for 3/8'l andYat'rod. b. use #i45\\I Nur Driver ibr SWG. and for GST lor t/tt' rod. Step 2 Insen the scrcrv inli.r the nut dri! er. Nou, vou are ready to install the screw. Position drill and begin installarion: a. for installing GST. drill should be in a vefilcal position, b. for installing SWG drill should be in a horizontal position at a right angle to the strucrural member. Step 4 When the nut driver spins freely on the cap of the screu, installation is complctc. Stcp 5 Screrv is norv ready to receive %" ,318,' , /zt' or metric all thread rod or bolt stock, Page 3 of3 Dorr nl'rittl C,\D l)rarvings l Ins ta I laticrn Ins trui- t irrns I Saletl, In iormirtiorr !1'j. i1- ,i,;i .l r,.:...:ii | 1.. :||,":i.,t '.:||1) ,11,,.,tti r,;:iI1-!rit; :: , r_ ;:.-] i ilt':.,\-a. ,:, r t ,,,,, ' ..1. ,:ji :i: ii,\ .,ri::,;l i r,i,lii:J1 ti tiii lriii'l'i;tJlJ, r;i;i;it:,11:t lfr,. l,.ti,l I .1. I I I I I I I I t I t t I I t I I I I i-. r: iltrt'l l:1r- ret,rr',:; lr:rr l e Juflljrr iihEplt['_:l.i !__,,: rf i tit i,' .*,a: j r:r rl firp rrt SVI'G - Wood 5W 51,/!/t-. - irrnr:tete 5'rllt nufltta E ilirrrrnry ,iiaddle [t5;T - Steel ;-anrm'1' EE:iiar-nrrr', F'rt le Trrr:rl rr:r-;l- - \lr'ir:rj -1 j; fir r'f.r 'rr l: ilt[rF ]litHEl t1l'rr'.lI , r_.t,tr,:tg1p :-i;rtrtrr i:ll :Sirleu,rtr"r,ler I nfonr ation : subm it a rcq ue$ or contact, flfr_i::jO(iitrr& uilc! e1.p1p a Last mcrclified: June 0l l00l : a 11- tll - .\n indepenlrcnr. n.n-profrr conrent f,.rrng orsanizarion. jl\_llt!.ij-c\ r.lr !r a.\ i,f,ir!t. lT\\ Builde\ \\ebTrendsLjiedocsnolha\eadalabaseofindiridua|prof|eslbrea;h!:;ltor'web.Iren.iS[,i!eonlJcollectsagglesatedata.ForLrroreinlbnalionalout \\'ebTrends Lire prrrac).polrc). pleirje rlick h q Send nlail to: .:L:|r :sz i:.il tr:r ,,a....11 \lA IP \r irh questrons or Coutn]ents about the u ebpasc. ln:' ." tr rj,i,r:']:{ii;x. .rli].' . '.';.,:,, .' - !i"' 'q rr\-,',;;.,,i;i:.."'1it'Li!! ..Jfi'" 'r ,..E .. r,. ./,! \ .- 1i11.4 . - Because lhe clre,.nicals whicir compose Frr-eFrghter GL and FmeFrghrer pG can break oo''rvn ovef ttnre sysLems shoLrld be iesteC lo de[ef n riIc lhe ievei of f |eeze pfol]ecLtr.lf al the begrnrr nq of each fleez ng Seasorl _ To tesL r.he ffeeze pfofe0lron ievel nf Fir.eFigliter GL, use a lrydrometer t0 dB[enrnine ;he sp-cifrc qf avrly 0i f,lre solullon To .naltn[arn a _ 1 5. F flow 0f0lect 0n . the specifrc gravity of F reF glrter GL should be 1 141 at77. F T0 test the freeze pfotection ievel of Frr-eFrghterPG use a hydforneler lo deter.mine the sp"ecific grav ly of the solution To maintain a _15. F f owproteclron . the specifrc Aravity of FrreFrghfer pG should be 1 030 at 77. F /Vhen rhe iesI indrCales ll.rar [ne S0juir0n hes ,.ea:e"eCJ_9r0:):-e S.SLen- and "eltraCe ... tr'-ecr F -eL,ghre' lL f; c.eE.gr1gl. DG aCCO.C fgi0 lhe rsialla!ion inslructions. Sizes; F,rcFighL,er GL and F f eF Ehief pG ar-e a,ra la.hle n. O're gailo'r piastic boil es 16 pei- case I Five galon oails 30 gallon drums 55 gallon Crums - 5C!0 g.iion iank .r,-irjks System Requirements and Limitations Maintenance Ail tl'e lroleclt0n snr nkier- svslerils ,.,,tn nertzer)nilh [,r,=F gi i-'" GL or F:reFrghier pG :iir.rrriC coi-rioi.l'it ,-0 0c6i, slaie arC l',lFpA.equiren,en:s ii-re l,-ce oi anlifr.eeze ./lili if tfese sl/slems Sno|ld als0 Lonfor.nt tO NFPA requ tentenls :i:e of anlri|eeze SOiultorrr, snoulcl als0 bs jn coniornrance ,rvrlh any iiaLe or iocal i.eaili- codes. tsrease crtntacl your ioca/ lrealth author ites f you nave any clllestlons concerninq lhe codes in yoLtr. afea IIUSTAI.tATtON INSTRUETTtlNS lf th€ lilling cup is ahoue the highest sprinklen use the following installation pr0cedurel ' I'o-;e .h! 1,--1.:- . _,pc, .e'.!, i. _ :.-? . , _ 2 Acci FrreFighler GL or FteF,gi,tet pG io rle Sj'Sienr 'ihfough a it lrE Clr: iJ Use ihe enC spi rrrklels lo ,reni ;: r f,.cr-r li-e lrpqg :1 Beo< oLri I I ii iire s1:r n! er: sl cthtt,, ,;rrl l art heeze alpeilfs Thts assrrres rhat the 1t p ng 'b completely f i ccl anci all atr i as been 1,.urgedi|urn Ine sysler r r lf the filling cup is N0T above the highest sprinkleri use one of the following installation proceduresl 1, Arlrninrstef FrreFrghter GL or Fir.eFighter pG arrhe hrghest splnkler branch line using a fillingcup The dr.ol: prpe shou/d be friled thiouqh th"." i llrng cLtp as sho,rvn n the cliagram belor,ri 2 Trght,err the sprrnkler. hcads ancl open lhe ralve merked # 1 Untii ihe clr.op prpe and ilre sectron ofprpe abrve valve # l ar.E empry. 3. Close valve #1 Close tlre frllrng corrnecrion valr.re. Slorliy ofjen the supDly valv; !1/icle 0r: Use a small punrp r0 add FireFighter GL oi. F'reFighier. PG ru rhe 5ysfenr cL Lh6 ralve ,,,lrked FZ n lhe d agr.aor belo\\, HIATEO AFEA F lrno Cuo "//ater Supply ilr UNHEATEO ABEA Sofrnkler Head II- Non,Freezrng So lutron Wall _l Check Vaive I t1/32" hote rn Clapperl I LDrarn Vaive 0ro0 5 it mrn Plesse rum t0 back oanel for addttronal Inlormatron I t I t I ti;:ri , I I I t I I t II PBOOUCT IlESCBIPTION FiieF ghier GL and F r.eFtghter pG ale nor-t0r i, 6niffeezes des gned specifica ,l tor in'e p|oieciiOn sysiem-c. These procuc:s are jsed r. illace 0l yvaief ancl Oiher. waier- ike f uids n c.yj, 1-,tig: s/Sferrt: tn:.t frazzt:^tg raj. altie,- ceirsE danrage or nterfere \/jrt: ine iLrlctiorrng oi 5y3i6rIl5 (iI ealLllLrrTent. and,,'Ct- i0/iai: i iU rtLtal-t1.15 o - al :lals rs a coTrcer-i FireFiuhter GI FlneFighter GL i: ar {l1y6x'''nr based matei a iiil ci ;s- icir-rit:.], l.rle ., irt ali el_io.creat i.tptc,.. tl itriie r-ir: ; n r,g ?,jarl'l;.ster- iF,rl_ :cTl-f iei lr;te a ril f ti i..9.. -r.i.,;e iirgr ',i erf i-r'i,l !licer.lte l.l1-ieI trq' ;i'ttenlt ',i,/r r:. il . ).._:i j l€,J ar_ li i.!Je;-ri -i firufighter PE F r'eFrghier !G s e Pr.opviene Gly,coi baseci'r6lelal y'rjr ch rs rlLjrroetrrbie wrth all appr0ved 'ype5 0I Spf lt-,kief urpe sylrLems ,& th lhe ercepron of CPV|. Ac.irire i !lr'ec reni. Propyiene G ycol r-lllrEl',rlrli'eC'retIS. /i/Atef Vrsc0srty Fe.h t{tl. oI Agenl Busl lnh rbrtor Dye tlammabilitu F leF ghier. GL aircl FreFighter pG are rol flanrrrrable srnce -:lr€y have ro measure6te I asli point. howevei both products can fash or burn i tlre water c0nlent s eVap0fatecl 0ft No i.e,,a dotS ':n"eS :.e 0r0Ciceo Toxicological, Inuironmental and Health Information F0A Beferences GEAS FireF ghre:. GL afd F feFightE. FG e, e c0r.rsrlgl 6g Generall,v PegaicJec as Safe iJv :r^e Ee cJ6 d trooc.rc L .g Aur' .L::or Typical Physical Properties of tiretighter GI and Firetighter Pli Fiie Fighrar GL F i-eF gi,ie i PG Cc or l{,r,5,1i :1: "' i Igr ;rir:r'rrt ] !i isrrrrrr)r at 77. F iIr:it , plrs e] i'L Boiling Point at ALnrosphe ric Pres sLrre [760 rrrrir] l\lrrt rriurl Flo,uv Te m pelalu re lVll.t r-rtr-tr-r.t BL trs;I TemperaLu|e lHard Freezel Concerifale IPensky-llarte n s Ciosed Cup) Fiash Pornt Flre Point 705 615 80 36 O r ; rr,-rp 1 i31 Fecl r 0it6 ???, F Lt T 4l='i r-JT 350. F 400- F 50' F -50'F j F reF olrier GL ancl FrreFtgrter- pG are v:rlr.latrj nefm ess to aninrals or. planis: r'r0//evef. the disposa cf ihese rnatefia s shou d be in 5g1fs.1'3ir6g wlih naiiqnal. staie. ani iocaj hea/lh C OC]C S