HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE STRUCTURAL ITEMS LEGALc&Ftecrr 5020 County Road 'l 54 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pgeo@h pgeotech. comHEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST DATA Shaw Construction Job No. 103 597 Jim Heid Date Cast: 5-2"1-04 129 Norlh Frontage Rd Vail, Colorado 81657 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Placement Location: Building C, Parking Garage Slab-on-Grade, 1 to 3 and Ato D Lines Supplier: Lafarge Time Batched: 8:38 Cubic Yds: 10 at 90 of 100 Truck No: 9944 Time Ardved: 9:45 Ticket No: 12014873 Time Placed: 9:55 Mix Design: 4600 Method of Placement: pump Sample Point: truck discharge Time Sampled: 10:05 Slump; 5 in. Specifications Air Temp: 59' Air Content: 4.8 % Slump: 4t1 in. Concrete Temp: 64o Wet Unit Wt: 141.6 Pcf Air Content: 4-8 o/o Water Added: 10 gallons Time Cylinders Cast: 10:15 Initial Cure: 24 hrs onsite Field Storage: insul box Date Stripped: 5-22-04 Cyl Temp @ Pick Up: ' Min/Max: olo Specified Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Progress Report: Contractor and supplierwere notified of test results. Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Lafarge - Rick Seymour Tim Hayworth Michael Evans Compressive Strength Age Days Date Load lbs. Diameter in. Area in2 Compressive Qf ronnf h psl Remarks 7 5-28 40,000 4.03 12.76 3130 28 6-18 28 6-18 28 6-18 Field Technician Reviewed Bv c&Btecr, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81501 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pgeo@ h pgeotech. com REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST DATA Shaw Gonstruction Job No. 103 597 Jim Heid Date Cast: 5-14-04 129 North Frontage Rd Vaif, Colorado 81657 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Placement Location: Slab-on-Grade, Early Learning Genter Building, Gridlines 1 to 4 and A to D Lines Supplier: Lafarge Time Batched: 7:57 Cubic Yds: 10 at 60 of 80 Truck No: 119 Time Arrived: 9:20 Ticket No: 12014708 Time Placed: 9:30 Mix Design: 4600 Method of Placement: pump Sample Point: truck discharge Time Sampled: 9:40 Slump: 41hin. Specifications Air Temp: 48o Air Content: 6.4 o/o Slump: 4t1 in. Concrete Temp: 55" Wet Unit Wt: 139.2 Pcf Air Content: 4-8 % Water Added: 0 Time Cylinders Cast: 9:50 Initial Cure: 24 hrs onsite Field Storage: insul box Date Stripped: 5-15-04 Cyl Temp @ Pick Up: o Min/Max: ol" Specified Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Compressive Strength Age Days Date Load tDs. Diameter in. Area tn' Compressive Strength psi Remarks 7 5-21 40,800 4.03 12.76 3200 28 6-11 28 6-11 28 6-11 Progress Reporl: Contractor and supplier were notified of test results. Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Lafarge - Rick Seymour Tim Hayworth Michael Evans Field Technician Reviewed Bv & HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ^ 5020 County Road 154 I Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 - Phoner 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com o Earthwork Observation and Testing Report Client: ShawGonstruction Attn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Job No.: 103 597 Date: 5-7-04 Report No.: 04-82 Page: 1 of Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Weather: partly cloudy w/light breeze Temoerature: 49o at 10:00 am General Contractor: Shaw Construction EarthworkContractor: Meldor Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor was placing %" screened rock for pipe bedding and backfilling sanitary sewer trench 120' north of Frontage Road and 40' east of Building B. Equipment used was trackhoe, remote dual drum roller HP Geotech Site Activities: We visited the site this morning and performed density tests at sanitary sewer trench backfill. At sanitary sewer trench backfill, screened on-site soils were placed 40' east of Building B and 120' north of North Frontage Road in 6" loose lifts and compacted with 8 passes of a remote dual drum roller. No moisture was added. Maximum rock size placed was 6 inches. Tests and observations indicated work completed was in conformance with specifications. Verbal communication: Gord with Meldor was informed of our test results. Test No. Location sanitary sewer trench backfill Depth or Elev. F teto Dry Density rUT Field Moistu re Content % Percent Comp. Min. % Comp. Req Proctor Lab No. 1 120' north of North Frontage Road, 40' east of Building B 3'below subgrade 129.4 6.0 99 95 606-3 z 120'north of North Frontage Road, 40' east of Building B 1'below subgrade 128.7 6.4 99 95 606-3 Proctor Sample References: Lab No.Method Description Max Dry Dens opt Moist 606-3 ASTM D-698 silty clayey sand with gravel 130.3 8.0 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FILL PLACEMENT, WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTORTO CONTJNUE APPLYING THE RECOMII'lENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOTSTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OASERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS- THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCOROANCE WITH ASTI\.'I D2922 AND D3017 cc: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed Bv ^- 5020 County Road 154 I Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8160'1 - Phone: 970-945-7988 [31.36;?i';i*'.1"". Observation and Testing ReportEarthwork Client: ShawConstruction Attn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 & HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL o Job No.: Report No.: 103 597 Date: 5-6-0404-81 Page: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Weather: partly cloudy Temperature: 49o at 10:00 am General Contractor: Shaw Gonstruction Earthwork Contractor: Meldor Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor was placing %" screened rock for pipe bedding and screened onsite soils for sanitary sewer trench backfill for Building C from 30' north of Frontage Road to 95' north of Frontage Road, and 40' east of Building B, Equipment used was trackhoe, remote dual drum roller ._ At sanitary sewer trench backfill, %" screened rock pipe bedding and screened on-site soils were placed 30'to 95'north of Frontage Road & 46'east of Building B in 6" loose lifts and compacted with 10 passes of a remote dual drum roller. No moisture was added. Maximum rock size placed was 6 inches. Tests and observations indicated work completed was in conformance with specifications. Verbal communication: Cord with Meldor was informed of our test results. Nuclear Gauqe Moisture/Density Test Results Test No. Location sanitary sewer trench backfill Depth or Elev. Field Dry Density PCF Field Moisture Content o/o Percent Comp. Min. % Comp. Req. Proctor Lab No. 'l 30'to 95' north of North Frontage Road, 40' east of Building B 2'below subgrade 125.4 6.4 96 95 606-3 Proctor Sample References: Lab No.Method Description Max Dry | Opt Dens I Moist 606-3 ASTM D-698 silty clayey sand with gravel 130.3 | 8.0 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FILL PLACEI\,'IENT, WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOIVIMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OASERVING OPERATIONS THE NUCLEAR OENSOMETER MFTHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITI] ASTM D2922 AND D3017. cc: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed Bv GPLA,lnc. Structural EnglneoE and Buildenb GPLA S buc tural Engineer s Builders Fietd Obsenation Report # 7 FR*7 044U05 Page 7 of3 Miildleaeek Village 266fteM report.xls Project:Middlecreek Village Date:5/5nO04 Werther:FairTime: Company:On Site Pensonnel:Distribution: GPLA Russel Martino, Grcg Luth Greg Luth Shaw Construction JimHeid Shaw Construction Paul Schultz Paul Schultz Odell Architects Eric Jones Town of Vail Greg DenHa Action Req'd By Recipient:X Information onlv: Unless notified in writing wirtia 7 days of the "datc of meno" it shall be assumed that the recipients are in agreement with lhe contents of this nemo. Any discrepaacbs wiih tlo following hformation and any attachments should be brought to the atantion of the sender. This record is not verbatim, but clarifes architectural, sttuctural, and otler comments and will be used to inform inwlved parties that noted decisiow will prowd as indicatd by this duunent and any attachmeats #Observation Ref Photo # I Greg Luth and I walked the site with Paul shulE and Greg Denckla of the Town of Vail. There were a few structural issues: Reference 32.11 ( C) and 3/51.62. South of Grid D beween Gdds l&4 tle roof trusses cantilever offthe exterior wall out to the beams and posts that frame the exterior walkway. There needs to be contiauity berween the roof diaphragm and the exterior shearwall. These trusses have a high heel height and the typical blocking detail will not worlc The detail tbat applies here is 3/S1.62. Action Required : Install diagonal bracingper deail 3/51.62. GPLA,lnc Structural Enginecrs and Buildorc GPLA S tru c tural Engineer s Buililers Field Observation Report # 7 FR#7 044s4s Page 2 of3 Middleonk Village 266feld report.xls Project:MiddlecreekVlllage Date:5t5t2004 TYerther:FairTime: J Reference S2.11 ( C). Between grids D & E md l&4 there are rooftosses that span from exterior wall to exterior wall. The interior partition walls in this building were built up tight to the bottom chord of the trusses. The patition walls must be built with an adequate gap (1" - | l/2") between their top plate and the bottom chord of the tnrss to allow the truss to deflect without loading up the wall or putting load into tle bottom chord ofthe tnrss where it was not intended- Action Required : remow one of the two np plates of the partion walls to give a I 1/2" gap betwen the walls and the tfusses. 4 General Building C: The strd walls bave been designed to take the gravity load of the builr{ing with their weak axis supported- The weak axis support is provided by the interior drjrwall sheathing. The building C luildings had t€en built up to the 4th floor and g5pcrete had been applied up to the third floor. The interior drywall sheathing on at least one side ofthe wall at the first level must be installed before any g)p creto is poured on the fourth floor. Following this, the interior drywall sheathing on the 2nd floor on at least one sidc ofthe wall must be installed before the g)?caete is porned on the fifth floor. This drywall / gypcrete sequence should carry throughout the project. Action: Follow qbove sequence for installing interior dryntall and pouring gq)crete. GPI-A,lnc. Structural EngineeF and Builde|s GPIA. S tr u c t utal En gineer s Builders Field Observation Report # 7 FR#7 0+0s-05 Page 3 of3 Miidlecteek Village 266feld rqott.xls Project:Middlecreek Village Date:5/5n044 Weathen FairTime: 5 Reference S2.9 (C ) : At gridline 8&B South ofthe stair there is a door opening with trusses above it and no header called out. This should be a B5 header similar to the ones to the South of it. Action Req'd: IwUll 85 header at location mentioned above. o Reference S2.8 (C ) : Paul, Greg, and I discussed the exhanst vent thar must be installed in the metal deck North of building C. We will be issuing an SSK for this condition reflecting our discussion. Action Req'd: GPLA to issue an SSK. 7 BuildingA: Reference S2.1 (A) & 5/S5.f1 (A) & RFI Response #50: There was still some confusion about the location and extent of the 3x6 r,u6. 6l fullding A. This was discussed again at the site. The 3x6 studs begin at the third floor only. They do not exist below the third floor. They are only needed so that a 7/8" diameter l€ screw may be used to support the steel angle that supports the wet weiglt of the concrete for the hazard mitig*ion wall. The 3x6 can be eliminated altogether if the 6x6 blocking shown between tmsses on derail 5/S5. I I is used werywhere or if 2x6 studs are doubled up or spaced at 6" O.C. mdall2,, lag bolt is used in every one. Note that this overrides and changes RFI #50 response. c&Etecn HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ^- 5020 County Road 154 f Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com o Earthwork Observation and Testing Report Client: ShawConstruction Attn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Job No.: 103 597 Date: 5-5-04 Reporl No.: 04-80 Page: 1 of Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Weather: partly cloudy Temperature: 46o at 9:00 am GeneralContractor: ShawGonstruction EarthworkContractor: Meldor Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor excavated and backfilled sanitary sewer trench for Building G. Equipment used was trackhoe, remote dual drum roller H-P Geotech's activities: We visited the site this morning and afternoon. We observed trench excavation and performed a density test on sanitary trench backfill. At sanitary sewer trench backfill, screened on-site soils were placed 40' east of Building B & 30' north of North Frontage Road in 6" loose lifts and compacted with 14 passes of a remote dual drum compactor. No moisture was added. Maximum rock size placed was 6 inches' Tests and observations indicated work completed was in conformance with specifications. Verbal communication: Cord with Meldor was informed of our test results. Also we had a meeting with Shawn of Shaw Construction about the restart of construction for the rest of the project. Test No. LOCaITOn sanitary sewer trench backfill Depth or Elev. Field Dry Density PCF Field Moisture Content % Percent Comp. Min. % Comp. Req. Proctor Lab No. ll 40'east of Building B, 30' north of North Frontage Road 2'below subqrade 126.3 6.4 97 95 606-3 Proctor Sample References: Lab No.Method Description Max Dry | Opt Dens I Moist 606-3 ASTM D-698 silty clayey sand with gravel 130.3 8.0 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESUTT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FItL PLACEMENT, WE HAVE RELIEO ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THF RECOM[i]ENDEL) COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPEMTIONS, THE NUCLEAR DENSOIVETER I4ETHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2922 AND D3017. cc: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed Bv -fSu oF uunl {NZh Gresoru P. Luth €t Associateslslg ct el WIIEI S!ti!.i n f.rl lngrnr<.rr.r:Li ilrril*c:rs .lfrtit' /,wt00t-tL CU€k_ Bo:- 6t ,tq s/, /"q t\Pt RE: Middle Creek Village - Structural Charlie Davis Building Offrcial Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail Co 81657 970.479.2321 CC: Eric Jones, Paul Shultz, Jim Heid, Greg Denckla Dear Charlie, Russel Martino, the representative for Gregory P. Luth and Associates visited the Middle Creek Village Job site on Tuesday May 4'2004 following the Monday May 3, 2004 accident involving the collapse ofan onsite crane. Attached is his account ofwhat he saw and his recommendations. I visited the site with him the following day and concur with his assessment and his recommendations. In summary, as the result of the collapse of the crane, a single bay of joists on the fifth floor was pretty much demolished. The front wall of the building at that floor was slightly damaged. The impact of the crane with the top deck of the parking structure punched a hole through the concrete topping and double tee flange between to tee stems and caused minor cracking of the double tee stems. None of the damage caused irreparable harm to the base building structure. The damage at the fifth floor can be repaired by removing and replacing the damaged components. The damage to the concrete can be repaired by patching the hole. The damage to the tee stem does not require repair. The cracks are quite tight and are of the same size as normal shrinkage cracks. Don't hesitate to call should you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you. Sincerely Gregory P. Luth & Associates Gregory P. Luth, Ph.D., S.E.200i 8 . 3&!&!1ttJ Jtr3&Jt"t i1s d n,. r . :j :.1 ai,r:!,. 2 j Srinra Clr!'i: a-ri liir) I . v.ii".r:. r.a ' ,. lJ'.rrJl--- 1 1.:.1 r4:'a Fa! li3 ii5.l :1' to Crane Accident "iA '1',t GPLA,Inc. Structural Engineers and Builders CPLA S truc tural Engineers Builders Field Observation Report # 6 FR#6 04-05-04 Page 1 Middlecreek ViIIage 266felcl report.xls Project:Middlecreek Village Date: I s4tzoo+&5t5/2004 Weather:FairTime: Company:On Site Personnel:Distribution: GPLA Russel Martino Greg Luth Shaw Construction Jim Heid Shaw Construction Paul Schultz Paul Schultz Odell Architects Eric Jones Rockv Mountain Pre.John Hanlon Action Req'd By Recipient:X Information onlv: Unless notified in writing within 7 days of the "date of memo" it shall be assumed that the recipients are in agreemenl with the contents of this memo. Any discrepancies with thefollowing information and any qllachments should be brought tothe anention ofthe sender. This record is not verbatim, but clarifes architectural, struclural, and olher comment.s and will be usecl to inform involved parties that noted decisions will proceed as indicated by this document and any attachmenls #Observation Ref Photo # I I was on site to assess the structural damage to building C due to the crane accident. The crane had already been removed from the plaza deck by the time I had arrived. I could see damagc to the precast tee topping on the plaza level approximately 9'- 0" East of grid 5 roughly half way between grids B&C. There was a hole in thc topping slab / precast tee flange. I observed this with Paul Shultz and John Hanlon from above and below the plaza level. There were several hairline cracks in the stem of thc tce to the East of the hole. These cracks were very tight, nearly invisible to the nakcd cyc and registered only 0.01" on the crack gage. John Hanlon and I agreed that these were indicative of short term elastic deflection duc to the impact of the crane hitting the deck. Thc tee stem took the load, deflected, cracked the concrete and sprung back to its original position after the event. We agreed that no action need be taken on the tee stem. The cranc did punch through the topping slab however, and this must be fixed. See attached SSK #64 for the infill of the hole. Action Req'd: Fill in plaza slab hole per attached SSK #64 GPLA,Inc. Structural Engineers and Builders GPIA. Structural Engineers tsu ilders Field Observation Report # 6 FR#6 04-05-04 Page 2 Middlecreek Village 255feld report.xls Project:Middlecreek Village Date:st4t2004 & 5/s/2004 Weather:FairTime: z There was further damage to the wood framing on the 4th floor in the l8'-0" bay just East ofgrid 5 between gnds A & B (reference S2.l l( C ). The crane boom /jib had hit thejoists at about the midspan ofthe bay and had broken nearly all them in half. The j oists had clearly rolled off the walls along grid 5 and l 8'-0" East of grid 5 and no dammage was observed in these walls. The south wall of this bay, l0'-0" Notth of grid B, was also dammaged. Some studs in the wall had buckled, and the wall had rotatod outward off of its bottom plate. The joists (all but two in the above mentioned bay) and the front wall must b removed and replaced. The walls on the East and West sides of the bay may remain and be used in the final structure. Action Required : Remove dammaged Joists and Southern wall and replace with new materials. o FILL HOLE WTH NON SHRINK HIGH SIRENGTH CONCRETE MIX BONDING AGENT (E) REBAR. CH\P )UT ALL DAMAGED 0R TH1N C?NCRETE AND EXP?SE (E) REBAR. uP NM BARS WTH (E) BARS. ADD f5 @12' O.C. EA WAY. S S ez Ed x a g = dl =f, e @cza *vd,!t E4rI| d &i-.! b'raa-a6 t}r*'e lltc BUILDING C FIX AT DAMAGED PLAZA SLAB w5/6/04 AT DAIIAGED PIJTZA SIITB ord t dlrc. kol.ct t|rr MIDDLE CREEK VILLAGE scdcAs NOTEIItT ro' --- Page I oflo CREEK CONSTRUCTTON ACCIDENTLynne Campbell - MIDDLE From: Charlie Davis To: Nina Timm; Pam Brandmeyer; Russ Forrest; Stan Zemler; Suzanne SilverthornDate: O5lO3nO04 2:17 PM Subject: MIDDLE CREEK CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENTCG: ComDev; Jim Spell; Kris Friel; Leonard Sandoval; Mike McGee FYI Today, May 3rd 2004 at about 12: 1SPM a non-injury construction accident occurred at the Middle Creek Affordable housing project. I arrived on-site at the invitation of the Vail Fire Department at approximately 12:40 PM. I witnessed a construction crane which has fallen over. There are a limited amount of details at this time, however the best news to date is that there were no injuries reported. Jay and Sean with Shaw Construction were on-site and are advised to contacr their safety officer, OSHA, structural engineerofrecord and the precastconcrete company. Each ofthese individuals shall submit in writing to the Town, their observations, corrections and recommendations to remedy the situation. Only minor structural damage was noted at this stage of the preliminary investigation. The construction site has also been notified that no more work shall continue and everyone will leaving the site until all investigations are complete. This is all I have for now and will keep people posted if any additional information is supplied to me. Charlie Davis Building Official fi le://C :\windows\TEMP\GW) 0000 I .HTM 0s/03/2004 c&Etecr, o 5020 County Road 154' Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970.945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com Earthwork Observation and Testing Report Client: ShawConstruction Attn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Job No.: 103 597 Date: 5-4-04 Report No.: 04-79 Page: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Greek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Weather: partly cloudy Temperature: 55o at 1:00 pm General Contractor: Shaw Construction EarthworkContractor: Meldor Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor was not working due to the project being shut down because of crane accident. Equipment used was H-P Geotech's activities: We visited the site to find out when work would resume. Verbal communication: We talked to Shawn with Shaw Gonstruction and he informed us they would be back onsite 5-5'04 to do some work on sanitary sewer east of Building B. Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed By THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COi.4PACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OESERVING OPEMTIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITh ASTM D2922 AND D3017. O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason & HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL a rt 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8160'1 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com Earthwork Observation and Testing Report Client: ShawGonstructionAttn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Job No.: Report No.: 103 597 Date: 5-3-0404-78 Page: 1 of Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Weather: partly cloudy Temperature: 49o at 9:00 am General Contractor: Shaw Construction EarthworkContractor: Meldor Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor was excavating from 10' north of North Frontage Road to 35' north of North Frontage Street, east of Building B for sanitary sewer' Eouioment used was trackhoe, loader H-P Geotech's activities: We visited the site this morning to observe trench excavation of sanitary sewer east of Building B. . We revisited the site this afternoon. No work was being performed due to crane accident on Building G. Observations indicated work completed was in conformance with specifications. Verbal communication: We talked to Shawn with Shaw Construction and he informed us there would be a shut down due to crane accident. THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FILL PLACE[4ENT, WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTMCTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOI!4I\'4ENDFT) COTVPNCTTVE rrrONT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPEMTIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOII,lETER IVETHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUESTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2922 AND D3017 cc: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed BY rt ) 5020 County Road ,|54 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8'1 60'1 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com Earthwork Observation and Testing Report Client: Attn; P rnioni' W*th"" Shaw Gonstruction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Middle Creek Affordable Housing partly cloudy Job No.: 103 597 Date: 4-30-04 Report No.: 04-77 Page: 1 of Project. Vail. Colorado Temoerature: 54o at11:00 am General Contractor: ShawGonstruction Earthwork Contractor: Meldor & CDE Earthwork in progress during our site visit: Meldor was placing screened on-site soils for storm sewer at the west entrance to the project. CDE was placing onsite soils for sanitary sewer in Building C. Equipment used was trackhoe, remote dual drum roller, water truck _ H-P Geotech's activities: We visited the site this morning and performed density tests on storm sewer trench backfill at the west entrance to the project. A density test was performed on sanitary sewer trench backfill. At storm sewer trench backfill, west entrance to project, screened onsite soils was placed at east side of west entrance to project in 6" loose lift compacted 12 passes with remote double drum compactor. Maximum rock size placed was 6". At Building C sanitary sewer trench backfill, screened onsite soils was placed at 7.5 line between B & C in 6 inch loose lifts and compacted with 10 passes of a remote dual drum roller. Tests and observations indicated work completed was in conformance with specifications. Verbal communication: Shawn with Shaw Construction & Cord with Meldor were informed of our test results. Nuclear Gauqe Moisture/Densitv Test Results Test No. LOCaIIOn storm sewer trench backf ill west entrance of project Depth or EIev. Field Dry Density rur Field Moisture Content To Percent Comp. Min. % Comp. Req. Proctor Lab No. 1 15' east of centerline of west entrance to project 1'below subgrade 127.9 6.9 98 95 606-3 2 sanitary sewer trench backfill building at 3.5 Line between B & C Line 2'below subgrade 128.4 6.4 99 95 606-3 Proctor Sample References: Lab No.Method Description Max Dry | Opt Dens I Moist bub-5 ASTM D-698 silty clayey sand with gravel 130.3 | 8.0 TfltS REpoRT PRESENTS OPINIONS AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONSOF FILL PLACE[,1ENT, WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTMCTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMNIENDED CONIPACT]VE EFFORT AND IMOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSON,4ETER N,4ETHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2S22 ANt] D3017 cc: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Observer Reviewed Bv ,.-. a c&Ftecr, HEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pge o@ h pgeotec h. com REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST DATA Shaw Construction Job No. 103 597 Jim Heid Date Cast: 4-21-04 129 North Frontage Rd Vaif , Colorado 81657 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Placement Location: Slab between 1 to 5 Lines and Ato D Llnes Supplier: Lafarge Time Batched: 7:.28 Cubic Yds: 10 at 30 of 40 Truck No: 46 Time.Arrived: 9:00 Ticket No: 12014185 Time Placed: 9:08 Mix Design: 4600 Method of Placement: pump Sample Point: truck discharge Time Sampled; 9:18 Slump: 41/rin. Specifications Air Temp: 39o Air Content: 4.8 % Slump: 4t1 in' Concrete Temp: 62" Wet Unit Wt: 141 '4 Pcf Air Content: 4-8 % Water Added: 15 gallons added by supplier Time Cylinders Cast: 9:34 lnitial Cure: 24hrs onsite Field Storage: insul box Date Stripped: 4-22-04 Cyl Temp @ Pick Up: 70' Min/Max: 58"/70' Specified Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Compressive Strength Age Days Date Load lbs. Diameter in. Area in2 Compressive Strength psi Remarks 4-28 49,000 4.03 12.76 3840 28 s-19 64,800 4.03 12.76 5080 28 5-19 63,000 4.03 12.76 4940 28 5-19 65,800 4.03 12.76 5160 Progress Report: Gontractor and supplierwere notified of test results. Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Lafarge - Rick Seymour Tim Hayworth Michael Evans Field Technician Reviewed Bv o$r% APR-16-2004 FRr o7r5r All Nl|ry Job Addresr: Legal Drscr; Phoue #: Clnga of Work; D'lgcribr Work Siglrbrrc of owrcr Tot:rl Fec FA){ No, 9QATZOA P, 0t t/1Awer: -rS X-aut -(1,*-oZlq^-f+x * lvf rlliogAddress:-249-U-,+t*-ujf tutt-tl1-*. Dhona #: 9Z_:ZJEL?A/I- Elcvator Coutractor: * 9 lfLti,lg.nuo*rt,,:or=z#!tl@' Donvc!,. co s0?9-s - NOTTCE I hcrrby ccrdff ttrt J f,lve rcod and :rr:nincd thls rpplicadon lnrl lf,ow thc ttltc lo hc rr':c arrd cosect AII grovi:ioos of lrrws and ordinrsccs govcning tbis typc ot work will !e eouplicd wit! wbctls: sFccifid hcdn or noL 11,c gruting cf r, Pcrcrit doer no! prcsrnc l,o Sivc auhcrity n violats or canccl rhc prcvisions ofoly othtt soc cr locd law rcgukfillg EoFltsucrion q; lh: gcrfonna".cc of C or rirrtcddn. -?.E-h"a*,- -!/a/LSienlorc of cornactor or rrrthodzcd ugena G)l!c) IJF,W INST^r.r,A',rrON T',EESi P.o::crgcr or frcight dcvrtor, cscrletorr covilE w4]k: Up to and hcludlng Siqo00.00 ofvilurrloa ' 3350'00 Ovcr 150,000.00 of valua,Ccn - 5350.00 ptus 56.00 for erch Sl,00O.O0 or Atceon rhercofoYq SJo.000.00 Duobwrit" c? Prlvrlc rcridcaec rlcvrtor; Up !o aqd hcludlsg 520,000.00 gf vlluqliqg ' p50'00 Ovcr520,000.00 of valuariqn'S1J0.00 plus 53'00 for cvlr 51,000.00 oriardo: tlcrcof ovd 520'000'00 @ Fce: for mqior rlteratioss shrll bc rs :D! fortt ia Tabtc 3-.4 of tlrc Uetform A&qirtlmadvc Cods or T$lc No. l'A of ths Unitorrr Euildiog Codc' (Duc) vALUArroN / 1:3 -tn - rzl-- Datc Paid RMIT APPLICATION ruvlerf asd liuld ialpcttioas wlll bc couductcd Flear rvrll bc forwerded to N1VCCOG for tcvicw IVIVCCOG Ulavrtor Lnrpcctor dt (970) 168-0295 1 :\ ,',.'l by thc Northwcrt Colorldo Couaqil of and rppmvrl Schcdulc inspcctious by x 108, Plcasc rntkc cf,ecks poyrble to f o Ar( 25o( 5&* ^*./,qrr-,r,. &4 fofi / n itrr "'r f I 7l ,97 69t4r,,t, /1/<('& JFCI 91A 464 r2da FR6E.A2 ^- REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 4-14-04Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Report: Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Sheet: 1 of 1 c&Ftecr' HEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pqeo@ h ooeotech.com Structure: CMU Wall over Elevator Location Elevation Reinforcement CommentsVertical Size / Spacing Horizontal Size / Spacing elevator shaft wall west of 1 Line 8280'to 8284', #5 @24" on center #4@24" on center elevator shaft wall west of 1 Line 8280'to 8284', 2 -#9 @each corner elevator shaft wall west of 1 Line 8280',to 8284', 4 -#9 @ interior custom wall Specifications Steel Grade: 60 r Plans Used Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean ! Shop Drawings Used Clearance & Cover: nla tr Contractor Advised Splices: 65 bar diameters n Full-Time Observation Bar Supports: Type: nla r Part-Time Observation Height: nla Inplace Compliance r Met Project I Met Project Requirements n Date Requirements When When Re-Examined Re'Examined: lnitially Examined Progress Repoft: Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 4-13-04Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 Nor.th Frontage Road Report: Vail. Colorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Sheet: 1 of 1 c&Ftecrt HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h oqeo@hpoeotech.com Structure: GMU Wall. Buildinq C Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:65 bar diameters Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: nla Inplace Compliance r Met Project tr Met Project Requirements tr Date Specifications RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined Initially Examined r Plans Used r Shop Drawings Used tr Contractor Advised tr Full-Time Observation r Part-Time Observation Re-Examined: Progress Report: \rUplt'D. O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Gharlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv Elevation Reinforcement Comments Size / SoaciSize / Soacin #4 @24" on center #5 @24" on center AtoBon4Line 5 - #9 @ each end8308'to 8312', see detail3 note 5 = 51.31 AtoBon4Line #5 @24" on center #4 @24"8308',to 831z', DtoEon4Line 2 -#9 @ each end see detail 3 note 5 = 51.31 8308'to 8312', DtoFon4Line HEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpqeo@h pqeotech.com REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 4-8-04 Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Report: Sheet: 1 of 1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Structure: CMU Wall. Buildinq C Specifications SteelGrade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:65 bar diameters Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: nla Inplace Gompliance r Met Project n Met Project Requirements tr Date RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined Initially Examined r Plans Used tr Shop Drawings Used tr Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation r Part-TimeObservation Re-Examined: Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv Reinforcement Elevation Horizontal Size / SoacinSize / Soaci #4 @24" on center AtoBon4Line #4 @24" on center #4@24" on center 8304'to 8308' 2 -#9 @ each end 5 -#9 @ each end 8304'to 9308' BtoC AtoB 2 -#9 @ each end c&Btecrt 5020 County Road 1 54 Glenwood Springs, CO 8't 601 Phone:970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pqeo@ h pqeotech.comHEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Gonstruction Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 4-7-04 Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Report: Sheet: 1 of 1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Struciure: CMU Wall. Buildinq C r Plans Used ft Shop Drawings Used tr Contractor Advised n Fuli-'l-imeObservation I Part-TimeObservation Re-Examined: Specifications Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:65 bar diameters Bar Supporls: Type: nla Height: nla Inplace Compliance r Met Project I Met Project Requirements rt Date Requirements When When Re-Examined lnitially Examined Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv Comments Reinforcement Elevation Horizontal Size / SpacinSize / S #4 @24" on center AtoBon4Line #4 @24" on center DtoEon2Line 8300'to 8304', #4 @24" on center BtoConSLine see detail 3 note 5 = 51.31 2 -#9 @ each end 5 -#9 @ each end BtoConSLine AtoBon4Line 2 -#9 @ each end8300'to 8304' DtoEon2Line c&Ftecrr 5020 County Road 1 54 Glenwood Springs, CO 81501 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@h pgeotech.comHEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST DATA Shaw Construction Job No. 103 597 Jim Heid Date Cast: 3-30-04 129 North Frontage Rd Vaif , Golorado 81657 Sheet: 2 of 2 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Placement Location: Parking Garage Slab between 3 & 8/A to C Line Supplier: Lafarge Time Batched: 9:51 Cubic Yds: 10 at 130 of 130 Truck No: 9835 Time Arrived: 10:50 Ticket No: 12013825 Time Placed: 11:00 Mix Design: 4600 Method of Placement: pump Sample Point; truck discharge Time Sampled: 11:10 Slump: 4'/.in. Specifications Air Temp: 56" Air Content: 6.0 % Slump: 4tl in. Concrete Temp: 72' Wet Unit Wt: 139.4 Pcf Air Content: 4-8 % Water Added: I gallons added by supplier Time Cylinders Cast: 11:20 Initial Cure: 24 hrs onsite Field Storage: insul box Date Stripped: 3-31-04 Cyl Temp @ Pick Up: 75o Min/Max: 55o/75' Specified Strength: 4000 psi @28 days Progress Report: Contractor and supplierwere notified of test results. Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Lafarge - Rick Seymour Tim Hayworth Michael Evans Compressive Strength Age Days Date Load lbs. Diameter in. Area in2 Compressive Qtronnfh psi Remarks 7 4-6 37,000 4.03 12.76 2900 28 4-27 47,200 4.03 12.76 3700 28 4-27 49,200 4.03 12.76 3860 56 5-25 51,000 4.03 12.76 4000 Field Technician Reviewed By REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Jirn Heid Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 3-23-04 Sheet: 1 of 1129 North Frontage Road Report: Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Greek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpqeo@h pqeotech.com Structure: GMU Walls Specifications I Plans Used tr Shop Drawings Used r Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation I Part-TimeObservation Re-Examined: SteelGrade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: n/a Splices:65 bar diameters Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: nla lnplace Compliance r Met Project n Met Project Requirements tr Date RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined Initially Examined Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Technician Reviewed Bv Elevation Reinforcement CommentsHorizontal Size / Soacin Vertical Size / Soacin #4 @24" on centerAtoBon4Line#5 @24" on center 5 - #9 @ each end 8292' to 8296' 8292'to 8296'#4 @24" on center#5 @24" on center 2 -#9 @ each end DtoEon2Line 8292' to 8296'#4 @24" on center#5 @24" on center 2 -#9 @ each end BtoConSLine REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 3-25-04Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Report: Vail, Golorado 8165i Project: Middle Greek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Sheet: 1 of 1 c&Etecn HEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 clenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpqeo@hDqeotech.com Structure: CMU Walls RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined !nitially Examined t Plans Used tr Shop Drawings Used r Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation I Pad-Time Observation Re-Examined: Specifications Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:36" 65 bar diameter Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: nla lnplace Compliance r Met Project tr Met Project Requirements tr Date Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Field Technician Reviewed Bv Reinforcement CommentsElevationHorizontal Size / SoacinSize / Soacin #4 @24" on.center#5 @24" on center 5 - #9 @ each end 8296'to 8300'AtoBon4Line #4 @24" on center#5 @24" on center 2 -#9 @ each end 8296'to 8300'BtoConSLine #4 @24" on center#5 @24" on center 2 -#9 @. each end 8296'to 8300'DtoEon2Line c&Etecrt 5020 County Road 'l54 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpqeo@hpqeotech.comHEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Job No: Report: 103 597-2 Date: Sheet: 4-21-04 'lof1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Steel Grade: Reinforcing Cleanliness: Clearance & Cover: Splices: Bar Supports: Type: Height: r Met Project Requirements When lnitially Examined 60 clean nla 65 bar diameters n/a nla Inplace Compliance tr Met Project Requirements When Re-Examined r Plans Used u Shop Drawings Used tr Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation r Part-TimeObservation tr Date Re-Examined: Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Structure: GMU Walls for Buildin Specifications Comments Reinforcement Size / Soacin Size / Spacin #5 @ 24" on center #4 @24" on center elevator & stairwell west of 1 Line 8284',to 8288' see details Note 5: S.131 elevator & stairwell west of 1 Line 2 - #9 at each corner 4 - #9 at each end Field Technician Reviewed By c&Ftect't 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpqeo@hpqeotech.comHEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 Nofth Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Job No: 103 597-2 Date: Report: Sheet: .4-27-04 1 oI1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Steel Grade: Reinforcing Cleanliness: Clearance & Cover: Splices: Bar Supports: Type: Height: r Met Project Requirements When Initially Examined 60 clean nla 65 bar diameters nla n/a Inplace Gompliance tr Met Project Requirements When Re-Examined r Plans Used I Shop Drawings Used tr Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation Part-Time Observation - Date Re-Examined: Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Joe Benedict Structure: Buildinq C Specifications Reinforcement CommentsElevation Size / SpaciSize / Soaci #4 @24" on center #5 @24" on center 2 - #9 each corner elevator/stairwell Buildinq C 8288'to 8292', #5 at24" on center 5 #9 at each end tA@24" on center 8316'to 8320' AtoBon4Line Field Technician Reviewed By BoB- ol HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hoqeo@hpqeotech.com REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Jim Heid Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 3-3-04 Revised Sheet: 1 of 1129 North Frontage Road Report: Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Structure: Masonrv CMU Wall. Buildinq C Specifications Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:65 bar diameters Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: nla Inplace Compliance r Met Project n Met Project Requirements n Date RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined Initially Examined I Plans Used r Shop Drawings Used r Contractor Advised n Full-TimeObservation I Part-Time Observation Re-Examined: Progress Report: Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv Reinforcement Comments Size / SSize / Soaci 1-#4@24"#5 @24" on center AtoBon4Line 8288'1" to 8292',1" I -#4 @24"DtoEon2Line #5 @24" on center 8288'1" to 8292',1" 1 -#4 @24"#5 @24" on center 8288'1" to 8292',1" BtoGon2Line 2 -#9 @ each end 5 - #9 (o each end 8288'1" to 8292',1" see detail3 note 5 = S1.31 BtoGonSLine AtoBon4Line see detail3 note 5 = 51.31 8288'1" to 8292'1" 2 -#9 @ each endDtoEon2Line c&Ftecn 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone; 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hoqeo@h ooeotech.comHEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Report of Masonry Grout Testing Shaw Construction Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 3-3-04 Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Sheet: 1 of 1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Project: Middle Greek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado ,mBtoDonSLinePlacement Location: Building C, CMU Wall fro fyp" a Sire oi Sp""it"n.: Cast in btoft cetls and a 3" diameter core cut Supplier: Lafarge Mix Design No: A-GBF 3800 Time Batched: Ticket No: nla Truck No: F teld I estrno lnlormation: Time Samoied: n/a Slump: in. Water Added: Air Temperature: o Sample Temperature: o Specified Strength: 4000 psi@ 28 Days Progress Report: 7-day cores exfriUiteU some sfrrin*age ctu"f". - Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Lafarge - Rick Seymour Tim Hayworth Michael Evans Field Technician Reviewed Bv Compressive Stre es ln Age Days 7 7 28 28 Date Tested 3-10 3-10 3-31 3-31 Maximum Load (lbs)'11,925 13,994 26,622 28,807 Length (in)6.0 6,0 6.0 6.0 Diameter (in)3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Area (in')7.07 7.07 7.07 7.07 L/D Ratio 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 L/D Correction 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Compressive Strength (psi) 1680 1980 3760 4070 c&Etecn 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone:970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h pqeo@h pqeotech.com Prism Testing HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Report of Masonry Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 3-3-04 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Placement Location: not provided Masonry Contractor: Block Supplier: Prism Data: grout filled NominalDimensions: 8x8x16 Bedding: full shell Type of Masonry Unit:light weight ressive Stren th Testin Specified Strength: 1900 psi@ 28 Days Progress Report: Prism was made by contractor and picked up by HP Geotech. Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Michael Evans Age (days) Date Tested Capped Height (in) Length (in) Width (in) Gross Area (in Net Area (in') Maximum Load (lbs) Gross Strength (psi) Net Strength (psi) Field Technician Reviewed By REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job No: Report: 103 597-2 Date: Sheet: 3-3-04 1of1 8cr3 - o tqf Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado c&Ftecn R L r" .,., , i ; r: 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601,F., Phone:970-945-7988 /< Fax:970-94s-84s4 L-h / hPoeo@ h oqeotech.comtu+HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Structure: Masonry CMU Wall, Buildinq G Steel Grade: Reinforcing Cleanliness: Clearance & Cover: Splices: Bar Supports: Type: Height: r Met Project Requirements When Initially Examined Specifications 60 clean nla 65 bar diameters nla nla Inplace Compliance tr Met Project Requirements When Re-Examined I Plans Used I Shop Drawings Used I Contractor Advised ! Full-TimeObservation r Part-TimeObservation tr Date Re-Examined: Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Gharlie Davis Field Technician Reinforcement CommentsElevationHorizontal Size / Spacin Veftical Size / Spaci #4@24" on center 9288',1" to 8292',1" AtoBon4Line #4 @24" on center 8288'1" to 8292',1" DtoEon2Line #4 @24" on center 8288',1" to 8292',1" BtoCon2Line see detail3 note 5 = 51.31 2 -#9 @ each end 5 - #9 @ each end 8288'1" to 8292',1" BtoGonSLine AtoBon4Line see detail3 note 5 = S1.31 2 -#9 @ each end8288'1" to 9292',1" DtoEon2Line MAR-42-2444 t4.Ag GEOTECH P.A3/43 & i HEPWOFTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970€,f5-7988 Fax:970€45-8454 !psg9@!E@!c9!:s9n REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Gonstruction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vall, Golorado 81657 Job No:103 597-2 boT- o14 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Proiect' Vail, Golorado 2-27-04 Structure: Buildins G, Masonryl9M Location Elevation Relnforcement CommentsVertical Size / Spacing Horizontal Size / Spacit AtoBon4Line 9284'-1" to 8288'- 1" #@24" on center 1-#5@ bond beam DtoEonLLine 8284', - 1" to E288'-1" #4@24" on center 1-#s@ bond beam BtoGonBLine 8284', -1"to E288'- 1" H@24" on center 1.#5@ bond beam BtoGonOLine AtoEon4Line 8284',-1" to 8288'- 1" 5 -#g@ boundry elements per dwg. 51.31 detail 3, note 5 DtoEon2Llne EzE4',-1" to E288'- 1" 5 -#9 @ boundry elements per dwg. S1.31 detail3, note 5 SteelGrade: Reinforcing Cleanliness: Clearance & Cover: Splices: Bar Supports: Type: Height: IMet Proiec{ Requirements When Initially Examined U Walls Specifications 60 clean n/a 65 bar diameter min. n/a lnplace GomPliance n Met ProJect Requirements When Re-Examined I Plans Used I Shop Drawings Used I Contractor Advised o Full-TimeObservation r PartJime Observation tr Date Re.Examined: Progress Reporh Copies: O'Dell Archltects - Lee ltlaeon Town of Vall - Charlie Davls Tim Havrrorth Tom Westhoff r'AR-A2-aAA 13:59 GEOTECH & HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 5020 CountY Road 154 Glenwood SPrlngs. CO 81501 Phone: 970445-79EE Fax 970-945€454 hoFeo@hoqeotech,com REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Gonstruction Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Job No: 103597-2 Date:2-254,4 .boS-olq? Project: Middle Greek Affordable Housing Prolect, Vail, Colorado P.82/43 Struc"ture: Buildl SteelGrade: 50 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Glearance & Cover: nla Splices: Bar Supports: Type: Height: rMet Proiect Requirements When Initially Examined CMU WaIIs Specifications 65 bar diameter min. nla Inplace ComPliance o Met Proiect Requirements When Re-Examined Comments I Plans Used r Shop Drawings Used I ContractorAdvised tr Full-Time Obseruation I Part-Time Observation n Date Re'Examined: 1.#5@ bond beam 8280'- 1" lo 82E4'-1" AtoBon4Line g2g0'- 1" lo 8284'-1" DtoEonLLine 8280'- 1" to 8284'- {" BtoConSLine per dwg. 51.31 detall3. note 5 5.#g @ boundry elements 8280'- 1" to 8284'-1" BtoGonSLine AtoBon4Line per dwg, S{.315 -#g @ boundry elements 8280', - 'l " to 8284'- 1" DtoEon2Line Progress Report: Copies: O'Dell Archibcts - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlle Davis Tom Westhoff Fleld Technician ^^ REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 2-25-04 Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Golorado Revised Structure: Buildino G. Masonrv GMU Walls Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla Splices:65 bar diameter min. I Plans Used I Shop Drawings Used r Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation I Part-TimeObservation Re-Examined: Bar Supports: Type: nla Height: Inplace Gompliance rMet Project tr Met Project Requirements t: Date Requirements When When Re-Examined lnitially Examined Progress Kepon: Copies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff Field Technician Reviewed Bv e: E u||otn ason a Location Elevation Reinforcement CommentsVertical Size / Spacing Horizontal Size / Spacinq AtoBon4Line 8280', - 1" to 8284' -'1" #5 @24" on center 1 -#4 @24" DtoEonLLine 8280', - 1" to 8284'-1" #s @24" on center 1 -#4 @24" BtoGonSLine 8280', - 1" to 8284'-1" #5 @24" on center 1-#4@24" BtoConSLine AtoBon4Line 8280' - 1" to 8284'-1" 5 -#9 @ boundry elements per dwg. 51.31 detail 3, note 5 DtoEon2Line 8280', - 1" lo 8284' -'1" 5 -#9 @ boundry elements per dwg. 51.31 detail 3, note 5 Specifications ffiT'..,s-otq ,*1I|ft 5020 County Road 154 Jl Glenwood Springs, CO 8'1601r, Phone:970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 h poeo@hpoeotech.com 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hoqeo@h pqeotech.comHEPWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL OBSERVATIONS Shaw Construction Job No: 103 597-2 Date: 2-27-04 Jim Heid Revised 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Project: Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project, Vail, Colorado Structure: Buildino C. Masonrv CMU Walls Steel Grade: 60 Reinforcing Cleanliness: clean Clearance & Cover: nla I Plans Used r Shop Drawings Used I Contractor Advised tr Full-TimeObservation r Part-Time Observation Splices:65 bar diameter min. Bar Supports: Type: n/a Height: Inplace Compliance rMet Project ! Met Project Requirements ! Date RequirementsWhen WhenRe-Examined Initially Examined Re-Examined: Progress Report: Cooies: O'Dell Architects - Lee Mason Town of Vail - Charlie Davis Tim Hayworth Tom Westhoff ruclu re: E ultqtn ason a Location Elevation Reinforcement CommentsVertical Size / Spacing Horizontal Size / Spacino AtoBon4Line 8284', - 1" to 8288'- 1" #5 @24" on center 1 -#4 @24" DtoEonLLine 8284', -'1"to 8288'- 1" #5 @24" on center 1 -#4 @24" BtoConSLine 8284', - 1" to 8288'- 1" #5 @24" on center 1 -#4 @24" BtoConSLine AtoBon4Line 9284', - 1" to 8288'- 1" 5-#9@boundry elements per dwg. 51.31 detail 3. note 5 DtoEon2Line g2g4' - 1" to 8288'- 1" 5 -#9 @ boundry elements per dwg. 51.31 detail 3. note 5 Specifications Field Technician Reviewed Bv 06t22t05 To: Charlie Davis From: Paul Schul9 This letter is in regards to the balancing report for the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. One ofthe issues in the report described some ofthe exhaust fans being painted shut in certain areas. This issue has been resolved, The building was walked and the fans that rvere observed to be painted shut have been opened. Please call with any questions, -Paul Schultz 970-904-003s Cc: Greg Denckla Shaw Construction, LLa BULLETIN No.00057129 N. Frontage Road vail. CO 81657 TITLE: Underdrain Design Review PROJECT:Middle Creek TO:Attn: Charlie Davis Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 97 0-479-2142 Fax: 97 0-47 9-2452 DATE:3/31/04 JOB:1577 STARTED: COMPLETED: REQUIRED: 4/7/04 REMARKS: DIRECTIVE: Proceed Please review the attached documents for changes to the conhact documents: Construction Team Member: The following documents have been transmitted to you for incorporation into thework. Should our contract be affected by these documents, please forward your detailed quotation, withcomplete breakdown, referencing the above Bulletin Number in accordance with the following ,pr.i"tinstructions if any by: Date Response Due: Apil7,2004 PLEASE NOTE: If a request for additional costs is not received by the above date, payment will not beconsidered. See Subcontract and General Conditions. ATTACHED DOCTIMENTS: Letter from Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. dated 3/30/04. Please call with questions. Thank you. Reported Signed: Exp€dition @ //, "",", 7f Erf 04 NAR-34-2494 L5t24 H-P GE0TECHa c&6tecrt I.iEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNKAL March 30, 2004 Shaw Constnrction Artn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 61657 P.@./84 Fiel:ru r:'rrlr .l)arvi trl, Li..orr':'!rrrir;u!, lttc, :l.J-?i'l (.irrnrn' ! ir r.rJ I 54 (lj(.11$, x.',i Snlrrr,p. C,'!r,.,'.i,' sl(rci l'lrrrr rc- t)7tJ)4 i-?9$S i!!s: ')7i1.(,1i.{i1i4 o::aii: Irirgco(4hpg.:otr:ul,.i.lln Job No. lO35n Subjccu Rsview of Underdrain Design and Observatiou ofExcavation, Proposed Building A, Middle Crek Affordatrle Housing Projoct, Vaii, Colorado Dear lim: As rcquested, we nade several visits to the subject site betrveen Deccmber 17, 2003 and Marcb22,2204 to discuss the buildi[g underdraiu design, observe its construction, and observe thc building excrvation eryo$€d for foundation bearing conditions. The tintlings of our observatio* and recommenCations for the underdrain and foundation designs are presentcd in this repon. Hepworth-Pawlsk Ceotechnical has beon pertbnning part{irne construction observation ard testing for tbe project under the above job urmber. Koechlein Consulting Eogineers, Inc. (KCE) previously performed a soil$ and foundation iwestiguio'n for tte projcct, rEport dxod March 74, ?ffiz, Job No. 0l-136. Building A will be a 3 story wood frass structura with a slab-on-grado ground floor locuted in the southwestern portion of tbe site, fire design grouud floor elevations are 8218.5 feet in the eastern 1/3 of the building and 8213.5 feet iu the western 2/3 of the building. The buildiry has been designed to be supported on spread footings using the recommendadom provided in KCE's report. The KCE report tecomoendcd an altowable soil bearing pnessurc of 4,500 psf for the spread fmting fourdation design. At the uphill (nortbem) side ot the building will bc a 20 to 25 foor higb soil nail wall lglxining the cut with about 3 feet of space between the soil nail wall ard the wooden buildiqg stnrcture. Dtrring co$truction of the soil nail wall in December 2003, considerable groundwater was encountered in about the lower 5 feet of tbe excavation in the wqstem (lowcr) portion of thc prrposcd building. During a site visit on December 17, we estimatsl the seepage flow rate to be absut ?.0 to 25 gallons per minute. At this dme we rccomrnsnded additional drain covcrage behid dre soil nail wall and a buildiry underdrain systefi to cuutml the seepage antl dewatpr the builditg ercavation. Thc building unrlerdrain system was recommended to consist of perimeter aD(l interior lateral drains plac€d at least 2 feet below floor slab elevation. Parlcr .10.1.841-7119 . ColoradoSprings 719-633-5562 r Silverthome 970-466-t989 NRR-38-2@4 15:24 H-P GEOTECHo P.63/44 Shaw Constrlstion March 30, 2004 Page2 Yenter Companies, the soit nail wall design/build contractor, reportedly installed several horiZontal drains ard increased drainage mat covcxage behind the wall frou t0% to 20![ irr the high $e€PEge flow area with the drairs beiug dischargcd into an 8 inch diameter ttmin prpe at the base of the wall whiuh discbnrged with thc building underdrain syst€m, Thc building undcrdrein systcm, desigaed by Peak Civil Enginecriqg (dated December 22, 2W3), cossistfd of a perfuneter drain and intcrior latoral drains on abost 15 to 20 feer spacrng below the western (lower) portion of tho building. The rlrain prpe was 6 insh diametu perimeter and 4 inch diameter lateral placed a minimum 2 feet below slab elevadon and sunoundcd by drain gravel, and connecFd with 8 irsh diamcler pipe for gravily outlet. During our site visit ou Febnnry lE, tbe soil nail wall was esseutially complcte aurl the buildiug underdrain systEB had beeq iDstalted and the syste$s appeared to be adequatoly sontrolling the groundweter secpage. Orr March 2, 2W we observed the fcruudation excavation for Building A Io be underway with coarse gmuulu soils being encountered. On March 22,the foundation excavation was essentially complete and had been cut in 3 Ievels from about 4 io 25 feet below the adjacerf groffid surface. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consistal of rclativcly dense, silty clayey sand ad gravet with cobbles and boulders covareil by ttp to about 2 feet of minus I tl inc,h free draining gravel in areas. There was some grcmrdwat€r secpage being encountcred ia thc footing excavation aloog thc south and west sidcs of the cxcavation wherc the exsavation$ were deeper than thc underdnin systcm. The groundwater entering the trenches was being adertruatety cootrolled by trenches oulside the footing sreas leading to e surnp where the water $/as collected and pumped. The soil corditions exposed in the excavation appear coruistent with those previously ercountered on thc site by KCE and suitable for support of spr€ad fooiingi.q designed for the recoumerdcd allowable bcaring pressure of 4,500 psf. Loose and disturbcd soils should be temoved in the footing areas to expose fhe undisrurbed natural soils. It should be feasible to place up to a few feet ofdrain rock below the footirU and slab areas. The water scts?age into ttre excavation should continue to be collectcd and diverted away from the footing areir ard arty sonerrcd soils ard mud renoved before concrete placematt. Other recommendations presented iu the KCE report which are applicable should also be observod. Tho soil nail wall should be designed as a pemanetrt stucture which typically includes c,poxy coatcd nails to resist corrosion and a thisk€r reinforced .shotcrete wall section. We understand from Yenter Coryanies that the wall was designed and constructed as a pernurcnt structurE. The wall should bc monitored on a rcgular basis for any indicatioru of excessive movement or cracking. Job No, 103 597 ee&ecrt t4AR-34-2464 15:25 Rev. H_P GEOTECI{o P.M/44 Shaw Consuuction Mardr 30, 2004 Page 3 The recornmendations submined in rhis letFr arc based on information provided to tts' our observation of thc soils exposed within the fsundation cxcavation and the previous subsurtbce exploration et the site by othen. Variations in the subsurface corditions bclow the excavation could increase the risk of foundatlm nnvcmerot. V/e should be advised ofany variatiorui encourteted in the excavation cotrditions for possible changes to recomneudatioru coutained in this letter. If you have any guestions or need furthcr assistance, please call otu office' Sirrcerely. INC. David A.Young, P SLP DAY/djb c{: Odeil Architects P. C. - Attn: Les ldasom Peak Civil Engineering - Atm: Mark Tarrall l(B5vtJob No. c$tecrr TOTAL P.A4 oo o o E RIVIERAELECTRIC \ \{|| An IES company Middle Creek Housing Of{ice GoPY Firestop Subminal For Approval o o I= RIVIERAELECTRlC I F\ AnrEscompanyor! 410 Mccregor Drive, Suite 210 P.O. Box 1417 Gypsum, Colorado 81637 Phone: (970) 3284111 Fax: (970) 3284111 Submittalfor Approval Project: General Controctor: Date Submitted: Contents: Middle Creek Affordable Housing 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Our fob # 03041 PM: Tom Sullivon Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand function, Colorado 81506 PM: Barry Monroe March 11,2004 Firestop g^ Xe/rth/ GJ'Ul tf Ra,EcrED. REusE&HEflHr s| REvTEwEDAsNoTED \4Asubaidiaryofps 4f,, IES www.aes-co.com,/ l.\rV ffi Hforming a char that will seal off the opening and prevent the spread of flames. This operation alone limits the temperature rise on an unexposed surface. Bio FireshieldrM Firestop Gasket meets the requirements of all model building codes as a solution to the 24" Rule. 26Ol Spenwick Drive Houston, TX 77055 PH (713) 263-800{ / (8OO) 231-3345 FX (713) 263-7577 / (8OO) 44r-OO5r .------ l-!-t:--^r-!-tl --- Patent Pending UL Classified ,-6"* @ 2002 Rectorseai a o Firestoppint Peids for Use lnside ss.ffiforec o&HetrRfr'mP" . Single component fire rated pad for use in electrical boxes. . Easily inserted inside the back wall of any electrical box. . Expands forming a char when exposed to fire. . Seals off openings and prevents the spread of flames. . Installs easily - No mixing or special equipment required. . Meets wall opening protective material classifications in accordance with UL 263 and ASTM E-119 (Fire Tests of Building Construction Materials) test standards. For more information on our firestopping products, call (713) 263-8001. PAG|(AO|ltO: GODE SIZE OTY. PER G/ASE 66496 66497 2" x4" 4'x4' 50 50 Innovative products from the name you've trusted for years 2601 Spenwick Drive ' Houston, TX 77055 ph (713) 263-8001'fax (713) 263-7577 www.rectorsealcom Ol90g Th. R..bfs@l Co.!flddt o Sent 8y: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;Dec-10-0U:21AM;408 654 0475;Page 1/l Gregory P. Luth tt Associates Struchu.ll lrlghrct:ts and Builders Io&hIM lo&lwtt;.. Dfildltlro-Wltrytffiffitw To: (bupany: Addreesr Fhonelthnnben FaxNumbcr: hron: Date: nlgcs lrctudhgGovcr: I?: Cc: Memorandufii ChailieDavid, Torvn of VaiI ?5 S. &sntage Road vail, Co 81657 (nq47*2142 (nqi-47e-2t38 GregoryP. Luth Doce.rnber 10,2003 I Commentc: Dear Sir, This mcmmadum is to doctrment a pner corrrcrsation behveen Jim Heid of Shawcollsmrcdon imd Cbris llake. e of GPI-A, regrding the use of htrizontal cotd joints in rhe castin plm corrrete walls on thc.rdddlc croet< vittage project The rne of norizcntat cold jdnts faa been appoved ae lurg as the wal rehfwed;ntlr ccntinuous tlrough rhc joinr 1i r a rplicc is to occur, the bar mu$ cxEnd post thc jgrnr the splicc lcngrlr indicatei'in ttre genmal nbrcs, s l.0l ). Pleam feel freE to contscr mc at (409) 6s4-ri+zs ir yir l*c *y g**i*-* Sinrxruly, '-1 .' ..'..q --.. t.t....,., /L-b/ ,o/t sI.,Ph.Crregory P. Luth,D. President and Chi ef Enginecr ..== . . .A A[t nrtc[ 4l rfie lftnaissutrcl1lt1sg4 $rq4n __1351, ?.,oii Grvu . *r,ie rr Srorn Ctnrq CA pEooa . ro,ognoio lir oai oozo Office GoPY Bo3- olq? MCV Building A Pcer Rcview Comment Responses l4e L,Iasm, Odell tuchibcts (3SJ)67C-1-t6Z- Jim IIei4 Shaw Consrrstiqr (970) 476{[44 Ol-lr-ro ?-t.m, V,n nt4g Arl .,:ar.t F,hL u,ra,araa ttwry GPt_. rc.cou F6ri 4q0 €Da oat6 Seot By: KL&A OF CALIFOBNIA;408 654 0475:oec-tt$ 1o:ooAM;Page 1/1 Gregory P. Luttt €s Associates Stnr(h|ro] gnglrt{* irrd Euiklrrs tobf{Dilr lerl,I''d(,.' IutiditlrAa;kvful. GID66M To: Coupany: Addrcss! PhoneNumber: FaxNumber: Fnrm: Date: Pages Including Covcr: FE; Cc: Metnorandum Churlie David, Town of Vail ?5 S. ftonragr Road Vail,C081657 (v|qu9aw2, (wo)479-2138 QegmyP.I;rth December I l,2003 I MCV Horizontal Cold Joint Use Lce Mssou, OdeU Alchitects ($3) 670-7162 Iim Hei4 Shaw Construction (n$ 47GW Comnents: (Th* twt <rrt&m smt thra,ryh ye*eday was titled Thir nerutntufum supe rs e dz s y *e tdzy' s ne mo rotdor ) Dear Sir. This memtrardum is to documont a prior con'rersadon between Jim }treid of Shaw consffuction and Chris Hakes of GPLA, reguding the use of horizonral cold joints in thc cast in placc conclcte walls on the middlc occk villagc projccl Thc use of trorim'qtal cobinms fas bcen apgoved as long as thc wall reinforcemntls iontinuors tbrough tfupinr (if a splie is to otrur, the bar must cxtend past tre joint ttre sptice lengtjr hdicsted in tnl general n61eq s l'01). Please fecl fiec 00 contsct mE ar (408) 6i+0475 if pu have any question-s. Sinoelely, GegoryP. Irth, S-E'., Ph.D. Plesident and Chief Enginccr ,._-,. - _ - -j4.:\ldufi# (t tht frtnnLrrffic,,I}'Jjistt g.nnfi., SSSO Aru[ Blz.l., suttr Zl gstttc Clcre OA 0505.t r Ttlephsq€ +OS OSa 0rrg Frrr too 0$. O{7A O$ lt-ll l,lemg vaif {|loo dqrt - rd,td ia,nt s*.,luu aw.GFLAtNC.CoI DEC-89-2ai43 12:53 H-P GEOTECH I)ccember E, 2003 Shaw Construction Attn: Jim Heid 129 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 P.@2/@4tu HEPVVORTH. PAWLAK CEOTECHNICAL U llelrrr'r:'ir!r-l'rru'l;t:i (-)r;rrtr:t irrricr!. [nr;. i lC Crrurr)' lUatl 154 ( ils:tttt' r.rd trfnrr:1", (:()t('[ti'i,, * ! i{l l 11',u',, t)ii-'rtli f(/ilu irN, 1t'l(t,!'j s,ll4i4 r:nriril: hlut.l ltr.4ill'f{coICC h.t.t ttlt DEC 1 ',' 2003 597 Sultject:Bxcavation Observation, Proposed Building C, Middle Crtek Affbrdable Housing hojcct, Vail, Colorado Dear Jim: Au reguested, the undersigned observetl the excavation at the subject site on November 20,ZOO3 to evaluatp tbe soils exposed for foundation $upport. Thc lindings ofour otrserVations and comments regarding the foundation design arc presented in this report. Hepworth - Pawlak Geotcchnical has becn perfordillg part-tim€ construction observation an<I testing lbr the project under the above job nurnbcr. Thc services are as rJiscussed in our proposals to you dated Septembcr 1l arrl October ?l , zffii . Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. (KCE) previously performed a soils and foudation investigation ttrr the project, rcpofl datal March 14,2{n2, Joh No. 0l'136. Building C witl be a 5 story wood-frame structure over 3 storics of below grede puking of pre-cast copcrete constructioil. Ground floor will be slah-on-grade. The buiJding has been designed to be suPported on spread footings ueing thc recommendations provided in KCE's rtpoft. the KCE report rccomnerded a 4,500 psfallowable soil bearing presstre for the sprcad footing ftlundation design' At the tinre of our November 20 site vi$it, thc foundation constructiou for Building C was nearly complete. The excavation for the fouxlation had bees cut in uurltiple lcvels up to about 25 feet belttw the ground surfac€, daylighting to the $outb' The soils expgsecl iu thc bonorn of tlrc excavation consisted primarily of relatively dense, silty clayey saurl and gravel with cobbles and boulders. In thc dceper cut of tltc norlhwest conrer of the excavatign, hard shale bedrock was el{poscd. Tbe resulls of a gadation anrlysis performcd on a sample of the sand and gravel with cohble materinl obtained frum the site (minus 5 inch fraction) are presentrrl on attash€d Figure l. Testing pert'ormul on thc le-compacted footing subgrade areas, rEportcd separately, indicates cornpactiou crf at ieast 100% clf the maximum standard Ptnctor derrsity. No free water was encountered in thc excavation and the soils werc typically moist. Tirc soil contlitions exposed in the cxcavation appear consistcst wirh thrtse previo*tly encountcred on the site by KCE and suitable tor support of spread footings designed for thcir recornrnended allowablc bearing plcsjsure of 4,500 psf. Tlrcre Could be somc ditTcrential settlemeut betwce!. the soil and bcdrock bcarirtg arcas. Ioose atd disturbed Parker 30.1-841-71i9 r (hloradoSprings 719-6J3-5562 . Silverttrorne 9?0-45U-1989 Ofrfice so1 EcD' ol DEC-€9-2a/e'3 12:53 H_P GEOTECHo P,A3/44 Shaw Cousnucdon December 8,2M3 Page2 materials should be rernoved in the footing areas to expose the undishrrted natural soils or bedrock. Thc bearing soils shcnrld bc protectal from freezing during the sonstruction, Other foundadon design recommendations prascnted in KCE report which are applicable should also be observed. The recomrnendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils and bedrock exposcd within the fourrdation excavation and the previous subsurface exploration at the site by otrers. Variations in tbe subsurface conditions below the excavation could increase the risk of fbundation movement. We should be advised of any variations encountcred in dre excavation conditions for pr.rssible change$ to recommendatioos conmird in this letter. If there are any questions or if we may be of further a$sistatrce, please Iet us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - P David A. Young, P.E Rev. by: SLP DAY/ksw Odell Architects, P.C. - Attn Lee Mason Job # 103 597 Gd&ecn DEC-49-2AA3 !2.54 H-P GEOTECHo P.A4/A4 TOTAL P.A4 .a 1.t ,t ,,'l;l;- ll.tr r.C Vr(^vlrg\altrr"lFJt|'ql qq.tlllY i.A .etcC0oZplrodo& €!@trpdoJ<n:a f": t14. q at f^r r.t li"' n Tr,4,, E'*';t -t?t E,rE lEtgEigI -!* *$g E€c Fig€t:IIBE EEE}'EI ]':cl:#Il{* tgE^ g gff fi EiEEi*Eg;fu ff?Ftf. E fi E f,fi fr E -gE E 3 A gEF; Ei €Ei$e?$ea*iig i F€-'*i,"'-":i817, g ; i ; ; ''; :;, T ,gEhF.o",F- €aie *7 *aI H |5-' w cxEIzfr3:3'UE .I ;* A il EE T*l *5;Rf=? ffil PZF**5.i.S,c rfl gEeHE;!3 ?Sl frEaEs4Eil ?{l i.€TSEIvg XFl &EElE*n E I !:l a- ct n T*.1 6-: a : '"'' f,l -4.4 '', tt'Frlc?! t,l le 9E ,it Bii{ EIEE ? gi?,.,+i € E,4E E+Tt€rE?E:{,,galEir1is|ii ir E'i Ei.r'iia'ii ia1l,=4in4i i v Ei gs L,*T{fri ie itli; " x+ EE EzElttr3E#EE |;1uE|E|': {EAS;=€'€1*1'*u4,IHE3iE;1i,- 3: 'zli$1n * E* 3$ ai #- fl ilE €{i,E*ui g a',gga. 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Ei E *EF E E? iF .e{E{'{gfs.*=E*futi €ss FErs E E€f tE*gE$ fi#s.E=:= g:E:;: NF) *Ef, € €€tE*+E I*E.E€ ;i;€ttt$$EEEFg*EtEg {EFg# t#EgrgBf " EE Egt s €g*€€g€€!EE{Es$€g$€sffEE565# F€s3 E E E# H Hs F E zl EIpl FIal 8lQl Ftl <l Fl Fll <lzl olzl (,l e.i ol N(r)ci ci v ei c) q) .{Joz g L q) cq)\t l'ryl|llrfnvtEt{lgzio\Arrut qlpFrrI rp tloFrarrE\.prda{Jvea C{ri\,;:i't Ptr.=!o3-s m .+ o iq)- 6 €Fi; H?zN {E e LL+,us go-'P $E$ ; .E .gta,88EElL0. ss':IIt66 N l.o \ l-o)D \ \ oi) .g+)oolr cl-o o-oF .F)o q) uo |'L {J-oLIL 63 oz -o cfoLg (+ o o_oF .|)o q) Uol! +JcoLl! C) \i- NN ti- N C 3 .9 csL U (h \ O --J f,a ,t';7 Sn gi3$s uzH oHFIz fi EoU & EIFz ht)r 4 { c .9 .9. 0)u o 0)!a onp'lr3l,\t|rtaEr\a/pE{ qsF.qp tF }to-go^.f..d^g\t i)'.1r Fir.=ao _a -s tf+o .fl J= 6ff {r H If :ue 30i P $F$ ; cg!, a,TT(LL rfII d. F\, IIIiiiiII +o*grfig,i6 Elevotion (ft)$8$$$$ t,t,t.t,t,l $ C;z | , r '------r----r--l$$$$$ (tJ) tlogPnal3 c 5 etl cq, U 6 o ;o A .sL o o .>{ 5 H I :> o3 =z T E|J o &F T 5 I F ,J o .,! 9i P 6 E It b o .E I5 $ .tJ {L(t t -!5 g 'c I c ! T T 6 g = flqLchllnc urlth odJocent ruoll + + + + 16'l +FE + + + + +N + + + l+-tt- t+ I +t + + + ,it .*+$ 1++1 + + l(nl +r:igl +' l+tl f + + @ + t + + + ? + I + + $+ -op LEor f+ l* + + + + ). a aI a a a EI E tl Fg\ ..i ..t 6.\|d .i bE IJ c d 7 o7 7 7 Bed 11 3q) ; co *,o g tu g fl F d 7 VTHFIz g U Ez Ft a $a g$ mdl..o $i ffip F Nt\ F6iFt-l FtcaoG| c .9v, o E, 0) c)sa lnpHf l^S||fV/\glE !\A|ru{ ''Fngnlp lp^ t}W\pFra.rdrrt r F'\).=ro -E-s o+o Io- d €F E; H?z d iE :ee Eg; I $F$ ; t. s.88EE(LO x8,sI:l56 Nn gi$$F E vIrlEz er EU & H H )x { { kq at .v.,v oteiaS EsJ:i$iI IiEEiS$g r! f A I t't * I !Hr:rattEI9r'8$#€l} +.Et -,Ag.i6 b I Ns Elevotion (ft) $$$$$8 l,t.t,t,t,l o .Eq 5 E\ s luaubas 11om luaaol'po qllm aullq4DLJ r T----r----l$fi I I $ :)I 5 ! I ut o &F IJ Itt-\t 8Rss (U) uotpaarg o! 9 dz P6 ; |oN o 6 o I x I c -9ozrt6 6 = $ ++ +++ + ++ + i- d.+ri +,> + F+ +tt *d.i + + EI + + + + + + + + tN't +T@ + + + 3 .9 c\) "fo g r! c .9 v, q)E 0) c) a 0'|?l€t l&rrv i:ttE A|rnl qpFrt p tF tto-34\.r.dald\,3 P'\),=ro3s,\st: I €Fi; H\z N {E e LL+)us Eq)-i I $F$ ; .s .g )1, )l88EELO. sfel!T Sn gi!$F U a ra Hz fi EoI & EClrz F 4 { ttlHro6.F.odard\€ ,n.,..'...?{ JI \J ql -c{J {-) UkojjpPio.= I-iJ r-U'U_ bP CF'ubvz p Cf I \,, (n-T (n5t Pz{62>T -'.<rc --c E g,t.' L.-CuSqt o_-o- -'o'szz o) .g -+)oo LL (+ o o_o c{ q) \)o(+ Ll (r) -o c oL \5 g o ;\) q) (J.) IoooL \J ct F lnplE$r€ Jt^l{rq q.pt ,lc tp^ P.\.l.=.o3-s Ftl t $T .Er $?z N tE e LLPuLt E-9i S $F$ ; L 3s o EIc .T f, o iA6't AE I ad"ol}Tt1s ${s **#!n88EEL(LrfII s,li $:l E$l.l ooL $ =oL 6u .c 3 A nIF -r < lJlF otLrg j b I F rJ cz b o -so, T4 3 .t Lo E ! P E b { T a E .c 6u N 3F h $li il o slr .Hlr ol3l *l'Eliiloq 3r l.E u I,f; $ ;Ft .b t", 3i! Dz x *i:lir iii{l ri L--li I I I I'6 q) o oz TcfoL\t 4 { d a vI Hz E(J &H H a )i Sn gi$$F ottp.|lfitvf€de|,O\ttrlta qeFrtp l|! rrg-3ugwrd.{CNe E t$ ttr t€ if e! l) ! o =oEo nEgo EI oifir8r E$ $fuu T o F b E .g EIL sIJ To !0 .E .El'u tx L|Jo *tAJ JI gE 83 .sE OL ri irIiff6I o ,sF _ Eli'F ol rnl $sl b L3l L d h le F sl' rAl F$l Io T.lEg OF1 I(t TIL oL -t o -d q E Lo T A cq 5oIx lr.l lufi$ +/+ 3=S-S-\++ + ++ +t= =\=g =r{t+ + ++ != =-r= -\++ .E{ g'6 +)q) o 'oz 10cfoL \5 P-\).=ro3-s o*o Io- a €9 Ei H IE :u\t gg;9 $E$ ; .g ,EtTt88EEL(L x5 gslgs U a v,HFIz tr B(J & EC 2 h]> DnF]!lO:||vfXD?!'\pqFr.q .|fFp.lP Fr'f0-roffroaeraW IGG Evaluation Eerwice, lnc. www.icc-es.org FrfE3dEgb.C df.D r 5S Wcrlsrsr i,l b, tirhrer, ffiWl | 664) @{Eli} Sgb.d Oalco r S 1,16|d*Road $frA Bdrglsn, Abna 35a13 r (205) Sql$m tuglfirl0 6 r461 WEtFtEgrERod, Cqfiycroils, ffi 00478r r/6)i99re OIVISION: oTWOOD AND PLATSnCS Soctlon: oolTlFfrEfubricet d Structural Wood REPORT HOLOER: TRUS JOIST, A WETERHAEUSER BUSINESS POST OFFTCE BOX 8449 BOISE, f DAHO 83707-24tt (2081 4.9-3715 www.trusioist.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: TJF PREFABRICATED Wq)D HOISTS I.O EVALUATION SCOPE Compllance wlth lhe following cod€G: . 2OOO lntemational Building Cdeo (IBC) t 2OOO lntemationel Residential Codeo (lRC) . 1997 Uniform Building Cdatn (UBC) . BOCAO rvarbn ar Buitding Codd1999 (BNBG) r 1999 Stdnded Building Coda. (SBC) Ptoperties enaluated: r Allorvabl€ d€sign prop€.li€s I Sound ratings I Fire-resistanc€ratings 2.0 USES TJI ioists are prefabricated lvood l-.ioists used as floor joisG, roof raftors, blocking panals and rim ioists, to support code. roquired loads. Prefabricated \rrrood Fioists doscribed in this r€port comply with Section 2303,1 .2 ot the lBC, for allou,ablo stress design; Secbon R502.1.4 ofthe IRC; Section 2313.5 of the BNBC; S€ction 2301.4.11of the SBC; and Section 2303, Item 5.1, of the uBc. 3.0 DESCRtPnOil 3.1 Gen€ral: TJI ioists ar€ prsfabricat€d wood Fjoists having rvood-bas€d flanges and Performance Pluso ori6nt6d strand boad (OSB) webs. Either th€ top and bottom flanges are parallel, brming a constant{opth ioist; or th€ top flange has a singlo tap6t forming a variabledepth joist. Th€ w€b pan€ls hav6 th6 face grain orientod vertically, and ttt6 wob-tcwsb connodion ig aith€r buttiointed or sonated and glued to form a continuo.rs w6b. Th€ w€b-to-flange conn€clion is a pmpd€tary tongue- andgroove glued joir . Rof€r to Tabl6 I of this Eport tur TJI joist series and mat€rial d€criptions. 3.2 l|aletlalSpecificatlons: 3.21 Ftang$: Flang€ matedal is €ith6r Microllam3 laminet€d veneer tumb€r (LVL) or Timb€rstrand taminat€d strand lumbor(LSL), Boh materials ar€ r€cognizod in ICGES l€gacy report ER-4979. Table 1 of this report specifies flange widths and d6pths. Rango mat€rial and grad€s ar€ as sp€cifi€d in th6 quality control rnsnual that contains Trus Joist manufacluring stendardg. 3.22 Web6: Web mat€rial is Porformance Plusc OSB conforming to DOC Voluntary Product Standard PS2-92, EposurB 1, along with further requirements s€t forlh in the quality control manual that contains Tru8 Joist manufacturing stardards. Web material thickness r€quircments ar6 not6d in Table 1 of this report. 3.2.3 Adherivoe: Adhesives are of the typ€s sp€cified in the quality control manual that contains Tru8 Joisl manufaduring slandards. 4.0 DESIGII AND INSTALLATION iLl G€naral: The design and installation of TJI joists doscrib€d in this r€port shall comply with Seciions 4.2 lhrough 4.14 of this report Additionally, d€sign of TJI joi8ts is gov€rned by th6 applicabl€ oode and ANS/AF&PA NDS-97, National Dosign Specification for Wood Construction (NOS). 4.2 Alowable capacitF Table 2 of this report sp€cifi€s allo$/able moments, reactions, v€rtical sh€ar forcos, and joist stifhess (El. [4aximum allowablo reaclions are based on minimum bearing lengths of 13/. inches, 21, inclres and 3% inches (AA.S, OS.S anA gg mm), for simplo spans; and 3r/2, 51L and 7 inches (89, 133 and 178 mm) at intorm€diat€ support points for continuous spens. Wh€n joisls ar€ ua€d as multiple span m€mb€rs, the calculat€d sh6ar, us€d ford€sign at the int€rm€diato support, may b€ reduc€d by he percontag€ det€rminod frorn the folloring formula and limit€d to th6 dopths sholvn in Table 3: R=W+K<18Y" wh€re: K = Ve+ 100. R = The p€rc€nt r€duclion. %z = The allowable sh€ar for an 11lsjncfi{e€p (902 mm) iobt (pdlnds). W = The uniform load (ptf). The allorEble d€€ign shear at ths interior supports of multiplo€panfi€mbor TJI loista up to 12 inch€s (30S mm) deep, used in resid€ntial floor construction, is p€rmitted to b€ incr6as6d by 10 percent. This incr6as6 in allowable dosign shear does nol apply to the design sh€ar at th€ €nds of th€ loists. $Reeoars-oo-|lobecoEs|medasfeP|esen|in8ae{heti6ordn!D|herd'.fibuE.,|s!,ec.fEatt.vdddEsed.nofa|e|he!lobecoashadascneadofsenenrof|hesj@' of,thereprtorarecotuatdatioah.ittase.Thereit,wrtttttvQICCEtafuuioa*nice.Inc.,spestorirglied,attoa^yirdingorottcrnate.hthtrc1nrlorarbat! pmduct avcred 14' tle nytt. Copyrighl O 2003 P.!|| I qt r0 4,3 Fa3t6nors; Alombl€ capacities and th€ spacing of fasten€rs in th€ Microllam LVL and 'l]mb€rstrand LsL flangos shall comply with ER4979 and th€ apdicabl€ cod€. Allowable wilhdrawal loads and latoral loads for nails install€d petp€ndicular or parallel to th€ Mictollam LVL or Timborstrand LSL flango glue lin€E, aro assign€d the same values as thos€ providad in tho codo for neils installed in sar.YYt lumber having a specific gravity of 0.50, such as Douglas fir{arch. Allowablo fustoner spacings for Microllam LVL and Timb€rstrand LSL flang€s shall comply with ths minimum spacing r€quirom€nts pr€scrib€d by the code for nails installed in sam lumber having a spocific gravity of 0.50, sucfi as for Dorrglas fir--larch. The allowable lat€ral capacity of 10d by | 1/r-inch-long (38 mm) common nails us€d to connect minimum No, 18 gegs [0.048 inch (1.2 mm) bas€{etal thicknessl m€tal straps or tension-lies, recognized in a c rsnt ICC-ES ovaluaton report, to TJI joiet flangos, in conformance with Figure 7 of this Eport, iB 112 poun&-forc6 (498 N) p€r nail. The connections with the strucfural composite lumborfangss may be used for out-offlano vyell anctrorago b flexibl€ diaphragms in lieu of the minimum 2rl2jnch (63.5 mm) n'ood el6m6nt thickn€ss spocified in ltem 5 of Soction 1633.2.8.1 of rhe uBc. 4.4 Web Stiff6neB: W€b stifi€n€r requirements frcr r€actions and concontrat€d loads ar6 noted in Tabl6 2 and Figuro 1 of this report. 4.5 Let6ral Support TJI joist compression flang€s with widths l€ss than 2.30 inches (58.4 mm) roquire lat€ral support ev€ry 18 inchos (,t57 mm) on 6nt€r. TJI joist cornpression flaqgos with $dths 6qual to or groater than 2.30 inches (58,4 mm) r€quir€ lat€ral support ev6ry 24 inch€s (610 mm) on centor. Each connection shall be capable of hansrnitting a 7$pound-fo.cs (334 N) horizontal load. All TJI ioist 6nds rsquirB r€straint to pr€vent rollovor. Cod6 pr€scrib€d methods of latsral ,Bstraint specin€d for sawn lumb€r ar€ accoptabl€. Bridging is not required tor floor end roof TJI ioist spplications. 4.6 Hole3 in TJI Joist Web: The tablos in Figuras 2 and 3 of this report spociry alloweblo siz€s and location of round, squar€ and rectangular holgs in th€ TJI joist u'Ebs. 4.7 Duration ot Load: Adiustments for duration of load, in accordance Wlh Part 2.3.2 of th€ NOS or lt€m 6 of Section 2316.2 ot the UBC, apply to th6 TJI ioists and lh€ir f8tenir€s. 4.8 In-service iloistureconditiona: TJI joist d€sign valu€s shall b€ adiusted in accordancs with Section 4.14 of th€ NDS when in-servico moisturo contsnt €xcoeds 16 p€rc€nt. 4.9 Rcpotitiv€flemb€rU!e: Th€ repolitivemembsr us€ factors appliceble lo the r€sis[v6 mo.n€nt c€peciti€s listed in Tabl6 2 of this Eport are limit€d to 1.0. .L10 Membcr Span.: TJI ioisl Bpans shall be detarmin€d in accordance wilh Part 3,2,1 of th€ NDS. Vertical Ehoer calculetions shall includ€ all loads within the span fom face to fac€ of supports. 4.f1 llef,ection: Defl€ction of simple span TJI joists with eilher unitufm load or a concsntratsd load at midspan is d€termin€d using th6 formulas in th€ footnotos to Tebl€ 2. 4.12 Aocking Panelil B€aring walls perp€ndicular to and support€d by TJI ioists at tft€ €nd or int€rm€diat€ supports, or both, require fulldepth blooking. TJlioists up to 16 inch€s (406 mm) in depth, when us€d as blockirE panels, have a maximum vertical loed hansf€r capacity of 2,100 plf (30 645 N/m). TJI joists ovsr 16 inch€s (,+06 mm) and up to 20 inches (508 mm), wh€n usod es bloc*ing pan€ls, have a maximum v€rtical load lransfer capacity ot 1,550 plf (22 620 N/m). 4,13 Rinl Jolits: TJI ioists used as rim ioish, having depths of up to 16 inch€s (406 mm), ha€ a maimum v€rtical load transf€r capacity of 2,100 plf (30 6/t5 N/m). TJljoists us€d as rim ioists, having depths of up to 16 inch€s (/()6 mm), arB p€rmitt€d to be us€d as boundary msmbers of horizontal wood structural diaphragms. The ellowable sh€ar values in pounds p€r foot, sp€cifi€d in th€ cod6 br horizontel urood structural panel diaphragms with framing of nominal 2-inciFthick (50.8 mm) Douglas fir{ardt or soulhern pine, aro applicado to TJljdsls used as rim jobts, in unblocked and blocked diaphragm apdications. Th6 TJI joists us€d as rim ioists shall b€ lat€rally support€d at the top and continuously support€d at the botom, ard the gravity loads shall be uniformly appli€d along th€ top. Oth€r loading and support conditions shall be invostigat€d and approved by a d€sign prof€ssional. 4.14 Cantilevered TJI Joists: TJI icists are permittod to b€ installed with canlilerrercd ends, provid€d the cant l€v€rs hav6 a maximum length 6qual to on€-third of th6 adlacont span and $upport uniform load8 only, unl€ss d$ign€d by a dosign prof€ssionel. tL15 (Htour Fire{oebtanca-rabd Roof€ilaqg or Roor- ceiling Assemblles: Ref€r to Figure 4 of this report for details. For ass€mbli€s A, B, C, D, E and F, used es floor cailing assomblies over unusable crawl spac6a, it is p€.miued to ornit the c€iling msnbrane. Addilionally, flooring is pormitt€d to b€ omitt€d where unusable aftic spac€ occurs abovg, provided the lateral support rcquirem€nts of Sec*ion 4.5 of this r€port are met. Th6 ass€mbli€s shall b6 constructod as follours: 4.15.1 Arcembly A: 'l , A double wood floor consisting of a subfloor of nominal 1- indlthick (25.4 mm), tongue.and{roovB sheahing or 32y16 sperHated sheathing (Exposur€ 1); and a socond lay€r of nominal l jnch-tttick (25.4 mm), torEus.and- groove finish flooring. At€mativoly, th6 finish flooring is permitted to be 40/20 span-rated sh€athing (Exposure 1), or TlOe I, Grad€ [4.1, particleboard not tess than % inctl (15.9 mm) thick. All butt ioints of th6 sh€athing shall be locatod ov6r framing rn€mbers. When us€d as a roofreiling ass€rnbly, a single lay€r of squere-€(lge span-rated sheathing (E)eosur€ 1), complying with th6 cod6, is pornitt€d to b€ used for roof sh€athing. TJI ioists with a minimum flang€ d€pth of 1'l2 incfies (38 mm) shall b€ installed in accordance with this report at a madmum spacing of 48 inchos ('1219 mm) on enter. Tho susp€nded c€iling ahall consiet of5/o-incfi-thic* (15.9 mm),2-foot+y-2-foot (610 mm by 61 0 mm) or 2-foot-{ry-4- foot (610 mm by 1219 mm), USe FIRECODE AURATONE lay-in acoustical board supported by an approved, e)(posed fir€-r€sistance.rated susp€nsion syatom aliach€d to lh€ ,oisl bottorn fiang€ or to cold{oll€d chann€ls spac€d nol mor€ than 48 inch€s (1219 mm) on Page 3 of 16 c€nt€r. When TJI ioists are spac€d moro than 24 inch€s (610 mm) on oanter, framing p€rp€ndi@lar to tho ioisls shall b€ instell€d at 24 inch€s (610 mm) on c€nt€r to support the coiling. Th€ distanco from th€ bofiom of th€ TJlioists to h€ sofft of the cailing shall b€ a minium of 10 inch€B (254 mm). 4. Install€d over the a@ustical board ar€ minimum 1-indr- thick (25.4 mm), 4 pcf (6a kg/ms), Thermafibef Sound Attenuation Fir€ Btanksts or Fibr€f-FBX 1240 Indusbial Boards or Fibref-lF 1240 Flex Batts. 5. Light fixtures having a maximum size of 2 feet by 4 feet (610 mm by 1219 mm) are p€rinitt€d to be install€d in th€ c€iling, provid€d th€ aggr€get€ ar€a of fixtur€s do€s not €xc€€d 1 2 squar€ f€€t p€r 1 00 square f6€t ( 1. 1 rn2 per 9.3 m'z) of ceiling ar€a and the fixtur€s ar6 protected ag follows [using, for illustration, a 2-fioot{y.l-foot (610 mm by 1219 mm) fi)dur€l: A 21lr-incfi+y4&inctt (57 mm by 1219 mm), minimum I r/.indrthick (31.8 mm) pi€ce of minimum 4 pcf (6,4 kgy'm3) Th€rnefib€r rigid min€ral fbar board or Fibr€x-FBX 1240 lndustrial Board or Fibrex-lF 1240 Flex Batt light fixture protocton, is laid along th€ long sides of the fixturs, and against adiacent suspension memb€rs; two piec€s of th6 same insulation, m€asuring 19t/2 inches by rt8 inch€s (495 mm by 1219 mm), are laid over the top of the fixilr€, and a 4rl2-indr{y-2+inch (1 14 mm by 610 mm) piece of the same insulation is laid at oach €nd and li€d at th€ corners of the fixluF, to th€ top pieces using No. 18 SWG st€el wire. See Figure 6 of lhis report for d€tails. In sddition, csiling op€ninga for air difnrsors, up to a maximum of 12 inchoE (305 mm) in diamst€r, er€ permitted, proyided op€nings are protecl€d wih approvod fire dampffs and lhe aggregato arsas do not exceed 113 square inc{ree (72 900 mm'z) p€r 100 square feet (9.3 m2; of ceiling area. r.*AilrffF{'r 1. Th€ ffooring shall consist of e singl€ lay€r of 48/24 span- rated, tongue€nd{roove, sh€alhing (E)(posur€ 1). Wh6n us€d as a roof-c€iling ass€mbly, th€ decking is p€rmitt€d to b6 any wood d€ck r€cognhed in the code. All buttjoints of th€ shoathing shall be located over framing memb€B. TJljoists shall b€ installed in accordanco with this r€port, with a rnaximum spacing of 24 inches (6'10 mm) on enter for floor-ceiling ass€mbli€o. Whon us€d in roof-c€iling ass€mbli€s, th€ joists ara perminod to b€ spe@d a maximum of 48 inch€s (1219 mm) on c6nl€r. Optionel minimum 3r/2-inch-thick (89 mm) glass fib€r insulalion or noncombustibl€ insulation that is rated R-30 or less may b6 installed in lh€ joist plenum wh6n r6sili6nt channels ar€ used. The insulation shall be flacad above the resilient channels b€tw€€n th6 joist bottom flang€s. The c€iling membrane shall consist of tvyo la!,€rs of r/2- inclFthick (12.7 mm), Type X gypsum board comdying with ASTM C 36, attach€d to the TJI joist bottom flango. The fi.st layer of gypsum board shall b€ installed perpendicular to the TJI ioists and attachd using 1?.- inclFlong (41.3 mm), Typ€ S scr€n6 speced 12 inch€s (305 mm) on cent€r. Th€ s€cond layer shall b€ instrall€d with he joints staggersd from the first lay€r. The second lay€r shall b6 fastened lo h€ TJI irists with z-inctHorE (51 mm), Typ€ S scrours spacsd 12 inchos (305 mm) m centor in th6 fi€ld and I incfies (203 mm) on contsr €t th€ butt ioints. Type G screvrs, 1rl2 inch€s (38 mm) long, shall b€ spacod I inch€s (203 mm) on conter and 6 incfi€s (152 mm) fiom 6ach sid€ of lhe butt ioints of th€ s€cond lay€r. The s€cond lay€r shall be finished wittr joint tap6 and comDound. (610 mm) on c€nter if th€ joists ar€ spaced 16 inches (406 mm) on c6|ferl and fastened p€p€ndiculer to tho TJI ioistrB using f -inch-long (25.4 mm), Typ€ S 8cr€w8. When rosilient chann€ls ar€ us€d, th6 first la],6r of the csiling msnbrane shall be install€d p€rp€ndicular to the channels and attachod to lhe r€siliont channols using 1- inct ong (25.4 mm), Typ€ S scr€ws spacod 12 inch€s (305 mm) on c€nter. Th€ second layer shall be installed with tre joints stagger€d from th€ first la),€r and attach€d using 15/6-indrjong (41 .3 mm), Typo S gcrcws. Ths screvv spacing for th€ s€cond lay€r of gypsum board shall b€ a maximum of 1 2 inches (305 mm) on csnter in the fi€ld and I inchee (203 mm) on centor et the butt joints. Type G screws, 1'l. inc'tres (38 mm) long, shall be spaced I inch6 (203 mm) on center and 6 inch€s (152 mm) from each side of the butl joinls of th6 s€cond layer. The second la)6r shall b€ finished wilh ioint tap€ and compound. 7. ln .oof€iling assemblies in whidl lh€ TJI joists are spaced more than 24 inch€s (610 mm) on oonter, th€ c€iling, induding the r€silient chann€ls, shall b€ applied to skipping spac€d 24 inches (610 mm) on c€nt€r. The attachm€nt of the ceiling membrane to lhe sfipping m€mbors shall b€ similar to th€ attachm€nt of tho ceiling m€mbrane to the TJI joists. Ths sfipping shall bo a minimum of nomiml 2+F4 construclion{rado Douglas fir lumber for spans up to 5 fe€t (1524 mm), and shall b€ attached to th€ ioist bottom flange using a minimum of lwo 10d box nails. Stripping materials of oquivaleflt sf€ngth and attachm€nt are p€rmittsd when approved by the building official. 4.15.3 Assambly G: 1. Th6 flooring shall consist of a singlo lay€r of 48/24 span- raled, tongueand{roove sh6athirE (E4osure 1). Wh€n u8€d as a roof-oeiling ass€mbly, e gingle lay€r of square. edg€ span-rated shea0ting (Exposure 1), complying with the cod€, is p€rmitlod to b€ us€d for roof sheathing. All butt ioints of th€ sh€athing shall b6 located over framing m€anb€ra. 2. TJI joiste shall b€ install€d in aocordance with this report, with a maximum s pac,ng of 24 indtes (510 mm) on cenler for lloor-c€iling assomblies. When us€d in roof-c€iling ass€mblios the ioists are pgrmitt€d to b€ spacad a maximum of 48 inchas (1219 mm) on c6nt€r. Wh6n the ioist spacing excoeds 24 inchos (610 mm) on center, framing perpendicUlar to the ioists shall bo install€d at 24 incfi€s (610 mm) on c€nt€r to support the ceiling. 3. Th6 ceiling m€mbran€ shall bo inslalt€d p€rpendicular to Ihe TJI joisb or stripping, and shall consist of e single layer of '/.incfrthicj/'. (12.7 mm), Tlpe X gypsum board complying witr ASTM C 36, and attaotted to th6 joists, or io stripping spacad 24 incfi€s (610 mm) on c€nt€r. Th€ gypsum board shallb€ fastened using 15/r-incfr-long (41.3 mm), Typ€ S scr€ws locet€d 6 inchgs (152 mm) on c€nt6r at €nd joints and 8 incfte8 (203 mm) on cenl€rin th6 fiold. 4. An approved, expos€d, fire'ragistance-rated, suspended- ceiling system shall be install€d b€noath the glpsum board coiling mombrane. The minimum distianc6 b6tw6en th€ susp€ndod c€iling snd th6 gypsum board c€iling membran€ shall b€ 12 inci€s (305 mm). The grid syst€m shall be susp€nd€d with No, 12 SWG gelvenized st€€l wire fast€ned to the stripping or joists using 3 inch (76 mm) long nath€ad hanger screws. Light fixtur€ protection shall cmsist of 6incfi-wid6 (152 mm) pi6c6s of ceiling grid pan6ls that aro 48 inches (1219 mm) long for tho 6. 4. sid€s, and 24 indr€s (610 mm) long for the €nd8, with a tull grid pan€l plac€d on top. A galvanized st€€l duct i8 permitted for 6ach 200 squar€ feet (18.6 mJ of ceiling, pmvided the dud has a madmum 12inch{iam€ter (3OS mm) steelditusor op€ning without a damp€r, and a maximum 6indrby-1z.inch (152 mm by 305 mm) r€lum air opening. c€iling pands shall be % inch (15.9 mm) thick, USG FIRECoDE AURATONE. Noncombustible batt insulation thst is rat€d R-30 or less is p€rmitt€d to b€ install€d abov€ lhe gy?sum board, in th€ cavity botween th€ joistr3, 4.15.4 Aesembly D: 1. The fooring shall consist of a iingl€ lay€r of 48/24 span rat€d, tongu€-and{roove sh€athing (E$osurs 1). Wh€n us6d as a roof-ceiling assembly, a singl€ lay€r of square- €dge, span-rabd sheathing (Exposur€ 1), complying with th6 cod€, is p€rmitt€d lo b€ us€d for rcof sheathing. All butt joints of the sh€athing shall be locabd over haming m€anb€rs. 2. Th€ TJI jdsts shall b€ inslall€d in accordanco with this report, with a maximum spacing of 24 inchos (610 mm) on cenl€r. The ceiling mombrane shall consist of a single lay€r of rb inch-thick (12.7 mm) USG FIRECODF Type C gypsum board or Weslroco Fireboard C gypsum board scr€w' attrachod b stoel funing cfiannels placsd p€rp€.dicdar to th€ ioists. Th6 turing chann€ls shall b€ spac€d 24 inch€s (610 mm) on centor and ar€ atlacfi€d and susp€nded from th6 ioists using No. 24 gag6 proprietery attachmont clips designated "Simpson Strong-Tie CSC Suppofi Clips.'A CSC support clip shall b€ locat€d at eacfi jdst, to support the funing chann€|. At drann€l splicas, adjacont pi€c6s are ov€rlapp€d a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm), and are tied with doubleetrend No. 18 SWG galvaniz€d st€€l wir€ at €ech €nd of the owdep. A lay-er of 1-inch-thick (25.4 mm), mlnimum 6 pcf (go kg/m'), Th€rmafiber mineral-u,od blank€t, or Fibrox-FBX 1280 Industrial Board or Fibrex-lF 1280 Flex Batt shall b6 placsd b€tw€€n th6 bottom fianges of the joistrs and th€ top of the tunirE channels. Alternatively, a layer of 2indr- thick (51 mm), Thermafibor mineral.r.,ool blanket, having a d€nsity of 8 pcf (128 kg/m3), is permittod to b€ us6d. 4.15.5 A$.mbly E: 1. The flooring shall consist of a double wood floor as d€scrib€d in S€ction 4. 1 5. 1 , Assernbly A of this r€port, or a singl€ lay€r ol 48n4 span-ratBd, tongu€-and{roov€ sheathing (E)eosure 1). Whg| joists are used in a roof- ceiling ass€mbly, a singl€ laysr of sguare€dge, span-, rat€d sheahing (Er@sur€ 1), complying with the cod€ is permitted to b6 us€d for rcof shoathing. All butt joints of th6 sh€athing shall b6 locat€d over framing mernb6B. 2. TJI ioists shall b€ installed in accordanco with this roport, with a maximum spacing of 24 inch€s (610 mm) on center forfloor-cailing ass€mblies, anda maximum spacing of 48 inches (1219 mm) on center for roof-ceiling ass€mblies. When the flooring consists of a double wood floor as describ€d in Soction 4.15.1 of this report (Assembly A), the ioisb may be spaced a maxjmum of 48 incfi€s (1219 mm) on c6nter. Wh€n TJI joisls are spacod rnor6 than 24 inct|€s (610 mm) on csntor, th6 ceilirE, induding th6 r€silient channels, shall be appliod to stripping spaced 24 inch€s (610 mm) on center. Th€ attachment of the ceiling membrane to th€ stripping shall be similar to tho attachm€nt of th€ coiling rn€mbrane to tho TJI ic'ists. Th6 sttipping shall b€ a minimum of mminal 2+y-4, construclion{rad€ Douglas fir lumber for spans up to 5 feet (1524 mm), and shall be attach€d to th€ ioist bottom flange using a minimum of two 10d box nails. Stripping mat€rials of €qui lent str€ngth and attachm€nt ar€ permittod wh€n sp€cifically approved by he building oficial. 3. Any approv€d ceiling mernbran€ that provides a minimum 40fiinut€ finish rating shall be used. An example of an approved ceiling having a 4o-minute finish rating is on€ that consisls of t$|o layers of r/2-incft-thick (12.7 mm), Typ6 X gypsum board complying with ASTM C 36, a minimum of 4 fe6t (1219 mm) wide, insialled p€rp€ndicular to the TJI joists, as described in Section 4.15.2 d this report (Assombly B). Sub€tantiating dete, induding a roport of the fire€ndurancs tosting conducl€d in accordan€ with UBC Standard 7-1 or ASTM E 1 19, shall b€ fumiEh€d lo th€ local building offcial, and shall vedfy that a partidlar ceiling sFt€m meets lhe 4(tsminut€ fi nish reting rsquirem€nts. When the finish ratirE is to b€ d€torminsd, tsmp€ratur€ performanco of prot€cbv€ m€mbrans shall b€ in ac@rdanc€ with Seclion 47 of ASTM E 1 19 or S€otion 7.144 of UBC Standard 7-1. The finish rating is d€fin€d in S€ction 48 of ASTM E 119 or Section 7.145 of UBC Standard 7-1. t|.15.6 Assembly F: 1. The ffooring shall consist of a single layer of 48/24 span- rat€d, bngue-and-groove sheathing (Exposur€ 1). The flooring shall be ettach€d to th€ TJI ioist top llang€ withAFG{I construction adh€siv6, and nailed using 8d common nails spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on c€ntsr alor€ the boundary and edg€s and 12 inches (3(F mm) on centor in th€ fi61d. When us€d as a roof-c€iling a9s6mbly, a single ley€r of squa,redgo, span-rated sheething (Exposur€ 1), complying with the code is permitt€d to be us€d for roof sheathing. All butt ioints of th6 floor or roof sh€athing shall b€ locatod over framing m€mb€rs. 2. TJI joisF shallhavo nominal2{}F4 or larg€rflangss, and shall b6 insblled in accordance with this reporl. When u8€d in a floor-c€iling a$embly, the joist spacing shall not €xo€€d 24 inch€s (610 mm) on cent€r. Wh€n used in a roof-csiling assembly, th6 TJI jdst spacing is p€rmittod to exce€d 24 inchos (610 mm) on c6nter. 3. The c€iling membrane ghall consist of one layer of 5/"- incfrthick (15.9 mm), USG FIRECODE Type C gypsum b@rd or W€stroc Fireboard C gypsum board, screw. ettech€d lo RC-l r€sili€nt channels soacod 16 inch€s (406 mm) on c€nlsr, placed p€rp€ndicular lo the TJI joists. Ths resiliont chann€ls shall be attach€d wih 15/s- inch-{ong (41.3 mm), Typo S scre\rrs at each .ioist. Two channels shell b€ provided at each gypsum board butt ioint, and ordord to th6 n6)d ioist beyfid the longitudinal joints. Th6 gypsum board shall b€ fastgned to the rosilient charn€ls with f -inch.long (25.4 mm), Typ€ S screrivs spa€d 12 inch€s (305 mm) on c6nt€r in the fi€ld and I inches (203 mm) on c6nt€r at th6 butt joints. 4. h roof ceiling aesemblies in which TJI ioists ar€ spacod mofs lhan 24 indtos (610 mm) on c6nt6r, th6 c6iling, induding the resilient channds, shall b€ attachod to slripping spaced 24 incfios (610 mm) on c€nt€r. Th€ attradrm€nt of the ceiling m6mbrane to th€ stripping m€mbers is similar to the attachment of th€ c€iling membEne to th€ ioists. For spans up to 5 f€et (1524 mm), th6 stipping mernbo/s shall b€ minimum nominal 2- bf4, csrstsuction{rad€ Oor€la8 fir lumb6r. Th€ stripping 4. shall b6 attachod to the bottom flangos of ttto ioi8lB using a minimum of tso 10d box nails. Stripping materials of €quival€nt strength and attachm€nt ar€ p€rmitt€d when spocifically appror/€d by th€ building official, 5. A layer of 1ll.incirthict (38 mm), minimum 211.N (4o kg/m3), Thennafib€r Sound Att€nuatim Fire Blankets or Fibrex-SAFB (Sound Attonuation Firo Batts), shall b€ pla€d betttEon th€ bonom flang€s of th6 ioists on the top of th€ rosilisnl €fiannels. The insulation mat€rial shall b€ fiiclbn-fitt€d into place and support€d by th6 r€silient chennels. 4.16 Assembly G: Two-hour Fire-resistrncemted Roof- coltlng or Floor-c€iling AssemblF S€e Figure 4 of this r€port for d€bils. When us€d as a floor- c€iling ass€mbly over unusebl€ crawl spac€s, tho ceiling mombEne is p€rmitted to b€ omitted. Additionally, flooring is permitted to be omittod where unusablo attic spac6 omurs above th€ follqi/ing syst€m, provid€d the r€quirem€nts of S€ction 4.5 of this roport are m€l. Th€ ass€mbly shall b€ constructed as follows: 1 . Th€ floor shoalhing shall consiEt of a single layor of tE/24 span{ated, tonguHnd{roovo sheathing (Epoeure 1). All butt ioints of th6 floor or roof sh€athing shall b€ locat€d over ftaming members. Wh6n TJI joisb are wsd in a roofra'ling ass€mbly, a singl€ layer of square+dge, span{at€d sh€athing (Exposure 1), complying with th€ cod€, is pormitted to be used as roof sheathing, 2. TJI ioists shall b€ install€d in accodance with this r€port, with a maximum spacing of 24 inch€s (610 mm) on center. Mnimum TJI joist d€pth is 9t/. indres (235 mm). 3. (Optional.) Whsn insulalion is us€d, it shall consist of glass-fib€r insulation with unfac€d betts that ar€ 24 inches (610 mm) wide by 48 inchos (1219 mm) long by 3r/, inches (89 mm) thick The insulation shallb€ daced in th6 plonum and supported by stay wir€s spac€d at 12 inc*|€s (305 mm) alo g the ioist bottom flango. 4. The ceiling m€mbrano shall consist of threB layers of 5/s- inch-thick (15.9 mm) Gold Bond Fire Shield c, Type X, gypsum board. The base layer shell b€ appli€d p€rp€ndicular to the ioists, with end ioints stagger€d, and shall b€ attadred dir€ctly to the bottom flango using 15/r- inch{ong (41.3 mm), Type S screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on cent€r along each joirt. R€siliont channels, minimum No. 28 gag€ [0.01&inch (0.41 mml, shall b€ apdied und€r tho first layer of gypsum board, porp€ndic{lar to th€ jcists and spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center. The channols shall b6 attached to the bottom flango of eacfi lcist, resp€cti\rely, with 1%-inch-long (41 .3 mm), Typ€ S scr€\lrs. Th€ middle layer of gypsum board shall be install€d perpendicular to th€ resili€nt channols, with €nd ioints stagger€d, and attach€d to th€ r€siliont cfiannols with 1-inch-long (25.4 mm), Typ6 S scrows spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center. The finish layer of gypsum board shall b6 installed with €dges and end joints stagg€r€d from th€ middl€ layer, and shall be fasten€d to th€ r€siliont d|annds using 15/s-inch{ong (41.3 mm), Type S screws spac€d 8 inch€s (203 mm) on cent€r. Joints of ths finish layer of gnsum board shall be cov€r€d with ioint cornpound and pap€r tap6, and expos€d screw heads ehall b€ covered with ioint compound. 4.17 Altomato Floor or Roof Syrtom!: An altemate floor or roof deck to Assemblies A, B, C, D, E and F, d$cribed in S€ctions 4.15.1 through 4.15.6 of his r6port, and to th€ twDhour e$€mbly d€scrib€d in Soction 4.16, consists of minimum 48/24 span+ated sheathing (Exposur€ 1), over TJI loists spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on c€ntsr, with €ith€r lrlr-incfi-thick (38 mm) lightur€ight concreto or 3/4-incft-thick (19.1 mm) gypsum concr€te ov6r the sheathing. Wh€n th€ TJI ioists ar€ limit€d to a maximum spacing of 20 inch€s (508 mm) on c€nt€r, a minimum 40/20 span-ret€d sh€athing is p6rmitt6d to b6 us€d . The gypsum concr€t€ shall b€ r€cogniz€d in a cur€nt ICC-ES €\ralualion r6port, and lho r€port shall include an evaluation for fir€ rosistance that pormits tho r€placem6nt of th6 floor s]rstorns wilh lhe sh€€thing and gypsum concrote systom. i3.18 Sound Ratings: 4.18.1 Assembly B, Oplion I, STC = 50: Assombly B (d6s{tib€d in S€clion 4.'15.2 and shown in Figure 4 of this r€port) hesa minimum sound transmission class (STC) rating of 50 wh6n conslructed with r€sili€nt channols spaced at 16 inch€s (406 mm) on oonter to separete th6 ceiling mombrano ftom th€ stsuctural traming. This aseembly has the following minimum impact insulation dass (llc) ratings wtr€n conshrct€d with the corresponding edditional mat€rials doscfib€d below. 1. llc Raling of 60: Th€ floor covering shall indude a 40- ounce+€r-square-yard (1.36 kg/m'z) pad and a 56-ounce- p€r-sque re.yard (1.90 kg/m2) carp€t. 2. llc Rating of51: The floor covering shallconsist ofTarkott Acoustiflor sheet virryl, th6 coilirE shall consist of two layers of s/s-inch-thick (15.9 mm), Typ€ X gypsum board, and the bottom of the floor cavity shall contain 3r/2jnch- thick (89 mm) glass-fib€r insulation. 3. llC ra$ng of 45: Th€ floor covering shall indude a 43.2- oulroep€r€Quare-ied (1.47 W m1, mininnrm 0. 1 23incfr thick (3.1 mm) cushioned vinyl. asport) has a minimum STC rating of 58 wh€n cofistrud€d traming, and wilh has the following with th€ additional materials describ€d b€low. 1. llC Rating of 54: The lloor covering shall include a 40- ouncefor-sQuar€-yard (1.36 kg/m'z) pad and a 56-o.rnce- p€r-square-yard (1.9O kg/m'z) carpet 2. llC Rating of 54: The foor con€ring shall consist of Tarkett Aoustiflqr sheet vinyl, thE c€iling shall consist of two lay€rs of %jn€fr-thick (15.9 mm), Typ€ X gypsum board, and th6 bottom of th6 floor cavity shall contiain 3lHndv thick (89 mm) glass fiber insulation. 3. llC Ratirp of 50: The floor cov€ring shell be eith€r Armstrong VIOS or Armstsong Cambray she€t vinyl, the ceiling shall consist of two layors of 5/a-incfi-thick (15.9 mm) Typ€ X gypsum board, and th€ bottom of ths floor cavity shall contain 3r/2-inch-thick (89 mm) glass fib6r insulation. 4.1E.3 Asrembly D, Option 1, STC. {7,llc E 54; Ass€mHy D (desctib€d in S€ction 4.15.4 and shom in Figure 4 of this roport) hes en STC ratirE of 47. This ass€mbly has en llc raling d 3t, when the floor covering includos a .10-ouncefer- squarayad (1.36 kglnfl pad and a s&ounrp€r€quare- yard (1.90 kg/rn'?) carp€t 4.1E.4 Assombly D, Option 2, sTC = 59, llG = 54: Assembly D (described in Section 4.15.4 and shown in Figure 4 of this roport) has an STC rating of 59 wh€n the assembly is construct€d with a 3/n-inch-thick (19.1 mm) topping of gypsum B in S€dion 4.15.2 and shown in Figur€ 4 of this Page I of 16 o ESR-I153 concrste rocognized in a cunenl owluation roport. This ass€mbly has an llC rating of 54, when lh€ floor cov€ring includss a 40-ouncsper-squara-yard (1.36 kg/m'?) pad and a 56ounce-p€r-squara-yard (1 .90 kg/mz) carpst 5.0 coNunoNs oF usE The TJI Prefabricat€d Wood ljoist3 d€scribed in this report comply with or are suitrble altomalives to joists and rffers sp€cified in th€ cod€s sp€cifically lisl€d in Soction 1.0 ofthis report, subiect to the following conditions; 5.t TJI ioists are designed in accordanc€ wih this report. 5.2 Drawings and despn details verifying comfliance with this r€pdt are sub.ninGd b he building offcial for approval. 5.3 Allowabl€ dosign prop€rties for TJI ioist8 and th€ir fasteners are permitled to be increased for duratim of load in a@ordanc€ with th6 applicable cod6. 5.4 Where one.hour or two-flour fir€-resistancsrated construction is r6quir6d, construction complies with this report. 5.5 No cutting or notching of TJI joist llang€s is p€.mit6d. 5.6 Sound rat€d a$€mbli€s not€d in S€ctions 4.18.1 and 4.18.3 and Rgure 4 of this repdt, with STC and or llC ratings of loss than 50, ar€ only applioable in jurisdictions using the lRC, BNBC or SBC. 5.7 TJI joisls ar6 produc€d at th€ Trus Joist plants locatsd in CasUeberry, ehbama; Clar€sholm, Alberta, Canada; Chavies, Kentucky; Eugene Oregon; Natchitoch€s, Louigiana; Stayton, Oregon; and Valdosta, G€orgia;with quality control insp€ctims by PFS Corponation (AA- 652). 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBTITTED 6.1 Manufacture/s installation ingtruclions. 6.2 Data in accordanca with he ICC€S lnterim Criteria for Pr€fabricated Wood lioists (AC14), dated February 20m. 6.3 Reports of fir€ tests conduct€d in accordanco with ASTM E 119. 6,4 Reports of sound bansmission tesE condu€lod in accordance with ASru E 90, E 413 and E 492. 6.5 Quelity control rnanuals with TJI icist manufacluring standards. 7.0 IDENTIFICAT]ON TJI prefabricated wood lioisls are id€ntified by a slamp that includos th6 producf designalion, ovalualion report numb€r (ICC€S ESR-1153), manufactuf€/s nam€ (Trus Joist) or logo, plant numb€r, produciion dat€, and th6 nam€ or logo of the quality control agency (PFS Corporation). TAELE I-TJI JOIST DESCR|PNO TJI JOIST SERIES FLAXGE SIZE. lrEPTtl r WIDTH (lnchca) wEBTHTC|OGSS (lnches) R^NGE OF JOIST DEPTHS 0nch.3) TJp 110 1.375 x 1.75 3t 9t12- 14 TJP 210 1.375 x 2.08 3,e%-16 TJP 23O 1.375 x 2.3 ,a e%- 16 TJf 360 1.375 r 2.3 9t12 - 20 TJP 560 1.375 x 3.5 g',12 - 20 TJP/l,45 1.5 x 1.75 t,8 - 20 taper only TJP/r.65 1.5 i 2.5 9V. - 30 (91. - 30 taper) TJF/UX)1.5 x 3.5 ,l r"11% - 30 (9r/, - 30 taper) TJt'fl-(X)1.75 x 3.5 'lr"11% - 30 TJ P/HD€O 2.125 r 3.5 ,2 111r-32 TJF/HSgO 2.5 x 3-5 frh-32 For Sl: Pago 7 of 16 ESR-1153 TABLE 2. PROPERTIES FOR TJIJOISTS BASIC PROPERTIES REACTION PROPERTIES Joist Depth (in.) Jdst W6idt t (plo Resbti\€ Mdn€l (ft.{bs.) ('t0) Ve|| Sh€ff (|bs.) EI x 106 lbs.-in.? K END )TION (lbs.),TE REACTION (lbs.) 1-311' L1t2'(9t B€adno Lerp0l v1n' Beadng temth Nails Req'd. 3-.lrX +il4"(4 Beadno Lemth 5-114' 7"O) Bearino Lenoth NAIIS Req'd Web Slifieners Web StifierErs Web Stifi€ne|a :nels NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES TJt tt0 9-112 1'l-7/8 14 2.3 2.5 2.4 23'Jo 3015 3565 120 1560 1860 1& 28 351 4.5 4.5 4.5 885 885 885 t\|A 122!i 1Ut 1Zm 1350 r350 itA 1560 1705 t{A 3€d 3€d 't935 1935 1935 t{A 45 m5 afi 2350 2350 tlA 2t05 2705 NA +8d 38d TJt 210 9-',u2 11-7 t8 14 16 2.6 2.E 3.1 3.3 2@ 364) 4?f0 /|aS5 1330 1655 1945 2tg) '167 a3 415 568 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 98t! 980 980 980 M 1340 1340 r340 1330 1435 1/(l5 l/l:}s NA 1656 1790 r790 NA &8d 3€d 3€d 2145 2145 2145 2115 NA 2505 2505 2505 2565 2565 2565 2565 I\lA ?g25 ?9.25 EA M 3€d 3{d g8d TJt 230 *112 f-7n 14 16 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.5 3 t75 4015 4755 5440 1Sn 1655 1945 21 90 183 310 454 618 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 185 1ffls 't0:t5 lGXt t.|A 1395 r395 1395 1330 1460 1460 1460 NA 1655 1815 t8t5 NA 38d 3€d 3{d 2410 2410 2410 2410 NA 2765 2765 2765 2790 2790 279i) 2790 NA 3150 3150 3150 t.|A 3€d +8d &8d TJI 3M +1t2 11-7 t8 14 16 18 20 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.5 J./ 4.0 4790 6180 7335 8405 9465 1(Fl5 uat 1705 1955 2190 2425 2660 249 119 612 830 1085 1378 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 't080 1080 1080 1@0 10@ 1080 l\|A 14/,0 144o 14,4,0 't440 1140 1425 1505 r505 1505 1505 1505 NA 1705 1865 1865 1865 1865 l,|A 38d 3{d 3{d 3€d 3€d 2ffi 2M 24ffi 24@ 24eo 24ffi NA 2815 2815 2815 2815 2815 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 tlA 3360 3360 3860 3360 3360 t.tA 3€d s8d 3{d 3€d 38d TJI 5M *1n 11-7n 14 16 18 20 3.0 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 7356 9500 11275 1m25 14550 16165 1670 2050 2390 2710 3030 3345 378 636 926 1252 1631 2W 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 1265 tm5 126s 1265 12€5 1N I\|A 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1670 1725 1725 1725 1725 17 I.IA a)50 2?oo m0 mo mo NA 3-16d 316d $16d $16d $16d 3ofi) 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 NA 3475 3/.75 3/75 3475 3/75 31155 3455 3455 3455 3455 3455 l'|A 3g!0 3930 3930 $30 3930 t\|A 3-16d $16d $16d $16d 316d TJULtls 7-1n *1n 11-7t8 14 16 18 20 2.O 2.2 2.5 2,8 3.0 3.2 3.5 27m 3620 4685 5570 6385 72W 8000 860fm um 1710 1970 2155 2165 103 185 319 474 653 865 t 113 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 E60 1015 1015 '| 015 1015 1015 1015 NA 1.|A 1?,5 1?2s 1?25 1% 1% 860 1120 fin 't 560 1560 1560 1560 t.|A M 1120 1710 1915 1915 t9t5 NA NA $8d 3{d 3€d +8d 3{d 2t25 2925 2025 m25 ME 202!t 2{.25 ftA t{A 2385 2385 2385 2385 2385 2@5 xil5 2575 2575 2575 2575 2575 I{A NA 2980 29:X) 2930 2930 2930 NA t\lA 3€d 3{d 3{d 3€d 3€d TJUL65 9112 1,|-7ta 14 't6 1an 2. 24 6n 30 3.0 3.3 J.D 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 5215 6750 8030 9210 10i180 11540 1m90 13830 14$0 16085 17m5 1675 1925 2125 23:t0 2535 2740 2935 3060 2900 2900 2900 263 450 668 913 1m5 1545 1€ri}4 2371 2868 3/17 402!5 5.3 5-3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 1375 1375 1375 1375 1375 M NA 1\|A 1\|A NA NA l.|A t 7{5 17fi 1750 17fi 1750 1750 1750 1750 r750 t75o 1675 1885 1885 tE85 18E5 NA t.|A l\|A NA NA t{A NA 1925 2125 2330 2535 2740 2S5 3060 2gx) 2900 2900 NA 3€d 5{d 6{d 7€d 8€d 9€d 10{d r't{d 12{d 13& 2745 2715 2745 2745 2745 t{A l.|A l\|A NA(r) NA(4 NAM NA 3120 st65 3490 3615 3740 3860 3875 oE(7) 48fi(7) /t97dln sr65 *t65 3365 3365 &t65 M tlA l\|,A N(n NA (t) NAM NA 3735 3985 4105 42fi /|:|55 4480 46(F 5315(7) stmo) 550ot7) NA +8d 5-8d 64d 74 8€d 94d 1G€d 't1{d 12{d 13{d See notes at the end of the table. Page 8 of 16 ABLE 2 - CONTINUED 2 BASIC PROPERTIES REACTION PROPERTIES Jdst Depth (in.) Jcfst w€(t ht (p10 Re{;isti\re Mo.n€nt (ft.-1b6.) (10) Vert. Sh€ar (bs.) EI x 100 lbs.-in.2 K ND REACTION Ob€,)IM IERMEDIATE REACNON (Ib€. 1314' 2-1t2* (e) Besing L€ngtr ?1tz BeairE L-emtl Nalls Req'd v1l7 +1t1" 7t1 B€alng t€nqtt ,1tr 7" (t) B€ering Length Nails Req'd Web Slifierels W6b Stifiane6 W frenels Web Stifieners NO YES ,lO YES NO YES YES TJI'LgO 91/:2 11-7 t8 14 16 18 N 2. 6 2A 30 3.8 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6./t o-|] 7415 9605 11{t0 13115 14705 1efils 18075 19700 21315 z915 u510 r675 1925 2125 2$!0 2535 2740 2935 3060 2900 2900 2900 365 621 9r3 1216 1635 2085 2597 317r2 3814 .1525 5306 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 1400 t4@ 1400 t4{x) 1400 l.|A NA M M T\|A tlA t\|A 1715 1475 2(B0 2(x|0 2190 234]5 23/5 2/150 2450 2450 1675 1865 1885 1885 1885 I\|A l.lA lilA t.|A itA itA ftA 1925 21?5 23:lO 2515 2675 2830 2830 29q) 2900 2900 t.|A 2{6d 3-16d +1U +16d $16d 6-16d o-16d 7-16d 8-16d 8-16d 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 NA NA |.tA NA(N N^ (f) NA If' NA 3665 3825 3980 3980 4140 5090 5405w(4wCI fiuxn 3965 3965 3965 3965 3965 r.|A M M NA(ONm NAM t,|A 4245 4440 /t600 /1600 4755 5705 6020 ffifl 5wo) 5W0) l.|A 2-16d 3.16d ,l-16d 4-16d s'r6d 11-16d 1$16d 1+16d 1$16d 17n6d TJ!'H90 11-7 tA 14 .t6 18 m2 24. 2n 28 30 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.8 7.1 10960 13090 15065 't7010 18945 20855 ?2755 21e/5 x520 28380 1925 2125 2gt0 2535 2740 2g'5 3060 29(X) 2900 2900 667 1015 1389 18'7 2381 2W 3549 4?66 505!, 5gt0 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 1400 r400 l/100 1400 ^lAM t.|A l\lA r\|A NA 1715 1875 280 2030 2190 23{,5 23/5 21150 24fi 2(t0 16E5 1885 r885 1885 t{A t\|A t.|A NIA N|A flA 1925 2125 2330 2515 2675 2830 2830 2900 290{t 2900 2-16d +16d 416d +t& $16d &t6d 6-16d 7-16d &.16d 8-16d 3495 3495 3495 3495 NA l.tA NA Nm NAA NAO' 3810 3970 4130 4130 4?€5 5235 5{.25 8@(4 w(7) wtn 41@ 4100 4100 4100 l\|A l\A tlA NAM NAA NAM 4m 4575 4735 4735 /A9O 5840 6155w(r) wtz) Seno) 2-16d Gr6d +1N +16d sl6d 1t-t6d 13-1 6d 14-16d t$16d t 7-16d TJI/HDgO 11-7 t8 14 16 't8 N 2.u m a) 30 32 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.7 7.0 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.5 14075 16920 19550 2',t50 24725 27nO 29815 323K10 31€|30 37310 39785 2320 2565 2790 3020 3250 3440 3710 3940 4165 €75 4375 &6 1?32 1@5 9 2ffi 3579 4:XtO 5272 6258 7339 8519 0.0 6.0 6.0 6.O 6.0 6.O 0.o 6.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 18W) rcaqq r835(e' 1E35py' N4e) N40) N4q N4s) N,/.E N(9 NAI9I aap) 2fi5(s' zrw) fimp) 32fl(o) 305(c)sqqw) 2150 2150 215o 21fi itA NA itA t'lA l\|A NA l\|A 2320 2565 2790 3020 3250 3480 3710 3940 4165 4i!75 €75 +1d Gl6d &16d &1€d 10-10d 1o-16d 12-16d 14-16d 14-16d 1Gl6d 18-l6d 3995 3995 399s 3s)5 NA NA tlA N (7) NA (t) NA (t) NAM 4650 4980 4980 5310 5/,zs 5425gE 4690 4Gto 4690 4@0 l\|A NA t\lA NA (t) NA (r) NA (r) NAO) s345 5670 5670 6000 63K!0 6Xt0 6655 76751t1 7676qlwl4 Ed35.n 4-16d G.l6d 6-16d 8-16d 1G16d 1G16d l2-16d r4-16d 14-16d 10-16d t8-16d JilXr(Ulrt 3500(E(t) 3snpn') 3!ffi(9111) wE:t(4 @85(4nlM 7 otn TJI'HS9O 11-7t8 14 16 18 20 2 24 26 at 30 32 6.0 8.3 6.6 7.0 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.5 8.8 9.1 16050 19425 2ffi 25et0 26615 31725 34730 37715 40680 $qlo 46560 2320 2565 279f) 3020 3250 34{t0 3710 3940 4165 4375 4375 900 1355 1876 2448 3195 39$ 49ol 5905 7011 am 9555 6.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 18W) t8$(E 18t5(,// r83s(9) NA(e) N4e) N4q NA(e) N4q N4q N,r'g) amp) 25es6e1 znw, fimp) 325/'(0) 305(9) ffi(wt1) ss00pxtr) snQMl) 3flo(txtr) gxxxcvllt 2150 215o 21fi 215, NA l\|A NA NA l,lA t\|,A NA xn 2565 27s 3tt20 3250w 3710 3940 4165 4375 .'|:}75 +1€d st6d G16d &16d 1G1€d 10-t6d 12-16d 1+16d 14-16d 1S16d 18-t6d 3995 3gt5 3995 3995 NA NA NA NA (t) NA(4 NA(N NAM 4650 4980 4980 5310 5/.25 $25 gz:t 6e85r..7 @Eqn nfio) 7ffin 4690 4690 46S0 46€0 NA t.|A NA NAO) NA(N NA(4 NAM 5345 5670 5670 6000 trBO Gl30 6655 7675(? 7675(7) w(7) &B! n 4-16d 6-16d 6-t 6d 6-16d 'tG16d 1G16d 12-16,4l 14-16d 14-16d 16-16d t8-16d For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 prlf =N/m,N{n. 1lb.in.'=2.87 See notes for this table at the beginning of the next page. Page I of 16 ESR-I't53 FOOTNOTES FOR TABLE 2 1. R€f€r to Figur€ 1 for w€b stiff€n€r deteils. 2. Deffociion is calqrlebd as fdlo,vs: unifomtoad: a = zz'slttta *'tzw1 concenhatod toad at micspan , a = 36!,f + 2F.L- El Kdx105 El Kdx105 Wh€re:P= Concent€t€d load, pounds. d = OuFtoout deplh ot ioist, inch68. L = Cl€arspan inf€et w = Uniform load in pounds p€r lineal fuot. El = From tabl€. K = From tabl€. 3. Th6 stated allowabl€ design prop€rtiss are for loads of normal duration. Adjugtrn€nts to the allowabl€ d€sign valu€s shall b€ in accordance with the applicabl6 code, with the exception notod in foolnot€ 10 b€low.4. Int€rpdalion b€twe€n boaring l€ngths and ioist depths is pomitt€d for allowable design r€actions.5. Th€ minimum b€aring l€ngth is p€rmitt€d to b€ r€ducod for ioists supported by hanggrs if suppl€m€ntal nail sttadrm€nt is Dro\rid€d to th€ web stffen€r.6. Alloweble bearing l€ngths hav€ b€€n d€t€rmin€d bas€d on Trus Joist products. AllitwErbl€ b€aring on supporting members shall b€ chsck€d.7. Allowable bearing reactions for t1/+inch and Tinch bearing l€ngths at intemediate supports.8. Joist u€ights shown are calculated on a rational basis, are based on the h€avior of €astem or westsm speci€s prod$ts and ar€ suitable br d6ad load calarlation. Contact the pDducing plant for shipping weighl information if n€€d€d.9. Applicaue b TJUHD9O and TJUHSgO jc,isb mly. Ar€as indicat€ allowable bearing reactions for a 2-112 inch bearing l€ngith at ond supports. 1-34 indr €rd b€a.ing lengths ar€ also p€rmitbd; wilh ellowabl€ r€eclio.rs of 1600 lbs. without w€b stifuners for d€pths up to and induding 1 8 inches; with !r/€b 8litr€n€rs h6 alloweble r€action is 2255 lbs. for th€ 1 1 -7l8 inctr depth and 2450 lbs. for all oth€r d€pths. 10. Th€ rosistive mom€nt capacitiss llst€d in Table 2 may mt b€ inc.eassd by eny cod€ allolv€d repetitive-member use fa<for. 1 1. Applicabls to TJI/HDgo and TJ/HSgo ioistrs only. Roaction capaciti€E at a 3 inch b€aring l€ngth 0nt6rpolat6d as p€r nole 4 ebov€) rnay b€ incr€asod 510 lbs. when supported by simpson ShongFTi€ Co. HWI or WPU joist hangors with a minimum of 4 10d common nails installad th.ough the jdst hanger slir.ups and into th€ irist web stifrener and w€b. AELE 3 -for use in S€ctlon 2.3.1 TJI JOIST SERIES TJI JOIST DEPTH (inch6sl Vrz K TJt 110 <'14 1,560 15.60 TJt 210. TJt 230 316 1,655 16.55 TJt 360 s 16 1 .705 17.05 TJt 560 320 2,050 20.50 TJI/145 s 16 1,420 14.20 TJYL65, TJULgO, TJUHgO s24 1,925 19.25 TJYHD90, TJUHS90 <24 2,320 23.20 FOr mm, I =4 = 14.59 N/m. T Page l0 of 16 o ESR-1153 1. 2. a 4. q o- 7. FIGURE 1 . WEB STIFFENER NOTES AND DETAILS W€b stifien€rs shell b€ instatl€d at b€ring poinb as roquired in Table 2. Web stifbnors shall bo instialt€d at points of concentrat€d loads greater than 1500 pounds and are to be nail€d in accodance with th€ int€m€diat€ rsaction schodulo in Table 2. Web stifien€rs ar6 to b6 install€d on 6acft gid€ of lho w€b as shown, with nails €qually spaced vertftxlly, A gap shall b€ lsff at th6 top of ureb stiff€n6r3 as shown at all b€arirE conditions. ln lh€ caso of conc€ntrat€d loads, u/€b stifi€ners ar6 r€quirod as shorm ard lh€ gEp shall b€ at th€ bottom. w€b stifion€r mat€rial shall b€ shsathing mooting the r€quir€ments of PS-1 or PS-2 with he face grain parallel to the long axis. Some hangerc require web sliffeners to comdy wih nailirB requirernenb through side phtes. lf web stfiensrs ar€ not us€d in har€or support, ho Eid€ of th€ hang€r shall oxtend up to laterally support th6 top llange. hfi, WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT Concentrated Loadtr(r) ii---ft'.mrx.r{ T_l5,__dn+ iirF,r =ffi I -lBearing r''"ff, l,8 min. 2d4'max Snug flt End Support Min. Bearing Distance (11 tLn" maxlmum with 2x4 sawn lumber web stiffeners MINMUM BEARING DISTANCE Hanger Support Distance Intermedlate Supporl Distance JI Bearing W€b stiffaner ar€ TJI Jolet Serieg fiinimum Dimansion!Grade 'tlv" finchesl 'f finchosl TJt 110. TJ|/L45 25t16 5/8 Soo Not€ 5 TJt 210 25t16 at32 Se6 Not6 5 TJI 230. TJt 360. TJ|A65 25t16 7t8 S€€ Not€ 5 TJI 560. TJULgO. TJUH$).31t2 11t2 Construclbn Grade 2x4 TJUHD90. TJI/HSgO 3 1t2 'l 1t2 1.3E minimum qrade ]]mb€rstrand LSL For Sl: 1 indr = 25.4 = 4.448 N Pagellofl6 ESR-fi53 1 L" Inocko)w tt 1Z' o,c, availablc lfi mo6t f Jl@ Jdt'lo upoll tE+Bst flatg. Fltq. f Jlo joa6t top tnA botlom lanqag thould Faca ot ioi6n btq?ort lJla Joiet e?an --------vA- FIGURE 2. Alowable Hole Slze and Location for the TJUL'|S, TJUL61 TJUL90, TJUH9O, TJlrl{Dg0 and TJI/HS90 Joists ONLY. Hole Factors and Locatlon3 Chart Notes lo Figur6 23'1. Charb are ba8€d on simple spans end uniform load applications or applicable building cod6 provisions br conc6ntrat€d loads (2000 lbs. Ov€r 2.5 squar6 fuet) with 25 psf dead load and 20 psf partition load.2. For uniformly load€d multipl€ span applicatims holes must be located 1,0 inch farth€r fom th6 support for 6ach foot ofioist span, than the valu€s indicat€d in th€ Charts.3. Holes are not allow€d in cantil€ver er€as unloss sp€cifically d€sign€d by a qualified d€sign proftssional.4. Vyhel€ mors than on€ hd€ is b b6 cut in the ureb, the d6er dbtanG b6tw€6n hol6s must b6 twice th6 length of th€ longsst dirn€nsion of the larg€st adiacent hole.5. Hol€ sizes shown ar6 hole sizos, not duct sizss.6, Rectangular hol6 sizag are bas6d on measur€mont of th6 long€st sid6. For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm Round Hol€ Size (inches) 2 ?4 5 t 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 Rectangular Hole Siz€ (inches) 1%1%2%3 3%4 4.4 5%6 6Yz 7 7lt 8%I 9%10 1trt 11%12 ooc c!o -!o 11%A A B c E 14 A B c c 16 A A A B c E 18 4'1'-3"A A B c c D E E 20 4'1'-3'A A B B c c D D E E ?2 {'t'3"'t'-3'A A B B c c D D E E 24 4'4"1'-3'A A A B B c c D D E E E 26 4'4',1'-3"A A A B B B c c D D D E E 28 4'4'1'-3'1'-3'A A A B B B c c D D D E E 30 4"4"4'1'-3'1'-3'A A A B B B c c c D D E Hole Locations Chart Jobt Span (c€nter to c€nt€r of guooort. b€t) Hol€ Facbr A B c D E 14 1'-3',2'4'2'-6'3',€'5'-0" 15 1'€'2'4'3'{"4'-0'5'-3" 16 1',-3"2'-3'3'-3'4'6'5'-9' 17 1'-6',2'-9"3'-9'5'{'6'.-3', 18 1'-8"3'-0'4',-3'5'4'6',-$ 't9 1',-g'3L0'4'-3'5'{'7',-O" 20 1',-g 3'-0'4'-3'5'€'7'-0' 2'l 2'4',3'-0"4'-3',5'-9'7'-g 22 2'4'3'{'4'-y 5'-9'7'-3' 23 2'.$3L3'4'-v 5'-9'7',-6' 24 2',3'3'-3'4'{'5'-9'7'-5' 25 z\3"3'-6',4'-v 5L9"7'-9' 26 z',-3'3L9'4'-9'6'-0"7'-9' 27 2'4"3'-9'5'-0'6L3'7'-g 28 2'-6',4'-0'5'€'6'{'8'-0' 29 2'-6"4'-0'5'-6'6'-9'8'-$ 30 2'-g 4€',5',-S 7',4'8'{', 31 3'{4'-3"5'-$7'-3"8'-9' 32 3'-0"4'-6',6'-0'7'4"9',-3" 33 3'-0"4',-g'6'-3'7',-9"9'€" 34 3'-0'5'-0'6'6',8'{"9',-g' 35 3'-3'5'-0'6',-6',8'-3'10'-o" 36 3'-3'5'-0'6'-v 8'4'10'-3' Page 12 of 16 Nobld c|tt hob h Mchad ro.re 1'/.'hoL|rLybacl,t od:lro hatl|d Dno (.Eo eppL. to lrr,F lEb) E!fithdr l,lr' FIGURE 3. ALLOWABLE HOLE SIZE AND LOCATION FOR THE TJI 110, TJI 2IO, TJ! 230, TJI 360 AND TJI 560 JOISTS Table A Seo notes b€low Table B. Table B - llinimum Distance fnom Inslde Face of Intermediate Gantilever ul: I Incn = zc.4 mm, 1 toot = 304.8 mm The cl6ar distiance betw€€n multipl€ hol€s must bo twico th6 l€ngth of tho long€st dimension of the largest hole. Hdes may b€ located vertically anywtrere within the n,eb. L€ave 1/8 incfr of web minimum at top and bottom of hole. The Rqrnd Hole and SguarB or Rectangular Hole Chattg ar6 bas€d m simpte spans and unifom load applications, within the limitatbns of the applicabl€ Trus Jdst lit€fiatur€. TJI JoisF ar€ manufadur€d with 1 112 inch diem€t€r p€rbreted knockouts in the web at approimatety 12 anches on conter along tho l€ngth of th€ ioisl For simpl€ span (5 foot minimum) unifomly loaded jcisb m€ maximum siz6 hol6 may b€ locat€d in the web at the conter of th6.ioist span provid€d no other holeg oocur in the joist. Iabl6s A and B are based on simpl€ span6 and unificrm load applicagms, within th€ limitations of ths apptioabl€ Trus Joist lit€ratur€. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - Manimum Distance From Inside Face of End SuoDort to Nearest Edoe of Hole Joirt Depth (inch6s) TJI Joist Series Roqnd Holc Sizc (inchcrl Square or Rectangulat lole Size (inchosl 2 3 4 6%8'/.I 13 2 3 4 6%8%11 13 9% TJt 110 1'-0'1'€'z',4'5'-0'1'-0"1€'2',4"4'€" TJt 210 1'{"1'-6'2',4"5',-o'1'-0"z',-O z',.6"5'-0" TJt 230 1',-o"2'I'.2'$',s',-6',1'-0'2'$',3'-0"5'-0' 1'.t% TJt 1't0 1'-0"1'-0"1'{'2'4'5'-0'1'-0"1'-6'4'€'6'{' TJt 210 1'-0'1'-0"1'-0'2'-€i'5'6'.1'-0'1'{',2'4"5'{',o-o TJt 230 1'-0"1'-0"1'{',3'-0'6'-0'1',-o'1'{'2'4'5€"T-O" TJt 360 1',-o"1'-0"1'6',4',-6"7'-V 1'-0"1'-{)"2'-6"6'6"7',-6'. TJt 560 1'-0'1'-0'1'-6'5'-0'8'-0'1'-0'2'4 3'4'7',4'8',-0' 14 TJr 110 1'{"1'-0'1',-(r 1'-(r 2'-6'5'{'.1'{'1'{'1'{'3'{"6'-0"8',{" TJI21 1'{'1'-0"1'{'3'-0"6'-'t'{)'1'-0'1'-0"4'{'6'6"8',€" TJI 23 1',{',1'4"1'-{r 1'-6'3'-6'6'4'1'-0"1',-o'1'{"4',{',7',4'9'{' TJt 360 1'-0"1'-0"1'-0'2'-6'5'€"8'{'1'{'1'-0'1'-O'5'4'8',-0'9'{" TJt 560 1'-0'1'-{r 1',-(r 2'-6'6'-O'9'{'1'{'1'{r 1'€'6'6'9'-0'10'-o' 16 TJl 210 1'-0'1'-O'1'-0'1'-{r 1'6'3'6'6'-0'1',{"1'-{r 1'-0'2'4"6'{"8'{'10'€' TJt 230 1'{'1'-(r 1'-(r 1'{r 2',4'4'4'1'{'1'{'1'{',3'-{r T-O'9'{'11'4' TJI 360 1 1'-$1'-(r 1'{'3'{'6'-0"9'{',1'{'1'{'1{'4'{'9'{'10'{'11'-6" TJt 560 1'-0'1'-0'1'-0"1'-0"3'-0'6'S'10'-0'1'{'1'{"1'{'5'-0'10'-0"11'-0"12'4" or to NeaGst Edoe of Hole Jolst Depth (inch€)TJI Jcisl S€ries lound Hole $2e Square or Reclanqular {ole Size (inches} 2 3 4 614 8%11 13 2 3 4 6T.8%11 13 9% TJt 1 10 1'6'z',4'3'-0'7'-4"1'{'2',4',3'-6"6'{' TJt 210 2'4'z',$',3'6"7',-6"z',-O'3'-0'4'-0'7-0' TJt 230 2'€'3',-(r 4'-0'8'{"?6"3'-()'4'€"T-6 1'l% TJt 110 1'-0"1'-0"1'6',4'-o'8'-0"1'-0"1'€'2'-6"6'€'9'-0' TJt 210 1'-0'1'-0'2',-O"4'-6'9'-0'1',-o'2'4"3'-0'7'6'10'-0' TJI 23 1'{"2'{'2'€',5'-0'9'€',1',{'.2'$',3',-6',8',{'10'-0" TJt 360 2'-O'3'-0"4'-0'7'Q',11'-0'z-o'3'-6"5',-0'9'{"'t 1'-0' TJt 560 1'-6"3',{'4'-$',8'-0"12'4'3'-0'4'{'6'-0"'t0€'12',4', 14 TJt 110 1'-0"1'-0'1'-0"2'-O'4'8',-0"1'{"1'-0'1'-0"5'-0'9'-0"12'-O" TJt 210 1'-0'1'-O 2'-6'5'-(I 9'{'1'-0'1'-0'2'4'6'{'10'{'12'-6' rut 230 1'-0"1'-0''t'-o 3'{"5'{'10'-0"1'-0'1',-o'2'4"6'-0'10'€"13'-0' TJt 360 1'-0'1'{'z',4'5'€"8',{'12'-6'1',{'z',4'4'-0'9'-0'12'-0'14'-O' TJt 560 1'-0"1'-0"1'€"5'-6'9'4',13'€'1'-0"3'-0'5'{'10'-0'13',-6'15'-0" 16 TJI 210 1'-0'1'+1'-ff 1'{"3'-0'5'6'9'-6'1{'1'-(r 1'-0'4'-5'9',{'12'4'15'-6', TJt 230 1'-0'1'{"1'{'1'6'4'{'6'4'10'-6',1'{'1'{r 1'{'5'-O',10'€"13'-O',16'{'. TJt 360 1'-O'1'ry 1'{'3',-o 6'€',10'-0'13'€'1',{'1'-{r 2',4'7'-6'13'-0"14'€'17',$', TJt 560 1'-0'1'-0'1'-0'2'-6',7'{'11'-0'15'{'1'{'1'{'3'6'9'{'14'€',16'-0'18' For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. t foot =mm Page 13 of 16 FIGURE 4. ONE.HOUR FIRE.RESISTIVE ASSEMBLY DETAILS R$ilient ciannels dit€clly applled b Jobb or hlss€e @ 16 lrdms o.c. suppordng both lryls of gypsum board noo€€sary b achiwe sound ratinge' 3 ASSEMBLYA (s€€ S€ction 4.15.1 of this rsport.) 1. Doubls Wood Floor. 2. TJI Joist with minimum 1-1l2 incfi flangs dopth. 3. Fixture prot€dion. 4. 24 incfi x 48 incfi r€cess€d light fixturo. 5. Cold-rdlod chann€ls. 6. 12 inch air diffi.rser. 7. Th€nnafib€r or Fibr€x-FBX o. Fibrex-lF min€ral wool blankots. 8, 5,f&indr thick acoustical panBls 24 inches x 24 inchos or 24 inch€s x 48 inch€s supported by an approved exposed firerated susp€nsion system. ASSEMBLY B (Se€ S€ction 4.15.2 of this r€port.) 1. ,l$f24 bngueand{roov€ span rated sh€athing (Exposuro 1). 2. Tu,o layers of 1/2 inch thick Type X gypsum board. 3. TJI Joist. 4. Optional minimum $1/2 inch thick glass fiber insulation or noGcornbustible insulation that is rated R-30 or l€ss, with resili€nt channds (not shown). Sound Test Data' WOGypsum Concr6t6 STC = 50 Pad & CarDot llC = 60 Tark€tt Acoustnor llC = 51 (1) Cushion€d vinvl llC = 45 (2) Wcypsum Concr€t€ STC = 58 Pad & Carpet llc = 54 Tarkott Acoustiflor llC = 54 ( Annstsong ModArmstrong tlc = 50 (1) Cambrav shoot vinM 1) Requir€s tu/o lay€rs of ry€Hnch thick Type XType X gypsum board wilh minimirm $112 inch thick glass fib€r insulation or non- combustible insulation that ls rst6d R-30 or less. (2) Applicable only in iurisdiciions using the lRC, BNBC orsBc. ASSEMBLY C (5€6 Section 4.15.3 of this r€port.) 1. 48124 bnguland{roov€ span rat€d shgathing (Exposure 1). 2. TJI Joist. 3. se incfi thick x 24 irrch x 24 inch ceiling pan€ls. 4. Fixture prot€ctjon, 5. 1/r2 inch hick Typ€ X glpsum board. 6. 24 inch x 48 incft recessed light fixturo. 7 . 6 inc'r x 12 inch op€ning fd retum air. 8. 12 inch diamoter diftus€r opening. 9. St66l suspension grid. Page 14 of 16 ('l) Applicable only in iurisdiclions using th6 lRC, BNBC or SBC. TYPIGAL DETAL FOR BUTT JO]NTS PERPENDICULAR TO FRAMING MEMBERS. ASSEMBLY D (56€ Soction 4.15.4 of this r€port.) 1. 48124 tongueand{roovs span rated sh€athing (Exposure 1). 2. TJI Joist. 3. No.26 gauge galvanizod ste6l funing chann€l install€d perpondicular to ioists. Funing drannels spac€d 1-1/2 inchos from and on €adr side of urallboard 6nd idnts and 24 inches on center away from €nd joints. Channel seorred b joists wifrt support clips (ltem 4) at each ioist location. At channol sdic€s, acljac€nt pi€c€s ov€rlapp€d 6 inches and tied with douue strand of No. 18 SWG galvanized st€€l yyire at €ach end of overlap. 4. Simpson Strong-Tio Co. Type GSC support clips to be us6d to support tuning channols at the inters€ction with eac,h ioist. Support clips nail€d to sid€ of joist bottorn flang€ wilh 1-112. inch long No. 1 1 gauge nail. 5. Stat iliz€r strap (not shown) - 3/4 in€fi x 6 inch No. 24 gaug€ galvaniz€d steol strap used tc prev€nt rotation of the support clips at urallboard 6nd icints and along walls. 6. 1 inci thick, 6 pcf minimum, Thermafiber or Fibrax-FBX or Fibrox-lF mineral wool blankgts. 7. 1/2 inch thick USG Typ6 C FIRECODE or W€stroc Fireboard C gypsum board. ASSEMBLY E (S€€ Section 4.15.5 of this report.) 1. Double wood floor or a single laye( ot 48124 span-rated tong ue€nd{roove sheathing (Exposur€ 1). 2. TJI Joist. 3. An epprov€d coiling syst€m that will provide a 4o<ninut€ finish rating. An e,@mpl6 of a c€iling with a 4o-minute finish rating is d$cribod in Section 4.15.2 of this r6port. ASSEMBLY F (S€€ S€ction 4.15.6 of thie rsport.) 1. 48/24 tongue-andgroove span rat€d sheathing (Exposure 1). 2. 5/8 inch hick USG Type C FIRECODE or W€stroc Fireboard C gyp€um board. 3. TJI Joist (with flange sizes 2x4 nominal or larg€r). 4. USG RGI channd at 16 incios on conter. 5. Thermafib€r or Fibrex-FBX or Fibrex-SAFB mineral wool batts. For Sl: 1 lnch = 25.4 rvn. Sound Test Data; WGypsum Concr6te STC = sg Pad & C,arDet llc = 54 Wihout Gypsum Concr6le STC = 47 (1 Pad & CarDot llC = 54 Page 15 of 16 1. 2. 3. 4. c. ASSEMBLY G (SeE S€ction 4.16 of this r€port.) 4824 bngue-and-groo\€ span rat€d sheathing (Exposur€ 1). TJI loists, 24 incfi€s on csnt€r maximum. Oplional glass fiber insulation, unfaced batb, $ 1 2 inch69 thic* in pl€num, supported by stay wir€s '12 irrch€s on c6nt€r and cflter€d on ioist bottorn flarEes. Thr66 hyBrs of S8 incfi thick Gdd Bond Fireshidd G Typ€ X gyFum b€rd. Rasili€nt channels at 16 inchos on center located betw€€n first and second lay€rs of gypsum board. 4o" L- 7 . l. ^- T Typical resili€nt chann€l and gypsum board attaciment. FIGURE 5. TWO-HOUR FIRE.RESISTIVE FLOOR.CEILING OR ROOF-CEILING ASSEMBLY Altemate Floor or Roof Systerns: Lightweight concrete or gypsum concrete may be added to Assemblies A, B, C, D, E, F, and G of this report in accordance with Section 4. 17. SLIT FOR HANGER l^llRE tL"xat2tx2a" f'IINERAL l.l@L BATTFASTENED NITH NIREAT EACH END FIGURE 6 - LIGHT FIXTURE PROTECNON (S€e Section 4.15.'1, lt€m 5 of this report for d€teil€d d€scription of minoral wool batts.) For Sl: 't incft. = 25.4 mm tq12' \ tt'x2Y/,xa8." I.IINERAL NOOL BATT EACH 9IDE OF FIXTIJRE Page 16 of 16 Detail A: 3 rows of 10d x I .5" nails at 3" o.c. FIGURE 7 - METAL STRAP AND TENSION.TIE CONNECTION CAPACITIES AND DETAILS FOR TJIJOISTS Detail A is apdicabb to all TJI Joists with structural composite lumb€r flange widths of 2.5 incfies or greater. Simpson StrongTi€ Co. MSTI or PAI straps, or other straps of the same minimum gaug€, dim€nsions, grade of ste€l and nail pattems and recognized in a cunent ICGES Raport or ICGES L€gacy Rsport may b€ us€d. Detail B: 4 rows of f 0d x I .5" nail s flt 6" o.c. Detail B is apdicable to all TJI JoistE with sfuctural composib lumber flange wid0rs of 3.5 incfi€s or great€r. Simpson Sttong-Tie Co. LSTI or LTTI straps, or oth€r straps of th€ sam€ minimum gauge, dim€nsions, grad€ of st€€l and nail patt€ms and rocogniz€d in a cun€nt ICGES Report or ICGES L€gacy R€port may b€ us€d. General Not€s: Connection capacity limited b a lateral nail design valu€ of '112 lbdnail with th€ fdlowing conditions.1. All nails shall b€ 10d short nails. 0.148 incfi€s x 1.5 in€hos.2. Mnimum st6€l thickn€ss shall b€ 18 gsug6 (0.049 inch€s).3. Total connection capacity shall not €xce6d the code approved strap or t€nsion-tie design valu€.4. Th€ conn€ciion capacity is permitted to b€ incr€asod for dunation of load in accordane with the code.5, No additional reductions are necassary du€ tc p€netration.6. The minimum roquirsd 6nd distance shall b€ 3 irlch€s. For Sli 1 indr = 25.4 mm. 1 lbf. = 4.448 N WIJ-1.3 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Ceiling Assembly Floor'/Ceiling -lWo/o Design Load - 1 Eour Rating - ASTM E 119 / NT'PA 251 |. Floor Topping (optional, not shown): Gypsum concrete, ligltweight or nornral concrete toppfurg. 2. Floor Sherthing: Minimum 23132 inch thick rongue-and-groove wood sheathing @xposure l). Installed per code requirem€ots. 3. Insulstion: Minimurn 2 inch thick mineral wool .ilsulation batts - 3.5 pcf (nonrinal), supported by setting strip edges, friction-fitred between the sides ofthe l-joist flanges. 4. Sfructurd Members: Wood I-joists spaced a maximum of 24 inches on center. 5, Setting Stripr: Nominal lx4 wood soning strips attached with l-12 inch long drywall screws at 24 inches on center along tlrc bottom flange ofI-joist creating a ledge to support insulation. 6. Resilient Chrnnels: Minimum 0.019 inch thick galvanized steel resilie,nt channelg attached perpendicular to I-joists using I -7l8 inch long drywall screws. Resilieot channels spacod 16 inches on oenter and doubled at each wallboard end joint exterding to the nextjoist. 7. Gypsum \Mallboard: Minimum 5/8 inch thick Type C g4sum wallboard installed with long dimension perpendicular to resilient channels and fastsned to each channel with minimum l-l/8 irrch long Type S dqrwall screws. Fasteirers spaced 7 i.nches on center and 3/4 inches frorn panel edges and ends. End joints of wallboard staggered. 8. Flnish System (not shown): Face layer joints covered with tape and coated withjoint compound. Screw heads covered with joint compound. Minirnum l-joist flange depth: l-5i 16 inches Minimum l-joist web thickness: 3/8 inch Fire Test conducted at National Gypsum Testing Services, Inc. Third Party Witness: Und€rwritff's liboratories, Inc. Mininrunr l-joist flange area: 2.25'trches' Minimum I-joist depth: 9-l/4 inches b STC oa lc v"luce csti-rtd by Dlvid L. Adrms Associ!&s, toc C'qyiddO20fr) AMERICAN FOREST & PA.PER ASSOCIATION.INC Scpt€mber 28, 20Ol Report No: NC3369 only whctl constructod er(adly as dcscribcd AMERICAN WOOD COTJNCIL S(Dmbcr2(tr2 SHAIIT 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81658 TRANSMITTAL No.00432 Phonet 970-477-4710 Fax: 9'70-4'19-1897 PROJECT: Vail Plaza Hotel TO: Vail, Town of 75 Frontage Drive Vail, CO 81657 Phone 970-479-2142 Fax 970-479-2452 DATE: 51412005 REF: Test Reports Schnabel ATTN: Charlie Davis \VE ARE SENDINGI SUBMITTED FOR:ACTION TAI(RN: E Shop Drawings E Approval E Approvcd as Submittcd I Lctter EI Your Usc ! Approved as Noted ! p.int,EI As Rcqucsted ! Rctumcd After LoanIt^.rJ Lnange urocr Ll Rcvicw and Commcnt LJ Rcsubmit E plaot E submrt ! Samples SENT VIA: i Anactrcd ! nctumed s D Rctumcd tbr Corrcctions E oth"r,E Separate Covcr Via:Due Date; ITEMNO. COPIESDATE ITEM NUMBER REV.NO.DESCRIPTION STATUS 3 412812005 Test Reports for tiebacks Remarks: CC: Expedilion @ Signed: Steve Sego Q<oectrlein Gonsultitg Engineers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy r Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 www.KCEDenver,com LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX October 30, 2003 Mike Coughlin Coughlin and Company, lnc. 140 East 19u', Suite 700 Denver, CO 80203 fu>-otrn Subject: ExcavationObservation Building C Foundation along Column Line A Middle Creek Aflordable Housine Vail, Colorado Job No.03-160 As requested, a representative from our office observed the foundation materials exposed in the open excavation along Column Line A, Building C, at the subject site on October 17, 2003. The pu{pose of our observation was to verify that the exposed materials were similar to the subsurface conditions presented in our Soils and Foundation Investigation report, Job No. 01- 136, dated March 14, 2002 and our supplemental letters Job No. 03-038, dated April 14 and 21., 2003. Also, that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system. "fhe excavation along Column Line A was excavated to approximate foundation grade. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation for Column Line A foundation of the proposed Building C consisted of bedrock and soil. The soil was moist dense silty, sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. The bedrock was in the northwest corner ofthe excavation and extended from Column Line I to 2.5 along Column Line A and from Column Line A to A.5 along Column Line 1. The exposed soil was from Column Line 2.5 to 8 along Column Line A. The depth of soil was investigated with the on-site Yenter drill rig along Column Line A. The depth of soil was 6 feet at Column Line 3.5, 12 feet at Column Line 4.5, 14 feet at Column Line 5.5, and greater than 20 feet at Column Line 7 . We recommend that any loose soil exposed within the excavation be moisfure treated and compacted or removed prior to footing construction. Provided our recommendations are followed, it is our opinion that the bedrock and soils exposed within the excavation along Column Line A of Building C will safely support a spread footing foundation systems designed AVON/SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Mike Coughlin October 30, 2003 Job No. 03-160 Page 2 of 2 KOECHLEIIC|{S ULTIN G ENGINEERS, I NC. Con su Iting G eot e c h nical E n gin eers for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,500 psf. Our opinion is based on the foundation subgade remaining dry, unsaturated, and frost-free. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our ofEce. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. William H. Koechlein, P.E. President Reviewed by: f*z Scott B. Myers, P.E. Senior Engineer (3 copies sent) cc: Odell Architects. Lee Mason ec: Shaw Construction, Jim Hyde cc: Town of Vail, Charlie Davis 1se6,! !- C-fp-o3..i8 sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA;408 654 0475;Aus-28-L 3:11PM;Page 112 to6r{M": ,lilfr.cn4fur hic@ren q uerout KLSA of Californin Structu ral Engincers and Builderg 3350 Scolr glvd., Suile 21Safi Clarq CA 960511 Ph:408654-0475 Far:408654-0476 To: Company: Addrccs: PhooeNumber: FaxNumber: f,\.om: Date: Fages Including Cover: re: Cc: Memotandum Charlic Devi4 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (nqne-2138 Ctuis l{akes August 28,2O03 2 MCV tsuilding A Peer Review Comment ResPonses Ire Meson' Odcll Architccu (3o3\ 610:1162 Erik Marquez, Shaw Constructio'n (9/0) Ul-56I8 Roben Panillo. Pardlo Assmiatcs. EnFinecm (970) 945-,4921 Purpoae: Commmts: Rcviscd Structurat Plan Review Rcsponse tlear Sir, We have received the peer review commenb from Pattillo Associalcs Enginccn, Inc. regarding building A on the Mddle Creek Vilt4ge Affordable ltrousing Project, and have genoratc the following responsos to their questionVcommmts: l. Thc foundstions have be€n &signed to span a l0'4" distance in accordance wittr the Gxler,hnicul Enginecr's rccommendatiors, The calculation fo'r tlre capacity of the hickened slab element in quc.stion may be found on page I 15 of tho previously submitted calculation binder. 2. As with every projcct we wotk on, it is lfl.&A's (and morc spocifically the Engineer of Record's) int€nt rcview all stnrctural conponents of tho projea. Iilowcver, our review drns not rBlease the contractorfrom the responsibiliry of hiring an indcpendent enginccring firm to design and seal the drawings futhe soil-nail retaining wall on building A. As srch, rhe norc ur thc previously submittql drawings rcfcrs to ttre contractor for the wall desigfr and dctailsr While his note indicates that the contrucbr is lcsponsible for the design ard detailing of thc soil-nail retaining wall, the Enginecr of Rccund will rcvicw tlr finel design to mako surc the dasign conforms with sound enginccring principles and practicc. F.\Middb CnEf vi&fF(fnflqJatcdfil 08-18 Rr$$d riruourd Rrtit'rl Rt*Frrrc Bldg A rml*r Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA;408 654 0475;Aus-28-l) 3:11PM; August 28,2Wj Accces to Lhe "orawlupace" arca will be provided thrrough fte srcchanical roorn on the first levcl of the building. Plearc refer all questions reglruding the location and sizc of the access point to the architect. The "Hazard Wall" and smrchrral slab that interface witir the top of the soil-nuil wall have bcen designed to incorporate horizontal movemsnt. The cqrnection of the structural slab the face of building A provide.s vertical r€shainq but allows for limited horizontal flexibility. Afterdiscussisns with botlr tlre geotechnicul engineerond soil nail wull confractor, we haye deterrnined rhat the soil nail wall will have an expectcd horizontal movemcnt m l" or less. To accommodate this movement a minimum ?' gap will be provided benrreen the hazard mideadon wall md tlre norrh face of building A. The *Hazaxd Wall" has been design t'or q 600 psf load acting both horizontally and vcrtically. Thc calculations for thc "Hazard Wall" were inadvertently lefr out of the previorsly submitted calculation bindcr, and have boen includcd with this merno for completeness. To rcach an active condition in dense cohesionless soil (compasted sands and gravels), a horizontal movement of 0.001H is necessary. The maximum raained soil behind ttre wall has atotal heightno grvatorthan 25 ftat, which corrcsponds to a maximum horizontal movement of apprcximamly fl16" to cr€ale an "active 'retcntion conditim. We exJrect that this movement will nccur during backfilling of the wall, beforc the wood floor framing has becn put in placc. If, howcvcc, thc activc condition is not achieved during thc bacldlling of rhc walls, drc rctaining walls on both ttre East trnd Wost ends can aosommodate limited amounts of movernent thmugh deformation into an open space (stair shaft on the East end), and deformtiqr of the artjacent material (2x4 s$d wall on the West end). We cxpect that bccause of this, an active retEntion Whire lnss-lble, all foundations bear on native soil. ForBuilding A, the slorpe of the existing site is suoh that tlre majoriry of $c building will be resting on treas 'but 'into native soil. However, *rere ar? some condirions wherc backfilling behind a stem wall will creale a condition in which a small pottion of the adjacent inbrior footing will beu on fill rnaterial. We have discussed these spccial conditions with the Crcotcchnical Engincer, dnd he has appmved thc usc of ttre fill as a boaring surfacc if the fill is placal properly. As a gcneral rule, bearing on lill is not a gmd idca. However, where we havc found no cost effective altematives other than bearing on fill, the Geotrhnical Enginccr has boen consultod trd fill has apploved as a beoring sruface (per rhe geotcchnical cngineer's rEpon pagg 10, scction 1) as long as the fill is pmprlyplaced Page 212 3. 4. 5. will AqeR eaq @&tt-ri++ Tol'{tl5b dt( fttAl--TnE -au- r5 lto@r,y l{E -JF n+L (&lFa46lu*L W#|r{t^ aA filJ- ?llYAo, f.thweEz, rs zrcow@ a lrrfle l From: To: Date: Subject: "Bob Pattillo" <bob@paengineers.com> "Charlie Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail.co.us> 0812712003 6:58:24 PM MCAH Buildings B and E Structural Comments Gentlemen: I offer the following comments regarding the structural plans and calculations for the Middle Creek Affordable Housing prolect, Buildings B and E: 1. A number of piers and some stem wall footings appear to lie within backfill zones of retaining walls and lower foundations of Building B (Sheet S5.31). This contradicts the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer (p. 11, item 6, Soils and Foundation Investigation). fls it feasible to extend the piers to bear on the footing heels below?l 2. The integrated design of the walkway and grade beam on the north side of Building B (Detail 4/55.33) is susceptible to frost heave that would affect the roof and walkway structure above. A similar condition exists along the south side, where the sidewalk slab is "sandwiched" between the retaining wall and roof columns. [Could void-cell be used to isolate ground heave from the slabs?] 3. As noted previously, there does not appear to be adequate strength in the 12"x18" thickened slab interior footing to support the imposed loads to accommodate the 10 foot span capacity recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. For Building B, the shear capacity appears lacking. 4. There is a contradiction between Structural and Architectural information regarding interior bearing wall construction at Building B. The structural schedule indicates 2xO @ 16" o.c. studs and the architectural wall schedule calls for staggered party wall construction with 2x4 studs spaced al24" o.c. on both 2xG and 2x8 plates. 5. The foundation plan for Building E designates most of the retaining wall on the north side as a "8" type wall scheduled on 1/S1.41. According to that schedule, the maximum height of retaining for this wall type is 8 feet above the floor slab. However both the architectural elevations and the grading plan indicate that the planned height of the backfill varies between 8 feet and 12.5 feet. 6. The footings on the south side of Building E may need to extend up to B or 9 feet to bear on undisturbed soils two feet below the existing grade, according to the grading plan. The only foundation section (3/S1.41) references a "hard" 4 foot overall foundation height. 7. There is no section shown for the 12 inch thick stem walls for "Keyed Note 2" on the foundation plan for Building E. This will likely require double mat reinforcing, and more information should be provided. This completes my structural review of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing project. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these comments. Sincerely, Robert Pattillo. P.E. CC:"Lee Mason" <lmason@odellarchitects.com>, "Greg Luth" <gluth@klaa.com>, "Art Hougland" <fi resafe@rof. net> Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;408 854 0475;Aug-27 -4r1lPM; td 9(anu: ntidfit Entl+lllagt lohNu",hz 0 rl69.ilB 03o Page 1/15 KL€IA of Califurnia Struclural Enginssit and I uildets 3350 scott Blud,, suite 21 Sanb Clata, CA S505t[ Ph;408654{475 Fax 4OO 65+0476 To: C,omtrnny: Addrees: PhoneNumber: Fax Nurnber: Itom: Ilate: Page6 Inctudtng C.over: It: Cc: Memotandum Charlie David, Town of Vail 75 S. Fronnge Road Vail, CO E1657 (noD47e2r38 Gto\r4 -zrg,z ChrisHakes August27,2003 2 + Z Art&{^rsrqs (tS elus rqz'u) MCV Building C I:teral PecrReview Comment Resprnses LeeMason, Odcll Architects (303) 6701162 ErikMarquez, Shew Consmrcdon (90) 2.tl-5618 Pupwe: Cornmenb: Smrchrnil Plsn Rpview Response Building C - ht€ral DcarSit We have received the peer rcview comm€nts from Panillo A$sociatas Engineers, Inc. rcgarding the building C latond fi'aming on thc Mddle Creck Villago Affordoble Housing Prpject, imd have genoue tlre following responses to their quesrions/cornrnentr: l. IJBC s€cdon 2513.1 states: 'The sheor vslucs tabuhtcd shall not be cumulative with Ore s6ce1. value of oflgr mdnriols uppllcd to the seme wall. Ihe shear vrlues may be addltive wfur|&lefuIcttifu1ln?d,edab applif'd,as specified in thls $cctlon areapplled 3o both ddes of t[e wall,'. As I interprEt this passagp of thc uBC, it st ttes-thrr non-homogeneous mat€rials may not be sdditive for shear purposcs, but idsntical matprials may bc addcd rcgardless of their coflfiguration. Thereforc, in a wall with both plywmd and gpsum streathing tho shearrcsistance of thc Efp$um would be ignorcd, whilc in a wdl with one lap,r of glpsum on one eide and two lalen of gypsum on the other, all of the layers of gpsum would be able to confiibute to ths strfo-resisigrce frn thE wall. I bslicve rhat the kcys to this passage arc the words thar have not been included. Whilc the UBC statrs hu the matcrials must bc idendcal for the shear values to bc added together, it drres not say that thcy configUrafion be idcntical (i.c.: nailing thickncse, number of layers, etc.). Ae euch, the strear capacities of walls SW t and SW5 would bc reduccd to 350 plf and 460 Plf respcctively, but the shear capaciry of SW3 would remain the sane at 425 plf (ttre stucco on the cxterior of FN|t{irldh (:rocl vinrd.tntsp*lacdtB{&? sauslltat lbYi.rlY Rcspce BHg C laEol rEtro..}ri Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;408 654 0475; August 27,2fi)3 dre wall is not bcing used for shetnrEsistimce), the lateml culculstions havc besn npdate forthese wall capacities and all walls are still within acceptahle shearand overturning limi6 exce,pt for one wull in which the nailing spacing has been reduced m account for the rpduced single shearhing shear capacity. Thc updarcd calcularions have been included (eoe atuchment l) with 0ris menro for completeness. The hold dorvns at the ends of the links beoms between building Cl and C2 are Dreant to prcvide a nrcchanism through which load can be trausfencd betwcen the two buildings. We havc found that tying buildings CI and C2 together reduced the strcar and overtuming &mands on C2. Whcn thc buildings arc tied together, the uplift dr:e to larcral loading is redrced to zero, eliminating the need for large hold-downs at the ends of tlrc shcarwrlls. Furttrerdescription of the benefi$ of the linking the two buildings together has been added to thc latcral portion of he calcularions and have bcen includcd with this merno for complaeness (please refer o anachment #2). The "100 kip EQK' lo'arlu shown at tha end$ of the CMU wall at grid 4 arc indccd ove,rnrming forcen. The.se forces are capable of acting in cithcr a positive or negafive (uplift) vstical direction based on lhe dir€ction of thc ground notion duing a seismic event. Thcsc fo!€cs wcrc included on plan so that the pr€cost concrtc supplicr could desigrr for precast rectangular bcan that will be supporting the CMU wall. Th€ CMU wall will be doweled into the topping slab, which will then transfer the forpe into the precast double tees, A detuil showing the dowel size and spacing has been addcd to the dnrwingu, which will be rsissucd for peimit in the ncar future. Aug-27 -4:1 1PM;03o Page 2/15 o PrsF 2 Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIF0RNIA;408 654 0475;Aug-27-4:1lPM;Page 3/1503o ,trWtA/6^[T 4(r00I86 B at''Eo (J E .qg Iit s?.j tIo a EI*() f :5C!{ 3U' €!E ^geoE. Ic =z E.; o Eoa T g E E F Fiili!4E Ei IE 5B trr ;:FO o E tI a €Ia I e { t -*tE tl E 6 E. 3I b c! g.a'et €I ig ?rl.Ir' eEgB EE s3l|!IE *3 *! 5',9 Ito tt $E E h |,iI EtEIn!IE c ac it'! -aDi! E *,o h; o E i o E EtE i 9i'5Orl to dE rL ii ...J e, il iE* xiitiIFS s IJo .6If E.! 6oo F .E g e.; ott at o' o.E oEo () oF:- Etd! IE 5E6E od I- eq !6tz€t dI dE E E .Edt Eo I .A Rit,v'if t!a lr-Egoa ig tl. E ci5 e IIOa TE o rii! Y5 d tt $c !o coxN 'E o acx a\l @ o ao (\l (o o a6 N 3 .ex o| a ca r9.tt(\, * Q-EE \o V o E roAI I(r,\g o t\ E Ft o. o e Eot E! 6 EI (t s E G o D oI !t6 i *a TF 6E rit-.l:tltl Eg c -c o- o &t, EI a 6 Fo * n s EE t! T 3 iD ToL -?- et*It|.!+*5 -l lJl 3E a GI d H slrl , at, rO a 6 d F6I (, 4 'E g d sent By: KL&A 0F GALIFoRNIA; tuc: l|Lldle C|ltkvlllr0e Sublet SHEAF WALIS FoRCE & DESIGN Bulldlng: A 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -03o 4:12PM;Page 4/15 0 00179 ilOfr; M^x,SHgD( DB"INO ynttul is LEtt I'1){ p€R, Lt Nc-l* Foet fHC Olry-ull oF i,t BI-IE A e A ,c zt6 FLF €fflFt Srtt oF 'w3 sfuy /oB 1 1 69DLAP&WALL.SHEAR,XI0 OTHER - SW DEMAI.ID 54 142 214 14 14 261 37 23 261s7 20 261 152 26f6a 1tt1s2 tlz 44126175 Bulldlng: B 9.4 g.tl 13J 4.1 18 4.2 - lEf ptyvood lnt .5/a' GYP, sec clGE. w.l lchcdule bt nsil czo aru' epa'ito i€d, o€ hy.r ot 5/8' GYP al e€Cr trc., 6d coobr e 7 KLAA of Cal'ilornia stitsltno" sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;408 654 0475;03oAug-27 -4: 1 2PM; cilG o.27 0.66 1.@ 0.9:l 1.14 sw2 0.11 sw2 0,37 swz 0,69 sl,v2 0,37 Tlde: trftdbcrcekvlll.gc Sublsh Sh€srDlttdbullon Bulldlnq! c-t (EAgT-WEsr WND) Rool level FS lsrrsl F4 lewl Hllewl F? lewl Bulldlng; C-2 Rool F5 lev.l F4 level F3 le\rsl F2 le\€l BulHlng: C-3 Roof F4 level Fg lovol F2 lewl Eulldlng: C-4 Roof level F3 le\rel F2 lcwl Eulldlrq: Boof lewl I 1 GlrDhPeWAL.SHEAF.xb OTHEN -SW OEMAND Page 5/15 0ri0l80 o.15 0.30 o,a. 0.52 o.ff! o/c o,17 o.g0 0.16 o.62 0.76 o.a o.s8 0.E0 0.99 cJ S\,1f2 0.13 wvil 0.s1 s1v2 0.44 o.% AuL muu D/c < l'o KL&A of cslilomia 66 121 t50 2! 12 n3 33 I 273 4t s 273 66 25 275 t1 l6 15 11 13 190 296 E94 142 112 112 142 27 42 56 6S 217 217 217 217 EE 134 1E0nl t9829 10 39 104t9 5ir76t6 Tt 149 7n2@7 71 35'l 5 13 20 27 107 107 l07 107 65 166 262 348 7 l1 10I tE 28 ffiS;nearnKipr KlPs ft Plf 4 4 $t 75 lred, orr hyel of 5/8' 6YP at cacfi bce, 6d cocFr e 7' .l-r"l.i"iiiiavp+sru@, lnl'-2-brTltt'Tl:ta'tdrcdulElotnail9126andlFdns orr'byar ol5/8' OYP al erch tacF, sd @ol!r O 4' a2uz0@ 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -4: 1 2PM;Page 6/150soSent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA; IcJ0t83 $t4t t,I ?vl ,0Gz -g =oo C' 5Y &--3pVr -<_ J$t. t q oI E IE-agl Eo e =ulo E Hu,ro(, =oJ a + $a 6#Its tatq ag;ao si.D (\tt\lNAl aeaa HHHH EEAg, #HH .\I GI C\I eaa H#H ggg tt ltt tn ggg att u, crt NOT$.a;a ggg U' g, at "r8l9i8 -lrolf'{re= H-saa ;FE EsFS oPSE 3i9* {o(DssE "3$$. +P9s eEhd ci -'; c)ot@,'ot|!ocid crorDtf' -C\l(Cr?dci- fifif,f'i Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA; gulldlnE: 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -4: l 2PM;Page 7115 Cr)0I8,i 03o Rool levol F5 levol F4 lovel F3 lo\r€l F2lewl Eulldlng; Lwdl Roof l€vel F5 l€vol F,f lewl FSlswl F2lewl . r - rt3PLFnur 3hcaf, dtrr,nl r ' ' wru. s'l{t'Dr/lt 1 I 69 DLAP&WAtL€HEAB.xls OTHER -SW DEMAND cJ(SrAtlDALoN9 190m sBf 1E6 142 142 142 112 t6 t5 14 t3 27 42 56 69 c.2 otED 70 BLDG C-r) -EAiT--wal[2 wdls;;zl6*^i,tr /t9'@ a;iuffii i..it : i:i.ri Wall 2 wall Iplf dl $rall 1 Dlt -2{345n3ae,u@r|:l1A 113 80146 172 tl KllAotCalilomlo 6ftiF2009 03o 4: 13PM;Page 8/15408 654 0475;Aug-27 -Sent By: KL&A oF CALIFoRNIA; cd01E5s F E c €I C' I- 4t ; ) o Ja7ti 5 BIII t, ttt a? $:a 9JtL ctt Iol I an Hgu $ g o H # H H g ttt 5vt 6l a I' a fa a *, ; #HH dt E fti f; H!H ..t I lv EE5 e a f; * H f; * td E nttu, E ]tI B 8a 9, 2bE C EIo g EI g ; c B b aitt 5 Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoHNIA;Page 9/15 BI.GD C 2TIEDTOBI,CID C I o The spacc between these t$,o building are vcry closed rslativc to their height. . guilding C. 2 is tied ro Building C-l along linesl and 2.6 at each floor level to resist N-S wind force. In doing so, tho shear dcmand in Buildirrg C-2 decreascd. See page lE4 for shear deinand comparison. Page 190 shows floor deflections for both models - c-2linl€d to c-l and c- I done. Page 189 shows the shear demsnd on tho floor diaphragms (PLF) when the buildings are linked. fage tsta and lglB show the demand on the links and tics betwcen the two buildings. A new iage l83A sSows the overturning nomsnt on the masonry walls in Buikling c-t *a compared to thc rcsisting momgnt. The deud load is large enoughio resist the ovartuming momcnt. No uPlift is expecrcd' Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoHNIA; Bulldlr|g: Rool hwl FS l€\rol F.l lettgl Rl lsvsl F2 l€vol sulldlngr Lwell Rocl level FS lev€l F/t lewl F3 level F2 level 1169 DlAPAw tl-sHEAR,rs OTHER - SV., DETilAI.ID 408 654 0475;Aus-27-b 4:1sPM;Page 10/15 Crlu184 KLEAolCalilomla c_2 (STAND ALoNq n 16 112 42 ls 142 56 14 1& 190 2fi 3tl4& c-j! F|ED TO BLDO C.-1) 6ni2003 Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;Aus-27-b 431sPM; Pase 11/ls cdule0 E '^ i".'t f1D-g==r 408 654 0475; ! E€ EE:JY I5!aI E o rf;.{ o. 2,4 Aug-27 -0so 4:1SPM; Page 12115 Cdul89 408 654 047siSent By: KL&A oF CALIFoRNIA; lr 8g, ol(, 3o aI il8il8 l'l,il$oooQdddd alaltrtt ILo EEP ;,;; j 939.Ol TD rf+ FIL ul C' ={FLa ILJg PooIL G fiz. J Eoctr lu-o =c, tr.-o.3 Cl Gralroor u3du\riHs 13/15 lft F s Page l1 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -0so 4:14PM;Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA; .Ec! ca6 dJY 9' 6og F oluco cz s 2 5t I E 3 ! $ € E Et et E $E! *gl E'$l f;llA!15 Ed g6 frn sB sler= E F E + u UzIo, talI a J!xil CI ulz3E- J Ellt3 EEIIE EIEEE qqEtE, dFgdg FPggF TEFEE EEET Fa{OitE !Nqt rtro -6lEllO '6.lll 9 gEE33 SgEgE 8335E $"e38 sSEgg 3E933 33EEE 33E3 ggggS EsEgE EEEEg gEgg n 6t cl i' 3 ! l/:to9 O 6t'{'l ttl at ct r' i' ||l lo5 (9(D c9rssct di ti oi .\i(\i U 6 a{ z. P$s qqq{iiq .i;; ni.riNs|NN.. ttl .ti lo I 3988E6 sent By: KL&A 0F CALIF0RNIA; 408 654 0475; Aug-27-03 4:t4Pil; Page t4l15 O O r{16 Collgctors Line 2.6 (Bulldlry G'l) Dlap. Width 29.5 walllsn0ilh 12 Beam lengdr 17.5tt shear/ft 215 PlfTenebn 3'?63 bl Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoHNIA;408 654 0475;Aug-27 -03o 4: 14PM;Page 15/15 A183 J ; dzoo{: d IL Js- o Ixd fiI 3 d =do- 6o,lo .g Ee E().'i 5!z oz =l!ct =ai() dI(! &GSSR -?dctlui fi&frR8Qeci;tlj E8$6F9oci.; KBTEE E$ !ddJGiici -<o o 3se $gsese eF * PEnuen dEE Hi "aE .Et tol-s .Eg olocd(t "FE I o E3 $T at, 5 Sent By: KL&A OF cALI FoRNIA i KLBA of Califurnia Sltuclutal Engineers anct Build€ rg 3350 sco[ Blvd.. Su[e 2l sanh clara, cA 95054 Ph:.|{)8 85!.0475 Far: dOE 6tr!-0476 408 654 0475i Aug-27 -03o 3 : 58PM; loi i[se: x{itdh t'rzrlvtllagt tobNtrttfu 91158,N0 P6ge 1 /16 To: Coryony; Address: PhoneNumber: FaxNumbcrr Itom: Date: Pages Including C.over: Irg: Cc: Memotandum Charlie Davi4 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) Oe-2r38 (?tc rn'2'rg, Chris llakss Aucust 26.2m3 2 .-3 ^rr,alug{S 0t z$Et 1?t^L) MCV Building C Gravity PeerReview Cosunent ResPonscs Leelvlason, Odcll tuchitocts (303) 670-7162 F.rik Marquez, Shaw Constnrctirn (90) 2r'.l-5618 Robert Puttilo. Pattillo Associates. Enginegrs-Iy/0) 945-492,1 hrpoaer Comments: Structural Plan Review Rssponse Building C - Gravity Dear Sir, We have received the peer review commenL\ lmm Pauillo Associates Engineers' Inc. regarding the building C grrrvity hanring on the Mddle Creek Village Affordahle Housing hoject, and have generarc rhe following rcspons€s to their qu€stiunVcumrnenu: L Sl.0l (GcneralNotes): The illegiblcline of textatthetopofthefourihcolumnisa repeared line of text ftom the last line of the third coltrmn. The drawing has trecn updated to rcrnovc the illegible line of texr fism thc top of thc fourth column. The quality control section of the gencral notes continues on to, and is concluded on, sheet Sl.m. A notehasbeon added tothcSl.0l indicoting this. 2. Sl.13 (Load Kcy Sheet): On Plan l, the three area strips notcd as Load Arca I but graphically codcd ss LouI fuea 1l hava been changcd to indicate lnad Area l1 in both the notc and graphic. On Plar 2, graphic mding indisating load ar€a 2 has been added to thc arca befireen gnds D and E and gids 3 and 4- 3. Sl.3lr Ttrc chart ho bccn rcprintcd in a legible fashion and has bccn inclndcd with this np,mo for refcrence (attachmcnt #I). The updated chan also appars on the dnrwings. a. S2.(Cj: As noted in the resprxrse to the smrctural comments forbuilding A, the 18" widc x l?' rlcep thickaned slab footings will span l0'4" as rccoErrcnded by the R\t iddh (lr.rr vlurge\camspuddcrlt)3{&26 sBucflral Rlvilw R6p(l|s€ RU8 C (turvily nalt.ltl: Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA; geoteclnical engfurccr Please see page ll5 fordetails. UBC sedon 230E is meantro address Qongitudinal shrinkage of wall shtds is rnechanical, electrical, and plumbing conshrctod using dimensional sawn of ar,ound 1.25" in the 5 story wdts ( #2). However, the floor sysEm in this Instea{ wheie are using un enginoered tangential shrinkage is negligihle @lease more dptails - nttachmcnt #3). Thercfore, sy$ems in the projecc will not bc affeccd There is indeed an inconsistency betwcon and stnrctural plans. This fras becn upon th* ail bearing/strtrcural walls will stuctrrral plans. This results in a minimum spacing of 16" rn center in all of the unirs. 7.Compession perpendicular to thc grain in the loads shown on plan. Horever, thc the live load reduction aspcrmittedby he redrrction into account and lowered the compression values for thc sill plarcs. ht cxcoeds the cornprcesivc capacity ofthe be used (thelSl's have a highercomprcssi plates ore required have been noted sn madc to fte wall schcdule to The dcsign of the soil nail wall will be conforms with sorurd engincering I on building A for further details. 5. a Pqgo 2 408 654 0475; Aug-27-03o 3:59PM; Page 2l'16 August 27, 2003 of the previotuly submittal calculatisns in which floor stuinkage ) will advenely affectthe in a building. In fact, if orrr poje.r,t were tlrere would be a total buildfutg stuinkags ircluded for reference - attachment does not uee dirrpnsional sawn lumber, product (TJI's) in which the radial and to the attached Trusjoist exctrrpt for mechanicnl, electrical, and plumbing by differential setlement. bcaring wall calloun on thc architpchral with the architccl and it hus bcen ageed the sizc and spacing indicatcd on thc size of 2x6. and minimum stud hcm-fir s[rd platcs will bo an iseue with curntly shown on plut do not udlize UBC. We have now taken this on most walls to within allowable arcas where the conrpressive sgess still sill plates, treatecl IJL sill plates will capacity). The areas where IJL sill urd the appopriate changes have been where ISL sill platos arc nccssary. by the errgineer of record to cnsurc it Please refer to the rcsponsc to conmcnt Sent Byi KL&A 0F cALIFoRNIA; O 408 654 047s; ^rn-r,t-rl3:5ePM; A+bI'.^t + | Page 3/16 H IXT IYPICAL IJI-NDS FOR RIINFORCED MASONRY BARS CMU BAR U L.XIENSION STIRRUPS NOT STIRRUPS #3 1t /?"2t/q"n1 /"t/2 41/2"21/2" #4 2"3"21/?"o ?" #5 a\ | ',z /?33/u"n1 / . t- /2 7\/2"J'/+" #6 41/z'41/2"1"v 41/2" #7 53/+"sl/+"31/?"'1g1/2"sl/+" BENDS FOR REINF.IN 1$WP CMU pENr 8fl{f}s Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoHNIA; KLBA,Inc, I L, ,rl,l*1,,1 A-nN - tws ZSob is "t .,iL-' folr.\,^[',^^ - tr Ass*@ Co|'rBul0og Slndur8l Englnalfa $trrr.1 -('l d{*,r-J {rr-'!*\. -/r(Z tl <(ntq. ftf J""I"e i 3oo "J FJ' h".'. ," 2;17" =i"l ,s nLo,h) (-rtJ*, to^strr"l."-, p1c- 2-S$ 1L,&u . UW sc"(-* +r '{r"rt.I ^-A *a..n'.\ro\ .[^rt i.,q.-.-l{ ft" 1,",-',1, -\? S = 1.q' (tJ^* /'.)3" -- s (t-,-) l1?. i -.3a ,., i([ rLr*L *. [a7, .z&. 7. f)?, .( {La' llTS' ,/3tlm" 4.fb" 5o-,-- I.ZS"r-, 408 654 0475; Aug-27-09 3:59PM; Page 4116 Ottraoa/w\./r1 =L O ", Ctd o.r, &UL "*",1- or - #*', AD ".t" T-If,_'s -["ri"L otL e.areoCA 1L,k--=\ "tL.- r^,-\ cral*{s o^), //.," 3"rlk^rs- L*^I. ^+ t- \ ^.i*f l KL&A OF CALIFORNIA;654 0475;Aug-27 -3: ssPM;Page 5/16 n a.bout 1.7 X l0-o rd softwoods. Tbis ron su'uqural ma- ifiercndd thermd lial and tangendd) l rangc from about icientr. The radiel lhc brmula (2-l) .l to 0.8. The tan- Cry rpeci6c gravity (2.2) o thc tempcraturc :e coneid€red con- Ebrcndy than docr r temperaturc but ially(3or*96 MC hennal erpandon, rt the intcrmcdiatc rted but will rhrink 'od gredudly loece rcction, where di- kagc still prcdom- y dry. enr, wood shrinkr re Sbcr raturadon rurc contcnt. 1'hc d and longitudhal rkage and srvelling a value below thc mmonly aszumcd 5l b€lotv this point. re fiber saturation re toial rhrinkage, the grccn dimen. the annual growth tiogs. ln gcncral, Tlszut lrvdofit& hukditt 2_Sg stu'inkagc ir peater iu heavier picccr thar in lighrer piccer of thc sarue rpccics and grcater in hardwoodl than in roftrvoode. As a piccc of green or y,'r uood drier, thc nrrface is reducert to a rnoirhrre conaent bclorv the fbcr caruratiou point much sooncr than ir rhc interior. Thus, thc piccc may ohorru rome ilriulage bcforc rhc agcrage rnoirture content re aclrco rhe fber lsturadoD Foint. Table 2.3 givcr the nrcrage rarrgcntial, radiat, aod volumdrir rLrinkage valucs for variour speciee during dryiag fi.,om the grcen condition to 0% MG. Because the faccr of rhc picccs of lumbcr are rcldosr ro oricotcd that thc annual grorrrh rings arc exrctly ungcnt and radial to dre faccc of rhe picce, ir ir custoriary ir dctcrmi.oing croEE-sectional dimcnsional changat to u8e an intermediate or av_ crage 'aluc bctnrcen thc m.ogential and radial rraluee. The valuer in Table 2.1 can be urcd to egtimstc shrinkagc by uring thc brmrrla s- : s(/-: ')(2-3) wherc .lr - shrinkatc from initial 'roilrurc condition to final moisture contcnr ^(ib,),So = rutal shrinlagr frorn Tbble p.S(%), rz - fnal moisrurc contenr (belxf, g0To) (%), and .f = initial moiorurc contert (balory l}gb) (%). Veluco for Iongirudinal ehrinkage with a changc io moi6turc conlent are not tats ulatcd in ThHc 2.3 trr:ause thcy are ordinarily uegligitile. Thc total bngitudinal rhrinlegc of corrmoaly ured cpccier frorn tiUer raiuraton to ovcn-dry Jo"ai ion usually ranges fron 0,t toQ.2% of thc green dimcasion. Abnormal longiodinJ rhrinkage uay occur in comprcssion wood, wood with steep slope of gr-ain, and csooptioDally light$,€ight wood of any rpecier. Bccaucc thcrc L cooriderablc variation in rhriakagt for aay rpocies, it is dificutr to prcdicr thc chrint<age ofan indiwiduar piecc ofrrood.Tbc ralueu given ia Trbtc 2.1 mzy bc ured ro ectimatc thc avcrage uhriulage of a quantlty oi piecee. Thcrc ie a nomal tcudtncy for morc 0at grain lunbcr ro bc ured in glucd lam-inatxl timber tba[ cdBe 6rein lumber- Tbcrefore, tbc shrinkagc in thJ dirccdonpcrpendiorlar ro thc glue linc i.r morc comparable to radial rhrinkagc tha.u en. le1rti.al rlrir*age. shriulagE can bc ecdmated by uri4g brmula (2-31 ana raHc 2-3. A rulc of thumb conmonly uscd is ro .raum" rb"il % shrhLgc occurr for arcry 5% change in moisture conrent. Thc cEectr of dirneneional changct due to a chengc in rnoicturc coDeul have trcca conridercd in thc dwelopmcat of rlrr drtflfu rholr,n n epitzl CorAnhn Dc_,4tlt, AITC l0+ (5), in Part III dt}ir manual. THEBMAL INSUI.ATING PBOPEBTIES Thcnnal ilcularion, commouly referrcd to simf,y ar inrulation, ir rtrc inherentcharacrcristic ofa subsrancc to pr"'rcDt or retardihe ranrfcr of heat through itsbody' Heat trangfer can occur ia serrcrer rvayr: rorid curduction, gar "rmduiioo, S6nt KL&A OF CALIFORNIA;408 654 0475;Aug-27-0 4 ! 00PM; ltlELD 2.9 Avcrrge Ehrirrlrgt Valuer of Wood B cd uu l)imcrriorll rhco Grcco Pcrccntegr of Shrinlrgt lrorn Glccn to Ovrn-I)ry Moirture ContenC Tbngcntia.l Voluraztrit 2,9 2.2 r.6 (3.s-4.8) .t,0 t.r (:r.0-.9.7) 9.2 (2.1-,1.1) 2,r 3.4 (2.6-J.8) r, r (5.4-{..e) 3.e (s.5-+.5) 4.t 4.r 1.+ 3.e (3.3-4,5) 2,2 5,8 (2.9-$-9) 4.0 (3.e-1.3) +.3 {.8 ({.6-s.{) {.5 (r.z-5, r) 2.8 (2.{-{,6) +.2 r.0 (2.e-{.5) s.5 (3.3-9.5) 3.9 r.6 6.e 4.9 7.6 (6.e. e. 1) 5.8 5.e (6.8-7. {) 7 .r (6.1-7.8) 6.1 7.2 (7.1-7,+) 6.9 (6.7-7,t' 7.e (7.o-e.2) ?.4 6.7 7,1 7.7 (7.0-9.2) 1.9 6.1 (t.6-6.2) 6.3 (6,?-6,7) 7,5 7,6 (7.4-7.7) 7,r (7.t-7.21 5,t (5.0-6.9) 7,4 7.2 (s.6-9.2) 7,0 (6,7-7.+l 9,2 8,2 ll.2 7.0 12.0 (r0,7-r4.0) 9.7 lo.2 (s.7-r9,6) ro.5 (8.1-r9,6) 8.2 ro,5 (9.1-11.0) rr.1(1r.0-il.1) n,7 (9,8-t3.0) l r,8 ll,l t 1.1 u.8 (9.8-13-0) 7.2 9,i (7,9-9.7) t0.2 (e.7-u.r) u.5 12.3 (r2.t-rz.3) r 1.6 (r r.2-l r.9) 7.2 (6.8-10.r) 12.+ | 1.1 (7.9-r3.0) rr.5(rl.5-rr.8) 13.9 12.7 Page 6/16 convcction, atrd ra' biaation. Wood is c rurc. Each vvood 6b or store eap, The sar that rctard hcat tre Thermal conduc only through a uni dab surfa.c, when t ie unity, t his definir br rhe sarne materi dicnt of t oF/in, , bz Thc sccond, based Thc rclationship be Tlrc thermal cor rpecific gravitn (!t) r gtoMh cbaracteried ringr. Ttcrmal conduc rccdong but ic about ductivity values acrc grznities, ulc tlrc fo wherc I = thcr C = rpcc Bnd MC = thet A similar tcrm, rber throrrg[ a qnil a6a 1 unit avcrage rcmper. conductance valuer , ecnbly d mrterials, A direcr rn€arur€ ir the reciprocal of Thcrnral rcdstancc,r itics of e matori:l or i Spccicr' &J,.tm.It Balram Fir Califirrnia Rrdw<nrrl Duuglar firl,*nult' Eastcur Hcnrlock Eartern Hcnrlock-TlmaraclC Eartern Sofiwoode' Easrern Whitc Pinc Engelmann SpruccJrlpint Fit' Bngelmann Spruce'l.odgcpole Piue' Hau-Firf ldeho Whitc Pine Lotlgcpdc Pinc Mountrin llemlocl Mcruntsin Hcrutoct-Hcm-Fil Nonhcrn White Uedar Pmderoea Pine-Sugar Pinc' Poadcroca Pinc-Irdgcp<rle Pine' Sirka Sprucc Sourhcrn PinC Virginia Pine.Polrd Dhre' Wcetern Ccdan' Wcrtcrn Hcmlocl Whitc Wrrr<h (Wcsrclr Woods) HadrNt Arpcn' Easrcrn Cortonwood Ycllow Poplar .slrecicr lirtcd rrc thec conmurrly utcd tirr rtructurrl l .,rlx)!cs !! litlcd iD supplcmcnt lu lhc MAf (2)' T/elucr rrc ftoo Tablo 3.5, Wod llardhoo* (l). .S1X+iCr valucr 6r cornhin:tionr arC (hcwcightcd rvcrrgcl*i.: Oa thc rterding timbcr wlums: rhuwrr irrTaHo {, ASTM D2555. J?od!t/ Ntttodtlrr Bttahtithtar t:tat wbod Srnldh lzclur (4)' Thc reryc of rrnlucr withil ths cl|lbinsrim ir rhowrr in parcntho:cr, 2.10 Sent KL&A OF CALIFORNIA;408 654 0475;Aug-27-0 4:00PMi 14 Propcn|ot cl llrood end Lumb.r Gr6dE Page 7116 tIAflPLE 4, 9rrlnkrgo of Lunber ctl€cK Fiour. {5t t}erconins chocks mry mcru in tho wide siile of a uc,uber rt or near lha.D.ulrut axlJ''lnes crackc form bEceuse wood ngar the Surrace onsd url! iiuiirfi-nnr. [r larger picees of luober, lhe irucr ;; "f th,; il;b"; lisoe'moi"turs alil ohrinls much iiiiii. c-u*iii g *lievat tho strc€tca cousod bv non' unifrnr drying, I rl^IUAL RIAE lANdENlt*L Sll(t E ae @r4tuN3\tl ts t G6eRftl^^l RLaIAL KAD'AL S'IRIN KAA€ fi*l'"lT*ffi$ll$*trs"ffi H,h*;'i#ghd'du8e'rhia Thevood. HaulDooft liete everage cleor.wood shrilkage-perceotages fOT mauy. individt ";;;;f "".d' Tangeutial .fi;k"c" is greatesl Radial ubrinlage. i1 o.n iho o$er ;ffi;u?;;;;;"T.ililju", u,.fia *iit oigoin"*t. Iansitudinal shrinkage ie vt smrll snd ia uruelly dispBard€i. sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA; r" r 408 654 0475;Aus-27-b 4:00PMi {.7 lrotrrurc Contrm and gtrrlnkagc Page 8/16 Irl{i 6F4 Snc flae AfT* .5'IFINFAGE &1ot/ L Iste/f,ac .NNUAL RIN43 T7N6ENlAL sHStN t^4tE Ftgurg 4.6c Tangeudgl, ridial, ard longirudinrl ahrinkage. ,. thie rrtagps for EarY individual rrinkagc ls on ths mder ot gituilinal shritrloge ie verl .A secoudapploscb to shrinkage colculations is givon in Rof. 4.6. It pro- videg formulao for calculating the percentage of shri-ukage fo , ti" *i;atlr'iiathi'chrult of a piece of lumber. Ttris method wee usod fo-r sbinkace "ai""t-srente for the In-Grade Test data and is incruded in the rpp""dr"oGirvr D 1990 Gef. 13.5), ln etnrctural design, there are eeveral redsons why it mav be more ap-propriate to applye simpler mel,hod for estirnating tho ahrinr<ai" itran "itnGot toe tlvo rnethods juHt described: 1. Shrinkage is a variable pTp€Try,The shrinkage that occurs in a given Tembl rnuy be considerably different frorn thJse vatrres oUtaiuJ isi4gtho published auaruBe radial and tangential valucs. 2' orientation of the annuer rings in a reat piece of lumber is unknown.The sid€s of a member are pm6abry not paralel or perpendicuta, to itrJgrowth rings. 3. The designor will probably knosr only the xpeciesgroup, and lhe ind,i_uidtnl apecies of a memher wilt probably no[ be kr,oroo. I'or.thege and perhaps other rea$ons, a very aimple raethod ofeetimatingsnnnkage in structural lumber is recommoDded in Ref. 20. In thic lbiriappmach, a coustant ahrinkogc value of 6 percent is us€al for bottr ttro wiattr Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA; Moisure Effects ReCd€ntlal commerclal ii tnOusfbt producE 1 Specifier's Guides / Lllerature I rJ I Products 408 654 0475: ^Irrll -ll-ttll-(-aal^n4^i 03o 4:00PM; Page 9/16 Pagc 1of8 Aug-27 - s3 united Slatcs f, - -i @ rwanccascar*r E 6Jtx'+{ .r'r'ixri S,t.rn,rmtrr'& $.tr,gy. I contact Us ! m"oi. c"tr'rray I weverhaeuar I xoma Contad tlt I Downloads t Software I 'ferms and Conditions I About PRODUCTS Products SpeciRer's Guldes / Literature Technlcal Design Information lrlolcture Elfects R€turn to Technlcal Deslgn Information contenl3; .Introduction r Wifp -'Decay. Dimensional Stabillw r Moisture Effectt 0n Trrrs Jolst Products alld Sawn Lumber o Rerrrm to Technlcal Design lnformation . Definltlons and Backgrounc r Stiffness and Creep . Weatherl^g I checking, Splitting and Delamlnation . Preventatlve Measures an<l Conclusions lntroduGtlon There ls a grcat dell of confuslon about the elTects of watcr on lumber Dmducts. Althoush Trus Jolst produc!$ hrve many well'known idvantages overcawn lumber, the dcgree to which qglstJre chonges rffect rr:us tolst productt requlrcs some cladllcttlon. Much of the followtng dascussion lPPlies equally to any vrood membcr ctcept where Trus Joist prpducE are speclflcally mentloned. This disoJsslon addresses the maln etfucts of molsture on lumber oroducts and qlves some guldance on th€ exPected re$ults of glven londittons. Hiwever, kcep In mind thnt moisture contant (Mc) changes constanUy. and that molsture effects vary- from sPedes to specics, tr€e to tree, niembcr to mcmber and even wlthln members' Return to contents Deflnitions and Eackground Moisture Content MC ls usually expresscd as a Pcrccntage bosed on thc wclght of watgr ioJt Ovd"a 'by tire oven-dry (dried to zero moistLlre) welght of wood' Living trees uvlng tt€es (Ereen wood) have Mcs of 30 to 200%' ln green softwoods' tnd iiCor rreb-tn"oott ls g-enerally much less than saPwood; the Mcs of dougtarnr and soutnern plnes are usually about 35c'6 and 12091" rlspectlvely. Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoHNIA; Moisturs Effects 408 654 0475;Aus-27-04 4:01PM; Flber Saturation (Fs) FS ts the Mc above whlch no further dlmensional or property change.s oicu.. ls (usually about 3o96) ls the MC requlrcd to saturate the cell walls. Above FS, ihe added molsturr i3 free water in the cells and other cavitles ln the wood' The Ccllular composlUon of Wood wood ls made uP of cells that are long, hollow tubcs-. For our softwood sDecles, cells range from 0.1n bD 0'3'long and are about 0'003" In Oiametir. Latew;d cells (the darkcr band in the annutl rlng) are usually tonoer und have much thi;ker wllls than earlywood cells' The latewood cells provlde most of the strcngth and stlffrresg of softwood specles' Cells are made of submicroscoPlc flbers and some bonding agents' Thls celFwlll maner (fur all sPecles, both softwoods and hardwoods) ls ictratty about 5d% mor6 densc than water. A very densc pl€ce of ionioi,O may have spednc aravitv (SG) of o'5 (thal.ls, lt welghs half as much as the iame vo-tume oi water), but the cell walt matter has sG of JUout l,:, so thc wood ls actually about two-thlrds alr' wood only lloats because there ls usually alr traPPed ln it. Hardwoods vs. Sofr\,voods These names are mlsleading; some hardwoods actually have much lower densiues than some softwoods' The technlcal dlfferences between hardwoods and softtvoods are in the cell structure and the type of lcaf and seed, Hardwoods may be clcsslfled as broad4erf dectduous rees and soR$roods as narrow'leal evergreens. The cell sFucture of hardrvood ls much more compllcatad than that of softrrood, rs hardrvoods have cells PerPendlcular to, as well as par€llel to, the rle axis. Also, there are two g€nertl hardwood typ€s i rlng- oorous (such as oak) and dlffuse-porous (such as aspcn 'nd yrllow boolar), In difrrse'pbrous hordwoods there ls little dlffcr€nce between iaifywooa and lalewood, and thc Innual rings can be dlfitcult to dlsUnguish. Rel.urn to Corltents Equtllbrlum molsture Content (EMC) For given temperature and relauve humldity (RH)' wood will eventually reac-h a stable MC. A few extmples of expected equllibdum mol$ure ..nt"ni ef.fC for sawn lumber can be fiound |n the ltloisture Content of wo<,d iniquiliUrium with Stated Dry-Eulb Temperature and R'elative HumiditY Table. M|6ro||am@LVLandPars||am(DPSLeachhaveanEMCthat132096lower ittJn sawn ru-uer,lnd Tlmberstrand@ !5L has an EllC that ls 35% twer than sawn lumb€r. the tlme lt takes to reach EMC variest depending on the change In MC that has to occur, the species, etc' e"'nii"rlv, riui:otst pr6oucc mav be considered to be at El'lC ll they have bein In falrlv stable condiuons For a few weskt' Page 10/16 Page 2 of 8 The term 'dry wood" urually refer: to wood at EMc In normal protected Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA; Moisture Effects 408 654 0475;Auo- 27-03 4:01PM:-o Page 11 /16 Poge 3 of 8 use. Struclural comPosate lumber (ScL) products (Mlcrolam@ LvL, Paratlam@ FsL, and'Tlmbe6trand@ LSL) are assigned deslgn prcPeftles ln sccordince with A$TM D5456. Thls standard dlctates that propettles be assessed at $o Ellc reached at 65% RH and 70?F, whlch are common crlterla for many wood members and are agsumed to aooroxlmate dry-servlce condltlons. ln thls envlronment, the EMC of l,ilirollamO LvL and Parallam@ PSL ls about 10%, and the EMc 0f Tlmberstrand@ LSI ls 8%. The !'tC of wood in bulldlngs varies with the cltmate, season, deslgn detalls, and use of the bullding' The exPected range of E!4C is 6 to 15%, but there may be excsPtions. Retum to contents Measurlng Mc The gnly rndtsputable method for nleasuring MC ls to welgh the membcr, Oin ori lt In in oven in accordrnce with publlshed standards, and then find thcHC based on oven'drled (OD) welght (the amount of glue sollds may altet this a biq but not enoogh to make e practlcal dlfference). Ttrcre ls a wlde range of sophlsticated devlces used ln saw mills to approxlmately maaaure t'lcr but the rhost @mmon is the hrnd-hald, nledte proUe, Eleclrlc reslstance metcr, Thlg meter ls falrly accurate In the !-lc'range of 5 to 20% when conected lbr specles ?nd temperature (uslnE a tlble provided by the manufacturor), Ge nrrally, the LcJrimuna.a'procedure ls to drlve lhe probes in 666tJ1 gns'quarter of the memberrs ihlckness !o get the average Mc |n the member; if ther€ ire only two probes, thty should be tnFett€d 30 they read along the grain. 6lue llnes attest electrlc resistance, ond cause the meter r'ading to be trtoher than the actual MC. Usualty these meteF are inaccurate h'lth Trus :ot-st pro<lucts, though !n oF-the-scale readlng Pr-obably Indlcttes hlgh motrfur. whio a surFace is Fret, most metcrs wlll plck uP the surfacc moisture and gtve a false Indlcatlon of average. Appearance and feel only Indlcate surfacc MC, whlch is usually unimportant. Obtalning accurate ilc measur€ments of In'Place.members ls dlmcuk' but fortu-nately an indlcrtlon of ranqe ls usurlly all-that ls needed' The sfmpfest Indicltlon of MC high enough to result ln later.Problems is a wldih measurement, compared to known manufactured dimenslons (tils does not apply to TlmberStrand@ LSL). Molsture Efrects on Trus Joist Products and sawn Lumber 5tr€n9:h The strength of wood usually decreases as MC Incrcases beyond dry'use conditions-, untll FS is lrrched. Beyond FS' the mechanlcal proPerties iirhn *it"tunt (incretslng Emparature also deo€ases strength)' Tiese are factors constdered when s€tunE deslgn values lbr dry'servlcc condltlons and may be sahly lgnored for the EHC range encountered In most occupled bulldings. Be aware of thg unusual environmental elT€cts associated wlth speciaF uJ. tt*itutet (swlmmlng pools, Industrial cnvlronments, Etc') 'nd;;;rr'it il;fdronit, rrie eredts ot hlgh moistur€ and.other unusurl enri.onmintlt etlhcts need to be consldered tor €ach Job Individually (for more lnformttlon, see Indoor Pools). TemDorary hlgh moisture wlll usually crcate problems relaH to iireriettr. wtrJn tt ls necessalT to esgmat€ sggqgth rbove Fs, assumc a folJ o?iocb ior tentlon and bindtng; and 4096 for compresslon Parallel, Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA; Moisturc Effects 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -03o 4:01PM;Page 12116 Page 4 of 8 comDresslon gerpendicular, shear and all connections, These are rough numbers thai can be applled to all wood mcmbem, Includlng all Trus Jolst products, More pr*isc numbers for permanent wet-use design are availjble, but guch uie requlres treating, whlch may requtre addltlonal lbctors; iletalls of wet-use design arc beyond the scop€ of thls document. wh€n lemPorarily wet wood members are drled back to normal EMC, lt ls tvolcal to assumi a rctum to futl strength, though a smalt loss likely occurs. therc is a posstblliV of end check passlng through connectors; in tnspe.tion may be advltlbh dependlng. on d€talls. R'eP€ated wet/drv cycles'eventually produce strength losg, whlch must be evaluated on a case,by-case basls. Rcturn to Contents StllTness and CrceP Changes ln HC can alfect sdfhess and creep and can lead to serlous pmb6ms. For most wood, ralsing thc l'lc trom normel'use condltlons to Fs oecreises sdffness about 25*, thereby caushg an lmm€dlate deflection of about one-third more than calculated' Creep ls an increase In deflecuon that occurs with tlme under load. In senrl'ce at usual EMC, wood (dry) wlll evenhrally creep about 50% ot lnltd denecUon. The amount of creep is somewhrt dependent on str€ss lwels, but thls dllTerencc ls usually less than the varia-uon betlYeen members, and the 50ry! rule can be used as a tbirly.rellable average'. When considerlnE creep, it ls common to aPply lhe Increase only to the dead loatl deflectlon; live loarl duRtion ls assumed to be too shon to oroduce creep. Also, when load ls r€moved, some of the creep denEctlon is recovered ind some wlll be Permanent, If a membar ls loaded to oroduce an Inl{al deflection of 1,0", over time the dellection will reach ibout 1.5', Jf unloadcd, the mcmber rvlll have a Permancnt 9et' whlch may rpproach the total creeP, dependlng on moistui€. ch'nges and-tlme fricd.'rf $re load Increases, addlUonal creep should te expected' For a roof in heauy gnow areas, creep should be consldered For the llve load, but probably only for the amount of snow ln an avertge year' All of the above ls applicable only to wood at constant EMC. Hlgh HC and larse Mc chinges hive a slgnlflcant e{lect on crceP. An EMC of greater t-tro'n rS+ oveia long term will resull In more than the normal soa/' creep. The amount oi addtuonat creeP geems to. depend on thc degree of molsture change, Members In the roof of a shcd exparience gr€ater geasonal creep than those In I cllmate-contfolled buildtng' Hovvever. these creep';tcPs" dlmlnlsh with each molsture cycle end seem to nearly venish afiier three or four cycles, If seasonal-M,c c!1nge1-are. greltir than a couple of percentage points, expect lnitlal denedlon to at least double In tlvo or thlee years. For example, a icrollam@LvL header exposed- to rain has an MC ls ;6;; toia irh.n InstatleJ- Rapld appllcatlon of dead load vlelds an - . . mmearate-aen.ctlon of 1,3 tlrires tire calculatton, Normal creep would be 6,i eveniuutfv, but hlgh Mc and dryhg under load may Increase the ii""p Uv j falior of l-or more, Alter Bre member ls drted by removlng it trom'ttri raln, then heatlng the bulldlnE, or a- sPell of warm sunny ;;;ffi; the deflectlon mav be 1'3 + i,5 = 2'8 or obout three umes the iit.utut&iaen"ction. Thls li common whGn members are Installed wet or uns-JilineA, and denecUon over four times fte calculation have becn r"p-JrteO, rti. deprh or a problem depends on.the appllcatlon 'nd how in[.n i#c G appiiio, how rapldlv, and what thc actuol mlgnltude of the Aeneann and'ids effucts are bn detalls rnd lPPearance' Once dtied In ;d;; fh; member rvill perform norm.tly under addltional loads' but all ihc crecp during drylng i5 Perman€nt' Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFORNIA; Moishue Eflccts 408 654 0475i Aus-27-b 4:02PM; 4 , trit Dl B Erydd dcry,rEt perl ormt'|a Page 13/16 Page 5 of I Below ls a plot of the actual deltectlons l?om a load test of TJI L5S Jolsls' fne tert aiproxlmated a field appllcation rvhere roists were Installed lvet anO iz" ro S" of regular welght Eoncrete was poured.on the deck' The EJu[s snown on tie hllowlng Plot were seeqntiallt ldentlcal to the job' Slmllor r€sults have been obtalned In tesb of Mlcrollamo LVL and other wood members, ftlotice that much of the creep erperienced happens rapidly, but there ls rcally no Precise way of quantlfylng the rate' Decay The funSi that attack wood need airf water, warmth, and an avallable iola io,irce, Varlable molsture and tempercture condlUons make lt difficult for fungal organlsms to become establighed. Molsture must be ibove 2e% (Fd) tor decay fungl to become establlshed, alter whlch rol"t"t. levlls'above Zo% can suPPort most lungi tyPes. Note that the ZS% l'lC level can be In the form of a locallzed Pocket oF molstur€. A r"mUei exposed but not in dlrect ground contact ls not ltkely to have - notlceable decay In lts llfetlme' Structur€s that expose members and do not orovide clrcutauon on all sldes may experlence very damaglng decay in u f"" years ln wet condltlon3 or last almost indellnltely In dry iondittons. Note the use of'conditlons" lnstead of "cllmrte"' A yard deck an dre sou$rwest that ls rvet every coupla of days by lawn sprlnklers .outO Oe-y almost .s f?st as one In the $utheast' On the other hand' wood submerged In fresh $rater lasts indennltely because of a lack of oxygen. No Trus Jolst Pruducts sre manufactured from naturally duoble sPedes' dnry Ute neartr.rood of a few sp€cles.ls qrteEorlzed-as durable' The "ioin o.a yeltow Poplar used in TlmberStrand@ I'sL are rsted as lcss Jui'aUte thah many s'pectes' However, the condiuons that promote g;wth of decay nlndt are thE same fur all specles; less durable means Srey decay a little more raPidly. Trus ,olst pmducts cdn posslbly be $eated fior c6rtaln tVnes o! e10o1u13 and Insect lttEck; however, treltlng r€quires evrluatlon on a proJect-Dy' project basis, Retunl to Corrtents Weathering Rctum to Contents Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIF0RNIA; Moisture Effccts 404 654 0475;Aus-27-b 4:02PMi Page 14l16 Page 6 of 8 'Weathering" ls a vague geneEl terln fior the deterloratlon of wood over Ume when Exposed to Sri clcmcnts. Aside from the chance of decay, most of the59 etTects are due to cYdic HC. Mlnor weath€ring ls anticipat€d durlng transport, Storage, and lnsta-llation and may bG ionored unless cifoumstances lead to prolonged €xposure. All wood d]scotors wlth time 3nd ultraviolet rays turn the adheslve In Tlmberstrrnd(D LSL a Pale Yellow' Rcturo to corrtentg Dlmenslonal Stability Sawn lumber remains dimenslonally stabte v{hen above the Rber sitr.auon polnt, When belolv the ltbcr saturatlon Point, Yvood shrlnks or swells wlth'changlng molsture content. However, wood ls an anlsotroplc materlal, whlch meins shrlnkage in wood dlffers along the longltudlnal (oaEllel to wood flber), tangentlal (perpendlcular to graln and tangenual i6 growth rings), and radlat (Perpondlcular to the graln In th. radial directton) axes. The followlng table indicates average gercentage dranEes wlth resPect to the radlal, tangential and longltudlnal axrs' The percentages tisted arc average shrinkage/swell v-alues' Avetage'percentales for r gpeclfic wood specles may be found In wood refurence manuals. Dhenslonal changes due to moisturc along the longltudlnal axlg are wDlcalty lsnorad. ihe dlmenslonal drange ln the tangentlal axls is aoororimitelv ttvo tlmes that of the radlal axls. Dlmensional change oiicentaoes In the above table assume a 30ch change In MC. Smcller lhanEes -tn l.tC wilt result In a lower percentage of dlmenslonal change, ,rtrtctr'rs llnearly prcportlonal to the change in molsture contcnt fnom dre flber satura on Polnt. Trus Jols! englnecrcd Yvood prducts are sllghtly dlffercnt than sawn tumber orod,iar because they are danslncd and are comPosltes o! many lavers o'f strands or veneer. Thercbre. an englneered lumber product iverases the efrects of the growth ring angles, knots, graln devlatlons' eic,, ,ieintng that TmberStrand@LSt has a lower p€rcenta.ge of linear .iiiniton ac?oss the wlrlth as compared to sawn lumber' The rcqutr€d a"hilncatfon of the strands Increases the thlckness swell when subJected to llguld water. water ente6 Trus Jolst products most rapldly on ths ends, to ! lesser a.sE. "lonc thi edees, and to the least degree along-t}te face' The J"i.". "i "i.ii oepcnai on the length of erposureand slze of tltc ;-.";G; il;e.ientage of swell recovered after drylng ls rclaed to th€ iliiliniliii" rlquirea uy the manufacturtng process. Ttmbe6rrrnd@LsL i"orit"Jl f,fsi,er degrei of den3lllcatlon (in lhe thlckness only) and ffi;i;ewiih;t tuliv recover any induceb thlckness swetl when ddcd' Ghango in lilG From FS to OD or OD to F5 (-30% chango) checking, SPlltting and Delamlnatlon Return to Contentc Sent By: KL&A 0F oALIFoBNIA; Moiuture Effecu 408 654 0475;Aug-27 -03o 4|o2PM; Page 15/16 Page 7 of E Return to Conteots When wood dries, thc shrlnkage ls never uniform because of varying ciaracterigucs wlthln each mehber and because the surfaces dry first' When one plane In a member shrlnks or swellg relative to aflother' intemal srgsses mly cause surface splhs, also known rs scasonlng checlG. A check becomsg a split whcn lt PtoJects completely through the plece, nep"ut a wettlng and irylng sycles oftcn lead to Progrcsslvely larger checks, when expos€d to two or more we$lng and dryllg cYcles. Mlcrollam@LvL ana pariitam@PsL dev.toP a multliude of small surface checks that do neollolble damaEe' These imall checks help relicve the dlfrerentlal sti-elici.so artditlonal checks grow at a very slow rate after the first few "v"ril, -dna spllts occur bocluig of moisture Gycles, butthey are rarely of a'stg;lfi"ant iength, rhe very slow growth of checks and spllts In m'6ltamOt-vt- ind parclloni@Psl i3 a great advantage compared to ";;; iu;Uo' Timberstrand@LSL checks tn the tttlckness, but not on the faces, Delamlnauon i5 the abgence of an adheslve bond betwecn veneers or stands h an englneered wood product, Delamlnatlon can be caused by i-pooi adhcstvg bond, but may De Induced by molsturc cycles' When rinuuo are exposed to molgture they wlll thrlnk or swell at vatylng ratcs. Thlg dlfferentlat o(Panslon and contractlon causes stresses to Oevelop at thr glue llne- when the gdue bond is adequate, the wood adjaceirt to the glue llne may Fall. What first may appear as a delemlnatlon ls actually a check ln the wood. Warp Waro ls deftned as any devlatlon from a true or plane surface' warp may te ii Oe form of bow, crcok, cuP, tvvlst or any combhatlon of these' Waro is caused by difrcrcntlal dlmenslonal changes that can resuk from irt" ir"rns Jr un"ren wetting of a mSmber' warp is more prevalent ln to;"; l;;A; of sawn lunbeT because of higher grain anglee and the in".""i"O rr.quency of Juvcnlle, comPresslon and tenslon wood' warp ls .-feis"t n-uti. wiBr e'ngtneered lumber produsts because the many Lv-"-ti of ".n"er or strands randomlze dlffierentiat dlmenslgnal changes' Bow, crook and twlst are usually negligible In Trus lolst products due to the iondomizauon caused by multiple layeE of slranos- or veneer' ii"=*oeJ cuJrn"y occur betause of the hlgh degpee of graln alignment' *iiii-JiiJrici tristr bendtng strength and sti!ftress propertles and ;iil; ;ffili jsainst drppngl oirerentlat wetuno between product ii""r fnCuces benrtlng strcsse! thit cause cuPPing' Cupping bocomes mo.e i"iUini as the Froduct depth tncreascs and the thlckness decreagct' dilation natwtse rrom a stralght line drawn from deviatlon edgewise ftom a ctralght llne drawn awtatlon In the face of I PlecE from a svalght frcm edqa to edge of a GitaUon tlatwls€, or a comblnatlon of llatwise nd eds$rrse, In the furm of a cu or Sent By: KL&A OF CALIFOHNIA; Moismre ElTocu 408 654 0475;aue-zz-f 4.02PMi Cupping forces can be conslderable and should not be.r€slsted through niiii-ns -ot lf..ping the member. These actions cao spllt the member, maifrio tt unusiOte. Movement durlng drylng can result in serlous detall oroUrtmr, such as celling damage. severe cup can also serlously r€duce lfre-mirnfiefs structuraliapacity, dependlng on the mettrod of loadlng' Relurtr to contents Preventative Measures aod Concluslons Hlqh moisture, large cyglical molsturc changes and severe molsture s;idiints are iinosltra'ute for all wood menlbers, unbss c!rcnrlly,- ;;ii.i;;iH In design. Trus Jolst products reslst many moltturE eff€cts more'efecttvety thin srwn lumber' A dlsadvantlge common to all veneer products thelr lncreased rale of moislure tbsorptlon' Some molsture effects may aPPear o(aggerated In.veneer products because ttrei iie larger than'cotmon, conventlonal fr'mlng members' To avold moisture-rclated Problems: . Promole adequate storager both ln product yar'lF and at job sites' Keep producti covered and as far oFf thc gruund a5 poseible' r nnttliiate iho etT.cts of hlgh temPorary molsturc lf it hBppen$ acdd;ntally, Study detalls for advelse effects of dimenslonal chsng€s aid make sure molsture content is stable before nnlshlng.. greak diwn wet packages tnd sticker theln to dry' stains llke mlldew can occur raPldly. r nvoid aPptlcoUons tliat maY Promole decay ancl properly consider all unusuol use envlroom€nts. Trus Joist llmlts the eFects ot temporary water exPosure by: r ApplyinE a Wat.rshedH overlay to Mlcroll.m@ LvL ea$ern specles headers and beams to limlt cup. r ibraytng all faces of Paraltam@ PSL wlth a sealer' End and edge siatints are rouunely aPplled for certaln eppllcauons' . DlrectlnE rcsearch toward llmltlng thickness swell ln Imberstrand@ lsL. The above measunes are intended to allevlate the efrects ot accldenBl or tempomw exposure' Of course, YaPor mol$ura cfielts also need to be conitderei In some cases, To avold unantlclpated effbcts there ls only one answer: Page 18/16 Page 8 of 8 KEEP WOOD DRYI! Return to Contents contact Us ' Copyrlght tD 2003 Trus Jolst, A weyerhaeuser Buslness'' 'ieg=at Notices ' All Righs Reserved' .t;l+l E It r| I D('fuqctnl n,rff l,\0rc.l-/k A ei'ol ,t? ODELL ARCHITECTS P C August 19,2003 Michael McGee Deputy Chief / Fire Marshal Town of Vail Fire Department Vail, Colorado 81657 FFCEIVED AUG 212003 TOV€OU.DEY.Re: Middle Creek Housing - Building Permit Requirements Mr. McGee, This memo clarifies the issues you identified in your Middle Creek plan review notes dated July 16,2003. The enclosed matrix identifies items previously resolved and items addressed by this document. Also enclosed is a letter from Riviera Electric documenting a meeting held on August 14ft in which agreement was reached on the fire alarm systems. These comments relate to the items in the enclosed matrix. 9, 12r. Gas and Electric Meters must be protected from snow and ice accumulations All of the electric meters are currently in fully enclosed rooms. Please refer to drawings LlA2.2}., llA2.3B and,1lA2.6C for details. The gas meters at Building A have been placed undemeath a shed roof with a 3' overhang on the east side of the building, just north of the stair tower. The gas meters at Building C have been relocated under the entry canopy on the west side of the building. Please refer to drawings 4l A4.l A and 2l A4.5C for exact locations. 14, The electric room is shown to be enclosed in a chain link fence. It appears the room is required to be within a fire-rated enclosure. The electric room previously shown on the permit set of drawings has been revised per the electrical engineer's specifications. It now consists of three rooms, each within a one-hour rated enclosure. Please refer to drawing llA2.6C for details. 20. The vents at the top of the stair were not discussed in terms of compliance with the intent to ventilatc the stair. If an open air space is provided, it is not shown clearly. No calculations were provided to demonstrate the stair openings meet or exceed the minimum 357a. The main stair tower on the east side of Building A is an exterior exit stairway. It has an open south side with at least 35 s.f. ofopening per landing, as specified by IBC 2000 section 1005.3.6. Calculations for the stair tower are attached. Middle Creek Affordable noO - euiloing Code Comments Response O Page 2 of 2 26. The Fire Alarm Control Panel must be located in a secure room with a minimum 2 HR fire rating, emergency lighting, no connecting ventilation to the interior' and have a dedicated phone line. The fire alarm control panel room is now located within a two-hour fire rated enclosure. The electrical drawings in the permit set show emergency lighting and a dedicated phone line. There will be no connecting ventilation to the interior. Please refer to attached drawing llAZSC and existing drawing l/E3.9.for details. 29. Please provide documentation as to the 4HR rating for wall type 20. Wall type 20 corresponds to UL# U901, see attached. 30. No details were provided for fire extinguisher cabinets. Cabinets are not specified on plans as either recessed, semi-recessed or surface mounted. Fire extinguisher cabinets are to be semi-recessed in an 18 ga. steel box. Please refer to the attached specification for further details. 33. The fire alarm panel location is not approved or acceptable. It is not protected from freezing or from casual access. The fire alarm control panel is now located in a heated room. Refer to sheets A2.3B and A4.3B for details. Please contact Odell Architects, PC if you have any questions. H:\Projects\0210\code review\O30210-Fire Response.doc -2- 1 ODELL ARCHITECTS, P C August 16,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Code Equivalency Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below odell Architects, P.c.'s response to the building code comments regarding IBc2000 equivalency provided by Hougland and^Associates dated A-ugust S, ZOos for Building C of .,-r\the Middle Creek Affordable Housing project. IBC2000equivalencyissues ,ic, ,, , # \fSQNUWC$:;^dY- \lfi l. IBc 1u5.3.6.2-Exteriorexit,stairways f L9"i1' 5r0t' ' DNEThe 1997 UBC requirements for exterior exit stairways state that two adjacent sides must beopen except for required structural columns and open-type guardrails (Siction 1006.3.3. r ) toprevent the accumulation of smoke and toxic gases within a stair. The IBC 2000 allowsexterior stairways to have one open side with it least 35 s.f. open ut "uJnoo. Ievel andintermediate landing. The ICBo publication 2000 IBC Hanibook: Fire and- rife-safetyprovisions states: "by limiting the amount of enclosure by the exterior walls of the building,an exterior stair will be..sufficiently open to the exterior to prevent u""u,nuiu,lon of smokeand toxic. gases" (p.23g). The IBC accepts 35 s.f. of opening u, "^"r, noo.i"u"r -arntermediare landing as sufficient to allow smoke and ioxic !a.es ," "r"upe1io"by meetingthe intent of the code' / nt f)2.. IBCTable704.8-Allowableareaofopening, / "OY The intent of both 1997 UBC Table s-A analooo nc rable 704.g is to decrease the risk ofheat transmission between buildings by restricting the amount .p""i;;;;;;.opo.tionat. tothe distance between buildings. notn coaes r..ofrrir" ttrat tne aangeriit "uiir-r-i.rrondecreases with distance from property line. The issz ugc *q-rirJ, p.t""r"a openings if thearea separation is less than twenty (20) feet, but does not restriit the total area of openings.The 20o0 IBC requires that the areas of both protected and unprotected;;;g, be limiteddependent on the distance of the area separatitn, but allows ,o-" onprot"'ct"J openings up tofive(5) feet from the property line. The^area of ihe unprotected openings at the tightadjacencies between Buildings B and c and buildings on the plaza "r elrlJirg c is within theamount allowed bv the 2000IBC, and therefore suffrcientry d-iir;*il;;iior" to tr,.property line. ffitifff* Affordable Ott - Building code comments Response O 3. IBC Section 705 - Fire Walls Fire walls as defined by the IBC 2000 and area separation walls as defined byUBC 1997 are intended to separate a single building into portions considered by the code to be separate buildings. In a fire, everything on one side of a fire vrall or area scparationwall should be able to bum down without the building on the other side of the *ull b"ingaffected. The IBC 2000 includes these provisions regarding fire walls:a. Section 705.5 Horizontal projecting elements. Fire walls shall extend 18" past the exterior walls of the building, but shall be allowed to terminate at the interior surface of combustible exterior sheathing if the exterior wall has at least a 1-hour fire resistance rating for a horizonLl distance of at least four feet on both sides of the fire wall. Any openings within the horizontal distance shall be % hour rated. section 705.5.1 Exterior walls. where the fire wall intersects the exterior wall, the exterior walt shall have at least a l-hour fire resistance ratingwith3/a hour openings within a horizontal distance of 4 feet on either side of iire firewall. section 705.5.2 Horizontar projecting eremenrs. Fire walls need to onlv extend through a concealed space to the outer edges of the protected elem"ntsif the exterior wall behind and below the projecting element is at least r-hour rated fire resistive construction with3/a hour openings for the depth of theprojecting element. section 705.6 - verticar continuity. Fire walls are permitted to end at theexterior roof sheathing in R-2 occupancies of rype III construction if the roofsheathing is fi-re-letardant treated wood for 4 feii on both sides of the fire wallor rs protected with 5/8 inch type 'X' gypsum board for 4 feet on both sides otthe fire wall. All of these provisions' while allowing reductions in the physical limits of the fire wall,provide alternate protections to maintain the continuity oi the fire separation itself. A firethat started in a living unit on one side of the fire wall, where it could cause immediateharm to residents and be more difficult for other residents to detect, is se-parated from theotherportion ofthe building by a high fire-resistive rating. A fire that started on thehorizontal projection or on the roofis protected from living units on both sides ofthe areaseparation wall by several assemblies of moderate fire-resistive ratings (roof, walls andfif yd]), increasing the likelihood of preserving the living onitr Jir"""trf -ound the fire.The IBC 2000 srates thar these modifications do not alter tle intent of the uBC 1997 b. c. code - to separate a singre building into multiple portions for life-safety purposes. H:\Projects\021O\code review\030210-equivalency response g-l l_03.doc -2- 9rF @ -Iz.6) C,: -rr1< T > -. ----o ----€ ----o ----o ----o Middlc Crcck Affotdablc Houring H.hI-l|!T Y{Orba!frtii" T0TAL AREA = 57.4 s.f. TOTAL AREA = 67.2 s.f T0IAL AREA = 59.0 s.f. I0IAL AREA = 38.5 s.f. ffi 0PEN AREA Kld ADJACENT T0 N0RIH FI-OOR LEVELS O PLAZASTAIR EXTERIOR OPENII,|G AREA CALCULAIIONS OPEN AREA ADJACENT TO SOUIH INIERMEDIAIE LANDINGS %rY PLAZA STAIR EXTERIOR OPENING AREA CALCULATIONS @ TXTERIOR EAST STAIR OPENING AREA CALUCLATIONS ..- Rillsfi FLoffi-7 E- E ru-s r. fll{l9l FL00Rvn- 82eEl6-- - T0TAL AREA = 44.8 S.F; F T0TAL AREA = 50 S.F. I0TAL AREA = 30.5 S.F. T0TAL AREA = 30.5 S.F.ffil tu OPEN AREA ADJACINT TO NORIH LANDINGS OPEN AREA ADJACENT IO SOU]H LANDINGS @ EXIERIOR SOUTH STAIR OPI{ING AREA CALflJLATIONS -**iF+ T0Tlt = 6{Il tt (PO{ $c0rD Ft0fi BUILDING A EXITRIOR STAIR OPENING AREA CALCULATIONS. ----a*#S+ BUlt0lNGrB EXIER|0R STAIR OBENING AREA CALCULAIIIONS ODELL ARCHITECTS PC August 16,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Code Equivalency Dear Mr. Hougland: #,,f w ---4t *.ry_ ,\W ,3u ..||'u t D O' tr)fl"ut" find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments regarding IBC 2000 equivalency provided by Hougland and Associates dated August 5,2003 for Building C of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. IBC 2000 equivalency issues l.IBC 1005.3.6.2 - Exterior exit stairways The 1997 UBC requirements for exterior exit stairways state that two adjacent sides must be open except for required structural columns and open-type guardrails (Section 1006.3.3.1) to prevent the accumulation of smoke and toxic gases within a stair. The IBC 2000 allows exterior stairways to have one open side with at least 35 s.f. open at each floor level and intermediate landing. The ICBO publication 2000 IBC Handbook: Fire and lift-safety provisions states: "by limiting the amount of enclosure by the exterior walls of the building, an exterior stair will be sufficiently open to the exterior to prevent accumulation of smoke and toxic gases" (p.238). The IBC accepts 35 s.f. of opening at each floor level and intermediate landing as sufficient to allow smoke and toxic gases to escape, thereby meeting the intent of the code. IBC Table 704.8 - Allowable area of openings The intent ofboth 1997 UBC Table 5-A and 2000 IBC Table 704.8 is to decrease the risk of heat transmission between buildings by restricting the amount opening area proportionate to the distance between buildings. Both codes recognize that the danger of heat transmission decreases with distance from property line. The 1997 UBC requires protected openings if the area separation is less than twenty (20) feet, but does not restrict the total area of openings. The 2000 IBC requires that the areas of both protected and unprotected openings be limited dependent on the distance of the area separation, but allows some unprotected openings up to five(5) feet from the property line. The area of the unprotected openings at the tight adjacencies between Buildings B and C and buildings on the plaza of Building C is within the amount allowed by the 2000 IBC, and therefore sufficiently limits openings close to the property line. Middle Creek Affordable nolg - suitaing Code Comments Response O Page 2 of 2 3. IBC Section 705 - Fire Walls Fire walls as defined by the IBC 2000 and area separation walls as defined by UBC 1997 are intended to separate a single building into portions considered by the code to be separate buildings. In a fire, everything on one side of a fire wall or area separation wall should be able to burn down without the building on the other side of the wall being affected. The IBC 2000 includes these provisions regarding fire walls: a. Section 705.5 Horizontal projecting elements. Fire walls shall extend 18" past the exterior walls of the building, but shall be allowed to terminate at the interior surface of combustible exterior sheathing if the exterior wall has at least a I -hour fire resistance rating for a horizontal distance of at least four feet on both sides of the fire wall. Any openings within the horizontal distance shall be 3/ hour rated. b. Section 705.5.1 Exterior walls. Where the fire wall intersects the exterior wall, the exterior wall shall have at least a l-hour fire resistance ratingwith3/a hour openings within a horizontal distance of 4 feet on either side of the fire wall. c. Section 705.5.2 Horizontal projecting elements, Fire walls need to only extend through a concealed space to the outer edges of the protected elements if the exterior wall behind and below the projecting element is at least 1-hour rated fire resistive construction with3/t hour openings for the depth of the projecting element. d. Section 705.6 - Vertical continuity. Fire walls are permitted to end at the exterior roof sheathing in R-2 occupancies of Type III construction if the roof sheathing is fire-retardant treated wood for 4 feet on both sides of the fire wall or is protected with 5/8 inch type 'X' gypsum board for 4 feet on both sides of the fire wall. All of these provisions, while allowing reductions in the physical limits of the fire wall, provide altemate protections to maintain the continuity of the fire separation itself. A fire that started in a living unit on one side of the fire wall, where it could cause immediate harm to residents and be more difficult for other residents to detect, is separated from the other portion of the building by a high fire-resistive rating. A fire that started on the horizpntal projection or on the roof is protected from living units on both sides of the area separation wall by several assemblies of moderate fire-resistive ratings (roof, walls and fire wall), increasing the likelihood of preserving the living units directly around the fire. The IBC 2000 states that these modifications do not alter the intent of the UBC 1997 code - to separate a single building into multiple portions for life-safety purposes. Co*sf;lf,pip'*t ",Esc. deiu ee 3- ue tf'srna-Y H:\Projects\0210\code review\03021O-equivalency response 8-l 1-03,doc a T0ilt = 60.1 SF. (Po{ rum E- 8210'- I0Tll= 3&2S"F. ffi{ $c0il0 nofr EUILDING A EXIERIOR STAIR OPENING AREA CALCULATIONS. sEcTtoN 08310 ACCESS DOORS AND PANELS PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section {ncludes:|. Access doors inlo pipe ond utility spoces. B. Reloled Seclions; l ' Furnishing Access Doors os Specified in This Seciion for Mechonicol Equipment:Division l S Mechonicol.2 Furnishing Access Doors os specified in This section for Electricol Equipment: Divisionl6 Electricol.3 Instollotion of Access Doors: Appropriole sections. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.Ot ACCESS DOORS A. Locoted in plosier. l. Milcor Style K2. MM Systems Boico Style A3. Korp Model DSC-214 pL 4. )L lndustries Model pW 5. Willioms Broihers WB_pL6. Accepled subslitute in occordonce with Seclion 01600. B. Locoted in Mosonry, Tile, Concreie, Gypsum Drywoll:l. Milcor Style M2. MM Systems Boico Sty/e C3. Korp Model DSC-214M4. JL Induslries Model TM5. Nystrom Building products NW6. Willioms Brothers WB_GP 7 . Accepied substitute in occordonce wilh Section OI600 C. Fire-Roted Access:l. Milcor Fire-Roted Access Door2. MM Systems Boico Fire Roied Access3. Korp Model KRp-l50 FR4. JL Indusiries Model FD5. Nystrom Building products lW6. Willioms Brolhers WB-FR Door Series Ft: t I fI ir 7. Accepted substitute in qccordonce with Seciion 01600. D. Descriplion: l. sizes: As indicoted on drowings or os required to properry service mechonicor orelectricol equipment.2. Locking Devices: Key operoted com locks. oA 0210 08310-l -r_--lI. 3. Finish: Prime for poinled finish under Seciion 09900. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Mechonicol or Electricol Access: Access doors required for occess io mechonicol or electricol equipment sholl be provided under Division l5 or Division 16 ond instolled by the frode resoonsible for the moleriol in which door is locoted. B. Generol Access: Furnish occess door indicoted on drowings for generol occess lo be instolled by trode responsible for moteriol in which door is locotbd' C. Floor Access Hotch: Coordinote instollotion so thol finish flooring in hotch recess is level ' with odiocent finish floor. END OF SECTION oA 0210 08310-2 I|rttt l I I t I 3 l I t o sEcTtoN 10520 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES PART I -GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes:L Fire Exlinguisher Cobinels2. Fire Exfinguishers B. Reloied Seclions: .. I . Mosonry Openings: Section O4g I O Unit Mosonry Assemblies.2. Wood Blocking: Section 06100 Rough Corpentry.3. Drywoll openings: secfion 09263 Gypsum Boord portitions ond woils. I.O2 SUBMITALS A' Product Dolo: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330 Submiitqls. Indicote types ond locolions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,01 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINEIS A. AcceptobleMonufoclurers:l. Lorsens' Monufocturing Compony2. J.L. Industries3. Nonis Induslries4. Seco Monufqcturing, Inc.5. Stondord Fire Hose Compony6. Elkhort Bross Monufocturing Compony7. Generol Fire Exlinguisher Corporofion8, AlencoL Poller-Roemer10. AcceptedSubstitute B. Cqbinets: LonenModel 2409-6Rduo-ponel doorwithsemi-recesed l8gogesteel box. Key lock with breokowoy ploslic foce fo open door. Provide fire roied coOinets wherelocqled in fire roted portifions. C. Exlinguishen: l0# multi-purpose A-B-C type with pressure goge. Fumish woll brocket forwoll-hung extinguishers. . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.0r A. INSTALLATION Cobinets: Instoll cobinets occording to monufocturer's instructions. wood blocking. Provide necessory oA 0210 r052Gl Auc 15, 2003 l:34PM Rr\/rsELEcTRrc RrolrnERAEL^,E9.T"$19 No.20lt P,1/1 410 McGregor Drive, Suite 210 PO. Box 1417 Gypsum, CO Bt697 Phone: 970.328.41 1'l Fax: 970.028.4999 www. rivieraies.com August 15,2003 Shaw Conltruction Eric ldarqrrez RE; Middl: Creek Fire Alarm System Eric, This letter is meant to confirm the moetiqg of August 14, 2003 betwoen Riviera E) ectric ad Mke l[cce€ ofth6 Vail Fire Authority, in whichthe design and porfortnanoe ofthe fire alerm lystem for the Middle Creek Project was discuseed. Rivirea presontad to Mr. McGee ou'imeffi to comply with building standards and Towrr of Vail municipd ndos as they ma'p apply ro this project for the fire alarm system. It wae our feeling thot af the oonclusion of this meeting thal Mr. McGee was cmfortable with our direction of design and perfoonance of the system. He hss requ€sted a timplc letter confirming this n€eting be sent to tbs building dopt. to document our solutions to his commcnts regarding the issuance ol'the gencral building permit. Thir laterwill 6orv€ as'hotice to courply' with his (Mr. MSee) directives. Each build:ng will have a complete intelligent, addressable, standalone panel wilh dial out capabilities. Systems w.ll include common area smokg deteotiorq double aotion pull stationq eevator recall, watrr flow and tunper switch monitoring hony'stnobe cov€ra$€'s in bldgs,\B and learning center and spe*€rlstrobe coverage in bldg C with voice eva{xration. Each dwelling unit will havs singlc station (120V/9v) loaal srnoke detection with monit,rred heat contarts that will roport to fire alarm system on a unit-by-unit basis. Each rmh will havo systern horns (bldg A.B and learning center) and syst€m speakers (bldg C). Iluilding C will havt: voice evacuation. The systurr shop dranings will detail to 0 much great€r ortott the functions and complianur to the code ild Veil Fire Authority requirements. These drawings will be submitted illong with system components for syst€m permit in the near fufirre. Rivien Ele ctric wishes to thurk tvft, Mike McGee for his proftssionalism and involvemert in pmviding guidence to the team in attaining code complience for tftis project and we look fiorward to a succ$Eful relationship. --Tna*-you;Nffi;- \n Asubeidiaryoft.s ffi IES www.iea€o.com \, Page 1 of2 Lee Mason From: Art fiiresafe@rof.netl Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:46 PM To: Bridget Venne Cc: Lee Mason Subject: Re: Middle Creek Building C comments Hi Bridget, Thanks for your email. I am just having difficulty with some of the details for the (ADA) bathrooms as presented on Sheets 47.6 & A7 .'7 . Interior elevations 2lA7 .7 & 3lA7 .7 indicate a lavatory and cabinet space that appears to comply but is not dimensioned. Elevation 141A7.6 indicates a cabinet that appears similar but with no section or other information indicating that the cabinetry is complying. ln l4lA7.6 the centerline of the w/c scales at lS-inches from the lavatory and l8-inches is required. No dimensions are provided in the elevation detail indicating that it is to be l8- inches. The w/c's scale at lS-inches to the top of the_!ic!, l5-inches minimum is required to the top of the_sga!. Again there are no dimensions and all w/c's in all details appear to be the same height. The reflective surface of the mirrors appear to scale at more than 40-inches above the floor and there are no dimensions included. The lack of dimensions on the constructions drawings make it difficult to determine compliance and can also lead to problems during construction. This can lead to misplaced fixtures, cabinetry, flush controls etc. It is helpful to have fully detailcd drawings of all accessible bathrooms and kitchens as well as clear spaces for other appliances such as washcrs, dryers, ranges, cooktops, sinks, countertops etc. that are required to be accessible by ANSI A I l7.l, Chapter 10. I must cmphasize that accessibility is an important issue. T\e 1/2" scale is a good scale however all critical dimensions indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.l should be included. Please contact me if you have questions. Thanks for the communication, Art --- Original Message --- From: Bridget Venne To: Art Sent: Tuesday, August 12,2003 11:17 AM Subject: Middle Creek Building C comments Art, I had a question about your comment regarding the Type A and Type B accessible units at Building C on the Middle Creek project. You have asked us for more detailed and dimensioned drawings in order to verify compliance of all accessible units. Would more fully dimensioned drawings be acceptable, or do you require a larger architectural scale? lf you could let me know what you need to see in those drawings in order to verify compliance, I would really appreciate it. Please feel free to contact Lee Mason or myself if you have any further questions. Thank you, 8tr8t2003 o AB&. ODELL ARCHIT August 12,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building A Building Code Comments dated August 4,2003 by Hougland and Associates. €crocI(' Dear Mr. Houeland;GO Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated August 4,2W3 for Building A of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. SvDG k O b-Ao M-- Buildinecodecomments: Lae.Ug' fi.>2 3. UBC Section I , exception 4 states that the percentage of Type B accessible (usable) ground floor units may be equal to the percentage of the site with a slope of less than ten (10) percent. Only thirteen (13) percent of the buildable area of the Middle Creek site has grades of less than ten percent. The minimum percentage of ground-floor Type B accessible units allowed by this exception is twenty (20) percent. Cunently, fifty-six (56), or fourteen out of twenty-five, of the ground floor units in Buildings A, B and C are Type B accessible (usable) units. This exceeds the provisions determined by Section 1103.1.9.3. Please see attached slope calculation for further details. ,f\ AU$ - I du0' 'Tt'oc' oA w_otr{t P.C August 12,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 g' Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building B Building Code Comments dated July 8,2fi)3 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated August 4,2A06 for Building B of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. Buildine Code Comments: aFFreJ. gUDL t@ ,,{, O Stair 820918309 is a stair "n"lorur". v U'r' Stair 8200/8300 has one open side with a total of at least 35 s.f. of open space at each floor level facing the open side. Please refer to area calculations and equivalency analysis for more details. T)Wt' ivfll,/U07-lI I ', t- ./'Al a-,,/ f.P t * ,O frL-%dLlu-u ltp. tl-A( \ue,t. \1-Oja-d, ODELL ARCHITECTS AuG ? 12003 rov{oil'DEL 2. 5. tll p*i s \ l'a d *p s|'E ). at)oI o)a o ooT oo oq) qo u,q)u)o o o) o oo g); tr(Dqt =>w.=x6;o) 85 -= =63E E-ol29(u a1 (|) dlqfE cti c EE6 rr ,^ =,;( .= cllE'5 t'iEd]-d.s f.= xu-I6z EPE. S€ -u6F=oXXzu 6 'E o o.9o (! o (u -c'=" \., 0Jo)c r;ic06 pEag E eE*EE3- E*89€5;.9€.ii 8ESooE'=:z E €€Ea* SEHg PE gS o)o.sEEA co-YE8 9o ooJc-i -cc 9qrEar! ot(U.5(sC ;.s E .= ooc E ooo o '5 Yo- (D(, ct (d o .E d o(!o ; o o (6 o (U E I E E !9o EY;o ER8;ooC\t= Oo)dlc:€tt=ptokEE t .=J=E>o ;;bx- vo .i o E@ XFf 5 gFig€ sElrH E€€EEeE#Eb51Ae;IEbSE *EEs *9.9@ oc'u:9)!/) g$EEE (l) 36€EU)C).eboE ctr o 9o'='-- cob 9(E !o(E6o> (oo ;>6< F(O u, (! (g; Fic ?ioo dcHeto:F -oE9otr-;'E .= ='E 8al - -cr Eg€ E: EE T6rr - (E.!6 R oE O!E f9 or9O OCCOTg$54 ; F c) c) E U' E '= 6(,,.tE -9= ;(5>c!2 U);i(/) x'o IJJ > o (6(g b F-q do.:goq H.e 3(,: F -oE9 oE-:'= .=.ll .=r _cE0)O=*o liEi Fo-cfiETE.r - $.= ;; o =: Y O) i: |J,J #EEA P: 9 3so.at $EgEE<a=9lE3!E+8 Eit BE * 3€:5:-* F e siEp 5'=E€€E;! s Y'"€-ooIrgEE:;dF: F c_+ a E fc?frgE oc(5 o i- .o .o <t 3.Q ,; oF oii (5ll *>(si :9 6E 6 (l)o o 6Eo .l< oo- .L(! q) .Y t! L(do (!o o s ci ro ci N N o,i (J Eo AI (r)t ro (o N @ l 3 3 h 90 !? SE.:Z €.s -L q)iitr -.r S SN l \ ). @ oatoI (l)o o_ EE sEg(, =.=,,a : =i'EE> 6 -Ct oo oo c EERE ot !! dro ct iv(,E e:>6 al,o e'i P! oe SEu)6 er oo oo oo .J'o o() ooc (tor c\l ol -<o' t.c)hi+G< -=i<'xi o(o-oN loioCr) ;i $l 6S I -o .s3 6o-=.E: a9l XE =9'; .= o> -,EaUE >;e, x 6.= o oo(l)o (g c(6 oi (!() Ei>- 9)o (r, $l o E. ts '= = U) o E o Y (g G U) ir; cc !io .9, o oo U'(s o 6+o<tr;- co E -o.d)lcDo E=60t.: c o)F F=39 l-l cl^'= gi:= .= rJ a) ccE(U 3 U)atYO, o=rllrOc^g sf, fE o;-OO -^ v'Y!U :< 3Qrri lzarOE;^rz>(!X> -c .:: o_o '- ttE .E 6 E()o th c 0) t (E 0) i!E o ahco o o 'p o 6= ze o(Dp (1) '= Eo c.) o .o o() c) E E E o (Jo o o tro,^'F a=EF L;i .=Y H9;'Y -YI= \:., (, oo (g 6oo. U):o:J 9o).=C @.9(')cqiE>o(g+S,O q!str*-o F: 9E o.Ee6.= Orebi3pAe6tu6For(d 6.ct: c (t)Yc(E!-3(,)v!-=xc;vo= Fde oro g (B(/,' E9E Eo E 0)oo g, o o,; oEgE9ttsioEF(u!tolg .!2o.nr= ;:3 dE x_eoT\:>E a= (It EhXo o-(a(!o x!o(g 5= € 5c HEE y.h -g e.E obE3e.E:(o(,o;i I oPc= EE 8.eEtro6 ogai -ltro E EE€ ts6q:E tsF88; .P e; 'iJ -lg := -cec=9E: F (J-O .e;(,o o- 'Fiq6rJo. OU'Eth X .-s ?F .9;ez 9o)-cEE (6! B5;:eF YE FOJ(l) dov,oo o(5 q) .E Eg E E th q) o J .g lt .gII E5 .E .c E oo E th =Eo9 do o!?qx E6'9F Ytr i: o.o(D <io) (L LLz -c.=3 Eo o E o o.EY o (u o =o = (D o (5 (t) o .:< 0) o (uo (u d) J(so o- 6Eo ta(! (D EEo Jdo(L:-\o EEo 6Eo lrJoo o) 6 L =(, o oEo 6Eo o (E -6 o c,o;o a U'(D o U) (o (\t o ro <ri o (o oi o \ AI o (\I oi Lu v cli llJ ro c.i E o)(\l (7)$ro (o N o ). (l) v)oT cs'=cu o-- iio .r() (')E fp;h q,o aho <to g, (l)oo E) Y5 R! ;io o .!vofr s?9>d o (! 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(Do a d C\l rf) (D (fJd rj ct ; to o; co AI ol (\l OI (f) AI s$l loN C\I F.ot (D OJ o)(\I :. o ooI !2(Jq, ftt (/J (U oo at,o c EEPa i;o-. -co9(l)j: -,(Ugt9tk oo o c) o o) U' (D o (Jo (s o)Y,(,).!.;=irE>8, oo o(l) th aoI (L Ll-z = o c) o o-c.9 c xouJ- o ro "i a dqi N=OJ ol 5(')rt a-O trxz3 9o=--.='z'rEi5 4' (6 Car E3€E:rx.! ar iI Eo Pu.=-,< _YEo c,a€'6v= > cri6 xoi€ EEF6 9,oox699: oxe= E '=:>tr Eal o (u o .9 (5 o a eE:goo.Ec>OEl<_ -o)_EOu) -o (u i= oi65gI(u>(a= o P'= == az a c.= ;(d= EEc EHE .=(/ro e &8F€E (u it c a.io65gP (E= (a= og'; ==o-ZE;.exe66EEH* '-xY '=Yvtr; .e .>o-u) oio-ee E6.98>c9(! -q)(r); 8E io 9RR FEiE=sx5.=< =EE:o]6 B -oIbE.* >x(/,O'=o- =-C >r!! ()i.F.= =;;;Eb9_o 9o H 9 FE.;E*()i=iYde =66=(,)E q.YP=eE =EE E A E,a€ (?J (L TLz o o o (D JC o .c 5d) o (5 6 .E o = o a.q!>orI *cFsl6; o E E o(d r= !J ar .YJ g() *>{:E': 5863o= 6I EeF O.yt- o u.l .yx(D 9s0o-o v, g'^ xoii 350 g, EgUEC:Y-FE.= o =:88E .gIL cioo Eaq9! R5 oo Xs:!un.= =o(oL -(aEF(uGE ()= =:66 c)a o o, J .E o o.= <,) '6 '= E EB:YO E., oS)ZA :- >.=edBE CEo- Eg9ClEgaio P99^gA IE= 3 l9orl 3€ deF: # HE oc OLEX =ggo q- -o p.=e;5 :€€ TfiqE< HE+; e7.9o= (d63i;o ^- E EE;o.9t FEgEE .F 8E€ c(u E (5 d ,ss-o :u, ri: P=co| EvCc(o0 a.E TE =(D o I CL o (d o E E (! .E'= c c'o (L c3o U' oc .(t, o o Eg E o -- =o .(d E () 3o-c6 oc .9. .9 (! o 0)oC o U) a; g.e :o9 Gca.-nqx !., .vo>\o Fs) := -!ao.= <d o if ()o o q) .g ;o o o (! o o o(!) po l<.Y (;5 co o o (5 o o (6 tl, {1!o() oo 6 ,o.z CE (u .!u (r g o i= Eo ti Q) I (5 .!u,z(r o Eo tI oo a \o)o,lrf) ui @ rO <'i uJ ai UJ ctj ul + ul E 0)(v)CO (\l (r)(')ve)lo (o (Y)f-(r)O)(fJ s I t o = (U c B -co o F o oE ,g h" bho-> O'nlzx U)o_FE o- r. x:tL!g oi EE EE 8ao9 tr(Ug5 Q'rn-ur'9- o(sfr.s g.E yo;9g)04 ct) =o (E o '5 o =U'o'a 6 @<) c3 -cth Epo o C)Y, gB Y'(6 EE ogi[o69 9,8 E c) o EU) e'=6i: =E85FC.e7qi.!(a=.\ .:1, ;i .,J> B oc = o o .o 6 (l) oo o'=PE(t)E5.t R0-6i : bb .c99ofi3 9; 6o- o)P NLcc) od.:; (!o(Doco(r ;o e (U oc .9. =c(5 o o) .9 o! E (! (d o.= oE EE H:BH€t,:5 E 8 *3 9 o; frE$EB"9.Eog 5fiEr€ 5=-o<EE ;PFSEoo q,E c =-o6Ee 3i H EB€ € $:.BeBddgtr(6do-c.= >oIJE = =Eg+E E 6'o .- (U-CE-HE- sfiEgtr= (u o'EYocgEE€ gPdE.=c(Dol'ECD: S*FE Vlt o* 5 g8g tE=bEJ>+!c0(/)? EEE6 i; -c.h E Q)3 u,o'^ (ga c .9 E (t .r2 o o :t o g=oo (')o(sL3o €5.\u.Eo:9CF.rr =or -9<.E o (! fooE(! ._c o o o oo (! 'a := o o o E llJ - (/) iq;xooiEc)o(.) (.) cAaZE< 6=691 EF (U.E -o- :;Xi:voo x-o (do>tr fr€ =9U'65 & ft,br*oEi.cPxE*F F 3.e6Bp fisg;Ecc e E:.sotR 3 E.B€pfi46oEUJ=q$oFb F oo z (6 oco E .!P n o o) o g (U .9, o ,(l) E. E .o E. o) (u o i= N (?J \f ro F- s N$s rf$ro$(o$trs s \t a t \OfkE ELL ARCHITECTS PC Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building C Building Code Comments dated Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated August 4^,2C03 for Building C of the Middle Creek AffordableHousingProject. f /,-il 0-t')_O3Buirdinscodecomments: ovfiruq"'J-tl cLV ) n''o' lt,2003 AUG 2' 1 rutl3 2. ""- -,:::,:,'*t bv lrougrand ""^ ^**"^fu74,, v q Our response is to meet the "intent" of the code in this instance. Please see attached key plan of Building C and calculations for open area at exterior stairways. The open side of the plaza stair does not have 35 s.f. total open space at the intermediate landing, but total open are.rs well over the requirements. This creates a "flow through" situation, which in addition to the other openings at the landings on the plaza side, we feel will disperse any smoke or gasses. The east stair meets the 35 s.f. requirement for open space at each floor level and intermediate landing. The south stair meets the 35 s.f. open requirement for the area at each floor level, but not at the intermediate landing. This stair, however, has two open sides on opposite walls, allowing air to circulate and maintain the "flow through" situation. The stairs at buildings A and B meet the code, as indicated on the attached elevations and in our IBC equivalency analysis. The area separation walls will extend to the underside of the roof sheathing, and into any concealed projecting elements such as balcony roofs. According to the IBC 2000 Section 705, additional fire resistive construction at roof planes and exterior walls mitigates the need for a thirty (30) inch parapet above the roof plane and the need for a 2-hour fire- resistive roof-ceiling assembly. Please see the attached equivalency analysis for details. PIease see attached equivalency analysis. 5. 7. uiotte cre& Rffordable Holg - Building Code Comments Response O Page 2 of 2 8. Please see attached equivalency analysis. 10. Please see enclosed Response to accessibility Code Comments ( separate document.). H:Wrojects\O210\code review\lvliddle Creek Building C - 8-l l-2003 Response to response.doc Sent By: KL&A OF CALIFORNIA;408 654 0475;Aus-27-l 3:s3PM;Page 112 to6 rlwc ,li&2 cn avwloirtmta: E 11&.Wn KL&A of Califurnia structurel En e Ineots and Bulldels 3350 Scott BlW.. Suib 21 Santir Clrn, CA 9505/t Ph;408 654{475 Far to6 664"0470 To: C.ompony: Addrcss: PhoneNumber: trbxNumber: Frurn: Date: Fagts IncludhgCover: ne: Cc: Memorandum Charlie Davi{ Torvn of Vail 75 S. Fnontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (nq479-2138 Q>)'fi'a37 Cluis llalccs August 5, 2003 2 MCV Building A PecrReview ComrnentResponses Lee lvtason. OdeU fuchitects (fr3) 67U7L62 ErikMarqucz, Shaw Construction (970) 2/-l-5618 Robcn Patdllo. Panillo Associares. Enqineen (90) 9454921 hrpm: C.omupnb: Shrcnral Plan Review Response Dear Sir. We harre rpceived the peer review comments from Panillo Associates Engineers, Inc. Fgardirg building A on the Mddle Cteek Village Affbrdable Housing Project, and have gene$te the following responses.to their questiondcomrnenrc: L The foundations have been designed to span a l0'-0'distance in accordance with thc Ocore;hnicat Engineef s rccomrncrrdations, The calculation for ttre capacity of the tlrickened slab elernent in question may be found on page 115 of the previously submincd calsulation binder, As with cvcry project wc work on, it is KL&.A's (and more specifically the Enginecr of Rccord's) intent rcview all struclural componcnts of the pmject. However, our review does not rctease the contractor ftom the responsibility of hiring an independent engineering lirm to desigr and seal the drawings fm the soil-nail retaining wdl on building A. As such, the note on the previously submitred drawings refers to the contractor for the wall dcsigr and details. While ttris note indicaes that the contractor is responsible for the design and detailing of the soil-nail retaining wall, the Engineer of Record will rwiew the final design to makc surc the desigrr conforms with sotmd engineering pnnciples and practicc. \S fit,,Lg g1trsrArcIs1y roQ 'l.tr'rttrl'\ P\Mirbb (ttcl villrrgrlfuorrlxntlont0l0S-25 Snrc al n*i{4t/ Rel;rmrc Bldg A rn flD&c 'fr>saa&/ Sent By: KL&A 0F CALIFoRNIA;408 654 0475;Aus-27-{l s:53PM;Page 212 3. 4. August 27,,2W Acccss to the "oawlspacc" area will be pruvidetl thruugh the npchanical fixrm on the first level of the building. Please retbr all questions regarding ttre location and size of the access pint to thc architect, The "Hazard Wall" and stnrcb'rral slab that inbrfacc with thc top of thc soil-nail wall havo been desigred to incorporate horizontal movement. Thc connaction of the srucual slab the fase of building A prcvidcs vertical resEaint, but allows for limited horizontal flexibility. Aftcr discussimrs with both the geotechnical cngineer und soil nail wall conhactor, we hsve detEfinincd that the soil nail wall will have m expected horizontal movement or l" or lcss. To accommodate this movement, a minimum 2" gap will be prcvided between the hazard mitigation wall and the north face of building A, The "Hazard Wall" has been design for a 600 psf load itcting bottr horizontally and vertically. The calculations for ttr 'Tlazard Wall" were inadvertently lelt out of tlte praviously submitted calculotion bindcr, und have bwn inclu&d with this memo for completeness. To reach an active condition in dense cohesionlesa soil (compacted sands and gravels), a horizontal movernent of O.fi)lH is necessary. The maximum rctained soil behind the wall has a to,tal height no g€sler than 25 tcr,t, which corrcsponds to a rnaximum horizontal movemant of altgroximatcly 5/16" to create an 'active" rtention condition. We erpct that tlris movement will mcur dwing baclfilling of the wall, beforc the wood floor framing has bccn put in plae. If however, the activc mndition is nor ashieved during ttre brclcfilling of the walls, the retaining walls on both thc East and West ends can accommodate limited amounr of movement thmugh deforrration into an open spaa'e (stair shaft on the East end), and defomration of the adjacent material (2x4 stud wall on the T/est crrd). Wc cxpcct that bccause of this, an active retention condition wtll be achieved" Where pssible, all foundations bear on native soil. For Building A, the slopc of thc existing site is such that thc majoriry of the btrilding will be resting on atrPas "cul" into native soil. Itrowever, thcrc are sornE conditiOns where backfilling beilnd a stem wrll will create a condition in which a surall portion of 0re adjaccnt intcrim footing will bear on fill material. We have discus.sed these special conditions wittr the Geotochnical Enginecr, aud he has approved thc usc of the fill as a bearing surf'ace in certain exceptioru that confOrm 10 he in@nt of thc original rwommendation's goal of minimizing differential scttlemflt. In the areas in question. wherebearing onfill occurs, thc walls are relarively *light" loadc4 and witl produce a differelrtial settlennnt within the rmge originally taryeted, As a general rule' bearing on fill is not allowed. Howwcr, whcre wc have fOUndno costeffective altemativcsotherthan bearing on fill, the Ceotechnical Engineer has been consul6d and special exceptions have boen granrcd. -). 7. . hge 2 re: p^rtrt Assocr.c,rns ENcrNnr*r, rO. S TRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS 715 grand avenue, post office box 751 glcnwood springs, colorado 81602 phone (970) 945-9695 fax (970) 9454921 e-mail: pae@sopris.net August 1,2003 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail. CO 81657 Charlie David, Chief Building Official Middle Creek Affordable Housins Structural Plan Review Dear Sir: As requested, personnel of Pattillo Associates Engineers have examined the permit application plans and calculations for this project with regard to structural engineering design. The structural plans were prepared by Kf&A of California, lnc. dated June 10, 2003, and sealed by Gregory P. Luth, P.E. We offer the following comments pertaining to Building A: l) The Geotechnical Engineer recommends that foundations be capable ofspanning a l0-foot distance. The thickened slab footings appear insufficient to meet that criteria. 2) The plans indicate the soil-nail retaining wall design be provided by the contractor. We believe that the Engineer of Record should review and approve all structural components of the project, including this major retaining system. 3) Access to the "crawlspace" area between the building and soil-nail wall should be provided, and the space should be adequately ventilated. 4) The soil-nail wall transitions to a "Hazard Wall" and structural slab system which abuts the building at the upper grade. Soil-nail walls are generally considered flexible walls and some lateral movement should be anticipated. We believe that a horizontal isolation joint is needed between the building andhazard wall/structural slab. 5) The calculations provide no information regarding the loads or design of the "HazardWall." 6) The retaining walls at the east and west end of Building A were desigaed for an active lateral soil pressure of 35 pcf and not an at-rest Middle Creek Affordable Housing August 1,2003 Page two pressure of 50 pcf. Either adequate space for rotation should be provided, or the walls should be designed for the higher pressure. 7) The Geotechnical Engineer specifically wams against supporting footings on backfilled areas of retaining walls. This condition occurs in several locations for the stair structure and secondary retaining walls on the west end. It also appears to occur within the interior portions of the building wherever a thickened slab-footing meets a stem-wall tlpe footing. This completes our review comments fbr Building A. We will continue our examination of the remainder of the project and will endeavor to identify other concerns as soon as possible. Please call me if you have any questions. I am, of course, available to discuss the issues with the Engineer of Record. Sincerely, /tru.ym^tt, Robert M. Pattillo, P.E. Principal Engineer RMP/mmg e-mailcopy: ArtHoaglund(firesafe(dlrof.net) Charlie Davis (cdavis@ci.vail.co.us) From: JR MondragonTo: GomDevDate: 071301200310:38:50 AMSubJech MIDDLE CREEK GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN RELEASED. THE CLOCK STARTS TODAY. EXPIRES IN 30 DAYS.. DEMO OF THE ABC SCHOOL WILL ALSO BEGIN. JR Mondragon Senior Building Inspector Town Of Vail Email jmondragon@vailgov.com 970479-2143 ODELL ARCHITECTS PC July 25, 2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building B Building Code Comments dated JuIy 8,2fi)3 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 8, 2003 for Building B of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. Building Code Comments: All units on the ground floor of Building B are Type 'B' Dwelling units conforming to ICC/ANSI 117.1 (1998). The enclosed dimensioned plan for these units documents the specific usability criteria and clearances. 1997 UBC Section I106 provides identical criteria to ICC/ANSI I 17.l(1998) According to Section 1005.3.3.6 of the ICBO Handbook to the Uniform Building Code: an illustrative commentary, "the use of [a space beneath an exit enclosure] is prohibited only if it occurs inside the exit enclosure. If the protective construction of the exit enclosure can be arranged so that it intervenes between the space under the stair and the stairway or ramp itself, that space is no longer in the exit enclosure and is usable" (see attached). The mechanical space located under Stair 8209/8309 is separated from the exit enclosure by a one ( I ) hour separation and access is provided by doors separate from the exit enclosure. The west stairway 8200/8300 is an exterior stairway complying with Section 1006.3.3 of the UBC and with the IBC 2000 equivalency study created by Mr. Perry Matthews and shown on sheet A0.4 of the permit set. The equivalency study recommends that exterior exit stairways shall be open on at least one side with a minimum of 35 square feet of aggregate area adjacent to each floor level and adjacent landing. The north stairway B2O9|B309 is an interior exit enclosure complying with Section 1005.3.3 of the UBC. Per the exception noted in Section 1. 2. J- t ..1 Shandoka Affordable Housinluilding Code Comments Response Page2 of2 1005.3.3.5, the exterior walls of the enclosure shall be allowed to have openings as allowed by Table 5-A. All openings in the exit enclosure shall be constructed of Type V-1 hour construction. H :\Projects\02 I Obode review\0302 I GCode Response-bldgb.doc -2- T.0. Rt)tr E- 827t-J' T.O. PLAIE EL 8270'-0 7/8' I BUIIOINGiE IXTERIOR STAIR OBENING AREA CALCULANONS , Re: ODELL ARCHITECTS PC July 25, 2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building A Building Code Comments dated July 8,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 8, 2003 for Building A of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. Building Code Comments: The specifications section will be revised to include: "These provisions are not to be interpreted to supercede the duties and responsibilities of the special inspectors as specified under the 1997 UBC, Section 1701.3: Duties and Re.sponsibilities of the Special Inspector". Restroom Al I I has been revised to provide clearance for the accessible water closet. See revised drawing 4/A3.3. The four studio units (Unit A) on the ground floor of Building A are Type 'B' dwelling units conforming to ICC/ANSI 117.1 (1998). The enclosed dimensioned plan for these units documents specific usability criteria and clearances. 1997 UBC Section 1106 provides identical criteria to ICC/ANSI I 17.l(1998). The three-bedroom unit (Unit N) is inaccessible due to excessive sloping of the site. As Group A, Division 3 occupancy is a more stringent occupancy classification than Group B occupancy, the code review is not affected by changing the Community Room and leasing office to Group B occupancy. This change will be reflected on Sheet A0.2 of the revised permit set Odell Architects will submit to Charlie Davis. 2. J. i ,Shandoka Affordable Housinluilding Code Comments Response Page2of2 5. Panic Hardware and closers will be provided on doors A30lB, A3 I I A and A3 I I B. 6. Revised drawing llA2.2 illustrates a second exit for third floor studio units B (A308) and C (A309). H:Wojeots\02lObode revicw\03021O-Code Response-bldga.doc a T0IAI = 60.1 SF. 0PO{ B- 8210- I0TAL = J&2 S.F. 0Ptil sc0l{0 n00R ft()m BUITOING A EXTERIOR STAIR OPENING AREA CALCULATIONS. tl .\; ODELL ARCHITECTS P C Ju'ly 25,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building A Building Code Comments dated July 8,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comrnents provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 8, 2003 for Building A of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. Building Code Comments: l. The specifications section will be revised to include: "These provisions are not ,o b" OL interpreted to supercede the duties and responsibilities of the special inspectors as specified under the 1997 UBC, Section 1701.3: Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspectott'. Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved 2. Restroom Al l l has been revised to provide clearance for the accessible water closet. See reviscd drawing 4/A3.3. O E- Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved 3. The four studio units (Unit A) on the ground floor of Building A are Type 'B' dwelling units conforming to ICC/ANSI 117.1 (1998). The enclosed dimensioned plan for these units documents specific usability criteria and clearances. 1997 UBC Section I106 provides identical criteria to ICC/ANSI 117.1(1998). The three-bedroom gn(t (Unit N) is inaccessible due to excessive slopingofthesire. 6b u F74.63Hougland Comment: ResponsHlcepted andafproved as long as total number of units on site complies with UBC Section 1103.1.9.3 4. As Group A, Division 3 occupancy is a more stringent occupancy classification than Group B hl(- occupancy, the code review is not affected by changing the Community Room and leasing officE to Group B occupancy. This change will be reflected on Sheet A0.2 of the revised permit sct Odell Architects will submit to Charlie Davis. Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved t ' Sh-doku Affordable Hourinluil6lo, "ode Comments Response O Pnge2af2 otL5. Panic Hardware and closers will be provided on doors A30lB, A3l lA and A3l I B. Ilougland Comment: Response accept€d and approved t lC 6. Revised drawing l/M.2 illustrates a second exit for third floor studio units B (4308) and C (A30e). Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved C:\Documents and Settings\lmason.ODELLARCHITECTS.000V,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OlK7\Ivliddle Creek Building A - 8-4-2003 Response to Architect.doc - 2 - ODELL ARCHITECTS P C July 25, 2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building C Building Code Comments dated July 8,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 24, 2003 for Building C of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. We have received 3 separate groups of comments, dated July 21,23 and 24'h, 2003. This response is chronological to those comments. Building Code Comments: (July 2l email) l. All exterior stairs in Bldg. C will be prefabricated metal construction. 2. As per Perry Matthews equivalency code design, the stairs are designed under IBC 1005.3.6.2. This requires one side wall of the stair to have 35SF open space adjacent to each level and landing. Our stair design reflects this requirement. We will document this and submit to the Fire Department prior to Building Permit. 2. Using IBC Table 704.8, we are allowed 25Vo of wall area to be unprotected openings. Our walls in question meet this requirement. (July 23 email) 4. We will change the door swings at doors P301 and C101. 5. Area separation walls extend to sheathing, we will extend the 2HR exterior wall (perpendicular to the Area Sep. wall) to the sheathing as well, creating a contained space. If required to extend the Area Sep. wall into the soffit, we will do so with a 4-hour wall construction utilizing mtl. studs and gyp. bd. , rt * . Middle Creek Affordabl" Hoe - euilding Code Comments Response- Paze 2 of 2 6. We will substitute 3'-0" hold open doors for the 4'-0" door indicated. 7. In a meeting with the Vail Fire Department, the Town Building Official, and the architect, the use of the IBC Table 704.8 was accepted as a way to look at the sihration at Buildings B and C, where site restraints created a tight adjacency. This allows the use of unprotected openings for up to l57o for sepuation distances of up to 15', and 25Vo for separation distances form 15' to 20'. 8. In answer to design issues from the Design Review Board, we used the exception of the IBC 1005.3.6.2 for the exterior stairs, allowing us to create a "stair tower" look, with punched openings. (July 24 email) 9. Ground floor units are designed to be Type B. 10. Attached to this response are sheets A3.1, A3.2,, A3.3, and A 3.4. The plans indicate the accessibility ofthe units based on ANSI I17.1, Sheet 3.4 specifically details the design of the Type A units. I l. The amount of storage provided that would be accessible is over 7z of the number of storage units. The storage would be accessed through the garage. 12. The height of the top floor is 72'-0" above the lowest Fire Department access. There is no habitable space above this level, and we will confirm that the Vail Fire Department agrees with this assessment. H:\Projects\02 I 0kode review\0302 10-Code Response-bldgc.doc -2- ODELL ARCHITECTS PC hly 25,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building B Building Code Comments dated JuIy 8,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 8, 2003 for Building B of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. Building Code Comments: All units on the ground floor of Building B are Type 'B' Dwelling units conforming to ICC/ANSI 117.1 (1998). The enclosed dimensioned plan for these units documents the specific usability criteria and clearances. 1997 UBC Section I106 provides identical criteria to ICC/ANSI I 17.1(1998) Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved (v- 2. According to Section 1005.3.3.6 of the ICBO Handbook to the Uniform Building Code: an illustrative commentary, "the use of [a space beneath an exit enclosure] is prohibited only if it occurs inside the exit enclosure. If the protective construction ofthe exit enclosure can be arranged so that it intervenes between the space under the stair and the stairway or ramp itself, that space is no longer in the exit enclosure and is usable" (see attached). The mechanical space located under Stair B209lB309 is separated from the exit enclosure by a one (l) hour scparation and access is provided by doors separate from the exit enclosure. Hougfand Comment: Response accepted and approved for stair enclosure, not fi, l/f ,. accepted and approved for exterior stairway. UBC Section 1006.3.3.2 V '- The west stairway 8200/B300 is an exterior stairway complying with Ser:tion 1006.3.3 of the UBC and with the IBC 2000 equivalency study created by Mr. Peny Matthews and shown on sheet A0.4 of the permit set. The equivalency study reoommends that exterior exit stairways shall be open on at least one side with a minimum of 35 square feet of aggregatc arca adjacent to each floor levcl and adjacent landing. The north stairway 8209/8309 is an interior exit enclosure complying with Section 1005.3.3 of the UBC. Per the exception notcd in Scction 1005.3.3.5, the exterior walls ofthe enclosure shall be allowed to have openings as allowed by Table 5-A. All openings in the exit enclosure shall be constructed ofType V-l hour construction. ,Shandoka Affordable Housinluilding Code Comments Response Page 2 of 2 H6ugland Comment: Response accepted and approved if veriFrcation is provided that these openings have been provided adjacent to each floor 44 the level of each intermediate landing as specified in Section f005.3.6.2 of the IBC 2fi)0. (See Notation) NOTE: In all instances where the International Building Code, 2000 Edition has been used for the intention of providing equivalency to the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition the following is required frorn the Architect: l. Identify all instances where the 2000 IBD has been used to provide alternate materials, alternate design and/or method of construction per the 1997 UBC, Section 104.2.8 Alternate materials, alternate design and methods of construction. 2. A statement that the material or method of constructed is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the 1997 UBC in suitability, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, safety and sanitation. This statement is subject to the review and approval of the Chief Building Official. 3. The information provided is to be in a form that may be approved for entry and recording in the files of the Town of Vail Building Department. C:\Documents and SettingsVmason.ODELLARCHITECTS.000\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OlKTWiddle Creek Building B - 8-4-2003 Response to Architect.doc - 2 - , ODELL ARCHITECTS P C July 25, 2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland and Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Housing - Response to Building C Building Code Comments dated July 8,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the building code comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated July 24,2003 for Building C of the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Project. We have received 3 separate groups of comments, dated July 21,23 and 24", 2003. This response is chronological to those comments. Buildine Code Comments: (July 2l email) 1. All exterior stairs in Bldg. C will be prefabricated metal construction. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved 2. As per Perry Matthews equivalency code design, the stairs are designed under IBC 1005.3.6.2. This requires one side wall of the stair to have 35SF open space adj acent to each level and landing. Our stair design reflects this requirement. We will document this and submit to the Fire Department prior to Building Permit. Hougland Comment: Response accepted and approved if verification is provided that these openings have been provided adjacent to each floor and the level of each intermediate landing as specified in Section f005.3.6.2 of the IBC 2fi)0. 3. Using IBC Table 704.8, we are allowed 25Vo of wall area to be unprotected openings. Our walls in question meet this requirement. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved (July 23 email) 4. We will change the door swings at doors P30l and C101. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved Middle Creek Affordable "out, - "u,tding Code Comments Response O Page 2 of 3 5. Area separation walls extend to sheathing, we will extend the 2HR exterior wall (perpendicular to the Area Sep. wall) to the sheathing as well, creating a contained space. If required to extend the Area Sep. wall into the soffit, we will do so with a 4-hour wall construction utilizing mtl. studs and gyp. bd. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved with verification of 2-hr Roof/ceiling construction complying with Section 504.6.4, Exception I 6. We will substitute 3'-0" hold open doors for the 4'-0" door indicated. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved 7. In a meeting with the Vail Fire Department, the Town Building Official, and the architect, the use of the IBC Table 704.8 was accepted as a way to look at the situation at Buildings B and C, where site restraints created a tight adjacency. This allows the use of unprotected openings for up to l5%o for separation distances of up to l5', and 257o for separation distances form I 5' to 20'. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved (See Notation) 8. In answer to design issues from the Design Review Board, we used the exception of the IBC 1005.3.6.2 for the exterior stairs, allowing us to create a "stair tower" look, with punched openings. Hougland Commenls: Response is accepted and approved (See Notation) (July 24 email) 9. Ground floor units are designed to be Type B. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved 10. Attached to this response are sheets A3.1, A3.2, A3.3, and A 3.4. The plans indicate the accessibility ofthe units based on ANSI 117.1. Sheet 3.4 specifically details the design of the Type A units. Hougland Comments: Sheets A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 and A3.4 indicate compliance for Type A and Type B units, however no detail or dimensions are provided and scale is not sufficient to verify. Dimensioned detailed drawings are needed to verify compliance and for construction. 11. The amount of storage provided that would be accessible is over /z ofthe number of storage units. The storage would be accessed through the garage. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved 12. The height of the top floor is 72'-0" above the lowest Fire Department access. There is no habitable space above this level, and we will confirm that the Vail Fire Department agrees with this assessment. Hougland Comments: Response is accepted and approved NOTE: In all instances where the International Building Code,2000 Edition has been used for the intention of proyiding equivalency to the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition the following is required from the Architect: 1. Identify all instances where the 2000 IBD has been used to provide alternate materials, alternate design and/or method of construction per the 1997 UBC, C:\Documents and SettingsVmason.ODELLARCHITECTS.000\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OlKTMiddle Creek Building C - 8-4-2003 Response to Architect.doc - 2 - Middle Creek AfforAaUte ffou?g - Building Code Comments Response O . Page 3 of3 Section 1042.8 Altemate nuterials, ohernote design and methods of constraction 2. A statement that the material or method of constructed is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the 1997 UBC in suitability, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, safety and sanitation. This statement is subject to the review and approval of the Chief Building Oflicial. 3. The information provided is to be in a form that may be approved for entry and recording in the files of the Town of Vail Building Departnent. C:\Documents and SettingsVmason.ODELLARCHITECTS.000\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OlK7\lvliddle Cre.ek Building C - 8-4-2003 Response to Architect.doc - 3 - t DELL ARCHITECTS PC 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81435 Re: Middle Creek Houslng - Response to accessibility Code Comments dated August 13,2003 by Hougland and Associates. Dear Mr. Hougland: Please find below Odell Architects, P.C.'s response to the accessibility comments provided by Hougland and Associates dated August 13, 2003 for the Middle Creek Affordable Housing Proj ect. l. The lavatory space indicated on the ADA unit plans is not sufficiently detailed Please see attached drawing for details of the accessible lavatory/ kitchen sink provided in all Type A fully accessible units at Middle Creek Housing. This detail complies with ANSI I17.1 Section 306.3 Knee Clearance as well as Section 606.5 BowI Deprh. This drawing will be incorporated as a detail on the final permit set. 2. Interior elevation l4lA7.6 shows the centerline of the water closet to be 15 inches from the wall. The required distance is 18 inches. Please see revised elevation l4l A7 .6 illustrating the required centerline dimension. 3. The height of the accessible water closets is not shown. Please see the attached cut sheet of specified water closet for seat height requirements. 4. The reflective surface of mirrors appeam to be more than 40 inches above finish floor. The interior elevations shall include a note specifying that the bottom edge of the reflective surface of all mirrors shall be 40 inches maximum above pydt'q AUG 2 12003 TOV€olr.DEv. t' TYPTCAL SINK/LAVAT0RY tN TYPE A UNII KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS 1 12" = 1'-0" )ROVIDE BACKII,IG FOR SRAB BAR O62M - P-LAM CABINEI IOiM - IJRROR MEDICINI CABINIT PROVIDE BAO(NG FOR GRAB BAR .----.f- I F=-,= I--+ 3'-3 t12' ONE BEDROOM ADA BAIHROOM GERBER.VITREOUS CHINA TOILET 21-718 AQUA SAVERTM 17" High Elongated Toilet Features: . Low Consumption 1.6 gpf (6.0 Lpf) . Elongated Bowl ' Elite Tank . Anti-Siohon Gerber Pilot Fill Valve . Tamper-Resistant Volume Rated Flapper ' Reverse Trap ' Front Jet Flushing Action . All Standard Colors . Front Tank Lever . Available with Tank Lever on Right Side - By Special Order . 2 Bolt Caps . ADA Compliant Dimensions: Height.............. ..................... 31 1 12" width............... ..................... 20 1 I 4" Depth .............. ..................... 28 1lz" Rough-in ........... 12" Water Surface from Rim........ 5 5/a" Trapway (min)........................ 1 3/+" Water Surface 10 x 81i2" Water Seal .....2112" Shipping Weight ................... 92 lbs THIS FIXTURE QUALIFIES ACCORD- ING TO ASME TEST PROCEDURES AS A LOW CONSUMPTION WATER CLOSET WITH AN AVERAGE CON- SUMPTIoN OF 1.6 spf (6 Lpf) OR LESS. @"@. Specificatfons: Bowl- #21-728 Elongated Bowl Tank - # 28-790 Seat not included 12" Rough-in 8. /\ GERBER, PROFESSIONALLY MADE . PROFESSIONALLY SOLD . PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED G€rb€r Plumbing Fixtues Corp., a6m W. Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood lL fi7L2-L699 (847) 67tr570, FAX 1-80&5GERBER Olinois FAX (Un 6715192\ 02002 Celb€r Plunrblng Fixiu.c, Corp. www.gerb€ronline.com Because we are commitied to continual product lmprovement, specifications are subject to changs wihout noiice.Printed in th6 U.S.A. 3/03 GERBER. 1 .6 spf (6 Lpf) 0* ao*suMploN AQUA sACq'" TotLET 21-r1s 17" High Elongated, 12" Rough-in (Bowl21-728 with Tank 28-790) FINISHED WALL 29r," , 83zqtt V-1gur"--------> PQlo" -7- '$3zo! llT- 2lz 1" -T 141r" ?r" S.P.S. SUPPLY t I I 1lz 7," S.P.S. SUPPLY TWO SLOTS ( 2"'x 1") NOTES: All dimensions are in inches. lllustrations may not be drawn to scale. ,'1L Q-ot WASTE OUTLET FINISHED FLOOR IMPORTANT: Dimensions of fixtures are nominal and may vary within the range of tolerances established by ASME Standard A 112.19.2. THIS FIXTURE OUALIFIES ACCORDING TO ASME TEST PROCEDURES AS A LOW CONSUMPTION WATER CLOSET WITH AN AVERAGE CONSUMP. TroN oF 1.6 gpf (6 Lpf) OR LESS. 1710" TOILET 3,/03 VITREOUS CHINA