HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN MEADOWS CONDOMINIUMS UNITS 17-36 LEGALDEPARTMENT OF '"rflf.,u cp COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2)'38 NoTE: THIS PERMIT MusT BE PoSTED oN JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERM]T PETNiI #: M96_OO9O Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 4686 MEADOW DR MOUNTAIN MEADOWS 2]-0L-L24-19-01? I SSUED 07 /oe /tee6 o7 /oe /Les6 0t /05 /tee7 Status. . CONDOS BUILDIAPPIied. Issued. 'ExPires. APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co 80443 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 OWNER SCHEINDER WILLAIM 1918 BRYCE CT, EVERGREEN CO. 80439 Description: COWERT WOOD FIREPLACE WITH GAS INSERT dof Gas Appliances: 1 Valuation; #0f Gas Logs: Phone: 3036683760 Phone r 3036683760 Phone: 303-674-3534 3, 055.00 flof l,lood/Pa l, Let:Fi feptace Information: Restri cted: *ffiSffiffit*# FEE SUl.ll.lARY *ffi*t|*'t*****ffi()H(tt**,.tc**lrt'ffir***Hffi** t,lechan i ca [---) EO.OO Restuarant PLan Revi eH--> .OO Total catcutated fees---> 103'00 Pl,an Check---> 2O.OO DRB Fee--------- Investigatron> .OO TOTAL FEES------ l.li [t catl'----> 3.OO Payoents-------- BALANCE DUE----- * ffi*r.#t.t#r*rttffi**'tsJ(t r.rrffit* Irem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT _-Dgpt: BUILDING Division: 617-69/199rJ-CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISii'ei:' o5-ooo-Ffile--ospARiMEiir -- - -' 61/dt/19e6-cHAnLrr Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEE !'QR-qQDE qOMPT,IANCE. 2. col,te[sii0N-AiR rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 607 QF lEE 1991 uMc.3: iNSfnLLAiToN-t"iuSt CONFoRM To MANUFAcTURES INSTRUcTIoNS AND- to AppENDrx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991 uMc. -q. GAs--ApFtrencnS -sHAilt BE vENTED AccoRDrNG To cgAPEER 9 ANDSiielr-,-tEnMrNArs AS sPEcrFrED rN sEc.906 oF THE 1991 uMc. * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * t( t * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoyledge that I have read this appl.ication/ fitl,ed out in tutl, the information requined, comPteted.an accurate Pl'ot pLan, aird state th;t atL the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the infornation and PLot ptan, io compl.y vith al,l, Tovn ord'inances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subd'ivision codes, dlsign reviev approved, Un'iforn Euitding Code and other ordinances ol the Tolrn appticabIe thereto. REoUEsTs FoR tNspEcTloNs SHALL BE IIADE TtJENTy-fouR HouRs tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2158 oR AT ouR oFFIcE F Rot"l 8:00 All 5:00 Pll SIGNATURE OF OI,JNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 u":;gu O.o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NoTEITHISPERMITMUSTBEPoSTEDoNJoBSITEATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Pernit #: M96-0090 Job Address...: 4686 MEADOW DR LocAtiON : MOUNTAIN MEADOWS ParceL No..... : 2101-124-L9-0L7 Project Number: Status. . CONDOS BUILDIAPPIied. Issued. . ExPires. ISSUED 07 /oe /Lee6 o7 /oe /lee6il/05/tee7 APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330' FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330' FRTSCO CO 80443 OWNER SCHEINDER WILLAIM 1918 BRYCE CT, EVERGREEN CO. 80439 Description: coNvent wooD FTREPLAcE wrrn GAS TNSERT Fireotace Information: Restricted: flof Gas APptiances: 1 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 303-674-3534 3,055.00 #of tlood/PaL tet: Division: ***rrffi FEE SUl|llARy *rc***#*###r**ffi(**ffi**,otJr** llechanica!---) so.oo Restuarant P[an Reviev--> .oo Totsl' catculsted Fees---> 103'OO Pl.an check---> zo.oo DRB F!c------- lnvestigst ion> 'OO TOTAL FEES------ uitt caLt----> 3.OO Paynents-----------a 103'00 BALANCE DUE----- ** t ****** ****** t ***** * * * * *** ******* ***** * t*** t* ****t ****ff**t tfft*t****** ******* i ***rt******ir tii*:trt** * t t**!t * * t**t*** **** * ** * *****'t rt DEPARTMENT DEPC:EcLion: APPR CHERIIE DAVIS DeDI: BUILDING DiViSiON:Item: 05100 BUILDING DE 97 / 0e / \2e-Q^cE4RliP--+s!Dept: FIRE REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-2138 On AT oUR oFFICE FRol{ 8:m Ail 5:00 Ptl It,em:, 0560O FIRE DEPARTUENT 6 i 7'(j b / 16 e E) - citAiil, r n- - [c-t ion I APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.F]ELDINSPECTIoNSAREREQUIBDTocHEq{E.QR_qqDEcoMPLIANcE.) . cot'leusridN-Ain-t5 nnOulnEo eER sEc j -q-0-?-qF-!EE- 1e91-Iluc.'.--3: iNSinlifliloii-iiu$i C[fiFORtI r0 MANuFAcrqREs INSrRUcrIoNs AND- ib-AFFeNDrx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991 uMc-e. GEs- l.,FFiIAi,icEii--3ttEl-i,-es-VeNrED AcCqRDIUc lo-qqAPrER e 4ND SiiEu,-tEnr'lrNa,ie-45-specrnrED rN sEc.906 oF THE 1991 uMc. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoHLedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful,t the infornEtion required, conpteted.an accurate ptot pt"", -i'1a-.iit" ttrit "tt the informtion provia.a as rcquired is correct. I agree to cooPty vith the information and Ptot Ptan,' to corpty yith att Toyn ordinances and statc LaHs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and suMivision codes,'design rev.icv approved, trniform Buil,ding code snd other ordinances of the Town aPPlicabte thereto. SIGNATURE OT OUNER OR CONTRACTOR 'OR IIII'ISELF AND OIINER , APPLICATTON UUST BE TTLLED OUT COMPLETELy OR IT I{Ay NOT BE ACCEPTEDUx***************************** PERI{rT TNFORUATTON *****************************,l ./[ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Etectrical ll/-uecnanibal t t-other Job Narne: Se ' " Job Addre "", W- ". , ' ', A^,"7 PERI'IIT /I Legal oescription: Lot_ Block_ Filing D TV T S I ON .,/'//ir,u h/// Architect: Address: ph. ceneral Description: I j-t{eii i}-afteration i ]-Adcliiionai [ ]-Repair [ ]-other owners Name: @Address: /o' - r5':Zff"4: Wr;* tt--l- .rl r-- -tl \r.t- l\ reJ-Cl9D a Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of AcconmodatLon Units: ^frnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances / Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vIt********************************* VALUATfONS !t***** * * * * ****** * ** * *************t I {t49b -oo?0BUILDTNG: $ _ ELECTRICAL:I oTHER:$PLTTMBTNG: T-_ MEc'diidiriW ;offi; -- 11 =-- - --:*"'tz- ---r'rr; Y--- l**************************!t CoNTRACTOR INFORMATTON ***************************7 Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: Electrical Contractor: Address:Req. NO. Plunbing Contractor:Reg. NO.Address: l.techanical Contractor : Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunrber: Address: ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs }IECHANTCAL PERUTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Conments: Town of Vail Reg. No.{l2//r/ Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ** * ******** **************** **** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3}IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNATT]RE: CTEATI UP I'EPOSIT REFIIND NO: VALUATION F ,' D ramatic Fi replaces ThatAreAlso Powe rf u I 38, 000 BTU H Gas Heate rs Mendota lnserts ConvertAny Fi replace ToOlean, Convenientcas. Built byacompanywith over90 years experience in gasengineering Prcduce lessthan 1 "/oof thehamfu | oarliculate emissions of wood buming f ireplaces Equipedwith Dual-Burners foreasy, llexible controlof heatoutput and f lamepattern Compact and easy to install Availablewiththermoslatcontrols Saletv tested to AGATANS| standards Mendota Built-in Fireplaces Add Charm And Warmth To Any Room. Inserts litflush into masonry ardzercdeararEe fireplaces. Theyuse exsislingchimney with liner. Nowyou caneasilylumany fireplace into a beautiful.clean. energy-efficient heatsource. Mendota Fireolaces are compactandeasyto install. Theycan be placed directly againstmostwalls. There is noneedfor expersivechimneys. Nowyoucaneasily add a romanlic fireplaceto anyroom. Dual-BurnerHearthGlo-The Log FireOfThe90's Mendota Dual-BurnerHearthGlo Combustion-forthe fi rst time...creates a logfirewith chaned logs and glowing coals that is denrbalto a woodfire. And, Mendota's exdusive Dual-Burner system provides flexible hi/lo control ol heat output and f lame pattern. Mendotaengineers, using sophisticated computer imaging, have cadurcd thefl ame pattern andcolorof awood lire atits peakbeauty. Tothisperlectlire, Mendota engineers add realisticchaned logsanda bed ol coals made of high-temp ceramic tiber thatglows and smolderswhen hit with tlameswith the exacllookol burning wood logs. til aTut MrG30 Hi 35,000 ' Lo 25.000 MrG36.Hi 38,000 ' Lo 24.0@ v/" MIG 30- I 75lb6. MIG36 200lb. MZC loobs Gas Built-irr Fireplaces Accessodes Mddola Insedrand Buih In Ficdaes@Ewii' L!,c€6ma logs. coal b€d anda|l sconn€clor. Options gl*t db,agslffi 9ilb. l*as3 a'd€d l|onr, d..oralo.lim kil, bbqs., dr6cl po{r v€nl,lvo si:6s r&(blruc36 g 40f^t t6 t5 trl ti |2 24y4 Johnson Gas Apptiance company r cedar Rapids, towa 52405 ffi Mendota Hearlh Division: tl.-', 1890 Woodale Drive r St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 .612-73'l-5367 mffi Me'rdota ,e*rves rh€ tight to chang6 D,oclucls. spscilicalio.,s anc, prc€ w,lhoul holice Prioled in U.S A. oz ts =e uJo- @ o orn <tt N al, UJ uJlt F =e,Iuo- \$-\NS\ N \f (tH& z EI F) lllJIF (, trtlorozo luF E F EF an =t ozz olrlFoz o =o 5o .a o =z.-l Et!23o l,u Foz \$rr :-\t\ J;rv -{* \ . \ "r(,\\ l' ..tl otl Hrl tl trrtlFtl tlzn<rlrrrI Fltlc)tl oc 6.9)6EctlJ! oFab g€E 6aG.s 6.9p'aa 6:= Ie.E * =Il C F;.4_ Er- +s* -:.5 EoN o Ep Ftrcc 3EP-FO :":€o-D9g; HE€ EH39 o.cE:O €EEo6E =o'osEE'isr- -e: E9- a-tt cLoc6 $;E tE6'5E E8 c..2.9o EEF'3 .EscL o|l'!r =E€>c9'- o, EE 8E =i'FO EggE !q!!=o.o sE ot Efi E6oI,LC qa!ie.c6-ado5a o.g AE6f:Eoctc-t6dE>9tto9a e5 -o ta)(o \o .if.+ra| (f)o C.t @ CN + E-E.llJcozoJ to -(, UJI 2 9EF C) uJ qJ (,z 6 =t J 9z gJ- uJ UJt!29F uJe,() uJE o oao 'UJ urE =I ur F X uJoc i uJ () x F IJJo (nluuju- ==t IIJo- J FoF o =o .o J 9GFo uJJuj oz ao- Jo- o 4-() llJt €-{o E{ NOtrvn]vA z -!XA5 5EE e; =Ei.q, O EE6! Elb{ ;FiH fE =>E -llt =lON zJrl M z9F f {u- q- E0 uJo. F N E o-gJ 2 tro XFfszo =qJ 3llJz tl !7FzlzOo <oo< <trl>c xrr6ct<z Fz. 9z uj- O}E IJJ J v,!JzvI F u,lc zI F J oz I z a I J 'F uJ ooo3 at, F ot at) Jl<l FI zl zl .. >louloluutzot lrJ J zI tso z F J6 H l;,; I 5.* E 3E 2 fi 3oE FJ oE r'1 lrlA ii =z coo -l EA FJfq HE HE 6 'lFIF{l r'112lzltrrl Fel H or\oN I (\I o\ l,.l l"\ | \o4$\o Io\qD or I N oz CJ UJ J ILoz =oF H ts F] Ff z E frl v, =G ll- r\ F\o\ Iro.d' I?l\OlF{l H I Id ttlol zl il I 'lEI f,, (,z dl = Jc z o [U = e -rO<FGO IJJ <zt[!Fo6 () ot-E ir = \JZ u,F U' .ooazo Fo uJY utdt oFtoE3 o- bErd '-' {lrlgur :^F|9,z,o &A B z*.r9 =z_eroo r'1 =z .^ =d g 6rn :f? ;Hg F: cE IIJ o-lr EgE<8AEe,tg EEE a=E FE! 6tE oot EutE XO-t x>$ 5-!E uloo frTFY/r= E =OE lrJGzoF(J3 E,Fanzoo ffiHn APPRffiV ffiffi TOWN OF' JOB SPECIFI UTOLF ENTERPRISES . BOX 3625 COLORADO 81658 3-476-3154 TIONS: COOPER REMODEL TOWN OF VAIL PERMITS AND FEES: BUILDING, ELECTRICAL' AND PLUMBIN6. PROTECTION, DEI,IBLITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND CLEANUP: A. PROTECT FLOOR COVERINGS AND FURNITURE DURING CONSTRUCTION. B. REMOVE FIBER GLASS SHOWER, SBFFIT, z-VANITIES AND DIStrARD. C. TRIM MASTER BATH DOOR. D. ENTRY CLOSET-INSTALL DOUBLE SOLID CORE DOORS COI"IPLETE WITH JAHBS AND CASING E. INSTALL SHOWER ROD IN MASTER BATHROOM. F. TOWEL BAR IN UPSTAIRS BATHROOM. G. CHECK WEATHER STRIPPING ON DOT]RS. H. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION PLUHBING: A. REPLACE KITCHEN SINK. B. REFIOVE PLUMBING FOR FIBER 6LASS SHOWER AND CAP LINES. C. REMOVE 2 TOILETS, REROUTE NATER SUPPLY, AND SET NEN TOILETS. D. REMOVE 2 LAVS, RE_PLUMB FOR DOUBLE LAV, AND SET NEW LAVS. PLUMBIN6 FIXTURE SCHEDULE: 1-K3287 S.S. SINK; I-DELTA 3OO FAUCET; I-ISE 333 DISPOSAL; t-H77O INSTA HOT;3- K-2195 t^iHITE LAVS;3- DELTA 522 FAUCETS; 2- K-3397 WHITE W.C. ELECTRICAL: A. REHOVE EXISTING KITCHEN FIXTURE AND REPLACE NITH LP_44O FLORESCENT. B. REMOVE EXISTING DINING ROOM FiXTURES AND REPLACE WITH ONE(4' TRACK AND 3 HALO L1542 FIXTURES NITH LAMPS). C. INSTALL EIGHT FOOT TRACK AND FSUR L-1542 FIXTURES WITH LAMPS AEOVE TABLE IN EREAKFAST NOOK. D. INSTALL WIRING FROM NEW TRACK TB SWITCH LOCATED ON EAST WALL. E. INSTALL DIMMER TO CONTROL 8' TRACK FIXTURE. F. REI.IOVE EXISTING VANITY FIXTURE IN MASTER BATH AND REPLACE I^JITH TWO (K-5O26 CH MIRRORED). G. REPLACE EXISTING VANITY FIXTURE IN POWDER ROOM l^iITH K-5O26. DRYNALL: A. DRYNALL WALLS AND CEILING IN AREA SHOWER WAS REMOVED. B. SKIM WALLS IN MASTER BATHROOI'1 AND POWDER ROOH FOR WALL PAPER. C. REPAIR DRYhIALL IN LIVING ROOM. D. PATCH AND REPAIR DRYNALL DAMAGE DUE TO ELECTRICAL WORK. E. REPAIR DRYI^JALL IN GARAGE. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: COOPER REMODEL CABINETS AND COUNTER TOPS: A. INSTALL POWDER ROBM VANITY COLOR:*911 DAWN INSTALL VANITY TOP NITH SPLASHES COLOR:*911 DAWN INSTALL 3' NIRE PULLS *CHROME B. INSTALL B' MASTER BATH VANITY COLOR:*92O ALMOND 6LOSS INSTALL VANITY TOP NITH SPLASHES COLORz*9ZO ALMOND GLOSS AND TWO SINK CUT OUTS C. INSTALL 21.5 LF. COUNTER TOPS FOR KITCHEN WITH SOUARE SPLASHES AND SOUARE ED6E. BAR TOP lAO DECREE WRAP WITH LAMINATE BOTTOM. NEVAMAR COLOR:MR-1-47 D. KITCHEN REFACE- 28 NEN DOORS, 10 NEW DRAWERS WITH MELAMINE INTERIORS, LAMINATE EXTERIOR, NEN EUROPEAN STYLE HINGES, NEW 3.. WIRE PULLS (CHROME). RECOVER FACE FRAME AND PANELOFF BOTTOM OF UPPER CABINETS. COLOR: WILSONART-STELLAR D-364-6 E. RAISE COUNTER TOP HEIGHT TO ACCOMMODATE TILE AND DISHWASHER. F. INSTALL 3 NEW MELAMINE SHELVES IN PANTRY CABINET. TILEWORK: A. STRIP VINYL IN KITCHEN, ENTRYWAY, LAUNDRY ROOM, POWDER ROOM, AND MASTER BATHROOM. B. R&R- REFRIGERATOR, STOVE, WASHER AND DRYER, WOOD BASEBOARD. C. PREPARE ALL FLOOR FOR TILE PLUS CARPET TUCK IN 3 PLACES. D. INSTALL WIRE LATH BASE FOR TILE. E. INSTALL APPROXIMATELY 21A.5 56.FT. OF EIXE TILE IN ENTRY, POWDER, LAUNDRY ROOM AND KITCHEN AREAS, F. INSTALL APPROXIMATELY 54.5 SO.FT. OF 4X4 TILE AND 31 LIN.FT. OF TRIM IN MASTER BATH. G. REPAIR TNO PIECES ALMOND TILE AT BASE OF TUB. fr*NOTE: THIS ESTIMATE IS BASED ON TILE COST OF $3.4Ol5O.FT. 6LASS AND MIRROR NORK: A. INSTALL NEN MIRROR ABOVE VANITY IN MASTER BATH APPROXIMATELYs'-6'' X B'-O IN SIZE. B. INSTALL NEN MIRROR ABOVE VANITY AND WATER CLOSET IN PONDERROOM APPROXIMATELY 5'_6" X 6'-O IN SIZE. C. REPAIR AWNING STORM WINDON. D. REPAIR ONE PELLA CRANK IN DINING AREA. PAINTIN6: A. WHITEh'ASH FIREPLACE WALL AND PAINT INSERT WITH HIGH-TEMP PA INT. B. NHITEWASH ALL DARK CEILING BEAHs. C. PAINT LIVING ROOM WALLS AND CEILING-ONE COAT FLAT LATEX D. POWDER ROOM- PAINT 2 DOT]RS, FRAMES AND HEATER; MASTER BATH PAINT 2 DOORS, FRAMES SHELVING, HEATER, CEILINC-ONE COAT E. PAINT ENTRY HEATER AND NEN DOORS- TNO COATS JOB SPECIFICATIONS: COOPER REMODEL WALLPAPER: A. INSTALL WALL PAPER IN MASTER BATH. B. INSTALL hJALL IN POWDER ROOH. ,r-- ,1 t-1)') d' PERMIT NUMBEl OF PROJECT 1lqI JOB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (-r\;'.q, \ c- 11 ( DATE NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR AM PMlotlt. f . ft o{)/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL EI FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O GAS PIPING si" tr POOL / H. TUB l-l |--l tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PnlFsrop DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL READY FOR I SPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED THU \\ FRI L- DISAPPROVED F BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 4.r tz INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -zs-- lC JoB CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR# BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR nffisrroo qt:32 il INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJEC g/q T JOB READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED \- \NaN.\crp\ AM\t PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r'. tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ;*$oucx / D.w.v. X::T]WATERtr FRAMING r-., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR oare {- //-fa rNSPEcroR pffis"o" i-w INSPECTION REQUEST JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF P OJECT TOWN OF CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION - tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF trC rl tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED D/JE (i-/r --?D rNSPEcroR Tbe itens belott givtng a permlt Please check off FINAL PLI'}TBING INSPECTION'S need to be cooplete a final C of 0. ln the box provlded. CO}'PLETED before f-rlrlr DATE: r-_ltt FI,NAL UECHANICAJ. rltpRovncut sItRvEY RESID. NAUE: FINAI ELECTRICAI. FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O i I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DAIE: b_ /6*20 LANDSCA?INC DIIE I I I DATE: FILE NAilE: Changes To The APProved Plans Application ?or Design Rcvlew gccr|tT*rt oa Cstl.r,\ttlty Oc€lQmcttr 75 solrlh fi!.r?.0c R.5o' vdl, cda.do t1657 t!t: 9Ir.t)9. ?r?6 k: 9:'0 479.2a52 !.d: rri.rdle.t .co|'l C.fiarl lt'hrt'|atlon: nipaoraatr rwvrrrlg dcsrgn fGrtG.r ,n6t 4rar\re r99.ovd 9.1o. b tub.dftfE I Dulldlrl9 [Etml( rDpltcirtro'l Rcrsc rdbr A OE rubmltirl rc$,ircrncrti fu Uic g]icdlt lp?to{|t lh't tt rlQtrSEO' A^ 'Pdotm h. Gtlon Ra{tlt aaito.- oa aaa.c*o unui ll rcquinad "rforrsldm rs ttta"ca DY o'. Colvnnqtity olqfta"n ot!-:*t** t'l* ii"[i miV oiri nc.O t'o bc rci.frc{ Dy tl'G lown Cqincx sd/or dE Pl|nnrng &E Envrolncniti r:'onmEson o_hn rwlr rrFEr.t trp.I utlJ r blil{ln1 Fant b hrr.d.d ccrru*{o|t co'rmrrcrr wlthln eir y.rr of 61 4grovd- fr-rlp,t{or of fhr 8.qu.rt: sr0tficvllll/ Lqilcrr ef flr PlaPrrI: Plqrktllddrqr: Ebcl'- rud io,; AAUZAgAh-(co.itcl €r9b co ^3rctror tt 970'J28-86'10 br DarcGl no') Zodag: ,reL [rrnr(r)ofowarr(r): ({r\1€n\ { ll.tn ol Afk rG: f.ldllng Add'x|: Tlpr of frubw rnd Frol X Cnrnoca o Airotg\,cd tttrs tr.DF|!bl 3 srtt of PlarE Sbn t.rrc lr.. tato: - F'brlcv\FOFrirSrPrmt.Fl. 7l,1l6{\|)F g(ti-d'not -ls #&ll'yLao'gr"t^>'* Fltolr; fur rartgons F glint aircadY aPp's'cd by Plarhrne sutt or ftc Dc39n FGncw &rtq, DRB fio.: Prorc(l tlo.: -D9$'ea-elr,L- l J}{ea- tO10'26 do't g\! re :8r Lgzz/rc/8a(q -igvd u3l -rvf'N3gNvl -133d zt9, -9Lr - gt; rum{ co*tu rY l€lELffrfr{? Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Depa.tment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Uail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: Mountain Meadows Condo Unit 18 Proiect Description: Change to the window on Unit 18 DRBNumber: DRB07O426 Pafticipants: OWNER MM GI.ADE UC 3O1O S CHERRY ST DENVER co 80222 APPUCANT PEEUI-ANGENWALTER ARCHITEC'tS}9| 20 12007 Phone: 970-476-4506 P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001401 ProiectAddress: 4686 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONDOS - Unit 18, Buildi Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS CONDOMI Parcel Numben 2101-124-1900-1 Comments: See Conditions 0812012007 Motion By! Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt @lO5l2O07 Condr I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to aonstruction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paidr $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans ,*m Deparrnent of Communlty Development 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Eh 970.479.2L28 fax| 9m.4n.2452 web: www,vallgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal reqdrements for the partjcular apprcval that is requested. An application for Design Reriew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be revie|ed by the Town Councit and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€vi6w apprwal lapses unless a building permit is issued and consEuction commences within one year of the approvat. Application for Desigin Review N \s $Location of the Proposal:Lot: Block: SuMiv'siont Physical Address:v Parcet No.: ?lf t tZ + Pt Oll (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 br rr'K parcel no.) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: X Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions b plans already approved by Planning Staffor the D€:ign Review Board. Submittal Requirem€nts: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association no'l o77b ev) F:bdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRBUrb-charye-to-approvedjhns-lJtage-1G1&2006.doc mwcv Chaqges ToThe APproved Plans Applicaton ?or Design Revlew ocgltt''firt oa Cmrn\tlty Oft.lama.tl 75 Sgsth Fo.rl.eF Fo!o. Vd(, trcro.do 116$7 d: 9rc..r9.tt?t tU: 97(l a79.2{52 rrat: iq/r,Ytngs..con Grnrnl l;'ionndlol: All prorcdr cqrrrng dcgon .Gylaq rnurt r6ssr9 lgrprovd pdo. b tulr'|tttE a hlldlno p?Fnl( rofhcttron. fl6r3! ,+.r 6 o. r'Jtr{rbl rcqurcocnc ir tlrc tlocdrt cpPtp".t ttBt tt rcgcstco' An 'p9l'Xtm fu &r'on Ra'latt' cimc b. acc.gco ,rrtri lf r.quircd 'nbfirudo(r E ruEqvcd Dy rna Co|wnqritY Dar3lqprfl(lT Dcpirttn nL .lh" p-fCt ,nty att" r,Cca io bc rcb{G{ Dy ttta Toh,rr Cor,rncrt fd/Or dr Plrrnng and Envron ncnt l C,mtnisl.on urlrn rerlcr ItFEral Lta- Inl-. r buil4na Fairt la lrrurd rnd ccrrrrucdirr clnrn-crr rrldrln etr yrr of ltr rg'rorrl- O-rlp't{on o{ thr_Lqlt6t: Locnicn cf tlr PlcFlrl: !ol.-*L{aling EPhyrkrt ddr.cf +( nUlt | a l? 44bJ6L -L 'r-rw<'' \ 'vt.t L- -t '<----:fZ-l al i rrrol io.; ?.lilVllq QLh (Cort5cl €rgle C. As!."sx !t 970'328€6'10 {or pefsl no') arn o{ Apl€trrt: l{rillng Addrrr: ftF of fttbw.lrd f..l yf cnanrr e elcroi'ed ttrru fur rtergons @ planr r,rcadY rPp'ovcd by pl'rt1tng $"t or rh' t c{gn R6^c|| Frr{, tsli sbl 3 S.tr of PLr6 d F.\ra.v\toFrB\Pr $.\PL..r.J.eoRa4t-Grrno. -lo-lopro"c{-91rT -!i'€|.-Io16ru dO( m 39'vd u3L-IvfrN3gNv] -133d z19F-9lt- 6{ 6 I,:8r LBSZ/16/84 JOII{T PROPERTY OTYI{ER WRIITEI{ APPR(ryAL LETTER I, (print * "@aitntournerof prcperty located at Mau, 'u Mp u'^rry'G t iri,,--. prwr:de this letter as wfitten approval of the phns dated whidr have been submitted to tlre Tovrrn of Vail Community Development Department br the proposed imprcr'ements b be ompleted at the address mted abotrc. I understand Ulat the proposed imgovements indude: ' Additionally, please dred<th€ statement below wtridr is m6t applicable b you: I un&rfrnd tMminormdifratiorsnayh na& b tlc plarc orcrtle oureof tlp ptuass to ensrre ampliane wid, ilETownb appliable daard rqulatbns D I rque ddal mdifiatias, minor or oltetwi*, whidt are made b the plans otry tlp auv of tlrc review ptrcs, fu brctryht to my attention by tle appliant for additioml appmwl before urdetping lltrdw revia t by the Town. X. ,evieul (lzirialbre,l jidtu pWV otlrvr lcter Eu:*d,l Ul Yfu6 Er li g$ $gE*r-lY (U H= 'H g$HH flE tf; \) \, c4 cb 0a -i'.j <1.a fig>Yttl 15E&z<I rr- nk s(l ) L! &- t t I ,g l-I r g| TII6 B I d 3t Tf t3 .l;l +l ;l \\\l \flT-l ql EI $l il Fl I IIt ilrriilli lfi!l!!l! iiffffffl -ll-.lt- ilil| ffi (\ @F, +ri frf, ft. o_ so!itE'6rvdil . E g --$i nowtz)n ftVadots 6ndoa+tC-/S/ Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartTent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 97 O.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB l{umber: DR8040467 Prciect Description: RE.ROOF SAME FOR SAME Pailicipants: OWNER MOUNTAINMEADOWSCONDOS 09/09/2004 Phone: RICHMAN, HERMAN K, 1595 S EMPORI.A WAY DENVER co 80231 License: APPUCANT D & D ROOFING,INC 0910912004 Phone: 303-287-3043 6390 E. 49TH AVENUE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: CONTMCTOR D & D ROOFING, INC 09/09/2004 Phone: 6390 E, 49TH AVENUE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 348-5 Proiect Addrcss: 4686 MEADOW DR VAIL Loca6on: 4682 MEADOW DR tegal Description: LoE Block Subdivision: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS CONDOMI Parel Number: 210112419015 @mments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vde: Date of APPrcvalt 0910912004 Gonditions: Cond:8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or he appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not con$itute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approrral shall not become valid for 20 daW following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year folloring the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and cons0uction is commenced and is dlllgently pursued toward completion. Joe Suther DRB Fee Pald: S250.0O 'T Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review DepartmentofcommunityDevelopment RECEIVED 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 8155/ teli 97 0.479.2139 kx: 97 0.479.2452 , web: www.vailgov.comTONIN General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to subhitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal fequirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cons,truction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:) -('q. .-) e ^\l\*-! \ \^J e ={AA\ Location of the Propos al: Lot: ^/b\ ebck: ^A Subdivision: Physical Address: I /' ? / fll .-^r/o * 0n . 1,,/. ^' I ParcelNo.: 2(01 /Z/ /f 0lU (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcelno.) Zoning: Name(s)ofowner(s): /t4oo"*o,(n ,' /rroc (r^oy'a "' Mailing Address: - /tl ? Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicantl Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of lotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demoirebuild. $300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residenUal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w.alls, etc. $20 For revisio'ns to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction O Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request 7a E-fo7h Page 1of t2l04l2\lC4 5\ 'rr.*t '; DEPARTMENT oF C'MMLTN,,|f,,U,'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C'arA.oss4o ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 807-0363 Project #: PRJ07-06 Job Address.: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONODS UNIT 20 Applied...: 12/12/2007 Parcel No....: 210112419020 Issued ...: 12114/2007 Expires...: 06111/2008 ohtNBR LAWRENCE, WrLr,rAM r-,. & STEPHL2/72/2007 - .Trn 2970 S DETROIT WAY DENVER co 80210 APPLICAM BOI-,ES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, INC L2/J"2/2007 Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS co 8t632 License:168-B CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, rNC 12/12/2OO7 Phone,: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 425 EDWARDS co 8L632 License: 158 -B Desciption: REPAIR WATER DAMACED DRYWALL AND ADD CAN LIGHTS Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $16,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ''':i.*|+**.t*:t**'t'|..|:i.*t|**l*r+|.'i.ritlt,l+*t|*t,t|'.l||*+'t+''lt|**l*FEEsUMMARY*}*t*'.***|*.|l**Buifding---> 1265.25 Restusrant Plan Revi€w--> $0. oo Totalcalculated Fees-> $441.56 Plan Check--> 9:.72.4! Recrealion Fee-------_.> 90.00 Additional Fe€s-----> 50.00 InvesliBation-> $0. oo TOTAL FEES----------> $441.66 Total Permit F€e------> $441.66 Will Call---> 94. oo Payments-------------;' $441.66 BALANCE DUE_---> $O. OO t+*rl rr l*+t+*l,t** Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT I2/I2/2OO7 JRM Action: Ap Item: 05400 PL'ANNING DEPARTMENT I2/I2/2OO7 JS Action: AP See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2138 ir IlWl.4 {V\--e"Aa-a; s DECLARATIONS -v* ***'|{.,1.*'i**,1.**+***'}*'***,}*'lr****:i*'}+*'}*,}+**{'**'t'f**********,1**:{.**,F**************** *:l**********+******+***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0363 x of 12-14-2007 Status: ISSUED +**++**+'**{.*t**************{.,t :1.*** ** *** ++ *!+ * *{. ** * f * **,i*!i *:t * +**,t,t+* ****,t {.* *:t *** **'}* 't ** *:i {. *,1. **,* **:}!t '**'t '1. * * ** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: l2ll2/2007 Applicant: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC Issued: 12/14/2007 970-926-3202 To Expire: 06/ll/2008 Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: MOLJNTAIN MEADOW CONODS UNIT20 ParcelNo: 210112419020 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGED DRYWALL AND ADD CAN LIGHTS *'t.*'|.*,|.******'t**{.'tf**,i.'|.'{.*'|.**{.*{.**{.,|..|.****'tl*'},t.****conditions.**'}*'t*:|'}***,********* Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI..TY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG):(MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PERNFPA 72. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t;fi| AM . 4 PM. 5l+frrr\ tlt<tT,4tAr3tzDw SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER o PLETE OR tl INCOM PERM LICA Permit #: mechanical, etc.lSeparateare required for electrical, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: @qg CuSaU}*\ Errlr.'€P> Town of Vail Reg. No.:o- tb6 Contact Person and Phone #'s: A*F\,r{ u^n**ftn,"o z4Fil Email address: 5yra rn)>ra( tu Q lsli , nel-Fax#: q7o AZIz Zo-tA :tor Sionature:- EY=- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING:E t r5.ooo & ELECTRICAL: $ H irogO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:$ S fi,ooo For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit z o ll zL\l qo 24 ]{\El)*)\r, Er*! v e- z.o vD\r- cD AbeTJOb Name: L^$\.rc.-E {c-E etJ'G,}A{-\o A rtotBf Subdivision: (r{rT- ?, $Lot- ? ' f 6 (/v tn1,'59r4 DL trr.l \T TO Ogf-trNAl-CrrAg f T\otsl AeF,a,TE , r+f,\9 fi€tz-xE t'l F9o rqV.>TE8-- DDPrrc's . F'\F'(la cFr* Lrc'-rrTS WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(X) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (y) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type ofBldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: qNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasAppliances( ) GasLoss( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurn Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED I]EC li ?00? F:\cdoAFORMS\Permib\Building\buildingurermit_4-17-2007.DOC Page 1 of 7 ulL7l20o7 ll *ffi ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED' AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. . I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature date OR o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitteO witfr my apptication clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature OR date r The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was orioinal construction date applicant signature date F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Building\buildinqiermit-+ 17-2007. DOC Page 5 of 7 0411712007 ll PLAN CHECK FEES TABLE Plan check fees are required for projects with a valuation over $100,000, at the time of Building permit submittal. Please use the table below to calculate your plan check fee total. $100,000-$150,000 multiply by.0055 of Valuation Total $150,001-$250,000 multiply by .005 of Valuation Total $250,001-$400,000 multiply by .0045 of Valuation Total $4Ol,000-$750,000 multiply by .004 of Valuation Total $750,001-$1,000,000 multiply by .0035 of Valuation Total Valuations over $1,000,000 will be calculated by the Town of Vail Building Department. ff you have any further questions, please contact the Town of Vail Building Department at970-479-2128. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit-+17-2007.DOC Page 4 of 7 0411712ffi7 o - rl --.F ir-__i n \, m 4In&t\) v,rt u Hl [" fi E P 'l : lf l, i $ 3 [3 E ? 4\'Fil E il4------f l-f--f ITi- -t-------++-__-1. i , i-------r-r- f-l:-?f i F'J -l-,l- .rl -i-l- '| ..l.i! il -j ili lt -1,it-.-_--_tllitllt-{L ;, E )c il)I4rt L qN1IvItig)' ('tsl Ei -t.31 -rldl ml +._l,_tsl =lLl -t -rr -Ol Ft 51 3 El =l slgl Fl -sl -:l El Elbl El =lEI EI EI*rl Fl Jl tf{ ii?{1.,i9r:i a'c:' t.rl $o-:T-...... ',,€ * '. !a' r.i l-! t' \9 * rr -r--r- Jt J--arFF--'-----!-!- tj J I} ---*r-. -. --c-------N"rr- ?--------------- fvt ' ':;*" J $' -,,','r,'l'.','liu,^ fn , , ,,1,,^r^, Oul ::.,'..''',"''' ^lE r"',1'1(1,',,,i EH'r 044?u{td. rL -t n Tl-cl0f,3B ;b f 't $ I9 uri - f t fit ll ,t a. )e+ 7 *tl'El =leltrlololLl u! $ldl TJ 3F slol o-l srl>[ drlttdl r-l$l a =l oo t....-- I I tut1t?tIdtdd It"tdt): E2 \,l f rl iL :ii *q$9 ;-{-----}! ? i-Hl------+l+----------r ,_-=---1-'!-r I '"v=+ qF=t 0 B 't'r!t $ t\F$, V+1i1 . --r -'*----->-f I Ft i6l .-l =l6t*-l bl.rl r-l JtoilLl .{*rl cl3l ol 1tiEl =(ltJ Nov 3O O7 O1:OGp Man 3o3ir2so1 p.2 KEMWest Inc LIMITED ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONDOIYIINIUMS Units E 16, F 20, F 21, and I{ 27 4698 MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLoRADO 81657 PREPARED FOR Boles Custom Builders' Inc' 210 Edwards Village Boulevard' Suite 8-101 DATE: November 27,2007 PROJECT: 71356 KEMWest' Inc' 3538 Peoria Street, Suite 508 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone 303-344-3335 t F ax 3O3'344-9992 Nov 3O O7 O1:OBp l'lan 3o3ir2so1 p.3 Licnited Asbcstos lnspection Rcpo( Mountain Meadov/s Condomidums 4698 Meadorv Drivs Y4 Cototado TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE CR-1 1 1.0 Certification of Results Exeoutive Surnmary Introduction l.l t.2 I.J Purpose Scope and Terms and Conditions Review of Existing Information 2 2 z 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Sampling and A:ralytical Procedures Inspector Cornments ert"rtr-.orr,aining Material Descriptions and Recommendations Presumed Asbestos Containing Materials Non-Asbestos-Containing Material Conclusions and Recommendations Limitations J 4 4 6 6 I 8 Appendices Nov 3O O? O1:OGp HarL Limiteil Asbestos Inspection Report 303ir2so1 p. r+ 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, A&Ed" CERTIFICATION OF RESULTS ThislimitedasbestosinspectionwasconductedonbehalfofEnvironmentalResources Management and all their successors and assigns, solely for.uge in evaluation of the presence of asbestos-c##;;;ild*c Tt"#d; o" ih" sit"' This report and the hndings contained t rr"ir, ,t utt"not, in wlole or-in part, be disseminated or conveyed to any otler party, other ;;;;"ht'Custom g"ildot' Inc' ana all their successors and *Jfgrtt, *f,ft#the prior written consent of I(EMWest' Inc' This report is respectfully submitted this 27th day of November 2007' KEMWest, Inc. CDPHE krspictor/ Certificate #1 4006 e JarpdR. DeValois, CIH F6sident CDPTIE Inspector/ Certificate #6465 cR-l Nov 3O O? O1:O7p I'lanl 3o3irzso1 p.s Limitcd Asbestos Inspectiotr Report Mormtain Meadows Condominiurns 4698 Meadow Vail. Colorado Executive SumrnarY KEMWet, Inc. (KWI) performed an asbestos inspection { th"-YgTtain Meadow Condominiumr, 4698 Vteadow Drive, Vail, Colorado in units E 16, F 20,F 21, andH27 on Novemb€r 20,2007. KWI identified and sampled a total of eleven (11) building materials for asbestos content. KWI did not perform any destructive access to identiff materials behind walls, in pipe chases nor other inaccessible areas' No asbestos was detected in any of the samples collected at the Mountain Meadow Condominiums, in units E 16, F 20, F 21, andHz7 ' -I- Nov 3O O7 O1:O7p t4arL 3o3irzso1 Limited Asbestos Inspection Report Mountain Meadows Condorniniums 4698 Meadow Vail, Colorado 1.0 Introduction KEMWest, hrc. (KWII has perfonned a limited asbestos inspection at the Mountain Meadow Condominiums, 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado in units E 16, F 20,F 21, and, H 27 . This asbestos inspection was performed on behalf of Boles Custom Builders, Inc, on November 20, 2007, by I(EMWest representative Ms. Elizabeth Haggard, CDpHE licensed Asbestos Building Inspector #14006, The report and recommendations were compiled by Ms. Elizabeth Haggard- p.6 1.1 Purpose The work performed consisted of a timited asbestos inspection in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 61, National Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), which require that a building be thoroughly inspected for the presence of asbestos-containing materials prior to renovation or demolition' 1,2 Scope of work The pre-renovation asbestos inspection was limited to accessible interior areas of units n 16, F 20, F 21, and H27.The site is located at 4698 Meadow Drive, vail, Colorado. Elizabeth Haggard, Colorado Departrnent of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Certified Asbestos Inspector (certifrcate Number #14006) . Identiff any suspect asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) within the building. r Collect bulk samples of all identified suspect materials in accordance with 40 CFR 763.86 and CDPHE-AQCC Reglation #8. . Submit the bulk samples to a NVLAP accredited asbestos laboratory for analysis; Specify the condition of the suspect ACBM; Compile a final report of findings. 1.3 Review of Existing Information No previous inforrnation was provided for review. a a Nov 30 O7 Ol:O?p """l 3oqilz2so1 homogeneous maten p.7 Limited Asbestos Inspection Report Mountain Meadorvs Condo miniums 4698 Meadow Vail, Colorado Suspect materials similar in appearance and application were sampled as homogeneous 2.0 Sampling and Analvtical Procedures Random bulk samples, representative of the suspect asbestos-containing building materials of each homogeneous are4 were collected according to guidelines published as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Final Rule: Title tr of the Toxic substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 USt, S"cilo.,t 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, pad ?63 and Colorado iepartment of Public Health and Environment (CDPI{E), Regulation Number 8. Represenlative sampling is based on tle following criteria: l.Thedistributionofthesuspectmaterialthroughoutthehomogeneousarea' 2.Thesuspectmaterialsphysicalcharacteristicsandapplication. 3. Random sampling pattems determined for each homogeneous area' Suspect materials sampled and analyzed shoultt be considered representative of materials in each homogeneous area if: 1. They exhibit similar physical characteristics' 2. The apptication of the sampled material can be correlated to the application of unsampled material' applicable regulations based on classification of each qu-tity of each homogeneous material as listed below: 1. Surfacing Materials - Troweled on or sprayed on material . 1,000 square feet requires a minimum of three (3) samples r Greater than 1,000 iquare feet but less than or equal to 5,000 square feet requires a minimum of five (5) samples r Greater than 5,000 square feet requires a minimum of seven (7) samples 2. Thermal SYstem Insulation r Each system requires tbree (3) sarnples 3. Miscellaneous - other suspect materials not classified in the above categories e Sufficient samples io adequately characteize the materials with a minimum of one (1) samPle Bulk samples collected were submitted for analysis at FRS Geotech, Inc. and were *ulyz"a by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) for asbestos :91!"1t PLM was p"tfo.*"a in complianc" -*ittt guidelines established by the USEPA (EPA/600/R- 93t116). Nov 3O O7 O1:O8p """1 303lr2so1 Limited Asbestos lnspection Report Mountain Meadows Condominiums 4698 Meadorv Drive, Vail, Colorado The CDPHE and the EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (I{ESIIAP) require point count analysis for friable materials greater than 0% but equal to or less than 1% to disprove false negative results analyzed by visual estimation. NESHAP recommends point count analysis for visual estimations from greater than t7o to 10% to disprove false positive results or consider the material to be asbestos- containing. K-EMWest recommends point count analysis up to 2%o based on experience and quality of analysis. No samples were submitted for point count analysis, The analysis of the bulk samples was performed on Novemb er 27 , 2Q07 as listed in the Analytical Data Section of this report (See Appendix A). Condition assessments were performed by the accredited inspector at the time of inspection. 3.0 Inspector Comments KWI identified and sampled a total of eleven (l 1) homogeneous areas at 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado, none of the samples collected were found to contain asbestos' The CDPFIE-AQCC requires the removal of all friable asbestos containing building materials and non-friable materials that may be rendered friable during demolition- KWI performed the Asbestos Inspection for the purpose of renovation. suspect asbestos-containing building rnaterials, Should unidentified materials be encountered during renovation or demolition, additional bulk samples should be collected to determine potential asbestos content, KWI based assumptions on the locafion of the material, date of application and access. Inspector certifrcations are fowrd in Appendix B of this report, No asbestos rvas detected in any of the samples collected at the Mountain Meadow Condominiums, in units E 16, F 20,F 2I, andHz7. None of the building materials at Mountain Meadow condominiums, 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado were presumod to contain greater than 17o Asbestos. p.8 Nov 3O O7 O1:O8p MaFl 303iI:zso1 Limited Asbestos Irupection Rcport Mountain Meado'rvs Condominiums 4698 Mcadow Vail, Colorado The following materials were samPled in units E 16, F }O,F 21, andlJ 27 and found to contain 1% or less asbestos. rvest wall #21-west closet #21- Gara East closet #2t-Li west wall south wall #21-Li east wall #2? - Dining room, SE side p.9 F Units #20 and #21 1120-1-1 #20- Hallway adjacent living room 1724-L-2 r 120-1-3 I120-1-4 I120-t-5 #20- Guest bedroom, below window wall texhue. Mediumtt20-2-3 #21- Guest bedroom, southSpray-on wall texture, Medrum #21- living room aboveSpray-on wall texture, Mediumtt20-2-5 #21- fre place uall-on wall texture, Medium 1120-3-l tl20-3-2 t120-3:3 t 120-8-1 H Units #27 #27- Masterbedroom Nov 3O O? O1: Oap Man 3o3lr2sol P. 10 Limitcd Asbestos Inspection Report Mountain Meadows Condominiunrs 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Sample #:Ilomogeneous Areaj Sample Location texhre 1120-5-3 Acoustical (popcom) ceiling texture #27 - Dintngroonl NW side 1120-6-l Spray-on texture, Large #27 - Living roorq above Patio door 1120-6-2 Spray-on texture, Largq #27-Living room, NE wall 1120-6-3 Spray-on texture, Large #27- Bottom ofstairs 1120-64 Sprayon texture, T arge #27-Guest room closet I120-6-5 Soray-on texture, Large #27-Master closet tt20-7-l Drnvall/Joint comPound #27- Adiacent Patio door Buildins E Uni'ts #16 1120-10-l Dryrvall/Joint comPound #16- Garage 1120-l t-l Spray-on texture, Ifgttt-lvlgdlgq Tl6- Living roonl ceiling I 120-11-2 Spray-on texture, Light'Medium -#16- Guest room, ceiling 1120-11-3 Spray-on texture, Light-Medium #16- Master bedroom, linen closet 1120-114 Spray-on textue,li$ll4gdgm ?16- Behind'*vashing macline l120-11-5 -Spray-ontexture,Light-Medium #16- Dining room under 7.0 ConclusionsandRecommendations No asbestos was detected in any of the samples collected at the Mountain Meadorv Condominiums, in writs E 16, F iO,f Zt, ailttZl. No additional work associated with this inspection is recommended at this time. 8.0 Limitations The findings set forth in this report are strictly limited in time and scope to the date of the evaluationG). The conclusions presented in the Report are based 1ol-ely on the services described itrerein, and not oo rii*tifi" tasks or procedures beyond the scope of agreed upon services or the time and budgeting restraints imposed by the client- The purpose of this report wzrs to assess the physical characteristics of the subject site withiespect to the presence of asbestos-containing materials. No specific attempt was made to check on the compliance of present or Past owners or operators or of the Site with Federal, state or local lraws and regulations, environmental or otherwise. Nov 3O O7 O1:0ap rara 3o3U2so1 P.11 APPENDIX A ANALYTICAL DATA f"," ""r"3]":-t"'ro"tt= 'tlt'IO* NA'ED REcrprENr on." ""u?"Ct:=o; fng G6ot€clr, IDc. L44L il. 46Eh Ave., Sulce 14 Denver, CO 80211-233 8 P. P- 3t 2 Fhone : 3 03 /41'l'2559 800/385-3135 FAxz JO3 | 417 -254O e-rnai1: frsgeoBix. neEcom. com Novenber 2'7 , 2OO-l lils . El i zabeEh Haggard KEMWesi, Inc- 3538 Peoria SE. Suile 508 Aurora, co 80010- Re: Lab Nunber 111575 ProjecE: 4698 Meado$, Dr, Vail, co Dear Ms. Elizabelh Haggard I Tbe L.u1k sanqlles subnluted Eo FRs Geocech, Irc. have been analyzed by polarized Iight nicroscopy (PLM,. Ehe EPA-recorurnendedl netbod for determlnation of fibrous cousEi guents in building maeeria!,s. T'h€ percent of aebestos conEained in the samples is a visual estinaEion based upon comparisons wiEh published charls. ahe resulls of Lhese analyses are summarized in the enc:osed EabLe. This report relac€s only Eo Ehe lEem8 received and Eested by out laboraEory. According Eo requlremenEs set by t.he Natioaal fnstlEule of Scandarde and Technology/NwAP, .'.his repolt musc noE, be used Eo claim enalorsenent by NVLAP or atry agency of the A copy of your Chain of Custody is attached for your convenience. This repoci is considered hlghly confident.ial. Results will noc be discussed ytiLh any person nos associaLed r,rith lrou. P1ea6e caII if you have any quesEions about this work. Sirrcerely, David A. Schroeder, Ph.D- Data ConErol.Ier Encf oEures NVIJAP Accreditsed Lab *102078-0 ArBA Accredlted Lalr *10155? n"." t:q9]='o-L;o?t. ,'l'Ti} NA ED REcrprEHr o*r-v a1?3if2=s3"L P. r3Y| ta f88 CEOrtlCtr rllc. L44L n- 45Eh AveBue, SulEe 14 Denver, co 80211-233I Clieng: ltlstrf,osc, Inc, Proj ecE ID:4698 U€edoqt Dr, vell, CO SamEle l\tunber _l-L1\l:]:-L 1.12 0 -1-2 i LI2-0.:l:LlAl t20-\-2 fBl 1120 -1-3 &ayer Dercentr 100 Asbes tos Minerals : tra'?,rrrR oF ptl'* rclrrl'rrog sllitl,r ltcl'-ygr! tI e(rr.laYtFlr i,?GF! x?CtttrfrcoDv (D?J! tD -600/e-ot/l t6 Phone: 303./4?7 -2559 800/3 85-3135 Faxz 3Ot | 41? -2580 Lab No, :111573 Pager 1 of 10 t({hltel - lDoly6o8 (percenls detsermined by visual esBitiatsion ! SamFle Nuniber: TI4ELI- l!2o-L-2* L:-2O-1'-2 7120-7'2 r120-1-f IAI IEI- Pcrcst Sanple Asb.stos Delg Dedcrt|5t{ on - ND.i 11/2OlO? Poocorn ceillnc texeure--*2o dinincr lvhitel -- !D.. :f129,&Z ?opcorn cell{nctJexEure--{ 2 0 hall ltll'o - laversl - \D'. IL|TO|OT ttlhite DoDcorn Eexculel -- !D.r 11/20/0? loff-whita laver or olaeter benealb oogcorn - gexturel - - Nnr. LLI2!)J.YLPoocorn ceilind Lextsure--f2o master bed - 100 50 50 Amos I F.e Anchcphylll Ee chrysot il. e(:Yocidolite 'ft enol iLe-Actinoli ce *oae& f,gBEgros rrpr r Qther Fibrous Macelials: l'ibrous Glass cellulose .SynLhetics OEher: _lE:a____E:--_mr. _nD!:- a 2 3 Honfibrous l'larerial 97 99 ' Conposite analysis (:nulCllayereil sanrple. see. r ND means l\fone Det,ecE.ed . Anal ys E. t 98 100 91 iadivi ilual layer analyees) , t'tark Coolrerrider Darez t7l2.7J!!I Nov 3O O7 O1:OSpNov-z?-o? tt. ttI""JfR NAttED REcrptEHr o*." ="u?Utt-fJ. tB,g cEoraca, r!fc. 14{1 t!'- 46ch Avenue, SuiEe 14 Denver, CO 80211-233 8 RIFttl,t|rS O? FtF.t rsBrcFos Sa-rgz|l lf'lll.YFtF qY p{lt.ltltttllr r.rGtfir rfarp6cc6pv tlrtlrl Epl-doo rr -Qa ri i 6 EarcGnt Sanple A3b€aGos Dage DescrioEion --Ip8:--fL/ 20 / 01 PoDcorD celllnd texEure--*z1 ll'vinc luhirel - !lD.r 11/2010? Poocorn ceilino texEure--*2l duest bc\al . ,iD*t 7]- /2OlO7 spray-on Bexture. med--*20 kitchen - . toff-whitel - -- !fD.. 11/20/0? Soray:on gexEure. meil--120 gn:esr bed -.Ioff-whiEel - - . UD* t ltlzill1 sprav-on te)(ture' med--*20 scairway --- 3 P. t4 P - t3 Inc. Iteeaor Dr, vall., CO Phone:303/{1?-2559 800/386-3136 Eax| 3Ol/ 477-2590 IJab No.:1113?5 Pagei 2 oE LO C1ients : XElotsal, ProJ ecE fD: 0698 Sample Numbet rt-2,o-t-4 tr20-1-5 t120-2-7 rt20 -2-2 l12D:&L-frrff-bthiEel lralyses (percents deuermined by vieual. esE,lnabion) Sa:nple Ntmber: 1120-1-4 It2-0-*5- ItzO-Z-t I\SO-2-2 ll20-2-3 IJoyCa Perdan,tsr A6besEos l,tineral.s: -lmosit e AnEhophyllite Chryso E il e Crocidoli le ?remol i te-Act,iioliEe 100 100 rotA.L ASBES.r!S np. i OEher Fibrous MaEerials: !|Dr I NDr t llDr r llDr . Fibrous Glass Cellulose SynEhet ice Olher: Nonfibrcus Material 97 i Composice analysis (fin-rltllayeled sarople, seer* ND neans None DeEected. A$alys E : _100__ 100 100 individual layer analysesl . Mark Coof,lerrider Dat-e z llJ!2,zM 30 O? Ol:lop iHov-z?-B? TuE r?,n""f,* NAr,rED REcrprEHT o*t" =t?!ttt=t=o"t tRa GtEGtttcE, INc. 1441 9J. 46th Avenue. SulEe 14 Denver, CO 80211-23 3I E!,trrr.rr-Q oP EUr.l! flntF|tnF ptrot-I rratf.vs"a Ey Eflr.rll.rrt?r t-tGF! r.l€nl'|!tdl.t!'v {p".rt Gor-6oo r1l-o? r t r 5 CIlent.: Kll'titcst, Proj ect rD: {59 B Ino. ltead.ot' Dr, va:[l, CO Nov T P. 15 P. '4 Phone r 3 03 /4'17-2559 I00 /3 86-313 5 Fa* 30t | 477-2580 Lab No. : 111575 Page: 3 oE 10 Sesp.le-NlsbeE P.!6enc Sanple .l'bcrEtos DgEg Descrlotion \'',ot 11 /2OlO7 Spray-on EexEure- med--S21 auesL bed - fo ff-wh.Lee l tvDrr 11/20/07 sorav-on textsure, med--*21 livlnc, roon I Ev'to .laversl . ND.. 1lt20l07 lTdD laver of white Eexturel SDti lalzoltT lBotton layer of off-white texgurel . tDt. L)JJ2g!!J. sgf av-on textsure. med--fz1 fireplace f qthiqel - LLZA:2:A 112!-Z-5. 1120-2-5 fAt 112O-?:5 IBI 1120 -2-6 Allolys€E (pelcents decerrnined by visual €sEimabion) Sarple lludber: 7120.-J-4 LL20-2-5. 1!20-2-5 l72O-2-5 L12O-2-6 Iray'Er PElcsnt: 100 Asbes tos Miaerals: Arnosl te Anthophyl IiEe ehrysot iIe Crocidolite Tremol i re-AcEi.nol ire nOlllr ASBESIBO8 $Dr! oEher Fibrous Mat.erlals: [D. r TIDI't{D.* _ NDr* Fibrous Glass Cellulose Synthet.ics Other: Nonfibrous Macerial 100 too * comtr)osiEe analysis (nrulLilayered sanple, see+* ND tneans None DetecCed. 100 100 _j-o-a__ lntlividual layer analyses). AIa lyst : Hark Cooperrider Datez Llr!2;U!E n"" tono?l=:-tittTr= ,t!=tilR HAITED REcr",rENr on.t =tultt::"t. aRs Otolltctf, Mc. r44L w. 45th Avenue, suiEe 14 DeDver, CO 80211-2338 nEs|'t.nrc JtF t$r.t rttrrc|lro,g ft''xpr.r lFr".r]s?t B? oo?.rat'rF r.rcrfir r"del\caoo? (E?fl! EDr-6OO /e-oa / 1 16 Cl ienE I xEttltaat, Project ID: 11698 santlle Nulnber 112 0-3 -1 Inc. t{erdov Dr, VAll, CO P.P. a5 l6 Phone:303/477-2559 800/385-3135 Fax:303./477-2580 Irab No, :111175 Page: 4 of 1O Pcrc6ttc Sanplel6b6rtsos Date Descrlpeion ![Dr r 11/20l 0?Sr odthlsh texture--*2 0 dlininc foff-wh{bel 772L-3-2 llDrl 11/20107 Srnoothlgh texture--f2o livino room loff=rrhltel "112 0- 3:3 uDt. L7120/07 SnooEbish Eexture--*2o dinino room south lof f -hrhi tel 1',r 20 -4 -1r tIDt. tt/2OlO1 Dr\^ral1l-lo{ nt compounrl--#21 fthree layeusl - 1120-4:L IAl 'IDr* 77 t20 | o7 lwhite drt/urall I lnalyeor (pelcents determined by visual eBtimatior) 'ample Nurnber: 1120-3-1 7L2O-3-Z 11ZO-3-3 1120-4-1r LIZO-A-\ Eqyq! pcrc€nt t Asbestos l'lin€rals: Anosite .rlrl Ehophyl liEe Chrysot i 1€ Crocidol i te 'rr6mol i Ee-AcEinol i te 100 ItOriL ASEESIIOS lrp.. OEber Fibrous MaE,erlals : lEl. t llDr r Mlr. lgDr r Trace <lt Trace <1* 72 Fibrous Glass Cel,1:rlose Synth€tIcs Olher; NonfLbrous Matcrial 100 * comFosiEe analysis (multilayered sarDle, 6eerr llD means None DetecCed 100 a7 80 lndividual laye! analyses). .{rral.yst : Mark CooperriAer DaEez 11 127 l07 Nov 3O O7 O1:lopNov-z?-e" rue rzlgO" HA!,'ED REcrprENr o.,"" =lo=Gt:=ttt" IR6 OEOTECH, rNC. 1441 W. 46C,h Avenu€, SulEe 14 Denver, CO 8O2LL-233A llEcDLr||! d? EDt,r rgFra.iog sllrD".n INAIIt:3TS hY D6".rtlTZEb t.tatf'ir r.?atrl'rl|16?v (ol.Il tDl- 66n rn-at / t.l 6 Phonc:303/477-2559 800/386-3r36 Faxr 3 03,/077-2580 Lab No. : 111575 Page: 5 of 10 PP. t6 L'7 Cl.ient: Rll8fsal, ProJ ect ID: r1690 Sample Nurnber lDc. l|eadlotr Dr, Va:Ll, CO ParcGrts SempleAab6rro! Dille n€EcEr.pllio[' 1.120-5-1 Cel Lulose SynEheF-ica Qlher: Nonfibrous uaLerial 3 32 100 ' eor@o6it,e analysis (rnultllayered sample, seerr M) means None Det.ecced. Ana.l ysE I 91 98 ._- layer analyses) . 9'l indlv"idual, 11?IL-_{:_1__IE[_-___ Np.r 11l2ol07 twhtr.e Eaper _ 1i20-4 -1 ICI -jE_ 11./20/07 \IDrt 7ll20l,7 Popcorn ceiling cexture--{27 dini:rs lrthiEel 1.L29.--!-2--.---.. - ![Dt. 11/20/07 Popcorn ceilind EexLure--*2? naster fwhiEel 7t20-5-3 lDtr 11/2010? Poocorn ceilino rexuure--t2? dinino fwbitel - Fnalyaca (percenes del,ermi[ed by visual egtlmationl Sa ple Nurnber: Li2O-a-L 1120-4-1 1120-5-1 L!2O-5-2 1120-5-l layEr P6rcent: Asbestos Minerals : .*$osi Le A$rhophyl.1i te Chrysoc i 1e Crocidollte Trernol ite-Act inol I Ee 100 .rttTtL AsaEsfog ltDr r OEher Fibrous MaEerials r Fibrous Glass llD..ND' T Npt r -JPll-- 100 Mark Cooflerr ider DaEe t 1J!2i[!! n"" t:"31=:t;t?i= ,'l=Tb H.EED REcrprENr "*,-" J.9tfft===%f, tRs cloltEcr, tt[c. 1441 W. {6tb Avenue, Sulce 14DeNer, CO 80211-23 38 nFarl'!!6 oF Btrf.t lltFrn[|o-q GlmrjE rrrrr.astl BYp(it.rt?rrn r.7enfir |f?Ct6FC6py fp t tpl-5oort-qt,trr5 Phone r 3 03 /477 -2559 800/3 86 -313 5 Faxt 3o3/ 411-2580 Lab No . : 1115?5 Page: 6 ol 10 P.18?-.17 __ lEtt. 11l2ol07 l,aroe snraw-on rexrure--S27 livina lwhice] llli:6-7 t|Drr 11/20l07 Lerde s6rav-on texcu:e--*27 livino lwhiEel Ll.2_9_-_6 -3 !D'r 11/20l07 iaiqe $Drav-on texEure--it27 sLai.s [."'hl Del 1t 20:-L:tL- . .-- lfDi | 11l20107&arde sprav-on texture--#27 auesE fwhit,el LJ.20-5-s Np). LLt20/O7 l,arcre sorav-on Eext-ure--ll2? mast-er room fwhltel .lD.Irl.trcr (percenrs deternined tryr visual esEl,naEion) Sar,ple Nurnber: LL2O-6-I LL2O-6-Z f12O-6-3 1120-5-4 1120-E-5 Client : KEltulort, erojecc ID: r1698 Sampl e Number L!20-6-7 r,aycr ?a.adent ! &sbesEo6 Minerals : funosi !e AnEhophyl li Ee Chrysot il e Crocidol ite Tremo I i le -Ac t'inoIi t, e Fibrous Glass cel l.uLose Synthet ics OEher: rnc. ldcrdo?, D.f, Itail, CO 100 DcrccDt Sanplelsb.BEo6 DaEe Descrlotio4 100 100 TOttIr IaBESIOS !tDr. OEher Fibrous Materials: ilDr r ltDr t !Dr. llDr r Nonfibrous Mat,e]rial 1OO 1OO .r Cornposice analysis (nruleilayered sa't{)le. seer r ND means t\tone Detected ind.ividual layer analyses) . Analyst: Mark gooperrider DaBel Ll /27 | 07 n"" tRoSJ=ro-L+lttr ,tl;J1h N.EED REcr",rEHr on.t =tu?tG"===oJ" aRs gEiqllg8, tNc. 1441 'rt. 45r.h Avenue, SuiEe 14 Denver, CO 80211- 2338 nrFlIYtls dF !rt?.t lql 34rle ltlrpt.lr Nnr.v.3tll er ofir.\tzE ! ".rctrtr ,?cn^Fa6!v aDr.xl rFl-daD.rR-Qt rt t 6 Client: Kl0lglor!, ProiecL tD;669a Sampl e lihfi rer Inc. Ueadorr Dr, Vrll, CO Dc.rcsaE Sanplo l8be8Go! Dete DescripEion p.1 P. te Pbon€:303/471-2559 800/385-3136 Fax: I03 /477-25 80 Lalt No. r 111575 Page: 7 of 10 )J29:2=L!..-.--- - lDrr 11,/2olo7 Dn^rall/ioint co'rpound--+2? rtwo lavels l Ilao,-?-r lAl diD+r ALJ!.?,9!!L Ir,*rlte drvual l l llla-Z-U.Q.L,--- !tp., lTtzoto?fwhite 'l oint comooundl .1L2-U.-3:.L------- lIDf f 11/2010? Bearnr knock down Eexture--*2l oarase twhitel 7i20-g-)--!D.. _ 11/20lo? Heavv lmock down bexture--S?1 qarade lwhit.el l!!:'y.es (pelcenEs deEerm.ined by visual esllnaEion) sanrpl e Numbe!: L12o-1-Le 1120-?-1 razo-1-l i120-8-1 LL2O-8-2 &ryor Perdent s Asbestos Minerals : tunosi te AnEhophyll ite Chrysot lle gr'oc idol ire 100 Tre{loli te-Acc inol i !e $OTAr, TSAES|IOS Nttrr OEher Flbrou6 MaterLaLs: Filrrous Glass lDt )ltD. I ___lD! t_ !fp. . ceLlulose s)/nEhet ic6 Orher: 910 i'lonf lbrous Material 01 90 r eonposite analysis (m.lltl t-ayered sarnple, see" ND means Nohe Detectcd. 100 100 100 individual layer analyses) . Analys c r Mark Cooperr ider DaEe) 7Al21f 01 *o" "3o9J"to-L*1rf,= ,tISff* ^,o"=o REcrprENr or,." """?tl$t"tJ"L tRd GloflECE, tNg. 1441 !{- 45Eh Avenue, SUIEe 14 Denver, CO 80211. -23 3 8 llEFltl/!€ ftl ttlf.t linrFlos 3rr9l.tr llmJ|Et3 Ev pttrrnrzr'r r.r.:r.t lf"(tur{aow (D?-xl llp -6oorE-q!,tt6 Phone: 303 /477 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax| l0l | 477 -2580 Irab No. : 111575 Pager I of 10 PP- 19 CI ient : KEllweag, Project ID: 11698 Samole Mfiiber 1120-9-1 tBl layor lercene: A.sbeshos Minerals: Anlosite AnLhophyulEe ChrysoLLle Crocidolite l|rc. lleadort Dt, VaLl, CO P.rcaat Sarnplel!b!}.cor DalE D6scripEi on lJ.?j,qa-g:l - -___!D!.!__11/20107 Hearn, knock doun Eextu?e--S2l daras€ ltthitel I120-9-1*--:sILLlf2OlO'1 Larde sorav-on cexture--r21 llvin(r room Itwo. l aYer6 l 1120-9-1 rAl drD.r LL /20107 w.. lt/20to7 f,Foo lawer of urhit€ texturel Itl/lltoft laver of off-crhite EexEurel 7720.9 -2 t:D.t Il/2O10', La-roe sotav-o[ EexEule--#21 livind loom lqrhl ?al Aaalysea (Bercents rleternined by visual estsimatior) Sanple Number: 1120-8-3 1120-9-11 1120-9-1 1120-9-1 tf20-9-2 100 100 Tremoli ce-AcE Inoli re noaa'l lsaEs'los r|n.r gther Plbrous Maceriale: NID' T llD. i llDr. NDr. Fibrous Glass cel1u106e Synthet ics rlthe!: Ironfibrous Materlal 1OO 1OO * conposile analysis (mult.ilayered saqrle, see individual 100 layer analyses) .rr ND meaDs None Detected. Analy6t t Malk c€operrider DaEet IUZJS! Nov P.2LP. tg Phone r 3 03 / 471-2559. 800/3 85 -313 6 Fax.. lA3 | 417 -2580 Cl lenL | trEDl9t€ag, ProjecE ID: 11698 srDE-I-e-IuEpet LL20-9.f Lab llo. :111575 Page: 9 of 10 11?0-10-1r EDr. 11 l2OtO1 Drrn^ra1ll ioinE comDound--*16 ftwo laversl 1120-10-1 tAl rE t '),1/20/01 ltJhite dnnaaLl l 1120 :10-1 t B l @r) Lt t20/ 07 twhite loinL comoound I llZO-:LL:l-.-.-- DtDtr 11l20lo? Lioht spray-on texture--fl16 livino room f r,rh ite wibh inseoarable t"rhlte lf,aint l trrralyB€a (percents deeermlned by vlsual esllmaEion) Sampl.e Nunber: 1120-9-3 1120-10-11 1120-10-1_ 1120-10-1 1120-11-1 !ay6r psrc€nt: Asbescos Mlneral,s: B$osi t e Anbhophyll i t.e Chr..rs6g11" Crocidolite Tremo I i te-ActinoIi te 100 100 100 rNrnL T'sBESlrOS __.lD::_ other Fibrous Materials: t{D*. Trace <lt _-E!:__ Trace <1t 10 !'lEti * lID.r Fiblous GLass CelLuIose tjlmEher ic6 Other r Nonfibrous Mat.eri aI 1oo 89 t cornposi te analysis (multilayered sanple, seer| ND means None DetecEed. 100 100 j.ndividual layer ai.alyses) . ;lnal.ysc s 30 O? O1: l1p iNov-2?-o? r-uE r"rn"""!* NAMED REcrprENr oNLy s?9Ut22"5$L tng GEC'TECF, trSC. 144L l{. 46Eh Avenue, Sulce 14 Denver, co 8b21:t-23 38 !6r-rett?rr r.?6ltrt xrarrngloEy {li'.x} qpl-6o6 ra-oarl r 6 trnc. Dteadon Dr, V!11, CO PcrGGEt Samgletrrb.lcor Dar.e Ddscliot ion NDa. )JL/29,/_9J. Larce sprav-on texEure--*21 livino room fwhiLe l l.tark Cooperride! David A, SchroedEr DaEez tfu!]f,illl Phone:303/471-2559 800 /3 86-313 6 Fax; 3O3 1177-25aO Lab No. r t11t?5 Page: 10 of, 10 ,@. ) 1\l2O/O7 L,loht. sprav-or texEure--*16 master fwhiEe wi Lh inseparabl e thice DaintI ;!2 0:11- 4 ,-- !Dr. 1L29./OZ Lioht sorav-on texture--f1F washer/ drver rogr fnhiEe wiEh inseparrbl€ rrhl Ee painLl -lZI-*lf:F----- [Dr r lllzllLoz Diohc spFev_on rexbure__ t I 6 dininc, , hi eewith inseparable whiEe paint I enalyr.s lpercents Sa4rle Nrrrnber: deEermlned by visual estirnationl L!20-r!-2 11?0-11-3 7720-1I_4 1 120_11_ 5 I/ayGr P€l.ca!,t , Asbestog Minerals :turosite Anthophyl l ice(:hrysoEl1e Crocirlol I ce Tren(,IiLe-Act inot i ce Fibrous Glass CefLu Lose SynLhet ics Othez; 'llOllelr fgBSEiOOS Nprr Drher Fibrous Malerials: ltDi.l|r. llDr I 100 Nonfibrous Material 10O fOO .'t Colrposi ce analys!s (nult.ilayered sanple, see{a ND neans None DececEed. 100 ludivldual Layer analyses) Analyst : Nov 3O O? 01:12pNUv-rr-€r r'uts ,,rI""f] NA''ED REcrprENr o*." .?uo"t|J":9"t" tRtt gEotrEca, llIC. :,.441 lt. 46th Avenue, Sulte 14Denver. CO AO2LL-2}38 ntctr trf, .}t tlDtr-( l€rrt'|Els Slmrr.F ltJtr.v: ta qI DAn rartri t.reF[r 'r?aedscopv f D?ral J:pa-Gooli-qa rr r|i Cl ien!.: KElltrl6a!, Inc. grojecL ID: t6gg lt€sdor Dr, yrll, co Sarnole Nuraber Psrcaat SampleArbcltor Dale DescrigE i on ll2o-17-2 \D*t !1/20/VrriohE sorav-on t6xrure--116 cruest twhlEe witi.lnselarable white oainE I :J2IL-_r1-3 P.22 P. t I David A. Schroeder DaEe. 71 t27 lO7 Nov 3O O? O1:12p 3o3l22so1 P. 23 Lirnited Asbestos Inspcction Report Mountain Meadows Condorniniums 4698 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colomdo APPENDIX B CERTIFICATIONS P.24Nov 3O O7 O1:12p l'lan dl 1) ?1 Isi .,1 <.) .J a) itt .J) ox o o .J.n I I I I I vl -l.- .'1 r?rl ql zi I I I I =1)=5': ='a== >l r:F N 't r- ''l I rnarl r) -- =?i. E'= ii2 {4<:5 'a ==,A-= r 5?<49 7==Y='i =fiz=='lc =3 .2 z) 't ,nE-E'n\ =;g =.= L- =-';.t< (\t\s cot- oo 30 (\ I a.l * =.ct\N r0 FTita\t\asil?l alt t 0c F'\.t s t\a ts,lra HIudft E ri Fr =ial fl -l(\ll rl;-l c-idl r! =l :ctrl <.1 (-rl <:5l ri=l --;\J . -\i -l --.slxlSlxi =iao.?:zGt=ou l.'j=€3:a=:e i =.-=E=i.)z2i':; 3039222501aoFlarNov 30 O7 =-)'-:;'_' \$ STATE OF COLORADO ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Colorado Depanment of Public Health and Envtonment Air Pollurion Conrol Division This cenifies that ilIary E Haggard has met the requiremens of ?5-7-507, C.RS. and.{.ir eualiqv Conrol' coosrission Reg'lation No. 8, part B, and is hereby cenified by the state of Colorado in rhe following discipline: Building Inspectort lssued: 3123t200i Expires on: 3/23/2008 ' This cctzifrrlle 8 vcti! otly wirt thc potsasioa of x canificdot ia chc disciplhc spcciJicd ebove. P.25 2 It tI I I 'll olsl EI 5lol +rl ?lol ;l:rl EI 5l .= cl ftgl tro-l 6El e>l Erol 0,Jl ohl odt Eol -cfl F oo c)(t)o (I, \J E coJ N .!c = (! co olcl.- |lC'l -l =lml *rl '-lcl .=t fl EI :I EI ElEl El +l El El gl il tl J .Ec- I It j I I I ! I I I & {l ii ti !i tl lls ffi1 |]:H q I E E rd Igl EI! E3 " Ii EliEl$tntiElEi T .} H o tIi E E E I TI I ,lllb frr F! Ei Eit i ts t E q q TI xtlI s g t $: q $ H Is 6 II I t F I IJ ! 6 H a ri d.r-: d.i d ?i gEE rrm ii .tI E ,z P 51 E oHFF9B8r 3 I H{sH E;E E $ri$ E g / TS i'l E E(: c- ; rtb BSch = elii[[li bI t R E HI\ - UJ.to. g,olt2o E(t tl. Elu(t o- -o Eo3o.t tI E r' (ao<too (no at @ Frcio11 FZ ^\oFE3HFH9<e. J* I a,6 'I !! t r T !i Ii{ tii itl .r .TI E Er E E F H F 6 t9t< E E dl:' J i!' lEe iE" 8 8 8 EsEE ee 3^ q Es^eq {o{ 3 fl tBaE a I..t a (J *+ c, ffi83d$8 SisS s r[[:t 88EEE eqq s sF3$3 FFE g Et FFIa iEaas sI |{ lrlc 6 !aa ' x I H 2 a x Fa I {Fa o iEr pE- 88r8888E8E '3F3$B"EF3 I g o = o dgttF>t 8888888E8E EqB.igBeqe.ss" qilidti$idfif d e861, Ra a |.I 3 5 5 I It I , [[t: :: Liffl,ili i I bF Er ooqccqcqcq\o6\o€\O9\O\O\0\o Ir I It I R FIa n\ FutulT.nzoF 3z F -oo l3' 3El eeeegq$s saa 8I.{ g 6s+I viddo {!tr qqqq gg$s t $6t Fa lEa=t iEH sE q a lu a{Ft5rx ' Ij{ l. a E eeqq885€ -lrie etot F o IE' qee F88da etd g) (J fl, a?T>t 8tt8g.EHR I deI a\a .D ).xt Ez x Ec l{A EII{t{&&&rtrIIIrrrF$li F! ! ! 3 b o 3 c, Er ETEg l^rt -a a- (') @o !tcroN'\arlano c\, gHEH o.YAJ<t .HC E E A x Ezo (, E Eoz 8tr q E 1 IE IIt< t< > E F Er'I3i ItEirit Iir tii iII I E $ EF\o EsIa N\ F UJulE cnzo -F 3 -Il- -oo llou 28 O? ozreaP tREilT I cARLn Gmr*cttdOoilr*tg FOE(D(rmlt]lGrHz0Effng^ltlfrflil,UTtl6fli EITOB Bdsa||EraldtqrD P.oBo(428 Erint|r@81@ aol-?5{-50s1 p.2 lnvoice llfir bnro5.l{o.P.O.lfltr Tfmt Prolcd rilzrut 716f 6Jlx3ru5 Dr.onttdht Lrr42r{t5l [.m D.rottbl q|f'ry Frb Armrit CtrryDotLt Gh|mEq*r ChdErod.r hn,.f tl2scfmgrod..brF blrf tfsscfrfcffilrn tsrr f 61 adltrodlhn l'ltrtlr you lor Pr hr[!...Tbbr fln00.@ i i Irl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: MOLINTAIN MEADOW CONODS UNIT 20 Parcel No...: 210112419020 Legal Description: 4R5-OI -CG1o Project No :owNER LAWRENCE, WILLIAM L. & STEPH0I/O9/2O08 -iIT 297A S DETROIT WAY DENVER co 8021-0 APPLTCANT MD MOLLER CO O'I /Oq/2AOq PO BOX 1s08 EDWARDS co 8L632 License: 355-E CONTRACTOR MD MOLLER CO PO BOX 1508 EDWARDS co 8]-632 IJI_cense: 355-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR REPAIR Valuation: $2,640.00 Phone: (970) 559-39L3 OI/ O9 / 2008 Phone: 1970) s59-391-3 oatveNr oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL.'il t NOTE:THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 808-0005 Status . . Applied . Issued . Expires . t:Ol osc5 . : ISSUED . : 01/09/2008 . : 01110/2008 .: 07/08/2008 WATER DAMACED DRYWALL Square feet: 500 Electrical------> InYestigalion---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--------> Total Permit Fee-----> Paymenls----------------> BALANCE DUE---> Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 0I/09/2ooB shahn Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 .'.T.lli.;1.;..11:::..:Yi::::X..T:.:.::.Y.T::..T:..::::.1..:::.:::.:..:.:Y,::fl::..******..."...*.. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review AM-4PM. approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. FROI/01 08 2008 APPUCATION WI[[ NOT EE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: 14:35, 14:30 Building Electrical Permit #: 97 O-479'2L49 (InsPections) P002 07 ob/ 0 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vall, colorado 81657 ,1 / fr.<-'J>'2/ {|oE.clor CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE SQ. FOOTACE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (LAbOT & MAIETIAIS) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCruRE: Conbd Detailed desoiption of work:h^aqE WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) RePair(00 TemPPower( ) oher( ) Does an EHU exist at dlis location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (!) Exterior ( ) 80ft ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlefamity ( ) Duple< ( ) Multi-family ( ) Oommerciat ( ) Re$aurant ( ) Odter ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No, of Existing Dwelling Un'rts in this building: Does a Fre Spilnlder System ExisH Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes rr*f***.r*********e***i*********&rr+**+r*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******tt*******i**********t*****1**** Othhr Fees: ' : : 1r'.. -.. r..i .., ...1 .Date ReceiYed: ,'.. ' D tB Fees;'Acceoted BY: anner'Siqn-off: -'... F:\Ctlev\FORI4S\Permits\&ildin9\eledical_per iLl1-23-2005.DOC Page 1 of 2 tu2?12095 4:46 pm VailJCO'- Cig Of - Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, February 14,2009' Inspeclion Area: JRM Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONODS UNIT 20 A/P/D Information Activitv: 807-0363 Tvoe: A-MF Const Tvo6: Occuoahcv: Owrier: LAWRENCE. WILLIAM L. & STEPHANIE T. Requested Time: 09:00 AM' Phone: 390-2981 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDU'se: lnsp Area: JRM Phone: 970-92S3202 D ADD CAN LIGHTS rr: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC ,/// s: will call Sean 390-2981. reoue$edAM . unit #20o: JMONDRAGON -Z_n: - -'-'Tme ExP: - v 90 BLDG-Final BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS. INC Item: Item: Item: Item: ONLY HAVE TO DO EXPOSED PLACES. O1l23l0g Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: UMTS 2070 BLDG-Misc. 535 DIA - 30 DAY REMINDER 536 DIA - SITE/LANDSCAPING90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Idz 7665 N-^.r-to.t OU"tat?'Ad-Qhc'ar-g 4l 1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT-ALL TIMES"" Dr.rrMFrNc pllRMTT Permit #: P95-0017 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/ 47g-213g Job Address : rex sits-iii zqsz - l3i3!i"*;: : ; Departnent of Communiry Development 4684 UEADOW DR 4684 MEADOW DR #23 2L0L-L24-L9-023 Status...: ISSUED epplied. . : o3/.L6/.teriiued...: 03'/L7/re Expires..z 09/L3/L9 Phone | 303A275736 Phone t 3Q38275736 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBING P o Box 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340' MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER STEPHENS ALICE W 5819 OAK CREEK LANE, LTTTLETON CO 80121554 Description:gas line unit #23 *ffird.**irJrffiffirr** FEE SUlll'IARY *#|tiffi ffi*f,*t*-f,*t*f,1**r**rr*JrirHtHr*'hhtffirf iffi Totat catcutated tees--> 21.75Ptumbing-----) P lan check--> Invest i gati ort tli l, ! cat l----> 15.00 3.75 .00 3.00 Restuafant Ptan Review--> .00 TOTAL FEES-----AdCitionaL tees---------> TotaI Pemit fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- .00 ?1 .75 21 .75 **ffit*tJr*ffi*hlittr***trtrlit*#**ffifffir*1*iJrt*rrf*r*tt*ffi*****lr**ffiirHrf,t/rfitl*ffi*f*ffi**l***:Hn*rhttoH rrem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DePt: BUILDING Division: A3/76/t995 DAN Aclion; APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED FOR qQDq-qq-I',lPLIANCE.- 2. cAS TEsr rs REQUTRED AT RouGIlrN rNsPncrroN. ,r/r*rririrtrnt*irt*ffi.****t*Jrrri'r***lr*H*J.t**ff **rt*#*ffi ffi ffirffi r*ffi **rrffi ***ffi DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknowtedge that I have rrad this apptication, f i l,l,ed out in ful,l, the information rcguired, co Phtcd an accurate Ptot ptan, anO state th;t atl, thc ittormation provided as requi red is correct. I ag.ee to conpty Yith thc information and Ptot-Ptan, io compty with atl, Tovn ordinaices and state (aws, and io buitd this structure according to the Tosn's zoning and suMivisign codes, des.ign q€y €pproved, Uniforr Bui lding code and other ordinances of the Town applicabl'e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IADE TT,TENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONEITT 17.9-2134 0RTTOUR SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND O!'NER qK';!'(/!;!i,1"*. PER!.rrr ApplrcATrou rohu DATE: PERI'IIT # lr{ii I r i.i95 al AppLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our couplErer,v onfiqp.6gJffifh0fl.ffir"o f,******** ** ********** **** *** ** PER!{JT TNFORI{ATTON * * ********** * ** ************** [ ]-Building f/1-Plurnting [ ]-Electricat [ ]-]rec]ranical [ ]-other rob Nane: Sle.ruA"**^LrlJ>-. rob Addre==, 4(r8z tneaJiul b;. # aJ Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Owners Name: Architect:Ph. ceneral Description: I{ork Class:[ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t{-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: f*"" and T14pe of Fireplaces: Gas appliances lT* * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS Cas f,ogsJ Woodrzpellet- ********************************* Phone Number: ll l rrct-rical Contractor :3r'''iress:Phone Number; _ BUILDTi{G3 $ _=*- ELECTRTCAL: S_ oTHER: $_pluuBrlic. w|g ;EcnAiliaii i- ;iiff; 3-_ l***** ********* **** ********* CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATION ******************** ** *****f Eeneral Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Res. no.lS4/Phone Number: ?al -s-Til- contractor:Tonn of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE ******** *********** *** ** ******* TOTAI.I PERT,'T 3Ylffiiilfi;,&n, BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECTIANTCAL PIAN CHECK 8EE: RECREATTON FEE: .-/ CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: Address: Ph. Plr:nbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLU{BING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERUIT FEE: EI.ECTRICAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 3-/c-f{ CI.EATT I'P I}EPOSIT XEPItf,D TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ot the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, €asements or public property to be used for staging,pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED llowing guestionnaire regarding the ne€d for a 'public way permit": YES -t' .r' ./ It-r9u- a19wer9d yes to any of lhese questions, a "Pubtic way permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit. applicationl miy be obtained "t ttt"'puutic work,s office or atc9.9Ltu1itr Development. lf you hlve-any questionJ pG"rr;ril"rtie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction Inspectoi, at 479-Z1Sg.' I have read and answgred luun 75 louth frontrgc rold u.ll, colondo 8165t (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ofllcc ol communlty day.lopmatrl EUILDING PER}|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI.IE If this pery_lt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineerts (pub'r ic p*:l review anJ ipp"ovai,'i ii.tiiini'b.p."t .ntreview or Health Departmtnt-review, ant.a-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimat;d aiil fo;'r-tJtut review may take as rongas three weeks. Al'l conrmerc-ial (]arge or sma'il) and ail murti-family permits wirlhave to fol'low the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd tate J-tesie"'amouni of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects irnpaii the various above mentioneddepartments wi th reqard' to- necessary- revi ew,- il,"i" iiij"ct!',naya]so take the three week period. 'b"' e.EJs PT',JELL> Every attempt will be 1199" by this department to expedite thispetri't as soon as possible. - vY !^r'bs' eE r'' l-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. /f, Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 3oulh tronlage ro.d Y.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlc. of communlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WITII TIIETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIr{MI NITY DE\'ELOPIIENT l,lARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ;t-r;iri-.o?i, sand, debrisor uaterial, t""t-:l1ln t""=1-t"rpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles^upon-any street', sidewaik, ;Il;y or publicplace or anv oortion theieof. rrr"-iighi:;i;;i=in arr. rown ofvail streeti ind_.:p".d" i" aliroiinatety 5 ft. off pavemenr,.This ordinance rlll b". "t"iilfY"lnforced by the Tolrn of vailPublic works DeDartment. persins found viirriring this ordinancevilr be siven a-24 hour "=iat;;';"ri""-ti-;;;;;"'="id rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not conpry with thenotice within ttrl__Ze hour.tine-siecified, ttre puirtic lirorksDeparturent wilt remove said mateii.i-ii-tuJ'I*iIi=e of personnotified. The orovisions-or--trril orainance srrirr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -rii"t"t.nce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any utilIiies--G ;;.^;iiii_"_r.v. To review Ordinance No. e in full , please stop by the Town of:::i"::t1:i"9"":ii**:*"::""iiii" a copv. ri,a,,i vou ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) f'/s -- oo ; -n ,i^ --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T NUMBER OF PROJECTPEBMI DATE 3-u-f g 479-2138 - /J l/1, Ke ( rrlc tI4a--JOB NAME N(E CALLER a/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON 9.y';THUR FRI 57.<, by'henoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: C] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE li ^,: i :, ,, ) JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON " TUES WED THUR FRI ----..'r: READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr F tr tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,1,', t , .ft PPROVED ffneilrseecroN R Eeu I R EDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ).i, 7 t DATE INSPECTOR 'r |'l INSPECTION REQUEST OJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME 121,., READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: AM PM t/r :( ./{' F PERMIT NUMBER -{ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR '..\ I fAorrttu^ l4rtbu.s hlo b &*{Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: DRB Number: DR8040468 Proiect Description: REROFF SAME FOR SAME Pafticipants: OWNER MOUiITAINMEADOWCONDOS 09/09/2004 Phone: DERMAN, BARBAM S. 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT D & D ROOFING, INC 0910912004 Phone: 303-287-3043 6390 E. 49TH AVENUE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: CONTMCTOR D & D ROOFING, INC 09/09/2004 Phone: 6390 E. 49TH AVENUE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 3,18-5 ProjectAddr€srz 46&4MEADOWDRVAIL Location: 4682 MEADOW D& #25 Legal Description: [ot: Block: Subdivision: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS CONDOMI Parcel Number: 2L0L124L9025 @mments; SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Moton By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Dat€ of Apprcval: 091091200a CondiUons: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprcval shall not become valld fur 20 days bllowlng the date of approval. Gond:202 Appo\,al of thls protsct shall lapse and become rcid one (1) year tullowlng the date of final apprwal, unless a bulldlng pernlt is lssued and cnnshrction is ommened and is diligerily purwed bward cornilletion. Joe Sutfrr DRB Fee PaH: l25O.0O _t-4lfz /4/JA. qbuMinor Exterior Alterations t"Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.47 9.2739 tax: 97 0.479.2452 , web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecB iequiring design revievr must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. Aa application for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commis$on. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consfruction commences within one year ofthe approval, . t \ M I \J9 N \- E M 4/t/? FZ'?I?L \a t! \ Location of the Proposal: Lot: ^/A Block: X+ Subdivision: physicatAddress: ?6?Z n4"^/o- /r, [/oi f Co , Parce|No'lz(o(IzL|tEoz''(ContactEagleCo,Assessor..@arce|no.) Name(s) of owner(s): ' un lo , ,' 4 .o/o u" " (an ,/ o MaifinsAddress: Po Bqn 176Z /": I Co . kl(S 8 Pwner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: E-mail Address:rax: 3O3 Zoning: Mailing Address: o? - 28? 343-2f" 337/ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiona ntt*ion III Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 .',--7\\[219-l $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Slaff or tie Design Review Eoar!. Page 1 of 12104/28104 7 oz E =G, IJJo- a) o oo cc N (n [!llju- F = uJ(L C.l co\ |-\ &A zz E FI trr |< I rrlt,z<z;<it' OY2Ao 3 ao IIJJIF lu F F z z 2 I I IYt:jc'i t-lz lFlIH lFll-lultdtoIH EH ,^ rr1 zt4 oEI29q9 5s:dlr 06: i oa2H =apF lol' l* Itr H F]H z Hts p] zH HF I () tq t:|r z d P'tE E UJz3o IJJ'r Foz o Eo .g.o3r=\EJ q< o \\\ -- ru -r )lav \g\FI .Es.--{E\ :,,rsc\J 6 (! ooo o) .s = tD E = l E() oo 6 3 .9 c) '=O(D;i gEE; F.e Sl € EEEs tr4.:o€ 6P:0c-o> ef ;E : g€: E>=:c966 -*iol3 5;.; EEARElEo:€8igesP !isco-o o--sE; eo!E-ors*e€ P6(o5 ),: - c orEo9 E;E 5 -o.:o(6 0'- .:-c= o o efiE rE3;p E HA: i* E: e6eE9Eo - PSgg - o 6l ** rr1 Fl fi'r* * {a H B .t) rd r:{ l( E = IIJ 2 J l @ -()g/ z -)c EFor! E z6 =Jo. J z uJ = uJ IIJ z tr UJ uJ (o 3g u,l z 6 uJ F o o_ uJ c 2 t!) x F luof (n uJluu- E IJJo- J FoF z J F tuJtlj z6 = J z uJt F1 H H NOrM'tVA F1 U) Yh 6<3tizzu-= R . A2ZXfZYFTf E "Eefii fl;;€o*<oqi"H6ga-8 ;erNO N (\l =>E r z tr LL ci o- oEo ulo- F c.,l E c LIJg. J z Eo fczo E ax TIJF B llJz atzlzAg?k6o< >E>(lRtr6o<z Lz. 9z EO3trOI X X X X Fl z 6 oz Y(r tt o Jl<li-l 2_l 2I .. >l UJ uJ u.lz U) tr (r lll(L J z E o UJfJJ (! utz iF z F foz & C\lo- cr)lr)OO uJFo @o-zo Fo- uJY UJ CD O c'r FCh,cE.r E^H= lL Elotl o- alo :.1oxlt'l HFroEzo F =E,lrl o- rr1 H& 7=oY R == 3 =z^rl ... =o d5CLL \O ut lu J..i6zat --.:L!66= = ul(L ll-oE3 E< 6!)6e.B9tt;iegd =>=ul--E h=E isE EEE 35 I \ t-ttE Xo-E X>t q*o-!tr ul F I -- tzllollol JHI ielf'. lts |NtZ'+lp HIEHlat ,"tzF-9E z & z F] Fl Hh F.{ FTHE (J u; =z or.) - F E z F" >t4{E (. FT lu =z tq Bc) = -.l !) LIJ o : N I\ot..if I FlH == tr a o = l! oz dr!t >1 tt >13IF z F: Fl Fl tr A I\' o o UJ 5l al>l AI zl 3lIF ct)NN c(t Ic'\.it o\ t4 Fl &Hh .J7 FlH = tr (n tl(") oz out J- z =F r\No\ I\o F\\' Elt oz o uJE ltoz3 01F E z; UJ J lt z3 F ul uJ F. E uJz =o o UJF E -rO<F(r() IJJ <zqulF(^ZoO JE<o(JF E3qE -3 E 2P =<=c-J t- d. zo () <;iYF?Qz< =av Y,z =o EirILtfb2 (J d <.rsnu.1 x-1 z9Fc)fg,Fazoo !!F I 75 routh Itonlsga road vall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-?\39 olllca ol comrnunlty dcvrloPmcnt BUILDING PERIiTI ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineel''s (Publ ic l.lorks) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Oepartment review, and a review by the Building Oepartment, the estjmated time for a total revjew may take as long as three weelts. All commercia'l ('large or small) and al'l multi-family permits will have to follow itre ibove mentioned maximum requirements. Resjdential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residential oi smal'l er proiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Connuni ty Devel opment Departrnent. t5 3oulh fronlaga rotd v.il. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlce of communltY devcloPmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH liHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI&ruNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful' for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewallc, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateJ.y 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public l{orks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewilL be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material.fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tfune specified, the Public works Departnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotifled. The provlsions of, this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the rights-a-way. To review Ordlnance No. 6 ln full, pleasa stop by the To$rn ofVail Bullding oepartnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on this natter. ed by: x4/t a t 6n (i.e. contractor, owner) 383324432e FBI P.9 t REQUEET VAIL THUR ttN" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o^r, \-*SN JoB NAME \\s*:s'\w READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\cK\, INSPECTION TOWN OFi.-* N CALLEF sUllOlNGi O FOOTINGS./ SIEEL PlufrlBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr .FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr D tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILINO tr GAS PIPING tl.ISULATION SHEETROCK B POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr rl tr#,*o.FINAL blectRtceu MECHAN]GAL: A TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXMUST HOOOS tr CI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL {Fl rf,Vfidoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr FEINSPECTTON REQUIHED oz E =c uJc (n UJ UJ t.l- L =EL!.L \\ \\ru^q c{ Ol z F) t4z E-r U) z --.r [r]<v 9e OA >o oa o t: O6/uEF;e* oEz 98 5!16:'l{;i OAzu)27 u,F F FIz o ozz lt ul U' ='r t t! ^g(, l,o-t crl 6(!ocf].DO eF FEo-cO C.nOc)NO gE ep-o !l o)!5ooFE PF s€oo 8o(!cD 5Ee=gd n'E oO of =!ogog-o. oo.c6t' (/,.9 GE Ol'6 oo ahoEo .9 .9 E -o at, (! o) .EcoN -o 'oF o o =o o .o = o E !; 3c E .!o :'i (o '=oo*iog8E =e*,.:o 6EocE.= (5Ffco xoc-o o6E :EFd5=c9c e5t 8Ei *oo;Eo!;stq! i.=- (! o-(! o- sEE(,)- clEfie E6:EP EOtE: E$E -eC6 0'- r-Et,*;EiE;6>. -Y=E3i8 Bte9E q> eEg -o(! €ID H E a 14t{ €€ H B u) rl1l T = =eulr z = x lu z J 9 F C)llJ uJ z = Iz oL! = |r|tu z tr uJE uJ o ; uJt UJ zI uJ F o- IJJ z J x F uJo (n uJ IJJu- F =.E IJJ o- J F F z ) (o J uJ UJ z Jo- J Iz gJ = NOtlvn]VA EJ tt F ../.\-= 9EZz!-4o oo<F^ttz=I5 >eEF 9 oEz,o <.u c?-4>9FE9 Web{ :EH6 (.2-r ;8<Nc, (\l N o rn zH zP t! Fl a (9 z tr J LL c( o-f e llJ F o- u.l e. J z E ft9z Eg uJ J 3 UJz tltltltl bz:lz9. e. <oo< =Hxr!6o<z z. 9z --! fdo3trOI t<X X X lo Fu) z tr 47 J c) z U,J Jl<l zl zl .. >l UJ llt uJzoF ltl o- zo tro ul f zY =F z F 5az I I I I =.1olurl 5l <l>l Ir-| Eli c! c?)\' I c.{ cn ",lrlcl I 'l I fl <l>l 4-lol zl =lolFI JA HF FlH tr itol zl elFI rl cil uJlEl JI <t>lttlol zl 3lolH leltBltoltAlY'* |dEl dcl Hto El="tzF-9i |-] tJ| F\c! aB = zHE i:i =z 3 rI1 F-l zt! Fo v\luj ocl J I HF4trl F-l CO\f |.\ z =f ar ir UJ FIo2 E F E z d, F UJ tr <F IIJ <zEulF oo I(olol -Jl LolOI ^lv7Y4ldlociz2 uJFoooazo Fo- uJY uJd) c'l oRF-{ tr> '.{cc r,I!z |!bo}(>E o7 tzIH F] H z^BoH RzzR =zar3 HaLL rn LILILI J "dq ==3=oidd= tr!E F (r UJ(L l! UI z oo Icro- JFlU-h='ico.- t!>o 9o5mxc:>tsFJJ l|- uJl0 F Eo Eooo Bt .E 5 E Eol' o F =E, UJ o-zoF C)fEFazo(J gurbkzo 393476155?VA o =-) .cJ.(:€luttn IL EAS F I REPLACE s ?5 roulh lionl| gr IotC nllr ccbrdo tltst 1rosl +70-zt3E or 479-!{39 " BUILDINO PERI.iIT ISSUAI'ICE TI}IE FRAI-IE If this pemtt requires a Toyn of Vall F{re Departnent Approval , Englneeprs (PqbIic ltofks) reyfen and approval,' a Planning' 0epnrtment Fevie$or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Eulldlng Department' the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeRs.. All corunerclal [large or snall] and all rnultl-famlly permlts u{ll have h follow the above mentloned maxfmurn requlrements. Resldentlal and small proJects should take a lesser anouni of tlme- However, lf nesldentlal or smrl'ler projects inpact the various above mentioned deparunffits wl.th. rEgard to necessary.revi€w, thece projects mayrlso tatte tlte three week period. Every attempt wrlll be nade by thls departnent to expedlte thlgpermlt aq seon as possible. undersigned, understand the plan check irocedure and time olltcr ol communlly drYrloDrnont P. 6l Foat lt* brarrd fax trBnemlttal momo En I, the frane. tlrte Work Sheet uas turned into the Connunl ty Developnent Departnent. nc-)r-i I<-Cz. I (cr.(gt\t, VA o IL GAS F I REPLACE =47o 3B 6155?P-62 I :* I I luun [fl1 tt roulh l|!n|!ge to.d irll, oolortCo ll85? t306l 479-2r.38 o= 479-2139 offlei ol comnrunllY dtvdoPmrni Tor EROU; I}ASE! SUETIEqT: AI,L EONTRASION8 C{'RRENILTI. NEGISTERED I{ITTI tHE TO![X OF VIIL Tollll oF vArL puBtrc WoRKS/AOB!.IUNIII DntErf,P[lENT t{ARCfl 16, 1988 GoNSTRUdIION PARIilNG & MATERTAIJ gf€RAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) fn eulls8ry, ordinance N6. 6 states that it le unlawful for any psrson to-iitter, tract( or depoalt.any soll, r9ck, sahd, debris or naterial , lncludlng traBh dunplters, portalle toilete and wsrtoen vehicler upon any street, sidewallc. alley or publlc place or any portion thereof,. Ehe rlght-of-uaY on ell Town of Voll streets and roadg is apBroxlurately 5 ft. off Pavauent.lthia ordlnance vill pc striEEly enforcEd by the Toun of, VaiInlbtla l{or}c6 DeFArtncnt. Perqong found vlolatlng thLe srdlnancerlU be Eiven a ?{ hour wrl.tten notice to renove eaid naterial.rn the eient the person so notlfled doEs not conply with the notica within thie{ hour tlne speolfied, the Publle works Departrnent slll renove Eald ucterial at the etcEense of persortnstlfled. the ptovlsions of thle ordinanca ghall nut be appltcable to constructl,sn, naintenance or reBair proJecte of any ttrret or allcy or any utll.ltiee in the right-e-way. To revl.ew ordinaner No. 6 Ln fu]-l, please stop by the Town ofValI Bulldlng Departuent to obtaLn a cqpy. Thanlc you for your eooperatlon on thls natter. E (O(9t\) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE - \- ''\\ JoB NAME CALTER \Jr.\.\- \ '.-'\\',\ \\ \ a .\j\\\:-\1= READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ,/TUES ) IIIA9V) THUR FR'1.' ]N' "'t'to* '@tP rHUR FRr - AM PM LocAroN: *\\\S \r"*a.sSK*-' \R - BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr o tr o n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu PLYWooD NATLTNG GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tn,*o.tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL {ry$noveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niffis*o" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ( L\6..q\tat-ant5 --$ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0037 l.egal Description: Proiect No :tJA owNER GOr_,DSTFIN, CAROL BETSON &. HEO3/15/2O06 2450 E AI,AIVIEDA AVE HOUSE 2 DENVER co 80209 APPITICAIflf ,fERRY SIBIJEY PITIIMBING 03/L5/2006 Phone: 970-827-5735 P.O. Box 340 Minturn co 81545 License: 1" 52 -M COMTRACTOR iIERRY SIBLEY PIJUMBING 03/!5/2006 Phone:. 97O-827-5736 P. O. Box 340 Mintur5r co 81545 License: L52 -M Desciption: REPLACE BOILER Valuation: $7.793.00 Fkeplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ******,t**,*******,*'******!*!*)r**rr****+*:ti<**:*:f:t,iri'i*+:f:i*r('****'***x**:t+++*:t:f FEE suMMARy Mechanical--> 5160.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Plan Check--- > Inves tigation- > Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Location...,.: 4682 MEADOW DR #28 ParcelNo...: 2l0ll24l9028 SO. OO Total Calculated Fees--> 9203.00S40.00 TOTAI FEES----------> s203.00 Additional Fe€s.-------> Total Permit Fee------> 5203.00 so. 00 s0. 00 Will Call---> 53.00 Payments---------- > $203.00 ; BALANCE DUE---------> $o. oo Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/23/2005 caunion Action: AP ITCN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL.,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOV\IN OF VAIIJ. Cond:23 (BI-,DG.): BOIILER INSTAI-,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAJ-,I-, BE VEI\I|ED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC A}.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC., 'flft\ rt (\.-Ac"*rs Gx\'r B\tt $'ra Stanrs...: ISSUED Applied. . : 031151200,6 Issued. . : 03/231200,6 Expires . .: O9ll9l2ffi6 Cond': 31 ' (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOt'NTED ON FI-,OORS OF IIONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. TTNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO AIT INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SnAIrIr BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRArN OR OTHER APPROVED MEJANS FOR DISPOSING OF I,IQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNA oR co CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI os/Lo/2006 17:14 FAx s708275234 75 S. Frontage Rd. vall, Colorado 81657 Jerry Slbley Plbns INc Goor APPIICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED tF lI{COl,lPl."EIE OR UI{SIGI{ED TOv Prciect #: 97 o-47 9-2149 (Inapecdons) Provide Mechanlcal Room l:yout drawn b scale to Include:o Mechanical RDom Dlmensionso Combustion Alr DuctSize and Location o Flue, Vent and Gae Une Size and locationo Heat Loss Calca. o Equipment CuVSpec Sheets fVlO6'oo 3 7 Buifding Permit #t--riJ,illiilli;",-ii#'@3) b fn" Permit wlll not be accepted withottt the folloring: and Phone #'s: Jal75 MECHANICAL:$@ i Parcef # RlOt tz,ll ToLg Job Name:GolJ s6i,t Job Address: 4 egZ >ffi<e, Legal DescripUon I lotr ll Blockr I Filang:Subdivicion: owners N Jme f um (N s .?.o-cos{.€^h io',red Pttone Bo.} fg -a {f l Eng-ineei -- lAddress: _.- pgfi : I Phone: Deb i ledJlgscripu,on ot wort/ T rul*-- bo,'/ "--WortO.tt,/ n"*t I aaaition( ) Alterarion( ) REpitPQ O6'ql ) Boiler Locauon: Inbdor (R B<terior ( ) other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: -VefLj-lto{-l- Type of Bldg: Single'family X ouplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercld ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Ofier ( ) No. of Existing Divelling unib in this building: /No. qf Accommodation Units in this building: ------TT Nofype of Fireplaces Existing: Crs Applianqes ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Woo6/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino ( No ( ) Wood Euming (NOTATLOWED) davlce? Yes( ) No( ) ,( * ;r * * ** ***:r * * x* * *t(1. +ri +* :f :t***** LDs-.LUZ3|2OO3 I TER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION FTGURE 608.16.2 - 608.16.3(2) PRESSURE- REDUCING VALVE SHUTOFF VALVE \ \ BOILER tlr-t- BOILER MAKE-UP WATER SUPPLY BACKFLOW PREVENTER WITH I NTERM EDIATE ATMOSPHERIC VENT Figure 608.16.2 PROTECTION OF BOILER WFHOUT CONDITIONING CHEMICALS Torlclty ratlng or class Probable o]?l lelhsl dose (human) Doae For 70 kg person (150 Dounds) 6 Super toxic Less lhan 5 mq/kq A taste (less than 7 drops) 5 Extremely toxic 5-50 mg/kg Between 7 drops and 1 teasPoon 4 Very toxic 50-500 mg/kg Between I teaspoon and I ounce 3 Moderatelv toxic 0.5-5 gm/kg Between 1 ouncg and 1 oint (pound) 2 Slightly loxic 5-15 gm/kg Between 1 pint and 1 quan 1 Practically nonloxic Above 15 grn/kg More than 1 quart (2.2 pounds) Figure 608.16.3(l) GOSSELIN RATINGS Trade Name Ma nufactu r9r Caloria Ht-43 OowFrost' Drewsol Freeze Proof Mobillherm 603 Mobiltherm Light Nutek 835 Nutek 876 Process Oil 3029 Propylene Glycol U.S.P. Solargard G. Solar Winter Ban Sunsol 60 Suntemp Syltherm 444 lTherminol 66 IUCAR Food Freeze 35 jFDA Approved Boiler lAdditives lFreon 12 iFreon 22 lFreon 112 lFreon 1 14 Exxon Co. Dow Drew Chemical Commonwealth Mobile Oil Co. Mobile Oil Co. Nuclear Technology Nuclear Technology Exxon Co. Union Carbide Daystar Corp. Solar Alternative Inc. Sunworks Resource TechnologY CorP. Dow Corning Corp. lMonsanto Co. lUnion Carbide Figure 608'16.3(2) HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDS (ESSENTIALLY NONTOXIC) GOSSELIN RATING OF 1 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE€ COMMENTARY 0J/22/2008 16:20 FAI 5708275254 Jemy Slbley PIbnB INc JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING' INC. 1O4O MAIN STREET P.O. BOX 340, MINTURN, GO 8',1645 (s70)827-5736 FAX (970) E27-5234 @ oor P.O# # of pagcs including this oDei ru{se caimtou h."e any guestions or'do trot receivc'rll pages' o3/22/2006 16:20 FAI Yar ;13 OG 03 : 1?P 970827d294 CHEMICRL SPECIRL'TIES COMPANY N AME: CHEMIC:A l. SPECIALTIE'S, II\trC' EMERGENCY PI{ONE NUIvIBER: 303-675-0944 TRADE NAIvlh.: INHIBITED PROPYLENE GI-'Y(:OL Jerry Slbtey PIbBE INC 3036?5O9'16 @ ooz p.2 INHIBITED PROPYLENE GLYCOL -Q!r.gg[cal Namei Comrnon.Name (]as# - Percentaqe 'lLV Sourcg tr,upitne-rl|.nr.'t 00U057-5-5-6 95ot'o N/A Dipoiassium-l'hosphote 007751t-l l-4 <3oA N/A L)eionizud Warsr , , 00i133j1:i5 <3vo N/A This drlcutnett! is prcparcd Pursuanl la thc OSHA Hazard Communicslion Srandanl (29CFR' 19101200)' In addilion. erlrer substirncus ntr! '*irznrclous" per this QSI lA Srandard mrly be listcd. Whera prrrprietary in!r".il.nt *t"*r,:the idendry rnay be marJe availablc os providcd irr ilris srandurd, NFI'A RATINGS (Scale 0-4)Fire Reactivjtr, 9!helr 0 NiA. SPECttf f(: GRAVI'1'Y:(H20- I ) N/C ph:9.5-10 EVA]:ORA'| lON tlA'lE: unkaowrr APPIA R ANCTE/C)DLf R: cl ear FIEI!b' 0 Lr i sRcTIoNj3 - 4IIYSICAL DATA l BOILIN(i ITOINT: 3701i. l88C VAPOR PRESSTJRE (mm J{e):.22 mnrl'lg(@Z0C VAPOR DENSITY (Air=l ): 2.6? SC)l,I ftll LITY IN WA't'l:lR: COMPI,IITE F],AS|] POINT: 2l SF,; I 02C DXTINCUISI I A,IEDlA: N ONE NEEDBII) SPECIAL IiIRE lrJ(:iH'flNO PI(OCEDURES: NONE LTNUS1JAL FIRL ANI) EXI'LOSION FTAZA]IDS: N/A sEcTIOIys REACTMTYDATA CHUMI(;AL ST/\BU-ITY: Stable in nor-ntal rernp range ('i0F-250F) I NCOMPn'l'l Bl,E MA'IERIALS ; Unlcnown DECOMPOSITION PRCTDUC'l'S : NiA CONDITI0NS TO AVOID: NONE IIAZARDOLI S P OI-YMEIUZATI ON: Wi I I not (tccut. 03/22/20oe 16:20 FAI s7o8276234 Mar 23 06 O3: r EP CHEM I CFIL Jerry Slbley SPECIRLTIES Plbn8 INc 3036750946 @ oor p-3 INHIBITED PROPYLENE GLYCOL I-lyes: Skin: Ingestion: lnhalation: Flush with waxsr for at least 5 minutes Wash with ilowing w'itcr or shower lnduce vonriting for large amounts, consult nredical Renrove to liesh air Respinrtory Protection: None Frotective Gloves: None Othcr Prr:recti ve Clothing: Straps to he trrkr:n it'Releasctl or Spilletl: Wasre Disposal Methods: Venti lation Requirernents: Local exhaust adequale Eyef'rotection: Nonc.Required None Work l{ygenic Praoticc:s; Keep out of eyes Precautions to be taki:n irr handling and storage: TI'II: ATFORMATION HEREIN lS CIVEN IN GOOD FAITFI, RUTNO WART(ANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.IS MADE keep fbrnr f'reezing. koeP out of rear:h of children' sEcrloN s SPILL OR LEAK.PROCED-VRBS Connin spi[1. rercove with inert absorbelrt rnatcrial. Wa-"h spill area with water' lrr accordance u''ith lbdural, stale and local regulations 0J/22/2006 18:20 FAL 97082752J1 Jerrv Slb1ev Plbne INC Frar 23 u6,O3:l8P CHENICBL SPECIFLTIES 3O3E?5O9+6 t{z5rttttl,-glus v/ttlzuuo lu i lZ l/aiE UUE 'ur'v rax trglvgf Avotd coolact Hlth: slrong ec!d'g' stlong bases' StEong orcldtzeEa ' @ ool V-1 lrherma I Decoryoeition: DccoaPo€1Ciot, of othcr eat€ to; IldehYdes - Alcobols. Ethors' lo.t ElzaRnous PoLYilER'IZATTON FiII not o6cur' ;i:ffi;ffifte aqr."a ut'oD tcq)e:at!r:, alr suptrrv and the PreEence rateriale- D€coqqoaitioD Produatt can incl.ude-ini are noc lirnlted 11. TCIXICOLOGIC;II.L XNFORI'AfION acnllE Toxxcl:rY Eero(a I nat; f,eoale; LD50 = 20300 4lYE P(}rcuEaneorrc Be6ed on information f,or a sirollar Rabbtt; tD50 o > 10000 roEIkS DEI'IELOPMENEIIJ IO:(ICIIY ContalnE eo4tonent (s) whlch effecta in l,ab animale-, The LJn r^c.L CPcj- L>)1 btrth defect e or aDY othez fetal i"7"r.r. PropYaene grYcor' ail^r- rate.rial: dld not carrce component lal Hii:?::t::"*:ffi8ili which gig ,,9f iDrerf,€Ee w*h reploducrion in animar studles., conralna'.lrrylii.iiti.) rr,r.r,'iiE-;;; i;4"=t'eie wiEh feEtlllbv Ln anisar etuaieo., *;";;;;tisisf ralale:' ProPyrene glycol' csRoNIC roxrcllY . -BlrD ca.RcrNoceNlcr!'y S1ni].ar folrulatione did not cfuse cancoE Ln laborato5y anioals ' GEIfZIIC TOXrCo:LocT In \/j.Ero ir, -i""o genetlc toxiclty 6tudl"es sate negratlr/e ' u":ll: tor<ic*y elrrdies J-n anioals ,ere tregarive for corqrotrent{e) teEred- SIG}iIIFICNiIT DAIA IiITE POSSIBI;E RBIIBIIAITCE trO In rare c.t6e8, reP€at€d erceeslvg 6:q)oaule EnllaNs!o PEotrylene glYeol. tnay eauae central nervous sYetem eff,ecls ' rz ." ecolocrcA! INFoRlt{r'froN i3;lrfllfiffi:t":|1:."ry on r.nrorn:tlon ror:, proevrene slvcor' ll.terr'ar ia readily uioaeEraf,l;;;:-i.;;J"o;a-.i];irii-i".-i-.llv.u5a6oradabil1tv- D.gEadBtion is e:<pe[le:i"';;;-;to"ppieii"'eir.ironmnt within-ainutes to hour6 - 12-2 ECOfoxxcITYii".a largely or con4>letely on information for:; Propyle is pEactically non-tlxic i-o aquat'ic orgaDist" oT "-"-t:l:t basis ?ic'iolr,cio >r-oo o9/r in the urost eenei€ive speclei tested) ' I2.3 I'IT]IITTER, INFOnl1lAI ON' Brsed J.arge].y o" ooropi.leJ.y oa infotoatioo for: Propylene alvccl' Bioconeentlatton p"t["'Iilitt!"riii-incT-< roo or r,og-Fow < 3)l vot"ntiaL ;;;-;Jlii-y i" "Lrr i"-o"-v h19h (Roe b€tt€€n 0 and 50) ' I3. DISPOSA]J CONSIDER'A'IIONS 13 - r DISPOSA! DoNc[xDneIN[oA}rgsE$lBRs,oNEBEGRouND,oRI}Ito.AI[rEoDYoFttATER.AII dieposal Practlces BuEt be ln o"ryii""it rJ'th all Fed'eral ' St'ate/ Frovinciar and tocal raws and reguratiJnsl-neguratlons Eray vary ln different \s a \ ; -D.d (|\x\A\j-ao r_\ $_5.d l"( ^a-"\\ fr FiS7 -vt"wJ,r =s \Jx GTB'1 " I .lf * hi 1i $i{i$ i$n : lttIn I 2 g { I --i.il (vll- -l E o o at,(D L)c att -cEo (D -co c$ o o G' oo :, (, oc o-:r (.to c0, 0t CL !roEf, i]. t, d f: croil:[ F +l :+€c!)Do:c 3Ep.=.- c Fp 5;b8O dD.lt ru..4E=.ox9uJ'( ctt12.;< 5G !-q0, -c 3E.cc 9E*t =o(!x'6X =E E9 st ut -9 *]rl ao c,(,) cl(\ s e i 11* s?> '==E= -q)(u> *q)oao-88(u_ :t lio:--ut :r 9str€ EP(u=>o c,-o i: ..: (: O .!2_o t!, :f ct-c o q) .E o) oo .9 o c ICI c, ti >: ra oli () c) .lJ> ho :i >. v3 E:t E E o c.o .o .9 J oo I .9E o c .9 '5 o o- o)-c o c(tt J: .:a !l:* F- cJ EPEA cD o. Oc cJ(u o .= E o)o" (!' c) -oo :l c u c) oc EF E 6'ct u .='t (qco ttl 6) =$q)> Ef; $E sgo); EB otc€ m cul o o.o. { ,il_ {t \,h (I).c .E 97 0) oc .F() o(, nczgLz80L8 rvd rItLT 9002/0T/90cNI suqTd laTqTs ,rr,Iarzoo&t 0Jl10/2006 17:14 FAI 97082752J4 Jerry Slbley Plbns INC @ oos BebI COPY AVNLABIE 0mtr 03/L0/2008 17:14 FAX 5708275214 Jerry Slbley Plbtr8 INc @ ool llearrnd n0tuaterh ||ne lootudnt The Delb PEEFORMANCE Combi- nation Heater delivers hoat and hoi waler in a single, compact botprint. Unlike olher water heaters that try to perform the function of space heating with domestlc hot wate( th€ PEF- FORMANCE utilizes two separate water circuits, one dedicated to space hgating (outer steel tank) and the other dedicatrad to the production of domestic hot water (inner stainless steel tank). The unique closed heating loop lnrater barrie/ aliminales dlrect contact between the source o{ heat and the stored domestic hot wabr, Increasing lhe lile dpectancy of he product. Atthe sanre tinre tempered 12OF donrestic water is dlstibuted in lhe house, 180 F water in the ouler lank k circillated fimugh the heating loop, provirling corn- brlable, etficient space heating at the cl€si/ed temperalure. Zeno clerance to combustibles 5 and 10 year parts end labor plens available tI PruiluGt Snoclficotions o PG25 100.000 E4 59 21 31 345 314, PG30 t 2O,O0O tot E9 21 gt 3tS 914,17 PGss 1{0.000 112 5S 21 31 345 3q PG 4{l I 65,m0 1 40 67 21 s,t 4S5 .PGd5 199,OOO i88 67 21 31 rt85 + Includes thc bumer hood Ploduct PoilolmarcG PG 25 163 128 PG 30 1S8 PG 35 PG 40 249 26112, ?,61t2, Zero clcarance to any combustible surface; can be insqllcd in almosr any closcr. 153 De|ta PEFFORMANCE Mode| r Firs!hourand condnuous flow - Pedormance based on fuctory installed mixing valve set @ 12ffF outlet temperature with 1BO"F stor€ge Eempefature, Cold water inlet temperature at 4O"F r Ten minutes peak flow: . Perfonmence based on averege water Eempefature of I OB.F at mixing valve outlec 179214 PG,I5 E1 ?92 210 .J oJ/L0/2ooB 17:15 FAX s7o8275234 Jerry Slbley Plbne INC @ oos lna|0mu duG llolu PEil0ma[ce G0mllnauon f,Estor ._Hot warcr outlet Cold water inlct A. Combustion alr inl,ake B. Fluelvays fitted with stainless stoBl battl€s C. Primary waler D, Primary circult thermostat (up to 180"F) sensing bulb E Burner F. Water cooled immersed combusdon chamber G. Primary circuh drain connection H. conugated stainless steel heat exchanger J. 1 112'oi tigtd (CFC-Free) polyur€thane insulation K. Steel bo{ containing primary water L Primary connec'tions -M. Baftles (turbu lators) N. Primary hEating retum connec{ion O. Baked enamel sbeljacket T. Secondary circuit (domegtic water) thermostat sensing bulb U. S€bty lirnit lhermostal (205"F) (manual |€set) L-WC,O.: Low water cut.otf deviae (not shown) -o.M H N .F G f Strldcss $teel Prcmlx 8as Bunsr The Delta PERFORMANCE model is a sealed com. bustion product that is powered by a premixed, low NOx stainless steel burner. The burner is rnounted and preset at the factory - adjustments are not nec. essary. The bumer is composed of three basic com- ponents; a Honeywell negative pressure gas valve, a venluri and a blower, When the blower runs, the neg. ative pressure developed at the blower inlet will draw natural gas or propane through th€ gas valve lo mix in lhe venturi with the incoming combustion air. The J t J llrutal u Prumnc Eas GnmnGy$lllruGtuofl $ealeil G0m[u$lon up to flo n blower then delivers this pre-mixed alr and gas into the combustion chamber tor clean, quiet, efiicient combustion. The PERFORMANCE is equipped with a pressure switch that will prevent the bumer frorn firing if there is any blockage in the combustion air system. The maxirnum equivalent length for the total venting sys- tem (air inlet and flue outlet combined) is 200 feet, j 08/L0/ 20 08275254 B ooo 0illonel llcntlnu $ystoms Though itnidc chitturcy Tltnugh thc too[ inttollattan S.abd @rr&ttstiora i nt tcl/r,tio n The Deha PERFORMANCE Comblnation Heater nay ba dran v€nted hrough a chim- ney or rcof or dlrect venlecl horizontally out a side tvall up to 100 teet. Direci Vent Kib are available trom Triangle Tube. Retet to the tnar ,l,lation md Mdnte- nana Manual tgr vendng l^etrue tio76 and funhar r@ommendaltot s. - Natural draft (Category l) - Chimney vent - Non-Direcl vent with inside alr (Category lll) - gi'AL294Co - Direct vent with ouEide air (Category lll) - 3" AL29.4C-@ ItGlorI Pipo[ tnd Wllcil The Delta PEFFORMANCE Combinalion Heater is faclory wil€d for domestic hot wder priority b ensurc the m.uF mum supply of hot water. Standard Gomponents J Ciroularor(prewinedl t Primary 3O psi nelief valve I Automaeic eir vent i Builtin tow water cut/off - Secondary 150 psi remperature & pressur€ relief wlve i Orrin valve I Domesdc ftennosrtttic mixing valve J erewirea contml penel i Pr€\,ir€d 8, prcset Eutomatjc snd manual high limir reseg oonrmh Trlangle Tube reselvqs lhe right to make producl chang€s or lmprov€m€nts at any tlm€ wlthoui notlce. ?1111#06 In"p"$:,T F?$uF.t npPo'ting p"g" tz Request€d lnspect Date: UgnAay, April 17,2006 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL 4682 MEADOW DR #28 A/P/D lnformation , ^ Aqlivity: M0G0037 ^ Type: B-MECH "on %luv'i"?i GoL DSrE I N. cn nor-"g:fYBfff t H e Nr ny n. UMBING UMBING AVE A DOUBLE WALL HEAT NON.TOXIC CHEMICALS MI PROPYLENE GLYCOL IS PE Reouested Inspection(sl IING Meadows Condo#28 Time Exp: Inspectlon Historv SubTUpe: ADUP Phone: 970€27-5736 Phone: 970€27-5736 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG SIGN REOUIRED ITION WATER t ,r \ [,'ItlUltt t )v/{ Requested Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 970-827-5736 Entered By: FRONT K , ln |\,l'd'" ,\y "'-U ,"''l .,' .r'' | .,.,"' ,(U'1 -. 1, .1 I ',n,iffi7r,ffi 200 310 315 320 330 340 390 REPT131 Run Id: 4572 TOWNCTF VAIL, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: Rl Multi-Family V IHR ?? $7.100.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Job Address.: 4684 MEADOW DRVAIL Location......: UNIT 29 MTN MEADOWS ParcelNo....: 210112419029 Project No...: 1r 2dO I - OO t.t owNER STOr,r,AR, ROBERT r-,., TTEE TRU0]-/30/2001 1409 SAIIIOA WY I.,AGI]NA BEACH EA 9265L-]-954 License: coMrRActoR o'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Or/30/200t P.O. BOX 756 MINTIIRN, CO 81545 License:447-B AppLrcANr o,HArrroRArv coNsrRucrroN co 0L/30/200L P.O. BOX 756 MIIiTTURN, CO 81645 License: Desciption: REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Fireplace Information: Resricted: Y # ofGas Appliances; 0 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 FEE SI'MMARY Building--> Plan Check--> Inv€stigalion-> Will Call---> 9125.00 581.25 90 ,00 Reduaranl Plan Review-> DI{B F€e_____________-._> Req€alion Fee.-......_> Clean-up DEosit--> F0.00 $0.00 90.00 i209.2s Approvals:I€em: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 01/30/2001 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PL,AIINING DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT It.em: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS rl t \, ( ',\J\h\ \\/\ j <--.a I c--t-.,t-. l: t\ (.1 Permit #: B0l-0013 PLrone: Phone: Phone: 303-827-9600 Total Calculated Fees-> Addilional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee-.._> Pa)ments--------> BALANCE DUE_---.> ISSI.]ED ot/30/2001 o2to6t200l 08/05/2001 # of Wood Pellel: 0 1209.25 s0.00 1209.25 i2 09 .25 s0.00 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in ftrll the information requird mmpleted an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. RIQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-rOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T0LEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT Ot'R OFnCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. send Clean-up Deposit To: SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Building Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Coloralo 81657 O Asessorc Offrce at 970-328-864O or COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) rob Name: SlolJ*a- v€Stttl,lcz tnh Arfrtra<<, AD(,./JTrttN tftt^l!furJE. r.Lt lf { z LlbE.?- Arre) I,PIVC r/Ar. Address: r{bgz ul',mn Nfi/c*el f.g4lnt frvtL Ekqruf,. f{ CWup WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( )Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interiq ( ) Exterior ( ) Soth )d Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Multi-family p{. Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) T No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O Wood Burnino ( | Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No rorAl: S '7lOOPLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ 9IEE REFLrNDcLEANUpDEposrrrot Ol&lzeN aJgAunoN aO.. 8DX ?Sb .nrufr,tfr$ 8 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 0' $n/att'tfrrl b,ln "'tqprJ Town of Vail Reg. No.cl#l--B Contact and Phone #'s:lbtt ffi '1sse a*tP(s Contractor Signature: /\\)r<1,r a :k**^r******** **** * * *f ** * ^- * * * * * * FO R O FFr C E US E O N Ly * * -. * * -- * * * * * t*..+ o;l a-G. DRB Fees: :r Way Permat Feer F:/everyondformtbldgperm REC'DJAN29ZOO1 I0l{'N 0f l"tJt Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:Sloturac- Project Address: This Chrcklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit apolication is aceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and sagnature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: o o o o a o o tr o D o tr tr o o 't.u.ol Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldpermZ Received Byr TORIIiJOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:ttob{, F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 7ffJ/WT,IOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": 0 Is this a new residence? YES NO ,/ tr Does demolition work being performed require the uy of the Right-of-Way, easemenb or public property? YES_ NO_-/_ ,/Is any utility work needed? YES_ NO_./__o I i-l c Is the driveway being repaved? ./ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- ,O / Is any drainage work leing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YEs_ No / / Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO-l-- Is the Right-of-Way, egsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO /---7-- If answer is NO, is a paSking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO ./--7- YEs- No / D D if you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. gtEffi,rolz4ril fryrtsf Co Cornpany Name F : /everyoneforms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offu for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits arc valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. TflWT]OF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. n Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all flnal drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everlron e/forms/bl dperm6 lor Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEPOSITS OT{ PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any streeL sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, diG snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incuned by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-I AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTIIIG TRAFFIC & IMFOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) I 1) s Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any poftion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hOurs or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amendd, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addiUon to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship t Date Signed: F:/cvewone/formvbldD€rm? Mountain Meadows Condo Association (YO Otlalloran Constnrtion FO Bo( 756 Phorp: 970{274600 Fu:970-827-9202 E-mail : igoh@mountainman.net January 25,200I Kathy Warren Town of Vail Permit Review 111S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear lGthy Wanen; tot '00" This letter is to notiry you that we are aware of the impending fire restoration repairs for Mountain Meadow Condominiums Unit #29, Stollar Residence located at4682 Meadow Drive, Vail, CO 81658. Sincerely,_. C',,- MarshallTurley President TO\^IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-21.38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO1-0350 Job Address.: 4584 MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: UNIT 29 MTN MEADOWS Applied...: 1.1./05/2007 Parcel No....: 21071,2479029 Issued ...: 11./ 06/2001. Project No...: ( (l-..,nt -,')Dl'i Expires...: 05/05/2002 o!{NER STOLT,AR, ROBERT L. , TTEE TRULL/05,/2001 Phone: L409 SAMOA WY IJAGI]NA BEJACH CA 9255L-L954 I-,icense; COI{|RACTOR O'IIAIJITORAN CONSTRUCTION CO 7L/05/200I Phone: P.O. BOX 756 MIN:TI]RN, CO 8154 s License:447-B APPr,ICAlqr O'IIAILORAN CONSTRUCTTON CO'LL/05/2OOt Phone:. 3o3-827-9600 P.O. BOX 756 MINTURN, CO 8L545 License: Desciphion: REMDODEL KITCHEN AND REPLACE FLOOR COVERUP INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $46,840.00 Fireplace Information: R€stricted: Y AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of So . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $?76 . 85 go. oo Additional Fees----> S0.00 SO.OO Total permit Fee__> g??6.9s SO. OO pavments--_------> g??6 . 85 TOTAL FEES----> Sz76 . 8s BALANCE DUE----> Wood Pellet: Building---> $469.00 RestuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check--> 3304 - 8s DRB Fee---> lnve6tigation-> WiU Call--> $0.00 RecreationFee*----> $3.00 Clean-upDePosit----> Approvals:Itdm: 051"00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT tL/o6/2oo1- cDAVrs Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS s0.00 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeg design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJ'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM, Smd Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNAruREOF 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE2 Permit #: 801-0350 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 11-05-2001 Status: ISSUED PermitType ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 77/05/2007 Applicant O'HALLORANCONSTRUCTIONCO Issued: 7l/06/2001. 3$427-9600 To Expire: 05/05/2002 Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: LINIT 29 MTN MEADOWS ParcelNo: 210112479029 Description: REMDODEL KITCHEN AND REPLACE FLOOR COVERUP INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 IJB,C. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTNRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. rvwry0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Parel Other Fees: )RB Fees: ublic Wav Permit Fee: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: uired for - VATUATIONS FOR TOTAL: $ For Parel # Conbd Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit /-to / /ul- t? OLo/ Job Name: :> n Ltft{c. V+a'/c.Atz--:obffi:i\,;;L"-';n"tr-; Legal Description lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: dL)1"4 owners Name: SfOfU+* ll nddress:phone: v ( / Architect/Designer: AJ. + ,Address:Phone: Ensineer: ll -l+. ll Address:Phone: D*,diffiU-'ht* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemodep(1 "Repairl I Demo(v) Otner( ) WorkTyper Interio() Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) nor<1 Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Muhl-famityFI Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: (No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O 'ftoffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas ApdiancesDftu, Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No}{. lDoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: yes( ) Nor **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********'r**************************** I0l{'lv 0I1,"{[ Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Cheklr'st.must be omoteted beforc a Building Permit aoolication isarcod. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if 'required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if.applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F 7g ,E 6 .zt 6 ,E 6 P F I 6 F tr n F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Torm of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Deparfrnent Russell Fomst Direetor, (970)479.213e Check allthat appfies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your initial contact wilh our sbf immediate no one available ? slow or lf you were required b wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not?- Was this your first lime to fle a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ltUA Please rate fte performance of he staffperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knodedge; responsiveness, availabilig) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use $e Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time b complete fiis survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. 7. 8. TVWNOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ./ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO-/- "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": / o Is this a new residence? YES- NO-/- n Does demolition work being performed require they'e of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NOl- o Is any utility work needed? YES_ NO_{_ ,/o ls any utility work needed? YES_ No__-/ ,/--T--- ,/ a Is the driveway being repaved? YES- NO ,/ ,/tr Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- *O / o Is any drainage word(being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO/ Is the Right-of-Way,76ements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO_l_ It.z If answer is NO, is a gt'rking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO / I If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-ZI9B. ( l{1,, /^\-/'YY<'<'\fu{ vr* F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used, This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc,) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above prooess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatac renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible, I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 PW+:I T'T I T T APPLlcArloN parcer#:!IX['IIn'![-nfI dm\ FoR TowN oF VAIL i I t+/,r ,| PuBLTcwAYPERMTT le- Brds.Permit#:E I I'[ [ f L m*rmy StreEl Address n n n-Tl (lrunknowncall L_J r_J r_t | | 479.2139 ext. 0) 1.Job Nam€ Excavaling Conlraclor Nemo Maillng Address TOV Contractor's Liconse Numb€f REOUIRED () ApCity Phone # 4. Start Date Work is for lcircte onel Other Complstion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Explration Dats) Telephone CATV Landscaping T€mp. Site Access 5.Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. 8. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surlaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signalures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company appllcation through the Public Works olfice to obtain the up to one week to procgss. Depth TotalSF $ TotalLF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Pubfic Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. '114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479'2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit' 10, All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ot utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' 11. Permittee must contact Publlc Works D€partmont at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino of work. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Froperty, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreemsnts, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as requirod. Conlractor's Signature ol Agr66mont ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Prlnt name cloarly Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor Fax : 9/0-827-9202 Nov 02 '01 15:52 P.02 f9*n of Vail s6'so C.r =BrI g * \B 0FPsrltrdbpy x {f)Irnz. r)oz.zrnc')-{ ctz t:-, I SZO- St8- 0a6 ,fb- uo ! ac-uuo3 u-l,,l0al )l5'd cgg:60 lo 7 rax : 9(U-821-9'2U2 fbv u2 'uI 1i:52 P.or tlorth&mrntugriln Porl ofncr 60r 116 Mlnturn, CO 816{5-0t!0 e70-t?7.9600 rr! 970.827-s202 r r 0'llAI r0lt$rR t0nAil ,if-[iitiii FO( corrER gHEEI I t tlalol---..;ffi^ ;tu),[ 0o&r t ,, f - Fo<#: 4flaq'+ Dnta: To: Irlo. of poges (including this poge): Our Fo< # (970) 827-9ZOa Comnrcrtc: If chcckcd, plecse confirm ruceipt -',(-/ rf you how prcblenrs with this tmnsnrission, plase catt g7o-a?7-gtw, TOWN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErInit #: MOI-OOIs owI[ER STOr-,r,AR, ROBERT r,., TTEE TP(V02/2I/20OL Phone: L409 SAMOA WY I,AGI'NA BEACH EA 9265L-L9s4 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (Tr'F.l 02/21/2001 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrNruRN, CO 8154 5 Licenge: 174-M APPIJICAIflT HEARTH EXSIIANGE, INC. (TrE) 02/2!/2OOt Phone: 970-927-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrtqruRN, co 8L645 License: 174-vl Desciption: INSTALL GAS F/P B VENT Valuation: $2,549.00 Fireplace Informatiotr: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SITtMMARY aI'ratlt*trrtt*tat*&rttt**'lrrt*r:lt'11"|.ri*ttrrtrttr'*t*'rt'*:r so. oo Total Calculrted Fees->$?8.00 Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL [.ocation.....: UNIT 29 MTN MEADOWS ParcelNo...: 210112419029 ProjectNo : g4+l-g' /pFOi OOLa 96o.oo Restuarart Plan ReYiew-> S15 . oo DIIB Fc€--> 90. oo TOTALFEES-> 93.00 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 02/2112001 Issued. . : 02/21/2001 Expires. .: 08l20l200l SO. OO Mdilional Fees__> (528.00) Mechanical-> Plan Ch€€k-> Investigation-> will call-> S?8 . OO Total Pennit Fee-> Pa]'rneots.-.-.-.> BALAIICE DUIE-> lo. oo so. 00 9O. O0 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I| 02/2L/200L JRII Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BIJDG.): COIIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TI{E L997 tJNtC, OR SECTION 701 0F IIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAL,LATION MUST COIIFORM TO MANITFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A]ID TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 rJMC, CmPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAI;L BE VmmED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHALIT TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.EO6 OF THE ].997 I]MC, OR C}IAPTER Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): .ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMET{T MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 3 AriID S8C.1017 0F THE 1997 I'MC AND CMPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC, Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SmLL BE MOIIMIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS IJISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COI{BUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERIITT,PLAIIS AllD CODE AT.IAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIiAI'IIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DC!.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-IIATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SHAI-,IJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,'RS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PN{. CTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE .!r, I E'E AILL'EF I Eg I'r TNSUIVII'LETE OR UNSIGNED Proiect #: PR'o o r - oor 2 Building Permit #z _ Mechanical Permit #: _=_ 97 O-47 9- 2t49 (Inspecd otrs) .mvnqvwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 1.y,9" Medranical Room Layout drawn to scate to indude:o Mechanical Room Dlmeniionso Combustion Air Ductslze and Locatono !ue, Ventand Gas UneSizeand tocafioro HeatLossCatcs.; ;ilffi;.ff.J,;;""" TJot, oor, Permit will not oe accept@ ua*d if Job Name: t/z //a.r flo*>broo JOb MdfgSS: r..ra .'qqryb/a, (n r+47 ta€tZ ,O- il-; / rcrkq.*r NgI( ) Addition( )Altention( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU edst at this locadon: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Slngbfamif ( )Duplo(( ) Muld-FamityK)'&,rrln"ro"t( ) R"rr.".rt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwdfing unrc inffiIffi No. of AccommodaUon Units in this buildino: . GasAppliances( I GasLoos( ) Wood/peilet( ) Wood a woori bumingTrcFEFb an EpA phase II ConEd A sors Otfrce at 970-g2g-g640 or vistt for Parce! # Nofl-ype of Fireplac'. prerosed: .--:s ^OOkSpO GasLogs( ) Wood/p"il"t( ) WoodBumins(NOTAUOWED) COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANTCAT PERMIT (t.AbOr & MAIETiAIS I /ggr7 E CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON Contactand Phone #'s: 3********?EUsEoNLY********************:F******** / everyone/forms/medrperm TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0033 Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: UNIT 29 MTN MEADOWS Applied . . : 04/03/2001. ParcelNo...: 210112419029 Issued. .: 04/03/2001. Project No : Q 05or-oo rl Expires . .: 09/30/2001' ohtNER SToLLAR, ROBERT I-,., TTEE TRVO4/O3/2OOL Phone: L409 SAMOA WY I,AGI'NA BEACH CA 92557-L954 License: col\mRAcroR MEADow MouNrArN Pr,uMBrNG AN04/03/2001 Phone: 970-479-2981 P.O. BOX 4564 VAIIJ , CO 816s8 License : 24L-ltl APPI,ICA}TT MEADOW MOTINIAIN PI,I]MBING ANO4/03/2001 Plrone: 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License z 24L-Nl Desciption: RUN GAS LINE TO UNIT AND APPLIANCES Valuation: 52.634.24 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: Mechanical---> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call----> $?8.00 s0. 00 s78.00 s?8.00 $0.00 56o. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> gls. oo DRB Fee--*---------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES-------> $3.00 go . oo Total Calculated Fees--> So. oo Additional Fees---------> S?8. oo Total Permit Fee-------> PaYments-------;' BALANCE DUE-_> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT o4/o3/2ooL JRII Actj.on: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-.,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE. Cond:. 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 701 oF THE L997 vl43, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (Bf,Dc. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER ].0 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 25 Fpr O.l Ol O1:52p Mangaret Parker APR-O4-Ot t2,SA FROr{.TOV-COr,r-DEV-DEFT. p.3 PAGE 3/r1 (ar,Dc-l': cAs AppLlllrcBs slraLr. EE vEurED AgooRDrlirc !o cEr,:rrBR 8 ArlD snAr,rrIEAMITiIIIE AS SPEEIETE'D IN SEC.8O6 OI 1ts8 1997 DIIC, OR CEA1rTg1 6 OF TIIE r99? IUC.eo'nd ! Z9 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO EEArnGl &qrpuE$I r{nsT coMpLy wr.I}r csApirER 3 AriD sEC-1_017 oFTHE 1e97 m{c ArD cml"rER 3 o? ltgB 1997 rgc - - - ..eoltd: 3t (BLDG.): BOIL&S SIIAIJJ BE t{wltlED o![ HI{X)RS OF NOtrClCtrBucTIEUg CONST. I'TujESISLISTED FOR !,IOU!fTISC ON COUAUSfiBTJA rI,OORING. Corrd:32 (D[.DG.): PBRt'rT. gtrlNs A![D CODE BNALysIs MUsr BB BOSTaD IICI AI{ DISPBCTION REQI'ES?. Cond: 30 (BrDG.): DniAr[tAcE oP lGcEANrcnL R@ns coFlnrtllnc HBAtnG oR sor-w|rEiB supl'LyBoILBns sIIAlrL BE EQttrPPm trrrH A ProoR DRArrr pER sBc. Lo2z op rr{E r.99? rruc, oR tr':. :.:::i::3::t*k*_..,8 ..h.8-,a.r._... nnn e r,.*..,.ffih. DECIJIRATIONS I hereby adcrrowledge_tltat I Yve f{ this- appticatiorl fillcd out in full tlre information roquired. completed anatr|rmte plot Plan, and state that all the information ae r€quired is cor€ct I agree to compiy with the inforuration andplot pla4 to comply with aU Tovm odinaras ard state liws, and to build ttii su,rcut" i.lo"ai"S b O1q towns zurinl and $rbdivision code, deign review approved uniform Building code arvt other ordinares of ihe Tovm applicable-thcr€b- REIUES1fS rOR tNSP€CrIoN sis^rr EE MADE TliGNry.FqjR Ho{rRs tN ADvANc€ 8y 1't6t-EpHONE AT @-2138 OR AT OUR Ot?rct IAOM tm a, .sPD'. d?t "r*ro <:' 970 -4?s -5161 rDrs704?92{52 IN ilBCgeNICAL Rool.l ERIOR 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA){970479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO:Jr,^- fur\rt,- n\ 69MPANYN,lnre: Yt\a&Sil.r.o /^4v.t FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER:rl4-1t u I ,nFRoM: Ltanvv.- Q-6,v*. ,QbL't)- trl l.-DATE: 'I I q ID\ TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEET)3 \/ Rf,SPONSE REQUIRED? \Z-J SENT BY TOWN OFVAILCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTFAX # 979.1'2.UN- TOWN OF VAIL COMMIJNTIY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #__2zo.lze-213!_ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: ft,L fit'a.-- . F:EVERYONE\FORMS\f axshod 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970479-2138 FAX970479-2452 COMMI.IFUTY DEVELOPMf, NT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NI]MBER: FROM: I}ATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCTIMENT (NOT INCLUDTNG COVER SmET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF.VAIL COMMT]NITY DBVELOPMENT FAX # SMAZS-UN TOW}I OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTLEPHONE #-_gZO<Zg-2138- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE\FORMS\IaxShed *z--7Ejer- oor 2 BulHittg Patmll#i 8ol- e6tt l{ectunlcal Permlt#: - 75 S. Fmntagc Rd. ValL Gobndo 8t65z Permit will not be ace@ wlthout the follovrling: RECDAPROSZOO1 @MPLETE VALUATIOI{ FOR MEC}IAT{ICAL PERMIT labor & Materlals) /"4e"1"",, //aa.Jofn 7 n n ]e f 'sl ? 70 -.t79le;o,t-e ? ?o -.t79 - a? ,tv-4 Perc€t # n Jobl,lame: lloberf Sfollo.r Job Address: 4bc( t'-<naJo'^t 0 r ive t/a | / co 8t I'a< z tesaLqsrhdon I bh - [ Bbck:- tr rilins, Rl,,t +/ /rJ#lsuutvisbn: H"^h,A*:f:|i,:.OvnerUame:ffi Phone: Englneer:pr^F,Mresrt 11yf Pnonu, 41/A lltlFq New( ) Addnion( ) Atrerarno(X) Repah( ) omer( ) Boilen l-mtbn: tnteriorl,uy'@ DoesanEHUexlstatthblocauon: yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldgr Onnn No. of E<bflng O" - No. of Accommodation Unlts in this bulldlng: J -Ng&peof FireohesBcdnq: GasAoollances( ) Gasl-oos( t wood/pellert I w.w{Fhrrntnn | | Ar,^'F I"fttry," of t ." oto u *noo,on ttr t rnood burlng fi*pLaa to bn * lr ***lr * *|t,t ** *,t *rt** *** ** *ONLY*tr**r.t[ *!f, *|}ri:t**r]i.r]rtrtt]*,r*r****rt F:/.udTom/fonil/ mdtp.nn {.4,4-1 %rid / IT Ttltt o0Flq gGqlgtl Revhvr Boad (DRB) apprwal lf any of ure nnctranhrt rrcd( wiil Inyohru AI{y€xbrlor mdc Thls Inctudes and is not r-rn-rteo u remoual ard rcplaoem€nt of alrivsrray snov melttFbms' PfctsG contact a planner at iig-ztz8 beiorc sulmittlng your mehanicat pcrmttapplfcaUon. The Towtt of vall hls aoFtno ute 19t[ rntenradmat Medranrcar cod€ (rrtc) wi1h the 1997 unlbrmilcchanicat Code (UltC) is an aepcatG-am-*f"e. All n€worstucdon wttsrln tfieTowr of vall lsonsldered bDGotun6uallyughtffirstrucdonrtfil|sall ombusffon air ls rcquired o le on*n riom ouctoe t|te structure tbr mechanical equipflrcntRsfbrcnce tha 199? UtiC Sec. ti{.i, - -' ' Town of Vail Flrcolaoe Ordinance rn SepEmber of 1991, Ute vell Tqrm ooundl adopted an ordlnane wtrldr rsglcts b oo*truc6on anduse of opan headfr ilreplacas -lutin ;;nrcnril lounoaties.---snce that ume the oldinanoe hacunderyone nurnerous-chinges ano rwt-ions, sbiviil for-c;;il,r*be ls e{tcctiyeness in addreslngthe alr queftty iscrn. ncreiorc ure r"iroii:nc cdteda has becn adopted: ' comtruGlton of op€n h€tdfi wood Durnlng flrcplacc b no longer p€mltte.l wtttrln Totyn of vallmunlclpal boundahe* o trq[hgllnltr - Eachnw rturciling unit may contain: ,ojt"tflrtt^ PhEo rr acfillcd sfiid;ird urirniry aevi'ce and no norc than trro (2) gns appthncec OR TX,o (2) 943 log llroplaceo and no morc 0ran trtro (2) gae apptiancc f6ph€ (B bent). o ReqFlcb4DwGr[naunrF - Eech nw rcstr*hd dwerting unft may ontarn:one (1) g"" log fil€prrce ana not mire dran one (r) gas apprhnce fircprace. r AcQmnpdatto4 un[' - Eech nemr ammmodation unrt may oontain:one (1) gas tog fircptace or onetljgas applance nreplice. o rf two or morc seft$ rlruelling units or rccommodation unlts arc comblned b lbrm onc 1irlcruni!' dn oombinci untt mry-ruin iiiic ircooulrninc fireflace (tf one atrcarty extrte) and no rnonethan 2 gas appilancc nreptdes, Jrli l-r"n up to m6.rd"tirrg iir"pl;*'b fi., I lf tlurlng ttc oourre-of a rurnothl an cxlcdng nmdburnrng fircplae ls rhend or moye.t, thc unltmu3t tfisl omply nrldr all prorrrotr oiure;rdinane, iffit'iliur. finptace mugt Dc converhrt bnrtu'r g's 0r rcpracd !v in Epa pha..'rr c.rdned unft. |. l.v'ry'oxfr, I fufi.h|fthp.||tr Buderus HYDRONIC SYSTEMS j_1 =- : ? s . r.. ,/ / ..:".i)U 48Qjdbnns$cr Acfiirt}t iffi1.0fJ3.1 Contt Typ,s: Porc€,: ?1O11?4190?9 Fra Rdqu€af ed Insp€ct OEte:' A!*lon€d T0r Intp€cd6n rlrle: lns'oecdon Aitra: Slie Aildr66sr l''Ypar FMECl"l Sccutlarlcy: fhursdry, Apdl 05.2001 coAin$'utrH JRH {664 HEADOW DR B*AIL uHlT ?t sfTil ilEAOaUUS S{'rb TIpr: FJriFUir:Skb&: t$$LrED lnGpfuso: JRM Cxe,'?er STOLLAR. RCSEi{T !... TTEE TRUSTCcnlr*b': hIEADOW hlOUl.iYAFj ptufr'lBt\&3 Al{D HEATl}re Applfcat* MEAft3W ircx.rl',lTAfi{ PtUMElf.lGAtlo' HEATlf.lG fiiesnl@d: ilJr'J CAS LINE TO U]iff At{DAPpLlAt$H$ .*essJtsgl4sBecdgr(*l Iternr 315 P|.lltt-{ir3 Plpirx! Rrquc*bc frffiADcnr, MOUNtAItIru,Ln B${GAr.t$ F{EATtilc.ru€rerny Corm|Gnb: Blft 1 Dharo 3 -' AnDhnod To: CDA\rl$- Ac ori: Tlma Exp: Plunc: 97f*.,{?9-?98,l Ptxrro: g7€l-4?S298, F|tguerbd Tl|'|ei F-tnns: Erd6rod Fy: 0t:0049 9?&479?.981 LCAHFAELT K hsnerltlqpru$ory ilcm: eOo MECllRouSr rOedorul) A ^ na. uAD &sm: 319 llEC$l.lretua (O6,ilon li ll L{ )VF-itt{n: 316 FLlt&G6r Pltl$s iffim$- ll-\f I Item: 32tD MEcH-Eduuidtlocdi {Ct4troosl) l/ "Itsn: 380 llEQlt!.VpplyAJr ,(qp{rinrlt IItsn: 380 MECFISUDSIYAfi (ffiifldl ltnyr: 340-tiEBll-llEri.' - -. -.- rObdonsl|ttcryr2e$ MECFI-Flnrl ----{R*flfcd} /'' _&on *utr_y_ 4p W" 22r' "-,4 t^ F -.- - nre6-.- /,.,. //r'l r ,tsLfu' IKr:rr.rz fo r /P 'z /;u,, ?*no ,1, P*f.{2 P (,+r"GA-2- 'use ESag" "ru D(2\trtl / rSE zD tfu'r L.Jwl& ( tY- - tl'n)!t fft$ \u;i ,:v ,-7 )\V.t )l 'lTvYD\fa: seg :. -.o T OT" RSPTl31 W-^{tx'' Project Name: Project Description: a Project Application 5;,25 ,7o Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone - commenrs: 4670 llleelo- \" , - l\atx./*;* tte^/or, #71 Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner Date: Staft Approval oz t =G,ltrI ul UJIL E =E IIJc uffi, tah@t*u) o\ trlz v FTz tsa z 'c I r_r l.n ,,, , c.l lE>to<E H FJiH 9E *r'lvv 2Z J uJF F F.Lz o =z ollJ Foz ozo! (o .6 zz o c) q) -g $ (! ;oF o o oo (o = 0) o E (u oEoO == dl E =l E d] .9 E O X (! .Y' '=O(');idFpt9UE,; =.e x? € *EE8F!E:! 8e:Ec-o> ef;E :€€:; >=:c96E.lo5ot5;= SEARE!Eo*OOc iEo'.e'; I e E!seo- o o--o=-o(5 P o-o!E-ols*:€ : E€ H IrtS_ o..: o (!0'-i!=o(,) n' or i.9 8E€5sEi:o.!=; l(FX96R 6o B69E9E o -eEg* N $rn(n 'G F =uJ zo:l - uJI z J () cFo uJ z =lJo- 2 a. UJ = UJtll z F u, uJ 3 UJ5llJ z 6 uJ EIU'IolcluJlol*lxztf<t,.,-t o U' uJlul! F =E uJ o- J z 6J3 F t! u,l z co J 9z UJ NOTMlVA E zF I i "2:<Feo':}E6 =eb? F^toztq 5 5 03 E P o Ep'n o Efr6d 8.2o z X;i 5 *::g zui (\i 6F al N =>t E l-azHF zHH .J7HXtrr tq t4FlFH.A F{ H z tr lJ g cc o E uJ(L F g. urg. z tr6o X}<z tr IJJ FJ ; uJz trzlzPS z Fz, z do3trOI HIilJI<l?l cEl I a1slfr= 'rl l* ,.-><./ zl- i- 11 d o J z -F orJ <U' Jl<l -l:l zl .. >l lu Wz-_(Dz2t.Z \d >< -t <n I =F z Y !,Jo 2=-F I4t+ H*!:og= uJ (! .-!\! *J O UJ E <J'6o-)zo F.L IJJY ul (D F F Ecr(! o\ul cn(L Fr+^t, N >C\(L. od t< HHzo =8,r9 Q =E eoo - =zotf, @ o--P S ..i5z_izoir 6i> Enn !D! F IJJ lto uJoz oo oF E(L JFul-h= duJ>o-O|!9o -uJX>Er-)) ut d) F co Ee -9!' !'tt .E 5 E Eot i\o a!o -FEE :o:t ts =E lrJ o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo() I dl z.l ol uJl 1l al>l tLlol zl =lolFI el sil Hl JI <l>l t!l I I I I ol =.1olutl 1l <l>l rLlol 3l sol ulFI F -f\oN -?I|-\ GI @ ,.ltl EI J EIJl <Iilol zl 3l PI z Frq &Hzt4AM Etr lllor lrnlNlolr* loI l-llullllBl\oHOIflQl ral4lzzlFllr'4ZlItsl14>lHI 6 d!q H>tcr,.,t <l El dla=o B zHF H CA & zz u ii =z (D -1 z =tr l-E irg b2 2? =E--a GFz . r uJ <o()F -< --2 E -rO<F(r()uJ<zEt!Ft.Z -)<c)a?.3E>1 '\ r , tlt'l I l' 75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TI{ETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI.OruNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rori, sand, debrisor material, including trash durnpsteri, porlable ioilets and,---workmen vehicles. |non. any street, sidewaiX, atiey or publicp11:" or any portion thereof . The right-"i-Gt-;n att Tor,rn ofVail streets and.I9"gs is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 6ff pu.r....,t.This ordinance wirr be strillry enforcld. by the iown of Vail _lYPii: works Department. persins found vi6ratinq this ordi'un."wJ-rJ- De glven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, itt"-p"[ric worksDepartment will remove said nateiiat at tn" ""p""se of personnotified_. The provisions of this ordinance =fr'ufi not beapprrcabre to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the r-ight_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. rrrank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) ta a /,./,t* Mrr,/,- ',,,V\ f ,, !V1,... ..(c'u-': il l,rrtu^ ( ,,Vr \ rr ilA t.-.\.-"-c:- (d oz E = UJ \o H F{.J) llJu, ll- F =ul (Jb-l lL +v-'\, JD-/ 'r,;j6tsW c'\ 4 & M H l-{ 3 FfF] E I -l- i: Sts.- r-\| rtl l, l';r- . zttI i-it<('i 6,vl;i F{lLa;i F'= ib Et; tE xleti ltZ I o uJF z z o J ll0 o6 ozzo tLJula i ; F EFz o (r uJz3oE t! {llctZ-.= cEvIr! <F2.1 YZa< ol-. Fr z tsl (J d:9 9o :.: (u ,Y','=o(a;{o gbE:8 = e *€!irE38F=6c!! €gE€F :frs;:-t,= nl- c9dE.P I F i.s o ;*-:,5 3 :EC;H ;€ t:€! q:r: 6 g"; t"g i (5:o!E .o;dgE ;gEE€iio E l.l OIFEEo,iil:= - o; q; (E0--:--c; o o trie! se:,!5!= c s g::3 o (!;;0) t; F: iBisgi9Eo -lesgtx F-CN .s \T \o e.l & F Elt(L z - Y(J IJJI z () F() L! z z () L]J = UJt! z. tr tuE o( 3rl, ltl z at!o t- o- z UJJ X F lLlal at) UJ UJtl-t E UJ .J F F z !f co e F IJJJ uJ z.6 =f J oz uJ = Fi F Fr NOIIVNIVA F z E F X F z Fl Fl FazH ; G. ; z tro- o E t/Jz UJ --(', =(ll11l zz tr^6 XfF9066z>- ozr!< ,', f(LY FO ;.j >q v t4 H .J7 E:{p z H FT !d FJ '-tH zH z tr !L l uJ F \o E (L E -z Eoo FItJz tr E IJJF B UJz LzlzAaF U,J<()6< > iii>E 3o<z L4+21r?do 3uJOI I L_-l_li I --t ltr lltccltott9lIrrl utl ac ulz I TF d F zIF 5 z I'l,llll l -|-,ii rllt Izl:oi :zll"fi l i i a, 1 3'.. xlourllr o =O X l F JI -l zl zl >io UJo LIJ UJz (!) a ccuj ) zq =oo ;T o u,lo (,z F @ = I z I CU -:f, @ -\'l OO t. t$s FF{< z d A{ uJFo(Do .l) zo F TLulY uJ n4 FCtXF;fiNO- n/. IL ATO<>E o4O\JtzrH *- gJ 2E ao trnri+ z ze =z J..i5\J \-/ = =836il= rX rX rr t?<t_2s L l F U L! IJJ z lU'L o I(r IL llj -h> (L I.IJ>cO|!() /-\ =urx(r-;>IF- Ji ut(I) oF o E oo q' c E Eo 3J AO Il +r aEo>F i!- t : il, -! E =E,lrl o-zo F(Jf, E,F(nzo() lr E ItlE _lBIol elfrll :dl alHI<tHI7' E z: Y)(I] F J U.; =z 6 --1 t&t&Itr: 1F I Its o ll' &tB<i()lo< l('t Itrl I o,Hl ',l<t #zld . _.t <t>t i<t <4Z E FHt-l .A ftt)&t{<Elz Fo = i! uJg. o E z Fq >1 z FiH 1 trt FQ I @F. z o LIJ(r = >1 ol zl 3lolFI .if\o(\l.tr IFN @ I i I H&ts dfrl F F1rlFl 14 Ff =tr I\otn z llJ oz3I (\r\Ftrl IF(\ @ u I F E oz o UJ CE ilq zl 3lI cr tr o z. uJ 5 >1 6i zl =lolH =E o z:) o uJ 11 <l>l rLl >l-l 9l ut) uJF IY uJz3 F L.IJtI E <F uJ<zE TJJ F(42 <oOF -<AE\2iloAO >Y =<>d]Fd3o <F YF d<+o. Y,z =g = \JZ )< (_)(> ?.t tltfo 75 routh frontage road Y.ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ottlcc of oommunlty dcvclopmcnl BUILDING PERNIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineelrs (Pub'lic }lorks) rey'iew and approval, a Planning Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated tine for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. A'l'l cornmercial (large or sma'll) and a1l multi-family permits wi'l'l have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this departrnent to expedite this permi.t as seon as possib'le. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. A4,c4^aU,- Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Comnuni ty Deve'lopment Department. : |. luwn u Ilal 75 soulh tronlage ?o!d vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED TrTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNTTy DEVEISPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In surnmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durrpsters, portabte toilets and workroen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPubJ-ic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the public worksDepartnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fulI, please stop by the Tovrn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on ttris matter. Position/Relationship (i.e. contractor, owner) Project Application ' / / ,'t/./ a/ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person: and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: 3ro Architecr,Address rnon", t ," q ''tr4, 44f (l( 'd- ?ztl \ Legal Description: Lot Block p"y- 4 /,.'^l Design Review Board '^'" t/3/o / Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Staf f Approval | ,,,,n,,,.,. ,^, llqrunEain )lc:r.lou (.,rnJoniniurn:j ' r\' 1.larr'.. I i't lrrnrl in che S()uLlrcirst Oll(:-(Juartcr of Saction 12, Townshlp Sorrtlt, lian;lc ,'J0 Wr:st of !he Si>:tlr i)rr,ne i-pal }lcridlrur, Town of Vail, Eag,le Crrloritdor m()r( i)Jrt jcu,lrrr Iy dcscril-ir,1 .is follows, to wit: I3cg,i.ntrin61 .rr a p(,irlt on tllc S,,ut.lr\i!rsEcrlv Right of l,lav Iinc of lleadov DrlVOl f rrrm whi.ch tlrc Srrutir {Jne-.Quart(:r ('orlrf l' ol s;r.l<l SccE{on 12 bears S.58"31 t53"!J. l0tl.59 Ic,,,t ,l is!;{nr; thcucc ;rlong !lr,: \()rEllr"ccE(':'lv lino of }lountain }ieedow Contlotn itr i rrnr:i r i)ir,rrjc l[.is previorrsi_i l,l.ttt(:d on tite fol. lor^ring iivc courcts: l ) :; .41" /rirr(,,O"ij. 4,t. j . l Ucr 2) .,, J,47 fect rrJirng tlrr ,rr-. of a 122.50 fooc radius c{rrvc to tlru riglrt wlrost, (r.nLl rl luglu is 10o20t00" and wltose long, Ihortl licars S..rJ"r>'{t(}"1!. 4,i,t5 fccrt t) s.r)4o0')r()(r"h'. t().'ir) 11...g 4) b(.r.trl lcc! al.orryi tlrt rrr; oi ii 65.00 foct r;ldius curvc to Ellc I c i't \./llose cc:nl r.rl .irrl lq' 1s it)'2I t 1.5" and whose lorrg chordr *br:ars S.25"54tII"l,.'. bi.). J5 i('{,t-r) fi, /7";l'4d"li. JU.0{; ;1gs 1 !lt!:rlr:c ;i lt>ttg tltc Nortlrle ste rlv I inu t, l )lorrntrr jn }ft.:ad<lrr Corrdonr i-rt irrms , l)ha$a II and ['lt;tsc Jl I us l,rt.',,iorrs] r' pl.r'lttcd S.1i!'' rl'{)0"li. 255,47 feet; thctrcei alotrg thc Wcs!-. erlv I ine ot ,\irr11111,i-lr llr:rrlow C()rrdr)lni:l irrr:r.; I'h.rlsr: I.Ll, S.07"38t(|3"E. 155.57 feet; chencc S.8b"(llrt)t)"H. 9().5tr l'cr-r i Lltr.n(,() N, lr,'1.8'30"1J. 15.).9j fcet; !herrcg- N24"5()r !t)"1r. ltl.7O fc:e t; !lrc.rrc.r. h. r(r"57'2{)"h. 19.U0 fcet; thence N.48'14t04"E. 5J5.f t fcct t,r;r irr)ilit on !hc S(rltllr,,r r;L(rr-ly Right of l,lay linc of |leadow I)r1vcr: tllcne u ;rlotrg siriri Sor.rf lrwer;ccr.lV Rillrt ,rl' fl;rv I ine on tllc l'r:11ow.ing .!hfce coufses: t) :; ..12"0J'00"ti. l(.)5.1: it'er l) 98.1I I ecr ;lloull Llrt rr. ()f ;l 1 .126.93 four rldius curve to tlrtr riglrt r,,,lrr-r$r crnLr.rl .rrrgll is 04'14t10" ulrd wlroso long .irot'd l;r:.rrs S. ]r'1-5'rli"l-. !rH.08 l.c.et I ) :.. 17"q8'50"ij. l.l() 1,.(.r to the polnt of boginning. Saitl i'arr t l. ,\ corrEains 2.941 il.r-,.'s r inorc or lu$s. 5 County, l);rt('.1u,.:k [,/. ,lohnsotr R.l-. S..i551 .rK/ieltt]7 o NTA EAD OU M IN OW S at vai ii - /.. j.i7+ i I'iclr..lit't:,rl..r) l"l {:l cr nw!i Owner 5 As:ioc l-"ltrul-l "!rn:r l. /al Vai I Co. Eltiiitjj l\.ir'[{. il{:: c a r rii] l-l ir r. I ...:;,,1 i.it)1.. l:r.lb o clqrc}r- f]l" (:i) ll:) (::) lt ;\ .l 0er..r r- I'iv- " i:]lricarcl(] ! i/i:'lL.r!- l"] t- r'r r i::l li, *t I w.,ri,l 1.:ti t,,,,:l:ili.-nd 'tr I Lhr': tc i:frr: annr-tal .lhlrli:]r-li lii{::rri l.: -i- n (:l i\1.rri l ti qlr''irtt.r:d t'or- yoLt 1-q.l pt'i:ti::li':t:tl wi. i-h yt]ltr (:.:(:in i:j :i. L-i.nrts 1.llt,.lt tt i.r r,-'1.:i 1. l-, l-l'ri t; ;,tppri:vaI ir i:,i iilr l!{:il-a l-illl .11 11i5Lt!--l11(. * I)ii ilt i..)/ l-.{:) t-$vE+r- ri -i. 1.. il I i-rr..t ltl.r1: Lltir " 'l ft:-': !! l. J. l. n r::6:d tc) *i ,::i,t 1.i. i.i.1l:.t l..{,il '.lhr:lt..i-.ii i4,' :}i+n i: l.,l.l Ifte l.'.r . r{:r. t,i...r[) 1.. rl f i..t+, ::i-'' t,tr'Jq 1:- flr:j t(]l:l L.l rr:,,'rl rl{.!l1.lf- l-.t:r nt,+ i.:(: f i fllrf: r,.':i i-!.Jr-:i.or l)1' L rr::i,; t-L:l L:i f t:l j. r-c'-l.- i.:{. ) l'-{,! {nei} l't nfl prl flr f. i:ii./ I " Ftpproval !'r{:l:il '1t tftat" timcl pr-o1:rr:t::;aI ' 'l'lr+rr* ar-':: l3t)alle " l-:i r-.t;l:r yol.t *ril.[ nned tQ tr'{rry I:r-alr:i. Ii.ty nf r-iL i:l :i.den t .llt;'soc i ai:ed t'rtr j.ri tlr,* amnr-.tn't ':ii !l;5(-)(:) r i-lQi-r a1r16l iriari.'.,. j +,:t t- t:.r'l' tfte i:\::;!ii{i}{l i.rt j lrn yr'j.:lrly "ln r:l r:i:i.cip::: n{ t {-tr:.1 1:1..t [: :;lrnltld tre a i- fr r..- L:r..t i. .[ d 1n q s; ' l:rfri+n y$lr tit;ry ;:r rnc ':,ied when yc]Lt 1. 1 1:i.lli.,l::itl l":i:rncl i t:i.t tn::i ,,i i..* al:t c:pl:abl etn wt i:-ii),, i"ia rr,i{q E r f-.lw rt r.: r- s i'lou n t..r :. t As*ir:c. l'' n 11 <', Zl rt'L /r'r'tt'^^^t' l:::. r:l l"l l'li-11"1r.l ii:, l.:r r- t:.:ri;.r. c.jen t " !"lnL.tfl liai.n ["ieadnwsi Llvlrr u rg f-\tl;':loc ', box 1762. vail, cotorado 81658 ' (303) 949'1490 _ . t:r i:: r- t_! t EusmMFlon@r!i Fhorarqf*: \ns.rd hr4iE March 11, l99l TO hniOM It t{Ay CONCERN: It ts my lntentlon to nake the follouing lmprovements at mycondominlum, Mountafn f,feado"s, Unit lZ. l-' create a door f rom the hrest side of the condomrnium tothe outside deck, 2, Instatl a Hor Springs hot tub (the Highlife model). The hot Eub will be purchased fron t{aximun Cornfort poo} tSpa, vailr and rhe c-arpentry work "ir!-u_u a;;;y-t"ry Hand !y-Car-nqntr.y of Hand. - Thi; proje"t wilt be cooioinateo uysteve Ankerholz, of SrA enterpiii6s, viii, ;"r";;;;; 3rJ/g49_7811. frc- ^-,r^Natha6 J. Accardo 300 W 19rh Tenr: Kansas Ciry. MO 64108 (816J 474.3200 Ourlargest and most luxurious spa can easily indulge a party of seven or pamper a party of one.Itallowsyou to run as many as twelvejets at once, or operatejust half the spa for smaller groups. Experience the big, beautifi rl HOTSPRING Grandee and see why ithasbecomethe sbndard of ltxury bywhich all other spas are measured, HICHLIFE* Distinctively stylish and supremely comfortable, this spa provides room for six to enjoy its wide array of hydrotherapy jets. Yef when therearejusttwo ofyou, its dual lounge seats offer you each a personal oasis of swhling rela:<ation. The Highlife's unique shape and impressive seating options have made ita hitwith thousands of American frmilies. Our atrtime bestseller was designed specifically for outdoor use in even the harshestclimates. Its all-RoVEI, low-maintenance design shndsup to both sun and snow Offering the ultimate in barrier-fr ee seating, it provides unsurpassed comfort for uP to five, including dual MotoMassage jets. Escape is easy with a Classic in yourbackyard. Sc.dnt C.p.ciry:Up to 7 adLrlts S..!lng C.pociqa Up to 6 adu t5 S..lht C.p.citf Up to 5 aduls Dirna|l!ioal!:8'4'x 7'2'x 34'H Dlma|tioari 7'7 -l tt x7'8-l t7' x 3111DlmanliorE:7'{ x8'3-|12' x 36-| t7'11 Wrt.r C.p..ity:500gallons W.t.r Capecitti 415 gallons W.tc. C+.citf 325gallons jll Confi!'rr.tio.r: 12 jets total, including 2 Moto- Ma598e JeE, 4 letstream jets for feet calves and lov/er ba(k ' 6adjustable hydrotherapy jets J.t Conflgurrti on:l0Fts total, including I f'loto- Massage jet, I lerstream jets foa feet 6lves and lower back, 6 adjustable hydrotherapy jets Jct CoillSur.tio.r:6 ,ets total, includinS 2 l-4oto' Massage icG, 2 Jetstrearn jets for fcet Glvci and lower back, 2 adjustable tryd rotherapy Jets Sctint TypG:Four diFerent seatin8 leveh plus cool down/children! efety ben(h Scrtlng Typc:Derp, multi-level. baarier-fre€ seiting with Moto-Massage and llxed jet loiJnges plus cool dowry'children s safety bench Sc.dng Ttp.:Split-level 5eatrn8 rinS wrth extra- wide childl bench Effcciv. Filtcr Arrr: 150 rquar€ fe€t iop-loading Htdrolct ftimpr: €filctivaFih..Ar!: 60 iquat€ feet toP-loading 2 Sta-Rhe Mar-E-Glas jet pumps, tighly efficient, IHP Efccdvc Fihar AG.: 90 square feet toFloading ttdrol.t Pump:Sla- tutc M.X-E-G las jet pump. highly efrdcn| IHP 220 volL 5 kw stainless steel; G.FC.|. protected on allcircuilsi subpanel included as standa.d. Must be installed q/ ficensed electrician in accordaxe witl localcodes. Hydrle! Pumps;Sta-Rite Max-E-Glas,et pump, highly efficient. 2 HP ll0voll 1.5 kw stain less neeli .cquir6 &icad 20 amp circuit rcceptacl. included as standard. Optional Heater Available.' 220 voft, 5 kw stainless steell G.EC.|. protected on allcircuiE; subpanel included as 5tanda.d. Must be installed by licensed electrician in accordame with lo<al (oder Thcnioi*Stititlvltx Plusor minus I degree F EhcticalS.i!r,. Complet lv U.L hned ThGnno3ter SGn hivlq,: Plurorminus Idegreet Th!.mo$.t S€nlitivilyi Plus or mirus I deSree F Wrlthe 455 lb,s. dry 3,170lbs. filled Ehctrk l S.fltf Completely U.L listed Ehctrlcil s.fet),i Completely U.L. listedW.lthr 820 lb'r. dry, 4,990 lbs. filled W!idn:665 lbn dry, 4, | 30 lbi. filled z-- a Ntuo-,\\D JECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON ES LOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED PERMIT NUMBE oorc a/ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oo-,=6>;l - ?INSPECTOR dFsnop \$\t PEC PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr\\-\ JoB NAME i" TNSPECT[ON: tNs TION REQUEST..,, OWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o o tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH 'da EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D D SUPPLY AIR trs FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED qTRETNSPECTON REOUTRED CORRECTIONS: tI { I tI DATE './ -zs' 7z INSPECTOR tNs I PEC NAME TION_ REQUEST,; )\A/N OF VAIL r! \\\--\N' \)s=r:\lrl \ r\ \tsN READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D o D tr o tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /_t t _ &c(("ldNsPEc RI D4 WED THUR -rI-/ >z_* t I EST READY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: TUES PERMIT NUMB JOB NAME BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O FINAL tr FINAL tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .r,::l DATE INSPECTOR IAL INsPEcTIoNIs CoMPLETEI}v The ltedibelos oeed to be couplete before gtvlag a permlt a fiaal C of 0. Please check off ln tbe box provl.ded. FINAL PLUAING DATE: tl T FINAL I.IECEANICAL DATE: IUPROYEMENT SURV T RESID. NAME: DATE:\\ t\o*F $EST SIDE! TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE:tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LANDSCAPII{G DUE DATE: FILE NAI{E: \.\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permir #: B97_038L Job Address; 4692 MEADOW DRLocation...: 4682 MEADOW DR MOUI{:rArNParcel No.. : 21,0]--L24-19-035 Proj ect. No. : PRJ97-02L3 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L557 97 0 -47 9-2L38 APPLICAI\M CO}TTRAgIOR OWNER Descript,ion: CASABONNE ENTERPRISES P O BOX 836, AVON CO 81520 CASABONNE ENTERPRISES P O BOX 836, AVON CO 8L520 HANSON .]ERRY D & .]ANICE B -,]T St.at,us...: ISSIIED MApplied. - zULO / 20 / L997Issued. . . : tJ_/OS/L997Elq)ires. . : 05/04/t998 Phone: 970-g4g-3L45 Phone z 970-949-3L45 Clean-up D approved afnount date Ft.: Fireplacc fnforftaEion: Re6t.ricEed:#Of cas Appliancc6: D ECLA.RATI ONS I hcr.by acknowledgc that I haw6 rcad Ehi6 applicaElon, fill.d ouC in fullpl,an, and 6t.atc lhat aLl thc informaeion provided aa rcqulrcd io corrccE.ro comply eith all Tovn ordinanccs and 6!atc lars, and to build thl€ lhe lnfornratlon rcquired, cohplcted an accurace plor.I .gr.e to cohply eiLh lhe lnfontration rnd ploe plan, *Of Wood/Pallcc: Co tha Tovn'6 zoning and Eubdiviaion OFFICE FROM 8t00 A 5:00 PM *Of oas Log6: codes, deeign rcvier approved, unifo.,n BuiIding cod€ and o!hc! ordinanccs To*n epplieabla ChclcEo. EQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE |4ADS TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY se61 so cREsrBRooK DR, MoRRrsoN co 8o46s21bvrco BATHROOM REMODEL Occupancy: Rl Multi_FamilyT)pe Construct,ion: V l_-HR Type V f_gourTlpe Occupancy: Valuation,: L6,2OO Add So P8E SUI.TMARYBuilding-----> 2f5.OO R.6t.uarant pl,an R.viclr--> .OO Toeal Calcql.ated F€€s_--> 457.?5PIan Ch€ck---> 139.?5 DRa F€c___--___ .OO AddiEionrt Fc6s---_-_--_> .ooInvc6!.igaEi.on> .oO Rccrcatlon Fc.-_-____-_-> .OO Tocal pcllnit. Fcc-__---_-> 457.7swill Cal.l----> l.oo Clcrn-Up D.po.lc-__---_-> 1oo.OO payrn€n!. 4s.t.-ts ...,"..1::::.::li.;.::::::"::;::..,.......::::l:.......::H3i.llt:;.;.::;;;_;;:........._..;::.,_ It.emr 05100^EUI!DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:!9 /20 /Lee? ^cESll_r_E _aEEiiiiii AiFn cHARLTE pavrsft,CM: O54OO PTANNING'DEFAHiT'4EIE.. -.. -*-- "5CPC: PLANNING DiViSiON:!9 / 20 / I22? ^ CU4B_LIE_ -aEEi-rjiii' Eijpn w/eIlgqi .05600 FIRE DEpARTMEiit' nanF. T'TDE, n.iIpa6tIi1_i^cgagl,tg Aqtionl AppR N/A DepE: FrRE Division: rt.em: 05500 pIlBLrc I^loRKS---' - .. Dept: puB woRK Division:1,0/20/Le97 cHARtiE 'AdUIon, AppR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condiE,ions that may apply to t,his permit.. end Clcan-Up Deposit Tor CASAEONNE ElfrER.A.T.ID OI4NER I: o REpT I 31 TOI^'N OF VAIL, COLORADO E3/31/98 fiA:13 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK StiEET$ FFR: 3/31/98 Activity: 897-O381 3/31/gA Type: A-FIF $taLuE: IS.$UED Constr: AlrlF Addr'esE: 46BE NERDOW DR Location: 46BE t4ERDOt^, DR MOUNTAIN MEADOT^IS TH UNIT *35 Farcel: 31O1*144-19-435 Occ:Use: U 1-HR Description: BflTHROOI{ REMODEL Appl icant : CASABONNE ENTERFRISES ljwner: HANSON JERRY D & JANICE B -JT Contract on: CA"$ABUNNE ENTERF RISES Fhone: 97[r-949*3145 Fhone: Fhone: 970-949*3145 F'AGE ; AREA: CD Inspect i on Reque st Reqr-test or": Fet er Req Time: O1 :OOItens requested to fiUrogm BL-DG*Final Infor.mation..... Comment s: #35 wi be Inspected,.. Fhone: 949-8163 I I cal I Act i on Comn ent s Time Exl Inspection Histol'y.,.. . Itenr : tZtAOgA BLD6-Franing 1E/11/97 Inspectorr CD Action! AFpR AFF'ROVED Notesr FROUIDE FIRE BL-0CKINC OR INSULfiTION AT ALL. VERT' TO HOR- RSSEMBL I E5 SHEETRT]CK HAS BEEN INSTALLED BEHIND TUB$ AND SHOWERS E F,ARTY [.,RLLS Item : ATZIBSA BLDG-Insulat i onlii'... Iten: O0ta6A FLDG-Sheetr.oc-k Nai I.:".!: .t .f / r o, .,/97 Inspector': ED "itr Item: @fr@74 BLDG-Misc. Iten: tZtOO9tl BLDG-Fin*l Action: AFFR AF.PRT]VED 4,aq 3t'{5 I'ft . ., REPT131 TOI^JN OF UAIL. COLORADN rA3l3l.z9S OB: 13 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION tJORll SHEETS FOR I 3,rJl /98 PA6E : AREA: DD i Rctivity: F97-tD155 3/31/98 Type: B-FLMB flddress: 4688 MEADCII^, DR Location: 468P MEADUI^J DR MOUNTAIN MEADOWS TH Farcel : fl 10t1-1e4-19-835 Descr.ipt ion; BATHROOI'I REMODET- Applicant: ALT PLUMBING A. HEATING Ourner': HRNSON JERRY D & JfiNICE B -JTEontractor': ALT FLUMBING & HEfiTING jlnspection Reqr-rest Information.....' Reqr.test or": F et er Req Time: tZtl:tZtO Commentst *35 wil Items reqr-rest ed to be Inspected... Stat r"rs : ISSUED Constr: AAFT UNIT #35 0en: Use: Fhone: 3O39496618 F,hone: Fhone: 30t394966fl3 ; t:: I Fhone: 949-8163 I cal I Act i on Conment s a. ' fiZregrzl FLMB*F i na I Inspection History... .. Item : OAaIA F,LMB-UnderqroundIt em r O0eeft trLMB-Rough/D. t"J, V.Ie/lt./97 Inspector: trD Notes: FL0tl TEST D0NEItem: AA*JA FLMB-Ror-rgh/Wat er. 1P,/11/97 Inspector.: CDIten: OtaP46 F,LMB-Gas tripingItem: AOe:SCr trLfvlB-trool./Hot TubIt em : OtE6@ trLMB-f4i sc.Item: AAP9O F,LMB*Final I' Aet i on : AF F'R flct i on: AFFR AtrPROUED STREET F,RESSURE ********************:k*********************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 897-0381 as of 11-/05/97 Stsatus: TSSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: to/20/L997 Applicant: CASABONNE EI{TERPRISES Issued: LL/05/t997 970-949-3L45 To E>q)ire z O5/04/L998 Job Address: LOCATiON: 4682 MEADOW DR MOI'IiITAIN MEADOWS TH TTNIT #35 Parcel No: 2l-01-I24-L9-035 Description: BATHROOM REMODEL CondiE.ions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEILINGS,AND FI,OORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,I,, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 tBC. 4. FTRE DEPARTME}fI APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 APPLTCA}TT COI{TRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Location. . . ; Parcel No..: ProjecL No.: 4682 MEADOW DR 4682 MEADOW DR 2LOt-t24-L9 -035 PRJ97-02L3 StaLus. . MOIJNTAIN NlApplied. fssued. -Expires. : ISSUED :IJLO/20/1997 : LL/05/a997 :0s/Oa/a998 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT PCTMiE #: 897-0381 CASABONNE ENTERPRISES P O BOX 836, AVON CO 81620 CASABONNE ENTERPRISES P O BOX 835, AVON CO 8L520 IIANSON .]ERRY D & JANTCE B -'JT 5961 SO CRESTBROOK DR, MORRISON CO Phone: Phone: 8045522L9 97 0 -949 -3L45 970-949-3L45 fof wood/PalI6E: Description: BATHROOM REMODEL Occupancy: Tytrle Construction: Type Occupancy: VaIuaLion: Fir.eplace Informatsion: Restricted: Rl- Multi-Family V L-HR Type V l-Hour L6,2OO +of cas AppLiancca: Add Sq FL: *of cas Logs: FEE SI,'I4MARY Building-----> PIad Check- - - > Inv€6Eigarion> will call- ---> Restuaran! PIan Review - - > DRB Fee-------- Recrcatsion Fce-- - - --- - - -> Clean-Up DepoBit.- - --- - - -> TOTAI, FEAS.---- Total calculated Fecs- - - > Additional. Fees- --- -- --- > ToEal Permit Fce----- ---> Paln6nta------- 215. O0 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .oo 100.00 457 .15 457.15 .00 457 .15 457.'t5 BAIANCE DUE.... .OO DepE: BUILDING Division: DAVIS DepE : PI-,ANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIJB WORK Division: the ihfomation required, compleEed an I agree Eo comply wiEh the inforbacion D ECIJARAT I ONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read thig application, fillcd ouE i.n full plan, and Btate tshaE atl the infohnaEi.on provided ae required is collect- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALI, BE MADE TWENTY. FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Clean-Up Depo6it To: CASABONNE 8NTBR. ITCM: 051-OO BUII-,,DING DEPARTMENT1.0/2O/L997 CHARI-,IE ACIiON: APPR C}IARLIEIt.bM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTtO/20/a997 CHARLIE AcEion: APPR N/AITbM:. 056OO FIRE DEPARTMBI.IIto/20/1,997 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/AITCM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKSLO/20/L997 CHARTIE Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Ehat may apply to tshis permit. Eo comply Hith aLl Toun ordinancee and Elate lawe, and lo bqild tshis rding tso tshe Toen's zoning and codee, deeign rcview approved, Uniform Building cod€ and oghc! oldinance€Tordn epplicablc thereLo. Bcculate plots end plots plan, 6ubdivi 6i on gr00 AJ4 5:00 PMOFFICE FROM SIENAT(NE OP OWNER OR CONIRACTOR FOR AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8T657 970-479 -2138 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMTT .]OBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0262 ,Job Address: 4682 MEADOW DR LocaE.ion...t 4682 MEADow DR ParceI No. . : 2LOa-L24-L9-035 Project. No. : PRJg7-0213 JI]NE CREEK ELECTRIC, INC, P.O. BOX 4821,, VAIL, CO 81658 ,JI]NE CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 4821,, VArL, CO B1_558 HANSON .JERRY D &'JANICE B -JT 5961 SO CRESTBROOK DR, MORRISON CO Phone: 970/471-3L97 Phone: 97o/47t-3Lg'7 8046522L9 SEaLus. - MOIJITTAIN MAppliec. Issued.. Expj-res. . : ISSIJED - tUL} /20 /]-997.: LL/05/L997 . ? 05/04/Le98. APPLICA]VT CONTRACTOR OhINER DCSCTiPTiON: EIIEC FOR BATHROOM REMODEL Valuation:1_,200.00 FEE SUMMARY EIecE!i.caI---> DRB Fee Inve6t igaE ion> will call----> TOTAI, FEES- -- > 50.oo . o0 .00 3.OO 53 .00 TotaL calc\rlaEed Fcee---> AddiEional Fees- --- -- -- -> Total Permit Fee_-_---_-> PaymenfB----_--_ 53 .00 .00 53 .0O BAIANCE DUE.. - - .OO rtem:06000 L0 /20 /]-997Item:05500 L0 /20 /1997 ELECTRICAL DEPARTIIEI{TCIIARTIE Actsion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMEIfl|CTIARLIE AcEion: APPR N/A Dept : BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE DECLARATIONS I heleby acknowledge !hat' I have read this application, filleal oul in full the information required, conpleeed an acculate plot plan, and etate that aII tshe illfotmaEion provided a6 !€quired iB co!rec!- I agree Eo cornply with the infomaEion end plot p1an, co comply rrith all Town ordinaarces and Bt.at€ lasr6, and to build lhie etructure accotding to the Town's zoning and Bubaivision codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Toun apPlicable thereto. RAQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICTNT CO}ITRACTOR OWNER Job Address: 4582 MEADow DR Location. -.: 4682 MEADOW DR Parcel No. -: 2LOL-L24-L9-035 Project No. r PRJ97-02a3 AtT PLI]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 731, AVON CO 81520 ALT PLI]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 731, AVON CO 81_620 HANSON JERRY D & .]ANICE B -,fT 5951 SO CRESTBROOK DR, MORRISON CO Phone z 3039496622 Phone: 3039496622 8046522L9 Valuation:5, 000.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT Permit. #: P97-0155 DescripE.ion: BATHROOM REMODEL FEE SUMMARY Statsus. . MOIINTAIN t"lApplied. Issued. - ExDires. Totsal P€lmits Fec----- ---> Paymenca------- . : ISSITED . :UL} /20 /L997 -: L]-/05/L997 . : 05 / 04 /1-998 Plumbing-----> P]-an Check- - -> 75 .00 1e .75 Inveatigation> .00 wil l call----> 3.o0 Reecuaranb Plan Rcview - - > TOTAI, FEES-. -- - Tolal calculaEed Fccs_ - - > 96 .'lS Additional Fees---------> .oo . o0 96.75 95.75 BAINNCE DUE- - -- .OO Item:05100L0/20/L997Item:05600LO/20/L997 BUILDING DEPARTMENTCHARI-,IE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIEFIRE DEPARTMEIfICHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A Dept: BUILDING Division: DAVISDept: FIRE Division: CONDITTON OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorledge thaE I have rcad this application, filLed ouE in full plan, and state tshat all the informat.ion plovided aB rcguilcd is correcE' to comply lrifh all Tovn ordj.nances and state 1att6, and Eo build lhis sEluct codes, design revicw approved, Uniforn Buildi.ng code end other ordinancca of REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAIIL BE MADE 1'l{EMY - FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY the information lequited, comPlcled an I a9re6 bo conply wifh Ehe informatsi.on accuraEe plo! end plot plan, 6ubdivi6ionaccording lo the To!.n's zoning and FROM g:o0 Alt 5:00 PM SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR POR ** {. u Con!ac ar 970 A,RCliL DATE; tO-l? -q1 , APPLICATTON MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR $ o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERI,rrr TNF.RMATT.Nn PER.I'IIT iI IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** u""oro el /l .CTION FORM fflce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLTCATION lNl-Building [{-Plumbing [)0-Erectricar .-[ [l!.e.cbanibar, [ ]-other rob Narne: HnnloN Job Addre":ffr.?y?l+KP,lHffi[W-" LegaL Descript-ion: Lot Block- Firing sunorvrsrollt Sq(,r cR€Owners Narne: lprfl Architect: Address: N\oRe\SpN^CqreAD0 SC4QS pn. Address: ph. yA d3 t Eagl c -328:-864lr:2i01_l )nUer and Type of Fireptaces: Gas AffiliT-r"3R-ZlZ Gas Logs_ I wooct/pe11et-- F******************'t************** viiuiiiollE -i- '/**********{********************t General Description: r,work crass: [ ]-Nev/ tf,l-arteration I J-Additional 1 1-nepair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: i Number of Accommodation Units: durr,oruc: g i0,0C0,00 EI,ECTRICAL: $ \20O, OQ oo.o(> CTOR f NFORMATf ON * * **,1 tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr Electrical Cont,ractor: JU _ phone l.{rrmber: qL@ >frT4 __- Plumbing Contractor: AC A2-'55 Town of Vail Res. No.?tL-pAddress:Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * * *************** ** * rt *rtrt**lr***lr BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: FoR oFFICE USE ******************************* I*:::::"r contract"', JuN,ecnerc E.E,.,rf4|(ftn^Lorr, or Vair n",g-. No.;5J:E- Towii of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: PI.,UMBTNG PERMIT FEE: ITECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: SLECTRICAL FEE: ]THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK TEE:MEC}ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDINI;; STGNAI.URS; ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: I CLEA!{ IP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO:4lts,ur fSsrNE E u(l-R-p€-rs 5>('t.[Sql B:t Avou Coeue-try1 Bttao CL 38: tr.l EHlr-O { g so N $. t a Ta c) *6E= q) CL o, E.F Ef (r) (! Ct' q> U> e:EEEgg Hg l;:E EE I P r- .'ltr tG .-. G 1..rg z E'6EE FEr6 a F u<,, OE o-q trla >, \, v a0a ;$. 2o E .|< = { I fnd9rr:l. t-. 9U \zf + 3z 3 AEi E 6g a lJl'0 h 3l l_l\ {o 04 ui ca Mtr \ftc € oz F =t UJo- F. 4 ,t4{U) UJ uJ LLt uJ \\h\ \\- .\\\...\\N 1.r o\or lr| e{ E & !\/,aFH B FlIrl HE I I I t!! lo I I I I I I l- rc) Itrlt! tvl(,tzr6 r5 t!F F F U)z = zz xHEix F z E trl cn U,pr< o ,,rzii OFIZbl;i< = c/)iz od rn lrJ zt12-,9F r4 =E Hz d CAz H F-r< H H Irl z HH F-l Fl H z t-.1 t!)uto i E tro o EFzoo (r o trutz =OE|!lu :=crvluJ <FZ^ YZo< '=o@;lJt-_: H6 E ". -O(gl,,F.e*€it e s E.= E F ; a:.9c-o> ET;E -*i ",-.= n .968 Es:5 EEARIlEo*OOc iEoS .e ;93 .g: E P o_c o- $E; soi6orE q-.E-EE1]P6(!6 LCv= or <6!'"icEPi,!=:_ o-.:a (.) !; o (/, o o * .:i3Ef:o ?;E =E>.= ?: FY;*;E9E-cr eEgg o 'Ittu .F{ 6 F 6oo c!.$ o o t{ ==E uJ o- z o =f c) Y I z o- J a F. Lrl z =) o- z I = r!ttl t'r-z tr G oc) BuJ5 cz -tl, uJo F6 uJ (Lf z o F UJal .r.r*ahIu trJ lJ- ts =(ts uJ F F z oJ l(o F Iu-)uJ oz EI =3 o- 9z t!. NOrlVn]VA F F F U F :<lt(x; 9:< xaY vr!rh Zd, > !lF ^ FE d.u(J< <Fg.< IJJ F.7Aii2 (\l =>(! .I ztr^ .na2>- <)zu-< a)-Y ;ni z E FlA t:] IFlc)zH t-,J z tr f g t! cc o l E F F- E E j z Eo f{x z tr lrJF ; z trzlzaa <()o< >ii,>d RL5o<z F 2 -.iF *-ol6OI 1l ltlt-t--il liiil- :-t<13 3 I; T u,,:l ct tiJz (J IF lll4 F z ; 5az *--l I rl r----l l I I I I I o Fl() F Jl r-l zl zl .. >lo uJo uJ uJz F Eul 0- -) z Eoo I @(o t.- \-J O2o Ff z( ntrn B =2Ytr E =< ._.coo -EZ c.r Jo \o(L u- .S ..i6 ===dd= 6nn UJta o-) zo F(L uJY IJJooo\Fo\ F ="i(rN uJ o-tE =\JErd odt'1'lulbkzo = ut(L lI'o trjoz foa F(r cr JF ll-I-h='iEduJ>(rOu-9o5 u.tx(r:> lrlJJ rl. t! d) F co tto c, q, E Eo(, o ts =E lrJ o-zIF() &,Fazo C) \ ,l t 3uJl 5t al>l lrlol zl FI =.1 rl al>l rLlol zl 3l 9lFI =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>l rLlol zl F| I I I I I I dl =.1olUI :l <l>l l!lolzl .., 31 5ol rJJFI F I F uJ oo = € e.l I\ot\\T lrtltlJI zl gel dslr'l ;l--l -lM:IHslq6l tzl =l 3lEI 9IILl FI J a E _lEJ ..16q 1 14al LJctI--l E I ol rdl EI<ta H F{ .t) |rt HHv .l) z E rJ z :-') ts v,E : zH z E z =u- F Fz 2 -t- (-) LU = L.E;, =Oz F Fz z o f e. F [,) <F(tsOuJ<zE|rlFo6 O F UJ =(r ulz =o <O(, aii"i L!:o T l' -t. ?5 .oulh ftonl.g. rcld Ell. color.do El85t (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 r(): FROMs DATE: su&rEef s offlcr of clnmunlti dcvclopmcnl AI,,L CONIIR,LSTORT' CURRENTLYL REGISIERED WITII IBE TOI{N OF VAIL !or{N oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COT,IMUNITY DSTIEIOPMENT IIARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARNNG & UATERIAL STORAGE fn Euhrrary, Ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , LncludLng trash dunpsters, portable tollets andworkuen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlcplace or any portion theieof. Tire right-oi-way on ali Town ofValI streets and roads ls approxluately 5 ft. off pavenent.lhls ordLnance wl.ll be etrictly enf,orced by the Town of Val.IPublic Works Departnent. Persons found violating thls ordinancewLlI be given a 24 hour written notLce to remove sald rnaterial .fn the event the person so notifled does not comply with thenotLce wlthin the 24 hour tl.ne specifled, the Public l{orksDepartrnent will renove sald uaterial at the expense of personnotifLed. llre provlslons of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construeti.on, naintenance or repair proJects ofany ttreet or alley or any utilltLes Ln the right-a-way. To.revlew Ordl.nance No. 6ln full, please stop by the Tordn ofVall Bul.lding Department to obtain a copy. llank you for your cooperatLon on thls natter. Read and acknosledged by: C"ofuc^hu----- 6rl-*4 (t.e. contractor, owner) 03-12-1t I TtI )tz=_ L tt-DEeilAt'tE 0F C0lfAl{Y:Ep ^DwEsst t/bg;"_ 6. fvt6A>6 ^r >rL * 3{ pngnE *: VAIL, CO , ?l(r5l CO{T MCTOR REGISTR,ATI OI{ PREQUA I FI CAT tON FORM lfust be r=celved and approved Prior to lssuance of reglstration. ssubmit to the Tqm of Vail Euildlng Department. PLEASE SUBI.IIT COPY OF AI{Y PERTTIIET{T REGISTRATIO{ }IITH APPLICATION' REGISTRATIOIi FEES Requ'lar Cost General Contractor A or Constnrction l'lanagerent' t'viiriiion ote" $1,000;0oo) "$175'00 General Contractor I or Construction l'lanagement iviiuiiion under $l,006,oo0) 100'00 Pl unbi n g. 75 ' 00 uilr'lniiariieiir;iat No FEE 3;;;i;i -iiiiiuoes dryrall, sliss' masonrv, concrete' !li]lll' rr.oo Excavatlon. 75'00..<lf-6fis'\0vrner/Builder.... '(:::--' Thank you, .lanei I Turnbu'l I T()V Building DePt. Renewal 0ost 1125.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 NO FEE 55. 00 55 .00 -LIABILITY-0ption#1:ll,ggq,qgointheaggregateforBodi.|yInJuryir,oooiooo ln the algresate for Property Damage 0ption12:Contlnedslnglellmltof$1'000'000'00 uoRxilEN's @nPENSATI0N - show-that you.arc-99Yll9d..il the state of colorado rNo llorkrnn's Corp. - Provide i ietter stEtlng-you are the so'le omer & wllt not hoii itt.-io"n t-lilte for-rny acc.ldents' At the tlre Vou-trire somone you will piovlde us with !tC' If you arc purchasing an e'lectrlca] 9r plumbing r:glstratlon' you ry! provide a copy ot . ir.ii.-t'iliiii"ition'fmm t[e Siate of Colorado'IIOTE: t f.'.!tt':l t rj: 'F. 8y: .. aa.oaaaaaaaaoa.aaa aaaaaaaaaa A Corporatlon A Partnershlo An Individuai .Jlle\{l NAL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaa Principal 'fficg: ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . - - . - . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . o . . . . ffi (AIA Docunent nunber A-305 z9 Edfuon nay be i:::iii:*'il"#:T.$'o#[:Till;:ll.r.*en fn bus,ness as,...........: .r.::T::.:::::::r,iiH:::: 3;,,|ll.Tilil Jlii'nlioi;J:T:,:1,:$ilppe::d type and size or..... .........1;illl.::::::riftr:::::: 3. Lfst the nost Iconsbuiilo; ;;;i ;tTii:r.0firff;: #l'.?!!fnizat:'on has had rn Type and I'lhenClass of work Como I eted aa.aaa.aaa. .fi.trgrq($.. t t t t t t.ttt "' a,a ara a a a a a a o afr f r I I .Dhsfr..M.+aL. frbr.K ....[ a.aaaaar aaaaaoaaaaaaaaaao aaaaaaaaaaa aaaOaaaaaaaOaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa 1.4..........5N. *.qjgJ1 $.-..,,....,B"rftewtte fi,ii' ,sj,l aaaaaaaaOaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOaaaaaOaaa. aaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaooaaaaaoaaoaaaaaa and current strtus: artaa aaaaaa aa aa aa,aa a aaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaoaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa aaaa aa oooaoooace'ot ro laaaaaaaaaaaa tt:tttttt'.a..aaaaaaoaoaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaa.ao.o.a..aaaoaa..a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaoaaaaaaoaaaaaaa 4.. Lfst arunlclpaliHes you trave ilcenses aaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaofaao!|aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaa.oaaaaaaaa.r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaarraaaaaaoaaaaaa a a a . a a a a a a a , . a a a a a a I aaaaaaaaaaaa aoaaaa .. I . 5. l.lhat other co:npi bted? lnportant proJects of stmilar rnagnitude ]lhen has your orlanfzrtion Type and Class of work 4.a... a a a a a a , a a a . . a a . a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaa .a..aa ..aaa..raaaaaa.aaaaaa a a a a a. a o a a a a a a a aaa. aaa aa a a aaa a aaa. lOne !_6Cdress of C.vnsr .a...aa.aa .a.aaa 6. Have you ever failed to cmplete any work alarded to you? ....N.0....1r so, r.rhere and why? ..o... 7. . l{3ne the Surety.Conpany, bonding capacity,and the nane and address of the locil alenryyou expect to use: [,nN/t 8.- tlhat ls the construction and erperience of theprincipal individuals of your organiiation-ano ttrose Inclvldualsto be directly lnvolved ln any pioject ln the To,rn of Vall. Individual's l{anre ' Present Pos i tl on or Offlce Yrs. of Con- struction Exoeri ence - llagnitudet Type of llork In llhat Caorci tv? ufr, . . I4kbAhuu2 . .. g.w N.F.a. . .. /_., 3 IF. . ., . .,. . : . & r M. . . . .M. *. .N vt-vd ( (-li'J"{ r*rl,* I """' ' a aaaa a a aaa a a a a aa a a a a. a a a a aa a a a a a.aaa a a aaaa a a a a a a a o. a "" " ' a' a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaa a a aaaa.. a a a a a a aa a a a a a aaa aa aaaa a, aa a a aa a a 9' 0o you hold any ".ria ticenses, l.e. i.!astcr prumber. Architect, Electrical? tttt:. . ..r . . . . . a . a . a . a o a a a . . . .....a . . o . , , . a r . o . a . . . . . a . a 'J'{"eJ/rfu...(Cg.......o..........:...........................o.............. \ 'i . I '-a ' i:'.ilirt..tli.fjg l!.T. gr. cquipne ... .Vfi... . . . .. nn or wr r i - ci,Ji!i-l,l $j.fr#r;r]i.{il.-1*.,r,] aaaaaaaao ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t t t t t t t tt t t ' ''' ' t ' t...:a.... a o..... o.. a.a.aaa.aaaa.a a araa a a a a a a a a a a. a. - - ^ ^ ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a a a a a aaa a'aa a .aaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaoaoaaaaaaa.aaaa.aaaa " o aaa a a. a a o a a a ata a a a a. a a r a a a a aaa a a a a aa a a a a a a a aa a. a aaa a a r.r r""""' tl. t tSt below ,rha .^_r_- _, il3.,lll].1 "ii. ir=,.ii'lr t::-Yl!.1. {o::-:I_ our. conpany, orEDaE lrere tnrot veF'lir,,.l,' syfrn9 .n.^3.::l::, tJi"'[iOi,y.."r, ........ rv. n... :....... :. :....:.:* "'.' aaOaaa.Oaaaaa aa.aa. ..... e ... ....:........ .... o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.aaaaaa.aaa.aa l^2. The follo:.rino """.."...." or corpo "a ti ;; ;;;" r;.lli lltoiiffi.ff: ;l$1,il:,1 ;I tgi:,::ll: r,A) Percentage or proJects conpreted withrn schedure.... ..... ... .. .t {ou.jo df rectly conparrd rs ruo-ContfaCtOrS? .t '-.ril ' 'l [;.,t t3. How much of the work wlll 14. .Eankfng References A. 8'. 15. Trade References A. g. c. D. '8. ^t a J ..i l-t. .rO..r. --' F.i- tt 'a'f r.. 3 r. -t 15. ltave you ever had a llcense ln our rreaunder any name that was: A) Revoked 8) Denied C) Suspended tf so, please explain: or any other area ..a...aa' !7).If registrant rs corporation or partnership, prease strteappl i cant relationshi pf pbsi iiin: "t"' a a . a . a . a . a a a a . . . a a a a a a a l8) l.lhat is your postion ln this registration? A) 0fficer 8) Stockholder C) Princi pa't . D) other: , 19) social security t, ...L}.T..Y.$.:.( 1.7 b -r ') \-v 7-_L)^a f To TF{e Tokr ^f o tr lTtr i'; I Atn" T+te Soee oo-JrugA I i 0f M ou nJ l*14rnJ rwE *p-+1,€S ,,i T@.,^ruJl{owrg 43f , I wLL(- , fuoT- flnu> T-LJe l-oh/ Af Lt A&LC ,,i Foru AUY ffezro eaJTS / U ;,i coNsTrLucTtonJ THeRa ,',', TH eP+ v{./LLL 13 e MO e?qPt-0VGg €9 n4Lf-l *W v3 2/ fuac-/r/,'* 4t>=-L I o. PROO(rcER iI filr Emr llqfr h.lr tt0EtLrE ltatl _..civ:\ St \n'r"' - ,wvE e rc tuEeq r |I 03/25/91 THT' CEFTIFICATE IS FSUED A3 A XATTEF OF II{F'OflATIOI{ OI{LY AIO @ifEns NO RICHTS I.POI{ THE CERTIFICATE I{OLD€R. THIS CEFTIFICATE DOCS iIOT AXEI\D, EXIEI{O OA ALTER THE OOVERAGE AFFONDED EY T}G PIOUCIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED brlr b.rtrrb l'.aEtll, ol fl.rl f#Es" A ffiEA"'g St. Paul Fire & Marine COMPANY .iLETIEF VSrfiarFr E{Ef" D 38#ES" e flls |3 TO CETNFY THAT POIrc|ES OF IXSUHANCE LTSTED EELOW HAYE EEEII ISSUEO TO T}€ I ST'NED '{AIEO ABOVE FOR TI{E POIJCY PCNOO F'DICATED. I{OTWITIISTANDSIG AIIY RE(ruNETENT. TERX OR CONOIrIOI{ OF AI{Y @NTRACT OR OT}|EN OOCI'TENT WTTH FESPECT TO WI{ICH THF CEFTIFICATE TAY BE IssuED oR xAY PERTAN.,?HE INSUhANCE AFFoRD€o BY THE Forrc|Es DESonIBED HEREIN ]S SUE,ECT TO ALI YHE TERT$, EXCLUSTOTTS, AIID COI{D} Ttof{s oF 6lrcH PoucrBs, TYPE OF INSUMNCE POLICY NUMB€R Po..f,f ttfEcrtt,E oAtE 0t /tlvYf) Ffl-fi D(fiMrXn OATE IIiI/U}YY) LI,AB|L.[rY UMITS IN TI{X'SAT'O8 ffi|lffiE;l ^mRec^tE GI_1:iIENAL LIABIUTV I MMPRTHENSIVE roRM PRfLlStSOPERATl0i6 utiDf Rcmu!{o o(Pt06r0N & 0o|_LAPSE HAZAF0 PR0o|JcIS/Co[ IPLEIED OPERATIoNS CONTMfiUAL If{OCPEiOEI{T CONIRACTORS\ BRoAD FoRM PR0P€FrY dAi4{C€ PERSOI{AI- INJURY 0 $ t:Frtt oulr.nt 0!lca/n 800rLY tf$uRY $$l PNOP€RTY OAMAGE $$ HAPO coMaNeo $ trE $ $PERSONAL INJURY AI JTflO€ILE LNA[-|TY luv ruro I ALt OWNEo AWoS (PR|V. PASS.) I nr-r. olv'lro owos (0.1,1r.^rHS) L HTRED ArrrG Nor,lovt $ At T6 cnMee Lng -rTY (I|-Y f,INY (PER rRSO0 $ $ mtY runY (PrR rfirn{D $ PFOP€RTY OAI,IAG€$ BI &PO COIIIBINEO $ Exr cEss uAauw I uugReu.A FoRM I orrr* ,*0,', ,MBRETLA F'RM 8r tPo COi.|BINED $ woaKEns' @[PE sATioN AI{D flPLOYERS' LIAEIUW STATUTOflY '',cH, .:ls (ors ;H ACCIDENT) EASE-P0tCY UMIT) EAS€.EACH EMPLOYEE B OTHER Ets- arf -l.-d rM081010r5 o rs t[l!r 05/12/90rltsl 05/12/91 dlot/A $2,700,000.00 OESCRIPTION OF OPEMTIONSVLOCATION$r'EHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Edwin McManus - RE: B1dg. Permit McManus Location of property - 4682 E. Meadow Drive, Unit ilJ-35, Vail, C0 81657 ATTN Lorilie Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 S}IOULD ANY OF THE ABOYE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE IHE EX. PIRATIOI{ DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COXPA Y WILL EI{DEAYOR TO TAIL .. DAYS IVRITTET NOTrcE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOI-OEN AIED TO THEurr. al?bm-unr ro rar- srrcfi NoncE srtAlr xpoeE xo oau@inon of, Llaarlrw OF AIIY KII{O UPOI{ THE @IIPANY. TTS AGE TS OF REPf,ES€I{TATN'ES. AUTHORIZED ryt I.JSAA PAGE , I REGION-NC3-I EDWIN C I/ICMANUS 4691 MEADOW DRIVE #35 vAIL C0 81657-4826 ctc 163 99 68 90A HOMEOWNERS INDEX OF PACKET CONTENTS Your insurance package is s€parated into two distinct categories. CATEGORY I contains policy specifications, coverages. conditions, and exclusions. CATEGORY ll (if applicable) contains additional. important information that is not a part of your policy, but should be read carefully end then k€Pt wlth your policy p.psrs, NOTE: Any premium charge or rsturn will be reflected on your next regular monthly strt€msnt, Please do not disregard your current billing stat€ment. CATEGORY I CATEGORY II FORM # TITLE FORM # TITLE HO-D - DECLARATIONS HO-ENO - ENDORSEI.IENTDECLARATIONS HO-6R - CONDO OWNERS CONTRACTH0-c0 - sPEctAL PRovtstoNs HO-2I5R - PREI,I I SES ALARI.I 300 - CERT r F I CATE 0F ASSUT.IPT r0N HO-728R - REPLACE}iENT COST ENO. HO-3978R - ADJUSTED CONTENTS END FOR U.S. GALLS: Policy Service 1-800-531-8111. Claims 1-800-531-8222. EXCEPTIONS: Auto Claims in AK or Hl - see your local Directory. lf you are in the Washington D.C. Metro Area {Claims only), Cotorado Springs, Denver, Highland Falls. Sacramento, San Antonio or Tampa, please see your LOCAL DIRECTORY for Policy Service md Cldme Print within boxed boundaries TOI,iN OF VAIL ATT1{: I,ORELEI COMMI.]NITY DEVEX-OPMEM CM{TER 75 S FROMAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81658 Policv No. # 463 99 68 90A MCS0l 00470{191 PAGE 2 REGION:.NC3-Irt I.JSAA ffi : ff [ :':"']::: :\::.: :: :#' HOMEOWNERS POLICY DECIARATIONS This Declarations Page torms a part of your Homeowners policy. Please keep it with your policy papers. Named Insured and Property Location EDWIN C MCMANUS JR 4582 MEADOW DRIVE #35 VAIL, EAGLE, CO 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSN: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS POLICY PERIOD: From 06-19-90 Coverage is provided premrum Policy Numberclc 463 99 68 90A (12:01 AM. standard time at location of the principal residence) coveraoe. Form and Endorsements made H0-END(01-8e). H0-728R (01-88 ) , ro 06- 19-91 limit of liability is part of this policy at time of H0-c0 (01-88 ) H0-3e78R (01-88 ) , lssue: H0 6 R 300 (01-91 ) (01-88 ) ,H0-216R (01-88), DEDUCTTBLE - SECTTON | $100 ALL PERILS. In case of loss under Section l. we cover only that part of the loss over the deductible stated. MORTGAGEE Name and Address) Asslgnment of this polacy shell not be velid sxctpt wlth the written consent of thc Company. In WITNESS WHERE0F, this policy is signed on 03122151 d-U,* tL^" C*/,1 l,/",,*.- William McCrae, Secretary Robert T. Herres, President B,@,72D-AD Robert F. McDermott, Chairman Section I Coverages and Limlt of Liabllity Section ll Coverages and Limit of Liebility F. lle{ical Payments Eacn oerson $1 ,000 A. Dwelling $7,000 C. Personal Property $33, 800 D. Loss ol Use $13,520 E. Personal Liabilitv Each occurrence' $500,000 HO-D Ed.6-89 REFLECTS COVERAGE CURRENT AS OF 0I.17-9I PAGE 3 * TISAA t|A CASUALTY INSURANCE C0MPOY HOMEOWIERS ENDORSEMENT DECLARATIONS Specifically listed below are the Declarations and premiums for endorsements made a part of this policy at the time of issue. The €ndorsoments ere attach€d stating t€rms and conditions. Policy Number Policy Term: 06 - 19 - 90 06- 19 -91 CiC 463 99 68 90A tnception Expiration HO.216R (01-88} PREMISES ALARM SYSTEM TOTAL TERM PREMIUM $3CR HO-728R (01-88} REPLACEMENT COST ON CONTENTS ENDORSEITIENT TOTAL TERM PREMIUM $25 HO-3978R (01-88) CONTENTS iNDEXING Ho-END Ed. 1-89 03/22/9'l zt Jo I e6Ed 88-r p3 Ug-OH 'pepugure se '[ 96 I ]o epoS ecuernsul sexel aqt iq pelrnbe: se ;eno.rdde JeUB 'sn Aq palelcep eq Aeu s9 spuepr^rp ot pa[rlue sJe no1 snneflq slr o] ]oelqns pup VVSn ]o regrrleur B Els noi 'Aclgod s1q1 6u;seqc.rnd lg :uolledlclued 'pepueure se 'l 961 'to epoJ ecuernsul sexel er.ll +o e0'61 elcBrv Aq palrnbel lunours eql lo ssecxs ur snpdlns eell e seq VVSn gcurs runruleJd rnoA ]o lunoure e(tr .to; Iluo elqerl are no1 :Agrpqerl lue6urluoC oN 'srequcsqns eql Aq ulq uenr6 {1.roqpe 9q} Jgpun 1ce1-ur-leu.ropy se WSn ,o u?rlJrell3 eq1 iq abueqcxS ecuernsupelul uB lo ued sE penssr sr lcrgod JnoA 1ce3-ur-Aeulogv srrPer r uBulJrBrl3 :lrsodeq suBeur urnlueJd 196ueqcxf eguBJnsurJelu; .ro pcoldrcgg sueour Aueduro3 .ro vvsn 'Jno 'sn 'e^n :JgqrJcsqns suegur pgJnsul Jo Jno 'no1 :lcBJluoC sueeu icr;o6 :6urueeu eugs eql ener1 sprom +o s}es eseq} ltcrlod rnoA u1 uolleredo lo ueld . suolslaord puB suolllulfep lEloods . slecord;ceg . Ac1lod elqessossB-uou V 'Aueduo3 Er.ll se suolleJelceq'wsn Jo uotlBrcossvpelun ueqrn ildde -sNorsl^oud 1v30udt33H gql uo p9uJeu sl elqou]olnv secr^J9s esne13 e6e61.roy1 lueureBles sso'] sso'l Jellv se[no lserelul elqBrnsul sNor$oNo3 sNorsm3x3 ISNTVgV O3UnSNr Sllu3d preS upeJ] slueld puE sqnrqs'seerl le^olleu slJqec se6ereno3 Fuolllppv Esn Io ssol seoere^oC filedo.r6 s39VU3AOC 6 I L E sOBd uo 6uruurbeg Aru:rdoud uno^ - | Norrc3s sNoltrNtJ30 J_N3hl33U0V z z elq!lcnpeo ecu?Jnsul lo slunourv s96eJe^o3 porc6 ic;1o6 ecueprseH rno^ Jo uollsco'l eureN JnoA 39Vd SNOIIVUV]C3o p/'^eueH-uoN uo!lellecue? poue6 Acr;o4 sNor$oNo3 LJ 3CN3U:IJ3U )CtnO 'A.I1nJ3UVC SrNSn3SUOONSoNv 'sNotrvuv'rc3o 'Ac!'rod uno^ ovgu 'urnlureld E qtlrn suolleJElcegu! urvroqs acuElnsul lo slunouB se6ereaoc eql sep;lo.rd {c;1od rno^ 'Acrpd eq 1o syed roleut eql pus suo!]eJqceq aqt ur peuPluoc uollgurJolur l?lluessg seur[no ^,\olgquollcgs e9ueJele8 lclno eql slueuesJopue elqeqldde Aue pu? eOBd suoqBJqce6lnol sn;d rtcllod s[S ]o slslsuoe sn pue noA ueervrleq lce4uoc ecueJnsul slgu Aoeurorl grl1 'ACt]od suSNAAOSUtrOH 6u;paeg Asag.nor( 31 8!qI Eql pu" il puB I sNotrc3s sso'l JeIJV s€rlno Alttqen +o rlult'l sNolI|oNoc sJeq[O ]O iuadord o] aOBureO sesuedx3 plv lsrlJ sesuedx3 uta13 S39VU3AOC ]VNO|r|OOV sNorsnlcx3 sJelllo ol sluetuAe6 leclpe6 ArttnEn leuosred s30vu3Aoc 91 ,J ZJ l1 Alt'ltsvtl unoA - il No[c3s 9BZAL sexel'oruolu! ueg o 6u;p1;ng yygJ'1 dnou9 vvsn \ilsn \Nv06 89 65 tgr 3t3r 39Vd PAGE clc 163 99 58' Homeowners 6R Unit-Owners Form Ed. 1-88 5 90A AGREEMENT We will provide the insurance described in this policy in return for the premium and compliance with all applicable provisions of this policy. DEFINITIONS In this policy, "you" and "your" refer to the "named insured" shown in the D€clarations and the spouse if a resident of the same household. "We," "us" and "our" r€f€r to the Company providing this insurance. In addition, certain words and phrases are defined as follows: 1. "bodily injury" means bodily harm, sickness or diseas€, including required care, loss of services and death that results. 2. "business" includes trade, Drofession or occupation. 3. "insured" means you and residents of your household who are: a. your relatives; or b. other persons under the age of 21 and in the care of any person named above. Under SECTION ll, "insured" also means: c. with respect to animals or watercraft to which this policy applies, any person or organization legally responsible f or these animals or watercraft which are owned by you or any person included in 3a or 3b above. A p€rson or organization using or having custody of these animals or watercraft in the course of any business 9r without consent of the owner is not an insured; d. with resp€ct to any vehicle to which this policy applies: (1) persons while engaged in your employ or that of any person included in 3a or 3b above; or (2) other persons using the vehicle on an insured locdlon with your consent 4. "insured location" m6ans: a the residence premises; b. the part of othor premises, other structures and grounds used by you as a residence; c. any premises us€d by you in connection with a premises in 4a or 4b above; d. any part of a premises: (1) not owned by an lnsured; and (2) where an insured is temporarily residing; e. vacant land, other than farm land, owned by or rented to an insured; f. land owned by or rented to an insured on which a one or two family dwelling is being built as a residence for an insured; S. individual or family cemet€ry plots or burial vaults of an insured; or h. any part of a premises occasionally r€nted to an insured for other than business use. 5. "occurrence" means an accident, including continuous or repeated Sxposure to substantially the same general harmf ul conditions, which results. during the policy period, in: a. bodilY injury; or b. property damage. 6, "prop6rty damage" means physical in jury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible Property. "residence employee" maans: a an employee of an insured whose duties are related to the maintenance or use of the residence prsmises, including household or domestic services; or b. one who performs similar duties elsewhere not relat€d to the buslness of an insured' "residence premises" means the unit where you reside and which is shown as the "resldence premaass" in the Declarations. 7. 8. Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office. with its permission. HO-6R Ed. 1-88 Page 2 ot 17 4t lo t eEBd 'uorssl,uJed sll o t{ll/v\'ecllJo secr^res ecuernsul Jo :r{su ro sprlq 'sprulue lecugJnsul Jaqlo Jo sll,{l ul peJnsul lllacrrrrceds pu? peql.rgsep igeleredas selctl'te :.F^oc lou op eM'perelo3 toN {uedo.rd 'sgtJosssccs pue luEuldtnbe rleql pue suec 1106 esoql ol ^pde lou seop Acrlod srql ueql 'suBc ,106 ol ssol pcFAqd buugnoc icr;od epqourolne ue s! eJsql 'ssol lo sulll sr{l 1e 'll }nE 'serJossscce pue lueurdtnbereql pue suBc 1;oD pazr.rolor! uo OOO'gs 'esodJnd sseugsnq Aue Jo] Jguueur Aue ur Jo eurq iue l? pesn 'sesluerd ocuoplsor eql ulorJ Aervre 'Al.rado.td uo gg75 'esod.rnd sseugenq Aue Jo:t JauupuJ lue ut .to autl Aue le pesn 'seslueld ecuaplsor gt{l uo 'iuedo.td uo 009'zs 'layvrad .^ro plo6 '.ren[s ourpnlcul Jo +o epeul serqdorl pue sle.4 'sles eel 'e.re/\^/v\ollotl 'eJeMl?ll sepnlcur slr|I 'eJ9lv\Ja]M9d pue e.rervr pa1e1d-plo6'erB/v1plo6'alern peled-ranlF 'erBMrenps lo Ueql Aq ssol Jo] 009'Zs sureer!] ]o llelll iq ssog roJ OOO'ZS 'seuols snorceld-lues pue snotceld 'sln1 'seqc1em '{.r;er"re[ ]o lreq] iq ssol rot OOO'ls 's.relJeur enet6 uo 000'ls flPJcJeleM qIM Pesn lou sjellerl uo 000't s 'sJolouJ pJeoqlno pue lueludrnbe's6utqstuJnl 'sJelrell .rreq1 burpn;cur 'llrelcJeler"r uo 000'ls slslx€ lerreleur ew rlcil,l/\^ uo (eJs,v\tlos .ralnduoc .ro .rsded se qcns) unlpgr,lr eLll lo sselpJ?6eJ seuobelec eseql ol se;1dde llulll Jellop slql leusler! pe6euep Jo ]sol eql uroJl uollgtrlJolul eql eJolsel lo ecelder 'qcJeeseJ ol lsoc eql sepnlcur llurll slrll 'sduets puB stEloll 'sllodssed 'spJoceJ leuosred 'slducsnuew 'selou lueq usql reqlo selou'llperc +o sreltel 'lqap lo secuepl^e 'speep 'slunocce 'selllrnces uo 000't s 'slepeul pug sutoc 'unu4e;d '9J?/V\J9AIS U?ql Jeqlo Jg^lls '9J9MplO6 Ugql reqlo p1o6 'uolllnq 'selou )ueq 'ieuoul uo OOZS 'A.ro6elec pq ur lyedoJd lle rot ssol tlcee ro+ tllr.lll lelol e$ sr Moleq rt.ro6elec peJequnu qcee Jol lllJ/tl lerceds eql 'r{llilqell }o lulll 3 e6eleno3 eql esgereul lou op slrulrl eseql 'A!l!ge!'l ,o srltu!'l ;ercedg 88-t p3 Ug-OH sePnlcul 'eJaql Apedo.rd er.{} e^our ol ul6eq noA eug eql uror} siep 0g sr.ll Jo, uollBlulll s[t] o] rc9lqns lou sr gcueprser ledleuud pe.rrnbce A;rvreu e ul Arcdod lsuosJed 'relee.r6 sl Js^gqcr1m 'OOO'ts Jo 'C e6ereno3 ro1 Aflllqpll to $rill a$ Jo %0 I sr 'aesluteld ecueplsel eql ueql Jelso 'ecueprsgJ a,pe.maul ue l9 pele9ol Alpnsn AyedoJd lBuosred .ro1 l$111qe11 lo llurll JnO 'pe.mau! ue Aq perdncco ecugprsgJ iue ul sl {}pdo.rd eql ellqM 'eeAo;due ecueplser e .ro lsen6 e 'g :ps.nsu! ue rlq petdncco seslutatd ecueplser eql ]o l.red eql uo sr {1.redo.rd eq} ellr.lrn sJeqto 'l :Aq peurvro lyado,rd FuosJed Jenoc lll/v1 ervr 'lsenber .rnoA 1y pUoM eqt u! ereqMAue s! il epqm pernsu! ue {q pesn Jo peuMo Auedord ;euosred lgnoc erv'r '/noloq suorsllord perno3 loN {uedo.rd pue ilrgrqerl Jo suurl p;cedg et4 ol pefqng Auedo.r6 lauosred - C A9\/U3AOC e6a.re6 elenr.rd e se l;e1os pesn sselun 'sesgurerd ecusplseJ gtll lo ueuel B lou uosJgd iue ol lelueJ Jol plgrl Jo pelueJ seJnlcruls ? .ro :sEsod.rnd sseulsnq JO+ lJBd ur JO 9lor.lM Ur pgsn SeJnlsruls 'l JeAO9 lou op eM 'pgl?col 6.19 sgJnl9nJls .to Ayedold leeJ 'saslrrterd ecueppsel 9r,.ll qcr1tn uo pue; 6urpnlcur 'pusl ol Aldde gou sggp BOeJeAoc sr,ll 'ses;urerd ecueplsel eql lo uoltpcol eql te 'sesluterd ecuepgse.r er,ll usr4l rcg1o 'noA iq Apps p€u/r^o seJnlcn.qs ? puP llueueeJ6g sJeuMo AuEdold to uorlglcossg Jo uollsJodJoc I Jgpun Alglqrsuodsel ecueJnsu! Jnol sr qqqrvr firdold 'g :see;urerd ecueplsel gtll ol ilenlsn;cxe ueped qqqrn Alredold leer 1o surgll3 :seslurerd eoueplse.r eql ult$l/v\ peuleluoc pue Euppnq eql lo ued eJB qcrq/v\ slueureaorduupue semlxrl 'secuerldde 'suorpJelp eql 'l :Jgn oc eAA 6u;1;enq - V itgVUAnOC o lerJgleul ryFur{doc '01 '8 .L '9 '9 'v .E s39VU]nOC Aru3dOHd - | NOllClS v06 s 89 66 egr 3t3 tgvd 3. motor vehicles or all other motorized land conv€yances. This includes: a equipment and accessories; or b. any device or instrument f or the transmitting, recording, receiving or reproduction of sound or pictures which is operated by power f rom the elecrical system of motor vehicles or all other motorized land conveyances, including: ('l) accessories or antennas; or (2) tapes, wires, records, discs or other media for use with any such device or instrument while in or upon the vehicle or conv€yance. We do cover vehicles or conveyances not subject to motor vehicle registration which are: a used to service an insured's residence; or b. designed for assisting the handicapped. We also cover motorized golf carts and their equipment and accessories, subject to th6 provisions under Special Limits of Liability. 4. aircraft and parts. Aircraft m6ans any contrivance used or designed for flight, except model or hobby aircraft not used or designed to carry people or cargo; 5, property of room€rs, boarders and other tenants, except property of roomers and boarders related to an insured; 6, property in an apartment regularly rented or held for rental to others by an lnsured; 7. property rented or held for rental to others off the resadence premises; 8, business data, including such data stored in: a books of account, drawings or other paper records; or b. electronic data processing tapes, wires, records, discs or ottrer software media However, we do cover tha cost of blank recording or storage mgdia, and of pre-recorded computer progrsms available on the retail market. 9. cradit cards or fund transfer cards exceot as provided in ADDITIONAL COVERAGES. COVERAGE D - Loss Of Use The limit of liability for Coverage D is the total limit for all the coverages that follow. PAGE clc 163 99 68' 1. lf e loss caused by a Peril lnsured Against to covered propBrty or the building containing the property, makes the residence premises not fit to live in, we cover, at ygur choice, either of the f ollowing. However, if the residence premises is not your principal place of residence, we will not provide the option under paragraph b. below. a. Additionel Living Expense, meaning any n€cessary increase in living expenses incurrad by you so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living; or b. Fair Rental Value, meaning the fair rental value of that part of the resadonce premlses where you reside less 8ny €xpenses that do not continue while the premises is not fit to live in. Payment under a or b. will be for the shortest time required to repair or replace the damage or, if you permanently relocate, the shortest time reguired for your household to settle elsewhere. 2. lf a loss caused by a Peril lnsured Against makes that part of the residence prcmises rented to others or held for rental by you not fit to live in, we cover the: Fair Rental Value, meaning the fair rental value of that part of the residence promlass rent€d to oth€rs or held for rental by you less any exP€nses that do not continue while the premises is not fit to live in. Payment will be for the shortest time required to repair or replace that part of the premises rented or held for rental. 3. lf a civil authority prohibits you from use of the residence premises as a result of dirsct damage to neighboring premises by a Peril Insured Against in this policy, we covsr the Additional Living Expenss or Fair Rental Value loss as provided under 1 and 2 above for no more than two w€eks. The periods of time under 1. 2 and 3 sbove are not limited by expiration of this policy. We do not cover loss or exp€nse due to cancellation of a lease or agreement No deductible applies to this coverage. 7 90A lncludes copyright material of lnsurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. t-88 Page 4 of 17 z1 lo I e6Bd :ploqssnoLl rnoi ]o lueplser e Aq ? :pJBC J9]Sue4 pun, io pJe9 upeJ9 s ]o esn Jg^oc lou op e^A 'Acuel'rnc JedBd uetpeue3 Jo salels pslrun 1elJetunoc lo q1p1 poo6 ur ecueldecce q6no4l peJnsu! us ol ssol p pue :lugurrulsul elqE$o6Eu Jo lceqc iue lo uollBJelle .ro lle6.ro; lq pasnec pernsu! ue ol ssol 'c 1gurPu s,palnsu! ue ut pelelslbel .ro ol penssr 'spun+ +o JelsuBJl Jo le/v\?Jpr{}lM 'lFodep ro] pgsn pJec Jalsuerl punl e lo Esn pezrJor{}neun Jo l}ell} uorl 6ug1nse.r ssol 'q :eutgu s,potnsu! ue ur peralsr6eJ Jo ol panssr spre3 llpeJc lo esn pgzrJoloneun ro l+eql eql ]o esneceq AEd ol pernsu! us ]o uorle6llqo p6eg eq1 'e :.lo+ OOO'IS o1 dn Aed llfvl eA 'Aeuol\l llolJeruno3 pue fue6ro1 'preC relsuBrl punJ 'preC llpe.lC '9 'pe^oruer 6uFq Auedold eqt ot selldde leqt ,{rtlgelt }o lull eql e6ueqc }ou seop e6erEnoc slql 'pe^oureJ glltlrv\ s^ep 0t ugql eJoll'l ou ro+ pue lsule6v pernsul 11.rc6 e lq pe.ra6uepue sesruerd e uroJl peloureJ 6upq ellq/vl EsnEc iue uioJl ssol lcallp lsule6e fuedold pere^oc eJnsu! eA 'pelotrtou Apedord 's 'ebe.lenoc slr.lt ol salldde elq[cnpep oN 'eoueJnsur lguolltppe sr eberenoc stql 'esuodser luaul:edep et!l ar.;1 6urqsrulnl lculsrp uotlcalo,rd ,ro All;edtctunut 'Allc eql +o st$rll eq+ uqll/vl pelecol sl rtuedold Eql 1 se6.reqc ecllJgs lueurl.redep e.l; Jeloc lou op e71i1 lsup6v peJnsul ltJed ? uloJl luedo.rd psren oc lcelord Jo elss ol pell"c sr 1uer,r4.ledep eJrJ eql ueq A PeJJncut se6leqc 1uer,r,4redep e.r11 Jo+ lu€turesl6e lo 1ce.4uoc Aq peu,rnsse fi;;;qe;; .rnoA .ro1 OOgs ot dn r{ed lpm s1111 '.6rEqC ec!ruEs lueuuedeg srlJ 't 'ecueJnsur leuolltppe s! e6?J9^oc srtll sEsod.rnd saeutsnq .to1 urvrolo Auedo.td Jeloo lou op e1111 ueld .ro qnrqs 'BeJl Euo ^uerol OOgs uer.;1 erour .ro '3 e6e:eno3 ol sEldde 1eq1 A1;1;qe11 ,o llurll eql lo %0 [ uEql eJoul eq lou lll/v\ e6erenoc slt{t ro} t{111!qe;1 1o }lull aqJ 'ueql Jo Jelqcslul snolclpul Jo ursrlBpuen 'seslurald ecueplset aql lo lueprseJ e Aq peleledo Jo peumo lou selcrLlen 'lleJclrv 'uotloruuoc lrnrs Jo lolu 'uolsoldx3 89 66 tgr 3t3 3gvd 88-r p3 ug-OH '6u;qq611 ro e.llJ lsule6v pernsul spJed 6urrvrollo1 e$ Aq pasnec ssol Jo, 'seslruetd Ecueplser eql uo 'su/v\Bl .to slue;d 'squqs 'seeJl rg^oc 9M 'sluEld JErllo puB sqnrqs 'see{ '€ 'p'z sNorJoNof, - |No[33s ul quo+ les se 'AuEdo.rd pere^oc ol ssol e lo essc ur 'serlnp rnoA 1o noi elelleJ lou sgop 'q :&.rEdo.rd pere^oo eql ol selpde lBr+ ^llllcpll to llurll eql eseercu! lou seop ? :e6elenoc srql 1sUpFV peJnsul 1114 egeqldde ue [q pesnec s! A.redo.rd ]er4 ol e6eurap eql pue icrlod slql r6pun peJe^oo sr Ayedord 1eq1 1; rt;uo sernseeur esoql JoJ ied ;Irvr eaa 'ipedord pe6eurep Jeqlo ol lqeder aalonul uelsl sernsBeur eq1 11 e6euep rer{Un} }sure6e lce}o.rd ol Alelos uglsl sglnseeur i.psseceu ro; noi rtq pelncur lsoc alcpuoseE.r eql ied lllm elrrr'1suFOV palnsul p.re; elqecrldde ue rtq pabeurep s! ilredold peJenoc teql lue^e eq1 u1 'sledeg algBuosagg 'Z €Jnlcn.qs pere^oc e sebeurpp Fleer eql peplao.rd :3 ebelano3 rpun pureOy pernsul 1pe3 e iq pelp] F)serl s;oqqOreu e 'c JO :lgels Jo Mous 'ecl lo ll{6FA }o tr.red eq1 Iq pe1pl (s)ee4 nol 'q :lleq ro urrolspurg to 11rd aq1 ltq peg1e1 1spe.4 moi e 1o sesrurerd ecuepleer eql uror+ lenourer erjl ro+ 'ep6er66e eqr u! OOgs o1 dn 'esuedxe elq?uoseeJ :nolt Aed oslB lpm e171 'esuedxg l?^oureJ suqep Je^oo o] elqqr?^e eq lllM firpqerl 1o llu4l leql lo %g lzuol1ppE ue 'fuedoJd pe6eurep eql Jol ,{rttgett lo lplrll al+ speecxe lenou.rer srrqep Jol ssuedxs eq sqd Al.tedold Et+ ol e6euep lenlce eql rol egeAed lunoure eto uaqM'Alrdo.rd pe6euep er{l ol selldde }er$ ft;pqerl 1o llrull erll ul pepnlcu! s1 esuedxa srrg '6urppnq e u! peureluoo Ayedod .ro 6up1pqI ol ssol lgeJrp pgsnec spq lB$ uorldnle crueolo^ e uroJl sepg.rd Jo lsnp 'qse q JO :SSOI 9rll SgSnEc r{uedo.rd pe6aaep eql o} selldde }eql 1sUteOV pornsul lged e l! {Uadold pere^oc }o slJgap ? :lo F^oureJ e[.8 JoJ asusdxe elqeuoseer rnoA ied lllm e/v\ 'lBloureg sltqag 't S39VU3AOC 'rVNOr!OOV 'uorssruJod sll r{}lM 'Bcll}O secrlJgs ecueJnsul }o lerJe}Bur lq6r.rAdoc sepnloul v06 I b. by a person who has €ither type of card; or entrusted with c. if an Insured has not comolied with all terms and conditions under which the cards are issued. All loss resulting from a series of acts committed by any one person or in which any one person is concerned or implicated is considered to be one loss. We do not cover loss arising out of business use or dishonesty of an insured. This coverage is additional insurance. No deductible applies to this coverage. Defense: a We may investigate and settle any claim or suit that we decide is appropriate. Our duty to def end a claim or suit ends when the amount w€ pay for the loss eguals our limit of liability. b. lf a suit is brought against an insured for liability under the Credit Card or Fund Transf er Card coverage, we will provide a defense at our exp€nse by counsel of our choice. c. We have the option to defend at our expense an insured or an insured's bank against any suit for the enforcement of payment under the Forgery coverage. 7. Loss Assessmont. We will pay up to S1,000 for your share of loss assessment charged during the policy period against you by a corporation or association of property own€rs, when the assessm€nt is made as a result of direct loss to the property, owned by all members collectively, caused by a Peril Insured Against under Coverag€ A - Dwelling, other than earthquake or land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption. This coverage applies only to loss assessments charged against you as own€r or tenant of the residence premises. We do not cover loss assessments charged against you or a corporation or association of property owners by any governmental body. The limit of 51,000 is the most we will pay with respect to any one loss, regardless of the number of assessments. Condition l. Policy Period, under SECTIONS I and ll - CONDITIONS. does not apply to Loss Assessment PAGE clc 163 99 68' .8. Collapse. We insure for direct physical loss to covered property involving collaPse of a building or any part of a building caus€d only by one or more of the following: a. Perils Insured Against in Coverage C - Personal Property. These perils aPply to covered building and personal ProPerty for loss insured by this additional coverage; b. hidden decay; c. hidden insect or vermin damage; d. weight of contents, eguipment. animals or people; e. weight of rain which collects on a roof; or f. use of defective mat€rial or msthods in construction, remod€ling or renovation if the collapse occurs during the course of the construction, remodeling or renovation. Loss to an awning, f ence, patio. pavement, swimming pool, underground pipe, f lue. drain, cesspool, septic tank, foundation, retaining wall, bulkhead, pier, wharf or dock is not included under items b, c, d, e and f unless th€ loss is a direct result of the collapse of a building. Collapse does not include settling, cracking, shrinking, bulging or expansion. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged cov€red property. 9. Lock Replacement. When the dwelling door keys are stolen in a covered theft loss, we will pay the cost to: a. change the combination in the lock cylinder of the door locks as needed; or b. change the lock hardware of the doors as needed. The limit of liability for Lock Replacement is $250. No deductible applies to this cov€rage. 10. Food Spoilage. We will pay you up to $500 for loss caused by Power Failure to the contents of a freezar or a refrigerator located on th€ residence premloes, This coverage does not increase th€ Coverage C limit of liability. No deductible applies to this coverage. The Power Failure exclusion under SECTION I - EXCLUSIONS, does not apply to Food Spoilage. I 90Ao been Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. 1-88 Page 6 of 17 LL p L e6ed :pgoBcsg ueels Jo Jele/v\ eql qclqM uorl e3usrlddB Jo uralsis er.ll ol e :ssol gpnlcur ]ou sgop ltJgd slql 'peoBcse ureels Jo rele/l^ eql qcrq,v\ ulorJ ecuerlddg ro urels^s ew Jr?deJ ol AJgssecgu l! 'seslurajd ecuopls€reql uo puP v e6era^o] Jepun pele^oc sr r,lcrr,ll'a 6u;plrnq sql Jo upd iue Ourcelde,t pue lno 6ur.ree1 lol Aed osle eM ?ere uorlppuno1 eql uror, Je+ervr uleJp ol peubrsep eotnop Jepulrs Jo 11em duns 'dund duns e gpnlcur tou seop uelsAs burqurnld e '1.red srql u; 'ecuetldde ploqesnoq e urqlrrvr uroJ] Jo uelsAs relluuds enrlcalo.rd eJlJ cr1euroln? Jo Dutuo;gqpuoc lre '6uqeeq 'Durqrunld 9 uugrm uroJ1 ulBets ro JolB,vr Jo ,vrollJe^o ro e6reqcslp lElueplccv 'Zl )cop ro +req/v\ '.rerd 'peeq1lnq 'llelrn 6urureleJ 'uorlepuno; ';ood 6utufl,urrvrs 'lueurened 'orpd 'ecue1 'outurvre ue ol ssol epnlcur lou seop ;;red s;q1 'Ourpytnq e ut pgureluoc Alrado.rd eq1 .ro burppnq I ol ebpulep sesngc qctqM leels ro ,nous 'sc! lo lq6leM 'll 'papnlcul lou sr ;1esy lcelqo Oulllel e$ o1 e6eure6 1celgo 6u;11e1 e Aq peOewep lsJ!] sr butpltnq eql lo lle/v\ eprslno uB Jo +ooJ eql sselun Duqplrnq e ut peureluoc Ayedord eq1 rc 6u1p1gnq e lo eprsur eql ot ssol epnlcur lou seop llJeo slLlf 'stce[qo 5u11;e3 '91 sledurgc pue sJelre4 'c Jo isJolour plsoqlno pue luerudtnbe 's6urqsru:n,t JleLll 6urpn;cur 'UBJoJglp/vUq lssol eqt ero]eq ilelelpeuu! s^ep gt eql 6ul.rnp eurl lue l? eJeql ueeq seq luepnls eql ,u arlorl urorl ieane ecueptseJ e lB glill/v\ P9JaAOC Sl pelnsu! Ue Sr Or.lM lugpnlse +o Alredo.rg 'ereql Outnrl A;r.relodulel sr p6rnsu! ue ellLlM loecxe 'Pernsu! ue {q perdncco ro 'ol pelueJ 'Aq Peu/vlo ecueprseJ reqlo Aue le €llrlm AuadoJd p :1o seslrueld ecueplsa.t eql Jlo srncco lEql Ueql Iq pesnec ssol epnlcur lou seop ltled s1q1 'pornsu! ue uBql Jeqlo ol peJnsu! u9 Aq paluer seelureld ecueplseJ I lo ued lgql uJoll 'c JO :pArdncco pue per.tslull s; 6u111ea,rp eql lrlun uotlcn.l}suoo aql ur esn JoJ ser;ddns pue sletJeleul +o Jo 'uorlcnJlsuoc Jspun 6u1lqeanp e ol Jo urq 88-r 'pl ug-oH r.rAdoc sepnlcul :pe.lnsu! u9 Aq peululu'loc e lleLp iq pesnec ssol epnlcur lou seop ;1,red s1q1 'uelots ueeq seq Auedold eql lEr.ll 11e41 sr lr ueqM eceld urvrou>1 e uroJl Alrdold ,ro ssol pua Ueqt peldua+le Eurpnlcur 'UeqI '6 luBCeA pejeprsuoc lou sr Pelcnrlsuoc 6uleq lrun V 'ssol eql eroleg ltlelerpeururl s^ep a^rlncasuoc 0e ua.ll eJouJ Jol lusce^ uagq seq ilun sql l! seeturerd ecuapleer gql uo rl1.redo.rd ol ssol epnlcu! lou seop 1.red stql 'le!qcs!ur snolc!l?lu ,ro urs!lBpuBA '8 'suo!lBJeoo lerJlsnput .ro 6ur6pnrus ;e.rn1;ncr.rbe uJoJ, elouJslq pesnec ssol epnlcur lou soop lpgd srLlf 'elours urolJ ebeurep lelueplcce pue ueppns Ourueeu 'elours 'Z 'seslureld ecueplser aql to lueprser e ^q peleledo JO peuMo elcrqa^ I iq pgsngc Ip,\^ Jo r{ervrenup 'ecuej e ol ssol epnl9ur lou seop lJecl slqI 'selolqe^ '9 lreJCgCBdS pue selrssrur pelledo.rd-11es burpnlculllBtcllv'g 'uoltouuroc ll^lc ro lolu 't 'uo!8oldx3 't '6u;pltnq pesolcue A1p1 e aplsur epgM rtluo 's.ro1our plBoqlno pue luerrdrnbe's6urqsrurn,'sJeperl reql pue UeJcJglBM ol ssol sgpnlcur 1rrcd s1q1 '6uruedo s[]l q6no.tql sJelue lsnp Jo pues 'leels '/v\ous 'ureJ gql pue llB/\A ro +ooJ e u1 bupuedo ue bursnec 6up1pq eql sebeuep lrgr.,l Jo pulm lo ecJol lceJlp eql sselun lsnp ro puBs 'leels 'Mous 'ula Aq pgsns9 6up1nq e ur peuleluoc Ayedold eq1 lo 6u;pgrnq e lo ePrsur orl] ol ssol epnlour lou seop lped s1q1 .l!Bq ro urrolspulM .z '6u;uq611 ro erlJ 'l 'sNo|Sn]cx3 - | NOIICIS ur pepnlcxe s! ssol eqt sselun Moleq Pelsrl luad e r(q pesnec C pue V seOEJe^oJ ur peqr.lcsep Auedold eL{l o} ssol pclsAgd }celrp Jot eJnsur gnn oo 'uorssruuad sll qlltvr 'eclllg s'sctnJss ecueJnsul 1o ;euepu.r 196 rsNrvDV stunsNr slru]d - r No[c3s v06 0t 89 66 89r 3t3 39Vd b. caused by or resulting from freezing exc€pt as provided in the peril of Freezing below; or c. on the residence premises caused by accidental discharge or overflow which occurs away from the building where the residence premises is located. d. to a building caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage over a period of weeks, months or years; e. on the rssidenae premises, if the unit has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days immediately before the loss. A unit being constructed is not considered vacant; 13. Sudden and accldentel t€ering.part, creoking, burning or bulglng of a steam or hot water heating system, an air cgnditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or an appliance for heating water. This peril does not include loss caused by or resulting from freezing exc€pt as provided in the peril of Freezing below. 14. Freezing of a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or of a household appliance. PAGE ctc 463 99 68- This peril does not include loss on the residonce premises while unoccupied, unless you have used reasonable care to: a maintain heat in the building; or b. shut off the water supply and drain the system and appliances of water. 15. Sudden and accidental damage from ertif icially generated electrical current. This peril does not include loss to a tub€, transistor or similar electronic compon€nt 16. Breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or stolrn window, and covered under Coverage A This peril does not include loss on the residence premiscs if the unit has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days immediately before the loss. A unit being constructed is not considered vacant. 17, Volcanic oruption other than loss caused by earthquake. land shock waves or tremors. ll s0A SECTION I - EXCLUSIONS L We do not insure f or loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss is excluded regardless of any other caus€ or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. a. Ordinance or Law, meaning enforcement of any ordinance or law regulating the construction, repair or demolition of a building or other structur€, unless specifically provided under this policy. b. Earth Movement, meaning sarthguake including land shock wav€s or tremors before, during or aft€r a volcanic eruption; landslide; mudflow; earth sinking, rising or shifting; unless direct loss by: (1) f ire; (2) explosion; or (3) breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window; ensues and then we will pay only for the ensuing loss. This exclusion does not apply to loss by theft Water Damage, meaning: (1) flood, surface water, wa\res, tidal water, overflow of a body of wat€r, or spray from any of these. whether or not driven by wind; {2) water which backs up through sew€rs or drains or which overf lows from a sump pump, sump well or similar device designed to drain water f rom the foundation area; or (3) water below the surface of the ground, including water which exerts pressure on gr . seeps or leaks through a building, sidewalk, driveway. foundation, swimming pool or other structur€. Direct loss by fire, explosion or theft resulting from water damage is cov€red. Power Fsilure, meaning the failure of power or other utility service if the failure takes place off the residence premises, except as provided in ADDITIONAL COVERAGES, Food Spoilage. But, if a Peril Insured Against ensues on tte residence premlses, w€ will pay only for that ensuing loss. d. Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. 1-88 Page 8 of 17 zt lo 6 eSEd 'ecgldeJ Jo Jredal ol PeJtnbeJ lunouje aql ueql gJour lou nq enle^ r,lsBc lBnlcg lB 'eu,lll elqeuoseeJ e ulLl}l/v\ pecEldsr Jo peJredeJ lou sr eoeuBp erll l! (zl 1ec?ldeJ Jo Jrsder ol lsoo lenlcP eql le 'guJrl elqEuoseal E urqlt'v\ p€cBldor ./o peJrBder sr eoBrlep elll ]l ( I l :6urlle/v\O - V goBre^o3 'q 'gcBldEJ Jo Jtedej ol psJtnbgl lunoure eql ueLll eJoul lou nq ssol ]o eutl aql le enls^ r.{sgc len}9e l? Auedojd lguosJed 2 :s/!^ollo] se pellles eJB sessol Auedold peJe^oJ 'lueurEl$ss ssol 'e 'ssol ]o esngc pue lunoue eql Burtels 'aBerenoc ieuoyl lre+reluno] pug A.rebrol 'prEO re+suerl punJ 'preC ]rpelo'st9vulnoS'lvNolltoov repun ulBlc e sl.roddns lplll lrneprl+e Jo ecueprle (81 pue :ssol enl?n leluau JlPl aql ],roddns leq) spJoceJ pue perJncut sasuadx3 6u1ng1 puo;1ppv roJ sldleca: 14) lenoqe eZ ur peqrrcsep Auadord ;euosrad pe6eurep jo Aloluanut eql (g) :selBuJllsg .lede.r pelrelep pue sburplrnq pe6euep ,o suortecr+rceds 191 :Acrlod eq1 Jo urrel eW 6ulmp Auadold eql ]o lcuedncco Jo ellll ur sebueqc (t) :ssol eql Jenoc Aeul qcrqnn €cuBJnsur Fl.llo (g) rll.tedo.rd eql uo suerl lle pu? pellonur llledo:d eq1 ur sreqlo lle puE peJnsu! eqt Jo lserelul etll (z) :ssol Jo esnec pue aull eql ( I l :]erleq pue . e6palr"roul :noi ;o lseq eql ol 'r.luol sles qcrqM ssol 1o troo.rd u.rorvrs 'pau61s rnoA 'lsenber Jno reue sAep 99 u[{l!M 'sn ol pugs '6 88-l p3 Ue-OH 'uorssrurrad sll qllm 'acllJo sscrlJes ecueJnsul lo lsueleur lq6r.ridoc sepnlcul leluBs eql u6;s pue 'pe.tnsu! Jeqlo Aue )to ecueseJd e$ ur lou elrqM 'qlBo Japun uorlBurugxg ol llurqns (gl pue :sglooc elPur ol sn lruJeo pue lsenDeJ e/v\ slueurncop pue spJocer qilM sn ep!^ord (Z) :Auado.rd pe6eurep e\q /v\oqs (l) :errnber A;qeuoseer e/v\ se uego sE 't lA.roluanur eq u1 sen6;1 eq1 A1;1sn[ teql slueurncop pa1eler pue sldrecer 'slllq lp qceuv 'ssol lo lunoruB puE enp^ qsgc l?nlce 'uorldr.rcsep 'A1r1uenb aql Ourmoqs Auedold ;euosred pe6euep 1o fuoluenur uB eJedaJd 'e :sasueoxs JredeJ ]o pJoceJ glpJnccs us deel qgy pue :ilredord eql lcElo.rd ol sJreder AJessecsu pus elqsuosseJ e)tpur (Z) :ebeurep requnJ uror1 il.redo.rd eW pelo.rd (ll 'p leDe.renoc p.re3 JelsueJl punJ ro prec l|perc 's3gvu3noc 1VNOSIOCV Jspun ssol Jo essc ur Aueduroc prec relsue4 pun] Jo pJec llpelc eql Atllou 'c :11eq1 Aq ssol +o esec ur ec;1od e4 {trgou 'q :gue6e .rno Jo sn ol Ecrlou ldruold enr6 p :euop eJP 6urrvrol;o; eql leql ees lsnur noi 'iuedord peJe^oc ol ssol e +o gsBc ul .sso'l .t€uv sellno rno^ 'z 'Alltqelt +o llurll elqec;ldde eql uer.ll erour ro1 'q JO :SSOI 'tO eurl eql le lseJglu! s,pelnsu! eql ]o lunouP gLB ueql eJour .ro, pernsu! eql ol 2 ssol euo Aue u1 elqe;; eq lou l[/l^ 9/v\ 'pgJe^oc iuedo.rd 9w ul ]sejglul elqeJnsur ue sgq uosJed euo ueql eJour +l ue^f 'A!l!qB!'I lo r!tu!'l puB tseretul elgBrnsul 'l sNoriloNoc - r No[c3s 'ssol P esnBc ol luslul eql qrl/n (z) pue :pernsu! us +o uollcellp st{l }e lo Iq 111 :pel$uuroc lce Aue lo 1no bursue sso; Aue 6urueeur 'ssol leuolluolut 'sNorroNo3 - | NO|I3SS Jo ssnelc p)ezeH rBelcnN eql ur quol lgs lualxe eql ol 'prezeH reelcnN 89 66 tgr 3t3 l9vd 'lelueprscB +r ue^e lce elllreM B Peueep eq lll/\^ uodee^ reelcnu e 1o e6.rqcs1g 'gseql ,oiue 1o ecusnbesuoc Aue Ourpnlcur puB'gsodJnd i.relrpu e Jol esn Jo elnzles Jo uollcnJlssp 'leuuosled A.relllur Jo ecrol i.4111ur e iq lce elrl'rervr 'uollnlongJ 'uorlleqeJ 'uorlcgJJnsu! ')eM l!^lc 'rean p€Jelcepun Ourpngcu; 're6 'ssol e jo aurl eql rellB pus le Auedojd sAJgSeJo pue g^es o] suBau elqeuoseeJ lle asn ol peJnsut otll lo lcalOeu Ourueeu 'gce16e1 't'q v06 zl '5 o Loss to a Pair or Set. In case of loss to a pair or set we may €lect to: a. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before tha loss; or b. pay the difference between actual cash value of the property before and after the loss. Glass Replacement. Loss for damage to glass caused by a Peril Insured Against will be settled on the basis of replacement with safety glazing materials when required by ordinance or law. hppraisal. lf you and w€ fail to agree on the amount of loss, either may demand an appraisal of the loss. In this €vent, each party will choose a competent apprais€r within 20 days after receiving a written request from the other. The two appraisers will choose an umpir€. lf they cannot agree upon an umpire within 15 days, you or we may request that the choice be made by a judge of a court of record in the state where the residence premises is located. The appraisers will separately set the amount of loss. lf the appraisers submit a written report of an agreement to us, the amount agreed upon will be the amount of loss. lf they fail to agree, they will submit their differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by any two will set the amount of loss. Each party will: a pay its own appraiser; and b. bear the other expenses of the appraisal and umpire egually. 7. Other Insurance, lf a loss covered by this policy is also covered by other insurance, except insurance in the name of a corporation or association of property owners, we will pay only the proportion of the loss that the limit of liability that applies under this policy bears to the total amount of insurance covering the loss. lf, at the time of loss, there is other insurance in the name of a corporation or association of property owners covering the same property covered by this policy, this insurance will be excess over the amount recoverable under such other insurance. This policy does not apply to motorized golf carts and their equipment and accessories when an automobile policy also applies PAGE crc 163 99 68' 8. Suit Against Us. No action can be brought unless the policy provisions have be€n complied with and the action is started within one year after the date of loss. 9. Our Option. lf we give you written notice within 30 days after we receive your signed, sworn proof of loss, we may repair or replace any part of the damaged proPerty with like property. 10. Loss Paymsnt. We will adjust all losses with you. We will pay you unless some oth€r person is named in the policy or is legally entitled to receive payment. Loss will be payable 60 days after we receive your proof of loss and: a r6ach an agr€em€nt with you; b. there is an entry of a final judgment; or c. there is a filing of an appraisal award with us. 11. Abandonment of Property, We need not accept any proPerty abandoned by an insured- 12. Mortgage Clause, The word "mortgagee" includes trustee. lf a mortgagee is named in this policy, any loss payable under Coverage A - Dwelling will be paid to the mortgagee and you, as inter€sts appear. lf more than one mortgagee is named, the order of payment will be the same 8s the order of precedence of the mortgages. lf we deny your claim, that denial will not apply to a valid claim of the mortgagee, if the mortgag€e: a notif ies us of any change in ownership, occupancy or substantial change in risk of which the mortgagee is aware; b. pays any premium due under this policy on demand if you have n€glected to pay the premium; and c. submits a signed, sworn statement of loss within 60 days after receiving notice from us of your failure to do so. Policy conditions relating to Appraisal, Suit Against Us and Loss Payment apply to the mortgagee. lf the policy is cancelled or not renewed by us, the mortgagee will be notified at least '10 days bef ore the date cancellation or non-ranewal takes effect t1 90A 4. 5. Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. t-88 Page 10 of 17 Zl lo 1l aEBd 88-t Pg Ug-OH 'uolsslulJed sll r.lll/t^ 'scltto seclnJes Ecuejnsul +o letJglB[! uou^doc sepnlcul 'pg.rnsu! ire lo eJec grll ut Jo Aq peurvro lPuruP ue Aq pasnec s1 'p Jo ipolnsul ue Aq lueuloldue s,eeAoldue eoueplser eql lo esJnoc er,11 ur eeAoldura ecueplser e iq pesnec slc :peinsu! ue 'o setlt^tlce eq1 Aq pssnec srq joululolpe Ale1e1peuur1 sAervr eq1 ro uollBcol pernsu! eql uo uolllpuoc e lo lno sesw 2 :tun[u; A1;poq eql Jl 'uollBcol pernsu! eql ]lo uosJed e ol 'z Jo ipslnsu! uB lo uotsstulled eql qllM uollPcol peJnsu! Bl'11 uo uosreo e ol 'l :Aluo sarldde eOBJeAoc s[..1] 'sJer{lo o1 sy 'seeAolduro ocuoplser }clecxe ploqesnoq .rnort 1o slusprseJ J?ln6eJ .ro noi o1 Aldde lou seop aberenoc sL.ll secrllas pleun; puB seuA€p crlaqlsord'6urslnu leuotsselo.td'lelldsoq 'e9uglnque lBluep ',APJ-x ',;ecrorns ',|g3lpeul Jol sg6Jeqc elqeuoseer sueeu sEsuedxe 1aJrpehl'funlul Allpoq 6ulsnec lueprcee up Jo BlBp er1 l rorl sJpe^ Ee.rql uu,llrM peuleugcsp Allgcrpgr,! Jo pejJrcu! eJe leql sEsuadxe Fcrpeur fuessec€u e4 ied llry eA sraqlg o1 srueruA:6 lectpeyg - J EIgVtE OC 'Opgelt Jo llulll lno s;enbe ecueJnccoeql u.lor+ burglnsel se6euep JoJ Aed 9r* lunourB eqt ueqm spue puelep .to eples ol ^1nprng 'eprldoldde s1 eppep sM lpw llns ro urlplc iue e;ges pue ele6rpenul ieur e41 lueppnBr1 Jo esleJ 'sselpunolO sr yns eql p rr€Ae 'sclortc Jno lo lasunoo lq esuedxe rno le esw)rep e eppo.rd 7 pue lelqerl i11e6e| sr pErnsu! eql r,lcrtl/r^ JoJ se6euep eql rol ftrpge11 1o 1L.l,rl rno ol 4r ipd 'l :l1M elrlr 'serpde e6sJe^oo slrjl rtcl{Mol scuerncco ue Aq pesnec aEBt|lEp Aredo.rd Jo funlut Allpoq Jo esneceq seoeunp Jol pe.rnsu! ue gsue6e lqOnolq sr lrns e Jo epeur s! urep e ll A!t!qE!'l tBuos.red - 3 39Vu3^OC sSDVUtnOC AUllgvll - il NOIICSS 'uorldn.le olugclo^ auo sP PgJeptsuoc eq . ||;rn polrd )nO\-ZL g ulLlll/rit JnCCO lBtS suoll0nJA 9lueCloA erouJ Jo eug 'poped uolldnJ3 olueclo1 'g!, 'iyedod perenoceJ glll Jol pearece.l nol lunolue eql uo peseq pelsnfpe eq 1l/!^ lugurAed ssol eLS 'nol iq peurelgl ro ol PeuJnler sl Alpdo.rd pglanocgl eq1 11 'Ayedo.td lno eutoceq llrrvr lr Jo 'noi r{q pgure}eJ Jo ol pauJnleJ eq lltlvr Iuedold eql 'uorldo rnoi 1y 'A:enocel egl 1o Jgqlo eql ^1;1ou llrrvr enn .ro nol 'r1c1;od srr,11 repun lueuried epeui e^Bq er"l qcrqM rc1 ipedold Aug rEnocer erv\ Jo noI 11 'Apedo4 pgrgloceu 'gl, 'peJeAoc s! ,,pJezgH JpelcnN,, eW uoJl Ourlpnse.r eltl iq ssol lcerp lprs ldecxe ',,p)ezeq reelcnN,, Aq Apca4pur .ro ipcerlp pesnec ssol ol I NOIIJ3S rpun {1dde }ou seop Actlod stql 'c l NOrI33S ur lsure6y pernsul spred eql urqum pepnlcut ssrMreqlo ro ur pgursu A11ec111ceds eJe slr.red eseql reqlel.ru 'elous .ro uotso;dxa 'er1 Aq pesneo ssol persptsuoc aq lou lprlrr ,.prezeH reelcnN,, aqr Aq pesnBg sso'l 'q 89 66 Egr 3t3 39Vd 'osotp ]o Aue 1o ecuenbEsuoc iue .ro 'pesnec Jelervrorl JO p9lloJluocun Jo pello4uoc JgtseqM lle 'uorleururPluoc e^lt9PolpBr ro 'uorlEPeJ 'uo4ceal Jeelcnu Aue susguJ ,.pJBzgH JselcnN,, ? 'a8nBl3 ,,prBzBH .lEelCnN,, ?l 'icrgod sgql lo uorsl^oJd Jer[o Aue 1o sselp.r6e.r eeJ e JoJ {uedo.rd Ounour Jo Eulrols '6up1oq uorlezlueblo Jo uosJsd e slltgusq pq1 e6elanoc Aue uel6 .ro peuu6rsse Aue ezruDoce.l lou lltrvr eM -eellBg or rtt u.g oN .81 'urre;c spe6e6pour eql lo lunou.r? iln+ eql JenocgJ ol e9086uour erll to ry6r.r eq Jpdul lou lpnn uoruOorqng tqep e6e6uouJ el4 ol lerelqloc se pleq setrrrnoes lP pue e6e6lrour eql +o Je+sue.r1 pue 1ueuu6lssp lln, B eatgcsJ llr/n a/v\ 'lug^e sql ul fseJelur peru3c8 Aue snld e6e6uour er+ uo ledroulrd epgrn eq ee6e6l,roru e$ or led r{eul ervr 'uorldo Jno 1e q .Jo :ltuedod ErS uo aOBOtJour er.ll Jepun peluero as6B6uour eql lo slqbu eql lp ol pepOo.qns ele eM ? :noi o1 lueluA?d luep pue ssol Aue Jol eg6e6uour eq1 Aed ervr 1; v06 TL PAGE crc 163 99 68 15 90A sEciloN il - ExcLusroNs L Goverage E - Personal Liability and Coverage F - Msdical Payments to Others do not apply to bodlly injury or propsrty damage: a which is expected or intended by the insured; b. ( I ) arising out of or in connection with a business engaged in by an insured. This exclusion applies but is not limited to an act or gmission, regardless of its nature or circumstanc€, involving a ssrvice or duty rendered, promised, owed, or implied to be provided because of the nature of the business; (2) arising out of th€ rental or holding for rental of any part of any premises by an insured. This exclusion does not apply to the rental or holding for rental of an insured location: {il on an occasional basis if used only as a residence; (ii) in part for use only as a residence, unless a single family unit is intended for use by the occupying family to lodge more than two roomers or boarders; or (iii) in part, as an office, school, studio or private g€rage; c. arising out of the rendering of or failure to render Drofessional services; d. arising out of a premises: (1) owned by an insured; (2) rented to an insured; or (3) rented to others by an insured; that is not an insursd location; e. arising out of: (1) the ownership, maintenance, us€, loading or unloading of motor vehicles or all other motorized land conveyances, including trailers, owned or operated by or rented or loaned to an insured; (21 the entrustment by an insured of a motor vehicl€ or any other motorized land conveyanca to any person; or (3) vicarious liability, whether or not statutorily imposed, for the actions of a child or minor using a conveyance excluded in paragraph {1}or (2) above. This exclusion does not aPply to: ( 1l a trailer not towed by or carried on a motorized land conveyance; (2) a motorized land conveyance designed for recreational use off public roads, not subject to motor vehicle registration and: h) not owned bY an insurcd; or (b) owned by an insured and on an insured location; (3) a motorized golf cart when used to play golf on a golf course; (4) a vehicle or conveyance not sub ject to motor vehicle registration which is: (a) used to service an insured's residence; b) designed for assisting the handicapp€d; or (c) in dead storsge on an insured location; f. arising out of: (1) the ownership, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of a watercraft described below; (2) the entrustment by an insured of a watercraft described below to any Derson; or (3) vicarious liability, whether or not statutorily imposed, for the actions of a child or minor using a watercraft described below. Watercraft ( 'll with inboard or inboard-outdrive motor power of more than 50 horsepower owned by or rented to an insured; (2) that is a sailing vessel. with or without auxiliary pow€r, which is more than 35 feet in length owned by or rented to an insured; or Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. l-88 Page 12 ot 17 4! lo 8t e6Bd 88-t 'P3 Ug-OH 'uorsstulJad sll qllM 'ecllJo secr^Jes ecueJnsul ,o lerjglpuj lqouidoc sepnlcul 'peurlap s? ,,pernsu!,, ,o 'q ro 'e ued +o burueeut eq1 ur..llrM pernsu! u? ro nol o1 fun[u; Al;poq '] :sJosseccns Jreql lo AUB Jo 1?pPue3 lo uorlercossv ecuernsul JeelcnN (8) :sJsltJ/t^ -repun Alttqen rt6reu3 crrrtolv pnlnn (Z) lsJsJnsul JBglcnN uBcrJeu.rv ( [ ] :Aq penssr euo sr rtcrpod &lllqerl ,tbreua Jpelcnu V '^ililqBtl ,o llurll sil ]o uorlsnPqxe eql rol lnq Acrlod 1eq1 repun parnsul uB eq plnoM (Z) .ro :Ac;;od i11gtqe11 ibreua Jsglcnu 9 Jepun peJnsur ue osl? sr (!) :icr;od srql repun pornsut ue qcrllM loJ e6eurep Auedo.rd ro funlur Allpoq 'a l/v1el gseesrp lguorlPdncco (g) Jo :/v\Bl Aulrqeslp leuorledncco-uou (Z) :^ el uorlssusduoc ,sJglJoM ( I ) :{ue tapun pernsug aq1 Aq :peprnord eq o1 per;nber 171 Jo ipepr^oJd rtp*1un1on 111 syleugq Aue enrecs.rot elq!6lp uos.red Aue o1 tunJu; Allpoq p :uorsoldxe Jo elours 'e111 Iq pasnec e6eutep Auedo.rd o1 Aldde lou seop uorsnlcxe srLll 'poJnsu! ar.{} }o eJsc eql ur Jo Aq pesn Jo perdngco 'ol peluer Alredo.ld ol oEBurEp Auedo,rd :psJnsu! eq1 {q peunrro i}.pdold ol e$Buep Auedo,rd licrlod srql ur eJsrlmeslgJO enoqe (l) ur pepnlcxe sselun jgcugrJncco ue o1 .ror.ld potnsu! eql Iq pEunsse sr sJeqlo lo Allllqell eql eJsqM (q) JO :UOllBCOl pernsu! ue lo gsn Jo gcueuglurBur 'dlqsJeuMo er0 ol eleleJ ADcarlp leqf (e) :slcBJluoc usDu^^ ol Ildde 1ou seop uorsnlcxe slLll 'Je^eMoH lueurea:Oe Jo lceJluoc iue Jepun (Z) lsJ9U/\^O iuedo.rd 1o Alrunuu.roc ro uorlpJodJoc 'uorlercossP ue ,to Jequier,u e se nol lsurebe pebleqc lueurssesse ssol iue Jot (1,) 89 66 tgr 3t3 lgvd :A1rpqerl ? :o1 Aldde lou seop ArlllqBll lEuosled - 3 e6BJeAoS .z 'pernsu! ue lq lueurAoldue s,eeAoldure BcuoplseJ elll lo sslnoc eql ur pue 1o 1no 6ursr.re eeAo;drue ecueplseJ e ol AJn[ul Allpoq o1 Aldde 1ou op '6 pue',t "e 'p suorsnlcx3 'psrnsu! ue Aq es?9srp elqBclunuiuJoc E +O UOrSSll,rSuBJl eql ]o no sesrJB qcrq/v\ '! lslueplcceil ue^e lce elrlJs/V\ E peureep eq lll/\^ uodeervr Jealcnu e 1o e6.reqcsr6 'eseq1 1o Aua 1o acuenbasuoc iue 6upnlcu1 pue 'gsodrnd Arelr;ru.r I Jo, esn Jo eJnzres Jo ugrlcnJlsep 'lauuosled Arelrlrr.u Jo ecJo] i.r1rlrur e Aq lcB ellugM'uorlnlo^eJ'uorlleqaJ'uorlceJjnsul'reM l!^!o 'Jelu. peJelcepun 6u;pn1cu1')eM Iq l;lcelrpur ro illcetrp pesn?c 'r{ 'o6JBc ro eldoed lr.rec ot peubrsep Jo pesn lou llerJre iqqoq .ro ;epour ldecxa '1qQ11 .ro1 peubrsep ro pasn gcupluluoc Aue sugsur UeJcJre uV 1+eJclrg up 6ursn Jounu Jo ppqc I ]o suorlce eql ro+ 'pssodur Aplolnlels lou Jo Jer{}eLl/\^ 'Aflllqett snorJRcr^ (t) .ro luosred Aue o1 pelcrr uP Jo pelnsut uB iq lueu4snJlue eW (Z) :UsJcJre uB lo burpeolun Jo ourpeol 'esn 'ecueugluleu 'drqsleurvro Bql (t) :1o po bursue 6 'peJols sl llBJcreleMeql epqrlt ildde 1ou saop uorsnloxe slqf porJeo ictlod eq1 6uunp ureql errnbce no{ 1q; :sJolor,tr pJgoqFo eq1 elrnbce no{ .n1rte siep gg ulqlrvr bury.rrvr ur sn ol peyode,r sr eJngur ol uolluglu! moi 1;1 ro :uorldecur Aulod le uerll erBlcep nol (l) :pue poued {crgod eql o} .ror.rd ulaql elrnbce noi p1 :Jt poued {crlod eql Jo,r peJanoc e.re lervrodas,roq lelol 09 ueql eJour lo sJolou.l pleoqlno ']ng 'poJnsu! ue {q peumo sr Jolouj pJeoqlno eq1 lr .rer"rodas,rorl lBlol 09 ueql eJo[r r.l]lM sJo]ou, prBoqlno erour .ro euo [q peremod 191 v06 9l v 3. Coverage F - Medical Payments to Others does not apply to bodily injurY: a. to a residence employee if the bodily injury: (1) occurs off the insured location; and (2) does not arise out of or in the course of the residence employee's employment bY an insured; b. to any person eligible to receive benefits: (1) voluntarily provided; or (2) required to be provided; under any: ( 'l) workers' compensation law; PAGE ctc 163 99 68 (2) non-occupational disability law; or (3) occupational disease law; from any: ( 'l ) nuclear reaction; (2) nuclear radiation; or (3) radioactive contamination; all whether controll€d or uncontrolled or however caused; or (4) any consequence of any of these; to any person, other than a residsnce employee of an insured, regularly residing on any part of the insured location. t't 90A d. SECTION II - ADDITIONAL COVERAGES We cover the following in addition to the limits of liability: 1. Claim Expenses. We pay: exp€ns€s we incur and costs taxed against an insured in any suit we defend; premiums on bonds required in a suit w€ defend, but not for bond amounts more than the limit of liability for Coverage E. We need not apply for or furnish any bond; reasonable expens€s incurred by an insured at our reguest, including actual loss of earnings (but not loss of oth€r incomel up to $50 per day. for assisting us in the investigation or defense of a claim or suit; interest on the entire judgment which accrues after entry of the judgment and before we pay or tender, or deposit in court that part of the judgment which does not exceed the limit of liability that applies; prejudgment interest awarded against the insured on that part of the judgment we pay. lf we make an of f er to pay th€ applicable limit of liability, we will not pay any prejudgment interest based on that period of time after the offer. First Aid Expensee. We will pay expenses for first aid to others incurred by an inaured for bodily injury covered under this policy. We will not pay for first aid to you or any other ansured. Damage to Property of Others. We will pay, at replacement cost, up to S500 per occurrence for property damage to property of others caused by an insured We will not pay for ProPerty damage: a. to the extent of any amount recoverable under SECTION I of this Policy; b. caused intentionally by an insured who is 13 years of age or older; c. to proPerty owned by an insured; d. to property owned by or rented to a tenant of an insured or a resident in your household; or e. arising out of: (l) a buslness engaged in by an Ineured; (2) any act or omission in connection with a premises owned, rented or controlled by an insured. other than the insured location; or (3) the ownership, maintenance gr use of aircraf t, watercraft or motor vehicles or all other motorized land conveyances. This exclusion does not apply to any motorized land conveyance designed for recreational use off public roads, not subject to motor vohicl€ registration and not own€d bY an ineured. 4. Loss Aaa3ssmsnt. We will pay up to $1,000 for your share of loss assessment charg€d during the policy period against you by a corporation or association of ProPerty owners, when the assessment is made as a result of: a bodlly Injury or proporty damage not excluded under SECTION ll of this policy; or 2. 3. Includes copyright material of lnsurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. 1-88 Pege 14 of 17 /l ]o 9t e6Ed 88-l 'p3 ug-oH 'uotssrured sll rlllM 'aclllo secr^Jss ecuPJnsul Jo lgtJglgur lr.tou^doc sepnlcul 'tunJu; Allpoq eql ,o eulrl aql lB sJeqlo ol ptB lsJrJ Jol ueqt reqlo esuedxs Jnour .ro uolle0llqo eurnsse 'luerurted e1er,u ilrlunlon 'lsoc umo s.pelnsu! eql le ldecxg 'lou IIM pernsu! EW '9 :loJluoc s,pernsu! aql ul ll 'Alpdold peoeuep gql /v\orls pue ssol Jo lueuelels uroMs e 'ssol eql legle s{ep Og ug{}rm sn ol luiqns 'sre49 1o Apedor4 ol e6euleg Jepun 'p isessgulr/v\ ,o scuepueuE eql urelqo pue acueprne enr6 pue einggs ol (t) lslerJl pue s6ur.reeq pusllP puP sltns +o l3npuos eqr qll/\^ (e) :poJnsu! us ol elqerl eq Aeur oqnn uorlezrue6roJo uosled Aue lsurebe Alruuepur ro uorlnqt4uoc lo lqbu iue ecrolue o1 171 llueurel$es eleu ol (ll :sn dleq 'lsanbe.l jno le 'c :ecue.uncco JO luaprccg eql ol 6ur1e;a.r ssecold Jgrllo Jo suor,lu.rns 'pueuJep 'gcrlou Aisne sn ol pJeMJol Alldutord 'q :sesseu M pue slueurelc lue 1o sesserppe pue seueu (e) puB :EcualJncoo Jo lueplcce eql ]o secuBlsurncrlc pue eceld 'eu!l er.ll uo uortsuuolur elqBlre^e AlqeuoseeJ (z) :parnsu! pue Ac11od eq1 1o Alguept eql (l) :rluo, slgs r.lcr.4M 'lecrlcerd sr se uoos se luebe Jno Jo sn ol aulou uegrll enr6 E :per,u.rol.red e.te serlnp eseql 1eg1 bureeslq sn dpq lpm no1 'ildde reql seqnp burmolloleql u.rolled lllrnrr pelnsu! eql .goualmcco JO lusprc3e ue +o esBc ul 'sso'l .teuv sollno '€cue.uncoo euo Aue lo1 AIIqprl lo lr.lJrl Jno eseeJgur lou llr/\,^ uorlrpuocslql 'pornsu! r{cse o} ilelerdes sarldde ecueJnsur slr11 .ecuelnsut ]o AUIlqBtelos 'suorlgJglceg sr$ ur umoqs s9 I abere^oClol Alrlrqer; lo llr,rrll eql ueql gJou eq lou llrM lueprcce euo jo llnseJ eql se uosJed suo ol tunlul Allpoq to1 elqeied sesuedxe lBclper! llp Jol J s6sre^oJ repun illllqell lElol rng '9CUerncco auo ,o llnser eql sq o] paJeprsuo3 eq lleLls suorlrpuoc In+[!Jeq ;e.raue6 eul?s eql Alprluelsqnsol a.^rnsodxe peleader Jo snonuquoc uroJl Jo lugprcge guo iue ruo.r1 6ur1;nsar eSeurep Apedord pue Arnlu; Alpoq 11y pemfu1 suos.tgd JO ePeuJ suJr?|3 .speJnsu! lo JequJnu eql 1o ssalprebe.r eurgs sr{} sr llurll slr.ll 'suorl?JBlceq eql ur umolls sB 3 e6e.nno3 rc1 fi;;;qq; 1o lluJll eql uPrll 9Jour eq lou II/t^ ecuellncco euo Aue uro.r1 6uq;nse.r sa6?urpp lle ro] 3 a6ereno3 lapun AttltqBll prol rno .Ar!llqB!.I lo r!ur!.I 't 'z sNorJoNoc - il NotrSSs 'sNollcNo3 - ll Pue I SNOIIS3S repun 'pouad Acrlod 'l uorlrpuoJ 'z 1(l )?'z uorsnlcx3 A1tnet-l teuosred - f e6ere^o3 - 1 NOllJ3S't :eberenoc s1q1 o1 Aldde 1ou op 6urrnollo+ eql '1ce a16uts e eq ol peJgprsuoc sr eglsnJl Jo reclllo 'JolceJlp euo ugtll erow Ourn;onur lcg uV 'eglsn4 JO .racl]lo 'JolcgJrp B Jo lce pgJe^oc e 'q JO lSuorupuoc lnluJJeq ;e.reue6 eues eql i11er1ue1sqns og e.rnsodxe pelgedal Jo snonurluoc Ourpnlcur 'lueprccp euo e :1o po 6ursr:e ssol rol Aed 1[nn eM lsou] aq] sl OOO'ls ,o ]luJll eql 'sluaurssessg +o Jegurnu eql lo sselpreoa8 v06 89 66 tgr 3138r l9vd 'Apoq lelueuru.renob lue iq s.reunno Ayadod Jo uorlgrcosse Jo uo$eiodJoc 9 .lo nor{ lsureFe pe6reqc slugurssesse ssol Jenoc lou op 9A 'sosluerd ecuep!3ar eql Jo lueugl Jo JeuMo se nol lsule6e pe6.rqc slueu.rssessg ssol ol l{po selldde eOBJgAoc sr.ll 'sJeu/v\o Ar.tedold JO uorlercossg Jo uorleJocljoc P ,o ]Pqaq uo {1e;os eJe Llcrr{^ sgllnp }o eslcJexe eql [!ol] gurooul Aue 6u1n1rp ]noq1M se^Jes gelsnJl Jo Je9!]ro 'JolcgJlp 9rll (zl pue :sJau/v\o Aredod 'o uotlsrgosse .ro uorlerod.roc e ,to sJaquguJ alp iq pelcele s! eslsn4 ro recr+lo '.lol3eJ!p 9rll (l ) :papr^oJd 'aalsn4 Jo racr'tlo 'JolceJrp e se Alcedec sql u! egtsnJl ro recrJlo 'Jolcsrp e lo lce ue rol Alrpqepg 'q Duti€s of an Iniurod Person - Coverage F - Medical Peyments to Others. The injured p€rson or someone acting f or the in jured person will: a give us written proof of claim, under oath if required, as soon as is practical; and b. authorize us to obtain copies of medical reports and records. The injured p€rson will submit to a physical exam by a doctor of our choice when and as often as we reasonably require. Payment of Claim - Coverage F - Medical Payments to Others. Payment under this coverage is not an admission of liability by an lnsured or us. PAqE ctc 163 99 68 .6. Srllt Against Us. No action can be brought against us unless ther€ has been compliance with the policy provisions. No one will have the right to join us as a Party to any action against an insured. Also, no action with respect to Coverage E can be brought against us until the obligation of the insured has been determined by final judgment or agreement signed by us. 7. Bankruptcy of an lnsursd. Bankruptcy or insolvency of an insured will not relieve us of our obligations under this policy. 8. Other lnsurence - Coverage E - Personal Liability. This insurance is excess over other valid and collectible insurance exc€pt insurance written specifically to covsr as excess over the limits of liability that apply in this Policy. t9 90A 4. 5. SECTIONS I AND II - CONDITIONS 2. Policy Period, This policy applies only to loss in SECTION I or bodily injury or property damage in SECTION ll, which occurs during the policy period. Concealment or Fraud. The entire policy will be void if , whether bef ore or af t6r a loss, an insured has: a. intentionally concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance; b. engaged in fraudulent conduct; or c. made false statements; relating to this insurance. Llberalization Clause. lf we make a change which broadens coverage under this edition of our policy without additional premium charge, that change will automatically apply to your insurance as of the date we implement the change in your state, provided that this implementation date falls within 60 days prior toor during the policy period stated in the Declarations. This Liberalization Clause does not apply to changes implemented through introduction of a subsequent edition of our policy. Waiver or Change of Policy Provisions. A waiver or change of a provision of this policy must b6 in writing by us to be valid. Our request f or an appraisal or examination will not waiv6 any of our rights. 5, Cancellation, a You may cancel this policy at any time by returning it to us or by giving us advance written notice of the date cancellation is to take effect b. We may cancel this policy only for the reasons stated below by letting you know in writing of the date cancellation takes eff€ct This cancellation notice may be delivered to you, or mailed to you at your mailing address shown in the Declarations. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. (l) When you have not paid the Premium, we may cancel at any time by letting you know at laast 'l 0 days before the date cancellation takes ef fect (2) When this policy lus been in effect for less than 60 days and is not a renewal with us, we may cancel for any r€ason by letting you know et least 10 days before the date cancellation takes effcct (3) When this policy has been in effect for 60 days or more, or at any time if it is a renewal with us, we may cancel: {a} if there has been a matsrial misrepresentation of fact which if known to us would have caused us not to issue th€ Policy; or 3. 4. Includes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. HO-6R Ed. 1-88 Page 16 of 17 Zl lo l,l eOBd 88-l P3 Ug-OH 'uorsstuusd sll rlllrvl 'eclllo se9l^Jes ecuBJnsul lo lgrJeleur ubuldoc sepnlcul 'e^llplueserder lBoel p lo uoll"cl+lpnb puB lueulutodde lDun iuedo.rd eql ,o Apolsnc rt.le.rodurEl .EdoJd burneq uosred eql 'Auedord lnort ol lcedser qfru €) pug:se3luled ecueplsor eql lo lueplseJ e eltqrvr ^;uonq 'qleep rnoA ,o euq aql le p.ineul u? sr oqlrlt ploqesnoq no{ 1o Jequreur Aue (t) sepnlcu! peinsul 'q :tl1?ep Jo euiq eq1 p ic;1od eql repun pere^oc peseecep eql lo Auado.rd pue ses;ute.d erll ol lcedsel qyrn lluo lnq pesEecep eql +o enrlepese.rder p6el eql aJnsu! ern e serp'ploqesnoq eurEs eql ]o luePtser B il 'esnods eql Jo suorlerBlceo eql ur peu?u uosJad Aue ll 'qlEeo '6 'sJeqlo 1o Ayedo.td ol eOEueO ro s.lerllo ol slueuJ^Bd FclpeN ol ll NOIICIS rpun ildde lou seop uopeDorqng 'sn qlrvr aleredooc pue sJaded pBlBleJ ll9 Je^llep puE ubrs lsnur pelnsul ue 'lqbnos sr luer.uubrsse ue 1; 'sn Aq apeu sr gueu^ed leL[ ]ue]xe eql ol ssol e .ro4 A.renoce.r ]o slrl6l.r 1o lueuu6rsse 89 66 r9r 313 39Vd ue e.rlnbe.r Aeur ern 'pen!e^,\ lou Jl uosJed iue lsure6e ilenocel ,o slq61.t lp ssol e eroleq Ourgrlvr ur onrervr Aeur pernsu; uV .uot$6olgns luesuoc ue$Urvr no en16 e/v\ ssgpn plF eq lou llrm Aqrod stql to luEuru6lssv tucuu6lssv 'ecllou +o loo,rd luercr;;ns 9q llvvr 6u1pur 1o 1oo.16 'Ac;;od spp ,o elep uolteJldxe er1 eroleq sAep gg lsEel le ecrlou uellrJ ^ 'suollsrelceq eql ur umor{s ssgJpp? burpeu .rnoA le nor{ o} 6ug1;eur Jo 'noi o1 6ur:enr;ep lq os op Aeu ep1 'ltcppd slr,ll /v\eueJ ol lou lcgle ieur e7q .l3rc[ucu-uoN lcelle selEl uoasll9cuBc elBp erll J€lle euD elcpuosBeJ I ulrsr^,\ Ir punlgr lp/rl elr\ 'sn ol pguJrqel s; ic;1od srql ueq^,\ Jo uorlBlFcuBs lo e9!pu 9r$ qym pepunreJ lou sl unlure.d u.nleJ glf Jl p "lEJord pepun;er eq llm epp uo1p.r;dxe otg ol uoqellecupc to elBp eW uroJ, poped ag1 rc1 urnrursrd etg 'pelpcu?o s; {qpd s!q} ueqn1 'c ?celle selel uollBllecrEcelep eql eroleq sAep 0E ls?el le Moul noi 6u;$ag Aq euop eg nRc slrll 'penss! sem lcrlod eq1 eculs {11erluelsqns pe6uerlc sBq lsrr eql }l (q} .L v06 0z COLORADO SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAEE 21 ctc 463 99 68 90A HO-CO Ed. l-88 SECTIONS IAND II . CONDITIONS 5. Gancellation. Paragraphs b. and b.(2) are deleted and replaced by the following: b. We may cancel this policy only for the reasons stat€d below by letting you know in writing of the date cancellation takes effect A notice stating our r€asons for cancellation will be mailed to you by first-class mail at your last address known by us. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. (2) When this policy has been in effect for less than 60 days and is not a renewal with us, we may cancel for any reason by HO-CO Ed. 1-88 letting you know at least 30 days before the date cancellation takes effect 6. Non-Renewal is deleted and replaced by the following: 6. Non-Renewal. We may elect not to renew this policy. We may do so by notifying you in writing at leest 30 days before the expiration date of this policy. This non-renewal notice, togethgr with our reason for non-renswal, will be mailed to you by first-class mail at your last address known by us. All other provisions of this policy apply. Page 1 of 1 lncludes copyright material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission I Jo t e6ed 88-t p3 uglz-oH uotssruJed q q1m'eqgg seclrues ecueJnsul lo lBlJe1eu 46uidoc sepnpul peloueJ sl ll ll Jo uepAs erll ot gpBu,r e6ueqc ecu.pteu e$ uo sn ltq penoldde uctsAe .pl+r!.rds Aue 1o ipduro.rd sn ilpou ol puB JgpJo 6u1ryor"r crlBuolrc Jo urelsAs urJBlB lle ,o uollBllslsu!q uals{s sgl ulE}u;a! o} ee.r6e no1 'sfsluord eqt e6pqanoulce ern 11peJc urqured e rc3 88-r 'p3 u9rz-oH v06 89 66 89r 3t3 zz, 39vd nllts^s NollcEroud 3utJ uo uuuv'lv sasrnsud PAGE 23 ctc 163 99 68 ' 90A USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (a Florida Stock Insurerl USAA Building, San Antonio, Texas 78288 CERTIFICATE OF ASSL'f\4PTION This will certify that the USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY la Florida Stock Insurer) does hereby assume all liabilities under the policy to which this Certificate is attached, such policy having been issued by USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (a Texas Stock Corporation) San Antonio, Texas The USAA CASUALW INSURANCE COMPANY la Florida Stock Insurer) will pay all benefits in strict accordance with the terms of the policy. Future premiums are payable and all claims should be filed with USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (a Florida Stock Insurer), USAA Building, San Antonio. Texas 78288. The effective date of this Certificate shall be January l, 1991. In Witness Whereof. USAA CASUATTY INSURANCE COMPANY la Florida Stock Insurer) has issued this Certificate. r .N l ^W-l,l^... M\4'U /ul 11,,,,* William McCrae Secretary Robert T. Herres President 300 1-91 Page I of 2 z, to z e6ed v06 89 66 tgr 3t3 vz lgvd t6-l oo8 UNV-|E l-13'r A]lVNOtINSl-Nt Sl t9vd S|HI) 25 90Acrc PAqF 163 9S 68 REPLACEMENT COST COVERAGE For an additional premium, we will settl€ losses to covered property at full r€placement cost without deduction for depreciation, subject to the orovisions of this endorsement. DEDUCTlBLE The deductible shown on the Declarations Page applies. PROPERTY COVERED . Personal property covered in Coverage C, except personal property stated in Property Not Eligible; . lf covered in this policy: awnings. carpeting, household appliances, outdoor ant€nnas and outdoor equipment, whether or not attached to buildings. PROPERTY NOT EL]G]BLE The f ollowing items are not eligible f or Replacement Cost Settlement . items of rarity or antiquity that cannot be replaced; o articles whose age or history contributes substantially to their value. These include, but are not limited to, memorabilia, souvenirs and collectors' items. . motorized golf carts and their €quipment and accessories. Any loss to this property will be settled as described in Loss Settlement. item b below. LOSS SETTLEMENT SECTION | - CONDITIONS, ltem 3., Loss Settlement does not apply to property covered by this endorsement a For property that is covered by this endorsement, it is our option to: (1) replace, or pay you our cost to replace the proparty with new property of like kind and quality without deduction for depreciation, or l2l pay you the cost to repair or restore the property to the condition it was in just before the loss. HO-728R Ed. 1-88 lf you do not wish to hav€ the Property replaced, repaired or restored, we will pay you the smaller of: (3) our cost to replace the property without deduction for depreciation, or (4) the cost to repair or restore the property to the condition it was in just before th€ loss. When the cost to repair or replace is more than $500, we will pay no more than actual cash value until repair or replacement is comploted You may make a claim for loss on an actual cash value basis and then make claim within 'l 80 days after the loss for any additional liability under the terms of this endorsement b. For property that is not eligible f or replacement cost settlgment, it is our ootion to: (1) pay you the actual cash value; or (2) replace, or to pay you our cost to replace the property with property of like kind, quality and condition; or (3) pay you the cost to rePair or restore the property to the condition it was in just before the loss. We will not pay more than the Limit of Liability that applies to Coverage C. Nor will we pay more than any Special Limits of Liability that apPly as stated in the policy to which this endorsement is attached. REPLACEMENT COST DEFINED Replacement Cost means the cost, at the time of loss, of a new item identical to the one damaged, destroyed or stol€n. lf an identical item is no longer manufactured or cannot be obtained, replacement cost will be the cost of a new item which is: . similar to the insured article, and . of like quality and usefulness. All other provisions of this policy apply. . PERSONAL PROPERTY HO-728R Ed. 1-88 Page 1 of 1 I lo I e6ed Igdde Ac;;od srql Jo suorsr^old reqlo llv 'sn iq panssr sercr;od rellurls lF o1 ildde lsnu e6ueqc qcns 'sull op e^ ,r scrlou uepurvt .ro1.rd s{ep gg ls99l lB nort Enr6 lll/'^ eM 'glsp P/v\eugJ ltue 1o se xepu! lsoc .Eqloue ol ebueqc ol 1146!r er.{} e^el{ el1 'ic;1od mo{ uroJj lueurgsropue slql etelep 'uorldo mo 1e 'Aeu er"r 'slrurll /neu eql pEler noA t1 'e6uap qcns 1o elep ea;pe}}e eql eroleq sn rt11ou lsnu noi os op ol sll.!!l ul e6ueqo 6ur1nse,r iue esnle.r ol lq6p e$ enpq no1 88-r p3 u8z6t-oH 88-t p3 u8268-OH lUgSUOCmol lnoqyan pecnpgJ 9q lou lpM sll,ul eseql .00 [ s ]sEJeeu Br0. ot pepunor eq lpm llu4l 6u$nsEl eql 'JoqBl lo lueul.pdEg 'S'n eql Aq peqsrlqnd xepul ecl.rd Jeurnsuo3 grg ,o suoluod serlpouuroJ pnddv pue sBrypol,uuroC luellurEuepf, 's6ulqsluJn]esnoH er.lt lo eouBrtc lo elsr peoe.rene er1q lcelleJ l1ran lueulsnlpa srql 19^ euel icrlod qceep pelsnfpe eq llrm esn +o ssol - O eOBJe^oO pus iyedol6 puosrod - O e6ere^oo 1 NOII3r;IS rot suorlerBlgeq erg ur umol{s }lurll gr{l lgql pea$e sl }l v05 9Z 89 66 Sgt lgvd rsv'l 3r3 rNfult3suooN3 srNSrNoc o3rsnrov ,-B ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-, y'- {?t JoB NAME fl it,' /l/r;' ,, , .' ii"r, / 3s CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI PLUMBING: / STEEL ON / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION - O POOL / H, TUB tr D tr FlNAt.'- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ' MECHANICAL: tr HEATING _ tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ! neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTO a E oz E =e IJJo- Inr\ c..l nFN * U' UJ UJlt- E =d, uJo \\$N @ @ Or rn F1HH ttl F-lN F.r< FI H cnz t! IH E ;it6 IEtot(, t=tl llJF E E z = zz vu F c z c =o s a ( tl.JIuo =? IL Fo Fz tlllz3Oa |!UJ6z;3 ccv) IJJ <F4o9z(/,< i;; 9c .EEEEt :gEiE'- o.t ^: EE: E; i€g;E e;ge*SE;ei :EggE :iEgg6 0'-.: -<=o.,'tr gEiES iBiil F\(.t F ca e, F = LIJ z J to I llJ z o- 9 E,F C) uJJ UJ z6 =)o- i9z () uJ IIJ uJ z tr uJ (, uJE ot o Co 3g UJ z 6 uJo o uJ z IJJJ x F ulol an lrJ UJu- E =Eul.L J FoF ozo J- @ J 9E F uJJur oz @ = d 9z uJ- '-tH NOtrvn'lvA I*z;9 = =xijtr - -o z- E a =Efr2 ?, "87P= BEii 3F:P HF.. : qJYrN(5iJ{ =>E = llJ z i l! o-loE(.' uJo- F(\ (L lug. 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TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr 9_EINAL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR