HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK PARK TOWNHOMES 1974 DEVELOPMENT GENERAL LEGALSeptember 7, 1984 Re: Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Sales and Closings To Whom It May Concern; It has come to our attention that many realtors and title companies are not aware of the following facts concerning sales and closingsof Pitk'i n Creek Park Condominiums: l. Any un'it for sale must first be offered to the Town of Vai'lvia a letter to the Town Council with a check for $300.00. 2. If the Town Council does not wish to purchase the unit, the Town staff will then advertise the unit for 4 weeks. If theunit has not so'l d within 90 days of the last date of advertisement, the owner can sell his unit on the open market for a period of 6 months. If the unit does not sell within those 6 months, and the owner still wants to sel1, he must again offer it tothe Town using the same procedure as in #1 . - 3. Upon a closinq, there is as provided in the covenants, a 1% fee payable to the Town, minus any monies the owner paid to the Town when he first offered it. If you have further questions or would like a copy of the covenants,please call me. BR/ ro!-L ==- ao(5 i j ! ii€U } 9E E::€ ii E;t i:tt,; ;€ j; € 3! E;:b rB,!!E:l?d:Eii * i i-i'E E E€: i.6i i 1.= l= :;i€?iE A ! o.t i * riE;i:. ?: ; a-E.iE3b:E:: r s: rs i€ i?; F\ ol <f .d5 ad (u.P .+J .U co {J = .o E. L 9) (\l st g o0 .o +J ad (J LN vl -szL(g o- -:z 0., (U L -)/,+) CL 7 c!Nro ciu o g E Q F "lalrl <tqsti<t LOa'l c;z U = T 1 i1a d I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I.lzlF.l a.^l ol-l !l4 trJl>-l -ljl cLl =lr!l '! i.: Ho o E +J r.o 6d 3/' UJv) vE 5ZL!rJld.(J z. \zF +,.F tnc+' st' =c!,., ,., ^ | rr) 6 E H33r- F-UrS;-gFsi; * B X5.:H tr.r " E =uoo9=R t €s=i d l;g.3ra A lJ+)EQF.=;=<;5=.:o- 3 cao c-rtU F-.-{ = |-r. qJ i- | cf,P $ Xs=sh'.rU'.6 'J ( o3-.3l.- i- >.r a 'r->f--icvrcfr x q=.: :' E & lco toIrJ F- Jl 5 C\l513$t:p,F =;{-: r- F_.p cct -i U i'E;f*<- .Pcr { YrO'r- =o I Ei 5oF 14 -- r-l. - ,4ulo r: h ==16=< - yco lco co 5 lr.l a-? E r.r l-!q.xx -' Ft r-l\ ,.. ' |l.l il*o>**HX-.: -yVFrhS<Ri=:\rF/\-Et:EAF.ZU:ffF<EQSXH -FYl+HgHFOiF {{t-rHe.ts Et*{}rat)+ O. FR EN F-ar.FE tr{.Ff{ F5 -afl- trtt ifre :. -FrIF? -trl|e fF\aaLIF.lr|a *F{ LrH ffT\sv fH El A.tfrtaL. IPiFfrP{rll*A € z o r4c.|''!t!r1'rnrf |rrl{ *.'.."air:N.'-{F.aF.-ntt hciein refcrted to os Ovrner, .^d la{ri Mel;}.'A 5J Sh;. t* Srlr^h,*o^, , lrelcin relerred fo or Residcnt, Owner leoser lo Residcnt odu llr ond no clrildrerr. Qn' 'ENTTAL RENTAL AGREEIilP By lhe Agreenrcnl entercd inlo on ffiW:I--_ 19 .O7 , DavLd Genc Sellers lho premircr s1 Pltkin Crec!_M, in the Town of Vait, County of Eagle, Colorado on o monthly bosir to commencc "n dOM" 3l , 19 bZ , ond to continuc on ruch bocil until terminoled by onc or thc olher portiet hcrclo wlthin lha groundr rct forth horoundar. lW ta egTire qlr, AhU* 7l /1194 . Rcri&nt cxprcsrly ogroot to po), Owner ronl in odvoncc on o nnnthly boris, on tho Flrtt doy of eoch monfh, lhc rum of f_-{gp__( Fr.rrr rrrrnar€a D€,trIers )r tox now in force or inrJrosed ot o loter dotd ot PJ.tk{n Creek Park, ttqlt 1, Colorado 81657. A yr/-lnleresi beorirtg, refundoble recurily deposit in Iit in fhe onpunl of $ 600 rholl bc mo-rh by Rerident, which thc Owncr sholl hove the right lo retoin in porl or whole for ony domogar lo thc prcmirca, unrolurned keys, ond ony unpoid ronls. Alro, Rcsident sholl poy o non-rcfrrndoblc rnove-in fee in llre onrounl of $ N,/A tvlonlhly rcntol ;nymcnts slroll bc due on lhe fir'st doy of eoch rnonth ond deemed delin- quent fic following doy. A lole fce of 52.50 por doy will be orsctsed ogoinrl ony delinquencicr or oddilionol renl. , In conriderotion of the obligotions of Owner ond Residenl scl forf h obove, Owncr ond Rerident do hcrcby covenonl ond ogrcc, one rvith onothcr, os followr: l. Rcridcnt hos cxomincd ond ocknowledged tlre unil ir in good rcpoir ond rofc. 2. Residenf ogrees tlrot llrc unil lholl bc occupied os-o living quorler, ond for no -Lother purpole wlrotsocvcr, by no nrore lhon -nc.two persolr, consisting "f ,enJlb tr ch3. Reridcnt ogreer to poy on odditionol chorge of 55.@ (Fivc Dollorc) unpoid, rclurncd check. lrr llre evenJ lhot collccliort of rronthly rerrl mult bc mode by the Owner ol the Reridenl'r dwelling, lhc Rcriderrt ogrcet to poyo $10.00 (Tcn Dollor) collection fec for coch :uch oltcmpfed collcction. Owner ogrecr to bc rcsponriblc for moior rc;roitr lo llrc unil incJuding plumbing, heoling, cooling r:rrd nxrior trpptioncer let with lhc prcnrircs. Rcridenl ogreci lo lcep lhc prctnitcr clc<rrrrrrrrtl lu orst(c ruclr rninor nrpoirr or ord nccegory lo moinloin lhc <:c.rrdiliorr r>f llrc prcmi:,cr. Rcridcrtl ogrcc, lo 1:r.ty lr.rl ,'ll utilitit': crn<l ony rr:quircd dcposil cr.ccpl water ,cr uir:cr lo llre ptcrrriscs, incl,.rclirrS br co 1. 5. ' *e l"fie*6> Ju\tE+tvrx owNER/MANonr* EE 6. -l- RESIDENT - t 7. Residt.nf ogrecs to not rublcl roid oporlmenl or ony port fhcreoI nor keep ony dog, cot or olher oninrol or pul, nor ure rcid oporlmcnl for ony u4lowful or immorol.- purfroie, nor ploy ony muricol inrlrumcnl or rodio or lcleviriqn rcl bcfors I AM' or offcr l0 PM loud enough lo bc hcqrd by other Reridenls nor violqlc ony regulo- tionl of ihe Boord of Heolth, City Ordinonccs, or Slolo Lowr of wholevcr noturs. 8. Rccident ogreer lo not Ownor'l prior wrilten 9. Thir Residency rty.bc 12, In lhe event thor il bccome necesrory to of thil Agreement, the prevoiling Frty feer ond courl cocts. rcke ony ollerqtionr or odditions to thc unit'wllhout lhc conrent. terminotcd ol ony lime by rnr.ltuol conient of thc porller or by cilhcr porty giving wrilten nolice to fhe othcr porly not ler lhon lhirty doyg before ihe dole'of lerminolion. Any provision of this Agreemenl moy be chonged by the Owner in likc rnonner. 10. Recident ogreer Owner moy entei unit ot reo:onoblc limes for inrpection, to moke ol?erotions or repoirr, lo show the unit lo prospcclivc rcnlcn in lhc'core either porty hos given notice of lcrminolion of residency. ll. lf ony defoull ir modc in thc pofnbnt <if'rcrii, or ony pod theraof, ot thc tlmcr hcrcinbefore specified, or if ony defqull ir node in lhe performoncc of or Gom- plioncc with ony olher term or conditi6n hceof, thir Agrecment, ot thc option of Owner, rholl terminole ond be forfeitcd. reloin on ottorne), rholl be entitled to lo cnforce reosonoblc lhs tcrmr ollorncyrr 13. Both porlies ocknowledge receiving o copy of 14. The Reridcnl signing thir controcl ogreer ond io rign for oll olher Rcridents. fhis Rentol Agrecment. worronlt thot lhey hove outhorily (Owner) -'--'.--..-- f- oz F =t UJc N .)) UJ UJl! F =E tJ.J.L # -<6.o5. b -99{1.:/(\ or EX c'r(\ o{ a vz E Fr h \l <tl ^P=zl+<6ri z^ =z gJ UJ Eo tFIz = (5zz rd E] H FT (t H €r-1 2H oulF z z J lc: l=6F E Its Itr{o r: F lt l!o =I Gol! GoF z llJz3 i! lYz)t<</ z&H fd F..(J !n(4<\o EH'-lIcZ@ l.lhO AZ .r- rlF) F- H.o< Ee{ i> Ff ts z Fr a;;9r EE cEI € 9E€*- :EE€i EE:T: Effi sE a e;" rEigr 96(!66 ii;gg60'-i-.c=ootr sf;! c€ igiiE n sI\' N N tr =E uJ o- z 6 J f Yolu ()z) aF()ul UJ z =J aoz () llJ uJ IJJ z 9 F UJE C)ltlE oE oo 3uJ5 uJ zg uJo Fo uJ z llJJ x F uJo u,Itlul lJ- ts =t uJo- J Fo F z to J e. uJJ UJ z J J oz otu. NO[Vn'lVA lzIH E l: ld J.-, :E EffaErlEo <Hc<zn UE (n l!N (\l zz Fo- oX=E9.o ar, o1>L)()QZr!<oo. 9UFOrni = =co lr{ tzt< l' IF Itr IE FN z tr ) IL cc o o ulo- F. }{X E (! UJ ) z E z tr E UJF =UJz tlllIItl Lzlz < (.)o< =ft>ac 3ci<z =z 9z d63trOI X X X X F O Fo z d) 2x g JI z zl .. >l l! UJulzo E cc UJ(L zI tr llJl U'au,zY IF 2 tr Jloz J llJo- u->oFo cc JJ =F UJ Ic t- t- f- LOaoeo F-1 z No\o\ e.l tLl z zH UJ F o l,rj ts <ttooazo Fc IJJY IJJo oF E Eul o-lro o-o() I uJFoz z H @ .4 TOIt-+| z o9zzoo ==de E UI t!o uloz l at,o oFt a Jl-lll -h=:c(L IJJ>rLO|r9o5 tttxo-:> u.t- F J = IJJ(D F -I - !! E =E UJ o-zIFo :)EFazo(J iff =f;=A;E 6nn I I cil =.1olr!l 1l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I Iol =.1ol fl, .lzl olull :l <l>lttlol zl =lolFI olull cEl z t,|- (,2t-l M zHvFiH ii =z I Il. I I J.4ut CId J><= =O .ir.it ol Io\ F.+ I l"l6l-l I cilz.l ol uJl :l <l>lttlol zl fl FlH b F (r Fz z Io[! = osE =+d.Ft-o2 o E2? =<>d]Fd6 F LuF (r g, --.r O<FG()r!<ZFIJJ F6Zo s7// t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES rr.r#cnoN ?tl REQUEST. WED THUR FRI PMAM TOWN OF BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr D o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL d rrrunr-B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ry?PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 2, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 41657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REPLACE GLASS AT FRONT Occupancy: B2 Type Const.ruction: V Type Occupancy: VaLuation: Fi reptace Information: Restr i cted: Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. ^/ 4 PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTTOU '4J \ I P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUM AS PO BOX 2L7 t VAIL CO 81658 4021 BIGHORN RD Status. . . PITKIN CREEK CONDOS BLDG Applied..2101-111-05-066 Issued. . . Expires. . DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT permir #: 897-OOO2 rdWryci',if;i. ffi;]"' Clean-up Deposit RefuniSorlrnrrer{ d-o Phone: 303-92 6-7829 I S SUED 0r/08/7ee7 0r/oB/ree7 07 /07 /Lee'| ?10.?5 .00 210.25 ?10.25 oF BUTLDTNG (REPATR) B21-HR Type V l--Hour 2 ,000 dof Gas Appt i ances: Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r--> DRB Fee--------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: .00 .00 .00 100.00 TotaI Catcutated tees---> Addi ti ona L Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> arnount date #0f l,lood/Pa L tet: ********************t***********************************t** FEE SUl,lllARY **********i*i*******t*****it***********Jr****************** Bui Ld i ng-----> PLan Check---> lnvest igat i on> tli Ll, caLL----> 65.00 42.25 .00 3. 00 **irr***********************************]?lll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;i**i**********ilg;ii*******llllffi-lli;;;;;;;iiiii*i************i9l*** Ile.fni .05100_EVII_,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:er/oB/!se7 cHARLTE AaEion!- EijFn cuanr..,rE DAVisItbm:. O54OO-PLANNING DEPARTMFNT_ -, oept: PLANNING Division:07/08/tee7 CHARLIE AAEiitii;--Eijpn u/artem:' 0s600_qIBE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Divisionrg!/08/\227^cUAllrq- Acri-oii; AppR N/AI!S{ri',gtlqo _pirEI,Ic WoRKs - ^__ .-',- Depr: pUB woRK Division:OI/OB/7997 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A *******************************************ff***********************************iff********ft*****t***************rr*************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that I have read_this appLication, fiLl,ed out in futt the inJormation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att'the information provided as fequired is correct. I agree to compl.y yith tire iniormation and pl.ot irtan,to.comPty uith att ToHn ordinances_and state [aws, and to buitd thjs structure according io-the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding ci:de and other ordinances of the Town aipticabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FouR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHo E AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFrcE FRofl E:oo A 5:OO pHGto4----- Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLUI|B KENDALL CON.SIGTIATURE OF OIINER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0002 as of 0I/OB/97 Status: ISSUED****************************************************rr***r.*********************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMTApplicant: PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION 303-926-7 829 Applied: or/08/I9e7 Issued: ol/08/199't To Expire: 07 /07 /1997 Job Address LocationParcel No Description PITKIN CREEK CONDOS BLDG #7 2101- 111-0 5-0 6 6 REPLACE GLASS AT FRONT OF BUILDING (REPAIR) Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE.2. WINDOW MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 5406 7i.uonEact.tsagle Uounty essessorsltce I at 970-323-8640 for-parcet //. TOI^IN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON LPARCEL ll. L iOL - Jtl - 0S - 06l, PERMTT AppLIcATroN FoRM? D^ri;TIs(crt _ , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED It*****************************fll [ ]-Building [ ]-plumbing t o PERTIIT /I OUT COI.{PLETELY OR IT I'{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanibal 1y'-otner DeAe rob Name: ?mt,il (rr*u/ora^:r Job Addre"", 4C)-l Atn*t>rt DD Legal Description: Lot Block__ Filing sunorvrsrou, Owners Name:Address: Address:Architect z tl1"4 General Description: Work CLass: [ ]-Ne]r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional vIt-f-aepair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address:Eown of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO.Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN- CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATUREI ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: fuun0 hA'vQ'fi4- Ly',,v tfl-t' t' ao.,/ ?c,Bo*'troB{ McV, GN-6tbzo CLBAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND ItO: ! ciz E =Glllo- tn uJ r.ut! E =t IJJ o- drv z{/qELq _coteg #'X) I I/h: (J-ll '.)rNl," t'"lE 1 I $tr\fisl Nt-\1._, t6qlts,o si:H rco uJF F z = zz outFoz. o = t0 .6 z,z'oN (Jp G' }J 9oo 5 tn rU L (UP .d =- UI +'o xo Jlu = CEol! E.oF F \ t\ a.l \j\l\l \\t {\\lc'.'\\s o Eo ru o =o.o.(s 3 F @ o 6o c(n .sE o o T' G c) q)c = d) E o =l 0) o (5 =(D E -i- o c F H;9 F.e n€ *E E 8F'i c c €sE! cf:E E€i;c96i -*=ul3 3E.; E EE: EE:E Elsc cL $ o-vsE; eot6.orE*e€ Et(rt: Xa c () ;E€H E6F5 (!o-!E;OoP --c _^ $€EEgE:E 9.sa.o-ilEF9 iE; e9Eo - e5g,g u) <f<f () <\I <\l(\l o c c cc co rJ)N (o GI =ul z J l .0 I uJ z Jo- ) o EFogJ t! z E o- = C) uJ UJu,IIzo F uJt()ul =g uJczo uJ F anoo.q,t o. z UJJ C) x F ut <ttf U' uJ UJ l.|-t =Et!L J FoF ozoJ ao Ic,F C) UJJ uJ (9zo = o- C)z UJ- NOtrvntvA r= | -r.rl5,"3l =.o.l ; E. 9s5 3 b: F ^ t/, Z: B E = Ei2>89 fr:L<F3 3j-8 ;iol(, z tr J t! E. ti uJo-- o rJ) (?) E u, J zo tr z EE IJJFJ =uJz lltllltl(o Lzlz9. ,!, koo< ="ilxrr6o<z o =3i2=-iF [i(, =E IH tl 1.1-llr-l;-I ljlxlil:l; u,ll J al) utzY = ru.L z tr U'z o ;o Flo F @ <lr-l zl zl .. >lol! uJulzo tr uJ o. J z 9 tro z tt, (D z (! I = ,..:., '.?,-l) :) ul ts s>oot':lzl;l#l3IT I Fe L b"iI t-ll89ltlI gu.r le3 z,n9 ZE60 =zJO CL tr- ifi ;E= =uJXdd= ti= E.ulct!o;!!E2E<olo92EEPELaeEd =>E dEE !f: >o-i-8 b91 iurE XO-t x>t "E -o-i!E IJJo I-II F =Elrlo-zIF(JfEFazo() !nn a ('z l! oc UJ tn(dLF .v(t,o!(J E J+, cL ul =z o-t sf(O @r.0 iL (t Eo e. Lo-c (\josf rt tuEocls--l E ato oEgo(J .Y(u (l) L(J c L+) rO rJ)(\Jo r '! sl(\t(\t(\I xo u) uJ E L(l,.Y v! SZ =tr J ctl a'l il I I .lol =.1olull 1l al>l H ol =.1ol uJl 5l ;l zl il I I I ^l:lol uJl(El JI al>l tl-lol pl i .E -rO<FEOuJ<ztIIJ F(rzoo EF C) LU) E2? =ffJF dz., o z. I ul E EirI \./ zE!! \ KIRK AKER P.O. BOX 2224 VA|L. CO 8165a (303 )476-0296 March 28, 1983 The Planning ard frivlronm€ntal Cornmission Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 8L65? Re: Pitkln Creek Park Cordoniniurn Association Varlance Fequest Pitkin Creek Park Cordomlniurn Associatlon 1s seeking a Variance to a1low a trash encLosure to encroach tnto the twenty foot front setback required of the Special Developnent Estrict developnent p1an. Ptt,kin Creek Park with it.s increesing eonrnereiaL t.enants is seeking to i:nprove the present problerns of trash ard garbage colleetion. Presently there exlst.s to the south side of Building ? one six yard trash dumpster. PLtkin Creek Park Condo- rninlurn Assoeiation wishes to add enother six yard dumpster ard to plaee the tro dumpsters in an enclosure. There exists approxjrnalely 3) feet from Building ? to the front property 1ine. tilth a 20 foot setback requirenent this leaves only 13 feet to place 2 six trnard dunpsters w'i th an enclosure. Each dumpster neasure epproxilately 6t 6" across the front. No..proyistons lrere nade in the original slte plan to provide trash and garbage eollection sltes for the conmercial spaces at t.he east erd of Building 7. fhis is nhe 1ogica1, if not only workable location for trash ard garbage collection. Deslgn considerations in selectlng this loceti-on include I 1. Prevent the loss of perrnanent parking spaces. 2, Readily aecessable to liquor store, resteurant ard other comnercial spaces. ), Eagle County Tlash space ard maneuverlng requirenents for a 40' garbage truck. 4, l}ash enelosure to i.nrprove the present unsightly conditlon of an exposed overfloring trash dunpster. Sincorely, lt^/ a/b Kirk Aker IvIEtvIORANDUM October 29, 1981 TO:Pitkin Creek Resale and Rental File FROM: Dick Ryan SUBJECT: Procedures to follow in resale or lease progran for pitkin Creek Park condominiums, and Defini_tions In the condoniniun declarations for Pitkin Creek Park and other documentsapproved by the Town are the procedures to follow on resale or lease ofPitkin Creek Park Condominiums. Pas?graph 22 Restrictions on Resale I' rn the event an owner shal1 desire to sell his condorniniun unit, he '' shall notify the Town clerk of the Town of vail, or such other personas designated by the Town Council of the Town oi Vail (,'Town Coirncil")in writi.ng of his intention to sell his condoninium unit, and sharldeposit with the Town Clerk the sun of $300.00. The Town of Vail corununity Devel ofnent Departnent has beer designatedas the office to notify on the resile of a unit. 2- The Town clerk shall imrnediately notify the Town council of such i.ntentto sell and the Town co'ncil or other entity or commission created bythe Town council sharl have thirty (s0) days in which to exercise theoption to Purchase the unit at the Maximum Resale Price as hereinafterdefined. If the Town council or other entity or conrnission created by the Towncouncil desi.res to exercise its option to purchase, it shali do so bynotifying the owner in writing of its intention to purchase such unitwithin the thirty-day period and shal1 thereafter pioceed to close suchtransaction within fifteen (15) days after the exercise of such option. rf the Town council does not desire to purchase the condominiun writor takes no action within the thirty (s-o) day period, or if such tran-sation does not close within fifteen (15) days-after the exercise ofsuch option, through no fault of the sell.er,- then the Town clerk shallinmediately advertise the condominiun uni.t for sale for four (4) consecu-tive weeks in a newspaper located in the Tovm of vail . such iale shallbe by conpetitive bid subni.tted by "Qualified purchasers" as hereinafterdefined, or by an ernployer whose business is located within the Townof vail f'Enrployer"). rf an Enployer purchases a condomini.un unit, itnust provide the Town with an opinion of bondcounsel of recognizedstanding in the fields of Municipal Law and Municipal Tax Regurationthat its purchase will not cause any of the Mortgage Revenue Bondsto be considered rndustrial Development Bonds within the neaning ofSection 103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as anended. 3. 4, ;: I Pitlf:eek Resale -2- Io/zg/gl The oi.crrer may accept the highest bid after the last publication date;or, in the alternative, reject all bids and retain ownership of thecondoniniurn unit . Notwithstanding the above, an owner nay sell his condoniniun unit toa Qualified Purchaser without having the Town advertise the sane, aslong as he receives prior written consent frorn the Town of vail . Thisright to sell without advertising the sane, however, shall be subordinateto the Town Councilts right to purchase as set forth above. A _transfer or conveyance by operation of law or otherwi.se of an interestof an owner to any other co-owners where such co-owners hold title onthe date of such transfer as tenants in conrnon or as joint tenants shallbe exenpt from the Town of Vailfs right to purchase "nd the need forthe Town to advertise the sale of the condominium unit, but shall notbe exenpt from the renaining provisions of paragtaph 22. If the owner does not receive a bid in an anount equal to or greaterthan the Maxinum Resale price within ninety (90) days of the iast publica-tion_ date, then the owner shall be allowed to sell iiis condominiurn uniton the rropen rnarket't and shall be deemed to have satisfied this paragraphnurnber 22. The transferee, his grantees or successors in interest,howevern shall be bound by the terrns and conditions of ih:.i parrgrapi, nurnb er 22 in tt.e sane manner and degree as if no transfer had occuriedon the rropen narket ,,tl rf the owner does not sell his condoninium unit on the open narket withinone hundred eighty (180) days of the last publication d-ate, and ifthe owner still desires to sell his condoniiriurn unit, he mrst againconply with the full terms and conditions of this paiagraph nurnber 22.For the pur?ose of establishing the sales date in ihe freieding sentence,the recording date of the transfer deed shall be concl-usive evidenceof the date of sale, rf the owner rejects all bids without regard to the dollar value ofsuch bids, he shall forfeit his deposit. rf the omer sells the condoniniumunit to a Qualified Purchaser, as hereinafter defined, the Torm of vail ,or an entity or conmission created by the Town of vail , or an enployerwhose business is located within the Town of vail, then he shall-paythe Town of vail or its designee an amount equar io one percent 1i%jof.the saLes price less the amount of deposit previously-nade. suchfees paid to the Town of Vail shall be for al I advertising and administrativefees in connection with the sale of the condorniniun unit. 'Qualified Purchasers" shall be residents of vail, colorado who neetthe quallflcE,tlons including the naximun incone qualification establishedannually by resolution of the Town council. The revision of the qualifi-cations shal1 be limited to those changes reasonably necessary to linitthe sale of the condoninium unit to puichasers of lbw and noderate inconeresiding in the Town of Vail. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pitkin ft n"tur e -3- L0/29/81 In no event shal1 any condoniniun unit be sold unless it is sold onthe open rnarket pursuant to the criteria set out above, for an anountin excess of the total of the following: (i) An amount calcul.ated as follows: For the purposes of this subparagraph, the phraserrbase index" shall be the index value of the ConsumerPrice Index which appeared most recently priorto the tine of purchase and the tern t'current indexrrsha1l be the index value of the Consumer price Index which appeared most recently prior to the sale for which the naximum resale price rnust be determined. consurner price index can be obtained at the vailLibrary and the o*ler nust come up with the naximum sare price. (ii) The value at the tine of sale of all capital irnprovenent s made to the condorniniurn unit plus the ownerrs prorata share of the costs of those nade to the conunon elenents and assessed to theowner, ltre value of the capital improvenents shall be as deternined by nutual agreement of the owner and Town of Vail or by an appraiser mutually acceptableto the owner and to the Town of Vai1. The costof such appraisal shall be paid by the owner. (iii) The cost of any public inprovenents for which assessnents were j-rnposed by any governnentalor quasi-governnental agency whj.ch have been paid during the period of ownership. The sun of (i), (iiJ and (iii) above shall be the "Maximurn Resale price.', In the event a bid is received equal to or j-n excess of the Maxirnum Resale .Price herein established, the condoninium unit sha11 be awarded to suchbidder at said lrtaxi.num Resale Price. rn the event two or nore such bidsare received, the wi.nning bidder shall be selected by lottery and the condominiurn unit shall be sold to hirn at no more than the Maximum ResalePrice, Notwithstanding the above, a Qualified purchaser shall always have preference over an Ernpl oyer as long as his bid is equal to or greaterthan the Maximrm Resale Price or the Enployerrs bid, whichever is less.rn the event tleo or nore bids are subrniited which require the ohrner totake a prornissory note as partial paynent and no other Max inum ResalePrice bids are received, then the owner nay select the winning bidderat his sole discretion without the need of a lottery. Nothing herein, ) -l oex I .*{ -A /l I 1n 1n I + - bas culIen exllg exd currenl. Dase r_n ,t Pitkiilfek Resale .4- ro/zs/sL however, shall be construed to p"event the owner frorn rejecting all bidsand retaining ownership of the condoniniun unit. (b) No owner shall permit any purchaser to assume any or arr of the ownerrscustonary cl0sing costs nor accept any other consideration such as toincrease the purchase price abovi the'bid price or Maximun Resale priceor so as to otherwise induce the owner to lerl to said purchaser. (") The followi.ng transfers of interests in the condoniniun unit shall -(unless designated to avoid the restrictions of this paralraph nuriber22) be exempt fron this paragraph nunber 22: ti) A transfer of an interest by will or inheritance, (ii) A transfer of an interest to a trustee for the benefitof the owner or the ownerrs spouse or issue. (iii) A transfer of an interest by treasurerrs deed pur suantto a sale for derinquent taxes or by a sheriffrs or public orprivate trusteers deed pursuant to a judgnent execution or fore-closure sale. Provided, however, anything above to the contrary notwithstanding, inthe event the unit shall be transferred in any rintter described in sub-paragraphs (i.) through (iii), the transferee, his grantees or successorsin interest, shall be bowrd by the terms and condiiions of this paragraphnunber 22 in the same nanner and degree as if no exenpt transfer' rr.J"o"i"tt"a. (9) After full compliance by an offeri.ng owner with paragraph 22, andafter alr periods of-tine provided for purchase by thl roin Louncit 6orother entity or commission_ created by the Town council) or by a "eualifiedPu-rchaser'have expired, then the Town council shall prepa"L, u*"",rt",acknowledge and swear to a certificate in recordable iorin stating thatthe provisions of this paragraph 22 have been conplied ,ritrr ana lhat anyright or- rights to purchase by the Town of Vail (or other entity or connissioncreated by the Town Council) or by a t'Qualifi.ed Purchaser, have been terninaied.such certificate nay be signed by any nenber of the Town council, theTown Manager, the Town Clerk, or such other person as designated by theTown council, and shall be concl.sive upon the Town of vaii (or otherentity or conmission created by the Town of vail) and alr Qu;lified purchasersin favor of all persons who in good faith rely ihereon. Paragraph 23 Restrictions on Leasinq + (a) In the event the owner desires to lease his condominiurn unit, theowner shall notify the Town of vail, attention connunity DevelopnentDepartment, of such intention and shall provide to the Town of irail priorto-the.date of occupancy of the lessee wiitten docunentation showing thefol lowing: (i) The nane of lessee and his place of employnent; (ii) The tern of the lease; t'. tt n ,. I '.'- (b) rn no event shall the owner lease to a person who does not neet thequa.lifications of a Qualified Purchaser and the rental for such condominiununit shall not exceed the ownerrs taxes, property insurance, condominiurno*"^t,. utilities, plus an additional tweniy iorlars ($20.00J and a reasonabrerefundable security deposit. Par.+graph .24 Norwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1s, the provisions in paragraphs22 and 23 shall not be arnended without the "*pr"r, ,uritt.n -.onsent of theTown of Vail. Paragrglh 25 The provisions of paragraph 22 and,2i shall be bindi,ng upon arl owners,or their heirs, successors and assigns, and all renain ii effect for aperiod of seven years from the date of recording of this Declaration, Paragrgpb 29 If a condomini'n unit is designated as a conmercial writunder thls Declaration or any supplernent thereto, then any transfer ofinterest_or leasing of such condominium unit shail be exernpt from paragraphs22 and 23. Paragraph 27 rn case of a transfer to a first leinor in connection with a forecrosureof its lien or taking a deed in rieu thereof, such transfer sharl be exemptfrom paragraphs 22 and 23. rf the first lienor serls the condoniniurn unitsubsequent to a foreclosure, then that transfer shall be exempt from paragraph22;. however, such transferee, his grantee or successor in interest sharlbe bound by the terms and conditionl of paragraphs 22 and 2s in the sanernanner and degree as if no exempt transflr hid occurred. rf the firstlienor or other gTantee at a foreclosure sare purchases such unit for ananount greater than the "Maxirnum Resale price,;' as conputed under paragraphZ2:i"t'hen the,Associ.ation shalr be entitled to ar1 funds in excess of theIt{axirnum Resale price. 'l Definit ions ,',;' ''it' . t:li .:., .:' : i;*sffi*#ffi ,, i:::i;*:.,i:i:1il;'il"'ff I LH ;ff :ff : fi ?f . :l:qualification estabiisrtea "nnuriii uy-t"r.r"tion of the Town council. Therevision of the qualificatiotr rttrri'ul'riria"a to tr,.r.-itanges reasonabrynecesaary to limit the sare of the financed residentiai-unii to purchasersof low and middle-incone residing in the Town. I Pitkin Ot n"r"r e -S- r0/29/sL (iii) The nonthly charge of the lease; (iv) The security deposit amount; and (v) The ownerrs cost oftaxes, property insurance, principal and interest payments, taxes, condoniniun dues, and util ities . I -.:r. i'Pitkin c"""t fle -6- t]/zglgL 2. Maximurn Household rngone rrMaxinun Household rncone'r means the totalof t@, as reported on Federar incorne rax returnsfiled with the rnternal Revenue service for the latest tax yeat, the filingdate of which occurs prior to the date of borrowerrs apptication, or ifnore accurate, the latest tax return filed, for the foliowing members ofthe household ("household nernbers") : (f) head of the household, if any; (2) spouse of head of the household, if any; (5) rf there is no head of the household, of alr persons over theage of 18 residing or intending to reside in a dweiling writ. said total of adjusted gross incone shall be adjusted by (i) deductionof $1r000 for each dependent claimed for Federal incone tax'purposes byany household nernber (including any children born since the end- of the-inmediately preceding tax year); and (2) deduction for income of any householdmenber of an tmusual or tenporary nature or not related to such houslhotd rnemberr s regular emp l oyrnent to the extent that such deduction is consistentwith servicerrs custonary underwriting standards. At least s0% of such Max imum Household rncome, before adjustments, shall be earned incone,as defined in section 1l (b) of the code, as anended from time to time. NorE: If a potential purchaser does not have a copy of his last yearrsincone tax' he must get a blank copy of the tax rorur, t:.rr it out andsign that the information presented is essent,ially correct. rn addition,he must write rRS for a copy of his last yearrs tax form and submit itto the Town Comrnunity Development Department. 3.. C.olsr+ner Prige= Indgx "Consuner Price Index'r means the Revised ConsunerPrlce rndex for Urban Consuners, Denver Index (Denver Revised CPI-U) (f967=100)as determined by the united states Departnent of L.bo", Bureau of Laborstatistics. rf such Index is no longer published, an index selected bythe Trustee sha1l be used to nake the consuner price Index Adjustnent,as hereinafter defined, and Trustee shal1 deternine the appropriate conversionfor:nula,;J \ -4.^ CgT!!:T.p.Ii:," tra. neans an adjustnent nade as of ttay 3-.- -:==i r.:rY: rrrsv^ j:gj:lus Lnr_EtrL means an ao]usltnent mrde aS Of lrlay 3l of eaCh I:'I":o"I:ll"::_:.!: q":.:"I:?c: glrange in the-consuner-price rndex sinte deliveryof the Bonds conputed by the folrowing forrnura: rhe rigure i; t;;d;;t;-;;;iibe multiplied by a fraction, the nunerator of which is ihe differencl uetween ihe :li:T_I:i1-1"d"T v.atug r_or April and the previous year index value for April-and :l: 9:i"lll113 or which.is th-e average of ihe_-curru"t yu", i"a"i-".r""-r"i'lp"irand the previous year.index value for April. The adjusinunt-rrt.ir-u"laa"a ti^",.subtracted fron the figure to be adjusted, as its sign shall appear, to alriveat the adjusted figure. 5. Resident neans a person whoGore-\6f1fr Minturn, Redcl iff ,Tfull-time employee" is a person lives in the t'Upper Eagle Valley'r including theEagle'Vail , Avon and their surrounding areas. A who works an average of thirty (30) hours/week. Project Appllcation * ?/r/r,t') //,''frrProiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board APPROVAL """ ?/t/rr DISAPPROVAL f ,-- O S4 Project Application frlt,Proiect Name: Pro,ect Description: conract person and "n"^" '"-TE1/E '\fr;4-/fr;"r:'L) Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL i5 | u'$:5 ,45 ;. '.1 lll Staft Approval I! t1. 75 soulh lrontage road Yail. colorado 81657. (303) 476-7000 June 24' 1983 Chris Farrington iresjdent, pitfin Creek Park Condominium Association Box 2.|7 Vail, Colorado 8.l658 'Dear Chris n Enclosed for your information are two 'l etters.regarding.the status of the. finai ieitiii.ut. or o..rpin.y-ioi pitlin Creek Park C6ndominiums. Because of the late ifring this year, rb po"stpon"d the^inspection of the landscaping for one.month. i"tdmifdieO an inspeclion'on lun" 2: ahC have found that several items still remain io-Ue'corpteted before a final certificate of occupancy can be issued. The following are items which need to be completed: 1. 0n the attached copy of the landscape plan labled attachment #l: a. The plan cal'l s for 9 aspen in this area, only 4 are'l iving; b. 2. 0n a. 3. 0n a. l The plan cal] s for 9 aspen in this area,.only 5 are p] anted. The two l0' - 18' spruce to be planted are not there; attachnent #2: The dead aspen in this area'need to be replaced; attachment #3: The area to the wec+ .--. urri r-i,.e ,17 neeJs tO be planted With the shrubs aS Shown On i :,c p lall; Ti,c d:^Ed between the parking lot and Eighi;ril noad needs to be p1 anted with shrubs as shown; Pitkin Creek Parlqf 6/24/83 4, 0n attachment #4: a. Three narrow-leaf cottonwoods need to be added; b. The flower beds need to be planted at the entry; c. The dead aspen in this area need to be removed; 5. 0n attachment #5: a. These areas need to be revegetated, as they still are disturbed by the construction activity; 0n attachment #6: a. 4 aspen need to be planted; 0n attachment #7: a. This area needs 3 aspen; b. The dirt pile needs to be removed and the area revegetated; c. Four aspen need to be planted; d. Shrubs need to be planted in this area; e. This area needs to be reveqetated. 6. 7. ObViously, you'11 need a copy of the landscape of shrub needed, etc. If you don't have one, the attachments to this letter can oive vou a plan and key to determine each type we can make a copy of ours. However,fairly good idea of what's needed. i tems . RJ Town Pl anner PJ:br CC: Elaine Coleman iI .._..Ii."..ti ;2:g?liM i-- r tf- L \ I \( \\ I TLY ,\b tj ',. l'r'tt'i- 1 (|1"1':' .;l ll tt :t i',i'| t.': li t,. l. t;l'll.' /,",.". ?! Ia ."."''" -. .X I iqr I ,.tt ,+,:,'-):.\ I \ * -1:-i \ u'^ -.r-:-'7'- r\ {- -^,,:'1=:t kl l'"-\i*?'\ \lt .l [''\; \"ti'I* tj I r." ( li I \ I (, \I \(vw ao : oo# .'.4-.P-. ,tJT\etl fiw|lSy t. "r, oo r 0 $ fE$q n 6l,-+. ,. r i_ ffiFctlMrlrtT +t'? '7'o ll \.. I -t 'J- BESTCOP\ AVAILIBLti ."1,1::9. . I I t ..\ I : I,I r(ffiitturrrf 4r O O I Pr -l ,I r& \\ t tQt _-.t /-- - KT'ffit''' ,.-L1-:./-'{ 1/-e 9 /t-/'1 IJ I AJu L :d [JI ,..$ n0t$J \I \ t \ 1I i j l. I t I t i i y':^rl t,t{:l !t : t.. .\| I i !'"-i , -." --.-l /,.::.t /lvl) i ! I I ! II i : ! i ":'l ' \l. l't-i ul ) '. lFiK l.{IA -ffietll /-5V-t)H1-fr- l'fit+" ?5 aouth tronlaEe rd. Ysll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development ,lanuary 4, 1983 Elaine Coleman Anderson/Peterson Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 1425 Vai'1, Colorado 81658 Dear Elaine: Thank you for your letter regarding the landscaping and final Certificate of Occupancy for Pitkin Creek Park. As you have noted we will not refund the clean-up deposit and issue a final Certificate of Occupancy for the corrnercial spaces unti'l we complete a final inspection of the landscaping. [,'le have tentatively set an inspection for the week of May 23, 1983. Please contact me if you have any questions. PJ:df Pe ANDE RSON,, PETERSON ASSOCIATES. INC. REAL ESTATE DEVETOPMENT CHAPJTS R.ANDERSON IAY K.PETTRSON VAII MI]ONAI BANK BUILDING SUITE 306 P O BOX k2i VAILCOIORADo sr657 503/475-5242 December 29, 1982 Mr. Peter Jamar Planning Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Peter: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of a few days ago, it is my understanding that the clean-up deposit in the amount of $500.00presently held by the Town of Vail in connection with the Pitkin Creek Park project will be refunded this spring when it is determined that the landscapinE for the project has in fact been completed. As I stated to you over the telephone, it is my feeling that the landscaping is complete and has been complete for some time, and to require us to wait until the spring or early summer for a refund is unreasonable; however, I also understand that you have no authority to waiver from "established" procedure. I wish you to note, however. that the Condominium Association planted approximately 50 trees this fa1l, which was in excess of the number of trees originally planted by the developer and which drcd from lack of attentj-on by the Association. And, in additlon, the Association has determined that the number of trash dumpsters which were required and enclosed by the developer have now been determined to be insufficient and arrangements are being made for additional dumpsters to be enclosed this spring/summer at an expense to the Association. You have indicated to me that it will be necessary for the Association to take the plans for the additional enclosures through Design Review Board and I will pass that information on to the Board of Directors. Sincerely, CT #Woreman PITKIN CREEK PARK, INC. R€d Pitkin creek Park /mec Date t"^*rr--:ru-- C. Authorization of P::operty{lner Declarant PTTKIN CREEK PARK, INC. Sign"t*" BY Jav K. Peterson APPLICATION FORM FOR A CONDOI'IINIUM/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW A.Nane of Applicant Pi-tkin Creek Park, Inc. Acldress P. O. Box 1425, Vai1, CO 81658 Phone 476-3242 B. Name of Applicantrs Respresentative Jay K. Peterson Address P. O. Box 1425, Vai1, CO 8l-658 Phone 416:!!-92 Address P. O. Box 1425, VaiL CO I Phone___426--0092_ D.Location of ProPosal Lot Block Filing See attached Exhibit A Fee $I00 Materials to be subnitted shall include: l. ong conplete set. of the plat including site rnap, floor area map, elevationsand sections, This can b'e in rnylar oi print forrn upon subnittii. Detail requirements for a con donin j.urn/townhouse plat can be found in sectionof the subdivision regulations. 2. One mylar copy of the site nap to be retained by the Town of Vail for records. 3? A copy of the declarations and covenants to show that landscaping provisions are inc I uded. 4. Any other infornation requested by the zoning adninist.rator or Town engineer. The plat shall include a signature block for the Town of Vail with a line desig-nated for the senior planner/zoning adninistrator for his signature along witha date line for said signature. Review Period: Within l0 days of rneeting submittill requirenents as herein Iisted, the plat shalt be appioved or disapproved.by thc Public lVorks Dcp:rrtmcnt and thc Corununity bevelopmcnt DcPartment. lf disapproved, the plat shall be rcturncd along wiih a wriiten dc-scription of thc reasons for disapproval. The plat shall not be rcvicwcd again until corrections oi rnodifications are nadc ls they relate to the reisons for disapproval. Evcry tirnc a plat is subnittcd or resuUnittcd, thc l0 day revicw pcriod will apply. Thc plat shall bc rlccnrt'd approvcd by thc Town of Vail if no oction is takcn within l0 days of a correct and valid submittal . (4 E I,)''\o*". G. H'. EXHfBIT A A parcel.of land lying in Sections 1l and 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 6thPrincipal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the i{orthqest corner of saidsection li,^thence s 01007'4ru E 4L7.g4 feet; thence s 49"26'40" E 29I.lI feet to the point of beginning; thence S 52-l-I'I0" E 220.57 feefi; thence S 00"19'00" E 459.6L feet;^thence I'l 46- 24'00" w 555.29 fget; thence N 46"24'00" !v 5.65 feeti thence N 46"3I'52n tf 344.I8 feet; thence N 41"38'20" E L64.20 feefi; thence S 48"21'40" E I43.L4 feetl thence N 87'00124" E 9I.32 feet;,- thence s 11"32'40" vf 178.22 feet;^thence s 58" 14 ' 18" E 116. B0 feet; thence l.I 31"45' 42" E 205.75 feet to the point cif beginning, containing I76,L89 square feet or 4.045 acres more or less. o / -.:. .; -'-.{' : ltt , ,; ,,," #f z t/a / conracrpersonandpn"". \AR\S> \t/. 5 rvgWco r'-r 4^tG^ t-o4 owner, Address and phone: 4-N*-r K. 4 t\^ pe-gr?\[ Architecr, Address and phone: \=e I n\ FR./-:- ^qf Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 7 -o LA}JDSCAPING AND PAVING AGREEMENT AGREEMENT by and among PITKIN CREEK PARK, INC.,hereinafter referred to as "Pitkinr" THE TOI^7N OF VAIL, herein-after referred to as "Vailrrr FIRST DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY,hereinafter referred. to as "FDMC," and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER, hereinafter referred to as "Bank. " WHEREAS, Pitkin is the owner of real property describedin Exhibit A attached hereto, hereinafter referred to as "subjectProperty, " and has been authorized by Vail to construct a condominium project on such land; and, V'IHEREAS, VaiI has loaned to Pitkin funds to defray thecost of the housing development; and t WHEREAS, FDMC is VaiI's representative to disburse thefunds to Pitkin; and, WHEREAS, the Bank is the Trustee of the funds beinq disbursed to Pitkini and, WHEREAS, Pitkin has designated a funds to be used for landscaping and paving WHEREAS, all parties desire thatpaving, as approved by the Town of Vai1, be r980. certain portion of suchthe Subject Propertyt and, the landscaping and completed by September I, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: That if Pitkin does not complete the landscaping andpaving pursuant to the plans and specifications on file with the Town of Vail Building Departrnent by September 1' 1980' FDMC is authorized to contract for the completion of such landscaping andpaving and to pay the following sums: (a) the sum of $ 25'000'00 , less anv amountpaid to pitkin for landscapinq the Subject Property; and (b) the sum 6g 5 23,000-00 , less any amountpaid to Pitkin for pavi69--Elre-EuEJect Property. Executed the date and year as set forth below. PITKIN CREEK PARK, I}IC. By Charles R. Anderson, Secretary Attest: o^t",O4,o t4 t?[V I Attest: TOWN OF VAIL By Date: .T I J(D'I'DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY B Town Clerk Attest: ssistant Secretary NAL BANK OF DENVER Attest: a of o? EXII]BIT A Legal Description Pitkin Creek Park Condominiurns - Phase I: A parcel of land lyinq entircly r.rithin Section 11, Township 5 South, Range B0 West of the Sixth Principal Mcridian, Eagle County, CoIorado, more particularly describcd as follows: Beginning at a point ou the South right-of-way of I-70, a nai-l set in a tree root, from whence the Northeast corner of said Section lI bea.rs North 41"I0'46" East 336.27 feet; thence North 59028'16" tiest 2I7.5g feet to a point on the West bank of Pitkj-n Creek; therlce along the I'Iest bank of Pitkin Creek the following four courses: c qqo? o I r (rli islii'io"s 61"47 | 30"s 42025'OO.' I^f 55.33 feet; W 77.45 fect; W 44 . 50 feet; tI I7.25 feet; thence leaving said bank, Sogth 4Bo34'25" East 12I.6O feet; thence South 4I"25 '35" west 50.00 feet to a point on the Northern right-of-way of U. S. Highway 6; thence along said ri.ght-of-way the foLlowing three courses: a\S 46:19'25" E 62.25 feet; s 63"08'39" E 103.67 feet to a brass right-of-way markcr;s 4 6-31 ' 52" E 166. 83 fcc t; thence leaving saicl right-of-way North 41038'20" East 285.37 feet to a point on a curve of the Southern right-of-vray of T-70; thcnce I97.I8 feet along the arc of saiQ curve to the left, havinq a central angle of 4olor36" and a radius of 2,705.00 feet to the point- of beginning and containing 108'357.58 square feet or 2.488 acres more or less. IIEMOBANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OD COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: January 24, L9,SO RE: Conditional Uses for Commercial Space at Pitkin CreekPark, Inc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE See Sheet A CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section L8.6O0, the Department of Community Development recomnends Approval of the Conditional Use Permit based upon thefollowiug factors: Consideration of Factors: Felalionship and impact of the use on devel-opment objectives ofthe Town. The Commercial Uses being requested should allow the creation of asmall neighborhood center i.n Bighorn, which we feel will have apositive impact on the development objectives of the Town. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, tra+gportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other dub1.i s. A snall neighborhood center should have a positive effect on publicfacility uses and needs by providing necessities within close proximityto Bighorn Resident and visitors. Ef{ect=upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safelland convenience, traff ic flow and control , accessmaneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The proposed uses should decrease some of the autornobile traffic fromthe Bighorn area into Town, which will herp to decrease congestion. Pff"ect ypgn !he=cB?racter of the area in which the proposed use is to ?e rocated',,including the scale and bulk of tlie tropoSed uae in relationto surrounding uses. At the previous public hearings, the Staff has requested that someadditional attention be given to the exterior of the cornmercial building. Pltkin Creek Park, Inc. CIIP 1-24-80, iage Two o fle would still encourage this, but feel that lt ls a Deslgn Revlew Board rather than a Planning Commission concern. Such other factors and criteria as the Commissl,on deems applicable to Tne proposed use. There are no other factors deemed appLieable. The environmental impact report concerning the proFcjsed use' if an No EIR is required. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Tbe Department od Communlty Developnrent recomnends that tbe Conditlonal Use Pernit be Approved based on the forlowing findings: 'Tbat the proposed locatlon of the use is in accord with the purposes of tbis ordinance and the purposes of tbe district in which the site is located. Tha the proposed location of the use and the conditions under wbich lt would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properti.es or iuprovements in the vi-cinity. That the proposed use would corrply with each of the appLiiable provisions of this ordinance RECOMMENDATION: We feel that the uses proposed are appropriate for the area and recommend approval. lr,tkln Creek Park, Oa*1-24-80 Page Three SHEET A In Aprll of 1979 (Minutes Enclosed), the Towu Council gave final approval to the Development Plan for Pitkin Creek Park, Inc. ' with two exceptions being the bus turn-off design and the Commercial Uses. The Comnercial Uses bing proposed are as follows: Day Care Center Laundramat Food Store Llquor Store Restaurant L1200 square feet 500 3,OOO Lr2OO 2;5OO 8r5OO These uses are identical to those that were discussed with the Planning and EnvironmentaL Comrnission on March 27, 1979. (Minutes Enclosed) The intent of the restaurant is to make it moderate priced (Similar to the Bully III). The rest of the Counercial uses are primarily desigredto provide basic services for the Bi.ghorn Area. 'l'otlN OIr VAII, Al)Pl,ICrVl'lON foll COn*Dl1'IONAL USI I'ltlillIT /-. J/-Application Ditte Publication Date Public llearing Date Name of APP1icant Name of Orvner if dilferent from Applicant Mailing Address t/" 7G -Telephone --r )o9 0- Legal DescriPtion:Lot Bloek , Filing f t lroPertY is unpfatteA submit metes U bounds @uit> Application is hereby made for a SE Permit to al1ow: a 7," 0+-n (,JzL--t >frJ"z O,lt'*- .( ,r\ f) =io a tJ u rt t--"" APPLICATION IVILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UN '/ 6 \-/ 1. I{earing Fee - $so'oo + $i;{b-for EACII addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE O\I'NERS OF TIIE PROPERTIES within 3OO feet in a single-Fati:-v n"=idential ; Ttt;:F;;iiy nesioential; or T\uo-Familv Primary/Secondary Residenll"i. Zone District; 'or adjacent to the subje"t pi"plr'ly-in all -other Zone Districts' The orvners List shall include";;; ;;;;s of all- owners t:9 -:'t]:' legal description of the property orvned !I :?:h' Accompanyrng this list snaii be pre-addressed- envclopes along with Certificates iia-n"i"tn Receipts properly Iilled out to eacn owner.These;;';;canbeoui"iniai.o*-theU.S.Postoffice. 3. Site Plan, floor plan and otlrer documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4. A descri.ption of tbe precise.nature of^' ;p;;;iing charactcristics and mcasures ;;; "o,np"tit te with other properties in Conditional U one District the ProPosed use, its propbsed to make the the vicinitY.)'tr e2{4 ".126f t-cl- *JL A'"/br?a,uL-, J &^-!- Era &tvlo--t ga /s tAttffil{rhrq EEQUTRED BY Z ONTTV G ORD, as/rttrx /66 T/t{rn*l' +o.y'EA.lood gRxA oR Aj x /2/2.94 o tzl +t/EA.^OOfrCOwa. 1 xZOOOfr +EOO a 2b " t/M. to sEATs .w RE,9T "*1x106+10 - 11 s0tB-7c/29' o 6/ cagarr "[0R ]Ttrznnr aw TATAL REQTIIRED -221 (no.v zamrmd aKDrNAardE ARrrdEE 1*, gEdTroN t*. 600) ?.33 -12 UEMORANDUM TO FROM DATE RE TOWN COUNCIL DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT APRrL 2, 7979 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TIIREE - PITKIN CREEK PARK INC. Studlo Units One-Bedroom One-Bedroom with lofts Two-Bedroom Two-Bedroom with lofts Three-Bedroom with lofts TOTAL UNITS The Pitkin Creek Park Development Plan was presented on Mareh 27, 1979, to the Planning & Environmental Commission, and was approved by them by a unanimous 7 to 0 vote. Pitkin Creek Park is the proposed residential ownership project on an8.29 acre parcel in Bighorn. The proposed density is 156 units,which is distributed as follows: 18 46 11 46 28 7 156 There were a few concerns that were addressed by thestaff. The major concerns were the number of parking spaces beingprovided. The applicant proposes to provide 232 spaces. This iswhat is required by the Parking Requirement Section of the ZoningOrdinancer but results in approximately 1.3 spaces per residentialunit with some additional parking being provided for the conmercialspace. The staff seriously questions if this will be sufficientparking for a project that will have a very high occupancy throughoutthe year of residents of the community. The developer, Chuck Anderson, expressed his feelingthat additional parking will detract from the overall appearanceof the site, and would rather control the parking on a strictlyenforced.unit by unit arlocation. The possibility was also discussedof reserving a part of the right-of-way of o1d Highway #6 as alocation for future parking if needed. This is a road that is nowpart of the Town's road system where a lOO foot right-of-way isprobably not necessary. The concern would be whether or not theTown should set the precedent of permitting parking in this right-of-way, and if it is better to provide the additional parking now,or wait until an exact need can be determined. The staff believesthat this is a decision for the Town Council to make, but sti11questions the adequacy of only 1.3 spaces being provided for eachunit 1n the project. Page 2 Memo - Town Council from DCD Development Plan for Pitkin Creek 4-2-79 A second cong€.fnwas the location of the parking inrelationship to the distribution of units on the site. The stafffelt that inadequate close:in parking was being provided to severalparts of the site. The developer stated that the design of theparking was done to protect the natural features on the site.A solution to this concern was the placement of pull-off loadingzones in those areas without adequate close-in parking. This seemed like a good solution, as long as the pu1I-off areas couldbe enforced as such. A third concern was the design of the Commercial area, andthe developer and architect stated that more attention will begiven to this design before final presentation is made to theDesign Review Board. (The Commercial space is in Phase II which isnot proposed to be started until later this summer. ) fn conclusion, the Department of Community Developmentstill has concerns mostly with the number of parking spaces beingprovided. In the rezoning of Lots C1-C5 in Lionsridge, the TownCouncil requested that 1.5 spaces per uni-t be required. The trade-off in the Pitkin Creek Park Project is a difficult one, butbasieall-y is between more parking, or more green space. Accordingto the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, sufficient parking isbeing provided. lYe feel therefore, that it is a Council decisionas to the most approprlate action to take. \ PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GM THAT Jay Peterson representing Pitkin Creek Park, Inc. has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to Specify Commercial Uses in Special Development District #3, (Pitkin Creek Park, Inc.). This project is located on an unplatted portion of Bighorn. Th'is application is made in accordance with Section 18.40 of the Town of Vail I'lunicipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vail Planning and Environnpntal Cor[nission on January23, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vai'l ltunicipal Building. Said hearing will be he]d in accordance with Section 18. 66.060 of the Town of Vail ltrnicjpa'l Code. Toyrn of Vail Department of Cormunity Development ,l: /t :., j (^-,!-.^-- lames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Pub'lished in teh VAil Trail on January ll, '1980 REQI'EST FOR PROPOSAI,: PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOI.TINII'I{S UASTER IANDSCAPE PIAII I. INTRODUCTION The Pitkin Creek Park Condorniniun Association (PCPCA) issoliciting proposals fron qualified landscape architecturefirms for a naster landscape plan covering the entire grounds of the project. Peter Patten, an owner in theproject, is assisting the Association by providing project management services. The goal of PCPCA is to adopt a landscaping master plan for the project to be implenentedin phases deterrnined by priorities and budget. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES The selected firm will be reguired to prepare aprelininary draft of the master plan to the PcPcA board on August 1-5 for their review and comrnent. The plan shall include: 1. A detailed planting plan type and size of vegetation proposed. 2- A detailed irrigation systern plan. 3. A phasing plan indicating costs of each phase; awritten statement indicating suggestedpriorities and how this relates to the phasing proposal. 4. Recornmendations for landscape maintenance of the implenented plan. Upon receiving the direction fron the PCPCA board, thepreliminary ptan shall be revised as appropriate into afinal plan for the PCPCA board adoption. Consideration ofthe final plan by the board shall be cornpleted prior to September L, L988. Any further revisions by the board atthat tirne shall be incorporated into the plan and four copies of the final plan delivered to the board by septenber l-2, 1988. III. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTION Proposals shall be addressed to Peter Patten, 75 South Frontage Road/Vail , co 81657. Eiqht copies of theproposal nust be subroitted by Friday, July 15 at noon(proposals nay be hand delivered to Peter Patten at the Town of VaiI Cornnunity Development Office). The format ofthe proposals shall be as follows: Letter of Transmittal Part 1: Project OrganizationPart 2: Project Work PlanPart 3: Project StaffingPart 4: Experience Records/Examples of previous WorkPart 5z Pro)ect/Cost ProposalPart 6: Appendices Please keep proposals as brief as possible while includingall irnportant information required under the categoriesabove. The evaluation criteria shall be as outlined onthe attached sheet. rV. GENERAL CONDITIONS This RFP does not cornmit the PCPCA board to award acontract, nor to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals in anticipation of a contract.The PCPCA board reserves the right to accept or reject anyor aLl proposals received as a result of this request, tonegotiate with all qualified sources, or to cancel all orpart of this RFP. Consultant setection shall be at thediscretion of the PCPCA board and shall be considered attheir July 18, L988 meeting. While no specific maxirnum cost figure is included in thisRFP, it should be noted that the Association operatesunder a very linited budget. Firms subnitting proposalsare urged to keep this in mind. PRE -SUBMITTAL !{EETING Firrns interested in subrnitting proposals for this projectwill have an opportunity to have questions answered and towalk the site on Thursday, Juty 7, 72OO p.m. meeting atthe East Vail Market. Peter Patten and other menbers ofthe board will be present to help you become farniliar withthe.grounds, as well as to answer guestions regarding theproj ect. v. Evaluation Criteria The outline below provides a list of the criteria and scoringsystem which will be used in the evaluation of the proposalssubrnitted to accomplish the work defined in this RFp. General Cornpliance with the RFp - J_O points - Format Content Pro'iect Orqanization - 15 points - Completeness of the project team- Clarification of management structure andaccountability - Appropriateness of the project organization to theproj ect Pro'iect Work Plan - 25 points - Creative approach - Demonstration of understanding of the project obj ectives - Work flow diagram - Approprj-ate methodology for the project work tasks Project Staffing - 15 points - Qualifications of project manager- Qualifications of key staff- Conmitnent to project by key staff Experience Record - 20 points - Relevant experience of each firrn- Experience of personnel assigned in sinilar project.s- Random client references Budqet,/Cost Proposal - 15 points - Stated ability to complete project within sched.ule andbudget Total - l-00 points Proiect Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: @\t Project Application /,1--trot/ 'ii ) 1-/ Legal Description: Lot Zone: Design Review Board Motion by: /:7,/ , seconded or' ,//oa, fio'"'r. /3,,t,4c AppRovAL z1 -t i-?rt-'''rt iDate DISAPPROVAL tr /,/ -7-a iz ,-ltz&_ Chief Building Off icial /?'-\('4 )\,/_i-/ Project Application Prolecl Name: Project Descripiion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^r" h* DISAPPROVAL ' Zonlrg Administrator Chiel Building Otf icial 4Y'd 6'o DATE RE O TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMI'{ISSION FROIVI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 20 September 1978 AMENDMENT TO SDD 3 (SPECIAL DEVELOPI{ENT DISTRICT #3) Pitkin Creek Park has requested the Amendrnent of SDD3(Special Development District #3), an 8.29 acre parcel in Bighorn.They intend to use this parcel for a Resident Housing Project,'where the sale of units will be restricted to 1ocal residents.This Amendment is being sought in conjunction with a request forthe Town of Vail to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds which will be used to lower the interest rates and down payments that qualifiedresidents will have to pay. The proposed Amendment to SDD3 changgs the two existingdistricts in the following ways: -'-- I. ) It eliminates the division of the site into three Development Areas. (The site was previously divided into 3sections because of different uses intended for each part of thesite. These divisions were done with 1j.tt1e regard to naturalfeatures of the site. ) 2.) It eliminates tbe review of the Development Planby the Plannlng & Environmental Commission and Town Council, glving this responsibilit-v to the Design Review Board. (The actual Development Plan itself if it meets all zoning requirements, isa design matter, and can be appealed to the Town Couneil if tbereare concerns. ) 3. ) It does not requi-re an architectural model for each proposed building. (This was felt to be unnecessary since i'b is notrequired anywhere else in Town. A volumetric rather than an architectural model is still required for the whole site.4.) It incorporates the MDMF standards into this Zone District exeept in the specific areas listed below. 5. ) It eliminates the Maximum Total Floor Area. (No other zone district in the Town of ValL has this requirement.) 6. ) It increases the allowable number of units from 116 to 148. (The 116 units originally approved rvas approved rviththe understanding that 116 additional l-oc.k-off units or Accommodationunits would be permitted. This proposal is therefore a reduction indensity. ) O SDD3 Pe. 2 Memo Amendment to 20 September 1978 7. ) The total Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)ls the same as the existing district and is virtually the same as what would be allowed in a MDITIF Zone District. 8. ) The allowable number of Commercial sq. ft. has been reduced from 18,000 sq. ft. to 9,000 sq. ft., and all Commercial Uses require a Conditional Use Permit. 9. ) It eliminates Covered Parking. (This will allowthe devel-oper to reduce the costs. There is no covered parkingat any other multl-family project in Bighorn. The Design Review Board will require substantial berming and screening of parking areas. ) f0. ) It eLiml-nates Bullding Bulk restrictions. (This increases the flexibility of the developer and will still be controlled through the Design Review Board process. ) The Department of Community Development recomrrends approval of the requested changes in SDD3 (Special DevelopmentDistrict #3). I[e feel that the revisions discussed above are appropriate and will facj.litate the development process withoutlosing any design controls. bc. 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M.rch 31,Ilagle County ,( n 'i' ,')u't' \CONDOI4INIUM DECLAMTIOI'I FOR PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUMS ., I I| .-' I RECITALS PITKII{ CREEK PARK, Il{C., a Colorado corporation("Declarant"), is Ehe owner of the real property situate inthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in Exhibit Aattached hereEo and made a part hereof. Declarant owns addi-tional real property adjoining such properfy (such additionalreal property being described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof) and may subject it to these condominiumdeclarations by recording a Supplemencal Declaration ol:DeclaraEions and a Supplemental Map or Maps in the Eagle County, Colorado, records within seven years of the initialrecording of this Declaration. Declarant desires to establish a condominium proj ectunder the Condominium Ownership AcE of Colorado ("the Act") andto defj-ne the character, duration, rights, obligations andlimitations of condominium ownership. Declarant has executedplans for the construction of five buildings on the propertydescribed in Exhibit A, which buildings when completed shall,. consist of separately designated condominium units. A condominium map will be titea sh6wing Ehe locarion of sai-d buildings.on rheproperty, which is hereby made subject to this Declaration. Declarant does hereby establish a plan for t.he or^,rler-ship of real property estates in fee simple consisting of the air space_ contained in each of fhe apartment uniEs in the buildingsand the co-ownership, by the individual and separate ownersthereof, as tenants in comrnon, of all of the remaining realproPerEy. II DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare Chaf thefollowing terms, covenanLs, condiLions, easements, restrictions,uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemedto run wiEh the 1and, shall be a burden and a benefiE toDeclarant, its successors and assigns and any person acquiringor owning an interest in the real properEy which is or becomessubject to this Declaration and improvements built thereon,their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators,devisees or assigns. 1. Definitions. As used in this DeclaraEion, unle s s o therwi sE-ExaET-ff provi de d : (a) "Apartment unit" means an individual airsPace unit contained within the perimet.er walls, floors,ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructedon real property l*rich is subject Eo the provisions of thisDeclaration, and as shown and described in a condominium maprecorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, / together with (i) all fixtures and improvements therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finished surfaces of such unit's perimeterwalls, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of theunit, and (iv) the interior nonsupporting wa1ls within the unit.The term does not include, however, the undecorated or unfinished.surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors or ceilings of a unitr onyutirities running through the unit which serve more than one unit,or any other general common element or part thereof located wi-thinthe unit, which units are to be used for residential purposes. (b) "Condominium unit" means an apartment unitor a conmercial unit, together with the undivided interest j_n thegeneral common elements appurtenant thereto, and the right toexclusive or nonexclusive use of limited common elements associatedtherewith. (c) "Commercial" or "commercial use" means anyallowed use und.er the existing applicable county or municipal zoningordinances for a corulrercial unit-. (d) "Commercial unit" means an individual air spaceunit contained within the perimeter walIs, floors, ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructed on real properLy whichis subject to the provisions of this Declaration, and as shown anddescribed in a condomi-nium map recorded in the real property recordsof Eagle County, Colorado, together with (i) all fixtures and improvernents therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finished surfacesof such unit's perimeter walls, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doorsand windows of the unit; and (iv) the interior nonsupporting wallsvrithin the unit. The term does not include, however, the un- decorated. or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter wal1s, floors orceilings of a unitr any utilities running through the unit whichserve more than one unit, or any other general conunon element or partthereof located within the unit, which units are to be used. forcommercial purposes. Any commercial unit shall be designaEed on Exhibit C by the words "conunercial unj-t'r after the appropriate condominium unit number.(e) "Owner" means any individual, corporation,partnership, associati-on, trust or other legar entity, or combinationof legal entities, which is the record owner of an undivided feesimple interest in one or more condominium units. (f) "General conmon elements" means (i) land.included in the real property which at any time is subject tothis Cond.ominium Declaration; (ii) the foundations, columns.girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, roofs,balconies, halls, corridors, lobbies, staj-rs, stairways, fireescapes, entrances and exits of the build.ing; (iii) the basements,yards, gardens, autornobile parking areas and storage spaces; (iv)the installations, equipment and materials making up the centralservices such as power, 1ight, 9ds, hot and cold water, heating,refrigeration. and air conditioning and incinerating; (v) thetanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts. and in general a1lapparatus and installations existing for cornrnon use; and (vi)all other parts of the property which is noL part of an apartmentunit. (S) "Limited common elementsrr means the part of thegeneral common efements assigned for the exclusive or nonexclusiveuse and enjoyment of the owner or owners of one or more, but lessthan all, cond.ominium units. (h) " Common expenses" means (i) al1 expenses expressly d.ecl-ared to be common expenses by this Declaration or by the bylawsof the Association; (ii) af1 other expenses of administering,servicing, conserving, managing, maintaining, repairingr or replacingthe general conmon elements, (iii) insurance premiums for the in-surance carried under paragraph 9 of Article II hereof, and (iv)all expenses lawfully determined to be common expenses by the boardof directors of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, -2- management fees may be charged to owners as a direct expense and not as a common expense (i) "First lienor" rneans the holder of a promissorv note pa)rment of which is secured by a first mortqage or iirst deeiof trust of record encumbering an interest i-n a conconini-urn unit. "Mortgige " shal1 inclucle a deed 6f l-rrrc1. >nd rrmnrlclaqee" shal1 j-nc1u6e a beneficiary of a Ceed of trust. (j) "Association" means Pitkin Creek Park CondominiumAssociation, a Colorado nonprof J.t corporation. (k) "Building" means the building improvements con-taining condominium units l-ocated on real property subject to thisDeclaration, and all other improvements and additions made to thebuilding or constructed on the property subject to this Declaration. (1) The condominium units subject to this Declarationsha1l be known as Pitkin Creek Park Condominiums. (m) "Declaration" means this instrument and. all Amendments or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded in the recordsof EagIe County, Colorado (n) "Sharing Ratio" of an owner is a fraction, the numerator of which is the percentage interest in the general- commonelements as computed pursuant to subparagraph 2 (c) herein appurtenantto the apartment unit or the commercial unit of such owner and the denominator of which is the total percentage interest in the general collmon elements then appurtenant to all apartment units or commerci-alunits. The interest in- general comrnon elements reserved by Declarantand not appurtenant to any apartment unit or conmercial unit shallnot be included in determining the denominator of such fraction. 2. Division of ReaI Property into Estates; Use and Occupancy of C (a) The real property is hereby initially dividedinto condominium units numbered 1-A through 1-F, inclusive, 2-Athrough 2-H, inclusive, 3-A through 3-II , inclusive. 4-A through4-J., inclusive, and 5-A through 5-X, inclusive, each consisting ofan apartment unit, an undivided interest in the general common elementsappurtenant to such apartment units, which interest is set forth inExhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the exclusj-veor nonexclusive right to use and enjoy limited common elements, as setforth in Exhibit C. (b) Declarant reserves to j-tse1f aI1 right, title andinterest in the conimon elements not appurtenant to apartment unitsset forth in Exhibit C, which interest Declarant may make appurtenantto apartment units or commercial units built on additional real property made subject to this Declaration, as set forth in subparagraph 2(c)herein. (c) Declarant may hereafter wj-thin seven years of theinitial recording of this Declaration subject the additional realproperty described in Exhibit B to the provisions of this Declaration and construct buildings thereon containing not more than I00 additional apartment units and .ten commercial units. Such units shall be shownin a Supplemental Map or l4aps recorded in the records of Eagle County,Colorado. In each such case Declarant shall file in the records ofEagle County, Colorado, a Supplemental Declaration in which it shall convey and attribute (from its reserved interest in common elementsas described in subparagraph 2 (b) herein) to each such additional apartment unit or conunercial unit an undivided percentage interest inthe common elements. The interest conveyed and attributed to eachapartment unit or conunercial unit shal1 lte expressed as a percentage deEermined by dividing che approxina!e number of square feeE contained in such apartment unit or commercial unit by 150,000 (the maximum total numberof square feet in atl of the apartment units or commercial units nowon or which hereafter may be focated on the property described inExhibits A and B), and multiplying the result by 100. For the purposeof computi-no the unclivided j-nterests in common elements to be conveyed and made attributable to additional apartment units or conmercial units, -J- Declarant shal1 approximate the number of square feet contained ineach apartment unit and commercial uni.t, and the determination oFDecl"arant shall be final and bindinq on all parties. (d) At the earlier of (i) the date all of the landdescribed in Exhibit B has become subject to this Declaration, or (ii)the d.ate such land may no ronger becoie subject to this Declaration,all of Declarant's reserved interest in cornmon elements which has notbecome attributabl-e to an apartment unit or a commercial unit pursuantto the provisions of subparagraph 2 (b) herein shall be conveyed and madeattributable to the apartmenl units ancl the commercial units-of theowners of such date in the sharing Ratios then in effect by Decrarantfiring in the records of Eagle county, colorado, a suppremlntarDeclaration, which shall contain such conveyance therlin. Suchinterests shall then become appurtenant to tne apartment unit orcomnercial unit with respect to which it has been conveyed. (e) Each condominium unit shall be inseparable andmay be conveyed, leased, devi.sed or encumbered. onry as i condominiumunit. Title to a condominiun unit rnay be held indivi-dually or inany form of concurrent ownership recognized. in cororado. rn case ofany such concurrent ownership, each co-orner shalr be jointly andseverally liable for performance and observance of all the auties andresponsibilities of an "o$rner" with respect to the condominiurn unitin which he owns an interest. (f) Any contract of sale, deed, 1ease, deed of trusc,mortgage, wirr or other instrument affecting a condominiun unitmay describe it by its buirding and apartment unit number as shownon.the map, foll-owed by the narne of the condomini.um and reference tothis Declaration and to the map. (S) Declarant shall give written notice to theassessor of Eagle county, cororado, in the manner provided. in theAct, so that each condominium unit will be separat-Iy assessed andtaxed. (h) Each owner of an apartment unit shall be entitledto the exclusive ownership and possession of his unit. Each apartmentunit shall be used for residential purposes only and no apari-ment unitsharl be occupi.ed for living or sleeping purposes by more persons thanit was.designed to accommodate safely. ror trte purposes oi theforeqoing sentence, each apartment unit shall be deemed to havebeen designed to accommodate safely a maximurn of two occupants perbedroom and one occupant per loft. No apartment unit shall be usedat any time for any business or commercial activity, except as follows: (i) The owner thereof may lease or rentsuch unit for private residential or living purposes(subject to paragraph 23 hereof) ; (i.i) Declarant or i.ts nominee or agents may. use any unit(s) as a model or sales unit until allcondominium units owned. by Declarant are conveyedby Declarant; and (iii) The Association shall have the rightbut not the obligation to purchase, own, or leaieany apartment unit for a manager,s residence oroffice or building superintendent, and the Associationmay also m-aintain offices $/ithin the general eomrnoneLements. (i) Each owner of a commercial unit shal_l be entitledto the exclusive ownershj-p and possessi-on of his unit. Each commercialunit shall be used ancl occupied solely for comrnercial uses. owners ofthe commercial units may rent or lease the units to others for thesepurposes, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Declaration. -4- (j) The Association shall have the right to charge '- - reasonable adrnission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situate upon or which is a part of the general common elements. (k) There is reserved the right to (i) physically combine the space within one conrmercial unit with the space within one or more adjoining commercial units or (ii) combine a part ofor combination of parts of the space within one conrmercial unit withpart or parts of the space within one or more adjoining commercialunits. Any such physical changes to commercial units shall bereflected by an amendment to Exhibit C and the Map, which amendmentsshall set forth the reapportioned undivided interests of the affected commercial units; provided, however, that no such physical changesshall be made without the written consent of the rnortgagee(s) of theaffected commercial unit(s); and, provided furLher, that the cost and expense incurred for 1ega1, architectural or engineering feesrelative to preparation of such amendment shall be borne by thatperson requesting such physi-cal change to the conmercial units. 3. Condominium Map- Prior to anv convevance bv Declarantof a condominium-EnfE-T5E?Efn, Declarant sfriff .ur.t-". to b6 filed forrecord in Eagle County, Colorado a condominium map (the "map"), whichshall contaln: (a) the lega1 description of the surface of the land;(b) the linear measurements and location, with reference to the exterior bound.aries of the land., of the building and all other improvements builtor to be built on the land; (c) the floor plans and linear dimensionsof the interior of the building, including the apartment units and commercial units, the general common elements which are not a part ofany apartrnent unit or cornmercial unit,' and the l_inited common elements;(d) the desigrnation by number or other syrnbol of each apartment unit and cornmerci-al unit; (e) the elevation plans of the building, and (f) the elevation of the unfinished interior surfaces of the floors andceilings of the building, includj-ng the apartment units and commercialunits, as established from a datun plane, the distances betweenfloors and ceil-ings, and the linear measurements showing the thicknessof the perimeter walls of the building. Declarant hereby reserves untoitself and the Board the right, from time to time, without the consent of any owner being required, to amend the map and supplement(s) thereto,to conform the map to the actual location of any of the constructed improvements, to establish, vacate and relocate utility easements, access road easements and carports or parking spaces, and to establishcertain general common elements as limited common elements. In interpreting any and all of the provisions of this Declaration or the bylaws subsequent to deeds to and/or mortgagesof condominium unitsl the actuai location of a unit shall be d.eemedconclusively to be the property intended to be conveyed, reservedor encumbered, notwithstand j-ng any minor deviations from the locationof such unit indicated on the map. 4. General Conunon Elements; Encroachments. (a) The general common elements shall be owned in common by a1I the owners and shall remain undivided. No ownersha1l assert any right of partition with respect to the general commonelements. Each owner rvaives any and all rights of partition he mayhold by virtue of his ownership of an undivided interest in thegeneral common elements as a tenant in common with the other owners. Thj-s paragraph shall not, however, timit or restrict the right ofpartition of a si-ng1e condominium unit among the owners thereof, but such right of partition shall not be construed to mean a physicaldivision or partition on a condorniniur.r unit, nor shall such ri-ght ofpartition affect any other condominium unit. (b) Each owner sha11 be entitled to use the general common elements in accordance with the purpose for which they areintended, wj-thout hindering, irnpeding or imposing upon the rights of -q- the other owners and in accordance vrith the rules and requlati.ons dulvestablished from time to time by the Association. (c) If any portion of the general conunon elemenlsnow encroaches upon any apartment unit or commercial unit, or if anyapartment unit or commercial unit now encroaches upon any otheraPartment unit or commercial unit or upon any portion of the general comnon elements as a result of the construction of any buirding, orif any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of iet.tlinqor shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachmentand for the maintenance of the same so long as the building standssha1l exist. In the event any building, any apartment unit, anyadjoining apartment unit or commercial unit, or any adjoining general common element shall be partially or totally destroyed as a resultof fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or emi-nentdomain proceedings, and then rebuilt, encroachmenLs or parts of thegeneral common elements upon any apartment unit or commercial unitor of any apartment or commercial unit upon any other apartnentunit or commercial unit or upon any portion of the general common elements due to such rebuilding shall be permitted and valid easementsfor such encroachments and the naintenance thereof shall exist so longas the building shall stand. 5. Mechanic's Liens; Indemnification. (a) If any owner shall cause any material to befurnished to his apartment unit or comnercial unit or any labor tobe performed therein or thereon, no olner of any other condorniniumunit shall under any circumstances be liable for the paynent of any expense i.ncurred or for the value of any work done or materialfurnished. A11 such vrork shall be at the expense of the ownercausing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible tocontractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishingIabor or materials to hj-s apartment unit or commercial unit or anyimprovements therein. Nothing herein contained sha1l authorize anyowner or any person dealing through, with or under any owner tocharge the general common elements or any apartment unit orcommercial unit other than that of such owner with any mechanic'slien or other lien or encunbrance whatever. On the contrary (andnotice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lienor encumbrance of any kind against the general common elernents oragainst any owner or any owner's apartment unit or corunercial uni.tfor work done or materials furnished to any other owner's apartmentunit or commercial unit is hereby expressly denied. (b) If, because of any act or onission of any owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shallbe filed agaj-nst the general common elern-ents or against any otherowner's apartment unit or commercial unit or any improvementstherein, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or orderis valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omj-ssionforms the basis for such lien or order shaIl at hi-s own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the Association,or to such other oh/ner or owners, within twenty (20) days after thedate of filing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save allthe other unit owners and the Association harrnless from and against any and al1 costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, includingreasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 6. Administration and Manaqement. Pitkin Creek Park Condomlniums shall be adrninistered and managed pursuant to thisDeclaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the bylaws of thisAssociation. Each owner sha1l be a member of the Association and.shall remain a member until he ceases to be an owner. Each membershall comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration andof the Articl-es of fncorporation and bylaws of the Association. Each mernher shall be bound by and shall comply with rules, resolutions and decisions of the Association dulv made or adopted in the manner -6- set forth in the Articles of Incorporation or bylaws. Failure of the mcnbcr t-o comltly wi Lh suclr provi-sions, ruIcs, rcsolutions or dccisions shall be grounds for an action to recover damaqes or to obtain injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Association on behalf of the other owners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved owner, the Town of Vai1, or a designee or assj-qnee of the Town of Vail. rn addition, the Association's bylaws may authorize the Association duringthe period of any delinquency (a) to revoke a delinquent ownerrsright to use general conunon elements and (ki) to suspend a member'svoting privileges. However, no such suspension shall affecL therights of a first l-ienor. '7 . Maintenance and Repairs. (a) For purposes of maintenance, repair, alteration and remod.eling, an Owner shall be d.eerned to own and sha1l have theright and obligation to maintain, repair, alter and remodel theinterior non-supporting walIs, the materials (suci-r as, but not Limitedto plaster, gypsum dry wal1, paneling, wallpaper, paint, wall andfloor tile, and flooring, but not including the subflooring) makj.ng upthe finished surfaces of the perimeter walls, ceilings and floors withinthe unit and the unit's'doors and windows. and any and aLl newadditj-ons to a unit made by the owner thereof. The obligati-on tomaintain any fence or other structure enclosing a patio, balcony, yardor deck area ori"ginally conveyed by Declarant shall be that of theAssociation. No or.iner shalI, however, make any changes or alterations ofany type or kind to the exterior surfaces of the doors or wi.ndows tohis unit, nor to any general common elements (including, but not limitedto, the exterior portions of his unit). The owner shall not be deemedto own lines, pj.pes, wires, conduits or systems (which for brevityare hereafter referred to as "utilities") running through his unj,t which serve one or more other units. Each owner shall have the obligationto replace any finishi-ng or other naterials rernoved \,ri-th similar orother types or kinds or rnaterials. An owner shall maintain and keepin good repair and. in a cLean, safe, attractive and sightly conditionthe interior of his unit, including the fixtures, doors and wj-ndowsthereof and the improvements affixed thereto, and such other items and areas as may be required. in the bylaws. AIso, an owner shallmaintain, clean and keep in a neat and clean condition the fireplacewithin his unit, the deck, yard, porch, balcony and/or patio areaadjoining and,/or leading to a unit, if any, which areas areIimited common elements appurtenant to such owner's condominium unit.A1I fixtures, appliances and equipment installed within a unit commencing at a point where the utilities enter the unit shall bemaintained and kept in repair by the owner thereof. If any o'rrnerfails to carry out or neglects the reponsibilities set forthin this paragraph, the Board or the Managing Agent may fulfill the same and charge such owner therefor. Any expense incurred by an ovrner under this paragraph shall be the sole expense of such owner. (b) The general comrnon elements (including the limited common elements) shaLl be administered, conserved, manag'ed, maintained,repaired and replaced by the Association, which may have accessto any unit from time to time during reasonable hours for such purposes, or at any time for the purpose of making emergency repairstherein necessary to prevent damage to the general conmon elements orto another apartment unit or commercial unit. The costs of repairing any damage to an apartment unit or commercial unit resulting fromentry therein for any such purpose shall be a common expense of a1lthe owners. Ilowever, if the need to make such entry results from the negligence or intentional act of any owner, his agent or invitee, such owner shall reimburse the Association for all the costs of repairing such damage and shaLl, be liable to the other owners for all additional Iosses or damages suffered, including reasonable attorney's fees. -7- (c) I'lotwithstanding the foregoing (i) each ownerhaving an interest in rimited common elements sha1l pay theproportion of the.costs and expenses of maintaining,-rloairing andrepracing any limited common erements of which such owner hasany use and enjoyment, the numerator of which is his percentageinterest in general common elements and the denominator of which isthe totar percentage interest in general common erements of arlpersons having any use and enjoyment thereof, and (ii) each ownersha11 pay all costs of repairing any damage to the general conrmonelements (incruding the limited-common elements), or to any apartmentunit or commercial unit other than his olvn, resuitinq from-thlintentionar act or negligence of such owner, his ramity, agent orinvitee. B. Assessments for Common Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph 7 (c) herein,each owner sharl pay his prorata share of the common expenses, whichproration shall be mad.e on the basis of the sharing Ratios in effecton the date such conrmon e)tpense is assessed, excepl that withrespect to unoccupied units owned by Declarant, the Associationshalr assess Declarant only seventy-five percent (75s) of suchprorata share and Declarant shall not be riabre for any assessmenthereunder due to its reservation and ownership of geneial conrmonelements as d.escribed in subparagraph 2 (b) heiein. rf the hazardinsurance premium for a commerciil unit is greater in proportionto the total premiums than such commercial unit's sharing Ratio, then{-ha Ctn:rA ^f n.i -,!-rrs !r\.,, c(.r. Lr qr r. r.irr€ctors may assess the owner of such commercial unitthe difference between that proportion of the total premium theinsurance carried on the commercial uni-t bears to the total coveraqeand such commercj-al unit's Sharing Ratio (b) The Board of Directors (the "Board") of theAssociation shall fix, determine, levy and colrect annuar andspecial assessments to be paid by each of the olrners to meet thecommon expenses and to create a contingency reserve therefor. priorto the beginning of each fiscar year of the Associatj-on, the Boardshalr adopt a budget for that year. The budget shall include, butsha1l not be limited to, an estimate of the costs of maintenance,repair and. repracement of the general common elements, the cost ofutilities and other services to be provided by the Association, thecost of i-nsurance required by paragraph 9 herein, and proposed capitalexpenditures. The budget shall include an adequate reserve fundfor the maintenance, repairs and replacement of those general commonelements that must be replaced on a periodic basis in ord.er ttratsuch maintenance, repairs and replacement may be paid for throughregrular installments rather than by special assessnent. For theAssociation's first fiscal year, the Board sharl adopt the budget atthe first meeting of the Board and designate the date of commence-ment of the first annual assessment, with the costs for maintenance,repair and replacement of the general common elements and anyreserve fund needed Lherefor based. on a good faith estimate ofthose costs; said estimate may be based on the costs incurred bysimilar associations in the generaL locare. Thereaft,er, the coltof maintenance, repair and replacement and any reserve fund. neededtherefor shall be on the basis of the previou- year's costs withsuch adjustments therefrom as the Board considers appropriate. Thebudget shal1 also include Lhe annual assessment for each condominiurnunit. Special assessments may be levied whenever in the opinion ofthe Board it is necessary or advisable to do so (i) to meetincreased operating or maintenance expenses or costs, (ii) to providefor additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of emergenciLs;however, if the proposed additional capital expenses at any giventime are in excess of ten percent of the maximum repracement- valueof the buildings, as determined by the Association pursuant to sub-paragraph 9(c) herein, such e*p.r,rer may be incurred only after theowners, by the vote of the owners of at least seventy-five percent(751) of the generar common elements, approve such expenses. A11 -B- annual assessments sha11 be based upon an approved budget; allother assessments shall be in itemized statement form and shallset forth the detaiL of the various expenses for which the assess- ments are being made. (c) The Board shall prepare and provide to each owner a statement for the annual assessment and any special assess-ment against his condominium unit. Annua1 assessments for thebudgeted common expenses shall be paid in quarterly installments, each such installment due and payable in advance on the first day ofeach calendar quarter, or more frequent instaLlments as may be deter-mined by the Board. Special assessments sha1I be due and payableas specified in the written notice of such assessment provided by the Board. (d) An action may be brought by the Associationto recover unpaid common expenses from the ordner liable for paymenLthereof, with or wj-thout foreclosing or waiving the lien describedin the following paragraph. (e) A11 sulns assessed but unpaid for the share of conmon expenses assessed to any condominium unit shall constitutea lien on such unit in favor of the Association prior to all otherIiens and encumbrances, except (i) Iiens for taxes and special assessments and (ii) the Lien of any first mortgage or first deedof trust of record encunbering such unit. The Association's lienshall attach from the date when the unpai.d assessment shall becomedue and may be foreclosed by the Assocj-ation in l-ike manner as amortgage on real property upon the recording of a noti-ce of claimthereof executed by the Association setting forth the amount ofthe unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owner of the condomj.niumunit, and a description of the condominium unit. In any suchforeclosure the owner shall be required to pay the costs and expensesof such proceedings, including reasonable aLtorney's fees. During Lhe period of foreclosure the owner of the condominium unit subjectto such action shall be required to pay reasonable rental to theAssociation. The Association sha11 be entitled to purchase the condominium unit at the foreclosure sale, and to acquire, hol-d, lease, mortgage or convey the same. forof 'JJ (f) No owner shall exempt himself from liability payment of his share of the common expenses either by waiverthe use or enjoyment of any of the general common elements or abandonment of his condominiurn unit. (S) In case of sale or other transfer of a condominium unit with respect to which sums assessed for common expenses shall be unpaid, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest i"n such unit shall be jointly and severally liable $riththe seIler or transferor thereof for such unpaid assessments.Notwithstanding the above, dDy first lienor who obtains title toa condominium unit pursuant to the remedies provided in the mortgageor foreclosure of the mortgage will not be Liable for such unit's unpaid dues or charg'es which accrue prior to the acquisltion oftit.le to such unit for the first lienor. (h) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee,prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfereeof a condominium unit, the Assocj-ation shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid common expenses,if any, with respect to such condominium unit, the amount of thecurrent monthly assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shal-l become due and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such statement, for which a reasonable fee may be chlrged,is binding upon the Association in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Un1ess a request for such statement shallbe complied with within ten days after receipt thereof, alI unpaid common expenses which became due prior to the date of making suchreguest shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of theperson reguesting such statement. -9- t (i) Any party in favor of whom a lien on a condominiumunit has been created rnay but shall not be required to pay any unpaidconrmon expense with respect to such unit, and upon such payment suchparty shal1 have a lien on such condomini.rrm unit for the amount sopai-d of the same rank as the lien theretofore existinq. (j) First lienors shall be given writtenAssoci-ation of any default by an owner in the payment ofhereunder, which default has remained. uncurea tor thirtv notice by the any assessment(30) days. 9. Insurance - (a) The Association shalI, on behalf of the owners: (i) keep a1-1. buildings (including aII of theapartment units and commercial units and all fixturestherein, but not includ.ing furniture, furnishings or otherpersonal property or fixtures sunplied or installed by cond.ominium unit owners or their tenants) insured. againstloss or darnage by perils commonly referred to as all riskperils, i-n approximately the amount of the maximumreplacement valu€ thereof, determined in accordance withsubparagraph 9(c) herein; (ii) provide and keep in force for the protectionof the Association, its officers and directors, and all theowners and first lienors, general publj-c liability andproperty damage insurance against claims for bodily injuryor death or property damage occurring upon or in thegeneral conunon elements, in limits of not less than$1,000,000 for bodily injury or death to any number ofpersons arising out of one accj_dent or disaster or for damage to property, and if higher limits shall at anytime be customary to protect against possibte tortliability, such higher lilnits shall be carried; (iii) carry insurance in such amounts as theAssociation may consider necessary or advisable againstsuch other insurable hazards as may from time to timebe commonly insured against in the case of similar propertyin similar locations elsewhere; and (iv) carry directors and officers liabilityinsurance in such amounts as the Association mav consider necessary or advisable. (b) A11 insurance required to be carried under thisparagraph shall be carrj-ed in favor of the Association, the owners andall first lienors, as their respective interests may appear. Eachpolicy of j-nsurance shall contain a standard mortgagee clause infavor of each first lienor of a condomi.nium unit which shall providethat the loss, if any, thereunder shall be payable to such firstlienor, as its.interests may appear, subject however to the loss pairmentprovisions in favor of the Association hereinafter set forth. Alrpolicies of insurance against damage to any building and fixturesshalr provide that l-osses shalr be payable to and adjusted. with theAssociation, as attorney- in- fact for the owners. The Associationshall ho1d. and apply the proceeds cf such insurance as set forth inthis DecLaration. Each insurance policy shall provide that nocancellacion or reduction in coverage theleof may be rnade Uy the j.nsurance carrier wi.thourhaving first given 30 days' prior written notice thereof to theAssociation, the ov/ners and ar1 first lienors. Each insurance polrcyshalr also provide that in case of violation of any provision thereoiby one or more (br.t less than a1I) of the owners, the coverage of suchpolicy shall be suspended or i-nvalidated only as to the inteiest ofthe owner or owners committing the violation and not as to theinterest of any other owner. AII policies of physical damage insuranceshal1 contain waivers of subroqation and of anv defense based onco-insurance. Duplicate origiials of all poliiies of physical damageinsurance and of all renewals thereof, together with proof of payment of premiums, shall be delivercd to all first lienors at least ten days prior to expiration of thc thcn current policies. -,Ltr- (c) Thc maximum rcpl.accmcnt value of thc buildings(which shall indicate the maximum repfaccment valuc of each condo- minium unit contained therein), without deduction for depreciation, shaLl be determincd by thc Association prior to obtaining any policyof fire insurance or any rcnewal thercof by means of one or morewrj.tten appraisals made by competent, disinterested appraisers; however, appraisals need not be obtained rnore frequently than atone-year intervals. Copies of such appraisals shal1 be furnishedto each owner and each first lienor of a condominium unit upon request.In lieu of an appraisal, the Association may determine the max imum replacement value of the buildings by applying the local increasedcost of construction to the original cost of construction. (d) Each owner shall be responsible for aII insurance covering loss or damage to personal property in his apartment unitor commercial unit and liability for injury, death or damage occurringinside his apartrnent unit or commercial unit. Any such policy sha1l contain waivers of subrogation and shall be so written that theliability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Association shal1 not be affected or diminished thereby. 10. Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. Each owner by his acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vesting in him an interest in a condominium unit does irrevocably constitute andappoint (a) the Association with full power of substitution as histrue and lawful attorney in his nane, place and stead to deal with suchi-nterest upon damage to or destruction, obsolescence. or condemnationof the building or real property as hereinafter provided and (b) Declarant with full power of substitution as his true and lawfulattorney in his narne, place and stead to deal with such interest inorder to effectuate the reservation contained in paragraph 20, eachwith full power, right and authorization to execute, acknowledge anddeliver any contract, d.eed, proof of loss, release or other instrumentaffecting the interest of such owner, and to take any other action which the Association or Declarant may consider necessary or advisable to give effect to the provisi.ons of this Declaration. If requested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each owner shall execute and deliver a written instrument confirming such appointment. The action of the Association in settling any damage or condemnation claim shall be final and bindj.ng on all owners. No ov/ner shal1 have any rights against the Association or any of its officers or directors with respect thereto except in case of fraud or gross negligence. 11.of the building Damage or Destruction. or any part thereof by In case of damage or destruction any cause whatsoever: (a) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all the costs of repairing and restoring the buildi-ng, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shal-l cause the building to be repaired andrestored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable judgment of the Associationthe anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay thecosts of repairing and. restoring the buiLding, and if the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds are less than ten percent (108) of the maximum replacement value last determined under subparagraph 9(c) herein, then the Associati-on (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall promptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration sha1I be a common expense to be assessed and paid as provided in paragraph 8 herein. (c) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the buildi-ng, and if the excess of such costs are ten percent (I0E) or more of the max imum rePlacernent value last determined under subparagraph 9(c) herein' then (unless within 100 days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoring the building shall be approved by the owners of condominium units in such building owning 75t or more of the total -11- ' interests in general common elements appurtenant to apartment unitsor commercial units in such building ana uy arI first'r:.."oi" oI-such condominium units) the Associaiion (ai attorney_in_fact foi tneowners of condorniniunr units in such building) shall- execute andrecord in the Eagle county, colorado rear ettate records a noticeof such facts, and thereafter shalr serr the enti-re real propertyon whi.ch such building is l"ocated (includ.ing rhe buildingj tlg"ii,erwith reasonable easements for ingress and "!r"s", if required, asdesignated by the Association, free and creir of the provisions ofthis Declaration and the map, which shall wholly terminate andexpire with respect_to such property upon the closi-ng of such sare.This Declaration and any map, nowever, sha1l remain in furr forceand effect with respect to alr other property and buirdings, andthe percentage interests in general common elements appurtenant toall apartment units and comm5rciar units remaining subject to thisDeclaration shal1 automatically be increased by the amount ofthe percentage interest in genlral common elemlnts appurtenant toall apartment units and commercial units in the builiing sold free andcl-ear of this Declaration, such increase to be allocated amongapartment units and commercial units in accordance to each unit I srespective appurtenant interest in general common elementsappurtenant to apartment units and commercial units in the buildingsnot being sold. The proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of suchsale of the real property shall be_collected by the Association. appliedfirst to-the payment of expenses of sale, and ihen divided among theowners of condominium units in such building and paid into sepaiateaccounts, each representing one condominium unit. The insurairceproceeds shall be divid.ed according to the owners' respectivepercentage interests therein as sh6wn by the insurance policies, if soShOwn, Otherwise ar-r.nrd i nn {-n +r"rrin se,,eiii-;;,*;"":i:;:il3 :;r:::"::l;':; $::ffi:il""il::.::rio^....i.1units in the building so sotil and the proceeds of sare shalr bedivided according to such ownerrs respective undivi.ded interest inthe general common - elements appurtenant to apartment units or commercialunits in the building so sold.-. The funds in each account (withoutcontribution from one account to another) shall be applied by theAssociation for the following purposes in the order inaicatei: (i) forpayment of the balance of the ti-en of any first mortgage or deed of truston the condominium unj_t; (ii) for payment of taxes and-special assess_ment liens in favor of any assessii-rg entity; tiiif for p-ayment ofunpaid common expenses; (iv) for payment oi junior lieni lnd encum_brances in the order of and to the extent of their priority and(v) the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the owner. Theprovisions of this paragiaph snait not be coistrued as timiting inany way.the right of a first lienor (in case the proceeds allocatedunder (i) above shal1 be insufficient to pay the indebtedness securedby his lien) to assert and enforce the personar liability for suchdeficiency of the person or persons responsibre for payment ofsuch indebtedness. rf wittrin 100 days after the date of suchdamage or destruction a plan for repiiring and restoring thedamaged or destroyea building sharl- be apiroved by the owners of75? or more of the general c5mmon erements .pp,rrl3rr-nt to apartmentunits or commerciar-units in the building ""i'rv-irr first rienors,the Association (as attorney-in-fact for such oivners) sha11 prornptly 939"e such repairs and restoration to be mad.e according to si.rch pr.n. 111,":i.::-91, apartmenr unirs or commerciat units in s,lcrr r"iiaii,g'(and no other) sha11_ be bound by the terms of such p1an, and thedifference, if any, between the'amount of the insurance proceeds andthe costs-of repair and restoration shalr be an expense of suchowners only and shall be assessed and paid by such owners in theproportions of their respective interelts in generar common elementsaPpurtenant to apartment units or commercial rlni.t.s in the damagedbuildincr. (d) . Nothing contained. in this paragraph shall beconstrued as imposing any r-iabilit,y whatever otr .n| first rienor topay all or any part of the costs oi repair or restoration. ]-2. Obsolescence. (a) If at any ti.me thegeneral common elements appuitenant to onr^/ers of 75t or more of t,hc apartment units or conmercial units -L2- rn any buj.lding covercd by this tjccraration and arr first lienorswith interest in such building shall agree that such building hasbecome obsolete and shall approve a plan for its renovation 6rrestoration, the Association (as attorney- in- fact for the ownerswith interest in such building) shalI promptly cause suchrenovation or restoration to be made according to such plan. Artowners of apartment units and commercial units in such buildingshall be bound by the terrns of such plan and the costs of the workshalr be an expense of such owners only and shall be assessed anclpaid by such owners in the proportions of thei-r respective interestin general common elements appurtenant to apartment unitsor commercial units in such building. No owner of an apartmentunit or commercial unit in any other buirdi-ng shaII be iequired toPay any of the costs of such renovation or restoration on accountof such ownership. (b) If at any time the owners of 75? or more of thegeneral common elements and all- first lienors shall agree that anyof the improvements constituting general common elements have bec3meobsolete and shall approve a plan for their renovation or restoratron,the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall promptlycause such renovation or restoration to be made according to sulh - pran. A11 owners shal1 be bound. by the terms of such pran and thecosts of the work sha1l be a common expense, to be assessed and paidas provided in paragraph 8 herein. (d) rf at any time the owners of 75? or more of thegeneral common elements and. alI first lienors sha1l agree that thebuild.ings have become obsolete and should be sold, theAssociation (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall promptlyrecord in the real estate records of Eagle County, Colorado, a-notice of such facts, and sharr serl the entire real property, freeand cLear of the provisions of this Declaralion ancl the mapr-which shall whorly terrninate and expire upon the crosing oi'such !+fg. The proceeds of such sale shall be collected, ap[lied anddivided anong the owners by the Association in the manner providedin subparagraph 1f (c) herein. l-J Condemnation (a) ff the entire real property shall be taken forany public or quasi-public use, under any statute, by right ofeminent domain, or by purchase in 1ieu thereof, or ii any part ofany building covered by this Declaration shaIl be so taken, orif any part of the land sha1l be so taken and the part remainingshall be insufficient for purposes of Pitkin Creek Park Condominiums,the Association (as attorney- in- fact for the owners) shall corlectthe award made in such taking and sha1l sell the part of the landrenaining after the taking, if any, free and crear of the provisionsof this Decl-aration and the map. Such provisions sha1l wfr-ttyterminate and expire upon the recording of a notice by theAssociation setting forth aI1 of such facts. The award and. theproceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected, applied anddivided among the owners by the Association in the manner provid.edin subparagraph 11(c) herein. (b) If such taking shall be partial only, and if theremaining part of the land sha1l be sufficient for the purposes ofPitkin creek Park condominiums, the condominium ownership hereundershal1 not terminate. Each owner shall be entitled to a share ofthe condemnation award to be determined under the following provisions: (i) The total amount allocated to takingof or injury to the general common elements shall beapportioned arnong ohrners on the basis of each owner'srespective percentage j-nterest in the general commonelements; -13- (ii) The total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to the owners of those condominium units which were not taken or condemned on the basis of each such owner's respective percentage interest in the seneral common elements; (iii) The respective amounts aLlocated to the taking of or injury to a particular condominium unj-t or to improvements an owner has made within his own condomi-nium unit shall be apportioned to the owner of that particular condominium unit involved; and, (iv) The total amount allocated to conse-quential damages and any other taking or injuries shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion to their respective percentage interests in the general conmon elements. If an allocatlon of the award is already established in negotj-ation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the award the Association shall employ such allocation. Distribution of appor- tioned proceeds shal1 be made by checks payable jointly to the respective owners and their respective first lienors. (c) In the event a partial taking results in the taking of an apartment unit or commercial unit, the owner thereof shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association, and his orvnership interest in the general common elements shall terminate and vest in the owners of the remaining condominium units. There- after, the Association shall reallocate the ownership and assessment ratios determined. in accordance with this Declaration according to the same principles employed in this Declaration at its inception, and, shall submit such reallocation to the owners of the remaining Ind.ividual Air Space Units for the amendment of this Declaration. (d) In the event that any portion of Pitkin Creek Park Condominiums shall- be made the subject matter of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise sought to be acguired by a cond.emning authority, then timely written notice of such condemnation shall be given by the Association to each owner and first lienor. L4. Quality of Work. Any repairs' renovation or res- toration of th-TEET-lE6[erty or any buj-lding covered by this Declaration by the Association as attorney- in- fact for the owners shall be done in such manner as to make the real property or the building at least as valuable after such work as it was immediately before the occurrence requiring the work to be done. 15. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended. or rev@t any time prior to the fi-ling of the map, and (b) upon the \n/ritten approval in recordable form of the owners of seventy-five percent (758) or more of the general common elements and seventy-five percent (758) of aII first li-enors, except that the provisions of subparagraph 2 (a) herein, and Exhibit C relating to interests in the general .common elements anil the Iimited common elements may be amended only upon such approval of the o\tners of one hundred percent (foo?) of the general conmon elements and all first lienors. As long as any land described in Exhibit B of this Declaration can be subjected to this Declaration, sub- paragraph 2(b) and paragraph 20 sha1l not be amended unless Declarant consents in writing to iuch amendment. The Declaration shall also be revoked in whoLe or j.n part upon sale of all or part of the real property pursuant to subparagraphs 11(c) , 12(c) or 13(a) herein. Comrnon Use. The Assocj-ation maY16. Propertv for Comrnon Use acquire and hold for the usE-Ena-Eenefit of all owners and. tangible and intangible personal property and may , real proPerty dispose of the -14 - a same by sale or otherwise, and the benef ic j-al interest in any suchproperty shall be owned by the owners in the same proportion as theirrespective interests in the qeneral cornmon elenents and shall notbe transferable except with a transfer of a condominium unit. Atransfer of a condominium unit shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor's beneficial- interest i-n such propertywithout any reference thereto. Bach owner nay use such propertyin accordance with the purpose for which it j-s intended, withouthindering or encroaching upon the lawfu1 rights of the other owners.The transfer of title to a condominium unit under foreclosure shallentitle the purchaser to the beneficial interest in such property associated with the foreclosed condomi-nium unit. 17. Reqistration by Owner of Mailinq Address. Each ownershall register , and exceptfor monthly statements and other routine notices, aII other noticesor d.emands intended to be served upon an owner shatl be sent by eitherregistered or certified maiI, postage prepaid, addressed to the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. A11 notices, demand.s or other notices intended to be served upon the Associationshall be sent certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address of theAssociation as desiqnated in the bvlaws of the Association. lB. Duration of Condominium Ownership, The separateestates created shall continue untilthis Declaration shall be revoked or unti-1 its provisions shallterminate as orovided herei-n. 19. Architectural Control. No building, fence, waLl- orotherstructure@ereciedorrnaintainedupontheproperties, nor shall any exterior addiLion to or change or alterationtherein be made until the plans and specifi-cations showing the nature,kind, shape, height, color, rnaterials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony ofexternal design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Association, or by anarchltectural committee composed of three or more representatives appointed by the Board. In the event said Board or 1ts designated. committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and locationwithin thirty days after said. plans and specifications have beensubmitted to it, approval wi-l1 not be required and this paragraphwill be deemed to have been fullv complied with. 20. General Reservations. Declarant reserves for a period of seven years from Ehe date th:Is Decla ion is initially recorded(a) the right to dedicate any access roads and stredEE--SEETTng EhIs condominium project for and to public use; to establish easements,reservations, exceptions and exclusions consistent with the condomi-nium ownership of the condominiurn project and the bestinterest of the owners and the Assoclation and (b) an easement over, under and through improved. and unimproved parts of the general conmon elements, to the extent necessary for constructi-on ofadditional buildings and improvements on the land described inExhibit B, which may include recreational facilities which will become general common elements. The operating expenses of such improve- ments wj-Ll be common expenses. However, Declarant has no obligationto construct additional improvements, 2L. Household Pets. No animals, livestock, horses orpoultry of any Elnd-EIT-Ee kept, raiseC or bred within any condominium unit or within the general common elenents, except that one dog, one cat or one other household animal may be kept by an owner as a household pet so long as such pet is noL a nuisance to any other owner. Pedestrians accompanied by a household pet within -15- ! the general common elements must have said pet under their directcontror by use of a r-eash not to exceed ten feet in length. An-orn.,is,responsible for any damage caused by his animar and sharr beobligated to clean up after his animar on the project. No animalssharl be allowed to remain tied or chained to any balconies, patiosor other parts of the project, and any such animlt so tied orchained may be removed. by the associaiion or its iqencs. 22. Restrictions on Resa1e )J-o.- A transfer or conveyance by operation of raw or other-wise of an interest of an owner to any other co-owners where suchco-owners hold title on the date of such tranS?Ei-iE-tenants in . cgminon or as joint tenants shall be exempt from the Town of Vairr.sri-ght to purchase and the need for the town to advertise the saleof the condorninium unit, but shalr not be exempt from the remainingprovisions of paragraph 22 - ' If the owner does not receive a bid in an amount equalto or greater than the Maximum Resale price within ninety (90) diysof the last publication date, ti*" Tfre-iw"Er shall be allowed to seIIhis condomj-nium unit on the "open market" and sha1l be deemed to havesatisfied this paragraph numbei 22. The transferee, his grantees orsuccessors in interest, however, sha1l be bound by the terms andconditions of thj-s paragraph number 22 in the same manner and degreeas if no transfer had oicuired on the "open market. " rf the ownerdoes not serl his conciomin iurn unit on the open market within onehundred eighty (140) clays of the last-publication date and if theowner still desires to serl his co;do;inium"unit, ne must againcomply \,/ith the full terms and conditions of this paragraph number 22.For the purpose of establishinq the sales date in the precedingsentence, the recording rlaf-e oi the transfer _q"_ed'/shalL be conclusiveevidence of tfdlace or sate, -l '5- If thc owner rcjccts all bid.s withouL rcAard to thedorrar varue of such bids, he shal-l forfeit his deposil. rf theowner sells the condominium unit to a eualified purchaser, ashereinafter defined, the Town of Vail, or an entity or commi-ssioncreated. by the Town of Vail, or an employer whose business is locatedwithin the Town of Vail. then he shall pay the Town of vail or itsdesignee an amount equal to one percent (I?) of the sales priceIe.sq the amount ,9f__deBosil_prqVigU-sly made. Such fees,paib. to the- Town-bT-vdar shall be for al-l advertising and administrative feesin connection with the sale of the condominium uni_t. "eualified purchasers" sharl be residents of Vai1,colorado who meet the qualification, including the maximum incomegualification established annually by resolution of the Town Council.The revision of the qualifications shall be limited to those chanqesreasonably necessary to limit the sale of the condomj-nium unit topurchasers of low and moderate income residing in the Town of VaiL. In no event sha11 any condominiurn unit be sold unlessit is sold on the open market pursuant to the criteria set outabove, for an amount in excess of the total of the following: An amount cal ated as follows: Purchase price +price X )X For the purposes of this subparagraph, the phrase "baseindex" sha1l be the index value of the Consumer price Index which appeared most recently prior to the time ofpurchase and the term "current ind.ex" shal1 be theindex val_ue of the Consumer price Index which appearedmost recently prior to the sale for which the rnaximumresale price must be determined. (ii) The value at the time of sale of all capitalimprovements made to the condominium unit prus the owner'sprorata share of the costs of those made to the commonelements and assessed to the owner. The value of the capitalimprovements shall be as determined by mutual agreement ofthe owner and Town of Vail or by an apptralse'a mG[E_my-__=aEdeFrLable--to.the owner and the Town of Vai_I. the coitof such appraisal shall- be paid by the orn/ner- (iii) The cost of any public improvements forwhich assessments were imoosed by any governmental or qua s i -governmental agency which have been paid during theper j_od of ownership. The sum of (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall be the "Maximum Resale Price, " rn the event a bid is received equal to or inexcess of the lrlax imum Resale Price herein established, the condominiumunit sha1l be awarded to such bidder at said Maximum Resare price.rn the event two or more such bids are recej-ved, the winning bj-d.dershall be selected by lotterv and the condominium unit sharr be soldto him at no more than tlre Maximum Resale Price. Notwithstanding theabove, a Qualified Purcliasbr shall always have preference ov.r aiEmproyer as long as his bid is eguar to or greater than the MaximumResale Price or the Emproyer's bid, whichever is Iess. rn the eventt$/o or more bids are submitted which require the owner to take apromLssory note as partial payment and no other l"lax imurn Resale Pricebids are received., then the owner may select the winning bidder athis sole discretion without the need of a lottery. wothing herej-n,however' shalr be construed to prevent the owner from rejecting al1bids and retaining ownership of the condominium unit. (b) No owner shall permit any purchaser to assume any 'or all of the owner's customary closing costs nor accept any otherconsideration such as to increase the purchase price above tne ui-aprice or Maximum Resale price or so as to otherwise induce the ownerto sell to said purchaser. (c) The following transfers of interests in the con-dominium unit shal1 (unress desiqnated to avoid the restrictions ofthis paragraph number 22) be exempt from this paragraph number 22: cu1 ['t-' L chase (i) / puri- (f, hori +.= n..o A transfer of an interest by will or in- (iii) A transfer of an interest by treasurer's deedpursuant to a sare for delinquent taxes or by a sheriff's orpublic or private trustee's deed oursuant to a judgrnentexecution or foreclosure sale. Provided, however, anythi-ng above to the contrary notwithstanding, inthe event the unit strltr b6 transferred in any *in.,.. described insubparagraphs (i] through (iii) , the transferee, his grantees orsuccessors in interest, shatl be bound by the terms and conditionsof this paragraph nurnber 22 in the same manner and degree as if noexempt transfer had occurred.. (d) After full compliance by an offering owner withparagraph 22, and. after all periods of time irovided for purcrrase-ny theTown Council (or other entity or comnission created by the Town council)or by a "Qualified purchaseri have expired, then the Town council shallprepare, execute, acknowledge and swear to a certificate in recoidableforrn- stating thaL the proviiions of this p.iugiipht 22 have beencornplied with and t,hat any right or right-s to"puichase by the Town ofVail (or other entity or lo*tnission created by the Town council) or bya "oualified. Purchaser" have been terminated. such certificate may beligned by any member of the Town councir, the Tor,/n Manag.er, the Townclerk, or such other person as designated by the Town council, and sharlbe conclusive upon the Town of Vail (or other entity or cornrnissi.oncreated. by the Town of Vail) and all_ Oualified purchasers in favor ofall persons who in good faith rely thereon. 23. Restrictions on Leasing. (a) In the event the owner desires to lease hi_scondominium unit, the owner shdll noti-fy the Town of Vair, attentionTown crerk, of such intention anc shall provid.e to the Town of vailprior to the date of occupancy of the lessee written docunentationshowing the followinq: (ii) A transfer of anthe benefit of the owner or the interest to a trustee for.owner's spouse or issue. (qtro tattr-/ /i I ernployment; (ii) (iii) ( iv) (v)palments, taxes and utilities. The name of lessee and his place of The term of the lease; The monthly charge of the lease; The security deposit amount; and The ownerrs cost of principal and interest, property insurance, condominium dues, (b) In no event shatl the owner lease to. a personwho does not meet the qualifications of a eualified purchaser andthe rental for such cond.o'ni-niunr unit shalr not exceed the owner, srnonthly expenses for the costs of principal and intere3t palments,t1T?=, property insurance, condominium di:es, utilitie=, piri .r,additional twenty dollars ($20.00) and a reasonable refundablesecurity deposit. 24. Notwithstanrring the provisions of paragraph 15, theprovisions in paragraphs 22 and,23 sharl not be amended. wi.thoutthe express written consent of the Town of VaiL 25. The provisions of paragraph 22 and 23 shall be binding successors and assigns, and all seven years from the date of upon.al1 owners, or their heirs,remain in effect for a period. ofrecording of this Declaration. -1.8- f,)\a^-t- 3t, l 26. rf a condominium unit is designated as a cornmercialunit under this Declaration or any supprement thereto, then anytransfer of interest or reasing of such condominium unit shal1 beexempt from paragraphs 22 and 23. 27. In case of a transfer to a first lienor in connectionwith a foreclosure of its lien or taki-ng a deed in lieu thereof,such transfer shaI1 be exempt from paragraphs 22 and. 23. rf thefirst lienor selrs the condominium unit-subseguent to a foreclosure,then that transfer shall be exempt from paragraph 22; however, suchtransferee, his grantee or successor i-n interest shall be boundby the terms and conditions of paraqraphs 22 and 23 in the same mannerand degree as i-f no exempt transfer hacl occurred. rf the firstlienor or other grantee at a foreclosure sale purchases such unitfor an amount greater than the "Maximum Resale price," as computedurrder paragraph 22, E]nen the Association shall be entitred. to al1 fundsin excess of the "Maximum Resale price. " zo General. (a) If any of the provisions of this Declaration orany paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the atrplicationthereof in any circumstance be invalidated, such invalidity shatlnot affect the validity of the remaincler of this Declaration and theapplication of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phraseor word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall be inaddition and supplemental to the condorniniurn ownershj-p Act of theState of Colorado and to aII other provisions of law. (c) Idhenever used herein, unless the context sha1lotherwi-se provide, the singurar nurnber shalt j-nclude the plural ,the plural the singular, and the use of any gender sha1I includeal1 genders. IN I^IITIIES*VIHEREOF, Declaran! has duly executed thisDeclaration this ,lA* day of '72*+<,Lr , 1980. {} " Dec larant " PITKIN CREEK PARK, INC aCo arles R. Anderson, Pres dent Attest: The undersiqned by this Dectarition Declaration. of a deed of consents to holder haral-rrr trust upon the property and ratifies the provisions IONAL BANK OF DENVER SeniorMG. -t 0- ed Attest i resident and Trust Officer . Theprovisions of undersigned herebythis Declaration.consents to and ratifies the TOWN OF VAIL -2 0- -., r The foreqoinq instrument was acknowledged before me this.<)"/ day of Vl',.tiall, . , 1980, by charles n. Anderson,F?E-s.ident,an@Secretary,ofPITKINcREEKPARK,INc. a Colorado corporation. a4 STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY Myc STATE OF'COLORADO A COLJNTY OE /4,h!(4V STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY ss. Witness rny hand and official seal . ss. acknowledged before me by Milton G. Janecek, JAMES R. COVVGILL Bank of Denver. seal this Senior ..r/,.rr., f . 4,i- / /lJlr ,'lae t Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: My Commlsslon explret February 5, 1981 ,.. ' )tt,t,!r,!/n7n ,' '',.I.lotary P rres: M. ELAINE COLEMAN NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF COLOBADO My Conrnussron Exoirte- Augusl 1. 1 983 -2L- Legal Description Pitkin Creek park Condominiuns A parcel of land lying entirely within Section ll,Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the SixthPrincipal Meridj.an, Eagle County, Colorado, moreparticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South right-of-wayof I-70, a nail set in a tree root, from whencethe Nortleast corner of said Section II bearsNosth 41"10'46" East 336.27 feet; thence North59"28'16" tr.trest 2I7.59 feet Lo a point on theWest bank of Pitkin Creek; thence along the lr]estbank of Pitkj-n Creek the following four courses: s 5B:29'r5', w 55.33 feet;S 49:J-2'10" W 7i.45 feet;s 61;47'30" w 44.50 feer;S 42"25 '00" ['t Ii.2S feet; thence leaving said bank, Soqth 48034'25,' East12I.60 feet; thence South 4I"25 '35,' west 50.00feet to a pbint on the Northern right-of-way ofU. S. Highway 6; thence a1on9 saicl right-of-waythe following three courses: nS 46:19125" E 52.25 feet;S 63"08'39" E 103.67 feet to a brassright-of-way marker;S 46"31' 52 u E 166. 83 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way North 4Io3B'20"East 285.37 feet to a point on a curve of theSouthern right-of-v/ay of T-70i thence I97.lB feetalong the arc of said curve to the left, havinqa central angle of 4"10'36" and a radius of 2,205.00feet to the point of beginning and containing 108,357.58square feet or 2.488 acres more or less. EXHIBIT A (Attached to and made a part of CondominiurnDeclaration for Pitkin Creek park Cond.ominiums) ft-l EXHIBIT B (Attached to and made a part of CondominiumDeclarati.on for Pitki-n Creek park Condonri-ni-ums) Legal Description A parcel of land being part of Section Il and 12,Township 5 South, Ranqe 80 l,Iest of the SixthPrincipal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, moreparticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on a curve and on the Eastline of said Section 11, said point beingSouth 00'19'06" East 412-80 feet from theNortheast corner of said Section 1I; thenceNorth\resterly along the Southerly right-of-wayline of Interstate Highway No. 70 and along thearc of a curve to the left havj.ncr a rad.ius of2,705.00 feet, a dj-stance of ZZS,SO feet (thechord of said arc bears North 54e32r28,' Westanfl has a length of 275.30 feet) ; thence North59-28'16" West 276.60 feet^to the true point ofbeqinninq; thence Sou!h 56"50,09', West 227.g7feet; thence soxth 46"19'25" East 260.00 feet;thence Sguth 63"08'39" East 103.67 feet; thenceSopth 46-3I'52" East 5l1.OI feet; thence South46"24 '00" East 5.65 feet to a point of i_nter-section of said right-of-way wiqh the East lineof said section 11; thence i a6"24'00,' East 555.29feet to the Southwest corner of Biqhorn Subd.ivisionThird Addi-tion Amended plat; thenc6 North 00o19,00,'West along West line of said^plat, a d.istance of459.61 feet; thgnce North 52"11rL0', West 220-5i feet;thence North 49"26'40,' West 291 .5I feet; thence7.80 feet on the arc of a curve to the left havinqa radius of 2tf05.00 feet (the chord of said arcbears North 54"32'28" West and has a length of7.80 feet); thence 2'1 5.00 feet on the arc of acurve to the left having a radius of !,705.00 feet(the chord of said. arc bears North 51"32'26" Westand has a length of 275.30 feet) ; thence North59-28f16" West 276.6I feet to the trrre noinr nf L'orrinnir,^.vvY4rrrrrrrY, excepting therefrom the following described parcel: A parcel of land lying entirely within Section Il,Township 5 South, Ranqe g0 !.lest of the SixthPrincipal Meridian, nigle County, Colorado, moreparticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South right-of-way ofI-70, a nail set in a tree root, from whence theNortheast corner of saj-d Section f1 bears Nqrth41-10t46" East 336.2'l feet; thence North 59"28'16"West 217.59 feet to a point on the !,'lest bank ofPitkin Creek; thence uionq the i^Iest bank of Pitki.n Creek the followinq four 6or'rr=.=, a\S 58:29'15" I^t 55.33 feet;S 49;I2'I0" W 77.45 feet;s 61;47 44.50 feer;S 42-25'00" I^i 17.25 feet; thence leaving said bqnk, South 48034'25" East 121.60feet; thence South 4L"25,35" Viest 50.00 feet to apoint on the Northern right-of-way of U. S. Highway 6;thence along said right-of-way the followi-ng three courses: B-I alS 46:19'25" E 62.25 feet;s 63-08'39" E 103.57 feet to a brassright-of-way marker; S 46"31'52u E 156.83 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way North 4Io3Bt20" East285.37 feet to a point on a curve of the Southernright-of-way of I-70i thence l-97.18 feet along thearc of saifl curve to the 1eft, having a central ang:Ie of 4'I0'36" and a radius of 2,705.00 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 108,357.58 square feet or 2.488 acres more or less. EXHIBIT C (Attached to and mad.e a part of CondominiumDecl-aration for pitkin Creek park Condomini.ums) Interest in General Common Elements Percentage Ownership inGeneral Conmon ElementsAppurtenant to the Cond.ominiurn Unit or Commercial Unit Square Peet in Ccindominium Unit or Commercial Unit* Condominium Unit No. I-A l-B I-L l-D 1-E 1-F 2-A 2-B 2-c 2-D 2-E 2-F Z-tr 2-H 3-A 3-B ?-rr J-lJ 3-E 3-F J-b 3-I.I 4-A 4-B 4-C 4-D 4-E 4-F 4-H 4-T 4-J 5-A f, -lJ 5-c 5-D J--r- f, --r' 5-G 5-H)-r )-J 5-K 5-L 5-14 5-N 5-o J -.H s-Q 5-R 5-S 5-T 5-u 5-v 5-W 5-x 216 . s0866 .50866 .50866 .7 0266 .61400 .64533 .50866 .50866 .50866 .50866 .64533 .70266 . 614 00 .54533 .60400 . 604 00 .60400 .60400. .74266 .81200 .70533 .7 4266 .50866 .50866 .50866 . s0866 .50866 .7 0266 .61400 .7 0266 .64I00 .64s33 .59400 .45800 .4s800 .45800 .45800 .45800 .4s800 .45800 .63466 .45000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .42466 - 30667 .30667 .30667 .30657 .30667 .30667 .30667 763 763 763 1054 YZI 968 763 763 763 763 968 1054 92r 958 906 906 906 906 1114 1218 10sstlr4 763 763 /oJ /bJ 763 1054 92I 1054 92I 968 _891 587 687 687 687 687 687 ou / >JZ 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 oJ / {ou 460 4bu 460 460 460 460 from architectural drawinqs.*Square footage determined c-l ' '203248 li::l"::i,';,:..l";iil l;l',,1: l;1i",'1",,1f,, L,,J(' FIRST SI]PPLEMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR PITKTTI CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUMS PITKIN CREEK PARK, INC., a Col-orado corporation, the,'fDeclarant," in the Condominium Declaration for Pltkin Creek park Condominiums recorded on l{arch 31, 1980 in Book 300 at page 924 ofthe records of.the C1erk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Stateof Colorado (the "Declaratior"), desires to subject additional real ProPerty to the Declaration by this First Supplement to CondominiumDeclaration as provided for in the Declaration. Supplemental Declaration 1. Declarant hereby adds the real property describedin Schedule I attached hereto (such property being herein called "Phase II Property") as additional real property iovered by theprovisions of the Declaration, as supplemented hereby. 2. Concurrent herewith, Declarant files for record inEagle County, State of Colorado, the Condonrinium Map of pitkin CreekPark Phase II (the "Phase II Map"). 3. Phase II Property is hereby j.nitially divided into condominium units numbered 6-A through 6-H, inclusive, 8-A through'8-J, inclusive, and 9-A through 9-J, inclusive. Declarant hereby.conveys and attributes from its reserved interest in the general'cotnmon elements, as described in subparagraph 2(b) of the Declaration,to each such Phase II Property living unit an undi-vi-ded percentageinterest in the general common elements, such that each living unit.consists of an apartment unit; an undivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant to such apartment unit, which i-nierest isset forth in Schedule II attached hereto, and the exclusive or non-. exclusive right to use and enjoy lirnited common elements, as setforth in Sched.ule II. . 4. DeclaranL reserves all right, title and interest inand to the general- common elements not made appurtenant to any condominium unit by the Declaration or by this First Supplenent to Condominium Declaration, which interest Declarant may make appurtenantto cond,ominium units built on property hereafter rnade subject to theDeclaration as set forth in subparagraph 2(c) of the Declaration. IN WITNESS WHERE:OT. thc undersigned has lrcc g 10. 00 this First Supplemen! ;|o Condominj- Condominiums this ?7L 6uu ot-- \J- duly executedfor Pitkin Creek park , lgB0. erson, eterso SeCretary The undersigned. holder of a deed of trust upon the propertycovered by thi-s First Supplement to Condominium Declaration for iritLi.tCreek Park Condominiums hereby consents to and ratifies the provisionsof this First Supplement. The undersignedof t,his First Supplement Park Condominiums. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER hereby consents to and ratifies the provisionsto Condominium Declaration for Pitkin.Creek TOI^]N By STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY rtb t!" foregoing instrument was acknowledged before :{___ day ot.Aupust. 1980, by Charles R. Anderson, President,Peterson, Secretaryr of pITKfN CREEK pAzu<, INC.. a Colo.ra.do Witness my hand and official seal. me this and Jay K. corporation. b. L^aneCeK ,esident and Af {-oe{- . Notary :f"?lx!,?""tH- nlTriaffr?P"h:+$R My comrnission expires: trd and Tr of The The2f.qregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of W,r 1980, by Milton c. Janecek, senior vice president STATE OF COLORADO DENVER COUNTY my hand and official seal. STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COIJNTY acknowledged Slifer, Mayor, seal. laai a l- -h+ rr-^t-.i ^-t 11-DrD r-qrrL \-ct 5.uJ-g! , before me this and Colleen M. -4 The^foreqoinq instrument r.rasRt day of ffiSflrge6, uy Rodney E.Kline, Town Clerk of the TOWN OF VAIL. witness mv hand and official exprres: Notary 3. SCHEDULE I (Attached to and made a part ofto Condominium Declaration for Condominiums ) - the First SupplementPitkin Creek Park Legal Description Pitkin Creek Park Condominiums phase II A parcel of land being part of Sections 11 and 12,Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the SixthPrincipal Meridian, Town of VaiI, Eagle County,Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South right-of-wayIine of Interstate Highway 20, from whence tbeNorthwest corner of Section 12 bears North lt07'41,,West 417.94 feet; thence along the Southerly riqht-of-.way line of said Interstate Highway Z0 Soutir 49026'40uEast 291.51 feet to an gluminum pin and cap right-of-waymarker; Ihence South 31"45'42,' West 205.75 feet; lhenceNorth 58"14'18" West 116.80 feet; the4ce North I1"32'40" East I79.22 feet; thencq south 97"00r24" west9L.32 feet; thence North 49"2I'40" west 143.14 feet toa point on the ^East J.ine of pitkin Creek park phase I;thence North 41"38r20" East L2L.I1 feet along saidEast line of Phase I to a point on a curve of theSouthern right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 70;thence 86..12 feet along the arc of a curve te theleft, said curve having a central angle of 1"49,27",a radius of 2,705.O0^feet and a chord of 86.02 feetwhich bears South 52"22'I0" East to the point ofbeginning and containing 57 t932.610 squaie feet or1,330 acres nore or less. 600K. Jl.5 . .. Page 945. Fee $12.00pd ?[?,319 o".oh. 1r:ooA.r.t. January u, ,r- Recorder: Johnnet t e Phi 1l ips, Eagle Counry SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUMS PITKIN CREEK PARK, INC., a Colorado corporation, the"Decrarantr" in the cond,ominium Declaration for pitkin creek parkCondominiums-recorded on g"r9.lr_Jl-Ll_9_g_g in Book 300 at page 924of the records of the cle?k ana-Faaorder of the county of'nagre,state of colorado (the "Declaralion"), and. in the pirit suppiementto condominium DecLaration for pitkin creek park condominiumsrecorded-on August 13, t9B0 in Book 306 at page 865 of the recordsof the clerk and Recorder of the county or nagre, state of cororado(the. "First supplement"), desires to subject iaaitionar real propertyto the Declarati-on by this second supprement to condominiumDeclaration as provided for in the Dellaration- Supplemental Decfaration 1. Declarant hereby adds the real property describedin Schedule I attached hereto (such property teing herein called"Phase IfI Property" ) as additional r.eal nrcrner+\/provisi.ons or Lhe Declararion, as':";;i:*:I:ffi'lIr:;;:"u bv the 2. Concurrent herewith, Declarant files for record. inEagle county, state of colorado, the condominirm Map of pitkin creekPark Phase IIf (the ,'phase f II Map" ) . 3. Phase III property is hereby initially divided. intocondominium units numbered 7-AA through 7:oo, inclusive, 7-A through7.-22, inclusive, 10-A through IO-E, inclusive, f1-A through Il_-J,inclusive, L2-A through I2-o, inclusive, I3-A through 13-8, inclusive,and 14-A through 14-J, inclusive. Decrarant hereby conveys andattributes from its reserved interest in the general common elements,as described in subparagraph 2(b) of the Declaration, to each suchPhase rrr Property living unit an undivided percentage interest inthe generar common elernents, such that each living unit consists of anapartment unit; an undivided interest in the general common erementsappurtenant to such apartment unit, which interest j-s set forth inschedule rr attached hereto, and the exclusive or non-excrusiveright to use and enjoy limited common elements, as set forth inSchedule II. 4. Declarant reserves aII right, title and interest inand to the general common elements not made appurtenant to anycondominium unit by the Declaration or by this second supplem6ntto condominium Decraration, which interest Declarant may-makeappurtenant to condominium units bui.lt on property hereafter madesubject to the Declaratj_on as set forth in subparagraph 2 (c) ofthe Declarati_on. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executedthis second supprement to condominium Decraration for pitkin creek :iiir:::i9ominiums, this 3oG day or D-_sIo ,, r*in ,- , teoo arles Anderson ters-on , -Sccr€ SCHEDULE II (Attached to and made a part ofto Condominium Declaration forCondominiums) the Fi-rst SupplementPitkin Creek park Condominium Unit No. Interest in General Common Elements Percentage Ownership inGeneral Common ElementsAppurtenant to the Condominium Unit or Commercial Unit Square Feet in Condominium Unit orCommercial Unit* o-A o-lJ 6-c 6-D o--E b-t o-b h-H I t'-A o--L 8-c 8-D o --E t'-.r 8-c o -.H . ('-r B-J 9-A 9-8. 9-c 9-D v -.tr . v --f 9-c 9-H 9-r 9-J .50866 .50866 . s0866 . s0866 . o4f JJ . /uzbb .61400 . o{)JJ .56666 , JObbb .60400 .60400 .60400 .60400 . I 4lr)f) .81200 . /U)JJ .I.tzoo .60400 .60400 .64000 . 604 00 .60400 .60400 .7 4266 .81200 .70533 .7 4266 *Square footage determined from architectural drawinqs. The o\,rner of each condominium unit hav.ing an attachedbalcony or patio as shown on the rnap with the n'merical designationoI tlte balcony or pati-o correspondinq to the n;e;ical designationof the condomini-um unit to wtricrr i.t is attached shall have theexcrusive right to use such barcony and patio and each such barconyand patio shall be a limited common elemlnt appurtenant to such unit. 763 763 763 763 968 1054 92L 968 850 850 906 906 906 906 1114 1218 1058 1It4 >uo 906 950 906 906 906 11I4 12I8 1058 1114 The undersigned, holder of a deed of trust upon the propertycovered by this Second Supplement to Condominium Declaration ior- pitkin Creek Park Condominiums, hereby consents to and ratifies the provisionsof this Second Supplement. THE FIRST as Trust.e€ NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER i,it ,)Assj. " The und.ersicrned tant asnr-er hereby consentsto Condorninium to and rati-fies Declaration for the provisions Pitkin Creek I of this Second SupplementPark Condominiums. OF' VAIL .z -\t! The f€)regoing instrument was acknowledged 3*_a"v ot =9- Qp,vnlxl- , lsg o , by chariesPresrdent, ancl Jay K. Peterson, secretary, of pITKIN a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seaI. My commission expires: "':iy iS, lJtJ STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY STATE OF COLORADO DENVER COUNTY before me thisR. Anderson, CREEK PARK, INC The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this' day of , 198 , by Mj-lton G. Janecek, Senior:-:--VicePresi<ienffir,and-liam.in.Cowgi1i,Assistant Cashier, of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER, as Trustee. Witness my hand. and official seal. My commission expires: l,',y Ccniri;::cn [xp,r;sJuae t 1933 STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY ios The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me $av of l)=q^0.,-^lr.'.. , 198e , by Rodney E. slifer,this Mayor, and Colleen M. Kline, iotn-TG;k, of-EFe TOWN oF VAIL. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ' MY Gomml$lon sxPires February 5, 1981 SCHEDULE I (Attached to and made a part of the SecondSupplement to Condominium Declaration forPi.tkin Creek park Condominiums) Legal Description Pitkin Creek Park Condominiums phase III A parcel of land lying in Sections 11 and 12,Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6thPrincipal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County,Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of saidSection 12, thence S O1o0Z'41" E 4:-7.94 feet;thence s 49026'40" E 291.5I feet to the point of Beginning; thence s 52011'Iou E 220.57 feet;thence s 00019'00" E 459.61 feet; thenceN46"24'00" W 555.29 feet; thence N 46024'OO"w 5.55 feet, thence N 4603I'52u w 344.Ig feet;thence N 41038'20" E L64.20 feet; thences 48021'4ou E 143.14 feet; thence N g70oo'24,' E 91.32 feetr thence s 11032'4ou w 179.22 feet;thence s 58014'19" E 116.90 feet; thenceN 31045'42" E 205.75 feet Lo the point ofBeginning, containing 176,189 square feet or4.045 acres more or 1ess. Tht !rinlrd po.tior\ofll,'! t,'.'{ splro'r,l Iy th. Colorrilo ltrrl t:.t6t e ( omdruron lS(: j3{t 12"77} RECEIPT ANO OPTION CONTRACT (RESIDENTIAL) (Naure of Qualified Purchaser (s ) ) (Date of Bid)l9 RECEIVED FROM ll I I da te , d It c) t-t H 0) rt o 0) o HH F. antl su trject to builrli ng nnd zoni ng regulntions, and rcstricti vc covc n ants of rt'cot'd ' Any cnturnbr.irncc requirerl to be l)aid nray bt' prtid rt tlrl' tirnt' oi scttlcnrent fIoItl oI frotrt trtry otht'r source. 6. Gepernl taxt's for tht' yt,1r of closing slrlll be apportiotrt'd to dtle of tlt'lively of dct'tl bnsed on the most rt'ct'nt levy nnd thc nlost l.(,(,cnt trsscsstncnt. l,r.(,D i(i r(,nts, w|ltIr rcnts, sewel' rents, FllA lu(,l tnilgc inaul'ance pr('trlililns trrd irrtt,rcst on cn('urrl,rrnccs, il rrrry,rntl , condominillnt ft't's t hc proceeds of this trnnsltction Purchaser (as to be held by as earn eat monev and nartEafle paynrent for the following described real estate situate in the County of Colorado, to wit: See attached Exhibit A. with all improvements thereon and all fixtures of a permanent nature currently on the premises except as hereinaf- ter providerl, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, known as No' Pitkin Creek'Park Condominiums which property purchaser agrees to buy upon the following terms and conditions, for the purchase price of g (Bid Price) , payable as follows: $ 1'000.00 hereby receipted for, $--- the sum of $by Purchaser assutuing and agreeing to pay Deed of Trust in the'amount of $a Promissorv Note and First the remaining sum of $, plus custonEry closing costs, in cash or certified funds at Ehe time of closing. In addition to the above, Purchaser shall purchase Sellerr s escrow savings account in the amount of$for such amount. Purchaser may elther' with lenderr s consent, retain the escrow savings account for his benefit or reduce the assumed NoEe by such amount. j oint tenants), the su m of $-Lr-0-0-q.: !9-- in the formof -c-lt9-c-k- - Town of ' Vall -_+rrwtttc i*f,R-"ct'a-ootrrl€i€erccount, Cost ofany appraisal for loan purposes to be obtained after this date shall be paid by l. lf a note and trust deed or mortgage is to be assumed, the purchaser agrees to apply for a loan assumption if required and purchaser agrees to pay (1) a loan transfer fee not to exceed $and (2) an interest rste not to exceed 8,66Eo per annum. If the lender's consent to d loan assumption is required, this contract is expressly conditioned upon obtaining such consent without change in the terms and conditions of such loan except as above stated. On or before , If such consent is not obtained by such If a secured or unsecured loan is to be carried by the seller, seller shall not be obligated to carry said loan for any person or entity in lieu of the prrrchaser named herein. 2, price'to include any ofthe following items currently on the premises: Lighting, heating and plumbing fixtures; all outdoor plants, window and porch shades, venetian blinds, storm windows, storm doors' scr€ens' curtain rods, drapery rods, central air conditioning, ventilating fixtures, attached TV antennas, attached mirrors, linoleum, awninss. water softener (if ownecl by seller), fireplace screen and grate, built-in kitchen appliances, wall to t'all """o"rir" (inserE oEher items to be purchased. ) -all in their present condition, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances except as provided in paragraph 4; provided, however, that the following fixtures of a permanetrt nature are excluded from this sale: g. iqiD-Ttrstrtrrffi-titHoBzi+-propsdy;-wrtifiedto*ate; or & current commitmcnt for title insurance policy in an amount equal to the purchase price, atselleCs-ept'ixFrrrxf expe*sq shall be furnished the purchaser on or before (Date to be furnishecl) ' ,19- Ilsullgrelsc'tstcrfmnisirsridtitbnsuranegrsrmnitnrenh seller will deliver the title insurance policy to purchaser after closing and pay the premium thereon. 4. Title shall be merchantable in the seller, except as stated in this paragraph and in paragraph 10. Subject to payment or tender as above provided and compliance with the other telms and conditions hereunder by purchaser' the seller shall execute and deliver a good and sufficicnt --genera.l warranty deed to said purchaser on _ (DaEe of,-c_]gg _ing) , 1g-- or, by mrrtual agreetrrent, at an earlier date, conveying said property free and clear of all taxes, excep! the general taxes for rg-81- payabtc January 1, 19. B-3- an6 except none _---i free and clcar of nll |iens for speciul improvemellts now installed, whether assessed or not; free and clear of all hens and encumbrances except easenlents for telephonc, electricit!', w:rter ond santitary scwcr' ntrd cxcept -'Dg-e- d ----of Trust rccoided_in_U_o_qts_---_g!=[r]g-e, . _!t_ilte-_q-[i:,ce-o-l-Lhs-Etgle--- 9ql!v- t I S f L jlq d Rg-q 9l-d q r-,--E a 8. e c ott ! !J---c-ql oi ird 9 -,-- Purchaser slrnll br,rpportirtncrl to dtttt of rlllivr't'y ofrltt'tl. 0. 1 t Thchouranrl placo of closirrg s h rll I'a rs (lcsisnsted by .lol,l-91{1- lragl-e', County 'Co lorado Possession of plemises sh lll be delivered to purchaser on 4q!t:_gl_tl o_" lng, 6ubject to the following leases or tenancies:(Puc ln any leases, c.rLherwise noue. ) If the seller fails to deliver possession on the date herein spccificd, the sellel shall be subject to eviction and sh:rll be liable foradaily rental ofg 25 ' 00 until possession is delivered. 8. In t he event t he prem i ses shall be dam aged by fire or (,t her casu alty prio r to time of closi ng, in sn amount o I not more than ten per cent of the total purchase price, the seller shall be obligatid to repair the same before the rlrte herein provided for delivery ofdeed. In the event such damage cannot be repaired within said time or if such tlarnrge shall exceed such sum, this contract may be cancelled at option of purchaser. Should the purchaser elect to carry out this agreement despite such damage, such purchaser shall be entitled to all the credit for the insurance procecds resulting from such damage, not exceeding, however, the total purchase price. Should any fixtures or services fail between the date of this agreement and the date of possession or the date of delivery of deed, whichever shall be earlier, then the seller shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of such fixtures or services with a unit of similar size, age and quality, or an equivalent credit. 9. Time is of tlre essence hereof, and if any payment or any other condition hereof is not made, tendered or performed as herein provided, ther.e shall be the following remedies. ln the event a payment or any other condition hereof is not made, tendered or performed by the purchaser, then this contract shall be null and void and of no effect, and both parties hereto released from all obligations hereunder, and all payments made hereon shall be retained on behalf of the seller as liquidated damages. In the event that the seller fails to perform any condition hereof as provided herein, then the purchaser may, at his election, treat the contract as terminated, and all payments made hereunder shall be returned to the purchaser; provided, however, that the,purchaser may, at his election, treat this contrsct as being in full force s.nd effect with the right to an action for specific performance and damages. 10. Except as stated in paragraph 4, if title is not merchantable and written notice of defect(s) is given by the purchaser or purchaser's agent to the seller or seller's agent y'ithin the time berein provided for delivery of deed and shall not be rendered merchantable within 30 days after such written notice, then this contract, at purchaser's option, shall be void and ofno effect and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and the payments rnade hereunder shall be returned forthwith to purchaser upon return of the abstract, if any, to seller; provided however, that in lieu of correcting such defect(s), seller may, within said 30 days, obtain a commitment for Owner's Title Insurance Policy in the amount of the purchase price teflecting title insurance protection in regard to such defect(s), and the purchaser shall have the option of accepting the then existing insured title in lieu of such merchantahle title. The seller shrll pay the full premium for such owner's title insurance policy, and the abstract, if any, shall be returned by the purchaser, 11. Additional provisions: See attached Exhibit B. 12. If this proposal is accepted by the seller in writing on or before instrument shall become a contract between seller and Durchaser and gucceasors and assigns of such parties. 19- this of the heirs, Agent TOWN OF VAIL Purchr.er Purcha!er By: Seller accepts the above proposal this -day of 19- and agrees to pay a commission of I %of the gross sales price for services in this transaction, srrd-agret.s.thatirtthe€rrcntoF forfeitr+eof p*ymeats1rta*e*ytutdraseqsretry'ayttr€fitsFslralt+ediriffiet\r?trFth?*€Rc,rk-.b,r'okerrtrrd:}}rc'scHr:t; oaehcl{+h€r.eoFt!.stidSrolettuttcttaex€crd-lhecorrnnission;*n*t*e.bakncc-tothescl}er. to the Toun of Vall. S€ll.r Purchaser's Address Seller's Add Th€ p.intrd Porti, nx of t i, ix f.'rm rDt'ror.d I't.' I l( Color.do 1{.'ol l:itrtr'(i'|nn'iNcion1s(] 20' I1'7? ) o .-, I RECEIPT AND OPTION CONTRACT (RESIDENTIAL) 19 RECEIVED FROM Purchaser (asjoint tenants), the sum of $in the form of to be held by broker, in his escrow or trustee account' as €arnest money and part payment for the following described real estate situate in the County of Colorado, to wit: with all improvements thereon and all fixtures of a permanent nature currently on the premises except as hereinaf- ter provided, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted' known as No' which propertY Purchaser agrees to buy upon the following terms and conditions' for the purchase price of payable as follows: $'--_--- hereby reeeipted for' $- Cost of any appraisat for loan purposes to be obtained after this date shall be paid b 1. If a note and trust deed or mortgage is to be assumed' the purchaser agrees to apply for a loan assumption if required and purchaser agr€es to pay (1) a loan transfcr fee not to exceed $and (2) an interest carpeting all in their present condition, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances exc€pt as provided in paragraph 4; provided, howgver, that the following fixtures of a permanent nature are excluded from this sale: rate not to exceed vo per annum, lfthe lender's consent to a loan assumption is required' this contract is expressly conditioned upon obtaining such consent without change in the terms and conditions of such loan except as sbove stated. If a secured or unsecured loan is to be carried by the seller, seller ihall not be obligated to carry said loan for any person or entity in lieu of the purchaser named herein' 2, price to include any ofthe following items currently on the premises: Lighting, heating and plumbing fixtures; all outdoor plants, window and porch shades, venetian blinds, storm windows, storm doors' screens' curtain rods' drapery rods, central air conditioning, ventilating fixtures, attached TV antennas, attached mirrors' linoleum' awnings, rvater softener (if owned by seller), fireplace screen and grate, built-in kitchen appliances' wall to wall 3. An abstract of title to said property, certified to date, or a current commitment for title insurance policy in an amount equal to the purchase price, at seller's option and expense, shall be furnisbed the purchaser on or beforc deliver the title insurance policy to purchaser after closing and pay the premium thereotr' ,{. Title shall be merchantable in the seller, except, ss stated in this paragraph and in paragraph l0' Subject to payment or tender as above provided and compliance with the other terms and conditions hereunder by purchaser' the seller shall execute and deliver o good and sufficient warrnnty deed to said purchaser on l9.-._ or, by mutual afireement, at an earlier date, conveying said property free and clear ofall taxes, except the genersl taxes for 19- payable January 1' 19- and e'\ccpt freo and clear of all liens for special improvements now insLalled, whether assessed ol not; free and and encumbrances cxcept easements for telephone, electricity, wster and santitary sewer. and except clear of all liens nnd sr.rbject to builtling nnd zoning regulntions, and restrictive covcnants of record' Any encu mbrrncc req ui red to be paid may be puid at the time of settlement front tlre' proceeds of this transaction or front trny othet sotlrc('. 6. Gcnernl ttxor for tht' year of closing shall be npportioned t<r levy antl the Inost l'('cent trssossm('nt. Prepaid rents, wlrter rents' nnd int(,rtst on encrrtrtbrrtllces, if trtry, lnd dnte of rlclivery of dccd based on the most rocent lrower rcnts, FllA ttttlrtgnge lnaurance prcrrlltrlns shn ll lx' lpportiotrt'tl to d trtt of delivcry of docd ' No. S(: 20'12'??. ltc..'lrt rnd optlon (' I 6. 'fhe lrour and pllce of closin,a sh all bc as designated by ?, l'ossessiorr o f pre m ises sh r ll be tleli ve red to pu rch ase r o r. subject to the following leases or tenan cies: If the seller fails to deliver possession on the dste herein specifierl, the seller shall be si.rirjcct to eviction and shall be liable for a daily rental of$until possession is dcli vered. 8. In the event the premises shall be damaged by fire or ot hcr casualty prior to time ofclosing, in an amount of not more than ten per cent of the total purchase price, the seller shall be obligatbd to repair the same before the date herein provided for delivery ofdeed. In the event such damage cannot be repaired within sairl time or if such damage shall exceed such sum, this contract may be cancelled at option of purchaser. Should the purchaser elect to carry out this agreement despite such damage, such purchaser shall be entitled to all the credit for the insurance proceeds resulting from such damage, not exceeding, however, the total purchase price. Should any fixtures or services fail between the date of this agreement and the date of possession or the date of delivery of deed, whichever shall be earlier, then the seller shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of such fixtures or services with a unit of similar size, age and quality, or an equivalent credit. 9. Time is of the essence hereof, and if any payment or any other condition hereof is not made, tendered or performed as herein provided, there shall be the following remedies. In the event a payment or any other condition hereof is not made, tendgred or performed by the purchaser, then this contract shall be null and void and of no effect, and both parties hereto released from all obligations hereunder, and all payments made hereon shall be retained on behalf of the seller as liquidated damages. In the event that the seller fails to perform any condition hereof as provided herein, then the purchaser may, at his election, treat the contract as terminated, and all payments made hereunder shall be returned to the purchaser; provided, however, thai the purchaser may, at his election' treat this contract as being in full force and effect rvith the right to an action for specific performance and damages. 10. Except as ststed in paragraph 4, if title is not merchantable and written notice of defect(s) is given by the purchaser or purchaser's agent to the seller or seller's agent within the time herein provided for delivery of deed and shall not be rendered merchantable within 30 days dfter such written notice, then this contract, at purchaser's option, shall be void and ofno effect and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and the payments made hereunder shall be returned forthwith to purchaser upon return of the abstract, if any, to seller; provided however, that in tieu of correcting such defect(s), seller may, within said 30 days, obtain a commitment for Owner's Title Insurance Policy in the amount of the purchase price reflecting title insurance protection in regard to such defect(s), and the purchaser shall have the option of accepting the then existing insured title in lieu of such merchantable title. The seller shall pay the full prernium for such owner's title insurance policy' and the abstract' if any, shall be returned by the purchaser. 11. Additional provisions: 12. If this proposal is accepted by the seller in writing on or before instrument shall become a contract between seller and purchaser and auccessors and assigns of such parties. Agent Purchaaar By: shall inure to the benefit 19- this of the heirs, Purcht!cr Seller accepta the above proposal this - dby of l9- and agrees to pay a commission of -%of the gross sales price for services in this transaction, and agrees that, in the event of forfeiture ofpayments made by purchaser, such payments shall be divided betwecn the seller's broker and the seller' one-half thereof to said broker, but not to exceed the commission, and the bolance to the seller. Purchaser's Add Scller'g Address E;IffiIBIT A Condorninium Unit , PITKIN CR,EEK PENXTEESE'-TI, ..."iaing to the Condominium Map recorded August 13' 1980 in Book 306 at p"q" gge and according',to.the Condominium Declaration for pitXin Creek park Condominiums recorded il;;;-3i;-iS80-in soor 300 ar page 924, rhe Firsr supplement to the Condornini"^-o."f"iition'r6corded August 13' 1980 in Book 306 at page'iioil-l"a-irt.-tr,tta Suppleirent to the Condominium Declaratior, t""oti"a'.l"fy 2, 1981 in sook 325 at page 464' Subject to the terms, conditions, obligations and restrictions as contained in ;;;;'condorninium Declaiation' the First Supplement to said Condominium Declaration and the Third Supirtement to said Condominium Declaration' EXHIBIT B AFFIDAVIT The underslgned, belng duly sworn upon oath, states as follovs: 1. That (s)he has been a resldent. of Eagle CounEy' Colorado for years. 2. That the attached tax return ls a true and correct copy of the undersignedts L98_ Federal tax return. 3. That the unlt to be purchased will be the sole principal residence of the underslgned. '4. That (s)he is currently ernployed at located at DATED this day of . ,198 . STATE OF COLORAm ) ) ss. EAGLE COUNfi ) d.,1y"'o'"Ti:*.;|,*:':ij:"":#.:.lff.'i$;" has read the above and foregolng Affidavit and knows the contents and statements contained therein are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 198 .. My co'nrnisslon expires : No tary Address 'jz.ia =zza)?,=-&--tFF 3i! <!n?-:,::7vr:: l,: :<J <:,raziY lF, <c <3 iflr:!OI< -=)_.;<t-y<z I-AFF -a?.!-l 'r I l_ ,Ft<to I I I I I, ,oIFt<(tIF z t= lg v ,'( -t 'u "/.--t +t NOrrvn'lvA z ;< =cafteeco u.1 g i=>ix9<oz(oZlztr^ aOz>- QZu-< t(J i (\J 9 a;: fi6og z & ao- LUE z Eo6 z tr trJF (---' tf z z ze coO2z ..i6 =Ea-;(J 6fi> o E -9o o E c- o iii(Ji o t-LrroC lrarit>TF F =E, UJ o-zo F()fEFozo() Eru! LJ lt oz ts =tul(L z =l! 6 F .J ffi ffi ffi # ui z (DoI z Eoc .L l- (.') =G tr t!E = = i tr .]vlco(-) oo. ro I !.tJ(l,o- =tr llJEoo (! F tr =l<l =l Eoo =u- o a T o- t o aE rf UJz E F t1J F IOE <Fc(J <L!< | =r s62,'t-o C) <o -< *--.rZ-4, E. zl >d i= ixYFz<) _<# i1 z =g E b= J<O<5L ----r- O a E trtr[ 9HIE=$:!r; -<9.,9Fi-oc< :- ! z FFl-<9 *;Hne_e::igi<oz- ^zZA)i::s;o<iJ<OlrlZ;:iE3EE?3F1?3siBlF" <co> -u)*gE?E<}J uJ z z I el . \.1 ' Elrlrll- l-t" l? i' i" tl t, (t tsJ, lsi, i-{E iE $ii* an IIJ UJltt =E UJo a[!Iut! E =E UJ.L FoF t t UJ z J5d) z J oE o6 =I uJ z 6 UJ IJJ IJJ Fi oi oa UJF = zz <-r;ua f-EEy',n =f ;qE EfEPAtsfr kciZ@ GcoZf ? 2 ,? = t rQF2 3=d egs=Hr5 o(9()rza) z z F ==ooO zo F 5(nz UJ .) =>c -Io3r.u{l =oN Y t.\ =zz!- tr ^ 6zq 5 =9e.9 0f,66 EZ:-()o cJ !?.a)zXr!<oq iH6 E-R 2 HNO a uJ J z Eoo zI [!F) o t!z.x9 s() qJ al, oz ts =Elllo- lDtt (Yt R * oz Fo uJ-toeo- PI dlFrl\lF-l IJJF o co Ecl -9€' ot .:c E EoC' o zo Fo3EF@zoo ts =E, lrJ o- Jz z oPze c0o =zJo(L t! EEi;;E = =G. IIJ ll-o IJJ o- F !nn (Jz J TL J @ F J fl A: ,!4 g c) .r-l ,14.|J .F{A uJ =vI UJ z F tr IJJtoo to Etr oo{J = e,tr uJ Ja = ttr tt uJEo =tr uJ I = =tr UJtoo J = -o- =o Eo F() I.IJF - & <F(r(J LJ.J <zE I <o()F ;.s, IF t 2? E?Zt -) t-de OF =3iz =g E i, llt J- IY rJZ <c)t4 U)rir LlJ =o -/ !!! f\ut a.t olz. )z z z4 c0o>z --1 (L r! )..i5v \-,, = =^r3 -t v dd= 6' o ct oT' '= F=Etro i'iiIJ;- o lJ- PdE>tF(q CL{,! dNrol col oz F UJ-)otIL J;lFrl f.-l LUF o F =El!o-z9F(Jf E,Fazo(J nnr -e F =Eulo- la ttEl 5 IHli^= <F4?vrr-EiF-k9.,)? <'.921- Fiq.-i !'Eil-i^oY,:q2<az i<ozI ^zZA)>?<43I F F OoQ<o< U tt Z Y 'liii:i6:;;<oa:9o{9 li,<co> -ta<ci-aag<E<}J NO|lVn']VA =zz = , -r EE 3p {oazAA?,33 E d!EFEireiUts"ieo2<Co(Ydtz) g> 2 --Lrs ze.:SEgE3 :<E =ZZn- F o. A=Xr>YtxYI.i! U''AEz.,(Joar9, LL <(9q i$-R traxz d(\lo z = l Ij J d) J il(G Frt w6I ,Fl +).r'tA L! =vI uJ z oo Ja I(L tr tr oa UJ o )a I F g fr 1 = c tr uJ oo ) = (! tr o (r o J 2E tr uJEoo = Etr u.lEoo = Io- F (J E L!L E t--lo<F(rO r.! <zE ttZ C) E >Y ;#]F:zI.|. O(J <F YF7<)<'<-r |l- iz =g E l- =FFOz O <O<5nrrr LU:o trtrtr €t'' G' z z .^ = =<d}o =z ."i6 =F3-\ -'i lll6d> o I at (t, zc tr, '-EFo;ar;-ox tr rrroiE>IF(o CLotl J d c.{ oz F() UJ-)oEo- q l,!F o E =E, lrJ o-zo F() :)EFazo() n!tr E -C' oz E = uJo- IS:i< :cr-:ii -<9.,9 <-izF I:TF?O"!r.-l a::?:i<rzdTzzA)>9<45 IFF Ccoa<c)<aazy 'liii.AF; P: ;<(, <r9q-.tP - i .. < n o> *Lo<c:]l,JF=<tr<'r l$HiNf; NOllVn'tVA ; E. =ZzLL f, o- 4=X r >:lF? of, -ootz.,(Joo9..)zX !L<oq tL!-gx EaXz iNO +J @ * bl JTE .r{ E =22= E E =: B: F3-2ir"H3={ d!E E E E ! 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COLORADO 801 10 June 19, 1978 Ms. Diana S. Toughill , Zoni.Il.g Administrator Town of Vail Box L00 Vai1, Colorado 81557 Re3 Pltkin Creek Mountain Townhomes, Vail , Colorado ASME +rLr,/780110 Dear Ms. Toughlll: This will confirm our telephone conversation relating to our proposed variance application for the Pitkin Creek Mountain Townhomes presently submltted to the City of Vail for their reviel. f have enclosed a copy of a letter from Mr. John M. Clikeman of C-K Development, Inc., relat- ing to the proposed development, lvhereas, he has directed me to concLude all services as of June 1, 1978, and to r'rithdrar,.r our proposed vari.ance appllcation for the above referenced project presently on the agendawith the City of Vail. In the event the proposed develooment would pro- ceed at a future date, we will probably re-submit this variance applica-tion to the City of Vail for their review and approval. I express my sincere appreciation for your efforts and tine to date con- cerning our proposed development project and I look forward to working with yss again sometime in the future. Sincerely, ASME SYSl5l,lS Incorporated 4,** c F*,,a Arthur Casselman Ranes, AIA ACR/Iah Enclosure ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTUBAL MECHANICAL E L ECTR ICA L Kroxercn a Hucnes, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT tAW SUITE 3M. COLORADO CLUB BUILDING .I55 E. JEWELL DEI,IVER. COLORA'JO &?j22 IELEPHONE (303) 758{680JON F, KIONEIGH FICHAHD O- HUGHES HARLAN P. PELZ LARRY M. LEACH JOHN M. CLIKEMAN WILLIAM J. HANSEN June 1, 1978 Mr. Arthur Casselman Ranes, AIA ASME Systems, Inc. 780L E. Bellview Ave. Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Pitkin Creek Mountain Townhomes, Vail , Colorado Dear Art: Due to the fact that we have Listed the Vail property for resale and have concluded that pursuing the development 9!the project appears to be unfea-sible aE this tiqe, I would requlst-Chat ybu send us an itemized stateme4t for your time to -date, and that you advise the Gity of Vail that we do not intend to pursue the variance application which you have-- previously- subnitted. This situation is certainly no- reflection on your work project, but merely a business decision based on the- total cirbumstances as we Presently know them- Should you have any questions on this, please give me a call- Very truly yours, \ M CJrJ- CLIKEMAN JMC:bw o MEITIORANDUill TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROIvI: DEPARTIUENT OF COil|IIIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: May 19 , L978 RE: C-K DEVELOPMENT, INC. (SYSTEMS, INC.) REQUEST FOR BUILDING BULK CONTROL VABIANCE PARCEL A, BIGI{ORN SUBDIVISION AND BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION. The applicant proposes to construct 26 townhouse uni-ts on 4.4 acres zoned Residential Cluster. The units are arranged in modules of 4 units, each with a 2-car garage. A wall length and diagonal variance is necessary for the four-p1ex configuration' RC allows a maximum wa11 length of 100' and a maximum diagonal (distance between any two corners) of 125'. The applicant proposes a maximum wal1 length of 116' and a max|mum diagonal of 127' The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and fj-ndi-ngs provided for in Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code and our conclusj-ons are as follows: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The subject parcel is bordered by Gore Creek on the south, U.S. Highrvay 6 on the north, and residential lots to the east and west The plans for the proposed structure would have 1itt1e adverse impact on existing or proposed structures in the area as the longer walls face north and south and are offset to minimize visual impact. 2. The degree to which the relief from the strictor literal interpretation and enforcement of a - specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatability and uniformj,ty of treatment. among sites 1n the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this ordinance without grant of special privilege. T.F! / o Page 2 C-K Development, Inc. (Systems, Inc. )Request for Building Bulk Control Variance May 19, L978 As the Pranning comrnission is probably aware, we have hadtechnical probrems with the building bulk regulations from theirinception. To date, only one major project has been built intotal conformance with these regutationi lvair professional-Building) and every other multi.Ifamily or commercial buildinghas required at least one bulk varianee. 3. The effect of the requested variance on 1i.ght andair, distribution of population, transportationand traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities and public safety. Ife do not foresee any advers.e affects upon these factors. FINDINGS The Department of Community Developmentfinds that the granting of the variancewill not constitute grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the limitations on other .properties classified in the same district.See ftem 2 above, also see applicants statementregarding size and configuration of units. That the granting of the variance will notbe detrimental to thi: public health, safety,or welfare, or materially injuri.ous to propertiesor improvements in.the vieinity. It is our feeling that a better si-te plan resultsfrom, clustering the units in four-plei structuresas there is more useable open space and less visualimpact from fewer resulting tuiiOings. 3- That the variances are warranted for the following reasons; a. The strict or Iiteral interpretation , and enforcement of the specifiedregulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unneccessary physicalhardship inconsi.stent with the objectivesof this title_ b, There are exceptional or extraordinarycircumstances or conditions applicablbto the site of the vari.ance that do notapply generally to other properties inthe same zone. Page 3 ., C-K Development, Inc.Request for Building (Systems, fnc. )Bulk Control Variance May 19,1978 required setback fromof views and sun dictate The linear shape of the parcel_ andGore Creek, togethei with coniiderationptacement and orientation of buildings. - .-The Department of community Deveropment recomnends approvalof the requested variances o liYI-ITnT'F p,tt This e:<hibit becones a part of our Application for Variance dated April 26, L978, for C-K Develo;men:, Inc. The proposcd dwe1llng unit dcsign anrl four-ple:< building has resulted fron e:<j.sting site condltions and our intent to provide a Iu;',r.r:y con- dorainitun tor,nhcne r.,'i'-h c:rcloscd garagc. 3riefIy, the sitc, co:rsistinE of 4.4O acres, is locaied in last Vail. The south propertl, Line follovrs Gore Creck and the north pronerty line abuts U. S. High'/ray 5. The par- ce1 of land is l-inear in sha:e with the easter11. section being the on1}' available Eround area for building ccnstruction. Our vehicuLar access to '"hc projec: '.rili bc frorn U. S. llighlray 6. :.;e intend '-o orient the proposed d'"te lling units to ove:loo.< core Creek, ln the sou'.her1y direc- tion, to i,ake acivantage cf na:ural ane:i';ies, i.e. viei.r, sun, vrater. :'.'e have pro;:oscd a dcuble car attachcd garaEe f cr each C:re lIj-::g u: it io meet the reguirements of tx{'o parking spaces per dwelling unit and to visually screen lhe autos fron view. D.re to the crienta';ion of the drvelling uni-ts and the at'"ached t!'/o car garage, thc fIoor pla]1 Cicta:cs 1lving/dining,/):itchcn area :o b" loca'.ed in a width of 28 feet to provide adeguate natural J.ight and space. ?lre attbched qtaraEe on the north side of each un'i t i s 22 fee! in ',viCth, re- suliing in a 6 foct i.tidt!1 ler uni t for the entrance passaqesay. Loca- tion of !,-l.io r:nj-is bacl:-to-back p.rovides for econony of constnicticn, and by conslrucU-ng a 5cur uni-u buj.Lding, nore usable land and open space is achier.'ed throughout the :roject sice pla::. The intericr units in thc four trrit building ',:iLl irave a 12 f oot lt': de entr], court-vard, '.r: ih the enci units bej.ng adjacent to coriunon open space betrveen buiJ-dirgs. The attached proposed floor 1lans of --he <i"reIling unit have been at'-acre({ '^. i"'!,,r Fa- t{e believe the site confi guration has dictated the necessity :o cons'-r-rct a fo1,ir uni i b..rildingi and that ti:e aitacheC garag'es have di-ctated the 23 foot r.trdth rcquired for each d'"reJ"1ing u:ri t.. The buLk and forit of the four-lle:< llas a va.ri-e t)' of roof sLoics and orientations, lherefore creat- inq inte.rest '..ri th all e;:terio'r eler.'ations. Er(lrTSIT rA'l 'liris e:<hicit: b:..:colnts ar ;.art of our Aii-rI j.catio:t fo: ,,/aria:.c._, dal_ec Anril 2() , '1978 , f or C-!: Dr:',..t lo:;:nln.; , Inc . rit\ bzIt *E i1l TUJu- o $, It t \.- b =. I'+ ^a ll Ea t-- -4>I\-l -Jul s \\J F \D\\ *E EX{IBrT 'rBtr This exhibit becomes a part of our Appl-ication for Variance dated April 26, 1,978 t for C-K Development, Inc. The proposed dwelling urrit deslgn and four-plex building has resulted from existing site conditions and our intent to provide a luxury con- dominium townhome with enclosed ga-rage. Briefly, the slte, conslstingof 4.4O acres, is located in East Vail. The south property line follows Gore Creek and the north property line abuts U. S. Highway 6. The par- cel of land ls linear in shape with the easterly section being the only available ground area for building construction. Our vehicular access to the project vrill be from U. S. Highway 6. !.Ie intend to orient the proposed dwelling units to overlook core Creek, in the southerly direc- tion, to take advantage of natural arnenities, i.e. viewr sun, water. t/tre have proposed a double car attached garage for each dwelling r:nit to meet the reguirements of two parking spaces per dwelling unlt and to visually screen the autos from view. Due to the orj.entatlon of the dwe1llng units and the attached two car garage, the fLoor plan dj-ctates Uving,/dininq,/kltchen area to be located in a width of 28 feet to provlde adeguate natural light and space. The attached garage on the north slde of each unit is 22 feet in width, re- sulting in a 6 foot width oer uni t for the entrance passagevray. Loca- tion of bvro units back-to-back provides for economy of construction, arid by constructing a four unit bullding, more usable land and open space is achieved throughout the project site plan. The interLor units ln the four unit building vrill have a 12 foot wide entry cor:rtyard, rvith the end uni ts being adjacent to comnon open space between buildings. The attached proposed floor plans of the dwelling unit have been attached for your re- vi-ew. l'Je believe the sj-te configuration has dictated the necessity to cons truct a four unit buildtng and that the attached garages have dictated the 28 foot width reguired for each dvrelling trnit. The bul-k and form of the 1'611s'-p1ex has a variety of roof slopes and orj.entations, therefore creat- ing interest .,^rith all exterior elevations. 't'nrs e:{n lDr : ).', 1A?.1 Fnrc.,t ^- becomcs a larL of C -ii Dcvei c')n:)nl-, ElcJlBIT Brr ( a ttacnnent ) our Alplication l'or l.Iarla:ice da':,:rj April fnc. 4t', -v4- l*x to 6FE€t\ Ho,os r/K-t 5ftelf. Je'rt.Ainc .::'fu# P.'UK '?.Y!. 're?. TAMIKT auttlvL -4t-3?f I I i I ^^'t I I Iui t t( rLAil IWWVS tBtFL rt- o't I Ast'g'tl erz,eo rlgEtZ.AtAtiZ (cPr.) ,fer.r:* (agctsat-) vEsngut€ vv< G'ffief I ; aoltfYrrql t | -- --+-j , l---t- - ---r!'-" 6A\WE ( z'cn*) i r--*1 Tiris exhibit aR ,l O?a + ar beconos a Fart of C-i( Devc lo?rnen L, EX'tIBI? 'Its'I ( at tac hnen i ) our Allf ica i-ion T-/- for Varia:rc'l Ca:t-.d Arril 40,. LO'4 : I I I I I 6EvaJ1 utrrri e vAptr. ru I/ I I rLffiK TLAil IUrcTS l/b"= lt -o t' I FOOF I ll/ llI ri__J lr =. I I IIEYTL PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. Arthur Casselman Ranes representing C-K Development, Inc., has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18..|4..|00, Building Bulk, of the Municipal code for the Town of Vail, in order to construct a four-plex with a total wall length 15 feet in excess of the .|00 feet allowed in a Residentia'l Cluster zone. The diagona'l of the proposed four-p1 ex is also 2 feet in excess of the 125 feet allowed in a RC zone. The site of the proposed four-p'lex is Parcel A, Bighorn subdivision and Bighorn Fjrst Addition. Application has been made in accord with chapter 18.62 of the Municipal code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Municipal code on May 23,'1978, at 3:00 P.M., before the Town of Vai'l Planning and Environmental Cornmission. Said hearing wi'l I be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TO!'IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 11. H*t-.- Jarnes A. Rubin Assistant Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on MaY 5 1978. SYSTEMSIncorporated 7901 EAsr BELLEVTEW AVENUE (303) 771-3692 ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80110 April 26, 1978 lt{s. Diana S. Toughi1l, Zoning Administrator Town of Vail- Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Rt: Ann] i caii on for Variance for PITKI'I CPTEEK !{ountain Torqnhomes to be located on Parcel- rrArr in both Bighorn Subdivision and tsi-ghorn Sub- division First Edition Dear l4s. Toughill: Enclosed is the Application for Variance and/or ConCitional Use ?ermit and Exhibii tlA arld E:ihibit rtB to be used in con iunction wit-h this variance application. Upon review of this a-!?lication for variance nleasc notifl, ne of the appearance date for review of this application. fn addition, if 11611 should desire, we shouLd have constructed a model of tl-]e proDosed four- plex building and this model could be made availablc to 1.ou for an ad- ditional visual presentation for review b5r ths tou.,n council. ff you shoul-d have any questions or corunents please advise us insnedi- ately so that we may restructure our alpl-i cati-on for variance. I will be representing C-K Developiaent, Inc., 4755 last Jewell Avenue, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80220, I"lr. John M. Clikeman, President, on the proposed P ITKII'J CREEK l"lountain Tovmhones Pro j ect. sincerely, ASIqE SYSEIIS Incorporated A*rr*0.frr*c_-Arthur Casselman Ranes. AIA AcR/1ah Enc losures cc. l4r. John l,i. Clikeman Y|r. Gre ame Doyle ARCHITECTURAL ST R UCTU RA L MECHANICAL E LECTR ICAL Application Hearl ng 0a te o APPL ICAI l0ll ron vAR IANCt AndlOr cot.t0 t t'tot,lAL ust PERl.l I T Ordlnancc llo. B (Serios ol 19731 Daie Aprll 26. 1978 Publication Date Heari nE Fee Flnal Declsion Cate f or Town Councl I C-K Development, Inc. Represented by Arthur Casselrnan Ranes, AIA (APPlicant) (iolorado of 7801 Eaqt Bel leviel.r Avenue(Addrcss) Englewocii' Phon eJZl:3923-_- (City) to (Statc) dc hereby request perrnission to apPear before the Vai I Planning Commlssion to request the folloving: (x ) Variance from Article Rc Distr Sect i on 18.14.100 Zon i ng Ch ange f rom Park i ng Va r i ance Conditional Use Permif to allow Zone.ln Parcel For the fol towing described property: 619&ltlsx*_ "A" , Block_ - Clearly state purpose and i ntent or' lhis application ( (-( tLor 'r- l1^Ur Bighorn Subdivision & Bighorn Subdivision FFl I lng l{urnber rlr 'rr\r ( - -' --J -- -- --' '- -- To receive approval to construc t four-plex, tvro s' on the above stated property lrith the size and bulk described by the attached EvhibiL "Arr. llhat do you feel is the basis for hardship in th'is case?- c,6o .++a.-hrld trvhi l-r i + trl:tl Sl gnai ure ol APP licant Arthur Casselman Ranes, AIA ASM! SYSTEMS Incorporated Repre sentative for: C-K DeveL'opment, Inc. t' NOTE T0: James F. Lamont, Director of Departr,rent of Conmunity Devleopment FR0M: Gene A. Smith, Town Attorney DATE: November .|4, 1974 RE: SD3 (Ordinance No. 25, 1974) SUBJECT: Legal Description of 8-29 acres proposed to be zoned SD3 l. Attached hereto'i s a cooy of a legal description of the 8-29 acres in question on which Kent R. Rose, Town Engineer, has made several notations. 2. Since the legal description of the area in question ntust be incorpor- ated in t,he ordinance establishing SD3, said description must be accurate, and an error therein would necessitate the enactment of an amending ordinance, which I trust will not become necessary. 3. It is 'imperative that you furnish to me forthwith by 11/15/'1974 if at all poss'ible and by the morni.ng of ll/lBl1974 at the latest, a correct' description of the SD3 parcel /ik A1-7na/4'bz Ag r(_r4 E4Ar B1.f 1 Lr2@Lr.1_ A,'ut-o--.rl[ -s.z4-a+e-=ItE--va r/ a. be Jr;r::l:rc,:r i-oi::; r.;i i:i: il'rc q!-'rre.r--:\.1 cltitract-,Lrt: of l-l'rr '.i'ixr n of Vlri.l r Col.of tlclo, irLovj.C..r :::i,-:t,ut: i'-c o1>etr Ii1-:ilcc irjral ):'-)(:t.,-a i.:.i-o::.rl ;j.iirei'lil-i(..s, AI:\l Pronla\tc tl'i.l o!rj.:cf.ivcs c)f l.:hc Ilori.r:cJ O:;clj.r'r:Lt:t:,: oI t.]l{.) l'oh'.lti aIt c::tvi::c.r::::r ,:r'-a.!- -i.::1j.,:tct rcp().r: t incl.icat.,c:s i:h.tt ,clr,,- clgr,reIoi;:..-en t r..'i l-.r- lrOi: ha.vc ir r;r:i-r5l;;'.11 l:ri:1 rregaL-i.rte ef f cct on t-!rc T<-,r...n o.t: .its i.r:!ra]>r- t;ru t:, tirc dc','c1c;...'..:,:t i: is r:cga::Cet! as cclnirl.-r::'.:::t l-il ry tc t:lrc ?or.i:t b)'hi're Tc'',.;l Coun:::i--L ai:c'l Ir1-a;r:ri.ng Cr,irrnissio:tr ancl the.re Errc sigilj-- ficr-nt ali;>eci:s ci th: spccia.l. devc-:Io1":r::ont ciist..r.i.ct,,..'l:ich canno.i: bc+ s a-i j-s J' j. c<-:'.t:i rl ::.r: +;]r: e >: j- s l-i ;r g zon.i;r <;. il;. -,oJ;,,.'-'"",..;;.;;;;;;;. -- ------'.,-r-;; :.., j-' f) r r r_ -- r 'r r v ' {- +n J:r.r r_.*n:'i --. i ^,-?, ^G J.l.^ rt^.-.:-- * .'\-^)i .- -.* ---- ^ -\- ,lPur:.-:irariL to t:te provi.;;iot:s of Ute Zoning Ordir:ztnce_ of the -\i2'" C" 5D1") "-\' Tor.,'n of \;irii, Color.r;ic, Speci.al DoveJ-c1;r-,te11t Dis,r::rict 3 is; esta,l->- _i l-ishcc for t-.hc Dcrrcl-o::;iien.': on'the Pi:'o1:cl:'Ly Fro'e par-ti.cirl-a::ly *"?l . .,: a r^1{ A parc:.:.1- cf Ia,.r-ril i:e:.i-r:.-j pe,rt of Sectio:rs 1_1 ar:<'l 12,l'o'r,'nclli!, 5 Sc'-lt.l:. Iti::tg..i 80 Ii,o:;L of Ll:.: 6i:h P.I,i.,ll.rglc C<-lu:-.ii', Cu-.1<l::arCc, lil?re par-t:i. cu-l_e--::ly desc:,:ibecl.a,s fo11o,.r's: Jieginni.r:i.; :rt a poi.r.,,. o" a ci-.rve ar,cl or-. tjre jlas L l-irreof sirj.ri []r.'ct.:i-on J-1-, :;aid ;roir,t L.rern.; S C0oZ/j'2a" EutL2.60 f i:e'l: i.rota tlie lic:r.thea.,t co-rncr of sai-cl Seci-r'-on 1i: titcnce lio::tlr'..;t,-si_crly a1.ong Lire Scr_rti:erIy rj-5;h i:--o:i-',.:ar, -1i r:c oli l;e.'brai ll.i_:11-ri;r.1, f -70 ancl aLcngthe arc o-[ a cu::r,r.t: i:o .ulie ]-elit h a-.,ri.r: rj a ra(-liLls of 2 r705,00 f cec a C;.s-tatlrce of 2i5.50 fe::-L (t.j:e cho::clof sarc'l rc bealrs i.:54c3Ar2g', I.l;.rn.1 lri._s a lenqii.tof 2'1 5.30 feet) i ti':r:i:ce l.; li9()23r.l6,' Iv 27G.6C ieet i,,to t.!:e trt'-t: pci ni: c).' beginirinq,. therrce;.S 56050 r 09 !' I{ 227 .8'l f ecr'-; t-:icnc3 S /-rgo19 | 2-5" E 2a)0. 00 i'.eei; thenceS 63"0U':-;l-"' Lr I03.a)'/ f<:=t;gt-.?rer:ri..: S 450_?lr 52" E 511.01fe:et:; ti-''c:'ice S 46:2/jr,Ji', In5"6I> fe<:t t.', a i>oi-ni: ofi-nte::lscct-i-on cf ftfia rigiri:*oi:-r.rair i.'i.i_i: tire EastLine cf sa:d _ir:ctio;r .il-; ttrcncc A qsczlr00" E 555.29f cet to Ll:.: Sorr tlriici; i: C:_rl-:r.:::- o.C B:'.c;1.:crn Sul;CrvisionThi::C ;'idc]-i':ior -..rrii'.e i-,cisr] 1.,.1::t,. ,c}:ci,cc i.: 0a,oi9 : 00', iiqlong t-l:.-.r iiest lirir: crf .:.e:i-C l:.l.at a (-r.i.st.rtce of459.61 fc.cL; th:-:itce li 52()1-l-,'i(," t'i.,,?2..0.57 f ceb; thcnce1 49"25I,lf;" I.r' 291..51 feet; t:i:.:,irceT7.lgri_jqe-t_pll_t!re g- {t ' X *hls*X u.llat*{ g {'l;' 1 49"2o|,i -:.". "+.11_y_1._:.. .j t(j LriL- I(]I!-- jl:rv.Lng :l_ l:i:ice'd (:ilc ci'.c1.-j of s:.i-.1 a.r:c b::r.,:s i.j 5l arc oia 9rqj3 to i-l:e lcii- lr:rving t.r:;:il_i-us i.i 5Io32r 2,j" -L us - o f_, ? ,_7._Q 5-, _Q 0 32 t ?.;i " l{ ancllrI a:r cll';t! -a-Je::i;i:Ir..?i-?-. t)o ferr;is a__lsti1;i:Ir...?i_Z-. ti0i:r:_e; U--i::-rcc ?-'/5.Si feet o:r theal:rr of a cr.r.ave to i ltc l-5i: i: lr,:rv:i::ir :i rri:1i u:: <.,.j. ? -7a\ n; ri rai:1iu:.:, af. 217C5.00f ect ( ll:e chor:cl oi silir.l, :rrc br:t:r::1 \ 5.LL):12 t 2 6 i t." lncl 275.6]'il:li: to tire ir'.ri: r:oit:t ffiapi.rL c\: r c:;r, i-ij..':.-.lj--X .l/ar-v\-r (-t,,rr 1..!J.rt.t :_l j L:. J:, ir(:!-C jj ii..,i:.: Of .i.C):::.;. Aim.e,,3ira,,roi' ir,ri'cr L". qa aL:lcl, (il.,i *,''|ir .f,,1.{,r'l-;o,i "i[{-.,lr*,t 'rii'{ -,:'r)-,vtt,',4! 7u, f ii -o1.,i,r.S H,i;r j rL7'tl -oF-- v))tt,'. t lu,7"la on u.,b. Htgt*rrt -- 6- :dittt::.br r.et v.|ical.,l ot tl<tr:h I'l:d *iti r,,:ti:,"i ]t;:, tlnfcit fr 't) 1,.,i j,(,,,=t),u,i, o.p", l- * { o I l|| BIGHOBN JUNCTION, LTD. November 21, 1974 Town Council Town of Vail, ColoradoP. O. Box I00Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gentlemen: Special Development District 3 (SD3) Bighorn Junction, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, owner of the parcel of land comprising 8.29 acres in the annexed Bighorn area of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, hereby requests that the SD3 zoning district established by Ordinance No' 25, Series of 1974, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, passed on first reading on November 19, 1974, be amended and passed by the Town Council on second reading on December 3, 1974, in the version of said ordinance attached hereto and made a part bereof, and hereby stipulates that the enactment of said ordinance in this form and the SD3 zoning district as thereby established will be acceptable to the owner. Sincerely, BIGHORN JUNCTION, LTD. ATTESTED: --l ' ._--1 , id ctr | Eg 3.9 .gfi Egt, >{.: e-.i , o'e,iTlst ;$ht B _r-$i*i at5'e"l .e::rs flil; E ?si$';t9;:ti;s; ;l;ii;;i;ti IE$Egi ;i;ii;lisli;ti; fr;f,;;3i;ii: ;i:;*s ::'gif ;;:":aiir;; ;s:;ei!r!i: l:E!$i $E;li:iE.r;ii$:; ;$f;*;E.$:n* i;[;:c ii:q.E;;;i,!rPiln trEEEsxsi-t:EsfiSH itgisiiii=g::ifi t;;{;l;:;;:;;e;{j;.iiii;rtri;t;i:i*igii; +*d.it s{ ;; !il;e!E#ii st;! :i ;i gi; ! o=,,.l, ! ?i: f i *B aiH-E# E: : i j;fr ; gi! l:;l s; i i:i;pg$j; iiE: s'aU- 5E H iI i'; i':l* liic H 3au-3 r ; bbri ! rf i ; $E:lq gl;Fg Hif;ii i ; ; ;t; t:E' e.--ei : E r * r i C :ll; I pi i; ;g; # H; E;i $l::gii:; r:i s =flj ;; =f " ii Ii:i ;5 iii;!ii' Ii:? ;igi€EE i;ii I *cs;c;H;i*f;:;5 fifi$ , ;sit:i ;i,: rael*ag.c EE;u;;r i$;*i i*ii ii?i;iii iEiFaetiitii;riii;igitrttH33arl3 ".Ei.s; t.!a* iilarn; iiii*u:ilii iiiiiiii ;iel;lg; iii;i!ii;illiiiiilii a:lf ;s;u HiliifriHiiiiEiiiiii; E;ilglirgf;;friii; I>l -loolh,s. 9p 7tr 5S dvlo IrJ *3\- x:..-<-s- -t-'12 -. /4.,t\! -,--r(€4# <=-\ j I q U 4 1!o z E E oo I I I I t,lot>l'! r II'rl I It{llr ln t'toIH.l ^F. ldutl<t{l!:Hl(,lFl -41 " I "t .r ii .E* 3rI si{ o^!. il" >rsd o2r " !t '3ib f 8f;e 3.gbt!;3Eog." r ,! "_.,,6 4r6,,'i'iBggP EIr5 5Fg; 2i:Eifi3s!si;.![I! t:gF ;s;3l!:;: s in5T s E3 E5t*rE E;EE: [t E E'F;; A;: + li s H a,..r!o,!8, IiIEXE: 5*:E;F:3ulc[ilFE.$;tg:Ti;!ir!n.i :;E.i;i !? E r*'ad ji:::t H, 3r rr I E i i t li I : s + ; i ; ; ! t * I I r t n g i:i;f,a{jif;i;!sl :;E3:;t: E ei r $:; gpi: a g; : i; lt g :r;; Ei* $:r it I e? g;i i1! r 'i' fl gt *i ; T ;l: ; ; r fl;;:, ;l; I i' fr o*rE E ri'i r *ri i E ; o fr ; ; I''", i i e' *;6 6; o . 5.g;sls iEe' :*E8 Hs?i i;;g#ti liir [;i[ :! ;;H ; L\,,. I I I r;-r tsi*t$i :;;;tii;? l*;:lti*;hd"i'*--":i!H #'!:J$P,:se ;biits.ilsr$;itt hf;ti;r.: s'6r''?Ed.e 6if.'.H',xr:,': :'i 8"38"E' o.i'g'iEF39€ 93".Hi6g.ogcp i3 H1t.li'IE i$#Sort o]' e h'",-gtE 'ia;-ETIEIe; ?E: igti#sT :#,lrf l,r!"oiEg. si;!;:3 iaiis+;rl Hlin;lr€Efe?-H *l*"F;;n ;r*ri;i €;q;ililr iiEi;i:t$t;:tl ri:i:i* :;!alnFin ie;;{;ur}riiit*srli:it ir;rEE;i; ;6;;;;3:9flitriE:i€ir;; :e:e:;;IT ::f i;l9^;fE.g.etitusst";;slg; j;f!:;isi #l:iiE!;l; ;r il *s ;rifi ;; Ei ;;rt;il;li c, ;t!ii;Fii;$53o9r.91 F3', $ ;Ei lrs; n i; i iil; iB ti f gEE ilii ; ; aI i; i?s;;; *i8:Eii ii;!ilrin f Ei;:tlii|e;:E "i.'.lEii gd€6aE"hB jEfiT!Eprsq a:;l;rH $!!iirrii Etiii;:EE.i. gIFEE $TgE:e.s r&8re,liEH $€i3l.IigE \ oo ASSOCIATED DESIGN OFFICE PLANNIIIG . URBAN DESIGN . ARCHITECTURE 1737 l5TH ST. . BOULDER. CO 80302 . 447-94rA 447.2281 PREL I M INARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT BIG HORN JUNCTION LTD. FOR :-T L:rf<.SAZe--PAr^'a €5€a=T1{7:'-' ci lTf"i+&R.*-fct 4'",n1T:':]Ttazat<1-1 e cAt*--7tp -+ev tT lT J{p136ja -Tt{E rrn Pc.1{ea3 .;T-ua-z€ 0ctober 24, 1974 r OO Ltual *$*lktr*W - boLttilAtu D LL AAuf ,P ,r',*'^A ufrw uwztt u,(r*41rtzts ITYDROLOGY BIG HOTiN CREBI( U. S. Geological Survey data is availabie for the siudy of sti:eam flotvs in the area; Gore Creek rvas first measuled in 1909 and conuinuous rccolds oi daily rlischarge are available si:rce 194?. Thc tributaries above the Big Horn project irave been rneasured daily for 2C ycals and Pithia Creek luts Leen recoried sincc 1966 . Cor- reiati:rg ureasured n,roif u'ith htorvn prccipitation n.'"Ll;es it possible to preciici lvitir considelable accriracv the anticil-'ated runoff from ary par.ricLllar storru. Because <.ri the lalge size of the cirailage bz:r:ins, individuai storms of record do not cause sirrl- ultaneous crests in the several streams ard the 100.\rear s,torm, occur.ring in surnner only produces a maximurn florv at the project as folior.,'s: Gore Creek Blk. Gore Big Florn Total Froil Pitkix TotalAbove Proj. BeiowProj- Proj. 384 cfs 315 234 933 cfs b9 290 1282 cfs The channels are adequate in size a:rd gradient to carry this amount rvithout hazarC. The rvorst situation that could occur would be for the recolcl storm to occur at ot nearthe peak runoff season - late Jur:e - with the stolm runoff a<irling to the snov rrielt. ( A lrcavy stormoccurred inJune of 1911 and again i:iJwre of 1952, resulting inthe following data: - t Gore Creek Blk. Gore Big Eorn Total From Pitkin Total Above Proj. Belorv rrr"" -* -* ffi * ,* #k" A repetition of these occurrences is not.trnlil;ely; tirese rtuoff figures shculd be ccn- siclered as the design flood. The flood plain of Fitkin Creck at a ilo..v of 568 cis is delineated on the accompa:rying clrarving. ,"j The runoff from the project area itself rvould be 22 cfs uncler undet'elopecl ccndiiiors; the paved areas and loof tops s'ould clrange this to 59 cfs aftcr full de-reloprnsrni;. 'Ihe excess flow, 37 .cfs , wouLd amount to 0.41 acre-feet of ['ater ..vhich could be s cored on the project area to be released at historic flosr rates after the crest has liasscd. rfi pond of 100 x 50 x 5r would be required for this prliTose. Ilovrever, because the flcr,v f_rom the p,roject is so small as compared rvith other contributions, ancl rvoulcl probably discharge before the arrival of flood crests from the other areas. such Drecautiou does not seem necessary. t ],AND USE DATA BIG HORN PROJECT TRAFFIC CIRCULATION RIG HORN PROJECT I Based on the peak day of the rvinter season, it is estimated that the Big Hom Development will generate additional traffic in the valley as follorvs: Direct Residents & Guests Temporary Visits Totals No. of Vehicles 135 87 222 Daily Trips 1.5 1 Miles per Trip 9 9 2603Total Miles 1820 ?83 The temporary visitors are people who leave I-70 to drive by or come out from Vail and return to Vail; it is somewhat doubtful that the mileage driven by these people is truly generated by the project, since they probably would be traversing the valley anyway. - Average daily traffic generated by the project will be on the order of 200 daily trips at g mites per trip for a daily average c,f 1800 vehicle miles . Traffic density approach- ing VaiI Village could be increased by about 40 vehicles chuing peak t::affic periods and approximately 20 cars per hour throughout the day. t AIR POLLUTION BIG HORN PROJBCT The follorving data represents the total emissions from probable sources of airpollution. It should be pcinted out thtrt there is no practical way to ::eiate these figures to state or Federal staadards, rvhich are given in pads per. million orsimilar te rrns of cortrcentratiou. studies of air movement in the valley are not .yet complete enough to make such comparisons realistic; hor.,,ever, the per cent increase iu ernissions should be fairty accurate arrd should be directly related to residual concentratious . POUNDS PER DAY Source Fireplaces Auto Emissions Nat. Gas 'Iotal for Project Present Condition (Including Prop. other Developments) Total, Incl.Big Horn Per cent Increase (Due to.Big Hom) 155 0 3 Particulates Carbon Monox. 0 659 4 663 16806 L7469 Nitr. Oxides 113 L79L 1904 Eydro- Carbcns 1.271 L327 3.8Vo 0 49 1 82 74 L7 50158 3267 3425 4.8%3.s%6.370 It should also be uoted that projected traffic loacls on I-?0 iia.ve beeir made by thecolorado Department of Highrviys extending to the year 2000; projected auto emissions from this traffic, together with the increasing traffic generated bygrowth withi:l the valley are shown belorv: Air Pollution t2l Carbon Mono. ... 10,662 4,941 658 18,520 8,588 658 .. .:Pounds Per Day# '19?4: : Miles "," '21,000 2r800 238 108 L4 405 188 ',\4. 634 248 695 L4 qt- a'ro ,tjLr'322. 658 ?il ,L92' 12,6L2 658 it' 1831 : ''.' 849 L4i 695 ,: 2040 ,'276' .i 946946.. 49 I .: : 'Becau,se Big Hono is calculated on its ultimate population, no growth is used in ths above data; the-per cent oftotal contributed by Big Hom declines from apprgximaqely': +.O% o.f al! pollutants in 19?4 to t.6vb in tbe year 2000. O 'l PnEplREo ron:. B I GHoRN JUNCT I ON, 1-13.2)20 KrPLtNc STREET LAI(EITOOo, Coloaaoo 8021 5 ATTNS MR. ROY D. VOLZI(E PRo.rEcr No. 576 OcrosER 19, 1974 i ; '? ..i in .+: SOIL & FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION BI CHORN JUNCTI ON PRO.'€,CT . VAIL EACLE COUNTY, CoL0RA0O ., T BLE OL CoN.TENTS coNcL US I ONS Scop e PROPOSEO coNsTRUCTtoN F.IELo INvEsTIGATIoN LASDRATORY INvEsTt GATI oN SUBSURFAcE CoNOITIoNs .olscusstoN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ADDI TI 0NAL I NvEsTI GArI oNs '' Tesr PIT LocATtON PLAN TesT PIT LoGs TEST PIT LOGS - LEGENO AND . GRADAT I oH rlr.r4Lytta .,iSuuulnv oF LABoRAToRy TEs? ClcE I PAce"2 PAce 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE J Pace 4 ' pece 6 Pona' B I'i No rE, s FTGURE NO. FIGURE NO. FIGURE NO. FteunEs 4 TABLE NO. 2 I t; RE SUL TS I Fpg_._, $1.,j'' $. _s$- _, ii-$il'=.$; t=$HW'nHl F $H$fi$$,-s-- *wH ---, : ptr -;--K$15 Hffii.5. u*oFEF r_,M- E?S:_ F_ lxuo_,{!] F'l : __* {$*ig_ fr$i:- 6_t'-H*,r?fr --R:-- H3il ,-r -.. -fF ' . -- .EES{f ;Sl ' *: - ;Jm?s*3[.&-$ *$ * ffi -u$$ #$* {31.*'€F€$ff F #$ ffiffi$ffig *i$.--];S3$-.:r +.'s.FH -.6:,ri$*.H5',-r, ; .,, -- : e?- *_{_=__ffifftt_r-$-$H$.e-Hi%$s,-, -r-,*--.-i-- , -E = .: *--.Q----5if+ .;n-F.tHe:E:-.Stril4EH ''i --.l- i-,- ..*,' - $$ ilffiffi[ ;; '4--frr.---*-n:fl'; -t H x<c. i il- a\i ?ii IZ- fT-- -'li'hl$\ iIr OY tf r{\'}, 5 - rI= --- -"1i1{: t:..$+Fu,---Hqum".gre$*9-5-eHE#3=r$i , FF'-.' j'€,. ,'- Fta$-ifitl-^*o - ,F io,* -i. --- --E:l ' ; o , : '-fr:rt-F$$$$-'$ $gF'*1 '..g$ I m' --$H*3-;fi$ne''H--$r' ,'' I Hi s ', ' 5;H ;*H$.S_[H,*_1 .&_1-* *, ], ,HJ.,.;,Kfrt ;=FFSEp it r-,t-, r-,- ---;$-.--p-,sEfi*$h,,,i,i . S;\ .$tig-H$i -..' 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Said Public Hearing is in accordance with Section 21.400 of 0rdinance No. B (Series of 1973). TOl,lN OF VAIL IEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughi'l'l Zoning Admin'istrator Published in the Vail Trail, Friday, September 27, 1974. FINAL EN6INEERING GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION BIG ||ORN JUNCTION, LTD. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Pno;ecr No, 4047 0crosen 1974 rul,l,AtRD OlullNs wArER REsouRcEs ENGINEERTNG llS$l)0lilfDS ENGINEER,NG GEor.ocy . cRouND wArER HyDnolocy lNl) 7391 W.38TH AVENUE . WHEAT RlDcE, CoLORADO 80033 . (303) 42't-5564 511 6th Avenue . Helena. Montana 596O1 . (406) 4424954 VYf7u- WATER FESOURCES ENG'NEER''VG GEOTOGY. 7391 W. 38TH AVENUE . llrll,l.Alll) |llulNs ENG'NEERING ASSIIOIffT$S GROUND W^TER HYDROI-OGY INI; WHEAT RTDGE, COLORADO 80033 . (303) 42+5564 October 24, L974 Mr. Bruce Dal-ton Bruce Dalton & Associates 1221 Bannock Denver, Colorado Re: Final Engineering Geologic fnvesti-gationBig Horn Junction, Ltd. Vail . Colorado ProS6ct l,to. 4o47 Dear Mr. Dalton: As you requested, we have finalized. our geologic investigationof the Big llorn Juncti-on property. This report contains our concl-uslons and recommendaticns relative to the geologic con-ditions on the slte. It has been a pleasure to serve you and Big Horn Junction,Ltd. Should you have questions on this report or if we can be of further service. please call us. Respectfullv subnittP'ez^0.1 Donald D. Reitz SenLgr,,Proj ec t Geologis t Certified Geologist DDR/WGO: db I'n r. 'l VVjviil SatZzisrTS /z"eis'eaq1 > E d-la.o Jwl I UJl-t ffi TABLE OF CONTENTS IITIRODUCTION CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION GEOLOGY ENGINEERING GEOLOGY SUMMARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF BIG HORN JUNCTION VICINITY ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC MAP OF BIG HORN JUNCTION PAGE FIGURE I PI,ATE 1 a ? )t q ( 10 INTRODUCTION At the request of Mr. Bruce Dalton, architect and planner for Big Horn Junction, we conducted a final geologic investigation on 8.3 acres located in parts of Sections 11 and T2, T. 5 S., R. 8O W., Eagle County, colorado. The purpose of our investigation was to determine the overall geologic character of the property and to deter- mine whether any geologic hazards or serious restrlctions to development are present. We prepared a preliminary engineeri-ng geol-ogic report on this property in June, 1974. This final report covers an expanded area that inctudes almost 1600 acres adjacent to and upslope from the subject property- The purpose of the expanded study rrras to evaluate the geology and stability of the slopes across the I-7O right-of-way to the northeast. We understand that the development will be served by munici-pa1 waterand sewer. Therefore our investigatlon did not include factors concerning ground water supplies or sewage disposal . We further understand that the area has been annexed into the town of Vail . -t_- CONCLUSIONS We have concluded fron our investlgation that no geologic hazards are present on the Big llorn Junction property or ln the upslope areas across I-TO- our lnvestigation included lnspectlon of a I-arge area upslope from the development to determine the stabllity of the hill- side across I-70. We found no evidence indicative of hazard.s relative to mass soil or rock movement. , We have further concluded that only a minor pro- blem lvill be encountered with shallow ground water near the central- portl-on of the development. However, this 1-J-mita- tion can be overcome by proper design and construction tech- ru-ques. -2- o a RECOMMEIIDATIONS Based on our l-nvestlgation, we reconmend that a competent sotl_s engineer be retal-necl to prescrLbe fhe spe- clfic foundation paraneters for each of the bulldlngs ln the d,evel-opment. Because the soj-l-s in the area are of a hlghly variable nature, we feel that individual buildlng lnvestlgatl-ons are requlred. we furthbr recomnend that the owners get assurance from the state ltighway Department that the I-7O baekflLl- whlch adJoins the northeast boundary of the property wilt be properly groomed. to prevent excessj-ve eroslon and prevent backflll material from rolling onto Big Horn property. -3- SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIP1IION The subjeet site is situated northeast of U. S. Highway 6, approximately 6 miles east of the Vail ski area. The site is bounded on the north by the new Interstate Highway 70 right-of-way, on the east by Vail East Con- dominiums, on the south by U.S. Highway 6 right-of-iray, and on the west by Ske11y Oil Company property. Topography is gentle to moderate vrith slopes generally o to 20 percent toward Highway 6 to tfre southwest. However, in one small area in the northeastern corner of the site, slopes range from 30 to 45 percent. No structures are planned for this area. Dralnage is to the southwest. The main drainage is Pitkin Creek which crosses the property near the north- western end, but other poorly developed drainages are pre- sent on the site. Just northeast of the property, con- struction on Interstate Highway fO has required that the creek be channelized in a slightly different location than its natural course to facilitate the construction of a 7?-incn. culvert. We understand that the culvert lvas sized by the Highway Department to acconrnodate a lO-year flood. Vegetation on the property consists of pinion and ponderosa pine, native grasses, and dense populations of red r^ri I I orni in noor] v dfained IoCatlcns. -4- GEOLOGY The subject property is underlain by two types of surfici-al deposits. The western portion of the site is underlain by the alluvial fan deposits of Pitkin Creek which are typically coarse sand and gravels with numerous l-arge cobbl-es to boulders. The central- and southeastern portions of the sj-te are underlain by glacial till deposits which consist primarily of gravel and cobbles rnlxed with a sand.y clay matrix. The depth of these two types of surficial- deposits is not known, but we estimate them to be in excess of 25 feet thick beneath the property studied. The bedrock geology in the vicinity of Big Horn Junction was investigated and mapped to further understand the geology of the area. The geologic map derived from this investi-gation is slrown as Figure 1. The oldest roclcs that outcrop near the project area are Precambrian age granite and gneiss. These are very competent rocks which crop out approximately one mile north- east of Big Horn Junction. A geologic fault separates the Precambrian age rocks which out erop near the project area. The Mlssissippi-an age Jaque Mountain limestone crops out approximately 1000 feet northeast of the project area on the steep hillside adjacent to Pitkin Creek. The younger Maroon formation, which is a coarse sandstone lnter- layered with conglomerate, also crops out in the Pitkin Creek valley. -5- Two basic types of younger material overlie the bedrock formatlon. Quaternary age alluvlum ls present ln each of the stream valleys lncJ-uding that of Gore Creek' A poorly deflned a1luv1aI fan ls present along Pitkin creek where it crosses the northwest end of the project area' Coltuvial debrls has intermlxed with the alluvlal material in the va1-1,ey fil1. Gore Creek valley and part of Pitkin creek va1ley ls fill_ed. wlth this combination of alluvial and glacial till deposits and is identified on Figure 1 as Qvf which stands for Quaternary age valley fill. -6- ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Our survey of the englneering geologic character- lstlcs of the property and its immediate vlclnity reveal that no geol-ogic hazards are present. A geiger counter survey of the area during our preliminary investigation indlcates that no radiation hazard is present. Our fleld investlgation and geologic napping of the upslope area across the Interstate 70 right-of-way lndlcate that no hazards from avalanche or landsllde areas are present. Evidence of bhe stability of the upslope material includes the followlng: L. Tr,vo basic rock type$ occur across I-70 and up the hillside from the Big Horn Junction, Ltd. property. One is solid bedrock whi-ch is comp- etent and shows no evidence of hisboric mass movement in this area. The other is the thin cover of Quaternary age colluvium and glaclal ti1l discussed ln the geology section of thls reporf. The colluvj-aL material supports natl.ve grasses and dense to moderately dense populations of aspen and evergreen. Only evidence of minor soll- creep uas found on these sfopes which range up to 4! perc.ent grade. No hlstoric areas of mass movement were identl- fied in any of the material of the Pitkin Creek Valley. -7- o za?d o hough no serious geologic haAl_t s are present on the si-te, the followlng observati-ons and recommendations are made pertinent to the posslbillty of shallow ground water problems. The areas affected by this condltion are shown on Plate I. 1. Dense phreatophyte growth in the area proposed for tennis courts and parking lots indieates accumulatlons of shallow ground lvater. Seasonal- varlatlons 1n the water table nay cause difficulties with the foundations of structures in this area. Holever, proper drainage and foundation designs in these areas wll1 alfeviate the shallow ground water problem. We recommend that foundations be designed and constructed uncter the supervlslon of an experienced soils engineer. Typlcal solutions to this problem include removal of soft saturated soils, in- stal-lation of drainage facilities, and implace- ment of controll_ed fll1s. 2. Because of the hlgh degree of variabllity in the glacial tiLL and alluviurn on the property, we recomnend that specific foundation in- vestigations be conCucted for each building site once the building site has been established. I{e understand Lhat a soils investigation has been conducted for the purpose of generalized foundation determinatlons . Although the I-70 backfill operation on the north_ easf border of the property was incomplete at the tlme of our investigation, we have the foLlowing cornments to offer. 1. The f i 'l I i f <o] f rnnalpg tO be Close tO the property boundary of Big Horn Junction. 2. At the ti-me of our investigation, the fj-Ll was comprlsed of large boulders ranglng in size from one foot to as much as five feet in d1a- meter. Because these boulders were placed by drag Ilnes and bulldozers, it is posslb}e that some of the boulders are unstabl_e. A1- th^rrcrh iJ- i< Custonary for the highway department to groom their backfills in such a way that the boulders wil-l be stabil-ized and prevent them from rolling onto Big Horn Junction property, we recommend that the owners keep track of the progress of the groorning operation on the back- fill. Proper grooming will eliminate the potentlal hazard of one of the large boulders becoming dislodged and rolling onto the develop- ment. -9- SUMMARY Our final lnvestigation of the engineerlng geologlc characteristics of the B1g Horn Junctlon project slte con- flrmed that no serlous geologlc hazardS are present. The potential of a minor shallow ground water probLem is present in the eentral- portion of the property. However, with proper planni.ng and gradi-ng, thls problem can be alleviated. Respectfully submltted, DDR,/WGO : j b *sCert ified 3; /*zu Donald Senlor D. Reltz Proj ect #'fl \L .\ q\ .\ f> 9,.*.:tf& fF"'"*o=c'7! .:;/. ia 50 "&*. -10- '/./lra Gc ." t \) .,'.,' | ./\ i ,' p irK"i ,m l-, /n+' /t tt ,/,t' ,,.\"' - - -r "! /"'" "m IGHORN JUNCTI ,t ol br t/2 o SCALE l, 24,O00 FIGURI 1 GEOLOGi C I'IAP .UT BIG I.i[)Ri} JLJIiCTIOi! Vi CI i{ iTY PR0JICI ilO, 4047 BASE HAP FRCI-I U.S,GIOLOGICAL SUR EXPLAI.,IATION n _OunrEnNARY AGE VALLEY FILL COI4. POSED OF BOUI.DERS- TO_CLAY SIZE ALLUVIAL, COLLUVIAL AIID GLACIAL I4ATERIAL SuRrrnru.lRY AGE COLLUV I UM, COITI- I4OI\|LY BOULDERS AND GRAVEL PeruNgYlvnrurnru AGE I'IAROCI! FORJ'IATION, CON- GLOI.{ERATES AND COARSE SANDSTONES Prm - PEr,ntsyt-vRNIAN AGE Jncoue i4oururntr.t L I I'lESTON E P€ - PRecnt'rgRrAN AGE GRANITE AND METAI',IORPI"I IC ROCKS KNO}.IN FAULT INFERRED FAULT HIDDEN FAULT FORI4ATiON CONTACT APPROX I I4ATE CONTACT trlltntt €rlrBilt alSS}DIATSS N3f o Qv 0c Pm t/2 lmi It 3fl;l T I}r I NI ;l :l 1 VEY ra/74 4O0 tu' cdo(ddo llrY\c&r6h.APii 30c. 500 .-bd7 rood \^?5t 50l CoNct-rrs t oNs r - ftAt i,' .\ d ;j 1) 'tf'- .:5 '.-a /-jF.\ lr=r..= I'|OST OF THE 9C ILS EI.ICOUI'ITERCD BY THE .SUBSURFACE. I NVEST t GATt OT,JAT THI S SI TE I'JILL BE SATt SFACTORY TO SUPPORT CONVEIiTIOTJALSPREAD FDoTlNc FouNDATloNS3 ASSUr.,ttNG THAT THE poRposgD sTRUcTUnEsIVILL BE OIIE (1) TO THRE[ (3) STORIES tN HEtGHT. IN SDI,'E AREAS,lr t\tAY BE NEcessARY To uNoERcuT RELATtvELy s0FT, cti.ipREsslDLeCLAYS FROI"t BENEATH FOUNDATTON ARIAS AND RCPLACE TrIE,i,l IYI TH IIEI'JcolnPAcrEo FILLr As olscusseD rN THE TExr oF Tuls Rtp0RT. DUE T0 THE ExrREt'tELY ERRATIc suBsuRFAcg c0NDr rroNSr pARTrcuLArrLy I N THE cEll rRAL AtlD wEsrERN poRTl o'.ls 0F TH I s sl rE, ADD I T I oriALTEsr BoRl Nos AND,/0R ?Es1 p I Tg r,,rt L! BE NEce ssARy ro r,toneAccURATELY DELINEA?E THE, suBsuRFAcE pR0FrLE oNcg Tr.ig BUtLc, lr.icLOC,qTIONS HAVE BACOLIE FINALIZED. T}iE ADDITIONAL SUBSURFACElNF0RrJATl0Ne C0RR€l.AT€O I'JITH THE C0NSTRUCTIOf't OETAiLS AilD F0UntDA-Tl0i{ LoADsr !vlLL HAvE To BE gvALuATEo lN oRoER To oE.TERf,rtNEF INAL ITOUNDATI ON OES! Gt\I BEARI NG PRESSURES. ALL coNTII.:UoUs FoUNDATIDN IvALLs I',/ILL HAVE TO BE, tvELI. FTEtNFORCEoIToP ANo BoTTo!''tr TO MltllttlZE THE €Fi. EcTs oF DTFFERENTIAL sETTLe"MEIJTS ON THE PENFORMANCE, OF THE PTiOPOSEO STRUCTURES. MOST OF THE NNTURAL SOILS (EXCLUSIVE OF T}iE HIGHLY ORGSINICTt/PSOtL) !YILL BE SATISFACTORY TO SUPPONT CPOUND FLOOR SI.AgS,EXfERIOR PAVING AND FLATI'.IORK. Ir.r SOME AREAS, OUE TO TIi E PRgSgNCEOF A RELATIvELY SHALLofJ I./ATER TABLE, I T I,., ILL 8E NEcassARY ToPLACg AT LEAST FOUR (4) INCHES OF CLEANI ITELL GRADED, GRANULARMATERI/rl-s BEi'IEATH THE cRouND FLooR sLABs ro..;:,BREAK cAptLLARy IYA TF.R R I SE . F I LL USED FOR SUPPOR T OF FOUNDATI OI.IS ANO,/OR FLOOR SLABS SHDULDBE NPPRDVEO BY THE SOIL CNGI}IEER ANO SHOULO BE COIIPACTEO TO F.TLEAsT 95F" oF itAXtf.lur"r STAND,IRD pRocToR OENSI Ty ANo rTl TtltN Zfr oF0PTlrlur..l tvt0tSTuRE CONtgNT, pER ,\STtul 0_698. lT I s Re c0r'lt/tENoEo rHAT A suasuRFAce DRA I NAcE sysrEM BE pLAcED AROUND ALL BASEI.IENT OR GN RDEN LEVEL AREAS. DUE T0 tHE pREgENcE oF A R€,LAtr ve Ly sirALLo!., TvATER TABLE I N TfrE CET.ITRAL ANO gJESTERt.I PCRTIOI.IS OF THIS S'T€, BASE,t,IENT COI.ISTRUCTION , 2). 4) i- 5l 6) 7) )T .J..'i " I' {i'rrruAuqra",w*** afl::':r No' 576 lN THEsg AREAs ls NoT REcDr'lMENDEDT uNLEss stTe GRADEs ARE RAlsED. I T sHOuLD BE CAUTr oNED THAT THE ri,ATER TABLE vrAS pRoBABLy AT I TsLOI'I951 LEVCL AT TI,IE Tt ME O}- OUR I NVESTI GAT I DN. TIIE, I'/ATER TABLE. COULO RIse coNSIDERABLY DURING THE SPRING sEASoN oF HeAvY RAIN-FALL AND RUN-OFF COND I Tl OI.IS. B) 'tvpe 1 cer.:r,ruT MAy BE usEo I N ALL coNcRErE. SCOPE 'THls REPORT PngsENTs rHE REsuLTs oF A pRELTMTNARv solL AND FOUNDATIO" I"UUS'IGATION ATT}18 SITE OF THE PRDPOSED EIGHORN JUNCTION oEvELoPtlENT To BE LocATED EAsr 0F THE NErr, tNTERsEcrloN oF INTERsTATE _..: Roure f0 nno US HtcHtrAy 6, VatLr EAeuE CouNTyr Couonnoo. -- THE PURPoSE oF THis tNvEsrrGATroN wAs ro DE.TERmINg suBsuRFAce CONOTTIONS AT THIS SIIE AND TO FORI'IULATE GENERAL FOUNOATION DESICII CRITERIA FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURES. lT ls uNoERsrooo rrtAT A MULTr-FArrill-y coNooMtNtuM AND MOT€L COMPLEX I'.IILL BE COTJSTRUCTEO IN THE AREA COVEREO BY THIS lNVESTI- GATION. THE PROPOSgO STRUCTURES r'ILL BE OruE (1) rO rrrNEE (3) sroR!E: llcH l!ItH soMg BASEMENT anor/on GARDEN LEVEL AREAS. THE GROUND FLOORS WILL BE CONCRgTE SLABS-ON.GRAOE. ...CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE lNOEFlf,llTE AT THls rlME, BUT tr ts expe,creo rHAT LoAos r, I LL 8€ L I cHT TO 'VIODERA TE. FIELD INvESTIGATtoN F ON THE trreeu (1J) rEsr pt rs HERE T€sr Pt r LocATtoN PLAN, F I AT LOCATI ONS IND I CATED . THE TEST Ptrs r/ERg EXCAVATEO GURE NO. I Pn0.,EcT No. 576 ouu 3 LOCATED IN THE FIELO BY TAPE MEASURE IilETHODS AIID THEIR LocATIo}Is SHOULO BE COf'JSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE TEST p I Ts !'JERE ExcAvATED rvr rH A TRACroR poryERED BACKHoE r'rt rH A 24 I llcH !., lDE, Bucl(ET. Saruelgg oF THe vAR I ous suBsuRFAcE STRATA I"JERE TA|(EN FROM THE SIOES OF THE TEST PI T EXCAVATIONS. THE LOGS OT ThE TEST PITS ARE PRESENTED ON FIGURE NOS. 2 ANO J: LABOR^ TORY INVESTt GATI oN Aur- sAnplEs REcovgRED By THE FIELD INvEsrIcATtoN wERE RETURN€O TO OUR COTONEOO SPRI NGS SOIL LABORATORI ES. THE SAI,IPLES II'ERE THEN CARSFULLY CLASSITIFO AND A LABORATORY TESTTNG PROGRAI' tTAS INITIATED BY THE pRD{reCT ENGINEER. LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION TESTS CONSIST.EO OF GRADATTON ANALYSIS' ATTERBERG INOEX TESTS AND VISUAL CLASSIfICATiON. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERI STICS IVERE EVALUATED BY PERFORI,lING UNCONFINED COMPRESSI ON AND NATURAL rrtOt STURE-OENS t Ty TES TS. ALt taeonAr0Ry TEsTs lvERE pERFoRMED tN AccoRDANcE OR sUGGEsTED ASTM PRocEDURES. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ARE PRESENTED 8 aruo ARE SUMMARIZED oN TABLc No. 1. suBsuRFACg _c0N_p I T tO Ns SUBSURFACE coND I Tt oNs IiIOST OF TH€ MATERIALS OF fHlS Sf TE YJERE GLAOtAL vARlous r.tl xluRES 0F CLAY, rJI TH STANDARD oN FtcuRE Nos. 4 txnouen AT TH I S SI TE ARE EXTREI.,IELY €,RRATI C. ENCOUNTgRED I N THE Y.JESTERNI,IOST POR'I ON MORAINE TYPE DEPOSI TS CONSISTING DF SILT, SAND, GRAVEL, COBBLES AND BOULDERS. -- : -.aa :- . t;:-:--:-1:?'t:*' " ----l-fl oo Sl.ttt *o. 576 THESE r.JATEntALs AriE FAtRLy II,ELL cDNsoLloATED ANo ARE LocATEo tN THE HIGHER ELEVATI ON AREAS OF THI S 5I TE. NO GROUND IYATER IVAS ENcoUNTERED rN THrs AREA To A DEprH oF sLEVcN (11) sEET r.JHtc]r ivAs THE I"IAX I [IUI.', DEPTH EXPLORED BY THE TEST P I T EXCAVA TI ONS. IN THE CENTRAL ANO I,VESTgRI{ PORTIDNS OF THI S SI rC (SEE AREAS 1&z illDrcATED o*trtcune tto. l) rHE suBsuRFAcE pnoFrLE coNsrsrED OF PRTITIARILY ALLUVIAL OR I'/ATER DEPOSI TED SOtLS. TFIROUGHDUT THE AREA oEslcNATEo As No. 1r Tttg ALLUVIAL MATERtAT-s rvERE LoosE To 'TEDIUI'I OgI,ISE SANOS AND GRAVELS IIJI TH A FAIRLY LOIT PERCENTAGS OF . FTNES (.t.e. stLT Ar{o clnv). lru THE Ttvo AREAs DEstcNATED As No.2 oN FlcuRE No. Ir tHE ALLUVTAL sotL PROFtLE ODNTAtNED ERRATTc , POCKETS, LAVERS AT.ID LENSES OF SOFT, VERY MOI ST TO WET,, COhIPRESSt BLEg sILTY T0 sAr'lDY cLAY5. THE t'TATER TABLE tN TH€ cgr,JTRAL Ai!D rJEsrERNf,rosr PORTIOIIS OF T}.IIS St TE VARIED FROM APPRDXIMATELV rOUN (4) TO €, IGHT (B) reer BELotr/ PREsENT st rE GRAoEs AT THE Tar.rE oF ouR tNvEsrr GATroN. AREA NO. ] ulscusst0N . MOST OF THE SOILS PRESENT IN THE AREA DESIGNATED AS ON FIGURE NO. 1 IVERE LODSE TO INEDIUIT DENSE SANOS ANO GRAVELS No. I Vl,I TH FAI RLY LDIV PERCSNTAGES OF SILT AND CLAY Sl ZE PARTI CLES. THESE UATgRIALST lr'l THEIR uNDlsruRBED cDNDtrloNs, wtLL BE sATlsFAcroRy rO SUPPORT SPREAD FDOTlNG FouNDATI oNS PRDPoRTIoNEo FoR I,,IAXI[tUM ALLO$/ABLE BEARING PRgSSURES IN THE RANGE OT 12OO TD 2OOO PSF. coNsrRucrror.r ExcAvATrDNs rN THrs AReA (seuoiv pREsENT stre enaoes) SHOULD BE SOI.IEIV}IAT L IM I TEO DUE TO THE PRESENCE AF A FA I RLY H I GH PRo.rEcr No. 576oto 5 :' lllATER TA0LE. ExcAvATl oNS MADE DUR I NG THE SpR I NG oF THE yEAR I N - THESE AREAS CDULD ENCOUNTER THE GROUND !'JATER TABLE AT HIGHER . .J ELEVATI DN8 TI|AII I TIOICATED OI{ DUR TEST P I T LOGS, F IGURE NO. 2. . THERE r',lAY ALso Bs IsoLATED AREAs oF pRES6NTLy HtcHER lvATeR.TnBLE . coNOtTt0Ns urloETscTED By THIS tNvESTtcATtON. AREA !jo._ 2- THE Tl'Jo AREAs DEslcNATgo As AREA No. 2 oN Ft cuRE t,lo. 1, ' THE TEST PI T EXCAVATIONS ENCOUNTERED ERRATIC DEPOSI TS OF VERY r'l0l ST TO t'rEf r SANDY TO VERY SANDY CLAYS !'/H I CH rAO r..rED I Uil ST I FF Tg . veRY sOFT cONslS'rENclES. l'HEsE MATERTALS cENeRALLy HAvE tltAx.lirulr . ALLOI?ABLE BEAR I NG .CAPAC I T t ES I N THE RANGE OF 5OO TO 12OO PSF . . Howgvgpo lr FouNoATtDNs ARE pLAcEo AT ELEvATToNS wHg.RE THEv i,JrLL : ' BEAR El Ti{ER DtREcrLy oN oR sLr cHTLy ABovg rHE vERy soFT, cor,rppESsr D,-E CLAYS' E,VEN A SEARING CAPACITY OF ONUV JOO PSF I,IAY NOT Bg LO!i, , E,NDUGH TO PREVENT DE TR I [IENTAL D I FFERENT T AL ANO TOTAL SE TTLEMENTSi- ..' .' DF THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES. .I N TXIS CASEI IT IVILL BE NECESSARY j ro UNDERCUT AppROxlr.lATELy rnaee (3) ro roun (4) FEEr oF rHg vERy . r' soFT CLAY STRATA FttoM BENTATH FouNDATIoN AREAS ANo REpLAoE, THE ' uNDERcur $ATERIALs t'rt rH NEw corrrpAcrED srRUcruRAL F tLL. THe EXACT AI.IOUNT OT UNDERCUTTTNG AND THE LOCATT ONS Ii/HER€ uNoERcUTTI NG - t\{AY Bg NECESSARY IIILL HAVE 7O BC OETERI,,TINED BY ADOI TIONAL INVESTI- , GATIONS OI'ICE THE BUILDING LDCATI ONS AND THE OETAILS OF THE PROPOSED CONSTRUC?10N, I t.ICLUDtNG STRUCTURAL LOADI NcS AND FLOOR ELEVATtDT{Sr ARE rtNALlzED. Cor'JslDERATtoN sltouLD BE Gt vEN To ust l,rc rHEse n RgAs 'I'JHERE IHE SDFT CDttPRESSI BLE CLAYS ARg, PRESgNT FDR pARt( | !tc AREAS DR t :oo ofr OJECT GE6 |ro. 5?6 i: r !r..1., ''r-rr--4,:r-'. * *'!?al GREEII BELTS ANN AREAS I }JOI CATED COi'TCENTRATING TItE STRUCTURES IN THE IIIORE OESIRABLE As Nos. 1 lruo 3 oN FtcunE No. l. AnEA ttD. i THE SUSSUREACE IIATERIALS PRESENT IN THE AREA OE,SIGITATEO As tloi 3 0N FtcuRE ltD. 1 wene pRll!,rARrt-y cLAcrAL MopArNE DEp0strs.'I TH€SE Typgs 0r uA,?eRIALs wrLL pREsENT No uNUSUAL pRoBLEMs ,.s. FAR AS. CONVENiIOTTAU FOUNDATION COI.ISTRUCT!ON I S CONCERNED. THE EEARtrrC. cAp^clty oF THESE f,tnTERtALs r.JtLL vARy rnor,r 200C ro J000 pSF, DEpE,ND_ ING OII LOADII,!C CONDITIONS A}ID FOUNOATION ELEVATIDNST PER TI.IE FINALIZEO SITC, PLAN. Debl e r'r l)..,Att oRlrN TrLE sysrEr..{s sHr)ulD BE suRRou*DED By cLEArl , FREE DRAINIf.IG GRANUI.AR IIIA?ERIAL AND SHOULO Bg CONNECTED TO A SUIT{IBLg iuruet, sucu As A DAvL t cHTED opENr Nc oR A puMpE,D sur,rp. ExTREME cARe sHcuLD BE TAKEN ouRrNc FouNoATroN uxcAvATroN.To AvofD DlsruRBANc€ To THE BEARTNG srRATA, pARTrcuLnRLy rN NATERIAL HAVTNC A SIGI,IIFTCAIIT AMOUNT OF COBBLS AND BOULDER SIZE. PANTICLLS. ATL ITATERIAL OISTURBgO BY IHE EXCAVATION PROCESS SHOUUb BE RE,['IOVED FROI,t BENgATH FOUNDATI OI,t AREAS. sus-ExcAv^rroN T0 REpLAcg rHs soFT, coMpREssiuae cro, sorLs 1-I''ITH NEt.' COI.TPACTED FILL I'AY HAVE TO BE ACCOI,'PLtSHED 6Y EXCAVATI OI{ gquIPI',|ENT IIORKING OUTSIDE OF THE SUB-gXCAVATgO AR€A DUE TO THE POSSI BLE DEV€LOPIT'ENT OF OPUI.'P I I,IGO COHDI TTBNS OF T}IESE SOFT SDILS. gACt(FILLING DPERATIfJNS I'1AY H^VE TO BE it o,5:l'ir No' 576 lNtrtATED By pLActNG A rwar-vc (12) To ElcHreeN (18) ttJcH LAyEn OF GRANULAR t\lATEn I AL T0 PROV I DE A SU i TABLg t'JORl( | NG SURFAC ABOVE THE UNDERI.YI}JG I'-IET cLAY sotLs" THIs I,{AY B,E NE,cESSARY IN THE AREAS OESTGNATED AS NO. 2 ANO POSSI OLY I}T SOiliE OF THE AREAS DestGrrATgD AS N0. 1 0N F r e uRe No. l.'1 4) Cor.rpacrEo F I LL pLAcED BENeATH Fou!.roATr oN AREAS sHDULD ExrcND BEYONO ALL EOGES OF ?HE FOOTTNGS A HORTZONTAL DTSTANCE EQUAL To AT LEAST 1-1 /2 Tu,rEs rHE DEprH oF THE F ILL MATERtALs BENEATH . ?HE F0OTI rJcs.. THEREFORST. t n, rOun (4) FEET OF SUB-g164yArt ON : b.. ExTENo AT LeAsT slx (6) reeT HoRtzoNTALLy FRor,r ALL FouNDATtoN. .:. o. r EOGES. 5I ALU e,xrenloR FounDAT! orus strouLo Bg pLAcED ee,Lorl FRosr DgprH. 6) tnene nRg sgvERAL oLD FouNDATtoNs, sEprtc rANKs AND orHER '. SUBSURFACE IRREGULARI T!ES AT THl S SI TE. AI-I. OF THSSE IRREG- " ULARITIES SHOULO 8E REMOVEO FROI,I BENEATH DEVELOPED AREAS AND ,. REPLACc O Ul TH trEW COMPACTEO STRUCTURAL F I LL. : ' Tgsr Plrs lr-i{lcH tvERE €xcAvATED AS pART DF THls lNvEsrlcATtoN eNcoUNTERED BoULDgRS As LARGE As rHReL (3).i"rer tN otAr.terER. It musr BE Assur,rED THAT stcNfFtcANTLy LARGER B0uLDERs rlrAy se .PRESENT ON THIS SI TE, ANO MAY HAVE TO BE REI,.IOVEO DURI IIG THE COURSE OF CDNSTRUCTION B) auu ropsolL sHcuLD BE srRtppED FRor,r r'rt rHt N THE AREAs ro BE occuP I ED BY TllE PROPoSED sTRUOTUResr AsPHALT PAvl NG oR. coNcRETE oo *:.g' No. 5?6 FLATI'JDR!(. THE AI\,IOUNT OF STRIPPING I'/ILL VARY FROM APPRDXII.IATELY tHneE (3) To As rvrucH As etcrreer.r (18) tNcHEs. lT'tS ExPEoTED THAI rHE AvERAGE AMouNT oF srR I pp I NG REeu t RED !v ir-r- ge oN THE oRDER or reN (10) ro rr;eLve (12) | rrcHEs. ..9) Ar-r- sLABs-oN-GRADg sHouLD se pLAcED DN Ar Lc.Asr roun (4) | NcHes oF CLEANT FREE oRAtNING GRANULAR il,tATERIAL lN THE AReAS DgsIGNATEO As Nos. 1nno 2 0N FtcuRg No, 1 or rnts REporiT. THts ts NECASSARY TO BREAK POSSIBLE CAPILLARY WATER RtSE. 10) ALL BAcriFlLL pLAcED AD,rAceur ro FouNDATtoN v'rALLs sHouLD BE MO I STCNED AND l'JELL COtltP/dCTED. 11) Tne, cRourlo suRFAcE sHouLo BE G I vEN A Gooo sLopE ArrAy FRof,t THE BUILDINGS ON ALL SIDES TO CONTROL SURFACg $JATER RUN-OFF. . PO?E}ITI AL SIJRFACE IVATER FLOI'J FRO[! UPSLOPE AREAS SIlOULD BE INTERCEPTEO BY I,.IEANS OF SHALLOW DRA I NAGE SWALES ANO D I VERTED ',. AROUND AND AWAY FRONI THE, PROPOSEO STRUCTURES. , l.2l THERE I s No Evt DENcE oF porENTtALLy ExpANSt vE sotL oR BEoRoct( TRATA ON THIS SITE. OUE To THE ExTReMELY E,RRATIc NAIuRE DF Tx,E SUESuRFACE CDNDITIONS AT THIS SITE' IT IS STROI'GLY RECOIIIMg}JOEO THAT ADOTTIONAL TEST .. BoRtNcs anro,/oR TEsr prrs Bg cor'rDUcrED cr.rcE THE BUILDTNc LocATroNs AND CONSTRUCTION'oETAILS HAvc BECDME I.'ORE FINALIzCD. TxIS T.IILL EE pARTtcuLARLy NEcEssARy tN THE AREAs DEStcNATED As Nos. 1 lNo 2 ON FIGURE I'IO. 1 IHCUUOCO IN TH' S REPORT. ONCE THE AODI TIONAL INVESTIGATIONS HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED ANO HAVE BEEN CORRELATED 11'ITH :' , .rl oo mJ.;'No. 576 TH€ DETAILS oF THE PRoPosED cot'lsrRUcrl oN, r'Jg, wtLL pRDvlDE you TIITH ilORE SPECIFIC OESI GN CRI TETiIA INCT.UOING IJAXIMUM ALLOTTIABLE BEARItIG cAPActTtEs F0R FouNoATl oN DEslcN, succe sTED, r,,rtNtMUM FooTlNG wlDTHSl AND.POSSI BLY r.llNf MUr.l ELEvATION LEvELS FoR F0UNDATIDT,tS ANo FLooR sl.ABg, PARTTPULARLY lF GARDEN LEvEL 0R BASEMENT coNSTRucrtoN IS INCLUDEO IN THE FINAL DESIGN PLANS. RESPECTFULLY sUBMI TTEo,ffi* THO'JAs F. PRES I DENT . TS/ss 2 coe tes SENT: glGHoRN JuNcrloN, LTo.'c/o nssoctArED oisreru OFFtcEcc: BRUCE .DALTOr,t ASSDCtATES(2) CC3 }., ILLARD OTTENS ANO ASSOCIATES t, SUMMERLEEI F.E. a F: -a'- =c) ala ' . .[,.]:, " X' ) .;''' i ', i'7::..i\j ."r , ,j.l ,,'' L=' r.l 'uJ ' ..;it 'J ....1.'\, 22'i .,,, ,./' ?=,{/ :: ::'l : 1,'1 ;';,,rii " ; ,:a . . iJ ,n." .;1 ...-:.. .'.2. 'i.:.' ,.--,. . z { ,rii,{,i'j.: O,.,..i*:.::j'3: : ; ;ii":i :'-.e eil ='i'Fl' s -l.-., ,1 ,,.9.*' ;i -i1 , e I.t ': ii .a Z, .,.-.\\ i- '- ..,, \ [,';,i,5.:.'. Ct;l-1 ,l.r'. , . ... .! .. '\' . .. .'.;' :--l-:r':.tilitll:'.''.. o \,-..--' c:' r'r'r: .'- | :l. o-i Iz.loi .l <.r IFI -t -l IFl L.j i,--: a- '.- = -"4 z F al .F a I3:J.Hrd30 l33J rHid30 <) oo t\t o = lr, Gfo L rf\ oz j? oz 0n oz N oz, ircrF-V -ts2Eo.<UJF(a o2 o oz. o\ oz, \o '.' C!\n oz. () uJ'to:E CL , *lc* l*- g, lrl-F z sl I il ozs' 'o Iz|.t:c, rdJ" G.o" ,L u,tr ,(, l! IJ . ttt(n ."lr,* :.n .c'7 co tl, Ollt Zl--F FOoz tJF l.- o. L-lll tr: l33J rHld3o I I lw !'3!J auraior"'() -l-.: \oc\rn oz, F(t tt,?o : - tJ)tu.F .j z. ^x .oz c-5 UJJ I c1 C5 :J F* :. o- Fa trJr ql o b,c =C, l! &JF> .:t(\ FFO\ <Z, G- C( lrlF(t ' go lr.|(\c tr- o) O, =u,€ ooi I I I @ 14:Fo ;-EF JEOI= zo(.gooF =dloA Fm F J &l F () oid 3 r zo (/)> Lo>JI E J F (J' Z FF 'I.IJO J 6 J 3 E>z d o o ('3 o(,,.rFlrrrrC)d(' L tr, I F UJZ U.> . - t- A aD (E FJ g' C B O TdO (,(} &J = O'OO. o =J. F 3< f L.. F fuJ -Za z oo G d! F= F oo = t - '.J (o() O !, F. o o =(/}JGr c0 . 6<) O = - CO:(l)() F !d :< . F l-() d FE GO V' >& =(i) U' J O O> Of 6 J OO -rd A FC!J :t JJ :i- o co O tJO O Oo o o=F c0 6 o (o () t! g. Z V,,-Z -Z 6 .r r,,Z. O 02< OZ t! - F= rr,o = z z= t! J .r, o @z ur (o cO.< O(/) <O r.J C, Z< >d rrJ Zci EU.| E F(o d gt aa aJ OZ tJ E2 JF' tI c'J B JY d) F 3J, JY = (j3 Ji! EtI, f U'G (D J c,)C f. (J rr(' )Z >O rlj< 6 F dt< -z IEo o u, 1- co c= l_(! <J cJJ F -J () LJc) tr rJ IO (L- - o- o =ca =F (r - =o oz rd d. J<) a ts, == O(/) OJ OO rr, rr, u =A> O Zut Z ZZ c) > JJ >d) g) cc a)- aE trJ (D J z'z g) c, !J rrj rrJ F (r (, l- cr do rlj J u, .+'E(/)i: >tt, ui = rl.' lrJ =I -l J '('o lr zo <= >Jo |,cll (:2 0 (90 0z J:t oo = t= rJ rl, (J Gi =J q - (nO >- 6 J. < ots' x O< Z- ZO e, Z<t <o <Cr O (f| - rrr G <o <o rJo = 5{J @Z (nc; >F stJ OEI (569J trjo()z<<t!Egrt ftt V,Fdt<3o(,,) t.t,LEO \O guJ 'F <E tt, !, >c! E lrlo t-t (rz O lJF|' <z i:rO l- l-*tIr, (il OOU,I 01 F:' rtJ Z() -< (/) dt <E=o<- :'E C)FOF c)o z'z<.' 3rJFgtg,o 4-Zrdp.0F -F- C) (LZO i.r: c-<J rrj ocLJ i: tl' i.JCa Cr F.:E '.3r, I< Ft E)oo .'ir.c)oFF ,-Zq o.. o- vtozF a-zoV| Ll)O-rJ u- FF FF-, <otJ tit(J Z:! =ooF F JO i- ol *l* l*ll llttttt€o@JFO.JJ O--JJJJF!.-C,O(JOO()|-J'i/,nnilE ml %n ffi ffi .r'{,- oooo ;ll oz (, tr .i -l :u' a<n<c)JAof, (, t! :'o |. - LL ) (L ) .J F(Jzz OU) cc (, tr, < <) Cr\c*o\'-v:c\cl LJ rrj o c.\i't-::: vi -:-\u-, ::.r. c 4.1 o 9trlssvd rla:tlJ3doooooooooc\ o) c\. \5 v\ -t .e.r o,r j o p_ 3 o l J (t) <t u a\o fdtl G lr! J(, ffiilffiffi]ffiffiifi dlffi ffii rlfiffi, fl: = lj ffi#|#il+H]]||'l]iifiillffil l'[;IL-;mffi:ffiffiffiiriilfi[F]{T Iffiiruliljliiiiljliit rii li i illlill I Lillff i,ii,i LEi=f,u[ :tiiI||iIiI IIiIi Ii ||I It||iII i|||iiii li IIIIiiiirl| |iH: il | U'tl (., .d riJ t, o o z F tn .a J a F o 0t(, o IJ F :il|iffi i t LillllllllH rililliffi: H-lllrilliltllrltllllilrtrllililllil ltirlltlllilllll-ib. I a .lI lll || i ll It lllu i| |j I li li Iijlrhllr,r-Lj-ld]J-L]Jl-l- I ; =l i I I I lil i i lil[]iflIlilllLlliti|li i tllllllllllf | $:fil iTflil-iflil il Llir fini[illi-r rll i]lTlt [I-Ee I n =Ullil_illltr-Lllll*l_Li ti:J-__llrill lli lJl-LljE; I is|liirilrll|lrril-r rlTilliil llm i illl]TTll"'Tilllft I : l l l i il t i I t i i t i t i i i i l l t i i il t i i il l i i ti r i i l l l l l l i l l l il I : - =lii I I l I I li I i rllliL[ii] I lll I I I I ! illr i j i I I I I I | | I | | llx i g s'r]-i-fr::a.n-illTlllllTlllT;llTlliiil | imrijTll-rq I i ll ili li i l i ll l i l l l l r i il r ril r ir i il i ri ri trl ll ll l ll l ll l l ' | :' ,ll il l ll l l l l l l! i ll t l l ll l ll il ll l l l l l! ll lin r i r i r rn I r : --.>OOO(f,OO-cOO\OOJ (, or-io o c) o c o o - aV (.\ -? ra\ '{)o_iralYtlll lttf 38ld 3 F L\o J at'l :aJ(E(l< ant l-ri&h i> EJ . llJ--t r, =ftc!lioL.\ = F'a Crr.OO t.rjc)z U')F =Jtrjo-?T,OOF-U)(r (L lr, F o lrl o F c^ t-d lr,o LJ J 2' a oz lr, Jo .l- (n -I z. l-- .an GF(n o trJN UJ FE (L zo -t 0 Cr c.. o trjJ = UF O J lr,F I _l I dz (, ; 9 F<.:vln t!- aolt<(J of o Sorn- 5= F I ))I F('zz lrJ -<)a cc(/)iJ<&o o c|l $lc-\o rn (\: trJ>.tr, O-z o +f.+t \o +-+++c\.1ir- slaoo 9Fg' o Izo F J o oF o F |'/l{Jq. 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F UJ Lrj J (L = (r> . -l I ,;z lIJ J r @l;I>l <izlol Z.) ;f 3 cr F 2 O trJ : J ; (!ld: aa (t: tr, IFii cO lrj F :o .F;<:o,q; :: q, : tJ, FJJJ JJL'F lrl>IJ UIl<Cr-O. -J c (J J> Z >tJ., A G C2.iJ E F > FJ(, J e\ Jc) Ci < ()U (/J(Jq,>A _!lttlooocJz. z, z z uJLtraao<h r^J (/) o trl 6 N E('<zo.< @ t.(roo0o LL tL L- lL rr_ c\q\O LJxX ur \q lgt t @@Ncntc!(n c^ ^!J:>Z;I :tho; 9 =,4o: ;d9!;io.,-o coO\. ii<ia f,a cl'5; F.l-r \R. !s.J ) J do,() ll@ F J@CCO. r- i :aoolo::clN t-+ $l C! I I Jf<:- E >' -t!, d (/roF O iz0-<!,zo \O O\ll(}\tl ry<l : !o !R' '2 AJ :f, tt\ rn l.J"\ NNcOjlc.- !r' IFFu O, trJ rr\ r\ rn 'fi lr\ \n rr\ Cl.qN\o-? (r'\ i:.(! c\ co o\ o\ 'll_ e.o-o <i H tt-r X.l Iyl trll ;rf1: I C*-l5 t '*\lch ci fld ": gl Fl.A()I :i -: rrjOOFIGFO-O sl ;l :l pl-i >-l EI ?l ;l "il!tl<lr-l ECOLOGY OF THE BIG HORN JTJNCTION DEVELOPMENT AT VAIL, COLORADO by John 1V. Marr, Ph.D., Ecologist 355 Norton Street, Boulder Colorado October 1974 I. Activities: I visited the project area on 13th and 14th Octobe r !g74, viewing it from various angles, tramping around in each of its ecological units and recording notes on plants, anirnals, environrnent factors and ecological processes. Color and black and white photographs were rnade of each unit. Delineation of the ecological units on the attached map was accolyrplisheC by referring to rny field notes and an aerial photograph. Boundaries of the unitc are crude approxirnations because rnost of thern intergrade with one another across belts of transition. Furtherrnore, sorne features of the vegetation were not evident on these particular photographs" Most of the grasses and herbs were dorrnant and only a lirnited effort was lnade to identify all of thern since there appeared to be no value in an exhaustive species list at this tirne. IL Description of Ecological Units. Each of the areats ecological units ('rstands" or "stand ecosysternsr') is descrihed in the following paragraphs beginning with the we sternrno st unit ancl progressing in an easterly direction. A. A Qrassland Ecosvstern occupies the westernrnost triangle of land. It has a substrate of alh.rviurn with only a few visible boulders. Three feet deep channel s cut across the stand. Trails and trash are conspicuous. Grasses and herbs cover 80 to 100 percent of the ground in spite of the obviously heavy use of various activities in the past. Two spruce trees {Blsea eng elrngn!!) I to 10 inchr:s diarneter and 15 to 20 feet tall occur in the stand. ( ( z . Cornrrton grasses included timothy (Phleurn sp. ) and bluegrass (Poa sp. ) Common hcrbs were Gelaniunr gg. , &!Sg!iqg "pt. Rumex pg. Gentian+ sp., thistle (9ifSiur.. -E-p.. ) and several cornposites. The latter were rnore abunclant cn the higher ground, while a few willow shrubs occul' along the drainage charrrLel s. Sorne srnall r-narnrnal has burrowed in the higher areas; none of the anirnals was seen but their burrows appear to have been used recently. S.__E!!ki"_C-f-g_gk_qtre am sid e E co sy stem. Thi s unit extend s out s ever al feet on both sides of the creek. It is well vegetated with trecs, shrubs, herbs and rnoss es,. d.oubtles s due to the abundance of ground water ancl relatively high atrnos.. ' pheric hurnidity. Aspen trees are up to 10 inches in diarneter and 40 feet tall. . Spruce trees are up to 14 inches by 50 feet. Spruce s4lings are abundant. One ':1 lod.gepole is also 14 inches by 50 feet. An alder 'rtree'r has trunks to 8 i.nches b;' 25 feet. One 2 L/2 foot subalpine fir grows by the creek. One of the spruce trees has lacy, loosely-hanging branches, rnaking it both an attractive and interesting ornarnental. This growth forrn is genetically .; determined, occurring only once in every few hundred trees of this species. Con- . seeuenjll, this individual should be preserved if at all possible. The following additional plants were observed: Shrubs: ground juniper (Juniperus cornrnunii) rnountain-lover ' (Pachystima q3y1 _C-) , honeysuckl. (bgi-ce.:g involucrata), roses and willows. a Herbs: vetch (V-icra Sp. ) cow parsnip {Heracleum lanaturn), cornposites and fire- we ed (E_+i!gbilg aggglleliunn ) The shrubs are all attractive ornarnentals. 3tan.ls A and B intergrade across a transition area varying frorn a few to l0 feet in width. 3 C. {gp"t_g_g_9.gJ_$gp This srnall patch of aspen occurs on the '' northrvest corner of the property near Pitkin Creel<. It occupies only some 100 square feet of land but illustrates sorne interesting ecological features. The : aspen trees here a1e up to 12 inches iri diarneter and 40 feet tall; there are also I nlany aapen sucker shoots. One lodgepole pine sapling, an olci alder tree and . eleven spruce saplings under three feet ta11 occur in this aspen patch. These ' ttinvading't spruc e show that this site has a potential to develop a sprirce starid as the older aspen die. Grasses and herbs cover 90% of. the ground, Pocket gophers have pij.ed up rnounds of soil (up to 6 i.nches high anci 12 inches across) here and there. ' D. 4JaAr__gcog$grr. Alder I'trees" up to 6 inches by 25 feet form a 10 by ?5 teet stand in a rnar shy area on the northeast side of Pitkin Creek where it enters the property. The water table rnust be high in this site v*rich suggests that care should be taken in construction. E. B'trergree" For."t Ec This unit contains several houses, barns, trash piles, abandoned vehicles, a horse lot and other rnaterials of human . : occupation. Both lodgepole pine and engeknan spiuce (and possibly sorne Colorado blue spruce) are abundant in the stand. Many healthy young trees of both the pinc and spruce occur rnixed w ith the older and taller indivridual s. 'W'i11ows becornc cornrnon in the transition to the willow stand to the east of the forest. F. {jUg*_E-S".y_qlgS_. The central parttf the property, just east of the evergreen forest stand s upports a clense stand of wil-1ows. The willow shrubs cover over 80% of the ground, G:asses and herbs cover the space betweel and . under the shrubs. Individual sterns of the dense clusters of wilLows range in sizes up to 2 inches in diarneter and l0 feet tall. A few alder trees" zrnd 3 Icdgepole pines rise above the willorvs. One 8 feet tall spruce is in this stand. AsPen are invading the willows at the northwest corner. There are .' 3t t"""r t*l.tpecies "t :tttt:*, possibly Sa![ seyeriana 9. 'bebbialaor S.planifolia fhcrc are a few honcysuckle shrubs and possibly sorne elderberry :(Sambucus -g-p. ) in tfre stand. Tirnothy grass and corx.'parsnip were corrrrnon. Anirnal trails criss-cross the stand and are rerninders that in less populated areas, this type of stand is heavily usecl by large rnarnn-rals. Fresh deer traclis on the roadrvays in the area suggest that these attractive anirnals still visit the willow stands; they brov,'se on the shrubs. Willow ecosysterns of this type always have a high water table resulting frorn the percolation of ground water frorn adjacent higher areas. Consequently, special care will be in order as construction is undertaken here. AIso, this type of ecosystern has relatively rich soil drre to a high ' hurnus content. The planners will doubtless want to save the soil ior use in areas which are to be planted. srnal1rneadowwith1ushgrassesandherbs,probab1yfertilizedbyrun-offfrornthe corral. There is probably sorne valuable top soil in this systern ' H. @yliyJgg.tsdA.ea.. The central area rvhere sorne houses have been rernoved constitutes a rnodified ecosystem. At o.pe tirne before the construction, this area was probably part of the rneadow, a rernnant of which penetrates the open stand of trees to the east. Today, the ground is scraped, or cornpacted and occupied by mostly weeciy plants. There is rnuch bare grouncl. L DrY Meadorv . The eastern part of the property is occupied by scattered individual trees and clumps of trees of both aspen ancl lodgepole pine. 5. ' The trreadow rnentioned above ("H") is part of this mosaic. In fact, the grasses are so lush gnder the trees that rnost of the area could be thought of as a grassland , with scattered trees (i. e. a savannah). Pines dorninate the tree straturn in tire southern part of the area and aspen are clorninant in the northern part. Ntany of the larger pines have fir scars and are cioubtless rotten internalllt sorne have been blown over and others are leaning at a steep angle. A shallow cne-foot wide irrigation ditch cuts across this area. The two subdivisions of the area axe described seParately beLow under ItJtr and rtKlr. J. 49pen--Eg9-gJgl9r:1. The trees in the stand are uP to I0 inches in diameter and 50 feet talI. 'Ihe grass-herb ground cover is broken only by an ' occasional boulder, sorrle grollnd junipei, oregon holly grape (ugho"!e. aquifafia) and !e"4v:!iles The entire stand contains over 10 junipers, one covering approxirnately 100 square feet. I Geranirrrn is a cornrnon herb. One spnrce tree and over 20 saplings of lodgepole pine grow und.er the aspen, indicating a tendency for the evergreen : ) species.to eventually replace the deciduous aspen' AninterestingfeatureoftheaspentreesdeservessPecia1notice. Carefuly study of the aspen trees reveals that sorne ll6v e a rnore greenish tone while others are rnore greyish in color. This diJference is subtle but real and it indicates difference in genetic cornpo s ition (since they grow side by side in . the sarne environrnent. ) I have studied this feature else'*'here and for:ld that associatecl with the difference in bark color, there are diJferences in the tirne of leafing out in the spring and changing color in the fal1. consequently, the presence 6. of the two genotypes increases diversity and therefore interest in and enjoyrnent of the trees. In order to take advantage of the aspen diversity, care rnust be taken rernoving individrual s during construction in o'rder.to insure preserving sorne each genotypc. K.@ The area of lodgepole pines at the southeast corner of the property contains rnany spruce and a few aspen trees. The pines vary in size, the largest being 16 inches in diarneter and 40 feet ta1l. Grasses and herbs cover 95% of. the ground except for that occupied by a few boulders. Ground juniper is cornrnon One of the spruce trees is a true Colorado BIue spruce. It is only about 8 feet tall and should be preserved even if the overall plan for the develop- rnent requires that it be moved IIL Conclusions. There is nothing unusual about the ecology of the proposed d.eveloprnent area. The ecological units present resernble sirnilar types cornrnon in Western Colorado. Furthermore, . hurnan activities have already rnodiJied the ecosysterns to sorne degree and the new highway construction wi1|.result in Jurther changes. There are rnany young trees in the property which co,uld be used in landscaping. The "filrny' spruce, Colorado Blue spiuce and cornbination of two aspen genetypes are unusual assets. I suggest that an ecologist point these specirnens out to the appropriate designers and/or construction people so that their use in the landscaping can be considered Another valuable plant for ornarnental purposes is the Oregon hol1y grape. Its leave s are a beautifrrl il srnoky purple in the faLl. These colorful _. ln of n:l.ft eli?-?Fr. 'r.H|1' .' aa.4r.r {r _---,-!5 ". : -. -t---_---=t-E._' - -,_--.r'|tr leaves persist all winter and the plant tolerates considerable soil drought and direct sunlight. The aspen tree reproduces by producing rrsucker shootsrri these are stems which develof from roots. I suggest that when :rspen areas are to be excavated, masses of the aspen roots be rnoved to desired locations and buried. Sorne of the roots rnay produce sterns. l, *lr Preliminary Report ffect of I'raffic Noise I n', ormai i on Traf f ic counts are f rom the Siate Highrvay Department r't iththeir projections 1'o the year 2000. Standards f,lo i se on s i te i s based on HUD anrl unaccepfa.b i I ity. I Assumpt i ons In ordelio arrive af a peak hourly load, the follor,ring' assumpt ionb were made.l . Trucks: l'rl ith rlesfbound deparfures.from Denverand Eastbound from Grand Junction based on 5;30 A.l'1. and 5:00 P.i,l. cjeparture fimes the follor,ring time bracl<e-is r,iere established based on d istances, trave I time and intermed iate stops. Peaks at site ' i '. A. M. 8:30 - 9:i0 , P. M. 9:00 - 10:00 . ,lt was assumed thai these peal<s represented 50,1 of the average' lCaily traffic, or 25fr in each pe-ak period. season, the peak period apparenily occurs betr.reen B:jO and 9:j0 A. M. and in all probability represents 3Of of the Average DailyTraffic. .: o c lass i f icat ions of acceptability f.: . Dai tv I z " Auto Traffic. :' Truck Traffic 1980' Auto Traffic 7930 , ,'TruckTraffic 7ZO 1990 Auto Traffic 10450' ,Truck Traff ic 950 2000 Auto Traff ic Truck Traffic Average Pea kly Traffic Traffic Center 3435 1030 N.315 B0 N. Rati ngsof Site Neai- Edge of A. ,,, N. A.A. N. A. S ite 1 1645 1055 23BO qn 3135 120 3490 132 2 o 'N. N. A. Norrna I ly Acceptab le Ccmmon building construcfion rri llmal<e ihe incjoor env i ronment accep-iab le and ihe ourdoor r.r i I I be reasonab ly acceptab le for recreation. U. Norrnal ly Unacceptab lex - Unusual and costly building cons'iructions are ;ec- . essary To ensure some tranquility inCoors, and barriers must be erected betveen the si'le and prorninent noise sources to make the bu-idoor env i rofiment iolerab le. lf should be noted that severa I factors are present vrhich a I lev iate th is cond it ion r.rh i ch are not cons idered i n 1-he HUD rating standards; i.e. a. The interstate highrrray is generally higher tlran the site. b. Trees on the site help disperse the sound. c. The unacceptable ratings are based on cond iticns which exist for only a very small portion of theday. Other than at the peak period, the traffic noise at year 2000 remains vrithin the acceptable range. Noise Assessment Guidel ines U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Based on trucking company informa'l-ion, concensus of Persona I observat ions, part i a I conf i rmat i on by Sfate Patro I t. 2. .*' AN ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND LAND USE ANALYSIS REPORT ON 8.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY IN EAST VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for Bighorn itunction, Ltd. BY William A.. lloward, Ph.D. AND Daniel J. Sch]er, Ph.D. CONTENTS l. Economic Impact of Proposed Development Plan. 2. A Survey of East Vail Resident 0pinions Regard- ing the Proposed Development PIan. 3. Observations Regarding the Site and Its Vicinal Relationships with Special Attention to lts Proximity to Interstate 70 and U.S. 6. In developing this profile of the potential economic impact of the 8.29 acreis of land for which Bighorn Ltd. is seeking a special development district zonlng designation, a number of assumptions were necessary. The data on which the analysis is based were derived from local industry inter- vietvs, pub'lications and rate schedules of the Town of vail, u.s. census reports and topical reports relating to tourism across the State of Colorado. Explicit assumptions utilized in this analysis were as follows: 1. The trends relating to the town of vail's economy are like'ly to continue over the next five years. That is to say, there wil'l con- tinue to be a growing economy based upon the ski industry and tourism. A stagnant econony seems un1ikely at the present. 2. That a fina] deve'lopment scheme wou'ld ref'lect a compromise between low density multi-family and medium dens'ity multi-family residential units incorporating a condote'l with sixty-six dwelling units; 18,000 square feet of gross floor area; twenty-four dwelling units in con- junction with and above the proposed commercial shopping center; and forty-eight medium density mu]ti-family dwelling units separate and apart from the condotel and the commercial shopping center. In the fo] 'lowing narratJve, three components of economic impact are analyzed. These are potential employment resulting from the development plan cited above, the poss'ib1e impact of sales revenuc accuring to the local econony as a result of the developnent, and the potentia'l impact of the deve'lopment on governmenta'l costs and revenues. A. EMPLOYMENT If the assumption is made that the above deve'lopment plan could take from three to five years to reach full development, then from fourteen to seventeen people in the high season and from eight to eleven during the'low season cou'ld be expected in direct emp'loyment as a resu'l t of the condotel rentals and other short term rental of dwelling units. (See Tab'le I) As to the commercial shopping center, we can anticipate another . l,lanagement Housekeeping Desk/0ffice Maintenance Source: Local industry developncnts TABLE I ESTIUATED DIRECT EI.IPLOYITIEIIT ASSOCIATED I.IITH CONDOTEL AI{D OTHER SHORT TERM D}JELLING UNIT REIITALS Hlsh Season 2-3 9-l0 2-3 I Low Season l-2 5-5 l-2 I interviews as well as comparisons wlth other 3 seven .to thirteen persons employed during the high season and between six to eight during the low season. (See Tabel II) 0n average, the proposed development would add approximately fourteen to twenty persons in year round enployment and an additional average of twenty to twenty- five seasonal employment opportunities. If the above employment figures are thought of as primarily contributing to the "basic" employment base of the loca'l economy, then another eight to fifteen* persons could find employnent in the 'local economy as a resu'lt of locally generated jobs brought about by the effects within the local economy of the business purchases and payrolls associated with the newly created basic jobs. These business purchases and payrolls work to create additional supportive job opportunities within the local econony. The full development of this plan could resu'lt in anywhere from twenty- two to thirty-five permanently employed individuals with an additional twenty to twenty-five seasonally employed persons. Certainly, one would expect temporary direct construction employment during the development of this project; however, it is almost impossible to indicate the magnitude of this element of the employment picture since phasing of the project has not been established. One could observe that these construction related jobs may be filled by people already on. the scene or ent'irely new people. Only when a c'learer picture exists of components of the plan to be initiated first can meaningful ca1cula- tions be made as to the level of employment that construction may represent. * A calculated .5 loca'l service jobs for every 1.0 basic jobs was derived for Eagle County. Adjustments were made for the seasonal relationships -"among basic non-basic jobs..A multiplier deve'loped for the Town of Vail might reveal a different relatjonship; hovrever, such a multiplier would be meaningless in a short period of time due to changes in the town's boundaries. Thenefore, the multiplier calculated for the County is more representative. Functi on Food Store Drug Store Barber Shop Laundry and Dry Cleaning Store Hardware Stationery Store TABLE II ESTIMATED DIRECT EMPLOYMENT IN ASSOCIATION bIITH CO],tYIERCIAL SHOPPING FACILITY High Season 2-3 1-2 1-2 l-2 1-2 1-2 Low Season 1-2 1-2 I I I I Source: Based upon a::neighborhood shopping center offering convenience to'.a population of 2,500 persons or 800 families. The function Jdentified are the most prudent ones found in such a Center. The size of such a center ranges from 16,000 sq. ft. to 18,000 sq. ft. o B. EFFECTS ON SALES AS A RESULT OF PLAN DEVELOPMENT Visitors to Vail staying in the Condotel or renting other available dwelling units in the project could be expected to contribute significantly to the sales volume within the local economy. Shown on Table III are expenditure estimates that might reasonably be expected from the ski industry and tourist related activities. If the assumptions on which the calcu1atlons reflected in Tab'le III are reasonably sound, the total effect on the local economy as a result of visitor sales could be expected to be on the order of $1.75 million dollars per year. C. NET EFFECTS OF PURCHASING POI.,ER OF PERMANENT POPULATION BROUGHT ABOUT AS A RESULT OF THIS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AS REFLECTED BY SALES At the present, the average family income in Eag'le County is around $10,000 per year. Assuming that a permanent population of from twenty- two to th'irty-five persons result from the development of this p'lan it is reasonable to assume that from $220,000 to $350,000 wou'ld represent the range of earnings of this additional increment of population. Additionally, if seasonal employment is taken into account with twenty to twenty-five persons involved, assuming a six month period of employment and at an average ra'lqry_Comparable to the"level of average family income for the county, we can expect another $175,000 in earnings. If a further assump- tion can be made that approximately forty percent of earnings goes for goods and services that are subject to sales tax, then retail sales volumes for this additional increment of population would range between $2,500 and $6,000 annua'l1y (assuming approximately $.|60,000 earnings going to goods and services subject to sales tax.) In surmary, a tota'l increase of 2.2 mil'lion dol'lars might reasonably be expected in the loca1 econoqy as a result of this development. D. C0STS/REVENUES RELATI0NSHIP T0 T0l,,N 0F VAIL Tab'le IV reflects an estimated impact of the proposed development as to the Town of VaiI's tax base. With a potentiat low assessed valuation at completion of $1,976,000, based upon present mill levies, one might 6 TABLE III ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES BY GUESTS BY SEASON STAYING IN THE CONDOTEL AND OTHER AVAILABLE DWELLING UNITS Season L*st|u;:)st'Y 0ccupancy Rate (Days ) Average Expenditures by Group AnnuaI Expenditures l.linter Surrner 150 120 75150% 36130% Per $150 $88 $l,350,000 $ 380,160 srEo';m- Source: Average expenditure estimates of $50/day/person in winter and $35/day/person in sunrner provided by Vail Resort Association. An assumption has been made in the above calculations that at least 120 dwelling units would be available for short term rental. A group is defined as 3 persons or less 7 TABLE IV ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION OF DEVELOPMENT AFTER COMPLETION Unit Type No. of Uni ts Average Unit Price Low/ High Estims. Total Market Val ue Low/ High Estms. Assessed Val uation Low/Hi9h Estimates Condotel DU's 0ver CSC Medium Density Multi-Fami ly Dwelling Units Sub-Tota'ls for Residential Conmercial Shopping $3e.37d $52,500tr $43,29dW*,tnT $42,7501 $57,oooD +a;:fti8eleu' $'#se*8#$ #?':A883'*h $i*8*J"a4?h $e00,0009 l;Tl0-;o-00'-- '.%ti86*'ll{*-fi]#tu* $8,"1ti8S$S $r,zoe,grsJ9n. f2;-25-E'8-4rrslr t{H,S$fl!' tttffi*fiH- 661 242 483 .|38 Center .'.. TOTALS .I. 875 GRFA 2. 962 GRFA3. 95 GRFA A. A low estjmate based upon present market prices with an assumption ofg$-per fft. B. A hiqh estimate based upon a possible future price (five years) of c. D. $60lEr-Eq.Ttl A low estimated market value of cormercia'l property at $50 per sq. ft.n-niqh@.marketva]ueofcormercia.l'propertyat$65persq.ft. o reasonably expect ln excess of $27,000 to be added to the tax base. A higher valuation estimate would place the amount nearer to $35'000. 0n Tabte V appears a representative development of revenues accrulng to the Toarn:.lf Vail annually as nell as a result of one-time charges from the devel opnent. 8 9 TABLE V REVENUE ESTIMTES ; ;TOI,JN :,0F,' VATI-: AND -SPECIAL DISTRICTS SELECTED FUNDS MAJOR SOURCES Enti tylFund/Source Basis ,"{. , Annual'ly At Full Deve'lopment 0ne-Time Charges Town of Vail Genera'l Fund Recreation Fee 138 DU* General Property Tax Genera] Sales & Use Tax Visitors Residents Franchise Taxes Construction Pennits 138 DU's Capital Improvement & 0pen Space Fund General Sa'les & Use Tax Vi s i tors Residents Vail Water & Sanita- tion District Water Uses Charges Connection Charges 138 DU',s Vail Fire Protection Distri ct '126,000 Sq. Ft. 75G/sq. ft, 5.4 mir rs, sl:t6g:gggl?ur,, 2% (80q' of $1,730,000) 2% (407 of $160,000) 21t ($4oo/yr.; 8/avg. unit .Average $l4l (as of ,lan. 1974) 2% (80% of $1,730,000) ?% (40'l of $160,000) .50dl'f ,000 9a1 .,60,000 Annual Ave. ? points/unit, $S/unit/ month Average of $300/unit 5.0mills,#ffi $94,500 $'10,665 1f,040 $27,530 640 1 ,.|04 $19,458 $39 ,939ffi $27,530 640 $4,'t40 $16,560 $41 ,4oo l0 Val I Metropolitan Recreatlon Dlstrict Geheral Property Tax TOTAL 4.0 mil,s, ;:;6t$ts'llh fft#8 $106,484 $TrfiFt4 $155,358 @ are shoviln on this schedule as lt is impossible to ietermine the number tif functiona'l units that mqy ultimately be in the comtercial shopping center. ll SURVEY OF EAST VAIL RESIDENT OPINIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN o l2 SURVEY METHODOLOGY A survey of resident opinions regarding the proposed development plan of the 8.3 acres of land in East Vail was conducted Friday evening, and Saturday, 0ctober 4th and sth, 1.974. The sampling procedure and intervien schedule were designed and executed after consu'ltation with Mr. John Prosser, Mr. Bruce Dalton, Mr. Jim Lamont and the Chairman of the Vail Planning Cormiss ion. Sample It was decided because of time and resource limitations to proceed with a total census of all households in the irmediate impact area from whoever was present during the time of interviews. Due to the nature of this area, in terms of residence patterns, it was assumed that only twenty to thirty percent of the households would be occupied, and those who would be present would more likely be permanent residents. Three areasl in close proximity of the proposed rezoning site were covered comprehensively on Friday night and Saturday during the day. Approximately one hundred and sixty-eight households are in these three areas, and of this total, thirty-one interviews were obtained, providing an approximate eighteen percent sample of all households in that area. Given the consistency of answers in the three areas, it can be assumed that the sample is highly representative of the populaticn, especially of those who consider themse'l ves permanent residents. Interview Schedule An interview instrument was constructed after consu'ltation with the above parties mentioned, consisting of thirteen questions4 An attempt was made in the structuring of the questions to ascertain the general opinions of the residents regarding future development in the East Vail area in orden to more adequately eva]uate whether they were biased in one way or another to- ward the specific tiivefoimint plan, or whether they had consistent attitudes toward the whole East Vai'l area. o ee appendix 2 for a maF-of the areas as designated and surveyed. copy of interview schedule used.See appendix 3 for a sample - -' , ! . : t :, :, , :'a 2. l3 The interview schedule was used. with rigor to standardize the questions asked by the two interviewers. However, at the c'lose of the interview, each interviewer used the opportunity to infonna'lly obtain information as the interest of the respondent was expressed. The Interview Process The interviewers found all persons contacted'nrost cooperative and very interested in providing the.information and opinions requested. Most were very appreciative that tlre town was interested in their views and hoped that this kind of cormunication would continue. Several suggested that these types of issues should be brought before the residents by a meeting con- ducted in their area, with encouragement for the residents to participate. Likewise, there were'nunel:ous corrments that a sense of community does not now exist and thatth'6 town officials should place much more emphasis'on meeting the needs of locals, in addition to focusing on the needs of tourists. SOME GENERAL CONCLUSIONS Recognizing the limitations of the data collected by the previously described methodologty, the following conclusions seem warranted: 1. A very large majority of the respondents in East Vail perceive that area as being a unique location of 1ow residential type of land use - a type of suburban-conmuter area away from the congestion' tcurist-commercial activity of central Vail. They like living there because of the seclusion and attractiveness of the trees, streams and open arbas. They do not want it to change from a low density residential area. They do not want it to become like West Vai'l A very Iarge majority of respondents strongly oppose the proposed development plan for the 8,3 acre tract to include mote'l accorrnodations. Their feelings regarding a shopping center are more mixed. In general , it is not strongly opposed, but most respondents expressed the opinion that if it is developed, it should be small in scale 'and have its orientation to the needs of East Vail residents. Low density multiple residential units are general'ly acceptable on the site, if well designed. l4 TABULATION OF SURVEY RESULTS l0 interviews in Area 'l ll interviews in Area 2 l0 interviews in Area 3 3l total number of interviews A. l. Resident Status A.l. 4.2.. A.3. Permanent l0 10 9 'lJeekends 0 I I Average length of Vail residence 3.4 yrs 2.9 yrs 2.8 yrs Q. 2. Future development preference for East Vail, Bighorn Area- Total s 29 2 3 yrs Residential -Singl e Sing'le & Multiple Multiple only 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 II I 2397 6 l9000213000202011 I l3 8 9 2 3 4 3 2 0 2345?3430- 2 4 27 0 20 l0 I 't I10 ' 900 7733l0 2 8 0 6 4 0 Commercial Accomnodations No Development Uncertain Q. 3. Prefered type of Clustered Single Dispersed Sing]e Clustered MultipleAII of Above No growth 4. Knowledge of the Did Know Didn't know 5. After explanation Favorab'le Unfavorabl e Uncertain a. a. residential development for East Vail, Bighorn Area. proposed develdpment p'lan fciro the 8.3 acre tract. 122599826 of the blan, theii responses'to:the proposal. 2472512 I 10 0 Q. 6. Part of development, favor or disfavor most. Motel accormodations Favor Di sfavor Uncertain Shopping Center Favor Di sfavor Uncertain o Q.6. Con't Residential Units Favor Disfavor Uncertain Q. 7. Preferred services in shopping center, if 15, A.l. 4.2. A.3.Totals 17 t2 2 6 4 0 5 4 I 6 4 I approved. 9 6 2 2 3 3 1 I I I I 0 0 2 Grocery Laundrette Drug store: Restaurant Liquor store General Store Cumio shop Clothing store Medical services Cleaner Bar Small Dairy bar Gas station Nothing Q. 8. How often shopping center Dai]y t.Jeekly 0ccasional ly Never No answer Q. 9. Prefemed deve'lopment on Residential Lodge Park Gas Station Grocery Open space Shopping center Leave as is Recreation (Pool, etc.) Medical facility Pre-school No answer 8 1 2 I 0 I I 0 I I 0 I I 0 would be used. 25ll 7 5 4 9 ? 3 4 4 ? 2 3 2 7 l't 8 3 I 235213210l requested. l6 I 5 1 3 2 4 I 2 2 I 6 8 4 3 2 I 5 0 2 2 3 I 2 2 0 Q.l0.0pinion on Favor Disfavor Uncertai n 2 4 4 0 0 tract'where motel 7 I I I I 0 0 0 0.l I 0 proposed service station at the 5'5 0 54002200IIrl3ll020l0.CI 006 exchange site. 425721 ll l7 3 l6 OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE SITE AND ITS VICINAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ITS PROXIMITY TO INTERSTATE 70 AND U. S. 6 ) 17, Located as it is on the footslopes of the north wall of the valley, in between the Interstate highway and U.S. 6, the most suitable development for this parcel of land is a buffer-like development separating the single fami'ly detached housing in the valley floor from the effects of the two highways, especially the interstate route. The parcel of 'land is not large enough to be attractive for single family dwellings, especia'lly with its proximity to the interstate, Therefore, in the author's opinion' the best use of the land would be as medium density dwelling units in associa- tion with the comnercia'l shopping center. Such a development, tied together with the proposed service station would make for compatible land uses. lJhile residents of the medium density dwelling units would doubtless experience some highway related noise, this is virtually unavoidable, although much of the noise can be expected to be suppressed as a resu'lt of the interstate route being above the site, and presumably once fully developed, that only upper stories wou'ld experience the road related noise. lti bs iiruch as a pldrf does not presently coVer'.the east Vail area, it is .impossible to relate the parcel to..the Vail plan;'However, the uses cited above are not incompatib'le with uses already established in the area. Properly developed ip the manner cited above, the development could ue a definite asset in shiping the east Vail area. o $$; oo oo oo oo oo PRD.rEcr ND. 5?60croBeR 19, 1974 t F,REL II,I IIJARY SOIL & FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION BIGHORN JUNcTIDN PRo.,LcT VAIL 64cLe CouNTY, CoLoRADo PREPAReD FOR: B I GHDRN JUNCT tDN, l.TD. Z32O Ktpr-tNc SrRe[.r LAKEWDODT COuOnnoo 80215 ATTN: MR. RDY D. VDLZKE ffiffi ! o TABLE OLCONTENTS CoNcL us | 0Ns SCOP C PROPOSEQ CONSTRUCTION FIELo INvESTIGATION LABORATDRY I NvESTI GATt oN SUBSURFAcE. CONDI TIONs DISCUSSION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION I)ETAILS ADDI TI ONAT. INVE STI GA TI DNS TEsT P IT. LOCATI oN PLAN TEST PI T LoGs TEST PIT LDGS . LEGEND AND NoTES GRADAT I ott 4x4r-yttt SUI',IMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESUI.TS Pnee 1 PAGE 2 PAGS 2 PAGE 2 PAGe J PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Pnee 6 t,nee B FIGURE NO. F I cunE f'Jo. FIGURE NO. FIGURcS Ii - TABLE NO. I 1I z oo'o na,otd-" cdo(aoo spxrg.s cobrado . 00917 303. 5p6 .75a7 OCi sotnh Jrmr€e roadp o box 1?14 vet.cdorodo.04d57 303 .475 .0297 501 Ineenng CONcLUSI ONS 1) L'tosr or rHE gorLs eNcouNTERED By rHe suBsuRFAce rNVs.srrcATroNAT THIS SITE IVILL BE SATTSFACTORY TD SUPPORT CONVENTIONALSPREAD FOOTING.FOUNDATIONST ASSUMI NG THAT TH€, PORPOSED STRUCTURES!VILL BE ONE (1) TO THREE (J) STORIES tN HEIGHT. tN SOI.IE AREAS,I I MAY se NECESSARY T0 uNDgRcur RELATT vELy soFT, cDi,rpREsst BLECLAYS FRO!.'t BENEATH FOUNOATION ARg,AS AND REPLACE TTIEII I,iI TH NgIVcoMPACTED FtLL, AS otscusseD lN THs. TEXT OF THt5 REPOR.T. 2) ous ro THE €xrREMELy ERRATTc suBsuRFAcE coNDrrroNs, pARTlcuLARLyIN THE CENTRAL ANO Ir'JgSTERN PORTIONS OF THIS SITE, ADDTTlONALTEST BORI HES NHO/OR TgST P I TS WI LL BE NECCSSARY TO I,IOREACCURATELY DELINE,ATE THE SUESURFACE PROFILE ONCL THE EUILDlNGLOCATIONS HAVE BECOME FINALIZEO. THg AODI TlOTIAL SUBSURFACElNFoRLlATl0Nr coRRELATgD nl TH THE coNsrRUcrtor! DETAtLs ANo FouNDA-TloN LoADsr wlLL HAvE To BE EvALUATED rN oRoER To DtrERrrilNEF INAL FOUNDATI ON OESt CN BEARI NG PREgSURgS. 3) Ar-u c0NTrNUous F0uNDATToN rvAr-Ls wrLr.- HAVE To BE wELL RerNFoncEo,ToP AND BoTToMr To MlNlMlzE THE EFFEcTS 0F DITFERENTTAL sETTLE=MENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE.S. 4) tvlosr oF THe NATURAL sorLs (exclus rvE DF THE. HrcHLy oRcANrcTOPSOII-) WILL Bg, SATISFACTORY TO SUPPORT GROUND FLOOR SLABS,EXTERIOR PAVING AND FLA'WORI(. IIT SOME AREAS, DUE TO THE PR€,SENCEoF A .RELATIvELY SHALLottJ $JATER TABLEs tr r!lLL BE NEcEssARy r0PLACE AT Lg,AST rOUN (4) TNCHES OF CLEAN, IVELL GRADED, GRANULARMATERIALS SENEATH THE cRouND FLooR sueai Toi;.BREAl( cAprLLARyIVATER RISE. fo/ &' st*H 5) r rLL usEo FoR suppoR T oF Fo,NDATT o.s lr.ro/oR FLooR sLABsBg.APPROVEO BY THE SOIL ENCINEg,R AND SHOULD BE COIUP/\CTEDLEAST 95% OF MAX IMUI,,I STANOARD PROCTOR DENSI TY ANO IVI THI NopTtr',tuM M0t sruRE coNTENT, pER ASTtvl 0_698. SHO ULD TO AT zfr oF 6) I r I s REcoTilMENDED THAT A suBsuRFAcE DRA I NAGe gysrEr,r B€ pLAcgo AROUND ALL BASEMq,NT OR GAROEN LEVEL AREAS. 7) OUE TO THE PRESENCE OF A RELATI VILY SHALLOIV I'/ATER TABLS I N THEcENTRAL AND wESTERN PoRTloNs oF THts stTEr BASEMENT coNSlRUcTloN ^:l PRO.TECT NO. 5?6 PAGE 2 lN THgsg AREAS ls N0T REcoMMENoED, uNLEss stTE GRA0Es ARE RAlsED.I T sHouLo BE cAurroNED THAT THE T.JATER TABLE wAs pRDBABLy AT I TsLOI'YEST LEVEL AT THE TI ME OF OUR I NVEST I GA T ION. THE T/ATER TABLECOULO R I SE CONS I DERABLY DUR 1 NG THE SPR I NG SEASON OF HEAVY RA I N-FALL ANO RUN-OFF CONOI TI ONS. B) Tvpe 1 ceueruT MAy BE usED tN ALL coNcR€Te. SCOP E THI S REPORT PRESENTS THE RESUL TS OF A PREL I I\,I INARY SOI L ANO FoUNDATIoN INvEsTIGATION AT Tt|E slTE oF THE PRDpOsED BtcHoRN JUNcTtON DEVELOPMENT To Bs LocATED eAsr oF rHE NEv,, tNTERsEcrroN oF rNT€RsrATE ROUTE 70 nno US HIGHWAY 6, VaILr EAeIE coUNTY, cOLoRADo. THE puRp0sE oF THrs rNvEsrlcATroN !./As rD DgTERMtNE suBsuRFAcE CONOITIONS AT THIS SITE AND TO FORMULATE GSNERAL FOUNDATION DESIGN CRI TERIA FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURES. 1T IS U}JOERSTOOD THAT A MULTI-FAI-{II.Y CONDOMINTUII AND MOTEL CDI'PLEX WILL BE CONSTNUCTED IN THE AREA COVERED BY THIS INVESTI- GATION. THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES Y/ILL BE Or.rC (i ) rO rrrNEr: (3) STORIEg HIGH WITH SOME BASEMENT N TO/ON GARDEN LEVEL AREAS. THE GROUNO FLOORS WILL BE CONCRETE SLABS-ON.GRADE..,,. CONSTRUCTION oETAlLs ARE lNOEFlNlrE AT THrs rrME, BUT rr rs EXpEcTED THAT LoADs IVILL BE LTGHT TO MODERATE. FIFTEEN oN THe TEST P (15) rEsr ptrs wERE lr LocATtoN PLAN, Fl EXCAVATEO AT LDCATIONS INDlCATED GURE ND, 1 . THE TEST P I TS II/ERE PRo.rEcr No.. 575frree 3 LOCATED IN THE FIELO BY TAPE MEASURE METHODS AND THgIR LOCATIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE DNLY. THe rEsr p r rs !'Je RE ExcAvATED !vr rH A TRACroR powERED BACKHoE iVt TH A 2II IruCN UJIDE BUCI(ET. SAMPLES OF THI VARtOUS SUBSURFACE STRATA II,IERE TAKE,N FROM THE SI DES OF THE TEST P I T EXCAVATIONS. THE LOGS Or rhE TEST Pt TS ARE PRESENTED ON FIGURE NOS. 2 Ir.rO ]. LABORATOR'' INVESTI GATI ON ALL SAMPLES REcovERED BY THE FIEI.D INvESTIGATION IlIERE RETURNED TO OUR COTONEOO SPNIruES SOIL LASORATORIES. THE SAMPL€S IVERE THEN CAREFULLY CLASSIFIED AND A LABORATDRY TESTTNG PROGRAM WAS INITIATEO BY THE PRO.IECT ENGINEER. LABORATORY CLASSIFICATIDN TESTS CONSISTEO OF GRADATIOT{ ANALYslsr AtrEneERc lNoE,x TE,srs AND vrsuAL cLAsslFrcATroN. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS WERE E,VALUATED BY PE.RFORMING UNCONFINED COITIPRESSI ON ATJD NATURAL MDI sTURE-DENS I TY TEsTs. ALL LABORAToRy TEsrs lvERE pERFORMED IN AccoRDANcE r/lTH STANDARD OR SUGGESTED ASTM PROCEDURES. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ARE PRESENTED ON FIGURE NOS. 4 TXROUEX 8 erqo ARE suMMARIzED oN TABLE No. 1. SUBSURFAc€ cDNDITIoNs SUBSURFACE cDNo I TI oNs &IDSI OF THg MATER I ALS OF THIS SITE WERE GLAOTAL vARtous MIXTURES DF CLAY, AT THIS SITE ARC EXTRETJELY ERRATIC. g,NCOUNTEREO I N THE I'VESTERNIilOST POR?I ON MDRAINE TYPE DEPOSI TS CONSISTING OF SILT, SAND, GRAVEL, COBBLES AND BOULOERS. RorEcr No. 576ece 4 THEsE MATERIALs ARE FATRLy rvELL coNsoLrDATED ANo ARE r-ocATEo rN THE HI GHER ELTVATI ON AREAS OF THI S SI TE. NO GROUND tYATE,R T/AE ENcoUNTERED tN rHt s AREA To A DEpTH oF ELEvEN (11) f EET lvHtcH tvAs THE MAxlMUrvl DEPIH EXpL0RgD By THE TEsr pl r [,xcAvATr oNS. IN THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN PORTIONS OF THtS SITE (SEE AREAS 1 & z rNDrcArED o,J rrcune No. l) rHE suBsuRFAcE pRoFlLE c0NSrsrED OF PRIMARILY ALLUVIAL OR WATER OEPOSITED SOILS. THROUGHOUT THE AREA D€slGNATEo As No. 1r THE ALLUVTAL MATERTAT.s rvERE LoosE To I'IEDIUM O€NSE SAIJDS AND GRAVELS II,II TH A FAIRLY LDIV PE.NCENTAGC OF FtNEs ( t.e. stLT AND cunv). lrq rHE Tiro AREAs DestcNATED As No. z ON F IGURE ND. I ' THC ALLUVIAL SOI L PROFI LE CONTAINED ERRAIIC P0cK€Tsr LAYERS AND LENsEs oF sDFT, veRy Molsr ro wer, cOMpRgsstBLE, sILTY T0 sANoY cLAYs. THE t'JATER TABr-E I N THE cgNTRAL AND wEsrERNMosr PORTIONS OF THIS SITE VARIED FROM APPROXlI!4ATELV rOUN (4) TO EIGHT (B) regr B€L0w PREsENT strE cRADgs AT THe rr,rE 0F ouR tNvEsrlcATroN. DISCUSSION AREA NO. 1 . MOST OF THE SOILS PRESgNT IN THE AREA DESIGNATED AS NO. 1 ON F I GURE NO. 1 IV€,RE LOOSE TO MEO I UM DENSE SANDg AND GRAVEL S 11' I TH FAI RLY LOIV PERCENTAGES OF SILT AND CLAY SI ZE PARTI CLES. THESE MATERIALST lN THEIR uNDlsruRBED cDNDt rloNs, wtLL BE sATtsFAcroRy TO SUPPORT SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATI ONS PROPORTIONED FOR MAXIMUilt ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURES IN THE RANGE DF 12OO TO 2OOO PSF. cDNsrRUcrrDN gxcAvATroNs rN THrs AREA (e€Lolr pREsENT stre enaoes) SHOULO Bg SOMSWHAT LIMITEN DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF A FATRLY HIGH RoJEcr No. 526ace 5 I',ATER TAsLe. ExcAvATIoNs MADE DURING THc SPFING oF THE YEAR tN THESE AREAS CDULD ENCOUNTER THE GROUND IVATER TABLE AT HIGHER ELEVATIoNS THAN INDIoATED oN oUR TEST PIT LoGSI FIcuRE No.2. THERE IIAY ALso BE I SOLATED AREAS OF PREsgNTLY H IGHER ITATER TAELE CONDITIONS UNDETECTED BY THIS INVESTIGATION. AREA NO.2 IN THE TWO AREAS DESIGNATEO AS AREA ND.2 DN FIEURC NO. 1, THE TEST PI T EXCAVATIONS ENCOUNTERED SRRATIC DEPOSITS OF VERY M0 | sr To v,rE lt SANDY To vERy sANDy cLAys lVH I cH HAD MED I uM sr I FF To VERY SOFT CONSISTENCIES. THESE MATgRIALS GENERALLY HAVE MAXII\IUM ALLOITABLE BEARING CAPACITITS IN THE RANGE OF 5OO TO 12OO PSF. HOITIgYEP' I.F FOUNDATIDNS ARg PLACED AT ELEVATIONS !VHENE THEY IVILL BEAR EITHER DIRECTLY ON oR SLIGHTLY ABovE, THE vERY soFT, coMPREssIBLE CLAYST EVEN A BEARI NG CAPACI TY OF ONLY 5OO PSF I,IEV NOT BE LO!i/ ENDUcH TD PREveNT DETRTMENTAL DrFFERetirtAL AND T0TAL sETTLET,TENTs OF THE PROPDSED STRUCTURES. Iru THIS CASEr I T !1 ILL BE NgCESSARY TO UNDERCUT APPROXIMATELV rrrNCC (J) TO FOUR (4) rCET OF THg VERY SOFT CLAY STRATA FROM BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS ANO REPLACE THE UNDERCUT .IfATER I ALS UJt TH NEIV COI,IPACTE D STRUCTURAL F I LL. THE EXACT AMOUNT OF UNDERCUTTING AND THE LDCATIONS ,WHERE UNDERCUTTING MAY BE NEcESSARY tvtLL HAVE TD BE DETERMINeD By ADDtrl0NAL lNvEsrl- CATIONS ONCE TI{E BUILOING LOCATIDNg AT,ID TH[, DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED cDNsrRUcrloNr tNcLUDl Nc srRUcruRAL LoADtNcs ANo FLoDR ELCVATtoNs, ARE fTNALIZED. CONSIOERATION SHOULD BE Gt VEN TO USI NG THESE AREAS IVTIERE THE SOFT COMPRESSI BLE CLAYS ARE. PRESENT FOR PARI( I NG AREAS OR o o PRO.JEcT Paee 6 No. 576 GfiEEN BELTg AND AREAS I NDI CATEO CONCENTRATING THE STRUCTIJRES tN As Nos. 1 nNo 3 oN FTGURE No. l TllE rrl0RE DE S I RA BL E r) THE SUESURFACE MATERIALS PRESENT IN THg, AREA DESIGNATED AS NO. 3 Oru FIGURE ilO. 1 WENC PRTMARI I.Y GI.ACIAL [.'ORAtNE OEPDSI TS. TH€SE TypEs o, ro,ir" I ALS r.'rr LL pREsENT No uNUSUAL pRoBLEMs As FAR AS CONVENTTONAL FOUNDATIOT.J CONSTRUCTION IS CONCERNE.D. THE BEARING CAPACI TY OF THEsE MATER IALs I'JI LL vARY rnor.I 2OOO To JOOO FSF, oEPENo- INC ON LOADTNC CDNDITIONS AI.ID FOUNOATION ET.EVATIONS, PER THE FINALIZED SI TC PLAN. OESIGN AND coNsTRUcTtON DETAILs ALL DRAIN TILE SYSTEI\,IS SHOULD BE SURRDUNDED BY CLEAN, FREE DNAINING GRANUI-AR IIATENIAL AND SIIOULO BE COI.INECTCO TD A SUI TABLE OUTLETT SUCH ^AS A DAVLTcHTED DpENING OR A puMpE,D SU,,,rp. ExrREMg cARE sliouLD BE TAr(EN ouRrNG FDUNDATTDN ExcAvATTDN To AV0 ID DISTURBANCE TO THE BEARtNc sTRATA, pARTICUT-ARLy tN IUATERIAL HAVING A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF COBBLE AND BDULOER 5IZg. PARTtCLES. NLL MATERIAL DISTURBgO SY THE CXCAVATION PNOCC'SS SHOULD 3E R.MOVED FRDM Bg,NEATH FOUNDJTI DN AR.AS. Sue-gxqtryATloN To REpLACE THE soFT, coMpnEsstBLE cLAy sotLs l', ITH NEu, COM'ACTED FILL rrlAy HAvE TO BE ACCOf,rpLtSHeo ay EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT IVORI(ING OUTSIDE OF THE SUB-EXCAVATEO AREA OUE TO THE POSSIBLE DEVELOPMgNT OF XPUUPINGII CONDITIONS OF T}IESE SOFT SOILS. BAC!(FILLING OPERATTONS IJAY HAVE TO BE 2) 3, PRDJECT ND. 5?5prce 7 INITIATED BY PLACING A TWEIVE (12) TO E!CrrrCEr'r (18) INCH LAYER OF GRANULAR MATERIAL TO PnovIoE A sUITABLC IVDRKING SUF(FAoE ABOVE THE UNDERLYTNG WET CLAY SOILS. THIS UAV BE NECESSARY IN THE AREAS OESIGNATED AS NO.2 NruO POSSIBLY IN SOME OF THE AREAS DESI GNATEO AS NO. I ON F I GURE NO. 'I . 4} COTTPICTEO FILL PLACED BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS SHDULD EXT€NO AEVOND ALL EDGES OF THE FOOTINGS A }IORIZONTAt. DISTAIICE EQUAL TO AT LEAST 1-1 /2, TIMES THE DEP TH OF THE F I I-L IiIATERIALS BSNEATH THE FOOTINGS. THEREFoRET Ir FouR (4} reEr oF suB-EXcAvATIDN ls REQUIREo BENeATH A FouNDATt 0N, THE NErJ cor,,rpAcrEo F ILL sHouLo EXTENO AT LEAST SIX (6) rCET HORIZONTALT.Y FROM ALL FOUI,IDATION EDGES. nLL ExrERt0R FDUNDATT oNs sH0uLD BE pLAcED B€.r.-or,'/ FRosr DEprH. THERE ARg sgvERAL oLo FouNoATroNs, sEprrc rANr(s AND orHER SUBSURFACE IRREGULARITTES AT THIS SITE. ALL OF THESE IRREG- ULARITIES SHOULD BE REMOVEO FROM BENE.ATH DEVELOFED AREAS AND REPLACEO WITH NEIV COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. SOME EXCAVATIONS MAY ENCOUNTER RELATIVELY LARGE BOULDERS. THE TEST PITS IVHICH IVERE €XCAVATED AS PART OF THIS INVESTIGATION ENCOUNTgRED BOULDERS AS LARGg AS THRE[ (3) 5.CET IN DIAMETER. I T I.|UST BE ASSUI,IED THAT SI GN I F I CANTLY LARGER BOULDERS MAY BE PRESENT ON THIS SITE AND MAY HAVE TO BE REMOVED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCT I ON. B) nr-u ropsorL sHouLD Bg srRtppED FRoM r,t rHrN THE AnEAs ro Be occuPlED BY THE PRoPosED srRUcruRL,s, AspHAr-T pAvrNG oR cDNcRETE 5t 6I 7) Pno.rEcT No. 5?6Pace B FLATIVORK. THE AMOUNT OF STRIPPING I'.ltLL VARY FROI,I APPROXII"lATELY rHReE (3) To As MUCH As ercrrEEr,r (18) tNcHcs. tT ts E.xpEcrED THAT THE AVERAGE AMOUNT OF STRIPPING REQUIRED IiJII OC ON THE oRoER or reru (10) ro rwELvE (1Zl lNcHEs. 9) Ar-u sLABs-oN-cRADE sH0uLD BE pLAcED oN Ar LrAsr roun (4) tNcHEs OF CLEANT FRtE DRAINING GRANULAR tuIATERlAL lN THE AREAS OESTGNATEO AS NOs. I ANo 2 oN FTGURE No. 1 or rrrIS REP0RT. THIs IS NECESSARY TO BREAK POSSISLE CAPILLARY WATETI RI98. 10) nr-u BACKF I LL pLAcED ADJAcEr.rr ro FDuNDA Tr 0N wALLS sHouLD EE MO I STSNED ANO I1'ELL COMPACTEO. 11) THe eRouND suRFAcE sHouLD BE GrvEN A coDD sLope A$rAy FRoM THE BUILDINGS ON ALL SIOES TO CONTROL SURFACE IVATER RUN-OFF. PDTENTIAL SURFACE WATER FLO9J FROM UPSLOPE AREAS SHOULD BE I I.ITERCEPTED BY I,IEANS DF SHALI-OW DRA I NAGE STVALES AND D I VERTED ARDUND AND AWAY FROM THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES. 12) THERE rs No EvTDENCE oF por€NTTALLv EXpANSTvE sorL oR BEDRocK STRATA ON rHIS SITE. ADDI TIoNAI. I NVESTIGATI oNS DUE To rHE ExrReMELy ERRATTc NATURE 0F TH€ suBsunFAcE c0NDtrloNs AT THls sllEe lT ls srRolJcLY RgcoltMgNDEo rHAT ADDtTt0NAL TEsr BoRlNGs Enror/on TEsr ptTs BE c0NoucTED oNcE THu. BUtLDlt.tc LocATloNs AND CONSTRUCTION OETATLS HAVg BECDIVIE MORE FIIJALIZCD. T}{IS I"ILL BE PART!CULARLY NECESSARY IN THE AREAS DESIGNATED AS I.IOS. 1 ANO 2 ON FIGURE NO. 1 IHCI.UOEN tN THtS REPONT. ONCE THE AODI TtOI.IAL I NVESTIGATI DNS HAVE BEE N CONDUCTED AND HAVg ECEN CORNgLATED I'dI TH Rrr.rEcr No. 576 AGE 9 THE DETAILS oF THE PR0Posen cot'lsrRucTt oN, e,,c wtLt- pRovlDE yDU IlIIIH MORE SPgCIFIC OESIGI'I CR'TENIA INCI-UOINC I.,|AXIMUI"I ALLOT,VABLE BEARING cAPAclrlEs FoR FDUNDATI DN DEstcN, succEsr€D, r"rtNlMUM FoortNG l'tlDTHst ANo P0Ssl BLY tdtNf MUr{ ELevATloN LEveLS F0R Four,tDATlDNs ANo FLOOR St-naS, pARTI,CuLAnLY I F GATTDEN l-EvEL OR BAS€fvjENT CONSTRuCTT ON IS INCLUDEO IN rHE FTNAL DSSIGN PLANS. fiESpECTTULLY SUBMT TTEO,tre*fu- THor.rAS f. Sur,tMERLgE, F.F. PREsI r'Erut tslss ? coptes sENT: BtGHORN JUNCTtON, LTO.c,/o Assoc I A rEo ois r e r.r oFF I cEcc: BRUcE DALToN Assocrnres(2) CC: iI''ILLARD OWENS ANO ASSOCIATES oo K'JfrBru oo ffiffiw%mHruntr @tnoc!c)c)@-rl{ z.zclo ofi'lllllll- ,N.-\,. t, or { {OOI Iz o ttt a'lo>-{-{ {{ - trt lrl - oG' aAZ4 -lZQ(/)1t!zzoo oo -l -lFI I'!Tl,vt o.r iC -a' Flctcm tl-\)l "'ll-ll {rrl 2 ; t-o ct) I f-r'l rrlz e" o{frl U) r! c) @o r(,r {< ()0r 3('J cJs 3'29p i0r _)5 6lrr c)D g> ,m Io> c)> az n oz -z >o x€< €< Ic] =< >c stozrq zm -{< m (,< {< Frc c n- r. r < c'co r r-3 :C nc -t{ (){ -t - fn€f € oo cr zo oo o z -a g{ -r(,t -t0 3<-- r3 rn tf! = n rir < =cof fri (];C (]{ c):U -{ Ft Fr flr () tl)O{ atO< -A C A tlJ r C)@ r.f =a {V, G|U) o< rrs, -{ {> > e > r> t|. D- oror"r m oc, r(] u'c] €= r"t s cn o@ <f, tllrr >!' O- ')r . d 2 > ZA (]3 o c) {€ ;0= o -C, rC)I n r Om c) r-{ r O T > (D { E (f (, O 4<t O oCDT ttl -c'< ?-C G) Fr O . C trCo - t! 3c ur= rr Eoro r.1 -tr zB rfi za ror agrQ > tn @r < { I fn < :3n< >z n fn o> (.r,c)s)m ZA ()(/, r n =Z Z € lm z- z1 lm!no(po-@-{lzr ()< <n ('o C) r'r o @ (t -c rF c Io 7A { @ {TA rn- OO r @ IO <C> O rr'l -.1 Cag I< (/) or i0 -r :c (){ . xmo < f,, > I 61,. . ,"(, sr< z > f, r ffl A OUl fq -m E go { €{ r! r oo 2 aZa (? < Zq fnC { . n C >C --t = o n r g r= oeo()oFl o € :0 lt -{ pZ-gt-{(,) a { <n 2Fl { I rnn (i) c)F,tp-{r c0 o n > ur(,TTDo o q, ra z<- E f a r orq -{{zFr-trtI lh3..tn$>(f(t o )r 'q <(, o7- - = mO C)u, tr cf !n-.t m T { Qt1 aO gt =.!{Cl()(Dc,ocr <nr-{n€r(,!rFI FI {!r 0r) o€n {(/jmm I'r14') m { Z frl { filatz o {m.01 { d >z-l {-r3(' a oour €-l>:r lnt{|I,IF: frr :: ffl r >! xoz! ooot {-x {(,=mz-> O(ocrr{trt €>zz o@ -,{o-ro Ic1az->o<t> (DFrttUJD- (). Zn 7 lz{sr r loFt('l{o(' rtt lrnrrt la{-r o-€ z>frl{rJ| ozo-lI-r OFrtr @<Fl fn !>13 (}\ :0(, 9emC!(o ..r 1!m (r, ro-lm :0 t.z> \o -l{ \t ftr IO:rnm ('oCD@-l(r' ftlc crtf,n>>zoo -c o "_F!o -{ o \ttNo\ Tl 6)c D ,q z.o -o I r a N rrl 0 u't --t =c z 7_ r a a { rn r O {r'l a !rr'l o -! _\) I f rrl z Dv)rrt >a,< xrn r c) : z ;I C, z c-c o -l oz r rrl FI!{-r .Ila(n4oor._aotnFOc)>{ru, -{r'f Z @ frloo.f,-.r > cnol\lu o -lNn3\ol o|\ < tn\:'-\)l f rFl f'l ''l .r -l I i 'b E B B ;"'"'f*Er^rNFo B ts 6 .,*.- I i r,ffiffilillilTi1ilTillllltltlTtr1iltTirffi :lil . fifi];| , I EH+ll++il+l:l "Hlllllliltil; fli PERCE}|I FASS I r'lc o { In 0 1J' I o o z r 2 IJI a { o I't rt <tt I'lo o> '.r o oor |r|> glnc o!t'l:zogt t- C' 'ti .- :!- o a) l a\ ii:-h \-J o U)z4or| rn .\)\o -\)\o ! 'rJ > rrr AJJg>o - rrlzz I r-r F3 :!.fD .; frr "' iI) I r:- I T) cc) c)> U) (D or; @>sl z 'r_l zo Dutv)rt >!FtllTillt '^ l<;l:il--lel { 14 (t !r fn 6) C]pz c_c o{ o2 I -tl t> l;0t-{ ln lv)t-lNlm Il.-t-l- lsl @- C () z. z. r vt :r ?r'l z I a lt-f'l rrl {.' N -t)noo-loo:tc--OFlro{r-(J) z@mOO.n >(n I{CloIt. n <ln < r'l fo\ ;I r'r I r,l fn \o \) o 3 3 :"'J'u'^'Eo o o€ oo N o oo o \o o .\) or r Do{ o -to v, r o I !r o{ o o-$ \o o) 1{) N \o \o \o -{ o <) FN l\) a I oo oou(' -il '= 5 \n crrooo P ER CE III PA 5S I NC co c)>aaIt r.l ai =;1 oz -a E )' n| o o U' oa ,- c o IJ' -i z o (t FI gl trt TI a 2 .l| z r 3 o 3 ''lo cx o2 D FI ? ()r t'l ! (,! Dc FI o! 7o(t ooDn attm .lt ++++ CA *h o az-o14.< rrl l\) @ \^o c\o { A) @ \oF o >rnaa <r't O_rnzz 6){ I rr- :g:Hv,.n Tr I i rn O -tFI tlT l-l o. \) U) r- rrt r { 2 z -t (f, lTI>t4l-t:lr lrn *rrt O (./) d ;C-{ oz 2 r- (n a I T rrt z @ a r rn rnt{ ? a1 -or ra (Drno.n>a oI<<Fl r FI fn -o o FIo{ zo \n\)o' o -{rtl \o -{ 3 x (n d"u"'E'^'*fo { Irl i0n o o I { t- al C) a o n r'l o vt rrl 2 r (/l gl E PIo E dr FIr or !-4 ;) U, Dc t'l o! =2lt' t)r oo D (o I'l Ff, <I -.) o\ NJoooooo o C)N c)o oo o \o -or r vl o o u, ? 2o2I!r o-{ .\) N\o-{ \o o \o +- \t F t\) o a\,o \o N \o n I o oot, €t \ts\,lcr. oo \ooo cl oooo. P€NCEXT PASSING co c)> U'J A (n l;Il(/)llo;l{t-lotz I 'rl o zo l^ +fo +++-rr o\ .-tt L:UIz-o rrt rrl \,\.o 6 -n\o o\\o roD>rn(Dn <no zzo1 N rr r{{!s -. g) ,; r'rFf- naam> il'lrl<:t>>lr{l -lolzl o { rn U' ! T Fl 'l-o r r rq z I a !r FI I'I I cnlOI-or< r-o @rno f,>U'{coI<< rrl ftl rrl -o C- rrlo{ 2 -{ FT ls Rhl I 3 -t r- rrl *m z -I lot- la, lat-ls)c-t oz. z. r- - -l c FI ;0t'l 2 9) { r rJt ln 3 2 r I (tt o z To IJ' FI ql FIgt a FI cz ovE r or :r C||ttc o! ; a) ul oo ! a,l trl o ;'u"'s'^'to F\^o, oo |\) o7 r <tr o o o o \o \o o \) \J '{ atl ? zoz I !r ut I fv il N\o.\) \o \o \o t9.-.\)O. \t o F o \o \o a I N u.loo oo oo(,o 'a Co \Ooooo o oooERC€flr PASSt rlc -rl co- Arc) c)>. A@a3 t;.lI IE?1"., l.- :I t?rt tln>rnlt, u!!o -rn o{ z('z I rr-T-!*rn ;Pa'; r o .D r o -o a { rrlr rq - o l .o t- rrl *rfl C, --t 1 c --t z z r = o { FI (t r rno or. \) I r FI zo I t* I a r rn rrl {.r L^ -I(f c_ -{ ! .Dau>-too-c-Or'l r-clo>{f-A..r >Frz@rnoo.:0 >a al { CYl.- . o_.-l:i n <\old < Fr \l ;ll| ;"-l Pl , m xa { rt o o lll o!o Fl 3 c a a o ,rl tr| v 2 fri z a I v, \,J IO J\o@\)ooooooo I Nf,OPgRCE 'c C)N or Ir vl{ o -{o o f{ ,o2I! ul{ o N) -J T o' t 3 * No o \, o.\) \o \o N o. 5 \) \o )) D rl -"1 co - U)fo c)>. U)Aa6 H;.t."-I be1,,. l- -{t-I t?lll o a \o N\o{ \o o t\) o E ) D t \o N I I oo ootI \) CO \Ooooooteoo\^, lr \,r O.oooo ooo PERCENT PASS I NG o rt7 t! -*rt -+.J* o\ -*:rl az-o rrl o( rrl _\)co \()\o n)o\o\\o !l0> rrl(4n(,c)_rnzzc){ N f't-r: <5 gl ;c -trr N -o oo 'l(