HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK PARK GENERAL PART 1 LEGALca,tattrrGt&stE$t Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORH D€pirtm€nt of Communlty Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 816$7 tel: 970.479.2139 tax; 970"479.2452 web; www.vailgov.com Project t{ame: PITKIN CREEK PARK REROOF DRB Number: DR8070549 Proiect DescripUon: RNALAPPROVAL FORTHE PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS 1 &3 REROOF Participants: OWNER PITKIN CREEK PARK HOA TOIOII2OOT PO BOX 217 VAIL co 816s8 APPLICANT B & M ROORNG OF COLOMDO,IN10/01/2007 Phone: 303-443-5843 P.O. BOX 18150 BOULDER co 80308 License: 211-5 @NTMCTOR B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,IN10/01/2007 Phone: 303443-5843 P.O. BOX 18150 BOUI..DER co 80308 License: 211-5 PmjectAddress: 3921 BIGHORN RDVAIL Locauon: PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS 1 & 3 legal Descriptioni l'ot: Block Subdivision: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 2101-111-0500-1 Comments! Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: I BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz L0l0Ll2O07 Condr 8 (PIAN): No dtanges to these plans may be made without the wriuen conseht oJTown of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C-ond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond:202 i. Apprural of thls projct stnll lapse and beorne rold one (1) year follo,rring the daE of final approml, unless a buiHlng permlt b bsued and constructbn b omrrened and ls diligpnty pursued tot^,ard @mpledon. Planner: JoeSu0rer DRBFoePald: |25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review General Information: All projects requiring design review mud| receive approval prior to submitting a building refir t6 tne submittat requirements for the particulai approval that is requested' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted ungi all required information is riceived by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be r*ewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' 'O"iign ;iri"t" approinl lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenoes withln Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 tax: 970'479'2452 web: www.vailgw.com o t1 G, -r ' -7Kc-r.'ot__ .y1-% + I A$o r#J /r^Z \ €iA \{or nPhysicalAddress: TY- - . Sp (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') one year of the apprcYal. DescripUon of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: +l zlol lrt iD 3oq *,& EOVE il 1 2007 OF VAIL far€Alnl t-= \z lu) llll 0, r TOWN '"q- .Wtfi 5DQ + Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): MaitinsAddress: Po. Ecn< 211 rlgiu, C o R t 458 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicanh Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition (TF\Minor Altemtionv(mu lti-fa mily/commercial) O Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $SOO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or - commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' *{ for minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-ioofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fen@s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review 8oard. No Fee oo ao Pitkin Creek Home Owners Associatioq 3971 Bighom Road #7CC, Vail CO 81657 Town of Vail Design and Review Board November 4th 2002 To Whom it may concern, We are in the process of having to replace wom out stairways at Pitkin Creek and would like to get permission to move the site of a set of stairs infront of Building #7 from the front of the building to the rear. We have employed Eagle River Builders to carry out the work involved please allow thern to be our liason with you to try and expedite this process before we get caught out with the weather. Thank you for your help Regards Tim Parker Member Pitkin Creek Park Owners Association \,(' u //l t I .! I//: I I f | 'r' I II/ i, I /t /Jti/t/ I I t,t, I I tt lt ,,'i/,1 t:'l t / t /,ll ///r ll a!ffi!s*.." \-* I \ ..\F --r1 .rN a! rl 0 uc NT "\\1e,NSe{ \)\ \x .vr. \ .N €R\\o N .}-= +$$\s ,o I I,/l,l ,,?=t ,,01 ' 2 o o o r- \)2 eo 3o dt z. 0 k(t.tul_ h5 'ftQ ( ul'2 3 0 h lile =0>;0 s$ hioi:oz $lg B$ hi I : I ,-t : I i iI itr (,/ BRINER/PERKIN /FITZHUGH SCOTT AI?CI-] I T I"C IS [)i<i]i,^iii Ii ',,)''.)('y'-:' \,/\ii , ,." ,' _) dirii-r,/ l3O3)4/(,3i;38 J oo .: l.' I I cza r \r.J \j{ \,1 \lrt | 4ri 1/' ST". STAFF: tf real5 t lser'9 tn /4" 7" ai/d r-' I 2c ,.!. PlaM! I Wycon{os ro*,Nt) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorth frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect l{ame: DRB Number: DRBO40472 Pruject Description: DEAD TREE REMOVAL Paticipants: OWNER PITKIN CREEKCONDOS 09/10/2004 Phone: HATCH, MNDALL M. 527 W EVANS AVE DENVER co 80223 License: APPUCANT PITKINCREEKCONDOS 09/10/2004 Phone: HATCH, RANDALL M. 527 W EVANS AVE DENVER co 80223 License: ProjectAddress: 3921 BIGHORN RDVAIL Location: 39Ol BIGHORN RD, BLDG #2 Legal Description: Lot: Blockr Subdivision: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parel Number: 210111105001 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProvalt O9ll7lZOM Condltions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced anO is Oifbet pursued toward compleuon. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 EACLE RIVER WOOD' & LANDSEAflNE SERVIEESrr do tt alt. _ -_L€hdqts eomtrucfloh _ Nor & Remo{el. perrehhl Msthtensncs -*TH**fl ytil,j;ffiltfi r,l;s{*teii'f"iF- Home thproyernoht pmfectu/pmprig llqn.gcmgnt - %uu 970-7771 . Bob Bumop, owner/operator -F'' 476'7920 Since 1997 O r4lno, Exterior .qlterat;ls 6flffi,,$e,N Application for Desisn Review ffi#+),,3,;",1i^#,,"11;:?"J["fl,1ff[",',"iffi']:' T0l,[NW-VAW,'""'70;'J;''*'fi"5il.X'*fl'*" RECEIVED ;7 General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesied. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cons[ruction commences within one year of the approval. \oltu,ol TOU Description of the Request: parcet No.: al0t \\\ 0tOO\ (contactEasteco. AssessoratgT0-328-8640for Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separdtion Request z, $50 Plus 91.00 persquare foot oftotal sign area. E )-NoFee PH r$650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ' V) $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenlial or commercial building (includes 250 additlons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such Esf reroofing, painting, window additjons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impfovemenLs, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Physical Address:Cwn\= Cor.&:l x x F .x T >-Y Ro\ tr D parcel no.) Il. LL F@ tlik CI Page 1 of 1210il28104 -om JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER t I t, (print name)a joint owner of property logated at (address/legal description) jqAl Bi #L provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 1* A-- 0 Lt which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I undersland that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. n Page 2 of Itl07116104 firign Review,A'.t?r, Form TOWN OF VAIL Proicct Namc: Pitkin Creek Park Condos ProjcctDescription: Bldg#l2roofoverhang/extensions Owner. Address and Phonc: PCP Condo Association I 4021 Bighorn Road Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phonc: Plumb Kendall Construction, PO Box 408, Eagle, CO 81631 Proicct Strcet Addlcss:4021 Bighorn Road Lcgal Dcscription: Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Subdivision Parccl Number: 2l0l-l I l-05-066 Building Name: Bldg #12 Comments: Approvalpersubmitteddrawings/specs Board / Staff Action Motion by: N/A Action: StaffApproval Scconded by: N/A Votc: N/A Conditions: Approval per submitted drawings/specs, improvements to remain within property line Town Planner: Brent Wilson, PLO Datc: June 12.1998 f :\liVIiRYONIi\DRfl\APPROVAt,\gll\Pl-t lMllKtiN.6 l 2 DRB Fee Plc-Paid: $20.00 TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: Occupancy: 1\4)e ConstrucEion: Val-uation: Fi!6place InformaUion! Re8tslicLed: DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/AT,I SFR BUII.,D POSTED ON PERMIT .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B98-0L52 Job Address: 4021 BIGHORN RD Locat.ion. ..: 402t BrcHoRN RD(prrKrN) Parcel No.. : 210L-111-05-066Project No.: st,atus-..: IssItED Applied..: 05/L6/L998Issued...: 06/L7/L998 $cpires - .. L2/L4/L998 Phone: 970-328-3355 Phone: 970-328-3355 APPLICAI T PLI'MB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACIOR PL,IlIvtB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620OI'INER PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINII]M AS PO BOX 2L7, VAIL CO 81658 Description: ROOF EXTENSIONS BLDG 12 (BOTH SIDES) TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-ui: tJeposit Refund approved amCIunt date lA).'o PEE gWMARY R]- MulEi-Family 8,000 Add Sq Ft: *of Gas ApplianceE: Reetuarants PLan Rcvicr,t-- > -_r___t 1,.1 .-t_4_+t'> *of wood/Pa1lets:*Of Gaa Loga: Tota] calculaLed Fc€6--->Building-----> Plan Ch€ck-- - > InvsEtigabion> will call----> Recreatsion Fcc----------> Cf ean-UD DeDoait- ----- --> Total P€rnit Fec-__-----> PaymenEs-------- 125 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 AdditionaL PcaB- --- -- --- > .00 . oo 100. oo TOTAL FEES.. -.. IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'IIEI'ITO6/L6/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVEDITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO5/L6/L998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDIEem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTWIEIiITo6/L6/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/AItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO6/L6/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A Dept: BUII-,DING Division: .lRI"fDept: PLANNING Division: PER- BREI{TDepE.: FIRE Division: Dept: PttB WORK Division: t'rtli li rtrr.trt See Page 2 of t,his DocumenL for any conditions Ehats may apply Lo tshis permiE. DECLARATIONS I h€reby ackno$l.rdge tshat' I hav6 read thls appllcation, fill.d ouE ln full th€ i.nforrnaEion required, coftpl.Ccd an .ccurate pIo! p1an, and a!a!c lhats al} lhc informati.on provided ae required ia collccts. I agrcc Eo cohPly witsh lhe infonration and plots PLan, Co comply witsh all Totrn oldinanceB and st'ats€ 1aw6, and to build Lhi6 atructur€ according tso thc To*n'6 zoning and Bubdj.vision codee, dceign !6vic!r .pprovad, Unifom Building Cod€ and oth€r ordinences of the To$n aPPlicabLe Cher€lo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,], BB MADE TWEMY- FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY s6nd clean-Up Dcpodib To: PLUUB KBNDAIL SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0162 as of 06/L7/98 SEatus---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit Tfpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Applied--: O6/t6/1998 Applicant--: PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUqTTON rssued---: 06/17/1998 970-328-3355 To E>qgirel- L2/ta/L998 .lob Address: 4021 BIGHORN RD LOCATiON- -- Z 4O2L BIGHORN RD(PITKIN) Parcel No-- : 2101-111-05-065 Descript,ion: ROOF EXTENSIONS BLDG 12 (BOTH SIDES) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:l * * * * *:l * * * * * * COndiEiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE EOMPTIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE FSQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS A}ID EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.12L0 0F TIIE 1991 I,BC. 3. PERMIT GOOD FOR EXTENSIONS ON THE WEST SIDE OF BI-,DG 12 ONLY APPLICATION }fT'ST BE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT }lAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t't PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr rr * * ,. ,r * ) -t'tJ-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechani'ca1 [ ]-other _ rob Name z Pnvtu .LPnat (a+y! rob Acldre .,, ffitl,_,*off, tj,T Yo_!o,tl Lesar Description: r,ot-Ftfq #Lk-, ,irinn - ,VAW' )wners Name; Pru,u,l Lu.*-rc a^:*gr Ass- Address , ToZl gjtirccnt zo pn. .rrchitect t lU Address: vlrtL , Lotl' LJ|LS? ph. leneral Description: -/'Iork CIass: [ ] -New 1ty'-ltteration lumber of Dwelling Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/PeIlet k* * ** * ri**** rt*** rt* rt ******* VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * r, * * l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accomnodation Units: \ }UILDING: ?LUMBING:I atM:./EI'ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $----__-OTHER: f TOTAL: { V/aY, gottl- LJlL53 .-b; tre<^t 7;r.,e )lumbing 'rddress:Contractor:Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Tor+n of VaiI Phone Nur ber: Reg. No. Iechanical Contractor: rddress:Reg. NO. : * rt :t :t :t rt :t rl ** ** * rt* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *FOR OFFf CE USE rt * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * * *'t ?t * * * * * * * * * x }UILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMI'.[ FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: :onnents: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTTN: TOTAL PERMIT FEES BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK TEEJMECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: GROUP VALUATION I CLEA,}T ?Ld*S /-€\roA4L ).o,boA 10"oakALe I t,t't, C0tJs-tle.rt tllo $tL3l I]P DEP,OSII REFT]ND TO: Oo + 7+JF=Fo. <3 oos!, O5r s\E:m d ;{.B +av 3 frr z -3rnfr{ t'{+fr SN:nJls-i (rr?i $n At FF-orY <-aq -{ -{ F $l fr1$ r Nq N T,J|. m \-!l.Q r -{t t+7 n N ll\ TTf\ /ctA c\I7vftV, \h Z -7 5r -+Jaf,Ex-- EF'n'=l<ts f'J-f$ t.l, + g s"- 3 sf n-\ tsf T !A rn t ^crlail,;^rnt{l Qr : *, ?" i , .tvr. - r ,-\ | .1 .. .l/ '-. a.r I izt}l f :la ! 'rAB-t-lt .\r '\/ ' U:r t\\1r; r:'" F, rl c{ mp E 7 $fg'o\b* ,6DWn/-rownorvtnlY oI oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Projcct Namc: Pitkin Creek Park Condos ProjcctDcscription: Bldg#l2roofoverhang/extensions Owner, Address and Phonc: PCP Condo Association / 4021 Bighorn Road Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phonc: Plumb Kendall Construction, PO Box 408, Eagle, CO 81631 Projcct Strcct Addrcss: 4021 Bighorn Road Lcgal Dcscription: Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Subdivision Parcel Number: 2l0l-ll1-05-066 Building Name: Bldg #12 Comments: Approval is for extensions on west side of Bldg #12 only Board / Staff Action Motion by: N/A Aclion: StaffApproval Scconded by: NiA Vote: N/A Conditions: west side of Building #12 only Town Planner: Brent Wilson, PLO Date: June 10.1998 I :\LVI R\'( )NI:\DRll\APPR()VAl-\!,1{',Pl.l IMBKL\.6 t(l DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 0,.. n ",, rO?p/, ^:\, frr:, ;",, :rF r * APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RXVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. The application cannot be acceptcd until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Plaruring and Environnrcntal Conrmission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: T..I/4 BLOCK: $I4. FILTNG: d/4 ?'T'1i'.J hEELI/tX.,C p6ggg9#: Llol-l\\-05'de[. (ContactEaglcCo.AssessorsOfficeatgT0-328-E640forparcel#) MAILING ADDRESS: I Psor.w: 4"trA-baobl OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): PKYSICAL ADDRESS: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):&P' TAlr{N 0FVAtt, F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OFREVIEWAND FEE: E New Construction - $200 E Addition - $50 W{*rAltcration- $20 (4 f 0 PHoNE: q70 ' jZ? 37 if Construction ofa new building. Includcs any addition rvhcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bdilding. Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcnrents, such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. Iandscaping, fenccs and retaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latct. when applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thcaccuratevaluationofthcprojcct. TheTownofVailrvill adjustthefceaccordingtotheprojcctvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIR.EMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. 4 -: ll d - \j\ \,A z.c \) \/I cv s \JilI i ll a.J - 'iJI dl hlAl \6i v 'lJ€7 $.1 \.tt!a Z rs'-,u- \(\trR- o UJ hq *if& &t5 P.*FSBtr '-$ifqh;l 0(-He AorJLY!-o .2 |= \Jt. >Z +$\- -t>tr<- =+' { { \TJ\) \t l( d-r f+ J $Fa{.J I tJ ts L Ts $i>=elislts\gl-{. ul:fst5g d€ N}:^J _Pi+-z_ .l; 3'oo --J .r Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Association May 30, 1996. To whom it may concern, The Pitkin Creek Park Homeownerts Association has given Plumb Kendall Construction and B&M Roofing the permission fo instalt eve overhangs to help eleviate vater problems, Any questions may be directed to Rob Steinke, property manager. Thank You for your cooperation. Sincerely, r. Rob Steinke. Post Office Box2l7. Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 4764864 TOWN OF'VAIL, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST !,{(t^.. (---.\-?.'--^-\q TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0036 Job Address: 402L BIGHORN RD Status.,.Location...: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDS 8,Applied..Parcel No. . : 2101-111-05-066 Issued. . .Project No.: Expires.. ]SSUED 03 /26 /ree7 03 /26 / reeT 0e /22 /7ee7 APPLICANT PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 91620 CONTRACTOR PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085/ AVON, CO 81620OWNER PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUM AS PO BOX 2I7, VAIL CO 81658 Descri-pti-on: 1'4"RObF/EAVE EXTENTIONS Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: VaLuation: J_2 r 000 Add Sq Ft: Phone t 303-926-7829 Phone z 303-926-7829 Fi reptace Information: Restr i cted:fof cas App Ii ances:fof Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pat let: *********************************************************** FEE SUt'l],lARy ******************tr*******t ff*****ff*#*******H*****ff** 425 .25 .00 4?' .25 4?5 .?5 ***************************************ll]11*lili;;;;;;;;iiii**********fii*?*****llflfff-lll;;;;;;;iiiiii***********ill*** IlE,ryi ,05].OO-BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:e3/26/L997 CHARLTE acEion: ApFn cuenlrE DAVisItem:'.05400_PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept.: pIaNNING Division:9?/26/L9_9-? CHARLTE acEion: Abpn FoR DIRK MASbN'Ile4i'.056q0_qIBE DEPARTMENT _ ___9?1?9/\227^cgAB_r,IE 4qtionl AppR N/Artemr'05500_pqBl-,rc woRKs -___ -_',_ Dept! puB woRK Division:03/26/L997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A **********ft****ff******ffi*****ff*******t*************t***t"t***************************fiff****ffii*********ff***********'******* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowtedge that r have read.this appl.ication, f il,ted out in futt the inforiration required, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that att the information proiided as riquired.is corfect. I agree to compty riith tire iniormatjon ano ploi iian,to compty !'ith atl' Town ordi nan.ces -and state.taws, and io buil.d this structure according io the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and othef ordinances of the Tolrn appt.icabte thereto. REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-21138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROtt B:OO Ah 5:OO pH Bui td'i ng-----) Ptan Check---> Invest igation>tlitL caL t----) 165.00 107 .25 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi er,--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> ctean-Up Deposit--------> .o0 50.00 .00 100.00 TotaI CaLcutated Fees---> AdditionaL tees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: pLUttB K€NDALL CONSTR \_ ****************J.*********************r.***************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0036 aB of 04/I8/9't Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Appliedt 03/26/1.997Applicant: PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION Issuedt 03/26/1997303-926-?829 To Expiret 09/22/1997 Job Address:Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDS 8,10,11,13Parcel No:. 2101-111-05-066 Description: L, 4 " R6OF /EAVE EXTENTIONS Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CETLINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ.3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.4. ALL REPLACED SHINGLES MUST BE A 30 YR OR BETTER SHINGLE o Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Association May 30, 1996. To whon it may concern, The Pitkin Creek Park Homeovnerrs Association has given Plumb Kendall Construction and B&M Roofing the permission toinstall eve overhangs to help eleviate water problems. Any questions may be directed to Rob Steinke, property manager. Thank You for your cooperatlon. Sincerelyr I Rob Steinke. Post Office Box 217 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 4166864 Qucstions? Ca, Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION fhis application is for any projcct requiring Design Rcview approval. Any project rcquiring design rcview must rcceivc Dcsign Rcvicw app.oval pri- to ,ibritting for a buii&ng pcrmit. For specific information, scc thc submittal rcquircrncnts-for the particular approval that is riqucsted. The application cannot be acceptcd until all,the required information is submitted. fnc proiect may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmental Commission. Dcsign Revicw Board approval cxpircs one year aftcr final approval unless a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: ?tnc,tt lpt-rz Prtzrc /a't'?:'ct'] TZe' l-r I t*t"e. ant=l': t t c.NT B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: TOlriN|,FVAIL c. D, E, F. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: 'P,O" t.t(llv, ( t\uiT)rii->PHoNE: 4+b-bgL4 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 Ellvl-inor Altcration - $20 El Conccptual Revicw - $0 Construction of a ncw building. Includes ury addition where square footage is added to any residcntial or commercial building. Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcments, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Design Review Boardio ditermine whether or not the project gencrally complies with the design guidelincs. The DRB does not vote on conccptual reviews' DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify thc accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation, PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 81657. Updated U97 E'o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: QbP*t+tr LTOKL CerJ4{-- COLOR:* LL'tTa f.ttSnrJ9 'Ptrzo-a I ttqrt'rat x Sni fniln,el; Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crcenhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number offixhres and locations on a sep:rate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide ih. h"ight aboue grade, lumens output, luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixMes. T.7Tn_.tqF\11t!t !."€.!?.ry-+'1$'.lqr--'Eznq:F'a--swl? tign Review Action Fnt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel Project Name: Z.o ? + e.^.', er{rnr,'.^t o"t" 3/z r /" ? Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: 'P ,-. A /(n, a tl (^..*u;#r^ P O , E,',-, 3o8{ Legal Description: [ot- Bfock- subdivisbnP' tp,r (.,ap,-u Pa iz K zone District s}., t Projec'tStreet Address'. 402/ T: t r,rp,,',u -T? c f.:., 7Z( - -/gz Comments: l1 tc-t /,a.tc:?t-t{es z.+-l StZ ret, t?t*{€ Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval D Disapproval ,ftfstatnpprovat Conditions: .-1.1* DRB Fee Pre-paid :1- * . "iw fI .l():r tac t Eaglc County Assessors rrr 970-328-8640 f.or Parcel /l . \RCDL //t zil I .-({l-oS-CZ: .rchitect: LUMBTNG: $ rneral Contractor: Idress: Lectrical Contractor: ldress: Offlcc TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMDATE:_fr1:]fl,!/ I')FD\ITT /I APPLICATTON MT'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED k* ************** ******rt ******* PERMIT INFORMATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,, [ {-Buitding [ ]-prurnbinq [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechdnibar [ ]-other Iob Name:sv,x!(u>eer- CopDo<- Job A<ldre=", 4AZI Bt(ti+t&^J thLhf{Btt(t,[],t9 ,esar Descriprion: Lot&tus tRdt,"' '3"rrr'q SIIRDTVTSTON: )wners Name: ?lv,t (Dt>;t fla.,rl {u,,,r. Address:Dh Ph. eneral Descriptio n, lt - 4" tzco; ( *tr An i-*nt n) Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $-_-- INFORMA?ION o'ork class: [ ]-Ner^r lLj=ArLeration t l-Additionar I J-Repair t ]-other urnber of Dwell-ing Units:Number of Accornmodation Units: pmber and rype of Firepracess cas Appriances... . G?s Logs_ wood/peJ-ret_ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * urLDrNG: $ i7, Cc0"OTHER: TOTAL: ********r.* **#******** * ** * * coN?RAcroR t-umbing Contractor: ldress: /, Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail_ Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. FoR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN. CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: * * *r. * ** * ** * ****** * *** *** ** * Town of vail- Reg. No.B-t>lPhone Number: 1il-q2b.142/l :chanical Contractor: ldress: r J<:t* *:t*:t*rt*** ******* *** ******* * ITLDING PERMTT FEE: ,UMBING PERMTT FEE: ]CHANTCAI-, PERMIT FEE: ,ECTRICAL FEE: 'HER TYPE OF FEE: IB FEE: , .RECREATION FEB,Bi... ' ,.F CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: ,',-lror;i ;;RMir;ffiil' 1z t':BuTLDTNG: .i.";i.:" tf{f, Z 0 lggl SIGNATURE: ZONING3 SIGNATURE: tt:\- 4TL - 116'L VALUATION l/c.t, *t fJ - I /,ekrnn-7..*,-r t2t- J fgut-Tt .r ,EA}T I'P DEP,OSIT REFT]ND TO:Pt.ga 2tt? f=- . /-tt'r,ri,. (A4-\ . Sl 6.:Z-O 4 -: tl s i-JI *l * Fl 'g -l 6Zl -) -<l v;il d Ft s>l0l JItu ftl Hv\l v Sl z d- Rl v slrltr Sqtr R' t z $l $cJ :f A uJ A F st- F T\,IJ h c( e ,!$ PItl .t!lfL=dfiJr+ kLu>Z,< rF z- L[' E, Ao T.>; ut:frtrFg fitrlz 3 hJ H aEI etGzg v,.tucl ul >= bs uSb\i> z NEF st tt UJJ vl crdFft L -dI n-q' [+ JN> $:-.$r t GtcP:\9= .J rul>4 rAa-TtIt 4 .fi\\-+ d.l r3. u,Jfi-Oi;'---f j) prF\EJ-{ g F TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD Job Address Location, . .Parcel No. .Project No. BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0121 402]. BIGHORN RD PITKIN CREEK PARK 2101- 11 1-0 s -0 6 6 .., {ft' srarus.. BUILDINAppIied. fssued.. Expires. I SSUED 05 /2t / 7ee7 05 /21/ teeT 11 /1- li ^^-rL/ L r / r>> t APPLTCANT B & M ROOFTNG OF COLORADO/ rNC 3131 N 75TH ST, BOULDER CO 80301- CONTRACTOR B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC 3131 N 75TH ST/ BOULDER CO 80301_ OWNER PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUM AS PO BOX 277 | VAIL CO 81658 Description: REROOF W/HERTTAGE 30 yR RUSTTC REDWOOD MATCH EXSrT Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 8,836 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 303-443-5843 Phone: 303-443-5843 Fi reptace Intormation: Restri cted:dOf Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:dof tlood/Pa L tet: ************************t*******i************************** fEE SUtll'lARy **********************t****i****************************** Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan check---> lnvestigation> Uitl. calt----> 135.0O Restuarant Ptan Review--> TotaI Permi t tee--------> Payment s REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-F0UR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUB OFFICE FROH 8:OO Al4 87.75 DRB .O0 Total CatcuLated Fees---) 325.75.00 Addi t i onal. Fees--------->.00 3?5.75.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.0O C lean-lJp Deposi t-------->.00 100.00 > 325.75 ****************r**********************]?llf*liii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********1ii;li***-illllii-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************il?*** IIe.m: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/21 /1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI99[j',914q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Divisi_on:05/2I/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AI!g[j',9tq90 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9.?/2I/\9.27-CHARLIE Action: AppR N/AI!ql:"qt9go puB],rc woRKs Depr: puB woRK Divj-sion:05/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *******************************************|t******************ff***rrt***************************************f********************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl,ication/ tiLted out in ful.l. the infofmation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as fequired is correct. I agree to compLy vith the iniormation and pLot ptan.to compty with atL Town ofdinances and state taws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design review approved/ Uniform Euil.ding Code and othef ordinances of the Town appl.icabLe thereto. Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: B & t't ROOFING ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0121 as of o5/21/97 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type Applicant ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO, rNC 303-443-s 843 PITKIN CREEK PARK BUILDING # 13 2101- 1- l- 1-0 5-0 6 6 Appliedz a5/27/7e97Issued: 05/21/1997 To Expire I lL/17 /L997 Job Address Location Parcel- No Description REROOF W/HERTTAGE 30 yR RUSTIC REDWOOD MATCH EXSrT Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. AI-,L WORK MUST COMFORM TO 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 . '*.Cont."t Eagle County Asseasors ^Sr*JJo;328-8540 for parcel Ilr 0fflce TOWN OF vArL coNsTRUcTa APPLICATION FORIIi PER}IIT / PERT.IIT 4ozt e , Btrhrrr', KD- pn.l7L-6@L ceneral Description:-I-eac o€ tyisrl ,.''< 9-€l n v^S{ACL tt /-ft r i rae e 30 (tz,tsr,V Reo,.w t''I{ork crass: [ ]-Nerr [ ]-Alteration I J-Additlonal tp{-Repair [ ]-otber Nunber of Drvelling Units: #*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances lT* * * * * * * !t * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALIIA1TON5 BUILDING: $ RLITI.{BfNG: T-IIECHANTCAL: I Contract.or: lt +F (Zforr3a-l). Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ** ** ********** ********* ** *******FOR Nunber of Acconmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* EI.ECIRTCAL: $^-orHER: $ t n3G""TOTAL:l-- oN ****** ** ****** * * ** a* **** *** BUTLDTNG PERilTT EEE:PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I.IECIIANICAIJ pER]tIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Ree. NO.Z\(SPhone Nuuber: (!:- 3\r(l3-W Town of vail Req. No.Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: oFFrcE USE ** **************** ************* BUTLDING PI.AN CIIECK FEE:PLWBTNG PLAl.r CHECK FEE:!{ECHN{ICAI" PIAN CITECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI-.E:AN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNAIURE: ZONTNG: STGNATI'RE: DATe'. 5'zt -1, ., APPLICATTON UUST BE TU,LED OUT COMPLETEIY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDU f,***************************** PER!{IT $lFORl.lATroN ******r********************* [ ]-Building t j-Prunbing [ ]-ElectricaL [ ]-Mechanibal fiJ-other@sr_Job Nane: ?i-i-t<ir-: Crter< G,.,ors Job Addre "", T3CDQ t l! Legal Description; Lot Ortners Nane: f-ii<i^ Crczr< G^=cq AdCress: Architect: _ Add,ress: CI.EAT ITP I'EPOSIT REPIITD IO:q.'oC{'ate oF N. -7S llb 6?-. T3*,t,t R.,oEa3r N. -7S lb €oouocc C-o,8o 3o oclOO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9't o-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 8ui Lding-----) P [an check---> Invest igation>tliLt caL l.----) Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. 2101-111-05-066 B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC 3131 N 75TH ST/ BOULDER CO 80301B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC 3131 N 75TH ST, BOULDER CO 80301 PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUM AS PO BOX 2].7, VAIL CO 81658 135.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->47.75 oRB tee-------- .00 Recreation Fee---------->3-00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> 4021 BrcHoRN RD 'Fg status.. PITKIN CREEK PARK BUILDINAppIied. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Perrnit #: 897-0120 Issued.. Expires . I SSUED 05 /21, / rseT 05 /2r /\ee7tt/17 /7eel Phone: 303-443-5843 Phone r 303-443-5843 Description: REROOF W/HERTTAGE 30 HARVEST GOLD MATCH EXTSTTNG Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 8,298 Add Sq Ft: Fi replace lnformation: Restri cted:d0f Gas App L i ances:#0f Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pat Let: ******************************t************t*************** F EE SUttt4ARy *****************************f**************************** .00 Total Ca lcutated tees--->.00 Addi t'ionaL Fees---------> .00 100.00 Payments TotaI Permit Fee--------> 325 .75 .00 3?5.75 3?5 .75 *****r*********************************]lll!*iiii;;;;;;;;;;;i*ii*********iii;li-***llhllli-lli;;;;;;;***i**i************iff*** ]Ie,m: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division:05/2I/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:'.054q0_PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:05/2I/]-997 CHARLIE Action: ApFn N/AI!9[j',9tq90 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Depr: FrRE Division:9?/21/\927^C$ABI_,IE !,ct!on: AppR N/AItem:'05500_PUBLIC WORK$ Dept: pUB WORK Division:05/21/1997 CHARLIE ect.ion: AppR N/A ****************************ff********************************************************ff****************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, f itl,ed out in futl, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct- I agree to compt,y riith the .information and pl,ot pLan,to compty with al't Town ordinances_and state !aws, and to buil.d this stfucture according io the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn a[pticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIIADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A"l t+79-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE RRot4 8:o0 A[ Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: B & t,t RoOFINC ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #. F97-0120 as of O5/2L/97 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: O'/ZI/1997Applicant: B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC Issued: O5/27/1997303-443-s843 To Expiret Il/I7/1997 Job Address: Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK BUILDING # 10ParceI No: 2101-111-05-066 Description: REROOF W/HERITAGE 30 HARVEST GOLD MATCH EXTSTTNG Conditions:1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. ALL WORK MSUT CONFORM TO 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 ; }*Contact Eagle County Assessors _Sr;f.3/5328-8640 for parcer IF 0ffice TOI{N oF vArL coNsrRucra. PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATEI, 5 -Lt-11 PER}IIT iI .r- orHER: $ Saqt- TOTAL: ****************i****tr**** Town of Vail &eq. NO.Z.I\SPhone NuEbar: (W Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: - oFFrcE USE ***** ******** ll**************r** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: lL[ttrtBING PLAN CHECK FEE:!,IECEN{rCAL PI,AI{ CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAITIRE: ^ t APPLfCATION UUSI BE FUJL,ED OUT COI.tPLglELy OR IT MAY NOt BE AccEpTEDu...Ir*******************t********* PERltfT flFORltATfON ****:r******* ********** ******:,l [ ]-Building I j-ptunhing [ ]-Electrical [ ]_]techanibal ;{ -otrrer R"oQi.,q_,_JobName:@ Job Address: [3uDG # \O Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Ouners Name: ?ir,rln Ccea<G...oo5 Address: lozt E,Ei?hvn ea en.(7/_6a? Architect:Address: General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t r-Additionar gffi-Repair [ ]-otrrer_ Nunber of Dwelling Units: ftl"t and Tl4pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * VALUATf ONS BUILDTNG: $ PLITUBING: T- Address 3 ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Address:Contractor: Mechanical Contractor:Address: *** **** * **** * *******************FORBUTLDTNG PERUIT FEE: PLUI{BTNG PERMTT FEE: }TECIIANTCAL PER}IIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FE8: O?HER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: EI..ECIRTCAL: $_^---. Nunber of Accomruodation Units: Gas logs_ t{oodr/peltet ********************************* fruQsr6oa E * r.-r 3ooC,1s e j\?\ !J. -]Cul €o.rr-t2r C-o. a F Coto. esr 5-r, CI.EATT UP I'EPOSIT IEFMI, !O: Sogo t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 Bui Lding-----> PLan Check---> Investigation> Ui(L ca l. L----> Job Address Location. . . ParceI No. .Project No. 195.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> 4021 BIGHORN RD .YiO PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDG 2101-111-0s-066 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERM]T Permit #: 897_0119 Status . . . # Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I S SUED 05 /2r / Tee7 05 /2r / resT Lr/17 /ree7 APPL]CANT B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO/ rNC 3131 N 75TH ST, BOULDER CO 80301 CONTRACTOR B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC 3131 N 75TH ST, BOULDER CO 80301 OWNER PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIUM AS PO BOX 2L7, VAIL CO 8l"658 Description: REROOF W/HERTTAGE 30yR RUSTIC REDWOOD MATCH EXrST Occupancy: Rl Multi-Fanily Type Construction: V L-HR Type V l--Hour Type Occupancy: Valuationt 14,989 Add Sq FL: Phone: 303-443-5843 Phone: 303-443-5843 F i reptace Information: Restricted:fot Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:flOf tlood/Pa t Let : ************************************************t********** FEE SUl,ll'lARY ****************************************t***************** 126.75 DR8 .0O Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> .0O Totat Catculated Fees---).00 AdditionaL fees--------->.00 Totat Permi t Fee-------->100.00 Payments------- 4?1.75 .o0 121.7s accurate ptot and ptot p tan, subdivision ***************************************l?llf*iiii;;;;;;;;;;;i*ii**********Xil;li-***iillXil-lXi;;;;;;;*i**iii************i??*** Iqe[ri .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:05/2I/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItQm:'.05400 PLANNING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:05 /2I /t9s't CHARLTE AaEion:--EFFn u/eItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division: 9?/2I/\e_e_7 _CUARLrE Acaionl AppR N/Artbm:'05500 PUBLTC woRKS Dept: puB woRK Division:os/2L/1997 CHARLTE ebtion: AppR N/A ***************'t***t********************************ff************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl.ication, fil,Led out in futL the information required, compteted anptan, and state that att the information provided as requiredis correct. I agree to compl,y Hith tlre informationto compty rrith al'l' Town ordinances-and state [aws, and to buiLd this structune according to'the Town,s zon.ing andcodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town a[p(icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 479-?13& OR AI,.OUR 'FFICE FROI,I Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: B & lt RoOFING ***tr**************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPernit #: 89?-0119 as of A5/21/97 status! rSsuED ******************r.**********************!k************************************** permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Appliedz 05/.21/}997 Applicant: B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC rssuedz 05/.2L/.1997 303-443-5843 To Expire. lL/77 /]-997 Job Address:Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDG # I Parcel No: 2101-111-05-066 Description: REROOi' W/HERTTAGE 3OYR RUSTTC REDWOOD MATCH EXrST Conditions:1. FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED F]RE MATERIAL.3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 Eagle CounEy A"".""o."1f i"" 28-8640 for parcel /l . TowN oF VAIL CoNSTRUCTTON PERUTT APPLICATION FORMDArE:_fu3\-11 PERI'IIT iI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLBD ***************************** [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing t OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * l-Electrj-cal [ ] -Mechanibal tXl -otherR."4i^q--_-_--ia_().Job Name: Pi.r<ito Cf€ef Con:oos Job Acrdrerrr B!D6,*3 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing sunorvrsrou: owners Nane: Rtxll (rec< (-o6s,sb pn!l7G6NA Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description: T€AR4 €r\*i^e g*inS/rNs'.euu !fe"i- rr' Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical- Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FE8: MECHANICAL PERMIT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFTCE USE BUTLDING BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addition.r Xl-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Appliancesv ,t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDTNG: $ BLI'MBING: T- Address:rN.') Erectricat """S11*?ii ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ Gas Logs Wood/PelIet ********************************* orHER: $ ,{.9699 TOTAL: I INFORMATTON *** ****************** * *****Eo Town of Vail Reg. No.alts Phone Number : (rrld,trlZ-5944- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vait Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******************************* PI,AN CTIECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEESs *-*Con cac td ac.970-I PARCEL /I v B*r.rr R"oFl*a oC Co\oraoo 3\?t N, 1gBt3o,.rr-p4r Co. SOBb\ CLEAII I]P DEPOSIT REFI'M) , TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2r38 DEPARTMEN? OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT Perrnit #: 896-0170 NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/AI,T MF Job Add:ess Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 4021 BIGHORN RD PITKIN CREEK BUILDING 5 z.Lur-l_l_1-uJ-uoo Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/25/tee6 Issued..,z O6/25/L996 Expi-res. . : t2/22/L996 Phone: 303-443-5843 Phone: 303-443-5843 APPLICANT CON?RACTOR OWNER DescripLion: REROOF WITH 30 YEAR Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO/ rNCp.o. Box 18150, BoULDER CO 803081150 B & M ROOFTNG OF COLORADO,TNCp.o. Box 18150, BoULDER CO 803081150 PITKIN CREEK BUILDING 5 ASPHALT SHINGLE OLD ENGLISH RL Multi-Family V l-HR Tvpe V l-Hour L2 ,139 gof Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pa l, Let: ffi#ffi**#*ffi*Jdt##**ffifffiJitFEEsutll.|ARY*****'dM**'itffi****ffi* Totat catcutatcd Fecs---> 391 .75 VaLuation: Fireptace Information: Restricted: Restuarant Plan RevieP--> oRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> CLean-Up Deposit--------> Add sq Ft: .00 .00 .00 100.00 AdditionaL Fees--------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> .@ 391 .75 accuPEte plot and plot ptan, subdi vi si on Bui td i ng-----> PLan check---> lnvcst i grti on> !i l,L caL t----> 175.00 113.75 .00 3.00 PsyDents-------- ffiffiffi***ffi**,ri**i,ri-*]l]lhllii;;;;;;;;;;;i--*******iil;]l*****.-il-T$ilii;;---*-;;;;;i*****ff"* Ite,m: -05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING DiViSiON;06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRII,CM:, O54OO PLANNING DEFARTMENI DEPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:06/25/L996 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR MIKE APPROVED I!er!ri"956Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:06/25/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/AI!eIri'.959Q0 PUBLIC woRKq ', Dept: PUB WoRK Division:06/25/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A lrtri*f**t'|'**ffi rt*rrt*ffi tr****ffiffi *'*ff ff ff HH*l*t.trt$r*****ffi***ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECi.ARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this apptication/ fitted out in futl, the informstion requined, conrpteted an pl'an, and state that at[ the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith the informationto comPty Hith atl Torrn ordinances and state [aus, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's :oning and codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Bui[ding code and cther ordinances of the Toun appl.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIALL BE I'IADE iIIENiY-T?UR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI1 Send Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: B & !,1 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0170 as of 06/25/96 status: rssuED **********************************************************r.********************* Permit Tl'pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO, TNC 303-443-s843 PITKIN CREEK BUILDING 5 2101-111-0s-0 6 6 Applied: o6/25/!996 I s sued: 06 /25 /I99 6 To- Expire: t2/22/1996 Job Address Location ParceL No Description: REROOF WITH 30 YEAR ASPIiALT SHINGLE OLD ENGLISH Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. }*Contact Eagle County owners Name: Architect: General Description:f,grnouc €Yis\\46 PERI.IIT /I DATE: b-15 -1q ^ APPLICATTON }TUSI BE FILI.,ED OUT COUPI.ETELY OR IT IITAY NOT BE ACCESIED.f x*******************rl********* PEtU[rr rNFOR]IATTON ****************** r**** *****,l I i-Building t ]-plunbing I J-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal fi1-otter {3rt rs ]ol lrarne: @ rob Addre*' 31 Legal Description: loE_ Btock_ Filing |- Address: Address: C.,m9oSiT\o.r o Ncv.) Nunber of Acconnodation Unlts: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Address: l{echanical Contractor :Address: ******************************** FORBUTI,DTNG PERMIT FEE: PLT,MBING PERI'fIT FEE: I.{ECIIANTCA! PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. NO.zt\-Sphone N,.'nr,er (eg4{i:ffi Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Contractor: OFFf CE USE *** ******!r********************* BUTLDING PIAII CITECK FEE:PIUI.IBfNG pLAt{ CHECK FEE:IIIECIIN{ICAL PI,AN $TECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI..EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER}Irl FEES: ON BUII,DING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE! 1o Ll E. ts;c*orn Kp.*88 pnt%-6%! Ph. AD9IffP-ox' 58 €4,", aFe-work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration i l_aaaitfonaf tK:Repair I J_otrrer Number of Dwelling Units: oTHER: I \2, t6q -ToTAL:r--.ffif***********;,ffi Address: ftl"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances /f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vArrIATroNs BdA poaCl^r oA Gloram 3t3\ N. ?51 \3oUL:pQr CblocaDo 6050\ A.cr^l' gRAg Th{\-oR CI.EAf, IIP I'EPOSIT IEtrT'IID 1I,: \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 OWNER Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 4021 BIGHORN RD PJTKEN CREEK PARK 2101-111-0 5-0 6 6 J L€l LUU . . . BUILDINApPIied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 06 / 05 /Lee 6 06 /05 /Lee 6 L2 /02 /tee6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0140 APPLICANT B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC P.o. Box 18150, BOULDER CO 803081150 CoNTRACTOR B & M ROOFTNG OF COLORADO'rNCp.o. Box 18150, BOULDER co 803081150 PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIIIM AS PO BOX 2t7 t VAIL CO 81658 Description: REMOVE ROOF AND INSTALL HERITAGE 25 SHINGLES OccupancY: Type Construction: Tl?e OccuPancy: Valuation: Phone: 303-443-5843 Phone: 303-443-5843 R1 Multi-FamilY V 1-HR Type V l-Hour 21t998 Add Sq Ft: tifeptac. lnfonmation: Rlst ri cted:#0f Gas Appl, i ances:#0f Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pal, Let: ffi*f**ri**r.ririffi*rti**tt FEE sullltARy **tr*****fl*iffi*f,ffir* Bui Lding-_-> ?65.00 Restuarant Pl,an Reviev-> .oo Total catcutated Fces---> 590'25 Ptan chcck-> 1?2.25 DRB FeF-------- tnvestigation> .oo Recrcation Fee---------> .oo Totat Permit tec------> 590'25 Uitt caLt---> S.OO cl'ean-up Dcposit------) 1OO'OO Payments------------a 590'25 TOTAL FEES-------> 590.25 BALANCE DUE---- ******tt************t*******************i****t***t**t***tr**** t******td(*i****rttt*Jr****,r|t*f,****ffi Ite.n: .05100 BuILDING DEPARTMENT ---D-gpt: BUILDING Division:-067n,/1996-cHARirE- A-Eiona ApPR cHARLTE DA-vrsir'ei:'65aoo-i;iffiiuo'DiF[iitMblt'- ---DeFt: PLANNING Division: 06/os/wga cHARLTE Action: APPR PER LAUREN-w-.it5ii'65600-irtHE-ilep[nrfrEiii -.-' ------- Delt: rrne Division: 06/05/L996-C!i4BI,IE __Agglon: APPR N/A i,rn r,^n,, ^:. .ii'eft;'055d0-itij'diie w'rjmS--- Dept: PUB woRK Division: oi,7di/b16-cirARtiE AcUion: APPR N/A See page 2 of this.Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorlcdge thlt t hsvc read thig apptication, f itl,ed out in futl, the information required, conptcted an accurate ptot pt"n, i'na .t"t. tlit atl the infornation providee as requircd is correct, I sgrce to cornpty vith the infor ation and ptot ptan, io cirnpty vith att Toyn ordinances and stlte tavs, and to buit,d this stnucture according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes,'dtsign revicv approved, Uniform Buitding Code and othcr ordinances of the Town appticabtc thereto. REOI'|ESTS tOR Ii{SPECTIONS SHALL BE ilADE T$ENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 0l AT Scnd ctean-Up Dcposit To: B & lt ROoFING ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Perrnit #: 895-0140 as of 06/05/96 status: rssuED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMTT applic-nt: B & M ROOFING OF COI.,OP"ADO' INC 303:443-5843 Applied: 06/05/.Leg6 Issued: 06/05/1996 To Expire. !2/02/L996 Job Address: Location: PITKEN CREEK PARK BUILDING #7 Parcel No: 2101-111-05-066 Description: REMOVE ROOF AND INSTAI.,L HERITAGE 25 SHINGLES Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIJS,CBILINGS'AND FLOORS TO WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAT. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY STARTED. COMPLIANCE. BE SEALED WORK CAN BE ltot -vtt -os -66a t . APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED, !****************************** 7t [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbinq t TOWN OF VAIt CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE;6-5-1b OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORI'IATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Legal Description: Lot owners Narne: Tl.A"Sleog Architect: Number of Dt''elling Units: t[rmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv (* * * * * * * * * * * ** * *r :. 3j jt.. * * * * * * * * VALUATToNS BUILDfNG: $EIJCTRICAL: $ Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERI{IT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BIock FiIing llrr<1". Crca.rc tfoA, Address: 391t f B;otvr" f.O.P:n.176-6&1 Address:Ph. ceneral Description: EAE_eEE fcalurr(izR SrexiB[ Ue'-i Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addition.I X-Repair [ ]-other l-Electricat [ ]-Mechanical $(1-ottrer&61t!6 Job Name: ?irXlsr CrecK Co.,ro,o Job Address: ffi1| E-l3iqhorn F,D 6 Nurnber of Accommodation Units: X Gas Logs Wood/PeIIet ********************************* orHER: t 2t,1gB- TorAL: f-E- *************************** Town of vail R9g. No.2tl-5 Phone Number: (,-ts)'{q :-ss'E- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number! Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAI, PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,' CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT I"II'ST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0134 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 4021 BIGHORN RD PITKIN CREEK PARK 2101-111-05-0 6 6 Statu6. . BUILDINAPPIied.Issued.. ExPires. .: ISSUED.t 05/3t/tge6.z 05/3L/te96 . : tL/27 /Lee6 @**t*******ffir.ffir f EE sul'lltARY Phone: 303-926-7 829 Phone: 303-926-7 829 Add Sq Ft: tof Gas Logs:fof l,ood/Pa l' t?t: APPLICANT PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.o. BOX 3085, AVON, co 81620 CONTRACTOR PLIIMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.o. Box 3085, AVON' co 81620 OWNER PITK]N CREEK PARK CONDOMINII'M AS PO BOX 2L7, VALL co 81658 Deecription: EOO NObT OVERHANGS TO BUILDING *5 &7 OccuPancY: R1 Multi-FarnilY Type Construition: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour TYPe OccuPancy: Valuation: Fi repl.ace tnformation: Restri cted: 9r000 fof Gas APPIiances: Bui Lding--> P[an chcct--> lnvesti gati on>ititt cat t----> 155 .00 E7 .75 .00r nal Rrsturrant P lan Revi err-) DRB Fee--------- Recre€tion Fee--------> Ctern-Up DePosit--------> TOTAL FEES--_-- .00 20.m .00 100.00 345 .75 Total, Catcutated tecs---> Additionat Fees---> TotaL Pernit FeF---> Pavnent s------------> sAlAricg oue------> 345 .75 .00 345.75 345.75 .(n Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!'QN!- ?iff, i/6 g t I ocFtlftfrt*.oBEiifti''fi&ii6E7li /1996 - cHARLTE Aqli-qli APPR iE'em;' 05-6oo FIRE DEPARTUENT - ---6E-/iL/1t96-CHARLTE Aqllon: APPR iE'em:' d55oo PuBLrc woRKs 6E7ii/1996-CHARLTE Actj-on: APPR DePt: cHARtrE ooBIB., PER LAUREN W-.. DePt:N/A Dept: N/A BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that DECLARATIONS may applY to this Permit' t hereby acknortedge that t have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futl' the infornation requircd, GoDtctcd an accurlte Ptot ptan, and state that att tfre iniormailon proliO"O as required is cor'ect' I agfee to iornp ty riittr thc infornation and ptot Ptan' to corpl.y vith att toyn orornances and stlte [aus, and io buil,d this structur'. according !itF tq'"1:^loning 8nd suMivision codes, design review approve{"U^it".i SriiJi.g i6Oe ana oiher ondinances of the Tosn aPPlicabl'e thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE nnoe n'tenl-roun HouRs rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-288 Oe AT OUR oFFICE FRotl | .^NcrDI.rr^[ s IGNA-UiF]OF-OFilEA-Oi CoNTRACTOR FOR send ctean-up DlPosit To: PLUI'IB KEi{DALL CoNSTRUCTIoN Ail 5:00 P[ ilAY 30 1996 ^t APPLTCATTON MUST BE FrLr.FD OUr coMpLETELy OR rr MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED f,***************************r* pER!{rr rxFoRr-rarro' ****,r..+0V{$Ul{d-Dtl/.![PJ,.tl ' -- -- r-v I -v-Y n-5@-ruilaing t l-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-]rechanibal [ ]-other Legal Description: f.ot-6-p owners Naue: Arctritect: Number of Dwelling Units: Address: Address: fi'?rn. Ph. Nulober of Acconnodation Units: ceneral Descripti"n, work crass: [ ]-New (br-atteration t r-Aalditional [ ]-Repair I J-other -$L+ Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plunbing Contractor: Address: ltechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************!r* BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE: PLT'!{BING PERITTIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PEPi}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: var,uartoN Tonn of Vait Reg. NO.phOne Nrrrnher: oFprcE usE * * * * ***** * ***** * * * * * * *********rBUILDING PI"AN CITECK FEE: ILITUBTNC Pr.AN CHECK FEE:IIIECTTAIIICAI., PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CIJAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: Town of Vai] Phone Number: Town of Vail. Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR BUILDING: STGNATT'REs ZONING: STGNATT]RE: ?td r'1D tert>fia- (aNsTb,tdn d ? D. G 0r, 3d 85-'A\JcnJ, cDu. 9/6Zb CI.EAN T'P DEPOSIT IEPTIXD TO: I ITESg; h*'t<{s I *H+F$t ir?co $Sn I i *G.; g $ <lF +\ s$ -$t n\\\{,Ff F$ omrr , 3Srz *3 iq+fr rqJl!i8iir Et 7srPtatt Jd -{ 19Ill3tt oo $ I.J €>I$ s ( (; 3 -\F Z n AJIil Ttrf vts /\ c\g7 17o, \h G, !l vr -s-s O5r *=H :<'a rJsI REpT131 TOtdN OF VAIL, CULURADO FAGE g1 AS/EL/qg @7:5O REOUESTS FCIF INSF.ECTION I^,ORK SHEETS FORig/XL/98, AREA: CF ==========================]========= =.===========--=|ts======================= ffct i v it y: 895*OEES AEL /9A Type : A-MF $tat uE a- ISSUED ConstF ! AMF ,Addr.esst 40el BIEHPIT, FD '. --\.r r. .(^.r_GP-+\cLocation: BUILDINF f*14,' " '-'\\Lr'r Par.eel: elat:t i r-og*blg occ: use: v IHR Descript ion: REROOF t^IITH LIKE IIATEBIALg Appl icant r MASTER SEALERS INC F'hone: 3t2t34763973 Ownerl pITKIN CREEK FRRK CONDUMINIUM AS; Fhone: Contractor; MASTER SEALERS INC Fhone: 3O34763975 {nspection Request Infornat i on. . . . . Requestor: MICHAEL Req Time: O1:OO Comments:' R0-tlF,FlNfll.lItens requested to be Inspected... Action OO09O BLDG-Final Fhone r 476-3973 Commen Time Exp Inspection History,.,., Itemr AASIA driveway grade final Item : OAglra BLDE-Foot inqs,/Steel Iten: 00Oe0 FLD6-Foundation/SteelItem: A€r5e0 FLAN-ILtr Site trlarr It em : Oer03B BLDG-Ft'an ingItem: CtA040 * * Not Bn File * * Item : taAOgO BLDG-Insulat ionItem: OSO6{I BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Itegtl OOOSO * * Not On File * * Iten: U&67@ BLDG-ltli sc. Item : O0O9ra BLDG-Final Item: OA53O BLDG-Temp. C/0 Iten: et054ra BLDG-FinaL C/A -\} 1t TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Cc-rrvr-t6.tzt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 807-0309 Project #: Job Address.: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL Stafus.....: ISSUED Location......: PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS 3 Applied...: 10102/2007 Parcel No....: 2l0l I I 105001 Issued ...: 10/0412007 ?R561 - O '(<5- Expires"': 0410112008 owNER rIATcH, RANDALL M. L0/02/2007 527 W EVANS AVE DENVER co 40223 APPi-,ICANT B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,IN]-1/02/2OO7 Phone: 303-443-5843 P.O. BOX 18150 BOUI.,DER co 80308 Li-cense: 211- S CoNTRACTOR B & M ROOFTNG OF COLORADO,TNLO/02/2007 Phone: 303-443-5843 P.O. BOX 18L50 BOULDER co 80308 License: 2L1-S Desciption: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS 3 REROOF Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: S21,638.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 * * t * *'t r t + 'rt **:i tr* r r,r i * t t i +l. ti+l tt l Building---> 9349.2s Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. OO Total Calculated Fees-> $s80.26 Plan Check--> $221 .Oa Recreation Fee----_------> $0. oO Addilional Fe€s-----> 90.00 lnvestigarion-> go.oo TOTAI FEES------> $580.26 Total P€rmit Fe€----> $s80.25 Will Call--> S4.OO Pa)'menls------> 5580.26 BALANCE DUE.-----> $O. OO Approvals:ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/02/2007 JRNI Action: AP ITem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7o/o2/20o7 JS Action: AP See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. Pi{\.l,,-' G--"--\c DECLARATIONS I hereby lcknoriledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accutate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR ITOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM . OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNER {r * i* +!t**'t **,}* {t ***:1.'f * * *{( ** 't*!t( ** * *:i *'1,} * !t **:t + * **,t*'f ** *** ** {.***!t**,1. +t 't*:t *'l *.+,1.**,}:1.'i**** ** * *+ ** * *'l +* * i{.,i* * +* ** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0309 as of 10-04-2007 Status: ISSUED *'l''t+**!i*******,tf *,i* ** ri** **'t *'t 't*,t ** 'i* * ** ******* * ***,t*+**t,f *,t,i*,i**'t,t*+:|*{.+*,lt***********,f *'i*+**d.**t '}'t'1.|* '}** Permit Type: ADDiALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10/02/2007 Applicant: B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC Issued: 10/0412007 303-443-5543 To Expire: 04101/2008 Job Address: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS 3 Parcel No: 2l0l l l l0500l Description: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS 3 REROOF ****i.**********:*****'|'**!t.*'l*l''l{'*++,|.*.|.*!t****r***'*Conditions.,t.*{.*'t'}********:|.**'|.*{.*:t,i*'t**:*****,t*'t*'t'l.****'}* Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PERNFPA 72. o-t 4 081l, ApplrcAnoN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEr;l*llt'"WoZ- SV?f Building Permit #: 97 0 47 9 -21 49 ( | nspections ) DWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION g'%"&\"".Roo C I o G tn c . Town of Vail Reo. No.:a\\ 3 -Contact Person and Phone #'s: Ror R.nrn oJ g3b4l - Z+11 Email address: Etav\or-@\or.\.\.-oo€tn q, corvt Fax#:793 q38-9bqZ "W))i''H",*rt o. 30 5 +q3C.]84_-5 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ Al,637,Y Ht"gr.Biauocn <& +i'rooName:fiarrp Cr,ezu Gnoor }Wf3 Subd ivision:Filing: Address:P. o. Boy zt'l t/ll. C.-, t\be?Owners Name,ft.rlr. Crcc tion of work: Ren^o.ro- eYi6rlc\LRI ea oF :rirA6a 5o'TAcr)f'r-a CS\n I rcs GnsrAtr- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) RepairSQ Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior $Q Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family D{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu : Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. FOR OFFICtDSE ONLy*******************************************t*******,.H YgSo,LL http : //www.vail gov. com/docs/dl_forms/bui lding_perm it_417-2007. DOC Page 1 of 7 04/112007 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST SINGLE FAMILYIDUPLEX CHECKLIST This checklist is to be used with any single family/duplex permit (new construction , addition, or remodel application.) t] Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained (may not apply to interior remodels) I Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: Architectural Plans-l Site Plans. Provide all site plan information as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checklist for complete details.tl Construction staging plans. Provide construction staging and materials storage site plans. I Floor plans. Complete floor plans provided for each level. Complete dimensions, drawing scale noted, use of each room shown on the plans. Location of mechanical equipment clearly shown rt Building Elevations N,W,S,E elevations. Show all proposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, doors, and finish grades. I Window sizes and operation types. Specified on the floor plans or elevations.tt Stairways, guards, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard details n Roof plan. Show all roof covering materials (Class A covering required) and underlayment, roof pitch r Building cross sections. Show roof, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show roof and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces.r-l Rescheck compliance certificate and inspection checklist (new construction and additions only). Provide a complete signed compliance certificate and inspection checklist. Verify all exterior building is detailed on the building plans as required on the Rescheck compliance report. (www.energycodes.gov) T Fireplaces. All fireplace types shown on the floor plans. Specify gas log set, or gas appliance at each fireplace. Structural Planstl Soils Report. Include 2 copies of the soils report for your lot.{l All sheets of the structural plans stamped and signed by a Colorado State Licensed Engineer.tt Design specifications sheet. Roof live load, Deck live load, Floor live load, Wind SpeediExposure, Soils report number and soil bearing capacity referenced per the soils report.! Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundation plan with all footing/foundation section details I Framing plans. Provide complete framing plans for floors, decks, roofs. All beams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. Include framing construction details and connection schedules. Other itemstl Asbestos form completed. Asbestos test and report provided if any existing construction is proposed to be disturbed. See Town of Vail asbestos testing requirement form.f Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application. The building permit and recreation fees will be paid upon issuance of a building permit. I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the http://www.vailgov.com/docs/dl_forms/building jermit_4- 17-2007. DOC t /ot ?age 2 of 7 041t712007 application, I understand the app_lication will not be accepted. Applicant's Signature BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHEGKLIST COMMERCIAL TENANT FINISH/IMPROVEMENT This checklist is to be used with any tenant finish/improvement permit application. l t Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained for any exterior modifications proposed n Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $'100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: n Construction plans stamped and signed by a Colorado State Licensed Architect. D Original building construction type per IBC chapter 6 ex. ll-A, V-B tl Tenant suite or tenant space number, ! Tenant space location identification. Show location of the tenant space within the overall building. I Floor plans with existing and proposed walls. Show all wall assembly construction and proposed interior finishes with flamespread index. Proposed construction type must match existing building construction type. Clearly show proposed use of each room or space on the plans. l t Reflected ceiling and finish plan. Type of materials must match the fire resistanceitype of construction requirements in the existing building. Show all interior ceiling finishes and flamespread index tl Door schedule. All doors shall be clearly identified with fire rating, size, hardware and swing. r=l Means of egress plan. Show all occupant loads and number of exits from the tenant space tl Areas requiring two (2) exits: Exit doors shown to swing in the direction of exit travel, separation of exits comply with code, illuminated exit signs are shown. u Windows shall be labeled with size, operation, safety glass. n All areas and rooms of the tenant space are accessible per ANSI 1 17.1 requirements. il Accessible maneuvering clearances provlded at all doors for accessibility per ANSI 1 17.1 tt Service counter-tops and built-in work stations provided with accessible areas per ANSI 117.1 t-t Bathroom facilities. All accessible/adaptable features, clearances and turning spaces provided per ANSI 1 '1 7.1 requirements must be shown. tt Separate sex bathroom facilities provided if the number of occupants or employees exceeds (15). n Toilet room floors/walls finish schedule. I Floors have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface such as concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material, extending upward onto the walls at least 5". fl Walls within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and water closets must have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of 4 feet. t- Occupancy separations for walls/ceilings between tenants clearly shown on the plans with fire resistive construction details and listings specified. tt Fire-stopping. Fire-stopping penetration details for plumbing, mechanical and electrical components in all fire rated walls and ceilings. tl Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Plans stamped by a Golorado State Licensed Engineer Mechanical HVAC plans, plumbing plans, electrical plans/panel schedules/load calculations. L'.1 Fire/smoke Dampers on mechanical plans at all duct penetrations into fire resistive walls and ceilings. n Fire sprinkler plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements tl Fire alarm plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the application, I understand the app n will not be accepted. Applicant's Signature http ://www.vail gov.com/docs/dl_formsi buildi ng_permit_4 - L7 - 2007 .DOC /o Page 3 of 7 04/t712007 ,,.m ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANYTIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REI!4ODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING I\4ATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12,1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION r I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signalure OR o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature OR r The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was r,Je- =nSro(!4 , OCicihaL 3--t*E noeqg (non ns*srzjs) original constructton date.{*/r/4r"4h roL/ry http://www.vailgov.com/docs/dl_forms/buildingJermit_477 -2007 .DOC Page 5 of 7 041112007 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TN4ES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 807-0310 Project #: Job Address.: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS I Applied...: 10/0212007 Parcel No....: 210111105001 Issued ...: 10/041200'l ? R56 ? - o'({ S- Expires"': 04101/2008 ovitNER HATCH, RANDAT,L M. LO/O2/20O7 527 W EVANS AVE DENVER co 80223 APPLICANT B & M ROOFING OF COIJORADO,fNaO/02/2OO7 Phone: 303-443-5843 P.O. BOX L8150 BOULDER co 80308 License: 21" 1- S CoNTRACTOR B & M ROOFTNG OF COLORADO,TNAO/O2/2OO7 Phone: 303-443-5843 P.O. BOX 18150 BOT'I-,DER co 80308 License: 211- S Desciption: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS I REROOF Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $14,878.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 +*:| * { ri a * t,i* t t 't t i,i Building--> 92s1.25 Restuarart Plan Review-> So,oo Total Calculated Fees-> $418.56 Plan Check-> S1,63-31 Rccreation Fe€--> 9o.oo Additional Fees--; $0.00 Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES-------> $41E,56 Total Permit Fe€------> ${18.s5 Will Call-> g4.oo Paymenls-------1 $418.s6 BALANCE DUE___> 90.00 * *'r at l:t*+.l a*l +,lla Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT to/o2/2oo7 Jwl Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIIIT 70/02/2007 JS Action: AP See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of tlre Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER **{.'t*{t*'t trt**{r*{r't*:t *:t '* 't 't * {. * 't 't * {. 'tt ,t 't * 'f,t.t,* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0310 as of 10-04-2007 Status: ISSUED *******'|t{'**4.*{(,i'i't*!i*d.*'t{.*{.*{.,}*,f,s+***'i't,t*f,f{.**{.****f*!|.'t*,|.'i'|.,|.*||ll|.** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10/02/2007 Applicant B & M ROOFINC OF COLORADO,INC Issued: 1010412007 303-443-5843 To Expire: 0410112008 Job Address: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS I Parcel No: 2l0l 1l105001 Description: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS I REROOF * 't 't*** +* **{r ** **'}*****{"1.** '1. * * t* *+ * f * +'t*+*** *f * **Conditions. *:trr}****** ** * ** ** 'i * '1.,i !t i. * {. '}* * * * ** * * * *'* * * * *,1. '} *:* * Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A].[Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. DWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Person and Phone #'s: Rev Rnuo 5 3036,1\- Lt+ t1 eneral Contractor: b+f'A RodCiNGLrc-, Email address: btav\or m co <>Fi .. q . Co rrrr Fax #: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:S ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$rorAl:$ lLl,tl?- a 8 t9 p z 7 16 C F ) d For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. **************r+*****************************FoR oFFlc o N LY****i**+********t*********+************************ Job Address:la*o'n 3/ + I Vu[ Co 8lb5-lJob Name: Rrrln Crcc,z (o6 Buql I Owners Name: f ,*- n Crcarc $oq Detailed description of work: Rcrnovc-i6.rin5 La<cr oG =-TFB $r\3 ,J:n5T/4LL full We | $ftTacsh('cLD r ltrDSrNcc Nri*: l\eriT*6e6oYtRR ina\csFsrHD3(b I WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(){ Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior QQ Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family X Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) http ://w\ /'w,vai lgov.com/docs/dl_forms/bui lding_permil_4I7 -2007 .DOC ,+l9.fb Page L of 7 04117/2007 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX CHECKLIST This checklist is to be used with any single family/duplex permit (new construction , addition, or remodel application.) tl Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained (may not apply to interior remodels) tl Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: Architectural Plans r-.1 Site Plans. Provide all site plan information as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checklist for complete details. tl Construction staging plans. Provide construction staging and materials storage site plans. tl Floor plans. Complete floor plans provided for each level. Complete dimensions, drawing scale noted, use of each room shown on the plans. Location of mechanical equipment clearly shown | , Building Elevations N,W,S,E elevations. Show all proposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, doors, and finish grades. l l Window sizes and operation types. Specified on the floor plans or elevations. n Stairways, guards, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard details l-] Roof plan. Show all roof covering materials (Class A covering required) and underlayment, roof pitch n Building cross sections. Show roof, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show roof and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces. t Rescheck compliance certificate and inspection checklist (new construction and additions only). Provide a complete signed compliance certificate and inspection checklist. Verify all exterior building is detailed on the building plans as required on the Rescheck compliance report. (www.energycodes.gov) tl Fireplaces. All fireplace types shown on the floor plans. Specify gas log set, or gas appliance at each fireplace. Structural Plans ll Soils Report. lnclude 2 copies of the soils report for your lot. n All sheets of the structural plans stamped and signed by a Colorado State Licensed Engineer. tl Design specifications sheet. Roof live load, Deck live load, Floor live load, Wind Speed/Exposure, Soils report number and soil bearing capacity referenced per the soils report. t- Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundation plan with all footing/foundation section details l-1 Framing plans. Provide complete framing plans for floors, decks, roofs. All beams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. Include framing construction details and connection schedules. Other items tl Asbestos form completed. Asbestos test and report provided if any existing construction is proposed to be disturbed. See Town of Vail asbestos testing requirement form. tl Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application. The building permit and recreation fees will be paid upon issuance of a building permit. I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. application, I understand tlle application will not be accepted. lf any required information is missing from the to/ r /ot Applicant's Signature http :i/www.vailgov.com/docs/dl_forms/building_permit_4- 17-2007. DOC Date Page 2 of 7 0411712007 ,,*m BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL TENANT FINISH/IMPROVEMENT This checklist is to be used with any tenant finish/improvement permit application.fl Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained for any exterior modifications proposed t- Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: t-l Gonstruction plans stamped and signed by a Colorado State Licensed Architect. tl Original building construction type per IBC chapter 6 ex. ll-A, V-B t- Tenant suite or tenant space number. l-l Tenant space location identification. Show location of the tenant space within the overall building. D Floor plans with existing and proposed walls. Show all wall assembly construction and proposed interior finishes with flamespread index. Proposed construction type must match existing building construction type. Clearly show proposed use ofeach room or space on the plans. t-r Reflected ceiling and finish plan. Type of materials must match the fire resistance/type of construction requirements in the existing building. Show all interior ceiling finishes and flamespread index n Door schedule. All doors shall be clearly identified with fire rating, size, hardware and swing. tl Means of egress plan. Show all occupant loads and number of exits from the tenant space ll Areas requiring two (2) exits: Exit doors shown to swing in the direction of exit travel, separation of exits comply with code, illuminated exit signs are shown. tl Windows shall be labeled with size, operation, safety glass. l. All areas and rooms of the tenant space are accessible per ANSI I 17.1 requirements. tl Accessible maneuvering clearances provided at all doors for accessibility per ANSI 1 1 7.1 Il Service counter-tops and built-in work stations provided with accessible areas per ANSI 1 17.1-l Bathroom facilities. All accessibleiadaptable features, clearances and turning spaces provided per ANSI 1 17. 1 requirements must be shown. l l Separate sex bathroom facilities provided if the number of occupants or employees exceeds (15). tl Toilet room floors/walls finish schedule. n Floors have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface such as concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material, extending upward onto the walls at least 5". il Walls within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and water closets must have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of4 feet. Ll Occupancy separations for walls/ceilings between tenants clearly shown on the plans with fire resistive construction details and listings specified. I Fire-stopping. Fire-stopping penetration details for plumbing, mechanical and electrical components in all fire rated walls and ceilings. il Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Plans stamped by a Golorado State Licensed Engineer Mechanical HVAC plans, plumbing plans, electrical plans/panel schedules/load calculations. ,l Fire/smoke Dampers on mechanical plans at all duct penetrations into fire resistive walls and ceilings. t.l Fire sprinkler plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements r Fire alarm plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the application, I understand the application will not be accepted. Applicant's Signature http ://www.vail gov.com/docs/dl_forms/building_p€rmit_4- 17-2007.DOC Page 3 of 7 04/17 /2007 ,*m ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REOUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12,1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature OR r I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature OR r J'he buildrng was constructed after October 12,1988. The date of construction was $c:Er..,srAct€p o{-i6l''\au '3<sb @<,oGl11 Cnc>n- flsBesfa=) ^.,^,--,^^^crr,,^},^n,i.,,orlglnal construc[on oate http://www.vailgov.com/docs/dl_forms/building_permit_417-2007.DOC Page 5 of 7 04/17/2007 19J?#ot In"e""$:,T F?$yF?t neeo'ting t"n" ut Rsqu€st€d Inspect Date: Thursda% October 1'1, 2007' ln3Dection Area: JRM Slte Addrees: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAL PITKIN CREEK PARK-BUILDINGS 3 ArPrD lnformation Activitv: B07-0309 Const Tvp6: Ovrftier: HATCH. F Contractor: B&MRO Tvoe: A-MF Occupah'cy: Comm€nts: Bldo. #3 - roofAssignedTo: JMONDMGON Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: JRM Phone: 303-443-5843oMDO.tNC Description: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS 3 REROOF Requested Inspoc{lon(sl Item: 9{l BLDG-Flnal Requestor: B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC Request$Time: Entered By: ll:00 AM (303)641-2417 DGOLDEN K Time Exp: Item: 501Item: 226 Item: 10Item: 20Item: 21llem: 30Item 22Item: 50Itsm: 60Item: 70It€m: 535Item: 536Item: 90 REPT131 Run Id: 7L4O l$JTSoot In"p""$:,T F"3y??ffiFo'ting t"n" u' Roquested Inspect Date: Thursday, Oc{ob€r 1'l, 2007- Inspec,tlon Area: JRM Slto Addross: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL PITKIN CREEK PARK.BUILDINGS '| oRADO,tNC Description: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDGS I REROOF Reouested Ineoec-tlon(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requeston B & M ROOFING OF COLORADO,INC Activitv: 807-0310 Const Tvo6:Onrien HATCH. tContractoc B&MRO Tvoe: A-MF Occupairby: Comments: Bldo. #1 . roofAssisS$To: JMoNDRAGON Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: JRM Pl6ne; tQ$-{.{f,-$${$ ReouestedTime: l0:00 All' Phone: (303\64'l-2417 Entered By: DGOLDEN K A/PID lnformaffon 50'l 226 10 20 21 30 22 50 60 70 535 536 90 Time Exp: REPTl31 Run fd: 7L40 l,lV^^CtePk-( k- AH \L r t'l ooa'l^ilTY DEirEttFtE {T Decign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORTII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax,: 9tO.4tg.Z4S2 web: www.vailgov.com Protect Name: pITKIN CK 12114 REROOF Profect Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO REROOF PITKIN CREEK TH #12 AND 14 FORM 3 TAB TO 50 YR DIMENSIONAL ASPHALT Paftlclpants: owNER VAIL TNVESTMENT GROUP 0911212006 C/O DAMIAN J. LUNA 11 EPERNAY PL HOUSTON TX 77040 APPUCANT B & M RO0FING oF coLoMDo,IN0g/12l2005 phone: 303443-5843 P.O. 80x 18150 BOUTDER co 80308 License: 211-5 Prurect Addrcssr t|()81 BIGHORN RD VAIL location: PITKIN CREEKTH 12 AND 14 Legal Descrlption: Lot: Block: Subdivislon: pITKIN CREEK PARK Parcef l{umbert ZL0I-L2Z-2LO*3 Comments; Gondltlons: BOAR,D/STAFF ACTION Acdon: STAFFAPR Date of Approvab 091 L2l2O06 @rd:8 (PtAN)l No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprcval of dtis project shall lapse and become rroid one (1) year folloriring the date of flnal apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, DRB Nutnber: DRB06ft24 -y: ..r By: Vote: Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.\Eilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design revial must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partio.rlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. b""ign t"ri"- approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. ?"ff5"'i" "*'lT"T)"us5+-ftp{ 4' location of the Proposl: Lot-Block:- Physical Address: Parcel No.; Zonang; Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: -) 1 ' Fax: Coft, Type of Review and Fee: B Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition Application for Design Review $s0 No Fee $6so $300 $2s0 $20 Otinor Exterior Alteratie re-roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board, No Fee G"ey' .H w 0A! Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request fences and tr tr Lagb co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) FROM :.O FAX No. :f a.t]. a? 2@66 a1:31Pt4 Pl Joe Souther Town of Vail Building Departmerrt (970) 479-24s2 September ?,2006 Dear Joe, The Pitkin creek Park condoninium Association tns hircd B and N Roofiag of Frederick, Colorado 0o re-roof buildings 12 and 14 at ow complex, Thcy will be removing existing 3-tab shingles, installing a fult ice and water shield underlaynent, and installing 50 year, dimensional asphalt by Tamco. The superrrisor on the job is Ray, he can be reached at (303) 641-?.417. Q9 B3ar_d has approved the worlg and asked B and N to do any necessary permitting with the Torryrr of Vail. Singerely, Il,' ltt--,TV Andy Berger President Pi*in Cresk Park Condominium Association PO Box 3872 Vail, CO 81658 (my personal pO Box) (970) 476 s4r6 O ?,lh " cr"',-'-Q- DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:897-0036 Status.....: FINAL Applied...: 03/26/1997 Issued...: 03/26/1997 Expires...: 01/13/2003 Phone: 3O3-926-7829 Phone: Phone: 303-926-7829 TOV/Comm. Dev. amount date Clean-up Depgsit Refund approved v<* TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 4021 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location......: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDS 8,L0,1L,13 ParcelNo....: 210171105066 Project No...: APPLICANT PT,UMB KEIIDAr_,L CONSTRUCTTON 03/26/L997 P.O. BOX 308s AVON, CO 8L620 l,icense: 52a-B Also is CONIRACTOR or{NER PITKIN CREEK PARK COI[DOMINITJ03/26/L99'1 PO BOX 217 vArL co 815s8 License: coNrRAcToR PT,UMB KENDArrrr CONSTRUCTION O3/25/L997 P.O. BOX 3085 AVON, CO 8L620 Iricense : 52 1-B Desciption: 14',ROOF/ EAVE EXTENTIONS AIso is Applicant Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupanry: Valuation: Fireplace Inf ormation: Building-1 Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> witlcdl--> R1 Multi-Family V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour ?? $12,000.00 Restricted: 5155. oo Restuarant Plan Revie$/-> $10? .25 DRB Fee--> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee-> $3 . 00 Clean-up DePosit-> TOTTAL FEES---> AddfuFr o # of Cas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 #ol Wood Peller * FEE SUMMARY go . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $so. 00 Additional Fees---> So - oo Total Permit Fee----> 9100.00 Payments--.--._-> 9425 .25 BALANCE DUE_---> s425.25 so. oo s425.2s $425.25 Approvals:I€em: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 03/26/L997 CHARLTE Item: 05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT 03 /26 /1997 CHARr-,rE Action: APPR CHARI-,IE DAVIS Action:APPR FOR DIRK MASON APPR N/A Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/26/a997 CHARLTE Action: Iten: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS 03/26/1997 CIARr.,rB Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforqration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin5 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUE$IS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2149 OR AT oURorrICE FROM 8:(n AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 Permit #: 897-O036 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 0G18-2003 Status: FINAL PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBLIILDPERMIT Applied: 03/26/1.997 Applicant PLUMBKENDALLCONSTRUCTION Issued: 03/26/7997 303-92G7829 To Expire: 01./13/2003 |ob Address: 4021 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: PITKIN CREEK PARK BLDS 8,1.0,77,13 ParcelNo: 210111105066 Description: 14'ROOF/EAVE EXTENTIONS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): mLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPUANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON00O'J.627 ALL REPLACED SHINGLES MUST BE A 30YRORBETTERSHINGLE nTlzactw? P-L * loEt l(-J DRENumber: DR8050349 Prclectilsme; Projcct ttefcriPdon: ReDlacement of e)derior stairs and. raillngs to rnatch new vertical post ralling design; trex treads ani wood rallings and vertlcal posts' PartlciPantc: OWNER HATCH, MNDALL M. OZ15l2005 '7 WWANSAVE DENVER co 80223 APPUCANT ROB STEINKE FORTHE P'C'P'C'0ilL5/2005 Phone: 4754864 PO BOX 217 VAIL co 815s7 ProlectArtdrers| 3gzlBIGHoRNRDVNt Locauon: PTTKIN CREEKTH 1O'E AND 11-J Legal Derslptlon: Lot: Bloclc SubdlvlCon: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel llumbcr: 2101-111{50G1 Commentt: seeconditons BOARD/SfAFF ACTION llodon BY: AcUon: APPROVED slcondBy: DateofApproval: 08/05/2005 vob: Condltions: trKf?ltsJ,lrl to ttreqniglTl b" made wtthout trre wrltten consent of roan of varl statr adiJi'ine appropride rwlew committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot@nstituteapermltforuuilllns'Please@nsultwith r**oru"'iiiiioinJ;;t""lpriortoconstn'rcdonactivlties' ffif#l-, shalt not become vatid for 20 da)|s foilowing the date of approval. f;l*"llt" *'s pmrect shall latre 19 btt* uoid one (t)'vear followine the dae of ffnal opproval, unless a building p;-it-i;;-'AanJ ct;n;d"ttlon ls commenced inJ is aiririendv pursued toward ompletion' #lri"r}ffJillfumunaneousty reptace every staircase on anv buildins on which at|eastorcofthesta|rcasesisbe|ngrep|acedwlththesamedes|gnproposedand constructed at Unlts 10E ald lU'-- -A,trY, 08/05/205 BY: ee Action: AP ptanner: Eltsabe6r Eckel DRB Fee Pald: $2!tO'0O ,-ffi Ou inor Exterior AlteratiCb Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicat'ron for Design Review cannot be aacepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the apprcval. RequteL Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision:Y, B' Physical Address: Zoning:?D Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: lr (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-mail Address: vl D {,\c} Ilpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition fl Minor Alteration (mutti-fa mily/commercial) B Minor Alteration (single-family/duple><) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a neur building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addiUon where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Radew Board. No Fee \ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : ['J8ff*ffS.* cnu*.no.,/8 67 ay, I'l..tins o.t , 8'3 :6 5 DRB No.: ,*ffi I, (print n"r"il JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ' . a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) tu'tl FrhrlrgN 8i', a ti0)l AiaHrrxuNn /,qru,to {1b51 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depafinent for the proposed improvements bo be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ['ttK'rTs (:n TL (]t-r- l'ztTH5 lo €ruflr1 t oF -\EIt:TlNri IUruirrr,Luq! *s- tt .6oi-rit I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town s applicable codes and regulations. uqA) Page 2 of L3l06l16l05 FROM :FRX t{]. : Andy Bergcr President Pitkin Craek Park Condominir.rm Association Porsonal Address: PO Box 3872 Vail, CO 81658 (e70) 476 s4L6 andycberger@aol.com r ., lAfD[ "tlSr' .,/ ?tt o5ot { Elisabeth Eckel Plannsr Toum of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 July 21,2005 Dear Elisabeth, Thank-you for coming to Pitkia crcek Park Condominiums today to review our efforts tolpq* our stairwavs, or.r 25 year old project is in need "f ;"; il;;;s, arld u," arelooking to bring_stairways up to current sarety ana esthetic "t""i*aL-n you ru*, o*prefened upgrade is to replace horizontal meial railings *ith'ti"k;:fbn"e-style," vertical $ats'.witlr 4l' spacing, plar,ed on 2X6 wooden handrail. we have fo'nd the existingflooring 2x6 material to cu! and wear rather quickly, and prcfer t" ,pg"a" this material to 2x6 Trexmatedal, which we believe will sired water bitter, allow'6r cleanersnow removal and last longer. _we understand your concerns with hiding exposed edges of Trex rnaterial, and we will cover them up. As you saw on the property tour, we are replacing our most worn slainrvays first, and we are willing to conunit to maintaining the above design for cach stairway .ure rqrlace. We are hopeftl t}rat you will provide immediate staffapproval for thc cunent stainuays under corctuction, so we can complete tbem. I witl be out of town for the next two weeks and I would be very grateful if you wouJd discuss tlre Toum of Vail decision with our building Manager, Rob Steinke, who can be rcached at (970) 390-5559. Thank you qgain for your time today. '7''6,, (] r,, OO \ O 4'l ffi lt;l :rl bJrg /), . \=---\.\ ,Jl.l \ -|I t'ifE -- l,W^Q-v- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES MECHANICAL PERI4IT Permit M95-0204 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2r39 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... LocaLion Parcel No.....Project Number APPI,ICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER Departnrcfi of Connwniry Developtnent 4021 BIGHORN RD GARTON FP PITKIN CREEK 9F 2101-111-0 s-0 8 0 CHIM CHIMENEE CHIMNEY SWEEPS P O BOX 4273 | FRTSCO, CO 80443 CHIM CHIMENEE CHIMNEY SWEEPS P O BOX 4273, FRTSCO, CO 80443 HOLST BARBARA S t WATCH HILI., OYS CLUB, 223 EAST GORE, VArL CO 81657 40.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi err-->10.00 oRB .00 53.00.00 3.00 Phone: 970-668-2104 Phone:970-668-21A4 1 ,700.00 flOf [ood/Pal,Let:fof Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcu[ated Fees---) Additional Fees--*-*--> Totat Pernit Fee-------> Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: ISSUEDtt/t4 /tee5 t2 /78 / ree5 o6/Ls/Lee6 Deecriptlon: REPI,ACE WOOD F'IREPLACE WITH EPA 11 AVOLON tireplace Inforration: Restri cted l fof 6as Apptianc.s: tt**'rrt*trr**t*t**/r:ttt,|t**-rr***t***fi********ti*************t FEE SUltllARY **H*****ti***t****t**ffi**l*****ft*f*********fi***ff** llechani cat---) Ptan check---> Invest igati on> tlitL Catl.---) TOTAL FEES----- 55.00 .00 53.00 53.00 ITem: .05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTLL/L4/L995 DAN Actionr APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, ].. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK TOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby ackrc*tedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in fuLt the information required, compLeted an accurate plot p[an, and statc that att the infornation provided as rcquirad is correct. I agree to coripty vith the inforration and ptot ptan,to colply vith all, Toun ordinances and state taus, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign rcvieu approved, uniforr 8ui tding code and othcr ordinances of the ToHn appticabl,e thereto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIoI{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OTNER {S *r,rouorn'", FRo 8:00 A 5:00 P[ trtolffi o, uoffi"r*u"rril PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM oarnz ll-lg-7.( Legat oescripti onz tnt_L irocr_ EiLLngW, owners Name: d4<ro* Address: Architect:Address: General Description: aWork Class: [ ]-New I J-Alteration [ ]-Additional 1 1-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ftu.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas rogs ltood/pell.t__l_ lf*******l'*******tt***************** VALUATIONS * ****** ************ ************** BUTLDING: $ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: I *** * ** ********** * **** ***** * Address:as?Town of vail ReNNO. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address:Reg. NO. Address:lsl-s ********r, *s!:i***************tl FORBUfLDING .. ..{til-I' }'EE: PLWBING r,III{MIT FEE: I.fECIIANTCAI PHRfiI,T FEE: EI,ECTRICAI., FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI.AN CI{ECK FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: PLI'MBTNG PIAN CHECK FEEs I.{ECHANICAL PI.AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTTT}EES: t/^tr t TBUTLDTNG: Adla, 4l-r,.4* ir tq --75 STGNATURE: - ZONING: STGNATT'RE: Contractor: irr_ CI.BAII I'P DEPOSIT REFTII{D TO: 0"Vtri"..C,K P*L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT COMM BUILD PERMT PENNit #: BOI-0234 Job Address: 3971 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: Sims Market Applied. . : 08/08/2001 Parcel No....: 2l0l I I l05l 12 Issued. . . : 08/t5/2001 ProjectNo.: Expires...: 0211112002 O$INER PITKIN CREEK COMMERCIAL T.T'C Oe/O8/20Or Phone: 416-63OL 5107 BIACK GORE DR VAIL CO Sims Market - Craig Sims 81657 License: CONTRACIOR ATLAS CONSTRUCTION O8/08/200L Phone: 970-245-O4sL P.O. BOX 276 MTNTI'RN COI.,O 81645 I-,icense: 255-A APPIJICAIII ATL,AS CONSTRUCTION 08/08/200r. Phone: 970-245-045L P.O. BOX 276 MIMTURN COLO 81545 I-,icense: 255-A Desciption: Relocate doors Occupancy: M TypeConstruction: V l-HR TypeV l-Hour Tlpe Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $40,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Rsstricied: Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas togs: 0 # of Wood Poll€t: 0 FEE SLMMARY tr*tt,rt*it*******.t.rtr.***..'li***:r*:l:talrrrrrrr.tr**..****** So - oo Totrl Calculated Fees-> 9595 . 00 So . oo Additional Fe€s-'_- >9o. oo S0 . 00 Total Permit Fe€-----> 9696 . 00 SO . O0 Paymenls-> S696 .00 $0 .00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building-> 9420. oo R€sUrarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 52?3.00 DRB Fee---.-.----> Investig&tion-> Will Call--> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee--------> 93 .00 Clean-up Dcpnsit-----> TOTAL FEES--> S6e6 . o0 BALANCE DLrE-> Approvals:Itrim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{E!flI 08/a5/2O0L CDAVIS Action: AP SEE CoRRECTToNS Olr PI,ANS Item: 05400 PI-,AIIIIING DEPARTMENI 0g/I3/200L BRENI Actsion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 'f ** l.tl * * *:lr *** t{r*'l * * * ** {r*'f f* t* * ** * * 't '* t tf* ** + * * '* t '} ** * * * * *:t* * ** ***'} * *a' 't't** *'t 't {r **{' * * ** *{r{r't *r} {. ** *'t{r't ****trt***t CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0234 as of 08-15-2001 Status: ISSUED +****+** * +****+** * *****l****+**'|' ******+**** t*:t ****t * *****t****** * t***** * ** * * ******** i * ******+***l***t*** PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 08/08/2001 Applicant ATLAS CONSTRUCTION Issued: 08/15/2001 970-245-0451 To Expire: O2/lll2OO2 Job Address: 3971 BIGHORN RDVAIL Location: Sims Market ParcelNo: 2l0llll05ll2 Description: Relocate doors Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomtation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Tom ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. designrwiew approvd RXQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOLIRS IN Scnd Clcen-up Dcpcft Tor N/A FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF O FORHIMSELFAND OWNE &uqup BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspecfr grs) llteBLICAusN /(b3 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor: A*[o= Cc.sfn-chbr^r Town of Vail Reo. No.:Ase-h Contact and Phone #'s: LetF C^a'aec 3ao-Ft7| ContractorSignature: tr -/ /^L COMPTETE VALUATI ONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAbOr & MAICT|AIS rorAL:$ Lt, Do(> - For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Other F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: Parcel # (applicaUon not be aacepted lvithout parcel numhr) Job Address:rO, Phone1f,1 Detailed description of wor/<: lnf:ef;ofclo'=' cr-+^ / felocat' WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial X) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Existino: Gas Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONL TOI^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Plumbing--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call--> $30 . 00 Restuarant PIan Review-> 9?. so DRB Fee-.---------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES---------> $3.00 S0. oO Total Calculated Fees-> $40-50 SO. oO Additional Fees------> S75.00 g4 o - 50 Total Permit Fee----> $115 . 50 Payments---------------> $ 115 . 5 0 ooDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0104 Job Address: 3971 BIGHORN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Sims Market Applied . . : 09/20/2001. Parcel No...: 2101'1,11,0511,2 Issued. . : 09/21./2001. ProjectNo : (gSOr- O7_gz- Expires. .: 03/20/2002 owNER PITKTN CREEK COMMERCIAI-., T-,I-,C O9/2O/2OO7 Phone:. 476-63OL 5107 BIJACK GORE DR VAIL CO Sims Market - Craig Sims 81557 License: CONIRACTOR SCHNETDER MECHANICAI-, o9/2o/2O0L Phone: 970-827-9443 P.O. BOX ?314 AVON, CO 4L620 L,icense : l-13 -P APPr-,rCAlflf SCHNETDER MECIIANTCAT-, 09 /20 /200L Phone : 970-827 -9443 P.O. BOX 7314 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 113 -P Desciption: ADDITION OF LIQUOR STORE/PLUMBING MUST MOVE TO NEW WALLS Valuation: $1,200.00 Fireplace lnJormation: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? # of Wood Paller ***F FEE SUMMARY BALANCE DUE-------->$0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT o9/2o/2ool DF Action: AP o9/2a/20oL CDAVTS Action: AP SEE CONDTTTONS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' Cond: CON0005017 ALL FLOOR SINKS,DRAINS ETC.. MUST COMPIJY TO HEAITTH CODE FOR L,OCATION,DESIGN AI'ID ATRGAP REQUIREMENTS DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plao and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATUREOF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O!\AIET s mvvwuAhly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TION FOR PTUMBING Contad Eagle CountyAs*sers Office at 970-328-864O or yisit / 16tle robName: Str ns llL.alrW t. rob Address: 3171 Biiltwn wJ. \/a, LegalDescription ll Loe fl Bbd<:Filingr \./ Subdivision: owners N" .'f.r.ro 5]frq ll Address:Phone: Engineer: \J ll Address:Phone: OetaUeO aescrioUon ofwoJk: ./4 ,r ./ ,-.-- r'r'srcrrrt\. "=*"'#);l';ffin"{'h a-uorr Mp / Fl unb, Mt Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Rfteration g(1 Repaif ) other ( ) ,*r4 ---_'.-Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-farnily ( ) Commercial () Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ? Yes( ) ruoQd for ParceI # ***,r** * rr** *********** *** **** ** ** ** *** ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********r.*************************** F/E eryone/formYpl mbperm 41,- r;*r 't ,,' \tr\*. ) ; ,,;) tcrT-'^ ) tW) r t,'a 1 mwopvtnV ?,.t, {tt fioworo fur mlr wnx Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Departnent Russell Fonest Direetor, (970)47e.213e s) did you contact? Enuironmenhl _ Housing_ Admin rtrL ! your initial contact wiih our stafi immediaie_ slow _or no one available ? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why noi? 5. Was this yourfirsttimeb file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of fie staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overallefiectiveness of fte FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. n Check Cl"thf applies. t AJ (J U '' !-{ - ! q) U a'. . t'! a t-.,1 b3€ylb b =';9,e..E; E FF !Eiof!E -' ::ov PEgEb6'll 3F i bo >-'i9;ictrc 3 = -€€ G c xP.5E='lETr5" EN O E 9 E i!F!r.E #=Et;';3"-+ H.E E-s .EHUj5Fo9n u,^ i,:1 '- -EEEsEtfs;* c J 9.-o, rJ rJ v.= E oF o fr a-;;5 H€: ;€E*"Yi1 .-roi? € r. Sc( * I I I I J I I Islcolc{l Yl col I I IAtt) z Tl -l.l e . r-i (J .jj(n a'. U o F (h (, L] (s I I I I I*lr: I['r I >.tr | xts | iy I.g.: bo I 3 _z'.E I *.9; Ixt; IU.E€ IP-89 | = ?= I = r"E I cE 2 |** - |::! | - rh L, IcsY IEtt ull._ -. .p fr'l:4v9 Fl e!9 r\l =lre)<lqi:o 9I H (');i FJIx.9= (,l'ts -q 5 Er.l lrt-: P )4lEg:O EI -E EE ''Ip E? | !... I I I ., tr +Jd;: ti:': o 'F l^' .' -. lr *FE e. x:! o6':".e€3 6.94 9 'r .9'i.d 6E'! b 3PFB t |le-.;i =FS rEFa > t?1 d >tUz ( P{ DUUo trto f']H l{ UH FlH HfrHU s -G '='+r .i- IJS St F\U ql 'te l.\ = $€kiL^eoF-i .X LJ n< co _ F ^v. \he:lu)': = ''-\ ^': Lr. .\ .\:! o l+itiE F," SE^B*S,\Ll:-o >: q\ ri -.t '3 r-n :*'sqN*c.: = epF F--l -> Lt{ 7, = U 0) lr tt)6 I 5 aq) liE 'rJ EF |E ?. U -) ,d U 'rl (.) q E-P€p, b bE-e+Eo, E E 9 HI E 6'E.e e,3 E-: ;5v)!PE€E b O E 5= tr bD >. i.= u€€,E c x9.5E='- 9E - X e i! r. liT -iEXqtrY:q ia !!.Y - v c u:(! €.*E:i;I"l* n E =-ESt sJ S e i9.: l,) A, 0r ,^EEE€Ebi - o!: !,^ iq0,, !, u v.= 9 oF. E 1I= E H€: ;€€iYitrrroXi I .+,1 colc.ll JI 'l ;i. Y z 0, I I I I I I I I I *.1F--'! |.FIil >l I I I i 'Fl (J tl () o 0,trr F z 6 (, >-U FUU 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..,l ul >l wl ?l til \JI b0 NI I jj U T b I€rd I I I I I I I I I rltYl al 6l >ltvl lr'll UI \JI ul ql rrt I-rl \JI >l I.Itlcll F-lr!lvltvl <l zl tnl >t 6l I I 'a - . t-! l,t) E (E |- 6 >\E ;e(E.! 6bP >-.9;= 3 Y!=,Y tr=vs{s{* L--- =",.r.{ X r-E ,-3@ x:!*:ie PE3EPH:EE AJi YJCL) 'H AIF Lr .:,i =';g P Foioo ! =.:o9= !,..9 -4,/:6tr3 Lo o.l X-ri:=a':e .24.9 QJ ra t6 .= >-9 i'1 :ox!{:J !D-.; '==L.is E HUz tr DUUo F{o FIH4UHftH H& frlU f.\\ro a< co aJ <" RP Q/ii\ .r. \{rS.=6 ,P \J rr)ENS :-l -i-lsrl F,J-i -. =F< L ^ r\ rl -\ t-.) |. (J q bO 'ts Url Fl U t- U IU ,v av) tr (E .. d q)- s-) /tI ) TOI4']Vffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Gore Creek Propefties DRB Number: DR8010332 Project Description: new awning Pafticipants: OWNER Vincent Skarajunsky 10/08/2001 Phone: 3971 Bighorn Rd. SuiteTOD Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANTVincentSkarajunsky 10/08/2001 Phone: 3971 Bighorn Rd. SuiteT0D Vail, CO 81557 License: ProjectAddress: 3971 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivasion: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111105115 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Charles Acevedo Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: 10/31/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005112 CANNOT SAY "REAL ESTATE", ONLY ONE SIGN ALLOWED Cond: CON0005113 LETTERING CANNOT E(CEED 10.8 FT. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $27.00 Gore Creek Properties Gore Creek Properties 3971 Bighorn Road Vail, CO 81658 Phone: (970) 479-2858 Wednesday, October 03, 2001 Awnings by SPI Salesperson: Bob Senn 063 Eagle Park East Drive P.O. Box 2169 Eagle, CO 81631-2169 Phone: (970) 328-5330 Fax: (970) 328-5331 o,\n"*'t ,*ffi Questionstthe Planning Staff at 479-2138 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application b for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. |\oME OF BUSINESS: BUIIDING MME and ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: IIGALADDRESS: Lot:_ Block:_ Filing: PARCEL#4lOIlllaSllS-- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-86,10 for parcel #) A. FI c. D. E. F. J. K. L, M. N. o. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNA H.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHoNE:17?-)8{E TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions):u Free standingo Wall Signo Hanging Sign { B Sign Awning Other, speciry: NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED:NUMBER OF SIGNS DOSTING: srGN ME'5AGE. 6a+eRrl Fs SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" paper):7'x34"x3u" O LfNGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: HEIGHTOF SIGN(S) ABOVE GMDE: SIGN LOCAION (Attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the 1 P. n R. proposed location of sign(s11: Soutl4 tr94Lt- MATERTALs AND coloRs oF srGN (Attach sampres 1, fo nzr 6.tzerv ful u*s DESCRIBE SIGN UGHTING, MON]P- FEEI $20.00, plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area DRB fees are to be Daid at the time of submittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLOR TDO 81657. ?D + fiu^fl SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: D Complete Application. tr A site plan showing the oGct location where the sign is to be located. E Elevation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning. n Colored scaled (1/4"=1') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. D Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. n Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. STGN CATEGORIES: 1. Freestandino -A single or muli-faced sign affixed to a suppofting structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. 2. Awninq or Hanqino -Any sign attached to a buihing and extending in whole or in part more Sran 9" beyond the building line. 3. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erccted against the wall of a building or $ructure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane panlbl to the face of the wall and not projecting more than 9" from the face of the wall. 4. Disolay Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in.glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current enteftainmeht or real estate listings, 5. Joint directory sion - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a multi- tenant building. 6, Subdivision entrance sion - A sign to identify a major subdivbion, a condominium cornplo(, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS: 1. Copk:s of the Sign Code are available from the Depaftrnent of Communaty Development. You may wish to check the Code to verify the type and size of sign you are allowed. 2. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3. Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. 4. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual business signs will be reviewed ry the Depaftrnent of Cornmunity Development. New sign programs or amendments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. : f,- fa\ . cv) T-'*r-N t{t'.. I \ -I l1:si\., l)sr)I ----l(I r;lt| +)l I -rt r i -t:l .'I ti ,. I -rl sI ',-.. i I| *rt | /rt t r 1'rl \ . ; .1'lL,lr Cl f-i -11 i1 5lr ' vli ',: r-i ii \'.- vtr I :'-;rt Iti ,), ::r i'r,|\. !-rl li -t I i -\ '.i-, /, uti ( \ ,.jji ,\yi i\ o-l )\,. Ol ('r*i ) I -t i { ( I l-1 lct \ r,:.i\44 "o\\9 Pre/4TD:479e8393eB 5331.-. - a--,-:-^- L-, errr RLJc-g-eml A3:5eP FROI'1: 974 v Awnings by SPI -53 Eagfe Park East Drive. P.O.Box2169 . Eagle, Colorado El63l Phonc 970-328-5330 . Frx 971F328-5331 Date: August 8,2001 Job Contact: Stephen Simonett Narne: Gore Creek Prooerties. lnc.Job Namc: Core Creek Properties Mail Address: 3971 Bighorn Road Job Address: 39?l Bighorn Road, Unit 7DD Vail, CO E1657 Vail, CO Phone: (970) 479-2E58 Fax: (970)479-28J9 SALESCONTRACT PROPOSAL: To fabricate eod install e tr€w convex style awnlng rs follows: Size: 9Q"2tr wiAe with a 35" pmjection and a34" drop (including valance). Frame:Welded aluminum painted black. Fabric: Sunbrella style #4637 Forest Green with a 5 year mfg. limited warranty, Valance: | 0" frcc hanging valance finished in Parisenne style and trimmed with Forest Green braid. Operation: Fixed Signage: '.GORE CREEK PROPERTIES" hand painted in white on the valance. Font to march purchaser's logo. (Proof will be submitted for approval prior to painting.) Notes: Purcheser ic responsibtc for rll dcsign rcview approvalg if epplicrble. kice does nol include lightiug, electrical wiring or hook-up, if applicable. Installation approximately 2 week after receipt ofsigned contract and deposit. Please Charge: Deposit -Balance on Delivery VISA MC AMEX Discover Card No: Name: E*p- Signature: Subtotal $ I,,+00.00 4.4% Sales Tax $ 57.20 Total Purchase Price $ I,457.20 Less Deposit (Due with Contract)$ 728.60 Balance Due On Installation $728.60 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: The undersigned Purchaser hereby accepts this proposal, orders and agrees io purchase and pay for the above describcd mcrchandise and to be bound by all terms and condilions stated, ancluding Terms & Conditions on the revene side. Purchascr hereby acknowledges receipt ofan executed copy ofthis Sales Co ract and acknowlcdges that Purchaset has read and understands all Terms and Conditions herein. By (Pwctnser)Tirh DrtG By(Scfrcr) h5.AFdrrn Tirl.t""'ooln Lot @h:r, @r"&, @* @b+u/o.miomm, PITKIN CREEK PARK 3971 Bigharn Road ,htl co 81657 (970)176-6864 fuptember 4, 2001 Depnnen of Cuwunity Deve lopnent 75 bttth Frorilage RM Yail, Colortu 81657 To Wlnm It May Corrcem: Tlre Bwd o/ Directors, at its regulu meeting ut August 27, 2001, tlre reEtest of Gore Creek Propertiesfor the additiur of awirdow awning totlre soutlrernwall of PCP Unit 7DD. Pleavfeelfree to contact this ofice if you luve ery Etestiotrs. Rob Steink, ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 97Q.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: Gore Creek Properties DRB Number: DRB010331 Prcject Description: Addition of window Participants! APPUCANTVincentSkarajunsky 10/08/2001 Phone: Gore Creek Properties 3971 Bighom Rd. Vail, Co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 3971 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: SuMivision: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111105115 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Charles Acevedo Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: 10/31/2001 Conditions: C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005114 That the window be the same size & the frames shall match windows of commercial level. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ruwm Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application is fur any project requiring Design Ra/iew approval. Any poject requiring design revhw must receive approval prior to subrnitting a building permit applicauon. Please refur b the submittal requiremenb br theparticular approval that is requested. An applicauon fur Design Re\riew cannot be accepted'untit all required information is received by the Community Da/elopment Deparbnent. The proiect may also need to be reviewif by the Town C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approvrl lapse unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one yEar of the approvat. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: QParcel l{o.:2lot ttlost,{(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:bD Name(s) of Owner(s): Phbne: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E New ConstructionD Addition 6al Minor Alteration tr Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 For consFuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square fuotage is added b any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interbr conversiors). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, srrh as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, bnces and retaining walls, eb. For rcvisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or $e Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQIJIREM ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Mailing Addressl Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditionsxo Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB mav require the submission of additional olans. drawinos. specifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: ]OINT PROPERWOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print ,"r7-77n P4<.)<el- .a joint owner of property tocated at (address/tesal description) <q+ t 8/e4a,z..t 89. 7>>, /n/u- provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenE include: ,1,^/ lt/tn/nou flttD trroilS I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. e 1/+/ol (Date) @Wrir,. G,** @,# @bt u{antr t amt P]T'KIN CII];:EK PARK 3971 BighornRoad lTil c0 8{657 (970) 176-686"t &ptember 4,2001 Department of Conmunity Development 75 SouthFrmtage RM Vail, Colorado 81657 To Wlwn It Muy Corrcern: The Bwd of DirecTors, at its regular meeting on Augnst 27, 2001, uwimously aprwed the request of Gore Creek Propertiesfor the ddifion ofwindaud2) to the south andvestwalls of PCP Unit 7DD. Pleasefeelfree to contoet this ffice if ytn luve my Erestions- Sincerely, Rob Steinke, Manager * ! i|r t J ti. L oo h,J',l" 4 hft,t 4 u,rnd,r* *^ilA Whi ar.,fnr',lg v W Vwl tdvoA t'ttl'k [,r4, wlttn Lolt n V*,@h A' w,ouvYaY+o lld{,,r , W, ''LI'd" llr'n+ I \,ilindo* WJ^ I.U,\Drulrg UM 4 .e,Vart-il,rhf'a Nrf ro fuue- ^ld( T0 Set4. oo ardDesign Review Bo ACTION FORM Department of Cfiimunity De\doprn€nt 75 South Fontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657 teli 97OIn.2139 Jax; 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProJcct Name: Schleicher-Rengier doors/windows DRB Numbcr: DR8010305 PrctGCt Deecrlption: Replace 2 doors and 2 windows Pailicipants: OWNER HATCH, MNDALL M. 09/06/2001 Phone: 31248 NIAI(WA RD EVERGREEN CO 80439 License: APPUCANT MountainConstruction Wl06l200L Phone: 376-0276 Shawn Darling PO Box 2921 Vail, CO 81657 License: Prol*tAddrcs: 3921 BIGHORN RD VAIL Locatlon: 2G l.egal Deccrlfiion: Lot: Bbck: Subdivirlon: PITKIN CREEK PARK Percel ilumber: 210111105ffi1 Comm€nta: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By: Actbn: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProval:09/06/2001 Gondltlonr: Cond: 8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rttrriew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Phnner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fes Pald: l20.OO ;] + uilas. Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: rd, For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square fuotage is added b any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiorE). For minor changes b buildings and . site impmvernenb, srich irs, reroofing, painting, wirdow additions, lanclscaping, tsnces and rebining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to ptans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Ra/iew Board Type of Review and Fee: tr New Constrwtiontr Addition X. Minor Aleration tr Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEP'RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Application for Design Review Department of Community Derrelopment 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This.applkation b br any project requiring Design Raniew approval. Any poject requirirg deign rwiew nnrst receAte. approval prior b submitting a building permit application. please refrr to -tfre suOhinat requirenents fur thepa-rthuhr approval that is requested. An application fur Design Ra/ie$, cannot be accepted unul all required infurmation is rec€ived by the Community Development Departsnint. The project may also rieea o Ue reviewed by the_ Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental aommission, Oesiln Review Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is bsuad and construction commences within one year of the aplrovat. Description of the PLA<E DokD DEC ,/A(E Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: v fParcel No.:Al o I llt o5ot 1 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) \ Zoninq:\v 4Ft{ame(s) of Owner(s): t_ V{Ownerls) Signature(s): oo Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*D Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.n Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of additional olans. drawings. specifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (j) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*), II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: tr Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s)a Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: or Euildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SotriE Windou/6 Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: LIST OF PROPOSED IIATERIAU; Tvoe of Material Color Please specify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighUng (see Title 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicaE the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtur€s. r0[,Nm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Cornmunity Developmert 75 Sou$ Fiontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,4A.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail.co.us Project ilame: Sirns Market DRB Number: DRB0I0238 Project Descrlption: Relocate doors Particlpantr: OWNER PITKIN CREEK COMMERCIAL LLC 08/06/2001 PhONC: 476-5301 5107 BLACK GORE DR VAIL CO Sims Market - Craig Sims 81657 License: APPUCANTAtlasConstruction 08/06/2001 Phone:7,18-02'10 Leif Counter PO Box 276 Minturn, CO 81645 License: ProJcct Addrcee z 397L BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Sims Market Legel Deccrlption: lot: Block: Subdivision: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111105112 Comment3! Doors/windows to match o<isting BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motlon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vde: Date of APProval: 08/08/2001 Condltiono: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprhte review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 rulwm co^J a<oc' ltt+tr Description of the Request: Application for Design Review DepartTent of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. application. b br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requirirp design reriew must receive. approval pritr to submiEing a builcting permit application. Please reEr to the submittal requirements br theparticular approval that is requested. An appticauon fur Design Review cannot b€ accepted until all requlr.€d inbnnation is recgived by the Community Darebpment Departmint. The project may abo rieed o be rwleweo oythe Town Council and/or the Planning and Envircinmenbl commission. oesiin nwiew Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locaton of the Propcal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr New Constructiontr Mdition K MinorAlEration tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 $200 $s0 $20 >19 'oL so hY For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addifon where square fuotage is aclded b any residential or cornrnerchl building (includes 250 additions & interbr converslons). For minor changes b buildingF ard site improvernenB, srch as, reroofing, paintirE, wirdow additions, landscaping ftnces and retaining walE, eh. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Ra/iew Board PLfAsE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMmAL REQTJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF @MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, \ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS a Stamped topographic suruey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*o Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.a Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableu Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB may reouire the submission of additional plans. drawinos. soecifications. samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: o UST OF PROPOSED ]IIATERIAIS Tvoe of Mabdal C.;olorBuildinq Materiab Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windou6 WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walb ExErior Ughting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All o<terior lighting must megt the TCliln's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards). ff oderior lighUng is proposed, please indicate the number of fxtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fxture type and provide the height abore gnde, lunens outrut, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. oo \ocaIlon kphe l,Jl\&os d${rry #,n^-t^ TO: Vail Design Review Board FROM: Andy Berger, President Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Association DATE: August 3,2001 il 1"^ RE:Craig's Market remodel in order to support new speaking on behalf of the board at Pitkin creek Park condominium Association, I can say that we are generally in support of Craig Sim's efforts to return a neighborhood liquor store to the project, Craig has advised us that he will need to do a minor remodel that includes building a separate exterior access, in order to meet liquor codes. Craig has assured us that the remodel will be consistent with the rest of the building exterior and we are therefore supportive ofhis plans. I can be reached at telephone (970)476-5416 for firther comment. o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Pitkin Creek Buildings 5&7 Project Number: Project Description: Repaint of Buildings 5 & 7 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Corky Bianca, President, 3971 Bighorn Road, Vail, Colorado 81658 476-6636 Proiect Street Address: 3971 Bishom Road r) -. Legal Description: Pitken cr""u ffiCondominiums, Parcel Number:2 101 I 1 105 1 13 Building Name: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BTIILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBE STO S ABATEMENT I SSUES _ 47 9.2325* * *'€ Motionby: Woldrich Seconded by: Cahill Vote:4-0 Conditions: approved per plans dated8l2l00 Town Planner: George Ruther Date:8/2/00 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\ I DRBAPPR.FRM Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 oo ?-27-aL) -7 /, ^5-ou,,,, /-. ,Q.,..."-. ?.F- y'.rrt r/=-.-- 4-^---- ,/1/-.; tu-z ,,4,'--a,-,o- t l<, f2.o.,",^*i/.n-..- /--*- /.*--;., - 2.5=- oo %FEEJJ t E H4LIClG oo oo !,I\.,*C,V- fuL &G (J I) es o:\X .\.-.-), dvF IY + I N v4 Q \) -v s ({qfr e. -) t ,_.lq (l ,t -.1 _-$ $ IY( 3<>- I p -t' 5-) =tv (* \ t4 € 7 .+\L \{il,n \) 'v4I\J;-s'J -i{ er.=u nQ, f $ IH jgll 3-f $"15goE s fi s BhB s It a fl F F !t* $ $ra , f';- - -/rd Jg L E[, g II D I ft * tr I T T -Y "? qld I q I (rttrt t!drs\osa ESqx E5ci; RS ll zl!rns L.o s R TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Bui Lding-----) P Lan Check---> Invest i gation> [Ji l,L Ca l,l.----) Job AddressLocation... Parce] No. .Project No. I t,\,v^^ c K- h\brta DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD,/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: 897-0184 4OB1 BIGHORN RD StaLus. . . PITKEN CREEK PARK UNIT 13AppJ-ied.. 210I-722-21-035 Issued... Expires . . I SSUED o6 /30 / Leel o6 /30 / reeT 12/27 /Lee7 Description: REPLACE WINDOWS & DOORS EXT. TRIM MATCH EXISTING JAMES R HEDRICK 1560 S YORK ST, DENVER CO, JAMES R HEDRICK 1560 s YORK ST, DENVER CO, HEDRICK JAMES RUSSELL 1560 S YORK STREET, DENVER 175.0O Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> 4071 BIGHORN 4071 BIGHORN co B02l-0 .00 .00 100.00 Phone: 303-?50-9700 RD #13E 80210 Phone: 303-750-9700 RD #138 80210 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De approved amount date Add Sq Ft: posit Refund Yxr- 391 .75 50.00 141 .75> 411 .75 Occupancy: Rl-Multi-FamiIy too. -Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: L3, 000 Fireptace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Apptiances:#0f llood/Pa l. Let: *********************************************************** FEE SU14t4ARy ************t*t****t********************t*************t**i #of Gas Logs: .00 Total Calcutated Fees--->113.75 DRB.00 Recreat'i on Fee---------->1.00 Ctean-Up Dcposi t--------> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments ********************r******************lllll*liii;;;;;;;;;;**ii**********i11;li******llfllli-lli;;;;;;;ii****i************i?l*** Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:o6/30/1997 CHARLTE Aariont- AFFR cHenr,rE DAViS--Item:'.054q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:06/30/1997 CHARLTE Aariont--ApFn N/eIt€m:'.05600 _FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Deptr FIRE Division:9F/30/\227-CLr4BI,IE Acaion; AppR N/A :--. ' _ -_- _ _.Itbm:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept.: pUB WORK Divj_sion:06/30/1997 cHARLIE edLionr AppR N/A ****************************************************************************t(****************)r************************************ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl,ication/ fil.ted out in fult the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with tlre information and ptot iLan,to compty with atl' Town ordinances,and state taws, and to buiLd this stfucture according io the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town alpticabLe thereto. Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: JAll€S R HEDRICK SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HII'ISELF ****r.*************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0184 as of 07/14/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Pernir rype: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 06/.30/t991 Applicant: JAMES R HEDRICK Issuedt 06/30/1997 303-750-9700 To Expire z 12/27 /1997 Job Address:Location: PITKEN CREEK PARK UNIT L3E Parcel- No: 2101-L22-21-035 Description: REPLACE WINDOWS & DOORS EXT. TRIM MATCH EXISTING Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALI-,S,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.12I,O OF THE 1991 UBC.4. ALL WORK MUST MATCH EXISTING P rrK1)ccee\< p ner( rJA-ts $e, tdFsr,ELEUA\qAJ Tr{reb Crop\ trLcoA CoRdre0a_untr rs doo"q Fu Mere"rrzutrtr fipprort'ryAl€ Oalrq ltte oreDer< poe'rn,t!1&trvs rtqgetnc7-'--- .- kt61rEnk7fis. nt/zr3z'/y't TILT I.NUJRIA T(uT INII,ATD T€|uPefzEO 77r/2 g ZQt/77 tlzK26tl IILT tN6rr\cA Ssur\.t eLE!-*xaA J- ifilr 32" T(LT INWA'D tz'lz Kaz'/zt' TILT lNwAtrN Ternpene.X 1?{z *ztt! Etttxstb:( i-EilAfs-q.A {e ! -_ q.eer E-!9t14 Tacr 'ybrgfz' ,r*"* /lUstt cz'll,xafu'l'"'l-g FAGE PEREI,T 2/ t2 # _ t APPLICATION llUstr BE FIL?.!ID out COI{PLEIELY OR IT t{Ay Notr BE acenptgOUxi********t**tr!r*****!h*i*** **** FER!'IJT TNFOREATTOII ***********,***rr*************1rl[ ]-Butrding [ ]-prunbing I J-Erectricar 1 1-uearrdni-cat I J-other _ Job Naher Hfoalck_ htrt^JJob Nahes l-{foAlclC ltltlUdArti (apL. Job Aditress: ftailE Bt6n6*: eft #tgi- Prncr)'" rrgal Dcscriptir" n ArchiLect:Address:Ph. Gencral Description: work claas3 [ l*New I J-Alteration I lfintlrer of Dryclling Unl_ts: tf-Gpair t l-ottrer_ of Acconmoclation Unitsr s. c,lrl farrnnln 1-Additional Nunber . lut3ltJer and glpc of Fireplaces: cas Applian *, 4 Gas IFgsJL llood/pcllet I f,t- *** * *i**ttir** ** ** * **t*t* *** * * * vA-LulrroNs **** * ****r* ******* ** ********;"!BUfIJDfNct I i-,r:- ELEqIRICAL, t_ AIHERI !_\lrnuBrtc: F- rccrrairl&Gii- roraf,: r contractor: :fi E]-estrical Contractor: Addressr .Plnnbinq contractor: Add,ress: . Mcclranical Contractor :AddreEs: **********l**i.************ ****** BI'TI,DTNC PER}ITT FEE: PIII,IBINC PERI4IT FTEC ICCHAITICAIT PERMTt EEE: ELEC:IRTEAI SEES OITIER TSPE OP FEE: colttlRAeroR IHFOR}IAEfON ******* *** *t**** *******tr*** Town of Vail Reg. lto. )Sl -ePlrone Nr:nber: lFown of Vall Phone Nutrber! Town of VaiI Phone Nutlber: Reg, l{O. Reg, NO. Torlrt of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nr.rnber:, roR oFFrcE usE ******************************t BUILDTNG PIAI{ CTIECK gEE: PDU}IBIfiG PIIAI| CHECK fEE:UECEANTC.AI., PI,AN CMCK FEE! RECREAEIoN FtsE! CLEAN-UP DEPOSItT TOTAIJ PERMIIT TEES3 BUTIDIr{G: SIGT{ATTIRE: ZQNTNG: SIGI{A1iIIREt ,.lA6c5_ i1, ttcoprcjil5{ra S. t7df,,t< Si-. @!o: >e{aeL/ & gazto TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-27-38 tdt P DBPARII{EIIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN:T f,+V..- C6 e-^-t" ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMBS Pennit #: D99-0008 SLatus...: ISSITED 12-N, PiApplied.. : 04/23/L999 Issued,..: 04/23/!999 Expires..: l0/20/L999 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AJ-,L BUDG. iIOb AddTESS: 4021 BIGHORN RD tocation. . . z 4O2L Bighorn Rd, Parcel No.. : 2101-111-05-065 Project No. : PR.T99-0094 APPLIEAlrT COr[fRAgTOR OWNER Valuation: FLroplacr Infornatslon: RadclaLctsGd: S'tD CONIRACfING, INC. P.O. BOX 3868, VArL, CO siID coNrRAqrrNG, rNc. P.O. BOX 3869, VArL, CO ARNOIJD CYI THIA ROSS 5034 MAIN GORE DR, VAII., L25 *of ors Applianc66: on: APPR N/A DBPARTMEIITClfgq: _APJR Approvedion: APPR APP PARTMENTiON: APPR N/A Add Sq Ft: *Of GaE Logs: DepE:er- CDDept: Dept: Dept: Dept: Dept: Phoner 970-904-0520 Phone z 970-904-0520 lfof wood/FaIlcc: FIRE Division: PttB WORK Division: HEAITII Division: CLBRK Division: 816s8 81658 co 81557 DescripBion: Remodet kitschen/bth Occupancy:llpe Const,ruct.ion: v l-HR Type V l-llour'{pe Occupancy: *tt*t**tt'ritttttttr!'iitt'tttarllr*tt'}ir*tttttttttttttttttt'rt F8A 8U!'IUARY .}rtrtttt*irtrttillttrt*tl*tttt*t+t**ltt*tra+*r*i Bulldlng-----> 2O.OO RG6tuarabL Plan R6vi6s--> .OO Totsal CalcuL.bed P.s.---> 55'oo PIah Chcck---> l3.oo ttRB Fcir----_--_ Investigrbion> .oo Recllation 8c6----------> .o0 Totel PcrrnLC F66---__---> q5.oo wil1c|11-.-.>3.o0c1can.tJpD6Po6ic..-.---->.ooPayncntg.-.-...--.--..--> TOtAtJ FEES----- 56'00 BALAIICE DIIE---- aaratrJrtrtari,r traarrrrtarrirrirrr.rrtrrrtttrati+r*lrrt*t'Jtil|*.t It,em: 0510004/23/L99eItrem: 0540004/23/L999IEbm: 0560004/23 /L999IEem: 0550004/23 /L999IEem: 0570004/23/L999Itsem: 0590004/23 /L999 BUIIJDING DiViSiON: PLAIiINING Division: Action: Action: APPR N/A EALTIIAPPR N/A APPR N/A *ttatttttttgJ*J*itt*ttt*lrlr*t* i*trltr**ltttttt*tttttta*ttlt*rittttarrrtitrtt See Page 2 of this Document for any condition8 EhaL may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I h€r.by rcknorlodg! chrE I hrvc lcad thl. .ppllcaLlon, fill€d ouc ln full th. Inforq.Cion r€quLr.d, cooPlocod an accut.E€ pl'ol plan, and stst!6 thr! all ghc lnfoloatsLon provld€d a6 r€qui!.d ls corrscE. r rgrse co coDPly riah Lho InfororlLon and ploc Plan, go cdr[r1y rlth atl Torn ordlnancaE and 6tat6 lard, ind Eo bulld t'hi6 6Lruccu!€ accordl'ng Eo tha Torn'E zonlnE end dubdlvlsion codca, dct{gn rcv|cr tpprovcd, UnLfofln Building cod. end othcr ordinencct of the fotrn epplicablc Ch6rcco, REQT'ESTS BE t|l|DB ${B!ITY-FoUR HoI,Rs IN ADvAxcE BY TBI,EPHONB AT 4?9-2138 OR AI OI,R OFFICB FNOfi B:OO llI 5TOO FU g.nd Cl..n-ttp D.poolt To: gitD Contrrctlng EIO TI,RE OF dItIER OR CONTR'ACIOR FOR HIUSELF AND O{TIER ******************************:r************:a************************************ CONDITIONS Permit, #: D99-0008 as of 04/23/99 stsaEus: ISSITED ********ta***********************************+*********************************** Permit Tlpe: DBMO. OF PART/AIJIT BI'DG. Appllcant: S'JD CONIRACfING, INC. 970-904-0s20 Applied: 04/23/L999 rssued: 04/23/1999 To $,Qire: |O/2O/L999 Job Address: Locatsion: 4021 Bighorn Rd, 12-N, Pitkin Creek Condo's Parcel No: 2101-111-05-055 Description: Remodel kitchen/bEh Conditions:1. FIRS DEPARI148IiIT APPROVAL IS RBQUIRBD BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAT'I BE STARTED.2. FIEIJD INSPEqITONS ARE FEQUTRBD TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. rowN oF vArL?oNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, ortl.AroNHf ooq'f INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 97&328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# Z.t Ot/))edoA+{ Permit # Job Name:Job Address: Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )other(p D€|"\o Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filins Subdivision Address: Architecr: ,->EtF Address: Description of Job' k *^. Jls_- '' Sk, ,.-ru <n/ z:1,-^,a t = Additional ( )Repau ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Other ( )Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelline Units: Alteration (q ) Number and Tlpe ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances VALUATIONS BUTLDTNG: s /Z{= 9?t ?r"atoa*, , PLUMBING $MECHANICAL S CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Resistration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbhs Contractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Wood./Pellet I , 4zq {y'z+. {- Vy pnonert (/O4- OS-Zoooou Address: Phone # CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o ?,fol'u* c'-d", DEPARI14ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT It.qm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTIIENI Depts: BUILDING Division:L2/O3/L998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED aIRI,frEemi .05600_gIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FIR.E Division:L2/03/L99s irRM Acaions AppR N/A *rrrrtrrrrtrtrr rrr*trrrtlrtttr tl}r itt t*ta**ttta CONDITION OF APPROVAL irrrr**1a *i r ** | r,rt rt rr DECI,ARA'TIONS I hsraby rckno$16dge t.ha! I hev€ rcad tsh1.6 applicat.ion, fill.d ouC in f,ul1 th€ inforrraLion requlred, cornplecod an accurat. ploc P1an, and statsc hhac all th. lnformal.lon provided aa required i6 correct. f agree co conpLy ylth tshc inforuabion and ploh pLao, to conply sith all Tot|n ordinanc66 .nd atatc lai€, and t.o bu1ld thi6 6btucLur€ aceolding to Chc Town,6 zoning and 6ubdLv16l.on cod.!, d.sign r.vl.r, .pProv.d, unlfohn Buildlng code .nd oEhcr ordlnanc€s of r.hc Tot,n appllcebl.r ch€rGgo. RBQUBATA POR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I. BE MADS TIdBDTTY- POT'R HOUR9 IN ADVANCE BT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #z 898-0322 SEatus-. -: ISSITED l4ARKEApplied- - -- L2/O3/L998 Issued. . . : E:cpires. . : Phone: 970-390-3258 8L657 Phone: 970-390-3258 8]-657 'l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAlff CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address Locat,ion. . . Parcel No..Project No. A. iI. ELBETRIC 2103 ZEI{ATT I.rANE,A. iI . EIJECTRTC 2103 ZEMATT IJANE, BRANEA NORMAN L : 397t BIGHORN RD: 39'7]- BIGHORN RD (EV :2101-111-05-113 ItNrT 2103-A, VArL, CO uNrT 2103-A, VArL, CO tls - 0o .00 {5.00 ,r5.0o PO BOX 1033, VArL CO 816581033 .'?-Description: RECONNECT IJIGHTS TO SIGN ValuaEion:300.00 FEE SUUMARY 'rr.rrt'rr.itrrrr.it*rrrrrr*r*.r.*.r*irrr*r.rrt Blectrical---> DRB Fcc Inve6tigat.l.on> wlll calt----> TOTAIJ FEES- - - > 42 -OO . o0 .00 !.oo 45-00 TolaL calculated Feca- - - > Additional F.c6---------> Totel Permie F€e--------> Payh6nt6-------- BAI,AIICE DUg- - - -. ,''*,r.goi;t ft/",t*"fi A gL -8/az6 ln 8'lli',f : :; ",.oo:'l:^". ^ ;o6!0 f,",r-p^".y"I.t? ?olnr oF vArL coNsr*u"rro'!! PERMTT APPLrclIrQu FoRlf DA?E : /2^/- 7a P;D\r r; ,' ,/ APPLTCATToN }rusr BE FTLLED ou? coHpr.ETELv oR rT l.rAy lrot BE AccEprED ft****r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x x * * * pERtrIT INFORIIATToN * *:r .* * * * * * * * * * * */S 4rt^ \,'^r'r.l.L l!tj\ x l( :k x x tt x x * * tt rr * tt * )t * rt rk * t ****.l** [ ] -Building lectrical [ ]-Hechanibal I j_Other Job Name: Lega1 Description: Lot Block Fi'l i n- owners Narne: Arc.ritect:Address: *; ceneral De scrj.pt:'elf 5 ),a,) h'ork c]-ass:- [ j-xew 1 ]-Alterarion | 3_aaaitionlr y 1!*"pair 6 f*n", El,ECTp.f CAr.., +3 &rPHECHANTCAL: $:O"ilER: $ TOTAL: f CON?RACTOR INFORI,IATION * * * * x ,r * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * El.ectrical-Contractor: I Contractor: Arldress: . Plumbing Address: To;*n of Vaj.1 Req. NO.Phone Numbe r: L. ?own of Vair Req. No-|fl -e.Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone I,lunber: FOR OF.Ff CE USE * .^ * * * * * x * * * * * x * * * * * ,r x * :r x rr * * * * * , PLII}TB NG PERI,TTT FEE: ME ]i{A] TCAL PERMIT FIJE:EL]CTITCAL TEE: OTJ{ER IYPE OF FEE: Mecha:ricaL Contractor.: Addre: s: -::-_- Dorr ll.,.\9: . ]rv l Reg. No. ' BUTLDTNG PI,AN cHEcK FFF..PLWBTNG piAx Jii;;i i;;;UECHANTCAI, PLAN CHECI( FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: ?OTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: I -Pl_ulrrbing Number of Dr'rel Ling units.: _- lJrrnher of Acconmodation units: #*:: ::: :""" or Firep3.aces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Loss_ r.rooa7nert..- ru***x****tt**itr************i(***x:i*** vALUATToNg *:t**i::f :t * * * * .* * * * * * 2r *:k * * * * :t * ?r :z * * )i * * VALUATION !-s?uliD TC: o MEMORANDUM TO: BUTLDING FILE FROM: TRYNIS TONSO DATE: DECEMBER 22, L994 RE: VOIDED PERMIT lillilllllilililillllilllililillillilltillillilililllllllllllllll THE ATTACHED PERMIT WAS NEVER PICKED UP. PERMIT VOIDED PER DAN STANEK AS DONE WITH PREVIOUS PERMITS. oz ==t uJc (q e aul UJu- F =ul CO COT?qr o\ TTr?6l,-l,< ts,s=lftZ'€Elw3,l=lt !- 4.1 I I I I I l!.u lo I I uJF F FU)z z oulF z z oJ @ .6 = TL tro ='r cr rl. E F Fz uJz3Oa !!ul ?= rr \., f IJJ <F2r: YZo< c) : 6 .Y' =661?c;sbE;S F e sl€: EE E;E € qE 3." :iEi;I it;eil€s; iEar s EE gE€ 9;tegcL: - o !"'(EXo*! ilgg$vra.eOO :EE H!, E6FS= :-'E3d(50'-.:-.c=d)(,)E .. EtEr€ i EiiIaa ;fisE $ g es$;$ Ao c.C\ a\ \4n = E uJ o- (5z6Ilq) :<(-)t! oz o E o llJ tr z = (L J 2 otu = trltu z tr t! UJ 3 UJt IJJe.zI ut = z x F ulo \ s ,\ \ (.f, LtJ LIJt! F =E UJa! J FoF z !f {D ) F J LIJ z l z uJ NO|lVn']VA Fl T4 E ./. A :<Eo3ZZtL F o- 9=X f >:l F V |".ir ahaEZ>(Jo(J9.ezXu-<oq ?ur:< = .-r Lr'JaXzuJiN(' >E -I z tr f Lr-(r cl E t!(L t- o- tl.lc z E A z tr Elu 3 UJz bzlz ;: r!<Oo< >6>trod5o<z Lz AZz*-t:-r.ili o3uJOI llll zY9I IF f @z ; 3 F o 3o )l<I trI zl zl .. >lo llJoul UIz at) = cr UJ(L) z Eoo z tr a! itil i 1--r---l I I z Cr t! I I I Il"ol1 Lrl(/' t,."<)og GI I I c\l lrJFo o-zo F(L ulY uJ tn F tcn i!(L t! Flo'l o.Ul-of,oHr4,l Iur- !r,bEzo z =edlo =z (l. l! J..i6\J\J= =r366> t (r uJ o-r! uJ z loo F cE UJ-t= O- LLIE(r oo rUJx(!x>:F J J tr LIJ m F o (D o : E ot, f\o aEo>EE r =o=-E F =Elrl o-z9Fo &,Fazoo LttlLl zl ol uJl 5I <l>l rl-Iol 2l 3lolH I I I I I ctl =.1(,l uJl :l-l>l r!lol zl ..13t :ol uFI F fl\oloi zl (rl uJl 5l <l>l tr.l ;l EI HE E H anz F F-l r.lH tr r\.ifr\ I $o\ tlllltrllttlI -"1I -rll'llltol,i zl4ol +Hl +ilG ,.1401+zl =31qol llt rl Iol .oorl {-o\l rn -.r | \o+l I.l rnFl o\(nl qlti ErIr:l| ,.\col O col\ol p4(/, tdf1'l >;tzXl El cI lrnJ>-<FEc) i (D 5 -J I _l QiHlzlfrl r-{ Irl zl<lal r![>l 4 fzfr Hz H L'J =z -') I "lEI<l 11 M fEltrlA 'laHMHt =) u- I It_l" I c HIq CIqJ> Eo F EFz 2 r UJ .r i, = (JZ . (.) (l F C) EFz tr F L]J) t 2P ;# d6() F uJ trr E. -.r O<F r!<ZEuJF E uJz3 )< (-)on:o iln_fi l i UUN UFUq,!?_',sa-. p": alPn J-4 ( v-'t452 !!omr 0F vtr& ctNsmueuoN HAB|IFYSUo HUI:YJ L2: tO tfu?UUS /,#^,, L2'o P.01 I , k1I{- "ollnl?Hl}lffi rcru Rrtl'rrnrrn r I reql trgrl Dr'rorl9tlont tnt-Block_ Fttl.ng c/o Virdanco, 633 l7th St.lddressg ste 1990,,,F+nver' cs Dh.-?fsE[ItL 80202Ad4n:rt Ofln.ft llrnr; Dan Virnlch tsolrltratt rrlA Gcncrrl ocrorlptlonr l|orf ch3rr I t-lfar fxl-lltrrefton t tluuber ot DilttLtng Unltrt Jj1.- I l-Rapatr I l-oth.r-- o! tcoomoaldton Unltst N/r 1-rddltlonel }|lunbcr Elrctrlorl Contrrotort @lCdrurc Flu$lng Contrrotorilddrurr ,{cchanloat Contrastorrlddrafrt tloun of vall Phon lluDberl Tom of ValI Phon. Nutnbcr: Scwn ot vall Phonr lfirsborl Btg. lfo.5l-I- tr^a-7.1a7 Rlg. NO._ Bcg. NO.-- rrr***l*lll**t*t*trltttl|lta***rr FoR BUII'DINO PERIIIT IIEIputxllNc Dlnxlr ll8sllcllllllclt DEnrI|! tIEtrllCltttcAL ttlr )EH!n lWDl Ol ErEs 1a8' liRB ll8r oFtlcl usg .*rrr*rfarl**i*ti*lrrqtf*lttrlr lurLDlnc Dtat{ cttlcx tBEl &f+- ,.- DUTXBINO El.lil CillCB ltls llSclttl|lef,L Plttl Cfl8cf IEE: - ,'llGnE}EtOlf lEEs '" CtlAlt-UD DBDOSISI FOllAIr PBnilI8 FEEgt & = - .IFF- turlDrl|er SlctftBllRgt ?OIIINGTll0lf TttREs --l- ohriantrt ct.lltr u? DEo Vail P.O. Velley Gonctruction Bor 2201r VaiI, CO l|anageuent 8f658 ?__||_- I AIJG 12 '93 A2346PM MRNEYSo o G I DI *,{u-H$ t lA ,*-\q' t4 r It: :, li ii ii il :l I ,.9n -n-\n a- "\L\\\t r.5 C. Yr\a\ I F -srEF !!^a lll - srX =.{ t+F r.u tl o lbwn of Vail OFFICE COPY TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARITVIEIiII| OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANICAL PERMIT ilob Address...: 4061 BIGHORN RDLocation..... -: 4051 BIGIIORII RD (PITKIN 128)Parcel No..... : 2101-122-21,-020Project Number: status. . Applied. Issued.. E:<pires. ffi,t,rila/4Es p,t l,; ,C'r--h ?",k I ChtrK /ilildiilb AT ALL TIMES #: M99-0009 .fOBSTTE Permit. APPLICAI\TT COril:fRAETOR OWNER FRISCO FIREPI.ACE & STOVE P O BOX t_330, FRTSCO CO FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO BECKER CHAD M & MARY E 5053-A SNOWSHOE I,ri[, VAIL SHOP 80443 SHOP 80443 co 816s7 ValuaElon: #Of GaB Logs I rSSI]ED oL/2s/L999 02 / 04 /L999 o8 / 03 /L999 Phone: 970-568-376Q Phone z 970-668-3760 L,756 .95 *of wood/Pal1et: Descript,ion: C}IANGE OIIT WOOD F/P TO EPA WOOD INSERT Fireplace Informalion: Reglricted: Y *of eas Appliances: FEE ST'UI'ARY Mcchanical - - - > Plan check- - -> Investigation> wilI call----> Rc5tuaran! PIan Rewier.- - > DRB Fe!-------- TOTAI, FEES-- -.-. Tolal calcufaEed Fees--- > AdditionaL Fees-- ---- ---> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Paldentg------- 40 .00 10.00 .oo 3.O0 .00 .00 53-00 53.O0 -53 .00 . o0 . o0. ..;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. ;#';;;;;;;';l;;;;;:::..O2/04/L999 ,JRM Action: APPR APPROVED .fR}TITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'IVIENT DEDT: FIRE DJ-V1SiON:O2/04/L999 JRM Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARB REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IANCE.2. COMBUSTTON AIB rS REQUIR_ED pER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, ORSECTION 701- OF TTIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORIVI TO MANLTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CHAPTER 10 OF T'IIE 1.997 I]MC, CIAPTER 10 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO C:IAPTER B ATiIDSIIALT TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, ORCHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IME.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH CHAPTER 3 AI.IDSEC.1O17 OF THE 1-997 IJMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.IINLESS LTSTED FOR MOI]I{TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECTIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEEIION REOUEST.8. DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS STIALL BE EOUIPPBD WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F TIiE 1997 IMC. *********************************:t********************************************** DB(SARATIONS I h.r.bv .ckaorl€dgc th.t I h.v. !6.d thir {rplicrtion, fl1l.a out in full. Eh. hfolrl Ciqr -Equircd. corpl.Eed an .ccur.c. plot' plan, and strts. Lh.t .lL thc lnforLtion provld.d.. rcqui.!.d i. coarccc. I .gr.. to coqtrly iith ch. inford.tion .nd plot' pl.n, bo coqtlY tlth .U Torn ordinrttc.. .nd .ta!. 1.r!, arrd to build lhiE lCructurc rcqoEding to th6 Tosn, ! zoning and aubdlviglotr codia, daal.gh rewier rpprovrd, Unifora Buildlng Cod. .ttd oChar ordinrnc.o of Ehr Torn .pplicablo ch.raeo. RSQUASES FOR INSPEdIIONS gHAITL BB I{ADE TF8!}TC-FO!,R HOltRs IN AD\'A!'CE BY EELEpIIONE lT 479-e133 OR AT OUR OPFICE PRoN,t s:00 .tll 5rOO PMni srn'rA'oR! o! oN fER oR cbr{r?AcroR ao' ErrnEr? A.D oflrER b v i: { A t g PER}IIT 'I , APPLICATIoN UUST BE FTLIJID OUT COMPLETELY OR IT l,tAY NOT BE AccEpfED tr****************************** PEIII'IIT INFORI.IATION * ********* * *****************:rl-[ ]-Building t l-Ptunbing [ ]-Electrlcal lyt'Uechanlbal [ ]-other tho'[ kfur Legal Description: Lot Bloc Filing owners Name: hOl 6qLer Address: Address:Arctritect: Job Name: k General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New Ph. I,tthil F(tll,a*E uJod,V, ' ;nh lpd;t-tnol 6,rby g [u]'-Alteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurber of Accornnodaticn UnLts: 1[*"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriqnces- cas Logs_ wood/pelletJ_ /f********************************* vALt ATTONS ********************************* BUTLDTNG: f ELECTRTCAL: I oTHER: $ fLUltBrNG: MEcHANTcALT +@- ToTAL: $^ rl _. r //rs ,, IvlAl-ra Y -..ttf **************************:t CoNTRACTOR INFORI.IATToN ******** *******************t Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: Number of Dwelllng Units: I Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor! Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *****:t************************** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PER}ITT FEE: I'fECHANICAL PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: NO. No. /0tA pn.4fl' Phone Number: -dr l-.tzl7 PLWBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: I'fECHANTCAIJ PI'A}I CHECN FEE! RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT3 TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: $tene;ve t 2 5 1999 il,-.in JAN CLEAil IIP DEPOSIT REtrT'I{D TO: F.AEE E AREA: CD == = =B== = ==== = = = = = = =5=:===========i:!=::========::==!:==:::============ ffctivity: ltl99-rZrrlgrg 6/ 7/19'Iypel B-MECH Stat'(sr ISSUED Canstr.I AAFT ' nddress r 4ra6 I BIGHORN RD Location:4€16 I BIGHtrRN RD (FITKIN lgE) Occ: U$e !FarceI : ?lOl-lEe-E1-OeO Description: C|-IANGE BUT t^looD FlF, TO EF,A I^JOOD IN5ERT ffpptieant: FRISCO FfREFLntrE & STOVE SHUF' Fhonet 970-668-3760 Ewner: BECKER CHAD M & MARY E Fhone: contractorr FRISEO FIREF,LACE & STOUE sHOF, trhone I 97tZt-666-3760 hrpr'rsr |to** oF 'RIL, coLoRADo ra6/07/ 1999 07:4;3 REGIUESTS - INSPECTN I^IORK SHEETS FOR!-./ 7/1999 Inspect ion Reque st Requestor: JASON Req Time: O1:EO Iteme requested to OO34Q MECH-l4i sc. Information..... - UNIT le Fhonel Conments : FIREtrLACE CONVERSION-DODR LL BE OF.EN be Inspected... Inspect i on Histony.,, ",Itenr ra6e00 MECH-Rough Ae/1.8/c)g Inspector; GRE Itern: rA(rge5 FIRE-SFRINKLER ROUGH Item: ETEE4O trLMB-Gas tripin9ile/le/99 Inspector: GRG It en; OtA3ler ilECH-Heat ing It em I 'ZrASetZr MECH-Exhar-rst HoodsIten: CtO336 MFCH-Suptrly Air' Iten r CtStS4Ct .MEEl.l-lvli sc. Item : EltASgO MEtrH-Final Ae./ t ?/99 Inspectorr BRGItem: et0536 FIRE*FINAL C/O REStrHEDULE Action: Nll NO RCCESS, RESCHEDULE Tine Exp Action; NR HEDULE **""( F,hone: 668-376O o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. PRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0- 47 9-2I38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT PErMit *: 897_OI72 NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF Job AddressLocation... Parcel" No. .Project No. I SSUED o6 /20 /ree7 o6 /20 /7ee772/17 /resl 4061 BIGHORN RD Status. . "PITKIN CREEK PARK UNIT 12Applied..2I0I-I22-2I-027 Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC phonez 970-476-2338 2077 NORTH FRONTAGE RD WEST, VAIL, CO 81657 CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC Phonez 970-476_2338 2077 NORTH FRONTAGE RD WEST, VAIL, CO 81657OWNER AST LAWRENCE KLEIMER ARTHUR S BOX 2244, VArL CO 81658 flof f,lood/PaI tet: *************************************************r**t****** FEE SUt4t'|ARy ************************************************t****i**** ]-)acnr i nf i nn . REPLACE WATER DAMAGED Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi rep [ace Inlormation: Restricted: Bui Ldi ng-----) PLan Check---> Invest igat i on> lli l. L cal.l,----> DOORS & WINDOWS MuIti-Fami-Iy 1-HR Type V l--Hour 3,480 Add Sq Ft: fof Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs: 85.00 Restuarant Plan Review--)55.25 DRB Fee-------- -00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> .0O Total Catcutated Fees--->.0O Additionat Fees---------> 213 .25 .00 213 .25 243 .25 .00 '100. o0 TotaI Permi t tee--------> **,r*************i*********************lllll*l5li;;;;;;;;;;;ii*i**********ili;ii-**--illlXii-ll*;;;;;;;iii*iii************il?*** Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:o6/zo/tee7 CHARLjE Aaaioni A-pFn cuenlrE DAViS-'I!b.[i'.994Q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:O6/20/1997 CHARLIE Action: APpR N./AIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: O6 /2O /1997 CHARLIE Action] APPR N,/Artem:' 05500 puBl,rc woRKs '. Dept: puB woRK Division:06/20/1997 CHARLIE action: AppR N/A ***************i*****************************************ff**********************rr**************tt*****Jr************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno'.1ledge that r have read.this appLication, fitLed out in ful,t the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that atl the intormation provided as required is correct. I agfee to compl,y uith the information and pLot pLan,to compty vith atL Town ordinances-and state [aws, and to buiLd this stfucture according io- the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Bui!ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REouEsrs FoR rNsPEcrIoNs SHALL BE ltA0E TllENTy-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE AV 179-2138 oR AT OUR 0FFICE F send ctean-up 0eposit To: souTHl.lEsT BUILDERS TOR H II.ISELF AND OI'NER ******************************************************************************** Permit *t 897-0172 Permit Type Applicant CONDITIONS as of 06/20/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC 97 0- 47 6-2338 PITKIN CREEK PARK UNIT 12IJ 2L0L-L22-2I-027 Applied: o6/20/]-997Issued: O6/20/L997 To Expiret 12/77/t997 Job Address Location Parcel- No Description REPLACE WATER DAMAGED DOORS & WINDOWS Conditions:1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. ALL MATERIALS MUST MATCH EXISTING r ;*iX: - i1J: .::" :; "i =:::"$;?i X; o' "'te24s2JUN-20-97 08,45 FROM , TOV_I D ' 97c' / "".^-::- / d--crJvu.,rr ^Le ! il_35!,ZO;r28-8540 for parcet #.- TowN OF VAIL CONSTRUqITON $ARCEL *: ?ic\ - rz-z - Lt- o zt pERr,nT APPr+CATION FORM DATE; r- lzo /qt \(rJ-t-S-ch=d.r.\e sotBCZg PAGE 2./B PER}IIT #+- ^ t APPLICATION MUST BE FIr'r.ED otflr colIpI/ETEIJY oR fT IIAY NOT Bg ACCEpTED r**** ***********************i** PERMTT rlIFoRMATroN *** r::,r****:r******* *******+***/t [ ]-Building [ ]-prurbing l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal i./]-Otner1-'^gtj!*D*. Job Nane: 7 r.egal Description: Lot_.- BlocJ<_---- Filhg su-Iulrlo", ,f,:"t= Ti'., 4 -* [{l;^."--,=.r-. -.- Address: ph.s?o-yqr.??".#Efilt"e'€;"-g Address: .e,*t3g=-{&E ceneral Description! M"d *rl work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I Number of DruelJ-ing Units: I ..J-Additional [r{-Repair I J-other Number of Acconrnodation Units:I Job Address: U^;.i. tzL];lR,^ C..-( ^ e EI.ECTRICAT: $ MECEANICAI: $ Address: Zol^l hzZ- o tt A.--Tordn of VaiI Reg. NO.Plrone Nu.uber: Towrt of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nuuber: Town of Vail Req- NO.Phone Nunber: FOR OFFfCe USE ** rr*tr****** **:r**** ** ******ri*** B(,)ITLDTNG PIAN CHECK T'EE:PLI]MBING PI-AN CHECK .EE:r'{ECITANICSJ, PI-AN CHECK F8E:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AL PERMTT FEES: BUIIJDING; STGNAIIIRN' ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: TOTAL: CONTRA TOR TNFORI,'ATION *** :t.}* * ** i* ** **** * ** *****,t * Tpr" "-{ Vail Reg. No.%LPhone Number: S:_e_-$C f.38Electrical Contractor:Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanica1 Address: Contractor: *************************:L:t***** BUTLDTNG prnillr Fns: PTIIMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE:E'.FC?RICA.IJ FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF F'EE:DRB FEE: fr^EAN UP DE)OSIT REFLTD D?Cta -sbt) fi 4'^!)g I I l I .o lH .T ?r5 ?an. gNl a{Jr ...t I.<: :zlQ i cJ lr! tcr: d(nr: ts |J rlz ,V)t= Oro a\ r(!l h q o o ta 0)t.r{ c,F rJ(J (l, !, CJ o) r-l ; l.r c)l +rlxl '1I .-l d'i CT c0 ct q Iq4 U'ulFozo =Jf .O z UJ F a = zz -1F{ t{ IiiEEgI} i*il$ F u) ],U lJ- F = UJ t.i cr'l I c o o C! o F\f] F =tlJ (, z.6 -o oz C) Fc' uJ (,z =J J 9z lu2 !J z F lrl C)ul 3ul tltEz a ltl o uloc z, x F llJ CJ'' UJ lrJIL tr -) F F z ) J F lal oz = !2z uJ = NOltvnlv^ lu) tr zOatr!tXY =$>= J.l .iY> ir tlti U'!z- oz 3E F z E I I i l I I I i I t.. r'! i (, -l<.tlt | 6 LU EIt!lzatr uJ o- .J z E I t I I I I I I*l 0,, I ;l "lxrrl {Jl crl I-l trl cJl ol.Jl 'r{l :< 37Zu- = ete5:.e '2o F->>x QZ;r!<-:v= >Xz ul -Gr(J =>c, =sGl z tr J tilloltltlttlc lt o ll o llll-il9ll* ^l I <l*l i: t<lz txtxr +i lzloItrt3 ll !/J[!< ll-- ll=lt: tr I l:3PsE51 3 -+ Lr) (o oz ts =tuo- I Y s > { I n ca -l +v-l ".1q i UJF o ts =Elrl o-F l! (!o llJoz IoF cc I r-luJ -lh=l'i EtE UJI6tl901q uJl;i clx>l iII tu F n-]-1(dLJ T.J LJO z oP =<coo'i>z &ll --rO + <rr<;9 Z. ht<'r{ C) %.-+i L-J J =U,JJ co tlJ EB zo l-ctrE -JoF$l-Eo. iZEo;(JE m:4 \zJ=E, =€_ i.l I I I I .l OIzl dl-d =l>lr!lol 2l FI I I I I I Irrl I(9l uJt 5l <l>t u.lol =l eol gJFIF :c I rlI llElrltPI trll cr I rlt.z -Jrllg i :ll+l.rlltrli l*I lro| 913q =[----l rriI=a.;l 5 q gl q t:r Il;l=lrFl;ll;1.' Irl bol rl =l-'ll o-lJl'l I DO! '-. I F\d!.ollnolol'o =t.ft'-.ol J-.ol 4t1tr I U.l Fl-l H g d13g= tll ild: l"lilulll Id l.{l I!l*l Ii.l ll bl 9l -l3l sl $lJI EI T'lll ,to ril <l r-.-r | >l -s 6l .Ll>l ol dEl strI FI F .illlut ttltrl Et ll :l d Iol e{ IrJl ll.r{l | |rt ll.:l .l I?l 9l I=l ol3 |c.i Pl 'r 1lJl IiJl al \ool >l r'-ol u-l .+.l ollil i EFIF ttltllttlttlttltlllol It1t Il8lI:It<ltillolI zt ..1g3l :qolurtrI FI F GtlJz. =o Fou,trT <FE()r!<ZEr!F-o C) <o(JF =(J-< XF-z=,^L) ('ozt- =(J =d)Z dE =3gE LUacFFOz Manuf actured tiy Venrrcnt r.rr,.nr?.O Model: Winterwarm Small Insert 2370 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CATALYST EOUIPPED MEETS EPA PARTICULATE MATTER (Smoke) CONTROL REOUIREMENTS FOR CATALYTIC WOOD HEATERS BUILT ON OR AFTER JULY 1 , 199O. SEE CATALYST WARRANTY. ILLEGAL TO OPERATE WHEN CATALYST IS NOT WORKING. SEE OWNER'S MANUAL FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. SMOKE \-,- . . 9 -- *' *' -(Gr4ms Per Hour) 5 5 EFFICIENCY* 50% 60% 70T" 80% 90% 100% Wood heaters with higher elficiencies cost less lo operate. 'NOT TESTED FOR EFFICIENCY. THE VALUE INDICATED IS FOR SIMILAR CATALYST-EOUIPPED WOOD HEATERS. HEAT OUTPUT 9,250 to 21 ,500 Btu/Hr Use this to choose the right size appliance for your needs. ASK DEALER FOR HELP This wood heaterwill achieve low smoke output and high efficiency only if properly operated and maintained. See owner's manual. 2OO_ggOg THIS MODEL * oz E =t IJJo- c V c O ouj uJu-F =E uJ.L oo't4, Lestr )? ca %tr/l/ .if o\ I I Or ),,4 z F z tu, J ltlt z ) llJF EoF Iz =o zz u)tu z z = @ .6 o =zo l!JItlo ='r CCol! Fo Fz lljz Bod |!t!6z;=HolulFI<F7o =zo< t=l -d '\D \) \x{ s: \sir\ . r:' V s !; \ '-:i* ^ \ \ ct ot ID qrl al(6lol o.ol(sl:tPI-. Ii\Io_u 1?\ \6\J (!c{;v\it 'o\J o.3<b-: o --, rirs . Fq, . € !.o .\(O\o.v .C,---\ 9.t"- d-\< Fal =El J(rl\ 9El. cL= |6-l 1 aFl".>'-lE5l^. j-rDc ;H; g €E gE -.= d -tr3.:O9 EP:Ec-o> ef:E ;gi{c9GE - -E ct) 3 5 t.: EEF:$ o ok E;;E Eigeo- (! 0.- SE; soiE ors*e€E;:i EEEE -a.Yo--C?6 0'- .=r; o (DF _E ,. sf;; E ;ei: ;fis;9E o .eSgl - o 6:: ra c.c.') rn ==E UJ (,zo = Yo UJt z J 9t FotllJqj (9z E Iz ut = ul IJJll-zIF u,EouJ o .D 3g u,Ezo ulo at uJ z IJJ o x F uJo Fl F-] Ff F.lHF a IJJ LUt! ts = IJJo- FoF zo! 6 ) GF gJ UJ z = J =E llJ = NOTMtA 8.. 9Ez z !--o oo;tr ^ 6z+q 5 :eFe9 0E: .nOE6! fi:l!<og i;H6 cc-8 ;E 'i$i5/ =>G iur =.o z9 e a t! tr si UJ F UJ z9 E >4x a tr UJ J ; uJz tltlol I g 2 =g g,lst9d*HHIAx^z> tsz ,. 2= 3trOI .l uJ J) & fr2Y iF aJ f F llJ I u t_.1 l!oo = u) Jl<l zl zl .. >l UJ uJ uJz trttrlllo- J z 9 =o z -) [T-llll"ol{l9tdl"Ir*kl>og I lrJF Qoo-zo Fo- IJJv Llt @ oFrX>:EulL '-'rbdiH8ilrE Hur:-FTJzo nD! EEi = uJ;dd=frrr ==Euj lt 59E<3tsae.E9Ek EEo- =>=r!:-5 E=o dtrE :o-E 35!9 \ruEX'Lt x>E=Ftt 'i €= 1l.ldloF -=- zs32_e d)o =zJOa! t! ts =E lrJ o-zoFofE 6zo.() @ I6\tc'\ lltll*l H"\lHNIPd-rlEI 4elHsl g;l q|!l9qtzl5Blst 9t rltl tltolllltol Irl tsl l3 I I I I .l .lol uJl 5l <l>l t!lol il sol uJFI F' cn \o @ I|r).+ I TIr\lc.) | ;l sl :l fl 6 z az . tr \T F F\ I (\ rn rdlllNl 1 olzl cil rl sl El =l9lFI H F Fl F{ H = tr FJ E ni =z '-) |.n I\o F-\+ E F- ,1 F lrtlttullEl r'rlorl ElEt <l<l U)lEl Ir'll I Htg HJ42 (r l-E )r =+EF1-Oz .J C) FouJJ 2? =#-- =o z .- (J ul E -rO<FG() IJJ <zEt!F(tZ F C) uJ trIoE bz F 3 G, UJo- (t, LulutL E =Eul.L nffnf# o\ I I ,iNF F-l tsaz& t!!e z l t!F o F eFIz = zz otuFoz(,z J lo .6 z 2 c.ttlz = uJI F t!o o lD o o ll6 .9 (g c!oF E slo ooF6 .sso q, E ! (g oEoo o) ==o E o =l -Jo o o. CL6 3 .q q) ,.i - o c6*6.9'=o(,);<*!otE8F; *fi cEEiE= S 6P:Etr-o> cSsE = si;c96i E sE;' E E-F*l€e: SceF E!sco.o o.-sE; s oiEot =*e€E6:i :E:H E6EE - o,lJ o (!o'-!.c;og) $rEf ; s;= Ifi:;9E ar -eEg: - o (c: (\ra)\T E =E uJo-(,zo =o xo -oz d J a Fo uJJ l! z = = (.) = ulruu-zIF tl,EoltlE o; _tll uJE z.I uJo F It 4J ?2 UJ c) x F ruo FJ Fl FJHB al, IJJ UJt! F = LlJ J FoF z J EFoulJu/ z to =fJ 9z () uJt NOrM'lVA E F I F ( X 3 IL z trq Eo UJo J Gu,z uJ E >E -rl')-tufi =aON zzoo F^.1,q5 F96v,o5d<)z !L<oo. 9UFO ;(\i z tr J TL cc o- oEo UJ(L F UJ J zo =o zo F uJ 3uJz Fzlz9a o< :c =aRE6o<z =z 9z tro3dOI I t1Il F tolloltdl UJl E (t uJzYI F rll z F 5oz q i a3 iul IL o = iltrl zl zl .. >lo uJ uJ IJJzo = t! ) z Eoo z Fa 6 CO(oo(o IJJ tr(t) @oaz FoBlY UJ dl 9or- O\Fo,s;LN tL odlOHI- Fql6EtoHloe{ralgulbEzo z l'1 H z Jo FoJ F1 F] E A iri =z a I I I I Il.I F.lIE l_<l-4 r'fl &9) SEIFuJE5= 42 F = a o Fo = l! o otuli al>l trl ol zl3 91F1 F F2 F = Io o oz o UJ J a ltoz3 \'\TF\ F- I.ir c\l IJJ ul =g = tr Io =.1 uJl T] sl l|-lol 21 3lI tr o ul 5l AI>l u-tol zl =lolFI uJJ uJF T ul. =T E uJz = F C) IIJtrTo G, -.,r O<FE()uJ<zFL!Fozo () JE<o(JF FS!iF =z t2? =<z.E d3 6F 33 YZ =g (r e. ;. =IIYo2 J<oog...:^-a z (5=zz coo =zJO(LIL J ze =ulJJd][! F l! lr. u,lo2 foIoFEI(r Jl-Ul-h>5cIuJ>o-O|!9o\UJ60:> ut' =tr uJ @ F co Ecl -9o BE .E 5 E E 8 io =) r. a-o>Ef=E -o,-o:tt E =E,lrlo-zoF()fEFozo(J !D NE : IfrTt,;,.tlf,lg?1giillo* oF vA,,J "fur*l pERMrr *(,tr(,th I - i.-';! PERMIT APPLICATTON FORMI lr i DATE:i, J ^ 'o""r,ff{rlo$l iriisr "i tror*o our co!{pLETELy oR rr l,rAy Nor BE AccEprED lf ?r\r, .'.r.a "" 1 X****FJV-dtihfrt,idtt##f******* pERnrT rNroRuATroN ***************:r************* rl [ ]'-Buildtng [ ]-Plunbing ffi-nlectricat I J-MechanJ.cal [ ]-other tntrit; Job Name: @ A,o+rto/,o Job Address: L/O Legal Description: Lot Block FiIing B/ g, llrrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gasv ,f* *** **** * *** * **** * * * ** * ********** Appliances cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet **************************** Ofnnn: I Address: ELECTRI MECIIN{I l7v Glctv.4 lprElectrical Contractbr: Address: Po'll00 Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechani.cal Contractor : Address: ******************* * * ** ********* FOR BUIIJDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERUIT FEEs T.IECHANICAIJ PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 b DRB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: owners Name: ry' Wn H+f st- Address: ttoS t Bf?/ o' n F6r. Architect. /14# Address: ftl k Pn. ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-Ne]r D(-atteration [ ]-Addittonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation Units:Number of Dwelling Units: I BUILDING: PLIIMBING: S TOTAL: I CONTRACTOR INFORI.!,ATION * * * * * * * * * ** ***** * *** * * *'l * ** town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. E 2t?-- Phone Nunber: r741-'7a4? Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ***** *** * ****************** **** BUILDTNG PI,AT{ CHECK FEE: PLI'I.IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK F8E: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALU VALUATION C'I.EAN T'P DEPOSIT RETUND TO3 . , / .'), / Qr* 9I yArL cg$IIUgTI""e -- ( pErurtr *@/h- PERMIT APPLICATION FORM , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED (***************************** ,l [!-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing t DATE: 7'27'?V oUT COI.{PLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMAITON ** ****** * ******************** l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Narne: hfu4@. ftiL/1*(t'-t"o/cLJob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing ordners Name: 6Colte tp,r/(.L Address: t*n < al Mechanical Contractor: Aqcrress: Pjn.'/7( -o9/ > Architect:Address:Ph. General Descriptj-onz ftenofl€ L work class: [ ]-New ffi-etteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber ^ )pnber and rype of Firepraces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/petlet_ D********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************tl t .>surlorNe : | ilt ).ct<tu .' ELECTRTCALz l_&_4.fuu - orHsn, I JLUMBTNG. W-/Aa trEcHANrcAL, S-- Toril; WliLWBrNGz i 6 3tur"/aa trEcHANrcAr,, S-------------- rorAL: W /t:;:;:i.:;#:;:;:..iiv;;,;ivv.n,jwff 'o",lii.l;;:;;wr?ry..t#+E Number of DwellLng Units:Numlrer of Accomrnodation Units: Address. Ott6 Co,. c,, phone Number: h4a- 7tta1 Address: /'..''5 Address z 'tf )o f Electrical -contractor: f= 2p f: L€ CfpI ( Actctress: /"..''')cr lla.' 6r'/Pt&.q leL, tle72 Town of vail Reg. No. 72rir1 Phone Number: -f2./-a7VT- Plumbing Contractorz CaL-- nn2o /t*-rtr."! 5?n";tf{lown of Vail Reg.. NO..47?? Phone Number: 1?f - ?-VT Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: ***************!r***********,*ul!|-* FOR OFFfCE USE ******************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: / €s'BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERIiIIT FEES: bmE* sQ. FT.VALUATION BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE ! ?o tt I Lt uon,u AP, F / Ll *********** Comments: )CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT REFTTIID k ztllte,-4 v dl' I 76,t .. PIan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: }IARPER REMODEL ADDRESS: 4081 BIGHORN #14B VAIL, COLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: 9-L-94 CONTRACTOR: HAKANSON & CO ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. 2. 3. 4. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF TI{E 1991 UBC. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE PCQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. THIS PERMIT TS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL (BATHROOMS) ONLY. MECHANICAL VENTILATION IN BATHROOMS IS REQUIRED AS PER SEC. 1205 0F TrrE 1991 UBC. {iF*#lihPv al GI ett () ct {, ti: F ..:: '-i F€BsS ii;:eEE '\-- l,l:Fb =i t- -- a-r5 :: ;j -. ,::. :,.'-' i:i'{j- i: -.. ;ll .i! '' 1 - i., t F- \s. ' ,\,.-t\ : s \-\\ i1-'i"-:' .. I r : i ; :1.,$\ | Jit i--.c\ s<i es.r' \ \ Q\ -.:J \) s\ \\ t l-)'t /'/ew /.tary.9r,y'acrt' v gwtt/ ; llrarl WntHe^- fuea' t 0*ven. lv9* f fu*er LJ l1v " I 5To"' I .'.1, Yo&'r i Me * Fl'tt'* /Lnr Jo" 4) O =: Nqt -'-r-t N {'5\ r'u"it'flr $ ';-:3r *[] -'td'q\ ; {-'i rH'L'I.l Ll- (lPac Jftid{ ( /e*t 1ftr e I Iv MOLT T) (,*n te nr 12 !,ttt* ,. fce* To /4i /LI rF ,F< /17 .,wNffi So:H * \F'=- 3 $me\ *':-1 t/ 4{B,r{qo tfuSlA f/taJoer 7e Ttlnfts ft f/;iit"(*t, ( ,L u'.t ti./'* t' 2A/I'LL FLudr. (atini"r6. I &r nu^e t e' v I *zt t+ Tu ltlP- /r4.+t€ r72<' !1,j.u< t4/!t'L' ttzAL( Tit4 Tr_,t l.l -,: t-1,_ ,-r- ,1-lrEil') a Qr 'j -i:-Li ' . -:,r!;:,e.,-15 : "lt, i.lr: . i-l 1 .l F . ,-r i . i'.ir^l,, REcx JUI- 'l 4 1993 )A),t ^iitl***AiJ\.PI,!-.-.,rifON . '-: NOl' 8E hCI-'EPTEDI,L REQUIRx) .it, '-ti'j'tATION IS j-i'r'Ill4lfttiD ^t**{*i*t* revisod 9/A/9L -:a:i - :f./:J ^L' \,'r.T;.r COLOIG\DO |'-?/^/r\ . ., L!r\J, f .r:,f :.-,-f,,','I.]D: )1:Tl Cf D:rB l'JEfl:'IliG: _beilg:q-€Lr;lr,ie/- Kolon' of some 6a;{/raf_ . !0) ..zt_ltinot Ali:criif.i.orr i{-i' , _Coirccptua:. i(evieh' (!,, ADDRs$s . -reA_JtLN_6_-, Vnil--t,LEGAL DESCRfPT.|OT'\: Lot *---- Illcck €rruor .,rsion P;, k,;i+ C errk*PUk- &tda., nil* ,f,r-y, / p.Lcaue i)lr Lo Lhis appl.ical"'on ^Pg OF REV.I,I.; New C:,,'istrucl- AdciiLi'. r ($50.0C) ' CT irMl.A ,:::;-196l g . (r. zv .G t -Ca.wx,ea-cj al*-Re:S:d.:urit/- quired, appiicant m jgtl i)r'ov i,de a cur rcr:Lslrowirrg lot aree , _flIr, r",E oF r\ppJ.rr\A'.Jr' - (-*kfl- Cn*lJnnklarylB,_[5so,r..aiiins r.d{.riess:**Bex 2.t'I _ _.!IAt L .,fu:_AtBE-_. -:* ._ F,troric. _qlh-AgLj *-afi - 3171 Ar- LIc}.l,rflrl S R$IIFJSE);TI:LVll t,-Ju H,,.e_snpAc,J:.eis, o"*",1: {{;kTl.i}fu ,AME OII OWIIE::: .I.r'"r*r*t**@;"€W ffi ,,r*"...", ir ar,p:ir;ab.'e, i .{J FEE; DRB fecs, as s}iown a}:cve, are ,;o be pajd atuh. ttne of subr.ittal of Dl(B ap,plica,;1cn. Latcr, ,:.er)apt 'rg f or a bu:lC:rg pcrnit, p1r:os,. :dt.rr ify cheacc,. e va l.rr."ILicrr of Lhe propor,a } :')re '.iown of Vaiiwl]I ;Just thc fee ecco r ,:ingl Lsr i.l'.o t able bef ow, to NAME OI' Mall ing . $ 50,001 - $150,00r - $5oo, oo1 * $ . Over ^ DESIGN REVIEW BOABJ IIIPRO\'AI. UNIJESS A -Igar.R.rfED. **NO APPLICASTON WII]: ensure LhrB Cor']- e CL Ie,: - ,,,., iu, FtrE: qlAHtrNI'l tr. VALUAT I'IIis o - s t0/000 24, C l ir irrriY 1\,,, VV+ rut_-'rar!:l_ao-_.co_ trc C_fJSn I u';:'^^ 7lt+ l?3 -' H. 00 ihL. N iJM O'(A CAME T(I SEh Y OU \ . __ .l., M_qlg4C!_* SCHEDULE II (Attached to and made a part of t.he Second Supplement to Condominium Declaration forPitkin Creek Park Condominiums) Interest in General Common Elements Percentage Ownership in General Comnon Elements Appurtenant to the Condominium Unit or Commercial Unit Condominium Unit No. 7-AA "Commercial Unit" 7-BB "Commerciat Unit" 7-CC "Commercial Unit" 7-DD "Commerci.al Unit" I -rl 7-B 1^, -u 7-D 7-E 7-F ' / -(t 7-H t-r I -L) / -r\1-r. ...'. 7-M t-u 7'P 7-Q 7-R 7-S' 7-T t-u. 7-v 7-w 7-x 7-v 7-z'r 7 -z:,z .10-A I O_B 10 -ctn ^. J- U-L' I O-E 1I-A l1-B 11-c l1-D 1I-E' ll-F I-L-b 11-H 11-r I1-J Square Feet in Condominiun Unit or Commercial Unit* 3.4000 t.7293 .78533 .49866 .46000 .46000 . 4 6000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 . 512 00 .46000 . sI200 .46000 .46000 .46000 .63466 . 30657 .30667 .30667 .3066'l .30667 .30667 .30667 .30667 . JUOO / .30667 .30667 .42466 . s6666 .60400 .60400 .7 4266 .7 4266 . f oooo .56666 .60400 .60400 .60400 .60400 . I lZOO . 812 00 .70533 .7 4266 510 0 2594 117 B 748 ovu 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 768 690 ,/bu 690 690 bvu 952 460 460 z*ou 460 460 460 460 4 60 460 460 460 637 850 906 905 1114 1114 8s0 850 906 906 on6 906 1114 1218 r058 ltl4 \ SCIIEDULE II (con' t) CondominiumUnit No. Percentage Ownership inGeneral Common ElemLntsAppurtenant to theCondominium Uni_c orCommercial Unit Sguare Feet in Condomi_nium Unit orCommercial Unit* J-Z-r1 ]a hLZ-D 'l )-f 1a h 12-E LZ_T I2-G LZ- n Lz-tJ LZ-JJ L 1- LVL 'I ?-rr 1?-^ 13-A IJ-t' 'I ?-.. 13-D 13-E 14 -A l4-c L+-l) I4-E l4-F 14-H J-{-I I4 -J -r\ \j .56666 .56666 . JObbb .60400 .60400 .60400 . 604 00 .60400 .60400 .7 4266 .81200 .70533 .81200 . /UJJJ . t + zoo .56666 .60400 .60400 .81200 .7 4266 .56666 .56666 .60400 .60400 .60400 , 604 00 . I + ZOO . Bl_2 00 .70533 .7 4266 850 850 850 906 906 906 906 906 9061Il4 LZIO 1058 1218 IO5B 1114 Bs0 vuo 906 1)1a tlI4 8s0 Bs0 906 906 906 906 1114 I2 t8 J-Uf,U 1114 ,U1 113'',*Square footage determined from architectural drawinqs. The owner of each condominium unit having an attachedbalcony or patio as shown on the map with the numerical designationof the balconv or patio .o-t.=po'ding to the numerical designationof the condorninium'unii a;-;;i;;"i. :-" a*ached sharr have rheexclusive right to use such balcony and patio and each such :3];"Hrind patio sharr ue a rimited common element appurrenant to \\ \9'' Contact Person and Phone I,us,J,rJ: .\a-, 11. ("rr ,3ov 3sr{ l/^.'l ( A Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block F ilrng Zone -1 , k*tlo6 Motion by: /8v t ^ '(' / seconded ou, &* /d Design Review Board f*tt Date 7- 1' '/ 3 DISAPPROVAL Summary: /"r .*( f.'r/ ba./. L Town Plan ner 72- 7J E statt Approval JF:< C!|^(,_ovzr.< G tl ;,2 o227<;: Fct,r.r z:('€C 3F 3:i.{< XE<' >\<FIF '.= iF T.|Fo.acorrl zt< ?. XFU<<(, >J!:;3 ==-F € u, oz(,z zo U) UJtu TLt o- oz t.; o- a Lrt LIJtLt J FoF F6o trto o-?z tu (J o ar o(I) UJt 9 TU tlJ = tr (: (.) l!, (J I(Jw (, @ -a o- 9 (J LI', F tl"l (, o J (D o 00 s(\ :-- :<o (J fo J I (J 9c c) l;"1 o ; f o- r{ o uvn lvA tt,u, l|- o- F F. d z .a c ltl l- JiuJ Ltt) E 1^ 1., Yl f./r c[ llt z,YI F l$lSjuE Eoo zotr cr. z tr J =CN z. (, z, !Z G o!u u, o tt.A.l }/I t(,z :< o-oul ccrU o(_, =o otlJ t Irrl;t Jc6 lt- Go oz sH.no F=Z tt1 ?#;f5f,=F EPil kcte. o: z,lldI $rl*\. d.S 4f,?ozl r! F LLI>l:E>\2t-O -uJ O z:)zo F o(J(J cl $ anFz o = u,io zo F :) o-tltltlt3 IH =t -{ ':.1 il ()r ;-, ' ut ;Eo 9 ao lrl J &. Ltz UJ(, .J z.o?za zEo cno: ,3=E lJo 5 *' NDn E=I J; H:s** f;l sbi{i i h;lr,i:i \\ G.o f).( J -i (: -) o:;:():: r-'- l l '.:L; ? ) :l.rl -'l-i; ot- i {:'tr €_L:g .l "rlgl ='lqq -:!: iq != !u S ' ! :' o Glil-il:l xl a 6!--t F. - vla-l I5 =iE P o lttt('15 bl: i!o E ig sl-:.i c- cr J thsr{ o o :: (, -JtI ll il3; 2/2 LlOA - --r---a./300ul ,fr)g /7s y GreU ? fle' /o/ e' </f,oo t Glf'l = /q;// /'*/' 0 R,P i 314'a" a6 // Pr^^t"',- '3 \J/ @ f/ee, = 3) ' oe @ -) @ ,r(ec Ee a i 1? ),5- o ti) 37 ''i o / ot D a YJ _/- -)ta- r /,tA 4 /@e at++ /& acQ '/z y'6n t , 6{ ,a" /utf // nr'- saao 5ec" S*/< Y GEE/E' \t C'\t oz F() UJ -lot o- O)tr I FI I UJF o E =E,lrt o- Jzoz .49zr.oo =z:)=JO.L TL (5()za 365!d]uJ nn E! Eo Eeoo EE' .E Jr-F=F(rUP 35EPc>EF z9F(JfEF(nzoI oz ts =E uJo- o> -(a<O:r-tltl08<E < ' '.1 THXTl HiAfrEq:ir: z^ r-< YUtt- aD<Foaz9> S-o=B8 =ool,c) t! u,<@c z HFtesdiurg EPA <Ozd)ZlJlldcd o461 |(,zq7 EHTzdo s u.t llJ+ct6tr9u.rOO!,zo :. =Zztt-o ooF^Azx = u Y8 9. of, vrAe,Zt()oon(JzXE<9q i9i-orllxuraxz -.Ng =o@=;6i tr.t .$ =lD(\l J (J z I() llJ = nl sl frl (Jz J IL I o- FoJ I ts' F-{ ft ;t ii =ilo-) d6 u L./ uJ =z u) anul axo o- E tr a lueoo iL t- c) AY P H+)a i.\ O .Fl ? t{ +Jp =tr a an LIJEoo J |r <no UJEoo J E a an u.lEoo J r tl. ata UJtoo =Etr ahU'ltlto J- - ts() EI F() tLltr E -rO<FE<) -.|r|< -l zE jUJF c\io6 ^ JE<o(JF F-.!Lu.lr = .-() E2? s3f,Fd6 C) 6F =3g6 E E ir =+E t--o2 J<(JqH \ oo Fl 'F{ -+ uJFa @o-z F(L ulY UJo F t- =3LLj --r bil> ^. 1 L, 3l?-lrl HulbEzo z =Q.c]o =z O- lJ- r.\F-: r) r::(D I.IJ g (r ul(L TLo uJ z oo o IE CE u,.l -h='i(tsduJ>lrOl!9o rUJ x>Er-J t! ilJ(I) F o Etl -9o ott E Eo(, o E =E, 1|.Io-z9F C)fEFazo() ftut] z r oz F =E IIJ Frl ilJ:-elHli o ol ulB orl (dld3l ltr Eig;\ lrJ IJJ(t =I l! EoFo Fz o E cE uJz 3vcE La! ?,3 ccvI llJFI<FZ r.tYZo< 1c N ;;!:E.s *Bt;E elrg:E:=;lS aH+=e Rc-=-> l{E;9"; E ll::gA tCge*e - o (!l t 6 eg:qg :EF;3 ;iIHE iE;FE i;E{€ 3i_'gst= 9=.) E;Es.; o t: (6 .Y' =6;RctgEE; $ NO|lVn']VA l azlz tr oo o O() JI :-| zl z\ .. >lot! uJulzaF (r luL J z Eoo (J uJ to Itr : 3 F I Llsll-.i't< t?l" I- l,n =1cLo I lF cLo ll*. lF:t zl il.'t- I i2 t3 U)lz tdlrltqt( ITlqo 19- lHe ll* lq :< r{X +.1 =:4o o ._i<n<q> Y>l6Efl Eh0ol Hg-i sJ<.{ECI 2A6l IJ IJ tHt:<'<Ji ld, 3ll | ++l {,lEl"ltzl ;\ Jl __r rl q) o .r{ b0 o tlJ =z (D -1- U) ts 3 b0 h (J cd OJtl ulIEl<z tl @.i Fq \t ul ao ! = F I I Nrn FI.Fl cs ==etr llJ oo) = F \n Is \rl z o UTE J ll. 21 3l 9lF1 6t 0 a! E e \o u,lNr\ Irn Itl EF =Etr z ci llJ .E J z; F z d,uJ J l! z!o F uJ ulF c oz uJ .E J lt z30 =tr z ou, = oz3oF uJ UJF UJz = tlj =- E <F IJJ <zE IIJ Ft,t z O <o(JF i# ;F-zf. >Y =<ZEfF o-O() <;:<Fz<)4<:avAFiz =g E. tir ITJ b J<(Jo?.:o Enn i@ , APPLICATION MUST BE FILI,ED U* ***** ***:l * * ** ***************fll [rf-Building [ ]-Plunbing t TOWN OA VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM .. - . ,... oltnz{/-a/4} ffi.r tltry | r.url, , , 199j HD l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanl.cal [ ]-Other Job Nane: {r-'tan, uS }' k-Job Addre=sz -?,r"in Cpesr ?npx Ut,, #Db Legal Description: Lot Block Filing OUT COI.TPI,ETELY OR II IiI,AY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERIIIIT f NrORUATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <lo4l Bi610Ery EP +r/>D Olrners Nane: lre pa.9z6-tv7? Ph.Architect: ceneral Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-New D4-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Nurnber of Drelling Units:Nuurber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ****** * ** * * ************* ********* OTHER: I Electrical Contractor: Address: *** * ** * ******************** Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ToTAL: lJ, Zoa. .- // 2--- Plunbing Address: Contractor: Iitechanical Contractor: Address: ******************** * * ********** FOR oFFrcE usE ******* * * ***************** * * *** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEEs PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES !{ECHANICAL PERI.IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI., FEE: OIIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION F8E: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: Tg. TOTAIJ PERUIT FEES - llpnber and llpe of Flreplaces: Gas Appliancesvlk**************** ** * * *** ********** vALuATroNs BUILDING: I /. qlj . co nr,rCrRtcal: $ - -3on.'" {- GROUP sQ.BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: TGNATUF.E: CI.EAII I'P IIEPOSIT NENNU' Tlo! VALUATION of oo IMMORANDUII TO TOWN COUNCIL FROM DEPARTIIENT OI'COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT DATE APRIL 2, 1979 RE DEIiELOPMIXIIT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPI'IENT DISTRICT TEREE - PITKIN CREEK PARK INC. The Pitkin Cieek Park Development Plan was presented on March 27, L979, to the Planning & Environmental Commission, and was approved by them by a unanimous 7 to 0 vote. Pitkin Creek Park is the proposed residential ownership project on an8.29 acre parcel in Bighorn. The proposed density is 156 units,which is distributed as follows: 18 Studio Units46 One-Bedroom11 One-Bedroom with lofts46 Two-Bedroom28 Two-Bedroom with lofts7 Three-Bedroom with lofts 156 TOTAL IJNITS There were a few concerns that were addressed by thestaff. The najor.concerns were the number of parking spaces beingprovided. The appllcant proposes to provide 232 spaces. This iswhat is required by the Parking Requirement Section of the ZoningOrdinance, but results in approximately 1.3 spaces per residentialuuit with some additional parking being provided for the Corrnercialspace. The staff seriously questions if this wj.11 be sufficientparking for a project that will have a very high occupancy throughoutihe year of residents of the cosmunity. The developer, Chuck Anderson, expressed his feelingthat additional parking wilL detract from the overall appearanceof the site, and would rather control the parking on a strictlyenforced unit by unit allocation. The possibility was also discussedof reserving a part of the right-of-way of o1d Eighway #6 as alocation for future parking if needed. This is a road that is nowpart of the Town rs road system where a 100 foot right-of-way isprobably not necessary. The concern would be whether or not theTown should set the precedent of permitting parking in this right-of-way, and if it is better to provide the addi.tional parking now,or wait until an exact need can be determined. The staff believesthat this is a decision for the Town Council to make, but stillquestions the adequacy of only 1.3 spaces being provided for eachunit in the project. olPage 2 Memo - Town Council from DCD Development Plan for Pitkin Creek oo 4-2-79 A secondcorrg€fnwas the location of the parking inrelationship to the distribution of units on the site. The stafffelt that inadequate close:in parking was being provided to severalparts of the site. The developer stated that the design of theparking was done to protect the natural features on the site.A solution to this concern was the placement of pull-off loadingzones in tbose areas wlthout adequate close-in pirking. Thisseemed like a good solutj.on, as long as the pulL-off areas couldbe enforced as such. A third concern was the design of the Commercial area, andthe developer and architect stated that more attention will begiven to this design before final presentation is made to theDesign Review Board. (The Cosnnercial space is in phase II which isDot proposed to be started until later this summer.) fn concluslon, the Department of Community Developmentstill has concerns mostly with the number of parking spaces beingprovided. In the rezoning of Lots Cl-Cb in Lionsridge, the Towncouncil- requested that I.s spaces per unit be requiied. The trade-off in the Pitkin Creek Park projec,t is a difficult one, butbasieally is between more parking, or more green space.' Accordingto the requirements of the Zoning ordinance, sufficj-ent parklng iibeiug provided. we feel therefoie, that it is a council-decislonas to the most appropriate action to take. rt LIsl' 0n l'|41'lilll Al,ti NA ['l]1 Or PllO.I l'lC'l'*_p ilki!_!Ee.k_p_e_r.kr I n c. ____unptittea p"r"Jf in eigho;;orth of;td-u.s. HTslway-f I,I.IGAI, IJIiSCIII P'I]ON L,CH' I}I"OC]K DIISCRIP'f ION Ol' plio.Jt'lCT_ 155 !9!-!9nt__c91!911i!j.qr':_-ln l3 buildinss in a ITTLINC i ||aqe reIationshi Tlrc fol lorvj n 15 inf<-n'nrati<-rnto tl)c Design li<-'v j.crv Iloard For bui ldinqs #1.3.\.6.8.12 A . ) RUI Ll)I NG l(lAl'lilt 1 ALs : Roof Sj ding Other \l'411 lrlaterial.s Fasci a Sof f its \ltinclorvs \Yindol Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Decl< Rrils Flues Il'lnqlrinrrc Chimneys 'ftash Iinclosures Glc en horr se s Other Dotanical Nanre is rr:qrrilt:r.l for srrbmj.ttal bybcfore a f j.rrrrl approv:tl can tlrc Applicantbc gj.ven. 'l'ypr,r o{ lrla t. c r i :r.1. Asphalt shingle Col or Wa lnut brown TAIET-venEai-ffi w/grooves 4"o. c,#716 (olympic) TAIa?lEneef-ffi No g rooves #715 (olympic) lx ceda r Sta ined mahogany (olympic) o.v,"r r il3?i]"3"lllll .,. harvest Wood gold ' Painted to match trim Meta I lx ceda r Sta ined ',Beachwood'! (olympic) "Beachwood" (olympic) lleta I Pa i nted wooclTandlreen , harvest gold, or Cal if. Pa inted dark b rown Meta I Pa inted dark brown Meta I Pa inted dark brown B. ) PLANT I'TATERIALS(\tegeLacive,^Landscapi.g l'{atcrials incruding Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Covcr) sod roof , sc reened w,/ s i d i ng ' Cornmon'l'lame Quancltv Size Pa inted to match trim Staine .7T_T---t/ J' .''' Page 2 ' PIant Matcrials Continurrtl Botanical Name goqrnon Nane Quantitv Size c,) oTHnR I"ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retalning Walls, Fences, SwLnrning PooIs, eEc.) (Pleasc Specify) Retainlng wal I s-concrete lfrynf#E !Fa,6.FttT qF l+rr5tg.rt{ml|iaw}ti,l.l{*.a. be+}.{. 5.rit .) Project Application P/M/"- 4- <- -7.Da(- '7-;'- /7 fler;o{n^+ ffi*r i ,roTe.f Proj€ct Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: LIr''t,h ?rcs2 u- -zos& , Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 4-, 2-7 j Motion by:M,lls f;l* un(";nl"l APPROVAL Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL L^A aAi v-, o,< > i n,l t..("' t.,t ,/UooJ ^J sco Zoning Administrator Chief Building Olficial r3*ntr^,.tt:r-r'Tr..fin-e-,a: r,rdr!|u.: - -- -'? . Project Name: Project Description: - Owner Address and Phone: e Project Appticatto" t Architect Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Zone:. Zoning Approved: JT .'-,., .-),t i', r, i :,.{.r "'1- ni^tr-'/ -/.t--Ptfsign Review Board 4-s--7e - /l Motion by: Seconded by: AFPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -t' Ghief Building Official Dat€: P'h fu i:l*l tL 3:7o;7 T"' Owner Address and Phone: Architect Aqdress and Phone: Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: J Deslgn Revlew Board pstfn^u<__* a_ .'2 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL.------------.f-DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial bate: .\ t{f\ x @ Cfi @. FI 00Nc\ 00 E cq FI E sfiY at ut uJu- F =E I.JJ o- h I F{ cr)lo!\tN!rgte.< tool I lr t) t)llt4 tl|l FJt/, <t vz tAz lz_ ) 7?zgI: l: ils:?! ) :ffi\13i(' E:N :rNii}.-< !!J (d :.{z ': Er'lt{ GT h .-l t{ oco s N aril C\ -i rO(") j h6 cr) o ; 5 oqIf- {J F do ..1 o € ex F' 6;x6 rC rC t- E F uJ z o: :. |r| z o- J =F u, u, 2 (o =:)J(L =? llJ UJt!ILz tr ulEOllJE oG 3 uJt UJEz 6 {JJ F <t o- u.l z tu o a lrJ uJu- tr =E uJ J o z o co J =FoqJ qJ z co J z .? UJ = NOtlYnlVA '\=!P"_!{r) z. EcioEEttoz>-9c)\JZr!<oqtu -^o-Y-E .j6i z tr J FlJ- ,..i E UJ F xd cq *io F ax (L UJ ax J z Eo z - IUF =UJz lul lsl d ISrllllio.r =zz? e e F5-iAnA9= E;qH EEf;E:9< (oECOZ=rllttlE | | t$t Itttttl FO? 9- *?3 i rHF2 3z-d egr=gE5 o9('o-za) z tr J U)z gJ =) F{ t-N F tu f X d uJJ uJ o o = ci J ul uJu. F o z UJ ;) at UJF z UJ LUzY Ft $rCs FIJ UJo-E Ef\1 aJ EJ*<t!xlo ,t-i; uJ / Jz z .n9 =<coo =z (L r! "3E ==3=OA;H= co Eclo o !'It 'E J!E:-E=o iii(r^ 6t! 'ri OE rrr9dE>TFc CLo! I(ti It'I,| rl #l oz F() UJ -loEo- PI dlFtl\\l F. I UJF o E =Elrlo.zIF() ) E, 6zo() trnI --- >{ fi # $ c.rl {J A (, =tr Jo Fo E ts,' d 8., ff doat{q) t<:'' r i u.ri5;<'z ao IJJ J = -(L F .P 'l-) xd ; ,r4 Fr E do .''l & tr (na u.l aos.J = d q E+)ac 5 .rl R ?.A F{-p E tr o EI Ptr F <l FIrl.lo(n u-l oo = E F I u I(! t p A I tr U) uJ e, t tr ao UJ o =tr oa I.IJ =tr a uJ oo a -(L ts Lu =7t E -C) uJF -C) E --.r O <<F Ido ;ur< c\ZE;[!Ft,,l z <oC)F 9IF t zl =#]F:ztrO <t YF?<) =sY,z =o E E I'rgi+EOzd <.rqgtrEE IIEMORANDUM TC) FROI[ DATE RE IOWN C1CUNCIL DEPARIIdENT OF COMMI]NITY DEI/ELOPMENT APRIL 2, 1979 DEV,ELOPMENT PLAN TOR SPECIAL DEVELOPUENT DISTBICT IHREE - PITKIN CREEK PARK INC. Studio Units One-Bedroom One-Bedroom with lofts Two-Bedroom Two-Bedroom with lofts Three-Bedroom with lofts TCIIAL UNITS The Pitkin Creek Park Development Plan was presented on March 27, 1979, to the Planning & Environmental Commission, and was approved by then by a unanimous 7 to 0 vote. Pitkin Creek Park is the proposed residential ownership projeet on an8.29 acre pareel in Bighorn. The proposed density is 156 units,which is distributed as follows: 18 46 11 46 2a 7 156 There were a few concerns that were addressed by thestaff. The major concerns were the number of parking spaces beingprovided. The applicant proposes to provide 232 spaces. This iswhat is required by the Parking Requirement Section of the ZoningOrdinance, but results in approximately 1.3 spaces per residentialunit with some additlonal parking being provided for the commercialspace. The staff seriously questions if this will be sufficientparking for a project that will have a very high occupancy throughoutthe year of residents of the community. The developer, Chuck Anderson, expressed his feelingthat additional parking will detract from the overall appearanceof the site, and would rather control the parking on a strictlyenforced unit by unit allocation. The possibility was also diseussedof reserving a part of the right-of-way of o1d Highway #6 as alocation for future parking if needed. This is a road that is nowpart of the Town's road system where a 100 foot right-of-way isprobably not necessary. The concern would be whether or not the Town should set the precedent of permitting parking in this right-of-way, and if it j-s better to provide the additj_onal parking now,or wait until an exact need can be. determined. The staff believesthat this is a decision for the Town Councj.L to make, but stillquestions the adequacy of only 1.3 spaces being provided for eachunit in the project. Page 2 llemo - Town Council from DCD Development Plau for pitkin Creek 4-2-79 A second cong€rnwas the location of the parking inrelationship to the distribution of units on the site. The stafffelt that inadequate close:in parking was being provided to seve?alparts of the site. The developer stated that the design of theparking was done to protect the natural features on the slte.A sorution to this concern was the placement of pull-off loadingzones in those areas without adequate close-in parking. Thisseered like a good solution, as long as the pull-off areas couldbe enforced as such. A third concern was the design of the Commercial area, andthe developer and architect stated that more attention will begiven to this desiga before final presentation is made to theDesign Review Board. (The Commercial space is in phase II which isnot proposed to be started untiL later this summer. ) In conclusion, the Department of Community Developmentstill has concerns nostly with the number of parking spaces beingprovided. In the rezoning of Lots CI-CS 1u Lionsridge, the Towncouncil requested that 1.5 spaces per unit be requiied. The trade-off in the Pitkln creek Park project is a difficult one, butbasicall-y is between more parking, or more green space. Accordingto the requi.rements of the Zoning ordinance, sufficient parking i-being provided. we feel therefore, that it is a council-decislonas to the most appropriate actl-on to take. *---) U- ?+->, _-<,<-i-*_ J -u ar. g -,?L | 2 ig." : tr;\ j1ili Er i-r fr , !s ! ,$.1, ! =Ert,iit Ht!!,: ;ii; F r:i;2 izati i', ;E ;ir ;:"tli ;ieilTz t7'i2i2 g*:Br s: :-?3; ^t=i. ? I E iE Fli itEzz 'iizlE,. 7iiEiii : i; e; ;i>.=iE el:!-r I i tc zaE tx'"r2 ";i.2"i 3'ir" "* i5'5" a il;1ii lliii E ;i i; e;; ;itlZ;;ltEii iil1t?E ;il;H ;::=q; i"iEEE H :; iI ler s:r*i :::;;i; q:i!ii4 iHii; 811:?i ;;;i't F :: elq Ei,€ l:iii if';'iy, Titzi;.i *:;[; ;ir!i: a;s!i I il i: Iit ;;iilli1ll;i if iEri li:;i E $:i{:; ?tti; B E: liq 6ii !f lg, s:€iiir iicp::, !o"e,e 3, ei.,oB 3."ot g 33 E.E: ;i: :ili: ZiZrZ2,; ,:ii=s:s " o"l,r * ! ;iii= ziiii i *; ri: itr: ::;,i ii;UE t! z=p"er:ir iE;a i H ;:;i:: i:3;g ; AE l;A ier ;;E;; i':s!;:5 o:::;iff iilEEl e"i €:o;€a ';a-i { i: ZiE" latl Ilss: irliFEqE E1E:Ji!:;?faqt $= a:cl.I i1,d=i, $ aE iiI lt; lE.ta ;i::t;r: ";!€&i!b &E+l!t iE ':;.E:i;;i;; i li 'i! 'i;.Ei:;.H;tEIlE;EiEgget;fiii3 AU' E !c. oalt (D tiE t",r?ti 5 " $ >, bo 'i 3 -r!r ". r..E i u! =;t uia g r ra*E,i;F*,;:;iio, .il, s :: ;:: XT; e fi ;l;;=_::::i:E;:FIgEe3:HFl 3 g; i,i Aqi s i E:i:6:r6::6iis;uE;siree:;r : i;6rr:iF i :;;l:!;isi:iiie:;;:q::xEsg, i oi Efi r!g F I F!;tHlit:!#ilEiEE::iHr:l;!F i ;i --i eF'; h I EiE::!€l!i:s*3e$Ei "gEEe3dE I s ", : i q F 5 | iE-p-u!.ru, d .c i ; i : ; : i E s AE:t:385;;:sI$ilt! Srile#;a isEi ;i; ::: Es i ;;'siir:;:;:ii;i:;u-:g-P= -i 9 FcfiIrl:?sf;:u5s Eui ;g: ;F : :aiii"so:'fF'sdbE. aff:;E?35 ;iiu ;ti f,;; ;g ;i;;ls,#;;s;:;si;n:[eral;ixE; f3; iix cs - gi:;3ii:i:i;t;5fii9 EflririE!r:"rE i;i -'$i EU.r d i;!;€:iji;i::3:Er.epjie:si;Ag9g*; o1: ,.!i ffi-l - ::.3"tis':n.::"st"5 gs:;;Eu*; rttl gc; e iirli;l , i i;iFi;i;;;i:i:iiriletr:=tsa;;Fs I r ! E: E;E: s Hg ials i:_gE;.Es_:58!!::cif;I :, g;t 9i: F :B.lcr.oooo.i!.rAa ie ;:: ;a$ F i. 33 : E F .g I E b g a) o o ! c Ec{ o (, o) v) J ta N o !r E o 0) - '_,tt" .t- eq e t'-'I I . l*..|lt !a o<odoFoe0)(Dp0rtr.|Jhc !cO"r.tilDlr(lro6aaEq|c a L0 It P !C oq ' d,i di C C, q .EOp! Etr d I'r .id ! C >t k!rcuoPq)JlrQaAaa 1"O t, c, !c !O .o O 4 .1h ?, 2 t< -r rl>t) o .rl o,:a o> > > Ie7JO,C)trcooctoE(,C,O '{ L .)bo !z lJ o Elcgkll € :. ; o 6 rYi .3 qi i -CO . qi A) i oqJ p !J d ! c.llrioli oo a, Eo trE O! d o !EilclE !N , > r{ OO trn! C ! -l-o cl . lD Rt rr r'{oco rr O ql O.i.co ;PAHOOEd otid = o0ro E A cr. b! kPh , .r o i{- d pO. a\l .{ €{r .i (n.rl o I ri o kt- t r -c! tl o -| oo |. Er (J Ol o -tr dcr;il o lD oF A Oli tl @ 15 r!! 6 (Jl 6. r.r.q Ol |r .4 rro ,0, srl E t)cltH o() clo\qot,{oldl o INt I uV *oi ^,.tv ca oQ ! -r ./l! EA E' 0) >t u)ctt I riCO -'r'ac E tdQe'la acr '- | a ?eE- r' tllt^ t ! | a n ura nt U) arj ar,c;/ O O C.O c h atA.), lr p ooc clo at can4iPaa\c, A rJ iDO'r E A:crrt.t.r^*.d o. { r.i6 E trP )4 a a ,oE {3 E'JQ-.F rr 6r .e o C 4! c.E a)' na a O (lJ A,a Ort th OOtrCq5q=O 'lr !n Q 9 ,i !Ja'4 =a > OcliCHv2 .== k o g,;E.^ :'e o* 2i.ii9"'^o- FE O ,O /!C!1 ,C, Act' lil ai^.rrA LLJa tt'J= arC* AClaE4ralci A a Csrn lOC Er.tt a1eta Q3, /.! c,A !) LEq)Ctdq6!o rro d -oo €o crr! . cJqE='f o Ero €(O E A i Otct !ia) lt ]tOEe>dDla d. tt, -rDAd +lCa .ane ,: ckO Oq lJa)d€ ,16 tr,.r or,-t o. oE, c 6,'t (,).- li.i ur).i.ac ta o OC,d! +lo@ qO < P>O'iOO q e6 . cJ O AC4C O.:u,) <O! Q AC'r4r.UO'ac tD ta a lo.<o o . a z q (, c 115{r. ta t) tro . A dti!, -t@ ,.t{.i < ! .O ci h\at '3 aa rh o4 @ o .di ,o.d.r ..{ orJ E- a.ilqaa .!trn -l - t4! Fr 5 .oo : .a d l1) qJ dc!p!=vi aa o @ t{ tiLolda aPa lrit !i EtD O{rCc - :/- I ka) p O O-rqt. iC dOO F, AAE dl!>rrri < Ov, a O -Ec Elq z O.iOqO ]ltO A Z U A t,OC! A'- 't 9PO i{ ''1 c: rrJA?)'AEr >? O o! a( O OgOo FQ,P Z octocrr ttr, Ai a o+r O o t! ..re OOo oEO a. >d.iF..idOlF- -: a- .a.A U) o d b!+r +J rr o t a-q o oi ri ! oH E: H >, @ ct Fcili !ccO 'J Orr !, .dqarO<'O)Q = .: o Q 'r !1 rin o E rl O or L t,c o!e \4, 2 oo o bo t!€ r.L q..r ti k | > &o..r!+J,r -E ttl I O (Do (.) C goo i})o OOO lj aEA .lrlrrto. olr Q c < .rr !.Hoe o.l o}l.k Q itc>t-13o+io -.i ' ot! oq@.- t l c.ootrri!O A O H! O O AtA C OlcC >i> O OOO adAAt /! (o -l li t'- d O r. +i OOC rr rr ti cc de !rred=O +JO Q .!O O i d -O Atar c, O.,i O d AACLaa. d.C . PO . O rJar.C'{ eQA. Ebtt . O!!>O 9 _ <r rn .!r oO n H rjOe!i O ,d.O ,oO < 1r(riO=n @s =d < a(.i g <oojJ =o>L? otDo s t a,aka;@ t c Eo. oo . c')e'ro. l)i.@ .! cO 'C @ d .OrrO .Crr0o .OO co =iOAO,q'q@d <C -r <d Fr F <.dO! alE qi ()dlc Fr FE*d.olpd ao ,a >:6 io O-r , a oaq d A F-r> d < €a O-o t<tO qtlA.,id .gfiOotr oir O6o 3 6il rr lE B*.8!, q| ,rr l: cA .4 k bD6>riL tioc Otr !Oe.4 .H B@ ,oo lql e | > dE +rr.{ > orio.r,< oc-4 ! ,r b! Fr + o otA 3 . EOe ,cO -Cdl'i Fr..i d! Fi.i Odg@ aOA drnq F{ lJq t.c rt, -LloEr !.-ooco'd o3 a Li v1 ()a! dtrobo bod. oo p .l !J nooeo loEooE .no -o,, d rr.c o 0 ac, crt o Etr o(' .r ,ctz a @n ,) :- t adr.E.;-A E.:i!J{! JJa o qi ; o.,ta ;o np6 !o .o d! oat do-cqd ooto{r - thxQl c !,c!o .^F. c i}. aJ E r.{ -c,- !. E{ }O cl!.^ tq.{J..r io€i6trrt! O>@-rdt cboltr {r.j {ar{o9 qoo ao z - o ,t, Lo- c iiooo>tE t o ti d..r q qisa ol).ck €.! o5 .nc {Jo !s 0t co ,. o f,;ir<r ,r i5ii0.a ouElqta oo d..r o liorJ o r]* ,:: ,q E ! od a'n ars EoriOotl ccoqOld .r!lD trqn ]J.aqo !k! s1 Ed 4 , .A rJC.J ; Lop OElitot(tr i tr a.rr N oo ,E +J p OA c|O td -9q c|, I - EE oOrL ;OOq .rb krr c,i ot lipd c t.r.]r .,! d 1tod,r.- do oo!€ n (J O 3-l d rrir iD I li rJ O GA FrOrrO.Ci OO-t r {r ccur-lo h .rl k 'jll c" q.t d lct -Eor O !D! rr -3 dlOoOQ.. rr cdlr b!! tr rn O.C.'r bO |. 1..dO .lO I id €tr E t.-r ttrOOrJ aEc,.rO_.: Oo-!a o ps+JO icO d I tD tH CoA P r.O *oc OalorJ.i ..r.nOd!O l,) !Cl)lrJ O.n 0, .:.iq OiOd.. !O OO!9q .io Z .r.! O€ .rr +r>O O O: ll)io .Orno.nc O.c!O rd (, !.ntqc! k ,r{ tJ 'i oE ,-l .! otr cj d O rnu d-c!!cl3 .J o.i LE ed O{rd u-p! a-l c tDA{J 14 !dt A .C b! rr1j €O< OOk.l oOcA O t/: pO.l.dlr1jd -li Et 6! iOti " cOt U..r rtA oi, qt4 f- ..i €-{ o) !! blr - ; -looNe tocJdC}O c;;d -, c !C ..{ rrd OEt!6 cd 4 ql Oe E!c c PO drlicO.dqr .5! €1t OdOO bld n c, ti Oor-{ .r.6 .qO!.c J ot 6o d.c rL,F ,4q er.qr o.-is,4o c, tIJ o rr .F r!.4 ot cFcE d da .pocq !? = in qe o:c >i(Do.J Jott9a! drt cEt0.5 pE!o. nrt!a qddoEi o o'i .- d0 tr q ai E! !qq cJ oE-r dqi,o o.o ! dor.io .c .l rarr cr rio o oEo4-r .d! ba -qq c|4 Q O -1< .-r ON .q!|r c | lcc o.i c.- -p > t ri.! o; ttae$, !e cats9c') 1. t p q-, >ri aiD! ">ra:cdd qdooo oeorJ .nq,io .-r E.c .r dl6.4* 1'rr rr1 c d!0 c u olrAOo trpda !i.rr o (,rJ o.n,-,t io q o e> oeoOo i !I._9 P hO > E0i l!<.- o-! rq AE t!rd(!rrr - A; q .4a Or:c6 rlqo dO<e.c (D ko!{9t !1 14 E-C p4(o (i, Jr> iJ r3 tV: c3dol-cdc .* Ti-.n! oc.r ! Eo dd9?E qoq a o.t cc|l, ic o oeq.r a!{.}r! la o> otqrgorrd !0o o ooi. E +, d(a E!ts9 9! O AO. 6lnO !!cOH OC.nO.J Od!.ntrr Ci.Fr Crlq) {D }4 Cri ti(l Qr C)q.? q t{9 J r - EN@ J!t! Ero o oi/: .! !} 'aorFa - -.ip6 cri -c u-coo ba-c r.or! < qro c.i o :.o !Hr, -c (, (, c ! ^ta tcoo .{ r. ta! idiE oa v)99o-ri .ro !-. O F!h Et: :! !tA i,iJOcs id aOO6O-c,. .,t '+. .- O.Fi rordCO qt dqoiJd of- Ir rC! i!O o ,o t!-cO>O cr.i.F i/,^ ^r.O q!crr!3 td r;e !:6! iD t ddt O oOC E O. O > e 4 liJ r! c-drr; iQOC O!r. di <5:Je ,O OdC icq Ed!OE Fri.- OqqO C.O ro .-{, cOA q.c! -i iD Ut < ct "O d .! O.r! ocJ oEt o dr!O! i r> d!O q(|)qoi o .+ .li o!..3 i.!a .J!qr! .. r-aoou..r " ccrr\ d c, adooE c .Fo iiroo_t crJo ot<!. l.ij A cE .. a c ur.!co! doEEoeoi! .i cdb.Qa)c. nr ci. d -!|J cqratc '. t'r Loqiaq c.O OnQ J'i]'n r yi.rr'{ Mc aq:p!.dOa qOQcei c "oCC r. d.n rd > .l r.it<€ o..l. C9 < tts- .c(D tao X€O 6ar .i! ta,/.a ka O!. iO;!D; O4rr rJ r.r<ir. <F S F!! <Cdl !4 t r.o < ori.i!! <o!3p\i, f!qd o <i o <!!.1 6 <@o <oEe , . crr .i ecrrot crdor!9lil .tcocoo .!to> ,trc coq! co F (,!rr !le i Fc <EE !e j?..r ei!tdc. ACd3Gqrcr; !.t!;oE.oi IJ.A6!! c|ir. r! X Esrrrcr HOa >r r? I rit o o.!a A F.olqF. I €Lo I I I .dooq!ttr{,6.) .|lorl{l ..1 5OIG().loO.t! (Ddttlt>r{ ,-. o :l .aqaol artstl toF !}{hooao A'{(D '{ l) .{4g olEc)IolatlaatIqolirr I,l(rloEt.!.Pt!la(rrH'o 'roi{Er..1 o.oIotEh4 .PE.l o .tad E loE. Ig coi-..4€! t-U'lolrc,.rhO!0 o I I o E o - Etc)ao t{ @ ID A a tst t{ eo @ oo ooo-1EO!.rrP-!{+ODEAoLilr.Pcaaooo24.|jt<.O(lrGl.90P!('r.OE.tirrClar<C)-{]{otr(|ott>,i E:, g .,tao'lO.clrc.<oitOr.O! '{ tr *,ttri.P.o-ctoolrqatcoakouFOllrF._(l),oE!!O94tO()OF{rl!4CO'{.J&€a-oOeaolOFrtfLeA..'r'|!.cooocr9.r{()Lo*3.6aFl toor€Do,aEo"I€f ot3r-g're IIaPAEOdgdE..r.+{r. QgE>|Eo'" g;'! eokcto.clg 5 g6 Et B g8.EE utSl 8,58 -OO|)ll!Ftt<I"'331 nSEr-it 6 o o "Er.trrOC.P.PE|Cdr.(rctLCboEd|Jti E e tgEa.4klrd.PE{IOOO I lt. t UIutm F Lto E ctz F() llj-)oto- PI\.16)lFll\.t F-l uJF o ts =E,lrlo- Jz z \J;-zemo =zlfJO(L U- =H* =Hg ntn tro E CLoo !,T' .E 3t-E |-E=etr 6u-o5pE>EF zIFofEFazo() oz F =E uJo- 3S3l=T:iTi-J3'3 kl9iFIT'<g u*Breae?ie!<oz6ZzzA):9<E5X F F Otoa<o<OlrlZYriiS:3iE'? dr:(,!Y lF, <co> -(,<C;rtsr!!:<tr < ''J z F=fi;v1 02Aln<\t:ccou.ls trgE kciEOZ -ar.o =zz!-o ooF^.rrzI5 >erP of, .tocz-tOoar92,ozxu-<o* iUT fr-Xz HN(, aP,-l g (9 (9z =tr (I) oJ HA: Ept{ .rl ul =I lu =z ao LU o J = o- o tr uJg.oo J = F = tr ul.tl JaE tr <t) UJ Ja 2 tr u.l ar.oo = =Etr olue. 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Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional f{-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling UnLts; I Nu:nber of Accommodation Units: ^ {prnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas lJogs- Woodr/PelletJ- ^}******** ********** *** ************ VAITUATIONS * ******* * ** * * ******************** t I 'i/,aaa .--..BUILDING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: EIJCIRTCAL: $ N /A OTHER: I LTpTown of Vail Reg. NO. ,".,obiLe --rqq9 - 3 PlunbingContractor: N/A Address: Mechanical Contractor: N/A Address: ********* * * * ********t *** ******** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: b€ O,,, .7offi<- Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* PLT'MBING PERMTT FEE: MECEANICAIJ PERI.IIT FEEs ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER BYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PIJIII CHECK FEE: PDWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: }IECTTANICAL PIAI{ CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: 42. ao 'A. oo CIJAIf I'P DXPOSIT TEN'trD T{}:V^-.1 ?'.f-+f $to.^-f.nc^,.,.-,<b- ,L-f D .227 e BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: oz F =E C.l U) UJ UJ LL ts llJ(L /blt/rr' €1.) =olg d) o, l-o\.< I Xlo- HatQ Z<t+ zHr* <(/) lv Flro oJZtZ<ro oAti- Z,l .t I zl I I I rt)z HFl Eo *. E z l-lF o14 uJt-z zt1lrFZY:|llHA)z(IlH € z- F o l-a ==o z z Lr- J llJo =I E tt (r F (rFzo t UJz =ocE t! llloz ,.. 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LU z foI F E = Jt-tu i.-h= o- llJ>o-Ou-9o5uJxaLx> JJ tr lt (D F o E o o !t!t E EoC' o E =Elrl o-zIF()fEF(nzo() tltltltl l"ll=lIOII rJJlI ccltJtt<ltillollzl>t =lEl ol ol =.1ol uJl TI <l>l tr-lol zl 3l 9l I I I l I ol =.1olllJl TIil>l u-lol il sol uFI F I I I Il+td I I I ")lllt/| GI <lf><tr =o ol-I ol rl <l>l bl zl =lvlFl ol 3l uJl 5l <l>I r|-lol =l9l ca cn I.d.r\\oi o- (J z &(, rlr Irl F '<ltFl t<ltHllzltlloo Il-tr |rNl | !--.r Il.n Itlt(4t3l lo l<lIJt<l>l q)t F.rl<l F*l 5{l HI TIEi.ll-.t I F.l I<l zlr't I t4 J &FI H :-Gt 'E!Et( L,.i =z (D z)tr I F{ z t4trl q) zHv F.r F z -F LIJJ zt- ze )z o F E.Fz z 'r O LIJ E ir LrJ Oz E <F r,! <zE F UJ tsIJ LJ-lJ "a777|2677 HATCFI'S NUTI] tr]DY 155 Pm mT 38 '91 15:19 or\* $qa, U- ,9fr!t -l I I I ll I I I I I I t I I I I I I t d . t-F .lr r-* + t I I I ,l lrr Iil ocT 39 ',91 15:19155I'S NUTB B[]DYt{:tTc}.{Iffi777?5?? a.,$A\ C\\FsjE eRrrRr$X B \ee\\*( L)^ t Cot\p-o"\ t, r*s,U,^_ 7g T,s=sIDclft-bA\\ orr*- \h-:{ ra}\.srse o$ el\r ,,s.$,- effiil otrr- -r t Br$*,r,r Top Vre,,: tOrt.tf t- b I r' 1l tl,lir 1lrl t' tlrl fl Irlirrl Iilrlitrf ;l--! L_ \+ t-A 3IbOs 3' tt{.^ Ctenes.rn"cF TIE+useFr\ Tree A,,rg 5C* istA e=St-P \rn-trPE: q$nq€ €v\ r^#JT^rrorro'o* *lF'' Banrd bEsb pnraedrs ar the Thro{gfrlhr Wat hsblatlolt, sxoepl: The stow wll naad b be pahland ndrdr airey trom tm wdl to dbrv fior ths goe ahou of b6, rtd also b dlffi 3' (70mml mlnlnm cbffinc€ bctwiln t|r wal {d p|pg lf tro$&I ls rffidf Ol e oofiDuefrbb mrE|d- oCT 3E '91 L5.29 "i I'\i v)3TZ7?€77 HATIH'S H.JT0 mDy 7fi pU OCT 38 '91 15:1? 1:9. "o-.'gJJJ:3P. .l|l cescnDE cLuE VAIL co I PAcE'r',ur' torry sFvffl8 lor SIE vail,ft tt6t0 Al{tlste3, 1991 ToriltomltErrffi#rm: r;{ilI IIF i3 to crrurT ttrt I here !o obd"dm b Tl j-ttPh* flut mtll|f =sil\"- dffirlfitrirse$bos'rnaovilfii-Fqdteb run tlP ftB iirddeof 6e€,rra' -ffiEm mlld h btfl@tllts cbare' Jcfrt sovfit' i)'iiler,Ilnlt lD rur Rr..rlo B0DY FRCIl Ootob€r ?5r' lggl $r, Randy Eateh67{-3693- Subjeotc Psllet gtove Dear Bandyr Suginees Urnrgir ,o ,a"o=arf *=343"77?1677 1S-a5-1991 1At31Hr'l mT 3A'91 15:17 P.01 Pttktn creek Park condominium Acsociation r;ts, 'r! *tl|r:'#"Sff!fi f i"li*tff '"HlilB*l[], "t* inrta''arr.on 1l lou.nuct ptl-IJ.ze the e:tistLng llu and ohiuncgri yoq ney nctv.ot your'stove through tue iarir or creatl-iirr ir.* o'""disin the s€msn ra11s oi root, v H'r " 2l Iou rnrrE- obtal.n fire delnrtnentyour prllet storre ard it'r f"*.ifitflil o* Lnepectfon of 3l You shoutd, adrrl?c your upataire acl,ghbor, aE fl oourtaeyT to13:_{ B:t Il* lly "+id orjratr"f,r'"i'"""o..ii- rr thcynave a coDcrtrnr phaae have thor contact ne ta looo ""porsLble. [-rr r.vc- l-,. ? l? - rt -t nat,!,lr.ln Rl6.{n.llnt\4!61p64 lFll<tzloIH tFrtl IH l< Il& IEI [icaFtr]OHzogZz^ 9Fl o< :5 I I l'', lero I I I I,,oIFt< IFlaz t= le c.lo\o\ F- F E z CA ts zv , 4 [lJIF lo I I ! I I I t_, IE tz t r't (\ orol \o I u z an z o rn CN U' IJJ IIJu- == uJ l: ') ., \1 r) lre-!L2ir)i)l{nZr,}' )crrtu''tZ;3 ) r.u-I(Fioazlr< s(1 ( d v 2 TJut s a{\lt ru p | \l)2t-,6f '4.\5 nv' -9r ot,*l: Bll 2t' Ell ul, ;-oc6*8.9 '=O(,);i*!ofE8E; F.e n€ E€ E P "E Se:Ec-o> ET:E Egi;c96E 3 5;.; EEEi-OOc si;F E!aeo- (! o--*Ereo!Eor = *:€E;: Folt: x ",;=oieEe.s=; .!O-=t;oo E,TEf ; E;E fr* E: B6gE9Eo -eEg: rn I -$ (f) .+ + |n\te cn .$ c\{r} {} F =uJ 2 co z6 = .t7 uJ uJ Lt- ==(r uJtl- J FoFNOtrvnlvA Fl H E grl(J F{.A H E 14 HAH Hz z H I I J =!! z E IJJo J Et!zgJ >E I tr,t 3 =CO(\l zz99F^aog5FP o q>o =>QZlr-<93o--eIE c 3 LIJc zo oo z Ek uJF 3gJz zo Jloz trz. 9z -irfio3trOI =.1ol uJlEl JI <l>lr!lol fl FI JIil>l u-lol zl 3lolFI I I I I I I ctl =.1olutl 5l <l>l l!lol Pl E 3| uJl 5l <t>l rr-Iol zl 3lolFI xfr A u FT & zHt4tsHA z =l! u,Fl tszHE A& H i,i z :) <l !.rOl lnc1lll\oZl F-El \.l til rYt o-FrI ccl .l Florlcil IaaHAot>d{l><tr8o r-lt! +, ot{ lr 00ri€ uJ =4 cn rn I f\s .L FlH tr FQ H a z N H =g tr c.t Io\ -d.o\ ..lrlcnl*l Iol 5l ttlol zl]lolFl z Hts ts chz t H =e l! l-fIirul *EOz E 2? =o =Ed6 C) F EFzoo z I c) uJ E -rO<Fo<o IIJ <zE[!F oo Fo IIJF To oz ts =E uJc zal.\ &e- H66 g =za-" x ..<dE h '|',+ r--r .-fn IXJ LI L I J "dg ==1dd= ts = UJot!o:!!EZE<el6062B9rrL'Er =>FJI- = IJJ :-5 b=u dtrE =1E U5 !P EtnE XO-r x>t q-oi!tr uJ F ---Fn rRl n<rxlxJrxr a I IloI CYI LI.)OO f x 6 2 thz 3 c'. uJ Eo coo-zo FoujY IJJ c0 .- 6ll- O\Fo\ EllJ F{o-c\ lL, d/.OE o- ,-,o5o:?tagu,bkzo E =E, lrJ o-zIF(JfEF(nzoo O ?66r s l Btj oJt Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Association February 11, L992 Mr. Gary Murrain Community Development Department Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Murrain: In December, a vacant commercial space in Pitkin Creek Condominium Association wae sold to Big Horn Rentals. In November, prior to consumnating the purchase of the space, the owners of Big Horn Rentals attended a Board meeting to request approval of their intended use of the space. Big Horn Rentals was granted approval to use the space as commercial office space. It was also made clear that the spacecould not be used, specifically, for a restaurant or bar. The Board felt that the office use of this commercial apace bestsuited the parking and reeidential needs of the Pitkin ownershipin general . If you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ca1l. Sincerely, /'--) -, /lJ-{tLuY?+az,-Julie Hansen Business Manager cc: Pitkin Board of Directors PostOffice BoxZl7. Vail, Colorado81658. (303) 4766864 1:t.';' l Tbe Lteus belor need to be cooplete before glvlng a penlt a flaal C of O. Please check off ln tbe bor provliled. FINAL PLINEINGtl n FIilAI" UECEANICAL II{PROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. IIAI{E: DATE: DATE: \ CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANSY EAST SIDE: TEI.IPOMRY C OF O DATE: DATE: FILE NAME:\e\q!,\r \(J(J Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Pitkin Creek stair relocation DRB Number: DR8020396 Project Description: Relocate deck stairs Participanb: OWNER PITKIN CREEK PARK CONDOMINIU11/o5/2oo2 Phone: PO BOX 217 VAIL CO 816s8 License: APPUCANT Eagle River Builders ltl05l2002 Phone: 390-9346 POB2577 Vail, CO 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 4021 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: PITKIN CREEK PARK Parcel Number: 210111105066 Comments: Ok with Building and Fire Departments Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprcvaE LLlL2l2002 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Plannerz y'|af+e-"^d+DRB Fee Paid: 3250.00 qruBrg/et't: ,o*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paAicular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. Design review approval lapss unless a building permit is issued and construction comm€nces within one year of the approval. -pescriptionof theRequest, (Ell(aft /a< "' Cm/pS Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)l Name of Applicant:/e Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerbofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans Design Review Board. already approved by Planning Staff or the RECE IVE D Ma*. a, '5557 Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration multFfamily/commercia l) Minor Alteration (single-fa mi lylduplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 ( +tso')\-_lll $20 $20 No Fee tr tr For Office tlee Onlv:ii' oiiiffi- cn".u.no.: I / tA. yvt 6 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 PI o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) o Topographyo Utility locationso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. TOI,lftI web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prtor tu Public Works review of a prcpoed development Owners/Project Name:rk/,: I=rt Ptr,l Project Applicant:Phone Number S7J'A?44 Submittal Stamped survey of property CiviUSite plans o Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) Survev Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signature o Date of surueyo North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10'or l"=20')o Legal descriptionq Basis of bearings / Benchmark u Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)a Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site plan, o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated) o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 il. Construction Site (check all) o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. D I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot r2lo2l07lO2 II1. Drainage (check all that apply)a The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.D (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)tr 4 Foot Concrete Pan a B Foot Concrete Pan o Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.D Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan, o A Hydraulic repoft has been provided, (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)D Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.a A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. tr Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided, (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geologica[Environmental Hazards (check dll that apply)o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)tr Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan, s All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. u All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all) a All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)tr All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p, 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provrded within the plans o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,E No retaining walls are required for this project. ,. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)tr Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p,12. tr Proper sight distance has not been attained, Explanation why;- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public WorK Review. Page 12 ot r2l02l07loZ Applicants Signature- 1 t; =aY6\rt 5.3$ g,q't;JPEE"'FZ<JE s 3 lNrn|| N t.'t INIJ z )n Lr.JL U) \J f*f;'fg/E -huigfrrs_lwuto#vAtl -grys{ffiirrrw { 7:,'s tt frr'f -'/ ;',//l N:rffi:'v'r,''ft, ;''k i* d-'; tt F: n,."i/i ',. ;:f ,f t i -T- ty / r' 7l/sfru , =7o_q346#'ztttr 4,,tDx, T6 1i* -- *, Vl4 ',t.- I-* ./ /t(nn /( /- !-' Ih,rU o i.' , ',: .. /-/ | I : t. t . ,. ,.! " ;i 'r^.,,) ,, *{ ? ;, ' ,", 7u' ,' "^*$W- a lri tl/' '/' ')/, a.kt t4.t'ir: tkl, 'l)' ./"' t k F.3,,f --7 I tp/,iairI: la. frt Tfr{ '4t i Lia'l*zt ?.^t -J oz F =e uJo- -l N (t, IJJ IJJlt F =u,d dvb e blt tlu tole€ol tvo No\ cn P az t FJ A |< 7a +z:< z_E az P rll c F F z = zz6 oulFoz o z_ oJ d!€ o =zq Eurz3o IJJ F z oc u,lz3 II llJ 6 oEo ql ; =fdl E =l () o o.o.6 3 .9 E oc8.9t3 EEc-agoo9ti6-o .ocaeprf EO-5g)-co,EO oo,N(J -of;cc EEFq 96i5 gE E€oo 3o(u0f o.E ?i'5Jdlie vro El =!^!)p9'ol'oc6 -3 lD aDt't.!E 3 F (o =! coo o ; t! o. o o- Ec a! ., E ; = o. Eoo o og c') oE6'5E E8 F.e =6:r-F'5Xrt O(!Ea o=\,€>c9'- o, 5C O.O lt(6otr !FO CC;e o(o*6 Eg -(6 E(a qr(Eie-c(!-ado og(r, (s }Uocce-r= 6! >.9.oo9aeEso -o ral cf) \? + .v lrl 4 E = u.l z 6 x UJ z J o () u,l z = -) z uJ ututl!z tr uJ gJ =UJ tu z llJ F tu o- z uJ x F uJo an u.l uJll ==E uJo- J FoF z ao F UJ ur z6 =f o- J () z u/: Fl F{ H NOUVn]v^ IEl< h' ;tr tr. zlt EoEr fiE i>EF HX (Jc- l' (\l (\l zz pa =ano =>6:rr-<ogH6-8 d.i =>E = LlJ =o lErt> l8 ls lB l<lzlH z9 F J L! cc UJo- oo N Eac u,ie. J z Eo t{ '(z tr UJFJ ; UJz rl U)bz 2 <Oo< >E2E xr!X.;<z aFz,. 9z -irtro3EOI tltl|ltt| ltr1I tzI totl7Ili L+-I 13ttJI t<t5t:t:t; uJl-).J (E (t, llJzY i F zsF 5az Lr. o 3 a Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo uJ uJ UJz aF El!c J zo F 6 z Fo uJo t-t- ].lollt9idt" lw*kl>og I ._J F- co LC) C)O anz .l z ult(t, dIo-a zo FIulY UJ dl oF F cc U.l c.to-o',. o\ = r-l h6 6NOp,(9t< =?,.r9 Ize, L92 E JO (\r \'trnD J..i5 z_Ez Qh- A;E --14-LIUtsI F uJ o-lr uJoz @o Eo- JFlr.t -h= duJ>(LO|!9oi u.txo-:> UJJ II qJ oF Eo Eiloo o ':gt E EotJ E =E,lrl o-zIF()fE,, zo() Hur 2E z *t:l aH MHH A.. z J LL Jo o Fo I rE{t> loa t3 I I F{lz E lii =z E] IJJ o .) e.l o\or IorF\' (L FlH Fo =Etr 1lJEo J =o FfH & zE =E l! I 7ol Hl JI <lilol zl 3lolFl N olo\ I('lr\s =tr z,; ul _l ILo z) =lolFI =G,tr oz oulE J u- z =F tr z u,l J l!o 21 3lI =(E IUi t!oz =9 ul |l,lF UJz = F ul =- E --.1 O<Fcc)uJ<z&, U.J F(rz J IE,<oOF-<)trs XF-,2-r 2P9?2EfFd6() 5F =3iz =g l-t irI b=(/,ul J LUJ t\r rasPBcrroN's oouPlsuxl Tbc ltcoe belor alTd to bc corylctc before glvtng a gcnlt r ftnrl C of O. Plcaec cbeclr off ta tbe box provlded. EII{AI PLUIBINC DAIE: u n trInAL UBCEAIIIC^L DATE: $lProwltENT suRvsr RESID. NAUEs DATE: tl u w TEMPORTRY C OF O CERTIFICATE OP OCCI'PAITCY DATE: tl tl I.AIIDSCA?ING DT'E I'ATE: rrr.s ilar*,\ N\r\\, \N\ur:q \SW\ .t_ l._o.+ Ozv) '"1A z uJF U) cooaz Fc llJY uJdl .-.r a CIryo\ F>9 d>:Hl!p O F) >ztJ-O ov F E uJ o- ll- uJoz loaoF I JFl!-h=i(rd r.u>aLOL9o\ ltlxdx>fiF JJ ui(o F Eo Ecloo eE .E t E Eo(, o E =E lrJ o-zoF C)-t E,Fazoo gu, 2E z .n9zE2(n0H =z* CL r.! -n!6 .^i3 =81=U;dd= oz E =E,luo- I I I F] |F4 I F-.a I B l-,t F.l | (Jrrl ,;i<lE CJ I(' t||t: I lHl lEl lH lF4 llEI t(/ltot(/J ,='lHldl"lo |trl l() lrElrlrlollI lolz lFI lfiEl."tH ta [4rl'lElH <F =sg U'< l!J IJJat i (E l! c(oFo Fz o EeisE^Tr:-oi3d*a-(Ec)'-.8- 1--c= tD 4tc \: gEiiSs* O(6=;o..c-=->^rr EEi $E-f fl o'- E F a'rtlEir *E:t +^ar EEH?.;tO ;i; 3iE; E: i:>*oc(oF Ee$i$m i.EE FE cL ru CI- :o=-o"(g: O-ltoiEorE =[*lH=.o*l* rE I-,tE l,ard t(/l HIS-l' p1t . t4 tFH h-1<lo=l-dlJ hJrtl t<olHH IU: "rlEFl I<t.H lrdzt>(/l l<HIO IXIE (J 104 Itrr c.t F"-lo z z 9- \2oooztr ^ 6zL:d =FEaoc.?Z;.(JH6 ir A - = t! lrr; € oir;a) o- Jo X X X X f-f f- z tra (D (,z Y(! ulo I I I I J =.1 fll TI <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I .l =.1ol uJl 1l al il il =Ol uJFI F uJl 5l <l>l rLlol zl 3l9lFI z t4t'lrrlfr(, zHvHHA z =lJ- EIE N z M& zHvtsH i,i =z dl ul Iol | \:r(/ll l\oull I co<l | \o ol *l *lA | -{lFl Nl tot xltolv I Fqletl'l RlztlHl IEl a i HI HStorlaaea42<) \' @ I c?)-ir.ir .llol IFl l cDlot rlc)l -rl ol orl:t Iztl El el6t dtg l r.ulI cElEl Jl."l 3i 'l 6lt2l =l 3l FI PI Eir ur+to2 >Y =s)zrJ- o(J z .- ul = oF EFzo (v. -rO<FCQr.! <zEIIJ F o J 9 uJ Fc)Itl E7 OE it!tr oz E =G,ulo- o .D CD tJ) uJ IJJ aJ- F =E UJ(L 67boblEl? *9fi8h +Y) Oro\ \o z F) XE v z tstlt z >1 lllJIF d tr o zoJ l F o E E FIz = <5zz o uJF z zo 5 co .o zzo luz3 !dots@qrtnZF\HO O& ^&o&zlaEO '-'r Fl.dcaD Fq (f' ca H z Fl lJ- J uJa =I ou- tr F Fz o o luz3o tl. o o) 0) (s = (! 3o F. 0) o( ooo (u c o)Eo(-) E o l; o (t 3 .9 o) d-:g=.:66*dipi96F,;t e n€it g e 9 6P:Ec-o> cf:E : E€: 33;;_E >.;:i Fa,niEE,*OOc cEoS € eef!!sc CL (E CL-c\: - o(uPo-oi6-or =fie€(6-'-x :E€ ti;Eg;6i: -o.Yo-ecJ!;os)- -E .- sfi; E gd1= XEF96o 6-;38 H9E ar -c5g: z F F-F- Ngt == UJ o- 2- J5 I t!r z J ; F UJ) UJ z6 lJ ) 2 uJ ut uJ z tr LU oE o 3!! UJ z -a TIJo F6o luo o-f z UJ) X F tu U'f .t) uJ UJ t'|- E = lljc Fo z o e. F IJJ uJ (,z co = E 9z u/ NOrlVn'lVA Ot .H Y 9k/1 3.:e 3e, F^A;+13a =F(,c]@7,r Hn6> 9l-rL < -+,Ioq #Eg €F O t1t4 iN<t1 =>oa -I(') = Cll (\l lo F lE1lFllrrlI' lFq l|J F)r H Erh 14H r H E fl)f']ll aH IA HX Fi Pa z tr lJ (L o o-f UJ(L F +),( g a & z Eo6 z tr tIJ J ;ujz l1tltltl izfzOa <oo< =F9c6o<z a trz 9= )ado3dOI lulJ cc z O IF I! F z F)laz ..1 -T DA l' I -l I-T -lql trl I \ -l4l+ ),--rn 1 -+a1 |:l<t:l f;t c lrtl Bg#.T=li:lol{t1t6 l.-IH-El-o-trr l_lFz z o uJo UJ llJz U)F E UJ(L z Eo I --.J,l l I "l>lUIot z 6 I& N -::l'-J(f u,F 6 llJFoo -zo FIL UJY UJ dl o t-t lrJ(L ll-o I uJ F z z,^o =zc00 =z O- t! ) OOz& 1^\ Ff() f:coul ts E UJ o- ILo UJoz f U)I F c J.uJF.tu IJto-a> F tu.JJ llJdl F o oo o otl c E EoC' o E =Elrl o-z9Fof&Fazoo I I I i nxn J ='r uJ = = = uJ(L lJ- uJ F I I I I I cil =lolutl 1l <l>l t!l il sol rJJFt r-- olzl ol rJtl 1l <l>l rr-Iol zl3olFI -lr!Frl FlI.J iil -Y;l ool?<1(o>ls lr-l .$ol zl:l Fl z F E .a =.1ol r.ljlElJl <l>l u-lol 2l 3lolFI lltltll^l(, -rloNtUDIu! Xl -<ol o_I cqlMI Y*l4lHI>4 ,rl *lFt rrt F-{r{ Ltl <cE> t6l ".,1 Iaai4ao trr I M Az v zHvF{H rn =z --') I*l 'l-l cnl Fal rQl z) l! uJcoo) 2 ro uJ &oFO Fz E it =b2zo J EF UJ E e >Y ;# JZs-o -rO<F r,! <ZE (tZoO F tu EI C)trn ozt =E uJc t tr (t't uJ UJl! tr =G uJo- *s\\\N$$ o\ @ c'r @N tsor a U)H z ob gJ F o l!II (, =oJ uJ o eoF e,FI ==o o =z olllFoz oz 6 =l.o .a oz2 t UJz Bo ul Foz ltJ UIo =I (Eo E UJ2!o lto c; EoIgooaao. -o- c_;loF o.c or oooc'(E .s Eo f, o Itc, ag Q).tt oo CD .sI o E o =cl do o o.o.6) .g E -i- o c 6 ti 8.9 aHE: Efi g€ -.= G - = =..8 6 € EEg :E:EIoSo 3 5;.: EE-s: E ;;E E!seo. (E cL-SEre cEig 9666 EEEE_a.xo --c,)6 0'-E.c= o o ar tD E.9 gEi! 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J z E z F 5 tI- l'l= lt;;, ciz ci||lE a t!o z; F ctz ciut ar J t!oz =oF :l EI ;l HI ;l EHA (,z J rdH !*1 trr 'ii=z loo-) +.$ I\o dH F6 F\ F(fl Xo FC u l! t HN F vz ul: 2 I zl cil it el>l ru 3 FI oz o uJ CE t! z =F I I d olIlI sl IEl ui at dFI F' (,z6 = J(! zr uJ = J 9cFo UJ t-fYirUJX+EFl-Oz z oPza 60 =zl= dP ) EEi ;Hg u,F U'oo1 zo Fo-lltY ut .o oF l- =sEorIIJ -r(L ul6:l i .:l 8Ell'lg u,lekzo =ulo. l!oEEE?8aioIPb95[E ;tE FE! 6tE 9oE irE ;TE 5'ii H @ F =Elrlo-z9Fo:fEl- anzoo n!tr D!D -t m Igl-.D;!-r=o<x f!:tm: 66a5;x'+-Y o trP oiq I...im= k=T5 o<4o.dP.;q(;octt>l =Eni; .tl ! ma { FFF<trqm:_ L 2== YFt- 'tr m73 { z -{m I 'Tl mf,3 -t -{ @ mx mt-{ oz o @I -lm Er zu) I m Hz z s. \o\o Hzcf2Obrr*@lt\) l--.--_* q)- oozo{nco{oz €zm t- --{ I It- 'ul iHI FFll F 'll2lc ^l . ;: (I, 7(! 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YO,=' ot t =o 3 = 5 o o = A \l.pR(D! ,o ot-lt{ z Ho fgErfr= '-ra ,,{ >(tzaez-t> mc :m ao ! z -.1! -to _n I amt-'n lo l< l" I !Fl I l;lri-l7t- I I 1- F t- I CDr -l z J z t-_! m =a z mm m z -.1 c-l fio<'b'nT m |- ! 6-r1"1€li, t--i-ri iii---r-iiiili t---+-il llltlll z cr -.t z -.1I o z c :t c)tr{ -zzC = z>9Rr6d= >oo>mitro zcz = I I zm{ -.tm --{ z =z ea m_9 F -t !m c _Tt c i 2 {Hz ={PE-i E c) Hzv)HF ts{ r"lFFIHoz N: o= io>'nZo O@ ^z n< =U' z mzm f- in =--t z _n € x .{ =u) coi F>r z F: E l-1 tt I N) €o I'J t.rj =z F g r- z z -l mo zzo z6i Io 0{m -21;j e:ut +l<6; n2'3'l tilFRl I I $'-\l tJ' \O -r;ii 5 N\o \o Fz v)r-lFz X -{o -.t r'tt m 3 =_Tl mm an am x |-rn zc mth z m m{ @ m m ."t z'nmm m zo c 2 ml-m -.1 o l' t- z rm x q, st- z m q mF = =-Tl mm an VALUATION mT =-zo H |..]Fr. m z =z mt-m 6 t- F =o N)(, g \|(,o N @Ol \o s ch (,N)(,r! )r$tt6t5 )tl 5{-q I o SULTANTS AIF^ltlDd,OoqnJ KRH.o* stnuctural engineering and design llarch ?5, 19SL rom Lerou SOt? Snoushoe Lane VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Pitkin Creek Park Remodel JOD I\O. J IUJ_UT i have revierrled the original drarrlings anci the drauings For the proposed remodel oF the above referenced pro3ect for the purpose nF dctermini na f he rcnr ti rcrl Fr:amerlrork around the neul exteriorrrrrifrr:l rrrall openings -nd the neu partition rrralI betrrreen the liquor store and the Laundromat. According to IJBC Chapter 18 For Tgpe i Fire-Resistive Buildings, the non-bearing partition Uall between the liquor store and the laundromat mag be Framed rrrith Fire-retardant treated trrood sLuds (Section 1BO1-). The studs should have 5/A" TUpe "X" gupsum rlaL lboard each side to maintain a one-hour fire-resistive rating according to UBC Table '13-8. The original structural drauings for the building indicate that the west exterior urall rrrhere the netl door anci uindou are proposed for the laundromat and the south exterior ulal I oi: the liquor store uhere the neuJ ulindou is proposed are both non-bearing walIs. According to LJBC Section 1803(a) Exception 3, exterior non-bearing ualls mau be of one-hour fire-resistive noncombu*EiUfe construction. The enciosed details oF Frameuork For the neur openings include options For Fire-retarciant treated rrrood or light-gage steel studs and headers' IF gou have ang tr, ,rI l-r!a F eorrr i nc:Jvr w rvv t Qinnorolrr KRH Consultants questions about the detail-s, or if please do noi hesitate to caII ' Structural Engineering and Design [,Je can be of ,l srS$*i,i[*z, Eli:= 23 i ee =ji=:%sIz,^n$? W^.^,,-,- Kimbeclg #. Hra.hin=or,, P.E. PO. Box 4572 Vail, CO €|155E}t3o3l 949-9391 ':EZ cr.l /x4' r"AFlE z.a)qc4 B-B PLumBrNb Pt4{ ;cA,-€ t/ei = t'-o' (za:an) HEADEtr .9AY|E Ag e sovtt+ l^ilNfiold *4E !Ar-t'-cl FLcr ,1 (Wo*=o Docrz AND{-o Fty.Er> |^trxoot l ) rt F|- I : I I :'E LItl rlAl€u,6Atarlo ter+6L cE\'€ e)urA'-#I- u/*aA. eu-w/rlec*t FAr\.5rpe :r.tAtn:r$ U/ rteC-rr . rrrJ. n^- rENn^{r. rAgrAtu u(tLrf( .1. rNrrA\L- fu-ttzz rnl=,rrur- tr?A'13. c T./x H j rl lr u I Ir I rlIt *N vfirl.*- EKsl"J,b U rErT:--j1l-rfirr COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS, INC. FfiEE EN a.tnI-l ltt ENTRANCE DOOHS NARFOW STILE 2 slar 3tt/rc' -r- -- rELOtr-.rr-:rrr??F'f]LiE D5 COIVTMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS, INC..c.3 4' CENTEH SINGLE GLAZED SYSTEM @ HEAD l3/4tl HORIZ. rjht' IStotl t__SILL rEr?:-lrl-tF?? COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAT PRODUCTS, INC. FI1EE Eb 4" CENTEFI SINGLE GLAZED SYSTEM BL Re _(4 .L- = il1b : O l- . a-^r t- = rpr. ..] ':"-rt lE: i5 ]l:l H,lFlllULHr:r:; ,--r. Irtl:.rE|oBr-!'-rr-!E?? COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAT PRODUCTS, INC.A.13 PFGE E4 2rltl ENTRANCEDOORS NARFOWSTILE 2 tlltl J 2"/rct'.2tta'l rpr-. -J-=' '!1 1E: 1E lllj- tr:Frtllrt'}:-r i-rr. Iti:.r:rrt:-i::-:r.rm COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS, INC. FAIJE U? c'5 4" CENTER SINGLE GLAZED SYSTEM oooT ()! (?r- Uoob Tt I (rl *- = / -ii-lr :Ir:rttr':;f,-; :1. Itl,:,rELe-r:rl-rE?? COMMERCIAI- ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS, INC. PIIGE IAB c.6 4" CENTER SINGLE GLAZED SYSTEM ll/en DOOR OPN,6 DOOR HEAD a(t: a({ x fx ,I3 '{rr"t n i,$9 P $o u' {O$2.N<< d *,u 0 ll -^,- r} r(r) "* E r= I$dr dSAo* ":d x=.o3- e -X,u*'E';*" +$ F3 t'lrr3I llf-:' 5d?_a F- a t/) ''T |rr al 7- f;r*rar=.\l* J-- >.' t(l l; r'l'i; * s6- P, ,$" t l^ ' A r'rr *G* Ig>Gu-:rlU ilT(n .4 i lfi'.' rr< iOtna H t* i*; $5$ H?h ,o I R ul 7 tt l o I d .3I 33 A P \I 'r$ xvI i-r 6 E ttluS8.u;+ tt,id [*ilH o UJ N P lrn N g 3 * $ 6 [,'r**t* I 4",*, , c" Iitr_.3ff,f fia,Ffe HOFI]iLF55 {il.rerfo:-er:-zorr Llr , .-c,,-.' Sr,tE f;i'A') Ci.o'i :.u Ap LJ E6 ,"-, I I e,', , ,L E i'rr A, r-rA :a l: ..:1,r.- Gralll LJr. r{-ij ru;' I c.u€I\}J€A !3 &.tl.t3dcc .11()u L'7L"r3 a r-r:.t..-i 'i^avi r-\4 (I/n sEcJ-lftii !J oti^n r /'{ 7 .-)l C.{r-ruo.rr.-' .. irl^.tA'.f'"f, Pur-stl' Pr-l Ll-- hrtn-tf.JA;?lt r-rJ r:)cT llE-?.sfiZ,Fpl iJ':- ^^] i; ll," y r'1- ir\l q1- Fi Lr r-sLl -T H fL€-S HOLO. - Hllc YJl I e.a. , oz t =EIuo- rr) cf)F\ O)(\j U) uJ uJlJ- F = u.JL w Ag-re- ot 4otr.OF-+m tlrlIr l+l, coll)j- ,',' -.'FlE --i <:k '!o16 0, t1rll1 l, t-l .f,I ds r c4? li ,,Et6 <(, lE ri !9 EFro ilz r= := utujFoz z l co .6 o 1zo o (U <t) (5 oq) G E ;oF o oq) o o 5 o) o ID Eo o E .9 6 E ; l! uJo o F\ cr)OO c) E>r-r P CD (J o '.- c,{-r lF (Jo!-oo o c >rO.n P(J(uc r-51(Jo(-) Olg st-L (,cv -eP.dX()€o! <co D\\s5 sF EC .co o o o (! o O o) I o E o =l q) 6 3 .o q) =oF o 0) o o .c E @ o!(u E i (E CL o D (! o (! .; .=;> Eo 0) q) a! tr .9 (! E o ; € (d Q) (! o E G' G o i: o()(! .! !o (D E o Eg E(! .9 o a o o oE a! oo)oo 3o .Yo(! C) (f) Ol Lr) OO O C\J r.r, (\.1 O c'r F\ F =Eltl 2 J ao YollJIoz J ) 9 F LUJ uJ z J z uJ = u.lu/u-z tr uJ o UJ 'g qJ z UJ F oAtllo o- z IJJ x uJol tn uJ uJu-t =E UJo- J F F (9z J J E ogJ J uJ z to = E 9z I() ur- NO|lVn'lVA I'- lz.t-F l.E-\, ^l t*1:6 tp = t! di l-c = co . l, y 9,1c+ 3sZZu--o o o!:Es9a;E3 .Efi q, O E,:6e E-l!<oq i-3 E g *riN(J (J {J(o !(Jo I tn (U q)c -crn an tl' q) !o ar- o-v ,6 cr, I =o ao+t c, rdL z E J u- E oe.o uJ - (7) :t UJ .J z E o zo E uJFJ =utz tlIItltl tt)Fzlz9!4 <oa1 =Pxr!do<z a trz, 2=]E 3trOI utlJJ (E o uJzY iF F zo 5oz I --rl II il rl| 2l vt-t-ll='t-l| ..;A ] ^fi \=(W4I6>\IL\<:l> Itrtilalzlot= 3 IU Fl< u, Ie I trl JI al>l aLlol zl 3lolFI cilzl olutl 5t <l>lttl 2l 3l 9tFI I =l:l u-lol El cOl rJJFI F f\ Fl c! I c\l ot IJJIEl JI <l>lttlol zl3lolFI (F od .t-, o(-) G' =E tr =:lol r,ul 5l ?l>l a!lol zl 3lolFI tn oz,o(-) 5Zd. o- :Z UJulE,(J [! =z o-) rz '.(g CL .)< CJ OJL(J J +> z =tr l- =*EOz zts =<ztfF!zrroo oFO (r Fz z T u.l <F(r()uJ<ZE, t,!r Ftrl Zoo FO z J E ()ulJ uJ F LuF ? E -f, C\Jo) F{c)O uJF o utF g, dloazo Fo- uJY LIJo oF E ul(L lro (Loo I ulFoz z ,rPzeoo =z=r- o-- I ts =E lrJo-zIF(JfEFazo.(J F =u,l o. u- :HEZE<o. l60EeB9!a .EE l>FJF =ut:-E E=cr - I i'iiE XFE d6 9 FtlE XO-f x>t q-o-Ei ul dto --- ntn Ef;=6il>; , Enn 7 -ftn U)c{O UJF o UJt- U)oo-zo Fo-utY UJ dt oF F (E IJo. ll-o >(oo-@.1-.-,-. tn lco u.lFoz z o9zz(oo ==dP EEi ailE tr =Guto-l!ouloz loo oFtIto- JFul:b=du, =o-O|!9o5 u.lxo-:>ilFlt! ru .DoF E =Elrlo-zIF(J3 E.Fazoo !ntr oz E =e UJc \t{ 'zbso \l' ]z IL | 2.',,E EkBir i lar ta< t=uJ lO(5 rqco I z l= 14 -a- o tr tr+u*E.e ld FHE:E I; 'EtHEr {e iiEiglF ;*FE#ir Eii:Eft*'zEvr=";82 iE'rEEAEEi=EE,I i*€Er q E3e; r lat.. trri .a o / ( \,{. sE;i e4' gBiE$E =>G 3tu =@ z Fo- FOECtnO7>9().JZ l! .(og ^-(JtoFO;6i IH tg:! Z r,loa FIo-d fifl'oct --.r Cl 1<d!a tl i HS.6l o)t-zfz9oE6o<:a o.<u2e xlL6o<z c\t I I<\t I I ahF 2. 9= di o3tr llll = (r a)6 IJJzY9 F Iu F 2 tr oz -ttl- (5z, LL d Iu.ld uJ =z -l 16 .Y ato,l-(J .v,+, UJ =z ol otull rEl JI <lilol fl =.1olurl 5l <l>l t!lol zl il I I I ;l 5t al>l u-lol pl It -rO<FCOLu<zEurFQ6 O (v.oF EFzoo (tz 6 = J oEhg b2ro! sa/v.v/t re?g*y;rylf-t8s a IJJIu t.L ts = UJo- I I l_ .lFglE -Z4=ii rltl \NI\F-l I I I ,dt{t-to 5l u-Ero >z oiti(5t= ttJujo =T E F trFz o UJz3od rL l!6Za cceIUlFT<F7o9z@< t)',lrIt!1 d, CLd.u.tF =trt D oP 5 at'o -.i - o c6*E.e.= 66 9? ci g8E;E E{glr € gEta =f;e iE iiEEe !EiiE EI;E€ t"; Es €sE;si € E ="95p;o66 :EE H!, igEE;(!0'-.:--c= 0) dt tr ggE: =E H:Ea cBiEi (n uJ UJ lJ- ==(r uJ o- J F F L E UJ z 6J o 2 to: ..1 a =l €l.ul InLI(l,l .PI EI =lol "l(l,lol.dll-lol>l @l -ol ol.frl (ololol EI'l Y 3 o2 tr E gJ uJz uJ =E, -€ urS 661 zo ^6itE6 z :) .{ = = z9 (J 2oo l! UJo- -j J z E z tr |lJ J =uJz ciz E =t UJo- cf)rl coc{OO ulF o ut ts @ooazo =l!l.El'lLl orl EI ;l -:4+tii oz J lt I J Jdl J +)(|,J!.d = ltt +t IA ftt IJ.J ul =z UJ E, J == r =o an g a6o F] ano g t! O)(\I<f xo a II,Jco J = E F;i V'L!tt1 L.JFz.!.J - tr o IJJ 1 <l>l ttl :l 3l 9lFI =u.l 1 =d z rri lu =l! z- 9iFI UJJ IJJF =tr 2 (t IIJ J a u-o z3I =tr ol ol uJl 1lI bl zl;lolFI =tr oz oul( J lroz3o uJ urF uJ =zoo & IJJz = F u.tF ? t -rO<FEOt!<z&UJF(\zo(J JC<o(JF FSc)-ul= -[oIO = =J(L ;( z J 6p <3 g6 E, (r ir UJ+Eo2<c)qd z ,rPZe< dlo =z dP J "3q68f; dd= !!D tr =acuto-lroEE E<o.l€EE9!E;95EF-J, =1U:-E FE: =o-i 8bE irt x>t q-o-!i H III E =E,lrlo-z9F()f E, 6zo C) E t 8E! 61 'l Ey'+f -a9-7 (. dD t od V-6 3 If d rl (l e -d Inc oq* d1,c o r,61 Uq, -0 €1 i q \ \t -i i It!<1 ,o: t;qi jj tt1Z.ttI thi2e(xi a--bJ L1 trt *€,iaI3 o 7 rrCgi zq c Jvo -0 d JIat ca Idc d-6 o E d € +Jcs a {dt d -P 't d;ul l{ +z ) 4o U (, .9t t,cLF,/i d,i t"C d 't 16 C Iq '. 1 P t,,r-Oati ;6 2 ?i] l, I .b E^', lf,!. E'i -D t" .__""aI) aI ). , c -l o, 'I { r-) rO rJ j h ,J €{c e b at** no d*J 4t{{7! avoirrJ (o o(- ; r.>. U I -,t l- OJ ooooqfc:l o +)4 d d E:EHEgE EE E EaiEaEE \) rt N 'lr *\. a\\s PEJ ECI.?E-a=9i9sE E:}ctF Errrltr 8trtrt e*trtr <rt Ec)>!lgoaea(D oz E =G, uJo-. tF(Ull<> ;i ,cqJ l;'i 16P lY r=tn l+ ,=,x t=l; ro ,Z r.^to tz ltJ uJo =oIL F zoo o z F) oz 3 a =F lu IJJ Fb z Y ullJ 5 6btr ^ 62I 5 > e.:F9 OE; .t o g,\ fi 6 fir; € ora F i dj-5 3, z) olurl 1l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I I .lol z.l ol rl <l>l rLlol il sOl ulFIF ;l :I al>l rl.lol 2l 3lolFI ol z:l sl 5l <l>l t!l zl =lg I I cilutlEl Jl alil F| .v,!.6 v(u o,L(J -)Z+, =E tr .Y G'o- J o)(u '-CJ c rFo E .YLit' -v(u (UI .YP o- 'ri=z. -l Eir =+E Fo2 C) cOOzt- =ffF)z Fo EFz () z I UJ = a EFO uJ)ul tr <FEO IJJ <zt[!F )<()qg lLl tr U) coo-zo Fo. uJY Llj d) oF F E UJ o-bli4 ool. (\llrl'FlHuJbkz6 z .n9>_ioo =z =l=JOo- tJ- zp?:i(J^ AHE tr =.E UJolt E9E<3AneB9!L EE => = u.l i-E b=6 =r ti: >o-E 8b 9 lluEX'Lf x>t q-oi!tr lu(D oF E =- E =E, lrJo-zIFofE 6zo(J trt! E}!D o, (wsfrErr) r#n#kffi Coda, Q4 ast;.qr-+.l*tJc4.g (zr t zF)..?owo 7Bt8 EA4rttl) . :: !516r-'r*41 I'UV i.lp4*€rlrf '* lr+ A #, a7e *el+. Fr-F€ fots ',}4f,tilO6frtPf . aot+9tT lo.l+ --lrxwrtco " prlart ca BxJ{cf,',d, * gls;a'ftcc t4 ?t* PLY!tD srDtN@ I@'l? , aHE ^-*o VE%FT -j**q-r E. a<,,6tu ?)YnpE{,rcrMlF{A1- io*, pkfl 2 d,eil+e?a M3Y DF^'ig -ufr 4t e{ ZL eX6f'@ | *h t4zits A' A3€Ae>oaa i.,iF€ , |.1gya.o.a2i{*eFa O nk"(fl 2 aot*.a?+ l',f = )4 DR lg 'tF eF a{ ?a ga'a-'(a l>+l =x.z,lts ---- - \ r(vrr'Er.)' lxtsr'co 14 fetA - >*i€ @ r?-YhlD SIDN@ Et.,t'6T'u @.ff, a\Sh-l+o --.'- Fn:zE%E-i:n i - et,'+a'- ? :-Y riP, 4-CF- + 13 rt ,- - 4== ,,\B4H . 7-H5 1o4 z71Frr l+@'4-"-'Jci. aol)l+ "ol* 7h"#ffii-EAiipi CO4a. e,. A^.U-i. / ^1.A-g (2.fi 11 2n)a ?avP Z>ugt bA4Ft/4! tFtf o-\'E, 3 t a.?t+b\L= nJ r;UraE .=X,€tU oX',i> ?a+M 1,{'a.* l?tf olll oz oz J l .6 F |-az =o z IH t6 od @,\u)' !-ll\tsfl I I I gt5 ::IF=l;>r=Lro.rttl(5tl s t!Julo: = t! UJz3 o o c(! olto C) o) == (D E o =f () o o. 6 '.0, o -oc a-^ oE;€ ()(5./' ;$$.!6a E E:g- $E5pF->= X96FoE ortt7 =>aEF}€8i'-ooo#F!teG o_-6x9 5 =o.o, €e€(''*o -cQFgHiEE(Etr5 o.! o+.cl ;og) al=.9EEf A 3oo >'-" o- -o F FeH6oiocg-(!o-o - 5g:o(E: oo o o (u E o ; ;Jo Eg .9 (uo o-e(u .9 o Go o (o =(! q) o)o @ =o: o oo o U' UJ uJt! ts =e UJo-a uJulu- ==E uJ J FoF z F az zz tr^695EPOoat =>6:r!<o1t!-+UFO; a\j : E eo- z Eo x 2 E u,lFJ I I I I cilzl Hl il>l rlIol 2l ..t =t :Ol LuFI F I,al-lo'l I-l I ol =.1 gl <l>l EIol zl 3lolFI ol =.1olutl 5l al>l t!l zl a I 3lurl 1l al>lttlol zl FI EI JI ?l>l l!lol zl =l9lFI !-o o) co)a(u(l, IC) J+t CL z J tt at1J z. lJ.Jd. J Ftt1 lrJ ui =z CDo-) E L-E ir = Oz OOzt- =<z,E -JZo-Oo z. T uJ E -rO<FEC)r!<zEL!Ftt'l zo o F z ) EFotuJ F uJF I E l K q oz F =tulc r (t z (J9 =ecDo =zfld9 EEi ;HE tr E.ulolt E32ZE<otr€8B9Eka9C o--?>E dtrE b=o Jii: >oi 8u9 lurE XO-E ;Ia'i€= UJ @ F -=- Etr !ntr @@ rJ) \ =t ll,F o UJ troloo-zo Fo-ulY uJo oF ts =E uJ o- ]l.o o-oo I llJFoz ts =E lrJ o-zoFofeF CNzoo oz E =e IJJo c ( an uJulu- E =(r uJ o- T*rtP/to/FalhEbe# 7n tl\L slf,r\e X.. sl W it* lH tEil I tdI rJJ rlFI to ;pta FiEI i 6l =lc0 Pial:L.zl =FIOIY I FI + ,$ s: o c) () c q tc uJz =o l!IF oz l!J uJo =i e.ol! EoFo CEt-z UJz3 t! uJ.rlF tzIoq)E Dc(lJ o = (o o =cl Eo 6 '.g ot 3lot- @ o o) = o G q) o5 e,) .9 p ,= (! .ri.''(! .si P.i =i+JsFl.\_\6lc E. \ 5:o oar (!- cL' a E:c(! F.6 o .; l'i,>\'cL ic:oroio Lo:o )o))G >:o o..l G. E c oE. (! (5 -c. o, 6 o (E o o o )6 @ (u 1t 'o,o o o .9 E o).: o o(o o.; o o .E G E o .c o)E. (! =iq: i.( 6: E.: L;o: 0)l-Cr E. o. !'g o' cl:.9.ao-(r' .g' -c (! o) q) (u =(u o0)E It) = Jo(5 (D o l.li F lr,r\ o) oo |<)(! rC(\t (, ! =Eu,o-oz.d ! (o Yo uJI C)z J a (.) |.lJ uJ oz (o d J Iz C) uJ = UJ uJl!z E UJ uJ E oo LIJtul z 6gJo Fa c uJ o-f z. UJ C) x uJo .t lrJ lrJlJ- ts = trJ o- J Fo z J F UJJ uJ (5z6: J oz -(J llJ = NO[Vn']VA I I I I ,lvrlgll gl .dl d Et "- l(utUlc +t FnulltloPlulsl.d "- ll-(otoel+)vrool la,l tilla,ll.Pl lrl l3 t:ro)':o EI-e bgzo-d ETEtn tAFH"l= EEI H.:'oQ \,-E r-/ =d.-- rl \q) =llJN =loN zz99q5 zE9oooz>O(Ja)zl!<o1HFF5;ni .L ti = uJo- F ooo i-l e. o- uJ j zIFo z tr t!FJ =u.lz ili-l =l zl .. >l llJo UJ uJz U)tr lll(L z E aFzl z =ut3o UJo z :<(E (! z Fa J (f)d, cO CDF oo UJ E U'oo-zo Fo. u.lY UJ @ oF ts lr uJI t!lolt-+9qtL, (rl '\tloqgF,oEzo J!,dG J 0, o),-(J JP o- (I) z l! 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FI<FZa92o< o >G = ,, ' z io- iotrctDO7>l, (JQZr!<v= F()t()FO -iai lcltlsl (6 lPl 0., lEl; ;Elr6Ll A}i!l =b.ls E=JEq oJl {Jr'le3g* gf,i L,| | o Ii-t I J I<t t<lil * | = | . Zl i | il | P I -:eP ('z u- lo FoJ o +Ju !oc = ! .E(| ij =z d)o-) Or(\l.{(\t xo o CL Q e, -oL.lt$ (5 C'c,d = UJ =z F C) =tr uJ o6 )<Eo ! ! l-o = =Etr .iz ti ult J 14oz3 FI ui uJF =tr uI 5 t!oz 3lolFI =tr .] rl <l>i bl zl 3l 9lFI tr z (' UJ J a z =I = tr ql <l>l rLlol zl 3lolFI UJ UJF E uJz3o F UJF () G, -rO<FG()uJ<zEurF(aZo C) Jt<o()F E3 ;F-z -!or,o tgP =sfFd5() 9z T lu = v ; r Et: UJ FIo2 'o <()fflfr=a !tr8 r. oz E =e. UJ4 \t .$ ut uJ uJtt- E =E uJo- *N$$t N\ o\ @ Ol |.\ F F-] - H z h UJF o J () t!Ito zo UJ eI e an a = (, =z z ts HX rdl()lHI sl atul l-l zi(,lz 6l JI5' @t{( olz'.z i UJIF oz Flo.()F-i fcaoEEOHco(JrnZF-HO oE i&o&ztaEe .d (7l ifF{ clFq(')CQ ts z t4}l ltJut at, =I trol! Go (D o (r* 6'otrqcitC' So c .E q,oooo E @ E o =cf do o o.o.o '.9 o EgEE Es8: aql6.s'aa'; o.EoOE;eoF FEg; 5ENO -oSesI-u Fe. eb!5oofE PF E€oo3o6cD o.S =tt iE6E (,)O'== E-,'=E.g eg EO.co "'o.9 EO .9ooE 4;ot,o(, c .9o "E.oJo tc G j-o ot: d '=(lr('' gsE EEH Espc-o e:5 :gPE>=c9o'- o'E eEt EE-B$OO E.s ;.-o- F5 e.Y- 6 cL|u 0-SEi g,e cLE€e E6: E E.Eg ol_6 EFE:Eg -eC6 0'-5ae E'€ €ggr- P I---H;; i,E-: cEg -()6 rn f..t'-(n(n g Etg. ulaoz J ID -olu C)z o - 9EF() uJJ uJ oz to =Jc J oz uJt ulut zo F IueourE c oo UJtqJczo uJo F al,oo- UJoc z uJ x F UJol U'Iu lr.llrF =c UJG FoF (9z 6J o J 9GFIJ uJJ uJ (9zo- JC Iz I(, lut ,i F NOtM]VA E F F u.z ;:1l! r.:ot:i>o= 6i.tr^o.Ec,? fi;ot ccEe 23 =>G -I(n = rJJ di =aO11l zz99 H; =atoZt-89r!<oq lr-()E8jci rJ) Fl zH 'EU) <t) .A Flc, H BIrtz 29 l tI o o UJo- XXF- lu J zItrct z9F e UJFJ =u,z. I z zI 6o at Ez z J u,l3o v) u,lo 5 llJ E o2 Ez F I IJJ UJtJ (l o.DIuzY i uJ F 2 tr oz I z z I ; F !J oo 3 I-t IxlII I IFI 9l at) | rl<ll-l zl zl .. >l UJ uJ uJzoh ul ) z Eoo o =ao dlH r*- 1--oc)OO o\ cog\ t\ tsFl F) UJF o uJF c,ootzo Fo- LllY uJo oF F =Gl!r lto (Loo I UJFoz z-_o =r- ll;68 =z-f f IJOtrlClJ-od J 5fii t uJrtt EgE<tLf€ut9rE, !cb95[E ;TE 5E! 6tE oot lutE XOE HFr -.'|!f UJo oF E - E =E UJo-zIF()f AE,, zoo !tF I t sb H FfH FC o =J l! lq I & z v z t4HH Al i,i =z ct -) llll8ol l€at tlzl r- l\oOl-r Itrlt(\t I rllcvt xlk]|o lrdtfa I&tl "lR Iztl Ul d', EI H:5lrzlE() cr|.ir @rt\ I o\ F- ,,lrl;-r I*l I el EI il 3l Fl h zH & E !4 Fq Ic lt ?l g >l I FI oz d UJG tto z3oF oz oIJc J =ttoz3oF e, -rO<(FG()uJ<28,UJFa6 o 9P =Ed. zo () e. i. =o2FID U)U IIJIL E =E uJ.L @ o\ tsa o uJF z oz 6 = .6 oz I I I f-l 1 Z{l.r{5r*E 5r;!ElEaxlUs&,zo*16t l! UJo IL Fz :\F\ E\ o.cr ;\ $\ Erts\\3\\e\ 6 !c6 oT'oOcr P"-\) :N .o\S 5*'Er) -!\-NE\ 9elo. E-lc\ ^l(6Hl B-l9?lEqlHI(rl .9 u,oE .ri'o oo '6 € o ! (E o) oN -o =F c) o o) ;Y oo(5 E (J o .9 =f E (! o!o !t:.Eoti(g'=o(,,*io;ocio(6cooo'- o.=E otoc F=E O X!tc-or*s5q X =3Fj'S =c96 EsE EE-F,roo fEo €eeRi c.:- (6 c\(5 ct sEE U)€ o.E*e 6-'-EE EOc: EEE e+.C(! 0'- P*= dt Or EE:-ei!36>,I6a!=tstii a .3'f s9E q) eEg -o6 N3s r. Sur i\IE - \W: \" \f ".\ cN\.) .r ' \\) \'{o)iS ..b 8lN. AI I ../J.tl ltr Flis)F- t-otl F-!n CO + U' uJulu- E = uJ o- J FoF Irr td IH 14 t: IE Ir .,.2 EE 9: bE =A Eo BE J ENzr. LrlET =>E --."|it!3 =6N 2Zoo F^tt9*tdF 6 .to =:6>l!<o* lJ.l ti9UFO dni u- d o \o J z tr z tr E uJ 3 UJ .. >l IJJ IJJ 11,zot tc lrJ z Eoo X X X X Ff z Q) q] 2 Y IE u,lo llJl (E a llJzY O <t) Ez, 9z =r-tro3trOI 'lolurl cEl Jl <l>l ttl .irN anr\ I F.<r @ (f) I\ors.if ilLnl-l I Iol e ql al>l t!lol el z F frHaz z F-]H =c I ?lol uJl EJ Jl <l>l rLlol zl 3lolFI I I Iol =.1ol Hl JI <l>l t!tol zl 3lolFI I I I g (9l :|>l IJ-| el * .if zH F1H Ff F]i<IB I tz ',2 IHi<rHrtqr& ii =z -) U)t | -f,<l l\ott@8l lYzt t\ootl"llVI lrclllo-<t I'l Ic4tl'llZl lFrut d5ll H>"l Idn!ifl95 IIcol\oF-lF-O\ | l-\1rl l I*11 XIIola*l olal Ilzd9H<clctqJ EC, zH zH z &z E tr EirI+eOz oFo Fz C) 99 =#)zIJ-o Fo Fz E <F(r(J Lr.J <ZE[!F(1 Z oz E =G, uJc I z.-o =zoo =zJO O- t! dt 2?4 =uJXdd= trnn F uJ(L o:!!EZE<ol60Ev)i9T'; EE=>=uJ-E E=c, dtrE =o-E U5E 5*t x>6i:iFct 'io -'i!; uJ @ F EED F!! r..J +. ,'/') C' ,/, )/ ,1,i ,"lt'y'r, /:, /., .'.L/ @ F CA UJ E U'ooazo Fo-u,Y IJJ @ oF ts E lrJ(L lto ooo uJFoz uJF F =E,lrl o-zo F(JfEFazo C) \ onroe en gin..rmlonsu ttants Eeaver Creek Blvd., Colorado 81620 8ox 1597P.O. 48 E. Avon, #307 303-949-7764 CHECK€O SY Fn(1(l.gr 2Gr /l|rEvllr O@\ 9t{ oull lr qo.r ttQrit l0rl fntt t.ut?5t:! 48 E. Beaver Creek BIvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949.7768 EO BYct"lEc x SCALE ruogcl24r.^aI/ r.'.,0,*!, v..r 0ltx ro ord.. fltaftt 10(! tnlt rs??l{u 'l I J OATE303-949-7 7 6A CHECKED SY P.O. 48 E. Avon, SCALE onroe engin."rilonsuttants cALcuLArED." 9)fYJ o^-. Eeaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Colorado 81520 8ox 1597 tnq.rr ur;6i) rr. o'oo'. !s ! irr' Ir o"d.l Ptio.r! torLtitt r'!co?6-i!r Pitkin Creek Park Condominium Association 8-2 5-88 Tovn of Vail Connunity Development Depart$ent vai1, co. 81657 Dear Sirs: Please let it be knoun that Pitkin Creek Park Conclouriniums of 40- Bighorn Rcl. in East VaiI, Colorad.o, authorizes Bob and Steve Eiland of Eiland Construction (3025 Booth FaIIs Rd., Vail, Co. 81557) to perform an excavation and renovation of a stairuay ancl retaining nall between buildings 13 and 14 here at the Pitlin Creek Condominiums- Work on this said project is to begin imnediately after the Tosn of VaiI issues a building permit to Eiland Construction. Sincerely, /^)(-7^/'*- Loren Nicholas Property Manager Post Office Box 217 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303 ) 476{8,8' oz t =G u.lo- o\ o\ C" uJ UJ|! F =E IIJo- 'i&7,/-:t/c trd @ @o\ $(\ E aH z b llu ,alo rtrIr!to tzl6 TJJF o E F F z =o zz @tu o2 oz J .! zz o o) 0) E G .9 E (! 3 t- q) E o 1' (! (DEoo o) ! d) E =cl g q) o o.o-6 '.0) q, .9 o ar;o .9 .2 Eo o o N -ar>c 3oF o o o) t ooo o) o ah .9 = o E (5 til,! o-c '= (l) (rt*!oXotrgo(6 c^.2 *,.Yo 6toc FfE e 6Ptr-o 96s =EFE >= c96 B5; 8Ea ==Er-OO -i: () Easr! c.=- (6 cl (5 cLsEl !,- O-'s €:861E? Eoc= EfE -r C6 0'- € --cs,*: EiE =6>9 (!E .Y:EH;8ete9Eq) OEELOCt) -o6 Or\'.ir e- tr =E, UJo-ozo = @ :< C)It oz J e. uJ TIJ oz 6 J Iz C) uJ = IJJ IIJ TLz -k UJ o IJJ o =g UJ z 6 UJ IIJ o- z uJ C) x F uJo U' UJ UJ|r tr E UJc J F F z 6J @ o ulJ u,i z ao = ) = o uJ = NOtrvnlvA t<IAl('lIlotzl<Lto XOr oa-O.-t =6bFq zdlotdtr,rgF{ EOoro Hrr EH 22 6H =>e. =cl|at zz Fo. Axf=F90 tnO5-()zr!<oq c!{i5j(\i c;zHH Ir1 z tr lJ IL UJ6- a uJ J z E +rc'(z tr IJJ FJ 3 UJ2 atzlz tr o O =zl z =UJ =o o)lu )(l- luE oz Flrz I tr qlll ? TE .,lsl sli-l uJ 0- F z F 5oz Il l"lL el sll\ll--r--ll'i ll l"llol{ll9td I"ll ErEl Fl O Fa <l trl zl zl .. >lo UJo lrJ uJza L tr Iu(L z E6o I l:--'i> z trIt CO z al o utF o uJt(t,oo?zo Fo- uJv IJJo oF F =3(f ollll '-rL =.f(J o.t o ;^1ovo<rE I ujFoz !n! t uJ o-lt uJ z oo oFE Eo- JFUl --h=ui rdur>[Ou9oiurxo-:>fiFJ uJ F --- ts =Elrl o-zIF C)f E,ta zoo z,"9 >_2.oo =zl= (L U- :E= =()i =HE 6! z l! J co FoJ (n Fzo(.) Xfi A H(, zl{ MHHA ii =z dl l UJ z u] 2 Fo =tr <n IJJ o = = F e, t! oz oul t! z3 F =dtr oz ot! 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E UJE zo troo * l<z tr llJ F ;llJz I u)Lzlz tr o I aF 2l zf) uJ3o (tt l! (l- !J tr oz F z F-I trI UJlj CE !) uJz iF z F Jlaz o aJ 3 i u,.l F:) F -J1 -l zl zl .. >louloulr!zoF (r uJ ) 2 E odtr-<>oH l r--{ I tl =:lol uJlrcl JI <l>l rLlol a el ollUl ccl Jl <l>l u-lol 2l 3l FI I I I I dtzl uJl 5l <I>l lLlolzl ..'3t fOl rrJFI F lltltltltltlI ,;llzldslFt alALI BslI u-lloltzl =l =lcl olu--l Fl =.1 OI IJJI :l al>l bl zl 3l 9l H E{(t) B z H H HX ui =z. -) llI l=ll-lI Ic{I In-Hsllrd .-r | ,o '-l s I r-l c.t I (L '-l If4xllol{Jcqlrllat l-r€ fl'Eq 5>tdJ{edEA=(J o- *l 14 flq ilHHft oz: u- F tFzo() 2 -r uJ (rir g )E<o(JF 'QES XF ----1 Z E >Y =#fF)zrr.o <F ur<z. E. tJJ F(rzo lrJ bo c0o-zo Fo- IJJY lll CD oF :- l\Ecoccolt! t-.{t! Orn>c!L 6>tz HHzo trnD 2 I UJ =_xLlr ZF =ulJ.JouJ E: uJ o- ul z oo oF GIG JFu.l :-h=5aO. 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LTJ!.rd.L) z !lF EL ui =zo -) lrJ =z z, uJt I = + =o =tr E uJcoo) I Io- 6 -liEi I 5t Iil?l =lgi <l Xl c{>l 'rl co dfli dF(-) UJJ t =UJz. tg z '; UJ ) a lt z B a =J u.lJ co t!1 Etr z o uJ J a u-oz =t- ct)F\rr) I (\l IJJJ UJF =c tr z oul J l! z =oF =tr oz IJJ J r!o z = ulJulF q , E UJz = Fou, F ()t <FE() Lr,J <zg, |.,U F(aZ-oo JE<oOF=oFS XF-z -EoIO ,"x>Y =<=o(=F-o-6 o *6:IF7a)4<.;(r Yr=>3 Eirt: l-o2 (J <dqjFll<tr--lt<tt<l LJ e l$ q/ d .j l- {,\, lo -"t', W --.: G.l _*^rit LJ r \., - [llJ{\o: r-3\ <P:3+N = FAE;< eSIo \/) .*l *\ IL \} N T \t :t o\t* i.e6A1 4 1:!+ !n l- \n$aJ 04 $ql g vl n3s.l li Intfr"'\B K s$bj\ie €.. \>\+v 9r 7iO()Og'r-'t,d- -1,c-P') 2.- \ll $ ot b' j. o o(/ c H R 2 r- rO(O QA@ E3-r-o 'd$E F*t;.ri: "J N \-eas",\bj fu FT fr .{ 3c'F,ia TF ?fr5rw .''-"{.J 0a,4 ,i o: .| fr a 3(l6 -/. -o\-t i-r*-tl $f L, I JIl(. '*i;,',,. I o,.h. [r -Str il$lrLl dl; ''4 {,<e' 6l sft. I h,d!{,"P .lg8t d ,i/! :P.f FI ^U,i" vi€-!' v)\J I o{l'-r .1. n' :' trs;{rCr,dl-j I '.t ,Er h*t I ill$l Ibf ,: ;J .' -t -l I PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. DUN N ARTHUR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHFIISTENSEN LES LI E J. RANNIGER LAw OFFlcEs CoscRtFF, Dutttt 6, ABPLANALP A P RTI|EFISIIIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPOFA'IONs ezll N. FRoNTAGE Roao SulrE 2o4 P. O. Box a299 VArL, CoLoRAoo 81658 <30 3) 476-7552 5 October 1987 IN L EA OV ILL EI CosGRtFF, OUN N 6 BERRY P. O, El0X ll LEA OVr LLE, COLORAOO A046l (3O3) 446- l€45 ABPLANALP Mr. Rick Pylman, Zoning Administrator Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Re: East Vail Rentals Dear lvlr. Pylrnan: fn accordance with out recent discussions regarding the buitding permit for East Vail Rentals at+ ,?l'";ii:::.13;. P1ease be advised that in doing so we expressly reserve any claims we might have against the Town of Vail, based on the information supplied to our client by the Town of Vail' Thank you again for your cooperation. Very truly yours, COSGRTFF. DUNN & ,AnL y / vvvt/( L AIlen C. Christensen ACC: s cc: Norman Branca PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ARE PETER COSGRtFF, P C.ANO TIMOTHY H. BERRY, P.C. lN LEAOVILLE' OUNN & ABPLANALP, E C. IN VAIL.