HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120404 APPLICATION Dep»rtment of Ccsmmunity Development i 7�South Frontage RUad IOWN OF VAi�.`-� van, co ot�57 TeI:974�79-2128 www.vAilgov.com Development Revfew Caordln�tor -- -_ _.. __ --- ApP�ication fQr nesign Review Change� to Approved Pl�ns Gener�! Information: T his applic�t�c�n is (or all chanyes io approved plans prior to Certificate of O�cu�ancy. An applicaiion for Design Raview cannot be acceptad until all required Information Is r�ceived by the Commu- nity development DeparfmAnt. Design Review approval �xpires one year from the date af apprava{, unless a building permil is issucd dnd canstruction cammences. Suhmitta! Requiremenls� 1. Three (3) cnples of all pe�tln�nt approveci��I�ns with illustrate�i, tak�eled changes 2. Jomt F'roperty �wner V'dr�ttet� �p�roJa! Letter, �f app�icablp. Fee: �20 ,-�- �; I _�Singie Famliy � _^ Duplex 1�,__I_ Muttt-Famfty i'JCc�mmerclal qescrlptitrn of the Request: _Minor Winciow/Door modlltcaGons as a result of canditlon�disc��ver�d during c�nstruction __----- ------- -- PhysiCal Address: Unit R-2 28$Bridye Street_Vail,CO _� _ � �_,__ F3r��1 Nu���u�,r. �101-087-d400-3 ---�! (Contact Eagle Co.Ass�ssor at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) Praperty Owner: Maryn Mullaily_ � _ _�___.__ Mailing Address: �'�ao Reci N�II Roed - Boulder,CO 80307 �,��n�: (303}818-8521 - __ _ _- - _ _ -- ----- __- --- _ __�____.A._____ ��� � � ,( � � �,�' Owner's S{gnature: _-.__�� - ���-.!`"',! � � `" `�=►-�'". __ r___ __ Prlmary Contactl Owner Representat�ve: M�rk ����aldsont VM[�T '� ,. .�.�._--_ Maiiing Address: �'��0x 5:i0u-Avon,Co 81s20 � � __,.- -- — -.. __ — - ------- --- ---�--- --'----- Phone: �970)949�52UO Ma�n, C;e�i (�f70)39Q-5300 �_M��`, merkdLvmd�.com _ Fax: (J70)945-5205 i `� For Office Use Only: Cash,� CC: Vis�/MG L�sl 4 CG+�.�___ Exp. Datc�:____ Auth#_____ Check# �ee Paid: RACewed F rom: Meeting Date: DR8 No.� — Planner. ---_ Pra)eCt No: _ _ -- Zoning, �------ ------._.�__.�, l-and Use: �Lacatiar of the�rnp�,.�t� Lot:___ - Blc�ck;_ _Subdivislan._ ___.__ --� -�- nu,, C�. LV �L Iti);U(HIYI �� ���� �� � �\;�:.f / �ow� oF vA�z � JC1iNT PR{�P�RTY OW�fER WRiT7EN APPROVAI. LETTER ;hC a���lic�nt musi suhmil wrtttf�re (oint pro{�erty owr��r app�uvai for �ppl�c'..al�ons �ffeciing sharecl ownership prcap�7Rlc�s such as duplex, c4ndominium. �nd multi-tenent buiidinc�s This forrn, ar similer wniten correspondence, must t�e com- pleted by tl�e adjc�inin��iuplex unil own�t or the autharized agenl ot tt�e hcxne owner's assoc�alion In the case of a con- dominlurn or multi-tenant buildint�.All c�mptete�i forms must be subm+tteci with tf�e app►tcanis completed a�plic,ail�r. I, (prtnt name) Marc�o Mullal4y � , a joint nwner, or authority of the assoclation, of property localed�! �rart F;-1 �8ts :snc�ge STreet _�'��:,CO �_�.__._____, Provide t#�is letter as written approval of the plt�r�s dateej 8/26��2 Prepared by��A+�i7A which have bee�� submitted lo the Iown o�Vail Cu�fir , ._ � � .-�� '� ..��,. ' '� ,,��t«s>>��t> �:'; Iho propased imExovements to be c;ompleted at the eddress not- �d above. I understend thet the propased lmprovetnents include' Minor Window/Doar modificafions as a�esUlt of conditions c�iscovered during conslrucUon, � -�-�-_-- -_-----.'- - --- �-���-�- {Slynat 8) (Date) Add(t�onally, please check ttte staiement below which ts most appNcable ta you' I understand thar mlr�ar modrficaUa�s may be made ta 1l�e plans ov�r the course of the review process to ensure compJi- ance r�h th 7own's appltceble ccxles a+Td regulations_ (lnitial here) I understand(hat atI modli]cations, rninor or olherwfse, whlch ard tt�a�ie to th�ptans over the course of Ihe rewew pro- cess, be brouyht ta my atten►ion by rhe epplica��i tur audetionaJ approu.3!befars�rr�dergoing f��Rher mview by the 7own. (Initisl hore}