HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0401 Asbestos FormB12-0401 S�ate oF Colorado Asbes#as Testing & Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors �nd emergency services responders ft'om ex- posure to harmful asbeskos. It is your responsibiliry to be in cornpliance with the State. Please contact the State directly for their requirements at the contact info listed below, When is_asbestos testinq repuired? ANY building pra�ecks d�s�ur�i�rg more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbeskos testing: �ne- and Two-Family Dwellings; 32 square feet All Others (commercwal sp�ces, hatel rooms, etc}: 1b0 square feet De�nition of a single-family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including multi-famity/candominium units, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided w�th your app�ication for a building permit. Tests which identify P(}SITIVE results at �i�ore than 1% require abatement by a 5tate-certified abatemenk contractor, The air clearance letter or form musk be submittec� to the Tawn of Vail beFore the building permit will be �ssued. Project Checkl�st My project falls into the category chec�Ced delow: � Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. � Tested negative, or at 1% or below {1 copies of test results i�cluded) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatem�nt (1 +eopies of test results inclucied� Tips & Facts: • Even recent construction projects may include asbesto�-containing materials, so buildings of a� age require tesking. • The "1989 8an" on asbestos-containing materials is cammonly misun�derstood. "In fact, in 1991 the IJ.S, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much af the so-called "Asbest�ss Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded rt ta the EPA, Thus, rnuch af the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processin�, or distribu�ion in eommerce af many as�estos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - eDPHE Asbestos test results should be submitted ta: Town of Uail, Cammunity Development, 7S S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO3 8165i. 'iown of Vail Contaci; Fire Prevention Bureau Vail Fire Depar�rnent 75 S Frontage Rd Fire_inspectors@vailgov.con� 97Q-�479-2252 www.v�ilgov,COr�i State of Coi�orado Contact: Calorado bepartment of Public Health an� Environment Asbestos Cor�pliance Assistance Group 303-692-3158 a s b estos@state, co. u s www, cd �h e. sta te. ca. us Ol-1an-11