To: Planning& Environmental Commission
From:Vail Recreation District
RE:Vail Golf& Nordic Temporary Structures and Operations
The Vail Recreation District(VRD),in conjunction with the Town of Vail(TOV) is currently working on plans for the
temporary structures and operations required as a part of the Vail Golf and Nordic Club House.
This project is a result of the town of Vail voter approval of the conference center funds to be partially allocated to
the Vail Golf& Nordic club house renovation. Once the renovation process begins it is expected to last between
12 and 18 months. During that time the VRD is tasked with providing both Golf and Nordic programming
throughout the construction. We propose providing this programming with temporary structures detailed below.
The purpose of this project is to provide the following services and amenities associated with a Golf and Nordic
Club House:
1) Retail&Admin operation (tee times,track fees, rentals, retail sales and information,staff offices etc.)
2) Restrooms and Lockers
3) Cart storage(golf season only)
4) Inventory&equipment storage
5) F&B and "Back of House"functions
Details and Operations:
This project has many parts to complete the picture required to maintain Golf and Nordic operations throughout
the renovation process. The center pieces for the temporary structures will be 2 trailers that were donated to the
VRD by Vail Resorts Inc. (VRI). These 2 trailers were used by VRI at the Beaver Creek landing(current top terminal
for the Westin Hotel to Beaver Creek Gondola). We propose to utilize the ticketing trailer for our retail and admin
office and the restroom trailer for our restrooms and lockers. These trailers had limited use in their previous
location and have been in storage with the VRD since. They have been through a conceptual design and review by
the Town of Vail.They have also undergone several inspections both with TOV community development staff as
well as local engineers and contractors. We firmly believe that these trailers will be both functional and
aesthetically pleasing for temporary structures.
The proposed location for the trailers is along the east side of the cart path heading north to the starter building
from Sunburst Drive. They will be located on the driving range however due to the limited space requirement we
will continue to operate the driving range as it exists today however without the last 2 hitting lanes. The trailers
will be installed with the wheels below surface so that we limit the need for ADA ramps on the exterior.
We are also proposing to install a tent structure for use as our golf cart barn storage. This will be a summer
operation requirement only and the structure will be removed for winter operations. The structure will be 50'X
84'. The canvas will be a green color. We propose installing this structure to the north and east of the starter
building. The interior flooring will either be asphalt or gravel with plywood floor. Golf Carts will be stored and
charged in this location. They will not be serviced in this location. All servicing will occur at the Golf Maintenance
We are also proposing a 2 bay garage to be utilized for equipment and operation storage. This will be installed on
the northwest side of the starter building. This will be a stick build structure and will match the trailers for exterior
finishes. This will be approximately 24'X 24'with 2 garage doors. This structure will be critical in our ability to
operate seasonal business with separate equipment needs.
Finally,we are proposing to install an 8'tall fence to create and enclosure to the west of the starter building. We
would utilize this enclosure for back of house operations including trash, recycling, refrigeration and exterior
storage. The fence would match the current exterior of the starter building.
This project is proposed to commence as soon as there is a definitive course of action for the club house
renovation. We do not want to install them and not need them nor can we begin renovations of the club house
without the temporary structures. The VRD has proposed that the structures be installed in the fall of 2012 or fall
of 2013. We have also proposed that we limit the use to 1 summer operation and 2 winter operations. We do not
want to be impacted for 2 summer seasons.
Golf Operations:
The golf season begins with pass sales during the second week of April. The golf course opens as soon as the snow
has melted and the tees and greens have recovered from dormancy. Early and late season golf hours are from 9
am until 7 pm. Peak season hours are from 6 am until 9 pm. Golf operations end October 31St or earlier if weather
prohibits play.
Nordic Operations:
The Nordic season begins with pass sales during the second week of November. The track opens as soon as there
is sufficient snow for grooming. Early and late season Nordic hours are from 10 am until 4 pm. Peak season hours
are from 9 am until 5 pm. Nordic operations end on April
or earlier if the track is no longer safe for skiing due to
weather conditions.
Both Golf and Nordic will continue to utilize the existing club house parking lot during the renovation. It will need
to be managed by the VRD and TOV to ensure that there is impact from renovation staging and access is
minimized. The VRD recommends that there be NO free skier parking in this lot during the renovation and
operation of the Nordic center. A walkway will be maintained by the VRD to the temporary structures throughout
the renovation. Overflow parking will remain as it exists today with parking allowed on Sunburst drive only once
the existing lot has reached capacity.
All deliveries will be made to the existing parking lot and hand trucked or carted to the final location. Trash and
recycling will be staged to the west of the starter building and will be carted to the parking lot for designated pick
up times.
Emergency Access:
Emergency vehicles will be allowed to access the entire location via the existing road from Sunburst Drive to the
Starter Building which was originally designed to accommodate vehicles including the Vail Fire Pump truck.
Structure Removal:
The VRD will be prepared to remove the structures and restore the impacted area within 60 days of acquiring a CO
for the newly renovated Club House.
The Vail Recreation District will continue to work with both the Golf and Nordic operations staff to ensure that all
services and programming can be accomplished during the renovation. We realize that in a temporary capacity we
will want to be flexible and accommodate the operations as much as possible with as little impact to our guests
and to the renovation project.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or comments regarding our request for a conditional use
Thank you for your time.
Scott F. O'Connell
Director of Operations
Vail Recreation District
soconnell @vailrec.com
To:Planning&Environmental Commission
From:Vail Recreation District
RE:Community Outreach for Temporary Structure project
The Vail Recreation District(VRD),in conjunction with the Town of Vail(TOV)have actively sought feedback from the Vail
Community,including the adjacent homeowners in regards to the use of temporary structures for the Golf and Nordic
operations during the club house renovation project.
The VRD and TOV have been before the Design and Review Board on August 15th 2012 for a conceptual design review and
posted a press release to inform the community of our appointment with the review board. As a result of that meeting we
were given the following feedback:
1) If possible,install the new cart barn structure with a green canvas or associated material top.
2) Ensure that the storage building has matching finishes to the proposed trailers
3) If possible,incorporate some of the existing lilac trees into the temporary landscaping.
The VRD and TOV have worked with the Architect and manufacturer and will be able to meet both of the recommendations for
the project.
The VRD and TOV also held a community open house at the Club House to present the project to the public. This was done on
Thursday August 16th. The invitation to the open house was also announced via the press release as well as we sent an email
out to the entire golf community and all community members that had specifically requested that we contact them regarding
all applications for the renovation project. There were several members of the community that participated including the
association representatives from Fall Ridge. We received positive feedback from them regarding this project. Some of the
feedback that was taken into consideration and ultimately impacted the plans were:
1) Location of the cart barn
2) Location of the storage structure
Both of these concerns were addressed and ultimately resulted in moving the proposed location to an area that the neighbors
had identified as having the least impact to the neighborhood.
The VRD and TOV will continue to update the community as to the progress and timing of the project. Due to the fact that the
renovation timing is yet to be determined we are planning on being prepared to install as.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or would like any additional information regarding the
community outreach portion of the temporary structure project.
Thank you for your time.
Sincere ,
Scott F.O'Connell
Director of Operations
Vail Recreation District
soconnell @vailrec.com