HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120447 IC����ii�ir� Il���i�� ������ ��'1�'��'��M�1 �'�1�1�1 � ��� �, � IC����u=t��r�it ��� ��m�mr�u�irriit�.� IC����Ic��mm�ir��� � �� � ��� �� ,�� � 75 '��c��u�h Fu��n�t��a�� �c���i, �'�iil� ��Il��rr����l� '�1�6����7' t�ll: '�7'�.47�.21�� ���: '��'!�.4�'!�.��452 ,,.,.,�:;cM�����u���ir�r�����'����o��.... ���r�;�� '�rsr^���.�r'�iil��c��r',����r�� Project Name: PRICE WINDOW CHANGE DRB Number: DRB120447 Project Description: REPLACE WINDOWS AND SLIDING DOOR, SAME SIZE AND COLOR. WILL GO FROM WOOD TO VINYL. Participants: OWNER PRICE, TODD G. & LYNN L. 09/18/2012 7103 S NEWPORT WAY CENTENNIAL CO 80112 APPLICANT PRICE, TODD G. & LYNN L. 09/18/2012 7103 S NEWPORT WAY CENTENNIAL CO 80112 Project Address: 1880 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: MEADOW CREEK CONDOS UNIT A9 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-123-0101-9 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 09/20/2012 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ' 09/6512612 12:35 3033600166 HOME DEPOT PAGE 03/12 I'I � � � !� ,,J � , Department of Gommunity Devetopment i5 South Frontage Road T�p'WN UF VA1L"' SEP 1 4 201Z �a��,co s�ss7 Tel: 970�478-2128 www.valigov.com TOWN OF VAIL Devefopment Revlew Coordinator Application for Design Review Minor E�teriar Alteratian General fnformation: This application is required for alf propasals invalving minor changes ta buildings and site improve- rnents, such gs roofing, painting,window edditions, Iands�ap4ng, fences, retaining walls,etC. �IppliCable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailaov.cam under Vail InfofmatiGn—Tdwn Code Onllne. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting�builcfing permit�pplicstion. An application for Design Review cannot be aacepted until all required inform2�tion is I�eCeived by the Community Development Department, as ouilingd in the�submittal requirernents. Tt1�proje�t msy also need fo be reviewed by the Town CounCil andlorthe Planning and �nvironmental Cflmmission_ Design review approval expires one year from the data of approval, unless a building per- mit is is8ued and constructi�n cammences. Fee: $250 for Multl-FamifylCommercial ' $2p for Single �amifyfDuplex _�Single Family �Duplex �_Multi-Family _I..,... _Commercial Description of the Request: Replsce windows, same as orig'snals. Na resizing of openings. Physical Address: 1860 Meadow R�dge Rd. #A9 Vail, CO 81857 P�rCel NumbeP: �103-123�01� Q�9 (�ontact Eagle Co, Assessar at 97D-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Todd Pri�e Malling �ddr�ss: 1860 Me�dow RtBge Rd#A9 Vail CO 81fi57 Fhone: 303-408-6p 10 4wner's Signature: Prfmary Gontactl�wner Repres�n#ative; �rin Fowler 1 Jules Landis M�iling Address; �250 Quentin St#128 Aurora, CO 80011 _ p�QnQ. 303-209-$650 Jules cell: 7�0�496-7322 �_����; erin_fowlar�homedepot_c�m Fax: 3Q3-360-1086 �ar Clffice Usa Only: � Gash,_ CC: vsa 1 MG Last 4 CC# �xp. Date: Auth # Check�F �y9 a Fee P2id; �� �J��OD Recaived From: � . rn S� L. � Mee#ing D�te: DR6 Nv,: a y Pianner: Praject No� �� 1 a-- D��?(a 7 Zoning: Land Use: , Location of Che Proposal: Lot:�BEock: Subdivision: .lk.+- �Et42 1.,2L�K ___ 04I0512012 12: 35 303366�166 HOME DEPOT PAGE 04/12 TOW�V OF V��l�� JOINT PRQPERTY UWNER WRITTEN APPR�VAL LETTER i The �pplicant must submft written joirrt properiy owner approval for appllcatlons afFecting shared ownership properties I such as duplex, condominium, and multi-ten�nt buildings. This form, or similar written correspOndenoe, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owrl9r dr the authorized agent of the home awner'8�ssocistfon in fhe case of a o0n- dominium or multi-ten�nt building.All completed forms must be submitted with the appifcants oompleted applic�tion. I, (print name) Ghris Wombolt, Tr�asurer Buffehr Creek Condo Assac. , a joint owner, or authofity of the association, af property located at �ufFehr Creek Candas, �860 Me2dow Ridge Road , prflvide thi8 I�tter as written �ppro�al of the plans dated 03 July 2012 whiCh have been subrTlitted to the TOwh of Uail Community Devefopment Dep�rkm�nC for the proposed impravern9nts to be completed at the address not- ed�bo�e. I understand khat the proposed improvements include: Simonton 65��replacement Windaws&Pafio dovr with chocalate brown exteriors. Only the ChoCOlate exlerior calored units C�� be installed. Any new wood or flashing used by the installer will need to match the exberidr of the building exs�tly. Ch1nb{�'M`�`/amboR I epo���"���aocumnr[ Sa Seo 2012 19; � C9!N;J� (Signature) (D ate) Addition�lly, p�ease check the st�tement below whlch is rra0�t 8pplicable to you; r understand thaf minor morlifrcations may be made to t�e plans over th�course of fhe r�vi�w prooess to ensut+s Complr- artce wr�h the Town's applicabJe codes 8r+d regul�tions. �.,.w.•,�,,.d ,�,{.'/1�/�/_�y�i•aa�we n.�w.rr �,��..��. ,wyr�p w s�n m+t naha�.w�m c:1r.� (lnitis!hereJ 1�ndersfand fhat�f!mOdfficatlons, mir�orOr othenvise, tivhrcl�ar8 made fo the plans over the course af the revlew pro- cess, be br�ught ta my act�ention by rhe��DpliGSnt far sddition�l�pp+'vval befiore undergaing further revrew by t��e 7'owA. �� Clr�I.�irV.bMeS :.M��r�Q4W�l�iP�aM M�tlnvMNt pc���I"!•9•At:9f.]RA �:1 6r (rnitial her�) 09�0512012 12:35 3033600166 HOME DEPOT PAGE 05l12 Property Infarmatinn Propertyaddress 1860 Meadow Ridge Rd#A9 Vail, CQ $4439 P��t��� 2103-123-01-18 Leg��DescriptiOn DESC; BLaG A Subdivision BRUFFER CREEK G�NDO Unit: 9 DevelopmentSlte Arca sq ft NA dtres buildable sq ft Zone Dfstrlct f SDD# �q Hazard Zones Snow Avalan�he j.; High SeYel'ity .;Mod��ate Severlty .;NJA SecNons x�-21&14-7 DebYis F�o4v r Hi h Flow r�Moderate Flow I;Hi h Avalanthe +' N/A Rockfa+l �High 5everity ``1Medium 5everity f�NJA EXCessiv'e SICpBS }_'230% ��NJA Floodpfain r xOQ ear flpod lain _j Floodway Wetlands � N�a Creeks.SCreams Gare Creek �an site I"".�adjacentto site r Nf� Section 12-14-17 other tributary: __ �'";on s►te �adjac�nt to site �i;N/A Pro ect Informatlon Project Description Replaoe(5) Windows, same as originals, no resizing of openings. Development Standards Allowed Existlng Propased Gross ResidenCi�l I�laor Area Prlmary sq ft {UA {mgximum) Secandary sq ft NA Chapter 12-15 EHU sq ft h1A TarR�sa� �� `~2SA Addition �"Interior C�n�ersiqn GI"edits: 5etbatks(mtnimum} Frant ft NA Section 14-10� Side k NA Side R NA Rea r ft N+� Watercourse ft �� S(t�Coverage(maximum) Np, see definitfon 5ection 12-2-2 Building Height(maximum) Sloping ft N� see definitivn SeCCion�2-2-2 Flat ft Landscaping Softscape sq ft N�1 See defiinition 5ection 14-2-1 Hardseape sq it �JQ SeCtlOn i4•10-8 T�TAL sq tt NA Drivewey Max turb-cuts NA Sections I4-3-1&7.�-3-2 M1x GI'ade�cen- N�1 terline Min Width N� Heated drive7 � Yes �"Na �":Yes �"No Snow 5tarage 96 NA Parking #Enclvsed Spaces Sections 12-10&14^5 #Unenclosed NA TOTAL Outdaor Li�htlng(maximum} 1�fixtur�s Sectlon 14-10-7 09%0512612 12: 35 3633680166 HOM1E DEPOT PAGE 10/12 PROPOSED M.�T�RiAI�S �U�Id111p �At��lBlS TYR�Of N��t�lJ2I GO��f RocP Siding 4ther Vll�ll Marterials Fasaa Soffits � - VINYL-Slmonton 6500 Series CH4CQLATE Windaws Windaw Trim Doors _ --- --- Door T�im Wand or deck Rails Flues Ffashing Chimneys ___ Trash�ndasur�es Greenhauses -- - - — Retafning W2fls ExfeROr Lighting Other , -— Nniss: Please specify the m�nufaCturer's name,the CClor n�me an�nurtlbet 2nd attach 2 C�lor Chip. �VantagePointe -- �ti'inclu�vs and Uuurs By fG>��.,;"� � .. A�aitabie ExcJUS�vely trrtx�Fi�a �� � �� _"�+� � . .. �' � � � - T, �� :��`�' "�" . ; � �� �..: �. � 3� ���� �ar"��' _� °� , � � � , ,. ° k- _�. .�, �k . �. , -w:}�. .�. Why VantageNo�nte'? - - --- VansegQPointe"W�ndows and Doors by Simonton' are ava�taCic exciustvoly through The Hor,�e popot�`and feat�re award-winn+r. T � � qualiry construction.beauty,style ophons.value.and energy QtfiCienry T he Home Depat nas been heiping you build your dreams tor aver �` `— � :5 years.Take the risks and hassles aut o(your next window�nd do�r rgmodsling pr�ject with The Fiome�epofs prafctssionally trained empkoyees and authonzc�J serv�ce prowders VantagaPointe Windoti�.s and 17oors combine the best from hvo of Amenca's leading campanies—5imonton Wa�davs and Tho Home pepot Rcautliy your home and simpltfy your Iife with VantagePointe Win�ows and Dc�ors 6y Simont�n" availabicz cxc��,sn+ely thr4ugh Th�- Homo C7epot. (e�m more about tho marsy styl�s.feaR�res,cdors nptions an� , � produr,:5 a'�ai#�hlr::��r LC a�,�,l,���,,. -`" Simonton Windows°ranks"Hi�est in Customer Satisfaction � r�r� p�; with Windows and Doors,Three Yesrs in a R�w'. �En,�k MoRe �� ` L�1 __. _ .,... ._ : _ _. _ � . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .... .. ... .. .. .. . . �.5.� �� fi�� ; �x �;`!'i � ! !�� t �.. � - �� � �_ � � I - - � _ 4_. � � � �, _ -e�, ���� _ -� �� - k ; �.. �� , �P � : . .. : ; : ;, , .. -a h � : �h i:, �! �' •V�� . . . . . .- -....,.�,. ... • i C . :�`., ` s"�� ..���t�n CiuSfJlil��'�J�il\fa�t��ll � � � �anta �hree Ye�s in a Row'. ��,,�N nro+ _ �� - � •-� � �- ��, �Uincic►�4's ar� , _ ��„ : . ' _ .. .rnr*ve�l. . — �! .. F1':'�3��I7b1..-.1-.%; tt bx: SALES ORDER SUiV[I�tARY en►rzoi2 i ss3ar!,� The Home De{�ot At Home Hnmcowner: M�M'rald Price Sale Date: G/24/20I2 lleasu�c FI: Matthew Mc[�onald Job No: 6326767 Product: Windows Sale Amount:$R?50.00 Consultant I:GiI Folsom Branrh: Denver Stgtus: SalelPinished and Paid-Customer Ship To: 5i•Aurcira Consultan[2: Lioe/fim/Flr Stvlc Series Color Uption Width Ilcight I 1 Kitchen 1 Single Casemenl i Operating 6SQ0 White 24.00 60.00 2 BxtF�room ISingte Casement!Operating 65Qd White 22.00 32-Q4 "I'�mpereci Glass�'Not GnrdeiKFull) Obscure Glass(Full) 3 tiedroom l 3 Panel Slidrr f/3-113-1l3 6500 White �4�� 52�� 4 Bedroom I 2 Pancl Slider(2 PNL) 65W White 49.Q0 44.(� 5 Family Ro�m Patio Doors(PIl) 6500 Wh'rtc 95.25 79.25