HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE GENERAL LEGAL\ S- QIA f) <h (dn o_E UT o OE*;is. T 6 9 TE E!--osr39(g = =._ tt ? E'- E E--F;u-to-'t rE F bo >- 3.= O€€ G '-tJ!rie eF d I9 Ftr i-? ti.: - y c Q= G E:3Es'" I €'H .E.s q .Et U ji F o 95.9 o o,r d - li'r'!-.c**.:;5Ft-:o-ce U': F I P.io e lJ v.= (u o.c ,ol-$ aF(gtre'--: '..r 9:E I -E b E tr e: b BE ?"Z E F..E;8-fl I I'I I I I I I I I I I €l 8l 6l al I I I::.Il-rc) il z & T. ;.] ; 'al U l-r at)1- oU ln F al a tiU I .-ad -l I I tr)l\Ol 6l ^lvl gl al rl -r:l(gl >l c{l cOl.+tl\ol XI ol EI(EI -Fl .\| col 0JlI-rl$l "l a; a,) !.6 CI 1.1 3o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Orl>l lrlnl 0rl (!I(,l \olalral-l I I .ij f 'b a €! I I I I Ioo, ItrE I3: In 'rr I!r I \Jr\ l.9e I ox I IH.E 6b I H i-.5 |c.r'i 3 | d.= ^ |X r-= I vsd IP3 e I.EEi: I'OinglE 9€ I6? c, Ie82 |F* ) | .Eiv I'=Ftr | PE! !IE'F hI..! P; *le=tr .:l9_Eu? Ellr -'r !^ .Vl9F:j',hi;* Eli.9i rEl'i -< i -clCt - .!r :lE890 dl cqA I :.* 9 | 5eS tg.E B .g O.o or t RS-E H< X*e !+ix:= o6':es€E 5.28U, E0 xn tl .=r U'a?r XEF! [JtF" !ilEg E-va\.-'==r;- j" tsFa > 7 z )"Uz f,li A DUUo fr{o FI E{4UH fr{ H Hfr HU t\ a< ooq)< RP edi\ r!s,s6 .9 \J LnEN- .cl !--:Is F.J-{O -. =C>F--t $a\ o q) r) o L t3.( O{ OTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT I{r BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: 895-0066 .^. l--rlN.Ull$.tl!-_ t POSTED ffi*,--!"^Az.-1.t t \[rru-^L\c"-'A'l TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address 303-479-2138 / 479-2139 Location . . . FAX303-479-2452 Parcel No.. Proiect No. 1136 SANDSTONE DR 210 3 -014-11-010 PRJ95-0040 Deparunent of ComntunityStatus. . . epp1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Development I S SUED 04 /o7 /tees04/t3/tse5 Lo /Lo /Lee5 OWNER BOUCHARD KAREN L 4093 SPRUCE WAY 30, APPLICANT KAREN BOUCHARD P.O. BOX 6432, VArL, CONTRACTOR KAREN BOUCHARD P.o. Box 6432t VAIL' Description: REMODEL RESTAURANT TO CONDO UNIT vArL co 81657 co 81658 co 81658 Phone:476-8100 Phone:476-8100 fof ltood/Pa L tet: OccuPancy: Rl Type Construction: V Type OccuPancY: R1 Valuati-on: t i reptace Information: Restricted: MuIti-FanilY l-HR Type V l-Hour Not in table! 45,500 #of Gas AppI i ances: Add Sq Ft: #of Gas Logs: trffirffirJrffi***ffi**tr,r#(fr**ffi*irffiirs# FEE SII{FARY r***r*t**rr******t*ff(*Jr****J.ffi*t*irffi*lrht'rffi****** Bui tding-----> 462.00 Restuarant pl,an Revielll> .oo Total, cal'cul'ated Fees---> 1,065.10 Pl'an check---> 3oO.3O DRB Fee-----------------1 50'00 Additional' Fees---------) '00 Investigation> .oo RecFeation ter---------) .oo Tota! Permit Fee--------> 1'065'30 ui|'tca|'|,---->3.ooC|'ean-UpDeposlt-------->25o.ooPayments-------__-_-:1,055'30 TOTAL FEES----- #ffi***ffiir*ftffi*ffir****Jr*****trt**M**********t*ffr************ir*********#(t**#.ftffi*****ffi#*tt##'#H*fii Dept: BUILDING Divisionl Dept: PLAI.INING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: rrffiffiffi*ff*ffirffirt****ftffir**ffiffiir#rt.i##(*f*t**t***r*r****iri.'t**Jt*'rrffi*ff**t#ir**ttitt!f** see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPply to this permit' DECLARAT IONS accurate Ptot and p[ot Ptan/sudivision f ICE f Rolt 6:00 Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{!-647t2/lggs oex Action: APBRi€'em:' 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT-o47Iz/tlgs ltt"t Action: APPRItbm., 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT647I2/19gs oPx Action: APPR ii'ema' o55oo PUtsLrc woRK$o4/Iz/tsss out Action: APPR I hereby acknoHl,edge that I have read this apptication, tiLted out in futl, the information requi red, conPteted an ptan, and statc that att tte iniormation provided as riquired is coPrect- I agree to compty t'rith the inforration to compl,y vith al,l, Town ordinances and state [aHs, and io buil'd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and "iau",'i'""ig" review epproved, Unito." BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn a7,l'icabLe thefeto' , REauEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS "TffWe3'il1l.;;i:-ff$;tN ADVANCE BY send ctean-up oepositsls$HAup Dgp aprJr0ved atltount :late Refund FOR XITISELF AND 1" ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 895-0056 as of 05/30/95 Status: ISSUED*********************************************************************rr********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 04/.07/.1:29l Applicant: BoUCHARD KAREN L Issued: O4/.L3/.L995 476-8100 To ExPire; LO/LO/L995 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2103-014-11-010 Description: REMODEL RESTAURANT TO CONDO I'NIT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM REQUIRED BEFORE DEMO CAN BE STARTED OTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL .TIMES Permit #r E95-0044 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 1 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address: Location...: Parcel llo. . : Project No.: RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVoN BOUCHARD KAREN L 4093 SPRUCE llAY 30, Department of Connrunity Deve lopment 1136 SANDSTONE DR STAIUS...: ISSUED ionesrexe coNDos A10e-A1lApplied. . : 0^1/,97/,!222 ZfOS-Of+-11-010 Issued" ': O4/.L3/,tee5 PRJ95-OO40 Expires": I0/r0/L995 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER co 81620 co 81620 vAlL co 81657 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Valuation:5, 000 .00 .00 93.00 93. 00 .00 Description: ELECTR1CAL FOR INTERIOR REMODEL rrt*rrffi*t#rffi*****lrlri#*ffi*******l.************* FEE st,ltltARY *****#*#*ffi*#ir********f,ffi****rrHr**rht****t**** TotaL Cal'cutated Fecs---> 93'00Etectrical'---> 90.00 DRB Fee Additionat Fees---------> Total Pefnlt tec--------> Pavnents------- slllxce oue---- Investi gat i on> lli L l, Cat t----> TOTAL FEES---> .00 3.00 93.00 *ffrffr****fiffl****fi**ffiff*********t*JrH*****triir****#**t *rrrr*t***Jr**lr#dr*l***i**t*********ff*t|ttr*ffi********ffitt***Jd* Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT6a/tz17sss onN Actj-on: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknoHtedge that I have read this apPl'ication, f itl'ed out in futt the infornation required' compLeted an accurat! Ptot ptan, and state that rtt thc infonmation Pro;ided as required is correct. .I agree to comPl'y with thc informrtion and ptot ptan' to corpl,y eith aq. Torm ordinances and state tavs, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning ard subdivision codes, design reviev approveJ, Unifo.t Euitding Code and othcr ordinances of the Town applicab[e thereto' REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ cotrnlcron FoR HIIISELF TOWN OF VAIL THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED I'IECi{ANTCAL PERMTT ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M95-0054 AT #: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address...: 1136 SANDSTONE DR Location...... : HOMESTAKE CONDOS Parcel No..... : 2103-014-11-010 Project Nunber: PRJ95-0040 OWNER BOUCHARD KAREN L 4093 SPRUCE WAY 30, VAIL co 81657 CONTRACTOR THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 670, MTNTURN CO 81645 Description: INTERIOR R.EMODEL Fireptace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Appliances: Department of Contmuniry Development Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Valuation: #of Gas Logs: ISSUED o4 /t3 / Lees 04 /t3 /Lee5 Lo / Lo /Lees Phone: 3038279623 3, 500.00 #0f Uood/PaL l,et: **ffiffi *ffr**ffi ffirr##*ilnHrlrrrrt*ffir*:ht***** FEE SUI'II'IARY *ffi **ffi **ffi *JrHffi*ffrffi ff ffi ffi *** *ffi Totat CatcuLated Fees---> 1O5 '00tlechani ca [---> Ptan check---> Invcstigation> ui t( ca L t----> 60.00 20.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> .0O DRB tce-------- TOiAL FEES----- Additionat Fees----*---> TotaI Prrmit Fee-------->103.00 103.00 .00 **ffiffi*ffffii*ff**ifrr#t'***ffi********ffi*ffrff*tr********rri*h**ffiff*****i***tfl*#**fi*ffi*****Jrffiffi*****hu' Payment BALANCE OUE---- ;;;;';;";il'."ui"r-"pp..u"a, uniforn Bui Lding cirde and other ordinances of the Tovn appti cabte thereto' REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TTENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV 79-2138 0R AT ouR CE FRo[ 8:m Ail 5:00 P rrem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUITDING Division: 04/I3/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRii,6ff;'o5a6o-i;iiiNrlrxe DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 64/fi/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******************J.************************************************************ DECLARATlONS I hcrlby acknovl,edgc that I hsve rerd this appticltion, fil.ted out in futl' the inforration required, conPtcted.an pt"^, "i,O iiate tnit au, the informotion providcd as rlquired is correct. I agree to cornp ty vith the infornatiotl i;-;;dit vith att Toyn ordinancis and state.Laws,.and to bu'itd this sructure a":g"!il9_l?^l!:,t:Ill:.:oninS "no accuratc plot and ptot ptan, subdivision SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII'ISELF AND OI'NER OTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT PCTMiT #: P95-0037 75 South Frontage Road 1 1 ,, Denarnnetgg{ffigltlt:iY pgg@ryrent Vait,Colorado81657 Job Address: 1135 SANDSTONE DR 303-479-2138/47s-2r3siocation...: sOunSTAKE coNDOs AppIied": o4/L3/1995 FAx303-47s-24s2 ;;;;;i uo" t zros-oi+-r1-010 riiued' "' o4/L3/Le95 Project No.: PRJ95-0O4O Expires": Io/L0/1995 OWNER BOUCHARD KAREN L aogs stnucE wAY 30' vAr'L co 81657 COI{TRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT P O Box 625, AVON CO 81620 DescriPtion: Valuation: INTERIOR RENOVATION *f(**Jdrrikt*******rdr************f****ir**L******f***J(****,t FEE sul'lliARY rr**Jnr'b*tttttr*Jrlrt*****'*'rf*#****l*l**flr***t.t*t*fti'* pturbing-----> ,oi.oo RestuarEnt pr"n n.vi"nll>--' "' ry " iot"t catcutated Fees---> 131'?5 Pf.an chcck---> z6 '?5 TorAL FEEs-------:::----> 13!' '25 lJjiiion"t Fees---------> '@ Investigation> .oo ----'--t roi"i p".rit Fee--------> 134 '25 r.rir. car,r----> 5.oo Sllm$';;;::-::::-::::i tto:H **,.**ffi**#rtffir,*ltri*f**rnHr*Jr****ffitn*****rr******fffit************rri**lrtlnt******iltt*iitt********i"******t***#**t'r*tl"ttt*** Item: .O51oO EIIILDING-DFPABTMENT- DePt: BUILDING Division: 6[7fi/i6e5-DAN--- o'EdftBirtt3oou AppRovAL **t*f,t-ti*tt**t*.t*****tffi*.*tt**t.r***t****f,t*ffrt*J(****'rffi*rrtffiffit *ffit**fhr*ffi*ffi***ffik*****tk***ffiffit'*** Phone; 3039497523 6,500.00 I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in futt the infornation required' compteted an ptan, and state that at,t the iniormation pro;ided ut ""q"ii"i-li-.oif""i' ^r-"g"::^io tooPty !'ith the intornation to co'.oly yith at,t Tov:1 ordlnances and state laws. and io buitd th'is structure according iothe Tovn's zoning and codes, design.uvi"u approujl u"it.fi Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the TownZP(icabte thereto' DECLARATIONS REqUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNAIURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI'INER accurate Plot and ptot ptan, subdivision OFTICE FRO}I Af'" It t tges- n l. ^^",J {Jrto"}**"Javft\ lJeau tc;P 'T ol tu,ie,^, b]' 0p; I ".tt qs t f E, r*J ^s'lu*)* f"oP''J"'-.- '&J : fo^ytu^q lr,ar 1... nr^J^! uil ],",, l, kn-rr-[L".t ..1)trrl an,Q. +L Fr[0t fro^^t N,Ls bu,/,.0.,*, ;l In",- l, " il"4 W1 A-r*f*1 {.r--..1,L-. lub t*' "{ 4e^l2Ltqe{a-l i tt" s "-"l s*n"t t: ", { E h toq - Aucs RFF,T 131 t L /aa/93 Tot^,N oF VAIL_, COLORADO 17:O* REGUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN WORK SHEETS FORI lt/ i/q3 : ! PAGE 33 AREA: DS Occ: tjse: F,hone: Fhone: Fhone: 310388796E3 Octivity: M95-tlF54 tL/ 9/93 Type: B-MECH Statxs; ISSUED ConstrI AAtrT nd d r7s-jJ+js-SANPSTONE DR Locat t'on: HOMESTAKB CBNDUS par^c elT-Eanr=+t4l 1 I -a t a Descnipt ion: INTERItrR REIvIODEL Appl icant: 0wnet': BUUf,HARD KAREN LEontraetor: THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC t- Inspect ion Request Inf ornrat ion. Requeston: EXHAUST FANS,/DUCT Req Tirne: lZlE:OtZt Comments: Items requested to be Inspected.Act i on Comfient s I^JORK? Fhone: 476-8 l0ttZ Time Exp AE34O MECH-Misc.p' -uurH*J t Inspect ion Histony. " .. . Item : OtAeOO ftlECH-RoughItem: OlZlSlO MECH-Heat inq L@/ lg/93 Inspect or': CDItem: AOSAE HECH-ExhauEt HoodsItem: OA33A MECH-Supply Air' Item r 0O34rZr l{EtrH-Misc.Item: 0A39el HECH-Final ffct i on : AtrtrR AF'F RUVED rtl ,l I tI 8.rb Ih* f-------l E,ra lirp: f-----*-'l HL.esf-T:.fr via*itn:f]] Add Er*v Q!b. €itry B*.dhE*acd 8y liiiiiF--.l Schat i'ldir! l- 'PERMITS, Pltts{&i2-Blt e ltlr . &nb, b. ltl rsrrr rertd Ls*oc VAIL, CO . T0dll 0f P!0nl Ni Stltus: Bib la-" f------J sy,T--*-*--l Bcin Ih f-------l E'ra Tirrrl-------l Ml"ca Tr-i;il vd.do,F l---l Erraca sy T-------l SaLliMdbb Tqll!i add Edrt Bdri*t Edri.. tor ltdn:l l0 . ELIC'Trns. Por|€r r phts8.'2-Bit oflt. rtcclr hr. Atl!1tr l.-rrd Sdd Nu$..6232 Usas O0 'Varinv.l.?.5 I ,B&MITS' C! 2ff . &.ch, h. fll nl$ fnnrf Li:arc VAt, @ - f6/N 0f i StU lt|'nt- uO ur'. O 0 Vc*n r r.725 l ? 'PEEMITS'Plns&s O t'.l . lrfrb. h. in ftlt ncrcria Lrcsra VAL- CO . lowll OF isridNurt.c 623? Usog O0 Varirt v 4.7.25 ' REPT 1J 1 T0[JN OF VAIL, CELORADO F,ABE AREA: DSTEIEL/13 IiI6:4b REGUESTS FBR IIISF'ECTION I"JORK SHEETS FtrRZL?/?L/95 Locat i on: Far.c e I : Descr-iFti0n: ffppl icant: Own er': tlontt.actor'; Activi by : 895-tZtt366 1;:./81/95 Type: ft-ltlF Adcir=ess: 1136 SANDSTONE DR Statr-ts: I55UED Constr": AMF Occ: Rl Fhone: 476-8lt}ltr Fhone: Fihone: 476-&ltIEr Use: V 1-HRe I 'Z'f,-e' 1 4- 1 1 -A 1 rzl REMODEL RESTRURNNT TO CONDT UNiT HAREN BBUDHARD BOUf,HARD HAREN L KRREN BEUCFIARD Inspect i on Reque st Reqt-sss1or': Kar*en Req Time: O1:ttrD Items r'e0r-regted to AU'EgA BLDG_FJ naI I n f ar'mat i on. . Bo uch ai'd f,omment s : be I n Fr-r 1t orr ed. .. F,hone: 426_SlrZrrZ Ir*onwor"ks Act ion f,omment s Tirne t Item: Itemr Item: Itein: Iten: Item: Item: Itern: Itern: ltem: Itern: Item: Iten: I rZrA'Alrzr BLDG-Foot ings,/St ee I UterEEE BLD6-Foundat i onlStee I EIZISED F,LAN-ILE Site F. lan rZilZrZrJrI BLD6-Fran i nq rAtAA4Ur BLD6-Roof & Sheer F, lywood Nai I rZirZlEStA BLDE-InsuIat i on AulfiarA BLDE-Sheetrock liJai I LI/:l4/93 Inspector': EG ffctionr fitArZtBfi BLDG-f, o r-rrt e sy rZrZrOTEr BLDG-Mi sc. 0irlfi9t3 BLDG-Final e'E=312r BLDE-Temp. Clfl O0r54rzt BLDG-Final f,./0 AF'FR partial only Irrspeet ion F] o aF, @p oF a7 'oOE -. Foz 6 F E o Fqo ic F cit{F r{ oF tq I F,,211 pdoF(J FFT Qt,I20 2> E]E F FFIvv EOFE FrFQZ 'oF= o a FFNz ooA: o F o FI XF 2 Fr EU z til E r:lo oErF fiO FI po ttlF FI o rlt 2 o ; :> EIEq]q{ o ao cElo leu o CE # FRt0€o6oatr?.w -l ItfcEl trlttrrl I-t6l nwor It&S Knight NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT ------- National Prcperty Inspections FO Box 628 Edwards, CO81632 (970)5693319 InspectionDale: 6127/2ffi4 Inspection Time: Buyer's Agent Name: Charlie Calhoun BillingAd&ess: Cif, Staie, Zip: location of Pmperly Inspected: Homcstrkos Condos # 110 Fax: E Cenerat fnne Inspection $175.00 ! ottrer $0.00 D ooe.$0.00 f-l other $0.00 fl odrer s0.00 Subbtrl:$175.00 Totrl AEoult lhc Upoo Rlccipl $175.00 * Thank youfor choosing NPI. * 'lndepedcntly O'wned md aperaud' Thank yoa for chooshg NPL Ilyoa fuvc ary ryatllru @rcn lag al,ls rqorl plasc f.dlt c to c& Page I of 15 o19962002 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT ..-.-.-. Location of Property Inspected: Homestakes Condos # 110 Date: 6t2712004 Inspcctor's Name: D&S Knigtt Phone: (970) 569-3319 GE I\IERAL II\IFORMATI ON GEI\ERAL COI\IDITIONS AT TIME OF'INSPECTION: Durclling Occupied E Yes fl No Estimded Age of House: 20 - 25 Yoars Type of Dwelling: J Single U tr,tutti Primary Constnrction M wood |l glock I grick [-] other: House Faces: tlN US nE llW Wealher: Sunny/lVindy Temperature: 0 o F Soil Conditions: UDry ! Oarnp n Snow n Frozen Persons Present: M Buyer [- seller n Buyefs Agent l l oorer:lJ seller's ngent ACC (ACCEPTABLE) MAR (MARGINAL) NI (NOTTNSPECTED) NP (NOTPRESENI) DEF (DEFECTTVf,) DEFIMTIONS: Below are listed the definitions used throughout the r€port to describe erch feature oflhe property. The iten/system was performing its intended firnction at the time ofthe inspection. The item/system was marginally acceptable. (h perforned its designedfimctan as ofrhe time of ahc inspection Howewr, due o age ard/or deteriorurion, it will lilely rcquire early repair or replacereat-) The item/system was not insp€cted due to safety concerns, inaccessibility and/or concealment or seasonal conditions. The item/system does not exist or was visually concealed at the time ofthe inspeclion. The itanr/system failed to operate./perforrn ib intended function, was structurally deficient, was unsaft or was hazardous at the time ofthe inspection. SCOPE OF TIIE INSPECTION: Ndional Properly lnspections wishes to remind yor! every home rcquir€s a c€rtain amowrt of ongoing maintenance, swh as, clogged draim, servicing of fumaces, air conditioners, water heaters, etc. This horne will be no exception. It is suggested that you budget for regrlar nnintenance,/repairs. Ttrc following report is based on visual inspection only ofthe accessible arcas ofthis property. Please read and study the entire rcport carefully. The following items rnay be of special interesL COMMBNTS " Independently Ow ned snd Operate d" Thanh you for chooslng NPI. If yut hove ary quatlons conceming thls rqofi, ple6e l?eurec to call Page 2 of 15 o1996-2m.2 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT ACC MAR NI NP DEF n tl g T ICHIMITEY f-] Brick/Masonry Q Gareral Dacicration O S€parated ftom Hq'|se Cgnn€nts: tr.h, D^i i,.r E Monitor Conditiotr n Framed Q SuspocteA fa't C untined L l Recommend Rep.irr il trt.tot Q Deteriaated/Missirg cap O Det€rioBted Brick/Mtrtar [ ] Ottrer Q tnprqer Height Q Out ofPlumb Fluc Dot inlpcct€d. Annud clcrning ir rffommendcd, ACC MAR NI NP IIEF l f E T _lGUTTERS/DOWI\SPOUTS lMonitorcotrrli.ion !RtconnendReprin f] ,{uninun Q ,ttssing O Filled with Debris I copp€t Q nusVCaroaea O Missing Exlrnsiol/Splash Block [_, sr"d f Vinyl Q r,eafing O lrose n otlrr C Misaligned Cdnmcnts: E)flERIORSIIWACE B Mooitorcodition SIDING/TRIM EXTERIORFAUCETS EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL OUTLf, TS [-l Reconnend Repein Vinyl Brick Missing/Irc p synthab surco O P@r Earth / Siding ctcarance l rlo I _t o Ino ntlo o W@d Cornposite G€ncral Det€ritration Ne€ds Caulked/Sealed Metal Veneer Needs Paint Stucco Other Cncked ACC MAR M NP DEF I g n tl I M I tr T l g n n ll I Comments: WINDOWS U w-d L] tnsulatcd Pancs Q Gencral Deterioration I l Moritor Conditioo f Viryl ! Single Pane C N€eds Cautk€d/Scaled atuooo j'! in poqr condition on thc lrtriniag a.l.lr, ftlfc Rccommctrd Reprir! Metal t _ Window Wells D€f€ctive/Damaged Storm Windo',rs C l'Ieeds Paint/Finish Q rogged ACC MAR NI NP I'EF s I n u l Otlpr Commcnls: "Independently Owned dnd Oryrated" Thanh you for choosing NPL Ilyou luw s!t! ltrrr;tiors conuming ,hb tqort pb6.l.eurue to cqll Page 5 of 15 o1996-2m2 NATIONAL PROPBRTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT ELECTRICAL/PLT]MBING INTERIOR 3 ELECTNCAL SERV|CE S|ZE L-l 60 A ,rP ! l0o AMP tl SERVICE ENTRANCE CABLE PANEL l,oc*ion Back hal|\vzrr SUFPANEL l,ocation BRANCH CIRCUITS BONDING/CROUNDING GFCI (tn p.!el)r SMOKE DETECTORST O Ov€rfrs€d Q lnme Connecticns Q Improper Splices I Monitor Conditior ! | 10 Voft (t!,ominal) l2s AMP I l r50 Ar\P I Overhead fi Alurninum El Breakers l] Breakers I Solid Alurninun fl RccommcDd RcDsirg ll 110/220 Volt (Nominal) l_l 200 AMP E Underermined p Underground I Copper ! Other fJ Fuses {-l CornUination [ ] Fuses f.-i Canbination fl Cqpcr f otlrcr g t20240 volr (Nqninal) f, ottrer zso amn O Double Tapping O l.lo Main Discomect Q Opcn Knockurs O Rus/cqrcion Q FuseVBreafters lncorrectly Size O Water M€ter Not Jumper€d O Insufficienl Acc€ss Q Overheating/Smrching Q lrnproper Groud ACC MAR NI NP IIEF M {t n M :-l n it n ft _l ft n n M tl n i- M n n rrMfl M r n PLI]MBING* WATER SERVICD SEWAGE SERVICE SEUT OFF LOCATIONS: Sizc gal. El c'as O t€aks O Inproper Elevation E Monitor Cotrdiabr f] Rccommerd Rcprirs g Public fl Public Wat€r |l Privat€ n Privale Fuel:lu o'! offl O f,ow Flow Q Improper Venting C water Conditioner Not krt of lns!€ction O Water Hammer/Noise SUPPLY E] copper f cavanizea I nastic I eotyuutytere ] PEx ! otho DRAINS E Pvc fl Cast tron [l copper [] ooer EJDCTOR PUMP vEt{Ts ! Galvanized I Plastic O Cf,nerd Deteriontion C lrnFoper Conn€ctidrs Q Missing/Inpropo Clcanotrts O Sr.tspocted L€aks Age - y€a(s) Iterfur Life ll Elecrric _] ol C hsulation Blanket Obsfucts View Q Ir,tissing,'tmproper Press.rle RElief Valv€s/Extension Q At or Near Design Life )rd(9 Bnrd f sotar [ ] IntegBl with Boiler Q Ru*/Conosion O Faulty FIue Connection O B€ryo'd D€sign LiftC cas tr* Csnn|cnts: tM ol' fl otrl ACC MAR NI NP DEF s |l t,i s ll T l I L-I g - M T_ll T n .MAIIi UTIIJTY I$ITS. IIDPIrc SYSTITiIS ATD GTAY WATXT SYSTIi'S ARE EXCT,IJIIaD TXOM TIIII; INSPDCTK'{. Cqnments: ACC MAR NI NP DEF WATERHEATER fl Monitor CotrdiaioD ! Reconmend Reprin M f n T I hot rat r h.lting !yrt8, ratar !t kitch€n linl t sta at 122r I.4I]IVD RY FACI I-I TI ES I,oc|tiotr O{f kitchen Utility EooLup3 Dryer: llrycr Vcntg Iordry Tub Drritr Ctrnm€nts: 'UES l) Moaitor Condition [:l Rcconmcrd Reprirs Dryer: n C,as fi ulectric ACC MAR NI NP I'EF s n M ll tr T IJ n x V trgnnIx Page 9 of 15 o199G2002"Indepedndy Amed ottd Operakd" Thank yoa lor choosbry NPI. Ifyu havc atq quatims concnfutg thit rqo4 pLaf,.lcdlfte lo ctn NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION RJPORT ..-.-.-. HFATJNG f,rlrd Baseboqd Uoit # a l Mo tor Cotrditiotr OPERATION ABOVE GROUI\D STORAGE TAIIKS HUMIDIFIER ! forcca nir [l rasebmrdfnaaiant E cas O Rusted H€al Exclnnger Q Corrodedfi-eeking Q et Or Near Oesign Llfe O Unusual Flame Patffn Q Too Warm To Test Q Inproper Temp Rise O B€,/ond ftsign Lift Age - yca{s) J Rcconneod f,eprin loil Dcsign Life M Boil€riHoi Wd€r I Steam ll other O Missingflrnproper Prpsswe Relief Valve laks O O N€eds Ncnral MaintaranodCleaning IIEATING & AIR ACC MAR M NP DET g |l u l T tr u n M T T f T a f] Eeat I'lllnp ll Gravity ! Electric I Propane I otler O shut Down For s€asql Und€rgrourd sttrage Tank NOT part of Insp€ctionC6rments: Herl DRAT'T CONTROI./VENT I Metal Pipe O N€gative slope - Unrbl€ to d€lect c rrclJhol6 without Q Exccsive Conmion/P€fontion Q Obstructior O Lo6e Connoction C t-€ak Q Ina@uate/Marginal Combustion Air O ImFoper Cfrmection Q tnadequate Rue Cteararce Cqnmstts: i l Moritor ConditioD I Rccommcrd Reprirr DISTruBUTION BII)WER CONTROI^S/TIIERMOSTAT CIRCTILATORPT]MP I Ductrluk O Rusted I Monitor Conditior I Pvc O lrngop€r SizE fl Radiaton O Dirty Fih€r (Cdibnlio$/timcd futrctioN rol chccked) f Rccommcnd Reprirr I orher L I Baseb@d I othet O Crushed/Di sconnectod Ducts ACC MAR NI NP DEF f tr f g n ACC MAR M NP DEF g u T u u n M tr a T n --l n a n n f I O An l"eaks Noted al Plenun/Duct Joints Q ttorsy ftower Q Circularor Pump trakrngNoisy/lnopenble Ag€yea(s) D€ligtr Lif€yearls)AIN.COAIDMONER Model OPERATION E El.cuic f cenral f Monitor Conditiotr ll cas ! wdl f-_] Rccommcnd Reprirs I other iJ Sr,ramp C-mlcr I O Difty/Danaged Cordcnser O No outside Discqll|ecl O At Or Near D€sign Lift Q RusUConosim # ofUtrilt Size O Outsidc temperatwe too coH to test C Oubide Unit Not t vel Q Noisy FanrCompressr C R€move Obslructione/V€etation C No Pad Under Unit C Tempqatue Ditrerutial Not Within Industry Standards Q Bcyond Dcsign Life Od|cr Q tr,tising/trnproper Cddensaie Lin€ O Window Units mt Lsp€cted Q Needs Normal Maintanance/Cleaning ACC MAR NI NP DEF I !n M n Commcnts: "ln&pendently Owned nd Operaud" Tlunh you for choosing NPL If yn lww ary qadfurrs conccndng thls rcpofl pL8c fcdfn. lo cal Page 10 of 15 @r996|00i2 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT L l Motritor Cotrdiaiotr f] Rccommend Rcprirs ! Typical Cracls n stains f] Typical Cmcks I Evidenc€ ofL€sk ! troperative f] fogged KIrcHEN CEIIJNGS WALI,S WNIX)WS/TRIM FLOONUFINISH INIT,RIOR IXX)RgIIARDWARE ELECIRICAL (rrdoo rsplt of ad.t , ,ri.h.+ trrtrulr) GFCI PROTBCTION (ct d(.d ri6 st brnod ody) HEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION COIJNTERTOPS/CABINETS SDTIITAUCET DXHAUSTFAN sT0vEToP/ovf,,N M Cas I Electric WATER PR,f, SSI,'R&FI.OWDRAINAGE DISIIWASHER/CROSS FLOW PROTECTION f kaking s€al f cloggpd Drain REFRIGERATOR (buitr-ir) MICROWAVE 1uuitr-io) GARBAGE DISPOSAL [ ] seizd n Noiry ! Irnproper Electrical Connection INTERIOR ROOMS ACC MAR NI NP DEF g n :x Mg g il ngnfl s T u tl L] M tr t_l T ! u tl ngnfrn a tr r t-n U n t:.fl tr a T u L]g n M n -t u u Jgn--t Cdnments:Onen r€t at 350, tqr. t !t! at 350. FAMILYROOM M Molitor Condition CEILINGS ; j Typical Cracts WALI^S l Typical Cracks WINDOWS/TRIM fl Evidence of Leak tr lnoperdrive FI.,(X)RiFINISH INTERIOR IXX)RgHARDWARE ELECTRICAL (r.doe BhDIng of dd.rt, rritch.!, ffirr ) CII)SET/STORAGE HEAT/AIR DISTRIBTMON BI.IILT IN SIIELVING WET BAR GFCI Prot€ction: L Yo ] t'to IItrSCELLAIIEOUS f_ Rccommcrd Reprirr L I roesed ACC MAR NI NP IIEF a I I T n M n I M T u l_l TgT]ngTnngIn:l !g l I] L];-l I M n n ,l u M n tl l tr g fl Ccinmcnts: FIREPIACE* OPERATTON I woodbuming ! Masonry Firebox Q Damper Benttlncpuable O Damaged/Defeclive Doors X Monitor Condition Nrmbcr of Fircpbcei Ul cas t c , I Metal Firebox Q Pmr Drafting O Missing Darnper Stoppet f] Rcconncnd Rcprirr 1 fl Gas Scner l- h*n fl clean otrt Tlap C Danagpd Mortarf irebrick C Reqnmcnd Cleaning t iador in aouth /rart co.rDar of ro{, tha c!|n} is not co'ta.ot d to !.th. windot t'ill. lttd clora, *Anrual clertring is rccomDerded.Fireplace design end soot / crcolote buildup, in mosl cr!6, prwenl vict ofchimtr€y llner/cncLt ACC MAR NI NP DEF g l T t-l f Cornrnents:tr st d f,or grr I.rt!-.NoDa d.t ct d for c.rbon ronoridc'Noao dctactad "Independently Ovned and Operaad" Thanh you for choosing NPL Il you hare an1 qaations conce''llng thls ,ppo4 fuae ledfrc to caIL Page 11 of 15 @1996-2002 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT BATIIROOM g''/th,', f] Monitor Codition CEILINGS/WALIS f rypiul creks WINDOWVTRIM f Evidenc€ ofl€ak I troperatrve FLoOR/TII{ISH INTERIOR IXX)RS/IIARDTVARE ELECTRICAL (rndd nqtlc d dd.c, rriich.!, tun!.) GFCI PROTECTIQf{ ((rcchrd *ith Tcrl e otr dr. Mody T... Rr@dd.d) IIEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION COI.'NTIRTOPS/CABINETS {,1 kaking f t ce at Base [_l Recommerd Rcprirs i I Stains al Fosepd [ ,] Cracked/Damagrd [-1 Runs Cortinuously GFCL ! ves fj No SIhilgFAUCET TOILET TI,,IB/SHOWX,R JETTED T[JB s€ryic€ Acc€ss: ! ves ! No TILEWORK/ENCLOSURE EXHAUST FAN WATER PRESST,'RF/FI.OWDRAINAGE INTERIOR ROOMS ACC MAR NI NP DEF u u n n n g g t-I ilg-l n a tr f L] a n tr ll M I n ngTnungtlTLI u LI tl Ig!tr L ,'l n l x MgnngDNTtrsn Cqnm€nts: BATIIROOM Gocst Brthrcom f l Monitor Condition CEILINGS/WALIS ! Typical Crrcks WINDOWS/TRfi,fJ Eviderrceofteak I rroperattve FIIX)RYFIMSII INTERIOR IXX)RS/IIARDWARE ELBCTRICAL (f|dmr.dIf|3 of dd.fr, rrihh.., frtnn€) GFCI PROTECTION (Cr.c*d 'i6 T..t hrlh ody. Modry T..r R.coord.d) IIEAT/AIR DISTRIBIMON COI.]NTERTOPS/CABINETS SIF{IST'AUCET TOILET ll l-eaking E l-oce at Base [J Rcconnend Repcin Ll stains fl F%sFd ["] cmckc<Uoamaged I Rus Corlinuously GFCI: P Yes !No TTJB/ISHOWER JETTED TUB Service Access: pl Yes fl No TIIJ WORK/D,NCIJOSURE EXHAUST FAN WATER PRf,,SSURE/FIOWDRAINAGE ACC MAR NI NP DEF g T f I ! x T T g ngTnT u n -JgtrI a n n -l g tl n il M fl !! M I n ngIITn u f T flgilTr U rl T U n T Tatrntr CornnFnts: 'Independently Owned ond Operated" Thanh ym Jor choosirg NPI. Ilyou hoc aty quattns concaalng this rqoq pLas. fccune lo call Page 12 ot 15 @19fi-2002 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT ..----- BATIIRMM M$tcrBcdrmm INTERIOR ROOMS I MoDitor CotrditioD CEILINGS/WALIS t typica cracts WNDOWS/TRIM f._] Evidence ofl,eak I tnoperatrve FL(X)WTII\IISH INTERIOR IXX)RS/HARDWARf,, ELDCTRICAL (rdoD !.q$E ddd.rt, !nircb.* fffir6) 1l karing n Loce at Base I Recommend Rcprirs l- staim [] roepd - l Cracke.d/Damag€d [--l kms Cortinuousty cFcl: fi ves !No GFCI PROTf,,CTION ((r6crd 'i6 T.3! hooo ob. Mdb T.'t l@ed.d) IIEAT/NRDISTRIBUTION COI,JNTTRTOPVCABI N ETS SININFAUCET TOILET TUB/SHOWER JETTED TUB s€rvic€ Acc€ss: M Y6 n No TILE WORK/ENCTOSURT EXIIAUST FAN WATf, ,R PRESSURE/FLOWIDRAINAGE ACC MAR NT NP DEF g L tlgltr-l rg.]u tlgutlgLIUgnr E I t"tgr=l n Ilgr-l T _l u !ngIu M 1,:l T u n n I U n .] t-l -]L]M n Comments: BATHROOM l l Monitor Cordition CEILINGS/WALIS I lTypicalcIacks WIF{IX)WS/TRIMI Evid€nc€ of L€ak l l Inopo-divE FIJOOR/IIMSH INTERIOR DOORS/IIARDIV^1,RE ELECTRICAL (ndoo r.dDtq oaad.ar,.ituh.., fifirtr) GFCI PROTECTION (Cl.crd ri|h Tcrt hlb olr. M6t||y Tol R.cocrd.d) IIEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION COUNTERTOPVCABINETS SINIVFAUCET TOILOT [ ' I traking f_l tace at Base {_l Recommend Repoirs L-l st"i^ I Fogged l] Cracked/Damaged [ ' I nurs Corrinuousty GFCI: tr Yes XNo TUBISHOWER JETTED TUB Service Access: ll Yes r l No TILE WORK/ENCI.OSURE EXIIAUST FAN WATER PRESSURE/IILOWDRAINAGE ACC MAR NI NP DDF f u T t-u IJ t-l tr tr L] n tl tl rl t:]LI LIITtrtlT l l u l l Ir n J il ! n il T n L]T T r-l I I u tl it l t]f]I II !T LI n Cornm€nts: " Independently Owned qnd Oryraed" Thank you for chonbg NPI If you luvc ttg quations coacnfug ahb rqod, plc6c leel l.Ee lo caL Page l3 of 15 or96-2w) NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPBCTION REPORT ------. nooM DcdOfficc L_.1 Motritor Cotrditior CEILINGS n Typicsl cBcks WALIS f Typics! C'acks WINIIOWSTRIM f Eyid€nce oftxak f Inoperativc FL/OOR/[IMS[l INTERIOR IXX)RS/IIARDWARE CII)SET ELECfRICALT'-l-qht.f..lbi.,'iffi.*trdlt ) IIEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION INTERIOR ROOMS ! Recournrend Reprirs lJ statns [,] roggod ACC MAR NI NP DEF u TgT n u a u n n l M n ! u !! U fl n a tl n Cornnrcnts: fiO0M cuBsrnnnnoou n Moritor Cooditior CEILINGS ! Typical Cracks WALLS I Typical Crrcks WINIIOWS/TRIM f] Evidence ofl-€ak ! Inoperdive F'I.IX)NUF'INISII INTERIOR IXX)RS/HARDWARE CIOSET ELBCTRICAL(ir--.drt.f .d.rr' t'id.1 nnE) fl Rccommcrd Reprirs fl Stains ! roggpd ACC MAR NI NP IIEF g n n M n n u l n a T u l ngTuftlgTlIn a L.l l I n M n I nIIEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION ROOM Mslcr Bcdmom M Moritor Condition CEILINGS llrypicatCracts WALTS fl Typical Cracks WIl\fDOWS/TRfnfl Evidencc ofleak fl Inopqaliv€ I.IIX)R/FII{ISH INTERIOR IXX)RS/IIARDWARE, CI.I)SET ELECTRICAL(E o- 'qlrt otr.dr.. ri;t6.+ ntclt ) HEAT/AIR DISTRIBUTION Il Recommend Rcpriri l_l stains [l Fogged ACC MAR NI NP DEF g !u f M LI n n u fl u n I]g n u tl ngLIn s I n ComrEnts: STAINS/MILINGS l-ocatian: A: f] Monitor Condition B: f Rccommeod Repoirs C: lo rigbt of firq)hc. i! dittioutt to ogrn/clorc. tittdo, rct..6r Dot iJlrtlUcd rt tiD ot in4-ctidr. ACC MAR NT NP DET ! Missing Hand Rail f-l Rail Opening Unsafe ! Railing/ttandnil Loosc n Tripping Hazard I lrose/Damagpd Tr€ad Riser Ccnments: \ndependently Ovned and Operqted" Thank you lor choning NPL If you fuvc otty q/aatl,'s conccndng lhb rqot ple6e ldfttc to ctn Page 14 of 15 9r995-2N2 Inspector: D&S Knight (970) 569-3319 Inspection Date: 6127f20O4 NATIONAL PROPERTY INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REPORT Charlie Calhoun Homestakes Condos # ll0 Exterior - Exterior 3 Eferior Surface Th€ stucco is in poor condition on the retaining walls. Ir erior Roorns - Int€rior 5 Family Room I Small window in soudr Arrest coemer of mom, the crank is not connecled to sash. Window will open ad close. lnterior Rooms - Interior 7 Room lc Master Be&oom window b right offireplace is diffrcult to open/close. Window screens not installed at time of inspection. Marginal Marginal Marginal MAR (MARGINAL) DEF (DEFECTTVE) The item/system was marginally rcoeptable. (It performed iri &signedrtmcfion as olthe tin'€ of tfu iNpecaion Htnever, fu to ry and/or dttcriuztion it will likeb require eel! repir w rcpl@enEn ) The itenrlsystem failed to operate/perform ie intended fimction, was structurally deficien! was msafe or was hazardous at the time ofthe inspection. 'lndepedently Ovtnn and Operaed" Thonh youlor choosittg NPL If youhaw uy {trat ns conandag thb rry4 pLaf'e fcdlne lo caf. Page 15 of 15 4t99G2002 Requesled lnsp€ct Date: Inspecdon Area:Slt Address: ArPrD hlbrmailon Acthdty: Bgem66 Typ.: Const Twie: OccuDqncy: Contrai'lor: KAREN BotJcl.l,ARD Appllcrnt: KAREN SOUCHARD Orvnu: BOUCI.I,ARD KAREN L fuMF R1 Frlday, August 27, 2004 1{36 SANOSTONE DR VAIL Sub TvE.i AMF Ubs: V1-HR Phon€: 47F810O Pl'one:47F810O Slstur: EXPIREO Insp fu€€: Ds D€€cdilbn: REMOOET RESTAURANT TO CONm 540 BLDGtlnal C/O Reouested Tlme: 0E:00 AItl' Phone: 92+{616457 Er$eredBy: LCAATPBELL K *110: LATE A.M. Asslgn€d To: Aclbn: fram Comm€nis: Tlme ExD:REffiT'M,FTOF STAIRS AT TI-IETR'TTUFI.oCATIoN IIUST BE AD.JUSTEDTO BE CODE \l Action: APPR APPROVED AcIIon: APPRAPPROVED lnsoecuon Hlstorv ll€m: 3t) Comments: 1CY2ry95 Inspoctor: CF Comm€nb: PENDII.JG ELEC ROUGH Itsm: 90 Item: S0lbm: s.4O n m: 60 ElDG€h.clrock Natl * Apooved " 11124195 lftsD€cto,r: EG Actbn: APPR APPROVED Cofiim€nb: p.ftal only 12t221*5 lnspeclor:' CF Acllon: Pl PARTHL NSPECTIf,N Comm€nts: PAhTIALINSPECTION 12122l'96 lnso€ctor: cF Actlon: CO CERTFICATE OF oCCUPANCY Cofirmenb: ADDTL COIi'MS. COLUMNS REAURE 1 HOUR RATING BLDS-Flnrl 8LDGTcm9. C/O . /,'BLDG-Flnalc/O ' "' !t' o7log(X InsD.clor: cd€vls 1 lt!' ' <-' Adon: cR coRREcTI3N REoUIRED Comm€nts: RISE AND RUN OF SIAIRS AT THE t-l)T TUB LOCATIOI.I MUST BE AD.,USTED TO BE COOE COMPL'qNT ELECTRICAL CORRECTION MUST BE COMPLETED -fD coMPt IANT REPT131 i I Run Id: 2284 08-27-2004 lnsoestlon Request Reportino 6:55 am ' VAIL CO .TQr/yN OF Page12 TOWN 0R V.AU. 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 l{m.o-rk,k -ort rrr"r oF coMMr.JN,r" orurror,t,fr\[,&a. (-,i0.'5 {'r'etr- | i NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0008 Job Address: I 08 I VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: HOMESTAKE CONDO BOILER ROOM GAS LINE Applied . . : 0ll22l200l Parcel No...: 210301411033 Issued. . : 0l/2212001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/21/2OOl OWNER HOITIESTAKE COIIDOMINIITM ASSOC OL/22/2O0L Plrone: 1"091 VAII. VIEW DR VAIIJ CO 9a657 License: CoNTRACTOR HOMESTAKE CONDO ASSOC. 0L/22/200L Ptrone: 970-476-3950 1081 Vail View Dr Vail, Co. c/o DAvrD HACKMAI,I 81657 Licertse: 633 -B AppLICATqI IIOMESTAKE COIIDO ASSOC. 0L/22/2O0L Phone: 910-476-3950 1081 Vail View Dr Vail, Co. c,/o DAvrD HACKMAII 81657 Iricense: 633-B Desciption: CAP AND REROUTED GAS LINE TO BOILER ROOM Valuation: $2,000.00 Fbeplrce Informslion: Rcstricte<L ?? # ofGas Ap,pliarrces: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? ......{9!.W9od-Palla: ?? .|.....tt.|.:..|l|t**||.t|.|||.....''|*:r*'}|:|*|||..'|.'}.'l:}:r*****||....' plumbing-> S3O . OO Reshlariri Plsn Review-> 90 . OO Total C&lculaled F€€s-.> 940 .50 plan Ch€ck-> S? .50 DRB Fee---> Fo . oo Additional Fees-> 9100 . o0 lnvestimtioG> So.oo TOTAL FEES-> $40.50 Total Permit Fee-> 5140'50 Will Call-> S3.oo Payments--> 9140.s0 BALANCE DIJE_> 90.00 i|..|.'''tlt|||ll.|t'|||.'lt|t'.||ilt||||..tt||t|ttt..|....t.tt||litli****|'|tt|.|||||||'..Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OL/22/20OL KvIARREti[ Actions APPR OVER THE COUNTER rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET.IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIEI-.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}ICE. +tt+**|*t|.|...'.|||'''||||.t....|'l...i.|t|...t|.'tlll..'.....'.|...'i.| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree !o comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build 0ris structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SIIALL BE MADE .FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY o TWENry AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. &/n.y'syao - TI]RE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE **:r*+**:**:t r,rr******t******0*'i{(,|l******,*'}********+f * + + + * * ** * * * * * O * * 'tt'I 't' 'i *** * * 't 't * * 'r * ** * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintcd on 0l-22-2001 at 14:51:12 0112212001 Statement ******+***'t**'t'i'|''l*'t*'1.*f ***'****'***+*****'i'l***{'************t :i'**************{.,**'}***t******:t**!i* Statement Number: R000000382 Amount: $140.50 OL/22/2OOLO2:50 PU Palment Method: Check Init: KMW Notation: #6 7OO/HOMESTAKE CONDO ASSOC. Permit No: P01-0008 Type: PIj,IIIBING PER!,IIT Parcel- No: 2103 01411033 Site Addreee: 1081 \IAIL VIEII DR VAIL Location: HOMESTAKE CONDO BOIIJER ROOIII GAS LINE Total Fees: $140.50 Thie Payment: $140.50 Total AL,L Pmte: $140.50 Balance: $0.00 **+*'*******l'********f't*******************l*****+*******'t'**+*+*++**'l:******'|t*'l**'}'|************ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTRACToR LICENSES 100.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 7.50 PP OO1OOOO3III2OO PLUI'4BING PERMIT FEES 3O.OO t,lc OO1OOOO31I28OO INILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ApprlcATronft-r- rrror BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEf* unrrnn Proiect #: _ Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) TOWNOFYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Assestots Offtce at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) /1O3.O\rl- lt- O 'cs6/a &a/arr,2rV+,s Job Address: p' t .ahr/ /.a.: 2 r enone: ty'Z6-5f S O Detailed descriotion of work: Kr'.'oo /c errr/r'as y'he-- WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration00 Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (y) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,J4,No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( yd COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ 7eAa. ao CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbinq Contractor:furei*l, &il.4sso--Town of Vail Reg. No.: to3b -B Contact andPhone #'s:,2a2 t6/ 7/a. a/ r, no,476 -Bq.ro- '- Contractor Signature: .t4-oT z / I :!t i. :! * r. :r * * * rt * * * + rr :r r. )r :t r. )r rr * * t rr:s:!r.:!t :t:tt )r***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***+*****:t**:t*r.rt+t t:!*t r.:ttr**********+* to \L\b' F/everyone/forms/plmbperm HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? '. c . Tgwq Pf VailS.uryeY" = t' Coniiitrnitt' Direloiment Depdtment Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e-2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which 0epartnen(s) did you contac? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your infial conbcl with our stafi immediate_ slow _or : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project revieitred on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ tUA 6. Please rate $e performance of fre staff person who assisbd you: 51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, avafl ability) 7. Overall effectiveness of$e FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. Whatis the besttime of day for you to use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any gD0rients you have which would allow us to better serve you ner?fine?; I r'.' Thank you br taking the time b compleb his survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. ,{ ooIo :oCl q al \J ::)l"rj ,..:5 ffiNfit.i :zri$ g '2. o g I 7 s q fl 4 i, Je;t A'J-:p i{ i*uz )2 Fp,0oloolo_qoolqq*'l i* -.' " --'t 4 {.i ,., .t - .:- l I 'tt 3J-'i9 !-ref$g tt {f n d:l o I I I : I i'-O -\& :'d tt .-l 1\i i;f\\i'J-f) J g = ;)Ff.|- C)(.) Eca { .,{, ;')L 'rt tJt ?7 .-..1 v 'ri .4C '< .t -t ;ll 7t'Ur{2' ti -t (]J :lil ir '1 i.lr. i. l;-ll1l'i1 :rt .. l'i I,ti ,l li liIi t:l li\- tl I . .:. r,.-.-F.-- - i !l P rt, ii i 'l 't ,9 ;s ul IE,U .t. "$ fi 6 fI 3 n' l-tc2 ' ..t t,74J 4{ dl a 5 o s dro {: Requesbd Inspe€.t Datar Asilgned lo: Inspec{6n Typel Inrpccflon Area: Slb Adtlress; Tuesclry, Jtilot{DR BI.OG CF 2077 I{ FRONTAGE RD WEST VA|L VAIL DASHOflE fI Phon€: g133?83655 Pltone: 3O33283655 IEBffry13,I00r Sulr T!pe: AilF Uss: V1-HF| &PrD lnionnrton Aclffi/: Cons Tlrri; Paicel: Applk nt-Dwner: Confaclorl D*crlpllor: BS7{05s T}pe: A-MF Occupamy:2t6t14t6mt RIPPY CO}.ITRACTORS WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD RP''YCONTRACTORS FIEPLACE BATHTUB A',ID XITCHEN Sbt$: ISSUEDlnspP6' O Fl€guestld Insp€cfl on{s I lbm: g0 BLDG#lnalR.qu.tbr: RIPPY CONTRACTORSTMIke Asrlsrrd To: JIICINDRACSNAcllul: Tlme ErD: ham Cornrflonts: liEFIiCfEF- lnsocs|fon Hlsbrv R€cuost€d Tlme, 08:00 At' Ptrono: $?&328-?655 ENt,F'€d BY: LC.AT,PEELL K APPR APFROIJED [sm: 30 ncm: 50 ilEm: 60 ilem: 70lbm: g) .,$\'p -)zb BLOC'Fmmlng (OpilonsDBLDC'lnruHfui (OFilon€0 B|-Dci'sh€€eock l*6lt loDlionali * Apffo\r€d " 1Uifu97 lnspeclpr: ARf Acton: Commantr: ecr|w o6tbmBt-DCr-Mlec. (Ctpilo{rsl)BLDGFlnel (RequlMr oz12l01 lncpocto{: JRM Acllon: Commnts: IWACCESS REPT131 Run Id: 409 ..-i lfisF€t Llatj: lnspfl:t-icn ,'\r,.r{: Sit* r\0d:'+s5l List fiegr":rti*rg iage 14 : Clry*".ot ;: ii'day. i ebi dar) i]9, :Dt'l Jt{t9 108'l VAIL lrlEw iJfi Vrllt- IIOMFSIAHI CCt'li)C ftOlLEFi fiUilrt'i {iAS Lll.JF Atr1ivity, ,.1$nst lype: $,+ner: Appltcaillr Conlmrlor: l)*sc r h:dlon : I es $asj{g[ jt?s i]g::tilr n{ s..i Itstn: 290 PLttlB-Filrai Re{u€3tc'f ; DAVE T/J, HOMESI IL}lf C'JNDC]'9 Cciilrnenl$. WILL *ALt- As.,;lgnecj Tr.r: CftAv't$Acllo'rr: t'irl'." [rpi FO1. f{]il.F iyir{ ;} Plirrli iEct,pefHiV: rir.)illE|* rAKfi CONrfl[,ilf.itUlJ A$*(X: il'if H.Jnirs'iAKri ri0Nfv-..) Ass){-}. : " l.rcMF: jjr.axE {:cNDa A$sc}c. CAP L!t$ REtlt)[.rTEft cA$ Lxr'\r: TO $Oii.ER F*{}!'! Sut] 1yF4 Stahn. ISSUED ln$rl fus*: JRM ;rto.'F: ?7t).47€-'j!f50 Pnu!'l* 970-4?$-3950 iiEiJlrertiili i iirF: 0{:0rt PM t,;lorle: 47€.395t) I i*areri lJv K]rVAitREN t( gsesggl-['s!qfu itein: 21C ilem: ?.:$ Itefii. ;3C ii*tlt'r. ,'4(;j itsin;26L: nem: .;l9C I r:l ^-rrr Vu ,4n n)( J*/-l hrl^ "' ^, 'u:t J'-l ' ,J .// I ItEE,.t1.3i_F.un fd: 4i)4 ,_ . jf,i_?.r,irr.!t7i?__.._, .\v Proiect Name: Project Application tl ' 'H om < strt(',4xI l€ Project Description: Contacl Person and r')6 -- 3 7s-o Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Filing ,.4'7t41<2 n[*", .Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL , Zone - Date DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: 44"//1 l-^ L/ //) z<_-O.t txa <4-) Town Plan ner on", 6r/t'</ 7r p1t,",, Approval DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: revised 4/26/9L COLORADO 8[,,iiiii 06 iSgi I. **t******* TIITS APPLIEATION WII,I, NOE BE ACCEPTEDT'NTIL ALL PEQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMIT?ED*****t**** PROJECT INFORMATION: A' DESCRIPTION: p,o.r4lu eyfizo. /r,;r arrz< / ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCR]PT]ON: Subdivision TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition Lot B. D. ff property is described bydescription, please provid-attach t.o this application. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. F. 'J. K. ZONING: LOI AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing lot area. G. NAME oF AppLIcANT. /-/-.<r1,/.o lcraVa_rnr.utm< _Mailjrng Address r__Lr?<1 t/o),/ /r, Phone 7A-3 ?{e )'/)/a *SIGNAIURE(S): Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. H. NAME OF APPLICANT'S, REPRESENTATIVE, fuMailing Address: {a^u Phone r' za '3Era NAME OF OWNERS:/r"z/,I. Minor Alteratio n' P i't /'z 2//Conceptual Review / BIock DRB FEE: rEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON $ o - $ 1o,o0o I 10,001 - $ 50,000! so,001 - $ 150, 000$1s0,001 _ $ s00;000 $500,001 - s1r 000r 000$ Over $1r 000r 000 *NO APPI.ICATION NILI BE PROCESSED FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 9500 .00 TTITHOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE vith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual revLews. The property owner or his repreientatLve shall be present at the DRB hearing. NA}IE OF PROJECT: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I.,oT BISCK STRSET ADDRESS:>) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT://? 'arry'ofi r',t r u n, SUBDIVISION LIST OF I'{ATERfALS The following informatlon is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I.I,ATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials '/ Fascia .=; / Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other required for subnittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIOR B.I,ANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name common Name ouantitv Lize* 7lautt/tfo a or*o/.,,r2/ +nu ,/ v.rrrt ,m"Adnet^S: EXISTING TREES TO BE REI{OVED for deciduous trees. 7 L *Indicate callper Minirnurn crl.i,Pe:: f-6r1 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 0l 0000 41330 0l 0000 41540 0l 00c|0 42415 0r 0000 424.15 0l 0m0 42415 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL EIICTRICAL CODE0l (m04zr5 OTHERCODEBOOKS0100004215 01000041548 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES0r0ffn42412 PENALTY FERS / RE-INSPECTIONS0l 0000 42371 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 0l 0000 41330 SIGN APPLICATION FEE01 0000 41413 o o lnwn 75 3outh trontago road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3Gr) 47$2139 August 2, 1990 Mr. Dave Hackman Homestake Condoniniuns 1081 vail View Drivevail, co aL657 RE: EoDastake Repainting Planning Technician BR/pp Enclosure olllce of communlty development ,r*, Dear Dave: At the Design Review Board rneeting of August 1' 1990, your application to repaint the wood siding was approved' You p-r-oposea to paint the wood siding a tan color. You also proposed Lo ieave the-window and door trin the color that they are. when you decide to change the color of the window and door trim, please let us know. Thank You. SinceTely;1i,/ J- ,' -./ /l /W'r(=s r(- Betsy dosolack /r- |v't-/ \-. Projecl Name: Project Application 4or*, fn L (',7 ;, , ,, f .2) ,,/r r, -/t'_ ,f /r /Alnc '/' / / 7O? Proiect Description: Contact Person and aL.-L/r,r/r/r,no Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: DISAPPROVAL r/ ./'4-o Gon,ac. , T a Summary: Br'{u, o /r- /u Town Planner e/, /q r/n-r.. X// / / v E Statt Approval DRE IPPI.IICIIIION DATE APPI.,ICATION RECEIVED3 DATE OF DRB UEETING: i i. l.qgiJ *****II|ISAPPLICATIoNWILLNoTBEACCEPIEDI,NTILALLINFoRUATIoN IS SUBMITTED***** I. PFE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appllcation neeting with a.planning.?:?II-T"tber is stiongfy suggested to detenoine if any additionar i"i"i-iii.ion-is ,,".a.a. No aeelication wil.l be accgptgsi- -"pp"fnin"nt wilrr the staff to find ;;-;;;t-"aaiti""ii subnitiit requirements' Please note . ft is the aPPlicantrs aonolntment with the st out about a without ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPIION: Legat DescriPtion Lot Block Subdivision I Zoning c. D. NAI.IE OF APPLICANT: Phone uai Address: NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: srGNlruRE (8) : I'lail coridoninium APProvaI if plicabl ,4"/"/) DRB FEE:oernit is Paid for. VALUATION that a coMPLETE iiipri.ifion will itreanline the approval process for your iioject by decreaslng the.number of ionditions oi appiovit tnal the DRB rnay stipulate.' ALrJ conaitiotts or ailroval must be resolvea uerore a building ;;;ia-i;-isiuth. Application wilr not be processed B.IoCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address /o,'/ /''a; D-' OFE. F. G. 90$ 10,001 s 50,oo1 $150, oo1 9500, 001 $ Over - s lo, ooo - $ 50,000 - $ 150, ooo - I 5O0, OOO - $1,0oorooo 91, OOO, OOo FEE $ 10. oo $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100. o0 9200.00 9300.00 (ovER) II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO TI{E DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirements, theapplicant must Etake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees tbat will be removed nust also be marked. This nork must be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS will nomallyinvolve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponement wlll be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowing items nay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed frorn anyother lot or public space, whictr have had letters subrnitted frorn adjoinlng property ouners approvingthe addition; and/or approval fron the agent for,or nanaeter of a condominiun association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. you should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. -LIST OF !{ATERIAI*g,,il '2lrl, z 'u sn r SUBDIVISION NAI-IE OF PROJECI: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTTON3 LOT-BL,OCK STREET ADDRESS:a The following infornation ls Review Board before a final A. BUII.,DING MATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other I{aIl Materials Fascia Soffits t{indows I{indow Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other IANDSCAPING: NaNe required for subrnittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OT' UATERIAL COI,OR ;t( ( OtN^r,^/€/r/We-- of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* B. PI.ANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indlcate callper for deciduous trees. Mlnlnurn callper for deciduous treeE is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Mininurn heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANI UATERIALS: Botanlcal Name Comnon Nane ouantLtv SLzert PROPOSAD SI|RUBS EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REUOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrube. Mlnlnun el-ze of shrubs ls5 gallon. fvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TIPE O.F IRRIGATION TYPE OR I{ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, c. oTHER HNDSCAPE FEATI'RES (retaining walls, fences, srinningpools, etc.) PIeaEe epecify. IndLcate helghts of retalnLngwallE. Maxinun helght of walls wlthln the front eetback ie3 feet. llaximum height of walls eleewhere on the property ls 6 feet. $s oA KE E or 1081 VallVlew Dnive Val[ Colorado 816Y, 7 / i6/90 Toi^rn oi Vail Planning Dept. Vai1, Co1o. Dear Staff: Tbe Soia.rd of Directors of the Fiomesta.ke a.t Vi"i1 Condominiums does hereby approve the color choice a.s submitted herein. As per the sample attached, sta.in of this color uri1l be applied to the exterior cedar siding areas of both buildi.ngs. The siding has become badly discolored and weathered in many areas. After much investiga.tion r.v e feel it is our best choice to blend v'rith the existing coLoration on the masonry and trim areas. I'like Povroznik Secret2 ry Homestake Cond. Assoc. ft" oUon/ tt'/,2.7 nr€as a/( u)/o/ zue are /at"'tt7 ,4 /^rn/-,,4 .oil sa/r,//ro( ,/., 6rorn ar.as tr/o-'n', ' ///./a//( f/( ut ttt/aus oar/ foor < *tar,/c/ aa I /" Vorb /; y' -- 4, /au.) //^n L s /2. ., //o,n7^ -/4,, //. oo lf"s- ^J\ o.[,rn t,V11-lt 7+dr* +,4 ,"7aa,,'t -- k"rr>fnt,,.r,:-2\ / ft'= c' '* u[,P ,. ^3 &^if-w oQo'-, {-u n1n, L &---, I oz E =G, uJo- .s \' U' IJJ IJJ lJ- E =E UJo- NN* s-* o\ q Ot H zl-{ E F& 9J o t!t!ooz = llJF e.o Iz = zz o uJ z 7oJl co .6 o =z & tsts & v) FJ *.r ts z Fl(J oE Ec(5 oEoo o)c E d) E o =l oo (E =.9 E -i- o c6*E.9 iEE: .;E gE E =_.E 69 EE:Oc-o> eI;E E€i;c96EIoSor 35='5 E E-si Ei;EE!teo- (5 o--sEie oidol5*:€ E€E E E6E: :-oE3o o'-.=.c= d, g' g€!c Eei: Ifi;;9E o -cEg: E UJz3 ui F z CEulz =o t!o uJ F {.:)6 (n Ln r\ N o Ht = E uJ z = 6 Yo uJ (Jz)o- 9EFouj ltl z = J = (J tu = UJ uJTI 2oF uJeo uJ G, oG 6 3g uJEz 6 IJJ F uJ z ur () x F ulut !, UJ u.ltt F =t UJo- J FoF z ) F uJJ u,l (,z6 =J 9z o T Fl H ts NO[Vn'lVA FlH z & :<.- 9gz. z !--3 ^ 32xI5 >98FP OEF66 AiZ:-89 frsl!<-33 EEiE ET<Nc| --ltti tr,t 3 =aOol =>E E tl1H cJ) ct) F-r F>l E zH l6 lotv lFl la zo F {IL tL I u/(L F o \T R2t ao-utE J z Eo z tr UJF =UJz l I I tzlz9a<oo< =Px,r6ci<z <t)Fz,. 9z -F fio3trOI IJJ = CE UJzYI F f- z F faz l ; FlotU' -rl<l 2l zl .. >lo llJ uJ uJzoF (r lll J z Eoo I O -J r-.'\ uJt U' d)oazo Fo-utY ut c0 oF F =Etrl: cr.|- -1ol (Ll.)lxt*vqltlgurbkzo z zr )i ;EE =zYllT dPE EE3 A;H F uJ llJ z f,oat F Eo- JFt! :-h= o- uJ>(LOI9o( u,txdx>UFJJ ur .D }- co Eo -9o Btt .E E E 8 o -I - E =E, lrJ o-zoF C)fEFazo() rtF ol =.1(,l HIrl ?l>lttlol zl 3lolFI I I I I ?lol uJl 5l al>lttlol Pl e N\t\+rn I c.l cn il <l>l u-lol zl FI zl-{ H ts zH tsv E =g thoFzoc) tsr xHvt tslE I & v ts Eo u; =z (Do-1 I Ilrtc I I .)adu.l d CIsl><=-o I I I IIt l" I I du{ q CIqJ> EO g 2? E?>c d6o z -(J UJ = E Fo Fzo(J Ei\ uJ o2 E -rO<F(rO llJ <zEtuF o J<oo!1!Hntr! tli .$a .) 75 soulh troniage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is urrlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, clebrisor material, including trash durnpsterl , portable toilets and.workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicp1*9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way 6n arl Town ofVair streets and.roads is approximatei-y 5 ft, 3ff pavemenc.This ordinance will be striltry enforced by the Towrr of vailPyPlig works Department. persons found. vi6rating this ordirlancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material.rn the event the persorr so notified does not compry with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the puLtic worksDepartment wilt remove said rnateiial at the expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance snirr not beappJ-icable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this mat-ter. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 3-"8.27 ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI,TMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l_6, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE Read and acknowledged by: Pds itFn/Re1dtionstf ip -o Fioj ect Date (i.e. contractor, owner) Sgqo PERMTT NUIIBER oF pnorecr CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ------l-lD PM , ( 't oor.4rr{Eq JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ItIECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oz F =E UJo. oo (7, cr')sf ro (t r.lJ UJt! F =E, uJo- a-y-yu--., "Jt rc hh".e /,.c: h.X) lc| @ C\J <t t! FF J(5 >{ e! F U''z, LIJ l9i lo Js C) g- u. 2 6J lflIFto Fl6 ,-ff|3u,I J =t;61.6*lozl z-zt7 l,lJF tt ulo = olt o C) trFzoo E urz 3occ |!UJ6z_.? Ev f ltlFI<F AoYZo< j-o E6S'=oq, gEE =.2 n.3c 6E9cc.= (5 o x!c-o e:5 ={ic96'- o4 3E- E E-s,.-oo €egg:E o.G o.sEt (/)fo. E*e E6: E E.Eg o-E FFE - o..:a E 6.s5ae gEE ;6> PI-o E; E ,3'€ s9E qr e5g -o(! rl)r-{4 q E ut o. z co -oIuI z J o (J uJJ uJ zo E Jo- J 2-() uJ = ul uJ z F IJJ uJ oE o ao =uJ uJcz 6 uJ F6oc uJoc z t!J x F uJof =d J trJE U- an UJ uJu- L =t IJJo- J FoF c5zo = J o EFol!J uJ z =t o- 9z o uJ- J FoF NOTMlVA IJ F E II lr F 4 J =t!ozIFo- E gJ J UJz IJJ >E _E.rl =ur(t=o(\l zzooF^toq5 F9 0 utO66ozr!<oqpd t(JFO -iGi z F l! ti c o UJ i lu J z Eo zo F g,l FJ =uJ2 o tszlz9. q. <oo< =HYU-Eci<z o) E<F 9= fio =tr qJ J oaulzY iF uJq F t Fl t- <n _.r I<li-l zl zl .- >lo UJo uJ lrJzo = ul J z E = 5 ID z Y 6l | ",:-t I JEt I iiI N I = zl : | ; !lg -f,c{c)O ulF U,oo?zo Fo-(ouJ@Y-\ HS ?= truJ EE o-bl lL ..qno u^ll\r<1 Hur:^Ftr,,zo Z=o9ff =3d2ztttt-dd8il J =fr;=;.i,,i();;E ts UJ b EUE3€8B9!Lb9.EE =>=ul:-E !E: >dE 869 Et-nE XO_E ;Ia, u{ €= uJ6 oF E =e, lrJ o-zoFofE,, zo(J !DE , U)8 !J:Z FU) tJJEo ii =z dl -t 9tI =(p.r? TFII.+ o- + s't fr04ctd di-o I olutl Gl il>ltrl FI ..1 (9l l!lEl ;l zl 3lolFI ol =.1olu4 rcl J sl t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I Iol =.1ol uJl :l al>l |rIol fl I I .l =.1ol !l ttlolzl =t9tFI .t'l Lrl al1 d. CLd.lrlF- =lrl FF I.l.Jtn a/, =e. =(n = J E uJz uJ J o EF C) UJJul t-Eir IIJ iE, o o 6Ia oI !trn Homestake Condominiums Description of Fire Alarm Sgstem Homestake condominir:os vill be equipped vilh tvo individr.ral tire,{larm S;ntems, one for the Torlh'Building ( Building A ), and one for rhe sourh'Buitding ( B ). The sTstems vill be monitored, bysystem, tsing aDigital communicalor, such thal the fire Department will be dispatched to the correct portion olthe complex. The sptems vill include lhe folloving components : Quontitg I l8 I 2 44 zl 6 I Quanti tg t 16 -9 I 4 3J 13 6 I S o rr,T ld Horth Building Description 6Zone fire Alarm Control Dual-Action Manual PuU Srations 200 degree fixed Temperature Deleclof fire Horns PhotoElectric Smoke Detectors, virh Integral Horn, and Isolated Healstat Rerrerse Polarity Relap Porer Supervision R elaln Remote LED Indicatsr Part Humber tire-Lite ltF0 fire-Lile BG-!0 fire-Lite HD8{A Fire-Lite HD2{ ESL 4{5 CSH EsL {0501/02 ESL ZO{C Part l{umber Fire-Lire 1000 Eire-Lite Btr-I0 Fire-Lite HDSIA Iire-Lite HDB{A tire-Lite HDZ{ ESL {4) CSH ESL 40101ioz ESL 204C v'6&1-+t Sout$ Buildino Descripti on 6 Tl.ne t ir e Alarm Control Dual-Action Manual Pull Stations 135 degree R0R/tixed Temperature Deleclor 200 degree fixed Temperature Detector fire Horns PholoElecric Smoke Detectors, with Inlegral Horn, and Isolated Heatstal Rever se Polarity Relap Pover Supervision Relays Remote LED Indicalor Eoaes take Con *^in i u-s) fite llaz lVsvrip Jion,." Ne t fhese items will be installed in accordance v'ith ell applicable Codes, using 18 AVG, Pover Lirnired, Eire Prolectiye Signaling Circuit Cable, 105C, 30UV- Conduit oo the exrerior 0f the Buildings vilt be instatled, using Raintigbl'boxes and connectors. The interior viring will be 'fished' vhere possible. and ltiremold vill be used. in locations not suitable for 'fishing'. All viring vithin the fire Alarm Sptem is supervised, with the exception of the Tandem connection of the Local Smoke Detectors, vithin the Condominium Unirs. The Smoke Detectors rrhich are localed within the Condooinir:o Units are a non-latching t'ype, and iaclude an integral Horn, 1o sound a Local Alarm, within the respective Condominium Unit. In Condominium Units having enclosed Lofts, asecond Local Smoke Detector vilt be added. The Smoke Deteclors are fi)nnected in tandem. sr:ch lhat an Alern will be sorurded by all Detectors within the UniL in the event that either of lhe Detectsrs senses a sufficienl quEntity of Smoke. Additioaally, the integral Horn will sound upon a General Alarm. The Detectors in the Condominiun Units contain an isolated tixed Temperature Deleclor, to initiate a General Alarm, in the event that the texoperatrire within a Condominiuco Unit erceeds 135 degrees (E). Floor Plans of Homestake Condominiuos, S'ptems, are included vith this description. and Riser Diagrams. of the fire Alarm rt,€>!. q, cct r-J IJ6 6?5ssl;H ; =q) E> -r cf| cl orI|*-. $l' ia cl.-a,r, q q)q GI'rf 3(u Ao> ilg. rD :(J-l jX , a I(hq at F iE ), J L. l, g Ii's If H -l/ :_F=jl"f-u 4*, a lqr s N l? Il, E j ;l '|4), o! F1 e g ru A& o *,. 8F C) -.}--lS ;GI =q,ai{ ..r l FE ge5lE $l " , ? IlH 1 | _*_l Js; !$ N l? ), , = Ifl-f ? 1, i Ijl "l= ), etl El 3l El EI ol;l 'l5l sl El -l -lsl c)l:-l Llilql =l ;l-t olol El qq EI '51 I tr c) trrrl €)v,vl sl &F () I x I EI F GI ru!r>qlu r.t Fl q Efil.ris ; = 'e (/, rd> 'co' d aror r.r (\l J rD ooCL-rE-, G'€ .Eq 3e\,, l-a L. r..o fll ol \D Elutl c>'El or,=l \ El oFl olEl otr|q)el .oL)l ''gs 5l o 'll r sl E €l : trl€l AIrlrl IEt trl EI FI ';l <l cal c)l. I r.l bo F.l o o Ec, -tHo4 S> lr; I rf|'| ;_l rf , = Lq-l- >{€ 69 CI GIsg $l "lH rl, E I\lqt S;l$l "lH 1[rljl "lE 1, H Ijl"lE 1, = I 5l "l= 1 3u9uQ ci or^ tsi E:E63;H q(, q) o -ut-t Q 14 ;r. !q c E3 A335:!€ lI'. d E.q E:l'-€f=,i .(u <, CI q c,Lr [r o L.l tlti .rrei5 &j r-ljlr_rl | !r t':!3 F q) .l4r E ! tr F filktr +jlql qrl b{l sl rl !t EI rrIgrl olJI Irtl erlull ol EI efl Srll Iel Fl :al .lI '-tl aO (, clri q) D" v7 GI * J{ d) 5d9 r.QGo.rE,E 9 Qt F r-a863F. Al y) tL vt114 xtqE:;; u.3 slJ-(J o?1 .*( Ji cl^d ,, dl trl :l trlt!l!l EIvtl '.r\ I r lFr+:i {r,<)/6,/ a{,t(\.2' r-I;irt.t(l .II*1S q LI ^a afl .Jdq)In.\.ro t?,El .9-a1l .rtst-rtttl J LrItu)ogalarl =e. -rf a =FIAE, >.|-. ct{ q ,€E c, ar)oqoPq);.bo (Otf{OQfa NO utl \ol El ool .:l ;lflNl':l \lcrl El rqrl ol Ir.l erl lOl I fl El 5l El El sl *l rl sl lEl d ;l ,!l El .Ei lt.l lr.l El -4 l-51 tr 9a @otx 1;JL Jr- v/ q o (J € :> F.L (J E ol :i l) vt ,2 Rl *l El5=l El ,El =tEl Elslnl El' I d,q Jlg!3 fil sl Dl HHg .- 'n:qE'i b g El qIqil ! E,:{ ou c (-ilE'- E.,, € & ooo Fr (! c.r <t O\ Ot -. N Cct 3s>3t€l(tI h.i l/ €€OcO'ooc)r-rN(flir-r-r-4ooo'-rGlc.) \O \O \O)oo<>) a c-l- al :' ln ln tn{ooo--tNcO v v'(".fO(:<:Daqni "cr *r co<ooox-,C!(.r C*l'N C{ -a t-\ t-1 t-\l rr-NCa) = t-- -qc)oc>\-1rJC-r $.H3- F Sia,4e5 -,x'-l \DI eol\lol -,,, slFiI HI JS.:l H El ,El :r -l 'El Elfl illtnl El ' l,-lI cl qrl :ld,qH il il;l El il5 ;il x,iil ffl .51 !l;l -l gil{ .{ -rl :{ 3l Fl sl ,El dflrl ^/l Fl ,al ra\lF.t F[ F{t Fl \F Q4\ NNN\D -. -r -rar 1c\l- .Q G-.-r-ro--.-.t-J -, nf cr^r ooolA -. -. -rolc\l-flFo.o.o..\3RP. co .o cottl. <: <) oa)aqqF F- r-- r.-s=R3 \O \O \Or.)o<>o(t)-N-at Funnn,$=Rg .,.q'|\(t.\qrmoooqac\l-ct] Feotoco-9ooo{-.{ _ (\l (f} NNAI Fa /-r r-r -aq.a N. q Q.--,-r9'ooo(-,-_. (\ ..) ud ()Lr A6 -H Idct .tq (\I 4 oo Fl 1ro d() '6q q) o lrll-l {l)q r-. (!?dq; dq)&E Ctr 6=i,' ct/) (g q € U' = =q A €Ft bgI:t* dEI E?;H tgsF+ #tti E--*u?Ejs $ rl sg6<; F 8,3 A ':-1 F Q z z = EI F 2 rdl6 FA: i9i, :. v 2El<IEqiat1Xa9>z-<<QZzZAo<; <ooaz3d'*x9iu' Fr.r<o>-<orr tr<' * ,s [:.! I{ \i f. tTTrt, E .z kg9*d6o.o UJ UJ Izf z s Fz !,1 Eulq ul UJ Jtt I .E =ffaat"'O 6 I t o z -oJ -l E lro =, =€F ul J lt J F !J F J J F F =Yt 4 F ttll. F Ec uJo z ) 6 ollJ uJtt vo IJJ C)z) J (, o!J Jlu F t, gt z ul Y =tto (J a ul Izo F o 2 tr CIulF 3lllz z o) o gJ F z ul -)ut E ql() l! ulF B It z F q, llJ z F t( ul l J 2 u, tt ulI = z F IIJ uJ z E o ur z Eo ut =J <( 6ul4 o lLl u- 6 uJ o-o gt JYz llt tl E z F B IIJ2 E Ftt A l! lll Fo ;z =2 z z t- I< t- r(J r', \t!N UJ =ozo9 z F Y=i6Ft!t4 ttx> :z5Surfo.o>o ; ..i o l- \xv 3 t! z trc E UJ J IJJz IJJ u,l oo J aE Q lll a(o 2 YJ F J z F J UJF t oo {kLaluL /rl , z4,a'tz)r,n-a/ fno chll,yLLCIl e"yo '<7p, i il-",*f-+- Qr^A^--' 0 IJ o IJ U /'lrl in 0 0 o D o tJ 0lsd : ut( o J Lqd- IJPsn-d-EI\n ':;:jj\-d.3i-fi sgQ< =-- .{ E\ -! :FrJ i +rn 6 -rJ-: ':0 ;,g ffil-J uLl-+d<t : 5ttJ -r Y. -dHr,"lr g rl; a +,e-'r() --+-.{'fI ; i gt V fl -r€ De:.ic1vr 4pp..'vc.[ Bcacd Touu-:r1 c,| UaiI G" ,tt I o v,.,^-. e u\ I r[^c l.-1",r^" s1r^L <. (,,-,, /citn itti,,t r.t1 f).:.J,.(. t tt I rc',t ,\e re /..7 6€tit.r,eals *(.e c.ppidur\( ,-€ 6 (;.,,,- -t. h.. (,c;,+l r11 o /e1 a,"t *i" er.<ite, L 1,,-."1 .,- c,€ (t'r Ce,".. 1r (r < ..nri c.-, 1..,.{ r S A^o.-,1 c,.1 Lic.v.sr\.^..ryt€- lI . (.,ctr n"u.! o{+l;s {r-o,uu 5lcett<' {ror^ cr- probiern o€ rup*cr,{rd unc<u'/lori7<l qse c>-( flo;nos I,.,Lz- piiuc\1. {..0.(i{ics h,X Lic,n< r1...d,rn e- I rcsicleu't <- jt'lctme(1 Ltrr s-ftrlru..ra1s orrc{ !.o, t^ c{ispo,;,,-( c;rc((s t-),, Ltuu.- O ,o[ €., h.<'L c.r,iti^.^1,n1 e,"lnl<i.^.< c,{ (;{lerinel ,^^c'( c"lo1s .^, (ic \^ r,". h-...,i pi ^pcint e"( *.' { l^e s(lyrac gci'.fce Uj<' {nu I t'h."* *lris 4,..0. ,ooc, l4 l.,u .-[.1rect/ <:icsislc\r\c<_ -lc t^S i lr -Lr a{{ ;c a c.A+.sc \ co x.:1. -[ t^e cf e ,\e r-cl ( y*..i r,..{e,iar,,c c_of c.ur b.^i \ct , *rJ J franL vJc,..r q lr<ltr T h <- Azt.r. *<c1< ine ot t Hon* e 91r.L €- .\'ld{rlcrr^- cM Nu,cl i{tckmn'r Bot G9c,(Xi,l , CU Sibs') \)6- 3clso :l \;H ?\EE #\" .E >t J lJ o)rA ..t.4 1 Pq- q_ co ,C 7t 6 cQ .d -!tt; <--"'--b f *{i iQ -d/.' 5\ € C \ ? 16\-..-.') .{l!\4 \ \ \ t a-l e'e- +,t7-/'^ -P.ut 5 ^r qJJ9H\J+* al Et4 z6.?+_J o I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE 'OF ITII|I,]TING: !,{trMBBBS PRESENT: LOU PARKER BILL BISIIOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO . tl | ,suBJEcr: Tj t ,rne S-t .Kq T.\tn ce- ACTION LOT TAKEN MOTION BY BOARD: VOTE:FOR: , BLOCK_, r'rLrNG SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: (,:.<i.-.' APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY:Co (on-to';/t')rt-;,J./ I t"o ,', BILL RUOFF rE DATE OF MEMBERS- UEETING: May 4, 1978 IPRESEI.IT: BILLVJOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Homestake Condo - fence addition AgTION LOT TAruN uc/tIoN BY BOARD: VOTE:FOR: ,. Broctr_,FILING ABSTENTION: "Ila q..r- APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SI]MMARY: AGAINST: fo,) ^sooc'liou 17,L=;%#-z T9oo,Oullins & 6u,8"t LOCAL C'OVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 1740 Willglmc Sbeet / Denver, Colorado 80218 / Phone [303] 399'7053 VIA CERTIFIED MAT! Mr. Dean Knox Colorado llrest RealtY Vail, CoLorado 81657 April ?5, 1977 LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT' Abil.itv to Serve: "Honestake#4", Lbts A-9 and G-4' 108 units Dear Mr. Knox: In Decenber of this year you were issued a letter request- ins an affirnatioi-t"I-" 'titt"airfu of your reliance upon the ii;r;; R;e;;'-w;;"i oirtri-ct's previoui statement of its abilitv to serve yo.rt ptop";;tr fu"tl'q ttoi-ieteived your- response by the stated tirne,'[nu-ilio"'s Riige Water District Board of Direc- tors has revoked any conrnitment to i"..r" the property referenced above. The Board resolved that i't rnust go forth with its !I:::":^^^ planning and ttrai your faiLure to resiond in a tineLv rnanner does not nean the Lion,! niage Water riitiiili-"iir- not provide service to the property,'-tut- oniy that an|"o"iri"naing letter of conrnit- nent is revoked. Re: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us' S incere 1Y , LIONIS RIDGE W D I STRICT/ l'/2.--, A-,,,r" 1K d'ffi?-"J .''iarnes P. Collins/' r -,^n rnllinc. F Co- - Inc.Lyon, Collins E Co., Inc D1STRICT MANAGER JPC: aj hcc: Eagle CountY DePartnen of Planning and Developmelt- (Via Certified'Mai1) vail P1an"l"i"i"p.;;;;; (vii certified Mail) Edmund Drager Thomas T- Grirnshaw o Van, CIrtlling & 6o., GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT ( p t 11f,.p LOCAL I74O Williamt Street Bankerrs Trust Conpany 280 Park Avenue New York, NY 10015 Attn: Ms. Teddy Sparrow CONSULTANTS / Denuer, Colorado 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053 APril 25, L977 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Dear Ms. Sparrow: In December of this year you were issued a letter request- ing an--a?iirrnation and a schedirle of your reliance -upon tltg-. Li6n's Ridge Water Districtrs previous statenent of its ability to serve your property. Havin! not received your- response-by the stateh tirn^e, the Lion's Ridge Water District Board of Direc- io"r has revoked any connitnent to serve the property referenced above. The Board resolved that it must go forth with its present planning and that your failuTe to respond in- a timely manner does ;;;';;;; itr" r,io"'i Ridge Water District will not provide service to the property, but only that any outstanding letter ot comnlt- ment i.s revoked. Re: LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT' Ability to Serve: Tayvel; Parcel A, Lion?s Ridge #2 - P.U.D. - 150 units If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us' Sincerely, ,'LYon, Collins G Co., Inc ./ DISTRICT MANAGER JPC:ajh '/ cc: Eagle CountY Departnent oi"pfanning' and' Developnent (Via Certifi-e-d .Mai1)VaiL Planning Departrnent (Via Certified Mail) Ednund Drager Thonas T. Grirnshaw Joseph F. Colantuno--iii0 capitol Life Ctr., Denver, co -.L i_ON',S RIDGE WATER--P I STRICl,' 1 --r/,//7ZTl___*-t//."\//,/ ( (t-rel:.' Janes P. Co-l1in}-_ 80203 pgot Oullitts & 6r., Bnrl LOCAL GOVEBNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS l?40 Williamt Sttaea I Drrntx;r' Colorodo 8O2fB / Phone [303] 399'7053 April 25' 1977 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL L.R.B. ConPanY c/o Mr. Lutz t'OO0 l,incoln Street, Suite 1632 Denver, Colorado 80205 Re:LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT' Ability to Serve: Lots B-4 and B-5, Lion's Ridge Subdivision' 105 units SincerelY ' LIO ' S RIDGE WAT STRIC /C--:'t/-+ // (. Janes P. Collins Dear Mr. Lutz: In December of this year,you were issued-a letter request- ins an affirnatio"-""I-i ictretlirte of your reliance upon the iT8";; Rie;;-w;;u, nirtrtct,s previous statement of its abilitv to serve yor'rt ptop";;tr -!uuil'g noi received your response by the stated tine,-it"-Lio"lr niig" Water listrict Board of Direc- tors hes revoked any comrnitment to ierve the property referenced above. The Board resol'ved that it must go forth with its present planning ana tnai-iour.failure to iesfiond in a tirnely nanner does not nean the Lron's Ridge water oistti"t will not provide service to tho property,"Uut--oniy ttrat ani-o"iti""aing leti:er of comrnit- nent is revoked. If you have any questions' pleqse feel free to contact us' Lyon, Collins & D1STRICT }{ANAGER Co. , Inc . JPC:ajhcc: Eagle CountY DePartnen of Planning and Developmel-!. (Via Certifi-e-d.Mail) vail Plan"i"i"iui";6;nt (vii certified Mail) Edrnund Drager Thonas T. Grinshaw Fgon, 0ullins & 0u., Bn o t. LOCAL GOVERNMNNT t ?4O W illiamt Street / Denwr' MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Colo",rlo 80218 / Phone I3O3l 399'7053 APriL 25, 1.977 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Blake LYnch ado 81657 $ 3;;, -,o 5*4r"'--"" Re: LIONTS RIDGE WATER DISTRICT' AbilitY to Serve: "Homestake#5",4b units, Lot A-7, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Dear Blake: In Decernber of thi:; year.you were issued a letter Tequest- ing an affirmatioi'""J'" "itt"aitre oi your reliance upon the Li6n, s Ridge wat"i oistrict, s previo.r's statenent of its ability to serve yo,r, ptoi";;i' -uav11'q noi-tltiived your response by the stated tine,-[;;'lio"; t niige-w"lti oitttict Board of Direc- tors has revoked any conmitnent io"i"iu" the property referenced above. The Board resolved that it nust go forth *i!h its present planning and thai-your faifur" to-iesfiona in a tinelv manner does not mean the r,roi,""*iag"-fr"i"t iiiltili-"iir not prbvide service to the properry,"uit'-oniy that ai|"."iri.naing letter of commit- ment is revoKeo' If you have any questions' please feel free to contact us' SincerelY ' LIO ' S RIDGE 1\IAT DISTRICT L--42'ae{ , Lvon. Collins 6 Co. DiSTRICT }4ANAGER JPC:ajhL.t iiagle county DePartnent ---of P1anni,,g'""a'Developrnen-t-. (Via Certif ied Mail) vnil Plan,,i"fi"itiilii'tit tvia certified Mail) Edmund Drager Thomas T. Grinshaw , Inc. DATE OP MEETING: ( ! DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ? f/r/ra d//wSECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVIiD: AI]STENTION: SUIIIIIARY: a c0l{00r(Itt IuI DtcLARATI0!{ THE Hor,rEsTllf or uo r,- o {a Con.jominium) i(l{0t ALt IEti By THESE pRESE\TS: _ ;H.{T l{NER€AS, FULT0}l IR0lll0RKS, LTD., hereinaftercqllcd nDeclarant., ii ilri o*ni"-oi-the-riai p."pi"ii-situtte in the County.of Eagie, Siate of Coloi"aao, dLscriOcOoa-the ittached Sxhibit "A"; rtitcri oy tlris rereriice-ii'eade a part hereof: and yHttEAs'sub5equentdeveIopmentrillconsistof lullCfngs on proFeFty .4fn_€xhlblt ql-. ind -It. ll', and rs r ePrDsrr Lvatt lf |, ltl -es,.of an addltional buildlng or .i.,l3:,:31:!'lltl91: tn stises,.of an iooiii;noi b;;iiiie-i, ?:tJll?g?^on-proFeFty r4Jointng that property descrtbid . IHEREAS, r Condoni nl un llap ri l l be f i l ed shOrf ng ,,, .'2.:l:-1?::ltgl gI^tlg^rulttstory ou.iidine on u,e ri"i"i"iri*y, " described oa frfitbft oAo;'and IHEIHEREAS, gacllrant does hereby establish r planfor tbc ornersfiJo of'rael or.ro"ii, F<rrlac r', ra. p{rarrfor tbc oinersfilp of'rerl property estirtes in fee stipiCcolslstlag of the rrr! or soace conta.ined in aach of rhas,urr I sErng or-tne trt! or space contained in each of the !1t_ spacc !ntt3 rnd the co-oitnership, by the Inrlf vldutlco-oilnershio, by the Indfvfdurllf^lgqrate orners thereor, as i"ninti" i,i ioiiliii'it .r Ief t;e'.lcniining-ilai pi.Ji.iti, rr,j.ii "ir'il.;;ffi?i.; dcflacd rad refirred tb ai *ri'generar io*r,in iiiiiitts; - .fHERIAS, Declarcnt desires to establish asort@tni un conpler under the Condominiunr Ownership Actof the Stete of Colorado; and i. |:l.t!:i;:iifi'":I":|;ioo;;'il:.[l,.ol]i!'li::nil:''"n11!.for- iubritrtng.the priperty rtesirtuiO in tirti.rccrtratlOn t0 condornlnluo use; and ''. Ifl€REAS, lhe lnitial developoent.ri.l I conslst of ,tli construction of thirty condoniniirn units in a nuiit-l!9rt butldlng on the pro-perty described i;-ExhlUit-;i;;itfd I :: , - ll0l, llEREF0n€, Declrrant does hereby pubt lshtrd declrre that thc follorlng !er,!s, covenants, condltton3,-.:ll??"llsr-l!!!rlctfons,.ypes, riFit;tlons and 6uiiqiirons:i:;T-::-?.:-r:, rer,r{Jrr>, u5e5, r lFrlf,.attons ano oDlrgatl0rnrrr De dtctrd to run rtth the llnd, shalt be a buidenra! r bencflt to Oeclarrnt, lts suciessofs rnd lssigns,rld.tny psrson.cqulrtng oi oxnlng in interest.l n ttie-rcal 9roperty and i|[provcnents, his grantees, succesig"sFslr5, ?rGCutorS, fdnlnlgtratOrs, devlsees or asSignS. - o (a ) tb) (c) (d ) (e) (f) o OI, I- INITIONS: and I imlted comrnon elenents appurttnrnt such unit. 'Building'neans ona of the bulldlng Inp comprlsing a prrt of thc proprftt; 'Entire prenises' or 'property' rt|ns I 'Condomlniurn unlt' or'unit' neans one ltrl tvidull a i r space un i t together ri th an undl vt dedl I nterestin che proJect conmon clernents, and the flrneral 'Unit' rneans onc lndlvidual air space whfch contained within the perimeter walls, fl0ors and ceilings of such unit in the buildln{ as shown and identifled on the Iap, togethot Hi al l fixtures and lnprovenents therein contrl but not including roy of the structural donpof the bullding, lf eny, xlthln a unlt. I l! is th ned, onants thero I n. (g) 'gGncrcl '€ntire preilises' or 'property' rr the Irnd. the bulld{ng or bufldlrrthe lrndi the bulldlng or bulldltg9, a lnp,'ovcacnts thereon, rnd all rlghts' and aDourtcnrncrs belonalnq tbcfGto.'.and appurtcnrnccs belongtng tlcltto.:. all matnsn eltmntr' matns ird {ac? on ditch'tie butldltg'.:l: I connon (l ) The landls 3hown {21 (4 ) fotnr and sors I for' Any tanlsr pgnps, EotorS, fansr cofiP?ducts, and ln gencrrl the apparrtur alnstrllatfons of the bulldltg existlng co0|d|0n usgi COPY Honestake rt Vr{ I A - Oeclarttlon! ?, Such encl osed ai iS ir€ prcvided u5e; and r spaces lfl for communi the buildlngty or coFtron (s ) t.6 ) (h i st en rao (i )Project Comnon Elernents' neans and includes: (l ) All lano in the condoniniue project s ofs ne mai mmon men t elen he o t e o e t AI l other par enti re prenisits exi5tence nerina'l Iy in c ted comnon el enera I common than all cf L imiheg e|le t I t f he bulldlng rtsary or c onv enance and sa s€, neans tho 5ets -eserved fers of condon n ef p o I ce nt u ;frc fo rr l rft:tfi I t o o I dof nien ety, lrtsl' ut al ur t< rcserved by the terms of this O€clarati0For by anendnents or supplenents h€reto fbr the nonexc'lusivc use of all of tne or[erFof condomlnlun units in the condoillniun ,proJect, in cocoon rlth all of the othcrj ::.:,7 ..;,. othe rs. (2 ) Irproverentg land reecrvcdof all of theiun proJect. (J) 'Coa[on erpcnses' and structures locited onfor the nottcrcluslve use oHners of unlts in thc cendoaior neans and Includes: (l )All suns larfully rssessed against th€proJect comron elcDents and the general 'co.oon el esents by tbe ltlanaging Agent oi Board of l{anagers; Expenses of odnlnistrdtion and manaoene'rt, saintenance, repair or replacement of the pro ject cormon t'l enents and the general com&on eleoents; (z) (3)cofitron e\penses by0eclaration and the ({) Expenses agreej upon as common expenses'b-v the uni t orners. Expenses declared prov i si ons of thi s 8y-Laws; and (k) 'Association or Lrnit-Owners' or 'Assccj means a Colorado nonpr0fi t corporation successors and assigns, the B_v-La*s ofshall govern i!-1e admifristraticn of this ation'its rhi ch cc nd c- i r i Ho estake at Vsi] t - ",eclaration: proJect, the nenbers of whichthe ornerq of the cOnCom,i nium o vemen t s shal I l,e al I un { ts.of des i ng or b0ufldrr I cs Prts uned (l )lf lp' oT ' Suopl enenta I !{ap , rneanstDc engineering suryey of'the realq€scrl Deo on the attrChed Exh i bi t clarant. npr 0c iof theructed It I s Qreon a De con h o t i and inclpropert "A" I ocanstructecobt ?. c0!{DOtrI!{IUtt }lAP: (b) The !tar shal I not be filrd for record until thelbulldingT::,3::: ::l:t..r!taiiv-ioipiiiui-in'i.ou" to pernit thelocation roir, h;;i;;;iaiil't;;"I";li;:li;,'lroi#'llil?rt llo:.1::l:1"::1^i:9t;;;; ;n;-;. iiiit,;". archlrect. upon:y!::"1!lal corptelion of-irre-u;i i;;;;: ;;;";;;;;'tl"l;:I:I:: ::"I!ylli!_olt a condontnrum-unii, -o.cii.int-ir,Jii cruse to be filed for.record r uaf,-;;j'r;;;'ili"iri',il' I;l:o^]1-oy.tl^9l^lacuoni,-rio;-[ir; to tim!, as tte unttshave .beeo- *bstantiii ir-;i;piiiia. ""s.it i,iIF'rEl.iliIlllo; :,|.::ty:l!_to tfie-iniiiJiii rii.o iiil ;;;;i]t.I:.?"c. r srpptcrcnt to- grgrr iie-i'ro ir,i-nrilirili'isil"n."or rgch supllc*.Rt shal I be sr,Irn it,""eon. -rrii-ir.illrriir dlpfct and l}or et lcrst ttre-ioiiowing: I (l) tlc-legal drscrlptlon of the surface ofrtal proportJr; lhc linerr Eeasurenents and locrtfon, _rlth.r€fercnce to the cxterior bo;;d;;i;;'of thr!!ll ?top.Itv: 9! th. buitdi;;a;i-iio'.rr,rlprorarentt bsitt on the reai'piopirtt; l (c) Tnc bulldlng nime or designatfon; (d) ., Ttrc floor plan; (c) Thc noaber or dcsfgnrtion of cach unft; . tf) Tfie lincar dlacnslons of each unlt; :'(s) Tbe;cl.evatloa plals of the buildtng; (h) ?bt_elcvatfons o{ the unfiaished interfor3urflces of thc floors raa ciiiinsi ii'-'?rtrbltrtld fros a Ortui ptiie, ,na ilrcI rncar mrsu"encnis-jrrdii[g'iij thicknessof thc acrtnctrr ietii-or--ir,e"iuilaini. -' -l1.illgfprerfng thc. iip, tbe exisilng phystcrtcrcn urtt .s con3tructci rhrlt Oc-ionit;;i;;i;'tc. ltr Dcsndrr{es llorertatc at Vrll A - 00elrrrtfon: 4. Jeclarant reseryes the right to amend the Map, fromtime to time, to conform same to the actual physiialI oca t i on of the constructed improvenents and to establ i sh,vacate and relocate easements, access road easementJ andoff- s i te areas. Prior to the flrst conveyance of a condominium unlt,there shal I be f i led for rec6rd as a part of the l,lap acerti ficate of a registered architcct'or I icensed ' ?fglgssional engtneer certlfying thrt the fmprovinents asconstructed conform substant.l aliy to the Hapi that theMap ful ty,and accurately depicts tia latoti,'mJiiureientsand- locat{on of all the- impiovenrents on-the'icnd; tha- ' butldir,g-name or designatibn; the ipartneet, ofiici ina:!g.e.unit.designations, the dimensions of iuch unlts rndrne e revatt 0ns 0f the unfi nl shed floors rnd cel l ings. 3. UNIT DTVISIONS: . The property is hereby divided lnto the fee clrolaesEares as set forth ln the attrchcd Exhlbit "8";htchby thls referenca rs nade. part trcrcor, eaitr iucii'-iilrt" ::1:l:1!19-of on! unft together ytth .n .ppurtenrntunolvldedfract|onallnterettinandtothigenrrll c otrmo n el enents 4. LIilITED COililOil ELEl4EilT5: . A port.l on of the gand reserved for thc .u l-qgrtion-of the gancral connon elenints l.t sct r31dreserveo for thc .ure of thc orners of thc irspectlUe connon elenents l.s sct retda 1.. condominiun unttr, rnd rueh iriaI..Jr,iit-ic-lioii-I;;-.''rererred to as thc 'lfrlted connon elemcnts, - Tha ltrttrrfreferred to as tha 'l{artsd ionron-liii.nir;.--irri"irrttrd ': igilgl,eleilant3 so altocated and rcieivio-iri d;;;riili:-. ,cosnon.eleilant3 so allocated and rcierved are di'|'.,..'|rxe' nIcnsnrs so a||ocaE€6 and rtseryed are dascr{bcl , '' l:::::o-91.llo!1 nl thr ftoor-Firni-Jr irre-nip-ino-i;. -, I i g e nd - si;'u;i-;; il';I: i i i'[r,E' !H" "l ": ";, Xlii":.:Ionr"nas is sct rorth on thr rttrctr.c iirttii-.i;,-iii.[-il'fii;reference ls arrdc a prrt hereof. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: .. Every contract. for_the rrle of I condonlnlun unltrritten prlor.to the flllng for rcc6rd of the iao-*a"regar ry descrtDe a cendoelalun untt by its ldentifyfiqunit nunber foilowed 0v the rords,-'i[re nor,rriiiiii'ii-ilrr{". wlth further referincc to-ilri nrp tnereof to be filedfor record rnd the-Dacrrrrtron lo 'ur-rccord'd. -prioi'io the flllng^of the t|ag,-rcferinci tn-rny contrrct roi ttrcpurchase of r condontrtsr untt shrll bi t; ii;-itiii iiin9f :glO unlt-togathcr rtti rn tdentlfviag nus,be; r;i i;'archttectural rendrrlngs-lf avrflrttc, oi to uottr, ifriitr ?JlTs gl rendertngs shilt bc datlFriiittrc as rixinq thcoDrlgattons of thc pt.rtfe6 un{cr tha contrrct only insofarIt^lltg{ 'locate.rhe irrbJcct untt rn irre-uiiiiini'iio" --' esraD I r sh I t5 dlnen3looS, fl oor pltn rnd chlef-archl tecturalfcatur€s. Subsequent to the flling of thc ilap,m0rt9agc, trust deed or other tnitrumrnt every deed, may legal ly llomestake at Vail A - Declaratlon: 5. I ease, descri be a cr,ndoriinr'..rn;n1t:y its ldertify't ng,Jnit nunber f ol I lred by the words , iil€ lrOftE jTA(E A'M lt A,with further , eference to th: Hap filed for record aoCthe recorded Declaraticn. Every s';.n descri2tion sha.'i be ceerned good aad sufflcient for al i purposes to aonvey' trans fer, elcumbe;', or 0therqi se affect not cni y tbe unft h r', also the general conr:cn elenents and ihe 1i;ited .:firim6n elerents appurtenant thereto. Iach such descrigtlonshdll be construed to incluoe a nenexclusive easen€nt for ingress ond egress and ftr use of the 4ener'al coramon elemer:ts together vJth the right to u5e cf t.he l{rtted conmon el em€nts. 6. IIiSEPERAEILIiY: Iacb apartment and the commcn e I ements appurterrant and nay be conveyed, leased conCoci iniun unit. rrndivided interest in the general thereto shal ! be inseparab!e o!' encunbered only as a iiOT ICE TO ASSESSOR: oeclarant shall give rritten netice to the assessorof Eagle County, Colnrado, of the creat'i on of such condominium ownership of property, as is provided by lar, so that each unit and the undiv.i ded interest in the general connon elerBents appurtenant thrreto shall be deened areparate parcel ard subject to scparate rsreSsn€nt andtaxation. 8.TITLE: A condorlinisa unit may be held and oxned by nrore than onc person as Joint tenants or as tenants in con$on,or in aoy real property tcnancy relatjonshlp recognized under the lars of the State of Colorado. 9. NOt{PARTIO'IAEILITY: ihe general conmon elcnents shal ! be orned in comaonby all of the orners of the units and shall renain undivided, and no orner shall bri ng any action forparti tion or dlvlslon of the geoeral comfion el e:nents. Nothing contain?d hcrein shall be construed as a linitationof the right of partition of a condoniniun unit betreenthe oHners thereof, but such partit'l on ghal l not affect any other condoninium unit. IO. OIIHERSI{IP AI{D USE: Each orner shall be entitled to exclusive orne!"ship and possession of his unit. Each oxner nay use the g€neral corrnon ele&ents in dccordance Hith the purposes for whlchthey are lntended, wi thout hindering or encroaching upon Lhe l awfu l ri ghts oe the other o*ners. I ]. USE RISTRICTION: lJnless the right to Ljse a unit fcr 3 purFcse othertnan residential is expressly reserved under the terr;:s ofthis 0eclaratjcn, or Fy aflrendirnents Or supplements hereto, each uni t shall be used inC oc. upied solel,v for the pu!"pose ll\):f irstake rt Vail v of lods'ing or ls .r due I li ng byoreer's f ani I,v. guests. agents,I icensoes or" tenants. Reservatoth€r than residential Rre sethereto anC aade I oart hereof. T th€ owner or D_v e::ployees, inv l ions for use for forth in Exhibjt :ees, d purpose'0" dttacheC l?EASTilEft TS FOR EIICRCACHIlEI{T: If anf portiox o{ tlre genera'i conmon eic:'rents encroaches upon c unit 0r units, a val id easenent for the Qncroachiar! ^:nd f c:' the naintendnce of sa:i;e, so iong as it stands, sh,rli and does ex i st. lf any porti0n of a'Jxit or u:rits encrr',aahes upon the general conmon eleoen!s or irpon an adjoi n i ng unit or units, a valid etsemerrt for the encroa:hnent and the rnaintenance ofs4!e, su Iong :s it st.ands. shal I ar'd does e.rist. Fortitle er other p.,.r":oses, such encrJachment { s ) and ease-lncnt(s) shalJ nor oe ccnsidered or determine.i to be e'lcunbFances either on '-he qeneral connon elements or the apaFtiient uni ts. t?XECHAIIIC' S LIEI{S AIiD IITOEI{NIFICATIOI{: Subsequent to the conpletion of the lnprovements descrlbed on the |laF, no labor perforned or raaterlalsfurrlshed and incorporated in a unit rlth the constntor rt thc rcquest of the orner ther€of or his agent orils contrrctor or subcontractor shall be the basls forfiliag of a lien against the unit of any other orner not t-ipresslJr consent jng to or request'lng the same, or agalnstthr general corrron elenents orned by such othrr owners. Each orner rhal l indennify and hold harmless each of the other orners frorn and against alI Iiability arising from the clrin of any llen against the unit of any other own€'or rgaiBst the general common elements for constructionpcrforrred or for labor, rnateri a1s, services or other Froducts incorgorated in the ouner's un'lt at such owner's request. l a. xAnAGEt{Er{T: condomi nl um property shal I :' _ i t. l:. i; . i The rdni be govcrncd c0x00*lniuH lerei nafter n i stra t{ on of by the 8y-Lars AS50C IAItCI{, areferred to is THE HO'.IESTAKE orado nonprof l "Association" AT VAi! At corporation, this of Colrhe An orner of a unit shall becoae a mernber of the Association upon co.Ryeyance to such oiner of a unit, andshall reinain a nernber for the ger;od of hls ornershlp. Curlng the perioC of developnent of the buildtng and conyeyancing of units, and untll every unit i3 sold oruscfslly occupied by a lessee, or untll llovember I, 1973. rhlchcver occurs sooner, the designation and e'lectlon ofthc 8oa.d of i,lanagers of the Associrtion may be exerclsed by Declarlnt at ieclarant's optlon. 0nly pcqbers shal Itle{tions, and any pc rc cn'"age of the The l"ssoc{atlon shalI have ons be entitled tt nenber shal I be tota I vote equal class of mefibar!hip. vote in.Assoclationentltled to vote theto such menber'5 7.lloElcrtalc at itil A - 0cclrratlon: t l_. ., :'-: :it f{i-,i r i . tj ) L,J i.{1( rer, ''.:err-"'l: .rr I ,:r./lit,4i.ir111 5 ';1 t- .)' ' ,'tnrv1 ! hci^eh..,' licy be t. I .\iV clnrr pr "',JIl Or i'.lCl iJ1 i i. '.' i:i, 11 (ran:.,f ir 0r .rlii gl-,lilenl ' i,1 ri0n 0f any obllgatjrrn it l'' pri 3nn lrir':1el' t. 1:' terms i--: iii. .rli:iliii.riY: ,t€ ii:1,: i .1n( r.'j'1 )hi ;ai,.ni.. d L l Cri 'J-rt'atiaJil ,r,. ;',:, '., ': 'r 'i;-rll i,:: f esponsible f cf' t-hc exc'i 'lsiver: rtrj .'i ., : '1 :, of ti genelal COnrptOn eietfieni.s 3nC ,. 1 i-,:rr'',.;' .,.1! :11 ''eo!"t lir.:ir, l ing furn i shi ngs anci , -r.,irrer i .r ' :r1 ';rrr ec,j). and lhdll keep the same in .i.:Ji.', !,i. .r. ar."';r':ltve anc :tanitdI y condition, orCer and rppd jr lr,, .i;!0(.raticn shal l be .n5ponsible for the rr rintenan,-,., ini repair of ext3rior surfaces of bu'i ldings r.r'r,"! i:npr'r.iu,-rrir,{, f :\ locaied on tie property, ineluCtng, xlth- iLt I irrrt,rlior,, the painting of the sane as of ten as riecessary, thn repldce,,ent of trin and cculkirig, the i;aintenanc,: dnd repair of roofs, the maintenance and !'e9air of utii ity Iines, air cond iti onlng equipment, dndrrll other,i nprovernents or materlals IocEted lrithin or usedin connection *'ith the general cotnmon elements. The cos'-of such mait,rgement, operation, mainienance and repair ', hal I be borne as herelnafter provided. 'l hc Assocrdiion shall have the right to grant €asenentSior uti ri ty ol,rpo:es over, 11 prn, under 0r through any,r)rtior: trf the contmon :tlemenLs, and is hereby irrevocably apDointed is air,orney in fact for each owner for such ilurooSe. ll ASSCC IAiiI.T;i TO OBTAIN 5TRVICES: Tfre i,sscc;ation na.v obtain and pty for the servlces :f any peri,Jn nr entity to Indnrge its affairs, or anypdri there f, tD the extent it deems advisable, as lrel I d5 sJch 0tIr:r persornel as the Association shalI detarnlnc to be necessary or desi rab le for the proper operatlon of the propert-v, wnether such pergonnel are furnisheo or eirplo-ved dir-er-ttv the Assocjation 0r by any person 0r eir-i cy wi rh whorn or rrhich it contrrcts. The Assoclation n:ay obta in and i,,ay for legai and accountittg services neces!-.y 0r rtesirable in connection nlth the operatlon or i-he iircpertj/ or the enforcement of thls Declaration. lhe Associr iion nay avail itse'l f also of the serY lces of d rent;t'l arient L,r aqency to handle leaslng and letting ;-, I g6ndonliniun units cn a pooled basis. or on such other i.)d',r s as the Assoclation shall deem Egproprlai.e, provided, I ,)yever, that ':l:c serv lces uf such aEent or a{lency shal I r,,,i ip ot.'i iqatof / uD?n indlvidual unlt owners. The :. ,i i:rt i,rri r.ry nrranee with others to f urni-''l lightinE, i!rr,,; , y,,ai,,r., r"rash collection, sewcr ter" ice anc other . 'r:r n 4r'1 .r,g ' r-o each un it. The cost of such servicesi.'t I [.: D.ynr] as hereinaf ter provided, !eclar.:tion: !.r.':rll,l, ,: ,l r. , t- \ a i i Iti. A550eiAil0tt r0 1..:r'J'i,i.t'. ;';:'"i!{A- FQIPER'lY: The lrssociation r,ia j acqui !"e i.,C h:ld for *e ,ise irrd benefit of all of the crneri lar'. 1;ible;nC irrlongiblgpersonal prOperty and $dy dlspc:c Of the satFe by s.lle Or ctlierryise, and l[p !gncf jr^i;-I inr:erest rn any su4l: t:"ope"tJshall be deemed to be onned by the orn€r: in ziie -sanepl'opoi Lion as their respectivr interest5 .! rr the ger";e"a'? c0m{1Cn elemg',ts. Such interest shal l rct be trarrfe!.rabl€ except rvi th the tranEfer of a condoBinium r.tnit. 3 t!'ail5f!r';F a condoninrum unit shalI transfer lo the trttiferee l'r,nershJp of the tr"anlferor's beneficial i.rter€si in such r,roperty without an;i reference theretg, ihe tra'r:jer lf ritle to a condominium un{t under forcclocure shal i entitie the purchase!' to the inLere$t in such )ergoail p!'o'Jer?t associated rriih foreclssed condorn'i niu* unit- "l'h{; grcvisicns of this paragraph shali apply only to personal :'rc:lrty acquirec and held by the Assoclatio4, and snalI rot applyto per:onal property acquired and held by individual unitorn€rs, or whlch are appUrt€nant to cr an integra'l part ofindividual condoni n i um uni ts, ]9. ASSOCIATIOH TO IIAKE RULES ATD REGULATTOI\|5: The Associatlt n Daf nate reasonable rules andregulations goyerning the use of the unlts and of the genera'l connon elerents, rhlch rules and regulations sh. l1'be consistent.uith the rights and rlutles establishcdin this Dcclaratlon. The Assoclatlon nry susp€nd any ownerrt voting r'l ghts in the Association during rnyperiod or periods durirg fh'l ch such orner fails tc corplywtth such rules and regolations, or rilth any otheroblig.tlons of such onner under thls 9eclaratlon, The Assoclation nay aleo tate JudicJal lcticn agalnst any orner to enforce conpllance trlth such rules, regulat{onsor other obligations or to obtrfn danreges for nonconplianc€, lll to the cxtcnt perrnltted by law. 20. ASSCCIATTOIT TO EXTRCISE POHERS: The AssociatJon may exercise any otherprivilege given to 1t expressly by this CeBy-Lar, and every other rjght or priviiege be implied froin the exlstencs of any rightgiven to it hereln or reasonably necessary any such right or pr'ivilege. ?I. RESERVATIO}I FOR ACCTSS: The o'rners shall have the lrrevocab'l e right, to be exercised by the l,lanaging Agent or B0ard cf !{anagers of the Associ ati on, to ha ve access to each unit rrom tiq:gto time during reasonable hours as rn3,t' be necessary ior the maintenance, repair or replacement cf eny of the comtlon elenents therein or accessibie therei'r-om. or for making etnergency repairs therein necesslry to irreveni damage to the genera l or 'l inrited conlrlon elenents cr to another uni t or units. Danage to the inter"ic. or any part of a unit or unitsresulting from the nnintenor.ce, rcpal!^, enerE€n,y "i:llriror replacement of any of the generil connon eleic-rts or as a result of energency reDairs orir.h in anothcr t^,; nsthe i nstance of the Asscciation shal I be ; com.non e!!err:eof all of the owners; or.oyided. however. tli.r. I ii.,1.rf: damage is the result o. ihe negl iEer.'ce of a ..rr,i i .b.:Fr, ri_oht orclaraticn or rea so nab I y tcor priviIege to effectuate I I Homestake Vai I A - 0eciaration: L then suah unit otner shail be responsible 'rr al i ii i' such d.rra,;e. Restor!tion of the damaged inprr;rilent5. 5h'tl I be subst:'tiall-i tne glne as the crndltion in'"nich thev exr sted r!, ior to the danrge. z?. 0ffrtc's [lltTiflAtfcE RESP0i{SI$ILITY: For Furposes Jf nai;ttenance, repa i r, eiir-rl! ion and rerL1deling,'an orner shtrl be deemed to owr tfre intericn nensupporting ral ls, the naterials (such ris b"t not limited to aiaster, gypsuttt dry vrall, paneli'rg' wal j3'tnar' p.ini, rall and flooi-i;te, anO flooring. r'ji not incluCing the subfloorlng) ltra\ihg .ro the fi nished surfaces of the Be"ineter ralli. Ceilings and flOOrS *ithta thrr unit and tne u'1 it ttoors and rindows. The crner shaiI not be deened t-o cnn the uti'! itJes running t\!'ough his ucit rhi:h are utllired for or serve one or nore other unlts er!e9t at a tanant ln corron uith the o"ner owners. Such right to oainttin, t"epai', alter and renode'l shall carry tni obl igation to rep'lace any finishing materials removed rith sir"ilar or 0ther types or kir':.is oi finishing naterials 23. OYXER, S IIAIilTEflAIICE A}iO ALTERATICII.I: An oxner shrll *ainta'in and keep in repair the interlor of his orn unit, includlng the fixtures thereof. AII fixturcs and equipnent inital led within the unit co[$encing rt a polnt rhere the utlllty lines, pipes, llres, condultg or systeEs (rhich for brevlty'are h?rerfter referrcd to as 'utilitlcs") cnter the unlt shall be naintein€d aod tcpt ln rcpa{r by the orter ther€of. llo rltcratlon or ?esod?lli'rg shaii be undcrtrken by rny unit orner rhlch chrnges tha floor plan of the unlt, or rhich ls o rerriangencnt of, or tn addltlon to, eristing ralls-or- oartiti6as, or rhich ls rn rddltlon to, o? a renoval of fJxturci, iurnlshings or equlparnt peraanently ln- place and rtt.chcd to the unlt, unliss plans for such altcratlon or rerEod€lllng rre subaltted to rnd recelve the approval of, the Borrd-of t nagers. Th€ Eoard of ilanagers shrll oeirit no tlttr.tion or remodclllng rhich is a violatlor, of lar, ord{n.nce or public regulatlon' or rhiclt is contr.ry. to the provlslons of thls Decltration. 24. 6EltERAt CO}ITOH E[EIIENTS - RIgHTS A}IO RESTRICTIOIIS: !rch cxaer shall have the rlght to ingress and oyer, dgon and across the gen€rtl cormon eleDents necesgary for tcccss to his unlt and shall have the :o noriz;ntal and lateral support of hls unlt, and rights shall be appI,rrtenant to and pass rith the ti to rach condor{niua unit. r9ress rl ght s uchtle lhe Associai, ion shrl I have a lonexcl us I ve easement to rnake such use of tFe general cotlnon elements as ma.y b€ occts$ary or ag?"opr{ite to perform the duties and fcnctlcns rtrictr tt ls obl igate'J or permitted to perforn pursuant to thi s Ueclarrtlon. An orner shall do no act nor.ny rvork that rlll lmpalr the stru:Lural sounCncsg or {ntegrlty of the building or {apalr any easeFeat or dered{tanent. 25 - iidlaEes r0 c0l{PLY: Each orner 3ha1l corply:tr{ctly with the provisions Ito*egttkp rt Yall A - Declaratlon: 10. iJf this Declaration, ttre By-tait- anC the decisions and reso lut i ons of the Asrociition adopted pursuan t the re to as the same nray be Iawfully amended fron time to tline. Fai tune to cornply with any of the same shalI be groundsfor an action to recover suns due and for damages orinjunctive rel ief or both, malntainabie by the ltanagtng Agent or Eoard of Managers ln the name of the AssociatJcn on beha'l f of the owners or, in a propcr case, by an aggr i eved owrier. 26. AIiIENDMENT: txcept as is 0therwise provided in th{s Declaration,this 0eclaration shal I not be revoked nor shal'l ar:y ofthe provisions herein be anendcd unless elghty-five percent,or more, of the oriners representlng an aggregatc ohrershipinterest in the ger..ra'l cotnmon elencnts end rll of the hol ders of any recorded mo rtgage or deed of trust coverl ngor affecting any or al I condominiunr units unrnlrouslyconsent and agree to such revocatlon or amendncnt bylnstrument(s) duly recorded; provided, horevcr, that thepercentage of the undlvided lnterest ln the gencral corron elements appurtenant to each rpartnant unftr ts cxpressadin this Oeclaratlon, shall have a pernanent chatrctar aod.shall not be altered without the consent of rll of thc condoninium unit orners as rrpresscd In a duly rccordad amendment to thts 0eclaratlon. 2t, ASSESSilENTS - OtailERS' OlLI6ATIOil: All osncrs shr'! I bc obllgated to pay thc .stlrrteC assessaents lmpotcd by the SOard of hnager's or lrmfitgassessBenEs rmgoSco Dy tne toaro o? ;lBrgcr's orAgent of the Assoclrtlon to tcft the con[on 'GxD unless otrnpted fron sucb obllgttton as hlrcftl.fprovided. Ercept for lnsurr?sc prerlunr, tht"l!shal'l be nade pro ratr rccotdlfig to Gr€h ornashaII be nade pro ratr rccotlllfig to Ctch oxn;F'3 gtFcantrgainterest ln and to the gdrerrl colnon clcnenti. lrslssltnts Tle a:sessments rnade shrll be brsed upon the cash for lnsurance prenlums ihall-le bartd upon thrt proportlonsf the total prenlun(s) thrt the Infrranca crrrlad on.r condomlnlum unit bears to totrl coyarlge. Thc llrltcd conmon el€nents shall be nttnttlned as Ecncrrl cottonelements, and ofncrs havfng cxclusfvC uac thereof shrlln0t be subject to rny speclrl chrrgas or aslarsrantE.Assessments for the e5tlmated coitron expGtt3et, Includfnglnsurance, shall be due quartarly In'ldyarce 6n thc firit.day of cach quarter. Thc knrglng Agent or Board ofIlrflagers sbrlI prepare rnd delIvcr or,naII tl clgb orn€ran ltemlzed qurrterly strtmant 3horlng tht rlrtols cstlrltcdor actual expcnscs for rhlclt the rrsct:nants tfc aldr. Contrlbutlon for qurrtcrly ats€r3rcnti thrll bc pro-rated lf the owncrshlp of e condonlnlul unlt conancc3 onr day other than the ?lrst dry of I quartrr. Condoalnlutunits nay be rssessed seprrttGly if ihey rrc rclcasadfrom the usc restrlctions of Friagrtph il rbove, and lfsuch saparate assessment fs etprrsrly provlded under thcterns of.th{3 oeclaratlon, 0r bt licndtcnts or supplell€ntsherGto. Unlts separately rsircsed rhrll be assesscd in accordance rlth provislons gct forth ln Exhlblt "E"attached hereto and made a ptrt hcrtof. 28. ASSESStt€ilTS - H0r DETERItIflED: Homestake at Vail A - Occlrrrtlon: l'l requireirents deemed tc be such aggregrte tutr rs tht - '.:. t,'-:'. l4anagi n.r Agent or Board of ilanagers of tlre *sgoeiatlonshall 'ron time to rime deteratiie is to be pald by rllcf Lhe oHners, includlng Oeclarant, to provi de for tht pay ier.; t cf al'l est'lrnateC expenies grorlqg oul of nr conneited with the nai ntenance lnd operat'ion of th€ get€ral cornflo,! eienents, which s{.tl may inci ude, aRoog otl'er thing3: excen5es of managementi, taxes and special assessF€ntsuntil separately asses5ed . fire ',ri th extendeC cureragc and vandal isn and nal icio,.rs m'l schief *ith endorcerlentE attached isiued in the !ncunt of 'he nraxlRiurB rePlaceEent value cf all of the condonlnium units (lncluding a1lfirtures: interl or ralls artd partitions; decorated rndfinished surfaces of perimeter ra!ls, floors and celllnts; doors; windows and other elements cr naterirls conprislog a part of the apartment units); casurlty and publlc I iabi'lity, Fidelity and lJorkf,en's Conprnsation lnsuranca preniums; landscap'ing and care of grounds; connor llghttng and heating; repairs and rrnovations; trash and grrbage collectlons; rages, tsater charges; legrl and accountfng feos; nanagenent fees; expenses and llrbl'l ities incurrcd by the I'tanaging Agent or Board of l{anagers under or by reason of this Oeclaratlon;, the payrent of any deflclt renaining fron a previous perlod; tic crtrtion of r rlasonable contingency or otter reservq or surplus fged' Inc'luCing a capital Inprovcrcnts fund as rre'l I as othcr corts and cxpcnses r:latlng to the gcneral con on eletcatg- The onlsslon or failure of the Boartl to fix the ts3c3t|oltfor any qutrter shall ngt be dccred t raiyer, nodiflcatlon or a rildase of ttre orners froa thefr obl'lgation to pajt. 29. II{SURATICE: The thnaging Agent or Board of lhnagcrs shall obtain and naintaln at all tines tnsurance of the type and ltnd provided hereinabove, and lncludlng fer such other ?13k3,of a sirnilrr or disslni'tar nature, as dre or shall hcre-rfter custonarily be cov€red rith respect to other apartltntor condonlniun buildings, fixtures, cquipnent and pcrsorrll by responslble insurrnce conpanies authorlzed to do buslnassin the State of Colorado. The insurance shEll be carrled'ln blanket policy forn nanjng the Association thc insured, rhich pol icy or pol ic'i es sha'l I ldentify the lntcr€sts of :each condoniniun unlt oxner, each of rhon shall be nared as additional insureds, and which shrll provide for a standard, noncontributory nortgagee clause in favor of €ach first nortgagee. It shall also grovlde that it cannot be cancelled bv either the insured or the insurlnce company unliI after thirty days prforurltten notlce to e.ch owner lnd each first nortgagee. The llanaging Agent or Board of l{anagers sha'll, upon the requ€st of any first mortgagee, furnish a certifiec 66py of such blanket policy dnd the separate certificate identifylng the interest of the mortgagor. Ail policies of insurance shall provide property, sinilar in construction, design and use, lssttd -', Honestake dt V:ii1 A - 3eclaration: l? : J t\a t ttle i r':.rItitce t;1e rc.inli:' shrl'l be int.;.llteil :rr' SuSCanJC.j ;-iv in reS.JeCi :-. :na rnr,e rCSt i.i .:r v pd)'irr'-'.rt. ctl|er guill;' :,r d br€lci: qr; 531'13rtiy, drt. '' i'.i.rn'rSgligencf ,r r- loflcoiipl i.'":e '--l f a,l,i provisli)rl ol suci! orrtlrl!', inc'l udin-.: .rai'ent ot thc i4sirran!t 9r€miu'rl appl icable ril ihat orne''' s :nter€st. af v;ho p€i'r.tt5 or" f'll5 t0 0re\.:rl the hapoee!ng irf anv eve!1 t, l"het^P!" occurrinq refore.ot' rt'ter 3 irss, rrhici" unoe'- the p,;visirlns of sucn pol:cr nould otnerxise iqvalidcte Jr suSoenC the entire poliiv' out tirt insJrance lnder:ni :j-r poi.,_/, dj tj :te InIF,rest.s of a'l I ctter insured 0tlreFs nct ::ui it.v cf tn.v (rth act or oaiSs-ion. shall not be rn!.t1: jn1.3 0. suspe!''je0 ancj snai l resain 'i n f il I f orce ani ,:;;:ct. trg1grfiina";on 0f ;;'axiiluF' retl lcernent value ot ilI aoi'c,.n!niut" 'rnits (fo' insurance 9!1'pcses) sha'! | be :ade eve.J twc years by one ':)r more rr i tten 3Dpra i sal s, cop:es of which shalI be fiirnisheJforthxr t n ic each no rt;agee oi a condcminiun uni t. Ir, a{tdition, each orner sha:1 le nctified of stch appraisal(s)' Il€ fi rst such appra i sa i shrI i be nade duri n: June ' 'l973. ihe tana; i ng Agent , 0r if t.here is no l'lanaqing Agent' then the ;oaici of ianagers shal l also obtain and maintain' to the cxtent obtainabie, publ ic liabi lity insurance in sucll IiIti'.s as nay fro1l tine to time be dete-''ined' cov€ring ea ch unJt orner, each :nember of the 3oard of llraagers. the t{.nnglng lgent, if any' and tne resident rrmier if any. Sictr-pu5lic liability coverage sha'l I !l30 cgvcr cr65s llebtiity clains of one ins'lred against rnoth?r and Shttl contain laivers of subrogat ion' i,rch lrncr ray obtain additional insurance at hls oln rrpcnse for his o-fn bcnefit provided that a l i such pol lclcs Jtill contain raivcrs of subrogation and provided, further thrt the liabtllty of the carrlers issuing insurance sh.ll not be affe-cted or diminlshed by reason of any such itlsurance ca"rled by an-v unit owner. .lntgrancc cov?rdge on the furnishings and of ptrsoaat p!'optrty belonging to an owner lnd aad public'liabllity insurance coverage rithin tadtvldual unit shal I ue the responsibl lty of t hercof. other I tens casua'l ty eac hthe orne r 30. OUTER'S PERSOXAL LIAEiLITY: flo orrer lay eranpt hlmsel f f rorrr I I all'l i ty for hi s cootrfbutton to-ard the comaon expenses by raiver of the s9or tnJoyaert ol any of the general or comoon e'l enents' or by rbrnd6nrcnt of his real property interesi. In the Gvaai of dcfault tn'"he patilcnt or the assessmcnt' th€- orrar shall bc o0liglted to pay interett at the rtte of ta, gcrc€nt PGr anFull on the aoount of the a5i€ssnent fror dcc drti thcrcof, together rlth all ex9€nsec' inc'l udlng 1!tlractis fetg, lncurred together rlth such lat? cha!^ges rt grovided by thc 8t-Lars of thc A;soclrtion. 5uit to ,L&"e, r crniy Jgdgient for unpalJ coanon expenscs,shall bc ir{ntalatbl; fftlrout foreslcstng or ra lving the l ien SCGCfint rarr. ttottstttc rt lall A - gaciarati0n: 13. I rl:1 i url.s ;'!sessed but 'rnpald f or th"-. rharr'pr{.,{rti5cs charge.rble to .rr"7 condominlun Jnit sh: r-or; stitrrte a lien on suci unit superior to al'l I i en:; and (-.ncumbrances , except onl y for: rl. tlili .i ClrlnOnti,r!:ler (a) Tax and speclal ilssessment I lpns on the unitlrr fav0r of any assesSing cntltyi and (b) AlI surus unpaid on a flrst Eortgrge or first deed of trust of record, lncludlng rll unpaidobllgatory sume as ery be provl<led by such encurnbrance, and I ncl udlng addi tl onal advances made the,'eon pr{or tg the arising of such t I ien. To evidence such llen the Borrd of l{!nag€rs or l{anaglng Agent nay, but srall not be rrqulred to. preplre a ltrlttcnnotlce setting forth the anount of such unprld Indchtrdncss, the nane of the orncr of thc condonlnlurn unlt and rd"scrlptlon of thc condoilinfsn tnlt. Such r notlct rball be signed by one of tie Eoard of llanlgers or by the l,lrnaging Ag:nt rnd ny be rccordcd In the offfcc of thcClerk and Rccordcr of Eaglr County, Colondo. Slch llcttfor the conilon axpcnscs shrll rttrc|., fron thc 4rtG ofthe frilure of gayrrnt of tbo rssstfmnt. Suclt llrn r;,y be enforcrd by forccloturc of the dtfrsltlng omar's i: condorlnlua unf t by tlra lstoclrtlon In llkr mnner .i l; '- -. ,'lort9|9eonrcr|?ioP.rtyuPonthcr.cordla9of.not|cr'.orclr|nther.of.Itrnysuchforce|orurlticomcr3|r||l be requlrrd to pty tln cortc rnd rrlttrlcs of sucfr procatdlntt].-',th! costs'-crpliit!.rnd-rttorncy's fels for ffllng thc aotlcc' :.*.or claln of llcn rnd rll rtrtoneblo tttorncy's fe:s lr ,conn€ctionr|tiruchforaclosurc.rirorraishr|lalgo be requlrcd to pry to th. Asroclrtlon the ronthly !3ssts-' Inent for thc coodorlnful unlt durfng thr pcrtod of fort-closure, rnd thc Arroclrtion shrll br cntttlrd to rraceiver to collect thc srnc. Thc Alcocfrtion r\all lrrcthe porer to bld 1n tha condoalnlua unlt rt forCcloru1tsale and to rcqulre rnd hold, lclsc, rortgrgC.r rnd cotrat 3anc. The anount of the connon .rpGntcg rgtctrcd agrln3t each condoolnlur unlt shrll rlto be r {tbt of ihe o;nerth€reof at tic tlme the rislssrcnt ls nr.dr. Sult to recover I nonay Judgeent for unpald cotilorr expcnsGs shal I be nrlntrfnrblr rltlrout lorrel6lng or,rrlylrg thel{en sccurlng stre. Aoy fncurbranccr holdlnl I llea on I condorlalun unftary, but ritll not br rcgulrrd to, ttt riy utlptld cotoon erpense gayrblo riti_ rrrpect ti ruch unft, and upon suchpaylent tuch anc$rbrrnccr chll htvr a llrn ot suchunlt for the rtosnt! ptld of the 3ar! ranl !s thc llenof hls ancunbrtncl. Homertake at Vell A - 0cclrrrtlon:l4 IP.A\SFI:. AHD,JOII{T LIA9ILIiY: ten 4dys, all unpaio common etDenses whjch becom€ due r-rfrrjn J)i yj-:: " L 1'' a r?.tsoiab'le f er n3: to eacacC '' 1ite.:n lo!l: s ond (rpon the writLen regueSt oi rnt c'tnCr i.'r nirir ii:ortrt;rr,.ec r,r progriective aortgagee of a ccndonlnl'rr rnii. Lhe f5';'. liaticn, by its ilanaging Agent or if ihcra., :.;. !{ana.rir-., *qent',-then uy its SoaiC of fianageri, -shrll! se:re I wri t-te:i itatcment :etting forth the Smoirnt of tbe -.ir:,.id corr)ficr, extense5, if any, iith respect to the :rb1",-'" unir, the arnount of t-he current foonthly sr,e55.€nt anc:he da*-e such assessmert becon€s due, credlt for .i,1 *., 1:.f d psyr;,E615 or f rtr prepaid itens, Including bst r}Qt limrte,i'co ifi surarce premiurhs, rhich stetclerf :halI bc corrclusive uprr,n t-he Asseciation in favo;' of ail pe{'5ons :rho r el.r ;herr:on ir, good f aith, Uirless ruch reqlest tot a sti:e.nent r.f inde;iedness 5ft6 11 te co*plled rith ritblB prioi' to the dat€ of rnaking such request shall be subordinate to thr: l len of the pe'son requetting stat.e:rent. SUGN The grantee of a (rnit shall be jointly aod sevcr.lltle rith the qrantor for rll snDaid atsess$€nts agalb''I iable rith the grantor for rll unpaid atsess$€ntJ agalaltllaDte rlln lne 9ranlor Tor all gnpalo e:sessIEertLt q the latter for his proportiotltc shar€ of the contron expenses up to the tire of thc grant or conreyance' rfti- out prejudice to the jrantecrg rlght !o recoYer froa tht.' grantor the anounts pild by thc grantee thcreforgrantor the anounts pald by tic grantee tbcretor;provlded, ho*ever, that upon pr.fncnt of . reesonablc feeprovlded, norever, tnat upon pr.rncnf or I reaSoflaol! res not to exceed Flfteen 0ollars, .od upon rrltten requett any sush prospectlye grantee shall be 3ntltl€d to astrt€rtnt from the llanaging lgGnt or lf therc is no l{anrging Agent, th:n by lts Eorrd of ,laragcrs, ttttlngforth the amount of the unpald assessilents' lf lny,rith resgect to the subject uoit, the anount of the curtcotqurrter assessnent and the drte that such rsscselcnt becones due, credlt for advanced pay.ents or for Prepriditeos, including but not llnlted to iasuranc€ Prcr{ulstvhich shall be concluslye upon the Associrtlca. Unless such request for a stete$ent of lndebtcdnass shrll be cooplied rlth rithin ten days of such raqullt' then sucbgrantee shall not be llable for, nor shrll the cot,donialorunlt conveyed be subJect to llen for any unpaid atsess- aents against the subJect unit. 3 3. OIIIIER ' 5 R I6HT TO HORTGAGE: Any owner shall have the right from tine to titr€ to ilortgage or encunber hts Interest by Oeed of Trust. mortgage or other security instruncnt. A first aortgrg?shall bc one vhlch has first end prramount prioritt under applicable lar. The orner of a condorninlun unft may create Junlor nortgages on tbe fclloring coadJtionE: (a) That any such junior nortgager shail alrrys be subr.lrdlnate to all of the tera:s, condltlons, covenants, rcstri ctl ons, uses, Iitsitatlons' obl igations, I ien for connon expensesi ano other obligations creat.d by this Decliration and by the By-Laws; (o) That the mortgagee under an-v junior ilorlg.!e Hornestale at Vai'l A - Declaration: .t :i i. lf Sh.l iI !.eleasi, ;il!' of r n,v ingr.rvt;tents ali of trjs'i,tht, : :he groci,Jis under sl'i i 3rec.i ses !rhi:r ef1'ectej in.j glnae:i bi t\e Assrc i31, i.r. f irrni shed itrthwl tr hritte. reiuest u' ihi ir-i''is€ 3: ri:t':r':1"" .,r1.-r: tr\e mOrtdd,i-'.1 i, l'. i'.tt' ,.--te ln.j.i niere:,t in ann'.) el I i^sltanae Fol lJi's i;:\cr' .' nsdrar,ce 0oljc'as !cCn the ?ort!dlirlil Such rei;.'-'-g 5h.ii h.v a junlo' llortl:' !he Asscci3tr on. ',,erei',r'en)l SiS 1 :e ?e3 iilon to deal or -t A:PC:\:vi\T 0tr ASl-;-'ilAlilN AS qlitl;')i !v-':i -rACi TniS teClaritiCn JCeS 1e"'JbJ ni'Ae ;r1r'qitri,.' i r"evocab: e ap9o1.'.-€nt 3f an a!torpsy- i'l-f ac rr th tne rroDert,Y ulon i ts de jtl-Jcti cn ' ''e0a' absr'lescanse- Iitle tc any cendominrer unit is declarec and expressly F,ade s;Dject to ttre ierrns :':: condi.tions her"eof ' and acceptarnce oy any g.int"a '-" o d€ed f ror the Secl arants 0r ;;;;";;;-;ri'e.-s'trait .cnsti i:'t-" apDo: ntrnent or the atiorney-in-fact herein proYried'. ij,f of the ol{ners irrcvocrbly constiiui. .la-arF;int THE H0lltsTAKE AT vAlL I ioiaoiitiui cisofilirori, a iolorado corporat!9n: not-- io.-eiorit,-tneir true and la*fu1 -attorney il !tt:ir.name'piicl in,l -iteao to" irre purpose of. deal i ng. wi th the ir - -iiiiltty-upon rts daatage, destructi on or obsol escense as il-G""lriir provlaed-' As attcrney-ln-fact ' tFe As.soclrtlon' by tts presictent "ii-s".i.t;;i; ;h;ll have full and corgplete !'"tiiii llii"il 'itgrri ino /oire; io make ' execute and . -, dcllve- an.v coatra.i,-Ji"i-oi uny other instrument with ilipiit io'il,i int"iirt-ii i coniorninium unit owner rhich a"i'"iietiari and apPropriate to exercise the porers iiri"ii-siiitia. nciilr and reconstruction of the iipiotei"nliii.t uied tn tne succeeding subparagraPhs "ein-"irioiing iltc-iiiro"e'ent(s) .to substantiallv the ;;;a.;;ait'ioi ln rrriirr it existed prior to the damage' rltl each apart[€rt unJt and the ge:le16l and 'l imlted coo.on eleoents n.rriq'irt. i."" v6rtical and horizontal 6;;;;"i"4 is bcfore'- The eroceeds cf anv insurance., ..iiie.t"e shail be ivailab'l e to the Association for the iriiiii-"r-iipali, restoratiorr or replacements unless the iiiiii-ana ati riist nortgagees agree not to rebu-l1d in iicota.nce rith thi-prov'iit6ns sei rorth hereinafter' - -irt of the orners of condorn'lnium unlts shall be entitled to vote upon ift" h.ppening or occurrence of- any of the eyentt Ioiitiiitatli una!r and bv the. provisions i"i iorir' in this ii.ig;iph ind the suboarlsraphs hereof' {a )Ercept rs is provided in subparagraPh (c) of this paragraph, in the event of danaqe or destructi6n due to fire or other disaster' the I nsurrnce proceeds, if lufficient to icionstruc'. thb inrprovement(s)' shal l be appiiio by the Association, as attorney- in- iiit , to iucb reconstructi on ' and the llnpiivenent(s ) shal l be prompt ty repai red l6Ho-est.le at Yai I A - 0ecl aratl on: drru r,r i,r!5tr'r. titi. 'ill. Ag5OCiat jon th6 i i nave i,i'l i auLh0r jiy, rir;ht. and po|/er I as atto!'ney- |t lact, to causn iile ri:pair and restoration Lrf the jlrproveflerrtis l. '. 1,) If ihe insur:nce procecds arD ins.rf f icient t' cl repa i r drrd reconsiruct the inrprovenlent(s), and 1f such c ama qe is not more than th l rty- three an,l cine-th'i l''l rrercent of alI of the condofiinium units, not in.:luding I and, such damage or, riPs iruct ion shal I be pronptly repai red and reconstructe'J t-r y the Assoc{ation ' as attorney- irr -tact, using itre proceeds of Insurance and t,ie l!-oceeds df un asseSsnent tO be nade against al I ot the oirners and thelr condomi'1 lum units' Such o:ficiency rssessment shall be a conson expense and made pro ra ta !ccordi ng to etctl otrn€i s percenta!e interest ln the gcneri'l - coilrmon eiements ind shal I be due dnd payable -within thirty days after rritten notlce thereof' The Association ihall have full authorlty'right and power' ls attorncy-ln-fact' lo ctusc tni repair'or ristoration of ti? l.nproveocnts,iinq iit oi ttre lnsurance Prccceds for such purp6se notrtthitanding thc fallure of an o*ner co pay the ass€ssnent- The tssessrtnt provided foi trercin shall bc r debt ot.9reh,provrded tor nercln snd | | 9G a (rBt)L ur .lott.ouner and a lfen on hls condorltluF unlt rnd maybeenforcedtndcol.|ectcd.3isproY|d9!|n'. Paiagraph 31. In addltlonal thcreto, thG A3soclatlon' as aitoi'ney-in-factr shall herr.tht absolutc rlght and iorer to icll the cordoninlun untt of ani orne. iefuslng or falllng fo Ply such .. ,oeficlency .ssessnent rithln the tlrc. plovtoaai and lf noi so prld, thc Asroelrtlon sh.lI .l cause to be retordcd r notlcc thrt tho ionoonriniun unit of tha dcllnqucnt oHner shrllui ioio ui ilrc Assoclatlon. t'he proceeds dcrlved iiom ile iale of such condoilfn{um unlt shall be used and disbursed bit thc Assoclatlon' as attorney-ln-fact, in follorlng ordcr: (l )For paynent of the bllaocc of thc llan of any f{rst 0ortgaEc; (2) For payntent of nents liens In entl ty; (3) For payrnent of unpald colnon lrpenses: (4) For paynent of Junlor I {n the order of tnd toprlority; and (5) The balance renalnlnf. lf rny, shal I be pald to the condonlnlun untt orner' (c ) lf more than thlrty'three and one-th'l rd percent rlomestake at Vall A - Dccleratlon: 17. taxes and fgacltl rssess- favor of lny rssGsslng lcns rnd encunbrances thc extent of the'l r of all of the condominiun unlts, not Inc'lucling '| and, o re d?stroyed 9r damaged, an.J if the nwnerS r€prf:scntlng an .??gregate ornershi p interest of a f i fty-one 0ercent, or rore,of the general c*rmntn elenents do not volunta.lltw:thin thirt;, days thereafter nake provlsionsfor reccnst,u.Li 3n, tdhich plan nUst have the rinanimous arlproval or consent of every firsl rrortgagee, the Association shal'l farthrith 7sr;srd a notice settlng forth such fEct orfacts, and rrpon the recorJlnE of such notiae by the Association's President and Secretary,the enttre remaining pren'l ses 5hal1 be soldby the Associatien, as attor(ey-in-fact, forall of the owners, free and clear of thcprovisions contained in thi: Ceclaration, the Hap and the By-Laws. The lnsurance settlefientproceeds shal I be col lect-ed by the Assoclailon, and such proceeds shall be divided by theAssoclation according to each condoniniun unitowner's interest (as such interests lpp€rr onthe pol icy or pol icies ), and such Civid€d proeeedsshal'l be paid into separate accounts, each suchaccount representing one of the conCorlniurunits. Each such account sha'l I be ln th€ oaoeof the Assoc ation, and :hall be further identificdby the number of'-he apartnent unit and thc naoe of the orner. Fron erch scptrite accourt,the Association, as attorn4y-tn-fect, shall f orthrlth use anr di sburse the totrl mourt(of each) of such accounts, rithout contributtonfron one account to anothcr, tcrtrd the partlrlor full payment of the llen of rny flrst rortgrgeagalnst the condoninlur unlt r€prcsentcd by suchsepar.tc account. Ttctctftcr, ctch such accountshall be supplencntcd by tl€ apprrtloncd l.ountof the proceeds derlved fror thc alla of thcentire property. Sucl rpportlonrcnt shtll be based upon each condodlnlun unlt olncr'spercentage intcrlst ln the gene?al co.tonelelents. Thc total funds of crch rccourt shallbe used and dllburscd, rlttrout contrlbutioafroe onc account to another, by the lsgocfrtisn, as rttorney-ln-frct, for the sa6e porposes attdia thc srne order rs is provided ln subparagrepb(b) (l) through (5) of this garagraph. If the orners reprcscntlng an !ggregrte orner-shtp interest of fifty-one percant, or rorer ofthe geleral common elencnts adopt a plan fsrreconstruction, rhlch plan has thG unrn{!or}sapproyal of all first nortgagees, then ali ofthe oxners shall be bound by the teroc rnd otherprovisions of such plan. Any assesirent rade 'i n connection with such plan shall be a cornon expense and made pro rata according to elch oHner's percentage interest in thc genrral comnon elenents and rhr'l I be due rod payable asprovided by the terms of such plan, but not sooner than thirty days after rritten noticehereof. The Association shal I have ful I authority,rlght and poxer, as a t t o r n e y - i n - f a c t , to caus e liiHornestake dt vdil A - 0eclsrdtion: tle '.eij ai- Or rrit:rr3tiOn Cf the inp,'CvenentS rsin! l,l g: tht insl,rdnce proceeds fJr siicn ,)u!'DOSe n O t k i r: h S t a .n J r n g ihe faiiure ot ar! owner ic' paj the 3 ssessflent. The assessrrlent prov i ded for h-ere i r; 5131I be a debt of each owner and 'riien on rjs condomini! j' unit and ma,t be €nforce,! anc col Iected a5 is prov i ded in paragrapn 3'l - In addi t ion thereto, the ,tssoiia:ion, es a t torney- in-fac l. sh'll I have the abssl ute ri ght and PoHer to sel I the conConiqiu:r' ./nit cf any owner refusinr cr 13ilin! to pay such lssessnent withr'1 the orovid!d tir're. ano is not so paid, the Association shal I ctuse :o be recorded a notice that the condoninJun r.,ni t of the delinquent olner shal I De sold by the lssociation. The. proceeds. ceri ved f rort' sal e of Such condonri n i um un I t sna | | be used and disbursed by the Association ' as attorney-in-fact, ror tire same. purposes and in tne sati order as is provided in subparagraph(b) (l ) through (5i of this paragraph' {d) The orners representing an aggregate ornership interest of eighty-five percent,0r more' 0t the general coimon elements nay agree that the cond6minlun units are obsolete and adopt a plan for the reneral and reconstruction, rhich plan has thc unaninous approval of al l first nortgagees' if-r plan for the rlnerrl or reconstruction is aaopteO, then the expense thereof shall be pryab'le by all of the olners as coflmon exPensesi irirvfded, how€Yer, that an ouner not a party io:uch plan for renelal or reconstruction nay give rriiten notice to the Association that iuch unlt shall be purchased by the Assoclatlon for the fair narkct Yalue therecf. If such orner and the Assoclatlon can agree on the fair rark€t value thereof, then such sale shall be consuanated withln thirty days thereafter' If thc ptrties rrc unable to agree' the date rhen ciihcr party notifles the other that he or It i3 unrble'to -3gree with the other shal'l b' the *coel?ncinq diteu fron vhich all period! 9ftlne aentloned hereln shal I be measured' Itthln iin-ciyi foiioring the conrmencement date, each iiiti-ir,r.tl nominite in writing (and give notice of such norninatlons to the other party) a quallfled appraistr. If elther party fails to, nake such a nomlnatlon ' the apprai ser nomlnaEeo sfralt, rlthin flve drys after default by the cther party, aPpolnt ind associa-te with him another quai ifled rppralser. If the tyo apgralsers d3s:gnatli by the parties, or sclected oili'suant hereto-in the 6vent of the default of one party , a re unab'l e to .ag ree , . they shal I appoint inother qualified. appraiser to be ,"iire between ttienr, if !lt"y can agree on such ieison. If they are unable- to agree. upol :Y!l--irngtre, then erih rppralser previously appotntcd "hall nonina+-e tro iilalffied appraisers, and.fron the names of the four appralsers so nonlnated one rhall be dra;n by lot, and the name so drayn irritl ue such unp'lra. The nomlnatlons fron vhom 1'1si'os!sk€ rt lall A - Occlarrtion: 19. - ;'il;-lj:;{ . ..;, .,- tlrc uriipi re is to be drawn by 1ot shal i be sijbrritted witlrin ten days ;f the fai lure of tfre two appra i srrs to agree, which, rn anyevent, slrall not be I ater than twenty daysfol lowinr,; the appointment of the ser:onddpprais(rr. The decislon of the appra i sers asto the fdir market value, or in the case oftheir disagreementr any such decislon of theunpire, shalI be final and bindi,rg. The expenses and fees of such appraisers shalI be borne equal ly by the Associatlon and the owner. The sale shall be consummdted within fifteen clays thereafter, and the Association, as attorney- i n fact, shal I di sburse such proceeds as lsprovided in subparagraph (b) (l ) through (5)of thi s paragraph. (e) The own e rs represen t i ng an aggregate ownershi pinterest of eighty-five percent, or morer ofthe general common elements nay agree that the condorninium unlts are obsolete and that the sane should be sold. Such plan (agreement) nust hrve the unanimous approval of every flrst nortgrgcc.In such instance, the Assrciatlon shall forth-rlth record a notice scttlng forth such factor facts, and upon the recording of guch notlce by th: Assoclation's Presldent and Secretlry' the entire prcmises shall be sold by theAssoclation, as attorney-ln-flct, for all of the oxners, free and clrrr of thc provislons contained ln this Declrration, the lfap and the8y-Lars. The salcs protceds shall be apportloncd betrcen the owners on the bacls of erch ornerrs percentage fnterest ln the ganerrl cormon elements, and such apportloncd proceed3 shtll be prid into separate accounts, !ach such rccount representing one condoninlun unlt. Each such account shall be ln the n.ne of the Assoclatlon, and shall be further ldcntified by the nurterof the unlt and the narie of the orner. Fron each separate account, the Assoclatlon, asattorney-in-fact, shall use rnd dlsburse tictotal arnount of (ecch of) suci accounts. .rithout contributlon fron one account to rhottcr, ...for the same purposes and in the srne ordtr a'.ls provided in subparrgraph (b) (1) through (t) of this paragraph 35. RESERYATIOi{ TC EIILARGE AI{D SUPPLTIIE}IT COiDOTTTIUII PROJ EC T: (a) Oeclrrant axprc3sly reserves tbo rlght te - enlarge thls condontntun proJcct by con3tructlngadditlonal condolinlun bulldlngs and other lmprovementt on seprrate adJolnlng real propcrtyrhich (condonlnlun unlts) arc suDnltted to tftls condomlnloF proJect, and such subnlsslon shrll bc expres:cd in and by r duly recorded supple- usnt to thls Oeclarrtlon and by a suPplenent to the llap flled for record. AdJoinlng real property as the tern ls usrd heretn shall nean a parcel Homestake at Vail A - Declrrrtlon t 20, : ;l -I1t s? E ** 1'. ,.,9'* iI t;. f, a 7 .1 i or parcels having a cofiGon iouadary rlth thereai property described in €xhlbit 'An cxctpt'.that such parcel{s) nay be seplrated froo thc pcoperty described ln Exhlbit "A" by a roadrljt. (b) in form and substance, the supplefient to thls Oeclaratlon shall provide for the dfvlslon of such addltlonal inproverents into condonlalurunlts substrntlally simflar to tbc forr of thedlvision nadc of the improvements 13 shorn InErhlblt "E" of th'l s Declar!tlon. Each unlt shrll be identified by nurnber, and each bulldlng shall_ be ldentified by a symbol or designation dlsslrilarto any other building under thls Declarrtion.nd the llao. The undivided interest in and to th€ general common eleinents shal: have a pernan?nt character and shail not be altcred Hlthout the consent of all of the condominiun unit otners expressed in a duly recorded Amendnent to th'l sOeclaratlon. The unCivided interest in and to the project connen elernents shalI be subiect to change as improvenents are addcd to the proJcct, in accordance vlth adjusted schedule(s) to beset forth in supplernent(s) to thie Declaratfon. (c) Ercept rs is provided in Paragrrpis 3 and t* ofthis Occlaration, all of the provisions contrined in this Declaration shall be appllcableto such additionai condoriniur unlts; provldld' horever, that all of the ornerr of condorlnlurunlts ln this condoriniur proJcct shall htYc r non-cxclusive right In connon:;lth all of thc othcr orners, to the use of sldera'l Lr,prthrats, drlverays and thc parltng rrea located or to bc locrtcd rithln thc condorlnlurr proJcct rithost naking refercnce thercto In any deed' lnstrulcntof convsyancc or othcr Instrurent. (d) Erch condoriniua unlt orner shal'l be entltledto vota hls perccntrge or frtctional int.restin and to thc Acncrrl connon elepents, and the rggrcg.te of all of thc undlvlded lnterests in rnd to the gencral coDton elenents shall be consldrred onc hundrcd percent for such votlngpurposcs. Each condornlnlun unit orner shlll bcentltled to yote hls percentage or fractlonrllntercst ln rnd to the proJect comoon elencnts, and the tggreg.te of rll of the undividedinterc3tt ln rnd to thc project conatoo eleocntsshall be consldered one hundred sercent for votlng purposes. (e) THt HOH€STAKE AT YAIL A C0ll00iIllIul| ASS0CIATI0T{shall retain lts rutonony in th€ event other irnprovenents are suboltted to this condonlnlunproject, unless tutonon)r shall be adandoned by revocrtlon or lnrndncnr of this Declaretion as provided 'in Paragraph ?9. ln the event other inprovenents are submi tted to this condonlnlunrproject, an association of all unit orners {n the condoariniun proJect will be createo and such Honcstrke at Yail A - Dec'laration: 2l I- 36 .rssociation r,rill be resoons i bl e f:; .t d r: i n i ., t r i t i o n o,' Droject cofi4lon elernents. An orner of a unit shal i becoFe a menrber cr such assoc r dt ion arldslail remain a menber for the 9eri0C of his ornershi p. In such event eac h unit onner's rotrer to vote hi3 interest in the orojectioilqon eiements shall be exercised ds rn incident of sucn cHner's membership in such assoc-'ation of all rnit oxr':rs in the condoninium froject,and Rot otherri se, under the 3y-Laws, rul es andregulations lf such association, when establ ished, xnich BJ-LaHs, rules and requlations shal I be onl-v the usuaJ and norma l By-Lairs,rules a'd regulations conrnonl y in use in Col oradogoverning assoc idticns cf hofie owners. SiriERAL RESiRYAT IC'rS : 0eciarant reserves t6e right to dedicate anJ .tccessroads and strectr servinE this condominluo proJect for andto public use; to cstabl ish easements, reservations, crccptions and ercluslons consistent rith the condominium oHnershio of the condominium project and for the bestlntcrcsts of the condoniniun unit orners and the Assoclation 37 6EIIERAI ATD TISCELLAiEOUS : Each orner shell rlgister his nalllng address rlththa Assoclrtion, aod except for nonthly itatcnlnt3 rndothcr routine ootlces, all othcr notlces or dcDtnds {otended to be served upon an orner sball be sent byclthcr reglstered or €ertlfied nrll. postagc prepald, tddressed io thc nele of the orncr at such reglstercdretllng rddrcss. All notlces. denrnds or othcr notlces laten<lcd to bc scrv€i upon thc Eoard of lrnagers of theAssoclation or th€ Assoclatlon shrll bc sent-by certlfiedrtll, posttgc prcFtld, untll such addrcrs ls chrngcd by. notlcc of addrecs change duly racorded. loy rlght or aay lntcrest reserved hereby to theDcclrrrnt oay bc trangferred or asrlgned by the Occlrrantcithtr reparrtely or r{th onr or nore of such rlghts orIntsrestr, to any gcrion or ontltr. lll oolfgrtloo3 of the orner under and by virtueof ilt ;.rgvisloas cortolnad ln thls Occleratlon shll1conttBue, netrlthstrndlng that hc nal/ have leased orrartad srld intcr€3t ts provldcd hereln, but the oroerof r condooialur unit snall hrve nc obllg.tlon for erpensesor other obligrtfonl rccrulng aftef be conveys such conddr!l ol ea unl t. tbr Arcoctrtfos or the llrnaglng Agent nay require anoftrr to degostt rith thc Assoclatlon tro tlses the.nountof tbe rr:lsrtrd quartGrly cornon assessrrent rh{ch sumrhrl I bc lcld by thc ls:oclrtlon or th. I'lrnag{ng Agerrt a sI ra3trvc to br l,scd for gtylng the quarterly cornona3tlgg.znt. ss€b .n .dytaced paynent shall not relleyeEi etn.r fror lrttrg tir rrguler guerterly payncnt of th€q,larlarlt cor-or Clarsitant-ts thd r.ie cooes du€. The 9r!!r rhell br attltlcd to. rcturn of aay portlon of the'r[ftrrcd adrafrct ptytcnt opon t?rrlnrtlon of his ornershlp. Occlrratfon: 22. i. :: frll ,A - If any of the provi paragraph, sentence, cl appl icat lon thereof in such invalidity shall n rema i nder of thi s 0ecla such provi slon, paragra word in any other circu t he reby. sions of this Decl aration or any ause, phrase or word, or the any c i rcums tance be I nva i i dated 'ot affect the va I i dl ty of therationr and the appllcation of anyph, sentcnce, c lause, phrase or Dstances shall not be affected The provisicns of this Declaratlon shall be inaddition and supplemental to the Condominlutr OrnershlpAct of the State of Colorado and to aII other provisionsof I aw. lrhenever used hereJn, unless the context shall other- wise provide, the singular nunber shall tncludc theplural, the plural the singular, and the use of tnygender shal I i ncl ude al I genders. IN TIITITESS THEREOF,Ceclaratlon thls ?tb Declarant hrs duly crccutcd tils ,1912.dry of Fcbtrrrry FULToI Inoilrorrs, tTo. STATE OF COLORADO COUl{TY OF TAGTE l'.. The foregoi og thi s 7th day ofas PrEl'i?Ent bf FU lnrtruilent was rclnorlc 9nr rc, 1972 , by XS. IltG., r gg-ti Corporetton. Hitne3s my hand and offlclal serl txp I rcs: Homestake at ValI A.- Ooclitatlon: 23. I v' EJ(HIBIT "A' to coiDollI il lul{ DECTARAT loft lor THE HO}iESTAKE AT {AIL A (a co ndosi n i um ) A part of Lot 6,8lock A, Lion's Ridge Subdlvision' Eagle County, Colorado, according to the recorded plat thereof nore particularly described as follors: BEGINTIIIIG AT THE }IOST TESTERLY CORIIER OF STID LoTA-6t|}ilcHtsTttETIUEPoI||T0FBtGtl{ttII|G'T|lflcE tlf5"22'54oE, 193'18 FSET T0 A P0ItT 0F CURYAIURE; TllEt€E i0RTHEASTERLI, 31.53 F€€r ll0t8 Tltt f,Rc Or A CURIE TO TllE Rl6ltr, $AID CURVE tltYttc A.RID!Us 0F {056'93 F€f,T' lf ".- .:..-;' ;. . :'i{rtsron AilctE.oi 0'.ag,:.13' AtD A ClloRo BEARITS fi5'35'16'E' 31.53 FEEI; THEfICE Sll"37'06.'E, 135'95 FEETi IllEllCE Sfi"l4.,l3-I, 225.01 FtfT; Tllfllft tr44o37'06'I,' 136.59 FEET T0 rt TlrE IRUE rqlil_!__qE__EEg.u!L!9.. o ETHIEIT " 6" to COIIOOHIII IUII DECLARAT I Oil for THE HOI{ESTA(E AT YAIL A (a condonrinium) UTIT ilUIIBER APPURTEIIAI{T UItI} IV IDED INTERES.T (FRACTIOI{) rl0l A'r 02 A 103 tt0{ Alot _'f,ls rlt? atns 0ne-thirtieth 0]|e-thl rti eth 0ne- th i rt I eth One- thl rtl eth 0ne-thlrtleth :0|rc-ti I rti eth onG-thfrtl tth One-tht rtletlt Ono-thlrtleth 0nc- thi rtlcttr One- th I rtlcth Onc-thl rtlcth One-thi rtlcth 0ne-thi rtteth 0ne-thl rtleth 0ne-thi rtleth 0nc-thirtieth 0ne-thtrtlcth onc- th I lti eth One-thirtltth 0ne-th'lrtleth Onc -tft I rt t eth 0ne.thl rtl eth EXHIE IT 'C' to COtIDOt{ II{ I'JH DECLARAi IONfor THE HOI,IESTAKE AT VA IL A ( a condoni ni ugr) For the purpose of deflning rights l;r retgcct tollmited conmon elcrnents., the folloring terninoiogy appl I es: Condoniniun Sectlon A-l applles to, and lnclcdes,the portion of the building xhich contains Condorin{r,nUnfts Al0l , AI02, A20l , A202, A30l and A302, said porllon being located at the resternmost extreaity of sald bullding. Condoninlum Sectlon A-2 applirs to, and {nclrdes,the portion of the bulldfng rhlch contains Coadollafortlalts Al03, 4104, A203, AZA4, A303 and A30tl , rald por.tioo bclng located 'lrnnedirtely to thc Galt of Sectlon A-1 . , Condorlnlrn Sectlon A-3 rpplies to, and lrcludes,tic portlon of the bulldlng rhlch eoatrlns Condo*lnlrrUetts A105, 4106, A205, A206C A305 rnd !305, said portionlclng locatcd lnncdtrtely.to thc trst of Scctlon A-2. Coadocfniun $ectfon A-l rppllca to, lnd cont!itscoodorlnlur unlts Al0t, 4108, 420t,-A?08, A3o7 rnd A108,rrfd portion telng locrtcd Imcdtrtely to thc east ofScctlon A-3. Condonlnlun Section t-5 rpplies to,.nd conttlns Condominlun Unlts 4109, All0, A209, AZl0,4309, l3l0,rrld portlon belng locatrd lnredlltely to the cast ofSection A-4, .t the erst€rnnost crtrerity of the butldtag. coomon eleoents appurtearnt to cach as fol lors: ,.::;,)_-.t. \The I inttcd condooinium unit rrc Condonlnlurn Unftllsnber . At0I, A102, l?01, ' A202, A30l rnd A302. Descri ptlon Together r'lth the excltslrerlght ln cotrBon rlth thc- ouners of other condorlrtuo'units ln Condomlniunr ScctlonA-1, to use sta'lrray l-1, lndthe erclusive rlght to {se the aC;acent balcony area. ts the sante are shorr on the tlap. o Condotrlniin Unit -. !{uFber 4103, Al01 , A,:03,l20tl , 1303 and 4304 tI05, A'l 06, 1205, 4206, A305 and 4306 A1 07, A108, A207, 4208, 4307 and 4308 Desc ri otion Together with the exclusiveright in common with the orners of other condominiumunits in Condominium SectionA-2, to use stairway A-2, andthe excl us i ve ri ght to use the adjacent bal cony area, as the 5 aflre a re shorn on t he l.la p . Together fllth the exc lusiveright in conmon with the owners of other condoniniununits in Condomin'i um SectionA-3, to use stairway A-3, andthe exclusive right to use theadjacent balcony area, as thes! e are shorn on the l{ap. Together rith the exclusiverlght tn connon rlth theoroers of other condonIn{umunlts in Condoninlurn SectlonA-4, to use st. i rray A-il , rndthe excluslve rlght to use theadjaccnt balcony .rea, lr thg same are siorn on thc ilap. Alog Together rith the "r"luot". .ll riltrt tn comon rlth thc' ornc.sof other condonlnlm unltc ln Condorniniun Sectlon A-5 to utestrirray A-5, together tfththe excluslye rlght Jn cotlonr'lth the ofncr of Unit All0to use the patlo rrea adJrcrntto both ruch unlts, togctlrorwith the exclusiyc right to u5e the adjacent balcony lrca,as the samr are shown on the lta p. Allc Together rith the excluslvcright in comron wlth thc otoorigf other condominlusr units fn Coadom'alun Section A-5 to uscstalrrray A-5, together rfththe excluslve right in connonvith the oynar of CoodonlnlunUnlt 109 to use the patlo erea adJac€nt to both such unlts,togethcr r{th the excluElverlght to use tlre adJaccntbalcony area, as thc sane are shorn on the l,lap. -2- :ia..;r.,:t|;']l.: f;g .1 '+t..'i' *'1i, ?r"r: ^1!'-3 ri-l:"!. TX{I8IT ,|O'' to CON DOII I I.I IUil D iCLARATIOIIfer ]Hg IOXESTAKE AT YAIL A(a condon.;niun) The fol i ori ng condonl.nlum units, toEether rlilr I trlttrd common eJenents appurtenant thereto! arc r!leased froil the residential Lse restriction of the Declaration, and nly be used for the folloring additional purpos€ or purposes, tn accordance ytth the fol'loring conditions and restrictlons: Condoniniutr Unit lfuober 4109 Al't0 A209 tzl0 Psroose Bar/Res taurant BarlRes ta urrnt Bar/Restaurant 8r r/ Res to ora nt ggndt.ttons aTd ReqSricttolg: tlo .rntt shall be sred for rny purpose other thrn thc purpose nrrcd hcrcin. Any lse nhlch falls to corply rtth the statstes of the State of Colorrdo, or the lrrr rnd ordlnances of Eagle County, tf,r Torn of Yail, tha regulrtions of any ilprovencat dlstrlct, or rhlc[ coastltut€s a nu'isance, or rhlch ls unreasonally "annojrlng to the occupants of residenttal ut|ltsr 0r a detrtrcat to the perce rnd quiet of the nelghborhoodr ts hcrehy specifl- cally forbidden. Exc'luded froa use is rny forl of entertrin- ment, lire or recordcd. r{rlch has not recelved the prlor urittln approval of the Eoard of lianagers, rhlch approvrl , hoteycr, shall not be unreasonably rithheld. . .)i -:_rj o FXHIBiT ..E" to icl{D0II llI ull DECLARA'l I0ri for iHE }+CIIES TA KE AT VA I L A (:. Co rrd onri nlun) The folloxing crrndomin'i um units ar e hereby released 'fraa the general cotlltnon asseSSment prov i ded by the terms of Par3graph 27. snd are hereby made subJect to separate as3essneni in eccor"dlnce rl th thg follow{no ternrs ' r'hich ere a 5rrbstitute for, and replrce the terms of Paragraph 27 o forenenti oned: Condoninlun UnJ t l{ ulbe r Al09 A209 .lj. . ". Tbc ofraF3 of 'tlre l?orernentioned units shal I be : ^\r{-r}r,. ir rr' rccaccr.rr}r lrnnatcd bv thg BOafd Of'. . obrigatad to pay aisessrcntr inposed by the Board of '...,i. ..:-, lt.r.,ager3 or illoagtng Agcnt of the Association to meGt .. - ti' coat4oft erpanses' sald assessncnts to b€ made pro rata I il ae"ording to each such orner's interest in the generrl copton ilcnerts' ercePt l.n the cnse of the folloring crDcisc6, *hich shall be lSsessed separately as follors: i,.' .. .t- ln.ggg, Tlrr'orncr of cach unlt shrll be rsicssGd for the c03t of lnsurance Provlded under Paragrrph 39 of the 0cciaratlon' lrch assesssent to be nade pro rataaccordlngtoeacisuchorrrgr.sinterestlntheg€ntrrl cofiEon e'l'cnents , anC tha tracr of each unl t sha I I be asrersed {n addltion for the increased cost of such lnsurarce occas i oned by such orner's use of hi s condonfnl un The cost of or tpecial assessnents paJtilent for rhlch ls a of the Assoclatfon sha!l be assegsed against -'! tte uni ts aforemention{ is inrposed by virtue, I or bus i ness operations tne unit or{ners. their assigns. 3. The actual c mentloned any uti I ity ray of l lmitation, llg wa ter charges' legal a fees , i f the Associ at i and;f the Association furnishlng saDe to the large, ln terns of the generrl conaon elenent ascertained by thc Asr ncasurcnent ls the bes cost of any ruch utlll unlt, then tfte entlre T ed, if sucfr tax or speclal assessmen and by virtue alone, of the commerci conducted in or on such unlts bY agents, emp loy€es, $uccesSors or ost of furnishing to units afore- or serv'l ce, i ncl udi ng, but not bY hting, heating, repairs, renovatlons nd accounting fees, and management on is Iiable for Payment of sane' ' deternines the actual co3t of r unlts atortnentlonad ls disproportl r percrntlge lnt€rcjt of erch In thr :s, and lf such acturl colt bc iociatlon, In the evcnt. a'nctcrcd it nttns of ascaltalning thc rctual Ity or tervice furnlshed to any such coFt of purchaslng and inrtrlllng sclJect to t€parate r3sestnent conntncas on a day other thtn the flrst daY of the quirtcr. -?- nt i al s, ,l oai 1.. '' .; I I tlothing set forth herc{a rhrlt ie dctned to Grofl9t the o|rners of unlts subJcct to scPtrlte agrG!slGnt froil performi nq unCer each and every obl igation, coYttllt' i.erm dnd condi tion of the Declaratloni the saFc ts lnt cther owner, except in retpect to thc exeBptionf grprefs'lt set forth herern, each cf shich exemptlon shal tr bc con5trued narrlrw'ly agalrrsL each such unlt orner in caSe of dispute. o . ri0ilIfi,".:l! - i. . :'i ,i'l !. i. i .-, . df lil iU\ ;il;- l i,l ilr:,:-ili.l ii;;1 i lltfRr-_AS. t'iLT0ii ;ir-] :i".), c*i lerl "ls: l.rra :', : s ihe o$o€,' i.!E th€ Cc.n:.v rf Ia.j::. SLa!e :f3tia:h,td i.rh:cr: "A', hhrch f,t '.ir'- iii.a!.'-, ttf i. ,. . i;,., |i€r'r.ttrl- .' ,,,r1 i.,t,: :r:l'f ,-:\ 'r' .i f -.:'JJ:, ,'tr;l Li :. 1 ,-' +, 1;: , .-fef =ni,,. I 1,;i.j,: i '.r: ,.:' *k[itEns. -':; ];rJ::,. de3i,e,j :ii :.itablis,: . .- jriCo:'rf 1o3l :'' "' :c*g'i et ur:{iet' ::n Ci)rltnint:m lunerii::;: Act f i i 9 ",i-J',,; aif ;, f li[.i:Ac, ].7 iri: Dec,iratron d plan is e5:-::,!ishei --. .. .f€f the 3:ta:'ate orrnershl p of thi: reai prcpe!'ty €st.ites enc' ,; for rlbo;1,!:rig the propert3r des:r-ibed'i n this i-iellarat-ici1 '{.1-t n : ':tt ct}noo+i + iurR 'rse; &nd i.,.'ri..: ,, ". r*ERFAS, the initial deveio;rrient tiill cc:'rsist of tnei.,.'ri..: ,, ". r*ERFAS, the initial deveio;rrient tiill cc:'rsist of tne'.:,:1:i:'. '€onitrrctton of tnirty condonini uiir qtl ;ts in a oultistory ir{,. '.b';i!{ing oa the proper+-y described irr txhibiL "A"; and t-.--;-r , .-g;'; . :aHEREAS " s.rbre qs€at deveiopment ri I I consi st sf the . " :-i.1,et1'' 'cbnltrvctjo.n, in stages' of an additicna! building or ,t''-.,.- b*ilrtings oF prooerty adjoining that property described ln l; . . .:.Ex*ittt "A", ani ': r;. ".. ::,;:: . IIIEREAS, r iondoninium llap wil'l be f i iec showing the , r.i.* . locrtieo of the nultirtory buiidirg oh tha real propeFty i-', ':t:': descrlb€d on Exhibit 'l', and .ij. i'-:t.:: 1:' ${tRiAS, leclarant does hereDy establ ish a plan f orfil lt ''r tl{tRits , Decl artnt does hereoy establ i sft a pl an f or illi','l .'. tlre. Oilrlefshig cf rlal property eststes {n fee s'mp'i e consiiting i:-'.-t'+ of th" .r€a oF tpace coftlalned 'in each of the a i r spact un its :.j?T.. 1nd tbe'co-orn€r5hi+, ay tfie irrditldjal atd separate ottners ti.:. ,,, Cier.?o f ,.aa. tenantt 'i* cotnon, gf a ll of thc renaining real L,i tllpllll:-Th1:h j: lg1il-al!.. d f ined and referred :o ds tliEREFORE, -reclar?nt does hereby '.ubl i sh lnd decl are : tBrL :fue folloring lerrs, covenants, ;onditjons, ease$ent5 'testriction3. ures' liritatlcnt aad obl lcations shall bei::,*,- restrictions, ures, liritatlcnt aad qbl lgations shall be f'-'n '.ierrrO to run rith tlre land. shal'! be a. burden and a b€nef ita_r 50 nt r a ha a ss i gns, and anY PersgnI 1 d,cgrtd cc :lii,c rsql t r j:'_' e!lth s th 1a I l- t i lr n i .o tr ad or t I n € a e v d r t a5 r? stcqUtring or orn'ing an ;ntar?st iD the r"eal property and- {rir*{vcrents; hls granteeS. 5u;ce5sgrs, helFs, executors' adnin- fgtrttors, deuisres or asriqn3- - tii"riryerents; hts grantees. sutfsgrrtors, .deYis3€s or as5ign3. and :1::.1. ,... l : ' i't;. i' , ta r fne r-i.,y. ,:.- .jcr.i -, .. :.:- iir.:.r ( iif FOr"Et-iCn, tAf f :h:1. ,.. ,,rr ii'- :{tn : " c:her l€n; i .:nt! ir ! 0f any cc;::-li nar. :i)4 ;r ..,,:,,'l . vr'a, :flitl{s ) rine or ;nef.C cil'aoqr ir, .i ,.,, ,,ri lt-., .,r al., Un.. i.riderr t tt!"est thefei 'f.tiier,t, ,. (rrttiitr: e'r e ,r,.'.,ts' :,eans ar,d itri:ludes;. . j.- -. -..t.1 ..;:_ , i , f 1,,: 'i anC -ia F:hii" the bulld'n$ is iocated :,.,. ' n;il,,r lcnc -ia F:hi,;;'. tne bulld'ng 1s l0ca?e0 j;..' i.:iis ,horrn and d.sr.!'lbed en the ilap; - ':?'.-.-.'. t,, ti.,,,!, ,J| ';1:*l ; i ; .rr .r' ril r' ,i€'-l tfilr:'::l i -.-.r:,'rii. .."1 il g.lliilr:. ,.r.,.r. Ir rlti: .:'.nij i to r,1l -r .. tr i t :Jlfi !'O Ve,tl{':1 i 9 ',::1.; .;'dn! dn'l InllL"g5 : i;i-":'., . ,ill . I : .,i "i,,;.:!sr +f .J!e ft€t, t -., ':i ,,, ;;,g11.i;r. . -v::rt d.l | {.i thi' !ard 1!''d i- ,rr.u ,.;i:i-;.i: ,ei,Ll i SUbniti"ed ;,raklng dp a.! rr-'rtril SC+t1cet t'",-n 49 .:i.,'.:;. pi.,'jir.r ,ight, geq., h0t aod' cglrl r.rate.r',.aRd.'... 'L .;i.i'"ed (-inirnoh ei*i,re"t-r,t iltans 'thcsrns'thcs+ pt*te of ? nc ti|i6r,j f conmtrtl .'€. 1f ndatt rcSgrved -for use by I rL{; !' 1i;1n al l c.f the oryncr: of condoniriufi snt t"'. '. /- 3B:!tor c ler,tr:1.:s r i!ir,':nS Ffirt. itlClu.d€!. I i;..r.! lh tnF , oit1icr,:. iriJ Um I'il jeit i?, Ti.rr. io,ndatioos, celurnns, girders" b€arti. '": ",V";-:.'.: 5U0port!, Fiaio l.ralls, roofs, bltenent.,: - .- .:':,i:.." :,a1ts, '-orridcrs. stdirs, stalfiaya" yard- .'-t:;' ., '' 3nc .r'aHl 90ace $, balconibs aad tatio declil '-j- i'i ' . '.'' -' :: : i "' '1F; i r,, The nrecha'riaa'l irltall qtiors cf t,hp buiidtngl' - '1 cor''s,ist!rrl cf ti, I €.rgippent and dt€rialg , ...' . *r'i. :.- hl.:ilnlil't(heYilti.rrcoHrnfnu5ei,:.', .:i ar._v tant(:, punec., itct.ci'?, fc::tr cJSiPl',Bssor3 r. .:.ri.: :-:, dnd ir' oeneral ihe .applratut lttld rr tat llt:.lns i:.,' thrt ;iiiriinS" exlit.ing for .' Ii ^- io, I .r.; o ,..1 v.;i :)i Ii.;. t: r__,,_. d: i .. :', i::radnl.: .:' , . jUirl, ier l:r:..,,. i{-r*. i':.t: ,).;r ttf- --t', ,(rt|J,j:.,re, ,* i,lrit; j. Lii._ ,,Lr .':.r:,: | , ir. , t,fifr..1 I l:, at -, t,: -: ,;:raL,.-,. 't'+. .! t :: E ,-.r{',f .- ' 'ir'i as; r r i.;l,rCi' i , o1r!o*"!!}t r ar...i 5..r,,. rr..e: !i i,-.,: B-i.a Sefii:;i ja. !fi,.. lilFa!..td:.4 ail nf .lrle i;!i,itr-r g' .ri i:i in a grlCrF ttri r,i-t, lr, - {- ^ - -1i,tion t.r.t--l: :;i): ttai.!S I : r.it ,ll rlr,<. ( n Filf) rSg :: j i.i ii i;1.rCnSe5 Ce,- i,trg j cemildlt exg.enses by fle.vlslc:rs ui .'-his recl.riiioo-ina'irr"Dr--Ldts i anC f r.penses agreed upsR as-.co[ten i]:Fe]?ri5by t he. Unit shnerr 'A -s. io c i a t i g'g;; o ll:,--lc i a t i on I Prof i t, torpgr.:. t ion " .i t!:f::?g::I: ._._ril. ass r ens, tic-ayli6*i c. xlich condomi.ni un- proJect , 11. -*I;U"rs",,: *,, i ctr sba I l lllll_gy:91i- nrq'+ir nisi"iti'on'il'tr,, be alt of thi oiners of the conderij^iJ;";"i?;: ;f:P;^:i-::upPle'nental !{ar' aeans. anf io€r udes j Ai i iUnS i il*;;tt. li l{ .i(..: i:..j d+a iris 'i. t,.e:'l;..|*Ct L ilst:ii.-.t, ;.';;,,1-,,. - arr,.i i,ile .i.r,e:ii j {_,_-.'tr$ci glr,g.r-r '.;,7 1,.. ,.ienil:ng ,.iC_,r Oilc'ard cf flan",-.,.1 . I i'' pr,nSes o{' r.i,ir1 ;ii.}gi,._,iicn- and ;iand(reF,en r., 'a.:lt:la1cc' "gP!ir or F€p'!iiiu.nt'.-i thrl!'C.]eCi COt,:.\Jit ei ereitS altd the gCrer6iCOntr.On eig,rer,tS; Ihi *T:riecer"iirg ru"u"y. "i'qai-Iilii pFoprt,described on tfie attalirir iint;;;'"i;-in.iii.thereon El i of r"fie i;;i;;eni,iti'."*rtrr;;;j';-to be consrrucLetl sy iliiiiiJn;l -" : . The llai sholi rrc-i be filed for r:lord ur:jt the b,.,ri.ri _",..9[rt teen substanrrd: iy-iciii;;";-;n order ir r.er.ni i rr,eJqqatisn bcth borirol!"]:, unO-J*"ito"l,ll, cf t4e initisl0y'r .rcatsrereo ehg.ln:*er-ino: i iii;i."set ii.iit..i. ""io;"substenria! comolpiioi'af -lf,,e-guii.f ing., an6 rlr iir iL1 tiFtlrst conyeyl..l! ol, a ia.ji*rii"*"rrlt, 0eclur0/)r st_r..':ause te Le f ileo fol^.reccrd a U.-".-.nd'roii'tr:;";r;.';;f iled in eails *.r sectioii,-;ic.."it*a t. iiE:e. rs ,.he ;_n: israve been ju:strntially ccrii:i.ie;, "ir*r, s,rJl .se.tici ii;*.r.iubseqle:1 I to the in.i rr-i, lt.y :iieJ Hap, strai! oe tersr+j asui:pl;nerit io suih-S1f o,',," tne iJ, ,ii"ut ..ei;:;i.r,. e i.f sr,:ls urrpl eflen t. sha!1 be slorr:r thereon. TLe ltap :i,, a;l r:*plc.;-n6 S i'r {',ii qi- ieasi ihe fi. l,on.i ,.,a1"" ?". c0fiooi{Iri IUtt xAP: ial l"ilc, !eg.a1 {esa!-{tf :orr 0f :lp Surf acp ri rirrq6l p ri. r,r ri /i Z-tlLlrlR. ,: Hi thof the al l Property; unit; boutdarles; o by Declar:nt at Declarrnt's option. Thc Associ ation shoi I have one c iass of F€FD€rsr r ,!.0nly nerbers shr:i be entitled to vote in Associrtion. tlections, end any ienber shall be entitled to'rote the P€rceilt&gc of thc tstal vote equnl to such nenber'-i Perce[tage lnierest ln the Eeneral com-.on elements. 15. fRlxSrsRAEILITyT fxcGpt .s otheriise e*pressly stated herein. any orthe rlghts, intcrrsts rnd obl igati ons cr the Associ;tions€t ?orth hereh or reserved hereby may be transferred orrsrtgaod to any gther prrson gr entit,v; p'ovided, however, . that n0 such trEnt'frr or ass{gnnent shall relreye thetssEcfation of ary 6bllgation-it Eay ore to.tny oener orothlr .pcrson rjndtr: ttre tarns of th i s Decl a rati on. - t6, lss0ctiTI0r rEsF0rsrBrLrrY: the tsrocirtlot:my obtrln and pay for the scrvi.ces of-iBy gerssn or entltf'to.ltrtg€ tts affe{rs, or aoy P[rttbcrcof, tb tfte.prtcpt lt=dcers advlsaole, 13 HelI rs sushcther perronnel cr tlc tsroclrt{on shall detersine to be n€cessary or dCsirSlc'fgr the proper ogcrrtioa of theprsperty, rtethcr ilXtct.'Fersonnel are furslshed or enploycd d'i r€ctly !y tbc *lfstlrt{ot or by ant. perEon or ent{ty wlthrho* or rblch lt .t&rtrlsts. The Assoclrtlo_n ray obtatn and pay far lcAal end rtco.ttrtting s€rvlcet necesiary or deslrlbleIn connectfoa rlttritt€.opcratton of thc proprrty or the enforce-Fent 6t this llcel*irttoil; Tbs. Associrttbn hay ivat I 'l*el'f rlso of tit scrvlcet ot I rentll lgcnt or fgency to handJeieasing rnC lettlir3 gf',condeatsful 0nits on-a pooled basis,o/ or!.ti,|ch other. brtls :rs the lssoclatlon shal I deematgtopriatc, protld3d, lortver, that the scrvices sf suchigrot or ageacy shall.not ba obl!gatory upoil lndividualunlt oeoer:. Ill.ilsrecfatlon ray arranqc xith others tofurnisfr l igbtln1,.lerltng, reter, trash sollectlon, 3crerservlce and olier cttGon srrv{cer to each unlt. The costof s,rcb serr{cl' sball b€ btrle as herelnafter pruvidcd, Hortsitte at Yati I - Declar,rtlon; 7. '.: r 1". - - -':-----rs--r-ria''T* Iv Ihc -: tti a 4 : "a -,-1 r a'lc finiinirg kinrj:, Cf : i .,,, r1.r' ,: 't ''.,t - r: rr:: i L.t.:tir'' I (".t+l!'ll- t. ae. I 'i - 1'-'f a ,J I ,'.:'..t-ici". Lhe ! 1Ji I ::,' i.li!^esi atlC 9gr'€ss gene|Far : -'r{-i4 e !iri::rt! ':EcgSSa!'-Yshal '., ir' .:": t'l9Ft !l: hrrjtoni"l .r;r. l;'t.,..! :.-'i;t:( shtiI i? th 1r€ iii:(' . ' Pdcc i. ';ndu: r rillilt: i: ] !.-i arii' :n - f j:., a I l_ :- ii r'. l:ACe :'.-.' r-ri;ie I --.te 9 1)f Ij. C'*i,:'." $Ai-'iil'f;;'-'f i'lit ;. r-?:iI0:';' An oir'rer shall E:.'.;ltai:i :i.i ke:l ii -';" t'-th'- inter-ic" of iris Srrn dnit, ittc:-'Jit".S t:le f ixt rgg t'ereQf i:'1I ii.tur.s and equipFie * ina,tlLleJ !Fithin:i.i tit-,-'-- ru*c'.t'ncrni at a potnt fhere ttte *tility 't ine s ' pipes, r'i re:' ionduits ot iyit*.', (*t icn f0r breviiy or€ r''r€lfter rei;rred. to as ;utiiit'ie:") eater ii,e unit itiaii be orlnsaioed anc kept in refai r t,-v !he orner !r',eieot. ?io al teration ot reicdel i i nr shall be .rndertaken iy- ^i'unlt owrer thich chen??3 tn: iloor ;f ;; of !.nr unit. or irt'icii is a rili!'ranqen€qr-.'i'' ir ari lifiti0n Lc,0r e reiritval of flxtu''s' furfigl'.':15 or., equipnenr 2erniner'tiv in p-i d'--E ilrd irttached '- l!-e t'r'ii' utiieis pin:.s rlr sJ':'ir 3lteralicn c' 1s6;6isi l ir'' ::'e s:rb:i ttec to and r"..e.ye lre-t,ppioval af . ile,&oarrJ of 'r" !';ai--'3.5 ". The Eoard It i';anlger-, sf'li!-pirnit nc :iterat'on c' rei:"Jel !in! rrhlch i:' : ricl"til''"i ii''' ?''dlna"r':e o: oi'::li; re':ula"-!cn'.Or ijhic i :s conirer) L{) the ['rOv'i'iOnS ;f ih-i:' 'r ': r' : l r a t ; e' i" ' 24. Gtr:t':..i,1 .J:1f1Cii !L[]tt.l{T5 -;. -'5'S i\:r iiSTnl-rlCilS: The :.s 1:6t1 i:i i,-rn ;h;1, dr* a '(:J'iexii:::'i r'e 'l j:er'g:rt ;v' i:eke :-u;h .^i,' J:; i;1 ^r;t',;, ,..) -: '' t'" e" ''lt!.'1 n ' n 1r f,e ,rccjlra1:,' ci ^:.,'riif i:f '. ii i: i.lr.'';(.. ' t |1a: ']-t:.':c 'i'; f';:1;1lg1t:- i.frtu,t j: 1i iJ, ,ra.' -. ,!"i''i'!],t' i.l --'-'i' :'i':tl: '-O +:'i i;:.. '::-if " !aCri i"tner 5,rall hive ovgrr tiron -l'ic acrl:5 th:'fo. atcess it his urit and ,nJ later-,t i 5uD:;c'rt l" 1:it :rngurtel i/'L | -' t'rd ',-::ri "irni t " i it r.' :. . w..:. ,: *::l i ..iir ,- ), !. !ti: -:;air: ar .1 . .. *',i" !l tlttc.seciai.r !ir:n, t\1, q*.- d*s in( thtt .tecr.- r€scluticns s,i lfrg I s ' . a i 1 i , ,"., ", ' u a g p ,- e .t p.-.i.^stii , ias thG saie n.,-v ie liw,iiir,;,;u;oec f..onr iine .lli,ulg to cG;.'ii-i xi+;l-..: n.y cf t\e:arre sha.l I F?in tCt i.*\n tJ .3:3.,ef s,,r rls drle a,id f a:. Ja.raqes .]rclief .r. oor". n...inrd...rL. .l,,-ou ire'rtani",]i',,ol XanaJar.g rn th=. n*n., ai'il!'"q.5s.-i6ljen 6n *oine.s o, , in .t ;)l.oi,ii- r-as;. bv Jn f,!E,_19.,e,1 i .. i '.. , a5- Ait{chE \i r !xcept as is other*ise rr.ovi,..,".ed jr t.r_i - rl. .r..._,..r;r,. tt!r_Deciaadiion shal I noi i"-"e"ctec 4or st,.rll .,i ..f ::.,19rotlstons hereJn be aeendei-,,^iirs eiqi.:v-i.r v.. .,.., i,;., 1.9r rcre, cf tle o*ners represei",:: nq in=u j j.".'. n ,, ^er.sn. JiEterest ln t.re generai conmlr e!enrerrs arii 3: : \f r_r,l:. hoiders of anr ricorded raort.:age or rteeJ c. t. ,,.. aovci_,rro.-affecting a'iy ot^ drl conCiniiiuo :rnits r:rarr:. r!,rjconsent anc a oree to such r€vocrticn oa-0.."iu,a*,-.t,i o:trunent{s I -dsry .eioroea. 'ri.iiiiel' h;;;;;;, " ir,. i tn.l!i::1!199 cf the undivided interest.i n r:ie !ener.at comn:on:]eT:lts_rpp.;rtenant tc each apart&ent ulit,-is -eii:ressed, 1l !!tis Declarat'!on. shalt iravi-a perlianent char,,cter and.sie11 not be alter.ed iiir,ori-iie consent of at j of tnecondorniniur unit orners ut erp"csted in -a-ouiy .l.oia"a. rrendtcnt ts this Declaration. 1't.?J. AS5€Ssf,i[Ts r orrfERS, 08LI€ATr0ti: , lll s:rt€rs slrat.l. be obl!Satea to pay the estirnated..- rssessr€nts inoosad by thc 86.rd of H;;;9;;; "i'i.iisrng* ngent sf the Assoctrtion to neet ahe ;;il;;-eipeniel=untcrrerenpted frcs such obr igrtion is trcreinarte"-f'rovii"a."'-"Excapt for insurance pr.6nrtun, , -it,e assessoents rlral t 'be mdr:i' prs rat' according to each orner's percentrgc tarerisi'r;-::ii:19 !? the seneraT connon cii"ei.'ti.' Aa;;;;il"i; -;;;. :.rosur.nce srcoisrs"shall be based upon irtil pijio"iion?f lhe. tota'! prelisn{s t t[it-i[e--i nsurance carriec oo a.condsrlniur t,ntt l.gft- to iotri-coverage. fhe l-imlted":?111:.llenerts shrll. ae-larniatned as-!ene";i ;;;;;;' elrr*ents,.nd crners rraitng;i;i;;ive use thereof shatlI3:^::_:!l{":! t:. any spcciar irriieel ;;-.;;;;;;;1';;:" : ,Ass.cs*enti for urc-isri;;i;; ;;il;;'.;;";;;::'f iliinr"n.11:r::":l:..!"1t. ye cui quirie.iy-i n ao /ance .n the f{ rst, r.,e,,.,8 rJsc quorLerty tn ao/ance a,t the f {rst' dat of cach qsrrter.- -rhe nar,igi'ng'ngent oi-e o",j"or'ilanagersjllll-ll:"ll:.111_gr!!vc1 or iiii'to each orrner an ifeni:ecoqa rte r'ly -s t.'tenent - shorr n g trr-i vaii ous -is ii ni t. r "o r'ic t ua 1efeenses for rhlch ilre assisseenii are naoe. :"T:"il:tl.T-lglgullttrlv cssessnents 'shrl I bc- pro-. .t?d :i f t'e, orac,iirr i:;ir, ; ;;fi;;;iffi"ii,l"iiL::.:;";"l;^fll ll3"l_rlll-the.First- 6;i' ;i:t; quaitc?; condos{i{uftuniti nay re eiieJila iipJ,iiiri'ri iilii']l; "l;?ll33l'l.,II:^,:l? -.il lll 9!1 15 . o r - Fi ii iii in' i r a u6 vi, -a nc' i i " i,. i r,'.' er xist D€ d5sesse0 seprratcly f f thry ar€ re jeased f rcrrn'titc ntc rettFicttonr or-Fiii"irlr,'ir rfraua 5,.,. i, -..-! ,*,:e:I?jr"l:::111??t is exprtiiii' pii,iiii=;J;; iiu"ill'n,,,',11, ::' : -l::l : :llit I, ; r-qi' ;il ;id; ;;';;", il;ii,',lli,'iill,".y? II'^::f il:i:I y g s icsscd- s h.ii -il";;$;i,*i"i,l'il'i. ;io;; ;:, l::n_l::"1r1:l:' set roi ir' iii-iir,Iii i'ii;'iitj:r;;";;;:i;aPd cndr a pfl^t trereof . .':t8- ASgtsstf EHtS - ll0r 0EIFRi{t}tED: fhe rssessoelrtt nade shall bc b,sed upon the cash Honestake at iell 8 - Oecllration:lc. ;le ariount of :ri connicn expense5 asresse{t j j.iinstEaan ;::.doniniu;r ::::i shal I also be I debt of ti,.rr orn""thareci at the ti*e tire asnatsoa"i is zrr,dr. s:ri t tr recoveru,ilt", .iudgnent for unpaid conrcn expenses sna.t ,l be ,nuintuinaule;.;It:ou': forec!o:ia2 or xaivi.g ihe iiin ,ecriiii I ,ir".' Any e^._-irnbran:*i ho'i rl.i ng a ljen on a crndomir: ;rfl unitlry, but \irai i no!.oe required tc,-poy ,uy unpaid coonon::lt!sl i,rtable r'r-;,i resgect tc such -ur,: t, aaa upon ,rtf,'palrDeni ir:ai enC:.r-:)r.ntar shal] haye_ a I ion On SU.:,, unit1:i t!* anor.n:s pafd cf the iano'J.nt .. lne i{en or hisCnf J$l' r.1 4 qg . !':;' i ,,r :'1.r' r"f itiricl,:, s..,.,,-i,r., ir.',,,,uilu, .n'..rl'i'io"...,.',',,Jltait.'n'::;-::r:,::-,:lt.u:, ihe sai.:_ 1,,: Asst,:i :.,i;,1,,,oii-r,r.ru:be D:i.'.- rc bir! ;r..ite cc.rjio,ni.,r"n unj;';; Irr..iJlrll"l.r.a{:C :0 acquire ir,,-1 ioi,i, iease, .,:rtgrgc. --.rJ ,.onray-iur*. 3?. 'iiIISF€N A''' JOITIT IJAts:L,TY. ,.,^,,llrt pr.]rr:e:tt of t rea3orable fee not t: el(ceeC Fifteeorct Iars Eno uren the rrltteo reqr.eii ti any ;;;;;-o. ;oythcrlgate€_c'.,irospectivc mcrtgigI.-ir ; condr^r.ici u.r unIt,.:he Fsso::atfrn, by l!s fancoin;-lEint or i I there ii"nolar;E-.:ng AEeni" then by lts ioaia ii funaifers, sfril i-tssuea-. sritterr Iraterent seit.tng io"tr, irre amouct of the unoa{dcc?r'ron rroerse!. i: alr.,.r{th rer.gect to ine iuu j.ct-,intt "the. arnount cf the curripg nontniy--iisessment 3nri the dateslih ai$essr:nt becones dle, creiit for;ryanceC ptvmf riL5,:r tFr i'rsr'id rtetns, tncluirl,g-;;i rot i;,,,iiJi"ti"inlL.un.or.eri r.l*s, *.h.i r:h statelrent sha;i Ue conc.l u:ive rpr" iii.'i.ssscf :t'i ori i.r rayor gi uli'ii"ronr-*\o rely thereon in goo(tfcr-th. Uniess suan, reqtles t ior e gtaten,ent of i ,JilciodnerssraJ'l be co'se! itd rJtn'ritlin-iei iryr, i ti unpi;;-;;;;on?::'erses rhich berope 1!e pr{or to tie'date of.na,,ini ircn'eg're5r" shalI be subrrd:nete to lre iien "oi ite 'i""ij"" r22''4 i._: f t turjti Steter4ent. 'h+ rrr2. tee sf a unli:ha!l be J0intl y at,d ?,evcrtlly, iable ui',h rhe eranror for ail unplia iri.irruiir"urrinrtl';e lilitr +,:. hi 9 propt(i jonate ,shlre of the i0,1;ron e.r.r,jnaes'J'J r-A :\4 ttVx tjF tne gr 7n+- C" C.)., teyanae, *iChO,lt. nre,iUii;,:'-| t"!;9 q'.-t:a.:t '"- r"i!h t. tg reao,!er f in !ae qraot,t t, l.t1g 1,.;rt,.y1,2t,,r7'. J bj i:o f '1,;te2 ihe:e.f ai; f,ro,tided. lorr.ver, tht? u5ro,,t't,t'.'L.!i,. n+ i rr-ai'1i 0:l e .ee ne t- to etcee4 ii; teen ,:r,t ti"n , .,1ftt.':31.e at" ieil g - iieciaraliirr: l3 an:: JtstUr-!..C !,,: t !.1;r i : , ; c i it t , :, ,.r .in-iact, -i rr i'ililorriirq .a,^dsr: {} i ioi pa:-l!t ol the baler;e cfof an-v +-: rst x]0rtgage; .ri -r t t c' the I i, {e) lor nayment ql t:\es and speij;.r' rrsSr:r.:.rentS l;enS in fAvJr Of env cSs(:51ni; en+,it_v: (3) ;f,r pe_v:::eng of unp,i:d c o-"nr:r s!.t..ii :.:s: (4i Fsr payne'nt. of junjcr ljens ars en:Lj1,ij.in.esin the order of and lr ihe extent ci tiiciroriority, lnd {51 ihe balanc.r renaining, ia ,ln}, shall bepald to the condomin.l u;l unr t olrner. ici lf tore thnn thirty-ilrree and cns-thir.d percentof ell of the cqndaninium units, not rnciuainSItnci , are destroyed or ,Camagei, and if theonners representing rn aggregate onnershipinterest of r flfti-one pircint, or Forer 9I^.tf" 99!9 lat co*inon elenents do not voiuntarllyclthin tbirty days thereafter nake proylslons?or reconstruction, riich plan nust have the :uaaniBous approval or consen't of everi ffr:lBortgrgee, the Asgoclatfon shal I forthxlthrecord I notfce setting forth such fact oifictf, and upon the reiordins oi such toticeDy. tne lssoctation's presldent and SecretarV.the eotlrc renainiilg prerlses shall bc rold-by_ the fgsociat{on,-!s attorney-ln-frct;-forall of ttte orners, free and cl6ar of ttr6orovls.lons contrined in this DeclaratiOn. the!{ap rId the By-tars. The fnsuranie-iildf.ieotproceeds shall be collccted by the Aispriatiqn,and such.procecds shrll be divided by theAssociition acc0rding to each condomi nfrr unlto.ner's interest ias-such tntcriits aDDear onilt,?0licJ ?l potictrs), ard surh di;;i;a pioceeasshEr I be paid into lepa.rcte ac-1unts, eich Suchacc.sunt represcntfng one of the condor intunun'lt-s- -Each guclr ricount shal.l be in th€ naneot th€ lssoelrtfon, and shal I be further faenifffeacy the nuober of ttre apartnent unlt and thenaae of tbe orner. From each separat€ account,the Associatlon,.as .ttorney_in_iact, shall'-'forthri th us€ and dfsburse ibe lotal-anount{of sach} of such accounti, -riilrout contributionfrcn one rcccunt to uothei, touara ine p."tiii'cr fu'l I paynent of ttrc I lcr -r:,f any f liit'no;i;;9"against the c;r-,dorniniun unit repiLsenteA by sicd-separat" acLc,J':r, Thereafter, Lach sucn alcountshatl be suopl.enentltt by the ipportlonel alnounl - oy rne 0roceeds cerlred froa the sale of the :nt-{ rs pruperry. Such apportiornrcnt sha.l I beDase: 'Jcon each COndgninlOf Unlt Ornerrg l--lc?nr-rge-interest in the gcne"ai "oorin elencnts.ine rc:ai frrnds of crch .ccount 3ha; i be used andti::ttrsed, Lithouf co[tr{bu+lon fron one acc0untt-: anciher, by thc Asroclrtlon, as attorney_in- - Sotertake at gai I -8 -Decl a ratl on: 16. I hr rpn: | "0." :.,, :tr.ll;.,-: Of .';q. i lr i: a,J V e me i) t: :,,5in,; dl i ri ile !i.!i'-.:r;e ar.,li..ceds for SuchiJ,i...r0se notwi ths tanci i n6 ;.he fJ iiUre of an oHn€ti--r i.,ay f.he .rs ses srreFt. The t!ss€ss{ient proyidedfor itereirl shnl l be s debt ,Jf €aCh o14ner ]nd a. to such plsn for ien€wa,l or facoo+truition iat' 1) ve t, .r iten notice to ..lie ABSoclitlbff tllt - tie used .,, r dr'ru'ilo.ii' t;:";;l;liltrill'ri'o" . ; :.,,9:; "tiorncy- rn-facJi for., ihe sar,e pu'np'di-ss. rnd fn -. '-. , '{*'.Ih? 5ar e urder as i3-ci.cvlded Jn subbtt.tgfa'ph.. *.,.......r:.'lJLtIt ) il ) throirgh (5) of ;l-ts parrErtph. : .-r;ji +.:-"1;,r.-.,fr r i:,' cwners rerres€nt. jno un'.ro""b*ratiin".rtip]'"tt+'i., 'it* r 'iterest of eighty.f iv; J;ercnnt,-dr nore, of : 't'. i.1- {i:''' ge f e. o t cofirno'n " t en e L tr -;ii'at".J- i [i t-,irrs' ; ;r=r.'i.i' ^'iiri,,,r:,tonlniun units are obsolet"'oni iAori-i'iiur, ' " l',.1 ;,: ' or the refle*al ant! ieconstri,ctlon, rhich gian , ,.'*. i'*'.',:',: th€ .unan{mcus approvdl of all tlrst ;cji.tea6esi; ;-:.;,' i ' : pl in f sy the rsnern i. or i-ECeprr.!.uctf On- it-,-o-t'.'diioDted, then the exgense thereof shal l bepryat'.lebyl|1ofthe.iJ|lersas.doinonex.oens€s:..pr,-llided,.ilu*ever,thati0Wi10i:'totaparty ,). l ::,:5 i i,.' !.e:) '. ( r:ir.t .,r.':. il!.a, ,-- :;t i;; i'.::..:-,-:' ir. 'ietir,. .r- ;,ti'r.e. nf .fmrar e": -',' ,,j..-lpi .. :1ia) 1"i-r. ir,'i. '..,1' ;.i' ,-,',, | :i€ .r,:i'i rrrin!sr alj i:'!r ',- '_.1. ._1, lh,:', ,.l .-: t _",f ' -lni I-'i'! (.;,..,1- t: r:,-lv ., l.r:' JJ t).' irl::,- Dr.:i ,:0t .' ,'... 'tei,., ittii:, nai;ce:!.,- ,jr .,h r; .ve . ', i ar:thcri|y.,. .i ! : I 1. . . : e e t - . n ". f a' i. [l:l calr{.e ' -.i i ,nt.||t : :.l ,'.r': h'J -. 1,- ''t,'! tni ,,|i :r.rch un j t shal l be purcftasad bJr,'tht Agloclatiqn f or tho fa i r nar'te L va I ue tterd$f:,'- .If suchor.vner dnd the As:,:ciatio:r can agrie on _ tnefair narret ealup thereof, thgn ruch *S1e $halIbe con!.trnriafed w i lhr rr ti. i rt-v days i.hereafter..if fhE pdrl:es :l!"F- unab'i n io aOre€. the dnt€nhen e{thr:- pdi^ty nct jFie$ rtr€ othrr. tha t i'= orIt i5 un;, Iie to aqree tti iir the oiirer s ji.,i i b€the "cor,r,€r,c.ing dir 1.t,. f rorl *h i"r:ir alt perio,l:.oftlme irrt'rr{ ir;;rg4 hcr'pir sl,:'l I t;e tnea$ur.eC. i.t;t\f r. !l 'e ilr'.-e --J*-:._>pS -,-.'. ieC ln i..--_J-rl : -r' :; pit r;.: r- 3 :: . ,i,,,.,.'t..x i',i ( l5 ; ;l ib; in forr and s,jbstanae, the supple:qent to thisJe:la: ati:n shal i p r:v; Ce - for- i ne dir.ision :fsucfi additional !nprt,€ne,.lts intc condomini r.rrii,rnits ssbstantla'lly similar-to the iorm of thedi vision sade-of the tnprovemen-,s as shown inErribit '.8, of this Duci,"iiion. f icrr -u^it'sral toe identified by nunber, anJ eictr uuttoing-rfrulibe Jdentified. by-a.symt6t o" Jerignarton iiiiirifr"t9 any othe r bui l.di ng under this dec.t u"ition-inO " the ftEp. Ihe undi r ;iea inte"Jst in .na-io-ir.,i"-general commcn e je;.-ents shal I have a permanentchar.acter ard-shali not be altered wiifrori ilecansent cf dll 0f-the condominiun unit ornerstexDressed ln a_duly recorded Anendnent lo'-ifris!ec'!rratlon_ The undlvldeO-tnle""st in and toihe oroject ccmncn elenerits sfriff Ie irOi".t'iochange rs incrove,nents. are addeo ao the i"ojeii,i.q accordance with adJ0sted-icrreOureaat I;-;;--'se'. forth in suoFle,nent(s) to ttris 0;;iu"ition. icl ixceot as is providgq i- oaragrenhs 3 and 4 ofthis Cecl aration, all of th -orovt sions. .onteined in tbls_0eclarition shal t bJ-appl icabletc such additional r:ondominiun-unit : Drnvi.{arthcrever, that ai.l of trre oyners-;i'.;ri;;;;;;;'ilnfts in chls condominlun-piojlct shal I haye anon-exclusir: right in conion-iitir ail oi irre-cther orners, to thr use ot itAeratis, pril,*iyr,rrri vexays and the garking-."ii-io.ated or to belocer-ed rithin the'condoilnii, pro:e.t withoutntkin-o referenc€ th€,.etu in iny'ceeo, lnstr!mentof ccnveyance or athe; insI.J"int. {d) E.ch condgniniua unit orn€r;halI be entitieJtc rote 5ls percentage or triiiionat jnterestln anC to the g?nerai .on"on-eienrents, and t.rrea-qgregate af al I 9f ttre unClviOea intereiis i"lnd lg the genera.l coormon "i"r.rt, shall br,considered one. huftdred oe"ceni-ioi iuir,' otlrpurpores. Erch corCcmin{u,r,.rntt ownei"sn;ii"j.entitled to vote his oe".;ntiSi or fractlonal Yail 3 - 9eclaration: .l 9. 'r;': i'; I .:!.i t;:'.r c:" l> i : :,,{ A)S0r_ I ; i lr.r'l 'j.: .'eni. oihei. iil iond.)ninir::": Ii a]indOrjpC Uy: li .'i.r.attJn dsilrL _'!'a. '" oL!1.:rrht. ..Dpdo'r;:1iug .;rr :i ijr.nP rq itl.'.,' i ;!l ' f ri ! ,-i <l - .,'l tr4:j ,1r-11 : r.r. .1rii,ii nis : ra.l ion t.:.tr.-'' 9f d ,-.,'rjt, - t;-,.. , -aibci cf iitii, ,ii:, jatiOn ar:,j:,' j :.r1,. I ::t:.0?f i.j l.-:. )i::.-.:,,1 ,;f htStw,, r i,t -,,ti- 4 :.r, 1i e,t,., Unii c*nef ':.. ,t'. , i,. i.rri.,. li s i n teru:t !rr lhe C,,o jectt . .;. -, -,,,....,.,: Shdl, l.r exe r.ciSe,l aS an incidentli si,ii, oriit!:r. .: rerrbersrr ip in such assoclat{ofi)t Al, il, j.' :.er.j prS ir, tt;e COndgrri,rirn, pfOJaii,,in1J niii.,f hr:r.i\.ise, undi-r the gy_La!r5, luiis-iiCreq!,. t'i ,.-.r,s i I' SUch asSOCiatiOir, Wlrenest-Jbl !:li d. ,rnich Bi-L..*9, ru.l;s and req$latlonsha, ' I on:! r.he usuat and normat Sv_Liii.- - - rrl€s r'j d reEuidtions comrnonly fn use in-'i6toracc''r-i.-.r,.,.. ,? n5Srlciations of hone orners. ,':r,. iiE',i.it.,11. i:: :i i:lil-I i0iiS: i 0eclararr ;^!r€rvFs.the rlEht to dedri.ate aR.F a€ccssrc.'si iF'-{ str..rr:ts s,:r ving thti condomi^tG p.ojfti.-ioi-anatc 'r'.rbl ,i. ti.i:i; t.r c:. r_.tbiish caseniiiii, fese.rvaitin's..{rxi(.t,t:, r dnc p, i,r: ie ns.cnnsirtent iittr itre-eiiiio,itniurn?*ne"shir of the .-nncrri-i niom pruJe€t and, for t[i:leii - inlclils 1 r or th,r :crrjrq: iniuE unti oineri ""a iiil'iiio.iarion. ' '':. lr.lt)., , 1 I rl'l: :) i? - ,jg{ERAL f,trri. ,.,ii9itit.LAilEous: fJiiae cr acii.1,(s char,ce duly recorded. .:) ,,tch r.wr,e r ,:-:i i , eoist*r his naJ ling artclresS xlthth. i53oci.,tii,rt:. :'rd exlept for nOniirl:r itatsreii.^;;;,., ii, ' -cvlinr, !r1 .. i.t.,:, rl1 0ther not.lCls or demands'-i ri .;: .d t,t 1", : (: ve,i i,D0,.l drr oynei -rt u i f - t.-i,,n[-[,9,.!.iri'i r;:r,'i:.':..r,:il .lr cerLiflAd mfil, pCstagu piep'|i'd,arl -1 rc!9r:: r in tr.l'. r,;'jg ol the :.riqner at'5uch'",.iislioei': iIr,1.1 .:r'lrr:r. ;'l_t nr:tiC,:S, ,JelnandS Of Otnef-nOtii",;n+,sndgd rc be :,r.verj upon the Beard of -!fanagers;i th;,ie 5or i li j Dr,l r .t. :.ie,1-c s.: i a i Jo; ;h;i i ;; ;;;;';;.;;ltr"ii.oli;l; t,::,::::ll':r,.Jd, until such addrasJris i[risci ty'. .,,;-:t|.trri i.: .iirv i.rte!-e3t nescrved hereby to t.he..'r: r.r iinl mr../ r,, r r-an5fe;.! ed ot. a$signed by ibe,.Declararitr :l.r' :,.ritr,ji.o!,. ;;, " ltn one or nore of i"raf,-alghii-ai'I:te ls, t r-, 1r:, ::f1 i...)n Af entit,7.- .'rI ll:l ,.j.., .-.s ,.,i .he orner under and by vlrtue of:-,r.. ,\.r.):r ' t r': f..i ' n,",,1 in this flec'l aratlcn .;tlrl I corrtir, lrc1. ..;-.r','r , '. ray :,dvg lC6srl,.l Of f ef, [Sd Sd.i C-':.' ,i 4r :. .id;: rir..... in, :,rf ihe owrlef 0f a lendOnini-,r ieclar.'tiiri: ;0. , ..- . l-'.u.. :r 1.,.. ,:j. .;:-; i. i .:r:,-i'.. al 0w:,gf i: ..:l - > . - ,., i 'r': -" it< .t-, ' -. 'l; r-:ii' l a rirr ", 1, -111. t':! l{ ir.r . :t-i:t,i,:. a... i t! r, '-i:. -ii.i:v1 -. , :\r. ..'..1 :,i:ni :.,' ,:i.';:, i,".: j',r-;cl aY' '.,'- i"t,r'.: (i li,! '.i '-"'- a-. ." ,,:.,: iV.: -.i. le .J.,,.,., ..., ,..j! t, r.ja :i,€j ,..:I1.- t.t a: :i.ra C::-':...r:' ->i.tf i: ijt A,. .a'ii-.:'. AA 'T?-t- :i.., ll :,.r' ':-',',a.'Z in t-..,, -f c at-:r' .Fdtttlc t-.:'- .i:! j;'.i,' '.:Zt'',?t':'.: :,J' "- 'r '-71; qualt-,'-! ,-or:'fr .J'i!es:11,i:- a: '-:t: :?Iirt -- fi.: -, :..' 'ii: r-,Htrl: .tta: ;t.. ttt:r1-,r ai) A l'ji':.f r; itt i:f r, lr: t:,t.';1 i]''\? UnL'-'i, fi C rVaii.'-- O"l v.r;r.,| ': t.': !al^rt-ir''1r/-^ .:) i "--'- '-r-',i: i".':-1. ii a n;r 1r ', i'e :lr:-'.i,-,', ;' :-hi:.. :-ii:l,r' .i r: '') -".: tli. :'.',)r 2:ri; , ')e!lior1' al i..': : . '."'54 ,'' l:'i)l' : '- :le appiic;,tigp t-r",g" p1i ,". .: r I Cl,'.-s.ti' ,l f, : , ": i,':'i.at: , such !rr'..riidity :hal'l "st affcri L':e "dlid:t; ;': '':e remair.Cer ,-: rt tniS XAcl.r l-::t.iO:-. a,t4 i'lr appii:::'r.i :r- uij Such Drnvisila, paragrdl-.h. s:r,:+rcei c!rl'.1!e , !;:'cS ir' uord ir any aihe* cirau,.'ian.e: shall Fci be ;:tec:{id t[ereby. De in sdditi'rr F.ct ot lhe of I ax. j r:;-i..: . The prcvisions of tnis Lre;. ler.tion shalj a tlil EuPpl en€nt.al to the Londo'ni ni un 0rner -qhip llrte of Colorado and to a l', otliet' proy{sions 'Ihcnrver [sed herein, unl€53 the contcxt shall other-ae cooECIl snal I oEner- s1.11 include the piural ,grovide, thc singular nunber s',.1I Include the Diutplural the stngu'ltr, and the use sf tey gcnier shall iide at I genderi . -:.: :lH TITi|ESS LHEREof , Dcclaran fQqleration tms *f? day of I ,it has duly-luu F'JLt0fi I RolfltoR Xs , tTo. liaS '' exQcuted thl st)72, sTATT c0utrY OF COLORADO CF ET6L.E ) )\I in ss - Tie fsreqoi nqth{s ,tt /t aiy of as Preil-dFnt of FU acknobl edged t'efcre ne 1972, by CEANi l-. K;{CX, , ItlC.. e Co'loraio rporatlon. r(5 Co I trunent corgoration, on behalf oi the Il tness ny hand and o:fi ci al scal . Hy Commissi ot expi res : _:j _:.L _ t:_r_ *'',*':_,. l:ip€sidke at ',,r i i EXHIBI. "]:' tc i C ll C 0 f'l i N I J ti ; I t L A 't d T I L) \ ior ;'ri: H0l'ttS IA,(E AT YA i L B (l condrniniiir) Lot t-6 50UTii, PART 0F t0i A-5 ' BLJi\ 'A" Li0){ 'S TiB&E SLIBAI{ISIOIi' EACLE COJ.IXiY ' CCT(lRA'IJ. I{CRt PART ICULARLY CESCRIBED AS FOLLO!{S: BEgllll{Iftg AT THE l{0ST ilESIiiLY C0iNER 0F SAID LCT A-O ' i Ti{EttcE 5{fe3l'c6E, 136.59 FEtT T0 rHe I-B.UE P0INT 0F BE6lt{l{lilg: TR'rr, -tot'86 F.SET' T0 THE i 'h'lili "8" to .:Jr).ir .; ].ii1 l; i.,- l-At'.i | . : i.;- :,: lti)vislrl.j . AT ,,r I " ii {a r. o l .i o r' i n I u tir i . iiiRr'tliAli I Ullill','iDiD _ I rj: r RE:.; i.:'J&Q_l_tg_NL tliti:r.ne t hi rly-';l xth ,l n e ',- h i r t y - s i x t h5I i!;. B jr.) :irie thi r'.y-slxth Bi04 i)ne thirry-sixtltBluS ine tirirt/-elxth Blit6 Cne trriPt-y-sixthBl07 Cne thirty-sixth Bl 03 rine thlrty-sixth Cne trrir.t-y-sirth 8109 ine thirty-sixth B1 I0 One tft rty;5 i*gnElli One thlrty-sixthBlI2 Onc th{rt}-sixth B2 01err'L 8203 8204 B ZO5 8206 8208 ' :- '.1 B?098210 r..'. .gnQr,lt{rty-slxti ','o( tv .., . vllEt,.trllJ ot-t laLu BAI i ;ie ',. ,i':: .. .,-=: "' S*c;tfit"tl'tixth -; *.-j u..itii : -: ' ,t '; '',il "qhii$iii.it-;fili 'i ''"',,;= B3oz . , " .' i:' .'';t:.ff;'$iil;-;iiI'd -- ,:ri rty- s 8304 ; .i : ,:1* li..8305 " ....-':"t.-., '...l l';:'i 83S6 - ' :.."' ... . ' 11.;' ".1- - 8308 8309 ,. '. ,i. i ' ';' : I .i 1.,, ...::.r; - -6 v: ,: ''{ : -:. s ,-':' !' tf , For the )uria.re I init-'; :cr;n3n pira:rF,:s. jt C3f ir',,.,'- ' 't,i::'-ii.'.,.r; i 1.,"-J;..- t. t a . ) -,;: j: i, .' - t4 rr" '^). '1 ,! - a ., '.4 Dr. ^.,'. '. ,A . i,r-ln,jr;l '' rr iu jit Stcr-1on ij-J ,rr:,;a.! f-r.the pn.t;c''l of 'r:,. l:;il jii: ,*i i.-h _..,-t-'rgtrnlts 81Cl, i)l)?, irl',, B?".. b.lll .:. '. i,':]L'being .i ii;.J|.pC aL !: l.! 'reSir..-1ti;OS t e:,.r;;i ;! :. iondon. r: :un Secttar B-Z alpr ies to, a;rd jnc ji,:j:,, . the porticn of :.hp buildinE rrhich ior.-ia.ins Conrlosriniur,, .Units 8103, 8i04, 8203, B?04, E303 r.: j 3jC4, said portr?:" "rbglng located inn:rllately to the ea:,i of Section g-l. i '': . _ ' Condoniniunr Secticn g-3 appl ies to, and. fnclpdes'1 . :ths pqrti0rr of.th€ uurioinq uhleh lbnteirs-ionooainiui",{r{+1 ofn< ollra D.n!. ,.,^',?:$ntti 8105, B106,8405, BACd,8305 and 3306, said portion tlqiag located lrnnedlately to th.e.,nrst of Section B-?, ' : ,, :j CondOolnrun Section B-rl aDpl res tO, End contains ,i -' .Soqdenin'i un.lJnits.gl 07, 8109, 0?07, 8a08, 9i07 and 8308,il",i' . ' .llld,portion btlpg 'located irlaedlatety r-o the east orgortion bqlfg located ir,raedlatelY r-o the east or ',"1 . -'SlEilon € Condol'iniurn seciton B-5 rpplies Lo, ,nd contailisun Unlts 8i09, 81'10. 8209. g?10. E309. 8310. sriun Unlts 8i09, g1'l 0, 8209, 9?10, 8309, 8310, s3idelf,8 locnted inmedirtelt to the €est of S?ci.i.cr, a v-vr, rrc,i,t 99vJ, 9Jl\r, at3.ra 'elf,g locnted inmedirtelt to the €est of S?ci.i.cr, ,- : , .. . '., COndOni * i urn Un i t. l{un tre r 8 r 02, B?01 ,830'l and Blc3, eli4,92X3,810.,'"30 ]i and B 3il4 _lbn bein_g locrted inreaiatiiitic-ti e east 3. Secr:on.'t-S,:at the iasttrnuost extrentiy of. lhe builo:r:c. The lialted cornmon eletents 'alrpur-tenrijt r,o eeih,condgotr r Lro un.i t rrg. as f c.1l o}',g : 810i, 8202, I30? P :'.-s i111' : t- q!- - - - -fogetier l-i th trre sxclusi y€ rigbf in corirP,o n wi th the o|rngrs cf other ccr:dcnf ni un ln i t$ ln [.ondominl yr: $g;i r;r B-I, tC r:s€ sLdirn:_ B-1, nniihe €x;ltsi','e ,l ighi t',, use ti;l rija -ent De': -,;r,- cl,.r, :! 'lhf s:,Le :. .e 1 L'* r G:1 i i.€ ){a : , qIi Qrine)': :r i l'i: . . r?.l 3l i-r5 , E'i 9€ , i?0iB:0b, :3C5 rn.dq?af ij!: j iS ir j0lJCnjn: : :.. i....!tA-1. tJ use sttirw:. ': -,. .:':,::,r: e.,..:iusive .::,': :.' .' t,,a:.iAcent bd lr-orrl. :......:. sSae dre sllohti ,:t : r'.a '1...,, TOgeiigr *i+-h thr: i,) ,-. : ytl rrFr: '1 CCFrlOn ,i: :,ow'rc:'! cr Jt:1r i. .: . - Jiunl-s I ioll:,) :. 1, ..r, : _,) 3- 3. l:, use st3ir-.,.,' :- t. ,rndthe 'i'-lrsrve -i '" i.. ,'.i, tireaJj:,.'': b;lco,-, : :. .s ihe SAae J:11 S,i0,r,/rt ,.1! '-t "ri-- ;olet'.:. hi:n :..n . . /: ve ri q" ' '" aO;"lgl w i '; l^ i,. a ahne r-: cF J'"her at;-,rlJir,i n; unt !ni:S ;n J3ndO.?irtrur 5eCt:On8-1,:: jsc stair-la-; B-4, anothe er:l"ii..;e r- jgirt to use the ac jt,,e!"t btlcon/ dred, as theSare :re S hc|.ln On ti? i.1al. i cAetncr ivith the ercl.rsi..eri gnt i n common w i th t.,re oriners.of ot,:er ctndominiiifr units ini;nCo:iniu:. Secti cn -i-5 to usestai;'i--1 B- 3, anl r.re e.(c jusive ri ghi :o ,se tne tojl:ent balconya.ea , 39 the sane e r:: ShOHn Onthe )'la: . Toge ther,d j th the exclus.jyeright r n 3onmon ryr tn the orinersof other condorfiiniur unj g5 |n Condoni ni um Sectign B-6 to usestai11^ar E-5, and the exclusjveright ;c u3e the adjacent Ealconyarea, as le srr,e 3re shoHn onthe Hap. -?- -Y ,lril. 1.tt :( lti:!,15 'iii.'l 'ir ' _ rrl l.: r{r i I +.- r-, r.\r':,fli Ai rtr.il r.,,Jnmi, '.r.,. I I : ",r I i':; jncl i.oi Ji,i'i::' ' 't tii:' | , tog": ner w] t;: j lil'i teC aOlt,ll .j!t , ;C.,lirt: a1;. rli.r'f .. , :e'+ -f-,, i: -, -t irn- 5e(l f r'.1 I tllL' reSt., .:t;il ,: ri.r'-.'ri rii',, ,i rr; i,gr'l ",r,ri1.':1 - af .j :XaJ' b'.' u$ed iu!' :he i: ;l(Jivri:rt .i{i i,:t;ll"i p'11p1) ' .l' purlloseg, in ac cArdan,-e w lr-:r li i t,, -'.-"1r'll .jCrr4i - r0n5 ari.j re5tt.iC ttOnS: ConJori,in iun Uni t )t 1; ;1;1, .' P I'rnnnca--=_-i-:1r-,"-:: - Hanage,nent 0ff ice and UtilitY Rocn iJrat !-qr'.d!!t-olt-g!g.-3-e-!.Jj:l-9-!19-tl-: l{o unit slutl I be used for any purFose rther than the prrrpose named herein. Any use vhich feils to comp'l y iiith the statutet of the State of Colorado, or the lans and ordjndnces of tigle countt' the Torn of Vril, the ragulations of tny improvement dlstrict, or Hhich const'ltutes a nuisance, oildtli ch is tnreasonably anncyi,rg to the.occupants of re:t'Jenttal unitrr or a detritrcnt to ttre peace and quiet 0f ihc ne'i Shborhood, it heneby sPuc'ifi- call/ fcrbidden. txcl,rded fror use is eny fom-'Of entertain- : nent, l l ve or reccrded. rhich has not recelyla:tte prtor rrltten approval of the Board of tianagers' rhlct lPProYll' Il*,'. t j :l s .. Pi,ii . S i ..dItl- >- 4*il* (t o- ru E o o CL (J a .o o o a oo CL o7to.- rt).r (o>.9 -g ott =C\19 a:, q, ctt(E UJ ; :i 3-5.7{ O-bl al4b4toLj FIETD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY. P.O. BOX 789 couR.THousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING F. Blele Lynch -Colorado@0"e.. Box 9 , vall, coloredooere Februerv 13 tg 75 pERMrr No. rrado West ^"^.... Box 9 . Veit. Coloredo PERMIT (NO,) APPLICANT PER M IT TO (5TREET)(CONTR'5 IICEN5E) Resldentld Condo NUMBER OF DWEL L ING UN ITS(_) NO. STORY(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)( PFOPOSED U5E' zoN tr{G AT (LOCAT ION )o tsTR rcT ( NO.l (sTREEr) BETWEEN ANO(cRoss STREET)(CRO5S 9TREET} o o -.dr zt |lo suBo tv ts toN Llons Rldce SuMlvlsloa .o., A-? ",-0." - .tlJ, BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNDAT ION HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYPE) USE REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ 4oo.oo0 FEE"'t $ sze-oo (cuBrc/seuaRE FEET) owlen Coloredo West Co. BU I LO INGasse655 R.rJ 9, Vnll , (rnln!"q.16 8lA5? o -) PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I EE AIIACHEO SXE'TI o- )tt /t r7: u/ t J t'a q ztP PXOr{Z 47;;;)7;z Colof,htesf6, t""G;i /ul P,t536 Ue LIC ENSg NO. -6na ANCHITECT OR OESI6NER LICEN9E NO' LICEN9E NO, u5E OF 6UILDt{C 8 Class oI work:fi ruew ! AoDrnoN D ALTERATION O REPAIR 10 Change of use lrom PE RM IT FEEt 1 Valuation of work: $OO, ooo SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklors Required [y"t flpeAPPIICATION ACCEPT€D BY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Owelllng Unlts NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TIOIN AU]'HORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTHUCTION OR WONK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PFRIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED.I TIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE TTEAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO EIE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHERFIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR C/\NCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGII TURE O7 CONTFACTOR OR AUITIOFIZ Co?^o I\fl e* tLilySl^ c ct,L./1"--6-r/-- -\)#^a. ZON ING HEALTH DEPT. F IRE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclfy) WHEN PAOPEFLY VALTDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION ^cX. ^ M.o. (Fu..-- --J t#,?r( au:ed J! t: EAGLE COUNTIBUILDING PERM lr AP"f "ArloN Review Routing Form ?-zo'Z'7 Date Referred Permit No. Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days- it and this comPleted form to the Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval icant Date:Yes No Reviewed by:fl rfrlntl |:]t:]tl Comments: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Htftltl EIffntl Comments: County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water nt]rltlu rftltl Comments: N". _24121 County f.trrer'. Office, Eagle County, Cotolo .? 7a -'--- e, Colorado tezz Account of Fund 'Fce , Treasurer Cash Book Page rHa c. t. rcraxtr co- DErvEi (T 3) oP.O. Box 9 Vail, Colorado 81657 Tel. (303) 476-5689 Golden Peak House Lodge Bridge Street C-olonoJo W".t Co-pong, ln." ..,",?E#,,ill'ulo,,,* ,/;7' "/" 2'7 ,1" -t- ,1 -^7; t7. '/l . , :7,^,/-,,, '/,(/1, {_47,-' ,\-{- e///,/''' uft s'o ' 1' /'?/'7 '// o Tnrn ,u/1 )7'4^'aZ-t--< / >:7r-,t taL-A>',(Lt/!.zrn '\Ll rf p "-" I ! to>.,.rtJ ''.', Sales Consulting Development Property Management o AMOUNT 1'-r *7 be cance lled EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED ITEM ' Application For . Zone Change . Conditional Use ispecial Use . Var iance Appeal Fee Code: (Building)Zon ing) (Su bd iv isio n )l .-r-C-e-'t-4"'U Total Received ss I I ts .) Mr. Les Douglas Chief Builclinq Official Eagle County Building Department P. O. Box 789 Eagler'Colorado 81631 Dear Les: Thank you very much for your call to me yesterday. r am very pleased to hear that Homestake 3 now has a building permit, as our office would be pleased to see this project go into construction this spring. We have missed being in the mountains these past months and look forward to a future excuse for being out your way again. Letts hope this building will provide this opportunity, so that vre canr'meet together again about this project. sincerely, John Railton JR:db land usa study irdl|strisl d6ign graphica Irnd8cspa (bslgn February 27, L975 ,i & DevoL iclo- trout architects inc 19063 lake road rocky river ohio 44'116 tele 216 331.4OOO a eAq.E oouNw a DEPARTITTENT OF PlJNNtt{O AND DEVELOPMENT Erglo Ootnty Arrx P. O. Eor. ?89 Plpr 323-AX|tEglo, Odo?* StGtr a Mcrh 19?3 Oolor& Wrot Oonordlon P, O.8ox9 Vrll, Oolor& !tt6f Attrntlqrr Mr. Bldc Lynatl Thlr letirr lr to dvlr you lhd yorr Eulldllg Pmlt #a!t7 h- blrn qolladr of thlr dd. rff !o yan.Nr.ck #l0tg brlrg lrh*rrd bt |h. btfr rvrtctl Irrr?tlcbnt firrfr. Yqr Bulldlng Plrnlt orr bo rlrltdrd by rrmltilrr thr rrpr.r* of $rtt.oo by c;tltl.d cfi.ck o? rnlfy orfir orly, 9lnomly, Lrtrr L. Dotrglr Bulldhp Offlcld rJ-D/kr acr fih lvrdrrf Oornty Attorn tt Bosd of Oornty Oornnlnlcur Fjr -. j! e=-r6a--.trJr,ESir-.{aary!t:_ar }- =" tr i otiu tircll ri1 mlln lti a-r IofcJiioll il tg t ir U ,I o co I(J e) 4 z IT : o :lflr -rII Yrtt -ruO-o - -5rutf FN '\1 t .\et\i I I I I l-\ .J \ ,.t I ri \,1 \l Ii.ri I I Nv I I I \ \l\t tl I i Io E -v4:.1=>--3 e555 -::c<<ui 6E€E= € Bs=:" Ito O.o?i &.2lj 9= e o- 6: b? 232',?re E:i=x\Y:FE 94oi3l; <=zao-... o-:)tt(rz 6 f l=< \t " l=i--r o l-*Z lzcrl < lEuf) i 1:-2 ff X l8E.-' lrt ]1 < t;f; hEIZf,: > I z l-ot UI^E9IEdl(lr-il:u i. d>l'?<it - luFe ' i:.':. ' '" :.' I'>' ur.t ,' .' ' f (l r"i- {:iij'i H-- i I I I I I -l\!l \-i\,i \l'Ji {i\rF\ Ir -SFAJ ..A._ TJ r!fl'.l\) rEJ {D - b-'I UJ .F ovl >r tu-ot >cl ooi -vri () -i o F(J(]Z. Z. Ct ttJll.r-N>(J u) r!d t/7 .-u.r<o(^o-aLz F\t\ oz @o-' a FJfo Lrj tr, FV,A3u,IF xXE X -ota ruFo ds ? f 6 <AJTLuo:. tr 3a Plot No. A-6 BLOCK A LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION - #7377 lrl t' 401 Fi9. I E -'t0 _ .t5 -24t Hole I j-:'- ;-1.-;F..f,''Hole 2 Hote J Hole 4 ( l0 - t5 _ 20- .F lrJlr,u- .l Fctrj'o 8/12 wc-7. 5 DD= | 03. 2 uc-3,400 7/ t? wc=6. 5 DD=I01.7 t4/ t2 !/C=6. I -?00=20 30/ 6 to/12 l.tC=10.7 DD=122.8 F lrJgJ l! I Fo- uJ LE GEND: 5/3 + 2o/o med lum stiff, porous, ' w n m F Topso i l. 4- _\ Clay (CL), silty, sandy,red, sl ightly noist. I I NOTES: Sand and gravel (SC-CC), clayey, numerous cobbler medium dense to dense, red, slightly moist, extremely difficult drilling. ' Undlsturbed drlve sample. The symbol 8/12 indicates that 8 blowsof a 140 pound harnmer' fall ing l0'inches were requl red to driv-e the sampler l2 i nches Indicates sample obtained with a 2-inch outside diameter standard spl it spoon sampler. lndicates practical drill rig refusal Test holes were drilled on October 15, 1971, with a 4-inch diameter cont inuous fl ight power auger. llo free water was found in the test holes at the time of drilling. WC = lJater Content (%) ; DD = Ory Density (pcf); UC = Unconfined Compress ive Strength (psf) ; -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY.HOLES (l ) (2) (3) 2#7377 Flg. U. 'is' I c .9 ut a)LoEa(J Lg ll 5-e .l U| ul a) l-oEo #7377 Tvp i Fis.3 fclrt H,,!,i{n At:*crartf I Li-r0r.7 6.5 trcl pcrc ant pcl 5. I p3rc.nl depth 9!-0"ll ar{F:fl 3(!tiE l''q,e i l- Ccn ro iiri.: t il. i*:t t'.:ru lir . --*"li*-l l -l-, : I":-i-::rF.^71.rqi€*: i ' i , ; l': L i ) : i*:- ri.ttrrr. i,..r!'1,it\'r,,qlt' 122.8 pcl I l;.:i 'lI I I i:i: t ' l' 11i:i i ',.'-,i:: r.oi.rii,?i ..,,,1.^l . 10.7 porcGnt t-,*..-r il..-* .; -.'..-", dt-f...rer-t:*t j i-i j-|:-***i 'ive t ri ris:i';'--. - -- Y;> pressurb'due to wetti4lj. i ; O- .. 1,'. I i i i lrii;,l i i'.; j I i i'r' \ 't Ittt,,,i \:r!!l )cril ' i I I I ir ;t ;, :; :r . ;' il: i "='s I .9 vl vl q) l- o- ErO(J --l--i i;iir'- r i'i'iil,ii il ' i l;i,-H l+ -;-f . : . 'ii;i - l- I L--r--;-j.-=*j *.-.-: : . ,.-;-,,i--I I r: li{iiil::.r'r,;:iiiii I ;, r,;i . i i ill:;l1. l- ;- !; - ---., - '--i-i-i r i.ij---*]*iii.1:1;;lii;litlI li;ilii ir,ii' iI ii;i": ' I,;rili I--i*-i-l-i.i :.t i - * .-- .,r -..i. -.i-l ": .f-t-"-*.-.--i----.|--i-i-iir,r " : ; i ;j liji-- i-i i i i',, : ' r i ,:l cat jsanipte gi t;"r"r sand f rom;Ho:le 1 .tia"ptn $'-o' 0.1 i,:i,: i,.ii:1,;:,!...$J* "'!;.iI t 'ln i.'l-Li ir'l t 1'.'!:5li t.ia i- - \r? t! | ril'i ! i ii!:: I '..1!'(' I'l', l''n'cc'ehr* i : :1. ' ] !.'.'tf ,\::" 'il{ c.nrtl'l l - {-.i.-r . ,:-! .--*--r.".*.i - :-1*1-i"1.1***-T ti,i;,1:l,,:ri! lli:,::.:iir:!l-i-J -.:-, :. - . ,,. -j-. ,, i. -i-l -----.*+--ii,j,,'lii,,';ii::;,1:,i;,,ltii .; .l!.ii r .- . .{ i, tr .\^ t ., 3 :.;:t i: :i.f 5v,rit-r-.::,.iii,*::.ct,. I s;: t.:;-' i I I #7377 Fis. 4 to-'#7377 ,.. .., j'u...f,:1,?^rtl::J^:tt,- Soil ond Fourrd,.rtio,r Engineoring ' 2600 WESI 2nd AVINUF, SUIIE 7 DENV€R. COLORADO tio?19 o ai 3 a o: t a - t rof 3ot a C toc F5 00r o:t .)'. Drar€-lfR cL y tt! A!trc I io 3tLt.ror-tt.3t!c! GRl'v€L 50 % Llctulo LtM I r sr, M.P LE or C I ayey GRAVEL % Llorrlo l-lMI r SA'MPLE OF sAf ,i t) GRADATION TEST RESUI. T'5 sArirj 30 % sr L. r AN(r cr-rY Dh P:-A,.i: ri. r r"' lilor:r sand and gravel F'i{,,ri iole I 't:, 511.. I ANij c-!-Ar ,,.- a.,.,:Ct rY lr\Ot.^ F rl a,f''l 20 @g' "/" % OP€t;1.o3 t! at t I c 6ara ac r.. a.'l a ari r r,rr OC6 Oot Or9 al' ii'. .t 89.' .'-le: , l .ill o,ar( | €,t or cerf.{Lf .r. re,--lti. rte: ?at 'atrtt fo J,L % co6BL t s Fis. 5 ' coNcLUstoNs ' SCOPE TABLE I . TABLE OF CONTENTS suBsotL coNDtTtoNs FOUNDAT I ON RECOHI'IENDAT I ONS I FLOOR SLABS LATERAL PRESSURES . UNDERDRAIN SYSTEH '- SURFACE DRAINAGE : III SCELLANEOUS FIG. I . LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG. 2 . LOGS OF EXPLOM.'URY HOLES FIGS. 3 and 4 - SWELL-CONS0LlDATtON TEST RESULTS FIG. 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS SUI,IMARY OF LABOMTORY TEST RESULTS I I I 2 2 3 3 3 ll |., a . coNcLUs toNs The proposed condomlnlum bulldlngs should be founded wlth spread footlngs placed on the upper natural solls deslgned for a nraxlmum sol I pressure of 3,000 psf wl th deslgn detal ls and precaut lons glven.as dlscussed. SCOPE - Thls report presents the results of a soll and foundatlon lnvest gatlon for the p6oposed Knox condomlniums to be located on plot A-G, Block A' Lion's Ridge subdlvl.slon, vall, colorado. The report presen the most deslrable and safe' type foundatlon, al lowable soll pressures water table condltlons, and deslgn and construct lon detalls, suBsotL c0N0lTloNs subsoll condltlons at'the slte here quite unlform- tn general they conslsted of 2* to 6* feet of medlum stlff, sllty to sandy clays overlylng medlum dense to dense clayey sands and gravels to the depth .lnvestfgated, l9 feet. The consolldatlon characterlstlcs of both the upper clays and the lower crayey sands and gravers are .presented In the attached Swell-Consolldatlon Test Results, Flgs. 3 and 4. A typlcal gradat lon of the rovler clayey san{s and gravers are presented- In Flg. 5. Numerous rock was encountered throughout the sands and grave I s. No free water was encountered drl | | ln9. t- ts In the test holes at the tlme of FOUNDAT t ON RECOHI,TENDAT I ONS We belleve the nrost deslrable and safe type foundatlon for the proposed condomlnlum bul ldlngs ls spread footlngs placed on the . upper natural sol ls. The fol lourlng design and constructlon deta I ls should be observed: (l) Foot Ings placed on the upper natural solls should be deslgned . for a maxlmum soil pressure of 3,000 psf. Under this pressure ' total settlement wtll be on the order of I l/2 lnches and maxlmum dlff6rential settlement on the order of 3/\ of an Inch. (2) Contlnuous foundation walls should be relnforced top and bottom 'to span an unsupported length of af least l0 feet. ' , (3) Local soft pockets of soil found wlthln the loaded depth of the footlngs should be rernoved and the footlngs extended to the lower f lrn so-i ls. ' (4) Exterlor footlngs should be provlded wlth adequate soll cover abve thelr bearlng elevation for frost protectlon. As the ' FLOOR SLABS The natural solls on the sitg are suitable to support slab-on- grsde constructlon. Slabs should be separated from all bearlng members wlth a posltlve expansion jolnt and adequately relnforced. A 4 inch layer of free dralnlng gravel should be provlded beneath the slabs to dlstrlbute the floor loadlngs. a - 3.-o TATERAL PRESSURES We understand the basement walls on the bulldlngs wlll be on the order of 15 feet In recornmend the basernent walls be deslgned to pressure exerted by an equlvalent fluld of 50 pcf. This wlll ailow backflll lng of the.walls wirh the natural on-slte sollr. UNDERDMIN SYSTEI,! Al though gr6und water was not encounter.ed durlng our lnvestlgatlon, !,e recorffnend that the lower level of the condomln lum units be protected by an underdra In system. .The underdraln i;ystem should conslst of draln tlle Installed ln a gravel filled trench around the perimeter cf the bulldtng at least z fedt below the lower floor slab and daylighted iownhlll. SIJRFACE DMINAGE The fol lowlng dralnage precautlons should be observed durlng construc- :ion and nBlntalned at all times after the bulldings have been completea: :l) Excess lve wettlng or drylng of the foundat lon excavat ion should be avolded dur i ng constructlon. Eackflll around the bulldings shoutd be molstened and compacted to at least 85t standard prbctor density. The ground surface surroundlng the exterlor of the buildings should be sloped to draln away from the bulldings In all dlrectlons. rear of the condom ln lum helght. Therefore, we reslst the lateral earth '21 ,t a. I t: Roof downspouts and dralns should dlscharge r+ell all backflll. I{ISCELLAN€OUS Our exploratory borlngs were spaced as closety as order to obtaln a comprehenslve plcture of the subsoll '': hor,vevetr crrailc sol I condltions may'occur between. test such condltlons are found In the exposed excavatlonr lt that we be notlfled to Inspect the foundatlon excavatlon. CHEN AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. HH/dl r beyond the feasible ln condltlons; holes, lf ls advlsablg f*",\xg ee?, € &r,.r"rrq /,,, 4/9fr ,4., ''/ ,f ./',YL-^ / .-/// .- / /.//,,u-'t tt7 t 1t,z'/) J&eff ,/L,L-'(V-' Z t ----/v F':4'-.,2),// (,-..4 ,/'/' t4)44", HOMESTAKE 3 F q C Job No. 735.02 May 10, L974 PROJECT DATA SHEET GENERAL Developer: Architect:Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer:Electrical Engincer:Soils Engineer: IJUILDING DATA W. Trout Architects Robert W. Willians Use: Apartrnent House Occupancy: Group H Construction: Type V-1 Hour Nunber of Stories: 3 Fire Zone: 3 Areas (Phase I 0n1y) Floor Area 13,042Patios 1,360 Occupant Load: 70 VALUATION (PH.ASE r) 13,042 S.F. @ $25.00 $326,050.001360 S.F. e $5.00 6,800.00 rfiz;r'so;oo Pernit Fee: $ 459. 35 Plan Check Fee: $ 229.6g \ i Ir)ir Sircct A6 in rval l Sections C and D firestopping should bc 'v 1> i'ovi,.lcil as per Scction ZSIT -f.../ v/#iTIII B- 7 0n Sh,eet, A6, Section A-A, 6 x 6 wood post is extendecl to gtade tlcvcl. Separation required as per Section 25T7-e-t n J - ITEI1 B-S ,t''Yee\r'' "sirecification is not clear as to rvhether mesh rcinforcement is to llc placed in 2 inch slab ovcr plywood. Not shown in details on Shcet A6. ITETI B-9 .- {).r\. 0n Detail Sireet 20 as bound tvith the does not have separation frorn earth .zsL7 - c-_7... " 6 tt. net Et B: No specification is provided for tregE+g|.wood as required' uncier Section- 2517-C:3. elL yraJ{iff*,Vr7-..,1- y-11( c^.*-or<,tL, rrEr{ B-10 :- ffi##tf,{k}St,:;'"ii;#*u requirements for fastenings are vague. provided under Section_2S12 j qlq Specification, si11' required under Section \/A Under Specification 6.1 Fastenings should be as .r"9lg 25_;-0-. EAGLE COUNTY D E P ARrU*' % [ lLSl]SS' 0 [?J.' v Erfl'M E Nr COURTHOUSE P. O., Box 789 , Eagle., Colorado 81631 12 July 1976 Phone 328-6339J Bui I ding Permit fi__qAfl---_-__..i ssued in has to Colorado West Co;Februarv 13.19?5 expired on 12 Section 10 subsection 4 of the Eagle County Building Resolution states that construction is to be started within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit. The Uniform Building Code, Section 302 (d) states that to reissue apermit, ('/z) one-half of the amount required for a new permit will be. charged, provided no changes have been made to the original plans. Please contact the Building Division for new permit before starting construction. Respectfully, Lester L. Building LLD/kt ouglas Off icial ,l che? and associates, in? ENGINEEFS r DENVER, COTORAOO 80219 CASPER, WYOMING 82601 . ' "lLI .:1.' n.'19 - 4'1. ' 5). --. =; = coNsuLrlNG t* _.t{j SOIT E TOUNDATION tNGlNttRtr'rG 2600 WEST 2nd AVENUE, SUITE 7 1924 EASI FIRST . o 303/935-4697 3A7t234-2126 _!Fertv$rtBr^ our,. ,, 't Ig/5 4,u'io;,;,;., ^i,r**.. -vr2. SO iL AND FOUNDATIO}I INVESTIGATIOII roR pnopoSeD KNox coNoolltNtuns PLOT A-5, BLOCK A LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION VAIL , COLORADO Prepared for: FREDRIC A. BENEDICT 6 ASSOCIATES 405 South Hunter Aspen, Colorado Job No.7377 0c tobe r 22, l97l FE FIONIiJSTAKE 3 C Job No. 735. \r-.. 1n 1n?,4lrL6I IV I LJ t't PART B JIE\TiLi\' FO]T COMPLIANCL I\tITiI ENGINEERING Conrncntnry as to Code compliance, and is as .[ollols: ITEI: ]J- 1 REGULATIONS suppi.ene:ita1 observations, 0z On Sirec-, A2 gcncral note reads: "Design soil pressure = 3000 psf - Contractor to verify". This note ii;rplies titat no soil tcst has been nade ' Rcquircment ioi ritn" subject to ruling of Building Official as provided under Scction 2903-a. r r. - NL' .',l. i L L )J\IT 'J " On Sheei A2 general note readsrr t'Concrete strengiir of 3000 Psi in 28 daYs". In tite Specification, Section 3.3 B reads "Foo-"ings - 1:3:5 or 4 7/2 sacks per one Requircinents do not appear consistent' Under Table No. 26-A nrinimum of 5 sacks cement pel cllbic yard required unless rnix designed as per Section 2605-C, l\'lqthod 2' I rl-N. D- J ,.r* ,."ads are not stated; however, our-caLculations shotv.ioists ot" oa.qiut"-i"-[";ai"g, horiiontal shear and deflection i"i-iit-ilul*i.joar plus rr0 psF. on floors ano 65 psf' on roof' I ITEM B-4 1.:-, ^*^*^r r^.,-r-,:r rl,.<i rrn not stthtrli -utecl . Verification of aclcquacy of ;ti;";ii-si.""a-;o"trr warr sr,ouia be subrnitted for 30 pfs. rvind j load in east-rvest direction. sha11 develoP a conPressl've as follorvs: yard. t' /o .1,rI\ ..,-\ ITEIi B- 5 \,/ Jr' -- , , On Sirect A6 2x4at16' 2 x6studs s t ruction. .inlVall.ScctionsCan<lDa11stud<lingis-s]rorvnas'i".tr'i"tt"it.- p.t Section 2518-f eithcr 3 x 4 or r""ri-b; use<l in the botton siory of 3 story con- I]OMT.STAKE 3 lr6G Job No. 735.0?, May 15, 1974 PART A il'rVIEl{ FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTIIUCTION AND EXIT REQUIRE}{ENTS cornrilclrtary .as io code compliance, and'supplenental observation-s,is as follorvs: I I t. .\r A-l v9 Duil"ding Ai'ea is tvitirin allorvablc limits of Tablel hour consrruction rvith allolable area increasedstory, Fire Zone 3 and separation on 2 sides. Siirce arcaabove first floor exceeds 9000 S.F.:iray not be considcred as a Type V-N struciureof Table 5-C, Footnote J. iTlrli A- 2 , the due 5-C for Type V .F^- -',1+;*1^I\,rI Il\l.L t.r.P1tJ bui 1<1i.ng .-^ 'l;-;.-^a-:^-^lv 4IIr I L4l l.\,,ll) Patio leve1 is recessed into grade in such nanner that buildingnay be classed as a 2-story structure as provided u;rder sec. 417.Itotr'ever, Type v - I hour construction.reauirernent as noted underItc:;r A- I permits 3-stol-y construction under Table 5-D - hencetiiis consideration is rnoot. ITE}i A- 3 ilndel Table 17A for Type V - l hour construction, alt clcnents ,1 - ; A. Pel Table 43-C, It'e:n 27, 5/g_-$c'qJype*"_Xi.1yp\unh>oard is\v required at.ceilings for t hour rating in lieu of I/2 inch - ) "Firecode" boarci shorvn or:, Sheet A6. -t, I n,,1r,:iil,;. .(Note tliat uncler the 1973_U.. y.C.._U_2_in-c-l:.-jlyaq*l:}.]_ gypsun'V"'' board is pcrnii.tcd undcr Tal>lc a3l?) n^ / tfli:- :';:;\ '.-t. .', ' i.. ) /y; /|z*e" ,b -)+- 7Vv -.y ts. Under Table 43-C, the t hour ratiig notcMunder Itcn 27 ( ,\0( \-/ J) v. is tvith use of dor-rble r,'ood floor. As slior"n in Sccti.on A-A -L.r^r- Atav,ir ).r'., L ^.v, >suoDd f loor of Torvnhouses have only I/ 2 inch .^r,.,.^^-l l:1^^- i.,/ r / rrvv\r r J.\JUI . Per Table 43-8, Itern 76 , 5/ 8 inch gypsurn board is requi_i;e<if /-,)for rvalls anC Dartitions for I lrour-.rating. ,& OAZ<tl1+-rr O,'"' U(lrirc l9'73 IJ. B. C. ;;ralics no cliangc in this rcquircnclit. b-=a-?'y' . ilfarrufacturcrrs litc::ature Ii.sts only 45 rninutc ratitlg fdr I/2 inch i:j.recode used on rvalls and partitions). ,;'l '-/ \) '/'r) 0rt Sirrrct .\{r lrnri on clctail shcots bound rvj.th the .Specif ications, s tucco is shorvir airpli.c<l on 1/ 2 tnch sheathing. :\. Spcci f icat,ion 6.2.L .r;i; io, rZe ;i'nirr plyscor<1 shcarhingrrnclcr ali. stucco. Intcnt should be clarif ied. :1 . Iil-stlrLlaiioir of no'uar1 lath shoulcl be c1;rrifiect. only specific i Tii\i iitcn-Lion of Lath inst.allation is under Specification Sectioni 9. 1, i)araglaph 1 whcre rnct,al lath is to be installed on cxterior .,f f : +^ ,iJr,_*offii5. ,"..,, Instirllation of latlt sha1l bc as required undc:'Scctj.on 4706. A-5 In Scciion A-A on Sheet A6 soffi t of Znd Floor cxicnding ove'r patio:r:s 5/ S iirc jr s iding applicd dircctly on f 1c;or j oi s ts . Typc 'X '' r::ois iurc lcsistant gypsun bonrd, or equivaf ct'rt ratcd natcr{alsirould bc 1llaccJ undcr thc siding to rnaintain required l-tlour ra'.in1of thc floor systcnl as per Table 17-A. T)ris protcct.ioil is noi' required at the roof overhang as per excep- tiolrs io Seciion 1706-a. iT:),i A- 6 Detail sheets as bound rvithai. o-:cnilrgs as per Scction appe ar io coveii. /t rTilrl A- I Cn Siicct A-5 in thc plan o-l "ni"cllct' is shorvn 5 t 10tt rvide. habitable roon other than a ^-..- .t;*.^--: ^-..LtlI (rJ.llrl'll)J.Ulr. inr:-\ r ,r nJ. I t-:Ii t\- v Spccifications do noi sirol any flashing L707:b. Specification 7.3.8 does not D^^.C -1 -.^: *^ --^ 1;l\vv r !rr 4r.rrc,gs .r.-r"Ites shown on Sheet A-2 are not sized. Specificaiion 7.3.C does not specify sizes or materials. Seciion A-A on Sireet A6 shows roof sloped to South edgc cant. Position of dorvnspout shorvn on Sheet A-2 would require a reverse slope for approxinatcty i4 feet, frorn thc souih edge of roof for iiie ,--i- -^ -C,.'-^+:^..s-l .-l -i- rr L(, I t lll l- L -L lJ,i I . the rooin ,&1&6r-r,the patio stri te Section 1307-C kitchen sha11 be provides that no iess than 7 fcet in Ji :, ^t r-'^^ '1.^'I ^^*r' -^i1;^^ .i.l\\J Lrl\, U(lJ.\-U{r/ I <1-r. lIrlU, J.J height is required to be '^" i.,hShol./n a5 J'u " l1lb... , a .: - ^L ^^+Z J.IIUTI\.J. Per Scctiorr ^- qli 1^+ 1714 tirc-1i.2-*.\'- 'i\ -z- / /i'..', '/ 'r i r.liiu',1, tu-yrrl I\',;'vr i 'y'J' T r i t d L u u t o B ,t 1 q I) 5 I ef Li e Ti .i 1^ h 1- t o J S t i t r w o ny as oo 1 1 1 o t .L : :{"' , i' l's arrallgcd no cncrgclcy 1{ inbc provided for Bedroorn No. A6 distancc from top of balony raiscd to 42.inch hcigh of cgr.css subjcct to approv /-: l' (i'. fr- 'it 't / on Shcet, n6, Scct.ion n-A thizcablc penct.ration of 3rd ^qran:ing of duct ruil should Fi REPJ,ACES rrc)' .\- 11 or'/nas \ri1 . I h u li t:.\ i q tlr cq S Ll) I iT I .,\s l ^" I vri l. ! I A(i T'f ^ls c3 TT ]-' rr L\rL in r Scct shor.tnis 12' m A-9. -/';/+.". e nooo hori zo ,\J o1./ T+ L> a,l ,t i 'Y-P U ) /i fu<' U*7re0"b4L,tl|f 1. Il z? [rt'-yG' 1,/t';Ii n- b'-'ld'/r i l-.' l. /ili openings t.hrough floors for flue penetrations should beI-/ fircsi:ot))ed.,/ -, L,/O ll . Iicarth dinrensions on Sheets A3 and A,4 do not conply with 18 '. l{it.h specification shows required 18 inch dimension. Revise a , .' T\,.tr' u. .p1an <limension. As sjrorvn 91 !slri'l Qhr.r.+ ?'l ^-ojection of conbusiible nantcl e x,see de ar r owa,b ii ^pil,li i i ti ii il".a" r Sc c t i on s7 0 4:;" 7&i"'fi(c rrag!.{( nt*.' )< inilrn C'// t.i-1v*c.y:.nir( . *or^4C&-^"-tL+- tZ, 4/OnShcetsA3anc1A4hearth,isndtcdtobequarryti1c.--on""-.Detail Sheet 21 hearl;h is noted to be brick oa 3/4 inch piy- (' tvood supported on 2 x 4 rriood franing. =lSect,ion 3704-i--rgquire hearth slab to be 4 inch thick slab R iof non-conbustible materials suppor-..ed by non-cornbustible F,'jnatcriais' rt /\Tnt,' +i.r. f 'lO7?\.rvev ,- U.B.C. pernits hearth construction as cetailed i I f'under Sectioir 37A7-L). _\ /rs sirorrn on Detail Sheei 21 anci on Sheet 141 , f an- coil heating -iaJunit is rcccsscd belor'r hezrrth and fircplacc. i Specification Section 13.2 provicles for altcrnative electric tl{tbaseboard heating systern. a )in vierv of combustible supporis provided for factory-btiilt A Fj rc'rrt.-.:r-r" t\a i15!a1 lation of elec-rricai notors and/or rA A4 r-l',\<.tvv -\r^J sq^ -- - -::el.ectrical hcating equipnent bclott t.he fircPlace:irust rcccive $ Jthe Building officials approval ( \ Scction 10.2 of thc Specification spccifics fireplaces-tvith gas cl j ets. No gas service to f ircplace units is sirorvn on the pJ.ans \ior specifled except by inference undcr Section IZ'3' t\ h hta;-3- I ) : I \,Ytr Fresier & Oingery, fnc. C O N c, Lt LT| tV G EM I fV E El-l S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLE,YOOO, COLORADO 801 TO TEL EPHOT'/E 303 761.4860 r :,-;-,rjf[ REC5;ir-, AUG T "'T ,n74 ltAy I:,i l0:,r Dcpt. dl i'i;n il,.l .,.,",rt.lelr' Or Eagle County, Colo.. f;ii,Csliri/,t. sviytlr co'q May Iv /.| Ilr . Les Doug IasChief Building OfficialEagle County Building Department P. o. Box 789 .,..--'-'*-\*- 3 Zt'-Eag1e, Colorado 81631 a?:.: - 13 3gc,ti(.g "'' t- L Re: Honestake 3 - Pl.an Check forConpliance with Uniforn Building CodeOur Job No. 735.02 Dear Mr. Dougias: The plans for Phase I of Honestake 5 as received Apri| 23, Ig74,have been checked for conpliance with the Uniforn BuildingCode, 1970 Edition. lire enclose herelith the folloruing: ,, Y\ ,7.* ll v ate call check par an ave ( IIn 1 1n I f] I .t- der se na1 pl you h Proj gct Data Sheet - General Building Data Prelininarv Repor.t Part A - Revierv for Occupancy, Type of Construction andExit Requirements. Part B -Review for Conpliance with Engineering Regulaiions. over, we have transnitted :narked up pians shor"ingthe Code violations cited. h'e rvill nal<e ouras soon as we rcceive the corrected plans. questions, please contact us at any time. *. Very truly yours, yyr *ilY'P iNc' 4l-7."*..-t a- a'/';)- r,-.-*-.-' :,.1--e - (nud O. P.asnu(sen P. E. P{o j ect }lanager l' t,t /,t,! ; .- ' --t- !.,,r.:_."-,- --' ./r1l any K0RCrv il,/ i '-il |,Vt:,rit-*= -+.= /+i*, i,i.finrv,ri.r-,r,,.,,,;N,, 1. -ir..-j il,.i, .f ;"-*[J,. - t_.lT- ::: ..+.. ]:: :'. - #-4. -i--H | / # y,.t - I, rl, -: . -- t--+ f .;,r -.r::'_1:: ;5 ;l_.-_ j_ _ ,",1\, l",lr. ijf/, I tX'L i i';F==t=,--=,*l=*--=:J!-;:==,' L-= i: =.l i',;/o{h,-:i/!"iffi ff ,fi tfi l, "il i ;:-,i;r1i1f';[ i ii r=i r i it r] i r'i il 1 vt lt , ,,;,,,''f-,,!{r;iir rl++J*Ui i#:li iit:i il ;'-it,li'ii,[''' i''i iil'r --j-.,,i i if' r-fi- li;it!!!' ,;i,itl :i, tr -;*f-i i i+ "I/il i I i,t ti! ,ii \,i'i:r,, ',1!j ,i ,!,t'',';'Ii;-+i ij'l,.,1 T,'-; ii ': ,! i' ',!,t! i l'tiV.Z --i i.*::l/-lij-,Ll lh:i,l i;:,'|,:ii,, iTi i,; ;,,/!ir/ -. i';' '5:-t';fl:[i [i" t i f,iti;i;,,': ',i i:;)lEt-:r='irl.=='iiiii i ii ,l i'inil;t'liii,i'l il",'*F:,- i'! --;+,tht f .,,1 i_l,"t'i{l'ljiiiiij ,io,i ,'il '\ )l --,-." ---3i':-:-1 t"' '1i,,,:,1i,..)u,1;72' --4il tli: il ,il'hrli iiii ,{i:i'ii- l'l.r*--'--,,=-=F,i iili l" i'ii ;i,*iiiiiii1' ',,|*it -"'--;1tt,#hl j .Ar;rylliili :i!\i, !,ili, 1/t- ,--'u'f-iui\' '; i,t'\\ :y:,irl;;..-1"".,-,,l,ill,iiii i ifi ,i Il'ii\ j\. hri,i l'-"- -,,*-iii ttl-:ir:[i*+Ti+ t.\,jtili \ i\Ii ",:' 'l: iii .l'*l> i:,*;:.I,*;.t-,,r";:. i,.til, \l \ \f),! ,,'., o\(.,:':'t---t,!i5*.;J{,:'i,,i,:,', Fl'i,1,r;., \ \,lg-rbai,;;u,'it:'*' i \' "s i :\i',''i \i=W;'p!_l(:-(,' r,,, tiit,'ffii3t;"$ '' i " ii ,,',1 g '{it'1 " i: { i| ,i''i I iI(l-l F'l( U ii [Sii' jr;l,si,giJ --- -,1iJ. - tf t tr irtii'it/ l;frr l.'i .4'i--t \\'i"' ! 7a ili.'[.,i*tiiiii;j;lii-]1l ,il ,, ii' il i,xt=uy"it? , : i i i lj ,l iJi : , : i i'i l-i i ) ,;.,1'ii,: li lii ii i I f i'il Ir I 1!rll i!i ri il_! :' I lc Fi'-"; :i. i ;l ; i 3irJ''.ii ; ', : -o, .10i ;;r ' ;' i ri.'li- -i- li : F:-F+-; "i',i:,4 ! .,,.i.ii0 lt li',,!l.i !.'i,',llr' ,v",t,'.A//-/.' 'r l,il\,;. I'i. a -it ,.. t ,.\ri:.,'f:j',i',s', -i r. : a-r:.r i ,. \. ir :J--Fli: ':', ! l.i I I i r tt1 t' ,'a /' l___l'.i I ,:l|:l ,,' f i,' ,i ,', ,i;ii-i-li i iiilh,; f' / ;'itii ' 'ili,'j ,:i|,.l l_,lj i,r ir-ffi'-r.ii'1"=l i,'; ll ,,i_L1_-,, \,,1,i,1,.i,\ji i li ii ,,jJ,, \,j i{'i;ili: i', I-:.,: i It ----!.-.i' \ ll\ ' \,: .i \ rl \ ':_.- r tr: (\o;_::, r h!, , B -.,1 --:--; -; \'l i;,,;r;!,r':r. li : l \ I .I \ ' i. I ; '- I .. ' \i" II .. : i -- -.+.. - -- -!ti'. I I I :*: ::i--'":--\ 1 ; :".:,.q \ ' : i lj: i "' .-\.-,1.i;. -lli iiii : 'r ,-, liiri,';,.j iiili: :o iJ;.rlili;.i:, ;@ t rii,i i-iil'1i ;--._= :=::_::ir-.-. . i, t-,tl: =-i j .t-;.-."..-i--ti h --{ - i,,! I : i ! tl -r.-<"'til i'-ri[A)F, - r i (- -.1,:Fi,,q{71.,* r)! i ,^.hs"i ll)\ dJutr) \.t I EE A.TTACHED 3HEETIe-.)oth.J: Jr\t'a4'"f iot, t '6',);;;;f"t il,lza{s, Gnt ,/ol n LICENSE NO.s Gnl'lq.2 4 ARCHITEC'I OR DESICNER MAII ADORESS . PHONE LICENSE NO. rL AODRE3S ,/ - t PtlONE MAIL ADDRESS 6iANCH IJSE OF BUILOING r.^ 8 Crassofwork: {ruew DA00tTl0N TALTERAT|ON DREPAIR trMOVE fIBEMoVE 10 Change of use trom Change of use to do11 Valuarionof work:$ (dO, OOO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg. (Total, Sq. Ft. Fl16 sprlnktcrs Roqulrod [\/ss ENoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:APPROVEO FOR ISSUANC€ 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPAHATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDTTIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOEDOF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF I..AWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATUiE OF CONTiACTOi Oi AUTHOiIZEO AEENT (OATEI FIRE OEPT, SOIL REPORT BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numhered spaces only. Jurisdiction of. WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. INSPECTOR PERMIT VALIDATION ^cK. , M.o. cAsH L--*(#aqd%/ots {ot. 1oo.l .9-69 iToFoIi FiO$: INTERNATIClNAL CONFERENCE (,F BL,ILDING OFFICIALS. , {D- j>-73 ,; /-?a'7q Date Referred Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. 5p - gZ-Z 9 EAGLE couQ" BUTLDING PERM,t *LlcArloNReview Routing Form / 7-77 &4u/+'lut-te+' Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Yes Nof]Mrt tl Permit No. it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date: Appl icant Location County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval tfEtltl E]t:ntl Comments: County f.{ealth: Ftecommencl Approval S an itat ion Water rlntlu t_lfltfrl Comnrents: