HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE PHASE II LEGAL{*&l-Flltl C6.!tL Spr#.|'lt Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€f : 970.479.2139 faxl. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgqv.com Project Name: LION'S MANE STAIR REPLACEMENT Project Description: COMMON AREA EXTERIOR STAIR REPI.ACEMENT Pafticipants: owNER GMYSON LLC 06i16/2008 PO BOX 538 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT UONS MANE HOA DRB Number: DRB080219 0611612008 Phone: 970-479-9360 Location: COMMON AREA C/O AVANTI PROPERTY MGMT PO BOX 2631 VAIL co 816s8 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAILProiect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lofi A-5, Block: Subdivision: UON'S MANE CONDO 2103-014-1001-9 See Condition Motion By: Second By: Votei Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 0610712008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0010106 The applicant shall submit a staging plan in conjunction with the buildng permit for review and apprcval by Staff, which shall depict the area to be disturbed and where materials and equipment will be sbrcd, Cond: CON0010107 The applicant shall submit a stamped profesional engineer drawing for the rctaining wall in conJunction with the buildng permit for review and approval by Staff. Planner: Warren Campb,ell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Depadmert of Cornmunity Development 75 Sou$r Frontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657 tAi 970.479.2128 tax:. 97Q.48.2452 rveb: www.vaihw.dn Genenl Infornration: All prciects requiring de{3n rwiew must receive apprwal prior to $bmitring a building petmit application. Please refer to the cJbmittal rcquirenrcnts for tfie partirilbr apporal that b requ€sted. An apdkztjon fd Dqign Rerierv cannot be a@tred und all reqtdred infurmation b rceived U the Csrrrunfty Devebprnent Deparunenl The project may abo need b be r€vienred by the Tourn @urcl and/or the Haru{ry and Ervtmmeilal Cqrmis*n. DeCgn rcrieu.egroyd lapc€ urd€ a bolldng gGrrrt b brcd .nd d!ilrudon orre wittin onc yc.r of,tt|C rperoEl. Description d tte @uesft E_O1'g_g_€at Lion< -y\anE-TF;s. -t-r l-oca6on of the Plopooal: l-d: Bock:- Stbdivision: Phyeical Ad&ese: Parel tlo.: NS \otp3 Vait V,e,oOg.ve (Contad EaSle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8640 tur parcd no.) Zoning:N* Nam{s)ofOwner(s): L,ons Aanr , Ho a olo C,van-r, --I-r',c ' ()trne(e)Sgnrilr{s): Name of Applbant: E-mall Addrcss:Fax:(g-zo) .\-rq -rxs < m-l-- Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Re\riew tr NevY C.onstrucuonD AdcliUon D MinorAfteratim (rulti-frWty/qrmerial) $50 Plus$1.00 persquarcfuotoftdal sign area. No Fee $650 For consffuctlon of a new building or demo/rebulld, $300 For an addltlon where square footage b added to any residenual or ornrerdd building (irrcludes 250 addiuons & lnterior conversions). $250 For minor dranges b buildings and sib improrements, *dt as, re-rcffrgr, paittktg, rilbyr addtilq bnbFrE, ftne and r€taining wals, €h. $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, sudl as, re.roofing, painting, window retainlng walls, etc. $20 For rsislons to plans already Dedgn RevieM, Board, No Fee K lainor rutention (singlefamily/duplex) Changes b Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr lrfaitino Addressr?. O.T3P X 2G 3 t Vaif ,co atuso tlalling lddns: H,','q, R'f "i'f'',F JUN i6 2008 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: >5(t -' Lbo102r 02+q Lions Mante Phase II llotne AunersAssociation T06gVailfrqn Driae VsiI, CO 8t6SZ June 16,2fi)8 Town of Vail Planning Deparhrent 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: New Stairway at Lions Mane Phase II Dear Planning Staff: The Lions Mane Phase II Homeowners Association has reviewed the plans for the replacement stairway at Lions Mane. This revised plan is approved with the metal treads and risers with a dry well in the floor of the sfiucture. If there are any questions conceming this applicatio4 please contact Avanti, Inc. Property Management at 479-9360. Sincerely yours, Jim Rein President of HOA 7pe#0.,K- JUN 16 2008 TOWI\ r?F VAIi" 'lt'lt{i*'l***********+*************++***l********'}{"1'**********+++**++****************t++*+*+++++* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO statement Nwnber: RO8OOOO952 Amount: $25O.OO 06/L6/2OO8O1 :25 PM Statement Init: ,ILE Notation: L2607 fSOM & Palment Method! Check ASSOCIATES Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: This Payment: DR8080219 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, comm/Mu1ti 2103-014-1001-9 1063 VAIIJ VIEW DR VAIIJ COMMON AREA TotsaI Fees t $250.00 Total AL,L Pmts3 Balance : $2s0.00 $2s0.00 $o. oo ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 001000031L2200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 250.00 }IINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BI'II.DITGS ATD SITE II|PR(RIEIIETITS su BllrrrAl REQUrRElrElf rs Goeral Informdon: This applkatim is r€quired for proposals ir|r,olvirE minor er(Erior alteftttions and/or dte improvements. Proposals b add landscapry do rnt require DRB appronl unless tuy irnolve tlrc addition of patios, water feafures, grading, or the additbn of r€taining walls. I. S1'BiIITTAL R,EOI'IREHEXTS*' o Stamped Topographic Surveyxo Site and Grading Plan*o landscape Plan*o ArchitecturalElevations* o . Exterior color and material samples and specifications. / ercnteaural Floor Plans*o LighUng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o TiUe report, induding Sdredules A & B to verify omership and easements* a Photos of the existing site and adjacent structtrres, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium associadon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard RepoG if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, spedfica6or6, samples and other maEids (indtding a modd) if deemed neaessary b deHnrire lntredrer a proilct will @mply wlth Design GdddirEs or if the inbnt of tlp propcal b nd dearly indicated. Peav wbtrt ltra /f ryfa o/'atc twnialr ao*d tt&h oa *ri* /) **For interior @mrcrsions with no efterior drane. the g.rbmitlal reqlrernents irdrde a qrpleb set of e{sting and propoed fioor plans, a titb report and writEr apFoval from a ondomanitrn association, landlord, ard iint owner, if applhable. I have rcad and undsrtand tlp aborc lbd sttbmttlal tquiunents: ProJ€ct tlarne:JL €onbacbr I r' 1 -'{.- c- l'l/k-"44 a'z--t a,/ T-.'r^f|\t rrntL F:\de{FoRlis\Pemits\Plaming\Od h.n6\dtb-tnhor-t&2&2o7.doc PagE 3 of 13 i r -ir-r NMCI B00z e i ,.ii a\'\ [r 3 Nnl ir il 1, il f"l _. {01 f larvs /r\w"re, ('pntt + I D,r.' f$i N t f,--l t',','', \ <{i4a 1t1\1tt E 1 l'iln<-; l/I lV t , /-_ ?4----t-- .J TLo z. BI Pi €ooGJ z. =-) lul>l-, u CI @ s S llJz ffi@'*93- HEE9ou- FH# z_ Eulu d F rO u-u. D.- rdt ." tu i<ecl Xulro{z- oPuZJIeIou q b q (') J u.tfoo ozz lllI (_) v- Boo lr.tUF lu d Illtu F f I ulv ulF ulu(J 6() uz Fo z (,) xlll I U I o uzFo XluJ ^J\r< u-t-i< =Flr ulofl (_) o ! e o --llll3oo tuoo L} ulu {L voz f llJ ut dt Io q b a o d oo z Eutv o JJ z z ul v. z o xtu --l ^J9<z'.lu4z-i< fli!otr lut- utvu 6 (_' 2F(') E 5 cr:jE Eijg! 3"t !; i 'i";*i :Fi i: i , a"': ! ! ! :6i; ! i 3 !::i: !i",iili i? i!; : ii; i;: ;iii i: , iii*i *i*i i'igiiiiiiii: d H HiF!:: gil;; il:i" ' g u.lo u I(J F I oF vz H ILo Ir Hrgxr LF 'Hfto60 +d+ l$zt_vl u bl+ slh El5<t< bts sv ls t-lrzl 1tiLl. gl5{l< bl$ tl I zktIv urIv Uzo0 \tzz luv tu luv L) z vo oF ;.\ l! ILo d 9oLF nO l! F' <o Kd &Pu-LILL <z -vtLl J v U o ul vu z uo uul o t)vo v utF ut-ooo lll (! <ttr OurtrLotr{; u6ILJ_lu dPza 53 I a \$ \0 luo du z^ o Jo lul-lItruzoU [| t 0 F (') lF o q o \0 |J) irlil**tiiiir !. 5.3 9t, :."t!!B 5E! !i€ !.83;i; aiiiit Ei:it !: "+.= BE isi ;ili;lliii;ii;i iirii,iii iiiriilrr I iiiii E!fiEs !;; !t _- F;:a;. 5r!:ii:PI I d: Pr!! 6! .5 t! E.:i3t9 E: i€ r'8 ;i s3!:5. E8 t Fo x. d uJFx I.U *i rio; oo vo o U "tU) I(L lUz azo J 6t. .4 e a (f} Xl|lvvo L..o{,ltr-'P-.\k-A TOi],TN OF.VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR ParcelNo...: 210301410019 ProjectNo : ?RSOI-6o (J owNER CENAC, DWIGHT S. & CONNTE - 09/7L/2O02 Phone: COI'RTNEY P. & CYNTHIA S. PO BOX 4148 AVON CO 8L620 Li"cense: CONTR,ACTOR SIIAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 4L620 I-,icense: 106 -E APPI-,ICAITT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L451 AVON CO 8162 0 License: l-05-E Desciption: REPAIR FIEAT TAPE SCOPE-INSTALL NEW HEAT TAPE Valuation: $5.000.00 FEE SUMMARY *a*t '! r. 't. 'r:r t **.|*'l Total Calculated Fees-> $93.00 09/1"L/2002 Phone : 970-926-3358 09/Lt/2002 Phone z 970-925-335a . El€ctrical--> DRB Fee----> Investigation-> Will Call------> TOTAI FEES-> Additional Fe€s------> Total Pemit Fee----> $90.00 s0.00 s0.00 $3.00 s93.00 $0-00 s93.00 Payments---------> $93 ' 00 BALANCE DUE-------> S0 . 00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEMT 09/LL/2002 DF Action: AP -1-:-:::---ot'--.--o-:--:]-1"--::-:*T:lT..**..*..*.*+,|+|,}i.+*+.*|'r**'r****|,lt|*|r,}l.:r|' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .ll-13?;]-;-,I:l?-:i:::::-'-,",i-"*,T:-.:::-"::1:--T:i:::-l--:-":-::*::-,::::::T:.:-*,,******.**,***,,,,,,,:i**,+++:|,,+. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. t"^-,^+^^l-t t$ gPyT-cL-.l'-^- Permit #: E02-0179 Stafus...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/11/2002 Issued. . : 09/12/2002 Expires . .: 0311112003 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCF By SIGNA OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8i00 AM - 5 PM. ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***************+** ***************+***i**** ********* *****:i,!*.t :i*+*+****+** * *********,**d.'1. * **** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * * ** ** * +* * ***+ ** * ** **** ft + * + * t+ +* * * *+ * ** ** * * + *** * *+ i* * * * f* * **** * * ** * * * ** * * Statements Nuiber: R000003074 Amount: $93,00 09/12/2OO2O1:05 PM Pal'ment Method: Check Init: L,C Notation: #LL267 /shaw EIect Permit No: 802-0]-79 Type: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel Nor 2103 01410019 Site Address: 1053 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL L,ocati.on: 1053 VAIL, VIEW DR Total FeeE: S93.00 This Payment: $93.00 Total ALL Pmts: 993.00 Balance: 90.00 +* * * +1***+ * * * ** * * ** * * * f+ * * * ** * * * ++ + ** * ** * * ***'t !t {.* + t}+ +***** * *,} ** * + * ** t * * ** * * * *+ * * * ** **** * * * *+ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI'4POMRY PObIIR PERI4ITS I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO t4l]LL CALL INSPECT]ON FTE 90.00 3.00 FRI}4 : SFIAU E-ECTRIC APPLICA- rcvtlwu PHTNE N0. : 97a9a53s,8 sEP. 10 2W. @:44qll Pt EPTED lF IilCO}IPIETE OR, UflSIGT{E Pmjcct#3 Building Fermit #;__j ElectriiEal Permlt #: .--.-- 97O- 119-2'.49 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontego Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 cottlPLETE sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & Materials) AMOUNT oF sQ FT IN STRUCTRE: Nk 'ETECTRTCAL VAIUATTON: g $crc),O - Oonbacbr:Shau' Electrnc -Dtc .bnEt€taRo Pnona #.5: aEb - ?)sg(+,<r.r r,-bat r'i{Sd.arJ B1O+l Otr@at forPard* palel # J, tO= - O t4 - I OO itl .l.I^^o"th 4b Job Name: kiOnsnore ?fiaw Jtr-robAddress: pG3 Yi^r,"Houpz LeSal D€icrlption I |.oc I euuc I fifng:Subdivlslon: *I't*t "1v1 - u>4a Enaheerr I ldcrees:Phone: desription of wsrk:F< pa,.z hza-ts t*4 - (hstfltL k2-.; u-a€L4' -./ Workchss: New() Addition() REmodel () R.Palr() TempFolver() ometr(9/ WortT)"e: Intenor (J Eftrk)r ( ) Eott (J) I @: Yes() tto(r') l lll It Tr"."fBldS" ShEgiArry(-l o"pfot I uu1ifrm1'M Comtnetchl( ) R€sgurant( ) odtet( ) rr ! !!! i t No. of Er(isting D'vefling Units in thbt'.l/lldln9: r44_I No. of eommodauon Units in this buildir€: J Isthis permlt fora hottub: YeSl-l--NSg -G ffia() No() f\Jd *****r****rr...1..t*.**r......t.*rtI***FOR OFFTCE USE OilLYrr****r' 4'rb-a--F'"/ev€rrone/fomvel€cpem Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Lions Mane DRB Number: DR8020398 Project Description: Replace concrete drive, addition of heating system & boiler Pafticipants: OWNER UONS MANE ASSOC lLlO5l2O02 Phone: 476-1-1013 License: APPLICANT Ben C. Aguilar tL10512002 Phone: 949-52991376-0747 POB 6004 Vail, CO Eagledc@ctive.com 81658 License: Project Address: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: A5 Block 46 Subdivision: Lionsridge Filing 1 Parcel Number: 210301410000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: LLll3l20Q2 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 IOI44Vffi ^ .- l.Location of the propGak :',ri r,2t , Block: Physicaf Address: _1?G lrt .4 parcet No: / ft''10/ 4 {Tt%(conbct Eagh co. Assessorat s7'-rrr** * *il,17 /\ , r -- '--'tzuritrgl /i( /) n1 F Nane(s) of Owner(s):o -. Fryrgo! of Community DevetopnEril/5 roun Flonbge Road, Valt, Coloraao 81657tcti 92O.4n2739 fe\? 9m.47g.Z4sz web: w{vrrr.cl.vail,co.t6 General fnbrmation: All prsjects requiring design re\r_lew must reei!€ approEi prior.to submlttng a. buildirg pgmt applicauoo. pleasere'Er to the submittal requirernents fot tt " p.t*ur5iJ'pp:,ii,iiur"t i. ,eq,,csieo. an aiiiGiiln ro. Desisn Revjewcannot be acrepted untit at/ required.l.roni.irn'ii i#i,."nJ uyn" o-ffiunr;/.;";J;fi;, Departrnent. Theprojed mav arso need to ue reviev,,ea bv uri'T,il iii't'.il."i-* the n;rd iil1ii"rrInr.na conmiscon.:fff #Tffi Tffi ,.t o* un rd i i'iiiin g;i ,,,i f i". r"**d " ;i ;#;i,&;-corrmen ces w*rrin Oct 3l O2 O9: 43p Tenrie Schular 9?O -82?-4051 P.L Applicatiom for Design Review o lfailing laartgls: % : , , FnonelE-mait Addr€sst eagte. dc(4rve -G.Fax:_ Owner(s) Si gnatur€(s): Namc of Applicanh l'lailing Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs tr ConaephEl Revie$, tr Nef,v ConsfiuctionB Addiuon E ljlinor Atteration (muft i-fa mity/com merclal) Minor AteIauon (single-famny/duplex) Changes to Approved p,tans Separation Request '7aozf'l $s0 No Fee t550 $300 \ r/ .t ry) 320 Plus 91.00 per squre foot of bbl sign area. For @n$udion of a nar buiuing or demo/r€build. 1l:l "{q,U"l wfiere ltuare foobgE is added b any rGidenriat orfll:Tj]llitdine (lndudes 250 goglttrns a interror tonvilrrnsl.ror minor cltanges b buiHings and site imprwemert, such Js.feroofing, p.nUng, window additions,'tanOsc+in6,-Effil anOretatninE walls. etc. For rnimr chalges tc buldingB Bnd site improvemenb, sudl as,r€roofing, p6intin9, window addnirrrs, 'Endsca ti6,- fen# "nor€talr$ng r,!€lls, etc Fq. revlsbas b ptans already appored by plannhg Stafr or theDedgn Revig!'r Bo6rd. RECEIVEO tr D $20 t'lo Fe€ rrilS No. l 7'd et88- oe8- eoe sac r JJo me-l dgs:zo zo Io Oct 3l oz os:43P @ T|WNWTfrfJ,/ Terrie Schu I en g?o-82?-4051 p.3 JOIT{T PROPERTY OW'|ER U'RITTEN APFROVAL LETTER t, (print name).f.t'..r-*"rffiof property tocated ai (address/tegal derl.:r4nml /Q b. prwade this letter as written approral of the phns clated which have been submitted to the Tor/vn of Vail Community Derdrrpment Department for the ptoposed improvements to be aornpleted at the address noted above. I unders:bnd that the proposecl amprovements indude: I further understand that minor modifications may be rnade to the plans over the course of the revieu process to ensure cDrnpliarlce with the Town's applicahle codes and regulations. ttf tl o\ (Date) Page 2 of |4OAO402 e'c e'88- Oe8- EOt sao r JJo me-l dBSSZO ZO tO ^oN ** * * * * * * * | + * + 't* 'l 't 'i * + + + *t ** ********* * * ***{.***** * * + +t {. * * * ** * * * ** * * * *+ *i.:t * ** * * ***** **{.{.++****+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** ****** *+* *****+* **** ** **'t*'***** * **** ***+** * * **{.*,i* ** *i.'i**!*'t***{.** * ** * * * +'N.{.** ** * *,} * {..1. ii *+'1. Statement Number: R000003387 Amount: $250.00 71/05/2OO2o4:15 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Inits: afAR Notation3 2 517 Ben Aguilar Permit No: DRBO2O398 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, comm/Multi Parcel. No: 210301410000 Site Address: 1-063 VAIIJ vIEw DR VAIL L,ocation: ToEaI Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.OO Tolal ALL, Prnts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 ** **** * **** *+* * **+**** ** * *+ * * * *+t * *******+**** **{.{.**:}* {.* ***** ** *** ***+1.* * ** * * * ** * * * * {. '1. {. * * d. {.:1. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.J FETS 250.00 g o Oz,h I It, 0( ,-t i, B] $g Btl! k& {u \l = 3! frusk h2j8 s,OslN3, $ I -r.L.'1t { |\Ydn \*-s 2 - js RS*F il ! ni' I -l-.._: :d 9ns. 'Il 5t I IJI ) j fi 1$A \t =iu\9 ,Q)T$f6s -he61 u+ Rr.dt \lsZ :-- QT{ Ft r0-f 2r :t JJ 4z ii N -dl fl t+ *:S .. UJ F< o 3g# bftt =6f'0nk"66 9 =2€ *. gJ .* .{g$ \'? lfl t- $2 U Ir:ztr $H Eb Nl I 1 -\ss +I s { s ft Fr $ $q )3o st *o Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Comm un ity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cslorado 81657 tel: S70.479.2139 fax: 970..179.21152 web: www.vailgoucom proiect Name: LtOt||l tltt]U, Prcject Description: Exterior improvements; Stuccq paint, new siding and gas meter enclosures Participants: OWNER UONS MANE ASSOC 0312512002 Phone: 476-1-1013 APPLICANT Graham Reid Construction Inc03/25/2002 Phone: 280-5963 Graham ProjectAddressr 1063 VAILVIEW DRVAIL Location: l€gal Descrlptlon: Lot: A5 Block: A6 Subdivision: Lionsridge Filing 1 Parcel llumber: 2103-014-1000-0 Comments: DRBNumber: DRB020063 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Bill Pierce Charles Acevedo 3-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 041L7 12002 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviev, committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Oond: CON0005475 That the proposal is approved as amended at the April L7, 2002 Design Review Board public hearing. Cond: CON0005476 That the applicant must construct a trash enclosure, subject to Design Review approval, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. IOI4/T'ffi physicarAddress: 1116 SM$sOrrrE C0 DArVf (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: .as0t-63 Name(s) of owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: n Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition I Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-fam ilyldu plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans E Seoaration Reouest $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where sguare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the NoF"" DutienReviewBoard' REcEtl|ED Separation Request For Office Use Only: t / 1,, / Fee Paid: |{A - Checkno.: Y/U h JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I0Y'4V I, (print nur"l K;eK* [-l n u..J €R.a joint owner of property description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: located at (address/legal 4xs Lovut Q,s* ottcZ fy6( ltqf ghe lNrr Exraiw I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 7 t,: '- (Date) /(Signature) Page 2 of 12102107102 r0r4n'm MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Site and Grading Plan, if applicable*o Landscape Plan, if applicable*tr Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterkk (*). Topographic sunrey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor' o Date of surueyD Nofth arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20')a Legal description and physical addressr Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain)a Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade, o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc. ).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of L2lO2lO7/02 o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan: tr Scale of L"=20'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementstr Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height,B Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect gmde, o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site,o Location of landscaped areas,D Location of limits of disturbance fencingD Location of all required parking spacesB Snow storage areas.D Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.a Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height..D Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) lf the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. B Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. I The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in ctring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of L2l02l07lOZ o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: u Indicate type, location and number of fi)Cures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSATS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of LZlOZllTlOZ Buildino Matedals PROFO,SED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Miterial Color Bbr{vMRoof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other &rlctP Notes: Please speclff the manufacture/s name, the olor name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of t2lilU0il02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E}XSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of I2lO2l07lO2 UTILIW LOCATIOT{ VERI FICATION This form is to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.38a.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4077 (tel) Contacil Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC, 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4555 (tux) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Crntact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT't 970.476.7480 (tet) 970.476.,1089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.t274 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1, If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility ompany and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Work at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before digoino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separately. Page 8 of L2|O2/071O2 NOTES TO AtL APPUCANTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre€pplication meeti"s with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiff any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application, In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or lodlg.uez@e!=yadco.-Us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/pla4ninq/drb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3,5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reouirements for oropefties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be snown, 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Z. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20', All plans must be at the same scale. 3, Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1,5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. 9. 10. 11. L2. Page 9 of L2l02lo7lo2 Desion Review Board Meetino Resuirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Rwiew applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Reryiew Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of SOVo of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Page 10 ot L2lO2l07/02 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April 18,2002 Kirk Hower Lions Mane Association I I l6 Sandstone Drive, #5 12 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lions Mane - Proposed Exterior Alteration 1116 Sandstone Drive/Lot A5-1, Block A6, Lions Ridge Filing I Dear Kirk, The Design Review Board approved the proposed exterior alterations for the Lions Mane Condos, located at 1 I 16 Sandstone Drive, at its April 17,2002 public hearing with the following conditions: 1. That the proposal is approved as amended at the April 17,2OO2 Design Review Board public hearing. 2. That the applicant must construct a trash enclosure, subject to Design Review approval. The amendments to the proposed plans included changes in building materials, paint colors, and the removal of the belly band. Revised plans identifing the amendments made at yesterday's DRB public hearing must be submitted to the Community Development Department for review prior to the issuance of final design review approval and the application for building permits. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, (J-Z; 'fu-4--a- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town ofVail CC: Graham Reid {g *uo,^to L U =.\.op q=9o>\- €-+slx c'd It sf Ly s.s 1-3(2\8d: 'ZcrlYr a.-<. -\)p4-ioA3F t3-.+ e4 >4r Q. -,'i . \* ::' {qli. ={{,q':-J -r..3 { '-:lr+;* \a\ ::r <, ,f$+q-...t \J --1.ia -:-. .J-. .. .. i1' t-'-,vft x k'1 $oYx?sr' Si B63I\IIq( 'i1-z Lion's main exterior color scheme Stucco- Porter paint -Poplar moss Stucco belly band, fascia, railings, window and door trim, sloped soffis on soath elevation- Porter paint- Mountain poplar Siding - Porter paint- Tulip polar Car port soffit - Porter paint - White mist 3-o =r o,(o A^ (l) r-(o 3 I d o <D(p I<l (rl @ €f6 va i B sr-er- Lion's main exterior color scheme Stucco- Porter point -Poplar moss Stucco belly band, fascia, railings, window and door trim- Porter paint- Mountain poplar Siding - Porter paint- Tultp polar wrro ,t4 - tuluk fh'tzf Lion's msin exterior color scheme Stucco- Porter paint Stucco beUy band, fascia, window and door trim- Porter paint- Mountain poplar tz"rgo./ bn"-rS Siding - Porter paint- Tulip polar Al4 ,* k4 lorL ,"t1,,'i. ntlstJl t;o4(;1{s = (' ***++*+ *+*********** *********f+*+********f**********t+*f,+++{'*+***********'}t***++************ TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *** **** *****+** + *+ * * * * ** * *** * * ** * ** *** ** * ** * * * +* * ************'i'i*t**************t*+++******** Statement Nudber: R0000020?0 tunount: $250.00 03/25/2Oo2O3:20 PM Pa]tment Method: Check Init: .IAR Notation: 4706-alerrie K. Fowler Permit No: DRBO20053 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 210301410000 Site Addreaa: 1053 VAIL \EEw DR VAIL IJocation 3 ToCaI Fees: 5250,00 This Palment: $250.00 Totsal A]L Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 *** **+**++**++++++t*+*+***++*****+* **+*******f*******f+*+**+**********+*+*******t**++'t+*+++* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTVIEbJ FEES 250.00 (r) II I's F*r$s sd €s sg aN q$ -F-\ vlslrl\AI IVL "l r }<\tl -+l el{l .oll- [<lo lPl\l ( \ e \ . [\\t \\ f q----\ _r! \ -\ _i \ -, I t"; .l'\ I | ',iri. j lF Llr IIl,_ ij--. \< 4 /1 't- I IL_, i\r. -"I-\ | \..l.- -.- i -z:\.- TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD o DE'ARTMENT oF co\ill\dupTy "r"*orr['il1il*) ,\\.J VAIL,CO 81557 970-479-2138 Valuation: $35,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0180 job Address.: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location......: Parcel No....: 210301410000 Project No...: Qls6r _or1t OUINER IJIONS MANE ASSOC 06/26/2ooL Phone: 476-L-LoL3 License: CoNTRACTOR ARRTGONT TNCORPORATED 05/26/20OL Phonel. 97O-479-78QO P.O. BOX 3125 VAIL,, CO 81658 L,i.cense: 200-B APPIJTCANT ARRTGONT TNCORPORATED 06/26/2O0t Phone: 97O-479-L8O0 P.O. BOX 3125 VAIIT, CO 815s8 License: 200-B Desciption: Repaint exterior,rebuild rails,extend patio Occupancy: r'1. Multi-Family Type Construction: v 1-hr Type V l-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? At.- \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Y'lc^-\t- L- Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 06/26/2001 Issued ...: 07 /71/2Wl Expires...: 07/07 /20[.2 AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of l"-.nCr't t /ltcl-avL Wood Pelleh Building-> $385.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->s0. 00 Total C-alculated Fees-> $688 ' 25 Plan Check-> g2SO.2S DRB Fee---> $5O.Oo Additional Fees----> $0'00 lnvestigation-> $O.OO f{screation Fee------> $o.oo Total Permit Fee------> S688.25 Will Call---> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit------> $o.oo Payments-----------> 5688'25 TOTAL FEES---------> 5588.25 BALANCE DUE-------> $0.00 Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07 /o2/2o01, cdavis Action: AP see conditons Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEM| 07/Lo/2ool bgibson Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application" filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforuration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desrgn review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OFFICE FROIT[8:(X) AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A ANDOWNET PAGE 2 Permit #: 801-0180 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-1'1,-2001,Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBTIILDPERMIT Applied: M/25/2!l07 Applicane ARRICONIINCORPORATED Issued: 07/77/nO7 97047%78W ToExpire: m/A7/2W2 Job Address: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL [,ocation: ParcelNo: 210301410000 Description: Repaint exterior,rebuild rails,extend patio Conditions: Cond: CON0004848 all guard rails must comply to UBC Sec. 509 and be 42" in height with intermediate rails not greater than 4" spacing Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BESTARTED. *********+1******************+*********+++**+++**********+* ****f,+*+*+***+***++*************+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *****+t ++****t*** * ***+* + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * **** **** *+ '1. * ****lt ***'1.1.:t:f:!t********+{.** ********f* Statement Nurnber: R000001054 Amount: 9588.25 07/LL/21}tto:09 AM Palment MeEhod: Check Init : IJC NoEation: #3346/Arrigoni Permit No: 801-0180 Ty'pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERI'IIT ParceL No: 2103 01410 000 Site Address: 1053 VAII, VIEW DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: 5688.25 This Payment: $688.25 Total ALL Pmts: $588.25 Balance: 50.00 **1.**** ****{.litt * **********++****+*+ ****+i*+t+**** *********++++*+*+++***+********++***++++ft ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEW FEES PF OOIOOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I"IC OO1OOOO31128OO I'/ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 385. 00 s0.00 250.25 3.00 brlbalatn BE AGCEPTED IF rNcoMPLErSlR #iw Building Permit #: 97 O-479-2L49 (Inspectiorc) lbr mechanical, etc.! -CONTRA OR ll 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 W%z /z Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:aZ./Z?/4."2"/ 47?/8oe BUILDING: S /2peA>,-oTHER: $ 2ftoc-e - rorAl: $ ,/g- il@co, .- TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT & Materials For Parcel # :l***************************:r*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**:t**rr***tr****'i*******tr**'t************ of Construction: Conhd Easle County Assesorc Oflfce at 970-328-864O or visit Parce}# Z faj e/+ /Ae 1? 4.". Z /a3p/?/Aa?o (applibation:will,not be accepted:rfithout liarcel number) Job Name: ///)r7/s./'r,?a,/e /r'o e Z Job Mdrusr,,r^S laaZfzr-aot 2- Lesal Descripti on ll t*:7/dlll erocrc ll rrnns./az" 7,V7<,-Zll subdiui"ion, Owners Name:Address:Phone: Ardtitect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work:. .27r-;f ar//t'./z4yt /,x /n,-, ard 4z'rn r.<>h.',e ;e€zrrpz .b.u<n4l/aaA,.ct/aLa- ^4alp. ,/ra{l /non'b, /k q*.r-o'/zaza, /i le,2.rrt WorkClass: ruew() Addiuon( ) Remodet4ql nepair6,4)/O.o1 ) Ottrer( )fl Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (4] Both ( )Does an EHU o(ist at this location: qtF ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) . Mulb-Family;{) Commercial ( ) RestauranF."9d ' No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /r'No. of Accom{ffi l fluuitains: -NqTWe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPel , Buminq ( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWEDI Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisil Yes ( ) No ( ) JUr{ 2 6 mf Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLTC WAYS PROHIBTTED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiry and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes anotrer to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Work. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notined. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Worls as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to. payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7.3A-3: PARIGNG OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) S 1) D Whenever any police offtcer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, ano the dtarges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Projecr: DateSigned: 6-77- Af F:/everyone/forms/bldpermT DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public WorK Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecB impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Daret y'-77-a/ Print name F : weryone/forms/bldperm3 MWNOF How it relates to Buildine Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. An approved site plan may aiso be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control . devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. > Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates fake place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. ) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please ailow up to one (1) week to process. ) As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permif to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Wav Permif' with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLy. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Date Signed F :/everyoneforms/bldperm5 TVWT{OF WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEST]ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': o Is this a new residence? YES NO /a o Does demoliUon work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?N0_-|(_ NOl(Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?No--ls-- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO ./< Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO€ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO o< n Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO ,( If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NOA If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permif must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Dwelopment (a sample is attached). if you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUEfiONS. Contt Job or Proj Company Name F :/everyonefonns/bldperm4 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 I0l Project Name: Department of Community Development ,/,fu7/ttoa..- Z IJ o o n a D o D 3 q o n a o o .2 'zApplicanfs Signature:r Date of submittal: Received By: ProjectAddress: /d53 Z2fz-Z Zpr',c.r., 2t. This Checklirt must be comoleted before a Buildina Permitaoolication is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commerciai and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resisUve assemblies sDecified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown F:/everyoneforms/bldpermZ HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fomst Dircctor, (970)4n-213e Check all $at applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conhct? Building < EnvironmenEl Housing AdminPlanning DRB y'( PEC 2. Wasyourinilidcontactwitr oursbffimmediabx slow no one available ? 3. lf you were required b wail how long was it befure you were helped?_ 4. Was your proj,ed reviercd on a timely basis? yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Wasthisyourfirsttimetofilea DRB appK pECapp_ Bldg Permit_ tl|/A 0r Please rate the performance of fre staffperson who assis'ted you:€tSziName:f (knowled gg tespnsfueneffi Overall efiectiueness of he Front Service Counter. d 4 g 2t. n What is he bes$me- of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenE you have which would allow us to betbr serve you neYttime? Thank you forbking fie lime b complete fiis survey. We are commitbd b improving our senrice. oo TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community.Development 75 Sorxh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.219 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us Project Name: Lionsmane Phase II repaint DRB Number: DR8010127 Proiect Descriptionr Lionsmane Phase II repaint Pafticipants: OWNER UONS MANE ASSOC 05l2Ll2OOl Phone: 476-1-1013 License: APPUCANT Arrigoni, Inc. OSl2Il200L Phone: 479-1800 POB 3125 VAIL, CO 816s8 License: Project Address: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: A5 Block 46 Subdivision: Lionsridge Filing 1 Parcel Number: 210301410000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Charles Acevedo Vote: 5-0 Dateof Approval: O6lOil2OOL Conditons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond:0 (P!-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004781 That the buildings be painted with the following paint scheme: Walls - Dry Dock SW 2022 Trim - Castle Beige SW 2025 Facia, Soffits, Railings, Doors, Concrete driveway walls - Thicket SW 2027 @nd: CON0004782 An appropriate trash enclosure must be constructed and painted to match the building facia and soffits. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Questions? Call thrf nning Staff at 479-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular apprcval that 6 requested. The application cannot be accepted untjl all the required infonnation is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRTPION OF THE REQUEST: B. a D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOI ,4F/ BLOCK: PARCEL #:(ConJact Eagle Qo. Asse55o-rs_Office at 970-328-8640 tor parcel #)>/La Zt73o /4t2eee/ F. NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATU RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr ltlew Construction - g2O0 Construction of a new buildinq. S50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildino.pQ. MinorAlteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the prqject valuatjon. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COTORADO 81657. H. tr AddiBon - TOWN OF VAIL Department o/ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I a joint owner of properry located at (print name) provide this letter as (addresMegal description) written approval of the plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance u/ith the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (signature) {gu*or*o (date) Questions? Call the pfatng Staff at 479-2138 I0ft'fir GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the existing conditions. fl Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. a/te Condominium Association approval (if applicable). I If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Offier Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fhshing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rebining Walls B<terior Lighting Other TYPE OF MATEML: 2zv -// COLOR: Zda-f,lart| 4 &^ra-*f4 * Please speciry the manufacturer=s color, number and atbch a small color chip ** All o(Erior lighting must rneet the To^rn=s LigmirE Ordinance 12-11-51. If ocerior lighting b pmposed, please indbate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate fighting phn. Hentifu each fixb,rc type and provide the height above grade, lumens output" luminorc area, and attach a cut sheet of $e lphting fmures. PROPOSED LAilDSCAPIT{G Botanical Name:Common Name:Ouantitv: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DGSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: xMinimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 5 fe€t in height shrubs - 5 gallons Epe:S@gGlqotagC: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenced, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTI UTY TOCATION VERIFICATIOI{ This form 'rs to verify service availability and location for new construction and shouH be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations, The location and availability of utiliUes, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the fiollowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781(Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Cl-ed Husky;John Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-740 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, ffmr plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town wifl presume that there are no problens and the development can proceed. 2. ff a utility company has concems with the proposed constructbn, the utility representawe shall note directly on the utility verification furm that fiere b a problan which needs to be resohred, The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifrcations do not relieve the contractor cf the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utjlitv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildins oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. o IL ilL IV. PRE-APPLICANON CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It b the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this me€ting by calling 97Q-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Departrnent a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Sectbn 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO AtI APPUCANTS: A. ff a property b located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, floodplain, debris flow, wethnd, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit €cognizing the hazard report prbr to he issuance of a building permit. Applicanb are encouraged b check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB applicaton to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards' B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surve)m, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. lltle block, project name, project address and legal description' Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates' Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"= 1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers, A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Name of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additiont the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property line, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must qnsure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. Atl site tapings and staking must be complerted prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Rwiew Board on their schedubd meetjng date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their iem be postponed, will have their items rernoved from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. ? 4. q 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may rerliew and approve Design Rwiew applications, approve wifi certain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by $e DRB. The following types of Design Rwierrr applications may be sbff approved: A. Any application for an additon to an existing building that is aonsistent with the architectunl design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium assochtion, if applicable; B. Any application to mdify an odsting building that does not s[niflrantly change the existing planes of the building and b generally consistent with the archiEctural design, nnteials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to o<terior building finish materiab (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materiab, paint or stain,), ocerior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dlshes, windows, slcflights, siding, minor cormercial facade improvernents, and other similar modiFrations; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to e\isting landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilltie . ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate reuiew by any local, state or Fedenl agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Framples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparlment of Highway Access Permits. Army Corps of Engineem 4M, &c B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees which are in o(cess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applkant, C. Applications deerned by the Community Development DeparErEnt b ha\€ design, hnd use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultanE in addition to Town staff. Shouu a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Developnrent Deparfnent may hire the consultant. The DepaftTent shall estimate the amount of money necessary b pay the consultant and this anpunt shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonruarded by the applicauon shall be paid to the Town by the appltant within 30 dap d notifrcation by the Town. Any o<cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. '?--. itrr\t-eL-ffi1, rs,rj, pnol'se*r*t tl*, s66e44e1s \II!t ,o,"lb.E.e P.@,,@r I ?2a- qn -/(/trll rl \ I,l I 'or.r xUr II''OgIUUU : rtloUjz,/zd ttdtvzna rwe lz 'F',EN aTat6LvBL6 1 Page 1 of I ,En-6r o7v/ file://C:\lions5 jpg 05tr7t200r Page I ofl file://C:\lions3 jpg 05^7t200r r?rrt/tt'r'Q o Page 1 ofl file://Clliorsl jpg 05/17/2001 =L_.L) -,".,,1114:fz=2" '/ /' / c,' /' Page I of I file://C:\lions4 jpg 05/17t2001 7n'Frzlar Page 1 of 1 file://C:\lions2 jpg 05n7t2001 F-,,t' Q,V/-z. 77 z'/z cn /?) ] ex,&n;27'*t file://C:\lions6 jpg 05n7t2001 Page I of I /Z.t"r" Dk o.n 05/17/2001file:iiC:\lionsTjpg tt..Ir : l'! i*ilirpuon mls.rnd ce@ l},Fclt rsPlrcc srtquht'o &bting brid< masonry chirftlry, typlcal 1 117.'raiwd sfucco nrullion this windory (i,-' //zy'rtzttz(6 r,6cd ctrccoFdtb ard r typfcal trirn not6 ! '--'--'Fxisttng rooffng rn"tt," remain, tyPicat ,.1 i(a- PreviousV replaced door and window, 10 thus Exisffrgrnct', wood trim to remain, typical Shrcco finish mater*rl. tPical Rlp|mBFoA bndirg.Xoor boards 4 -rctFrid; {non<klO. sotnd attentratirg fror corr€ring nir$ftl per the ourner) O fuber,u(q q|'l$frEn'ffirfrfu) Design Rwiew Board ACTION FOR,M TO}IIN Depatrilrt of Coffnunity 06dopmcnt 75 South nEntagE Road, Vaal, Cofc€& 8165/ td: 970.179,2119 r.x: 970,479,2.152 rnb: rww.ci,vdi.co.ur Pt?i*tt|||n : Prsdcct fr.t riilton! RcplEce deck lrlb, u,ood posts Farddparttr nRl llumbcr: DRB01m27 Ot t{ER UOt{sMAl{€ PtlAsE II @iloo ASS0l/3tV2$1 Phone: gO EAI-Z ARRIGOT{I PO BOX 3115 VAIL CO 81658 Lhnse: APpUCAI{T DA\G PEEL 01f,t0/2001 Phon€; 47H506 Peel La ngcnvr,sltsr AtchEcE Fo Bo( 1202 vtil f.o 81657 Pmloct rddrrrc: Lrgnl orccrlpdon: Fltcel ilumDon comnatt$ lJsrse: 11163 VNt VIEITI DR VAIL LoGrgOn: Lpt; A-5, Btodc Subdlvirion: LIOI{'S ttfNE C0NDO zl0$r{rm19 rthdon !p lf.cond !y: lrot t Gondldonr: P|tiltrt: IOAND/sTAFF ACTIOil - Acdon: APPRoiI/ED ortrdApPwdt Wz3l?IJfJl Cond: I (P!qN); No ctnngcc to UEsc ptang mty be rn€dc wl$out d'te wriicn onrent of To'vn of Val gtaff and/o. tlrc Destgn t{arl€w Eoard. Blllclbson DnB FCC P{d: lf0.00 T A :BVd u!1' lvt'4r.l35Nv'l J "l=d Zt-9b-9LF-BtG zDilT taazrtalza TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Starementf***+ *'l'l* *{t+* a**t't* ***rt*t*'}'t * '}*'t'}'t'tff**'tr{.*t*tt********t***+******t't*i. * *{"tti*tt't*{r*'}t*tif*++ Statement Nurnber: R000000803 Anpunt: g2O.OO OS/2L/2OO:.O3z29 ptt Payment llethod: Check Init: lR Notation: 3278 Permit No: DR8010127 fype: DRB - inor Alteration Parcel No: 2103 01410000 SiEe Address: 1063 't/AIIr VIBW DR VAIL Locat.ion: Total Feea: $20.00Ttris Palment: g2o.oo Totat ALL pmtg: $2o.oo Balance: $0.00 't lli{t* **!t:} * **flt *rl ** *:t:t't* +rtrt{.* * * 't *f | * * * *'}4' * 't t* rit tr I * 't' rr * t I I *t t *'} + i! lr:t:t{r * * * * 'i * * * + * * * *{r 't 'i* + * * t * rt* * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Prts DR ()O1OOOO31122()O DESIGN REV]EW FEES 20 .00 ***++*:t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementi+* *'f,** t* *i + t a' * *'tt't l*** *l 'i *'i * * 'r *'ttrlt * f***** t*'t*** | * *,r * t'**t * *'r**** ** * {' *'t ** !t'}++*{r **'t **+ * *'*** ++'tr statement Number: R000000803 Anpunt: $20.00 05/2Ll2ooL03|29 ptl Pa)/ment lfethod: Check Init: JAR NoEation: 3278 Permit No: DR8010127 Tlpe: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 210301410000 SitC Addrees: 1053 VAIIJ VIBI{ DR \TEIIJ Location: Tota1 Feeg: ThiE Payment :$20.00 Current Pmts $20 .00 $20.00Tota1 ALL Ante : Balance: $0.0Otl***rt*l*i*f l**'t**:t,t**trtrt!*+'t*'t'i**rt*rt*t*'t***'*:r**'i'i **i+**t*'ti+t+*****'ir,i'ttt r*+**:r *iri** ri***++ ACCOIJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri Dti on DR 00i00003112200 DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20. 00 ,*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB Number: DRB010027 Project Description: Replace deck rails, wood posts Participants: OWNER LIONSMANE PHASE II CONDO ASSO1/3Oi2OO1 Phone: CIOBA|J ARRIGONI PO BOX 3125 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT DAVE PEEL 01/30/2001 Phone: 476-4506 Peel Langenwalter Architects Po Box 1202 Vail, Co 81657 License: Project Address: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: A-5, Block: Subdivision: LION'S MANE CONDO Parcel Number: 210301410019 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:vote: DateofApproval: O2l23l20OI Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I B. c. D. E. F. G. APPUCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any p@ect requiring Design Rwiew approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Revieur appoval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements br the particular approv:al that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires oqeyear after fipal appr.ovpl unlqFs. -a buildins permit is issued and construction is stafd. OfW+/M*1e +O fr4ft 4rT NAME OF APPIICANT: LI TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D tr ts 3,2F Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at rercofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. W. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): New Construction - 9200 Addition - S50 Minor Alteration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Later, when applying br a building permit please identiff the accurate valuaUon of fte project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project \aluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATIOI{, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. Questions? Ca[ t Planning Staff at 47g-2t38 (Con@qt Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #))**yrn zW%14&a pARcEL *.2lg9o LOCANON OF PROPOSAL: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): REcETYEDJAN 3 0 20il Note: Guor?roil ot stoirwov ?ntrv deck qnd stoirwoy hondrqil of east ond west elevotiohs s?e similor. Bevel cut top of 6x6, typicol - Pre-monufoctuned oluminum * guordroif with spoci ng between bofusters per code so thot 4" diom. sphere connot poss thru. 6x6 wood post, notched ond bolted directly to solid beom, rim or blocking with ?-5/8" diom. thru-bolts. ?f-' Per code, similqr to bolusters -----) Existing deck construction ond rim condition. Field verify ofl vorying conditions for guord- roil structurol connection. Guordroil Detoil of Upper Deck Lionsmone Phos e TT L +" = 1'-0" Note: The "?trfi' this guordroil is Some posts extend down to lower construction: verify . connection in the field. 6uordroif no n6t conflguroilon of revlseo. Sheet metot coping cop f loshing, -) finish to mqtch upper fevel metof guordroil. Reploce domoged, existing wood horizontol siding os reguired. 5iding to motch existing. Replace domcged, existing 5x6 wood posts os required. Existing bolted connection: field verify condition st eoch locotion. Existing deck construction qnd --*--\ rim condition. Field verify oll \ vorying conditions for guord- roil structurol cohnection. Detoil of Lower Deck -N (!l Lionsmane Phos e TT 1 +" = 1'-0" Jan ?6 O I l2: 3l p q-hand Hanneyv FROI'I : H ] CRAhES t JALLEV FAEF I CRIM5 FRX N'. : 97O88?4815 e?oos-6842 Feb. 26 zffi a?:ggPt1 Pz r. rrrar- !t ra,*' ,' .rlr-. .r'Lrr 'l ltl I| at!-- -rI-E-l-F-a- tt rl rEas!r.a. -reltrr'^+e*_DVlS.aFilFtt lflutu .'rttauarr6r| .rrdtrl &tart Ft"'rb _--_ t - E_ r' tt qEnh! tL IL'I lt' L0U--it r,! tl. ! 19 gltll ,/r lr P." GRIP STRUTo SAFETY GnA?tNG 3! HrBr b tt mrnlt(tJ:r c li :rieitr ltlll cEE3 tnlt!liul ll dnrl |.. i..rdt l'!ltr|(Jl. ttiD lttul rr a trlrrlinl ri|| ad!}t lr|r,c lof ILB 0n!.m f|l. ! qt rurl! abnsKiiar .lr.rucrltn |lrvl6|| Ji9 r|rl:lic !n rh ofgir|r oPJr STtul lt tarflt ru4 t.| rl! t ht/trrrlrt llrltrt iim n{{, lL, art' {rt oltrt! girs.ritl !3t rlgri't u lur&l! otroi 1t i't. o rt 9r l|.,l it||li i l. ,!t,cr t ctaa llr .nfr cHt ra ,it$lrlr| llrl4, q:ril{, ul far |[nr .'16. tJ||rr .|rl fl radr HEAVY DUTY GRIP STRUT SAFEW GRATING Ha.tt E{*r @lt slnul 't | }.}d }hit t:ril Flsr.c lstti r tr Z{ i6: EL' t$ crt drt r||ry lsry oAtf SltUl tlt|ft erdn| prd(ltll dtf rn ru[r|r d t{rlrl !ll, mut lus tta !t al l|la ts- grrll|r batr |n{,/[ ltltlu tlttl. {Irr }! grp sIRlrl |3riflF lt. kLd hr !r!' - t r, rfrr'rn $'5 rrr|. n"txlp .9h *!r flatrtaLlr nrFafir r||qJtt f*ltalb |rc. ,||ri Br.J (,it fill,t ia rtlo (ot4a0lr.in{l ryv t0ttrt l, CtNtrc. lhst la- tinH. I{'rt!l ar63. |te &pl atoclu'l rl lLatgc{nF tBlt t xt rll |'i!|la !|q!a $uI arrin9 t,.aa a t'titral r'drlqti.l-o'rrrL"rol rnnrdrrF urt:- Jwt' - t-xlc rFat: l-lrrE n-' SSttfr, oan, n t* qt''aar a.1' 'ldr 'Lt.. ll_r It l.dr ci r rUl mt |l alrrEatc ffrt nrr-rtlrlgd tbir Ir! rrga.3ll htl E lt 3!rr frf Ary Sirr ttrd! tr$O Gltr IEtiar lfi, rd l|}16lr tt!|/ltr d, !a aftaOa t(n I' arid $talif. tc. nr. 15 IrbE tmlta. !rdM! Drttit.l ll6i$FrlWltt!tt$lnt! !lJu! nll I nigtt riJid?rl, lct'tart, n! [ fn *'1!.! ltlo raCt olFll. ll \a(rl rn..i{ lrlt lraduatar lon ttrlrialtllt ttaf|.0 nr ltltrtrfr !*m $la! nll or* t5.08G |tq! (&t laill tl lrat Rrt l!l!r4.1.r" | $'lfi! ttLr||$ir ra |[ola,al!g al|l rl I tr'.o!,!t GE rEl Arntrr tahQ ot i fi rtlgra h. lrtsr tlt tSstt E |.'t I ||rar !rld&r, rtlL (urt'!h0 CUW. G: rms dl:. l.'!a rtm d 'd6ll l,t!t ror- u.. tiJrrctr c,trttc,"rtnr r.1 atdtla! arl9 ss'rl cr. lqrond \r4rrr ln$ rt |6ll h 'llYrrt''h'.n:l.xt! raitca N trua t! llr rt oth tllll i,ro- lr fsC mln rrtrtm ll, ntrc'ls m! !|lc Ete. irttbn 'it! |,dt' *{' tt' h'& I' !l' i mm.rn-trrf ba{.t .tElbatrq,,! rhtr eL bfia !i u! o|.nl| lrlturLt cortlltlHtFil# QRIP STRUT gtair Trgarts, Ladder Flungc, Racondltloning Malorlsl H Ftr E ts! iasoidtoi n! rfctltla |! 9l'"'d ll 'na?oaotlloal motild 9i laldacl !3 toan ai' qlralla {Lot!. Daivn.lurraa -E!a allor th' gra oe to lb ll.. .nd rcl't '{tt tttll'|o lLrl4. AERATNil OECTNO 'r'..*'i*!r'r.'..**rr!*********'|****'r*f **************'r*ri***'r'r'r!r'r*r*'r****l******************.r**r TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stateme,nt 'l*****:t ******** *****:********!*:*!***!t:t*,i*'|'t'i * *t'{.{r** *'}:t't't'}***,t* *'t!t{r'* **** * ***:*'*********ra****l':t*'** Statement Number: R000000409 Anount: $20.00 OL/30/2OOLOL:34 PlI Pal.ment Method: Caeh Init: iIAR Notat.ion: 3 587 Permit No: DRB01002? Tgre: DRB - Minor Alteratr-on Parcel No: 210301410019 Site Addreee: 1053 I/AIL VIEI| DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: S20.00 Thia Payment; $20.00 Total ALL PmEe: $20.00 Balance: S0.00 * * * * * **'* * * + *:** **:*:* * + * * * +* * * * * * * * * l' t i *,t * * * * *** *** * ** **{.** * * *** * 'f ** ** * ** * * ** *** ** * * * * * * * **,* * * '1. ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 20.00 orUlemenwrlbr erchlbctr. l.l,c. dadt m. pccl, a.i.a. l€thy langemvan3r, a.l.e. 2580 arpaa drivc p-o. box 12OZ wil. o 81058 97047&4c6 ClO1l6Jl572hx bhcooirr trmmlthl rhrri drte: February 22,2OO1 > to: Mr. BillGiboon numbor of PrgF including covet: 3 cc: Mr. BahAnigorri (FN(479-1818) compeny: Toyn dVail, Departnantof Gommunity Development ftx number: g7O47S-2452 fipm: Dave Peel ftx numbcr: 9704784572 rrgnrdlng: Lions Mane Phsse ll (Exbdor deck handraildetails.) ntmtd(r: Elear Bill: Attached pleaee find the revised handnildetaib indicating the 42' requircd height, as per our phone connersation onlf;ledneday the 21st. lfs my undestanding that with theoe mquested rcvisiona, rrc ffi be rcceiving stfr aPptoval fur the prclec{- lMten the appoval lstter ig ready, wuuH you plere FA)( a copy to me at 970-47& $'112, and abo to Mr. Balz Anfioni of the Lions Mane Phas€ ll Gondo Association at 970-{7&1818. Thsnks br your consideretion, t8 39Vd d3rtvitt3gNv-l/-lEd zLqi-9LV-BL6 r9:60 laazlz(,lza a Note: The existino confi+rotion of this guordroil is n6t revi5ed. > Sheet rnetol coping cop ftoshing,---) finish to motch upper level metol guordrnil. . Reploce domcged, ocisting wood horizontol siding os requirvd. Siding to motch ocisting. Reploce domoged, otisting 6x6 wood posts os reguircd. Existing bolted connection: field verify condition qt eoch locotion. ' Exisfing deck construction orrd rim condition. Field verify oll vorying conditioru for gucrd' ruil structurol connection. Sone posts extend down to lower construction: verify ' connection in fhe field. Lionsmone Phqse ff Revised 2-22-01 I 1ll -LZ 1'-0" Guordroif zg 39vd u3rrvrN3gNvr/r33d zLgV-9LV-AL6 T9:68 IAOZ|ZZ/ZA t Pre-tnonufocf ured oluminum - guordnoil with spocing betwecn bofusters per code so thst 4' diom. sphere connot pqss thru. 6x6 wood post, notched ond bolied dirtctly to sofid benm, rim or bfockiry with2-518" dion. thru-bolfs. : Pet code,similor to bolusters sTorrwoy enTr androil ilt eosFntryI eosT stqirwoy.len -!.-r -.! ' ; rl ore stmllqr. ot Deck L +" = 1'-0" o Note: Guordno]i ot deck and stoir.way h ond west elevotiohs Bevef cut top of 6x6,tyPicol -- Existing deck constnrction cnd rim condition. Fiefd verify oll vorying conditiotts for ryo( rail structurql connection. Guordroil Detsil Lionsmone PhqseTT Revised 2-22'01 Eg 39Vd U3I-lVil.EgNV-l/-133d zLEn-9Lt-AL6 rE:54 IOOZIZZ|Z0 r'+Tf r' 'i, 'a t"ign Review Action Fl|m TOWN OF VAIL Category Number //o^te /// // 7d ProjedNane: / to^-t< ztH"u: - R-",'/c/,a, /*' 'l Building Name: Projec't Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ?0/ E /.a - tzza< -z^>z unk ( o 7,a: tZ ?7/- ///2 ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: l-4 'e * r Z 6..e 1e* Legal Descripti on: Lotll-:/- Bloc*, A Subdivision / t.4. ,? ^( " Zone District ,4/?7 Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Vote:uotionny: fl/rr Seconded Or, ,, ,T g/Rpprovat ! Disapproval ! StatfApproval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid 7aY 't . {.-.tz 'r Gion Review Action FIn "/Y. TOWN OF VAIL ' ..;'f :_, oate 7-/V- %Catggory Number Proj&, Name: I to^L 9. m.a,../ r- - -7.^,, i'\, ^) c i-? t- /24 ^.r7 Owner, Address and Phone: Architectl€dFtilgAddressand Phone: <t ,n ' lV - E /',.o 11J Z', /,/,.--,( (o ?s< 2 ?Jz *'s-, ,1j Legal Description:Lot4f:JL Block .4 Subdivision 4z Project Street Address: Zone District fVDrar H trt Board / Staff Action Motion by: seconded W: I>'-P r TTA.J ! Approval ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval vote: { - o Conditions: Town Planner /tDa.rrt 7//"/ "( DRB Fee Pre-paid// -\.t ,nn Review Action FPt TOWN OF VAIL Jategory Number Project Name:Lr /rlerua Building Name: - 2 q/DaIe /-)- /0 Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone:/€ 6ua c ^-* 'i''^ u+u- (o tt/32 4 76- ':zKz / Architect/ffiAddress and enone: 3*."a- illce4rlun Aol z- (aae car-e- 7-'? t J":-l- ab A/(€7 476 - "/z<3 Legal Descripti on:tot45'I Block A Subdivision /.i.,,.rr Zt(S,a zone District rlb/ilF Project streetAaaress: /l l( 9,'44'^t -bri -rorrrfil€fltsi Motion by: -T3el7T4rt-> Seconded by: 4 u'l ffepprovat ! Disapproval I Staff Approval Board / Staff Action vote: 5'o I,ti"-., Town Planner 1- 5 -"{DRB Fee Pre-oaid .'t'"*;;;;:N REVr; B.ARD App,.,rcArroN - rowNQ .ro-o. coLoRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MDETING:********** INCOMPI'ETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUI,ED FOR REVIEW.********** PROJECT INFORMATION: /n ./2 / az- t/O //f / ,( I. A.DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const.ructionAddiLion ($50.00) ($200. OO) X Minor Alt,eration Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide Lo this application. a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet. 1ega1 and at.t,ach F. zoNING ' nA\)fnF NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: G. II NAME OF OW}IER.(S) : S REPRESENTATIVE:NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' Address:t r. J. OIIIMER (SJ SIGNA"URE: Mailing Address: Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNAIIURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL t.hetime of submittal of the DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurat,e valuaLion of Ehe proposal. The Town of Vail wi]] adjust, t,hefee according to the t,abl_e below, bo ensure the eorrecb feeis paid. FEE PAIp! $ 20.@ cHEcK S! pArE: q/Z? BV: FEE SC}IEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10,001 $ 50, 000 $ 50,001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIE!{ BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAIJ T'NLESS A BUXIiDINO PERMIT IS FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AND EONSIRUETION Block IS STARTED. ,.vl.d, alll lra DBSIGN '/W- 76zr RT\TTEIT BOARD APPIJICAEIO{ ' ToINT OF VAIL, DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DR8 MEETING: altttatatt V, DEPI I. A. oWFz 4 t:l:ib *it*|}*ttt!r o{ En-fro b/J C7 /C ur oav' v+dJ' ;;;; / f7 ee1 *fp"/ E : " F / / 4 , *, i' . * :/M "( F"{r;Y"r(ffi#,JConceptual Review (90) tll / / t -AADDREss lllC Sa,ndS7Zt-e- DrruO IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON:IrOt BlockSubdivision If property is described bydescription, pl.ease pro.trideto this applicarion. ZONING: NAME OFMailing u lTt NAME OT'Mailing B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddir,ion ($50.00) APPIIICAIIT: REPREjEIi|TATTVE:e,o Q-- a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach c. D. E. F. lr0 I. .f. '4r rt/ G.APPIJICANI'S Address: H. NAIIE OF O}INER(S): OJINER (81 iSIGfr{rTIIRE:Mailiug Address: FEE SCHEDUI,E: VAIJUATIONs o'$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -s 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over 91,000,0Q0 DESIGIT RE\'lt8If BO;TRD APFRO\TTTJ EXPIRES APPROITAI. UNIJBSS A BUUJDDIG PEruIIT ISIS STARTED. Plione# FEE $ 20.00 |i' s0.00 s100. 00 $200. 00 $400 .00 $s00.00 OlfE YEAR AFIIER FMeIr ISSI'BD eND COIISmUCTION n%4# n2T+__ te ,"'(- Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of subnittaL of the DRB application. Llter, whenappJ.ying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. The iown of vait wiLt adjust thefee according to the gabLe bel,ow, to etrsure the correct feeis paid. APPLrCATro4rs nn'rr Nor BE PRocEss@ Jll",t'=Eoof onNER's grcnltruRt oII. A plg-?pplication neeting with a mernber of the pJ.anningstaff is encouraged to detq:mine if any additionaL - application info::uration ie needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the slaff todetermine if there are additionar subnritt,al requirements.PLease note that a coMprJETE application wiLl streanline thereview process for your project. III. ilTPORTA!f,T NOTTCE REGARDTNG AI& STIHNSSIOTIS lFO ITIIB DRB: A. tn addition to meeting suhnittaL requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project sj.te toindicate property lines, building lines and buiJ.dingcorners.' A11 trees to be renoved must be taped. eifsiue tapings and staking must be completed piior to theDRB site-visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUITJDINGS nornally requirestwo separate meetings of the Desigm Review goardi aconceptual review and a final review. C. applicantg who fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their schedul.ed meeting date and who have notasked in advance that disctrssion on their iterr bepostponed, will have their items resroved from the DRBagenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The foLLowing itens may, at the discretion of thezoning a&ninistrator, be approved by the ComrunityDevelopment DepartmeDt staff (i.e. a formaL hearingbefore the DRB nay not be required): a. windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existinq plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. At the time such a propoaal issubmit,t,ed, applicant,s must include let,t,ers from. adjacent, property owners and/or from the agent, foror tnanager of any adjacent cond,ominj.urn associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is l_ocated in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be subnitted andthe owaer must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buiLding permit. AppLicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DnB application to determine the relationshipof the property to aI1 rrapped hazards. F. For alL residential. construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior strucuuraL wal.ls of thebuilding; and b. hdicate with a dashed lj.ne on the site plan afour foot d,istance from the exterior face of thebuilding walIs or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the appLication with conditions ormodifications, aLl conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpernit. PI,ANT *'"*t,, PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* g F 3-', {u e' F ^it- 3- .ft l( TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSTON CONTROI, C. IJAIiIDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterior Lighting is proposed, pJ.ease show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelight,inq plan. Identify each fixture from the Lighting planin the apace below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of' Light.proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a eut Eheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,t) D.OTIIER IJN{DSCAPE FEjLTttRES (retaining walLs, fences, swirrningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwallg. l.laximn height of walls within tlre front setback ii 3 ' . Maximun height of walls elpewhere on the property is 5, T rr,-//a"'rY "r*Js(r' puz- I i- Jt) rees. Minimum ealioer IndicaEe height forconiferoustrees. l,lininrum heicht for coniferoustrees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. uinimum size of shrubs is5 oal1on. f\rDe Ssuare Footaoe GROUI@ CO\IERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION *Indicate caliper for deciduous tfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. . C,1,/ \ LOT- The fol.Lowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDIIIG MATBRLALS: Roof Siding Other waLl MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Triur Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flastrings 'Chimneys Traeh EncLoEures Greenhouses netaining walls Exterior L,ighting Other to the Design COIOR IJIST OF ITIAtrERIALS l',iIAI'lE OF PRO,IECT:zll*rt (Coru Od S IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON:BIJOCK SI'BDIVTSION srREErADDREss- /fle go,,,J;aie /trt_ g,A e/k ,f -wr^t I Lf'A/) t t- -r+l)/ | //t | .<^' J 7&'u ,y"L 7U UEL TrtP I 4-, Ilnt )- / 4/ t'-r 1n (r)A / /tt" Atu/H ,Lf ThU ,A fr/ //+ /A M /rr .nM/l-1"_ / ,''Ap//-r Desigmer: Phone: required for submit,t,al approval can be given: ryPB Ol lIAl'ERlAIr B.LATiIDSCAPING: Na.me of o Skl / Tuning v Repalr v Sales v Locker Storage .;-{'< < ,4,. '' rY ^<9' ' )uv- -1/ :;F:60e-o -bo+-'.alA.:v\ $.r.,''-tr-\ 6' C Dru'^Jz- ,uFor'schAffiS.FJ-1 5f^ ^*5-ffisJ"fFF'& <fra- ' L ,o ,, s lq'ttue eho E Anra l.roak F)rive Vail Colorado 81657 303-476'3636 ,C!*s-l b,.- '^\t- tr, -x IS'. Skt /Tuning v Repair, Sa/es r Locker Storage L,ons h+uC f U' &' n.**t- ---u,o$eu". " = 3' x 1O'd1$7r\ *"i"u't"'trdsla"e -ot-{rzrxx.Soon+:*":f *}dffffroJr;trr*{g,*!_<-f.o;}ffi ffi -tf, ffi iHh;;t*'f j/*-- 3A2 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail Colorarlo8l657 303-476--7636 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 October 17,1996 Steve McSpadden Vai I Management ComPanY 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 D.e partrnent of C ommunity D eve lopme nt RE: The Lions Mane Association repaint application Dear Steve: The Design Review Board (DRB) met on october 16, 1996 to review the application for the repaint oith, Lioot Mane Building. A rcpresentative of the Lions Mane Association was not prlsent at this meeting, therefore, ttt" Onil tabled the item until the November 6, 1996 mceting at i:00, at which time the DRB will act on the Lions Mane Association repaint. Ifyou have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at479-2150' Sincerely, 24?z^----- DirkD. Mason Town Planner DDlWjr {S r"n"rroruru TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmiT AT AI,L TIMES M9 5 -01.0 6 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Job Address...: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR LOCAIiON : LIONSMANE PHASE ].1 Parcel No..... : 2103-014-10-000Project Number; Departne nt of Communiry Deve lopment Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED o7 /05/Lees 07 /12/ree5 07 / o8 /Lee6 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT STREET, ROD HAI,IJ COMPANY 255 WYANDOT STREET, LIONS MANE ASSOC DENVER DENVER 80223 80223 co co Phone : 3A37773234 Phonez 3037773234 Phone! 476-1-13 Description: GAS FIREPLACES AND GAS RUN TO Valuation: LIONSMANE PHASEll 9, 000 . 00 fof tlood/PaLtet: *******l**tt*******t*fr*******ff*ff*********************** F EE SU l,tARy ***t*r**************t****t********************i*********** Firepl6ce Information: Restricted:fof Gas Appt i ances: 180.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH-->45.00 oRB TOTAL FEES----- fof Gas Logs: .00 TotaI Catcutated fees--->.OO Additional, Fees--------> 228.00 Total Permit Fee-------> llechani cat---> Ptan Check---> lnvest igat i on> l.li Lt Cal.l,----> 226.00 zeE.00 456.00.00 5.00 Payments------- Iten: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07105/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED AT ROUGHIN,GAS TEST ANDFINAL WITH DAMPERS REMOVED AT ROUGHIN. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I-hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, litted out in tul,t the intornation required, conpteted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that atl thc inforDation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty yith the informtion and ptot itan,to coDPty vith a(t Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Euitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabLe thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE TI,IENTY-FOIjR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROI'I 8:OO AI,I 5:OO PH SIGNATURE OF OINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AiID O!'NER {S *"t """o r*rr ******************************************** TOWN OF VArL,, COLORADO******************************************** Statemnt Nt[nber: REC-0043 Amount: 2 o ******************** Statemnt******************** 28.00 07/05/95 L4z40Init: DSPaynent Method: CK Notation: Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrese: Location: Thie Payment Account Code *'IWAIVED FEES** Tota1 Fees:228.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: M95-0105 Type: B-I'{ECH MECHANTCAL PERMTT 2103-014-10-000 1063 VAIL VIEW DR LIONSMANE PHASE 11 **************************************************************** Description WAIVED FEES 4s6.00 4s6. O0 .00 Amount 228.00 *t'ri*ru" r, .LLo3 - 0 r(- ro-*t t3gx"?I x3ll,::H:*"/-< tc/ ) ufv'/Q -\-EL- PERIIIT APPL PERI.IIT # APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED our cot'tPLETELy oRAIF xl'lt rypErFE AecqprED *******t***t***************** p'Rl,rrr rNroRlrArroJnL.V-.lViUiVi-|JFytUlIJ********i** [ ]-Bulldtng Job Nane: Legal Descriptlon:Lot Owners Narne: [ ]-Plumbing t l-Electrlcal t!$echantcar [ ]-other Job Address: Bl ock__-_ }. lllng_ suBprvrsroN: Address: W o"-'., y',arz L/re="', VYz pn.4Jbj)3 I{ork class: [ ]-New f flii.S,ifi.;fi Nunber of Dwelllng Unlts: ddress:r/.aAyV@ 3':,ooaB;".r t t-?,eEn#l f?ffi"?='r l-Other 'o Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: l)tmber and Type of Flreplaces: Gas Appllances_ Gas Logs_ wood/petlet_ 1(********************************* vALUATIoNs ***************************r***** BUILDING: T elrCtRlclt,: $OTHER: $PLI,'Ii'BING! ' -r**************************t Eeneral Contractor: Address: HECHANICAT,. $ffi TOTAL: ' CoNTRACTOR INFORI.IATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * r Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: Electrlcal Contractor : Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: I;:3"'fi,ffi:},.eg' ""'- Town of VaiI Reg. No./3)*Cphone Number: ///YZG. f ?"P"?t cE usE * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ***** Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contra Address: BUILDINC PERIIIIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: UECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TTPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PT,AN CHECK FEE: PLUT.{BING PI,AN CHECK F8E: MECHANICAL PI,,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE! CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ALUATION CLEAN I'P I'EPOSII REFITI{II TIO: 75 loulh lronlrge rold v!ll, colorado 8f657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: ofllce ol communlly dev.lopmcnl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CTJRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TTIETOWN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL puBLIc WoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE contractor, owner) rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposdt_ a"v-soir,-r""i, sand, debrisor material , including trasrr humpsters, portabre toirets andworknen vehicres.upon any srreerl =ie;;"i;;-;ii;y or pubricplace or anv nortibn tneleoil--rt" right-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets ind.Ig-g= is approiimately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance w-if] fe.;a.i;iit"enforced by the Town of vailPublic titorks Debartment. pers6ns found "ihi[i'g this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour writien--notice-to-rEiJi"'="id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified ooes noi-'coipry with thenotice within the- 24 hour.tir.-"p."i;i;;,"ir,.-i"tric worksDepartment will remove sard nate;iai-;a-in""""pli=e of personnotified. The provlsions-or-itril "rainance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,"ihl"r,unce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any uritiries i; 6"-;iJii_"_*"V. To revlew ordr.nance No. 6 rn fu1l, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. tiani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. luwn t5 toulh lronlegc roed rell, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlly deyrlopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE If this penTlt lequires a Town of Vail Flre Department Approval,Engi neer rs..(publ lc lglft l review and approvat,' a pianni ni-bepartmentreview or Health Departmint review, anb'a-review uy ttre duitoingDepartment, the estimated time ror'a total ""ui"n-il"v iaiE'as tongas three weeRs. ll] .g*g"gial (1arge or small) and ali mutti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminli.'-"ilsioentia.land.small proJects shourd take a teiier"amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma'r ler.projects impact the various auove menfionecdepartments with reqard to-necessai"y-"eui"ur, il.i" p".j".ii' *yal so talte the three-week perloa. ' ! vr! ' e'rvJs 'r'r.,s'' t'J Every attempt will be $ge by this department to expedite thispennit as soon as possible. - - -- v'rr>v!vs L' I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe. Conrnuni ty Development Department. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? I ls diflerent access needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfec,ting the dght of way, easemenls, or public property? 7l fs a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A,ls a parking, staging . or fencing plan required by Community' Development? questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'Public Way Permit : YES 1) 2l NO { Y { Y { \/ V Y L 3) 4l 5) 6) !l_Vgu- algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oflice or alCommurity Developmenl. llyou have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspec,lor, at 479-2158 I have read and answered allthe above questions. Conlraclor's Sig natu re 2l 3) 4l s) 6) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buitdino oermit aoplication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be'submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a lite plan for the job. submit completed application to the Public works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, bul please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confusi the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: 'The above process ls for work ln a publlc way only.* Publlc Way Permlts are valld only unill November 15th.* A new Publlc way Permlt ls requlred each year lf work ls not complete. 7l cdlpttay 75 So:uth Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p an ment of C onununity De ve lopne nt ITFORI,IATIOII TIEEDED }IIIEN APPLIINC FOR A MBCHAIIICAI, PERMIT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DR,AWN IN TO SCALE, WTTH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND TOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. NOTE I{HETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT V{ILI, ALSO BE INSTATLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. 4. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORI'ATIOII T|ILI, IIELII TOUR PERITIT. TOTN OFVAIL o 75 roulh fronlsge ro|d v.ll, colo?edo 81657 (3031 47$2130 (3Gl) 47S213e offlce of communlty development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OIfIIER BUILDERS Effective June 20, tggtt the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the forrowing procedures to ensure that new tonstructionsites h_ave adequatery eltantished proper drainage from buildinjsites along and adjacent to Town of vait roads oi street.s. The Tow'r of vail public works Department wilr be required toinspeet and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads orstreets and the installation of tLmporary or permanent euLverts ataecess polnts frorn the road or street on to tle construction site.such approvar must -be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Buirding Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspect. 1on. please carL 4Tg-zi6o tarequest an inspection from t.he public works Department. Arrow aninimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail pubric works Department will be approvingarl final drainage and culvert instal-ration with resuttinq roa6pacching as necessa_ry. such approvar must be obtaineo p.ioi-ioFjnaI Certificate of Occupancy i!suance. 0ilfl 0 e Ioy-c0firil{, DEV.0Efl:_ t t P (! FI'F'lr I-l rB -l I.I lr---1 r-,ll -rI:- -,! lr N-i'al+-EI\rrll@rL t'-:r/P/__ 'rl €r- tr't lt a9la)- zl'4 1\, l t-) U'-: f' r*- tI OFRCT Beeign Revlew Board ACTIOH FORM Departmefl t of Community Dev€lopment 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tpl: 970.479.2139 Jax:. 97A-479.2452 web: www.vailgov-corn Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Proiect Address: legal llescrlptlon: Parcel ltlumber: Comments: Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Gonditlons: Lior.l ttaa* lf Replace snowmelt system and boiler enclosure DRB Number: DRB020002 owNER RUMAINE, PEGASUS - LUZA& MAOUOAaO0Z PO BOX 270292 FORT COLUNS CO 80s27 APPUCANT BeckAnd Associates 9L|OUZOOZ Phone: 949-1800 Chuck POB 4030 Vail, CO 81658 1063 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Locataoni l.oH A-5, Block Subdivision: UON'S MANE CONDO 2103-014-1004-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. 0UL6|2O02 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 w€li yyl,tt.ct'.€lLa|! Genrral lrrformaUom This appll"don b 6r any oloj€d requHE Deggn Rcview apBln. eny poject rFqu_rirE dergn levfsw firsreeNe aPFor€l Dntr o srrumifung ..o,u.olil nfrni iiiiiE'dh, pr-* r"rr b tfie drbmitra, requircnen* for hePtrtir:ubr aprsvar ttEr B i€o.u.-r, . m iiildii'fr. G,st, ne,riai onnqt ur;;.b und a,, rcerrrr,inbmutbn ts lecd,,rd bv dra Conrnunty gcj"irpndd DEpa?t&t. T,,,€ proi..a-i,ir-aiii'& E E,evirycd bytlre rown Gouncr and/orrrr prrrnhg rod a'ffi#ria-r6ii,n"a",. ii"rli--d;d;!oJr .pg_".t rrp.Gunlcrs r buildirng rrrntt h ks.ealnc -'nitsi.iliencet ,rmin one ycar of trre +provalI * * ft of$.he ReRuCsh toningl ilane(s) ot ornn€r(E): IraifingAdd6: , Ow4e(=) Signahrru(s)r damedADplicarfi Mallfng Addrcssr q74 -ctdrc1d3 ri'peof kviewandFee ,€" ?/? -/j fS-E Ng{ Con$uctton t?F .Fsrconstrrctbrr if a r:* uuiafrE *oeurrolr"aurfil.tr Addtton ito Fa il Ecad; "r.r.* ,d; drEg. FTai; !c arry rcdcenral orj,* sentnercbl htdlng (Jnclrd€s 250 rddtorr A hnnorbrwersins).{MinorAltEndon $e0 , F* qtt* "*,sd'h brldtnOs art tiiii,ouerents, n,rdt !5,. tE.DlItE. painttng,.windory a.ldidon6, bndr4ftrg, fr,E rri tr tlansqb.AeprevecPbns iao trHffi%* al€ady app'nd bv prannrrng ststr a he l|Pls.slluls_ApFucAnoN, AIL $,ilmrAr RE(UrREr,lEtrTS ^irD ]}.|_E_ryr !_o fit DPAKWE|II Or O',|miurv iFa.opmErr, 75 SOUl1l RoirTAcE ROAD, VA!- AOLORADO S16St. ' '\1,r'- (f I I I I'.,| l,l I I I =l€5 cJrrJa: hltt- ruwm Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Cobrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application b br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project rgquiring design review must receive approval prior to submifrirE a building permit application. Please rebr to the strbmittal requirernents for the particular approval tfEt is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until atl required informatbn is received by the Community Development Deparfnent. The prcject may abo need b be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval tapses unloss a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri ofthe Request: Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:ResiAerl.tl.o.\ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E New Consbuctiontr Additbn rLfinor Rttenuon tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 $200 $s0 $20 Phone: For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is aclded b any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes !o buildings and site improvsrenE, such as, rerooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, Ences and retaining walls, eb. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re/iew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI"IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORAM 81657. 4 lil^-i^illoD,N ftil.s, t-{. * lil- $,ftilc,l"d'$^' TOI4'NM Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable rf ,Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions* {ehotos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)x . ^ { All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. A/$.n,-tignting Plani and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtuies, if applicable( ( Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable'- tr The Administrator and/or DRB may reouire the submission of additional olans. drawinqs. specifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: a Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Buildinq Materials Roof Siding CIher Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windour WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: UST OF PROPOSED MATERI'IIs Tvoe of Material C",lfu [il.Iu !"Js^tta Color T Crnnr',nt-L(l.nilu o, .l,,0 F Please speciff the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lightng must meet the Town's regulatiors regarding lighting (see TiUe 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of frxtures and locations on a separate lighting plan, Identiff each fxture type and proMde the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures, tu.^a^A \u^l**l rt +Ail,.l '$.^$ea elu^iu$ itu,i"$ Ifr laAa,*l,&a -No\r A firorco-ted [rs^a"N Ar*A frtM liil^d^M] C.4ArlAsf, d| +b t ^^0u, Q^f tt+,*$"5, )l I PROPOSED LANDSGAPING Botanical Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EGsrrNGrREEs ll /n_ TOBEREMoVED T--'-1 Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Gliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. TvDe Souare Footaoe GROUND COVER qrtirt tuuors 8D=r SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOF EROSION @NTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) UTIUTY TOCATION VERIFICATION This form is b verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations, The locatjon and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the folloring utiliUes for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionaturc Date QWESr 970.384.0238 (t€l) 970.38a.0257 (fax) Contact Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970..168.2528 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (Er) 970.949..1565 (fa<). Contact: Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY 303.5./l.7518 (br) 303.57t.7877 (fax) Contact PaulKellogg EAGI.f RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (Er) 970.475..1089 (fax) Contact: Frcd Haslee AT&T BROADtsAND 970.9+9.t224 x 112 (tel) 970.9{9.9138 (fa<) Contach Floyd Salazar *Please proMde a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approwl from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. IIOTES: 1. If the utilry verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenE are made dirccily on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the propced construction, the utillty represenbtive shall note directly on the utility verificaUon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter b the Town of Vail. Howwer, please keep in mind that it is the responsitiliry of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problens. 3. These verifications do not relieve the conh"ctor of the responsibility b obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. LJtilitv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is nd a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv. t' ITIOTES TO AlJ- APruCANTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeUng is b identiff any critical issues pertaining to the applicantS'proposal and to determine the appropriate development rwiew process for an application. In many cases, the pre-applicauon meeting helps to ocpedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A preapplication meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 O.179.2128 or irodriouez@ci.vail.co, us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeb on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdap of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to applicaton deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.o.us/commdev/plannino/drb/meetjnos/default.htm For a new residential developrnent, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior b a Design Reriew Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Tite 12, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and Tite 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouircments for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetand, poor soilsr etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological invesUgation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the propety owne(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permil Applicants are strongly encouraged b consult with Community Development sbff prior to submitting a DRB application to det€rmine the relationship of the propertyto all mapped hazards. Reoulred Plan Sheet Format For all surve16, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large pqects, larger plan size may be allowed. - /pfr41LA{ f/,^ ^^,.-2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be it tre same scale. ' t 3 A|rrOIU ]S00, 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. TiUe block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all re/sion date, 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12, Plan legend. 'l Desiqn Revierr Board Meetinq Reouirenrents For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicateproperty lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be bped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All $G tabngs and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled rneeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB apploves the applicaton with condiUons or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. StaffAooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may redew and apprcve Design Review applications. approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the applicaUon to the Design Rwiew Board for a decision. All stafr approvals are revbwed by the Design Rsriew Board and any staff decision is subject b final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency dher than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Enmples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access PermiE, Army Corps of Engineers 4(X, etc. The applicant shall be reponsible for paying any publishing fees in o(cess of 500/o of the applicaUon fee. If, at the applicants request any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter b be re-publbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addiuon to Town stafr Should a determination be made by Town sbff that an exErnal consutrant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultanl The Department shall estimate the anrount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay o(penses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount fonrarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notificaton by the Town. Any e(cess funds will be returned to the applicant upon rwiew completion. it l{r 12/Lg/oL WED 16:21 FAX 9702215583 . . DEC. L9,ML E:-T'Il EECK FJ'D a_ ,.\DVANCED Er*ERGY l.Fs\.lIVLll-1t L! I\D.@ oor w4q4*6 I0l4,ilm JOIIIT PROPERTY gIUT{ER WRITTEII APPROVAI LETTER *I, (9rinf namt u5 Ut//r A a jolnt owner 0f poperty loated at (addresslogal description) I further under*and tiat rnlnor modifietions nray be nnde to the plans wer the courge of tie reMew pocess to ersure comdiancE witi tfie Town's eppllcable codes and reEulations. r/t2/r?/or (Date) o pmvlde $b rcfier as writtEr approvat of the plans drtsd Ef R lO t which have been subrnitt€d te the Town of Vell Ommunity Danlopment Departsnert fEr tre prpposed lmprowmmts b be completed attie addr€s noEd above. I undenrtand that the prcped lmpnnrem$E indudel ?.<1. $,x )7 o Lq )- Fon# f.it(,v,'t ,(o'. trot2? ? h',^r'' qto-lf I -{?} S , - t.r., i'))1 I,, * **+ * **+ * *++{.** *'t * * ** + * * *++*'f lt + * * * *+t**!t*{' * * .' ++ +t* * a+ * * i *** * * * +* * * * +i' * * * +* {' * + *** * ***** f * + * +* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** *'l + t 'l' * + * ** * **,t * + * * | l* * * * *rt'tlr* +*'** * *{' * '} t ** + t 'i* 'tl' * * * '}t** ** ** a * * ** * * * * **{.* ** * * * f+ * * * *t***t + *{t Statement Nudber: R000001856 ArnounE: $20.00 OI/O2/2OO2O4:55 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIAR NoEatsion: 4091- Beck a'rd Asaoc Permit Nor DR8020002 T14re: DRB - Minor Al-teration Parcel No: 210301410040 Site Addresa: 1063 VAIL VIBI{ DR VAIL L,ocation: Total FeeE: $20.00 This Palmen!: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts 3 $20.00 Balance: $0.00 I f+ + **+ + * *+l +f** !t****'l + ** l'| + ** * * **********tf*{r'} * *t**+++ ** *********t'l't * t'}t***+f*****lf ****t'}* ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122()O DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I I ,f tstt\i$ 1 t .- .t 1 I .\ -l-.- - ... f t-g * o rtl na ca t ,] ! i :i $ t I a/atr(, s s/il: .t.\ /J 9o qaaw f1I x Y) ?: n: zD me_l so<t-ror- !o-:x rrr m: i:u-:^ 6) ! J-,r"nr s MnNsE 6*}o,r tnnJ*uxt CPTION +Z\ ffi $lr[ u{Mt ]hh^\ cr$N\r[^*b , f"Sr.i,tn A,irr^mri+"s , Z'xz'x s'J"if* t lL C6.t\tN l Uot.t-ll, -un ufu,. g.nrl[ ", 4. \\ gl.tl ll D.er tt^I! [,v po;,$A t" -rb[1 il,oa\,t "\ &'^^{lxflA *"t[)u,I"ti*tIIAI^o Lrorvs Mn,tr e T- bot-ue \ OPlrcru Eruc/osu RE Jt4 Co^^duf,[ o^JAA^t]tl. -fo ^"$n\^ X,\r\ilr +..('", d o Nstl *bq \^r\ 'r', 5'obow d'Sr'ls\ tt^* \xSNr\\ d)r'.u) $\r^$ -ttt-X 7'Y7'X ^ r'.lt\ h 440fu . el. 8e/{. i el. t&a Qrttroon Rqt"d. tl,S tju I Cr.!r.\r\s$\puJ\ +u^ rfilD c^Ifu Deer o.I! {ttNA .\ Nore : Uls ps",&{ t hd.\k \u^ryNf!\ u,.iltsur.-,t' o^q trur\, Aidi*6 . S* Y$" /{,!"o1 4rt $' ,*y'^r'd olrs\)e-4^fis! ii,c5lhP: ?o*, MANE AssocNATroN' 1116 Sandstone Dr. #100 Vail, C0 81657-4058 "'il'$''Dtl.' Re: Lions Mane Wall RePl-acement Dear George, Earlier today you and I discussed our condominlum asscoiations pending application to replace a failing retaining wa11 on the Southeast corner of our condominium building. You had requested that we advise you and the Design Revj-ew Board with regard to the portion of the building foundation that may be visible to the neighborhood befow the new deck which will be supported by the concrete pilings. tr{g- woul-d b The Association woufd also inlen or aspen or cottenwood trees to scre Southeast corneg -o-q. We have verbal committments fromthe two landlwners , on the South and the East to permit such Plantings - The exact plac f suc Very truly Yours ' Lions ociation By aqer, President George Ruther Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road, West Vall- CO 81657 610,r as ttre other portions of the buildinq foundation that are ilt be deci-d p'l antinqs . r.avI r.d 7 /14/94 DESIGN a VAII.,, cotoRADOREVIEW BOARD APPLTCATION . TOWN OF ,,:: DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: !rt*!ttttt**r. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision If properLy is described bydescript.ion, pldase provideto this application. a meeLs and boundson a separate sheeE. legal and attach E.zoNrNG, Aeauq relJ*rc/ IMLT - Ff-rllLy' lo,r.]NAME OFMailin APPLTCANT: Address:c)o AT'1r : EPNAME OF APPLICANT'PKMET REPRESENTATMai!i.nq .Address:vklL.-E. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION,h n 4r .t n nr\r.\+ v * rvrvt ri$ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000$ s0, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1_s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. Ii , lhr.. Llt' vv FEE D zu. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YTAR AFTER FINAII ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION ' ::'r I"i {+j' II 4 Jlrr I'{*;' 'J,,rii lJAt t 9 1995 ',6 ? I lil';, )r ,vV tvlllt. ll, r, ]L. '1', ,"c y, .-JCf. j H NAME qF OWNER(S) :te OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mai.ling Address: APPLrcATroNs wrr'L No? BE PRocEssED wrrilour onhrER,s s-rcNAruR.E Condomini:um Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at. Ehet.ime of submitLal of the DRB applifation. l,'atei, wtrenapplying for a building permit, plbase identify L.he accuratevaruation of the proposar. The iown of vail wirl adjust thefee accordi.ng to the t.able below, to ensure the correct feeis paid o/t) I. ,J. New Const.ruction (g200. OO) ,X Minor Alteration ($20. OO)Addition ($50.00) Conceotual Review ($o)ActclrtLon ($50.00) Conceptual Review ($O) \ ADDRE'S, lllO ax*p-gtu.Je' De:(H"LE1..,ttW) oDs M/(js a Phone hs lq5 rr. IIT. A pre-applicarion.meeEing vrith a member of Ehe planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplicat.ion information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment. with the ilaff codetermine if there are additional submit,tal requirement,s.Please note that, a coMpIJETE apprication wilr sCreamline thereview process for your project. h addition to meeting .submit,t.aI requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the piojece site toindicat,e property lines, building fines and buildinqcorners. ALl trees to be removed must be Eaped. AlLsite [apings.and scaking must be complet,ed pi.ior to LbeDRB sit.e visit. The appricant must ensure that stakingdone during Ehe winter is noE buried by snow. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normally reguirest\,ro separate meeLings of the Design Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before Lhe Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance Lhag discussi.on on their it.em bepostponed, will have their it.ems removed from Lhe DRBagenda unLil such Lime as the it.em has beenrepublished. The.following it.ems may, at. the discretion of t,hezoning adninisLrator, be approved by t,he CommuniiyDevelopmenl DeparLmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore t.he DRB may noL be requi.red): a. Windows, skylight.s and similar exterioJ changeswhich do noL alter che existing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building addirions not visible from any oLher lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmit,ted, applicants must include telteis fronadjacenL propert.y o\^/ners and,/or fron Ehe agenL foror manager of any adjacent condominium associaLionstating Lhe association approves of Ehe addition. If a property is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris f1ow,wecland, eLc.), a hazard study musL be submitted andthe o$rner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to Lhe issuance of a building permit..Applicants are encouraged t.o check rrith a-r-own pi.rrrr",prior ro DRB application to determine the rerationstripof the properLy to aII mapped hazards. For a1l residenEial construct,ion: a. Clearly indicaEe on t.he floor pJ.ans the insideface of t.he ext.erior strucEural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate lrith a dashed line on the site plah afour foot distance from the exterior facl of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If PRB approves the applicat,ion with conditions ormodificaLions, all condiEions of approvat musL beaddressed prior Lo t.he applicacion- for a buifdintpermit. A. B. D. G. I --J-TE|I,H gF T,|F| I r- Itiscellaneous Cash Erl-lF-tF TOlr ht flF LrFt I t_ l'li scel I aneotrs Cash B1-t6-S5 13:66: EZ13r Blr 37 Receipt * 16536? tfccr-1unt+ L:K*lSB? LICII.I:; ]'lF{HE FssOC\.IIEB FEE Ffm,rrrn l. iendered '., Iien paid glggsg4lf,StgEE tlhange returned i :s. Ba komt paid IE. SE 8. ErE Receipt * 1653€,1 Fccaunt * LIC|NS HSNE C5soC\BLUE tlrr*urr l. t ende red :: Item paid s1sBas41S4EBEE s1FS0F?111:RSB Bl0BsB41E16g6B f,hange returned .r FPIHTS :8. ES 9rouot peid 14. SE 6.56 8.5€. 4. E.gTHFll.ll( VBLI _ _ _ _ _:: i='iI i'iIi _ _ _ _ _ RECI...'- ltc Town of r/b[ L , tqr | '-,N; 468?0 i lYtCt t',-)\' ) i I {' I'r"i" THFI}.I|< VOL' Vc,ur cashier REETHff DATE RDCEIVED FROM ADDRESS I l(c, Permit Numbers How PAID-Cart/ ' '''t..k l('{'i Police Rqceipt Numbers _.-! r l - !' tBvtv o rr4F ,w- .t , olign ReView'Action Fei TOWN OF VAIL catesory tlumoer 7 oate t/Zs/q< Project Name: Building Ndrne: 1 .i..a., I.'.+ -ttl n ,p- (..'t t^/ e ,4tt"lo(:. Project Description: | 1' Owner, Address and Phone: '--:<Architec/Contagl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 4S Block il subdivision /-',,",,; Q : J?- t / zoneDistrictfulDtLE- Project StreetAddress: / lf A 3n-,,,J'<.tor t - d1n- Board / Staff Action Motion by: 6t, "- -. Vote: q-n Seconded by:'R.,.nl--,.-/ p AoRrovat ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner ,"", I f tsf q4 DRBFee ere-caia 20.@ r7o./. CI0PrFf{. t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 16, 1995 Deparnnent of Comnuniry Deve lopment Lions Mane Condominium Association Attn: Ed Drager 1 1 16 Sandstone Drive, #'100 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ed: Thank you lor attending the Oesign Review Board (DRB) meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 1995. The DRB has conditionally approved the Lions Mane retaining wall replacement and deck addition. The condilions placed on the proposed plans must be met prior to issuance of building permit. The following conditions were placed upon the approval: 1. That the underside ol the deck be screened with lattice. 2. That at a minimum, two 6-foot coniferous trees be planted to screen lhe deck. 3. That the foundation wall be painted. lf you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter' as always, pleise do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular ollice hours al479-2138. ?al.^.,t George Buther Town Planner Sincerely, rJ,*.1- nry..,' -. .- .*l- o rrr Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: "rr{r , /t Architec! A.ddress and Phone ' 'r' Legal Description: Lot Block fr Comments: I a9 Design Review Board Motion by: ,r& seconded ov, ,Q [t/ .,.4$;;^or ^. c**Jih)s\----*-"' ae €e o^," .l /t6/qz '/ 7q- ?s lO€= Vd( lt,tu, Or lle,( G. eG57 Contact Person and Phone ,, AJ.-1ei . {brtG {- o€- w -L/-.oJ Town Planner' /"/ """ q/r{/4s I dlo,ro,ou^, o DRB \,r€vis€d 9l4l9L IPPLTCATION . TOWN OF VLIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEf'IED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: coroRiADo RtcD AU0 2 7 lgg|-*t zt.?3 **tt****i* IEIS TPPLTCAEION WTI.L NOT BE ACCEPIED uNlrlL luL REQUTRED IN'ORUITION IS SttEUItTEDtt**t***t* I. B. TYPE OF REVIE!{: Nelr Construction Addit,lon ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot Subdivision ($20O.OO) HuLno, Alteration - (s20.00) ( $0)_Conceptual Revl.ew fuu-t ,)v, H fail , (-r If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this appllcatlon. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. G. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAI'fE OF APPLICAI,IT: applicant must,provlde a currentlot area. ""tr2iigr lot:.:": tl I. NA},IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE, F,-T IT', U I'";-Mailing Address: 8EE $ 20 .00 s 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 ss00 .00 NAI\,IE OF OVINERS LiAA 1 M,^-. CO, dO ASSO *SIGNA"IIRE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at,the tlne of submittal of DRB application. later, when applying for a building pernit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail.wtll adJust the fee according t.o the table beloc, to ensure the correcL fee is paid. I.EE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500r 001 - $1r 000,000$ Over S1,000,000 * DESIGN RE\'ITE}I BO:ARD APPRO\& EXPIRES ONE TEIR .}tr'TER EII{AI, IIPRO\IAIJ UNI'ESS A BUII.DTNG PERMTT IS ISSI'ED tlrD CONSTRUCTION IS SIAREED. **NO .APPI.ICATTON WII.I. BE PROCESSED }IIIEOUE OIfNER'S SIGT|ATURE -.-.' 1 Phone I LIST OF MATERTALSV LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT$f,/(BLOCK .4 SUBDrVrSrOll LrbnS STREET ADDRESS. IA L3 V^; I I/i<O,' d', DEscRrPrrON OF PROJECTz [-Z-<-builJ 3 c x,-gr,'n7 < l-<e.ofgJ \tlr,r) 4C-Y\ C ! Q nc lase ntnu L.-.-, .p J^t,-^n<*o^A9 The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIATS: Roof Siding Other WaII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Tri-m Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Qkanno\ 1 F 9'../.e,,'oi O ln r,.qr<l la{ sr'Jt'^, B.IANDSCAPfNG: Name of Desiqner:p6one: PLANT MATERIAIS: BoLanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantit.v Size* EXISTING TP€ES TO BE REMOVED trees.Minimum heiqht for coniferous t.rees is 6 feet. o Comrnon Name OuantitvoPLANT MATERIALS: BotanicaL Name \ 51Ze x PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE P€MOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qaIlon. Tvpe Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS DUIJ SEED TYPE OF TRR,IGATION TYPE CR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show :he number of fixtures and locations on a separaLe'l i *h+ i na *1 r- Tz{an+ .i t" ^-^r^ €.i ..{-'.-^ G*^- .- l^,"rvrr\-.,.rr11 yrdn. Identify each fixture from the lighting planon the list below and provide the wat,tage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Pl-ease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height. of walls within the front setback is3 feei. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. To whom lt nay concern, Llonsl,lane Phase II Condonlntum Assoclatlon haE agreed on puttlng a co\rer on the garbage dumpster. Anythtng that we can do to help for recycling Please let us know. The association would llke to put a slgm up at the base of the rock garden wlth nl,ionatane Phase IIi on lt. The assoclation haa also agreed to rEdo a couple of the outside decks that need repair. Stncerelyj T)7-1 F',tlll t1 eryl .. , t*Y Patrtck E. Mulvdy oo s-"d s General Notes This structure has been designed to meet the requirements of rhe 1991 Unifonn Building Code with amendments as adapted by the Town of Vail. All omissions or conflicts between various elements of the working drawings and/or specifications shall be brought to the atlention of the Structural Engineer before procreding with any work so involved. The General Contractor shall verf all dimensions and conditions at the job site and shall be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this project. Furthermorg he shall be responsible for coordination of all u,ork and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The Structural Engineer shall be contacted during the construction phase to make the job site inspections necessary to confirm that the actual field conditions are consistent with the design assumptions and that the construction is proceeding according to the plans and spec'ifications. Live Loads Used In Design: Decks 125 psf Earthquake Zone I UBC Wind 80 mph Specifications All Aaming lumber to be #2 Doug-fir or better. All U2l0 hangers for 2 x 12joists to be by The Simpson Company. All decking to be 2 x 6 redwood. All expansion bolts to be Red-Head or approved equal. All steel plate to be ASTM A36 steel. All machine bolts to be A307 steel. zq3 1-{ni.-: 1 lF-Y Slycl:.-- # =i'A:,1i,'eul ;i.t'.$$ boyle engineering, inc. ]43 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopping center voil. colorodo 8'l657 3O31476-217O ,--.- llt totlV'{ L,-,NIJV(A .,,1 2_ \USIS 1';t VI '> rQ 'l 9ltt*- t21l-Yl10 b/b" * g'/,-" ly't-'t tl-<'^'\t>'/\o )' ...vtltt,Tttlq Ylo,'tll ' [tftf 6yV. i -l' 1'tt ,tlr:It L ) ,Ll.1 L ;(f cL P:-* fAli. p'Ul 5 !",r1 ;ud .-,-'l'-l I l-P-+:- l'1"" l"t-ut'l pYryl vlt v", Ilxl \9i! /t .s \r {) v.ll .rItrt ,'lt, u L 7r,.!'{.,qo,) , lll(t':)''' ls N ioy lL t,tl /+'twru €,tPVz t lll2.o DEGK FRAMING PLAN l;v l>lrflt,i I'i'bl! -Dl"l'l lt-l t"lt*1,, .. . tl , . ili.,' )4 4 x 'l l' /':'1- /,1",'I'o" LIONS MANE II vAlL, coLoRADO 8.18.93 lrl v.o t i: I VA BALGONY REPAIRS SECTTON A l/ lr ,t rl /L =l'o v - !' 1. D,r 'r IoP0Sot FhB$"r,l Grimrn R-G Design 1063 Vail Vieg Dr. #10Vail, Co. 81"657 479-9553 r Proposol, No. ' 1 ^€ ? Sheei No.] Dofe 8-27-93 Proposol Submitled To Work fo Be Performed At *on," tions.Hane 2 Condo Asso.street--- J 9tr19 IUOJ Va]-M-ew Dr.Jtreer aii_ i2 Y d. t J- ...Jtote--- - VaiI co. o-l o-yJuote ot rtons Telephone Nvmbet 9]16-4]Z44 We hereby Plopose to furnish oll f he mof eriols ond perform oll lhe lobor ne€essory for the ;;m;Eti-o-n-oT - removal & rebuildiirg of existing elevated decks' as per'engineering plan -move el-ecErl-cal conqul-c, swrEcnes, l]-gnE I]-xEures, d caEv caDres. -reinstall railing All moteriol is guoronleed lo be os specified, ond the obove work to be performed in occordonce with the drowings ond . specificglions - submitted for- qbove work snd . compleled in o +ubstonfiol workmonlike monner fon,.lhe sum ofEIme & maEerr-a1 l'!o c. E.o exceeo nane'tnousano-- --6ollors ($ vl-rvLr-- l. with poyments io be mode os followsr $4000- to start & balance at conpletion of work. Any ollerotion or deviofion from obove specificolions involving exlro cosls, will be execuled only upon wrillen orders, ond will become on exlro chorge over ond obove the eslimole. All ogreemenls contingent upon slrikes. occidenls or deloys beyond our control. Owner to corry fire, lornodo ond olher necessory insuro44e ,qpqe -o!9v-e_work, Workmen's Compensolion ond Public Liobility Insuronce on obove work io be loken oul by K -G' Ug s l- 3n Respectfully submilled Per R-G Design Note - This proposol moy be withdrown by us if nol occepted wilhin 30 doys ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAI The obove prices, specificolions ond conditions ore sotisfoctory ond ore hereby occepted. You ore outhorized to do lhe work os specified. Poyment will be mode os outlined obove. '/ Accepfed Signoture Dole Signolure ToPs FoRM s4so @Y LrT8(' tN U. g. A. 2 o, N oI IL ' rtr\.t 'o'a -o aJ d n dJ 63 I<) u .t. J t I I I i I 4 ? Z + J) Lo,+o 1: orq -g' -ol rJl-yl 6 do -J +o o+ J"?S<.t8":c-l.o- 4 d ;^ib= r <b 1.'rCUA q) 2 ./l o J C) (rIl qJq 6 _/o ql 1*^2a- -at t1?.9a I od a laiii :,9oI 4 =e? o!6E EE E'E q PSle TI 5B FA6i; r-'l o 2 r'l EH .gE s@ !€ g sta EE. r !3! P; 66;s ;E5P Fi6 ?e9p g.\ Io\F.if r"{ g r'- Qrr\ BF{.Ft @EoE>E'.t 00 U.{ . .Fl ().-t O o'd >A-l Oc.)F{(, E \O..1roo(dfio4-t> 0 P(v ,."'" -,- o4 l' \',i ..- U'_ \--/'(Y'r \.2 r, ",. \) _1 II.FtiGI Al .l :1! ,t- L o xt-lcct.- l(! 'FlO '.!t:6 tzto tc |l! Ict d B c o a (I ct- u E r u (( + l. - q 't A ld ||1 .o o N IF I |.-l IatrF Xtc! I Fo l- I 'Fr Ils) FFl | "'rI l.r Irrl(!IE I!1 ,.{x :q i ; L l- q- ! c c .L v I c+ a I Jq 'Fllcnl d 01 Y.'t 1r{ (tl ! t{q lr r+Jrrd | 'FliB Il-]I r"1 Ilol.cl{J Iloltq| 'rrItrla) lo tlq..1 1q 0,1q 0.1(II q : 0.) d o x r.-l .lJ .Fl B c) FI o o a1 o a)! }) o +J t o @xc\ (t bl .r{I I t\o <J> t-if <t> t-{6 q FJa F II dl 5)3F xg Fzlo Jg F ) h Fl l-J 6--o' HA) 90.(! 3 R\ 5|l- E.'. t! o =o 2='. @z FE o o :IF(I CJo<3Es>zE.<okoc)llJ!trtr N l0Jlolo l*16o lP(ol:Elol€o lE3lz'.1t(Dls- ro F-.:rlr\ I F\ \T 6oFo;rlga trl LJJI N o u)o o o O o (g E a i'-t (D -v t X tr.O^ot{ c\! @ o() :- lE< tc.) ez I ul zoI ciz ulo qt l! o U'tr e F-l .Fl lrA E.r{ o F{ .F{ (rt F{E€B " a t Project Application o^r" 6'6' 7O Pro,ect Name: /t-"^ ht"* /A^ n- Project Descrip tlon: A a-Jryp ,.to '' )^a contact Person and pnon" &aor+ f //a,/ln Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - Design Review Board Dale 6,6,7o Motion by: Seconded by:Lr,-+ DISAPPROVAL Summary: ?' ' =##',E statt Approval vo &RockyMountain BIO'PRODUCTS, rn.. June 4, 1990 Mr. Ronald Grimm L i onsmane Condomi n'i ums 1063 Vai I Vi ew Dri veUnit 10 Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Grimm: This js to clarify the procedure that revegetate approximately 12000 squareour recent quotation. would be used tofeet at your complex per The method we and Bi osol, al hydroseeder. over the seede I i ke product ) app I i ed over ttreatjng (an a recogni zed sta al one or erosi seed germi nati l,le have used thjs method of revegetation successfully for threeyears in the valley and have found it to be effective for erosion control until the vegetation is established, which can be as early as three to four weeks. t,Je have many 1oca1 references for our serv'i ce including, Cordillera Development Corp., Beck & Associates, and Eagle County Road & Bridge Department. I would be happy to provide you with contact persons at these companies on your request. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any other questions. Sincerely, have specified starts wjth the appljcatjon of seedI natural-organic based fertilizer by This is fol lowed by the blowjng of straw mulchd area. Finally, a tackifier (a natural "g1ue" supplemented with a small amount of fiber mulch'is he straw to hold jt in place. 0n the area you are pproximate 3-1 slope) this method is the ndard and is preferable to the use of fiber mulch on control matting since jt provides for greater on. Ir l'\g'ttcHhhs 0berl ohr P'resident @ rr^n on r** r*n cc:enc. PO.Box608. Edwards,Colorado81632. Telephone: 303-926-1025. Fax: 303-926-3340 7 - rl a- i't 11 14J n - ..a-) t --\..<_4z,.z_ \) d 'z -!4 3o ) ,.tI7 Cr a c* 4+, Y .r. t..' - .t- r,.i\o)' 1J :' '-\- .y .t- c,a (.'r/ -t-- r-t $ {'- l} .ll/ .t ': t-r t J1 !> I ---'+ .I '\ )')l'-. .., l-F ' ., .! $ { t J .)( 1 i.- <:, \-+'-F U C) L. --o -'t /l { ,:!l t";.:",,' v , )\ ) \ ,/;, .i I i l-l + !rj. 3 € j 3 tlt- t.;.v>36 .3 v1 -T J--ri 3z ) ,q,r {€*t vl fq. v, -o ccl4 a,,,rld,tiI lclI I rli l;lt tlI lcrl -_i4 r.l q -{-rq,l>l >1 o'-l I </ 4A.l I snd, J1<l o'zl 6l L'44 0 ;l.rl b4 4cv0f'g 'lJ s04 I<,, ?i 3i 54') I'ti -l t =l :l +:lJ rOslzll li.l-l 1 rs3 ilytr ? V,-1.4 lt)*4I i1-+ Ii3 ld q-l ffii Lqj q L .r. ,l--'l o Al otIJ- d Ioltil t4l I Irl d q,l .'- drlta|)I J af d <,ll ull 4 d4 I d ) s-' e -t- a, v o 5' 4iri i,(tr @oa+-V \\F 1 I O.\')4\Y Ift" I ll t I I OC oc G-)ln\) 6 d d o*o o \ 2U,-> </ -2u ,q i i i ni i-ii l-lciq I tiell $;i!1fl d:{J i E'Ai,n I 4qli I ! +f a .ld 3 aa '9 4- .n 1A 4, 67 a,f ta,t r o d bo I t,, I ll DRE IPP&ICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTIL ALI, INFORUATTON IS SUBI.IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEEIING: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff menber is strongly suggested to deternine if any additional information Ls needed. No application will be accepted the zonino adninistratorl . It is the applicantrsresponsibifity to make an appointnent with the staff to find out about additlonal subnrlttal requirements. Please note that a COI{PLETE application wiII strearnline the approval process for your proJect by decreaslng the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nray stipulate. ALL, conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. ApPlication will not be processed without ownerrs Signature. A. pRorEcr DEscRrprror, Lor rn d .s c o{" z i ^ tr B.IFCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description Lot Block VALUATION $ 0- I 10,00L -I 50,001 - $150,001 - $5oo,oo1 -$ Over $ 10,000$ 50,0ooI 150,000$ 500, ooo $1, ooo, ooo s1, OO0, ooo Condorniniun Approval if appllcable. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the tine a building permit is rcaid for. FEE 910.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $100. oo $200. 0o $300. 00 subdivision Scr r^ A gt":rn e- Zoning c.NArrlE oF Appr,rcAlrr: Br.uc-a- C .* lle nden Mailing Address: Phone q? 6 - >79 ? D.NAI'{E OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: Lf ONS MqN< COT^JO.ASSO. Mailing Address:J o.*^.e- Phone E. NN,TE OF OI{NERS: SIGNATURE(S) 3 Mailing Address: Phone F. G. (0vER) ''... I II. II,TPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUB!,TISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be renoved must also be narked. This work must be conpLetedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate neetings of the Desigm Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two' neetings for a final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled rneeting and who have not askedfor a postponement will. be required to be republistred. D. At the discretion of the zoning ad:ninistrator, thefollowing Ltens may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departrnent for approval: a. lilindows, skylights and sirnilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed frorn anyother lot or public space, which have had letters suburitted frorn adjoining property ownera approvingthe addition; and/or approval fron the agent for, or manager of a condonrinium association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a ToIiln Planner before proeeeding. t {rLIST OF I.{ATERIALS NN,IE OF PROJECT: I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: IOT BIPCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OT PROJECI: The foLlowing inforrnation is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING UATERIAI,S: reguired for submittal to the Deslgn approval can be given: TYPE OF IIIATERIAL COISR Designer: Phone: Botanical Name common-Name ACetltity Size* B. Roof Siding Other l{a1l l,taterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flastrings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other IANDSCAPING: NAME Of PI,ANT UATERIAI-,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REUOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. fndicate Mininun caliper for height for coniferous trees. t PIANT I.TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE RE!,TOVED tsotanical Nane Connon Nane ouantitv Size* .--."'*.*,.a". r*<r .lL &. \J on e- *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.Minimurn size of shrubs is Type Square Fogtacre GROI'ND COVERS N o. f it e. Gnasq .r LJi td Ilo-n*. soD h,lv ol^ 4- SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION \rJ o.ti V-e G"oss r \,.,/,'lJ $ In.-prs Nr *^ u* L TYPE OR METHOD OF EP.OSIO}I EONTRCL c. OTHER LANDSSAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swinningpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retainingnalls. Maxj-num height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property i.s 6 feet. This letter concerns our plans for Landscaping the embankment in front of our building. Last year, we subnitted a landscaping application which you approved. This application called for topsoil, netting, and wild graes seed along with bushes planted at the top of the enbankment, When I came in to resubnit the paintj.ng application, however, f also submitted a ner.t landscaping appllcation. You approved the new landscaping plan which called for two different kinds of ground cover instead of the wild grrasses. Afterward, a professlonal landscaper (Larry Benway) told rne that: Town of Vail Design Review Board o I would have difficulties cover material recruired, 9{hen we landscape the frontthe area around the entrance o Remove the rocks on the Lionsmane Phase ff Condorninium Assn. c,/ o Bruce Cal lender 1063 Vail View Dr. #23 A Vail. Colo. 81657 in finding the anount of ground area, we would also like to inprove to the driveway. We wish to: west slde of the entrance. o One of the kinds of ground cover called for would not grow on the south facing slope. o The ground cover wouLd actual]y require more maintainance than the wild grrasses. I had wanted the ground cover because I had thought that lt would require less maintance,. thereby leseening the danger of working on such a steep embankment for our manager. Due to my error, f an reguesting that you allow us to change back to the original landscaping p1an. o Use some of the bigger rocks to extend the base of the concrete retainer wall on the opposite side of the driveway, o Use tles to nake a planter area erhere the rockpile ldas. l3^^- ) M *A Bruce L. Callender Lions Mane Phase If Board of Di.rectors '1") (.,, - f'j '/'7 -.1 75 ruth fturlage tod Yall, colorldo 81657 (303) 4792138 (3ql) {79'2139 June 1, 1989 offfce ol communlty development Ed Drager, Jr.c/oDrager&OBrien P.O. Box 639 Eagle River, Wisconsin 5452L Dear Ed, At their public hearing of May 31, 1999, the Town of Vail DesignReview Board tabled the above named apprication until their rneetingof ilune 7, 1989. This was done at the applicantrs request. Sincerely, /1* n4 Mike Mollica Town Planner MM: Ir Project Application 6,'.l,rl Proiect Name:^1 .'nn. hn,Y e .t)A,cso -Tf- Proiect DescriPtion: ( , /r,'2 .,\Nhl1P \) Contact Person and Phone q.de t1-'7 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description:ut A-4 ,Block 4 , ritingl,"ltse.J|o F;lit) I Comments: Design Review Board 6 ,? .v1 Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL f/z-*uilr'*,-- ,.,i"#;l) f; N+ (\----*--=- Summary: O statt Approval Jr I APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I'IEETI!{G: DRB APPLICATION / . *TTT*THIS APPLICATION WILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTEDffi I. PRE-APPLICATI0N.MEEIING: -. :.. , . :'. : ; A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to. li"ll-ini ii ini'alaiiiJnai inrorhaiion is-neeaea. No applicatigl_Iil1_9:,1t!:?!.1 :. uniesr it is coirpl'ete (must include all liems required by the zoning adni-nistrator). :' il is tf,. appiicinijs iesponsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find out alout aAiitionat submittal requirements. Pleise note that a C0MPLETE applica- : ' iion wil'l streamline the approval process for your projgct by decreasing the number oi-ionAit.ions of afprouit iirat the'gRB may stilulatb. ALL conditions of approvai rnrst 'rS,'r/^^J n ( L, '[e6 telePhone zt:' YS ?0- The fee will be paid $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1'000,000 be reso'lved before a building pennit is issued. : -_*::"r'"3;FA. pRorEcr DEscRrprroN, f4,'ytt "€YJe.;orr B. LOCATION Address Legal Zoning Oescription Lot B'lock Fil ing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address (bo-tel ephonq Address /fl(.< / ,l / e"t7 2?^4 telephone Li74-????- E. NAME OF OI.INERS: S i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION D. NA$IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESE|{TATIYE: at the time a building pennit is requested' rE E $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00. $20o.oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inartla. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. 2. The review O"o".r, for'NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the gesign Review Board, so plan on at least tllo meetings for their.approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the 0esign Review Board at their scheduled neeiing and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be repuo I i shed. OF PROPOSAL: l.-.s.,. .:t .F:':i..:J..-F,_at-rtr 4. The following items no longer have.to be. presented^T=!1" Design-Revier Eoad' "-";ig They, however, n;; to O" pr"sinted io thi Zoning Adninistrator for approval: a. |.|lndows, skYlights €,(isting Planc of and sirnilar exterior changes that do not alter the tjre buildlng; and 5. b. Bulldins additions that are not vi-eiled *n'icfr niue had letters suUnitted frotn ihe additioni and/or approval from the associ ati on. You may be reguired .to conduct NaEral Hazard Studies "ft.ci irittr a Town Planner before proceeding' frorn any other lot or Public sPlc. adjoining proPerty owners aPprovrng-iient t6r, or nanager of a condoniniun on your proPerty. You should I{ATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED A. topograptric map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies)i 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamD. . 2. Ccihtour intervals of not nore than 2' unless the parcel consisis of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour inter,rais wi tI be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or nore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, '. "' intermittent streains, etc.) .: .. 5. Avalanctre areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40i or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS 'landmark or sewer invert- 7-. Locations of the foilowing: __q. Proposed surface drainage on and off s'i te shorving size and type of cuiverts, swaies, etc. b. Exact locations of al'l utilities to include existing sources and prorosed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inciude: cable TV sewer gas. Teiephone water electri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot eievat'ions e. All easements 8.. Existing and fin'ished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parkin9, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot eievations), and other site improvements. 10. E'tevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of buiiding B. A statement from each uti'l ity verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany al'l submittals, to insure property ownership- -and all-.easeqents on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) .- 2 copies 1. Show the 'location of 4" diameter or.larger treesr:other'shtulis,ani'iiitiVi olants t.are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas rsith . the varieties and approximate sizes of plint materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscaoe plan should be. separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characterist'ics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lqst during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the ORB site visit. L- Architectural Plans (l/9" = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must inciude floor plans and all elevations as they will E't evations must show both exist'ing and finished grades. '=i .'.ta ' .i-. -.ia appear on completion. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitied for ieview on the'materiajs list avaiiable from the Department of Cottnunity 0eveloo- r"nt. color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meetrn9- \ F. The Zonin'g Administrator and/or DRB may require the subnission of additional plans' dra"ings,-specifications, samDles and other materiai (including a model) if deemeo necessiry to determine whether a project lvill compiy with design guidelines. |'|INOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDIIIGS photos or sketches that cleariy indicate what is prooosed and the iocation (iite plan) of proposai may be submitieo in lieu of the more formai requirenent! glven above' as i;"6 ;!-ih"y pi.ovide al1 important specifications for the proposed 'including colors and materiais to be used. ADDITIONS - RESIDEIITIAL OR COI'IMERCIAL A. 0r'iginai f'loor plans with a j'l specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site pjan showing exist'ing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos 0. E'levations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for al'l materiais and color samples on materiais list available at oepartment of Comnunity 0eveiopment At the request of the Design Re'liew Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statenent from each utifity verifying location of service and avai'lability- See attached util ity locat'ion verification form- H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professionai surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying otlnership of property and lists of easements' V. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perm'it has been issued, and when the proiect is undenray, the following will be required before any truilding reieives a framing inspection from the Building Departrnent: A certified improvement survey shot'ling: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angles' 8. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All uti'lity service lines as-builts showing and exact locations. 2 coPies D. tlrainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis. of bearing to tie to section comer. size of lines, type of material used, F. All property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on maP. a'G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations ..4IAI.lE OF PiIOJECT: . LEGAL OESCRIPTIOII: ;llEFi'+?3[T',' The fo l I o"ti ng Eoaro before A. EUILDIIIG to45 +4gQ i4 "infomat'ion is required for submittal app I i cant '.r: I rtyc.l't by the t//ALb Ki+'lq Co^^01> "{tiS"'rsn RevielY a finai approvai can be fiven: iIATEP.IALS: TYPE OF MATERiAL COLOR Roof Si di nq otner Hal i llateri ai s Fecri: (nffi t< l.li ndows flindctv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ash i ngs Chinneys Raiis Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name PLAIIT iIATERIALS: of Designer: pnone: Botanical Name { (lnpru @ ( jnmni' f' Sl+'n 8. PRoPo5ED tltt:.. EXISTING TREES TO BE RE|.IOVED *tndicate callper for deciducious trees- Rivi€ra Sand 5r30W Capri5533M Indicate height for cohifers. - (over) . PLA|IT IIATER,IALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVEO r.lrr.\r rirFr Ff.lt t|-i atlKUUriU Lu J C i.J cnn Eotani cal Name Tvoe Comn:on i'lame Quani tv (nrr,er.o F.'\n?!rro .,1&ftn < Frn TYPE OF ?Fr'||i^.-tnilIKlllUlt I lUil TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. --=rrF{1r*-r - I oTHER LANDSCA9E FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.t- \ u lnwn 75 soulh t,onlage road Yall, coloredo 81657 (303) f792138 (3qr) 479,2139 June 1, 1989 Ed Drager, Jr.c/oDrager&OBrien P.O. Box 639 Eagle River, Wisconsin S4S2L Re: Lionsmane II - Color change Dear Ed, At their public hearing of May 31,Review Board tabled the above-namedof June 7, L989. This was done at Sincerely, oflice of communlty developmenl 1989, the Tov/n of Vail Designapplication until their rneetingthe applicant,s request. tlJ< n& Mike Mollica Town Planner MM:1r o Lt t o Norvs M-a.rvrc Assocra.rro P, O. BOl( 11A \/AII. COII)RAD() A1667 May 25, 1989 Mr. Peter Patten Director Department of Community Development Town of Vail- 75 South Frontage Road WestVail CO 81657 Dear Peter, f am enclosing a copy of the letterbehalf of Lions Mane Assocaition inposed color change for the exterior Re: Design Review Board Hearing Lions Mane Phase II Change of Color May 31 , 1989 that I have written onopposition to the pro- of Lions Mane Phase II. I will be out of town at the time of the hearing, but wouldappreciate your seeing that I am forwarded a copy of theDesign Review Eoard decision in the enclosed self addressedand stamped envelope. OUr Board of Directors will_ then decidewhether or not to appeal the.Design Review decision to theentire Town Council.. Please also include the time thatis pernitted for such an appeal . Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. cc: Board of Directors. sociation President ,.-o Lr o N Wrors Marvr AssocrAnro P. o. Box 10000M vAtr- oor.oRADo a106? May 25, 1989 Design Review Board Town Of Vail Vail Co 81657 Re: Change of Color Request Lions Mane Phase II May 31' 1989 Dear Ladies and Gentl-emen: On May 3, 1989, your Design Review Board approved a color change for tie exteriofof Lions Mane Phase II, l0cated at 1063 Vail View Drive. At that time you approved a cream color for the buiJ-ding and a dark green trim. These colors hbd been discus- ed with me as PresideBt of Lions Mane Association. the condo- minium association which manages the Lions Mane building just uphill from Phase II. The colors approved on May 3, were atceptable to our association and its board of directors. Subseguently painting with the approved colors- began and con- tinued for leveral days. The color was then changed to gray with a slightl-y darker gray for trim coIor. Tb$s painting was done on the rear of the building. Upon my return to the cityr having been out of townr I catled the Community Devel- opm-nt staff to find out if there had been an aPporval of another color and was advised that there had been none. They were wholly unaware of the gray paint being Put on the building. I !'ras aLso advised that another hearing on a change of color was scheduLed for May 31r 1989 by your Board. Painting con- tinued for three more days before the staff stopped it. The staff claims that they were advised the graY t even overthe old cream Put on earll.er this month was just a primerr despite.the fact no primer hail;.been put under the cream and green earlier in the month, iome of which stil1 is on the building. At the present time over haLf the buiJ-ding is done in gray, despite the fact that color has not yet been approved. I frad prior to the May 3, hearing told both the staff and Bill Perkins of Phase II, that our association Board:and our o'rdners opposed Phase II painting their building the same or a color similar to ours. we have currently a great deal of confusion between the buildings and painting them the same or similar colors will compound the ploblem,- the Design Review criteria calls for the use of colors which are compatible with those of the neighborhoodi not similar or identical to the other buildings in the neighborhood. o ard we at Lions Mane have spent years trying to distance oursLeves and our building from that o? Phase iI, which'has no comection with us at all, except they are next door, have a simiLar name and nowtwish to be the sane color as lre are. This happened previously when we painted our bulldlng dark brown from tan, only for lhern to do the same several years later._ This simil- ariiy in narne and location and now if they prevail color, has caused problems for the fire departrnent, the police department, ambulantes, delivery peopLe of alt typesr $uests, renters' and practically evelltone-who wishes to visit either buli-dtng' we of Lions Mane request that you deny Phase II permission to use gray, light and dark, for their buildf'ng1to keep this confisi6n fr6m getting any greater. Since they have represented to the staff thit the-grai isonty a primer, no one is harmed by a change to yet anothei color or staying with the csl-or tirat was ipprovea in early May. We are reggesting that you apporve oniy a coLor thaCis Lompatible, and not deceptively similar or Lhe same as ldrrbns trlane. You, as the Design Revlerl' Board need to show some leadership under the change of color reulations, or the entire town will be gray. There are lots of earthtone coLors that can be used which are comPatibLe ancl not sinilar nor identical . Many thairks for your time and attention to this matter' Design Review Bo May 25, L989 Page two cc: Members Design Review Board Peter PattenBill Perkins, Lions Mane Phase fI Associatlon ger / v- nrrsl /te in bl /k\ /fJ*#{t lftv -t c,' - " '.'"' APPLICATION E: ''-4.?i r , ,nA > =r ':>r'. DATE 0F DRB yEETIT|G: ///ar/ S / -' /7V," "r.*i/ -'-.nE.. .l,1.-. ,_iij DRBAPPLICATIoN , - ...;jj.*. . .. :?i':; *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**.T* :': - l,:.::I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEETING: . .".. , ..+i:, A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member. is strongly suggested to ';',-'aeiermiirl if any additionai information is needed. No application will be accepted :$3 unless it is coirpl'ete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). -.i':i It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to find out about aihftionif submittal requiremenii. iteii" note that a C0MPLETE apolica- : ..t{l tion will streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the'oRB may stilulate. ALL conditions of approval must :g be resolved before a building permit is issued. ". '-'''.-'; B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal tlescription &:""D B'lock Fil ing Zoning C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF S i gna ture Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : r\ | '"t--'7'LtoN\s r ftn\z. co$D o {q--.:.'.sDa . - vhr6e i-t- 8tG -t S <-r Uecr est teleohone.frllf/3 '" /6.r S ?D \?yz)-C I O,oa o -r s o \j K?L tel ephone 4t9 zz3 F.DRB FEE: The fee wi'l'l VALUATION r E.E *o $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00. $200.00 $300.00 TO fiE DRB: wiII normally involve tlro separate meetings on at least two meetings for their.approval. Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement wil'l be required to be telephone /1oE/ZZ3 be paid at the time a bui'lding perrn'it is requested. $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,c00 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal reguiremcints, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wiil be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the. si te. 2. The review process for NEH BUILDINGSof the Oesign Review Board, so plan 3. People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republished. . r.-t ' 'it- .i il:'i,il ..* F . b ,t..,.lr i be presented to the Design-Review Board' *''ti +' iilv,"iiilr;;,';il;;; il"i;;r;niio-io-ir,L ionins Adrinistrator for approvar: a. l|lindows, skyllghts and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Pline of the building; and b. gullding addltions that are not viewed floqr gny other 'lot or Public SPIG€r wnich have had letters submitted fiom adJoininq property owneB- approving the additionr-anAiJ" ippro".i-from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. you may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid check wittr a Town Planner before proceeding. oI t '' I, NEl,l A I.IATERIAL TO BE .t. SUBMITTED CONSTRUCTION Topograph'ic map and site p'lan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor,s stamD. 2. Ctihtour intervais of not more than Z' unless the parcel consists more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of one foot above grade. of 6 acres or . t. 4" or more 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge bouicjers,intermittent streams, etc. ). - 5. Avaianche areas, 100 year flood plain and s'l opes 40% or more, if appi'icable. 5. Ties to exist.ing benchmark, e.ither USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. .Locat'ions of the fol l owi ng: ---q. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, svlal es, etc. b. Exact'locations of al'l utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inciude: cable TV. Teiephone sel,rer gas water al crf ri r- c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8.. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, dri veways, off-street parking, load'ing areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statenent from each utility verifying location of service and avai'lability. To be submitted with site pian. C. Prelim'inary title report to accompany al'l submittals, to insure property ownership' -and al.l-.easeqlents on prcperty. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter oi-larger trees, other '9hii-lis -ana-iiiitiite.olants tare on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with-'--- - the varieties and approximate sizes of plint materials to be planted. i. 2. Complete landscape materials ljst. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p'l an, so thatthe inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be' separate. The.existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separatemlp. Tlg applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Treesthat wil'l be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should-be compietedbefore the DRB site visit. t Architectural Plans (l/8" = I' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must inciude floor pians and all elevations as they wil'l appear on conpletion- E'tevations must show both existing and finished grades- Z. Exterior surfacing materials and coiors shall be specified and submitted for revjew on the matiriais ljst available from the Department of Comunity Develoo- ment. Color chips, siding sampies etc., shouid be presented at the 0esign Review Board meeting. ! F. The Zonin'g Administrator and,/or DRB may require the submission of additional .plans' drawings,-specifications, sarnples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessiry to determine whether a project wil'l comply with design guidelines. iI. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is prooosed and the 'location (ijte plan) of proposal may be submitted in iieu of the more formai requirementf glven above, as lonb ai they piov'ide all irnportant specificat'ions for the proposed inc'luding colors and materiai s tb be us'ed. iI. ADOITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COI'IMERCIAL A. Or'iginal floor plans with ail specifications shown B. Floor plan for addit'ion - 2 copies C. Site plan'showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos 0. E'levations of addition E. Photos of exist'ing structure F. Specifications for all materia'ls and color samples on materials list available at Departnent of Corununi tv Deveiopment At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement fron each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification fonn. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perm'it has been issued, and when the project is underuay: the lo'llowingwill be reguirei before any building receives a framin! inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey sholing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.E. distances and angles. 8. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. A]'i uti'lity service lines as-bui'lts sholing and exact locations. 2 copies D. Orainage as-bullts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. size of lines, type of material used' F. All property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Bui'lding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations , ,'. t :-. j ..ttAI.IE OF PiIOJECT: . LEcal DESCRIPTIoil: Roof Siding 0ther tlal I Materi a'ls Fasci a (nff i tc l,li nciows lli ndolv Trim Doors LIST OF I.IATERIALS P '.-z Lt'u. rL Y-- - irnEEi AoDRESS: __^ ===J (r (.--3 V rbc ur r Q-.-l D (ZtU ? :--^^?^.rln:.t nC OOn ltrloESUKlrllUrt ur rnuuEul i : :: = t( i ('A (u-( S \,'l ( eld' The follorving infonnation is required for submittat by the appiicant Board before a finai approvai can be fiven: A. BUILDING i'lATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL to the Oesign Rev'i ew cnr no StC ! c.- {L D '.'' 5 T- 5\ ( iXaL D,.-rST- 9\tvrrt DusT Ct*l-vn S\^ C&n,v. SLttL d-u-ewr 9^.cu- CLo.* Suq-t't Ct.ta \M. S\^tL( CtH--'* S\'.CLL ,,li,i; ;,.,.,,.,^,,. SIL U q-Jt_ DvS(- V 8. 0oor Trim Hand or [)eck Rai'ls Fl ues ' Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLAI{T I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouani tv Si ze* C[ rV'n St^*'e- Clam Shell EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED coni fers . ' (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for -.e, -;_._:rir_:. - PLAIIT IIATERIALS: Botanical llame Comnon liame Orrani t.r Sizs .r (COn'EJ -'- <uo R q EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE|'IOVED UKUUTiU LU V EKJ Tvoe Souare Footaoe s0D )LLU TJPE OF ? it la I ^.a +? ^rr, l |1n J, tfJ-l t l Ui,l ,) TYPE OR METHOI) OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining r,lalls, fences, swimrning pools, etc.) P'lease specify. ', Project Application Date 5 -s ,71 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n:rct A - 1 , atoct F , rrtino /;,txsn;'be tr;l;nJ I Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board 5 .3,y? DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner Date:5 , j,81 E statt Approval Lr -'l ti,/ t. APPLICATION DATE:4-rZ-89 DATE oF DRB MEETING ' vw 3' 4ry a DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATiON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1 ication meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to leiermii-rb if any"adJitioial inforination is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is cohpieie (must include all items required by the-zoning administrator). il ii-tf'J uppiicinits iesponsib'ility to make an appojntment with the staff to find out about aiditiona'l submittat requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- tion will streamljne the approval process for your proigg! by decreasing the number Jt-conditions of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:?AI /,tT I 16 L71VSnAile pilAS€ r r affieffi ffi B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address t06J VAIL L Legal Description Lot A-4 Bl ock F i1 in{.10/'l5Ill D6€ FI L€ / zon:nsltrA I Afi D€ilS IT! fiU LT I -FAttI L! D IS7MCT C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address :?C h-. Ut-- . \/AtL, An EILES telephone 1m-sK3 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTAIIUE: lfFn€,q -t. Cl??-rS 2964 S/ldilBntntt nn. telePhone 4'6 'nuu Ol'lNE . BILL ?€ItKI /t5 LIC4HA g. fict1sK€ll Si gnature Address P.0. B]X /o,ooo , VAIL, CO.te1 ephone? 4 t\=l! ;2;4 F.ue paia at the tjme a bui'lding permit is requested. FEE Address E. NAME OF DRB FEE: The fee wi I l VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $5o,oo1 -$ 15o,0oo $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marfid. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wjl'l normally involve two separate meetings of the Des.ign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fajl to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have'hot asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. o 4. The fo'l lowing items no longer have.to be. presented.to.the Desisn Review Board'r' iily:-ffi;;;i, fi;; t; il fts;ntia lo-inb Zoning Adminlstratoi for approval: a. g1indows, skyl'ights and slmi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pllne-of the bui'ldingi and b. Building additions that are not.viewed I|oT ?ny other lot or public space' which have rrij iiltiii-suUmitteO from adjoining property owners approving the additionl-unJlo" ipprovat from the agent for, or manager of a condomlnium as soci ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should cnecf iith a Town Planner before proceeding ar NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: sinrfu RooRESS: /o4 DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR 1, zr lO>4F t'Roor 'taJ$tSidins ?AI/IT W -affif otmr lralr Materials t'AIilT 6n{jl-/alJ€ryr,sf:X^ LIST OF MATERIALS l'AI/,lT ?41lIT PAI/,lT std€. c-- ?AI/,lT ?AIIlT ?AIIIT Des i gner : phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quanj ty S'i ze* for conifers. (over) Fasci a Soffi ts -1li ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashi ngs Chimneys {rash Enclosures 'Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED n,"./c c.ro./e , *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height {" (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe "PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Connon Name ' Quanity Size It . I t.l' ?' Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swjmming poo'ls, etc.) P'lease specify. I ll rl ,l I oz tr =t UJ.L (\ a UJ uJ lJ- E E IIJ(l- {;gry+?=o ci I (\ Io\ M ltlz H z llJ < c") I N Io\ ldJ t-{Sir YrJe-Zoq 6ElH =r F) uJ o e E a =o zzo U)ulF z z o = (ll .5 =z N 7 A I E (..1 F t ..1 FI 7Ip.t Irl T <4 I 3ci F tr 2 l!Juo i (E P oFo zo tx ulz3od |!lu6z .:.3 E\J Il!FI<FZ r,'Y2o< d.v se d I.VL,Q ;lI IHi t r't ,.1€ .s El raEljAl- : p.l .o -/plr - zlc'tr'fti:;dl 1) o o o .o(t .9 o(6 3 (l) <to @ -A oE c(E IDEoo o) € o E Eq) o clct ; .9 o E.y= i E€g F 9 R€ EEE: 9 BP:Oc-o> e:58 = gi; cY"(6 -*idrB 5;.; E EE; ;;;E E!;eo.(u o--SErsoiEor:€e€ E6:n EEEg -- C:r!O-!!= o (/, E€E! ; s;: *EF9 }E ;:9E o -e5g: - o (5 .,:: e.l .d-sl (Yl c\ = IJJ 2 o f YollJ z o F. llJ llJ z6 =Jo- J Iz Io UJ UJt!t!zo tr UJ () UJ o 3 LUt z 6ul F uJ z uJ o X F ulo |: t F FB .Jt UJ UJIL E = UJ J F a =o! q) J o F ut UJ o2 E J z IJJ = NOrrvn"lvA ; z Fu E It F ; =zzu-o ootr ^ 62I5 >erP oE aoGZt-()oonezXtr- <oq i!Jnt:L X rJJ-Xz dol/'o =>E -I zI kl LL E r.i o- loEo F (r o- E z E xD{ ; E UJF =uJz LItitl hz:)z9e. <()o< =.6Ra6o<z Lz 91-.': F."-63trOI lul J E llJzYIIF rlJ F z F loz I I It^tx 619 Ffo zl .. >lotu r! uJz <n tr uJ(L z EoH-k>og z (D z E f cf) -J(0 ll,lF (t) cl azo F(L ulY uto oF F =3CC 01Ul .-r(L lf' !o>*o-Ho5()F HuJbkz6 Irl z.-oze coo =z O- LL J OOz& r'1 F ll co uJ t'Ftfl b llJIL ILo uJ z o2oF I o- JFLrl-l-=1EduJ>o-Ou- \UJ x>Er- J tr llt(D oF Co Eo -9o 0,tt .= 5 E Eoo i\o r=dl>Ff=€'-9 -!*.=€ ts =E, lrJo.zoFo -|EFazo() \ I I f-_tiLll JI =lzl<; '-{H-1 r'l(l eq a}l (J =.J 1 J€ TI'l<l F C) \9 FT.it I o- n\ \c j FT P F =e. tr UJ qo J = I F z Hrn I =tr I !o oz oul J a z3 cn tal o\ I f\.if, |l I F =c tr z o uJ J a ll. z3oF lt =d z tll u, J tl. z B F = oz uJ = oz3oF uJJ IJJF T 8l =,n JLL UJz = F UJ|- I E <F(r(JuJ<zEUJFo6 (J <o(JF =oFS t!,2do2 t 2P =<(>(ts d3o OF 13 gE E i\ = Fo2adQNfo uJ E z (D t 75 loulh frontrge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 otflcc ol communlty devclopmenl If this permi.t requ'l:res a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval,Engineer"s (Publ ic tlofks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the duiliingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weel(s. All conmercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand,small projects should take a 'l esser amount of time, However, iffesidential or smalier projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped.ite thispermit as soon as possible. BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE undersigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and timeI,. the frame, Communi ty Devel opment Department. t'. 75 south frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , l-ncluding trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubJ.ic Pl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a1l Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinrately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strillfy enforcEd by the roin of Vaitfgplic Works Department. persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulf-ic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Departrnent to obtain i copy. thanl< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. C.at"Jq^- * .,(i.e. contractor, owner) k .-'7 I -c, o Read and acknowledged by: a', "$ ( 6\o\ 2(f -ao ii tt) ol.Ei =.9'o I 4EEE 9 i6 EE EB o€ - r-l 5. EX 66 Eb T1 o z T"l EH @ ,nEx Ffi$ ! a 6 ! P: -0 !:}E *9 ;€ TE cr) o\ Io\ s F-l+ l.r l't Qh FF{.Ft @CdlEFtr'.{h0t{-{ . 'Fl (, 'F{ oo (0Qo€> QFI(0.f)FlUC\o'-lI o<) d&&-1 > o ol{ '|-1! a) Fl F{o Q) t-l E P llr l' ao{ot{A F .F{ o) F{.Fl (It cr)\o N F{ @ o o€ tro c.) (!t -! .Ft t, "',.lr\ 1Q- t,\o\9\ --\i \ 0\'1 : \.j ;'o a -o a, c_ :{ 14) Iut -lL li _tF \\.,v + J.t i,lli I I ..' II r4 c;-'Ewr c-rs,h r I '4 \J a* 6ov --fla) -: - --T-- <, I,c o H9 qJi v)D3a :r)' d ^I a-P/ cll .zv .q;./ -') t\ _J -) Jj did --g --u)r ! t 2 I _9 -L, '1 1- N & f \) t;crb *O{ 5(J o=r : E-f.-$ -00 E sJ -d FLL y lJ_-!O -J J $\ ; .1 | ,t/ it, I -:j_.._ ___'. i- I Iil.l l"i"-^ i. 0 4 d D. ^,r' I f -'., ." APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.T}IIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print)Fence Wall DATE ct i) .-.i3 OWNER OF PROPERTY C'Lu vr C' NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS i ' L. LEGAL DESCHIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT_ BLOCK SUBDIVISION description on separate sheet). Comer lot / Inside tot Landscaoino Other ' - 7. |,)ur",rs-f.r \r\(/rSLr( yv,1 3?o-osro (lf necessary, attach OF STRUCTURE OR |TEM(S) rNTO R|GHT-OF-WAY:-i iz- -1 v,. <' i -' I JV Attach plans showing encroachment, property line, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as etevations (if applicabte). Does structure presently exist? n tr /.-,,. C cru., Li . J= {., ,-.. d,\ t .'o ,, Proposed date for commencement of ccnst/uction E<< : i .y' 3 ln consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for he structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein author:zed on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order,that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town ol Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of iniury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodiry injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatrsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such iniury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional enor, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including courl costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liabili$, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants lurther agree to release the Town of Vail, its oflicers, agents and employees lrom any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of aclions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the appticant or to the applicant's property - -l a ...\\ 5. caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow rsmoval activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the dght-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or lhe properly upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by lhe public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, ohstruction, or structure within ten days alter receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-oFway. That in the event said removal of the encroachrnent, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal In the same manner as general ta(es are collected. That the applicant has read and understands ali of the terms and conditions set torh in this application. Special conditions: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Signature of Property Orner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Date I_rll_q-\Fqg Date sfrzt, MfSDaI6--Town iF._ lu(L &pse *tky_ rector of Public Works t, UTTLITY LOCATION VERTTICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAI'IE BLOCK FILING ADDREss t(lr.? t/^ i ( V-.r-< ,"- dk, 4 l-/ar' ( , Co, The location of utirities, whether they be roain trunk rines orproposed lines, must be approved and verified by the forrowingutilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Cornnunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-578t Gary HaII Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage CabLevision T.V. 94 9-553 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eag1e Val1ey Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Date 1-/1-13 f-lz-rs ?-n -7& \nt\ ilnouPc. ?^28-??. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut, perrnit fromthe Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and toobtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any publicright-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. Abuilding permit is not a street cut nerrnit. A streetcut permit rnust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service avaitability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. * Please bring a site plan ehen obtaining Upper Eagle Valleyl{ater & Sanitation signatures. U)ltlF z oz J @€ z I I,E ot< =lai'-trl= (J< El9T.z'-) | .\ q, (s Frn .! oululu- E = uJ tr l,rjz;o ur F oz ts tsH at) z F-l A q) q) -g (g .o (E 3 It (D/ .Q o oo(, I€\ o o) .lt r! c) O o, E (D E o =c Eo o CLo(! 3 c) o o ti 16 .Y' 1g€s9Eb,; E.s *€ E€E: "E 8E:ic-o> :!EI€ >=:c96F -*=o)85;; E EE: e:;I E.;;"e SE; s oi6.ots*e€ E6:F :E€ H E6 E:_ o..:: o -- c f(!o'-!c: o oe-.c-^ s€; E i s;: ;EEg ;g; E9Eo -eEg: -o6: an uJulu- ts =(l UJ J FoF ts =EgJ o- zo =lgt .. >lo IJJot! UJz aF UJc J zI tr UJ J) E g)a UJzY I trz 9z do36OI Y ;Zu-oo6z>9 oa <h o g. z >E lut zI EY atoz>oo<)zrr-<oqu.t ::o-Y FO I c J z Eoo z tr E UJF 3 llJz I\ \ \s ) 2 T uJ = lltl<t Itl|"llolI bI)Y'q J !.{a)Htul IH| 'r'r ?l'l<l olzF- J ll- F HFl {l E] *tU ui z (D --') ao o t.l +J uJ z luccc l- F =tr uJ o) = F c Iv F{ i F bo oo I tr I t/l oz u, J z3 CN6r^o\ Io\F$ u uF oz o uJG J u- z;oF = tr oz olll G f t!oz3 F tr oz ciut (E J ll- z3IF =tr CJ uI 5 ILo z39 ui llJ l, I r.rJlzt3 Fo IIJ F. E -rO<FGO[!<z&L!Fa=61 <o()F FS S'? F-zfro\() z dl l) x, - 2 <= ::FzO<t Y,Z =g e. ir = o J<oog.:io oz F =t!uo- IJJFo @of zo Fo lrJY uJ @o_ 'cnFO\ EllJ '-'{cN bbl>€laL :iloiloal, olt@l o o !) o t E ot o E =E, lrJ o-zo F(J D &,Fazo C) HHz6 z F oz tI- TX= ) lljF UJ) Fl t! J) UJ F zi /'\ F co LiJ E = LlJ u- uJ F tlltr \u ./'nV \\\r TOWN OF VAII, CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATnz F- L7- ?" Address: ceneral Description: f?-b,,'lJ 3 qy,'sJ-r'hZ 4l{fa+€d /<ch\, work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-AdditionaL 1@eepair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Units. 2- |Number of Accommodation unLts z 2-/ {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas App}iances-Z I cas Logs_ wood/Pellet_vlk********************************* VALUATfONS **!t****************************** 't dutr,otne : $ 9, OO - ELECTRTcAL: $_ orHER: Architecti | ,'n,. 4^- lc Address: Contractor:'G DosisL-, Address:,o 4r. Hro El-ectrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: TOTAL: S INFORI,IATTON *************************** Town of vail Reg. NO. l5O 6 Phone Number! q) ?-?s<-1 Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ts7 ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: /.1s' PERMIT # Aq,l ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************nj;{-Building [ ]-Plunrbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Narne:Job Address: I,egat Description: Lot{;!l rfocf-2\-Filing Ats " , Pr es )Jn-,*-€*m Name: TOTAIJ PERMIT VALUATION BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND -G DzSiZ^ /{L3 l/^ila*"- l.dtO ha,'/rCu. EZ:7 75 south fronlege road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE ! SUBJECT: olflce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOP.AGE fn sumrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter. track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and,workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on at1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPYllic works Department. persons found violating this ordinancelrill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puUfic worksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiL Building Department, to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this rnat,ter. Y , %"*"--r,^_?ositj-on/Relat,ionship to project (i.e. contractor, owner) wledcred bv: \- -,lt-=4-------= rdr.*c; r- zz - e3 75 south lronlage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty development BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t lequires a Town of Vail flire Department Approval ,Engineer"s (.Pybl j.c l,lorks) reyiew and approval , a planning' Department review or Health Department rev'iew, and a review by the Building Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial (1arge or small)and all multi-family permits will have te ftllow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if resi.denti'al or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every-attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi't as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time f! ame. -z7- Corununi ty Devel opment Department. To whom it nay concern, LionsMane Phase II Condominlum Assoclation has agreed on putting a cover on the garbage dumpster. Anything that we can do to help for recycling please let us know. Tbe assoclation would like to put a sign uP at the base of the rock garden wlth rtionsmane Phase IIn on it. The association has also agreed to redo a couple of the outside decks that need repair. Slncerely,t ;,27-l F'nfl rl -AIt4 \. /'/.r!'{--V Patrick E. MuIvdY V !' I Priposal Ffr?flara Grimrn R-G Design 1063 Vail Vies DrVail, Co. 81,657 #10 479-9553 '. r Proposol No, ' Sheet No. I or J :. Dore 8-27-93 Proposol Submitted To Work To Be Performed Al N^_- Lions Mane 2 Condo Asso. S;;;"; Same.\?'AAI irt".r.v atI .'Jtole ^ : u-ru-y5uote ot rtons- ;:;,;:; -' Telephone Nu.b.r--Z i!'1j 1 1 We hereby proPose lo furnish oll the moreriols ond per{orm oll the lobor necessory for the -o?liZitoi_o? - removal & rebuildiirg of existing elevated decks as per'engineering plan -aII post d( Deam supporEs d lram1ng as per plan d spec1-l].caE].ons -reinstall raj.ling to accomadate new revised buil-ding code usJ-ng saveaf 1. All moteriol is guoronleed to be os specified. ond the obove work to be performed in occordonce with the drowings ond . srrecificotions . submitted for- qbove work ond . comptejed in o subsiontiol _yollggll8g monner f6 6[e_ sum ofE1me & maEerral noc Eo exceed ntne'tnousano-- --6ollors ($ " l. wilh poyments to be mode os follows: $4000- to start & balance at comrrletion of work. Any olterotion or deviolion from obove specificotions become sn extro chorge over ond obove lhe eslimole. involving exlro cosls, will be execuled only upon writlen orders, ond will All ogreemenls conlingent upon slrikes, occidenls or deloys beyond our control. Owner to corry fire, tornodo ond olher necessory insuro5e_CpS-obogrrrwork. Workmen's Compensolion ond Public tiobility Insuronce on obove work lo be loken out by Respectfully submitled Per R-G Design Note - This proposol moy be withdrown by us if nof occepled wilhin 30 doys The obove prices, specificolions ond specified. Poyment will be mqde os ACCEPTANCE conditions ore sotisfoctory oullined obove. OF PROPOSAI. ond ore hereby occepted.You ore outhorized do lhe work Accepted Signoture Dofe Signoture FORM 3450 LtrHo tN u. a. a.e 5-"d s General Notes This structure has been designed to meet the requirements of the l99l Uniform Building Code with amendments as adapted by the Tovm of Vail. All omissions or conflicts between various elements of the working drawings andlor specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Structural Engineer before proceeding with any work so involved. The General Conh?ctor shall veri& all dimensions and conditions at the job site and shall be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this project. Furthermore, he shall be responsible for coordination of all work and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The Structural Engineer shall be contaaed during the constnrction phase to make the job site inspections necessary to confirm that the actual field conditions are consistent with the design assurnptions and that the construction is proceeding according to the plans and specifications. Live l-oads Used In D,esign: Deck 125 psf Earthquake Zone I UBC Wind 80 mph Specifications All framing lumber tobe #2 Doug-fir or better. All U2l0 hangers for 2 x 12 joists to be by The Simpson Company. All decking to be 2 x 6 redwood. All expansion bolts to be Red-Head or apprwed equal. All steel plate to be ASTM A36 steel. All machine bolts to be A307 steel. Town of Vail OFFltf; e0pY t-lI l' iT-' It'sa VY.P,r'(, boyle engineering, lnc. 143 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopping cenler voil. colorodo 81657 3Q3lA76-2170 ..vt|t,vll'lq ;tt'tf z{3 l-'1r.,;.' r lri:' (;lpcl,--^ + ( t c L V t, f frl\, ft: ll.-t t" ,',-1,, t4 crrll.l I r:1'-{.:- l7r" l'-l-rt'l f,vl'yl vlipt,,\l'." v11 *r- $lrl \9dtZi-l,L DECK FRAMING PLAN -lt - tf\ I q'.o" I't-;- -i1;:Er'1.7_ il^ ly", t 'o" lxt: 7,U'- r^lnuu) I t't bl l*l'; ' ' ll ' ^ i;'4 rJ x 'l [./.'iiown r:f Vati ltl V'o t A )Tl'"rl (,/ #',I,qh -: ^1 4 e 6i el$1\N\.,, 0 e: ;i:T'.tE} - l'1 (,r-> a l)^'t 15 \ : i /,| vrv 4,t?Lg tllQ-o r-iA BALGONYTEPAIRS LIONS MANE II vAtL, coLoRADO 8.18.93SECTTON oz E = UJo- N\t (n UJ uJll- E =E uJI 'W :-ulLls. (,l'el-t*.}tl ({ C.to\c'\ (n tst zz Fl v (\ c c'\ uJ 5g <.ioFltEo>r2ior4 >v) uJ F e. FI =o zz utF z oz J o .a zz Ff Ff X E F-1 H lrl t4 U) c.l z HH (h aH u) F/. ts H E.l) I I I I It.l()IFI'It"rlorloll'-{ ln t;l- tru,z B uJI F z u-Jql i H CAz H F-lA F Fr a q (J o (g (D o) I o E o =l; o (! 3 .g (D 'F o)c o (l o) J (J o o E o o 'a! o o o (! r G oo o fo CL ao c .F (! E ;E E,.; > Eoo o oo (5 o at v) G o'; Y o 6 6 o Go G 6 o- -9o. o EJo() (u (l' Eo -go E .lJ 0) loo (! E o (tto oo. G o (go o) (! (! oo) o 'cJ(J aq) 0)E ..)C! N tn !nN + tr Ellj(L(,z 6 = Yollj z o_ a (u trl z6 = 9z (J uJ = ul UJr|-zI E uJ G, C)lu G, o.o =g uJ z a UJ6 F6 uJ f z lu.J x F UJof v) l,lJulu-F =(E UJo- J Fo F z oI co ) EFo uJJ UJ z6zf C'z () uJ NO|lVnlVA It;lotat=lE>El^ =;:lE=islFl=cr-lF E'rB?ZZTLr'io 9 o?lF^q>zzxf,u:iFiE I 6Eo .n a9 e.6b EE3= 60oq idH6 cS-r ;FHN(, Fl H H4 u(J ca Eq t:{ aH z |.1rtl (, z tr lt (, c E uJo- F Crl.J' +<x* aIL uJ z E zo e. LrJ ; UJz Itltlllatzlz <oo< =PR'!6o<z Fz, 9z do3trOI l l6tqItr t/Jl a zY =F F zo F Jlo2 ! I FIz fi: I !-,q- :; 3 lJl<li-l zl zl .. >-l lrl UJ IJJza = TEtuc J zI =oo z trq (D & BLcllE n-rcl \'-, i -jJ-F t-,'-) v,ozl-{B 4Ar No\g\ .9N E F,,' A () tslt IJJ E(t, .Do-zo F(L ulY IIJ C0 oF tr G. Lu(L t!o o-oo llJFoz uJF z 'n9zE =z a-,P ifi =f=A;E tr uJ l! -;i6YEAof606oE9ara Ed =>=uJ-E h= .J * ii:E =FE U59 \urE XO.t x>t q-o-iti uJ I =- F =E,lrlo-zIF()f E.Fazoo ff]D ol =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l u..lol zl =lolFI :l <l>l FI Elr tl .ir cclIIalTI-l I .lolz.l olr!l qt <l>l rl.iol zl =lolFI z HH -irts z k E l! I I I I I I ol 2:l ol uJl 5l <l>lttlol zl =lolFI Fl 4 "l& HH trt(a FIz Evtzo ii =z d)o-) z -Jtr II c'llr\l'+IT| ..o. IIl' I Il,lFlt<I't>IFt6 E FlH cn tJ-l ) Fo Fzoo z. T()ul Eir =b2 (J ) E uJJ uJ EOOzr =E-- zo E -.r O<FGOur<ZE, tIJ F(aZ Fo LlJ E c) <()(4 U)rir UlJO\tFilftnw"t.-J April 15, 1992 Page 2 of 2 Pages Roofing Specification for Lionsmane Phase ll TEAR OFF / MISCELLANEOUS: 1l Tear off existing roofing and remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion. Plath Construction will take all reasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather. However, Plath Construction shall not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen storms that occur during the tear off phase of this work. 2l Inspect the plywood for water damage, and replace as needed. ** This work, if required, will be an additional charge over and above the contract price, and will be charged at the rate of $1.75 per square foot. No additional charges will be incurred without prior notification of, and authorization from, the owner or owner's agent.** 3l Plath construction will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. BUILT.UP ROOFING: 1l Mechanically fasten one layer of 2" lsocyanurate insulation over entire built-up roofing area using screws and plates. Using nailers at perimeters and in the field as required by material manufacturer's. Nailers to be non-combustible as required by Town of Vail building department. 2l Installfour-ply built-up roofing according to specifications by 'Manville' or equal by 'Tamko'. This includes four plies of fiberglass felts, with a flood coat of hot asphalt, and imbedded pea gravel as the finished surface. 3l Install galvanized gravel stop flashing at roof perimeters. Paint all exposed flashing to match existing trim. Cost for work as specified above: GENERAL NOTES: 1l Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to the current volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days. 2l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $300,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No further insurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost shall be added to the contract price. 3l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of 3 years from the date of roofing completion. Leaks qualifying under the terms of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that may occur. 4l The bid documents requested new chimney stack caps, We took this to mean "spark arrestors". These are not included in our bid. We have been told that if the spark arrestors need replacing, a qualified mechanical contractor should do this work and an inspection of all the mechanical work associated with the chimneys should be done at that time. OPTIONS: 1l Paint all flashings to match existing trim. Add to above price:$638.00 2l Provide manufacturer's warranty covering all built-up material and labor for a period of 10 years from the date of roofing completion. Add to above price: 3l Raise skylights Add to above price: $795.00 $619.00 4l Add for 24 gauge, galvanized steel gutter and downspout. Gutter to be 8" box style and downspout to be 4"x 5" closed style. Gutter is figured at all roof eaves on both sides of the building. Downspout locations are figured for every 30 feet of gutter. At all seams we have included a 6" wide strip of EPDM uncured rubber. This will greatly increase the length of time that the seams will remain watertight. Painting is not included in this price. Our price is contingent upon gutter and downspout design approval by the owners. In addition, the price is contingent upon approval of downspout drainage locations. Add to above price:$11,485.00