HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE LEGALProject Name: Building Name: Project Category Numbet olign Review Action F"?n TOWN OF VAIL owner, Addres ssn6p6sns; /,nu s /flar; A,,ro,,'r,J;,,^- / L)J ,/il'.^t,,-..-d 7o/ € 6a,ze c rzeza -r-. - (l,Arc- (o %32 I 76 - ' ^4" ArchitectQgqrta646dress and pnone: 1*v/- /I4c e,xJ&n 2O/ - (n,to €ne.* -r-'tZ tj":*\ Co A/6{7 */76 - t/26} Legal Descriptionttottl {- t Blocl<, A Subdivision/,'.n.rr -B"lS-a zone District /tbtfiF ProjectStreetAdorru' /l l{ L"Je+"l .-br:R Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: - 13pr 7T4t n , Seconded by: tI tt1 BRpproual fl Disapproval ! Staff Approval vore: 5 - o Conditions: ( Town Planner Date: -/-5 2(DRB Fee Pre-paid #'.o * r.rt.d, AlLrlgl DESIGN REIIIEW ?v-%zr O BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOJIN OF VAIIJ, DATE RECETVD: DATE OF DRB MEETING: t**ttttt** Essu\rLq|ilJ to$ffie rl 'i:iiii '+ ni:u"iuLt r,V' I. A. ***!r**i*** DESCRTPTTON:-{ EJru b/J E7 /C ur e'a"' B.rypE oF REVTEW: 4CJ 3;e uur / fy e,e, 4f,ftqf t/p. o tr / / J,/ , ,/ r-- New consr,rucrion ($2oo . oot 5(Aa.bJ "l!;"7r'{"9(Efifi,Addition ($50.00) Conceprual Review (g0) c. D. E. F. lob G. Mailing NAIi{E OF'Mailing ADDRESS, lll (^ s, APPIJICAMT'S REPRE.SENTATTVE:Address: H. NAr{E OF OhINER(S): )^/it(- OC //c e.c Q., ?.'ft=n2d#- LEGAJ, DESCRfpTfON: Lot : BlockSubdivision , ^ t--o If property is described .\, { meets and bou'ds legaldesc-ription,.please pro.,ridl or, .-""pu.rate sheet and attachto Lhis applicat,ion. u lTt NA}4E OF APPLICAITIT: Plrone OJINERTS) SIGNA?IT'RE:Mailing Address: /?,.)r^'/' I. !t. APPr'rcATroNs irrr'L Nor BE pRocEssED tfrrflovr onNER,s srervilTZnl Condorninium Approval if applicabJ_e. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetine of submit,cal.of .rhe onrlppii""iiorr. --r,It,ef, wrrenapplvilrg for a buirding perrnie]-pi..". :.aentiiv-Lh. .".,rr"r.valuation of the propoial . The 'rown of vait w-i1' adjust, thefee according to !he- table Uefor, t,o ensure the correcE, feeis paid. VAI,UATION$ o $ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000$ 50, 001 _ $ 150, O0og1so,oo1 - $ soo;ooo s500, oo1 _ $1, 000; 0oo$ Over $1,000, O0O DESIGN REVIAW BOASD APPROVAI, BXPTRESAppRovAL trNr,Ess A BttrLDrNc psnuir'rsIS STARTED. Phone _#_tst/+/,J_ FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $sooA?pRC\./ED R\./ r! 11 C."/ FEE SCHEDUI.E: PLAIiIT l,tATERIAtSf Boranical Name PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRUBS o Common Name **Indicate size of proposed shrubs5 qaLlon. Ouantitv Size* Minimum size of shrubs is qF {a}F 3( 3lT4 // 3- IF " 7t) *IndicaEe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerforJificid.uous trees is 2 inches. Indicate trEight forconiferous trees. Minimum heioht for coniieroustrees is 6 feet. I\pe Souare Footacle GROI'ND COVERS rr/t7u-\ ,> soD c. SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR I,TETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL IJANDSCAPE L,IGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighLing pJ.an. Identify each fixture from the Liqhting planin the space below and provide the height. above grade, Clpe ofJ.ight.proposed, lumen out,puL, Iuminous area and i cut sheet ofthe Light fixture. (Seceion 18.54.050 .t)p/L D.OTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEATITRES (ret,aining wall_s, fences, swimningpools, etc.) Pl-ease specify. Indicate heighEs of reEainingwalLs. Maximum heigtrt of walLs within the front setback ii3r. a,l/ab u*J s Maximum heigtrL of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. - J- ,/,Czfla-tr <,77u,,(- t-r'(//9 J /P tt.uc.t. L,'o>Je The following informat,ion is Review Board before a final required for submiEtal to Lhe Design approval can be given: O or* o" **"*r*, NAt.tE OF PROJECT: /., ('^//4 rt,r'(Cr,ru Od S IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT_BIJOCK SI'BDIVISION srREEr ADDRESS' // I 6 7." J ;A re /r' {,, A-1L-J3<z- TYPE OF }TATERIAI, e/k A)-/rril) Lrn/, t r-Tfti) I f 77p) A. BUU.DING MATERLAL,S: Roof Sidinq Other wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues rLasbings 'Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Retaining waLl.s Exterior Light,ing Other COLOR T*tt ttleL Trtl AtL TH t --,- .'T n l,)A I /.4" AP/tr - lf rk! /A A1 //-r, /, - . t nl ,Ir_ "/,,,4s//+ - Designer; Phone: B.I.,ANDSCAPING: NamE Of