HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE GENERAL LEGAL (2)oz E =& UJo- {t' ;) l-, / ,u-)" ?. :t I/-.i/t,/r l'I I l., .Ft<lo I I I I l.,oIFt<(E l6z l=to lolz luJ I I I I3rN HI6l- rS "rtr-lb o- G'=O(/'*!o tr.o(6 =.e R.Yu 6 -.= 6Ffc .0 gtc'o :!Ec96'- o. -c E sE EEA ,rOO gqg f ! f.=- (! cl(5 o-$Eio*- o_ =fi:E(,,:EE bo6= EFE_49 -.-,cqt o'--c; o) li|Or EEEo== '6>o !6= -Y=Etit 8 h6e9EarqEEr- o ct) -oG 3o oz U'< 8E P8oo8oocD o.S:!t Ed a= f€ El -E' ^Qtq9 EO.c(gt' !, .9 (!E >E iut z9 trVoo =>.JZr!<oquJ tio-H-5 'i oi ;'*l 9T9dtro =.FtH {-lx( Eq zl .. >lo IJJ ul IJJz t IJJ(L zI tro .t (-r.] (\Jclcl IJJF U)oo-zo FLulY uJo oF tr t uJ o- ttlod>oqo_ '{9l\,\t\'lUu,bkzo E =Elrl o- z .nQze(no =zllJO(L lJ- ifi 2?= aHE !!tr E E.1!o- t!ori ul59E<cl€3E9rlab9'ES => = tJJ :-E li>E tgE =FE 669 itrExoE X>t q- oi!E uJ6 F \ z9F C)q EFazo(J =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l z .; ul J a lr z 3 F ol z.l olutl 5l al>l ttlol fl LrJz. =U)z. J z =lJ- TU =zo -') I I I I el dl HI-lJI al>l t!lol pl r Iuz ur JE<oOF l-< ;F =z t 2P E3]Fd6 (J F Fz C) z T u-J = Eirr!i *Eo2 Fo uJtT oI nE! Vail Electronics Box 461 Edwards, Colorado 81632 or'c Proposal for the Lionsmane Phase y'fire Alarm System. This system does not include from ordinance /fl(series r:f 1981) Section 9, item 4: Eaeh sleeping room shafl have a smoke detec!or complying with either U.L. 268 or U.L. 217 installed as per N.F.P.A. 72-E. The wiring will be installed in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Uniform BuiJ-ding Code, the National Fire Protection Association, the National Electrical Code in the editions adopted by the Town of Vail. The building wilI be zoned as fofLows: Pu11 stations north side of building. Smoke detectors at common entranceS.Pull stations south side of building. Laundry room and heat detectors in storage area. The fire alarm system will be monitored by the VaiI Police Dept. via a Mountain BeII telephone line. The monitoring paper work will be iilled out by Ed Draeger. System Description: In the event of the actuation of a manuaf or automatic fire detection device the Fire AIarm panel will sound a general alarm and notify the Vail Ploice Dept. by means of reversepolarity voltage transmission over leased telephone lines. The panel will have sufficient battery backup that wilI meet the Town of VaiI ordinance ltl4 (series of f9s4) ' The horn circuit will be Class B wiring tripped by a general aLarm condition and silenceable upon Fire Dept. arrival. The smoke detectors in the common entrances will initlate a general aIarm. All ouf,side wiring will be enclosed in EMT conduit. A11 wire wilI be 6 conduetor fire afarm wire. Steven P. AllweinVail Electronics Zone r l Zone 2 Zone t Zone 4 i.-J ll s|qJ i.ctn5 , vnounleA q* b"t[' o] sh;r wellg a"r cI otl leds )a ) a-H lo-e- a tadrocr,'r'\ S;de vievt l N j*' J..\e I t x, i5 *\c- ado!:{io^.1 bedroor' SQrQ glqd.e d atore -|Lrsa b.d.*r,a',d *Ia ).o.. ploccrr^* is *Iagqyne. I" 3 baA.oo^ u,^.-*s anJ r{ bcd"*^ L ;rr, 9 vrcr,4. D @ - ev.4 dol.Jo- n - p"l\ 5.,\',{lo a v?rer a \rc)*", {crp,ri ew E<l ._- ho"- F c{ tn(: C) Jz z ze coo>z (! t! ) ,"<5 =ee 6il> o o (D q, =t- Cwo ;'i OLL o;-tr>rF oz Fo[! otooclr! -rlrl I uJF o E =E UJo-zIF()f E,FazoO LrUt l z E = uJ(! ;90;*FhC :F; F - <9 t' . .. - 7 ,- t UJ lE | 5<l z NO|lVn'lVA LU 16 n€; !::6 a t 3l;l ^l;il 1l =l >l oo lr.ll+rl I.tl Ict Iot Iol Isl Iot It,.|ll;t ITl I (6t I.=t cr-l tr4 '-l Gl =l q ')l H Et ddE tltlIIll-ll'tltlilI urlI lr.t toll<l>tJ sl g5 I-.1 cl.4(!l '1olEI.u (,l ol J =I .tt =t- .u+t an (U .U an o J Li z tr) _"t = = |.1J = t F z.o Fe 7rg -Lnb2 zt- =<ZE JZ <F L!<ZE, I.IJ F(\zo(J E z. O J O E LUJ uJ F L]J =I E.t!z = )<O(4 A lo Enrl rNSP?cnoN REeuESr r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES @ THUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB oNroNs Manp Assocrerro P. O, BOX rr€ vAtt- coroRADo aro67 August 5, 1980 Mr. Howard Scarboro Ho'ly Cross El ectri c Assn. Box 2267Vail, Colo. 81657 Re.Lions Mane Remodeling 1116 Sandstone Drive Vail, Colorado SOCIA ON rager, Jr. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO THIS HOLY OS ASSOC IAT I ON DAY OF AUGUST, 1980. Dear Howard: This letter will confirm our recent conversatjon concerning some remodeling the condomjnium assocjation did on the bujlding. 0n the east end of the build'i ng where all the meters and electrical connections are, the stairway was replaced. In order to get a regu'lat'i on height rail in next to the new stairs, it is necessary to have that rail in front of the main connection box. It does not at all effect the main shut off lever or any of the individual service boxes or meters. Please inspect the remodeling work to assure yourself that the rail jn no way interferes with your service needs. In fact' the roof which we installed should protect the whole electrical in- stallation area much better. The condom'i nium association agrees that jn the event jt becomes necessary for any reason to gain complete acceds to the main service box, that you may remove the bolts hold- 'i ng the stajr rail and the associatjon will replace them and the rail at our expense. Please give this matter your early attent'i on as we would like to get fina'l approval from the Town of Vail on the remodeling work and your consent to the stair rail piacernent is necessary. Very truly yours, il1_ CTRIC ,Xh uitfl z zz $ HiF' io(,)u . Y Zr- !a,5'g)4.' z2 i*<oz6 o <;i- :=ib":ua z;iEiE<Q9, tliE;iEO> -(,<ci-trlF=<d<'J ; F lrl 'l, zx>?l" sHFA\I I\N a UJ LlJll- F E uJ o-U> uJ Luu- F =E uJc -J F F UJ IIJu-zo F UJt c) uJE o =gJ tu z 6t!6 F uJ z tuJ L =E uJ z o) 3 :<ou,r z J z O UJ = NO[VnlVA ; UJl! F t_'a 6 2 <t oa UJF = u.J z) UJ TLa t uJE ) z Eoo zIF E u.lFJ z Y o!J uJ z F(,e 9_ _=3 l EUF2 3z-d e d*=gE:ooorz/-) z :r uJDBao F-aza=s;vstrdF FL! UtcoEao z z tr o ==oo z9F J aJ7z --(t,Iu.t& =coN zz. io- AXrr9o-u, 6z>-oo<)zrL<oq o-Y>Y .jai at!z:< =F rnJ -JF5b)t-= IJJ anl!Jl GI RI =l<l =l HIolol<j JI al =l Fo uJ oo -)a = tnl u.ll HIaE .{ -q -il\\ ) ?0j (J =-JII 6 FoJ EoF t z z = UJ t-Eir i t't-L.' Z E -.r O<F(rC)uJ<zt (42o Jd.<o(JF FSg? (J oozl =#f,F4Zr..o (J F uJhTJ<()an5E ulut alz. oz F =E UJo oz Fo llJ -loEo- ulF o )z z zz coo =z=lfJOO- tL s* Efid= co Eoo G' oE' '- 5 E Eot nnn (Jz oJ f (D F =tlrl o-zIt-(JfEF CNzo(J TN / \ O Od'. f-;*" "'7Ta//-4- /-),aLd /r- //1o -L-ua,r(T ery 0 0<- / LIONS MANE ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 115 vArL, coLoRADo 81657 September 27, 1978 Mr. Edmund H. Drager, ilr. P.O. Box 1559vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Solar Heating_lane,lg Dear Ed: The Board of Directors of Lions Mane Association hereby approves the installation of the Solar Heating Panels as shown on theattached, if approved by the Design' Review Board. LIONS MANE ASSOCIATION /-\ tr6N'dGc,fit r*''T:it2 2C2 A ?n1() , {4 .__"l;2'- S;:S:::i:--j ?s'- Lrwlli I t;z-l't '' t" .S .c'rti'9 ttltt!'. c"' - '.., -,'..,,"i--tP 5?-=8'6" -,5 ua',, g;-? I I-T.- I LEV tl -i-'- :- 3?toJ -fF*'.J \ "*O 1/za/ta I;d Drager, Jr.Box 1669 Ia1l, Colorado gfOC? hL& */oi trTtcz / t 7Ct3 A\4 i.\l [=----- ]=r-*+i,-:-- | // ( 5n",1sT-,- z O,'CqT\ ? ffiffi q^,&:,/t"t (\J (. A ^trir --\ | eAiJ - :) '+- -- /' ,,, ..\ PLA'\'./'----/ 302 ty'z/zd ' f 'L .A\1 ,? ry'a/28 ''J,{ orapo--\ "rl b.l CFBEl rffij ,rl . 'lt lil .liiu.r4r-. 1 I - a. t..i (\) L Aflr i ""..^ 5 _____ _ ')(,-\t- 't \J ' L.1J! .:' - }..l(rr>rF'ED / ll(:i F:1A-f |-.1 \\'t f,. l-r,^. -.4t l -J\-/ ao f. o\ z 7 o -qlrz F{ /! kC(4uiO a ,- ? z I ie.-Er.Eyi):ad="a92az- <=<azozzA)9< E5 <(J 'i -r 9(lJz =i:i:i:v; tr<dO> -(,< o;'3ir a ! < ..d<=,r \( F F t !lI.oz a t! E 'ul Jl Y (Jz' z <POL tu z ul z s Fz uJ ul F ru J F k z'IJJ F J UJ lr F E :r ul o o z -1o JJ. E =, =ot- 1> l&e 6 a a NOttvn'lvA I\t \l!(\l oo z trIJ A ccO 9o=>Xo:z:< >o -ni 2 tr ul = tu..zu,l -. I@l /_ a?'-eTJz V .1", -t/r, cHg-9/ Y)0/. / / L T'.' ) \ - ,'INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DAT LOCATION: JOB NAME (4,4 6.o* CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR FR 9Hitr;:gT:-<9.,9 < -- y z,FEF<9F:ra aHiHfrUe:?iei<ozE =zZ^)i::5ao<b<oaz; iEEi;;<o'<*3siHlFr<cA> -!a< o:1 3Hle=<X<B'I sfcl af{\ I =|l, VJ f0v v C)z J ul IE u, (Jz Fz uJ =uJ ul F ul Jt|. allt FoJ FoF ul lqoo lt a oF u,l z E t ! Er ul o o z -ao Jf o = leG' =, =ot- ET Sd ulto\ |.I \t !l -r !3>oar \lrN IJT 2 -o-@t 2 trc*d.6 t4(, =>Xo-z:< o- (J>9 ;d L I a tNsltEcTtot\l , TOWN OF . FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED ,., AM PM ! orxen D penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR JOB NAME MON COMMENTS: ,TUE FRI AM PM E eppRovED $'orsaerRovED fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNo "#ri'o,',*' fll nerNsPEcr coBRECTTONS i L| fl1:U\ :J.. INSPECTOR Prolect Application W1 ann tPdProiect Name: Proiect Doscription: 7 ele q pv^Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: ,^," S*f-/. a ?17>E DISAPPHOVAL S€conded by: APPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chiel Building Otf icial Date:Date: ProiectApplication ./ t DerA j /ls ll p,/i D616 I lt^)t /6,l proiEct Name: Q,:-'( / 1,r' '' f7j l''/-Z- {'/,proiectDescriprron' t I ' /Ai ./rl'4i" ...t-t Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: -., l\'--')' -*\c'\ t:' r _* \ .- r--\Seconded bv: I APPBOVAL ' o"," t^* , DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official o DIi$ICN nllv I l':l'j r!/\ A nn ,, rf r..r?'FT\tn.ItrlJJJ l ^rrv. of rr) Trl arT'i . . l.'l,u.J uv ' ' TION TAKD:{ BY BOA IIOTION: VOTE: DATIi olr I,tDIlBERS PRESE}IT: IOR: SECOND]]D BY: AGAINST: AI}STENTI ON : --t-APPfiOYIiI) i L/' DI SAl']Illo\ttlD; Stli\li\lAliY: .-,--'*.iqi -r!*.l-\.,Jj1o 'CREATIVITY MAKES THE DIFFERENCE'' Description Area A I Area B Q.. Area C (3. Area D LANDSCAPING CONTRACT CONTRACTOR- VOLITER LANDSCAPING OWNER.LIONMANE CONDO ASSOC. .\o\b ^ 6,bil Area E Area F :l+ . 5. of work ( areas correspond to enclosed drawing) ExtenC rail-roa.d tj-e wall to flat a1qa, formj-ng a oath to picnlc area. Pi-cnic area will be enclosed with railroad ties and path and pj-cnic area will be lined with visqueen and cov- ered wj-th J,/4 inch rock. 5 honeysuckle bushed will surround picnS-c area. (tr}) Clean up area and plant wild grass hlgh altitude nlxture (75) Move 5 a6peu trees to location ln front of stalr enclosures and fertilj-ze with tine release tablets. (l50) Clean out two exj-sting planters and fill- with topsoil; plant 5 doz. petun5-as. (l0l) FiIl in area wj.th ll1 yards ot 3/4 crushed rock. (27O) Clean up area, form railroad crib wa}l, tier levels with rock borders, fill in wlth topsoil , plant 5 lilacs ( ! galIon) and plant !O ground cover plants (sedums) (32O) Area Gl- clean up and pJ.ant 5 1i1ac bushes Area G2- clean up and plant 100 ground cover plants split on either side of walk Area GJ- clean up and plant l2 honeysuckle, plant area with . high altitude wlld grass mi-xture. (525) Area G 7. : ''i ,:..i'a. D'?6 'fqv'-0,og e CX), tt-k: o / O 6-0q; c^ ,OV Ib)b r @F.c6s66u o |-g" F3 fl,(g &a Et4 FF\ .l1 7 fr 14 00 rr rrx{o\i Lo .JXq) 7U U TeL $(/) c F Snqqas iNF ;bp r,7oao 4 /^' ,') l$ ['3 @'fu- :(,pF{t : :"nI B,$ ffirfl BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNW, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGrE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 oor. Sept 3 rppr-rcrrr MountainGeneralContractors rooness PERMIT ," 74 PEaMrr No. BUILDING 0218 (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) ( CONTR'S LICENSE} (PROPOSEO lr SEI AT ( LOCAT ION) ZON ING D ISTR ICT BETWEEN AND(CR055 STREET)( CROS5 STREETI o oz |l s UBD tv ts toN AUILDING IS Lions Ridge Subdivision TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY 5ALcrLOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP - BASEMENT V\,AL LS 0R FoUNDATION {TYPE) REMARKSI AREA OR VOLUME esr rulreo cosr $ ICUBIC/SAUARE FEET) owHen Lions Mane. Mountain General Contractors FEE"'' 5 +o.za BU ILO ING AO DR ESS (Affidovit on ievdic ride of qplicolion to bc completed by outhorized ogenf of I hereby ceilify lhot the proposed work is oufhorized ond I hove been oulhorized by the owner to moke oulhorized ogenl. SIGNATURE OF by fhe owner of record rhis opplicorion os his ADDRESS (NUMBER)(STREET)(crrY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19_. _. .,. ..i ' BUTDTRG PERMTT APPLrcfrroN Juridiction of. rrf Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. {flsre errecr'reo sxter) I OE9 Ci. qg6, :'zYE /3S" AiCII I TECT Oi OESIGNEi ENGINEEh LrcENsE l|O. LENOER D U3€ OT BUILO N 6 8 Ctass o{ work: D NEW ryA0DlTtON tr ALTERATION fl REPAIR o MovE D REMoVE 9 Describework, lb, 10 Change of use lrom Change of use to PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE1l Vafuationof work: $ 75AO, OO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total ) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklers Required [\/or f]NoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO EY PLANS CIIEC(EO BY APPROVED fOB ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIUENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COMMENCED. HEALTH OEPT, FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spsclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT FoTm 1OO.1 11.73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENCE oF BUILoING oFFIctAL PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION ,*"rr"ro^ n{4, INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE FEMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WAiL & WEATHER PROOFING F-. CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. . ..zurrDtNc o,",oio, EAGTE COUNIY, P.O. BOX 789 1 g9U$THOUSE' EAGLE' CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT oo-. $'Pt 3 lrar*dtt d Hrcian h,l tF $ffi *ffi irhq -, __?",*: ,t 74 PERMTT No.02L8 APPLICANT PERMIT TO AODRESS Td,Sifdio ( CONT R'S LICE NSE) NUMBER OF OI{ELL ING UN ITS(fYPE OF n PodlnT"ilng ! IMPROVEME NT}NO.(PROPOSEO U5E) APPLICAN| COPY THIS PERMIT NOT VALID UNLESS PROPERLY RECEIPTED BY CASH IE R ZON ING AT ( LocAT roN ) (CR05S STREET)(CR05S STREET) &o o ; z L suBo lv ts toN BUILDING I5 TO TYPE Llcu TO AE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY USE GROUP 5 A !9r.LoT --::-- BLOCK - S|ZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION (lYPE) REMAR KS: AREA OR VOLUME owxen Llct Mrt. Mqlrtrln fitr.ral Oodttlct FEEMTT $ 4O.2C BUILDINo OEPT. ir' I, .i.-- ' L l. ./.1,./ ' -. . '' * est '"lteo cosr $ ! Et (CUBIC/ SA UARE FE ETI AODRESS YOUR SPECIAL ATTEN is called to the following: e TION This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confotm to the Ordinance= if this jurisdiction including the Zoring Ordinance, regulating the construction and;se of buildings, and may be revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinanccs. Weatherpmof plrcard given at the time perlnit, is issued must be displayed on premises. The departnent must be notified and inspection made of pfior construction work a^s lequest€d on wealher card. All new bujldings and additions and alterations to existing buildings require a minimum of ilree call inryections, namely' (1) Footings, drain tile syst€ma, foundation and basement walls, v"tren walls ae a.t lea.st two feet high' but before back filling t\e wall qrrd before pmceeding with the superstructures. (?) Framing prior to lathing and plastering, duct work, fire stoppiirg and ottrer equiprnent before it is concealed. (3) Final inspection when building or structure is corF pleted. On jobs involving reinforced concrete work, inspection must be rnade a.fter steel is in place and before concret€ is poured- The Department reserves the right to reject any work which has been concealed or completed wi tlout first having been inspected and approved by the Department in accordance with the reqrirements of the various codes. Any deviation from the approved plans must be authorized by the approval of revised plans subiect io the sane procedure established for the examination ol the original pla,ns. An additional permit fee is also charged predicated on the extent of the varia.tion from the original plals. Pernrits are not valid if construction work is not started within six months lrom date permit is issred, Reqnest ior Final Inspection should be made by postcard or phone call to lii s department when.the construclion work is completed and heating apparatus has been installed. Completion of elecbical, plumbing or mechanical uork and painting or decorating is not reqrired before the Final Building Inspection. Final Inspection and certificate of occupancy must be obtained before cocupying building. , ( . BUILDING DIVFN OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 CQURTHOUSE, EAGIE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BIILDING PERMIT JOB WEATHER CARD re ll| PERMTT No.0218oor.8q* | APPLTcANThfff btaffi AOORESS pERM,r ro rftr$ilFtlt?r!*,_31* t-' ffi (TYPE OF TMPROVEMENY} lcollTR's LtcENsE) NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS NO,{PROPO9EO U5E) Z ON INGAr (LocArroNt Lf#Fh arr;;r; (CROSS STREETI (CROSs STREET) .o, ! ,ro"* I .tPJ.suB0 tv ts toN BUILDING IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IX CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOh REMARKS: AREA OR V OLUME esrruareo cosr $FEE''. $ rE rl {CUEIC/soUARE FEET} o"n." LlH*t" l|til*(hril ffir BUILOIf.IG OEPT. AODRESS sY_ THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIOEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY ORPERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILOTNG COOE. MUST BE AP-PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRAOES AS YELL AS DEPTH ANO LOCATTON OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMII OOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONDITIONS OF ANY APFLICABLE SUADIVISION RESTRICT IONS. MINIMUM OF THREE CALLINSPECTIONS R EQUIREO FORALL C ONST R UC T ION WORK: I. FOUNOATIONS OR FOOT I NG5z, PRtoR To cov ERrNG srnuciunl MEMBERS(READY TO LATH).3. FINAL INSPECTION AE FORE OCCUPANCY, APPROVEO PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MAOE. WHSRE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. QUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIEO UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATEPERMITS ARE REQUIRED FORELEC-IRICA L. PLUMBINC AND MECH ANI CA L INSTA LLAT IONS. PLUMBING INSPECT ION APPROVALS HEAIING INSPECTING APPROVALS T THIS CARD 50 IT IS VISIBTE F STR.EET gUI LOING INSPEC TION APPROVALS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION APPROVAL5 REFRIGERATION INSPECTION APPROVALS - / OTHER WORK SHALL NOT PROCEEO UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED THE VARIOUS STAGES OF CONSTRUCT IOT{. PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN sIX MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED ABOVE. I}ISPECTIONS INDICATEO OT{ THIS CARD CAN SE ARRAIGED FOR BY TELEPHONE OR WRITTEN NOT IF ICAT ION. -""""- '\ o ,$ County of EI,ECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT ,ef Applicant...-.-- SlSnturc ts....2./.... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By............... 1,47 $.-.--.........-............. $....7-€a-.,.# $-...2.-a-.,-.4..A t...... V-:d O APPROVALS Plar ChGck€r $ a-fr 4a ,r,m^"tutf/-*' THIS FORM IS TO JOB SITE DURING Date BE POSTED ON GOT{STRUCTION 48 HOURS N)VAIICE NOIICE REQURED FOR INSPECTIONS ( zzz/ E4nz r{r c. r. r0rcrrr al., Darv€t ttrrot EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT "^*@-'n4- AMOUNT ' Subdivision APPlication I I Zone Change Conditional Use Spec ial Use Aooeal Fee Code: (Building)(Zoning)(Subdivision) Total Receiver! Att . tems are received for no-payment of any itern' N9 ?IL ad Buildinq Permit F i ApPlication For BUILDING DEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO irlis Fi nll ,- v;rrlro or':Lir ,l'r:,r srci,ren ii-Jul u-r'F sr-r;i;. PERMIT I'I9 ADDRESSELECTRICAL PER|\/]IT OATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER ESTIi!1ATED COST OF JOB $ ,J<)750 "- WHEN SIGNED AND VALIDATED BY BUTLDING DEPARTMENT. THtS PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE ELECTRICAL WORK DESCRIBED BELOW No. of Units RARY METEH LIG HTI B.CIRCUITS UTILITY (ER, FAN, D FIXTURE NUMBER O R FIVE NEW SERV NUMEER OF NUMBER OF WIRING ldoTo NUMBER OF OIL RNERS, STOKERS, FORCED SIGNS NEON EXTERI NEON INTEFI ND ONE TRANSF ADDITIONA ERS, EXTERIOR R INTER INCANDESC R SIGN OF 23 LI HTS OR LE NUMB ER LIGHTS OV TRANSF RMERS & RE FIERS,KS OF % KVA ADDITI N TO OLD UJOR S 1 HP OR LESS MOTOBS OVER 1 HP LIST UNDER REMARKS ADDITIONAL HP PER MOTOR. REMAR KS ;OR ALL IYORK DONE UNDg[1 'THIS PER!]IT 'TTI€ PdRMITTFF ^'CEP fS FULL RESPONSIBILI TY FOR COMPLIANCE U/ITH THF' BUILOTNG CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLEoirLllNANcis, CI]NT RACTO R EXN CTLY 1_4,t-__-:-- RS CN LICE TOTAL FEEWHEN JOB IS READY, CALL THE BUILDING DEPT. ONi WORKING DAY BEFORE INSPECTION IS WANTED CON f TIACTC F{'S BUILDING DEPT. APPTIOVAL BY CHIEF BUILDI'!G INSPECTOR T}tIS FORNI IS Af! APPLICATION Lf .;!$.aslJ.! :l't tEcL{R^ r'rG; I.:'l LICti |,i f..rNE Thto lli$llN'fl rE UITIiESSET}i thar: llCr::riAin i'rgr.'erf ies, Lf.l . , a .1i; lo1 ,;1,.. hereilefi+r :-L!aerrei to .1s f t.:iai rild regr i t i t ie r: r) "LFe r:roperi_./'' w;,i :r: i -i tollml Beglnni.'.q at the "l<rs I i'iorLr.r:ro .:r.':-n.,r (ri loc A-5. Blat A, LLon,s iirige :...bc: v'..ir.:l f i ld or r:coEd rri lh the {l ierk ,-r ' j itcci".',ieyof Eagle Cqlnty, Cotor,rdol idiil i()rner 9c1q-!t" tnra pc rflc of beqilln' i; rho!lr..:S.Atolltg6"E., E,jistance of itt.0,l feer s long thc ltne be c r.r.oen Lor r A-r. -r :rd A- ', ;thcnce 5.69o25'09"il. . e ilr5tenc{. of 250..r1fGGt tO I Doint ffi the lrne between Lot;t-5 arrd A-6; thencc Xo.44037'O6"'*. . a4lrtence of 7O.00 feec alonr tt:e line. tttn.n Lotr A-5 end a-5 to a point on che-...:-!Octh!a!ttrlt rttht-of-say line of Sandsrone . pi!r", qr_fd pofn[ belnq tF,a most ue3rerly ?glnt of lot A-5i thcnce along said riqht- rcif 250.?4 feer rd havinE r chcrrl whoseboeriag ir |l .49025'09"8. to the tr':e poi.ntof bcSlnnlngr contelntng i779. so,.,are fe.i(0.408 ac"csl rure or less, Lron's Ridge€rjbdirrl.stofi, accordlng co rhe rccordedpkt thcr€ai, Eag,Le C5unty, C,:llor"do; and I l-:.er$ ryr ,rrr ^-r, gr.Err\,s €rrrrrrS s.|ru I rxlrL- : ef-ray ltne and along a curve to rhe r{qhtI*ro3. rldirrs of 4056.93 feet for a d jsgar':-.r , il lfiElltigr Dcclcrant is desiro.rs of r-roroving s.id pro[,rrt,, bT conc tnrtltt* ott€ burldi.ng conta i.nr,ng ,'iirireen conrJo.n'n,.,r rtrllt3, ac hcctnefter dcfined; aad *EEAS, DeCbrant desires to escablish by rhi; der.:irr.:!.! .r a Plrn firr Eht bdt.vtdue.t nrrnership of that part of rhe Ptlopttty r+ cqltisCing of the area or air gD..:e conca !:red .r n eac; 6 ec coodc tn tuo rrnr.ts in sa iC bu i Lo i n.q and ri-.e gs-6e;nspr|1 i e . ec tctrintr tn conqnofi, of *rtl the renni nder of 'th. Drcp?:-r- -, i-a ': ... . etd lrirownt r tlierecn rtrtch are herer.r,airer- ,:r,rrnr.l ai-r,'i .' raferrlcd to a9 othc co.lq:on elerrenf s". iuc:- ' iucl' ll"t' I l-er-i;v 'i: .. deqfard to bc far the beneiir of "che prer:.:.r"rv' ,:<l ri': i'lttir.of'th€lrhetrs'3t'cceb3or9,a<i.ainl-'::.'Lor(,':4!,:c.t t$Hl tl .^ N*ao asriql18, .'! n..'l 1c tof tho l)urpose of dcslqru!i j;rq i-hr, frror.t.rty'{ .{9 n<.r,cloq, i ii i lln' Frooertv r)r.rdcr the cr.rv1 .;i.r,rr; ot. ,rrrrcle ii, Cha;>tr:i i i\, i 96'.1 ijolora:jr, ltevl see! St.rlirf {.t, 1t.ro \;.clnrrr ;t-; Ch,. ' Condc.-t,.;r' ,:' tX'trcrshi p rr.t'L", a\ ar,plr{led: $ \!trn', i;,[i{ *'OilE, Ueclaranc r:crebv nrak,,.: che j.)I;9,,r:1{. i$'y! declararror whr.-'h ., i'r, lI govarn the div:s iong, conveynnr..us, Covenants I fristriCtior:s, lirnl.tat lCns, condif .i orrs, arrri rrsns oi "the propert),' hereby specifyJng rheI thi; der larat:.olr Bhall const Lture covenant s L() run etth the land and .rhaIl L'e br.nd irr;' ()n 0€clerant, lCs successorg nr'd .rss!qns. cnd all strbseit-enr, ormefs of all of. any pflrt of "ihe Froperty,' and t,norovenrents thsreon, togeEhenlth rnelr grentees, tr!(cesgors, hetrs, adainlstr8cors rnd t8slgnr. t. lrf.tillilelr. (a) Alt apptic^bl€ porrions of deflni.ctons 6e con- tatned in l9'1 ,1,R.5. ll8-ll-t, et. l!!!., aB amended, ehall ( apply to l'.r ?clrratlonr except as partlclrtarly modtfled or f changed by ;n<ltvtdrul dcftnttlons harein concaineC, and uolesJ the contrxc Bhell erpre.rly provtde otherwise. (b) "Thc Eutldi.ng'' oeens the one buildiog improvcoent contetntng condqrinlum unLtr trectd upon, an.i constltuting a part of, "the property,' as dercrtbed above. (c) "Crmcr" neons tr porson, f iru, cor?oratlon, partners\ip, rieoctation or other legal enGlth oF any cotrr- binatto'tt lhereof , rrho ouns one or mor€ ^ondon i n i,.rry, units, ot' .tn ln t.eres t Cherel rr. (d) 'lndivtdual Air Space Lrnitil mean; nn air spacc eiich ts conLai or:d utthln the pertnrecer wal!s, f loors and ceillngs of the brrilding as shorm on the map end descrlbed by an ldenf i r./lnq nrunber and letter Or verbaI descript ion. (e) "Condr.,n lnLum UnlBr. metns tndi.vi.dua I air sgaee untE togFth,.r t,lth the undtvided lnterests and fracttonal lntere!.89 tn thc q€neral flnd llcri ted coflrnon e le,nentq . (f) 'l'raet iona I lnter€ac', cre€ns che proporcionafe ,1 i: interest of each condorntnt16 unit olrnerrs rrndivr.ded r nr,:.resr r: -"' I t., 'ln rtie qeneral anci l tniteri I olqiotr eLelrr.,nf J as shall be es- tabllghed by Declaranc upon conveyanc!-.rg accorciln1 La the reti.o Of total ec. f coL::qe rhat eaci, ccndoqrrniun r:r; it may ha:;.e tO ti.- tOtel S'' , I ont a f <,f .t i l. c,t<.h ,:on.lO-:li,:.T: UniaS. (g) "Genef.r ", '.rt-vrcr(t llo.nenis'' tl?ai'rq thr: land on which the buildir,q i; -oc*ted; tl-.e f ou:,.drt lori , colu'sns, giralers, brl,ng, f lol:ri, supports, +,rlls, ro<:is, halle. corrt.lors. lobbre;, qtalrs. s.arFyays, en!rrnces anC exist-., anct '*in{loes: the n.?se'-enf s, :!r. lr:y .: rari sDaaeq, yard3, ga:'rlen$. .i rrrges, l)a!'< r114 .ir. "ir5, gtOr!ge n9ace9, nerchantC: i cervices s:.rah as pouer. i ight , gag r i cf a.rd cold war-er, hearlng, rFfrlgeraIion. central arr conrf itio. rnq, canke, pu,rrs r motors, f ans., compresrors, 6ucts, celeDhone !er::1inals, auxi.llarv hoc water heaLers I niotnq and rrtrlng and t.r ge:.rera! all apparetus €nd insiallecionr provldeC for c orr,r, "on use; and all other part: of the properry neccssary or convenirrnt Eo lts exlstenca aod orairrtenancc, ineluding s-rch cc.r\ln facllrtlcg rs rn3y bc addad by the Astoeirclot: irtbsecuent ro thit declareCictn: (h) rllotted corxrn EteraBt3r rne8ns corE?on el€Gcntt rhtch lre relcrved for u3e by farcr than all tl:e oh:erE of tndtvlduel ttlr .::)',. e un:.:9 or for thc crclusive ugc of thc Orne: of In . :c,vi.':ual .rrf inrce u4lt. (t) *irsoc r.at tor!' rleans a Colorado non-proflt corpora t tqr knoryft es 'Lion r s P,ane Ascoc iat i r1r: , " ihe 3y- larrs Of strlch fhfll govern tbe rd:'rrnlsgattlo'r of rFis DeclaratLgn, rrd tbe acnberr of rhtch shell be all. of rhe nrlleri of the . , trdlvldrrl .ir epacr wrirs. '( t) (Cmon. Expcngcs" .*eans .r I L surns larrfully trgesgGd eBalnst Chc lcncra I co{rnon ele,oencs: Ei:e expenses of admlnlstratlon, dra lnterrln4q, reF.dir or replece?ent of lhe g,eneret c(xrrcn elelneGt3, tncludinEr but not [la!re(: to, cerl,n& for the grouftds, the buitdtng, s non clearancer reserve for repa irs and lanegernent r $.rlntenance r tax€ r r snd other c!--,ar1es such a3 ftre and ether hazarc rnsurance and Iiebilirv ir.su:.ance; - t- ffisi tlF<3 4111 {.ih.r r c?. s!(;!f i:tc( bv thi: i l;-"- -.i.,; j;1 ;,,.,1; irj ,".rt...' "rl i;,:.r '; .: i I tr/: !i. ,. f i.f a: a€:l seD.rritr i ! :ti:i:i.tel€il : ij e !.r: un11 i:e::it !. 1sd '.v qrsplp; .,1. : ib) :.'re -a* i$].'ig oor-:.'!-, ..: ,i.-., :-'{.icirf|ld t.o ,:i t;te generai coc}'!'{:ir (, lr:.- i i id in corr.ncfi by the oL-ners, ..:.!ch s.:';, b*tng ctrarrcccr:.td a3 a i!:acCtcca I itir... tl: a cf rhe icdivtdual .,it seace \rrrl ri - 1. . {a) The aap s].-'a I l- be f i lcC f -.r recor(j i"rto!' irr firsi co::.;eyance of I n1; .-or<ii;irir;iu.:: ..:ai:,a. .,,-h Tran ., -'i::i:.;i ij a d se! icrch (t) Ctre ler,,r. rles;:.,:rr- Loa i)f ,t:!::e.c cr th€ landl ili the I trrear ': eisur?..,'nt.., .r. a,h :'t:e:enc.j '.o f,he €x:erior irc'..r.iariaq ct: ..-.re u,.:iLC;:..g ,r.d:Li oiber iqTrrove'i,en I 5 hrrli .ir to !a1d I ai:d l-; lJel lar'a-it; ( j) :-re i lor': ., t1i.:';. tlg ar:'J :l€ I rr9?f .Ji-€rr5:r)!ic of cjri- ln. ..;,.-,--:.1 I I l.i- {+} fl-r f,:-v;rio. pians r:f rh' ir.-.i l.j ::.;: { -, r,.-. ';l i:'g ..:, ';.-,.Ja.g4 i:riet i(:.: s.,i!-f4ce3 ,.: .-,- 'ii,r'r-. li *",1-i.*:1-!gia.d t* (9,;, I t; f lj"r, il.it{a, a:.,t, :.-, .rrre.t -ii:t' ":{7,r1n!: lLc thickr;eOS O: tf.e ler. i-i., 'i. j i-i: I jin:: f €J rr,rirr':.<j;,, I arr 5o,1c+ i;rr: r-.. l.: g !o::i;:. i .':-lit3r- a.'-.:. _,.)\<,i vt: rh e.it.i jit.. t:. .i, ha' llr i i'|i !li -R-$; o r'{ [5 enqLneor u'rrci iYttl:l that rhP id'prov(.nttlnt.. ;ls o]i; l'rtl(]L..j(1 c.tnf or r ittbiritrlEia ilv to lhe milp d11{l th'rL rtr" 'i'aI; f r} iv :ltitl , ggg111,1r nllr 191.l r .'l':; Lhr L:tyc'lrt r oea:llre':":il[ ; :l:tri l(lCltf t 1)l' r'{- lll <.' 'il," t$i'i-dveqrettf s on Lhc larrd, rhn 'nclr vitlt';tl a lr iL"' ' rrrri t ri, i.i.,,rrriL ror: i, il'," ciimor's i-oni <:f g'tct tllr I i - and tl- ' r'1r-""/;'l !t'{ ' of tl'r " ,rrrf ini rl:crl f lrtorq R n<.i cel I ilrqi. (c) \tlY rlt'ed r Ieale, qrorig4qe, tlr'iL tlee'tl or othl-t' I nqt rrrflrFnt !:1.ry le{,elly describe ;r (rondom lsitn Lrllri i''y :t: rienti f yln4 't.'i v,Ctt8 I air 'rpece nlrr-nber ' iollowcd by tLe i'l"ra;e ' ,Llon,; ilrne l.orrdcrrr, ! n i urn ',,i1 itst' rt,th fr:rthe' !'t: at'renctl tc ih': mttrt f t led for r€co:(l and rhis declarat!on. g17''ar'r ',1r'1h delr c r i pt '.(-!rt .ih,.r I I be deene,l qood and suf fici " t r-oi all prrl- POSes ro convevr lran"tler, encumb'-r, oE otherwi se affecr not orrly tlre Individr.tal air sPace unit but alsg the geni:ral and Itrnlted coryrmon ,'16'n+'nt9 appureenanl Chereto. Each such dcscriptign Fhnll be construed to lnclude I non-exclrr$ive "a9 erFsnt f67 t rrggess and egreei end for'use of the generr '- c@Edn el€llenrs togcther uith thG rieht to rrse of the ltmr'ted. conrtlon r.Leoents a$ Protlded hercln. |tlote lhsn or ;n eny the lari (d) A condonriniurr trnit nay be hclt! and ffirad bt aSgessor dorn in r urn each cor :rrrb j ec c 1. one ncreon as iotnt tBnanEt or as tenants tt. e;iEoofl r r..a t :,roFert)t t€nancy rc lattonstrip recognl'le<! tmder ' . of rtre itate of Colorado. (e) Deel.arent shatl give r.ritten aottc€ to Ghg'i' . of Eegle County, Colorado, of lha creati'on of con' qmcr*hrp of this praperty' as 13 provl'dcd" by larr .and ,-$in,-ufl ur:Lt sha![ be deened a s€Patate perret an{. L(, iepara Lo a,ise3qm,:nt and taxacron. Liqj.t,.:d Corrnon ELe{,,Enta. * portlott of the t'llaftl I colrlF.rcrn cleinents is set astde and regerved for the €x'i l'*$ lve rrge cf ch.' indivi.d'-ra I (rr,nerg, such'arcas b€ing the I r i'!Gd co'nm('n {.lrgrents Eo be ass iqnerJ to csch olmerg as deqcrj b':d he I nw: (a) The arrtomoLr. l" porklng qpsces. (b) gach balcooy adJoi.nin3 an inf ivrrlr'tl atr rnrii'o rrnlI and r;qoci nted therewi tb. (c ) 'i ;.': (t ''''''' a*d z'is,c<:'';..td to ..r-,re t'ttR t)ne lbie l, i .. \.'. 'r :' i, )r, , ' r'. .1 <' -, ',:, t..o:,r-1:L 1:.-!-:t-t . i"ll'.-j "i i'r1frr-e: Of l:., 1io./ri a'.a (:'-' : i : f ro'i''ir'4 :'' i 1 ::, : . ,.!1 (rrr,icr, -';n -v.1: , siai I b: Itee:-ed -'.:;;. ;f';., r-.:. r i€ -', r1'-LJ anClor ilnlsheC .-4',':i ;;.. i,, 'loc:. "ri ceilinisl doots i..-:]i.r.1 .r::-. 11d 'a!.f1al; SuCh aS D?inf r fod i:.i..r: ir: tci'.-;ilpDorlirl Haitc co1rtained Tha:a:<i::].:.1ree;h:!ibea3s.;4nedby!ileJeclarantgr ihF Assof ta':'1n to the re'FecEtvP ot'ner! ' Each tralconlt ' -.' ' *telruey, nt-i l,-tv f i.xt''-'e i'-ad Perilreter sirrfacc a35oc tat€U . ., uith a r;nlt ,;'c,all, ti.ti;c.rc ft:rrher referencc' b' the ltrnifOd: - : -'j' coaoerrj it.'$en[ i tjaed uleh ;t:ch uait. All I is:t-€4 cGld . ' -. ,.i. .,It ,, ,. 1. - . c1caentgrhalltrc.:red$cheog{r€!:a-:d}tslu?sts*ad1t!\4t€"l in-elat.lblr nn.i :'rav bc ctrt'eyed. lagsed or GrFrr?tbctGd . ooly ' , 'lj ..:, "t a coe(lt;nint'le L,nlr. ilt€ qtntltel acC linited ry:elc*ntti t t-'{ ' : .'.'.',1't ..., " j 3hlii bu ortr etl Ln toi"l|torr by all of 'the Qlnrers of tbe 'Jall n . ,rtr"l .i !.!.1 I i rc,os itr i'ndivif src. and no €'dne r ri.lll brlrrg lny ;lcr-lot! for p;vl r: I or: or riiPr s'r:1 of ii;ci t'o:m eleqe?c<'' E-"'b ]'. r\-$.-'f .rhCll be t':rt lt I e.i Lo ^x'l1:'rve o'r'*F rs h lF a:rl loss6ssiglt of l'rs rqrit n trd lan -r' t'.ii' ;ftn ;c:r'rfe i \: (-alt(rn el.t::1"'r"ts in Sccord:lncP' r+cth tF.c p,.:rtlcle f6s t.'r' ! c-L t ''r l!''t-cied ' wichout l-'i-ndtr:nrt -b- . . rl, . f 'r-a l 'fi. I'i 1- .'- 1i:.. 't tl.i) '1111 ! i- .i;it: iirt: il'.:l r:f,lc Fo:..r f' ,;'e.,.li ,{:i.: i. (:y tt:i ;t'.1 i !.: l:t..3., .:f it n te,lrl3. rr h.r li i .ac"r Joc.; .::. r r- ! . j',-':: '- l ;. r e:!aroilch.eten f.3 :!nd crscdte:!C:! . i-{ arr.-. ':1. r i I nr det€:.einrC ro be ;r.rc'.ri!1br,t rrc:ri ..:1lhE r .-,:: or thG '.nrlt.vid:*i a!.t' s:-.'.lce .initi. iirere ri hi:!'cby cfeaied . 1;l -:nk;:t Fa,':;Ftiin:;{- r}on, .acrcis, O\rel an:l :tndef the a borre desc : - c i' j ;t rl-r n,,- rry f or :.ngress itrd eg?"si; lr..lta I !tng, reo6irir.:, lra ! :.r E 1 :. ir i n g 4nd repl.tcing .lll ir!i1tEi,c"E, tmlud lrx Ht€r, .]eiers, BdS, telephone, ela't.riarty et.rd f .t. antecna gyst€tr, provlded no ur!i tries shall be r!rs!.i lli:d or relocai:rJ cn sai"i ilropert.v exceot ri inrtlally proqri-:r*<.i arrd Spprorled by neciaranc '- tilercef te:- apDro!'::d by thr .4.siociation; and on and ol'er e3ch con(iominilr$ uni t to perri"L rhe AgsociaEtga or lts des:-:nees to r:f f ect a!r.., Ce;irec c- i,e;e$tary !€tQtrlnr nce or rpplrirs tc th{. bui id-.r.;. Srch orrne r shall courply 3tri..t i-y wirh chr ,'.::ovi r ',.c,,-i . cf t:;'. tec ir.ratisr, rie i.i'-Lar;;, a::d tre decis.lons arrri re.:r- L'rt'()ni .:f ahe Assocl."ati on .eConte<l Liurirran! thereco rr'l 'i'- thn lrrri :a'l i:e l.ar:'f ,-,: ! l;t aoen<led frrxr Lime to E.!lre. .ja: l ;rr. tr: , r, ,pir r.;'- a:: airy c.f rhe sa-€ shal! be qro.ui<is for a'i .aa-:oir rc r..ccv:.:' ; r-E; dl'e ltl i-r:t da-aqes 1td i lr i'.rnct ive rFl i ef ;i i '".la r,' i.:(: 'r,1 i - Ea l;'eri by t'. + :.a:.a'{ing AgenC o:' 3o:::; of lirr:cro:---, ;f i,'"' r'.. ;i,: ai th-. ,.s:cc:t:;.o'", gn bel..:rlf of ihe ot1'n. rs c-. ril -t ;rt:)',:- a:!"e. r'.' rrr al4.-?iievc : oL,T1erS. .-;lOc ; eL!cn - iOq,ttonE\penges - inJtjjjji,:,-;:. (.: ) ilt ,,.irrlnt sifacion of itri'i r-at,'!,-,::, -'! 'i:: -',-ci) | ! i;-.a ll a' /C1t(ri:.^d b:, the 3v-Lavs of "Lion ts l:,r!r .,( ''\. r 'iL'i):r'r e Cr:1cr,irl- t,..'-)aaf 1a col:totar-!oi:, 1,.:f etre-d ,-t' ',.1":1 e\ ;r-. - L,.r 6. -ss; ,1 : ''t'rsOci'i' iorr". An Owrtef of a .tnit. ,rpon bel..ri:r tn4 r, r.h e:-, (ft*{ner' slr;ri | 5o ;r meriber oi tlle irrisoaifltLon a,irl .','';r ji rcrrrrn R lrLrmber f or the rrerlod of hi i ornership. (U) The exclusive .1genc for rhe ope -e!1()r sr)C man::qffeen:' of thit cor.tdorni.nJ rrrn iS Val I pfOpr rt-i.,r L;_cl ., n Jclorado corporltion, rhos.' eddress is p.O. Box i?6, Var i, colorado pl5-t7, who shall perfor* all of the otrna{e*.rr rl,irip. ..ri the iondofltnium unt I I .taquary I , i 9/l . (c) The ormers shalI havc tbe lrtevoeable righL, to be ex€rctsed by the managirrc agent or goa rd of DirectDr8 of the associatlon, t.o have {ecess to esch unlt f roor ttbe to Ettle drrrtnt rGasonrblc hours ar; may be necessary for thc, tratntenancc, rr.ra:: or replac?ment of rny of rhc g€rrcrali c oarrngn eleaF r .rcln cr accearlbte chefef ro{l, or fof nrklng erncrgcocy reu.iii ttrertln necc$get7.to prpylnt C$mge to tfn tenorel or ttrnited elcnlngr -oi fo rny othci unft,i ft) Danalc to bh; lnrert$ or erry part of " ,irt resulting frorn chc ctlntanmcc, repgl,rr. ernrgency rcpalr:.or 'i rc$tlacc,n.ont ef rny of, the geieral colsron elements or ar e result of ernergcncy repairs rrtttrin any unrt at the tnsteirce Of the assoclaClon shall bp a corrmon experrse of rll of the ortners, orovtded, however, Chat lf sueh daroage iq the ralult. of the negliqcnce of an nsner, then such ocner qhall be 'esDons ibl" for all of sr.rch denaqe. il,eEtorat{on of the dane3ed im'rovemerlrs sh;rll be s,rbstanttally the same as the condltton rn rAich Ehey ,_'1i sted prlor to the darnage. (e) All o'.nrers shatt be obltgated to pay ctre eett'ttaeed assesssentr tarposed bry the Hoard of Dlroctors or oanar,ling agent of rhe asqoclaf{on to rneet the cornnron expenges. Excapt for i nsurance prc,,,iums, the relctsment, shall be made pro rata aceording to ,'ach ownarti fracitonal intrrcst in ond to tl)e gpne16 I com,non e Iemencs . Agsessmenrs f or ingr:rance Drenri.r_rng sha I I bc baqed upon thrt proporrron of rhe tor.r I prenrirrn(s ) r\rc Ehe Insrrrs'ce carrtcd on a c.ndomirrium trntt bc;rrs to !0t;1 ] correr.r.ie. The I imi,ted c rxrmoo elf!0ents shnll be rrrai rrta l$etr n.{, -6- -ffi$$; r,r-.le f ,: i /'/)':{rf.ii .:ir.-:(':'-i, :i,e O1;:!Fr. 1...t itt ;.y.a:...a iVt: ,_C- l"Fr' c''iirtil nrtt I i (| !e;.-,v 7>e:'_:;,.\ t:! q;;,.,,, .\tr aa,io-ig- :r'rf i, ..:4{t.. C Ai !i if ,tr. i-€' ..- iial t, i.:at|l i:e<: i":,ef.: ill ,;f r., l-tac_,(l iO t/i.r a i I Of i..., ()r/tjt:t ! :. . -{.fit,> f Of Cit:. e: a:.n.?t..,C i ll,::i;la: , In{.. I i,i' ;t". : - f r,)':{- ..-..:,.i- )e 4,_,: :.(,rt,: a :.,, ;:t :,. ti\t|,i .); r.,.t 1i 7 t riz'.. ..1- r..,-, -. *....r'. i':., .tr,4ar l4,if.g rZgnt ': t/')-: -/i (.i'1: : r i.r.,:.- ,f :I: ::-:,:::::-: -.-, ;.i- t 1rL;.>f ttl ,nai i t(]' (. .tr"r ij'...ir..;- ;ri) it.,':q:-,,:l -u::i! i'; :f . ._,- .-if,! !::.f4.,.:.,i f n,9 ,a f tt,.:)._rs r.-.tim?ted r:r 1cL i:! I ,;xpeni{,:. l,: r w-',: _i; :5 .:.<-r:3.FE3 afe ...,'.-le. Corrrt-tr_'r;on f or ,-.ort r-, lv a ., .. e ) c. :. E: n :: . il.,ail be orcrated : if che o'rt:.'rshrD of a condor::niu?. i t col:.,Je:tces ott a Cay oLher !l'!an the f irst Cay c! 1 Tonch. (f) The e:Segs.nenr! rade riall o: ires aC uDon tfre cash ren'.li rc$ent; deened to be i:ch 4{Rrfe'|:e <uq e,; ;hc ? ; m.rnagine aqenc or Eoard of Dlrectc-- of che .esscci''rlon shall' f rom ti'n.' ro tire deteynrin.s ro be )ai{i by r ll of the ,)".rr!en, ":' lnc lrrclin4 dec larant , ro orovide f or tl^e ta.,,-. r: of i : i esti.maf /'d c)' --,rw!.ng out of or csnnecttd trith the r|Slr::enane , "i(. ^r('t ..,: n r:i :-l.e Rengr:4 i c orxron elef,€nr€. rhlch surt ^ay , .r::di., .tmctnE ocirer t!.ings, cxlcn"|es -.- --.- :n- ftenc; taxes and sDecial assessrnents :rntil r.ii!<it ilse>-r i fire yith excended coverage and vandsli€". ::i taarticior:s Ets- chief rr;.rh endorsementi aEirched i5,s',:r,ri in thc a&,-rnt of tha rn:?xinrr(!1 repl.tcelrlent v:rllle oi aL1 Of fhe cot:<!c,-lin!utr r!,n t tg (incl',dinq alL f 1xt..rre"; rnterior rrn ll I : -r l.:rf,i-tion;; (ecr-rraEcd and f ini.shr-.d s'.:rf aces of peri:etc l ual l:: , f loors aod cei l i nqs; doors i rl inclc*'r lrj c'ther eLessr,t: cr *ater:ti; cnlo- prising a part of t.rte tparr.me:lc untcs\; c.i.,,rlcv a*d s:bi:: Irabil!ty :rrtl othr:t i ^rrirerce ;re.:,i.ir:,,r: 'l :,rdiai-..inl and care ui irol'nCs; i.. omqton l:thtlnq rnd ire:ttir*; r,,l.ra,-:.i itnd renrlvations; r-':: ru1' ancl garbage collectior:.; o,$aes i *. rr<,- ci.i3t-{-3{; Iegai rnc .lcCo,rnt i.rrg f p6.'.; :!'a .r:;-::ant f ,r-; llxfie .i. i J:\.'; I r.f ntlit..c"- ' ilctt:'rt'd Lrv Clte 4i.t']:ip! n{ ,riL\r,it t. lO.tr:," ,_\l i;r :.,.-r!,tirl. } .:,,.r.{gi .-!, by re"rson ef tl r j det' L"?rr iror'.: f hr. -r,.ii \,... .11t J: 3nr.' rJ*f .,c I 1-.'.ll3i 11 'tt,: f ."Otr ;! lf evi(':'.i l.rr. f . t'1ll f l,- irg..-:,.-:-. O. .-: :eSiOlr.tb!; -9- 'I.€ i.-\ . -:'j-.. ' * :i :: :]- : i i-- : .: i:,Firrei:cr' ac{ri:tr.', j. i.- i1;': ':-'.i '. . :'J r':r i : .i-., r.ir..'r 'i..,1 . j.; bri, ' c. -: ,- t-l t! -i"r. of lolor;rdo. Th^ t::" -r ::-t::. -". lll ::'" i 'r'i i.'i ir' bia.llk,.r: FL'i',ay fota nair:r:lq fhc .i:': :)i -1i r-" lr:' i-::i :'+C, \'raicf' io:.i clr or poli.c tes shall idenc; fy ih-' r "i-ei-€'c't :: r)! rl.ri' c()rr- dor*i.iri-urri .:r',E otJ1le t aad ';4: i.ci' 3l:..i! pgcgille ; r-rr: it .if '!llder{ ' lcEl-col:t::1;,:tliY 6g!:Egeqee clar:se ln f avor oi r'.rih 'I r-c ''"1rr- gaqee. lf .ri-all. airo provicle th.?i ii ca:;not be f 'l'1( el i'''l ";"' *lther {h€ ins,'r'ad or the ln;'.:r: rct cc:iPanr'' :t'ir I ain'":- : e:- ciays pr.or H'r,.tcen not r.ce t.o ai1cF i.-!"*. i.r -3itd ^tc:' a:-- | ':i(r:r- Ia?,E:.. Jai.d :'-s;ra3inq alent cr l;.?:ii1 oi i'ifec!('5; sltr i t , t""i t'n? acf '!"rt aa .,.'-; f tr:,c riorcl.a-:'--?, :ir-:t;l' a c,':lli-::t co-'v cf :r:,:* !.::nket ;.cli.i anC the .*)artte ijertlf :c ir:' i'ic'il!:'fy- '^I:t i: e :t'ora:c oi !': t: qiai.t, .i,J(,,!. ,.'j i :'l - i:' .,1 ;: ' ',1-:l.1ag 'l:ai i r:a"'!4? qheri Lhe i ns';ra!-,ce tF;: l-;,- a'j''i- ':-)t I I b'" r'r'"'.1;(4lr-': cr :.r:f.ilr.3d onLT i1r !g3i€ct Cc :i{' lla *i:. t- t'i '::v ':fl-:.1' jjlt- .)1r?rr: y .t'.:i l:r' cf a brr,:ali of lzrra::i;r, !'n.ip!" :r!., : :-i;'.ri ,' . t,! ',':Li :i)'L1'. t; '"11;:"; ' tt' :' : .:.,:. -' i.rr rilr--aa,:laa.-:-|r,az Of :,::y :.rcl'!.; irr'. c,: F i.tr1-.' h' t," t.. i-::f ef*qE, Oy ir]. t. a.1.1-:.rE | 1f i-t ' I , la )-f .;.- , I : . .;| 1'. 'Kls; ncl:cy, aq l:() f h(, int(i:'p{ t,'i of ;riI,rf''t itir, 1-r' J <r"1'-r1'" 1.:rrr ,t i. 1f -V Ol- ,rrrv jr,(l ,{cf (18 t''ri ;i,"r, l,:,}l 11.,'- r' ,tv,i !,'l;. l .i ,1! +g.., i'nde(j ,lnd shi,lL rrtr;r:l.i 'r :.; ii.i.| t1,-'1' .1i,,.1 i.tr{'/.t, lir'- i.r)'-'1 !i:!tOtt r'f fi.r:i'mtlti, renlAt.'-,.,r.,t yni:'r- (rf ril Cr' 'jO.i,ri, : ti:'ri i:t (for in.'.rr':lrhte D!-,rpo1rc's) ,ltrll lte ,rarlt' ;llii'rial lr7 !v irn - or more r.rltten apprniqrlc, coi)i ''.; ;-r f whtch qhail L*' f rJrni !l^' .' forthwith to each nortgalce of a conrlunr in i "'rl rloil.. i;r ad.l i- tton, each owne r stlnll b.r rlog i I l-r'd ot. r'rch 6Fpra i;.r l(::). (h) lio ournnr may e!{emlt hil, i{'lf f roc' ! r rhi I iti f or hi s contrtb::tion towarii.r 1tlo sC,'pr,qn pxi)e|iqe:: !'y '.::rt vi:f cf thq. tr8€: ()r eojoy$erlt of any cf f h" lenr:r':rl of ( .t-litlo., -' l,'ments r or by abandonnent oF I l- aprf t'n''i.rt. 7 . Li eo for lron-PffrTrent gf Conorgn F*nenses. (n) All surns agsessed but unpaid for che ehare of ccrnmon expenses Chargeeblp tO any cOndOmin t Uo un:r,, i.Ucluding .interest ther€on et etght pcr c!fit ger tnnn6, chalt ('oa.?. rtr.rr/' a Llen on $rrch untt *rpefior: (prigr') co all other liens and encrrsbrilneeE r 3xcept only for: ( i ) Tas antl sD€clal ses?ssr€nt l!,entiri fivor i€ 4ol atsesting 1rnit, and' (i'),A11 suns rrnprld orr a flrsr cleed of -tt ru,q t of t iecorcl , lnc ltrd r.nq a i I . ;H$13":'lf :fft'J;I;ull "131 li.lncludtng addit Loaal advancer ;:rad rher.on :prlor to the flris i nA 6f : s trch r Li an. (U) To evidence sl:tch lrer, the Eoard of Diredtorc or managing dqent r-ay, but chaf.l noc be requlred Eo, prepF rb: a srtti , norice retti nF f ortl^. Eh€ elno,rnE of ssch rrr . R ld Indebt+ririrss, the name of the 6tDer of che Gontlonin i 'n:tinl! nn<l a deccrlption of the condominitro rinit. Such a', Lce .;hall b. signed bj ane of lhc'ful$ of, Dlrectors or b'.'lhF trr4naging a8rnt aRd ney'be rGe-Orded ln the offj.ce of ti'Cl,irk of 3agle County, Colorado, by Ehrr Aseoclatlon, Such licn fo:- tl-.c c orxrlon 4rrpcnces she 1.1 attach f r<xn t.he dat* of the f-lt1 lrrf€ of ;:ayor,nt of the aBFeg?neni. StrCh t t {*n rr:av brl r:nfotcecl by f orec lc,rure of the def nulting owflr-\tts condom;Iri'r'\ ,-:-----.,.--':.., -"..:i I itr !r l).,' tth., :':-(,llt ! i V '. 1 "",.: r1;yr'1 i r-' ',- i :: 1 ",Jf .,1.a4: *t ittal !cr. ',;- c Iart' rir'.f, f f . :: ..-+ COit.:., e:rten:e= t.'.'. '. :t_.. !o 9a:,. tC. if ,.1 i9531 :'r,e {. ,: a(r- ' a 1{f!i :n:.t j l;il" ,1 ';:'.. iat iori ;h:ll bc eri- ,'4. irri C1";.-, 6f I r.en r i or. r;i ti: "';Ci, !Orec.'rl ! rt'a ;.-'n.th'ie l-'ttori:-"'-. e loc'rre. Tl,r' 11ln:15 -!.' Il ( i;lt I ur': the -ront:lly ,:.:,.t',; tl r,, f'cr't,<l oi f<;r-p6'19.;'. v6', fitled to r rcc€.!ver L0 .:ol ;. !:r1.i i ave Ehr t:ow"r it blc ,. losure iale .1nil io ;rc.,,rire c cnvcy I a'ne . (c ) I'i- e nr,o';cr I oi Lha co|"|ao: i:\(:}clliP:- atif,tsed a4.ainst each co..jo,':;5.i..-r r.:n ! t qf'all a !-io be a {icbi ol t'he' orrne r tbereof at Ebe tiee tf.e assegs$enc rs ntde. Sltt- -3o reeover a mone:r ludg'::ent for ,lnFaid eoclTon exPenges t'llatl bG naintalnable wiEhor.rr f oreclo+ i-ne or naivi.n& che 1:ea €ecuring ga0e. (d) Anv encirrnbrancer holdtn4 a ltet on a c or'do- ratni?Ml unit ftay, but ;h4 ll not be reenlred Eo, Dny any unpa Ld cqmaon .Xpens € Fa:tabie liith rcsoecc tso st:ch unit', ar.td up@ streh payFen t srrch enc.lclbrancer iblll !-'ave a I Len cn f,:ci llrtit for the ariorrnt s p1i{ nr the esre rank a5 the ll*n of hts anr I cuabranc e . i (e) iJpon pavmenc of a re,esc{rrbie fe-e ncrt to elcs€d i TwenCy-Five Dol tar,; 3nC uDon thp bti.ite-l rcc'.!eer of .)ay orn€lr: ;or aily mort qagee or prosDecl ive ,rorEcrgee of a cond+ tnius I Iuni.t. Ehe Associatior'., bv i1: 6srsgtn? e ie!'tt or if the rC is\rni.t. Ehe Associatior'., bv i1: 63rg?tn? e ie!'tt of lI E$€ rl? Ls j no manaqlng egent, theri bv ics 5o:l rrj of 3:rettc'rs. sl'all iss'.:.i' a wrrtCen !f ate$t'nt s?,rI in.: rorth ine e',,]1:r'f oi th€ tmE\t id co nnon exFen$ et . I i 3nv, 'Ji t'r' rei::ect, t. t:'t' ii;s ltlct uui i. tl':f 31'(rlrnt of th: currefii lrc;igFlv ,f i 3es:;'nr t'.t rnd tf <- dnt€ thlt ctrch aseesstnent beco{iec {ilre, cfedrt tL-f .lCvaltceil peyr&enLl er i)renaid i.!ens, tnclrrding bt!L lii: t Liarire<l ci] 1$surag.cQ ]tatit L: i: :.a-(. !he :Lgs|}ciaqi.J!l ;.\,1 ;61igi47:nit'"':i u$: t lc fo:e- I r"'td, lease, tnr:edge arrC I'r ;rt t...-d c;n€ L ni:. L#;"'"'-,ridaonsc r'h€ latcer fqr hir propc.r'iio.rar.: sl:,r:'e cr'!-nL'io+t1. S€.':;g!;,";. | ".'1I ''!'l .. :-: G8ttr'Gt:; e3 up CO tha L ir*! cf the *rerrt (.:- coftv€vi::r.r{:, r,; r i \r';$t,*reltt (':- aonv€vi::r.l{:, (,i t i \('rt:! j,i.,is.', ,.,ptei'.rr1c& to the q;',irEec'; riqhc t$ r'ecevei {:<',:ri it"r' *.*n{o. F.a - if, _" tfut-rl..rn payrrint. qf a reasonable fee rot Eo e{ceed fnentf- 35in fr,-: ,, tln j}orrrli, aod uofir srltEem. r?lue;i , aFy .rrcl'. pro-:pect lvc ,ir1 ,; .-., #;;::r#,*!tr9teclthall be srtltled to a statenre:;- fror! tt',e n.3n.1s;-19 - .;) :ifptt or, tf ther. 18 no ruaEa8lng aq"n6, then by i trr Boar{ of ;.Iltrscrols, settin; lorth the anount t.r l- tl:e 'rf !)6:d .tsseislr+ocs, F"*t:T 'lt eny, rtf,::l resPe€t to lhe subiect'.1n:i' the ansr.I')t of t"TF SEa,r:1., ' cuffent rronthlt 6:s€ssrnr]$t a.rJ ehe drrc-' chat such as-"eesrrtfnt 9..;1';..; I$ t !>cec*-s doe, endir for advansgj p6'.rmen c r.._ for prepa' i{eea,'t'{-, I P",':r.. i.r'}cl''C:OE birr aOt lia.i366 Eo inqr-.r'..r Dre;r'i:ns, r*,r,.:h .s\11 :: :.r ' i .t;..- . bc codcir:slve upon the Associatlon. .'rte;; sucr r+1tre:;t for t',F;.- .':-' e *ta r alDent of indebtedness girei I r- comolieC '-: t:h nithio lten '-i-- . : I is,:,. ,, ' , dair. cf g.:ch, recrest, thec srrch .{rrr :*e s}.ai I :-,ot }oe liab}e i;j. ".,t lc':, .:or ttrall ghe corxjo*i ni crm ur'i I cor.veyiti l;e su'o-{ect t rir lii';:;i::i .,. ;,i3U, : rcrrryeBt Gonthly 6: s€BSrflr]$t a.rJ the drrc.. chat such as-oeg t '',:-'. q,.. 't. - ! :ii:' -j.f.' . ; llerr f or ary r-rnaa id 4sse; inent eqai.nst the :i,b .rct unit. t I . RLaht tc i.orteare. .*ny oLrner sha 11 h;-.ve tha riaif-r l, t:.'otr ',:-ire fc !I$e ao .toert4a4c- or encl:nrber l-.: r '.nrere"I bZ. :. dad of tfugt, ?'i: ! 1,rqe or ocher eeL,'- iry ';r1..:i,a,;fient-, /\ :' -. 1ir " ' f !rSt tY'o:-t 4ze.z sl.a 1-! bo ore ri' ich h: ' f r,rst -r'111 -.21':r-::rr';;1r i. pallor;-ty umll'r aapii<'a;'ie l.err. ii:e r*.-;i.:r nf a cor,d..l.l.', , 'f rrrrrt E#rY i-te..i ,:r,'-cr -<'ttZd11Fs on ll e f o1\'t''a:'i'11 cr:r;<!i.r rSl''.; : :'. fi) tf.at ar.i: ;.-.c" ; ::'.,1 ..arr..caaleQ, rirall. "l*,'"r r,r.' : l,.-r11l p;.f r. '.:'.'.; ,. . td atl lf i: -:-.,7,., , c r,,''ii iion3, Cov.rnants, rr.sf r"11'l ,r,r-i I . ..., .'.'.rruq., i,i::;,t'c-.i, .,5i','airon"r 1 i,-:r, fof C Oq:lron cy-{ ('n:tr,, f r,C .1Gri $ts ni',:... . l'-..-.*,",.ft rny, uf.:|l respeet to Ehe cubiect'.,nii, the ansr.rrlt of t"$e I o or-lier obl i*atLorlE c?ee ted by chls Dec lar,lrton an,l ir',' r !'r o iy' L,.r.ir; (.t) that lhe fi<rr!8agga under z+lty iirniilr s1'1s1'4;1 1r' shirl I r-le.r.e, for the ptrrpose of restor.lt ion (,f 6rtrr io'o;'QV{'n€rr{ B .:D{}n tha Forrqaged Dtemlges, atl of hls right, c ltle ar1(t in- (er--egt lfi and to thc procclds lrnder all rnr,rrance pol;cles uPcn *a[d PrG!!ls"$ wtrtch instr'rstrce Pollc i e5 rJe: e ef f €cted nnd placec{ trpon clie tuari.Bfiged Pretrr 13e3 by ctie Assoctactoi.'. -'reh rcliasa chall br: furnished lorthrtth by a jtrnior morr':ag.a upot! eritten requeec of the As3octntion. 9. g;re of " c - RlqlrL of Ftrst Refuqal. (a) ln che event env Ottna f of a cOrrd<r.n t n I r,i'n unit c:her than the Declarant u'hal I wtah rs 'rel 1 or lease the sene' and nhatt heve recei-ved I bona ftde offer cherefor fro:r a prosoectlve p, '^h.arer or cenant, the reoalnlng owners 3hetl : .be :glven n r,r' notlc€ tbpreof toqether with n copy of euch ._.i.offer end tha terns thai+pf . :iueh.nottce and copy lhatl bt - ,, , ' .';Diretors fo't*.rErt r'v rr.s ry.f,r..lr'! vlr:,,Ervrrr !Yr. r -t v. H,L v'TrL., r*reloing fln€rs chroug!-the fg;lrc.bf Dl-reccors, or e oerson: r' ,1.: na|'td by thern, shall have the irtght to purchsse or leasc' tha' : ia: rub.l+ct'sperHB€nt upon the lene teiln, and condtti<rr.s ai rit l, , f forth tn the,offer therefori provtdetl hcrrev?rr rhat rrttted i. it r_vv'EY! -. 1 . rrot ice gf luctr €lect ton to puqchnee or lease Ls glvetr tD tt'.e , 1 ' lnllinq or leailu.g otmer and a rnatching dor.rn payncnt or, ds-,.,- I "p{)stE ii p;ovtdcd to the selltn4 or Ieaslnq olrner durtng che..., I I'.:: tirtnty-day pcrtod lqnre-dletely fotlorrlng the dellvety to chg' ,, i Boerd of Dlroctorc of the notlce of th,.: bona firle offer grd ; copy thereof co .prrrchara or i.ea"e. (5) In the €lr€nt any osrrer shall artemot to sell l or leR,; e h l; condorni n i,rrn un tt wi tbout af llorC lng !o Elre .o,f.her . ()rrnFr$ the f t':4ht of f lrst rrefueal- herein provided, srrch erlle,. or le4c* rhall b,: rrholly null end void and ;h6 l[ son(es no po..i rip,"rsory rl.ghte, rro EtElo or ,inf erest whatgQever _unon the i 11ranrlcrfl purcheier or le*see. (c) The 'iublr.asing or subren!ln4 of sald irit-.,rrtst rh,rll bn qublect Eo thq.sp'lt€ ltrmilaE{ons €r €re ":noticrtf te.gp -t:- noE conitirug. c;r b! Ceer:ii io.-- 2 saiver of such :.ight.ta ',*f1,1'"::' ' -61'' i-: .-.4*;* pnr.ruh* e c or lease r.;h cn tn orrne r :-(:eives eq., s,jbsco,:cot bOpa. , .""$-:|- .: :flCe of fer f:. p lragpeeti,v? lr rchaser or,ienacf- --i .1. ,,..,, :,.:-'I"i ". rtj'. ,r4(.:,' --.. :-,.'t r f f irst refusel, as provlded he+.tn.. ;, 't.'. .. ': -JBoerd of Dtr.cto!-. trf Lr-oii'3 Y'ar+ .cor:<lc : .4s soc latton r.: prlrs ", r':-;! (') l trenty-o'ne yt-.rrr . {b} Excc;t as otherrrise t:cr,:c*d in Fsralraptt lQ, 6id " if:?. -a!!.rL <lt lrL..gr-r>r-- !:.,-\,.i"i\l I..t pdag a(d.:rr avr ,..5rq ,_ ij- ,....; rrcept up€fi a trn.:}ficr of c jl-],:: tc a p:.;'1c T:TStee gr !e f flrst . ,,,,,, ' I - --:i l.ulft*l3eer eoch :ra.ltor 8i J ro'ri:o$i n ill' nnit, rrl{}tr tr!,Ftfar?tnF. ,. ; tafrrurEed: - i.l ^rof eo{|\aeycl['€ ;rr a ir€elef?nE :hat the :*ranteG c4rry out che. pro- " ,: ,: a;;j, viqlons of th€ i r: qht r'l i i'rst :-ef use!. rs prolel{ie't in "fhls rar;td-anh. :t.,llc',"-.::i traFsier.l sl-a[1 be €xe Dc th" - ^:::ri:n : iitt !):'' -','q:i;i.1 iont oi (,)il'* -.:'s.rsier- bv r..s,erilion o'; lan O.f - ". i;eieaie.i 'oi l..r t.'i..r..t ' ; lni:iect t.r : L.... s:,-r.iv..r.: .uint t-n:r,.t(S). il..' : \'ar-,.i ie'' ol :r Jecease." r s i rce:'eiL rElgo;: pllls .' ,"i '' -.-.i.- ,;..'-.i {rr} - i-5 - o (ll1 i'[' g-31slef .ti r il ,.' ',;, :!.r:i {.,] i i'3ttl::':r- l,]1,'r'esf ' f i '1'.: Ii- !\,c.rabifl;-, deatn ':' ,!: . (,-^'t ! ." ::;;r i tirrrg F€ff I1.,.-\ a.!:-:-1,. I i i)ii i::. l.igrr\io bucinr.s i!:!''1 ./ci :.' r ltr"' .. ,: .,i ner{O.rs be..'..'..'.: i)i{it':t.. -. A t-,,.:t!.1 of lli. or p;+'- cf'. jlri .'"i.\: .( ngi'i lntefe : - Jia\.etiit ,'r'., rr! , r-.. lef a11'.)fS Ai{i. ;r ( J ''.t:-.;i,- ; i)i L.O- I i..pa(L.rirs. l;- i:6rr.; I trr ('^ r .. \t. -\\\r. ,r t.l . :rlf jrr. I t1, 1i..;, p!-r f .rr):., ir-*:.r.,*.... ,,.\. r::l: the.lcck oi il:e .(.- ..,".t::(. I :i r-r--;uli of a,J;-s.'ii.;. ,.r: , ir rr r:t i,r. tLc --.qr.l;'.r.: *.::: ji... :! l:.,;:tr; , .:ill' :1i n '-..::.{.j'- o: ... rliirlt:or; 'ir -.-". rleu ,:rpvr.f r Ci .: , i . f ef C/, rr ,.. i1'e ir-L\*k o: f.:,e :.: i:: .-nt l:.r l O$ii ec b)' tir-", rt;':. .i.:'c c: titi :cr-oc:'.rrl.on far-,'al1' ;.-.'.t,-: l.,i !.iiir|l,..'1' I' un i. :. . (ivi (v)Ant* t rans f e- wl r)-ri .1.i ,rra':rrr oi nlr!.ni u'r Un'-t .a:. ::.t,ii:ii:l' 5i.l glrl' faccl0n of tf,.' a:ri;1 .:,ng .:.1rlrr lrrof Dire<-tori t:1-:t .r l'op(l .s'il c r-:i9 noc a salc cr ieiie. tTltt"n request of ar..' ircspectivei i ) ttpon fclcq purcira:er, tcnant or an existin,3 r)r i::.oirectlv.. .nc,r- laqe,e o! arlv cclnde' I,n i. '.:n un j.:, fhe tr4naqin3 3t j:.i ..r Bo45,l .rg j i.:c- tof9 af the AssoCiati-on s|ali forchuiin. Lrr :rt.re i i,re i. ' ,L t s- ..^.. --! , f e r t fanS - rpccif :.ed, st the cnd Iedged cerrif :ca:a .i.n be co::c I'.:; i.ve evidence denc:o: thaE: 't-a !" e oi i. a , .., c': :t ,_. ,,, clc:.-rT r,, AnrJ, .i de:e... Irro)'E!a::.n.i or i :_; r i) of tb-r' c i-ile, ! s9.:..j. .3 !:a,:inn 2;111 p1!;rc-r.l- recor.jable f oir'r. r,-::.,:i ...:: i::c:rr ;iai I of th+ f act.s conr'r.. .r. itr..rclrr I i,r - (t) witl r-e;pe ct ro e :.:.1:.); -:t: .-e....e .;ale ,.lnder ihi; u;rra.tra::h, cr,rc :ro,le!,not;c{i IjAs }1ven b..' tit.: .;eili:lt or [96 i [r,'', crv.ne - :-,,! .h,rt f l.l€ -o.r,",,.],.gu1et3 djd i.Ot. ,'i.o:: ir; r.y;.r^i,., r!. ,- Ott roi, tC :r':rr.:}-,.i..' ?-', !!..! i.r ; (ir) wit;, respect i.c : ,j.'p.'r'a;t at- r nYr,_ I t.' , ?aa2?-a.-Ji l0 , ::: ;1 facl ;jv:1 r i .j r: u4re :rol >''b;?ct "{, ,i . t>, l" ::tf t;:::)h; Lt:L: rlsDeCt CO ir..' .-.::t f .,-:..i-,r,,. ,.:. : .- f et 'i,i.:h is no+. j.:', :aal ,i :.ii ]r iza:e., t.ial L;r*,. lrar.-; ir.: 'li :'.,, t;:';b jr,g i to tlt- '-.rr)v , ., ,t.. , r.i a. i., - (; i; ) . !.r11 . iti. r-ofecloEr.re. ln r,, ,: .,yl;.,t- ,,i a.;,i,lr --a.ir i trl! {>V{rt: | \tfi4.-. t ai'/ f ! ::, t. -.()t-t i:r - l{t - 9? r?- ss; o nolder ttre-eof to ior-,.'c lose o.'-,,, tt-..,r . n 1,. ,,ndt,r 5rr,.ll c loc'.rr6', Lrrcl rrlln4 delivery of. a dee(.l rr t;r- ti13r_ or-i Ln I rorr of such f orec loqure. shr I I br' n.rdl i ree anci r: i tllo frr(rvii iont of pafa.traph 9, ,.rrrti Ehr' l.,rrr-!r-r,.,i.r (O'- ,r'iiti(.{, under Strch deed in lieu of forec losrrre) of .,rci,r c rrrrtr'r.r., q, .. unir shall t hereupon an<l thereaffer tre srrb ie<.t Eo tlic ir(.- vis i.on:; of thi$ Declarat icrn arrcj By-Laws. I f ttle Drrrcl-,..r -,-.r followtng srleh foreclosrrre salc (or gr4ntr-.e rndcr rleed q, vc,,r in lieu nf such f oreclostrre) shar I I b.: the rhen ho r. ;-- r-. r il,- f irst mortgag,i , Of i.t: noni nf'e , thrl i;r i cl hclde, or t' . lree mqy thereaf ter sel I and convr)], tlr., corr(lorriflir1i1 ,1nit f rnr' ;tnr! cleer of f he orovliion: of nat:aqraul: 9, brrt its Jr3;rt41 .;\111 thereupon arrd lhcreafter be subjact r() all of the provli ions there,-rf . tl. (a) 'il-.is Declaratlon doe* hefeby a€ke rnand^tory lhe trrevocsblc :rouolnteent of an attorirey-in-faet to de:tl with the proF lrrv r:Dgr1 iEs destruct,ton or cbrolegcence. (b) f rrl- ro,1ny condoni-n!.irm rrni.t is declared rno ,]x_Dress ly made -' ' ,eci to Ehe terms ind aond i,tion,; heren. and ;rccepf ancc b.. a Trantce of a deed iroq, the I)e<: IaranE rr from any Oirnef sl,s!t. .9n51ilute lppoint..nent of Che at rorney- in-fact herei n provided. rill cf thr: owncr; irrevocably con- gtii.trlc and appO inL ui611 ' ,; l.arn Con<lqrr; 6. rrr\ r\Ssoc iat i On, a COlof4do co orttton, not for Droiit. tir,-,. r true and l. -r.;l af torney in t lrei.r name, 1:'l tt.e rrrrl sir,41l f 9g lhe fllrporo ol- Ceal inl wif ir fhe propertv npon itr clesLr,:tion or ob.roir, .cnce r: ;r harenFtpr provi,lnrl . r\g etto-noy-in-f rct, L!ri, .rssur. 1- t ior,, by it: president nrtl cecretAry. shell trav.: frrll .rr,r, cOrnD I €'f " a,rLhOri z.1t tOn r F I qilg and p619er to tn,rkc, eX"1i,!Cr, ,n(i ,.loliy,'1- ar:y r.ont-r rcl, 1lpp1l or ilrr), of hef ln.i t rrlrnenl witl: r,,- :: D,tLl I,o !hr. iitt(.fC{t tl!' /: (:(}tttLroi.n.f ,rer rtnl f (rlrTlef u,il ,Ch 1re .r"(. ?(i{:.:lry .rrrcl 1pp16pri.at., f o c,xerr-.i,qa the Lrowers lr,,}"t,Lrr ifanre.t. ,{epar r nn.l r{>cur. . i nlct t on of thLr ;rtpyoy.,rnr.11 (c) i- ';': oi - ll - - ,. jr r.vi. jt'tcl prrOr to ;l-r. d4rn4.-6, Lri Eh r113f-^ 6i,4p3..,?:tC .rniE And rhi'$il.'',). :- l) ':i1 3en..:ral ar:d 1imrc,..: cci.r',:oil e1.':e:tf .: .-r.rin3 r!- i8,yri v.r:iG6I -S {: and horizor-.t;rl botrndarles ai before. Ihr: proceedq Of ltt4 io-. ,: ':i: . ..:: :"r: trtranCe ( cl1.:cE.ed chal I be aVai iebl,, ro al-.: r!isoc.atLotr f.tr ._1 .;n,: ;.r lhp o.,t'r<,ie of :.rplif , -.-5f,9y-: ion c!- '.eol4:e-.€ni9 unl6s thj :t iiorCance '.;i- th the Drov:..:onB set fqrth here.i naf ter. {c) in the €vent of daqase or destrrc on dlre to :.\ .,:i.;; rf . '-.(- f Lre or other di$aEter, lhe insu:anc€ Drocede , r,f suff icicnd I'i :..:: to reconrcrucc the inprovcnrent(s), shall be apptied b;r tbe - ;;* Asoociation, as actgrney-in-fac! | EO ;uch reCgrotnlctl6, |oa . the tnprovarnent(s) shalt be "probDtly rcpeired snd rtcer '1i..1ri,'i.:'{ . ;at "lJ:" J&l resto?Etlon sf the toproviacnt(*). be procptly repaired and.rgisrstnrcted blr o . . .'i,:' j ' -- Li':r elj - i..,-'. '.'..e ') ,'-) 1. , r') (v) -' .,.- I .t' i:,; - . ..r.r; -: : 'j ' rrt - ;: -.-',i. r i: : io; ial': .r r. r pensr-.S' r o:. p: y-ien E cusl) rafla e stie exr.,-n t Th: b', l--.'e 1r.,, 9- -1 1 r. 0,i:. i. i':nrr'.- t:rL. ,,rI:.- r -- -: it,_..: - :tt ;-rt rF ,il ("') Ir - rre t1 _.- ce '_-'--': -;1 --t9, irot incl,.c:a.: ttld :f :i.e a"*'ner i ;e?res€:.c.-, r'r .l t€:es! of ;evenEv-five per:er,r, ffir ai.q.:€na3, do nof !.Dlr.i.!' .:r. l:, th.'-, ,ir -. . , t.akt ..iovi I :i, . ic,r ':rr,' ii, J€ ila . - f i..i4q.t< ?.,^.;,f OV41L .1fC-!r.:' ::,t,'-4i: .--{:icrCt- :l : ur.: r.f i l 3a:i -rii f:ttl. -,::: f tcf c|: f r, is gtli'- ::ci.;- l:'. i_'.. .i.i;Oa;ar:,c '.- 3l' r.-',::-. :i-.-:-'.-: ..re:,. a i,1. : i.1lr r '. ;,:.' )::rt't!-'. i.-lp.:r . -,,a f-i--;, .' -, ' , '! -' CI t ltlti -' *t:a I 1 rhirli lr.. IhT-$e 'T-r--j ill!irrrti: unlt cwn{rrrs f 1:act rorral ,nf ,,ro*t (aS such il,i..:?rese., .tpge^r' on th,r pnl r ''v Of Doli.Crer ), crr,l sr;cli dlv: <ierl prcce.,rls cr,.{i I L,.. pai tl i.ntt. . i ;htcen qepni-;{ie accorn-,tr, pach rrr L ac- cc!'-rn? r'epr€s,rr'!f i nI 1.)n. of the Condc.r,-in , ,fl unlEr. Ljai,l- q,rch .r 'i'rtrtll!- 3hal I f,, 1r. thc r: Arn€ Of ih- r\sSOciati.On, and .: a ll br, fr-:rth::r ldent 1 f rel bv the nu'nbar ol rhe aparthent rrnit arrC ih€'t, i'.re Of the ('inl.-'I.. !'fom olCh s:n'rate nCCOUnf , Cb- /rcso- ct|ltiorrr. !N sttorr,'.,y, ln- i.,rct, ;lrall forthulth rrs.. nnd r: i.s..,:::e che t,-tal r'oun! (of eaeh) of such accc*nts, $lthur:t conrrib.r- tfon f rorn onc. lccor?nt t{r aflothe r, [truard che pai!-t1a I or f Ui I PttfftEnt 06. the Llen of any flrst lnortga3e agalnst rhe condo- tlt0lr.lm unLt refrrF.irn:eC by_ ruch seDarate accqrrrlt. Ther,.- after, aSeh s'ch acc( ,'{t strnl l be qrrpplemented b1.r t.he appor- clor''ed eoo*nt of rh€ proccedd derived frcxn the raro of Bhe enttre pr'opcrr,,' +.rch €ppoftlolrnent ,hall ba besed 'pon each coqdqnln I un ' rttrler's fr.ctiongI in.ccrest in the general ccttn eleocrrrs. fhe cotnt ftmdr of ecch account shall be used and disb'rrrscd, rlrhout co'ntrlbutlon frc gne. accounr to anotl-.cr, by the Ascoglption,. A! et3orney-ln-fr3Er for the sr:ne trrrpor es arrd rn the Eac! Otder rtr Ls proglded ln sub_ paragraph (d) (i.) cirgsugli (v) of this parsgraph. The pr6- vts ionq COntalnecl !o thie rub-Faragraph ehall nor hlndcr th.: protectlOn ryt ven t.o a firsB moft&aqee rrnclar 6.mortgage e.n? dors r''ren t . (f) I f thc ownerc reFre<enting an sggregnte frac- tlonal interesC of sn1'pn3y-f ivc' cer cerrt, Of trl(it'e I Of the general cgoryron elerr,(,ncs adopt a olan f or rccon. tnrctlon, tfiich plan has thc uaantoous approvrt of Ctl lilrst mort- gaqee-, then ell of Lhe orners shatl be bo.urd by the torrtrs and ofir-r provis ie1r.: 9f sucl.r r.lan. ,lny slllassp€nt mRde i-n conlrection qlt tb quch plan Shalt be a coqmon. expinse an<i madc pro r'aca accordin2 to e.aqh o$rn..r r s percantnga lnterest in rilp g,t6''r-rl c orunorr elementa and shall br rJue and payab, le a: p:'ovlde.! by the terars .pf suclr nlan, b t not sooner thau thirty dsys aftr'r 'arrtterr.noticF th,,.reof . The Associacio;SSI qlrrlt -?0- - r d t'"1, ! gh.rll i:;r fact, lo r.,sir-: '. ll "; il rng ':arta? 2.c-,..'di ,.,..r ,,ich li.:-a(.i. n.,:y!f!-- itairdt, ' t:.- f ;ti i,,:r ci ,, ,-.n-t ..; f o .;,.-j t-1,.< ;. iii:ss,:ri::1. 'fh e aSse:--{ n: 't'1'1ttit,(i for l'er- . r O". 4 debC ci re Ch q..",er An(: a ,'-r:, '-'!' it I i: Co-'lr.i' :. : i, .. . - :- :. -.a't b,-: ei,iOfCed airl uoli|r. ..., .-; \-. t2 !rv',\:etJ t | 'y..,.'::'. 7. ln aOdi ai;.i f he-e- :c. I i' rr':?'.1..::t I {).- . ;\- :ll ,'.ta: ;-.,i,-i ea C, ihalI l.aV: th.' 1bi,,) r,..t r. ai ".. i rs<! :....'._:i- fC -,,-. ,.,.. 3g115iga,r ..;., _- ::n.t .,f a::., (rwnr'r ''"f,Slnt (:' :.4ilr.: lC ,')ty t ':i':, Srcars -(-,::a w!Ei- if, tt,e i i-,r.. ,viile.j, ;,,i, l!' .r. .,o .". -1 .l, ::he ;s..:...,;iii r ai;rll cAl;c. 'ci b.. -eCc.t-.,e.i .l r.;!iCe t'-.ri tl..e CondFJier,;:r+ "rnit Of t'ne ,-ir, i in,' '.n1 '*ri rir <F,i1 !-i br' <cl,J L;,' Cle .isscciJtio;. lhe proceeds ot t-i'.' .4 "ro,'. :alr. of sucl. cor:Co,q.. n!ur+ ':nit siral,l be us,|( an(l c r .r)r'r3?d b;r the issoc I atLcn, ai a'-.irne:t-il-f ict, for che s:.i:-.- o,lrpese .nd in t.i.e s-, -. ord:r e! is nroviied in 9u!'.Parr3raph(d)(i)ct.ro.git(vl;fthtrparr3rap},. (e) J|.e orrrrcrs -e?res?rlclng 6i €.i j!.egat, :rqg; clonal int,: r' .'1'ly 9+r centr or Ft!, of the *Jjt . CGr. )n el. - -,i r, j:-ic. t'.,i rhe Cqxlooinr,:a uni eS ant qb-.. solet€ ard aoo - p-a.. t{-r !h(" aene\ rL and rec<rn6t:-.: i. e;: r*rtch plan h.es lhe t'nentlor.i :r pr-rro.rr I of rl i cr:;r aor Ugl$l , .. Ifapl'.'nforthererr*tlcrreeg|9truct:-....sedopt.d'ther. the exl'cnqe therrof shall bc o {tlrble by ali o' the or5crs i! co.rinon pxp{'n:es i rro\ ideri hcr..e ve r thdt, an os-r nf not a ga:tt . to s',rcl' llir', fc- rene*tl or rr,.-.(r!riti-ucei{.. ':ray ?,i9! rfittan uot ice ttr gl:-^ i. soCrir.::.r'.: tl^at ;uch r.nit Sl.rLl tre ^--:fci:aShj by tht A<s.'-'i at ic:: f or tl'e f : rr larket value ti,e:r.of . tf sue h crl'ler a':.i che .is.c- : na i ci. ca.: eqrec oo Et,e f air nr:tet v;1!1rr' 1fr6'1'p6f t hc.1-r g.ra5 .r3!e so.l i bp ccn:'..:nrAted uithi_r iFIriv c,!v; t.i;. r+:.rf tor. ij the pai.i r "-i a:-e r,ir:::t Le :o :rgtce, tl.4rr thi' i;r't'i r,.s slr,,rL l arblrrr r-J :ali d,sor i1 ,is bef6i-tur_f r-ga urovi.i -:i. ('.) : F.r ('*'.!re r t :'r--.--r'ieirci.i! ai ;qgreiatq :r:c- r','. '-f :t l'[ &t.::-:t .-r..y<- ..:-I C('r.]-, ef r.,O:'€. .':' '- "eC l.rr!r-t L I i;-, f ! ,,'it1. t,aLLf , r' 1at 41ti, ,1-1.,;,:-! ,.) atEO!:-,.,.;-L{- 6'1':"c !!r.' r.,or;r cr '-,.:t(.r1:,r'r: of th+ i.spreveent; o '.: Seffe 'fa l .i(n'.{lo'. - . or":-'f\- i '. ' ilrQ cb'ao:ete ;.::-i 'htt frr+ . '(agrec*.',.t) .-'ot I .\.,. :l'.t .!: .:li''1'ts ,11r\r:(tv<i i '|lorGgeFia... ln gr:,:h ir':-s tane -, th. Ari<oc i ii. ir'r., f{c o'fd t tt6Etce s.'if ing forth c..r,..h i rcL .:l' i ^.,': th+ rccordt ng af $rjch noc ice bv ch. ;<.. ('r('1': ! t ,'!'. r'nd sccretAry, ih.. entire l)remj.i,'c sha !l b..' :.ri,: f llttoc, aF ttt.r'iisy-Ln-f a.E n f ot . i i of r' .' L'1." cL€tr oi lhe rrrov!.iior,s conta i.n '-r{l ir, f h'. ..iellr: ltrc e:rd the llr-l'a.;s. lhe sa lei Froc.,ed:; sh r. I i l: bet*cn the <*rer; on the bas i.i of 1r 1; I .-1e'; 1'1' : f i ntere "r t ln the genera I coEnro: e Le5.-',l.. ! 't , a 1,4 procccd: shal I be F.qid tnto eigrteen ierrar:at e a-'col :-r'' i'.'lrir *ucti nccottnt re?r"senting orrs condo':'-;tirt..11 riitrC. Erih ;'-rch eccclrnt thlll be ln the r1'ne of Che r.s soci ation, and itr! 11 ba fsrCher ldatif { cd b:t the number of the :!5art:nenf and [he t||ar} of the oncer. Frotr each seDar?'? aca(-rnt, Eh- ,\ssoc i.'r- ticr. ac lttornav- in- fac f , shell use an,.i ritsb'tr'e riF toi" i atas t {of eactr) of cuch ecco'-:!^.tr, witi^6'-: co,rirlh i :.on iron' oqB Gce1t !o ?nother, for tl': san€ :r:rto;r. 1nd .r: ::.: ra-? srdcr a" ts Drovided in snb-prragra;h (') (' ) t-h'cr' " (v) c! thii paragraph. t2. Arci!:'."tict. G) ii the event of a distute tloa o'r iti sa1a4i-ng agenl and .:;ry i6{iv;'l' ': r tE n or a.trorrq or.merg , ';i Eh. reqa rd lo ihr 'rrl ; I glfe4rerh 11, lncl:rdinq, b"t :1(;: l'.q'i t"d to r-i' fe1r narLet va1':: under e'rb--rarairaph ll(?), rl -'" : sl'.ali be rrbitrtted ufder such rule: a; n,! ho erli,: '' tt.t 3.' t i'rre by rhe A-:3o:raEion, .rnd iuci re-:i.1 .' :.! , ii tlre erclr;sive tell+'b1 of the pattleS. ' (bi lf the i.qgoc:lt'rn il-'rll hftrrglgr. otoc?!'lfg* clrre'ntly rn forcc ttjt€ *atc€, than, ulon vri rt-"'n reqlrest 'D''rtl|!{ add reqred to th4 Assoclat i on or $-' flo i l'a'-r" '' at :f.rr t .14 of c.,'..'i Oal'9r ::A a '-'. ,l r:- s$; t ^1,I t a:atr i I Je'.r'lrrp<rt;iL Ce',-.1.:-.111 1y,1 f i c ' , ! t-t 'J*t lar":,- tn'.! o.7 .a '!.t(a,a ',rtL.)t. a', , l(rc;ti- i 1l:. 'r :t'. '::' lr- i'-',: 'l-'-,','. l:;r t-',li 5.j .-1;- ' 1i '- ;,7.r ,.'rnvpyih::\? i;;. ;' .-'.tyt,..1_ f . (!: -'. 1.'._ -::,1,,:,).2.-a.t- .i. I f t,t ::.. i ; rj r -,4 5*r:c - ;r'(r.1F^: i i ce llvr' '241 1T? rt'.r".f ', i?'r':irl., .r t(i tFi,',"-,bi r:t;: i .::O. ?f ,.:.',r i:r;c. :+i.' Ci-lpOse i'!f t::l ,.r"r- i'-r' . - .., "'- rf i:,-3.t : ' . ::lci Lhp beri".:f iC:.a1 ]r:r&':.(]'::...'.cl:tr>on:...,:l^=ri-ir}'l::c.;iecbyihc:on- clcr ,''1,,!l (rt.a,-r< i-, --\c ii tr'- ef : ihe;-f :e3DecEl.ta: i nc.'re..,ts -.: tFi, t'..r ':_:. t.- -, -. . _,, .?nC ,i?ll :10t be trqnif erabl" pxcerf -::: - :ra:i:'.:: c" ? :on.l04:t;ti.!':. Jnit- A transfer oi ,': con.Jo- | ! r'-.F ,,1-. - .:a1! ira:;.. ier co the 1n:. , t:'arsf eree orfir:ril'!D of t'e i :' -: - t : e ' '-, - , ., b.-.rrf ic: rl !.::t.ere-cg in such ner;onal nroD€:E:t. Zlc' r::dl:.1r -rr' -'se 3uch cerionat DroPerty in :tcoriia'rce wif i-. :,-+ - ':-ro;e for uhi.ch :-C rj ir;- tendcd, ?Lllrn,:r i-; n<lerr n? or e;:c-orch I rl Jlcn th€ larful rlghts of the orher ot1r:eys. ir le of a ccncio'r,-n l.-!tr u::der foreclost're chall rherebv r'r'ti-r le cire :'.--chaser Eo the ben;- f lc'iai interesr in Eirc :reric!r-11 -re:r9':C\r irsoclated L-iEh the forec loged JL,:-rdo?1 t:.'.'.rr rn. r . reqtrtgr hi. rrai i :rq acitresi BiCh tt t is.sociat:ctn and e:Ccept fOf rnonfhlv jt::teir*ntr, irld C!her :'O',:t ilte nntices, all oihcr notices or de$ands inten<iec Lu- br. serve,:' r.::<?n en ot*ner shall be .serrt bv ct-th*r rell<cered r.: l' crlrt rf _ed -ai I, :lrrst:!qa i're- patd, addressei in the n"ir:* o:' Ch.i (rr.'t:er ai slrfh reg1s CFt€<i . ,16 I I i 6q address. Al t :tot : ces , r'r.*-r;-j- of och+r. rtr)c icei "* ,.': Cendr.d to be sorvp(J i! oon. !h!r i)..r,1:-\: c i ! i. ge41or; .€ ar- ? As.qoj c i ac i cln or th:l ,\{ s oL. lat ion sh.r j. I be s elt- !.v ceff, i ired cail, , . fi.ortrqe I:rep-tici, A3i Petroleun .il.rb Sr:i l.f,'.,r1 , ).,nvar,, Colorado, until such ai'idresc 1-s ci'!:::;.:'.d bv r n.-tice of drecs che:rte d'rIv recordrd. I T',rf,,:r '.1:,'rll ll,, .,r,brn. tf (r(l t1' rtt'hitf-;rf i)'i rjv t.:'f.'.f, ., Cit: . l' .' 1,,,' .'1: lt Cf 1]',' 1:;itt i,'.: \'rtlr..r I rJ.,,r)l y (J rl ...'i..,ii .ti'ri lii,. t .,.:l hv ll: I r.'r) -io , .(,-,;,. ,'i I ri,if - a;t.rr\ct .-l!li-f:e 45 tO t-h,, sr,[';,c1:(,il ()l rl^l)li, ,i:r- , *r,'n t.rir d.?y,, Chart airy I r(i.-t. l.;lvtt-l; ;,.r)ef:iI lil:-t tr! !(l:')r' 11Vo* f \q> qtrblgCC fllaEr'?tf of lirc iii rl.rrjE* .1,:t1l ,ir,- i)oi,'t r,:., i;,,rri .qrbi f rntor. A clete.mi nat ii).r of thr. ,',lL!1:r- giqrt''rl irv ;1 ;y t..lo (1f ti;',. three ^rbrf rntOrs slrall b,' Lrl;r,, rr;d ripon ii!,' 't.1ft r/'q. irr tlru evr>rtt Olle t)af Ly l{rI,.,;- r.eitr.e; LO chco,.: n rff.itrrt('r wtthi'l tllrl'nCy c.ryq afct' r,.., ,.-er,:'... t- ilt L,rit.n..' f or- jt-:ritr,.rt i611 i;srr:r anot., !- .,-,.1r, Lhen 9a1.i :':,tl-tv or ll,lrt iDi rr()l rn .l(,f .ault :h.rll hav'-' rlt, rtpltr end pO$e r ir, aliooqn boCh arbicraCors. Lr,iPss otherviie :]gfeed ,-r Don fr,.t 1...'cri ()l' a.r().rA !lrc p;lrEies, alI -rbitration shall be m.lde in vrr l. Colorado, Jrrd the law. of rhe -tate cf Colorado shrli be aFplieable. lhe J.1rt ies shal.i honor thn award r"':h- or:f. !'i "rt i,; ., oeal lnd arly party aE:,/ f r 11. ;rr* wiCh Che c lafk of :r '' .u, rt l'. rv i,nq irrrri;dicCion OVer f hr- Srrb iect matEer of rhr. <.li .lDr.rL n r() Frovicle ba;is for Judgmenc, dfld oX€cr:clon may ,:.:.r{. :,rf .'nf oFc'.-..nt Of sA1ae. (.'r I '' ,!.biEr,trton provide<l in rhir sub-n::aqraph sha i I i,', mqr.iti, r urv onlv a j to thoae l|art I es and those i.spuf es ctlted in ;'rb-rnr-";-anh l?(a), l)EOvided, lrouever, that any oth'.r tlr i{r,.:t.{', rcl 'r i ir1 !r) tl}'} amoutlt of gssessmenE, gerterl|l '}rnago.n,'rr.t , or ad"i ri'l-r'lt tOlt '.)v thp .{s:o'Jt.ttron, batwlen Of nionq .ir rre:.t t...i :-,ty b. 'r.r.Jr. srrb jt.Ct L O jlrbitraf ir. 6t FEO- viiirtl t " i ;i ; ;:.$-ir.113;r'.r1h, i f clrc a.,',grt€veC )ert\' qcr electg, h.r -.r.r:rl in.j ;! ,rrLf f ,lit r.e,'uost f or arbitr.lt i o:t to the 3i',ef f4rt:,f .r iari i 'q wi l"irrr Cni' vCar af ter the diripute at I c.oS 8Od nq r)rovl,lr.d above. ln euch case, Chic sub-paragrnoh ,:,., lI Drovi(Jc thc exc 1..r: i v+' fomp(ly of Ehe D.rrt i.'r , and otherr^rl se :.ot. ), r r cc l latceu: Lrptitrang . ( -, ) lte ; r.r'ict ! vr:_eeylilanll ..{nv r.'r!ricr,v(r cove- n.'t.rt 3 11.-.rr,tof ofe I t lcri f of rc(.ord On f hr' nr.orref ty" 5v Eaqle -23- :- \. I ''r I t l.-: I (, r.: .,fr," I !- t irr-r .j t;,r)-(li tr'ar . ': it. !c anerded un.!.egs sevr r:i,\'-f i.vt: f1(:,!' r'i', t I or .1.'i' G$tnefg renfftr€nl inq tn rqRregr f {, Or. .-l-;irLP r:1rj .'',' ^l.. i\' 8.,nera I c'xrloD €lerer:ts nnd .r i. l or th': h:icr :c ,' . ", te- c$fded drortsage ot deeri of l-r'u'i rruvr.rinii .,i .i : 'i;t ^': .'r:t' ':r aIL condonlni!r& !,ni t+ ui),lail3rolrs iv cc:rrsrt! - 'rr! r :!-,',' i I 3uch fer,q''.--.tt ion rrr a${'trd'xenl 5v - i! f f -t='lit(., ) ti'' ' -'1.. r.1 l"r1:; .l:rlvide,:. hOFver. tt'at he' :.rrg-'.r1 ,'.' ,'. i i h., ,..ri.. :'-':rle.'l 'i,- tercst !i ihe. {erigrJ I c c*rnor el?'r':.: '< Snnr:r'.{rr1i-rt it, e&Ch ap:: a trl,ei', i ,rni^t, ai ex.resged ir,th < Jeci.rrrt ior, al:.irl have a ;)emaoe:lt Characf,er enC sh.1 }. i :iot be : li:rrpd lir rho:-t the ccngen! ci all oI t.ie c6rr,:oGlr.iu'n uniE ,,r..rn.:.rs Ji cxpr€sse(j in e <iuly rccorded am€nc.iicnC to f:.:i DeJ la-,rtto:). (e) L;n:uare Vari:tion. That ui.':nver rrsed here- in. r:rrte:,r Eh" ccntext Ehall ochen'tse l:rr)l:idi., the s In3rrlar F'rqber ohall i.nc Lrde tre pl,rr;1, t** rl.'r:,i I the sinq'rlar, 4cd : he '.se of any ::;lcer sha I I : c-'l..:'lt, a I '. 3-.;'i.31'. a< 'r ty CCdlf O !':t -.r ci rc,:$3 tar.- (: t Seve:-a b'. i'rv. thi-c De: ia rat ion or ?n:; par,1 .:!'2n!. or ro:d, or !na applicarior: !F::-e,:'i tnv: I id; t *.J . i.-cf in,talrdiri'-'raii of t i - i.i','nf ,1' l .' ' 2,,' ., r. ,-a --a.rJ - -..k-t-a-.* - ,/t(f t '-'i1 ': si :r€f ogt of ch" :r--:'rric: of L!:i; -rcirrai,o-. -.1 41rr 5r;3.- .rr)vi9:on, Dar".qy..'i!:, .,6119.'n,'a, ctOr'; itt ,r;.r-,t gat.=t gi-gg,1;';ta:r.ar,3 .'rr l l. :,6! !rrr i:rrH:.*.ZUt't LPc lara'--,:. ::." :.' pxPf i .:d. rhi:' '-;.rc i..r,,i:. -: f i* , fi.i - '-.,: I lL&., Le'^ , 1rr ',i ':r,, J - ?-t - -$-$;