HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 11 part of LEGALCASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legaf Description: Lot ltA . , ,Block- Subdivision: fibfr.(t{h lt| Address: Deueloc€]r:. Permit Number: Bol - i"'L ProjectNumber'. ?QsoL-r,tt lmprovement Completion Date: -----94,4-ut- DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT by and among Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS. the Occupancy for tlr,"f and entered into this Z%J?,y^:l #::=;-+2:R(the "Develdpe/'), and the Town of ition of of the rary Certificate of (address, legal description,and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, judgement of the To forth in the attached ated bid(s) in accordance with the apprbvet plfns and specifications The Developer agrees to establish a_cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in t6e amount of $ -W'@ -- as collateral for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrqes to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the -day oI u/ ZO ,20d?. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improVements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Adions\DlA cash formal_5.1&2007.doc Page I of 5 a complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of S -kes-.- as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any lime substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and accqptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any of said officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, ed by.rqlson of the nature by lhDdvgfoper. l},t'r"i,n rtq&fft any or its damages, or liaffilies to which the i3 connection withnl This indemnity and any be Town or anv of its offpers, aqents or losses, $irhs, Oamag6s ortaOitities 1d any perfUrmanbe by"the*. evAJoper he i may subject to,as any such or are based upon the Town for any andd*..,teSal sl Sxpenses inveilgating or provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\FORMS\Pemits\Planning\Administralive-Aclions\DlA cash formau-16-2007.doc Page 2 of 5 t ," lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exce'ed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent ('l2o/ol per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the VailTown Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. F:\cdev\FORMSv)ermits\Planning\Administrative_Ac-tions\DlA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 3 of 5 t "{ Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Tlle f oregoi n g Dgvelope r [m prove ment Ag reem ent(-O Day of 5.t4\-eaa^9c,2- ',z0p.:Lby _l Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires_ii r Lo *&r Planner STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Town ) )ss. ) Tlp foregoing*o Day ot D^eveloper lrqprovement Agrgement was acknowledged before me this )-qrl"--v"-\brc.- ,20f5-lby (till,\ tC.\ftr fn.rf ,rra{t- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative-Ac{ions\DlA cash format-s-16-20O7.doc Page 4 of 5 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Adminislrative-Actions\DlA cash formal-s-16-2007.doc Page 5 of 5 ? HENKE5 & A5SOCIATE5 INC. P.O.BOX5623 vArL, co 81658 970-477-Otr7 'WOPKIIW tUfTH THE t'lAruPAL EEiUTv OF THE PUKIES' ..1 i -YlUlu t FE Art'igwti Pesifute To rhom it cwtcerns, This httcr is to rc,prt thc prcgrcs of ladsapitg at 1172 6qtew Dr. The lodscqirg is 3oZ colrphted ud o totol of $45,OOO at cmphtim qpwtitmtely Septcnber 3il rather pernittirg. Still to doare Aspens, shrubs, itigntion, lam,4 mlbny. ---\ ,1 -1 Sincere(, @ u- Andrery Henkes pholr: 9704774117 P.O. Box 5623 cellt97G9{)4-ll4? Voif, CO 61658 Foxz9TO-479-64O9 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Please make checks payable to the TOWN Date ? r Ur OF VAIL 001 0000 31411't0 001 0000 314'1110 001 0000 319 4400 001 0000 31411'12 001 0000 31412'11 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees - RENEWAL cnecr* lQ$ Received by: Li- *il:E E*rFe ;nEF*EiA.*: $e:5t i e Er: ;:i$; & f; "EsEEEg:E !' a lEr=*FFF l FF=;g*traEB sEgt: 231001 001 0000 24e 001 0000 31: 110 0000 31. omo 20 0000 31 * all ilems cl speed c rl.'ar.rner lmonov€mont AOI€€mont Dz.DEP1O f/cdev/forms/admin/sales action form 2007 -ffia+10 1/5/06 ; F"z iqaFT (JoF. t-, QOzo .; |] OAFo4z .oo.rE d F4o>oo ETz5 U U U Uti (, N a E Et o6l No,!]cl trql A -a F. zcoo r{oi E <p FO { FI OFIz7D5 EI: Fi Ftszzrrl DEOF: flFazdD 'oFE FFHZrtc AE o F d F o FI zo t >U z9l EE]O () t'l,t a6 oo H D k p zc F o l: ; r: E>oI'l E elc< o A(, Erio :l laf r Design Review Boad lni+rh'r"rftlff- c6ti. TY cEt/ELOFtf t ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479,2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com Proiect Name: ARRIGONI CHANGE Project Descripuon: DRB Number: DR8070503 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS OT ADD FENCE ON EAST SIDE OF PROPERTY Pafticipants: OWNER GENEVA LLC PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81667 APPLICANT GENEVA LLC 09l20lzoo7 PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81657 ProiectAddressz t722 GENEVA DRVAIL Location: 1722 GENEVA DR. Legal Description: Lot: 11-A Block: Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL # Parcel Number: 2103-123-1203-5 Comments: 0912012007 BOARD/STAFF ACTION l.lotaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprcvaE 0912L12007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 t' Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Redew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvat lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences withln one year of the approval. ofl(l, o \, 0 (, otr $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Rwiew Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Description of the Request: Locationof theProposalt nt:r/// elxkt .--- suwnvlsion: , € t/'/lzz '/22Q1rc- Physicaf Addrcss: , '-'^- rt, ,r^ ' / 2 / parcer No. : Z/A3- /21 - /zal :{(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:icza.l"r' "242_AA Type of Review and Fee; R oanSes to Approved Plans Submittal Requircments: F:\cdevlFORMS\Petmib\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedjlans-1-page-0$1 1-2006'doc JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Additionalln please chetk the statement below which is most applicable to you: I understand that minor modnailons may be made b the plans over the ourse of the ptoffis to ensure ampliance with the Townb appliable ades and rqulations. D I request that all modifrcations, minor or otJnrwire, which are made to the plans over the nupe of the review procas, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additbnal approval before undergoing fufther revie.w by the Town. review @ate) (nitial here) Arrigoni lwoodt . Mailing Addres: P.O. Box 3125 . Varl, CO 81658 Shipping Address: 23698 N. Hu"1 24 C2.4. Mintum, CO 81645 Phone; (970) 479-1800. Far (970) 479-1818. E-mail: arrigoni@vail.net www.arrigoniwood.com Type of Wood Dimensions Contact Name Physical Addres Mailing Address Phone E-Mail Fax ****t***********+++i*+********+****t***+*tt++i*tt****f 't+**'t'****++*'t++f TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statem€nt StatemenE Number: R070001914 Amount: $20.00 O9/20/2OO7L0:07 AM Palment Method: Check Init: JS NoEaeion: L427 /B;AIJZ ARRIGIONI Permit No: DRB070503 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2lO3-123-1203-s Site Address: 1?22 eniIEVA DR VAIIJ Location: 1722 GENEVA DR. Total Feea: $20,00 Thia Palment: $20;00 Total AIJr, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 +*+++*tf't't{'************f*+*t*****'t*a'****'t*'l**ffll+t*+*******+*****'t***{"t**++{'*'}a'+*+++++**+tf ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 lYld/uhorn Vlop' 161-ltA t Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.comCd|r,t${IY IEITELCPTE{| Prcject Name: ARNGONI CHANGE Project Description: Participants: OWNER GENEVA LLC PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT GENEVA LLC Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8070373 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR THE CHANGE OF THE DRIVEWAY LAYOUT AND ADDING LANDSCAPING 0810212007 o8l02lzo07 PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81657 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: 1722 GENEVA DR, Lot 11-A Block: Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILI-AGE FIL # 2103-123-1203-5 Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0810212Q07 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 I ,Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw,com General Information: All projects requiring design rsriew must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approwl that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required inbrmation is received by the C-ommunity Development Depaftment. The p@ect may also need to be revienved by the Town Courrcil and/or the Planning and EnMronmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consbuction commenoes within one year of the approval. Description of tlre Location ofthe Proposah Lot:Subdivision: Parcef No.: ZLOS tZl rcO1 d<contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: 77a r77 A2 ? Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: vrl6)o \,o W {(4fPhysical Address: Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: ?Dy'77rs@ fTanzrgre Type of Review and Fee: tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, submittal Requir€ments, -eJ'|e" '\s"L'! -;-' , I il 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) orAssociation lSEn hE b "-"--'",.r.1 Ftcdev\FORMS\Permib\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedltlans-lltage-05-1 1-2006.doc * * * * *************** *********f*t**+*** + t** *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****++++'t*********tii**++'i'}ft*{.**********+**+******tt++*****t+**+'}+++++*****++*******t{"t*t* Statement Number: ROTOOO14OB Amount: $20.00 08/02/2OO7t1 :01 AM Payment Met,hod: Check Init : ,fS Notation: L42O(BALa ARRIGONI Permit, No: DRB0703?3 Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2L03-123-L2O3-5 Site AddresE: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location 3 1722 GENEVA DR. Total Fees: $20.00This Payment r $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00**+********f******t*********+'t+*****+**{'X*+++******t***t*t**+f***++***********************+* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Arrigoni L "lr \\ Woods Building Department Town of Vail 75S Frontage Road Vail- Co 81657 Subiect: Thankvou! Dear Town of Vail Building Departrnent: Last year we built our new home at 1722 Geneva drive and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for making the building of our home such a pleasant experience. It has been a great pleasure to deal with each departrnent at the town, from the initial design to the very last inspection. Everybody at the town was always friendly, available and willing to answer our questions or to deal with common building issues. Thank you again and we are looking forward to working with the Town of Vail in the near future again. Sincerely, Arrigoni Mailing: P.O. Box 31 25, Vail, CO 41658 Shipping & Showroorn: 23694 N. H'wy 24 C2-4, Minturn, CO 81645 www.arrigoniwood.corn . e-mail: info@arrigoniwood.corn 1-aaA-4ADMONT. Phone: (97O) 479-1aOO. Fax: (97O) 479-1814 q)lrlnle . dtA \-*l o 'rl(! bo q) - !! -6 q b0 ! q€ q) o qJ q) 3 OJ (! o .E OJF tg o r;o 9.?(l qJ AJ o>lqJl q) 3 a e 6 J p bD 3 E F E]F z OJ a1 !.1 a 0.) u) (g FJ G 9 I I I II I $l -rl NI I I II ,ji OJ z 'rl H U C) F "rl I A(rl x d -) I(JI =l -l ^l ') F.l U || d o O 3 t CJ E g =q]>.9 -i lg >(u Fi o.!€'i>'.. 'FrCxd FLI (qY 6C 'o >r L,/ d €; i,ir cooS (! x= ,:v-. Fv:- EE 0., PS3E3h ooi .95.P F5!r g (n ;,i OJ {J bD ,c y: =3bo:.- q LJ.,.H gJ ;e i(aY (/t6c) .P (g\.r .Y* oE gPU u .>' I.eEi FUo U 144 A DUUo fr{o FI H4UHhH Fft F]U {* HB trFlE-r S-1 ..1 \./J,t IqJ {*,{ d. |..\ t3\OOFiC< oo Y.s i\ .R€l-r{ Sss P r-i ,XV ra' l*'-s L o s...a- - .'< +.q J (rl l*J IJ .1.\ cs' oo \ 0) oli 0) G| q, rdz TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Building--- > $3, 099.35 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plancheck--> 52,014.58 RecreationFee------> lnvestigation- > Will Call---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S;DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 807-0048 Project #: PRI06-0518 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. Applied . . : 03ll3l2W7 Parcel No...: 210312312035 Issued. . : 0411812007 Expires.....: l0ll5l2W7 owNER GB,TEVA Lr,C O3/L3/2OO7 PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81557 APPLTCANT ARRIGONr TNCORPORATED 03/13/2007 phone: 970-479-!800 P.O. BOX 312s VAIL co 816s8 L,icense: 200-B CONTRACTOR ARRIGONI INCORPORATED 03/13/2Oo7 Phone:. 97O-479-t800 P.O. BOX 3L2s VAII-, co 81658' License: 200-B Desciption: TEAR DOWN EXISTING HOUSE, CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFRoccupancy Type FacUor Sq Feet ValuationTotals... 4,4LL $475,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: $476.000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 '"' i'furo,. v, ttg,- 9551- 5s Additional Fees--:--- > So-oo Total Calculated Fees--- > S5,778.58 $0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> $s,??8.s8 Total Permit Fee------ > $s,?78.58 93. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIflI 04/L0/2o07 cgrrnion Action: CR O4/L'|/2O07 caunion Action: AP approved corrected plans Item: 05400 PITAIINING DEPARTMEIflr O4/LO/2oo7 ceorge Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIT,IEI{|IT 03/22/2oo7 DRhoades Action: CoND see conditions listed on DRB07-0003. 04/03/2oo7 Mccee Action: AP Approved on condition NFPA 72 compliant fire alarm system is installed: Provide 360 degree pedistrian access, including defined path on back side of house and access to the dining terrace from the sidewalk. Payments----------- > BALANCE DUE-.-.---.. > s0. 00 90.00 **{.*.{.{.**'.'(*1.************'|.*'(*,t(t{.***********it*****,'t*'|.*,F*,t.*****'.**itd.*,F{<*:**1.,f*.*!*.{.*.******{(,|(********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0048 as of 04-18-2007 Status: ISSUED ******:1.***,k**************.*{.*1.*:1.*****:************.*{.!t ***t(*,t(tr*!***{.***,F********1.*1.********************1.***** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,PiS,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 0311312ffi7 Appticant: ARRIGONI INCORPORATED Issued: 04ll8l2w7 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL location: 1722 GENEVA DR. ParcelNo: 210312312035 **:|.:}****.*t**!i(****'(*.{<**t(****{.*{.*|t.**1.***********i.*,!*,t*,t.****{.*{.1.*,tc{<'(*it*i('<*{.**'(*'|.t,|l'f********{C*{c***** CONDITIONS *,t.*,|.*'t*'l{.{.'<it*********,F'F,F{.i.{.{.{.****:r{.i({.'({.x{.*.*****'t<*'r*i<*,k*,.*,i{.,t*!t***x.*******!|(**l******* Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SI.JBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQInRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008768 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008769 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) arfi VFES standards. Cond: l8 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3ll.5 OF TIIE 2003IRC OR SECTION 1OO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003IRC OR SECTION l0l2 0F THE 2003 rBC. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R31O OF THE 2OO3IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2OO3 IBC, Cond: CON0008845 (BLDG.): A COPY OF Tt{E OPEN HOLE SOII-S REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. ftem: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS 03/28/2007 gc Action: AP It,CM: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVIIJS See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot pian and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, !o comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucnrre according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. NEQT,JESTS FIOR,INSPECNON SIIALL BE MADE TWENTT-FOIJR IIOTru IN ADVANCE TELEPIIONE AT 47}2149 OR AT OUR OTTICT TROM &OO AM.4PM. SIGNATURE OF R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF I COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING Et#'U6Vffirr*i;ffioa'osz$ vB TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONt"0" ,".,75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 t#c CONTRACTOR INFORMATION neral Contractor: AgRrtoc.o't ail Reg.Contact and Phone #'s: Email address: Contractor Signature: PERMIT bor & Materials BUTLpTNG: $ .3go,C<X), Cf ELECTRICAL:$ 3-l Crc A)OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ 3SAO. rc MECHANTCAL: $ 24@.01 rorAl:$ +76, fu;An r Parcel l+ contact Eagle Cgunty Assesso rs Office at 970-328-8640 or visit rt/ww,elole-cot tntv at -P-ar,^c€!,f 2ro=- t2y/Aog-f Job Name: A r:{:; , ..\ _______{1_K.y:LbcNet Kes'^de{f,p-Job Address: z .-\l-l)'t Gen(vL,< lrire- ts"e.'iptull L"t' 44 ll erocr: ll riring' / ll s,uoiui"ion, l-hltehtn V/@ Owners Name: -"tt ^t-a i( lntl\n .t7 f fsc,t i Phon"'q7oET/-djjooo,."?a..k,iffi Phont'qro-g?q-3-:.D "on*q7og+q-776?uelatteo descnption of yvork: "-'l- v ,:['or<1aon d p.ds\nahr-rsp, fpndr,rc.lroy-r r( ^]* _.;nalr tftr;,l,, /luv; WorkClass: Newfi Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) demol I Oilier1 I t Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both pf Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family gqf rwoJamiry ( ) Murti-famiry ( ) commerciar ( ) Restaurant ( )other( ) No. of Existing Dwetling Units in this bui{ding: L.t A_ ,v 1., - elet ( ) Wood Burning (2q) i* lotrvpe=9f FjPplaces ) woooipettet ( ) wood Burning (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: %aF--No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Vesal---NoQf | **************************************FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly***tr1********************************* 07 t28t2004F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGpERM.DOC Arrigani Woods THICKIYESS: l8 centimeter/ 7 3132" o BrandkennzifrerBKi? Fire Index: 6 q.3 Sperzifische \Yecmekapezitaet/Spccific Thermal Capacit5r: 0.23Wh/kg K, R-Yilue:22-24 Mailing: P.O. Box 3125, Vail, CO 81654 Shipping & Showroom: 23698 N. dW 24 C2-4, Minturn, CO 41645 www.arrigoniwood.corn . e-rnail: info@arrigoniwood.corn 1 -AAa-4ADMONT . Phone: (97O) 479-1 AOO . Fax: (97O, 479-1A1 A 6= unfl ammable(fire-resistant) q.3= Smoke Degree 3 {" {" SA'3LAN-GOLD Die Herstellung von Saglan-Gold Glaswolle - made in DUrrendischl Eagh.Cold qhrwollcdlrnmrtottc dn<l snocFnlrch! Mn ral, t8s.rn vcn ghsigt€G nlchtlqlsts0n|r, hofirolans 8tuKui wdch. ar. don n*odhh.n Fottrtofi.n qnE|.nd (FlnJptrnb[), l(rlld Sod.. Dolomh uncl zrsitrllqfdn Sotrmdxiolbn |m Bl|'tr.f- tClnn hul.3tellt w.rdcn, Oi. Vsrdrlung vof1 Quanund ar Lhr s|gt]|.Ootd GhD wole und dL Hsntilung zu drn vftclrlcdorEn S|gtrr{ddMid'| erfordet rincn l€.rCEJ€rten, virthnns*.cttrd.chcn H6rst lllngrBurs$ In clncr Adiqritung-nhg. wf,drn ctr zur Olr|harddlung Drnoilgton RoHofia $gdoecr rd gmbotrt. qbrr otn Be€chickungEsyttarn $lsnd &f Oinrtgr ln dar ghrcfrn. wo co bC cr 13{VC or|ohnolz.n sdftl. D|| fl0d9. Slss sgi€d dch In dnem konfndadlohat Strrtll at <Io 6pln*. Qualitiitskontrolle 0lo 8.Crn-eoU - ohlu,oli.produHlfi wlrd hut .rcr djrch un 0b6fivrcht und kontel|itn und lmm|r wl.dff von sftlzloucn PrUf,NtitJten kontollicrt, g.trct t und b.gbuhlgt. trglrn€old cntsprictn d.n hgutigrn lrlchstsl Anfodrun. gen ln ilr W|.rm+ und SchdlcEmmLchnlk. Um unsoln hohon Gchwrlzr ClrlilUitrordaad rv rhdton, wafdrn in unaar.n ubors stlndlg verEuclr btdlgliott Wlrne, Klllr., Fruohilg' kilb. und Uv-BralnttlunF.Enlllttc rut clL &ghn Coli Prc. dukta ctunfrgclilhc tm lvrkrlabor rdolgrn 8ohnellvrnuc,lr, db .| mroglichrq dlc lr{tond! Produldm .ofon aJ b.alrP flusen. lm Grstabor wrdai dto Wrta \,.iltdlt und a/rltl- llch vor.-"-; L.n.,-;l; -l,,ch. dtrEhgdohd.t's dtljti'/il SffiGGffi marohh. dla lie In fdnitc Fis.rn ruarfaht. Dle lo||n GIrs- t t.m ward- mlt ehom Eindr- wd lrnFlgnlilrngfmlttd bcrpr0ht, In dr Velllzungrkrnmar $,cdan dllr Fsss.n zu dmr rndlcen Or.rvollrmatlr rdgoaEallcl daan Qu.ItAt Felnhrlt und Dlohlr laffid konlrclllrrt wlrd, Nrch dcm Durolrhuhn dcc t|{rtrohm wlrd dlo Glrwbtiroenn l(ontcktlqlbn. Aut Sprzlalm.rdrlnen cntrtdlm mll B.Ehloh- b,rngcn vcraahrn. 8allan-Cold Dlmrnrlo{t Produlde Nsch dern Zurchnltl wrdrr dl. P|oduKo gGtrpclt, grrcllt und/odor komprlmld und In PE-Sctrumilfolon v.rplokt Di. &gLn-Gdrl Ghrwollg glrnddotfa llclern slr dnkt ard dle Bar3trfic. s.gl.n-Oold - Sofrwclaor QurltAb€l|.wolh - mrd6 h D0nmCrchi Arn $dr dls Glraachm6lrofons o€i.rat rhh d$ flii||lge Glrt lm fielft Frll lut schnc|| dFhanda Edrlcud*tdr.lbon, O.r rotEl0hs|d3 Stlhl wird d$.1 durcn Cb hlngalochtr Wanclung dcr Schleudlrrclioiben rur Pldh gdndc Dl. r|,..t|tlanclgn Fldcn weruan mlt rlnem hrlr$n Abqr$lrahl nrch untcn abqEl.rbt und dabrl :u llEen, frlnrrn Fsern &rgeEogm. t ," ::i -tvrerrrnL'BbtL Lns-r Altg.|r|.|na tachnlEh. w.rt tor : trmB!rumtt', rrEdLals{lrrgftql {ggsrltr 2S0. O 6q.3 0,32 OJ mgmr Pr 1F m(-)..,11t,",, o: o.z3Vlh/le x ?4q1"'Q-H'21dtl 10.,* =7 e/sz" '(l&l'^'*l .:.':--. iirLii...rL.;..:- .-b ''- ..---.- - . . j. . . .; Allr Crglj-BCd PtoclJkb rlnd frC von fub.|l dll(oC.n.ln tvlrtrLl, fungirld.n, Konorrvlcrungrn t|.|n od.I rndanrn 0r' t$ylld1.n StsfLn n|oh def 3cfiwdrcrFchm glfieclatrgrbtrro und stotfvat€dnung. B.l d.r trbnrb.fitn0 uttd bd bo0m' rungrg..r|tbs€r Anw.ndung konnan alch k ha g[tu]dlch.n Stolfo rntrlohcn odor fnlg.r&t wetCan, AilFtrhlungcn dr I(IOE (lG.{ruz drr Bruorgmrdrr Bun' dor) nnd dcr SJYA ftu PrclrKlCbr und Plsn r a,t Anwilduno vonMl rdurolla-PodukLd .O{|.r lrrunncn va|xiud.t. unC llngrbl|'tt w.tdan. Eelm Ein' bru 3hd dl. Vor3chrlflen dor Hcntdrr ar bo.chttt. lllba|on- flem mrRl |m Arb.ltrDhtr d.| MAI(-Vt/dt.hgdLltffi $rtdal.. ililSifi E9 8i 8rt 99 tr+ o€ q,'J3r'-39q7 o.c0u'{.v tt!_5_6_tt3 .28- _0!_ll-ern I Tha I ie i tt +{15[6483069 +41s6648sNr,2333 S' 2 Ihif llaity Vail Daily News for Vail and Beaver Creek Colorado - News Page 1 of 2 March 5. 2OO7 VA]I DAILY ll :r v , i, i:rfr'':i( I ;r i:, X i!:iitrriitriitr'tl ..:.:.: -:- l ,.:1.-........ .- ,.- - .- . ! .: j'.:.r '..1'.'rlr .,, i i:11 r: ti! tli r., ij,,. ,:; :,.i:.j,:r .: :\r !_1::,il lj-: !r'! iiji !;..i.. :: .i: ,,':iiJ i t:r:. r " rr!'-i; i,.:!. -'..:i:.-.lrLi.:..-ll:l :.1 .--.,., :_::)ir'r :j_:,r,.:i€ t: I i,.i:r I I r rL ai:i.r\i|:j : il.lt i. :.::'!1l !';::j i;:rja,j r;..t:j r:.ij{ search! I@ 'Green' resort village on tap Daily Staff Report Vail, CO Colorado March 5, 2OO7 $ Comments 1r1 @ crint lR Email VAIL - The largest environmentally friendly resort is how Vail Resorts is describing its plans for a $1 billion ski village in West Lionshead that will include the mountain's second gondola. The 9.5-acre site also willhave homes, a hotel, offices, retail shops and restaurants, a public park and public parking, Vail Resorts said Monday. All of the buildings will be built to the environmental standards set by the Leadenhip in Energy and Environmental Design program, the company said. "Ever Vail wiil be designed and built incorporating the highest quality materials and finishes and the latest in green building lechniques. We know it will become a symbol of our intrinsic relationship with the speclacular mountain environment we operate in," said Rob Katz, chief executive officer of Vail Resorts. Vail Mountain's vehicle maintenance shop yard and warehouse, a retail and office complex and a gas station now occupy the land, Plans for the new resort village call of 150-250 condominiums, 75-125 time shares, a 100,000-square-foot-room hotel, 100,000- 150,000 square feet of commercial retail, office, and restaurant space and a 100,000- square-foot mountain operations facility. *" cLouDY 43o classifieds I Place an Ad for Lionshead An artist's rendering of Ever Vail, the village Vail Resorts wants to build in West Lionshead, along with a gondola to the slopes, Special to the Oaily Browse Vail Daily Photos wEn fxTnAs S ever vall map AROUND V-AJL ..r :, ti lJ .1r.i,. iIiJ ! 1 i..a:i:::r r"..1 ,..i':: i. iril, i"r:,,t.i' iitcR*.rT.t $N -,r: i\ I ) i ; , ',.: i : . r . r r . Get News Feeds mi$ _Hn:_.$_::ni: The town of Vail is still reviewing the plans for Ever Vail. This story will be updated today on www.vaildaily.com RFIATfD ARIIT If \ .ja,r:,:tv.!r.2:ja: ceot vall Resgrts shopping tor properties j-riaar.i)i. | ;, ii)aa, lawsuit ongoing over teer skier's death ,r.i,:lii lo, l.1, ,:l)!ir Vail Resolts: Early scason looks good '..:iri,Qr:r-ra. lii 2ir{;i:, Ski resorts boost enviro scores '.. : .: ).. ii,t:,r:; i,ii:,,1 a 'i..!,, TiIAt/[L INFO ! .1? ; .::,,.r:1 i:i ) :i! ttiirjii iia,iil a.\i)!rilar.t I ri iilt_):; MOUNtnIN [r..rNS iiJ/:I r:::i.rl: ,1iri:'ir {i li,.jr) 3/5/2007 Click to Enlarqe http ://www.vaildaily.com/ar ticle I 2007 0305iNEws/70305007 Arrigoni Woods Building Department Town of Vail 75S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 March 6. 2007 SuUect ARRIGONI RESIDE]IGE To\Mrom ltMayConcem: The Construction of the wall elements used for the Anigoni Residence at 1722 Geneva Drive in Vail will be build by Theo Wemli Hobbau, CH -5112 Ttralheim. The wtrole building process of the wall elements will be oredooked by the Engineedng offioe of Husser HoHeimbau AG, CH-5620 Bemgaftn. Plese find endosed the diploma br he Engineer in Switsedand (lvlartin Zlahlen) wtro will sign for he conect building of hese elemenb. The Engineer office of Husser Holzleimbau AG will provide the Town of Vail with a detailed picture report of he building process in SwiEerland, which will show the construction and material used for building and insulation. Please do not hesitab b @nta€t us any time, il you have furfrrer questlrns or if you require any additimal infoimation. Below plece find the contacf infumatbn of fre engineer and building company in $viEerbnd. WOODS Theo W€rnli Hotdeu HeSa 30O CH 5112 Thalheim SWIZERI-AND Hibser Hotdeinbil AG Obeebenesfasse ZI CH 5620 Bemgarten SWIIZERLAND www.huesser.com Mailing: P.O, Box 3125, Vail, CO 41658 Shipping & Showroorn: 23694 N. Hwy 24 C2-4, Minturn, CO 81645 www.arrigoniwood.com . e-mail: info@arrigoniwood.corn 1-aA8-4ADMONT. Phone: (97O) 479-1eOO. Fax: (97O) 479-1414 Sincerely, Bnuce A. Courus, Pn.D. t I{ATUR L Rf,souRcE C.oNsuLT Nr P.O. Box 23 . I116 MrNEorA DRrvE SrLr, CoLoMDo 81652 PHoNqFAx (970) 87G5400 bacol@rof.net ENvrRoNMENrAr., EXPtoMTIoN, AND MINING GEoLoGY (( j li-i i February 21,2007 t'1AR : :2007 Balz turigoni PO Box 3125 Vail. CO 81658 TOWN iTF v,AiL. RE: Lor 1 1A, MATTERHoRN VITLAGE SUBDIVIST0N (1722 GENEVA DRIVE), VAIL Dear Mr. Arrigoni: At your request I have examined the subject properly for the purpose of evaluating potential geologic hazards to the residence proposed to replace the existing structure thereon, and the effects of mitigating such hazards as may exist on adjacent properties, in accordance with Town ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15. Nl ofthe lot except for the southern tip, which is excluded from any geologic hazard zone, and a very small part ofthe northeast corner, included in the high-hazard debris-flow zone, is mapped in the medium-hazard debris-flow zone associated with an unnamed drainage as shown on the Town of Vail debris-flow/debris avalanche hazard maps. The entire residence, as illustrated on the site plan provided,t is thus within the medium hazard zone. The small portion of the lot in the high-hazard zone is down-slope from the proposed residence, so long as it is not to be disturbed requires no evaluation or mitigation, and will not be further discussed. The lot lies on the eastern edge of the cul-de-sac at the southern end of Geneva Drive, in a location mapped by Scott, et al. (20O22\ as the apex area of a small alluvial fan developed at the mouth of the unnamed drainage mentioned above. Surficial materials consist of their map unit Qfy, younger debris flow deposits, perhaps covered by the lower boundary ofthe toe ofa large area mapped as landslide, Qls, upslope to about %-mile northwest of Eagle's Nest (Tweto and Lovering, 1977;3 Scott, etal.,2D02l.The contact between these units is shown as indefinite. Since composition and properties of the materials are similar, and given the geohazard designation of the lot in a debris-flow zone, surficial cover will be assumed to be the thin, coarse alluvial fan deposits that would be typically found at the apex of a fan. Scott, et al. (p.3), define this unit as: YoUNGER FAN ALrwtuM AND DEBRTS-FLoW DEpostrs (HoLocENE AND llrEsr PlElsrocENE)-Cenerally consists of poorly sorted, bouldery to cobbly sand and silt that includes minor lenses of sandy to cobbly gravel and debris-flow deposits. The map unit ' Arrigoni Residence Construction Management Plan, Drvid Deadie, Landscape Architect, Project No. 0527, January, 2007. 2 Scott, R. 8., Lidke, DJ. and Grunwald, DJ., 2002, Geologic map ofthe Vail west quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2369. 3 Tweto, O., and Lovering, T.S., 1977, Geology ofthe Minturn .15-minute quadrangle, Eagle and Summit Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 956, 96 p. P^GE2 also includes exposures ofcolluvium (Qc) and stream-channel alluvium (Qal) that are too small to map separately. Unit commonly is matrix supported but is locally also clast supported. Most of the boulders are less than 1 m in diameter, but local debris-flow deposits contain boulders as great as 2 m in diameter. Where exposed, the map unit is nonbedded to poorly bedded. Clasts consist ofsubrounded to angular sandstone and limestone, largely derived from the Maroon and Minturn Formations (P[Pm and [Pm). Flooding during or after major thunderstorm is common and presents a hazard to the town ofVail; the map unit may be subject to channel modification and debris flows during intense or prolonged rainstorms. Fine-grained deposits may be susceptible to hydrocompaction and piping-related subsidence, , . . The surface ofthe map unit has been extensively covered and disturbed by construction in West Vail and Vail, but the fan- shaped landforms still persist. Maximum thickness of the map unit is estimated to be about 5-10 m. Both units may overlie glacial drift of Pinedale age (Qp), although more likely they lie on bedrock, consisting of northerly-dipping sandstones, siltstones, limestones, and dolomites of the Middle Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation ([Pm). The ground surface in most of the area was substantially altered during original construction mostly 25 to 35 years ago, and much of the current vegetation dates from that time. Neither surface deposits on aerial and ground photographs or as noted during previous examinations ofneighboring properties, nor existingvegetation, reflect debris flow since that time, Snow cover at the time of this study has prevented close-up examination ofsurficial materials and the exact location and character ofthe present channel immediately upstream and adjacent to the lot is therefore not well known. The Arrigonis have advised that so far as they are aware there have been no flooding events that have affected the lot or adjoining properties. Grading and landscaping as indicated on the site plan appear to place the structure well above the drainage, although specific protective measures for alternative circumstances are recommended below. Alluvial fans accumulate at the point steep mountain drainages empty onto lower-gradient mountain-front topography. fu existing channels build further and further out over the fan and thus decrease in gradient over time, sedimentation resulting from this decrease chokes the channel, or the channel becomes blocked by debris flow events, forcing flow onto the surface of the fan where it cuts a new steeper channel or returns to an abandoned one shorter and steeper than the active stream. Therefore frnal site grading should be designed to conduct surface runoff back toward the drainage, while at the same time directing surface flow that might escape from the existing channel as the result ofchannel plugging or overflow back toward the east or into the exiting Geneva Drive drainage system to the northwest, in either case away from the structure. Avery approximate 25-yr 24-hr storm runoffcalculation, utilizing average areas and approximated (as opposed to calculated) curve number, soil group, concentration time, Manning's n, and othervariables, suggests a peak clear-water discharge ofless than 5.0 cubic feet per second (cR), which can be easily handled by a 1-ft-deep, 4-ft-wide trapezoidal channel or its approximate natural equivalent.a Assuming a 3X safety factor for debris flow as opposed to clear water, or 15 cfs, and a 2-ftwater depth, flow could theoretically be handled by a channel less than a footwide, although it would be quickly choked by debris. - National Resources Conservation Service, 1986, Urban hydrology for small watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Release TR-55. Oftice of Surface Mining, 1988, Watershed model v. 6.21: Borland Intemational. Prce 3 Since actual channel characteristics could not be observed, only general recommendations can be made. Ifthe current active channel is closer than 20 ft at its closest point to the proposed structure, a topographic separation of at least six feet between the channel bottom and the lowest opening (windows, doors, etc.) in the southeastern and northeastern sides should be maintained from such point as a 6.0-ft separation is exceeded by existing upstream topography or the property line, whichever is further upstream, north to the north end of the structure. lt would appear from the site plan that such a separation may be present naturally. lf not, it can be accomplished by the use of berms, artificial swales, rock walls, of combinations thereof' lt can also be accomplished by construction of a stiffened foundation extending above final grade without significant openings for whatever distance is necessary to bring the total separation to 6.0 feet. The height ofsuch separations can be reduced by 12 inches for every additional 10 ft of distance between the structure and the channel's closest point to a minimum of three feet. Special attention must be paid to the geometry ofthe channel upstream to the actual apex point of the fan, in order to prevent the channel from overflowing or shifting toward the northwest at or near that point. lfthis area is south ofthe property line (as it appears to be), and sufficient positive topographic separation (6 ft) is not present naturally and cannot be constructed offthe lot, a combination of berms, swales, and/or walls is recommended to assure that any spillover reaching the lot is directed back east into the channel or to the west, between lots .l 1A and 10, and into the established drainage system ifit is not currently so integrated. Exposed foundation or other walls on the drainage-facing side or sides of the structure within l0 horizontal feet of the bottom ofthe drainage channel and less than 5 ft above it should be capable ofwithstanding a load of 600 pounds per square foot (4.2 psi) and contain no significant openings within that interval. Rock or other walls which may be constructed as part of the channel itself or that are immediately adjacent to it should extend a sufficient distance beneath the drainage level to prevent erosion beneath footers. Earth structures (berms) used to direct water should be compacted to a Proctor density of85% and revegetated. lrrespective ofother recommendations contained herein, final grading and landscaping should be designed and constructed in such a manner as to conveywater, including snowmelt, awayfiom structures and into existing drainage facilities in accordance with TOV regulations and policies. To the extent possible, that portion ofthe drainage channel and its flood plain adjacent to and upstream ofthe property and other properties located on the fan should be cleared ofdebris and growing plants other than grass and low forbs (trees on banks may be left), to and a few 10s of feet above the apex ofthe fan, and routinely inspected and kept clear ofaccumulated debris and other obstructions. Alluvial fan soils are in general subject to voids created by piping or differential compaction. Soil testing and foundation design should be conducted accordingly. Considering the possibility that surficial material may actually be the toe edge of an area of large-scale landslide deposition, soil testing should also be adequate to detect evidence ofsoil movement, and foundations and other walls constructed in such material designed by a qualified professional and constructed as retaining walls as necessary. Boulders loosened during excavation for foundations and utilities, if any, should be stabilized or removed and the resulting voids filled with compacted material before backfilling. Alluvial fan materials in the Vail area are generally not conducive to corrosion, or hydroexpansion; hydrocompaction is an occasional problem in finer deposits but can be detected by routine soil testing. Source rocks for alluvial fan and landslide deposits in the area PAGE 4 are not known to contain significant radioactive minerals, but nevertheless all inhabited spaces should be designed and constructed to prevent the accumulation ofradon or other noxious or toxic gases. The property does not fall within mapped rock fall, snow avalanche, or debris avalanche hazard zones. The property is in an area of modest geological sensitivity with regard to debris flow, but with proper drainage design, including integration into the existing drainage system, the proposed construction as described will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public rights-of-way, buildings, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties of any kind. This report is intended to comply with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the mapped hazard, or that other geologic hazards do not exist. Ifyou have any questions, or ifl can be offurther service, please do not hesitate to contact me. IMpoRT NT Nonc: This report concerns natural processes that are unpredictable and in large measure poorly understood. It is intended to identifu potential observable hazards within the scope of work to which the subject property is exposed and to suggest mitigating measures in compliance with applicable regulations. Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting the absence of the described hazards, or that the recommended mitigations will protect the subject property from the described hazards under all circumstances, foreseen or unforeseen. Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting that additional unidentified hazards are not present. lt must also be understood that "mitigation" does not mean either the elimination ofthe hazard(s) or prevention ofthe consequences ofa hazard event or events, only the reduction to the extent reasonably possible ofthe latter. By accepting this report all present and subsequent Parties thereto agree to indemnifo and hold harmlessthe preparer for anyand atldamages, direct, indirector consequential, including personal injury or loss of life, above and beyond the original cost ofthis study, caused by or resulting from any occurrence of the described or other hazard(s), whether or not such damages may result from failure to identifu said hazard(s) or from failure or inadequacy of properly engineered, constructed, and maintained recommended mitigations. The preparer of this report cannot and will not be responsible in any way or manner whatsoever for the proper engineering, construction, and/or maintenance of recommended mitigations, or the inadequacy or failure of improperly engineered, constructed, and/or maintained recommended mitigations, or mitigations that have been altered in anyway whatsoever from those recommended by the preparer. This report may be amended or withdrawn without notice at any time prior to receipt of payment therefor. BRUcE A. Cotutrrs, PH.D. GEomqo|r AriD NATJR^L REsouRcE @Nstfr^I.fis P.O. Box23 Srr, ColonRno 81652 PHorrrE/Fnx (970) 87G5400 bacol@rofnet February 21,2007 Balz Arrigoni PO Box 3125 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot l1A, Matterhorn Village Subdivision (1722 Geneva Drive), Vail Irwolcs FOR PROFESSIONAL GEOTOGICAL SERVICES Map, photo, reference work, TR-SS/STORM calculations, TOV 12-21-1 5 report: 10.75 hrs @ $135/hr $1.451 TOTAL Please make your check out to Bruce A. Collins, Ph.D. Thank you very much. We appreciate your business. Bruce A. Collins Consulting Geologist $1,451 Payment is due on receipt. A fee of 1.58 or $50, whichever is larger, may be added if rebilling is required 30 calendar days after the date ofthis invoice. Past due charged expenses will additionally accrue the applicable interest rate. ADDRESS FoR ExPREss MAIL DEIIVERY oNLT I116 MINE0TA D&, SIIT, CO 81652 DOUGLAS II4II,I.ER DECMNT ARCHTECTS SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFF CE BOX 1674 AVON COLORADO 8I62O r9t0 949 3302 F970 919 5l--. WWW,SRIARCI IECT.COI'April 13, 2007 Chris Gunion Community Development Town of Vail Vail, Co IT ARRIGONI RESIDENCE PROJECT #0534, BUtLDTNG PERMTT #807-0048 RESPONSE TO PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Dear Chris, We received your plan review comments for the Arrigoni Residence and have these responses to your comments. The changes are clouded on the drawings. I For fire rated walls and ceilings at the garage, refer to the general notes lW4 and I CB on sheet A0. I 2 A note has been added to Sheet A2.0 indicating that the door from the garage to the dwelling is | 36" solid wood. 3 Refer to I C I on sheet A0. I for the ceiling of CL 005 which is usable space under the stair. 4 The ceiling height of the lower level is | 0'-0 3/8" and the main level is 8'-2" from floor to ceiling, finished height; see also the legends on A2.0, A2. | , dimensions on l/A3.0 and the Theo Wemli South Elevation (this drawing is actually a section), attached. 5 Refer to Sheet A2.2 for upper level sloped ceiling height diagram and confirmation that we are meeting requirements of R305. | ; minimum ceiling height at the sloped ceilings of the upper level is 5'- | ". 6 Refer to the attached detail for roof ventilation, 7 The shroud and chimney on the roof are purely decorative and were suggested by the DRB, the fireplace is a direct-vent unh that vents or.rt on the west elevation. 8 4J;t 'itkt- Fra*:'{hD9 Refer to the letter from Monroe and Newell Structural Ensineers. feel free to call me at 949-3302. tl lllf you have any questions, fusociate Arngoni Residence Project #0527 Page I of I 04/16/2007 16:14 FAX Construction Site: 1722 Geneva Dr Veil, CO 81657 Permil # 807-0048 @ooz REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Gompl iance Certificate Project Title: Arrigoni Residence Reporl Date: 04/16/07 Data fil€name: Olclienl Files\jzoos Pmjssts\0527- Anigoni Residonco 2\B Pmi Admintog Code & Penni$Pemil\Anigoni rescheck.rck Energy Code: 2000 IECCLocation: Vail, Colorado Construcllon Typs: Sinits Famlly Ghzlng Area Percentage: 19% Heatlng Degree Dap: 9iAB O*n"74gent: Balz Arrigoni pob 3125 Vail, CO 81658 9704791800 arigoni@vail.n6t Designer/Contractor: adsm hanison Shepherd Resourc€s Inc. pob 1624 avon, CO 81620 9709493302 sdamh@sdarchitect.oom Cailing 1: Cathsdral Colllng (no attic): Wall 't: Struotural InsulEtod Panels: Window 1: Metal Frame wlth Thsrmal Ereak:Double Pan6 with Low-E: Door 1: Solid: Basem8nt Wall 1: Solid Conc'ele or Masonry: Wall helght 10.0' Dspth below 9rad6: 9.0' Insulation depth; 1 0.0' 0.300 0.540 68 10?, 44 4010.5 10.5 Cotnpliance Slatem€fll: The proposed building design doscribed hers i contistent with the bullding plans, sp€cifications, snd other calculations submittod wilh lha psrmlt application, Tho proposod buildi ha{lbsan de{ign€d to ms€t lhe 2000 IECC requir€mBnts in list$d in frp IIEScfrock Inspeclion Chad(lisl. .l ,'t'\\P'2 /__ D"t" * Name - Ti{B Anigonl Residsnce Page 1 of 1 . ..,."NilFM South Clvtwwt Efevation 6 r2Orr;0tl-\h >f2-f,leN) RPR-11-2467 14:49 From:ARRIGONI NOODS 91A 479 tgte To297O94957?!P, 3/3 K*/sa/ap l)/a,( A ,r,' o o fir' Pnr,/on oo J ?oo( { , b' E/yzr" PoTo' f (y t,wJ /z' Z i2 0/e/',1"/,;n)/t ' P/q ana ol /" n _____7_____ _../--_ ,tl /rso /o /n n 3 ''/z ' HouArru &nor UE 3/q " Fa7p. Arrigoni Woods 1'l I ICKNESS: I I r.rentirttcterl 1 3 132" r Brandhcnnziffcr 8K7.,/ Fire lndex 6 q-3 6- unllarnnruble( lirc'rcsi stant) q.-'1" llnroke l)egree 3 r spceilischc lvrcrmekapazitret/spocitic'[ herur I capacity: 0.23 WVk g K, . R-Vrluc; 22-24 Mfiilino: tsC). ljqrx ll I ?li. Vilil' C(:) gl tibH lihipp nf-t ,q lihowr(x)r11: f36gL1 t'1. H\w r'1 (:?"1' Mir'ltrttr. (':(:) fJlFj4lr w.1,r^/,arriqaniwr)(t(i.c.'Orn ' c rnail: in'()qDarri()()r1,\t)r.rd clrl t t | -8BLl 4AnM()N | . tslr(lrr(}: (g7O) 479-1acxl' FEx: (g/o) 'l /Ll" ll., '3 I a6ed 00000-000-000 s000l,t INogruuY zr:ET l00z'zT [iN ,;fff;llt t.. $A,}IAN-GOLD ffififfiffir,ft Die Herstellung von Saglan-Gold Glaswolle - rnade in D0rrendschl EEtrt-Gold Ghas,olFdur,lr|loftC rlhd ctpfgsrladtr Minrnl' trs$n vcn giadgnr, n€htlctEu|.h|(, holttofl n$ 6fuktu4-urc$r .l8 den n iilrl'dlgn Folpbilen outtrrld tlu|Frnt [)' lQxt' Sodt Dolomlt vod uwf,tClqhdn $onmdr$qf,cn Int Bh$ilr' tcirrn h?{artollt w.dcn, oia vcaddung vil Quez nd rrt lrlns l{llutoo|d G-lr+ woue rmd dh isriHlun9 ul dm flrrdlndrnp klfi0dd ffirkbn r'terdst.irnn kgrnFlEtsftro ndthfildacldrdr?n Hdrt llungrpmtarf, lo otr$ Arttrnrtungstlrgr uqrhil dlr ?u O|rhilrHlimg orno gEn R**otl5 rbq|"dDcri nd gsnLdlt' lJbat dn EeEchicrungmyfltt giElsngt drr gtrtrrg|. In dfi OlEtofr4, wo !' bsi cr. 130fC oi|dmdrrn wlt' Dr fr{l||lgD Ghr sgr€rt rlc,r ln rlran kontnd.ilhnao Htdl od cr spkw ,,'7 .,1;',rr' ^1,(".!U' iq"4f ,il itl i,!t 't nr*chhr, dc rid In tinnc Fa$rn ruldcnt. o{. b|rn GlE!, n*n l|rdn |l1lt otnrrn Binds- und knflllnlrrlmrrttftd biltr0ftt In dr v€riltungrhnmre wsr,.n dlrr Fes.rn eu rl r rndbspn Glr$rollomrtlr rdgalrtnibl Cmn Qurltet Fdnh.lt t[1d Dlclltl lldftd l(nnlrdlut Ytlrd, Nrdt dcm Durchhutrn d|r H&trohnr wt{ db otrtrrAiirustrn l$rfcktloiLn. At SpadddEldrlnfi .nLtrrhrn mll Erxltloh- hrngfir wr.rh.nr trglrn'Oeld Dltrunsbll+roduha. NeEh dern Zurchnltt erdrn dl. Prsduktr g|itrpclt, Crrellt und/odc komFiimhrt und In PE-$Crrufipfiolln v.rPltkl. Db Erdlr{CC Gha''folL.0$rrrBofh llct$n or dllokt I dls EBUitrIc. !igl.[.oold - Edrwiror ouallbh-Gl||wol|. - mrdc In D0rmlgchl fun Frdr d!! Glr$chn.lsolcne soh$l 6loh d|| flo$lgc Gl!| lm tlcbn Frll eul srhn l dFhrddr Gchloudndtrlbon, fbr otdllh€fldo 6t!hl vrlfd Crbrl durch Clr tr|nedocrnr Wano.rrq dcr ScfrotJdi cltdbon tut Pldh edrEli' Db rudartaods.l Fldcn wErdan ftl elnoln httrron ADll|rrtnhl neh untcrt ibgat.itct und dlbrl 4r latan, talnrt.n F$gffr rrrof8oo|n, IW,rmu#*,.Hil,h.Hsil.*,,., *FfffiE*lFtbr 2io' c rafrFilrglGoggflfis'ry oq9 0,32 (U medrfi Pr 1,8 n{.) c: o:3tit/|S x Ri/ql"'qt Z-Jl (tt1 Ouatitiitskontrolle Jlr:ll:lrJjlEtIt{!4El#iDiE:SEiLLl '- 'l'jur'{'\rni!CEi'--'];--iri''i; j:-:j :-: lhrn^ +7 elst" 'lhilo'o! Alb lttlm.oCd Ptoduxtr llnd ld von ArH' dll(ogrnm Urtrnl Fcngirtucn, KoncrrvlrninflrmltL n od'r $d'nn gt' Itlr Crrn Stollrn n|oh dor scht eltlrlscn n qfigo!|ltlrtr|Ite uno Stofitnortnrn0' Bd d.r Wttb.ttun0 *E brl.laim' nrur4rgffillaei Ani|tlduflg kotinln rlah krha gofllffllohin glofir rntrlchcn odrr fflha||tsl lve ftnn. EmFtrhhnorn Ci f lOE (l$.ilrrrE d|' EruoErr cX BLn' acrt r,na odr sJVf fr Fdrklldlr und Phfi rJ' ArfJldLng Yq,r MltErdtt ollPoduxm:.d*r kArutn vr rf|dlt und jngrb|rt u{'d'n' f irn En' blu sfid cli. Vorrchflfl€fl dar H|r!ld# tu btrnt'n' lrrE lor- ietl nrnr rrn Arb.ltlohu dr. MAI('l\t rt rhtldlrllan rvlftlan" lrlly;t 89 8l tlf 9i lf+ 0lr0l :101 'rdv t s000l.l rNo9rutff zI:Er l00z'zI udv oh 6rCfi.9o$ . Ola:rolhprtduktlcn wird lfvtctd dttch unr OHtvicirt urd kontt9lbn un4 lmm wlidof r,on oillzlelrn Proinrrirrt n tofiE6l,i34, gdrdll und b|gbuuet. Soctu{old enbpric}rt drn hu"tigm rScJrrlln Anlgt€FJn' oei ln drr wtrrre. unc Edldldtmmt|chnlh' um u ||!tl hohcn Ecntwtr.r OJrlitu$rtdsd su rrl'flWl' wrGlrr in Jnadrn lelorg rtlndg va.suctr ba0glloh W&rnr, l$lh.' Fruc!|g- kcli. und tj1/--Brrtnhlun0r'EniB$l rur d.8rgl$dog F?e' JJiir a.,t*s"lOha lm \^lttulrbof dfolg.n Sohttolh/lruCra, dir rr r,nrOqltenrr, dl! lrltlfndr aodlxuon ro{bn aJ b.tln' r,"o*. tm droacf"bor wrdrr1 (l€ \l,i$l vadtflln und hralll' rctr vori':J- trniid;:ncr'. drE 'edohrt Z o6ed 00000-000-000 Vail, ColorJ(l() l)cnver, Col ora do !-risco, Col o ra clo Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Apil12,2007 Mr. Balz Arrigoni P.O. Box 3125 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Arrigoni Residence Building Pernit #807-{1048, 1722 Geneva Drive, Vail, Colorado (M&N #7271) Gentlemen. Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc. has received the Town of Vail Building Department PIan Review commentq dated April 10,2007 for the above residence. The prefabricated timber structure was designed by Theo Wemli Holzbau, located in Thalheim, Switzerland. We have the following response to the structural plan review comment #9: The garage roof, which has a slope of 3:12, has been designed for a snow load of 100 psf per the Town of Vail's snow load requirements. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE &NEWELL ENG INC. Spaeh, P.E. A 20OZ P atinum Corconte Soonr.r of E[f[IGororaoo A Componont ol Th€ ADerican hslitote ot ArEhltets \r' ww. monr()e - ne ',l'e I I. ccl m 70 Benchmrrk R<>acl o Suite 2O4 c lt.o.l]<>x 1597. Av()n, Colorado 111620 07O) 949-776tt. FAX (.97O) 949-4j5lr o enrail: a\,()n@nr()nr()e-nervcll.cont Principal Monroe & Newell Engineer, Inc. ,." F#**t Lcqr DATE OATE 2. '' ' ilxuur tr. LuLunS, r.rJ). f{Anrn]{l RtsoURff (IM LT xr P.O. Box 23 . I116 MNEoTADnIvE Slrr. Comneoo81652 PHoNFJF^X (970) 87654m bacol@rof.net ENVTRoNMEMTAL, EXPIORAITON, AND MINNC GEOl.06Y February 21,2407 Balz Arrigoni PO Box 3125 Vail, CO 81658 Rr: l'(rr 1 lA, MATTERHoRN vlttAcE SuBDMsloN ( 1722 CENEVA DRIVE}, VAIL Dear Mr. turigoni: At your request I have examined tlre subject property for the purpose ofevaluating potential geologic hazards fo the residence proposed to replace the existing structure thereon, and the effbcts of mitigating such hazards as may exist on adjacent properties, in accordance with Town of Vail Reguf ations Chapter 12-21-15. All ofthe lot except for the southern tip, which is excluded flom any geologic hazard zone, and a very small part ofthe northeast corner, included in the high-hazard debris-flow zone, is mapped in the medium-hazard debris-flow zone associated with an unnamed drainage as shown on the Town of Vail debris-floddebris avalanche hazard maps. The entire residence, as illustrated on the site plan provided,r is thus within the medium hazard zone. The small portion of the lot in the high'hazard zone is down-slope from the proposed residence, so long as it is not to be disturbed requires no evaluation or mitigation, and will not be further discussed. The lot lies on the eastern edge of the cul-desac at the southern end of Geneva Drive, in a location mapped by Scott, et al. (200221as the apex area of a small allwial fan developed at the mouth of the unnamed drainage mentioned above. Surficial materials consist of their map unit Qfy, younger debris flow deposits, perhaps covered bythe lower boundary ofthe toe ofa large area mapped as landslide, Qls, upslope to about zn-mile northwest of Eagle's Nest (Tweto and Lovering, 1977;3 Scott, et ol.,2W2l.The contact between these units is shown as indefinite. Since composition and properties ofthe materials are similar, and given the geohazard designation of the lot in a debris-flow zone, surficial cover will be assumed to be the thin, coarse alluvial fan deposits that would be typically found at the apex of a fan. Scott, ef cl. (p. 3), define this unit as: YouNcER FAN ALLT.MUM AND DEBRIS-FL0W DEposrTs (HorocENE AND IATEST PusrocENEHenerally consists of poorly sorted, bouldery to cobbly sand and silt that includes minor le nses of sandy to cobbly gravel and debris-flow deposits. The map unit ' Arrigoni Residence Construction Management Plan, Drvid Deadie. l"andscape Architec(, Project No. 0527, January.2007. ' S.ott, R. B., l-idke, DJ. and Crunwald. DJ., 2002, Geologic map of the Vail West quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2369. 3 Tweto, O., and Lovering,T.S., 1977, (ieologyofthe Minturn lS-minute quadrangle, Eagle and Summit Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 956. 95 p. PAGE 2 also includes exposures of collwium (Qc) and stream-channel alluvium (Qal) that are too small to map separately. Unit comnronly is matrix supported but is locally also clast supported. Most of the boulders are less than I m in diameter, but local debris-flow deposits contain boulders as great as 2 m in diameter. Where exposed, the map unit is nonbedded to poorly bedded. Clasts consist ofsubrounded to angular sandstone and limestone, largely derived from the Maroon and Minturn Formations {P[Pm and tPm]' Flooding during or after major thunderstorm is common end presents a hazerd to the town ofVaih the map unit may be subject to channel modification and debris flows during intense or prolonged rainstorms. Fine-grained deposits may be susceptible to hydrocompaction and piping-related subsidence. . . . The surface ofthe map unit has been extensively covered and disturbed by construction in West Vail and Vail, but the fan- shaped landforms still persist. Maximum thickness of the map unit is estimated to be about }t0 m. Both units may overlie glacialdrift of Pinedale age (Qp), although more likely they lie on bedrock, consisting of northerlydipping sandstones, siltstones, limestones, and dolomites of the Middle Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation ([Pm). The ground surface in most of the area was substantially altered during original construction mostly 25 to 35 years ago, and much of the curent vegetation dates from that time. Neither surface deposits on aerial and ground photographs or as noted during previous examinations ofneighboring properties, nor existing vegetation, reflect debris flow since that time. Snow cover at the time of this study has prevented close-up examination ofsurficial materials and the exact location and character ofthe present channel immediately upstream and adjacent to the lot is therefore not well known. The Arrigonis have advised that so far as they are aware there have been no flooding events that have affected the lot or adjoining properties. Grading and landscaping as indicated on the site plan appear to place the structure well above the drainage, although specific protective measures for altemative circumstanc€s are recommended below. Alluvial fans accumulate at the point steep mountain drainages empty onto lower-gradient mountain-front topography. As existing channels build further and further out over the fan and thus decrease in gradient over time, sedimentation resulting from this decrease chokes the channel, or the channel becomes blocked by debris flow events, forcing flow onto the surface of the fan where it cuts a new steeper channel or returns to an abandoned one shorter and steeper than the active stream. Therefore final site grading should be designed to conduct surface runoff back toward the drainage, while at the same time directing surface flow that might escape from the existing channel as the result ofchannel plugging or overflow back toward the east or into the exiting Geneva Drive drainage system to the northwest, in either case away from the structure. A very approximate 25-yr 2r|.hr storm runoffcalculation, utilizing average areas and approximated (as opposed to calculated) curve number, soil group, concentration time, Manning's n, and othervariables, suggests a peak clear-water discharge ofless than 5.0 cubic feet per second (cfs), which can be easily handled by a .l-ft-deep, 4-ft-wide trapezoidal channel or its approximate natural equivalent.a Assuming a 3X safety factor for debris flow as opposed to clear water, or 15 cfs, and a 2-ft water depth, flow could theoretically be handled by a channel less than a foot wide, although it would be quickly choked by debris. 'National Resources Conservation Service, 1986, Urban hydrolog5r for small watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Release TR-55. Oftice of Surface Mining, 1988, Watershed model v.6.21: Borland International. pl(iF 3 Since actual channel characteristics could not be observed, only general recommendations can be made. lfthe current active channel is closer than 20 ft at its closest point to the proposed s6ucture, a topographic separation of at least six feet between the channel bottom and the lowest opening (windows, doors, etc.) in the southeastern and northeastern sides should be maintained froln'such point as a 6.0-ft separation is exceeded by existing upstream topography or the property line, whichever is further upstream, north to the north end of the sffucture. lt would appear from the site plan that such a separation may be present naturally. lf not, it can be accomplished by the use of ber.s, artificial swales, rock walls, of combinations thereof. It can also be accomplished by construction of a stiffened foundation extending above final grade without significant openings for whatever distance is necessary to bring the total separation to 6.0 feet. The height ofsuch separations can be reduced by 1 2 inches for every additional l0 ft of distance between the structure and the channel's closest point to a minimum of three feet' Special attention must be paid to the geometry of the channel upstream to the adual apex point oithe fan, in order to prevent the channel from overflowing or shifting toward the northwest at or near that point. lfthis area is south ofthe property line (as it appears to be), and sufficient positive topographic separation (6 ft) is not present naturalty and cannot be constructed offthe iot, a combinition of berms, swales, and/or walls is recommended to assure that any spillover reaching the lot is directed back east into the channel or to the west, between lots 1 1A and 10' and into the established drainage system ifit is not currently so integrated. Exposed foundation or other walls on the drainage-facing side or sides of the structure within l0 horizontal feet of the bottom ofthe drainage channel and less than 5 ft above it should be capable ofwithstanding a load of 600 pounds per square foot (4.2 psi) and contain no significant openings within that interval. Rock or othqFwalls which may be constructed as part of the channel itself or that are immediatelv adiacent to it should extend a sufficient distance beneath the draina.ge level to prevent erosion beneath footers. Earth structures (berms) used to direct water should be compacted to a Proctor density of 85% and revegetated. Inespective of other recommendations contained herein, final grading and landscaping should be designed and constructed in such a manner as to conveywater, including snowmelt, away from structures and into existing drainage lacilities in accordance with TOV regulations and policies. To the extent possible, that portion ofthe drainage channel and its flood plain adjacent to and upstream ofthe property and other properties located on the fan should be cleared ofdebris and growing plants other than grass and low forbs (trees on banks may be left), to and a few 10s of feet above the apex ofthe fan, and routinely inspected and kept clear ofaccumulated debris and other obstructions. Alluvial fan soils are in general subject to voids created by piping or differential compaction. Soil testing and foundation design shouldrbe conducted accordingly. Considering the possibility that surficial material may actually be the toe edge of an area of larg*.scale landslide deposifion, soil testing should also be adequate to detect evidence ofsoil movement, and foundations and other walls constructed in such material designed by a qualified professional and constructed as retaining walls as necessary. Boulders loosened during excavation for foundations and utilities, if any, should be stabilized or removed and the resulting voids filled with compacted material before backfilling. Alluvial fan materials in the Vail area are generally not conducive to corrosion, or hydroexpansion; hydrocompaction is an occasional problem in finer deposits but can be detected by routine soil testing. Source rocks for allwial fan and landslide deposits in the area 'JoJtlaql luau^Pd Jo ldlJJJI ol loud Jtu!] iiuP le Jf,tlou ]noqlu$ u/vlelpqll/r lo papuaue eq /(sut odet sulJ 'JaJsdrrd aqr fiq pJpuau.lruoJer asoql uJo{ Jo^ioslsq,h /(eA\ ,{ue ut prrrlle uaeg a^pq leql suollptllru ro'suoDetlllur papueuuo):J pJUletuleu Jo/pue 'pepn.r}suoJ 'pJlaeulBuJ ,{pedordurt Jo alnlts1 lo ,benbapsul oql ro 'suotlEsplur papuatuuro>J Jo e)ueualuteut lo/pue 'uollJnJ$uoJ 'SuFaaut8ua rado:d aqf loJ la aoslpqr[ Jeuueu lo fem r{ue u; o;qlsuodsa.r eq }ou lltm Pue touue) lodJl slu};o reredrrd aq1 .suorle3pru pJpseuluro)el pJulsluleut pue 'palJnrlsuof, 'poraaul3ua AJradold 1o i{renbapeul ro rrnltuJ tno{ ro (slprezeq ples ,!puap1 01 emlteJ uro{ {nseJ ,{eu se8euep q)ns lou ro Jaq}rqa '(stPrEzeq raqlo lo prqrr)sap rql ;o a:ualnpo fug uo{ tulllns .ro [q pasner ',{pn5 s1q1;o por 1eu13yo aq} puoAaq pue arroqe 'aJ!lJo ssol ro A^rnfur lBUos;ed tutpnlJut 'lelluJnbasuol ro perlpu! 'palp'sagpurep llB puc^uB roJ teJedeJd tqtrssalulPq Ploq puP &ru$JPUI ol rJJSe oletaql sapJpd ruenbasqns pue luasatd llp ;.toda: slql EupdaJ)e & 'Jrllel Jrp Jo a;qrsod ,{lqeuoserl luJlxo iqt ot uolDnpal aql fluo 'stuile Jo $a a pJezsrl BJo saf,uenbesuoJ rquo uollus^eJd Jo (s)plezeq aqlJo uolleultxlle aql Jaqlle uBau lou saop "uoge8p1tu. ler{t Poo$laPun aq osle $nru lt 'luesard lou aJe sPJezEq PagrluaPlun lpuotlrppe reql 3u!l$33ns sa pau:d.raug ro pangsuo) aq plnoqs goda.r syqr ut Sulqrop 'uJasaroJun ro uersJroJ 'saJgElsunf,tp lls lepun splezgq paqutsJp aql uo{ Auadord Dalqns aql petold ll!,tr suot}e8tltru papueuuro)ar aqt lpql lo 'sprgzpq pequlsap Jql Jo aruasqe a$ 3ur1satgns se paurdrelut lo perulsuof, aq Plnoqs uodal srql u1 Surqto;1 'suollelnter elqerrldde qtliv\ DuBllduroJ ul sernseaur tune8uttu lsatSns ol PUP pJsodxa s! rq:adord rJafqns rql q)tq/r ol lrot\Jo adoJs aql upllp\ sp.rpzeq rlqeruasqo 1ellualod ,!puep1 or pePuarul sl lt'poolslrPun {1rood a.lnsearu eSrel u! pue alqeplpardun ore leqt sessa)ord lunlpu surtf,uor }:odar slqJ mmli-IiMmGfri 'Jr! Deluol 0l alEtlsaq tou op aspJld'eJlruas JeqUryJo aq uPJ IJ! Jo'suoltsanb,{uP J^Pq no/tJl'}s!xa lou op sprezeq J6oloJB r)qlo 1urlt ro 'plpzsrl paddpr! eql ol pesodxa tou sl /brtdo.rd pafqns aql lPql SuBsJBEns se para.rdlarut oq ppoqs uleleq paulpluoJ tult{lou pue'SI-tZ-Zt rr}deqf suopelnta1 pen go urvrolgo suorpoa alulldoJdde t{}lm ,{ldtuoJ o} papualul s! lodal slqJ 'pull Aue 3o satuadold Jaqto lo sapllpej Jo 'segllFn 'slueuesga 'sleeJls 'speor 'stulpltnq 'fe/14-lo-slqgu Jllqnd 01 lo 'sarnpnrfs jo,tyrdo.ra raqfo ol plezeq aql asBalf,ut lou lll^^ peqlDsap se uolDnllsuoJ pesodold )qt ,uats,{s e8suluJp tugspa eqt olu! uouur8eil! 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Box 3125 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Residence TT22GenevaDive Vail, Colorado Job No. 06-136 As requested, we have prepared this letter describing our preliminary foundation and construction recommendations for the subject project. The recommendations presented in this letter are based on our site observations, data reviewed from previous investigations in the area, and our experience gained from similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The information provided in this letter may be used for preliminary design purposes and must be confirmed during the construction for the new residence. Existine Site Conditions The proposed residence will be constructed at 1722 Geneva Drive in Vail, Colorado. Currently the site is occupied by an existing residence. The residence is two-stories in height with a below grade level. The lot is bordered on the norlh and south by existing single family residences. Geneva Drive borders the site to the west and a drainage borders the site to the east. Topography of the lot is fairly level, however, the residence is constructed on a steep mountainside with an approximate slope of 30 percent. Previous site grading has been performed to level the site, with a 4 foot retaining wall on the north side of the property and a two tiered retaining wall on the south west portion of the site. The two tiered retaining wall is approximately 8 feet in height and has an approximate set back of 10 feet between tiers. Vegetation on the lot consists ofgrasses, weeds, bushes, and a sparse stand of aspen trees. Pronosed Construction We understand the project will consist of the demolition of the existing residence and the construction of a single-family residence at 1722 Geneva Drive in Vail, Colorado. We anticipate Mr. Anigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page2ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers that the new residence will be two stories in height with a below grade level and associated driveway. We anticipate the new residence will be of cast-in-place concrete and wood frame construction with slab-on-grade floors. Removal of the existing residence and construction of the new residence may result in excavations of up to 15.0 feet deep. We understand that the foundations for the new residence will be at approximately the same elevation of the existing residence. Access to the residence will be from Geneva Drive. Maximum column and wall Ioads were assumed to be those normallv associated with residential structures. Investisation An engineer from our office observed the conditions of the site on November 7,2006. Because an existing residence is located on the site, and due to the limited accessibility ofthe site, it is ow opinion that a formal subsurface exploration of the site is not feasible. In order to determine the anticipated subsurface conditions below the existing residence, we reviewed several projects that were performed in the immediate area. The preliminary recommendations made in this letter must be confirmed during the demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. Subsurface Conditions Based on our experience with similar projects in the area, we anticipate the subsurface conditions below the residence may consist of existing fill, or natural, brown, dry to moist, medium dense to dense, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. Boulders greater than 12 inches may be encountered during removal of the old foundations and construction for the new foundations. Because an existing residence is located on the site, we anticipate that fill will be encountered during the demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. We anticipate the existing fill could consist of topsoil, sandy clay, sand and gravel with scattered cobbles and boulders, and possibly old building materials. The amount, extent, and quality of the existing fill is unknown at this time. However, the amount, extent, and quality of the existing fill can be better determined durins the demolition of the existins residence. Without a subsurface investigation, we do not know at what depth ground water will be encountered. The depth to ground water on mountain sites can vary since the ground water tends to flow in seams and many times is not found until the excavation is opened. Based on our experience in the area under similar conditions, we anticipate that ground water could influence the construction ofthe proposed residence. Ifground water is encountered during the removal of the existing foundation or construction of the new residence, we should be contacted to provide site-specific recommendations at that time. Radon In recent years, radon gas has become a concem. Radon gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced by the decay ofminerals in soil and rock. The potential for radon gas in the subsurface Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006' Job No. 06-136 Page3ofll KO EC H LE IN CONS ULTI N G EN G INEERS, INC. Co nsu Iling G eolech n ical En gi neers strata is likely. Since below grade areas for the residence are planned, we recommend that the building be designed with ventilation for the below grade areas. Mold Mold tends to grow in areas that are damp and dark such as bathrooms, crawlspaces or other such below grade areas. Recommendations for mold prevention, mitigation or remediation are outside the scope of this investigation. We recommend that the contractor and/or owner contact a professional Industrial Hygienist to provide specific recommendations for the prevention and/or remediation of mold. Existine Foundations and Utilities An existing residence is present on the subject lot and will be demolished prior to construction of the new residence. We recommend that all foundations and existing hll from this structure be removed and, if necessary, replaced with properly moisture treated and compacted approved granular structural fill. Any utilities to the existing residence should be removed and the associated filI should be replaced with approved structural fill. This includes, but is not limited to, fill in trenches for the various utilities that could be encountered during demolition of the existing residence or during excavation for the new residence. A representative from our office should observe the removal ofthe existing foundations and fill from utilities in order to verifu that the fill and foundations have been removed prior to construction ofthe new residence. New granular structural fill should be moisture conditioned and compacted as recommended in the Comnacted Fill section of this letter. A representative from our offrce should observe, test, and document all structural fill placed for the construction of the new residence. Excavations We anticipate that excavations of up to 15 feet deep could be required for demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slooes remain stable. We anticipate that the subsurface soil at the new foundation elevation could consist of silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. These soils classifr as Type B soils in accordance u'ith OSHA regulations. OSHA regulations should be followed in all excavations and cuts. In order to maintain stability of the excavation slopes during demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence, temporary shoring may be required. The need for temporary shoring should be evaluated during the design ofthe new residence. Because we anticipate boulders up to 12 inches in size could be encountered in the excavations, it is our opinion that healy-dufy construction equipment will be required to complete the necessary excavations. Topsoil could be encountered during construction of the new residence, o Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page4ofll KOEC HLE IN CONS ULTING ENG I NE E RS, I NC, Consulting Geotechnical Engineers All topsoil beneath the proposed construction should be removed prior to any construction. The topsoil may be used in landscape areas. All existing foundations, fill, and soft soils beneath the proposed construction should be removed, and if necessary, replaced with properly moisture conditioned and compacted fill. AII fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the Compacted Fill section of this letter. Ground Water Without a subsurface investigation, we do not know at what depth ground water will be encountered. The depth to ground water on mountain sites can vary since the ground water tends to flow in seams and many times is not found until the excavation is opened. Based on our experience in the area under similar conditions, we anticipate that ground water could influence the construction of the proposed residence. If ground water is encountered during the removal of the existing foundation or construction ofthe new residence, we should be contacted to provide site-specific recommendations at that time. Shoring We anticipate that excavations of up to 15 feet could be required for removal of the existing foundation and construction of the new foundation. In order to maintain stability of the excavation slopes during demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence, temporary shoring may be required. The need for temporary shoring should be evaluated during the design of the new residence. If a shoring system is necessary, we recommend a contractor specializing in shoring be contacted for design recommendations and construction of the shorine utilized. Foundations Because the new foundation system will be constructed at or below the current residence foundations, we anticipate that the subsurface soils at the foundation elevations for the new residence will consist ofthe natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. In our opinion, the new residence may be supported by a spread footing foundation system bearing on the natural, silty sand. We recommend that the spread footing foundation system be designed and constructed to meet the followins criteria: l.Footings should be supported by undisturbed, natural. silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or properly moisture conditioned and compacted new structural frll, as described below in Items 2, 3, 7, I 0, 1 I, and 1 2. All existing foundation elements and fill must be removed prior to construction for the new residence. If necessary, approved properly compacted and moisture conditioned structural fil1 may be used to bring the subgrade to the required elevation. 2. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No.06-136 Page5ofll 3. 6. ll. A 5. KO EC H LE I N CONS ULTING ENG INE E RS, INC. Co ns ulli ng G eotech ni cal E ngineers Footings should extend below topsoil or soft surface soils and should be supported by undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or approved imported non-expansive structural fiIl. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of3,000 psf. Spread footings constructed on the natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders may experience up to 0.5 inch of differential movement between foundation elements. Because the soils are granular, we anticipate that the majority of the differential settlement will occur during construction. Wall footings and foundation walls should be designed to span a distance of at least 10.0 feet in order to account for anomalies in the soil or fill. Foundation wall backfill should not be considered for support of load bearing footings. Footings should be stepped and supported by undisturbed natural soils and should not be constructed on foundation wall backfill. Foundation walls or grade beams should be designed to span across an excavation backfill zone and should not be constructed with footings within this zone. The base of the exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth below the exterior ground surface, as required by the local building code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local building code in this area is 3.5 feet. Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. We anticipate that cobbles and boulders could be encountered at the foundation elevation. Removal of the cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with new structural fill or lean concrete. Refer to the egggg1!g!-[!!! section of this letter for backfill requirements. Pockets or layers ofexisting fill or soft soils may be encountered in the bottom of the completed footing excavations. These materials should be removed to expose undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. The foundations should be constructed on natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or new compacted structural fill. Refer to the lgpqpgpg! !!!! section of this letter for backfill requirements. Fill should be placed and compacted as outlined in the Qggpacted E!!l section of this letter. We recommend that a representative of our office observe and test the 1 8. 9. 10. 12. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8,2006 Job No. 06- l 36 Page6ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geolechnical Engineers placement and compaction of each lift of structural fill used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without engineering quality confol, inappropriate construction techniques occur which result in unsatisfactory foundation nerformance. 13. A representative from our office mup,! observe the completed foundation excavation. Variations from the conditions described in this letter can occur. The representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions and evaluate our preliminary foundation and construction recommendations are applicable. Slabs-on-Grade We anticipate that the subsurface soils at the floor slab elevations for the new residence will consist ofthe natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. In our opinion, the natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders will safely support slab-on-grade floors with a low risk of movement. We recommend the following precautions for the construction of slabs-on-grade : 1. Slabs-on-grade may be constructed on natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or properly moisture conditioned and compacted, non- expansive structural fill. All existing fiIl should be removed to expose undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. If necessary, approved properly compacted and moisture conditioned structural frll may be used to bring the subgrade to the required elevation. Slabs should be separated from exterior walls. Vertical movement of the slabs should not be restricted. Exterior slabs should be separated from the building. These slabs should be reinforced to function as independent units. Movement of these slabs should not be transmitted directly to the foundations or walls of the structure. Frequent control joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shrinkage of concrete. Fill beneath slabs-on-grade may consist of approved non-expansive structural fill. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the 9gqpacted_f!!! section of this letter. Placement and compaction of hll beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. 3. A 5. 6. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page 7 of 1l KOEC H LE I N CONSU LTI NG E N G INEE RS, INC. Consulting Geolecltnical Engi neers Foundation Drainage Surface water, especially that originating from snowmelt, tends to flow through relatively permeable backfill typically found adjacent to foundations. The water that flows through the fill collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface water and possible ground water can cause wet or moist below grade conditions after construction. Because below grade areas will be constructed for the new residence, we recommend the installation of a drain along the below grade foundation walls. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory forthe drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom ofthe retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in the Typical Wall Drain Detail, Fig. L Lateral Wall Loads We anticipate that below grade walls that require lateral earth pressures for design will be constructed for the new residence. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type ofbackfill and the height and type of wall. Walls that are free to rotate suffrciently to mobilize the strength of the backhll should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls that are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Below grade foundation walls are typically restrained. The following table presents the lateral wall pressures that may be assumed for desien. Earth Pressure Condition Equivalent Fluid Pressurer (pcf) Active 40 At-rest 55 Passive 300 Notes: 1. Equivalent fluid pressures are for a horizontal backfill condition with no hydrostatic pressures or live loads, 2. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used at the base of spread footings to resist Iateral loads. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation walls and retaining walls should be placed and compacted Ers recommended in the Comnacted Fill section of this letter. AII foundation walls must be properly braced before placing and compacting backfill. Placement and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested bv a representative ofour office. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006- Job No. 06-136 Page8ofll KOECH L EIN CONS U LTI NG E N G INE E RS, INC. Consulling G eotechnical Engineers Retainine Walls Due to the topography of the site, we anticipate that retaining walls could be constructed. Foundations for retaining walls may be designed and constructed as outlined in the @[!!ong section ofthis letter. Lateral earth loads for retaining wall designs are presented in the Lateral Wall Loads section of this letter. In order to reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. A typical detail for a concrete cantilever retaining wall drain is presented in the Typical Retaining Wall Drain Detail, Fig.2. Surface Drainage Reducing the wetting of structural soils can be achieved by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence is comnleted. 1. Wetting or drying of the open excavations should be minimized during construction. 2. All surface water should be directed awav from the top and sides of the excavations during construction. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior ofthe residence should be sloped to drain away from the structure in all directions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first 10 feet. 4. Hardscape (concrete and asphalt) should be sloped to drain away from the residence. We recommend a slope of at least 2 percent for all hardscape adjacent to the residence. 5. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recommended in the Comnacted Fill section of this letter. 6. Roof drains should discharge at least 10 feet away from foundation walls with drainage directed away from the residence. 7. Surface drainage for this site should be designed by a Professional Civil Engineer.a Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006' Job No. 06- l36 Page9ofll KO EC H LE I N CONS U LTING ENG INE E RS, INC. Consulling Geotechnical Engineers Irrigation Irrigation systems installed next to foundation walls or sidewalks could cause consolidation of backfill below and adjacent to these areas. This can result in settling of exterior steps, patios andior sidewalks if they are constructed on these soils. We recommend the following precautions be followed: l Do not install an irrigation system next to foundation walls or above retaining walls. The irrigation system should be at least 10 feet away from the residence or face of retainins walls. Inigation heads should be pointed away from the residence or in a manner that does not allow the spray to come within 5 feet of the residence or face of retaining walls. The landscape around the inigation system should be sloped so that no ponding occurs at the irrigation heads. Install landscaping geotextile fabrics to inhibit gowth of weeds and to allow normal moisture evaporation. We do not recommend the use of a plastic membrane to inhibit the growth of weeds. Control valve boxes, for automatic irrigation systems, should be located at least 10 feet away from the structure and periodically checked for leaks and flooding. Compacted Fill Structural filI for this project may consist of natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or approved imported, non-expansive fill. A representative from our office must evaluate the existing fill on-site during construction to determine its structural fill suitability. The imported fill may consist of non-expansive silty or clayey sands or gravels with up to 30 percent passing the No. 200 sieve and a maximum plasticity index of 10. No cobbles or boulders larger than l0 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped ofall vegetation and topsoil, scarified, and then compacted. Topsoil may be used in landscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts and moisture conditioned and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. Recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006. JobNo.06-136 Page l0 of I I KOEC H LEI N" CONSU LTING ENG INEERS' INC, Consulting G eotechni cal Engineers Use of Fill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-1557) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slabs-on-Grade 95 90 Utilitv Trench Backfill 95 90 Backfrll (Non-Structural)95 90 Note: 1. For granular soils, the moisture content should be 2 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content. 2. For clayey soils, the moisture content should be 0 to +4 percent of the optimum moisture content. We recommend the contractor and/or owner contact us so that a representative from our office can observe and test the placement and compaction of each Iift placed of structural fill. Fill placed behind retaining walls and below foundations, slab-on-grade floors, and exterior slabs-on- grade is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, inappropriate construction techniques can occur which result in unsatisfactory foundation and slab performance. Limitations Although review of projects within the area has provided a basis for the assumed subsurface conditions presented in this letter, variations within the subsurface conditions could occur. In order to confirm the assumed subsurface conditions and our preliminary foundation design and construction criteria, a representative from our office 4gj observe the completed foundation excavations and footing preparation. Subsurface conditions must also be confirmed during the demolition of the existing foundation. The placement and compaction of each lift placed of fill, as well as installation offoundations. should be observed and tested. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006' Job No. 06-136 Page ll ofll KOECHLEIN CONSALTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geolechnical Engineers We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of this letter or in analyses of the new structure from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please contact our office. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. t .a'I -v-2/;^,2-/):-f* q//,- . _ Jessica E. Brown StaffEngineer Reviewed bv: Scott B. Myers, P.E. Senior Engineer (4 copies sent) -i gu0a2 ,t:..l^t^, "4jJi,|;$S KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers CLAYEY BACKFILL EOGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVATE AS PER OSHA REGULATIONS) MANUFACTURED WALL DRAIN FILTER FABRIC GRAVEL COMPACTED BACKFILL BELOW GRADE WALL PLASTIC SHEETING 12' PERFORATED PIPE L_L-, NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. EXCAVATIONS ADJACENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD BE CUT AT A 1 TO 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR FLATTER SLOPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTINGS. EXCAVATIONS ADJACENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD NOT BE CUT VERTICALLY. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN I/8 INCH AND I/4 INGH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 't.5 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WTH LESS THAN 3% PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE. 5. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING, DAMPPROOFING, OR AN EQUIVALENT PROTECTION METHOD. JOB NO.06-138 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG. 1 CLAYEY BACKFILL EDGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVATE AS PER OSHA REGULATIONS) COMPACTED BACKFILL KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers WATERPROOFING FILTER F PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: .I. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVIW OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVEO BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND ,I/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED t.5 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL W|TH LESS THAN 3OlO PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE. 4. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING OR AN EQUIVALENT PROTECTION METHOD. JOB NO.06-138 TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL F]G.2 Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy o Suite 115 . Lakewood , CO 80228-2845 www.KCEDenver.com I.AKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON/SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX November 8, 2006 Mr. Anigoni Woods P.O. Box 3125 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Residence 7722 GenevaDive Vail, Colorado Job No. 06-136 As requested, we have prepared this letter describing our preliminary foundation and construction recommendations for the subject project. The recommendations presented in this letter are based on our site observations, data reviewed from previous investigations in the area, and our experience gained from similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The information provided in this letter may be used for preliminary design purposes and must be confirmed dwing the construction for the new residence. Existine Site Conditions The proposed residence will be constructed at 1722 Geneva Drive in Vail, Colorado. Currently the site is occupied by an existing residence. The residence is two-stories in height with a below grade level. The lot is bordered on the north and south by existing single family residences. Geneva Drive borders the site to the west and a drainage borders the site to the east. Topography of the lot is fairly level, however, the residence is constructed on a steep mountainside with an approximate slope of 30 percent. Previous site grading has been performed to level the site, with a 4 foot retaining wall on the north side of the property and a two tiered retaining wall on the south west portion of the site. The two tiered retaining wall is approximately 8 feet in height and has an approximate set back of l0 feet between tiers. Vegetation on the lot consists of grasses, weeds, bushes, and a sparse stand ofaspen trees. Proposed Construction We understand the project will consist of the demolition of the existing residence and the construction of a single-family residence at 1722 Geneva Drive in Vail, Colorado. We anticipate Mr.'Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page2ofll KOECHLETN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, Consulting Geolechnical Engineers that the new residence will be two stories in height with a below grade level and associated driveway. We anticipate the new residence will be of cast-in-place concrete and wood frame construction with slab-on-grade floors. Removal of the existing residence and construction of the new residence may result in excavations of up to 15.0 feet deep. We understand that the foundations for the new residence will be at approximately the same elevation of the existing residence. Access to the residence will be from Geneva Drive. Maximum column and wall loads were assumed to be those normally associated with residential structures. Investigation An engineer from our office observed the conditions of the site on November 7,2006. Because an existing residence is located on the site, and due to the limited accessibility of the site, it is ow opinion that a formal subsurface exploration of the site is not feasible. In order to determine the anticipated subsurface conditions below the existing residenceo we reviewed several projects that were performed in the immediate area. The preliminary recommendations made in this letter ry$ be confirmed during the demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. Subsurface Conditions Based on our experience with similar projects in the are4 we anticipate the subsurface conditions below the residence may consist of existing fil1, or natural, brown, dry to moisl medium dense to dense, silty sand with scattered gtavel, cobbles, and boulders. Boulders greater than 12 inches may be encountered during removal of the old foundations and construction for the new foundations. Because an existing residence is located on the site, we anticipate that fill will be encountered during the demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. We anticipate the existing fill could consist of topsoil, sandy clay, sand and gravel with scattered cobbles and boulders, and possibly old building materials. The amount, extent, and quality of the existing fill is unknown at this time. However, the amount, extent, and quality of the existing fill can be better determined during the demolition of the existing residence. Without a subsurface investigation, we do not know at what depth ground water will be encountered. The depth to ground water on mountain sites can vary since the ground water tends to flow in seams and many times is not found until the excavation is opened. Based on our experience in the area under similar conditions, we anticipate that ground water could influence the construction of the proposed residence. If ground water is encountered during the removal of the existing foundation or construction ofthe new residence, we should be contacted to provide site-specific recommendations at that time. Radon In recent years, radon gas has become a concern. Radon gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced by the decay of minerals in soil and rock. The potential for radon gas in the subsurface Mr.'Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page3ofll KOEC HLEIN CONS U LTI NG ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geolechnical Engineers strata is likely. Since below grade areas for the residence are planned, we reconmend that the building be designed with ventilation for the below grade areas. Mold Mold tends to grow in areas that are damp and dark such as bathrooms, crawlspaces or other such below grade areas. Recommendations for mold prevention, mitigation or remediation are outside the scope of this investigation. We recommend that the contractor and/or owner contact a professional Industrial Hygienist to provide specific recommendations for the prevention and/or remediation of mold. Existing Foundations and Utilities An existing residence is present on the subject lot and will be demolished prior to construction of the new residence. We recommend that all foundations and existing fill from this structure be removed and, if necessary, replaced with properly moisture treated and compacted approved granular structural fi ll. Any utilities to the existing residence should be removed and the associated fill should be replaced with approved structural fill. This includes, but is not limited to, fill in trenches for the various utilities that could be encountered during demolition ofthe existing residence or during excavation for the new residence. A representative from our office should observe the removal ofthe existing foundations and fill from utilities in order to verifo that the fill and foundations have been removed prior to construction of the new residence. New granular structural fiIl should be moisture conditioned and compacted as recommended in the Comoacted Fill section of this letter. A representative from our office should observe, test, and document all structwal fill placed for the construction of the new residence. Excavations We anticipate that excavations of up to 15 feet deep could be required for demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. We anticipate that the subsurface soil at the new foundation elevation could consist of silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. These soils classifu as Type B soils in accordance with OSHA regulations. OSHA regulations should be followed in all excavations and cuts. In order to maintain stability of the excavation slopes during demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence, temporary shoring may be required. The need for temporary shoring should be evaluated during the design ofthe new residence. Because we anticipate boulders up to 12 inches in size could be encountered in the excavations, it is our opinion that heavy-duty construction equipment will be required to complete the necessary excavations. Topsoil could be encountered during construction of the new residence. Mr: Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page4ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, Co nsu lli ng G eot ec h ni ca I E ng ineers All topsoil beneath the proposed construction should be removed prior to any construction. The topsoil may be used in landscape areas. All existing foundations, fill, and soft soils beneath the proposed construction should be removed, and if necessary, replaced with properly moisture conditioned and compacted fill. All fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the 9qqpg1!g!-I!!! section of this letter. Ground Water Without a subsurface investigation, we do not know at what depth ground water will be encountered. The depth to ground water on mountain sites can vary since the ground water tends to flow in seams and many times is not found until the excavation is opened. Based on our experience in the area under similar conditions, we anticipate that ground water could influence the construction of the proposed residence. If ground water is encountered during the removal of the existing foundation or construction ofthe new residence, we should be contacted to provide site-specific recommendations at that time. Shorine We anticipate that excavations of up to 15 feet could be required for removal of the existing foundation and construction of the new foundation. In order to maintain stability of the excavation slopes during demolition of the existing residence and construction of the new residence, temporary shoring may be required. The need for temporary shoring should be evaluated during the design of the new residence. If a shoring system is necessary, we recommend a contractor specializing in shoring be contacted for design recommendations and construction of the shorine utilized. Foundations Because the new foundation system will be constructed at or below the current residence foundations, we anticipate that the subsurface soils at the foundation elevations for the new residence will consist ofthe natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. In our opinion, the new residence may be supported by a spread footing foundation system bearing on the natural, silty sand. We recommend that the spread footing foundation system be designed and constructed to meet the followins criteria: l Footings should be supported by undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or properly moisture conditioned and compacted new structural fill, as described below in Items 2, 3, 7 , 10, 1 1, and 12. All existing foundation elements and fill must be removed prior to construction for the new residence. If necessary, approved properly compacted and moisture conditioned structural fill may be used to bring the subgrade to the required elevation. 2. Mr.'Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page5ofll 6. 3. KO ECH L EI N CO NSU LTI NG ENG INEE RS, INC, Consulting G eotec h ni cal Engineers Footings should extend below topsoil or soft surface soils and should be supported by undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or approved imported non-expansive structural fi ll. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Spread footings constructed on the natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders may experience up to 0.5 inch of differential movement between foundation elements. Because the soils are granular, we anticipate that the maj ority of the differential settlement will occur during construction. Wall footings and foundation walls should be designed to span a distance of at least 10.0 feet in order to account for anomalies in the soil or fill. Foundation wall backfill should not be considered for support of load bearing footings. Footings should be stepped and supported by undisturbed natural soils and should not be constructed on foundation wall backfill. Foundation walls or grade beams should be designed to span across an excavation backfill zone and should not be constructed with footinss within this zone. The base of the exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth below the exterior ground surface, as required by the local building code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local building code in this area is 3.5 feet. Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches squiue and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. We anticipate that cobbles and boulders could be encountered at the foundation elevation. Removal of the cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with new structural fill or lean concrete. Refer to the egg1lg[.Elll section of this Ietter for backfill requirements. Pockets or layers ofexisting filI or soft soils may be encountered in the bottom of the completed footing excavations. These materials should be removed to expose undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. The foundations should be constructed on natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or new compacted structural fill. Refer to the Qspglg! [!!! section of this letter for backfill requirements. Fill should be placed and compacted as outlined in the $g.pacted Flll section of this letter. We recommend that a reoresentative of our office observe and test the A.+- 5. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. Mr.'Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page6ofll KOECH LE I N CONS U LTING ENG INEERS, INC Consulting G eol ec h nica I Engineers placement and compaction of each lift of structural filI used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, inappropriate construction techniques occur which result in unsatisfactory foundation performance. 13. A representative from our office gqgsj observe the completed foundation excavation. Variations from the conditions described in this letter can occur. The representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions and evaluate our oreliminarv foundation and construction recommendations are applicable. Slabs-on-Grade We anticipate that the subsurface soils at the floor slab elevations for the new residence will consist ofthe natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. In our opinion, the nattual silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders will safely support slab-on-grade floors with a low risk of movement. We recommend the following precautions for the construction of slabs-on-grade: l. Slabs-on-grade may be constructed on natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or properly moisture conditioned and compacted, non- expansive structural fill. All existing fill should be removed to expose undisturbed, natural, silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders. If necessary, approved properly compacted and moisture conditioned structural fill may be used to bring the subgrade to the required elevation. Slabs should be separated from exterior walls. Vertical movement of the slabs should not be restricted. Exterior slabs should be separated from the building. These slabs should be reinforced to function as independent units. Movement of these slabs should not be transmitted directly to the foundations or walls of the structure. Frequent control joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shrinkage of concrete. Fill beneath slabs-on-grade may consist ofapproved non-expansive structural fill. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the epg4!g!_M! section of this letter. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 PageTofll KO ECHLE I N CONS A LTING E NG INE E RS, INC. Consulting G eotech ni cal Engineers Foundation Drainage Surface water, especially that originating from snowmelt, tends to flow through relatively permeable backfill typically found adjacent to foundations. The water that flows through the filI collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface water and possible ground water can cause wet or moist below grade conditions after construction. Because below grade areas will be constructed for the new residence, we recommend the installation of a drain along the below grade foundation walls. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom ofthe retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe wilh collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a tvoical foundation wall drain are oresented in the Tvoical Wall Drain Detail, Fig. 1. Lateral Wall Loads We anticipate that below grade walls that require lateral earth pressures for design will be constructed for the new residence. Lateral earth pressures depend on the fype ofbackfill and the height and type of wall. Walls that are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls that are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Below grade foundation walls are typically restrained. The following table presents the lateral wall pressures that may be assumed for design. Earth Pressure Condition Equivalent Fluid Pressure' (pc0 Active 40 At-rest 55 Passive 300 Notes: 1. Equivalent fluid pressures are for a horizontal backfill condition with no hydrostatic pressures or live loads. 2. A coeffrcient of friction of 0.4 may be used at the base of spread footings to resist lateral loads. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation walls and retaining walls should be placed and compacted as recommended in the Compacted Fill section of this letter. All foundation walls must be properly braced before placing and compacting backfill. Placement and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. Mr.'Arrigoni Woods November 8,2006 Job No. 06-136 Page8ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, Consulting Geolechnical Engineers Retainins Walls Due to the topography of the site, we anticipate that retaining walls could be constructed. Foundations for retaining walls may be designed and constructed as outlined in the Foundations section of this letter. Lateral earth loads for retaining wall designs are presented in the @!g! Walt Loads section of this letter. In order to reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No.200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. A typical detail for a concrete cantilever retaining wall drain is presented in the Typical Retaining Wall Drain Detail, Fig. 2. Surface Drainage Reducing the wetting of structural soils can be achieved by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence is completed. 1. Wetting or drying of the open excavations should be minimized during construction. All surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavations during construction. The ground surface surrounding the exterior ofthe residence should be sloped to drain away from the structure in all directions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first l0 feet. Hardscape (concrete and asphalt) should be sloped to drain away from the residence. We recommend a slope of at least 2 percent for all hardscape adj acent to the residence. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recommended in the 9r@!l section of this letter. Roof drains should discharge at least l0 feet away from foundation walls with drainage directed away from the residence. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. Surface drainage for this site should be designed by a Professional Civil Engineer. Mr. Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-l36 Page9ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting G eol ech n i cal Engineers Irrigation Irrigation systems installed next to foundation walls or sidewalks could cause consolidation of backfill below and adjacent to these areas. This can result in settling of exterior steps, patios and/or sidewalks if they are constructed on these soils. We recommend the following precautions be followed: 1. Do not install an irrigation system next to foundation walls or above retaining walls. The irrigation system should be at least 10 feet away from the residence or face of retainins walls. Inigation heads should be pointed away from the residence or in a manner that does not allow the spray to come within 5 feet of the residence or face of retaining walls. The landscape around the irrigation system should be sloped so that no ponding occurs at the irrisation heads. 4. lnstall landscaping geotextile fabrics to inhibit growth of weeds and to allow normal moisture evaporation. We do not recommend the use of a plastic membrane to inhibit the srowth of weeds. 5. Control valve boxes, for automatic irrigation systems, should be located at least 10 feet away from the structure and periodically checked for leaks and flooding. Comnacted Fill Structural filI for this project may consist of natural silty sand with scattered gravel, cobbles, and boulders or approved imported, non-expansive fill. A representative from our office must evaluate the existing fill on-site during construction to determine its structural filI suitability. The imported fill may consist of non-expansive silty or clayey sands or gravels with up to 30 percent passing the No. 200 sieve and a maximum plasticity index of 10. No cobbles or boulders largerthan l0 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped ofall vegetation and topsoil, scarified, and then compacted. Topsoil may be used in landscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts and moisture conditioned and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. Recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fi1l. 2. Mrl Arrigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page 10 of l I KO EC H LE IN CONS ULTING ENG IN EE RS, INC. Consulting Geolech nical Engineers Use of Fill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-1557) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slabs-on-Grade 9s 90 Utility Trench Backfill 95 90 Backfi ll (Non-Structural)95 90 Note: 1. For granular soils, the moisture content should be -2 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content. 2. For clayey soils, the moisture content should be 0 to +4 percent of the optimum moisture content. We recommend the contractor and,/or owner contact us so that a representative from our office can observe and test the placement and compaction of each lift placed of structural fill. Fill placed behind retaining walls and below foundations, slab-on-grade floors, and exterior slabs-on- grade is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, inappropriate construction techniques can occur which result in unsatisfactory foundation and slab performance. Limitations Although review of projects within the area has provided a basis for the assumed subsurface conditions presented in this letter, variations within the subsurface conditions could occur. In order to confirm the assumed subsurface conditions and our preliminary foundation design and construction criteri4 a representative from our office 4q! observe the completed foundation excavations and footing preparation. Subsurface conditions must also be confirmed during the demolition of the existing foundation. The placement and compaction of each Iift placed of fill, as well as installation of foundations, should be observed and tested. Mt' Anigoni Woods November 8, 2006 Job No. 06-136 Page ll ofll KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engiaeers We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of this letter or in analyses of the new structure from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please contact our office. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC.I/"/l - -?-tL</,"t 2=- 4..i"u E. Brown StaffEneineer Reviewed by: Scott B. Myers, P.E. Senior Engineer (4 copies sent) $8'a !- ;lxl.:.:{is KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers CLAYEY BACKFILL EDGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVATE AS PER OSHA REGULATIONS} MANUFACTURED WALL DRAIN FILTER FABRIC GRAVEL COMPACTED BACKFILL BELOW GRADE WALL PLASTIC SHEENNG 12' PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: I. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REII'OVED BY PUMPING. 2. EXCAVATIONS ADJACENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD BE CUT AT A 1 TO 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR FLATTER SLOPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTINGS, EXCAVATIONS ADJACENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD NOT BE CUT VERTICALLY. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETYI'EEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1.5 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3OlO PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE, 5. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING, DAMPPROOFING, OR AN EQUIVALENT PROTECTION METHOD. JOB NO.06-138 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG. 1 CLAYEY BACKFILL EDGE OF EXCAVATION (EXCAVATE AS PER OSHA REGULATIONS) COMPACTED BACKFILL KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers WATERPROOFING FILTER F PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: .I. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVIWOUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN I/8 INCH AND I/4 INCH DROP PER FOOTOF DRAIN. 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1.5 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WTH LESS THAN 3OlO PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. 4. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING OR AN EOUIVALENT PROTECTION METHOD. JOB NO. 06-.t38 TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG.2 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 807-0048 Project #: PRJ06-0518 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. Applied . . : 03/13/2007 Parcel No...: 210312312035 Issued . . : ll/0512007 Expires.....: 03/1912008 owNER GENEVA LLC 03/L3/2O07 PO BOX 3l-25 VAIL co 816s7 APPI-,ICANT ARRIGONI ]NCORPORATED 03/t3/2007 PhONC: 970-479-7800 p o pr)Y ?1tR VAIL - co 81658 License: 200-B CoNTRACTOR ARRTGONT TNCORPORATED 03/\3/2007 phone: 970-479-L800 P.O. BOX 3125 VAIL co 81658 License:200-B Desciption: TEAR DOWN EXISTING HOUSE, CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFROccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals. . . 4,47L 9475, 000 . 00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $476,000.00 RevisionValuation: $200.00 ,r 't'r*'r:! r:i:t *,i a,rla,*,|a+'r *t a't:l *'r a i:l a*+ a Buifding-> 53,104. 95 Restuamnt Plan Review-> So. oo Total Calculated Fees---> Ss,7a7 -a2 Plan Check--> 52, OL8 .22 Recreation Fee-....-.> g6E1 . 5s Additional Fees-------> gO . oo Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> 55,78't.82 Tol,al Permit Fee-----> 5s,7a7.82 Wif l Caff---> 93 . oo Pa)'ments----------> Fs ,'7a? . az BALANCE DUE-____> go . oo t + l,r * a l * l 'f * +* t ** r Approvals:Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/L0/2007 cgunion Actionr CR 04/17 /2OO7 cgunion Action: Ap approved corrected plans O9/24/2OO7 JFJ,"{I Action: AP approved revislon to add guard rait ats bac.J Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O4/LO/2OO7 ceorge Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT system is installed: Provide 360 degree pedistrian access, incJ.uding detined path to the dining terrace from the sidewalk. ILem: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS 03/28/2007 gc ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL Bf, MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV 4 PM, AT 479-2t49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM . SIGNA NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 03 /22/2007 DRhoade s 04/03/2OO7 Mccee Action: COND See conditions listed Action: AP Approved on condition Action: AP on DR307-0003. NFPA 72 comp.Liant t j-: on back side ot housr *{' * +* *:**+ * **** *+* +* *{' * ***!t **'}** *+ * +* +* '1. ******* *:l *!i****** ******'t** * *:f ,}* * *dr:};**+* *:f ** * ** *:}* **,*{. * l'**:t 'f +* *:t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0048 as of I l-05-2007 Status: ISSUED *********:t*d(**************,f **,*:1.,i*'|**,**********+t *+****+************************:*d.**f * **,t *t 'i* 't * '1. 'i*,1. * '1. ** * * Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 03/1312007 Applicant: ARRIGONI INCORPORATED Issued: 1l/0512007 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: 1722 CENEVA DR. ParcelNo: 210312312035 ,t*'}***'|.'t*.|.******'|.*.|.,f*,|.****:{.t}'l.*{.:t*'l.,i{.**,*********{.**'.*{.**,|.*{.**,|.*{.,t********+**** CONDITIONS ** * **** +* + +*** * ** *{. 't* {. **,f :f * ** +* *{' * ** ** * ******* ***** **,i* 'i,}{.**,i *{. ** * ** ** + +**:t ++ * *{. ** * *d. * '1. 'i*{. ** ** * ** 'f+ 't +:t +* Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008768 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008769 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: l8 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF TIIE 2003 IRC OR SECTION IOO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION r0l2 0F Tr{E 2003 rBc. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3IO OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IO25 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: CON0008845 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE OPEN HOLE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. ll 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657*All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. No further insp9ctions will be preformed until the revisions are approved. * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION AppLrcAnoN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNggMpLEr.EglJIlgIS0h 7 OOf IPLETE OR UNSIGN BeD:6s vg Buildine Permit #: ,",55yF"h[-I3I?H:[31"'ll1"l;"??l,13|f :5rfi 97 General Contractor: --42'qa.o',4-. Town of Vail Reg. No.:Tontact and Phone #s:bz -h*aa.. Qa"7ra/22 '// COMPLETE REVKIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials REV|SEDAMount $ 222 ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISEDTOTAL:$ zPO For Parcel # Contact Assessors ffiice at 970-328-8640 or visitE.v23-/23 -/Zeg-,f Job Name: ' tiL-. ,- 't /, JobAddress: 17ZZ z?'z* ,/zz4 Legaf Description lrct:,/// llBglr,'{ llrln],s, ,/sutdivision:&6b2t fikn W[-Address: &. KEf hJ 9/68 Pho^e7?Zd2a/6tu) Arch itecVDes i g ^.r.4/b4/A-.Addtessi /&t. //2r //t7?, g/a zo 'no"'7p?y'nggazwehone:fl2fr/Z76t REASON FOR REVISTONS: a a an/ WorkClass: New() Addition(.:$ Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Tlrpe: Interior ( ) Exterior() Both ( )Does an EHuexist at thisffi TypeofBldg.: Single'family( ) Twofamily ( ) MuftFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant (lJforer( 1 No. of Exidting Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Ur r thi)F0ildi6d zuur lU -TLr I Noffvpe of Fireolaces Existins: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( L Wood/Pellet ( ) Wdod Bur*irror(r lre rrn rr No/Twe of Fireolaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Eoes aTireSffimersvstem Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Building\building-revision-4-1 8-2007.doc Page 1 of 1 411812007 Arrigonilwood" Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3125 . Vail, CO Bl65g Shipping Addres: 23698 N. Hwy24 CI.4. Minrum, CO 81645 Phone: (970) 4?9.1800. Fax (970) 479.1818 . E.mail: anisoni@vail.net um ir.arlgonlwood.com Type of Wood Dimensions Contact Name PhysicaI Address Va il. Colore cl<r I)cnvcr, C()lo ri d() Frisc(), C() l() rx d() oFfii:;E'dfi pv,"_J *"_., Engineers, lnc. August 9,2007 Mr. Balz Arrigoni P.O. Box 3125 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Anigoni Residence Building Permit #807-0048, 1722 Geneva Drive, Vail, Colorado (M&N #7271) Gentlemen: The structural framing of the above residence's renovation was observed by Moruoe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the framing of the residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our off,rce. To the best of our knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been conected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Verytrulyyows, 70 Ilenchmark Roacl o (97or 949-7i 6il o FAX A Cofrpomnt ot Tho fun€rkan In6l{utg of Arrhnet3 www nl()nr()e-new ell. c()m Suite 204 o P.C). llox 1597 o Avon, Cc>lorado t11620 (97O) <)49-1O5"i . clt't il rvon@nlonroe nerl'ell.coni MONROE & NEWELL Hannes Spaeh, P TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A07-0060 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. Applied. . : 07/24/2007 ParcelNo...: 210312312035 Issued. . : 07/3112007 Project No ' -.lr'KSOG - O;ll K Expires . .: 0l/2712008 OhINER GENEVA LIJC 07 /24/2007 PO BOX 3r-25 VAIL co 81657 APPLTCAN:| THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 07/24/2007 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON co 81520 License: 1l-2 -S CONTRACTOR THI'I-, EI-,ECTRONIC SYSTEMS 07 /24/2OO7 Phone:. 97O-949-4538 P O BOX 534 AVON co 81520 License: 112 -S Desciption: NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR NEW HOUSE Valuation:$3,600.00 El€€trical-----> DRB F€s---> Investigation-> Will Call---> TOTAL FEES-> 90.00 90.00 90.00 s367.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-------> Total Permit Fee-----> Paymenls------------> BALANCE DUE----> 9357.00 $0.00 s357.00 A nnrnwql s' Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07 / 31, / 2007 mvaughan Action: AP }l**:}**'r*t+,}+*t++*,|i**t***'|.)i*:}'t*',|*}+t|*'t*.+|il''*|'|*t't'||+l+'+'.+'||+*'}+*,|'t**)*|'*,tl.:}***',i'it:t't**i*.|.|*i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ;r*^*ffiil!'i'*:lrt*trt'rr"*r:*:t*'i*t*'t**t:r'r't'r**t**+{!++'r******)****t*********r*r* I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWf,NTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ONE AT 479:8:00 SIGNATURE WNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER $6 _0 0 I Q Vra r/APPLTCATPN YIIII- NOT BE ACCEPTED !F INCOTPLETE OR Proiect #: Frontage Rd. 81657 freo* Alarm Permit#: Commercial & Resldential Fire Atam shop drawings are required at time of 75 S- application submittal and must include infurmation listed on the Vail' Colorado 2* page of this form. Application wlll not be accepted without this F7- eoSo RACTOR INFORilATIOII FireAlarm: S 3t"OG Assessors Office at 97O-328-OUO or visit t(*******************rt**.:*:t**:l:l:l:r:r**:r*:r:.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*a*.1:r*:F:l'l'.*:r:Fr*n**:r jk*!*lhl**:r:r********* Torn of Val Reg. i.lo.: \\z- s Contaci and Phone #s: Clrrrs Q{9-q{r,'r:i E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: \.\ --*. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARil PERilllT (Labor & Materials) Parcel# .l t C Job Name: r \i 'r-l i'l C. l1i JobAddress: t1Lz. Mc{-{*,, }ta,,.,r t ,, Detailed Location of urork: (i.e., floor, un[*, bldg. #) Work Class: New (;) Mdition ( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair ( ) Retto{t ( ) Ofter ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family.(Tr,rofamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Conmercd ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. ol Existing D^,elling Units in this buiHing:No. of Acmmmodation units in this hrilding: a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTos Permit #: AsB07-m03 -BOl-6ot(8' Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL l,ocation.......: 1722 GENEVA DR. ParcelNo....: 210312312035 kgal Description: ? RJO6 (}t-16 Project No . : ?? I ovitNER GffEVA IJLC O3/L3/2007 PO BOX 3125 VAIIJco 8L557 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 03113/2N7 Issued...: 04lll2m7 Expires. . .: l0l08l2007 APPI-,ICANT A & L ABATEMENT 3].11- W. HAI{DEN AVENUE SHERIDA}T co 80110 I-,icense: 155-S CONTRACTOR A & L ABATEMENT 3111 W. HAMDEN AVENT'E SIIERIDAI{ co 80110 License: 165-S 03/L3/2007 Phone t 303-419-L254 B/A3/2007 Phone: 303-41"9-L254 Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 Total Calculated Fees- ) Additional Fees-.------- > Desciption: REMOVE 220 SQ FT OF ACOUSTICAL CEILING POPCORN IN THE LTVINGROOM. KITCHEN AND HALLWAY Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplac€ Infoffnation: Restricted: # of Wood Pellet: 0 *)r*********t*t|.**t**.******t*************'t*'*****************ii***:i***FEESUMMARY****|+*t*******+***+*+****:}***t*|.*t*************** Building--.- > Plan Check-- > Investigetion- > 958.00 958.00 $0. 0o 9115 .00 $ss.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $171.00 Payments--------- > $171.00 BALANCE DUE---_...- >$0.00TOTALFEES----------> 3115.00 Approvals: Ttem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEIIr ILem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03 /L4/2oo7 DRhoades Action: DN Denied for following: 1. Application submitted by c.C. and not by a company licensed for asbestog removal . 2. No cont,ractor signature on application 3. Need start date, end datse and work hours 4. Need Lo submit a copy of State application 5. lileed drawings showing location(s) of work, entry and PAGE 2 ***********,t *1.************************x*:t*********{.*{.{.:lr***t **********l.**********************1.*!**,1.******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB07-0003 as of 04-11-2007 Status: ISSUED :t(:F***:|t1.*1.*|F*'.*:|.*i!*:t.***'!**:F**********{(********{.**1.i.'t.*i.*****'(*,c*,(***,F,Fx***{.*'|.*,|.*1.*x<*'|.*****{.****** Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applied: 03/l3l2W7 Applicant: A&LABATEMENT Issued: Mllll2001 303-419-1254 To Expire: l0l08l2007 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: 1722 GENEVA DR. Parcel No: 210312312035 Description: REMOVE 220 SQ FT OF ACOUSTICAL CEILING POPCORN IN THE LIVINGROOM, KITCTIEN AND HALLWAY Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBFSTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRrOR TO ANy FURTHER WORK occuRING oN THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUFSTTONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. exiu points, locations of handheld extingruishers and load out/storage area(s) . 5. Abatement company being used (A&L Abatement LL,c) is not currently register with the Town of Vail (expired) and their insurance is expired. c.C. (Arrigoni) was advised on this date. He will get with abatement contractor and resubmit. O4/LL/2007 DRhoades Action: APPR Infomation was **"**.***I?5F*"iLi-*;-,L,!P-T-?.tf-9;,,-S?l-:l?f-t-*-*:;t1-t"-i-:S-i-1i:,"*l-"-;----+,i+*r,*,*,.***r**r,r+'*r,'r**r**i*r***r*+',,+r{.r+rr See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residentail Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE FORTY-EIGHT HOLIRS IN ADVANCE a350RnM7v2252 SIGNATURE OF R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET TPPUCAIIOil rwt0r 75 S. FlorltrgcRll. - Pcrmit rntt, cotonJo 81657 1. CoPtes of-" ^.\ . rP2. A @PY of T{OT E IOCEFTED IF IIICOHPLEf-E OR.Uf{SIGilEDP!u'cct#i- tt|d[d||tg Fctmit#:. AMPrrmit#l ,,."'rl?. "f,:srHl #-,ffi" GOilPLETEVALUA D€r ('lEmlnGt I||Or llr iE!rE'v' --'- ffi itilt'ficccptrd: wiliout thr roJnyil-e-: il;#;Gtffi.ae and State of coloredo-cdtficgti{tn ffi ffti'Fi,iii't'"-t".irilile*to3g:Y*Fffi"::l5|t[En ararlg€fngnt' wlur rf E rELr|'rt ilstirns,'n-t +dt*ler spbnr, and alann SYstefis wrn crs of hete indivkttrals.s of *rete indivkttrals. i.6nl- loat*slnE t watte contairer storage locltion'- waste load olJt arca locttlon' ' enty and aYfing dctaib- of abatem€nt atea' Oetaits sf entry inO exiting plans br the occupants SttucNrt in unaffected arei|s' ConEiit and Phone ([abr & trlaterials) bb t'frress: 1 7 Detaihd d€scriPbon 55i Gal Daums:AnountofAsb€shs: UnearFeet: Repair ( ) Dernofwork CIaEE; New ( ) Addfion ( txes a Fire l$ann Exist: Yeg TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No.,.: Project No : ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL 1722 GENEVA DR. 2103t2312035 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires . E07-0053 361 -@q I .: ISSUED . : O4l27l2OO7.: 0413012W7.: l0l27l2oo7 OWNBR GENEVA LLC PO BOX 3125 VAIIJco 81657 APPIJICANI DOIIBIJE Q EL,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 84632 License: 190-E CONTRACTOR DOI'BIJE Q EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 44632 License: 190-E 04/27 /2007 04/27/2007 Phonet 97o-748-9780 04/27/2OO7 Phone: 970-748-9780 FEE SUMMARY 'r't't**i:t't+***'t't**'*:t**'*1.'****{(.t:i:t'rt**t**{.*{({i*****ri**)*********t * Desciption: COMPLETE WIRING WITH 200 AMP SERVICE FOR A NEW HOUSE Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 2600 Elechical----- > DRB Fee----->$113 .8s $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees---------- > $115.8s $0. 00 Invesdgation--> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fe€---- > S116 . 85 Will Call-------- > S3.00 Payments--------- > S116.8s TOTAL FEES-- > $116.8s BALANCE DUE------> S0.00 Approvals: Item: 05000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 04/27 /2oo7 shahn ItCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTTI{ENT Action: AP Cond: 12 (BI-,DG. ) : FIBI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. -YRsoo -o51& DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OtlR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Apr ?'7 -< lS, O7 O?z??p El izabeth NWt{1FYLED 3?8 -500s p." 75 S. Froltage Rd Vail, Colorado E1657 corrR.ACrOR rilFoRlr''TIO ll tf ' 513'1ffiotvait Reg. l'lo.: ffiFoR r{Ew BurLDs and vALuATto$s FroR ALL orHERs (t'abor & l{ateri.ls) EI-ECTRICALVAtuATToN: $ 2 2., t+ 5 AMOUNT OF SQ FTIN SIRUCIURE:. . L6 OA hrcP14As*ssrcOffie*9.or visitContad * * 4r*,****s4/t*** *it* *r*t****r*.r.**r.FroR oFFrcE usE oNLYI**ttr*r *7 q>9X rl ,t)" lir'" Job'Name: Ayrtqa n r subdivisiolrtz/flfi J'lt[,. Ittl /./a x?L-et n P!4 k u n '#a,+?FP,-ii'e,4.W Addition( ) Renpdel ( ) Repar( ) TempFlcwer ffi Baerior( ) Sour ffi."tm"d"uon units in this bttilding; O<ttting Dwelling Units in thG building: Is this oermit fora holtulilc:l-Lg'C ffi)No( ..,APR.2?*200?:- iVriI\ditabdCV\FORITIS\PERM NS\ELECPERM. DOC g7rw200z TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO7-OO9I Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. ParcelNo...: 210312312035 '3'a1 -6U6 Status.. . : ISSUED Applied..: 06/07/2007 Issued. . : 06/11/2007 Expires. .: 12/08/2007Legal Description: Project No : OI^INER GENEVA L]-,,C PO BOX 312s VAII-I co 81657 APPLICANT R & H MECIIANICAL LLC PO BOX 8l_0 EAGLE co 81631 License : l" 84 -M CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC PO BOX 810 EAGLE . co 8t-631 License : l-8 4 -M 06/o7 /2OO7 06/07/2007 Phone: (97O) 328-2699 06/07/2007 Phone: (970) 328-2699 Desciption: INSTALL BOILER FOR A NEW HOUSE Valuation: $17.500.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restdcted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 H of Wood Pellet: 0 + t + * * l r * t + + + + + * + + 't ** * 't,t,t'l 't * t 't * a t * t Mechanical--> $360. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees---> $453 . oo Plan Check--> g9o. oo TOTAL FEES--------> 9453.00 Additional Fees-------> go. oo Inv€stigation-> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee-------> $4 53 . 0 0 Will Call---> 93 . 00 Paymenrs-------------2 g4 53 . oo BALANCE DUE-----> $0.00 ++ t t * t t l t a t't a t:l a +,i+ t+ + * * *t * * t *:t t t *Item: 0510 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/07 /2007 cgunion Action: Ap CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BI-,DG.): FrELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR rS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 TMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOfTLER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING To CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 fFGC. "Rs 0C-o:t < Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUST]BI-,8 FI-,OORTNG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALIJ BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRArN OR OTHER APPROVED Hfl:..f.:.:,Ti::,1-i:-.::-:::,::"--::::"-.:i,:-,::f,TJ---11.11;i;.,,..*.,*****,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,,.,:i,*:|*,*,,**:,:li*:1,....,...*..*,, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2I OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OWNEROR R HIMSELF AND OWNEN THE 2OO3 UNLESS ,TTTULAIION WIL! NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCO}IPLM OR Project #: lt r;" oaq f Building MVNOFW, l3f $,""?ETlf;,, ,+Q- Hedranical permit#: gtvng-zt+D Permitwill np t-r,f".Jl#il?1fi "S,R.?t"",r.rawntoscarerolncrud€:g lgmu-1sUon fir Duct tiiiJ inJ u.auono f.tu? Ventand aas Une siie;;;;;""o HeatLoss Calcs,o EgutpmentC',t/Specsheetr esssprc Office at gZO-gZe-A640 orvtElt ( \ Ldls C"\c,s \ *:r**t*********** X**+rF***,ix,F:**i(***:S**:F qOIVITJ{CT9R TMORMATION '*Y"' A"ol SgF n?sQsooN^\* \S Addlti"t! ) Attcntion ( . )Repair( ) Othv( Itrit*t"*U"r, fnt"@ Does an EHU exlst "t U,E tffi Orpto( ) mum-n*ryt No. of Existing ow.tting Unitsl;T,Tb;m No..of Arcommoaation Unie inT,fim Nofiype of Fireplaces proposed: Gas ) Gas Logs t I Wooalpeileil ) WoodBuming {ruOrnao*t \voiMaa\cdcraFo$ .-',dERM]f 6 0 [,0 NERM.Doc lvll|tlvH}lll HIU hlv6 | : t t t000 t'9 'unf II IFLOORS I I lcElLtNG I WALTS WINDOWS--_a_ !4FlLrRATION A BEA SOUEE R.VALUE- tl U'UA DT,BTUsREffiiffiiTF I t,/r2_ I r7'fi- l5,oto SEI- 4,w ,e 6(o i9,'/?o^((,7 bs q tQ 'r4, iD> > ,9 {?,5 to"/145 /Ll'o 10" Tl-- L3{?d/ I"(b51 iq'1, I ?0,r7 737/\ssF')/ looo a 1( -.u*JlIl' I x,75 1o'1b,rt / Fleat CaleWorhsheet Il\ I \ \ Rlliog R1h.O52 R30=.033 R2,8=.35-/ SNOW MEL TOTAL coITRnCror 4 Cvlntsn,A lJ0tLtGot**,"ourpur: T ttq t t tb-75 ADDRESS:Iv'. co SY D 0 ql Q"l 0rs lqg Nnue: {DDRESS:r'7 2-L fi,tlL (LtVtt PERfi'ITfi We'@tL'.fdbln, [+/L i. Sr i)exvrt-5.oo o Equipment Spec. lrlv0t:tf t00E '9 I ,i, l. .l 'u n I iJOt60['0il IVCINVHC]N HIU TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0143 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. Applied . . : 0711912007 Parcel No...: 210312312035 lssued. . : 0712712007 Legal Description: Expires . .: 0112312008 ProjectNo , Q(-,IO g-Oq,g owNER GENEVA IJLC O7 /79/2OO7 PO BOX 312s V lt J. IJ co 81657 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPIJY, INOT/19/2007 Phone: 568-3760 ]OOf, TA\JI\-LA COLORADO SPRINGS coLoRADO 8091s License:323-M CoNTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUppIry, INOT/]-9/2007 phone: 558-3760 1685 PAONTA COLORADO SPRINGS coLoRADO I091-5 License: 323 -M Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE FOR A NEW HOUSE Valuation: $3,631.14 Fireplace lnformation: Restrict€d: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 l t t * l * a lr * *'l l *.l ll * r * a * * a'l r r"l *,1*t * *,t Mcchanical---> $80. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> go. oo Totalcalculated Fe€s--> $103 . oo Plan Check--> g2o. oo TOTAL FEES--------> g1o3 . oo Additional Fees-----> go. oo lnvestigation-> $0. oo Total Permit Fee-----> $1oJ . OO Will Call---> g3.oo Payment5--------t g103.oo BAIANCE DUE.---> $O. OO t t tt 'i t a* tl t * t *r * *IIEM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O7 /L9/20O7 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CTAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 rMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 II'GC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII-,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S TNSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHAI-.,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 IMC AND CHAPIER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG,): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAL,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN ]NSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. THE 2OO3 IFGC. OF THE 2OO3 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANIiE BY 9 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ATUREOFO OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 8[657 ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprErE o_R rlNs.rc..NE{q?J t 6- Ot/$TOV Project #: Y ' Building Permit #: Nrr7- a t93 Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to Include: \ov'/- o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Slze and Locatlono Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size ando Heat Loss Calcs.o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets C ONTRACTOR INFORMATION ,I VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOr & MAtET|AIS Con tact Eag le Co u n U Assesso r€# Parcef # ,4 l(3\1j..\|y\z^\ Job Namfl'r0 z O,r loont 'Ti55:ifi-tt".bm C.vr LesatDescriptiohjf r-ot 1 / \fl alocr:Filing:subdivrsion: fft$s rl-r rn V l' l6a,,, owners Nutt'.fin[-, O ,.,*n', ll Address:p1 .1^,< v.oi n Brosg ll Phone: Engineer: u U ll Rddress:Phone: pgtailed description of work:{Jrnn-HS-rQl Worl(Class: New() Addition( ) AtterattonV{aepav() Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) lterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in thls building: Noffype of Fireplaces Exlsting: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) rJ'{f,/- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI"JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P07-0068 Gor -oo{8 Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 GENEVA DR. Applied . . : 06106/2007 Parcel No...: 210312312035 Issued . . : 06115/2007 Legal Description: 395 66 -611 tr Expires . .: l2llz/2007 Project No : owNER GENEVA LLC 06/06/2007 PO BOX 3125 VA]L co a]-657 APPLTCAI\::I SI,NDANCE PLUMBING & HEATING 06/06/2OO7 Phone: 97O-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3584 AVON co 8L620 License: 101- P COM|RACTOR SUNDANCE PLWBING & HEATING 06/06/2007 Phone: 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3584 AVON co 81520 License: L01-P Desciption: NEW PLUMBING SYSTEM FOR A NEW HOUSE Valuation: S20.500.00 Fircplace InformationiRestrict€d: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? ta*.*,|.*.tl.*t.*||*.**|'r*':r'rr.*,}.**.***.|*.**'t*t**)t*t.**..*i.**|'* Plumbing---> 9315. oo Restuaranl Plan Reyiew--> So. oo Total Calculaled Fees--> 5396. ?5 Plan Check--> 978.75 TOTAL FEES-----> S396.25 Additional Fees-------> 50.00 Investigalion+ $0.00 Total Permit Fee------> 9395.75 Will Call---> g3.oo Payments-------------> 9396.75 BALANCE DUE.-.-..-.> $O. OO ftem: 05100 BUTIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/06/200'7 cgunion Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI\rr CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANEE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2I1PIR AT OqR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM . 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CO CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ApplrcArror wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLpEI,rSt#ltgES a( O:f Building Permit #:BqX^ oo Plumbing Permit #: ?o:. osL B Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O -47 9-2149 (I nsPectlbns) l t trlt lr! rrlr F-' : 75 S. Frontage Rd. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATIO N COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (rabor & Materials) Contact Person and Phone -r\t€-?R)> PLUMBING:$:-o.-Soo 4:ll9-Et<f/KEb forPar l#A's5$,rs at97ll-,or visit Parcel # : \o3\ :.-3 \ Job Name: t\ ! '\_r-ilF \5or\_ \JobMdress:t r\- Ge."^-*^.r6- s g* legal Descrlpdon I toe I elocr: I Rtlng: I subdlYlslon: Phone: Engineer:ffi lPhone: WorkClass: t'letr0/) Addition( ) Alteratlon( ) Repak( ) Other( ) - Typeof Btdg.: Stngte.famiy(r't Dupteo<( ) Multl-famlly( ) Commerdal ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units In this bullding:No. of Accommodation Units ln this building: 7(** ***** *** * **** **** **** ***** * ** ** **,'7f FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** JUN 0 4 2001 U rown or vnlt F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Building\plumbingiermiLl 1-23-2005'doc Page I of 1 rtl23l2o0s ffifs/,J TontEvnry HOW DIDWE RATE WIIH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Comm u nity Development Departnent Russell Fonest, Directo r, (970)47s-2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbcf? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin --____Planning DRB PEC _ 2. Was your inilial contact with our staff immediate_ slow or . . . no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it befure you were helped?_ 4. Was your.project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nofl_ 5. Wasfiis yourfirsttimeb file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the sbfiperson who assisGd you: 51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overallefiectiveness oisre Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are committed b irnproving our service. )x Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunitY Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fa\| 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.corn Prcject Name: ARRIGONI NEW SFR Project Description: FINAL APROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFR Partacipants: OWNER GENEVA LLC PO BOX 3125 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES, INC, 0110212007 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: @00002193 Project Address: 1722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: 1722 GENEVA DR. Legal Descriptionr Lot: 11-A Block: Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL # Parcel Number: 2103-123-1203-5 Comments: DRB Number: DR8070003 0t10212007 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dorward Fritzlen 4-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 0Illil2007 C.ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 01/18/2007 By: George Action: AP Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C-ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of J\. Ordinance 25, Series 2005 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment applications. Cond: CON0008630 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards, Cond: CON0008631 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond:7 (PLAN): This property is located in a 'geologically sensitive area". Cond: 5 (PI.AN): PRIOR TO THE TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDUCTING A FMMING INSPECTION, AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE REQUESTED INSPECTION. ROOF RIDGES AND BUILDING FOOTPRINT SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE ILC. Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECnON. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 faxj 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com v ?l'l-b . Separation Request I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS**./t' ,All pages of Application is complete y'TChecklist is completed and signed o/stanrred Topographic Surveyxt' site and Gradino Plan* {;ands;cap,etanic/ Architectural Elevations* {Sxte{or crilor and material samples and specilications. sf Architectural Floor Plans* NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review, Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. teathl*> d Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fi*turxfif,.Q'tfiaJSna^\l reif S{eq5 AffgfuOB lltle report, induding Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easementsx .- o/Photos of the odsting site and adjacent structures, where applicable. ^frlq Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, ind joint owner, if applicable lVlo Site-specific Geological Hazard RepoG if applicable* o The Adminisb'ator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please,rahmt three (3) copia o/the azlertbls aa/ed w*h az zsleritt (). *xFor interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requiremenB include a complete set of e)dsting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:t*t ko{t 9tO Contractor Signature l1-'\tt' F:\cdSAFORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_nelv_construction_10-18-2006.doc Page 3 of 14 ruz3lzoos NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topogrgphic survey: {Vlr.I. stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor {oate of suruey ar- North anow and graphic bar scale{ Sale of 1"=10'or 1"=20) w'Lqd description and physical addressr- Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain) e/Ties to existing benchmar( either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be gearly stated on the surveyy'Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monumenB found and their relaUonship to the established comer, e/Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. P/Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as ,indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions, {SWt Elevations at the edge of asphilt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five Joot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Cf- Topographic conditions at two froot contour intervals E/ Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. e--nock outcroppings ard other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). s'-All o<isting improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). ulnvironmental Hazards (ie, Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wedands, floodplain, soils)g/ Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) a--Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure, Utilities to include: ! Cable TV Sewer ,/ ! Telephone Water Electric( Jrize and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc, E 'Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. a/ Site and Grading Plan: V Sale of L"=2O' or larger {-eropetty and setback lines z/ Existing and proposed easements E/ Existing and proposed grades r/ Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and -walls. Indicate the fioundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line, az All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines, This will be used to calculate building height. r- Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab 9nd as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. { A +'wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction. F:\cdev\FoRl"ls\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_10-18-2006,d0c Page 4 of 14 rLn3p00s s/Locations of all utilities induding existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.{ eropo* surface drainage on and off-site. a/lcr:rtion of landscaped areas. {,tcx:ltion of limits of disturbance fencing {txation of all required parking spaces {-Snw storage areas,f Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. a/Reaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. El- Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Er Landscape Plan: s/Scale of 1' = 20'or larger Bz Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. e/Location of o<isting Fees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocabd (induding new location), and to be remored, Large stands of tnees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvernents and gnding. {lndiateall o(isting ground cover'and shrubs. trDetailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for onifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the o<istirq and proposed plant material _including ground cover. tr-gelineate critical root zones for o<isting trees in dose proximity to site grading and construction. zzlndicate the location of all proposed plantirgs. {tne location and type of exi*ing and proposed waterirg systems to be employed in caring for ,rlant mabrial following its installation.f Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. e/ Ardritectural Floor Plans: s/Scale of 1/8' = 1' or larger; V4" is preferred e,-Flcrr plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and .building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.{ Clearlv indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.{ tabrrll flmr plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedr@m, kitchen, etc,).! One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) 1as calorlated, See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.{ Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. uz-Architectural Elevations:( Saleof 1/8" = 1'or larger; U4" is prefened e/ All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. tl /[ o If building faes are proposed at ingles not represented well on the normal building elevations,' ;ihow these faces also. i {}bvations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. e- All e"\terior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. e/The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fasda, Eim, reilings; chimncf jtaps, Eeterledtons, and window details.f- 9how all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. c4llustrate all decks; porches and balconies. ---\ .tnOicate the rcof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). e/Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.gof F*t' F:\cdev\FoRt'1s\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_nerr/_conslruction_10-18-2006.doc Page 5 of 14 rv23l200s e/lllustnte proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should ! D @ordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey, E)Cerior color and maGrial samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: Indicate type, locauon and number of fixtures, Indude height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. IMPROVEMEI{T LOCATIOI{ CERTIFICATE fi tC) One a building permit has been issued, and construction is undenrvay, and before the Building Departnent will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an lmprovement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registercd professional engineer must be submitted. The folloring information must be provided on the ILC: Basis of bearing and tie to section comer All property pins bund or set Building location(s) with ties to property comers (ie. distanaes and angles) Building dimensions, induding decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations All dninage and utility service line as-builts, shoMng type of material, size and o(act location All easements ! tr ! ! I ! o F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_nerv_construction_10-18-2006.doc Page 6 of 14 ru23lzoos PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoe of Material ColorBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails r -lFlues i C,l.l\v{$d,l,{ Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other L-t.,o 'c tPur{ tdl\rrE- Ar^r.1'16u1 tiL,'O \Aoort (fuF,*t *lnerf\ fewor.rr..,l lrl-tzl Au,rfl tNJ Pt t-r'l\O gzpor,Jxl.e- HI&TIL \As> (a,ebqtr1€r) |4ooo LV-€t uAlytu,o) 2tpr sslt r'^wnrLJw k"?6k l1wff - hx>u"a W(Wo6(L 4E Ltui$,o Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Nlart) o-au l/eer>, &fll^tng4 lAoo-a LU.A**6--. 9ro4{ I 17\"Fl,lN F:\cdev\FoRMs\PermiB\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_10-18-2006.doc Page 7 of 14 ru23l200s FROl"l : .David Beadle - Landscape Arch FRX N0. : PROPOSED LAI{DSCAPIilG Fotanical Name Common Narn Dec.2t 2AA6 L2t46Pn P2 Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS ^r I - t Jla.wl- Llst' &ta_*kl *lz ls.za Deciduous Trees - 2" C.aliper C,oniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare Foolaqa x flaw-J4'\. frt.z Cornmon Narne futPo,- 1o EnsrING rREEs top"l". brrn loflo< f *.p en TOBEREMOVED I I ' ] Minimum Requirements for tandscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciry other landscape features (i.e, rebining wallg, fences, swimming Pools, etc.1 F : \cd ev\FORMS\Permi E\pl!ntinq\DRB\db-newJonstudion-l 0-f 8'2006. doc PagE 8 of 14 lr1231200s SILVERTHORNE HP'rv - sl, aA,/\ QUrEsr 970,s13.7rer (ld) 970.384.o2t(rar) 970.&7.9722 (ce[, @nbds: Starc WrEt5 $ahrsod$resl-com Fax:19704681401 Autfidr;rcd Shrrtut? Dec 20 2006 13:10 Commentr Drb P.02 l4 00J ,-a:-\/n |\.-A NZd urlr.Iry appRovAl &vERIFffrTIoil TmtIElNff Tlil3 lorm-seryc b wdry that the p.opo$d lml'owments will not lmpact any exrstlng or proposed uuflty sGMcE, and ats b\Eriry. seNice $tathbltlty and lctin ior nerv onrrrrtion ana shutd'oe u..d ; ;J"rr;dil;;-plparrng rour utriry pt3n andsclEduling hstrlhtiotrs- A slt€ Plan, hcluding gradiE plan, n@r plan. and t|€vadsri, d|alt be $bhded 6tic rorr",*i'ng ,rultGfor approval and v€riticatbn- DI(-._ tz.ltz-pr$14,l Nf"cl1AilaAY + Na r-.,ol.Va ftrrL tajlclrzir-;te QOESI- e?L U,sfxr'|. Ww^ C""*fittt @t-.1->t2'* +grfi-?00r- E(C[L HIGH 'PIRESSIJRE GTS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970..158. r40r (fd) Conb(t Rkh si$cros lloLY cROsS Et"BCrRlC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.9{5.4081 (r.x) Corbcb J€tr vr6rtt ivrmmlatphftrp6$J:dn ETCEL EIIERGV 970.262,t018 (rax) ContXts: Kk Bogan 970.262..$Z{ l€th;hc Sog€rt FACI.E R,IYT,R WATERT SANTIATIOII DISTRICT 970.476.749) (tet) 970,.76,4089 (hx) CorE<t Rd Hastee thasleeOerwsd-oro @I'CASTCAELE 970.a58.2550 .xt. troo (d) 970.458.2572 (lbr) Conbc Brd Do.ras brad.lv tld<rsocable.OomcagLom llQIESi -'Frt#al*\P(a'b I 4,izrr<( tlA5 klPtsl- lclfapNn I Nfta,flanoN\ arz, t\a [,cn\ta €lv tA*v-r> e a-1r4f 1. It Ble utillty apptwsl & verltiGtbn form has S(rnatures frD.n ead o{ the utilv comFnles. and no coannE tts are node directly on lhe 6om. tne Torrn r|lll pEsume |at there ala no problefis and the da€loprncnt can FV@ed. 2. It a utiliv @.|lprrry has @rrm9 wlth thc proposed consuudon, the uulltt .tprcser|tswc st|sll noa drccfl on tE tnilry Y€t1fiat on form that O|erc b a ptoblem whkh ne€ds to be rcsolvcd. Thc lssljc should rhen be d€oiled in an atb(hcd lcttsr to tha Town of vail. Howatr, glre kecp In rDlnd that t ls the rtspondb lty of ti€ uuuty complny .Dd t re .ppll@rt to esolve rdentifit{ probl€ms. 3. Th€se tierilications (b not relle\r. the @ntractor ot tre responstility b obbin a Putlic way Pemlt frcm tl|e Deganment of PrJblk Worl(s tt tha Town of Wtl. Utilltv loations murt b€ obhinc{ bcfom dlqgano In any pub}k rtght-of- fy a Esement wfiin the Tor\tD c,f vall. A bulldlno perrnit is not e Prblic Wav ocrmit and hust bc obttlncd scoaratElv. Thc Deirebp€r ls requlred and agre€s to submit any r€yrs€d drawlngs to thc utlllths fo. rG-appro/rl !, teryerffi@ton f theglbrr{tH Dlans ae altered ln aBy wry aner *|e authorized signahrrc daE (unless ottr.rwlse sfclncatly noEd wlrhin the coanm€nt a.ea of thls form). Oevelog€t/s SlgnaUrre F: \odev\FOR MS\PcrmrtJ\Planttng \DRA\drb-nc'-( o^strucrion- 1 O- r I -1006 . dd Date P.gc 9 ot I.t \yBn@s r\\. , ' UTILIW AppROVAt & VERIFICATIONt\\\f,/.tl TWXEVILV This form serves to verify that tfie proposed improvemenb will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to veriry service availabilify and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing )lour utility plan and scheduling insallations. A site dan, includlng grading plan, floor plan, and elevaUons, shall be srbmited to $e following utilities for apprwal and verification. Authorized Sionaturc Comments Date QWEST 970.s13.7189 Gel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (@tt) Contacts: Steve Waters sl,vaters@qvest,com flCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262..1076 (ED 970.468.140r (fao Contact: Rkh Sisneros HOLY CROSS EI,"ECTRIC 970.947.5425 (bD 970.945..m8r (fa() Contact: Jeff Vroom 'ivroom(ohohrcross.com flCEL EI{ERGY 970.262..1038 (fax) Conbcts: Kit Bogart 970,262..1024 lGtherine Bogert EAGLE RilER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.74W (E,l) 970.476.,1089 (fa() Crntact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.org coMctsT cABl-E 970.468.2669 €rd. 1100 (teD 970.468.2672 (fax) Contach Brad Dorcas bradely dorcretocable.comcrt.com OTES: 1. If the uulity approval & verificauon form has signahrres from each of the utility companies, and no commenb are made directv on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility comparry has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representauve shall note direcdy on the uflity verificaton form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The isgle should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Honever, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant b resolve identified problems. 3. These verificatons do not reliEve the contracbr of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the To rn of Vail. Utlliw locaHons must be obtained beforc dioolno in any public righttf-way or easement urithin the Town of Vail, A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtalned seoaratelv. The Dweloper is required and agrees to submit any rs/ised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). f#b Ds/eloper's Signafure F:\deV\FORI"IS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_mrLstruction_10-18-2(X)6.doc Date Page 9 of 14 LU23l200s XCEL SUMMIT CTY LZl SVr 6uala l\,: Oa f Jr-Fax:9702624O57 Dec 20 2006 LI128 P.01 S9EG!!S !ft rfrna TNTLTTY APPREVAL I VERTHCTTIOil '*,trfltlrm,tt fiiE form 6Ev:s b vedtt tral qu Fope6ed imFaw|rrenE r$l net hil9d ily ort*ing Er F(wsFd uffiy r€t'dca& ild Eb b vt'lft 8trEe tE ibbfiV lra l@lbn fd niry an$udon ilt $ouLt be rrd ir dftrrrdtn n lfi D|egirlng lout ntU phn and|cldfilnl ilHrFdo.E A Se Dtan, indulnE qradm 9h4 flw plrn,.cnd tudoq $rlt De srbflrlfied q t'E floniq rrilrr fu rpturalad vefiicrdorr t-tAA Ga,ld/. oK-, lrdtdird a|.nrlg! e*El em,51s.7tE (d)9t0jg:mt(froimffi,wza(er, c4|'eld8 litsvQwbts|l laahilt8lErdn EEELIilE|| PRE5Iil'RECIT 970.fta4075Gl) t0/rfr'1101 (ktQ CcnEcl Rid $r!e|!g HOTYCNOISHISTAI€ t7o.rfrszl (!!r) 9t0.9[5..0t1 ({b0 Orfitc! Jefilt|lcm !,lnn6hnfoct!e60!l STLEIE€Y croasz{its (fil)Cffir lct Bogpt9t0.26z.toz4 l€UGtndEogcft EXffRntBWArEnt sAxtT Trorrusntct 90..75.7,i80 (cf) 970.r7a659 *'CUH Erd tl6l€€ e$Idtegdiolc coDrcAgfc ttE e7on6g.2€6td. tr00(H) 970..16&2fi2 (t-4 ODbc! ltellqgs be#lr. dctn.deblaarEc!'com EE$ 1, lt lh tdllV |Pnud t vatlfaltCr fofln tst dgilbct ftom cadr ot fh utflty ornpanief, rrd m romrurs r!! ,rEo Otrdym the 6d|r, thc Tarfln wf,l 9rra|'re t l|l tlsl lc rr p|ltlcng and tlc drlobprrint Gln pcarcd. I lI t..,r!f!y oTF?l! hrf, cafi€rre whh.tfrc p*oposd cc|rcrren, tE uUlV FDrlscnbttv! shEtt nOE 6l|t Uy dt na |[ny vetifietton ftmr tlloldtctt 'u a prcblem whlch |Eea b be Nroh,€d. T|r E,. $ouH $ren br dcbld in il rbdild lcc E dr;Tom Ef vbll. llolrstE', dee keeg in ntnd n€l ft lr dr nFDongq.Ily af thr !6llty cmFnrana Ue ap,tant to ttd* tdlrif,ed roblnnr 3, Thr' rn|lrlcEmff dr not dlevE tfie €dtffir d hr tE Obln r htlic Wty Fsfilt flgn Urc DegErtmcrrt ol Rjb&, Wotks ttteTixn dlh[.in aay puuc filrlof-*cy r essmrt $lrtfi t|te Tonn of \Ail. Th€ D6rd0pet b ?cquir.d !n6 !9rr€ ra c/bfit !ry |t'/tec dnrrftqs t rlrc udllu€s lof |Faprud r, r+trifiedm r'gle $ibmiSEd.DlaI|S r|e altlted in arry h,ay aRer fte lldrofird ElgrEUJfr deE ($bas odraftyifa lD..ncalty nobd wfihin tttc Emne irrcs Gf tfE form). De,vdcpt.,DSg|EDl|e F:\edrv\fr ORXSpe'nft da|| /vrrE\DREV|b-new_coflUrJc4f 0. U.a00Ad9( hte PEg! t ot la rrlalzfi6 Pboap*iruor tlau{h hau.g-,' :oo &nartl+- Dec 2a '46 7?it7 PRG€. 93 Dac-Z0-2005-13:21 FrorERlfSD 9701r61089 T-763 P.002/003 F-626 ArdsEslr9hsaqlg g@Es Hof,vrxossEtemlcstu9{Ir.*6(d) !D0.S{5.,t0&(h0ortbit Elftodtl irtrqRFtdFkFrc-can ffa.BEn6r ero:5a488 (h0 CgllbclE mEryr9?&252.4@4 feUE ine Bogett EiGI.ERWFBITAIERA$ilrilIlot'DtsrRlsr e7u,f/6,7480 (d) Et,4?6,/m89 (far) &nFct F ed Hadee flEdeeoeili$l.qtd coftctsrqELE rru,{6&26dr*.llm (E{) 9offi?6r?6al., Con|EcH Bnd D$cas@ lgtrSi 3. Thee'€ltlcldons 6 lEt dl6,t the cooffir d ttE ft/ortr il fteTown of ,Wl, $eTo$m dvt[. Dc!e alltn"- vtA ct- ,u{)4 .il-r..nrttnura-No'U" /a - &o-O? fffi ,r,lliry +prsid A wrilltadon fcfi has +n UJEs fron ench o[ the uEllv cDmPEbla+ and'no coilnet*s EtB onde dlrcdy ql ttg f€11rtiip'fun iilt prcggne that theE an-m poUen|s aC UE th,doptlst ran pffi4 2 f a utilq corFry lri!, @fEr€ wlh ttE truPd qsuctbn, $s uurv t€Fr€strldt,s -+lPF qt!'cry-9Tggg wr{lqon form ttr* drelc.b o Flbhn wllch n€b F be E€olt €d, Tl€ bs,c $ould dlgl tc dcts[cit_ul-x_lg9r!c__.g?-H: Tod?Gi; Ho{"q,.r, C@r hcP In mhtt thd lt b tfE'tt*qrdblxly of rhe UE|[}' cprnpany'iltd Ere apP[@rEE Ecotre |qenE|Fd g|!tlllrE' 'lhe Dar'dor@ te |lqdtld ilrd a€r€€s D aibnE any crdsed qt t lttEs P .ilq "$d.3 g E-*PE9FJ I' rc+rfr'doi tr tie d,bmla3d tlrt8 cte iereC m & r.raf aner rtre ari&ortert srgrrdre dab (unlass oharrbe ryeCnaly nolrd uilth{te cdnmsll rleof rhlsfom). 11a ihrhl ufiurY ePPRovAL&vEFlFtcArroNt\sl/d ffimK*tteflyffiuEFDposdlrnpewrrsrbwllltrrhlFccrysHner.groq$ 'rfir*nxr+ild'tsb -;rdiifi;dftufri ilrd-ilJi[r-fi-n""'.iiiitro- qF $rortr-bc iniil tn conirraLr-wrr eqtitE tott Sry d"l# ;d1i'Jldldn6"r5. rsi6prin,irEr4regiimngipn, liborpl&.,udelenliofr,stalJbsrbntedqhefrfor{instlttrts fs4tro\rENfllvE@tl, gilSA,A8E (d) r0SAf.@57(fc| 9n56t.s72,(d) c.DfiEE SErcYlEteirsdi@4$n EETGII DRESS'REGIS ',o^aantr(bD970.4F&r$H)ffirE RffigffiE Frlcev\FoRtrflPftds\Phf n9\o n8vrttncvrjsrfi rddLto' lFzl06Joc Pl.g.tE tri rv25/2005 '5 DOUGLAS MII.lfR DECFI,ANT ARCHIIECTS SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 1674 AVO N COLORADO 8I620 r970 949 3341 F970 949 5t2l W W W. S R IA R C H IT E C T, C O I'1December 2l, 2006 Town of Vail, Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 RE: ARRIGONIRESIDENCE I722 GENEVA DRIVE PROJECT # 0s27 CONCEPTUAL DRB SUBMITTAL Dear Board, The Arrigoni Residence is a proposed new single family residence with a lock-off studio to be buih on a site with an existing home that will be demolished. Listed below is a summary of various zoning items that we have researched: I The project is classified (17-6D-2: Permitted Uses) as Two-Family Primary,6econdary Residential. 2 The lot area is .228 acres or 9,932 square feet. Refer to the Topographic Survey included within this package. 3 The front setback is 20'-0' and the sides and back are l5'-0' ( l2-6D-6: Setbactcs). 4 SiteCoverageisstatedas20%ofthetotal sitearea(12-6D-9: SiteCoverage)9,932s.f.x.20= 1,986 s.f. maximum site coverage; our proposed site coverage is approximately 1,986 s.f. 5 The maximum allowable height is stated as 33' for a sloped roof ( | 2-6D-7: Height); our proposed maximum height is approximately 32'-10 t/2". 5 ThemaximumGRFAis43Voof stteareaupto 10,000s.f. Thelotis9,932s.l.;9,932x.43=4,770 is the total allowable GRFA for the lot; not including basement reductions. The proposed residence GRFA is 3,5 l5 s.f. with a 529 s.f. garage (this number does include the basement reduction), see attached area calculations. 7 The required parking is 2.5 spaces for the main residence and | .5 spaces for the lock-off studio. We are proposing two garage spaces and D€(exterior spaces located on the north side of the driveway ( l2- l0- l0: Parking Requiremens Sc'heduff ONr€ 8 The required area of landscaping is at least 600lo of the lot area. The landscaped area proposed is 63.3o/o. IT tl il ', IIAREASUMMARY Lower Level Mdn Level Total Garage 1,203 square feet |,6r8 4,1 15 squarefeet 529 s.f. Uoper Level 1.295 Associate, Sheoherd Resources. Inc. tl ll FROI'1 : Davicl Beadle - Landscape Rrch FRX NO. :Feb. 87 2AA5 I!i34Al1 P4 r \ !E Lumidre Design & Manufacturing, Inc. \.\- 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Viliage' cA 91362 L--' TELEpHoNE (B1B) 991.2211 o FAX (s18) 991-7005 rYPE l-----l Vcrsatile low vollage archileclural and larldscapo ligh ng fixture on a 14 112" post. Engineered to accept the MRl6 halo0An lighr source - 50 watl maxinrum (By othcrs). MultFversatilo path lighl, acccnt. llood or general a/ea illuminalor. Mr-rhi usc light source delivering a comlortabte 3000 . 3400 Ketuin color lemperature. Varied lamp availability allows. slrct, medium, and llood lighting (20 ro 50 watls). FH203 accessory hood rltows maximum lunren oulput while minimiring vi€ual glare. (t.rrr:)i6re #FH203 & FH?04 n0l included). Clean Prole$sronaldesign. Fixlure virlually disappears into th€ landscaPe cluring daylighr hours. Fecessed light 50urCe r€d'lces visual glare without irnpairing funcdon ot the latnp. Formed arl(yor machined tor crucial fit and lunction ot all componenls. Dimensionsi H 14.5" X L - 4.5O'XW .2.?50', Desigrr (or use as a pathway light, acccnt/flood li9ht, end/or general area illurnirrator. Fixture is camplelely adiustable in any directio from all nlountinO positions- All parls erE firsl chromals conversion coaled and then bak€d wilh a lhermoplagtic polyester powder tor mar regisiancdr and specilic wealherabilily ,n nornlally injufious environmenls. Colors - Architeclutat Bronze, Black, arrd Verde are standard. Other colors ar6 €vailable - consull lactory. lt The srem is equipped wilh a 1/2" NPS male lhre;ded slem lo acccpt all slandard J Boxes, ground boxes' conduit fittings, and '1l2" l€male spikos- (Lr..r miere spik6s not inojudgd). Submittsl Approvcd bY: Name:-- no.-tT,; j. | - .. -i;. - Lumidre Design & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the righl10 make design changes without notce,lorpfoduct improvement' + g C, 7oo3 FROI'1 : David Beadle - Landscape f,rch FRX NO. : Lumidre Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Colinas #1 01 , Westlake Village, TELEPHONE (818) s91-2211 U FAX (818)N Feb. O7 26A5 11:35Rf4 P5 TYPE cA 91362 991-7005 i,;llil,lGii$#U*,roj g€eal, body. aftd hydtauliq compressiorl rnountulg p0s1 aIe rnachinod. formed, and/or casl 6061-T6 magnesiurn silicone alloy aluminum. Lens i9 c/afled ftom tempersd glass and secured in place with silioone adhesive. Unique mountlng swivel uses hydtaulic type compres$ion design for rigidiiy and R water tght connection. 'O" Fing seal€d at bezel and body turther ensules lixture durabilitv. '12 voh system utili?ing MH16 Bi- Pin halogen lighl source (50 Watt marirnutn). Ceramic sockel with 250 degree C leilon coated lead wires wilh suoDlled wire nuts and dieleclric iape tor a wale. lighl conneclion. 12 voh remote- t.anstormer required. (LamP a^d translormer not included). Various lamp wattages and b€am gatlerns allow lor spot, mediurn, and llood liqlrting. Mounting swivEl with 1/2" NPT thread allows universal aiming and fasteninq. Entire ltonl hezel assemuy simply unscrews - insen new lamp (by ofiers) - replace bezet assembly, _ NO ScREwS OR BOLrS rO LOSE. Note: always disconnect powe/ duting maintenanoe, Ground Soikes: GSol. GS03, GS04, GS05, GS06, and GS08 Ovgrall splead lens - OSL, Linear Soead lens - LSL, Diffused lens ' OlF, Hex cell touvor - LVR, and vatious color titters. MF16 - 50 Wan max (BY others) MEDIUM BEAM SPFIEAD ffo' Subminal Approvgd bY:Company: LUmidre DeSign & ManUlaCtUfing, InC. reserves the rightto make d€sign changeswithoul notice' forproduct improvement' 7003 ,P.( TEKA illumination manut'acturers of high quality outdoor lighting fixtures Page l of I .l -! 2t7 /2005 TEKA rLLUMrNArroN T2r TEKA rLLUMrNArroN Exterior wall mounted downlieht luminaire for PAR 30 lamps BEACON WALL Includes Models: BWM-2r46. BWM-21r T;;;l kAA,.b;FilI c-o:.,5.2rn | | Reader /-:l |sN*',"#'l- *Photometric info requires a program capable of reading IES file format. TEKA rLLUMrNArroN 86 GlBsoN RoAD #3 TeupLE-roN CAUFoRN lA 93465 pn (aO$ 434-3511 FAx (8O5) 43+3512 II TO@TEXN.ILLU M INATION.COM .ll I http : /i www. te k a- i I I r"r m i n ati o n. co m/entry. htm I **'r**t**** *+'l"lr'1.**'l' * *********'t,*******'*****'* *'*****lr'1.*{'*'}*+{.+*t!i*****{.{.{.***+{.{.{.**************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *** * *+tl* * *{.'1.**,t** *$**'}**,S,},},}*,}***************** *********'t'l't{. *{.+ ** * l. * X.:l.lt {. * {. tl {.:f +,{. '1. 't '1. 'i '1. {. f * * * **'N. Statement Number: R070000003 Amount: S650,00 07/02/200771 :45 Atrt Payment Metshod: Check RESOI]RCES fnit: JS Notatsion: 12034/SHEPHERD Permits No: DRB070003 1\4)e: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2LO3-L23-L2O3-S Site Address: 1722 GENEVA DR \IAIIT L,ocation: 1722 GENE\IA DR. Tota1 Fees: This Payment:$5so. o0 Total AI-,L Pmts : Balance : *****f ***++****++ +**++++*f +f ++++++++++f ++f f +* * ***,;,i*** **ri:i:i*+****:t********************'1.+'1.{.:}:1. s5s0.00 $550.00 90.00 Currents PmbB 650.00 ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Accoun! Code DR 00100003112200 Descriotion DESTGN RSVIEW FEES Rulher - Arriooni Res Page 1 From: George ChalbergTo: George RutherDate: 0111112007 10:06:38 AM SubJect: Arrigoni Res George, Here is a list of comments: Provide a staging plan showing parking, material storage etc. Shor spot elevation on driveway for slope. Remove all snow slorage from Right of Way and shour 30% snow storage on property Shor parking spots 9'x19'surface and 9118'endosed Provide a public way permit and a Revocable Right of Way permit at building. Concrete pan to remain. lf it is damaged it will need to be replaced. Show limits of disturbance around all grading to be done More comments possible with revisions George George Ruther - DRB07-0003 Anigoni residence Page 1 From: JR RulapaughTo: George RutherDate: 01/1612007 4:36:39 PMSubject: DRB07-0003 Arrigoni residence Has been approved. Sprinkler and alarm required. J,R. DR601.W RTo6.ostB zoNE cuEgK -l t oatc: l/l7fot _ Lcgpl dcscriprion:Lot /l* Btock_ Filine Addrxs Osncr A.rchitcrt Zonc district Lot siz-c qb% Total GRFA _ +_ Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Arjdition? Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Allorvcd .E$stin e Proposcd Rcmaining Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks .,ltF 3/.a_" . 20' !5' l5' zo'.b't tE' 13. J"aLt 4', Encloscd Proposcd Slopc ---.--% L Nq No b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pro,ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrg filc): ls thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc: =4sbii ./ * PrinrarycRFA _ffi<+#)=Qltl _ * SccondaryCRFA .+{+a+{e+5g=Jr&Zgi*./ * ln,fi.* 675 a 425 crcdit phrs 250 addition Horv much of tlc alloivcd 2 j0 Addition is use,J rvith this rcqucst? ilo [,andscaping RctainingWall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics wirb TOV Liglring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs tcss than 2:l (50%) Environm cntaL/llazards (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum 5ffifi_ -AMf 3't 6' Rquircd 5 (300) (600) (900) (1200) rcrrnittcd Stopc ./6 % Ycs-E- ,5\n:-1, '*r',; :" ''i. .,'-.:{ i- ts: 'i\i\ spxili/ i.sr;sr:rtrlit l30t r ProjccC _ Q SURVEY Scalc Bcnchrnark t -.-_ Lcgal dcsoiption -:- LotSizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts r . Topography du . S'' roo.,tiJ|apui" F'-*l& watcr coGdsituact '4s_^ --.tnnronrncnal Hazards'i-lt 'c\ --:qi Trees i:ItI d\ -.r lbotos ofsitc Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Utilitic (undcrgrouod) View Conidors. Varianccs Ptatrestictions ' tr srrEpLAN Sctbacks - -.siqfo$Fsc Eavcvovil[fs(4) ltiF fiec$rBatconics ' ixoSi$srh ar..heilr{}. i-:t$t so€a . PFP DEsrcN i:rel.. -i Lcgcnd MISCELI.A,NEOUS r. --:-- CondoApproval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility.vcrifi cation form $ ela,ry,i,ft{eu\:. r pSpot clcvations e Scalc. Buitding Hcigbt Encroachmcnts Cangc conncction 'al Sitc Gradc\Sfpc rAl -++'rl+isrr+rrmolfi Fcnccs , Turning Radius Drivcrvay (access and ggadc) Snorv Storage Firc Acccss FOTI'Itr " .Kf lt,srrEo SSf l tr FLooRpLAl.rs CldFtpr>Lt I 'ar r. _ scalc\rtr,\ \8SE.i ' .,'.rltlt' Z50additionalGRFA Crarvl\Affic Spacc ,.'l t\r7 . EHU . N BULDINGELEVATIONS .)OlPf sE scare Roofpitch tr I.AI.IDsCAPEPLA}I tfaP,A - Existingtces - hoposcd trccs ?ol,ri Printable Details Account Number: Parcel Numbor: Tax Ar€a: uill l'ery: O{vnsr NamerAddrcas: l€gal Description: Physlcal Addrsss: Ac|rs: R013480 210312312035 scl03 49.5250 GENEVA LLC PO BOX 3125 vAtL, co 81658 SUB:iiI,ATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL 1 LOT:I1 DESC: PT OF 001722 MATTERHORN CIR VAIL AREA 0.25 Page 1 of3 Prop€rty Tax Valudlon Intorfiauon Ac{ual Value Ase€ssod Value Value Land 200000 15920 lmprovements 1553m 12360 Total 355300 28280 Sale Hlstory R6rrption Number: 930555 Book: n/a Page: n/a Sale Dab: 912012005 Sale Price: 750000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor WILLIAMS. JAMES R. Remarks: n/a Reception Numb€r: n/a Book 0280 Page: 0796 Sale Date: 111111979 Sale Price: 95000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEEO Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Reception Number: n/a Book: 0222 Page: 0528 Sal6 Date: 1111111971 Sale Price: 35000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Reception Numb€r: n/a Book: 0221 Page: 0023 Sale Date: 6ngn971 Sale Price: 7000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor nfa Remarks: n/a lmprovement Info]mation http : //fcs. eagl ecounty. us/pati e/printable_details. cfm 12/2U2006 Printable Details ) Residential Buildings: 1 Commercial BuiHings: 0 Heated Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA 1152.000 Total 1152 All Areas tvtAtN FLooRAREA 1152.000 FIN OPEN PORCH 72.NO BALCONY 96.000 Building Characterlstlca (Flrst lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE SINGLE FAM.RES.IMPROVEMTS ACT-YEAR-BLT 1971 AIRCOND NONE ARCH_STYLE 1 1/2 STY BASEMENTFINISH NOBASEMENT BATHS 1.OO BEDROOMS 3.OO BUILDING-TYPE SFR CONST-QUAL POOR EXTE RIOR-WALL WD SID AVG FIXTURES 8 FLOOR CARPET INV FMME TA'OOD FRAME GARAGE NOC'ARAGE HEATING-FUEL GAS HEATING-WPE FORCEDAIR INTERIOR-WALL WALLBO/W[) NEIGHBORHOOD MATTERHORN VILLAGE FILE 1 ROOF-COVER CEDARSHAK ROOF-STRUCTURE C'ABLE/HIP ROOMS 5 SMPEo l.l/A STORIES STORIES 1,5 SUPER-NBHD WEST VAIL / INTERMOUNTAIN UNITS 1 USE-CODE RESIDENTIAL WALL-FIN N/A Page 2 of3 Tax Hlstory Tar Year Transactlon Type Amount 2005 TaxAmount 1310.52 2005 Tax Payment First Half -655.26 2005 Tax Payment: Second Half -655.26 2004 TaxAmount 1248.32 ?O0/ Tax Payment: Fkst Half {24.16 2004 Tax Payment: Second Half €24.16 2003 TaxAmount 1218.16 2003 Tax Payment: First Half €09.08 2003 Tax Payrnent: Second Half €09.08 2OO2 TaxArnount 1214.20 2002 Tax Payment: First Ha[ -507.10 http :i/fcs. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details.cfm 12/2t/2006 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 22. l99ll James Williams 1722 Gcncva Drive Vail. CO ltl657 Re: Addlcss Changc Gcneva Drivc Dcar Mr. Williams: Thc Town of Vail has changed thc addrcsscs fol somc of thc homcs on Gcneva Drivc due to rcoccuning problcms in idcntiffing houses. This was done to solve these problcms and to assist cmelgency pcrsonncl in finding your homcs quickly in thc cvcnt of an emcrgcncy. Please change the address on your house as soon as possible. The ernetgcncy dispatch, utility companics and the post officc havc alrcady bccn notified. Ifyou havc any questions. plcasc call nlc at (970) 479-2454. Vcry truly youls. U'rgub"'n"t Christic Barton Planncr II {g *""r"uo r r"* l5 t80 44 t80 BOB '99 22 40 IBBO Plcvious Addrcss W tA l7l7A Gencva Drivc Easr and Wcsr lo 795 I t785 is a9 Ncrv Addrcss l7l 7E Cencva Dlivc - Mchler l7l7W Gencva Drivc - Hitt l7l9 Gcncva Drivc, units l,2,3 - Phelps I 72 I Ccneva Drivc - Pcna 1722 Gcncva Dlivc - Williams (has been using this numbcr) 1724 Gencva Drivc - cmpty lor 23, 238'5? 2 26 l6l3 l urq br ttA' 3 t707??j 4 1709 t706 l70B 6 1713 ?o-"".787, l7t 9A rzrzl 5*1*- I 17z1 l5 1634 bf sb l7l78 Gcncva Drivc. units t,2.3 | 7l 9 Gcncva Dlivc 1720 Gcncva Drivc 1722 Gcncva Drivcurp 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 4, 1986 Sincerely, Env i ronmental Heal thlZoning 0ffi cer SS:jlt ofllce of communlty developmenl James R. llli I I iams 1722 Geneva Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 RE: Lot 11A, l4atterhorn Village Dear Mr. l^lil I iams, This is only.one of several letters which have been sent by this officeover the period of a year and a half regarding the storage-of an orange cherokee and several piles of construction maieriars on iour property]I have received assurances fromyou in the past that the-cherbkeb woirtabe operable and npvable by spring of last year, 19g5. However, to datethere has been nothing done with either the construction materials orthe vehicle. This continues to put you in violation of section 9.24.040of the Town of Vajl Municipal Code KLeping Junk. At this date I must ask you to correct the matter no later than June20' 1986. If no action is taken I have no alternative but to issue youa cjtation for violation of this section. If you have quest'ions pleise do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possi-bl e at 476-7000 ext. 105. luwn u llflI 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty development 0ctober r1, 11985' : James R. Williams 1722 Geneva DriveVail, Co. 81657 Re: Lot 11A, Matterhorn Vi 1l age Dear I'lr. Wi I I iams: I am writing to you regarding a complaint which has been received by my office.It concerns the storage of an orange/rust colored Cherokee in your driveway and several piles of construction materials. A revieu, of my files showed that I contacted you in December of last year regarding this same matter. You assured me that the vehicle would be roved in the spring and it now appearsthat no action has been taken. The storage of both the immobile vehicle and the construction material on your property puts you in violation of Sectjon 8.24.040 of the Town of Vail l4unicipal Code which is entitled Keeping Junk. As this is the second t'ime I have contacted you regarding this rntter, if itis not addressed and some type of action is not taken by 0ctober 30, 1985, a summons will be issued in this matter. If this presents a problem, please contact me pnior to this:date at 476-7000, extension 105. I would appreciate your cooperation jn this matter. Si ncerely,' 4toa'b9/oa.?/24-l Susan Scanl an Envi ronmental lJealth Officer o 0t{il B l|0l 75 soulh trontaEe road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 28, 1984 James R. l.li'l 1 i ams 1722 Geneva DriveVail, Colorado 81657 CERTIFIED MAIL cars and other items your cooperation. ofllce ol communlty development Re: Lot 11A,. Matterhorn Vil'lage Dear Mr. l^Ji I 'l i ams, You have had two cars, a washing machine, and various other junk onyour lot in Matterhorn. Sectioi 8.24.040 xeepins Junt-ilit"s, The.storing or keep'ing pI gny person within the Town of any oldarticles or materials.which may be crassified as junk, aJjacent !9 9i,,i. close proxiqrjty to any pubtic Uuilains, puUiic-pirt orgrounds' bus'iness buildings or residences without' first irov.idingfully.enclosed buildings ior the storige of the same, shilr bedeemed a public nuisanie. It is speciilcitty provioea-tiat trash,garbage and refuse containers, bari^els and cini must be obscuredfrom view and not accessible io scavengi;s ;;i;ai;: ia i; further :f:jfj:.]]y pryyidqd that ',junku as r6feired to in this chaptershail be.expressly deemed to inc] ude, without limitation, anymotor vehicle that is incapabre of operation under its own power.A Motor vehicle shail be pi'esumed iniipiute oi operaiion'.it ithas remained'in one location for a period in excbss of thirtydays. P'lease make arrangements for the removal ofby September 28, 1984. Thank you very much the for ,r)rLo. 1 of Community Development APP: bpr .il lrJ e, C.onf(k'e ,r'"' - lt6- ,////r/ tz ir/m ,//l fv^n * L'1( o r-g ,' 1n,,,0+7rf o lmnu 75 louth lronlage road vell, colo?edo 81657 (303) 476-7000 '1984 ofllcc ol communlty dcvclopncnl August 17, James R. Williams soi-ir3'i ' ));-- ?*1' . y'- Vail, Colorado 8.|558 Dear Mr. l.{illiams: You have had two cars, a washing machine, and various other junk on your lot in Matterhorn. Sect'ion 8.24.040 Keeping Junk states: The storing or keeping by any person within the Town of any old articles or materials which may be classified as junk, adjacent to or in close proximity to any public building, public park or grounds, business buildings or residences without first pncviding fully enclosed buildings for the storage of the same, shall be deemed a pub'l ic nuisance.It is specifically provided that trash, garbage and refuse containers, barrels and cans must be obscured from view and not accessible to scavenging animals. It is further specifically provided that "junk" as refemed to jn this chapter shall be express'ly deemed to include, without limi- tation, any motor vehjcle that is incapable of operation under its owner power. A motor vehicle shall be presuned incapable of operation if it has remained in one location for a period in excess of thirty days. Please make qrrangements for the remova'l of the cars and other items your cooperation. S i ncere PATTEN, Di rector by A. PET Acti ng APP: bpr b\.1 lown box lfll vail, colorado 81657 €031 4765613 July 1, 1982 Jim t.{i 'l 'l i ams 1722 Geneva Dr. Vajl, Colorado 81657 Si ncerel y, Peter Jamar Town P] anner PJ:df department of community dwelopment RE: DRB Submittal of 6-30-82 Dear Jim: At the June 30 meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your submittal for a garage and greenhouse addition was approved 7-0 with the following stipulation: driveway shou'ld be paved to the street. Project Appllcation Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: J n4 wyt-t aq > ^ 4 ?q - 37 z'u /7rt7 /:',,,r,,,A- l, i Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot lt Block riring HftTrfuJ'|nAJJ , zone - ylLL.+bt Comments: Design Review Board rlo^," bl ?lJ g z-- Motion by:fl'ktb+,rN Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL+ Summary: O statt Approval O3 zoNE clr[cK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS .l Fil ingLegal Description: sFR, .R, tot l14 Block R utuu Zone'District Sides-Requircd .l5. proposed Rear -RequireC '15, proposed .. l{aterccurse-required proposed Archi tect Proposed use 6lt'lgE F4Dtt4 ,4futno4 Lot Artea ' tZS E{ 1 ' H"i'ight A1 'lorred 50' Proposed z 6- --a; Setbacks: Front-Requr'i;?-Zol'-"pro-pised 1J GRFA: GRFA: Corrntents.: A'll or'red i Z'18 z- Primrry . Proposed Propcsed Proposed Z39oo -) .Prima11, Al I or,red Secondary Alioned Secondary Site Coverage : Al I oived 2.56"1 Proposed , €2./ Landscap'ing: Parll irrg : Required Requi red Drive: Slope Permitted. Environmenta'l/llazards:,Av.':'lanche 2^ SIope Proposcd Propl;: ed Actual Fl ood Pl a in _ r..lr4' Si ope [JrD -,,.\ i:pp;'p1.,1,,'3 ! s; plrr'o.'l:ri 5,s 7e:r inl : Ii t .!qi1yi:it f_q1_a c_ort-clorniniul convct^sj91_i'c,r a ll unit l:uildjtri.l .1,'ir_,- i_j_t_til_g_t-t_. " Ap1,i L cdiri: DcniiiT s ir i ricir'--.- i'i:L -4- 6/1t+/.J2 oii lot 42 Yqrl-Y.rillqgs Corccran stcrted thal: tlre app'l icant had rcquested 'Lo table ih is itent. Donovan moved and [d,lards sr:conricd to table as 'r]i.rr app'l icatil;'s rcqucst. Vote was 4-0 in favor. At this point, Edwards lcit t.he meeting urrd Piper entered. -io allow the constt'uction of a residenceRequest for trco side setback varjances-io allow the_-i - , --;-_:--_--i- - .-.--- ii_.-.'orr [-ot I2, Vai] Village ldest Fil ing ]?, A.pp'l icartt.:Cottfrjed Anglejttter-ot lz. val l vr llaqe l,i,Jsillarre l,lest Fil inq #2. Jim Sayre explained that thjs was a third presentation for rhis lot, and shcwed the different presentations. He sajd ihe staff felt that this one was much itnproved ,and recomnended approval. The driveway had been changed to the front, and the setback request lvas for 4.5 fect on the east and 5 feet on the west Al .lohnson, the architcct, shovred plans and statecj that he vlas willing to satisfy staff concerns regarding the design. He added thaL he had talked vtith Fischer, property owner to the east, three times and offered to change the building, but Fischer was opposed to the bujlding. He assured tire staff thai there vtould not be any other varjance requests. the selback variance requests asPiper moved and Donovan seconded to approve per the staff memo dated 6/1/82. The vote uras 4-0 in favor. 5 Request for a front setback l,ariance to allow the construction cf on Tot]];ffitteFFonivinffi-icarrt: .lar,e,s n Peter Patten explained that the of the lot, and that the staff w'ith i n the setbacks wi th rn'i nor and elevations and stated that as that would chanqe the doors encroachnient would be for 3 feet i efrfelt that a design solution could be ad pl jshed a dd i'Li cn iams design changes. lililliants shov;ed his site he did not want to push the garage farther and would entail diqging further into the pl ans bacK bank. Duane felt that the addition could be accornplished vtith other solutions. Trout agreed. Trout moved and seconded to deny the request for a front setback variance as per the staff rnemo dated June .l0, 1982. The vote was 4-0 to deny. Patten offered the staff's help to Mr. Williams in redesigning his addjtjon. lucst for a condjtional use permit to construct an addit'i on to thc east end lstinq uusTarn-Tocated at the town slrops_ln a-ljiJD zone dlsTFiat. - 6.Requcst for a condjtional use eX] -s t-r Ir g- p u s__p_ql"!_-l_g__ca t eg_ 3l_t!s_lgu!_5!! Appl icant: Town of Vaj I Patten showed elevalions and floor p1 ans and p1 anned originaily to add on as shown on the Trout ntoved and Donovan seconded to approve the staff merno dated 5/17/82. The vote rvas explained that the building was drawi ngs . conditional use perntit as per r^iith Corcorarr abstain ing. the 3-0 ,(.tt j/14/itz 7. Ile:.qlq1L!._lqf_lllpl!_yql . o_f_ !.9_._'ell9r..1l _r,-i"ryq1]_r1!_19f1_ q1,l, qc11i:r plan._for tlrr: Artcri al liusirress Qi!!'".i!_!._ Appiicants: l'roperty oiriter's jri the proposr:cl Aittil'c r. - Corcoran stated that the appl'i cant requested to table lhis item until JLtne 28. Trout nroved and Donovan sr.:conded to table as per appl icant's rcquest. Ihe vote vras 4-0 in favor of tabling. The meeting utas adjournec.l at 5:00 p.m. -,;r\"c ';i ri j \.)1172? e.1.,r1i". J_. R. Williams, nesTee !., , ,.. ,l.l;(l'rl, l;i. ,i .! rl,l l()ii: lir'J' 114 l;t.!i :fl li,r':r, 'J'h r-r frrl lr,i.'l11f ittl'<lrp:rl- i'tr i,; lJo:r rd b <'l o r',.r a J. i na I lr|p lovl I A. Ill, i l,lrl'ii; l.l.\'t'liRiAt,S Roof Sidi ng 01:hcr: l'ial I l'lateri.al s Irasc ia Soffits Windovrs llli.n dovr 1'rin Doors Door'l'r.im Ilancl or Deck Rails Flues Flashi.ngs Chinneys Trash lncl osur.es Grecnhous e s 0ther t'r.:tltt i lt:tl fo-r' :;rrl,l rr t l.:r I by crr tt lrc liiVCll; -Ur-:ll 11,,t.,1 L11! ;rprtlit';'irt trr thc Dc:; i1:rr llr.vjr.'" (lr-r I rl t: Ownen shaksg-. ]IaturaJ-*_-- B1ock,/S.Juc9 . -. __Wh!t_e_ Exsistin windows Ceda::Bnown Stain Cedan Bnown Stain Ceda:r Bnown Stain Metal Black Foun Seasons Passive Solar Common Name B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS Botani ca'l Name Aspen Eveng:reen Quanti ty 10 Si ze 15r_201 5r-61 ,,r;ROttit0 c0v t R5 SQUI\l{t: i-il0l /\ilt. s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (reta'ining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Retaining wa1I will be the same as the one that is there nor^7- _ Natunal nock wall and planter using the nocks from the sife. --eek-.Eall and planter wil1'otb"o.,.o3,hig PLANNING AND ENVIR()IIi,I[NTAL COMM]SSION June '14. I 982 l2:45 prn Site inspection ' 1:15 pm Preljminary review of appl ications for exterior altcrations and modificati-ons in Cornnrercial Corc'I and Il. Deternrined will be whether each project has a nujor or minor irnpact and the appropriate reviert Period for each Proiect, CCI Entry and facade remodeling for llridge Strcet Real Estate and Investment Company, Liquor Store Building. Entry reorganized on the Covered Bridge Buildjng. Enc'l ose north deck of Cyrano's. Enclose sunken patio south of bar to enlarge bar of Hong Kong Cafe. Enclose one-half of pool with air-supported structure for winter-time enclcisure over Lodge at Vail sw'imming pool Expand second f'loor office of Christy Sports. Exterior seating for Le Petite Cafe at One Vail Place. qCII Exterjor seating for Le Petite Cafe at L'ionshead Gondola Building. Extend shop fronts toward Lions Pride Court and add awnings at Lions Pride Building. Change one enclosed parking garage to a ski repair shop on second story garage of Village Center Shops ' .2:00 pm 'l . Request for a variance to construct a garage in a red hazard avalanche zone on Lot 2'1, Vajl. l'leadows Filing #'1. .App'l icant: Thomas LeRoy 2. Request for rezoning of Lot l, Vail Village 2nd Fjling from Residential Primary/Secondary to Special Development Djstrict rvith an underlyingr' zone of High Densjty Multi-Farnily to a1low five dvte11ing units. Applicant: Ron J. Byrne 3. Request for a condominium conversion for a 3 unit building on 1ot 42, Vai I Vil lage l,/est Fil ing #1 . Appl icant: Dennis Shinron 4. Request for two side setback variances to allow the construction of a residence on lot 12, Vai'l Village West Filing No. 2.' Applicant: Gottfired Angleitner .5. Request for a front setback variance to al'l ow the construction of an addition on jot'l'l; Matterhorn Village Filing No. l. App'licant: James R. Williams. 6. Request for a conditional use pernrit to construct an addition to the east end of the existing bus barn located at the Town shops,in a PUD zone district. Applicant: Town of Vail 7, Request for approval of the general circulatiorr and access plan for. the Arterial Business District. Applicants: Property owners jn the proposed Arterial l3usiness Distrjct / FROM: TO: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Community Development Department Planning and Environmental Commission June I0, 'l 982 Request for front setback variances to construct an addition to an'existing residence located on lot l'lA, Matterhorn Village' Appl i cant : James R. l,{i I I iams DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The request js to al'low a three foot encroachment into the 20 foot front setback to-add'i garage on the lowef level of the existing house. Also, the deck proposed would encioach three feet more than the ten feet (or halfway jnto the-setback) al'lowed in the same area. The applicant feels that the variance should be granted because he needs the extra space'ior much-needed additional living areas and storage space for his family of six. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS on review of Criteria and Findi Section 18.62.060 of 'the Municipal Code rtment t t recommends e reques va r1 a nce,upon the following fqqtltsi Consideration of Factors The relationshi of the uested variance to other existi tential uses structures The deqree to whi ch rel ief from the strict or 'l iteral i nter retation and en- orcement of a 5 u lation ]s nece s sa to ac eve a uni formi t reatment amonq sites in the vicln oat ut qrant of special Pr €9€. The only existing house in the directly surrounding area is the Clem residence to the north of ihis house. They have written a letter expressing_their endorsement of the proposa'|. Potential residences on the surrounding 'lots would not be negatively affected. The staff feels the granting of the variance vrould be a special privilege in that it is obvious that theie are a'lternative designs for Mr. |.lilliam's addition which would produce essential'ly the same spaces within his setbacks. The encroach- ments are only three feet, and the reason the addition encroaches is due to the fact that proposal extends the front facade of the house to the west on a straight linb, white the configuration of the westerly'lot line is curved. The applicant wishes a 25' deep garage which pushes the garage into the setback. A 22 foot garage would allow the proposal to conform to front setback requirements. Itf$ternorn -2- 6/10/82 The staff js not against Mr. l,{illiams'addition to the house: l,le feel it isa positive improvement for the site. Holever, we cannot recommend approvalof a variance when there has been no effort to design the addition with the setbacks in mind. The effect of the reggqsl_qg_ iqIEI!-q o!ht and air, distribution of ul ati on ,transportation and traffic facil itfes c fac ities and utpuDlic safety. No effects on these factors are foreseen. 0ther factors: Mr. l.lilliams has the additional GRFA for his proposal available: Ex'i sti ng house = l8l 5 sq f t Proposed addition = 65.|.5 sq ft Total proposed = 2466.5 sq ft Total al]owab]e = Z4BZ sq f t The 'lot size is .228 acre in Primary/Secondary Zone District. Such other faclgE and q!"iteria as the commission deems applicableprioposed variance. FINDINGS l.l-gUjlg gnd- Ewironmental Commission shal'l make the fglJowing f indings beforegranting a variance: ]hat tfe.granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the Ijmitations on other properties clissified iir the simedi stri ct . That,the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the pub'lic health, :9fet{'-or welfare, or material]y injurious to properties or imprbvements inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the fo1 lowing reason: The-strict or literal.interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation Yyjo-Ysu]t in.practical ditficulty or unneieiiiiv-pnvsiCit hiidsnip inioniiri.ntwltn tne objectives of this title. RECOMMENDAT ION ]!]9 cgyrlity Development Department recommends denial of the variance becauseLfre oDJect'lves of the applicant can be accomplished on the site within therequired setbacks. PO Box 3757 1718 Gcncva Drive ItatterhornVall, CO 81658 Town of VaiI Buildlng Planning Comnisslon Vall, Co 81658 Reference: varlance request by James R. l{illiams, t'122 Geneva Drlve, lriatterhorn, Va 11. we are Mr. l\'illiams lmmediate neighbor to the north and would be the nost affected by the improvement to hls property' 19e are ln favor of the town of Vail grantlng the variance. It wtL1 up-grade the appearance of the neighborhood and vail should only want that to occur. litr. wtlllarns and family are also'in need of norellvingspaceandagaragevillenhancetlreirautoparklngsltuation. The residence ts situated on a dead-end street and the varlance will not impede any trafflc or space needed for other construction. Reguest approval. 7;:::;:**&., ote--n/,%ePffi Property Owners 1718 Geneva Drive 1rt -/-/.r. .J. .'. .,, 't 't 't. t-. '.' t. -:^-'i-t--(_- I'i-t{ ,'..: ^-l'/a 6.ru 5 !.94 Jo 91 -to n/o._- s,* .}d l€oR IJJ F UJ_ l s6 1o0.25 Ytr* o:!3 O\t -Jo 13 - 5?. a!O' 1) o" -,,ye!ffi,ve)-\ 6'.o2 .o \ssol i -- :- -, -'- lto \tIt o)o .r. 3O\t -Jo "".\ E rt\ h\attr|\t- C.t ". (oo ] 'J : * u) (l, 9-;: o;: q, 3o_] :(^(oI o ^'-r: tr.l -ov(',-O :.\ r. C 9l a ,IlltIt- r.') oz to ""^\ _a h\ort q \ Cr s\) 9 oF'F.o?o o .Jo n a'l @|It lr, adN rfl(| o @o(, 100.2s ,l t, :. \.t { 11U\\\\ \ I , I I I 8/ o'/(,, 1 I I o"\:.\-r\o- Oo --a € Oo) Or/n7 \b/ ( d h u (.: tr Uz]{ hpl b al FT ril Mz D M L\) 2a7 us27(| Jo ) ldcr-Dlontrtn F.nglrccdngur. March 2, 1982 Jim Willians Dear Mr. Williams: As requested, we have done a topographical study of your property, a portion of Iot 11, Matterhorn Village Filing No. 1, A Resirbdivision of Matterhorn ViIIage. Atthough we have not performed a boundary survey, in the course of our lrork several problems with the boundary have surfaced, and we feel you should be made aware of them. First, the overalL boundary of Lot 11 fails mathematical closure by 3.4 feet. There also is a I.I foot discrepancy in the distance rneasured in the field and the distance of record betvteen the two Propertypins found. These botindary problems could lead to discrepancies in the location of improvements on the lot. You also should be aware that heavy snow cover on the Property at the time of the survey limits the accuracy of the contours. However 'when the snow is gone, we will recheck the contours in the immediate area of the proposed irnprovements, at no charge to you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of any further assistance, please contact us. JMS:cjn BOX l.lO. G100 A\ Ctl, CO 81620 949-972 DEN/ER 89&1531 1420 VAI.ICE SIREEI l,Al€,lOOD @ 80215 Phone: 232{158 Sincerely, Spane , P.E. t'rI Application o".?bF /,/- /z-' APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance- application wilI not be accepted untit all information is submitted. I. This The A.NAME OF enimss APPLICANT NAIVIE OF ADDRESS APPLICAIiIT I S REPRESENTATIVE C. AUTHORIZATION PROPERTY OI4INER SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. I3CATIC}I CI PROPOSAI., ADDRESS LEGAI DESCRTPTION Lot_1f__block- filing H1NE q7(. 3 7ZL B. PHONE PH0NE 7// -7'72 z- w E. FEE. $100.00 plus 18+ for each property owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject ProPerty and their addresses. \ \' \ 0 NI , In ^', 1' 1 s/z '/t" , apprication torr$a variance pase 2 t II . Four (4) copies of the following inforrnation: A. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or-rtttrr,.ressaryphysical hardship inconsistent wilb the objectives of this titlethat would result from strict or Literal iiterpretation and enforce-ment of the specified regulation. B. . A site plan showing all existing and proposed. features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if necessaryl pertinent to the variancerequested' including site boundaries, reguiied setbacks, buirdingl-ocations and heights' topography and phfsical features and similardata. c. such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the appJ_i..iiorr. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Comrnission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An application with the t"""r".ry accom-panying material must be subrnitted four weeks. prior to the 'date of tire meetirrg. The Planning Environmental Commission RE: Zoning, Chapter 18.13, Primary/SecondaryDistrict 18.13.060 Setbacks ... the minimum frontbe twenty feet r. .. May 14 , 1,982 Res ident ial setback shal1 Application for a Variance, II., A. (Page 2) James R. Williams L722 Geneva DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 This letter i-s a request for a setback varj-ance for theaddition that I would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can tell, my addition will extend lnto therequired setback by three or four feet. I need the addedqpce because of my iarge famiiy, pr-esentm family is in the living-room, it is wal1-to-wall people and if we have company thesmall space is very unqomfo_rtlrble. I have investigated addingection, however, the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade andI would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thati-s included in my remodeling plans. At present, we rent a storaqe unit in Frisco to storeour out-of-season equipmentffithing. This unit costs $600.OO a year. This money would be better spent for food,clothing, education and much needed savings. My expansionpl?ns r{g}rld a1low lor on-site storaee thus eliminating -I-is extra debt. It is not possible for me house for my family, sopresent home a better, l arger make my The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. I have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Town of Vailregarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need for anymovement. With a setback variance, I will still be able topark all of my vehicles from 10 to 15 feet off the pavement which will not lnterfer with any snow removal. Thank you for your consideration of my request. to even consider buying a I would like to be able to - more comrortaore anct more Sincerely, Willlams AV -Trroutnn, Fp. S,t E*'/EXtUl,u4 DFwuTnzrtT S/r/ez it .a,4fans Conporso Ey Ptt,rrzernt i? r,, t - - ,t3topt 6Cfgecu Co.-foat lru.s tt Aodfrrso S, l/c'zrro.. P",7t'{e{ Pt fho€e 6y 4 teanqa t4oz t leu r* 'Pr sfa.v?€ i Aee t gA Fr. Z Sr.o7c A 3t?o 2b.7 6 azo /7.c e 43o z6.t O 73o zai E tbrD to.7 F 4eo Tb.) 4 7oa n.g H l8a Zo.a .4ttn.,7 &a7c oEu44 144 32 t 2 009 I I54 7 t 7 059 37b81 b? 3 0 3 6o e ESZO IzE9bT lq9lL? sr.z 242 DSZa St CIem, lfm. R. & FranziskaP. O. Box 3757Vail, Colorado 81658 Kuceyeski, Catherj-ne Ann 725 West WoodlandPalantine, Illinois 60067 Scher, Louis Leavard IV -Lagoven, S. A. c/o HO[AG-M-171 Box 52OO1OJet Cargo International Miami, Florida 33L52 Larese, Barbara Ann & Ernst - Lot 00013P. O. Box 325Vail, Colorado 81658 Matterhorn Associ-ates - Lot 84tg 4tl: Street, S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 554t4 Lot 11-B Lot 00015 Lot9&10 Sib1ey, Jerry 'T!r & Judith A. - Lot 16 L624 Lucerne Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 P*, u-/' z- fu'l C''; 7f,"x-- Lt# . C'r)2-l'* Cn1, t^ n-/, - T Policy of Title Insurance Irsued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLU$ONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAINED IN SCHEDUI,E B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPAIIY, a California corporation, herein called the Corrpany, ineures, ae of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, againet loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of ineurance stated in Schedule A, and coete, attorneye'feee and expenset which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, eustained or incurred by the ineured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or Unmarketability of such title. In Witness Vhereof, Traneamerica Title Insurance Company hae caueed thie policy to be signed and eealed bv ite dulv authorized ofrcere ae of Date of Policv ehown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company Pregident By By Secretary SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances).re- stricting or regulating or prohibiting th-e occupaicy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of -any improvement now oi hereafter eiected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordi- nance or ggvernmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assume4 or agreed_ to.by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not showri by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Dhte of Policv or at the date such claimant acquiied an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing byihe insured claimant to the Compiny prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) iesulting in no loss or damage to the inaured claimant; (d) attaching- or created subse- quent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damale which would not have been sustained if the insured claim- ant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. CONDITIONS AND I. DEFINITION OF TERIIS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to any rights or defenses the Company may have against the namcd insured, those who succeed to the interestof such insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claimine loss or dam- age hereunder. (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice $'hich may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (d) "land": the land described, specifically or by referencein Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property: provided, however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the areaspecificaliy describetl or ieferred io in Schedule A, nor anyright, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads. avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, bui nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right o'i access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, orother security instrument. (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notic€ of matters relating to said land. 2. CONTII{UATION OF INSURANCE AFTER, CONVEYANCE OF TITI.E The coverage ot this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insuredretains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebted- ness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a pur- chaser from such insured, or so -long as iuc"h insurid dtratlhav€ iiability by reason of covenants of warranty made by such insured in anv transfer or convevance of such estate orinterest; provided, 'however, this polic-y shall not continue rnforce in tavor of any purchaser from'such insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a pur- chase money mortgage given to such insured. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS - NOTICE OFCIAI TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CI,AIMANT (a) The Company, at its own cost and without unduedelay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in all litiga-tion consisting of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense interposed against an insured in anaction to enforce a contract for a sale of the estate or interest in said land. to the extent that such litisation is founded uoonan alleged defect, Iien, encumbrance, oi other matter insdred against by this policy. STIPULATIONS (b) The insured shall notifv the Company promptly in writi;A (i) in case any action oi proceeding is begun or de- fense i! iriteroosed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowl- edge shall cohe to an insured hereunder of any claim of title orlnterest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company mav be liabJe by virtue of this poucy, or (iii) if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is reiected as un- marketable. If such prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to such insured all liability of the Company shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided,- however, that failure to ndtify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured unde; this policy unless the Company shall be preiudiced by such failuie and then only to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost to institute and without undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do anv other act which in its opinion may be necessarv"or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company may take any apprro- Driate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable ther€under, and shall not thereby concede Iiability or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as required or permitted by the pro- visions of this policy. the Company may,pursue any such litisation to final determination by a court of competent juris- diction and expresslv reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal froni anv adverse judgment or order. (e) In aU cases where this policy perm-its or r-equires the Comiany to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or procieding, the insuied hereunder shall secure to the Conipanv the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or procefoing, and all appeals therein, and permit the ComDanv to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such' pdrpose. Whenever- requested by the Company. such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. NOTTCE OF 10SS - I|M|IATION OF ACTION In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after such loss or damage shall have been de- termined and no right of action shall accrue to an insured claimant until 30 days after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. Continued on Front of Back Cover Continued from Back of Front Cover 5. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTTE CIAI'IAs The Company shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant anv claim in- sured against or to terminate all liability and obligations ofthe Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the amount of insurance under this policy together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred up to the timeof such payment or tender of payment, by the insured claim- ant and authorized by the Company. 6. DETERMINATION AND PAYMENT OF IOSS (a) The liabilitv of the Company under this policy shall in no case exceed the least of: (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant: or (ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (b) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in liti-gation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorneys'fees and expenses in litigation carried on by such insured with the written authorization of the Company. (c) When liability has been definitely fixed in accordance with the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. 7. TIMITATION OF tIABll[Y No claim shall arise or be maintained under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an allegeddefect, lien or encurnbrance insured against hereunder, by Iitigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encum- brance or establishes the title. as insured. within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a final determination by a court of com-petent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title. as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Company. 8. REDUCTION OF IIAIII]TY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unlessthe policv be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. 9. TIABIIITY NONCUMUIATIVE It is expressly understood that the arnount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-pany may pay under policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the pav- ment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. IO, APPORTIONMENT If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more Darcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is estab- iished affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, t}le loss shall be ibmputed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been aqreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured al the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. II. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENI OR SETTTEMENT Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Companv shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and reme- dies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. If the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the pro- oortion which said Davment bears to the amount of said loss.if loss should result irom any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against heieunder which shall exceed the amount, if anv, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. r2. UABIuTY umlTED rO THIS POl.lCY This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Anv claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence. and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest cover€d hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made exceDt bv writins endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by tiittrei ttre Prelident, a Vice President, the s€cretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. I3. NOTICES, WHERE SENT All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to Transamerica Title Insurance Company, P. O. Box 605, Denver, Colorado 80201. ooIE^o=Fj;E_EEd;ig ;s s e -3 ! iii: iti: ,tii .;'iq .i;' ,;?r ,;!; "j!r =tri; IiSi iiii ,isl i;r:i. 1!!i. :ii:. -q;;i{. ii;d. i;;l . ;jqi. !i;i. ;:i;iiiie !Eia ifY., r-i.;ia rE Fa !YI.a a*!e ED:e Eio *::'e *iEg *$!g -.;:g ;!g E:;g -*ig !!tg :$g IiE; -34 -i ;s :€ ! i: E 3i $I ;! J ERn;-d-z (9 g G CL E0o ootr GL =oC I F (E .9Lo E(E u,coLF os?C'.u!r>hh!fdEsFF 2AF6.-=FF oa.ts CUFo.cuEoo'EO .oFP2E(Uf ,La c g EoJa ,o o(,_trEIE L \,=isQ.1 tr --oGg fla-F E E Et: 'e €s ^ .6 ;E g$u H .it, g €g= sgi, teE= €gq, €;t E Ie- E ;F- B $p= E $*- "r iE, H Eia Eil[ iffE Ei;E $EE[ EEii EEIE E;E[ Bg}[ F€;q iti€i H 5i' IiFu Eff' E:3- E$i' gE;' !Fu 8EFu EEE, g g;u g'i;,E E B g' tro CL Eoo ootro =oc, I F G .9 o E GoEoLF l3"1llli;#1ff;loo.=.f"rc^N LAND rrr,.r aaaocra?loN o*,*-"'r|LFaRn B- ,7o (ATTENDED to-r7-7o) SCHEDULE A .n-o,-totf.*t o"rf 95,OOO.O0 PolicyNo.4lOl44l Dateof Policy January L5, L97g Sheer t of 3 8:31 A.l{. l. Name of Ineured: .TAMES R. WILTIAMS 2. The ertate or interest in the land deecribed herein and which is covered. by this policy ia: IN FEE SIITIPLE 3. lbe eetate or intereet refened to herein ig at Date of Policy vested in: i'A!,TES R. WILI,IAUS t FORM NO. C-6000-2 FOR U6E $/tTH COLORAOO REGrOlt.ArllIiRrCAN LANO ttTLE ASSOCTATION LOAN POLr.* l97O (AMENDED lO-17.7O' rio' u6E wlrn coLoRADo FEcrUtcaN LAN' rrrLE AssoctATroN owNER's fo"" B-tg7o (AMEN'E' to-t7-7ol SCHEDULE A-Continued The land referred to in this policy ie Eituated in the State of Colorado, County of Eagle ' and is described as follows: I,oT 1I , I.TATTERHORN VILLAGE, FTLTNG NO. I,according to the recorded plat thereof EXCEPT that part of said Lot described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of said Lot lt; thence westerly,along the Northerry line of said Lot 1r, a distance of 15d,46 feet tothe most westerly corner thereof; thence along the westerly line ofsaod lot' and the arc of a curve to the left, a distance of 101.06 feetto the intersection of said line with a cu1-de-sac; thence Easterly,along a line at right angles to the Easterly line of said Lot, to 1tsintersection with said Easterly line; thencl Northerly, along saidEasterly line, to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, State ofColorado FORM NO. C-6000-3 ;::;;"';i;T"'.:ff""::il1il'J,-#';l:'^:::::i:l:::;";::*:,"":r"'::.:::;::::",0.,7.70, SCHEDULE B 5. 7. Thie Policy does not insure against loss or damage Ly reason of trre fo orving: l. Rights or clainrs of partics in possession not shorv. by the p'blic recorrls. 2. Easements, or claims of cascnrents, not shon.n by rhc public records. 3' Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorlage in area, encroachmenls, and any facts rvhich a cor- rect survcy and irrspcction of the prenrises rtould disclose aud which are uot shorvn by the public recorrls. 4. Any lien, or right ro a licn, for services, labor, or nraterial heretofore or hereafter furnisherl, imposed by law and not shonn bv the public recortls. 5' Taxes due and paval,tle; and any tax, spccial assessnrerlts, clrargc or lien imposetl for water or sewer cervice, or for any othcr special taxing district. A_riqht of hTay for ditches and canals constructedof the United States, as reserved in United si;a;"June .i5, 1918, in Book 93 at paqe 15. Easements 10 feet in vridth alonq sid.e 1ot lines not abutting roads,as reserved by the_ recorded plat of said SubdiviSion.' n""r6""t*u"t -i-nto-easement by the house a-s d.isclosed by Richards Engi.neerinq survey,v8-186. Vacation and abondonment of ease;ent oy upper Eaqle val1eysanitation District recorded January L5 | rg7g, 1_n Book 2g0 at paqe790. Agreements regarcinE easement use recorded January r5, Lg79,in Book 280 at page 79r; in Book 280 at e"qe i9i, in Book 2p0 atPage 793, in Book 280 at page 794, and in tiook ZgO at page 795. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause,as contained in instrument recordecl November 20, ree:, in nook izgat Page 253. Deedof Trustfrom: James R. Williams to the Public Trustee of the County of Eaglefortheuseof : Colonial Savings and Loan Association by the authority Patent recorded 8. 9. lo s€cure dated recorded : $70,000.00: January 5, L979: January 15, 1979 in Book 2g0 at page 792 o. The Planning Environmental RE: Zoning, Chapter 18.13,Distric t 18.13.060 Setbacks ...be twenty feetr... Application for a Variance, II., A. (page 2) James R. Willi.ams 7,722 Geneva DriveVail, CoLorado 8165? This letter is a request for a setback variance for theaddition that I would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can teI1, my addltion will extend into therequired setback by three or four feet. f need. the addedspace because of my large family, presently there are twoadults and four children. When my family is in the living-room, it is rvall-to-wall people and if we have company thesmall space is very uncomfortable. r have investigated addingon to the house in a different direction, however, the housewourd not be as warm, as it wourd have to be in the shade andr would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my remodeling p1ans. At present, tve rent a storage unit in Frlsco to storeour out-of-season equipment and clothing. This unit costs$600.00 a year. This money would be better spent for food,clothing, education and much needed savings. My expansionplans would allow for on-si-te storage thus eliminating thisextra debt. It is not possible for melarger house for my family, so .make my present home a better,efficient residence. The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. I have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Torvn of Vailregarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need ior anymovement. Mth a setback variance, I will stlll be able topark al1 of ny vehicles from 10 to 15 feet off the pavementwhich wilt not interfer rvith any snow removal. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Sincerely, May 14, 1982 Commission Primary./ Secondary Resident ial the minimum front setback shal1 to even consider buying aI would like to be able to more comfortable and more James R. IYiIIiams The Planning Environmental Commission RE: !s$.ng, Chapter 18. 13, primary /SecondaryDistr ict 18.13.060 Setbacks ... the minimum frontbe twenty feetr... lfiay L4, 1982 Resi.dential setback shall Application for a Variance, II., A. (page 2) James 'R. Williams L722 Geneva DriveVai.l, Colorado 81652 This letter i-s a request for a setback variance for theaddition that r would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can tell, my addition will extend into therequired setback by three or four feet. r need the addedspace because of my large family, presently ther:e are rwoadults and four children. when my family 1s in the living-room, it is rvall-to-wall people and if we have company thesmall space is very uncomfortable. r have investigated aadingon to the house in a different direction, however, the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade andr would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my remodeling plans. At present, we rent a storage unit in Frisco ro sroreour out-of-season equipment and clothing. This unit costs$600.00 a year. This nloney would be beiter spent for food.,clothing, education and much needed savings. lr,ly expansionplans would allow for on-site storage thui eliminatlng thisextra debt. It is not possible for melarger house for my family, somake my present home a better,efficient resi.dence. The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. r have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Tow' of vai.1regarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need fo"- anymovement. l{ith a setback varlance, r will still be able topark all of my vehicles from 10 to 15 feet off the pavementwhich will not interfer wlth any snow removal. to even conslder buying aI rvould like to be able to more comfortable and more Thank you for your consideration of my request. Sincerely, James liams The Planning Environmental Commission RE: Zoning, Chapter 18.13, primary/Secondary Distri-ct 18.13.060 Setbacks ... the mlnlmum frontbe twenty feet,... May 14, L982 Res ident ial setback shall Applicati-on for a Variance, II., A. (page 2) James R. Williams L722 Geneva DriveVail , Colorado 8165? This letter is a request for a setback variance for theaddition that I woufd like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can te1l, my additj_on will extend into therequJ-red setback by three or four feet. I need the addedspace because of my large family, presently there are twoadults and four children. I{hen my family is in the living-room, it is rvall-to-wa1l people and if we have company thesma11 space is very uncomfortable. r have investigated addingon to the house in a different direction, however, the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade andr would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my .remodeling plans. At present, we rent a storage unit in Frisco to storeour out-of-season equipment and clothing. This unit costs$600.00 a year. This noney would be beiter spent for food,clothing, education and much need.ed savings. Ir{y expansionplans would a1low for on-slte storage thus elimlnating thisextra debt. It is not possible for melarger house for my family, so make my present horire a better,efficient residence. to even consider buying aI would like to be able to more comfortable and more Tbe pavement is curlently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. I have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Town of Vailregarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need ior anymovement- With a setback variance, I wili- stil1 be able topark all of my vehicles from 1O to 15 feet off the pavementwhich will not in.terf er with any snorv removal. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Sincerely, James R. lfilliams The Planning Environmental Commission RE: 39ling, Chapter 18.13, primary/Secondary Distr ict 18.13.060 Setbacks... the minimum frontbe twenty .f eet,... l,tiay 14, 7982 Residential setback shal1 Application for a Variance, II., A. (page 2) James R. Williams L722 Geneva DriveVail, Colorado A\65T This letter is a request for a setback variance for theaddition that r would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can teI1, my addition will extend into therequired setback by three or four feet. I need the addedspace because of my large family, presently there are twoadurts and four chi-ldren. T/hen my family is in the living-room, it is wall-to-wal1 people and i-f we have company thesmal1 space is very uncomfortabte. r have investigatea aool-ngon to the house in a different direction, however, the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade andr would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my remodeling p1ans. At present, we rent a storage unit in Frisco to storeour out-of-season equipment and croth.ing. This unit costs$600.00 a year. This rioney would be belter spent for food,clothing, education and much needed savings. Ir{y expansi-onplans would allow for on-site storage thus eliminating thisextra debt. It is not possible for melarger house for my family, so . make my present home a better,efficient residence. The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. I have spoken to BiIl Andrews of the Town of Vaj-1regarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need ior-anymovement. I{ith a setback variance, r will stiI1 be able topark al 1 of my vehicles from 10 to 15 feet off the pavemenrwhich will not interfer with any snow removal. to even consider buying aI would like to be able tomore comfortable and more Thank you for your consideration of rny request. Sincerely, James R. lTi 11 iams or May 14, The Planning Environmental Commission RE: ?oni_.9, Chapter 18.13, primary/Secondary Distr ic t 18.13.060 Setbacks ... the minimum frontbe twenty feet,... r982 Residentlal setback shall Application for a Variance, II., A. (pag,e 2) James 'R. WiIliams 1722 Geneva DriveVai)., Colorado Bt6Ez This letter is a request for a setback variance for theaddition that r would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can te11, my addition will extend into therequired setback by three or four feet. I need the add.edspace because of my large family, presently there are twoadults and four child.ren. I{hen my family is in the 11ving-room, it is wall-to-wal1 people and if we have company thesmall space is very uncomfortable. r have investigateo aoalngon to the'house in a different direction, however; the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade andr would not be abte to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my remodeling p1ans. At present, we rent a storage unit in Frisco to storeour out-of-season equipment and clothing. This unit costs$600.00 a year. This noney ruould be better spent for food,clothing, education and much need.ed. savings. My expansionplans would a11ow for on-site storage thui eliminating thisextra debt. It is not possible for melarger house for my family, somake my present home a better,efficient resi-dence. , The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. I have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Town of Vailregarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalis excepted, and he said that there would be no need ior-anymovement. With a setback variance, I will still be able topark all of my vehicles from 10 to 1b feet off the pavemenrwhich will not interfer with any snow removal. to even consider buying aI would like to be able to more comfortable and more Thank you for your consideration of my request. S j-ncere1y, IVill iams The Planning Environmental RE: Zoning, Chapter 18.13,Distric t 18.13.060 Setbacks ...be twenty feet,... May 14, 7982 Commission Primary /Secondary Residential the minimum front setback shalt Application for a Variance, II., A. (page 2) James B. 1Y111iams 1722 Geneva Drive Va11, Colorado 8L65T This letter is a request for a setback variance for theaddition that I would like to put on the front of my house.As near as I can te11, my addition will extend into therequired setback by three or four feet. I need the add.ed.space because of my large family, presently there are twoadults and four children. TJhen my family is in the living-room, it ls rva.11-to-wa11 people and if we have company thesmaI1 space is very uncomfortabre. r have investigated add.ingon to the house 1n a different direction, holever, the housewould not be as warm, as it would have to be in the shade and.r would not be able to use the passive solar greenhouse thatis included in my .remodeling p1ans. At present, we rent a storage unit in Frisco to storeour out-of-season equipment and clothing. This unit costs$600.OO a year. This money would be beiter spent for food,clothing, education and much needed savings. I\,ly expansionplaus would al1ow for on-site storage thus eliminating thisextra debt. It is not possi-ble f or melarger house for my famlly, so make my present home a better,efficient residence. to even consider buying aI rvould l1ke to be able to more comfortable and more The pavement is currently 36 feet from the front of thehouse. f have spoken to Bill Andrews of the Torvn of Vailregarding the necessity of moving the pavement if my proposalj-s excepted, and he said that there would be no need for anymovement. Iltith a setback varj_ance, f wiLl stil1 be able topark a1l of my vehicles from 10 to 15 feet off the pavement which will not interfer with any snow removal. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Sincerely, l iams . .t*:.n : , r' "^u €ari'-;" '*i' t1- .l'y'r ,a-u fr,;. "/ :_ .a- 'r t'''- 4 , c. -.,.t *., ,nn, nl a4 ....*. t .'. /o" y',;1 d**- ofTr*,-1'y 11/ >4- t| r' p /t'cr/ lb tszt ( t'- + /+ /nt-u1,?_-r'4 f/;- '...'-.'/d"-4"L! 4r /5c/ba-oQ ,4*,;'t ? f o---4,'o, , -.:' / Ll,L-' 4' -ut./ .-*/ -" *; a.--; C:a-A f Fe,{+ e- v& /f' ,/t/ ,:-.' /t, yr ,-./;;***,1 '.-,.}r'/ /,t a.nfrL, ./.&,/ O,On/ (3*,t " * /ono /,ot.'y //'-fl 9/.*,'h; 7n /,;s *-7 ,/ frvz nt+ / { . , )';- f .1*, .;* .'. a r*ur 7*lrZ i*-/{ oiy 1,.*f nfi- /, -* ,*//d ,1iltey ri '/.''' /r'./ ,Tou//^, -// ::F:. *fr*,,- -/.-/ /-.e.-{ La.a K ,o:'€ * / *;> $t'.X -;". .".4' l*n * , i'.*.* r- o i A,^, .-- *f -J ,'t*a,;/ ,€-",*- *lJy" -{.u/ t:{-- - f ba.*s+- *l**-*- {.o.- fo,.-r- '-/f /!- /;'*-'*f J-u*6- (-on azratt -f-// ae J"1t'+o r /2 /--UJ 4'' il / +tt.. /' n ,/a <--, t'<-U a. // . .-u | -a -, ,/tr7o,'/ b o.e ,') tt*r -/04 /4-"c' c J; c- " f //.- faeuctl' *4 t (-.J-., f*' E/*,iryZ^,.* l, f l',o *- ; u o- ,(? *, ,L, -, sfr,.t n /o n7 ,0";ft, r-"*... t_,5 ,'t J c-< i a,re .(."*.. </ fro o, *-- {u}o5 f * f---" &"*'f ,+ t!'T'T 6 0- hou'r<-- far/"*; ,'t' [*] t .cru:+qi'. a:,:\' 5