HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE UNIT 502 LEGALo =F =tul o- @ (n (n r,u uJu- tr =tu o- .d# Ao/n/o/ \t ts xz ts UJ z uJF 39ILu-o('zo 5 atl u.tF FI ==o ozzo Flr ;"1zl 9l 5l HI 2l :l r'll t-{ |fql inIux z z ! .6 ozz N H C)z. 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APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR I1 "mV'fi],,?*T, 0ff,TPPP*******rr*********l********** PERI{IT INFORI-IATION ********t****************r*** [ ]-Buildinq [ ]-prunbtng [ ]-Electrlcal fi-nechanlcar [ ]-other Job Nane: Legal Description: Lot Block rIli Nowners Narne3 l'ry, ,{J Address: U Archltect:Address: ceneral DescriptJ.on: l{ork class: I l-New [ ]-Alteration I l-Addltlonal [ ]-Repalr [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: tltu"t and TyPe of Fireplaces: Gas Appll"n""" X Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ fi*****************t*************** VALUATTONS ********************************* BUTLDING: $rlecrntcel: $OTHER: IlrEcHANrcALtlW,TOTAL: I INFORMATToN *********************t***** Town of Vail Reg. ,o.1SOrnAddress: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Hechanical Contractor: Address: ************t*********t********* BUTLDINC PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: HECHANICAL PERUIT TEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rob Addre""' //il .4+n44rrtehr- $2zz 3 Phone Nurnber: Town of Vall Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUII,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: I'IECHANICAL PI,AN EHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERIIIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATI'RE: Ph. Ph. TXPEt//h(lffit- Comment w" tsonmen sQ. FT. REN'ilD IO: VALUATION CLEAII T'P DEP.OSIT 75 soulh tionlage rosd vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlcc ol communlly devclopmctrl BUILDING PERNIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryit lequires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerrs (Public works) review and approvai,' a prirriri"bipartment review or.Health Department review, ani'a,review by the driibrnj - - Departnent, the estirnated time for a tota'l review ruv iu["'as l6ngas three weeks. ll]_"9*grg'ial (large or smail) and all multi-family permits wi.tlnave to toilow the above mentioned maximum requirernLnts. Residential 319.,:T1ll projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentrat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9:ll"l19'1q.with regard. to necessary review, tnese proje.ir"ruyarso taKe u]e ulree week per.iod. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. lo Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 3oulh tronlage rord v.ll, colorsdo 81G57 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROI{: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRA TORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPITTENT I4ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{ATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track- or deposit any soif, ,;k; sand, debrisor naterJ-at, lncrudrng trash iurnpsterS, p-ii"ui" i,oirets andworkmen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewaixl-;ri;y or pubricpl?9" or any porrion rheieof. rhe righr-"i-;;;-en att Town ofvail streets and,Igug. is approiinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordlnance wrrl be strilliy -entorcla uy ttre-iown of VailPY9Jig l{orks Departnent. perslns found viorating this ordinancewirl- be given a 24 hour written n"li""-t"-;;;;;;"=uid rnateriar.fn the event the person so notifl.ed does not cornpiy with thenotice within rhe 24 hour.tfune-specrii;,"il.;ffiiic r{orksDepartnent will remove said nateli"t -"t it "--""p""se ot personnotified- The provlsions or inis ordinance shall not beapplicable to clnstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitles in it"-il9ti_"_*"y. To review ordiriance No. 6 in full. please stop by the Town ofl1i] Bulldlng Departrnent to obtaln " "opy. tnanr you for yourcooperation on this natter. . Read and acknowledged by: r TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i03-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnent of Community Development March 6, 1995 Rod Hall ComPanY 255 Wyandot Street Denver, CO 80223 Re: Pennit #'s ?038 , ffi+ 6248, 7o4t' 5520' 5948, 6951 & 6743 ExPiration Dear Sir, IL has comepermits that F: \ Eve ryone \Chuck \ F i na I s to our aEtenLion that you bave several outstanding have not received final inspections' YourpermiLshaveexpired.accordingEoSection.303oft}re]-994 Uniform Plumbing Code. These ptt*it" must eiLher be finalized' extended by wriiten reguest or repermitted' r would appreciate your prompb attenbion to this problem and expect to hear trom you tit'ttin-30 days of receipt of Ehis letter' Sincerely k?ztr4e"dd+Chuck Feldmann euilding Inspector xc: File