HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 1 PART 1 LEGALw^7ff Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Commr.initY Development 75 South Frontpge Road. Vai[. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa'x:970'479'2452 web: www.vailgov'comcot|tfi$lfY odtrELOPS{Eff,t :t Proiect l{ame: Project DescriPtion: CAHAUN CHANGE DRB l{umber: DRBO70115 FINALAPPRoVALFoRACHANGEToTHEAPPRoVEDPLANSToEXTENDRooFPLANESTo ALLEVIATE DMINAGE ISSUES. owNER CAHAUN,IOHN K. & HEI'-EN JOO3l26l2007 Participants: 1235 E LAKE DR FT I.AUDERDALE FL 33316 APPUCANT RKDARCHNECTS PO BOX 505s EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ARCHMCT RKDARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 Protect Address: 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1816 SUNBURST DR, UNIT A & B 03 t26 | 2OO7 Phone: 970'926'2622 03 126 I 2C[7 Phone: 97 0'926-2622 Location: Legal Description: Lot: l Block Subdivision: VAILVALLEY 3RD FIIING Parcel Number: 2101{91-0301-3 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS Motlon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOAR'D/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval2 MlMl2NT Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may Ue mq!3 ylttrout the written @nsent of Town of 'iail stiff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprova|doesnotconstituteapermitforbui|ding'P|easeconsu|twith io*n if van auiuing personnel prior to construction activities' Rf;#rt*., shat not become vatid for 20 days fottowing the date of approval' !i.,! i '.., 1 , Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of iinal approval, untess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward compleUon' Cond: 113 All darelopment applications submifred to the Tonn after the effectlve datq of Ordinance 26, Series 2(X)6 shall be subject to the pending empbyee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provlded, howerar, that if the Town fails to adopt the pendlng employee housing regulations by April !5,2007 , this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: wanenCampbell DRB Fee Pald: $20.(Xl Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Dpscription of the Request:#ttg) o \, 0 \ Block:Subdivision:VA\L VAIEY ?Eb FII,I*LocationoftheProposal: Lot: I Physical Address:\B\b SuNslRsl DR. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)1\ - b 301' Name(s) of owner(s)r CAttttUt X)JOHr.\ ts Mailing address: lL DAUt Owner(s) Signature(s): HEL€N} \$ Name of Applicant: R SCHITEL'T S Mailing Address:bo65 Swneu CA BIL3L Phone: q1O. qLU . LbT Faxt q1o, 1Lb ,ngzL For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: $ Changes to Approved PlansI Submittal Requirements: $20 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association I ' ..'. i-,,lr-"Il "'\l..rt' t- 1t-.-'jr" i:i.. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approved_plans_llrage_10-'18-2006.doc CAHALIN APPLICATION MARCH 26,2007 Nature of Request This request will not affect the building footprint, existing square footage, or the site. The GRFA will remain the same as previously approved on April 24,20OG (PEC Number: PEC0600I6). The maximum height of the building will increase by I foot Tinches, which will not exceed the maximum allowed height of 33 feet. We are proposing to extend the roof planes in order to help solve the remaining drainage issues. This roof extension will also allow for a greater amount of light to enter the building through the southwest corner. The included drawings labeled APPROVED, were approved on May 9, 2006 (DRB Number DRB060l 44). TOWNOFVAIL. COI,ORADO Statement Statemerrt Number: R0?0000358 Amoune: $20.00 03/26/2OO7O3:25 PM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: iISNotation: 2599 /KKD ARCHITE TS Permits No: DR8070115 Type: DRB-Chg !o Appr Plans Parcel- No: 2101- 091- 03 01- 3Site Addrese: 1815 SUI{B('RST DR VAIL Location 3 1815 SITNBURST DR, IINIT A & B Total Feea: $20.00This Payment.: $20.00 TotaL ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: 50.00{.*{.***************++*+**+***'}'}********** ****i*'ttt*'t'}+*+++ + + + * ***'} ************,}**,},}*+*+*:}*t}** ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Deecriptsion current PmtE DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 V'^'\,ffi ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tet 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www,vailgov.com CAHAUN SFR PLAT REVIEW SFPlat ADM Number: ADM060009 Parcel: 2101-091-0301-3 FINAL APPROVAL TO CONVERT A DUPLEX PI.AT INTO A CAHALIN, JOHN K. & HELEN JO0512612006 1235 E LAKE DR FT I.AUDERDALE FL 33316 Proiect Name: Application Type: Project Description: Participants: OWNER APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ARCH|IECT RKD ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ProjectAddress: 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1816 SUNBURST DR, UNIT A & B 05 I 26 | 2006 Phonet 97 0-925-2622 05 I 26 I 2Co6 Phone: 97 0-926-2622 Location: Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Comments: SeeConditions Motion By; Second By: Votei C.onditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action3 STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 09 | 221 2006 Meeting Date: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $100.00 Mai-27-06 o9:3oam From-T0llll 0F VAI ITY DEVELOPhENT gt04ls245?L C0li[4utlo G€neral Information: It is unlavvfi,ll for any pemn, business, or @rpordtion to violate any of the provisions of Title 13, Vail Town Code, orto tansftr, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest an common, condgminium intereg, time-share esute, fractjonal feer or timeshare license, or anyother divi5ion within a subdivision within the Town unUl sudr subdivision has been apprwed in writing by theAdministGtor, Pla.nning and Envjronmental @mmission and/or tlre Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof re@rded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recoder. Type of Appliation and Fee: D Duflex Subdivision Plat 9100!l Single Family Subdivision flat 9100 T-648 P.002/005 $100 $100 Applicatioi for Administrative Subdivision Plat Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 816t/ Iel: 970.47 9.2139 fax; 97Q.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com tr Administrative Plat ConectionE Condominium/TownhousePlat F () 3os ooo-e IC oftheReques$ C-ruucc.t An cxgnnq c{r:Plcx tn{a e,.=rntque Locauon of the Prcposal: Lot: I Blod<:_ Subdivision: Ur Physical Adfiess:lOlG ar:nlp.rl<"l os. Pi.\ AtS Parcel No.: '"1'2ili72??^ (contact Eagte co. Assessor ar e70-3ze-86.ro for parcet no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone:7€1 qc+ot +( z I Ovvner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appli€ntt Mailing Address:Phon$ Qio qzo zc-zz- E-mailAddress: 4tot4f z@Af-aH,cc,t c Far=7'to qLc q6zz q'n- Ebqb F:bdel^FORMS\Pemib\Planning\PEC\6tnglg_bmily_sub_revlew.doc Page 1 ot 4 12t2U05 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **{.'l.t:1.****!t***rf :}'}tr*++*********************'}'t rt**'t*+***************t *{.*'t*{.'t 'f ******'t *t***tr***** Statement Number: R060000582 Amount: $100.00 05/26/200609:08 AM Pa).ment Method: Check CONWAY Init: ,JS Notation: 1033/GREGoRY ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Accounc Code PV 0 010 0 0 03112 500 DescriDtion Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Pa)ment: ADM050009 T)t)e: 2101- 0 91- 03 01- 3 18 15 SI]NBI'RST DR VAII, 1815 ST'NBURST DR, IJNIT s100.00 Administrative A&B Total Fees: ToEaI ALL Pmts : Bafance: $100.00 $100. O0 $0.00 Current Pmts 100.00Administrative Fee l*rA U"\ U"tlry f'[13 John K Cahalin 1016 South Rio Vista Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 1816 Sunburst Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Warren Campbell Building Depaxtment Town of Vail Vail, CO Re: 1816 Sunburstfh. Remodel Mr. Campbe[ Thank you for your assistance guiding us through the process ofremodeling my home at l816 Sunburst Dr. I want to make sure you have on record my position on the concerns rel*ed to the slide zone. I was of courso fully aware of the snow slides tlat have occurred at and around 1816 Sunburst Dr. when I purchased the property. I have hired Arthur Mears whom you probably know conducted muc[ if not all, ofthe avalanche studies and classification work for the Town of Vail and many other municipalities in Colorado and other mountainous areas. Dr. Mears conducted a study ofthe property (1816 Sunburst Dr) about l0 years ago (for Jack Snow) and more recently (May 2006) at my request. The shrdy involves a dAailed look at the topography, snow loading scenarios, impact conditions and other aspects ofthe potential vulnerability to various kinds of avalanche and debris flow. Conclusions of this study include energy and loading levels and well as recommendations for mitigation of the hazard. I have read the report in detail and have had several conversations with Dr. Mears. I feel completely comfortable with my understanding of the report and fully apprised ofthe potential slide hazards. I would ask you to allow me to continue my current runodetng effort separate from the ongolng mitigation engineering analysis. It is important to note that the current remodeling effort does not in any way increase the avalanche hazards. Agair\ thank you for your time and concern. K. Cahalin a::',.'.r"Lt]{ir mlcLoDtt!vt - L/a"t (tJlt,/ 13v iort Planning and Environmental Cornmignon ACTIOil FORM Depaftment of Comtnunity Oeveloprnsltl 75 south Frontage Road. Vail, Colot"do 81$57 t€l: 9?0.{79,2139 taxi 970.479.2457 weh: www.vallgov.com Project Name: CAHAUN ADDmON/CONSOUDAnON Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060144 05/08/2005 Phone: 970-925-2522 05/08/2006 Phone: 970-926-2622 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON TO COMBINE TWO DWELUNG UNTTS INTO ONE STRUCTURE. owNER CAHAUN, JOHN K. & HELEN JO 05/08/2006 1235 E I-AKE DR FT LAUDERDALE FL 33316 APPUCANT RKDARCHITECTS PO BOX 505s EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ARCHMCT RKD ARCHMCTS PO BOX 505s EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 Project Address: 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1816 SUNBURST DR, UNIT A & B Location: Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block SuMivision: VAILVALLEY 3RD FIUNG Paroel ilumber: 2101-091-0301-3 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 05/09/2006 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: ZOZ O Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008007 THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT AND RECORD AN AMENDED DUPLEX PI-AT WHICH VACATES THE DUPLEX SEPEMTION UNE AND ESTABUSHES ]TIIS STRUCTURE AS A SINGLE-FAMILY STRUCTURE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPOMRY CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY AOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BEING GRANTED. Cond: CON0008008 THE APPUCANT SHALL MATCH ALL PAINT, WINDOWS, MILINGS, AND STONE TO THAT WHICH EXISTS ON THE STRUCTURES CURRENTLY, Planner: Warren Camobell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.O0 trDnlt 04 20 2061 11:s3C11:s2 Application for Design Depafficnt of Communify 75 Soutfi Fronbge Rpad, Vail, Colondo 8 tel: 970,a79.2128 fax: 97!. General Iniormation:web: www.vallgov.@m All. projecte requlrlng deglgn rcvhw must rcceive approvat prior tg submitting a rcfcr !o tie subndllpl requiremenB for tlrs partlculai apprdval Frat is reques-ted, cannot be acceoted untll all reouired hforration is rcccived bv the Comnunilcannot be accephd untll all required hforration is rcceived by the Comnunity project rnay also need to be rcvlewed by the Town Courril and/or tic planninb and Environmenbl Oqgagn rcrtierf, aPpmval lapscs rmlcss a bsilding p€rmit is itsued nnd <orctrucion commenes within om year of dre Bpprcyal. P002 t-ocataonoftheproposar: Loe-\ Btoct<:-subclivision: UA\t VA[t8.{ FlLhlh3 Physical Address: I 0tbPat€cl No,:(Contad Eagle Qo, Assessor at 970-32&86.10 for parcel no.) Zoning:DACr Name(s) of owner(s):_,[tlN E tlD h{15}l J0 Cf\HqUrs ?j"u ftrlner(s) Signature(s) : l{ame of Applicant: Mailing Address: o ^)@oro \ :qType of Review and Fee!lJ Signstr Concopuial Review I l{ew Gons,truction![ Addltion tr Minor Alteration (mulU.family/commerclal) E Minor Alterotion (single.family/duplerc) tr Changes to Apppved ptans tr Separation Requast $S0 AlS $1.00 pcr squarc foot of tptal sign arqt. l,lo Fee $650 For cfi5trrcUon of o new bulldlng or demo/rcbuild,$300 F'or an addiUon where square foobge is added ta ony residental or mnlmercial building (includcs 250 addltlons & Intprior conversions).f250 For mlnor changes to buildings and s/te jmprcvqrcnB, such as, re-rcotlng, pointing. window addiuons, landscoping, fences and rc|nining walls. etc.f20 For minor chqngq5 to buiklings and site improvcmcnts, such as, reroofirB, palnflng, wlrdow additioB, lrndscDping, fence$ and reiaininE walls, etc,$20 For rcvisions to plans lhcady afrfrroved by PlanninE Sbff or thc Design Re,\rle$, Board. Ng Fcc lE G rE ilrrcn l',|AY 08 2006 1r/ rmit application, Please U *****+******************+++*i************'f,i*****:t!t***'t:t+'1.'l *********+************************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * * **** * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * it '1. + + + | | * ** *,1. **** ** ***** * **** * * t*** * * * * * * * * * * * * + * 'i t t * + * * * * * * * * * * Stsatement Number: R060000531 AnounE: $300.00 05/Oe/2OO5O1 :17 PM Payment Method: Check ARCHITECTS Init: JS Notation: NUr,r,/RKD Permit No: Parcel No3Site Address: Locat.ion: This Payment.: DR8050144 Tlt)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2101- 0 91- 03 01- 3 1815 SI'NBIJRST DR VAII, 1815 SITNBURST DR, tNrT A $300.00 $300.00 $30o. oo $0.00 &t5 ToEaI Fees: TOTA1 J\LIJ PMtS : Balance : ** *+*** * * **** *******+*+*++++++t+*t*t**** * * **'t **** * ***** * * *** * * * * * * * **l+*+++++******l**tlt**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion Currents Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 ard ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:.97O.479.2452 web: wwrv-vailgo\r.com o Design Review Bo Proiect Namei CAHALIN CONCEPTUAL Project Description: APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ARCHITECT RKD ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 Licenser C000001770 Project Address: 1815 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1815 SUNBURST DR. UNIT A & B DRB Number: DR8050051 03 | 13 | 2006 Phone: 97 0-926-2622 03 | t3 | 20OG Phone; 970-926-2622 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR AN ADDMON NOT NEEDED. STAFF HAD APPLICANT SUBMIT A COMPLETE APPUCATION FOR FINAL REVIEW. Pafticipants: owNER CAHAUN, JOHN K. & HELEN JO 03/13/2006 1235 E LAKE DR FT I-AUDERDALE FL 33316 Location! Legal Description: Lot 1-A Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD RUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-0301-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WITHDRWN Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Warren Campbell zonc drsh)ct proposcd to, r,rt Brrildabtc Allorvcd ro",rausnl64+H& l54l =_&-fu Prinrary CRFA -+ qOiSl leZS*1 = 5tu1.2* Scrcondary.CRFA + (125) (6ij+) * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs rlis rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? A \ n Horv much of rhc allorvcd 2j0 Adtlition is uscd rvirh rhis rcqucst l_Apng gitcCovcnsc ?07o 3?t3 * l{89 = 313t ligV -o,nll*4 Hcigbt Sctbacks L.rndscaping Rctaining Wall Hcighrs Parki ng iVfinimum (3 Front Sidcs Rcar Architc-q Rquircd Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics wirh TOV Ligbting Onlinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) En rironnrcn taL4lazards Prcvious conditions of rpproval (chcck propcrty filc); Phonc Existinq . ProposcdL{tg = v"s' X Ho lll) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) NO_ 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback 5) Ccologic Hazards a) SnorvA b) Roclfall c) Dcbris Florv Rcmaining vLn.g 1e.lt ilR6rl;./J7- u;el fl'14 1u5.8R [erut'tl1 Ttqs ,?s.l 20' .15' li' 9ttSorcr o<irt;1 ?rr lo t 11,9ls 3't 6, ,1 Total DESIGN REVIEIV CflECKLIST Projcct: ;:l{q ,.t,.i n trt' tr r'LooRpIAI.ls - . Scalc . rr("rr rtf '' ,tj;{"rt*" 'iti'ti "' r., .rrfF- GRFA . .':il;, - . isoiiiiiiiifucnrn . .,_.+ Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDINGELEVATIoNS Scalc ColorMatcrials \oofpirch . ' Q IJU.IDSCAPEPLAN ri 1 .. - Eus.b'ng tccs t - .fgposc$ rccs Lcgord MISCELLANEOUS ' Gangc conncction Sitc Gradcrgtopc Rctaining lValls t';;,: tr^. ..t$-t-iyE . .;.1 . .t. CondoAppoval Titlc icport (A & B) 1 Utility.vcrifcation fotrlE6 !116" d(lr{lvJ ....!.-.t i.:. - r. \xyri rff.Ortdftf,fr.?iislrc ii6',r'-'- 'i,- i. ' _ Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrilicati on SuntShadc Anglcs Utilitics (undcrgroun ) Sitc covcragef YilJ' ' ,-.1\( t ' I r,tF r4.t -- EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccls/Balconics l..,rrrria.1.'r'.t!++B --f' ,f :'q.t +-. ''I \q,,+-- Viqv Corridors. v;",;el: Plat rcshictions .it''o'8 ' l.r'8J -q- .EeirlgR.l*' ' 'o Parking/Caragc Drivcnal (access and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss o 7 oo Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailqov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot b€ accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The projed may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request:ADDrrroN sr ExtsTtNh R[slD€N(F Location of the Proposal: Lot: I Block:- Subdivision:vlru Vnubl 3BD FlLt]th 6rJNtsOsST TND UN (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) S€OND HN K. $tg Phone: \f &T rax: n1O. ol?.(r. lqla $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Name(s) of Owner(s):CA Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee:n Signs n Conceptual Review ! New Construction! Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) ! Minor Alteration (single{amily/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 2-co For Office Use Only: ---Fee Paid: Meeting Date: Planner: t-€ -0,6 Max GRFA allowed for 1816 Sunburst Drive: 6,906 sq. ft. Existing calculated square-footage: 5,542.84 sq. ft. Proposed additional square footage: 375 sq. ft. to connect two structures 75 sq. ft. loft Calculated proposed and existing square-footage: 5,992.84 sq. ft. Max Site Coverage: 3,214 sq. ft. Per File Site Coverage:3,317 sq. ft existing Proposed Addition to connect two structures: 375 sq. ft. statA:fl Approved cor rtl?,rY D EVELoPMENT RourRG Fonut I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:JR Rulapauqh, FIRE Date Routed:03/15/06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:o3123106 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exising duplex. Address:1816 Sunburst Drive Units A and B Legal:Lot:1 Block:I Subdivision:Vail Valley 3'd Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: 1-2'z- -oa G Need additional review /t (',. h/u * 7 u qfc..- 1- rt,.-p/u u*t NrPA conn"rtrv DeveropMENr *ourl?o Fonnn Routed To:George Chalberq, PW Date Routed:03/15/06 Routed By:Warren Camobell Date Due:03t23t06 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exising duplex. Address:1816 Sunburst Drive Units A and B Lesal:Lot:1 | Block: | | Subdivision: I Vail Valley 3'o Filins Status: fi Approved I Approved with conditions I Denied Gomments:Date Reviewed: 3/20/06 Need additional review bv Fire As lono as there is no oradi o Planning and Environ I Commisson o menta ACTIOH FOR}I D€partment of community Development 75 South Frontage Rsad, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fdxt979.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: CAHALIN VARIANCE Project Description: Pafticipants: APPLICANT RKD ARCHMCTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 ARCHTECT RKD ARCHMCTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 Prcject Address: 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1816 SUNBURST D& UNIT A & B owNER CAHALTN, JOHN K. & HELEN JO 03/13/2006 1235 E I.AKE DR FT I-AUDERDALE FL 33316 PEC Number: PEC060016 03 | t3 I 2006 Phone: 970-926-2622 03/13/2006 Phone: 970-926-2622 Request for site coverage variance of 488 square feet to erect GRFA over currently problematic drainage area between two units, Location: Legal Description: Loe 1-A Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-0301-3 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bernhardt Second By: Jewltt Vote: 5-2-0 Cahill, Kjesbo opp Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0412412006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie$, committee(s). Cond: 3fi) PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007957 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of tfre Oesbtiar appliration assodated with this varidllEe request. @nd: @N0007958 The appllcant shall submit and rccord an amended duplo< plat which vacates the duplo< separation llne and establlshes this structure as a sinfle-family structure prior to the issuance of a temporary ertificate of occupancy or ertlficate of occupancy being granted. Warren Campbell PEC Fee PaH: 3500.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: OR IGINAL MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April24,2006 A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to construct a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-001 6) Applicant: John K. and Helen Jo Cahalin, represented by RKD ArchitectsPlanner: Wanen Campbell lt. SUMMARY The applicants, John and Helen Cahalin, represented by RKD Architects, are requesting a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to construct a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the site coverage variance subject to the findings noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicants, John and Helen Cahalin, represented by RKD Architects, are requesting a variance from Section 12-OD-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to construct a 488 square foot addition to an existing duplex structure which is connected by a garage, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3. A vicinity map is attached for reference (Attachment A). The proposed addition will connect the two units of the duplex structure with a Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) addition. Both dwelling units are owned by the applicants. The proposed addition to connect the two units will increase the site coverage of the structures on the site by 488 square feet. The allowable site coverage on this lot is 3,214 square feet and the existing site coverage is 3,443 square feet which is non-conforming. The proposed addition would increase the site coverage to 3,931 square feet. The area to be enclosed by the proposed addition will connect the two dwelling units in a patio area between the units where both units shed drainage and snow and is heavily shaded. This area between the two units has been a drainage concern of the owners for several years and a variance was granted to enclose the same area on June 10, 1990, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ilt. The applicant's proposed architectural drawings of the addition have been attached for reference (Attachment B). BACKGROUND r This property was annexed into the Town Of Vail by Ordinance 5, Series ot 1972, which became effective on May 6, 1972. The existing duplex was constructed in 1980 with minimalchanges since its completion.. On June 10, 1990, this property was granted a site coverage variance to enclose the area between the two duplex units as il was found there was an a hardship created by the original design of the structure as it allowed for snow, ice, and water build-up in the space between the two structures.. On June 22, 1992, the approved site coverage variance was given a two-year extension by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The proposed addition was never constructed ROLES OF REVIEWNG BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Plannlng and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-1 7, Variances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Torvn Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: tv. V. TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Article 12-6D: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential(PS) District (in part) 12-6D-1: PURPOSE: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses rn which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adeguate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sifes by estab/ishlng appropriate site d ev el o p m e nt sta nd ard s. 1 2-6D-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed twenty percent (20"/o) of the total site area. Chapter 12-17:Yariances (in part) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardshrps lnconssfent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement,' variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the sife or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. vt.SITE ANALYSlS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Lot Size: Standard Setbacks (min): Front: Sides Rear: 1816 Sunburst Drive Lot 1, Vail Valley Filing 3 Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Low Density Residential Two-Family Dwelling 16,069 sq. ft. (0.3689 acres) Statistics shown in bold are those standards under which the site is currently non- conforming and the variance is requested. Allowed/Reouired 20ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. Existinq Proposed 30 ft. no change 1 0 ft./19.5 ft. no change 15 ft. no change vil.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING 30 ft./33 ft. 28.7 no change 2 dwellings 2 dwellings 1 dwelling 6,639 sq. ft. 5,301.2 sq. ft. 5,789.2 sq. ft. 3,213 sq. ft. 3,443 sq. ft. 3,931 sq. ft.(20o/o) (21.4Vo1 l24.5Yo) 4 spaces 4 enclosed 2 enclosed 4 outside 2+ outside Zonino Special Development District No. 24 Natural Area Preservation General Use Natural Area Preservation Height (max.): Density (max): GRFA (max): Site coverage (max.): Parking (min.): North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Open Space Open Space Open Space CRITERIAAND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Yat Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Due to the location of the patio area proposed to be enclosed by the addition, staff believes approval of lhe variance will have no negative impact on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The addition will not be highly visible as the new square footage is located in an area between the two existing dwelling units. The proposed addition will provide a GRFA connection between the two existing dwelling units and leave only a single dwelling unit remaining. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to aftain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. As currently constructed, two large roof areas drain onto the patio area between the two dwelling units and it is this area which is proposed to be enclosed. This situation presents drainage problems for the existing structures. The 488 square foot variance for additional site coverage would allow for the area between the two structures to be enclosed and drainage diverted to the perimeter through channeling with a new roof, gutter, and down spouts. Staff believes that the granting of this variance request is wananted because of the unique location of the two dwelling units on the site and the area created between the two dwelling units resulting in drainage problems. lt was for this reason the variance for site coverage in this area was granted on June 10, 1 990. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes this proposal will not have a significant impact on the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air in comparison to existing conditions of the site. This lot is located in a moderate hazard debris flow, possible avalanche influence zone, and high severity rockfall zones. A site specific study for the site has been prepared and the all mitigation measures will be enacted in conjunction with the proposed addition. The proposed addition, being between the two existing structures, will have little to no impact on the structure and the impacts of the geologic hazards identified above. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a request for a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to conslruct a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and tx. B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicants'reguest for a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunbursf Drive/Lot 1, Vail Village Filing 3, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application assocr'afed with this variance request. 2. The applicant shall submit and record an amended duplex plat which vacates the duplex separation line and esfab/rshes this structure as a single-family structure prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or ceftificate of occupancy being granted. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties c/assffled in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Ihls variance is warranted for the following reasons; a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Reduce architectural plans of proposal C. Public Notice (oooN 9sL_O'ErO8<e"e , 95= E3 BEE EE:5E;O;.I (6.=:i E --alG\--€g =EE Oo: =Efi--E =l-flo9or-c .E Eo(L o'si 3 or-. .EaFtpl 2 iv\ ,=jjZ ;{iDErU:-q (o \J r{ bO@trt-{ .5 a X l\ C\ ss.a\cag\ 'J7$r-/ Iog)(o 6----_.._r...\ t{ tr- IJJ O z uJ OnR -3<apx UJE; xau z=tf I 0 allra. )i\ 3Il! =+ r'l iii; Iii; illr c !:r2ir./, j: iii;!!llll- !il lil OiT' $il-':, . lllr",, t,l j' ,rI ;'' i:- j t: i:Ill ,i 'll ;:lI i lrJ z lllo"l -to < ap_,'" rrrg d tau _Fiz =I O !siirl 19iE3i 3!. 5z I Ig N --(v E1 F;ljr\s!! : ? j d -N 9ii <9Il] 2\9it9-;p{ I e I i - 6,":J ITHK ..uii- ey . s$ !t1.!3 flubij" ifl flHtil{ Hfr ialP* I v ...xieil 9 rl:dF H H ? IL 3 i3 ? '2 uJ O z uJ OaP -:<apx UJi; rd: ;J z=9f I O e9ti?- aIE 5 sct ,k{-+ N (t .qi 2. (' ,"\ :l ? ltl O z IJJ oxB -;<auE txP drB: zFif I 0 i|illl s!3;t- i E N I/T\-\7- N j FfiIul?o /T\ N rtr!/4. I, a9 t! ul o z ut oxB -:<a&'" lx9; tauo- z?9f I C) I rll i.tll I lrJ 0 z uJ Orl -3<avE lurE d(;uo- zFil I o I rl! i 'll II I ul (J z ul OnR -3<aqE uJ9d tauo.:Jz'tf I C) iitl tI o lrJ 0 z 1! OeP -3<a&t 1!9 d tauo. z?if I 0 !!iiil ,.m THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on Fpril24,2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for Ski Base Recreation 2 zone district on a 5.'1 3 parcel of land commonly referred to as the "Front Door USFS land exchange parcel", located at 151 Vail Lane/ (A complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0014) Applicant: United States of America, by and through the Forest Service, represented by Vail Resorts Development CompanyPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to construct a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0016) Applicant: John K. and Helen Jo Cahalin, represented by RKD Architects Planner: ' Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion's Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele DevelopmentPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12'3'7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Section 12-21-14, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to increase the amount of allowable sile coverage on lots with excessive slopes from 15o/o to 2Qo/o, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0020) Applicant: Helmut Reiss, represented by lsom & AssociatesPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of an amendment to a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a final review of an amendment to a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on Street Level, Vail Town Code to allow for the development of 4 additional multi-family residential dwelling units (total of 111 dwelling units), located at728 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Day Subdivision, and setting lcF 6tt,rsiri Attachment: G forth details in regard thereto. (Ritz-Carlton 0022).Applicant: VailAssociates,lnc.,representedPlanner: Warren Camobell Residences)(PEO05-0021 and PEC05- by Jay Peterson A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to an existing platted building envelope, located at 1722 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0025)Applicant: Crack of Noon, L.P., represented by KH Webb ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel Reed A request for final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for floodplain modifications, located at 2764, 2754, and 2695 South Frontage Road/Lots A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision; and a request for a final review of floodplain modifications, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain, located at 2764, 2754, and 2695 South Frontage Road/Lots A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision, and 2450 South Frontage Road/Unplatted and setting'ir1,, ,forth details in regard. (PEC06-0001 and PEC06-0027) rr1:_i;[Oplicant Town of Vail, Louise Young, Brian Hoyt, Maggie Froning, Lorraine-.. i' , :l Howenstine, and Chas Bernhardt| ! Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for proposed text amendments to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On all Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), to allow for seasonal use or structures as a conditional use in Lionshead Mixed Use I District; Section 12-7H-18, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, to clarify the inclusioniof employee housing as a mitigation of development impacts; Section 12-8C-3, Conditional Uses, to allow for ski lifts not including loading and unloading areas as a conditional use of the Natural Area Preservation District; Subsection 12-18-58, Density Control, to clarify limitations on structures which do not conform to density controls; and Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, to clarify standards for access, driveway and parking for commercial properties; Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0026)Applicant: Town of Vail, Community DevelopmentPlanner: Rachel Friede The appllcations and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. . Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please' call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. L1 puOtisneO April 7, 2006, in the Vail Daily. ION,NI Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmenlal Commission review cannot be accepted until all required informalion is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: Flezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plal $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifications) Conditional Use Permit Floodplain lvlodilication Minor Exterior Alteration Maior Exterior Alteralion Development Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance $650 $400 $6s0 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 r l,/,{II tion of the Request: Physical Address: Izlolc Location of the Proposal:Lot: I Block: €0t$ lo30l Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Parcel No.: 2t 0l O t O!pi{- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) -F s6c AIIJ Name(s) of Ownerls;: CA uN 0HhI AtlD Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: P E-mail Address: bBrvC ITgCT fh ND &e\) Phone: CO Phone:q10. qzb. LGZL r"* 110.1?';to.1822 For Off ice Use Onlv: Fee Paid: 1J:r5(a Check Meeting Date: ? - (o' O tects, Inc March 13,2006 HAND-DELIVERED: Community Development Departnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Cahalin Residence - Request for Site Coverage Variance Lot 1, VailValley 3d Filing / 1816 Sunburst Drive Dear Sirs: On June 10, 1991, the Town of Vail approved a site coverage variance for the prior ourner of the Cahalin Resklence, Mr. Jack Stanley. Please see the attached Town of Vail lefter dated February 13, 1992 and PEC meeting minutes of June 10, 1991. For a description of the variance requested, please see our prior application for the Stanleys. The enclosed submittal is requesting the same site coverage variance which was previously approved. The only difference is that some of the architectural forms and details because of new ownership. Thank you. mg{ks Enclosure RKD Architects, Inc. Design and Construction 137 [4ain Street, Suite G004 - P.O. Box 5055 - Edwards, Colorado 81632 - (970) 926-2622 - (970) 926-9822 fax www.rkdarch.com F[[_il il#r oflice ol community development Ii 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (303) 4792139 February 13, 1992 Mr. Jack Stanley c/o TransAmerica Gas Co. 140 Cypress Station Drive Houston, TX 77090 Fle: June 10, 1gg1 request for a site coverage variance for an existlngsecondary unit within a prlmary/secondary development, located-on Lot 1,Vall Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of SunbursU1816 Sunburst Drive. Dear Mr. Stanley: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the June 10, 1991 planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) meeting at which your site coverage varianci request was approved. Theattached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions'of approval. Please note that the approval of tfris variance shall lapse and become void if a building permitis not obtained and constructionn'ffcit commenced and diligently pursued toward compldtion, or if -the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced'within one year from approval(June 1 0' 1991). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must beresubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and thePEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this inlormation, please do not hesitate tocontact Jill Kammerer at 303/479-213g. Sincerely, /7,4/ /./*J'tt f[he-Er-t Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure Cahalin Residence - Request for Site Coverage Variance Lot 1 , Vail Valley 3'o Filing / 1816 Sunburst Drive PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 1816 SUNBURST DRIVE. VAIL: 1. GLENN R. HILLIARD 1355 PEACHTREE ST., SUITE 640 ATLANTA, GA 30309 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1801 SUNBURST DRIVE, UNIT A, VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING LOT:2 DESC: UNIT A BK-0320 PG-0270 BK-0340 PG-0558 05-13-82 BK-0496 PG-0297 WD 10-29-88 BK-0588 PG-0942 wD 09-08-92 R899269 DEC 12-01-04 2. LEE S. CHAPMAN REVOCABLE TRUST LEE S. & SANDRA C. CHAPMAN, TRUSTEES 7032 WEXFORD RD EDINA, MN 55439 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1801 SUNBURST DRIVE UNIT B, VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING LOT:2 DESC: UNIT B BK-0454 PG-0128 QCD 12-16-86 BK-0523 PG-0179 QCD 02-03-90 BK-0539 PG-0379 QCD 09-17-90 BK-0573 PG-0247 QCD 02-13-52 BK-0604 PG-o197 QCD 03-12-93 BK-0641 PG-0856 QCD 05-24-94 R899269 DEC 12-01-04 R940540 QCD 12-13-05 3. STARFIRE CO LTD C/O CM MGMT PO BOX 1670 vAtL, co 81658 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1815 SUNBURST LN, VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING LOT:3 BK-0346 PG-0783 09-01-82 BK-0326 PG-0784 WD 09-01-82 BK-0391 PG-o100 06-29-84 R899269 DEC 12-01-04 4. DEBORAH L. WEBSTER 1825 SUNBURST DR vAtL, co 81657 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1825 SUNBURST LANE, VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING LOT:4 BK-0346 PG-0785 WD 09-01-82 BK-0391 PG-0100 06-29-84 BK-0521 PG-0257 QCD 01-11-90 BK-0562 PG-0489 QCD 06-28-91 BK-0709 PG-0971 QCD 10-12-96 R899269 DEC 12-01-04 FROM.na rii -riritniii ---P00 2;i-0 DormAL/Cf,I 0u(hdcrNo. Vn0227 ProDery Addrcse: l. Policy Datc.- 2. Nancofbrqgr!: 5, fiu mongogc, hcrdd rcfcrrad ro as thcdcrcriHas follovr; ?bc land rtlcficd :o in thir polioy b rtcscdbed rs fo[ows: .cq? ATIACI.TED PA6E(S) FOt IJOALDESCRTPI|ON AmouDt $I.430.000.00 SchoddcA PANCEI,S A & D. LOr T, VAIL VAII.EY :?ND NUNG Scptsuber22. 2fit0 rt 5:00 p.M BA}.IK OF AIV'ERJCA. N.A., ITS SUCCESSORS A}.ID/OR ASSIONS 3' Th atete or intcrcst in abc lend derqibcrl or rcterrld !o in tlris Sclrcrluls rrd wlricl iJ crycrcd by t}is policy is; AFceSiopb {' Title to oc c$ijr or htctcst covqrd Dy ?tis poriry .t the deic hcrcof ir r:dcd in: JOISI K. CAIIAI-II\I AND HBLENJO CNr/rLtN llourud tncrtFga, rnil thc rselpmrnts rhrrof, if ury ert DEED OF IRUST DATED SEPITMDE& 19, zGTO, EROM'OHN K. CATIALIN AIID HELENto q4r^LrN TO ltnB PUBIJC rrUSrBp Or r,rbu cornrrr FoR tlIE usE oF BAIJK OFAIVIERICA. N.,|, to sEcunElTIB suM ot $r.igo.mo.oo nscoRnED sprrg,|isr zz,?000. utrDER RECEPnON No. ltnv. 6- ftis fo$cJ vald oCy if Sdredulc B ir rrtachcr!_ Iand Thle Gulrlrre Compnry[torcorinr Chlnocn 'l'itl. t....i'---- ]---... ..- FRoi/."o 03 03 2061 15:02lST. 15:01 Onr0rdsNo. W70n7 txlilEtT -A" lEEil. D[SCRtPItotu . PARCEL ONE: PARCELA; 4_P4RT OF LOT t, VAU, VaJJEY ?|rnnD Ftlllirc, A SUBDIVI$ON RECOFDED IN TIIE OFEICBoF ?HE e.ERK Ar{D llcoRDER oF EAGr6 corirrry, cor.onpo, srrii-frf oi-roil-irutcMORE PARTICULARLY DEScREED As FoLLows: ueott.tmNd ei e -towr nanvcg rnEsourtlE^srERlY coRNER oFsND Lcn t BEAns srrumzz riicnrurir MINUTEs 36 sEcoNDsEAST 78.23 FEET; TITENCE NORrg 54 DEGnEqt 3s r,rurtms iislc-ol,rds rf,EST 6a5 FEET;xHENcE souTrI3S DEcnEEs 24 MINUTEs 33 sEcoNDs wgsr rz.m rgm TrrE\tcE NoRTri i4DEGREES.I5 MINUTES r' SECONDS WEST 30.60 FEET; TIIENCE NOiTII 5S PPORTES ZMINurEs 3J SECONDS EAST 32.60 : lltENCE NoRTa i4 DPCREES # UnlUreS Z7 sEcolrDslr,BST I 5. l0 FEEr: THPNCE NORTII 3s oronrrs z+ mxirss r SEijffis pCST S2.65 H!Er:?HENCE SOUTH 54 DECREPS 3s MTNU1ES 27 SECONDS rasr so.lo iipr; rHeNcs 3s - - DEOREES 24 MINUTES 13 SECOIITDS \rEsr 12.65 F:EEr; rlisncr souni-s+ pscnBrs :sMINUTIS 2? SECONDS EAST 5.OS F€ETI TIIEI'ICE SOUTI{ 35 PEGREES 2J MNTIIES 33SEC9I'IDS WEST 27.E0 FEDil; THENCE 54 DECRttrS 3S }'fll{tj"fEs Z-SSCONDS WES? Z4oFEET; 11IEI{CE 35 DEGREES 2{ MINUTES 33 SE'CONDS WEST rZ.SO ffii. rO TIE POIl.rt OF8EGINNNC. TOGETIIER WIrlT AN IIIIDIUDED I/2 I}{IPRES? IN T}IE FOIJOWING:(PARCELC) PA&T OF LOT I , YAIL VAI.J.I'Y ?HIRD FIUNo, A sT,BDTvIsJo{ RFCoRDED IN THE oFTlcEglfttE glRF aI{D ngconDEn oF E^cLE corasry. coiolfupolirro-iencEl c rs ALL oFSA.ID LO? I. Wrffi TTTE E:(CETNON OF PA.R,CEL A DESCRTBED AtOvE AND PATCEL IDESCRIEEDEBLOW (PARCEL B) A-PART OF LOI I. VAIL.V'TJEYTIilRD FN.U{G. ASUBDMSIONRECORDED IN 1IIE OFFICE. oF TIIE CX^Enx Al{D nEcoRDER OF EAGLE' COdI\rry, Cbrodnbri,-.wiriaxr oF Lor 1 BEtNcM_O_RB FARTrCur4RLy DESCRBED ns roIJ-oWs: tEoDlNrNcli n ioh.ir wnsvca rusotnHEAsirERLY coRllEl-ot !^lD Lor I rEnrs somr z orcngiior MTNUTES 36 sscoNDsEAST 78'21 FEEt TTIENCE souru 3s pscnups N nirltnes iislb-olrbC wESr e.00 FEET;TltENcE sol'rrn fi DEGREES 3s MINUTES tt EioNos EAsrio]l-iruri TnENcE NotrrH JsDEGREES 24MINUTES I3 SECONDS EAST IE.OiTSPT: T'{ENCE SOUI}T 54 DEGREBS ,5hnNlrrEs z? sgcolrDs F4fr lqs rgEririni riEN onrir iit;cR#i ;; i,rll,uns grsEcor{Ds EAST ?E;90 pEET; nCWCe XOnir s.-brcners 35 MINurEs 27 sECONDS }vESTE'30 FEEI; TIIENCE NORfl{ 35 DEGREES ' MTI{iMS Sr SECONDS EAST I4.rO FEBT;TllENcE NoRfiI 5d DEGRBEs ss lunnrrEs t sproN-Ds-tttEsT ea ioE#; rngncE sourH 35P?.Sl-Es ec lttNUTFJ 3-3_ srcor,os uref r c^ ro ftEr, rlrENcE NoRTn sd DEoRBES 35MrNrrrEs ?r sEcoNDs lves:s.zs FEErifoiSiiGsouffi 35DEGREESA MTNUTES 33slggq! ulESr 20.15 FEErr nmcs si o-sciiis 3, MrNurEs 2? sEcoNDs wEsT 2.10FEEI; TIIENCE soUTH 3s_DEg$As zc rrliN-Ulns aS.SECONDS wEsT t2.to FEEI, rO TI{EPOINT OF BEGINNING, COIJNTY Or EEA'LI, irlrrr OF COLOR.T.DO. PAXCELTvo: PARCELB: 1ll$ 9I lor I . vAIr _v_4LL_ _Ey rtrrn.D FruNG A SrrEDrvISloN nsconpro N TtE oFFtcEoF THE cLEiRK ^r{D nrcoropn or ra-ciitii:i-irv. coLoRADo SAID pARr oF Lor r gErNo. MoRE PARTICULARLY DESCrneu,rs rofroilii P003 FROM.03 03 2061 1 5: 02lST, 1 5: 01a-----"P004 . Our OrrhrNo, VntU EXtftBr "r" IGGA| oEsDfrtPTtottl BSGINNING AT A PONT WHENCE T1IE SOIJTHEASTER,LT CORNER OF SAID LOT I BEARS SOUTII27 DEGREES |lI MINI"ITES 36 SECONDS EAST ?8.23 FEET; THItsNCE JOI,Irrr SS OEGREES 24MINUTES 93 SEcor,ifDs wEsi.r e,00 FEEI TlrEl.tce sOurfi s+ dEAniijiS r,lWurss zzsEcotrDs EAsr s0.?0 FEErs zHENcE Nd,RTr.t JS nn6rsEjz+-uniu#s ; sEco!{Ds E Lsr13.05 ppBl' flENcE sourH 5d DEGREES 3s Uilrurrs z src-olrDi;#i 16.35 .FEET:ffiENcE N0h11l 3s DEGREES ?/ MINurEs ss CicoNEs eesiti.d fE#, TlrENcE NoRTH s4DEGREES 33 MrNrrrEs r sEcoNDs wEsT e,io rmr, mENCtNdiifriS ogangEs 24MrNurEs 33 sEcONDSlASrry.ro Fnur; TiliNcE NORTr.r ,4 DECREES 35 MtNtrrEs 77sEcol'IDs wEst 26- 10 FEBTr THENCE sciurtr ls oicr,iii t.i MrlrirrEi ii sscoNos wlsrr4.IO FEET: TTIENCE NORTTI J4 DECRIES 35 MTNUIES ZZSICI'ibI',ILS 8.25 FEET:THENCE sou?H 35 DEGRTES a MIN uTEs 33 sEcoNDs uiesi io, t iFEF; Tr{ENcE Norr}r 5,1DEGRES 35 MNT'TES zTTSICONDS WEST Ard FET; THENCE SOUTTI ,S DECN.EES 24MrNUrEs 33 SECONDS WEsr r2.r0 FBET: TO rHs pcirurbi leaixNiir-G.',TOGSII|ER WITIi AIII UNDIVIDED 1l2 NTEiEST IN A}.[D T6I}IE"rbrrOi,NC,(PARCEL C) PART OF LOT t. VAIL VALLEY.TIIRD FtrING. A SUIDIVI5IOII RECORDED IN TTIE OaFtCEOF TIIE CI.ERK AI{D RECORDER bi EA_il''Oi'NIf. COLORADO. SAID PARCEL C TS AI.L OFSND IJOT I' WNH TrrE DlcEPnoNs oFPAncEL B DESCREED AIO\IE AND PNTCEL ADESCRIEED EEI.Of,T:(PI|ICELA) A PAtr(T OF LOT I. VAJL.VIILE"T ?H]rD FIUNC, A SUBDIVISION TECORDED IN TITB OFFICEOFTIIE CLERK Ar{D RECORDER OF EAGTE COiJMV, COrcN]OO, Siii}rNr OFI,o? I BEIN6M-ORE FARTICULAN.LY DESCRDTO rS rOr.r,OWS=BPGINNING AT A FOINT wtENcE rp sourlrlnsrrru,y coRNER oF SAID Lor r EBArs sol.mH27 DEcReEs 0l MTNTJIES 36 SECONDS fnSr zszS FEE?: TITENCE NORTI| j4 DEGRBES 3jMINUTES 2? SECOIIDS WESr 6.45 FEEr; il{Br'E SOTM{ '5 DEGEBES 24 MINTITES 33sEcol\rDs \rEsr 12.00 ryqi nm'cu lrbffiln orareEs 3s Mn{urEs r' sEcoNDs wEsr50.o FEET: THENCE NOf,TrI3s DECnrBszjiiniures 33 sEcoNDS ErSr32.60FEEr;rnENcs NoRflr s4 rrEgl+! gs !@!'ris zruiorofwEsi riii rtff ; iuENcE NoRrlr 3sPISST ?1vlIulEs l_s srcouDs-pisili.ri-rier, rr{ENcE sourTr 54 DEonEEs 3sMrNrlr$s 27 sEcolrDs EAST SO.So rppr:-rrrinii sounr ls oEoREES 24 MBTUTES 33sEcoNDs wtsT 12.65 F!!fi-tr rNcilijdriijif,sc,nEEs 3j MrNUrEs 2? scoxDs EAsr5-05 FEET; rlrEr.rcE sorn*rc_3reorrei ii iriiriru l3 sScoNDs wESr2?.ro FEEr;TIIENCE NORTT 54 DEGREES 3S:r Nqrrr;S ZiSriONOS WESX 2.111 PEETI 7TTENCE SOg,.1IT 35DEGREES rc MrNurEs 33 SsCOllps urrsr-io.eiifigEx.,, ntE potDrT 0F EECINNINo. FROM.03 03 2061 15:02lST, 15:01 P005-o Onr OrdqNo. V0VIZI Scbddc E -l ll.EASEME}B. RBSERVATIONS AND RESTNUqIONS AS S}IOWI{ ON, RESERI'ED ON THERECORDED }I.AT OF V^IL VALLET N|IR,D FIUNO IERT,IS. GONDInONS A.I,D.P.ROVISTONS OFTOWNHOUSE DECIARA11ON FOR t.OT 1. VAILvAlr.sv, rHnD rlUNO RECORDED OCTOEER, 26, r979IN EOOK rgi iiplds scr. NOIB S^ID TOU'I.IHOIJSB DECI.ANAilON COI{TAINS A R|c|il' OF FIRST NEN'SAL, NorF: I.AI'ID mLE ouARalrEs coMprrNy [s N REcEm oF af IMpRo\rE]tENx LocATroNcERT'rRcArE pREpARED Aucusr z, 2000. Bv runR.tou\n;rN rlrdiftinrxc r,ro..PROJPCTNO. OGOIIIS. IIEM NOS. I THROUGH 4 OF THE OENERAL D(CEPIIONS ARE IITEREBY DELETED. FROM.03 03 2061 15:02lST. 15:01 P 006 Or0rdcrNo. WJ@Z| 'ScheddcD. I In addirion o oc larcr' sct &rt in Prn I of thie Scbcdula hc drtc n rbc ctrte or inntar] in ttrc hfll' d.ssib.d or n{tffia t0 iqscblllrlc-A is srbjecr o rhe following antrern. if rofle shorn. bur drc Coopruy laorcdtbrl ilrc licn qr chargn of t[u ilsutlit nongrgc ugoa sid cstate; irlocsr, is prior ro $c1 r6iners. F NA{cNc EtATEtf$rrvmr ra{K oF AIrdERtcA, N.A. , TtrE sgcuRED pARl.]r, RECOhDEb SEPIEMEER 2,2000. UNDrn nrcrrllorr xo.'ngl-ss. - --' LlGlolisr No. CtFSZt[m FROM.03 03 2061 15:02lST. 15:01- -.-'wa rav ayai ,i Jt:tZlESEAa-rlFlf{ lJ ilwb \b:v't rt uf ur' HnENTLH LATIID TITTE GUABf,]UTEE COMPAiIY case rn"ozzr ElrooRsEfEur etll I Pol.tcr eEEiE270227 .boal fi PEoE)cJ'clr eddless .P,.DCE!S I 4 Fz tot J,. l/.ilLtt uAJf,Ey frTED ntllMg Awaer JO@t E. qalr&::yrD',E4r8il JO cxJ'/}I,']r Page 7 ot 2 fae caDPaDy iasurea ebe ouzet of clre iDdebEe&te9s seeuaeC by fie lusutednorEgage ag|aiEFE J,og,r or d,uage susEelaed by teasoa ot:l. arr rgca.EyecEzess rD rie assurarees gb!E, ac Daae of poTicy:(il t!,g.e ard,.!o cat,r:n ragg, canditiorrg or rrscri ccloas uarler wtrJc&clre ljen ot i'lre norBgaEe t.eferll.ed EO i,s Sctedu.tre .I cao be dtvesEed.subardC.uauedl o. ex|-,aguisi6d, ar jts vaJ.lcfi,W, pttiotley ora.torceabLJ,l,cy t4,al,tea.b) @I€sg e4rtessJy erc.pteC in Scledu.le t: (a) The=e are !e prcgca E vjolariarp oa rDc JoJrd of arry eBfofceall ecovE,amE9. condiEiols ar resBticcJons, aor do uy existlnc lnptove-reEEs aE rlie laad yiabre alt DuJldt;ing seulacJr ljnts snorr; ori;- - pr.ac of sr.DdtvrgJ,on raeosded or rrled rn ete pudlc reccrds.-- - (2) Aay rrrsen'nene refer:ed ao l'' sched'rc D r9 cer cirladageav*,anvs, cq'dr,craaa or r€rsrrcEioqs an rlc Jaad aoco noii taaddlHon, EI eecF'blish a.o eElsaneJrE oa Ehe lanil 6il p'lovide aJtsr tos ldguldaced damgeei Hit) ltraviile for a prLvaie caargior airseesn€n E, ltfl ,tgvide tor an opvloa co purcfiase. z ilgAlaf flrgE refusal or ctr€ prcor opprava',. ot a fu.ure E).rchase. osoccsPaDtr. EJ fie.rc td ao e*eroae'to.E of exisciag irprovenenc' J,ocaEed. on eie Jand oaeo a$otatag lslod. nor oo{ orr-ro^ct^eite snEo r}dlaEd of exlscias t44'zcvan&cs locased oi, "jjor"Lg r_a. (4 riere jc ao eassoaci elr of exls citzg Crprolzeroen E s hocace|lsn Eae trand orso ube gorzto. of etre .lona-sGjecE Eo i,ry earenencerce;rted Jr Scledule.g. (s) 2lhere are !o DoEjccs of vLol,acl,oa oc cov.glaJres, coadi ltonsarrd .rescrrerioas ref a cin g zo uvltonncn aar liocu" e! oa tecordedor fIIcC ra c&e publjc tieotfis, utttt I r-va/t4 Replesrnlirg Chieago Title Inq[ansc Gomprny FROM.03 03 2061 15:02lST, 15:01 P008 I.AIUD TITTE GUABAIUIEE COII/IPANY c:h6e Vt70Z27 Eot tcy C88,t 27022? Loa'a I PropeEcy AddEese O!4.|0!r EilDonggt(ENt ALIn E.r.EM)Ino[wEltt]t l/t8il SBotrtsetfoN .praqgas t 3 Be &dE lt VML u IrLEy lEIID itrErrc .'otw.E. qslElf rt[D E &t0t ;ro g|$It,;ll fDe ilsuraDde a-f-forded Dy tbls cactolisensrc ),s onLy qf-$eccrve Jf che li{td tsused or is eo lo used pri,nariiy to, resiaeoclaf purlpoiu". -' . The CoiltP;ey jasur_es_ Etre jlsured agatlsE loss a, duagc susrllred by seasoaot lack of prlollty af, che ltea ii-callasurod norriage-ol:eil (il any eauirolrrlateat proEeegjon llea uhl,clt, aE DsEe at po)rcy" ls lccordeclrr: ctose rscol.cs cgta-b-tiaDed undgr 56496 scaEuses aG rraDc of poJ,f,cy forttre purtroFl of iaFa:..iag caDSEfucE .,,,e nactrce of 'acEerc reJ:clng EorezZ Sttzpeicy co gurcbaiers .foa ealue and rrjshauc rglcllltedgct or filedrn cae records af the crer& oi cao uriea siaces-asg$,cE 6ourc .fo,cle disErl.c ia r&ict c,l:e faad Js Jocaged, .*."pt a" seE fo.,.EJ, laScDeduJ,e .B-rt oE '(H aly e'uilo'onenrar y''E.c'don Jrorr'prawtrded tot by tty eE.Ee sgas,,e JnetfesE ac D.rEe oE.poliq, o*.!pc eavllron ?efiEtl Droleccjon licasTttoviCted f,ot by rbc falievJng-'sEaEc sEtErrrcs: JVoDe ?tr{s cadorsemeaE_ls nade r.pars of clre peltcy aDd.ls su.brecE ce a.trI ot EheEeri:De aad proldslons T=1f ya ot any-pttoi ead;s;il; -.iur"oo. .ErsepE Eec.be excese erEressrv .sEaced, ir neirbel ioarriog *v-o{ ei.-"c,,rc ald provrgransof c'h€ porictr aad any prtor ."d;;;", nor &n,r is cxgcna-cre effecsJrre darclfr€o"cy aBd anv p, rror *o;;;;;', zoE tbes rc increage the face .novne Bepnsmlu Ghimgo Tith lnsuronce Conpany FR0[4.o-03 03 2061 1 5 i03/ST. 1 5:01 IAIi|D TIII.E GUABAIJTEE COITIPA IIIV EtDoBSElEglB 103.1 nIagEEs A a E. r&, a. uazL utlzrtw fltnD azltr'c tOEt r, CrgetJ6t rdD .EZE tO ",,o'"n P009 6ase W70227 Pouc2l Cw1r27022? .Eoar # Pxciperty ,lddress OeneE ,abe carFa.y.herely rnaures agaJnsc ross ot dadage u!.{c}, E.e .bgurcd.sial'J. sqgEair ac a resulc et an-y €xe.rcjee oG zbe .rjsbt.of use or nalncesalce o,fche caseueaq refersed co i.a patzgtagh (s)7 o.f, 9c.hedule B oE &tougb.6ald ld!d. rlc EoE&l 'tsLllq of eg c*,'any u'der serd Dartcy and aay e'doreeneE!'LLer."n sia..,,'6s excaed, i"n.ctre "fgiE "", cbe taie araoLt o.F.sa{d po*,cycnd eoscs rlJch Ere corpaay ts ouriacia "iraer-rau-;#;;;* ind scrpuJarioaec']ereof ce ply. ftr5 €ldots€DenE i's-made a-.parc of srrc poJtryaad is.s*bjecc Eo DtreScbedules. ConcHcl,ons end Sttpulitlase eleralat erccepC as nsdifted by chePtovlstans Jreresf. f,cprevnring Chlcrgo Tlile Insurircc Cangany FROM.03 03 2061 1 5:0 1 6,nl,s Dnln ,,O Prop4gsy ,lddress tJtrcEE A a E. LoT l, wttr. uAr.Lgt n7'J;D.D f;ELDttr the Corp)uy hercry insure.s agajlse Jo.ss or funage b1r teason ott (il Pacgenc vJclgcloos ot erry fegErieElve coverlancs glrcaIr'lcaJJy teterred co i.aSc&edulc E'f vftlcb resrrlcc sle usc of cbe land. -sald regErdcElvc cove:larilsdo ncg 600 Dala ar2Y PEoul'stons t LiGa rd,ll causc a farfel, Eurs oI. reu€{,sjoa ofdclc. P) The prlcrtuy of .Ety-llen tot chetge-e eac assesgla'Ee ptovlded tos ln a.uycocunoDs epecifically rere#cct to Ln schedure .B-r orel tl. rtrl ot any'tasured . nortgagc jdeaelf,ied tro ScAcdute a. (3t by obttgaciol, Eo r;ernove arrr1 laptovenelts on e'be laad Decause of (a) aaypEeg"ne easroactnen: Dy sueD J,nrpravoreare n,r,,n ddj0tntas raad ot vp*, ,iyeEc€..eEs sFecjfScarJy teteErd co ra schedur,e r-r ot. b) *ry pr"i*,el?€roadtrnesc 4nEO Ele r8ad by ttiE)EilgrtcDcs 0a adJojaiag Jaad. l4 ?he fairu;e af tsi lJe .bv re..se' or a ilgDE of f.irEe re.fo'ar co pu!.craee Eietand y!ic& rna-e elcercjgcd ot eouLd barre-bcen t;;ir;d;o dece it policy,--- rhrs c'do,rs@eaE Js na-de -a par' { che poltcy a.Ed rs subtaec ca alr crrc tcrns a,.dtrttawLsrwzs Elreteof and of aay pt/orert&rs."errs clerecol Ex',eEE Eo the er.cclce4rressiy scated, it rrejrler noaitres a,,y of Ere cerr;;d trorisroas of c.beFoJLcy a.odprlor eadorseneEts, Lt ,n,y. Eor Co6S .i,E ex.eld sie e.f,feceile da'e ofcbe poJtr'6r ard pdor eadorseoeat" o-ilcr".s. cle tace afrrounc elrereaf,. Date october ,Jt. Zo0oCase rlZ7022? Paltcy eE!2?0227 ItOU, # tAfIID TITI.E GUARAIUTEE GIIIIIPAfUY Fepnsonring Chicrgo fitlo Inrsranca Company $DOBS@{C ITIITA 5Pl.llw@ Etrlr DtlIg&oP@':8 FROM.03 03 2061 , GI|t JG'G' 15:03/ST, 15:01 tuLv.. tu ]r.tut,-o P01'l ffrfi lJ @ Lo. urct rrt tl. r.r ir'lEtslLFt Drts ocrobgr 12, 2000 DAIIII(OFAMPRICA. 333 CTAYSTNEET sum 3600 ltousToN Txnwz" SMNCN.IAIIORTON Re: YourRd. NrrnDcf land Title Guarantee Company t' i'",1':r , '. ,' | ..1 E*losodptnsc fnrl por lad llrtc Gnnrce lourpoticy insuioj Oc Arogryar rrd dratlby Tlrc foltowing corhr5r4lenrc artr irludod iq tbb policy: Endos$lrqttAllrg , EtdoaoeqAlo 8.1 Endoseocm I03.1 EndonamrAIoS Pleasc rF'lert 5i'g gotiot il iE-fliYl ID- thc-','lDt-oil yorr Eld any discrElxrDcy. ar If )'o$ havc any qucsdorso? co'F'tl.ob rogrrdio3 your policy. ycu Drr cortrc! ' nri. p.-i.e|l Plrtlle 97D476-l?E;il Far: nO4*4tn ril< ar Land frtlc on*uoo imrpary hlinc il ddlvqiqg qurtlr gmducts&r met yo'r rrcedr. anrt oru *or[ is o prwiucac mos cffisicar raiabrc sqvici h'rhr tr,ti,ry. ;;ff* for giving no rlr ogromd:y D s,. c youl SiDccttJy. Pfescnferrc ourOrrkrNo. WlWl kDd Tide. Gqrnorea Coopruy *********+f*t++*****'t+*****+:t*+*******l*******:1.*****++***:l**t*lt*******t + * * + * * * + * * * * + * * * * * f * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * ***t *'t'l****++'*+*:l't************ lr'|*'****{.++{.,1. * * {.*:t** * l. + + * * +'}** *** ** * !k* * 't * 't * * '1. * * * *** {. * ** **** Statement Nuniber 3 R060000227 Amount: $500.00 03/13/200604222 PNI Payment Method: Check CAIIAIJIN Ini E : lTS Notation: 6782 /''OHN Permits No:Parcel No:Site AddreEE: L,ocat,ion: This Payment,: PECo5 0 015 2101-091-0301-3 1816 ST'NBURST DR VAIL 1815 St NBI'RST DR, ItNrT A s500.00 T)t)e: PEC - Variance &B Total Fees: ToE,aI ALt Pmts: Bal-ance: $s00.00 $s00.00 $0.00*********++**+++****************ftf,+tt********:i***'Nrr******,i***tt*******:t******+*+***+i*+*++* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accourt Code Descripts ion Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLTCATION FEES 500.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com March 20, 2006 RKD Architects c/o Jack Snow PO Box 5055 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Incomplete application for 1816 Sunburst Drive Units A and B/Lot 1, VailValley 3'" Filing Mr. Snow, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are necessary to complete your application iubmittal for the Gahalin Residence site coverage variance. The ioltowing bullet points identify questions by staff which need to addressed and additional materials to accompanying the application. o From the title report it appears that the Cahalins owned both halves of the duplex located at 1816 Sunburst Lane. Please be aware that an amended plat wili need to be submitted to tum this into a single-family residence as it appears there will be connections between the two halves with the proposed addition. . ln presenting your proposal to the Building Department, Public Works Department, and Fire Department it was brought to my attention that there may have been some illegal construction performed at 1816 Sunburst Lane. On or around September 25, ZOOI, there was an application submitted by a Mr. Conway on behalf of your client's to convert a two car garage to a home theater. This application which was submitted was not complete and therefore never approvbb. However, it is believed that this conversion may have occurred r6gardless. Please confirm that this two car garage was not converted through photographs or through a joint meeting with you and myself on site. . As you are aware from an email sent by Bill Gibson, a planner in our office, on Deiember 29,2005, that the structure located at 1816 Sunburst Lane is in a Town identified avalanche, rockfall, and debris flow hazard area. In that email Mr. Gibson identified that a site specific hazard analysis will be required for any changed requested on the property. Please provide me with a site specific hazard analysis which identifies if any mitigation is necessary.r Your application did not include a written description of the nature of the vanance requested and the specific regulations involved, including an explanation ilt wny the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. {p ^"."t""o o^r"* . Your application did not include a written statement addressing the following criteria:o The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity.r The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege.r The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety.r How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives.o Your application did not include a set of existing and proposed elevations. Typically on an individual sheet will appear a drawing of the existing elevation with the proposed elevation above or below. This aids in everyone understanding all the changes to be made. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me at 970479-2148. In order to be scheduled on the April 24, 2006, Planning and Environmental Commission agenda please get me this information by no later than April 3, 2006. g/i\ resards, /l |\ rf\n,t^ t' \ll[l'lNttrurp,v WWXXWaren Campbell ISenior Planner Cc: File tects, inc March 27.2OOo HAND-DELIVERED: Warren Campbell Senior Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Cahalin Residence -Application for Site Coverage Variance Lot 1, VailValley 3'Filing / 1816 Sunburct Drive Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed the following items which were requested to accompany our application of March 13, 2006: 1. Site specific hazard analysis from Arthur l. Mears, P.C., lnc. dated May 21,1993; 2. Set of existing and proposed elevations:Sheets: A5.1 West Elevations and A5.2 East Elevations 3. Written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulations involved: 4. Written statement addressing:a) The relationship of the requested variance to other existing potential uses and structures in the vicinity;b) The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve cOmpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this without grant of special privilege;c) The effect of variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety; andd) How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. RKD Architects, Inc. Design and Construction I 37 Main Street, Suite C004 P.O. Box 505 5 - Edwards, Colorado 81632 - (970) 926 2622 - (970) 926-9822 fax www.rkdarch.com DEPARTMENT oF CoMMUNTTY DEVELOPMETfi CAHALN APPLIGATIoN MARcH27,2006 Pnce 2 Also enclosed, please find: 5. Exbting Conditions Photos. Thank you. Enclosures RKD Architects, Inc. Design and Construction 'I 37 Main Street, Suite GOO4 - P.O.Box5055 - Edwards, Colorado 81632 - (9701926-2622 - (970) 926-9822 fax www.rkdarch.com K. Snow, AIA ,o _o INC.ARTHURI.MEARS, P.8., Natural Hazartls Gruulhnts 222 F"q C,otl c Avc. Guuiron, Glondo 81210 )ot - 641.)236 May 2L,1993 Mr. Jack Snow RKD Associates Box 3378 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Avalanche and rockfall hazard, I-ot 1, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Dear Mr. Snow: At your request, I completed a field inspection of the above-described property on May 20, 1993 to a) evaluate effects of a March, 1993 avalanche that damaged the house, b) evaluate the potential hazard, and c) consider the feasibility of structural protection. The following summarizes my observations and conclusions. A. TTM MARCH, 1993 SNOW AVAI-ANCIM This avalanche originated on a north-facing slope approximately one-half the vertical distance (roughly 200-300 feet) up a conspicuous avalanche path. It occurred during a heavy late-winter storm that deposited 10-20 inches of snow in central Colorado on March 27 and 28. Observations made by me in early April indicated that the avalanche began well below the top of the potential avalanche path. Building damage resulted from dynamic impact loading of avalanches on a few building walls. Automobiles were damaged. Aspen trees were broken and carried with the flowing snow. This slope can produce much larger avalanches than the event of this March (see below). B. POTENTIAL AVAT"ANCIM AND ROCKFALL IIAZARD Avalanches. This path produces avalanches that can run to near the base of the steep slope every few years. I have personally observed at least two avalanches since 1973, both of which reached the base of the slope. Not all of these frequent events will be directly in line with I-ot 1, however. Avalanches of the magnitude that occurred this year probably have return periods of 10-30 years on Lot 1, judging from the sizes of aspen trees on the slope. During the exceptional conditions (the "design-magnitude," or "100-year" avalanche) that are usually considered in land-use planning and engineered desigrr, avalanches will release from considerably higher on the slope, entrain large volumes of snow, vegetative, and/or soil debris on the steep slope, andwill impact the building (both duplex units) with energy sufficient to crush building walls. People inside the building when the design avalanche occurs could be injured, possiUly t<illed. The building is indicated as being located in a debris-avalanche runout area on Town of Vait maps dated 1984. Moss Wuting . Amlanchet . Aulanche Contnl Engineering a _o Rockfall. The slope can also produce rockfall, as indicated on Town of Vail maps. Rockfall hazard results as boulders (perhaps more than two feet long), become detached from thc steep upper slope and bounce and roll into structures. Building windows, doors and even walls have been penetrated by rockfall in Vail and elsewhere. I do not believe this duplex has been hit by rockfall, but the terrain, rockfall source, and Town of Vail maps indicate this is a possibility. C. STRUCTURAL PROTECTION The duplex cannot be completely protected from design-magnitude avalanches, however substantial protection from avalanches as large as the 1993 event can be achieved. Two forms of protection are possible although both may not be feasible: (1) building a large earthen or structural berm or splitting wedge on the uphill side of the building is feasible; (2) reinforcing the building may, but probably is not feasible. The berm or wedge must be designed to be sufficiently large to catch avalanche debris and dissipate energy or deflect it laterally prior to impact with the building. It may have to be L0 feet high (or higher) to successfully mitigate a even modest event such as occurred in March. Such a structure must be designed so that a major avalanche will not overtop the berm and produce even greater damage to the building. The berm size, orientation, and location must be determined by completing a through dynamics analysis of the avalanche and using tbe velocity and flow characteristics of the avalanche in design. Proper design may reduce the energy of the design avalanche so that damage to the building will be reduced. The building walls may also be reinforced for avalanche loads, however, this is usually difficult in existing buildings. Rockfall protection would be achieved partially through the avalanche berm or splitting wedge discussed above and by installing rockfall barriers at building walls. The design of such structures depends on rockfall velocity and bounce heights which must be computed through application of rockfall computer-modeling procedures. ADDITIONAL WORK The following steps must be taken to quantify avalanche (or rockfall) performance specifications: a. Development of an accurate field survey of the slope profile above the site (to the avalanche starting zone); b. Calculation of avalanche dynamics (velocity, flow thickness, energy); c. Calculation of rockfall dynamics characteristics; and d. Sizing and design of the defense system. The above consulting services will require an additional site visit and 2-3 days consulting time to develop the avalanche and rockfall design parameters. Detailed drawings, construction and installation of the system can be done locally and rvould be based on the performancc specifications. *o _o I can develop the performance specifications if requested, could complete the site work in mid June and the analysis in late June. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clil,^J y^Mr,,o Arthur I. Mears. P.E. Avalanche-control engineer o ONCnHRltN AppucRrr MRRcn 27,2OOo NRruRe or VRntnruce Reouesreo The Cahalins are requesting a site coverage variance in order to infill an approximate 10{oot wide area or slot located between the primary and secondary units, 2-foot overhangs on each side, and a poftion of the covered walkway to the secondary unit. The duplex is under on GRFA and over on allowable site coverage, therefore we are applying for a site coverage variance for an additional 62 s.f. of site coverage. The duplexes were constructed in such a way that the two large roof areas now drain onto the deck area between the two units. Consequently, major drainage problems have been occurring for the Cahalins over the past three years. The variance is necessary in order to allow correction of the narrow drainage for the existing structures. Denial of this site coverage variance would result in continued practical difficulties or hardship for the owners. CnHRlrru AppLrcATroN MRncn 27,2006 WRrrreH SrRrenleNr In addition to alleviating the afore-mentioned drainage problems, the proposed site variance would reduce the violation of what is presently a nonconforming building. The nanow slot which we are seeking to fill is a violation of design review guidelines as neither single family homes nor duplexes are permitted to be separated. The proposed construction would solve the existing drainage problems and bring the building in line with the DRB guidelines. The location of the area which we are proposing to infill is not within view of any structures in the vicinity. The new square footage will be located between the two units, thus the approval of a site coverage variance would not have any impact on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Approval of the requested site coverage variance would have no effect on light or air, distribution of population, transportation, trafiic facilities, utilities or public safety these factors. By filling the l0-foot slot, the Cahalins would be re-plafting the illegal, detached duplexes to create a single family home. This would bring the building into compliance with the Town of Vail policies. Please review the aftached Memorandum ftom Gommunity Development Department dated June 10, 1991 and Jack K. Snow's letter dated May 10, 1991 to the Planning and Environmental Commission. We are seeking the same site coverage variance previously approved by the Town of Vail for the former owners of the Cahalin Duplexes (the Stanleys). MEMORANDT'M Planning and Environmental Commission Communiry Development Department June 10, 1991 . -./.l) _-) ,"!'1 \^\-i. 4,. ,' v. 4',J tt\ .' \ ' \ 1 t'4., iN\v \\-l .i ,lrI ' iit" ,."p\ It' tl $' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:A request for a site coverage variance for an existing Secondary unit within a primary/secondary development, located on Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/l816 Sunburst Drive' Applicanu Jack StanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a site coverage variance in order to infrll an approximately l0 foot wide area, Iocated between the primary and secondary units, and a portion of the covered walkway to the secondary unit. The allowable site coverage on rhe site is 3,214 sq. ft. The existing site coverage is 3,404 sq. ft. .The proposed site coverage is 3,622 sq. ft. The site is currently 6To or 190 sq. ft. over the allowable site coverage of 20V0. The applicant's request is to allow a 6Vo rncrease in site coverage over the existing site coverage. This site coverage increase amounts to an additional 218 sq. ft. over the existing site coverage. This resuls in the project being 408 sq. ft. pver the allowed site coverage. If the expansion iiapproved,.site coverage would be l).5-! 9r 12.6%o over the allowable. Th 67o of site coverage over the allbwed. The applicant must obtain DRB approval of aciditional GRFA square footage as allowed under the 250 Ordinance for the secondarv unit in conjunction with this variance request in order for ttre redevelopment as proposed to occur. The project is currently 829 sq. ft. over the allowable GRFA for the site. II. BACKGROUND On March 6, 1991, the Design Review Board reviewed the redevelopment proposal for the structure, which included the addition of three spruce trees. The DRB voted unanimously to approve the proposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolution of site coverage interpretation issue by Community Development Department staff. 2. New stone work must match existing, or existing stone work be removed and all new stone be installed If new stone is to be installed, material must be presented to DRB for review and approval. The applicant also desires to infill the walkway to the front door of the primary unit. This walkway is located underneath a deck. The applicant believes thar under the revised 1991 site coverage regulations, the walkway to the primary unit which is located beneath a deck, should count a:l site coverage. Thercfore, the applicant has appealed the stafFs decision regarding what constirutes site coverage under the 1991 revised site coverage definition (see attached lencr from applicant's reprcsentative, Jack Snow). This memo will address only the site coverage variance rcquest as it relates to the secondary unit. M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Site Area: 16,069 sq. ft. Site Coverage: Allowable: 3,214 sq. ft. (20Vo) Existing: 3,404 sq. ft. (26Vo) Proposed: 3,622 (32.6Eo) hoposed over existing: 218 sq. fr Proposed over allowed: 408 sq. ft. GRFAJ Allowed: 4,707 sq, ft .-1 --7 Existing: 5,536 sq. ft. 4o I ,hoposed: 5,745 sq. tt.* -lb-- * This amount of proposed GRFA includes the existing GRFA plus the 250 sq. ft. minus 4l sq. ft. that is being removed from the project. ry. CRTTEzuA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Departrnent rccommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Considerarion of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Due to the location of the areas which the applicant proposes to infill, staff believes approval of the variance will have no impact on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The additions will not be highly visible as the new square foouge is located primarily between the wo unis. o 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. As currently constructed, rwo large roof areas drain onto the deck area between the two units. This siruation pr€sents major drainage problems for the existing structures. The 218 sq. ft. variance could possibly be avoided by using the 250 sq. fr if the addition were designed entirely within the existing walls of the secondary unil However, staff felt it was reasonable to allow for the additions to be located in the space between the two units. Staff believes the granting of this variance rcquest is warranted because of the unique circumstances surrounding how the strucilres were built and the resulting drainage problems. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Approval of the requested variance would have no effect on the above factors, with the exception of public safety. The lot is located in a blue and red avalanche area, high severity rockfall and high hazard debris flow. All studies per the Townof Vail hazard regulations shall be completed and, if necessary, mitigation measures incorporated into the building permit appiication before a building permit will be released for the expansion. No portion of the expansion can occur in the red avalanche zone. The Plannine and Envimnmental Commission shall make the followine findinss beforc eranting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classilied in the same disrict. That the gnnting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The srict literal interprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. B. ) There are exceptions or exnaordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to othet properties in the same zone. The stict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes there is a basis to support a sitc coverage variance request for infilling the area between the primary and secondary residences and the covered walkway to the secondary unit because of the unusual configuration of the npo units on the site. Staff recommends approval of this variance request, subject to frndings 1,2,3(A),3(B) and 3(C). Staff supports this application subject to the following conditions: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain a geologic hazard s_urvey for thc site. The applicant will be rcquired to perform any mitigation required under the study. Installation of additional landscaping in the front yard. Staff suggests rhis additional landscaping include 3 spnrce (2 at 6 feet and 1 at l0 feet) and 8 aspen. e\rc\nernos\tanlcy.6l 0 L.':,-'l?_:" b. c. I 4,"4,,r ". /,/.!,{ 4 '/'rr' s,). -,i .- .". . ,-/ 2./';-'.;/' ,4-.(t 2 a?:,V.rc) '"'-. i - -^ )<''..'ll t -i ':'.. '-: !|,.. : .2. .--.'t:i /.;-'- 4.- ./ ! _: .-. ( fai' .o ( ' sxo t'lAY l Bis:rl f i g'fl ' f"{ ?- "" f ,.f"t 3 Y"'? f'Vg'S May 10, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail75 South Frontage Rd.VaiI Co. 81657 Re: Appeal of Planning Staff Decision and, if necessary Variancefor the Stanley Duplex (1816 Sunburst Dr.). Dear Sirs: The basis of this appeal is the belief that we are proposing to reduce the violation of a nonconforming building. Currently (andwith this proposal) the duplex is under on GRFA, but over onallowable site coverage. The approach was, t,herefore, to infillareas of existing site coverage with living space and thus providethe needed floor area without increasing the existing site coverage. Our bone of contention is, therefore, the definition ofsite coverage, and specifically what is existing coverage on thislot.This is a two fold issuel let's start with the easy one. Weproposed to infill the existing covered walk believing that thenewly adopted reguJ-ations clearly address this. "Building areashall incLude all buildings, carports, porte cocheres, arcades, andcovered or roofed walkways. " Therefole, one would reason, a coveredwalk is in fact building area. Not so, at least according to theplanning staff, they feel that the following sentence rnodifies thisto exclude any covered walk within 4' of the face of the buiJ-ding-"In addition to the above, buildinlt area shall also'include anyportion of roof overhang, eave, or covered stair, covered deck,covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends norethan four feet from the exterior face of perirneter building wallsor supporting colurnn. " I am fairly fluent in the English language,but for the l-ife of me I can not see how any sentence beginning "Inaddition to the above, building area shall also include... " canreduce those items considered site coverage. ff the intent is toexclude all construction within 4' of the perimeter walls then inthe future this regulation should be asrended to state that clearly. The second area of confusion, is the narror,lt slot between thebuildings that:1.) is a violation of several design review guidelines:a) roofs should not drain onto decks.b) Duplexes shall be designed to appear asunit.2.1 presents rnajor drainage problems forstructures. a single the existing P.O. BOX 45 EDWARDS. COLORADO 81632 - 303-926-2286 ot ,- il-?ri.:,r' , , ''.e*,11*i';.' '--r':l-_ L'ii -:* - - ' '.|. 1' .:ao The existing slot is ten feet across covered at ground level withdecking and with_ a roof that overhangs from either side to providea narrow 5' wide slot to the shy. ft was our belief tliat theclarification sent, by the planning staff that Etated that "cutouts,.wourd be counted as building area addressed this issue. whire, thiscertainly is not as cut and dry as the previous issue this seems areasonable interpretation of the letter. rf this staff decision cannot be overruled at_ the appear stage this certainly seems a faircandidate for a variance.1.)The proposed construction would in fact reduce theapparent mass and bulk of the structure by red.ucing theexcessive overhangs2.) Solve the existing drainage problens. ].)BrinS the building in line with the DRB gnridelines (ithas been approved pending resolution of the site coverageissue) .4.) All of this while totally out of view of the neighborsand having no i-urpact whatsoever on light, - air,transportation, population traffic, utilities or publicsafety.fn conclusion, a great deal of tfure (and Mr Stanley's money) hasbeen spent on what was felt to be reasonable interpretations bt ttretowns guidelines. While, we understand, it is no sinple task towrite these guidelines, until they are properly edited it seemsonly reasonable that they are interpreted on what they say, not onthe unexpressed intent. Thank you. .--..--.'... Jack K. SnowArchitect I Qr-.<:1,:= v-) I I i iII I r, {?li ['il il 6flr \ \, iI I l l I I o7 't, ei8-i9:l-"1 \I t$\t I vt I , !FH $r 1t L ta 1 F a \l I .lItTq Is ts.I 1 ri J0{tit( I 1\ir" -(ula.t{t\t)-$\F!ll -< o fr.---/\ v)?P<Zrtrc (1g 4Y3,- X--'{ fi-5 rO Qa tI\ d It ti J,x SIT I ;q I 1 Page I of I Bill Gibson - 1816 Sunburst Flom: Bill Gibson To: snow@rkdarch.comDate: tU29120051:29 PM SubJect 1816 Sunburst ' Jack, Per our files, here are the development statistics for 1816 Sunburst: Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Lot size: 16,059 sq.ft. Geologic Hazards: avalanche, rocKall, and debris flow (a site speciflrc hazard analysis will be required) Min. Setbacks: 20 ft. front, 15 ft. sides and rear Max. GRFA: 6,906 sq.ft. Max. Site Ooverage: 3,214 sq.ft. (per file 3,317 sq.ft. o<isting) Min. Landscape Area: 9,541 sq.ft. Max. Heighh 33 ft. sloping roof, 30 ft. flaVmansard roof Min. Parking: per constructed GRFA Let me know if you have any questions, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452tax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW) 0000l.HTM 12/2912005 Design Reuiew Board ACTIOII FORl"l Department of Community Deyelopm€nt 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2r.39 fax: 970,,{79.2452 weh: www.uailgov-rom Prolect ilame: Project Description: Garage conversion into home theater Participants: owNER CAHALIN, JOHN K, & HELEN JO O9l25l200r 3022 NE zOTH CT FT I.AUDERDALE FL 3330s APPLICANT Greg Conway O9l25l2OOL Phone: 376-4581 Project Address: Legal Descrlptlon: Parcel Number: Commentsi POB2729 Avon, CO 81620 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTION Location: LotI 1-A BIocK Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG 2101-091-0301-3 DRB ilumber: DR8010322 Action: DGIRED Date of Approval: DRB Fee Paid:$20.OO Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: Planner: I0l,u\,m ,Iu\r'Application for Design Revi Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application is br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring receive appmval prior to submiting a building permit application. Please reftr b the submittal requirernents for the particuhr apprwal that is requesEd. An application fur Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infurmation is received by the Community Development DeparEnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. of the Request: JT ft3o,ooo design review' must Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: *Parcel xo,rL Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: -AOwner(s) Signature(s): Name of Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) For consuuct'ron of a new building or dano/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, sttdl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, hnces and rebining walb, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re/iew Board 5\)r Type of Review and Fee: E New Constnrtimtr Addition $200 $s0 $20d uinor elteratirn tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 I0fifr,m\r\- I, (print namel$(s\ (AI\AJ-It-\ . a jointowner description) provide this leter as written approval of the plans o""o O? l1 O I which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department for the proposed improvemenE to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townb applicable codes and regulations. CqIOI (Signature)(Date) JOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER gf property located at (address/legal rt 97G3764581, 97G477-2881 tox gJconwoy@compuserve.com conwoybullders,com DAIE: los,{:}pv'rh - pRoJECT: {trrc.r-.41t*tfu il,1 l l .ffl i l h /'o, '-'-a.iil ] '-t I'\ i-q n,lt, V*ir-=-+, tt :, .tt fb4 Ia .ri ?l- J 'j ii .* a-. |4 ; :- i ? i I ; l*r.(-" : , I {pa #ra ; €1 I i-....... :-" ta i- i i t' i .- l-- rt 970-37 (-4€81 . 97U477 -2881 tox gjconwoy@compuserve,com conwqybuilders.com DAIE: 1lPROJECT: II?rorce& :i" '- -- iI f,,r +l l + +i I .:f { -"f 15. : a" .|-D " .: : l rt 97G37 6-4581 . 970-477 -2881 fox g[conwoy@compuserve.com conwoybullders.com DATE: Lo- UtncA R a o.r\D€^/*T IPRorEcn W : : T;... ''':''.''i :l .i-i '! i i I ''. ;., ' j I.l l . -.'1 l :i l 3e : ,&! .-t-?t0o Ya .,'',',.''.' :.. . i t....... j. , i"- * 1- l i.. .....-... I i : i ,: ' I __- ' t JJ rS I !i I I 1..,i- .. :'' ': i .: I ! :: '-1 t,'IA"l lLot i I .aY i i : i i fr, .. :.... , ' '1o/ -f' :.F, -Ur:p : ... t l -'b, ;'? Q"t-+ ea t7 7l lJa /,{9."t*; f ,i\ | *+*,'trt'> F*4..r.-t ..+4-iry.*Y! lfi:rtJ;f #$).rr,{/61il1: |u{- I Y | &".q{4 D rll 0''l o^ Arl ri : I :''',''",',','.-; le"-t' i' 'r t;; j; * &'uil In t,lt"r.t tt #r,+., ii ';i { l .:i.. * + f 't'tr * +**** *,|{r * * 't*'i**:t'tr** +**'tr* +'t*,i * *+ * 'tr * *+** * ****.r* * ** * * * *!t*!*** t'f 'r** ** **** 'l * * ** *,} ** ***+ ** *+ * TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Staternent *** * **,i* * * * * ***tt * * * * * * ** 't 'i * 'l * 'f 'f *,1**,S,i * * * * * * tl. 'l 't 't * + * * + * * *** * * * {. {. * * * * * * * * * * *,lt * 'l'f + * * * * * * * * * * + * * * Statement Number: R000001429 Amount: $20.00 09/25/2OOIO9:43 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: JAR Notat.ion: 1540 Permit No: DR8010322 fype: DRB - Mj.nor Alt.eration Parcel No: 21010 9103 013 Site Addreee: 1816 St NBIJRST DR l,'AIL, Location: Total- Feea: 920.00 ThiE Payment: $20.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0 - 00 {'*!t* *'t*!t*'t'}**{'*'t* **'}'}lr** * * * ** * * * ** ****** ** * ** 'l* * * ** * {r *:t** * * * ** 't '} * ** *'t * ** * ***'** *** **** * *** * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,',| FEES 20. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 CONTRACTOR CONWAY BUILDERS P.O. BOx. 2729 AVON, CO t5!ozu License : 244-8 APPLICANT CONWAY BUILDERS P.O. BOX 2729 AVON, CO 8r620 Deposit Refundi<_ Ilrrr"r oF coN,rMLrNIrrv o'v''e]r NOTE: THIS PERIVIIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT T]TLE: ADD/ALT SFR BL'ILD PERMIT Job Address: l816 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location.....: l8l6 swrbwst dr ParcelNo...: 210109103013 ProjectNo : ?ft-Sooozqq MUNS, WTLLTAM R. & LUDMTLLA L!/02/2000 Phone: PO BOX 249 CHICO TX /bftJr L1-/ 02/2000 Phone: 970-376-458L ISSIJED 1t/02t2000 1r/r712000 051t612001 OWNER T-EE SLNINIARY Factor Sq Feet $66, ooo. 00* Tovn of Vail Adjustcd Valuation:$66,000.00 d ofGas Logs: 0 S of Wood Pallet: 2 ****'r****)i*r*****)****,*)txr****'l'**x******ata*ta*,3********,l,arl,lrt,** Building----> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will Call---:- .Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee------> Paym€nts---_-> BALANCE DLIE-----> $0.00 $1,293 . s0 50.00 957o. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> g3?o - 50 DRB Fee---------> So . 00 Recreation Fee------ > 93 . o0 Clean-up Deposir---- TOTI\I FEES-------> So. oo Tolai Calcuiated Fees..--> ;100.00 90.00 s250.00 1,L/02/2OO0 CD lL/t3/2000 cdawis Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT u-/a6/2000 AK Action: NO Action: AP PI,ANS TO CIIARIJIE MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS ON PI,ANS Action: AP Must comply to DRB approval . Both units must have same exterior finishes. Note: Bui lding in a geologically sensitive area - no GRFA to be added. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM| Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. \)6"--\ U".\!.-{ 3 "\,\\^.,+q Permit #: 800-03 16 Status . . . : Applied. . : Issued . . : Expircs . .: Approvals:Iiem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT u. / 02 / 2ooo enone ifflP/$6rffit*. Dev. Clean-up approved amount fifi#' ":"::il:, *lliill :iilil::,fi"="-:::":';:ii'il"i[at6"prace .' F *W wal-l- i-nsta1l heat.ed 6r'nrrvrrnnrr Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Fireplacelnformation: Restricted: N drive way Type Totals. # ofGds Applianc€s: 0 PAGE 2 **** *r! {.{.** ****{.************!t ************ ***:t**,t +*******+********** i.*** ****,t**+***************i.***r.rt***t'* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 800-0316 as of I l-17-2000 Stahrs: ISSUED **********x *******+:i**+**********+****+:i**+*+:i**********************{c******:***************+*+:}********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: ll/0212000 Applicant: CONWAY BLIILDERS Issued: ll/17/2000 Job Address: l816 SLINBURST DR VAIL Location: 18 16 sunburst dr ParcelNo: 210109103013 * i.'*:t * ** * i. ** *,tr*{' *** {.* * * ** * *** * * ** * ***** * *** {.**** * * * * ****{.* ** **:lr ***** *:|( * ** * **+:t** ** ** * ***:r****+** * **+*f+*+ CONDITIONS **{.*** *********** ********** ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * i! * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *:t i( ** * ** * * Condr 12 FIEI,D INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,TANCE' Cond: 16 sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AL,,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF TI{E ]-997 IIBC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application- filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the torvns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJ'RS IN .{DV Send Clean-up Deposit To: CoNWAYU BLTILDERS AT 179-2138 I OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PN{. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE +*****************d.r.*****+*++****:r***'**{.**+:}+*:f******+***t *** *** ***** * +:i * **** *,lt** * *** *** ** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on ll-17-20fi) at 09:15:51 l'^ll?Dtn0 Statemsnt ** *******:t*,|(t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * ** {. * * * * * * 'F* * * **'1. * *:1.* * **:t *:f ** *:* *,1. * * * *1.* * *,1. '1.* * * +{tt ****** statement Nundcer: Rooo0oo213 Amount: $1,293.50 rL/I7/20OO09:12 AM Palment Method: Check Init: Ao Notation: Check *1413 Permit No: 800-03L6 type: ADD/AIrT SFR BUILD PERMIT ParceL No: 210109103 0l-3 Site Address: 1815 SUNBURST DR vAIIr L,ocation: 1815 sunburst dr Total Fees: $1, 293 .50 This Payment: $1,293.50 Total ALr, Pmts: $1'293.50Balance: $0 .00 ***************.*****************************1.**************,1'1.****+*******++********'|'l'***+* {'* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts AD DZ-DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS 25O.OO BP OO1OOOO31111()O BUILDING PERM]I FEES 57O,OO DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE'I"J FEES 1OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 370.50 |^lc 00100003112800 l,,lILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 3.00 <; rgro2.oO:E ,4oz.oo(, .;|ll fl oul|\| o!l o tEio E a uE.o t{ E F 6E '.t tsfr :! l{ 6 Er-z}1D40Er(.'oFI{ arazo dil(,a fi &EF Hol t co rt 6I 6l F al{{) E Xlr ,2.;txT= OEOAo o 2EDD!.OH-x4 EF Ud E{ li22 E9or( I BEaci9Hil R E HEotrB-E6 F a El{|{ xH 2 tH!ECIURqUE IE H CaE S9E 6- F.!ao !lF o D :.!EIc z B l{ oApo ;: dD cdt> E-rL&|4 o4gEdtEE OAAE AppLrcArrOvrLr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpraiR mvn0|vut 75 S. Frontace Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 \ 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! ConEd Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # LlolcPrtOSOl3 +ol.r :oo ruame:ffll|Ar.rr*r K*r-rob Address: l8t S[.lFr u?$r fu- Legal Description Lot: I elock: $;irine{tr1fl prrcrtA ll suooiuirion, owners Name:loor, KC}ur*r-ru ll ndoress:3i5221.1E zoT*lo.,er ll enone{${ -s15 -9c35 ArchitecVDesioner:b. t l.i rr€Lr-<r-NGe€.-d61ffii i'fr6F i;'rt'rfrl1 enonei/D 31o -Gos7 Engineer:Address:Phone: w$!#"fi Pi{Pf #tlfffi )Yl$s:s,.t5',)4hffi -ri"p26uffi "/dff t;,},tr-l\g\ Fu-Ngts u.l^Jb\^r/RbF*.E {(A6rrte f9lrr--v,I 0Exhfu.grtj. r+EArEo fAve/llEft-ke (JAa -/.tWorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel fi) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (t/r/Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family $zfTwo-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TvDe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Woodi Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (4- L No/Type of FireDlaces Proposed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (y)- No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No [-.f y/q COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ 5(), OOo ELECTRTCAL: $ lo,ooo OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 5,OOO MECHANICAL: $ J, OOO rorAL: s L4U,@O REFUN D cLEAN up DEpoSrr ro: COSWA\ €Utr-.uef..g tU, b* Z72q luru . L0, BlbTD CONTRACTOR IT{ FORMATION General Contractor: /^6tE CBuwAx l// /Town of Vail Reg. No.:44-e Contact and Phone #'s; 1lo- z1G -4s81 Contractor Signature:,4/l /hztt 'na- ,t'' - \l**************'k?k****'r**t***,r*r(*,k**/.***r.lloR oFFICE USE ONLY***:t**r.**r.*:r**i+**?r*************^r***** F;/everyone/forms/bldgperm POBox2729 Avon, CO 81620 970-376-4s81 970-477-2881 fax gj conway@compuserve.com conwaybuilders.com January 30,2003 Town of Vail Building Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Bldg permit #BOO-0316, l8l6 Sunburst Dr., Cahalin residence Dear Building Department, The purpose of this letter is to confirm that we, Conway Builders and nobody else, are responsible for the clean-up at 1816 Sunburst. We have cleaned the job site just prior to the early arrival of snow and we can positively, absolutely and with qualification confirm that the is no construction debris of any type around the job site. Additionally, we positively confirm that we will thoroughly, in detail, re-clean the entire exterior and landscape. Lastly, we want to assure you that as a general contractor working under the good grace and authority of the Town of Vail Building Department, that we are solely and unequivocally responsible for the cleanliness ofthe referenced iob at 1816 Sunburst, 6y Build VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT O NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT 1816 SLINBURST DR VAIL 1816 sunburst drive 210109103013 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPART 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Permit #: A01-0015 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 02/22/2001. Issued. . : 02/n/2001. Expires. .: 08/22/2001. OWNER CAHAT-,IN iTOHN K. AITD 3022 N.E. 20TH CT. FT. I-,AUDERDAI,E, FI,. 33305 License; coMIRjAcToR TTMBERLINE EL,EcTRoNrc soLvTTo2/22/2ool Phone z 97o-926-o999 P.O. BOX 2338 EDWARDS, CO 87.632 License: l- 03 -S Desciption: install fire alarm system to both sides of duplex. one wireless, one hardwire.Valuation: $950.00 FEE SUN{MARY HELEN JO02/22/2OOL Phone: F\etr u;<r n".e^-.,'-.-s Electrical------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation---> Will Call----> $s0.00 $0.00 s0.00 s3 .00 $53.00 $0.00 s53 - oo 9s3.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments----------> TOTAL FEES-> S53.OO BALANCE DUE--._-> $O. OO Approvals:I€e.m: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/22/2oo1. mvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVALCond: CON0004561 Entry: o2/22/2ooL By: mvaughan Action: AP DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR rNSPf,,CTrOl SHALL BO MADE TWENTI'-FOtrR HOURS lll TELEPHONE AT Dp\clL'? Ltq. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *** ** * t + +* + + ** * * * * * * * ** * * i *+ * * + + * * + * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * + *+ * * f ** * * * ** * * * f+ + + * *+* *** f * * *** ** Statement Nurdber 3 RoOOOoO4?2 Anounts: $53,00 02/23/2OOIO9:11 AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *32L2/Tilllr&,erline Electronic Permit No: A01-0015 T),'pe: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 210109103 013 Site Addreag: 1815 SI'NBURST DR VAfL Location: 1816 Eunburst drive ToEaI FeeE: $53.00 Thie Palment: $53.00 Total ALL PnEE: $53'00 Balance: $0,00 **** * *** * *t **t** | * ++ ** ++ + + + ++ + + * *t f * * *+ {.{. * **+ + * + ++* t * * ** * *'} *+ + * * ** * * +*+ + * f ** * * *** * * ++ t * * **** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr iotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POhJER PERMITS hJC OO1OOOO31128OO I.JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3.00 o oOa'uaz-a-t &), / tr/, 9*G,etr hm c-- +6 UDPaz Latt+u ?taa t+lflgu-t *ve" rA'v, E-*g-7 9cQ4'-1 (ez4e L-tua'tzo J €+rcern 6lhA{f4.w "G) *cD @ 8e*>"u' [..cf . 9'l/vl Age--1 bq+t/ Lal..- o (_?24) o @ /ilt 9-.-,8,-rr--7 6g Vgl/t-'TotO+t n ata.>tz< ++4tr ?ornz,t-arz- ?tq Ptr) . qkG) ea?/tr'*-a@ o o Aautt+" k-l , /Ytt j--Ezrtqm- V+,,t[-"*uA Uat+(- n*d tV@ \raorru.4 9v*?c{p €-r,.,,.ov< &zaPb&yt*rsz- (a"C<- liyqz fuZ 4o-F1e &sa___5 WveP< G) ALa44{ &--^+- JAre-?ta;n u,pf+a- t/z/+U 6* AQeF Itvwt t*ve- /-o,qn Lzd/i.L. €te?N> L.ef{ | Bta D CENTRAL SECUR]TY COMMUNICATION, INC. c€ntrol securiiy communlcollon, Inc. (CSCD hos been monl'oring electronic- oquip- ment since 1963. Or-rr compony wos one of the first fully oLiomoted centlo: siotions in the weste'n uniled siotes. cscl hos kept up wrth the current technology ond slnce l9B9 CSCI hos moiniolned o uL Listed stotus icr Protective signoling services ond o Clcss I Denver Fire License, cscl nos been fomily owned ond oceroled since ']973 ond hos hod o sieody growlh rote since ils inception. our operotors ore licensec, fine€rprinted, ond hove o thor- ough bockground check to ensure the security of your system The operoiors then pofricipote in on extensive in+touse lroinlng progrom resultlng in eificient hondling of your signols, cscl beheves slrongly in'edundonT ecuipmen'in order 10 ]eceive your olorrr sig- nols occurctely. Thiiinvolves bockup computer systerns, bockup recelvers, oockup botteries. o bockup power generotor. onc o multitude of spore equipment lhat can be instollsd when needed. our outomotion scftwore is produced by Monitoring Au- tomolion syste.ns (MAS), MAS is +he premler outomotion softwore in the industry cnd hos o iechnlcol stoff ovoioble 24 hours - 365 doys o yeor' Our mission is -o mo4iror you'oorm.We do no- sell, irstol', or servlce o'orm systens' We ore commltted tc monltoring your systorn in o profossionol monner through o cbse ossocioiion wiih your olorm insioller Be ossured thoi, regoldless cf the type of olorm lronsrnilted to us we will hondle it with speec. Occurocy ond professionollsm. CENTRAL SECURITY COMM., INC. 1117 8th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631(970)352-3662 825-8195 1-800.44r.3662 For rnore Infrclmolion, pleose contoct your Alom Insfqller: Serving the Alarm Industryqin,:a t Q6A o TAITTEXATIGEITSTA]I,AIIOTI AilD rt{srRucTtots PA40O{" PSl2LO, PS12M, PS24[O*, and PS24M* Electronic Mini.Sounders and Optional Strobes*UfC models add sufix 'A'; avallable in 24VDC only. Add sulffx "R" for red models; "W" for whlte models; "B' for Belge model. PA{fil, add suffix 'F" to models wlth flrc prlnled on front. iS Seuson A Division of Pittway 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174 1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 63G377-6495 wwwsystemsens0rcom The Products to which thls manual applies may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patent numbers: 5,546,293 and 5,488,462 Specificeriom PA400 Sounder Operating Voltage: Curent Drain: Temperature Range: Sound Output: PSl2/24 Strobe MOOEL PS12L0(W)PSl2M PS24Lo(W)PS24M(W)PS24LoA(W)PS24MA(W PaneiVdtago 12-17 VDC 't2-17 VDC 22.5 - 30 VDC 2.5.30 VDC 22.5.30VDC 22.5. 30 VDC Max. Cumm Drain @ Listed Pand Voliage 50 rnA '180 mA 25 ftA 75 mA 50 mA 180 mA Min. Lirht orlDut O 1oo% ViodftiAr](i[e (See Frq 2) - -l.5candda 15 candeh 1.5 candela 15 candda 1.5 cand€h 15 cand€la Temperature Range:0"C to 49"C (32"F to 120"F) Under no circumstances can the PS24 voltage exceed 33VDC or be less than I8VDC. Under no clrcurnstances can the PSl2 voltage exceed 18.7VDC or be less than 9.6VDC. Ib calculate battery r€quirements, use current values shown above. However, note that there is an in-rush current associated with strobe power-up. The information in Figures 3 and 4 is useful when selecting fuse values. As Figure 3 shows, lzv strobe in-rush current typically peaks at 3A and drops to nominal in 60095. ln a 24Y strobe (Figure 4) , in-rush current typically peaks at 7.0A and drops to nominal in 800;:5. Note: If class "A" wiring is installed, the wire length may be up to 4 times the single wire length in this calculation. Figrrc 3. 12 voh strobe inruCr cunent:Figure rt. 2{ yolt sttobe an{ush q|l].nt: 1!,/div 9.6VDC (absolute min.) to 33VDC (absolute max.) 12 mA at l2 volts 15 mA at 24 volts -10"C to -r60"C (14'F to 140"F) 0'C to 49'C (32"F to 120"F) with snobe added Greater than 90 dBA measured in anechoic room at 10 feet, 24 volts. See Figure I for other voltages. 82 dBA minimum measured in UL teverbarant room (75 dBA minimum with strobe) Figure l:Figrrre 2:".-\J-* r00a !x* 10or-----------89-- -_-B_-If'-l*-ti t-'*l'l I 200/S/div 2cDr6/div Gcnerel lnfoflnrtion The National Fire Protection Association has published codes, standards, and recommended practices for the installation and use of the above appliances. Therefore, the installer must be familiar with these requirements, with local codes, and any spe- clal requlrements of the authority having jurisdiction. Model PA400 The PA400W (white), PA400R (red), and PA400B (beige) Piezo Alert electronic sounder and optional supplementary signal strobes are intended to be connected to the alarm indicating cir- cuit of a Ullisted 12 or 24 VDC firc alarm control panel. The models PSIZ and PS24 optional strobe additions to the PA400 require a 12 VDC or 24 VDC panel, rcspectively and are able to operate from a full-wave rectified, unfiltered supply. lnit llation flotes The wiring must be in compliance with all codes and must not be of such length or wire size that would cause the appllance to operate outside of its published specifications. The appliances must also be tested after installation in accordance wlth the con- trol panel manuf'acturer's test procedure. NOIE: Do not loop wires under terminal screws. Wires connect- ing the device to the panel must be broken at the device screw terminal in order to maintain electrical supervlsion' DmO-13-00 I56-0305-010R ilonnting FA4fil Sounders l. The PA400 is lntended for mounting to a standard 2-1/2" deep single-gang box which allows sulffcient clearance for condult entrance. 2. The PA400 is cornpatible with DC line supervision. The Piezo Alert ls polarlzed and has terminals marked with polarity. Apply positlve supply voltage to the (+) terminal and negatlve supply voltage to the (-) terminal. (See Ftgure 5.) 3. Mount the appliance to the electrical outlet box using the two mountlng screws supplled. 4. Field repair of the PA400 should not be attempted. Retum to factory for repair or rcplacement. PSIZ or PS24 Stnobes These optional strobes arc htermnnected to the PA400 by first removlng the two mounting screws from the sounder. Use a small screwdriver to punch out the skinned-over areas as indicated ln Figure 6. Install the adapter plate on top of the sounder and screw the combined sounder and adapter plate to the electrical outlet box. Make surc field wiring terminals are orlented in the upward positlon when mounted in the outlet box. Next, slide the strobe directly into the slots In the plates. The positive solder lug may be colored red or marked with a plus sign (-+). This lug must be in the slot closest to the field wiring terminals. Grasp the catch area on each end of the strcbe and squeeze while applying lnward force. Make sure the strobe catches fully engage the slots ln the adapter plate and that no gap appears at the interface between the strobe and adapter plate. Figrro 5: From conlrol panel or previous device' reversed ln supervisory conditlon. F[u. e A7&r7?8-{n .To EOL or Ncxt Device Panel polarlty A?8- 1315S Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm Systems IAWARNNGI thc L- fri'rd! ot So|rdar. .ra StroD.. System Sensor's sounder and slgnal strobe is designed lo provide fire and security hazard warning. The strobe ls for supplementaqr slgnallng use only. The sounder or sounder/stmbe comblnatlon wlll not work wlthout power. The sounder or sounder/strobe gets its power from the flre or security panel monitoring the alarm system. If power is cul off for any rea- son, the sounder or sounder,/strobe combination will not pmvide the desired audlble or visual waminS. The sounder may nol be heard. The loudness of the sounder meets or exceeds current Underwriters laboratories' standards. however. the sounder may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recendy used drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The sounder may not be heard if it is placed ln an area which is lsolated by a closed door, or if it is locat- ed on a different floor from the person in ha:anl or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as tlamc. air conditionels. machlnery or music appliances that may prevent alert persons fmm hear- ing the alarm. The sounder rnay not be heard by persons who re hear- lng lmpalred. The slgnal strobe may not be seen. The electronic vtsual wamlng signal meets or exceeds current Underwriters Laboratorles' standad 1638. The visual waming signal is suilable for dt€ct vlewlng and must be tnstalled withtn an area where lt can be seen by buildlng occupants. The strobe must not be installed in direct sunlight or areas of htgh ltght lntenslty where the vlsual flash might be dlsregarded or not seen, The strobe mqr not be seen by the vlsually impalrcd. The slgn l strobe may cause selzutrs. Indtl'tduals who have a posldve photlc response to visual stimuli with seizues, such as ep epdcs, should avold prolonged exposure to environments in which stsobe dgnals, including this sfobe. are activatec. nr.OVlJ lilli|.d Ur|rf|tt System Sensor warrants its enclosed sounder/stmbe to be free from defects in materials and workmanstrip under normal use and service lbr a period of three years ftom date of manufacturc. System Sensor makes no other express uanarty for this sounder/strobe. No agent, rcprcsentati!€, dealer, or employee ofthe Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligatlons or limltations of this Wananry. The Company's obllgation of this r/vhranty shall be limited to the repair or rcplacement of any part of the sounder/strobe which is found to be defective in materials or work- manship under normal use and seMce during the tlree year period com- mencirig wlth the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor's toll free number 8@-SENSORz (736-7672) for a Retum Authorization number. send defective unlts postage prepaid to: Systenr Sensor, Repair Deparfiient, RA #-, 3825 Ohlo Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174. Please lnclude a note describing the malfunctlon and suspected cause of failure. The Company shail not be obllgated to repah or replace unla which are found to be defective because of damage, urueasonable tse, modlflcations, or alterations occurring after the date of manrdactu€. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequential or incidental dam- ages fcn breach of this or any other Wbrranty, expressed or irnplied what- soeveq even if the loss or damage ls caused by fie Company's negllgence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or llndtation of lncidental or consequendal damages, so the above limltadon or cxcluslon may not apply to you. This Whn"nty gives you spectfic legal dglrts, and you nu;r also have other rights which vary from state to state. D200-13-m 156-G|05-010Rc Svstem Sersor 1998 rilsrArAroil AnD tANr;ltcE trsrRucTtor{s 2 1 OOAT Photoelectronic oSSmoke Detector with Fixed Heat and Integral Temp3 Sounder SENSoR" Svsrem A Division of Pittway 38?5 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174 1 -800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495 Figure 1, Wiring diagram for the 21004T detector: IMPORTAilT: OBSERVE POLARIIY Polarity nust be observed on the power and remote annunciator connections. OPTIONAL CLASS A WIRING A78 23iGr5 t .l LilINITIATING LOOP LISTED Specifications Diameter: Height (including mounting bracket) : Weight: Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range: Latching Alarm: Audible Signal: Ileat Sensor: Electrical Ratings System Voltage (nominal) : Minimum: Maximum: Maximun Ripple Voltage: Standby Current: Alarm Ratings: Reset Voltage: Reset Time: Start-up Time: EOL Relay: Special Considerations: 5.5 inches ( 140 mm) 2.05 inches (52 mm) 7.5 oz. (210 g) 32" to 100"F (0' to 38"C) IAo/o to 93o/o Relative Humidity, Noncondensing Reset by momentary power interruption 85 dBA minimum when in alarm or r,r'ith suPPly polarity reversed 1 35' F Fixed Temperature Electronic Thermistor 12 or 24YDC 8.5 VDC 35 VDC 30o% of nom. Voltage (peak to peak) 50 pA average, 100 pA maximum 29 nrA typical at 12 VDC,63 mA typical at24YDC' 100 mA maximum (lf used, ifre ReaOOZ Remote Annunciator operates within the specified detector alarm currents.) 1.8 VDC minimum 0.6 seconds maximum 30 seconds maximum (after 60 sec. reset) A77-71€)8, 12/24VDC NOTE: Only one detector per zone shall be used, unless when in alarm the palel switches tire zone to a reverse potarity, non-current limited power st'FPly' For panels that do not provide this feature, a reversing relgy' suqh as Systgm Sensor's itR-l, may be used. Wren utilized with the 2100AT, it allows for morc than one de- tector to 6e utilized on a loop. Some panels may require the use of programmable outputs. Refer to System Sensor literature for further information on the RR-l' Th; A00AT detector shall not be mixed with other Z-wire detectors on the same zone. -Due to the built-in temporal pattern, use this detector only with a non-coded D200 6s 00 powef source. I56-1145-04 Figure 2. Surface mounting of 2l(X|Af smoke detee tor on 3rlr.inch and tlincNr octagonel box: A78"2563-03 Before Installing Please thoroughly read the System Sensor manual 156-407, Cuide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which pro- vides detailed information on detector spacing, placement, zoning, widng, and special applications. Copies of this manual are available at r1o char€ie from System Sensor. NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment. IMPORIANT: This detector must be tested and maintained following NFPA 72 requirements. The detector should be cleaned at least once a year. General llescription Model 2100AT is a 2-wire photoelectronic smoke detectors that uses a state-of-the-art optical sensing chamber. This detector also provides restorable, I 35'F fixed-temperature heat detection. The 2l00AT heat-detection unit is integrated ivith the photoelectronic sensor. This detector is designed to provide open area protectiorl and to be used with com- patible Ullisted panels only. In addition, a piezoelectric horn in each detector produces an interrupted, 85 dBA tone when the individual detector alarms or when the supply voltage polarity is reversed. Installation of this detector is simplified by the use of a mounting bracket and a plug-in screlv temrinal block that can be prewired to the s),'stem, allowing the detector to be easily installed or rernoved fol cleaning. The detector's sensitivity can be tested in place using the MOD400R Test Module. Figure 3. 2IOOAT smoke detcctor mounting bracket: An LED on the detector provides a local visual indication of the detector's status. If power is applied to the detector and it is functioning normally in standby within the listed sensi- tivity range, the status LED blinks every ten seconds. The LED also latches on in alarm. If the LED stops blinking, the unit should be removed for maintenance and insoection. The detectors also include an output that allows optional connection of the M4002 Remote Annunciator. tounting Each 2100AT detector is supplied with a mounting bracket that permits the detector to be mounted: 1. To a single gang box, or 2. Directly to a3-l/Z inch or 4 inch octagonal box, or 3. To a 4 inch square electrical box by using a plaster ring. Tamper-resistant Feature This detector includes a tamper-resistant feature that pre- vents its removal from the bracket without the use of a tool. To make the detector tamper-resistant, remove the smaller tab by breaking it at the scribed line on the tamper resistant tab on the detector mounting bracket (see Figure 3) , then install the detector. To remove the detector from the bracket once it has been made tarnper resistant, use a small screw- driver to depress the tamper-resistant tab, located in the slot on the mounting bracket, and turn the detector coun- terclockwise. Wiring Installation Guidelines All wiring must be installed in compliance with the Na- tional Electrical Code, applicable local codes, and any spe- cial requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction. Proper wire gauges should be used. The conductors used to connect smoke detectors to control panels and accessory devices should be color-coded to reduce the likelihood of wiring errors. Improper connections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire. The screw terminal block accepts 14 - 22 gauge wire. For best system performance, all wiring should be installed in separate grounded conduit. Do not mix fire system wiring in the same conduit as any other electrical wiring. Twisted pair rnay be used to provide additional prctection against D200,69 00 156- 1145.04 electrical interference. Smoke detectors and alarm system control paneis have specifications for allowable loop resistance. Consult the control panel specifications for the total loop resistance al- lowed for the control panel being used before wiring the detector loops. System Sensor smoke detectors are marked with a compat- ible identifier located as the last digit of a five digit code stamped on the back of the product. Connect detectors only to compatible control units as indicated in System Sensor's compatibility chart which contains a currenr list of UL- iisted compatible control units and detectors. A copy of this list is available from System Sensor upon iequest. Wire connections are made by stlipping about 1/4 inch of insulation from the end of the feed wire, inserting the wire into the appropriate terminal, and tightening the screw to secure the wire in place. ln3tallation Remove power fiom the control unit or initiating device cir- cuits before installing detectors. 1. lVire the plug-in screw terminal block per Figure 1 and plug the terminal block into the detector. 2. Align the amows on the detector with the anor,r's on the mounting bracket. 3. Ti.rrn the detector clockrvise in the mountinq bracket un- til it clicks into place. 4. After al! detectors have been installed, apply power to the control unit or initiating device circuits. 5. Test the detector as described in TESTING. 6. Reset the detector at the system control panel. 7. Notify the proper authorities the system is in operation. Dust covers are an effective way to iimit the entry of dust into smoke detector sensing chambers. However, thev rnay not completely prevent airborrte dust particles from enter- ing the detector. Therefbre, System Sensor recommends the Figure 4. Iop and side views of test switch position: PUSH RECESSEOSWITCHWIfiA0.18" MAX. DIAMETER TOOL removal of a",.tt.fore beginning conshuction or other dust producing activity. Be sure to remove dust covers from any sensors that r,vere left in place during cclnstruction as part of returning the system to sen'ice. Iesting NOTE: Before testing, notify the proper authorities thal the smoke detector system is undergoing mainte- nance and w'ill be temporarily out of service. Dis- able the zone or system undergoing maintenance to prevent unwanted alarms. Detectors must be tested after installation and following periodic maintenance. Test the 2100AT as follows: A. Test Switch 1. A recessed test switch is located on the detector hcus- ing (See Figure 4) . 2. Press and hold the recessed test switch with a 0.18 inch nraximum diameter tool such as an ailen lvrencti or small screwdriver. 3. The detector's LED should light within 5 seconds. B. Test Module (Systern Sensor Model No. MOD400R). The MOD400R test module can be used rvith a DMM or analog voltmeter to check the detector sensitivity as de- scribed in the test module's manual. C. Smoke Entry Test Hoid a smoldering punk stick or cotton wick at the side of the detector and gerrtly blow smoke through the de' tector until the unit alarms. D. Direct Heat Method (Hair dryer of 1000-1500 rvatts) Direct the heat toward either of the side therrnistors. Hold the heat source about 12 inches from the d€tector in order to avoid damage to the plastic. The detector lviil reset only after it has had sufficient time to cool and the power source has been momentarily interrupted. Both smoke and heat detection testing are recommended for verifying system protection capability. A detector that fails to activate with any of the above tests should first be cleaned as outlined in MAINTENANCE, If the detector still fails to activate, return it fbr repair. Notify the proper authorities the system is back in operation. luaintenance NOTE: Before removing the detector, notify the proper au- thorities that the smoke detector system is under- going maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. Disable the zone or system undergcing maintenance to prevent unwanted alarms. NOTE: Before renioving the detector cover, note the posi- tion of the thermistors. N4ake sure the thermistors are not bent over when the housing is replaced. D200.69-00 RECESSED ]ESIs\ /tTcll A?8-25610,1B 156- ll45-04 l. Remove the detector housing bv geffp.ying the lour housing tabs on the boitom of the base with a small- bladed screwdriver and pull the housing from the base. Use caution to avoid damaging the thermistors. 2. Vacuum the screen carefully without removing it. 3. Remove screen assembly, pulling straight out (see Fig- ure 5). 4. Remove the sensing chamber cover. 5. Clean the sensing charnber by vacuuming or biowirlg out dust and particles. 6. Replace the sensing chamber cover, aligning the arrow on the cover top with the arrow on the printed circuit board. 7. Replace the screen by placing the screen assembly over the sensing chamber cover and twisting until it snaps into place. 8. Replace the housing by aligning the three triangular slots on the base with thef counterparts on the hous- ing. Gently press the housing until it locks in place. Check to make sure that the thermistors are in the up- right position. o9. Reinstall the detector 10. Notify the proper authorities that the system is back in operation. Figure 5. Removal of cover and screen for cleaning: z,--.--.'-_.'/---- -_-----l - l!-:--.l-'----l \;' REr\.rovABLEI ____l--- HoustNG REMOVABLE SCREEN .- SENSING CHAMBER COVER[J-]riiil 478-2565-05 SENSING CHAMBER Ihe Limitatio{3 of Proporty Protcction Smo|te Detectorg This srnoke detector is designed to actlvate and initlal€ emergency ac- types of fires. Ionization detectors nfl'er a broad range of fire sersing capa- tion, but will do so onl) when it is used in conjunction with an authorized bility but they are somewhat better at detecting last flaming fires than fiic alarm system. This detectof must be installed in accordance with slow srnoldering fires. Photoelectric detectors sense smoldering fires better NFPA standarri 72. (For insmllation in Canada, refer to CAN/ULC-S524- than flarning fires wirich have lirtle, ifany, visible smoke. Because fires de- \191. Srandard lor the Installation of Fjre Alarm S.ystems, and CEC Part l, velop in difl'erent wals and are often unpredictable in their growth, nei- sec.32.) Smoke detectors will not work without power. AC or DC porvered smoke detectorc $'ill not $'ork if the power supply is cut off. rher type of detector is always best, and a given detector may not always provide early warning of a specific type of fire. In general, detecto$ camot be expected to provide warnings for fires re- Smoke detectors rtrill not sense fires whlch start where smoke does not suhing from inadequate frre protection praLlices, violent explosions, es- reach the detectors. Smoldering fires typically do not generate a lot of caping gases which ignite, improper storage of flammable liquids like heat which is needed to drive the smoke up to the ceiling where the cleaning soh,ents which ignile, other sinr ar safety hazards, arson, smok- smoke detector is usually located. Fol this reason, there ma1' be large de- ing in bed, children playing with matchLrs or lightcB, etc. Snnke detectors lays ili detecring a srnoldering fire with eithe| an ionization t)pe detector used in high air velocity conditions may have a delay in alam due lo dilu- or a photoelectric type detector Either one of them may alarm only after tion of smoke densities created by frequent and rapid air exchanges. Addi- flanrlng has initiated which will generate the heat needed tc drive the tionally, high air velocity environments may create increased dust srnoke to the ceiling.contanrination. demanding more lrequcnl maintenance. Smoke from fires in chimneys, in walls, on roofs or on the other side of a To keep your equipment in excellent working order ongoing rnai -enance closed door(s) may not reach the smoke detector and alarm it. A deteclor is requircd per the manufacturer's recommendations and UL and NFPA cannot detect a fire developing on arother level ofa building quickly or ar smndards. At a minimunr, the requlrements of Chapter 7 of NFPA 72, the all. Iior tlrese reasons. detectors shall be tocated on e\€ry level and ln National Fire Alarm Code. shall be followed. A preventative maintenance every bedroom withln a building.agieement should be arrcnged through the local manufacturer's represen- Smoke detectors have senslng limitatlons, too. Ionization detectors and tative. Though smoke detectors are dcsigned for long life, they may fail at photoclectiic detectors are required to pass fire tests of the flaming and any 1ime. Any smoke detector, fire alarm equipment, or any comFonent of smoldcring type. This is to ensure that both can detect a wide range of that syst€m whjch fails shali be repaired or replaced as soon as possible, nreo.ltc.r Llnitod U.lrantt System Sensor $arants its enclosed smoke detector to be frec from de- fects in materials and worlonanship undet normal use and service lbr a period 0f three years from date of manufacture. S),Etenl Sensor makes no other express wananty for this smoke detector No agent, representative, dealer or employee of the Company has the authodty to increase or alter the obligations or linitations of this Warranty. The Company's obligation of this \&'armnty shall be Iindted to the repair or replacement of any part of the smoke detector which is found lo be deiective irl materials or work- manship under normal use and service during the three year period com' mencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Serlsor's loll free number 800-SENSOR2 (730-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units poslage prepaid to: System Sensor, Repair Depan- ment, RA l+-__-,3825 Ohic Avenue, St. Charles, lL 60174. Please include a nole des$ibing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to repair or replace units which ale found to be delectlve because of damage, unreasonable use, modifica- tions, or alterations occuning after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, e.ven ifthe loss or darnage is caused by the Company's negligence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or conse- quential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specilic legal righ6, and you may also have other righrs which vary from state to state. D200-69-00 I56-1145-04 o System Sensor 1998 Building Permit # Alarm Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. @lorado 81657 ffi." Commercial & application su Dept. Process, submittal and must include inllormation listed on the Vail ss, 2nd oaoe of this form. Aoolication will not be acceDte{page of this form. Application will not be accep shop d are required at tirp of this information. CONTRACTORIMORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor: 7-tt-erztl+ 4d4qbx)e Town of \Ell Reg. No.: /d7- E Contact and Phone #'s: ?Zd- dff74a/- qvlD ,onrOor%*@ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT Labor & Materials) @nbct at or # Effi* Job Name: /bru-,e*1 brt4<Z-!A4: <oAt< fu.tt-r_a) tZA <JobAddress: /Ylt *,'4,nrr p/2. Legal Description I Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:SuMivision: Owners Name: 5o r r- &++Az*_tl Address:Phone: Engineer: I Address:Phone: Detailed LocaUon of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) B;.i?f 9 pz.) z/- /ZA+ .,1 Detailed description of work: /lvfrrr-y-L -tfzfZ<Sk-uc ro-z 9-e.i7.-y'a arEziz-..<-s WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(l5f Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyS Two-family;tX Mufti-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of E:<isting Dwelling Un'rts in this building: ;)_No. of Accommodation Units in thb building: D- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No pd Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist: Yes ( ) tlo Q{ .rrtt**t***t**r.**r******r***r*i**r*r**FoR oFFrcE usE oNLy****.rr'riri**i------.91 :****** ; \{LJ lij' F: /e\r€ryone/hrms/alrmperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Jo*r"r*T oF coMMLrNrr" orurrt,* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0010 Job Address: 1816 SUNBLIRST DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1816 SUNBURST DR Applied. . : 0lll2l200l ParcelNo...: 210109103013 Issued. . : 0l/15/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/14/2001 OWNER CAIIALIN JOIIN K AIiID ITELETiI JO OL|A2I2OOL Phone: 3022 N.E. 20TH CT. FT. LAUDERDALE, FIJ. 333 0s I-,icense: COIITRACTOR IVHITE RIVER EL,ECIRIC OL|L2/2O0t Phone: 9'|O-949-L4O3 P O BOX L1_L8 AVON CO 8162 0 License:145-E APPLICINT WIIITE RIVER EITECTRIC 0L/I2/200L Phone: 970-949-L403 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8L520 Licerrse:145-E Desciption: ELECTRICFORKIT/BATHREMODEL Valuation: $5,000.00 FEE SIIMMARY DRB Foe-> lnve$igation-> Will Call- > Elechiqal_> 990. 00 $0.00 s0. oo s3. oo TOTALFEES-> S93. OO Tolal Calcutated Fees-> S93 .00 Additional F€es_> 50.00 Total pennit Fee_*> 9 93 . 0 0 Paymenls--------> 593.00 BALANCE DUE--.->90.00 Approvals:It6m: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT OJ,/1,2/2OOL KV{ARREN Action: APPR OVER TIIE COIJMfER. CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO GTECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infomration required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TTIRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE TOWNOFVAIL.Repdnted on 0l-15-2001 at 10:40:27 0ur5/2001 Statement 'l'i'l*l*'i:i*'l'|'|**l*t|la*'|t*l'l'*'i*lar*******'|*ltf*il*l*f*'hft***r}|l*!t*****'l'*'i*l"lt:l*l**'flal**l**'3**rt*'l{t'} stat,ement Nr.rmber: R000000351 Amor[tt: $93.00 ol/Ls/2ooLLo:39 A]l Palment Method: Check rnit : Kllfr| Notation 3 S12517/Iifhite RLver Blectric Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs : IJocation: Thj.e Payment : ACCOI.JNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description EP 00100003111400 br 00100003112800 801-0010 Type: ELECTRICAL PER!,IIT 210109103013 1815 SI'NBI'RST DR VEIIJ 1815 SUltBttRST DR Total Fees: $93 .00 Total ALL Pmte: Balalce: 993 .00 $93 .00 $o.oo llrlr'|l*t'l*:|*{t'}'}'}*****a't't:ttl$t:}'}***{r'}'}***********t*:}****t+**************l'*'art*t't'}'tr*a:t,rtt*t'at***t* Current ffis TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 90.00 3. 00 vL/LT/oL 08:t4 F I 970 g{9 0749 WXITE RIVER ELEC @oot , Ns\'" Euilding Permit #: Elrtrical Permit #: 97 w7 I -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Fronraee Rd.VaIl, Colora'ilo E1557 Cott66t Aworc 01fu at97ll'.or visit COMPLETE 5Q. FEET FOR NElit EUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHEn'S (Labor & Materials) ireO if no UlOg. pernit # is provided above tD3 Job Adclress: t g il" SCA F{ Ci; J ki1 cliN t WorkClass: New{) Mditton( ) nernodel f)d Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) oo.s an EirU exist at this todtion: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType Interbr C]lr) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ryp. or gbg-r Singte-family t r orpt-t t Multi-fam:ily ( ) cornmeroal ( ) Re*urant ( ) other ( ) no- of nccornmodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units an this buiHing: Is this permitfor a hottu-b;!q5-ll!q ffi=Efim"-System Exist; Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Ecist Yes (\() No ( ) ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: + 5 A&aAMOU] T OF SQ FT TN STRUCTURE: CONTRASTORINFORMAfiON 6&* Contact and Phone #'s: 1qi- tq0Electrica I Co ntractor: *!+***:r1***lr***:l:t*lt***+++++t:r.*****+**FOR OFEICE USE ONLY+*'**:*+:!'*r=**:t*tr--+**'ta*:++++Ir*+ F/everyon4fonns/decperm q TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1816 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location.....: A&B ParcelNo...: 210109103013 Project No : OWNER MUNS, WILLIAM R. & LIIDMILLA 04/27/20OL PO BOX 249 CHICO TX 7643L L,icense: CONTRACTOR VIIHITE RIVER EI.,ECTRIC P O BOX 1L18 AVON CO 9r620 License: 145 -E APPIJIEANT WHITE RIVER EI,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8162 0 License: 145-E Permit #: E0l'0077 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0412712001 Issued. . : 05llll200l Expires. .: lll07/2001 Phone: ot *r"r"T oF coMMUNrrv opvs'ot'ur NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 04/27 /200L Ptrone: 97O-949-a403 04/27 /2OOL Phone: 97O-949-L403 Desciption: Upgradeelectricalservice. Valuation: $8,680.00 ,l:l''l'|'lt|...:}:tt||.t.|:l.*|'|||'|ili|'l|l|.|'ll|t'|**'..'||***ll*||.|||ti' Elecrrical---> DRB Fee--._-> lnvestigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> 9162.00 s0 - 00 90.00 9165 - oo 5165.OO 9O.Oo 916 5 - 00 s16s.0o 90.oo Total Calculaled Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee----> Pa)rnents---------> BALANCE DLTE-> Approvals:If6m: 06000 ELECTRICAL, DEPARTMENT 05/02/2OOL GRG Action: AP **||||t'l*',l'},}..i:t*lt|.'**tt...'''...*..l',}'**)tt|''.,}t,l..'t**t,}.t''tt'..**..'|t.*'.t:}:l)}*.* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIAIICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requircd is cbnect. I agree to c,omply with the information and plot plan, to comply wrth all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REeuEsrs FoR INspEcrIoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FoLrR HoLrRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoM t:00 AM - 5 PM' L'' NIRS OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE ***{r*'t'f, *+*!*'* **'i****:t't '*'1. ***:* ***'1.* 05/11/2001TOWNOFVAIL. CO Statement *r* *{.* {r**!t'* ****tf*+{.'t * ***{.**'i * * * t'* * * + +**'t,t*+* * *:t*+* ** **+**'}{'+*'*{"t**:t:8tf*i' {"tt*** * 'l*+*'* *tf+*'}:f*'}'f** statement Number: R000000740 Amount: $165'00 05/tl/20ol0L:56 Pll Palmen! Method: Check IniE: DF Notation: 12808 IIIIITE RMR ELBC Reprinted on 05-ll-2001 at 13:56:55 Permit No: Parcel. No: Site AddresE: Location: This Payment: EO1-00?? T14re: BLECTRICAL PERilIT 210109103013 1815 SI'NBI]RST DR VAIII ACB $155 .00 ***{r:t**{,,},t**,*,t**trdr,},t***'*'*{'*****:t**'}*:t* *'*'**,t***** {.lr*****'l**{"t***l*{t***{.:t***** * *'t**'}*:f ***'t **{"f ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriPtion Current ms 00100003111400 00100003112800 TEMP0MRY P0v'lER PERMITS l^lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Tota1 FeeE: TOtAl ALIJ PMt6: Balance : 162.00 3. 00 $16s.00 $16s .00 $0 .00 EP r.Jc P60\-oaq wf,rrE RrvER_E*"A1b5"1 OJP-il WNI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE ORs NVIIWYAEIY 7'-30 ,,1/Electoical Permit #: 970-479-?,149 75 S. Frontaee Rd.Vail, C;rrlordo 816s7 OFrce at g7Gizg-AfrO or uistT COilPLETE SQ. FEET l{EW EUIu)S and VALUATTONS FORALL OTHERS (labor & Materials) COI{TR.ACTOR. INFORITIATION **t****A*l**++***t**r **+++*lir+++FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*="rr++++***irr.i*ri**+++****.:*:+=++:!+ @ ooz04/50/OL 04:27 F,970 0{0 07{0 F#y,tu 77 -oz: b9s. nermit *--lsFroilAedE@ i09io Work Ctass: New ( )Xl Repair( ) TernpPower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior ( )ExteriorM Both( )Does an EHU odst at this lo@tion: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldq.: Sinqle-hmilV (Mulu-fami,y ( ) Commercjal ( ) Refiumnt ( ) Ourer ( ) No- of Accommodaton UniE in this buildrng; Is tJtis Oermit for a hot Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist yes ( ) No AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN Conbct and Phone #'s: F;/ei/eryo ne/formvd€@erm Rtc'DAPR302oo1 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> S50.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S15.00 DRB Fee-----------> lnvestigation-> 50.00 TOTAL FEES----------> will call--> 53. oo *o*rr^r oF coMMUNrrv osveL;\,IENr U"dt- 1t"..-^ '-n-t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0014 Job Address: 1816 SUNBURST DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 02/19/2001 ParcelNo...: 210109103013 Issued. .: 02/19/2001 ProjectNo : pK-SoO -oz.1c\ Expires. .: 08/18/2001 OWNER CAHALIIT JOIIN K. AND HELEN JOO2/79/2007 Phone: 3022 N.E. 20TH CT. FT . IJAUDERDAIJE, FIJ . 333 05 License: CON|RjACTOR METAL DESIGN INC. O2/!9/2OOL Phone: 970-479-0507 P.O. Box 3906 Vail, CO 816 5? License I 155-M APPLICAIiflt METAI DESIGN INC. 02/j.9/20OL Plrone: 970-479-0507 P.O. Box 3905 Vail, CO 816 57 License:155-M Desciption: REPLACE EXSTING FURNACCE WIHT NEW AND INSTALL AND ADD COMBUSTI.JIION AIR Valuation: $3.000.00 Fireplace lnformation: R€strided: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY 9o.oo Total Calculaled Fees-> So. oo Additional Fees----> S?8 . oo Total Permit Fee------> Pa)'ments..._-..-> BAI.ANCE DT,'E ' $78.00 t0.00 s78.00 $78.00 90.00 Item: 05100 BUfI-'DING DEPARTMENT O2/t9/200L CDAVIS Action: NO PLAII AllD PERMIT O2/19/200L CDAVIS AcEion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C-I{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTAILATIOIT MUST CONFORM TO MANTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHA'PTER 10 OF TI{E ]-997 IJMC, C}IA,PTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED .A.CCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEEIT MUST COMPLY WITH TITE 199? I'MC AIiID CMPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. Cond: CON0004558 A FOUR INCH DUCT TIED TO A ''FAIiT IN CA}IN SYSTEM IS APPROVED TO ADD ADDITIONAIJ COIIBUSTION AIR FOR FttRt'IACE. THIS MUST BE INTERL,OCKED TO FURNACE. A]I ADDITIONAIJ COMUSTION AIR OPEI{ING IS REQUIRED FOR TIIE TV{O IIOT WATER HEATERS. THIS OPET.IING WILL COMMIJNICATE 9IITH THE CRAWLSPACE. IT MUST BE COIiIFIRMED TIIAT VEIIT OPET.IING FOR TTIE CRAWI-,SPACE ARE OPM{ TO TIIE EXTERIOR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftrll the information require{ completed an accurate plot plarL and state that all the information as requked is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tovms zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,'RS IN ADVANCE 138 OR AT oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.\ /'1 o CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 0F n ORCONTRA HMSELFANDOWNE Feb 13 Ol O1:18p TWN0pUm, 75 s, Frontage Rd. Vaal, Colorado 81657 F: /everyone/formr/ medtp€rm v{),?Y.t n."rt"ii-r p"r^t*../@)9 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:n Medrankal Room Dimertsionsp Combustion Air Duct Size and Location n Flue, Ventand Gas Une Slze and Location o Heat Loss Calcs.o Equipment Cut/SPec Sheets tt#- coMpLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (l.abor & Materials) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Asgesrorc Office at 970-328-8640 or forPar@l # Tarcef# IGquireO if no bldg. permit# is provided lbove) A-tot o?r03 o, 3 ., robnddress: lf,'r' Ff il::' O* Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:ffiffi5 otaq-re3Ji owners Nu*i)nhn ( ahalt'n &n 6rtrzsl Ae-Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: rt l4otooo Of)\ too,L uaftoD fr.anacc "€ BoilerLocationtN/dnten'or( ) Exterior( ) other( )D"es ." El'tU o.,'tt at this location: Yes ( ) No Vf Tvpe ofB6g: Singlefamily (Vf Ouptex( ) MutFfdmiy ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurdnt ( ) Other () No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: A,No. of Acmmmodation Units in this building: No/Type of Flreplacei existing: Gas Applia-;r;rantf-.--NorrypeorFireplacesp*po@woo.d/Petht()WoodBumtng(NoTALLoWED). ' :; a Conqct and Phone #'s: fetc-.nO-Ol8b *+***{.*{.*+*** :F***;t ******KlR OFFICE oNLY*t****1.;t|t(:r**:s:f * *+'t+{'{"} {' *:B**** 4-. TO\^,N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 QruoorrENr oF coMMrrNrry o#r-ou**, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0-1.-0177 Job Address: 1816 SLINBURST DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: A&B Applied. . : 09/20/2001 Parcel No...: 210109103013 Issued . . : 1,0/1,1/2001, Project,No,' ? (SOO OZfi Expires. .: 04/09/2002 Crr.Yt4!.nowNER --I4ff9, WILLIAM R. & TJUDMII"LA O9/2O/2OOL phone: PO BOX 249 CHICO TX 7 643L License: CONIRACTOR AVALANCHE PI-,IjMBING & HEATING09/20/2OOL Phone: 970-328-442L P.O. BOX 428 EAGI-,E, CO 81531 License: 197-M APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLI'MBING & HEATINGO9/20/2OOL PhonE: 97O-328.442L P.O. BOX 428 EAGLE, CO 81531 License: 197-M Desciption: RUN APP 2000 SQ FT OF SNOWMELT Valuation: $22,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas tngs: 0 * of Wood Pelleh '-*' FEE SUMMARYMechanical-> 3440. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 5110. Oo DRB Fee- --> lnves tiga tion-> wilt call-> S0 - 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $553 .0o S0 . 00 Additional Fees->s0-00 sss3.00 $0.00 S0 . Oo TOTAL FEES-_--_> 5553 . Oo Total Permit Fee-> Sss3 .00 s3 .00 Payments---.-_--> BALANCE DUE-__> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT l-0/03/2001 .lRM Action: AP IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI{I CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF rHE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701_ oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 t]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIAITCES SI{ALL BE VE\ITED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O5 OF THE ].997 I'MC, OR Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMETU MUST COMPIJY WITH THE ]-997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIT BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINI-,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST, Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAIJ ROOMS CONTATNTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS S}IAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF THE 1997 T]II,IC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F ?HE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWTNTY.FOUR HOURS JN ADV PM- SIGNA -CHAPTER LTLf T I .EIII CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL 8 OF THE 1997 ITTC, 3 AND SEC.1017 0F 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * 'l ** * * ** * * * * ** ** ***+ *+** * * *** * ** ** ******:l.* * *** f i** **** * ****,1* * **,t** * *******++* ** * * * *****+ f** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * f ****++i* f **f ***** * ********* ***++ tf*** **** **+ t + **t*ti** ***,1.'l *:l** i** ** * 'l. **+ * * *** * **l+ #* ** f * statement Number: R000001555 Amount,: $553.00 LO/II/2OOI09:29 AM Pa).ment Method: Check IniL: RA NoEation: 3 991 Permit, No: M01-0171 q4)e: MECHANICAI PERMITParcel No: 21010 91.03 013 Site Address: 1815 S{'NBURST DR VAILLocation: A&B Total Fees: 5553.00This Payment: $553.00 Total ALL Pmts: $553.00Balance: 90.00*i+** ** * ***+* *f *+* * * *+t **** * ***+*** * fl***t* *** ******1* *f,*** * ** * + * * * * t * * * * * * l. * + * * *ti* *t**f * * l* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO I4ECHANICAL PERM]T FTES 44O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO AppucAe wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMlE oR u Project #: fr*A^-Q--, Permit will not be accepted without the following: .oa 1 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) MWNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 LinE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mecha nical, Contractpr: Attala d*RltrZr Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #t: 310-lqS{ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials MECHANICAL: $ 2A nto, ContaLt Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no btdg. permit *isprovidedabvel 217y Dq /O3O / 3 rob Name: CoJr*1, ^ A-s rob Address: Blb S+n6rr..1= LegalDescripUon ll Lot: ll etoct: ll riling:Subdivisionl owners Name..-- /, n (o1, ol , n ll aaOress: t6a Engineer:Address:R O UT E qfm ne;-)-V-IJ-l- Deti4ed description of work: Vtttqpaor. &,ooo sx Fr of snapne/*DArERourEo: ql / rlol Work Class: New ( ) Addition ()/) Alteration ( ) Repair (DAIE^.gUF: Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior Qd Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( f Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) *********************x**FoR oFFICE USE ONLY***************************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted Bv: DRB Fees:Date Received: F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm s*GT rtl 8ng*e )x BFx3 EXft rr!t:: HHF *XEIai(} aa tr rRE$RR*::='riig R$ SEAgFF=*=:='s$i{ ES ,- r-d f-ll rB BI i{{rI f-.tl ru t.{ l1 ::l Hfail fiHl-i qdH HHi;i U El r,i rd -l rii i,:l HI i! .rji !'lHllri HH:i lji H m $i;I H ,;H E^HF FHEHHnFHHFFfia AAUT.L IOOZ OE tnro dHoozE lScafsu-lg -ol LFSERJETJUL I ?I.TEI*EDYNE LAARS MIGHw Mnl( =l=tEtEa=EtE=t==tE ='=r=EE EE€EE (#-\-/ aAcK vtEvv BggHr:r'i/ti; Submrtr?I J.t;rfa I I --'l (1 --| v l-- FRONT VIEW :l {t6mm) 15" (381o)nr) I -l-- RTG T SIDE VIEY\t 11" (279mm) TOP VIEW Sfandard Equipment Less than 20 p.p.m. NOx A.9ME 160 lb. w.p. heat exchanger Forcgddrafi venturi syslem with woven metal fiber bumer Combusfion chambor with lighbreight alumina-silica insulstion board lncllned combustion chamber for front service of bumer assembly 10 tube, copp€r finned heat exchanger wlth bronze headors Redundant autornalic gas valves with n€gaUvepressure regulator Hol surface prov€d ignilor Operating control Manual reset high temperature limit Venturi ditferential pressure switch Vent s:ack ptessure swilch Low water cutoff Water flow switch Pressure relief valve (75 psi) 115/24Vac transformer Temperature/Pressure g'du!:le On/Off toggle switch 2 amp tuse EM2 Energy Managerrrerrt lr'lorritor I iul go zooL 7:45Fr11 LRSERJET 32OOHPo Dimensional Data MOOEL NPUT Msru/h (kw) OUTPUT MBrU/n (kw) I8R RAN G MBTU/H (kW) WAIER NPT ln. GAS / NPT in.in, (mm) "8" in. (mm) WIDTHin. (m|n) vfilll|r. (ri,t,4 sHlt)Pt;i6 !vEtGttl'lbs. fkg) HHO32OM HHO400tr HH0520!r itH0625M HHOT'5N HH't000tl 320 (e4) 399 (r17) 6?0 (1s2) 0?5 (183) 77s (227) 1000 (293) 272 (80) 340 (100) u2 (130) 531 (156) 668 093) 850 (249) 236.5 (69) 294.9 (86) 384.4 (113) 462.0 (135) 572.E (168) 739.1 (2171 i-1q 1-1t2\ 2-1t2 y4 314 , 1 ,| 1-114 1-114 7 (178) 7 (1781 10.s (267) 10 5 (267) 10.s (267) 10.s (267) 17.75 (451) 17.75 (451) 1s.s (495) '1s.5 (495) 19.5 (4e5) 19.5 (4ss) 20.75 (527\ 24 (610',1 29.25 I43l 33.75 (857) 40 (1016) 5o (1?70) 6 (1slri 7 i,1itj': E (:J03) I (203)s izr!])r0 i251,) s35 (15?J 3s5 (161 , 400 (181) .rd0 (200) :185 (220) 596 (?70) Water Flow Requirements ,Vob.' Operating the boiler so as !o exceed tfte maximum heat exchangerEmper* ture rise or 20oF (11'C) may cause damagetothe boiler Model Heat Exch, Watlr T€mpsraturg Rise 10'F / 6"C 15'F i 8'C 20'FJ 11'c Flow H/L spm (lpe) ft. (m) Flow H/L gpm (rps) ft. (m) Flow H/L gpm (lps) r't. (nr) 320 4 pass 54 (3.4) 11.2 (3.4\36 (2.3)1.5)27 (1.7) :.tJ (c.9) &o 4 pass 6E (4.3) 26.2 (8.0)45 (2.8) 11.5 (3.5)34 (2.1t ij.n iz.C) 520 2 pass 88 (5.6) 8.9 (2.7)58 (3.7) 4.0 (1,2\44 (2.8) 2.6 (0,8) 625 2 pass 106 (6.7) 12.2 (3.7)70 (4.4) 5.7 (1.7\53 (3.3) :l.ii (1.0) 775 2 oass 132 (8.3) 22.s (6.9)87 (5.5) 9.4 (2.9)65 (4.11 5.2 (1-6) '1000 2 pass r70 (10.7) 37.3 (11.4)113 (7.1) 16.5 (5.0)85 (s.4) e.4 (2.e) - Minimum lndoorin. (mm) Outdoorin. (mm)Clearances Top Water Conn. Side Opposite Side Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring 18" (4s7) 12'(305)6" (152) 6', (152) AImve 6"', (rs2) Combustible Unobstructed 12" (305) 6'(152)6" (1s2) Unobstructsd Combustible Servica olgarsnoe - 24' (61omm) at lronl qf boiler, ' 1" (25mm) il doubla wsll vsnl is used. www.teiedynetaars.corn -/\-TELEDYNhj li,*iA[tS An Allcgheny Teledyne Cornpcny \rrd{'E'' 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 . 805.529.2000 FA)i S0J..529.5934 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03967 . 609,335.0300 FAy rj0iJ.335 33gs zEO S. Service Road Wost, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K2H4 . 905.944,8A33 i:..!X 90J,044.263s Li(ho inU.S.A- @ l6ledyno Lrd,: Sl0J Doc ?062U /c{ I > t\C{,irr.'rt.:+|r)- z ' Ei/ 'I ' /1f S" TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 t*trr*r oF coMMU*,r" ouurltu*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0010 Job Address: 1816 SUNBURST DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: A&B Applied..: 01123/2001 Parcel No...: 210109103013 Issued. . : 0l/29/2001 ProjectNo : QLSOO-OZa1 Expires. .: 07128/2001 h^-."sOWNER CAI{ALIN JOHN K. AND HEIJEN JoOL/23/2Oo7 Phone: 3022 N.E. 20TH CT. FT, I,AI'DERDALE. FL. 3330s I-,icense: APPr,rCAr\rf coNwAY BUIr-,DERS O7/23/2O0a Phone: 97O-376-458L P.O. BOX 2729 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: COIqTR,AETOR AVAITANCHE PI-,I]MBTNG & HEATINGO1./29/2OOI PhONCZ 97O_328-442L P.O. BOX 428 EJA,GIJE. CO 81531 L,icense: 235-P Desciption: ROUGH IN POWDER BATH,INSTALL STEAM SHOWER/VALVES & MASTER TUB, INSTALL NEW KIT FIXTURES. Valuation: S3,500.00 Fireplac€ Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: 1? # ofGas togs: 12 # of Wood Pallet: ?? ++*,la t 't* t * * * * t * i:i **rt 't trt.t t:t *l l l l +a l Plumbing--> 960. oO Restuarant Plan Revie$-> So. Oo Total Calculated Fees--'> $?8.00 Plan Check-> S15. oo DRB Fee----------> 90 - o0 Additional Fees-'-"---> $0 ' 00 Investigaiion> $0. oo ToTAL FEES----------> $?8 - 00 Total Permil Fee------> $?8 - 00 Will Call---> 53 - OO Payments---------'---1 S78 . 00 BALANCE DUE____> $0. 00 Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT OL/23/2OOL KWARREN ACtiON: APPR OVER THE COUNTER Item: 05500 FIRE DBPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG'): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLTANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accutate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building coo. unilD ordinances of the Town applicable ,n"!;p REQUESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2 | 38 OR AT OUROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF ::::::':::::::--:l:'::"F,,'i,"'|i,+,,,tit,"r,'+t'!t',',,"i'+,,, ',,,*,O":i':,:,.,.i+"*"ri''!'!i"'|:'Ir'' TOWNOF VAIL. COLORAIt!- - Statement * * *+* ++** * ****** ** +*** * * *** * * * **** *** * * * ** **** **,1. *r| * ** {. * * ** {. * * *,N.,1. * * **{. * * *,i**** '1. * * ** 'i **** * * ** Statement Nrunber: R000000404 Amount: $78.00 0t/29/200LL1 :26 AM Pa)rment Methods Check Init: LC Notation: #358g/Avalanche Pluribing Permj-t No: P01-00L0 T)T)e: PLIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 9103 013 Site Address: 1815 SITNBITRST DR VAIL L,ocation: A&B Total Fees: $78.00 This Palment.: $?8.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $78.00 Balance: $0.00 *** **** ***** *++ ***+* * +++***+t:1.*** * * ***,i{.**** lr * *++{. '1. * ********{.**+* * * ***{.:} *t+ ********* * * *+t:} *+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniptlon Current Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERI"IIT FEES 60.00 tdc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 479 - 2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION N4'ct' mwN0Fvln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg, permit # is provided above) rob Name: (,OA" l,^ l/nt* o HEIEN robAddress: /S/b 9r^6,..* Dr, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ownersNameii&n /oAol, llAddress: 1&/6 Su*t."lsL ll Phone: Ensineer: Jl Address:*hlh;,r}lfl l--. ll lJha\n4r-nrr.F,l 3,!5cb ll "'-"-' Detailedfe,scrintjonof work:,(sx_{ah jr\ nr "J ?c,-dtr_6./k . Tnsl--LL ne...-l S*e,.""r Shc.,-"1ahd Ua./ues o rn/ n)s/cr Tu-/'t I-.J-.I)/ /1r q) L t k /-,-' F,o{ur" <- WorkClass: New() Addition() Alteration() Repair() Other() F1^JL Type of Bldg.: Single-family B Duplex (f,) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $00 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plqmbing Contrqctor;- A;J ;;l;' Fl, ),,2,il-/"- Town of Vail Reg, No. n36- ? Contact and Phone #'s: 3es-/vd/- 3?D -yrsl Contractor Signature: /)//.{ZZl////r/ ./ *** *** **rr ** * *******KK *** ****4****+.** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r.rrrr****:!*rs:r*'rt*^:&* **,r:r*,rr<***** r(**** * 1ge F/everyone/forms/plmbperm ,f|'I.*,,, '/.t r *'j.4.l.trr HOW DID l,YE RATE WIIH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Comm u nity D evelopment DepartryU$ Bqglgl[ f gnest Director, (970) 47e.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Oeparfnent(s) did you conhct? B ui I din g *:*€1r1riro ?fla'i$t .,iiir.t_ti!Admin- i-a.J 'FIANNINO UKts FEU 2. Was your initial contact wilh our stafi immediaie_ siow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it befoe you were : : heloed? 4. Was your projeC reviewed on a timely basis? Yes i No lf no. why no? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you:54321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 0verall efiecliveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nextfime? o. t. n ,19;' t ' Thank you for kking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b imorovrno our seMce. oO o- O Reguested Inspect Daie: I uesdly" F€brualy C1, ,i003 h3pscti0n J{esi cdSitEAddress: l8t6 SUNBURSI' DR U.AIL18lg sunbursf.lr A/PrD hriorBafloft Acthrtty: B{t+63'16 Tvno: ,-HtUlLi:r S b'ivper ADI.,F $tsttfs: ISSUED Consl Tme: orrupahiy: [Ee ', n lnsP tu€o cdO$rbr: MUhIS TTLLIAMR &LlJDlrlLLAB .,Jr Cont|attsr: COMIIAY Et.llLDEPS Phone: $7&:'7s-4581Apolhar* CoN/l,AY BUILDER5 phone: HZS376-4S81 Deririptlon: asplace rvtr'doyrs..€place doors wflfi trench doors" raptaoe dscklng oft d€rl$i. mlts'sidlng.ltim add slon€ f€lllqil' oii $ft|ll lmtall h€atsd drtria ,flrv Comnr€nl; Reetxobl€ ROW p€fmit o.r lth. - LSANDCVALCOMMff* NEED REVOCAdLE RIGH'T OF UTIAY PERMIT FfJR TIEATEO DRMEWAY AND BFCK SURFACE ON DRfI/EWAY WITHIN TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY, GAVE COFY'O I]I)I\trTRACTORCN SITE 1 T -1 2O1 LSANDOVAT ReouesEd |nspec-tigds l Item: g0 BLDG-F{nrl Reque$or: COf.JWAY BUILDEFSConimenls: be{ore I 1:00 pl€ts€ Assrrn6d Tc: CDAVIS- AEtlofl: \ ,ll --T2-OaEEES-_- *--tn$pitiirnReqirart xeporttng -.6,1€_e!D_--_ ______ _-j{AlLco:jt0llIil!F_=_ PageT NT Nv Requesl.ed i'lme: 08:00 AilPhnF: 331-1098 Eoiared By' f,rc;OlE€ltl K Tlme Exp: lnsoecti,on Hisbry fbm: 30 fi€m: lbfir; n€m: llsm: 50lhn: 60 7D 9{ m BLDCr-Ftamlr$ " Appro\red " o2i 15roi -lnso€cjtor: cDA\ilS Aclton: AP APtrRClt.D Comtr*'ffs: OKTO NLE A'.ID COT'FLETE I.'IA$TER B4 H I'ILE NhiD OUFAROCK INSTALLATION TNSIJLATION INSPECTION hPT REOL'IRED (I|\|1'ERK)+] WALLS,& RRE BI,COKfi.TG ADD€D).CORRECTION MUST REPLACE NffO S"UDI tN PI.UMBIiIG Wf&L AND TOP PLATE hI MAIN LFVEL BATHROOT'{FIEIF'SPEC.TICI.J NOT REOUIRFD}{tv(8i01 lnrD€clor: JRM Acttcn: Pl PAR fU\L INSPeCT$ l COMIN€NIS: APPR I-IOFIH UNIT WIITIDOW FRATdII{G MAIN LEVEI- EA$T SID€ 3 WIND(yl/vS TIIIJST BE IE}dP€RED BLDGhsu,6Uon Bl0Cr-Sheslffi,k l.lail02i19/01 lBp€ctor: CDA/IS Actlon: pA PAR'I'![.L APFROI'IJ- Comm€fit$: ALI FRAI',iING CCRREC.T]ONS MADE SHEETRACK API3ROVEO EXCEPT FOR BASEIIEN'I I.EVEL BLDGMtsc.PW-RrEl dflvrffiv orado ' ADorowd "' 02i0303 tns:pfttor: ls " AcUon: APAPPftSlEii BLD6RnEI Hffi (tu EU (*-)Y-,fU ,t Au tl \,- ,:- - REPT131.Run Id: 769 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Projcct Name: Muns Projcct Description: Reroof and repaint (remove shakes rcplace with grecn mctal roof) Owncr. Address and Phonc:Wafter and Lucey Muns - 817-644-2705 Architect/Contact, Address and Phonc: Path Const. - Pam 949-1905 1816 Sunburst Dr.Proj cct Strect Address: LegalDescription: ["6+ ParcelNumber: 2l0l-091-030-13 Comments: t Vcr,\ v*l\oJ jlL Building Namc: Motion by: Secondcd by: Vote: Conditions:Staff approval Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 915197 Board / Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$0,00 Qucstions? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAL builrting permit is issuctt and construclion is startc(l' A.DESCRI oN oF TllS REQUES'f: B.LOT:- BLOCK:- FILINC: TOI#N OF VAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any pro.icct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv mu-st rcccivc Dcsign llcvicw approval prior.to siibrnittirrg tbr a buiiciing pcrruit. For spccific infonilation, scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstc4. Thc appiication cannot bc acccptcd trntil all thc rcquircd infornration is subn)ittcd. Thc pLojcct t.rray also ncc{ to hc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Ilnvironnrcntal conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvier" Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a C. ti. Ij. o C. owNDR(S) SIGNA I,OCATION OIT P PI-IYSIC]AL ADDI PARCEL II:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofllcc at 97()-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: NAMI] OF OWNER(S): II-INC ADDRI]SS: PFIONI]: NN ME OF APPLICA C ADDR PHONE:847 - /?d{ I I. TYPE OF REVII]W AND FIIE: O Ncw Constrrrction - $200 Constnrctiott of a ncrv building' E Adtlition -$50 lrrcludcs zury addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comtrtcrcial bttilding. B Minor Altcration - $20 lnclutlcs ntinor changcs to buildings arrd sitc itnprovcmcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting. wirrdow additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuildingpcrnlit,plcascidcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc 'I'olvrr of Vpil will adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT TI{IS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVET,oPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL. coLoRADO 81657. I r.IST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: K+rnRJrcC:'- - /r, Lf I COIQB:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door Triltt l-lnrrd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys l'rash Etrclostrcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Othcr + Please speci$ the manufacfurer's color, number and attach a small color chip ++All cxtcriorlightingnrustmectthcTown'sLightingordinancel8.54.050(J), Ifexteriorlightingisproposcd, ptcasc indicate the number offixhgcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. Idcltify each fixturc type and providc ih. h.ight oboue grade, lunrcns output, Iunrinous arca. an6 aftach a cut shcct of the lighting fixturcs' ,'l W\ t, fu'F---- Updated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING +Mininrunr rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: dccidtlotls trcc.s - 2 inch calipcr couifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shmbs - 5 gallons Conrnrou Nantc Otrantity Siz'ci Squarc Footagc Botanical Nanrc PROPOSED TREES AND SFIRUBS: EXIS']'INC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 1 .vpc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fcnccs,'swimming pools, ctc') Plcasc spcciff' Indicate top and bottoln clcvations of rctaining walls. i4aximu-m hcight of walls within thc front setback is 3 feet. Maximurn hcight of walls clscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fcct' Updared619T i Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Cahalin Remodel DRB Number: DRB0000I4 P@ect Description: Replace windows, sliding doors, garage doors, siding, decks, rails, and installed heated driveway Participants: OWNER JOHN K. CAIIALIN LO/03/2OOO Phone: 3022NE20thCourt Fort Irauderdale Fl 33305 License: COMTR ACTOR CONWAY BUIITDERS AO/03/200O Phone: 9?0-3?6-4581 P.O. BOX 2729 AVON, CO 81520 Licenge:244-B APPLICAI{I CONWAY BUIhDERS LO/O3/2000 Phone: 9?0-376-459I P.O. BO){ 2729 AVON, CO 81620 Project Mdress: l8t6 SUNBLIRST DR VAIL Location: A&B Legal Description: Lot: l-A Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING Parcel Number: 210109103013 Comments: Rockfall, debris flow, poss. avalanche BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: ll/01/2000 Cond:CON0004448 Title report required to be submitted with building permit application. Assessor shows owner name as "Muns". Cond:CON0004449 Public way permit required during construction; submit with building permit. Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ffii*,*z 1,. prannins sraff ar 47s-zL3B APPLICATION DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Rs/iew approval prior to submitting for a building permit, For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particuiar a pprorra I that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B, c. D. E, F H, PARCEL #:(Contact Fagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): MME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildinq. Addition -$5O Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildino. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying frcr a building permit please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the poect valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 816s7. FOR PHYSICAL ADDRESS: TYPE tr D { graAn.PQro0 430 I tr-/L' /-qnwoY buibers Applicotion for Desigh Review Approvol Town of Voil Controctor: Conwoy Builders TOV License #244- Reploce All Sliding Doors with New Fello French Reoloce AllWindows With New Pello Windows rmt Ihis Side Only Foced with Stone ldenticolto Existing Enlronce Stone New Goroge Doors Foced ldenticolto Siding/trim Scheme Reploce Broken Foux Brick with Decking (some type os other new decks) lnstollHeoted Drivewoy, Eorth Colored Interlocking Brick Reploce Broken Rusted Roilwith Roil ldenticolto Deck Style Proposed Chonges to Cohqlin Residence Doors Diogrom #2 t-qnwoY builders Applicotion for Desigh Review Approvol Town of Voil Controctor: Conwoy Builders TOV License #244- Designer: GJ Conwoy Owner: John K, Coholin 1-\gnwoy builders Applicotion for Desigh Review Approvol Town of Voil Controctor: Conwoy Builders TOV License #244-8 Designer: GJ Conwoy Owner: John K, Coholin Proposed Roiling Method for Decks LL-&lllll'lI Diogrom #4 /-\gnwoY Duilders Applicotion for Desigh Review Approvol Town of Voil New Siding ond Trim {Both Units, os shown in Diogrom #3) New Picture New Roils Eliminote Window Thot Motch Window (Shown on Diogrom #4) French Door New Decking On All Decks (Cedor or Cycress) Proposed Chonges to Coholin Residence Diogrom #1 ?",t' "n t otrfll,itulil o"u",oo." n, 75 S. Frontage Road Viil, co 816s7 rt Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL a"""iptNo. 5/3t3 o"e-&r3-d Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 11 10 iZoni4gq4! Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3r4 001 0000 001 0000 ool 0ooo: ool oo0o: oo1 ooo0: 001 0oo0: ool oooo: 001 0000 3 oor oooo: ool 0000 3 001 0o0o 3 oo1 0000 3 ool 0000 3 ool oo0o 3 001 0000 3 oo1 oo0o 3 oo1 o0oo 3 0ol 00oo 3 001 o00o 31 001 0000 31 001 0000 31 001 o00o 31- 1 112 ll t'r;{,.'- -..xj -de-'--- ioun ol Varir{* cuarohER R!!!l?l *** lrrtr rtt/Br/66-di'- fiECEilTr ts6150ii Dts[(lpTi[H s"lr ,iliii!-s[!l[!["' ' i iirrrEx uE lrtlu-^ h[,r, ru,ujitE rii1E, rUIrtr- ChiLK Hfl0irNT lEIIDERE! Af,t]lJHT TF reo.S! r0R Tfi cfi *ei.86li: a{ rEt rzti' 08 tai,.88 lhHl{l Yuu FuR YtilJR FAll'lEt{T: -vvw suo(] rg Inves0gaoon Fee aEl c4n oq CAN Aq CB $36.00atr$35.00 $35.60cB $36.00cB $42.60 $9.95 $10.00 $12.75 CB BF $7.00 XC $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH SP $20.00 5F UK J{t { PN 001 0000 240 3300 D.\,3loper lmprovoment Agrcom€nt Oeposit O2-OEP 1 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Reetaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 3101100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax r7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Extedor Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteraton - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Development District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 00003112500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 3112500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:3n,c,v commen*:/!// 9.rufu-u&Cffi Cash _ Money Order #check# /3go Received by: ----T- F:,/Everyon€y'Forms/Salesact. o(e 06/06/2000 l FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 July 31, 1996 Oran Palmateer REMAXVaiI 143 E. Meadow Drive Vail. CO 81657 Department of Community Deve bpment RE: 1816 Sunburst Drive/Lot I, Vail Valley 3rd Filing Dear Oran: As you have requested, below is a summary of the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for I 8 16 Sunburst Drive. Two scenarios exist l) the building is maintained as-is, and 2) the building is demcy'rebuilt. Scenerio 1: According to information in our property file, the GRFA is as follows: Allowable sqgare footage Primary Unit 2,895 square feet SecondaryUnit 1,968 square feet Existing square footage Primary Unit 3,389 square feet Secondary Unit 2,096 square feet As you can see from the above, the property is cunently over the allowable square footage. In 1986, the primary unit used 156 square feet ofadditional 250 square feet. Only 94 square feet remain of the additional 250. The secondary unit has not used the 250, so it is available. This is the only square footage that can be added. However, the site is located in a geologically sensitive zone (higb and moderate hazard debris avalanche, high severity rockfall and snow avalanche influence zone), and therefore, a site specific study must be done on the site to determine if additional GRFA can be added. If it is determined that the stnrcture is located in a "red avalanche hazard area". no GRFA can be added or no exterior alterations can be made to the structue If the structure is located in a "blue avalanche zone", mitigation measures must be employed in order to do modications to the stnrcture. {S rr"r"ur rur* Scenerio 2: If the property were to bc demo/rebuilt, there would be no opportunity to use the 250, either at the time of rebuilding or anytime in the future. For a building to bc considered a "demcr/rebuild", fifty percent (50%) or more of the GRFA is removed from the structure. Under this scenario. the maximum allowable GRFA is as stated above, 2,895 square feet for the primary unit and 1,968 square feet for the secondary unit. In this scenario, the statements above regarding the hazards apply with the additional condition that if the stucture is located in a "red zone", it cannot be rebuilt if it is demolished. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contactme at479-2128. Siucerely. lAtl*utliloa,..1a* Laureo Waterton Planning Liaison Officer ,if;coPY { r#tKTOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment of Contmunity Deve lopment June 27, 1996 Jack Snow 1000 Lionshead Loop 3D Vail, CO 81657 Re: Site Coveragc Variance Application for Stanley Residence Located at l816 Sunburst Drive Dear Mr. Snorv: Due to inaction on this application which was submittcd ovcr onc year ago (Junc 12, 1995), staff is considering the request withdrawn. You must submit a new application and appropriate fce in the future if you wish to procecd with this or a similar requcst. Ifyouhave any questions call me at479'2148. f : dadoicvpfi Lr'ldnrr'c|!Ly2.rpd Siqpgrely, . ^ru$WMJ D"ominic F. Mauriello. AICP {g ^nr"uoruu, FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 D epartment of Community Development February 9,1995 Jack Snow 1000 Lionshead Loop 3D Vail. CO 81657 Site Coverage Variance Application for Stanley Residence Located at l8 16 Sunburst Drive I have reviewed your request for a site coverage variance. The application which was submitted on June 12,1995 is incomplete. The plans that have been submitted indicate the addition of GRFA. In order to proceed with this proposal you must also submit an application for additional square footage underthe 250 ordinance. The following items must be submitted: l. A complete and up-to{ate variance application. The application must include all submittal requironents, except for the fee, as this has been paid. This application will be treated as a ncw application with no bearing on previous approvals. Town standards and procedures have been modified since the previous approvals. The following items must be includcd: a. A list of names and addresses (mailing and physical) for all adjacent property owDers, including properties across the street. b. A witten statement of the precise nature of the variance request in accordance with submittal requirement item A as found on the application form. c. A revised floorplan which conforms with GRFA limitations. d. A current title report to veriff ownership and easements. e. A complete statement of the proposed scope of the project. 2. A complete application and fee for a request for additional square footage under the 250 ordinance. These applications must be processed simultaneously. The following are a list of staff comments and requirements. Re: {g**o"uo YIOC lJr , 1. 2. 5. 4. ). ThesiteiszonedPrimary/Secondarywhichallows2dwellingrmits,withoneunitnot exceeding 40% of the tiiJ"Uo*"Ui" GRFA- The existing building-tlgtdt the allowable GRFA However, the 250 ordinance allows one to applyforup_to_2-50 sq.ft. for eachunit J"rpir" A" fact that each *it it io excess ofthe allowable. In 1986 the Primary unit (#;;t;gr"oea * "Jaitio"ut 156 sq. ft. under the 250 ordinance' Therefore' the p]f;,"it i, Jrigibr" for only an additionat s1 rq.n. (2f0 rnlnu-s t5q. P" secondary Xoitfttr"f el is JfigiUi" fot up to an additional2S0 sq.ft. over the existing square footage wU-ictmost te usea in Oe semndary unit. The existing GRFA for the primary unit is i,lig -q.n- -a for the secondary unit is 2,096. The maximrm potential GRFA for the pii-*y ""ft fs 3y'83 sq.ft- and ior the secondary unit is 2;346 sq'ft" The plan you submifred is in excess of these amormts' you need to revise the plan to conform with tle limits on GRFA enpressed herein' Enclosed is * *"oootiog of GRFA and site coverage conditions for this site' you re proposing two crawl space axeas.on tle lower levels of both units. These areas do notmeet the rJquirements to be considered crawl space. As shown, these areas constiarte GRFA The site is partially located in a debris avalanche high hazardzorie' a debris avalanche moderate hazard zone, and high severity rock fall zone, and a snow avalanche influence zone. The Zonngcode requles a detailed site specific geologic investigation' The report must state whethir the site ;an be developed for a specific structure or-use with or with@t corrective engineering or engineered constrirction or other mitigation measgres' The evaluation report you hav-e sutmitted, dated Septembq 26, 1995, from Hepworth- Pawlak Geotechnicaf inc., does not meet these requirements' The rqnrt states that'"the propooed addition connecting the two existing buildings should not increase the existing i*if"g1r hazards to the two buildings on the lot or adjacent properties, including iorAfrVr and utility easements." The report goes on to state that " additional studies wogld be required to assess the feasibility ofhazard mitigation" The report is v,ague as it must be ascertained definitively, whether the proposal increases the exposure of structures tol-Jogi. bazards. The report suggests tbat there may be mitigatiolmeasures that need to 6e takin. If your geologi-st believes that mitigation measures should be taken, the rqnrtmust reflect those measures. A site-specific study must include maps showing site- specific areas of hazards (i.e., high hazard, moderate hazard, etc')' Please indicate existing and proposed building heights from existing grades on the plans and elevations. Show ihe height of all peaks on all elevations. The qaximum building heigbt for this distict is 33 feet measured from e:risting or finished grade. on a site pla4 please provide graphic representatiotr of the areas being added as GRFA and site coverage. { 6. Prowide a list of building materials being used on the stucture and their color (i'e"wood siding, stucco, rock, etc.). 7 . Tbc building is being enlarged in certain areas beyond the footprint ofthe original st-ucture. ftease pr|"iae igrading plan with proposed and existing contours for the .entire site. Also, show proposed drainage around the structure' 8. The site plan indicates that the &iveway configuration is chaneirng' Please show contours- forfte driveway. It appears that the slope of the drive may be too steep (i'e', in excess of 1096). Also, tnl srrrvJ' indicates that the existing drive is located on Town properly' Please adjust the site pian to remedy this situatio;. It also appears that the tuming radius forthe driveway -ay be too tight flr a car to acceis the garages (a 20 foot centerline radius fobacking is required). g. Tte Fire Deparfrient has identified problems with access to the site due to the steepness of the &iveway. You will need to address the iszue of fire access on your plqns' You ma5r wish to speak with Mike McGeg Fire Marshall for the Town of Vail as to potential remedies. 10. $ow location of the nearest fire hydrant to the site' 11. Provide the legal description of the property on the site and floor plans. please address these comments on the site plan and in written form. Additional comments may be generated based on the revisions made and the geologic hazard study for the site' Do to the extent of omments and the lack of required applications and information, this request will noi be scheduled for the plnnning and Environmental c,ornrnission meeting at this time. You may wish to schedule a meeting witi me and representatives of the Public Works Deparfinent and the Fire Deparhent to discuss these issues. If you heve any questions call me at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner enclosuaes cc: Susan Conaelly, Director Community Development Teri Martinez, Assistant Town Engineer fVdniDb\qfffIcth*r*y b:P . a . , '- ,:-- lr, ,rru - processedl' stanar residence 1816 SunbursiDrive - Variance application Dated Jun LotAree 16,069 sq.ft- Per Plat I Allowable GRFA- under ordinance 4,707 sq.ft. Existing GRFA Primaryunit 737 q.ft..- Lower (includes 156 sq.ft' granted in 1986 via 250 ord') 1,326 sq.ft. - UPPer 1.325 sq.ft. -Main 3J8!l sq.ft - total I,027 - Garage Secondaryrnit 750 sq.ft. - Lower 531 sq.ft. - UPPer 815 sq.ft - Main 2,(D6 sq.ft. - totel Maximum ellowable - with 250 ordinance Primaryunit 3,483 sq.ft. (=3,389 sq.ft' + 94 sq.ft' remaining of a 1986 250) Secondary rmit 2,346 sq.ft. (=2,096 + 250) Proposed GRFA Primary unit-680 sq.ft- - Lower (includes area marked as crawl space) 1,295 sq.ft. - UPPer 1.666 sq-ft. - Main 3,641 sq.ft. - total (158 sq.ft. over that allowed plus remaining 250) 727 -Garage Secondarymit 245 sq.ft. - Lower (includes area marked as crawl space) 56O5 sq.ft. - UPPer 1.177 sq.ft. -Main 2,4t2.5sq.ft - totat (136.5 over that allowed plus a fuII250) Site Coverege 3,214 sq.ft. - allowed (20%o) 3,317 sq.ft- - existing Q0.64%\ 3,875 sq.ft. - proPosed (24.11%) 661 sq.ft. overthe allowable 2t2t96 ,F fvlb I nton<T uf- ,tlAMlll ,/ k*ta'Ma_i- t/,+. ,,,*7 l-, lucohi'- t*P { Project Name: Project Location: DRB Schedule: PEC Schedule: Council Schedule: Other: L U f '7 t' + A'&'J 'c+t ,$r ?€L- - N.ed l*t f t#d 4 '4,eJ44' - *t" suh-'h\ st\)l+- se-c'of(' <^J^ gNN'v'*Y: *ztttole b' t' 15^''' ry;y*;flYr'fi;^I 5 r \^ Qa-l T:,r7 :;;!^,',:' hlo.'r po *o J;C,1 ia'f.e l'-o st'zr-t"r-t {*H*:r. ?. M,fttfib^ atw,h's fubr'etfxJA"n @n^ta/' 7, u,l,\#L u abt,n P-fr s'L|ee*sy qflry [. Leurtal? Il updated 4ll7l95 Application Date prc MEETTNG D^rE-ju;/ry--b.+fi!5-2'lb( . APPLICATION F'OR A VARI,A,NCE GENERALIMORMATION This procedue is rcquircd for any project rcqueeting a variance. Thc application will not be acccptcd until all the information is submitte.d. A. BREIF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL B. NAME OF APPLICANT (type orprint) ADDRESS C. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE PHONE- crrY, srArE, zw Jli,l.l, , h tt65i ooou"t laoo Li,ntszi>6t (ia? 5P ynoNn-!1$:-1L7$- CITY, STATE, zIP D. NAMEoFowNER(s)(typeorprint) {o4rr 6f*ilhd owNER(S) STGNAruRE(S ADDRESS PHONE- sTREETADDREss lfilt 5r,*r#U(Ai g," . CITY, STATE, ZIP II.. FEE s2so.oo PAID-X-------rcx*-3o'11--ev The fee mug! be paid before the Community Development Department witl acc€pt your proposal. Itr.TIIICATION r log *r*r _ lro S4rntd O*i [llt/Ilo d fu - "/&try-.t .e'a u e{fo r ofhe names of owners of all profety adjacent to the srbject prop€rty rQrl INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of thoir namas and mailing addresses. TIIE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAII,ING ADDRESSES. IV. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staffmember is shongly recommended to determine if my additional information is necded No application will be accapted unless it is comDlct€ (mus include dl itcms rcquircd by rhe mning adminiffalor). It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to make an appohfinont with the staffto fmd out about additional submittal requirements. V. SIJBMTTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE TIIAT A COMPLEIE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLIM IIIE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOI'R PROJECT BY DECREASING TIIE NIJMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TIIAT TTIE PLANNING AND EIMROMvIENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) IvIAY STIPULATE. AII4CONDIflONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WITH BEFOREA BTJILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. (ee/ lttf + ,/1. /2. /3. /a. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other exiJting or potential uses and suucnres in tha vicinity. The degree to which relief from the stict or literal interpretation and enforcemcnt ofa spccified regulation is necessary to achievo compatibility and uniformity oftreaun€nt among sites in the vicinity or to anain the objectives of this title without graot or special privilege. The effect ofthe varianoe on light and air, distribution ofpo'puldion, transportation, traflic facilities, utilities, ard public safety. How your rcquest complies with Vail 's Comprchensive Plan. survoyor including locations ofall existing improvcments, including grados and elevations. Othcr clements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egresg landscaped areas and utility and ,. , C^n <rL t - ^^fnf:fr;'ax 1tet,a, (uz l"nza 7/'1ft) 'tuvu4 ^ru "oe+tot '""&'^^'6 A c. eriJii*"tl*""*atteast'I"= 20'showingexistinganaprofoseauitdinss. ' !:#kl[f';ti!,r\t U , $ttvb tl*+'tote.fl O. en pretiminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimengioni, general, appeannce, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existhg and proposed on the sirc (T/17'cNif tf irl',lr nea )* '/ -W'1, A*t, w+1tg , 6* Vn. A prcliminary title report to veriry ownership and easements. / / F. If the pmposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' associatiorl the,n written approval from thc association in zupport of the project must be rcceivod by a duly authorized agent fc said association. , n G. Any addilional matefial necessary for tbe reyiew of the.application as determined bv the zonins administator. E-{Atr,.ul ka6u ggia-orl fhI;ri' etgoilwt\ +h"+t Iv,ri 1c ,lIf! tr4? Uat,t,'rt+ For interior modificdions, an improvement survey and site plan fiay be waived by the zoning administrator. ( 7u+q ,Z l11i VI. TIME REOTIIREMENTS 1- A. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a rninimum offour' (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by tbe mning adminisrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after tle designed submittal date. B. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if consmrction is not conmeNrced within nro yeas of the date of approval and diligently purued to completion. ! B. A topographic and/or improvement suwey at a scale of at least l" = 20' stamped by a Colorado lic * y'' ("'(i?r'Purf u, OTIIER ,/ A. If this ap,plication rrquires a se,parate r€view by any lncal, State or Fcdcral agcnry otlcr than thc Town of Vail, the application fe,e shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of srch review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Accass Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. / B. The applicant ehall be re sponsible for paying any publishing fces which ara in cxccee of 507o of the application fee. I{ at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for zuch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. v C. aFplications deemed by the Community Development Department to have signilicant design, land use or other issues which rnay hav€ a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants othcr than town stafi. Should a determin*ion be rnade by the town staff that an outsido consultant is needed to roview any ayyiiuir,iul, Couununiry Deveiopmenr may hire an oursroe consute , lt shall esurnate the anount of mone,y necessay to pay him or hcr and this amount shall be forwrded to the Town by the ap'plicant at the time he Iiles his application with the Community Dcvelopment Dcpartnc,nt. Upon conplction of tho rcvicw of the application by thc consultant, any ofthe fimds forwrded by the applicant for payment ofthe consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess ofthe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bv the Town. f:\everyone\formsVariance.4 I 7 Au, L,rr,al 'VUut QoNo* [ ( x.t ft-t ,KW T*Y nl (g,u,roq {1n,J lt'' SLuad LUrwlo) tuiu) RICH AND KRUSEN DE.SIGN, INC ARCHITECTURE AND DEVELOPMENT rooo Lioneridge l-oop #gd, Vail, Colorado, a1657 phone:(3vg) 4,76j228 taxz (3ogl 4769ozg Dominic Maudello Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 April2, 1996 Re: Stanley Residence Remodel Lot 1 VailValley, 3rd Filing 1816 Sunburst Drive Dear Mr. Mauriello, Enclosed are the revised plans we intend to submit to the PEC for a site coverage variance. As you know on June 1 0,1 991 a variance was granted that is similar to the one currently being requested. The existing buibing is over the allowable site coverage. The 1991 variance allowed for the site coverage to be 661 sq. ft. over the allowable. This was granted because the existing structure is designed with a slot between the two units which creates significant drainage problems for both sides. Because of this design the duplex does not meet the towns guidelines for a duplex. Connecting the two buildings solved these problems, while reducing the mass and bulk of the project, without any impact on the neighbors, light, air, traffic, utilities, or public safety. As you know this past summer we began looking at trying to have the 1991 variance reinstated, but the town expressed concerns due to the recent avalanche activity. We have since contacted Art Mears (see altached) and in response to his input we have modified (and I believe improved)the design. In this proposalwe would remove some areas of site coverage and relocate the garage of the secondary unit. This allows us to use the structure as the primary avalanche defense. The result is a request for a variance of 526 sq. ft. and a design which resolves some other issues: specifically a drive that is too steep for the town and a driveway encroachment of 12 feet onto Town of Vail property. In conclusion, this proposal would bring the pQect into compliance with alltown regulations and guidelines and provide for adequate avalanche defense with 135 less sq. ft. of a site coverage variance than was previously granted. Jack K SnowA.l.A. o ARTHIJRI.MEARS, P.E, N*unl Flrrudr C-anltrnn INC. 2il2Er.Cr rfr'Arc, GdcL Colqr& 81230n -u1.t2% artmear@rmii.corn F€bruary22, 1996 Mr. Jac,k Snow l0O0 Lions Ridge loop Suit€ 3D Vait, C081657 RE: Avalanche & Rocldall mitigation, lot l, Vait Village 3d Filing Dear Jack: Thanks for the call last nreek about tot l. At your requesr t am providing the following propcal for detail€d anab/sis of design-nagritgde snow arralianche and rocldall dynamics (energ, impoct potential, interaction with structur€s). Spocifically, I will analpe and r€port on tbe following: a, Design-avalanche dynamics analysis including calorlation ofvelocity, deosity, Ilow thickness, and kineuc+nerg/ &nsity, parameters needed in desigt[ b. Design roclda[ dynamics, including calculation ofvelocity, bornce heights, and bnetic energf, also parameters needed in desiSg andc. Design performance specifications, including sizes, heigh6, and required strengths of rocltrall and avalanche defense syst€ms. Fiml shuctural+ngineering details or drawings will not be included as part of my proposed uotlt As yol also reqgeste4 I have also completed preliminary analysis of arralanche dynamics to det€rmine if gnictuat poreaion at the uphill side of the building is feasible. The calculated impact velocity and enerry inOicates the hrilding would be within the zo derote-hazard zone, thus defense desip would be ao@able to the Town of Vail. Howorer, speciat cotrstruction techniques would be roquired to ammmodarc targe impact forces. The uphill oposure of the present building probably would have to tr nodified oonsiderablylperhaps some or all of the building would have to be &molished to properly design for avalanches and roclf,all. I can oomplete the consulting work r€quircd to develop fhe decign parameters for a price which will not exceed 83,000, inctuding fees and expenses. Please contact me if pu have additional questions. Sincerely,A. lt \, /rllI ltr |l\tirAr:/- r | --- Arthur L lviears, P.E. Analancheqntol engineer \, il&{,t WillW . Amlarcha o At,br,,tG,,tnlfulred{6 "/ -HrpwonrH-uo*rofBrorecHrurcer, INc. September 26, L995 Jack and Eileen Stanley c/o Trans America Natural Gas Company 3633 North Sam Houslon Parkway East, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77060 Hi6 noad ts4 Glenwood Springs, CO E1601 Fax 970 945-8454 Phone 970 945-798E Job No. 195 361 {\, Subject: Geologic Hazard Review for Proposed Building Addition, Lot l, Vail Valley, 3rd Filing, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stanley: As requested by your architect, Mr. Jack Snow, we have made a geologic hazards review of the lot. The purpose of review was to evaluate if the proposed addition has the potential for increasing existing geologic hazards to the existing buildings on the lot or o adjacent properties. A fietd review of the lot was made on July 26, 1995. In addition published regional geologic hazards studies of the area were reviewed. proposed Addition: Two living units side by side are presently located on the lot. It is our understanding that the addition will enclose the breeze way benreen the two existing strucrures. The addition will not require new site grading and the existing buildings will be essentially unchanged. Site Conditions: Lot I has a street address of 1816 Sunburst Drive. The lot is located on the south side of the street on an alluvial fan in the lower part of the Club House Gulch Drainage. The lot is on the west side of the fan near its transition to the steep southern Gore Creek Valley side. The fan head is located about 500 feet up slope to the south of the two buildings. The average slope of the fan on the lot is about 15% down to the north. The base of the steep valley side lies about 45 feet to the southwest of the two buildings. The valley side is very steep with an average slope of about 80%. Outside the tandscaped areas vegetaiion on ttre lot is an aspen forest with brush and grass undentory. Geologic Hazards: Our field review and regional hazards studies indicate that the existing buildings are exposed to several geotogic hazards. Potential hazards present in the area are snow avalanche, debris flow and debris avalanche, and rockfall. The existing buildings are near the boundary between high and moderate snow avalanche hazards zones associated with relatively large avalanches in the Club House Gulch drainage (Mears, 1979). The existing buildings are also exposed to small snow avalanches from the steep valley side to the southwest (Mears, 1979)' Records on file with the Vail Planning Department indicated that some building damage was associated with a small avalanche from this latter source in ttre spring of 1993. _ {1 Jack and Eileen Stantey September 26,1995 Page 2 The club House Gulch alluvial fan is the potenrial site of debris flows. The steep valley side to the southwest is a potential source area for debris avalanches. Debris flows and avalanches are expected to be infrequent events resulting form unusually heavy thunderstonn precipitation or unusual rapid snowpack melting. The existing buildings are in a moderate debris flow hazards zone from club House Gulch (Mears, 1984). The existing buitdings are also near the runout limir for debris avalanches from the steep valley side to the southwest (Mears, l9g4). The cliffs along the upper and mid valley side to the southwesr of the two buildings are potential source areas for rockfall, Many of the angular boulders in the area areprob{ly the result of past rockfall. The two existing buildings are in a high severiry rockfall hazard zone (Schmueser and Associates, l9g4). Evaluation: The proposed addition connecting the two existing buildings should not increase the existing geologic hazards to the two buildings on the lot or to adjacent properties, including roadways and utility eas€ments. The potential geologic hazards could result in damage to the two buildings and the proposed connecting addition on thelot. Additional studies would be required to assess the feasibility of hazard mitigation. If there arc question, please call. Respectfully submiued, HEPWORTH PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. K"4,t 4 Ralph G. Mock Engineering Rev. By: SLP RGM/kmk RKD - Attn: Mr. {1 Jack and Eileen Sanley September 26,lg95 Page 3 RETERET{CES Mears, A.I., 1n9, Sttow-Avalanche Area Sudies and Guidetines for Avalanctte-HaznrdPlanning: colorado Georogical survey speciar pubrication 7. Mears, A.I., 1884, Debris-Frow and Dcbis Hazard Anatysis.. prepared for the Townof Vail. schmueser and Associates, 1984, Rocffalt study - Tnw of vail: prepared for the Townof Vail. '{ RICH AI|D I(RUSET DEAIGI| ARCHITECTURE ATD DEVELOPMEITT .,,,,*"o*1lf 3,"i?iJlt3f:;f Slii'i[3.1;'.eo2sFAx June 12,1995 Planning and Environment Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. VailCo. 81657 Re: Reinstatement of the Variance granted June 10, 1991 forthe Stanley Duplex (1816 Sunburst Dr.). Dear Sirs: The Variance being applied for was granted June 10, 1991 but the project never transpired. Our approach in applying for the Variance today is the same. We want to infill the nanow slot betrrveen the two buildings without increasing the site coverage. Curren$y, the buildings are a violation to several design review guidelines as they exist because the roofs drain onto the decks and the duplex does not appear as a single unit. The narow slot also presents,major drainage problems for the existing structures. The existing slot is ten feet across covercd ground level with decking and with a roof that overhangs from either side to provide a narow 6' wide slot to the sky. This certainly seems to be a fair candidate for a variance. 1.) The proposed construction would reduce the apparant mass and bulk of the sftucture by reducing the excessive overhangs. 2.) Solve the existing drainage problems. 3.1 Bring the building in line with the DRB guidelines.. 4.) All of this while totally out of view of the neighbors and having no impact on light, ai1 transportation, population trafiic, utilities or public safety. We still believe this is a resonable request, which was granted once before, and hope that you can quickly approve it again. 1. Stanley residence - Variance *nto* "ated June 12,,ng5-o'o"t"*tu Lot Area 16,069 sq,ft. Perplat Allowable GRFA - under ordinance 4,707 sq.ft. Existing GRX'A Primaryunit 737 sq.ft. - Lower (includes 156 sq.ft' granted in 1986 via 250 ord') 1,326 sq.ft. - Upper 1,326 sq.ft. - Main 3,389 sq.ft. - total I,027 - Garage Secondary unit 750 sq.ft. - Lower 531 sq.ft. - Upper 815 sq.ft. - Main 2,096 sq.ft. - total Maximum ellowable - with 250 ordinance Primary unit 3,483 sq.ft. (=3,389 sq.ft. + 94 sq.ft. remaining of a 1986 250) Secondary unit 2,346 sq.ft, (=2,096 + 250) Proposed GRFA Primaryunit 680 sq.ft. - Lower (includes area marked as crawl space) 1,295 sq.ft. - Upper 1.666 sq.ft. - Main 3,641 sq.ft. - total (158 sq.ft. over that allowed plus remrining 250) - I 14 sq.ft. crawl space 3,527 sq.ft. (,t4 sq.ft. over that allowed plus remaining 250) 727 - Garage Secondary unit 745 sq.ft, - Lower (includes area marked as crawl space) 560.5 sq.ft. - Upper 1.177 sq.ft. - Main 2,482,5 sq.ft. - totat (136.5 over that allowed plus a tull250) -113.5 sq.ft. crawl space 2*369 sq.ft. (23 over that allowed plus a tuII250) Site Coverege 3,214 sq.ft. - allowed (20%) tl 3,317 sq.ft. - existing (20.&o/o\ O 3,875 sq.ft. - proposed (24.11%) 661 sq.ft. overthe allowable 253 sq.ft. overprevious variance l! Oflrer Env. Haeard letter is inadequate and inconsiste'lrt with the code The previous variances uffo*rA for 408 sq.ft of site cov€rage over the allowable for a total site coverage of 3,622 sq.ft. t intv. ZONING. who prepared the plans and specifications that . thc work was Properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications.If the engineer, geologist, or building official of the Town of Vail finds that the work is not being done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the discrepancy shall be reported immediately in writing to the contractor and to the community development dePartment of the town.' Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall also be submitted. All geologic reports prepared under this section shall be signed by and prepared by or under the responsille direction of professional geologists :ut defined by C.R.S. Section 34'l-201, as amended. Such professional geologist shall be experienced and competent in the geologic specialty required to meet the objectives of this chapter. Such professional geologist shall be responsible for certification of all geologic maps and reports prepared by him under his responsible direction as specified in this section. All engineering reports required by this section shall be done by a registered professional gngineer as defined by C.R.S. Section 12-25-102, as amended. t, not in conformity with the provisions of this regulation 3xpansio"J itt"iffiiffi';lfiffiion to exiiii;E-" " structures in geologically sensitive areas excePt for windows, skylights and other similar minor - alter-atio ns -u nless' the. require ments . of ,paragraphs B.,. C., and D. of this section are complied with. 2. Structures existing on the effective date of this sectiortr which are damaged or destroyed may be reconstructed without compliance to this section as long as said structure complies with other applicable 498-12 may be continued, except for the following: (vail9-3-85) t /\ | , r'lu. itl\u lu4J , ro 2329 (1.84) AGENT FILE COPY t sgnnf,Ure flAgenl's Order No.: 27 Amount of lnsurance pale^of,.Pollqh4.,Prsmium Retained Feo o*,,1', 01 81683 67 I i i:,,.r ll. oT |.4rtJr\.73 1'J:4,1 .1i.1 66 a'i 92 3 ):5.J0 99 170 llf $ Number 1. Name of lnsured:JOIN R. SIA.ILEY and ElLEEll T. STA{LEY ln Joint tenancy 2. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in the insured. 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Schedule covered by this policy is Fee Simple. FEE 4. The land referrqdlo inlhis policy is located in the County of Eaglo State of (ploraoo and described as follows: LEOAL DESCRIFTION SET FORlI't OiI SI1EET AfiAC.IED HERETO AIID BY THIS REFEREIICE INCIRFOMTED I€REIN AND i.IADE A PA1T IEREOF. ro rr05.r (r 8J) Gontinu Iho lend ruf i.,:r-i- i.l i.-i in iit il: lol of ,Ji:t:rrri,l: ..:;rd i;so- l5:tj':::; f'..ri l:ruJ iud iti iir.: ururrli r'ri i'ri,:lu , ji':|'l!) '.ll u'-lr artd ;l'JcJr'dor oi I oi :;e id i-;rt I o tt itlt bJl J.1 . r ci i:r A port i.rf l-cf I,'.f.qli-'t,\LL[? Trllti) F l!- l:ii, dl subclyisl,;;.r i-:ciirrgd tn in.r rf ticii ;rf th.r i)l *fir enJ ,i':soiEirr cf laglt, fuuni"1, lairl ir'rri"'uf '-ot' I :uit; ';lo-'f P:rf iu"rl;r't ;' rj"t;ll-ii''lJ its flll i,],i:; J:lJlrrrtit'lJ .11- .j p;'rini: ilit'.'ril:'; i''r': l"i.ruiiil'u i';'il lroerr s ,r:.,) I I ju ; /ii.2) ir.;..r. i, thrrnfJ 5 Ji'2'l':iitr ii i'J') f '.:ii'; inonc$ :;54,,35:',t'/n i J).7) i;t-e.ii lir,.lnril il iriir;,?liirr li 1-i.il-i f "'., ii .flr\rns3 I J.i":jjt?7n i: i:l.ii i...lui; 'llr..r,tca i.i i'-j"''Z,it t5t' '! ll.. )J f ,.r'.ti; 'ihslnc'r :l t.l'ljj'77n "l l.iJ t'.r.ri; i'irunc:r ii jj";l,i' 3tn :. l'l .1iJ 'i:',:'iii thotrc$ li i,l'jj';li$ '; ,)-J"1 ) i:tL r; 'lhJncf 5 :ti'':d::;j1r :t i.i. I ;J i;st-; in.Jnc., ;l i1'3,i!71?' .! ,i.l'i:i i;u'l r; lJrs;rcn S :5'Li '5"3rt .; 'il. l.i f;r'.lr; 'ihstrc'r li i,i'jj t't7n 'l .1.'i) f -'r"'; 'f irrac., $ fi";l 9' ''']tt 1 I J. :i'.) i*; l ;'io firr.r plill'of uu5irinliiS. Togo'fh':r ui'!'!r ;n u;,li t id;rJ i,/i iii'i'cro;i' itt PrllCi- '.;:Pai-t' ct Lcf I , Vll!L'rtALL$' T:l lrlj l--l.lilli, o juttJivlsll:lr iac'-rrC',rJ iti i'hir ()f f l';i, Jf illJ Eogla i;,;ruri'r', ,i;l')i-"ldJr 'iuid;!ical J l:ii -'l titi o;tclprioni ilf fur'c.rit .'r ,.ixd il dl':cr iirod / CJr-i1r-r,;" .ri" '.,.r id Lo i 1 ii;l ful lcrlitt;.;: P.t ic!i- A: A pari cf :-3f I , Vl li. '/j'r'-LiT il ll;l$ F l'- lili, n sub,Jlvi:;ill roccr3o.j in tld lf f icr tjugf +: G;u,ri"/, iJ.tloi-iid,), :; l,J p..r.'i .ri' dcs:r ib.:il ;,; f ..r i lo,r,-; oi fh,: Cl:il" .!nil ilor;'.rrdor cf '-.r i I b,ri:r,r -nr)i-:! prrf lculart l Bo;;l;lnl n! ri. a p)ini. ilt1uric3 iito tqJfirirr5'fori / cofnijr of :;.rid i--r'l I bsars 5 271t),1 !3'jx [ 7i].?f feut; 'fbirncu ii 54"3'ji77'r'l 5.i5 tac'i; ( lon'i l:tutd l TO r.05.r ll.tl3) sf;our.Gonfin '-i:i,1:- ]C5',1:llFTl.li! - c:rti'i nrr;.| 'fhonco il 54a53'?.'i|t :J 5J.5i fgcti fhonca ii J5*2.1 '531' i 53.,i0 f+a i; Thrlo€.! il 54:'5it77:''.t l'5.t0 foo'l; 'ilronco i,l 3i"24'!33tt ! 32.'i5 frrai'; thcns'.r S 5'1+3i'27n : ii,.i,l fo';'ij l'fronco S i5':j.t t33tt',, ii.o5 forl'l; thonc. 5 i4'5i::/t' -- j.C5 far'lf; rhsncc S 35';!4 | 35tt 'l iiT.liJ fo{ri'; th,lnct ll ;;"-r5'?7rt ll 2"lJ fott; fht)nc., S 55"2r, t.J3!r r{ I i. i? fo.r'i; ftl ttla Polnt of !,o3innlng. PITRC.B- 8: A part of -of I, TlttL TA-i-iY T'llif Fl'-l:l:;, a subrlivision roi:,)rio'J iit iit'l uf llc'.r 'lf ihr il+rli :nd ilgcor'j:rr C,)i.;rl4'J, :1.:litJ ilJil'ei lit 1 ir'.ilrr1; ',t..;r''J pJr'ficutci!7 tJ;;c'i;:itti "tfJ5 Eolt I o '.):ru;tt7 'f.rl i :lr:;; I t,.r."lr:: 53oginlrinl li' -r 1:,'rlitf .liiJncrr tili, .;''!irirc'; f':il'/ ';'Jifi r't' ?i' :'J jd '-) ' ,j7o0 I tfiitr ! 7i.1.13 feoi; tlrol'rco 5 J5'izt tlit' 'l J.'lJ faur; ihgnco S 3'1"55 r 27!t r: i]'7) fco'i; fhorrca S 5i"4'J;tt t lf.J5 l'o,rt,'i \tnca 5 54\!55 ' ?ttt li 1 6.51 fl': ;; 'fhsnca il 3r'21ttj'n i llil.'.li) fri-ri; rhonso Il 54"55 t?'ln "l .i.53 fu+i; 'lheflca 'l iit'r.1; j';'t E | 1,1 .) faol'l'; thorran !l 54"35 12f$ \l 2ii,l I flor'; fhcnco S :.7"241j:jrr :l l'1 .l I fc':i; 'lr)aocs :'! 54o:ii f '17st ;/ i.?5 fu+ r; thrrua 5 35'2 d' 53rt I :ii.l. I i frt'Jrl 'l'honco ii i4" j j'3?" ii ll.'rl ) tur'l' j tironi:c 5 iljt24t'3Jn ! I'i-"t0 fc,rf;'iJ 'inu Po |;t'i .rf l)tij inn I t) i. CAr. t{O. tll{(Da/.t' rd rsr prO or,t. Pollct a S|r|d||rt Cou.o ule B FOLICY NO.0l0luEl Crder ilo. 3t)5529'C Thls pollcy do€s not Insure agalnst loss or damage by reason of lhe following: STANDARD EXCEPTIONS (a) Rlghts or clalms of partles ln possesslon not shown by the publlc records. (b) Easements, or claims ol easements, not shown by the publlc records' (c) Encroachments, overlaps, boundary ilne disputes, or other matters whlch would be dlsclosed by an accurale survey or Inspectlon of the premlses. (o Any llen, or rlght to a llen, for servlces, labor, or materlal heretolore or hereafter fumlshed, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. (e) Unpatented mlnlng clalms; reservatlons or exceptlons In patents or in acts authorlzlng the lssuance thereof; waler rlghls, clalms or tltle to waler. 0 Taxes or assessments whlch are not shown as exlstlng llens by tho public recorcls. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS a Rlgtrt of tho Proprlator of a volo or Lods to oxtroct and roaovo hls o'ol- inJ"ufi*. should tho sanrs bo found'fc ponotrute or intorsocttho pra-olsos hori:by granforl, as rssorvod ln lJnltod Sfsfes Potont roccrrlod Juno 23, 'l'-lrlJ, In loo< 48 11\2 D D uf Pago 495. h. Rlght of way for dltches or conals cons'irugfel by tlro authortl-9! fho unifd stofos, as rosorvod In lJnliorl sfafos Pofoni'rocordod Juno 29, 19J5, In Book 43 at Page 495. l. An undlvlded 1/2 lnierost In and fc all of fhs oll, 3as and ethsr inlneralt, sol lrj, tlquld onrl gas+ous.. of evocy t<lnrl and naturo, Including uronlum, .ln lnd on and urrdor ond frhlci noy ba Producod frqo thuf por'l'lon of subJoc't pcopai'ty- In scctlon lc of i-ogal doso-lpflon lroroto as o;<coptod,and ra:tervcd by Pcfer E' !(atsos ln ihu 9ei:d rrcordcd llay t, 195), in 3o'1r 155 a'i Pa!;'*e ?27'?o J, Torins, ogroenonts, provlslons, condlf lons ond obl l(Jafions as ocntalned ln- ngr*ooni, by anct bntroen Voll As:oclot.rs, Ltd., and Oas Focil lflos, Inc.' r6cordcd Jul'7 17, 19b4, in Sooii l8:i a'l Poge 157' It. Eas€mont grontod to ?atl l{atsr and Sanltation trlsirlc'l by inJfrumont recorded Ostobsr 20' 1969, In gook 2l'5 at Paga 217. a po'tlon of tho subJoct proporlT, as sho'ln - fi',i.e Fl I Ing, a Ra:ubdlv ison of Part of {r'lrce rJ *ktz forfelturo or rworfor cl ause, but rrnlttlng color, rollglon or no'llonol rlgln, as l. l{lgh hazard llno for ovalanches ovor on thq rscorded Plat of l'ail Vol loY Sunburst. y)rr4L("rlrul lil kD _ m. ilrrstrlctlons, tlhlch do not contain o r*rstrlctlons, i f ilny, bosod on racg, (Con'hlnuod) lo 1105.r (1.8i)) s#oure Contin l.\ifFll0ll5 * cPnf InueC containod In ilati'uacnf r..rcsrdad lrugus't iJ, 1177, ia iiu.:it ?'i) at Fq': 50' n. no5tr ici|onr' r;hicI r|o ro'| ciinta!n c i.u.f.r|fut.o cl. t. v,Jrt,3r cliju5.J, !u'li;: oul.f?lng r:rrrrlc'ii,ln:, if ll;ry, ilJ5ir,J cn rirc, ci:rlor'; r.r! iSiurr cr n.i'iicrE! or igln, es sitJirn irfl tn.r r;cor'c,:'J l,lat "li- :,a iti :iuJ.iiv i I iott, pic"/ i d i;r? sub:tt;Yil'i.:l lir 1* fcl ie'ls; t) itruciira; cr:;t:-if uCi''od ,rifhiir .[';]d irx)J'rr,jii: Jval.)itt':it': it'.|i''lrJ j!:'n:):' i'il Do r<lquirtd 'i"'; ;l)'if spScial 'J''lsiEn iilr:';l f igl'it''lit:' 3) it,r buildinil:.; ;lll oo PDri;rii?,]d trltirin i;ie illiih rr'.tlancu irigi:i'd lonBj' .geG ,tc EE ={-f4J I.J.9 il sq {r -son c'd\ .[|'f. :\t7 :tr+.). <l *i& ,rlq : rr:,t Ef,o() |!Jo(9oF ci|r lrl(, Fzo.E UJFF J.Lzf olt- lrJ (iFga*E1lrl bF=z el >llrlJJ s Jg frnBFl l|o E2 s^3 zo(n- o(nI il,JZ3il ;Jf E s$ FaE3ozf,@t!oFtr d |!ozo6 6(Df(n rlrJl(rl< (9z =L € lo UJ ls@5 3 v^v \XE (, FIJ EF allow for an l8-hole miniature golf course on property zoned Commercial Core II, generally located south and west of Chair 8 @om Free Express), Tracts C and D, Vail Lionshead Fint Filing per staff memo and with the condition the course rcmain open until dusk. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved 4-0. 3. Appeal of a stal[f decision reearding site coveraee for the Stanlev Residence. [,ot 1.Apoeal of a staff decision reeardine site coveraee for the Stanlev Residence. l,ot 1. Third Filine. a Resubdivision of Part of Sunbunt/I816 Sunburst Drive- 4. Aopellanu Jack Stanlev Planner: Jill Kammerer Applicanc Jack StanlevPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the issues in both the appeal and the application. The issue surrounding the appeal was whether the existing walkway covered by a deck counted as site coverage. Jill read the code as recently amended. Staff determined it did not count, and therefore enclosing the area would require a variance. Jack Snow, representing the applicant, asked the Commissioners to put themselves in the shoes of thc applicant, who was trying to follow the rules. He stated that he believed a roofed walkway was site couerage. Kathy Langenwalter responded by saying that the deck covered the walkway, but it was not roofed. This specific issue had been discussed during thc zoning code changes, and she believed staff was correct in their intelpretation. Jack believed that as the code was written, it was contradictory to the intent. Kathy was in favor of upholding staff decision in this case. Jack still believed it was confusing, stating that the roofwas either covered or roofed, and he was not sure what the distinction was. Kathy said that since water could come through from the above deck, it was not considered "roofed." Kristan said the code was clear how to count the area, and when they had met with the architect on the plans originally, the architect had asked that the walkway not be considered site coverage. Kathy Langenwalter moved to uphold the staff decision regarding site coverage for the Stanley Residence, Irrt 1, Vail Valley Third Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/1816 Sunburst Drive based on the fact the walkway was covered by a deck, not roofed, and therefore did not constitute site coverage. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved, 3-1, with Connie Knight voting against because she believed the code was confusing. 4. A reouest for a sib coverage variancc for the Stanlev Residence. I.ot 1. Vail Vallev Third Filine. a ResuMivision of Part of Sunburst/1816 Sunburst Drive. Aoplicant Jack Stanlev J)t Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Karnmerer explained the request was to infill an area between the primary and secondary units. Staff recommended approval of the request. Diana Donovan asked what the zoning of thc adjacent propefiy was. Jill replied it was owned by the Town Jack Snow, rcpresenting the applicant, showed the proposed design. He said there was still a drainage probGm with the proposal, but it would be controllable. He felt the proposal was a reasonable solution to the problem. Connie Knight asked if there would be new stonework in the front. Jack indicated there would. Kathy Langenwalter questioned the hardship on the property. Jack indicated staff said the exisdng construction was the hardship, a the area was a "disaster." It was the intent of the o*ttets to clean up the look and function of the area. Kristan Pritz further explained that there were severe site hazards on the lot and the infill was a better solution than moving the structure closer to the hazard. Kathy asked for a condition of approval that exterior changes, such as stucco for the entire building, be made. Kathy Langenwalter moved ro apprcve the request for a site coverage variance for the Stanley Residence, I-t 1, Vail Valley Third Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunbursy'l8l6 Sunburst Drive be approved per the staff memo, and the frnding that unusual circumstances exist through seapatat" buildings and roofs resulting in an icing condition. The infill would require the use of the 250 ffiinance as outlined in the staff memo. The conditions of approval would be as stated in staff s memo with the additional condition that the existing siding be removed and replaced with stucco. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved, 4-0. After the vote, Kristan commented that ttris was an excellent example of the 250 Ordinance used to upgrade a prop€rty. 5. Aooellant: Planner: Treetops Condominium Association Mike Mollica 6. Drive. Appellanr Bill Post At Ooori,.o{,ou FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL C.RFA EXCESS OF ALLOI.IABLE GRFA Date of Appl Oate of DRB ication S-f-y/ Meet ing S- - : u PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERTNCE A pre-application conference with a mernber of.the planning staff is strongiyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionit GRFA can be addedto a site' It should be uhderstooa-ttrii_tiris oiainini.-Jo.s not assure each orope.rtian additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, ir.'.-.r0ir....'.ir.rr"iir=!!",6'"250 square feet jf certain conOitions'are mer. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless thevare.eonlp'lete. Thls includes a'lt inioriiiron requiria'on'trris form as r,rel as-Design Revjew Board submjttal requir.*.ntr. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: b.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: Lot_[B1ock Zon€ District NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s U. c [tnrlF nF .r!rrrFA/a\L. rrAt.tE uf uwt\ tK ( 5 J : V n0ne none A7L -7Qoct ** Signature(s ) Address hone F. Filing Fee of $]00.00 is required at tinre of submittal r,/,/r-( :e .l / ' ), aor- -{The foll,ow'ing'information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, sha11 berequired wjth this submittal:'1. verification that the unit has received a finar cert.if ic:te of occupanc,v.2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent property_owriers and 0f o,,ne15 0tX:l::rSi,lnlri?l!.'rr. This tnformatlon rs avait;;i;'irom the Easre county 3. Condominjum association approval (if appl jcable). 4. Exjsting floor pian of structure. eq THIS ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Juty 10, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for review and approval of the Town ol Vail Non-Point Source Water Quality Management Plan. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest 2. A request to review a request by the Vail Consolidated Water District to create 3.2 acres of wetland area located at Katsos Ranch. Applicant: Water DistrictPlanner: Russ Forrest 3. A request for a minor CCll exterior alieration located at The Landmark Condominiums, 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1,Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Geotfrey Wright, representing Landmark-Vail Condominium Association Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a joint worksession with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplaned tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knutdsen 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 1816 Sunburst Dr./Lot 1,Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: John StanleyPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village 5th filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton o ))',f1''\ r o-i'' I 0f/",' -,; t'l a ,r) tn'n'' \ Al (c"1', ,JV Fleverlone\pednoticas$T 1 095 Oo tW-!-^ It $'trr.{rr*s 4' *,1,*, ?flur. tgulweo Ett*rso 1q,w4 L lt>fts !,1a61tvwb tui*iut *nlel btl.lU6. - ^oi*.i, Wceov?v st+n ,*fl,ngn b4flt L . ul,n '&u ** uovt'ute fu*l*'toU ''4zorr grrwq gocy hu (/' F{"+ r,.r 'ttor4t€ FlOr" + >Itl ,u Fhp flnh '86 - &rf,r,^rzo., h Nt?> 14 7 lI &r^ro ,PlPfct"s ol-{ lWl "(l*" - L*cs 4-e { ttf*o= > b,^l+. :fu - fu,v,*" tgycn( *{hu*,lrw( ?p/^,(( , tMFPf.t oe,uut Cnbt*S a/'^tt? *c {*ae Zz' tffz A-onud fd t*Iu&to* 6oe z 6L+e-g,Uci4'a 8"-e Lo I l41l dh ctblefln ukar*Ne *frrrud' - ?ec. +??@,*-D ';- ? a*Iul;9 i*llfr"Asb Elo p,wn bqb57o' t U -"'- \ Ad n@lrtv / ,%'oFT / -.,I#, t?tgttt^r4 d+t> 0J&4a &W f,,ut- luno 12( Ir gI% otc.own!,! Lffrpn+'[ -l a^l,{-is ,, /t*W; ha-z+a> fuW z. *Ji,h,*( l*l silp,"t g $rzu-ro ezg{ru- *f'douo - o 6,nft - hd*r("u DruF$eo +3 a ?"eni 6 *)kLA-rt,tlt. &,10 (tu?-effa , U EtVue * nvvtr'u+1to 35 rI?( . kltgtnvv tto^1 11 , (i(9. 6 ?E,C "t,k! ' ltl Ao ttJ=".- rt?t 1115. Aa7itrctnr* Le )la, t+tce #--' .. { | THIS ITEM li{AY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town ot Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on July 24, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town o{ Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for lhe remodel of the Golf Course Maintenance Facility, located at1278 Vail Valley DriveiParcel E, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie BenderPlanner: Russell Forrest 2. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of tand in Tract B, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail. Eagle County, Colorado, commancing al lhe Northeast comer of said Tract B;lhence N 79'46'00' W atong th€ Norlherly line of Vail Village, Firsl Filing, and along the Nonh€rty line of said Tract B 622.86 feeti thence S 06'26'52' \{ a dislance ol 348.83 feel lo lhe Southwesl comer ot lhal parcelof land described in Book 191 al Page 139 as tecorded January 10. 1966 and filed in Receprion No. 102978 in th€ Eagle Counry Records, said comgr also being lhe True Point ol Beginningi lhencs S 79.0a'08'E and along lhe Souherly line of said parcel 2OO.OO feel lo the Soulheasl comet lhereof; thence N 52'52'OO' E and dong rhe Nonherly line ot lhat parcel ol land described in Bfok 222 al Page 513 as recorded in . 1971 in lha Eagle Counly Records, a distance ol 66.78 leel lo lhe Nonheaslerly corner ol said parcel of land; said comer b€ing on lhe \{estedy right-of.way line of Gore Creek Road, as planed in Vail Vitlage, Fifih Filing;lhence N 27.13'37' \ry a dislan cE 0177.37 teel along sajd Vy'estedy right-ol-wey line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22' W a dislance ol t 2.80 leet lo lhe Nonheasledy comer ot thal parcel of land described in Book 191 , Page t 39 as recorded January 10, 1 966 and fileC in Beceplion No. 102978 in the Eagle County Rec.rds: thence Nonhwesterty 26.51 fe€t along the arc ol a 37.50 feet radius curve lo lhe lett having a central angle ol40'30'00' whose chord beaG N 53'40 00' W a distance ol 25.95 leel lo a point of tangency; thence N 73'55'00' W and along said tangent 155.44 leel:lhence N 85'1021' W a distance of 50.40 leel lo the Northwestedy comer of lh€ Mountain Haus Parcel; thance S 02'18'00' W and along lh€ eastedy line ot said Mounlain Haus Parcel a dislanc€ ol 1OO.OO feet to the Souheasterly corner thereof; lhense S 45'13'53' E a dislance of 38.70 leet lo thB True Poinl of Beginning, containing 30,485 square feel, more or l€ss. Applicant: ANT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by Slan CopePlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building, located at 1000 S. Fronlage Rd,/Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4, Applicant: Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon PartnershipPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 1816 Sunburst Dr./Lot 1, VailValley Third Filing. Applicant: Planner: 3. *' John Stanley Randy Stouder -d,Yfi ,ff#' F :\evar)rone\Pac\nolicesu72,l 95 S. A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to pa;k a mobild cathe-ter lab^railer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailValley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Randy Stoudet 6. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Worlis Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at '1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unPlatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Api:licant: Towri of VailPlanner: Andy Knutdsen Ftevartlne\p.cbdic6$72495 o DBBORAH WEBSTER WARNER (LOT 4) STARFTRE COMPAT{Y LTD (LOT 3) P.O. BOX 958 143 E. MEADOW DR. #360 AVON, CO 81620 VAIL, CO 81657 W,ft|,JN, Iture(t. rz qr) $lts rs The \'JD46rt.Fx ODIc. BY JACK+ ITLL J3Vpjrrl -'-4 r;4'/9ro,., I -rd-14- - ...--_._.__ ;/- . -< P14 -:8,*--:ffiWt tW -'-' 4/t7fr{z..-.*-_-ffi DATE SUBMIfiED:DATE OF PUBLI HEARING COMMENTS ITIEEDED By: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I GREG HALL TODD Return to Datc: Datc: Date: '///frit^ fip ()r, /at. ,-- f,.ra berpf PROJEbT: Engincering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Landscaping: Reviewed bv: Comments: Fire Dopt.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: fhn,pfi -fht: 9,wdy RA}IDY STOUDEI. Town Planner I dpperrr 1D t" Tf tet. bur*{y/5l$ . - plrc" {+? Llr'.dt*f O\ ,ca\'""*5 wY*rt l;t"'t pr"*/e N/""**lxrr*fuAt^j I ./Distributed to the Fire Departmcnt, pubric works, and Landsc aping on 6/4 . TO: MIKE M Firo Dcpt.: Reviewcd by: Commcnts: a CGEE /^hk* TODD OPPFI\j !J=iVlE,f:' . MNDY STCUDE]IHelurn to ffi 5,k Gn, &, Comments: Ined o. sigrcA rtong,e) s':c'r-1 \\ eqs\te i mgcc^unents cre Qofct:€d iltji::#nP',#-'if-'lX= r a1"t.i.*tt $ 1-" t'ctp on1 r*ttt"*b t ao^h6r N.tf AP?acN@ ' gear6rntt url 'l^*t'"* .t'nn'55\F &-ipr snetros Datc: INTER.DEPARTITIENTAL REVTEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:r BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: i l0lto Sont"-:rst', Ldt-' I Engincering: Reviewed by:Date: T.re,zo'rqqs Landscaping: Reviewed bv:Dalc: Commcnts: Distributed to the Fire Departmenr, pubric works, and Landsc aping on 6( l{ oz g UJa auJ LIJlJ- =E uJ -a ,b/o4s' tL'tg.zt IF I CJ p $ I I I I I IH lo I I I I I I t_, r(Jrtrlu-iototzr6 uJF o E F n>z: ozzo anlUJr 6rZ1 oz1 "i 66 ?,z YI .l .{ t, u t) u nf u J J J J 3 CJ a .-t C).r'{ trl ; ; IJ II l(..1lolctq FItr lol" lct to l"llrlol+r Irolc) l!.1F1lplsl0) h.r acuJz = ul F z J h $ 4^ FHa z Fl o q) o)E g (! R(o F ha o $ o o)c = dl E = dq) 3 .g U'oI' 4;o o (t ah o N <t6; F o o ooo6 (D o 4,, =J .ti;6 '=@l,)*!oE8F =.2 I EgFFfco Y!'i3.st 3 =EFd'i =c96'- o- -ct3t_E>.!, (5=sE= FOO;Eo €qgtq: f.Y- (6 0-(5 cl sEE V'F (L =€:E6:EE EO(!: EdE;o eeCct o'- gEE '6>,o 6= ;EF "R 6 -i6 B9Ec:e5g -()(! c rf(\ c o \J\ Fis on s ,8 t-- =LIJ zo = Y TJJI z c UJ 26 =J(L z I llJ = UJlu z tr uJ uJ 3UJ t! z 6L!o 6 UJ z x F ulol at) uJUJt! F = IJJo- -tFo|- oz J qt uJ tr z6 = o- . I uJ = NOtrvn]v^ o o br Yoa = z tr o. L!o z Lr,l -riDE r.r.r ,$ =(DN zzo9 XrEooFGatoz>- <)zLL<oo-ur?dY FO.ini >tr z tr {lr- E (Lf uJ F{X;a t1l z Eoo z tr IIJF ; UJz f = (I uJzY(]rF IHt- .zIoz=;< ;1 J(l' _tE oz tzlz tr o (.)() Lztra = 3c o - JI<ltrl zl zl .>lo u,Jo u,J uJzoF u,Jo- J z Eo z F Jo E tllcn I z I rr)O(9 UJFoo -zoF(L UJY lr,Jo oFF t^ =orB6\ l! F{o.>o\(L '--r r-r }.'!i, (dIE guJbkzo z rrY =< =zf f oJO(! u- .H!LITtrT +Jq) J9]dfiE('o=tr =83r,-;\ -l-JY(}O ddH i+ - --,XILILI tr (rtu.Lll-o.P uJ59E<-9n!r-a9tltr cf tr '-L t- =r!-E b=.r dtr:>ll.E 66I 5urE XO-t x>o=Fo*iar-!= ulc) F --- ts =Elrlo-zIF(JfEFU'zo(J ol =.1 url 5l <l>l u-lolzl3l9lFI =.1olEtl 1l <l>l ttlolzl3l 9tFI I I I I ?loluJl 1l 3lrLlolzt ..t3t :ol ulFI F =.1olurlql <l>l rr-Iolzl pl lltl,t^^l ot tl.rll '4 |!l c") |Ol --r I-{l I!t I El elol ,;l:l "l 5:l FIEI Ol @ Io\\'Or tllFl Nlco ol o\lrl I ,l a U)l I\Ol -ll F-61 ln*l 9 .,,l o lul t+6i 'I J>-<F =o (,) o oF) uJ z tr.'l d (, >|or-l oIJ aJ) u; z (D 'otr 0, F{ F{ r-l'r{ =)tr ooZF =<zd)zo-O EoF-C) tFz C) z I L! = G. ;, o e F Fz J 9 F UJ F u.jE7 E -.r O<F(r()uJ<zEIUFtt'tz c) )<Q<t 9.:H KLAHR CONSTRUCTION INC.P.O. BOX r-506 EAGLE, CO. 81631 May 15, L993 Town of Vail Conmunity DevelopmentVaiI, co.81657 This is an application forbuilding perrnit for 1-816 Sunburst Drive in Vail. The house was danaged by an avalanche about two months ago. Enclosed is a letter fron Boyle Engineering outtining steps to be taken in order to restore the home to its original condition. AIso enclosed are drawings showing the areas affected by the slide. Please call me if you have any questions concerning this job. Respectfully submitted, Klahr Construction Inc. Thornas L. Klahr jf"\PPffi^#Vtr-* r r{ t -,'\ fI a-i i\,i i',1 U i-.trD *-"01rtflJ- f3'-E" STHNLEf FESIDEI'ICE IEIE SU]iIBUFST DRTUE URIL, EO. BIEF DMHN ET: I(LHHR CONST. tHC. P.0. B0I 156 EflGLE, EO. EIE I l6'-6" ?E'_E' _-J ENTRY 2l'-6" 1E'- DRIIHGED TIRLL TUlSTED BEHI,I IN ENTRY 6[6 BEHRINE POST IN ENTRT LIUINIROOI'I 14'-3' DHI,IAGED IJHLL D boyle engineering, inc. profess ionol siructurol engine€.s April 12, 1993 Mr. Tom Klahr Klahr Constructio4 Inc. P.O. Box 474 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subject Struchrral Inspection of Avalanche D.mage l816 Sunburst Iane Vail. Colorado Dear Tom: As you know, I h^ive performed a structural irsp€ction of $e above noted residence in order to assess the structural damage to the building from the impact of a recetrt avala;.che. This is a summary of my findines. Obseryations At the time of this lisit, a considerable amount of snow had been renoved from the driveway and entry area, facii;adng :ic.3!s to the building. The snow from the avalanche was still present to the south and west of the unit, although a srip had been removed adjaceut to the w€st wall. Snow existed .grinst the stone coveled coi'.:ma su^nlorri"g the entry roof to the roof dcptb- It app€arcd that the snow had rested on top ofpart ofthis enty roo{ but it has since begn removcj or melted. The overhead garage door has been darr,a;ed -and remoled. It wilt require re- t"cement The south wall of the garage hes b€€n impacted by the slide -6 15 rl.lrneged at its base. Sone of the 2x4 studs harr sheared a*'ay from the sill plate of the Aamed wall. A couple of these have split in the process. The sillplate still appears to be anchored to the foundation vnall Tnr -:;st wali of the sorlhwest main lgvsl bedroom also recei.;ed damage .Soi:r tt: ,low force. Drla,"ll was covering the framing fe1 this s'211, but a definite horizontal hinge point bad developed at the window --;, sill glate line. I suspect that the krng studs tr"ln" 91"6 31 his point '143 e. meaccw dr., suiie 390. crossrooc. s5@ping cer,ier o,icil. colorodo E1652. Mr. Tom Klahr April 12, 1993' Page? Recommendations Reconstruction of three areas is required in order to restorc this structure to its origiml condition. Thcse areas iue the south wall of the garage, the west q/all of the sorrthwest rnain tevel bedroonr, and the entry ' . roof support column Of these three, the only area which had enough structure visible for me to rnakc an ' absolute reconmendation was the garage vall. .r., ,,.. .. . .: .-i ::- This wall can be repaired by pounding the cxisting 2x4 studs back onto the sitl plate in their originai.'--' '. - . position" New 2x4 studs can &en be added imncdlatcty no<t to all of the strds which have sheared aray'; ' from the sill plate. Since it will not be possible to nail tbrough rhe top and bottom plates into the ends oI' i . , these new stu&, they should bc toe-mild into place with one 164 and then a Simpcon A34 t'aming anchor should bc added to their top and botom- Toe nails should then be added to the original studs at - their base to recontrect them to the sill plate. This nray atsc l: required at their top. Obviously tlp drjlq€U, some siding and poss'bly some wall sheathing wilt have to be replaced at the sa.Ee tine. The other two areas will require another site visit for me to meke 6 finrl determination on the remedial . process. As mentioned abcvg I am speodati.og tbat new 'sister' studs can be added nort to the king studs , in the bedroom urall sirnilar to the process used on the garage wall. Howwer, tbe dryqall will have to be removed to expose the structural framing so tbat I can confrm this recommendation. The top of the entry roof column do€s not aPp€ar to need an ext€Dsir€ amount of rework It can likely be snaighrcne{ aad i new connector plate added to restor€ the integrity of the connection- The slope in the bearn leads me to snsP€ct that tbe base of this post has detached from its foundation support The snow will bave r. be rcmoved in this area to egose both l[; s6lr,,rn $65s ald the foundatiotr support before I g6n finnlize my thoughts on this item. Please give me a c;ll stce you have exposed these two areas. I will be arrailable to perfornr a follow-up inspection anii complete my remedial report on rhis structue at tbat time. TME,'J'. Zd).;e"'"t"od.9& F=i t4968:In frt-r'.r$ Timotly CCPY a FILIOa 7J Soutb Frontagc Roail Vail, Colortdo 81657 t 0t-479 -2r t I / 47 9 -2 I t9 Department of Community Det clopment July 7, 1992 Mr. Jack Stanley c/o TransAmerica Gas Co. 140 Cyprus Station Drive Houston, TX 77909 Re: PEC Meetlng June22, 1992 - A request to extend for 2 years the June 10, 1991 slte coverage varlance approval for the Stanley resldence located at 1816 Sunburst Drlve, Lot 1, Vall Valley 3rd Flllng, a Resubdlvlslon of part of Sunburst. Dear Mr. Stanley: Enclosed is a copy of he minutes of the June 22, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your request lor a2 year extension to the June 10, 1991 site coverage variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or it tho use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (June 22, 1992). lf approval of this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by lhe Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hositate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, Kammer Enclosure Jill reviewed the request with the Commission, stating fiat this was merely an request lor a 2-year extension to the variance previously approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. After some discussion, Chuck Crist made a motion to approve the variance request extension and Chuck Dalton seconded ths motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 3. A request to extend for 2 years the June 10, 1991 site coverage variance approval for the Stanley residence located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of part of Sunburst. Applicant: Jack StanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jill reviewed this request for the Commission, stating the request was for a two-year extension to a site coverage variance as previously approved by the Planing and Environmental Commission. As there were no changes to the request, Chuck Crist made a motion to approve the request and Jeff Bowen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. As the applicant was not yet present for item # 4 on the agenda it was agreed to move to ltem #6 on the agenda. 4. A request for setback variances for the Grubbs Residence, 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, VailVillage 8th Filing. Applicant: G&S PartnershipPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jill reviewed this request for the Commission, explaining that the seiback variance was being requested and in order to allow the construction of a sloping roof within the rear, east and west setback. This was the only change being proposed by the applicant. The staff stated that a hardship did exist in this case as due to the small lot size, when the residence was originally constructed, it was constructed in the setbacks. After some discussion a motion was made by Dalton Williams to approve this request and Greg Amsden seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. 5. A request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast located in the primary/secondary zone district at 4768 Meadow Drive, Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision sth Addition. Applicant: Wolfram KlawiterPlanner: Shelly Mello The Commission felt the owner should be required to place a sign on the property indicating which door was to be used for the bed and breaklast and that there should Plennlno and Envlronmentsl CammlEslon Meetlng, Juns 22, '1992 tii'tf'( grr"'v 1.r"ii'ulrr*'' il):t'r' -1''Y' !r' ,l'"t 'r'c ,l,P' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANOUM Planning and Environmental Commission Gommunity Development Department June 22, 1992 A request lor a2 year extension to the June 10, 1991 site coverage variance approval for an exisling secondary unit located within the Primary/Secondary Zone District, the Stanley Residence, Lot 1, Vail Valley Third Filing a ResuMivision of a part of SunbursVl816 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Planner: Jack Stanley Jill E. l(ammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST On June 10, 1991 the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) approved a site'-aiVerage variance in order to allow for an expansion to a secondary unit. The approved site coverage variance would allow tor he addition to exceed the existing site coverage by 6% and the allowable site coverage by 12.6%. The applicant's representative, Jack Snow, has indicated in his letter of April 22, 1992 that should this variance extension be approved, the applicant would commence construction of the addition in this fall. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to extend the previously approved site coverage variance, based on he attached PEC memo dated June 10, 1991 and subject to the following conditions of approval as indicated in the June 10, 1991 PEC meeting minutes: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain a geologic hazard siudy for the site. The applicant will be required to perform any mitigation required under the study. 2. Installation of additional landscaping in the front yard. Staff suggests this additional landscaping include 3 spruce (two at 6 feet in height and one at 10 feet in height) and 8 aspen. 3. Existing siding be removed and replaced with stucco. lf the PEC approves this variance extension request, the site coverage variance approval would then be valid until June 10, 1994. clpechemo3Ebnl€y.cxt o Re: RICH AND KRUSEN DESIGN ARCIIITECTT]RE AND DEVELOPMENT BOX 3378, VAIL, COLORADO,81658 (303) 4769228 Planning and Environmental Commission Tornrn of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. West Vail CO. 81657 Aoril22, 1992 June 10, 1991 request for a site coverage variance for an existing secondary unit within a primary/secondarydevelopment, located on Lot l, Vail Valley rd Filing, a resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/ 1816 Sunburst Drive. Dear Sirs: on June 10, 1 991 Mr. Stanley, the owner of the subject property, received the above mentioned variance. For various reasons Mr Stanley was unable to being construction this past year. Therefore, he is requesting a one year extension to this variance which will permit him to commence with the project in the fall. Thank you for your assistance. ArchitectJack K. Snow, F[[-E fifii . 75 soulh frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 February 13, 1992 Mr. Jack Stanley cy'o TransAmerica Gas Co. 140 Cypress Station Drive Houston, TX 77090 otlice ol communlly developmenl Re; June 10, 1991 request for a slte coverage varlance for an existlng Secondary unlt within a prlmary/secondary development, located on Lot 1, Vall Valley 3rd Flllng, a Resubdivision of Part of SunbursU1816 Sunburst Drive. Dear Mr. Stanley: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the June 10, 19g1 planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your site coverage variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of ,thjs variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and constructioninot commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year lrom approval(June 10' 1991). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Jill Kammerer at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, ./'l .l//l I //^/ nl/.lhv,JLc'\ r'CLLe.ADl Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure .t. | / y'711/.... E COPY MTNUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 6, L99t 7 :30 P.M. A regular meeting of the VaiI6. 1991, at 7:30 p.!1., in tbeBuilding. Town Council was heldCouncil Chambers of FIL on Tuesday, Auqustthe Vaj.1 Municipal- o MEMBERS PRESENT: TOWN OFFICTALS PRESENT: Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Ste j.nberg, Mayor Pro-TemLynn Fritzlen Robert L,eVine Peggy OsterfossJim GibsonMerv Lapin Ron PhlIllps, Town ManagerKen Hughey. Assistant Town ManagerLarry Eskwith, Tordn Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was citizen participation, of which therewas none. Second on the agenda was a Consent Agenda consisting of two items: Approval of Minutes of .Iuly 2 and 16, L991, meetings Ordinance No. 21, Serj,es of 1991, second reading, (formertyOrdinance No. 42. Series of 1990), an ordina.,ce ,6pea1ing andreenacting chapter 8.28 of the Municipal code ot itre Town ofVail; setting forth certain provisions to control airpollution within the Town; and providing details with regardthereto Mayor Rose read the title of ordinance No. 21, series of 1991, in furl.Merv r,apin moved to approve both ltems, with the second coming from eeggyosterfoss. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimouir y, -l-0."' rtem No. 3 r.ras ordinance No. 23, series of 1991, first reading, anordinance _amending' chapter s,32 of the Municj-pal code of the Town od vailby the addition of section 5.32.030; pto,riding for the issuance oftemporary permits for the issuance of allohol-ic 6everag.es under certaincircumstances,' and providing details in regard thereto. Mayor Rose readthe title in fuf t. l,arry -Eskwith advise-d the state passld a statute^CC^^!.:--^errecEr-ve t/r/9J' permltting municipalities to issue lemporary liquorl-icenses in situations wheie there^ has been a transfer of a .Li_censedpremise.- Merv Lapin moved to approve ordinance No. 23, with the secondcoming from Tom steinberg. i-vote was taken and tile motion p;;;;;unanimously, 7-9. rtem No. 4 was ordinance No. 24, series of 1991. first reading, anordinance .providing for the establishment of Special Development DisirictNo. 26; adopting a development plan for Speciil Deveropment District No.26; in accordance ,with- ctraptei tg. e0 oi ttr" vail M'unicipal code andsetting forth the details in regard thereto. Mayor Rose read the titlein ful-1. Kent Rose_ stepped down from this discussion due to personalinvolvement. Abe Shapiro, appricant and property owner, had filed areguest for the establ-ishment of an sDD foi a 6.8 icre unplatted parcelof land located in the northbrest section of Lionsridge -Firing No, r;north of sandstone Drive and west of potato patch Drive. Mike Molricapres_ented particulars re-garding the ordinance incruding an explanationof four (4) variations from the underlying zone district (Agricurtuxal_and open space) this sDD request wou r--d -req-r.,:-t. t trl-"-iusuest to expandthe maximum alIowabl" gllA irom 2,000 sq. ft. to a,ezi sq. ft. for thesi-te, not including a 900 sq ft. attache'd garaged considered a ,,credit,,not included in the GRFA calculation, (2) ine "proposed addition of onerestricted (secondary) employee dwelling.unit coisiiiinj ot approxi-mately7t200 sq. ft. integrate-d into the .ii., structure, 'and j3l and (4irequests for variations from the underlying zoning with regard to themaximum height of the proposed retaining rarr-s and ihe maximum srope of cut and filr areas. As detailed in cDD's memo to the pEC dated 't/g/9r,the PEC voted 5-0, unanimously reconmended denial- of the applicant'srequest. After colnments and visual presentations by applicant AbeShapiro, Peggy Osterfoss pointed out that other options could still- havebeen pursued, i.e., buil-d by right or pursue viriances. Foltowing areview and discussion of the purpose section of the speciar developmentdistrict chapter of the zoning code (Section 1B .40.010) , and thenspecifically citing the key issues of this SDD proposal as those ofcompatibilityr benefit to the community, re-vegetation difficulties/driveway-road scarring of the mountainside and alternatj-ves to accessingthe property, as weLl as lack of evidence of any hardship to Mr. Shapiro,Jim Gibson moved to deny ordinance No. 24, with a second coming from MervLapin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanirnously, 6-0-1, KentRose abstaining. Item No. 5 was Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1991, first reading, anordinance repealing and reenacting chapter 15.02; adopting by referencethe 1991 editions of the uniform Building code, the uniform MechanicarCode, the Uniform Fire Code, the Uniform plumbing Code, the Uniform Codefor the Abatement of Dangerous Bulldlngs, the unlform codes for unlformBullding code standards, the unlform t.ire code standards, and the 1990edition of the National Electric Code; setting forth certain amendmentsto the uniform Building code, the uniform Mechanicar code, the uniformFi.re Code, and the National Electric Code; and repealing Chapters 15.08Building Permits - Review Procedures, rs.29 water broset - specif icat ions,and 15.32 Model Energy Efficiency Construction Standards,' and amendingSection 15,36.010 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail_.. and settingforth details in regard thereto. Mayor Rose read the titl-e in fu1I.Larry Eskwith said that two minor changes needed to be made to theordj-nance before submj-tted: First, to SecLion 15.02.020 (page 2 - toboth paragraphs C and D), publisher name added: The InternationalAssociation of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 20001 S. WaInut Dr.,WaInut/ Cal"ifornia 91789. Secondly, there was a typo-graphical error inparagraph (a) under Required Install-ations, The Uniform Building Codereferenced should be the 1991 edition, not the 1982 edition. Correctionswirl, be made for second reading. Jim Gibson moved to approve ordinanceNo. 25, with the second coming from Merv Lapin, A vote was taken and themotion passed unanimously t 7-0, Item No. 6 on the agenda was Resol-utj-on No. 15, Series of 1991, aresolution setting forth the intent of the Town of VaiI, Colorado, toissue bonds to finance various projects. Mayor Rose read the titl-e infu11, Steve Barwick explained this resol-ution would al-.Iow the Town toincLude expenditures that may be made during the bal-ance of 1991 fordesign of the Pofice Building and/or design of the possible additions tothe Publj-c works Administration Buirding in the possible bond issue forthe Police Building in 1992. Rob LeVine moved to approve ResoLution No.15' with the second coming from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and themotion passed unanimously, 7-0, Item No. ? on the agenda was an appeal of the pEC decision regarding sitecoverage for the Stanley Duplex, Sunburst Drlve,/Lot 1, Vail Valley-Thi-rdFiling, a resubdivision of part of Sunburst. Mr. Snow was not presentin counciL chambers when this agenda item was announced. Mayor Rosemoved on to agenda ltem No. B. Item No. B on the agenda was an appeal of the DRB decision to deny a signvar j-ance for Breeze Ski Renta]s (Montaneros Commercial Condomi nium, Unit700/64I N, Lionshead Circl-e/Part of Lot 8, Bfock l Vail Li-onshead ThirdFiJ-ing) . Applicant: Louis Sapiro. The sign variance request wouldincrease the number of all-owable wa]1 mounted or projecting signs by one(1). and increase the area of signage on the building in excess of thesignage area all-owed by 2.25 sq. ft. staff did not support the variancerequest as they did not feef the location of the business presented aphysicar hardship. After brief discussion based on the cDD/s memo to theDRB dated 'l/L7/9I. Peggy Osterfoss moved to deny this sign variancerequest, with a second coming from Rob LeVine. A vote was taken and themot ion to deny passed, 5-2, with Merv Lapin and Jim Gibson voting againstthe motion. Jack Snow arrived and Mayor Rose returned to ltem No. ? on the agenda,Mr. Stanley's appeal of the PEC decision regarding site coverage for theStanley Duplex. Jack Snow, the arch j_tecL representing Mr. Stanley,referred to the cDD's memo to the pEC dated 6/10/9r which addresses thedef j-nition of site coverage. Mr. snow responded to that memo by a Letterdated 6/20/91, in which he expressed the site coveraqe definition seems to be contradictory. Rob LeVine felt this a was housekeeping item, anda verbiage chanse in the ."a" *""ra-be a1r that was n.!!"a to clarify thedefinition' councir ug.""J-th.;-lh" code. verbi;;"-;;.. need changing.Merv Lapin rnoved to up-hold trr" lnt; s decision t-i,11 1i.ru area under thedeck does not count d" sit. -co.r.iag", with a s."ono coming from Tomsteinberg' A vote -hras taken and the motion denying the appricantrsrequest passed, 4-3, with Jim Gibson, tynn Frit;le;, and Rob Levinevoti.ng against the motion rtem No. 9 0n the agenda hras a procramation of the Mayor declaring LaborDav lJeekend as phy-sicalry-chaii.-"rJ -;;;."I- ."''tit'ivooa" weekend, inrecognition of p.A-.-w. -Me r-v r,.pi"--J""a to approve lt! p.ocramation, witha second coming from-p-eggv osleiios". a "ii"-;;" 'i-"f"" and the morionpassed unan j-mousl y, 7 -0 | -' Not on the agenda, _ but raised by Merv Lapin, hras a question from LarrvEskwirh resardino councir airlct'ion-'needet--in in. i"ii-"tzko vs. Town oiVail case'- Merv-Lapin *orr.Jlo a'it."t the Town atfoiney to enter intoan aqreement in the-case of schmetzko vs. Town of Vail. civil Action No,90P2058, assuming that it *";; tl;'approval of the Town nngineer,. with3":;ffi:i"i?Tt?101'"* ..rim Gibson. - i- vo-t-e was raken and-the *6ar;;-;";;;; :i.i;,?;rl?":" further business; Mayor Rose moved to ad:ourn the meerins ITTITA|I. Minutes taken by Dorianne S. Deto Respectful-1y submitted, R. Rose, C: \MI NS. 8 6 ./ i,t t LLjl/ 4.? 't " ''"' flf '.,r)i?l.lggt RICH AND KRUSEN DESIGN ARCHITECTURE AND DEVELOPMENT Town Cstrnc i I Town 0f Vail 75 Sc'. Fr*c,rrt age l,Jegt Vai I Cc,.41657 June ECrr 1991 Re: Appeal c., F tr. H. C. dec:i si c.,n orr t h€+ Stanley Dr-tplex To l,rlhc,rrt I t May Ccirrcer"rr: Recent 1y, thn F. E.. O. trptrelrJ the staff I ::. deci F'i(1rr tc, f irrrj that. area€ Ltncte.rr a c,:vereri walk are nc't sitGr c:,::vEli'a11e despi Le the 11i9 I c'ndirrarrce r.ead i rrq "br-ri ldingl e1r'g'E|Ei sftall irrr:lr.trler a.l 1 br-ri ltlirrqs. cA! pr;'t.tE, pnr"te c:*e:hel.eF, tsFcaCleci, arid {i r:r'7grt'*.t .-:irrCJ }'f.r.li'et, walkways. " l"Jh i le it lralr beern explairred that the irrtc+rrt !',a!i rt(lt tc' gic'Llnt the ar.era r-rncler. a de6..k in clc,--e pr't,r irrrity t.:' a br,ti ldinllr r-t rrfl this ig' a ve,''y t'eas'c,rrab.l e appt'L1ac:h? ttris i5 rr&t i^rh.1t F,tr:l wri t: t esrr' l^le sinrply s5et r.,Ltt tc, fc, I I r:,w what was (we+ f+rl t ) cle6r'l "v' st.atecj irr the new c,y.clinance. tje rtra:ic,ned that i f tlies c'c,vf:l-t?(, r.16 lk wet't? cc,nsider.ed gite c:{'vc:}.aqe we wc,r-rlcJ be perr,ti t tecJ t,i irr f i I t ttris area withc:,r.r* rreqat ively impact rrrg the sit* {r!:,vtrt-agGr. t"ler h.rcl rr.l irrtentic,n c,f see'king a "Ic,ophole"n br-tt rathel' :i€ts3trrecl t(1 h'rve st tunb I ecJ c.,n a ve'-y cc,nt '.ad i ct c'r.y at.ea c,f t lier rr(+w t:.r-(l i r,art(re artcJ then prOceed tc, sp€,ncl a qre;rt eJearl (]f t i trtF \:' rr what g;Pc-'rrled ti:' trer a lc.gical irrterpretat iorr of that sect ic,rr. As you knctw better than arryone €,lse, the writ irrg t|f lawg is a di f f iCult task, hc,wever, trrrt i I al t the btlgs a1e wc,rked c'rrt itt seet s only fair tc, give Lts the benefit af the dottbt' Thank yc, t"t fc.r your time. Jack l{. $rrc,w, Arc}t i tect p.o. Box 45 EDWARDS. COLORADO 81632 . 303-926-2266