HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 12 PART 1 LEGALdr|rawcllurur|r Design Review Board ACTION FORII Ilepartmsnt of C"ommunlty Dovelopmsnt 75 South Frontage Road, V:ll, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.{79.2139 fa': 970.479.2452 web: ww.vallgov.com Proiect l{ame: Proiect Description: Pafticipants: PrcjectAddres: 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: MASI3K RESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8080153 CHANGES TO DCERIOR GUARDRAILS, UGHT RXTURES, STAIR TOWER WINDOW AND GAMGE DOORS owNER MASI-AK SAMUEL H. & LUTETA 05/13i2008 961 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPUCANT GWATHMEY, PRATT, SCHULTZ 05/13/2008 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: Lot 12 Block Subdivision: VAILVALLEY 3RD FIUNG 2101-091-0300-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APProvalz 0512112008 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activlties. Gond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Gond:202 (PI-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pa:d: $2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 faxt 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requlring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for fre particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is recelved by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be rs/ie$red by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rwiew approval lapees unless a bullding permlt is lssued and construction commenc€s within one year of the afproval. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot la Block:- Subdivislon:v^^.r(. VALLEY ? /''D Fl stroh Physical Address:f q'-11 Sr-rxEc:6.5:1 >E-, VAtr- Parcel No.: 2t ol- on I . 07& - z (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,+0 for parel no.) Zoning: < lil 6Lf- trA^1lt-1 RES(D€rr:frAL Name(s)ofowner(s): }vtA6cm<* SXvur-u 4 LULffiA llailing Address:at HtCtl Rp aoDS tPL ,4 oGZ l{ame of Applicant:GPSL AR4 Hlfrc-'TS E-mail Address:rc,lila.t;r.6\Fax: ??o - 41L- lCrz Type of Review and Fee: p OnnOes to npproved Plans Submattal R€qulrcments: 3 Seb of Plans Mdressing ProJect Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Association For revlslons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Deslgn Review Board. $20 Owne(s) Signature(s): F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedJrlans_lJrage_1G 18-2006.doc MAY 13 2008 E G iE,*'il MAY 13 2008 ,:u) oar"t9o-]o? "llYA .r3-f'ly^ lrvn'a Lo1 / fnrbll !98{1€M9 blbl 32N=dt9=ts >\f19V}4 @ffiTE ,{l ril irI' .:- ".1' I I $ I t$ts hff llt t 1 I I I I I ,GtEI] \Y/,ER MAY 13 2oo8 iu re_\eN cF l,,rir. May 12,2008 RE: Maslak Residence DRB Application for Changes to the Approved Plans BillGibson, The Owner has requested changes to the approved plans. We have summarized the changes below and illustrated the changes on the attached drawings. The Owners would like to change the exterior guardrails and handrails to decorative wrought iron as shown of attached plans. The large tower window on the west elevation presently has divided lites. The owner has commissioned an artist to design a carved/etched /2" tempered glass which would fit over an insulated glass unit. The proposed design is attached. The Owners have selected an exterior light fixture to be installed at the locations as shown on the attached plans. A new proposed design for the garage doors is included on the attached drawing. We respectfully submit these proposed changes. Please call with any questions. Tom Owens Senior Project Manager Gwothmey Pratl Schullz Llndoll Archilecls, P.C. 1000 South Frontoge Rood Wes.t, Suite 102 r Vsil. Colorodo Bl652 ) tel: 97O.476. 1147 fox: 970.476.1612 info@gpslorchifects.corn I www.gpslorchifecls^com tfl CAST ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN BLACK FINISH WITH CLEAR BEVELED GIAS5 PANELS @ [-tzos er t etack Irz"w,:s'u, talo " ext. lsYo"w,14'H Back Plate 122'lr'Top to outlet l3aow Cand. I Jwithout Scroll ltz'w,zsn'u, tt'Ext. / 18" Top to Outlet Ll RTEGIETvERl"l ll ll TOW[{ (}1'; ,//-\iL HINKLEY LIGHTING OUTDOOR www hinkley 1710 BK l?00 BK I Black ;,,,.w, 15tt""H, 7%" Exr. ,j#nir**m" ' (tozBK tBrack tl#;ddand5f,.f chan rrif{ff.; ll t* , ,,..* hI'e7.'H 6l Frn". rand. 1704 BK wrthout scroll 1707 BK I Black 12',D, 25y,, H 3"DPostFitter 3-40w Cand. 1710 BK I Btack Ceiling Mount 8%'D,7'H 3-40w, G-16y, Clear beveled bound glass 1712 BK I Black Ceiling ]\y'ount 1 13A" D, 9/a' H 4-40w, G-16y, Clear beveled bound glass 1707 BK po+ ar rabcr | 8Y,"W, 26iA.H, 10. Ext. l:!::Ye.H Back prare I | / 74 top to Outlet Ll-40w cand Without Scroll a/2" W, 21 yr,' H, 1 0,, Ext.'l 1 % "Top 10 Outlet 02co )tighttng Inc., all rights reserved rn all copyfightable works. j HTNKLEy LlcHlNG ouTDooR fZ:l- J" cc* *.*dTY ctrtpFx8rat Oesign Review Soa ACTIOI{ FORI,I rd Dspartrnent cf Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Coloredo 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fdxt979.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.(om Proiect Name: MASIAK CHANGE Project Description: Participants: OWNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H, & LULETA O3I2U2OO8 961HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPUCANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ O3I2U2OO8 Project Addressr 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1979 SUNBURST DR Location: Legal Descriptionr Lot: 12 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parel Number: 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: DRB Number: DRB0B0064 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO CONVERT AN ATTIC ABOVE THE KITCHEN TO STOMGE Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approvalz 03127 12008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Changes To The Apprcved Plans Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Ds/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 E| 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com General Information: All projects requldng design reviev\r must receive approval prior to submltting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revieil cannot be accepted until all requlred Information is received by the Community Developmbnt Departnent. The project may also need to be reMewed S the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapseo unless a building pemlt ls issued and constru(tion commences within one year of tfie afpruval, wor oo g C-c Descripdon of the Request: Locationof thePrcposal: Lot la Block:-Subdivision: v,e.rL VALcEY ? tqo Eutrr'cr Physlcal Address:lR11 S,-rx 9r-rx.51 D 8- . VAlt- Parcet No.: ?lpl- on ! :ga e: z (@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:6ir* alf- Ferntr-l RES lD€l+TtAu llalling Address:a6DS trl , 4 oCZ - 26-r - (hrne(s) SlgnaEre(s): Name of Appllcant: llailing Address: looo S, PFcfrAc E P! t^r?=;ly?h E-mail Addrcss: -ia l". Type of Revlew and Fee: F chanses to Approved Plans Submittal Requlrernents: q?6 - 41L- lcrz $20 For revisions to dans already appmved by Staff or the Design Redevv Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing ProJect Changes Slgnafure of Homeowner(s) or Association Name(s) of owner(s): t'qA6uu< * S Xv ug-t- 4 LUCffiA F:\cdev\FORMS\Pemits\Plannlng\DRB\drb_change_to_appro\€dJrlan3-lJtage-1G 18-2006.doc **********+*+******************+***+***i+***{rt+*i*******a**********tt*+++++*******t***i***tt TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Nufiber: R08OOOO311 Anount: $20.00 $/2A/2OO9L0:02 Atr! Payment Method: Check MASLAK rnit : ils Notation: 20180/LULETA Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: DRB080054 2101-091-0300-2 L979 St'NBURST DR 19? 9 SUNBI'RST DR $20.00 Type: DRB-Ch9 to Appr Plans VAIIJ Total Fee6: Total ALL Pmts : Bal-ance : $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo ***,S**************+++**+************** * * * ***'l'{'{'!t ** ******* * ***++***{.+t++* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t { * ** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003!L2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. 6638 W. Ottowo Ave. Suite 210 Littleton, C0 80128 (305) e73-e806 Fox (SOJ) 973-9847 log 0512-05 MASLAK RESIDENCE SHEET NO. cALcuLAIED BY RAU D^IE 01 /23/2OO8 CHECK 8Y DAIE PRESSURE PLATE 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. EVERY OTHER JOIST sPAcE W/ (8)-16d 2x10 LEDGER w/ (4)-16d INTO EA. S]UD SISTER 0N 2x10 ONTO CEILING JOTSTS W/ 2x1O CEILING JOISTS @ 16" O.C. W/ (4)-16d rNTO PRESSURE PLATE STAGGERED 1Od @ 6" O.C. March 12,2008 RE: Maslak Residence DRB Application for Changes to the Approved Plans BillGibson, The Owner has requested a change to the approved plans. The Owner has requested that the attic space above the Kitchen be captured to provide additional storage. The attached drawing shows that an area of 9 ft. x 16 ft of area is available with a ceiling height of 5 ft and above. We are also including a detail of additional attic floor framing from the structural engineer. This request will add an additional 144 square feet of GRFA. We respectfully submit this proposed change. Please callwith any questions. Senior Project Manager Gwolhmey Proll Schultz Lindoll Archilects, P.C 1000 South Fronloge Rood West, Suite 102 r Voil, Colorodo 81657 .lel:. 970.476.1147 fox: 970.476.1612 info@gpslorchitecls.com r www,gpslcchlfecb.com orncr----04a1&!-- A-rch itcct ZONE CHECK - Filing Proposcd usc Brdldablc arca Allorvcd Existing =. -7,?c1 D$o6c94t = Proposcd-blrtr+ -47.5 = +Hqt a,ns .It 6+qoo+ Ha, :I urJr \rt!r.f\ + -Dce;:t531 "b#l!!3I _ ^ RcmaininctW ipffi-ffi lt l7tw \ 63t @ 5, ZLb (30x33) Fronl Sidcs Rcar rt.7tt 3't 6' qotti+ry1= 37' -_gw_ f? t8 \z? (1.{t5'. @ ?0' .l5' ti, 7 3 Encloscd G00) (600x900X'200) Pcnru'ttcrl Slope tz.a iyo proposcd Slopc z,?, 9/. ycs___:/_ No-- 'Yor/Nn l) Pcrccnt Sfopc (< >30%) dfa 2) Floodplain ' 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards , yr. , a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall f +6ff -=.+?jtrcu@tH.d;rior Sitc Covcragc c) Dcbris Florv E Qzl 1lLl #il|,o,\' \, ,lD ,<i|,, " z' fi lt'/ <r',' Fzr' ,'!{l 6t' t' 5d/ tl-o,, -o .-l i___________9 Hur ffi.. Qii \ ,o-,gl -]-lVM gtHJ Notr\/lngN CNnO9 --ttuInofr \,/ lu6a X*/ <o{u t\lr- \tnofi \/ lll6a ds o--10-dU |.n luJ IL 1v-,9 o\s) /F\\0-l voo A oz .Fi<tv ,r lU, to !or_2. t.'| tuX Ll- kr:tIJ u-l txuv a\ ;- A|"...\v il ilil ilil ilil t|il ilil ilil ilil illt ilil ilil illt tlIt tI ,,ctL-,L l"tVtqrt e lol-,1> Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 tax;970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com Project Name: MASI-AK CHANGE Project Description: Participants: OWNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H, & LULETA LO/OLIZOO7 961HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPLICANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ IOIOTIZOOT ProjectAddress: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1979 SUNBURST DR Locataon: Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: DRB Number: DR8070537 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (I.ANDSCAPING AND FLOOR PLANS) Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 1010512007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I s.{E'F?z?'WT {flsLA4l9Q!'1'' i tects,9:O6AN,-.Jlrlll I 9?O4?616 N0. s34 P.L/Z p. r Up (t, 3 bv s1 TyD.of natr|bf,, rnd lbr; )6 Ctranger to Approrred obns sftmltld Rrduhmrrtlr: 3 ScB of Plans Add]esstrrg ProJect Chonges Slgnafure of Hpmeowne(s) or Associeuon t20 Fbt (wlslons ta Flans rlcady appornd by Plinnlng 9Eff sr tte Dcslgn Rcvlrw BoBd. Ghanges To The Approved Plans Application for Deslgn Review D€nartmdrr of communlw DcvcbFmcnl 75 Souih Frontrg. Road, Vail, colorado B16S7 tclt 970,479.2r28 Wt 970,479.2452 wlb: w|,w.vrllgov,com Gcncal lnlornratlcn r All pror*t3 |tqurnng dcrlgn r€deuv must rcceh.€ Eppovsl Fdor b subnlttlng a bulldlng pernlt tpPlEatlon. li$e refir m the submlttal rcrlikenrenc tbr tho partlcrrlbi approvrl $rt ts Equested. An rppllcatlon fur Hgn Re\rlEw onnot be .c$tFE'd unill sll rcqulrd Informatlon ls recehcd by ihe Communltv Daelopmcnt oeptfirEnt. The proj.ct rruy tlo nccd br bc rcvlrwsd by the Touvn councll andifor thc Plannlng ond Envlrcnnrenbl Commlsslon. orlon rtr,i.r aprov[l lrFrs unl-3 a bolldng pmh lc irrud rnd coDatructltn ommancar wlt|rln onc yrrr ol thc rppuvrl, lcrUon of tfre Propordr rot; l? Elock:- sqootvtston: -Var | .Vql I PhwlcelAddnr:ll q-lq Sr-,x b,.rcet D r. Vq, I F!]E.l IIo.! Z lo l.::rr9l.r 6Ja?-Z (Conbct Eagle Co. Aqsessor at 970-328-8540 lbr fercel no,) zorfn!: 5t,"rJ.n F.a,.^'L, AoA, d-.r:|,.-t drmdr)otowncr(r|:-L,lls.e. I Sc.tu.l f tt.,rl€f< ilrillng AddF.c!GI fo Omcr(r) $gnrEre(r)i Nrme o?Appllcrntl ,fr..fs Hrlllry Addtrrrr e lLd n il q /a!lg \9, SEP TOWN 28 OF VEF) lIllf,0,t illla VAIL l le.az.zasz3ep 27 2OO7 9t67An9rSlFll MRSI-AK, SAMGPS Rnch i gcct3 91o47E I 6 Jro.534 P.?/? p ,2 JOII{T PROPERTV OW]IER WRITTII{ A'PRO'AL I.ETI-R, t, (wtnt nane) *EuELH I LulF'h lL! A$kkta toht olvner of property locabd at 1111 , 5.tJ1 &utzfr DL, VA4L - - - ,ptlr,tde hts lettera6wfltEl epprofal of tlre plans daad ?-4'61 whlch ha\€ Cen submltted D.the Toyrn of Vall Ommunlly Dewlopmcnt Oeparment for the ProPosed lrnProEments tp be completed at he addruss noted aborrc, I undeFt nd that tfic prlcposed lmpmvEnents Includc: s*- AtTrxtao f,ETt& P4r4 Q . ZZ-o1 sU ,{il1#g{i'tr4re@/ Addlllonrlly, plorc cihcl t{r€ ilrbm€nt bclow whlctr lr mrt apptlcrblr b your E ruI@Nhdtmtnor modttlcattons may De madeb tEfunsatErtE ouse of tlp rcvbw Pt@s b enture amp.lhnce )1tlth d?e Torng adlablc des Ad tW4abons. lhhblrd?) ' A trquest tfr/itatl mdlflntlons, mlrcrqohcrwis, wttlchan nde ta tlndaw otry AEturfi of ttu tMsv Fwsq, A9 btrytht lp ny at?nffin by tle appllcant lq ffitttonal aryovat tuforaud@tp Mtu nvlcw by tlr Town. 'MW joint prop.'ly orftcr l6rcr rcvigad l0/l t/2006 8r F:lcdlliFoRMslPrmlklPlmnhg[DR€t4b-ch.ngc-toJipprDycd_pl.ns-,lJ.Be_10.16.20$,Ooc * *+++****** * **+ * +***********++**+*+* * **********************t****** +******+++******** * * +* **{.t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Satement**i******** * *** * t + * * * * * ** * * * * * * t + + * * *+ +t**'i'i****rl.f*+*****t************** * f * * * * * * * + * * * t * * + * + + Statement Nunber: R0?0002031 Amormt: $20.00 tO/Ot/2OO708:52 AM Pa)menC Method: Ctreck ARCHITECTS Init: iIS Notation: 7453IGPSL Permit No: DRB070537 I)T)e: DRB-Chg tso Appr Plalls Parcel No: 2101-091-0300-2 Site Addreaa 3 1979 ST,NBURST DR VAIIJ Location: 1979 SITNBITRST DR Tota1 Fees: TOtAl AIJIJ PMIS : Balance : This Palment:$2o. oo $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 f+{t'}*********+++++{r*ff,*++*+*lt*****'t***+*******{'****+++***+**'+'t*+****r**************+******** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De scr ipt i on Current Pmts DR 001000031.1.2200 DES]GN REVIEW FEES 20.00 September 27,2007 RE: Maslak Residence DRB Application for Changes to the Approved Plans BillGibson, The Owner has requested changes to the approved plans. We have summarized the changes below and illustrated the changes on the attached drawings. These proposed changes have been clouded for your convenience. Sheet A2.02-2 Landscape Plan The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District has approved the lowering of the existing waterline. To accomplish the excavation for this work, it is necessary to relocate (4) existing evergreen trees. The revised plan shows the location of the existing trees and the proposed area of relocation. Sheet A2.1 Lower Level Bunkroom 6: Increase in width by 4 /i'taking the room out of Closet 6 and Garden Storage. Bedroom 5: Door from Family Room moved to center of room and changed from a single to a double door. Closets 4 & 5: Doors changed from single to double doors. Bedrooms 4&5: Window width increase and configuration change - The egress casement in the center with smaller casements on each side. This was previously approved. Bedroom 3: The closets were separated and placed in opposite corners. North and west walls funed out 4' due to stem wall extending above finish floor. Laundry: Minor cabinet revisions. Bath 6: Revision to the lavatory. Mechanical Room: Minor change to the step down and floor drain. Sheet A2.1 Lower Level Proposed Area Increase Wet Bar: Moved to the Crawl Space area to improve circulation. This added 74 sf to the area of the Lower Level. This proposed change added 223 sf to the Unexposed Wall Area. l*J sn^t= t3riz/," . "tl('\4' ,,'ltt ,,o\"!u 46'h " lte' y'. oft Schultz Lindoll Arch,t..v|l*lr.a. Frontoge Rood Wesl, Suite ]02 . Voil, inf o@gpslorchitecls.com Colorodo 81657 . tel: 97O.476.1147 tax: 970.476.1612 I www.gpslorchilecls.com l=l\ - il \t il tlil tl lulU EY P Gtr[V sEP 28 2007F)= il]] - Sheet A2.2 Main Level Electric Service Closet Increased in size to accommodate 600 amp to 800 amp service. Mud Room: Window width increase. Previously approved. Lu's Office: Window width increase. Previously approved. Hearth Room: Exterior door swing change. Previously approved. Hearth Room: Fireplace changed to a Monessen B-vent fireplace. Kitchen: Cabinet and layout revisions. Kitchen: Window width increase: Previously approved. Great Room: North window width decreased. Previously approved. Bath 2: Added linen closet. Garage: Deleted closets on north wall. Sheet A2.3 Upper Level Master Bedroom: Changed sliding door to in-swinging French doors. Spiral Stair: Increased width from 4'-6'to 5'-0" and changed risers to allow required head room. Sheet A2.4 Observatory Level Bridge from Stair to Observatory: Increased width due to increase in diameter of spiral stair. Sheet A2.5 Roof Plan Stair Tower: Size increased 6" each way due to stair size increase. Southwest Wing: Added chimney for boiler flues. We respectfully submit these proposed changes. Please call with any questions. Tom Owens Senior Project Manager.7/A-- Design Review Board ACTIOIII FORI-! Deoa rtnnent of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2457 web: www.vailgov'com Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: APPLICANT GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ SUITE 102 1OOO S. FRONTAGE RD. W., STE. 102 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000002333 ARCHITECT GWATHMEY PMTT SCHULTZ Lzl 20 I 2007 Phone'. 970-47 6-1147 tZ | 20 | 2007 Phone: 970-47 6-1L47 MASLAK CHANGES DRB Number: DRB07071B FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR ROOF MATERIAL, HEADERS' STONE CAPS, CHIMNEY, ELECTRIC SERVICE CLOSET, ETC. OWNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA L2I2OI2OO7 961 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 SUITE 102 1OOO S. FRONIAGE RD, W., STE, 102 VAIL co 81657 License: C000002333 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG 2101-091-0300-2 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of ApProval:' t212812007 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construdion activities. Changes Td The APproved Pfans Application for Deslgn Revlew Dctatbnetrt d Conmunlv Dettclopmc-lt- --zs ioittr Fmnuc Road, Vrll, @lorldo 81657 tell gfO,eZC'Ztae lar: 970 ''179 2452 web: www,vallgov.com Gcnonl tnhtmldonl All prqlctt requldoo .tedgn revlew must |Eaehrc rpPpval Pilor b a/bntttlng a. buildhg p.etttllt rppltsltbn' Pleese |lfrr to ffie suDmlcal rrqull€mE ls for the F rtlcular tPptor'l tfnt fi-roiuiito' ryr aryitF91"n for Dca|gn Ra''rrr{ 6nnot b,e qcccptcd unttt att requiroi ilffi;;i; i; -{;l"ed 'iy ift cdmmunrV Der"eiopment Dleartmcnt' Ttte pptcct mry llso ne€.t H U re,ifi"reO by the Tsuyn COun.n.anfuoi-Utl iUnnrni .nd En'lron entrl C$ntnlsslon' O:rlsn 6vlo,rr rpprovrrl trpril;d: ;'b"llfi'nl i"t"ilt l"-l..utd 1rd corrtnrctlon comn'ncr wltih qt. V-t ot ttr! aDP|lvrL DorcrlpHon of th. Rlqurtt -sr+r,rt.uJ:s -t?- 6.joP?+a r.h(+LEf. : - locrtlcn of the ProPocll: t-otl ,la etoct<l- gildlvsloni PlrplcrlAddtu Prrcd t{o,:'?-l9l:3rq I . ol($ ' z (Contact Eryle Co, Assessor at 9ru'328-864{l for parcel nD') zonlnl! tfrmr(r)ofowncr(rr): -F/.f6r*t1 / SA;|{++a^ * L-*!LF|A-. . l,lrlllne ftldrure: I onn.(t) sl0n|tilitllr): tfrlllne lddlrr: ?o-- lLl For rsvlslonr !o plrns ll]lrdy appFved by Plannlng sLff ar ite Dertgn R6/lcw Board, 3 sets of Plans Addesulng Prorect Ctsnges Slgnahrrc of tlomaowner(s) or Assodatlon 0 tso o \)o \, G @ or-J f,}?:".PT r-?1Ls!|an UFsl:AK,sA$ i Brcts 9?04?616No.Gsa P.L/t P. r Lril,h f20 lyFotRrvlcurrnd Fr: F ChrngBtoApprorcd Plane Submlltal icqulrtm.nlts: l{lm.otAppllcrnh JiiP-.S(n AR€HlftaTs, -- -llii tillaR EGEIV DEC 2 0 2007 TOWN OF VAll= F:rc{a,tFoRMStPedrltslPlolnlnelDRBH6-ch!nF-to-!pPrcYedJ {r!-1-F!gc-i0'10€(0odoc December 17,2OO7 RE: Maslak Residence DRB Application for Changes to the Approved Plans Bill Gibson, The Owner has requested changes to the approved plans. We have summarized the changes below and illustrated the changes on the attached drawings. These proposed changes have been clouded for your convenience. General revisions: Change the window and door headers from precast to stone. Change precast caps to rubble stone caps. Change roof material from Ecoshake shingles to Vail Majestic copper shingles. Sheet A2.2 Main Level Floor Plan The electrical service closet on the southeast corner is shown with a revision bubble. This was submitted previously and approved; however, this submittal includes the exterior elevations. The front door swing was reversed and the Entry Powder Room was reconfigured. The Powder Room window did not change. Sheet A2.5 Roof Plan & Sheets A3.1, 3.2 & 3.3 An additional chimney is shown on the southwest corner of the building above the Lower Level mechanical room. This chimney is necessary to house the 6 vents for the high efficiency boilers. Sheet A3.3 South Elevation and Sheet A3.4 East Elevation Elevations of the enlarged electrical service closet are shown. On the east elevation, the greenhouse window decreased in size due to the depth of the added electrical closet. This electrical service closet was show on the main level floor plan which was included with the last approved DRB submittal. We respectfully submit these proposed changes. Please call with any questions. -4)efu-- Tom Owens Senior Project Manager Gwqlhmey Prott Schultz tindqll Architecls, P.C. 1000 South Frontoge Rood Wesl. Suile 102 r Voil, Colorodo 81657 r tet 97O.476.114/ fox: 970.476.1612 info@gpslorchilecis.corn r www.gpslorchifecfs.com e5 X FNtr ! ;8$ E'rf F eF ii EE ;! gE E[.-, { Y :;9' B:EB €* = TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement slatement Nudber: R0?0002?54 .ihount: $20.00 12/20/2oo7L1 :04 AFI Payment Method3 Cash ARCHT1EETS Init: iIS Notation: $/GPSL, Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address ! Irocation: Thia Payment : ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DRBOTO?18 lYpe 3 DRB-chg to Appr PIaIa 2101-O91-0300-2 1979 ST'NBURST DR VAIIJ 1979 SI'NBT'RST DR $2o. oo Tota1 Fees: TOtAl AIIIJ I'TNIA : Balance: De scription $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmts DR 00100003Lr2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES Page I ofl BillGibson - Maslak changes From: Bill Gibson To: tom@gpslarchitects.com Date; L212812007 11:10 AM Subfect: Maslak changes Attachments: Hey Tom, Please find attadred the design review apprwal form for the most recent changes to the Maslak Proiect. Please submit a "building permit revisions" application with new full sets of plans that compile all the revisions that have been made to date. These new full sets of plans will be used to issue a single, up-to-date, and omprehensive field and office set of building permit plans. Sincerely, Bill BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-24sztax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempVGgrpwise\4774D9... 12/2812007 Design *.evie$t Boa:rd ACTIOTT FORM Departmeflt of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fer:97a.479.2452 web: www.va,i lgov.com Proiect Name: MASI-AK RESIDENCE Project Description: NEW SINGLE-FAMILY DRB ilumber: DR8050542 Participants: owNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA 1010il2005 951 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPIICANT GWATHMEY, PRATT, SCHULTZ tOlOTlzOOs PrcjectAddress: 1979 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location: 1979 SUNBURST DR L,egal Description: Lot: 12 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Numben 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: PEC approved arch. projection 5/8/06 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byl Second Byr Voter Condltlonsr FRITZ LEN DUNNING 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/01/2006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to onstrudion activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0007849 Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit a more detailed landscape plan to the Design Rwiew Board for further review and approval. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 Parcef No.: 2tO f^? tO Z OO> (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Cllanges to Approved Plans Separation Request Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review canmt be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revi€w approvat lapses unless a building permit ls issued and construction commences wilhin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Propos al: Lot l7- Block:- SuMivision: Physical Address: g u r 2pNameof Applicant: ,/y(P (lutTHrIty /fuP? (R,ttH€P- Type of Review and Fee: . Signs $50 Plus $1.$ per square foot of total sign area. residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plars already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Addressr E-mail Address: $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. F33[:"2';t"t cn"*Nof!1 1 eF Meeting &lfe:_ DRts No.: New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.4D.2452 web: www.vailgotr',@m General Information: All projects requiring design revie must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb br the parhcular approval that is requested. An application fur Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Departmenl The project may also need to be rs/iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Cqnmission. besign review approval lapses unless a building p€rmit is issued and construction commenccs within one year of the approval. Locationof theproposatz tott lL abck:- tu*'u'rron' bl4lL L/At t<U 3lV {lvr/y'h I Physical Address: parcet No.: L I O t Oq l O3 OOI- (Contact Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zonins: TuO FAr'ltt-I TetF4 qqq / St co^/Dn'e7 Z'a>'P€/v(- Name(s)ororrner(s):'1nnVU- 4',qB ult< 4 t-rtt eTtt I"14Suttk Mailirtg Addrces: Owner(s) Signature(s): rfame orAppr.canr, -e DilAFD /l u |Tnflel /T oov Kelq-Le- Mailing Address:/ooo 9ooTH fPc^Jr/t6t Ron elT Jfie /02.,y41, Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $550 For construcuon of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residenfial or conmercjal building (includes 250 additions & interior conversior6). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sL.rcn as, re-roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemer'lts, sucn as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, feuces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to dans already appro/ed by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address' ToP>KXOfr@ 4lt .catt't Type d Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review D New Consbuctiontr Addibon ! Minor Alteration (multi -family/commercjal ) ! Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Appoved Plans n Separation Request Description of the Request: Phone: For Ofiice Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:- By: Meetng Date: Plannerl DRB No.: Poect No.: NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I. SUIIMITTAL REOUIREMENTS,T* d, AI pugoof Application is completey' Checklist is completed and signeda/ StampecropogiaphicSurvey'* - ?FtVtovft-1 SuFFlflTe > a/rsiteand Grading Plan* | u/, Landscape Plan* a/ Architectural Elevations*y :I:r,:i:glTand materiat samptes and specifications. - TKtv tous q ) v?t-l tTTvDEfz Architectural Flmr Plans*d, Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) br proposed fixtures d,lltle report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easemenls* - /ff.y'r JvScq 5:of1\ ltrct)o/ Photos of the o(isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable. I NfA u ,Written apprwal from a condominium association. landlord,'and joint owner, if applicable' d Site-specificGeological HazardReport, if applicable* - TRt,l,ou9vq 5 vOArfrd)o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additidnal plans, drdwings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a pruject will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposa I is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conveEions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed flmr plans, a title report, and written apprwal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint orner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above lisbd submittal requirements: Project Name:dS t DENG C.ontracbr ,vt - Date Signed F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_ndv_consbuction_11-23-2005.doc Page 3 of 14 LLl23/2045 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Buildino Mabrials PROFOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material c< <>stt,(E€ W ooQ Li ooo Td Q [JooL SJ ooD U ooP U oo? 5Ttzwe /^/ hfir/tq{ Color Sie Ttevrovs ",SuQ14 tTfe0 (ac ote- B -rt(D torL (ot,>125 VIHITLtArfc(fu(hv &oudm llb, ( off(z STt>n( /htK5 /u,too" - (e wl(Z y?,En"D Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ftPrYttlf, F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-new-consbuction-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of t4 Lu23lzoos Botanical Name PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Common Name OuantitY ryl^L f + 9 f Size 9"dPROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ll '' lb' Z" (,tc tl wPtfit{ U{ lu',o^t Ko5( 9oshal IL tb te L{ (wotttgO )fuc r L 5" (tlu l't,tt- 3 " (rt- '2" hrL L RtN - r\il> A|(tu ' 5rA Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPet Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL (ohrl tfluqtt ghLt Please speciry other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) t r/t, ,_ 6, j ,6 ovs (Ntotbl (crr,o,rtf?o 5?tVct 9" (tL k"q fnttL- F: \cdev\FORMS\Perm its\Plan ning\DRB\drb- ne\ r-constructjon- 1 1-23-2005'doc Pag€ 8 of 14 Ltl23l2OOs ,\r l\ Af\\IIlZ... UTILIW APPROVAL &VERIFICATION nwtrviLr' This form serves to venry mat the proposed improvements will not impact any e-\isung or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and tocatii:n br new consbucbon and should be used in aonjunction with preparing your uulity plan.and scheduling installauons. n rit prin, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevatims, shall be submitted to the following utilities br aDoroval and verification. Authorlzed Sionature Comments Date QWEST 970.s13.7189 (tel) 970.384.02s7(fax) 970.687.0722 (cdt) ContacB: Steve Waters swaters@qwest.corn EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Cmtact: Rich Sisneros HOLYCROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.s425 (tet) 970.9a5.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroom@holycross.com EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.21038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RryER WATER & SAI{ITATION DISTRICT 97O.476.7480 (tel) 97O.476.4089 (fax) Contach Fred Haslee fhaslee(oerwsd.oro COMCASTCABLE 970.46F.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.48.2672 (tax) Cmbact: Brad Dorcas bradelv &rcas@cable.comcast.corn -) - J ogiltrTeOf7-. VlovsL1 NOTES: r. Ir ttre uutity approval & verincabon form has signatures from each of the uulity companies, and no commenb are made dlrecuy on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the de/elopment can proceeo. Z. If a utitity company nas concerns with he propced cmsbuction, the ublity representative shall note directly on the ublity verification brm that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be cletailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Hov,rsr'er, ptease i.ep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utlity cornpany and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibilify to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digoino in any public right€f-way or easement within the Town 61 y6;1. A building Pelmit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately' The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities br re-approval & re-verification it the submitted olans are altered in an-y way after the autrorited signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of ftis form). Develope/s Signature F: \cdev\FORM S\Permits\Pla nn in9\DRB\d rb-nan-co nsbuction- 1 I - 23-2005 doc Date PagE 9 of 14 Lll23lzoos Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitEcts. p.c. 1OOO S. Frcotage Road W.rt Vail. Colorrdo 81657 Tef 19701476-'1147 Frx (9701 476-1612 MEMORANDUM via Hand Defit€ry TO: Vail Design Review Board FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: l-Z+05 RE: Maslak Residence - Revised DRB Final Application for Review NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER:9 pages Mr. Gibson: Pfease accept this application for the February I't design review. Included are 3 full sized bound, 24X36 sets which include the site survey and the architectural drawings. Atso included is the DRB Application for New Construction, an aerial photograph, and site photographs with adjacent buildings. we have previously submitted the color board, Articles A & B veriffing ownership, lighting cut sheets and utility company sign ofFs. tf you have any other requests or need any other information please contact either Ned Gwathmey or myself. Thankyou, I tn ,zN1 t 1//,//14 Todd Kramer November 14,2005 To: BillGibson Design Review Board- Town of Vail From: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - 1 979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 Dear Bill Gibson, In response to your following letter, GPS has addressed each point and written comments/answers in bold print. The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The following must be submitted to complete the application:. Utility approvals from Qwest, Excel High Pressure Gas, Holy Cross Electric, Excel Energy, ERWSD, and Comcast (see DRB application form)' No improvements shall be constructed within an easement without the consent of those holding rights to the easement. All required signatures and approvals have been received, please see application.. A site specific study, prepared by a "professional geologist" or "registered professional engineef, evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code)' Not applicable, See attached photocopied excerpts from the "Official Rock Fall Hazard Map" and the "Official Debris Flow Hazard Map". . Specification for the proposed fire pit must be submitted (a mechanical appliance is required, no open burning allowed) Labeled on sheet A2.1 as gas appliance fire pit. 2. The topographic survey must be revised as follows: . Delineate all environmental hazards (avalanche hazard area and any wetlands). Not applicable, see attached photocopied excerpts from the "Official Debris Flow Hazard Map" and the "Official Rock Fall Hazard Map". I f 00O Soulh Frontoge Rood W€sl, Sulte | 02 . Voil, Colorodo 01657 . Tel: O7Or416-1147. Fox: (970)476-1612. Emoil: gpsxvoil@ol.com 3. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1:10). See topographic survey at 1:10 on sheet A2.0-1.. Show all setbacks. See 12'set backs on sheetA2,0-1.. Show all proposed, natural, and interpolated natural grades under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines (this will be used to calculate building height). All proposed and natural grades are shown under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines on sheet A2.0-1. Show the location of all proposed utility service lines from the source to the structure. All existing and proposed utility service lines are shown on sheet A2.0-1.. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction. The L.O.D. fence encloses all grading, landscaping, and construction, and is shown on sheet A2.0-1.. Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Culvets for drainage are shown at the driveway on sheet A2,0-1.. Show the proposed erosion control methods. Proposed erosion control bails are shown on sheet A2.0-1.. Provide snow storage area calculations. In addition to snow melt drives, a snow storage area and calculation are shown on sheet A2.0-1.. Provide site coverage and landscape area calculations. See attached chart "Allowed and Proposed Maslak Residence Square Footage",. Show all required parking spaces with a 9' by 18' box for enclosed spaces and a 9' by 19' box for unenclosed spaces. Required parking spaces are shown with dotted lines in the garage and driveway on sheets A2.0-1, and A2.2. (7 spaces total). The driveway slopes must be labeled in percentages. Spot elevations must be shown at the property line, garage slab, and along the center of the driveway to accurately reflect grades. A driveway slope of +/- 1% is shown on sheet A2.0-1 . r Driveway materials must be labeled. The driveway shall also be labeled as snowmelt heated or unheated. The driveway will be snow melted pavers, see sheet 4,2.0'1' . Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height. All retaining walls are labeled on sheet A2.O-1; no walls exceed 4' in height. 4. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1 :1 0). See attached topographic survey at 1:10 on sheet A2.O-2- . Show all easements. All easements are shown on sheet A2.0'2, as well as on the Topographic Survey.. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction. The L.O.D. fence encloses all grading, landscaping, and construction, and is shown on sheet 42,0-2.. Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Gulvets for drainage are shown at the driveway on sheet 42,0-2.. Show the proposed erosion control methods. Proposed erosion control bails are shown on sheet A.2.0-2.r Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height. All retaining walls are labeled on sheet A2.0-2; no walls exceed 4' in height. o Provide a tree removal plan including species, size, and number. Symbols of tree removal can be found on sheet A2.0-2, as well as on page 7 "Proposed Landscaping" of the wriften Application.. Clarify if the proposed "aspen-large" are to be a 4" caliper, not a 4' caliper as shown. This has been corrected to 4" caliper on sheet A.2.0-2. The architectural floor plans must be revised as follows:. Gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations must be provided. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the GRFA was calculated (see Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code). All calculations of GRFA are shown in plan on sheet A2.0-3. Additional calculations are shown on chart "Allowed and Proposed Maslak Residence Square Footage". The architectural elevations must be revised as follows:o Elevations must be fully dimensioned. All dimensions are shown on plan sheet A2.1.. Show both existing and finished grades. All existing and finished grades are shown on sheet A3.1-A3.4. r Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures. All proposed exterior lighting fixtures are shown on sheets A3.1-43.4. r Show the utility meter locations and screening methods. Utility meter locations are shown on sheet A3.1. . Show all roof drainage systems. All roof drainage systems, gutters and downspouts are shown on sheets A3.1-A3.4, as well as on the roof plan. . Label roof line elevations. See sheets A3.1-A3.4. Prior to the Design Review Board hearing the project site must be staked and taped to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The project site will be staked and taped for the DRB hearing. Please let us know a date and time. A fire sprinkler system is required and shall comply with NFPA 13(2002) and Vail Fire Department standards. A monitored fire alarm system is also required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and Vail Fire Department standards. The circumference line of the proposed house is 276 ft. Less than 300 ft. excludes a sprinkler system, per standards. See attached (8'l12x 11) "Circumference Line Plan". 1 A 7. 8. e. rhe fdlowinsr:HHil?l,1i"1*nn the buildins permit applications: : ffi:*:",?:iffi:y;L:fJil- app'ication . Town of Vail Fire Department fire pit permit application. All four bullets above shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. Please address the above listed items and submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for further review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submitted for' review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly (Bill Gibson) at (970) 479-2173. We will assume we will be on the schedule for the meeting on the 7th of December, please let us know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Ned Gwathmey, AIA Gwathmey Pratt Schutz Architects 970.476.1147 Q(t coPy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 31, 2006 Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road Wesl Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslack Residence- 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 Dear Todd, The Town of Vail Statf has further discussed the proposed Maslack Residence's observatory as it relates 1o the building height provisions of the Vail Town Code. Based upon the provisions of Chapter 12-2, Definilions, and Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code, the proposed observatory is defined as Gross Residential Floor Area. Additionally, the proposed observatory does not qualify as "towers, spires, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural fealure not usable as habitable floor area" as described in Chapter 14-10, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code. Therefore, the proposed observatory design must be revised to comply with the building height limit of 33 feet (as measured from both finished and natural grade) prescribed by Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code. lf you have any questions or commenls, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2173. Sincerely, UA--:^ a1,.a--z--- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail f,p l""""rto "r""t Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archilects. p.c. 10OO S- Fiontago Road West Vail, Color.do 81657 TEf lSTOl 476-1147 Fax l97ol 476-1612 MEMORANDUM via Hand Delivery TO: Bill Gibson FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: 1-18-06 RE: Maslak Height lssues NUMBER OF PAGES INCIUDING COVER: 2 Pages Mr. Gibson: Included in this Memorandum is our latest scheme to minimize the height of the proposed Maslak Residence. The house has be lowered into the ground and the upper roof has be redesigned to conform to the height limits required by the Town of Vail, using the original site plan provide by you (the Pulis site planl. I hope this satisfies your outstanding issues with the height and we can proceed with the Design Review process. lf you have any other issues please call me. Thank you, Todd Kramer WE ARE SENDING YOU E strop Drawings fl Copy of Letter ! tr E E tl Attached Prints / Sepias Change Order loDV*u E via E Plans E originals THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I Forapproval I Foryouruse E As requested E Approved as submitted n Approved as noted n Returned for corrections the following items: Samples E Specifications For your records Revise and resubmit For review & comment Prints returned after loaned to us E ! n trE I FOR BIDS DUE Remarks: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: December 12,2OOS I Job #: 2518 To: Bill Gibson, Town of Vail From: Gabrielle Meola Re: Maslak Residence, 1979 Sunburst Drive Lot 12, Vail, Colorado Copies Date No.Description 3 nna05 Final DRB Full Architectural Set 1 1211UOs Response Letter to Town of Vail, Bill Gibson 1 12112105 Revised "Proposed Landscaping" page from application L t2loudS A+*rurMears LelJry, t av,ctrc. ln:pcJ.''on CopyTo: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly December '12,20Os To: BillGibson Design Review Board - Tovm of Vail From: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architecb, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3 Dear Bill, ln response toyourfollowing letbr, dated Decembel' 1, 2(XE, GPS lras addressedeaclt point and wrtften comments/anslyens in italic bold prtnt. The Torrrn of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Submit a site specific study, prepared by a "professional geologist'or "registered professional engineef, evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-21 , Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code),** Please see altached study prcpared by Arthur l. Mears, P.E., Nafitral Hazatd Consultanl Conclusion, 'The Maslak Residence, ... is not exposed fo avalanches. .... Mltigation, .... will not be reguired ....." 2. The topographic survey must be revised to delineate all environmental hazards (avalanche hazard area). ' Not Applicablg see point 1. 3. The site plan must be revised as follows:r Show all setbacks. The required setbacks are 20 feet in the front and 15 feet in the sides and rear. The proposed structure does not comply with the side setback requirements and must be reMsed.*t Sef bacfts have ber,n adjusted to 20 feet in front and 15 feet in sides and rear. See sheet A2.1 o Label all roof element elevations (including the ridges, eaves, chimneys, observatory, etc.) and show the natural grades under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines (this will be used to calculate building height). The proposed | 000 South Frontog€ Rood wost, Suit€ I 02 . Voll, Cololodo , r ar, . ,1,, <97Or 476-lltl7. tox (970)476-1612. Emoil: gpsxvoil@ol.com structure does not comply with the maximum roof height limit of 33 feet as measured from the proposed roof ridges to the pre-existing natural topography below (as proposed the building exceeds 40 feet in height). For reference, enclosed is a copy of the original site plan for this property.* All roof elements have been labeled on sheet A2.0-5. Roof heights do not exc*d 33 feet above natural grade. . Portions of the driveway within the Sunburst Drive Right-of-Way shall be snowmelt heated with a separate zone and shall be labeled at the control box. The four-foot concrete pan between Sunburst Drive and the driveway shall not be snowmelt heated.** Snowmelt Zones have heen delineated on sheet A2.0-1. Control box is Iocated on sheet A2-lin the garage. The 4 foot concrete pan has no snow melt. r The combination retaining walls must be revised with a minimum bench width of 4 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all combination retaining walls and any wall greater than 4 feet in height.*r Retaining walls have a bench with of 4 feet. No heights exceed 4 feet. See sheet A2.0-1 / 42.0-2. o Show the erosion control details on the plan.* Erosion control details are shown on sheet 2.0-1, Ieft side. o Label the culvert sizes. '," Culveft sizes are 78" in diameter. See sheet A2.0-1. 4. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:r Provide an existing tree preservation plan for all trees located within the limits of disturbance area.** Existing tree preservation plan is located on sheet A2.0-1 /#Z r The combination retaining walls must be revised with a minimum bench width of 4 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all combination retaining walls and any wall greater than 4 feet in height.* Retaining walls have a bench with of 1 feet. No heighb exceed 4 feef. See sheet A2.0-1 / 42.0-2. 5. The "red-lined" architectural floor plans (i.e. GRFA calculations) must be revised as follows:r The "basement" room and "mechanical" room on the lower level are defined as GRFA and must be included in the calculations.* The "basement" and "mechanical" rooms are included in the GRFA calculations. o The maximum allowable GRFA garage deduction is 600 sq.ft.* 1979 Sunburst drive, Lot 12, is zoned for a duplex. Garage credit = 2 spaces per allowable unit. Therefore the garage deduction is 1200 sq tt. This residence has 3 spaces. We have deducted 900 sq fL . Interior vaulted spaces and areas "open to below" with a floor to ceiling height of more than 16 feet (as measured from the finished floor to the underside of the structural members of the floor/ceiling assembly above) are calculated as GRFA on 2 levels on the slructure. The Great Room vaulted ceiling exceeds 16 feet aft. The GRFA has bee'n accounted for on sheet A2.0-3. r The proposed structure exceeds the maximum allowable GRFA requirements and must be revised.** The proposed structure's GRFA is 4665 sg ft, under the max 7,969 sq ft.. See sheet A2.0-3. 6. The proposed and allowed site coverage, landscape area, GRFA, and building height calculations do not appear to be accurate and must be revised.s All calculations have been revised. See sheet A2.0-3.. o 0.6038 acres x 43,560 = 26,302 sq.ft.. site coverage max. (20o/o\ = 5,260 sq.ft.r landscape area min. (60%) = 15,781 sq.ft.. GRFA max. (P/S zoning formula) = 7,969 sq.ft. (4600+1900+1469) Please address the above listed items and submit revised plans to the Town of Vail for further review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feelfree to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Please let us know if this does not meet all of the towns requiremenh, as well as the date of our new scheduled meeting. Ned Gwathmey Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Vail, CO Tel:97O.476.1147 Fax:97O.476.1612 PC Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road l6 GunnisorE CO 81230 TeVFax: (970\641-3236 December 3. 2005 Ms. Gabreille Meola Gwathmey Pratt SchulE, Architeds 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 102 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - Avalanche hazard Dear Ms. Meola: At your request I completed a site inspection of the Maslak residence on Sunburst Ddve in Vail last Tuesday, Novernber 29. The purpose of nry site inspeclion was to determine if the building fies within an avalanche hazard area and requires mitigation. According to the Town of Vail generalized hazard map, the Maslak property rnay lie at the northem edge of an 'avalanche influenoe zone," or area where avalanches may be a hazard. Therefore, site-specific sfudy is required by the Town hazard regulations. Site Observations During nry site inspection I collected GPS coordinates at the Maslak residence and at the lonver end of vegetation damage caused by a large avalanche that descended the "Clubhouse Gulchr" avalanche path in the 1950's. This avalanche stopped approximately 400 feet (120m) to the south-southwest of the Maslak residence on the welldeveloped alluvial fan. The slope on this fan tends to deflect avalanches slighty to the nest, away from the Maslak property. The date of this avalanche was established by conrparison of U.S. Forest Service aerial photography taken in 1950 and 1962. The obvious avalanche damage was not visible on the 1950 photos but was visible on the 1962 photography. A detailed topographic map provided by Gwathmey Pratt SchulE architects was also used during the site work to establish the posilions of features on the alluvial fan relative to Sunburst Drive and the Maslak residence. This map was also used to refine the topography used in the avalanchedynamics rnodeling procedure utilized in this study and discussed in the next section. t 'Clubhouse Gulch" is the drainage basin directly south of Sunburst Drive. This small drainage is an active source area for debris flora and snow avalarrches. At least one large avalanche has reached the alluvial bn south of Sunburst Drive during the past several decades. This avalanche destroyed a porlion ofthe aspen forest. furalvsis The avalanche hazard was quantified through field observations, tenain analysis, experience with moderately large avalanches in the Colorado snow and avalanche dimate, and through application of the $viss avalanch+dynamics model 'AVAL-1D.' The avalanche-dynamics modelenabled calculation of the stopping position or runout distance of the rmjor, design magnitude avalanche2. The computed design avalanche is mapped on Figure 1. This is the detailed topographic map base provided by the architect. The runout zone is subdivided into the red (high hazard) and blue3 (rnoderate hazard) zones, as required in the Vail Hazard ordinance. These hazard zones were computed by the avalanche dynamics modeling. The avalanche boundades shown on Figure 1 may differ slightly fiom previous mapping; however it is based on improved topography and updated analytical procedures, as described above. Avalanches discharging ftom Clubhouse gulcfr tend to be guftled slighty to the rrvestem portion of the ftn due to channelization in the Clubhouse Gulcfr drainage above 8,500 feet elevation and fan topography that also favors flow to its western side. Furthermore, several houses are located on the south side of Sunburst Drive, across the sbeet from the Maslak house. These houses will block any lowdensity flowing snowa, preventing impact with the Maslak residence. Conclusions and recommendations The Maslak residence, located on Sunburst Drive in Vail, is not elposed to avalanches. This conclusion is based on the observations and analWcal proced ures described above. Mitigation, therefore, will not be required and is not recomrnended. Sincerely, Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer ' In Vail, the design avalanche has a return period of 100 years, or a constant annuat probability of 1%. The dornslope extent of the design avalanche is shown on Figure 1. o Avalanch-es in the red zone have return periods of 25 years or produce impact pressures of >OOO tbstff; the blue zone can be reached by avalanch6s with retum perioO's of i 25 years and avalanches producing pressures of >600 lbSff. ' Lo^,-density flowing snow and minor porder blast will accompany the largest dry-snow avalanches in Clubhouse Gulch. These components will be blocked by existing houses, prwenting snow frorn reaching the Maslak house. lI /-1 r'/e,rrx-L t2/ z )o 5 PROrcDTFEES ANOSFRiJTS D(ISTIiGTREES TOBE REIIOVED PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING lstenlce|ilamo Cgmmon l|ame Ail'C t r CPf, htoc.Pc1ftuU' A<ntJ-flo P fynt'5n Sose , ,-fH JIQ nlNrua au>a_ l,l'-la' ffuu qsentlty L t- 3 ,b/b /b 2E z A.l!e 3'dL, 1'ctt- S"ctL z.c)t- 5tt,*- < Crrl- ('at 9'crlt =Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GmtlD@VER s SEED IRRIGATIONI TY?EOFERGION CONIROL Deciduous Trees - 2, Catiper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gat. -Typa gcc.afee,"st walle,.fences, swimming pools, etc.Ul ,o- Hlte. hlantE/, H'jfrt( /lPI y'1tlT'moa l:-l-r Nufr*lrylt+ra Please^speify other-lanclscape features (i.e.COvt-969 (€thltlt ttht', t, Page 7 of pt%rclt\ D epartment of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 F|tx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com fll.{ plans to the Town of Vail Community Development have any questions or comments, please feel free to November 16, 2005 Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Archltects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslack Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 Dear Ned and Todd, Thank you for submitting revisions and additional information for the Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. These revisions and additional information are currently being reviewed by the Town of Vail Staff. Your November 14, 2005 lefter noted that this property is not located within a rocKall or debris flow hazard area and a site specific study is not applicable. I concur that this site is not located within a rockfall or debris flow hazard area; however, the "Official Avalanche Hazard Map" identifies this property as being located within a "Possible Avalanche Influence Zone" (see enclosed map excerpt). Therefore, a site specific study, prepared by a "professional geologist" or "registered professional engineer", evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code) must be submitted. Additionally, the topographic survey and site plan must be revised to delineate this environmental hazard. Please submit the study and revised Department for further review. lf you contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, \&. .a.ra- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Official Avalanche Hazard Map (excerpt) Chapter 14-7, Geologic/Environmental Flazards (excerpt) Enclosure: {pL".,.uo,^," I ) lail, Colorado Hazard Zones f High Hazard - Red Zone Moderate Hazard - Blue Zone ossible Avalanche lnfluence Zone Powder Blast Town o.[ Vail Development Standards Handbook 7. Geologic/Environmental Hazards. This section (Table 8) provides a summary of the geologic hazards mapped by the Town of Vail. This table describes at what point in the review pl'ocess a site specific hazard study is needed. Chapter 21, Hazard Regulations. of Titte,/2 should be reviewed for more specific rlquirements and details. Table 8: Geologic Hazards Other Requirements: Wetlands If staff determines that wetland vegetation exists on the site, a repoft conducted by a qualified environmental consultant delineating wetland areas must be submined to the Town of Vail and the Army Corps of Engineers in conjunction with a Design Review Board or planning and Environmental Commission application. Approval from the Army Corps of Engineer.s must be obtained prior to building permit issuance. Noncon fornring Sites Nonconforming sites, stnrctu.res, uses, and site improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date of adoption of these standards may continue, subject to the limitationi pr.escribed by Chapter 18 and Chapter 21, Title 12, of the loning Regulations. No existing nonconforming site or structure shall be issued a building permit for an exterior expansion, alteration or addition in a geoiogically sensitive area except for windows, skylights and other similar. minor alterations unless allowed by a site specific hazard srudy in accordance with Chapter 21, TitLe 12. Hazard Maps The following is a list of hazard maps officially adopted by the Town of vail:l. Debris Flow and Debris Avalanche I{azard Analysis Map prepared by Arrhur I. Mears, P.E., Inc. and dated November., 1984.2. Rockfall Map plepared by Schrnueser and Associates, Inc. and dated November 29,1984. , 3. Geological Hazard Map, Figure 3, plepared by Lincoln Devore Engineers,'.. Geologists and dated August 16, i 982. Geologic Hazards See hdzard nraps for tlrc follou.ing hi]|z.1rds. Su bmittal Requirements Sce Section l2-ll ofthe Zoning Regularions for detailed requrremenrs. Snolv Avalanche Submit a site specific study wirh DRB or PEC application. Dcbris Flow Submit site. specific itudv rvith building pe.mit appricatio'-iwG-DR-B appliiffii iT multi -fanrily or commercial. Rock Fall submit site specific study rvith buildrng permir application oirirhDRn apptic,rrio-tl? nrulti-family or cornmercial. Uustable Soils or Slopes Submit site specific srudy wirh building permit appiication oiwiEDRB apilidio multi-fanrilv or commercial. 20 Fttt cuPy Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 n$ 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 14, 2005 Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslack Residence - 1 979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 Dear Ned and Todd, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: The following must be submitted to complete the application:. Utility approvals from Qwest, Excel High Pressure Gas, Holy Cross Electric, Excel Energy, ERWSD, and Comcast (see DRB application form). No improvements shall be conslructed within an ease.ment without the consent of those holding rights to the easement.o A site specific study, prepared by a "professional geologisf' or "registered professional engineer", evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code).. Specification for the proposed fire pit must be submitted (a mechanical appliance is required, no open burning allowed) The topographic survey must be revised as follows:. Delineate all environmental hazards (avalanche hazard area and any wetlands). The site plan must be revised as follows:. Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1:10).o Show all setbacks.. Show all proposed, natural, and interpolated natural grades under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines (this will be used to calculate building height).. Show the location of all proposed utility service lines from the source to the structure.. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction.. Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Show the proposed erosion control methods.. Provide snow storage area calculations.. Provide site coverage and landscape area calculations. .]Dli.t REG|CLED PAPEB 1. 3. TOIII'IOF I/AIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com 4. . Show all required parking spaces with a 9' by 18' box for enclosed spaces and a 9' by 19' box for unenclosed spaces.. The driveway slopes must be labeled in percentages. Spot elevations must be shown at the property line, garage slab, and along the center of the driveway to accurately reflect grades.o Driveway materials must be labeled. The driveway shall also be labeled as snowmelt heated or unheated.. Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1:10).. Show all easements.. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction.o Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Show the proposed erosion conlrol methods.. Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height.. Provide a tree removal plan including species, size, and number.. Clarify if the proposed "aspen-large" are to be a 4" caliper, not a 4' caliper as shown. The architectural floor plans must be revised as follows:. Gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations must be provided. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the GRFA was calculated (see Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code). The architectural elevations must be revised as follows:. Elevations must be fully dimensioned.o Show both existing and finished grades.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures.o Show the utility meter locations and screening methods.. Show all roof drainage systems.. Label roof line elevations. 5. o. {p4u"t'"o*'"t I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Tail,.Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com 7. Prior to the Design Review Board hearing the project site must be staked and taped to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building @rners. All trees to be removed must be taped. 8. A fire sprinkler system is required and shall comply with NFPA 13(2002) and Vail Fire Departmenl standards. A monitored fire alarm system is also required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and Vail Fire Department standards. 9. The following shall be submitted with the building permit applicationsl. Construction staging plan.o Revocable Right-of-Way Permit application.. Public Way Permit application.. Town of Vail Fire Department fire pit permit application. Please address the above listed items and submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for further review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4-,4,/C-2.-dL-_ Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {ptrur.uo*tr"* Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Arcihcct!. p.c. l OOO S, Fronllg! nold Wrtt V!il, ColorEdo 81657 T6l l970l 476.1147 Ft l97ol 476-1612 MEMORANDUM via Hand Deliraery TO: Vail Design Review Board FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: 9-30-05 RE: Maslak Residence - DRB Final Application for Review NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: : pages Mr. Gibson: Please accept this application for the October l gth design review. Included are 3 full sized bound,24x36 sets which include the site survey and the architectural drawings. Also included is the DRB Application for New Construction, light fixture cut sheets, an aerial photograph, site photographs, and the title report which verifies ownership. We are planning on bringing the color board directly to the review. lf you have any other reguests or need any other information please contact either Ned Gwathmey or myself. Thank you, Todd Kramer PROPOSED MATERIALS Jyp,e of .MatejralEuildrns_Malelrals Roof Siding Other Wall Materials F6cia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color 3(Vra/€D geow{ €go,^til SryZN 6butP 5f7r/^,/ t^J ti q€ 4 oo t rtril tT /t. (z/iru/tr Frbaal ,'iwt* (co SuaKe l. g (.o,->*//fl txf.rD fu pB(Srnrcsraue-laooNTA tN rffa 6Prwf{ VVt-(tc/rL aoe> 5tqlq t) eo? fd (? VJooo STv^/i U ooP 5(>at€ u ooQ rt ov ^tr>?rtr tl{4 &9rvrtr Blt-..trV SrTf/'V STO,tt c / ftefrf. (a7(L Sfon€ ( r,tt q$i$ ) 5fia6 Atf /ffs' L{ooo NASttuqv f fp-'rsurl SpuC n n ?AlrvtT€ |EC c"r SWm t-l ovnrNt V tft '6ttv,tf Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Fbge 6 of 12104101lM PROPOSED LANDSCAPlNG Botanical Name Common Name ct+t'c'N crEFn bbc4@5fru6' "A<rusJ'tlorBftN'5x 2'()t- Rzv Tuttq 5ha- < C2i1-llUtfnYlNu,o,'f her('ch ' 6 0 rnt8 / ^,rofro{a f1, rcp P H rrru( lP S y'e e\r'm ou Quan_tity L +-----r--_- 3 , IL/b /b z 1 0 /L Size 3'ffiL, 11' -14' fi+ut'ctt- s"ctL PRCFOSED TFEES ANDSHRUBS D(ISTING TFEES TO BE FEI\4CA/ED Gfl-tn Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Iyge Square Footage GROIJND@VER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TIFE OF EROSION CONTROL q^f At/tt tZq Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.ovt-p€z K€tttrillb utu- LetsTtlb,l 1t€'-o* Hl 4*6,u 3'clt 2'liL 6 btu nrl r 'r tlufr Srsxcqz> Page 7 of 12l%l1llM UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verity service availability and location {or new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Signat Comlloe_nts A OWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contracts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tet) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contacl: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (taxl Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262{024 Jim O'neal 970.262.400,3 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI( DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOIE$ 1. lf the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and rrc mmments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume thal there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The rssue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UlililLlo_caliAns 11t'q9tbe gblajOe_d, leb.re digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the To,vn of Vail. A building permit is not a Publiq Way permit and must be obtained s€paratelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Date Page 8 of 12l04lo'llO4 r,crw,3lif!t,na! AJl.l ]^iturt -niVel Rrrrrr Septernber 01, 2004 TO: Doris Bailcy FROM: George Lamb RE:L Lot D, Vail Valley 3'd Dear Doris: Attachcd is a copy ofbotb the frlly executcd vacated easemant and the new easement, I delivered the originals to Land Title today. They will be &livered to thc clcrk and recorded this aftemoon for recordbg. I have rcquested that this recording infornration bc addcd to thctitle commiurent as soon as possible (possibty by weck's and). \Vhen thar inforrnation is available, I will ransrnit to the suweyor to up date the ILO With rcgards, Vail Villagc Offcc 8 lgc Snct . Vail Colorado 81657'Tclcphonc 970 476 2421 ' Factinilc 970 476 2658 --sonffiils-Drnx4l!'4|.r&rgY &Vail @nnAlE^ct H$IIBITA TRUE PONT OF SEGINNINC LOT 11 EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A STRIP OF LANO EEING THIRTY FEET IN MDTH $ruATEO IN A PART OF LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY - THIRD FILING, A RESUEOIVISION OF PART OF SUNBURST, TOWTI OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COIORAOO, PER THE PLAT II'{EREOF RECOROED AUGUST 30, 1977 IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69 IN lHE OFFICE OF THE EACLE COUNTY CLERK ANO RECORDER, THE CENTERLINE OF SAIO STRIP BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHffiSTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12: THENCE S11'53,14''W 20.86 FEEI ALONG IHE WESTERLY EOUNDARY OF SAIO LOT 12 TO THE TRUE POINT OF EEclNNlNc; IHENCE DEPARTING SAl0 WESIERLY BOUNDARY 566'21 '41 "E 18,77 FEETT THENCE S5ETE'34"E 18.17 FEET; It'r€NCE S66'03'20"E 40.60 FEET; THENGE s441C5'03'E 39.58 FEE?; I}|ENC€ 522'22'5O"E 27.71 FEE-I; THENCE s52'17'o4"E 28.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. BEING A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIO LOT 12, FROM WHENCE THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12 BEARS N47'2J'5J"E 57.2A FEET. POINT OF EEGINNING fgc |I: r' j} -: io;o:?o 6 r€RMINUS s52'r /04'E 28.10' LOT 13 (n,Gore Range Surveyingttc \ "liry srtltr.iorr.ar. r ,,/ v*,o''r''t Onl.rraa. |l Orc, {rF r s6621'41"E 1A.77' LOT 12 s6633'20"8 40 60' CENTERLINE OF 50' EASEMENT SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT THIS EASEMENTjs madc |r|rs-.2€ t4--ary ot,4u. +:*, 2004, by andbetwecn Warren K. and Helga T. lutis thereinafier rer"itra to&rG.'f, thcir successonand assigrs, and Eagle River water & sanitation District (Disrrict), a quasi-mgdcipal corporation of thc Sate of Colorado withjn the Couuty of bagle, (iiaoina$er referrid to as"Distict"). \''TINESSETH, ttrat for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($ I .00) asd oth€rgood and valuable considcration paid by thc Dietict to Granbr, the reccipt of whicn rc nercty - acknowledgcd, the orantor does hereby grant, convcy and Eansfer wrto tio Disticg itssuccessors and assigls, aPcrPetual eas€mmt and right to consEuol, instatl, removc, rcptaoc, addto, maiutain, repair, operate, cbange or altcr undergrlund sewcr and wat*Gcs aod all lnderground and surfacc appurtenances rclatcd thieto such as liff stations and uranholee(hereinafter "sewer and water lincs"), together with any and all sewer and water lines eituatc ll{q all nccessary rights-gf-way for convenieat ingress and cg3ess thseto and therefrool andthc right to occupy and use, fom timc to rime, as rnu* oru""foi,ti"g tand ofthe Grantor u Tg bg reasonably necessary for any ofthc aforcsaid purposu", oro, uiaer ana acroes thcfollowing described premiser, situatc in the county oi Eagle ,-statc'of Coloraao, to-witl see EXHTBIT A attrched hcrcto and incorporated bereln by refercucc. Grantor waEstrts tbat trc Grrntor ha: thc lawfirl rigbt to grant and convcy zuch eascmen!rights-of-way, and severstld water lincs. F\rthcr, Oranroi warrirts that thc lerycr and waterlines arc &ee and clear of all liens and cncumbrances, Grantor will at no timc permiq place or construct any stustruc, building or irnprovgmetrtof any kind, te'nrporary or pemuulenr, on sny p''t of thc abovadescriuco prcmiiee . AnysEuctur€, building or improvement locatod on thc abovo.dcscribed prerito as ofrhc date of thisEas€tlenl, may be rernoved by thc District without liability for damagcs arisiog thcrehom. - Following the complction of the purposc of ury cotry by tbc District upon such easemcqtfor uy of the aforecaid objccts, thc Distictlhal restore trc prcmiscs to substsntially the sagccondition existiag at thc timc of tho entry thcreon, excspt foisluubs, plants, sidcm,dls,driveways or parking areas thcrcon locat-ed or damagcd &ucby. All provisions of thc Easemcnt, including all bcnefits and burdcns, shall rrrn with the tandand shall bc binding upon and inure to thc benefrt of rhe successoo -Jr"rigns of tho partics hercto, subjcct to thc provisions hereof. F:\l 5WSD\8 Rcgs\FORMS\Easernenr\l gT gSunbursrDr.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc parties hereto havc sct thefu hurds and seals the day and ycar fint above written. GRAITITOR; GRA}.ITOR: STATE OF COLORADO COI.JNTYOF EAGLE ) ) ss, ) il;# WITNESS my hand and ofiicial seal (s EAL) - ACCEPTED bythc Eagle River Water & Saoiration Disbicr rhis Ai +1, day of Augusr20u. EAGLERIVERWATER & SA}.IITATION DISTRICT F:\l 5WSD\ERc3s\FORMS\Erscraenr\l gTgSunburstDr.doc My comrnission arpires: a/ct /n 5 enEis Gelvh/Gencral Manager EASEMENT VACATION KNOW ALL ME}T BY TITESE PRESENTS: THAT thc EAGLE RwER WATER & SAI.IITATION DISTRICT, a quasi' municipal corporation of ttre Sarc of Colorado, whosc legal address is 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado, hereby vacates, abandons, conve),s, and convela via quit claim all of its interest to the present owner or owners the following dcscribed property situated in thc County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to wit: A thirty (30) foot cascm€nl recorded in thc offices of the Clerk aod Recorda of Eagle County, Colorado, on Augttst 30,1977 in Book 259 ttPage 69, a copy of which is attached hercto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this referenco, SIGNED AND DELIVERED ttris 3t day of August,2004. EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAMTATION DISTRICT STATEOFCOLORADO COUNTY OF EACLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforc me this 3t day of August 2004, by Dennis Gelvin, as General Managcr of Eagle Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation Distict. Witncss my hand and official seal: My commission o*pi.es, Bltrlzo<-,1 ) ) ss. ) Dennis Gclvin, General Managcr ffitrg.d F:U 5WSEt\8Rcgr\FORMS\ErF?rrn l fr9ssflbtnfi W.dC Nov 20q, Land Title Guarantee Gompany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date 08-19-2004 koperty Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR,/LOT 81657 Our Order Number: V50006430-4 12, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL, CO SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.AVON OO3O BENCHMARK RD #IO7 P,O. DRAWER 2820 AVON. CO 81620 Ann: JAN JOHNSON Phone: 970-845-2030 Far: 970-845-2050 EMail : jjohnson@sl ifer. net Sent Via Couricr*+' NED GWATHMEY IOOO S. FRONTACE ROAD W. SUITE IO2 VAIL, CO 8 t657 Phone: 97O-476-1612 Fax: 970-476-1147 SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.AVON OO3O BENCHMARK RD #I07 P,O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81620 Atm: RAYMA ROSE Phone: 97G845-2025 Fax: 970-845-2050 EMail: rrose@slifcr.net Sent Via Coutier*** 10.05.04 Drt,wtrr.o ;mquASAnlltt collP Nl Land Title Guarantee ComPanY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date 08-19-2004 Our Order Number: V50006430-4 hopertlf Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR./LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL' CO 81657 If you have atry inquiries or require funher assistance, plense contact one of the nunrbers below: SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON-BRIDCE STREET 230 BRIDCB ST. vAlL, CO 81657 AM: GEORGE LAMB Phone: 970-479 -2002 Far: 970'-476-2658 EMsil: glamb@slifer.net Sent Via Corrierft SLIFBR SMITH & FRAMPTON SITZMARK I83 CORE CREEK DRTVE VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: DORIS BAILEY Phrrc: 970-419 -2020 Frx: 970-479-2029 EMsil: dbeilcy@slifer'nel Sent Via Courierrir SAMUEL H. & LULETA MASLAK 96I HIGH ROAD wooDslDE. cA 94062 Sent Vir US Postal Service WARREN K. & HELGA T. PULIS I979 SUNBURST DR. vAtL, co 81657 Sent Vir US Postal Service LAND TITLB CUARANTEE COMPANY IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vAtL, co 81657 Attn: Airnce Dupont Ptrsnc: 97U476-2251 Ftx: 970-476-4534 EMsil: adupont@ltgc.com JACOBS, CHASE, FRICK. KLEINKOPF, 1050 tTTH ST. # 1500 DENVER, CO 80265 Atto: MIKE SMITH, BUYER'S ATTY. Phone: 303-389-4643 Fax: 303-685-4869 Scnt Via US Postal Service For Ti tle Asslstance: Vail Title DePt. lOE S. FRONTAGE RD. P.O. Box 357 VAIL, co 81657 Phonez 97G47G2251 Faxz 970-476-4732 w. f203 For Clminc Assistance: ' Aimee Dupont IOE S. FRONTAGE RD. W. fl203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phonez 970-477-4529 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com =a7 cu^t^ rtf, coMPAnY Property Address: I97i SUNBURST DR./LOT I2, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL' CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK Seller/Owner: WARREN K, PULIS AND HELGA T, PULIS Wire Information: Bank FIRSTBANK OF COLOMDO ]O4OJ W COLFAX AVENAE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: i03-237-50(N Credit: I'AND TITLE GaARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: I07WSA7 Accounl: 2160521825 Attetion: Aimee DuPont *t*tlait***'l*+*l*+***tl****ll:ltltt'tf*ll********l*'t*++*tl*t*****t**** Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments' ** ** | I | * | f*f*r * t + r ****t +** ff +t*ff t * t++ + 'l *r t**** ,|'tltt f *t* r* I * {t'l * + * ** tor clF?rcf Oal04 THANK YOU TOR YOUR, ORDERI Need a map or dtrectlons for your upcoming closlng? Check out Land Title's web site nt www'ltgc'com for directirins to any of our 54 office locations' Date: 08-19-2004 Our Order Number: V50006430-4 Land Title Guarantee ComPanY ESTMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy l0-17-92 Dcletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owrrcr) Tax Repo( #R008137 $6 ,600 . o0 s30.00 $70.00 s7s .00 If L.']at Tltl. ou.E.tt.. cd/lt.ty ,!77 b. ofo.l,.E ahtt tr'ttttotlca' r.bov'toor t!!7 b. aaf7.at.d .t tbrt tle.. TOTAL $6,655 .00 Chicago Title Insurancc ComPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50006430'4 Cust. Ref.: Propenty Address: rizs SuNsunsr DR./Lor 12, vAIL vALLEY 3RD FILING vAIL, co 81657 l Effective Dater Juty 30, 2004 at 5:00 P'M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: "ALTA' Owner's Policy l0-17'92 Proposed In"sured: SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK $3,850,000.00 3. The cstate or interest in the land described or referred to in thls Commiament and covered herein is: A Fee SirnPle 4. Title to the esaaae or interest covered herein ls at the effective date hereof vested ln: WARREN K. PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS 5. The land refcrred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT I2, VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 30,1977 IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionI (Requlrements) Our Order No' V50006430-4 The following are the requirements lo be complied with: Ijgm (a) Payment to or for the account of thc grantors or mortgagors of the full considqration fbr the cstate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be irlsured must be executed and duly filed fbr rccord' to-wit: Item (c) payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Itenr (d) Additiorul requirements, if any disclosed below: I. PROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH A CURRENT IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE OF SUBIECT PROPERTY. THIS REQUIREMENT lS NECESSARY FOR DELETION OF GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I-3. UPON REVIEW, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY. NOTE: ANY MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WILL BE REFLECTED ON SAID POLICY(S) TO BE ISSUED HEREUNDER. NOTE: I,AND TITLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERING SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM WARREN K. PULIS AND HELGA T, PULIS TO SAMUEL H' MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS I-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID SURVEY MAY BE ADDED TO SCHEDULE B-2 HEREOF. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARJZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTIONS tS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF WARREN ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl Eequirements) Our Order No' V50006430-4 Continued: K. PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS. CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREW]TH' NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO4 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE, ***'i*,f *++* NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER l, 2oQ2 +********a Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30- lO-421 , "The county clerk and recordcr shall collect a surcharge of $ I 00 tbr each document received for recording or filing in his or her oflice. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50006430-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contaln exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satlsfaction of the Companyr |. Rights or claims of partics in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenrents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lincs, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or nuterial fteretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Detbcts, liens, encumbrances, adverse clairns or other matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subscquent to the eftbctive date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or intcrest or mortgage thereon covercd by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liers by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid watcr and sewer charges, ifany. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the nrortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hcreof'. 9. RJGHT OF PROPzuETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORJGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1977,IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 68. I I. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTzuCT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 5. 1969. IN BOOK 214 AT PAGE 6I2 AND R3CORDED ocToBER 20, t969 tN BOOK 2t6 AT pAGE2t7. 12. UNDIVIDED I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO ALL OF THE CAS, OIL AND OTHER MINEMLS, SOLID LIQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, TNCLUDING UMNIUM, IN ON AND UNDER ANY AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUCED FROM THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IN SECTION IO OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERETO AS EXPECTED AND ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' V500064304 The policy or policies to be issued will contaln exceptions to the following unless lhe same are disposed of to the satisfactlon of the Company: RESERVED BY PETER E. KATSOS IN DEED RECORDED MAY 3, 1960 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE2Z7. I3. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSAND NOTESON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF DECLARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 12, 1979 IN BOOK 292 AT PAGE628. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS No!e: Punuant to CRS l0-ll-l22,rctice is hereby givcn that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special uxing district. B) A Grtificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained tiom tie County Treasurer's authorized agent. C1 The infornution regarding special districts and the boundaries ofsuch districts rruy be obtained from the Board of County Conrmissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or he County Assessor. Note: Effective Scptember l,1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all docurnenu rcceived for recording or filing in the clerk and rccorder's office shall contain a top rrurgin of at least one inch and a leti, right and bonont nurgin of at leasl one half of an inch. The clerk and recordcr nuy refusc to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top nurgin shall not apply to documents using fbrns on which space is providcd for recording or liling infbnrution at the top nrargirr of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-l, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts thc closing of the insured tra[saction and is resporLsible for recording the legal documenLs tiom the trarlsaction, exception nunrber 5 will not appcar on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Sestion 2 of the C-ommitment fron the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with thc following conditions: A) The land describcd in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have bcen furnished by mechanics or matcrial-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of dris Commitment within the past 6 months. Q The Company must rcceive an appropriate aflidavit indernni$ing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and rutcrial-mcn's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) tf there has been coftstrustion, inrprovements or nujor repairs undertaken on the property to bc purchased within six mon$s prior to the Date of the Commitrnent, dre requirements to obtain coverage fbr unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial infornution as to the seller, thc builder and or the contractor; paynlent of the appropriate prenriunt fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the comgany, and, any additional requirements as may bc neces.sary aflcr an examimtion of the aforesaid infornulion by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted fbr or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, noticc is hereby given: This notice applies to owncr's policy conrmiouents containing a mirrral sevcrance instrument exccption, or exccptions, in Schcdule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a nrineral estate has bcen severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed fiorn the surface estatE and that there is a substantial likelihood drat a third party holds somc or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or gcotlternul energy in fte propcny; and B) That such n neral estate may include fte right to enter and usc the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the conpany to provide any of the coverages rcferred to herein unlcss the above conditiorrs are fully satistied. Form D I SCLoSURE 09101/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLTCY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July l, 2001 We recognize- and respect the privacy expectations of today's consunlers and the requircmcnts of aoolicable fcderal and sure privacy. laws. Wc believe that rrukiirg you aware of how we usc your non-oublic ocrsonal infoimation ("Pcrsoml Infbnnation"), and to whom it is discloseil, will form the basis for a r-elationshiir of tnist between us and the'oublic fitat we serve. This Privacy Statemerrt provides that_explarution. We rcservc thi right to change this Privacy' Statenrcnt trom time to time consistcnf with applicable'privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we rnay collect Personat Information Rbout you from the following sources: + From applicatioru or other forns we receivc fronr vou or vour authorized reDresentative:I lrom your transactions with, or from the services 6eing plrfornted by, us, o'ur aftiliates, or others;* From bur intemet web sites:+ Fr!.!r.l the public recor4s- maintained by govemmcntal cntities that we eirher obtairr directly fronr rhose enuucs, or trom our alltllates or others: and* From consumer or other reporting agendies, Our Policic Regarding the hotectiotr of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Informatlon We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safbguards to Drotect vour Persorul lnformation from uruuthorized access or intrusion. We Iimit access to the Personal lifornution only to those emDloyees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other llgitinute busineSs purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information {e.q1Y_qhare your Pcrsonal Information with our.affiliatcs, su_ch as insurance companies, agenls, and other rcal estate scttlement servicc providers. We also may disclosc your Persorul Inforrnatiofi: : to ag.cnls, brokers or representatives to provide you wi0r services you have requested;* to third-pany contructois or.service providers who provide servicis or perforni markiting or otherfunctioni ori our behalft and* to olhers with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or serviccs that we believe younuy find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information whcn you direct or cive us permission. whcn we are reouiredby,law to do so, or when we luspect fraudulcnt or criminal aciivicies. We allo rnav'disclose vour Personaltlltbnnation when otherwise pernd-tted by applicable privacy laws such as, fbr exainple, wheir disclosurc is needed to eufbrce our rights arising out ofany agriement, ransaction or relationJhip with ybu. Qnc qf thp imporunt respon-sibilities of some of our afliliatcd.conpaldes is to rccord docunrcnts in the public donuin. Such docunrcnts rnay contain your Persorul Infbrmation. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abillty to Correct Erors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states altbrd ygu_ tle right to_access your Personal Information and, under certain circumsances, to lind out to whom your Pcrsonal Information hrs beeir discloscd. AIso, certain states af'ford vou the riuht to reouistcorreslton, anrendme_nt or deletion of your Personal Infornution. Wc rcscrve the rilht, wherE pernrittid by law, tochargc a reasoruble fee to cover the cdss incuned in rcsponding to such rcquests. - All.rcqucsu subndtted .to. the Fid.elity. Na-tio.rul.Firuncial Group of C-onrpanies/Chicago Titlc Insurance Conrpany shall bc in writing, and delivercd to the following addrcs: Privacy Comoliance Otliccr Fidelitv Narional Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multlple hoducts or Services lf we prov,ide yoy wjth ntore than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticetronl us. We apologizc tbr any inconvenience this uray cause you. Fom Pn I V.Pol. CH I lro Exterior Lighting Page I of I Capistrano Flush Mount Exterior Lighting #401080 $295 Free Freight! in the continental USA I 9'H x 16.5'W lnspired by classic elements in Mission Design. Capistrano is a stylized and contemporary offering' Featuring a warm bronze patlna and striated champagne linen glass, these pleces offer a clean architectural deslgn while emitting a warm Invlting glow. The smooth finish and clean lines are complemented by details such as the chain and bolt shapes that carry the design elements throughout the collection. .''' '' :+ . €b€€-w-indo.W . httn://www viqinnqdeqinngrorrn com/lishtins/exterior/falcaoistrano/401080.htm st11/2005 Brick Light i i:'lu.OnTheWeb.com Table Lamps Decorative Lamps Desk Lamps Childrens Lamps Floor Lamps Torchiere Lamps Lamp Sets Ceiling Lamps Chandeliers Vanity Lights Wall Lamps Track Lighting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lights Lighting Accessories Table Lamps Lampsontheweb.com > Outdoor Lighting > Deck Lighting > Black Louvered Brick Black Louvered Brick Light Brighten your patio with this black louvered brick light. Constructed of stamper finished in black. Includes two l8 watt light bulb; it can take up to two 50 watt included). Measurements are 9.25 inches x 3 inches x 3 inches. Low voltage. Ac included. This item usually ships in 3-8 Business Days sKU #0ss807 Matching ltems 6"d,t" caego'G I 3o u trT Y(, lJY 14 Black Louvered Brick Light s69.99, Vase Table Lamps Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table Lamps Candlestick Table Lamps Asia Inspired Table Lamps Southwestern Inspired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps http ://www. lampsontheweb. com,/NoFrameAtems/05 5 8 07nf.html 813V2005 Exterior Lighting Page 1 of 1 Capistrano Wall Mounts Exterior Lighting #402481(25")25'Hx10'wx16"D Backolate: 14"H x 6.75'W #402.181 (13")\5195 ; gs.srtt x 15'W x 19.5'D Backplate: 16'H x 7.5"U'$850 I $eso I 3ouffr nhx Free Freight! in the continental USA Inspired by classic elements in Mission Design, Capistrano is a stylized and contemporary offering. Featurinq a warm bronze patina and striated champagne linen glass, these pieces offer a clean architectural design while emitting a warm inviting 9low. The smooth finish and clean lines are complemented by details such as the chain and bolt shapes that carry the design elements throughout the collection. htto://www visionsdesisngrorrn.com/lishtins/exterior/falcanistrano/401 281 .htm strt/2005 Serrch Decorative Lamps Desk Lamps Childrens Lamps Floor Lamps Torchiere Lamps Lamp Sets Ceiling Lamps Chandeliers VaniW Lishts Wall Lamps Track Lighting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lights Lighting Accessories Table Lamps q 6tr*r-"ca@ a Vase Table Lamps Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table Lamps Candlestick Table Lamps Asia Inspired Table Lamps Southwestem Inspired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps http ://www. lampsontheweb t- tr{UI|ll- ,[iltIill r 1-flla||lrtr|ltIl -ffir! Distressed Bronze Outdoor Collection Wall Mount Lantem Page I of 1l rjii:if I.;rrngsOnTheWeb.com Lampsontheweb.com > Outdoor Liglting > Mission Style Wall Fixtures > Grand M Collection Wall Mount Lantern @ Email I Bookm Frinter Similar Shippir Shippir @ II I Gr, Mir Collect Mount $6 Grand Mission Collection Wall Mount Lantern From the Grand Mission Collection, this three sided wall lantern is conskucted ofsolid brass and is further enhanced by honey art glass. Shown in distressed bronze, this piece is in the traditional Mission style. Measures 5 inches wide,7 .25 inches high and extends 4 inches. Uses one Edison base lamp, l00W max, which is not included. This item usually ships in 3-8 Business Days ,"s.:IE# 69.99 Distressed Bronze . :{ (-6--l Matching ltems Style Wall Table Lamps w d h lbs. J 0 7.5 3 3 ot^)frY( t4+K sKU #005362 .com.t {oFrame/i temV005 362nf. html 8/31/2005 *** ****** **********'i * t* f******* ********** ** **,i,t'f 'i ****** * * + + * **********,f* * + * + * * * * *** ** * * * * ** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****++*:|. * **** +++*,1,i*** *,1,4**:i******* * **************+*****a+f t*******,!*** * **'i * **** ****** * * * * * Statement Number: Ro5OOO1574 Amormt: $550.00 tO/07/2oo504:04 PM Palment Method: check 7 1 ? 1 /GWATHMEY/ PRATT/ SCHIILTZ Init: iIS Notatj.on: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Location: This Payment: DRB050542 T)4)e: 2101-091-0300-2 197 9 ST'NBI'RST DR VAIL 197 9 SI'NBI'RST DR s550.00 DRB - New Construction Total Fees 3 Total AL,L Pmts l Balance: $6s0.00 $5s0.00 $o. oo ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code DR 0 010 00 03 ]-:2200 Description DESIGN REVIEYI FEES Current Pmts 550.00 l' I Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archltoct!, p,c. 1o0O S. Frontrg. Rord w.rt v!il, Colorrdo 81857T.f lg70l474-1147Flr 1970) 470-1812 MEMORANDUM via Hand Delirrery TO: Vail Design Review Board FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: 2-28-05 RE: Maslak Residence - Revised DRB Final Application for Review NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 3 packets & | Sets of Drawings ( | I full size color board Mr. Gibson: please accept this appfication for the March I n design review In'cluded is the last set [3 totall of fulf sized bound,24X36 sets which include the site survey and the architectural drawings and 3 application packets which include all other pertinent information- lf you have any other requests or need-any other information please contact either Ned Gwathmey or myself. Thank you, Todd Kramer New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 tay.: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.vailqov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit applicaton. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is rcquested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning ard Environrn€ntal Commission. Design rcvicw approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commencee within one ycar of the approval. -3 fl-g.vqLocation of the Propoeatz Lot: lL Bbck:- PhysicarAddress: 117? avrVt<v&sf D&ttCtV4t-r C" 6/g-f^ Parcef No.: LIOIO 7 tO 9 ooZ (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat9T0-328-S6z10forparcel no.) Zoning!9dCant tF Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addrees: Orner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:( lil , ro fuAs'l Phone: E-mail Address: Fax: (, Type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr 9nceptual Review GIl New Construction D Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee 9650 For consbrrction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For mimr changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For mimr changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscapirq, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Description of the Request: For C)fflce Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: - By: Meeting Date: Planner: DRB No.: Project No.: NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual rariew and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TS** d.All nrges of Application is completed lhecklist is completed and signed q,,'Stamped Topographic Survey* TEtu toasd,Slte and Grading Plan* w/ Landscape Plan* € o64rTTCD ts/ Architectural Elevations*s/ Exterior color and rnaterial samples and specifrcations. u/. lrcnitectural Floor Plans* @/. Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures oz Title repo( including Schedule A & B to verify ownership and easements* o,' Photos of the s(isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable. il/A " - Written approval from a condominium association. landlord, and joint owner, if applicabh' d Site{pecific Creological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, sample and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the mateials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a cornplete set of odsting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signahrre Date Signed {5 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_l t-23-2OO5.doc Page 3 of 14 1112312005 NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topograph ic su l,'vey:D Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorE Date of suruey! North arrow and graphic bar scaleI Scale of 1"=10'or l"=20')! Legal description and physical address! Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dnd floodplain) Tles to exlsting benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must beclearly stated on the survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. show o<isting pins or monuments found and theirrelationship to the established corner. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easernent restrictions. spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street ftontage of the property at twenty-fivefoot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on iither side of the'lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured frorn apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.). All odsUng improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fail, debrb flow, avJlanche, weuan?s, floodpiain, soils) Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition tothe required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent tothe site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source tothe structure. Utilities Io include:F/rCableTV Sewer GasZ Telephone Water Electric! Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc.D Mjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for aminimum of 250'in either direction from property, D Site and Grading plan: tr Scale ot l"=20'or largerI Propefi and setback linesI Existing and proposed easements! Existing and proposed gradesI Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences andwalls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge wit-h a solid line.tl All proposed roof ridge .lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing anct proposedgrades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.I Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property ling, garage slab , and. as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.l] A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways thal exit the street in anuphill direction. D ! ! o ! o D o F:\cdev\FORMS\permits\planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11_23-2O05.doc Page 4 of 14 1112312005 l! ! Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures,! Proposed surface drainage on and off-site,I Location of landscaped areas.! Location of limits of disturbance fencing! Location of all required parking spacesI Snow storage areas,D Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.I Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.! Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable ! Landscape Plan:! Scale of 1" = 20'or largerI Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.! Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvernents and grading.D Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.I Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrube and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.tr Delineate critical root zones for o(isting trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.! Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. ! The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elsyations notd. U Architectural Floor Plans:D Scale of 1/8' = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferredo Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.I Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.! Label floor plans to indicate the pmposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).! One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See T1tle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.B Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. ! Architectural Elevations:! Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred! All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades, Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.I If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.D Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and rooft on all levels.o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.! The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.! Show all proposed o<terior lighting fixtures on the building.! Illustrate all deck, porches and balconies.! Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).! Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-2o05.doc page 5 of 14 LtlZ3l2OO5 J Illustrate proposed building height ele'ration on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.tr bcerbr color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. D Lighting Plan:I Indicate type, location and numb€r of fixtures.! Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area! Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. ! IMPROVEMEIIT LOCATIOil CERTIFICATE (ILC) ! Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: I Basis of bearing and tie to section corner! All property pins found or setI Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)! Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot! Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations! All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and ooct locationI All easements F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-2005.doc page 6 of 14 tLl23l200' PROFOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windours Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior Lighting Other Color Nrfn-ertc S-rolr.-'H-rtt ft,a (tst vrrz Etcvt /h?rju U ooP Lleoc -i'a et Uory Vt urt lacu tTecfarrc ooD ese lQ'1ttrurt57tu6(at6 vJ "oo t&ort/ trotwf(ocfeAf/lErnr Iotltt Slbuo I hurSef u"as 3(bw( Va^Tctz Ftusn tp Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ZRv ga*rr, f 6,-,e/0/,tf rfir Kn futuff{ M4 fuo,rar/ t4f( ftt ht'n'F fuq srzttl ?nA( tre-",)n/, ufi tTT F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\ptanning\DRB\drb-new_construction_11-23-2005.doc page 7 of 14 rr12312005 Botan ical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common J{ame lsreN't tr'rt 4"(nu Quantity ?AKY L + ? 5 1Z tg tg2{ Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 3") l+'-lb' Asou,t' l'1e D 3'(rrt- frpw.Smrhc 2'(tft- kr. Tuth ?.st Bus?cg Couop{or> Slrvn.Z 2"(rtcAt re 7(a/'Lfttqr Minimum Reguirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL lLr Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.)' Bnvt-rzfl- iZ€-r/funt tnt- !,at h.u L{SJntlb/ lt -O, 'HT{/-6" od 1 o -l:!,t"3'(tc 2'( /tL il rtvt qkttlfurtDft_w_ilty T>Lil(h lxrstttvq tuDvovs (tt fislctt/.9an- l',7 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\d.b_nerrr_construction_11-23-2005.doc Page 8 of 14 r1l23l2O0s d P€CL '*m UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOT{ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be t.lsed in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installatons. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Sionature Comments Date QWEST 970.s13.7189 (teD 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cell) Contacts: Steve Waters svraters@qwest,com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC 970.947.s42s (bt) 970.945..f081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroom@holycross.com EXCEL EI{ERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Katherine Bogert /n/ccur26;9 /il ?rtsF-T EAGTE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (teD 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fttaslee@erwsd.org coltcAsT cABtE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradely dorcas@cable.comcast.com ilOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the uulity companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problens and the development can proceed. 2' If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note direcdy on the utitity verification form that there is a problem which ne€ds to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail' Hovrever, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3' These verifications do not relieve the contractor of ttre responsibility to obtain a fublic Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. tftility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained seFrarately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utiliues for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans 9re altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this F:\cdar\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_nev\r_construction_11-23-2005.doc Page 9 of 14 rrl23l20os NOTES TO ALt APPLICANTS Pre-apolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to o<pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeUng may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suther at 970-479' 2128 or jsuther@vailgov.com Time Requ irements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the world wide web at http://www.vailgov.com/subpage'asp?page-id=80 For a new residenthl dwelopmenq, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a DesBn Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in ntle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and lltle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirementc for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation, If a site-specific geological investigation determine that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Dseloprnent staff prior to submitting a DRB applicauon to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. l. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale, The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale' 3. Graphic bar scale. 4, North arrow, 5. Title bloclq project name, project address and legal description, 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"= 1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-2005.doc Page 10 of 14 LLl23l2o0s Desion Review Board Meetina Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must tre taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicanb who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance $at discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a mernber of the planning staffl may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are rsyiewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Mditional Review and Fees ff this application reguires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00, Examples of such rerriew, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appllant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess ot 5oo/o of the application fee.It at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, rnay require review by external consultants in additbn to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an extemal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in e)(cess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion, F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-2005.doc page 11 of 14 Ltl23l200s Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of C,ommunity Development 75 South Frortage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com *This chuklist must be submitfud prior to Public Wo*s rcuiew of a prcposed development Owners/P0ect Name: ProjectAddress, /?11 SungucSl- Pf tyt, VhC Applicant: Submittalo Stamped survey of property o Civil/Site plans Su ruey Re(Lulrements: o Surveyo/s wet stamp and signatureo Date of surveyo North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or L"=20)o Legal descriptiono Basb of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Pla n Reouirements: L , Access (check all)y' Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. { J J o Unheated { Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heatd) va All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average gradq: 9,'7f 7O Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards,pp.l2&L4J II, Construction Site (check all) dTLocation of all utilities and meter pits arc shown on the site plan.y/ Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.rl I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Dwices, will be necessary prior to construction. I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. ep & Slptuar-Q<s axtc{ PhoneNumber. 4'16' ll47 o y'andscape plan o/ Title Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)o Treeso Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)o Topogmphyo Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property, F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-20o5.doc page 12 of 14 tu23l2005 III., Drainage (check all that apply) V)n required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p' 12' ez (Ngte: Valley pan must not be heated) { +FootConcrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pan ez Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. s/ Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided, (As requested by Town Engineer) Ih Erosion Control (Check all that appty) d Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. o Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project iies within or adjacent to a 100 year Fhodplain. N 0 o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provirled. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)q The project lies within a Geologir:/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) V,A Hazard Report has been provkled { The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VIf . Grading (check all that apply) d, Exbting and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. d All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans' o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIIL Parking (check all)/ All residential and commercial parking space conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. XX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) s/ All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.q/ All retaining walb and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE . stamped detail has been provided within the plans. e/ All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please provirJe any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Applicants Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\dfi_new_construction_11-23-2005.doc Page 13 of 14 LLl23l2ffis a.a' rrww,3lifca.ncr A I'rvr vr|.|ur -r"!.' Ver l.or r Septernber 01,2Q04 TO: FROM: RE:L Doris Bailoy George Larab Lot 12, Vail Valley 3'" Dear Doris: Atached is a copy ofboth thc filly executcd vacated easemcnt and the new easement. I delivercd the originals to Land Titlc today. Thcy will be &livered to thc clcrk and recorded this aftemoon for recording. I have rcquestcd that this recording information be addcd to thc title commitnent as soon as possible (possibly by week's cad). \Vhen that information is available, I will transmit to thc sweyor to up date thc ILe Sy'ith regards, WilVilhg Ofie lrilge Sneu . Vcil Cohrado 8Jl657. Tchphont 970 476 2421 ' Faoimilc 970 476 2658 &Vait CI /4nnd*IEAO H$IIBIT A EASEMENT DESCRIPIION: A STRIP OF LAND EEING THIRTY FEET IN WDTH SIN'ATEO IN A PART OF LOT rZ, vArl VALLEv - THTRO FtLtNG, A RESUBOIVISION OF PART OF SUNBURST, TO.IIN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, PER THE PLAT THEREOF NCCONOEO AUbUST JO, 1977 IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69 IN ]HE OFFICE OF TTC EICUE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, IHE CENTERLINE OF SAID SIRIP BEING MORE PARIICULARLY DEFINEO AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT ]H€ NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAIO LOT 12; THENCE 511'33.14"W 2O.E6 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIO LOT 12 To THE TRUE POTNT OF BEGINNING; THENCE OEPARTING SAl0 WESTERLY BOUNDARY 566'21 '41 "E 1A.77 FEET; THENCE S58'38'3+"E 16.17 FEET; THENCE 566'03'20"8 *0.60 FEET; THENCE S+4?5'03'E 39.58 FEET; THENCE 522'22'5O"E 27.71 FEE'I; THENCE S32'17'04'E 28-40 FEET TO THE POINT oF TERMINUS, BEING A POTNT ON THE EASTERLY EOUNDARY OF SAIO tOT 12, FROM WHENCE THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12 BEARS N47'23'5J"E 57.28 FEET. POINT OF BEGINNING...}da,F1 A 3S6 t tcA|.C: t'IRUE POINT OF SEONNINC LOT 11 TERMINUS s52'1204'E 28.40' LOT 13 {r,' Gore Range Suweying,rtc t T:fl 3r1r r,-,.nr.r r.. / *,oaqt (D., n;-rl. lr| otq r'E I s86?1'+1"E 18.77' LOT 12 566.0J'20"8 40.60' CENTERLTNE OF 50' EASEMENT s22'22'30"8 47.71' s44'05'O3'e t' SEWER AIID WATER EASNMENT THIS EASEMENT is madc tttrs 26 ?4 .asy ot,4atetf , 2004, by and between Warren K. and HelgaT. Pulir (hcreinafier rcfcncd to as "Grantor"), thcir successon and assigrs, and Eagle River Water & Suritation District (District), a quasi.municipal corporation of the State of Colorado within the County of Eagle, (hereinafter referred to as "Distict"). M|NESSETH, that for and in consideration of Ore surn of One Dollar ($ t .00) aud othcr good and vaftrable considcration paid by thc District to Grarror, the rcccipt of which is hcrcby acknowlcdgcd, the Grrntor does bereby grant, convcy and tansfsr unto the Discict, its succcssors and assigns, a pcrpetual cascmcnt urd right to construol, install, removc, rcplacc, add to, mairtain, rcpair, opcrratg change or altcr undcrgound sewcr ard water lines snd all undetgrowrd and surface appurtenances related thcreto such as liff stations and nantrolcs (hcrcinafter "sewer and watcr lincs'), together with any and all sewer and watcr lhes situatc thtr,eiq all nccessaryrights-of-way for convcnicnt ingress rnd egess thcrcto and thcrefroni, and the right to occupy and usc, fom timc !o time, as much of thc adjoiniug lurd ofthc Crantor as rnay be reasonably nccessrry for any ofthc aforcsaid purposc!, over, undcr and acroes thc following describcd prcmiscs, situatc in thc county of Eaglc, Statc of colorado, to-urit: Sce EXIIIBIT A atteched hcrcto end rncorporeted hereln by refereucc. Grantor wNrrants thai tbs Grantor has thc lewful right to grant and convey such casqnent, rights-of-way, and sewcr and watcr lincs. Flrrthcr, Grantor warrarts that the se{ycr and warcr lincs arc &ec and clcar of all licns and cucurnbranccs. Grantor will at no timc pcrmit, place or conshrct any stuattuc, building or improvement of any kind, t€ilnporary orpermancnt, on alypart of the abovc-describcdprcmisct, fuiy stucture, building or improvement looatod on thc abov+dcscribcd prcrurises as of thc date of this Easorucnt, may be rcrnoved by thc Disfiict without liability for damagcs arisiog thacfrom. Following the complotion of the purposc of ury cotry by thc Disrict upon such eascment for eny of tbc afotceaid objccts, thc Disuict shall rcstore thc prcmiscs to substsntiatly thc sanc condition cxisting at thc tim€ of 0rc entry Or€reon, cxcept for shnrbq plante, sidcwr,lks, driveways or parking areasthcrcon located or damagcd thcreby. All provisions of thc Easemcnt, including all bcnefits and burdens, shall nrn with thc land and shall bc binding upon and inure to thc bcnclit ofthe succqssors and rssigns ofthe partics hcreto, subjcct to thc provisions hereof, F:\ I SWSD\8 Rsgs\FORMS\Easemenr\l gT gSunbursrDr.doc IN WITMSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year fint above writtcn. GRAI.ITOR: GRA.TTOR: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE ) ) ss, ) n TIrc foryeoing Eascmcnt was, sgbsdib€{4ndrs.wom/-lutrtr* .2004.W h/ac7/lJte n-. WTINESS my hand and oflicial seal (s EA L) - ACCEPTED bythc Eaglc River Warer & Sanitation Distict rhis lf 4 day of Augrrst20u. EAGLE RIVER WATER & SA}.IITATION DISITRICT F:\l 5WSD\ERegs\FORMS\EuemenA | 9Z9S unburs tDr.doc +1 'J 0n / 'nil i;;ten'; *lg.*.::'Sgr'6F'48 My comnrission orpires: o/ct/e 6 enois Gelvin/Gcncral Manager EASEMENT VACATIbN KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESEPRESENTS: THAT the EAGLE RrVER WATER & SAI'IITATIoN DISTRICT' a 9uas1 municipal corporation oiOr Sorc of Colorado, whosc lcgal address is 846 Forcst Road' Vail, Colorado, hercby vacates' abandons, co-nve)'st and Jonycry via quit claim all.of its interest to the pr€scot o*o"r o, o*no. the following dcscribed proPcrty situatcd in thc County of Eaglc, State of Colorado, to wit A thirty (30) foot cascment recordcd ia thc offices of the clerk aod Recordct of'fiil-C;;ty, Cotoraao, on .que,to !0,lg17 in Book 259 ztPage 69' a copy of ,hl"h is attacired hcreto as Exhi6it A and incorporatcd herein by this rcfcrenco' SIGNED AND DELIVERED this $l dav ofAugust'z004' EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAMTATTON DISTRICT STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Thc foregoing instrutned was asknowle{Sed -be{o.rc l:"thit !-!1 !*:*:: 2004, btb;;iiC.f-"in, * Ccncral Managq of Eagle Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District' Witncss my hand and official seal: ) ) ss. ) My commission ""pi.es: Bltrlzoo-l ffiff3,s+* Frl JWSDURctt\KtRMSlErrcnsrr\l ggSunbralDriv'c dc Nor 2000 l. 2. Chicago Titlu Itrsurunce Contpalty ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50006430"4 Cust. Ref.: Property Adtlress: ri?9 sUNBURST DR./Lo'l 12, vAIL vALLEY 3RD FILING vAlL' co 81657 Effectlve Date:July 30, 2004 at 5:00 P,M. Policy to be tssued, and hoposed Insured: 'ALTA" Owtter's Policy l0-17-92 Proposcd [ttsu red: SAf\4UEL Fl . lvlASLr\K ,\Nl) l-Ul.E'l A NIASLAK $3,850,000.00 3. The estale or interest in the land describerl or refcrred to in this Commitmenl and covered herein is: A Fcc Sirrrplu 4. Title lo the esl:tle or intensl corered hercirr ir- :rl the offcctivc rlale hcreof Yestetl inl WARREN K. PULIS AND HELCA T. PULIS 5. The land referred to in this Commltment is descrlbed as follows: LOT I2. VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILINC, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 30,1977 tN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schcdulc B-Sectiort I (Requirements) The following are lhe retluirernerlls to be cornplied rrilhr Our Order No. V50006430-4 Iteru (a) Puynrcnt (r or tbr dre tccouut of tlre grluturs or nulngag(.,rs of rhc tull consideration fbr tlte estate or interest to bc itsured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating thc cstate or interest to be insurcd ntust be executed and duly tiled tbr rccord' to-wit: Item (c) Paymeut of all taxes, chargcs or asscssnrents lcvied and assesscd against the subject preruises which are due and payable. Itcru (d) Additirrrrll rcquirctrtettts, if trrtl' discloscd bckrw: PROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH A CURRENT IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS REQUIREMENT IS NECESSARY FOR DELETION OF GENEML EXCEPTIONS l-3. UPON REVIEW, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY, NOTE: ANY MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID IN4PROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WILL BE REFLECTED ON SAID POI,ICY(S) TO BIJ I.SSUED I{EREUNDER' NOTE: LAND TITLE IS NO RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERING SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED' WARRANTY DEED FROM WARREN K. PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS TO SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND I-UI,ETA futASLAK CONVEYINC SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS I.3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID SURVEY lvlAY BE ADDEDTO SCHEDULE B-2 HEREOF. l.lPON 'IllE.\l'Plt()V \1. ( jF'l'llll ( O\ll'r\\\' .\)'iD'f lll;ltti('f:ll'T OF A NO'f,\RIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT. l1'Ll\l NO. + Ol;'f llh GUNEl{Al- l:XCtiPl lONS WlLl- BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTINC FROM WORK OR MATEzuAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF WARREN ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionI (Requlrements)Our Order No. V50006430-4 Continued: K. PULIS AND }IELCA T, PULIS. cHlcAGoTI'|LEINSUMNCEcoMPANYSHALLHAvENoLIABILITYFoRANYLIENS ARlslNG FROM WORK oR MATERIAL FURNIsHED AT THE REQUEST OF SAMUEL H' MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK. NoTE:ITEM5oFTHEGENERALEXcEPTtoNsw|LLBEDELETEDIFLANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSINC OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NoTE: UPoN PRooF oF P/\YMENT oF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 wlLL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS' ITEMTUNDERSCHEDULEB.2WILLBEDELETEDUPoNPRooFTHATTHEWATERAND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. {.*+*+*,r*** NOTICE OF FEE CHANCE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER l, 20Ql r+r"**+**rr' pursu''r to Colorrdo Rev ised Statute 30- l 0-42 t , "Thc cour rty clcrk and rccordcr shalt collcct a surcharge of $ I '00 tbr clclr c6curlcru rceeivcrl tbr recurdiug or tillrrg in lris or lrer oftice. The surchargc shall be in addition to any other f'ees perrnittcd bY statute. " ,\ L'f A COlvl Nl l'f lvl ENT ScheduleB-Scction2 @xceptions)Our Order No. V50006430-4 The pollcy or policies lo be issued wlll contaln exceptions to the followlng unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Compnny: l. Rights or clairus of plrtics irr possessiorr nut shorvu by tlrc publiu records. 2. Easernents, or r;lairtts olcascnrcnts, rxrt shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shoruge in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of thc premises would disclose and which arc not shown by thc public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or nuterial thcretolore or hereatler furnished, imposcd by law and not slxlwn by dte public records. 5. Defbcts, liern. c rrsu rubrlrrces, :rdvcrsc clairns or (r(hcr nuttirrs, il arry, created, tint appearing in the public rccords or rttauhirrg subscquent to rhc cltbctivc date lrercof bur prior to rlc darc dre proposed insured acquires of rccord for value thc cslllc or intcrcst or nlortgilgc thcreun covcrcd by tlis Cornrnitrrrcut. 6. Taxes or spccial assessnrnts which are nol shown as existing licns by drc public rocords. 7. Licns tbr unpaid water aud sewcr charges, if any. 8. ln addition, thc <rwrrer's policy will bc subject to tlre nrortgage, if any, notcd in Section I ofSchedule B hereof. RJCHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTINC ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAIVIILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) lS EXEIVIPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINS'I HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1917,IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 68. UTILITY EASEMENT AS CRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 5. 1969. IN BOOK 2IT AT PAGE 612 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1969 lN BOOK ll6 r\T Pr\GE 217. UNDIVIDED I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO ALL OF THE CAS, OIL AND OTHER MINEMLS, SOLID LIQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, INCLUDING URANIUM, IN ON AND UNDER ANY AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUCED FROM THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IN SECTION IOOF LEGAL DESCRJPTION HERETO AS EXPECTED AND 10. ll. 12. ALTA COMTvIITMENT SuhcduleB-Section2 @xceptions)Our Order No. V500064304 The pollcy or policies to be Issued wilt contaln exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RESERVED BY PE'iER E. K,\.|'soS |\ I)[E|) RECoRDED l.vli\\,3, |960 IN BooK |65 AT PAGE 227. 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIoNS, covENANTs, REsTRlcTloNs, RESERVATI0NS AND NoTEs oN iHe REcoRDED PLAT oF VAIL vALLEY THIRD FILTNG' 14, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLAMTTON RECORDED OCTOBER 12' 1979 IN BOOK 292 AT PAGE 62E. Arthur L Mears, P.E., Inc. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road l6 f"lHl:",xi3?.l:?: December 3, 2005 Ms. Gabreille Meola Gwathmey Pratt SchulE, Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 102 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - Avalanche hazard Dear Ms. Meola: At your request I completed a site inspection of the Maslak residence on Sunburst Drive in Vail last Tuesday, November 29. The purpose of my site inspection was to determine if the buibing lies within an avalanch e hazard area and requires mitigation. According to the Town of Vail generalized hazard map, the Maslak property may lie at the northern edge of an "avalanche influence zone," or atea where avalanches may be a hazard. Therefore, site-specific study is reguired by the Town hazard regulations. Site Observations During my site inspection I collected GPS coordinates at the Maslak residence and at the lower end of vegetation_ damage caused by a large avalanche that descended the'Clubhouse Gulch'" avalanche path in the 1950's. This avalanche stopped approximately 400 feet (120m) to the south-southwest of the Maslak residence on the well-developed alluvial fan. The slope on this fan tends to deflect avalanches slightly to the west, away from the Maslak property. The date of this avalanche was established by comparison of U.s. Forest service aerial photography taken in 1950 and 1962. The obvious avalanche damage was not visible on the 1950 photos but was visible on the 1962 photography. A detailed topographic map provided by Gwathmey Pratt schultz architects was also used during the site work to establish the positions of features on the alluvial fan relative to sunburst Drive and the Maslak residence. This map was also used to refine the topography used in the avalanche-dynamics modeling procedure utilized in this study and discussed in the next section. t "Clubhouse Gulch" is the drainage basin directly south of Sunburst Drive. This small drainage is an active source area for debris flows and snow avalanches. At least one large avalanche has reached the alluvial fan south of Sunburst Drive during the past several decades. This avalanche deslroyed a portion of the aspen foresl. Analvsis The avalanche hazard was quantified through field observations, tenain analysis, experience with moderately large avalanches in the Colorado snow and avalanche climate, and through application of the swiss avalanche-dynamics model .AVAL-1D." The avalanche-dynamics model enabled calculation of the stopping position or runout distance of the major, design magnitude avalanche2. The computed design avalanche is mapped on Figure 1. This is the detailed topographic map base provided by the architect. The runout zone is subdivided into the red (high hazard) and blue3 (moderate hazard) zones, as required in the Vaif Hazard ordinance. These hazard zones were computed by the avalanche- dynamics modeling. The avalanche boundaries shown on Figure 1 may differ slightly from previous mapping; however it is based on improved topography and updated analytical procedures, as described above. Avalanches discharging from clubhouse gulch tend to be guided slighfly to the western portion of the fan due to channelization in the Clubhouse Gulch drainage above 8,500 feet elevation and fan topography that also favors flow to its westeln side. Furthermore, several houses are located on the south side of sunburst Drive, across the street from the Maslak house. These houses will block any low-density flowing snowa, preventing impact with the Maslak residence. Conclusions and recommendations The Maslak residence, located on Sunburst Drive in Vail, is not exposed to avalanches. This conclusion is based on the observations and analytical procedures described above. Mitigation, therefore, will not be required and is not recommended. Sincerely, Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer t ln Vail, the design avalanche has a return period of 100 years, or a constant annuat probability of 1%. The downslope extent of the design avalanche is shown on Figure 1 . " Avalanches in the red zone have return periods of 25 years or produce impact pressures of >600 lbs/ft2; the blue zone cetn be reached by avalanchis with return periods of i 2s years and avalanches producing pressures of >600 lbs/ftz.- Low-density flowing snow and minor powder blast will accompany the largest dry-snow avalanches in clubhouse Gulch. These components will be blocked by existing houses, preventing snow from reaching the Maslak house. FIGURE 1. Runout zone of the Clubhouse Gutch avalanche path. The Maslak residence is shown. The design avalanche does not reach this residence and mitigation is not required. Scale: 1" = 100" FIGURE l. Rutroul zoro of tha ctubhwsp Gtttclt evdanclp pelh. Tra Medah rlcrds,lco ra shown Tha deslgn avalanche M nd rcach thrs taslrlncn aN miltgsltot ts nd nqut'crd. Scale: 1" = 100" I I I il vlrl "\l\sl-f/lbl-'.-- |(--l I sE EII(, z o c- Nl O\oool o. . .l38$l frlr{l-lNleI oFId tlo-* @ ao Fl e N + v)oo r{Oout+lr..odo.c,cU,tt5 -htOO Fl .s 8tu. $9J 5 rDO O = < E'f\ cr tlJo.t U' a oo \oo\ A4 t{ oq o-i.4* @ a E o t.1 g,o EE ::l J4-tl+o l.{F& ooPh.f.lo o{trjg { j E Flo(, o>J >F{ ; $E q,E'o E 6 o2e;E -fr "sE iig rEc eir ff =E6Eg I H --: !8 Is ot5q ilE s$ 5FE g 3E FE- +(rl .i O{J .Bho<g i N. +d o-'l d oal 5o C666 €o ltl c, r'{rnEbou)g .,s$fr E$l .-{ d g\os i& 8d tOO14F{P tt>r O Q€ .o o .o do d eco Eo (rEO +)O-lO 'dtodoEod tr](n E Lt r-{> & l{or-l l-200i l0:ll FrortRlt0 9+1 *,nh,r*krr" -Thlr lorm s.nar 1o vGrify lhat thc aro9ff.d imprarcrncnlr willnot imPrct tny gxlalino or-pro906€d utility 3ervioss' 'nd alto to vetlfy x,vkf .\,.il.bdity .nd tdaton ro-, ti **tt"llon end snoutd be urb in coniunaioir with pt€pating your utflny pttn 'nd 'ch'dullng rn.rdb.o. A rib p1"n, '^u*ril ifit';it;,;;il6,;;J erirjri*0, snal or subrnittcb ro thr lollorring urilh€e tor eppoval'nd varlflcdbn. t70.t8{0te 1't75 ? 002/001 F-il1 AuthorlndSlgLtrrt Cornm!nl! ofv16T 9?0.3Ca,o2t(t l) Con[drr soo0 Crr.tnercn 970'46t,€06O J-q| Sh.tP 970'3114.0436 IICEL H IoII PFESST'RI g E 970.262 4)76 (Ll) Qontrc'f: Rdt 9mcrco HOLY CnOSg ElGglRlc 970.$19.5t02 ltcl) 970.919.4660 (t t) Oontrt: TcdHcQ lxcEt€t{cnsvg7o.20.4t (f'rl Co.rbctl: Kn Eogrn 970.202.ami1 ..rn O'nc6l 90.262 a000 ortTilc? c7o.ifru.7at0 lt!l) fl0.a78.4tt€8 (ttrl Om|Il: fta{t rt -AAHTN filet-Is ooIGAllTG ltl 9N.gQt9.1U t 112 lldl cIo.94C.9l9t (lu) Ont.ct: FbyCSdar E 6rE RIVER WAIER l sAl{lrAll( ffi udlny ?p|ov|l I varfk.tlon form h.! 3irnatur.r from crch of tha ulillry cdtrprnler. and m cqnmcntg eto m'(b di'cctly on thr ;f;. th.-i.*t i,i[ Fltsrn lhrt thcrt.ra no problcmr rnd th! drn tloPm'nl c'n ptoo"d' 2. ,t a ur,rllt ao'F yh! @nttnt wllh lh. P,opded conrtrucdon, lh' ullllty tct'tlrrtbtlvr.3hlll nob dir'cUy on th' t'tllity vrriticellon tor,n ,r.t th.,c b a foUfm unin naaOr O '0" i".onnC, n Luo sfrouf iftcn Oe Orteina in tn all,rchd lettar to thc Tocr of Vall' thrcy,'. pb' krr in m6d rnJ'it i. tt" r"rporoorltty o( tho utiity comp.ny.nd tha tpglicaftt lo tcloh,a ibnllfi'd pmDhtn9' 3. Ttrarc ri'ifketkms do not ,ctbrn lh. contraclor of th! rcsponobilaty to obnln . Publc way Fcrmit fiom thc oopatlmcfll ol Alblc wo|ll .t h. Town of v.l uinv n"rmnr must-Ec-ahEl0l4i{gq4ry6 in inip'oric aol'ot'w'y ot e*"n'nl within lh' Tolrn ol Vail' A - a.r" - r|,ro rralt .rwl nrrRl lr oblrlnfd feolif|lb Th. DarGbg$ ir rqukrd.nd .gG63 h tubmlt any nvl-rod dau'ingr to ne ulilltLt lof fa^ryq1d O revsdfkadon il the submlLd gbnt eo alttrud in any ryay rtcr tha iuit.ized rpntruic dan luntcs o'tfrenrrrc spccincatty ttori tithin lho oornm'nt a|tr ol thi form)' D],!bF tgg[t!r. Ege0ot 12l04.l01lil t 1- | t -o5; 3: I AAM' US WEST , \,Hoy lO 2OOS lO:3OHll (Rrehitaccc ',?7016AO672 9?L 5r6lz a 2/ P.2 ovAt I vEtlFtc^Ttox Thb tDtfi tt'tr to v"rt thrt tho Plpolod rmP.urtrn rb wll For herot r,y arilhe or g,lparqr uulty rr"a-, .nat rb ro yltfyrnda 'rfrlt rtd bc|tloo br n e.catrltuGllort rnrl $o.kl bo 'lr.d rn *rr-ni# if, e'ffi t/o,rr,rrrry pl.n.r!roh.ddh! [fr!&!X ^ rfit d''. Indudhs ii.dlns pll, roor ptrn, r'J *trro,r, .rri !. lri;i!.l;rfiJftrro*6s uurrrr ror +poy. rio CmnD 5P 1!dl't( A |('O EFoP Ev*reo<F*e Rl p*rJAArorJ6 Tll€ 4,rr A&.dpdSlrt n ,{7,74- / cilYgr 070.tt .Q!?(frrl Corffia: $otl C.rrhgtoa 970.4taAIOhr{r?Cefg|*gt Ercs, HtoHtiElt nE(u3tm.zfr2.frC(n,@: rutfi.'F trotYcmlraafi|c ero.9ar.5n(b0 970.e49.45N lhrlcotd: rrdHcty ETC|LgFV 970.212..tG! (hr)Erhr: ,(nEto.nr,O.Z&tma .rh cr,r|.r r70.ta.{OG 97O.47t 7tI(rr)g?rr.4tr.{to (rr,Clt6: Fld llrbr oomArtcAlt 1170.9.1121t I t2 (tttlg7U.gJ.atI(hnl erG Fbdsdorr pTEt rt !r. Tilr dVU. Ffar'rctTllt ?e.&61 -W tAql r|vai ilArlr a trxrTArt(DII|R| T 1 l' tht u[ty rpp'ud t htltb'lon tbtm h- Jgmt,.o trar drof rha uflry conF.nra, and [o ',,marrb .,' ,-o drccfy on o',rrorttt. tt. lown sil prrtnr nrt rrro rr no-poEnii;;;4.,"p,,_,, crr poord. 2 11 t "w olFry hr ocr ittl lht Popa., c ilrufi|t, th, utllt r?rlfitttvr !fr, rrob d,ts!l, o|t fic uilty vt illodtoilFil 5il l|'! | t oDDlnt s9- Py. to iafut',rd. il-Lr *'rc -r,.,i o. oo:l-lr ii ruur, hf b ri. Towr o, w,lbrt'r' plr ktd h mlrd th.t lt r rr" tqomtl;y-J rr.irriiry -,tr.ny.rn 0.. tpbrr b rur rrhnrfrrd rrorrn. :i H"ffi Trffi* ff ffi-Jptryt Tg-b!-! l?1" lvry r"lr no,, h Dr rhnnr or pluc r{odch .ny Fatc idtsof-rny or rarrr *h il ;;;fi.'; "n Oiito.r I rr|Uad f|C q: p .unf j, rw|t.,, ,rir,er io th. u t|I tb, 'l]?p,ov|l I ?}vr{[afrn f th. rjonribd p|rrr.tt &nxt h rt rt ri.? h..r |rortr d riF.trrr dt &;,d.ii.n*. ".o.rb; n-orJ;,tn-t . -nr,_rt ar- o, hl brrnr. ffi tulcEot12lmtoll04 0.b xcEL sr-it'tll cTY 'ttsv, 1O 2003 lOl EgRlt €flol||?tI.rtt0}|t,lAarrtlFllItotr.orlr,ilr tilIt barrllfrln htlof tAUMI04 cax:97O?62467 FFch r gacl. etnrrilbr 'rl t]tlt?rcAtrrr P.01 EIEN ! f,lov 10 ?n^5 15145 -'-l Itt, bnn rrr b $r1fy ha !t. ttDF-a bn r!f,+inrf fll iol frrt 6t .|ry qtf|lf r lo,orl rdllT rn/l' r{ dl ? tlty ;il;';.r6irc rirrti' rU iri artuitca ri.l mrr !. rl li oilundb.r $lD ttrntht tltlt trlllt ttt -rtd rilturto ,;;E|-n -fijef'r Uira^f fnAql t|fr, b? tlrn, rl rrdo , .ltt r. |l!nrl:l b tnr ldbrlag ullnh |d .rttlt|l ra r'|tdl|. illftato.D,Ct'ttrlffi:llileJiliilnto.l|!.alo.Erthro l70.XalOltt ECf xlclt tro.te,{a?tffi:El al t{c.vdl!.31t|Clro|.t.FFl).fo.tar.{trulAil* Ld,fi||' rm|a70r3,flrrlO.rQtrf|EriJmrrrc, 'tlOlr-ltOAaO!llll ilulr f,ltrr I tArlTA?|(0lttllot ||O.atf.t'59t0.an.cffi tti rllt,ll {I'II|r tt loc.s {U,Fi,r5 E fr f ilrr rt|ry pprut I ilfEfil tm In dfqt,r frorr.dr ct h. ulllb ofiF.lr, .t$ n oililrb at nd dluft cn hr bfln o. Yrin dl tlunr tti f.tt rt no F|llhil .|ld ha da{bm,r rn id. t, I r ft lnn ht fu'l dlr n ,|!til oiltrir\ rb uili rattr|llu| fit 'rca ctltt il c. {lt YrlFhl b|'r Oat jrr i r irfrrr $lCr nr- 5 l. trrtr,.|. Tr b|. i!u5 tlf|'t tt rtl|lt tn .r ddld l|rr b fltr Td! d t/Y. }!r.|',tItnh'rlJdt,|l,tht r{ott$ttCllruffrtccnFotLlr|'lrilcrl !tlfrtlrflrrr'l|.il. t tt. eltdrlt tb |:l dd l|| srhsr cl Ut,tFr*llfiy b c0lrh r ll|c ll|' h| '|il ttlo iL D+rfiut rt A/F ltbl .t lr tdt clvlt, lttluEb i|rr li drr ltr d+it h .|U ,rrilo rtn$rt rt a ri||rl rllhh ho t|||n 0t vu. t fffrat*.tid. . .t1r !|r-lr I qlrt and rttt ltr 'lrlrtl rnt nrga ril'ter |o t|r ulttt- lu ,.+r.of,l a rDrr|nc.lEr t u.- $antllt ttl r11 drrl h erf rrl rb frr r,lttro,ld .llrlrr &l (urt . othr$r l.dhlly rcfi! rllhln lfrt orwrrrrf rrr o, lhb t!,ttl. Ml, l0 '6 l€325 h Trn.i,6Lat2 ?Fr.6l SILI/ERTlfi1.,lE lf cax:197945,9140t .-i.-,_-r-- J:__..-l I r.r.r r !t4, LI l4tn'tittFi qttttt 3t0tL.@t(tu,er6:br Cerlngbn rr!,aGtllo .bon thrp e70. ltt,oltJl m-fittlltrttlsiilort ato,z'',/p'ta(b0l cqroc:fthtlif|tE r{otYcnot. AlCtilc |n0.9L.518(bt) 970i.e..5ta tfrrl@nb4 T.dfiart IICE\TEIOV tilJt2.a00t (hr) CUIS: hCl Sogrrl0t0.2cl,a0,. Jhr gnct g'o.AtaiD! t{l,Y t 0 ilnt UTII'TV AIPIOVAI' YEr |'rcAr|of, T r fenn -tvi b v"lfy lh't th' Ptog"cd lmpr.oranfrl vrill not |mgct ant o||&g a prl9ad eti[t a'rica., and alo tE vrfi,rt'ho 'r.L'rt "nt loatloo bt n.u oontruhqr rro rtrorro ie lip rn oirtrnaio-n i;'f,il,iire lqr ultrr, c.n.n rirdgrn.ffi A rlf pl4 lt"'rdhe Itdtg pln, [F DLn' rro rrvrrronr, itr'ttEliiiiiiii t'inir orotri're u{[0.. hr.oDro€f .nc lhv l0 2nn5 13:18970ar 6le !arqFt! P.03 ?-e tAtlt itr|t wAnR a |^Nrr^r IDra?Ftct r70..7!e7.t0lFt) eto..?!.a{tt (hrtm: trd li- coxgraTcttlt no.?,/,'''arll.t(d,)t7!r.r,crtt (hl Amhd: fbntaE l|gEfl 1, t lta Ldtltt l'trovra a t|||mBtJot| ftm hr tftu fvn rrdr .ol ffrr utltity se6pd* ud m cmma|t .rt'n|.| dhat,, on h.lbnn, thr lora rirr ,r*rna td lrrn ra ' poih# ,'c 6i i-r-oe,r,."r c.n sqcr, 2. tt I ul*t oanFry tr- stcil nf|| tr p,Er.d co ruchn, tho !ttn, ,.rrnrttltv. rrd notr dhcty on n1. urgty r,.rrrcdonrbrrr tirt fF. tr r prffil rlrrcr nror I br rrromO, il *- d,c,rU.tdt dJ;fCfrp 66p.6 htb, b lh. Toxn o, V.it.t*6r.Ftntqinr*rdrhrlrrlrn;oortrryoitirrinV*,retr;iiililffiilrrorr hterorhrtrrlbt m. 3' Tht- r'"[ldal do not r'l'Ll,, h. antftbr ot lho reoniott to oobrnr pulllc tlly Fftll frfir th. oa9.rh!r,t ol fuDtc lbilr.l tt rrn ot r,bt urV tcgr r'-F g!!inf" +d4;i,,g;, rg nrtlc 4ir.e6r; i .i.rr.m *u*, u;; ?d,r o, v.it A TD' o3dtx b tquhrd 'nd 'ltr b lbmt rny lvird cfthg| to lhr vlllth lbr arpgo||l I r]varftc.ic6 if 0|. aulrilhd pt.n|'r rl.rttt In Ity nt dbt lhr lnhorlzrd rlniJrt drt lud.r irorwt rfl?crly "o.?-wfifrln rnr ofinGil .,r o, hl bfml. -- D.vtl'F/rtln.h fre. t ot lzlolt0llotl Ctf noN)v. p.?wq !43?gEtr cgfr8shrorr t B.c!s VAL I YEIIFICA?IOX NO.965 P.?q {761612 Clairf ?-" lHr lortr lttt b varlfy Oral ttt propori lrprwrnrrl wll nol lmracf .ny adrlnt or FsnC uUll(y sorvb, rnd rlo to vcrlfyrwlo erlrblly an{t lqlcn br n.w €.l.trustlon rnd rlrordd bt urd ilr cilruncdo|r wt|h g|rDarhl Fur utlllry lha .rd tdladdlnthnlt|a|.. A rb t tt ltEludne rf.dhrt ,nr, ioor p|.n, Jrd .bratloo.. $.ll b. ilb'|{rld !o |h. follorlne udtb td ep'enl rndE ittcatJon. ft r.rhdtfllrl QXl3te?!.tfa.0zt7Grl ,Csr6itd crrln9to|l a7u,.0ti0 -EllSh.rDt0.ila,@:ll rlcllfroHtrla|llroAl 3?U.e@..Ort1|d)CilG: Edrtlifrf frowGFt|a.Etrrc 97O.c.3.$A(d' oto.C€.ataa f.r,OoEi Trdltrlt dcl, Dror srDJ@.4Or(rg OrLob:ffiDIlnno.2aroe. firCrr'-97aaaa00l soFAtrc|}ttl0l|}r|trr+fiUf .rtt- 3l C, I|.ltilval^ilrtsnltA?r-Dtrtttol fror'll7.o0etD.arl,fl OnElr h (rltF'lfi cro.e.e.ert|(bl*'sfffirt E[tr t vt9, ti* 4o be; l:".,6 "rlnlle iJ" it :ir i\ I. lf lhr Uilty rp;urt 3 sdtlaacr hntr l|- *nrfrt. fom dr ot lh. ufiy oiltFnb, rrd ,F criltrrro ai n.& ilGtt on aaFilr. lha Tor|r wll tl],|p ||.l tht|t a,t ro prottrrr ard in tr||opnrrt c'|r DtEad. ?. lta. ulw €rorv tr dHil rftt 0r p'!lc, €ilruo!il, Uo u{tU rl'urbuvo rlrt nd! drGtt on 0r. stlv rlrfltcdqt 'ailtlr|0r|l|.ppllmw|llftndblrr|cvto nt itrrrhtldticnb.drt|Ldhr{rllrfi,Lmrbrne irnotW,lltflrv.r, pla f..p h drt !r ll b ltt ,t!ffiftt C tlr rflf cOrnpayrilt lh. ilClrrl b iloir idfi||ht t Ebtdna. t. Tlrr tllidcr & ttct tdli. tft conlt*5? ot h rrF $fy b octtn r hbft W? 'tftrt tfqr thr D.pr,t!.frl ot FJ0F l,t5rtrd |t|| Yiltt c, t||l lX|!-hf!19lOI t. ff.rl hEr drdrl in ray put F dthiol.wiy or cncnt dthfr t1g Tan ot lfif. ADulfig Far* r rtr 'Uth fqr l.|ilh rd fi.r bJilihj ri||*. fic Darlprr I rtqulrd .|ld rtr.. lo t'$nlr rfry ||tfrd dnx,f{r to ha ut|It|. tor r.tpnnrl I rpvrrfllclhn f h. i|hfiat tflrlr rhrd h my ry ilr lfr rolhotd Cgtutt dai (untr oita||D aFdtlE lty .rotad wtlhh lh. dnrfil ]r cl ilra bmr).' 9?{|a0'n/0,,louu b5 9?0.+76 16 l2 p-2 ?{o \.,tO 2OO5 9:34Ftl GPS Arch t tect! UTILITY APFiOVAL g VENIFlcATIO'{ ffi Hffi fJl#*i'#*,.{ffi i"#::u,ffi s#si#,$i'..#!;ru*'ffi ii''#.m:h, 'alrrouon' mborErd''larr co n,-tL l awEslgzo.gt.@57(rc) fu:JttH'' gctr-HlgH PR!88URI oAt sro.2@.{tl(b0on*t:Rlchsmr! HoLY cnogS lt.Bs[Rlc em.e.09.5!e (bD s7tt.94g.46e (brt Oonles{: Tad HudV BCELIICROY g?o.zGe.4ogt (hr) ffii.roroo.*, .tinO'lrete7O'efe,tg HEffff*##Fi l0r$ffi*,*.rr*ro ",.orcn onq-tr-1{*3nfl,rf.,::]I:"tt:?rff'tndnoGantm'rt"'tm6d3d&rc'vo,' tic t. lf or uilily tgrtorrr c "Tiil;;;;e.'drrr. -a lh. d.v.roPn.nt c.n proc..d. torm, tm fown wllPtawrc lhl ' ic'lbn. lht utlllu t!flrolbllv' rtrd nott d!*ry.?n lt.Slil-vrrificlionZ lf . utlllU oottt0strv lr' ooElT !q]T Tgf,^3tt:tl hu. 3hrld lhc.r bo 6ild n ii in ina qlrf b llrt Town ol Val'Z ;1 . ulgry oonrpsny h.. colrcattr u,lot lhc P|oPCtd oonltruqrn' rnr u$r[t rsF'!"F'v ," ii itt inA qbf b llr. Town ol Val. rom ur.r *..r I r e.t!' .fi;:if+:'Ug:,.J5,iif##:il i: ffi$. b ,-'. id.otrr.d proor..r.fom Urrf ur|t I r plElbn $ncn ntc'lr E Df trrion'n r' r-E t b '!rnt idantifrd prgoLtr' ltorurrr, phlr. lcP n mr* ;;'ii;il d;!ib'(t o'th' ulmv oflFttv tnd or "Fltd !.Tr'ir'ndo.l3.11,.::,::y-'fJHi,:1'ffion':,ffiffi ffililff T:#"Tlm#'ff *;* any publc finllFwey o ccrint r'tttti tr rowrt o'v'il A ffi r?rrDjr.:rla'ji,a*,*lllliF..fi Hiff $i,1'f ffi [Tif iTffi .n-"Tha oGrlopa. t3 lqurcrt and rgno b avDflrf ant |lllT T:rg !s r'rE uurr' 'v '- :--irtrn tha co|'|mtlt .rr. or l]rb fmn). ,|l dc?!d h .ny ury .tbr ". ilEaiJ-*rLr. dar. (unl: o0lrill.. teco'tlc.lt not'" wt lTctt iIVER WATER T SAiltTATI( otali|gT ctDr?o.ilto (El) 97o.r7t.r089 (far) co rct: Fild l{arL. corc .lr cl|lr s70.9.r2%x11? (Lt) s70.e€.$ r (ru) &rlot FoYd SE' WEGd.lzlW0ll0a --D.b F,no Exterior Lighting Page I ofl CaPistrano Flurh ilount Exterior Lighting #401080 3295 Free Freight! in the continental USA I 9"H x 16.5'W tnsplred by classk elements In Mlssion Deslgn, Caplstrano ls a styllzed and contemporary offerhg' Featurlng a rvarm btonze patlna and strlated champagne llnen gla$, thesr pl€ces offer a clean archltectural deshn whllc emlttlng a warm lnvltlng glow. Thc smooth flnlsh and clean llnes are complemented by detalls such as thc chaln and bolt shapcs that carry the d€slgn elements throughout Brick Light Page I ofll I .r,:. i,.OnTh€Web.com Lenpsadh€wcb-s-olts > Outdoor Lighting > Deck Lighting > Black Louvered Brick Black Louvered Brick Light Brighten your patio with this black louvered brick light. Constructed of stamper nn'isnea in black. Includes two l8 watt light bulb; it can take up to two 50 watl included). Measurements are 9.25 inches x ]"tlfitt: 3 inches' Low voltage' Ac This item usually ships in 3-8 Business,Days Table LamPs Decorative Lamps Desk LamPs Childrens LamPs Floor Lamps Torchiere Lamps Lamn Sets CeililglemP!-- Chandeliers Vanity Lights Wall Lamps sKa #055E07 Matching Items - Black Louvered Brick Light $69.99', Track Liqhting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Llshting Specialty Lights Lighting Accessories Table Lampss (*;ffi|I Vase Table Lamps Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table LamPs Candlestick Table Lamps Asia lnspired Table Lamps Southwestern InsPired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps o ta 1 ta^rta Page I of I Capistrano Wall Mountl Exterior Lighting i- - ii"ttxlo"wxl6"D t450 Free Freight! in the continental USA Insplred by classk el€ments h Mlsslon Deslgn' Caplstra^n-o-ls a swllzed and ^"":;il#p;r"trLn"rlng' reatuirn! a *arri btonzc patlna and strlated champagne llnen glass, tnese precei ofer a clean archltectural d6i9n whlle " -;ltii6 " *"fr, tnrtting glorY' The smooth flnlsh and clean llnes are rnmalpmented bv detatls .r.n "i tnJ ttlarn and bolt shap€s that carry the dlstgn elements throughout the coll€ctlon' #402{tSl (25") e".kpt.t", il"x r o.zs'w { il402-ls1 (13"). , ,".1*t ,l,X'ttyi..it.?p T: '..E'i:; *;*iil[lm*[. '* I ro ir x iz"111i-t119.t losoBragLt : 14'H r 6'75{ . -- ]"] , doirr qltldqgl <i 1 | /'tnn4 on Collection Wall Mount Lantem Page I ofll wif Rugs I t rrr 1r':QJlffigWeb'Com Lampsontheweb.com > outdoor Lighting > Mission style wall Fixtures > Grand M Collection Wall Mount Lantem Table Lamps Decorative Lamps Grand Mission Collection Wall Mount Lantern @ Email t Bookm Printer Similat Shippir Shippit @sl I II Gr' Mi: Collect Mount $6 Childrens LamPs Floor Lamps Lamp Sets Ceilinq LamPs Chandeliers Vanitv Liqhts Treck Lighting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Lightine Speclaltv Lights Lighting Accessories Table LampsF @It Vase Table LamPs Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table LamPs Candlestick Table Lamps Asia Inspired Table Lamps Southwestern InsPired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps ,"s.iHl*J9 69.99 Distressed Bronze { @ Matching ltems -.iii ,3 ITTIIII MTT_FtillLtllji 4 Sided Grande Mission Wall M GrandMission Distressed Grande Mission Style Wall Bronze Outdoor Wall Mount w d ',lbs.h J 0 7.5 3 t^)ft{ l4+K sKU #005362 -- ^ r- r..---^ /:.^-^ /nn<1(tnf httn I 8t3112005 Our 4.0 Meter Observa-DOME is considered the workhorse for the serious amateur ashonomer or small school environment. With a clear aperture of 42 inches, it will easily accommodate Schmidt-Cassegrain ryp€ designs in the l0 to 16 inch range, while allowing room for 4 to 6 persons inside,'The 4.0 Melsr ODserryu-DOME comes standard with an electric azimuth drive systerl and *anuaUy operated shutters. Available options include: Electically operated shutters, Fixed basi angle ring, Matching cylindrical base assembln Flat roof adapter' Power bars for shutter control, Neoprene insulation, and Exterior urethane paint. 4.0 Meter Observa-DOME Drawings Page 1 of I 4.0 Meter Observa-DOME Drawings 4.0 Meter Observa-DOMB Front and Side Elevations 'l http ://observa-dome.com/40dwg. html 212812006 9oro.r*Jyi+:h.,.o@- i-n.66.\n^lEa\H;ls6oE-- OO6: d'X!'ll - 0) -i-I € Fio h:6r !'D a'^'fi EE #'r;:x 6i s)9v 'i nL L ].cEF!E!.s'ooI9tr-.=5'i.9; o9; o.gd.o.rI i EPB H o o o o o c x-t 0) 60.o 3 F=o o ";o D o:c fi c c:b sn.9b:o .y>;io"o ir 6io 6 '; :-aoid FiisE c o y,_ -r]v.-.! 0 xo T! .i- (l) iat 6 d;65? *o!c:; o.!'F >: b >. ri:.e 0 I e\ u o i-o u6a,YiX;,9; ..i "; + ; Cq-v-s, xo a,.: o3 E ,tf x j1;< hooc:o 9o vorJ6 o):c 3 i.5 9bE:o- o oo @ 3 .q OJ-t'l 6 rA3Eioh't6. e3'-01 Y l.r t {, EooIotot€o g o =! C'o 0) a\et o{ -. o t -t o,olo I 3oao dzoc 'o a coao (, ltr o o =!n o !E €is 5 sllri ;5Ei *55!!t .g o .= .20!o9o }U 0) O o)c- = -:lqo-:-a] .= '; oE o '; +P;r -Y-o)io;5r'6 6>613orI9- FH=;hi: -- (, : e:n F o r 9"_Y. - u -:-c;0).().Y-.=(D;o 6 ir ! bi 6lF3;8;€ l* -l o o :.. nOxc E 't {) l .c. 0) o CE:e.3P ;->.'=:: -o c) :lYxodE3;R*Ng-s9+-NoxE)66 =vxl-,=,=,Y<6=q** (') (D 5 i.; -0)OO .c! cvO! o9 .E 0) l 6--.JA o)o'to q) O ,.1 6 oo P;'a_ x>.(JF '! t'L; r )os troq. (, Eoo ao a(,tlao (, {, =T -c o o- >v E9 o9 ^lg -'--.11 =:T Ll'\-fr--t-rr c'- o o Eo rJ_ll E: LL ooEgl sa cl oaf o oo ! a,: oa tJ Eg G o {,{ ta o = o tt 6r-o d-oE 'oa o oo Nc) .c c{ct N .o o Eoz -t ue -! a, oo o a ttoJ(J (t u E:€ir E s tlrr ;55i* Esq=€ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 16, 2005 Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslack Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Vail Valley Filing 3 Dear Ned and Todd, The Town of Vail Staff is currently reviewing the revised Design Review application (dated 12112105) for the proposed Maslack residence. Upon preliminary review of sheet 42.0-5, the proposed structure does not comply with the maximum building height limit of 33 feet (30 feet for a flat or mansard roofs) as measured from the proposed roofs to the natural topography below. For reference, please find enclosed a copy of the original topographic conditions for this site and the building height calculations based upon existing grade. Please revise this proposal to comply with the building height provisions of Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code, and resubmit plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for further review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2'173. Sincerely, 4u/.-/<- /zn. .4u_ BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {-,g 1""'"*o t't""' ZONE CHECK ^ tlDaIc: 3l t /AL Lcgal dcscription: Lot lz _ Block F Addrcss g7g <u^Lu,<r i D,,,L il',g \tul \)6,J[., 34 Ouncr Architctt ln:a/,n ". fualL {c.hJ Phonc Zonc distri Phonc Allorvcd Existing i =__a.I!f_+ry+ J+JS = JoJji Dkg6-7-6537 sll,^fjTota[ Rcmair,i",,, Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctar'nin g \\tall Hcig)rts 5, Zt"o (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar 6.791_.---1-- 3'16' I,|: !.t: .t .I I i Minirirum ; I 20' .t5, t5' ICS V1-- Ycs ,'/ "to6i qo$ t,17,M=3&tfr )t ,fi /8 tz? 46 " &_- ':#L _. &", -7 -----Z-_ Encloscd gtb(3oo) (5oo)(fr)xt2oo) Pcrnu'ttcd Slopc tL. D o7o proposcd Slopc z,zs- o,1" No No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (j0) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roc[fall c) Dcbris Florv ProjccC _ . Q suRvEY Scalc Scalc f4[ coPF Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 1, 2005 Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslack Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3 Dear Ned and Todd, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Submit a site specific study, prepared by a "professional geologist" or "registered professional engineef, evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-2'1, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code). 2. The topographic survey must be revised to (avalanche hazard area). 3. The site plan must be revised as follows: delineate all environmental hazards . Show all setbacks. The required setbacks are 20 feet in the front and 15 feet in the sides and rear. The proposed structure does not comply with the side setback requirements and must be revised. . Label all roof element elevations (including the ridges, eaves, chimneys, observatory, etc.) and show the natural grades under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines (this will be used to calculate building height). The proposed structure does not comply with the maximum roof height limit of 33 feet as measured from the proposed roof ridges to the pre-existing natural topography below (as proposed the building exceeds 40 feet in height). For reference, enclosed is a copy of the original site plan for this property. . Portions of the driveway within the Sunburst Drive Right-of-Way shall be snowmelt heated with a separate zone and shall be labeled at the control box' The four-foot concrete pan between Sunburst Drive and the driveway shall not be snowmelt heated.. The combination retaining walls must be revised with a minimum bench width of 4 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all combination retaining walls and any wall greater than 4 feet in height.. Show the erosion control details on the plan. . Label the culvert sizes. fp l""ro"ro""' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com 4. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:r Provide an existing tree preservation plan for all trees located within the limits of disturbance area.r The combination retaining walls must be revised with a minimum bench width of 4 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all combination retaining walls and any wall greater than 4 feet in height. 5. The "red-lined" architectural floor plans (i.e. GRFA calculations) must be revised as follows:. The "basement" room and "mechanical" loom on the lower level are defined as GRFA and must be included in the calculations.r The maximum allowable GRFA garage deduction is 600 sq.ft.. Interior vaulted spaces and areas "open to below' with a floor to ceiling height of more than 16 feet (as measured from the finished floor to the underside of the structural members of the floor/ceiling assembly above) are calculated as GRFA on 2 levels on the structure.. The proposed structure exceeds the maximum allorvable GRFA requirements and must be revised. 6. The proposed and allowed site coverage, landscape area, GRFA, and building height calculations do nol appear to be accurate and must be revised.. 0.6038 acres x 43,560 = 26,302 sq.ft.. site coverage max. (20%) = 5,260 sq.ft.. landscape area min. (60%) = 't5,781 sq.ft.. GRFA max. (P/S zoning formula) = 7,969 sq.ft. (4600+1900+1469) Please address the above listed items and submit revised plans to the Town of Vail for further review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submifted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, {ph""r"uor^," BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail November 14,2005 To: BillGibson Design Review Board- Town of Vail From: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Vat Valley Filing 3 Dear Bill Gibson, In response to your following letter, GPS has addressed each point and wriften comments/answers in bold print The Town of Vail Stafi has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new residence located at 1979 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The following must be submitted to complete the application:r Utility approvals from Qwest, Excel High Pressure Gas, Holy Cross Electric, Excel Energy, ERWSD, and Comcast (see DRB application form). No improvements shall be constructed within an easement without the consent of those holding rights to the easement. All required signatures and approvals have been received, please see application. A site specific study, prepared by a 'professional geologist" or "registered professional enginee/, evaluating and addressing the snow avalanche hazard on this property (refer to Chapter 12-21,Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code). Not applicable, See attached photocopied excerpts from the "Official Rock Fall Hazard lllap" and the "Official Debris Flow Hazard Map". Specification for the proposed fire pit must be submitted (a mechanical appliance is required, no open burning allowed) Labeled on sheet A2.1 as gas appliance fire pit. 2. The topographic survey must be revised as follows: r Delineate all environmental hazards (avalanche hazard area and any wetlands). Not applicable, see attached photocopied excerpts from the "Official Debris Flow Hazard Map" and the "Official Rock Fall Hazard Map". I 1000 Soufh Fronloge Rood W€st, Suilo 102 . Voll, Colorodo EI657 . lel:. (970) 476-1147 . Fax: (970\ 476-1612 . Emoil: gpsxvoil@ol.com 3. The site plan must be revised as follows:r Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1 :1 0). See topographic survey at l:10 on sheet ,e.0-1.. Show all setbacks. See 12' set backs on sheet A2.0-1.. Show all proposed, natural, and interpolated natural grades under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines (this will be used to calculate building height). All proposed and natural grades are shown under the proposed roof ridge and eave lines on sheet A2.0-1. Show the location of all proposed utility service lines from the source to the structure. All existing and proposed utility service lines are shown on sheet A2.0-1.. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction. The L.O.D. fence encloses all grading, landscaping, and construction, and is shown on sheet A2.0-1.r Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Culvets for drainage are shown at the driveway on sheet A2.0-1.. Show the proposed erosion control methods. Proposed erosion control bails are shown on sheet A2.O-1.o Provide snow storage area calculations. In addition to snow melt drives, a snow storage area and calculation are shown on sheetA2.0-1.. Provide site coverage and landscape area calculations. See attached chart "Allowed and Proposed Maslak Residence Square Footage".. Show all required parking spaces with a 9' by 18' box for enclosed spaces and a 9' by 19' box for unenclosed spaces. Required parking spaces are shown with dotted lines in the garage and driveway on sheets A2.0-1, and A2.2. (7 spaces total)r The driveway slopes must be labeled in percentages. Spot elevations must be shown at the property line, garage slab, and along the center of the driveway to accurately refl ect grades. A driveway slope of +/- 1% is shown on sheetA2.0-1.r Driveway materials must be labeled. The driveway shall also be labeled as snowmelt heated or unheated. The driveway will be snow melted paverc, see sheet A2'0-1. o Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height. All retaining walls are labeled on sheet A2.0'1; no walls exceed 4' in height 4. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:o Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey (1:10). See attached topographic survey at 1:10 on sheet A2.0-2. . Show all easements. All easements are shown on sheet A2.0'2, as well as on the Topographic Survey.o Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to enclose all grading, landscaping, and construction. 5. The L.O.D. fence encloses all grading, landscaping, and construction, and is shown on sheet 42.0-2.r Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Gulvets for drainage are shown at the driveway on sheet A2.O-2.r Show the proposed erosion control methods. Proposed erosion control bails are shown on sheet 42.0-2.. Show top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 6 feet. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height. All retaining walls are labeled on sheet A2,0-2; no walls exceed 4' in height o Provide a tree removal plan including species, size, and number. Symbols of tree removal can be found on sheet A2.0-2, as well as on page 7 "Proposed Landscaping" of the written Application.. Clarify if the proposed "aspen-large" are to be a 4" caliper, not a 4' caliper as shown. This has been corrected to 4" caliper on sheet 42.0-2. The architectural floor plans must be revised as follows:r Gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations must be provided. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the GRFA was calculated (see Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential FloorArea, Vail Town Code). All calculations of GRFA are shown in plan on sheet A2.0'3. Additional calculations are shown on chart "Allowed and Proposed Maslak Residence Square Footage". The architectural elevations must be revised as follows:. Elevations must be fully dimensioned. All dimensions are shown on plan sheet A2.1.. Show both existing and finished grades. All existing and finished grades are shown on sheet A3.1-A3.4. e Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures. All proposed exterior lighting fixtures are shown on sheets A3.1-A3.4' r Show the utility meter locations and screening methods. Utility meter locations are shown on sheet A3.1. . Show all roof drainage systems. All roof drainage systems, gufters and downspouts are shown on sheets A3.1-A3.4, as well as on the roof plan. o Label roof line elevations. See sheets A3.1-A3.4. 7. Prior to the Design Review Board hearing the project site must indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. must be taped. be staked and taped to All trees to be removed 6. The project site will be staked and taped for the DRB hearing' a date and time. Please let us know 8. A fire sprinkler system is required and shall comply with NFPA 13(2OO2) and Vail Fire Department standards. A monitored fire alarm system is also required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and Vail Fire Department standards. The circumfeience line of the proposed house is 276 ft Less than 300 ft. excludes a sprinkler system, per standards. See attached (8ll2x 11) "Circumference Line Plantt. ? 9. The following shall be submitted with the building permit applications:o Gonstruction staging plan.. Revocable Righhof-Way Permit application.r Public Way Permit application.r Town of Vail Fire Department fire pit permit application. All four bullets above shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application, Please address the above listed items and submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for further review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly (Bill Gibson) at (970) 479-2'173. We will assume we will be on the schedule for the meeting on the 7tr of December, please let us know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Ned Gwathmey, AIA Gwathmey Praft Schutz Architects 970.476.1't47 o-(\l b{r r. o)(o (o, N .0 r" h (0 c'1, P- FTIulI UJo t IJJ oo uJ Eo ltJ o. o(t,oz J gtoq(\ o oJ tr (E = L (E T'g o(Joo(,Ac\o>tt |l,c'l/'trtroo.=EH&:'ritrFlt .- =-vJ F ts ^c, tr u-E Ol -LP=^Fr.: LJ ='- =.=aj-(,'(Jg .g CL EoooE IIJ€oH.y,ZXE=6sotr(JNo- o IILo flg =ofr .o oFo'F T o(, EoETIooE It!I o IE = fall Hazard Mapo Vail, Colorado Hazard Zones f'',-=j Rockfall Huard with Approved t High Severity Rockfatl il -l Medium Severity Rockfatl o o fow Hazard Map , Golorado Hazard Zones I High Hazard Debris Flow ffi Moderate Hazard Debris Flow I High Hazard Debris Avalancheo @ @fltril o zt 2J $tu E p o tuz J lll 9H ud[!l -r- 99*:1 5lL VPpu<c{ o o t_- I I I -' I /_) \ I I I I I I I I tt-.., I \, luItu $quoHr ffr I I I I ____i----l Gwathmey Pratt Schultz A.chhactr. p.c. 1OO0 8. Front.0r Ro.d Wrrt Vtll, Colorrdo 8165t T.f l9'r0l47A-1147 Flr l970l47&1612 MEMORANDUM via Hand Defivery TO: Vail Design Review Board FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: 9-30-05 RE: Maslak Residence - DRB Final Application for Review NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: pages Mr. Gibson: Please accept this application for the October I 96 design review. Included are 3 fult sized bound, 24X36 sets which include the site survey and the architectural drawings. Also included is the DRB Application for New Construction, light fxture cut sheets, an aerial photograph, site photographs. and the titte report which verifies ownership. We are planning on bringing the color board directly to the review. lf you have any other requests or need any other information please contact either Ned Gwathmey or myself. Thank you, Todd Kramer IOI4'NM Application for Design Review Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for lhe particular approval that is requeJted. An application for Design Review canmt be accepted until all required informalion is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or lhe Planning and Envrronmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pormil ls issued and construction commences within one year of lhe approval. Description of the Request; Location of the Proposal: Lotl_ lZ Block:sumivision: t/,lt u y'4uueT - 3 "> fl-tNlt Physical Addrecs: Parcef No': ? tC t63lO 3 OoL (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-g640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Nameof Appl.cant: ,/Y(D 4U.rTHt-(ty /TDp? tqtHfp_ Type of Review and Fee:. Signs $s0 elus $1.00 p€r square foot of total sign area. residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior con\€rsions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changos to buildings and sile improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, €lc. $20 For revisions lo plans already approved by Planning Staff or th6 Design Review Ebard. No Fee Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex ) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $650 For construction of a new building or demoTreUuild. For Office Use Only: Meeting Date: Planner: DRB No.: Proj€ct hlo.: PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of .Materi4lFflilding !11ater!als Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windoua Windor Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color l-\ooNTAtNin 6ltwf j{Td€D Faowrt €bnw SnnN 6b,'trV 5f7l/4/ Uuq€ tl ouJ r,t/4 t{ /(. (? /-/lw/rt B/--/,v Sfvt* 71ov ntTslry.lSq &em,fr 64{'4t,v srTr/rv €co SHtK€6e.-l/Hu<eD &pe(5rnrcsBue VgLfl"rrc LJoag 5tilp4 t) oo9 IC (? V,Jooa U oal2 5Pu€ U oov ST>N € / nef^. h ?t€ tt Sfvp6 ( r"r qtlf$ ) Snne DiS( /lfef olooo SftuC ,EE cur StteeV H ovnrNr nf trt 6urw,t€ 'laP^/S7f/'{ Notes: Please specifo lhe manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. STz^/i t4 fr h*fwtlt Page 6 of 'l2l04ll1lM PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Bot_,aAlc,al Name Cg,mIt!_en llame Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROTJND@VER soo SEED IRRIC.ATION TY?E OF EROSION @NTROL a.r-e.t.tctwv (puc4oo5fruts' Siz_e 3'hL, h'-k' fi4tt- 4n ctt- S " c/,L Z'C)t- A<reN-t1o ,tsftN'5n KeoT,tte flouon{Nnat kfr,t- u Deciduous Trees - 2', Calioer Coniferous Trees - 6' in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. TYre SgcatqEs.olaSe ' y{ (t tlSrS / U,t pfr,ar4. fI rc p e H trctt ftp S y'AtLT,fnou PROPO€ED TFEES ANDSHRTJBS E(ISTIIGTFEES TO BE REI,IOVED Quqn!it11 L 4- 5 € IL/b -" 2 Shrt < Crtll q ? /L ('4p 3'cit ?'/4L 6 hfc ., ,,: r Ntt*fr S'+tc#A Please- specify other.landscape fealures (i.e. retainiOovLYee (€trtild ud L;;;.walls,.fences, swimming pools, etc. V I to'Htil, d.tz-',cz/, Page 7 of 12tMt01tM t{ov-ll-2005 l0:5 | F r on-ERllSD vgtilication. QTYEST 9703e4.o2t 08x) OonEcl3: scott carrington 970466.6860 Jason $rarP 970.384.0238 EXCEL H IG}I PRESSURE OAS s70.262.4076 (ld) @ntrcl: Rlch ssnc|os }IOLY CROES EITCTRIC 970.949.5892 (lel) 970.949.4506 (far) Contad: Ted Hueky EXCELEilERGY 970.262.4038 (f.t) Conbc{s: )<infr/g6'i.970,262.4024 Jim O'ne6l 970.262.4003 0704761089 T-t75 P 002/002 F-lt2 ]llJ:'lli'ffii,I;:1Hl;'^'["';:T;;H;i"ff;;"dd ii;lilfi' 1iltl*-*X*:g'ln"',ff,::':l'f,':l,1?',n5#ru tm.latior.rs. A siie p1"n, inctuding gradng ptan, fioor plan, anO efevitiong, shall be submitteb to thr iollowing utilltios tor tpptovaland Authod4a(Sigttd Commcnts EAGTE RIVER WAIER T SANITATI(olsrRlcr / t,t6.479.7469 ltel) t- - /1 / / tf'ffiffi n+e,-n' coxtcAsrc BLE 970.949. 1224 r'1 12 (tel) 070.9a9.9138 (frx) OonEct:. Fbyd SalEt frIffi urrrrry apptwal & vc'itication form has signatures f3.1 1Tl,:t-T-:tlY::::::"t' and no co'nments aru mada directlv on thc ;;. it io; ;ill prcsume that therc af€ no probtemr and ths development crn proco€d. 2. lf a utillry company has @n€rns wlth the propos€d consrruc on, the utiliiy regrs€gntative shall nolo dirccuy on rh€ utility veriticalion form that there is a proUfom wn,cn neJs to Le resotved. fnu]ssui sfroufO ihtn b€ d€tailed in an attachsd letter to thg Town of Vail' Honcvr, pba!. koop in mino rn.i it ir int t"rponsibility of ths utitity company and the tppli€nt to resolvo id€nlificd pmblems' 3. Theso wriMions do not r€lievs the contractor of the rosponslbilty to obtain a Public lvav P?Tit from lhe Doparlment of Public worl6 at thc To\,vn ot Vait. Ur;ttqy tocarions mlst be oblainel-Ed,9+9.iqgli9''t'."ii'Uf it ttgnl'of'wiy or emement within th€ To 'n of Vail' A iuiio:'" nirmii i" nqi;tbl,c m, oermit ano tn'$ ra ootqilrdieDelalgly Ths tle\€lopgr ir requlrcd and tg|Ees lo gubmit any rcvlsld dr.awings to tne utilltlsg for re'apptoval & re'verificatlon if lhc submi$cd plans a.s attered in any way after thc ;;thoriled eignotuie O.ra tunr"o o:ntt*iii tp*:nt"lfy nordi within the commcnt atct of lhb fotm)' Devd'rper's signature Fage I of 12l04l01l04. Date fir qtgE Dr[l! | wt a"Yl',-u,|lDl I r-r r-o5; 3: rEAM;US WEST Nov lO 2OO5 lO:3OFf.t cPS RFchitcct3 i37 0468067 2 9?04761 6 t Z * 2/ 2 p." tvERtFtcATtotl Thb tor.|| ltnB to v.rfry th.t th" prrpored Irnpovcmrnb wll nol lnprol .ny rIdhg or propo8ed u0Nty laftba, rrd rb lo vrrtt s.n lco evtb$V.nd locallo.r br n w cmelruc{on rnd Crould bc ua.d in Fr$ncuon wlh pilp.dng tour utt(y plan rrd rdtaddhg Inrt lb$m.. A sllr d.||. Ir|du*rg er.dlng plan, ioor plarr rnd elcv.[o,B, Eha] be lubmltbd to he followlng u tbo br appoval rd varl,lcatlcn. Adrodr.d SEn l Cao$ootr D CIUTEST e70.381.(E57(hr) Cofltacl6: $otl Canhg8on S70 468.6860W30{'sctB EXCEI, XbHPRESSI'RESAS 97o.2e!./|{)76 (tdt ofltsct: Rhh grno|u. HOLYCRoSI S.EDIR|C e70.919.580 (trD 970. o{9.46e8 (t rl Conlrt: Tod Hmly EXCS,EilMgY 970.202..il8E (hr) Coartecli: KJI Eoeirt 070.2t2J02{ Jtn Onea! 970:62.4000 ff#utr$?"?fr,ff:ff" F+{'rc€ TNs WK+€l c"._dei Forar '."",Nd t/n/e{ W-----r----r- EACll RN'ER, WAIER I gAN ITA'I( DlElRrcr 970./178.7$0 (bt) rr0.476.40m(hr) Omtlcr: Fod lbdoc corcAstcAllt 970J{9.1224 x | 12 (tsl) 97o.9rn9.9138 (t6x) Cd|trt Flqd srtEt IOTES: 1. ll lhc dlfi rppottd I wn'llca on form has Jgnetrrer fronr Eh of th€ ulility conprnbr, and no dnm€rrt! rrg rnad. dlrEUy on th. brm, he lown wlll prelmc lhrt thero t|9 no proulmr sod tho danebpnrart crn proca.d. 2. lf . W||ty compny hc 6nc8r|r3 wlth the p.opcd oratrucllon, thr {rfllty ropr€srtttltrre shal nob dlrw{y on thc u tty varlflca0m lbnn $rt theru b r poblcm whici na<lt lo bc rcrohcd. Thc hru! lhould tion b€ dltEbd h lr .6!dtd a0!' b th€ iom of vail, Horyovcr. ploa'r l('p In mr|d thd; ll b hc rcrpon$llty of th€ uflity oontpary rnd lhr rpplcmt |o radri ldantfl.d p|!blc7r. 3. Tta. w'ilb|ttont do not rdcv. t'le oonlrlcbr of th! fsrpondb ty to obbtn a hallc lvry hdn[ trom [rr Dcprrtmed ot tubf c wo.kr at lh. TorYt otvr0. t tllh' lqc4(bft. ftrt|t b. oHchcd b.fp(. dggt rg h any pubic nghFot-*ly or ea,rt! nt rvlthln thc yon ol Vall. Abulldlng oermll h not r Publh Wll p+n t rnd fiu.t b. obllnd E oeiaLh Tlr. D.t,al$er b .lqdrrd lnd rgrEaa to grrHr g|y rwl.ld tafttgr to the uulll6 lbr ro.rgp'Eval t rFv.dltca0on tf th. ,uDmllbd plarp.|! dl.tad h sny Yrry rlbr the althotE d Jgnslu|! dlt (unhs oorcnrrb spco'ltcetty n*id urlthln thc sommsrt er.| of hl lbrml. Ocvcbpa/s S[ne lun Paqel ol l2lC!,lOllCA 0rb XCEL SUI,T'IIT CTY fioe lO 2oOS rOt SgFtt Fax:97A262467 GPS RFch r ?,tca.P.01 3VEilFlCAnOX THr bm |rx to filty lrtl 6. ,roF3r.t hnpru rt f,lll nol irnprct .ny .irihe or ,rDild sdlly rrlcr, rnd d1 b vrdfy Ii,b rntllttr r|E tor'tbn for n.w F rt^rClcn rid .Irorrd L ||l In onlundbl wlh pil9afiC yout uliill, Fhn f|d Elrt ulhe tr*ttrtln. A i|b p|| n, irrdudtng grrdfn0 plan, iO? plrn, .nd r5v|llot , rtll b. lltsnltt!.t U, thc tdbwln! ullln|€ |ot .Fp+.olrl aad v.rtlcrtloi, Arr|rrrlllbr Euutr I t l, lo'05 cldl tlYEi fxAllt a tlttYAtlc0rtttlct t?D.n,7r5(bl,g'o.an.Glir, ffi FdHrrL oolcrftcAlll st0.t.e.fza r tte hl) 9709|e.$e (frl fficfi.Fbyd$Ld fgEr t. r ri. uttty pp|Url I ycrttEa!'m fomr In lenr!,rr fion rdr ol hc u{llb orlpdr, rrtd no Enrrrnb ||! mrd. dlrr{y on hr fonn. 0r lnn rlll ,l!r{rrr h.l ttsrr tG Da flEblfir rilt llla dtrihOrllli !|n DtE|..t. t, ll. 4 v ailu.tu ltl o'!a,nr sn fio pFpor- onir,Eloq tb urllt rtgfFr|llva rlu ml dlmfy ott |h. s0lv vr'il.rlql bmr that hrn I r irobbm w;lofr n d b !. rdv-, Tm bU| dluld rh.n D. dddli tn rr dbofrrd latlr lo lh! Tdn d V.ll. lq.q thr lrp h r|nd lhrl ll tt t |' r{porillifit, ot llr uflily Gorng.nf am !r tflclnt ts teio i.llrffd ,obf.nr. !, D.a rrli.dmf (b mt dL! hr srt6r ol li. nFrdullly b etilrh t Pubtc trty F.tttn lroo ilr. o.9.rtilnt ot fuUF Wcr|r rl ha tcan ot\ril|. u;llv lacdanrollLbtlllll! llhtlll$llg h rny tuulc rlghl€l.$ry or rDm rdtth $o Tbm cl l/|(l. A@@ Ifu LFbr.| | illulrtd Intl rt.}t io tuantl lry ntulrtt dr* r lo lh. utllltlr for t|{pproy.l A r]v.rlflc|0rr lf u. fyDmllE pflr rrr rlbrrd h rry wrt .tir lhr.ulho.lr.d Smurr. dt (unl.. otharwi$ frdirll, ,totd rtthln lhr onncnl rrr of thi. tottt). owEfr C7o.!L,(!t(fuf OarS! lbn ef|lr!&o to.flt tIOJrrtffo 970.ttl0l3l acE-||tcrlttEn nlo l rro.2c,.07clu)oU|: fttra0tDr l{4vGttrqlcrr|G cto,e.D.5loa (dl eiD.oa9.{tG (fir,qild3 LdHdry trtLtxEiol ero.zrS,.0tf (bl Oltrcbl l(t &grtl f7o.6r,.&l JrnOhI|t0.2at,a6 ffi hp t ol l2l04/0t /04 NdJ lo ,06 16:26 D.i 97d4i,€L6L2 PPre..@ SILUERTHORI.E l+ Fax:19704681401 Nov 10 2005 13:18 P.03s7o478l Al e P. ? uTtLftv A'PROVAL 3 lrEilflcArtoif Thb lcan Fntr b vrtiry th'l lhg Prcpored hPr6€nt€nb will not lm9t1 rny iriit ng or prcposcd urarv ..,vkr... rnd .ho io verittstYko .ot€ulltv €ad foc'0oD fof n.ri ct;,tttru;-tion a''d id;i;;; {I in odirndion with prup.rir€ },ouf ugliv pr.n rr! d'durnoffi A tlb Pbn, hcludhg grdho F|ll, noor pri-'5i lrevrronr, rtuil ur a.tndil! iJ-n. rorrrmm urrnic. fo?.e'orr and Atdhodrdllgrl Cam4FFts gqnE ? e70.ll{.@67(trx)6n6: &ofi Crntngbn 9to.aE!,6860.lon Shrp e70.98f ,dltt8 dCSLHIC}I PiIISURIGAB 7ftt.2c2,4?6(AIcq ac{: Rcfi gltiEt flolY CFOgt EtcTilcgr0.910.s8n (b|) 970.0r0.a566 (far) Conbcl: Tod Htrlly EIOEL:TENOY EtOJt2.a0:!E (hx) Oo||fttr: Xil Eogrd 070.282,402f Jhr Oned970t&Jms Qu,rts o^ *i^"- !il(}l/ | 0 2005 EAC.g RlrrERwArER A rAt{rrAtl Dta?Rtct 970.476.?1€0 (bt) e?o.{7D.aotg ('lI)Frlc* Frd ll|h collcArfcAllt 070.9a0.t22a r I t2 (r.t) 970,9at.0tgC (brl contrcti Floyd 8&et tcrEl; 1, |f lho udllry rDprovEl e \,oiticstion bnn hr lqFluf.a torn aa* o, thc utitity comp.d a lnd m oommcnb ar! mrd. dicctly on Urebnn' th6 Tosn wil p.tiwna h.t thro rru rc poircrnr "nc iii i'".ropr*t crn p,e.ed, 2 ll r udliry cqrFny hr onqtt wllh lhr ptoFrrd corifuction, th. r/tiltty r.pluartr w rtrdl noE dircly on th. urlity varitcethnlbfln lhrl lhrc lc r Dl*t.,n wt1ich ncdr b b. trroh d, n.r inr" *ouH'neri u. oJiiLl} ln rnecn*t retter ro the Torvn ot v.;r.l{otrvar. pL'n loP in mhd th$t ll i! lh. t*pon*[rty oi ,r iritrg co,rrprny rnd the app c|nl lo rr.q,v€ ldandfl.d grobtcmr, 3. Th.c r,.riic||i6 do not rdh€ h. €nF.abr ot th. 'lsgonjbiIty to oobin , publlo lirry |tnr|it fror|| thc Ocpsrlmem of pubtic trJorto 't lhr Tqrn of vcil' Llitltv brrlqs4f,-Elntlg*s|!:4|,dole;F6g-Ur'y pubrc ngil,of-wiy or eronrnr urhin rhc To'n ot v.ir, a lb' o€blorr b nqu|nd and a3fals b rrhmit any cvit.d d|rwn!! to thc UlilltL. f€? c{pproval I Fvc?tftcation i, th. aubmthc plr'll1ll tll.rld ln .ny way tflcr lh. rulhortzed.inrUrt OrC fudcr &rrruirs tffcely noidwiiiin-rnc omnrcrt an of tt b lorm). +--oovrfprisicnrtr--- Wf lo,iztmt'lto| Orb Nol1oV. t@."@ai lz-:??Jtr cgrc.Fslrcrri r€crs N0.965 P.2s70.t7616 t 2 P-2 ' trf lLlWltlnovel e vERtFtcAttotl lhb.fom InE tD votlly that lho p]€poBt lrnDrwlmdtb wlll -nol lmprct any .dsllng Or prrpr<l uUlt(y s€wh6, and sho to vcrilyt|vl€.,.t bllty and lslion.br now d|3lruc on rnd $orJd br u!.d in conjuncdoi utth preptrhg tEur utlllv ptrn rrd sOodrliirgiiqldF-. A rlc Pl.n, lrctudlno rtadlno tan. tloor pl.n, lnd .lcv ioor. $.ll b. rSnllH ro h. toltowtng utltiri* lor +p'avd ead mriicadon. luthc|'*l9hnrl Comtnt rll QUrSttSm.tr.0zt7(frrl ,Cgth scort crrlngton em.a3t.cl6o -bon Sh.rD 970.i$4O29S EIGE HIOH FNESSINEOAI e7o.2c?..0?6 (rd) Conirct Rdr $hnas HoLVGTOSS Et 9otRtc 90.e.o,sr9 (6r) 070.e€.r566 lfrxlConul ?od Hulry ETC;LAETOV 0D362.03e (|rx) conEct$ Kit0ogrn 9702&1.,1&la Jm (lnel 970.6i1.00it I cnorr nNER utArGi t s lrtA?r(-V Dr8tnrcl D*doecrlSErrtn 97ol.9;26a16169.19-gt ('t ,n970.9e.0108 (t r)*'T*ffirr'4 bdftr,;li:VH;iWu-,o-orxolEtt l:.,'6 '["lle iJ" i, iu g5'i{.1 9?Dr76,740O (bt) 9t0.1tl,40t0 (fal&.rEr F- l.lsbc conc sYcAttE l. lt lht tltillt .ppurl B wilflolon fom lxt rlgmunlr trom arh sf the uilty omFrnlr, rnd no @ntfirnlr ir! r,tde dtrEi]y on drcto n. $! Torn wlll g,iunC lhal lhc|t a'r no FDbtarm rrd t{rc fivslopmnt cen proctod. ?. |f a. uUt-V co4ptty ttF oonarhi wftl4 lhc Propctsd cE|r.trucllon, Uto uullty rEo|€lrntrtlvo chatl note dirE{y oD ha uiilfiy wrlftca{onform $.t lhen b ! problrm whlt neod! b bo rGotrcd. Tir iluo rtilrfd thsn bo d.trlhd In an rtlrhi iencr b rtre ioen ol rr'rfl. lb\tov.r, pl.t.. hcp In d|r, th'r ll lo dlc |l'sFnebllky ot lh. utlflty compny on<t lhc apptlcent lo rlrohrc idcnfne., pro6l6ms. 3. Thcc t,t'iflcrdr'r & trot |Dlt.vr ti. conl||e0or ot fir nnomlifty lo obbtn ! Publlc Wq R|nntt fror|t th. Dlp.ftn€nt ot RJbltc Wort(r 1 $! Yown q ydl $IS.E4gDlnnt b. obrCn d lrtdr dta6inl in rny puOllc rlght.ol-wiy or ersnenr wttlrfn 61e Tonrn of Vr1. Abulldlng F.rmn ir not e Pubtc W1r 9emrlr and murt btJildflneo ieErerrlv Thc DatrbF.rh tquiDd .nd.grFs lo $ubmlt .ny ravird dnrrlnG to h! uttlllt . to. re.rpprovd a rO.vcrttlcrilo,r It th€ alboittld p|!n a|G tll.Gd ln rny wry rllrr lhr arrthodz:d silnatuie Catr (un|G|. olnailrtEa efdfoalty nofd w|ahh lh€ comm.nt rna ot this fom). @6otfllD+/0l/d!- Dalt Notr, lO 2OO5 !t:3'lFN GPS Aroh i tects 9'701?616r2 p-? UTILITY APPiOVAL A VERIFICATION Tru lorm se|aor !o vo,lry thtt lhc 9.Epo5od lmp$/ements wlll nol irnpad 'ny €xl3ung oI,PftJTd utlity *rylccf' and dco to vcdly s"rvics avaiebniry onc rouon i-r l'#ilriiiuiim ano sr,our ij ii'i6Jrn c.r"nao-n wtitr rrp.ilng y;ur urrty pr'n and sch€dultng h.Ett to^. A ritr pla,t tnauaing grading plan, too' plan' .oO i'"friiiii "njiui "twn*r"o to ttrc ioito*tng ulllldes lor app'uvel rna ' lrerlflcation. uthoftr|dsltoqt €onmcnta I QWEST EAGI.E R,N,ER WATER & SAN ITATI( 97o.3&r.02$7(tEr) Conbrt:Stl O.tthglil 970'460.6tr0 .lgsn Sttan 9/0.S4.023! EXCCLHIGH PRESSURE OAS 970.262.,078 (bl) onH: Rlctl Sbnser |{oLY cRoss EllcrBlc 9?!.9a9.5892 (tal) sm.949.46eC (t.r) Conlaqtr Ted Hud EXCELETIERGY 9?0.a64..o30 (lar) 6ntactr: KitB€rrt 970.262'mZ4 Jirn O'mal 970.262,'403 orsTRlcl 5t0.rr76.?4E0 (El) 97O,470.11089 (fa:) coni3ct: Frtd Fblee ctotcAsTCl8ll 97O.*9-1A?A x112 (1d) s7o.94e-9190 (fd) oontscc Floyd sab? ruB 8 ot 1A04ll1tv NOre$, 1. It thG udliu.pg,o\''al & \r!a||lc€r0on form lras cignaturcs tro-m |rch of he ulility comPanle3' and nD cqnmgntt alE I|adc dl'oc{y on thg fonn, tfro Town will pleunre rnai tne't on * pmlums end tho dovoloPtn'nl can procecd' z lf a u{llty cDfip1ry h3s cofic€.rrs rYlur thc plopcod con$truclion, tn€ utlllty r€pt€Eatatl-vc.chan not' dirccdy on ue u{iliv }atificetbn form lhel rhe' b a.pt'btc,n nnrcn nJcc, to 'ue'resova rdlil;'.ilil'incn uc detailed in an eltrched letbr b thc Town ot vail' ltonrovcr, pc.$ kep in minO tns,i'ft ii it c r.-ponsibnty otmr ui6ii orrrny tnd lhe apftlcant 16 rsop' idcnii1 d pntbl"c' 3. n." ewinc.sonr donor.'!:::*:^,il1':*#rtH#i$lfllY.'ffi?'lr::ffii:f;"TH;llfrl"ffit:ii5T*3. Theae r,rtific:lsonr do nol ]cllavl Inc rionrrselet sr rrlr r rFPelrrenr' 'Yv'Fu'i- -- - ' tr eencnl wlthlil tta TGrm oavail. A et the Toun ot vatf. urilifgooani" -Lii" oltektr4l"tqqi4qlltgrln 6J1v PUbliG 'lglrtd'fl'v ( ttcuY closNd ExlSfiNG t{(lLr cF:t'F) t't t^ lrl *Fl"em"atf*'4lil,Ii;ttu'. APFa v oarmitina,o.aLtr-cbbiaguglaEle! -----.ffi Ths De\,elope, is rcquired and tglE€e tD subnli eny n$rlsed *ai'ings to the utllltlcs tsr tE€!9lpr'!l a lr'wtifi6loo if 0l€ sl'bmtlcd ptans .rs allcrcd in any wey aftrr Ura luUrorlzc( signa(rr€ daie t"nf es"'tfiemfae .p"Cnoaf fV noted ttthln th' Gommont aE5 ot lhb fonn)' Oerrdqpcr'3 Stlgndur. Ld 096'0N ,i$)F[l1 SS0ltJ Il0H nvtire (002'0t '/\0N rtqtg,.3lifer.nct Alimvt|turt -r'|r Vrrr Rar o Septernbor 01,2004 TO: Doris Bailoy FROM; George Lamb RE:L Lot 11, Vail Valtey 3'd Dcar Doris: Attachcd is a copy of botb the filly executcd vacated easemcnt and tlre new easement. I delivercd the originals to Land Title today. They will bc &livercd to thc clerk and recorded this aftemoon for recordiag. I have rcquested that rhis recording information bc addcd to the title commitnent as soon as possible (possibly by week's and). \l/hen that information is availablc, I will tansmit to the nrvcyor to up date the ILO With regards, Vail Vilhgc Offce 230 &idgc Sncc, ' ya;! Q'6furado 81657 'klcPhonc 970 476 2421 ' Fac mih 970 476 2658 eb 0n/'nil ffirffiiFflGl{rlltqt r&gY &Vail | .r lrHt(t'lH]! l(c @z{rtroR}Eno ht,,tfl:/ brln/'l '/1R E){HIBITA EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A STRIP OF LAND EEING THIRTY FEET IN WDTH gruAlEO IN A PART OF LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY - THIRD FILING, A RESUSOIVISION OF PART OF SUNBURST. TOW,I OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO, PER TI{E PLAT THEREOF RECOROED AUGUST 30. 1977 IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69 IN THE OFFICE OF TTE ENCLE COUNTY CLERK ANO RECORDER, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STRIP BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHW€STERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12; THENCE 511'33'14''W 20.E6 FEEI ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIO LOT 12 TO lHE TRUE POINT OF EEGINNING: IHENCE OEPARTING SAID II{ESIERLY BOUNDARY SE6?1'41 "E 1E'77 FEET; IHENCE S58'38'J4"E 18.17 FEET; THENCE S66'03'20"E +0.60 FEET; THENGE S.4'05'03'E 3S.58 FEET; THENCE s22'22'5o"E 27.71 FEET; THENCE S52'17'04'E 28.40 FEET TO THE POINT oF TERMINUS, BEING A POINT ON THE EASTERLY EOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 12' FROi, $'HENCE THE NORTHEAST€RLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12 BEARS N47'23'5J"E 57.28 FEEr. -i{:.'-o3g6 POINT OF BECINNING t ICALC: r'TRUE POINT OF EEONNING e tlo' LOT 11 'ERMINUS s52't704"E 28.40' LOT 15 {*, Gorc Range Surveying, rtc \ '''i ir i:it rt! 3dr trci.trt .a trt '' / gr',tcta ,/ r*@].rr bt l |,r.'l. b otr} rrtott s22'22'50"E Q7.71' LOT 12 1rvr01 1\J1! t00 ntl| :/ 1'nn7'l 'i1e o' THIS EASEMENT is made tttrs .26 *4 asy ot,4ate:*, 2004,byurd betwe€n Warren K and Helga T. Pulis (hcreinafier refcncd to as "Grantor"), thcir succcsson and assigrs, and Eaglc Rivcr water & Sanitation District @istrict), a quasi-rnuaicipal corporation of thc Sate of Colorado within the Coruty of Eaglg (hacinascr refcncdto as"Distict"). WTINESSETH, that for and in considcration of the sum of Ono Dollar (S I .00) aud othcr good and valuable considcration paid by thc Dietict to Granbr, ihc reccipt of which is hercby acknowledged, the orrntor docs bcrcby grant, convcy and tansfer rurto tho Disuict, its successors and assigos, aPcrPetual easelnent and right to constrtrct, install, rcmovc, rcplacc, add to, maintain, repair, opcratc, cbange or altcr undcrgroud sewa ard watcr lincs aod au underground and surfacc appurtelranccs rcletcd thcrto zuch as liff stations and uranlolce (hercinafter "sewcr and water lincs'), togcther with any and all sewer aad watcr lhes sih11rc th€reiB all ncccssaryrights-of-way forconvcnientingress atd egress tbaclo andthcrefronr, and the right to occupy urd usc, fom time to time, as much of the adjoiniqg land ofthe Cr,rantor as may bc reasonabty necessary for any ofthc aforesaid pu{pos€s, ovcr, undcr and acroes thc following describcd prernises, situate in thc county ol rlde , stste of colorado, to-wit: See EXHIBIT A atteched hercto end rncorporated bcrefu by referelcc. /' Grantor wsrrsnts that thc Grantor har the lawftl right to grant and convcy zuch eas€mcnt, rights-of-way, and sesrcr md watcrr lines. F\rther, Grantor warrarts that lhe seriler and walcr lincs arc frcc and clear of all lic,lrs and clcurnbrances. Grantor will at no time pcrmit, place or constrrrct any structuc, building or improv€ment of any kind, tc'rnporary orpcrmancnt, on aoypart of the abovG'describcdpremisce , fuiy structurs, building or improveme,nt locatod on the abovedcscribed preurises as of tbc date of this Eas€ment, may be recnoved by the District without liability for dauragcs arising thcrc&om. Following the comptction of the pu4posc of ury cotry by tbc District upm such eascmcut for uty of tbc aforceaid objccts, the Distict shall restorc Or prerniscs to substantiallythc sanc condition existing at thc timc of tho entry thcreon, except for sluubs, ptants, sidcwdks, drivewap or parking areas thcreon located or damaged thcreby. All provisions of thc Eascmcnt, including dl bcnefits and burderrs, shall rur with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to thc benelit of lhe zucccssors and assigns of the partics hereto, subject to the provisions hereof F:\l 5WSD\8 Rcgs\FORMS\Easernenr\l gT gSunbursrDr.doc ( 't 0n,/ 'n llt/tot lgtv 100 r^|l( l / hnnT'l 'l]C o IN WITMSS WHERIOF, thc partics hereto havc set their hands a^nd seals the day and ycar first above writtcn. GRANTOR: GRA}.ITOR: STATE OFCOLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss, ) , Thc forggoing Easement was, slbscribe{4ndrswom...%200a,by {'h/q." /'rr.ltt z WITNESS my hand and ofiicial scal (s EAL) 200/.. F:\l 5 WSD\ERegs\FORMS\Easemcnt\ I 9T9SunburstDr.doc r .r An / ,,'rrl ACCEPTED bythc Eagle Rivcr Water & Sanitatisn Distriot this lo z -r day of Auguste{14 EAGLERTVERWATER & SA}.IITATION DISTRICT to bcforc me this #^",' lrgt:3 My commision ocpircs: a/ct/t'5 enois Gelvin/Gencral Manager lrvt0'l lul\l lc0 t^Uil :t bAnT 'l .,l1c o'EASEMENT VACATIbN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT thc EAGLE RnrER WATER & SAI{ITATION DISTRICT, a quasi- nrunicipa corporation ofltfie Satc of Colorado, whosc lcgal address is 846 Forcst Road, Vail, iolo'rado, hcreby vacates, abandons, convcys' and convcp via quit claim all.of its intercst to the prcscnt orvner or owners the following dcscribed proPcrty situated in the County of Eaglc, State of Colorado, to wit: A thirty (30) foot cas€ment tecorded in ttrc offtces of the Clerk aod Recorda of e"gi.. Co;ni, Colorado, on Augrrst 30,lg77 in Book 259 ztPage 69, a copy of *f,i"n i, anathed hercto as gxnibit A and incorporatcd herein by this rcferencc, SIGNED AND DELIVERED this3t day ofAugust,z004' EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OFEACLE The foregoing instnrment was acknowlcdged beforc me this 3l *, of Aug;ust 2004,byOcnniJGet-"in, as Generat Managcr of Eagle Rivcr Water & Sanitation Distict' Witncss my hand and official seal: NotaryPubli ) ) ts. ) My commission cxpi.es: BItr\zoc.:--l F\l SWSD\8Rca FORMSlEr.an r \ ftgSuoblnfiw.de A .r nn/'nrl Nor 2000 lir.r(l:l },An7 ffifr3r} fl#R!# 1t]l\t lc0 't "1 tc t-and Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 08-19-2004 hoperty Addrcs: 1979 SUNBURST DR./LOT I2. VAIL VALLEY 3RD 81657 Our Order Number: V500064304 FILING VAIL, CO SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON-AVON OO3O BENCHMARK RD #IO7 P.O, DRAWER 2820 AvoN. co 81620 Attn: JAN JOHNSON Phone: 970-845-2030 Fax: 970-845-2050 EMsil: ijohnsor@slifer.net Sent Via Couriertrt NED GWATHMEY IOOO S. FRONTACE ROAD W. sutTE 102 VAIL. CO 81657 Phorrc: 970-476-1612 Fsx: 97G476-1147 SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.AVON (n30 BENCHMARK RD #IO7 P,O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81620 Attn: RAYMA ROSE Phone: 97O-845 -2025 Fax: 970-845-2050 EMail: rrosc@slifer. net Scnt Via Courier+ii 10.05.04 Drlrvtrt.o (./2oo!r Land Title Guarantee CompanY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION litle ITf IOMPANY Dater 08-19-2004 OurOrderNumber: V50006430-4 Property Address: I979 SUNBURST DR./LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL, CO 81657 If you have any inquiies or require lunher assistance, please runtac:t one of the nwbers below: For Tltle Asslstance: Vail Title Dept. t08 s. FROMAGE RD. W. fl203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phonez 970-476-2251 Faxz 970-47G4732 For Closlne Assistance: ' Aimee Dupont 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phonez 978477-4529 Fuc 978O6-4534 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.BRIDGE STREET 230 BRIDCE ST. vAtL, co 81657 Attn: GEoRcE LAMB Phone: 97U479-2OO2 Fax: 970-476-2658 EMail: gl&mb@slilbr.nct Sent Via Courierrr* WARREN K. & HELGA T. PULIS I979 SUNBURST DR, vAtL. co 81657 Sent Via US Postal Service LAND TITLE OUARAT{TEE COMPANY 106 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vAlL, co 81657 Atlo: AinEc Dupont Phunc:970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: adupont@lt8c.com SLIFER, SMITH & FRAMPTON SITZMARK I83 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: DORIS BAILEY Ptwne: 970-479-2O20 Fax: 970-479-7O29 EMail: dbailey@slifcr.net Sent Via Courierrrr SAMUEL H. & LULETA MASLAK 96I HIGH ROAD wooDslDE, cA 94062 Sent Via US Postal Scrvice JACOBS, CHASE, FRICK, KLEINKOPF, t050 lTTH sT. #150o DENVER, CO 80265 Ann: MIKE SMITH, BUYER'S ATIY. Phone: 303-389-4643 Fax: 303-685-4869 Scnt via Us Postal Servicc m GUATANI [I COIIPANY Property Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR./LOT I2, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL, CO 8I657 Buyer/Borrower: SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK Seller/Owner: WARREN K, PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS Wire Information: Bank: FI RSTBAN K OF COLOMDO IMO3 W COLFAX AVENAE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 303-237-jilM CTCdiT: I.AND TITLE GAAMNTEE COMPANY ABA No.: I07MSU7 Account: 2160521E25 Attention: Aimee Dupont *,1** *'* ** **** ****rl * ++*::,t *f* * ***t| * * f *'|:|**'l tlt + + ++ | ***l*** +'* t* *'|***** Noter Once an origlnal commitment has been issued, any subsequent modiflcations will be emphasized by underlining or comments. *** *:t t* * + **:3 + a:t:;:* * *** a**:t:::; **:;:; +*r| I * **'|* l* * * +* * *t** * *****1.:l I l:l * *t 'l tor CoLtlcl 06/04 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDEN,! Date: 08-19-2004 Our Order Number: V500064304 Land Title Guarantee Company Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directions to anv of our 54 otTice locations. ESTMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy l0-17-92 Deletion of Exception"s l-3 (Owner) Deletion of Gerpral Exception 4 (Owrcr) Tax Report /R008137 i6 ,600. oo s30, oo i70.00 sls.00 It b.ad t7. ourrJrt.. c@E.ay .t7t bt olo,.t'ng tbTt tt.tr..ot!on,.bov. C..t ,!tJ b. oatT.ot d .t lA.t tJ!.. TOTAL s6,6s5,00 Chicago Title ltrsurance ComPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No' V50006430'4 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: hoperty Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR./LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING VAIL' CO 81657 l. Effective Date: July 30, 2004 at 5:00 P'M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA' Owncr's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK $3.850,000.00 3. The eslate or interesl in the tand described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein isr A Fee Sintple 4, Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: WARREN K, PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is descrlbed as follows: LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 30,1977 IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 69, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionI @equiremenls) Our Order No. V50006430-4 The following are lhe requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payrnent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full considcration for dte estate or intercst to be insured. Itenr (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or intcrest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the zubject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additiorul requirenrents, if any disclosed below: I. PROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH A CURRSNT IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTTFTCATE OF SUBIECT PROPERTY. THIS REQUIREMENT IS NECESSARY FOR DELETION OF GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I-3. UPON REVIEW, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY. NOTE: ANY MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE wlLL BE REFLECTED ON SAID POLICY(S) TO BE ISSUED HEREUNDER. NOTE: LAND TITLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERING SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. 2, EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM WARREN K. PULIS AND HELGA T. PULIS TO SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS wlLL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SAID SURVEY MAY BE ADDED TO SCHEDULE B-2 HEREOF. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF WARREN ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Order No. V50006430-4 Continuedr K. PULIS AND HELGA T. PUL$. CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SAMUEL H. MASLAK AND LULETA MASLAK. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. **+*****'t* NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 ****r"*r'*** Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutc 3O-lO..421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $l .00 for each dosument received for recording or filing in his or her office. Thc surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Scction2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. v500064304 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Companyr I Right"s or claims of parties in possession not shown by the publio records. 2. Easenrents, or claims of eascments, not shown by the public records. 3. Dlscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premiscs would disclose and whioh are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material thcrctofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse slaims or other nuttcrs, if any, created, first appcaring in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effcctive date hereof but prior to dre date dre propossd itt.sured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covcred by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessrnents which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer chargcs, if any. . In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Serction I of Schedulc B hereol'. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. IO. RESTRJCTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) R.ELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRJMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 197'I ,IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 68. I I. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 5, 1969, IN BOOK 214 AT PAGE 612 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1969IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE2I7. 12, UNDIVIDED I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO ALL OF THE GAS, OIL AND OTHER MINERALS, SOLID LIQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, INCLUDING URANIUM, IN ON AND UNDER ANY AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUCED FROM THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ]N SECTION IO OF LEGAL DESCRJPTION HERETO AS EXPECTED AND ALTA COMMITMENT SchedulcB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' V50006430-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RESERVED BY PETER E. KATSOS IN DEED RECORDED MAY 3, 1960 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE22'1. I3. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 12' 1979 IN BOOK 292 AT PAGE628. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-122, mtice is hereby given that: A) The subjcct rcal property rnay be located in a special uring district' B) A Ceniiicate of iaxis Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. e The information regardirig special districts and the boundaries of such districrs may bc obtained from the Board of County Commiisioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor' Note: Effective September l, lggl, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documens received for recording or filing in the clerk and recordcr's offrce shall contain a top margin of at Ieast one inch and a left' right and bottont margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and resorder nuy refuse to record or frle any document that does not corform, except that, the requirement for the top nurgin shall not apply to documents using lbrnls on which space is provided for recording or filing infonrution at the top margin of the document' Notc: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all rnatters which appear of record prior. to thc time of recording whenever the titlc entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting frorn the transaction whioh was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducs the closing of the insured tran"saction and is responsible for recording the legal doiumenS from the transaction, exception nunlber 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aftirrutive mechanic's lien protection for the Owner nuy be available (typically by dcletion of Exception oo. 4 of $hedule B, Scction 2 of 0re Commitment from thc Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) fhe land described in Schedule A of this commitment must bc a single family rcsidence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or nvrterials bave been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this C,ommitment witbin the past 6 months' Q Thc conrpany must receive an appropriatc aftidavit indemniffing the company against un-filed nrechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate Prenrium' ej tf tfrere his been construction, improvements or major ripairs undertaken on the propcrty to bc purchased wifrin six months prior to ttle Date of the Commiunent, the requirements to obuin coverage fbr unrecorded licns will include: disclosure of certain construction infornution; firuncial infbrnution as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payrncnt of the appropriate premium fully executed Indernnity Agreements satistactory to thc cotnpany, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary aiter an examirution of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage witl be given under any circunstanccs tbr labor or material for which the insured has contractcd for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy conunitlrten$ conuining a ndneral severance insFument exccption, or exceptiolls, in Schcdule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a urineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed tionr the surface estate and that there is a substarttial likclihood that a third party holds some or all intcrest in oil, gas, other mincrals, or geo0lermal energy in the propcrty; and B) That such nrineral estate nray include the right to cnter and use the property without the surface owncr's Permission. Nottring herein contained will be deemed to obligate the conrpany to provide any of he coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied' Form DlscLosURE 09101/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Iidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee ComPanY July I ' 2001 We rccognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's colNumers attd the reguirements of applicable l'ederal and suiJoiiiacvliivi. WE UJtieve'ttrai riutriilc vou aware of liow we usc your norr-public pcrsonal infolmatio,n ("Persorul Iuforirutiori"), and !o whom it is discloseil, will fornr the basis for a rtlation-shi! of trust between us and thc publlc ttrat we serve. This Privacy Statemcnt proVides drat explarution. We reserve thC right to change this Prlvacy Statement tiom tinre to tinic consistenf with applicable-privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: + From aoolicaciors or other forns we receive fronr you or your authorized reprcsentative;* From ybirr rran-vctiols with, or fronr the services 6eing plrfbrnred by, us, our aftiliates, or o[hers;* From bur internet web sitcs:* Fiom the out-ticlecorli nuintained bv qovcrnmental entities that wc either obtain directly from dtose entides. o'r from our affiliates or o0reisiand* From cirnsunBr or other reporting agencies. Our Poticies Regarding the Protection of tbe Confidentlality and Securlty of Your Personal Information We maintain ohvsicat. elecUonic and orocedural safccuards to protect your Personat lnformation from unauthoqized iiricils c,rTrilnfiiiori. We iim]ifiessio'ne p-ersonat ifiioimatiofi only t6 those employees who need such access in comection with providing produsts or services to you or for olher llgitimatc business purposes. Our Policies and kactices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We mav share vour Personal Infornution with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other rcal estate s'cttlemefit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: + to accnls. brokers or reDresentatives to provide you with scrvices you have rcqucsted;* io tfiird-party contractois or seivice pro'viders who provide servicds or perforni marketing or other functionb on our behalf; and- io;tiian tith thom t; enier into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you nuy tind of intercst. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Intbrmation when you direct orgive us permission, when we are required bv law to do so. or when we Susoect fraudulent or crimirul aciivities. We also ttuy disclose your Pcrsorul liformation whbn otherwise oeriritted bv applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure rs needeo to enfbrce our righs arising out ofany agre'ement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important resoonsibilities of some of our affiliated conrDalries is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documents nuy contain your Personal lnformation' - Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abillty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states allbrd vou thc risht to access vour Personat lnformation and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Pcrsodal Informltion has beeir disclosed, Atso, certain st ltcs afford.ygu the right to requpst . correctiori, anrendment or deletion of your Personal Information. Wc reserve the right, whcre pernxtteo by law' to charge a reasonablc fee to cover tlre crists incurred in responding to such requests. All requests subnritred to ttre Fidelity Natiorul Firuncial Group of Conrpanics/Chicago Title lnsurance Contpany shall bb in writing, and delivercd n fte tbllowing address: Privacv Compliance Oflicer Fidelitv Natiorul Firuncial' Inc. 3ff9*i;,[':bfi5i?8' Multiple hoducts or Servlces lf we provide you with more dran one t'inancial producc or service. you may receive ntore than one privacy notice tionr is. We airologizc for any inconvenience this nuy cause you. Fofm PR lV. POL. CH I Exterior Lighting Page I of I CaPistrano Flulh Mount Exterior Lighting #401080 1295 Free Freight! in the continenlal USA I 9"H x 16.5'W lnspired by classic elements In Misslon Desiqn, Caplgtrano ls a styllzed and contemporary offering. Featurlng a warm bronze patlna and striated champagne linen glass, these pieces offer a clean archltectural deslgn whlle emlttlng a warm Invltlng glow. The smooth Rnlsh and clean llnes are complemented by detalts such as the chain and bolt shapes that carry the design elements throughout the colle€tlon. 't httn://www vi sinnsdesisngrnr rn com/liphtins/exterior/falcanistrano/401080.htm st1v2005 it rirlrronTheweb.com Table Lamps Decorative Lamps Desk Lamps Childrens Lamps Floor Lamps Torchiere Lamps Lamp Sets Ceiling Lamps Chandeliers Lampsontheweb.com > outdoor Lighting > Deck Lighting > Black Louvered Brick Black Louvered Brick Light Brighten your patio with this black louvered brick light. constructed of stamper finished in black. Includes two l8 watt light bulb; it can take up to two 50 watl included). Measurements are 9'25 inches x ]"Ti*:::3 inches' Low voltage' Ac sKU #055807 Vanity Lights Wall Lamps Track Lighting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Liqhting Specialty Lights Lightinq Accessories Table Lampst @ a Vase Table Lamps Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table Lamps Candlestick Table Lamps Asia lnspired Table Lamps Southwestem Inspired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps Matching Items I Black Louvered $69.99 Brick Light http ://www. lampsontheweb.comA.{oFrame/ItemV05 5 8 0Tnf.httnl 8/3U2005 Page I of IExterior Lighting Capistrano Wall Mounts Exterior Lighting -t- il402-181(1s") :'", , 1.. Backplate: 14'H x 6.75'W 13'Hx7'Wx9"D Backplate: 6"H x 4.siw 25'Hx10'Wx16'D $450 $19s Free Freight! in the continental USA Insplred by classlc elements In Mlsslon Design' Caplstrano is a styllzed and- Lont"tpo."ty offering. Featuring a warm bronze patina and strlated chamDaone llnen glass, these piecei offer a clean architectural deslgn while- -;ltii"; " "ut-t inurttng giow. The smooth flnlsh and clean lines are .;;i;;;;t"d uy oetatts iuin as the chaln and bolt shapes that carry the' deslgn elements throughout the collectlon' -2rt eq.f) tr' - 1- t: -- - | ^- -L -,-: ^ - | C- I ^ ^^: ^+,^-^ /,4 n t t Q t ht?r'l 5t1t t2005 on Collection Wall Mount Lantern Page I ofll Lampsontheweb.com > Outdoor Lighting > Mission Sf.vle Wall Fixtures > Grand M Collection Wall Mount Lantern @ Email I Bookm Printer Similar Shippir Shippir @ I Gr' Mir Collect Mount $6 @ Decorative Lamps Desk Lamps Childrens Lamps Floor Lamps Torchiere Lamps Lamp Sets Ceiline Lamps Chandeliers Vanity Lights Wall Lamps Track Lighting Recessed Lighting Outdoor Lig{ting Specialty Lights Lighting Accessories Table LampsE (*.*;-;a lt Vase Table Lamps Glass Vase Table Lamps Trophy Table Lamps Candlestick Table Lamps Asia Inspired Table Lamps Southwestern Inspired Table Lamps Rustic Table Lamps Contemporary Table Lamps - f-lll-ltl-l I lll I lll rru#w Grande Mission 4 Sided Grande Wall Mount Mission Wall Grand Mission Collection Wall Mount Lantern From the Grand Mission Collection, this three sided wall lantem is constructed ofsolid brass and is fudher enhanced by honey art glass. Shown in dishessed bronze, this piece is in the haditional Mission style' Measures 5 inches wide,7 .25 inches high and extends 4 inches. Uses one Edison base lamp, l00W max, which is not included. This item usually ships in 3-8 Business Days reg.iHi29 69.99 Distressed Bronze $ c---E--l Matching ltems Style Wall Jllt I ttlrtHIllil ffiillt Distressed Bronze Outdoor | . ;r rn 1 eQnffielryeb.com Table Lamps w d h lbs. 5 0 /.)3 3 oU fr{ l4ftK sKU #005362 http ://www. lampsontheweb.comA,{oFrame/items/005 362nf.html 8/31/200s Deslgn Review Board ACTION FORFI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tdx:, 970.479.2452 neb: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Maslak (window changes) Project Description: Final review of change to approved plans (windows) Patticipants: owNER MASUK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA 081t312007 961 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPLICANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ O8IL3I2OO7 ProjectAddress: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1979 SUNBURST DR / Lot 12, Vail Valley F Location; Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING Parcel Number: 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: DRB Number: DR8070395 Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiONs STAFFAPR Date of Approval= OBl3t/20Q7 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Planner: Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revievved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commi$lon. Design rwiew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptfon of the Requestz Nl lN o Iu ?E-(t 6 touS A,o tlfL cp t xco o C.S.4 Ft6ol4'flotJ Ds4 <> yt ltttttFAeAl#ds .oo r.ttrr*1-.'c Location of the Proposal: Lot'. /? elock:-Subdivision: VAIL V4aagqf ? p Frcu.r4 Physical Address: par€et No.: Zlol- 62/.Or@ -Z (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:SuAte- F oa rLf LEs166a1f1A<- Name(s)ofowner{s): tVAta', ,tAnut'a d LuCgfe ilailing Address:'Lt Atel u - lrrocsostoL . CA jlc>az- 26 75. Owner(s) Signahre(s): Name of Applicant:7>ta Mailing Address:'At' Type of Review and Fee: E Ctanges to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: 3 Seb of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Association $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No c,\t \\x \ Phone: Fax: ?6 ^ 476- //1-7 7o 76- l6tz For OfficeJfse Only: FeePaid: .D.d o chg:ktrollTbttf Byl Meeting Dater.DRBN'., D%,aZo 3F Planner: ,. ProjectNo.: ff IOC' Flcde!AFORMSlPemits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_lo_approved_plans_lJtage_ 10-18-2006.doc TOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER I, (print name), a jolnt owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated $- f-Zcr?which have been submitted to the Town. of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvemenE to be completed at the address rloted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: lUtlt4o2' bttUtY;cpS atr t*e' vlarr.11116.- Ca'r1 FI6ltF-tt'fa:vs Poz- 6 tqeHuF.A<TDtLEj,!s coot4btNl'rtae' f o*tirg+'s 2.EoloFlta . Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I undercbnd that minor modillcations may be made to the plans over the ource of the reuiew process to ensure ampliance with the TownS applicable codes and regulations. (/aftia/ lere) D I rqtJnt that all modifications, minor or othenuise, whidt are made to the plans over the cource of the review prc@q be brought to my attention by the applicant for addifional approval fufore undergoing further review by the Town. (Infttal fiere) joint property owner letter revised l0/18/2006 Er Ficdev{FORMS\Pemits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approved-plans-1-page-10-18-2006.doc ********* **+++++******* * *********f *** * **********'1.**{' * * * * + * * *+++*** * * ** *******************+*:t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *:1.:1.:1.'1.'1.:t******* ************************************** * * * * * * * ***+t+** * * ** *********,1*+* * '1.+ +**** statement Nuniber: R070001503 Anourt: $20.00 08/L3/200703:09 PM Payment Method: Check r.9655 Init: LT Notation: Maslak / ck Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address ! L,ocat ion ! This Pa)rment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 0 010 0 0 03 LL2200 DR8070395 D4)e: 2101-091-0300-2 1979 SI'NBI'RST DR VAIIJ 1979 SI'NBITRST DR / r,ot Deecription DRB-Chg to Appr PIanE 12, VaiI valley F Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmtss 20.00 $20.00 * ******t*+*********i*t*+*+* +*******l*** * * *t+* +* ** ****************** 't ** ***** DESIGN REVIEW FEES Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FSR,ltl ' Depaftment of Community Developtnent 75 south Frontage Road. Vail. colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:979-479.2452 web: www.vailgov-com Prciect Namq MASI-AK RESIDENCE Proiect Descraptaon: NEnslfl€tF+mY F P PeftU Pafticipants: OWNER MASLAK SAMUEL H. & LULETA LOIOTIaOO5 961HIGH RD WOODSIDE. cA 94062 APPUCANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ LOIOTIZOOS ProJectAddress: 1979 SUNBURST DRVAIL Locationr 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: SuMivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING Parsel Number: 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: PEC approved arch. projection 5/8i06 BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRBNumber: DR8050542 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/01/2006 Motion By: Second By: Voter Conditions: FRTTZLEN DUNNING 4-0 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to onstrudion activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0007849 Prior to application for a building permit the applicant shall submit a more detailed landscape plan to the Design Review Board for further review and approval. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paidr 355O.OO EGErvtrin r{AR 06 2006 lu TOWN OF VAIL E iil Appeals Form Department of Comm unity Development 75 South Fmntage Road., Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov,com General lnformation: This form is required forfiling an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or Planning and Environmental Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar dala of the disputed action/decision, D€/tK€Action/ Decision being appealed: Dabof Action/Decision: l'l ,tet 7.c 06 -f- Board or Staff percon rcndering action/decision:Bvt (t trgsott/ Does thls appeal involve a specific parcel of land? (yes) (no) If yes, arc you an adjacent property owner? (yes Name of Appellan(s): Mailing Addrees:-n+1 Phycical Address in Vail:Cf- Legal Description of Appellant(s)in vafl: t-ot: /Zgbck:- sudivision 3 2o Fl Lt Pcl Appellan(s) Signature(s): (Attach of signatures if more space is required). Su bmittal Requirements: 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, speciry the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other interyening barrier). Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS TOI TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7s sourH FRoMTAGE ROAD, VArL COLOMDO 816s7. tt-e htVl'Sav bve 2. 3. 4. 6t7 Phone: *79 F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Plann in g\Applications\Appeals.doc 126-2005 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department ,r)0 ,{ ,N" w I (.,.' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: il. April 10,2006 A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuanl to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination lhat an observatory is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Appellant: Gwathmey, Pratt,ShultzArchitectsPlanner: BillGibson SUBJECT PROPERW The subject property is 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, VailValley Filing 3. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-38-1, Appeal of Administrative Aclions; Aulhority, Vail Town Code, lhe Planning and Environmental Commission has the aulhority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative oflicial with respect to the provisions, standards, and procedures of the Title 12, Zoning Regulations, VailTown Code. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sub-sections 12-3-38-2 and 12-3-38-3, Appeal of Administrative Aclions; Initiation and Procedures, Vail Town Code, there are three basic criteria for an appeal: A) standing of the appellant; B) adequacy of the notice of appeal; and C) timeliness of the nolice of appeal. A) Standino of the Appellant As a representative of the property owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak, the , appellanl, Gwalhmey, Pratt, Shultz Architecls, has standing to appeal the' administrative decision that an observatory is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit at 1979 Sunbursl Drive. B) Adeouacv of the Notice of the Aopeal _ The application for this appeal was filed by a representative of the property owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak. The Appeals Form and the materials required for its submission have been delermined to be complete by the Community Development Department. C) Timeliness of the Notice of Apoeal Sub-section 12-3-38-3, Procedures, VailTown Code, stales the lollowing: tv. "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Administrator or with the depaftment rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal talls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Town-obserued holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next buslness day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next Design Review Board meeting) following the Administrator's decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the Board or Commission.' The applicant submitted a complele appeal application within the twenty (20) day requirement. NATURE OF THE APPEAL On March 6, 2006, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, on behalf of Samuel and Luleta Maslak, filed an official appeals form to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The appellant is appealing the administrative delermination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lol 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to e)dend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 1 4-10-C6, Vail Town Code. The appellant's application and statement has been attached for reference (Attachment B). APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE oHAPTER 12-3, ADM|N|STRATTON AND ENFORCEMENT (tN PART) Section 1 2-3-3: Appeals B. Appealof Administrative Action 1. Authority: The planning and environmental commission shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative official with respect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set , forth, except that appeals of any decision, determination or interpretation' by any town administrative official with regard to a design guideline shall be heard by the design review board. 2. lnitiation: An appeal may be initiated by an applicant, adjacent property _ owner, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person from any order, decision, determination or interpretation by any administrative officialwith respect to this title. "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. v. The administrator shall determine the standing of an appellant. lf the appellant objects to the administrator's determination of standing, the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shall, at a meeting prior to hearing evidence on the appeal, make a determination as to the standing of the appellant. lf the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) determines that the appellant does not have standing to bring an appeal, the appeal shall not be heard and the original action or determination sfands. 3. Procedures: A written notice of appeal must be filed with the administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within fwenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a town obserued holiday, the last day tor filing an appeal shall be extended to the next business day. The administratols decision shall become final at the next planning and environmental commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next design review board meeting) following the administrator's decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the board or commission. Such notice shall be accompanied by the name and addresses (person's mailing and property's physical) of the appellant, applicant, property owner, and adjacent property owners (the list of property owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by listing the addresses for the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) as well as specific and articulate reasons for the appeal on forms provided by the town. The filing of such notice of appeal will reguire the administrative official whose decision is appealed, to forward to the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) at the next regularly scheduled meeting, a summary of all records concerning the subject matter of the appeal and to send wriften notice to the appellant, applicant, propefty owner, and adjacent property owners (notification within a condominium project shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the hearing. A hearing shall be scheduled to be heard before the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the appeal being filed. The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) may grant a continuance to allow the parties additionaltime to obtain information. The continuance shall be allowed for a period not to exceed an additional forty (40) calendar days. Failure to file such appeal shall constitute a waiver of any rights under this title to appeal any interpretation or determination made by an administrative official. 4. Effect Of Filing An Appeal: The filing of a notice of appeal shall stay all permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed unless the administrative official rendering such decision, determination or interpretation certifies in writing to the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) and the appellant that a sW poses an imminent peril to life or property, in which case the appeal shall not stay further permit activity and any proceedings. The commission (or board) shall review such certification and grant or deny a stay of the proceedings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines). 5. Findings: The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific tindings of fact based dhectly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. 6. Fee: The town council may set a reasonable fee for filing an appeal of an administrative decision, determination or interpretation. The fee will be adopted in a fee schedule which shall be maintained in the depaftment of community development. The fee shall be paid at the time the appeal is fited. cHAprER 14-10, DESTGN REVIEW STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES (lN PART) C. Architectural Projections, Deck, Balconies, Sfeps, Bay Windows, etc: 6. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25%) ot the height limit nor more than fifteen feet (15'). SECTION 209, DEFINTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS, H, 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING coDE (rN PART) Habitable Space (Room) is space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, and similar areas, are not considered habitable space. SECTION R202, DEFINITIONS, 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND sEcTtoN 202, DEFtNtTtONS,2003INTERNATION BUILDING CODE (lN PART) ' Habitabte Space: A space in a buitding for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces. REQUIRED ACTION The Planning and Environmental Commission shall uphold, overturn, or modify the administralive determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limil by the provisions of Sub.section 14-10-C6, VailTown Code. Sub- ,\ vil. seclion 12-3-38-5, Findings, VailTown Code, details the requirements for action by the Planning and Environmental Commission as follows: "The Planning and Environmental Commission (or the Design Review Board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support anclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met." STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission upholds the administrative determination that an observatory proposed at '1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architeclural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-85, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall "on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it". ln addition to any evidence presented at the public hearing, the Community Development Department recommends the Planning and Environmenlal Commission make the following findings of fact: . The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District.. The building height limit within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District is 33 feet tor a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat roof.. The proposed observatory has a sloping roof.o Sub-secfion 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, states that "towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may ertend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25o/") of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet (1s',r.. The ertension of an obseruatory above the building height limit is not specifically contemplated by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code.. The proposed obseruatory is of a similar architectural design to residential entry and stairwelltowers previously constructed within the of Vail. r . Previously constructed residential stairwell towers within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Distict have been allowed to extend above the height limit. Those portions of the stairwell tower previously approved b ertend above the height limit were aftic spaces deducted from the gross residential floor area calculations. Those stairwell tower portions ertending above the- height limit were constructed to be inaccessible from the interior of the building.. The proposed obseruatory is calculated as gross residential floor area (GRFA} pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code. other Town . The provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, address architectural features not useable as "habitable floor area". The term "habitable floor area" is not defined by the Vail Town Code or the Town's adopted building codes (e.9. 2003lRC and 2003 IBC).. The proposed obseruatory is not a "habitable space'as defined by the Town of Vail's previously and currently building codes (e.9. 1997 UBC and 2003 IRC/IBC); however, it is "habitable" in the terms of the common use of the term.. The proposed obseruatory is accessible through a floor access panel and ladder that connects to an interior stairwell.. When in use, the proposed obseruatory's roof retracts and the obseruatory floor area is predominantly open and unenclosed. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-85, Vail Town Code, should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to uphold the administrative determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, the Commission must determine that the findings of fact support the following flnding: 1. The Community Development Department Administrator's determination that an obseruatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural teature allowed to extend afuve the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, has met the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, VailTown Code. VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Appellant's statemenl C. Public Notice Atiach!neltt A (oOo 9o'Erog E<ooi '9=cxo.o;R Er- CD Clll-::iYFlloo dE o(J.-E_fE€gaP .A= Fnis gEr E>ru 6,i PFd oo)J.5c-(o (L iEE cpd 5E: sorl H!: rE !:ae €b F! ;e fE :l Ei 8€9a :t :c E E oOr tl s OE Attachment B Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 March 2,2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Vail Valley Filing 3 1) Provide a detailed explanation of how vou are an "aqqrieved or adverselv affected person." By limiting the height of our observation tower to 33'{' above finished or natural grade, we are creating many difficulties. They are as follows: .A very difficult condition to construct and waterproof. By pushing the observatory down to the adjacbnt roofs we are creating bathtub like a condition that cannot have affective waterprooflng. .A condition that may affect the ability of the dome to rotate during the winter months. As snow accumulates in the'bathtub', along with the freeze thaw cycles mmmon in the Vail Valley, the operation of the dome will be severely compromised. .Poor expression of an interesting architectural feature. The Vail Design Review Board Committee agree that the dome is unique and interesting and the majority of them (4 out of 5) support our interest in raising the dome, from an aesthetic point. 2) Specifu the precise nature of the aopeal. Please cite soecific code sections havino relevance to the actign beino apoealed. In a letter from Bill Gibson dated 'l-31-06 "...the proposed obseruatory is defined as Gross Residential Floor Area. Additionally, the propose! observatory does not qualify as "towers, spires, chimneys, flagpoles, and a similar architectural feature not usable as habitable floor area'as descibed in Chapter 14-10, Design Review Sfandards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code. Therefore, the proposed observatory design must be revised to comply with the building height limit of 33 feet...prescribed by Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code." Our response: We feel that the observatory is clearly a "towe/ or "a similar architectural feature.' The space cannot be heated, as the temperature change when the shutter doors are open will affect the precision of the telescope. The space is also accessed by a steep ships ladder. Because it is unheated and has difficult access we do not feel that this should be categorized as Habitable space. The Town of Vail defines Habitable in 12-2-2: 'Any area designed for sleeping, living, cooking, dining, meeting or recreation [a detached spacel as applied to floor area.' Bill Gibson has voiced his concem that this space may be converted into a habitable space in the future. Because this space is unheated and has poor egress, to create a sleeping, living, cooking, dining or recreation space would be very difficult and a building permit will be required for any such conversion. Thus they will be reguired to specifically get permission for such a change, and the Town of Vail will be able to control any major renovations. In conclusion, because the dome is not heated, does not meet egress requirements, is not fully enclosed (when the shutter doors are opened), and is not clearly defined as habitable space, this space should not be considered by the Town of Vail as habitable space. By allowing the' dome to be raised 3'-0' not only will the aesthetics be improved but the operation of the dome will be greatly enhanced. Attachment C -m THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on April 10, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at 17 4Q Sierra Traili Lot 22, Vail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0015) Applicant: Lois Solis, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a minor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, for the addition of enclosed floor area, located at 193 East Gore Creek Ddveilot 58, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, (Gore Creek Plaza Building), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0018) Applicant Gore Creek Plaza Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6C8, Density Control and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition (garage, entry, and elevator), located at 1448 Vail Valley DriveiLot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0017) Applicant: Robert Stephenson, Jr., represented by Snowdon Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is ,,nO*\.not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the bullding height limit, 1979 flli"OlYnOI an arcnllectural lealure allOWeO IO eXIenO aDOVe me Oullolng nelgnt llmll, ]v/v ' ' l.,al"A Sunburst Drive/Lot'12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. 9\/',<rqsf, (PRJos-0417) v. |\ Applicant: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer; Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Architects Planner: Bill Gibson I The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during ofiice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South . Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. PleaSe call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon requesl, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published March 24, 2006, in the Vail Daily. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department .\F NtrTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ilt. April24,2006 A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative aclion, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the buibing height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lol 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Appellant: Gwathmey,Pratt,ShultzArchitectsPlanner: BillGibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lol 12, Vail Valley Filing 3. BACKGROUND On April 10, 2006, the Planning and Environmental Commission members considered this appeal and were split 3-3 whether to uphold or overturn the slaff determination that an observalory is not an architectural feature allowed to eltend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive. Therefore, the Commission tabled this item for further review at its April 24, 2006, public hearing. Staff has researched other recently approved architectural projections and confirmed that the towers at the Arrabelle, Marriott, Ritz Carlton, and Landmark do not conlain gross residential floor area. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-38-1, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respecl to the provisions, standards, and procedures of the Title 12, Zoning Regulations, VailTown Code. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuanl to Sub-sections 12-3-38-2 and 12-3-38-3, Appeal of Administralive Actions; lnitiation and Procedures, Vail Town Code, there are three basic criteria for an appeal: A) standing of the appellant; B) adequacy of the notice of appeal; and C) timeliness of the notice of appeal. A) Standino of the Appellant As a representative of the property owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak, the appellant, Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Archilects, has standing lo appeal lhe tv. v. administrative decision that an observatory is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit at 1979 Sunburst Drive. B) Adequacv of the Notice ofthe Aooeal The application for this appeal was filed by a representative of lhe property owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak. The Appeals Form and the materials required for its submission have been determined to be complete by the Community Development Department. C) Timeliness of the Notice of Apoeal Sub-section 12-3-38-3, Procedures, Vail Town Code, states the following: "A written notice of appea! must be fited with the Administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. If the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Town-obserued hotiday, the last day for tiling an appeal shall be ertended to the next busrness day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next Design Review Board meeting) following the Administratols decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the Board or Commission." The applicant submitted a complete appeal applicalion within the twenty (20) day requirement. NATURE OF THE APPEAL On March 6, 2006, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, on behalf of Samuel and Lulela Maslak, filed an official appeals form to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The appellant is appealing the administralive determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. The appellant's application and statement has been attached for reference (Attachment B). APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE CHAPTER 12-3, ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT (lN PART) Section 1 2-3-3: Appeals B. Appealof Administrative Action 1. Authority: The planning and environmental commission shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative official with respect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth, except that appeals of any decision, determination or interpretation vt. by any town administrative official with regard to a design guideline shall be heard by the design review board. 2. lnitiation: An appeal may be initiated by an applicant, adjacent property owner, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person from any order, decision, determination or interpretation by any administrative official with respect to this title. "Aggrieved or adversely aftected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. The administrator shall determine the standing of an appellant. ll the appellant objects to the administrator's determination of standing, the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in , the case of design guidelines) shall, at a meeting prior to hearing evidence on the appeal, make a determination as to the standing of the appellant. lf the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) determines that the appellant does not have standing to bring an appeal, the appeal shall not be heard and the originalaction or determination sfands. 3. Procedures: A written notice of appeal must be tiled with the administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a town obserued holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next busrness day. The administrator's decision shall become final at the nert planning and environmental commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next design review board meeting) following the administrator's decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the board or commission. Such notice shall be accompanied by the name and addresses (person's mailing and property's physical) of the appellant, applicant, property owner, and adjacent property owners (the list of property owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by listing the addresses for the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) as well as specific and articulate reasons for the appeal on torms provided by the town. The filing of such notice of appeal will require the administrative official whose decision is appealed, to foruvard to the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) at the next regularly scheduled meeting, a summary of all records concerning the subject matter of the appeal and to send wriften notice to the appellant, applicant, property owner, and adjacent property owners (notification within a condominium proiect shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the hearing. A hearing shall be scheduled to be heard before the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case ol design guidelines) on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the appeal being filed. The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) may grant a continuance to allow the parties additional time to obtain information. The continuance shall be allowed for a period not to exceed an additionalforty (40) calendar days. Failure.to file such appeal shall constitute a waiver of any rights under this title to appeal any interpretation or determination made by an administrative official. 4. Effect Of Filing An Appeal: The filing of a notice of appeal shall stay all permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed unless the administrative official rendering such decision, determination or interpretation certifies in writing tp the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) and the appellant that a stay poses an imminent peril to life or property, in which case the appeal shall not stay further permit activity and any proceedings. The commission (or board) shall review such certification and grant or deny a stay of the proceedings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines). 5. Findings: The planning and environmental ammission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shallon all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or: have notbeenmet. 6. Fee: The town council may set a reasonable fee for filing an appeal of an administrative decision, determination or interpretation. The fee will be adopted in a fee schedule which shall be maintained in the department of community development. The fee shallbe paid at the time the appeal is filed. oHAPTER 14-10, DESTGN REVTEW STANDARDS AND GUTDELTNES (tN PART) C. Architectural Projections, Deck, Balconles, Steps, Bay Windows, etc: 6. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25%) ot the height limit nor more than fifteen feet (15'). SECTION 209, DEFINTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS, H, 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING coDE (rN PART) Habitable Space (Room) is space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, and similar areas, are not considered habitable space. SECTION R202, DEFINITIONS, 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND sEcTtoN 202, DEFIN|TIONS, 2003INTERNATION BUtLDtNG CODE (tN PART) vil. Habitable Space: A space in a building for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces. REQUIRED ACNON The Planning and Environmental Commission shall uphold, overturn, or modify the administralive determination that an observatory proposed at '1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of.Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. Sub- section 12-3-38-5, Findings, VailTown Code, details the requirements for action by the Planning and Environmental Commission as follows: "The Planning and Environmental Commission (or the Design Review Board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based dhectly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must suppott conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met." STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends the Planning and Environmenlal Commission upholds the administrative determinalion that an observalory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to exlend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. Pursuant lo Sub-section 12-3-3-85, Vail Town Code, lhe Planning and Environmental Commission shall "on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it". ln addilion to any evidence presented at the public hearing, the Community Development Department recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings of fact:: . The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District.. The building height limit within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Flesidential District is 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat roof.. The proposed obseruatory has a sloping roof.. Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, states that'lowers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25%4 of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet 05'r.. The extension of an obseruatory above the building height limit is not specifically contemplated by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code.. The proposed obseruatory is of a similar architectural design to other residential entry and stairwell towers previously mnstructed within the Town of VaiL rx. . Previously constructed residential stairwell towers within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District have been allowdd to extend above the height limit. Those portions of the stairwell tower previously approved b ertend above the height limit were aftic spaces deducted from the gross residential floor area calculations. Those stairvvell tower portions extending above the height limit were constructed to be inaccessible from the interior of the building.. The proposed obseruatory is calculated as gross residential floor area (GRFA), pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code.. The provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, address architectural features not useable as "habitable floor area". The term "habitable floor area" is not defined by the Vail Town Code or the Town's adopted building codes (e.9.2003 IRC and 2003IBC).. The proposed observatory is not a "habitable space" as defined by the Town of Vail's previously and cunently building codes (e.9. 1997 UBC and 2003 IBC/IBC); however, it is'habitable" in the terms of the @mmon use of the term.. The proposed observatory is accessible through a floor access panel and ladder that connects to an interior stairwell.. When in use, the proposed observatory's roof retracts and the obseruatory floor area is predominantly open and unenclosed. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-85, Vail Town Code, should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to uphold the administrative determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Gode, lhe Commission must delermine lhat the findings of fact support the following finding: 1. The Community Development Department Administrator's determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architecturalfeature allowed b ertend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, VailTown Code, has met the standards and conditions imposed by the requiremenE of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, VailTown Code. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Appellant's slatemenl C. Proposed Architectural Plans i;9 !.E=q9e EE +iPr E d: .eF: !9& 5F -iFTE! 3€ 6tii Ee ! g E O tl r f; Ati.lchinerit A ;Oo 9o'E \-o6 EToE '95c =o.9;R Err (l) trnsEil38.-E---= Gtoii EgaP Hs EE='>_Efi oiEFF 5? c(It (L OE Attachment B Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Praft, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 March 2, 2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 1) Provide a detailed explanation of how vou are an "aoorieved or adverselv affecled Derson." By limiting the height of our observation tower to 33'-0" above finished or natural grade, we are creating many dfficulties. They are as follows: .A very difficult condition to construct and waterproof. By pushing the observatory dorn to the adjac€nt roofs we are creating bathtub like a condition that cannot have affective waterproofing. .A condition that may affect the ability of the dome to rotate during the winter months. As snow accumulates in the'bathtub', along with the freeze thaw cycles common in the Vail Valley, the operation of the dome will be severely compromised. .Poor expression of an interesting architectural feature. The Vail Design Review Board Committee agree that the dome is unique and interesting and the majority of them (4 out of 5) supporl our interest in raising the dome, from an aesthetic point. 2) Soecifu the precise nature of the aooeal. Please cite soecific code sections havino relevance to the actign beino appealed. In a letterfrom BillGibson dated 1-31-06 "...the proposed obseruatory is defined as Gross Residenfiat Floor Area. Additionalty, the proposel observatory does not qualify as "towers, spftes, chimneys, flagpoles, and a similar architectunl feature not usable as habitable floor area" as descibed in Chapter 1410, Design Review Sfandards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code. Therefore, the proposed obseruatory design musl be revised to comply with the building height limit of 33 feet...prescribed by Section 12-6D-7, Height, VailTown Code." Our response: We feel that the observatory is clearly a "towe/ or "a similar architectural feature." The space cannot be heated, as the temperature change when lhe shutter doors are open will affect the precision of the telescope. The space is also accessed by a steep ships ladder. Because it is unheated and has difficult access we do not feel that this should be categorized as Habitable space. The Town of Vail defines Habitable in 12'2'2: "Any area designed for sleeping, living, cooking, dining, meeting or recreation [a detached spacel as applied to floor area." Bill Gibson has voiced his concern that this space may be converted into a habitable space in the future. Because this space is unheated and has poor egress, to create a sleeping, living' cooking, dining or recreation space would be very difficult and a building permit will be required for any-iuch c6nversion. Thus they will be required to specifically get permission for such a change, and the Town of Vail will be able to control any major renovations' ln conclusion. because the dome is not heated, does not meet egress requirements, is not fully enclosed (when the shutter doors are opened), and is not clearly defined as habitable space' this space should not be considered by the Town of Vail as habitable space. By allowing the dome to be raised 3'-ff not only will thL aesthetics be improved but the operation of the dome will be greatly enhanced. ETWM W (-)Y ^- l7l ot tl {-?r ITt> w MAgLAK R.ESIPENCE Iq.]q S|,INBURST DR|VE / LOT 12, VA]L VALLEY \ /l I I a ral /1Q Lr,a1 iri!ljilririili'i:iil:il i'l ;!ii;i"'! t i;il ilgdg iiil ';; ill{trll T@ - I MA5LAK RE9TDENoE I l-l',ijl|i-41l I tqlq euNBURs-r-,pRrvE / Lor 12, vArL VALLEY ll-UJ