HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 12 PART 2 LEGAL(u)Y- toqnr.loitlc16 lz |rn I t-JY.lul c trfl,lo c16 lz I> I (N)\:-/ . ltlq lrfl.loi t--l 't9 lu I (+lY < lu!q.trn.to i t-tclo lz lo I MAgLAK REgIPENCE Iqlq 9UNBURgT DR-IVE / LOT 12, VAIL VALLEYn[i' lfl {fiiiiliiiif tilffi MEMORANDUM n,.nl,*Lo"*) TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May8,2006 SUBJECT: A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuanl to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination thal an observatory is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Appellant: Gwathmey, Pratt, ShultzArchitectsPlanner: BillGibson ilt. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is'1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3. BACKGROUND On April 10, 2006, lhe Planning and Environmental Commission members considered this appeal and were split 3-3 whether to uphold or overturn the staff determination that an observatory is nol an architectural feature allowed to extend above lhe building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive. Therefore, the Commission tabled this item for further review at its April 24, 2006, public hearing. Staff has researched other recently approved architectural projections and confirmed that the towers at the Arrabelle, Marriotl, Rilz Carlton, and Landmark do not contain gross residential floor area. The applicant was unable to attend the April 24th hearing and this item was table to May 8, 2006. PLANNTNG ANp ENVTRONMENTAL CgMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-38-1, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Aulhority, Vail Town Code, lhe Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions, standards, and procedures of the Tille 12, Zoning Regulations, VailTown Code. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuanl to Sub-sections 12-3-38-2 and 12-3-38-3, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Initiation and Procedures, Vail Town Code, lhere are three basic criteria for an appeal: A) standing of the appellant; B) adequacy of the notice of appeal; and C) timeliness of the notice of appeal. tv. v. A) Standinq of lhe Appellant As a representative of the properly owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak, lhe appellant, Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Architects, has standing to appeal the administrative decision that an observatory is nol an architectural fealure allowed to extend above the building height limit at 1979 Sunbursl Drive. B) Adequacv of the Notice of the Appeal The application for this appeal was filed by a representative of the property owners Samuel and Luleta Maslak. The Appeals Form and the materials required for its submission have been determined to be complete by lhe. CommunityDevelopmentDepartment. C) Timeliness of the Notice of Aooeal Sub-section 12-3-38-3, Procedures, VailTown Code, states the following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Town-obserued holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next busrness day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next Design Review Board meeting) following the Administratols decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the Board or Commission." The applicanl submitted a complete appeal application within the twenty (20) day requirement. NATURE OF THE APPEAL On March 6, 2006, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schullz Architects, on behall of Samuel and Luleta Maslak, filed an official appeals form to the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department. The appellant is appealing the administrative determination that an observatory proposed al 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an archilectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions ol Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. The appellant's application and statement has been attached for reference (Attachment B). APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE oHAPTER 12-3, ADMTN|STRATTON AND ENFORCEMENT (tN PART) Section 1 2-3-3: Appeals B. Appealof Administrative Action vt. 1. Authority: The planning and environmental commission shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative official with respect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth, except that appeals of any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative officialwith regard to a design guideline shall be heard by the design review board. 2. lnitiation: An appeal may be initiated by an applicant, adjacent property owner, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person from any order, decision, determination or interpretation by any administrative official with respect to this title. "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. The administrator shall determine the standing of an appellant. If the appellant objects to the administrator's determination of standing, the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shall, at a meeting prior to hearing evidence on the appeal, make a determination as to the standing of the appellant. lf the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) determines that the appellant does not have standing to bring an appeal, the appeal shall not be heard and the original action or determination stands. 3. Procedures: A written notice of appeal must be filed with the administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision becoming final. lf the last day for tiling an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a town observed holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next buslness day. The administratols decision shall become final at the next planning and environmental commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the nert design review board meeting) following the administrator's decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the board or commission. Such notice shall be accompanied by the name and addresses (person's mailing and propefi's physical) of the appellant, applicant, property owner, and adjacent property owners (the list of property owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by listing the addresses for the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) as well as specific and articulate reasons for the appeal on forms provided by the town. The filing of such notice of appeal will require the administrative official whose decision is appealed, to forward to the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) at the next regularly scheduled meeting, a summary of all records concerning the subject matter of the appeal and to send written notice to the appellant, applicant, property owner, and adjacent property owners (notification within a condominium proiect shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium association) at least fifteen (1 5) calendar days prior to the hearing. A hearing shall be scheduled to be heard before the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the appeal being filed. The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) may grant a continuance to allow the parties additional time to obtain information. The continuance shall be allowed for a period not to exceed an additionalforty (40) calendar days. Failure to file such appeal shall constitute a waiver of any rights under this title to appeal any interpretation or determination made by an administrative official. 4. Effect Of Filing An Appeal: The filing of a notice of appeal shatt stay att permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed unless the administrative official rendering such decision, determination or interpretation certifies in writing to the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) and the appellant that a stay poses an imminent perilto life or property, in which case the appeal shall not stay further permit activity and any proceedings. The commission (or board) shall review such certification and grant or deny a stay of the proceedings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines). 5. Findings: The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. 6. Fee: The town council may set a reasonable fee for filing an appeal ot an administrative decision, determination or interpretation. The fee willbe adopted in a fee schedule which shall be maintained in the department ot community development. The fee shall be paid at the time the appealis CHAPTER 14-10, DESTGN REVTEW STANDARDS AND GUTDELTNES (tN PART) C. Architectural Projections, Deck, Balconies, Sfeps, Bay Windows, etc: 6. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may ertend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25%) ot the height limit nor more than fifteen feet (15'). SECTION 209, DEFINTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS, H, 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING coDE (lN PART) Habitable Space (Room) is space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utitity space, and similar areas, are not considered habitable space. SECTION R202, DEFINITIONS, 2OO3 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND sEcTloN 202, DEFINITIONS,2003INTERNATION BUILDING CODE (lN PART) Habitable Space: A space in a building for living, sleeping, eating or noking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces. VII. REQUIRED ACTION The Planning and Environmental Commission shall uphold, overturn, or modify the administrative determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed to extend above lhe building height limit bythe provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, VailTown Code. Sub- section 12-3-38-5, Findings, Vail Town Code, details the requirements for action by the Planning and Environmental Commission as follows: "The Planning and Environmental Commission (or the Design Review Board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific findings of fad based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met." VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends the Planning and Environmenlal Commission upholds the administrative determination that an observalory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, VailValley Filing 3 is not an architecturalfeature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code. Pursuanl to Sub-section 12-3-3-85, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall "on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it". ln addition 1o any evidence presented at lhe public hearing, the Community Development Departmenl recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings of fact:: . The subject property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Distict.. The building height limit within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District is 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat roof.. The proposed obseruatory has a sloping root.. Sub-section 14-10-C6, VailTown Code, states that "towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similar architectural features not useable as habitable floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty five percent (25%) of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet (1s',)". . The extension of an obseruatory above the building height limit is not specifically contemplated by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code.. The proposed obseruatory is of a similar architectural design to other residential entry and stairwell towers previously constructed within the Town of Vail.. Previously constructed residential stairwell towers within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District have been allowed b ertend above the height limit. Those portions of the stairwell tower previously approved to extend above the height limit were attic spaces deducted from the gross residential floor area calculations. Those stairwell tower portions extending above the height limit were constructed to be inaccessible from the interior of the building.t The proposed obseruatory is calculated as gross residential floor area (GRFAL pursuant to the provisions ot Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code.. The provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, address architectural features not useable as "habitable floor area". The term "habitable floor area" is not defined by the Vail Town Code or the Town's adopted building codes (e.9. 2003 IBC and 2003 IBC).. The proposed obseruatory is not a "habitable space" as defined by the Town of Vail's previously and cunently building codes (e.9. 1997 UBC and 2003 IRC/IBC); however, it is "hadtable" in the terms of the common use of the term'. The proposed obseruatory is accessible through a floor access panel and Iadder that connects to an interior stairwell.. When in use, the proposed obseruatory's roof retracts and the obseruatory floor area is predominantly open and unenclosed. Pursuant to Sub-section 12'3-3-85, Vail Town Code, should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to uphold the administrative determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is not an architectural feature allowed lo extend above lhe building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, the Commission musl delermine that the findings of facl support the following finding: 1. The Community Development Department Administrator's determination that an observatory proposed at 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3 is nat an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit by the provisions of Sub-section 14-10-C6, Vail Town Code, has met the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, VailTown Code. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Appellant's statement C. Proposed Architectural Plans tx. A'ri;tchir,eri-,t A COoo 9o'E \-og E<ooE '9S ^Lo.9 'ER.E.iO cO-;i- ti38,E-tE€gaP Hs E5-'5-5fi oiEF6 JP'- C(I' (L iEg ii6.:E.- ed<e6I :EE :!9 EC 9; :i tP Ea I 3 p & OE Attachment B Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 March 2,2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3 1) Ptovide a detailed explanation of how vou are an "aoqrieved or adverselv affected person." By limiting the height of our observation tower to 33'-0" above finished or natural grade, we are creating many difficulties. They are as follows: .A very difficult condition to construct and waterproof. By pushing the observatory down to the adjacbnt roofs we are creating bathtub like a condition lhat cannot have affeclive waterproofing. .A condition that may affect the ability of the dome to rotate during the winter months. As snow accumulates in the'bathtub", along with the freeze thaw cycles common in the Vail Valley, the operation of the dome will be severely compromised. .Poor expression of an interesting architectural feature. The Vail Design Review Board Committee agree that the dome is unique and interesting and the majority of ihem (4 out of 5) support our interest in raising the dome, from an aesthetic point. 2l Specifv the orecise nature of the atneal. Please cite soecific code sections havino relevance to the actign beino apoealed. ln a letter from Bill Gibson dated 1-31-06 " . . .the proposed obseruatory is defined as Gross Reside ntial Floor Area. Additionally, the proposel obseruatory does not qualify as towers, spires, chimneys, flagpoles, and a similar architectural feature not usable as habitable floor area" as descibed in Chapter 14-10, Design Review Sfandards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code. Therefore, the proposed obseruatory design must be revised to comply with the building height limit of 33 feet. . .prescribed by Secfion 12-6D-7, Height, VailTown Code." our respbnse: We feel that the observatory is clearly a "towef or'a similar architectural feature.' The space cannot be heated, as the temperature change when the shutter doors are open will affect the precision of the telescope. The space is also accessed by a steep ships ladder. Because it is unheated and has difiicult access we do not feel that this should be categorized as Habitiable space. The Town of Vail defines Habitable in 12-2-2: "Any area designed for sleeping, living, cooking, dining, meeting or recreation [a detached spacel as applied to floor area." Bill Gibson has voiced his concern that this space may be converted into a habitable space in the future. Because this space is unheated and has poor egress' to create a sleeping, living' cooking, dining or recreation space would be very difficult and a building permit will be required for anyluch c-onversion. Thus they will be required to specifically get permission for such a change, and the Town of Vail will be able to conlrol any major renovations. ln conclusion, because the dome is not heated, does not meet egress requirements, is notfully enclosed (when the shutter doors are opened), and is not clearly defined as habitable space' this space should not be considered by the Town of Vail as habitable space. By allowing the dome to be raised 3'-0" not only will the aesthetics be improved but the operation of the dome will be greatly enhanced. E[@W W Y {lA :IUi t-n' l-oIT> A@ MAgLAK RE3]DENCE Iq..Iq 5UNBURST DRIVE / LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY \ ./ ,\ i I a /al /-tQ ^ ft/-\t*TI--lHlltiiiffill il$nEt ETW (u)Y<lljlq lrn,tcr l7 l* Y < lurqtm,to;t{qlo t-l> I (N)Y < l(tlq tfll. ta\ ,' t --l lz Il(! I (s)Y < l(tl c I fTl"to; t-t tz lo (ttl)Y . lL0q lrn,to ; I-J lzto I I 11 3|-ll. lll'*iludll MAgLAK REg]PENCE Iqlq SUNBUR5T DRIVE / LOT 12, VAIL VALLEY trirLq=l Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, PC 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 March 2,2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Maslak Residence - 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3 1) Provide a detailed explanation of how vou are an "aqorieved or adverselv affe(ied Derson." By limiting the height of our observation tower to 33 -0" above finished or natural grade, we are creating many difficulties. They are as follows: .A very difficult condition to construct and waterproof. By pushing the observatory down to the adjacent roofs we are creating bathtub like a condition that cannot have affective waterproofing. .A condition that may affect the ability of the dome lo rotate during the winter months. As snow accumulates in the "bathtub', along with the freeze thaw cycles common in the Vail Valley, the operation of the dome will be severely compromised. .Poor expression of an interesting architectural feature. The Vail Design Review Board Committee agree that the dome is unique and interesting and the majority of them (4 out of 5) support our interest in raising the dome, from an aesthetic point' 2t Soecifu the nrecise nature of the aopeal. Please cite specific code sections havino relevance to the actign beina appealed. ln a letter from Bill Gibson dated 1-31-06 "...the proposed obseruatory is defined as Gross Residential Floor Area. Additionally, the proposed obseruatory dres not gualify as towers, spires, chimneys, flagpdes, and a similar architectural feature not usable as habitable floor area" as descibed in Chapter 14-1O, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code. Therefore, the proposed observatory design must be revised to comply with the buitding height limit of 33 feet...prescibed by Secflon 12-6D-7, Height, VailTown Code." Our response: We feel that the observatory is clearly a "towef or "a similar architectural feature." The space cannot be heated, as the temperature change when the shutter doors are open will affect the precision of the telescope. The space is also accessed by a steep ships ladder. Because it is unheated and has difficult access we do not feel that this should be categorized as Habitable space. ' 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this minor exterior alteration request. Elisabeth Reed presented the project according lo the memorandum. The applicants, Matt Morgan and Kevin Clare, of Sweet Basil Restaurant, had no further comment. No public comment was offered. The Board was unanimously supportive of the request. 6. A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is nol an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Applicant: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer; Gwathmey, Pratl, Shultz Architects Planner: BillGibson ACTION: Uphold Staff decision MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Pierce VOTE: 3-3-0 (Bernhardt, Gleveland and Jewitt opposed) ACTION: Tabled to April 24,200G MOTION: Jewitt SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: $1-0 (Cahill opposed) Bill Gibson presented the project according to the memorandum. The applicant's represenlative, Ned Gwathmey, described the applicalion in further detail to the Commission using schematic design sketches. Jim Slevin, a neighboring homeowner, commented that the projection should be allowed to be built, particularly since ils design might add some interesting architectural character to the surrounding neighborhood. Bill Pierce commented that he could not support exceeding the height limit since this was a potentially habitable space and not simply a projection. Chas Bernhardt suggested that the applicant pursue a text amendment to allow for this higher encroachment. Dick Cleveland commented that he thought that this proposal represented the inlent of an architectural projection. He commented that he would not be in support of a text amendment for one instance. Bill Jewitt commented.that this qualified as an "architectural fealure". He did not think this qualified as habitable floor area. He was in support of the observation tower. Rollie Kjesbo did not feel that an impingement on height for possibly habitable space, was nol warranted here. Doug Cahill commenled that architecturally this was a nice projection. However, for it to be deemed as such, it should have no specific use, which this space did, as an observatory tower. Page 5 ' He agreed in upholding the staff's decision of this as a habitable space and therefore, as needing to comply wilh the height requirements. Chas Bernhardt asked about the projection at the Arrabelle. Staff was nol able 1o answer the question without researching the Town's files. Ned Gwathmey expressed some concern that other archilectural projections had been allowed that significantly contributed to the architecture of those buildings. Bill Pierce commenled that those projections were not habitable space. Rollie Kjesbo made a motion to uphold the administrator's decision to not allow the proposed observatory to exceed the building height requirements. The motion failed by a vole of 3-3. Following the vote for a tabling, Rollie Kjesbo requested that some additional information done by Staff to determine the way in which other similar architectural projection approvals within the Town have been treated previously. 7. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Masler Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, 1o amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead" area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesVLot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Office Building General Partnership Planner: WarrenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to April 24,20ffi MOTION: Bernhardt SECOND: Jewitt VOTE:6-0-0 8. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at 1740 Sierra Trail/Lol 22, Yail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEc06-0015) Applicant: Lois Solis, represented by Michael Suman Architect Planner: Matt Gennelt ACTION: Tabled to May 22,2006 MOTION: Cleveland SECOND: Jewitt VOTE:6-G.0 9. Approval of March 27,2006 minutes MOTION: Bernhardt SECOND: Jewitt VOTE: 4-G2 (Pierce and Cleveland recused) 10.Information Update 11. Adjournment MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE:6-0-0 Page 6 . T. Kramer GPS Fuft Namo: Luleta & Samuel Maslak <-- OtiAf+'tZ-t Last Name: Maslak Flrct Name: Luleta & Samuel Business Address: 961 High Road Woodside, CA 94062 Home: (650) 3654111 Buslnese Fax: (650) 3654113 E-mail: smaslak@ieee.orgE-mallDlsplayAs: SamuelMaslak(smaslak@ieee.org) -ffi THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on April 10, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located al 1740 Sierra Trail/Lot22,Yatl Mllage West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0015) Applicant: Lois Solis, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a minor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, for the addition of enclosed floor area, located at 193 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot 58, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, (Gore Creek Plaza Building), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0018) Applicant: Gore Creek Plaza Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6C-8, Density Control and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition (garage, entry, and elevator), located at 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0017) Applicant Robert Stephenson, Jr., represented by Snowdon Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is ,,nf*Ynol an architectural feature allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 lt\"..a[fl Sunburst Drive/Lot 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. 9\t',<' -'v (PRJ05-0417) Applicant Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer; Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Architects Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South . Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published March 24, 2006, in the Vail Daily. 'r' i 16 March 2006 To: BillGibson Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 From: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer 1000 S. Frontage Rd. W. Ste. 102 Vail, CO 81657 RE: iiaslak Residence Dear Bill, Per your request we have composed the following list of the Maslak's 1979 Sunburst Drive neighbors. Lot 1'l- Cunent Residence 1945 Sunburst Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot 21- UnitA Lublan Salyford Cay P.O. Box N-3229 Nassau, Bahamas Unit B Judy M. Goff 1550 East Oxford Lane Englewood, CO 80113 Lot 13- James M. Slevin 1985 Sunburst Drive Vail, CO 81657 1000 Soulh Fronfoge Rood West, Sulie 102 . Voll, Cololodo E1657 . Tel: (970) 476-1111 . Faxi (97O, 476-1612 . Emoil: gpsxvoll@ol.com :' Vail Golf Course- Club House 1778 Sunburst Drive Vail, CO 81657 Please don't hesitate to call our office if you have any questions or comments. We have also enclosed a site map, and four addressed envelopes with postage. Sincerely, Ned and Todd o(o8 cl (t)too-oN s$o\ Ro\.tg E arR-o q)oEo F-aEfc)zfa TLoF E, f, (9Z4 #b -iz,fiea q= -'io 9a r lrf =5 F() GF tO(t) @@ () r.. $ () tO@9 ta)r$ a o lrJFF onI\ps YO() , Jn',frJ1,ru Design Revleuv Soard ACTIOI{ FORl"l Department of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado S1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fari970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MASLAK RESIDENCE Prcject Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060448 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS (OBSERVATORY ACCESS/ROOF PI.AN) owNER MASLAK SAMUEL H. & LULETA 0912212006 961HIGH RD WOODSIDE CA 9,rc62 APPLICANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ 0912212006 Project Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL LocaUon: Loh 12 Block: Subdivislon: VAIL VALLEY 3RD RUNG 2101-091-0300-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0912512006 Cond: 8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 SefEP. L9.?@AG 4 2:46Pt4 l'!ffi|=AKr SA'h i rccts 9?O4?A 1A fo. aag P.?/? P .2 *m DesolpUon o?Rcqucrt: "tnr." To The Approveo?"n, Application for Design Review Depaililent of Oommunily Developmefl t 75 Sou$ Frcntagc Road, Vail, Crlorrrlo 81557 G|r 9m.479,2128 fu: 970.479.2492 rrrrgb: rr{ur\ r.vllgotr,@m Grncrul lnforhation: ALpquF tEqultlng.deslorr revievr nust receive appro\ral prlor to subrnifino a building permtt appltcaton. please rBier lo.me suDmltbl requtEmentt for fie potlcular rppro\/a| thEt is request€d. An appllcaton fd Design R6/lewca lot be aace*ed unul a[ reqJrcd informauon ls reieived by ttre Cdmmrlnlty Oevilbpment Departmint lhepr€Jtt may also need to tr€ ranlerrvcd by thc Town coqrrtl ana/or ttre Plannini and Edylronmencl commtsston.Deriln rcvlqw rpprovr! lapro unlcri a hulldlng Fcrmlt l$-ksud a'nc oirtirrtan commcnc wltlrlnona ycar of thr applly.l, Locrton of the pruposull Lotr_llLilock;_ Subdtvidon: Physlcal Add;i;s: P.rcd No.i 2 I o | - 42!;/p-1 e-J_ (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 920; tlamc(5) oto^rne(s)r Malllng 1667$$ 96.1 Owner(s) Slgnaturc(r) l{ame of Applliant: Irlatllng Addre$: $20 For revtdons to phns already appro\/ed by plannlng $afi or tie lleslgn Reviar Board. ol nJwor o -c €b CO ,n? for parcel ro.) :-mair looresr, _elet ; JJ:' Typc of Revlar end Fcc: !1 Changes to Approved ptans Submittel Requlrrmcnb: 3.Sets of plans .i:dtcsstng prpject Changes Signature of Homeor,vner(s) or lrssociiltion F:\cda,\FORM$Perm s\planrlng\DFIB\drb_chango-to_approv6dJtE,rs_Ua9c_05.11_2Om.doc ++++*{'ltlt++********a*l***+*l*t*+*t+l'+t{r++t+l'+++tff***tt*****t*tt****'t{'{'{r't:t*f{rt+l++*+******+ TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Stat€ment Statement Number: Palment Method: PRATT SHCT'IJTZ R060001505 Anount: Cash $20.00 09/22/2O06t0:05 AL{ Init: iIS Notation: $/Gwerrngf , Permit No: DRBO60448 Ty.pe: DRB-Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 2101- 0 91- 03 00 -2 SiTe AddreeE: 1979 ST'NBT'RTIT DR \IAIIJ Locatlon: 1979 SUNBI'RST DR Total Fees: Thie Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00*f*****++'t+{'*'}+t+f***+t*+***i*+t**t*t+*++*+******i*******++f**{.*++*******++|}++*********+++++ ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code Description Current Prnts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN RE\':TEW FEES 20.00 o wytu- Design Review Board AC ION FORM Department of Cnmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 vreb: wuw.tailgov.com Project Name: Proiect DescripUon: Participants: Project Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: APPUCANT BECK BUILDING COMPANY P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL co 816s8 License: 117-A CONTRACTOR BECK BUILDING COMPANY 07 12412006 Phone: 970-949-1800 0il2412006 Phone: 970-949-1800 MASI.AK RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB060319 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED P|-ANS (DEMO STRUCTURE THEN RE-GMDE AND RE-VEGFTATE) owNER MAS|-AK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA 0712412006 961 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL co 81558 License: 117-A 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL LocaUon: Lot: 12 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD RUNG 2101-09r{300-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0il2412006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 !' '. . -'+, i\-\ Jhj r \ ; :1.,r .,l . {pproal of this project shall lape and become void one (1) year follorlng the date t ol dnal approwl, unless a bulHlng pennt ls lssued and onstrucfron b commenoed and ls dllBendy pursued towad compbtbn. Ptanner: BlllGlbson DRB Fee Pald: i2O.OO o onNew Constructi Application for Design Departnent of Community 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970. web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a refer to the submital requirer€nts for the particular approval tfiat is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and conslrudion commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot iZ Block:- Physical ma."o, 2t O t Olt o'lcs> (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Eaao,lal 6o o\o w \-o & JUL 20 2000 ln l itiiil iu/ rowN oFlvAlt Name(s) of Owner(s):.L*- o*-r lr^ Lrtsslat- Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): l{ame of Applicantr E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs SConceptual Review C New C.onstructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) 1 BK\ Chanoes to ADDro/ed Plans\.-a_-,, tr Seoaration Reouest Fax: ??o 9yg ^f33S $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any r€sidential or comrnercial building (includes 250 additions & inbrior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, re-roofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rsrisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address:phone: 1A 1!!1: !9a9 Separation Request gr:f u""nngo"rc, E - /L- 6L DRBNo.: p6b ooo t*'t**********lf**++***'l'l*****f**'t****+*********t****.il**t+*******+{'+++{'*+*+***************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenl Statenent Nudber: R06000105? Amount: $20.00 o7 /24/200610:10 AM Payment Method: Caeh Init: 'JSNotation: $/BECK BUILDING Permits lilo: DRB060319 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 2101- 091- 03 00 - 2 Site Addregs 3 1979 St IiIBURST DR VAIL Location: 1979 SITNBURST DR Total Fees: S20.00 ThiE Pa)rment: $20.00 Total AIJL, Pmts: 920.00Balance: $0.00 'aj+,4**flt*++l***************************************+*t++***i*++*********f,+{"ltt+t**+********** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accoung Code DeEcriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3L]-?2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 o oo at a.l o (l ol (\ oAOEOE |nftC.('|rlzlo!)lo() ={ 0Hilo>oa EF aa (|.l 2 o() o tiIE { iicctJ U C{ !l t. o ,; ";N nz '{DaoH()oHlr ct('ZRc&on F No o dt{ca doaoloo arE,< eooU>obacr E,{ tt arto > '{A H acoo ErtEr4a oOEI H{ra qlnc(J ocoo N- 4H.o Er EEDDEOts-xaa EqtrIt{ FIHzzPD E9o.l a4 l-, F.AE.Dro !.- l,| dF trHH|lqtE AIH6 F e EH a xFr 2o :{ HBg-t,.loZA CAETqo .,EH tsOB S8(,O AH HoD(, pl H A D E.BI FI ED !{ F o Ea .rI l!E}oH>lradd o ari o cqo tcc oAAH \, Legal Subdivision: Address: Developer: Project Number: lmprovement Completion Date: z- TA*:,3::;::'P';:'nr CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT $ - C,,^,\ rt@,eff-e'{- totSl0|v 'L<- F-<." v'- t' DEvELopER TMpRoVEMENT AGREEMENT made and entered into this 7.t aay of J ',20-oa. by and among L[ar Ccr-p-^* (the "Develope/'),the Town of Vail (the'Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval pf the Temporary Certificate of t - tl, . tiLOccupancy for (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 6,62{..o as collateral for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agr,ees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the -dayo'f 6/ro ,20oe . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 1 of 5 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of$ 6.czc.co as collateral for the completion of all improvementsr@intheeventthereisadefau|tunderthisAgreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\FORMS\D|A\D|A cash format_112002.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penafties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail-Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_ 1 1 2002.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and yearfirst a STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires The foregoing D(P Day of _ loper lmprovement Aoreeme..-Lq ' ,Z&OV - 4,2/-a) 2L ackqowfedged before me this 4"-<- Town Planner STATE OF COLOMDO ) )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The foregoing Dqv-eloper lmprovement Agreement wqs acknowlelge{ Qefore me this)l D-avo-f X,ts'" 2cDb6v b)-Llia*'th. Qbra'>-&t oay of ,zfrooy Ul'lttia*' th' ,f,bra'>- Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_112002.doc Page 4 of 5 From-HECKMAl.|&olR P.O. Box 1320 naete,CO 81631 970 926 59 95 rL.oo Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name:Receipt No. Address: Project:Do6-tu?Oate__7J__4_J_ot __ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Address Maos 7A $5.00 001 0000 31411't0 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 (erox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Oeposit D2-DEP10 AD /-.ALt.p 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee ffOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA 1 10 0000 314 11 1 5 Resale Commission MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS 001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @-4.4o/o (State) - Tax payable TP 001 0000 3101200 Taxable @ 4% (Town)'Retail Sales Tax T7 TOTAL:| 429. a) * all-items charged tax No speed code for 00'1 irill I iilri ,' I I Comments: rq 1p\ S;.-.h-w-rf$/i.,-<- Cgso* -oY(l Cash - Money Order f Received by: kCheck # 'iiril I 4n Tom of 9ailrr| OEffiR EIEIPT lrr 0oer: FlfiiFE Type: FB lharsr: I Dater 7/25/6 Cl Rieeist no: 10S6 Custorer Loeation fhre Arountgf80 e698 Beel Buildino CoroanAD NR-I'EPITiITS t6625.0e P680 RECI''IIF F€fiITIIlff-M4 render detai I rx ofo( u872 r6625.mTotal tendered f66A6.m Total patrent f66e5.m Trans datel ?l?Slfi Tirel 11:57:13 lltfft( YUJ FUR Y{Ifl pRtEl[T' -.",'|{ {--_-4--_ lF ,:: li: li 1 oo ot o Flrl EF EBtr Fl *\Sap z ': oo = 9qia;|{!: E.$.{t er E ?rt ^:\GI F E BEA3EEs.5 $fr .:: Si, rt66 PYd) .Y'^ E <nte s5 'rl I I I a (""fc/a7 ,4t a Besign Review Board '/'t/r ACTIOI{ FORl,l Departmeilt of Csmmunity DeveloprEent 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970-479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MASI-AK RESIDENCE Project Description: CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS (OBSERVATORY HEIGHT PER PEC APPROVAL) Participants: owNER MAS|-AK SAMUEL H. & LULETA 0612212006 961HIGH RD WOODSIDE CA 9,rc62 APPUCANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ O6I22I2m,6 Project Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL Locationr 1979 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-0300-2 Comments: DRB Number: DR8060241 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 05/27 120O6 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie$, committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: Planner: fanges To The ApproveOlans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax:. 97Q.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction ommences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ta, Location of the Proposal: Lot: t l- Block:- SuMivision: Physical Address: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Un 9uoo o }.) €/--Phone: "T'lO q-76 tt"t Irax t1c;^ \1L t6lL Type of Review and Fee: \ Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requil€ments: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: F:\cdev\FoRMS\Pemits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approved-plans-lJcage-0S11-2006.doc ****f,*****{t{t*********+ft**:***{r{r**************t***l'++++f******++**t*********************+*+f+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *********+*'|'***** ************'i'tr|1.**'t*****,l.rl.{.{.{.*t * + * ****+**************1.{.{.{r'ltl{.'t'4.{.{'1.++t +*****+ Statement Number: R060000850 Amount: $20.00 06/22/2oo6a1 :49 A!1 Palment Method: Check Init: tIS Notation: ?2 I 0 /GWATHMEY/PRATT/scHur,Tz Permit No: DR8050241 fype: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101-091-0300-2 Sit.e Addrese: 1979 SIINBURST DR VAIL, L,ocation: 1979 ST NBURST DR Total Fees: $20.00 Ihis Payment,: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 *+t'l't**!t'8'*'*'*'i'*'*,i**************+*****'f f ***f *****!t * * * ****++* ***********'1.*+*{"}********{'{'{"t'l'++'t+ ACCOUNTMEMLIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO37!2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ,oo,* o, u^t Q"r*rrENr oF coMMr.JNrry ort.r"*, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD I r , zr {\ \< <VAIL' co 81657 \{'1 \A ' n\\\ 970-479-2138 $c".-\ec.[t -< NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES <J PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0082 Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR, LINIT f2 ParcelNo...: 210109101003 ProjectNo I Prlor- or(a OwlIER CAGIJE, DONNA M. 512 SII,VER OAK GRO\IE COIJOR,ADO SPRINGSco 80905 APPTTICATCI rJT AIID SONS BUIIJDERS O5/O4/20O5 phone: (719) 531-5934 7634 VALIJHAIITA DRIVE COIJOR.,ADO SPRINGS co 80920 IJicense: 806-B coriITRAcToR r,T AIID SONS BUIIJDERS 05/04/2005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 7634 VAITIJITAILA DRM COI.,ORADO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 806-B Descipion: INTERIOR REMODEL, 3 LEVEIS, ADD WINDOW, FRENCH DOOR LOWER LEVEL ASEo€-oo/o Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05l%l200,s Issued. . : O5l24l2OO5 Expires. .: lll20l2005 Occupancy llee Totals. . . Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Fireplace Inbrnstion: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliancas: 0rr*i*rrt ********rr*lrtl*t't'+trl.l.{.*t******:l'l*'r*'.**'*'r***,r'*t*r.r.t***'r'rr+t *t FEE SI.TMMARY Buildinl---> 92,953.75 RcsoarantPlanRcview-> PlanCheck--> S1, 919.94 DRB F€e------------- > 05/04/2o0s Factor Sq Feet Valuation $450, 000.00* Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: $450,000.00 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallel 0 $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fe€s---> $4, 876 . 69 So . oo Additiou.l Fees------->s0.00 So . 00 Toarl Permit Fee------> $4. 875 . 59Investigation- > Will Catl--- > So. oo Recreation Fee------> 93.oo Clean-up Deposit------ >90. 00 TOTAL FEES-------> S4,8?5.6e BALANCE DLJE-------- > Approvals: IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI4EI|IT 05/24/2005 JRII Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAr.{NING DEPARTI{ENT 05/o4/2OO5 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTII{ENT -'-!-:1:.--o'l"?;.j.,'|*l*'-:J9*H*'*.*.*****''ht*.'|'||.'|t.'l't,i+:i+|t*!}|**1**+++*+ See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ard plot plan, to comply with all 94, 8?5 .59 $0 .00 PAGE 2 ***:l.l{.**'}**********************'t********************'f ***:t*:t*:t**:***:F,t*****rr*******'i*'**'}*'t{.{.{.:}*t ****:t ***:t * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0082 as of 05-22f2005 Status: ISSUED 'tf'***'3'*+'t*'***l:|.*'t*:f**{.t*'t{!***,t*'t*,i*:t*!*{t!*!8!t****l.****:t***:t**:t*|*******|'t*****{.*:|t:i:t**'*************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 051%12ffi5 Applicant: LT AND SONS BIJILDERS Issued: 0512412W5 Job Address: l5l7 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Iocation: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR, UMT #2 Parcpl No: 2101@101003 *1.*****tltl*1.***,ltf **'t**,t!ttf *****!******,**,f *'t*1.*rt*!ttl*****!*********!t**{.***'lr'**:t*!**:f ***{nti.l.**!t****************** CONDITIONS:8*'**'+*:|*'**'*{.*1.**!t********:t*;*,}:*:}:8*!f*'1.*'l******r}*!****:t*!t*:t**:**:l*******!t{r:ls*:S*:l.tri*******tt***{t*:*t******'f *,t**** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLJIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER s8c.310.9.1 0F THE 1997 UBC. ;t;s and stat€ laws, and,"k this structure according to ttre towns fi * subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and otlrcr ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. PM. REQUESIS K)R INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOUX HOUN.S IN ADVANCE BY OR AT OUR OFFICE ORCONTRACTOR HIMSELFAND OWNEI *tl***+++'3't*********:ll+'i**+*****+***+*+i*t***taa**t***********ai**t*++f+lrl+***+lllla*rll*l** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *rt***+f++*+******t++++'ff*+*+*t+++++*t*******'ll'**'l'************t{'{'*{'++****++++*+t++++++++tt++ Anount: $4,8?5.59 05/24/2ooso8:51 AMIniE: LTNotation: LT scrivner / ck SEatsetnent Nurnber: R0500006?0 Palment Method: Check s1003 Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Address : tocation: ThiB Palments: 805- 0082 2101-091-0100-3 1517 VAIL VAII,EY 1517 VAII., VAIIJEY $4, 875. 59 TTPe: ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT DR VAII, DR, I'NIT *2 Togal- Feea r Total ALL Pmts : BalaJrce : ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: AccouJrt Code BP 00100003111100 PF 001000031123 0 0 wc 00100003112800 Description BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEBS WILI, CAI,I., INSPBCTION FEE 54,915.69 $4,816.69 $o. oo eurrent Pmts 2 ,953 .75 L , 9L9 .94 3.00 o APPLICATPI{WILL f376 { XOT BE ACCEPTEO IF IilCOTPI-ETE OR Prciectt:?r - olq rurtfr 75 S. Frcntage Rd Vall, Golorado ElG57 OO}ITRACTOR I}IFORTATION Contact and Phone #s:{ t4q*r6e ?/g-t4/-31 address: LTSCLN^4 ,Co^.{ BUfLDTNG: $ 3OO, DOb PLUMBfNG: $ 70, OOO MEGMNfCAL: $ 20. 006 For Parccl#Conhct Assessorc Officc at 970-32&8il0 or visit ffiiliil zlo tD? /0/003 JobName: Cna.e aesnNce '"o Wy' /p/ /*//r/ trzt rc O,t,r*z Legal llrcrlptbn I t-oe 72 I erc* *l I Hilng:suutvrsbn: l/H/ /*//- ow tlers Name: g^ t b o rttt* & I e M*<,rz .liltet l),,xCu,l f.'filt"PMi ,tri-orul Archibd/tlesioneeIq rl 4 ier.DT /'t6il eij il, p Addre*s: bLo 1P6SSblb D,\ttartrllt(lCt2 da 8a.96t lW e,/?-atltEnsineet:-rcA lAddressr Phorc: Detailed description of work:">?6r;;-E;)rl S Levcus/f7nft I vy'ttaoa eab | trte,rc* b',r hcs*le,ru Work Class: New( ) AaOnU ( ) R€rnodel (X Repai ( ) Dcrno ( ) O0rcr ( ) WorkType: lrufh( ) Extefb( ) BotrQ{Does an EHU exisl at thb locatftrn: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typ€ cf Bldg.: Sab*mity p() Truo{an{y ( ) nftmy ( } Cdfrdrid ( ) R*r'|r ( ) dlr ( ) No. of Exirdng Dr,€lllng Unb h thb UflEATry/:, Z No. of Acommdatkm Units in ttds buiHlng: NolTvpcdFrppbc€Exlsdna GalApp{etrccr( ) GGtoc!( ) Woo.tP.Irt( ) WodBrrnlnq(X Z NdTvr[ofFkrpbc|.ftooo.cd:.Glt4ppnome( ) Ge l,or( ) fit@dPdbt( ) tvoodBunhs(f{OTAl,lOtyED) Doss a Flre Ahm Edet Ye ( ) ib 04 %OFFICET'8EOilLry I F:L.b6F\cdov\FORlrS\PERMITSIBTDGPERU-DOC @ruran4 GF#"!e'diipy Project Name: CAGLE WINDOW DRB ilumber: DR8050176 Proiect DescripUon: MOVE 1 BfiERIOR KITCHEN MNDOW TO THE EAST 48" KEEPING SAME HEIGHT, EXISTING WINDOW WOULD BE POSMONED AND RE-USED Participants: owNER CAG|E, DONNA M. 0510U2005 512 SILVER OAK GROVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80906 APPUCANT LTAND SONS BUII"DERS 0510212005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 7634 VALLHALIS DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80920 Liense: 806-9 CONTMCTOR LT AND SONS BUILDERS 0510212005 Phone: (719) 531-6934 7634 VALLHALLA DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80920 License: 806-8 Project Addrcss: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Loca$on: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR Legal Descdfion: LoU 12 Block 3 Subdlvision: VAILVALLEY Parcel l{umber: 2101-091-0100-3 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Adion: SI-AFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: 05/02/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprcral oil,, O* shall lapse and beome rrold orn(l) year bllowirg the thte of ftnal appnnl, unless a bullding permit ls issued and onstruction is cornmened and is dlligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Sutfrr DRB Fee Pald: f2O.OO Boulder Environmental Managemenf Inc. 5 Deer Trail Road Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 4/i9-1175 Far:1(866) 6994121 1517 Yail Valley Drive, unit #2,YaIl, Colorado Dear Mr. Scrirmer: Attached is t.he report for the asbestos survey and bulk sampling of suspected asbestos- containing building materials at 1517 Vail Valley Drive, unit #2, Vail, Colorado. This investigation was conducted on behalf of and for the exclusive use of L.T. & Son Bullders (client), solely for use in a limited asbestos survey of the property. This report and the findings herein shall not, in whole or in par! be disseminated or conveyed to any other party, nor used by any other party, in whole or in parg without prior written consent of Boulder Environmental Management. The results of this survey are limited to materials that were assessable and foreseeable to the inspector. Additional materials may exist behind hard surfaces. personnel knowledgeable of asbestos containing materials should always oversee demolition activities. Demolition work should be halted and sampling performed by a state of colorado licensed building inspector if additional materials, which are suspected of containing asbestos, are encountered. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, kr<_ Cbris Maron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing**Health and Safety Training* cory. goulO Environmental Managr-"finr. 5 Deer Trail Road Boulden CO 80302 Phone: (303),149-1175 Fax 1 (866) 699-4121 BULK SAMPLING REPORT 1517 YailValley Drive, unlt#z, Vail. Colorado Introduction: On April 2812005, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s building inspectorn Chris Maron, conducted bulk sampline of susoected asbestos-containing materials under the direction of our client. Sampling: During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into three EpA categories. These categories are thermal system insulation (TSr), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM' TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensation on mechanical systems. Examples of rSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fitfing cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly used in fueproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surfacing categories, such as linoleunU vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed EpA recommended sampling guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk matrices. A set of three (:), five(fl, or seven (7) samples were collected for each material tlpe and analped by polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Each sample set was systematically analyzed. upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the remaining samples in the set was discontinued. If no asbestos was detected during the analyses, the susptct material was determined to be negative for asbestos content. *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing**Health and Safety Training* gouLr Environmental Manug"-"rf,rrr". 5 Deer Trail Road Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 449-1175 I'er: 1 (86Q 699-4121 Results: The following materials were analyzed and determined to be asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). ASBESTOS.CONTAINING MATERIALS The following samples were anallzed and determined to be non-asbestos containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (pLM). NON ASBESTOS.CONTAIITING MATERIALS MATERIAL SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE II)CONTENT Orange peel texture on drywall and joint compound l"'floor hallway closet, 2d floor hallway at kitchen, 3d floor west stairway %wall 4-28-CM-01A 4-28-CM-02A 4-28-CM-05A 3% chrSnotile trace chrysotile 3% chrysotile MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLEID Trowel texture on drywall and joint compound Garden level north bedroom, Garden level kitchen wall. Enty to garden level bedroom 4-28-CM-068 4-28-CM-078 4-28-CM-08B Textured drywall and joint compound 2m floor fireplace heartb, 3t floor fireplace hearth, 3 "!fl oor fireplace hearth 4-2E-CM-09C 4-28-CM-10C 4-28-CM-uC Plaster 3' floor fireplace hearth, 3rc. floor freplace hearth, 2no floor fireplace hearth +28-CM-t2D 4-28-CM-t3D 4-28-CM-l4D Discussion: sample analyses results are reported in percentages ofasbestos and non-asbestos components. The EPA defines any material that contains greater than one percent (l%o) 1sbest9s, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing riaterial. Materials that areidentified as'hon detected" are specified as not contain]ng asbestos. *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Ifygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing**Health and Safety Training+ BoulCI Environmental Manugr*rnlnr. ,0""",',rtoTifrilir$;adBourder':?r:8i:il",t Conclusion: The orange peel texture on drywall and joint compound is asbestos containing. The asbestos containing orange peel texture is located tbroughout the unit. The results of this survey perlain only to materials tested. The laboratory reports supporting these findings are attached. Applicable state, federal, and local environmental regulations stipulate that asbestos containing building materials must be removed or abated prior to activities that cause the release of asbestos fibers. Please contact Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. with any qucstions or concerns regarding this report. Sincerely, Ca--n- Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 615) *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial llygiene*Safety*tr'inal Air Testing* 4 *Health and Safety Training* o DATE:*"1;ax jrf V".t\hc\\1 hr- Co got>o L+4 : . .. ':r: .-':Tll-I :,',:,',,[l ':: : " ': I ',.:r ' ,:. . : : :: l' I':, : ::. : :. :.::: :' ,: : ,ir , .',*, :,l :-:. " ,. ,,' ':.,, ', .',,. ':]': ] : . :.'..]:'.'::.:. ].. .::: :.i::. .T Page 1 of4 2059 Bryant St Denver, CO 80211 (303) s64-19s6 Fex (3o3) 47174275 Toll Free (866) RESI-EM/ April 29,2005 Chris Maron Boulder Environmental Management 5 Deer Trail Road Boulder CO 80302 Dear Gustomer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for lhe analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code # 101896 and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab lD 101533 - Accreditation Certificate tt480. This laboratory is cunently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the follorving samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attacfied analysis table. The results have been submined to your offi@. RES 115280-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or ana$ical results by NVIAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without w'ifren approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of afrer sixty days unless longer storage is requested. lf you have any questions about lhis report, please feelfree to call 30$904-1986. Sincerely, Laboratory Code: Subcontract Numb€n Laboratory Report: PrcJoct D$cription: RES NA RES 1t5280-l None Given 1517 Vall Vallsy Dr. *2 Vail 8t657 ,..___::2_.* Jeanne Spencer Orr President Analyst(s): Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F. Knappe Rich Wegrryn Michael Scales frd.!t, t<\ lc'( ts ._*} ta F tt. *b(! o ED6L Yt! , (! o E o E @ F tl E$ Ep o =J FEszsFllJ*9 = a# =EF!J3EEqR =;E =tt-- -'E !, ,JltrEE !p€E Y =q:o16 !0>aF =ar' otrtrcI, 6uJotG =o(J uto F =ulo E,uto. SEo J z vJ @.Jo. ulJo F EoExotoED.oEEgF E$EdE :E-9ee'IFfi E=RE R:i6S$6 ig PEEEFiTF E] ;>Es5-ov9siddztrrI Zt- ot E* E:g au EB!l €" gcFfr $ EEEE€E=*E()()OO<FO BEE <>uJ @ orf, ro oo$(D |l:l$ro ro cD (\to -cEEEEEo;i(!au(U(U(Uo,zcl.cr.cLo-ct.o R o o 6cl Go o = + z, z 'E= 'c= =E ; € € *E *E EE : } E E> E> }f-= E= r- r= L= 14- a4- =La#9 €g *g gg dSa dg gt ?;o-'ii- 6- 6- €6ti €(! --EaE cLo cLo o. t, orr F 0.(E - o. o o.-:Eg E9 E.E gE 5pE 5E EE FEE 5E E' EE E5E E5 55 <ro(J <o <co <o <co() <(Ir <lD \fF.NetOO c., @ @O) (ttlo(Ot\ONF-FI\F-r-i- t- r.. N F- i*oooooo(o@(o(o(o(ct(t) (D ('' <D O) O, ======ul lu l! ul ut lr.l (\lr\Fo(l'o, =UJ Irtul,!l \. l*,/ tv p tt, $ o c) octr(5(L v lJ- ai o E o$o 6 Ep F tl als EF oz J<E^F3F'zeFllJ r* d = Fii =EFtY=> -:x =;.I E =oJ:-E6lll OD -legq e63s e \.>Ftt- orutro.6trJ oEO. =oo UT(9 Fzqt(t E,ut4 ao: z YJl @ =Jo- utJo f, EoExotoaD loEE*F€$PAE oF F*iE =PE P R,E g=RE Rg!69$6 !Fi.ai9r..=+#=g,EgFF=sF E5EsA;tsZF[[QdZt- o i F"eIrhc)u EERo : lt, J4 ZOL.. -E EETH= { E-EE5€ EE pggg$E5s ;FE <>uJ R8 *o$ -98 .-38 ?g PRg c6 CL .EebrE sfi Egfi c; bE bE Eb"'i=+*,38- F6. AS$ Er-F aEE EA gEg. E€ f g€ F€g F€€ gs ggs <E! <alo <cDo <.Do <rD <lDo EE$gsE5555TEEEE ==rrJ trl ul ul arl (t)t-t-o(o(D =lrJ r< lcv trlirErE"l \ F * o t (D Ctt6o-YttG, Er!E o oc { @ 6 0 tl { EF o =<t-F36zPElll*9 = FT =E5rr ol 9>:j =--Ets 1|rIPP X9{q63E a>aF =d- o[ltrv, -u,uoto- =o() t.Ll(9 Fzulo &.l|lc do: z xJfE =J o- ulJ @ F EoE r.-otoED@EEgF €$EdE eE'ie€ HgEESs6;$ PEEEFF5F ,3 E5Es ov TBzta$tl ,)eZl- o *Er .- € frf;{) t c);4 ZO* .. -:E EEg9rI = o-o'FF != E-EEs 6 gE frEEE*EE*troooo<Fo BFS <>uJ oo{(o g- |,Qtr!fio.gko =o==E6ED CIoo 55 <co , I'IRY .1? 2OO5 lO:19PM BOULIIER ENVIROilttEItTRL ltRN I (€66t €99-{l2t p.2 tt^av A 4) E'--,{'Mf,tr/fi}6r9"fr/ gFl Boulder Environmental Managenent, Inc. -'"*6dflff**#,'bBllil?* Iilay f7,2005 E:<ccl Environrnental Mr. TomCasc t855 Jasper Strcct, Suitc E Auorq CO Smtl RE: Final AirClearaaceMonitorilg 1517 Vaif VrUey Drive, unft #2, Vall, Cotoredo DearMr. Case, Attaclodis ther6?ort for th€ final airclesancc monitoingperforuredonMay 13,2005.t 1517 Vrtl Vrlley Drive, unft #1, Vril, Colorrdo. If 1nu hove ayquestions regrdi4gtbe coateots of this repc! do mt bcsitaEto cmtaolus. Thank 1ou for this opportuity b have s€rvcd pg. Sincerely, u_A_ Cbris Marcn ProjcctMatragsr *Asbertc*LerOtlnCurtll npire*SlfctJ8lhrt Alr Tcrtlngr*Ileslth and Safety Trdulnf COPY ,.":t Jt 2oo5 lo: l9Pt't B0ULDER EllvrRoNllENTRL itRtt I (966t G99-+1a1 ,!o.. "'"*.?;i'#fi****'o?,ffi *' [rtroducrflon: On May 13' Zr05' Bouldcr Envirmcatal Manag@eot, Inc.'c air moniloring sp€cislist, Gcofirey Ring collected final air clcarancc smples aom 1517 vail velley Drft,q unit #2, VBil, Coloredo. Prior to testing a visuat inrpec'tim rns perfmmcd o cmfrm tho oorpl*ocss of asbestoe removal and cleanup. The visual inspection was perforned in accudancc with &c Arsicrn standard for Testing ed DI&t€riats' "standard haoticc for visual Inspection of Asbcoos Abafien€or rtojccts". All asbestos merialq including contaudnabd drut, dcbris, or residFs were satisfrcbrily deilrrmiued b have bG€n rcrnovod. Air samples were then collecbd imi& tte amtaind qaa utilizing aggreasive air sampling tecboiqua* as dclcdbcd in 40c-F.R. part ?63, App€odir-A ro subpart E @pA 1995)_ Fiv_o air smples ud two blanks wsre uralyzcd utilizing phass contrast Microcco,py (PCM) employing thc MoSH ?400 mcthod thc rcsul]ts of the pcM onalyws as follows: p.3 Sanple III Locrdon Vohnc(lltcn) Recrlt(fibcrr/cc) l. 5-t3CR-C0l dovrshi$bathroom 2. 5-13-GR-C02 norttbc&oom3. 5-13-GR-CD3 l{floorhdlway4. 5-134R-C:04 2dfloorsdrdnaing 5. 5- l3€R-C05 2d floor northwcst *droom 12fi0 t?fio 12ffi 7200 1200 4.003 0-003 0.003 0.003 <0.003 Ilbcurrlou; sauples wcre analyzd bya tained oicroscopist uadcrthc direct cootrrol of Bouldcrrnv!rynneopt Maoagcmcot, hc. BouHsr Envfuoomcotrl rraorgencot, Inc. srmfrrllyparticipabs in the Arnerican-I"drdr4 Hygiene Assciation's prJficir*y ar"ry,i*r Testing Progren (PAT) for dcernining ;otrc€otatiotrs of eirborm ascsbs fibert.(Laboratory I.D. t02935) Condurlon: Thcemple reartts complicd witt tie Statoof Colsado Departncntof Public llealth rnd Environment regulations fu post-ahtsmcrfi air qualiry. *Arbstor*Leerl.Ildurfirl Eyglere*Seftty*Flnrl Alr Terthg**Eafrh rnd Sefety Tfalnhg* ?-11(866) 699-4121OULDER E]IVIRONHEITTHL IIFII o . l'lRY ,1? 2OOS I O s 19Pl'l B zo A HIrl ao trlU' !EUil A t\ st .h <\o \o\c}€'Y cout F& FrDu) €\vo t ; (,x EI z ob L. eH HvJlt a1tFgis,!C E ?D r! E Eo,'= g 6& e Fi(hpu ho a H U eoFo E2 BHU(J r(J t--_tt au 3 iliFhauZFoq& rt Ill ,$ !.tl9€..oBE 3€Eg &6 o oo H\lig';iiEH F:lF .1'r.i F. ,6, b r.! tl ts F{ \\J #lltr.Ago<o8Prve9x> cg :=* .Et tq * f7o It \o FF (A trl V) Y r/) t tf) iit- a cl IooI* tt2 tsf-l rdtltst0 H e(,zts Fl F{ E o &tql rlBY l? 2005 I O: 19Pl.l BOULDER ENv IRONTTENTRL l{Ft{I (866) 639-.+lAl .l'lRY ,l? 2OO5 tO:21Pl'l RPR tO eO05 6:e?Ril EttvIRott}rENTRL l'tBtt I ta66t 699-41?1 Er{vrR0rrENTRL ilRr{ r (So 699-.t121 BOULIIER p.7 P.rf-oen Fl htllchncy &ely'dcrt Tcltiru Fm0nm l-rbo€by Pdtfmrr'|ncareir nnnrt tgO "Plcs nolc P -PolUenf NP - No*pofrdenl PagE 3 ot3 3/23l?006 t b lil 102035 Avenll Performenco Summery @nduding wit, 160 rhc frfffihq trble canlt'nr yoor tabcrloy'r qrrrt tnd2 r.ylour tcst rulc,pabnn nc. rlgrctt .ly(r,h*r applcdh). FormochlctrnaoonhrE dbh.ddflrfiti[onotnfttanci,,pt"rr."6ndcff6A;iOiSiifr-ii,z[rtHpATautpolcrtrtortrtr 6c sgction €c'? for ELPAT Lrrdindr tocared .t-hlD:n*ii.iilr.oo,GroE6idffiJiififfii;n rooapdc,,roc-r,m MFY l? 2OOS !O:2OPM EOULIIER ENVIRONNENTRL }IFTI (466t 699-+l2l o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2r38 NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTOS Permit #: ASB05-0010 boF'a2tr>- Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.......: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 05/05/2005 Parcel No....: 210109101003 Issued. . . : O5lWl2W5 ProjectNo. : ?? PrloA-ot(S Expires. . .: rllosl2ffis owNER CAGLE, DONr.rA M. O5/05/2OO5 512 SIIJIER OAK GROVE COIJORADO SPRINGS co 80905 APPLICAI{IT EXCEIJ ENVIRONMEIIIA],, INC 05/05/2OO5 Phone: (303) 577-9933 L852 ,]ASPER STREET, ItNrT E AI'RORAco 800r.1 License:. 572-S coNrRAcroR ExcErr EM/rRoNMEMrAL, rNC 05/05/2OO5 Phone: (303) 577-9933 1852 TASPER STREET, I'NIT E AURORA co 80011 ticense:672-S Desciption: PROPER REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBFSTOS SHEET ROCK FROM PORTIONS OF STRUCTURE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $14,955.00 Fireplace Infornntion: Restricted: # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Buildiry--- > $s8.00 Plan Check--> Ss8.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> S116.00 Additional Fees------ >$0.00 Investigation- >s0.00 Total permit Fee___-_ > 9116 .00 Payments----------> $115. oo TOTAL FEES-------- > 5115.00 BALANCE DI]E-----.- >s0.00 ffi;ffi]--&t*i**{.{.'i*{.t****i.'r*'*'*'****,**'r*'*,r'r*r!,r'*'t'r*'}*:t 'r,*'r **r, * '**1.*'}'r,r *'t'r 'i*:.{ *** + '1.+t:r'}xi *l Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIII **'***"**'*tuJ'o*'J?-?-0--5--*-.'-?]l-s-l*-*****.******t"**.o*T*.t***"''*****'l.*.ta**'++'lt.+:t*t*||..'t*'*'i|'| See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, conrpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 -; Toumordimncs andsraret"p* tobuildthis srruchne according r* t review qprwe{ Uniform Buildfurg Code aDd cher ordinanccs of the T RBQT'ESTS rcR INSPECTION SIIAII BE MADE FORTY.EIGIN HOI'RS IN ADV SIGNATIJRE OF zoning ad subdivision c*s, design thereb. AT vrG479-2135 0R vr047ru82 OR COMRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t PAGE 2:|.'}:**:*'}'t*|.*'t*****!r**,r*****:t*!t*'********:*'}'t****,i***:t*:t*:**'****!t'}*!|!{.,|!{.!8,3,**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB05-0010 as of 05-09-2005 Status: ISSUED *******!t*,t*,*********:*'t****'t*****'t|t,*'}'}'*******!**:f**!t:8*{t'$*:**,|.**,t!t{t:&***!F*:t*;F***{.1.l.*,t.*!t.* Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applied: 05/05/2005 Applicant: ExcEL ENVIRONMENTAL, INC Issued: 05109t2m,5 (303) 577-9933 To Expire: lll052n5 Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No: 210109101m3 Description: PROPER REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS SHEET ROCK FROM PORTIONS OF STRUCTURE Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS rS REQT.nRED PRrOR TO ANy FT.JRTHER WORK occuRrNc oN THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUFSTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQInRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *'i++*+************'|f'|'|+r****+++***+**+*******rtt'+t*+++t*t*t+++**++++***************+*ii++*t{' TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **+t*l****+ff**************+:i'|***************il'{r*'f+*++***t*++*+$+***************f,*{.***t***** Arnounts: $116.00 05/09/2oosLl r24 AMInit: DDGNotation: Excel Statement Nuriber: R050000544 Palment Method: Check Environmental 8050 Permit No: ASB05-0010 Ty?e: A.SBESTOS Parce1 No: 2101-091-O1OO-3 SitE Address: 1517 VAII, VAIJIJEY DR VAIIJ IJocation 3 1517 VAIIJ VAIIJEY DR $115.00 ***|t'}***r*+**++**++1"|f'}*'i*{'*'}*******+tf+t+*++++tff***+**t********{rlr{t****************{t*'t***++ Thia Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Deecription Total Fees : Total AIJIJ I'rnts : BaLance: $116.00 $115.00 $o. oo eurrent Pmts BUIIJING PERIIIIT FEES PIJATT CHECK FEES 58.00 58.00 - tRdM APPLICATIOI{ WILL iIOT BE ACCEPITD IF IiICOTFIE?E OR Prolrct l: Bulldlrf Pemit A.bo.loc Pcnnltill No, 19, Sarles of 1898 wlthout the llollowlng: and Strb of (THU) 5 5 20b13:34/ST. 13:33/N0,5011862164 p of the air phone 1o8d out argarEuofi:aill' end exitlng daaib of ababment rlbe. detaile of entry antl exiflng plans for the occupants of 0re ctucfurB in unat?ec,ted aress. On Stle Ab8lernent ContractDc ffce1 lnvironmental, A\,/^^m'2'Y9.Contlct and Phorp #'s: Tom Caee 309-j77_9933 303-961 4B Efldffi -11= tca""g,efrHr r ;or p . tt" E Contractor Sign dwe:'/ COTPLETEVAIIUAfl rF rr -L^, ! rr-.--r^r-r ll le.u*ounut"menr:f 116.00 ll+ tV 7 f) -Oo - orvlslt Parcel # 210109101003 Job Nsme: 9agLe Residence Job Addrese:1517 Vail \tgl_ley Dxlve ll2 e LesalDescription I Lor 12 | aoc* 3 llrirhgr Subdivieion: VaiI VaJ.1_ey Chrners Name: Donna Cagle Addmse:r5r7 vail valley Dr Fhone719 -4 7I -07 Og Proiect ManaegTO Addless:Phons: P.J..r O".igt$/l Addtees:Phon6: Al-r Monitqing SDecialtst:fhri c Hs-rdn Fnrr'l d er Enw Addlese5 Deer lrEtI-Ed--.L0------norrll ar t]l1 RO ?O?-Phon"'ana-A.,, s,u.lDetailed deecripllon ot,,ro*: Proper removal & disposal of aebestos sheet rock fron portions of scruc-custallabij5/oa@ StrartTime:7:00@ffi WorkClass: Nerr/() Addidon( ) Remodot ()0 Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Wo* Type: Intertor (X) Exterlor( ) Bon t t llyPggllEgirQi4lefe|||llv( t T$a:flmivfi) MultfemiMr I commarGtatr I Flaar.|'..dr, I 6drr-/err A nEE-I Doer a nre At ooesqj|rXilil'$,W r****tr*'r**** lttt**rt.rft**'trfr**f rrFoR oFFlcE UgE ONLyft .firr,r f-allt*irr*f** 6rnilruuul'" r u r-?e-o{- ir', rJ:r:fff I c0*^ |Ty 'rvEL'pFr{T *tttl,*,,,.,, ELEIRICAT PERIT,IIT lsu VAILVALLEY DRVNL rsu VAILVAL[5T DR, UNlrl 2rol0910lqt3 PAGE T-3f7 P 00rl00? F-|lr AL TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.PRONTAG vNL, CO 81 n0'+79-ZL9t omcR AP?LIETWI coFrnrc{IlcB Dc.cbtm; Vdu*io!: Aprprovrls: It€8c 060 06/ Itm: 056 ConA: 12 (BriDo.): r bt€by phn, rrd rane 6rr witdlTu*u ntrritil tlDrotcd, rEQrtlJtt Fd. Pr{. ' Prj ou-ot(3 , Dollm u.' EXTTTSS OTtr OROVE SPRI!$S E0906 . 23375 srRrnog 60916: 357-E 25576 SEnr[gg 8O935 : 1357-8 REMODBL ,477,@ DEPARTI'E.|T OF COMMI,NITY DEIIIBI,OPMENT NoTE: TIIfiI PERTtrT MUST BE P(ISIED ON trOBSITEAT ALL T[!!ES o6iztf200t o6l2],l2'Os Phme: (71e) r95'072s 06l2tl2OO5 Flrorr:(?19) 495-0?25 Sguera ftcl: 3.tt6 IEB SUlOlitRy t rltairaa.rrl"at+t'tniltt"flffitrs"lErI}}Ftr'r't'r tnlCrhlrdPr-> A4aldool fr:r-> To.rlt66Ln-->FIDEE-*-> IAI.II}ICE DLE- > Per:n[ #: E0fill5 Bof-aa f* Shhrs.--r APPRO\IED Applfcd. . : O6l21.l?fDS kcucd , . : Erpiros . .: sl55.2l 90.0o I15a,a5llrt r 35 lo. 0oPlGl-> 0a39.3t f0.00 fo. oo t3.00 t1!r .lt DpaR!&$rAcuio: lP CIITDIIIONS OF APPROVAL rrlstic'lroN8 lnE R,EournED ro eHEer ton cry _gqry!+s9|; sfi rJ. El trtADD tctENnsoLll' gotnt rN ^uva!(cE !F TlLE'trcNE A1 .-t$zl+t oB AT olrr QFFF! Eo-u 8:0 rrr( ' 512 co EO PC' DECX.AR^||TION$ &ar I hrvc rcrd trir aplicrrico, fllsd our b full rbs futrororiou rcqulrud' cqlclcd oaccurac Plot S. frd.d*;;6irEt" "itn*L I a'rtc o coryly wlrh rhr infrrrn*iu aule1ol44rt1 9.:qP1{ rdl r6t" br. lol n UnfC rfrii tb,E!ft rcEotr6]iai 1p fre bwg zmiry ad subdivis-nn codor' dcsign lmnt S,Xldtog dd ncridrOrt Coda d otsr ordireoc of & Touo ryIicabn Usclo' Q'Sl< Jb t^t*ca ***********f+f*'+*'l*********+f+**t't't***********+****l+***************i***********++f*t++ft}*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-29-l20/DlS at 15:19:57 0112912005 Statement statement Nurdber 3 R050000889 ltmount: $155.25 o6/2L/20o5o8:51 Alt Palment Method: Check Init: .fs Notation: 13703/wEcco Permit No: E05-0115 T!pe: ELECTRICAJJ PER.MfT Parcel No: 2101- 0 91- 010 0 -3 Site Mdresg: 1517 VAIIJ VAIITEY DR \IAIIJ L,ocation: 1517 VAIIJ VAILEY DR, IINIT 2 TotsaI Fees: $158.25Thia Payment: 9155.25 ToEal AL,L PmEs: $158.25Balance: 90.00*'*{.*****ftf I t*** | + + + + + + * * * * * * * * * * * * *********'t't*'t*'t'}{'*'t'}r}{.+tif*a{'{'a'l'*tl+*****+**{t'li++{.++*{'{'{"} ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Description current Pmtg EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJEETRICAIJ PERI,IIT FEES 155 .2s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Qr.*rrr"r oF coMMU*rr" orutPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR ParcelNo...: 210109101003 ProjectNo : Prjoi-ot$ MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-0136 Bt 6'966 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06.12312005 Issued. . : 08/03/2005 Expires. .: 0l/30/2006 Payrnents-------- > $378. oo ovtNER cAcIJE, DONNA M. 512 SIIJVER OAK GROVE COIJORADO SPRI}TGS 06/23/2005 co 80905 APPLICAIIT SCHNEIDER PIJITMBING & HEATINGo6/23/2005 phone: 7L9-22A-657O 520 EAST PIKES PEJAK AVEM]E COIJORADO SPRI}IGS co 80903 I-,icense : 317 -VI CoNTRACTOR SCHNEIDER PITUMBING & HEATINGO6/23 /2005 phone z 7L9-228-657Q 520 E.AST PIKES PEAK AVENT]E COIJOR,,ADO SPRIIIGS co 80903 License: 317-M Desciption: INSTALL RADIANT HEAT AND GAS Valuation: $15,000.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: Y # ofcss Applianc.es: O # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 i{.{.,itl.*t**t**+**{.{.**ir**'ll*t*t*:ttlr+ Mecbrnical-- > 9300.00 Resutarant Plan Review- >S0. 00 Tot0l Celculated Fees--> $378. 00 Plsn Check--- > Invest8ation- > WiU Call----> $75 . oo DRB Fce----------- >go. oo Additioml Fees----->s0. 00 $0 , 00 TOTAL FEES - $3?8 . 00 Total Permit Fee-------> $378 . 00 $3 .00 BALANCE DUE--_---- >$0. 00 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARITI{NTT 06/23/2005 Js Action: AP IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AI{ID SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIT. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST eONFORl,t TO MANITFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AIID CTIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 TMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIAIICES SIIAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICA.IJ EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC,. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHAL,,L I,ISTED F'OR MOUI(|:TING ON Cond:32 BE MOI'MfED ON FLOORS OF COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. coNsT. t Nr_,Ess (BLDG.): PERMTT,PI-,ANS AI{D CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED I}I MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIIAIIJ BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FI.OOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTTON 1004.6.l+l**li*t***'l****lllll*ll*+tt**tt* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlfs application, filled out in full ttrc information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tbe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucnre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479:2149 OR AT OUR OTTICE FnOM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o NONCOMBUSTTBI-,E *****+*******a*****tl}f++***t*f+t*****+'|***tt*t***+tf+f*lr++++f+ff*+********+*****++**+******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*+t****l*++*+*****++*+*****+*++******i++'i**l****a****+**+l****************************ll**** Statement Number: R050001224 Amount: Pa)ment Method3 Check plunbin g& heatin g/ 1S0A3 $3?8. 00 oe/ 03 /2ooso2 :42 PV!fnit: IrTNotation: Schneider Permit No: M05-0136 D4)e: MECI{ANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 0 91- 010 0 -3Site Address: 151? VAIL VAIJIJEY DR VAIIJtocation: 151? VAIL VAIJIJEY DR Total- Fees: TOUAI I\LIJ EINIS: Balance: $378.00 $378.00 $378.00 $o. oo +++*+***** * * *i*+* 'l * * * * **** * * * + * | I * * **+ltf*+*t*t+*i+*ta'a'*t++t t t * * * * * * * * + ** **** ** * * + * **** * * * * * ACCOT,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmta This Pa)ment: MP 00100003111100 PF 001000031123 00 wc 00100003112800 MECITAIiIICAI, PERMIT FEES PI,ATiI CHECK FEES I{IIJL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 300.00 75.00 3 .00 AppucATrornll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLtR uNsrGNEh.."- i=di ;;ilii]l -PR.I dF o r i(3 Building Permit #z @$- Mechanical Permit #:3b 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) NVTTOPVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the e=tifi.VgE JUrt 2 r /J05 E tr Heat Loss Calcs.TOV-COffi.DEV. Equipment CC/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***************************** 11-8 Mo Sl:tf'fri4i.ffi Contact Person and Phone #'s: &enre< 7/f-zw 6s7a ir,ter - Fax#:' aE zz3 6573 MECHANICAL: $/5ooo': Assesorg Offr@at or visit for Patel # Parcel# Job Name: LT + *u1 Bu,roen-Job Address: , , r, /A I 0,Drz. P*amur 4e+r'* Qcs . WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(*) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes f( ) No ( )Boiler Location: Interior{{) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex (a) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Nofiypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances(f ) GasLoSs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\cdedBUILDNG\APPUCATION S\I,!ECHPERM2005. DOC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Q".**^r oF coMMU*r" oru?oPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PErMit #: PO5-0074 Bag-oo/y Job Address: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 1517 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No...: 210109101003 hoject No , Prj od -otf7 06/23/2005 so.oo ToTAL FEES - $284.2s Total Permit Fee----- > $2A4 -2s Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/2312005 Issued. . : 08/03/2005 Expires. .: 0l/30/2006 OWNER CAGIJE, DONNA M. 512 SIIJVER OAK GROVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80905 APPIJTCAIfI SCHNETDER PLITMBTNG & HEATTNGo6/23/2005 Phone | 7L9-228-657O 520 E,AST PIKES PE.,AK AVEM]E COIJORJADO SPRINGS co 80903 License: 333-P EONTRAETOR SEHNEIDER PIJI'II{BING & HEATINGO 6 / 23 / 20 05 Phone : 7 19 - 228 - 657 O 520 EAST PIKES PEJAK AVEIIUE COI,ORADO SPRINGS co 80903 License: 333-P Descipion: REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOMS AND KITCIIEN Valuation: $15.000.00 Fireplace Infornution: Resnicted: T!# ofGas Appliances: ? # ofGas Logs: n /t of wood Pauet: ?? Plumbing--> $225.00 Resnrarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > $55 .2s DRB Fee------------ > FEE SUMMARY $0,00 Toal Calculated Fees-- > $284.25 So. oo Additioml Fees*------- >$0.00 Investigation- > Will Call--- >$3. oo 1284.2s so. ooBALANCE DUE_--_- > ffi;:r1";ilffi1#ff|l;;;il##::r.rri,rrrr*rr*+*rr**r*r*r****r++*rrr*r{..ri***r{.a{.:tr.{,ir+rr*,.{.*{.r{.tr*r'r,it,( 06/23/2005 JS Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMBNI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to corply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4PM' r\ A .1 t \ )( l-''\J rilrl \+I tJ t'x UUl.-\ \ \_-L.l.--./ -'--rr t-":*=_._) *******'l**********!t*+*i**'i{t****t******++*aa{'*+*{'*t++**t+t+*++f{rt't**+***t+++++*++l'++++t++**'}* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*******{.rf******f{'lt******{'l'+****ift't++**r*******t'tf**++*********{'******+!t**++**tt*********rt**'} Staternene Nunber: R050001225 Palment Method: Check 15083 Amor:nt: $284.25 o8/03 /2oo5o2 :43 PMInit,: LTNotation: Schneider / ck Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees: L,ocatsion: Thia Payment: PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05 - 0074 Type 3 PIJUIEIIIG PERMIT 2101-09X.-0100-3 ].517 VAIL \TAIJIJEY DR VAIIJ 1517 \TAII., \'AIJIJEY DR 12A4.25 *******+++l'+'l+{'****++***itta t't*+*t*****f*ff***il'f*+++*i'tt+++++**+***t**t***+++tt**+++*{.{.*+t* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pmts ToCaI Fees: Total ALL Pmt,s : Balance: 9284.2s $284.2s $o. oo PIJAIiI CHECK FEES PLI'MBING PERIIIT FEBS WIIJIJ EAIJJ ]NSPECTION FEB 55 ,25 225.OO 3 .00 APPLICATION LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U'{SI Building Permit #: Plumbi oWI mtr'Ttw 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 os-_otYt 2l TOV.COM.DEV. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION 'ne +Mrc€Contact and Phone #5:Town of Vail Reg. No.: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) Asgcssorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # Job Address: En t/*lt ?*q*'/ h? . Job Name: Lf+$o.rs $uruOe4s Detailed description of work"u &,rra>e<- evrvD| r&iftfurJ t- frrcqa*, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(d) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (X) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: * Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (f ) PLUMBING: $l3w' ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* *P \WAiI\d8IA\CdCY\FORMS\PERMITS\PLM B PERM. DOC 07n6DN2 :::) ..,DL:;g'., ',? ',\..1 .,-. f-'. r.1.. r'r .l \ HOW DID WE RATE UUTTH YOU? Town of Vail Suruey Community Dwelopmart Depafircnt Russell Forest Direc-tor, (970)47s-2r3s Chect allthat appfies. 1. Which 0eparnnen(s)dd you conhct? Building _ Envircnmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning ' DRB _ PEC _ 2 Was your initid contact wih our sbfi imnred#_ slow _or no one arailable-? 3. lf you were required b nai[ how long was it bebre you were helped? ' 4. 5. 6. Was your.projri reviwed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no,,p[y not? Was his your first time b fle a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bld! Permit_ ll/A t. 8. We are ;t r, \'r,' : . 1j2s; Please ratefie performance of tre stdpenon who assisted pi:54321NarB: (ktwledge responsircness, avalabifty) Overall eftctiveness oifie FrontService Counbr. 5 4 3 2 I What is $e best lime of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which upuld dlow us to ber|tsr serve you nexttime? Thank you br hking the time b c-ompleb ftis sun ey. committsd b improving our servhE **,,".H11:mffil Hfi*r, August 0r, 20r)5 srte Addre$r #ll Viit VtrV ffi,u,filh t ArFrLlnlbnn.ttm Ac{fr,lty: EOS01I5 Tnra: SELEC SubTyD.: ADUP S-tatur: lSSLfEDConc{T5ti: Occupe-rrty: (he: lmpAre.: JRM Oniier: CAGLE. mNilA M. lnsoccfon Hlsbnt REPT131 Run Id: 3464 JlAv go s T[4t, ,RO C JCI,A esso&)(e]$e$0'lE| (erT) UA00it0 :tmlT |tsltruPtf, 6SlG0€f €lt) :eoodcl)l H:ruOoO {€b't.m3 Y:l.llAtrJI,AV ltel Y:IIIAVJI,AV TTE' :rq(r{tJ2:atu :9no#l :af|oan :dsolcaqrtl bdteupeR :anA no!!|qrnl:rsr$bAile t!00s,tot8uesA,,*[E! e:3')Ael ianfr MnU :r$A$.rl :aq{Tr{il-4r$o rlflrErd.slA atlo'alS M|iloA:-VTrloC .MAI{,1@.!IJO J r.into G?CltUt fi.ilqqAof,'!ilY r.trrtfbc rfpuotl3u3 6l lmdl- OCC!ilY rOrter'nV}{ftle :oTbfirl|A noucA - uetrNE|E&rd :md:'|d:||t:tt|J,d J:KlOm3nJAflfrfggJE xro0qho..O lrEbrs[lrhilEla :qx3 cndT rcwo9.slroT..llJl 0l'dilton\alu3 6rt|IrroC-arlUl Gt.il\2:il3 Ofbnr+{t!ilt C} $e'sg firrfi I€ISIgff 12-tl2(XF Inrpcston RequcstRcpoillry PageZ 4:(P pm velt, co - clry cll Requesbd lnsp€c't [t!b: fUednesday, Ir€cember l/3' 2005- Inssec0m Arec .RH Slb ftfilreEs! t517 VAL VALLEY DR VAIL '5I7 VAIL VALLEY DR, UNIT 2 ArPfithfomttbn Arildtu E(F0115 Corrf TnFlOnier CAGIE,FNNAH. AD9TC]T TE@OCoiibrcbr: VYEOCO *.*Ie'tsstE JRT' Chh", o$[rru BEI"EC subT6: ADtt Sbt.tr: InsgA'|a: Phom: O19/(Fo725Fhom: O19){9S0r25 ftllnpv€lc S{r1J 4J Faeencsbdrhc: fr$?flrro t >l tf/f thr.Erp: Enbt'd* DGoIDEN x 1E D f L Voll eA, eFZ @l Ce7/ttu17', ff/nu<a S}iAlill Ac{on: DNDEI'ED i CAT}€DML BEDROOil SWITCHED OI,TLET ]IIOT VrcRKIM)' OPEN EOXES IN } ENELOST.IRE(TI'B I{AS SPRAY TESE) FORBATFIROOIIS. 1?116'05 rr.Ep!rcQ!: gt^rArtt.. .. _ .Acilgn: slDEryFq lbmllb r: lbm: Dccrbllon: ELECIREAI RElrcDEt, Rcouccbd lnsoccoor{sl tbrn: teO El.ECtln lR.qlrrbr: vl,EcccYshsnnon Corim.rds: tilA|shdTo: SllAllN- Acilon: e Bo+\h +"b F t l,t, neS hlpregs.HEe4 lbm: llo ELEGTemD.t216'SCoil|Fr* l3O ELEC€onddli{l ELEC-HFc.1$ ELECFhd Comm* chiillcalbn:l2orol Im wlboc lffim le not.low.d ln lhe t&.mbe|n.lbo[ l2O ELECfioudr "ADoFl,sd" - AO1/D5 Inrpc@r: rhhh' Acdon: APAPPROITED Coilma|t REPTl31 Run Id: 4OL7 01-(F2CIF tnspccdon Rcqucrt Rcportlng rc 13 4:23 pm vrtt, co - clry ol - Rcque.hd InepectotE: tondry, Janutry 09,2006 lnsp.dtlon Art : JRt SlbAddrcsr: t5l7 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL I5I7 VAIL VALI-EY DR ArF[)lnform|fon Rcou.cbd lmo.cilon(sl lbmi 3eO f,EcHflndRecuorbf, LTand Som Commaril3: ':lA*tryilf,, ry lfl+O136 _ 117po: &MECH OcctrFirbf CAGLE, DONT.IA M. SCI{NEID,ER PLtfilBlt-lc & HEAING SCHNEIDER PLT',TFIT\|G & HEATIM) IT{STALL MDIANT HEAT AI.ID GAS subryg: ffr.JP Phom: 71922&€570 Fhone: 71922&6670 AcfifirGoldTyri: O$ibr:Aldlc.nt Codr.dor: D.*dp{on:l$dc.: sbtrs: InspArL: lsst ED JRN Cotf.cbr rt|nt d b p.y by ctdlt c.ft|, t bH tlFm sr dont bkc crdlt ctt&. - LCAIPBELL ftn Exp: |nsoccdon Hlfbru Item: 2fl) lECl.$Ro|,qh -Aoorcvsd-{Eotil06 l]lt .cbr: An Acdon' APAFFRoVED Commont APPROVED BATH EX}IAUST SYSTEMShm: 310ftr|n: 315 f|€cfl-He.tmPLIIB-GcrPFl,m "ApprDwd- 0&1806 In$.clor: "JRil Commclt: 1olskt C lilECH-E$.rd Hoo&fEc}}srpgtyAlr llEcl.TMlic.- IiECH-Fln l Aclbn: APAPFRCVEO lbm: 3e0lbm: 3Kblbm: 340fbm: 3g) Requested Tlmc: 08:30 Alf' Phom: l?1$661€155 Enbnd8y: DGOTD€N K y,A,r['l;-^ t) q, REPT131 Run Id: 4069 01-0e20OG Inspecton Reguest Rcportlng Page 16 4:23 prn ve[, co- clry ol Reguerbd lnsp€ctDsb: tdnlry, &rurry 0e,2006- lmprc0onArur JRl|lSlbAddrttt: lsf 7 VAIL VAIIEY DR VAIL I5I7 VAIL VALLEY DR RET'C'DEL EXISNI|G BATHROOT'S AAD KITCHEN Conbrcdot wlnbd b p.y by cfed c!rd, I bH lhdn ns don't trlr scdlt corlr. - LCAiIPBELL MON.D€N Ki\It\/v 0v /l1l\'-Szz (l \/ I ( t 1l .iJ\ \ AJP/Dln{bnnilqt Ac{idtc PO+fi)74 nD.: &PLMB Co|lst Ttri: occupc'rrty: Owner: CAGI-E.DONNAM. Applhsnt SCHNEIDER PLL[lBlMl & FEATI].IG Cont doc SClltrlElDER PLUTilVC & HEAnNG Raouaebd lnspa€don(sl |Em: 200 P|.tEf,lnd Req|rer0or: LT ond sort3 conirn fib: t2A$h[FdTo: JilPil- Arton: lnsoecdon H|storu sublg: AETIJP Phom: 719228-657(} Ftpno: 7192286570 Sbtta: ISSIJ€Dlnrpfua: JRlt Tlrn Exp: Rcou.cEd Tlmc: 0t:l)0 At' Phon : (7tg)6{i1€156 Enbttd By: I Itn fN^rL I (tl' nl' f, ilY\/ \l1/ llam: 210 Pltt&untbooundIt m: ziX, PLM&RoustYD.W.V. -Aeprowd-08/0{05 lmpacb,r: Art Acilon' APAPPROVEDComffint APPROVED DYW WI{EAD OF WATERllrm: ZtlPLliilSRoudWlbttt *ADDrovsd- (pO4O5 I|Eo3GbT: AN ATTIOn: APAPPROVED Qoonnrit APPROVED ROuGfil WATER AruD nR TEST O 6S + lbm: 240 PLllBCrttPlDlmlhm: 250 PLfFPooil*tfublbm: 260 PLll&Mhc. * Aoorond - 040,il05 InsDacior: An ' ' Acflon: AP APPROI/ED Cql|DeT* APFROVED RADIANT FLOOR I-EAT PIPIM} AIR TEST Q 8fllbm: 2$ PLliEFlml REPT131 Run Id: {089 V;rWt-t6,'j uO lnn> Design Review Board ACTIOH FOT.]' Department of Commun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81857 tel: 970.479.I139 faxi979.479.2452 web: www.vailgoucom Project l{ame: MASLAK RESIDENCE Proiect Description: NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE Participantsr OWNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA O9IL3IaOO' 961 HIGH RD WOODSIDE cA 94062 APPUCANT GWATHMEY, PMTT, SCHULTZ O9/L3I2OO5 ProjectAddress: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1979 SUNBURST DR Location: Legal DescripUon: Lot: 12 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-03N-2 Comments: DRBNumber: DR8050490 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Cond: CON0007532 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13(2002) and Vail Fire standards. Cond: CON0007533 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and Vail fire standards. Planner: Bill Gibson scpsEftrzr gPS a .z:UR'!EFSlAKr.S8rl, i bsc!s s?o ret'',{O.536 P.t/t p.l4?Bo Locrtlon of the Propoiatl tot lL BlDck:- Owner(sl slnnature{s) ; zonrns: Tut o F +mtt+ fzt u n*-.? / S€'cenD/|tr|T:; 4lfafflnEAddrEas:- #: O Applicatlon for Deslgn Review DeDErtnent of Conrrnunlty D€velopmet 75 South Flo]fiage Rmcl, Vall, Colorado 61€57 tef : 9?0.4792139 ie\i 97O.475'2452 urBb: lr rnlr.vallgov-coan Ggneral ltrrUrmatlon: All prol.oti r€quirlng design r€r\rlaw m€t reaolv€ approval Pdor b submltlng a buildlng ?.armil epFllc'tlon' Ple€se r€fEr to the glbmlttal nqutrcmlnB Oi tre partt<lfbr aFprovEl that i8 rEquGted. An appllcation for D€6lgn Rwbu cannot be mpted unul atl regulrid Inbrmstion is ri&tvec uy me Cdmmunitv Dryt$l:l:?E?'n**.ne proJ€ct mBy also nsed t,' ot reit"w"o nv rfri fown couru anllor the Plannlni ana elvfoller$gi?':,1 -6"ligr, r"i'r"* appra,rol lapsrss unloi a bulldlng Plrmtt 15 l6cued tnd conrlructlon commonqol wnntn ? one yearol fha lpproval' Fo ^ octt€t, S,ttr-t c e,..tJ tt), EfJ r r>glt.e V 6T Locrtfonof the Proposatr tot lL BlDck:- Surt'lnstont l/Alt--UilLztl' SED T!u'*n b I Physlcaf Addrese: --L1? ? 1-r,'< ur-sr r' t uG t d Atu' Co't I bS'l Sf paEel No.: 710 tOqt t? 3 oo-3=. tconract Eaoleco. Ass€esoret 970'32&8640 for parcelno,) O Nemeof Appt"rnt' NLD hutThmdy / Tooo Ke.jru€?- ? MaftfnsAddre*t - I Ocpo >b-ra (AoN;r+qt€ fZ? u€|f - fhb E*,"xAdd"".-Wiili"'ffi {t@ A oc. a,ep|Cv fi aL. 6 et4 IfTypeofRevlewandFee: f , r--StCDg---. $50 El$ $1.00 por equar€ foot ol lotal slgn arca' \,I . Concabtual R€vlgw No F€€ I --- . New Cori8lnJctlon $850 For comtruction of a new bulldlng or domo/rebuild.' Addrtron s30o *:l,3ii["JiJi.!"ii'ilf"rffff.1,ffiTT;?."1#,,,?*1ili3l*. Mhor Alteratlon $250 For minor changes to bulldings and sit6 lnprovemenB, such as, (multl-famtly/cornrnarclol) rorooting, paintlng, window Eddfiions, lEndsadng. fgnc€s snd r€talnlng w8{8, atc.. Minor Altaration $20 For mlnor changcs lo bulHlngn and Eite improvemants, sud! 88,(eingl+fandly/duplorf reroofing. Folntlng. wlndow eddltlons, landscaplng. {ences and retaining wslls, Blo. *. Oangoe to Approved Plan8 S20 For rsvlsions to plans alrBBdy approvgd by Plannlng Slafl or the t ' Deolgn Revlew Board, U|t r.. sop*ation Request No Fer i{ ilR.,Jot- ocltJ DBDoSro#7<l Sep .1 5 2OO5 2: l OPt'l GPS Hnch i tect3 - rff*rrtrrt p.1 Gwathmey Pratt Archlbctt, !,c. 1O0O 3, Frurtrgr Rad W-t vrl, Color.d! 61t67rd (gto) arcr r47Frr l07ol are-t Cra MEMORANDUM vla Fax - 471t'2452 TO: Blll Glboon FROM: Todd Kramer DATE: 9-lS'05 RE: DBB Gonceptual Application - Madat Rcrldcnce - Obccrvatory Planr and Gut Shcatc NUMBEB OF PAGES INCLUDII|G COVER: 4 p.g€. Bi[: I have been arked by t{ed Gwrthmcy to got you toms moro Informatlon In regarda to 1979 SunbuFt Drlve, ths propored Msclok Rcrldence, Includod In ths fox ls the Obrervatory Floor Plan and a faw cut lhcltr from a poedble fabricator of obrarvatory domer. lf you nsed lny crthei Inlormqllon pleaoe glvs me a call. Thank you, Todd Kramcr Sep 15 2OO5 2:10PM GPS Hnchitectso S?O.+?6 1612 p.2 t-'s$t-E. E Ea Ea sg s at9$t! Es$E iiE o } 5-o\b+ \_i' * in'--:Foi:l)\ ,/ t-----u>--J:HY ix#Ti,!i] \ ,I { {.,.-\lri I E Iill--"/'r\ ENll slg: t'[ffisru'Lj_, llLifur -l ', J "lT,'- = V=-4,1 _ _ _ L _i_ _.r i h-t}yftfl[=f=t=;iN \{i,5 ; EE EEn rT E iagllg $igigiEi;EEEgE €fi tra 3clri oct (,to !c oa '0 cIa Io. t|| *F C' torao dz OEtEa tat q ro G. e. G' rc a Eo- (, I -!) T 6 -EI|,o u q$ :Er. !sii € Sep 15 2005 2: lOPl'l .._G PSo Hnch i tects s?04761612 p.3 =- I---t I r I e3' l4' I llI1rE )l+, $'E i* -eiJ=E E E$ -"i td = [:]__-_ rH, ,,EFIi+IE[ --iflilJ--, li- EEE -l{s]' o ,99.9 E3;E F iiEg s$sEE-- Ecrt =6bEO r(J gFgE .;€EE"gr.ig EEte $eE H o oo cDti F[E OC!r 'aoI E6 g r; E €;g€ E E+; EE tt€iE E5t"EE *5 E a.9 E' 5 OT t.EE fl;*c;+"; +3I.,F saCIoF{ acf €o. t Bt 3o oIr|l at- tl cF B io-o dzast Ea o!a !ao r! e tra !C U eI- (, I aIIg (J aIJt,otu 1, eE iEr. i EEEI] € Couttvtuttrv DeveLopMENT Rourno Fonu Routed To:Fire Date Routed:09/13/05 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:09/16/05 Description of work:new single-family Address:1979 Sunburst Drive Legal:Lot:12 Block:Subdivision:Vail Valley 3'o Filing Status: J Approved W Approved with conditions I Denied il Date Reviewed:0",\v'b lssues. Need additional review Fire '. h4 t re.LU€/ lt rttp- l/tl,lr ri/ a-J //y-,r' Status: I Approved cournutrv DevelopMENr Roulfr Fonu n Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:09/13/05 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:09/16/05 Description of work:new single-family Address:1979 Sunburst Drive Legal:Lot:'t2 Block:Subdivision:VailValley 3'o Filing Comments:Date Reviewed: 9/15/05 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Provide a stam No walls over 6'. Walls over 4' need stamped PE d Show all required parkinq. Provide spot elevations on d Show required snow Call out 4' concrete oanwl2" invert no heat. Additional comments posible with revisions. ,t.'- TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Fi reo[ace Information: Rest ri cted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0312 !F'H " --Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO CONTRACTOR G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO COOWNER PULIS WARREN K & HELGA 19?9 SUNBURST DR, VAIL UNBURST DR 2101-091-03-002 80443 80443 Tco 81657 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Description: ROOF REPAIR (SHAKES AND HARDBOARD) occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated VaLuation:6 ,480 Add Sq Ft: dof 6as App tiances:fof Gas Logs: *****ft****ff******ff*************ft***H*************ff* tEE SUlll.lARY ********ff*t*fft********t*****tffi*ff***:ffi:S***** Bui tdi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> tli LL ca Lt----> 115.00 Restuarant P tan Revi eu--> 3.00 C lean-Up Dcposi t-------->100.00 Paynents------- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?'138 OFFICE FRO}I 71.75 DRB .00 TotaI catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> 297.75 292.75.0O Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> '{'h ISSUED t0/08/ree6 70/08/ree6 o4/06/Les7 Phone: 3036685552 Phone: 3036685552 fof uood/Pal Let: *********ffitrffi*******ffi*****-llll'*liii**i;;;;;*i*********iiiili****--:*flff-lS;;;;;;;;i*-******iff*** ITe-m: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:lO/08/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS I!'e.ryi'.954Q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:I0/08/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A I!e.4i',9!QQ0 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division: L9/08/Ie_g_Q_CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AI!eqi',955Q0 PUBLIC woRK$ Dept: PUB WoRK Division:I0/08/Lee6 CHARLiE Action: AppR N/A ff *fi ****#*ffi Jr***ffi ******t***ffi ffi *****ffi *tffi #***fi **l**#*******ff ****ff ******ffiffi ffi *ff ** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I heneby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, filted out in futl the information requined, compteted an accurate ptotplan, and state that atl the information provided as rcquired is correct. I agree to compLy rrith the information 8nd ptot ptan, to compty Hith atL Town ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, tlniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: G + G RoOFING OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER ,t Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0312 as of to/o9/96 srarus---: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type! ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMITApplicant--: G & G ROOFING 3036685552 Job Address: 1979 SUNBURST DRLocation---: 19?9 SUNBURST DRParcel No--: 2101,-091-03-002 Applied--. Lo/08/L996 Issued--- z LO/08/L996 To Expire z 04/06/1997 Description: ROOF REPATR (SHAKES AND HARDBOARD) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALt ROOFING WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP.32 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt*r.************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0216 Amountz 292.75 10/09/96 ]-2t50 Payment Method: CK Notationt #17208 Init: CD Permit No: Parcel- No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 41.310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:292.75 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-03L2 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PE 2101-091-03-002 ].979 SUNBURST DR 1979 SUNBURST DR 292 .7 5 292.7s .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k * Amount 115.00 74,75 100.00 3.00 t'.t C/rtabot Qq H\)\ EU c,trl cc z zr! J '€ I\oN so t-l zlDI!il :'ll-l Ialol HI AIDlzl<lr-t I i-l I frl(nzItl Xl-l z F-, d(J CNlrl c.l c.lc{ o arl z--)zF7 Y I c; o Jq A7f 14 F- 3 r'.i 5F z U) 'J { 11\t \<l"{'l l &'lol Elol rl]I>l<lzl cirrl A F z z lr.l t.l lrl a,/ ;. I (t t{) i-.-ll\$€iaLo\{E\l <'l Itl {;c.(,ll \l I :] l) .F \ 3Il! REtrTtsl TOHN 0F VAILf CoL0RADO I@/ee/96 tD6:ts3 REGUESTS FCIR INStrECTION WORK SHEETS FORtL6/P:E/96 Aetivity: 896-O31P lA/??./96 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED f,onstr: flSFR Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR Location; 1979 SUNBURST DRFarcel: E1O1-[r9 1-O3-OAe Oce: Use: V N Description: R0OF REFAIR (SHAHES AND HARDBUARD) Applicant:G&6R0OFING Phone: Bwner: PULIS NARREN K & HELGA T Fhone: Eontractor:6&GRtrOFING Phone: PAEE 6 AREA: CD 3Cr3668555e 3rA3668555e In s pect i on Request Requestor: CAROL Req Tine: O8:OO It eils requested to AO$TQ BLD6-Misc. Information..... - G&F Connents: ROOFING be Inspected... Action Fhone:669*555Fi Ti ne Exp Inspect i on History.....Iten; Ct651t, driveway grade f inal Iten: @OStl6 FLDG-Foot ings/Steel Iten : BOOC0 BLDG-Fonndat ion/SteelItem: rDO5e0 PLAN-ILC Site trIanItem: OOA3O BLDG-Framinq Item: 0O640 * * Not 0n File * * Iten: ta00Sra BLDG-Insrrlat ionItem: 0qt06B BLD6*Sheetrock Nail Iternr 00@80 * x Not 0n File * * Iten: AAQTQ BLD6-Misc.Item: A@qgA BLDG*FinalItem: 40530 BLDG-Temp. tr,/A Item: 'aA54O BLDG-Final C/0 oz F. =E IJJo sro o'jlo FI t-!o @ ro Iq t- ,I c al!ul lJ- ts =d. UJo- \f I\r I ql,i lli $l NI u ! =Z, 2 =E3 =z ItFhl-flc FDI . l-1 t-Ftltl||EI t>I teto l€ ItstFi I fr 5zozz \ zo F O? ,r .-, \ zI.7 J (,( 8) ?--,l 3H:r? $:ir{ :i3l\ ;83:\ i;Ei1 io9X{ i=izI i::E\g u<i)<9trtZs rii.3,. : < o&'i!:i E O>-E f;ni AI i1rir I 6tot (i.: rC q (o d ott ssti o 8 c IN e s rOt-l ==ttlo- z. 6 J (o Y uJT z J o EFo UJJut z = J TL J () z uJ = IJJ uJu-z tr uJ E.() uJ co =qJt uJ z 6tu F U)oo- UJo z UJ at> tlJt!lt E = uJ J FoF z J f aFoqt) uJ z co d J = IIJ NO|lVn'lVA d 6 ,' c 3 (u r g FT :< /1 =zzv tr ^ -u, zq 5 te49. of, oacZr-()oon(JzXs-<o1 iP-t!!;.r,!qq fiF.(\o e.-9 --(Y)Eu'g =6trr sE z -klJ FLL oo (L G UJ F p 0() o't caFl x6ldFl c $ E c UJE J z Eoo z tr EutFJ a; UJz J^l zzf;5 FF-zaa={ iEHF EPAat r-uJ<Oz lllltttlI l-l .\ F(59- -= =- rUF3=do3 iuH =9r!;o!za) I c.{ll z z tr OaO=ao>oOE C) . Lr,<\o | 1/'l orl ll 'q)Po =E:f \Jo tflz'Jr =c z tr Jf(nz ttl J ? o o{I F LU Ft{ ii ,'i IU uJ o 3 o t! uJl! aoi € !UF = @ LUF z s(-) u,o- <1, UJzx i or-{ (o o'{ s(fJ 6 lrOF rtri xt == IJJ I H H J -J*<LLx30 JFY uJ rf)rO l4 GI (\I ol2 l-l Tz oz F C) uJ-)oE o- K Iq I\t{ IIJF lltltltgs'dil -l-l lotz L--i^J JII w,;t (n .t-l r-1 /f q) l.{ H = UJ =t v..7 tr fl s u] z thot! o a = n toI\IJtrsl i F. (J d 6Er-{dgI #PI c =tr = x A oa lll o = @6tr{ $r0! '-l.rl d Eo .-{ql(t ,F| =Etr o UJ o l =tr ar4 UJ4o -.f = E <D LU o ts =tr fi 6 1 = =tr UJ o :F (J IJJ )E F C) u.J =7 <Fdc) I,IJ <zE tJJ F <(nZ I-R $ JE<oC)F trst t >Y =#)zrr- o() <^ :ZF =3Y2 =8 E t-E ir LU *E o <()ftfrfo Jz z zQd]o =z (L IL ifio()= =treonr 6il= F =E UJo-lro Lu F trnn F lb 4 = li sE lr aiul r- o-zo!-Phct)E -CLJ^98,9F€aZEOEoE .,('---\ rF/ \:-.i O/ - EII r.ta /Bt=6\(-Jfl-' Y3E l /trtr8 183()2s ;;; ::i$:i a[fl;i3't:.;n,?ilo1"'313'1""".o Fee $2,00 pd Book- 292 Page 528 . . rt.., DECLARATION 1)Re: Approval of Spiral Staircase -Pulis Residence, Lot 12 .Vail Valley Third Filing To Whom It lilay Concern: This document is intended to, state in wr'iting the agreement between the undersiqned and the Town of Vail: (I) we, warren K. Pu1is and Helga T. Pulis are the owners of Lot L2, VaiJ- Valley third filing, Town of Vail , Colorado upon which we are building a residence for our family. We requested that the Town of VgiI Board of BuildiD9,..r-- eppeais allow us to install a 6Irtoot diameter spiral V-Wstaircase in said residence LfP That reguest was approved by the Board on June 26, L979 - We are fully aware of the risks and hazards inherent j-n and to the smaller staircase we hereby assume all risks of loss, darnage, or injury, including death related thereto. We hereby release Vait and its affiliates, dj-rectors, officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all liability or any injuries, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or relating to any loss' damage' or injury, including death, that may be sustained by us, our family or our successors and assigns as a result of the approval and installation of the above referenced staircase. This document may'be placed of record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder to put subsequent purchasers on noLice hereof . In witness of, We have set our hands and seals this 3a* day of Septembex, L979. (21 (3) (4',t (s) PermitNo..r 1055 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION hun GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANI Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Lrc. No. DateBilled CAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Wator Metsr Size NUMBEF oF UNtrS 2 'g \-(x $600.00) = Amount z__- Dato Paid Bldg.Oapt-lvhli.;-WlrrmdtlrnlLtion-Gr..n;-PublicWorkr-Canrry;-Conlnclor-Plnl:-Accountlne-Col&n|od t lnwn box lfl) vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.56r3 department of community development Jrtly 72, 1979 Mr. ITarren Pulls Bo:( 999 Vai1, O 81657 Deax il{r. Pulis, As per our telephone conversation of this rrrrning, I dlscussed the mtter of your tap fees with BiLl Pyka. Ib agr€ed that since your plans viene submitted on the 2nd of July for a tap fee calculation aad have not yet been returaed, Stou will renain eligible for the old rates. As soon as I have the tap fee calculation, I will let you locnry so they can be paid. I hope this arraagerrent is satisfactory. Sincerely, tlO.!.r-{ttcl Son"ja Justice Bullding Deparrrrent f alos\ ,7 lW€ OF tg€ O;':ER u). .sIREFf ADDR€SStrl tz ,.;l.ccK YAIL tltTa I wttl4rtat DlsTRlcT e o rox I(D 'FiLllt6 8lu-ll6 ADD?ESS x x BAstH & Toil.ET.(arE rw-r BmO EfiRA SIIII(S Ftl-L B,IIH '(*c,',s. oR TtB, BASTN, TOITTT) =.. q, () E,6 3i 1.9) ,E 5.q)2, 3i tl, "---L-ff--_.:_..-- ---T--_ 3 ncs,s (Ll.ltxc wsd|;ffiE;'#-rcri'/ x 1.0 = SII.DIOS, / z KITC€N; Dtsrnsa,s Uu\DRIES ben rsraiJ L ' ,S SAINAS weraq cooes & lllAIER FOINTAIIS Sl{l}'}tl l\G POJIJ J|GIIELI CIJTSIDE }:ATER . 0'tINL1'L*1 0F C\E, FUI ElnS R00a.s xn{Igr Dtsl{.rAslfR i.ar.nmres TUTAL POINIS x 5.6 rlffi AFARN€NTS l. 2. 3. q. t x 3.m x .1.00 rtffi x -' .51 cnnsrlE MrER x 1.(I} = II{SPESTOR DO RD 0F Dtnccrotrs l. BAsEI€lrrlsr rtoon tr.o n-oor JRD FTOCR MSE}E}IT lsr nmr 40 FL@R )RD FLOOR BASe$rlst rrccn bo noon ,RD FLOOR 5. 6. 7, 8. g. 10. rdl-ol{ttrc I}e co\?LEttc.l oF cgts]RLfilol| oF ALL STRITTUiES, T}€ DISTRICI S]{/1ll ;#0il1'; eiilsrcrl-ri;,'ecirc.r oi-nr_r- r'Ri:usss io DETE$i.lll{E n€ lluBER_oF_PolrlTs ro'bE rc!jeiio-nt6;'ur;:';-io Tl.t: r'r'riir t"iD s'c"'tR rk2 FEs-' ;"':D tu\TE sor'rrlE' ns i;r"ruisii-a,;,un,i-orsnrlcr-innri l'rrG ,uY ^DrusI:i;tTs lizcEss,\jtY. lN-n€ I'R16l;v'L inF:'iii'pnio. "'irr'ii urseicri-ar sinri lrr_g: DErct;utrE nc EUltDlrs orilER's rt\T€R ,i{D SO{ER SERvlcE oNniE. ' J.-z x Z,fl .= -yQJ)--x l.ffi = 34-!-' ' w- ?( =- a\- a r'*Jra.rrdICE !4ACAINES A 'ux,6= x,E= L ZQ s- =t, /770p ...,.r|||Y^l|'.^| luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 The following are required to complete Department for review: PROJECT OWNER'S r.or lL , BLocK-,F rLrNG\f)f244! PHONE # department of community development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which is now in the Building Proiect Application Proieci Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and enone -\Au-tttt- w-c-:t-o<t r { Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: otion: Lot la . arocr t ,I - t\/ Firins V4rq V^'GY dP-D . zo"e Y/$Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board j. l_ \ l ">.UAIEg Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: hll-o\) A'ill tc^ ') 1r,f* ( r,"uApproval a S]:R, zOr,ili cllt.cK +2 R, Sides-Required l5' Rear -Requi rcd 'l 5' llaterccurse-required l'Propose d GRFA: Allor,;ed GRFA: Prirnar3, Secondarl, Al I owed Envjronniental/Hazards: .Avalanche for P/S ZOi{[ DISTP,ICTS e,f,R Lesal Descri'ptiorr: Lot !-Z-B1ock -_ Filing V Stls/ -=Cg- = o,,nu, h)u,ruu. B,ns. Archi tect * /ilh<r hu*..lrs,*rl Zone Distri rt R P/3 -proposed uru - P/S Q^pk-x Lot Area fieo t ! ' -tleisht A1]ouecl 30'P rop ose d zb' Setbacks: Front-RequirJA 2o;'--iroposea 7z Propo:' ed Propos ed Proposed Proposed Propos ed Pro pcsed Actual oE. 2-6 5 7' OK Fl ood P'iain S'lope : Proposed --/L-t:-kl-Proposed _ 1? _'---_-__-a - Taaq :- Allowed /627 Secondary 441 S i te Covcra ge : Ai l orved -%o/t Landscaping:Required -s(iJffi;r)Parking:. Required 2/u,*,'f _ ' -rdDrive: Slope Per:mitted 6/O -Slope Corrnents : o< Zonins , 4@isapprovcd 26 3,>ttJ tl79l !751) I l3o Dat.c : n t:l;Zon i trg (8 8o ffi /(.{,,)r.zt = f/t,Czf, \-tl-a.) v 2.5 4zr* b "i"F)" €-4Fuap-"f^ y'/8:\)se.7 H/.zr 2457 -+?/ - {f? o€ t*rf, ol,E ,D-- t t \l'€ t r lz rr t St, zf > zfg,13 I'r t //.2{ : /o ?. 66 lQ a 2h2{ . 6x C. zi /2"t{ 4,U?.zf = O.s < //.z{ - 3.fx, LZf = 3. {^ b,t{ z, zr<q.{ : Z.zf x7, f : 402.zf, v 7,f iR6\ et TT €'r \.' a:\ J: X.\7qg1p 79,{? 2?'& 2?,67 ?r -)z'f z(.?? f o c tsot ,h*rA fiI"sr f'zt-,^ /(f -'7r.>{ : /0.5 K 57.25 -lb.5 x Jl2fz (, x 2e..2 {-- frs.Lzf 4r2../ z-{ e r f.6zf /71 ,f .2,.r ' I 4.zr* b "i^ y' l8 r 2l:2 { (x Lzi = 4.f /z rr / 3/.zr > a -.-7,-/5 / // 2i = /2n{ -( 3/.Lf = 0.5 -< //.>{ .= 3.t/, LZf l 3 f" 0,t{ 2,2T < q.{ : Z2{xf.f : .f2.75 4q/.zf ?,bf o 2e57 -+?/ - 4oz. z{ 7 7,f 3fg,13 /o ?. a6 ?q s. rg 7 3, tz- Z-?.6> zv, b7- ?r-)l{ 2-(' j7 f o Cre'/ Z/;6 X 24 =- ?€04ez{ Ta.- I?Y Zo i .i.l x 3Zn l),3X q ll,3 v / toTrP'fZ izz x z6 ,39 x 32- I i as x /0-: rl ,?, s x/a ( ii' i ^' 'L!+W'fu<- 2-z = ltl O = l 10?) = 4€,L = L/9, L r[2--= = qlo =- lZlla l5a -,oo::1@l,g tng?b tbq(oo 'lzD ,ls 3ss c2 ao7,2 a ? 3 = zb,?s ? ZU '?-< s34b. ? e /o fr: 7zo .zlt,li ={sgsZe W*?--4=,,o'3 z,Oo 9,/o tz,oo ii/t .l l.'{)ee* - / FP @ rm -- ,/r'2o ; vQga Sar' - / oa d:'/z)ez)'i @ j*:ltou,- \4' I box t oo vail, colorado 81657 303.476.5613 25 January 1979 Warren K. Pulis Box 999 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dea:: Warr:en: I have received an opilrion bae.k from I{ & I, fnc.,project engineers for the setrer interceptor replacement, indicatingthat it is feasible to relocate the line through Lot 12, Vail Val1ey Third Filing. The solid line on the enciosure j-s theirproposal, A trvelve-inch main water line dlso exists in that easement and would also have to be moved. The water raain would have to be relocated ten feet soubh of the new sewer alignrnent. The cost of the sewer realignment will be absorbed in the projectcosts, but relocation of the water main would be at your expense and contracted by you. It is conceivable that construction of the sewerinterceptor could be as early as Fall 1979, but most probablywiIl not be until Summer 1980. The water line should be tnovedduring or after sewer realignment. If your building loca.tion is approved by the Town ofVail Design Review Board, and our: construction schedule is notcompatible rvith yours, please approach the Vail Water & Sa"nitationDistrict Board for approval. to construct over the existing easement and pipes to be abandoned. They would need to see foundationplans and documents for dedication of a nctv easement. The buildinr"could not encroach in the nerv easement. After the new easementis dedicated and the sewer and water lines are constructed, VaillVater & Sanitation District will vacate the old easemenr. fl.;({,Kent R. Ros'e, KRR/ gew District Engineer l.r $.s\\nsr.-\\n k\)tr SA\R,n :'' \sa r'\|\$ I\:. t\,\^'\. vr .05\N Q tt,\,,\\i h a I t \ \ t\. \ \ \q. vt' \ \ t\ I .lI JIt s ar\\' > \\ \ \Cn \ wl St \ 11 r', '") ! l.q -T--$ u,n A-S, 3:0 \-a. r.< \?'z- Y- .$ i4 -\l f,,n \.r I \--\ $ ,i/ {:./ ,l * at\ a \ $ Y:-i \ s',rt/:' ;./ .r)_rl \ \ji. v v!i)t'\ v, o\o '"6 7-- F ,/'tz- .i t- .-r% i' C: !.'%\.:^\- \) $.4 .*2.9 .-i.. r\ "pl$$$ -- f, itl__.. rr 3$ls \\L-<- id h .o ,, i,$\l\ s,lt Qi \' .lq\l \\-\l ,,1\,r\ ,\ ,! J'J * \0 t"l- -''''1 -r'?rA :, rt:irQ6,1r'17''r'''' \ \ t'--.-- \f't ca)9. /"*+/ Wil0. iv fi. $J {tyrry \o MfJI consulting engineers 47'10 Soulh College Ave. Fort Collins, Colorado 8O525 Te I e p h one 1303!. 226. 2323 January L6, L979 Val1 Water & Sanitation Distrlct Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 ATTN: Kenc Rose RE: Golf Course Intercepror, MH-19 - l'{H-13-47-1 M & I No. 756-025, A2.a. Gentlemen: Please flnd enclosed the plac of the Val1 Valley Third Flllng narked with suggested re-allgnments. The revised route across Lot 12 can be nade without too much trouble and I believe will be satisfactory. How- ever, the re-alignment across Lot 2 is nore difflcult due to the de- creasing ground cover a6 one moves northrrest. Some area could be gained by noving the route as shown but cautl-on should be exercised as thlsIinits the ground cover to less than 3 feet. Yet, this nay be satis- Ectory. Please advlse concerning boch re-alignments so that lre rury lncorporate them into the final design. Additlonally, please be informed that a 12t' D.I.P. nater line would remain ln the existlng easements across Lots 2 & 12 even though the serrer is re-routed. AIso, what is the status of the easements MIt 33- MH 37 & MH 4l- - MII 45?I have to be in the Vall area to neet wlth the Hlghway Departneut con- cerning an area on the Eagle line. I would very much like to neet with you to dlscuss the posslble easement conflicts in the above areas on the same trip. I realize the snow Is a restricting factor, yet this in- fornatlon ls needed to finlsh the design ln order to bid by spdng. Please advlse when thl-s would be convenl,ent with you so I can contact the lllgh- rray Department. Very truly yours, M & I, INC. f\ '-\/,r\ll;'i It I'l <1, \t:<-,y7i^{t^"2_, \-'/ ' Elwood J. Lewis EJLlne Enc 1o sure INS}CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR tocATtoN: JOB NAME INSPECTION: ssvsEs \/,c M9N .-TUES / WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER INGST STEEL iouruoarroll /srEEL-M tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOI / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I-.-,r 2"P() lNspEcroR "/( ,- ,(,>a----a tFiIt$'nIIISRMEIFTIFT- INSilCTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES THUR FRI AM BUTLDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND I] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB tr INAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr FOUGH tr CONDUIT MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL F eeenoveo . CORRECTIONS: Jt/DTSAPPROVED y'nerruseecroN REeUTRED INSPECTOR INSilCTION REQUEST DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER {i;-INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr e+fffir O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED B, REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR TT.TSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .j ,' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ,INSilCTION REQUEST THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER INSPECTION: 7 tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELE trT trF trc tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDE'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB 11 D FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH C] CONDUIT tr d FINAL ' _l--t ,:l ;.) DATE INSPECTOR INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI JOB NAME ;tA LER READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ..o JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM B tr tr tr o tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING INSULATION D tr D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR TT,TSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / FI. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER /' READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGFIOUND . tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O ROUGH i D.W.V. - tr FRAMIN-G, N ROUGH / WATER - TTNSiJLATIoN - tr GAS PIPING -tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -nr-l- tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -n.l- tr FINAL tr FINAL TUES .--WED- . DIPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED THUR ' '"d '!' '" :f l; INSPECTOR, .l. Ln:'DATE INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME -...--.CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -- AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBEO DATE INSPECTOR 'r'AF.REli PULIS RESIDEIICE iiol;-Colifolu'1l'tic sl-IP..qL STAIR gOilPOSAI, Aprll 161 1979 1. XnstallaLlon of a sl:'hfoct dlaneter spiral stalr I'nstead of a sevenlil:..tL irr'i:-t..-r '".':rich iltould .leet code. ?o liould llnrlt ,r'c?','.': i'l.,ir t:1i.rait, of slx perscng at one tinG. 3r tjould not hcld Towrt of Vall llabIe for flre or medlcal lnyolvlng occu*eeces on second floor. 4. would lnaert above as oeed resbrlctlon !n ovont of resaler 5. In case of emcrgency, the tno beciroons hav€ escape wlndorno iliere j.s also access to an open <ieck rvhich rnay be uEed. 6. i.-i' r.:as:.;is i:r ...i:ef :t ir-. a ;ix-f ,:ct vcr:i.is a :::".i -1rr c::,' a hali-Ioet steir ere tlia'L th"a latter ls out;f scale wl Lrr L.tc surrounciing :ici;r plan and cioeg rro'.: r)ruviie s';ff lcietrt walk-aroun<l s ;ace. 7. /:\ co:,incn strstc;'lor w111 pa:s cctrtt a fivc-foot diar*e'r stalfr 'rr8'!feD ii. !;Ul1S Denver Coneultant lrho uorked wlth thc conn!'ttac rhlch adopted tho recent Denvar Splral Stalr ccdc: l,)alter W. Rothkopf P€nn-Dlxle Steel Cornoratlon 1300 l'1. Evang Denv€rt Col-ora''jr> l''it2L7 Tet ! 934-535i DATE 4fr':' ite JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON -l*u"V!/{. INSI}CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '.-1,q1.l.q ,r.r l-i WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGFIOUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB -r'1 _ tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB -E- O FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: g'teup. PowER o tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT D FINAL \APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t /- --, <--. 1 ,,'' DATE ry- ;/J - "'':" 'NS'ECTOR , E:lf<-T*f{.f,.4 {tr?frF,E?: . INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ ,' ivrt: \. .f, DATE 41r,.', lt .z JOB NAME Xneenoveo CORRECTIONS: @ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ECTION: OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STE FBAMING tr ROUGH /WATER INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR