HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 13 LEGALoa.t*rfiY ttrEr,oP*xr Design Review Ssard ACTIOH FOR.M Deparlnsnt 0f Community DeYelopr0sot 7J south Frontage Road' lralt. colsrado 81657 tel:9il1,.179.2139 faxl970"4?9.245? w€b: wrvw.Yailgov.€om Project Name: Proiect Description: COOK NEW SFR DRB Number: DRB080051 FINAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER NEW SPRING HILL LANE LLC O2I27I2OO8 TOOO E BELLEVIEW AVE STE 3OO GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80111 ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 1143 CAPTTOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001848 02127 12008 Phone: 970-328-3900 APPUCANT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA - A[q 0U27 /2008 Phone: 97G328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001848 ProjectAddress: 1537 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Locationr 1537 SPRING HILL LANE Legal Descraption: Loh 13 Block:3 Subdivision: VAILVALLEY Parcel umber: 2101-091-0101-8 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Second By: Votei Conditionsr Gillette DuBois +0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/19/2008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 (PIAN): DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approvdl, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009803 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009804 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Crnd: CON0009827 @nditions of DRB Approval: 1) The applicant shall revise all window sills to be a uniform size within eacfl primary material (i.e. *ucco, stone) and shall submit revised elevations at the time of building permit. 2) The applicant shall remove the 2 small transom windows on Sheet A3,2, rear elemUon, and cnrry through the top header and shall submit revised elevatons at the Ume of building permit . 3) The applicant shall remove all shutters from all elevations and shall submit reMsed elevations at the time of building permit. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB I€€ Paid: $650.00 New Construction Application for Design Review Deparuneflt of Cormunity Derrelopflient 75 Sou$ Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2128 fa<: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgwcofit GGn€ral Infomation: All p.oi$ rcquirirp d.!i$ reviil must rceiv€ approal prir b $bmiltirB a builditxl pem* +dkbtion. Plee r€ter b the gjbnltat t€$iremerts for the paniqrlar aptro\ral the b equesbd. An applidirn for Detgn Revbt cannd be aoce*ed udfl all reqlir€d irfroflnatbn b r€ceh/€d by the Cornnrunity Det elopfitefi Depn0nent TtE Foiect lnry abo need b be fstswed bf tle Town Couocl il4o. O|e Hann-E and Emiulrgltal Cofirnbsbn' itGr3n rwlcr amront lepc6 unl6. e hdldng pcrtrft b hnd and qrstructloo omnans wltl{n arycrdthrpero*. Dccription of th. R.qu.tts Ft t r l r- Pr-.* trJ P-Ev rEl'l-: l|JEt^1 -^ t. tsf-ni rr.<'.1 lrx./ Locatfonof thepmposal: tot 19 ebck: 3 subdivigon:@Ftvtxt Physical Mdrcss:l-r9V SPUNe- Htr-u vr>;t6 Parcellfo.! 1-l o I ol lor 6lA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zaning:t?. E ?/= ranre(r)downer(gz !'Jeu gWina Llitt La^e- LvO' ttfaitingtddrees: 4/o DPo D/v. c.o - 4oae e, Aalle-vteu, \ve. o Owns(r) Slgnatrc(c): o7 6loo o o 0f F ?nQ.I zE' ilam€dAppff,ca* *a-n- €. -ll:r-z:.tP<-e4t *rA''- l{alllngAddra: Phone: E-mailAddrecs: alic.tqo-tvmip\:,1d tax: 1>to. 3L8.3qa Ikg'Ata ,e&Y1 Type of Review and Fee: tr Slgnstr Conceptual ReMe$l New Construction Addiuon Minor Alterauon (muld-famiV/corrnercial) Minor Alteratlon (single-fa.n ilyldu plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request )( tr tr n 0 V 33ot $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For consuuction of a nov building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildlng (includes 250 additions & interior conwrsions). $250 For minor changEs to building6 and site improvernents, such as, re'rcoflng, painung, window additlons, landscaplng, ferces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For mlnor chang€s to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerodirE, painting, winddv addtions, lardscadng, fe.G and retaining walh, etc. $20 For rs/isions to ptans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the Design Rs/iew Board. No F€e For Offlce lfge Onlv: Fee Pakt: L -f\ -ctrecrm.:Z'(?- sB , .rn'.;r':i' ..t'i.;a'a *ffi PROJECT ORIENTATION MEMBERS PRESENT SITE VISITS l.Beaver Dam Road 2.Morgan Residence - 434 Gore Creek Drive 3.McFarlan Residence - 204 Gore Creek Drive Driver: Nicole DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA PUBLIC MEETING March 19,2008 Gouncil Chambers 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81657 MEMBERS ABSENT 2:00 pm 2:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. McFarlan Residence DR8080043 / 5 minutes Final review for a change to the approved plans (Windows) 204 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant Dean McFadan, represented by VAg, Inc. ACTION: MOTION: coNDrTroN(s): 3:00 pm Bitl SEGOND:VOTE: 2. Hilb Residence DRB08OO49 / 5 minutes @Final review for new construction (duplex) w 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Dave Hilb, represented by John Martin, Architect AGTION: MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: coNDrTroN(S): 3. Smith Residence DRB080033 I 15 minutes Conceptual review for new construction (single-family) 333 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 41, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Paul & Annette Smith, represented by VAg, Inc. ACTION: MOTION:SEGOND:VOTE: GONDTTTON(S): 4. Cook Residence DRB080051 / 15 minutes Nicole Final review for new construction (single-family) 1537 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 1 3, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1 Applicant: New Spring Hill Lane, LLC, represented by Scott S. Turnipseed AGTION: MOTION: coNDrTroN(s): Bitl Birl SEGOND: Page 1 VOTE: 5. KC Buffehr Creek Residence DR8080045 I 15 minutes Final review for new construction (single-family) 1687 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 2, Block 1 , Eleni Zniemer Subdivision Applicant: KC Buffehr Creek, LLC, represented by Scott S. Tumipseed ACTION: MOTION:SEGOND:VOTE: coNDrTroN(s): 6. Morgan Residence DR8080057 / 15 minutes Final review for a minor alteration (windows) 434 Gore Creek Drive/Lot B, Block 3, VailVillage Filing 5 Applicant: Karin Morgan, represented by Atlas Construction ACTION: MOTION:SEGOND: Nicole Nicole Rachel d--r b40*t-. coNDlrloN(s): A/^ pu"tliux .-1." wLAs-- o€,--!-- 1,+J--.."9,'wr;7. Town of Vail DRB08OO29l 15 minutes Final review for new construction (kiosks) *-tt ltt Vaif Viflage and Lionshead / \ t$/" Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Todd Oppenhbimer Birl8. ACTION: MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: GONDTT|ON(S): Town of Vail DR8080056 / 5 minutes Final review for a minor alteration (street re-alignment) Beaver Dam Road Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Chad Salli ACTION: MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: coNDrTroN(s): Staff Aporovals Lutsey Residence DR8080013 Final review for a change to the approved plans (windows, roof, floor area, stairs) 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Tom Lutsey, represented by Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates, Architects Vail Golf Course Townhomes DR8080041 Final review for a minor alteration (balconies/decks) 1660 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Sunburst Filing 3 Applicant Leonard Busse Racquet Club DR8080042 Final review for a change to the approved plans (sidewalks) 4695 Meadow Drive/Unplatted Applicant Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Steve Loftus Corboy Residence DR8080046 Final review for a change to the approved plans (garage) 1460 Greenhill CourVLot 20, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Philip H. Corboy Jr. Trust, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects WI \\ BiI Bffi Nibu Page 2 Wanen Dep artment of C ommunity Development 7 5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 PH:970-479-2138 FAX: 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 29,2008 Scott Turnipseed PO Box 3388 Eagle, CO 8'1631 Via Email: Alicia@turnipheadaia.com RE: Cook Residence, 1537 Spring Hill Lane (DRB 08-0051) Dear Mr. Turnipseed, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Review application (DRB08-0051) for the proposed new single-family dwelling, located at 1537 Spring Hill Lane. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: fr Please provide a copy of the Landscaping Easement Agreement indicated on the survey. 2. Pleasgprovide a separate sheet including site coverage and landscaping areas and calculations. 3. On S/eet Al .1 , please revise the following: \< "V+:lL t\t\e the rogf,,ovPrhang 92 sio e to a maximum 4 foc\< d,s.E:JU \e the roof oycrhans o@e to a maximum 4 foot rn.o rsot ^ enc@; (.. Remove the proposed boulder walls and landscaping from the 10' drainage-utility easement along the east property line. f) fienfity snow storage area, min functional area equaliO//area'y' The snowmelted portion of the driveway located in the /,/ sepaete zone and labeled in the manifold 94 Install a 3' wide concrete pan (non-heated) along the existing pan to the east) On Sheets !1 Landscape Plan, please revise the following: 6@, the heated driveway 4Q.frvtaea scaled plan (same scale as the site plan) pl Provide the same s_heet size as plan set. fr) Provide location of€ s-Tsfinn'-i-ery4in. diameter or larger. lndicate trees to remain, to be(y' retocateA linctuOinfiGil1682ffifi) and to be removed. Indicate the portion of the large stand of trees to be removed and the oqrtion.to.reFain , lnilicate tree protection measures and critical root zones for grading and construction. Remove the proposed boulder walls and landscaping from easement along the east property line. Proposed boulders and trees along the road shall be setback public rightof-way shall be on a property frontage (matching the existing trees near site the 10' drainage-utility 10'from the edge of the .,[oadway per Town Code On Sty/ets A3.1 - A3.3 Elevations, please revise the following: / Please label materials on all elevations 7) Please indicate meter locations "n{@;;@A rfvocable right-of-way permit is required br pubilffiFidf,ements located within the public right- of-way. 7. The perimeter around the building exceeds 300', contact the Fire Departnent for fire sprin kler/alarm req uirements. 8. Additional comments may follow more detailed Stafi reMew. This proposal is tentatirrely scheduled for review by the Design Review Board at ite March 19, 2008 rublfrc hearing. To remain on this schedule, please submit revisions addressing the above listed ibmr by no laterthan Noon on Mondav. March 10.2008. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at (970) 477-&52 or noeterson@vailoov.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, -rkg/^* Nicole Pebrson Planner ll Tovvn of Vail PLANNING DATA SHEET Proper8 Address/ Parcel #1537 Spring Hill Lane Legal Description Lot 13, Block 3 Vail Valley First Filing Development Site Area .3183 acres/ 13,865 sf Planner/ Date Nicole Peterson / ll28l08 Proiect Description New single lamily dwelling Land Use Application(s) #DRB08-0007 Concept Revtew Owner Contact Info Don & Patfy Cook DPC Development Co. 7000 E. Belleview Avenue Suite #300 Greenwood Village, CO 801 I I Ph: 303.796.8288 x3301 Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info Scott Tumipseed Architects Alica Davis Ph: 970.349.7045 Email: alicia@tumipheadaia.com Zonias/ SDD #Two-Family Residential (R) Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Date Routed/ DRT Meeting 01/16t08 HazardZones Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6 & t4-l Snow Avalanche No Debris Flow No Rockfall No Excessive Slopes No Floodplain No Wetlands No Water Course Setback Section 12-14-7 No X'ire Prevention Sections 12-11-3C & l4-10-5 Synthetic slate roof Building Separation Section 14-10-6 ok Utilitv Easements Sidewalks/ Trails None GN rss Residential Floor Area)t..ti.,l Chapter 15 Total Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Primary Allowed NA -Existing -Proposed +Credits Secondary Allowed NA -Existing -Proposed +Credits Total Remaining Primary Total Remaining NA Secondary Total Remaining NA Setbacks (perimeter) Front 20 Proposed 20 Side 15 Proposed 15 Rear 15 Proposed 15 Minimum Lot Areal Width Required 15,000 Proposed l3,865 Maximum Site Coverage Allowed 20% (2,773sf)Proposed 19.9% (2,765sf) Building Height Allowed 33'slope 30'flat Proposed Minimum Landscaping Required 60%Proposed 73.3% Sections l4-10-8 & 14-10-9 Plant size Proposed Fences Proposed Retaining Walls Sec. l4-6-7 HeightAllowed 6ft Proposed Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3-2 Max Curb-cuts I Proposed I Max-Min Slope Proposed Max-Min Width Proposed Snow Storage o/o t0%Proposed Heated Parking Sections 12-10 & l4-5 Stalls Required Proposed Loading Required Proposed Lighting Section 14-10-7 Allowed Proposed Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proof/ Resistant Screened Screening Sections l4-10-9 & l4-10-10 Required Proposed Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Housing Trafic Impact Art In Public Places Notes Existing boulder in ROW - proposed to move? - y-6fj <.r^-.r-q u*T&-) \s o-a fft )" C.e*u*JA ntl^- {,'ra-''; r"'dt-{ - Av ^ /-n--.+'- oul-' ) Xo' 6* a4,2-t ?- hvu* - f- #t V fr4 '€ ^D-*.t*/-.2 ,rA*2*- ca,- lz hc-{- + +*/.' ,-il* j>""r,.,- Z Ca.^,^*I L, c-!=::i/-?'l?. .r .-: '\':x i-:lc :';:ti;.]frEflilr::'::-;rgffif:F;'Ifl.q1+.'-ir'.:i:?i1iT'J4"i:.--'rga; j | 4ilElt5!! rHE AGnEElEitt b .nt...d lr.o l r y'r'-t or rr-du ltlt. bi .,!d "rtlti.Jol'f & E!(Nt (Elkiit, AveD|R AKO?IA li! i'Aroi.itf-l 1 Elctt. AO lLt S l.Eri./la-r^]li{t vAL diltbl{l{llri AstOClllE{ lrL 'A'ri,ri.ridr'L rf'|*ssrl* tttgREASr Ell- r{ tL Aioci.rbo .ryn Ca.ira.dniui lt ! L Vdt t Ytrf Dttp|.r C.ndodbdunr ('O^i! li, .oc(.d|rt ao -dFCondb||{nlrn Oc<t..tlci r*.o.trd lt.lYltrt r lt, lttt tn dird. tft.! P.rF fr. a t CondqFttra{ttr UrP r.<ordcd Noctr'Ef 11 lttr.ln laL ltt .t P{. lq Dd la IIEAS. Al.cdJr|. crr! Ldr ! I .,td l r, v.lt v.tt.t Fl.|i Fllh3. Tovn ol Y.il' EdG Cqnlh Cok.a (toir J r ..i tlt .a IICREA5T Afcdanla lrr ritl'rd l tto I C'| ract tc tcll 19tl I I :d l, lo Eldt$ r|d t/H!l!Aq a[.r lid th. A'ldritql h.rr adt.rEtcd |. tltt...fddq r.||, reec.tt F Llr5.Fc., rnal I r.od.n ld|. rilci -crordr rFo Lot lt, a lhorn qr thc ruret att.6d harco t| tdlul Ai rhd vH!t!A! f||a |nd tl|. Asod.riqr &rt.. fc...di rrr {rF att ddi AL.pirlrs and tialrr to rrrrotl tb oraorcimqltt n lcnLll 6. .|c.$t ol btrl Brbo bt Atodrrt' rnd llldi t lEr. r.ud ol lha lEo|€ln nq t{Ot I}C8EF*!, ftt F,rLr, ln @.rrliratbr cl 6r Fr'lta nd dE ,!|tr.i rtaa?taLtntt ort lnait In fdt lttr.'r6t' lurb Ittla a, Lucu- ,, t!. hrrar cl ltr ('E tr @frtdmd b Paaa0trflr I C tl{r Aguul rhall ri,| tlti Ualt lr ard ||E Ln.ttrt ci d6c ov.tt-tttthll r{'r vilh Lou ll tra lt, l. !!d{t rrd Af.C|rl! .!rcc tD .llo,r elr nd o. Atoddr.$ lt l, qrCcF+'.t{ lialr LlbFn&nt con.!.rro6 ro !rtr. ttottior | , 6 Xd.ff, rlE ccvafi||n cc't!.b.{ in P...t.Dh I C tH. At.. nt .t t. LL trd O. Ascd.rh.| .arcc tc F Fo.npaly fr dl wr ',tla]n.d r,tit ro &t€r4 FoLet' Indc.tr^ity. .nd hold ELh. ttd AfoiaaDtt h|'r aaa aldrt Jrt &a all cort! .r9.!.., nd dr|rf.t fircLta,t.lX tttcratt l.arl. t|d rrt .rd .ll .||cch.dcJ li.!.3 ]i8r ,n t .rLdr !c Lot I | € l, In or'a.<ticr vith t]r Flsrn r|a cl.Oa aterlarn eru{iad In hr{frCr I ol Gia At .dn.nr. f. AbtLrrl: .nd lfdl. .ar.c thrr flitrr rbll .ormltd f|t hsrl.rtiar .8rlrt Ehr .q iirr A.ldrrlcr l. .o,5.cri6 alt}l ttr 6€ro.ai.t.'|tt rtr.rEd D abv. r.til fut ,1, Ittt ll 6li! ..{ 6r Asc|r|La hr $t, ac ltc5. liit Frto.rrd d! (.yr'.I|r <d|t Lid h Pr.tr.Dh I ol lhi3 ltrccmdrr hr Jdr tl, lilr lL.tlJltt n{ LllE, d d{E.of di , rli.ll hrc th. rithr tc bitt'.n |cri(n, rl br F ii .qritt, ro .'rldc: lha cctnritr ot|ttlro tlrclr h addthi to .t attrr rr'|ad.+.bt l 6. a$ritrtL, tc uNcn EP|! trd /u.?ia lt alat bc .'!titlc4 Elor! J|d ALotiJ|t: dsll F rilldit to 6ldr.lFdtbU/.ir Fovltait, rrd !g.rcalrc drm{.n Ir rt b...dr ol t t Agrst|.||a Elhr |||d thc A|'odairr fitcc to trt.dl c.at!.roa rrFdtar d qro.d.rt ttr FcririorE cl tlitlflfl.#: *,:F:,ilt'sa'ih':ff wtf wrru' *ro ri'bi"t' o' ui. fd "r t. l}. tir|nr ot d|tr A3rt rn nt !h.ll hrc t. rh Dc.aut C '|a $.ll Urd thc rac.|'r ||d fpr C th Fd.r fartto 253828n ?97 tx. #tL imlr*:-tt'lllt'- 3?ArE oF coLoe^b , kr tl lll us !H'[1 1., I Xf c.dr{rf o..pa*+ !r\TE OF gDaa*!Or{a, t /}< ,u'. ;tr*4g--1gY.!u' i'r td.toi.{ ltirtrvrn.'|t r|r X&Erylrdtcd bctcc nrc rNr{f -.' .,i[::gz.' , rttr, nY AvEDrr ,r{c.'l^Nrz- /& -*'XT.-* r*r,-.r |.lrcvfcdt { D.lac r,c alit ry T}: fa|toLl lrtruDqrt rar . R. El,Klltl lhi. _ drt ol Fcb.|,.rt) ltatr bt J. c '|on vAr, @N&rotruI alltocu[tor{ STAIE f COlqAo(r , ) rc' t Uitn6r nry hf|d ti ollij.l r.L l,ly .dirrldcr q|!€. ly SIAIE OF COt OkAOO oour.flY oF th. tactoint Intttntlln {r *ls$rrltdGcd b.lor..na rhir _ dlt.t F.t u.rt Itft, bt t llcfrl.d Elh\ C€i<r.l l,lbr!.r ot iuANC|R YAL C!?rq)^{Nluar{ ASSOCIATTON. !litnerlDt t*i:ind'cltl<irl rc.l, . Noratt ltblK- __---_-__n_dr:., }$fr $rlou} Ilrs I it|i C dr Fd.t lEtlo htr rtlt clcrtad thit AlraarlGrt a, I r!6.tt mr l|.nd .dd ollicld rcll. LOT 12 or 13 Oie a. ,.23aafdo526 ' I g 2 2'5'S ot*''./-Qk. ;;tcr-..-Zf-- "jomxe:iE liriiru.t .: EA6r€ CTY. f,EC0R0CR Jrr 15 9 s6ll,{'fl? is AND snal . .IJANDSCAPIIIG EASEIIENT AGRBEI'IENI ISIS ITANDSCAPING EASE!|ENt ACREE]IENT {"Asreeoent') Eaate as of tbe l8t day oE tleyr 1987, belrrean CULPEPPBR LAND ceirr,n couperf, a Coloiaito general partnelshiP ('qlEgPEg"l, t|ARi JO JOITNSON ('John6on", . ' ,'RECIITAL6 gtgER&aS ' ,Culpepper !s thq onner in- !!G,8inple-of certain reat propiiiv loiatrd it the c,ounty of Eegr€, 6tate of color'do' iiciri'i-5i"ciibid aa Parccl 1 ln Exlhibit I ettached h€reto--and by ttria-iir.i"n.€ rnaatc a P.rt bcreof (the 'culpcpqer Propertvr')t IfflEREAS r Jotrn3on le tbe osner In fee sinple-of certain !.aI DroDcrtv located itl the County of Eag1e, StaLc of colorado' ii.ir i" -- oiittiuia t. Prrcrr 2 -ln Exliibit A athe iJohnson :E*#,'i"i:i;.t"1"'t"33ii.,";"1T'."'1?1.',i'"J;lr$.":3fo::{.iliFioocrly', and OrlDcpp€r lnd Johngon, ln thelr clptcll-t'a-- a3 6ilae?E*or the Bena!lEteal Progerty' arc aonet i'[es helelntlBer ili.ii.a - tJ 'coiiectively as - the- io!,n€!s of the BGncflttFd @-$r'lt |0EEREAS, CuID€Itp€r end iohnaon 9r€ the orner! tn fee :lnple, Cnlp€pper as Lo-in undl-vliletl 60t lnter'Bt- 1$ {?!1?91 ?:i;:;-indilidi5-loi-rnterest, oc cartaln rcal pqgPe-rtv rocat'd. tn ii- narrntg df E ole, stat€ of Colorrdo, dagcrlbed in &(hlblt B :.j,.[u"- iountv of E 91e, stst€ ;f colorrdo' q.scrlbed in &(hlblt B iIi"JIiJa -irerEo a.-na ' bv tbiE rcf.rencG n da a Part h€r'of ' ^ ( lheattrcheal.-no'Uy -tnf" re!.rencG nade a. Part .h€r.of' . (ltie;B;;d;eqi;"p93lll ttuip"ppcr lnd Johnaon, In th€ir 9"P99!ti:?u'rOinia- p'r'oper ty, are Bomtlnes hercinaftcr bc-ctlvely ri the *ornetg of thc Eurdenedc burdcnedrtlerrod to collect I{31 Proparlv" I i IIEEREAS, tb€ Burdened Progerty is- adlacent to !h:Benelttted Property' rnal the Oflners of the Bulalened ProPerty elan t; conrev, f6r -ttre bene!lt of the B€nefltted ProPe!tyt Ipirpetuall-non-cxclueivc easeaon! tor lanilacaplng on, acro't' and 6vei a portion of the Burdened PrgPesty. :... .. llolt ' T!|EREIIORE, In congidcratioo o! thc preri-s€s and thc lutual covenants rnd lgreedent! 8et forth hercln' culpePper and Johnson h€reby covenaDl aod agrer a3 follott!: l- Lantl.caDlnq Bas€nrat. The Onnera o! the Eurdened proDertv -here6-Ai?ff;-;if-a6i-y I PerPcuurl, non-€xcl-utivc ii"frJiinq eaiendnt oor lcrollr and oier that Pottlon of the a,rrdenei froperty descrlbad on E:hibit c aLtacheil h"rcto 'ndfncoiooreteo - hciein by thia referencc I tltq 'lEndccaplnq eaeenint" ) to be usd for a tandscaPed botalcr rhich elll tcrvc a3 frIEET-.ira sound buffcr betPc.n tie Sencflttcd Propelty .nil th€ 'Buritened ProPerty. 2- Non-Grclusiva Erlaelnt. ahe tandscaPtng EatGnent sh.lr be non-a?65[iiiii]ifrI6ifr6d thc orrn€rs of thc Burdened ii"pltii tec.rve th" rig|tt to ua.e.-the. Burdened rrgnc^r!1 t9:-?11ouriore- whatsoeeer conlistent eilD the rights granted hcrcln; '"roirf aea, borevcr; thrt th€ ordner3 of the Eoriteneil Prop€rty lhalr 'nob oave or conltrucl any pcrnanenl atructure or f€ncc uPon-Ena iinaicaptns Easenenu. Hbtnrng hcrein conLelncd shall Precluilc trri- lni-titi"tlon of a sgrinklci tylten across or under the landi burilened by the LandocaPing Eascnent. 3- tlalntenance. |rhc Otners of the Buratrned ProPerLy shall rna i nLaln-EfiE-La-frtl-scapiag Ersene:rt .nd all trees, shrubs' ;i;;;.; 'ina otner landscaging thereon j'D good condltion, lnd ii"ii-Lr iir costB a$d exPinsis incurred In ionnection $'ith such r"ini"-na'","J obligatlons. t'l€intenance of tbe LandscaPlng Easement a. c? :' I. shall include' but not necessarily be lttrl ted to' -the Pfaliilg i-,ia- "fghiii aainteo"tt"e of su!f,ic1ent nurubers of trees' shrubs ana ii5reti ir order to create a elte and eound buffer belneen ih; aineftttcd ProPetty and Burdened ProPcrty' .. 'l-1 1:iiint"rtprilia- uy raragiaptr i hereof' rn Ehe ev€nt tha! the ouners oi"tiie' autaenia erofc.iy shal}. at any tloe, fail or refuse to i!.ii?-' lil-ii'"Erigiiioni unaii-eus aeieene.nt, the oeners of Lhe Eenef itteat Property n"v 1n-iti - up"n crr-e- randscaping Easenent- anil ;;;;-;;y;"d iriltrioh"-tlqtii-e'c of the ooneri of the Burdened iiiii"tti pursuant hereto, -an-a irr cost-s and eJtit'nses incurred in ton'ncctioi heresith by the o$ners of the Benefigted property ;;;ii-;;- trrneoiatery -dui - and ltayabre. b.v. the owners of lhe iuta.nea- Prtperty, tt5geinir trtttr inierest itrereon at thE rate of L5t p€r annur until Paid. rhe Burdeled , ilt!:l:i:ii i iia-nia e."e.rti tn'fe; stdpre, that they are.oelr seizeil of the il;d;;"d Prdpertly, ana irrif t-hey are !:uthotlzed to granL tbe €rsenent ilegcrlbed h€rein. Easeecnt l;u .ffi *totiit.il3u;fifll:: lna- u"aeriiien by tie pliirli-r,e-t.tn sh.ll ;un.rith Ehe rand and iiiiri u.- trnalnq' "pon'aii- in"ii to ttre benefit of 3!ch of th: ;;[i";- niiiti -ani each euccegsor o{ner of Lhe Berefittcd-pioperty and the Buldened Property. 5. . ttotlc€5. Any noblce reguir'ed or Perni+.icd un'ler the Drotlsions-o-f-€Efs Agre;nent shall be in rritlng and snall De ;;;";l-;ii;;atvery givei e!.Gn pcrsonally scrved or Yhen th€ a'nc' i;-A;";lii r.n dtri unii.d- stiiJ naill certif ted or r€grstercd nr!l, return rocelpt requested, rJlth adlequate po3t'9' pr'9rld' iaiiiiaeea to ttt€ intcnata -iccipl€nt tt. itg -eildress 6et folth ili;-;; ""t "itt.t Jat"js of rhlch thc lntended recrPient 9ivc3 *iiitr" noticr in rcco-rdente PIth lhts ParagraPh' Aly 6uch ."tice- ""y be given by th€ counFel ol or rny othet authorllcq agcnl for €Ithet IErcy. . -. . ..,... - .: . r' :C0LPBPPER: , ,' : . ',, ' , c/o ocnver.Property AssocldtcB : -. - . ,.. .. r:... u00 g. col0rado Blvd., sulte {10 . Deover' Coloraclo 80222 JOENSON: ' .. I ' : c/o otten, Johnion. Bobinson, ':: Ielf 3 lagonetti - ..: 950 - l7th lltlect , Sul t€ 1600 D.nver. colorldo 80a02 ." - liB date' osned bYProperty and tfrFffii?len-ld ProPer t! rre-' aB of - tl i;;";;i parties, lt is rntinael and -agree'l there thall bc no ilie;'"r- lbiJ igie".ent or !h! r,endaiaping Easenent granEed heleln h'tth tne respeciive fce Gst8tes oined by. c.u.IPePJte-r- -11!JohnBon in and to -the Scnefltted ProPerty an'l the Euroeneq iiij"eitr. tt la inLenateat that the Land3clPing E sement and olber iiif,il-i'"a;t"ri;;-sianted nereln shait it arl tlnes reDainliiiiirJ"i"S-;;;l'r.di ani r.. interesta of cuu'€pPer and or Joinron ln and io lbe ProPcrtles alescr ibed hereln' ' .: i- No l|.rcer. [otstthBtandtng that the Benefltted t" iia tfrffid p.orrerty rre, 5B-of thlB date' -oened by 8. Governins Ltt. tltriB Agreeaent lnd tll the ptovi- slons herltf ifi5iT=f.-ov. r ned by ind construedl ln accordance $ith the lasg of the state of colorado. :r: ;i" 'i ;i ,' by A(nrr@ !O rru I.NIDSCf,EUO Ar8EE lrrg ACnfErT m rED LTTIDSCTDIIII -Irgffil (hE.t!.lt a 'r€rr.@@tr ) :I' nr& rad rxrcutrd t'hlr lg-r'v "i a.i-lii iili,rltr rbora addrata 1! irrE E. qll.llatll r8d rrrnu !. o, CburcbtU Driv., lagrl.r€od, C! 80110. ,iI. rsdt7 Lcltslt A. xary Jo Johsroa il bb. otlar ot Dalca1 B rBal ra tDdivt'dod oo.-brlt ora-reblg lstaratt 18 rad to Eb. e@oo Prrc.l, I -LrubdivloD ol r.ot 11, Bloct 3, Vrll Vrllry tlrlt FlLlDg, lrgfc hcouaty, coloredo. F: B. rlcb.ral lrltGllr tt tbi oE.a of Darccl r ald as-usdlvldrd HoE'.-D.L! omerrhlp latasaaE ta aad !o tla C@o|r Pcrcll, .r - lcr.ubdl,vlltoB ot f,ot U, lloclt 3, vrtl Vlrlhy liElt lillag, Eagl. CorDty, Colora& - c. ataD.r E. orlDa..t! .-.f Ltlrfra D. Girltrcat! (brrctnaftcr "o!lDrartb!') bll'a .ataraat llto r cGttrct to Purctr!. Doc 13' Vrt'I vallry tlrlt tiliE€t, Iag!. Coulty' col'on(lo. D By .l!.gr1r! a! Gllll.d trEd.c.Plsg Bo!{.at l8lr.@t d^t.al rr of rry l, 198? r!.l rccordcd inrly 1!, 1987, t! Book {55 at PagG 35 o! tb. r.rl grotl.rty a.co86t o! E gll. Cboalv! ColoflOo' -t!.tbes omccr o! tot, 11 rld 1t, v.ll T.lf.y ll'rtt tlll'ngr cr.rt d.3 !.a66t ruoatlg rltb !!t l.!d (brcdDAlE.r rE tG.Dtr) locrt.d along tla Dortb.sltr lt t..t ot '.t 1l (haralntlt a tla 'Bu!dc.drrop-rtyr l !o! t!. bca.ttt ol loE 11 (bcr.lsrtE.8 ttr 'loat 1E..1 rrobcrti') lor tLl grElrot. ot Drovldlag r lradacapld bordsr to rcrvc ri I rr.gttt rad rould basrl'ca bctrce Cba BaDclttcd @artft a,[d tba lr.rdEad Dro9crty. B. uBd.r th. t.arr o! tlc tuoot l!:.3.8t, >L. ttLaglag .sd Drlat ndrce obugrlloa! ol tla ora.a ot tba ausal@lil Prqtariy rcrc rlrrclllod {a Scctlor 3, u lollor: rb Tha onaart ot tbe Busdaad Daqtartsy .D!ll rri8trls Eh. !.ldtsr9:lDg ar.rEt rDd el1 tr..r, ,lrdb!, tl@rr ead otbrr !'r8dlcaltllg bberam la good c@dltlos, .!d lbrU Dey e1l cort. rEd .qrctat 1Bstr8taal b cotrtractlou vl'tb rucb latstoarsr obllgatloot. hl8tG.!c. ot tb. r..Bdrcltlag Saro.at tball bcloatc ' but Eot E o.tartlly bo llrttac Eo, tb PlrattDg a,ud elEhtly DLaLo.Bc. o! rulllciet anEb.a!ot tr..r, ,bflrbr r'd flor.rr ra oad.r Eo ,,r.r*.&, oo-r:l d CE .\r k&ooo!ro o.d o. Jd0rLlt (, .. clo (t, s\t9roct rrOQ'rE6|.t l{ot @auaoJtocldb- @6rnn cralt. r rlt. l8d roqrc buflat b.tr..a tb'c lluclltt.d Prop.rty rrral lu8d.!Gd Proparly, .lf at coBtqtltt.al D'y PlllgrtPb 1 Dsrcof . t. Ir prrt ot thslr dsa diu,garc. lE c@a.cEloa rigb tb. Durcbrrq o! Lt 13, tb. Calb!.attr !.va lDqulrral a! to tb. .rt6E ot tbcir obllgetlo!8 lsilsr 8€ctr,6 3 ol tba laao.Et lEra€arst. c. fb. cslDraabbt blvc diagurlrd rr. Eh itobtoo.!d Eritsias, th! ortrcrr o! !h. Bo.tlt.d ProD.rEy, rbrl lt a:qt.ctod ol t'botJrd.r tL. Erran4! lgrcGo.Et 1! tha avlaE tblt t'bry Purcblrc lot 13, aad hevo rgrecd to qurstl,ly tbota oDligatl.oE!- tlOB, ETBFOnE, h coisld.lrtloa of tb. DrcDl!.! rail tbc Drturl cov6.ata a[d tgac@aDtr ert tortb lraralD, tha Dartl€! harato agrc€ aa follovi. l. t ID th'€ evcr.t thtt tlr C.IDlartb! Purcbr.. l.ot 13, tb. obliEatioqr r hl.oaad qr@ tba or.!a! of tha Burdc.d DaoDcts:z uliLa S.ctloB 3 o! tlc rascncgt lglrroaot, aotTitbat' satlag tha provlrlost cortrhaal tlratein, rlnll be tllltod to tbr follorlag: (e) Pl.aElngf durllg 1996/t99? Dot 1.!! t!r! asvo (7) Dlactr.c! 5' - a' trll rltbiE tb. bouldrrla! ol tb. Era{aat l! locall,oaa dat.triBed by t'!t CalD!.alht to Provl'd! vltual rcrernhg b.tr.cD lat 11 rsd lpt 13t (b) t'bGr.rtt.r lrlatelailg t!ot. traat, ud iD tb. rvrrl rtry of tbot€ trGct do Dot autrl?., Pllrtllg a r.lrlrcaoc['t Eaae 5' - 6' trl]'r ard (c) Ph!,ti!g tr'Idf]'ort r! 6 tE rlarral batit ri'Ebla t-br bourotrler o! Eba Earoot h gucb qurstltt.t er lcy be dclcrolacd !y CaUrc.cbr. Tb. obllgrttmr ot tb. Crlbr.rtb, trrd.r gcctsloo 3 ol tb. Br'oalt Agradast lbalI sot b|. c@rtruad o! lstasltr.trd tso lacluda t!. DUatllef o! t!!hEG.lc. o! a^[y rhrubE, thc crcrtlsa ot a rottod but!G!, otb.r tb.! thre Ttlcb rtll bc cr3atrd by tL Perton !c. ol th.tr obugrtloBt t.g lorth .Dova, or tL. crarglgr o! I rlta barrlrr otsb.r tbr! Ebr! rblcb rlll br csaatad by tba Dartot!.lcc of Ebalr oDllgrtloEs ..1 lortb rbo"a. 2. llfcct oB Baoaiadar ol Lald.scnDLnt ErEant lsr.6a[t. oth.r tbr! r! !o4l!i.al !,€rrl'D. lbc t s rDd Dro,r'ltloE, ol t!. t radlcaplag Earoart lgr€ot[! thr11 rorLE {s lull forca rBd .!t.ct. 3 . PllltlEq tlobbr of Jobplor ald E rlt+r.. lothiog eoEtaisGd brrcla shA1l ba coGstru.d. or lEt.tDrctad i! tucb a 4onar 18 to r€llalct JobtoB 08 llrllar rnd tb.lr rasltactl'wa lralrJ ' cc(::A 5Sl tgti p-r.!. l_ ror .,. :tQ_'1,. t:: .:r | . ,; l I ruccGrlora ald alrlF flo balag rbla to DlEt tr.tr, rbrub! lrrdtlorcrs rl Ehl.:o ChG bouadarl,ce ol tha arna[t, DEoylalad, hovancr,cb.t Crlbaarthr thrl1 brvr Do lrt atGa!.c.r or rrDl.c@lBt obltgtttoar rlt! rrt9.ct to rscb Dl.atl"agsr .!d turthcs provldld, gDaE rs!' proDoraat plraClag rltllttla tlo bslldarlca of tbr 'araioattbry atohals or !avl:[trr, or thrl,r brtrr, ruccrrloas oa rls lllar rblllllrlt b€ rubilC.d l! u:ltbg to orlbac.tbs tor tlcl,r rritt.'l aIE roval, rblcD apDrovrl ahall Eot bc urr.rto6.bly vtEDlald. Ia rlfiBllg mlaEor, tlr prrti.! bGrcto blyc exscuted thlsiDllnEdll oa tba datc tCE foltb rbovc. IIETTB OF ClIrOnrDrO CoElty ol fIi;.o ) ) aa. lba lor.goba lg8.Est_ -to.,r fa'Ed t{Fdtc.9lag acx:uorledEaar brlor€ D r},tt 47'- dry or f 'a - b*Iiry to atobtroa. EataoaoC Ttt, 1fi.5, w Brauaat rtrLqL bv rl taclr !y btod raal olticitl rcrl. Ly coralrsloD Gat)l,rct r gT.am or ctr,onf,Do )!r- coulEy or E4tll t Ib. for.goiaE r€r.d..t -T* frDil acborladgrd b.tors D. $Lt |fr bY ot RlcbrtdJ.la;IlBr . 581499 B-68ii P- 195 'il,1r)9/95 Ol:!9P P(i 3 oF{ lfltuorr ry brsd .aal ottlci.l LY c@l'ra1@ q)laat ! SlrfE Ot COLOIIDO )lsr. couaty o! , aa€- ) tt lor.golag lgr.Eat Ip faEd t rad.cagiE8r lltmt Jtr rctEorl.dg.d b.toa. l! tltr 2{r dry ol _oE4.E ESEL_, 1ES-, byItt L.r6dL.:;,.ar**!t. -rAres H, AAISIEATR A1J6 XAn{ LVl.t O (-NAE€AII{ lft tscrt ry htod aad ollrlclal tsrl. tty c@lrlloB crqrl,rat r lA 4.nr|iltbn itD|tl 581499 B-685 P-.t95 .t1,lOg/96 01:59p pc 4 oFl cr i;i(c 0t 32.\G[.- lr'r t, | '',1 SECOND AGREEMENT TO AI'IEND I.,AT{DSCAPINGI EASEMErfT il r\-1 THIS SECOND AGREET'IErIT To A}IEND IJAIIDSCAPIN0-EfE!^$S.,--. ^,lhereinafrer "Agreemencrr) is made and executed Eh:'s e\li- clay o! i'Jlliiliil-iigz,'ly ana becween IIARY ilo 'tgt{Nso-N' whoec add'resa ig ;;AT;ii v"rr.v bri.'e, u"lt s, vail' colorado 8r5s?' RrcIlMD J' iiiirusl-rrrJ"" iddt.ug it--iiss'vau varrev urive' unlE A' vail' ;i;;;6 iiiiz, aaa ilel'tEs H' GAraREArtl whose addrees is 7 drr"i.rriit Drlve, Englewood, colorado 80110' RecitalB A. Maly Jo Johnson ie the owner-o! Parcel B and an unaiv'iieit """'-ft"ff ounerehip int€reat i:t ?"d-.!9 Ehe cofitnn ;;;;;L -; i.eeubdivieioJoi 'r,"c rr, Brock 3, vair varlev FirEE ;;ii;; Easle county, cororado ' B. Richald J. ltankins l-s ttre o$ner of Parcel A and arr ,tnairriiea "i":it"ir ownership interest ig a$d--Eo the common il;;;i, -t iesulai'ri.slon-;;-io' u' Block 3 ' valL vall'ev FlrEt iiii"s, EasLc councy, cororado' C, James H. Galbleath lhereinaftar tcalbteaths ) ie the orner-of, di-ii,--vuii valley First Ftring' Eagre councv' coLorado . D. By instrument entitled r''ndBcaplnE EaBement Agreement aareiir "r'u"y i, rgsi ;d recorded Juri-1s' 198?' in Book 466 ll-iig"-ii-"r the'real DroEertv records of Eagle countv' colorado, -'hc Ehen orTl"i"-;f r.,ite rr ?"i 1l' vail vall'eY First Fillng, crealed ao -"t"tlrrtoi runtrtng !'lth the land (hereinafter ;e".;ii"t'l locaEed along Ehe norEherly 15 faet of Lot 13 tillJi".i.lt crre 'gurtlenda Propertvn). ior rhe benefit of IoL 11 (hereinarEer cn" 'r.tt iiiJd pr'operlv" l f9t-tl? ourooge of oroviding a la:rd,6caPecl border c-o aervo as a sig'ht ind sound fi;i;;-L;*;"tt tir.'stttltited ltoperty and Ehe Eurdened Propercy ' E. The t anilscaping Eaaenent AEreement was amendcd by- thaE c"rt"in egi;e.E tt to ileia r'auaecapiig Eaa€ment datsed Decembe! zg. L9g5, and recoloeq January 9, 1995' in tlte real property '.2L"11"'Le-iigie countvl Corolaai' in eoor 685 at Pase 4es' (the 'AmendmeDt n ) . F, The parties hereto deEirc to extend Ehe Eine for Galbrcath, s performanc-e- tit-otner "t the Burdened property) of Ilrt.i"-"UriiaLlong under the Landscaplng Eagenent Agrecneot ' as amended bY the AnendmeBE ' Now, THEREToRE, in considcration of- ghe Premises aDd Ebe rnuLual covenanr" ,rro "grll;lii"- ".i-i"irt heriin, the parties hereEo agree as follows: ru.'$,$$$Tlu$:[H,|.!ul|]ur 1. Extencion of Tlme- The lime perlod required for -caLurlath G-ffi"r *E-gurdened rroperty) to- plant not leEs. iGi-ge.run't'll pine crcea 5'-6' rall wlLhin tbc boundarica of lhe BiuJment sha11 Le exiended to occob€r 31, 1998' 2.oth.r-;banmJ and prowieions of Ehe iliia""iiii"g Eat"*errt egiieteni and Lhe Amendment shall renain in fuII force and effect. 3. SQU$eEPqffC. This 'lgreeroent *"y P: executsed in counulipar6Tf,iiEffren saken Logether, shall const itute the entsirc agreenenc . IN WITNESS 'IIIEREOF, Ehe parlies helet'o have executed this inst rument on the date set forlh abovc ' RICITARD J. IIAH]KINS )) ss. ) Tbe foregoing Eerved Agreement fo -Arnend LandgcaPing EaaemenL was aclsro'Jledged before me this - day or - ' STATE OP COI'NADO couMry oF 1997, by MarY ,fo .fohnson. My conniBsion er€Plreg 3 ISEALl Notary Pubrrc 's'ryll!|,ff#!!l!$$H,!!t H!! ilr ilr 1. ExLcnsion of Tir0c ' The tine peri4 :eguired for -calbrlatn G;;*.e;E-Ehe Burd€Dcd rropcrty) . tso. pLan! not lce6. fi;;;;;;" i?l Pine treee s'-6' tall wilhin lhe boundarlea oE Ehc i"1".""t-"niU Le extended tso ocuober 31' 1998' :.Otfr.r-inanffirna- an{ provisioEs of the iiiiai"ipi"g Easenenc egt"it""c and the Amen&rent ahall rernain in fuII foice and effect ' 3. SggggeErllc. Thls AgrceEent m"]t P9 execuLed !u corrnulrparFif,i;f,l-ifren laken Eogecher, EhaII constl.tuEe the cn:ir€ agreenenE - Ilr WITISESS gHEREOF, tbe Palties hereto have executed tbis instrument on the daEe set forth above ' itA!,tEs H . GAITBREATIT STATE OF COI.ORADO )' ) ss' crurnY oF gq& ) .11.... Ttte f oregoing €ewed 'Agreencltt To -Aneud LPdBcaPtnS EaEement ,,^" ri[i"ri"a&a 6cfore ne it'te JlL dav or -Jr;"- L" ' :-gg'I , bY Mary Oo Johnson ' IstAr,']I r ('// l-: r l.- NoUary ?0cllcLESTIE C. KEYS II)TAFY N.BUC sTArE s coLoMDo lt Cdiralbi 8gi!! 07.1o2dtr r#l{r#E$|!l#HH|.lr['ililm STATE OF COION,ADO cowt'.l oF./6L .r OF COIOR,ADO ) )) ss. ) ,"" .:ffi"ii::3:l"L;:::'*"^Eili:'5{"i}'i2,"iyw-"^":*"' iggz, -itv Richird J' Hawklna My conmissron explreB: -A/ALM- + ) ss. ) The loregoing served Agreemenr TorAnend' Land6caping EaaemenE ""r ""[iJ.aiea Seforc me this - clay cr - ' iigzl-uv uaueE s- Galbreath ' couNrv oF My corunisgion exPireE: TSEAI,] ru|$#H'$$:{lHl|1]r,rnrl Th6 fotegoinE served AgreemeDt To -Anend r'aDdBcaping EasemenL wa3 acknowLedgcd before m€ thld -- day ot -' I99?, bY Richald J. Hattkins STATE OF COIPRADO COI'NTY OF ss. My cott[Eission erqtires : t sEAJ.l STATE OF COTPRADO )) ss. COUNIY OFAMPATEI Notary Publ ic ,.,":*":i::3:1"9.;:il"il1ff :"i5d'"y*B*zriFff:*"', :ggl , by.lamcs N- Galbreath' tly commiseion eai"es, 5'U4l tSEAI,I r###ills:[lu,[,prn[' 12-zl-i 19? F5:8:P{ ':i-' !\-'e)+-|||.tt l:qv r - 'r gtrtr oF A'-,udo I @tr*r tr %uvul u"' ilGjn-sllE ffiffi,ffi' E(trlD tur 34 6ry ot Dtcdo!' 19tt' :*ffi,E ffi.*t*' F tar' Jfl' U[$IJI,S#'#$HH,['$ilril grra ,aD Ola 'C.{'GrJAO'r ? r''' "lT'fir''iliiliirl 3i ;.:.- " : J's c: '.' ii 'iln ' "rii ' '-' -/ rttavtr t Firr tl:ol llnrl ,a . 3l ?ilca/a tolta COOK RESIDENCE I537 SPRING HIIL IANE LOT 13, BLOCK3, VAIL VALLEY FIRST FILING VAIL, COLORADO WALL MOUNTED OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURE W'rdth: Height: Wottoge: Lumens: Monuf: 10" ll" l-40 wott bulb 3s0 Hi-Life 7l3l-V77 6U Scolt S. Turnipseed, AIA ardlbdn'elcoEhiurlhEiotfisF ll43Copltol Streel,suite2ll P.O.Box3388Eogle,CO 81631 f:970.328.3900 f:970.328.3901 www.tumipheodoio.com fr***+ff***{'***+l+**+++t++++{'{"t*{'*****++++****'}*'l't***'t'a{'******{'+**'}*++*+t+t++++++*********** TOWNOFVAIL COIORADO Statem€trt Statement Number: R080000210 Arnount 3 $650.00 02/27/2OO8O9:15 AIr1 Palment Method: Check IniE: iIS Notation: 12549 / SCAI"r TURI{IPSEED Permit No: DRB080051 Tl4)e: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2101- 0 91- 0101-8 SiEe Address: 153? SPRING I{ILL IJN \IAIIJ Irocat,ion: 153? SPRING HIIJIJ LAIIE ToEaI Fees: 5650.00 T'lria Payment: $650.00 Tota1 ALIr PmEs: $650.00 Balance: 90.00 f****+*'l't+*++***{r****++f*******+ff*****ll*************{.*l'*{'**l''t**t+**************fa++**ffff* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO]-OOOO3II22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 of,*tatYrEtr*rt Dosign Review Esard ACTrOlrl FOR}I Oepsrtm€nt of Communfi D€velopment 75 $oqrth F sntags Road, Yail, Colorado 81657 *f:970.479.2139 fat 970.479,2452 web: www,vailgov.<om Project Name: COOK CONCEPTUAL Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Particapants: OWNER NEW SPRING HILL LANE LLC OLIL4I2OOS TOOO E BELLEVIEW AVE STE 3OO GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80111 ARCHfiECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 1143 CAPITOL STREET. SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001848 0U l4l200e Phone: 970-328-3900 APPUCANT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA - AU.C[ 0Ll t412008 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUNE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001848 ProjectAddress: 1537 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: 1537 SPRING HILL LANE Legal Description: Lot: 13 Block:3 Subdivision: VAILVALLEY Parcel Number: 2101-091-0101-8 Comments: DRB Number: DR8080007 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 (PltrN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. C.ond: CON0009733 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA . 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009734 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Planner: Nicole Peterson Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of @mmunfi DeveloPnent 75 South Frcntage Road, vall, Colorado 81657 di 97O.4:n.2L28 tu.i 970.479.2452 vreb: wrwv.wilgov.on Gcnerdllfrmpdon: A[ plgjsfs r€qrlirE dedgr revlew rnd reeive apprwal prhr b crbmtli.lg a bulding pernt apdicatbn. Ple@ ,*dr 6 Ue suin{ual req|-€nE ils for tlE prti(rjar approrrd fhat b Equested. An #in for Derign Rdierv cannd be accepbd unlil a[ rcqrlcd inbrmation b ]€ei|€d by tlt Cofirnuffiy Dettetoprgt DepattmenL TIE protsct may ati neeO b be reir{ewed by tl|e To.m Council il{or the Plannhg ard Envfoonilerilal Oonmhsin' iflfgn d'5r.pproy.l trpror untci I bulldbe pcmft b bd.nd cc*udon ommap rfllln onc ycr of tltc aFforrd. Doqiptson dft Rcquc.c N €l-; ca* srn*;e-rtat,t LocationofthePropocal: Lot: l? Bbck 3 subdivision: Ph}sical Addrsss: Parcel No.!2-lololtotota (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 ior parcel no.) ts*:rg= 3 4 ef= ifan{s)down€|t9)t DoN s ParrY Caot< HaifingAddres* O?C Dev€L^PMtr7\rT- co. r qooa E'l>€LL€vtEbAv€ Svtti 2oo , 6o ngu-;oo vltt*ae rPltqre: 16 aoi (t 7o1 .14b,8L88 orncr(r)sfgmffie(i)r 3t"' lfarn€otADpfbnB Sccrtr 9.'Toc-^JtP5e-D t F / * ttlalllng Addr€s6:BB €KAE Phone! n4o - 3?-b - jnoo Fax:, 1+-a -?zB - zq o I Q 2') G) 0& oooJ E-mail Address: TYpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs F Conceptual Review E New Con*rudiontr Addifon El Minor Atteraton (multFhmity/commercial) tr Minor Alterauon (single-faniV/&dex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Reque* $50 Plus $1,fi) per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consbucton of a nEvu buildirE or demo/rcbuild. $3OO For an addltlon where square footage is added to any resldential ol commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 fur minor changes to buildings and slte improvements, such as' re-rcding, painting, windor additions, landscafing fences and retaining walls, eb. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, strch as, rercofing, Painti4l, window additions' landscaping fenes ard retaining walls, etc. $20 For revbions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review 8oard. No Fee Olfice llse Only:'---Fee Paid: -€heck liio.: - BY: - ""o*o@;*"*,' TF PpJectNo.:?&ro8-o'ctt O VE gPTUA L DFs I6NJ PEVI€1A) ^ btrfztzoos lt,3: .tl1_totttu:,1tr-. - Gcneml lnfornraUon: Descriptlon of the Rcquest: DPC DEVELOPUEI.IT CO :t'lu34c7055 Conceptual Review Application for Design Review DeFrtment of @mmuilty Dlv€logment 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Cob.ado EI6',td: 970.{79.2128 ta: 970.479.2152 web: unrrw.vallgorr.com All pro. Jccts requiring dcsign r"yia gu:f rccive rpprwal prior b fllmitsing . buldrrrg gern t applr€uon. prease rcJer lo.thc submittal requirements fof.{" pq*r.i.pp.oiu.t b requ€dcd, An applo6on tor Design Rsricrvcannot be accected unUt a[ r€qukcd inroriration c ricrned uy f,e co'mmunty'o"dilpre"t Erega.bncnL Theproject.n y also need to be revl6,v€d by ttE Tovrr counc-U anilor tnc aanruni ini -eri,tnonrnnal Cfi,misdoo,Dcstgn tr{?:l epprovel,lryecs unl€... luftdtng p.ntli l" trsod and oo]cFudon cornrn nc!3 wlthtnone yerr of t|re appmval. @oo2 P.? Location of thc prcposat: toe | 3 Bbck:?Subdivision: Physiel Address: Zonal|g, l{amc(r) of Owncr(s): VA'!L VAVL tLtN6,- (Contiact Eagle Co. Arsessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) OoeHailing a^ Eottt ?b7,?qG. gZ YTza AVE. a8)f, Orrvnc4r) Signearrc(s): I{ame of Applicant: ilalling Mdrcss: 4o'Phone: E-rnall Address: Type of Rgvleur end Fec: B 5i9ns El Conceptual Review O Nerv ConstructlonE Addiuon E Minor Alteration (m ulU-ramtty/commerctat) B Minor AlEratlon (single-f amlly/dudex) D Chang6 !o Apfro\red plans tr Separauon Requ6t a .Corvl 950 Elll! $1.00 per square foot of total slgn .rea. t\b Fee 1650 For constructon of a new bullding or detfty'lebuild,l30O For an addiuon where squrr! fooAge S added to.rry restdenflal or commerEiat bullding (lncludes 250 additions & intedor conversions).$250 For mlnor changes to fuildings and slte lrnpfovEmlnts, such as,*:ryonng, patntlng, wlndow additlon:, landscaplng, fences anA retaining wallt ctc$20 For minor changes to buildingE and gte imprcvemenls, such 6,Gr9o.flng, palnung, whdow additions, lan&cEping fenses and retaining urdlls, etc.$20 For.renblors to pbns already approved by ptannhg Staff or the Dcsign Review Board, No Fee *m Development Review Team & Construction Update Community Development Large Conference Room Wednesday at 9:00am January 16, 2008 AGENDA 9:00 Development Review Team Purpose: Provide coordination and input across Departments on proposed development proposals Staff ltem / Topic Descriotion Time CD WC WC NP 1. Building Department Updates 2. Planning Department Updates 3. Code Enforcement Update' 4. Cook Residence - PW & Fire Comments 15 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes RLF 5. Horton Family Trust - PW & Fire Gomments 6. North Day LoU Temp Skier Drop off - PW Comments BG 7. Adair Residence - PW & Fire Comments 1 0:30 Gonstruction Update Purpose: Provide staff coordination on public and private construction projects 1. Update from Lionshead - LS 10 minutes 2. Update from Mllage 3. Other ROWUtility lssues 10 minutes 10 minutes Other - DRB/PEC Updates 5 minutes 5 minute From: To: Itate: Subject: CC: JR Rulaparyh Nicole Peterson OL124200E10:26AM Cook residence DRB08-0007 Fire_Inspectors Has been reviewed and approred. Hre sprinkhr sy*em and rnonibt€d fiIe alarm s/stem required. J.R, Rulapaugh Fire Inspector Vail Fire & Emergency Services 42 W, Meadow Dr. Vail, CO 816t 970477-34t6 Jrulapaugh@Eilgov.com Page I of I Nicole Peterson - Re: Cook Residence DRB Conceptual From: To: Date: Subject: Attadtmentsl Nicole Peterson alicia@turnipheadaia.com OIlt6l2OO811:14 AM Re: Cook Residence DRB ConcePtual Hello Alicia, I have reviewed the Cook Residence plans submitted. The following preliminary comments were gathered from Planning and other Town Depaftments: Please submit an application with the owners signature. I 4'3' I -T4jlz )' Only one curb-cut is allowed per dwelling unit. Please revise site plan with one curb-cut instead of two' Please label materials on elevations. please approach utility companies regarding encroachment agreements for the water feature, hot tub and retaining walls inside easements. Staff recommends removing the features from the easements. please fropose snow storage and indicate if driveway is heated and if so, where the boiler is located' please move the hot tub and outdoor fireplace outside the required rear and side setbacks. At the time of final review, submit demonstrated compliance of manufacturer's requirements for outdoor fireplace. Other comments will be forwarded to you as other Departments conduct formal reviews. Please submlt the requested changes by January 28, 20d8 to continue to the February 6, 2008 Design Review Board meeting. please note thai the property'shail be staked prior to the meeting. Thank you for your time and consideration. Nicole Nicole Petenon Plianner II Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 PH:970.477.3452 > On 01/15/2ffi8 at B:14 AM, in message <478C6849.842F.00A2.0@vailgov.com>, Wanen Campbell wrote: Alicia, The Town is in receipt of your conceptual application for the Cook Residence. I noticed that you signed the application as the owner of the lot. if this is true, great. If you are not the owner and the CooKs are, piease provide a signed application from the Cook's or a letter from the Cook's authorizing the application' irlicole ieterson wift Ue your planner on this project, Please provide it to her by this Friday in order to remain on the February 6th bRB agenda. I attached Nicole to this email so you @n send it to her directly. Her fax is 970-479-2452 Thanks Warren Campbell 1. z. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. fi1e://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempD(Pgrpwise\478DE7... 01116/2008 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA PUBLIC MEETING February 6, 2008 Gouncil Chambers 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Golorado' 81657 MEMBERS ABSENT PROJECT ORIENTATION MEMBERS PRESENT SITE VISlTS 1. Adair Residences - 3035 Booth Falls Road 2. Horton Residence - 4284 Columbine Dr. 3. Cook Residence - 1537 Spring Hill Lane 4. Cornerstone Buibing - 1276 Westhaven Dr. Driver: Scot 1:00pm 2:00pm 1. Ritz-Carlton Residences DR8070284 / 10 minutes Final review for a change to the approved plans (fagade materials and color) 728W. Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Day Subdivision Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company ACTION: MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 3;00pm Warren Nicole Rachel coNDrTroN(s): 2. Cook Residence DRBO8OOO7 / 15 minutes Conceptual review for new construction (single-family) 1 537 dpring Hill Lane/Lot 13, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t Filing Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Cook, represented by Turnipseed Architects AGTION: MOTION:SECOND: coNDrloN(s): 3. Horton Residence DRB080008 / 15 minutes Conceptual review for new construction (two-family) 4284 Columbine Dr./Tract D, Streamside Duplexes Applicant: Horton Family Trust, represented by K.H. Webb Architects P'C' AGTION: MOTION: coNDrTroN(S): SECOND: Page 1 VOTE: 4. Adair Residences DR8080016 / 15 minutes Conceptual review for an addition (bedroom/garage) 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 3, VailVillage 13th Filing Applicant: John & Katherine Adair, represented by Pure Design Studio ACTION:MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: coNDrTroN(s): 5. L-O Westhaven, Inc. (Cornerstone Building) DR8080024 / 45 minutes Conceptual review for new construction 1276 Westhaven Dr./Lot G-2, Cascade Village, Area 'A' Applicant: Destination Hotels & Resorts, Inc., represented by Rick Pylman ACTION:MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: coNDrTroN(s): Staff Approvals Jaffe Residence DRB07071 3 Final review for a change to the approved plans (crawl space/exterior) 789 Potato Patch/Lot 23, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Tom Jaffe, represented by Kurt Segerberg Dayton Residence DRB07071 4 Final review for a change to the approved plans (windows) 344 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 10, Block 2 Vail Village Filing 2 Applicant: John Dayton, represented by Mille Aldrich Breakaway West DRB070731 Final review for a minor alteration (exterior walls/deck rails) 993 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 83, Block 13, Breakaway West Condos Applicant: TRD Architects One Track Mind DR8070715 Final review for a new sign 610 West Lionshead Gircle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Applicant: Joseph A. Walker North Face DR8070716 Final review for a new sign 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 , Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Applicant: Joseph A. Walker Landmark DR8070710 Final review of a change to the approved plans (exterior changes) 610 W. Lionshead Cr./Lot 1, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Applicant: Landmark Condominium Assoc., represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Bitl Scot Biil Bill Bitl Bitl Bill Bitl Page2 Design Review Board Hearing February 6, 2008 Cook Residence - Concept Single-Family The following comments and issues were raised in Staffs conceptual review: r Rock walls and trees shall be 5 feet off east property line to avoid storm water drainage path - PWo TreeS along Spring Hill Lane shall be 10 feet from back of concrete pan to maintain site distance - PW. Proposed shutters. Snow guards on slate roofo Domestic water for water feature - must ask Water District to-" a/Vl. Stroi" Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail Box I00Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Patterson: The following will confirm our eonversation of this norning and hopefully will help you straighten your records. Upon receipt of your letter of February J, I called youroffice and spoke to either you or one of your employeesstating that the electri.cal panels were being labelledby the electrician working for Andy Beck & Associates,the contraetor, and that in addition, I was aware ofny obligation to landseape and pave our property, butthat I found it rather bureaucratic and impractical tobe given a date by which to complete this work. I stated that the work would be done, weather pennitting, sometime in the spring or on return from my vacation andthat your date of July lst may or may not be convenient. Your letter of August 1O about which I cal-led you thismorningTerroneously states that I have not respond.ed toyour previous note. As I have explained above, and justto rnake sure that my additional eiplanations hive beenunderstood and recorded, I am herewith repeating them. 1. The paving of the front of the house was completedlast winter. ?. The removal- of all large rocks on the lot and theshaping of the lot by bulldozers was completed in late June. 3, The additional shaping of the western side of our ]ot ?long Sunburst Drive and complete distribution of topsoilthroughout the lot were completed by mid July. 1. .AlI seeding of grass and wild flowers was conpletedby the end of July. 5. A few days ago a cover of t'Hol_d and Growr was placedthroughout the lot. fr,ooFir trees have been ordered through Rockv Mountain^--" Experts in Denver and wil_1" be plSnted,ai is custonary,during the faLl-, / -// ,. ../over P.O.Box279 - Vail,Colorado 81657 / (303)476-5769 August 11, L979. 7, TO to*'o JVl. Strou -?- All the above can be substantiated and is available you through bills and receipts of payments. My attitude this norning over response to your total- lack of which had been brought to the and especially in response to tones of your Letter of August Jan sM. {lLlir n$Jrltaltl P.S. As to the extension cordwater, it was instaLled aboutof Vailrs Water and Sanitation the phone was awareness ofattention ofthe arrogant 10 in directthe factsyour office and threatening and new meter for thea week ago by employeesDistrict. P.O.Box279 - Vail,Colorado 81657 / G03)476-5769 lmn box l(Xl vai!, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Febrarry 5, L979 department of community development ltr. Jittr Sle\ftr 3,M.279 VaiL, CO 81657 Ibar Sir: Erclosed is yor C,;crrditiqral Certiflcate of Occrpanry for the residsrce on Iot Ul, Vail Valley 3rd FiEng. Please sign the Cercificate and retucn to us after it has beerr rptari.zed. If 5rou have any questicns, please do not hesltate to let us l<rlcftr. Sincerely, Catherine A. Jarnot Bdlding Dept. Atde ftrcls. caj SLEVIN RESIMNCEI.ot 13, Vail Valley 3rd filing Buifdir€ Penait 1fL68-78 Febnrary 5, L979 box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development I'Ir. Jim Slevin Eox 279 Vail, C0 81657 Dear Sir: A Conditicn:ral C.ertificate of Occr:pancy has been issued on your residence wi*r rhe r.raderstandirg that the electrical panels be laheled and a r*ater aeter reader be installed in the f-ront of tlre house by March L, L979. In additic'n, all landsc4ing and paving anrst be cc4leted by July L, L979. If these itenm are not ccnpleted, the Tcnn of Vail Building Official uEry caurie th:is to be ccrpleted at yo'r.E €!.pense. Yotrr cooperaticn in this matter r^rill be gneatly appreciated.If tlrere are any fi-rther questicnrs, please ccrltact IIre. I have read and understarrd the above condition for Conditional Cercificate of Occr:parrcv. Orief Puilding Official SEAL ,iln ffi:,nl ,/ Sr:bscribed and ${om to before ure this 7 & uv &%. L979. <!cc Jz z r^ Y =<(no =zJO(I tr .-i6\J\J= =eftoir di= tu o o o1' .: ll- E=.o ;'io= orL.,oC lro=E>-tFo* oz F C) uJ-)oE.L d.fl -{ q u,F o ts =E, lrJ o-zIFof E,Fazo() ntl! oz t =tul al- ri::r<t-=1=7r.l-- -<9.'9 k:i;F tslu. 7: "rir,rt4j iaaYrrr.2<24; "g- ? ;iH -^ 4-ziii NOrrvn'lv^ uJI(!I z5==(raftenai rtgipa 102c!22 -I z = F9aa1>(r()<)2tL< v= t! ;-o-V HN lltltlll*ll(Dtl ,s ll*ll-.rl xl 3lz Lgo oq s 6.Eo f,dru H13g 3'Hea UJIol t1?l xl 1I <l>l Io- tr doo a tJtl, HI q >l tltl|lIllJI et c EEI taft< =I J4atrr E Eo P E! E (U tt1 ui z d) I I It-lo I I -l@lull 6Iot<lj>-<tr =(J c (U a/', E Ll,l 2 i E .U =-J u- cr *l 5 Oz F EFz O z - LIJ E zt- =<zefF!zrJ-o E F(J EFz .J 9 F uJ) llJ <F LU<ZELlI Fo6 o )<()an:o 2 Enrl Fo F2 I Ir12 = z F F z O z ,l F F 2 a Oz z rl: O F !ta z t{ F F F trl FI F z z F () e F J o u,l l,t/ z t{ F z uloz 3 E{ F-.,+- zul Eut uJ t t 5l- =tr= lrl olroO -==oFJf o NOtrvn'lvn i *0|l* -l- = t)E -l(,)- ad/ ; z tr9*i-oFEt4lJ ->:z6f o- (JtE ;.i PermitNo. ii ij 0 0 g METER TO BE INST NAME OF JOB ADORESS AND/ Oato lssued CALL FOR PLUMBING CONTRAPTOR Metersizo 3/1' - Meter MeterNumb€r tTJyD /7 BiltihisAmounttoPlumber AND METER INSPECTION WHEN INSTALLED 47&5613 EXT' 230 Bldg' o€pt - whita;- wat€i & ssnitation - can8ry;- contractor- Pinkl- Accounllng - Goldenrod Permit No.fi 1063 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnwn lnttnVAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT METER INSTALLATION PERMIT MBER WITH TOWN OF VAIL. DESCRIPTION I wat€r & Sanitation Oistrict TAP FEES HAVE EEEN PAID IN FULL, cENERAL coNTFAcroR <I2r=r ra -tc. No. PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. NO. EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water NUMBER OF UNITS Lrc. No. Meier Size6)9 Date Billed Bkfg. Dad. -Whlt3; -Wftlr md S.nitrtlm - Gr-n: - Publlc Work - Crmry: - Contr.ctor- Ank: - Accounting - Gold.nrcd , !.! rtr:, .ti.t.>'!a..rii q-l n f . t nr Project Appllcation @@9 spe/-ytr Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phon€: Architect Address and Pho Legal Description: ld /3 , erocr Design Reyiew Board Motion by:/;*-/,* Frttrr." APPRovAL Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL 3-a Summary: Chief Building Oflicial t Project Application /6 Proiect DeScription: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone:J -zlz /2 Legal Description; 1e1 .z tJ , Btock \ , Fiting Zoning Approved: / I l-'t) tlitc(.I,,-(- -li*& Design Review Board g,r/-Po Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Dale: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official 't I ' YA|L raTER g sAltlnrtcn DlslRlct tlflG C lF!'!E Ortm 'sIREEr AuEss loT BITI-IIE ADD1ESS /'€ /.o q,o 6;, O -.5- ' ,) !i L lean'__-l'sr rllnn 4. aD fl.oe -.tu FLffi !|!EGTF_.-,--lst FLm L i0o nrmR Jf,O R-OR 1, aaseac < JST F|'MR _E- 3o nm 2--fu FLqN BastN & Tolt.Er.(oE ttAf BAnu ocrm efln<s g#o /xLfr =' t.bCt1 x'# - 2. q. n66 (uvlNe m6,,ffi$'#ir*;L x 1.0 I PARIT.CNTS KTclols Dts[?iAstERS IJLNDRIES . Gen us*el lcE mo|INES SAINAS WATB MJRS & }618 FOIJNTAIIs sil{t}illtG P(n1.s J dlzlqJTSIDE WATER . 0,ttHnul or clg RrI BA1IS mHs Klrcl8l Dlsll'lAstfR l^r.lnlES :tfstE mrER II'TAL POTNTS x x x x x 2,n LM .50 a i I : t i 5. 6. 7, & 9. 10. ,E= ,E= aT x,E= x5.ffi -qI l:ffi = l. 2, 3, 'q. t x 3.0 xLm rlil x' .E) x 1.O I I I : ak. '^'-'-'.Fb-sox 10 ^. R€srrE{TrAL mrEn E .**; *t$hff u9 *"t^ -O' * ouo ffi igffi'#w'fif 'tr^ffi *,ffii*i{ffi ffi ' illtttff ,itffi t'n"* Dr sIRt( DATE OF MEETING: MEUBEBS PRESEM: r'f qJ 't, lJl9 sreuoFr LOU PARKER t BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO I,OT__J!_.-, BLOCK_, FILING Resub Vail Valley 3rd ACTION TAruN BY BOARD: uorron Pon t&b ' sEC.NDED By:T"JJ VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: CJ tnarqn- ABSTENTION: IPPROVED: DTSAPPROVED: SUTIIA8Y:-lp^;#*"/ rlo *i ou rli ''tor r. o Legal Description: -tOrner: ) leut Hei ght : Setbacks: Actual 6+ Required - Front Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings: G.n.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaplng: Required - Lot Parking:Required o SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDETMIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Architect:T;.,.. --e/ar...1l- 4 Zone District: f I t ProPosed use: ./^Lot Area: l0 /6 Minus Hazard Area:o Equals Buildable Area:16,7 0 0 1ot + 3,S.near2o' +35 ,Rear q- '.'/.Actual qA * = 31ao ^ctu,.u 2 (\ 9 d-70-ok DK 2Q1 , Sides , Sidese8 Required Area Area Area .x Actual ar-lo-,'l Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Be Paved EnvironmentaLlHazard'. Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Slope Actual Distance From Trees Removed Creek Conments: Zoning Approval; 'lvt +G-, ,+.strator K ur. fr,taa- - >1 (-Yr lp,ri ^^GK?* F loou [1Ds8 3o.asX ))-S= lOtj.38 8.7tX ao.> ,-)f ll.a:rz\ t3\ l71.aS ^3.jx lt = 9sg.sl7.tx7s= lit-as e,oX -l =l8 o 28s 6o 1e A8s 7 a6 5,\ ta.= 8).. ta =' lY.a-rj( ? o = .-, a,4A- ftuintrffi+/..r = ar-3) l8,S+ tE.s+A6= al 1- 71 +^D.y + lzs > a ). 3? ffi o DATE OF MEETING: April 13, '1978 MEMBERS PRESENT:B;I'ILL-SITEFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP BON TODD 43HnfiPilO SUBJECT:Sl ev in Residence LOT 13 ACTION TAKEN BY BOABD: , BLOCK [M,F ILING Vai I Val 'leY 3rd uorrou faOD sEcoNDED ev: Etgflrp VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED:X ("*,navun, ,*u1. ) DISAPPROVED: APPLICANT IJr **-} l4-_- lr.rdlcnoN REeuESi.. rowN tilvnrr- oerc lofzT' JoBNAME INSPECTION: €v ( '\ MON.:.. CALLER TUES WED PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION:l'/ ).t) t) tl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr q FTNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*dil"noN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ,riuEs ) wED JOB NAME bRlleR THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERq FRAMTNG tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H- TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED iRRectror.ts: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oor, 4{-9a JoB NAME rn#lcnoN REouEsr ------{4" CALLER REAOY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Rs' THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o ,*odrcrorro tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr, ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL EI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rl"roN REeuEsr br veti!.,'": )'DATE 'l ' ..: . ' JOB NAME I TOWN READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONT /! 1r' (,J.Ves' fwEg> rHUR FRI fo) PM BUILDING: \FOOTNGS / SrEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL O FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ' r) ' | .. / / | REQUEST VAIL rlrllcnoN TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED ' t j) | ! / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr. FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR // rr.rslcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL payE _ Su o'y'r^l Rr== r T_oorc l^^ 7t-77toe CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED L.dT Sr^.4t1 *tr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB f rrr.rnr- tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED p/net r.rseecTtoN REQU I RED RECTIONS: ,or=fu rNSPEcroR K { 4r'". / rNsr=.l|b* FrEouEsJ TOWN OF VAI L DATE . . TIME REcEtvEo . ' '.,:;'' .,Alvt JOB NAME . ' PM CALLER n orHrn ! peRrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE n nppRovED fi orsaeeRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .. .-'l t, fl nerNsPEcr ,..,.':'.-.-" . : ..-- -- ,,.---..-... __ INSPECTOR {.PtnLtY;!arl ' ..:5oATE . ! ,. - ?/ t u/n j',t' U .' INSP tiSt7tat".5; En-l TOWN ) ,.. ,:tt., ':.-,,-:.:t :!::t.FIE(iIUEST. VAI L DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF I orsen ! pnnrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ( rHUR l -r/kf;, MON COMMENTS; TUE FRI 'E.orPRovED! uporu rne CORRECTIONS florsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr \^\sr c'f ,,J DATE TIME RECEIVED -. AM PM CALLER BEADY FOR INSPECTION -fr. _,2 y i -r-i l-)'z-z .lu-{' INsiEECGru FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAI L flpnnrrnl LOCATION! orHen , MON COMMENTS: I} APP ROVE D florsappRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr -\ .) DArE *ix' -*---.' rNseectoru TOWN OF (-r .tV FIEOUEST VAIL oor'- {,f 7 ,t' '7 ( JoB NAME -nue necLrve ry- 8;i !- en pu cALLER I orHen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrll READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOSAT;ON .irl n.i1,,-,,', '. I .* ,:! it!*, /, ,- ." t\''.- ..,,, a. i- t-- - , l FRr i'AM. PM ,Kkt RovE D ! UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORBECTIONS ! orsneeRovED fl nErNSPEcr - {,). DATE INSPECTOR rNspec{bru TOWN O FIEBUEST VA$l L ! ornen ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,,-1: ;, TUCJ WED \.-'2 'v.)z t \ -_/\ THUR FRr ( Aryv PM E-ap Piiov E D E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr .+=r ,/.I.URON THE FOLLOWI NG CORRE.CTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE rNspectoru FIEBUEST TOWN O otte (.',',' TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME TI-'/L 6; I orHen MON COMMENTS: flpnnlar LOCATION <..:1-l 4 TUE READY FOR INSPECTION r,":u.g )THUR FTAPPBOVED ! orsnppRovED fl upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ! nerNSPEcr '.Vj DATE I .\' e clal Y"', 7@ I NSPECTOR o rNsPEcloru TOWN OF FIEEUEST -vArt TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D orxrn E pnRrrnl. LocATroN ^'r-4 READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: , ,"-?\.Ir\ ',/rat iv' (A9,'PM. L-"- U app RovE D I orsnneRovED ! net.rusprcr ! UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONSI CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR INSFECIoN FIEEUEST TOWN OF 'VAl.L JOB NAME +\ ,,4{ DATE -i:?-_-(S:.+' flME RrErvED i:iri. ''ir t'f \t .ilnt I E orxen E peRrtal.LOCATION itarit Tt tE AM PM GOMMENTS: APPROVED I orsaeeRovED D nerNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS t t DATE rNsFEcloru TO,WN O FIEBUEST tV A* l,.L ,' ,i' F DATE , .,/ - ,1 JOB NAME _ TIME REcEf vE D :'"' ** eru, qru-.' CALLER D orxen I pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM EleppRovED COBRECTIONS E orsnppRovED EnerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: DATE INSPECTOR o)c oou. o+o at) q) -l- o Eo -l lz o En:= to_()\-- c_ .> 9ara6 l!o3ool..F at) ]oo .c =rrXEO'oo uo- o .qU'' 0) f .xII o)c _co = .9 c)+x IJ.J 0) tr d).=-cO36'-DocboOcrLCoo'64 x]U olc OEI E,Fs =*ojagZl== ):.i={! g =98* ,*.r; J*#rs63;uI PoJ