HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 2 LEGALL'+a U"l U^[lq {il;n33' George S. Lamb 230 Bridge Street Vail. Colorado 81657 June 30, 2009 TO: Warren Campbell FROM: George Lamb RE: 1801 A Sunburst Drive Landscaping Dear'Warren: The major landscaping has now been completed, and I now request your review and eventual return of our $2,968.75 TOV deposit. I have attached a site plan which details the further details the extent of the landscaping and which exceeded as what was proposed. 1. Tree Schedule and adjusted location (yetlow) 2. Total regarding and rock retainage @rown) 3. New sod vs. native grass seeding (green) 4. New irrigation system 5. Off site seeding and weed barrier installation (orange) 6. Dry river rock drainage collection (blue) Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, ,/^ln ( with 1ft-?nL 9-l<,,tE- C^rk<.- >Vb- lVzl l' r't0 t i421'E 'Coue / K5{:".. SPRUCE k;:*''"' ASPEN (6 OF 6) a#1 ;tg.dq**'4, Porcel I lH Et Sl4 d{er /t./8,':v/ $,,8/ /z l__ Pucel t (CGn) 1516 rf, II ( [. lf |}0t, to$md PROPERTY LINE Sunburst lriye cfilf.rrtY oEtrELafifur Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR}I Depaftment of Communitl. Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel:970.479.2!.39 fax:970.479.2.152 web: wrvw.vailgov,com Project ilame: HILLIARD/CHAPMAN ADDmON Project D6cription: FINAL APPROVAL FORTHE ADDMON OF GRFA AND MNDOWS Participants: OWNER HILLIARD, R. GLENN O7I23I2OO7 5780 POWERS FERRY RD NW ATI.ANTA GA 30527 APPUCANT GIPHART CONSULTING AND DESIG0Z23|20O7 Phone: 970-401-0981 COURTNEY GIPHART 407 CRlzY HORSE CR, EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000002307 ARCHffiCT GIPHART CONSULTING AND DESIG0Z23|2O07 Phone: 970-401-0981 COURTNEY GIPHART 407 CRAZY HORSE CR. EDWARDS co 81532 License: C000002307 Project Address: 1801 SUNBURST DR VAIL LocaUon: 1801 SUNBURST DR. Legal Description: Lot 2 A Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-091-0302-7 Comments: SeeConditions DRBNumber: DRB070338 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/S|TAFF ACTIOT{ ACtiON: STAFFAPR ' DateofApproval: 0811512007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued to$rard cornpletion. Cond: CON00@179 The applicant shall repair the material around the new windorus to match the existing material to a level at which it is not apparent that a hole was cut in the facade to inisert the new windows. Cond: CON0009180 The applicant shall match the new windows to those existing onthe structure in style, color, and material. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S30O.0O ,rut. I t. IUU , rl: ?0ru JLIrEI J[,t 1fl tiAMrlull ilu. 0)0 | r. I elGilDhtrfi* ,_r rye_ilag anF 4E-rurlFrrF. - DrrEt'r rfr H rrut E * =* rErE =!ErE - tr =*t- ry cl tla. -;#;g= h tt'l r:nr zrri b--F'- a r- E rG - i--'tjffi frcE= - - -E r fG !r* * -.:< ac.-tlS-;GEE -:_ *fr u- n-t e- --r-rr!-'r*--E---lc--r,-Elr.],r. fficComnrcialfppffin lbrD!.tsn Rsirry _IFrtrhEfurwrcEtE&.l&.b4rfl,Ckb !r6rt*n{ttajrl tc3;ru{R:|El*H.qild g, @g o s @Lstmofhpntc* r* Z _X $drdi- Frd &.r ?,Iol-Oq l- O3O Zil zorh3: Irm(.)ofoftrcF ||-|bgetG t3ss oIl.1(r'sFft(3F l|rcrffpEC l|{hgrrnp= Fmatf&r- TlFt'luJrdFcr: O S|gnl Cl @ACn6k Q, r€r@rrfur Xraet tr lttrlb*r (mfilEnflldlod!.rdd O l{hrffi(ctrGsrrq/dlbo. tr Cta|f,lsbltFsrod pbro |+ilB C-orX|F;f.HFl. Ngnl t E><sfU.fl^Otp ilfl$pqreDotdHdgrura Ao BE P-rnatL.pD 8,1ht s-rE{L q*E q{ +.24.o}p hqffirdtrahffigrffifi.{il k r frr ft qc- tsb'r 'L rrEll b q Ecdail.t or6w(H !frg (hdr 2$ d.ka Eir m'lr*n3ll?50 trfu Oqllbhrn|' drbiryucncG, *dr-,|C!Eqt' ffi, tr.ftq frrr.' rd r**il,tg*,!E.ll0 Ertuthesb!ftSdgtsfre,rdr-,c,!6e ?dd$ *f ffG hfugi!. foiG rd lltrilr,g. q,!E *0 tu r*bE b plos *Edt rpd tf Hr*tg Sffi r rn Dctgnh!ord' (gE Etgb e, rnsr at9'DS&effr ftr pld r0.) =rv=ln\ 232001 |9 N OF VAI :refrstr- 7.d dAOreO eO Bt thr *** + ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********* * * *'t*{. t *.1{.t* *:1.:}'1.** * * * * * * * * *********,}'}'} *******+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***** +++**t t *t + * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * * ********* * * ***{.+t f:} 'r. {. * * 'l:l 't * * * * * * * * * * * *******.***'}*********** StatemenC Number: R070001312 Amoune: $300.00 07/23/200702237 PM Palment Metshod: Check CONSI,IJT ING AND DESIGN Init.: iIS Notation: 1o 1? /GIPHART Permit No: DR8070338 TIT)e: Parcel No: 2LOL-O91-03O2-7 Site Address: 1801 ST NBURST DR ttAIL, Location: 1801 SIINBURST DR. This Pal.ment:$300.00 DRB - Addition of GRFA Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance: 50.00 r*:ttrl *+**'i* * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *****'l*++*t*{.******{.**********t**** + * * * * *** * * * * * * * i't+ ** $300.00 $300.00 Current Pmts 300.00 ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003 LL2200 Deacription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Jul .18 07 O4:zl0p . JtJt. 18. ?00i l2:47Pfl $llfE* j*ffi fiu. otrJ p.2 $IITH IRAI|PTOII I ,/ tolrfT FRo?lfiY owtftt f,RrrrEr AtPROrlAt l-ltTlt r, t L odnt|Etlc r Jdnt arner of prcperU ffi at (oddrcgegll descrtpuorrl pro,f*$bte5r$Gsrrnpwdt'theflandaEd 4"lt * --r'ridrrEwbosl I fit0lEl u$erstrnd 0n mfin modflotbm mal be rnnlr b be planr or tho cnulrc 0f lte rExbn F66 b ?nillc <qlPlbtr rth ttlTtiln's ildtSh erts and re$benr, i- ry#\rN|stt$'lm\Hf, irjrsv6;iffq1r.a-rGdoc tg lof lit gbmllltl to tlpTotvn 0f Vdl qrrludty Danhprmnt DcFrffi lbr ors propad In$rurunenB b ba cottghbd at lhcddr€s noBt oboa I ur*ntild fid tll proFmd f?rprorrmerG frarde: ?iL,"her:,7 LilAl?fis Jul 18 07 O4:40p JuL. 10.200? 12:41?S SLlttR S'ltll| Ff,Af'lPT0[ p.1 ilO.6553 P. r lryV ^Fvffi* Vz,\+a<4 tuly tr8,2@7 T0r FROM:RE l{ilbsdsln-Fil} DcrrLos; It wu good viritingrsitb you Aftrchod ir thcjoint propcrty epprovd ftrGtan'r ia-fll mooin My efiu #ir 1:86G880.1989 wV&qqk lm f;".idtrtutc . lhtl C.t t& 8r6t, : ?*{h:9tl 4t6 212r . Fanih t?o 476z6Jo o Tott Fnrffi il4 2421 *ral,idhdElrrr,rx \r' f ruvtL' t*glryo--, / dcsrsefuob atrngl3\o ttrc fiving rooilt rtt& o0wo100'1wAl tu0$angNns nqt t gillu'z to7 NOUTAAV 3CN10tg1U 1UVtllrH -o \^ -t oE IL o- TL lJ. Fa lu(r zo CJ) tj.t f@r\(t d1\o -!Juto o(t, 0P co\r d o, Jl! v)zo ..1 l-tl> F Hl e = Gln. -eP E-l 3P*SFE El f;fr*qsq frI BEfiFIf; cl $ Pl .i E ?l =. I 'l=sxael tH ifi 36urqFJ:io!.^ 6)EB 9HB I ceg FH# nr i$i ff[g E| g$f idf; Fluo=i6=sB "'q Bcrt* 6- A#g;$sF ;PFH eHq *H$fr tdf; tr uJzIaulo E:) (J uttIou t\o I 00 ru Iyb ;*F E da= 3.do trru= I j E:F }ENc J tUoo Lut tU Oz tUo I U) tU E. ot IJJ -I X tIJoz ('9z =to a UI I I i E c)lJJF C)E lr.l # 5 I v1 F F I v1 F fi I $ p B Fo f; ! - f;i f; 2 E TII 00v8070c'1lvA ilNotgunaNng rcst t1NtlHztOT NOIJIq1V lCNlatSEA 0UVt11tH NVUOI1CllVA ilNO$UnSNnS togL e ilfllH'Z tol NOU\AqV ]0M0'S3U 0AW11\H \, O- J tr o- z<9u ak* (/) TU 5 UJ J $ li t; iZ- L>t- -,6 ,0-,tt Ha,iiHsiiH .f6-,9 .0-,02 '' .6-,9 " .t-,6 " -9-,9 " .9-,t '' ,lv-,lz g frt g - E F g H 4 E E 3I E h *? E h q T h aN., h R 6 u { ,+ E h q T Vl (l' +? h at' E t T i#E 3 g h a; v, * h R rl+ h t\sI 5 d F R E el=c rxlEq{g Izl<lJIo-l x.lolol Ll FIaltltrl '.1ololJI<l 9lFI 1lolal f;l!gl.u ol3/T-\qt In 0 NOIil1lV 1CN10IS3U 0AW11IH o0w010J'1,v JAtA0tsSnSNns nqr t cNlltt'z t07 03 tn Lt- u- LLs co c-c t! 5 UJ ccz 6iJ =g l-!-ca ->(- ,6t 2E rE I Eoz .t-,01 z 5o-too lJ-ozo() UJ U) I CNo c) F C'a f;x.(9 "0-,tt .9-.t F -t HaaaH a ^u ,9t n- Ib, € _l(o -ll Q I .\l(\I 6l(rI --,i qt I() fr 3t g H E g E q 5 E 3 6 Vt { E a a T ht.\t+ u R3 Ut { m EI E b a T h a?T h F n t H setD rErEr#i 2 F h q + h ? Vt R3+ Vt F E F 6 $ R E .6-,9 ' .t-,6 ' .9-,9 ',9-,t NWOWC'1tVl taofsansMns L1st I9Nt1H'Z t01 NOU\A1V ?CNl0tgtA 0AVt11tH )< !J =c! o trr u, =Eo- 2_ .) 3 u, is 't I =f;9srg )*Ht bi=a G :> \., tl FTF (i * (/) .U 7t=--t6H lrl J H3 bll Hh.(\lltl-|.- d,ad= Epg 3Bg dESE EdH T 7 a 05 j lr.'l 3 b CE H =ElrJCL at)E H. EG =d o EiJ 3E_=gl q H><llrll r __J - Hq ELlg ]r.Jott >€LrlJ=o b FHH; ,-tqrg l3 u-lc)I lrjII lrJ t? I z 5 o-too t.|. ozo(J uJa trt o- 3[!z o0wo10c'ltvA lAtuotsunauns Mt t 9Nt1t! 'z t01 N 0 | il Q 0v 19N30/S3U AAV m H ,'llttfil TgsrJ i 'e H *t '91 .ll *=,q:. lli 3l ep,t H 1F- HF IL.. (.1^J , .ltU_!u \tk;jo6i zI k UJ lrJ IFfoo -J FE (L =uJz g a n q q g q g Eaq 5EL|JI I Mr. Ernj.e Freggiaro Vait Watef and Sanitation District Vail, Col"orado,81657 Re: Easement encroachnent LcL 2, Vail valtey Thircl Filing Dear !lr. Freggiaro: Per our telephone conversation of today, I am enclosing a copy of the Improvement Iocation Certificate for the above referenced lot. fhe Letter authorizing this encroachment should be addressed to Hr. Iou Glissan of Turnmar Construction, at 1O Inverness Drive East, Englewood, colorado 80112. I would certainly '.appreeiate your PromPt attention to tli.s, as the construction leniler is holding up the proceeds <if tne construction loan pending receipt of your letter. If you have any questions, pfease call ne. JIIIS: cjn 'BOX No. c-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072 DENVER 893-1531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 t TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 7s s. Fl.oNTAce nono vAtL. co 8t657 970-479-2138 L6A Iu"^\o\s!NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT SFR BU]LD PERMIT PErMit #: BO7-0272 Project# PRJ07-0315 Job Address: l80l SLNBURST DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l80l SLINBURST DR. Applied . . : 0812212007 Parcel No...: 210109103027 lssued . .. : 09/13/2007 Expires . ..: 03/1112008 OIINER HILLIARD, R. GLENN 08/22/2007 5780 POWERS FERRY RD NW ATLANTA cA 30527 APPLICANT SAWATCH LAND CO. INC. 08/22/2007 Phone: 376-4124 P.O. BOX l-298 EDWARDS co 8L532 License z 529 -B CONTRACTOR SAWATCH LAND CO. fNC. 08/22/2007 Phone: 376-41,24 P.O. BOX L298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 529 -B Description: ADDfTION OF GRFA AND WfNDOWS Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $25,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 221 * *,ta * * * *,t * * t *,| *:l * Building---> $391.25 Restuaranl Plan Reyiew--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $682.71 Plan Check--> $254.31 Recreation Fee--------> $33.15 Additional Fe€s------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES----------> $682.71 Total Permit Fee--_--> $682.71 Will Call----> $4.00 Payments--------> 3682.71 BAI-ANCE DUE---.> $O,OO Approvals:Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 09/1,L/2O07 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08 /23 / 2OO7 Warren Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT O9/23/2OO7 mcgee Action: AP Add smoke detection per IBC. Recommend instaLlation of, monitored fire alarm svstem. rtem:' o55oO PUBLTC woRKs r * t t * t t * * t * t * * 't ir See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in flrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A 4 PM. OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM SIGNA WNER NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ** {r * * *l ** * t '} ** {, *,} *'t *** ** **!r * * ** * + * ** * + 'r *rt * + * 't + * t 't *'f 'tt{.*'t**'}*'tir*****tt f* '} * 'i *!t * +.* *:f '}*!*|'t '}'l'if +,}* * *f *t**'l'|*'t' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ' B,07-0272 as of 09-13-2007 Status: ISSUED *t:}|*|{t't*:}|*|lt:t***{.*|t****t**:t!i*!tt:f:}**|'f***t**l'lit'|***t'ttt't|'t'}t't':}'}'t'}'}:i***|**{t'}:t'|t'}*'s+:i|:t*t{'*:|'}{''}|:|i****l* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O8/22D007 Applicant SAWATCH LAND CO. INC. lssued: 09/13n007 3764124 To Expire: 03/l 12008 JobAddress: l80l SITNBURSTDRVAIL Location: l80l SLJNBURST DR. ParcelNo: 210109103027 Description: ADDITION OF GRFA AND WINDOWS **'t'|t*****'t,t***'*'}**********f******'l**'|t'|t{t:|.****j|**'|t{.Conditions'|*'|{'l{t'*****d'****'|''**,|t*,}'|t*,}*'}****!***1|*'}***** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3t3 0F THE 2003 tRC. r'****** * 't 't 'l 't*** ** **tt****************t**r*'l*****************t*'itttrt**r.*********{*'l****{"1*l'{' TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * i I i I * * ***t I t** * * | * | | i I * I * * * * I + I | | * ** | i * * * * * I | | | t * | | I | | * * * * * | * '} * * * * * * *** * * | * | | * | | * a * * a a a a * a Stat,ement, Nunber: R0?0001851 Anount: i682.7I 09/73/2Oo701 :40 PM Palment Metshod: check Inits: DDG co.5151 Notation: sawa.ch r'and Permit No: BO7-O272 Type 3 ADD/ALJ SER BUILD PERIr{IT Parcel No: 21OI- 091-0302 - 7 Site Address: 1801 SITNBI RST DR VAIL IJocation: 18 01 SI'NBURST DR. Tolaf Fees: 9582,7L This Payment: $682.77 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $682,7L Balance: $0.00 *** * **ltl*a******ial*l'{'{"t *{'***{'{'* | * I { **t t*** *{' + t' * ti**t+* ** * * *+* * * * * * * * * * 't t t {' {' *:l {' 'l't * ***{'l *{rl* ACCOL'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 wc 00100003112800 391 .25 254.3r 33.15 4.00 BUIIJDING PERI,IIT F'EES PLAI{ CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CAI.I, INSPECTTON FEE r ,.ffi ll BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLISI SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX CHECKLIST This checklist is to be used with any single fami[/dupbx permit (new construction , addition, or remodel application.) D Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained (may not apply to interior remodels) D Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: Architectural Plansn Site Plans. Provide all site plan information as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checklist for complete details. I Construction staging plans. Provide construction staging and materials storage site plans. E Floor plans. ComplJte noor plans provided for each level. Complete dimensions, drawing scale noted, use of each room shown on the plans. Location of mechanical equipment clearly shown n Building Elevations N,W,S,E elevations. Show all proposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, doors, and finish grades. tl Window sizes and operation types. Specified on the floor plans or elevations. I Stainrays, guards, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard details tr Roof plan. -Show all roof covering materials (Class A covering required) and underlayment, roof pitch n BuiHi;g cross sections. Show ioof, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show roof and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces' D Rescheck compliance certificate and inspection checklist (new construction and additions only). Provide a complete signed compliance certificate and inspection checklist. Verify all exterior building is detailed on the building plans as required on the Rescheck compliance report' D Fireplaces. Atifireplace types shown on the floor plans. Specify gas log set, or gas appliance at each fireplace. Structural PlansI Soils Report. Include 2 copies of the soils report for your lot. tr All sheets of the structural ptans stamped and signed by a Golorado State Licensed Engineer' I Design specifications sheei. Roof live load, Deck live load, Floor live load, Wind Speed/Exposure, Soils repo( number and soil bearing capacity referenced per the soils report. ! Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundation plan with all footing/foundation section details ! Framing plans. Provide complete framing plans for floors, decks, roofs. All beams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. Include framing construction details and connection schedules. Other itemstr Asbestos form completed. Asbestos test and report provided disturbed. See Town of Vail asbestos testing requirement form' if any existing construction is proposed to be I Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application' will be paid upon issuance of a buibing permit. The building permit and recreation fees I have read application, I Applicant's requirements of this checklist.lf any required information is missing from the application will not be accepted. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingurermit-4-17-2007.DOC Page 2 of 7 ul77l?007 ll -ffi ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12,1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature OR date o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans qrbmitte{application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan if found to be inaccurate) OR r The building was constructed after October 12,1988. The date of construction was original construction date applicant signature date F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildi ngjermiL4-17-2007.DOC Page 5 of 7 M|til2007 ll 07. 63/,r Vail, Golorado 81657 Separate Permits General Contractor:*<";;.[ii {r."rl C,.I*Town of Vail Reg. No.: bzq -B Contact Person and Phone #'s: Ste,,i< 1l'2. k'e- @n) Z+A<tz< 7o ?ft:671A GOMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ II,CYZTV ELECTRfCAL: $ Z,O6b .THER: $ 5&ro7) PLUMBING: $ 2O6g MECHANICAL: $ 5\TOTAL:$ ZSitJ<tC) For Parcel # Conhct Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ' PrLtD C{ zlct. u\|. oaoz+ JobAddress:l ,6Cl SvxbrfJ /iiJobName: 160 [ X.l Lrr:f work: t | | rle{O{tfrL tCQ #'r WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(t4- Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoWork Type: Interior p$ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singl+family ( ) Two-family @l) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Gas Loqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBqquslNQ[-ALLOlqEq F : \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Brrilding\buildingJermil4-1 7-2007.DOC 51G I Pag€ I of 7 o4lL7pn7 LS/2312AA7 11:33. ttlt 23t 26U I l:L : L4 97A744873e 97A524FAA1 SAI^|ATCH LAt'lD Crl. II€LI-VAIL a2 a2/a2 970.52+3000 Fax 9G524-3001 PAGE PAOE ,*V,ffi hsull/allp urt'Qrdt"'-- Mr. Slteve Crokl Sa.warch Land Company POBox l29E Bdwards, CO. 81632 VIA l'ACSIll4 ILE: ? 48 "8TlE vb1'*;*ffi Octobet.22,2007 PROJECT: l80l Sunbunt vil, Colorado 'I SPECIT'ICATIONS: Ttis is o confirin the followiag was instaflcd at 1E01 Suuburst. R.23 Blow-In-Blankot Syct"m fiberglass insulrtion (BIBS) to 2x6 ecteriorwalls 6 mil poly to 2x6 odenior walls R.23 BIBS to 2x6 soundwalls R-15 ro! to 2x4 soundwallg R-49 BIBS to I I 7/8" mid floor R-l0l) BIBS to 24" drop ceiling Foam ail windows, doors andpucoations TOTAL cost inrtallod iucludlng lrbor & trxcr I sl,527.00 Post Oflicc Box 2888 \/ail, Colcnado EI658 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PErMit #: EO7-0238 3al 'ox12' Job Address: 1801 STINBURST DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1801 SLINBURST DR. Applied . . : 0912612007 Parcel No...: 210109103027 Issued . . : 1010112007 Legal Description: ?RfO -l - 6 -5 ( f Expires . .: 0312912008 Project No :OWNER HII-,I,IARD, R. GLENN 09/26/2007 5780 POWERS FERRY RD NW ATLANTA cA 30527 APPLICANT HUGHES ELECTRIC SERVICE O9/26/2OO7 Phone: (303) 988-0549 ].441 LAWSON AVENUE ERIE coLoRADO 80515 Ll_cense: 388-E CONTRACTOR HUGHES ELECTRIC SERVICE 09/26/2007 phone: (303) 988-0549 ]-441 LAWSON AVENUE ERIE coLoRADO 8 0 51-6 License:388-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR INFILL OF VAULTED SPACE FOR BED AND BATHValuation: $0.00 Square feet: 221 :| ** * '* l l':| 'l{.4 '}:t *,*,} * Elecficd--_-> I st . ?s Tolal Calculated Fees-> S 55 . 75 Investigation--> $0.00 Add l'onal Fees---------> 90.00 Will Call---> g4 . Oo Total Permit Fee-----> g ss . 7 s TOTAL FEES-> g5s. zs Payments----------> gs5. ?5 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 Approvals:IEem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/26/2007 shahn Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT i +,i * 't t | *,i t * * * * + t * CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable theieto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****'l**'t't********ttta**{.**+************t*a****+*t*aa**t+****{.**lt********t*****I******t *t l.* Staeement Number: R070002039 Amount: $55.?5 IO/OI/200709:56 AM Paltmeng Meghodr Check Ini!: DDG Notation: Sa$'atch 518 3 Permit No: 807-0238 T)rpe: EL,ECTRICAL, PERMTT Parce1 No: 2101- 0 91- 03 02 - ? Site Address: ISoL SIJNBURST DR VAIL IJocat ion: 1801 SUNBT RST DR, This Pavments:CEE ?F Tota1 Fees: S55.75 Total AIJIJ Pmts: S55. ?5 Balance:$0.00 **f ***'t******t * * * * * * * 't 't :t tt :i * * * * * * * * * * * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De script ion Current Pmts EP 001000031r-I100 !{c 00100003112800 EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE 5L.75 4.00 -=-. AppucArrotrwrLLNorBEAccEprEDrFr{couprErEoRur{$#D (O 7- 0f /tS) Ecl-6238:ffii@ ffi$.Hr[--- lllcr|?t e7o'47e-2'4e(rnspecdons) Vaif, Colomdo 81652 -'- COMPTEIE SQ. Ffi)TAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (tabor & l.labdals) AMOUNTOF SQ FTrN STRTJCTURE: ( WorkCfass: Ne$r( ) AddifdonQ4l Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPorrer( ) Other( ) Wo*Type: Inhrwr(7Q Exterlor(Fttr t -l location: Yes( ) No( ) Is this permit for a hot tub:- Yes ********!r**r***************r*****f*****FOR OFFICE USE ONt I F:\cdetAFORilS\PER'IlTs\Buildlng\elecucal_pemlLl 1-23-2005.0OC Page 1 of 2 '*ffi o o -ri.};J, .|$tuj'13"'' overhead services are not ailowed ,, .n" Lrl; * ffi F; F: I - K Underground services shallbe in conduit (PVC) fiom the utiliU Fansformer to the electric - -? tr.-t"...;', . 'I have read and understand the'abdre. ' i ? . ,^ .\n .-;--.-- J'r; : , {'- , .' - D.-?Ie.qirned 3' I If you have a-ny questiorc rggardifi t$ iBCye inforiratifi6r havqadd.itioqat questions, please contactthe Town of Vail Electriia},Insftcto? at970-479-Aqf. Thf inspcctor'can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings betwEen the hour€ of 8dm and 9f,m. Ydu may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. l' . r disconnect switch, and to the first elecbical distribution circuit breaker panel.o The main disconnect switch shall b tedily arcible, andlocated no<t to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduib are_ren[rqlj?igspected befiore back-filling tlre fench.o In multi-familydwelling-units, noelectricalffiffiplffipsshallpassfrom one unittoanother. Common walfs and spaces arc exempt NM Cabfe (Romex) can E ud only in single and mufti-famflly dwellings net ex@ding 3 sbries. llpe IIIuJ annot be u*d in any building mixed wtth Upe ATB.E EH,I,M &S oeupncia. Aluminum andatup smaller than size #8 are not lermitted with the Town of Vail. All installaUons of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an o<terior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. . If this is a remodel in a multi-frmily building with a homeowners association, a lefter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electn'cal one-line and panel schedules arc rcquited if load is added or dbtribution is altercd. F:\adev\FoRllS\PERMm\Bui ldirE\electicalJermit-l 1-23-2005. DOC PaW2of2 ru23l20n'5 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 8t657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: l80l SUNBURST DR VAIL Location.....: l80l SLTNBURST DR. Parcel No...: 210109103027 Permit #: P07-0131 Legal Description: Project No : -?Rsor- osrs- 08/22/2007 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 08122/2007 lssued. .: 09113/2007 Expires. .: 03/ll/2008 OWNER HTLL]ARD, R. GLENN 5780 POWERS FERRY RD NW ATLANTA GA 30527 APPI-,,ICANT CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING 08/22/2007 Phone: 970-653-4300 P.O. BOX l_830 EDWARDS co 87632 License:213-P CoNTRjACTOR CASEY PLUMBING & HEATTNG Oe/22/2OO7 phone: 970-653-4300 P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS co aL632 Li-cense z 2I3 -P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR BATHROOM ADDITION Valuation: $3,000.00 Firepface fnformaiion: Restricted: 7? # ofGas Appliances: '1 # ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? *|*i* | 'l *:t tr t:t * *:t 't * Plumbing*> S45. oO Restuarant Plan Review-> go. Oo TotalCalculated Fees--> 959.25 Plan Check--> gr"1.2s TOTAL FEES--------> gs9.2s Additional Fees------> go , oo Invesligation-> $0 . oo Total Permit Fee------> Ss 9 . 2 s Will Call---> 93.00 Paymenls-------------> gs9.2s BALANCE DUE-----> $0.00 ** it*r'r.+* +i++* +*'r Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /L1,/2O07 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ord REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHATL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER **tit * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {' * I i I I I t | * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * :l t * * * I' i' * {' * 'l * 'l + * l. * * * * TOWN OFVAIL. COLORADO Statement t t t t t t I t * * * * * * * * * * * * ** aa*t** tat*t**t*** i t* f *tr** * * * t * * * * * * * I * * * * | * * * ttttt* * * t a a a * a a a * * a * a a a t Stagement Number: RO7OOO1852 Amount: $Sg.ZS 09/73/2OO7O]-:42 P'iI Payment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: Savratch 5151 Permie No: Parcel No: SiCe AddreEE : Location: This Pa)ment: P07-013L 2101-091-0302-7 18 O 1 SI'NBIJRST DR VAII, 18O1 SUNBURST DR, $se.2s TYPC : PIJT,MBING PERMIT ,t*I't*'tt'l'l{.tt *'t*|l****************t'i*'}t*************|**II**I****{.t * * * * *'| * *|}* ** 't | | | | | * * **'}*t tt I Tota1 Fees: Total ALIJ Pmts : Balance: 9s9.25 $59.25 $0.00 Current Pmta ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code PF 00100003112 3 00 PP 00100003111100 wc 0 010000 3112 800 Description PIJAN CHECK FEES PLT]MBING PERMIT FEBS WI].,I, CAI,I., INgPECTION FEE 11 .25 45.00 3.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #2, _: Euilding Permit #: Fo?'ot3 |Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2ll9 -o5/J 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Cop.t Persor and.Phoyi#'s: ZnG COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) PLUMBING: + 7675O #t-oqt - rou eddress: [ffO {b'.robName: l6bt Srrttar.# Dr. WorkClass: New() Addition(D$ Alteration( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Slngle-famlty( ) Duplex(X MultFfamlly( ) Commerdal ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation UniE in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thls building: 5n.L { ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************:t********************** F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\plumtingulermit-l 1-23-2005.doc Page 1 of 1 rll23l200s ' ', - l a. r.- a, a.rr, .-r'.r{ lSJt'nr\ - tt+/,J rflm$ulT y HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest, Director, (970)17e.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnen(s) did you conhcf? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin _-_jPlanning DRB _ PEC 3. lf you werer required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your.project reviemred on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was fiis your first lime to file a DRB app- PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rde be performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 5132lName: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall eftctiveness oi tre Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best tme of day fur you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to compleb this survey. We are commited b improving our service. 11-11-2007 Inspec$ol F?$uFqt Reportins Pase 45 Reques[ed Insp.-ect pate: W€dnosday, Dec€mb€r 12,2007- lnepecrtlon Area: CG Slte Address: 1801 SUNBURST DR VAL 1801 SUNBURST DR. A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: 807-0272 Tvoe: A-BUILDConstTvo6: Occuoahbv:Orfrier HILLIARD. R. GLENN Contracton SAWATCFI LAND CO. lNC. Description: ADDITION OF GRFA AND WINDOWS Reouested Inspec{lon(g} Time Exp: Insooc{lon Hlstorv .,fiffnroveo * frfporovea " Item: 60 SubTvoe: ADUP Status: ISSUED [lbe: V-B Insp Area: CG Phonei 3764124 Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assiqned To:- Action: Reouected Tlmo: 02:00 Pll CO. lNC. Phone: 470-1441g and buif ding finals are all scheduled will call 470-144! Davj{ , qmal .rcnod Entered By: DGOLDEN K u!5 p -,'Ur1 (-, ; ')l V ,' .. ! .;.." Action: Action: Action: Action: APAPPROVED APAPPROVED NO NOTIFIED APAPPROVED Item: 70Item: 534Item: 90 /) n- x'7I I t'/ L: / L'-' ,/ r' ii ''':' F,N ^(-.^ l/ '4--6/' ob/- .t h*_ r - cr'y* ( 0/"": eLo"+D " 'kh"' ,^tl/ /^, REPTl31 Run Id: 7379 12r-11o#07 lnspec$:n FfftuFqt Reeorting eage sg RequesQd Inspect pate: lledneeday, December 12,2007' lnsoec{lon Alta: CG Slte Mdrccs: 1801 SUNBURST DR VAIL I8OI SUNBURST DR. A/P/D Informatlon Inspec'tlon Hlstorv Item: 220 It€m: 230 Item: 240Item: 290 lnJt ltny' /\tl|,/\,(l \r n{tl\ \,\ Reouested Tlnr: 11:30 All' Phone: 470-1441 building are all scheduled will @ll 470-1 441 David, smell-lpnted . -Entered By: DGOLDEN K * ADDroved * Action: AP APPROVED * Aooroved * Action: AP APPROVED Subrgoe: ADUP rn.psh!3i bsSuED Phone: 97G6534300 0ty UA il a( u 11 U I REPTl31 Run Id: 7379 o0wo100'1tv 1 tu0JsungNns/'08t e 0v1lt'ztol NOU\A0V ]p/NfiFil 0AV11\H =oqza$6()68zoo- ,'r z. 8,,, fr -Nf lgsB$Ht tHgfr ililF az a'l 5 F Hl d 2 ol fr 1l "fr* apF5l-tErPtH 5l q l rt:3I 0l FE50_eYl nl BEHgfrf; tro C) E.Fzoo J &.uz uJ ('9 36rrJ q FJ7.- E,E8 IH8 3 glEfii$g* F UI g3 Hur 6zrB* 6- Ag$;HeE f5g*fii3 tr IJJzoo uJo tr Fo uJhI Otr t\o I(v) ru Iyb ;gifi E dk= 3.d(J LruZ . sjt_ E:3 eENa Eoo 0o6o J l.Uoo tUt tU C)z ruo I Q TUt ot IJJ II X uJoz (9z =to a UN I I i E =ObJF c-)E lrl H 5 - $ I m E p I vi g d fi I g E =E H fiI F E I Ft- = F 2 H htatu ilt tatI oowol1cnvA IAIU?ISAMN?S ngt teMw'zto1 N Ol Jt 0 0v ]oNJQlStU 1AV t1l t H ,0-,tt HHiiH Ut { + 3 P a E I utc{ u R + a { Iat H u q T u +I h a T t a ? saLe#i 2 B u at a $ h R t,{. a ? H h F R E FE E EI z J 0- Fz uJ =u.la cl I aoJ o t-II o(D lJ- o "f6-,9 .0-,02 '' .6-,9 '' .t-,6 " "9-,9 " .9-,C '' "lt-,t7 owuoljc'1wA ilNo]guneMns t08L Sevn!'zto1 NOIil1qV 30NE0IS3U 0AV11IH .0-,tt si;H Het i; [|=l s:e h ilI { E h q T d f, Vl EFt h q eF 6 Ul a Vl a?I a q I r I t sqca rHrFr#i H h a + u q h P ','+ u B E H g E g R E z 5I Eoo lJ. F @ttr I a() J o #lJ- aa f;to In U ,9 .0-,02 ' "6-,9 '' .l-,6 '' "9-,9 " ,9-,C -' ,lt-,lZ NOU| 1AV 1CN10ISJU aAV tlltH oowo'toc'1tvA SANA t9SngNnS nqt e 0v,7tt'z tol r- nl "0-,tt {- -t flaanH Ol .i @ I co - l-., I c{<\ fr g ? g - E E g H 5 E 3 E h { -t- E h q T h n Vt RFl .ts u { Pll H B R I h 6 ?!Ut n I I T T sabD :HrEIti E F Vt n; u art+ h RFr ..1.l h ? F H Ed B g c. 3 { P "0-,02 " .6-,9 " .t-,6 ' ,9-,9 ""9-,e1 "ll-,lz /<xtxlKJz -t(Ltoo ILozoo llJ ct) I ao () F a U) IItro NOIilQqV 3CN30/S3U 0AWnH ow8010c'lwA zMao tsSngvns ,081 t ilillH'Z tol >€!J3 lro F u.l =e, H C bE H3 ? tlJ.- J.' -{ ii?-aizd= H E2 H EE =3d3e 3HE Ez 3=r! J a 7 Hvt >i !J =a Ee H:e. H H H g4 dsdC9 =t t) =t> e U't Ez k J EH g g r- _l H LJc! U' ri5Do b (-HH ; rE I lrJ'CD IJt3 . lr-lo,H lrPV I I z 5 0- E,oo lJ- ozo C) uJ U) J trt (L =IJJz 00vu010c'1tvA 3 tuotsunsvngt08r e eNmt'2t01 Notil1]v 19N30ts3u 1awTH zIl- IU lll It-loa J FE (L =uJz dlzlFIaf, H q qg f, 3 q -tq q dol HH .t-,6 #o.lo FItq H rt..c- c.r I 7 .. tt ., -;: ...j . i::1..:.,i . .:ji. I. ,! *i.: ' ':ir r,i: I I :il :: :..ii.-i ,;:..| ] ' ,. i. ;: ].. : i:ir' , .. ,.,i Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Hillard residence DRB Number: DRB020262 Project Description: New walkway Pailicipants: OWNER HILLLARD, R. GLENN 08/16/2002 Phone: 5780 POWERS FERRY RD NW ATLANTA GA 30527 License: APPLICANT George Lamb O8lL6/2002 Phone:479-2002 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO Glamb@slifer.net 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 1SO1SUNBURSTDRVAIL LocaUon: A '?- Legal Description: Lot:.2:iffiBlock Subdivisionr VAIL VALLEY 3RD RUNG Parcel Number: 210109103027 Comments; BOARD/SIAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz 08126/2002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tovrrn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 AObott tt|,?a>- tl zSo B2:o $6s0 $300 $2s0 {uino, Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) Changes to APProved Plans Separation Request tr tr Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development - zs so,itn itont ge Road, vail, Colorado 81657- - teli g70.47i.2139 fax: 970'479'2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us ffilril*tlltJfr?tf1;;', review must receive approvar prior to submittins a. buirdins permit apprication. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticula, tpptJuiiinut-ii-'equesieO' An application for Design R€view cannot be accepted until att required information is ,eceivli tv in" CJ,ntttgy Deveiopment Departnent' The project may also need to ue'rilTeila";;fi;i-.;Yl coun.ii.nlloilne elanning and Environmental commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building p"#it ir'iou"a and construstion commenses within one year of the aPProval. Location of the Proposal: Loh 2 A Block:-- subdivision: Physical Address: tbo t .S'r^rg'r9sf Dd''L parcef No.: zrc t dtt|a o >a (@ntact Eagle co' Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') sd^7DrA-g Pcoaqbt? , ,,-=,8. Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New C.onstructionn Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of totnl sign area' No Fee $20 $20 No Fee Design Review Boarcl' For construction of a new building or dono/rb1ild' - -^-,. For an addition where Euare f;tage is added.to. any r-esidential or tJl"r""]Ji'or.jiioing (i n.tua"t 2so aJd itions & interior conversions)' ;;;;];ilh-getio oritdings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, winoow tdOiUont' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. r"itin6t.n.nses to buildings and site improvements' such as' ;;.#;;;l;il*r, *inoo* idditiont, landscapins' fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans atready approveo uy eRfit[HrygS' bi+ Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s): F.T;ff*'ffoo"'t' cneck r,ro.: -6ob sv:i-p-pri,iti"ru?f$''-planner: Project No': AUG l5 2m2 TOI44Vffi 'OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRXTTEN APPROVAT LETIER I, (print name a joint of propefi located at (address/legal description)z hla\y'n',1. provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated ) Z l-which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulaUons. 7- ft-t?-" (Date) "*) i-ul.ni.trr b{1*AI( f ttts,*.n^Z= Page 2 of L2/02lO7lOZ George S. Lamb 230 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 August 14,2002 RE: DRB Application 1801 A Sunburst Drive Project: Purpose: Design: Addition of a walkway Currently the access to the property is down the driveway. Although this stamped concrete drive is heated, when it is wet, it is very difficult to maintain traction due to the slickness and sleep grade ofthe surface. The proposed native Colorado buffsandstone walkway is to provide pedestrians a less hazardous means to gain access to the front entry of the property. The walkway would start off of the existing driveway (past the front utility easement) and curve down the bank to the existing entry walkway. To avoid the necessity of hand rails, two or possibly three sets of stairs will be installed consisting of two stairs each ( each being 30'- 36'wide slabs) with landing area connections. The walk way will be at the surface on road base and will not be heated. Moss rock boulders will be added along the edges of the walkway to both screen the stairs and offer opportunities to add ground cover. No existing vegetation or trees will be disturbed. Contractor: Gallegos Corporation George Lamb Applicant >PrP.st.D'fb,.t,ut*lk wttt-r t**{itu vpfiA bAr'ofa.@ 2hlrailrA wrlK ,.'r-/ /"4h)'r- 'r?tu, flbh? f'nf'| attvP?ttu* *tl t*til't *ll+ | *a* + lt at af+** ***t***t++ f * *ttt | ** *t'}++ tttaf *l***+++++tttl f* **'t flt t **att+ltf{,t*!i TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +*l ** *+ * t * fttlta** +* + *t tt*lr***t{' * * f** * * ll la t* *+fll+la+** **+lta++*+ * ****lt I | | fll**l *{' ttt ++++ * Statement Nr.nber: R000002888 Amount 3 $20.00 08/L6/2OO2O9:33 At{ Payment Method: Check rnit: iIAR NoEation: 506 Hllllard Permlt No: DR8020262 ?ype I DRB-Mlnor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 21010 9103 02? Slt,e AddreEE: 1801 SttNBItRST DR vAI[ Locatlon: A Total Fees! $20.00 ThiB palment: $20.00 Total AIrIr Pnts: S20. 00 Balance: S0.00 ++ *l + **if't *{t**fl'} ***'t +*t **i * ++a+ +'} *****+ *fa*+ * * * t't{' *t + $f f*l t***'}*t*a* * ft+t+rfla***r+a*+ l**+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEII FEES 20 ,00 #f 3"V e.92 =Er Hti: -E X. o\ €:d FEgE :dRP 8..E 5 a;E€ S 3Fq s EFE ?8rE q E3: ;>c t a; o.9 E EgE B 64 o ()o::r \oEII, 6EiE i6 igE H *.E E .E€e" E6.U8€E Ee;E -3 .TE E Eui €Ef; gE F€Eg .F otr a qt fit $ -[\ c!cq C\l B o\ 9.t <.,I @@a c{ II c) >'{6 .-l :Jl\ o lv q)E =() Cg ) F oq (5 E. CJ(.).-xxrDctox8 3id:9,;F6(ua=!l €E€ AEEE*v,E"5F3oa?E-e(g ci -- !lSc.rYrA x=,adE e g I ts{XE99r..€ 9H 4n.atqg:!pee=ZJtrtrt s F] g',1 <-=cDPi i6ci:bo+6\oiD@-dzR-o-.,99Al' - cl\ -rr- lli&&A3S cPc:d,(d5 .qo E:ad .b.e 6'ir- Ct di EEd(UtrrAE. Eq >,trfl c)'53>.- eaE:r.-trq69 FEE.b4:,8 C) gg z.E L/'\.=F6d RtP 5 h9,.13XE("6Hep =;g9Fi11 - t pr: 9.1 =EEZ.Ee i'- " .g-g E.l-, . E>, q),qHEgbT€(Jr!ji h'€ EE& Ea-! -:€ to H O ; dt< () h (u bo(d tEl I o) ! t{ k o +1 o bo v c) C) bI) fr. 'rJH F* c) cl (Il (.t s f (E bo a_-.r I ro c.) () U) cd (l)oH(5 < (l) H(6 - .F ()o bo J 3 A k {\ {.i \ g t \t-.I,! { €ss \ /\ ,'''- .-'t, \\ ('6" "A q=l\ €.gr .>T i Il vwYY ,;\d;, iE"K, iEV* \ igl\ \. | 5I "lei f \'l.,N ---)\.t---->*. --1 . - \ '\'. XEEIE S E-^ru k -- t-*.-*-& ./ T -\ \\ --,\;t'-"''"' \ ----'---3 "dx {# \ "r{ d L-i A J6 c.r (t) fr h-t n,,00,00"00 N,9r'00t o a l..o4 1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Mcchanicrl- - - > Plan Chcck- -- > Invcstigacion> DEPARIT{EI.IT OF COMMT'NTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED MECIIA}IICAI. PERMIT Job Address. . . : 1801 SI'NBURST DRLocation...... : 1801-8 SUNBITRST LN Parcel No..... : 2101-091-03-028 Projects Number: 1S0.00 Ra6lu.ranb glan Reviee- - > StaEus. . Applied. Issued. . Ercpires. APPLICANT SI]NDANCE PLI]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 3684, AVON, CO 81520 COIITRACTOR SI'NDAI\TCE PLT'MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 3584, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER CIIAPMAN LEE S & SANDRA C 7032 WEXFORD RD, EDINA MN 55439 DescripEion: ValuaEion: MECII TO INSTAIL SNOIIMELT BOILER INSIDE CRAWLSPACE Reatsricted: Y llof oas Applialrcc!:*Of Oa6 l,o9t6: Phone: 970-904-5515 Phone: 970-904-5515 8, 050. 00 *of vlood/Prl1cc: t{iL1 call----> 3.00 Total calculaucd F6as_ _ - > Addilionrl F.as----_----> Total Pcrnit FcG-------_> Pal.l!en!6 - -- - -- - BALAIICE DUE- -- - .00 22S . OO .o0 22e . OO 22g.OO .00 45.00 DRB F.c-----_-_ .oo .OO TOTAIJ FEES----- ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIII,IENTO7/24/2OOO KATI{Y ACEiON: NOTE ROTNED TO O7/27/2OOO iTRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVEDIEbm: 05600 FIRE DEPART!,IENT6112qt1666-KATtY Actsion: APPR N/A Dept: BUITDING Division: iIRM Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK EOR-QQDE gQMP-LtlAI{gE.2. e6lmUsri6N ArR-rS nsOurRED DER SBc. 701 oF lrIE 1997 ItMc, oR SscrroN zo1 oF TIIE 1997 rMc.:. I[5t[ii,atl0u-l,tuSt cottFonu ro MANITFACTI'RES rNsTBucrroNs 4ND- - Td-cxrAprBn-10 6F r:rs rggz ur,rc, CEAPTEB 10_9F_ILIE 199? Mg.4. c[s [pDtrelleEs-SHAtt BE-vE!{TED AccoRDING !o qAPTER I AND--' griAri:-TEmaiNnis-A-s SpserrrED rtr sEc.805 oF TIIE 1997 tlt'le, oR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. aCCESS- TO HEATITIE SQUTPMBNT MU.ST CQUPIY-WIfiI_CI-IAPTEB ] AI{D-- SEilL017-oF-fiIE-r997-ulaC nro cnaprER 3 oF TIIE 1997 rMg: G. BoitERS ssau. sr Mour.ITsD oN Fr.,ooRs oE NqNcQ@gqrrBLE coNsr.-- UNTBSS-LISTED FON TqOUNIING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING.z. FEmart.FLAl.tS-Ar.ID-coDE aNnr.,vsrs Mrusr BE PosrED rN MEcHANrcAr, ROOM PRIOR TO ATiI INSPEETION REQUEST. e . DRAl-NAGE-or-r,rrcrienicer, -n00Ms eolltaruruc IIEAT_rNq-98-_HQT:VIAEER-' Sirp-FiiY-sorlsiiS-5tu[L,Es eOUrpFED wrrIl A FLooR DRArN PEB sgc. ro22-0r-mE I9g1 u,tc, on SscrroN 1004.5 0E EIIE- 1997-rl-4c. ----s- ei.Awr-SpACE cAr{I\iof-e*cEEn-5FT iN mao nstGET,coNrRAeroR Musr MAI}ITAIN CLE.ARANCES PER INSTALI-,ATIONS GUIDE \I"^tr-%d ON iIOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Pernrit #: M00-0079 rssuED 07 /Le/2000 08/2s/2000 02/2L/?OOL Fircplacc FEE SI'I'UARY o ******************************************************************************** DECT,ARATIoDTS I hrlrDy roknoflrdg. bhrg t hrva rrral Chl,! rppllcteion, fllt.d out in full th. lnfotr|lrblon rcgulrld, cfittl.eod m .ocutrUc Plots DhD, rnd _rbrt thrt rIM. lnfor .tldr Drcrytatd r! rrqul,rrd lr corrcct. I rgr.. to corftly tith bh. lnfoElrblon .td PloG Dhn, to cqrly'rlEb rll Tm ordlnrnc.r.nd ltrts. lrrr, rnd c9 bidfd Cht?.cnr€cutc rccordltlg to th. lofn'r r@lDg .rrd.ubdtvlrlo codr!. dcrlgn rrvl.r.pprowd. Uilifor! EulldlDg cod3 |rrd oth.r orain nc.r of chr lorn +)Fllcrbl. lhrr.co ' ntgDtsE'E tOE tmpaqrlons 8Bltr L Br rn|D! tt{tttrr-Foon Eorns tt| IDlrNtC! Er rd.EDlIoNl tl a?g-tl'3e oR Al oln OF ICE lnof, atoo tll StoO D|| ar(lnrrru ot ofif,tR oR csllerlR loR ErrglxJl ND onfBR TO9IN OF VAIIT, COT.oRADO gtatemnt *****t*a**iltt***ttt*tt*tat*alr***tttt***t**tt**r*lltat***i**a** gtatemnt ttumber: REC-06?O Amount: 22A.OO o8/25/OO L2.5O Payment Method: CK Notation: #166s/sI[{DAr,rcB Init: I,c Petmit No: o0- 00?9 TlPe : Parcel No: 2101-O91- 03- 028 gite Addrege: 1801 SIINBIIRaT DR Location: 1801-8 SUNBITRST B-UBEH UECHANICAI, PBRI{IT IJT{ Tota1 Feee:228.OO 228 - 00 .00 Amount 1S0.00 45.00 3.OO 22A .0O Totsal AI',L l,mts : Balance I t**tltltrl*tt*lt**atttt**'lllttt*****t*t**ttlll:l*t*tta*ltlt**t!ttlt*t Account Code Deacriptlon llP 00100003111100 I'IBCIIANICAI PERI,IITFEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHBCK FEBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAIJL INSPE TION FEE Thle Payments pLrcATroN tJl nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEJhFJj*;i""-'"nlo 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout d;_awn to scale to include: . o Mechanical Room Dimensionsn Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs,o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets ConEd Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Patel #Parce|#(Requiredif]|9!!L91permit#isprovidedabove)>-\aJ\Oq.\-{oF rob Name:- Chapmaxt-.Job Address:\Ao\ B 1.t*.-\"-.r.eS{ \--rr Legal DescripUon Lot:Block:Filing: I Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Wtr M,qRlA/,+n b ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriptionf6f work: (.*r^. ..".'.,-. \ L L.-.\-o *,^ X \ ."f'- lnPUr rh orarotse,tr- _ _ on. c6nmjtr-'gre.d. tr orrtDtd;WorkOass: New() Addition({ Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (Vr- Exterior ( ) Other ( )DoesanEHUexistatthislocation: Yes( ) No( ) TypeofBldg:Single-family( ) Duplex(vfMutl-family( ) Commercial ( ).Restaurant( )fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: :_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: \ Noffype of Firbplaces Exlstlng: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Applianies ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (rz) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ g'.. oso r O O CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: IA.'.*X,....ra F\b..-. + lr\pr.Lt- n Town of Vail Reg. No.: \. cr\ F Contact and Phone #'s: \2-^ Sto -3sLo Contractor Signature:A-'^ i-+-r---^\ ** * ************ * ********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* ***** ***** ************ F: / everyone/fiorms/mechperm fficD uL 19 2000 oHyoronic Boilers lndoor/Outdoor Sizes 175-400 " Cast lron 5|i, Bronz€ 214 "'Venl damp€r requk€d only lor U.S. indoor installatlons ol slzss 175-250 F zov" --l Cast l.on 113/! Bronz6 1 1'l, ,{ ,# 7\^TELEDYNE IAARS MIGHTY THERM Hydronic Heating Boiler with mounted PumP Submittal Data Standard Equipment Dimensional Data . ASME 160 lb. working Pressure heat exchanget . 24V control system ' Operating valve/pressure regulamr . Redundant safety gas valve . Operating control . Manual reset high temperature limit . Standing pilot (system #1) . Waler flow sensing device . Pressure relief valve t75 PSI) . 115n4V translormer . Terminal strip . Temperature/Pressure gauge . On/off toggle switch . EM, pump control with relay (Model PH) . Stainless steel burners . Glass lined cast iron headers . 2 amp fuse . 100% shutolf/lockout (system # l) . Vent damper (required for U.S. indoor inslallations of 175-250) Gas Connection Size(lnches)'z Dimenslons(lnches)'zWater Conn Size (lnches) Shipping Weight (lbs)ulndoor Slze lnputl BTU/H x 1000 Outputl BTU/H x 1000 B With Vent Wilhoutveni Dampef DamPer 175 250 325 4fi, 1t2/3t4 314 314g4 t- z 1-112 1-112 t1n 23-112 24-3/4 25-718 26-7/a 175 142 250 203 325 263 400 s24 1t2 1t2 1t2 112 18 26-112 28-112 22-112 31 30'112 26-314 35-114 31.314 40-114 6 255 7 285 I 325 9 360 Gas Connectlon Size(lnches)'? Dimensions(lnches)'zWater Conn Shipping Weight (lbs)5 InPutt OutdoorBTU/H Size x 1000 Outputl BTU'}I x 1000 LP Size (lnches) 17s 175 197 ttzlstl 250 250 195 3/4 325 325 254 314 400 400 312 3t4 112 1-112 1 8 1t2 1-112 22-112 1t2 1-112 26'314 112 1-112 31-314 26-1t2 !tl 35-114 40-114 14-1116 18-5/8 19-3/1 6 22-sl8 6 255 7 285 8 325 I 360 ,voIEs;1.|nputandoutputmustbgdetr||'ld4.hpsr10oo|eetabovesea|eve|wheninsta||edabove2000feeta||itude. 2. Dimonsions ars nomrnar. 5. r^ii *irn ii,i"pl "iJzo pounos. o. venio"mper t"quired only lor u.s' indoor installations of sizes 175-250. Deslgn Temperature Rise Across Boiler 25'F 30'FRate of Flow and Pressure Drop 20"F Hd. Loss GPM (Ft.) Hd. Loss GPM (Ft.) Hd. Loss GPM (Fl.) Size 175 250 325 400 14 20 25 31 1.0 2.1 3.4 5.2 11 16 20 25 0.6 1.2 2.1 3.4 q 13 17 21 nq 0.8 1.4 2.3 - -lqnitiOn System #1: Standfpilot withil!:pyF 1i"J[:'"#[j""11iffiffi':[:systems hilure.24v controt circuit. Standard on nalural and propane sizes. ^system # r z :, n,"rr,n"n,Grron'" ignition with electronic f lame supervi- sion. Resoonds in less lhan 0.8 second upon flame failure. 24V control circuit. Optionally available on natural or propane gas sizes. OPTIONSCONTBOL OPTIONS System #1 System #12 Firing Modes ON/OFF Firing Conlrol components Alarm Bell/lndicatot Lights Two Stage Firing O O Eleclronic Flame Relay N/A N/A Gas Pressure Switch - HighFour Stage Firing Mechanical Modulation Gas Pressure Switch - Low Motorized Gas Valve ON/OFF N/A Hi-Limit - Automalic Resel Motorized Modulation N/A N/A Hi-Limit - Manual Reset Gas Train Standing Pilot N/A ON/OFF Toggle Switch Low Water Cut-Off Intermittent lgnition Device Operating Control Manual Pilot Valve N/A 100% Shut-Of t/Lockout Pilot Gas Valve Terminal Slrip , Pilot Gas Regulator Water Flow Sensing Device Manual Shut-Olf Valve N/A Vent Valve, Normally Open N/A Salety Gas Valve Motorized Salety Gas Valve N/A Lubricated Plug Cock N/A ,VOI€S.' 1. Mechanical modualtion only available on HH & PH sizes 325-400. KEY: Provided as Slandard = S Oplional = O 11o1 4y3;1s6g = N/A 2. High and low gas pressure switches shipped loose- OutdoorMinimum Clearances from Adjacent Construction Recommended Minimum Clearance From Top Water Connection Side Opposite Side Front Rear Vent 6 Unobstructed 6 0 (lnches) Unobstructed Unobstructed Unobstructed o ' l' if B-vsnt is used. wOIE: Bass for combustibls flooring is standard on, all indoor and outdoor s provlded ln front of the boiler for malntenance accessibility (removal ol Factory Provided Pumps - Model PH Boilers 48" clearance should be Motor Electrical Data Power (HP)Voltage/Phase Current (Amps) 175 250 325 & 400 UZC t/o 1 15/1 1 15/1 1 15/1 u./c 1.62 2.15 vfMmna.LW@W 7\'TELEDYNE LAARS An Allegheny Teledyne Compony 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 ' 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529.5934 20 lndustlial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 ' 603.335.6300 FAX 603.335.3355 480 S. SeMce Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 2H4 ' 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 Litho in u.S.A. OT€lodyne Laars Ooc. 1052H 9706@ erinrea on Regcua eaoer 3 Ea ;E etI c E e o \\ \\ C^-No O I r:. \-\ .\.oC) ]Uc) -l'|-lJ-o /Esp aARq 6!= -,O o =tF o Lu =UIo ,$ 1-r 1Jqbug 43r t Yil 34 fr II 1 /, 4 ) d , 4 ./, ( :1 -\ +o, \ts-1 qa. z4 J\ 6, N d L>vl j1 it-jt JJ f't & b?ti :{ 11 ;1--qOU x1 j3 I v o fi 3 ,tf 4 v / '"rrtvd- j TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII'IEIiTT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: TIIrS PERIT{IT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERIT,IIT ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0243 APPLIEAI{T PDQ EIITERPRISES, INC. P.O. BOX 1098, FRTSCO, COIiERAETOR PDQ ENTERPRISES, INC. P.O. BOX 1098, FRTSCO, OWNER CHAPMAN LEE S & SATiIDRA 7032 $IEXFORD RD, EDINA ilob Address: 1801 SUNBURST DRLocation...: 1801 SUNBTRST DR Parcel No. . : 2101-091-03-028Project No. : PRJ00-0257 co 80443 co 80443 c MN 55439 (SHAKES) SEatus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 09/L3/2000 Issued...: 09/L4/2OOO E:<pires . .: O3/L3/2OOL Phone: 970-668-3433 Phone: 970-558-3433 TOV/Comm. Dev. Descript,ion: RE ROOF SAIUIE FOR SAI'i!E Occupancy: R3 T11ge ConsEruct,ion: V N Valuation:34, 000 Fir.pl.c. Inf orlrtsion: RcrtricLcd: Y Single Type V Add Sq Ft: *of c.s Applianccr:llof ora Loge: r*rr.lrr*r+r*r.r*rtr***r*lt.**r*'l*rrr*1.r.*r.rrr*r*.*'r**rtrf* F8E sutfl.BRY *r.artrr.r*l.a+ Building-----> Pl.n chcck- - - > fnvc6!lgation> wiII call----> 379 .00 245.70 .00 3 .00 .00 50 .00 .00 250 .00 926.70 926.10 RcatuarrnC PL.n Rcvie!.--> DRB F.c- -- --- -- Recreat,ion Fee----- - -- -- > Clcan-I4r D.posit- -- - -- -- > ToLal c-lculatcd Prca---> 926.70 Addicional Fc6s---------> ,0o Total Pcrlrit Fec--- -- - -- > PayEents------- r..,,.?.,,,,,r,,,,,,,,.,.**1::1:,ll3i;;,,;;;;,;;;:,,..,..-.-:il;11,...,.,TH33,iil,;;:;;;;;;;;;i,,.,,,,,.,.,;::,., Itqm; .05180 BUILDING DEP.ARTI,IEUT Dept: BUILDING Division: O9/L3/2OOO iIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROI/EDILbM:'O54OO PI.AIiINING DEPARTTT,IENT DCPI: PLANNING DiViSiON: O9/L3/2OO0 iIRIvl Actsion: APPR APPR PBR BG - rti;m:'.05600 FrRE DEPARII,IENr Dept: FrRB Division:09/L3/2000 JRrtt AcEion: APPR N/Arrb.mi'.05500 PIrBLrc woRKS '. Dept: PtB WoRK Division:O9/L3/2000 iIRM Act.ion: APPR N/A t*raar*riart*aattrttr*a**rtt**r*a*arr**ltl*rirta**at**'r**rtt**trr*rtttrr*+t*!rrrr*rrr**ara*ata *ttttattatttttf See Page 2 of this DocumenL for any condiEions EhaE may apply to this permit. DECI.,ARJATIONS I hrraby acknoil.dg6 lhat I hav. rard this applicabion, fillcd out in ful1 lhc infoqlatsion r.quirsd, conpl.tscd an rccurata plots plan, .nd strt. tshat .ll tshc inforB.tion provided as r.quired iE correct. I agr6. co coeply rilh lho inforuaeion rnd pLots plan, !o cosply yith all Torn ordLnanc.E rnd Btat'. 1arB, and to bui,ld BhiB gtructure accotding lo th. Tosn'B zoning rnd subdirtision codcs, dcgign rcvier epprovcil, Itniforu Building codc and othcr ordinanceg of the Torn applicablq ghcrcto. REQUESTA Clean-up Deposit Refund approved ramily Residengir.,Ount Non-Rated date *of Hood/P.l,I.t: send clc.n-up Dqporit To: PDQ Page 2 ****************!t!************************************************!t************** COIIDITIONS Permits #: 800-0243 as of 09/]-4/00 Stsatsus---: ISSITED *****************************:l************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O9/L3/2OOO ApplicanE--: PDQ ENIERPRISES, INC. Issued---: 09/L4/2000 970-558-3433 To Erq)ire: O3/L3/2OOL ilob Address: 1801 SUI|BITRST DRLocation---: 1801 SUIIBITRST DR Parcel No--: 2101-091-03-028 Descrlpbion: RE ROOF SAI4E FOR SAME (SHARES) * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditsiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPBCIIONS ARB REQUIRBD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. 2. SMOKE DBTESTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ATL BEDROOMS AND E\TERY STORY AS pER SEC.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 I'BC. ***l*tl*lll****t**tttttt*rttall***l TOnN OF VAIL, COIORADO i*tt*t***tt**tt|}ttttttt*ititrtt**tt*at*t*t**t*tttlti*tti**i***ll gtatennts Number: REC- 0577 Amount:906.7O 09/t4/OO t3 t06 Pa)rBent llethod: CK Notation: *105O2/PDQ Init: t|c Pelrdt No: 800-0243 Type: A-BUIIiD ADD/ALT SFR BUIITD PB Parcel No: 2101- o91-O3 -028 81te AddreEs: 1801 AUNBI'RfIT DR L,ocation: 1801 SUNBITRST DR tt *f t**t***ttt*lttttt***tf ttttt**t gtaEennt Thls Paynent Balance: t * * * t t * t * t * il t * t t t * t i* * * t t * i ** * * t t t * t t t * * t * t t *t * t * t *'l* * * * t * a * * t :l * Account code DescrlpEion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PER!,IIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIqI RFVIEI| EBBS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHBCK FEES ND Dz-DEPO8 CIJEANI'P DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,I, INAPEqTION FEE lmount 378.00 30.00 245.70 250 .00 3.00 Total Feee: 906.70 Total ALL PmtE: 926.70 926.70 .00 ApprrcArroNl. no, BE AccEprED rr rn.orrrrr]#iffiS"""-"es" Building Permit #: 97 O- 479 -2t49 (Inspections) mwN0FYln Separate Permits are required lbr electrical umbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81657 #s.Contact Assessorc Ofllce at 97O-328-8&0 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Yes ( )No( ) tobNane:1/trq b I S-oh' dgp5iption of'(aaF Erv WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family K Nutti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ 373+O PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION G"ffiyd'"'t"''Town of Vail )S'(f -Reg. No.:5 €ontad and Phone ?za[ q7 6 Contractor Signature: *,**-r**********:k**:r************:r********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**rr****************tr****'t************ F:/everyone/forms/bld gperm i":^-H.i *'::1 ,.tj;,: REPTl31 Run ?etId: o l/P/D hformdlon Rsquested hrspecl Dde:- lupedlion Atea: 8[a Ad&sss: F ldry, JailrarY 05, API ,t801 8ut{BuRsT DR VAlt I8O,| SU}IBURST DR *lffi, Phone: Phonc: Activity: 80G0243 Conct TvcE: App[Cdnt: PDQ ENTERPRIJ Coi{ractor: POQ ENTERPRIT Ovrnor: CHAPMAN LEE I DGscriptron: RE ROOF SAME AOUFvil 97G66&3433 97G66&3433 Satus: I9SUED InspArco: JRbl (SHAKES) Reaneded lnsoectlon{s} Item: 80 BLD€-FlndIllugl$ PDO ENTERPRiSES, lNC./Jorn \-(It[||t tt5. tuul Asoimcd To: CDAVIS- Ac{ion: Time Ep: Reouested Thnc: 08:00 Atf' Phonc: 97r)66tFJ433 Entered By: LCAMPSELL K "t"l tt"f"' , ;., \\t !. iir ' \b" f lnsoct{lon Hldorv It6m: 5'10 dt\rrr*Ey sadc frnal (ODtlonal) llcm: 10 BLDGFdofinos/Stcal (@tional) Itcm: 20 BLDeFourditiorVstccl (Optiondl) Item: 520 PIAN{LC stc Plen (Rdqrirodi It€m: 30 BLDGF arf$no (Ortiori,El) Itom: 50 PLDG Insulation (Optional) Itcm: 60 BlDGShcetrock Nall (Optional) Itcm: 70 BLDGMlsc. (OotionaD * lpprorccl - 09/i8ro0 Inspoclor: GRG ' ' ' Action: APPR APPRoVED Commcrfs: MILFROOF... 0gfi8r00 lnspec'tor: GRG Ac{ior: CO CERTIFICATE OF Olquf NCli- - - - -cornnLrre luioTl col,rllS sHnKE RE.RooF tN PROGRESS. AsOUr zEOF OL9,SHAKES^TORN.OFF 9. ijEcktirVEREo $irtFr-W.R. cnAcE icE t WITER sHtELD. REMAINING 1n of o!9 sHA.K.Es BENGIO-RN OFF. SHARE BONDLES ON ROOF HAD APPROVED LABELS. ICBO ES #5175. Itsm: 90 BLDGFinal (Rrquirod) ftem: 550 ELDGj.Tcmo. Crc -t(JDtional) / \ Itcrir. 5{0 BLDeFinaiC/O (R'erlir€d) A / \ o oo 'htBdl oo oo o ozot?i8 oo o nl oo o oo o o o A|lIt .[ EHE bp r':l e &oql oool oo FI E E 6IH E{EiB 6ao8., 6f.Hha6 f;zo4A|lAE\oao o c|o (, H Iaa t{A ]A 6lo8faa &&!t tAH iol3to I?t IOT F.oo ln!cB tt tlooo& f, a3{EF EOE-gta dq l.I F:. EF E39. 6a FFtrItt aaIT Hr.HE6E Er Fz I I E ,F E E- z olH.8E E6 A g U &:r 6 E E4 A B qE Ht{qlo EA F t: OD :EiH:I.Eacl rl!ot EE8 of,urrgn Review t?r?o" Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Hilliard / Chapman Residence Proiect Number: PRJ00-0257 Project Description: Reroof and exterior painting Owneq Address and Phone: R Glenn Hilliard,2575 Woodward Way I\iW, Atlanta, GA 30305, (404) 352-0869 / Lee S. Chapman, 7032 Wexford Road, Edina, MN (952) 944-2875 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: George S. Lamb, 230 Bridge Street, 476-2421 Project Strea Address: 1801 Sunburst, Unit A and B Legal Description: Lot 2,Yail Village 3rd Parcel Number:2 I 01 091 03027&2101 09f 03028 Buildins Name: Comments: Board / StaffAction Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans submitted. Town Planner: Bill Gibson Date: 9/1/00 FJCDE\1DRB\APPROVAL\2OOO\HILLIARD CHAPMAN.DOC Action: StaffApproved L DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Oa questionslff PlanninO Staff at 47g-2r38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAT GENERAL INFORI'IATION This application is for any project reguiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prbr to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submitbl requiremenB for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Boa rd approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. r'r-, l) B. c. n E. LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LQT: 7- BLOCK:_ J,lJt;9*dDPREss' PARCEL#: K+Lt ZONING: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessoc Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS:rs ut4ZD u)' owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEoFAPPLICANT: 6€"zoL"s ' Lz+'-'B oa61 o y'o*o.vvs LF G. 47/,.znzr 9/V/. x.tsa €+) H,TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are b be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuatbn. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATIOI{, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTITIENT OF COMMUT{ITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAil-, COLORADO 81657. tr D X PHONE: (,t' ' New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildinq. 6A/L6/2AAg A8:45 Alantdrlir Yol rn rbour. ecaged lr.l./olc-t upir Atl>ir 6 6L29442464Oo 'l ESLIFERrls . la LoRS""i'5o PAGE A2 SMITIfrFRRHPTON VC REI -rrrr rE l to.?66 P.? tllarcEt t9ll VcrrmrBord VriL Colorrdo t16F7 ''{0l?irrdl &tanfrdb:Creoqr WdbD.Ffcscd Drivo Wrlu*yprcpolto dlthrsrr8{eb urd dldr. lrbo'rnrsrrrybr thrmplrthnof atutor lrfrflowr: obr nrrfd wl0r oncor two corU prhr ${,40 3) uroodddhg-prIrt oltrolld ra!r-92J00 a) rlEfn-bm.th color''$100 e) wtdorn- rnrnd tpotFlsrc, crulk 3rpt,om <(,.ittrllbr fiElor b) tudrcrd - rc.[' toa Print, P.int Giltlot, I lrtsr rbtr, Pn*"#f,, Tobl6erbodrrlds- P. l Pn9PGAL 1TtN2I''.O66t f) powrrwerhdlr 2) firo-pr!*dl Brm-WrtSidc- Ert$dc - 2 drclr lrm .ralcco rrcprln,wStf lEt mpbndtnaecor{uc arn o(ErvnTl,ourmd li!10 tobaudrb.(or. lnlulof tl.s arqrdrly tchadul.30 dryr efter Anyrlhn5ortorrnuld crly upon r&ruE RotPecfulyoulahill ThrrDourprlm t Ae chr /*' :t Ar. -- 'n.a-') ' tito\ j da&€{Eforonr*h nprir- -'t)&? SloetA E trorpccifird,&d rhr the cprclftnfronc tludrrd Do[gr brgtnrrnd tfubrlrncr hhnorrdl br rCdcd ior 6ourripr rpccifintiotu ordcr rrd will bccoaro rn CrrlCqdrtrnllc donr rnd ondtlorr uc worlrrpocifrd- <rruG.*Go Ph;LY*:+ fll f,nlrh. AdC l2JO-ts+ &t,,#twffia 'ptut fc tlu 'borru wort lor thr Wtth e ,fcnprynrntof upon , ,trPlCtiOr. 5 61'::rpt/ rilhpqlnrtf cr,re cort,wlll Dc ChU,l: ortcrfnd&vc ttr tr__z_zs - a t)rts rrrrl !rr! hcrc}y rrrrf&d" De nrrdcroutbrd 0r,r I /9 ,)rb # JAN-17-19A4 A7,L8 Jfl\-l3-1trt @:8? Arlrrl 2{' 2OF hcClrpou It0l Swbrrrr llr- Urit t B Vrll, Cobndo- tr6s? Arttrrird S[ntrcP AccrPird EY qr Entupln+ Inc. P.AL P.a7 --D*-,fuqVao ar.p,Ev" r/ir/tcra P.O. &.u' llfi r Frrrcta (:elo'odrr 8Ol'|9 TOTfl- P.9T-o?fe TOTAL P.A1 # (970) Acccpted BY JRN-15-1944 1?:38 A*"ff,Inc. August 24,2000 Slifer Snith & Frampton Att: Mr. George Lemb 230 Bridge St. Veiln Coloredo, t1657 Pruposel Re: lt0l Sunbunf Dr. Unit il A. Veiln Cohrado. P.D.Q. rgrcca to provide ali ne""*rt"y loob, lebor, naterials and equipmen3 to conpletJthe following in a himely manor; Terr olf eristing roof enrl rlispoce of all rtfuse. Instrll meiel drip edge to cntirc perimeter of roof erve. Instrll Grrce lce & Wrtephiefi to entire surfrcc of roof deckieg. Instrll No # lmedium ceder shrkca with 30 lb. felt interhciag to ctrtil€ surfice ofroof. Instell stendard ridge to roofpeak. Inrtrll all othergalvanized metel flashings per code. Instalt all pipe ieclll es needed. ln the event of any hidden eamages ill work will be celculated on a time rnd meterial basis. Snow removel is considercd an extre and will be calculeted at $35.00 per mer-hour. P.D.Q. to pruvide ctean up on e dailyrbrsis end final clean up on time of completion. $24,519.00 P.D.Q. to issue a two-ycer larranty ol n'orlmtnship & ageiost leatege' $12,260.00 to be paid uponidelivery of meterials. St2,260.00 to be peid at timc of conpletion. P.AL 8/zl/2."o D*e-fulPo P.O. Box 1098'-t'risco, Colorado 80443 TOTRL P.A1 Oo Oo Ausust28,2000 \ F ./t?ot .9tetB,tk7 DAIL ( u*, *s R.E: Re-roof and Exterior Repainting Application The following is a request to re-roof and repaint both Unit A and B at 1801 Sunburst Drive. 1. Roof: The roof material will be same as current: cedar shakes I have included the contractor's contract (PDQ) 2. Painting: The colors are as followt, (Shaapia l't'*CrL 4*8) O"*+,:) Wood Windows: SW 2014 (Beatrix Brown)...matches eventual metal replacement windows. Window and Door Trim and Fascia: \}t-QW 2090 (Yuma Green) - current color Qiding and Stucco: Slolre L orl sw 2037 with Cight tint (see samples) George Lamb 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 476-2421- office, 476-2658 (office fax) E(tsTttJ6 Ane /JL4/1,E J rUCCO ;ecerJ fsee c) St Da/6, /t/,'l r 2,' I(*^oto rn t<,{ c J\t r/ Eeatrix Brown Ownerc' Representative: 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, GO 81657 Receipt No.5fl5 &t Dat"-Y L+ Lao- Pleaae make chricks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No Item No,Codc #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Addrese Map6 ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Cod6 - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000314 1112 Intemational Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000314 1112 Int€mational M€chanical Code - 199g CB $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3,t4 1112 National Elecirical Code CB $42.60 001 0000 3,t41112 Ab4ement of Dangerous Bldg.'e 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Modd Energy Code - 1995 $10.00- 001 00003141.t12 Anaffis of Revisione to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 plue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141.t11 Xerox Copi6 XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Llonshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 3't4 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 PenalV Fe6/Fle-l nspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Reviq,v R+check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 ContactorB Lic€nse Fees CL 001 0000 312 4000 Slgn Appllcation Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 3124000 Addfional Slqn Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200,D..lgn Ra,iny Botrd Fro {Pr+oridl DR -3r') oo) 001 0000 315 3(XX) lBul 001 0000 240 330 001 oooo3Ttloo m1-0oo-6250-U6[ imiToo-o:6116 'ooi-6o003tdTi on Fac . . .. -.-..rho.dt D2{Efr10 RL T7 ffi mE, cliszid"dr*" TffliJ,,*;d,rr*ffi llEScRlffi dtrdf{T#',l'" or' $yi;If- I! ffi TEITDERDETRTL ffi ldiot,f(i',* rrie, rT.g6f.?sr *qq_3333## ntowr TEflDERED i1g:93 MS PV PV $200.00 $500.00 $1,s00.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 -T25d:60 s250.00 PV PV PV 001 0000 319 THf,If( Y{}U Ffr YOUR PRTIf}irI PV Commrntr: Money Order #Check # MS Received b yl F:/Ewryone/Fo.ms/Srlesact.de nn*B6 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Hilliard Residence ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0171 Project Description: stamped concrete heated driveway and walkway, and window addition Ownero Address, and Phone: R Glen Hilliard 5780 Powers Ferry Rd Atlanta, GA30327 404-350-8835 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: George Lamb 230 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 476-2421 Project Street Address: 1801 B Sunburst Dr. Legal Description: Lot 2, Vail Valley 3rd Parcel Number: 210109103027 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: 6114100 Project Name: Documentl Board/StaffAction Action: 4' concrete panr2" invert, no heat in pan heat in r-of-w in separate zone Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20 Hilliard Residence Staff approved with conditions t. 2. REAL ESTATE (ut,W) +yrrh zmt June 12.2000 TL" RigLt P""pl. TO: The TOV Planning Departrnent FROM: George Lamb RE: 18014 SunburstDrive Attached is application to replace an existing concrete driveway which is currently electrically heated (the driveway has deteriorated and cracked, the heating system has failed) to a stamp concrete drive - gas heated. The boiler for the new system will be located inside the property within a crawl space and vented to the exterior as per codes. The property is a duplex with separate driveways the new driveway will follow the configuration and location of the existing driveway with the entry walkway (cunently old redwood decking) will also be replaced with the heated stamp concrete. I have attached a photograph of the proposed application. The actual "orcr$(A"slightlydarker, but the same hues. This application also includes an addition of a small bedroom window (3'x 2.5') above the garage. This elevation currently is quite stark with no windows. The window will be dark brown metal clad with wood cedar 2.5" trim to be painted. The entire duplex will be repainted in similar tones as currently exist. The colors to follow. At this time the application is specific to the driveway. The contractor, Gallegos Corporation had changed their worked schedule necessitating this split application. Bridge Street at Vail Village Office 23O Bndge Street . vail Colorado 51657 . Telepbone 97O 476 2421 . Facsimile 970 476 2658 somEBw INTENNATIOML REALIA e /Fno\Nf€ DaVail euestions? cafetunn,^r(ff*T;t'r' l4'['APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Reviear approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required infonnation is submitted. The prgect may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIffiON OF THE REQUEST: Ar:l..:,iot t o€ ovL ' *i*trout *BoJL- ffih*il-- ' c. D. E. PARCEL #z2lo dto1 o (Contast Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: MMEOF OWNER(S):2. ev MAIUNG ADDRESS: {l *-owr,r e n(q srG I{ATU RE(s): NAME OF APPTICANT:76- S MAIUNG ADDRESS: F'-l TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr l{ew Construction - $20O Construction of a new building.tr Addition -$50 Includes any addidon where square footage b added to any residential or commercial building. X, Irlinor Aheration - f20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site impror€ments, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when apptying fur a buiHing permi! please identiff the accurate valuation of the project, The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the prdect valuatirn. PLEASE SU BMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SU BMITTAL REQUI REMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81657. F. tl. H, LocAnoNoFPRoPcAt= Lor: L BLocK:- nuNG, =,/A',1 J*ll<-t3@ {J^t pHysIcALADDnrSSz /8.t 6 5tA8v2-Sr DF,i,s , ,/,+il 57 bo ::::::::::: ::] :: :: ::::b.il rJ j:qDDHCaUOn UAXgir: 'i :.: .: t. .: ::Ilk ffisDJUNlzz00o County Records Information htte //www.s1i?ailsl ifernet/countyinfobld.cfm?SCHED=R0096 I 2 C R eg:€i',rlltlfi$ , i 8fr',i{ell'i,.r\ I{€\_r'\*.rt1r rri1. June 12. 2000 01 :56 PM OO18O1 SUNBURST DR Schedule: R009612 Model: SFR Abstract: SINGLE FAM.RES- Act. Year Blt: 1981 Arch Style:2 STORY Baths: 4.0 Bedrooms: 5.0 Tax Dist: SCl03 Eff Year Blt: 1981 Frame: WOOD FRAME Heating fuel: GAS Heating Type: FORCED AIR Neightborhood: VAIL VALLEY 3RD Rooms: 11.0 Units: 1.0 Use Code: RESIDENTIAL SuperMhd: VAIL CORE, L.H. Bldg Act Sq Feet: 4740.0 Bldg Eff Sq Feet: 333 1.8600000000001 Bldg Heated Sq Feet: 3015.0 Parcel Srze: 12443 Land Act Sq. Feet: 0.66700000000000004 Land Eff. Sq. Feet: 0.0 Heated Eff. Sq. Feet: 0.0 Acres: Land Sq Ft: Owner: HILLLARD, R. GLENN Addressl: Address2: 5780 POWERS FERRY ROAD NW CityATLANTA State: GA Zip:30527 Const Qlty: 5.0 Street: 001801 SLINBURST DR Land Value: 5950,480.00 Improved Value: $465,620.00 Land Assessed Val: $92,580.00 Improved Assesed Val: $45,350.00 Sales Price: S 1,225,000.00 Sale Date: 04112/1999 book: page: Reception: R692656 Doc Fee: 122.5 deedtype: WD Data Research Sched: 0009612 Legal: VAILVALLEY 3RD FILING - 2 UNIT A Tax Dist: 103.0 Tax year: 1998 Tax: $6,233.17 I of2 NOTE: This information has not been verified and the Countv is still confirrnins data matches 6112/00 2:06 PM 3,4 $tn,,IILST **----------F C ..,2 flz-o-t ,t J uh 'J/'f/ k '- /) (+- hL LLPut<L^ tta YIurr slt----p c/',Lc{zLiL- ) -sr+i&: + ba- Ltl ".n-'fzJ ks poTlJ @,*^-a't1-4 ,fr*-o lo r.tLLit: +" isrzi ot ,,- r\ F-+-<-. ---+ boo2- *lft SLrp Qt-pl/t7-.LL / ,o - CLD nt4 'J2L f tv* I Stooi,,G)--)n, bL p+.;ta to/ 4 S-pB,rlS r De lA-opa;t>p4,u/ w i,-'Otw ,4'/ht J)zt u 7tt g ',tbv 3 r2.f' "+&4vL tlt ) or>,t &"rt'rtt ,--i//l@+' ^JITL' /Kot + SuubuZsr /+t/12^/Nt-/ DA, rl *t7 {' I Town of VailI[tment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road ..) /1 Vail,CO 81657 I *^ ., D-lj4,e--Aarrl.FAddress:- / ./ \ Pr^io"t Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Receipt No. ./ ,/ 2 /,?)Date___(2JZ_/-_tYY_ Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0001 001 0001 - Vor 001 O0O .Vo' 001 000 001 000 ry Torn of vril uu1 uuu flI rllcTniER RECUPT I}r ool 000 DAiE: 6t1.J/di-ii nrfiipr'"riibggsa ::+*:: .-^llgctipt1pr{_- oTy ninr{T Tp Tl-+:+ _0ggr.Gil REurEs FE - -i ;dd;d8 ibR iii001 00( GEIfiffi,LIZETTE Lfitr 001 00( .|11'l ,\,i|l#j+* TEI{DER DETATLyglyut cl( 7322 le0.g6oo1 oo( !fIE: -64iig-d rrffi: is-ii5ii 001 00r lqlt srEcfi Jn,ffi ool o0 Ri(lutiT TEI{DERED te8.0g 001 00 ry il,tru( you FrlR y{il,R pRy;EHrt 001 00 0oTa6 0ol 00 001 0OO0 311 2200 Eaign Revielv Board Fee (Pre.pard, ZA aR nn na $50,95 $60.65 CB $36.00 $35.00 $35.60 DJO.UU $42.60 co oq $10.00 $12.75 CB tJF $7.00 XC $0.25 MS $40.00 MS PN PF OH JT s20.00 SP DR J0aUa 001 0000 315 3000 Builcln g lnvestigation Fee PN 001 00002403300 Ow€loper lmprol/cm6.rt Aol6em€nt DepGil O2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA *001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP .001 0000 310 1'100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax 17 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2so0 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Arnend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 3't1 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:3n'K) n '-. t/ _ // lt ,'YffB--fuL 801ts 1t " /Q ti/- bu, Cash O 4._ Monev Ofer #' /1 .'\ Check # /e ./n ^o . // ,//tr:ZrTT Received by:Zqsp FJEveryon€/Fomdsalesacl.exe 06/06/2000 tpt /+ . SuLbu?sr )a 1r,tQ-LL^r (-/-t^c(L2-71- lQ"''tV''"/l'-l oz F =EulIL o \o ca oo o.l GI \f t/, UJl!u- = =uJ s \s o .ar '-l C' 14 FH F itLl HE I ^lOr.o\l -l r\' L!g -tki .'o I I zHI@l* lrY i 5,97 Vl tn 9- >". =x bt >, z"? o tzJ.' outFoz z ol cD cd z 2 ltJ uJ i )13" *13(13s t#l<F.-l6el(,< \9 gs $*r<F.- oH z Fl .:6611d g8E: Sc.2 q *i €rEe€ r:0-r\> ar-€I5 ;' iEi:e E#,FE;Bi €Eis5 96,!65 igEEs(o0-;-.c=o(/|tr E€;:€ sal=39 dE5 Q*EFeQ)i -r X o.;t;Eg i;$'ei c) C.l IrlF {.d c-'{ €s tl N \ N o\ F d.u, z oJ Yotu oz J 9c oul tr z =l J z x uJ XN UJtu z tr tue() uJ e. 3 UJt uJ z 6llJo o IJJ lz UJ o x F uJol (n uJ uJ lJ- E E l,u o- J t- z o = F IJJ) z = J .J Oz o uJt Fl F ts NOllvn'rvA ;.:14= =iHtr ^ 6 z=i 3 e =FfiF(r=datt o e.'Z>-Oa89 EFrL<3i 3EEE EgrNOtIl .\l =>0a z tr f '- II f uJ F \' a LJ.]u z E o F{X6 Ee. uJ J =UJz =zlz9a <oo< =FRq60<z Lz, 2z urO3trOI l tJI t"ltoltoltdl ull = cc aU' z il- r! z 9 5az I T4z z --+ -) - F uJ oo 3 JI<ltrl =l zl .. >lo uJ llJr!zaF tr uJ o- J zo F 6o z tr <a d) CN Ifr z I tsodrJ) zl-{ u,z Fl uJF <t)oo-zo r(L ulY UJ co oFt ccut(L9 bfl [,t_ool-o.lr9lI pluflb=zo fF! ft T-t 9,{ r_J r_J z--o =ecoo>z (L rJ- EE= A;H #4*4-txtxL l F = LIJ o uloz oL oF d o" JF h= ().lJ>o-OL9o\ IJJxo-:>HF J l! tr.l d) c€' Ettoo ott .: =E EoC' o -E E =E UJ o-zo F C)fEFazo() Htn& FAv a +l I ffi HlFrIHt<loc\t I\t(9\rzlF- 9--7 z ts Fl Fl iE UJ =z Hvt6p a v) I u.l o = I\o Io, Fll-{ F Fl AH = tr oF\ an (Yl X UJ )- = \o ro.$ I\o -(L H F Fz F{ z F = tr f\o C\I a oul 5 o z 3I r'l1 cr1 -ir I f\.f ui)ul c)H&ts() Irr FfF] H 14 H tsH B =g IItl\' z uJ = z =F cn \f IOt.ir Ctr ui l!F zH EDJ P{ F FftqH a,t) >. fr IIJ F) = tr I.it cn A 2 .; LIJ J a l! z3 F CNF IF\ C.l @ u lF tr oz .^ t! J a l!oz =F =E oz oulG a oz3oF llJ uJF LU =z -) E. uJz3 F UJ EI E E <F(rOuJ<zEr!F(tZo(J JE<oOF trsfiF-,2.-rI oI)O >Y =#fF)z|ro <; :l l-zc) =fY,z =g Eir !rab2 .J<()o9.a n{sPBcuoN I s col.tPLErED The lteos below need to be conplete before glvtng a per:nlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off La the bor provlded. FINAL PLIn{BING DATE: FINAL UECEANICAL DATE: I}IPROVB{SNT SURVEY RESID. T{N.TE: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAT BI'ILDING n m n DATE: TEI.{PORARY C OF Ol DATE: I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPA}ICY DATE: I.ANDSCAPING DT'E DATE: FILE NAI{E: ILC OL fo,^ Vfsl+r oz E =t uJo- (..l a IJ.J UJ l.L E =E uJ sIdSR o Oro\ & v HH E '-J HE frl-42 =z(.)< u- Fl:A (,0zzo yJ UJF F F z =o oz vtr|lFoz oz 6 @ .6 oz t!J l.u U) =i o)- (!-Y, iE;:E F.e n3i'*re8fi E.:(! F (ll E :.E 6.9 Irl .J. dl(\\o +E 3 sx-# :tri o uJz3od r! lll6z;tEv AOY2.t< ) al) i t 6_ , : n tr = UJq z ! l : z F LlJJ IJJ z6 = J = IJJ UJ uJ z tr UJ llJ 'tuJcz -ln uJo Faoo-g,o o-lz u,lJ x urof (t uJ uJlL E = IJJo J FoF co (!a G tn =>oi= gN j*-.&i3Oci = o !i-ooiD'F ( =8il{# zo ao UJJ uJ z6 = c J = |rI = NOtrVntv^ _lGFo23CZ z tr-o o oE-tr - 6zF 3 a =FEz: 6F89 frE*s ",? $X ECaxz2 HN(JC =>E -:E(''E u.t ,{ =(oN z tr {+q c e. UJ F- c UJ oa z Eo z tr llJ FJ ; UJz LI I Iil U' EzlzOaE IIJ<oo< =H8o<z Fz. Az "'i F .o3frOI iT-tl i1- tirT,?t:t<t6t:tFl; t!lJ-) lr lt) llJzY- !J z F Jfaz o = a I.i l l l ,l :l rl<l -l zl z .. >loluot!{!z <t)F (l UJ z Eoo sHEFig;o56iio F JiO x E!; s, E;ES=:3t 3d60'-i-.c= 0)., E e*;t€Ea;==-5 () >-E9,iAoE .. ifis; a ; isg'si E _l --.i z 6 16 iT l-l<.r {t9t6 l-' lEuF 1---o--s-.fO ,/1/l ,'/.(-/. & ,a /' LlJF U) @oazo Fo-ulY ulo oF E eOii'i o,-o\ ttlO ^:l>*l o()lo?ltl'I UJt- 9'lOEzo z ,r9ze coo =zJO(L t]- ..i6 =87=t!Xdd= L =ut o- t!o lu C)z vto o F E o- JFuJ i-h= o- uJ>o- 9o \ l.lJxo:>fiFJ IL ul @o co E CLo o oa, .!ct E Eo.J o ts =Elrl o-zIl-()f E,Fazo(J trtrn :| il zl 3l FI I I I I I I ?loll!lGl JI <l>l u-lolzl ..,3t :ol uFI F =.1olutl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3l FI I I I I I cil =.1ol IJJI 5t <l>l bl zl;t vlFI I rl\01 c.t I-l .lzl dl it q t!tol =lolFl FtitiAE =z :E H tr I I I' l-o.IIlo- I I Id.u.| l< oC 1-{d<d><lI EO F.r rJ)& z rn o @ E zt4 H Fl ii z -) E,oF C) Fz.oo 9 z. r UJ = Eirg b2 >Y =<ZE )zoO G -.r O<F(E()uJ<zE I.IJ F(nZo Fz 9EF() tu.J UJ Eil!tr boyle engineering, inc. Ssptsnber ?, professionol structurol engineers 1890 llr. Sepp Chenay 2754 Basingdale 81vd, VaiI, Colorado 81657 Subject ' Le*vcn Rcnodcl Uei ! . Colorado Dean Scpp, This 1r to confirn thc inforr,aation which I relayed to you verbolly rcaarding the ganagc doon headen in the abovo noted remodcl . Since you have confirncd that the cnistinq header is a triple 2r,12 1 Iooked at keeping thic hcader and adding a misro-lar4 header on the inside of the opening. Thic header is to bc a double | 3/4 t 14 nicro-lam with doublc ? r 4 trimmers under each end dourn to the foundation' Pleasc give me a call tf you heve any queations negardlng lhis t4Btter. 143 e. meodolr dr,. suite 390 o crossroods shopping center . voil. colorodo 81657 . fi3/4762171 BOYLE EN6T Timot hy l'1. Prea i dont fl;},Ltt"l$';jC- -O-..2] Fi 14s68 irm Project Application // Proiect Name: Lefi'e-l't 7-<-D Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: I ,l () Y rl 4?6 4{a& / +trn -zaz- / Al/-l Architecr, Address and phone: 'lJZ t;f,l P-<-J <;A 4<O & ption: Lot 7- , b-E:'d , =on" 4sLegal Descri Com menls: cred i 4c Design Review Board E' /- ?a DISAPPROVAL t/o ,. //\.!a/ t/aff) 4-ol___--_/ Motion by: Seconded by: Su mmary: Staff Approval o"*, t-f- 7) o Project Application ZSDProiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: /a,l Aiil,Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board ,"," b lr/r/ DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval c F q, c'r'o <uo (uc0, (,(u.F ..r L.- - .(, .o-,c /o L +r qr Lro oJ ooro(u c cro tl\o.r L E lJ< vr (lJ uJ cli q,_l: LO (u'O C.JrtE {' C\Joco>of, @ c L-rf)o- -o o_o o c .J vr .- L-aa L.F-o o o-,n !qo->L.FO O-L O-(l) Or .JO(Uo' .rEU(u-o CF--rJ .F !r.c x>r r.r.:O6-.J (Ue(aOc Olqorad o (u! .r l!!, t Ec] ! c L q c - rl) | lulsio f (U F (|, !r r.- !, L oor-c6.J>EE OOO O'+.<de.J.F SOrJ-C d q.JC.FC ! *- a.- \J.- c c.F d ,\(- -! '! 3 0 E cr L/r H .Ji '- >.F L O (u.- d - < Fr.- c o oJ >,L L !^ >r- 5:.F lt,!-c.E-u o- 4r -odoE.r o_d.J.r q, c L c! = oL E-C O ! O oro Or -C !.r (J4, O+, C.F C (J U O l-uu Lo{_ro.Fo, x Ll!o_ C q, C vt (D - C (t, C=o9i9 -+r qoq -.r:}<q.F c grc o t- .'r! F 'E9.O.c:q,,LdE'F(U (uL. 'o !.J.Fe '! d>(] -oE\u:td!., q' oL 'JuL\Otn-- > ^L:\ d 'F ilrOY -co--OhOJc.rO..JLUsl+ JLc"croc 9E.r >r-o o- op o! d(F!oC (U @ e F c L'F O ,.dr-> -,-.p.) O .tt llt (u 9-v E.rJ !- dJ (Jlt| O-(n .JvrO0,.F> (.)U dtE\^ o- !9; p trr Ei i., n ,o-q- .-, c o, PO (u.JC q O '- 0r-:L (u.Je- O -olO .J E.JCOE c P () c E <.r !4 (l,.F ttE.lqrq-lo f:dJ L Cs,.J a.- EO<>.tO>!,i6 c|d O! (u .r !_E Or O. (J (1, L JqlC>.r ,-q L- A(}'- .d O C >,- O- aJ >r ! L-c LqJ(F.F6ELC OO>r.|J LO-E.-9d'Fqrll, C |!q]oJE.co:r -c df:-.rEF (4 L .r >i.J c) !1 .F r.-lI' C 'F (U .P O- -O C qr 4(F l--c (uLF(J O-d, !.- OUrO.rF c|-O (u()rr('C 1JL r-lir L u X (u"C (u O, ut (, x oJ +r.J (u x(U (,.rJ D (tJc.Pq(F O! it' (^-C OJ I .r !-C o.F loF q,! -E'oJ ,o oc'lJ.J tt' 6- L -- Or C.O (J L.Jc):(UOLTO.-(uL(u L >\_c,+- ! () o- L ,+- c coooJ.J rt, l. -a -.- -QE> Holt|_08 !Evro.>. t- !- o-o q, qr LL+Jf-o cJ J o 6 -a +) .: 0J (l/ c(u4vtrF.._o.F@'_ o!(u!L.lr .n<C!(Jur OEd,q,, ! C0J!e (J,-vr v|-q'(uF-E l- C O C v|rJ O .F vr-O .o O-.F c !+- C) C I -C O ld q,H\F- JF OO!.- U F.|.' (u L i -l) .J- .J'\r |\t .4 \/>I.) jr :' rl-v -- ..)- 2- !^\>" - -{-:' a\-s- 'lF-\ *-1- ,<J 'G -^+o r'- -9e.- \ .o.\ c-a ;_,oo'e s' {t a ; .; ) E- ,I >t-- .) r*J '-J \TJ()q il oo>' .d nQ/;v dvq/ .'s $ \\$ o\ E.eo-EeEe.att , .E -4.8..!,9 otrD !\r e E OOn 'D 6rrr€eO lu e'!.DCr<D'|J!<>e(Hqi! o,--t.d a.<"oo.o{' c-.r co r- or <t rl),6 o)4ltolr e t i]r4adrtde <') ! co, : : :o r <-, - <t> !. <t) (7) .r) <.) !. .D e <rJ -- : <'q. (tet o O. <'-rr.<t o-<>- cr- - . .<t ro <.o!.ooo00c, t o rr - !. ri -ta)a' - ..t2 .J2 ..t2---/ro d, . l-. q, cta, (1, l': <) a, o otso qr c| ar cl <J o <J cr c.4 . ,r o cl <n t e s c-i =€o $-€ $.ect' oararruc.)oD t-r e qrs 6rq o o llr qjl o aor --<ar.r) <7) c{ !.) o-r.o <D c .a ..f > - :r - r'I t-l t4 aA i- .- c€ !tirt <t a F- rrF-.r|aadA-t'\l)6rr) oc) o..- -, o, <D o' o, o, e -4-t .Jt - - -.Jt <Jt .Ja <n - d< 1-l*rl =l-1 H :1 w-. s ,9b 42 %"N-t- t-, t''\q -F-\ (D\ (D\ i &lfu:-i| F";r.;/..,y:ii \, . \Yo\ F\q\ =-\' -c \ E\..= t\ L'l VI,.(fr \ u)tE 4 \=l! \ - \ut* \ \-sl$\\q a o C\ rt { -J:( v, \))(o \.o\rl\z (9 ===(5 H tt.o l.-to ar .$ €op. i-Jrij(-) ft: ([ + (-t t.,r Ko),:'/"1' =o\ -R\ u)l o h'-$ \ 4 >r(uqJ cJs c(J>CJ- g:-i= >-::Yv O 4 Jssu.- t,/r itJ! u6 4 (U >r 4tl<>cq,E'- o,o > l+r 6 c c co u.- o q, o>r(u.(t oe 0,,9-J =(u! c 0,,d! o'().!-qF L <I').C>r'- t, ! cO C 'r- (, ]i!(r €qro ou >,oE -O. .- Co J L.JrO c}(J C' I (tl.F !.P€(J'Jo {t,9- q 'o9 Vr € >r qr o '6 CE-sr4(,.oEe-C !- O-'F € ,! >iu 'r!O(ul! LL.->E{|Jq,o1J 4 (Juuo -u 'o (u 'r >r'-< LCqrOa . --cor>lll .!.J>Lq,:.- .. cD drf ',\. rrr (U .:z) Lt-eo ! - '- .q a:o'=- F >r.J - O'n- o c'e c-c=rI- z is ]:H.J +r \J -r2Ni !...oq ^"rl','ti' -oo,9*..o \ 6,. ( l * o+e+o8a, (o rf) s(o Jl{ v<l t{l su' -t)z. 99t'*, L Fl Ialol F-i sl \ldl Pt;t/- | $ ol.'o U I tr)et ,! col -.- *ql: EAIE q- \ U \ F- J t-- l-.(4tf,e =5(4 Nq Nr9tl /-q\ qJ ol N oaa e \ i- U):.tl'l sIt --i {} t{t .-' fi(r:: {i.: c:ii ,' e ,'.| ool v N o I *l\fl*l I I E!d s(, >j b\6toirg P$ () -Jl{- 9(D>aaf, =tl*Q9q Hitrj F- !,. \-,1 ts\!as \l F-o -l H 3 Ft t{J() 6 F- soJ l.- =S Eo $ rlliDt,li.o dgo;qg ,ON(i o ;7 ^:iHH>i1 'J "l!3,. ,1, Eb0.1 d(.r':i L5()P6) ^98 =rr.5b0t. .J dJ. { .P. - --a I-x-TTa o Rpi:tso0nl)(JY,xo AU;6z; oYg 0{li ,^, q\gqt ..(.-1 \-t ' s\!,tt"' l-rl: T[htN r]F vAIL- r:tlMl'ILINITY tr[:VELfrFl"lFN'r trRNH: HARI:ILTt ANII :;ANI.]RA I.,.ETVEN nATE: nl:TllB[R il' 11?l?O RE: 6EI:ILI:IGIT: EVALUAI'IIJN 1ItC'1F :JLINEURSI- NRIVE (Lt]T :, VAIL THE UNTIERSlIJNEN HAVE REATI THE I:iEfiLLlI:.iII'": ARTHUR I. I"IE:AR::, F. E. ' INI:, ' NATETI '-ILINE VALLEY SRTI FILING) HAZARN REF.I]RT FREFAREN FY ll, 1ppo. I"JE UNttERSTANT' THE TI]NI]LLII:;IL:.IN:i IN Tir Ar::t::EF,T Tt{l:r5E FAr::T5. '5TATE L'IF C:fiLI:IRATII:t CtrUTJTV CtF EAIJLE c] $, Tl{E FTIREGOING INSTRU|4ENT t^lAE Ar:l'::Nfl^llEnriEn _J__ IIAY ':IF OI:TOEER l:??IJ BY HARL-.II.TI LETVEN' I,iNfiIIN FERsfiN HHTTT:E NAI4E I5 FJUE:]L]IIIBEN TN THE FBREGI]INIJ AL:I{NLII.ILETIEETI TU I'IE THAT HE EXEL]LITETI THE ::;AME FL]R ANTI I:I:INSITIERATItrN THEREIN EXF.RE,.1::;ETJ. My L-:r:rmm rF* I r:tN EXFIRE5, -l-r-11*:?1- --A!'^*MRM EEFffRE I'IE THI5.; Ttr ME TI:I BE THE IN--;TRUI"IENT ANN THE PURFI:I!;Es FEFI:IRE ME THIS TN HE TN BE THE INSTRLIPIENT ANTI Tt{E PLTRFT:rSES ANn STATE r.:rl- r:t:rl-r:rRArrfl I::I:ILINTY t]F EAI:.iLE o{ TFIE Fr:rRErit:rINrj I|!:]TRU|'IENT hlA::; Ar:},:Ntrl,llEttfir:n J--- TIAY t:tF CII::TL..tBER 1?:7O FY :;ANTIRA I."ETVEN' I'JNI:IhJN F,ERSITN t",t.{t:r5E NAI'4E I::; :;l-lF;it:RIFEfr Tn T}-lF FfiRE:r::irlIN': A|]}.INfiI{LETII:EN TI:I I,IE TI-IAT 5I-{E EXEL:IJTETJ THH EiAI'IH FI:IR L]I]NSINEfiAT.I||N TIIEf.IEiN EXFFIE:i$EN. r'fy FEr"*4 r :i5r nN EXp r R ru, jt-Ll-'-1J- TI.IAT F(EF.I:IRT ANTI ARE FREP { Harold Letven Sandra Letven rrr, r, \rur. I 5 1g:0 }IURLMEARS, P.E", INC. f.lrtrnl Flrzra& Coerho )ttlx tbh W ZE Err Godic Avr.Grlc. Cdcr& ElZl0n -ut.t2%tn\/fNWWW June 22, 1990 PeeI and warren ArchitectsP.o. Box 1202VaiI, CO 81658 RE: Geologic hazards and bulldirig actclitions, 18018 sunburst Drive. Dear ur. PeeI: At your reguest, I have analyzed the-e:qlosure of Lot 2, VaiI valley frd fiting- (18o1B sunburst Drj.ve) with respect to snow avalanche, debrls avllanclre, and rockfall hazard and have considered the change in hazard as a result of the building additlons you proPose. The existing house is located in an area designated asItgeologically sensitiverr in Town of Vail hazard n1ps. sieciflcally, the exsiting bui)'ding is exposed to. small -dry-fiowing/powiir snow avalanc-hes and rockf aII, both beginning. within or uet-od the linestone cllff outcropping south of .the building. Debris avalanches stop on Sunburst -Drive and do not reach this building. The proposed additions to the existing building will. not increase the -oveiall exposure to the above processes besause they will n-ot Lncrease human-actlvity within the hazard zones. Furthermore, the additions will not reduce the resistance of the building to the avalanche or rockfall processes. In addition to the above considerationE, tlre propoled proJect will not increase the lateral or longitudinal defleciion o1 avalanches or rockfall toward.any other a-djacent public or private property, easenents,'or utilities. I feel there exlsts no reasons why, from the standpoint of natural hazard exposure, the proposed additions should not be built. Please contaqt ne if you have additional questions. Si4cereIy, LMhr{.Wr oArthur I. llears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer fihlr rflolltlry o A&rla. A&rh furl E gtlgl tt' i C ,or*7/ r' ffi ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTqTS DATE: 6-27- ?a _, ) LEGAL DEscRrPTIofii-G-t z Block - Filing Ua./ Ua-tQ/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sra ADDRESS z /kot I {,.^ t-..-t A.yr'- U OWNER h 01.,,- PHONE plal it TbU Allowed (30)@ 1il 6.2 2120, q 201 151 15 1 (30) (50) 3'74t4 (300) (6oo) (s0o) (12oo) (so) (1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) zLt Staff Signature Slope Actual Avalanche .a,r- /4"'n --L.tt- .L,t4J a/z.fzo Flood Plain n/a Slope ..1,". tlt-..',s J/k-- Geologic Hazards /3, trro ft -/t e) )7o, 'l n\/ l* ^ lo'il ARCHITECT PHONE r'76- 4.<Z Q ZONE DISTRIqT PROPOSED USE zsp I€T sIzE tkt' sz 4J .l^,,,- Height Total GRFA ',bt 'z I j15' Prinary GRFA secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site coverage (z'o'/.\ Landscaping (U At\ Fence/Retaining Wall Parking 4 { '27"2*'' Credits: carage Uechanical Airlock storage Drive: SLope Pennitted Environnental/Hazards : Zoning Date: Heights *7u.;" I 3Qt-7 'z'7 t I /? {Q z7{ 57 bo 33U3 p/c**;1 \q"t Proposed z3 b47.3 r< ( rt lA - lsq 2-"{ 4zoz o 2'7// 235 27. { 5-3 s .- t41/ 3 552 OK OK 2 PGdb Itrtw4 t@z{ f Z-/3D s.c, e'v;t/ 57 sa pbp. g -l Disapproved zfrs '7",D ),55cL4, -Ld .zJ(^ / ",A 1 d),'/^, -. -. ,9fl-2,,-L l3 62 I'l"l - 4Z Y6; A s Pac et: lz4'< fao* tz+ I'\+ t] +t/4 l"/os'ts 4 s tl {""hj z1 ,l4s-hr@ {j = ,r1 156 l + t3oz = vo; d cl*b z tE3 -42 Sg-oluo*eY 2trql - l3(, z'lll l5f b1q {'u - 23 vo; cl bsb L r el-xls ) zno LSZ J-LO [-e, -6r-fs ] b1q+bS3= l3iz void ' 23 t3o1 .l"trk - s3 1257,, (s46arDA-€t(I5Z:4ql toq 'It It In9L 11t (. L'lt t llzo\ - t't- tsta t4g t tlQt-125ft = z3{fr Project Date of application PEC DRB Town Council L;J. (ryn\ ARTHIJRI.MEARS, P.E., Naunl Flaza$ Coruultant T-="'o INC. 222 Brt Cothic Avc, Croaioo. Cdqr& 81230 n3-ut.12% Q[n'r; r b',j , l,l,trrJ ja+ll L+tefiAl,n tl./ , rera,-, ,./ U2r/ntWWE June 22, L99O Peel and Warren Architects P.O. Box 1202VaiI, CO 81558 RE: Geologic hazards and building additions, 18018 Sunburst Drive. Dear Mr. Peel: At your reguest, I have analyzed the exposure of Lot 2, VaiI Valley3rd Filing (18018 Sunburst Drive) with respect to snow avalanche,debris avalanche, and rockfall hazard and have considered the change in hazard as a result of the building additions you propose. The existing house is Iocated in an area designated asItgeologically sensitiverr in Toritn of VaiI hazard maps.Specifically, the exsiting building is exposed to srnall dry- flowing/powder snow avalanches and rockfall, both beginning withinor below the linestone cliff outcropping south of the building. Debris avalanches stop on Sunburst Drive and do not reach thisbuilding. The proposed additions to the existing building will not increasethe overall exposure to the above processes because they will not increase hunan activity within the hazard zones. Furthernore, theadditions will not reduce the resistance of the building to the avalanche or rockfall. processes. In addition to the above considerations, the proposed project wiII not increase the lateralor longitudinal deflection of avalanches or rockfall toward any otirer adjacent public or private property, easements, or utilities. I feel there exists no reasons why, frorn the standpoint of natural hazard exposure, the proposed additions should not be built. Please contact rne if you have additional questions. Sirqcerely, |ffitu,{tfillr^l Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer fula Wattng o Aulorlu c Auhnck Ca7,tpl Eaglnccriag I DnA IPPrIqIIIOI DATE APPLICATTON RECEITr'ED: DATE Of DRB I.IEETING: Julv 11. 1990 *rrr*Ttll8 APPIJICATION nflJr NOtl !E tqCEglED ftNfIL AIJT rltFOBI{AllIoNIS SUEl,lItTEDr**** I. PRE-APPIJICITTON I{EETING8 A. PRq'EqT DESCRIPTION3 expansion and Airlock add+tlon to secondarv unlt of prlearv/secondary. .rt th. out lbout addltlonal subnl ty to Dake an rppolntDGnt wdltlonal subnlttal r.crulren nlDont wlth th. rtaft to flndraqulren€nts. Pleaee note raapona A pre-lppllcatlon DsetlnE slth a plannlng staff lrnbcr lrrtronEly-ruggutod to d.t.|:t!tnt ll eny adaltionallnfotnatl.on l,s needed. No aoolLcatlon ulll be accaoted that a COMPLETE appllcatlon wlll atreanllne the approvalprocesa tor your project by decreael.ng the n"qher olconautlons of approval that the DRB uay ctlpulatg. ALLconalltlons-of approval rnuet be resolved bgforc a butldlngperult Ls lesued. _ Appllcatlon slll not bt procuodwlthout owner.g signature. .l f: c. D. B.IOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: 1801-8 Sunburst DrlveAddrlrr Irgal Doscrl.ptlon Iot 2 Block Subdlvlrlon llell Vallev 3rd Ftl . ZOnlng @ry NN'IE OF APPLICANT3 Harold and Sandra Letven llailing Address:l80l-B Sunburet Drlve, Vail, Colorado 81657 Phon.76-262L NN{E OT APPIJIqNfTIg REPRESENTAIIVE! l{all.lng Addrese:PEEVWARREN 1202, Va1L, CoLorado 81658 E. NAI,IE OF O}JNERS: slotlllunl (gl s llalllng a66s3ssi l80l-B Sirnburst Di-lve, Vall, CoLorado 81657 Phonc Condonlnium Approvat lf appllcable.F. G.DRB FEE: Ahe=fie will be Dlrld at the tfune a bulldlngpermlt Ls paid for. VAWATION $ o- $ 10,001 -$ 5O,Oo1 - 9150,001 - $500,0o1 -$ Over $ lo,oooI 50rooos l5OrOOoI 500,000 91, ooo, 000 91,000,000 EEE $ 10.oo $ 25.00I 5o.oo $100.00 $200. oo 9300.00 (ovER) IrXST OF TIATERIALS LETVEN RESIDENCE ADDITIONNAIIE OF PROJE T: SAREET ADDRESSS LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS I/}r, 2 BrocK 1801-8 Sunburst, Dr N/A ive suEDIvIs IoN &il-Y@Filine DESCRIPTION OF PRO.tEqfs Livins Room. Dinins Room. Master Bedroom expansion and Airlock addition to secondary unit of Primary/Secondary existing duplex. The following lnfornation ls Review Board before a flnal A. BUILDING I{ATERIAI.S! Roof Slding other wall ltaterl.als FaecLa Sofflte WindowE Window Trln DoorE Door Trim Hanp or Deck Rails FIues Flashingg Chinneys frash EncloeureE Gr€€nhouseg other B. I.AITDSCAPINGS NAME Of r€gulred for gubnittal to the Deslgn approval can be gl.ven: TIPB Of HATERIATJ COI,OR Wood shake shingles To march existing Stucco To natch existing Vertical wood si.dins To macch existine 1x4. Lx12 redwood To match existing Plvwood. oainted To natch existinS Wood windows Wood doors N/A As reqtd.. oaint to natch adiacenE material N/A N/a To match evistinp Deslgner: Phon€s N/A copmon Nane ouantl-tv Size*PI,ANT UATERIAI,S! PROPOSED TREES Botanlcal Name N/A i t, EXISTING TREES TO BE REUOVED rlndlcate -Nsle- callper for declduous treea. Ml-nLnun callner for trees Le 2 Lnchee. fndlcate hetght for conlferous trees. o PIAIIT IIATERIAI.,Ss PROPOSED SIIRUBS Botanl-cal Name -uL6-- ga[DgL]IAne ouantLty SLzert Rel"ocdte existinS Sb1gbg.gl-g!-ry . - of proposed Bhrube.Minl-nun eLze of shrubs is EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indicate slze 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TTPEOI IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, le 6 feet. None TvDe N/A scBre.-r99f.ase Re-sod disturbed areas as required. N/A Extsuing underground sprinkler syatem. C. CtlIllER IATIDSCAPE FEATTRES (retalning walls, fences, ewJ-nuning poole, etc.) Pleaee speclfy. Indicate helghts of retalningwalle. UaxLnun helght-of wilte wlthln the front aetback le 3 feet. MaxLnun helgtrt of wall,s elrewhere on the property ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/8 ZONE DrSIRrgtS DATE: rJGAr, @ Brock -NlA- rtung @ne ADDRESS: 1801-8 Sunburst Drive. VaiL. Colorado 81657 , OWNER ARCHITECI PIIONE PROPOSED US8 IOT SIZE Helght TotAl GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondaz? GRFA Setbackr: Pront Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Iandscaplng Fence/Retainlng Parking Credite: Garage llechanlcal Airlock storage Drlve: glope P.rnltt€d Env I ronuental,/Ha z a rda : zontnEz Date: *L \ +.-r;ffi"5, {;,,' r M*-trf "yt' vi ^I,*n,r"],'/ft/t tfaU Heights N/A Avalanch. SF of GRFA) Al.lcsed (30) (33) 4,118 SF 2,47L SF 1,647 SF 201 t5 l 151 (30) (50l 3.Z36-fE- IIA- N/A NIA- (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) '.(50) (1oo) (25) (50) (2Oo) (4oo) 8lop. Actual Proporcd No change to exist. brJJding"height !!!!!!-3*isting 2,846 SF existing l.'[$furisting 271 15r East, 53t West N/A 3,363 SF existing 3,552 SF proposed ul.a- N/A 25 SF N/A 451 Inconcluslve from current TOV ma Flood Plaln N/A Slope N/A Geologtl.c Hazarde High Severitv Rock Fall Approved/Dlaapproved Staff slgnature APPLICATIOI{ FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES II{ EXCESS OF ALLO}IABLE GRFA Appl ication DRB ltleeti nq Julv 11 . 1990 PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appllcatlon conference wlth a member of the plannlng-staff is strongl.y entouraiid to dlscuss the prcvlslons under whlch addltlonal GRFA can be added to a sife. tt should be uhderstood that thls ordlnance does not assure each property an additlonal 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordlnance allows for gg to .eE9.9S.@&gg lf ccttrln condltlons arc mrt. Applications for addltlons under thls sectlon wi'll not be accepted unless-they aib complete. Thls lncludes all Informatlon requlred on this form as well as Design Revlew Board submlttal rtqulrEnents. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTIOI{: Li Room (90 SF Dinins Room (33 SF Master Bedroom (106 Sf) expansion and Airlock (46 SF, including 25 SF credjt) addi.tion to secondary unit of Primary/Secondary existtng duplex. /.;zr1 r-4,- Urz-cr- ,,5"{;/, fu Date of Date of B. LOCATIOI{ Addresr OF PROPOSAL: 1801-8 Sunburst Drive Legal, Descrlptlon: Lot-l-Block-{!-Flllng vail va11ev 3rd Fillne Zone 0lstrlgg 2-Fanily Primary/Secondary C. NA!,IE 0F APPLICAI{T: Harold and Sandra Letven Address 1801-8 Sunburst Drive Colorado 81657 303-476-262r D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Dayld M. Peel, PEEL/WARREN ARCHITECTS Address P.O. Box 1202, Vai1, Colorido 81658 303-476-4506 NAl,rE 0F OlJilER(S):Harold and Sandra Letven {,ll It rl .l I i l I I E. fr Slgnature(s ) Address 1801-8 S""burst Dr hone--43i2.6-2621- F. Ff llng Fee of $l0o.oo ls requlred at tlme of submltta't al q,/ lo ?t"/ The followlng lnfomatlon, In addltlon to DRB submlttal rcqulrements' shal'l be requlred wlth thls submlttal: l.' Verlflcafion that the unlt has recelved a flnal certlflcate of occupancy. 2. llames and mai'l lnq addresses of:adJacent property owners and of owners of- unlts on the srmE lot. Thls lnfoimatlon ls tv.llable frorn the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condorniniun associatlon approval (if applicable). 4. Existlng floor plan of structure. e. your proposal will be revlewed for compllance with Vail's Cornprehensive Plan. t s dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr.po. box 3370 vull, co 81658 303.476.4506 . tl ir;. I':. June 14, 1990 IIPPER EAGLE VALIJY SEi.JER DISI?ICT UPPER EAGLE VALLEY hIAIER DISTSICf, 846 Forest Road VEll, Colorado 81657 RE: Utlltty Easement Variance Lot 2, Vail Valley 3rd Ft1lng 1801-8 Sunburst Drive Vail, Colorado Thls letter is to fornally request I utlllty easeoent variance for the Harold and Sandra Ietven reeldence at 1E01-B Sunburst lhive, Yall' Colorado. The portlon of the proposed bulldlng addltlon adJacent to the eaeenent wlll NOI encroach lnto the eaaenent. Ttre varlance le requeeted for the propoeed open nood deck of approxlnately 30rr ln height above the existing flnished grade. The deck size is based on the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer and Water District fie1d locate of the exlstlng seuer and nater lXnes on llednesday; June 13, 1990. The uest corner of the deck rrtll be approxlnately 2r-Ort frou the water lLne and the north corner will be approxinately 4 t-0" fron the llne. Ttre deck w.ill not affect the exlsting aewer 1lne and the exlsting nater line shut-off valve wlll be unobetructed. The owners acknowldge that they shell bcar the cost for renoval and replace- nent of, thc dcck should rork on the uatcr llne requlro the rsooYal of the deck ln vhole or in part. fite owners further hold harnless the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer and l{ater l}istrlct from coats incurred Ln the Potentlal renovaL and replacenent of the deck. FOR TITB OIJIIER: 4""P"4-AL. Davld M. Peel, AIA PEEL/WARREN ARCHITECTS cc: l{r. and l,lrs. Harold Ietven Tosn of Vall Planning Departnent Jit' i.: , i.t' i Ij $ .tr '5 | li[LT Irl'g o..::tR /oua ! 5S)iLtcK 1, PASA:-.rlT Jsr lLrnn. 2,n rlo;? - { to fltfR 2, F.r.so?{TI - -. --^-J) I I Lr,,J-'1 :,lr n t I arf a_l (., I LV-.r -4$J I LVJ1 PASDS{I Jsr tlcca tro n-o:r >3D FLCCI 'a IL-ll.u FLTI. gATH RC0,s (Ll'/ltlc FC0*'s, EirtIcrs, oi?.lct3,sr,,Dlos) i 6 : KtTCiSiS I I Dls*r'llstiss '2- t J0ilIES 7- bin t;sra'J lc€ l,AcTllliss '/ sql}:As ltATtR CCOL..PS & tiATEl rcu{TAl.i6 .' I-DI asnt 8 TDItrr. l/,* x \,:fr ' 5' oc (cr€ t'uu-r ?lil . '.4 EcIPn slliiG I '3. oO .7i NTl. 9ATH(s'c.,:vt ce rrnr A{iDAcr.J ri.'t I-T! ', lI-ff';f1l'Hih$/ x r'm ='/5? e 3i xl.F = q. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, -'l /.'{D St)iiA !LliYtcI c]t\ritE, x 2.50 := /3 ' s-() X l.m = 2' a'O' .50 ;' ,/. -oO ,z> .l> = ==-----a Srll|?4!l.S t$Ol-S JACrtrTl I(UIS lnr VnTE? - -. 0.ulr!.'*t cF c'€ FTLL.E{T}S : FO6S KITC-3'l DISr',.ltsirx i-r,u.tar es CR'[SIDE hATER TUrnL Fllt{TS x x X x X X .1) 5.m 5.ra L.LU r : x x x 3.P .1.00 ?.e'|I.LU .50 r# 'x1.0J= 5/r;7{ - n-:*z&"Iitiffi- zrs e 73 ....: lc(t-n{ll:3'l)f cc}?r-t-ncJl c: cc:slnLf,Tl(\l oF lJ-L sTi^-l.t:Tlr.-!s, Tle nlsTlllcl Sll/Jl lilrr(\^"'1 A f'rfistLrt- l:ljr,tcIlGl oF r.t! i!\ ll5:s ;o ILIiL-1lli: I! : llutt[!l cF Foli:TS 'lO llt r,S:tS:.':f) ACC'-i:Ul;i,.i lO I'l.i: liirit '..i3 51..ei T;.r f59, ,'.'lD l,\Tt' 5:lif'il'E, ,i3 ,.\:.tiND, /jit) llti Dtjii:lCT Sli\!- 11..ru- ,r';Y r[,UiI:iiliS l]i(tS:,,\1Y lii ll€-CilG:::/[ I fr,F I lL lAtl-1. ti 5 t;r-licf lfil 5lt!J- A:rJ Dl-tti;lliie ll t- LUIU)ll1-' L\"'it-R S In\liR ItisPtcl0R t\o,vio or n,,'.611,cs\,All w\vr'r .'nr (^'JlIAItn', fll':l-nlaf l! it't+! Permit No.ir1i43 VAU.. YTIATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT SSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAIO IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Meter Size PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water NUMBER OF UNITS {,6 7{ Bldg.Dopt.-Urhit;-W.t rrnd SmlLtion - Gr..n:- Public lryortt - Crmry; - Contraclor - Pink:- Accounling -Goldenrod lnrn u, Date Billed Date Paid Finance Director 10?'o t PEINS CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION;li CALLER TUES THUR FRI tr' <'. MON PM \i ," BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH,tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR E = UJ ;.=-F rizi - <O tt 'ilr l.:i"1 f ia9!.42 - < =<cz=tz=z:'! "a:l!:';: : <., :i.". <3: c.<' a- 2 1^N \- I I I z i:', -<(raf6eeai r.,.1 gieE<oztozl t-9-; Z)fg zgl=3g;3 Itl )Fqll ftr.tell =((r(vll clol= =i Io oo I Q s g 6rlE8 "EEI6d fi51 HE :gIiE sluJIrN(Jl z co =J(! z oJ f E coI o o oat Ei-EFot-(r= oLl. tr r'ro=E>EFo CLo! I E-aa I Rtr oz F uJ -l n-{Flrlll I uJ E =E. lrJ o-zIF()fEFazo() n Jz z F oz LL lrtl l:l J!#?l-t ll.ul='llolz F- Jl! xo o =o L .U c,t- =F tri =z o - l! 2 IJJ oo = o- F =tr uJ oo ! o- F (J I I I ol'l .ul urlEI 8l Irl.Ul EI Et fr .J I cr-Ft olol< EI ;Gl > UJE o tr rltlllllEtltl l-ltl,lI r,:JlI arltol l<l>t !lEl <l Frl >l a tr oo a = I = luz. = F llJLI c <F(! (,)uJ<zt o <oOF -< ^dYF =z*A zr =<zd]FJZ(!O O <^ =F2() =riz =g E F .J-n i-b2 o(j J<c)o9.5E o Project Application Projsct Name: Proiect Descripuon' Ne^tl 72u / /<* Owner Address and Phone: bls - srArchitect Address and Phone: ^aa €, Quu,rV Au'r A,-,zo<n, adaa. Foo/L Block ,r,^n Ua-l Ut/&+ 3 Zoning Approved: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administratov' ) \ Chief Building Official i I ,t t Legal Description: Lot Onner Zone District Lot Area I Setbacks: Front-Required Sides-Requi red ZONE CIIECK for sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS Bl ock Fil ing Architect Proposed Use _ilei ght Al 'lowed I5' Proposed z GRFA: GRFA: Proposed Required OOTo Proposcd Required Z/uni/t r/ Pr.opc:ed Drive: Slope Permitted. 8?O slope Actual Sl ope Rear -Required.l5' Proposed 6k l,latercourse-required i/t4 Proposed Al'f or,red 'fltA . Proposed -4e ( - Primiry Allowed 274{Primary Proposed Zbff Secondary Al'lor,red t.3 7Z Secondary Proposed l/72 -Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: _ Al I owed Zo:r i nc : irppl'ovcil/D i si. ppr o..'lti D.l t ,.r : ' LIST OF MATIINIALS ljir L i: ta l1b nrocrv4lL uN)X e[* FILING NAME oF PnoJECr \AlL res]eEx!6, LECAL DDSCRIPTION DnscnrprroN oF nno;rcrj]UfoW , ruHAe-Y %r@ s. .ff, 4E@tq2^R\f Ao c p;. t4A2 The following informationto the Design Revierv Board A. ) BUILDINC MATERIALS: ' Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. ) PI.ANT },fATERIALS is required for submittal bybefore a final approval can the Applicant be given. Type of Material Color F*Wao [-l6u WM NFACLA^e, l/Jep t NF' fle M 6Vaa "+{et$ +e>Ae> Nffllh.l alJ1nnl,ffi Ia^L.4iwL. eb\ze atNr. rt/* Apv AL. fuzotlfr 4fAf.tr>rN4 #+1 Ft4\L (Vegetative, Landscaping Materialsand Ground CoverJ including Trees, Shrubs, SizeEotanical ,Name/zw EInc"Cor:rnon Name b40 lwa sl4tNarL=s Quantity Page 2 P1ant Materials Continued Dotanical Name c.) oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Wal1s, Fences, Cormron Name Quantitv Size Swin'ming Pools,etc.) (Please Specify) htHE hw (. arlwwz-epAF>= L.weL @AFtA f76\t-tLttt6. {a fro*D= }{al FIAL t--rtqpaae.nN4 pw1)x\lD 1\tw ilruP rea^Dz PVrcY A[2 . APD [*t tDeAaer;{a lJtlt ffi Faonz112v12 Fepzs{i4z Fl. p-ttlAF.t +a@F p-Wr, fi;--ru'tr{ "GT''"J"I ItE NH||.A{r =r=hYa&i a'.1 tlE ;-.',|gr-.'.::+.1j,'..r:.j;jl.z;{..i;*:':';.n*.;+*;+.':.::,rqi.-''gi.i-€.<:i:9i;:*i-5+::;:.c.:.:l"!i::;;:j-r3:.--E'+.r*j{i3;=.::.#:;j*E; -: ,. -.1'+1-i: ..l-i.;,L, box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 March 18, 1981 Dave A'l 'l an , Construction Manager Turnmar Construction Co. l0 Inverness Drive East, Suite 110 Englewood, Colorado 80112 department of comrnunity development RE: 1801 Sunburst Va'il, Colorado Dear Dave: In regards to the above referenced proiect, there has been issued a Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancy with a'list of due dates on several items. As to the matter of the master bedroom "toilet area" the fee'l 'i ngs are as fol'lows: 1. Section 17118 of the 1979 U.B.C. dictates a clearance of 30".2. A letter from the ovlner acknowledges the fact that the existing condition in "toi'let area" are contrary to the above referenced code sections and he accepts them as such being only 29". 3. In that the dimension is only 1" off requirements, and the problem is only in a master bath area, and that the owner understands and accepts the situation' the Town of Vail Building Department will accept this situation on a "one time basis case" in the spirit of a working relationship and it poses no significant health or safety problem at this time. Steve Patterson, BuiIding Off icia'l Town of Vail SP:df rmar5I City of Vail Building Departnent 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: Mr. Steve Patterson March 13, 1981 RE:18 01Vail Sunburst Colorado Gentlenen: At the time we were trying to obtain a Certificate of Occu- pancy for the above referenced project, it was requested by your office that we have the Owner acknowledge the dirnensions of the toilet area in the naster bath. This area was 29 inches and the requirement per your City code was 30 inches. The Owner has acknowledged that this area is narrower than required and accepted sane. The Owner has further requested that we obtain from you on your letterhead a written acknowledgement that you have accepted thi.s rninor variance. I have checked with your office this day by telephone and verified that the letter is in your file. I would appreciate it if you could drop rne a line stating that the C.O. is in fact accepted. Thank you very rnuch for your cooperation. Sincerely, COMPANY Dave Al1an Construction Manager DA:j1 cc: Mr. Grant E. Marsh turnmar 10 in verness drive east constru on companycti o suite 1 10 o englewood , colorado 801 12 r phone 773 - 3030 tmar5I t r0 February 26, 1981 Vail Building DepartnentVail, Colorado Re: 1801 Sunburst DriveVaiL, Colorado Gentlemen: This is to confirn ny ful1 knowledge of the lirniteddinensions in the toilet area of the naster bath at1801 Sunburst Drive. f am aware that code requires 30" width in this areaand that the situation existing is only 29'f. Very sincerely, GEM: et urnmar development company inverness drive east . suite 110 o englewood , colorado 80112 . phone 773 - 3030 Grant E. RNMAR /DEyJ4OPMENT COMPANY H'!#-wl^'( Pl-5nt{II|.L ll^lln I SAiLn T,:'P ttE CI,I-CUJ'IlGl ll,lf cF trl'5 o'.::tR '5ilrtL-I Ali;il55 il-ccK --a : tj tt t';?; t:tta!-7 -Yn " I'lffslc.il- _._ I,l,/1Jl Ur.c.,( sy' ='. j/b: 0 o Dltlllr, /JiltSs /1, PAso.--.rir Jst rlocn. ?rn rlotr? ..-- 5.o Fl-L'x = 3. aO Br\snr 8lDILtr, ll4 x Ln (G,tE I,J'J-F }\llu o,.'ror\ttt.ito t .x ,75 RU. -JrTH(sr.-,;;< ca ru:, f11 x. -l,LJJ P./LSlll, Iolu:-rJ " Ir' Rc0,s (Ll'/llic rcn.'s, F.aDtrn'5, cF;1(:5, sl-',Dlos) i I 3i PAsg{:J'{T Jsr trcm ?ro noce >3D FLTJS X 7-X A-X X x 25'x 5,ffJx 5, [r]x l,LU . tl. 5. '6. 8. xtio-ros l.t Dlslt'lr-sl-*s L-rJJrDll ES 0'rn wslaJ lcf tA&llliEs s/dr.r^s ' ADirqTl fxIS .-:-: - . '. 1.iJt_ 1: t,nrn. cccLaRS I TNTB TCU{TAIIIS Srlili4!i$ POCLS JAc't.ryl ({JIS lll: }iqTL? 0.tutt,'.llt cF c€J FLLL,E\nS : . -- FO$S KITr}S'I DIsiJAs!€R, i-r.ur'rrtes xtl.p' ,= x'.l.Dl = x?.$ =x l.LU = Ql '= x 1.0J = 2,. ), 'q. 5.CUT5IIE HATER .'l 3.e 73 D\.IE llisPtcros .'..: t(ttc,tll:G'l)e cc)?L{-l I c{l o: cR:s llil\:T lt\'t oF /J'L Sr"tt:Ttn:5 ' nt: DlsTlllcT sl"'JL i"iffi;i";i ; r.,n-.sii;r--irr:,'rciici-ti. r'ii i!.c;rls:s ;o rLlii"rlti: 1l: rrr-rr-tcs cF rol:;Ts iii'iri it:r-s:':n riru::rr::'; io ri': rt,iiir i..;:l t'L"e i T'? rIf ' "":D F.,\It 5:rrli"s' 's i.i;.i,L,i,,-,..f,r-i),i Dl,;;;tlCT.itii '- t:'.r:t: ,\';Y IJ\lujI;;;ti5 liicf sS'nY lii ll{ 0:il('i;:/L .1,,,r, 11t r,\lD. li{r5 tir;,'iciliir-:ir..rr- tr:D D:-lti:illl;: llr: LlrlLoll'r' ct-'rlR's l\i\;ia /.'to 51l,fi ti 5LlivltL U t'\tir;[' n'St'-?i'lr'::'5"S1 " ^ " ^'' rir r'rn t ri 1 r,.., - /t: n ox l.uj = 1e2' ' - 2,n 1.m .50 ,z) ,E , -3-c) nr,r"'* 4r 6 RE: Easement Encroachment, Lot Vail Valley third Filing . l "r' -r-, '..::r.; .i.,:.,.'. -: s" 'r x roo r vail, c olorado I r65 r 30 Lou Glissan Turnmar Construction 10 Inverness Drive East Englewood, Co)orado 80112 As such, I have no reservationsin its existing'location. Any questions may be referred to me Dear Mr. G'l issan: The above referenced encroachment was reviewed 'in the field on September 12, 1980. At that time, Dye Construction Co., of Colorado Spiings,-had al ready layed the new sewer interceptor'line in front oi tne subiect residence. They experienced no problems during construction relating to the .84' encroachment. . in a1 lowing the structure to remain .ir.l-.ii. w -. - : Oistrict Engineer EF: df cc: Tony Ross'i Jeff Spane'l