HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 3 SEE WARNER SDD FILE LEGALoz E =&tuo- \' F{ .n o IJJ IU lJ- tr =g,tlj o- <6/221, 4 st zL6 #l<c (\ o\o\ o\c'l I E zz E Ffr u Ef <tr] ^z=zE<OFI(JA7.,1>- $r UJF F t-L == =z o u.lF z oz Ildt cd ozz uJIFoz (r).|f.n (9@zH tr4 F- OO-r(Jo@&XO(Joc) dHo&<,p{trr H if z Fr l!J UJo = !cot! o E o)E g .o6 .9 o-\* c.'BF o.c ;R H(U' E o o't o lCc G oEoo CDc =o E o =l oo o o.o.(! ] .g qt o) ll,oE .rio oo c .9p't i6 o ! (g ctt 'd N -oc 'oF o.c o o) € o()o6 (D () a, .9 := E 6 a 'G (l) G 6 o o 0,o 6c ol 3oF (l' 't Eoo o 6 o, o o- E l! (! E o (D = = o. E o o IDo o)(! e o o .9o E ct E oooop o o. o (E E o ; (rl (u c, $o (E is o CL E oo6 (E oo -9o. Eoo ! c, '= ct o 6 E o .g oE .s Jo Eg F(! .9 o- CL G .o (! o 6.c 6E o ctEq) 'o Io G l!() o 'J]€o N o rn .if t uJ z o Y IJJ oz q =Foul llJ oz co = c z I C)ru = UJ IIJ z EuJ .UG 3!! uJ z -o UJo F oo- uJo i UJJ x F !u U'l .t> UJ uJlt E =G IJJ o- J FoF z J o c, IJJ uJ z 16 =J J =I(, UJ- E-.r ts NO|IVn]VA (J !.rt> =irxa =F E*8il 3r'r -rts EF aE .(, 6l (\l zz99F^q,--A 6 .nO1>E9xsv=g8 FOjoj >E = 11, =ao l=loIHIFt<lFl Elz lq tg l3l' lc)t(/llHIFti IX F E-t aJ) HXr EAl'{ !"Et4 r Fl<E FJf-\ Fh pr tr\ n P z tr J t! CE o" gJ o \T FIa - lu -z Eo z tr u,l =UJz qtFzlzOa koo< 5H xt!bo<z F 2.. 9= =FdoBtrOI l t1 il t"ltoltoltdl t!l a (! a uJzYo IF uJo, F 2o F J oz I z-z I JJ- F uJ o 3 3l ,_l zl .. >lo uJo uJ UJzot ttl ) z E zFa J @ I& o. -$ LOOO olurlq I I cil z,| ollul 1l =lttlol zl d I I .l =,|ol uJltrl ilLIol Pl r zHF ..d I I I I dlzl glil altn 3i*l;\.,| zl FI I I .Iot z,| OIutlEl JI<l>l clEI.,I HIFllJI<l>l I Fl'H (,z tr co I 5 F CO\a X TJJ oo)- = Fl H (J }JH u; =z z 6 = d oF C) EFzoo z T Lu = u,IF E -rO<FG() LlJ <zgt! l-o6 C) C.l( o\ @e.l I t z 2 IIJF o vtz Flpr F uJ tsoooazo Fo-l!Y UJ .o oF F E uJ o- tto o-oo uJFoz FI H z^ .nY Q =k ffd)o t =z^=o 6(Ll! .s dff 2"r= =qE6il= Dd r-r r---IX]LIL I trtrD = =uJ 59E<a36U'ne,E9tt ir Ed =>.=uJ:-E r-=R :C-o-uJ: >o-: O|!E ooI EurE XO-t x>t q-o -':!tr uJ d) F -I - E =E lrJo-z9F() :)EFazoo , ffirs JUN t June 1, 1992 TO t^lHOl'l IT IvtAY CONCERN: ' Vail Racquet CIub Condominiums Associatl.on' Inc. permission to qomolete the re-roofirig Thank you. I 1992 . does giv#Gtt" g noefiag I t l of Build #6r APPLTCATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUCTURE ON A (Please tlpe or Print) DATE OWNER PERMIT TO ERECT OR I{ATNTAIN PUBI.,IC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence WallLandscapingg- Other OF PROPERTY Warner Developments. Inc. NAIIIE OF APPLICANT Robert l,larner. Jr. ADDRESS 1815 Sunburst. Vai1. Colorado 81657 I..EGAL DESCRIPIION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: Irl 3 BI,CK SUBDMSION Vail Va1ley rhird Filing (If necessary, attach description on seParate sheet) - Corner lot Inside lot x DESCRTPfTON OF STRUCTURE OR rTEM(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: !S993P.ins- attiCh ptans showing encroachment' property line' sidehtalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, nanholes, dDY other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as ete]l as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presentlY exist?No Proposed date for counencement of construction September. 1991 fn consideration of the issuance of a revocable perrnit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable pernit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That ttre perrnit is lirnited specifically to the tlpe of structure described in this application. 3. That the appJ-icant shall notify the Town Manger, or his.duly authorized-igent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for cornrnencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made bY the Town. 4. The-appticant agrees to indemnify and hold harnless the Town of vaii, its ofiicers, enployees and agents fron-and against alt tiabitity, claims and demands on account of injurlt, -lossor damage, including without lirnitation clains arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death' propelty ioss oi darnage, or any other loss of any kind inaLsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicantrs activities pursuant to this perrnit, if such iniury, 'loss, or damage ls.caused in whole'or in part by, or is Liaimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, iistaXl, negligence or other fautt of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, ernployee or representative of the applicant, Lis contractor or his subcontractor. the applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to prilitiae defense for and defend against' any such liability' claims,.or demands at the sole expense of-the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other ex!-enses relating Lhereto, including.court costs and attorney-rs fees, whetti6r or not any such liability'-cLaims, or dernairds alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent' Applicant agrees to procure and naintain, at its own cost, apolicy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability clains, denands and other obtigatlons assu:ned by the applicant pursuant to this ParagraPh 4. AppJ.icants further agree to release the Town of VaiI, its ofiicers, agents and employees frorn any and all llabillty, clains, dernands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arislng out of any damage, loss or 5-nJury to the appllcantor to the applicantts property caused by the Town of VaiI, its officers, agents and enployees while engaged Ln naintenance or snolr renoval activities or any otheractivities wtratsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-waY.5. That the per:mit rnay be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachnent, obstruction, or other structure 5. 7. constitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of'the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or th- property upon shich the encroach:nent, obstnrction, or strultuie exisls is reguired for use by the pubLic; or it nay be revoked at any tine for any reason deened sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant sill renove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said petmit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any Landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. 8. That in the event said removal of the encroachnent, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the lown is hereby authorized to remove salne and lrave the right to rnake an assessrnent against the property and collect the costs or removal in the Eane Danner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant tras read and understands all of the terns and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: 9. 10. APPROVED: Direct y DeveloPDent ot Publi Manager works UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME rcr R BLocK FTLTNG Uz 3Z ADDRESs , : S^ / -: The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines orproposed lines, must be approved and verified by the followingutilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date 7-/A4/ U.S. West Cornmunications 1-8 00-92 2 -1_987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578L Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5A92 Ted Husky/Michaet Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 949-553 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va1ley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee ?-/4 -?/ ?-/7-?/ ?-t z-qr ?{7-q / NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pennit fromthe Toern of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easernent in the Town of Vail . A buildincr pernit is not a street cut permit. A streetcut perrnit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should, be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * Please bring a slte plan when obtainlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. t-o,l () o o \ I I L -...---- t- . \r. l- ,--_.-.. € }L:i- J :l i ||. rl t. i 't't\ ITJ n- A '., 4 ,/l ,l* II/ c.l F \J-l tl , t- I IF I i:,.: -' ? -{ {\ 75 south frontrge road Y8ll, colorsdo 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$'2139 otfice ol communlly development April25, 1991 Bob Wamer Warner Development P.O. Box 958 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Construction on Lots 3, 4 and 5, Vail Valley 3rd Filing Dear Bob: Attached is a copy ol a letter submitted to the Town by Abe Shapiro, an adjacent property owner, regarding the above lots. After speaking with Dan Stanek, a Town Building Inspector, I understand that the landscaping of the mentioned area is to be completed by June 1, 1991, as per the T.C.O. for Lot 4. I leel that the construction ac@ss road, which crosses Lot 3, should also be revegetated at this time. Please contact me should there be any problems with meeting the June 1 landscaping deadline for revegetiation. Thank you, 6'9A-, Shelly Mello I Town Planner lab Lsct, aa: or,oeo-4,a'c)E N ,( 1.6 t$ \ tao -l 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 4792139 October 27. L989 oftice of communily development Mr. Jim Junge 4141- Arapahoe AvenueBoulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Special Developrnent District for Lots 3, 4, & 5, Vail Valley ThirdFiling, a Resubdivision of a part of Sunburst Dear Jirn, On behalf of the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent, I amwriting to confirm for you that lots 3, 4, & 5, VaiI Valley ThirdFi) irrg, a resubdivision of a part of Sunburst are platted lotsaccording to our zoning map. In respect to your guestion concerning a Special Developrnent Districtfor these three lots, the staff at this time can find no reason tosupport applying Special Development District zoning to these threelot.s. The purpose of a Special Development District is: J.8.40.001 Purpose. The purpose of the Special Developrnent District is to encouraqie flexibility and creativity in the developmentof land in order to promote its most appropriate use; toimprove the dcslgn character and quality of new development within the Tcwni to facilitate the adequate and econornical provision of streets and utilities; topreserve the natural and scenic features of open spaceareasi and to further the overal'l goals cf the comnuni.tyas stated in the VaiI Conprehensive Plan... Our understanding of your request is that the main purpose for theSpecial Development District is to increase the GRFA and site coveragefor Lot 4 by deducting GRFA and slte coverage for the other two lots.fn^our opinion, this request has no relationship to good site planningwhich is based on developrnent Oeing related to the size of the lot.Cther alternatives to accongrlish Lhe sanne objective rrhich would relatethe development to the size of the lot would be to request a minor .! subdivision. You wourd subdivide the lot so that the correspondingdevelopment you wish to have for each rot rerates to the rot size. youcould also propose to remove a lot rine and combine thro of theproperties to get the size of house your o$rner wishes. It i? arso irnportant to note that these three lots are in moderatedebris hazard, severe rockfall hazard, and perhaps a possibLe avalancheinfluence zone. The possibre avalanche infruence zonl is sornewhatdifficult to deterrnine due to the configuration of the road on ourzoning map versus the avalanche map. ff you have any questions aboutfeeL free to call me. Sincerely,\) I o I flttrlnn [fti+ Kristan PritzSenior PLanner KP: Ir cc: Peter Patten our opinion on your proposal, please o trl>{ lnwn 3rl' S U V.a0L? 3n!- L. Two copies of a stamped topographic survey of the three Iots - to be submitted A.S.A.P. 2. Completed Design Review Board applications - to be proviaea at the March 7th rneeting' 3. A prelirninary title report - to be subrnitted a minirnum of two weeks prior to iinal Design Review Board meeting. 4 Completion of the utility verification forrn and location of utility service on the project site plan - to be subnitted a ininirnurn of two weeks prior to the final Design Review Board hearing' 5. Roof plans of each structure showing finished roof elevations - to be submitted A's'A'P' 6. A revised site plan indicating heights of the proposed retaining walls. 7. Cornplete elevations of the proposed structures - to be submitted at the March 7th Oesign Review Board rneeting' 75 south hontrge roed vrll, colorudo 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (3{13} 47$'2139 olllce of communlty development Marqh 1, 1990 Mr. GIen Magee Junge Reich l4agee 4l-41 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 Dear Glen: EnclosedyouwillfindapplicationmaterialfortheDesignReview of the warner project. iir addition, the following list ="rtoiiir"" o.rt-diScussion of February 28th regarding additional subrnittal material: i\As we discussed, I will need additional infornation on the snow avalanche and geologic trazards affecting these lots. I have enclosed a copy of fhe Townrs hazard ordinances and highlighted sections pertiirent to this request. To summarize, we will need a written slatement frorn a quatiriea engineer statJ.ng that the proposed developnent will not increase the hazards of rockfall ind-debris fall on adjacent lots and R.o.!l. In addition, the two lots affected by snow avalanche will require rnitigation. Ideally, I woul& Iike assurances that any required nitigatiol cal Ue acc6lnpllshed through the design of the structure, ald will not reguire Lhe construction of large berns on the south side of the l-ots. Thank you for your response to these reguest. I look forward to seeing-you on ilednesaay for the Design Review Board rneeting' SincereJ.y, tB/pp Enclosures TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Commission Coruuunity Developnent Departnent ltarch L2, 1990 A request to rezone property fron Primary/Secondary to a Special Developncnt Dletrlct for Iots 3, 4, and 5,Vail Valley third fillng, part of replat of Sunburst.Applicant: Debra and Robert l{arner, itr. I. DESCRTPTION OF THE REOUEST This application is to rezone three undeveloped Prirnary/Secondary tots to a Special Development District. Development proposed for the SDD includes three Prirnaryr/Secondary structures. The purpose of this requestis to pernit GRFA on one of the 3 lots (Lot 4) to exceedthat which is permitted under existing zoning. fn addition,site coverage on thl.s same lot is also in excess of what ispermitted under existing zoning. t{ith the exception of increases in GRFA and site coverage tolot 4, the development proposed by the sDD is consistentwith the underlying Prinary,/Secondary zoning. Setbacks,building heights and parking are all consistent with Prinaryr/Secondary development standards. The following tabLe sumnarizes the development proposed for these threelots. PermittedParcel Perrnitted Proposed GRFA SiteSize GRFA GRFA +/- Coveraqe Proposed SiteSite coverageCoverage +/- Lot Lot Lot ?.L5,364 15, 641 3 r786 3 t9I4 3,300 -486 5,500 +1.r 586 3,073 3,328 2,595 3,726 -378 +398 L5,967 3,846 3,550 -296 3, 193 2,878 -315 TOTAI,S:11,546 L2,35O +804 9,594 9,299 -295 As indicated by this table, proposed developnent on lots 3 and 5 is below GRFA pernitted under existing zoning by 782' square feet. Lot 4 development exceeds pernitted GRFA by 1585 square feet. Collectively, proposed developnent on the three lots would exceed the total allowable GRFA by 804 square feet. Site coverage on Lot 4 exceeds permitted site coverage by 398 square feet. Collectively, all three lots are 291 square feet below perrnitted site coveralte. Each of the three lots will be developed with a snall secondary unit. The applicant has agreed to enter into arestriction aftreenent with the Eown so that these units will not be subdivided and sold off as would be pemitted by existing zoning. Two sets of criteria are to be used in evaluatl.ng a rezoning request of this type. The firEt of these are 3 criteria designed to evaluate the approprJ.ateness of the zone change. Secondly, the Special Development Dlstrict zoning includes nine design criteria. Ehese nine criteria address specific issues relative to the proposed SDD. II. CRTTERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL A. Evaluation of the Recruest: 1. SuitabilltM It is important to understand the purpoEe of Special Development District Zoning when evaluating the appropriateness of this request. As stated in the zoning code, the purpose of SDDs is to: 18.40.010 PurDose: The purpose of the Special Development District is to encourage flexibillty and creativity in the development of tand ln order to pronote its most appropriate usei to improve the design character and quality of new developnent within the Town; to facititate the adeguate and econonic provisions of streets and utllities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areasi and to further the overall goals of the conmunity as stated in the VaiI Conprehensive Plan. An approved developnent plan for a Special Developnent District, in conjunction with the properties underLying zone district, shall establish the reguirenents for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special Development District. The elements in the development plan shall be as outlined in Section 18.40. 060. As stated, the intent of this zoning request is to permit developurent on one of the lots to exceed what is pernitted by existlng zonJ.ng. This purpose iE not Lonsistent with the overall purpose of the SpecJ-al Developrnent District. With the exception of GRFA, there is nothl-ng about this proposed developnent plan that could not be accomplished under existing zoning. l{hile sDDrs have been proposed and approved for many different reasons, they have generally not been used sinply as a tool to allow for density increases with no public purpose as described in 18.40.010. 2. nunicipaL objectives. The residentlal use proposed by the sDD is identical to what is permLtted under existing zoning. tlhile thisproposal is generally consistent with rnunicipalobjectives, the rezoning is no nore consistent than what would be acconplished by the properties existing zoning. 3. Does the rezoning orovide for the growth of anorderlv, viabLe conmunitv. The proposed rezoning will not further the growth of anorderly, vlable community. If approved, this rezoning could represent the gradual deterioratj-on of Vailrs low density residential neighborhoods. one nay considerthis reguest and conclude that the uses and development are generally consistent with what is permitted underexisting zoning. However, it is important to understand that zoning in Vail has been adopted in order to establish consistency between neighborhoods. The amount of GRFA allocated to a lot has a direct relationship to the size of the lot. the proposal conflicts with this basic principle of zoning for the Town of Vail. In order to preserve the overall fabricof these areas, it is irnportant to naintain theintegrity of the existing zoning. This proposal, byvirtue of its deviations from the development standardsof the underlying zonLng, is inconsistent with thiscriteria. III. A. Desian conpatibility and sensitivitv to the imnrediate environrnent, neiqhborhood and adiacent Bropertiesrelative to the architectural desiqn, scale. bulk, buitding heioht. buffer zones, ldentitv. character,visual intearitlland orientation. This proposal is generally consistent with thiscriteria. tlhile the level of developrnent on Lot 4greatly exceeds allowable GRFA, the design of this structure is sensitive to nininizing bulk and Dass. Each of the three structures are in cornpllance with Prirnaryr/Secondary height and setback reguirenents. DeveJ-opnent on lot 4 does, however, exceed permltted site coverage by 398 square feet and GRFA by 804 square feet. B. uses and activitv. Uses proposed for these three sites are consistent withthe surrounding neighborhood and the Prinraryr/Secondary zone district. c. Compliance with parking and loadinq recruirenents as outlined in Chapter 18.52. This project is consistent with the Townrs parking requirements. D. Conformitv with applicable elements of the Vail cornprehensive PIan. Town policies and Urban Desiqn Plans. The goal 5.5 of the Land Use Plan rrencourages the development of enployee trousing at various sites throughout the cornmunityrr. The appticantrs connitnentto restrict the subdivision and resale of each of the three secondary units is a positive step towards providing ernployee units. In order to fully conplywith this goal , deed restrictions liniting the use of these secondary units to long terur enployee rentals should be established. E. fdentification and rnitiqation of natural and/orgeoloqic hazards that affect the property on which the Special Developurent District is proposed. A site specific analysis of these properties has been courpleted. Lots 3, 4, and 5 are located in rnoderate debris flow and rock fal-l zones. Lots 3 and 4 are located in a noderate snow avalanche zone. The Townrs hazard ordinance requires nitigation of the snow avalanche hazard. Mitigation is not reguired for development on the lots inpacted by rockfall and debris flow hazards. Hohrever, this developnent nust be donein a way tbat does lgE increase the degree of lrazard on adjacent property or Town Rights-of-way. A geologic hazard analysis of the proposed site plan has been cornpleted. AtI hazards can be nitigated bystructural reinforcement of the proposed residences. Subject to the removal and/or redesign of proposed Iandscape walls along Sunburst Drive, this developnentwill not increase the degree of hazards on adjacent lots or town rights-of waY. Site Plan, Buildino desiqn and location and open space rrovisions desicrned to produce a functional developnent responsive and sensitive to natural features. veoetatlon and overall aesthetlc qualitv of the F. conurunity. The proposed developrnent plan is consLstent with ttrese considerations. A circulatlon svstern desiqned for both vehicles and pedestrians addressincr on and off-site trafflc circulation. Each of the three units have been designed with two driveways, resulting in 5 driveways over approxinate).y 290 feet. Six driveways to serve three lots is unnecessary and decreases the amount of area that coul'd be dedicated to landscaping. Functional and aesthetic landscapinq and open space in order to optimize and oreserve natural features, recreation, views and function. The proposed open space and landscaping ls consistent with what is typically found in erinary,/Secondary development. A phasing plan has not been proposed as a part of this SDD. rV. STAFF RECO},IMENDATION Staff recornmendation for this reguest is denial . The proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the purpgse of ttte speliaf Developn-nt District and is also inconsistent with the three criterj.a used to evaluate rezoning proposals. The development standards established by the Townrs zoning ordinance are in place for a reason. These development standards are the primary tool used to ensure proper and orderly development throughout the Town. With the exception of GRFA and site coveragte on L,ot 4, this developnent proposal does not deviate from established devel.oprnent ltandards. Hor,rever, that is not justification to grant this request. G. H. Phasincr plan or subdivision plan that will naintain a workable, functional and efficient relatlonship throucrhout the develonment of the Special DevelopmentDistrict. I. Special Development District zoning has been approved by the Town council 23 tines. Each of these rezonings have occurred for specific reasons relative to the development proposed for these sites. Reasons for SDDs have relateddirectly to the purpose of an SDD (as stated before): 1. To encourage flexibitity and creativity in the developnent of land in order to promote its nost appropriate use. 2. To improve the design character and quality of new development within the Town. 3. To facilitate the adequate and economic provision ofstreets and utilities. 4. To preserve the natural and scenic features of open space. 5. To further the overall goals of the conmunity as statedin the comprehensive plan. This SDD is proposed solely to satisfy the needs of the applicant, with little to no benefit to the connunity. In essence, the sDD process is being utilized to achieve a densityvariance. The staff encourages the Planning Connission to recommend to the Tonn council to preserve tbe integrity of theexisting zoning and the SDD process by denying this application. Vail , and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-tine employee is person who works an average of thirty (30) hour:: per week' 3.Therestrictedemployeedwellingunitshallnotbedivided intoanyforrnoftirneshares,intenralownershi;r,orfractionalfee ownership. The provisions hereof nay be enforced by the owner and The conditions, restrictions, stipu)-a'3ions' and agreernents herein shaLl not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or ' except by the wrLtten consent of both the Town of Vail and the the subject ProPertY- ACKNOI{LEDGMENT I ) the4. Toltn. 5. contained anended, owner of :"n;t,'i; ""mixlaua:biita"'"'n'" :lI Notary PubIic !.t o My conmission exPires: PROPERTY O9INER IIARNER DEVELOPUENTS, INC. President ACKNOWI,EDGED day of 44AAA7 B-55rA tr_7e8 g4/@1/9t 14 r 39 PGEOFz Val1 ValleY 3ril Pi.ltng County, Colorado 1g tne owner of tlre property " "'JftL) //- ,*'03 fp RESTRIqIIVE COVENAMTS T{IIEREAS, described as: WARNER Lot3r Eagle 446A67 B-55G. p-7e8 JOHNNETTE PHILLIPS a4l6r/91 14'.59 EA6LE ioururv CLERR' PGlOFE COLORADT] REC 1S. oo DOC o. os hereinreferredtoasthe||subjectproperty|!;and I|HEREAS, the owner wlshei to place certaLn restrLctions on the use ofthesubJectlandforthebenefltoftheownerandtheTownofvail' Colorado (ttthe Townr) . No!{' THEREFoRE, the owner does hereby impcse, establish, acknowledge, declare, for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase' or lease, or hold the subJect land, the foltowing restrictions, covenants, and conditl.ons, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and lnure. to the benefit and be bindJ.ng upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The subJect property has a restricted enployee dwelling unit in the approximate size of @. ( 6001 ) square feet' The restricted enployee unit located on the subJect.property shpll not be sold, transf,erred, or conveyed separately f,ron the prinary dwellJ'ng unit located on the subject property for a per5.od of nore than twenty (20)yearsandthell.feof,tiffany.l@wenthal,fromthedatetlratttre certifLcate of oceupancy is issued..for said restricted employee tdwel1ing unit' //f 2. The restricted enplovee dwellins unit shal YlZ{::sed' or rented for any period of lees than thirty (3o) consecutlvey' aia' tf tt shallberented,l'tshallbere4tedonlytoter'.antswhoarefull-tl.ne enployees of the upper Eagle valley' The Upper Eagle valley shall be deerned to include the core valLey, Minturn, Rec cliff,, Gilman, Eagle- lJ)rt\oo Rfll'D i:[ir 1 3i991 VTbTo: Vail Building Departnent rROU: Warner Developments, Inc. DATE: February 5, L991 RE: ARTHT'R I. I{EARS ANALYSIS OF AVAI,ANCHE, DEBRIS-FI'I{ & ROCKFALL Lots 3, 4 & 5, Vail Va11ey 3rd Filing The undersigned have read the Analysis of Avalanche, Debris-Flow, and Rockfall Design conditions and Mitigation Design Criteria for Lots 3, 4 and 5, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, prepared by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc. We understand the report and have built on Lot 3 according to the recomnendations contained in the report, and understand that there may be danage from avalanche, debris-flow, and rockfall. We are prepared to accept those facts and request the building departmentgrant us a permit. WARNER DEVEI,OPMENTS, INC. STATE OF COI.oRADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ne this Sth day of February, 1991, by Robert warner, Jr., as President of warner Developments, Inc., known to ne to be the person whose narneis subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to rnethat he executed the same for the purposes and considerationtherein expressed. My commission e:ryires: Q^'et --? 7t, 78( / President l ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/s zollE DISTRIcTS at lL1nATF .ii6.iiryrro.r . rr .' r[ '-.&-ritinstis-JIUJ\ / - AOORESS: O',,tNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei 9ht Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Lands capi ng Fence/Retaining'dal1 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Prooosed --x]2_* f3* 1'?rfr-n6 3frl-4 1'o-) o'< t-. | ,/' iLL-tc'uk '2'*o gj strce Al I ot'ted (30)(33) 20' 1qt 15' (30)(50) )otz 5'o NA Z7 zr.e 2g' -t.-r: {\t Hei ghts Pl>, C-'z'> I - Mechani cal Ai rl ock S torage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permi tted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corrnents: (3oo)(6oo) (eoo)(lzoo) (s0)(100) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) lope Actual Avalanche Flood Plain lrletl ands _s al 64P'*2 ; I , tf .S I 'i^^ -V: -1 Geologic Hazards )r 2. 4 ,^a.,^ Zoning: Approved/DisapProved Oate: )Eatt 5lgnaEure o. .i 'lr APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETI;1G ' YWA 1, MA DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I'IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determjne ir any"ajiiiionui inforination is needed. No application will. be.accepted untess it is compiii.-tnrrt incluae all items requ'ired uy'ttre zon'ing administrator). It is the appticlni;i itiponsiuitity to make an dppointment with the staff to find out iUout uibiti6nif-submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wilt streamiiil ihe approval process for,your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of ipirJuir ihat the'ona may st'ilulatb. -ALL c6nditions of approval must be resolved before'a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: t^Jrrtl n 7*a *nfe 4%et4 B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address rlllatle,;trler W+tt*L uNttr. Lega'l Descri Pti on Lot ilork_Lr/^lbY Fi'linsr D. Zonins "/uc. NAr,rE 0F AppLrcANT: *^^n W*rqzFtf+ f*:- Add res s NAME OF APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE: J uiJe lzetal t4'aerg klA Address 4l4l I.WN+aA ?zuVoV+.. dz UUttelephone Aql'n LlrglNez tbreln?,<a*re, tt t.. Address Ze Eb'slp?o>o ?ee,o,c aOO XvotJrcelb' . telephone ffifuo be paid at the time a build'ing permit is requested' FEE E. NAME OF O!,INERS: S'i gnature F.DRB FEE: The fee wi]'l VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 3. Peopl e who fai 'l meet'ing and who republ i shed. 1. In addjt'ion to meeting submittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site io indicate property iinei ana building corners. I"9"t- that wjll be-removed inoria also be inirrla. itrii worf must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally'invo'lve two separate meetings ii-tn. Oeiibn neview-eoarl,-so ptan on at least tilo meetings for thejr approval' to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled have'not asked for a postFonement wil'l be required to be $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 I ,.- I 4.The following items no longer have to be. presented-to.the.Oesign_Revlan BoaF. Tniy, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterlor changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildinq additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property o{ners approving the addition; and/or approva'l from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. 5. i ,LIST OF MATERIALS NAiIE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol I orvi ng Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di n9 0ther information is required for submittal by the applicant to a final approval can be fiven: I4ATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL the Oesign Review COLOR 1a\c\e(e1ivez, ' 4W-4- l*4Tqe\hfr ?wbo 4re7 He*lnbefx;' waill Materiars b.fttllenc ztttsae ftrye cWY/il,rtu{rre .ffAxtcJD t^bo , &?e1Fasci a Soffi ts l,|i ndows |l|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'ings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0the r N*o ?xntrt*> ?nil{e> HgnA- Af.taa vJ/eat ilar*Ja xla.SZ B. LANDSCAPiNG: Narne of Designer: Dnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED Eotanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height I. PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Corrnon Name Tvpe Souare Footaqe s0D qFen TYPE OF I RRi GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. o Vail Valley o LOT 3 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT 3 BLOCK FILING A-DDRESS 1815 Sunburst Drive The location of utilici.es, whether they be main trunk lines uust be approved and verified by the following utilities for site plan. or proposed lines, the acconpanylng Authorized Slenature Date Mountai-n Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Cas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Service Conrpany 949-s781 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Lavert.y HeriEage Cablevislon T. V. 94 9-5 5 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanicaclon DisErict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: These verifications do no! relteve lhe contractor of his responsibility to obtain a slreet cu! pernlt fro& Ehe Town of Vail, Departnen! of Public Works and !o obtain utility locations before digging in any public riShc- of-way or easement in the Town of Va1l. A building permit is noE a sEreec cut permit, A s!reec cut pelnit must be obEained separately. This form Ls Eo verify service avaiLability and location. This should be used in conjunction wich preparing your utiliEy plan and scheduli.ng lnscallacions. rt(Please bring a site plan when obEaining Upper Eagle Va11ey Wacer & Sanicacion s ignature s ) tj DNtz F1r&1.l4na -LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot -c ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Fi1in9 one Phone ADDRESS: Ol^lNER ARCHI TECT ZOiIE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght TOIA] GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front S ides Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng 'rla1 I Hei ghts Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envj ronmental /Hazards : I Al I orved (30)@ +1un* lr=l+4 20' 1ql 15' (30)(so) Prooosed "o4l AclaF@ E7b+ 4c2 v.d/r,.a n% A', P/x ?,Attt,/ --7- filffi (25)@ (2oo)@) j/ - 1Wt --f.(D-a--- ^+2s*r'/z-a il Slope Actual 1'/a Avalanche aWJ- t'laWeffe Pze*t'c' XlorJa Fl ood Pl a'i n Slope ,l t tletl ands Geol og'ic Hazards Nh.. Comments: Zoni ng: ApProved/Di saPProved Date: Staff Signature o UJF z oz J € z tuJIF lo I I I I I l- IE tot(5tzro I @ I 2z E FJ lctlor('t U) uJ IJJlr. E =E LrJ . t' il I :t l Hl{ Elst 3lj'" n?li,{orRt o () q) e CL CL(! ;ot- o o v,(L (6' .E o q)E o (! o1too g) ; = E o =cl d(D o o-(tt 3't o 6*;q ;Egs9Uk; :.s s?€'Hr e a e.l (Il a E 8::Ec-o> cSsE =EFIE >=:c96E 35;: EEARE!Eo*.€8: €qeP E!secL (u o-- SE; e oi-ool:fi:€ E6:F :E€ H E6 FS (ll 0'-.=cxo(/) E€EfggtE 9,!AEi F 5s iE!e9E-or -eEg: N u) UJ uJu- E =E UJc J FoF o c) 3q.rt uJ z 6 u.to z6 =Jo- z o! d) = E UJ .J z Eoo z F Jlaz Fz Azz- do3EOI JIutl =|l9lJIql EIHI14 lql 'l il< r'll3Cl'l <l Q e,liq (,l | tsl|14 pt H'l qe| xE BZu- 6z;o tr c) uJ J E UJz TIJ >t 3tn.{ =(DGl zz io- 4Y-r!A=FEaOz>-OOo2 l,! < o-Yi5 rN I E (, t\ lr] I I I el dl Llll 1l al>l rLlol 3l g ol qlFIF Olt- Io\ e.l tltl|trlIJt+| -,iqlzlHI 5glr+ .lFt olp.l uJll.clFq JIq '-l1ela3{EolGI FI dl uJlnl JI <l>l t!lol zl 3tolFI |.\ I\oc{ Ical.llO\l ol IJJIql <l>l r|-iol zl 3lotFI ts n F-l B EHH =tr rl t.l Fl zl dl il u-lol zl 3lolFI f-l F FfF] z tll ts | c.) < | ,-rt4tlE l'.o I c4 l\Tl -l lrrIrnlet6 IEi HAq> gl><=EO Fll cril (/ll F1l HI<lNlzi 'l14l(Jl 9l ;l =l<l4 F H H E Eo E Fl Nz uJ =z .Do_-1 I Il. l. I IU'Itllclcll CIniAo Eir =o2 2?;C) =<>(r)Fd6o z r ul E -.r O<FG()r!<ztrUJF(rzo J 9EF uJ t- r!h 'l (l t* cr) 6z h Nq ,,.i t{ s z ,n9 =<coo =z O- tJ- ifi 2?a ;H! tr!tr = uJ(L LL E9E<cllo9)Ev!E9E; cd t!- EJF =4ti-E b=o i ;'iiE :1-E Ub I \tuEXOt x>O i:i Fo. "ior-!= u.lto oF ---Enn vts rrr =ruJ 1,71O-oo'a zo F IJJv uJ dI oF t-:- co>olcqtUF 'r- ."iro-listO calogl lc)l HurbEzo ts =E UJ a-z9Fo EFazo C) ! f I!i. TI].IBER T{OLF ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 3625 vArL, coLoRADO Bl6sB 303-926-2070 JOB SPECIFICATION SHEET I{ECHANICAL ROOI.T I{ODIFICATION rB15 SUNBURST LANE SEPTEI.IBER 10, 1993 PERI'IITS AND FEES: OBTAIN RE0UIRED TOIJN OF VAIL PERIIITS' FEES AND INSPECTIONS. DEI,TOLITION AND trONSTRUCTION: l. TEAR OUT DBOR AND JAIIB Ttl t'tOVE EXISTING HOT IIATER HEATER TO STORAGE AREA UNDER STAIRS ADJACENT TO f'IECHANICAL ROOFI. 2. BREAKTHRT]UGH CLOSET }JALL ADJACENT TO STAIRWELL STORAGE CLOSET FOR ACCESS TO EXISTING HOT TdATER HEATER ANO INSTALL AN ACCESS DOOR. TNOTE:CONTRACTOR ASSUIIES THERE ARE NO UTILITIES OR STRUCTURAL COI.IPONENTS TB INTERFERE b'ITH BREAKTHROUGH. 3. CONSTRUCT FRAf'IED tdALL trITH 2-B X 6-8 S-C I'IASONITE POCKET DOOR TO PARTITION OFF THE I'TECHANICAL ROOf'l AND CREATE A HALL ttlAY. 4. INSTALL CEILING Tt] I.IATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. 5. FIR OUT TJALL TO CONCEAL WIRING AND PIPES AND PROVIDE ACCESS DOOR TO ]'IECHANICAL COMPONENTS. 6. TRII.I _BASEBOARD I,IOLDINGS TO f.IATCH EXISTING I*NOTE: DOOR TRIM IN HALL l.lAY TJILL BE 2-L/4 " ANDERSON CASING DUE TO THE TRII.I DETAIL REOUIRED FOR THE TI6HT SPACE. THIS WILL DIFFER FROI,I THE EXISTING CASING BUT SHOULD CONFOR}1 TO THE OVERALL LOOK. MECHANICAL: 1. !1OvE EXISTING HOT I^IATER HEATER TO STAIRTdELL STORAEE CLOSET ADJACENT TO MECHANICAL ROOf.1. 2. VENT HOT WATER HEATER TO EXISTING STACK 3. REROUTE GAS LINE TO TJATER HEATER. ELECTRICAL: 1. HOVE l-J BOX, l-SbJrT&lCH, I-DUPLEX OUTLET, AND CEILING LrBHT FOR I.IECHANICAL ROOII. 2- ADD CEILING DRUFT AND 2 -SNAY SIIITCHES IN HALL WAY- DRYIdALL: 1. HAN6 5./4" FIRERBCK 2- TAPE AND TEXTURE TO I.IATCH EXISTING. PAINTIT{G: PAINT DRYIIALL, D(IORS, AND tIOODtfORK TO I'IATCH EXISTING. CARPET: INSTALL CARPET IN HALLUIAY USING CARPET RUIIINANTS IN STORAGE AREA. CLEANUP: RET.IOVE l- CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS FROIaOB SrTE. T*TNOTE-INAL CLEANUP TO BE DONE FTOTHERS. T I I-4BER NOLF IN'TERPR I SES P.O. BOX 3625 vAIL, CDI_ORADO 81658 30s-9?6-2070 JOB SF'ECIFICA-TION SHEE-T_ I.,IECHANICAI- RI]OM NODIFICATION 1815 SLINRURST LANE UP tcoP. ll'J ? 'r\ n+f' MqrLE 9 xp 9, WarAvw<K ff.lP u^J4lL ct =E =EIto- (fl & c.{ \tN rnN 0\ c') + tnul UJlr E =e. IIJo s\\\R$$I I I o{ oc\ crtoN "-!c.J' (f) c--{uJ Fr F.{.lE-.*l^-tr I I I lr.l I l=J| .5Jtr:,2< F.l siEli HI=gHFrl=H (4 urF 9 BF =-o o =z oulFoz oz 6:fo .5 (t =z E HL4< at ts z E F] 14H z Ff P.{ F] a FlA zH ts(n E z Hts ts E &H 4 Fl..l z Fl H(.) HF (9zt-l FlH FC zB >r &A ed uJIFoz ttJul att =I G l! Ito uJGlF zo th ..+l O+lH+l+lA+lP+l+lZ+l<+lrd+l|l+lc)+l CJ o oE gtt G .9 CL CL6 F oE o atooc6C Eo oE otc6 otoo CDc !t =5 @ E o =cl Eo eo.o,6 3 .g E t74) ffiE;: flEgE: ?€ EE.9 ii€iE?.r o€ o33 t't.: "BEAFXFtEo isE gF iElge cL 6 0,-$E; e sEig P666 EEEE - cL.ll o -vc,)6 0'-.-<; o o sEi; FEE; Esae ,l' @ a ) C.l @ r( sl lYtn 3G )t o\\o tl Fqv) rn F- \o \:r & E-EIuA0z d 5 .o I C)u,toz o- J o E,FIuJJut (,z ao =f o. J Iz () It- cfl .+X llJ lllltzoF UJGouJe og o.ot uJEzIan UJo F al,IutoA z UJ x F IIJol tt u.l llJlr E =E IIJc J FoF (JzoJ ao J odF(, uJJ uJ (, =ao- o. {I 1I() gJt H H NOTMlY le t8 lF-l;> G "\lC = ; :ElF = i *ElF = @ .5lE F.1. y YFc-- -:EP - ?22 P E =E:A; n!b{ 12Eg gH rNO z H H p&H(/)z E ft{ zo F { ar a oEo IttG F g o-ulE J zIEoo z9 E uJFJ X 'UJz IItltltl ar>Fz 19O <oo< =A =Hxr!6o<z lt, ts3r2= d6!tr !J = G <t)oIuzY9I ulalt 2 tr J oz ;JJ t F uJ o - 3l =l 2l .. >loulo UJutzp =ut o- J 2 9 troo o d lf =Fo 5o til; il;,; (. I a{q -(f -* CD-:fOO n rfiI' )7 ti--' ,,^ H %a z o9z4 roO =z>fd8 ;Ei =HT ltko UJFo @o zo Fo.lltY uJo oF F =tr UJo. |r.o o-oo I luFoz =IEt!o-lro EHF;toIPa93EE ,3tsE FE! 6tE 90E :HT HTsi "HoF @ E =E lrJo-z9F()3E,, zoo EE! , o q) r.l r-t(! r-t 'Fi(d cr) oz t! I JJlo -l FoJ (n Fl ts rJ)& z ui =z to --) I zH .A Hz = rl rd &t:rz& B ult z @rn X F u,al, UJEoo J = \o cn\t Io\-iro\ o- (J zo - H r:l E c) H H F](Jz Ic ltl tc 14 PI s .v tJl.4 u,lEoo J T r\ @o\ c.l I.+.$.$ io, H F: () zH & ax = =E II I oz ct UJ G Ji ttoz3oF \o(r)\' I o\ u u F =r II oz ci IUtrI lt z3oF =e l! =E tt o2 CJ uJE J t!oz3oF EE l! oz ouG J l!oz =oF ulJufF e, uJz3o F() UJE ot E -rO<Fco tJJ <ze[!F<5t C) Je<oC)F EE iF (,z 6 =Jc x. ?) 1. z l.) 9z -O uJ = I ?) =z oGhg Ft-o2 oo -oftfrJO I trtrtr Town of Vail 25 s. Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8L657 (303) 476-7OOO PIan analysis based onthe 1.988 Uniforn Building Code Project Nunber: 4344 Name: SUNBURST, I.,oT 3 Address: 1815 SUNBURST DRM Date: April 26, 1990 Occupancy: R3,MI- Type of Const: V-N Contractor: WARNER DEVEIOPITENT Architect: ;rTJNGE REICH UAGEE Engineer: NONE P1ans Exarniner: NORRIS NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a conpleteIisting of alL possible code requirements in the 1988 UBc. It is a g'uide to selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 16.0 Feet L6.0 FeetEASr Public way 66.0 Feet 45.0 Feet SOUTH Property line L5.5 Feet 15.5 Feet YIEST Property line 50.0 Feet 50.0 Feet Area increased 37.50* for open area on 2 sides. FL NAI.IE OCC UAX FLR AREA ALL,,OWED RATIO STATUS L Dwelling R3 ok 1960 Unliurited okL Parking carage M1 ok 793 Unlimited ok TOTAL FOR FL,OOR 2753 Unliurited ok B Dwelling R3 ok 1880 unlinited ok TOTAL FOR FIOOR 1880 Unlinited ok BUILDING TOTAL 2753 Unlinited ok o Page # 2 Code revietr for:Project Id.: SttNBuRsT, LoT 3 Address: 1815 SUNBURST DRIVE The actual height of this building is 33.0 feet. The maximum height of the building is 40.0 feet. -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION TabLe 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT V'ALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M]- Ohr ohr None Obr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTfBLE material . Sec.22oL. None -- No fire protection requirenents for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 508 of the area of the wall maxirnum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maxirnum single window size is 84 sq. ft with no dirnensiongreater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wa1l.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet $tall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the sarne fire rating as the waII. See section 1-709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDTNG ELE}IENTS TAbIC 17-AELEI,TENT I'IATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hrInterior nonbrg wall- Any 0 hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None FOOTNOTES: J.) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. waIl requirements. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncornbustible, nonabsorbent nateriaLs. -- Sec. 702. (b) & 902. (b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSR3-ML Lhr Materials approved for thr construction are required on the garage side only and 1- 3rls inch sotid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. s03. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARJATTONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M]- OCCUPANCY: Code review for:Project Id.: SUNBURST, LOI 3 Address: 1815 SUNBIIRST DRM EXIT FEQUIREI.TENTS:FL NAI-IE o Page # 3 OCCUPANT NI'MBER EXTT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES IOAD REQUIRED !{TDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRIDOR SI{TNG L Dwelling1 Parking carage TOTALB Dwelling TOTAL 7 L 0.1 No No N,/R 4 1 0.1 No No N/R 10 2( 2l o.2( 0.2) No No N/R 5 1 o.l- No No N/R 5 1( 1) 0.1( 0.2) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit rridth is based on Sec. 3303.(b). FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling rnust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.f1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is nore than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3305.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. llinimun height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 5 inches. -- sec. L7LL. exc 2 The minimun headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (p) EncLosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:L) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AUTOMATIC SPRINKI.,,ER SYSTEMS : STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS: There is no requirernent for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES ! 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) walI and ceiling finish materials are required to cornply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on wal1s and ceiling are required to have a Class I flane spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) o Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id.: SIINBURST, LoT 3 Address: 1815 SUNBURST DRM INSUI.ATION NOTES: 1) AIl insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maxinrum smoke density of 45o unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. 1713.(c) exc.{22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. L7L2. GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS!L) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITTONAL REQUIREIiIENTS 3 For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every roorn used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2o4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(nininun). -- Sec. L2o4. All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to l-o* or more of the floor area. (nin 1-0 sg.ft.) -- Sec. L205.(a) All habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The rnininum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, tralls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --sec. -- 1207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L210.(a)4. Provide a snoke detector in basement that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 1210.(a)4. For l[L occupancy r\REC'! JUL 0 91990 \TARNER DE V ELOPM ENTS. INC.\N 2O EACLE ROAD P. O. BOX 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (lOl ) 949 -4 J6 0 DENVER(303) 534-46es MEMORANDUM TO: ALL SUBCONTRACTORS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES RE: SUNBURST HOMES/CONSTRUCTION PARKING FROM: STEVE HOIdARD/SUPERINTENDENT DATE: JULY 7, 1990 After several diecuseione with the Vail Police Department, the following guidelines for parking have been set. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE PARKED OFF OF PAVEMENT, FACING THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC. Also, due to linited parking on site, please encourage employees tocar pool if possible. No further warnings will be given. The Vail Police Department has beeD instructed to ticket and/or tow any vehicles in violation. If you have aDy questiona, p]-ease contact me. Your cooperation would be appreciated. (JONSTRUCTION . t)I'VEt-()IMENT . INVI:'STMENT tillr, - -. Nicol Hutchinson Hofland lnc. CONSULTING STBUCTUBAL ENGINEERS June 28, 1990 ,lunge Reich Magee AIA 4141 Arapahoe Boulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Lot 3 Vail VaLl-eyVai1, Colorado Job No. 90030 This will confirn my conversation with you concerning wal1 reinforcing requirements for section 5/S1 . Where the outside grade elevation exceeds 5 feet above the basement fIoor, provide reinforcing as shown in section 6/51. Where the outside grade is equal to or less than 5 feet abovethe basenent floor, provide two No. 5's, continuous, top and bottom of basement wal1. NICOL HUTCHINSON I1OFLAND, INC.Consulting Structural Engineers (-_ Nico1, .,.r i990- z\< ..'..,$tu:,jl:[r;r,3"-\\'^\-'-.-- o A ^'.-U XZ <\- '\r ^! -\, .ar.-.g -?-. ^. ' -o-.-di,':: "*tt***t" dk 3lt r f1900 308 1539 Pead Street, Suite 400 Boulde( Colo.ado 80302 1303) 443-t677 FAX {303) 449-2422 ri{-i r, \Y/A D NItrDw^l\r \ t-t \ DEVELOPMENTS, INC,\N 20 EAGLE ROAD P.O. BOX 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (.tC1) 949,416A DENVER(3OJl534-4695 iilt .-,J - IU9U June 28, 1990 Dan Staaek TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8L557 SUNBURST DRIVE - ASPIIALT PAVING You have brought to our attention that the aephalt paving on the North side of Sunburet Drive, in front of Lot 3, hae gustained geveral grouser cleat narks fron loading and unloading of the heavy equipment for the excavation of Ehe Sunburst golf course homes. qtDI will insure that when the asphalt paving is done for the drivewayg to the houses, we will make proper repairs to remove the grouaer cleat marks in the asphalt shoulder on the north side of Sunburet Drive. If you have any further gueations regarding ttrj-s matter, please coBtact me. hIARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC. nntr By Coriet ruc tion CONSTRUCTION ' DEVELOPMENT ' INVESTMENT zs Nicol Hutchinson Hof land Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS May 10, 1990 Junge Reich Magee AIA 4141 Arapahoe Boulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Lot 3, Vail Va11ey Vai l- , Colorado Job No. 90030 Attention: Mr Glenn Magee This will confirm that we have reviewed the revised Architectural and Structural drawings dated May 9, 1990, for the above referenced project. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the drawings are in conformance with the requirenents of the design criteria set forth in the report titled nAvalanche, Debris-F1ow, and Rockfall Design Conditions and Mitigation Design Criteria,Lots 3, 4, and 5, vail Val1ey 3rd Filingn, dated May' 1990 and prepared by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., 1nc. NICOL HUTCHINSON HOFLAND, INC. C-onsulLing Structural Engineersnl\ ti nt\ | o,t I n" Ia-.-.-+/t- t--.- V \*-f4-rl Joseph C. Nicol, P.E. ."$)u-tf,%, %#'::N dk 3It r f190030A 1539 Pearl Slreet, Suile 400 Boulder Colorado 80302 (303) 443,1677 FAX: (3O3) 4a9-2422 s 2 %A*46,oto #*re Nicol Hutchinson Hofland Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS May 8, 1990 Junge Reich Magee ATA 4141 Arapahoe AvenueBoulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Lot 3, Vail ValleyVai1, Colorado Job No. 90030 Attent ion:Mr. Glenn Magee We have revj-ewed the Analysis of Avalanche, Debris-F1ow, andRockfall Design Conditions and Mitigation Design Criteria,Lots 3, 4, and 5, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, dated May, 1990 andprepared by erthur I. Mears, p.E., fnc. To the best our knowledge and belief the design criterj.a has been incorporated into t.he structural design and details ofthe above referenced building. N]COL HUTCHINSON HOFLAND, INC.Consulting SCructural Engineers (303) 443-1677 FAX: (303) 449-2422 Joseph C.N j.col, P. E. dk 3lt r f190030 1539 Pearl Street, Suite 400 Boulder, Colorado 80302 ' JUNG€ R€rcH MRG€€ nrfi+lr€crun€ 6 eLRNNTNo e]essroNnL coRpoRRTroN May 8,1990 Shel ly Mel I o Town of Vai'l Pl anni ng Department 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, C0 8'l657 RE: I.IARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC.. RESIDENCE/LOT 3 - vAIL vALLEY As J9u are aware, construction plans for the proposedresi dence on Lot #3 have been sdbmi tted to the ' Bui I di ngDepartnent and have been routed for permi t rel ease. Tharelease of the building permit has been contingent upon finalreview and design/certification that the struCture Lonformsto rockfal I debri s and snow aval anche l oadi ng cri teri a asestabl i shed by Arthur l'lears, p . E . l, , itti on i sed gh I e Otrr. ely The . encl osed . package i ncl udes two sets of compl eteconstruction documents indicating revisions made to complywith the loading established by the Mears report, one coiy-ofthe Mears report and analysis of the potential loading uponthe structure, and certified letter'from the structuraiengineer indicating that the design loads have been satisfied. At the end of 'last week wehave made modifications toconditions that the analysis received the Mears analysis andthe documents to sati sfy thebrought to light. As you are av{are, the Lot #3 site is subject to rockfaldebri s fl ow and snow aval anche impact. In order toadequately protect the structure frori rockfal'l and debrisis in general required to provide solid walls to an elevaof 5'- 0u above adjacent grade on the flow side. The revdocuments now indicate prbtection of the structure throuthe use of raised foundation walls at the structure wal I i nes where affected, and through the i ncorporati on ofdetached court wal I s and retai ni ng wal I s surroundi ng thdri ve/parki ng area and I ower bedioom wi ng whi ch rii'l Iessential ly provide a barrier for rockfall and debris flPer the Mears report, this concept of protection adequat mi ti gates potenti a1 damage al ong the - south and east el evati ons of the structure. The- retai ni ng wa1 1 conceptprovides additiona'l interest to the site and aestheti-calwill impove thtj overall product. al so 1y To satisfy the loading criteria required to withstand snol{avalanche loads as determined in the Mears report, v{e havefurther analyzed the wall surfaces subject to joadi and have made modications to framing by adjusting wood stud spacingand size and by adjusting shear wall capacities. 303 444-2987coLoRRDO 80303RRRPRHO€ RV€NU€ BOULD€R4141 '' JUNG€ R€rcH MRG€€ nrficrrr€crun€ 6r eLRNNTNo fessroNnL conponanoN Developments, Inc. - Resldence/Lot 3 - Vall Valley Please let me know of any questions you nay have or lfbe of further assistanCe-ln thls mattei. It is nyunderstandl ng - _that plovi di ng you wl th thl s package - lnf0rmatlon wlll resu'lt ln the release of the liulldlngfor this proJect. Sln rely, llagee, GGM/el a Encl osure cc: Bob l{arner Gary Marner Joe l'llcol 4141 RRRPRHO€ RV€NU€ BOUTD€R, COLORRDO 80303 3O3 444.2987 Shel ly llel I oRE: [arner May 8, 1990 Page Two I can of perml t rN WARNER DEVELOPMENTS. INC. \N 20 EAGLE ROAD P.O. BOX 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (3O3) 9+9.+360 DENVER(303) 534-4695 May l-, 1991- She11y Mello Town Planner TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8L657 Dear Shelly: Thank you for your letter of April 25th concerning the TCo for Lot 4. As I stated in ny letter to Abe Shapiro, we hope to have the landscaping done by June l-st. However, as wet as things have been for the last month, we are behind schedule. We will keep you posted if we do not neet the original date of June l-. In your letter you also stated that the construction access road which crosses Lot 3 should also be revegetated at this tine. ft is our understanding that the golf course wishes to keep this road open, andtherefore the road would not be revegetated. I believe all the neighbors would prefer to elininate the road. If possible, we would be happy to revegetate it if the golf course concurred. Sincerely, Warner, Jr. Cc: Ron Phillips Ken Wilson CONSTRUCTION ' DEVELOPMENT . INVESTMENT iN TTARNER I) E V E L L) PItI E NTS. I N(:,\s 20 EAGLE Rc)AD P.O. ROX 958 AVON, COLORADO 8r620 (103t 919-4360 DENVER(303) 53{-469t May L, L99L Abe Shapiro 2L795 Toun Place Drive Boca Raton, Florida 33433 Dear Abe: A copy of your letter to Ron Phillips was forwarded to me on the 29th of April. As busy as people are at the Town of Vail, I regret that you did not contact us first concerning any questions that you may have had relating to the three homes that we are developinq on sunburst Drive. Regarding the rrwork roadr, it is the GoIf Coursers desire to keep that road open as a work road for the golf course. We used an existing road and that road will renain after our construction and landscapingi are complete. we would prefer to landscape directly to the golf course. However, as of last year, the golf course found it necessary to maintain the rrwork roadrr. As you are aware, for the last two weeks it has snowed consistently leaving the ground snor,r covered, frozen and saturated. Because of this, ie nav6 not been able to begin our landscaping. As soon as the weather improves and the sun comes out and dries the land, we will irnrnediately begin removing any construction debris and start final grading for landscaping. Because of the wet spring, I will be somewhat at the nercy of landscapers htho have been on a late start throughout the valley because of the arnount of precipitation during April . ff you have any questions concerning the landscaping or our houses, please do not hesitate to contact ne. Sincerely, /z-Robert Warner, Jr. CC: Shelly Mello Ron Phillips (:ONSTRUCTION ' DEVELOPMENT ' INVESTMENT 75 3outh lrontage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$.438 (3ql) 47$?139 April 23, l-99o Sunburst, lot 3 L815 Sunburst Drive Contractor: Warner development Permit # 4344 ollice ol communlty developmenl Plan review based on the 1985 edition of U.B.C., U.M.C., U.P.C. and 1987 edition of N.E.C.. The following list of iterns ore deficient in rneeting the minirnum code requirements adopted by the Town of vail . Subnitted plan are anended as follows to meet code requirements. l-. ) Garage door # L5 is required to be I-3/8x solid core rninimum, not the 2o minute rating as indicated on schedule. U.B.C. sec. 503 c & d. 2.) Wood burning fireplace chase is reguired to have fire rating on inside of chase. 3.) cas fireplaces noted on plans in activity room, room and master bedroom are required to be a gas vent appliance. Town of vail ord. # ze. 1--hr dining||b!r 4., Provide combustion air for gas fired equipurent in mechanical rooru as required. U.M.C. ch. 6. If there are any questions concerning these issues or any other items please feel free to call. Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of Vail AL IRSPECTION'S COUPLETEI} The lteoe below ueed to be eouplete before glvlng a pernl.t a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLI'MBING DATE: FINAI UECEANICAL DATE: \'-X' BUILDING )i\\\ EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPAIICY DATE: LANDSCA?INC DI'E DATE: FII.E NAUE: Xwi.hqddry^^ ryK w TT""e\,il'k ++"!A w@-* -TrP U l)r4 fuz^t, utAell4-bua bP*,e,[-Pu+or 2 > -l l"o '14 N1EO fr )ttuh( tcE &eu l AilALYSTS 0F AVALAilCHE, DEFRTS-FL0}|, AtlD RoCKFAII DESI GI{ COI{DITI O1{S AIID I,IITI GATI 01{ DES IGII CRIIERIA LOTS 3, 4, AI{D 5, YAIL VALLEY 3RD FILIIIG I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSIS OF AVALANCHE, DEBRIS-FLOW, AND ROCKFALL DESIGN CONDITIONS AND ITITIGATION DESIGN CRITERIA LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING Prepared For Junge Reich Magee Architecture Prepared By Arthur I. Mears, p.8., Inc. ' Gunnison, Colorado May, 1990 T I I o STUDY OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS This analysis of geologlc hazards (snow avalanche, debris flows, and rockfall) and specification of design criteria for structural protection was requested by Mr. Glenn Magee and has the following specific objectives: a. Determination of design velocities and energies of the geologic processes at the building sites; b. Calculation of design loads on exposed building surfaces at Lots 3, 4, and 5; and c. Discussion of the overall hazard increase resulting from the proposed construction. The study is site specific, therefore the analysis and desi-gn criteria presented here should not be applied to other locations. Furthermore, the loading criteria specified in this report depends on building locations, orientations, and shapes as given in the Junge Reich lvlagee plans dated March and Apri1, I990. Changes to these plans may invalidate the design criteria. 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARD Description of the type and severity of the avalanche' debris- flow and rockfall hazard is summarized in the following "hazardmatrix" which was extracted from a February 7, 1988 letter report to Mr. Mark Cadmus. This 1988 report is attached as an appendix- HAZARD MATRIX Lot *Snow Aval Debris Flow Rockfal l o I ( 4Imph ) J 3.3ft) ( l0mph ) g/m' 5fr) ( IOmph ) I , 300k9 ) I I I I I I I I l l I t I I #3, 3rd Filing #4t It {+< tl Moderate Moderate No Hazard Moderate Moderate Moderate lloderate Moderate Moderate Specific design criteria for each buildingr location were derived through observations and measurements of terrain, analysis of the results of previous events, and application of statlstical and physical model s of avalanche motion . The physica I characteristics of the "design-magnitude" events at each building site are summarized below. Lot 3 Snow-avalanche velocity - 18m,/srr rr densitY = 50k9,/mrr rr dePth = 1.0m ( Debris-f 1ow velocity = 4.5m,/s '' rr density = 2'000krr rr depth = l.5m ( Rockfall velocity = 4.5m/s " diameter = 1.0m ( o Snow-avalanche velocity = I4m/s (32mpn) rf rr Aanc i +" : c,A]-- /r Jdensity= 50k9,/m As the above listing of design conditlons indicates, rockfall design velocity is assumed to be the same as or less than debris-flow velocity. Since debris flows may contain rocks as large asthose produced by rockfall at this Iocation, acconmodation ofrock irnpact within the debris flow (discussed in Section 3d),wiII also provide protection from rockfall. Rockfall protection,therefore, need not be designed separately if debris-f lowprotection is designed. Debris flows will produce loads equal tothe flow heights. (assumed to be 1.5m; 5ft). Rockfall is assumedto also occur wj-thin this height range at the building locations. Snow avalanches affecting Lots 3 and 4 originate in a fairly smaI l, but open and active avalanche path which beginsapproximately 600 feet above and south of the proposed buildinglocations. When this .avalanche releases to maximum extent, itwiIl cross Sunburst Drive as a low-density, mixed motion, dry- flowingrzpo$/der avalanche approximately 50m (200ft) wide as itruns across Lots 3 and 4. The impact forces and impact heightsprovided in the design criteria assume vertical upward deflectionof the desj-gn snow avalanche as the flow is interrupted by thebuilding surfaces. Lot 5 is beyond the runout of the design aval anche . DESIGN-LOADING CONDITIONS AND DIAGRAIT{S The design-loading conditions on the exposed building waIIs are summarized in Figures t - 12. The following points should beconsidered when using the loading criteria. a, Avalanche and debris-f1ow loads are not---------"'.=1._-simultanffimost likely during the beiioa'November 15 - April 15; debris flows during theperiod May I - October 1. Lot 5 ||tl Debri s-f I ow ||tl |ltl Rockfa 1 I tl _'IJEDTIS-I }OW depth ve I oci ty density depth ve locity diameter velocityrr rr densityrr I' depth Rockfall velocity " diameter(Beyond runout of design = I.0m (3.3ft) = 4.5m,/s (lQmph) = 2,000k9/mr = 1.5m (5ft) = 4.0m,/s (9mph) = 1. 0m ( 1 ,300k9 ) = 4.5m/s (fQmph) = 2,000k9,/mr = 1.5n (5ft) = 3.5m,/s (8mph) = 1. 0m ( 1, 300k9 ) a va I anche ) b. Avalanche and debris-flow loads increase fromto the maximum specified in 0.1-to-0.3 seconds. zeto They- I I glp-g t d --p-e--!.r,e-q! e I ee + rn p c9 !- I s qd I - r q- {e s rs!-. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Avalanche loads are resolved into 3 mutually- perpendicular directions on each wa11: Pn -- Normal to wall; Pv -- Vertical shear; Ps -- Lateral shear. The relati.ve load magnitudes are expressed Pv = Ps = 0.5 Pn at all heights. (1) d . .Qther _Ioads_ normall11 _conqideqed _in d99i9n gt this locations (wind, snowr etc.), must be added to the avalanche or debris-flow loads. Snow loads need not be q6aea to debris-flow loads, hoyeve_r. e. Debris-flow loads are represented as uniform loads over a 5 ft height in the loading diagrams. Hoviever' these flows wj-11 also contain rocks up to 3.3 feet in diameter suspended in the movi-ng, muddy matrix. These rocks can produce Iarge impact forces over small surfaces. The largest rocks have gr mass, M, of 1f300 kg (2870lbs/32.2 = 89 lbs-ft/secz, or "slugs"), and will impact the surface at a velocity, V, of 4.5m/s (15 ft/s). The irnpact force, P, of rock impact within a debris flow can be expressed p = (M y2 6y0.5, where K is a stiffness factor. (2) For a simple beam, K = 48 Er/L3, (3) where EI is the bending stiffness and L is the beam length. Equations (21 and (3) indicate that flexible structural members are more efficient in resistingimpact than stiff ones. The actual expression for stiffness, K, as represented in (3) must be replaced with an appropriate expression for the particular structural members being analyzed. t. Debris-flow loads are the same regardless of wall orientation, unli.ke snow-avalanche loads. The loads are assumed constant on the various surfaces because debris flows can turn in unpredi.ctable directions near the buildings and can impact the walls at right angles. AVALANCHE, DEBRIS-FLOW, AND ROCKPALL HAZARD Any development within areas known to be reached by avalanches,debris flows, or rockfall will increase the overall- hazard. Thishazard increase is a natural consequence of the additional exposure of persons who will be using the area. There exists s9T9 small probability that the persons one wishes to protect\^/i11 not be inside the specially-designed building wh-en thegeologic process occu rs Town of Vail ordinance on "geological ly-sensitive areas"recognizes this small residual hazard to those who may be outsideand accepts the risk because outside total exposure represents asmal1 percentage of the total time. This small hazaid can bereduced even further if residents become educated about thegeological processes (including snow avalanches), and heed aIIofficial warnings. 5 CITANGE IN HAZARD TO ADJACENT PROPERTY The avalanche, debris-flow, and rockfall mitigation recommendedin this report will not increase the hazard to adjacent property.Specifically, in terms of Town of Vail requi_rements, the proposedmitigation (direct structural reinforcement), wiIl not increasethe hazard to other public or private property or structures. orto public buiJ.dings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, utilities,facilities, or other properties. It should be noted, however,that the above statement could not necessari-1y be made ifprotection separate and uphiIl of the proposed buildings were bui 1t Arthur I. Mears, P. E. Aval anche -control engineerI I I I l l I I I I -ffiili-'h'ff#' I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I l I I I toT , South Elevation Load.s Snow Avalanche Debris Flow 1l0psf (P.,r=P"=.5Pn at arl . heighls) T.NT ?":!:-:---2 East Elevation Loads J0psf (P.,r=Pr= .Jp' at aJ-1 heights) FIGURE 1. Snow-avalanche and debris-flow 1oads on Lot Avalanche and d.ebris-flow loads are not simultaneous.t^till be resisted in design for d.ebrls flow ( see text) .shear, P., is shown in Figure 2. J building. RockfalL load-s Avalan che late Debris FIow o tll s,i:.- 'Cf_) Ut $3- rl?ito x9ddl\' o N/ss? 8_..-j-1").-- \, \...-:\ t '. '<-- /: -) fu'l dtl Fl --e-'/, l-@ IJn, rT-6 =l[ !$4ll { rdll ii I ull 1u 'l-ll ni'l mll \,{ o.:Fcx("q = 7*1Hqs '-E -i |rl _ rn a!qrxtr;iiI o d5 Liul o..{'i=6s.8 #N o lro 3 0)u od4or - tJ: .11o;gEf=--C O .-l r-\o .-r d i-q+ > '.cd o d c.'i -r{ O ltD E HEEI€< .O (J F_] | Or{ N .= \l\,?6. I' I \9 -_€r ,/;'B',/3 E".'\x\ \'/,"/>Ev*A-,4-. I F-{ {1 I :I iI I I I I I I I I I I II ! I I II I I I II l I It Il Il l I -7 o - ul _l LIl t-(.r tr i--rjj 1.. - l-l-- j--F r' 1 l--1J-1-l--l-lr--ll . -l 11 rr I-r r*rrl-Ll- 1itll: L] Ii ad(! -I TI ll lr- ll r-l -rl I I I I : I I |l I l i I i I i I l I I I I I I I t ot-\ q iq,9i \i$ I =lliOlll 3[j ilil r-lllil oil "11 1 I L .) 6 I L-rttttrtl e -i 'r<' Yloz2 r< f Yd- P.r '.f + .. 0)Y i "^'l..1flqlHl oarrd (ddo(l) ,-laoFgoXrloq{ Itna O '.{o l.{tdFcH c)H.d ad F rno (o trtd f&o (i rl i/tl\ liiil f[ii u TnI l_lt____Jnn T i:llun nlnrl nl nl ll, t-ltl 'llItl ll_l ll_l n t]1 nlll lrlln__..Jl! t_il LrlI r-_l t__l r[-_l Ir_l u TI TIn l-_ll_l [] rn lt I In I ?l<lot o' t:l "ltr :l -2 1 ; s3 ,l' o a/. ! \ q.$ +i{ 'l i',P irI'll$ N,'I I I i I I I I 1 $ :\ zrfllt\.ill :lFilril-l il I Lg::- .d) t-- - ' I I I I I I I I ii I ll I I lr I I I I lll I I l l l I I South El-evation Loads Snow Avalanche (Pu=P"=o.JPn at all heights) East Elevation Loads (Avalanche loads do not affect East elevation) FIGURE 5. Snow-avalanche and d.ebris-flow loads on Lot Avalanche and debris-flow load-s are not simultaneous. will be resisted in design for d.ebris flow rock lnpact Lateral avalanche shear, P^, is shown in Figure 6, I l l I I building. Rockfall loads (see text).I l l Debris FIow oI I l I I I I %-r.*,"rn=i €S ,....'',.aES,s I - ----/ /i' / lt./^[ ft';ft,t ;'.gt ,I1, 1 i *l Itli,ltlI ctl-ltltllllo, I I I s// {-dl =+i- ' l ll- .-. fi Hi ,'HI E-Y: ,'l | 'r--"--_ J._ /1 ---/__#u / /-'-./ttt //E /'<) /-'/ 7r - l,/E //= /"- - -/ --r'-.--r/o' J ,/t-/''-< /o /--/':')\ "/ _F/;r4e/ i -/:e Ff Po|o, f o g .-l -/ './ f o d .-{ o/ t' / AAdd' /,.t^r,. / '.{ d3 rd/!:,ixv/ ! i ui,j ,o.7+{/ €EtgJ__:"'Y cdoo/ - "'/'u" fi ;E !t > Q.A ^t/ oH= i;-', / ;H,rpfi/ '*d;.ist 5.-l d 0J l-l/ HrE36 / tr 3 orrd \, I I l I r W ,t .> ta\--_ w"7 s$ ..._,/ t',-F .*.t-....-.. .' ...:\ ' / / ! tA.Li-\K.J8) \J--l .f'2 ,r iQ ll et 4llfu1ll I*dil et -tx,lll g r t-ll + dl nll ril j-=- =-:=*=- I F-'!- --tJ - l'- - r i.ll-"-'-'-tilL .J I I @ t F :1 t-a bJ (\ I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I +) oaog x(). (/)3ooO.{dq{qrFr(,a '.'l(/)trp i " -lla\ .r{ |di{rldqtr{l'q) Er\ D-l(JdH>t{ d I 1-l5t: IE1?l9+I llllFlzQlF-lflo'tO c @ I liilli "-.ll tl il tl il i\ r' I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I (Snow avalanches do not reach Lot J) FIGIJRE 9. Debris-flow load.s are assuned uniform overlower J feet on south and east exposures. Rock impactdebris nust also be consid.ered. (see text). ";.u \".r' ,; 'l1:- t\ - =.''-. -.- .; F*l .1s t a I \-'t, -^< i'.i I\ s )lll rl 'f. + -.n o _r. J, !f I ( { AA\{7 0)('!odO CSFqro tr -l a.r0e -l '-l =.{! =q+P '-lt3 r-r c)d+tdo(dEao3 O .rl(J P'dHXgh o ..1 t: I i't' I IfLo on\f. 4-rCFq wd,rU _t 7;->(; 70>U ^_ rl!d' .rrtt-) _9 i{ Z J IL rll f) h /// &" ',%f'j,14, : 2 V 1., /t;l' :,:', ::: 7 |.. ,....',.+4+<./r:,.ii%Z. Wfu 'l,fl(rui'lmw ilryffil '1//k!4{iTilt ,. vifrI it/..14r2, 'r.%h I . I II it I I I I I :I I il i n t Il It I! II II II I I I II I I tli =ilail fl u\ll .'ll.l-tl dti ,Jrll 'l o+ d a x c) a c) dq{ l.{ V) .-t Fld.B rl.\ +olFl (/.) -o F.o .-r q-r trl vl& ..1 HC) ll.,---| Lfrt r1--ll ll SC - \t-: l-9 s89iJC _ ll _r, --i1tlll ll I 1 I llrrlt -. ! I I I I II it tl il I t I l iI I I I II I I I I I iI I !I I I I II i I l' i I rl + cl - --lt --rl ,---l.1 1t 3 -1qr a.rl .o o)d l-) E a)aopr xq) a c)O .d.H =a +a (g trl (\t. HCEO IIi I rr - ---.1 l-r I--ll -- - - -Ll l-rt ll tl I l I J {1-{l tlI l--ti--t.l ll --il t-l _:-- l il T I I { I I I I I I l I I I I I I I Mr. Mark Cadmus Brandess-Cadmus Real 28i Bridge Street Vai1, C0 81657 February 7, l9BB HAZARD MATR]X Snow Aval Debris -:.vaL Debris Flor.r Rockfall Mode rat e No Mod e rat e Mode rate Mode rate No No No No Yes l"lode rat e Mod erat e llode rat e Mod era t e No Mode ra t e Moderate Mode ra te No Modera te Study of the hazard natrix indicates that none of the 5 lofs are affected by high hazard snow avalanche, debris flow, or rockfall; only Loc 6, l0th Fillng is affected by debris avalanche. HAZARD DEF]NTTIONS Snow avalanche -ModerateHazard:ReachedbysnowavalancheswithreEur-n-q9ti?d",-of25 years or more, and avalanches produclng inPacc pressures ot b't) 10s/rt- or less, Building is permittLd bnt. Ltt.lat.he defense design and/or structural reinforcement naY be needed. o INC. Dear Mr. Cadmus: At your request, I have completed a reconnaissance of snow-avalanche, debris- avaianche, debris-f1ow, and rockfall hazard at the 5 Vail Lots discussed be1ow. The work reported here constigutes "site-specific" appraisals of these lots with respeCt to the geologic hazards listed above ' other geologic hazards or developnent constraints, if any, have not been considered as part ^F lL.a ^ ^ F,.1..(JI LltlD JLuu'. HAZARD MATRIX FOR THE 5 LOTS Ihe 5 lots studied are li-sted in the left coiunn in the natrix below' The lots are affected by various combinations arrd severities of tirc 4 geologic hazards listed above. Snow avalanche, debris ilow, a i.<i rockfall are rated as "moderage", or "high" hazard. In accordance vrith crireria adopCed..by the Town of Vail , d eb ri s-avalanche poEential is j.dentif ied ("fes" or "No"), but: not broken down into high and moderate caEegorles' Lot if lll, Jto r].rrng uJt JLv ll4 , 3rd Filing /ri3, 3rd Filing /16, lOth F11ing E^t-F^ T-^!D LCLtrCt rrr\-. ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., Natural Hazards Consultanb 222 Eart Gorhic Avc. Gunnircn, Glorado 81230 J01 - 641.3216 Mos Waling . Amlonchu ' Aulanchc Contml Engiaecing t I t l t I I I I I I Snow avalanche (cont ) - High Hazard: than 25 years, 615 lbs/frz. zone. Debris Avalanche Reached by snow avalanches with return peri.ods of less and/or avalanches producing impact. pressures of more than The Town of Vail does not permit building in this avalanche - Because debris avalanches consist' of water, wet snow, mud, rock, andorganic debris, they can be dest.ructive all the way to their outer edges. They also stop in short distances in the runout zones, thus high and moderate hazard zones cannot be defined, Hazard zones can be shortened by bui.lding energy-di s si pa ting barriers (berms or dams), perpendicular ro theflow direction, thus avoiding encounter altogether. Debris Flow - High Hazard: These areas can experience severe st.ructural damage andpossible loss of life through irnpact of nud, rock, and debris. Buildingis usually not permitted in these areas because struccural protection is,in general , not feasible. - lloderate Hazagd: These areas can experience property dar.age throughflooding, erosion and irrpact of muddy vracer, soi!-, rock, aad debris. Buiiding is permitted by the Town of Vail because rrocect.ion of buildingsi-s easily achieved through various combinatiors of lovr barriers, reinf orced lower f oundacions and r'ralls, and avoidaice of wincor^r openingsat grade. Rockfall - High Hazard: These areas are located on or below steep slopes chac produce or maintain destructive rockfall , Rock impact r^'ith s:ructures is 1ike1y to cause severe damage, including penetration of buildir-g wa11s.I I II iI II i II II iI : - ModeraE.e Hazard,: These areas are rolling rocks and will rarely be protection of bqildings, if necessary, SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENI CONSTMINTS ON LOTS locaEed near rhe outer limlts of reached by rockfall. Structural is easily acconmodated into design. The following opinions on the constrainEs t,o development on the 5lots result from ny field inspections of the Lots conducted on January B and February 6, l9B8 and from experience gained on analysis of avalanches, debris flows, and rockfall in the Vail area during the past l5 years. Specific design criteria used for t.he safe construct.ion of exposed struclures, including design loads, cannoE be provided at the present Eimc. Such design criLcria requlrcs knowledge of: Struccure localion and orientaclon; Structure size and shape; and Structure details that nay affect the geologic process. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t*:J+-::g-!1l+g will be exposed ro lighr flow and/or powder blasc f rom t.heuluDnouse Gul-ch" avalanche path during urajor dry-snow avalanche conditlons.Debris flows may also reach the site, but will tonsist onry of muddy water 1nd floating vegetative natter of insufficient mass to create structural-damage. The avalanche hazard can be uritigated by proper buildingorientation, rvindow and door design, and possible local ieinfoicement. Thi;additional work would probably constitute a small percentage of the totalbtrilding cost.. Debris-flow mitigation nay not be required, but in any casecould easily be accoruplished through landstaping Lot 5, 3rd Fllin8 is exposed ro det,ris flowand requiring sinrilar mitigation, if any.the fringe of rockfall- hazard and probablyproEection from rockfall . similar to thar affecring Lo! 7, The building site is located onwould not require s trucE.ural However, it is also exposed to light flow and/or powde.r blast pressures fromavalanches beginning on the steep, norLh-facing "iop" above sunburst Drive.Avalanches of a size and energy sufficient co c"u"e at least some rninordamage may occur e.very 50-to-100 years, and structural proEection isjustified. The dvalanche hazard, can be mirigated by pioper buildingorientation, r','indow and door design, and possible 1oca1 reinforcement. Lot 4, 3rd Fi1in8 is exposed to debris flow and rockfall similar to Lot 5. Loc 3, 3rd Fiiin8 is exposed to debris flow and rockfalr simiLarand 5, as described above, This 1ot is, hor.rever, closer to r^ f ^ts- l. FL,^ a lchough fhrnrrc'h avalanche path thac af f ect.s Lot 4. consequenE.ly, aval.anches here,also rare (estimated 25-to-50 year reiurt period), definitelystructural nicigation. liitigation can easily be accomplishedattention to building f orm, st.rength, orientaE.ion, and locatlon. Lo! 6' I0th Filing is exposed to sma1l snow avalanches, ninor rockfall, anddebris avalanches. Snor.r avalanches have reached to within approximately 150feet of Fairway Drive above the western portion of Lot 6 during che pascseveral lvinters. Larger avalanches can cross the road. Rockfall has alsooccurred and deposited on the steep slopes approximately 200-300 fee! aboveFairrvay Drive, and could reach the building site, particularly if the fores!were removed or destroyed. Debris avalanches, during extreme conditions,will also deposit in Fairway Drive. Joint structurat mitigation of Ehe snow-avalanche and rockfall hazard i.s feasible here. Debris avalanches canprobably be stopped .before che building siLe is reached, thereby eliminatingthe hazard. The f orrn and shape of the building will detennine is mitigationis feaslble on this Lot. The site reconnaissance conducted for this study indj-cat.es that. developmentis feasible, wich sone resErictions, on all 5 lots considered. please contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, ArF}."-Tv^--^.rlFI. llecllSr I..C..