HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 9 LEGAL',ttLuras oo.aultv ott|l o€t{r Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR].| D€pertmsnt of Communlty Dev€lopment 75 South F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tol:970.479.2139 hr:970.479.2{52 web: wwr.vrllgw.com Prctect Name: TELEPAS REROOF Prurect Description: Project Addrcss: 1905 SUNBURST DR Legal Descrifiion: Parcel Number: Comments: RNAL APPROVAL TO REROOF TO ASPHALT SHINGI.ES DRBNumber DRB070544 L010I12007 Phone: 328-5515 Participants: OWNER TETEPAS, GEORGE P. 1905 SUNBURST DR VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT PI-ATH CONSTRUCNON PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 Li@nse: 148-8 CONTMCTOR PI.ATH CONSTRUCION tolorl20o7 l0l0Il2007 Phone: 328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 Liense: 148-8 1905 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: Loh 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VALIEY 3RD FIUNG 2101-091{300-5 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Condi6ons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprgYal: LOl0Ll20O7 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward ompletion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Pald: S2O.OO FAX NO. : 1 345 234 gge/@ Sep. 19 2AA7 A2t53Pl1 P2 Tlllnr Dq rFort of Catrtmrtrkt Oqt rdCF n nt 75 Soudr Froflrage Ro4 lA!, Gbato 9169 $|: s70.a79.:?139 f.m 970.{t9":451 wfh trr'|y,d,ld.F,ut GSr3llI Inlbnnsugni A[- proJscF rr.qn{ng d.rtr? tr,elr g,q ]€dr,€ spprsrnl prerb $b(|tFlry . bdEhg perrit €ppllcalon, ptenee n$er to the crffi le0ldrE|l6tB for the n*rlla&r apliadl tltrt tr |fus|afod. fi rpCl(iuon for Deriltt furiai clmot be acaeped untl cl rsqul|€d |t{b4traftn lr rucdd bv ttF orimodty D(|nloDnFt oepanrriona nnprufect may llso trod lo bc |?tle{ts by ttle To\xn Cenmct iln{or th Plsnnhg qftl .futnrfir€t{sl Srnmlesio(t. Dafgn rerlcur rpFrotrl ]rF uds a Dsftflg fGrmf h hqrd ald atdruGtttr d.r rrrrnola wtddnarc;crrcf tlra 4ptl6l Application forDe.ign Rcview F(U b \, v, r(, t<, toc|donOtthGFlfoBF r.oc I dockgtJ-:LSubrfrdretrlirtJ'-rr'W-.;.?zt .,cr4ulg--* Fhyrlcal Addfem;. pendto.r )LIc.l 6n !ozDD5., (CofrrrdEdd.co.Asse*{oratg}Fp4F,trfqrlf pqfilna.) lonlngl iGN RL\/;r',f'/ STAFF AP Hdlhglddrrir: Owmr(4 Slgneum(e), ilam. ot ArFltcrrr! ilclllngAd4rb E-nrllddner: Ilpe dRffcwdrdh.. 0 gqm $t0 ttir 11.00 pa reurn tut drrrit dqn rrr- f'ls Rc G20 no fr? Nilm(.) of Owtrdr): Ssa F00 €90 tr a 0 ilJ CorneFud Rsvl;ir lf,tvv Connndon A.frffion MnorAllgrgt 0h. (rnqUl*rn[y/commcr*t\ ,,bor ADs8agon (l.rrAffimIfr'dupkrJ OirngE io Apgroved Fhnl Et$|tdon Requ€6t FI n .o? ,=-ffi-n V f€le\l.,Lqrl \7 u- D TOWN OF VAlt Usbfi nilrrr E0.rd. d|rdry drgrAred by pirnntB Ebf ar ure *** * * * * * * * * * * * *,1. * *,i,***'* * ** * * * *+* * * * ****,|* ** * * * ** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * *+* * * l. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **'1.'1.,1.,1.{.*:}t(i.*:}*****************************{.{.*{.,t ************************{.{.*{.'t {.'t ****:t** * ****** staEement Number: Ro70o0204l- Amount: $20.00 L0/0t/2oo7LL: l-3 AM Payment Method: CONSTRUCTION cash Init: JS Notation: $ / PLATH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocat ion : This Payment: ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 0C10C0031L2200 ** * * * * *** * * * * * + * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * ***** * * *{.* *,1. * '1.*** t * * ****+** * * * * * * + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DR8070544 Tlrpe: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP 2101-09r_-0300-5 ].9 05 SI'NBI'RST DR VAII, 1905 SIJNBIJRST DR $20.00 Totsal Fees: ToIaI AI,L PmTs: Balance: nacari nl- i nn DESIGN REVIEW FEES $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 2A .04 ,"(y'',)c' i^,it ,'. oo t o FgSD 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development FIL E c0P y January 14,1997 Chemical Mortgagc c/o Karen Biggs Land Title VIA FAX 476.4534 RE: Lot 9, Vail Valley 3rd Filing To whom it may conccrn: This lettcr is per your request to confirm that t ot 9 of Vail Valley 3rd Filing can be redeveloped. - Redevelopmint of Lot 9 is allowed provided that thc new construction satisfies the regulations of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, particularly Title 18, Zoning. Please don't hesitatc to contact me directly at (970) 479-2128 if you have any additional questions. Sincerely,-llpru-- Dirk D. Mason Planning Liaison Officer DDlWjr {,2 *'"'"uo "*"" I I r - Date Project Application 5 .22,7 ( Protect Name:/Ylopa;s {es,,/"nce Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block r,t,"o V,lJa,tL* j4 , zone - / Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su m mary: /4 1,4& Town Plan ner 9.22'1t Staf I Approval May 20, 1991 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Va'il , C0 81657 ATTENTI0N: Shel1y Mel lof RE: The l'lorri s Resi dence, 1905 Sunburst Road, Lot 9, Vail Valley Third Filing. Dear Shel ly, The accompan'i ing landscape plan for the Morrjs Resjdence is phase master plan. The first phase was installed last fall whichall planting in the front of t.he house with sod and a few'ureesat the back of the house. LAND DESIGNS gY ETLISON & CO. a three 'i ncl uded 'i nsta'l I ed The proposed phase Ii, as indicated by the ye11ow hi-ljted areas is what we are wanting staff approval for. The remaining planting's shown on the master plan vri11 be phase III, occurring spring of 1992, I will awaii your approval and/or comnents. S i ncerel y, ns By Ellison & Co. ott SJS: 190/1a Ecl. BC'X e677 . VA|L, CETLEIHAE CT B1Ei5B -(303t 949-17c,o, o Land Designs by Ellison e P.O. Box I25 9I00 W. Beaver Creek BIvd. Avon, CO S1620 ( 303 ) 9{9-r700{303' 949-3288 FAx RIC'D MAY 2 01991 Conpany , Suite 220 TR,ANS!{ITTAL LETTER AIA DOCUIIENT CSI O "'{al(. (hv\'t?gv. o""' (2fu.tb ilMt.l l{E TR,ANSMIIT;((/ herewith ( ) in accordance FOR YOUR: ,( Jzl'approval ( ) (rz{ } review a comnent ( )[\4 uee ( ) rHE FoLIpwItc 3 {1!/) otawi-ngs(/ ) sPecifications( ) change order DA'E: gZD-11 If enclosures are not as noted,please inforn us ilurediately. If checked below, please:( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) under separate cover via with your request distribution to parties ( record ) information shop Drawing Prints ( ) Sanples Shop Drawing Reproducible ' s Product Literature AACHITECT I S PROJECT NO! copies Date Rev. No.Descriptj.on Action Code Acii B. No action required C. Fo! siqnature and return to this officeD. For signature and for.warding as noted, below und E. See REIIARKS below I.TATERIAIJS " l{altE oF PRO.tECTs 'LEGAL, DESCRIPTIC. STREEI ADDRESSS i"a fihg Tie follorrlng Review Board lnfornatsloir Ls betcrrts a, flnal to the Desl.gn COIORA.BUILDING Roof. Sldlng Other ?1a11 l,laterials Fascia Soffits ttLndows tlindow Trln Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I.ANDSCAPING: Nane of PI.ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES B. Botanical Nane Comrnon Name ouantltv Size*ry:,W_ U.qtce 'u(@ $HW z-zvffi4 th ZzLcal "cA[. h,'f EXISTING lrREES TO BE REUOVED Designer: Phone: *Indicate call.per for deciduous trees. PINNT UATERIAI,S3 . PROPOSED FHRUBS ' 'ti,.,, OuantLtv SLze*1 t#ub4l: ----1tellq, 3r3I r, .t 1., .. 1 MlnLmun eLze of ehrubs ls Square Footacre of proposed shrubs. TvDe sxrs"TrNc snRuBs rO BE REIIOVED *Indlcate slze5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION alI a(- llz tl t-$.!tl. - tl -\1 TYPE oR t'iupnoo ob' EROSION CONTROI; '. 'l ",.\, , -ri','. ijJ;'.:,. i i' ( tr.i t: ewlnningretalnlng setback lsproperty ulqula, ct-t =G uJo. f\ cf o N lr1 rn c-.1{ .t IJJ IJJlt E =E IJJ o- baffi, /,%qc *fl o\ N e.l \o aH z h cl\.., coF--6N \o iig; l! tl OH lg=o.JE = UJ a EoF e, FIzt =z oltlFo2 o =oJ l @ .a (, =zo I{ 4 4 t z 3 I A I -l(z F{ HE F] FfFr H H rdtsHH =e a F]Fl E U) llJul att = lEolt GoFo GFzo() IEo Gll,z3odl!uIat2;tGvlulFI<FZr.9Z(tt < t*,. $Es Nt\s $_*s t-\ N\ s {.\s r.a s R\\ \ \\.1-{ :Q $ a $i\)it Li\ i$ -{ ct o oE s .9clo6c] 'tfs aoo()cfi, .9,+g o.c oItco oEoo CD .sI 3o E o =cl oo o cro,(g '.9' o .gco -(Dc 'F os o CD .s Pooo6 Ef of o .2E s o o Ec6 ti 'ct .>cl Eoo o o E ED6 o 6 .D lt ooooc6 .g!t o c'3oF G = 'o- Eo(, o i(o o. o ct Ec6 c .9 6 E o .= oE = '.>cl Eoo o ttE65Egb E(J c.2 .- !, =o:r-F'5 "0scL o659'o =p€>c9'-o -Co.9 t6oq .ro cC 3E E= crFd+, 'rG.-.co'Eg -6E6OE OFie-c6-E60;oog AEo=E8o('t;6E>gtt@9a OE!o -o N 1\ F.@6 GI.c (\.1 (\ v o\F- \ rn(! GI o o oorn \'Nr\ \' A \ R:s 'rr E.E uJcoza = ao - uJa z o- J 9EF() a!J UJ z ao Jg !n X F Nrn -JI2 -(, UJElr u, IIJltzo F llJE C) u,lc> og o ao BuJ ultrzIU' UJ6 F U'IB'ocDz IuJ x F uIof 6lu UJl! E =euIoJ FoF oz 6Ifo J IGF(, uJ UJ (92 ao-DJ L J C) eaoUt NOrrvn'lvA h E.pl:*h=TiE=rOc,rff E*-.ZZu^oor e a =ffiA, E Eg #dN(, 14E =o F J lt o c3 e, UJ E c uJE J z Eoo 2 9F g u.lF {i' =UJz IItltlIIoF2 z9s<oo< =o-i-t xrrdct1Z tr 2= EO3tr IJJ)J (E ov,utzYor !Jr l- 2 F 5 .t)z I I-t II ,1JIJI<l:lEILl,t I oo3 o o -,rl<t FI =l zl .. >loluo IJJ UJz u>F LIJ o. z 9 E 0 =Fo 5(o ;; HaF ca I/, CV) -$o cr)(f O Ia-ltahl I /f' c/t) -,/'/, ci/'t c/aa // ta' UJ ts <t,.ooa 2o Fo-l!Y UJo oF F =Etu o- ttlO o,l> colo_ \t 8Alt'l Hurbkzo .6 =E IH 1Hl(,tz9; tc(Jzrq Hv) & aJ)H a E u; =z loo--) t ct)H4aoE Fl HE Iu =z & zfrl an Er F \ot'\\t U1 u1l!c, : .+ I\o F\ 'n L FlH 6 H E Ee l! B = 14 (fl.+ agJc t I\o F\\' -o- FfH F6 zH z H 9/,Haz IE lt IF\.$ ctz ciul J l!oz3oF tr)\t\'(n I\oN u l,l t H ts Ff B z Ic lt ld I oz out CE J t!oz3oF rn \:r I c.it o\ I I I zH FAE |l FfrlFl Hrn tg t! _lrl\Tl('ll-l o| 7(, ul(C JI ttq 23oF r\In IF\6l @ E lrF zH E FfA F] F1€ H U) =e G Icf) @ ciz oqJ G E z3oF F. It c\ c( u u F oa oz cjlu ac J l!oz 'oF IIJJ'utF' t tr,Jz =o F C) UJF T C) E -rO<FGOul<ztrtr F9zo () J O EF C) UJJ - ) Y J z"gg3 ]Fd6o *5YF =3g6 TL l-E ir =o\ziciggI z oPzeoo =z>f a-,P J oozE 96 =[!(!U F Gulo-lto uloz oIoF E 9 !Eo. JFuILh= o- uJ>o-O|r9oI tttxo-:>Lt t-lr| J J l! ut @o EE F 16 T = lr s0E l, n lrl - o-zo :- i.bcC)EagF, Iz'EOE(JF 'G.; t cTEr- I\V// t; F -IF -?.J- lr EE lllo J! tt o o 2 o =FooG ii ! *:rte ' i= E:!i5;f r L i }j z:i ;E1!t.iE E;;E ! l!: E:; 9:'ii i- :i i l.= -= ;;;i !; € AEc i: E=g9;;a Ei!€ 9i: (,zH FfHf:. a(t'l H FfFl FfH o\ tso Ff AI H&A tsut&b€zbu) t/]oo\ g T' !0 ! t^ti&4oE FItrl #c)H = oo ' .it o\(''| z o! (rlt o U - tsFtH aE FI (9zHIA Ftdz c)ztrlAHu) H u,H**o = z t{r{(1 dF:orH !)\-5is i<?iE< P6E:UQ:<i ts3ou: FP:aYa<F.= o<?rAS=oor zSFtr*e<t:i e;Bl=z ?685l{Fq=sH ='l\\l\ '.'' l{l E*o> ErEt SFxx tsEF $THF,-'FYl E$,TE rl{ts!F6. -rF.-t+af.atrte. FR ENF -a)aiFaHafr,H:?F -aff-dF iH ++r\€v l- -Fr 'F? -trlle Fdal-lts -E *FirpLIt* f?T\sv fH trt A.i{ atLI fFfH.fJtfrt |.A.g F i"l" Pr{ect Appllcation a.\ o^r" ?'L '?O ' . '' Project Nam6: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 91?- /200 Orvner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: q Legal Description: Loi / , Block Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval TRANSMITTAT LETTER AIA DOCUMENT CB1O PROJECT: (name, address)l4 ( ) under separate with your request cover vla i -:'-;13[] WEN-U ARCHITECT'S *tt4 PROIECT NO: y'v tJ DArE: 1-b-4uVAiL ArrN: ,- t-tfZ WE TRANSMIT: Vherewith( ) in accordance FOR YOUR: rHE FOLLOV!|NC: y'{Drawinls ( ) SPecifications ( ) Change Order T TO:lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediatelY' lf checked below, Please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ) approval ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information ) review & comment tJ4rccord,a)use ' ( l_ ( ) Shop Drawing ( ) ShoP Drawing () Prints Reproducibles ( ) Samples ( ) Product Literature O. For signatute E. see REMARKS and forwarding as below noted REMARKS ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted CODE B, No action required C. For signature and return to this office REMARKS /c*{ \esieo 5 711-rtoo coPlEs (with enclosures)tr Dr n C DOCUMENT CBIO ' AMIRICAN IN STIT UTf TRANSMITTAL I"[TT[R o[ ARCHITECTS. 1785l t . APRll. 1970 tollloN-rt r' c()l'\ MASSACI'lU5trls AVTNU[, N W', WASl'llNcT c.20016 ONE P.A6 E J owrr o l: Vari 1 ?5 S. Front"rge Road Vai I , trol orado S'1657 . (3Cr5) 47b-7$0fi Flan analvgis based on hhe 1?SB Uniform Fuilding Cocle F'r-o ject Id: I"IORRIS RH$iIDENCE Addres:a: 1?O5 SUNBURST DRIVE Dc cup.en cy: R3 r l"l 1 Type of Constr V-N irlOTE: l-Frir code,. items 1i:;tc.d in tlris report listing of all possihle cc:de :-equirements Eel ected :i,*cti ons of the code, D"rte: Jurne 13, 19Eq Contractnr: V G C0NSTRUCTION Architect: I{0RTER AT(CHITECTS Engi neerr: GAINE$ Flanst Examiner: NORRIS are not intended to be a cornplete in the 19BG UEC. It is er eLtide to DIRECT I ON ETOUNDARY N0R1-H Froperty 1i ne EAST Froperty l ine SOUTH Fublic wsry tr,EST Froperty line Area irr,:re,'ased 50,Ot.t7. SEPARATTON AREA INEREASE 81. (:l Feet 18. {-} Fent i)(-) . (:t Feet 15. O Feet 'f t:r i:p en ar sii on occ i'lAx r:LR FIRE PRNTECTIO}I $1,O Feet 13. it Feet, 4Cl. C) FFHI- 15. $ Feet 2 l:i dt+9. AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUSFL 3 Dwerl l ing TCTAT- FnF{ !:LCOft ! Dwerlling TOTAL i:Ol{ Fl-oilR 1 Dwellinc1 I Farking Gar.rge TT]TAL FOR FLNOR FUILDING TOTAL ok ok ft3 l'l I ok ok ol.; oh o!.; oli oL' tJ !r: c)lr o[i I 173 Un I i mi ts?d 1174 Unl.inri{:.ed t(t93 Unl i mi tecj 2(l?3 Unl i mi t ed 1370 Unl i mi ted 63tl! tJnl imited ?tl0t) Unl i mi ted 5?71 tJnlimited trode rcivi r.:w'f or:.Flr ''i : Addi-eEs: 19t)g SI.JNIIURST DRIVE EXTERIOFI I,JFILL FIFIE IiATIN6S AND OF'ENI|.,]G FROTE:C]-IOhI'f aFi I r* :i.7--itr iir l-ab I e 5'4 NORTH EAST SOUI-Fi b,iE3Tncc BRG NUN-|--rRG OF'l.jE IjRG f,jON-FR6 OPNG BFIG ilOFJ.-Erri6 flFi{| BRi"i t\iOFl-BRG Or,F.lG t ALL LIALL- F'FilT l,JfiLL.- NALL. [-'ROT [\,ALL- I'Jflj._t- i'i:i0t- t{.Al-.t- I,JALL f;.,F{lTR. Clhr (-rFrr ilnnr (:rh r $hr Ncns. r-)hr (:)hr- Nnni: i:rhr (lhr None l'i 1 t:)hr- t:)hr h|'_:n e {::)hr" r:}hr Nons (:rhr i:trr. lrk:ri E. {-il-r r i_}lir tjEtne The ex'ter-iclt- t{a1.le; ffiay L:r:.r o.f: CC[",|HUS'|-IBL_[ material . i]ec,lii"ir_:I,, None -- l'lc: f ir-el pi-ni:ectinn rec;iri rtrrnen{:g {or l:peninqs.Prot *- Opr",,n:i. t-rcl ti ;r.t. g: to bsr prntectecl witfr .1,/4 hr f ir-e assq-rmillie'.q,, 5t-t7. o{ Ltre* ;ii-era cif lheJ rial. I maximum. gec. ??r13. (b) ,tz Table S-.A lla;.1 imlrm :ting1.r: rci.ndr:rw siae j.s €4 sq. {t wi..Lh no diinensi cjrlgreai-er th,,rn L! {eleL,, -- Serc. 4f,Cr{r. ih) l-.iOF -- Opnn i. nq:; are ncrt peirmi ttecl i n th j. g w;rl I .l- --- Th$!'er i,.r;r I i g m;ry bo r" ei'c] t.r i red trJ have "a parapet w.rl ]-:ti-r i r.che:= aflclvEl t"her r-cjmf i nq " 'ih* parapert w"rl L i s rt*qr-ri red to havi? t.fiF 6ainiil f ire r-aLinq ae the wa11. See gectr c)n l7i)9. rtor detai 1s; .rnd e*xcetri-.ir:ng. nTFl[:R Ilt.J I;-D I Nli ELEHEi\IT$ T*b 1 r: 1 Z-AELE:I.IET{T I'IATHRTAL RATINE NOTEs:iInteri c:r f+r.l;rr- i. ng wa.l 1 Any (-r frr-Interior nonbrg w;r1 l Any O hrStrltc Lltreil Frame Anv (:, hrfxi:uri cr *tr-r-tct Fi-*nie Any ir trr ,je* f ,.:r-lt n cit ,,:: ,i*1 Sha{t Iincl o:ir-rr e Arry t hr Fl C]r]r,'C€i 1 i nq A*eenrb I y Anv tl hr See F: ootni:trj *l? Ftoof /Cei .L i ng Assenrbl y Arry (r frrStai rg Arry Nons? NOTEr S,eie Sec. 17t:t5. 1., I f nr- 5ha{ i: Er-rcl o:;r"rr.e s+:lcepti ons. FtrOTNOTES: 1) l,'4in j- rnltm r:n e;.r'tei- i cir l:'idei all;o tra.sod on er:ttlrior hr1" ;.Jd1 l. requri r-,=ment:-r.S) In ar-eas with vehicles ctr *irplanes, the .{:lor.rr $Lrrf ace s.hal. 1 Lre n{ rr cln c mmi: lt:l L i bI e, nonab*urberrt rnaterialt,. --- serc, 7OI . ibi i:i ?rlt;.. itt) OCIUFFTNCY SEFAF{AT I nN$ Rf,-Pl1 thr Materiall; eipprovecl for thr conlitrurcti sn *rre reqr-ri red nn the qari{gse gide nnI} clnd L :i,/E:inch s;ol id core, self -.c:1. osi ng cjoor. .-- Ij*c. 3a-rf,. (d) c':r #I ADDlI'IfiT{AL SEFARATINNEi F.OR Fif, ICCUPAhICY: FOF{ I'11 trCCLII3ANI]Y: Code rsvi ew-for l UF:'roject . Icl. : I"ICRRIS RESIDENtrE Addregg: 19{15 iil"JNLrUR$T DRIVE tr':nn 11 aiI EX IT REAUIFIEI{ENTSr FL NrlPlti fitrCurr'rtNlr hlUPlFEft f i: I -f F AhII f, RATED DOtlft f'inTEEi . LIIAD RE{.IUIF{ED i^IIDTH l-f{:.i flDt'Jft [{]flRillflt-{ St^lIFiG .I Dwel. li ng 4 I (1 , I hlo l'l* N/fi TOTAL 4 I ( 1) {). 1 ( r), li hlo f'lr.i Ni'R l+: ;T $w*1 I i r-rg 7 L t). 1 Nfl lrln N'/Fi"ft')'IAL- 7 1. ( I ) {1. l. ( r). 1.1) Nn N* hlr'R I Dw*.l .1. i nqi 5 I i:l ,, I l'lo hlo f'l,/ft 1 F;lrt,: :. nq Garac;* .i t ft. l. lrio Nn l\l,/Fr T{lrAL.. FJ 1( l) rl"3{ i)":l) Nn Nn r'|,/Fl Door :;wi nq i s: blrsed r:n Srlc. f,5(14, tb ) e)rcF.rpt ali noted "Ocrlrpnnt 1o;id is b.r.:ed rin Tahle f,T-4. Nlrrnb e,r n{ eir:'- ts i s tragerl on Tabl e 33-A except ,ng motald "Exit w:i. dth i=; b$srti:i:i nn i:iec, ;l;3tJ;:; . (b') "'The rir-.rniterg :i n ( ) .rre i.nc,1.r-tcie t:ccr..tp;rnt'. Ir:.rcli.nq; -irom -f l.sr:rs; *rl-'ovs t"hi =.f lt:nr-. ---- ::iei:, iL;Itlili, {51 FOOTNOTES: ?) Easenrents and f l oorg i{br:vLr the 2ncl { l oor c.1re reeLri rr.:d to hsrve ? e:< i tei. - Sec. 5.10f,, (a) See Fxceatians LJTAiR I'.IilTEiJ: A stai rway i. n :.r cirtel. 1. :r. nq nrlirt l:re ait I cl"-,rst J& i rrche*: ,,^, i da,, --- i-jer. :i.j;ti,jr " tb ) fhe m.rir i mrtir r-i=e,:i ;i gi.:FF i:: il incirelg .rnd Ll-re rnin:imLtci r-t..ln :i= ? ;nr-.ir,::;. -- Ser: " .l:;r:::* . i {. } i*}i ri ,, +l I Prt:vidr.: .-t h.:r.r'ld:-ai l. un orrE: gide a stairuJ:rv ..14 t,: li3 i ncl-reg eholrt: {:he rrss.i nc.t ii:'Ltrere i = rnsre :l-ian 4 r-i i;er-s. **' Selc. f,lit-ti:. ( j ) F'rovi de .:r rtrur.:rd r'*r. i r^Jherr+ clrop r:f f i r gr-eatr:'r' Lhiin Ji:) i ili:hus. I'ii ni mltnr h*i qht = ll5 ir-r{:ire:5, rna:i i inr-rrn operrinr.l si:e = 6 i nrht:s!.. -- llec. 1711. tlirc i Tfre nini.irtt-trn h*aclrorrn i.s Cr .f t. " B inches. --- 5elc. li;i;i:16 " (p) Encl oged i.ir-r.ah l il l.lpiice urid,gr the gtai rg i.:: r-eqr-ri r- r":d tm he 1:.rro1:et::ted ;rs, r'mttr,-ti reci f or llrr -i i r-e-rasii *ti ve cclnstrLrcti on, -- Sec. ::;-r;{:},;:"l,, (n } R00FI N6 RECTU IriEFlli"t't r$ ; 1) The roof irig ori tfris hurilding ig not requri red tcl Lre {ire rqstardant " -- Tal:le .lf-A AUTOF1ATIC 5F.FIIF.II.::I.-ER 5Y$T|jI"I5I STANDF, I I:IE ftHNI] IRHI"IET.JTiS x I,IALL Af'ID TEILIN6 F'II.dIEJH: 1) Wal l. and celi 1i ng f i rri sh niateri al si att- er rerqut:i. r'ed ti:i r:nnipl y wi. th Seic. 4?t-t4. (;-+i ancl Tnbl e 4?*Er.:) Carpetiirg on walI:l ;:ind ceilinq are r-r*qlri.r-ed tn fiar.el .c Cl;ie,s I {: I anre sprr*"eri r-.r'Li.ng. --- li*:c. 4.?04.,, itr) Coie review-{orl UFro ject . Id. : NOFIRIS REgIDENCH Addra:sii: 1905 SUNFURST nRiVE i-:'.a.r.1 {+ r'L.l INSULATION NOTHS: 1) Al l inslrlation m.rterie(l j.nelurding {acings are required tu have ar {l ame-' spr-R;rd ratiirg ilf :: or less and a rnaximurrn srnoke dengi l:y r'f /+ 5i:) un16]ss. it isr in a c ncs:;rled space and the {acing is in cont;rct. r^,i. th a i{al I or ceil:lng, -* Sec. :i71.1.{c) e>rc,+1? f) Foam plastic insurlationg ar* requrired to be prot-ected. -- Sec. 171?. ELAZ ING REOT.JIREI"IENTS: 1) At1 gla=ing in ha=ardsur:; locationE is requirnd to be uf :;aJ:ety g1;r;rinq material, -- sec" 54t-t6. 161 ADDITIONAL F{EOLIIREI"IENTS;: Fnr RI occLrpi-{n{:y Frovi cle? n wi ndcw or dnor to the e>rteri or {rom every r-o,-:rn ltsed f or sl eeF i nL1 . '--' 5ec " 1A{-14, A window rnurst provide a c1e.rr open area o"t 5.1; rq"-$t.'' ii cI FJar- fre:ic,;ht: o{ lii 4 :l nr:lre:; n .rnd .r cl.rrar w:i dth o{ ;:0 incfies trnininr-rm). *- l-lec. 1.:1j4.,, A1 I habitablr* rt:clnis, requrire €xterior gIa:ed opening:r uiqur.rl to 1i:r7. 5r rnore c:f {:tr* 4lomr ar^er"r" {m:in 1O sq.{i:. ) -- $ec. :L?(-}ii" (..i) All habitahle r-Eloms reqr-ri.re an clperable Eliteri or- cpeninqs ec1r".ta I io 5Z or r:r{lrr.r crf the f lt:or arr:.1a. (min 5 ,Eq, f t,, ) ---- 5;::c,, 1?O5. {*) The rni ni mltm ce+iling in a habitahle space i,.-" 7 {e,et t5 i ncherr; ;:ir':e*Dt kitcheins, haLls, and ba{:hs rnay hav*r a cei I inc-1 i'reiEh{: of r- {eet:. ---$ec" *- 1?{t7. ta) Frovi cjs ;r slmnke detector j. n al 1 areas havi nrr iiccelrs 'L.u =1eepi iiq rOorn:r. --- s(3c. 121r1. (a)4.. Prnvide a stfiiml,: * clete*ctor on a1 1 fIaors that i!i {::i:Jr-inect rcl tr .rn .,rlarm andible in aL J. sl eepi. nq; er-e+rs" *- {5ec " 1110. (s)4, Frovide design i nf nrri'rati on on sloped glaring, deeign to 8S psf snow load plt-ts dead load in accordance with the Uniform Building Code chapter 54. Elaaing systern rnu!;t be approved prior to installation. I |)t.'if] rJ l J1:ii I :5 Ei. Frontaqe ltoad Vail, Colorado 8.1657 ( F l an revi ew l tlSB Un i { orm o the fxroject Icl: I'IORRI$ FESIDENCE Addressr 1?05 Sljf.lEtJtlST DRM {-Jccu5:arncy: R3 ! l'll 1-ype o{ Eonst: V-N i+ S}JHEI' lDEHTIFICATINT,I b(.ased t]n Etui l di ng tlode D*rt*: iitne 3?! 1989 Contrac'tor: V G -BNSTRUITI0N Arch i tec'h : l'l0FiTEft ARCI{ I TE:CT{i En13ineer: EAII{ES l-'lans Eirarniner': NORRIS CilRRECI-II]N fII!OUIRED I A*4trA-S NUTH Fr-ovi de clrai nE ancl over+ L aw cir-ai ns $ec t i on S1{)7 , This area rec;uririp:i an eltteriur np*ning {: $r FimsrqJency re:trape or Fer:icLrF with rlc!.rf' arl:.'.a/LJi mensi *ne siFr.rci. f ied" -- Sec. 1:,:()4, A smske detector is reqLrirrd iri thi:l locaticrn. NOTE: A1 I detector.; Rt.rs t-o golrnd iri-' iir i arrn i n hedr-onm .!rr"ea.--- Sec. 111O. tar) This is rc,qlrirapd to be a i. haur :rs::embLy :ii ni-:e :i t: i g an Llc:cr.tpanc y separat i on ,, -- T;rb L e 5*F tr $elc . Thi-- is requirerd to he ii :i lloLrr aiis€ri''b1v s:ince it is in an sccLrp+rr1cy {ieparatic:n wail. -- 5erc. 5(:t::. (ci Th(,] rnax i rnurrn si::e of an ope'rri nq iri the- raiiinrg ,art Lhe stsit-way is 6 ificl-ieii. -- $ec. 3:jil6. {j) ir 1711. Frnv:i de a compl ete { ounda'i:i cln desi gn f r:r 'thi :i bt-tiLdin$ b*sed cln the si:i..[s re:frui*t .f or this sj. Lc'. Incl urde a copy of the soi 1g rr.rport f or the gi L: p; 'b,o be birilt un. :t A-4,NOTE A* L trA-4 NIUTE A-"1 f'JOTE A-1 tttJ I E. A- l ErA-4 hlflTE il-.1 NT]T'E FIOTE Morris Residence A. Facia & Siding B. Stone C. Windows . <Jolt)co t h*.l'q <rb'-"r e l\oa,a r-1.- 6 W,i,A^s AnV B,o--E- 4hr o lr/rei5 nNee{,-: tr; n,r*z- ^'{/ &,-'.'z o,--'//-t--7lzta ^ I h 4t&*q ! F*s*'cVJ O t4or Ro"K @ Wialoq - /.P( .= 5*tr"6c*L 4kl brz-onze Chen-Northerlnc. F:ffggi,_{{f",F, cos,6o1 lE#:;.,_, Denver Elko Evanston Gilett6 Glenwood Springs Great Falls HelenH Phoenix Pocatello Hock,0prings Salt Lake City. San Antonio Tri Cities '/akima Jr:ne 7, 1989 Subject: Geologic Hazard Condiblons' Lol 9, VaiI Village, Third Filing, 1905 Sunburst Drive, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 221 89 Michael Morrls 1476 Westhaven Drtve, #9 Vatl c0 81657 Dear l{r. Morisl As requested by Kirk Aker of MorLer Architects, r.re heve reviewed the site plan for t'he proposed resldence, dated May 19, 19E9r with respect to geologic conditions presented in ordinance #5 (Series of 1985) Vaif Municlpal Code. Chen-Northern, Inc., previously presenfed discusslon of potential geologic impacts on developmerrc of the subject lot in a report' to Michael- Morrisr dated l'larch 2J, 1989, Job No. 4 221 89. Ttre subJect 1ot has been identified to be impacted by potential debris flows and floods, and rockfaLl. Mitigation of these hazerds 1s recommended as part of the Lot deve).opuent. The lot appears bo be beyond pofential snow avalanche runout. fn summary, Lob 9 and the adJacerrb toLs are exposed to poterrtlai debris flows and floods and rockfai.l hazards. fhe owner should be ailere of bhese hEzards and our recomnendatlons for mitigation. Based on our observaflons of the site end the site plan provlded, construction of the proposed residence on lot 9 sLrould not lncrease bhe exisbing hazard potenblal to adjaoent propertles and structures lncludlng public roads, rights-of-way, easenents and utlLltles. If Chere are any questions concerning our reooruneridations or lf we may be of further service on Che project, please 1et us know. Very truly yours, 0HEN-NOBTHERN, rNC. SLP/ec Rev. By: Steverr L. PawLakr P,E. ffi3,r{hAli€* -'S"{ ri 16222 it - ^_t ufu**$ DrE.H. '%:frL^"?*^--L-. f- - 6a \" A member ol tt'e (ffiI group of companles b-r3f - ffi ,rX TOTRL PRGE . AAZ ** Project Application 6,r,Y1 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ?B lock rit^n t/n,l i/ol"J 3'! , .on" r/s Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:!> a^ tt Seconded by:l,l ( ( LJ.-t TAPPRovAL --r \:=::-=--2 o^t" 6'?' Y 1 DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, n P/s iotrE DISTRIcTS lEaqu ilescalPTioil : Lot Bl ock rit:ns I/a;^( t/a/9,jd -nifq, 2.1J,6 |- -. =ffi:- 5.zS.t1 ADDRESS: OI.INER ARCH I TECT Phone Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retai ni ng Al 'loled E(33) 377o 2'2bZ t90t 20' 1qr 15' /?n\l(,1 \ 3010 Prooosed 32'n*x. (3oo ) (600 ) (soo)(lzoo) (s0)(100) (2s)(50) 12ss)(a00) .j.t4L_t 3741+ n/n OK OK OK N/a-+- l?44 d< oK 4 f,f ..( (srt\ - /-sa\+ .-a- _ hoa\ - 'llal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca l Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : b0%_ /.t' trr4.Lj r..7";.1 8%Slope Actual tr?d /IN<. Avalanche, Flood Plain Sl ope lletl ands Geol ogi c 0( nazaras ilVL ft,"*;9 R,.k{*[l fflo pe-: s G'n) Corunents: Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved [)ate: )t'atr 5lgnaEure r APPLICATION DATE:l'lay 19, 1989 ATE OF DRB MEETING : b. e.t1 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsi'bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is'issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Sinqle Familv Residence. 3 Levels B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: /?05 SudLues{ }oir<. Legal Description Lot g Block Filing Vail Valley 3rd Zoni ng Pr i mary/Secondary C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Michael and Monika Morris LCdres s 1476 Westhaven Drive. Unit 9, Vail telephone 476-0415 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: l4orter Architects Address 143 E. Meadow Drive, Vail, C0 telephone 476-5105 E. NAME OF OWNERS:Michael and Si gnature Address telephone 476-0418 F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appl'icant must to indicate property lines and building corners. 'Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. stake the site be removedvisits the 2, The review process for NE|'J BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. I ,.. ,{ 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Oeslgn Revis Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrrtor for approval: a. Windows, skylights and simllar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the bui'lding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had 'letters submitted from adJoinlng prcperty owners approving the additioni and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomlnium associ ation. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard.Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o t LIST OF MATERIALS . NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: hi rd DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information is required for submittal by the appiicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fivenl A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di n9 0ther [,lal I Materi al s hlnod Shi ngl es Natural t{ood f'leathered GraY Fasci a Soffi ts l.Ji ndows l'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 8. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED tlond Weathered Grav ll ll {'t art Dark Bronze Metal |,latch Adi. Mat'l Stone Moss Rock Amodi zerl Al rrmi nrrm Dark Bronze of Designer: Morter Architectsphone: 476-5105 .' Botanical Name Common Name Quanj ty . Si ze* To -----gtpe!-(see site p1 an) for coni fers . (over) lllood GraV N/A Metel Dark GraY *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate hei ght t UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by acconpanying site plan. Mountain Bell I -634-3778 Hestern SIope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cab'le T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Va] 'ley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek be nain trunk the following lines or propos edutilities for rhe NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vaj.l, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A builtling perrnit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut Pernit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authori zed Signature Da te 7:2/A2 3-2/-tq ,/ 3 . u-€tit !3i.'iT' i"lil -----. af,f,acneq snee[. \-"+\ \*,uQ*Szhsg\ ( am€rlc.n--L,l.dJ,ltt€ A.rocierton com.,a..* - tl ,orrc COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ED BY GUA RiA N coMt'Arr STEWART TITLE GUARANTY CO valuable consideration, hereby comm Schedule A, in favor of the proposed or interest covered hereby in t premiums and charges therefor; a and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be of the policy or policies comm either at the time of the issuance This Commitment is preliminary liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies failure to issue such pe{icy or pol valid or binding until Q0ntersigned IN WITNESS WHEREOF.. the become valid when countdleig dDv with its By-Laws This Comml nt isi ST called the Company, for insurance, as identif ied in or mortgagee of the estate ule A, upon payment of the and B and to the Conditions proposed Insured and the amount le A hereof by the Company, endorsement. or policies of title insurance and all after the effective date hereof first occurs, provided that the ny. This Commitment shall not be itment to be signed and sealed, to of the Company, all in accordance in Schedule A as "Effective Date." herein of title '?ba/r"- 7q*'a Chairman of the Board Countersigned by: tu President Sun,?it)' t.,.1 ( (.ntxk l t66 (20M 1O/g8) se',rlNo. C.l601 - 171732 ,o Ordor Numbcr: tl ?62 -??? t. Effoctivo dato; Febf Uefy 13 , 2. Folicy or Fblicies b bo issu€d: A. ALTA Oumerl PoticY |tlbd in: ''. 4. Iho hnd rstonod to in tft coo nltnctll It Lo|l I VAIL , rfilnD SCHEDULE A 1969 l't 8rO0 A.lt Commltment l{umber: Atnount ol In$rence 285,00o. oo Tax Cart' mmurRY 3?, 1989 C?r tf. FtttlSJ, *lrttR. CHRISTOFERlr. & H. tsnnrsB' O'ffiILL Frealtn $e11.O0 10.o0 Prooosod |lr$r€d:-Tffi, e. HoP.Rrs afiD roilr&f, s' Honnls Ac,lrifitttrrr FRoPERTS lnmrl nMED B. ALrALoanPdicy SEFIIA|BS zlt lltl PrcoG€d In$rod: c. 3.Tho€daioorinlo'e6|lntho|anddEsdtbedd'r'ofiodbhthbdflnEfim|'ndcotigfdho'g|nkb.c'rytoand0[et|o€bbatthe6l|gc-th/gdatohe'so| ,: : qecor.l covllTlr t€ tbc r EEGISgrlat oF FOP. pUESrr NEtrESDIK'TT|TS COIGIT${E|fT sfSESE EALL BE:TII O'SEILL e3 303-9d9-1011. .gxE egr Trm.,E 0F Eerlr,E coln$rt P.O. BO:{ 13{8 vArL. col.onaDo 81658 Authoriz€d Counle.Cgnaluro r652 {25M I l/87) P.go 2 AGENT'S FILE COPY STD\ry'AR.T TITT,E (iUARANT' COII?AXY SCHEPULE 8,- socllon I Commitment Number: ;i, RequirEmgnls Ths lolb'wing are the requirements to be:complied with: Item (a) payment to or for tho account of tho granlors or morlgagors of the full consideration for lhe eslats or inlersst to be insurcd. ltem (b) proper instrument(s) creating th€'estate or inlerest to be insured must be exoculed and duly liled tor record, lo wit: : L, E:cecubton of {rffl6e?tt rs to !}cbts .nd Lietr! an{ ltr rcturn to gtepart Tllle OuarentY Cof,0tlf. a Erecutlon of ccrtlf te&ttrcn t :,&tltr rranrfercr/Irrf{ctdurl Tranrferof, and ltr raturn to gAlB off,Ieo' - I tatlrf,rctory to gt€rsut IttLe eutrrlrttll thlt Order Number:{?6?-l,c3 3. Suldenccthc real bccn patd estatc ttansf,ar tlxcr th,at th€ tr{rntrction 1 Llc Trustllen of of TruaB frqr Vall VaIl haed ta:<. STE\il'AR.T TITI-E GUARAXTY COI?ANY by tb fror {, Farttal release bY tha subJect ProPertY frenVrlley, Inc. ln favor Pulls .00 datod , a Colorldo thlfed ucnst ?9, 1977 rceordedprrtnerahtP Augt.rct 30, lng I E Deed f rer '.re ed or#ner, purebaacr(rl. cRAtrrEE t('I$f ff,fN[lrtt oll 7 ln Booh at PaEe 6?ar Recaptlan I{o. 155iO8- fee rlnPlc tttl6 ln r rd'igrrotr oF tte tmlr. Allnngls oF TtlE OS SG DEED AS FER 1976 AIIEtrD}Eillr t|O Isc oF IHEffii73" CEg'9835109 t?l' : Paoe 3ArtEllTrc crt E lrrrDvt653 {25M I r187t 1I'iq rrl)r 't d r'r,,: r! Order Numf$6?-t41? The policy or policies to be issued will contain satistabtion ol the ComPanY: SCHEDULEB-Sec'tlon2 . Exceptlong Pago 4 AGENT'S FILE COPY 1 , Ribhts or claims of parties in possession nol shown by the public records 2. Easements, or claims of easemenls, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, oncroachments, and any facls which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, lor services, labor or material heretolore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Detects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters' if any, created, tirst appearing in the public recrrds or attaching subsequent to the e{fective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record lor value the estate or inter€st or mortgage lhereon covered by this commitment. for dtte or canf,lt c States a ervad ln P Commitment Number: exceptions to the..following unless the sam€ are disposed of to the ttruet€d bY the rubhorltT tent recorded Juns ?9' Any and 811 t.trtFald barea anril tarcctr€nts trnd' tex salor ?. Ttre efFect of lncluslont ln aJrY generrl or tPe ttr ttater f{re prcbectlon, lol ng€r"tat10n otber 6,. 8. any rltrredeered rniiurion i.n any water\s\rvlca or str ct irei. congervancTtdlstrlet or lnprovenent Rtght af $a? of the Unlted Sn undlvldedqnd attrer al nature, lncl 1905 ln ,18 at Pagc and Atrgruc ?,2, 1936 Ln Book 15? at Fage 3 ane-htlf lntcYect ln snd to all of t'he o11 ' gss i:irli, -""ila, irq,rrd and sraaeout of, -"T95Y-!l{-*durantur tn; on and inaar and ratrLch ray le Fage 22?. 10. Ea:encntg and Restrtetloot at cbqrtn on the Plat for Vall Vallef Ttrird Fltlng rlir"i6ra-tugnct 30, 197? 1n Boolr ?59 at Pnga 69 aa ReccPtlon tfo. 155{10. "-', , 11. Restrlctlons An6 Condtblfia cg contalned ln Frotectlve covenants record,Gil a,rgt;-:o: iii, ln Beolt 299 at' Pags 68 as Receptton tfo. l55l09. producsd fron t ;;;tlcr-oi er.rolect-prolrcrtT "3 -- l:sf::"g.brt;#;-t il;;t;'1'' ilii-"dcErd6-llar r, r9e3 ln Boort 165 ab ''' 'i r; ri '' 'l I ' are hereby omitted.Exceptions numbered 1654 (25M r 1/87) SIE\ TAR.T TITI-E CUANANTI COIIAIIY 1. 2. I11-'. I rin, shall includgiThe term mo,rtsage, when tisbd rra{in, ilarilintrua{f,""0 of trust, trust deed, orThe term mo,rtsase, when tig{. rrgrtin, ilgtiiiqituai*ieeo other security, instrument. 'ii : . :t ' :; .i i. t, .. .t t i',rr. ;tI, r. ,.. ',i rl,' L . coNDlTroNs AND STIPU"LATIONS. :+l' .,:-..i {t} :.;..i :; "'1 : . _' q'.,.. ,i . :'l:.r :i ."'1' ; , ri +1i T:Tf T,: a!' *..COU.PAITY f- -' tJ .;fi:t lf the proposed Insured hasior acquires actrJal knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Coqlmitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to discliise such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company *rall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act;of. r€lianc€ frer,eon;to,,the:extent the Company is prejudiced, by failure to so disclose 30ctr tiOwl*tge. lf ttii,proposed Insured shall disclose s.rch knowledge,to the Company,:gr,.,il.,thq Company.otherwise acquires.actual knowledge of any; s.rch defect,.lieil;',gncurhbrffi;"adverse claim or other matt€r?. the Company at its option'may:amerid"SheduleB of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incurred pursuTt,l?iparagraph 3 of thee Conditions and Stipulations.'iir it .3. Liability of the Company'undsr lhls Commitment shall be only to the named proposed ln$red and slitr,parties included uriOei ths definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies',ctorhmltted for and only for actual loss incurred .ln reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with.the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminateibTceptiono shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquirq.or create the estat€ or inter€st or mortgfge thergon covered by thisCommitment. In no event shall sich liability exceed llip amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and sJch liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. .' .. l' .-a.' ..r .,.: Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the.title'to ths estate,or.intetost'or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby oi'ahy action asserting such claim,6hall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. , !r i 4. F. '.! STE'WAR-LN GUARANTY ::1 All notices required to be given the Company and an! statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addresed to it af P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. :: lf' : Chen-Norther|lnc.50EO Road 15,{ Glsnwmd Sgings, CO 81601 303p4$7458 1|Billingsf Boise- Casper Colorado Sprngs Denraet Elko. Evanston GileRe Glenwood Springs Great Falls Helena Phoenix Focat€llo RockSpings Salr Lake Cfti San.Antonio Tri Cities \€krma SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGI{ PROPOSD RESIDEI{CElgf gr v,JltF.. TfirRD F:ILrlrG 19€E SUNBURST DRIVE , / uArL, colonADo uqlL,r i., Prepared For: Michael Morrls 1476 tJesthaven- Drlve, fg va1l c0 81657 A member of the (Eiiil goup of compani€s Maroh 2!n 1989 I Job !lo. 4 221 89 TABLE OF COIfTEITIS 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4:5 5 6 6 7 I ,9 9 Chen-Northcrn, lnc'. CONCLUSIONS The site ls lmpacted by potentlal debrls flow and rockfall hazards. Mitigation of these hazards should be incorporated into the si.fe development plans. The proposed residence should be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural granular soils below all topsoil and designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2500 psf. Other design and construction criteria relating to geotechnical aspects of the proposed residence are presented in the body of the report. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsoil study for a proposed resi- t/nllty dence to be located on Lot !, Vail V*fte, 3rd Filing, 1905 Sunburst Drive, Vail, Colorado. The project site is sbown on Fig. 1. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for professionaf services letter to Michael Morris, dated February 15, 1989. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings was con- ducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Samples obtaj.ned during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine lhelr engineering characteristics. The resulfs of the field exploration and labora- tory test,ing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. The results of the field exploration and laboritory testing are presented in Lhe report. Thls reporb has been prepared to summarize the data obtained during this study and to present our concluslons and recommendations based on the.proposed construction and the subsoil condj.tions encountered. Design parameters and a discusslon of geoLechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed residence are included in the report. Chen-Northern, lnc, -2- PROPOSD CONSTRUCTION The proposed resldence wltl be a two to two and on+half sloryr wood frame structure. For the purposes of our report preparation, we have assumed that bhe residence will have a basement. Ground floor wlll likely be slab-on- grade. Grading for the sbructure is expected to be relatively minor wiLh cut depths between about 6 to 8 feet. We assune relatively light foundation loadings, typical of the proposed type construction. If building loadings, locafion or grading plans change significantly from those described above, we should be notlfied to reevaluate the recommendations conbai.ned in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The site is located on an alfuvial fan near the toe of the south valley slope of the Gore Creek val-ley !n the eastern part of Vail. Sunburst Drivet an existing paved sfreet, runs along the southern boundary of the lof. The Vail Golf Course ls along the northern lot boundary. Exlsting slngle family homes have been constructed on the adjacent 1ots, located east and west of the siLe. The ground surface on the lof slopes gently down toward Lhe north at grades in the range of 5* Lo 101 . ApproximatelY 3 feet of snow covered the site at the time of our field work. Vegetation on the lot appears to be prlmarily grass and weeds with scattered wil.lows. A stand of aspen trees is locabed on the south side of the lot between Hole 1 and Sunburst Drive. SITE GEOLOGY The near surface bedrock in the area of Lot 9 is the Pennsy.lVanian-age Minturn Formation eomposed of mainly sandstones, conglomerates, shal'es and Limestones. The bedrock does no| crop out 1n the area of the Iot, being Chen-Northern, lnc, -3- blankebed by surficial deposits. South of the lot, high in the steep southern valley slope, the near flat lying beds of the Minturn Formation are exposed in a series of Low cliffs. The lot lies on an aLluvial fan created by the deposition of sediment near the rnoubh of a tributary to Gore Creek. On Lhe steep vaIley sloper the Lributary is entrenched in a narrow steep-sided channel. Near the valley floor in the area of the alluvial fan, the drainage channel is relatively shallow and curves westward across the fan to the west of the lot. The fan deposits are generally sands and gravefs with a clay and silt matrix and some cobbles and boulders. POTENTIAL GEOLMIC IMPACTS There are several conditlons of a geologlc nature whlch could affect developnent on the lot. These include debris flows and floods, rockfalf and avalanches. The potential impacts are discussed below. We should review the proposed developmen! plans and perform additional analysis for geologic hazard mitigation where needed. Debris Flows and Floods: Lot 9 lies wlthln a moderate debris flow hazard zone as identified by Arthur Mears in his 'tDebris Flow and Debrls AvaLanche Hazard Analysisrr, prepared in 1984 for the Town of Vail.. The lot is located on the lower part of an existing debris fan where debrls floods are probable. The path that a debris flow or flood may lake on the fan cannot be accurately determined and may change from event to event. Mltigatlon of potentlal debris flow and flood hazards shoul.d be consldered for homes construcbed on the foL. On-site mi.tigatlon methods include direct protection structures'designed to absorb the impact and deposllional Loads of debris flows and flbods. Direct proLection may include the reinforcing of building walfs and flood- Chen-Northern, lnc. -4- proofing of the structure itself, or protecting the structure with deflection wall.s or berms. Since the lot is located on the lower part of the fan where debris flow and flood impacts will be less severe than on the upper part of the fan, direct protection by reinforced walls, berms and swales or basins appears appropriate. Rockfall Pobential: Lot g lles ln a rockfall hazard area as identified by Schmueser and Associates in thelr rockfall study prepared in 1984 for the Town of Vail. The pri.mary source of potential rockfall is the outcrops of the Minturn Formation lhai occur on the steep valIey slope above Lhe lot. A secondary source of rockfall ls the scattered blocks thab occur below the outcrops on the steep slopes above the site. Deep snow cover fimited our observations of the geologic conditlons in the area of the site. However, during a previous geologlc reconnaissance in the area, we nobed sandstone conglomerate or limestone boulders on nearby lots that can most likely be attributed to past rockfalts indicating the lot lies within the rockfall runout zone. Most of these boulders ilere embedded in the soils, indicating that the rockfall events were probably relatively old. However, some boufders were not embedded indicating more reeent rockfall events. Mitigation of the rockfall hazard on the lot is recommended if the lot is to be developed. MiLigation bechniques i4clude barrier structures to stop rocks, structures designed to deflect rocks to safer areas where no develop- ment will take place, stabilization of potential rockfall. sources in-placer or the rennval of source rocks thab may contribufe bo rockfall. Rerpval or stabilization of potential rockfalt sources above the iite m"y be difficult to complete safely wilhout endangering the existing structurds on adjacent lots. Thi.s also would require cooperatlve lnvolvement of all proper- Chen-Northern, lnc. -5- ty owners in the area that might be affected by rockfall. It appears that' direc! protection of the individual structures uslng barriers, bernt' or struc- tural design would be rx)re appropriate. We recommend the rockfall mitigation be assessed after snowmelt when the rock source ean be observed. Avalanches: Regional mapping indicates that the lot lies outside a snow avalanche hazard area identified by Arthur Mears in 1979rtrColorado Snow Avalanche Studies and Guidelines for Avalanch+Hazard Testingtr, Colorado Geological Survey, Speci.al Publication No. 7. The gully located south of the lot on t,he steep valIey side has been identified as an avafanche track. The recurrence raLe of avalanches along this track has been estimated t" be'about 25 years or less by Mears. The nrapped runout zone does rroi- appear to extend into lot 9. The rlsk of avalanche impactlng structures on the slte appears to be relatlvely low ln our opinion. FIELD D(PLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on March 6, 1988. Two exploraLory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Fig. 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4-1nch dianeter contj.nuous flight augers powered by a truck-mounbed CME-55 dri]1 rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Chen-Northern, Inc. Samples of the subsol]s were laken wibh a 1 3/8-inch I.D. spoon sampler. The sampler was drlven into the subsoils at various depths wi.th blows from a 1A0-pound haruner falling 30 inches. Thls test is sinrilar to the stand;,rd peneLraLlon test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relaflve density or consistency of the sub- soils. Depths ab whlch the samples were gaken and the penetrafion resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by lhe project enginet'r arrd te'sting. Chen-Northern. lnc. SUBS0IL C0|,|DITIONS The subsoil conditions encountered at the site are shown graphically on Fig. 2. The subsoj.Is consj.st of about 1 foot of topsoil overlying medium dense, silty gravelly sand containing occasional cobbles. Underlying the sands at depths of 11 to 18 feet, dense silty sandy gravel with cobbfes and possi.ble boulders was encountered to the maxirn:m depth explored, 20 feet. Dril11ng in the dense gravels wiLh auger equipment was difflcult due to the cobbles and boulders and drilling refusal was encountered in the deposit. Laboratory testing performed on sampfes obtained from the borings con- sisled of natural moisture content, gradation analyses and Atlerberg limits testing. Results of gradation analyses performed on small. diameter drive samples (minus 1 ll?-inctl fraction) of the naturaf coarse granular soiLs are shown on Fig. 4. Atterberg limits testing results indicate that the fine grained porbion of the soils is primarily a silf of low plasficity. The laboratory testing is sr.rrnarized in Table I. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling and the subsoils were generally rpi.sl. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Considering the subsoil conditions encountered ln the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed conslruction, we recommend the building be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural granular soi1s. The design and construction criLeria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation systern. The construction crj.teria should be considered when preparing project documents. 1) Footings placed on the undisturbed natural granular soils below all bopsoil should be deslgned for an allowable soil. bearing pressure of Chen-Northern, lnc. 2) -7- 2500 psf. Based on experienee, we expect settlernent of footlngs designed and consbructed as discussed in this section w111 be about 1 inch or less and essentially occur during consLruction. All existing topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils should Lle removed and the footing bearing level exLended down lo rel.atively dense natural. granular soils. The footings should have a minirnrm wldth of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. Exterior footings and foobings beneath unheated areas shoufd be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearlng elevation for frost protec- tion. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining struetures should also be designed to resist a Lateral earth pressure corresponding to an equivalent fluid unit weight of 40 pcf. Backfill shoufd consist of predominantly granular soil, like the on-site solls. 6) A representative of the soil engineer should observe all footing excava- ti.ons prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FLOOR SI.ABS The natural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support U.ghtly to mrderately loaded slab-on-grade constructi.on. To reduce the effects of some differential moverent, floor slabs sbould be separated from aII bearing walls and cofumns with expansion jolnLs which allow unresLralned vertical rnvement. Floor slab control. joints should be used lo reduce damage 3) 4) 5) Chen-Northern, lnc. -8- due to shrinkage cracking. We suggest joints be provi.ded on the order of 15 feeL on center. The requirements for slab reinforcement should be estab- Iished by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4-incLr layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath basement Ievel slabs to facilitate drainage. This materiaf should consist of minus 2-inch aggregate with less than 50f, passlng the No. 4 sieve and less Lhan 2X passlng the No. 200 sieve. AII fill materiafs for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95X of the maxirnrm standard Proctor density ab a nroisture content near optlmum. Required fill can consist of the on-slte sands and gravels devoid of vegetation, topsoil and oversized rock. UNDENDMIN SYSTEM Although free water was not encountered duri.ng our exploration, it has been our experience in mountainous areas lhat local perehed groundwater may develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff can create a perched condition. We recommend below grade construction (crawl space or basement areas) be protected from wetbing and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drain tile placed in the bottom of the wa1I backfltl and surrounded above the lnvert level with fre+draining granular materlal. The drain should be placed at leasL 1 foot below fowest adjacent finlsh grade and sloped at a minim:n 1X Eo a sultable graviby outlet. Free' draining granular material used in the underdrain system should conLain less Ehau 27 passing the No. 200 sleve, less than 50X passing lhe No. fl'sieve and have a maxirnm size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfll} should be at least 2 feet deep. Chen-Northern, lnc. -9- SURFACE DRAINAGE SiLe grading should be planned to provide positive surface drainage away from all building and parking areas. The bullding and parking areas should be placed as high as possible on the site so that positive drainage away from these features can be provlded. Surface dlversion features shoufd be provided around parking areas to prevent surface runoff from flowing across the paved surfaces. The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and mainLained at a1l. times after the residence has been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusbed to near optimum molsture and corF pacted to aE least 95? of the maxinnrm standard Proctor denslty in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90S of lhe maxirnum standard Proctor densify in landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding bhe exterlor of the bullding should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all dlrections. We recommend a minirnrm slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpavd areas and a minirnrm slope of 3 i.nches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free- draining walI backflll should be capped with at least 2 feet of the on-sife soils to rduce surface water infiltration. 4) Roof downspoufs and drains should dlscharge we}l beyond the limlts of all backfill. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in and foundation engineeri.ng practices accordance with generally accepted'soil in Lhls area for use by the client for Chen-Norlhern, Inc. -10- design purposes. The concl.usions and recorrnendations submitted in this report' are based upon the data obtained from the exploraLory borings drilled at the focatlons indicated on Flg. 1 and the proposed type of consLruction. The nature and extent of subsurface varlations across the siLe may not become evident until excavation 1s performed. If during construction, fiLl' soil' rock or water conditions appear to be dlfferent from Lhose described herein, this office should be advised at once so reevaluatlon of the recommendations may be made. We reconnend on-slte observatlon of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural flll by a represenLative of the soil engineer. Very truly yours, CHEN-NoRTHERN, rNC. E. Hardin, P.E. DEll/ec cc: Morter ArchitecLs, Attn: Revievled Jim Morter - By )((x- Pawlak, Chen-Norlhern, lnc. APPROXIMATE SCALE l" = 30' SUNzuRST BENCH MARK q ROAD EL-EV = IOO.O ASSUMED LOT BOUNDARIES HOLE 2 O HOLE o 4 22t 89 Chen-Northern, lnc.LOCATION OF EXR-ORATORY BORINGS r|r. I oo Ilole I Eler'. = 94.6' Hole 2 Elev. = 89.1r 17 /12 l{C=3.1 +4=26 -200=18 I 16 /12 tttC=9. 0 llD=112.8 -?no=?n LL=23 PI =6 16/12 ltlC=6. 2 - 200=1 9 ro/12 WC=10. 8 - ?90:ltLL= ZU PI=3 q) c) I 36/12 WC=S.5+4=43 -200=18 27 /12 Note: Exp I anat ion synbols presented on Fig.of 221 89 Chen-Northern, lnc.Logs of Exploratory Borings 4.2 _ LEGEND: l-l ffi'fonsoil; sandy silt, siightly gravelll', olganic, soft, noist, black' El S"na (SIl); silty, gravel ly with scattered cobbles, mediurn dense, moist, dark EZI brown. Pf.fl Cravet (Gl,l); sandy, silty with cobbles, mediun dense to dense, noist, blown. 1I\F 17,/12 Driye sanple blow count; ind]cates that 17 blows of a 140-pound harnmcr fall.i ng 30 inches were ::equired to drive the California or SPT sampler 1l jnches. -T-Pract ical rig refusal . I NOTES: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on March 6, 1989 with a 4-inch diameter continuous fl ight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measured approxi-mately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. S. Elevations of exploratory borings were rneasured by instrunent 1eve1 and refer to the Bench Mark on Fig. 1. 4, The exploratory boring locations and e-levations should be considered accurate only to th_e degree implied by the method used' 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transit j"ons nay be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the borings at the tirne of drilling. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) DD = Dry Density (pcf) +4 = Percent retained on No. 4 sieve -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Linit (t) PI = Plasticity Index (%) f'' u Relatively undisturbed drive sanple; 2-inch I.D. California liner sample. t Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), I 3,/8-inch LD' split spoon F sample, ASTI{ D-1586. 4 22r 89 Chen-Northern, lnc.Legend and Notes n|.r SIEVE ANALYSISHYOROMETER ANALYSIS !f 4: MtN l5 Mrit 6i MtN 19 MrN t rJrN '50 .0 '30 70 !so dsc z 9rc! a0 5a 3 z z (): 15? DIAMETER OF PAFTTICLE IN MILLIMETEFS CLAY .rO SILT GFAVEL 26 or sAND Lrouro LrMtr % sAMPLE oF silty gravelly 56 q; srLT AND CLAY PLASTICITY IND€X s and FRoM Ho le fe et STANOARD ?HR ]: MIN 60 MIN 19 MIN ' MIN T MIN 'ro0 '50 '.0'30 '16 1 ?,' z Fz sl o - z 60() 127 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY IO SILT GRAVEL 43 * SAND 39 x stLT AND CLAY Lrouto LrMrr * pLlsrrcrrY tNDEx sAMpLE oF silty sand and gravel FRoM Hole 18 at 14 feet StEvE ANALyStSHYDRO'JETER ANALYSIS 4 221 89 Chen-Northern, lnc.GRADATION TEST FESULTS Fig. 4 cA-?-79 co c.l q, f o lJJ G d i o <. Ico;c\J o lrJ tr o IJJ ; FO dl lr o (E l o =liHE-'o I PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME A.{;l\_ / lr_l lit',, CALLER t, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR :(;, tr DISAPPROVEOtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , i/. t,' "'.1 'l JoB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB D tr tr tr tr tr B FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRI IiIECHANICAL: A tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ffiso t PEINS CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL ' Cg^^. .--JOB NAME MON {atl ,) CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:G) *ro THUR FRI PM PERMIT NUMBER '/ lOCnffoftf: \{ BUt NG:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER ioor,"o. / srEEL nK tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:ITIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT r tr SUPPLY AIR d tr FINAL tr FINAL / z'reaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OFl|ROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION 'ri.'- .. TOWN OF'\-.';t^ ,r''\ . REQUESTI VAIL I .a JOB NAME 'i:,ur' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER T] GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n r-1 tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr o tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL (1EDA{,PRovED(Zo*^r"r,o"r,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT . '1143 | pecffi t PE f -| flr ,5 .', ("I CALLER TUES rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUESTT VAIL T t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: )N../ A- e' DATTON / STEEL Crt--\ tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr o tr tr c tr tr BOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR peeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i' 2't)J A. "/ / J t INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUESTI vAlL | .. aPERM DATE NUM ,'7.(t 'fl,,/1t) );J .2 READY FOR LOCATION://t-7 iWED THUR i /u1,1 ES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER A /- | in, FoolNGs / srEEL rUY?tA ttr( ild'{U.- .., ---. Jtr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMINGt n RooF {sneen* PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIEG}IANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB T1 FINAL FINAL ,r@or., CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT I PEtNs CTION TOWN OF REQUESTI VAIL t *" .PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME v |(--{ t t. r.- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: lqc,t , ''', |r_- TUES /-WED / THUR FRI BUtLDtf{G: t</anr /r/u424 :?/V*/ry 2/4/ dfoorrrucs/srEEL % T] FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL plreenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc ,?;/zarz c? rNSPEcroR ar/n * INS I PE CTION REQ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT n/nDAIE /uF) JOB NAME ,/ TOW OF VAIL a aFA.? a avrb Y r . 't fV-tJ l)7,1 READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL \l H D tr D tr D UMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr r'l ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PERMI DATE \ -\=\ JoB NAME INSPECT INSPECTION REQUEST t-iowlv oF vAtL ' *. THUR FRI:.$EADY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEBGROUND N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr o ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr Tt O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANI9AL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr QONDUIT *, .{i.r-\-rr,\ +{ \- r-i)s\rrr\,r.*r.,\r. D SUPPLY AIB n\ o/FtNAL g FINAL i.lt\\\\.r , tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: /t,tl tl INSPECTOR I N S P E Cri*O N, $fi,_Op*eS r iOF PROJECT INSPECTION; JOB NAME €?a€' READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI ------@' PM\oJ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGR tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr n tr tr tl tr tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION r tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr 0 TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL \/APPROVEDx- CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc ,& * =r'{i- {f rNSPEcroR t. ,l\> -.'- INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQIJEST: VAIL - ?. rROF PBOJECTPERM DATE MBIT NU \rr E JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFIOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr FRAMING D o o ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB SH tr - INSULAT {,ri,.'l], C FINAL - N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT\r )h tr SUPPLY AIR 6\;tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR P"iFslop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,"ril"toNTOWN OF REQUEST IVAIL r rr. i C\a,\rx,t \.-\DATE READY FOR LOCATION:ita '\ '" iQ N::l: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI a F(eenoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING 'b tttsut-ertor.t O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o Dtr tr g FINAL ELECTRICAL: "-.MECHANICAL: tr tr tr E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL n tr FINAL />-)>-j,;DATE / z <- / "r INSPECTOR nifrsrcp ,*#"toNTOWN OF REQUEST"vAlL r ... ; DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT INSPECTIO JOB NAME L/t\D.d(a CALLER TUES THUR FRI €ttt', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o u ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING D tr tr tr tr OOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL /t ,IFAPPROVED-v , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED oor, /'-^,/o "./-d rNSPEcroR , ,ryr< * INSPECTION REQUEST,., PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAT.E READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL . rr INlor: E (+ €+,+(DLr,t ( Z Ngzu et Ecrn-E-- JOB NAME MON CALLER THUR FRI .;il PM se.'u, Z APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING Erc tr_ EF 0zr:t tr tr tr o EXHAUST HOODSROUGH CONOUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL uAttr INSPECTOR '1/ r - 'jt l'.il 4qLl3 ,N#grloN_ REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL e .- !PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR tNSpECflON: -^ "O", rUES\ *R ,_-, rHUR (c;l\ ------@ PM LocArroN: tqOS S"-,nh.CS\ DV- -- CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- AMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ( neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* l-/9*?o rNSpEcroR ,r0...,(' I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTI VAIL l rr- 'PERMTT NUMBER OF P{OJECT \ =\,_ \,\ DATE \ \, \L, JoBNAME CALLER THUR IFRrREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER B HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED,: CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED v\zwto F _crloN_ REQUESTT TOWN OF VAIL r ,''.lJ(4 "' ',,INS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o JOB NAME MON FRI CALLER PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL FFAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR '* S*neenOvED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oo-. /*?q'?0 rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: a 9:rloN_ REOUEST'. TOWN OF VAIL c . rtr @PM CALLER TUES tNs THUR FRI \' \J', B( tr E] tr D ?.l \tr ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED IRRECTIONS:' . , tr DI9APPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED oerc /''*5/ -',2d rNSpEcroR :'qrt INSPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION TOWN OF REQUEST* VAIL c r- r' -a -\ JoB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: CTION:MON THUR @AM \:-\ BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION (.r/r^o"^ tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ;(ennoveo ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Ii;ttt t{F.ci- iff: t-r CTION TOWN OF REQUEST'; _ --_,_n.F:_. l a4v/' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT vAtL.l <ap JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUIIIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. _ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - - ROOF & SHEEBtr_ijiv"viio"#fiiilrNq D GAS PTPTNG -tr TNSULATToN ' tr PooL / H. TUB -O SHEETROCK N.AII-fi tr-I\..EI FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -o tr- tr FINAL tr FINAL ocK trreenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RRecrrdNs: lr ii,, INSPECTOR ti rr'. 'rr??'rniTf.l7 ../t,(t l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -,(t DATE - ll JOB NAME 3tt/v rrS krJ CALLER Nor,., t /-.o INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPBOVED rrusilcnoN REeUEsri TOWN OF VAIL Ti '*:\F READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM lgO( 5,anArr:r Dr,ve 'p neenoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL DATE 3--z. 2/INSPECTOR 'Q rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST. VAIL - CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CTION REQUIRED oor,- 9-b go INSPECTOR lal rt{sPEctroN's CoMPLETEI)v The ltens belos need to be couplete before gtvlng a pernlt a final C of 0. Please check off la the box provlded. FINAL PLM{BINC -f,r n DATE:tl FINAL ilECEANICAL DATE:I IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: INAL ELECTRICAL p,ffl,, ?-Q-?a FINAI, BUILDING DATE: WEST SIDE: TE}TPOMRY C OT O DAIE! 5 - Z-rb RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE:4"1 -ea I.ANDSCA?ING DT'E FILE NAI{E: