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TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAI L,C O816 57 970-4 79 -2138 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY D EV ELOPMENT NOTE:T HISP ERMIT MUST BE POST ED ON J08SITE ATA LL TIMES J obAddress: Loca tion : ParcelNo : ADD /AL T S FRB UILD PERMIT 2329CHAMONIX RDVAIL 2329C HAMONIX LANE 2103 11 401009 Penn it #:80 7-0281 Project #PRJ0 7-042\ Status ...: Applied ..: Issued: Ex pires: ISS UED 08/28/2007 08 /30/200 7 02/26/2008 OWN ER WONG .BERT Y .S.&GLEND A L.08/28/2 007 4 0BERTHA CIR COLORA DO SPRINGS CO 80906 APP LI CAN T DRURY BROTHERS RO OFING0 8/28 /2 007 Phone :(303)2 74-8601 3 20 5S .ZUNISTREET ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80110 Licens e:8 05-B CONTRA CTOR DRU RY BROTHE RS ROOFING 0 8/28 /2007 Phone:(303)2 74 -8601 3 205 S.ZUNISTREET ENG LEWOO D COLORA DO8 0110 License :80 5-B Descripti on: REPLACE WOOD SHAK E ROO F WITH A5 0 YEARELK ASPHALTS HINGLE Occupancy: Ty peConstruction : Valuation:$8,100.00 RevisionValuation :$0 .00 TotalSqFtAdd ed:o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"'••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SU ~1 MARY . Building-·->5167 .25 RestuarantPlanReview-c-50 .00 Total Calculated Fees->$278.96 PlanC heck->5 108.71 Recreation Fce··-·····_>$0.00 Addition,IFec s--->50.00 Investigation..>50.00 TOTAL FEES...._····..>5278.96 TotalPennit Fee-·-..·->5278.96 Will Ca ll..-->$3.00 Paymcnls--..-..·>5278 .96 BALANC E DUE-···>50 .00 Approvals: I t em:05100 BUILDING DEPARTME NT 0 8/28 /2007 JS Action:AP 08 /29 /2007 JS Acti on:AP It em:0540 0 PLANN ING DEPART MENT 0 8 /2 8/20 07 JS Ac ti on:AP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seeth eCo nditions section of thisDocum ent foranythatma y appl y . DECLARA nONS I hereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required ,completed an accurate plotplan , and state thatallthe information as required is correct.Iagreeto comply withthe information andplotplan ,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws ;andtobuildthi s structure according tothetowns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:130 7-02 81 CO ND ITIONS O F APPROVAL as of 08-30-2007 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Typ e: Appl icant: JobAddress: Loca tion: Pa rcelNo: A DD/ALTS FR BUILD PERMIT DRURY BROTH ERS ROOF ING (303)274-860 1 2 329 C HAMONIXRDVAI L 232 9 CI-IAM ONIX LAN E 2 103 11 401009 Applied : Issu ed : ToExpire : 08/28/2007 08/30 /2007 02 /26 /2008 Descript ion: R EPLACEWOO D S HAKEROO F WITH A50 YEA R EL K A SPHALTSHING LE **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** C ond:12 (BLDG .):FI ELD INSP ECTIONS AREREQUIRED TOC HECKFOR CO DE COMPLIANCE. C ond:16 (BLDG .):(SFR)SM OKE DETE CTORS AR E R EQUIRED PER SEC TION R313O F THE 2 003 IRe. ••••••••************************************************************************************ TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *******************************************************************••••********************* Statement Number: Payment Me thod: 1 427 R070001721 Check Amou nt:$278 .960 8/30/200712 :23PM Init :DDG Notation:Drury Brothe rs PermitNo: Par c el No : Site Address : Locat ion: B07 -0 281 Type :ADD /ALT S FR BUILDPERM IT 2103 -11 4-0100-9 23 29 CHAMO NIXRDVAIL 2329 CHAMO NIX LANE This Payment:$278 .96 Total Fee s : Total ALL Pmts : Ba lanc e : $278 .96 $278 .96 $0 .00 ***********************•••***••••••••••••*************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Code BP00 100003 111 100 PF00 10000311 2300 WC 0010000 3112800 Descr i p t ion BUILDING PERMIT FE ES PLAN ,CHECKFEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FE E Cur rent Pmt s 167.25 108 .71 3.00 Fax#: APP LICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE ORUNSIG ~07p aLe (Pmjec"roWN~ 75 S .Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 TOWNOF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION~\.D S rate Permits re required for electrical,plumbing,mechanical,etc.! t)V<.A.,I'~O ·RACTOR INFORMATION GenerCntror To ~~v~aiii'il~eg==.~Ni=o;;;.:';;;;9F~on~ta'""c"7't':::p'""er""s""on'""a""n'""d""p!:7h""o""ne""#';;;,,,,,s:=====""i1 ~~6 / COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$ELECTRIC AL:$OTHER:$8./()r)-- PLUMBING :$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ft'/00- For Parcel #Contact EaQle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.com Parcel # dID ?:>//LjO /{)c)9 JobName :"jSy I -I WOrl ~LIM h7 M 7"'It;)3d q Legal Description II Lot:/D II Block:it II Filing :J "SUbdivision:t!n '/f)Q oS &J7,/\ Owne~jN a mJ~IN"..,r,Address ~/(')tt?,.,,.J.j,,.r.r:(lr ,(.M fl f) ArchitectJDesigner:.....J Address :Phone : Engineer:Address :Phone : Detaileddescriptionofwork :'-.'''r &f-f f "Ja.yl r:d r -;;/to,}I ~,I 'n ",,;&j II E 1-'1·0-1 JO.!r4 r ,G<.l <.-<.J WorkClass :New()Addition()Remodel()Repa.irX)Demo()Other() WorkType :Interior()Exterior po Both()Do.es anEHUexistatthislocation:Yes()No() TypeofBldg.:Single-family (.Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other()Two-family ()Multi-family (..)) No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding :No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding : Norrvoe ofFireolacesExistina:GasAooliances()GasLoas()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burn ing () Norrvoe ofFireolacesProoosed :GasAppliances()GasLogs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurning(NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes()No()II DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No() 04/17/2007 TOWN OfVA\L http://www.vailgov.com/docs/dl _formS/buildln9.JlermiL4-17 -2007.DOC *********************************************FOR OFFIC E USE ONLY**************************~***$l~~~~~"~Rl.~(§© I Date Received:I q Dil--0 Rec eived By:,'71)·\,.,.-AUG 28 2007 .~Sb 09-11-2007 4:09pm AlP/D Information Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area : Site Address : Wednesday,September 12,2007 JS 2329CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2329CHAMONIXLANE Page42 Activity: ConstType: OWner: Contractor: Description: B07-0281 Type:A-BUILDSubType:ASFR Occupancy:Ose: WONGBERTY.S.&GLENDA L. DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING Phone:+303l274-8601 REPLACEWOODSHAKEROOFWITHA50YEARELKASPHALSHNGLE Status:ISSUED InspArea:JS Requested Inspection(sl Item:90 BLDG-Final Requestor:DRURYBROTHERS ROOFING AssignedTo:JMONDRAGON Action:TImeExp: Inspection History Item:501 PW-Temp.accessldrainailll Item:10BLDG-Footings/Steel +UFERgrd Item:20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item:21PLAN·ILCFoundationPlan Item:30 BLDG-FramiDg Item:22PLAN-ILCFRAMING Item:50BLDG-Insulation Item:60BLDG-SheetrockNail Item:70BLDG-Misc. Item:533PLAN-TEMP.C/O Item:535DIA-30DAY REMINDER Item:536DIA-SITE/LANDSCAPING Item:534PLAN -FINALC/O Item:90BLDG-Final REPT131 RequestedTime:01:00PM Phone:(303)847-9290 EnteredBy:DGOLDENK Run Id:7063 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado8 1657 te l:970.479.2139 fax :970 .479.2452 COM'dJliJTY~lOI'M£h"w eb:www.vailgov.com Project Name:WONG REROOF DRB Number:DRB070457 Project Description: FINAL APPROVA L TO REPLACE WOOD SHAKE ROOF WIlH A50YEAR ELKASPHALT SHI NGLE Participants: OWNERWONG,BERTY.S.&GLENDA L.08/28/2007 40 BERTHA OR COLORADO SPRINGS CO80906 APPUCANT DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING 08/28/2007 Phone :(303)274-8601 3205S.ZUNI STREET ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80110 License:805-B CONTRACfOR DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING 08/28/2007 Phone :(303)274-8601 3205S.ZUNI STREET ENGLEWOOD COLORADO 80110 License:805-B Project Address:2329CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2329CHAMONIXLANE Location: Legal Description:Lot:10Block:ASubdivision:VAI L DAS SCHONE FI L1 Parcel Number:2103 -114-0100-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACfiON Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:08/29/2007 Cond :8 (PLAN):Nochangesto these plansmay be madew ithout t he written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute ape nn it for bu ilding.Pleaseco nsult w ith Town of VailBuilding personnel prior toconstruction act ivities. Cond :201 . DRBapp roval shall not becomevalidfor20days following the date of approval . Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date of final approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:JoeSuther DRBFeePaid:$20.00 c o . __4__Subdivision:_~~~~~~~~~~S:::..__!. (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at970-328-8640forparcelno.) DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128fax:970.479.2452 web:www .vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application forDesign Review Location ofthe Proposal: Physical Address:---=2:=...:"""""=--.!...--_-=---::""'-":c::...::~__'_'_<.::J~_____"'""""'='...4__~'__=..L...I--- ParcelNo.:2 Io~II~OJ Om Zoning:_~--'-=::....-_ Name(s}of Owner(s}: Mailing Address:--=?/I.LI:>=-_=-'-'-l.....:...1"'-_-==---_--'-''"''--_~'--'----''-''''''''-'----~'''''''-.,p..~;.L--- General Information: Allprojectsrequiring design reviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refer to thesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatis requested.Anapplicationfor Design Review cannotbe accepted untilallrequiredinformationis received bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneed to bereviewedbytheTown Council and/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. G/Co ~ __________________Phone:_ x I• AUG 28 2007 . 2(.V'l ! NoFee $50Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea NoFee $650Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/ebuilif.OWN OF VAIL $300Foranadditionwheresquarefootage is aldrn"lHrrr::mv~.:trti;m,;rr;r:";;;'---I commerdalbuilding(includes250additions &interior conversions). $250Forminor changes to buildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand ®retainingwalls,etc. $20Forminor changes to buildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc . $20For revisions to plansalreadyapprovedby Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. o separation Request E-mail Address: o O1anges to Approved Plans Type of Review andFee: D .Signs o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-fam ily/commercial) \.p(MinorAlteration /(single-family/duplex) X owner(s}Signature(s}:_ ~ame of Applicant:~--'!:.-!:'--'tA...""""'c'--'i'/------I:=-=-~~...:..-...>....--=.I""'"''--'--'w: Mailing Address:.l>.32t;z..t:=:l...:...5"L-__5.iL-~_4"o..,>£Jl...I..--- Aug29 Q7 11:24aAlbert &JacquieRogers 88/86/2887 13:55 3832748682 719-533-0051 DRURVBROSRDDFING p.1 PAGE B2 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Dellartment of Commooily Development 75 Sotth mmtage ROiSd,Vail,CalorBclo 81657 tel:970.479.21211 m:970.479.245Z web:WWW.vallguv.COI1l (Conti!Iet Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Generallnfvnnlltlun: A1lllro'ed5 requlrtng design ~ielH must receive appl'll'ml prlor to submitting II building permit aPlJilcation.Please refer lD I!\e submittal requIrements for ti1I!p8l1IaJlar appraVllllhat Is requested.An appllClltion for DesIgn Review camot:be I~pted l¥ltil .11 required Informatlan is recetved by the Community DeIIeIopml!Ot Department The project may also nl!l!d CD be nMewed by the Town Ceunel and/gr the Planning lind EnvWonmentBI CommiSlilon. Pesia"l8VIew .ppronl ..,..unl..a buDding permit I.Issued ...Cllllatnldion (JOmmences within one ~gf tlllII .pprvdl. Descfiptfon of the Request:!e:~~~::~1.h"'l-z a...I::;jffy~=U~ GO ·Locatio n Dr the PropoAh LDt:.__B,Icx:k:SubdJviSion:,....,-_ Physical Address:_.=2......3-..::2....~_'_____"'C==_hc"_=>aLlJ"!'b"'__""c.=,.':"'....:....<....H...-....._--..,,,,~--'lA-JI P""'(.Pillal Nc.:2 I ()"3 114 ()trW OJ zenlnll:---I..-~-------------r---___:~-------- Name(s)Of Owner(5):---l:::~~~--=-~-=W---l.......,,'--~=--.::...:...--=~..:-._=d--- X Mailing Addnlul -.......-=--==-::::...;.;.....;=---=....::..=-=--=='7"""::~-.,~---=-::-='-::--""'- XOwner(&)Sigftlltun:{a):-.l~~Y-.a....l-&-~..=...:;:;..~-------_ Name of Applicant:-==-_ Mailing Address:_ _________________Phone::--_ E-mllil Address:F,u:,_ Type ofReview Ind fee: 0.SIgns o Conczptulll Rev iew o New Construdiona.Addition o MInor Alteration (mllltl-~mny/comrnetdal) \If"Minor A!t:eratIorI .r"-tslnllle-famUy/dup!ex) o Cllange5 to Approved Pl~115 o Separation Request $50 ~$1 .00 per SIIlUllfe fOllI:0(IDtiII sign ..-ea. No Fee 0 ~©~O 'W~ $650 For CXlI15l1Uctioo of'a new bUilding or demo/reIx.Ilkl. $300 For an addltlcn where squIre footlge Is alkled to n=sldWlW!1 orcomm~1 bunding (includes 250 additions;&intJ!ri f 'nYri'OHS).2 9 2007 $250 For minor changes to bulldlng5 and sltI!imlll'lM!(ll ,sumas, re-rooftng,painllng,wlnclClw additions,Iandsca,and ®retiJinil'l!l WlIUS.etc WNOFVAIL $20 Ftlr ml~~e:s to bU~din!15 and site impl'DYl!lllenlS.as, re-~'painting,wrndow additions,landscapIng,fences and retaining 'walls.etc. $20For I'1!visicinS lD plilns 1lIratt;approved by Planning stafI'or tfle Design Review Board. No Fee *******************************.*•••••**************•••••**********.*••***.*************•••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***•••••***************•••*************••••••**********••••••••*••**********.*******.******* Statement Number:R070001702 Amount:$20 .00 08/28/200703:05 PM Payment Method:Check Ini t:JS Notation:1422/DRURY BROS ROOFING Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB070457 Type:DRB-Minor A1t,SFR/DUP 2103-114-0100-9 2329 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2329 CHAMONIX LANE This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ***••••••••••******•••••••••••••••*••••**•••*****••••••••*********.**•••••***********.****** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00 100003 112200 Descript ion DESIGNREVIEWFEES Current Pm ts 20 .00 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATEOCTOBER 19,1993 btr8 ~... PERMIT NO . 1.TYP E OF CONSTRUCT ION III III IVV 2.OC CUPAN CYGROUP A B E HIRM BUILDING DIVIS ION 12 2a 3 4 z EL ECTRI CAL0 GE NERAL DESCR IPTIO N OF WORK :~PLUMBING::J INSTA I.I.GAS FIREPTAr.E TN WOO D -'« BURNING FIREPLACE >MECHAN ICAL 1 000.00 TYPE GR OUP GR .F.A.VA LUATI ON PERMI T FEE S V R BUILDING PERMIT PLA NCHE CK EL ECTR ICAL NEW ()ALT ERATI ON (xl\(ADDITI ONA L()RE PAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLINGUNITS ____AC CO MMO DATIO NUN ITS__ME CHANICAL "'"""r.r A Tlmn HEIGHT INFT.___NO.FIREPL ACE S --RECREATION FEE -----INSULATION:TYPE TH ICKNESS R-VA LLUE DES IGN REVIEW BOA RD-----,.---- FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOS IT EXT WA LLS USE TAX RO OF ]TYPE ELE C GAS TOTALPERM IT FEES FEE S WATVEDOFSOLARWOODHEATDANSTANEK10-19-93 ADDITIONALPERMITS NEEDE D:1::--------_.----------BUILDING OFFI CIAL DAT E s.~INITIA L 1----------------ST .CUT ~ONING ADMIN ISTRA TOR DAT E BL ASTING 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES: PA RKI NG DE MO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ,f illed out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this structure according to the Town's zon ing and subdivision codes ,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and oth~dinances of te Town,aPfl icable thereto . •L.JJ .;///J2~1 /.L~~.~_7 SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCON'n'IACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHE OWNER . o PL UMB ING C FOUNDATIONo •• o BUI LDINGoELECTRICAL Q:ME CHANI CAL TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETE LYPRIO RTO ISSUANCEOFPERM IT TY PEOFPERMI T 717 1 r.HAMnNTV TItLEGAL~1 0 BLK A <, VA Tl D ASSCHONE 1DESC. J OB N AME:<,r:!A c lH 1H'PT A ----- OWNER NAME GLENDA WONG ._- MA IL ADD RE Ss4 0 BERTHECR 719 -630-717 CITY COLO SPGS 809rnJi AR CH ITE CT FIRM MA ILADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOW NOFVAILREG.NO. TELE . FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM FRISCO FIREPLACE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.1n1_M TELE .hhA _">.7 h I) ~T I-1 E R FIRM G.NO. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT T O BEFILLEDOU TCOMPLETELY PRIOR T OISSUANCE O FPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE OCTOBER 19.1993unIL.o4'b.L~JPERMITNO. I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIII VV ~ 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH I RM BUILDING DIV ISION I 22a3 4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF WORK :... ""PLUMBING IN STAl.!G AS FIRFPTAr p TN WOOD ::J --'""BURNING FIREPL ACE >MECHANICAL "MIO.OO i GROUP -I TYPE G .R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R 7 \ BUILDINGPERMIT, I PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION (y l{ADD ITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWEL LING UNITS ____.ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL I FFE e::iJ A Tv rn HEIGHT INFT._~NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE INSU LAT ION :TYPETHICKNESS R-VA LLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS USETAX ROO F TY PE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEESOF FEES WAIVED HEAT SOLAR WOOD DAN STDEK 10-19-93 A DD ITION ALPERMITS NEEDED:I----------.----------BUILDINGOFFICIAL DATE s.~INITIAL 1----------------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application,filled out in full the information requ ired, completed an accurate p lot plan ,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationand plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zon ing and subdivision codes ,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and oth~dinances ofthe T 4 ,a p Plicable thereto . tiJl /J~'N:d~; SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELF ANDTHEOWNER . o PL UMB INGoFOUNDATIONo o BUILDINGoELECTRICAL Q.MECHANI CAL -. •'}':I .,-..r • •LEG A L LOT .d O---.BlK A -.......... D ESC .~~VAT'PA S sr HoN ~1 ..... J OB N AME:"WONG GAS FIREPLACE ~ OWNER NAM E 'GtENDA'\{O~G-'--'" MAIL ADDREss 40 BERTH!';CR 719-630-7171 CITY COLO SPGS 80900t AR CHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH.. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVA IL REG .NO . TELE. .UECTRICAL FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . 'CONTRACTOR ..-TELE . '"FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM FRISCO FIREPLACE MECHANICAL ..' TOWNOFVAILREG .NO .)Ol-M , CONTRACTOR TELE .~~ll._"7~n OTHER FIRM T OWNOFVA IL REG.NO . C ONTRACTOR TELE. TOW N OFVRILCOM-DEV ID :303 -Ll 7 9-24 52,AP R 29 '93 13:Lll No.OO?P .03 TOWN OF VAIL CONS'l'l<UCTrON •r", PERllI'l'Al'PLIC!TION FO '1\1l:J ' DATE:/0tdlrJ,3 \.J.!I 'tIAPPLICA'rxON MUST BE FILLED oUT COHPLE'l'ELY OR MAY'NO'l'BE ACCBPTED ~*****************************PEro~I~·INFOffi1ATION ***************************** [)-Building ()-Plumbing (]-Elect.rical p()-11echan!ca;L.(J -Other .Job Name:.1t}r;?HO Job Address:.::z..:s~9 c?Mn<?M'A .tAKe / Legal Description:Lot /1)BIOc>cJ_Filing L kAt /etAs sfG I/J/Jd'ti Owners Name:tYk4 1t)<?A(9 Address:'1b .;Bc&7ltc (l;/LJ~.4?k<f N~h .7/!-~-7/70 I I BL?9bb Architoct:Address:Ph.----- General Description:J M.q;;/I6',q..s ~e6 It(4?~doe.UHV9 &Lf/J k ee- ,,//I Work Class:()-New rXJ-Altera~ion (]-Additional (J-Repair ()-other _ Number of Dwelling units:_1_Number of Accommodation Units: Appliunces~Gas Logs Wood/Pellat _ffIDber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas ~********.************************ DUILDING:ELECTRI ~LU M B I N G :MEeHANI ***************************CONTRA enaral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: l.fechllnical cont.ruct.or t &sio 641 Address:&'mx 133<2 &&(,0 ,&/c / ********************************FO) BUILDING PEru1XT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: O'fIIER TUE or FEE: DRa FEE: TyE L~SQ.FT.VALUATION I ~-- OTHER: TOTAL: **********••*.******•••* of Vail Req.NO.~_ e Number: of Vail Reg.NO._ e Number: of Vail Reg.NO._ a Number: of Vail Rag.NO.___ a Number:4$-.37t£o *******•••***.*••••*.*** BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:~ PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:\ MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREA'l'ION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUJU~:comment.s :_,.. {LEAN UPDEl>OSl'r REFUND TO:e Dramatic Fireplaces ThatAreAlso Powerful 38,000 STUH Gas Heaters MendotaInserts Convert Any Fi ~€place ToClean,ConvenientG as. Insertsfit flush intomasonry andzerodearance fireplaces.Theyuse exsistin9chimney withliner.Nowyou can easilylumany fireplaceintoa beautifu l.dean, energy·efflCient , heal source. "Built by a companywithover 90years experience ingasenginee ring II Producelessthan 1%oftheharmfulparticulate emissions o fwoodburningfireplaces •EquipedwilhDual·Burnersforeasy,flexible controlof heat output and flamepattem •Compaclandeasyto inslall •Availablewithlhermostatcontrols •SafetylestedtoAGNANSlstandards Mendota Built-in FireplacesAdd Cha rm AndWarmth ToAnyRoom. Mendota Fireplacesare compact andeasyto install.Theyca nbe placeddirectly againstmost walls. Thereisno needfor expensive chimneys . Nowyouca neasily addaromantic fireplacetoany room. Accesso ries Gas Buil t-in t-G..,Fire places Mendot3 '...serts andBuin ir1 f Ilepl'lQlScomewilhlOtM'CGfarnc logs.coalbeda nd a 000coorecer. Options BlackOf tsass Ionegrllrs.brass arcl'ledhoot .decoratortrim kilo bIWtur ,dill lCtpowervenL lWOSIZ&6 01SUff ~S pel rnodfj. Modt'lMZC:JO ModeIMZC36 zecceeeoce Zero Clea'a'llJ """'"c._ H 33'CH W J.t 7i1 6"40 7/16" D 193'/8"2031'S" BTtIt MIO JO-Hi 35 ,000 ·1.0 25,C)l,XI MIG 36·HI 38 ,000 .Lo28,000 Ru eEtllclency : fffl. FlueDiameter. 4"'VpnB GasStIfl>ly : NmuralorLP P1loISystem: NezoSpark 5afetyContro !s: AGACeohfwrl SafetyTesled : 1f,j'arr'(Xj(H!ney IoAGAIANSlSlds. TotaiWeight: MIG3(}-175bs MIG36 -200tls MZC ·too~. Gas Fireplace Inserts """and1r"fiinlCf6JlS lfdJde brasslrom Specifications "~-c-t:I------ .-',-(] ,r G ~u 1--11 -1rfl TIIIi111 .•...JJ................... M1G30 MIG30 MIG36 ZeroCle.rcn::e ""-""""'''&.0",",,"S Ull lIll lld so-cere A 23 3,'4 233/4 <,43;4 2 73,4 303/4 33 314 B 36 3/16 4031 16 36 3.:16 403116 443116 4 83116 C 29 112 29 1/2 34 -"2 1 114 2 1 1/4 24 1i4,""16 r 141.'4 141i4 15 1/4 :§161/2 161i 2 17 1/2 H 1 1/4 '1/4 1 114 J lR J,'4 l BJi 4 24)/4 K 2",,2 24112 JO t? Mendotaenginee rs,using sophisticated compu terimag ing, havecapturedthellamepat tern andco lor of awoodfireat its pea kbeauty. To thisperfectfire,Mendolaengineers addrealisticcharred logsandabed of coals made of hiqh-tempce ramicfber Ihatglowsandsmolderswhenhit withlIameswiththe exac llookof burning wood logs. Dual-Burner HearthGlo·TheLogFire OfThe90's MendotaDual ·BurnerHearthG loCornbustion-forthefirsttime-createsa logfirewith charred logsandglowingcoalsthat is idenlicalto awoodfire. A nd,Mendota'sexdusiveDual-B urnersystem provides flexiblehiilo control ofheatoutpulandlIame paltern. , Johnson Gas Applian ce Compan y.Ce da r Ra pids,Iowa 524 05 ~~~ Mendola Hearth Division ":!:':: 1890 Wooda le Ol ive .St.Pau l,Min nes ota 55125 .61 2-731-53 67 D = 292JGlU Me rodOl"reSOlvt·s "W'('Qh\:0 ChaflQ9 pHxhK:ls.ecec-teet cos aod p uce w ithOut notiCe Printed in U.S,A READ Y FORIN SPECTI ON :M ON LO CATION :d ~d c; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . o FINAL D ~~------------- o BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTING S/S TEEL 0 U NDERGROUND _ o FOUN DAT ION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /D W .V ._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER I ROO F &SHEER <,,.,1.J /rroPLYWOODNAILING--------~-/*'(GAS PIPING ---I-f..LJf~b'""1U;;l_.tO:..:=--------- o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB -=-.,-_ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: D 'TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINA ~_ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EX HAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR -,.-_t:Ll -~hJT: ~P1fc5v E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQU IRED DA T E ---L...4 '-----'''''''-/---+-=---I NSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ft-t--1f READYFOR LOCATION: BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ ri FINAL lif-?it!1t-fr PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL , MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 -..,..-_ o FINAL _ ,I I ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL ~ /ll;f.ppffOVED -f ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'1' DATE {p -3 -91 INSPECTOR • 75south fronfage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 June 29,1990 • officeof community development Mr.Michael L.Phillips 2696 Davos Trail Vail,CO 81657 Dear Mr.Phillips: The purpose of my letter to you is to clarify the Design Review Board's (DRB)approval of the roofing material at 2329 Chamonix Lane.Staff gave a copy of your letter to every DRB member so all are aware of your concern.I want to emphasize that the Design Review Board does not favor properties which are located on Bridge Street or Rockledge Road at the expense of other properties in the Town of Vail.The Design Review Board must review every project by using the same standards found in the Town of Vail's "Design Review Guidelines." Presently,the code's wording on asphalt and fiberglass shingles is poorly written.The Board has approved asphalt shingles for other projects and has required that the shingles have a minimum gauge of 300 lbs per square foot of roofing square.The staff is currently working on revisions to the zoning and design codes. The DRB has requested that the staff address this issue through the zoning code rewrite process. Thank you for bring this issue to my attention.Please contact me if you have any further questions. ftJ~-=y~,+--""> Ned Gwathmey Chairman,Design NG/pp cc:Ron Phillips Kristan Pritz ORB Members Tom Braun Board •II:~er-~ount:un ....Engtneerlng Ltd. November 7,1989 Mike Cacioppo Box 3300 Vail,CO 81658 Re:Lot 10,Block A,Vail das Schone Filing No.1 Project No.89310S Dear Mike: Iam writing to you in response to your inquiry regarding the east boundary of Lot 10,Block A,Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. The only way in which we can accurately determine the location of this line is by performing a detailed boundary survey on this lot.This would include the re-establishment of subdivision and block corners based upon the plat of record, field evidence and our records of this area. As you know,we found three unmarked rebars on this lot in 1980,during the preparation of an improvement location certificate (not to be confused with a boundary survey).In September 1989 our client,Steve Yates,through his attorney, requested that we again try to locate these rebars.We did find one of these rebars to the northeast of the house.It is still in the same location as in 1980,however,it was buried beneath approximately 2 feet of landscaping.We did not try to find the one in the front as the asphalt drive has covered it. We also found a pin and cap (PLS No.11204)approximately 4 feet west of this rebar.We briefly checked these pins with others along the same line and found that neither agreed very closely with the others.We recommended that a boundary survey be performed,and estimated the cost of this service at approximately $2,000 .(This work will be more difficult as snow accumulates.) BoxNo .978•Avon,Colorado 81620•949-5072Denver 893-1531 1420Vance Street.Lakewood,Colorado 80215•Phone:232-0158 Mike Cacioppo . Page 2 November 7,1989 I hope this provides you with the information you requested. However,if you need anything further,please call. JMS:cjn Sincerely,.~\\':r:) ;;:!fer0panel, (Vice prjSidentIJ'. P.E. cc:Steve Yates c/o Art Abplanalp Mike Mollica,Town of Vail ••if.C'OOCT 23 sss ATTORNEYS AT LAW 6529 WEST CERMAK ROAD BERWYN.ILLINOIS 60402 PHONE,7B8·2oo4 October 20,1989 Rick Pylman,Town Planner 'I'own of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lot 9,Block A,Vail Das Schone,First Filing Dear Mr.Pylman, This letter is a follow-up letter to your letter of rescission and denial of our fence permit application. At first blush your letter would seem to be perfectly reasonable.That is,the Town of Vail feels there is a boundary dispute and therefore denies us a fence permit. My fellow landowner,Mr.Anton Belehradek,and I wish to put you on notice that we have thought carefully about your actions and have concluded the following: 1.We feel that you have been unduely influenced in t his matter by Vail Town Councilman Michael Cacioppo, who has a direct financial i nterest in seeing that our application for a fence permit be denied. 2.Your actions were further tainted by a representation from some unidentified source claiming a "boundary dispute." If you had a genuine interest in malcing the proper decision you would have required any objectors to our application to produce a current certified location marker survey to you as we did.That is to say,a survey less than six months old, 3.We feel that your actions in rescinding our permit and prohibiting any future construction on our lot line without first going through the Courts,denies us the constitutional use of our land unless we spend upwards of $50,000.00 to litigate something that should not be in question. •• 4.We feel that your actions have been arbitrary, capricious,unreasonable,and a denial to us of the due process of law,amounting to a talcing of our property without just compensation,and clearly unconstitutional. 5.We have communicated our demand for a full fair and impartial hearing to the 'Tovm Attorney,Mr.Larry Eslcwi t.h . We feel that the Constitution of the United States should apply equally to all citizens of the United States and we should not be denied our rights because we live in Illinois and the people interested in taking our land without just compensation live in,and are politically influencial in the Town of Vail. We refuse to have our land taken from us by arbitrary and unconstitutional actions.Please try to discharge your duties in a fair and impartial manner. Very Truly Yours, RCP/vp ROY C.PECHOUS -2- •• October 20,1989 REJ:D OCT 23 1989 c.Roy c.g:JE.chou~&d1~~ociatE.~,--Cc¥td.;tV'"tV cr ATTORNEYS AT LAW 6529 WEST CERMAK ROAD BERWYN .ILLINOIS 60402 PHONE:788·2004 ~J;d Mr.Larry Eskwith,Town Attorney Town of Vail /'" 75 So.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81 57 Lot 9,Block A,Vail Das Schone,First Filing Dear Mr.Eskwith, This letter is a follow-up 16,1989,to Mr.Pylan which was in response to his letter of October 6,1989,copies of both letters are enclosed. My co-owner of Lot 9,Anton Belehradelc,and I feel that Mr.Pylman's actions on behalf of the Town of Vail, are arbitrary,capricious,unreasonable,and constitute a denial of our rights to due process and amounts to a taking of our land without just compensation. Mr.Pylman has put us in a position wherein we may be forced to expend more than $50,000.00 to adjudicate this matter in the Courts when a decision should be made by the Town of Vail based on a public hearing with an examination of two or more current certified location marlcer surveys as well as testimony of the parties involved. We feel that Town Councilman Michael Cacioppo has exercised extreme and determined influence in seeing to it that the Town of Vail deny our permit application for a fence on our lot line.This is particularly outrageous when you consider that Councilman Cacioppo is directly financially interested in this matter through his contractual arrangements with the owner of Lot 10,Mr.Steve Yates,a former public official of Vail Township. •• .'/ I /' I ! Demand is hereby made upon the T own of Vail to provide us with a public hearing on our appeal from the denial of ou r application to build a fence on our lot line.Our demand for a public hearing,encompasses the following basic requests for ordinary constitutional fairness and due process of law: 1.We request that all objectors to our application be made known of record as to their true identity and by what interest they have in this matter.This is especially true of Councilman Cacioppo who has an obvious conflict of interest. 2.We request that the objectors be required to present a certified location marker survey to "theTown of Vail and to the parties,Not less than 6 months old to be produced at the hearing.--------------- 3 .That the parties produce their surveyors at the hearing to give testimony and to be subject to cross examination. 4 .That a full fair and impartial hearing be conducted with the attendance of a Certified Court Reporter and that we be permitted to introduce evidence in our favor and to interview all witnesses on the record. This letter is directed toward a serious injustice can be avoided. and coercion is very much present in t aken thus far . you The the in the hope that aura of influence official actions Thank you for your consideration of the contents of this letter. Very Truly Yours, RCP/vp Enclosures ROY C.PECHOUS -2- • 75 south frontage road vail .colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 October 6,1989 Anton Belehradek 3514 South Elmwood Avenue Berwyn,Illinois 60402 • officeof community development Re:Lot 9,Block A,Vail Das Schone First Filing Dear Mr.Belehradek, On September 6,1989,the Community Development Department staff issu ed a n approval for a fence to be placed along your property line.This approval was based on the survey you submitted dated October 1985, s i gned and stamped by James Burke of Mountain Engineering and Land Surveying Company.Representatives of the adjacent property,Lot 10, Block A,Vail Das Schone First Filing,have submitted to the Town of Vaila signed and stamped survey by James L.Wheat of Intermountain Engineering Limited in Avon,Colorado.These two surveys show conflicting information regarding the property line between lot 9 and lot 10.Because of this apparent dispute regarding the boundary between the two lots,the Town of Vail must rescind the approval for the fence and will not be able to approve any future improvements along this property line until a legal resolution of this dispute is reach ed. On October 2nd,the Town of Vail issued a stop work order for grading and landscape improvements that were in process.These improvements had not recieved Town of Vail approval.When the property l ine issue is resolved,any work on this property,including the previously proposed fence,must be submitted to,and approved by the Town of Vail. If you have any questions or any further information regarding this boundary dispute,please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, ~c..<.~~~j Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:lr cc:Peter Patten Larry Eskwith Mike Cacioppo • Ivlr.steve yates 2329 Chamonix Lane Vail,Colorado 81657 ·DearMr.Yates: • April 18,1984 On our last visit to Vail,Colorado,wesaw that you went ahead and put a culvert on our driveway and asphalted it.We do want you to know that it is fine With us to use the driveway for the time being. However,we want you to know and understand that upon sale,trade or construction,whinh ever comes first, that the driveway may be torn up and you may not be permitted to use it from then on. not be represented money or any other to or is part of be represented by a permanent easement Very truly yours, /~/£~' ~,~~ Anton Belehradek 3514 So.Elmwood Avenue ;Eer,wyn,Illinois 60402 c.c.Byron D.Brown Real Estate Co. Vail,colo. Town of Vail Building Co mmission ••-~ TE MPORAR Y Certificate of Occup ancy Countyof Eagle Dep ar tmen t ofPl anninga nd Develo pm ent Buil ding Di vision This certificate is sl:ed pu r suant totherequirem ents of Section 306 ofthe Uniform Building Co de certifying that a t t hetimeof issu ance thi s structure was in com pli ance wit~th e various re solutio ns of t he coun ty regul a tin g buildin g construction or use for t hef oll owi ng : NAME ,SteveYates R-3UseClassificationResidentialGroup'------------------------ BuildingPerm it NO L 1619 Ty oe Construc ti on V Fire Zone _3_U ~e Zone RSL SteveYates 288 Brid ge Street Vail,Colorad o 81657 Lot 10,BlockA,VaildasSchone,Filing 1 ""i lding Off i'i "~~," Da te q I v -".flJ Own er of Bu il ding -----''--------=_ Bu i 1dingAddress --'--=--__-;:-_ 2PlUMBI~G PERMIT AP PLI CA'IO N 1 °0&fr ••·(?Oll yt!-r • Ju risdicti on o f ~••°°•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•·J oe AODlll [55 VA,I..5c.iC'A/.£Ft/~17 /I .0'NO.Ile A I,o onLEGAl.105££ATTACHID SHEET) 10Esco./iJ OW,..I:III ""''''11.AOO''':':55 ".PHONE 2 5"//1.1£1/-4/£.5 CO ...T ""'C TO",-MAIL ADOlllES S PHONE L.ICt,..S[NO . 3 C /rl ,',l/O /W/JA/I-.J3'A I.l(;7 ){i.7.91 1/,4/1 "/7/-.t?5'1-}1./7 P/9'o ....RCH ITECT 0 ..O[S IG"'CIit ""'...1 \.AODIIlI:SS PHONE l.ICENSE «o. 4 [NG I N[E'"MA IL Aoo"t"PHO ....r.I.lCENSE HO . 5 L.E""O EA MA.L.AOO"[ss IUtA"'CH 6 u"O '8 u 11..0 1'11 G 7 s:'#9/£;:/9 /"fA y /.?Ff,,,-~EW "8 C lass 01 work :o ADDITION o ALTE RATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work :;:<dr.-C/~PL uri /l -;VP',.,l--;::,#."5 A PJ4'/'-/A/:.v 0.... v v (/ PERMIT ,FEES No .Type of FiJltu..or I_F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS :2 WATER CLOSET (TOILET)S ~O(J j BATHTUB .;;<:'0 3 LAVATORY (WASH BASINI to p O J SHOWER 1..17 0 '/KITCHEN SINK &OISP.;L Ol e;? /DISHWASHER ~00 APP LICAT ION A CCEPTED B V PLANS CHEeKE 0 8Y A PPROvE 0 FOR ISSU ANCEBY LAUNDRY TRAY I CLOTHES WASHER ~eJO /WATER HEATER NOTICE URINAL ;2.00 DRINKING '-OUNTAIN I HEREBY CER TIFY THAT I H AVE READ AND E XAM INED THIS J 1.t:'OAPPLICATIONANDKNOWTHESAMETOBETRUEANDCORRECT.'-LOQR --SINK OR DRAIN ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVE RNING THIS SLOP SINK TYPE OF WORK WIL L BE COMPLIED W ITH WHETHER S PECIFIED GAS SYSTEMS :NO .OUTLETS HEREIN O R NOT.THE GRANTI NG 0'-A PERM I T D OES NOT WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. PRESUME TO GI VE AUTHORITY T OV IOLATE OR C ANCEL THE WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROVIS IONS O F ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PER.-ORMANCE 0'-CONSTRU CT ION .VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL ~~_.t/~7"/5Y'/fP SEPTIC TANK"PIT 8 .-1">$/"1ff.#:r J<Or;-c-'£t?/l/)-1-- ~lliN"'T UIllE 0 "CONTltACTOIi Oil AUTI'lOIllIZE.D .4iO[NT '/''0 ")"1 ,.." PERMIT S /t?(70 I ,"NAT III 0"OWH[1Il I "OWN I.III eu Il.DEIII D A TI:)TOTAL FEE S 3 1 "CJ WHEN PROPERLY VAL IDATED liN THIS SPACE'THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /{,.I'1 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH c sc ®M Form 100.2 11~73 IN SPECTOR ".0"0."~"o ..:INTERNATIONAL CONP'IE:RI:NCIE 0,.BUILDING O...,.ICIALS.SMO •••0lllMIII.N M'I.""DAD.WHITTI ....CALl ....0".1 2••NG PERMIT APPLICATIONPLUM81 I .°~.•·• Jurisdiction of ~··°°·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~ ~ ~ J oe "'OOA (55 ~ CO '.0.I""1'·'0',EGA'I 105££ATTACHED SHEET I1DES'".C OWNEIIl MAIL .1.00"£55 ZIP PHONE 2 -I CO NT.....CTOA MAIL AOOIIIIESS PHONE L.IC(NSE ....o, 3 •- "''''CM ITEC''Ofll DE S1(O"'l[A MAIL AOOIllt[:SS PMO""E LICENSE ".0 . 4 [NGI"'E ER MAIL "00R£55 Pl'l 0 ....E l.ICENSE NO. 5 L.ENOER MAIL "'00"'[55 l!!IIItA""CH 6 \"oS E or-8 1,;'L.O ''''.. 7 8 Class ofWalk:DNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATlDN o REPAIR 9 Describe Walk: PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixtu..or Item F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET)S ,BATHTUB - LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK &DISP. DISHWASHER A.PPllCATIQN ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKElJ 8'(APPROvED fOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRV TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.FLOCR '-S'NK OR DRAIN ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS SLOPSINK TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED GASSYSTEMS,NO.OUTLETS HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK"PIT SIl;NATUllI£0"CO~T"ACTO"Olll AuTHO"lZ£D Al;£NT IOAT£1 PERMIT S SIl;"lAT "01"OWHtl'I"OWNEllI .un.DEIlI DATE )TOTAL FEE S WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECKVALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH c nc ®M Form 100.2 11-73 AUDIT ".OlllD."....OM:INTERNATIONAL CONIE'ERENCE DIE'.UILDING OP'P'ICIAL5.n.o •.WOlllNMAN MILL "DAD._MITTI.",CALI"••0 ••, • County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~1858 Buildi ng Valuation $. Electrical Val uati on $. • Job Nam e_..r~r~.lo~i~M~ck-.k ..Vail ..Das ..Sc-hone . Da te of Appli cation .J.~..~!-:l.t:1.~19 ..~~. Electrical Contractor .....J~r ~!.l.t...?~rvi ceP.0.Drawe r ··3"8(j""··········································. Gypsum,Colo rado 81637 AppIiCan t ···siii ~~i ~·;~···. APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee T otalFee $28 _00 . $. $.2.8 AO.D . ..Plan Chec ke·;··············································. ..~~..~a dc.J.a:t~rdi ~g oiiri'-. ··D~i~--·················_······ ....Rn.?!~.Q . D ate Date pa id 6/18/80····.C ····. :u~~'::g B~iIfi6~!fd.a..J#-J Rec eipt #6585 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING ·CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANC E NOTIC E REQUIREDFOR INS PECTIONS 3ELECTRtALPERMITAPPLI~ATION.... 0 l; (I~•·..'7.!~",z Jurisdiction of ">•a /a·Applicant to complete numbered speces only."••J OI&A CDIII lES S {/~/U Y/C -C7 LOT N O . 1 0 .<A-IT i;;L~J!DM .C:::d '-O SEE Amc HttJ:i',"ttt.EOA.J /01DESert...ih lJ {'I ,~ OWHUI ~d~v e Vd cs MA I L AODI'lE SS ZIP PH ON E 2 (/76 -IJ 71 3 COHT ROC TO R BY'.f',d .s:Y Ii :~A '.AO OR '5 ' PMO NE LI CENS E:NO . ~2.q;-j¢'<tJ I C;9 '{/ ARC H ITE CT O R D ES IGN E R MAIL A CD RE SS PH O NE L IC E N5':NO . 4 IENG I"4E £R .......,11..A D DR E SS P HONE LI CENS EN O• 5 r..E NDER M A I L A O DIIlE S5 8 ""',.,.CH 6 ..... USE OF"S UI LO ING l!~7 I 8 Class ofwork :~N E W o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work :VJ~d~i.('! PERMIT FEES No .E a ch F e e SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGH T SWITCH T otal LIGH TING Fixtures APPLI CATI ON ACCEPTED BY :PLANSC HECKED B Y APPR OVED F OR ISSUAN CE BY FI XTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE D ISP.STA.COOK TOP I HER EBYC ERTIFYT HATI H A VE R E AD A ND E XAMIN ED T HIS D ISH.WASH.CLOTHES WA SH. APPLICATI ON AND KNO WT HE SAM ET OBE TRUE AND C ORRECT.S PACEH TR .STA.APP L ."H.P.MA X . AL LPR OVISIONSO FL AWS AND OR DI NA NCESG OVE RNINGT HIS TY PE O F WO RK W ILLBE COM PLIED W ITH WHETH ER SPECIFIED MOTORS :H .P.-HER EIN OR N O T.TH E GRAN T ING OF A P ERM I TD OE S NOT PRESUME TO G IVE A U THORI TY TO VIOLAT E OR CA NCE L TH E .....J:II.:::>-V \,/1 ,r1 f-_II!' PROVISIONS OF AN Y OTH ER STAT E OR LOC AL LAW REG UL AT I NG .,...../~J {/I Y O CO NS TR UCTI ON OR T HE P ERF ORMA N CE O F CON STRU CT ION.NO .TRA ~. L .:.«,SIGNS NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER O POLE O UNDGD . SERV ICE 0 -200A 2 01 ·400A O NEW 40 1 ·600A S I"N).TU AE 0 "CO NTA ....C TOt't O Jil ....U T HO JiliZEO ....G I[NT (O ....T El o CHANGE O VER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE S ./ 5 ICON....T U RE 0 ,.OWNElII I f'O WNER e UII..DEA l (D AT El TOTAL FEE S~[;0 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /t3 5B PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK .M.O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O .C ASH Fo rm 100.3 11 -73 ~-,I &s8"Y ~~&YKd~J ~/1(J I NSPE CTO R R 8 0R O"F ROM 'INTERNA TIONAL CONFEREN CE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS'"'0 S .W O RKM AN MOLL R O AD'WHOTT>.:...........II 3ElECTRI}Xl PERMIT APPlI ..........,.....,.TION.. ~..'..0 ~~•z Jurisdiction of ">.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."••Joe ADDR £'SS LOT NO. 1 m , ITR.e ;OSEE ATTACHED SHEETILEC.L IlDESCfIl. OWNER .MAIL ADDRESS zop PHONE 2 J r CONT .....CTOR ,MAIL ADDAES$PHO,.,.£.LICENSE NO. 3 L ...fIlCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE L ICENSE '40. 4 ENGINEER MAIL.AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 LENDER MAIL.ADDRESS BRANCH 6 USE 01"BU ILD ING 7 8 Class of work:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No.Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 8'1'FIXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS DISH.WASH .CLOTHES WASH. APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT .SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.l/Z H.P.MAX . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS ,H.P. HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING " CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.NO .TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERVICE 0·200A 201-400A I ONEW 401-600A SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOI':OR AUTHORIZED A.GENT (DATE.o CHANGE OVER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ S ICONATURE 01'"OWNER I"OWNER eUILOER )(DAT E)TOTAL FEE $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH TEMP FILE or 1003 11 -73 1'01 '.r-,:itev e Y t.es Va il ,Col orado 81657 •I\R,f l 'l'ECT i).,GONTIIOL 2'7(Y,):'.e m-t ina Lane VAll"'/jf1 lHAM 81 (;57 h7 (,-'J1 '11 RECEI VED MA Y ~1930 jle pl .ot Pl,nnicg ~D ove~ lagle,County .Colo . )1'11 15.1930 e lw reby a pprove y our p l nns a nd SflE'C ificati ons su.l::nitted f or a sill!',le fa'i ly 'l Ol1se o nLo t 10 ,'l oc k A.Va il S •.e 'lone ,"l i ~n .l1~le County .Col 0 1 d o Int '\t ,10 f o llo i w stipulAt.ion sl .l eony to !,.4 W ):1 more s o lid a nd (Inclosed a p pearnr '0 .:0 eJq:'O s ed f Olmdation or EJY.POS OO mo tal 'nlco'1\'posts to be at l east (,x (. .;0 additional livi l'Y"un it r;'1all b e d evol opOO wit "in t '10sn fltruc tUl'eS befo re s cel{in'"11 00 o hta1..ni l1p:a p provn],fron l·~l o Co\m ty fl tl lO l ot a p az-s t.oo sma 'l.I f or t ",-o dwol1 irw units u nder-t Il e CClIUlt y Zoninp::'0 5 0 ution ,;0 cars or ot"er obstM.lCtions o n county road .lilic ',n unt,~c om pletely clear at all t inos Lots o f Inn dscapirv .includil'P,tMe5 . Any fu turo a d ditio ns .ltorations .i ncl m li n,,:color cl \a n~es .etc .mu st be 5uhrd tted for a p prova],to "'.Are',it ""t,"",,'eont,.."""'"i tt....et ~=-~~~~'-.:;~....,..-~=::..--LOUD !'.J.IVI .,j :;·ro~l "~be r d .('.anaul tant 1~7f.-:rJlIl~ / !orOOrt.r ' C e·C.r·t f 'j1n nru"~~a nd l'ov El lo :.T\on tep•0 !.~a _,• I:~.1 13 County .. County of Eagle ELEcrRICAL PERMIT NQ 1792 T E ~lP ORARY •• Job Name S.t~){~y.i!.te.S __.. Lot 10,Block A,Vai l dasSchone Date of Applicat ion l 5 tlR f.i.J.19 ~Q .. Electrical Contractor ~.::b~.\.~~~~.~~~8.0 . Gy psum,Colorado 81637 Building Valuation $.Applicant.. Slanature Elec trical Valuation $. APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $J2.,.OQ . $. $J.?:.QQ .. Plan Checke.r Date ....~.5..1\Rr.i .1...1.9.8.Q . Da te Date Paid 15..Apr .t .I ..~B.Q .. B~'i'~~7:g Bi~~1-~~9 f ~ Receipt #6 299 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS 3 CASHCK.M .O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O . WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)T HIS IS YOUR PERM IT /11J= ElECTRI~Al PERMIT APPUdt"rION\ PLANCHECK VALIDATION ••J ~ ,0 ~XI~•·z Jur isdiction o f ">•0 0•A pplicantto complete numbered spaces only."•·JOII "DO III [55 \L /<-/',/u ....'h --:..J(~&\j/.--(1J,f...,v,s -./...P<h:t..,,(·I L O T NO.OLK IT .'CT O SEE A TTACHED SHEET )LEGA L -lD"c •./IJ 14 - OWN EIIII MAI L ,&,DO ..E SS Z IP P HONE~..Lh.-.1 liaJ-.,......¥7t.->3 79 CCN TIIIIACTOIIII .~.MAIL AOOIIII[5 5 P HO NE L ICEtt S[N O . 3 ./J~~~l4-fin .-?,f',o ~,..r.,<;'.;J#-9i/<.J /~9-¢ AIIIICH ITECT OR DE S I GNER M A IL A D D RES S //P HO NE L IC EN SE NO . 4 EN G I NEER MAIL AC DRE SS PH ONE L ICENSE:N O. 5 L ENDER ......lL A D DR ES S BIII A ".CH 6·U SE:0"e U I L.DING 7 8 Classof work:O NEW o ADD ITIO N o ALTERATION o REPAI R • 9 Describe work:,-"iA->-1-~~/);?.h .LJ..l!.-, rr:J..-J 011 V~f /I -:::::::=-..-;:...-z-.t/PERMI T FEES No.E achFee SPEC IAL CO ND IT IONS :Tota l R ECE PTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH· Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPL ICATION ACCEPTEDBY :PLA NSCHECKEDBY APP ROVED FOR tSSU ANCE B Y ;FIXTURES RANGES CLO.ORYER WTR .HTR. NOTIC E GARBAGE O IS P.STA.CO OK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED TH IS DI SH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.SPACE HTR .S TA.APPL.'I,H.P.MAX. ALL PROV ISIONS OF LAWS AND OR DINANCES GOVERNING TH IS T YPEO F WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETH ER SPECIFIED MOTORS ,H .P._.HEREIN OR NOT .THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NO T P RESUME TO G IVE AUTHOR ITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE L THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER S TATE OR LOCAL L AW REGULATING - CONSTRUCT ION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONS TRUCTION .NO.TRANS. S I GNS N O .LA MPS TE MP.P OWER U PO LE UUN DG D. SER VI CE .O·200 A.c i,'"l /(1 ,(/fe )4 -//-&j 2 01 ·400A o N EW 40 1 ·600A S IQNATUAt 0'CONT~AC TO Ill OR Al,U'fl ORIZEO AGENT /ID A T El o CHANGE OV ER6 0 0A .PER M I T ISSUI NG FEE S S IGNAT "E 01"OWN ER I 'O WNEI'I e Ul l.DEA ,IDA T El TOTAL FEE s /..?t7~ INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11 -73 R E ORDER "'ROM:INTERNATI ON AL CONFERENCE OF B UIL DING O FFICIAL S.5 360 S.WO RKMAN MIL L R OAD .WHITTI C".CALI "••OCO, 3IONELECTRI~L PERMIT APPLI,w • .0 a~·z Jurisdiction of "•.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."••J08 ADO'-E5S LOT NO .I"LK Ime T O SEE ATTACHED SHEET )LEGAL I1DESC". DWNEIlI lIAAIL "00lllE55 ",.PHONE 2 CONTIt.CTOIll ""'A IL AD DRESS PHONE L ICENSE N O. 3 ARCHITECT 0"DES IGNEFI MAll.ADDRESS PHONE L ICENSE N O. 4 ENG tNEEIt MAll AOOIII:£55 PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 LENOUI M AIl.ADDltESS IUtAHCH 6 USE OF"BUI LDING 7 8 Class of work:DNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL CONOITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED F OR ISSUANCE BY FIXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS DISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.V,H.P.MAX. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS,H.P.HEREIN DR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION DR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERVICE 0 ·200A 201·400A }:;DNEW 401-600A SICNATUIU:01"CONTRACTOlll 01'1 AUTHOIilIZED AGENT (DATE)D CHANGE OVER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ IGN T "0"OWNER IF OWNER BU ILDER D ATE)TOTAL FEE $. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH "'e e L.E Fo,-73 REORDER FROM :I TERf"rIA:TIONAL CONEERENCE OE BUlL-DING OEF'ICIALS.~uo S .WORKMAN MILL "DAD.WHITT'.",CALIF ••~nl BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328 -6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FilECOPY VALIDATION DATE SteveYates 1 I PROPOSED U SE) Construct Si ngl e Fa lllilil Dwe~Y1-,i..Ln",gl--__--;-::::-:-::=~=~!;!,~mNgFu NI Ts _----"'_ (TVPE OF IMPROVEM ENT)NO . PER MIT T O Lot 10,Block A,Vaildas Schone,Fil ing 1 (No.1 (STREET) (CROSS STR EETl(CROSS STR EET) ~B ETWEEN -==-=-===,--A NO -..,..,."...,-,,..,.-==.,...-_"'L--'---' Vaildas Schone A (TYPE) Permit is issued for single family d10Jelling only , "g BUI LDINGI S T OBE FT .WI DE By FT.L ONG By FT.I N HEI GHTANDS HA LL C ONFORMIN CONSTR UCTION Dl a ZT OTY PE USEGROUP BASEMENTWALLS OR F OUNDATI ON ,--,--_ ::l' Il:a 1L REM ARKS:-...<:.J~"'-'--'--'-"'_'~......""'_.........l+___'>_+U\:I_+'OO:--I--<l""-''_YI--J......."'-'--I-I-uy--J.l........,y_.------------------ Plan Check Fee -$178.00 75 ,000.00 ~~~M IT $356 .00 :~""'~",~4A(C UBICI S Q UARE FEET) OWNER -----;~~~7'7..:::=-"-;;-;--__;____;.,___:_:_-::_::_-__;_-_=_=_=_=:::_---- ADDRESS _-'=-"=--=--'-'''-'''''---''''-'''--'="'''-'''-'-...!.-'''--!...!L...>......".,,''--'-'''-'-'''-'''-'''----'''''-'''"'''-l._ AREA OR $VO LUME --:-=-:=--.-:-,.-------ESTI MATED COST (Affidaviton reverse sideof application to be campleted by authorized agent of owner) FIELD COpy BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DATE Steve Yates 1 (PR OP OSEDU SE ) CD truct Single VallrilYJ ~U ..!.i!-,n:::l.g __---.,===-::-:::-,..-g~~mNc?FUN ITS_--"-_ (TY PE O F'I M P ROVEMENT)~O . PER MIT T O Lot la,Block A,Vaildas Schone,Filing 1 (NO.)(ST REEn (CROSS STREET)(CROSS S TREET) ~BE TWEE N --;-:::=::::-:==,--AND ---;-:==-=-==-,--_ ~L-;,,;,;;.;.;.,;;....:......;.;;.;...:....~;.;.,;;....:......;.;;.;...:...._.1 Vail «i ds Schone A -c g BUILDIN GI S T O BE FT.W IDE By FT .LONG By FT .IN HE IGHT A ND SHA LL CONFO RM I N CONSTRUCTIO N lD (TV PE) l Penllit is issued for single family d\>Jelling only o Z T O TYPE USEGROUP BASEME NTWA LLS ORFOUN DAT ION -,----,_ ::lE 0:a u,REMA RKS:_...J:J::a..lILL'"-J...,;>---L.....cW::u......uLL..........~~C-..L<lUll_L;J'-"wu:::..uL..I.J~....LLl.l.J.,?J_o.------------------ (CUB IC I SQUARE rEET) r:•• BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ,°~•Co...,"",\...g z ·Jurisd iction .t ")=~c:~•c .°\:°•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."••Jo e "O CR [55 Lo\\n 'J.i.,L!A ~-\.~.......<11 \G"--..h ~C'">.~"'_\\.~V:l ~~0,")..~1..'"'...."-I COT NO .O C K r;~'~J \J~"~\..-.O'-"-"-LE f:AL A O SEE.Af TACIoI£.D SMEET. l oe5 c..\0 DW NEiIt M ....1L ADDR ESS lOP PHON£. 2 s~c,...~~.\.l:.~;;l ~s,a.~,'>.c-).("..~.8 ("'Or '-17·(..-('S 7-0, CON TRAe T OA M AIL AOOl'lE5"'!f PHONE LICENSE ...0 . 3 »::»: A "CH IT£CT OR O£'S I GNEIII M A IL A O ORES S ~,,\."'""-~Pi"lONE L ICE NSE:N O. 4\~_,~\...\\'..\)~~~'(<l ~c c...'d J ~c;:-\.)~~"'hA ~<l>\\y 5'O"I -d1'f -cr-;n 1- ENGINEE R "MA I L A OOAI:55 PI'(pNE L ICEHSE NO . 5 Cu.~\~~e:\<....""'"<,6\~4 (?...........~Or \~<J""<../ 6"]:'::,MAI L A OQRE:SS 811t"'NCH ~"'"<,<l L...,.......I/\A (o(,8(<=,~l- U SE 011\eUILD ING ~~......'"u\,7 ~'c\.'-~c,..~+'--""' \ 8 Cla ss ofwork:E;i'NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o RE PAIR o MOVE o REM OVE 9 De scribe work: 10 Change of use from Change ofuse to 11 Va luation ofwork:$.7-5:00-0 P LAN CHECK FEE I 78'.()O IPERMIT FEE ,6..35&.00 SP ECIAL CON OITIONS :Type 0 1 Occupancy Const.Group Division Size of Bldg .N o.o f Max . (T ota l)Sq .Ft.Stories Occ.Load F ire U ,.Fire Sprin klers APPLI CAT ION AC CEPTED BV PLA ~S CHE C KED BV APPROVED FOR ISSU AN C E ElV Z one Z one Requir edD Yes O No No.o f OFFST REET P ARKING SPACES , Dwelling Units C overed I Uncovered NOTICE Special Approyals Required Received Not Requ ired SEP ARAT E PERMITS ARE REQUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB-ZON ING lNG,H EATING .VE NTILATING OR A IR CONO ITI ONING.HEALTH DE PT . THIS PERM IT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN t20 OAYS,OR FIRE D EPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANDON EO S OIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK I S OTHER ISp.clly)COMMENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM INED THIS APPL ICATION A ND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. AL L PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORD INANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONST RUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. I S I CO C 7'r CONT"AC~A U THOAIZt.D ACt.NT (DATEI !Y~/~'J -?)(-8C):;:i~9rCVNAT"E 0"OWNE I I'"O WN!:"BU Il.D EAI DAT EI /WHEN PROPERLY VAL IDATED liN THIS SPACEl THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /(,:>/9 "lAN CHECKVALIDATION CK .M.O.CASH PERMITVALIDATION CK.I M .O.CASH 6 1P1 -1f:-(n ze-~o/~ n INSPECTOR 1~..• BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ,0 5,·•Jurisdiction \"·(.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."·•Joe A DDIII e s s LOTNO .r c<IT .ACT LEG AL I OSE E ATTACHED SH EET I l DEsu l . OWNE III MA IL "OOIltESS ZO P PH ONE 2 COHTI"'.CTOR MA IL AC OIIIE SS PHO'll£LICENSE NO . 3 A R CH I TEC T O lt 0 [511;",£A ...4 11,.A D t')RE SS '""ONE L ie E:H 5E N O • 4 E NG I H E £~M ....I L A:;l ORE SS P HONE L.IC£N$tN O. 5 LENDC R MA I L AOD llU :SS B IIIA NCH 6 U SE 0 "II U I L D I H~ 7 8 Classof work :DNEW D ADDITION DALTERATION D REPAIR DMOVED REMOVE 9 Descr ibe work : 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuseto 11 Valuat ion o f wor k :$PLAN C HECKF EE IPER MIT FEE SPECIA L COND IT IONS :Type of O ccupancy Cans t .G r oup Dtvlsf on Stze o f B ldg,N o.of Max. IT ota l)SQ.F t.Sto ries occ .L o ad Fire Use Fi re Spr ink lers APPLICATION A CCEPTED BY .PLAP.jSCH ECKEO BY APPROVEO FOR lSSUANCE B Y Zon e Zone Required DVes D No No .o f OF F STREETPARKING SPACES , Dwellin gU nits Covered I Un covered NOTICE SpecialAp provals R equired R eceived Not R equired SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUI REDF ORE LECT RICAL .P LUMB·ZON ING ING .H EATING.V ENTILATI NG O RA IRC ON DITIONING .HEALT HDEPT .THIS PERMIT BECOME S NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED ISNOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS ATANY TIME A FTER WORK IS COMMENCED .OTHER (Specify) IH EREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R EAD AND EXAMINED THIS AP PLICATIONAN D KNOW THE SAME T O BE TRUE AND CORRECT. A LL PROVIS IONS OFLAWS AND ORD INANCES GOVERNING THIS TY PE OF wORK WILL BE COMPLIE D WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED H EREIN O R NOT .THE GRANTING O FA PERMIT DOES NOT P RESUMETO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE P ROVISIONSOFANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNA T U'U:Of"C ONT IIlACTO"0111 A UTI-IOR I1ED A G ENT (D ....TE:) SI G NAT URE:0 '-OW NE:1'l I"O WN EIit IU I L.OEIIl OA TEI WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE )THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O .CA SH F orm 100.1 1·77 EXTRA D ate R ef erred A pl l cant P ermit No . .,4+/tJ ,!i48 Jt 1/4<:;tJ-v ~ Loc ation .P t anri inq Comm ission Fil e No.------ Re vi ewan d r et urn to the County Building O ff i ci al w ith in 6 w orkingd a ys P l anni n g:Comp l ies wi th: Subdivis ion Re gulations Zo ning R e gul ations Site Plan (Landscaping) No Reviewed by:D at e:!3 ..6 ...f(D R e comme nd Approv al:---------- DODOo0 DO A~C om m e nts:__-LjlLl,LL-~U='-I2.Io£Oo.~_ C ou n ty E n ginee r:R oads Grading Drainage R e co mmend A p prov al:~ ~~ DO DODO (2R 0 Commen t s:------------------~::=~____z'7A~1!_=,......,:::=----- C oun ty Heal th :W ater S an itat ion Perc.test F in a l Insp ection :C /O R ec ommend Appro val Comm ents : DO F i nal I nsp ect ion:L a nds c ap i ng R ecomme nd Appro val 00 Oornrne r rts :--------------------------------- C /O Issu ed by _D ate---------- Fin alF i li ng Date _ EAGLE COU N TY SUILDI f6PERMIT APPLICATION • ~F INAL:C/O INSPECTI <W;L ANDSCAPE INS PECTIO N FO~ ~::;~u;;o,m ()J£o~e'OUI;ng Date R efe rred ~~.P erm it No ..4/()~f1)/t!~Iks~ L o ca ti on Pf arm lnq Commission Fil e No ._ R ev iew andr eturn to t he County Sui Iding Official with in 6w o rk ingd ays PJan ni ng:Comp li es with: S ubd i vis ion R eg ul ati ons Zoni ng R e gul ations Site Plan (Land scaping) C oun ty Eng ineer:Ro a ds Gr adi ng Drain age C ounty He alth :W ater S an itation Perc.t est Fi nal Inspe ct ion:C /O R e comm end Approval C omm ents: Yes N o 88 DD D ? DO Reviewed by:Dat e:J.-?-7-1D R ecommend Approva l :_~--l..!~~~t:n~~__ ") Fi lial In spec t ion:L andsc ap i ng Recom m end Approva l 0 0 Cornrn er rts:------------------------------- C /O I ssued by _Date _ F i nal Fi li ng D a te _ lEAGll.!E COUNTY •TOLL FREE ~M BE R S: Va il -.-5257 Ba salt -92 7-3823 27 February 1980 SteveYates 288 Bridge Street Vail,Colorado 81657 ADM INISTRATION E xt 241 DEPART MENT OF BU ILDI NG &PLANNING EAGLE,CO LORADO8 1631 T E LE PHON E 303 /328·731 1 BO AR D OF COUN TY CO M MI SSIO NERS Ext 241 AN IM ALSH ELTER 94 9 ·429 2 ASSE SSOR Ex t 202 RE :Application for Bui ldin g PermitinEagle County Lot 10,Block A,#1,Chamoni x Road,Vai l das Schone LD /adj I t wou ld be to your a dvan tage if you begin to res olve anyproblems a nd/or r equirements a ssoon as pos si bles oas no t todelay the is suance o f your buildin gpermitanylon ger th an necessary.\ ~v,L()UCl~'-(" Les Douglas I Ea gle Count y Buildi nqOff icial County Health-Not Approved.Need draina ge pla n,incl ud ing erosion control andreveg etation . /i:.~R &eee-7J Efl k Ede en County He alth Officer The Eag le County Building De pt.requires that ap plications f orBuildi ng Pe rmits in Ea gle County be routed tothe Eagle County Planning,En gine eri ng, andEnvironmental HealthDepartments for the ir comments prior to issu ance of the per mits.Your appl ication was routed on 26 February 1980. Listed be l ow are t he comments and recommen da t ionswhich were made bythe abovedepart mentsdurin g the routing pr ocedure.If you ha veany ques ti ons orwishtoget fu rther e xplan ation,pl ease cont act th e approp r i ate dept . Planning Dep artment -Not Approved.A)Landscaping(7) B)Parkin g(7),must show 3 spaces .(10'x 20' outside)C)Sideand rear setbacksmin.12 .5' or ~height of building which ever is greater. D)Drainage(7)E)OK for one unit after A-D aretaken careof F)Lotcoverage(7) G Floor area ratio (t) CLERK & RECORDER E xt 217 COU NTY ATT ORNEY Ex t2 42 E NVI RONME NTAL H EA L TH Ex t2 38 ENGIN EER Ext 236 BU ILDI NG I N I NS PECTIO N E xt 226 or 229 SHERIFF EagleEx t 2 11 Basal t 9 27·3244 Gil man 82 7·57 51 EXTENSION A G ENT Ex t 247 PLA NNING Ex t 226 o r22 9 PURCH ASINGI PERSO NN EL E xt 245 SOCIAL SERVI CES 328·63 28 T REASURER Ex t 2 01 PUBLIC HEALTH Eag le Ex t 252 Vail 4 76 ·5844 LIBR AR Y Ex t 255 R OAD &BR IDGE E xt 257 e /I . Siteca tConcreteofColorado,Inc. 8144 Brook Drive Littleton,Colorado 80123 J anuary )1,1900 Mr.Paul Davis Denver Truss &Co~ponent }~g. 915So.Florence Denver,Colorado Re:House Pliin #855-1 by Home Building Plan Services Inc. Dear Paul, Please let this letter &the following pages of calculations act as certification that the above referenced house will carry a70 p.s.f.roof live load providing that the changes as shown on the roof plan onpage1 of such calculations &below are met. 1.Roof sheathing to be 1 1/8r.(2-4-1)plywood. 2.Roofbeams to be4x14doug fir-larch #1. J.Hipbeams to be6x14doug fir-larch #1. 4.Ridgebeams to be glu-lam 5 1/8 x18doug fir-larch 20F. 5.Eave Beams to be4x12doug fir-larch #2. 6.Garagebeams to be4x12doug fir-larch 12. 7.Roof fascia beams to be2x 12 doug ;fir-larch 11. ~~----..,')'i;l6: ~-'0 ~" ...'>«--> Yours truly, 8.Colum~s supporting ridege beams to be6x6doug fir-larch f 1. Beam to column connection to b e with col.to bm.cap cc66 by Simpson. Suchcolumn shall extend continuously to foundation in basement. 9.Columns supporting eave beams to be4x 8 doug fir-larch dense ;1. Connections of beam to colUff~to be col.to bm.cap CC44 by Simpson. 10.All other columns under roof beams to be 4x4doug fir-larch #1. 11.Where garage beams frame into house wall,nail 2x12 to stud wall w/ 6-16d nails per stud &secure garage beam to 2x12 w/simpson HHU4 8 beam hanger. Providing the ab ove c han ges are made,the above referenced structure will 's afelysu pport a70 p.s.f.live load ont he roof.Fo~~dation should be examined for such loading after soils information is obtained. Should you ha fb ~u~s~i2n~;o~e rn i n g the above,plese contact me at 287-5525 • .--__.._.------ u ate ,·--··-:····z~··········~::.Permit #,,---. \1~Sp.~~..cmjt----:--C()LO·RA'i:io ·······.. ··i I .1 HoTE ~2..c.o t,T O g rt cAP TO BE S (I:-(Ps.0 N CC 4 ~ ,r -,-. I i ' I ! ; .-I... I ,I I I . .~t--~-·--r --i·----, t ' , G-AP-AG-E"'~": fP-PtM~>l HTO S TI..l D \)J ~Ll-i .I w>t:HH0 A-B.: \ " ,:. .' I .~ , ~-o , .~I _.••'- ••\"'.:.. EAGLE COUNTY -BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 .•1.31::::>I t<I 'I INSPECT N E?17'72- REBUEST DATE if·/::r·fl O TIME RECEIVED 9:~/.J JOB NAME So/:(d.__'2ta-fJ.,.; PM CALLER U &../-:;J[C< BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION STANDPIPE FRAMING woes OOOS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE THUR COMMENTS:{/2,¥;;-(;i:~~ cBZ VED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- ,{/DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 ••I INSPECT N REGUEST 1/ JOB NAME _ AMPM CALLER -----'__-'---'-_ (DATE I J TIME RECEIVED BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTILATION -TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION WED THURTUEMON COMMENTS:__~.::........:__--:-~'--:::....::::::.:::===____~_="______..:::....=_=___==______'__'==________'~_=:.._______'_=__ , ~~O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOllOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE if.n ·OtJ TIME RECEIVED /cJ •Iter; INSPECT'.N 'REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY _________0 PARTIAL.LOCATION --'-_ PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE woes FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LOCATION : PARTIAL FRAMING READY FORINSPECTION - ~~c..LL+-AMPMTHURWED c¥---=-//-.7 0 £IAA ~I a I'"(7 /en ~A-u /~.tfJ fJ .TUE 1:n4fA /! /7 ,1/4 ·0. MON COMMENTS :--7=--:.=.;=-::-'--....:.....--~=-"'-'----'-"=.:.-"-__:_''---'-~--'---'---=------------ o REINSPECT001SAPPROVEOPPROVEO (o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE / EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 •INSPECT N REGUEST DATE __~JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION ____ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: DOTH ER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION __ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ [J APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- DATE /'J BUILDING DIV ISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339.•J(P17 REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY PARTIAL TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL LOCATION: :I ,I J 7'7/..!'J116 ?""' I )'-I ;://Y'Ir LOCATION _ COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: _________0 PARTIAL. PARTIAL _...<--=''-L--'-''-'-''-,---_~JOB NAME SIt.~'"1 V1 T, CALLER 1/'f-1.f ", ~i,L<.. FRAMING BUILDING LOCATION : (/•r , o REINSPECT FRI AMPM READY FORINSPECTION ~WED THUR <2{r o<r:-1 . f''1r .....-Jot c».,n, MON DDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 ••INSPECT N / REo.UEST DATE _-"------''-'--'---'-JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED /A~PM CALLER _ .- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woe S FRAMING VENEER FINAL HOODS FINAL FINAL ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: I LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM o REINSPECT I o DISAPPROVED.....APPROVED COMM '7NTS:-----------------------+------------- ;/ I o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE " EAGLE COUNTY :5IUVr'.>'1/ri h-- i ,L/7CP -OS"'/-2.-1 t3P/f /(P/9 INSPECT"N REBUEST•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 ·6339 DATE ",-I!;q lro JOB NAME,-------'---'-----f-;-'-"---:-:-:------;----- TIME RECEIVED /.'~(J AM 'M CALLER ~~=____.:=_!.J:.~_ BUILDING FRAMING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION: PARTIAL ~ LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: 1/r f (/,/ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REI NSPECToDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPECT N REO-UEST DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ....!-_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL /PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: vDOTHERDPARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ D DISAPPROVED MON i TUE , WED THUR FR1-----,/--'-----'-"--:::-"__AMPM / /( D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE 1./--=fr- I /J/ld 4'/r~/(,~LJI.,/?e.r -/-M/?cY ~-:7d -b5~.:2..-~kc7~~;/ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL REGUEST WENTrLATION PARTIAL MECHANICAL ..g'?#/~/9 INSPECTAN EAGLE COUNTY ,.-4'./-O~L c:'/d-aa/ PLUMBING STANDPIPE woe S • PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING DATE "U4.-4~-@ JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED :::1./5 AM (~./CALLER BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 / D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION /A.r.1 /.JU #/~/d $e~~cr"/~.fl {"~ ,LOCATION:LOCATION: I LOCATION:LOCATION: D REINSPECT >\ D DISAPPROVED D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : COR'R"ECTIONS------------------------------- DATE 7 -/@j EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 •INSPECT N REBUEST DATE ~__~~C_JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ ;J BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woesFRAMINGFINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIA L.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION THUR o DISAPPROVED FR 1-,,-,,--,-=-..,,-'__ o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE 7-/:61 ./ •l IP /&! RE13UEST PARTIAL TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL PARTIAL VENTrLATION PARTIAL PLUMBINGCOVER INSULATION __ SHEETROCK VENEER _ ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL FOUNDATION BUILDING ,LOCATION:-LOCATION :~~;,q~1 to./ LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: I W v~J o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. 1 f LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MaN ,]TUE WED ~FR,AMPM :/1 COMMENTS :~/11 /./L /LA'-?.t /J (;<../,/,,;/v o DISAPPROVED 7 o REI NSPECT I, ,. --- --- ; / /J DATE I f;; REGUESTN EAGLE COUNTY, 1J-/-U::;--- INSPECT f Y(,/U-{K.( •BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE 1-'?YO JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPMCA LLER --------r----------------- o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED r;:.:R--FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE ----L-+~~-:-'---"'-=-__ TIME RECEIVED _ •INSPECT.4IN /61Cj REGUEST BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FOUNDATION STANDPIPE FINAL woe S FINAL L ":;"SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:hOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON READY FORINSPECTION ;;,:)/-U WED THUR FRI II C '/5 A fT A 4'r.Z;er---.Q 'L /--rfln A &.4-=r ;r-<a,:':''~tt """"'/r:I"if bL ~R OV E D DDISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 ' ••INSPECT N /4'// REGUEST • DATE /I.JOBNAME /TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _=-'--_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATiON STANDPIPE FRAMING W Des FINAL FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT t FRI 1/~fJ L,-AM9 CJ:_~) THURWED READY FORINSPECTION MON o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE I ,~ •• REGUESTINSPECT.eN•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAM E -=."'2"-----~r7'___;;_e___5:::~==-"---"~.....::...----,=-.'''--'~---- TI MER ECEI V EDAM PMCALLER _'--'="'-"--"'-''--_""'-'--=-'-''-'-~::::--_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY TANDPIPE FRAMING FINAL woes PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ FRI-----/,.,.4-Art PM)THURWED READY FORINSPECTION MON COMMENTS:_ .... :/J=/6/7 REGUESTN EAG LE COUNTY INSPECT••• BU ILDING DIVISION P.O.Box 179 • PHONE :328 ·7311 DATE 1:1 -3 JOB NAME ----------tt;;;.......:;='------------- TIMERECEIVED //:;1.0 AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION: ~3 9 aL--..L</ /U4d vue LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT FRITHURWED READY FORINSPECTION o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHEFOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE :tJ=It;,/9 REGUESTN EAGLECOUNTY INSPECT•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE :328·7311 DATE 1,2 -3 JOB NAME ----------ff=="------------ TIME RECEIVED I/:~O AMPM CALLER _'I BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __VENTILATION TEMPORARY SHEETROCK STANDPIPE ROUGH VENEER FINAL woe S FINAL ROOF SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: / o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT rFRI_L.--,--~...c....,--,=-/A ~.WED THUR READY FORINSPECTION o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE /;2 -?./!i11