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• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departm ent of Community Deve lopment 7S SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el:970,479.2139 fax:9 70.479.2452 w eb:www .vaifucv.com Project Name:STEPHAN OFF ROOFCHANGE Project Description: ORB Number:DRB070671 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (CHANGEROOF MATERIAL FROM CORR UGATED METAL TO GRAY STANDING SEAM META L) Participants: OWNER STEPHANO FF,RO BERTA.MICHAI1/1 9/2oo7 Phone:390-4529 PO BO X 4573 VAIL CO 8 1658 APPUCANT STEPHANO FF,ROBE RT A.MICHAI1/I9/2007 Phone:390-4529 PO BO X 4573 VAIL CO 8 1658 Project Address:2339 CHAMON IX LNVAIL 2339 CHA MONIX LAN E location : Legal Description:Lot :11 Block :A Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIt 1 ParcelNumber :2103 ·114-0101·0 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTlON Motion By: Second By: Vote : Conditions: Action:STAFFA PP Date of Approval :11/20/2007 Cond:B (PLAN ):No cha nges to these plans may be made withoutthewritten consent of Townof Vail staff and /or the appropria te review committee (s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitut e a permit for build ing.Please consul twith Town of Vail Building person nel prior to construction activi ties. Co nd:201 DRS approval sha ll not become valid for 20 days follow ing the dateof approval, pursuant tothe Vai l Town Code ,Chap ter 12-3-3:APPEALS . Cond:202 Approva l of this project shall lapse and become voidone (1)year following the date of fina l approva l.unless a build ing perm itIs iss ued and construction is commenced and is diligen tlypursuedtoward comp letion. Planner:BillGibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 , ChangesTo The Approved Plans Application fo r Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Va il ,CllIorado 81657 tel:970 .479.2128 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www .vailgov .rom j Loca tion 01 the Proposal :Lot :Lslock:Subdivision:v::.:I tZ.J .s:t .-,-<L Physical Add ress:t B l'ct-......"1)<t~"~ Parcel No.:hI!!3 I I 'f (7/010 (CO ntact Ea gle co .Assesso r at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:;1,..:.~_2.L....~~_ Nam e{s)01 Owneo(s):~L -t ..5'T~L'"""d Mailing Add ress:tfo"¥>'7 3 V<;./c-0 .:f'Ie r t /'.P~-<(l -4\9 Owneo(s)SignabJl'e{s):~ Type of Review andFee: o Cha nges to Approved Pla ns SUbmittalRequ irements: $20 For revisions toplans already approved by Pla nning Staff or the Design Review Boa rd . 3 Sets ofPlans Addressi ng Project Olanges Signatu re of Homeowner(s)or Associatio n Planner: I • ULTRA-eLAD PROPERTIES:WEATHERING AND ACCELERATED TESTS -Hou rs :1000 TOla l Cha lk:RillinG 8 Color:S...E Hunter Unl1 9 Mal( "'''f!tr~1'1 'f!"!"<-::h',.J Aluminum ,....'l" Hoors:1000 Total Chalk:Aaling 8 COlor:s~E Hunte r Unll s Max A STM No. ASTM C 3361Acceleratedweathering (Dew Cycle Weat heromeler) T,et ~...nizod S I'"___________________~......,:Galva lum.. a uv As rM G53 Hours:2000 Total Cha llc Ral '''''8 Color.M E Hunter lJflitrJ Max Hours:2000 Total Cha ik:Rating 8 Color.M E Hunter Un1t8 Mex Sa lt Spr ay ASTU B 117 HouIS :1000 SCr1bo :Rat ing 6 .~6" Field :Rat ing 10;No e lls le.S Hours :3000 SCribe :RIl hng 10.No C.ltePQge FIeld :Rating 10:No Bl lstlifS Hum Idity AS TM0 2247 Fo rm ability ASTM 0 4145 Elongl tlon over 118 "ASTM 0 522 CytJndt1Ca1 M andrel Pencil Ha,d rte$$ASTM 0 3383 Spect.llar 0 108&ASTM0 523 Impact Aes ls tance ASTM 0 2794 Falling Sand AST M 0 968 Aam e Te .t A STM E 84 Ho u rs:2000 RaMg 10 ,NoBlislllr5 No Tape Pick Off No Cracking No loss crI Adh8l:lion HB-2H 25-35 at 60 - 3 x Metal Thickne ss In Inch-lb . No L06S of Adhesion 55 *10 Ute rll Class A Coaling Hours:3000 Rating10.No Blisters No Tape Pick Off No C rltCk.ing No lo$s 01 AdheSiOn HB -2H 1.5 x Meta l Th ickness in Inch-lb. No Loss of Adhesion 55 *10 utere ClaSS A Coating 'a/spar () ~, :<!..:,~,.•.' ", Maintenance The l ull st rength Kynar 500'"and Hyla r 5000"'finish on ULTRA.cLAa-is a premium l luoropolyme rhnish and doe s nol requ ire mefntererce.II clean ing is deenec .use mild 1 soap a ndw a terfol lOwedby a clean water rinse .•I ',~'J' Product Description ULTRA.cLAa-pre-fin ished metallealUres vatscar's Flu ropon-fu ll strenglh Kynar 500'"and Hylar SOW pa int lin · en ee.This highpe rformanceprod uctp rovides t he ultimate resi stance aga inst fa dingand w eathering .Lif eex pectanc y Is 20 years m in imu m.In a ddit ion 10 ou r sta ndard co lors ,cus tom co lo rsare also a vailab le . Installation ULTRA.cLAa-ca n be cut,fanned .l a bricaled and attached us ing hand or power tools.Fabncali on a nd lnst ane- non shallbe jn accordance with proj ect d rawings and s peci fi- cat ions and con fo rm to accepted she et met a l pr act ices and in dustry standards.Cu ttingedgess hould be kep t Sharp ,clea n a nd p rope rly aligned.Exe rciseca utiondUring ta brtc euon and installati o n to avoid d amage .Pr otective f ilm mus t be removed immediately after installation . ULTRA-CLAD™ CMG eoAT~D META"S G ROUP " Colo r Samples Cojors shown represent t he actu al colors as accurateasm od - e m prin ting t echnology will pe rmit.Free me tal samples a re a vailab le upon reques t.Additional custom co lors a re a lso a vailable up on request II"YN.IJ'l 5()l}'•oJ Mgi_-.01 Bf A_Mn'I ""*"'-Me:. IMA1l MXJt1'~It!<f}(/_'"ot AuwMnt lISA.Inc OAtVAl!AlE"~rlll~0 1Blee. F~'"A ""l'11.tM 1_".'.01 n...Valsp.>'Coqw&riOIl UIrr.·CWd"II 1 111 _01 CNr«I~aIlI G""4'- 800 WatsonAv enue ,Madison ,WI 53713 Ph one :608 ·271·9399 Fa x :608 ·271-4729 Toll Free:800 -784-0356 .(. ~.:.t~, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta tement Number :R070002563 Amoun t:$20.0 0 1 1/19 /200704:42 PM Payment Method :Cash I n it :JS Notation:$/808 STEPHANOFF Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB070 671 Type:DRB -Chg to Appr Plans 2103 -114 -0101 -0 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 2339 CHAMONIX LANE This Payment :$20 .00 Total Fees : Tota l ALL Pmts: Balance : $20 .00 $20 .00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST; Ac count Co de DR 00 100003112200 Des cr ipt ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current PInt s 20 .00 .---- ......"Of ~.....,.,..."'" i I lit ro:ft I ,...~_,.IL GRAPHICSCALE i -,-, -, L o r 10 I I I \ \ \ \ UNPLArTED \ \ LOT 12 > •, ~.~,.-,~ r;:"",,,I t ~I <a<a.o ..'h'''."v'"•."""'.-.... ---.-~-.i. e.t_,o n __ I n __ ~~._- _...n "",__""---_.....-_n_~ IDQ[U ".CI-_=_....--. -~ -~--_...~-_.--------------~wn __ .""-ic • .. n U U .•. ,ft~: ,l i~, I I ~.{;~.'p ~........ .'... . I -, -, -, -, • GRA-P llle ~C.:'I..E i i L OT10 ......'.. PL AN VI EW \ !'\,./ >.It /--.\;-•'~-- / ~ /\ / \ ~---Ii~,.'. I I "" \ \ \ UNPl.ATTED \ \ LOT 12 -----_u __ ~~.- 1*-"-..--:---:;;:....,..::.-::--:;-----.._---..:.--:.-;..- :":----.:.:-...::.::.=::..- .., TOWNOFVAIL . Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Depart ment ofCommunity Development 7SSouthFro ntag e Road,Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 tel :9 70.479 .2 139 fax:970.479 .24 52 web:www.vanccv.ccm Project Name:STEPHANOFF RESIDENCE Project Description: SITE COVERAGE VARIAN CE Partldpants: PEC Number:PEC060069 OWNERSTEPHANOFF,RO BERT A.MICHAlO/09/2006 Phone :390-45 29 POBOX 4 573 VAIL CO8165 8 ARCHITE CT RKD ARCHITECTS 10/09/2 006 Phone :9 70·9 26·2622 PO 80X 5055 EDWARDS CO 8 1632 Lice nse:CO OOO0 1770 APPUCANT STE PHANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/09/2005 Phone:39 0-4529 PO 8 0X45 73 VA IL CO8 1558 Project Address:2339CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location:2339CHAM ONIX LAN E Legal Description :lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DASSCHONE FIt 1 Parcel Number :2 103-114-0 10 1-0 Comm ents: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:KJE SBO Second By:CLEV ELA ND Vote:5-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVE D Date of Approval:11/13/2006 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochange s to these pl ans may be madewitho utthe written co nse nt ofTownof Vail staff and /or the appropr iate rev iew corn rru tteets). Cond:300 PEe approv al shall not be not beco mevalid for 20 days following t hedate of approval. Planner:Bill Gibson PECFee Paid :$500.00 _., \~~..."'"., Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission 0epBrtment fA Community ~ 75 South Frontage Road.Vai,Colorado 81657 tel:9 70.479.2139 fax :970.4792452 web :W'MY ....8~gov.oom Type of Application and Fee : General Information: Al l projocts rllQulring Plann ingand EnvironmentAl ConTnl'iSio n review must receive approval prior 10submitting 8 bulldhg ponnlt awliC&tion.PIoase refer to !he su tmittal requ irements tor the pAI1ioJlar a pproval tha t ;S requested. AA application for Planning and Envirormmtal Commission review caonol be acx:epled until aO required Infoonatlon is recelv8d by the Canmunity DcvcJopmenI 0epIrtmant.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cwncil and/or the Des9l RevIew BOBrd . $650 $400 S650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 $1300 $1500 S650 S650 $1000 $0000 seooo $1250 Qnjitional Use P9mit ~In Modification Minor Exterior A1lea100n Major Exterior A119l'8lJm Development PIAn Ammdrrmt loa ~tPlan ~•ZOn.ing Code ~en t •na""" Sign Variance 5 ;f~C'c'V,"'_;<:.V"'C,."".....c;-4!! -""jo<Sub<M;ion Miloi'&t:ldMsIon BlcmptJon PIal Mnor Amendment to a n 800 New Spedal DeYeIopment Oislricl MajorAmendment 10 an 500 Major Amend mmt to a n SOO (noexterio r modiflc8tlons) Descrtpllon of the Request:-~'-'.!"----"""'''''''':7-',,----,c:.:''''''''''-''"-'''------ location of the PropoNlI :lOt:~BIock :_il__SUbdivision :tA o"f R--.s <4 .(.01(C;1:"3 I Phys i cal Address :13 J 9 CA""',.,......."( Parcel No.:2-'9;5'1 If o I ()I 0 (Contact Eagle Co .Jlssoss or a l 970-J28-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning :\~ Namels)of Ownerls):R.bu-r ff~"I..~~<,r.,r, Mslling Address :(?.:>d.",I/,/")v.:::..f CO ~/cr-.J' -=--~::-----:--:-;"'5j,?~-::-:::::::::;;o:~~':19<>-'tn ~ Owner(s)Slgnature(s):~..:::=:=~d Name of Applicant:e..b ~....r s ~,d &.".c:r-, MamngAddress:(?"4.~1/1'7 3 v.::..~C o 8 tCT tf> ________________Phone :1 9"'·'Ir1 P E-mail Address:B.r~r".e.".IC#<1f7;..~I:........CC.....Fu:._.i.llJ-:<•....:.-..Li.~.:...:;.f.--.::c..---_ ForOffice ~y :.:;3~0 /"(Lc)v;>"f-. Fee Pa id.~Cher:*No..By:L 1- Mectng Oate:t1-l3 -OIQ """No.:.\0&(,(J Is 00(9PIanm<:_No.• ~",,-!-'.-vPageJof6-04101104 1 •••••••••••••••••••••++••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T OWN OFVAlL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sta tement Number : Payment Me thod : CO NSTRUCT ION R0 60 0016 64 Check Amount:$5 00 .00 1 0/0 9 /2 0 060 2 :08 PM Inl t:JS No tat i on:3380!COL Permit No: Par cel No: Si te Address : L oc ation : PEC0 600 69 Type:PEe -Variance 21 03-114 -0 1 0 1-0 23 39 CHAMONI X LN VA IL 2339 CHAMONI X LANE T o tal F ees:$50 0 .00 Thi s Payme nt :$50 0.00 T otal ALLPmts :$50 0.00 Balance:$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM U ST: Ac co unt Code PV0 010 0003 1 12 500 De scription PEe APPLI CAT I ON FEES CurrentPInts 500 .00 • M EMO RANDUM TO :Planning andEnvironm ental Commission FROM:Commu nity Develop ment Department DAT E:November 13,2006 SUBJ ECT:A req uest for a final review ofa varian ce,from Section 12-6 0-9,Site Cove rage,VailTownCode,pursua nt toChapter 12·7,Variances,Vail Town Code,toallo w fo r a residential additio n located at2339 Cham onix Lane/Lot11,Block A,Vail DasScho ne Filing 1,and settingforthdetai ls in regardthereto. App licant: Plann er: I.SUMMARY RobertStep hanolf BillG ibson Theapplicant,Robert Stephanoff is requesting a vari ance from Section 12-60-9, S ite Coverage,VailTown Code,toallow fora residen tialaddition,located at 2339 Chamoni x Lane.T his same variancewasoriginally approved on November 22 ,2004 andissettoe xpire on November 22,200 6 (i.e .Fridayof nextweek).Based upon Staff's review ofthe criteria inSection VIIofthis memorandum andtheevidence andtestimony presented,theCommunity Developm ent Department reco mmends approval ofthis vari ance requ est subject tothe find ing s noted inSection VII I of this memo randum . II.DESCRIPTION O F REQUEST The applicant is proposin ga renovationtoan existing sing le-familyresidence with aone-car garage,orig inally const ructed in 1979 ,locatedat 2339Chamonix Lane .A vi cini tymaphasbeen attac hed for reference (Att achment A).T he existin g lot is non-conf ormingin regard tothe T own'sminimum lotsize standa rds and the stru cture is non-confor ming in regar d to theTown's engineering standards for driveways .This exi sting househas 7 60 sq.ft .of gross resi dential f loor are a(4,159 sq .tt.allowed ),490 sq .tt,ofga rage (600sq.I t,allowed )whi ch c reate1,290 sq.rt .ofsitecoverag e(1,808sq .ft.allow ed),and includes a two-car garage. The propo sed renovation includ esa new dri veway ,two-car garageaddition, enclos ed entryway additi on,dining lliving room addition ,andan uppe r level expans ion(master bedroom ,bed room 2 ,bath2,and office).Th is proposal will involve lowe ring th efron t one-th ird ofthe existing building by convert ing the existin g garage into crawl space and anenclosed entry .Anew two -car garage will thenbe attached to thefront ofthe existing structure.Additions tothe upper levelofthe stru ctu re are also proposed .The proposed renovat ion wi ll create a tot alof 3,0 19 sq .tt,ofGF RA (4 ,159 sq .tt,allowed ),540sq .ft.ofg arage area (600 sq .tt,allowed),and 2,071 sq.tt .of sitecoverage (1,808 sq.tt .allowed).T he ap plicant'srequ estandproposed ar chitectural planshave beenattac hedfo r r eference(Attac hm entsB and C). T he provisions ofSect ion12-17,Variance,V ail T ow nCode,de termine th e r eviewc r iteria and review pro cedure s for a variance req ue st. III.BACKGROUND Theexisting resid ence located at 2339 Chamonix Lane was origina lly co nstruc ted in1979und er Eag le County juris dictio n and today is legally n on- co nforming in rega rd to t he T own's minimum lot s ize standa rdsandthe str ucture is no n -c on form ing in reg ardto t heT ow n 'se nginee ring st anda rds f o r d riv ewa ys. T his sam esite coverage va riance req uestwasoriginallyreviewed by t he Plann ingand Environm entalCommissionat its November 22,2004pub lic heari ng .Atthat ti me ,Staff recommendedapproval ofthesite c overage variance to faci litate th e c onst ructionof agarag e on the site;however,Staff r ecomm ended d enial of thesit ecoverag e va riance tofac ilitate th e c onstruction ofthe gross resident ial floor a rea (G RFA)po rtions of th eadditio n. At its Novem ber 22 ,2004publ ic hearing,th e Co mmissio n approval the site covera ge varia nce requestassub mittedbyt heapplica nt.T heCommission fo undthatthisreq uest wasco mparable toother sitecoverage varianc es previous ly approved by the T ow n andth atapprovalof this req uest would nat c reate a precedent.T heCom miss ion foundth a t approval o f thisand sim ilar va riancesprovided flexibility and incentives forredevelopment of exist ing propertiesthat are diff ic ult torenova te.T heCo mmission found thatapprovi ng t his requestas proposed c reated amore att ractivede signt han co uld be achieved bymakingminorred uctions to the amount of s ite coveragebe ing req uested .The Commissionfoundthat the sitecoverag e variance being req uested wasfo r ag arage a nd smallcantileveredelements.T he Commission alsofoundt hat wh ile this request allows foradeviation from theallowable site coveragenum bers ,it do es meetthe intent of thesite coverageregu lations. T odate ,theapplic anthasnot begunco nstruction oft he renovat ionsto 2339 Cha monixLaneassociate d w ith theNovember22,20 04 var iance approval. PursuanttoSection 12-17-7,Vail TownCode "Approval of the variance shalf lapseandbecomevoid if abuilding perm it is not obtainedand construction not commenced and di/igently pursued towardcompletion within two (2)yea rsfrom whentheapprova l becomes fina l.n T herefore ,the applicant's November22, 2004will expireo n Nov ember22,2006(i.e.next Friday).T heapplicant still intends to c onstructthe p roposed renovations ,sothe app licant h as r e-subm itt ed this variance requestfor th ePlanning and Enviro nmental Commission 's co nsideration. IV.APPLICA BLEPLANNINGDO CUMENTS Staff be lieves that the following provisionsofthe Vail TownCodearerelevant to thereview ofthis proposal: T iTLE12 :ZO NINGREGULAT IO NS 2 • C hapte r 12-6 0:T wo-FamilyPr imary/SecondaryR esidential(PIS)D istrict 12-6D -1:Purpose :The two-familyprimary/secondary residen tial dis tric t is intende d to providesites fo r single-family resid entia l usesor two-family reside ntial uses in which one unit is a largerprimary res idenc e and the second unit is asmaller caretakerapartment,together with suchpublicfacilities as may appropriately be located inthesame district.Thetwo-family prima ry/secon dary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light,air,privacyand open space for each dwelling .comme nsuratewith single -family and two-family occupancy,and to maintainthe desirab le residential qualities of such sitesby establishing appropriate sitedevelopment standards. Chapter12·17:Variances 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsFor SeekingVariance:Inorder topreventor tolessen such practical difficultiesa ndunnecessary p hysicalha rdships inconsistentwith theobjectivesof thistitle as would result from strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement, variances fromcertainregulationsmaybegranted .Ap ractical diffic ulty or unnecessary physicalhardshipmay result from thesize.shap e,or dimensions of a siteorthe location of existingstructures thereon;from topographic orphysical conditions onthe site or intheimmediate vicinity;orfromother physical limitations.street locations or conditions in theimme diate vicinity.Costor inconveniencetotheapplicant ofstrict orliteralcompliancewith a regulation shallnotbe a reason for granting a variance. 12-17-7:Permit Approval and Effect: Approval of thevariance shalllapseandbecom e voidifabuildingpermitisno t obtained a nd constructionnotcommencedan d diligentlypursued toward comptetio n within two (2)yearsfromwhen the appro val becomesfinal. Prop osed 25 ' 15' 19' 18' 1 uni t 3,277 sq .ft. 2,071 sq.I t.(23 %) 6 ,328 sq .I t.(70%) 3 sp aces (2encl osed) 2 339 C ham onix La ne Lot 1 1,B lockA ,Vai l das Schone 1"Filing Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residen tial Medium Densi ty Resident ial Residential 9 ,042 sq .It.(0.2 1 a cres) Medium Severity Rock fa ll All owed/Required 20 ' 15' 15' 15' 1 units +1 T ypeI EHU 4,1 59sq .ft . 1,8 08 sq .It.(20 %) 5,425 sq.It.(60%) 3 spaces Development Standar d Setbacks: Fro nt: W estSide: EaslSide : Rear : Density : G RFA : S ite Coverage: Landscape Area : P ark ing : S ITE A N ALYSIS Address : Legal Description : Zon ing: Land UsePla n De signatio n: Current Land Use: Lot Area: Hazards: V. 3 VI.SURROUNDINGLANDUSESANDZONING North: So uth: East: West: Cu rrentLand U se R esidential Resi dential R esidential Residential Z oning T wo-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential T w o-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential Tw o-F amily Prim ary/Secondary R esidential Tw o-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential VII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Th e review cr iteriaf orareq uest of th is n ature ar ees tablished by Ch apt er 12-16, VailTo wn Code. A.Consideration of Factors Regarding theSetback ~a riances: 1.There lationship of therequ ested v ari ance to other existing or potential uses and structures Inthe vicinity. At its November22 ,2004 publichearing,the Comm ission found that this request was comparable t oothe r sitecove rage varia nces pr eviouslyap proved by the T ownandthat approval o f t his req uest wou ld notcreatea precedent.T heCommission fo und that approval ofthis andsimilar variancesp rovided f lexibilityand incentivesforredevelopmentof existing propertiest hat a red ifficult to renovate.The Commissionfoundthat approvingthis request asproposedcreated amoreattractive designtha n could be achievedbymaking minor reductions tothe amount of site coveragebeingrequested.T heCommission found that thesite coveragevariance being requestedwas fora garage andsmall cantilevered elements.T heCommission also foundthatwhilethis requestallowsfor adeviationf rom the a llowablesitecoverage numbers,itdoesmeettheintent ofthesitecoverageregulations. Staff does notbelieve t heproposedsite coverage variance will haveasignificant negativeimpact o n this criterionin comparison toexisting conditions. 2.Thedegreetowh ich relief from thest rict and literal i nterpretation a nd e nforcementofa s pecified regulat ion i s necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among s ites inthevicinity orto attain the objectives of th is title without a grant of special privilege . At its November22,2004 public hearing,the Commission found thatthis request wascomparable toothersite coverage variances previouslyapproved by the Townand thatapprovalofthis request would notcreate aprecedent.T heCommission foundthat approvalofthisand similarvariancesprovidedflex ibility and incentivesforredevelopment ofexisting properties thataredifficult torenovate.TheCommission foundthatapproving this request 4 asproposedcreatedamoreattractive design than could be achieved bymaking minorreductions to t hea mount ofsite coverage being requested.The Commissionfoundthat thesite coveragevariancebeing requested was foraga rageandsmall cantilevered elements.T he Commissionalso found thatw hilethis requestallows foradeviationfromthe allowable site coverage numbers,itdoesmeet theintent ofthe sitecoverageregulations. Therefore,Staff does notbelieve theproposedsite coverage variance willhave asignificant negativeimpacton thiscriterionin comparison toexisting conditions. 3.The effect o fthe requested var iance on light and air, d istribution of population ,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,a nd public safety. Staffdoes not believethe proposed site coverage variancewill haveasignificant negative impact on t hiscriterion incomparison toexisting conditions. 4.Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicable tothe proposed va riance. At its November22,2004public hearing,theCommission found that t hisrequestwascomparable toother site coverage variances previo usly approved by t he T ownandthatapproval ofthisrequest would not createa precedent.T heCommission foundt hat approval of thisands imilar variances provided flexibilityand incentivesforredevelopment ofexisting propertiesthat a re difficult to renovate.TheCommission foundt hatapprovingthis request as proposedcreated a moreattractive designthan could b e achieved by making minor reductionstotheamount of site coverage beingrequested.T heCommissionfoundthatthesite coverage variancebeing requestedwasfor agarageandsmall cantilevered elements.T he Commission also found that whilethis request allowsfor adeviation f rom t he allowable sitecoverage numbers,itdoesmeett heintentof thesite coverageregulations. B.The PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission shallmakethefollowing findings before granting avariance: 1.Thatthegra nting ofthevariance willnotconstituteagrant of special privilege inconsistent witht he limitationson other propertiesclassified inthesamedistrict. 2.That thegranting of thevariance will notbedetrimental tothe publichealth,safetyor welfare,ormaterially injurious toproperties or improvements in thevicinity. 3..Thatthe varianceiswarranted foroneormoreofthe following reasons: 5 a.The strict literal interpretation or enforcementoft he specifiedregulationwould result inp ractical d ifficultyor unnecessaryphysical hardshipinconsistent withthe o bje ctivesof t histitle. b.Thereare exceptions orextraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothe samesiteofthe variance t hat do notapplyge nerally tootherpropertiesin t he same zone. c.Thestrict i nterpretation orenforcementof the specified regulation wouldd eprivet he applicant of privileges enjoyed by t he owners of otherpropertiesin the same district. VIII.STA FF RECOMMENDATION The Community DevelopmentDepartment recommends approval of the variance request fromSection 12·60·9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode, pursuant toChapter 12-7,Variances,Vail Town Code,to allowfo r a residential addition locatedat 2339Chamonix Lane/Lot 11 ,BlockA,VailDasSchone Filing 1.Staff'srecommendationisbased upon the reviewoft he criteria inSection VIII 01 this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented.Shouldthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission choosetoapprove t hisrequest;the CommunityDevelopment Department recommends theCommissionmake the following findings: 1.Thatthe granting otthevariancewillnot constitute a grantingof special p rivilege inconsistent withthe limitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesame district. 2.That thegranting of thevariance will notbe detrimental tothepublic health,safety,orwelfare,ormaterially injurious toproperties or improvementsinthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literalinterpretationorenforcement o fthespecified regulation would result inpractical diffic ulty orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwiththeobjectives of this tit/e. 4.Thes trictinterpretationor enforcementofthe specified r egulationwould deprive theapplicantofprivilegesenjoyed bythe ownersofother propertiesin the same district. IX.ATTACHMENTS A.Vicinity Map B.Applicant's Statement C.ArchitecturalPlans D.Architectural Plan highlightedto show proposedsitecoverage E.Planningand Environment alCommission 11/221 04 p ublic hearing results F.Public Hearing Notice 6 a.Thestrict literalinterpretation orenforcement ofthe specifiedregulation would result inpractical d ifficulty or unnecessaryphysicalhardship inconsistentwiththe objectives of thistitle. b.There areexceptionsor extraordinary circumstancesor conditions applicable tothesame site ofthe variancet hat do notapplygener allyto other properties inthesame zone. c.Thestrictinterpretationo r enforcementofthespecified regulation would deprive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyed bythe owners ofother propertiesinthesame d istrict. VIII.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunity Development Department recommen dsa pproval ofthe variance requestfrom Section 12-60·9,SiteCoverage,VailTown Code, p ursuant toChapter12-7,Variances,VailTownCode.toallow fora residential additionlocatedat2339 ChamonixLane/Lot11,Block A.VailDasSchoneRling 1.Staff'srecommendation isbasedupon thereviewofthecriteria in Section VIII ofthis memorandum and t heevidenceand testimonypresented.Should th e Planningand Envi ronmental Commission choosetoapprovethis request;the CommunityDevelopment Department recommendsthe Commission make the following findings: 1.That the grantingof thevariance will notconstitute a granting of special privilegeinconsistent with the /imitations onotherproperties classified in thesame district. 2.Tha t thegrantingof thevariancewillno t be d etrimental to thep ublic health,safety,orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurious toproperties or improvements inthe vicinity . 3.Thestrict literalinterpretationor enforcement of thespecifiedregulation would result inpracticaldifficultyorunnecessary physicalhardship inconsistentwiththeobjectives ofthis title. 4.Thestrictinterpretation or enforcementof thespecified regulationwould deprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. IX.ATT ACHMENTS A.Vicinity Map B.Applicant's Statement C.ArchitecturalPlans D.Architec turalPlan highlighted toshowproposed site coverage E.Planningand Environmental Commission 11/2210 4 public hearing results 6 (}) NOR TH o i\O rHl -'"1"=100' >~e- 3••tr > ....__~....,.....,_~V ..G<lI ~<f __...r...~~_T..'...,.._~.._ (_...._........,.......> •Attac hment:8 "".:",,. Desc rip tion ofth e Varian ce requested f or th eSt ephano ff Res idence Therequest is foravariance from the20 %sitecoveragemaximum inthe 2 Fam ily Primary/Secondaryzone district.Thisisanon-conforminglot.The square fo otageis 9,041.73.The minimum Squarefootage inthezone districtis 15,000 squarefeet.The current gravel driveis inexcess of16%.Themost practical way toresolvethedrivewayissue istobuild a garagein front ofthe existing structure at anelevation setf oran appropriatedriveway slope.The resultantgarageslab would be 10 feet below the existing lower level.W e haveproposedthis garage and a heated entrythat will connectth e home to the new garage.Thenew constructionwill resolve the .driveway issue and will complywith a ll othe r zoning restrictions but,due to thesmalllotsize,willexceedthe1,808 maximum square fo otageby 262squaref eet.The existing nonconformingdrive/garage and the non-conformingsitecreatea significantpractical difficulty.The strict interpretationofthe site coverageregulationwould permit o nly5 18additional square f eet.wihi ch isnot sufficient to providea requiredtwo-cargarageand a n e nt ry.The proposedsitecoverageof2,071 is significantlyunder t he3,000 square fee t of sitecoverage of a conformingminimal lot in t his zone district. This variance willhave no impact ontheother existing or potential usesand structuresint hearea. Bygranting t his variance this ho me can bebrought intog reatercompliance with t heneighborhood particularlyin rega rds toitsstreetfrontage. Th erewillbe noeffectonthe light,air,d istributionof population.transportation, traff ic facili ties,utilities o r public safety. Thisrequest complies with theintentof the TownofVailplanningpoliciesa nd deve lopmentobjectives by upgradinga rundown home and bringinga nonconforming project into muchg reater (althoughnot complete)compliance . RKDArchitects ,Inc.Design andConstruct ion I J7 Main St reet Sultf'C0 04 .P.O.Bo ..5055 .Edwa rds,Colorado 8 1632 .(970 )9 26·2622 .(970 )926-9 822 fax ww w.r kda rch.com Attachment ;C i t /-:~....'\!' ,>. '=--<S-.-':--0 ,- ,'."'.I',,ii I' o :J ".iii :J -., [-,\.; z I I'!".',\, j-.1~i fi ..--.-'I ~ <,:'o I,I!I S TEP HANO2339CHt"F R ES IDE LO T ".",-<,,",VAIL C ~ON IX LANE N C E .".........."•.,,'v,.,oo.LORADO"""~'L D~S "C ''''~F "co ........o ,, I I •, I ! j ! 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'." ~. . '~1- 11-.•••"''?t ~'~ • -----. .. : ~~------------------------------1,l:~~~~x~:~~~S~~~:[I ()i,,,,,, 1.._--:"\,•,,,,, ,,•,,••,••,,,,•, r-------,,,,,,,, I I U Attachment:0 ~•"~•"•~Ito Attachment:E PLAN NING ANDENVIRON MENTAL CO M MISSION PUBLIC MEETING Monday,November 22,2004 PROJECT ORIENTATION -Community Development Dept.PUBLIC WELCOM E 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT DougCahill Chas Bemhardt George Lamb RollieKjesbo David Viele Anne Gunion Bill Jewitt ME MBERS ABSENT Site Visits: 1.O neW illow Bridge -100 W illow Bridg e Road Driver:George NOTE:If thePEGhearing extends u ntil6 :00p .m.,the Com mission may break for dinne r from 6:00- 6 :30p.m. Public Hearing -TownCoun cil Chambers 2:00 pm 1.A request for final review ofamajor exteri or alte ration,pursuan t to Sec1 ion 12-7A-2,Exterior Alterations or Modificat ions ,Vail Town Code,anda variance from Section 12·7A-7,Height,Vail Town Code,to allo w fo r revisions tothe prev iously app roved development plan forOne Willow BridgeRoad(previous ly SwissChale t).locatedall 00 Willow Bridge Road/Tracts K &L,Block 5E,Va il Vil lage F irstF iling,a nd setting forthdetails inr egardthereto . Applica nt:OneWillo w Br idg e Road,r epresented by Resort Des ign,Inc. Planner:G eorge Ruther ACTION :Approved M OTION :K j esbo SECO ND :Lamb VOTE :7-0-0 George Ruther presented an overview ofthe propo sal andthestaff memorandum . The appli cant ,Mike Foster,stated that he was available for quest ions or comm ents .Chad Sall i and Tom Kassmel,Town of Vail Public Works Departm ent,were also available fo r quest ions and comments . The PEC questioned why t heeleva tions ot theva rious floorhe ights c hanged.MikeFoste r expla ined thedesign rational fo r theproposedchanges.TheCommissio n notedthat this proposal proactivelyaddressed st reetsca pe and drai nage iss ues thatwere raised by theTown of Vail after the origin al approva l ofthis proj ect.There was nopub lic comment. 2.Arequest fo r a recom mendation to theVail TownCouncil of proposed text amendm ent s to S ection 12-3 -3(E).App eal ofTown CouncilDecisions,and s etting forthd etails in regard th ereto . App li cant:Townof Vai l,representedby Man Mire Planner:George Ru ther ACTION:Approved M OTION:Kjesbo SECOND:J ew itl V OTE :1-(1-0 George Rutherpres ented an overvi ew of th e propo sal and the staff memorandum . The Comm issi on had no co mm entordiscu ssion .There was no public com ment. 3.A reque st forfinal reviewof a co ndit ional use perm it,pursu ant to Section 12-60-3 ,Conditio nal Uses,Vail T own C ode ,toa llow for a Type IIEmployeeHousing Unit ,located at 4812 Meadow L anefL ot8 ,Block 7 ,Bighorn Fifth Add itio n,and setting fort h de ta ils in regard t hereto . A pplicant:Bigh orn LLC andthe Duane F.RogersRevocableTr ust ,representedby L arry Benway Plann er:Bill Gibs on ACTION :Approved,with conditions MOTION:Kjesbo SECOND:Lamb VOTE:7-0-0 CONDITIONS : 1)Thisconditional usepermit a pproval shall be contingentuponthe applicant receiving Townof Vall approval ofthe related design review application. 2)Prior to finaldesignreview approval.theapplicantshall revisethe plans to illustratea minimum of 75 s q.tt.ofadditional storage. 3)Priortothe issuanceofa buildingpermit,thea pplicant shall execute aType II EHU deedrestriction withthe Town of VailDepartmen t ofCommunity Developm ent to permanently restrictt he use oftheEHUfor employeehousing. Bill Gibsonpresen tedanovervi ewof the propo saland thestaff memorandum . larry Benway,applicant's represen tative,presented therevised floor plans showin g the required additional stor age fort he propos ed Type IIEHU. There was nopublic comment. The Commiss io n emphasi zed the Town's need to ad dress the curr ent EHU enfo rce ment issu es and allow Type II EHUsas pe rm itted uses,ratherthan conditi onal uses. Areq uest fora final review of avaria nce,from Sect ion 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail Tow n Cod e, pursu ant to Chapter 12-7,Vari ances,Vail Town Code ,to all ow for a resi dential addi tion located at 2339 Chamonix LanelLot 11,Block A.Va il DasSchone Filing1,andsetting forth d etailsin regard thereto. Ap plicant:Robe rtSt ephanoff,represented by J ack Snow,RKD Ar chitects Planner:Bill Gibson A CTION:Approve wit h c on diti ons MOTION :Kjesbo SECOND:Lamb VOTE :7-0-0 COND ITIONS: 1)Thisvariancerequest approva l shall be contingent upon the applicant receivingTown of Vail a pprovalofthe relateddesignreview a pplicatio n, Bill Gibson presentedan overvie w ot theprop osal an d thestaft mem orandum . Jack Snow ,a rchitect,and Bo bSteph anoff ,app licant,presented an ove rvie w al the exis ting co nditionsofproperty andthe detai ls of theproposa l. Th erewasno p ubliccom ment. Co mmissioner Kjes bo disclosed h is former bus iness r elationshipwiththeappl icant,butnoted tha t hehad noconflictofinteres t in reviewing thisapp lication. The Commission was co mplimentary of the design andarchitectu re ofthepro posal.The Com m issionrecognizedt hatth is proposalis anadd ition to anexisting non-conformingho use andwasnotn ewco nstructionora demo-rebuild.Th eComm ission notedthe existing c onditions and c ircumstances assoc iatedwith thispro posal wh ichj ustify avariance anddo n otcreatea grantofspecia l pr ivilege . T heCommiss ion qu estioned the applic antabo utth e deg reeof thevariance req uested andany alt ernatives whic h wer e explored .T heapp licant explai nedt hedesig n o p tionsth ey had co nsideredand theoptio n ofmax imizingtheallowab le s ite coveragewit h GRFAand t hen requesting a large r sitecove rag e var ianceforaf uture garag e addi tion. T he Commissi on notedthat th is request wasc omparableto oth er site co verage variances pr eviously appro ved by theTown.TheC ommission d idnotbelieveapproval o f th is request wou ldcreateaprecedent.TheC ommission commented tha t the approval o fvari ances similar to this request pro vide flexibilityand incentivesforredevelopment of existingprop ertiesthat are d ifficultto ren ovate .T heCom missionnoted t hatapprovingthisrequestas proposed created a moreanractived esign th anco uldbeachieved bymaking minor reductions to the a mount ofs ite covera gebeingreque sted.T he C ommiss ion co mmented that the s itecoverageva riancebe ing requested wa s foraga rage andsmallcantil evered e lements.TheComm issionbe lievedthat whilethisrequest allo ws for a d eviation fromtheallow ab le site cove ragenum bers,itdoes meet the intentof the s itecove rageregulations. 5 .A req uest for revisionto th e final plat ,purs uanttoCh apter 13-4,MinorSu bdiv ision,Vail T own Code,to allowfo r additionalgrossresident ial floor area,located at 1094 RivaG len/Lot4 , Spraddle CreekEstates,ands etting forthd etails inregard thereto. Applicant:W&B Development,LLC ,represe ntedby T imLosa,Ze hrenan dAssociates ,Inc . Planner :MattGennett ACTION :Tabl ed toDecember 13,2004 MOTION;Bernhardt SECOND ;Kjesbo VOTE;7-0-0 6 .Arequest forare commenda tion tothe Vail Town Counci l onapropos al to esta blishSpecia l Development D istrict No .39 ,p ursuant toArtic le 12-9(A),Special Development Distr ict ,Vail TownCode ,toallow fortheredevelopmentof C rossroads,am ixed use d evelopment;a request fora text am endment toSection12-2-2,Definitions,Vail TownCod e,p ursuant to Section 12-3- 7,Amendment ,to addadefinitionfor b owlingalley;a requestfo r a te xtamendmenttoSe ction 12-7E-4,Co nditionalUses,Vail To wn Cod e,p ursuantto Section 12-3-7,A mendment ,toadd b owlinga lleys asaco nditional use ;and requestsfo r con d itionaluse permit s toallowfor 1he co nstruction of an ou tdo or operation ofthe accessory usesasset forth inSectio n 12-7 E-5 (ice skatingri nk);amajor arcadetoinclude indoor ent ertainment;a theater,meeting rooms,and conve ntion facilities;mu ltiple-fam ilyd wellings and lod ges;andap rivateclub toa llow fo rt he establishmentofatorsa le parking cl ub,pur suant toSectio n 12-7E-4,V ail Town Code,located at 141 and143 Meadow Drive /Lo t P,Block 50,Vail V illage Filing 1,and sett ing torthdeta ils i n regardthereto . Applicant:Crossroads East One.LLC ,r epres entedby Mauriello Planning Group Planner :W arren C ampbell ACTION ;Tabl ed toDec ember 13 ,2004 MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND ;Kjesbo VOTE:7-0-0 7.A requ est fo r a fi nal reviewof avariance,fro m Section 12-6G-8,DensityContro l,Vail Town Code,pursuant toChapter12-7,Variances,VailT ownCode ,toallow l oradditiona l gross residentialI loorarea anddwelling unit,locatedat4690Vail RacquetClub DriveiVa ii Racquet ClubCondos,and setting forthdetail inregard th ereto, Applicant:RacquetClub Owners Association,representedby T RDArchitects Planne r:MattGennett ACTION :Tabled10 December 13,2 004 MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND :Kjesbo VOTE :7-0-0 8 .Approval 01November8,2004 minutes MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND: 9.Information Update Kje sbo VOTE :7-0-0 10.Adjou rnment MOTION:Lamb SECOND:VieleVOTE :7-0-0 The app lications andinform ation abo ut the pro posa ls areavailablefor public inspectionduri ng regular office hoursattheTownof Vail Commun ity Development Departm ent,75 South Frontage Road.The publicis invited to attend projec t orientation andthesite visits that precede the public heari ng in the Tow n ofVailCommunity DevelopmentDepartment.Pleasecall(970)479-2138 l oradditional information. Sig n lang uage interpretation is availableupon reques t wit h 24-hou r notificatio n.Pl ease call (970) 4 79-2356,Telephon e for the Hearing Impaired,for information. Published,November19,2004,in theVailDaily. TOWNOFVAfL • Project Name:STEPHANOFF RESIDENCE Project Description: Design Revi ew Board ACTION FORM D epartm ento fCommunity Develo pment 75 South Fro ntageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81 657 tel :97 0.479 .21 39fax :970.4 79.2452 w e b:www.vatlq ov.com ORB Number:DRB060S?3 ADD mON (RESUBMmALFOREXPIRED DRB04-06 15) Participants: OWNER STEPHANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHAI2/29/2006Phone:390-4529 POBOX 4573 VAIL COB165B APPUCANT STEPHANOFF,ROBERTA .MICHA I2/29/2006 Phone :390-4529 POBOX457 3 VAI L COB165B Project Address:2339CHAMO NIXLNVAIL Location:2339 CHAMONlX LANE Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision :VAIL DASSCHONE FI L1 Parcel Number:2103-114-0101-0 Comments : BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By : Second By : Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFfAPR Date of Approval:01/02/2007 Cond :B (PLAN):Nocha nges to t heseplans may be ma de without t hewri tten consent o fT owno f Vailsta ff and/or t he appropriatereview commi ttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB app roval doesno t con stitute apermi t fo r bui lding .Please consult wi th Tow n of Vait Building personne l p r ior to construction activities. Cond:20 1 ORB a pprovalsha llnot become valid for 20 days follow ing the date o f approval. Cond:202 A pprovalofthisp roject sha ll lapseandbeco me voidone (1)year fo llowingt hed ate of Final a pproval ,unl essabuil ding per mit isissuedan d cons tructio n is commenced and Is d ilige ntly pu rsued toward co mpletion . Cond:113 A ll dev elopme nt applications submitted t o t heT own a fter the effective date o f Ord inance 26,Series 200 6 sha ll be subject tothepend i ng employee hou sing regu latio ns in whatever form theyare f ina llyadopted ;provided ,however ,t hat if theTownfailsto adopt the pending employee housingregulationsbyApril15,2007, thisOrdinanceshallnotapplytosuch development app lications. Planner:BillGibson ORBFeePaid:$300.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Comm unity Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970 .479.2128 fax:970.479.245 2 web:www .vallgov.rom Genenllnfonnation: All projects req uiring design review must:receive approval prior to submitting abuilding permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiaJ lar approva lttlat IS requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unti l allrequired Information is received by the Community Developmert Department.The project:mayalso need tobe reviewed by the Town Council artd/rx th e Planning and Environmeota l Commission. Design re view approval la pe;es un less a building pennlt is ISlWed and constructton commences within on e year or the approval. For const ruction of anew build ing or demo/rebuild . Foran addition where square footage Isadded to any residential or commerdal building (indudes 250additions &interior cowersons). Forminorchanges to bUildingsand site improvements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retainIng walls,etc. For minorchanges to buildings and site Improvenents,sudl as, re-roofing ,palntlng ,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. foe'revisions to plans already approved by Planning StafL W the DesIg n Revi ew soa rd .gUU i 8 ',:):JU ~$1.00 per square foot c:i total sign area . Location o f the Proposal :lot:1/B1ock:~SUbdl vi~on :~;(12,S.L.,c Ph ysical Address:1-3 39 Ct:..",.,,;A' Parcel No.:2-10 311'1 0 1010 (ContactEagle Co.Assessor ot 970-328·8640 lor parcel no.) qsZoning:_---''-'=---:=-_ Name(s)of Owne«s):-"-'='-C..'---~'-'-""=""LLL..---------- M.lling Address:Ac.-=o'----"'-'=----''-''--'--'''--_''-''"'--'_----''''-''----''''-'"-'--'''--------- Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptua l Review No Fee 0 New Construction $650 III Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (mu ttHamiIY/commercla l) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (S1 ngle-farnity/duplex) 0 O1anges to Approved Plan s $20 0 5eparatlon Request No Fee Name of Applicant:R.b <~r-S f~.el........,<";e-, M.i1ing Address:e O tJ H <f,?3 V:;.'f,.Co 8ft:r9 _____-rr-rr -rr-r-rrr-rr-r-r-:Phone:nO .t.(r l-7 E'mail Address:b,lct?@<o 1CO~r tN,f ......,,"".x:-i.Z"'J.:J'.....:·...L't..',,'fLJ;6'-_ Pla nner: lUWNOFVAIL . DesignReview Board ACTION FORM O@I),utment of Community Developm ent 75 South Frontage Road,VlIIiI,Colofil do 81657 tsl :97 0 .4 79.2139 fax :910.479 .2452 wllb :www .Yili]gov.com Project Na me:STEPHA NOFF ADDmON Project Description: ADDmON Participants: ORB Number:DRB 0406 15 OWNE R STEPHANO FF,ROBE RT A.MICHAI2/13/2004 Phone:390-4 529 PO BOX 4S73 VAIL CO8 1658 APP LICANT RKD ARC HITECTS 12/13/2004Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX S055 EDWARDS CO81632 ARCHITECT RKD ARCH mCTS 12/13/2004Pho ne:970-926-2622 PO BOX 50SS EDWARDS CO 8 1632 Ucense:CO OO OO1 770 Project Address:2339 CHAMO NIX LN VAI L location: Legal Description:Lot :11 Block:A Subdivision :VAILDAS SC HONE FI L 1 Pa rcel Number:2 103-114-Q I01..() Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:ROGE RS Second By:HANLON Vote:4-1l Cond itions: Action :AP PR OVED Date of Approval:01/05/2005 Cond :B (PLAN):Nochanges to these plans may be ma de withoutthewritten consen t ofTown of Vail sta ff and /or the app ropria tereviewcommi ttee{s ). Co nd:O (PLA N):ORBapproval does not co nsti tutea permit for bu ild ing .Pl ease cons ult with Townof Vail Bu ilding perso nn el priorto co ns tructi onactivities. Cond :201 ORB app roval shalt not bec om e valid for 20 days follo wing the date ofapproval. Cond:202 Approva l ofthis project s ha ll lapse and become void one (1)year foll owIn g the date of final approval,unl ess a building perm it is issu ed andconstru ction is co mmenced and Is diligen tly purs uedtoward co mple tion. Planner:8111 Gibso n ORB fee Paid:$300.00 -- Des ign Review Bo ard ACTION FORM n ecert rnent of Community n evetopment 75 South Front Oi oe Roa d,Vall,Colorado 81657 till:9 70.4 79.2139 ton :9 70 .479 .2 452 we b :www ....a ilQo v.(om Project Name:STE PHANO FFADDmON Project Desaiptlon: ADDmON Participa nts: ORB Number:DRB0406 15 OWNER STEP HANOFF ,ROBERTA.MICHAI2/13/2004Phone:390-4S29 PO BOX 4S73 VAIL CO 8 16S8 APPUCANT RKD ARC HITE CTS12/13/2004 Pho ne :970-926-2622 PO BOX SOSS EDWARDS CO8 1632 ARCHITECTRKD ARC HITECTS12/13/2004Phone:970-926-2622 POBOXSOS S EDWARDS CO8 1632 License:COO OOOl770 Project Address:2 339CHAMONIX LNVAIL Location : Legal De scription:Lot:11 B lock:A Subdivision:VAI LDAS SCHONE AL 1 Parcel Number:2103 -1I4-(J 101-o Comments: Motion By:ROGERS second B y:HANLON Vote:4-0 Cond itions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action :APPROV ED Date of Approval:01/05/2005 COnd :8 (PLA N):Nochange s to theseplans may be made without the wr ittenconsent of Tow nof Vail staff a nd/orth eappro priate review com mittee(s). COn d :0 (PLA N):ORB approval doesnot constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult wi th Town ofVail Buildi ngpersonnel p riort o co nstr uct ion activiti es. COnd :20 1 ORB approval shall not beco me valid for 20daysf ollowing the dat eof approval. Cond :202 Approval of th isproject shall lapseand become void one (1 )yearf ollow ing th edate offinalapproval,unless a bU ilding permit is issued and constr uction iscomme nced and isdiligentlypursued t owardcompletion. Planne r:Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$300.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7:50 South Frontage Road ,Vall,Colora do 81657 te l:9 70.-479.2139 fa.:9 70.'179.2452 web:ww.....vailo:lov.(om Project Name:STEPHAN OFF ADDmON Project Description: ADDmON Partldpants: ORB Number:DRB04061s OWNER STEPHANOFF ,ROBERT A.MICHAI2/13/2004 Phone:390 ·4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO81658 APPllCANT RKD ARCHITECTS 12/13/2004Phone:970·926·2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO B1632 ARCHITECT RKO ARCH ITECTS 12/13/2004Phone:970-926 -2622 PO BOX SOS S EDWARDS CO8 1632 license:coocooizzo Project Address:2339CHAMONIXLNVAI L Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VA ll DAS SCHONE Fl L1 Parcel Number:2 103 -114-0101 ~O Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By :ROGERS Second By :HANLON Vote :4·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval :01/05/2005 COnd:8 (PLA N):Nochangest ot hese plans may be madewithout thewritten consentof Town of Vail staff and/or theappro priatereviewcom mittee(s). COnd:0 (PLAN ):ORB approval does not consti tute apermitf or building.Please cons ult w ith Town ofVall Building perso nnel prior t o construction activities. COnd :201 ORB approval sha ll not become valid for20daysfollowingt hedate ofapproval. Cond:202 Approval ofth isprojectshalllapseand beco me void one el}yearfollowing t he date offi nal approval,unless a building permitis iss ued a nd constructioniscommenced and is diligently pursued t owardcompletion. Planner:Bill Gibson ORBFee Paid:$300.00 Design Revi ew Board ACTION FORM Depa rtm en t of Commu nity De \(~l opmen l 75 South Front-i1g e Road ,Vilil,COlora do 8 1657 lei:970 .479.1139 fOl IC:9 70.479 .2452 we b:www.vai lgoll.com Project Name:STEPH ANO FF DEMO/REB UILD Project Descriptio n: ORB Number:DRB040S51 DEM O,RE BUILD AN DADDmON OF SQFT,RESIDEN CE CURRENTLY NON·CON FORM ING Participants: OWNER STE PHANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHAlO/18/2 004 Phone :390-4S29 PO BO X 4S73 VAIL CO816S8 APPUCANT RKD ARC HITECTS 10/18/2004 Phone:970·926·2622 PO BO X SOSS EDWARD S CO 81632 ARCHITECT RKD ARCHITECTS 10/18/2004 Phone :970-926·2622 PO BOX SOSS EDW AR DS CO 81632 License:CO OOOO l770 Project Address:233 9 CHAM ONIX LN VAI L 2339CHAMO NIX LAN E Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAI L DAS SCH ONE FIll Parce l Number:2103-114·0101-0 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action :CONCEPT Conditions: Cand:200 A conceptual rev iewIs NOT a Des ignReview Boa rd approva l. Planner: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment ofCommunityDevelopment 7 5 So uth Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2 452 web :www.vailgov.(om Project Name:STEPHANOFF DEMO/REBUI LD Project Description: ORB Number:D RB040S51 DEMO,REBU ILD ANDADDffiON OF SQFr,RESIDENCE CURR ENTLYNON-CONFORMING Participants: OWNER STEPHAN OFF,ROBERT A.MICHAIO/18/2004 Phone:390-4S29 PO BOX 4S73 VAIL CO8 16S8 APPLICANT RKD ARCHITECTS10/18/2004Phone:970 -926-2622 PO BOX SOSS EDWARDS CO81632 ARCHmCT RKD ARCHmCTS 10/18/2004 Phone:970-926 -2622 POBOX SOSS EDWARDS CO81632 License:COOOO0 1770 Project Address:2339 CHAMO NIX IN VAl l 2339CHAMONIXLANE Location : LegalDescription:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DAS SC HONE FIL1 ParcelNumber:2103-114-0101-0 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Action:CONCE PT Condi tions: Cond:200 A conceptua l reviewis NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depar tment o f Community Qev@lopmil nt 75So uth Frontage ROod ,V<il il .Color ado81657 te l:970 .0479.2 139 f.n ;9 70 .4 79.2452 web :www.v<ilil g ov.com Project Name:STE PHANOFF DEM O/REBUILD Project Desc ripti on: ORB Number:DRB040551 DEM O,RE BUILDAND ADDmON OFSQFT,RESIDENCE CURRENT LY NON-CONFORMING Participan ts: OWNER STEPHANOF F,ROBERT A.MICHAIO/18/2oo4 Phone:390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO8 1658 APPUCANT RKDARCHITECTS 10/18/2004Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO81632 ARCHITECT RKD ARCH ITECTS 10/18/2004 Phone:9 70-926-2622 POBOX 5055 EDWARDS CO 8 1632 License:CooooOI770 Project Address:2339 CHAMON IX LNVAIL 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Locati o n: Legal Description:Lot :11 Block:A Subdiv ision :VAI L DAS SCHO NE FIL1 Parcel Number:2103-II4-0IOl-O Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action :CONCE PT COnditions : Cond:200 A conceptu al review is NOTa Des ign Review Board approval. Planner: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OFVAIL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Meth od : CONSTRUCT ION I NC. R060002 114 Ch eck Amo unt :$300.00 12 /29 /2006 0 4 :58 PM I nit :LC Nota ti on :#35 39 /COL PermitNo : Parc el No: Si te Address: Location: DRB 060573 Type :DRB -Ad dition of GRFA 21 03 -11 4 -01 01-0 2339 CHAHO NIX LN VAIL 2 339 CHAMONIX LANE To ta lFe es:$300 .00 Th isPayment :$300 .00 To tal ALL Pmts :$3 00.00 Ba lan ce :$0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMI.IS"!": Accoun t Code DR 00 100003112200 Des cription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 3 00 .00 lar I~.blocl:-A Va;/~5 ch'11L I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Oepartmert of Commu nity Development: 75 South Frontag e Road ,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel:9 70.479.2139 fax:9 70.479.24$2 web:www.d.vail.co.us Project Name:STE PHANOFF ADOmON Project Description: ADDmON Participants: ORB Number:DRB040615 OWNER STEPHA NOFF,ROBERT A.MICH AI2/13/2004 Phone:390-4529 PO BOX 45 73 VAIL CO 81658 Ucense: APP UCANT RKDARCH ffiCTS 12/13 /2004 Phone:970·926 ·2622 PO BOX S055 EDWARDS CO81632 Ucense : ARCHffiCT RK D ARCHffiCTS 12/13/200 4 Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO81632 Ucense:COooo0 1770 Project Address:2339 CHAMON IX LNVAlL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DASSCHONEFIL1 Parcel Number:2 103 11401010 Comments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By:ROGERS Second By :HANLON Vote:+0 Conditions: Action :APPROVED Date ofApprov al:0 1/05/2005 Cond:8 (PLA N):No chang es to these plans may be mad e withoutthe writt en consent ofTownof Va il sta ff and/o rtheappro priate reviewcommittee(s ). Cond:0 (PLA N):OR B approva l does not cons titu te apermitforbuildin g.Please cons ult with Town of Vail Bu ildin g pers onne l prior to const ruction activities . Co nd:201 OR B a pproval shall not beco me valid for 20 daysfollowin gthedate of approva l. Condo 202 Approval of thisproj ect shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinalapproval,unless abuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$300.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review RECE IVED Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road.Vai l,Colorado 81657 tel'970.479.2139 fa"970.479.24 52 DEC 1 £ web:www.vai lgov.com Gen eral Information:TOV-COM.DEV. All pr ojectsreq uiring design review mustreceiveapproval prior tosubmitting a bundi ng permit -a,;iplic:a tiQn;-PI~se I efel t o the subm ittalrequirementsfor t heparticular appr oval thatisrequested.An applicationfor Design Review cannot be accepted u nt ilall requiredInforma t ion Is receivedbyth eCommunityDevelopment Department.The proj ect m aya lso need to be reviewed by t he Town Councila nd/ort he Planning andEnvironmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit I s Iss ued and construction commences within one y ear of the ap proval. Desc ription of the Requ est:£e.~o J e {_~I..L_='-'---",...,_ Location of the Proposal:Lot:JJ Block:11 Subdivision:as Ad"~;:;t~J { Physical Address:2:3 "3'c-L~......~..K (.J Pa rcel No .:],10 3/1 I/o 1 '"I (;>(Con tact E<:g le Co.Assessor at 970 ·32B-864C ~=..~"",I no .) Zoning:2.&=.f'1 S Name(s}of Owneres}:t.£u--f--.J..,ef"L_.r~ Mailing Address:s.,;fi">?"3 ~v::-.I [?/Cr-,p---------,,..-7'f':7"S"""-~=::li~~3LO -L{,n.~ Owner(s)Sign atu re(s):'7 ~~ Name of Applicant:...l,k Sa.........ek .:7 S Mailing Add ress:f?<)8,'C $""0 S-:'-.r:;d_,-..JICC?:s ct2'-3"z:( _--,--,--,_--,_--:::-_-,-_-,---,__Phon e:1;0 h e -2 C "L E-mail Add ress:J'~.,'Y€rKd""re t..eu ........Fax:9).."~8'k l- Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review' o /New ConstnJction !if Addition o "l iner Atteration (mula-family/commercial ) o Minor Alteration (slng le-fa mity/duplex) o Cha nges to Approved Plans o Separation Request: $5 0 ~$1.00 per squa re foot of to tal sign area. No Fee $650 For constructio n of a new building or demo/rebuild . $300 For an additiO n wheresquare footage is added to any resdentiator commercial build ing (indudes 250 additions &interior conversions). $250 Forminor changes to buildings a rd site improvements,such as, reroofing ,painting ,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls .etc . $20 For minor changes to buildings and site im provements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions ,landscaping,fences and reta ining walls,etc . $20 For revisions toplans alreadyapproved by PlannIng Staff or the Design Review Board . No Fee For O~ce U ~IDY : Pee ••id:-:3 Ched<No.: Meeting Date :J 'S-05 Planncr:~(!, Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 Application for Design Re v iew Department 01Community Development 75 Sooth F rontage Road,Va il.Colorado 8 1657 tet 970.479 .2139 fax :9 70.479 .2452 -tl:www .vaiJgov.com General Information : All p rojects req uiring des ign rev iew m ust rece ive approval prio r tos ubmi tt inga bu ild ing p ermit a pplication.ABase re fer to the sub m ittal recoeerren u fo r th e particula r a pprova l tha t is req uested An applica tionfor Des ign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received bytheCommunity Development Departm ent .The pro ject m ay a lso n eed 10 be reviewed b y tile TownCouncil andlor the Pla nnin gan d Enviro nmenta l Commission. Designr eview approv al l apses u nles s a b uild i ngpe rmit IsIssued a nd c onstruc tion comm encesw ithin o ne yea r o f the approv a l. Desc r iption of th e Reques t: Location of t he Proposal:Lol:fi llZJ I _Parcel No .: Zon ing :P J.c<;"-o'---_ Name (s)o f O wner (s ):~ Mailing Address :~'" S tc p M n~0 '"i'51'3 I r.u1 Co .l'1 ~ITo______________Phon~;7 1 1 I f '3~J)-'I n .'!0 Owner Is)Signatu re {s): Name of Appli ca nt:-----'~~"-J'--------------------- Mailing A ddress:_ E-m ail A ddress : Type of Re v ie w a nd Fee : S igns Ccncectce!Review New Construction Addition M iOOf Alteration (multi-family/commercia l) MiIlO f AlteratiOn (singJe.fa mi ly/duPlex) Olanges to Approved Pans Separation Request $50 N o Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 N o Fee Ph,lei $1.00 pe r s qua re l ootof total sign a rea For cons truction of a new bu ilding or de mo/rebui ld . Foran a dd lbon where square footage is added 10 a ny residential or ccmmercial bu ilding (indudes 250 a ddit ions &Inte rior conv ersions). For minorc hanges 10 blIildings and s ite improvements.such as , reroofing.painting,window additions,landscaping,fences ard reta iningw a lls,e tc . For minor chang es 10 buildingsa nd site improvements,such as , reroofing ,pa inting.window additions ,landscaping ,fe nces and retaining wa lls.e tc . Fo r revis ions toplans a lready a p proved by Plann ing sta ff or the Oestgn Review Board. Fo r Office Us e Only : Fee Paid:__--==--C~h:ed<:.=No~.~'--===~By:Meeti ng Date :DRSNo.: Planner:ProjectNo.: • Application for Design Review RECEIVED Department 01Community Development 75 Sooth F rontage Road,Vail ,Cok>rado 8 1657 tel :970.479.2 139 fax :970.4792452 OCT 1 ~ web:www.vailgov.com TOV-COM.DEV . General Information: All p rojects requiring design review must receive approva l prior tosubmitting abuilding permit applicatioo .Please refer 10 the submittal requirementsfor t heperncuierapprovallhal is requested.An applicatioof orDesign Review ca nnot be eccectee un tilall requiredinfo nnalion is received by theCom munity Dev elop ment Depa rtment.The projectmayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Council andlor thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission . Des ign review approval lapses unless 8 building permit Is Issued and construction commences w ithin one y ear o f the approval. Description of the Request:~"I @ t.?t k!t'Ai Pia'71q /? «:r?en:.c-.-Gc..........a f'lr 1 ClOK1 {£;.!.Lt CP;:1Ad ('*t 5.£ Location of the Proposal :l ot :_J.L.Bl ock :~Subdivision:V,Aj "/lJe>6 ~€II"I Physical Address:c:.?:::ti alA maAlU t .AAJt; Parcel No.:1.10'·t '~:L12.'.010 (ContactEag le Co.f4ssess0r a t 970·328·8640 f or p arcel no.) Zoning :?-b-:/1 ,ero """"";If<'CPN r2J:>;l-1L-...!rC-'''2o=l lilQJ''''''=U'''N-'''-=_ Name(s)of Owner(s):&keg,f ~hAA#~'_ <!)I<.3Z 'iz~<:.~C '1z(.'t8Z;;;: han' Mailing A ddress: Owner(s)Signalure(s):---f.AE~" Neme01 Applicant :(?/::.Q Af?cH I]eC[2 Mailing Addr...:1.'0,b:2?b6 ~AqZ>CL> _________---:,.-Phone :__~2"'-Z"O"__-'l<=__==""__ E-mail Address:2\..b~tf .C&t"-1 F8X :-''i'L70"o'''----'''''-'~=''''-....._ Type of Review and Fee: ~nsC-"":":"":::,:::"ar~R9V1e"'''':.::>;;;w::: •New COns truction •Additio n •Minor Alteration (mult l.famlly/commercial) Mino r Alteration (slngle·fam lly/dupl ex) O\anges toApproved Plans •separalion Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 persquare 1001ot totatsign area . For cooenucnon of a newbuildingo r demo/rebuild. For anaddition where squa re footage is added toany residentialo r oomrnercial b uilding (Includes 250 additions &Interior conversions). For minor Changes to buildings andsite improvements,sL.d'I as, reroofing,pa inling,window addi tions,landscaping,fe nces and retainingwalls ,etc . For m inor changes to buildings a nd site improvements,such as , reroofing,pa inting,window additions,landscaping,le nces and retaini ng walls ,etc . For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. For O~lce U~IY:..-- FeePaid:Check No .: Mealing nate:I j -1'7 ·0 'I Planner: By: DFBNo .: Ptoject No.: • Building Materials Roof Sid ing OtherWa ll Materials Fssca Soffi ts Wn"ldo'NS Window Trim Door Trim Hand 01'Deck Rails Flues Flash ing Chimneys Trash Encl osur es Greenh ouses Retaining Walls Exteri or lighting Other Notes: PROPOSEDMATE RIALS Typeo f M aterial co[r!&9~1c,(!OC ~ I '1-II 1':Ie Sm 001b _~.<".Luly . I "~r:I e Sr«00'j1, _~l\I "'M.i f\"-In VIAll e.'>-~"Ih . _AkM C{a<· t.s.Wif ---.5oIiA -wood.S'-,("tj /Y'ttt..L_dt..tl..LL<.1Nj -r-in kA wJ..,1 /bl.fAl d """,{'-'---__ n /It _f)Itr s±J1 £La fr.i;1... Co lor ... /"1H~f--__ J'lOrfl'll,t!or f"-00 . ,.,1\1['""Pi Of{I.Z ~. MICf f'l "t1 ,i[-00 . _",Q-"I<,J:J:r fun z-e . MOOlIIIO,,(sst-e «. o "..J.u:&.02.€' 1\101"',)006011-23 ., He k..-r !.4 0-1 .2- "m.nm'15 ..ut {I Pease specify themanufacturer'sname,thecolor name a ndnumber andattacha color cnlp. Page 6 of 12104 /0 1/04 PROPOSED LAN DSCAPING Q uantity Size (p /I I _g:I . '2-~"",,1 . ~2 II •CA.l~'Mi"A Common NameBotanicalName J'iLt A Plt ~Cil lo .5(""1.e._M A (~"•!:?J 1'l0'1&10 "Cr !&b ~I<ks MifLlln'"---- '?f '~u.r:1CM'l !-ttylite',-----"'Mlbii ~--\."l_t::::t;A :~W\.L AND SI-flUBS PRa'OSED TREES EXIS TING TREE S TOBE REtIOVED 1ti. Min imum Requirementsfor Landscap ing:Deciduous Trees -2"Cali per Con iferous Trees -6'inheight Shrubs -5Gal. Typ e Squa re Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEE D IRRIGAT ION lYPEOF EROS ION CONTROL Please specify other landscapefeatures (l.e .retai ning walls,fences ,swimming poo ls,e tc.) Page 7 of 12/04 /01/04 • I I ~\ \ \ \- If I ( I • Stephanoff Residence Materials Soffit Moorwood08800on SmoothCedarT&G BeamsandFascia Moorewood 081 23on RS.DougFirandGlulams Windows Semco "QuakerBronze " Stucco Cementitious System Match Porter PaintsColor6904-2 "AutumnBud" Stephanoff Residence Exterior Lighting Bollard - Teka Illumination BPM 2246 -Natural Quantity:(1)each Exterior Wall Mount Teka Illumination BWM 2046 -Natural Quantity:(8)each TEKA I LL U MI NA Ti ON BB-I E / A cc Description...Exteri or w a ll m oun ted lumincire Materi a ls I Constru c tion... A.Cast b ronze cap B.Heavy p ure c opper s hade C .Stainless steel o r copper o n 5 .S.ring baffles D.So lid brass spacers E.Cast aluminum wall pl ate wI pure c opper cov er F.Heavy pure copper s te rn-7/8"o .e. G.Pu re copper glass retain er w I clear g lass disk H.Cl ear g lass cylinder I.Pure co pper lampholder cov er Mounting...Recessed.4 H oct agon al wiring box T20 BEACON WAIJ.M OUNT P RODUCT.1=,R_ AA DB CC F1.tl.Iab OptioD BWM ·204G1No turol lOOW A l9 5.5.12"17314."7 1/4"Brown Patino: BWM·20I6INatlJ rnI IOO WA19 eopp..12"'17314"7 IIr Brown Pa tina BWM·W6&Nlckel"lOOW Al 9 as.,,"17 314 "7 1/4"NoM BWM·2246!Nal ural lOOW A lB 5.S.I'"20"eie-Brown Patina BWM-221 6/Nalurol IOOW Al9 Cop,.,I '"20"aie-Brown Patino BWM:'2266lN Ickel "lOOW A19 S.S u -20··are-N ~ "Ntc kel plma U.L.listed.suitable for wet locations ( TEKA I LLU MINAT10 ....I "'C.ee G Hl!lO,,"R O....O.S UITlt.3 Tl!'MP LETON ,C A LIFOIllN 'A 9 3465 P HON !!"(805)4 3 4-3511 F AX (80 5 1434-3512 (I TEKA 11/9 8 TEKA ILLUMIN AT i ON T33 BEACON POLE MOUNT "E(2~slip litter depth) AA -------'I 9 114'" B BB, -J 11 114 " Description.._Exterior pole m ounted l uminuire Materials I Construction... A.Cast bronze cap B.Heavy pure co p per shade C .S ta inless steel or copper on 5.S.ring baffles D.Solid brass s pacers E.Cast bronze lower housing,suffix:3 "o r 3 118 " sli p fi tter F.C lear glass cy linder G .Pure copper lampholder cover H.Stainless steel set sc rews Mounting...Specify 3"0.0.pole top/tenon or3 l iS" (3"co pper tubing) PRODUCT'Lamp IUog.AA BB f'1n i ~h Option BFM-2346iNuluroJ lOOW AI9 ss.ia-W Brown Patina BPM·23I6INoturol icew Al 9 """"'"12"'S-B_Pmma BPM·2366lNlcke l 'IOOW Al 9 55,ra-IS"No~ BPM·2246/Nalurol lOOW A1Q s.s.IS"ZO -Bro....n Pali na BPM-2216IN~1 l OOW AI9 Copper IS-ZO "Brown Pati na BPM-2266/NicboJ'100'0 A19 as.15"zo -No~ 'N ickel plaw U.L.listed,suitable forwe t location s T I;;KA ILLUMIN ATI ON.INC .8 6 G I BSON ROAO ,S UITE 3 TE ~P LE TO "'.C AL 'I'ORN I..93465 P HQl'l l;I B05 l 4 34·35 1'F ..x (8051 434 -35 12 e T E KA 61'!'t8 2 X DECKING 4X8 RAFTER TOPO FINTERI OR HALL STAND ING SEAMM ET AL R O OFING O N F ULL HATERPROOFM EMB RANE UNDERSIDE OF DECK INe b "R-38 R IGID INSULATiON HI TH NAILABLE SUR FACE • ;CIA ••/• '~X ~- IX ~~ ""--.-I .... I.--/'.: A TH'6 K K ~L.--f- f-- '-- BLOCKING PE R S TRUGT. S TA INED 2x F I/Z 'PL YHD.S METAL S IDI NG 6 TYPICAL RAKEDETAIL 1-=1 '-0 - I I I I B EAM I PER STRlK-TURAL I o 6 X6 PER STRUG TU4'-3 ~" ERESTORY RIPPED 2X" RS.C EDAR F A SC I A I I I 2 Xb T4 G l ~--1::::::::>-<~----DECK IN6 ! ,*....J 4Xb RAF j 1 I I I ~SECTIONTHRUM .SA ® I I I I I 1-=1'-0- bXb PE R ST RVGTURA CD RI P PED 2 XI R.S .GEDA j F ASCIA I I 2X6 T I cS I D ECK ING I I 4 X E>RAF TT I 4 '-3g" ® I I I I I I I I1SECTION THRU TYP.E 1-=1'-0- 11 /1::11.1 I, I I BEA M I P ER 5 TRUGTURAL I R -Iq BATT INSULATI O N HlMIN.4 MIL.VAPOR 2xb RS G ED A R,Si ZE P ER EL EVATION S LOPE TOP F OR POSITIVE DRAINAGE ----5 /[;'TY PE 'X 'G YP.00..TY P. ---l--HTL.G L AD H INDOH J-r:::::::::-t --W NT.S E ALANT•B AGKER RO D ..------.::/\ ~GONT'HATERPROOF MEH BRANE O N ALL S IDES OF HI NDO H .OVERLAP NAILING F LANGE~~,5/4 NOH.S i LL HlEAS ED EDGES 4 SILL @ METAL SIDING .3·=1'-0"' -----*t--MET AL S IDINe MATERIALO N BUILD ING HRAP ~>.,_---;tt--_I'ATERPROO F M EMB RANE O N A L L SI DES _O F I'INDOI'. VERTIGAL J A HB TR IH BE YO ND HEADER RE .5 TRUGT.--I'-'l () ____FI L L ALL GAPS B E TI'EEN I'IND O I'AN Cl ROUGH F RAHING HI FOAH IN5UL A TIQt<l_ 5 /t>"TY PE "x"G YP.BD.HI I 1/2"(;ORNE B E AD,TYP. ~~R IPPED 2 X4 GEDAR TRIH HETA L HATERrAL- c.ouNTERFLASH HI S IDING HTL.GLAD I'INDOI' 6 HEAD @ METAL SIDING 3 -=1 '-0- ,,,M TL .GL AD I'IND OI' L-I-I---t----c.oNT SE ALANT I'IBAc.KER R OD 2 SI L L 6 ASKET 2x R S C.EDAR TRIM INTER IOR he:TRIM-S TAIN,TYP . ~HEADER RE,ST RLGT . GO NT.Y<ATERPR ooF M EMBRANE ON A LL S IDES O FD OOR .I'INDO I'. OVER L AP NAILlN6 F LANeE ,.F IL L ALL 6 APS BETI'EE N I'INDO I' •AN D ROU6H F RAMIN6 "'!/FOAM INSU LA T iON c.a NT SEALANT WBAGKER ROD I-M TL.G LAD D OOR 7 INTERMEDIATE HEADER 3 "=1 '-0 " •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNO FVA IL,CO LORADO Statemen t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatement Number: Payment Meth od : CONS TRUCTION R040007255 c heck Am ount:$300 .00 12/13/2004 02:41 PM Init :JS Notation :#192B/COL Pe rmit No : Parcel No : S ite Address : Location: DRB040 6 1S Type :ORB -Ad dition of GRFA 2 103 11401010 2 3 39 CHAMO NIX LNVAIL 2339 CHAMONIX LANE This Paymen t:$300 .0 0 Total Fees : Total ALLPmts : Bal a nce : $300.00 $300 .00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST : Accou nt Code DR 00100003 112200 De scrip t ion DES IGN REV IEW FEES Current Pmt s 300.00 •SC l lEDUl ,E A O rde r Number:04.035539 1 .Effective date ;Hay 25.2 004 at 7 :4 5 A.M . 2.Policyo r Policiesto be issued: (a)A .L.T.A .Owne r's (Exte nded) Amount of Insurance $5 30 .000 .00 Proposed Insured : ROB ERTA .S TEP HAN OF F (tI)A.L.T .A.Loan {S tandard}$ Pro pos ed Insured : (c)Leaseho ld s Proposed Insured : 3 .The esta te or interes t intheland described or refe rred (0 inthis Commitmen t and covered herein is 4 .T ille(0 (he f_e simpl e estateo r interest in s aid landisat the e ffective da teh ereof vested i ll : ROGER J .PIIANO RD .MICHAEL MIHLS TJ:N and CARLOS GON ZALE Z-BR I TO 5 .Thel and referred10inthisCommi tmentis described a.sfollow s: S EEATTACHED L EGAL DESCR IPTI ON rate)T ERM (r@issua $809 .00 20 .00 50 .00 STATEMENT O F C HARGES T hesecharges are due and payabl e before a Policycan beissued . PREM I OM SHOR T OWNER S: TAX CE RT : form 1 10 .1 Purpor ted Addr es s: 2)39 Ch amonixRo ad Va il .co 816 51 SCHEDULE A O rder Numbe r:040 35539 LEGALDESCRJPTION LOT II , l'U.oCK A, RESUDOIVISION OF VA IL DASSCHONE ,FILING NO .I, a cc ording t o the r ecorded p la t the r eof COUN TY OF EAGLE S TATE Ol"COLORADO . T HIS COMM ITMENT WAS PREPA RED ON JUNE 9 2 0 04. FOR QUESTI ONS REGA RDING THIS COMMITM ENT PLEASECALL LINDAWILLIAMS,THE TITLE OFFICER,AT 970 /92 6-0230 . FORQUESTION S REGARDING THECLOSING,P LEASE CALL XAMMY YOUNG,THE ESCROW OF FICER.AT 9 70 /479-6010 This co mm i ~e n t i s sent to : ROBERT S EPHA.NOFF CARLOS GO NZALEZ-BRITO MI CHA EL MIHLS TIN RO GER P HJ,.NORD TOM PROVO - ••SCHEDULE n Secti on I Order Number:0 4035539 REQU IREMENTS The following arcthe requirementsto be complied w ith: Item (a)Payment 10 orforth e accoun t of theg rantors ormortgagors of t hefu llcons ideration for theestate o r inte re st 10 be i nsured . Item (b)Pro per ins trumenn s)c reati ng t he estate or inte rest10 b e i nsuredmu st be exec uted and d uly filed for record .10 wit : 1 .Evidenc M sati sf ac to ry t oS tewart Tit le Guaranty Co mpany o f p a ~e nt o f all ou ts t~n d i n g taxes and ass es sme nts 8 S certi fi ed by the E agle Co unty Treas urer . 2.Execution o f aff ida vit as to Debt s and Li ens and its r et urn t o St ewart T i tl e Gua ra nty Comp a ny . 3.Evidence Gatistactory to Stewart Tit le Guaranty Company that the real es tate tr ans fe r tax ass ess ed by the Town o f Vail h as been paid or that the transaction is e xempt from s aid .tax . 4.T he Comp any requ ir es f or i ts review a sat is fac t ory affidavit e xecuted b y t he o wne r o f thel and stati ng t hat there have b een no i mp rovemen ts o n the l a nd (i nc ludi ng fence so r othe r structur es ).ince th.da te o f the prior s u rvey .If t he survey r e ve als any encro achmen ts ,o ve rl ap s .b ou ndary l ine d is pu tes .o r o ther adve rse matters.they may a pp ear a s excep t i ons i n the Pol i cy . 5.Releas e by the Pu bli c Trustee o f Eagle Co un tyo f t he Deed o f T rustf rom Roger J .P ha nord a ndMi cha el Hihl stin for t he us e o fS tonec reek Funding Corporation t o secure $371,134 .00 ,da ted S eptember 20,2 002 .r ecor ded Oc to be r 1.2 002 as Reception No.8 08949 . 6 .Rel ea s ~b yt he p ub lic Trustee o f Eagle County of the Deed of Trust from Ro g er u .P ha no rd and Mi chael Ni hletin f or the use o f Stonecreek Funding Corporation to se cure $46 .3 91 .00,dated S eptember 20 .2002,rec orded Oc tober I,2002 as Re cept i on No.808950 . 7 .Deed f r o m Rog er J .Phanord,Mi cha el Niblettn and Ca rlos GonzaleZ-Bri to .ve st ing fee simpl e t it le in Rob e rt A .S t ephanoff. NOTE:NOTATI ON or THE LEGAL ADDRESS OFTHE GRANT EE PE R 19 76 AMENDMEN T T O STATUTEON RECORDING OF DEEDS MU ST APPEAR ON eRS 38 -35-109 THE DEED AS (2)• S C HEDUL E n Sec tion 2 Order Number:04.035539 EXCE PTIONS T hepol icy o r policies [0 be issued wi ll co nta in ex ce ptionsto thefo llowingunless the same a re d isposedo f 10 the satisfact io noft he Company : I.Rightsorclaims of pa rties in posses s ion.nor show n by the puhlic r ecords . 2 .Ease ments,or claimso feasemen ts,not shown by the p ublicrecords. 3.D isc repanc ies .con flic tsinboundary l i nes ,sh o rt age i n are a ,encroach ments,and any facts wh ic ha correc t su rvey andinspec tio n of the p remises wo uld d isclo sea nd wh ic hare nOI s how n by thepu blic reco rds . 4 .A ny lien,or n gfu to a l ie n ,for se rvices.laboro r ma teria l heretofore or h ereafte r furnis hed.imposed by law and nOI sh own by thepu blic reco rds 5 .Defects ,liens.enc umbrances ,adverseclai ms o r othe r matters ,if a ny.c rea ted,first appea ring i n thepublic records orattaching subsequent to theeffect ive da te he reof,but pr io rto the da te the proposed ins ur ed.acqu ires o f recordfor va lue the estate or intere sto rmo rtgage thereon co vered by th is co mmitment. 6 .U npaten ted min ing cl aims ;reserva tio nso r exce ptions in pat ents ,o ra n actauthor izing the iss uance the reo f ; water r ights,cla imso r title to wa ter. 7 .Any a nd a ll u npaid taxes a nd .s sessment s and any unredeemed t.x a .186 . B.T he effect o fi nc lusi ons i n any g en eralo r sp ec ific water c ons ervancy .fir e pr o t e cti on ,so i l couse r vati o n o r o t her d i stri ct o r inclu si o n i n any wa t er s e rv ice or stre 6 t im provemen t a rea . 9.Reservatio na and exc epti ons i n P at ent s ,o rActs authoriz i ng thei s suance t h er eof,including t he res erva tion o f t he r i ght of propr ie tor o f a ve in o r lode to ex tract a nd r emove h is a re t here f rom should the s ame b e _fo und t o p enetra te o r i nt e rse ct the p re~s e s a a r ese r ve di nUn ited States Pa t ent r ecorded August 11.1900 i n Book4 B at Page 2 36 . 10 .All ma tter ss h o wn on the p l ata r eco r d e d February IB,196 5 as Re cep ti on No. 1 03 251 a n d re cord e d J uly 7 ,1 9 6 5 as Re cepti o nNo .1 01700 . 11 .Protec tive Co venan ts r eco rded July 7 .1 9 65 in Boo k1 9 0 a t Page SS 9 a s R ~c e p t io n No .101701,and Am endment t o Protec t iv ~Covenan ts r e c o rd e d Hay 22,1 9 68 in Bo ok 2 12 at P age 829 as Rece pt ion No .10 82 25.and Amendmen t to Pro t ec tiveCo ven an ts r ecor de d F eb r ua ry 16 .1970 i n Bo ok 217 at P a ge 78 a e Re ception No .1 126 3 5. 12 .V.i l Oa s Scho ne P ro tec tiveCo ve n ants record ed Mar ch 9 ,1 9 66 i ni n Bo o k1 9 2 at P a ge 2 33 .s Rec ep ti o nNo .10335 9. 13 .An E asement and Rig ht o fWay r e serve d in t he pro t ecti ve Cove nan ts,r e corded J ul y 7,1965 in Bo ok 1 9 0 at Page 5 59 .s Re cept i on No .1017 0 1 . 1 4.E asemen t t oGa s F a ci li ti e s,I nc .•a Pub licUti li ty c orp orsti on ,rec orded S eptemb er 6,1 9 68 in Boo k 213 a t P age 3 44 as Rec ept i o nNo .1 0876 B,through s tr ee ts a nd e x i s t ~n g u t ility easements . Con ti nued on next p age ) •• I . Co n~in uati on o f Schedu le B-Secti on 2 Order Number:0 40 35 539 NOTE:EXCEPT IONS1 AN D 4 ABOVE WILL BE DELETED ON THE FINAL OWN ERSPOLICY, PROVIDEDBOTHSE LLE R(S )AND PURCHASER IS)EXECUTETHEHEREIN REQUIRED AF FIDAVITS AND SAID AF FI DAVITS ARE APPROV EDBY THE COMP ANY. EXC EPTIO NS2 ~~D 3 WILL BE DELETED ONTHE FINAL OWNE RS POLICY PROV IDED THATTHE PRESENT OWN ERSEXECUTE THE S URVEY AFFIDAVIT. EX CEPTION 5 WILLNOT APPEARON THE OWN ERS POLICY ,AND GAP PROTECTIONWILLBE GRANTED PROVIDED THAT STEWART TITLE OFEAGLE COUNTY PERF ORM S CLOSI NG DISBURSEMENTS AND RECORDINGOFALL DOCUMENTS. S EE "DIS CLOSURES"INCL UDED HEREWITH . DISCLOS URES Pursuan t to C .R .S.10-11-122 ,noti ceis hereby gi ven that : (A)TH ES UBJECTREAL PR OPERTYM A YBELOCATED IN A SPE CIALTAX INGDISTRICT ; (8 )A C ERTIF IC ATE O FT AXES D UE LISTING EACH TAXI NGJU RISDICTION S HALL BE OBTAIN ED FROM TH E COUNTY TR EASURER ORTHECOUNTY T REASURER'S A UTI -IORIZED AGENT; (C)IN FORMATI ON REGARDINGS PECIALDI STRICT S A ND TH E BOUNDARIES OFSUCH DISTRICTSM AY BEOBTAINED FROMTH E BOARD OF CO UNTYCOM MISSIONERS ,T HE COUNTY C LERKAN D RE CORDER.OR THE COUNTYASSESSOR. Note:Colo rado Division o f Insu ranceRegula t ions )-5-1 .Par agraphCof Art icle VII requ irestha i "Every t itle e mily shall be respons i ble fora llmailerswh ich appear o f record p rior to the timeof recordingwhenever thetitle e nti ty conducts theclos ing and is responsibleforrecording o rfil ingo flegal d ocuments resul tingfrom the tr ansaction which was closed ."P rovided that Ste wart T itleo f Vail ,Inc.conducts thecl o sing of the insured rransacrion and is responsiblefor recording the legald ocuments from the tr ansac tion ,e xceptionnum ber 5 w ill notap pear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lende r's T itle P olicy whenissued. Note:A ffirmativeM echanic's Lien P rotection forth e Owner may b e a vailable (typicallyby deletion of Exce ption No .4 of Sched ule B ,Section 2 of theCo mmitment from the Ow ner's P olicy to be issued)up on compliance w ith the follow ing conditions; A.TIle land described inSchedule A of this co mmitment m ust be a single fami ly residence,whic h includes a cond omi n iumor townhouse unit. B.No labor or mate rials ha ve bee n furnished bymechanics ormat erialmenforp urposes of construction o n the l and d escribed inSchedule A of t his Comrulu ucnr within th e pas t 6 months . c .T heCo mpany mus t recei ve a nappropriate a ffidavit indemn ifyingt heC ompanyagai nstunfil ed mecha nic 's a nd materialm e n'sliens. D .T he co mpanymustreceive payment of the ap propriate p remium. E .If'h ere hasbeen const ructio n.improvement s o r major rep';"un dertaken 0 0 'he p roperty '0 be p u rchased,wi thi n s ix mo n ths prior [0 the DateoftheC ommi tment,the req uirementsto ob t ain coverage for unrecord ed l iens will incl ude;d isclosure of certai n c onstruction information;financialinformat ion as 10 [he seller,the builde r an d/o r th econt ractor;paymen t o f theapp ropriate p remi um ;fuily ex ecu ted lndemn lry ag ree ments satisfactory to thecompa ny;and,any ad ditional requirementsasmay be necessary afte r an exa mination o f the a foresaidinformationby theCom pany . Nocoveragewillbeg ive n u nder any c ircu mstances for la bo r or mate rial for whi ch the insure d bas contracted foror agreed t o p ay. NOTHI NG H EnEIN CONTAINEDWILL BEDEEMEDTOOBLIGAT E TH F.COMPANY T OPROVIDE ANYOF TilE COV ERAGES REFERRED TOHEREI N UNLESS TilE AIlOVE C ONDITI ONS ARE FULLY S ATISFIED.I O rder No .04 03 5539 Discfosures (YSDO)Re~.10m ",I I I .., TO WN OF VAIL D epartm ent ofCommunityD evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8 /657 97 0-479-2138 F.4X 970-4 79-2452 www vaiigo v:com D ecember27.2004 JackSnow RK D Archi tects POBox 5055 Ed wards .CO8 1620 fll(COPy R E:Ste p hanoff Reside nce -2339 Ch amonix Roa d/Lot 11 ,Block A,Vail D asSc honeFil ing 1 Dear Jack, Th e T own Staff has pr eliminarily reviewed thedes ignr eviewappli catio nfor t he p roposed additio n t o t heS tephanoffr es idenceloca ted at 2339 Ch amonix Road.Th e following isa sum mary o f t he co m ments f rom tha treview: 1.T he site planmu stbe revisedas follows : •A ll required parking spacesmu stbes hown (9'x18'enclosed space s and9 'x 19'exterior spaces). •Top a nd bottome levations of al l reta inin g wall s mu st be s hown . 2 .Th ere d-linedfloorp lans mus tb e r evised tos how t he GRFA ca lculationsin accorda nce wi thOr dinan ceNo .14,20 04 .(A copy o f thiso rdina nce has been attached f or r eference ) P lease submit revised p lanstothe TownofVai l D ep artment of Co mmuni tyDevelop ment add ressing the above listed itemsby no later t hanMo nday,J anuary3 ,2005 .If you ha ve any Quest ions o r comm ents,please fee l f r ee toco ntactm e at(970)479-2173 . Si ncerely ,- B illG ibson ,A ICP T own of Va il ·., D epartment of Com mun ity Development 75S outh Frontage Road Va il,Co lorado 8 1657 970-479 -2 J3 8 FAX970 -479-2452 w ww.va ilgov.com December29 .2004 J ackSnow R KD A rchitects POBox 5055 Edwa rd s,CO 8 1620 R E :Ste pha noff Res ide nce -2339 Chamonix Road/lot 11,B lo ck A ,VailDasSch oneF iling 1 Dear Jack, Th e TownofVai lPu blic Works Depa rtment h aspr eliminarily rev iewe dthe de sign review ap plica tion fo r t he propose d ad dition to theStep hanoff r es ide n ce lo cated a t2339Chamo nix Road .Thefollow ing isasu mmary of t he comments f rom th at r eview : 1.The driveway mu st haveac ulvert .The c ulvertm ust be a m in im umof 1 8 ~in s izea nd extend5feetpast bot h s ides of thedr iveway. 2.Th esnow sto ra g ea re as mu st berevise dto b ewit h int he prope rty bounda ries . 3.Driveway spo t elevationsm ustbeshownforthefi rst 10 f eeto ft hed riveway fro m t he conc rete pan,p e r TOVstanda rds . 4 .A ll requ ire dp arking spaces mus t b e s how n o n t he sitep lan. 5.The d riv e way t urna rounda rea mu st be revisedto ha ve a minimumwid th of 12feet. 6 .A Rev o ca ble R i g h t -o f~W ay Perm itwi ll b e requiredaspa rt oft he build ing pe rmi t s ubm ittal . Please s ubmitrevis edpla ns to t he T ownofV ail Departmen t o fCo mmunityDevelopme nt add ressing theabovelistedite msby nolatertha n Mond ay ,January 3,2005 .Ifyo u ha ve any questionso r co mme n ts,please feel f reeto co n tact m eat (970)47 9-217 3o r Le o nardSa ndoval wit hthePubli c Work s Departmenta t (970)4 79-2198. Sincerely , Bi ll Gibs on ,A ICP Townof Vail "t......1 I;c r c u ·LJ P..PER." • ,,-, FILE COpy TOWN OFVAIL • Departm ent a/Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail .Colorado8165 7 970-4 79-213H FAX970 -479-2452 www.vailgo v.com January 7 ,2005 J ackS now R KD A rch ite cts PO Box 5055 Ed wards,CO 8 1620 RE:Slephanoff Residence -23 39 Chamonix R oad/Lo111,Bl ockA ,Vail D as Schone Filing 1 D ear Jack, The Towno f Vail P ublic Works Depa rtment hasrecent lyreviewedthe amended pla ns fo r the Ste phanoff a ddition at 2339 C hamonix Road .Th e following isasum mary of th e comments from that review: 1.The grades a t co ntour 66 -68mustbe revised to not exceed as lope of2:1. 2.Th e limi tso f d ist urb ance fencem ust beadjusted toi nclude a ll s ite grad ing . 3.Th e driveway turn-aro und must be revisedtobe 1 2 feet wide . P lease address these items aspa rt of t he b uilding permit submittal for Ihis proposal.If you have any questions o r co mments.p leasefee lfr ee t o contact meat (970)479-21 73 or Leonard Sa ndoval w ith the Pu blic Works Department at (970)4 79-2198. Si ncerely, W~~-..4d- B ill Gibson,A ICP T own of Vail •• ZONE CHr.CK Dnrc ::_~J2,Ill '-_ legal descripti on:Lot I I Bloc k A Filing _JJ!i "'-...!!~~~"'--~_ Address 2331 C~_Lw-<.~_ CA'T,er (f"b""o(f Pbonc _ Arch itect ~K b Phone '--_ Zone distric t 1'u ..-f4-11y ('C~P.41 1/S (.<pN!t.!J Propo sed \l SC ~;..,f.-E46I .'~ LOI size ~o ¥z,tf Buildab le area _ 'F (H.,C61j ')=+ :. --+--- I'd lhary Gh.f :\ TO (3\GRFA , .-s&OI1dny GrtrA +(·,2')(6"')+ •6'jIj 4'1:Clc Jitplus 2"50 Jdd:idu ll D ocs tim request lnvo lvc;'l 2.)0 "\I1 \!1 t1 ofl}. How Il.C ch of[he allOl\CI !2':0 "dcUi oll is mal:.~1 th this !tqtlC Sl? Sile Covera ge 1.00&+, Heigh t (3 0)(}})•, Setba cks i f ron!'.20' ! ,Si des 1-,.,,, Rc.'U"15' - In /, /8 Landscaping Retainin g Wall Heights M·l I 111lmUIl\ }'/6' '. 5.7'10•/ Parki ng R equired __"3.>--__z: Garage Credi t (300 ~(90 0).(1200). Driv ewa y Permitted Slope t o B Compl ies with TOY Ligh ting Dn.inancc Yes ;L No _ Arc finished grades less than 2:1 :5C-%)Yes ../N o_ -Environrncrual/l l azards 1)Percent Slope «>3 O%)I__"",#!A'-_ 2)Floodplain __~ri./.!18L-__------- 3)Wetland s ~lA, 4)Waler Course Setback (}O)(50)-"./a"-_ 5)Geologic Hazard '-r-r--+__ Jb)Rockfall __J'l.<.JU.""-'-_ c)Debri sFlow __-"'-Ui.,-_ a)Snow Aval anchc,_-"IJ'JjjA!L .:...__ tl'\.",J iLWn NIA ,,, Previous c ondition s of approval (check pr operty filc)·'--...J,tJ,JJOL _ i Is the pro peli)'non-conformi ng?o/C!\cri bc:.1~!.'1.S,..,_hl.!1f".~;:l7~'._ \. .. DESIG"REVIEW CHECKLIST Project:..:..._ •• o S URVEY Bcnclullas k ( LCg<l I description Lot Size ScalI: GRFA 250 additionalGRFA - - - o SITE PLAN Buildable Area Easements TO POh"Tilphy 100 )T.tluodplain Water Course Setback Environme ntal HaL.l[tls Trees Utility locations Sput clcyu tio ns Scale Buil.ding Height Em:roachmcnts '. '. Crnwl\Attic Space EIlU o BUILD ING ILEVATIONS Scale :oJor\Malcrials -itoo fPitch o LAJWSCAPE PLAN L'tistin g trees f re posed trees r cgcnd MISCELLA NEO-;S CondeApproval r ue r eport (A &B) - - - - - Setbacks S ite Covera ge Eaves/Overhangs (4') DccksIB al con ics Garage co nnect io n Site Gradc\Slopc Rclaining Wal ls Fe nc es ParkinglGarngc Turning Radius Dri v eway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access U~'ility v'crificarionform Photos of site Builcli llg material sa mples C.J.Vcrificati on SUJ lShade Angles Utlities (undcrp-ound) V i.~w Corrido rs v «'ianccs P ia:rc suictions /6T t ~btu ,/:-;:; V~Dj(.6 '::;'h tJ>l..'--I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.o.veu.co.us Project Name:STEP HANOFFRESIDENCE Project Description: sm COVERAGE VARIANCE Participants: PEe Number:PEC040074 OWNER SfEP HANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/25/2004Phone :39 0-4529 POBOX 4573 VAll CO8 1658 Ucense : APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS10/25/2004Phone :970 -926-2622 POBOX5055 EDWARDS CO81 632 license : Project Address:2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAlLDAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Number:210311401010 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By :Kjesbo Second By:Lamb Vote :7·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:11/22/2004 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochanges toth ese plans may be made without t he written consentof Townof Vailstaff and/or t he appro priatereviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:300 PEe app roval sha ll not be notbecome v alid for20daysfo llowing the date of a pproval. Cond:CON0006820 Thi sva riancereques t a pproval shallbecon ti ngent upon th eapplican t receiv ing Town of Va il a pprova l of t herelateddesignrevi ew applica tion. Planner:Bill Gi bson PEe Fee Paid :$500.00 • T O:Pla nning andEnvironmental Com mission FROM :Community Development Department DATE :November 22,2004 S UBJE CT:A request fo r a fi nal reviewo f a va riance,f rom Sec tion 12-6 D-9,S ite Cove ra ge,Vail T own Code.p urs uan tto Chapter 12-7,Varia nces .Va i l T own Code,toa llow for a r es identia la ddition loca te d at 233 9Cham o nix La ne/Lot 11,Blo ck A.Vai l Da s Schone F ilin g 1 ,an d s ett in g f orthde tai lsin regardt h ereto . Ap plicant: Pl a n ner : I.SUMMARY R obertStep ha nafl',represent edby R KD Architects B ill G ibson Th e a pplican t,R obertStep hanoff,re prese nted by R KDAr c hitects,is reque stin g a va r iance f romSectio n 12-6 D-9,Site Cove rage ,Va il T o w n Co de,to a llow f o r a residential add ition ,locatedat 2339Chamo nix Lane .Based upon Staffs rev ie w of thecriteriain Section V III ofthis memora nd um an d theevidence an d testimony presented,theCommunity Development Department recommen ds de nial of this v ariance requestsubj ect to t he findings noted in Section IXo fthis memorandum. II.DES CRIPTIONO FREQUEST T he a pplica ntis proposing areno vation to an e xis tingsingle-family residence w ith a one-carga rage,originally constructe d in 1979,locatedat 2339 Cha monix Lane .A vicinity ma pha sbeen attachedfor reference (Attachmen tA).The ex istinglotis non -conforming in rega rdtoth e Town'sminimum lot sizestand ards an d thestructu re isnon-conformin qinregard tot heTow n'sengi neering standa rds ford riveways .T his e xis ting househas 760sq .ft.of gross reside ntial floo r area (4,159 sq .ft.allowed),4 90 sq .ft .of gar age(600 sq .It.allowed)w hich create 1,290sq .ft.o f site cov erage(1 ,808 sq.ft..allowe d),and includesatwo-car garage. T heproposedre novation includes a new driveway ,two-car g arageaddition , enclosedentryway addition ,d ining/livingroom ad dition,a nda n upper level expansion (maste rbedroom,bedroom2 ,bath 2,and office).Thisproposal will invo lve lowerin g (hefront on e-thirdof the exis ting building byconverting the existinggarage intocrawlspace a ndan enclosed e ntry .A newtwo-car garage will then beattachedto the front of theex isting st ructure.Additions tot heupper level of the struct ure arealso proposed .T hepropose d renovation w ill crea te a total of3,0 1gsq.ft .ofGFRA (4 ,159 sq .ft .allow ed ),540sq .ft.of garag e area(600 sq.ft.allowed),and 2,071 sq .ft.ofsite coverage (1 ,808 sq.ft,allowe d).T he applicant's request andproposed a rchitectural plans have been attac hedfor reference (Attac hmentsB and C). Theprovrstons ofSection 12-17,Varian ce.Vail TownCode.de termine t he rev iewc riter ia a ndreviewp rocedures fo r ava riance request III .BACKGROUND The e xistingreside nce located at2339Chamo nix Lanewasoriginally constructed i n1979 under EagleCountyj urisd iction andtodayislega lly non- conforming inr egardtothe Town'smin im um lotsize standards an d t hestructure isnon -confo rm ingi n regard to t he Town'seng inee ring standardsfo r d riveways. The appl icants'proposal was conceptually reviewedbythe Design Review Bo ard at itsNove mbe r 3,2004.pub lic h earing .Interms of a rchitecture and aesthetics , the Design ReviewBoa rd wasgenera lly support ive of applicant's proposa l. Should the PlanningandEnvironmental Commissionch oose toapprove this varia nce request.theassociat eddesign reviewapplicat ion wil l be te ntat ively scheduledfo r final rev iew by the DesignReview Board atitsDecember 1,2004 , .publ ic hearing . Staff hasresear ched other sitecove rage varia ncereq ue stsinordertoprov ide the Planning a nd Envi ronmentalCom mission with additional backgrou nd inform ation.Asummaryoftha tresearch isprovid ed below: Forst!R esidence,(Octobe r 2004) At theFo rstl Reside nce ,the applicantreque stedandwasgrantedasite cove ragevarian ce of5.97%(341 sq.ft .)on a lotof only5,706 sq .ft.Theexisti ng home hadnogarageand thepropo sedsite cove rage va riance facilitated the construction o f a newone-s tory,two-c ar ga rage. Houtsma Re sid en c:~,(July 2003 ) At the Hou tsmaRes idence,the a pplicant requested end was gran ted a site cove rage vari anceof 1.5%(162 sq.ft.).The site had excess ive slopes a nd was limited to 15%sitecover age per theTow n's Haza rdRegulations.T hisvaria nce fa cilitated theco nstructionofa new on e-story.two-cargarage. Ricci Reside nce,2576 Davos T rail (F e !l [u a ry ~~9 95 t AttheRicci Residence ,the appl ica nt requ ested asitecove rage variance for 4 .7%(526.5 sq .ft .ofadditio nal sitecov erage).The appli cantproposedtousethe additional sitecoverage to create anenlarg ed two-car garage ,aswe ll a sadda small a mount ofadd itio nal GRFAto theexisting reside nce. Dea n/Rausch Res iQ ~Qf.e ._~9.42 _B_e!!.now e r (Ju ly 1993t At the DeanlRousch reside nce,th e applicants request ed a 3.56%sitecoverage variance (287 sq .It.), a setbackvaria nce (4 feet intoa20-foo t se tback),andawall heightvariance. T he request for site coverageandwallheightvarianceswereapproved bythe PEC,butthesetbackvariance for GRFAwa s denied .Itshou ld be noted tha l the staffrecommended de nia l of thevariances,but thePECappr oved it.The i nterior dimen sionsofthe garagewere 22.5 by22 .5 feet,andthe areaof thegarage calc ulated forsite coveragewas 576 squarefeet. 2 • • , Tay lor Residence .2409Chamoni x Road (May 1993 ):Atthe Taylorresidence, the a pplica n t reques ted a nd wasgr anted asite coverage variancefo r1.3%(122 squarefee t)in o rder toco nstruct agarage and buildi ng co nnection onthe p roperty.It sho uldbenoted that theall owedsite c overageonth islotis20 %(no t 15%).and theapp l icant wasalsogranted a variancetoconstru ct thegarage in t he f ront set back (thes tope onth is lo t did notex ceed30%).The a pproved i nterior dimensionsofthe two-car garagewere 21 feet by 20 feet ,foratotal i nte rior areaof 420 sq.ft..T he garage co ntributed 462sq.ft .toward site coverage . MummaRes idence,1886West GoreCreek Drive (February 1993):Atthe Mummaresidence ,theapplicantrequestedand w asg ranted a 1%sitecoverag e varian ce in order toconstru cta garagead ditionon a lot tha i ex ceeds30%slop e. The1%overage o n site cove rage amou ntedto approximate ly99 squa re fee t. The interiordimensi ons oftheapprovedgaragemeasure 20fe et by20 feet,for a totalinterior area of400 squarefeet.The garage co nt ributed 442 squarefe et towa rd site coverage. Or der of Rev iew :Gene rally ,a pplicationsw ill be reviewedfi rst bythe Planning andEnvironm ental Com mission for acce ptabili ty ofuse andth en by the Des ign Review Boa rd fo r c ompliance of proposed buildi ngsandsite planning. Planning and Environmental Commiss ion: Action:Th ePlan ning a ndEnvironmentalCommis sion is responsible for final a p pro val/denia l/a pproval w ith c onditio ns ofavaria nce. Th ePlanning and EnvironmentalCo mmiss ion is responsiblefor evaluating aproposal fo r. 1.Relationsh ip and impac t of the useo n develo pmentobjectives ofthe T own. 2 .Effectoftheuse o nlightandair,di stri but ion of population, transportat ion faci l ities,utilities,schools,parksand recreationfacilit ies , andothe r publicfacil ities and public facilitiesneeds. 3.Effect upo n traffic,w ithpartic ular referen ce to congestion,a utomotive a ndpedestrian safety and co nvenience,traffic nowand co ntrol,access, maneuverability,and removal ofsnowf rom the streetsandpar king areas . 4 .Effectuponthe character of Ihe area in wh ich the proposeduse isto be located,includ ingthescal e a ndbulkofthepr oposeduse inrelation to surrou nding uses. 5 .Such ot herfactors and crite ria as theCommissio n deemsappl icable to theproposeduse. 6.The env ironmentalimpac treport concern ing theproposeduse,if an environ mental impact report isrequired by Cha pter 12 of this T itle. 3 Co nformance wit hde velopmentsta ndards of zo nedi strict Lotarea Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Sitecove rage Landscape are a Parkin gan d loading M itigation ofdevelopmentim pacts Desig nRev iewB oard: A ction:Th e Design Review Board has NOre viewauthority on ava riance,b ut m ust rev iew anyacco mpanying Desig nReviewBoa rd a pplication. Tow nC ounc il: Actio ns ofDesignRev iew Boa rd or Pla nning a nd Environmenta l Co mmissio n may beappe aled tothe Tow n Co unci lor bythe TownCounci l.T ownCo uncil eval uates whether or n otthe P lanning a nd Environme ntalCommissiono rDesign Review Boarderredwi th app rov als or denialsand canu phold,up hold wi th m odifications,orover turn t he board's decisio n. St aff: T he sta ffis responsible for ensuring t hat allsubm ittal requirementsarep rovided a nd p lan sconfo rm to thetech nica l r equirementsof t he ZoningReg ulation s.The staff alsoadvises t he a pplicant astocom pliance wi th thedes ign guidelines. Sta ffp rovides a staffmemorandumcontai ning bac kground onthe p roperty and pro v ides a s ta ff evaluat ionoft he pro jectwit h respec t to ther equired c riteria and find ings,a ndarecommendation o n ap prova l,approvalwi th co ndi tions ,ordenial. Staff also f acilitates the review process. V .AEEb!J<8_BL E PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff bel ieves t hat t he following prov isio ns of theVa ilTownCo de a re relevantto the review ofthisproposal : T ITLE12:Z ONING REGULATIONS C hapter 12·60:Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residential (PIS)District 12-60-1 :Purpose :The two-family primary/secondary residentia l district is intended to provide sitesfo r single-famify reside ntial usesor two-family res idential usesinwhich one unit is a larger primary residence a nd theseco nd unit is a smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriatefy be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toe nsure adequate lig ht,air,p rivacya nd open spaceforeac h dwelling,commensurate withsingfe ·family and two-family occupancy,andto maintain the desirable residentia l qualities of suchsites by establishing appropriate site development standa rds. Chapter 12-17 :Varia nces 12-17-1:Purpose : 4 A.Reasons For SeekingVariance:In ordertoprevent orto l essensuchp ractical difficulties andunnece ssary physicalhardshipsinconsistent withtheobje ctivesof this title as wouldres ult from strict or literalinterpre tation and enforcemen t, variances from certain regulatio ns may be granted.A pra ctical diffic ulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfrom thesize,shape,or dimensionsof a siteorthe l ocationof existing structuresthereon;from topographi c or physical conditionson the s ite or intheimmediate vicinity;or from other physical limi tations,street locati onsor c onditionsinthei mmediatevi cinity.Cost or inco nvenienceto theapplicant of strict or literal compliancewith a reg ulation sh all notbe a rea sonfo rgranting a variance. VI ,S IT E A NALYSI S A dd ress:23 39ChamonixLa ne Lega l Descripti on:Lot 11,Block A ,Va il dasSc hone 1 ~1 Filing Zoning:Two -F amily Pr imary/Secondary Residentia l Land UsePla n Designation :Medium Dens ity Re sidentia l Current LandUse :Residentia l LotA rea:9,042 sq.ft .(0.21a cres) Hazards:Medi um Severity Rockfall Development Standard Al lowed/Reg uired Pro.Q osed Setbacks: Fr ont:2 0'2 5' W es t Side :15 '15 ' East Side:15'19' Re ar:15'18' De nsity :1 unit s +1 Type IEHU 1 u n it GRFA :4,159 sq .ft.3 ,277s q.ft . SiteCoverage:1,808sq .ft .(20%)2 ,071 s q .It.(23%) Landscape A rea:5,42 5sq.ft.(60%)6,328sq.ft.(7 0%) Parking:3sp aces 3s paces(2e nclosed) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSE S ANDZON ING Nort h: Sout h: East: Wes t: C urrentLand Use Re sidential Res identia l Res identia l Residentia l Zo ning Tw o -Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Fa milyPri mary/Seco n dary Reside ntial Tw o-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential VIII.CR ITEBIA A ND FINDlNGl? The rev iewc riteria fo ra r eque stofth is naturea re esta blishedbyC hapter 12 -1 6, Va il Town Code. 5 A .Considerationof F a c!ors_~~ga rd in g the Set ba.ck V ariances: 1.Th e relationship of the requ ested v ariance to other exi sting or potential u ses and structure s in the vicinity . As pro posed ,the ce ntersectionof this structure (p roposed kitchen area)does "step-down"in compariso n to the existing structure. A lthough thecurren t proposal does utilize a ll of the sites availab le GRFA o rbuilding heig ht;th is does notpreventa future renovation from maximizin gthe se twodevelopmentstandards .'rh eretore.. Staff believes the granting of a site cover age variancewo uld a llow for theco nstruction of buildingbulk a nd mass that ex ceeds wh at w ouldotherwise beallowed bythe zon ing regu lations. 2.Thed egree to which r elief f rom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a s pecifiedregulation i s neces sary to achieve c ompatibility and uniformity of treatm ent among sites inthe vicinity or t o attain th e o bjectivesof this ti tle w i thout a grant o f s pec ial privilege. Thisvariance request isa ssociatedw itha remodelofanexisting res idence o riginally co nstructed i n1979.T heexis ting residence is anon-confonningst ructure i n regardto the provisionso fthe Town'sdrivewaysta ndards.Theapp licant is proposing a renovation thatwill bring thi sstr uct urei nto co mpl iancew iththe Tow n'sdriveway standards;however,t hisproposal exceeds the maximum allowable site coveragefor t hesite.A lthough the applicantis pro posing to remedy an ex istingnon-conforming situat ion,a newdeviationfrom the T own Code wi ll be created . Alt ho ughthe Planning a nd Environmental Commiss ion has previously held thatconstructiono f as tructureprior tothe adoption ofthe current zo ning regu lat ions may beabasisfor g ranting a var iancefromthe Town 'scurrent zo ning regulations, Staffbelieves that designa ltern ativesareavai lab le to the ap plicant toco nstruct add itions toth is structure wit houtexceeding thesite coveragestandards.Staffbelieves theonlyelement of this renovationthat is necessarytoaddr ess theexistingdriveway non-conformityis thega rage addition.Today there is 5 18 sq.ft.of unusedsite covera ge avai lab leforarenovationof thisproperty. Staff believes5 18 sq.ft.isanadequa te amo unt ofsite cove rageto const ruct anewtwo-carga rage i n compliancew iththe Town's dr ivewaysta ndards (the TownCode requiresenclosed parking spacestobe 9'x18 ',which is162sq .ft.,t hus theminimum sizeof atwo-car gara ge must be324 sq.fl.).Staff doesnot be lieve the additionalsite coverage sq uare footage crea tedbythe proposed garagestairs,entry sta irs ,dining room,masterbedroom expa nsio n,bedroom2ex pansio n,ba th 2expa nsion,and the officeexpansion is necessaryto remedythe existin g dr iveway non-conformity. 6 Staff beli eves theap plica nt's proposa l s hould bemod ified to comply wit h t he site coverage requirementsby r educi ng (o r eli minating)anyof t he fo llow ingp roposedaddi tions :ga rage , garage stai rway,en closed entryway st airs,mast er bedroom, bedroom2 ,bath 2,office ,or d ining room. T herefore ,Slaffdoes n ot belie ve the p roposedvaria ncerequest isthe min imum degreeof relief necessary f romt he st ricta nd lite ral i nterpretationand enfo rcement of thes ite coverage r egulations necessa ry to achieve com patibility and u niformity amo ng sitesinth e vic inityand wit hint he Two-Fami ly Primary/Secondary Residential (PIS)District. If theproposal ism odified 10 co mply w ith the Town 'ssitecove raqe s tandards .nova riances arenecessaryfo r thisp roposed renovatio n. 3.Theeffect ofth e requested va riance o nli ghta nd air, distr ibut ion of popu lation,t ran sportation a nd t r affic f ac iliti es , pub licf acilities and ut ilities,and p ubl icsa fe ty, Staff doesnotbelieve thep roposed sitecove rage v ariance will haveas ignificant neg ativeimp act on t his criterion in compa r iso n toexisting cond it ions. 4.Su c h other f ac tors and criteria ast he commission deems applicab l e to th e proposed va ria nce. B.T he Planning and_Env ironmental Commission sha llmake thefo llowing fi ndingsJ';lefo re gra n ting .1iI--Y:~.lfia nce : 1.T hat the grantingof the variance w ill n otco nstitute a gran to f special pr ivilegein consistent wi t h thelimitations on other p roperties cl assifiedin the same dist rict. 2.T hatthegrantingof t he v ariance will not be detr im ental to t he pub licheal th,s afetyor we lfa re ,ormaterially injurious t op roperties o r imp rovementsin t hevic in ity . 3.Thatthevaria nce iswarr a nted for o neor more of thefollowing reasons: 8 .T hestr ictl iteral i nterpretationore nforcement of the speci fiedregulation w ould result i np ractical difficulty or u nnecessaryphys icalhardship inconsistentwi ththe objec tives ofthis title . b.T here are except ions o r extraordinaryci rcumstancesor c o ndit ions app lic able to thesamesiteofthevarianc e tha t donot apply ge ner allyto other properties in thesame zo ne. c.Thest r ict interpretation ore nfo rcement of the spe cified reg u latio n wo uld de prive t he applica nt of priv ileges enjo yed bythe ow ners ofothe rp ropertiesin th esame dis t rict. 7 IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th eCo mmunity Development Department re com me nds d enial of t h ev ariance request fromSection 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode,pursuant to Chap ter 12-7,Variances,Va il Tow n Code,toallow fora residential addition loca teda t 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1 1,Block A,Va il DasSc honeF ili ng 1.Staffs re co mm e ndationis ba sed upon t he review ofthe c riteria in Section V III o f t his m emorandumandtheev idence a nd tes timo ny presented.Should t he P lanning a ndEn vironmentalCo mmissio n choose to d enyt his req uest;t he Comm unity Development Departmentreco mmends theCommission makethefollowing f indings: 1.T hatt he g rantingo fthevaria nce w i ll consti tute ag ranting o f s pecial privilege inco nsistent with thelimitations on otherproperties cl assified in thesamedi strict. 2.T hat the grantingoft he va riancewill notbedet rimenta l to thepublic health,safety,orwe lfare.or materially injuri oustoproperties or improvementsin th evicini ty . 3.Thest rict literalinterpretationore nforcement of thespeci fiedregulation wo uldnotresu lt in prac ticald ifficultyor unnecessa ry physicalhardship inconsistent withtheobjectives of thistitle. 4 .Thestrictinterpretationo r en forcement ofthespecifiedregulatio n woul d not depriveth e applicant ofpriv ilegesenjoyedby theow ners ofot her properties in thesame distr ict. Shouldthe Plan ning andEnvironmentalCommissio n choose to a pprovethis request;theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthe Commission makethefotlowinq fin dings: 1.Thatthe gra nting of the va riance will notconstitutea granting of special privilege i nco nsistentwith the limitations on ot her propertiesclassified in the samedistrict. 2 .Thatthegranting of theva riance w illnot bedetrimental to th epublic health,safety ,orwel fare,or materiallyinjurio us topropertiesor improvements inthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literal in terpretation or enforcemento fthespecified regulation wo uldresultinpractical difficulty orunnecessary physica l hardship inconsis tent withthe objectives of this title. 4 .Thestrict inte rpretation o r enfo rcement ofthespecifiedregu lation would dep rive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyedbythe ownersofother properties inthesamedist rict. 8 , S ho uld the P lanningandEnvironmentalCo mmission choose toapprove this co nditio nal usepe rmit request,the Community Development Department recommendsthe followingco nditio ns: 1.Thisva riance request a pproval shall be co ntingent upo n the appl icant receivingTownofVail approva l ofthe related design reviewapplication. x.A,,~CHMENTS A.Vicin ityMap B.Applicant'sStatement C.Architectural Plans D.Architectural Planhig hlightedtoshow proposed site coverage E.Public Hearing Notice 9 ~ Q).o E CD>o Z 111 Uc CIl ";".'"CI et:-._nI en""!.~E ...0 E :::E 0O~() C U llll!:,eMa,N 111.. II) Attachment:A ba " o I Attachment:B Description o fthe Variance r equested for the Stephanoff Residence Therequest is foravariancefromthe20%site coverag e maximuminthe2 FamilyPrimary/Secondaryzonedist rict.This isa non-conforminglot.Thesquare foolageis9,041,73 ,TheminimumSquare footagein t hezonedistrictis15,000 squarefeet.Thecurrentgraveldriveisinexcessof 16 %.Themostpracticalway toresolvethedriveway issue istobuildagarageinfrontoftheexisting slructu re atanelevationsetforanappropriate drivewayslope.Theresultantgarageslab wouldbe10feetbelowtheexisting lower level.Wehaveproposedthisgarage andaheatedentry t hatwill conn ect thehometolhenewgarage.Thenew constructionwillresolve thedriveway issueandwillcomplywithallotherzon ing restrictions but ,duetot he smalllotsize,will exceedthe1,808maximumsquare foo tageby 262square f eet.Theexisting nonconformingdrive/garageandthe no n-conforming sitecreate asignificantpracticai difficulty.Thestrict interp retation ofthesitecoveragereguiation wouldpermit only 5 18 a ddiliona l square feet ,whichisnot sufficient toprovidearequiredtwo-cargarageandan entry .Th eproposedsitecove rage of2,071 issignificantlyunderthe3,000 squar e feetofsitecoverage ofaconformingminimallot inth is zonedistrict. T hisvariance will haveno impactontheothere xisting orpotential usesand structuresinthearea . By granting thisvariance this homecanbe brought into greater compliance with t heneighbor hood particularlyin regardstoitsstreet frontage. T herewillbe noeffec t on t he light,air,d istributionof population,transportation, t raffic facilities,utilities orpublic safety. Thisrequestcomp lies withtheintentofthe TownofVailplanningpol icies and development objectives byupgradingarundownhomeandb ringing a nonconformingproject intomuchgreater(aithough notcomplete)comp liance. RKD Architects,Inc.Design and Constr uction 1 ~]M cli n sueer SUI[t"G004 .P.O.8 0 ..S055 .fd wolld,.Co lorado 8 163 1.1(0170)Q16-16 2l .(970]926 9822 fa .. www.rkdarch.com ~, , Attachment:C ..' ~~ I ::F!j "Ill ~Ir'I"H,dr'Iii'I IIII,f, ,"I ',":i.j1III ~~. -, .'. , e "• \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~, o ,'Hi! "I',.r i S TEP HANO FFR ES ID EN CE 2339 CHAMON IX LAN E VAIL ,COLORADO LO~"."Lo<':><~,..F"".."""",.....".V"''-"""$C"""'_'"'''0 ''''', ..--,,, ! ! j I I ! I. ,,- '0 c .,) , \I ~--] ,,,,,,, """"""""""",, ,----- ,---,~-..---.---------------L 7)""",----L-,,0: ••!::, I ~l5 D ---------------:o..t:-,,,,,,,,,, \,,,,,, \..-~-~-~_~,:lI~"j;::i'-'J,,,,'9 ._-------- ,'[::>f l,:/,c,.,~ > "• EB, I I -":ll I I I !~r~-f'ill i I ./- IX "" rz )vi,.'.2--,- "•2 STE P HI\NOFF RES IDENCE 2 339 C HA MONIX L A NE V I\IL.C OLORADO ~....,".....oe><A ......-on.o....-0""_......__.........-.0 • ,-"~:J,.,0 ~, •z :I,. "1\ -p tl~~-,--" -;;D!:P- -"ZS _Ls....---, --'-'-_.-~=-OR ~._-, """,""",,-~ ---,--,~• •-~ ~ ---~-:.._.AlMW'__I _ ~g"lm-_~-_.=-_-(-----. , ",, ...!.h ·-~ S TEP H ANOFFR E SID ENC E 2339 C I I AMO N IX L AN E V A IL .C O L O R A D O .01",•.••00:',.,"'"""An...c .... ..., I I ;•I,,; :;C:::;-u:..=, ,. 1I !i '"..'I•I ,- i STEPHANOFF RE SIDEN CE 2339 C HAMO N IXL AN E VAIL ,COLO RADO •"........0<:............--~....VA .__&<0__."_0.0 1 i, \ i ( I \ \ I I \ I " I .,\' ! / ,, \,, ! hi!IillI,I 11 "II S TEP HANOFF RES IDENCE ;.>339 C HA MO NIX LANE VAIL ,C OLOR ADO C,"".~..oe".,"C,>,,,."'¥'SOON"'-...",..C"'.SC''')H~"...,."."0 .' • ",,, , .' ..-'-, r, •• :------------- 1fI't/1';~"';7'i:'~";"Ci",,.,...,,",-.-·-,-r-.-1• ••••••••·'••••••••,':',~---~:.·',',',\, lj I '11, I', Attachm ent:0 •r 3 ,, •~ ~•-•~\ 8~ T HIS IT EM MA YAF FECTYOURPRO PERTY PUBLI C NOT ICE * Atta chment :E roWN~ NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t hatt hePlanni ng andEnvironme ntal Co mmi ssio n of the T ow n o f V ailo n No ....e m be r 22,2 004 ,at 2 :00 PM in t he Town of V a il M u nicipa l Building,in cons ide ration of : A r eq uestfo r f inal r eview o f a major e xterior alter ation ,pu rsu ant t oSectio n 1 2 ~7 A -2 ,Ext er io r A lte ratio ns o rM odificat ions,Vai l Tow nCo de ,and a va ria nce fromSect io n 1 2 ~7 A ~7 ,Height,Vail Town Code ,t o a llow for revisions t ot hep rev io usly approved develo pment p lan f orO ne Wi llow Bridge Road(p rev iously Swiss Chale t),locate d at 100 Wi llowB ridgeRo adfT r acts K&L,Block 5E ,Va il V illag e Fi rst F iling ,a ndse tting fo rth d etails in rega rd t hereto . Applicant:OneWi llow Brid ge Road,represented byReso rtDesign ,Inc. Planner :George Ru t her A request fo r areco mmendat io nt o t heVa il Tow n Co u ncilof pro pose d t ex t a mendmentst o Sect ion 12-3-3(E),Ap pea l of Tow nCo u ncil Decisions ;a nd s etting fo rthde tailsin rega rd t h er eto . App licant:TownofVai l,r ep r ese ntedb y M a tt M ire Plan ner:G eorge Rut her A req u estfo r afina lrev iewo f av ariance ,fr omSec tion 12-6 G~8 ,DensityCon t rol,V a il Tow n C ode ,pu r s uant t oC hapte r 12 -7 ,Va riances,Vail TownCode,toa llowfor a ddit ional g ross residential floo r a rea a nd dwellin g u nit ,locatedat46 90 Vail Racq u et C lub Driv eNa il Ra cque t Clu b Co ndos ,and sett in gf orth d e t ail in regard t hereto. A pp licant :RacquetC lubOw ners Associa tion,r epresentedbyTRD Architects Planner :MattGen nett Arequestfor fin a l r eviewofa Co ndition al Use Pe rmit ,pu rsuant t oSec tio n 12-6 0-3 ,C ondi tiona l Uses,Va il Tow n Co de,toa llow for a Ty pe II Employee Hou s ing Unit,loca te dat4812Me adow Lane/Lo t 8 ,Block7 ,Big h o r n F ifth A ddition,and sett ing forth d etails in re gar d the reto. A pplica nt:Big ho rn LL Candt he Dua ne F.RogersRevo cab leTrust ,rep resentedby Larry Be nw ay Pla nn er :Bill Gi bson Areq ue stforr evisiont ot h e fin al pl at,pu rsuant to Ch apte r 1 3 ~4 ,M inorSu bd ivision,Va il Tow n Code ,t o all owfor add itio na l g ross residentia l fl oorarea,locat ed at 1094 Riva Gl en/Lo t4 , Spraddle C ree k Estates ,an d setting f o rt hdeta ils in r eg a rdt hereto . Applica nt:W&8 Develo pment,LL C ,re pres e nte dby Tim L osa ,Ze hren a nd Associa tes ,In c. Plan ner:M attGe nnett Areques tf ora fin alrev iew of ava riance,f romSect ion 12-6 0 -9,Site Coverage,Vai l Town Cod e ,purs ua ntt o Chapter 12-7 ,V a ria nces,V ailTow n C ode,t oa llow fo ra re s ide nt ialaddition loca ted a t2339C hamonix La ne/Lot 11,Block A ,Vai l Da s Sc hone Filing 1,and setti ng fo rt h details in rega rd the ret o . Applicant:Robert Stepha noff,r epresented byJackS now ,RK D Archi tects Planner:Bill G ibso n Thea pplicatio n sand in fo rmationa bo ut t he proposals a re availab le for p ublic inspec t io nd uri ng regula r offic eho ursat t h e Tow n o f Vai l Co mmunity Develo pment De p artment,7 5Sout h Front ageRo ad.The pu blic is invited to attend project or ient ationa ndthes ite v isits that precede t he pu blic h earing int he Townof Vai l Co mmunityDevelo p ment Depa rt ment.Please c a ll (970)4 79 ~2 1 38 foradd itio nal informatio n. Sign languageint erp retation isa vailable upo n req ue st w ith 24~hour n otificatio n.Ple aseca ll (97 0)47 9 -2356 ,Teleph o ne f orthe Hearing Im paire d ,fo r info rmat ion. Published ,November5 ,2004 ,in theVa il Daily. PropertyOw ners ad jacent tothe sub ject propcr"':2339 Cha mo nix Lane,Vuil 1.\"'edel Enterpris es P.O.Box388 Edwards,CO81632 2.David G.H ilb 1592Matte rhorn C i rcle Va il,CO 81657 3 .Abby S.Sc hwartz 668F lagst aff Dr. Cinci nnati ,011 45215 4.BertV.S.&Glenda L.Wong 40 Bertba C i r. C olorado S prings,C O 80906 5.Townof Vail 75S.Fro ntage Hd . Va il,C O81 657 Physical Address:23 78 Garmi seh Drive,Vail Lega l Descr iption :Townhouse Site 3 Su b:VailDasScho ne Filing2 BLK:G LOT:10 Physicu l Address :2358Garmise h Drive,Vai l Legal Description.Sub:Va il Das Sc hone Filing 2 ULK :G LOT:11 Physical Address :23-49 C hamonixRd.,Va il Lega l Descripti on:S ub:Va il D~ls Sch one Filing 1 BLK:A LOT:12 Physical Address:232 C hamonixRd .,Vail Leg al Descripti on:S ub:Vail Das Schon eFiling 1 BLK:A LOT:10 Physical Address:2310Cha munix Rd.,Va il Legal Description:Sub:Va il DasSc hone Filin1=:1 P arcel n R esult Trac tD Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department o f Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.4792452 web:www.vailgov .com General I nform ation : All projects requiringPlanningand Environmental Commission review m ust receive a pproval prior 10sUbm itting a bu ilding permit application .Please refer tothe subminal requirements for the particular approval thai is requested . An application forPlanni ng and Environmental Commission review cannot b e accepted until eu requ ir edinformation is received bytheCommunity Development Department.The proect may alsoneedto be reviewed bytheTown Counciland /or the Design Review Board . Type of Application a ndFee : •Rezoning $1300 •Conditional Use Permit $650 •fo.1ajor SubdivisiorJ $1500 •Fk:lodplain Modification $400 •MinorSubdivis ion $650 •M inor Exterior Alte rat ion $650 •Exemption Plat $650 •Major Exterior Alteration $800 •Minor Amendment toan SOO $1000 •Development Plan $1500 •New Specia l Developme nt District $6000 •Amendment 10 a Development Plan $250 •Majo r Amendment 10 an Soo $6000 •ZOn ing Code AmElf"lCinent $1300 Major Amendmenttoan 800 $1250 •Variance a1&KD (no exterior modificatiOnS)•Sign Variance $200 Desc ription of th e Req u est:"""·It<:.CDv~r:::-WiANG@' o z Loca tion of the Proposal:Lot :lL Block :_~_$Ltx:l ivision:~P:2 ,VD..c;,~I Physical Address:Z.~~q1~·,l(W 010\0 Parcel No .:~'O_~_:.J !':1'~o-(ContactEagle Co .Assessor at970-328-8640 fo r parce l no .) Zoning:z.'&''''''~~~ NameCs)of Owner(s)::iOlek %;=~_ Mailing Address:=:~~.~Io~~~~~;~ Own er(s)Si gnature(s}:""'1-""-=-"'-''-''''''s,,...!::::....---::::::...--'------------ Nam e o f Applicant:1Z.K.O A.1i?J;..~l1Ef.T':::t -~e.c..k.~N",~ "l .zc.,-7.C;7.t: ~~~ Mailing Add ress:----'f-'-"'-'''''-~--.:;===--''"'''=='''''"''_::_c_,__---,---=-----~ ________________Phon e:'l«.z.::."z c:. E-mail Address:~i?12A e.~H ,'"et'4Faxi ---'12.""-...::l-'L"-''''--_ Prolect No .: Ie l lel By:Cl.a \(\"'-~:\Y -V(j ,6 -.Jv<c PECNo.:f E.d 1-oC>¥{ For Office lJs..8 On)Y: Fee Paid:'S CO .Check No,: Meel ;ngDale:1\1p..\~ Planne r: Page t of 6-04/01104 RECV OCT 2 5 2D D4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF vx n ,COI.oRA.DO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : CONSTRUCT ION,IN C. R040006974 Check Am o unt:$5 0 0.0 0 10 !2 5 !20 0403 :40 P M I nit :LC No t at i on :#1849 !COL Perm it No: Pa r ce l No: Si te Add ress : Loca tion : PEC040 074 Type:PEe -Variance 2 10 3 11 40 10 10 233 9 CHAM ONIX LN VAIL 2 339 CHAMONIX LANE This Payme nt :$500.00 Total Fee s: T otal ALLP mts : Balan ce: $500 .00 $5 00 .0 0 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITE MLI ST : Account Code PV 00 1000031 1250 0 Descr ipti on pre APP LICATI ON FEES Cu rrent Pm ts 500 .00 Descript ion o f t he Va ri ance r equested f or th e Stepha nolf Res idence Therequestis fora variance fromthe20%sitecoverage maximuminthe2 Fam ily Primary /Secondary zonedistrict.Th isisa non-conforming lot.Thesquar e footageis 9,041.73 .The minimumSquarefootageinthezoned istrict is15 ,000 sq uaref eet.Th ecu rrent grave l driveis in exc essof16 %.Themostpract ical way to resolve the d rivewayissueis to buildagaragein f rontof the existi ng structure atane levation set fora n appropriate driveway slope .Th e resultantga rage sla b wo uldbe 10 feetbe low the existi nglower level.W ehave proposed th is garage a ndahea ted entrytha t will con ne ct thehometo th enewga rage.Th enew co nstructionwillreso lve the driveway issuea nd will co mply witha ll otherzoning restrictionsbut.duetot he small lotsize ,will exceedthe 1,808m aximum square footage by262 s quarefee t.Th ee xisting nonco nform ing d rive/garage andthe non-conforming sitecreateas ignificant practical d ifficulty.T he strict interpretationofthesite cove rage regulationwou ld permit o nly518 a dditional s quarefeet ,whi chis not suffi cientto provid e arequ iredtwo-ca r garageandan e ntry.Th e proposedsite coverageof2,071 issignificantl y under the3,000 s quarefeet of s ite coverage of aconform ing min imal lotinthis zone district. T hisvariancewillhaveno impactont he oth ere xistingorpot ential usesand struct ure s inthearea . Bygranti ngt hisvariance t hi shomeca n bebrought intogrea ter comp liance with thene ig hborhood pa rtic ularlyinregards t oits streetfrontage. Th erewi llbe noeffect o n t helight ,a ir,distributionofpop ulation,t ransportation , traffic f acilities,utilities orpublic safety. T his requestcompliesw ith theintent oft heTownof Vailplanning policiesand development objectives by upgradinga rundownhom e andbring ing a nonconforming projectinto m uch greate r (a lthoughnotco mplete)comp liance . RK D Arc futects ,IncDesign and Con structi on I H Main \trN"r SUI{('G004 P,O.80 ..SO'iS l d w dl lh .C o l ol ~do R16~2 (970)9261(;22 (970)9 lb·9812 la . www.rkdarch.com ,. z ~I o ST EP HANOFF RESI DENCE 2 339 CHAMON IX LANE VAIL,C OLO RADO LO~1•.""-<>CO<.._..___••"..........~~............ I I ->=--,-- i -" i I -r-r-'e~rr________________o,l__ <'• -+-- ,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I< I n II \1u ,'L-,,: :H=--=,,,= •0 '...~~'!"'~<1~~..If.\ ~\MJ~\.,,,,, "---..---------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f ---------.., \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \\)0==,,, L , ,,-, -'z I"\j ••, I ! •'I ! I '\ ~ I I" 1 l ffiz I'i' I S T EP H A NO FFR ES IDEN CE 2339C HAM O N IX LANE V A IL,CO LORADO LOT .t ."'OC K".........n ""R""'"0""..",hA"~..C"...,RICO ......."., /3 ' (-1 z ,•• S TE PH A NOFF RES IDE N CE 2339 C HAMON IX L ANE VAI L,COLORADO ~OT ',••COOOK A.H ~"'--""'.'O "00'"''''0\-,......""'.00_.....'.....NO 1 S TE PHA NO FF R E SID E N CE 2 339 CH AMON I X LAN E VA IL,C OLO R A D O................""..._.._..S'O"'l0"v ......-.....__~...-HO , I ); r / \ \ ( I I I /,, \ I ' I " L, /'.'Iil;' J ,,.. J ~I... '-- I '.""'I'I' S TEPHA NOFF RES I DE NCE 2339 C H A MO N IX L AN E VA IL,COLO RA DO ..Ot ",'"<>Co<A,..£S UOOO'VOS >CI .."'"VA",....,.SC_••,..'''''''0 , \~- \ , ,, ,, e -.•• "Ii , ; 11m ! ;.1 i l '" , :1.Ii 1 !.,,,, I "(•, ,,~I 1:1 , i !(~ .,~:1 i •,- !l: ,I I '. I ,"•-. lltl iii "••,•--Q.--~- !l It fi I .e, liH ..• ",.",•!. TOf'OClfIAf'Ioll MM" '91 ".•""'''_..._-.or _or _"""_"'· ....."'....1.............,(0.,....;;..""" _..._,..,,, ~~f~3~j£~~~~~ !!".--..- ",, "I -.r~i I ~ ", ,, ."'!'\'~H~n . :I " I I \ ~ , j r 'I • I,i I' , ,IiIr .~.•".1 1 ,11In~ I I I , i I II ,!ll!!(I!!II I1111 iIll(!~..q ;~t;! ,!'I I lilli"!III ! -;a,i-. /6T t ~btu ,/:-;:; V~Dj(.6 '::;'h tJ>l..'--I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.o.veu.co.us Project Name:STEP HANOFFRESIDENCE Project Description: sm COVERAGE VARIANCE Participants: PEe Number:PEC040074 OWNER SfEP HANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/25/2004Phone :39 0-4529 POBOX 4573 VAll CO8 1658 Ucense : APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS10/25/2004Phone :970 -926-2622 POBOX5055 EDWARDS CO81 632 license : Project Address:2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAlLDAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Number:210311401010 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By :Kjesbo Second By:Lamb Vote :7·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:11/22/2004 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochanges toth ese plans may be made without t he written consentof Townof Vailstaff and/or t he appro priatereviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:300 PEe app roval sha ll not be notbecome v alid for20daysfo llowing the date of a pproval. Cond:CON0006820 Thi sva riancereques t a pproval shallbecon ti ngent upon th eapplican t receiv ing Town of Va il a pprova l of t herelateddesignrevi ew applica tion. Planner:Bill Gi bson PEe Fee Paid :$500.00 • T O:Pla nning andEnvironmental Com mission FROM :Community Development Department DATE :November 22,2004 S UBJE CT:A request fo r a fi nal reviewo f a va riance,f rom Sec tion 12-6 D-9,S ite Cove ra ge,Vail T own Code.p urs uan tto Chapter 12-7,Varia nces .Va i l T own Code,toa llow for a r es identia la ddition loca te d at 233 9Cham o nix La ne/Lot 11,Blo ck A.Vai l Da s Schone F ilin g 1 ,an d s ett in g f orthde tai lsin regardt h ereto . Ap plicant: Pl a n ner : I.SUMMARY R obertStep ha nafl',represent edby R KD Architects B ill G ibson Th e a pplican t,R obertStep hanoff,re prese nted by R KDAr c hitects,is reque stin g a va r iance f romSectio n 12-6 D-9,Site Cove rage ,Va il T o w n Co de,to a llow f o r a residential add ition ,locatedat 2339Chamo nix Lane .Based upon Staffs rev ie w of thecriteriain Section V III ofthis memora nd um an d theevidence an d testimony presented,theCommunity Development Department recommen ds de nial of this v ariance requestsubj ect to t he findings noted in Section IXo fthis memorandum. II.DES CRIPTIONO FREQUEST T he a pplica ntis proposing areno vation to an e xis tingsingle-family residence w ith a one-carga rage,originally constructe d in 1979,locatedat 2339 Cha monix Lane .A vicinity ma pha sbeen attachedfor reference (Attachmen tA).The ex istinglotis non -conforming in rega rdtoth e Town'sminimum lot sizestand ards an d thestructu re isnon-conformin qinregard tot heTow n'sengi neering standa rds ford riveways .T his e xis ting househas 760sq .ft.of gross reside ntial floo r area (4,159 sq .ft.allowed),4 90 sq .ft .of gar age(600 sq .It.allowed)w hich create 1,290sq .ft.o f site cov erage(1 ,808 sq.ft..allowe d),and includesatwo-car garage. T heproposedre novation includes a new driveway ,two-car g arageaddition , enclosedentryway addition ,d ining/livingroom ad dition,a nda n upper level expansion (maste rbedroom,bedroom2 ,bath 2,and office).Thisproposal will invo lve lowerin g (hefront on e-thirdof the exis ting building byconverting the existinggarage intocrawlspace a ndan enclosed e ntry .A newtwo-car garage will then beattachedto the front of theex isting st ructure.Additions tot heupper level of the struct ure arealso proposed .T hepropose d renovation w ill crea te a total of3,0 1gsq.ft .ofGFRA (4 ,159 sq .ft .allow ed ),540sq .ft.of garag e area(600 sq.ft.allowed),and 2,071 sq .ft.ofsite coverage (1 ,808 sq.ft,allowe d).T he applicant's request andproposed a rchitectural plans have been attac hedfor reference (Attac hmentsB and C). Theprovrstons ofSection 12-17,Varian ce.Vail TownCode.de termine t he rev iewc riter ia a ndreviewp rocedures fo r ava riance request III .BACKGROUND The e xistingreside nce located at2339Chamo nix Lanewasoriginally constructed i n1979 under EagleCountyj urisd iction andtodayislega lly non- conforming inr egardtothe Town'smin im um lotsize standards an d t hestructure isnon -confo rm ingi n regard to t he Town'seng inee ring standardsfo r d riveways. The appl icants'proposal was conceptually reviewedbythe Design Review Bo ard at itsNove mbe r 3,2004.pub lic h earing .Interms of a rchitecture and aesthetics , the Design ReviewBoa rd wasgenera lly support ive of applicant's proposa l. Should the PlanningandEnvironmental Commissionch oose toapprove this varia nce request.theassociat eddesign reviewapplicat ion wil l be te ntat ively scheduledfo r final rev iew by the DesignReview Board atitsDecember 1,2004 , .publ ic hearing . Staff hasresear ched other sitecove rage varia ncereq ue stsinordertoprov ide the Planning a nd Envi ronmentalCom mission with additional backgrou nd inform ation.Asummaryoftha tresearch isprovid ed below: Forst!R esidence,(Octobe r 2004) At theFo rstl Reside nce ,the applicantreque stedandwasgrantedasite cove ragevarian ce of5.97%(341 sq.ft .)on a lotof only5,706 sq .ft.Theexisti ng home hadnogarageand thepropo sedsite cove rage va riance facilitated the construction o f a newone-s tory,two-c ar ga rage. Houtsma Re sid en c:~,(July 2003 ) At the Hou tsmaRes idence,the a pplicant requested end was gran ted a site cove rage vari anceof 1.5%(162 sq.ft.).The site had excess ive slopes a nd was limited to 15%sitecover age per theTow n's Haza rdRegulations.T hisvaria nce fa cilitated theco nstructionofa new on e-story.two-cargarage. Ricci Reside nce,2576 Davos T rail (F e !l [u a ry ~~9 95 t AttheRicci Residence ,the appl ica nt requ ested asitecove rage variance for 4 .7%(526.5 sq .ft .ofadditio nal sitecov erage).The appli cantproposedtousethe additional sitecoverage to create anenlarg ed two-car garage ,aswe ll a sadda small a mount ofadd itio nal GRFAto theexisting reside nce. Dea n/Rausch Res iQ ~Qf.e ._~9.42 _B_e!!.now e r (Ju ly 1993t At the DeanlRousch reside nce,th e applicants request ed a 3.56%sitecoverage variance (287 sq .It.), a setbackvaria nce (4 feet intoa20-foo t se tback),andawall heightvariance. T he request for site coverageandwallheightvarianceswereapproved bythe PEC,butthesetbackvariance for GRFAwa s denied .Itshou ld be noted tha l the staffrecommended de nia l of thevariances,but thePECappr oved it.The i nterior dimen sionsofthe garagewere 22.5 by22 .5 feet,andthe areaof thegarage calc ulated forsite coveragewas 576 squarefeet. 2 • • , Tay lor Residence .2409Chamoni x Road (May 1993 ):Atthe Taylorresidence, the a pplica n t reques ted a nd wasgr anted asite coverage variancefo r1.3%(122 squarefee t)in o rder toco nstruct agarage and buildi ng co nnection onthe p roperty.It sho uldbenoted that theall owedsite c overageonth islotis20 %(no t 15%).and theapp l icant wasalsogranted a variancetoconstru ct thegarage in t he f ront set back (thes tope onth is lo t did notex ceed30%).The a pproved i nterior dimensionsofthe two-car garagewere 21 feet by 20 feet ,foratotal i nte rior areaof 420 sq.ft..T he garage co ntributed 462sq.ft .toward site coverage . MummaRes idence,1886West GoreCreek Drive (February 1993):Atthe Mummaresidence ,theapplicantrequestedand w asg ranted a 1%sitecoverag e varian ce in order toconstru cta garagead ditionon a lot tha i ex ceeds30%slop e. The1%overage o n site cove rage amou ntedto approximate ly99 squa re fee t. The interiordimensi ons oftheapprovedgaragemeasure 20fe et by20 feet,for a totalinterior area of400 squarefeet.The garage co nt ributed 442 squarefe et towa rd site coverage. Or der of Rev iew :Gene rally ,a pplicationsw ill be reviewedfi rst bythe Planning andEnvironm ental Com mission for acce ptabili ty ofuse andth en by the Des ign Review Boa rd fo r c ompliance of proposed buildi ngsandsite planning. Planning and Environmental Commiss ion: Action:Th ePlan ning a ndEnvironmentalCommis sion is responsible for final a p pro val/denia l/a pproval w ith c onditio ns ofavaria nce. Th ePlanning and EnvironmentalCo mmiss ion is responsiblefor evaluating aproposal fo r. 1.Relationsh ip and impac t of the useo n develo pmentobjectives ofthe T own. 2 .Effectoftheuse o nlightandair,di stri but ion of population, transportat ion faci l ities,utilities,schools,parksand recreationfacilit ies , andothe r publicfacil ities and public facilitiesneeds. 3.Effect upo n traffic,w ithpartic ular referen ce to congestion,a utomotive a ndpedestrian safety and co nvenience,traffic nowand co ntrol,access, maneuverability,and removal ofsnowf rom the streetsandpar king areas . 4 .Effectuponthe character of Ihe area in wh ich the proposeduse isto be located,includ ingthescal e a ndbulkofthepr oposeduse inrelation to surrou nding uses. 5 .Such ot herfactors and crite ria as theCommissio n deemsappl icable to theproposeduse. 6.The env ironmentalimpac treport concern ing theproposeduse,if an environ mental impact report isrequired by Cha pter 12 of this T itle. 3 Co nformance wit hde velopmentsta ndards of zo nedi strict Lotarea Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Sitecove rage Landscape are a Parkin gan d loading M itigation ofdevelopmentim pacts Desig nRev iewB oard: A ction:Th e Design Review Board has NOre viewauthority on ava riance,b ut m ust rev iew anyacco mpanying Desig nReviewBoa rd a pplication. Tow nC ounc il: Actio ns ofDesignRev iew Boa rd or Pla nning a nd Environmenta l Co mmissio n may beappe aled tothe Tow n Co unci lor bythe TownCounci l.T ownCo uncil eval uates whether or n otthe P lanning a nd Environme ntalCommissiono rDesign Review Boarderredwi th app rov als or denialsand canu phold,up hold wi th m odifications,orover turn t he board's decisio n. St aff: T he sta ffis responsible for ensuring t hat allsubm ittal requirementsarep rovided a nd p lan sconfo rm to thetech nica l r equirementsof t he ZoningReg ulation s.The staff alsoadvises t he a pplicant astocom pliance wi th thedes ign guidelines. Sta ffp rovides a staffmemorandumcontai ning bac kground onthe p roperty and pro v ides a s ta ff evaluat ionoft he pro jectwit h respec t to ther equired c riteria and find ings,a ndarecommendation o n ap prova l,approvalwi th co ndi tions ,ordenial. Staff also f acilitates the review process. V .AEEb!J<8_BL E PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff bel ieves t hat t he following prov isio ns of theVa ilTownCo de a re relevantto the review ofthisproposal : T ITLE12:Z ONING REGULATIONS C hapter 12·60:Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residential (PIS)District 12-60-1 :Purpose :The two-family primary/secondary residentia l district is intended to provide sitesfo r single-famify reside ntial usesor two-family res idential usesinwhich one unit is a larger primary residence a nd theseco nd unit is a smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriatefy be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toe nsure adequate lig ht,air,p rivacya nd open spaceforeac h dwelling,commensurate withsingfe ·family and two-family occupancy,andto maintain the desirable residentia l qualities of suchsites by establishing appropriate site development standa rds. Chapter 12-17 :Varia nces 12-17-1:Purpose : 4 A.Reasons For SeekingVariance:In ordertoprevent orto l essensuchp ractical difficulties andunnece ssary physicalhardshipsinconsistent withtheobje ctivesof this title as wouldres ult from strict or literalinterpre tation and enforcemen t, variances from certain regulatio ns may be granted.A pra ctical diffic ulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfrom thesize,shape,or dimensionsof a siteorthe l ocationof existing structuresthereon;from topographi c or physical conditionson the s ite or intheimmediate vicinity;or from other physical limi tations,street locati onsor c onditionsinthei mmediatevi cinity.Cost or inco nvenienceto theapplicant of strict or literal compliancewith a reg ulation sh all notbe a rea sonfo rgranting a variance. VI ,S IT E A NALYSI S A dd ress:23 39ChamonixLa ne Lega l Descripti on:Lot 11,Block A ,Va il dasSc hone 1 ~1 Filing Zoning:Two -F amily Pr imary/Secondary Residentia l Land UsePla n Designation :Medium Dens ity Re sidentia l Current LandUse :Residentia l LotA rea:9,042 sq.ft .(0.21a cres) Hazards:Medi um Severity Rockfall Development Standard Al lowed/Reg uired Pro.Q osed Setbacks: Fr ont:2 0'2 5' W es t Side :15 '15 ' East Side:15'19' Re ar:15'18' De nsity :1 unit s +1 Type IEHU 1 u n it GRFA :4,159 sq .ft.3 ,277s q.ft . SiteCoverage:1,808sq .ft .(20%)2 ,071 s q .It.(23%) Landscape A rea:5,42 5sq.ft.(60%)6,328sq.ft.(7 0%) Parking:3sp aces 3s paces(2e nclosed) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSE S ANDZON ING Nort h: Sout h: East: Wes t: C urrentLand Use Re sidential Res identia l Res identia l Residentia l Zo ning Tw o -Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Fa milyPri mary/Seco n dary Reside ntial Tw o-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential VIII.CR ITEBIA A ND FINDlNGl? The rev iewc riteria fo ra r eque stofth is naturea re esta blishedbyC hapter 12 -1 6, Va il Town Code. 5 A .Considerationof F a c!ors_~~ga rd in g the Set ba.ck V ariances: 1.Th e relationship of the requ ested v ariance to other exi sting or potential u ses and structure s in the vicinity . As pro posed ,the ce ntersectionof this structure (p roposed kitchen area)does "step-down"in compariso n to the existing structure. A lthough thecurren t proposal does utilize a ll of the sites availab le GRFA o rbuilding heig ht;th is does notpreventa future renovation from maximizin gthe se twodevelopmentstandards .'rh eretore.. Staff believes the granting of a site cover age variancewo uld a llow for theco nstruction of buildingbulk a nd mass that ex ceeds wh at w ouldotherwise beallowed bythe zon ing regu lations. 2.Thed egree to which r elief f rom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a s pecifiedregulation i s neces sary to achieve c ompatibility and uniformity of treatm ent among sites inthe vicinity or t o attain th e o bjectivesof this ti tle w i thout a grant o f s pec ial privilege. Thisvariance request isa ssociatedw itha remodelofanexisting res idence o riginally co nstructed i n1979.T heexis ting residence is anon-confonningst ructure i n regardto the provisionso fthe Town'sdrivewaysta ndards.Theapp licant is proposing a renovation thatwill bring thi sstr uct urei nto co mpl iancew iththe Tow n'sdriveway standards;however,t hisproposal exceeds the maximum allowable site coveragefor t hesite.A lthough the applicantis pro posing to remedy an ex istingnon-conforming situat ion,a newdeviationfrom the T own Code wi ll be created . Alt ho ughthe Planning a nd Environmental Commiss ion has previously held thatconstructiono f as tructureprior tothe adoption ofthe current zo ning regu lat ions may beabasisfor g ranting a var iancefromthe Town 'scurrent zo ning regulations, Staffbelieves that designa ltern ativesareavai lab le to the ap plicant toco nstruct add itions toth is structure wit houtexceeding thesite coveragestandards.Staffbelieves theonlyelement of this renovationthat is necessarytoaddr ess theexistingdriveway non-conformityis thega rage addition.Today there is 5 18 sq.ft.of unusedsite covera ge avai lab leforarenovationof thisproperty. Staff believes5 18 sq.ft.isanadequa te amo unt ofsite cove rageto const ruct anewtwo-carga rage i n compliancew iththe Town's dr ivewaysta ndards (the TownCode requiresenclosed parking spacestobe 9'x18 ',which is162sq .ft.,t hus theminimum sizeof atwo-car gara ge must be324 sq.fl.).Staff doesnot be lieve the additionalsite coverage sq uare footage crea tedbythe proposed garagestairs,entry sta irs ,dining room,masterbedroom expa nsio n,bedroom2ex pansio n,ba th 2expa nsion,and the officeexpansion is necessaryto remedythe existin g dr iveway non-conformity. 6 Staff beli eves theap plica nt's proposa l s hould bemod ified to comply wit h t he site coverage requirementsby r educi ng (o r eli minating)anyof t he fo llow ingp roposedaddi tions :ga rage , garage stai rway,en closed entryway st airs,mast er bedroom, bedroom2 ,bath 2,office ,or d ining room. T herefore ,Slaffdoes n ot belie ve the p roposedvaria ncerequest isthe min imum degreeof relief necessary f romt he st ricta nd lite ral i nterpretationand enfo rcement of thes ite coverage r egulations necessa ry to achieve com patibility and u niformity amo ng sitesinth e vic inityand wit hint he Two-Fami ly Primary/Secondary Residential (PIS)District. If theproposal ism odified 10 co mply w ith the Town 'ssitecove raqe s tandards .nova riances arenecessaryfo r thisp roposed renovatio n. 3.Theeffect ofth e requested va riance o nli ghta nd air, distr ibut ion of popu lation,t ran sportation a nd t r affic f ac iliti es , pub licf acilities and ut ilities,and p ubl icsa fe ty, Staff doesnotbelieve thep roposed sitecove rage v ariance will haveas ignificant neg ativeimp act on t his criterion in compa r iso n toexisting cond it ions. 4.Su c h other f ac tors and criteria ast he commission deems applicab l e to th e proposed va ria nce. B.T he Planning and_Env ironmental Commission sha llmake thefo llowing fi ndingsJ';lefo re gra n ting .1iI--Y:~.lfia nce : 1.T hat the grantingof the variance w ill n otco nstitute a gran to f special pr ivilegein consistent wi t h thelimitations on other p roperties cl assifiedin the same dist rict. 2.T hatthegrantingof t he v ariance will not be detr im ental to t he pub licheal th,s afetyor we lfa re ,ormaterially injurious t op roperties o r imp rovementsin t hevic in ity . 3.Thatthevaria nce iswarr a nted for o neor more of thefollowing reasons: 8 .T hestr ictl iteral i nterpretationore nforcement of the speci fiedregulation w ould result i np ractical difficulty or u nnecessaryphys icalhardship inconsistentwi ththe objec tives ofthis title . b.T here are except ions o r extraordinaryci rcumstancesor c o ndit ions app lic able to thesamesiteofthevarianc e tha t donot apply ge ner allyto other properties in thesame zo ne. c.Thest r ict interpretation ore nfo rcement of the spe cified reg u latio n wo uld de prive t he applica nt of priv ileges enjo yed bythe ow ners ofothe rp ropertiesin th esame dis t rict. 7 IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th eCo mmunity Development Department re com me nds d enial of t h ev ariance request fromSection 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode,pursuant to Chap ter 12-7,Variances,Va il Tow n Code,toallow fora residential addition loca teda t 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1 1,Block A,Va il DasSc honeF ili ng 1.Staffs re co mm e ndationis ba sed upon t he review ofthe c riteria in Section V III o f t his m emorandumandtheev idence a nd tes timo ny presented.Should t he P lanning a ndEn vironmentalCo mmissio n choose to d enyt his req uest;t he Comm unity Development Departmentreco mmends theCommission makethefollowing f indings: 1.T hatt he g rantingo fthevaria nce w i ll consti tute ag ranting o f s pecial privilege inco nsistent with thelimitations on otherproperties cl assified in thesamedi strict. 2.T hat the grantingoft he va riancewill notbedet rimenta l to thepublic health,safety,orwe lfare.or materially injuri oustoproperties or improvementsin th evicini ty . 3.Thest rict literalinterpretationore nforcement of thespeci fiedregulation wo uldnotresu lt in prac ticald ifficultyor unnecessa ry physicalhardship inconsistent withtheobjectives of thistitle. 4 .Thestrictinterpretationo r en forcement ofthespecifiedregulatio n woul d not depriveth e applicant ofpriv ilegesenjoyedby theow ners ofot her properties in thesame distr ict. Shouldthe Plan ning andEnvironmentalCommissio n choose to a pprovethis request;theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthe Commission makethefotlowinq fin dings: 1.Thatthe gra nting of the va riance will notconstitutea granting of special privilege i nco nsistentwith the limitations on ot her propertiesclassified in the samedistrict. 2 .Thatthegranting of theva riance w illnot bedetrimental to th epublic health,safety ,orwel fare,or materiallyinjurio us topropertiesor improvements inthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literal in terpretation or enforcemento fthespecified regulation wo uldresultinpractical difficulty orunnecessary physica l hardship inconsis tent withthe objectives of this title. 4 .Thestrict inte rpretation o r enfo rcement ofthespecifiedregu lation would dep rive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyedbythe ownersofother properties inthesamedist rict. 8 , S ho uld the P lanningandEnvironmentalCo mmission choose toapprove this co nditio nal usepe rmit request,the Community Development Department recommendsthe followingco nditio ns: 1.Thisva riance request a pproval shall be co ntingent upo n the appl icant receivingTownofVail approva l ofthe related design reviewapplication. x.A,,~CHMENTS A.Vicin ityMap B.Applicant'sStatement C.Architectural Plans D.Architectural Planhig hlightedtoshow proposed site coverage E.Public Hearing Notice 9 ~ Q).o E CD>o Z 111 Uc CIl ";".'"CI et:-._nI en""!.~E ...0 E :::E 0O~() C U llll!:,eMa,N 111.. II) Attachment:A ba " o I Attachment:B Description o fthe Variance r equested for the Stephanoff Residence Therequest is foravariancefromthe20%site coverag e maximuminthe2 FamilyPrimary/Secondaryzonedist rict.This isa non-conforminglot.Thesquare foolageis9,041,73 ,TheminimumSquare footagein t hezonedistrictis15,000 squarefeet.Thecurrentgraveldriveisinexcessof 16 %.Themostpracticalway toresolvethedriveway issue istobuildagarageinfrontoftheexisting slructu re atanelevationsetforanappropriate drivewayslope.Theresultantgarageslab wouldbe10feetbelowtheexisting lower level.Wehaveproposedthisgarage andaheatedentry t hatwill conn ect thehometolhenewgarage.Thenew constructionwillresolve thedriveway issueandwillcomplywithallotherzon ing restrictions but ,duetot he smalllotsize,will exceedthe1,808maximumsquare foo tageby 262square f eet.Theexisting nonconformingdrive/garageandthe no n-conforming sitecreate asignificantpracticai difficulty.Thestrict interp retation ofthesitecoveragereguiation wouldpermit only 5 18 a ddiliona l square feet ,whichisnot sufficient toprovidearequiredtwo-cargarageandan entry .Th eproposedsitecove rage of2,071 issignificantlyunderthe3,000 squar e feetofsitecoverage ofaconformingminimallot inth is zonedistrict. T hisvariance will haveno impactontheothere xisting orpotential usesand structuresinthearea . By granting thisvariance this homecanbe brought into greater compliance with t heneighbor hood particularlyin regardstoitsstreet frontage. T herewillbe noeffec t on t he light,air,d istributionof population,transportation, t raffic facilities,utilities orpublic safety. Thisrequestcomp lies withtheintentofthe TownofVailplanningpol icies and development objectives byupgradingarundownhomeandb ringing a nonconformingproject intomuchgreater(aithough notcomplete)comp liance. RKD Architects,Inc.Design and Constr uction 1 ~]M cli n sueer SUI[t"G004 .P.O.8 0 ..S055 .fd wolld,.Co lorado 8 163 1.1(0170)Q16-16 2l .(970]926 9822 fa .. www.rkdarch.com ~, , Attachment:C ..' ~~ I ::F!j "Ill ~Ir'I"H,dr'Iii'I IIII,f, ,"I ',":i.j1III ~~. -, .'. , e "• \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~, o ,'Hi! "I',.r i S TEP HANO FFR ES ID EN CE 2339 CHAMON IX LAN E VAIL ,COLORADO LO~"."Lo<':><~,..F"".."""",.....".V"''-"""$C"""'_'"'''0 ''''', ..--,,, ! ! j I I ! 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Applicant:OneWi llow Brid ge Road,represented byReso rtDesign ,Inc. Planner :George Ru t her A request fo r areco mmendat io nt o t heVa il Tow n Co u ncilof pro pose d t ex t a mendmentst o Sect ion 12-3-3(E),Ap pea l of Tow nCo u ncil Decisions ;a nd s etting fo rthde tailsin rega rd t h er eto . App licant:TownofVai l,r ep r ese ntedb y M a tt M ire Plan ner:G eorge Rut her A req u estfo r afina lrev iewo f av ariance ,fr omSec tion 12-6 G~8 ,DensityCon t rol,V a il Tow n C ode ,pu r s uant t oC hapte r 12 -7 ,Va riances,Vail TownCode,toa llowfor a ddit ional g ross residential floo r a rea a nd dwellin g u nit ,locatedat46 90 Vail Racq u et C lub Driv eNa il Ra cque t Clu b Co ndos ,and sett in gf orth d e t ail in regard t hereto. A pp licant :RacquetC lubOw ners Associa tion,r epresentedbyTRD Architects Planner :MattGen nett Arequestfor fin a l r eviewofa Co ndition al Use Pe rmit ,pu rsuant t oSec tio n 12-6 0-3 ,C ondi tiona l Uses,Va il Tow n Co de,toa llow for a Ty pe II Employee Hou s ing Unit,loca te dat4812Me adow Lane/Lo t 8 ,Block7 ,Big h o r n F ifth A ddition,and sett ing forth d etails in re gar d the reto. A pplica nt:Big ho rn LL Candt he Dua ne F.RogersRevo cab leTrust ,rep resentedby Larry Be nw ay Pla nn er :Bill Gi bson Areq ue stforr evisiont ot h e fin al pl at,pu rsuant to Ch apte r 1 3 ~4 ,M inorSu bd ivision,Va il Tow n Code ,t o all owfor add itio na l g ross residentia l fl oorarea,locat ed at 1094 Riva Gl en/Lo t4 , Spraddle C ree k Estates ,an d setting f o rt hdeta ils in r eg a rdt hereto . Applica nt:W&8 Develo pment,LL C ,re pres e nte dby Tim L osa ,Ze hren a nd Associa tes ,In c. Plan ner:M attGe nnett Areques tf ora fin alrev iew of ava riance,f romSect ion 12-6 0 -9,Site Coverage,Vai l Town Cod e ,purs ua ntt o Chapter 12-7 ,V a ria nces,V ailTow n C ode,t oa llow fo ra re s ide nt ialaddition loca ted a t2339C hamonix La ne/Lot 11,Block A ,Vai l Da s Sc hone Filing 1,and setti ng fo rt h details in rega rd the ret o . Applicant:Robert Stepha noff,r epresented byJackS now ,RK D Archi tects Planner:Bill G ibso n Thea pplicatio n sand in fo rmationa bo ut t he proposals a re availab le for p ublic inspec t io nd uri ng regula r offic eho ursat t h e Tow n o f Vai l Co mmunity Develo pment De p artment,7 5Sout h Front ageRo ad.The pu blic is invited to attend project or ient ationa ndthes ite v isits that precede t he pu blic h earing int he Townof Vai l Co mmunityDevelo p ment Depa rt ment.Please c a ll (970)4 79 ~2 1 38 foradd itio nal informatio n. Sign languageint erp retation isa vailable upo n req ue st w ith 24~hour n otificatio n.Ple aseca ll (97 0)47 9 -2356 ,Teleph o ne f orthe Hearing Im paire d ,fo r info rmat ion. Published ,November5 ,2004 ,in theVa il Daily. PropertyOw ners ad jacent tothe sub ject propcr"':2339 Cha mo nix Lane,Vuil 1.\"'edel Enterpris es P.O.Box388 Edwards,CO81632 2.David G.H ilb 1592Matte rhorn C i rcle Va il,CO 81657 3 .Abby S.Sc hwartz 668F lagst aff Dr. Cinci nnati ,011 45215 4.BertV.S.&Glenda L.Wong 40 Bertba C i r. C olorado S prings,C O 80906 5.Townof Vail 75S.Fro ntage Hd . Va il,C O81 657 Physical Address:23 78 Garmi seh Drive,Vail Lega l Descr iption :Townhouse Site 3 Su b:VailDasScho ne Filing2 BLK:G LOT:10 Physicu l Address :2358Garmise h Drive,Vai l Legal Description.Sub:Va il Das Sc hone Filing 2 ULK :G LOT:11 Physical Address :23-49 C hamonixRd.,Va il Lega l Descripti on:S ub:Va il D~ls Sch one Filing 1 BLK:A LOT:12 Physical Address:232 C hamonixRd .,Vail Leg al Descripti on:S ub:Vail Das Schon eFiling 1 BLK:A LOT:10 Physical Address:2310Cha munix Rd.,Va il Legal Description:Sub:Va il DasSc hone Filin1=:1 P arcel n R esult Trac tD Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department o f Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.4792452 web:www.vailgov .com General I nform ation : All projects requiringPlanningand Environmental Commission review m ust receive a pproval prior 10sUbm itting a bu ilding permit application .Please refer tothe subminal requirements for the particular approval thai is requested . An application forPlanni ng and Environmental Commission review cannot b e accepted until eu requ ir edinformation is received bytheCommunity Development Department.The proect may alsoneedto be reviewed bytheTown Counciland /or the Design Review Board . Type of Application a ndFee : •Rezoning $1300 •Conditional Use Permit $650 •fo.1ajor SubdivisiorJ $1500 •Fk:lodplain Modification $400 •MinorSubdivis ion $650 •M inor Exterior Alte rat ion $650 •Exemption Plat $650 •Major Exterior Alteration $800 •Minor Amendment toan SOO $1000 •Development Plan $1500 •New Specia l Developme nt District $6000 •Amendment 10 a Development Plan $250 •Majo r Amendment 10 an Soo $6000 •ZOn ing Code AmElf"lCinent $1300 Major Amendmenttoan 800 $1250 •Variance a1&KD (no exterior modificatiOnS)•Sign Variance $200 Desc ription of th e Req u est:"""·It<:.CDv~r:::-WiANG@' o z Loca tion of the Proposal:Lot :lL Block :_~_$Ltx:l ivision:~P:2 ,VD..c;,~I Physical Address:Z.~~q1~·,l(W 010\0 Parcel No .:~'O_~_:.J !':1'~o-(ContactEagle Co .Assessor at970-328-8640 fo r parce l no .) Zoning:z.'&''''''~~~ NameCs)of Owner(s)::iOlek %;=~_ Mailing Address:=:~~.~Io~~~~~;~ Own er(s)Si gnature(s}:""'1-""-=-"'-''-''''''s,,...!::=....---::::::...--'------------ Nam e o f Applicant:1Z.K.O A.1i?J;..~l1Ef.T':::t -~e.c..k.~N",~ "l .zc.,-7.C;7.t: ~~~ Mailing Add ress:----'f-'-"'-'''''-~--.:;===--''"'''=='''''"''_::_c_,__---,---=-----~ ________________Phon e:'l«.z.::."z c:. E-mail Address:~i?12A e.~H ,'"et'4Faxi ---'12.""-...::l-'L"-''''--_ Prolect No .: Ie l lel By:Cl.a \(\"'-~:\Y -V(j ,6 -.Jv<c PECNo.:f E.d 1-oC>¥{ For Office lJs..8 On)Y: Fee Paid:'S CO .Check No,: Meel ;ngDale:1\1p..\~ Planne r: Page t of 6-04101104 RECV OCT 2 5 2D D4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF vx n ,COI.oRA.DO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : CONSTRUCT ION,IN C. R040006974 Check Am o unt:$5 0 0.0 0 10 !2 5 !20 0403 :40 P M I nit :LC No t at i on :#1849 !COL Perm it No: Pa r ce l No: Si te Add ress : Loca tion : PEC040 074 Type:PEe -Variance 2 10 3 11 40 10 10 233 9 CHAM ONIX LN VAIL 2 339 CHAMONIX LANE This Payme nt :$500.00 Total Fee s: T otal ALLP mts : Balan ce: $500 .00 $5 00 .0 0 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITE MLI ST : Account Code PV 00 1000031 1250 0 Descr ipti on pre APP LICATI ON FEES Cu rrent Pm ts 500 .00 Descript ion o f t he Va ri ance r equested f or th e Stepha nolf Res idence Therequestis fora variance fromthe20%sitecoverage maximuminthe2 Fam ily Primary /Secondary zonedistrict.Th isisa non-conforming lot.Thesquar e footageis 9,041.73 .The minimumSquarefootageinthezoned istrict is15 ,000 sq uaref eet.Th ecu rrent grave l driveis in exc essof16 %.Themostpract ical way to resolve the d rivewayissueis to buildagaragein f rontof the existi ng structure atane levation set fora n appropriate driveway slope .Th e resultantga rage sla b wo uldbe 10 feetbe low the existi nglower level.W ehave proposed th is garage a ndahea ted entrytha t will con ne ct thehometo th enewga rage.Th enew co nstructionwillreso lve the driveway issuea nd will co mply witha ll otherzoning restrictionsbut.duetot he small lotsize ,will exceedthe 1,808m aximum square footage by262 s quarefee t.Th ee xisting nonco nform ing d rive/garage andthe non-conforming sitecreateas ignificant practical d ifficulty.T he strict interpretationofthesite cove rage regulationwou ld permit o nly518 a dditional s quarefeet ,whi chis not suffi cientto provid e arequ iredtwo-ca r garageandan e ntry.Th e proposedsite coverageof2,071 issignificantl y under the3,000 s quarefeet of s ite coverage of aconform ing min imal lotinthis zone district. T hisvariancewillhaveno impactont he oth ere xistingorpot ential usesand struct ure s inthearea . Bygranti ngt hisvariance t hi shomeca n bebrought intogrea ter comp liance with thene ig hborhood pa rtic ularlyinregards t oits streetfrontage. Th erewi llbe noeffect o n t helight ,a ir,distributionofpop ulation,t ransportation , traffic f acilities,utilities orpublic safety. T his requestcompliesw ith theintent oft heTownof Vailplanning policiesand development objectives by upgradinga rundownhom e andbring ing a nonconforming projectinto m uch greate r (a lthoughnotco mplete)comp liance . RK D Arc futects ,IncDesign and Con structi on I H Main \trN"r SUI{('G004 P,O.80 ..SO'iS l d w dl lh .C o l ol ~do R16~2 (970)9261(;22 (970)9 lb·9812 la . www.rkdarch.com ,. z ~I o ST EP HANOFF RESI DENCE 2 339 CHAMON IX LANE VAIL,C OLO RADO LO~1•.""-<>CO<.._..___••"..........~~............ I I ->=--,-- i -" i I -r-r-'e~rr________________o,l__ <'• -+-- ,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I< I n II \1u ,'L-,,: :H=--=,,,= •0 '...~~'!"'~<1~~..If.\ ~\MJ~\.,,,,, "---..---------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f ---------.., \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \\)0==,,, L , ,,-, -'z I"\j ••, I ! •'I ! I '\ ~ I I" 1 l ffiz I'i' I S T EP H A NO FFR ES IDEN CE 2339C HAM O N IX LANE V A IL,CO LORADO LOT .t ."'OC K".........n ""R""'"0""..",hA"~..C"...,RICO ......."., /3 ' (-1 z ,•• S TE PH A NOFF RES IDE N CE 2339 C HAMON IX L ANE VAI L,COLORADO ~OT ',••COOOK A.H ~"'--""'.'O "00'"''''0\-,......""'.00_.....'.....NO 1 S TE PHA NO FF R E SID E N CE 2 339 CH AMON I X LAN E VA IL,C OLO R A D O................""..._.._..S'O"'l0"v ......-.....__~...-HO , I ); r / \ \ ( I I I /,, \ I ' I " L, /'.'Iil;' J ,,.. J ~I... '-- I '.""'I'I' S TEPHA NOFF RES I DE NCE 2339 C H A MO N IX L AN E VA IL,COLO RA DO ..Ot ",'"<>Co<A,..£S UOOO'VOS >CI .."'"VA",....,.SC_••,..'''''''0 , \~- \ , ,, ,, e -.•• "Ii , ; 11m ! ;.1 i l '" , :1.Ii 1 !.,,,, I "(•, ,,~I 1:1 , i !(~ .,~:1 i •,- !l: ,I I '. I ,"•-. lltl iii "••,•--Q.--~- !l It fi I .e, liH ..• ",.",•!. TOf'OClfIAf'Ioll MM" '91 ".•""'''_..._-.or _or _"""_"'· ....."'....1.............,(0.,....;;..""" _..._,..,,, ~~f~3~j£~~~~~ !!".--..- ",, "I -.r~i I ~ ", ,, ."'!'\'~H~n . :I " I I \ ~ , j r 'I • I,i I' , ,IiIr .~.•".1 1 ,11In~ I I I , i I II ,!ll!!(I!!II I1111 iIll(!~..q ;~t;! ,!'I I lilli"!III ! -;a,i-. ~o ". 3.. ~ ,.'..' .,-..'--~~ -- ....¥''~O ""'~0I60,.:~~,..~.....~.....~....~....~.~_....~....__'~r-----------------,, ,,,,,,,,,, ',-----------------.,~_-------------JL.,, '.~i:."'-...!.I..!;!:'~lL',,,,.,_''f'I iiI!~~~._.:Ir::"~"':_:~-J,' c TOWNOF VA IL •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developme nt 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2 139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.c.vaif.co.us Proje ct Name:Gonzales-Brito Res idnece Proje ct De scription : ORB Number:DRB0303B9 REPLAON GOLD A ND ROTTE N RETAINI NGWALLWITH MANUFACTURED BLOCK. Pa rtici pants: OWNERPHANORD,ROGER J .-MI HlST1N09/09/2003Phone : GO NZALEZ-BRITO,CARLOS 10 050 SW55 5T FT LAUDERDALE,fL 33 328 License: APPUCANTPHANORD,ROGER J .-MIHlST1N09/09/2003Phone: GONZALEZ-BRITO,CARLOS 10050SW SS 5T FTLAUDERDALE,FL 33328 License : Project Address:2339 CHAMONI X LN VAIL location:2339 Chamonlx Ln Lega l De scription:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivis ion:VAILDAS SCH ONEFI L1 Parcel Number:2 10311401010 Comments:See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:MargaretRogers Second By:DaveViele Vote:5-0 Cond itions: Action:A PPROVED Date of Approval:10/01/2003 Cond:B (PLAN):Nochanges to th ese plan s m ay bema de w ithout the w ri tten co nse nt of Tow n o f Vai l staff a nd/or the ap prop riate review co m mittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoes notco nsti tute a permitfor build ing.Pleaseco nsu lt with T ow n of Va il Bui ldi ng perso nnelprior t o const ruct ionactivi ti es . Cond :CQNOO06175 The a pplicant shall finis h off the wall w ith enda nd top caps t ocove r the unfinished edges of t heb lock w all no later th an November 10,2003. Cond :CON0006176 The a pplican t shall pl ant a m inimum of 8,S-gallon j uniper shrubs in the Vicinity of t hesoutheastern e nd of th e wa l no lat er t han November 10 ,20 03.A p la n identifyi ng th especies of shr ubs tobeused,size,q ua nt ity,a ndlocationshall be su bm itted to sta ff p r ior to planti ng f o r rev iewa nd a pprova l. •Planner:War ren Campbell •ORBFeePaid:$20.00 •• Application for Design Review Departme nt of Community Develop ment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970 .479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.d.vau.cc.us General Information: All projectsrequiring design reviewmust receive approval priortosubmitting abuilding permit applicatio n.Ple ase referto the submittal r equirementsfo r the partic ular approval that is requested.An application fo r Design Review cannot be acceptedunti l all r equired infor mation is receved bytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalso needto be reviewed by the TownCouncil and/o r t hePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: wUVI "-u 0<1 v.-t<.d E-mail Address:.;:.t...horn e CQ •.ad. location of the Proposal:l ot:I I Bl ock:-k Subdiv ision: Physical Address:.......1~,"c2'3;:."l,!-;-;::-"L~~=~"--l.~~=_ _-:-::-___.J.\0'ot 0c::~rce l No.:•.2 -(ContactEagle Co.As sessorat 9 70-328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:Y!<l!\\llIl~./Sf-CA1 d {t"'i}.' Name(s)ofOwner(s):~Ill-tMca1 !\IHl.,..Q Il'II W'W-t II Mailing Address:~-Bot-kCk I ~~lD I l'o&~::,-11,=::3:-:2.=:-----==.--=,---_-------~-~'"r--,,---r-__Phone:Q70 .qZ.b -"1-?!>'i' Owner(s)Signature(s):(~(~~L-_ Name of Applicant:G""lZteF~~7k~ 06 -c.r:£w {s..-eel ~<6 3 ~ o ·2 756? 10 ·26 -0 0"..3 Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addition o MinorAlteration (muftt-tarnllv/commerclal) ~Minor Alterat ion (single-family/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o separationRequest $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee £ills $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction ofanew bUildingor demo/rebuild. Foran additionwhere square footage is addedtoany residentialor commerctal building (includes250 additions &i nterior conversions). For minorchanges to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscap ing,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildi ngsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,paintin g,w indow additions,landscaping,fencesand r etaining walls,etc. Forrevisionstoplansalready approvedbyPlanningStaff orthe Design Review Board. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:}o ,<I\)Check "0,:_10 >S' APPlicati O~~ Planner:jl .......,(Project No.. ,.",.."'''~::~n':~~;:1 -~7 .,k ~~--"---~GM ~~~~TI~ 0 9/86/2803 1 0 :3g 97 0g2667 83 _.. ..... "'1 lEN ......ow...1.D'ftIl-ft"'------------.,----c.__~~ t.(prtr!l ....)~p"...............d.L_J'.jl:int ....dPiI1JM1Y IiI:Ic-.d _($·W • ........l zV'l '-heM""';"Uw~I llfV'WIdiI1NI ...........I"....._""......._-'....;~=_-- ~..CClI·~'.2'._-*"-N8d .......r &Id&:ttald'"thI:jWQptJiil!d ,,\MlIfIeI1ti ~ z'r'pe£L del §.MLr.d......g.Jg.j'O,n,W!ot u.i..Jh en,,? .ro IJ1 U ~,,(t¥ict"t... r """*",..dill _.,t'twt noMar M''''''.lalli '"'II'.."-10 _pa.,s owwr tht CDd!fib ~ ~-~~""IhI""''S,,~'a'CIliIdIIIWld NfIJIIOonL q .",0>' Frqll\: :i t>p O~01 1 11 09 . P.'" ---'----l---- 9 7 0 -5~6 -U0 5 3 JOINT PkUPfRTY OWNEll. WlurrfN APPROVAllEn fR. ---------- .~~~\ TOil\\'6RiW--- M ~""'~'L <.:i 'le......t~"-"-r-,,:...-.~. I .(point l'ld(T\t')~-'l:"1'"~~t.U:I --.--J .1 jotnt ownt:J of JoIroperty b(;ated at {<td d r~S/I ~;JI ':~..cnP tiol :)i ·:',~J "'1 C.h~l"'I t,;l\j ".l-\"I L.._r ----r,- pt"CI \<itJto ttl'";ettt:r 215 ""ritkn ~PP'ov,,1 or th~;lIO ns dilted .:!-~".__which h3~e --~- -----------------......,-------~- -----.-------------------- !r ...t~r u ndCl!>t<l1 t~thilt m i nOr n w,ll..h flC<J t iOfl \mtly be mede t o t h e p lans w e t~ecorse Or t he rf:"fteN process lu e ns ure oornpli,lt1Ce W 1Ql t he Town 's a pp licable COlI ~il nu ,,~lM.1 tio n s. I 'I,-- P~2:or 12/U(JOIIOJ. (ua te) .----;- I I I I, •• TOWN OFVAIL .COLORA DO S tatement S tate ment Number : P ayment Method : vail ,LLC R 03 00046 43 Amo unt:$20 .00 Check 0 9/09 /200 302:48 P M I ni t :LC Notati on :#10 3S /Key West Permit No : Pa r cel No: S ite Address : Locat ion : DRB030389 Type :ORB-M inor Al t,SFR/DUP 210 3 114 0101 0 23 39 CHAMONI X LN VAIL 23 39 Chamonix Ln Thi s Payment :$2 0 .00 T o tal Fees : Total ALLPmts : Balance : $20 .0 0 $20 .00 $0 .00 AC COUNTITEM LI ST : Account Co de DR 00 10 00031122 00 Description DES IG N REV IP.FEE S Cu rrent Pmts 20.0 0 • , TOWN OF VA IL •• Department oj Comm unityDevelopment 75Sou th FrontageRoad Vail ,Colorado8 /657 970 -4 79-2 /38 FAX9 70-479-24 52 wwwci.vail.ca.us C arlos Go nza lez-Brito P O 8 0x606 Edw ards ,CO 8 1632 Septem ber 24 ,2 003 R e:Gonzalez -BritoResidenceretainingw all 2339 C hamonixLa ne/Lot11,B lock A ,Va il Da s Sch one F il i ng1 M r.Go nzalez-Brito , T hisletteris be i ng sent to inf orm you of t he seve ral c omments staff ha s rega rd ing yo ur ap plication to bring a n ex ist ingill ega ll yco nstru c ted re tai ningwallint oco mpliancewith T ownrequi rements . •T heTown Code requiresthat retaining wa lls whi ch a relocatedwith in thefront set back ofapro perty t obe no ta lle r t han 3feetin heigh t.Yo urproposal shows t hemax imum he ightof t hereta iningwallata pp ro ximatel y 4 fe et.Please s ubmit ar evisedp la n w ith t hemax imum height oft he retaining wa ll red uced inhei ght to b e 3 f eet or less . •T he c urrentlyco ns tructedwallis very li near and d oesnotre late w e ll t o t he soil g rades youa re attem pt ingt o r et ain .Th e Desig n Re view B oard hasfa vored re tainingw alls o ft hisna ture w hent hen "turn back"in to g rade.Yo u co uld use o new all or two w alls with 4 feetbetween eachw all in ord ert oc reate a planting bed a rea .I h avea ttached a p hotocopy of you rplan de picting w hat I am s peakingab out a s it is ea s ier to v isu alize .A revised plan shall bes ubmittedw ith a de sign si milart ot hat a tt achedt o bedra w b y a la nd scap e arc hitect or potentially th es urveyor. P lease r eviewt hese c omm ents andif yo uha vea ny questio ns regar ding t his letter p lease c onta ct me at 970-479·2148 .If yo u are Willing to pro videa profes sional d rawing a ccor dingtot he com ments li st edab oveplease s ubmit a r ev ised designas quicklyas pos s iblea nd staff wi ll a pp rove itw ith out Desig nRevi ewB oard rev iew .If yo uar e un w illing t o rev ise y ourd rawing p lea se i nf orm met hat you w ish t o pro ceedforwardw it h t hecu r rentd esigna ndyouw ill be p la ce donthe a ppropria te D esign Review Board a genda. Wit hre gards , Wa rren Ca mpbell P la nner II cc.F ile o Rl :x:n;u:n I'API:H \., 1; I \ r . re{".niA;:J vJJ\1 e ~y' p ,,\\e ~ov.t o f "fo.,S -fo r {fer viS ;\';\.t, ~ L-11.00' R-t27.J8' 4-57 8'20" CB_NG6"28'46 'r (sd)80' / ROf>.D £nG£Ii ~<J',vJ-f '\-ir\'" /\~/.-79 78 \/ ~/ \\/:"" .- 79 .30 n ,Yf-/>, ;7'- /-\\ ---'\ ) ./ ./ ..v_- •.> rft.d .//' f'rP'./-:./ /'--CX~CRA ~L DR/li!'WA r 79.14 ./4~~...--~ X.ToP OF WALAl~'I/~::..j~lW-~~7 6~'84~~~$~[E "(TY1'.)'--::- rOP OF wAtt OW-.45 J ' (REMOVE •OCl<S)~'"1 ,?~<E:;il!!!.-"~?:-_e.-f--f 2 ROWS Of s/.OCl<S)OO TTOU OF WAll I NOTE:I./\I MA.X.WM.L HEIGHT -4n~1l/ACJ(J ;r EXISlING IGRA IlEl 0II111E W1Y •Y II -"7.......,,.---- /'_)/6 ~//,~"/AoY .-----"'--'/ /.-.-.-'0 8'9.-.-//'-:9 66 N 69 y /'//1/-;7~//'- ///.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--././ /..>.:: ./...-- I .-/.-/ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Develo pment 75 South Fro ntage Road ,Vail,Color ado 8 1657 lei:970 .479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:GO NZALEZ -BRITO RESIDENCY. Project Description: ORB Number:DRB020383 Re-paint and retaining wall.Thepaint colors were resolvedin the T ownofVailMunicipal Court and the retainingwall was addressed ina sepe rate ORB applica tion satis factorily. Participants: OWN ER (arlos Gonzalez-Br ito 10/22/2 002Phone:970-331-3093 PO B 606 Edwards ,CO 81632 APPUCANT ca rlos Gonza lez-8rlto 10/22/2002 Phone:970-331-3093 POB606 Edwards,CO 8 1632 Project Address:2339CHAMO N1XRD VAIL Location: Lega l Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2 103-114-0101-0 COmments:See History BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action :APPROV ED Dale of Approval:09/11/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):No ma nges to theseplansmay be made without t hewritten consent ofTown of Vail staffand/or t he appropriatereview committee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnot constituteapermitfor building.Please consultw ith TownofVail Building personne l prior to constructio n activities. Planner:Allison Ochs ORB Fee Paid:$20.00 Application for Des ign Review Departmentof Comm unity Develop ment 75 South Frontage Road,v ail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.d .vail.co.U5 General Information: All projects requiri ng designreviewmustreceiveapproval prior tosubmitting a buildi ng permit application .Please referto the submittalrequirementsfor t heparticular approval thatis requested.Anapplicatio nforDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilall requi redinformation isreceived by the Community DevelopmentDepartme nt.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewed by theTow n Counciland/o r t hePlanning andEnvironmental Commission. Desi gn revi ew a pprovall apses unlessa building pe rm it isIss uedand construction commences within o ne y e ar of thea pproval. " For constructio n ofa new buildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwhere squa refootage is added toany residential or commercial building (includes 250additions &Interior conversions ). For minorchangestobUildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscap ing,fencesand retaining wens,etc. Forminorchanges to buildings and Site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscapi ng,fences and retaining walls,etc. Forrevisions t o plansalready approved by Pla nning Staff or the Design Review Board. flYS $1.00 persquarefootoftota l signarea. NoFee $20 $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 E-mail Add ress :61l..'~~./"•.:t,"L<t Name of Applicant:,--'Q..,r....."'=L Io!!2.l>'--.!=~~"'-.J =£<..:=---.J ~CL '....!d _ Mailing Address:?po J$Ci¥ Type o f Revi ew a ndFee: o Signs o Conce ptual Review o New Constructio n o Addi tion o Separation Request o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) ~MinorAlteration (single -family/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:,sQn Application Date: Pla nner : CheckNo.:C/l6t:t:By: ORB No.: ProjectNo.: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta teme nt Number: Paymen t Method : R 0000033 14 Amou nt:$20.00 Cash 10/22 /200210 :17 AM I oit:JAR Notati on : Permit No : Parcel No : Site Addr ess : Lo cat ion : DRB0 20 38 3 Type :DRB-Mi nor A1t ,SFR/DUP 2 1 0311 40 1 01 0 2339 CHAMO NIXRDVAIL Thi s Payment:$20.0 0 To tal Fees: Total ALL PInts: Balance : $20 .00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accou nt Code DR 00 100003112200 uescript ton DESIGN REVIE WFEES Cur rent Pmts 20.0 0 Dav id "Bul1 doC··Bowen <,70),Zlt-1UO 'Cell(970))f0·1)" P.O.lklll 1446 Vail.CO 81658 Flied In the Munici p ofVall,a if of v: Till S I S Tl/E L €TT6 1l.me , CfO"""<..6 ~•Bi-lrt>5 "eo",·rr eo To 'HE U:uo.""1-l-'5 f1<e ·r"I ~L Is Ser j';,R.mARC.1I ;;l.O~/I :00"'''', J .s.,..e Type prOw1lfJed Mail D El<JJ1'S'M-.I D RegllllMd ~Rec,.;pt tor Merdwldi$eoInsuredMilli0C.O.D. o...dehwy addte9s dtfletlWlt IrOI'n 1lIn'l1 ?[J Yell If YES.enter deIi'.wy ~~.0 No 8 .~by (Pmted Nam8J ::( r, 7 00 2 1000 0004 6980 667 4 Domest ic AM um R800ipt •COm plete Items 1,2,and 3.Also comP'ele item 4 If Restricted [)elivet)'is desired. •Print yOU'name and address on the reverse so that we can retu rn the card to you. •Att ach th iS card t o t he back of the mailplec9, o r on th\ll front If space permits. CMt[)s (mZtrtIZ -iJe.1 17) Po Po j 60ro tlJ uJ 41!/J 'S C{)~/~d. (l 1.ArtICle ~to : 2 .Attlele NumtM (Transltv from sen'ie9.r.t>e1) PS Form3 811,August 2001 ~ '"'"'" '"'"ca ~, ru '"'"r-. Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75So uth Fron tageRoad Va il.Colo rado 81657 9 70-4 79-2/38 FAX 970-479 -2452 ww w.ci.vail.co.us November26 ,2002 C a rlos Go nza lez -B rito POBo x 606 Edwards,CO 8 1631- SE NTV IAC ERTIFIEDM AIL R E:23 35 Ch amonixL ane I Lo t 11,B lockA,Va il dasS cone F ilin91 Dear Ca rlos , P ursuant to our pho ne con versationsofthe week ofNovember 1 111\,Iamwr itin g y out h is letter to inf ormyou t hat if yo udo n otco mply w ith th e Des ign Review Board app rov al of November 6 ,2002,yo u will be cit edfor a v io lat ion of Se ction 12-11-3:Desi gn Approval. ofth e V ailTown Code .The Des ignRev iew B oard clearly st a ted tha tt he residence re ferenced above m ustbe re pa int edandt hatt he colo rt hatyoupa inted t heres idence w it hout t he pr oper a pprovals c learlydoes not co mply witht heDesign G uide lines ,as o utlined in T itle14 of t heV ail T ownCode .I have sp okenw ith you n umerous t imesto hel p yout hro ugh thepr oce ss.However ,the house hasst ill not been r e pa intede ven wit h n umerousda ys of g ood wea thert o re -pa int.Youhaveunt il De cembe r 2 5,2 002,to co m plyw itht he Des ign Re view Boa rd ap pr o val .T his lett er isserv ing as yo ur offici a l not ice ofv iol at io n oft heVai l T own Code.Sh o u ld y ou h av e a ny q ues t io ns ,ple asedon ot hes itatet oc on tact me at 970 -4 79-2369 , 7!J2lJ4- A llison Ochs,AIC P P la nner II T own of V ail CC :Dav id Rhoades,C od e s Enfo rc eme nt Officer. Ma tt M ire ,Town Atto rney I -, TOWN OFVAI L 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970 -4 79 -2138 DEPARDllENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVE LOPM ENT lD-\-\\~\I d,.. \)GLA.\"l::b \'\- NOTE,THIS PERM IT MUST BEPOSTED ONJ OBSITE ATALL T I ME S PROJ ECT TITLE ,TALL P INES NEW (SFR ,P/S ,DUP)PERMIT Permit #,B 99 -0110 J ob Addre s s,2339 CHAMONIX LN Locat ion ...,2339 CHAMONIX LN Parc el No ..:2 103 -114-25-00 1 Project No.:PRJ99 -0 131 APPLICANT K.C .COMPANY P .O.BOX 341 ,AVO N ,CO 8 1620 CONTRACTOR K .C.COMPANY P .O.BOX 341 ,AVO N,CO 8 1 62 0 OWNER CHAMONIX DEVELOPMENT 500 S FRONTAGE RD ,VA I L,CO 81657 Stat us ...,ISSUED Applied ..,05 /11 /1999 Is s ued ...,OS /24 /1999 Expires ..,11/2 0 /1999 Phone,97 0 -92 6-0566 Phone,970-926-0 566 Phone,9 70 -476-8 6 1 0 Description:NEW PR I MARY/SECONDAR Y DWEL LINGS,ANumbe rDo fADwelli ng To wn of Vail Adj usted Valuation : Uni t s:002 454 ,000 .0 00 Fire place lnfo~~i on ,R••t.r i ct..,d..Y I Of Wood/Pall et , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r ~~SUM HARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bu il ding-----. 1'1....Ch.ck-·-. wi ll Can··--. 1.401.40 .00 J.OO 1l...tuulIlnt t'lan Revie ..--". 011 8 P...·--·-------------. cle;on -U!=l Depollit--------, TOTAL PEES --------------. .00 l Oll.lIli ll ti4.1.5 SOll.llll S .124.J;,5 To t.al Ca lculated P,.,--_> Add i tional Fe.a---------> Tot...1 ""rmit.f'",,--------> P_yment._----------------> ~DUR ---------··--~ S,1 24.5 5 .00 S ,l:.1 4.,5.5 .5i,l H .SS .00 Dept:BUILDING Division : GARY Dept ,PLANN ING PLANS TO PLANNER see conditions Dept:FIRE Divis ion: Division: Division: Division : FOR FIRE A .WITH COND'TN Dept,PUB WORK PLANS TO LEONARD /GAR Y APPROVE D WITH NOTICE Dept ,ENGINEER PLANST O GRE G/LEONARD OK PERGREG HALL (GRG) PLANS TO APPRN/A CANC CANCEL N/A NOTE NEED PLANS APPRN/A CANC APPR APPR PER JE FF I tem,05 100 BUILDING DEPARTME NT 05 /11 /1999 JRM Acti on,NO TE OS /24 /1999 GGOOD ELL Action ,APPR Item,0 5400PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05 /11 /1999 JRM Act ion,NOTE OS /21 /1999 DOMINICAc tion ,APPR Item:05600 F IRE DBPARTMENT 05 /11 /1 999 JRM Action, OS/20 /1999 JRM Act i on, OS /20 /1999 JRMAction , OS /24 /1 999 GGOODELL Ac tion , OS /24 /1999 GGOOD ELL Action, OS /24 /1999 GGOODELL Action , OS /24 /1999 GGOOD ELL Ac tion, Item ,05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05 /1 1 /1999 JRMAc tion ,NOTE 0 5 /18 /1999 LSANDOVA Ac tion ,APPR I tem,055 5 0ENGINEERING 05 /11 /1999 J RM Action,NOTE OS /21 /1999 GGOODELL Action,APPR ••*••••••••*••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••*.*.**•••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••.••.•.•••....•..........•.•••.................................. on:-0 'VAIL ,CCLORADQ ...•.............••.•...••.....•................................ lIIotac;io n,1 01J i .124 .55 05 /1 4 /"1 4 ,20 In.i t :JRJIl P.~l t Wo.&99 -0110 TYP-'l -aUlLD .~(SPR ,P/S ,CUP)P E "re el MO '110]-114 -25 -001 Sit.A44 r ••••21]'~11 LX Loc.t l on .233 'otAMONU Uf 5 .1Ho .S!. Total 'eee: Tote l ALI.~.: a .lence l 5 ,124 .55 5 ,1 24 .55 ................................................................ Acco unt.Cod.Descri pt ion -~,..COI00 00111110 0 a UIL Dl Ha P EJUIII I T "u 2.H i t .00 "0 0 1 0000 1112 200 DES IGN REVI EW 'EllS 2 00.00 "O OlOOO OJ UHOO PLAN CHICK I'tlKll 1.40 1.40 W D2 -DEPOI CL&AK11P DIWOS ITS 500 .00 ••1 1 1000011U700 R ilCRItATION '8 BS ''''.11> ~001 00 0 0211 1100 WI LL CAI.oL I NSl'lICfI cn ':!II:L OO See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thi s permit., DECLARATIONS I h areby .cknow l e dge t h at I hava r aad thia a p pl i cation,fil lad OU t in f u ll the in fo~tion t aqu i red,ccm pl a t ad an ~C CUrata p l ot pl ~,and .ta ea that al l t he infor..tion prov ided a .r aqui ra a i .corr ect .I ~r e e to c a.ply ~it h t he i n fo~tion an d plot plan, t o cc.ply wit h a ll Town o rdi n an c ••and .tate l a~.,a nd t o bu i ld t ni ••t ruc ture ac c ordin g to the To~n'e z on i ng and eubd i vi aion cod..,d a .i gn ravia.c p p rov e d,~i£o~Buildi ng Coda an d o th ar ord~ncaa of t he Tovn a p p licable t her at o. REQUE ST S FOR I NSPEc nONS SHALL BE MADE 'l'tn :NTY -J'OUR HOURS I N ADVANC~,::";=:;n:;:uiii,o;;;~~,,,!~-~21)8 OR AT 0 0ll.OFVICE FROM 8 '00 AM S ,OIl PM S ..n d Cla«n -Up Dapo ai t To;K.C.COM PANY V OWNER 011 CO N'I'RACTOR FO R HIMSII:LJ'AND OWN ER PAGE2 **********************************************************************.********* CONDI TIONS OFAPPROVAL P ermit #,B99-0110 a s of OS /24/99 Status ,ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type ,NEW (SFR,P /S ,DUP)PERMIT Applicant ,K.C.COMPANY Job Address,2339 CHAM ONIX LN Location,2 339 CHAMONIX LN Parcel No:2103 -114 -25 -001 Applied ,05 /11 /1999 I s su e d,OS /24 /1999 CONDITIONS ********************************************************************.*********** 1 .THISPROJECTWILL REQU IREDAS ITEIMPROVEMENT SURVEY _SUCH SURVEY SHAL LBE SUBMITTE D AND APPROVED PRIORT O REQUEST FOR A FRAME I NSPECTION. 2 .Light f ixtur es l imit ed t o2 6o n ext erior .No flood lights permitted . 3 .Shall be constructed a ccording hazard r eprts submit t ed f or the project . 4 .SE E CONDI TION #2OFPERM IT B99 -00 94 ,REGARDING ROC K FALL & DEBRISF LOW HA ZA RDS MIT IGATION,WIlICH ALSO APP LIES TO THIS PERMIT . 5 .SEB CODE REV IEWS FO R UN ITS nA il &liB,n WH I CH ARE ATTACHED TO THE APPROVED PLANS,FOR REMINDE RSONSTANDARD CODE REQUIRE- ME NTS.ALL WORK IS TOBE IN CONFORMAN CE WITH THE 1997 UBC , 1996 NEC ,1 997 UMC OR 1 998 OM C ,1 994 UPC OR 1 997 IPC ,AND OTHER TOWN OFVAIL CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL F OR THIS DEVELOP- ME NT &OTH ER APPLICABLE ORDINANCE S OFTHE TOWN . 6 .AN "OPEN HOLE II INSPEcrION OF THE EXCAVATION IS TO BEPER- FORMED BYA QUAL IFIED SOILS ENGINEER AS SPECIFIED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON THE APPROVED PLANS .AWRITTEN,STAMPED REPORT OFTHE FINDINGS OFTHE OPEN HOLE FOUNDATION INSPEC - TION IS TOBE SUBMITTED T OTHE BLDG .SAFETY DIVISION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE . 7 •FIRE HYDRANTS SERVING THI S DEVELOPMENT MU ST MEET THEHYDRANT FIRE FLO W REQUIREMHTS OFTHE TOV FIRE DEPT .DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS BY L OOP INGOF WATHR MAINOR TAKING OTHER MEASURES AS NECESSARY T O MEET MINIMUM FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS &FORHAVING TESTS CONDUCTED TOTHE SATISFACTION OFTHE FIRE DEPT.DEMONSTRATINGTHAT HYDRANT FIRE F LOW REQUIREMENTS HAVEBEEN MET.THIS MUST BE DONEASSOONAS POSSIBLE .NOUSEOR OCCUPANCY OFTHE DWELLINGS WILL BE PERMITTED UNTIL TIIIS REQUIREMENT HASBEEN MET. TOWNOF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APP LICATION FORM Other ()Mechanical ()Electrical ( INFOR,\1ATION M UST BE C O MPLETE OR TIl E APPLI CATIO N WILLBE REJ ECTED ?«,J<f9-0131ContacttheEagleCountyAssessorsOfficeat970-328 -8640 forPar cel # Parcei t;I..r O }/It=:lS:--!2QJ- Date Yfi q <) JobNa m,,!/OIl (5 Building t>4 P lum bin g ( Legal Description :Lot -/-B lock F iling Subdivision E ll Mite S Owne rs Named 0"".""'"'iJi'iI ;;.i~Address=50b S +i·~J....."u F-V",I (o~i617 Pbon e#4 7&-<'"10 .be M cbiteet:-3dv..r\~r+",Address :(of <>;j,/./A~.)yf-'(0 3 D",Y'<(Q ~&Yh o ne "j O 3->'6/-ll)ry Oth er (R epair ()Additiona l (Alteration ( Desc ription of JOb :-.lJ._.(,;")"-_J..lJ4J;n,,~~_ Work Class:New <'A Number of Dwelli ngUn its:__,,=_N umber of Accommodation Uni ts:_~",--_- VALUATIONS BUILDI NG:s __3 i 0.000 _ELEC1RJCAL s :\0.090 PLUMB ING $__).1,000 _MECHANICA L $'-_~e-J=1,~-od"",,,,b...,-- OTI IER s <;O,U t)Q TO TAL $-'-/5lf I OCO -- CONTRACTOR INFORMA n ON Ceo"a'Cunr r actor :Jec.LO f':<,')<A<''!j I..L Address:'fo .'l,r,~"3.41 Av",,,,(0 q!tW Town or Vail Regis trat ion No ,'i 0 ':;i3 Phone #~2k--OSPi,-3qo -0/''1 ).... E lect ri cal Cllnt ractnr:Address:8 9_S'-'--_"O"-'-I-'I-=D=--_ Town ofYailRegistrationNo .Phone #,_ P lumbing Contractor:Address:_ To wn of Vall Registration No .Phone #'_ Mechani cal Cont r actor :Address:_ Town of Yail Regis tration No.Phon e #_ FO R OFFICE USE ,I >"'U fa;I j B UI L DING .~~~~~~~~~~£~~~~S IG NATURE:ltJ ZO NING:==----,,'J _AL...iO© S IGNATURE : VALUAT ION]SQ .FTGROUP CLEANUP DEPOSIT REF UND TO: I(c.CO",[)("'''(j I;,c, pc (',.OJ '&4 ( ~"'"en ,/670 Date Heceiv ec MAY 05 1999 9 -30-1999 1 0 :d2A t -1 F RO.l 0 8 /01 /99 10 :~3 FA!'7 e~7 7!l)T T OVIJOI L<KTI>.._...COL SOIL 1oIl ., P .2 P Vi ••"--.- I~ John G.Martin •Architect '11-o'H{.\ F ax Memo 'It.EdWlwn.~byr'oeel "--Soot F...fJ03)01 ........ ......JcmG~ c::c Rid"l c..-.Co .a:::b"fillC (97D)~ _09101 ..... -Lal1.Tarpn.$Itd'........'Ne.IVIII.Cok:nl:ID ,"0T""'2'-FAt ;t 'C AIJr.~SIr'uCtInI g,,.• .> 6. ......_....r_....'(1l._._e.-...w•...". .a.iii!'d ITS hall,....rI ~iICm!I'QllIQ be01 et.a'Gd ~hJI:Tid Gc:dr'IJ:n:I ~ M5an d"'CCllaril:a:l sort'l:iM'~...ct.UCi Q.Plg .....u.ccnM........~....... hit iIems baIoIf ana I'9SOOI'13 ....,II sVIild ;nj sta1.-:!...m ac:N 10 ;'8 2i)i iQ N dac.s. ~I·2."S8WCnl~,......Cb'nWfnrfQ ri_I'"(D:J8wl.iDI £1au rcctc:tl"n'a d CiWl;~t8W / bea\t'e'fISed to (3)"TIfr ....·S tD ~....witl ~_ 5ewtnI ..li;i....R1l !!I:!I*I'"abn"&I"Iate r-'1 IWAaOC1d wen ...an84 a II 16)PIC:k I ,af 216 sa.m.. 1.HaIQiill.(fWCaaecl ....$ll:IllebMrll4V:a;&jm~QiLUi1./~~~~'":> 4 .JUI VOIIi_WillKbi IhIII be ~l.LSV'I~The!Ilt__not.cad 0.11 en shJ::b.nj,...,....... ......L ~~'"""'l> Al1IIftIn .,11 7M TJl250ft is-O.c.instaIdaf 11 1/fT T"35Otl24"D.C.•ClIIICI Ckoton -~~I t.- h_~~,_ .~./Pi'<>~....... AJII4*WidwW'lcblr......,...~C Wc:'c t:..~Ae E,J.,.~~ 1 .Cu ......,.-.0 ~rcd beam gkbns ~UnI B ....tlQ;!C ~WIIi!lIdtl)Jl!G"8'w«i\W hCIililI B'en ~..,8"fwu.bob:~t:l ~ea ......HWlJ3.!fI'I4 aCilld l:U m"RooIFt_o_\ \ @ u.k,""£-.u:.l ",err l"~"""~ C >l<c"A ~~.....' 9 -30-19 99 1c .4 2At.l .PROJECT NOTES ,\:/1'):;11/',,'1...'.,1m r..lr.:(I I1 ,"./, "''''fl!trt:<,.,r..q l 'r.~ ,..••""<1...I"'U Dr..,.r~J1 )"'~I;;t IJ ..~f n.,.if:.., /:·'/;11'n ',..J >-1'1,,-~I ·~I.''':.• t.·It~..,'t":o.'(J.._"(1t :.• 1 ~..,u 'rf.r;.....·'I:'J S j1t·.~.,... p .3 "lIn PR OJECT :"ol A.."'-iE MM.m 1J PROJECT NO .'f9-o <;,H I Or<."Ii:C!/Ly«€.~et"'E.1".."FElrrM,t.!(?E~;iA.(-.).4 ".'1-To (-.)1I'1?J'cv L 10 ~..w.IIJ p,.1PrlI ..I CI~"'loJ (?,• 2 OJJ v.f U>Wf.£,F0>!'vt Z'"ft."-'0 E«i1'--~ ~O"""'4 l'IUl -6/.~bv ,.0"-1-'t1Pftf!/rt>e!2 ,L9'>0 •"<5<;,O~e Vk<.f;{CaoJlJ6C-n<::f.JS ,.~~Ea'.~-rn<:>I"'D Pccl'cJ,~001"Eo!' 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LNlT 'A' II Ir~--_-_-_-_:....-.,'1/"" " .~---- I..~ ~.... ...'.....::.~ .-:. t.)Z .I(l J.iO~ (~1P.V .C.~:') P.8 D IAGRAM r Date Rp.c eive< APR 2 6 2000 'RE'I'·I'f>Ii>...., -." '.'~",. ~.."'·","il ;!,"".•~."Z-.~.-., 1..'\17 It-' ~u.9.P6 La\'I"Z~Ch&Ynl>""Jt.Ln.D~acf)':=-:~~!fl~ prjoo '00'5 eb''''edd.40;prj 00 ~O\'!I \>'\'\.Oil 0 I'I :,II~IIill !",iI!111/1/I il ,!Ii! APPROVED Community llevelopmont Department Bulding safety &Inspedkln Servlc80 ) ) • '. I •, ,. .'. ;t ;-: -, \ I \ + •~:,.z ~, t : I.J •."!..\. \-~ ~. "" \ -, w ",..'o., ,"••,,. ~...·0 'r "g t•toDec ~~. v ,:+~:r.'"-"~.:;.", ~..~ii:., " ",,, .... ..',., .,,, '.'",,' '-lJ,.. " ~,.'".,. "I:J. "'"..t L ' ''-'i ' <J .~ ":~>, r.,~.'..~.., c'.0,-_. ,', ",." -' \ \, \+-'.\~~\:iiH~\ ....!.,,, .?, -r. ••1.",..I x/" I "/. ~h..l .f "I .•,I'.1,,, I-.,0 0 ~ en::'Zn.u.0'."('/<:'0Z.r;;"-J .-1"1.,'l'.,Io..:>O r uJ Z r ),-I".."'J«~,oJ -I"~1 :1:~u 'n"'u u.~,n~~~~~e ,,g '",0'od~> •'J '.'j(~~•0 -",~~n:CI:-,,-woo •.08'·"'z"-w ,~'~o N~ ---.'""r """".g C'".,"r-,'2'","""'..<,---.Co 6l)U "'9C;) ,,I r.::)-, ~,W "O L -3.00,61:.LON ~ ,6S ' ,.,' ....,.r~?."'' I " t .,"·~..'""- ;.......' I W 8 b ~z l -.' --\~r~--,.,. 11J1f,V OnAIL ~ Design Review Action Form TO\VN OF VAIL Project Name :Ta llI'Ines L o t 1..\Project NW1J ber:prjOO-1I0 75 ProjectDesc ription:"t.Ill ill ~d e ck 10 r-ear-o r home Owner,Add re ss.an dPhone:Chamnnix DevelopmentGroup LLC. 5011 S_Frontage Rd_Ea s t Suite 1 12.Vail CO 81 65 7 p hone num ber Archi tect/Contact,A ddress.and Phone:n/a Project Street A ddress:2 2"1 A Ch amonlx Lane Legal De scription:LotI,TallPin esS ub. Parcel N umber:210 311425001 Comm ents: Moti on by: Seconded by: Vote: Cond itions: Build ing Nam e: Board/St aff Action Action:Starr Approved Town Planner : Dale:4/14/00 Project Name: Document 1 Dominic l\lauriello DRB Fee Paid:52 0.00 John G.Martin·Arthitect Fax Memo .....!DHI l:SI:*&tnII U7.~ P U."W1 '"'Wl_TUoIL MIl "~tn·z:LIlVAA"ax.:JII:.wr .'",-",..Il.~:D"l '"Y&OI.____ ........~.Cc>_.F.(970)926-5lle3 _JoIIIll_ _O1MIIZICIJ ..lAZ·T....-....__C'OC"- _Calumn_1on Rdl e.-,..,irIoinMi rM".PI-'''the 88Ih ..d UnilB ..CIIIIed out ••(3 )2lIl!I pooIintho __~....W8I""'_2>4_-.~........ IlDOI be lUI ..."'21<4 """ioN _..2M _Ill'_..__""'_. c.oc..-SolI """-.lhaIllO\'lIIwayo_tlio '-01 __'..l_ll1$-,_-"""'""'"...(62l<4 poot _Ill.(3)2>6_ ~,.-~2~,e%t. JoInG._._ T OWN OFVAIL 75 S .FR ONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO8 1657 970-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELO PMENT NOTE :THISPERMIT MUST BEP OSTEDONJ OBSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTRICAL P ERM IT Permit #:&99 -01 01 J obAddre ss: Locat ion ...: Parc el No .. Pro ject No . 2 339 CHAMONIX LN 2 3 39 Chamonix Ln 21 03-i I 4-2 5-001 PRJ 9 9-0131 S t atus .. Applied . I s sued .. Expire s. ISSUED 06 /24 /1 999 0 6/24 /1999 12/21/1999 APPLICANT DAN I CI ELECTRIC 1 838 SILVEREAGLE CO URT,LEADVILLE, CO NTRACTOR DAN ICI ELECTRIC 1 83 8 SILVER EAGLE COURT,LEADVI LLE, OWNE R CHAMON IX DEVELOPMENT 5 00SFR ONTAGE RD ,VAIL ,CO8 16 57 Pho ne:71 9-486-0 603 CO 8046 1 P hone:719 -486 -06 03 CO 8 04 61 P hone:97 0 -47 6-8 610 Descript ion:El ectric fo r temp power Valuat ion :5 00 .00 In."t:ri<:.l·__~ OR II ~"'e ---:> Invlla tiga:ion> Will ed l····> 'I'O'I'AL P'EB8---> .00 .00 .00 J .00 liJ .00 To~.l C.lcula::ad ,•••---> Addition al Feeo ---------> Total ~~it ..a.--------> P.~.nt:.··--······--·-··> BALANC~DUE_·····> 5 3.00 .00 5J .00 51 .00 .00 I tem:0600 0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06 /24 /1 999 KATHY Act ion:APP RApp roved I t~m :0 56 00 FIRE DEPARTM ENT 0 6 /2 4 /1 999 KATHY Ac tion :APPR N/A9 Dep t:BUILDING per KW /o tc Dept:F IRE Division : Divi sion : CONDI TION OFAPPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FOR COD E COMPLIANCE .2.For t empora ry power o nly . •.•.•................._.....................•.......................................................................•............. DECLARAT IONS I h cr oby .~knovl edg c t hat I h a ve read thi.appl ica tion,t il l.d out in f ul l the information requ ir ed,com pl e ted an accurate plot p lan,a nd .tate that all t he info..-tion p rOVi ded e.r equi red i .correct .t aire.to c omply wi th t he i n fo ~tion and p lot p lan, to c~pl y wi th all Town o r din anc••a nd etete lew e ,and t o bui ld th le e t ru ttu re ettord in~t o the TO~'8 z on ing and Subdi vi sion codes,deei gn r evi aw approve d,Unif o~Buil ding cod.an d o thar ordinance.of tha T ewn a~p li table tharato. R!QU!9T9 r OR I NSPECTIONS SHALL BB MAD K ~NTY ·F OUR HOURS I N AO~CE BY TBLBPHON I AT 4 19-2111 OR AT O~~o rFICE FROM BtOC AM ~,OO PM ••••*****.***********************••*******••****••••*****.*****. TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt *********~*~****•••••••••*********.******.***********.********** Statemnt Numbe r:RE C-0534 Amoun t: Paym ent Method :CH ECK Notat i on:#1 8 59 Permit No:E 99-0101 Type:B -ELEC Parcel No :2103-114-25-001 S ite Address:2339 CHAMONIX LN Lo c ation:2339 Chamonix Ln 5 3 .000 6 /24/99 1 0:30 I ni t:KMW E LECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fee s:53 .00 This Payment 53.0 0TotalALL Pmt s :5 3 .00 Balance:.00 ****••***********************************.*******.**.****.***.** Acc ount Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00100 003112 800 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FE E Amount 50 .00 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~qq-CI?>I TOWNOF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERM IT APPLICATION FOR M INFOR.\1ATIO N MU ST BE COMPLETE OR T HE APPLICATION W ILL B F.RE J ECTED E lectrical 9<')Buil ding () Conta ctthe Ea gfe CountyAs sessorsOffi ce at9 70-328 ·8 640for Parc e t # Porcet n 2 103 1\4 2 5 CO l BuM I "'"r-"".-I ;3'1'"'011 0 Date,0IR!2$q ,Pe nn i!.,__J _ Job Name:---=r"-Ll.J.1 V\l\eS Job Address:;l,;;l3q C'.ho rYClY\J'ii Ln , ....." Plumbing {)Mechanical ()Other () Leg al Descript io n :Lot ~Block Filing,SUbd.iV iSionJnJ.lp..iLN"'-S"-_ Owners Namc:Address:Phones _ Architect ::})h n G fY\(l Cl-:y-, De scr i ptio n ofJob :b J.L "-\..\8. \)Iork Class:New (~)Alteration (Additional (Repair()Other( Nu mbe r of Dwe lling Units :L(Number of Accommodation Units:- r ,LJ r)Number and Type ofFireplaces:GdS Appliances !',Gas Logs ,WoodIPe llet BUILDING :S:_ PLUMBING S,_ VALUATIONS eo ELECTR ICAL :S ~~=-_ MECHANICAL S _ OTIIER :$,_ TOTAL S,_ CONTRACTOR INFOR MATION General Con tracto r :_l<r:u'-'CL''--':t'''o'-_Address;_ Tow no fVai l Reg istration NO ,--,.-""''''',..,,''''',Phone #'~-----_--------_ ,,I'1 ~=.o I O\lil31i $,l v<r l:a C\"e C~· Elect ri c al Contractor :-Oa ru tA Vt::.e.:tO.Cd Address:U!Jb'IJ "l<e~'lO"'<./!«~,,(---------- T own o[Vall Regis tration No,--l\L.\-E 'Phone •_(~_'!.'I .::'1'-')_'j!J2,,(,,"_-_'O!c=O"':3"----_ Ph one #_ Address :_cTownorVailRegistrationNo."-__ Mechanical Contr actor :_Address:_ Town of Vail Re gistration No ._Pho nc #_ FOROFFICE USE B U I LD I NG :,~-------------SIGNATURE:'_ Z ON ING :~C============_SIGNAT URE: VALUATION ISQ,FT,GROUP -[==.=l=== jTYPE CLEANUPDEPOSITREFUNDTO: TO\'IN OF VAIL 75S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAI L ,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :TIl lS PERM IT MU ST BE P OSTED ON J OB S ITB AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT P e rmi t #:E99-01 53 Job Address: Loca t ion ...: Parcel No ..: P roj ect No.: 2339 CHAMONIX LN 2339 CFHAMONIX LN . 2103 -114 -25-001 PRJ9 9-01 31 S tatus ... TALL PApplied .. I ssued .. 8x:pires .. ISSUED 0 9 /0 2 /1999 09 /02/1999 02/29 /2000 APPLICANT DANICI ELECTRIC Phon e:719 -486 -06 03 1 838 S ILVER HAGL E COURT,LEADVILLE,CO 8046 1 CONTRACTOR DAN ICI ELECTRIC Phone :719 -486-0603 1 838S ILVER HAGLE COURT ,LEADVI LLE ,CO 80461 OWNER CHAMONIX DEVELOPMENT Phone:970 -476-8610 500 S FRONTAGE RD,VAIL,CO 81657 Descript:i on :ELECTRIC FOR NEW DUPLEX Va luation :31,500 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••rB!SUKMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lI:l _et.ri ",.l·••> ORB F..---" I ,.."..ti!J aeion> will Cd l---·, TO'::.'AL rEES---" 2 0S.00 .c e ."].11 11 :llli .00 Totel ca lou l ated F•••---> Addi tional r•••·········" Total P.nait.,.....-----.--" p.ym.nt.·····------··---, B~CB OOE ----·········" 2 1l1l.00 .oc 2 01 .00 2 0 11 .00 .o e ............•............................................~~........•••..•..................•..•.•.•........•.•••.•..•.....•.••.... I t~m :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09 /02 /1999 KATHY Action :APPR APPROVE D It~m:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09 /02 /1999 KATHY Action :APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING P ER KW Dept:FIRE Division: Division : ...............••.....~....~..•.••••••....................•...•...••.••..•.•.••...................•.......•.•..•....••....•....... CONDITION OFAPP ROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T OCHECKF OR CODE COMPLI ANCE . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS I h.~.by acknowle dg e that I ha va Taad thi.a pp liCati on.t illed out in f ~l l ch.i n formac ion TeqYiTed ,c ompleced an a CC ~Ta ta p l ot p lan ,and .eat.t h.t all t he info~.tion p ~ov i d .d a a requi rad ia oo~~act .I a g r.e to c~ly with t he in fo~ti on e nd plot p l an , t o c~ply wi t h .11 Town ordinancea and aeate law.,end to bui l d c hi ••t ruct~r.according to t he Town '.z oning and .~bd ivi aio n c od ••,de .ign r e view app ro ved .on iform Build ing Code a nd o t har o r dinance.of t he Town a ppli cable the reto . R!QUE5TS FOR INSPE CTIONS S HALL Bi M1W1!'I'WEWIY-I"OUR HOURS I N AIMUfCB BY TBL!PHO N'l!AT 01"-2131 OR AT OUROFrICa FROM I ,eo AM S 'OO PM .*•••••**.***.***•••***.*******••******************************* TOWN OFVAI L,COLORADO S t atenmt *.**********.*************************************************** Statenmt Number,REC-0556 Amount ,208 .00 0 9 /02 /99 14 ,12 payment Method :CHECK Notation :#1931 /DANICI Init :KMW ---------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL P ERM IT 208 .00 Permit No : Parc el No : Site Address : Location: This Payment E99-0153 Type,B -ELEC 2103-114-25 -001 2339 CllAMONIX LN 2339 CFHAMON IX LN.TALL PINES Total Fee s: Total ALL PInts, Balance : 208 .00 208.00 .00 ***************••*********.****.*********•••••********.********* Account Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00 100003112800 Description ELECTRICAL PBRMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 205 .00 3.00 'D~;:lq "I.Ol~\ TOWNOFVA IL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION F ORM IN FORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE O R THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contactthe EagleCounty Assessors Offi ceat970-328-8540 forParcel # Pa,cel#-.J,.IO:'-1\4"~5 -001 G,~_1<c.t o D al e ~I J Ig q Permit #13 pJ'l -Ol$]l'------_ Job Name:18 Ll 1'[n!'S i,ln:,.l-fl<e>Job Add ress:et5~thu-~O;<en . Building(Plumbi ng(Elccuical <'/(Mec hanical(Othcr() Legal Description:Lot Block Filing Subdivision OwnersName:Address:Phone# Architect:Address:Phune#'_ Description ofJob Rb1J..CoTh --t FI nis h 8 :fC'-ku;(I;£oJ""'-_ Work Class:New <A Altcration t )Ad dit ional ()Rep air ()Other() (\ev-' Number of Dwellin g Units:bt ])u?elf..--Number of Accommodation Units:_ Number and Type of Fire places:Gas Appliances _G a~Logs,Woo dlPc llct._ BUI LDING:S~-=======PL UMBING $_ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL :~)5 /fD \OTHER:$~-========ME CHANI CAL!<-----TOTAL $_ CO NTRACTOR INFORMATION Ge neral C untra ctcr:_Address :_ Town o fVa il Registr ationNo. Towno f Vail Registration No.=-ctq ..O~?3 Phone #'-,_ E I""rieal Conlmln,UuvU it GUcir \C/Address tB '6 ).w,1.(.\ftJ.#C-t ")LAa dvl lJetc It ~E Phond-&l1 to 3'10 -1-'...!11...::.3L.-<t?>_'i /?/ Plum bing Contractor :_ T OW Il o f Vail Registra tion No._ Mech:J nic:J 1 Cont r actor:_ TOWIl of Vail Rcgistraucu No._ Add ress:_ Phone #'_ Addre ss :_ Pbcnc s _ FOROFFICE USE TYPEGRO UP/'d ?iJ % VALUATION I B u r LDI N~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S IGNATURE : ZO NING : S IGNATURE : CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUND TO : TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 16 57 970 -47 9-21 38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE ,'TIIIS PERM IT MUST BEPOSTEDON JOBSlTEATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT permit #,M99 -0140 Job Addre ss ,2 339 CBAMON IX LN Locati on ,2 339 CBAMON IX LN (LOT 1) Pa rc el No ,2 103-11 4-25-001 Project Numbe r ,PRJ9 9 -01 31 St atus ...:ISSUED Appli ed ..,0 9/30 /1999 Issued ...,1 0 /04 /1 999 Expire s..,04 /01 /2000 APPLICANT FRANTZ MECHANICAL P .O.BOX 66 ,GYPSUM ,CO.8163 7 CO NTRA CTO R FRANTZ MECHANICAL P.O .BO X 66,GYPSUM,CO .8163 7 OWNE R CBAMONI X DEVELO PMENT 5 00SFRONTAGE RD,VA I L,CO 81 657 Phone,9 70 -390-3105 Phone ,970-390-3105 Phone:9 70 -4 76 -8610 Des cription :Valuation : NEW HEATING SYSTEM ,BASEBOARD AND INFLOOR HEAT 30,000 .00 ,of Ga .Appli anc 8 B''O f Wood./Pall et, ••ow •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PI!S~Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'.chanical ·--~6 00 .00 R••t rant Pl an Revi...-_..0 0 Total calcul.tad P......--->7 5 1.11 0 Plan Check--->1 50 ,00 DRBr ---·----__••.•••·•.00 Additi onal F....----_·--->.00 l nv ".t igat lon>.00 TOTA ~Pl ts -····_-------->753 ,00 To ta l P..~lt r e ..-------->7 5',00 Wil l Call ->l ,OO P.~.n t ••--••••--.---.-.>75).00 IIALANCII P!l'E:-•••••••••-••,..00......•.•..•...••••••........•.••..........••••......................................•........•.••.•....••..••.•••.••.•..••.••...• Divis i on: Divis i on : BUILDING FIRE J~t ' Dept: It~m ,0 51 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /30 /1999 JRM Action,APP RAPPROVED I t ~m ,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09 /30 /1999 JRM Acti on ,APPR N/A CONDITI ON OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTI ONS ARE REOU lRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL IANCE, 2 .COMB UST ION AIR IS REOUlRED PER SEC .7 01 OFTHE1 997 UMC ,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE1 997 IMC . 3 .INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM T O MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMCb CHAPTE R 10 OF THE 199 7 IMC . 4 .GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTE ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SE C.80 6OFTHE 1997 UM C,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1 9 97 IMC . 5 .ACCESS TOHEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC .1017 OFTHE 1997 UMC AND CHAP TER 3 OFTHE 1 99 7IMC . 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ONFLOORS OFNONCOMBUSTIB LE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTINGON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING . 7.PERMITLPLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PKIORTOAN INSPECTION RE8UEST .8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPP LY BOILERS SHALL BEEOUIPPED WITH AFLOOR DRAINPERSEC . 1022 OFTHE 199 7 UMC,ORSECTION 1004 .6 OFTHE1 997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h.ra by .ckn~l .dg.~h.t I have r ••d t hi ••ppl l ~.tion ,fillad out 1n fu ll t h e info~tion required,c ompl etad an accurate p lot plan ,a nd "ta t.that all the info:noatio n provided ••ra quir..d i .corr""t .I 89T ••t o comp ly with t he i nfordl.at.i cn a nd plot p l an , t o c omply wi th a l l Town o r di n anc ••a n d o c et a la...,a ndt o build thi_atructu ra _ceording t o t heT o wn '••o ning and aubdi viaion "od••,d....i gn ravi ...approved ,un i Co~BU ild ing Coda and other ordin«nt••of theTown app licab le t heret o. ReQUBSTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHALL BE MAC !TWENTY -~HOURS I N 8 1QNATUlUl:OF OWNER OR CONTRA~R FOR HIMB BI.1'A ND OI'll NBR FROM 6 :00 AM 5 ,00 PM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOMN OP V An.,COLORADO ................................................................ State ant N ~r :REC ·O~'O Amou n t' PaYM en t M.t hod .ex Notat ion,2 5'1 1 &1 .00 1 0/0 4 /"0 ,,14 I nit,JiI 15 1.00 7 Sl .00 1 51 .0 0 .00 P •....lt Mo .1''''-0140 Type ,1 ·k20! P•...,.l Mo .2 101 -114 -1.-001 S it.Add r_••un ctlI.MCtfIlt LIiI Location :2 1 1 'CKAMCH IX LN {LOT 1 1 To tal Pe e., To e.l ALL ht.: ...............•................................................ ACC'OUnt Cod. "p 00100 00 111 1)00 PF 001 0000 11 1 21 00 Me 0 010 0001 11 1 100 oea.,rip tion MECKAM ICAL PE RMIT pazs P LoUI OIEClt P IU WI LL CALL J NIP BCTIOH P B.! -=< UO .OO lSO .OO 1.00 TOWNOF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM IN FORM ATIO N M L'ST BEC OMP LETE OR TIl E APPLICATION WILL BE R EJECTED t 11- ........ 0/1 0 3 _____________Phone#_ Contact IheEagle County Asse ssors Officeal 970-328-8640 for Parcel #;2/0 -11</-).5 ,6O;;J.. Parcel # Dale 9[2-2/19 PemUI 'pqCj-o "",£00 (,1 Job Name:I-o f 1 Till \1'..AI "':>Job Address:.2 :139 C ho..M <m',~L IJ . Mechanical (~Other () "-Subdivision T.....II &',./<,-.$ Building ()(}J,g()Elec trical () Legal Descriptio n :ot Block Filing ~. Owners Name:Addres s : Architect Address: Description ofJob:/Jf.M)h u...:h ,~sl"""(&"sd"""-,,tJ:,.;ctr-:.'lo~c",,-,,-JL---""P-::f.<'<""~_ Work C lass:New (LA""Alt eration ()AddiLiOTk11()Repai r () N um be rofDwelling Un ils:_---,,=_Nu mberof Accommodation Units:_ N umberan dTy pe o fFire plac es:Ga s APPlianCCS,__S-<-Gas Lo gs.wood/Pellet _ VALUATIONS BUILDING :$~--=======PLtJr\.1B1 NG $_OTHER:$~-=========TO TA L s, , G eneral C on tractor :-K~.J.C~.~.--,"C""""n"r~ T own of Va il Reg istration No .._P hone #,_-'~""___'"'_'_"'_'<'-_ Electrical Contractor :Address:_ T ow n o f Va il Reg istration No.Phone #~ Illumhing C ontractor :Address ';~ Town of Vai lRegist ration No.Ph one :I___ Meehani,,'Conn-actor :FI&:u>fz.11J4.hu;,,.j)A ddrcs,,P O .Bo,,"/."/.;,{~p S Il,.,I (?c,'i l ~"n T own o f Va il Registration No.1.:2 2-m Phonc e (97 0)390 ..31 05 FOR OFFICE USE GR OUP S Q FT ,VALUATIO N j BUI LDIN ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SIG NATURE: ZO NING : SIGNATURE : CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO : .Date Re ceive , SEP 2 7 1999 ,;<,<1' VX'"/- 11-" I0 ~/p ~)unR-h -')n I)Lov-> @tt'"'i - -(~ !?:':>~~ 0 ~6';:'/' 'lI - ...... ( 8 10 '----I LOTI ,TALLPINESUNIT A FRANTZ MECIIANICAL IIEATLOSS SIIMMARY -IN SLAB/BB ABOVE WNE ROOM SQ BTII BTII NO .O.C.T IIBES/LOOP TOTAL MAX GPM IT FLOOR COVERING FT IIEAT PER LOOPS (IN )JOIST LGTHS FTO.·SIIPPLY IlEAD TYPE IISED LOSS SQFT SPACE (IT)TIIBE TEMP I GARAGE 462 na n 2S 2 12 SLAB 2SO SOO ISO 0 .'2 .7 CONCRETE 2 FOYERISTRIHALL 148 %90 38 8 SLAB 0 ISO TILE/CARPET 2 LAUNDIBA'l1l 2 94 1887 20 2 12 SLAB ns 3SO I SO 1.1 2.S TILE 3BED2 14.1789 12 12 SLAB 0 I SO LITE CARPETiPAD 3 BE DIBATH I 263 3462 13 2 12 SLAB 22S ~5 0 ISO 0 .'3 .3 CARPETrrn.E TOTALS 1116 2~23 9 22 6 T OT AL 1300 ISO 2.'J.J FTOF BB 4 LIVING 3S7 1708S '8 32 4 DINING/STAIRS 290 821128 IS 4 KITCHEN 118 3273 286A DD 6'TO D1NINGIST AIRS AR EA OR ADD K~2 K1CKSPACE II EA TER TO KITCHEN 4 POWDER 22 63.2.2 S MASTER BED 248 886136 17 6 MASTER BA1li/CLO 18S 3220 172 USE 2'VI CI .OSET Alii])K12 KICKS PACE HEATER IN BAm TOTALS 2.136 6~2H 28 U NOllS; I.GASORWOOD FIREPLACES WITHOUT SEALED DOORS MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT TIlE PERFORMANCE OF RADIANT FLOOR SYSlCMS. 2 .IF TWO DIMENSIONS APPEAR IN TIlE "OC (IN)"COLUMN.INSTALL SOo/,OF FLOOR AREAON ONE D L\lE NSION AN I)TIlE OTHER SO"/,ONTHE OTHER DL\lENSION .TIlE CLOSER l1.JBE SPACING SIIOUID BE DONE CLOSEST 10 EXTERIOR GLAZED WALLS . 3 .SMALL SE PARA re WAreR CLOSETROOMS wrra A WI NDOW CAN BE COLD AREAS IF PRIVACY DOOR ISLEFT CLOSED TOAITACHEDBATH . S UPPLEMENTAL HEAT ISREQ UIRED INTHEBELOW LISTED AREAS. SUPPLEMENTAL IIEATISNOTREQIIIRED wlm IFTHEFLOORCO YERINGS AR E AS !.ISTED. LOT I ,T ALLPINES UNIT A (WOR COVERING TYPES .RADIANT CONSTRUcnON T YPE AND "K"VALUES HAVEBEENASS UMED IFNOT SHOWN ONTHEPRINTS. PLEASEUSETHIS SlItET TO-CORRECT ANY AS SUMPTIONSMADETHA T ARE INCORRECT. WNEROOM FLOOR COVERING C HANGE FLOOR COVERING TYPE USED TYP E TO:(LIST CHANGES) SOURCE OF HEATLOSS R"VALUE CHANGE "R"TO USED (LIS T CHANGES) 1 2 2 3 3 GA RAGE FO YERlSTRmALL L AUNDIBATH 2 BED 2 B EDIBATHI CONCRETE TI LE/CARPET T ILE LITECA RPETIPAD CARPETrrILE WALLS CEILING GLASS SKYLIGHTS DOORS FLOORS UNDER S LAB SLAB EDGE FO UNDATION WALL AIR CHANGE/HR %GLYCOL INSIDE DE SIGN TEMP O UTSIDE DESIGN TEMP LITECARPET &PAD ilEAYY CARPET &PAD R20 RJO R2 .J NA !U.S RI' o o o CALCULATED 30 % "DEG.F -25DEG.F RIA R2.J TilE RADIANT FLOOR INSTALLATION T YPE ISACTUALLY(C IRCLE ONE): I TUBIN G STAPLED UNDER SUBFLOOR 2TUB INGIN CONCRETE SLAB 3 TU BINGINGY PCRETE wrrn FINISHED FLOO RDIRECTLY OVER GVPCRETE 4 TU BINGINGYPCRETE WITH _.SUBFLOORD IRECTLY O VER GYPCRETE ISTHER E ANYPLANSTOINSTALL A N AIR ·TO-AIR HEA T EXCHANG ER?'!Y N IS T HERE A NY PLANS TO INS TALL ANY EXHAU ST SY STEM OTHER THAN BATHROOM FANS OR RA NGE HOOD??Y N LOT1,TALLPINESUNITA u-eOtUMelNE'f'&H ~/,LJ./;";''l ''h>. HEATLOSSSUMMARV -/JJ r:V<I'-/ge tll?"'<..- SLAB TYPE-O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GRADE W=WALK-OUT BSMT FLOORTYPE -W=WOOD T=TILE C=CARPET ZN 'ROOM SOFT SOFTLFLFSOFT SOFT SOFTSOFTLF OBW WTC VN ROOMUNHTD AVG EXTGLASSDOORCLGSKLTSLABSLABFLOORHEATED AREAAREAHTWALLAREAAREAAREAAREAEDGETYPETYPEBELOW ? 1 GARAGE 462 a 14 73 1814450 a 73 0 SLABN 2 FOVER/STR/HALL 2 32 B4 93 1 82 a 50 a 3 1 0 TN 2LAUND/BATH 2 94 a 9 9 aaaa 9 0 TN 3 BED2 149 a 9 1118 a a a 11 0 CN 3BEDIBATH1 263 a 93918 a a a 39W CIT N 4LIVING 357 a 11660 SF 2 14 a 400 a CV 3'"4DINING/STAIRS 2 90 a 11 2 30SF 59 a .29(j a -C V. 4KITCHEN 118 a 11 2 00SF 18 a 175 a T V 4POWDER 22 a 9 a aa 22 a T y 5MASTERBED 248 a 11 400SF74 a 300 a ---._--_.CV ;K-MASTERBATH/CLO 185 a 9 11 20 a 185 a -------T/C V LOT1,TALLPINES UNITB FRANTZ MECHANICAL IIEATLOSS SUMMARV -IN SLAB/BB ABOVE ZONE ROOM SQBTUBTU NO.uc,TU DES/LOOP TOTAL MAX GPM FT FLOOR COVERING FT HEAT PER LOOPS (IN)JOIST LGTHS FTOF SUPPLY HEAD TVPE USED LOSS SQFT SPACE (FT)TUBE TEMP I GARA GE 5648732 153 12SLAB 200 600 150 1.2 1.6 CON CRETE 2FOYERiSTRIH ALL 168 7162 43 8SLAB 0 150 TILE/CARPET 2LAUNDIBATH I 118 2328 202 12 SLAB 200 400 150 1.4 4.1 TIL E 3 BEDI 182 299916 12 SLAB 0 150 LITE CARPETIPAD 3 BED2 156 2386 15 2 12 SLAB200 400 150 0.9 2LITECARPETIP AD 4 BEDIBATH3 250 5 L78 2 1 2 12 SLAB150300150 0.8 1.3 CARPETmLE TOTALS 14J8 28785 209 TOTAL 1700 150 4.3 4.1 FTOF B D 5 LIVING 349 14465 41 27 5 DI NING/STRSlHALL 412 10920 27 20 5 KITCHENINOOK 258 1187 30 15 5 POWDER 25 794 322 6 MASTERBED 370 11351 3 1 2 1 6 MASTER CLOSET 60 46 5 8 2 7 MASTERB ATH 146 40 34 28 0 USE BEACON MO RRIS KU KlCKSPACE HEATER TOTALS JOS8 78601 2687 NOTES; I.GASORWOOD FIREPLACESWITHOUTSEAL ED DOORSMAYADVERSELYAFFECT THEPERFORMANCEOFRADI ANT FLOOR SYSTEMS. 2.IFTWO DIMENSIONS APPEARIN THE "OC(I N)"COLUMN,INSTALL 50'/0 OF FLOORAREAO N ONE DIME NSION ANDTHEOTHER50%ON TIlE OTHERDIMENS ION.THE CLOSERTUBE SPACINGSHOULD BEDO NECLOSEST TO EXTERIORGLAZED WALLS. 3 .SMALLSE PARATEWATERCLOSETROOM S WITH A WINDOWCAN BE COW AREA S IF PRI VACY DOORISLEFTCLO SED TO ATTACHEDBATH . SUPPLEMENTAL HEATIS REQUffiED INTHE B ELOWLISTEDAREAS. SupPLEMENTAL HEAT IS NOT REQUIRED WITH IF THE FLOOR C OVERINGS A RE AS LI STED, f§?---' -----" ~ LOTI ,TALLPIN ES UNITB FLOOR COVERING TYPES,RADlANT CONSTRIJCIION...IYPE AND"R"VALUES HAVE BEEN ASSUMED IFNOT SHOWN ON TnE PRINTS. PLEASE USETHIS SHEEI TO COJUtECT ANY ASS UMUIO ~S MADE THAT ARE IMCDRRECL WNEROOM 1 2 2 3 3 4 GARAGE FO YERlSlWHALL LAUNDIBATH I BED I BED2 BE DIBATH 3 }'LOOR COVERING C HANGE FLOOR C OVERING TYPE USED TYPE TO;(LIST C HANGES) CO NCRETE TIL E/CARPET TIL E LITECARPETIPAD LITECARPETIPAD CARPETfT ILE SO URCE OF HEATLOSS WALLS CEILING GLASS S KYLI GHTS DOORS FLOORS UNDER SLAB S LAB EDGE FO UNDATION WALL AIR C HANGE/HR %GLYCO L INSIDE DESIGN TEMP OUTSIDE DESIGN TEMP LITE CARPET &PAD HEAVY CARPET &PAD R"VALUF.CHANGE "R"TO USED (UST CHANGES) R20 RJO 82,3 NA 82.5 RI9• II II CALCULATED 30 % 68 DEG.F -25 DEG.F RIA 82.3 Tin;RADIANT FLOOR INSTALLATION TYPE IS ACTUALLY (CIRCLE ONE); I TUB ING STAPLEDUND ER SUBFLOOR 2TUB ING INCONC RETE SLAB 3 TUB INGINGY PCRETE WITHFI NISHED FLOOR DIRECTLYOVER G YPCRETE 4TUB INGINGY PCRETEWITH _.SUBFLOOR DIRECTLY O VERGYPC RETE ISTHEREANYPLANSTOINSTALL ANAIR-YO-AIRHEATEXCHANGER!'!Y N IS THERE A NY PLANS TO [NSTALLANY EXHAUSTSYSTEM OTHER THAN BATIIROOM FANS ORRA NGE nOOD??YN LOT1,TALLPINESUNITB FRANTZMECHANICAL HEATLOSSSUMMARV -IN SLAB/BBABOVE SLAB TYPE-O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GRADE W=WALK-OUT BSMT FLOOR TYPE-W=WOOD T=TILE C=CARPET ZNROOM SOFT SOFTLFLFSOFT SOFTSOFTSOFTLF OBW WTCV N ROOMUNHTDAVGEXTGLASSDOOR CLG SKLTSLABSLABFLOORHEATED AREAAREA HTWALLAREAAREAAREAAREAEDGETYPETYPEBELOW ? 1GARAGE 564 014 4001440040WSLABN- 2FOVER/STR/HALL 24678 1814 98 0 0 014 0 TN 2 LAUND/BATH1118 0 9 18 ,000018B "TN 3BED1 1820926300 0 0 26W C N 3 BED2 1560 91430 000 14 0 C N . 4BED/BATH 3 25009494500049 0 CfT N ,, 5LIVING 349 0 11 540SF 162 04000 -------C V 5 DINING/STRS/HALL 412011 2 30SF8004500 ----CV 5KITCHEN/NOOK 2580 11 400SF740225 0 1-----------TV 5POWDER 25 0 93 00 25 0 1------TV 6MASTERBED370 0 11 300SF1000 42 00 1---------C V 6MASTERCLOSET 6009000 60 0 f--------C V 7 MASTERBATH146 011170SF35 0 175 0 ----------T V ,., TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 816 57 9 70 -4 79-213 8 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THI S PERMIT MUS T BE POSTED ON JOBSlTE ATALL TIMES PL UMB ING PERM IT Permit #,P9 9-00 69 J ob Ad dres s: Locat io n ... Parcel No .. P ro jec t No . 22 41 CHAMONIX LN 22 41 Chamonix Ln 2 103 -11 4-25 -001 P RJ 99 -01 31 Status ...: Applied .., I ssued...: Bxpi res ..: ISSUED 07 /07 /1999 0 7 /08 /19 99 01 /04 /2000 APPLICANT FRANTZ MECHAN I CAL P .O .BOX 6 6,GYPSUM ,CO .8 16 37 CONTRACT OR FRANTZ ME CHANICAL P .O .BOX6 6,GY PS UM ,CO.81 637 OWNER CHAM ONIX DEVELOPMENT 5 00S FRONTAGE RD ,VA IL ,CO 81 657 P ho ne ,9 70 -390-3 10 5 P hone,970 -390-3105 Phone,970 -476 -8 610 Description :Pl umbing f or n ew duplex Val uatio n:33,400 .00 Plumbin cr-----> 1'1.n dl...,k---> Inv ....e ig.eion> Will C.ll ----~ 5 10 .~O 1;17 .50 ." l.00 II.Cl otu ..:ranl:Pl"n R ~y i e ...--' TOTAL n£s-----··-------> .ee 64 0.50 T ot«l Calcula ted F ......---, Add i t ional P..a ---------> Tot.l I'e ~i t P....···-----. I'.~n t.----------------> BALANCE DUB ----···_-_·_·> 6 40.50 .cc "'"0 .5 0 "'0.50 .uc.•.•.................•..•••..•.•....•....•......••••.•.•.••...•.•.........•................•....•.•••••••••••..••.••••.••......... Item,0 51 0 0 BUIL ~ING DEPARTMENT 0 7 /0 7/1999 KATHY Action ,APPRa ppr o v ed It em:0560 0 F I RE DEPARTM ENT 0 7 /0 7 /1 999 KATHY Ac tion ,APPRN/A De pt,BUILDING per leW /otcDept:FIRE Division: Div ision: .........•••...•.......•....•..........•....••...•...•.••.•..•••.•...........••••.•.••.•••••••••..•••.•.••.•.••.••.••••.••.••••.•• COND IT I ON OF APP ROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQ UI RED TO CHE CK F OR CO DECOMPL IANCE . D3 CLARATI ONS 1 h e r e by a cknowl edge th at 1 h ave read t h i.a p pli",atior.,fi lled o ut in f u ll th a i nfQ"",atio n r e quired,c","p lated an a c cur a te plot p lan ,a nd II t.~1I t h ~L .11 t he i~forma tio n provided ••r aquir ed i .c orr act .I a g rlll!t o c omp ly wit h th.inform at io n and plot p lan , t o comp l y with a l l Town o rdi nan ce.and e t ete 1."8,an d tQ bui ld this ~truct u r ll a c c o rd ing t o the Town'lI z on i ng and eubd ivieion c ode ••de .ign r ovi"..q p prov~d.v"ir o ~5 ui "din g Code an d o ther o r d i nanc ••of th e ~~n appl i c able t here o. RBQUBSTS POR I NSPEcrlO NS S HALL B!l HA lJ~n n:tITY-POlJR 1l0L"RS 1 )0:AOW\..\'CI! CONTRACTOR M 8 ,0 0 AM ,>,00 P M P HIM S E L I'AND OWNER ,. ..••.••••...............................................•....... TOMf 0 'VAI L .::Dl.DRAIXI ••••...•..•..•.••..•..•.........................•............... ae.e....r.ltumt>e r :Rile ·OS38 ...........10 ' '.)"POlt Ne t:l>c>d :ex Notat l o l"2524 Per-it No :P in-DO "Type .II P~JIIlI p ar ee1 No :210 ]-1 14 -25 -001 a i te Addre••:2241 CNAMONIX LN Lo catio n:2241 Cn.monix Ln "0 .50 07 /0e /"0':11 :'1 ..10 :J'N PL lI4B::HG P!!:RM IT n o.so Total'•••: l'OUll .u.:.Plot,,: Boolan".., '''O .SCI '40.50... .......•••••...........•.......••.•.•.••........................ llC oount COde P I'001 000011 11200 PI'00 10 0001112]00 we 00100 001112 .00 o-.cr iption PLtlMBlHG P!!iMIT nES P I.Ml CH I!:Cll eees IfILL CALL I:i'SP IICT:OIl n l 510 .00 121.50 LU ·~, Pl2:5 qq .013\ TOWNOF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATIONMUST BE COMPLETE OR T HEAPPLICATIONWILL B ~• Con tact the EagleCounty Assessors Officeet970-328-8640tor Parcel #ae ecetvec Parcets d2 /03 -/i4 -,2S-<X.J 1~.f.JUL 0719 99 0,,,7/1j.i 2 .:e~n;t #9 9 --CJl/O ."\'. Job Name;la-II &<:-5 S Ub cL I I/I $I0V JobAddre ss:22'11 c.:hu.lY'b tJ ,)( Electrical (Plwnbing (~Mechanical ()Other() Lo,/"::Bloc!<,__Filin'''g Subdivision &;L 7:11 1;AI<:-5 B uilding () Legal Description: Owne rs Namc:_Address:Pho nes _ Other ()Repair () Number of Accommodation Units :_ A dditional () Address:Ph Olle #'_ PL u.....b;,,:J Alteration () 1fJ 2. Arch itect:_ Description of Job ,,_--'&=~u.w""_-'J...."_""_'LLJ"_'cl_-------------------- Work CJa<;.~:New (~ Number of Dwell ing U nit s :_-,~~~_ Number and Type of Fi replaces :Gas Appliances m I ()Gas Logs,WoodlPelle l _ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL $~_ MECHANICAL $,_ CONTRACTORINFORMATION O1HER,s TOT AL $~-========= Ge neral Contractor:_Address:_ T owno f VailReg istratio n No .._PhOIlC #'_ E les;tricaJ Co n tractor:Address :_ T own of Vail Rcgistra Li on No.~n c #,-r-'_ \\.w$;,umb;ng c on.<a "or &,,-..d2__f!hh ~Address PO-Y.Jox.t.,I."Gy pS0.....,c,.'l /e37 Townof V,;l Registration No.1.:2 '1 -P PlmH',('1 '7c>)390 -3 /Cf5 I\1rt hanical Cun tractcr:_Addres s:_ To wn o f V,IiI Registration No ._ Date Received JUL a?1999 B U ILDl N;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~S IGNATURE ' ZONING: S IGNATURE : FOROFFICEUSE VALUAT IONIGROUPSQ.FT .----'1-- CLEANUP DEPOSIT REFUND TO , I to .• REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 01/26/2000 08,15 REQUESTS-INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR,1/26/20 PAGE 4 AREA'GG Act1v1ty:899-0110 1/26/20 Type:B-BUILD Status:ISSUED Conatr:NDUP Address:2241 CHAMONIX LN Location:2241 CHAMONIX LN (£ormerly 2339 Chamonix Ln) Parcel:2103-114-2~-001 Occ:Use:VN Deacr1pt1on :NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY DWELLINGS.ATTACHED GARAGES Applicant:K.C.COMPANY Phone:970-926-0566 Owner:CHAMONIX DEVELOP"ENT Phone:970-476-8610 Contractor:K.C.COMPANY Phone:970-926-0566 Phone:390-6842 Inspect10n Request Information ..... R.queetor:RICH CAPLES Req Time:01:00 Comments:UNITB Itemg requested to be Inspected ...Act10n Comments T1meExp 00530 BLDG -Te mp.C/O --------e::::::;-;,..-"l"'~l\fN>""".>J\"'(...f\'-~UJ'--:,..-=-:::-,===-~f?r;MD"!4 PLt'NNlf\.l(,AJ&..lotPItS -'CrlU ...nl 'r,,,,1(T AfWGd r1r '---:,.,.-_----:--,-_,.,-----:--:---,---:-,.,-----:,..-____ .~SeCt ,Of i-ItA;.'02ltil (-V Ft?a~cr {~!fn,os.h '0.\CoM R ET"E "fi\Jt=i4I -Cop~'!"~!(,.!'ET'......,,-.}(-~-'\..-:;.-/:..,..-:/~_\+_----------________________J ~_.__________LL _ ALL EXCEPT WEST UNIT APPROVED UNDER 10X APPROVED JRK Foundation ILC ROUTED APPROVED APPR NO APPR PA PARTIAL APPROVED APPRREST OF Action:APPR Action:APPR Action: Action: Act1on: Inspection History ..... It ••:00501 PW-Temp.access/drainage It.m:00502 PW-Rough grade 11/05/99 Inspector:LS Item:00503 PW-Final driveway grade Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel 06/01/99 Inspector:JRH I~em:00020 BLDG-Found8~ion/Steel 06/08/99 Inspector:JRM Act1on: Not ..s:FOR SOUTH WEST CORNER OF BLDG 06/17/99 Inspector:CD Action: It.m;00521 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan 09/14/99 Inspector:DOMINIC Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Si~e Plan 06/28/99 Inspector :DOMINIC 09/13/99 Inspector:CD 09/14/99 Insp~ctor:DO"INIC Ite.:00030 BLDG-Framing 10/06/99 Inspector:CO Action :PA east un1t only Not ..s:PROVIDESTRUC.ENG OF RECORD APPROVAL OF ALL CHANGES TO STRUCTURAL FRAKE lNSTALL CRAWLSPACE VENTS COKPLETE ATTACHKENT OF ALL DECK COLUKNS INSULATIONWILLBE USED FOR FIRE BLOCKING OTHER CORRECTIONS WERE KADE AT TIKE OF INSPECTION 10/27/99 Inspec~or:CD Aotion:APPR WEST UNIT 10/27/99 Insp.otor:CD Action:APPR ENG REPORT RECIEVED Notes:CORRECTIONS PROVIDERATINGBEHINDELEC PANEL LOCATED IN OCC SEP BETWE GARAGE AND UNIT REWORK HANGER AT DORKER IN DINING ROOK ADD PRESSURE BLOCKING INPLACESAT RAFTER AND JOIST BEARI !'OINTS ltem:00050 BLDG-Insulation 10/15/99 Inspector:CD Action:PA east side with correctio Notes :add !ireblock1ng or hang insulation at drop ceiling in IInnlOOr lpvlOOl ~lnA",t Anrl At At.Air .trlnnPT vhpre missino ·~. REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL.COLORADO 01/26 /2000 08:1 5 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR.1/26/20 PAGE 5 AREA:GG J / I, PA 1ST STORY PRE-ROCK PARTY PA 2nd story party walle NR 2:45.E.-FEW SHEETSLEFT APPR 5 :10-EAST SIDE ONLY 5 /8X PA APFR WEST SIDE ONLY TCo.STAGE Action: Action: Action: Action: Action: PRIOR TO 11 /03/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR west unit Notes:framing corrections made 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 07/19 /99 Insp.ctor:ORO 08/12/99 Inspector:CD 10/19/99 Inspector:ORG 10/19/Y9 Insp~ctor:GRG 11/16/99 Inspector:JRM Hotes:WILL WRAP STEEL BEAM 00070 BLDG-Misc . 11 /17/~9 InspQctor:CD Action:NR con canc.llpd lath~1nep 11/18/99 Inspector I ART Action:APPR Approved W/correctlon: Noles:CORRECTION:COMPLETE FRONT OF WEST PORTION AND NUMEROUS PLACES WHERE EDGE TERMINATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED BLDG-Final BLDG-Temp.CIO PW-TEMP.C/O PLAN-TEMP.C/O PLAN-FINALC/O PW-FINALC/O BLDG-Final C/O 00090 00530 00532 00533 00537 00539 00540 Iteml Itelll: Itelll: Item: Item: It.m: Item: Item: It.m; C<:1M,;E:lJ \11\"~.Ll '.'.. (??'JJ ~1)c >Y1C'.L C.o~t5 u£.\ \itih""',.r7l/"l:::i-V 'OV1C"b'1f.Vf\f1/V1 f'\b~\?MC''I>~<> ••• REPTl31 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 07 /06/2000 08.Sq REQ UESTS-INSPECTN WORK S HEETS FOR.7 /6/20 PAGE q AREA:EG q 7 0-n&-3358 q 7 0-4 7 6-86 l0 q 70 -~26-3358 De c: Ph on e: P ho n.: Ph one: ~==~e.a.~============.==:~=========-r====-========2====~==&.c~~===~..--.-.=~ Activity:E00-012&7/&/20 Typ er~B -ELEC Stat uii.:ISSUED Con 5tl':AOLJ P Addre5S:2241 CHAMONIX LN Location:~2 4 1 (A )CHAMONIXLN Par-c e I =.-2H'3-1 14-25-001 Description:ELECTRICAL FOR HOT TUB Applicant:SHAW ELECTRI C OwnR r:CHAMQNIX DEVELOPMENT Con t r ae t O l~:SHAW 'E·l.ECTR I C Ti'rne E xp Phone:92&3 358 Informatlon ..... COllllllent~;DAVID be Inspected ... 390-B307____________________tre:Comments Insp ection Request ReqU&iitor:KAREN Req Till1,.,1 08:00 Items requpste~-to 00lq0 ELEC-~al InSp Rction Histo ry ..... Ite .1 00110 ELEC-Te.p.Power It ••:00120 ELEC-Rough Ite.:00130 ELEC-Conduit lte.,00140 ELEC-Mi sc. Ite.1 00 190 ELEC-Final --------~f~ 7-7 .00 I: • .~. REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 01 /24 /2000 08,49 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR ,1 /24 /20 PAGE 1 0 AREA,JRM Activity : Address : Location: Pa rcel : De19cr1p tion : App licantl Owner : Contrac tor: M99-014 0 1/24/20 Type,B-MECH 2 339 CHAMONIX LN 2339 CHAMONIX LN (LOT 1) 2103 -11 4-2~-001 NEW HEATING SYSTEM,BA SEBOARD AN D FRANTZ MECHANICAL CHAMONIX DEVELOPMENT FRANTZ MECHANICAL Status:ISSUED Const r:NOUP Oce:Use : I NFLOOR HEAT Phon e:970-390-3 105 Phone:97 0-476-8610 Phone:9 70 -390 -3 10 5 Pho n ~l 3 90-684 2 00240 00310 00320 00330 00340 00390 Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Inspect ion Request Information ..... Requestor:RICHCAPLES Re q Time :08:00 Comments:UNITB Items requested t o be Inspected...Ac t ion Comment s//Time Exp 00390 MECH -Final !~J,.;{2 I M/f'o-.eRFCT'ClrJo - --Scc i'eg WIt111X2 CI W£nr!=.{)f?U1 (CJW I -7b~t2;----;D-;--;;)(,,;)r----==7i=l i.14W8 roW!(fJ iA/lK H f'GO,~.1------------------------------------~--------------------------------------- Inspection History.....V~l(r.tJ llf Item:00200 HECH-Rough L/ 10 /27/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR WEST UNIT Notes:INSPECTED8 VENT,EVIR DUCTS,DRYER EXAVSr MUST STILL PROVIDEAIRTEST FOR HEAT LIES PLMB-Gae Piping I'fECH-Heating HECH-Exhauet Hood. MECH-Supply Air l1ECH-l1isc. MECH-Final • ; ...., REPT131 0:::1/08/2000 17:12 REQUESTS TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO -INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR.3/9/20 PAGE ARKA: 12 JRII St.at.us I ISSUED Conat.r:HDUP Ch.aonix Ln) Use: HEAT 970-390-3105 970-476-8610 9 70-390-3105 (:foraerly 2339 Dca. INFLOlIR Phone: Phone: Phone: 1199-0140 3/9/20 Type.B-IIECH 2241 CHAIIONIX LN 2241 CHAIIONIX LN (LOT 1) 2103 -114 -2:1-001 HEW HEATING SYSTEtt.BASEBOARD AND FRANT2 IIECHANICAL CHAIIONIX UEVELOPIIENT FRANT2IIECHANICAL Act.ivit.y: Address: Locat.ion: Parce~1 lJeacript.ion: Applicant.: Qwnvr: Cont.raot.or: Inspect.ion Request. ,Request.or:rich Reoq Tiae:01:00 It.eas request.ed to 00390 "ECH-Final Co.ment.a;will oall be Inspected •.•Act.ion I, Phone:390-6842 ...., REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 01/24/2000 08 :49 REgU ESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR :1 /24 /20 PAG E5 AREA:GG AotivitYI P99-0069 1 /24 /20 Type:B-PLMB Address:2339 CHAMOHIX LN Lo cation:2 241 Chamon1x Ln Parc.l :2103-114-25-001 Descr iptions P lu _bing ~or new duplex Ap plicant :F RANTZ MECHANICAL Owne r:CHA"ONIX DEVELOPMENT Cont r act or :FRAN TZ MECHANICAL St atu s:ISSUED Con str :NDUP Oce:Use : P h on ~l 9 70 -390 -3105 Pho n e:9 70-476 -8610 P hon_:97 0-390-3 105 ETit P ho ne:3 90-684 2 Cem..r eques e 0 e n sp ec e ...c '('\,,;~r "f\me xp 00290 ):iL$t;a;.~_'V~,.11_"u- I (_JW -.1'nt 'II \.....,.-r.,7Z.""',,.L -"i I \.>...-"'""JK'/...,.---------------------------------------'0;--------"l'---t ;'0'-="t.----".,.....r------ Inspection Ht-tory.....\1 ,'~'C/ Item:00210 PLftB-Undergrou nd ~I ~~ 07 /09/99 In Bpec~or:JRn Action:Jb APPRAIRTEST I n spect ion Requ es t In formation ..•.. Req u estor:RICH CAPL ES Req T1 ae:081 00 Co •••ot s:UN IT B It td t bI t dAti 002:50 00260 00290 Item: It em: Item: , I ~ Item:•It em: I Item: I 00220 PLM8-Rougp /D.W.V. 10/27 /99 I nspector:CD Action:APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Nntes:CORRECTION IS TO ISOSLATE WATER LiNE FROM Dyv IN LAUNDRY RO OM I j -{./_____ l>WV TESTED WITH 5#AIRTEST l+L{./' 00230 PLNB-Rough/Water 10/27 /Y9 Inspector:CD Act io n:APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Notes,CURRECTION TO ADD .ISOSLATORS TO WATER L INES TESTED WITH 60#PT 00240 PLMB -Gas Piping 10/27/99 Inspector:CD Action :APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Not~s.TESTED AT 14#PT FOR 15 MINUTES CORRECTION TO ADD STRAP TO GAS LINEIN GARAGE AT CHANGE OFDIRECTION PLtlB-Pool/Hot Tub PLI1B-tlisc. PLtfB-F'inal ·~... kEPT131 03/08/2000 17.12 REQUESTS TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO -INSPECTN WORK SHEETS FOR:3/9/20 PAGE 8 AREA.GG St.at.UB t ISSUED 970 -390-3105 970-47 6-8610 970 -390-3105 Occ : Phone s Phones Phone : Const.r:NDUP Use: P99 -0069 3/9/20 Type:B-PL"B 2241 CHAMONIX LN 2241 Cha.onix Ln (for.erly 2339 Cha.onix Ln) 2103 -114 -25 -001 Plu.bing for new duplex FRANT2 MECHANICAL CHAMONIX DEVELOPMENT FRANT2 ME CHANICAL Activity~ Addrl!'Ba~ LocBtion ~ ParCffl: Descr ipt.ion: App l.icant: Owne r: Contract.or: Ins pect.ion Request In ~o r.ation••••• Request.or :rich Phone:390-6842 Req Ti.e:01:00 Co••e n ta :will call 1 te-.s request.ed t.o be Inspected...Action Co ••ente 00290 PL"B-Final. w7mI1/)?"rno..:>. Inspect.ion History ••••• It~.:00210 PLnB-Underground 07/09/99 Inspector:JRn Action:APPR APPR AIRTEST Ite.:00220 PLnB-Rough/D.W.V. 10/27/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Notes.CORRECTION IS TO ISOSLATE WATER LINE FROM DWV IN LAUNDRY ROOM DWV TESTED WITH 5#AIRTE~~ Ite_:00230 PLnB -Rough/Water 10/27/99 Inspector :CD Action:APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Notee:CORRECTION TO ADD ISOSLATORSTO WATER LINES TESTED WITH 60#PT Ite.:00240 PLnB -Gas Piping 10/27/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR WEST UNIT ONLY Nolus.TESTED AT 14#PTFOR 15 MINUTES CORRECTION TO ADD STRAPTO GAS LINE IN GARAGE AT CHANGE UFDIRECTION It.e.:00250 PLKB -Pool/Hot.Tub Ite.:00260 PLn8 -niec. It.e.:00290 PLnB-Final 01/24/00 Inap&ctorz CD Action:PA east unit only Not.a:co.plete grout all tile surfaces in all bathrooas will check at.teo •KRH cONSULTANTS stru c tur ~al e ngineering a ndd esign May 3,1991 Hugh and Linda Statt 2339 ChamortI x Lane Vall,CO 81657 Re :2339 Chamonlx Lane Remodel Job No.910'1 -05 • On April 22 .1991 1 visited the slte of the above referenc~d proJect to determine the bearing condition along the center of t heb uilding,This 1s a prefabricated modular home which has roof and floor jo ist bearing along the center marriage wall. Review of the original construction d rawings and inspection of the as-bui lt condition has lead to the conclus ion that a 5-1 /0" U1l da by 9 "deep gl ue-lam beam will span across an B'-O "opening cut Into the e xisting be ari ng wall.The beam should be supported at each end b~a built-up post consisting of (3)-2x 'i's glued Hnd na i led to e ach othe r to cre ate a single unit . If you have any questions about thi s report ,o r if I c an be of further service,p lease do nat hesitate to c all. Sincerely , KRH Consultants Structural Engineering and Design ~R.~ Kimberly R.Hutchinson,P .E. P O .Box 4 572 V a i l.C O8 1658 [30 3 J 9 4 9-93 91 ....'.. PERMITFEES PERMITNO. f(TC L'C 4 ['('.1'(' BU ILDING PlUMBING MECHANICAl BUILDIN G PERMIT ELECTRICAL PLANCHECK PLUMBIN G MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE VALUATIONG,R,FAGROUP tnmr vv AB EH I~M .~L -J )~~~','rl.l <"V •..{·)--r i{L ) j -i'!".,~.,. TYPE OWELL INGUNIT S __ACC OMM OOAtlONUN rTS __ H EIG H T INFT .__N O ,FIRE PLACES NEW(I ALTERATION f )ADDITIONAL I )REPAIR (l PH. r!l PLUMB INGoFOUNDATIONo CITY / MAil AD DRESS []BUILDING G ElECTRI CALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT BLK~__-r-_' DESC.FILING ':J..~:1'-)(J1J IY ,........V C''"'' <C'")1 1/JOB NAME:)G J...P,lI C L"'r OWNER NAME 4 !·"J1 +-L ,,,,,tl o T O BE F I LLEDOUTCOMP LETELY PRIOR TO I SSUANC E O FPERM IT TYPE OFPERMIT An -¥t/,9/- k17Ch !N CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT USE TAX Ul 0 fflC IAL I ~«e..J:,.__ ONI NGADMINISTRATOR R-VALLUE GAS WOO D TIi ICKN ESS £lEC. ADDITIONA L PERMIT S N EEDED : !...!i ST.C ._T ~+Hf--u--------:-;;--;-=.-:-:-..-- ---[±jf--II--_ IN SULA l iO N ; D EMO TYPE 0 ' H EAT BLA S'(I NO 'COOR I EXT.WALLS ----r -----j----- ROO F I-..:.:.:..::.:c.-----+----------jPH. MAll ADDRESS ..Ic.(./ FlRM 'S f "cf r H !~?V..·,.~·· C'TY ARCHITECT I":JJIR""'------------I PLUMBING h 1- CONTRACTOR TOWNOF ~RE Q .N0.JS ., T I\u,-'-'.:;r\e:::c ELECTRICAL \()'k'YCONTRACTORTOWNOF'tAIL REG.NO,~= LE.C)"c,-G·7 S-(I '1 (GENERAL 1:.(,;-1 ., CONTRAC TOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO .:"j ."j 1-I TElE LI7 ,'Lf'3('c., MECHANICA ll'E:JJIBlI\M'------------1 CONTRACT OR TO WN OF VAIL REG .NQ, O TH ER 1:'.::'0""'-_ TOWN O f VAIL REG.NQ, CONTRACTOR TEL E. I herebya cknowledgeth at I hav e read thi s a pplicat i on.filled out In full the Information required. c ompleted a naccurate plot plan ,a nd stale t hat a llth e Information provid ed as reculredisco rrec t.I agre e t o c omply with the i nformationand plot plan,toc omply with all Town o rdinanc es andstale laws,andto b uildthi s structure according tothe Town's ,zoning and 9ubdivl~ion codes.d esign re view a pproved ,U niformB uilding C ode andoth er 0rn ce ~own..bPPlicable th ereto.~)?"~-<'Z, IGNATURE OF OWNEI}OR CONtRACTOR FOR HIM SElf AND THEOWNER .#' , 15 soulh frontag e road n il,colorado 11657 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 officeofcommunityde"elopmenl BUILDING PER t·IITI SSUAN CE TIM E FAA /IE If thts permttr equires a Tow n of Vai lFir e Depar tm ent Approva l, En qtneer-t-s (Pu blic Works)rev iewa nd appro val,a Planning Departme nt revi ew or Hea lth Dep artme nt rev iew,and arev i ew by t he Bu ilding Depar tm ent,t he e stimated t imefo ra tota lr ev iew may ta ke a s long as t hree weeks. Al lcomm ercial[large or small)a nda ll multi -famil y permitswil l have to f ollow theabove mentioned ma ximum requ irements.Re sidential and sma llprojectsshould ta kea l e ss eramount of ti me .However ,if residenti alor smal le r projects i mpact thevarious above mention ed depar tm ents wi th regard t o necessaryrev iew,t hese projects ma y also take th e t hree week period. Every attem pt willbe ma deby th is de pa r tm ent t o exped itet his permtt asso on as po s si ble. I ,the un der sig ned,und erstand theplan c heck procedu re a ndtime fram e, , Proj ect Na me Da teWork Sheet wa s tu rned in tothe Communi ty Devel opme nt De pa r tme nt. •• 7S .oulh lronlage fOld n il,colorado 8165 7 (303,4 79-21)8 or 479-2139 o ffice 0 1 com munitydevelopmenl . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRA CT ORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMUN ITYDEVE LO PMENT MARCH 16.19 88 CONSTRUCT ION PAR KING &MATE RI AL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for a ny person to litter,track or d epos it any soil,rock ,s and,d e br is o r mater ial,inclUding tra sh d umpsters,p ortable toilets and workmen vehicles u pon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any po rtion thereof.Th e right-of-way on all Town of v ail streets and roads is a pproximately5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Pers ons found viol ating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to r emove said material . I n t he e vent the p erson so n otified does not comply with t he noti ce withi nt he 24 hour time spec ified ,th e Public Works Department will remove s aid mater ial at t he expense o f person n otified.Thep r ovisions o f this ord inance shal l n ot be a ppl icable t o const ruction,maint e nance or repair p rojects o f a ny street o r alley o r any utilities in t he r i ght-a-way. To r eview Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vai l Building Department to obtain a c op y.Thank you for your c ooperat ion on t his matter . Da te •• PLAN SATTACHED 0048 55 •dep artment ofcomm unitydevelopment A RCHITECT 1""'''''"'-----------1 RECREATION FEE DE SIGN REV IEW BOARD PER MIT N O . BUILDI NG 8 .000 z ELECTR ICAL 1,000Q "<PLUMBING 4 ,0000 "-c MECHANICAl.> 13.000 PERMIT FEE S BUILDING PERMI T 144 PLAN CHECK IL ELECTRICAL 44 PLU MB I NG 40 MECtlANICAL DAN STANE K MAY 13.1991 ~UtLJ)IN GDFFI CIA.C -------I5"ATE ----- BET SY ROSOLACK MAY 9.1991 toN ING AOMINISTR ATOR-----DATE---- tz ONtNG &BU ILDING N OTES:.."""'"_ NO KITC HEN TO BE ADDED . VALUATIO N 13.00D x x x x ABEH IR M I 2 2a3 4 AD DITIO NAL ()REPAIR () G.R.F ,A. DI VISION __NO .F!REPLACES R-3 GROUPTYPE Z OCCUPANCY GROUP V-N GE ~f R .A,l OESC RIPTIONOF WQRK .-"o-e;;,.---,,,,,,,,,,,,JIICHANGEELECTRICHEAT-TO GAS ,DRYW AL GARA GE,CHANG E DOWNSTAI RS WALLS . P ARKING Hl'lGHll NFT OWfLil NGUNITS __ACCOM ""OOATION UNITS _ ST CUT Bt ASTING -- A 00lT10NAL P ERMITS NEEDED, Y ~~ DEMO NEW ()ALTERATION( 159-P 108-E 25 1-B PH PH BlK A VAIL DAS SC ONE #1 VAIL ROBIN SON PLUMBI NG ST ON EC REEK ELEC TRIC CITY STOTT REMODEL TO WN O F VA I LREG.NO . T ELE 47 6 -4 305 NAME HUGH &L ~NDA STOT t __ 2339 CHAM ONIX LNMAlIADDRESS FIRM CITY NEDBO CO NST. MA il ADORESS FIRM f iRM LOT 11 FlUNG OW NER JOB N AME : PLUM BIN G CON T RACTOR TOWNO fVAll REG ,NO. TElE .443-2 505 ELE CTRICAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN Of V A I L REG .N O . 949-67 80 TElE. GENERAL CO N T RA C TOR I"'~~~~~~----~~- T O BE FtLL E DO U T C OMPLET EL Y PAIO ATO ISS UAN CEO F PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT 00<BUI LDI NG ~PL UMBIN G 00<ELECT RIC AL 0 FO UNDATIO NoMECHANICAL[2)339 CHAM ONIX LAN E I...lEGAl ~S C FIRM ME CHANICA L C ONTRACTORTOWN OF VAil REG .NQ, TElE. O THER I'''.R'''"''---_ TQWN OF V AIL REG.NO. C ON fR A C TOR T ELE I hereby ackn ow led ge t ha tIhave readt his application .filled o ut i n full th e i nf o rmation requ ired, c o m p l eted anaccurate p l otp lan.an d state tha t all th ei nformationp rovided a s req uired is correct.I agree toc om plywith t he infor mat ion a nd pl otp lan.to c ompl ywi thallT own o rdina n ces and state laws .an d t o b ui l d th i s st ru ct ure acco rdi ng t o the Town 'szo ningand subdi vision codes,d esign re view approved ,U nif orm B ui lding Co dea nd o t her 0 r;1 jna ~s 0Yhl},1fjO~n apPI~bre t h ereto . CLEAN UP TO :'~\s,,~..4-t"'...../~~( ~~~~~._S IGNATURE O F oym E~A C O NTR AC TO R FORHIMSELf\..'{",,'\1,,~\~4 N D T HE OW N EfV.._--------,....,.... -. PE RMITN UMBER O FPROJE C T INSP CTION REQUEST ~TO WN OF VAIL 'I . ..\1 /,..-1£H d7JOBNAME_-""~..!.LLL__-i6"';:'.>.L<-"",,;.&E..<;;l2 _DA TE _ PM_____AM C AL LER _ I NSPEC TIO N ,/)/MON QUE§)WEDTH UR FR I .2 .:s:;1 L-C1<:m&<.J<". <17&-7.;J.'(f?-:;r~""'--)(/.-1'6 tt READY FO R LOCAT IO N ,-''''---...>...."L.1'---'==:::'-':'-''--''=r:.Jd.J.4~-7'---;---=;::--:-;---------- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTI NGS I S TE EL o UN DERGR O UND o FOU NDA T IO N I ST EEL o RO U GH I D W.V . o FR AMING o RO UGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASP IPI NGoPLYWQODNArLiNG o I NS U LA TIO N o POO L I H .TUB o SH EETROC K NA IL 0-0 0 ./.L"LV'-D o F INAL ~LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL, o TEM P.POW ER o HEATIN G o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OOD S-o CON D UIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL ~PR O V ED o D ISA PPROVED ~R E I NS P E C T I O N REQUIRED DA TE -1/-/5"'-Z)/IN SPE CTOR ~ZZ?::. PER MIT N UMBEROF PROJECT DAT E ;;1./~/9 z.-r I • JOB NAME CALLER PM_____AMFRITHURWEDMONlUES UA-vuS INSPECT ION " ;l33CJ READYFOR LOCATIO N '---'''-'-~'':::-'__-''''''-'--=--=--=--_ BU ILDING:PLU MBIN G : o FOOT INGS I ST EEL o U NDERGR OUND o FQUNDATlON I ST EEL o RO UGH I D WV. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ri.FIN AL c c2 o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWE R o H EATING o R OUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS a CONDUIT o S UPPL Y AIR 0 0 o F INAL o F INA L 7<APPR OVED C ORRECTIONS , o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED DAT E _--=+--=--1---=---=-'-_INSPECTOR _-L.,",,-~'---==-=--==_=--_ • PERMITN UMBERO FPROJECT DAT E ::l./~/9 -z.-r J JOB NAM E •INSPECTION rREQUEST ~, T OWNO F VAfL .' S -r 0 T-t De clc..rei {'11( J C ALLER PM_____AMFRITHURWEDMONrUES DAl/tlS INSP ECTION ; »s s eREADYFOR L OCATION :-''-'---=-=--'--_--''''''--'--'-'--''-_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH /ow .v. o FRA MING o ROUGH /WA TER R OOF &S HEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 ti FI NAL e 0 o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXH AUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLY A lA 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~A P P ROV E D C ORRECTIONS : o D IS APPRO VED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED DA TE _--"'1---"-1--'---"-_INSPECTOR ; PERMIT N U MBER O FPR OJECT •INSPECTION REaUEST~ TOW N O F V ~L S -r ;)i t:De ,--II.rei,t .I1r } CALLER PM_____AMFRITHURWEDMONTUES DA-(/uS INSP ECTION : ~33q READY FOR LOCATION:---''''--~-=----!.__'''''''e<...!-=--'''=---_ B UILDING :PL UM B ING : a FOO TINGS I STEEL a U ND ERGROU ND a FOU NDAT IO N I ST EEL o ROUG H I DW .V. a FRA MIN G a ROUGH I WA T E R ROO F &S HEER a GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LAT ION o POOL I H TUB a SH EETROCK NAIL a a a ri FI NAL ('U o FI NAL EL ECTRICAL:MEC HANICAL: a TE MP .POW ER o H EATING a ROUGH a EXHAUST H O OD S a CO NDUIT a SU PPLY A IR a a o F INAL a FI NAL IS(A PPROVED, C O RRECT IONS: a D ISAPPRO VED a REIN SPECT ION REQUIREO DATE ---'='f-=...,.'-'--'==-----INSPECTOR •Project App lication Dat e 3/20/91 STOTT REMODElProjectName:_-'.....l..I.J'-'=lUJJu:.J.~_ DECK EXTENSION ,STA IRWAY ,RAILING AND COLOR CHANGEProjectDescription:__'---'---'-'-'--'--_ Contact Person an d Ph one TIM HASSE ,COLO ROME IMPROVEMENTS,IKCL 2339 CRAMONIX LANE VAILHUGHSTOTTOwner.A ddress and Phone:__-===--==='-__==--=====--===-_..:.::='-_ A rchitect.A ddressa nd Pho ne ; 11 ,Z one _ DECK RAILINGTO HA TCH EXISTING WA S CHA NG ED TO SO LID BA ILING QN EACH SIDE EXTFynED POSTS WE RE REMOVE D COLORST OB Ep AI NTED WII.J BE Ol YMPIC CAPE CODEGR 'Y AND IRIH TO BE IiOUWOOD Design Review Boa rd 3/20/91Date_""-=='-_ M otionby ;-:L"'AM""'B<--_ Seconded by :_-'D"O"'R"'W"A"'RD"'-_ A PPROVAL DI SAPPROVA L 4 90 Su mmary :_ To wn Planne r o S iall Appr oval Date :3/20/91 •••• Bets y Rosolack Town of Vail Planning Tech nician Dear Betsy. Hugha nd L inda S tott 2 3 39 Ch amo n ix Ln. Vail.Co.81657 Feb .14.1991 Iamwriting to you to officiall y i nform y ou as to what we are propos ing for the e xte rio r of our ho use,2 339 Chamo ni x. Firstl y ,we d idn ot ever want to ha ve t he trellis at a90d egree ang le so we will remo ve it .0 0<'-1.. Second l y,wewo u ld li ke to enclose the r ailing o n t he eas t e nd o f the de ck t o mat c h the n ew railing on the we st s i de of the deck, l ea v ing the middle se ction of the ra iling a s is.to utilizet he s uns hine . Third ly.we plan to p aint the e xterior o ft hee nt ire house in the enc losed color. We would like to comp lete a ll t he wor kby15J une 199 1.The reason for d elay wi th completion is d ue to f in an cesa ndwea ther permitting.Our pai nter h as adv i ce us to wa it for warmer wea th er. Thankyo u for your patience a nd concer n, S ince rely , Hugha ndLinda Stott •• 7S south frontage road vail colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 January 1 0,19 91 Hugh a nd Li nda Stott 2339 Chamon ix Lane Vail,Col or ad o 816 57 Re:Decka nd S tairwa y const ruct ion Dea rHugh and Linda: •• office 01 community development On Octobe r1 0,1 990,y O ll r ec eived s ta ff a pproval t o extend your d eck a nd to bu i ld a stairway fr om t he extended deck to t he fron t door.One cond it ion of a p proval was t h at the new ra il ing mus t match t he e xi s ting railing. A few day s ago ,y o ua sked f or a fin al ins pe ction ,and afte r the building i nspe ctor v is it ed your project,he i nformedmet h at the r a iling that h ad b e en c onstruct ed di dn ot matc h the existing railing. In additi on,y ou have structure that protrudes proposal. ext end ed fr om th e r ail r oof. p osts This u pward was n ot to meeta part of the We must as k th at you cease work ont he proj ectu nti ly ou s ubmit a proposal t oo ur office to e ither c hange thenew r a il ing t o match the existing r ailing or change theo l der r ail ing to match the new railing.Youmus t eithe r remove th ee xtended ra i l posts al ongwith the a tt ached structures ,o r o b tai n app roval f or this pa rt o f yo ur cons t ruct ion. We mu st request tha t you SUbmit an amended proposal b yFriday, J anuary 18,1 99 1.Th ank y ou fo r your ~ooperat ion. S~~s /a <-~ Betsy ii6 solack Planning Technic ia n ............ I 0 /,0 /'7 ()r l' .- • tv l!(,Il.0 '"/ w,,,',f.,aWf Pro ject Application d ~c...k.ev.-J ete c fC I tJ-,fl.';, ~~ro~ ••• • C~Oil (?(_;:j;;:#.-I-I_ A Fmng (,4:.1 d2e...S .Z o ne __II Arc r nt ect.Add ress andPhone :--,~------------------ Comments:_ Des ign Review Board Dale _ M Olion by :_ Se conded by :_ APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL s ,mma!e"J de-de c..c.::r~..pY'<Jfr> ...p.~~'<.-~"Jr, €X I s-r (.o e -1'"",d s-:»L...k crh:(~J, 6x.,J rr:»tV r;, .: To...."Planner /o f,0 /'?d7', ~t a"Apl'foval e.e. 't - For l /II Time \'-r- Dale _i WHILE YOU ~E OUT M \.",,",.;:,<~+ From Phone No.\-''..\_.....N_EI .... TELEPHONED UIGeNT PlEASfCAU WANn TO SEE YOU Will CAll ~IN CAME TO SH YOU I RETU RNED 'lOUR CA ll I '\.I Mouago , 0,.-. •• • ·~~_...".....~.:~ ..I CJTI t_/L8J I ~~77r I q ~Y'L-(/1 I I ~.~....."..._~~. I••~ Project Application Pr oject N ame,5'+0 11'd ~c-fL Project oescriPlion :e ,i f'.fA'-1."At ·d.e etc.. C ontact Person a nd Phone ~C-',,~(,,~--,-I--t-cn..,±~...._~a:')o'1JZ1-~ti~~~~__2~~::!:!3-U~ .' Archilect.AddressandPh one : A ',',n 9 j h ://J S t;;;::#t--+I- CJ(.B-c......Zone _ Comments:_ Design Review Board Da te _ M otion by : Seconded b y : APP ROVAL DISA PP ROVAL summ arfe.J deere ~~-Pm "" -t-.-2--1v~<L ~oJr . ex I S''1'r AJ ~-{-.-.,/V-f o&dC. ~L--4 crhr~J. eoc ,J CI A/C. ~Ia lf A pproval ...-- , ,' {-- zw r 2: I,u l-::> 0 0 ~r-CL VI ~x H G::?llJi) 0 ~-<:t ()--J ~.r-:t,\}.l- cj 0 :r:c ~ ':I:' ~ :::>~-I.0 ~ 1 I I -----~I ~.----=;) Q, \ I .__~~!-I ,~----1,',~I F=9 ---j-'-,I \,'6==1 1"'=-I\\~".::---j,':I \ '---=.:-.--'I I'I :·,~'<.:;';i 'l'I I!1\-::S""~-'\_";',,''I --'-1 ~ ·-,w• /.<.:.(t..¥') {)-/-6 ti /~u )fl j/~;?~,>C .r:"/;{/~7 ~J'.«,,~~ /-r-r-: ~'(.I <: 1.-e,l ·~\..dr A-~_~i -l / /-~c :./!d ..J,.<.-f t..-'1 i ()-C2 /h -h o n.-).o».«:k v-S ·/,,-1.- /{Iv>r ,J yL.u:f1 ,:.,,'-- z-h /e /YI ..L._I..J--c,.«4<'" -;../'I ~{~(L("I L ,,,i...s I;-r: /)L.",,-((I V-.-L --;t ,c, ,fA-~~.I'r-,L.'"h.f..",.'"....'I .) .. ~~7'''-'t--k..3/_" jl4.,I /sl .-s .l)<.c.(~"t -)<,+-+....:.... ~~f '<f l--~oc e/-Jr.-........ • G L-tVn-6 -c.v c.,;')""/ t9 'D o_w ••~v-0 -lye ~...,u I Ov ercoafiluse P aint G ua ra nteed15 yea rs •Exc ellent for use o n previou sly pa inted orprimed su rfaces •One coat co verage •Ea sy clean-up ,d r ies qui ckly •Resists mi ldew ===="jj.~-------''--------::ii~--- Navajo W h ite* A lmondr-C hamois" t Adobe S and J ,Sro nehedge C ape Cod GnIY*,H eat h er t Ironwood XClay Beige Gray ,Beachwood Buff*'Autumn O ak,Ocean Mi sttSmokySuedeButternut" Ox fordBrown"Russet-M ahogan y"\X'edgwood*N avajo Red "Eggnog* T he:><:"co lo,sa mples ar e su bJCCI to thc cffC<..'t .;>(h ClIt,!ill!'t.lIlIe,lind ot h,.PIOC~hto yond OUf control and may vary .lil;:hth fru rn Ille actual O lympi(Overroot ro le.,.,. N'cw colorsfor 1989 A lsoa vaila ble ill Sat in Finish • \'(ledgwlXxI Exa mple of Satin Finish •D ries to a so ft g loss fin ish •Excellentfor accent trims, doors .sidingOutsideWhite*W hitc* S urface I p a rati o n To end u p w it h a long-last ing b eaut iful Overcoat finis h,vou'vc go r to start with a s urfaceth at isclea n,d ry a n d sound. Pr ope rp repara t ion includ es m ak ing sure t he su r face to b e pnin red is co mp letely free o f surface m ildew,loose d irt a nd d ust,grease , pai nt chalk and exist in gp aint that's blis t er ed. cracked or b roken loose from t he .'I)g Pa int is no r indest ructible.eve t c be. o fp a intsc an eve n tu allyfail .So b efore you a pplyafresh coat,be sure t he s urfaceisfree o f pr ob lems.A sk yo ur O lymp icd eale rfor co mplete details o n pro persurface p re pa ration. -- •ta OlYMPTc.· OVERCOAT HOUSEPAINT COLORS - n..Ot,mpic HamooC.",Products Ccwttpony 8eIIowue.WA 9llOOoI 0Iyt'1piC ill •..-g...red 1f ~.01 Thol Olympic ~.P"'O:h'"h ComJ-ly ~11169 Olympic HotneC~P,0duc!8 Company L itho US,A. ITEM _136 ProperA pp lication Rev iew t h efo llow ing g uidelines with yo ur O lympic dealer (or h is reco m men dations and suggest io ns: 1.U sca q u ality b ru shwith sy nthetic bri stles. 2.A s k yo ur deale r to mecha nl callv s hake eac h ca n yo u b uy.A fter opening,stir co mpletely m ixi n g rh ep aint from the b o tt o mu ntil smooth.Repeat stirri ng d u ring use.Fo r uni- for m color b etween ca ns,use only h alf o f the ca ll before mi xin gwi th t h e nex t,t hor- oughly sti r ringt his h lend toget her. 3 .Cover shr u bs ,wa lks,et c .,wit h d ropcloths. 4 .Read the can label thoroughly fo rm ore d et ailedinform at ion.To ensure t h e b est resu lt,pav p articular attention to de tails co ncerning ai r tempe rature a nd moisture co n d itions at the t ime of t he a pplication. 5 .A pply O lympic Pri mccoar to ne wor bare surface toensur e properad hesion o ffin ish coat. (ta OlYMPTc . Overcoat S arin is recorn- m ended for arichso ft-gloss accent t rim. O ve rcoa tFlat is recommended for use o n exterior siding and t r im wh ere a r ich ma tte fini sh is d esired . O vercoat C overage Tab le Rat o r Satin in approximate MJ .ft .p er gallo n Rough Su rface S moorh Surface lID 400 In aworld o"ew guarantees, here's onefor 15 years O lvm plc Overcoa t is an exterior h ouse a nd trimp aint t ha t provides lasting protect ion a nd b eeurvi n eit hera flm o r satin finis h . Y ou want to provide your h ome with be au- ti ful protection t hat wi ll last.Bur how d oyo u k n ow th e pa i nr yo u select will re ally go th e d istance!Nowvon canrelvo n Olv rnpic's I;· year gua rantee o n O vercoar'"H ouse Paint .See th eOve rcoa t label forcomplete d etails. U se O ve rcoat on these sur faces : Paint ed Wood A lumi num Si ding H ard bo ard Pr imed Wood Stucco Galva nized Me t al Masonry Concret e O ne coat h id es most co lors,h owever when color change is dramatic,t wo coats m aybe needed.Both Flat a nd Sat in arc 100%acrylic. so th eyd ry to t he [Ouch in 30 m in utes. They 'r e com pletely was hable ,a n d to ols eas ily clea nu pi nwarm,:-Otlpy wa te r . •, ~INSPECTION REQUEST . !?TOW,N O F VAIL . JOB NAME ~~.~ CA LLER'__Sih£CAeR1.~ IN SPECT ION,~TUESWEDTH UR FR I,::,AM ~- .:;?3 '3>'$=f3!i brt.&~~C»-,A ~ DATE ~-4'--''---J+--W'--- REA D Y FOR LOCAT I O N :__""''--'-..L...L-F''----'--''''l...J.!<O::::>''''''"''''''-'''''''::::;;6-_-''--'''''==~= o REINSPECT ION RE QUIREDoDISAPPROVEDoAPPROVED./( CORRECTIONS : BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS /ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROU GH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INS ULATION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEET ROCK NAI L 0.,, 0 :7 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HEATING ~OUG H o EX HAUST H OODS I 0 CO ND UIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o F INA L I c .' I NSP ECTOR ----=----=-~"'--''---'--=--=--=-:t...:.~'!4''-----•I~DATE ---'''-_'---_ S~Y)'SPECTION REa'UE~t '{Vi(~Zf:. CA LLER CltdJ-l,-'--yz d1bo - ~-@ / R EAD Y FOR I NSPECTION :MON (1A S WEDTHUR FRI AMPM LOCATIO N :;:::;--:>~q a:-:;;~.-c,A • (0~.,n -if'dftr->I (7,,-f',d7 -.d;L,~,k ~ V "-' BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUG H /D WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &S HEE R o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION ~o POOL /H .TUB FiS H EETROCK N AIL ..ry 0 0 0 o FINAL Cl FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANI CAL: o TE MP.POWE R o H EATING o ROUGH o E XHAU ST HOO DS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o FI NAL ~P P R O V E D CORR ECTIONS: o DI SAPPROVED o REI NSPECTIONREQUIRED ·~r ' PERM IT N UMBER O FPJ.0JE CT DATE Z!t ;L q I.JOBII NAME '. LL - READY FOR I NS PECTI ON '00O'0(?-r;tES •W ED TH!;!R Y",,----,-I"A M..}PM LOCATION :'2 '!7 ~/t ~~,'h.A './ ", BU ILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL \0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I D WV. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SHEER ('-di"O?J 57oPLYWOODNAILING)leA S P IPING ~I o I NSU L ATI O N o POO L I H .T UB o SHEET ROCK NAIL ~6 -tl~ 0 o FIN AL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING . o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS. o C ONDUIT O S U~A IR 0 o . o FI NAL o F IN AL ~. ,r D A T E /-/5 -.;;;/ D ATE READYFOR L OCATION , CALLER M ONTU ES .. •• INSPECTION REQUEST " :,nmr ~N O F VAIL T HURF RI BUILDING:PLUMBING ,~ o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V.. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .TUB o SH EETROCKN AIL 0 0 0 t¥F1NAL V·d.o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL : JoTEMP.POWER o HEA TING , o ROU GH o EXHAUS T HO ODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL 'R.APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 0REI NSPECTION REOUIRED C ORRECTIONS ' ,&~/_~oA.--~~-7 TaJ • DATE IN SPECTOR 4 ,....•• PERM IT NUMBER OFPROJE CT •• PM_____A M I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL AlD N TU E~WEDTH UR r R I c!119m t!t16d &><./ _e READY FO RINSPECTION L OCATION ,;:z ..rS ') BUILDING :PLUM BING: o FO OTINGS I S T E~L 0 UNDERGRO UND _ o FO UNDAT ION I ST EEL 0 RO UGH I DW.V._ a FRAMING I ··0 ROUGH I WA TER _ O ROOF &SHEER '-"::..-,,-__0GA S PIPING _ PLYWOODNAILI N G o INSULATION "'---"''''0 POOL I H .TUB _"-..,.o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ .0 0.o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL: •0 T EMP.PO WER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT ..j)/;/;a .<:;~¥'.1"1/".0 .., MECHANI CAL: o H EA TING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SU PPLY AI R 0 _ o FINAL jRVAPPROVED ~g C ORR EC T IO N S, o D ISAPP ROVED o REIN SPECT IONREO UIRED >-- 7 -16•'. D D r INSPECTION'S COMPLETED e The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please cb~ck off in the box provided. FI NAL PLOMBI NG DATE: FI NAL MEC HANICAL o DATE : IMPRO VEMENT SURVEY RESID .NAME : DAT E: FINAL ELEC TRICAL[] DATE: ~FINAL BU ILDING EA ST SID E:1/';-Yjr1/DATE: D TEMP ORARY C OF0 DATE: 0 CERTIFIC ATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: D LANDSCAPING DOE DAT E: IlEST SIDE: PL AN ATTACHE DNOTE-COPY O FPERM IT TOBEKEPTO NJ OB SIT E I N ON MA R30 XitB I99 1CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT.-.".........,,'"., ..L\,..:',DAT E •004716....••PERMIT NO. t\1li l Di lli 1.TYPE O~CO NSTRUCTIO N I IIIII I V" d ep artmentof commun ity dev e lopment 2OCCU PANCY GROUP ABE ,",l R M BUILDI NG 8 00 ~DIVISIO N 1 2 2~J4 z ELECTRICAL TOBE FILL ED OUT CO MPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSU A NCE O F PERM IT 0s:GENER AL DESCRI PTION OF WORK :•PLU M BINGTYPEOFPERMITENCLOSEDECKRAILINGTOHATCHNEW.~ "•..xx BUILOING 0 PLU MB I NG >M ECHA"l ICAL ,:::J ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION TOTAl 800 :::J MECHANICAL ~3 3 9 CHAMONIX LN TYPE GROUP G A~A .VALU ATION PER MIT FEES LEGAL LOT 11 Bl K A V-N R-3 0 8 00 25BUilDINGPERMIT DESC .FILING VAIL DASSCH ONE #1 W O BN AME: PLAN CHECK 13 STOTT REMODEL elECTRICAL O WNER NA ME LINDA P .STOTT N EW {J At TERATlO"«X)["OOITIONAL ,J RE PAIR I I PLU MBING--2 339 CHAMONIX LN M AlL ADDRESS D....HL 'N GU...'TS -A CCO "'MOQATlO 'll U NI TS __MECHANIC Al VAIL 6-7288 CI TV PH ~El O HT I ~fT vc F'HEPLAC ES --RECREATION fEE ARCHITECT FIR...I NSULA TIO N T YP[TI..nCKNESS R..VALLUE D ESI GNREVIEW BOARD 10 f LOOFl NONE ±CLf AN ·UPDEPOSIT -"'AIL Ap pRESS ~----(J ~Ext ,,-AU S C,TY PH --U SE TAX ±~'00' GE NERAL f i RM NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 3}'J!~25 1-B TYPE ELEC TOTALP ERMI T FEES $4 8CONTRACTORIOWNOFVAILREGNOOF- 476 -5 366 SOLAR D AN STANEK APR .2 ,1991THEHEATWOOD ADDITIONAL PERM ITS NEEDED .BUIL DIN G OFF ICIAC ------15....fE ----- f iR M LECTR ICAL t."-I NI TIAL BETSY ROSOLACK APR.2 .199 1 TOWNOFV AIL R EG N O =--------------NTR ACTOR ST.CUT X ONING ADMI NISTRATOR DATE--TEl E BLASTING _L ZONIN G &BUILD I NGN O TES. flBM - PAR KING I_XPLUMBING TO WN O F VAIL REGNOCONTRACTOR OEM O X here. FIRM I he re by ac knowledg e t hat I h ave re adt his application ,f illed o uti n full the i n f o r m at i o n r equire d , M ECHANI CA L co mp lete d a naccu r ate p lo t plan,a ndstat etha t a l l th e Informa t io npr o vide d a s r equiredi sc o rrect.I C O NTRACTOR TO WNOF VA ilREG .NO .agree 10co mp ly wi th t he i nformationandp lot pla n ,to CO?£hall Tow n ordin ances an dstate TElE l aws ,and to bu ild th i sst ru c ture ac cordi ngto th e Town's zo9 11 Hl 'subd i vi s ion codes,design O TH ER E I ~M rev i ew ap pro ved,Un i form B u il ding C o de andot her o rcnnanc ~155.'/f '17 n a ppl icablethere t o . r.,/. TOWNO F VA i l R EG.N O .S IG NA~nV\O.~~N E R OR CONTRACTO R FOR HIMSELF I)NTRACTOR T ELE .AND T H O WN ER ........- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT• .,DATE,d 7 ij,"PERMIT NO .••tl1ll III 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 111 111 I rj} d epartment of co mmunity d evelopme nt 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH @ BUILDING tAct).0 (.)u s,i) ,D I VI SION 1 2 2 ~z ELECTRICAL TO B E F ILLEDOU T C OMPLETELYPR IOR TO I SSU AN C E O F PERMIT 0 (GE NERAL DE ~,pnGN DFJGRK ,'0 ~PLUMBING :rYPE OFPERMIT ~C:'-eX C""':>--Z .r d<A .......J:!,~-,~-c 0 0 ·1;.-1\,(:t;.!__........~L ...J ~>MeCHANICAL BUILDI NG PLUMBING '0 ElECTRICAL 0 FOUNDA TION '\r 0 MECHA N ICAL 0 TYPE CROUP PERMIT FEESG.A.FA VAlUATION L EGAL lOT Il BlK A (r,J (J .?:;V'Qj -B UIL DING PER MIT ..:2 .<.00 .~E SC FILING \l h l l 'i)i\~'Cl rr.e fI ,PLANCHECK 1 :<,"0 :..JOB NAME :'i7?l TT .tJ.D ....,ELECTRICAL 0 OWNER NAME L ",t--\';,:)P.v.OS !oft:NEW (I Al TERATIO )ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR (I Pl UMBING o MAILAD DREss A3)/)r l,i\lh q ·''¥L DW ELLINGU NITS __ACCOMMQDAT IONUNITS __MECHANIC AL t'J CITV \l ~I L ('D.PH .I.\.'1'--"l :J?"a,l-lEIGHT 1N fT __NO FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE 0 ARCHITECT FIRM INS ULA TION :TYPE THICKNESS A-VAllUE DESIGN REVI Ew BOARD IO,dO "OOR I I I MAil ADDRESS ClE AN·UPOEPOSI T C'TY PH.USE T AX) \'"WACLS ,0 ('-E I \~'~'- .~ ROOF GENERAL f1RM f)t f <'<J!.\f j tJo0v ~"," I T OWN OF VAIL REG.NO..--l:\S":\~\l-T YPE ElE C.GAS TOT At,.R ERMIT FEES -¥y-,OOCONTRACTOROF~:\\,~-:z.,lc\~,SOLAR WOOO u,~,tf/../--rJA f(.:t.-9LTElE.HEAT FI RM ADOI TI ONAL PERMITS NEEDED: _ECTRICAl z,!!INITIAL -4_£.~__-3-.£</'l/_ NTRACTOR TOWNOF VAILREG .NO.ST.CUT ONING A.D M INI STRA.T OR ATE TELE .BLASTING ONING &BUILDING NOTES : f iRM PARK ING PLUMBING TOWNQFVAi l REG.NO. CONTRA CTOR DEMO TE LE. FIRM I hereby acknowledget hatIh ave readt his application,filled o u t i n f ull th e I nformation requ ired, MECH AN ICAL c om pl eted anaccu ratep lot pl an,a nd state that allth e i nfo rmati on p rovided as required i sco rrect.I TOWNOF VAIL REG NO.ag reet oc omp l y with t he i nf o rmation andpl ot p lan ,t o c omply with all T owno rdinances a nd stateCONTRACTORlaws,and t o b uildt his st ruct ureacco rdi ngt o th e T o wn'szoni ng an d su bd iv isi o n co des ,design TELE .review approved ,U niform B uilding C odeand o therord inances of th e Town app li cable th ereto. OTHER FIRM -£~L~gf;j±4/;;'k?' T QWNO FVAILREG.NO.S IGN ATUREOF OWNEROR CONTRA C TOR FO HI MSELF CONTR AC TOR TEL E. A NDT HE OWNER. NO TE -COPYO FPERMIT T O B EK EPT O NJ OBSITEPLANS ~ nCT "1990 046 58.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT• ,(DATE •..•PE RM IT NO..lin III 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION 1 II III I V V d epartmentof community devel opm ent 2OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I RM BUILDIN G 4000.DIVI SION 1 220134 z El ECTRICAL T O 6E F ILLEDOU TCOMPlETElYPFlIORTOI SSUANCE O FPEA MI T 0 G ENERAL DESCRIPTIONO FWORK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITWINDOWSADDTOEXISTINGWALL,~ "<5 BU ILDING 0 PLUMB ING EXTEND DECK TO FRONT .>M ECHANICAL --ELECT RICAL 0 FOUNDATIO N TOTAL 4 ,000oMECHANICAL02339CHAMONIXLNTYPEGROUPG.R.FA VALUATION P ERMITFEES LEGAL LOT 11 BLK A V-N R-3 4,000 BUILDIN G PERM IT 59 UltFILINGVAILDASSCHONE#1OESC PLANCHECK 29 ~651/ JOBNA ME :STOTT REMODEL ELECTRICAL OWNER I.,",HUGH sroar N EW (I ALTERATION Q{X)ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR(I PLUMBING el&f MA IL APDRESS DWElliNG UN ITS __ACCOMMOQATIONUN IT5 __M ECHANI C AL t?J6;f CI TY PH .H EIGHT INFT __N O.FIREPL ACES --RECREA TION FEE ARCH ITECT FIRM I N SU L AT IO N TYPE TI-tICKNESS R·VAI.LU E DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10 ~FLOOR CLE AN·UPD EPOS ITMAilADDRESS 100 »EXT.WALL S NONE -CITY PH .U SE TAX JL'00',mGENERALFIRMGOLD.HOME IM PROVEMENT 241-B TYPE ELEe,GA ,TOTAL P ERMIT FEES $198CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILRliG.NO OF TE Ll:.476 -3104 SOL AR WOODHEAT MIC HEA L WHITAKER 11/1/90 ADD ITI ONALPE R MITS NEEDED:~UILl)INGOFFICIAl ------DA iE ----- FIRM BETSY ROSOLACK 10/30/90LECTRICALs."INITIAL T OWN Of VAI L AEG .NO.b --------------ONT RACTOR ST .CUT X ONING A DMINISTRATOR DATe•TELE BLA STING X ZON ING &BUILDING N OTES : FIRM PAR KING XPLUMBING CONT RAC TOR T OWN OF VAil RE G.NO DEMO X TE LE. FIRM Ihere by ac knowledge t hatI ha veread th is ap pl ication.fi lled o ut i nf utlt he I nfo rmat i o nrequired , MECHANICAL co mpleted a n accu rate plot p lan ,andstatethata ll the i nformationp rovided aSif~q Uj red is correct.I CONT RACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO.agreeto comply w ith thei nformation and p lot plan ,to comply w ith a ll Town dinances andstate TElE.taws,andtobui ld th is st ruc tu re ac co rding tothe Town's zoning and sub d l ision c odes ,design OTHER FIRM revi ew approved,Uni form Buildi ng Code a nd other o rd i n~oft he ~poucab!e t heret o. CLEAN UP TO:&,(<l .~~~(.J1 ~v.r--u- TOWNOF VAil REG .NO .I I I I I I I I I I I -:;>--(,"I (,~•SrG_~RE OF OWNER(DR CONT RACTOR FOR H IMS ELF CO NTRACTOR TElE.Dt1V ",f'J(.c,.,f a L L ~ANDTHEOWNER. IV Dr::.n.t:.r I VI".JUOi)II CNUIe-vur"ur rcnNII I ./rJf o ..~..;ONSTRUCTION PERMIT .,• •,DATE /Q.•.1 v'S 9i"•III III IU';,j PERMITNO• 'lm UI I .TYPE OECONSTRUCTION department of community development ='l'BUI LD ING ,..2.OCCUPANCYCROUP ABEHtlJlM TOBEFll.l.EDOUTCOMPl.ETELYPll'ORTOISSUAN CEOFPERMtc D'VlSlON 12 ~z ElECTRiCAl '"0 GENERAl.DESCRIPTlF iV J~'f)Q u ?';"~PLUMBING \ITYPEOFPERMIT~.ON 0_WORK :-."A ·?Q -r-{!r f ,,"1""'·/'1 ':I-'l ~"-~BUILDING 0 PLUMBING e~R.fo,,/D r;)l'(J:-;Fa t -/Ii .s -r-:~MECHANICAL> o ELECTRICAl 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 TYPE GROUP G .R.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES LEGAL LOT (I BL'P,l i d )l2.:<..~"""<;DO BUILDING PERMIT "5 <'t.DESC.FILING V",L IAl,5"'0""",PlAN CHECK 2-<1 JOBNAME:S Torr RuYf 0 cf e.(ELECTRiCAl OWNER NAME H u c,H 5 '0 ,NEWI )At TERAT ION )ADDITI ONAl.()REPAIR ()PlUMBING 1 MAIL AQORESS OWELlIN(]UNrTS __AC(X)UMOOATIONUNITS __MECHANICAl. C'TY PN.HEI GHT IN fT.__NO.fIREPlACES -RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT ,INSULATION;TYP'TlilCKNESS R-VALwe DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 10FIRM :;AUS/I IItMAliAPORESS ClEAU·UP DEPOSIT I OD ClTY PN .USE TAX Cd o I-k-,-"<- GENERAL nR.-i-rn e I)(CONTRACTOR TQWN OFVAIL REO-NO.::ull-t3 TYPE 'LEe.GAS TOTAl PERMITFEES £',q'i?' OF +'7{."O'(/7S7.t;,ft SOlAR WOOO ~-Ji~~--1f1.---~------TElE HEAT nRM iJll-ADDITIONAL PERMIT S NEEDED:U1toING Of ?1Al _ATE elECTRICAL 1.~~=:,,_i/-i)~'-(lCS:.~_..L ;is/-y()._ CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAil REG.NO.ST,CUT ONINGAOM INISTRATOR DATE- rece..ev,snNG e/f'e ONING &BUILD ING NOTES; nRM PAAKING '"PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG ,NO, CONTRACTOR OEMO TEtE., ..,.fIRM IV 'Ihereby acknowledge that rhaveread this application.filled out In full the Information requ ired. MECHANICAL completed ana c curate plot p lan.and state that all the information provided requ ired is correct I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO,agree to comply with th e information and plot plan,to comply wi th all Tow ordinances and state TEtE.laws.and to build this structure according to the TOWI)'~n-;ing and S di v ision codes.design rev iew approved.Un iform Building Code and other ordinanc o~J OnapPlicai!Ihere~ OTHER FIRM x-."<.((;,cJ .)TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.SIGNATU RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.AND THE OWNER. • 75 south f ro ntagl!ro ad vail,c olo r ado81657 (303)479-2138 o r 4 79-2139 • office 0 1 community de velopment TO : FROM: DAT E: SUBJECT: ALL CONT RACT ORS CU RR ENT LYL RE GISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VA IL PUBL IC WORKS/CO~ruNI TY DEVELO PMENT MARCH 16,1 9 88 CONSTRUCTION PARK ING &MATERIALSTORA GE I ns umma ry ,Ordinanc e No.6 s ta tes that it i s u nl a wful f or any p erson to lit ter ,t racko rd epo sit a ny s oil ,rock ,s and,debris or ma t e r ial ,inc lUding tra sh dumpsters,portab le toilets and workmen v e hicles upona ny stre et ,s idewalk ,a l ley o rp Ubl ic p lace or a ny po rtion there of.Th e right -ot-way o n all Town of v ail streetsa nd roads is approximately 5 ft .off pavement. This ordina nce will be strictly en f o rc e d b y th e To wn of Vail Publ i c Works Depa rtment .Perso ns fo und v io lating thi s ordinanc e will b eg iven a24 hour writt en n otice to r e move said mat e r ial. In t he event the p erson so not ified does not comply with the no tice within the 2 4h our t i me s pe c i fie d,the Publ ic Wo rks Department wi llr emove sa id material a t the expense of p e rson n otifie d.The pro visions of th is ord inanc e s hall not b e a p plicable to const ruction,ma intenan ce or r e pair projects of any stre et or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. Tor e view Or dinance No.6 in f Ull,p l eas e stop by t he To wno f Va il Bui lding Dep a rtment to o btaina cop y.Th a nk y ou f or your c ooper a tion o n t h i s matte r. Re ad and acknOWle dg ed b y: ~t/L<.-<A----- (:'~~V ~L~~("·Irk..,,e d..'P""'-'< Po sitio n/Relation sh ip to Pr oj ect (i .e .contractor,o wner) 10 (lV!fO Date • 75so uth lrontage road vail,co lorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 • off ice of community development Plan Review Based on the 1988 Unirorm Codes PROJECT NUMBER:1 01 290 ADDRESS :VA IL DAS SCHONE #1 VAIL ,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 T YPE OF CONSTRUCTION :V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED :YES NAME :S TOTT REMOD EL DATE:OCTOBER 2 9,1 99 0 CO NTRAC TOR:COLORADO HOME IMPROVEMENT ARC HITECT :TIM HAASE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:MICH AEL WHI TAK ER CORRECTIONSREQUIRED Th ei tems li sted below are not intended to b e Q compl ete l i st ing o~all possible code requ irement s in the adopted code s a I ti sa g uide to selected sections of the codes.The followi ng i s n ott o be c onstrued to be an approval of any violation o ~any of th e pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of t heTown of Vail . 1 .De sign o f deck t o be 1 00 lb .live l oad. 2.Deck pier/pad to b e 48"bel ow grade fo r frost protecti on . 3.Guardrail as per USC 1711 ,3 6 "min .height with n oo p en i ngs greater tha n 6 ". 4 .Handrail required for stairs as per USC3 306 . 5 .F ield inspect window frame p rior to cove r for code c omplia nc e. ••• DRB A1'l'LXCATXON T • DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:\'J..'....;\'\\\1.\J.\) •••••THIS APPL ICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPT ED UNTIL ALL I NFORMA TION IS SUBMITTED ••••• 1.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app lication meeting with a plann ing staffme mbe r is strongly sugg ested to determine if any additional informa tion i s needed .No ap p lication w ill b e ac c epted u nless it is c o mplete (must incl ude all i tem s required by t hez onin g admin i s trato rl.It i s the app lican t's responsib il ity to make an appointment w ith the sta ff to f ind out about add it ional SUbmittal r equ ireme nts.P le ase note t h at a COMPLETE app lication will strea mline t he a p prov al p ro cess f or your p ro ject by decreasi ng t he n umb er o f cond itions of ap prov al that the ORBmay s tipu lat e.ALL cond itions o f approval must be resolved b e for e a building perm it i si s su ed .Application will n otb e proce s sed without Own er'sS igna ture. A.PR OJECT DE SCR IPTION:Remode l s ou th wal l,add window s, ex tend deck t of ron t po r ch en tranc e. \ [~Sc "~e..Va ~(I I LOCAT ION OFPROPO SAL: Address 2 339Cb amo n',t ,ane Legal De scription Lot __~~__BlOCK S ubdivi sion Zoni ng _ B. C .NAME OF APPLICANT :_--I;HWlllii.llb_&U'W'U;"Wdla•....:<st.tgo;ttJtl-_ Mai l i ng Addr ess :2339 Chamontx La ne ,Va l l,Co .8 1657 ___________________Ph one 476-7288 269 6 5.Colo rad o Bly d ..'500 NAM EO F APPLI CANT'S REPRES ENTATIVE :Co l o rado !l o me I mpr ove me nts ,t nc .L1 Ha i 1 i ngAd dress:_..<JlliUl~""'lO.!""'"'--!!..C<lL~Ll.JllI._'/'..:~-'n.:..:.........:::..~A-,...1 s:tt}'~D. DenVer Col o ra do, E .NAM E OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Addre ss: VA LUATI ON $0-$10,000 $10 ,001-$50,000 $5 0,00 1 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500 ,000 $500 ,001 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 ug $1 0.00 $25 .00 $50.0 0 $1 00 .0 0 $200.00 $3 0 0.00 -I (OV ER) ".• LIST OF MATERIALS •• SUBDIVISION NAME OF PROJECT:_.....s...too.'..'U·..."'·...·4d.,eo"'c:.o"'-_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT BLO CK STREET ADDRESS : DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT :Remo d el Y Jndow Ua]]-Ex t end Deck The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can b e g iven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof S iding Other Wa ll Mater ials TYPE OF MATE RIAL COLOR Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Doo r Trim Hand o r Deck Rails Flues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Alu minum The r~o p ane -Bronze Ceda r Rough Sa ~n - Red woo d B.LANDSCAPING :Name o f Designer: Phone: PLANT MA TERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botan ica l Name Com moD NameQua ntity Size . N/A EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Ind icate c aliper for d eciduous tree s.Minimum calipe rf or deciduous t rees is 2 inch es.Ind icate h eight f or coniferous tre es .Mini mum h e ight for co n iferou s trees i s6 fee t. .'.....-»:"... INSPECTION REQUEST N AME 5b -tr T OWNO F VAI L ' CALLER --II joY)-01D,YO ..,.,Itn ";;n Jl./ @ 7 INSPECT IO N :MaN,/)lU~S W ED .THUA FAI AMPM ,;2 359 ~'-'/J'-I, READY FOR L OCA TI ON :--e>"'---''-''---+----.l;j-<c.L ==-=--'--=----'-'-------------_ BUI LDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TI NGS I STEEL o UN DERG ROUND o FOU N DATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. ~F R A M I N G (\1 )/t1 d cW?-l'e l'l1 oJ -e I~o ROUGH I WAT ER ROO F &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT IO N o POO L I H .TU B o SH EETROCK N Ai l 0 0 0 .\ oF IN AL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: J , o T EMP .POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH oEXH AUST HOODS • '-o C OND UIT o SU PPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~AP P ROV E D o D ISAPPR OVED o REINSPEC TI O N REQUIRED C ORREC TIO NS: / " DATE !/-ll",-o _.9/-'0..1...----INSPECTOR {)a c .~, ""'- -, \\~•INS:CTION REGUEST 'Ill,' PERMIT N ~Ma ER O~rW~E C T ,,~'\TOWN O F VA IL • D ATE ~~JOB NAME ~~~~~~,• CALLE!:;;;:~Mn ~5l ~\. READ Y FOR I NS P EC n'\N ~(\!"N ~E~CWEO\THURFRI AMPM LO CATION ;~~~~...:::"~,_ BUILD ING :PLU MBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UND ERGROUND o FOU NDAn ON I STEEL o ROUG H I DWV. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT IO N o PO OL I H .TU B .t~C K N AIL '§~K 0 ~~'>\\0 ci FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~PPR O V E D o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQ U I RED IN SPEC T ORlI-c f-9d,I 'DATE -,Lf--'---<'---.L""----- , DAT E MBER O :J-- • • READYFOR L OCATION , BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRA MING o RO UGH I WA TER ROO F &S HEER o GAS PI PIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L I H .T UB o :P;ROCK NAIL 0.btl«0P-. o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANI CAL : o TEMP.POW ER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS. Q CON DUIT o SUPPLY AIR . 0 •0 .o FI NAL o FI NAL J!.-APPROV ED 0DI SAPPROVED 0 REINSPEC TIONRE QUIRED CO RRECTIONS ' &o-t-o -5 ...e-U t:k d f':"Lo 4'--::rz,-l ~!?-.z.~~4-o/ .~~'rl/aotd ..-4:'a..('t-t ........~·r ..L: DATE /2 -Lj -PC!I NSPECTOR --'t>r~"'""""'==---""::;'~------- PM ·- _____AMINSP~C TljJN : ~ READ Y FOR LOC AT ION :__=C-l."""-L--""''''''''''''~'''''='I---'l.==<..l._ • BUILDING :PLUMBING:, o FOO TINGS I STEEL o U NDERGRO UN D o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. ~~A M I N G o ROUGH I WA TER ,"OO F &S HEER o G AS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SUL ATION o POO L I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 't;6l NAL ~"'~o FI NAL \ ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o H EA TING o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOO DS o CONDUIT o S UPPL Y AIR - 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ~, o A PPROV ED j('DISAPPROVED ~E I N S P E C T I O N REOU IRED CORRECTION S:2=~e:1ff£~~~ fj)176'2"'E"l /EU :;;qZ !oI£O?5 U f'/,A'l'J?I!&zVe--lVt/l/I&W ~'1 -1 5''5 t>IEE.,17 .£dG<"L?oR /f4~4? @ .,zIP-hA¢'5 ;rear ,,yed?d->-n.-r42P oM ~2<#~ D ATE \ INSPECTOR ~PL--f/,~~'t,,----- DA TE _++""'cLj~-L-- INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA ILs '. "- CAL L ER -c -.)......f'J.-~ T UESWE D TH UR Q -----c9PM ? C'IlII-Zl t .Fh A.•')f I NSPEC T ION :M ON d-371 R EADY FOR LOCAT IO N : .. BUILDI NG:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUN D o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D WV. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATIO N o POOLI H .TU B o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 f:j(;INAL -r;,~JO o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POW ER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CO NDU IT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL ~APP ROVED 0D ISA PPROVED 0 REIN SPECTION REQU IRED CO RREC T IONS: @ dW!.cO cfg.r.J.f ~L:./fA AR L~4/p , INSPE CTOR ~~~,r~~@~-- INSPECTION REQUEST ~ ..• I PERMIT1(B RO F fOJECT k."-J:J..TO~V IL •AA "/..... • N AME 'tJ-'ADATE30q/JOBr'CA L LER /1;,'.4 ~tJ;jY )lA ,~~.- READY FOR I NS PE C~N ~~M q TUE/7J:,ED T H UR 0 RI ~A M PM LOCAT ION : ~•-;~.J' I /Ii"",A~.JA-Q..,~:R'/'/""t!.~.\ U c.p L U MB IN G: -. BUILD ING : o FOOTIN GS /STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOU N DA TI ON /STEEL o ROUG H /D .W .V. ~RAM I NG ,o ROUG H /WATER ~ OOF s SH EER o PLYWOO D N AI LIN G ~1 ~(;217tt4 o INSULATION o POOL /H .TU B o SH EETROC KN A IL 0 • 0 0, o F IN AL o FINA L . ELECTRICAL:I MECHAN ICAL: •o TE MP.POW ER·o H EATING-o ROU GH o EXHAU ST HOODS , o C O NDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 •0IoFINALo FI NAL • AA PPAOVED C ORRECTION S: o D ISAPPROVED o RE INSPECT ION REQ UI RED / DAT E -::>--:;'J -9/IN SPECT OR ~~ • PM_____AMFRITHUA C ALLER MaN I rUES WED Cit a.I><on r « INS PECTION : ?33&1 READY FOR LOCATION :_----'''--.::''--''---''---_-===-=....:..:.:...:::.:...:'-'-''''---_ BUILDING :PLUMB ING: D FOO T INGS I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION /STEEL DROUGH l OW-V . a FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WA TER ROO F &SH EER o G AS P I PINGoPLYWOODNAILING D INSU LATION o POO L I H .TU B o SH EETROC K NA IL D D D ll!.FINAL C 0 o FINA L ELECTRICAL:ME CHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEAT ING D ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT o SU PP LY A IR D D DFI NAL o F INAL !:£APPR oveD CO RRECT IONS: D DISAPPR OVED DREIN SPECTION REOU IRED DAT E --'==7 -"--1-'---'-------INSPECTOR --tt1 A -s rt tl.c.l ••INSPECTION REQUEST I TOW N O F VAIL '. S +.1/cleefe r {,I ('"hwr PERMIT N UMBER OFPROJECT D ATE 2-/:;;-/'1'Z-J OB NAME ='--_'---'=---~_-"'!..~--,-,"~..L--"-L.L-.!!....==...!- R EADY FO R INS PECTION: CALL ER M ON /TU ES W ED Cit a.fr<on /« TH UR FRI _____AM PM BUILDIN G :P LUMB ING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o F O UN DAT ION /STEE L o ROUG H I DW .V. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WATER RO OF &S HEER o GA S P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N SU LATIO N o POO L!H T UB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 pi FINA L C 0 o FINAL ELECTR ICAL :M ECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o E XHAUST HOO DS o CO N DUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL It A PPROV ED COR REC TIO NS , o D ISA PPROVED o REIN SPECT IONREQ UIRED DA TE _-'="+--=-+-!..._I NSPECTO R • £qw rr,.}r If ••INSPECTION REQU6ST , T OWNOFVA IL +01/rle rleJOBNAME--_....::=-----'--=--__---'-'--"--'--'''''-_L...-''..LL-''--==C-'--2.-/~I 'n-.'D ATE PERM IT NUM BER O FPROJECT PM_____AMFRtTHUR CALL ER MO N /TUE SWED C /1 a n ,on r « INS PEC TIO N ' L "3 30 R EADYFOR L OCATIO N ,_----'=-="-''-''-_....::..-'-'--=-'-'_=---'-'--'''---_ BUILDING:PLUMB ING: o FOOTIN GS I STEEL o UND ERG ROUND o FOU NDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMI N G o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOL I H .TU B o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 Ill'FINAL C 0 o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICA L: o TEMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o SU PPLY AiR 0 0 o FINA L o FI NAL )Ii.APPROVED C ORRECTIONS , o D ISAPPRO VED o REINSPECT IONREOUIRED DATE _-=+_-/-----''-_INSPECTOR DEPT.FILE COPY VA LIO ATlO "l BUILDING I I ~ PERMIT L.--~=--- BUILDING DIVISION Of EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTH OUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH .(303)32B·6339 Thoma s L.Wiest DATE August24 AOD Il ESS P.O . ~NO.l 19 79 Bo x 2420, (CaNTII'S LI CENSE) P EFl MIT T O Prd ma ry Resi den ce ITYP E O~".lPROYEM !NTI S TORY Il'llOI'OnO unl N UMBEFl OF' D WE LL I NG UI<l I TS '" U TIINQ.1 Zotl l NG AT (l.OCATlO N)__"..,=::::::;;iii1i'l"i,=':::::::::::---------OIST RICT------ ((ft O$S S UUTI (eROn ST REH l 11 A FT .WIOE BY FT .LONG BY I C UD1U II OUUE Hu t 8 ,000 ,00 31.7 5 6350 Thomas L Wei st P.O.Box 2420,Vai l ,Colo.B1657 (Affi davit on rnetW sid.of application to be com pleted by authorized agent of owner) 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0,••0 Jur isdiction o f ••0 0 0•Applican t to com plete numbered spaces only .·•·.00 1aD O'l st. .1 tO T 000 . /I I'''A IC;';~DM O n .n &C ~n __t tTIu,uIUI._,SCHoNE0*.,.....,..................,,,,1<.····.f'I·'j ·if 7.772rrt;~<L .1 _.).a 0-P4R.~?'f 2/>Ih I f'.,.H ...•,,/..:,:.;>~ c o......T,,'.,~.00 ....'_O'U t IC ••,...... 3'hHn -r:;,./io p f J ~1 ,,1j.(J r.7 nc woT '~I-r L.i::p r .r:.vr..h ""IDI ••eo,,'OC '0..O'.'hC_....,t _oo'u '...0 ...."un 00 ".•C"A .-<t<.#7 u ..,.........,t "'O"U,....0 ....'.un ..0. 5 ,...0."....,t .00 "'0'......c .. 6 un o ~"ul lO'.' 1 r -,«:»,J{~r "Iv n C e 8 ClalS ofwork :p1lEW o ADDITION o ALTERA TION o REP AIR O MDVE o REMOV E 9 OtsCflbe work,:F=d C.%",-s.:»:home r n c7:;II ~d ""4 f..../J s :fP h?<,nT 10 Chan,e of use from -:.,) eNII",of USI to f Q5.?V 11 V.IUltionof work :S ..-.!'f'.(J PI.(J {?P L AN C M£CK F£E5j,7-!!i....1PER M IT FEE &?50 sPE CI AL CONC ITlONS,Tv ".0 1 OC."po nC'!, Can i'.G .o uo D 'YI,lon SIn 0 1 Hldg ,N O.oI ••• (Tn lal'SQ.F t .S lo "e.oce.l..O.d F"e U..F i .e Sprinkle .. ""~,e."o ".eef'HO BV 'l·..8C HEC KEO IIV ....ao vs e f Ofl lS$u ...n BV Z one Z one Requ lfed D ve,O N. N n.0 1 O FFSTREE TPARKING jPA CE S ; DweU ln,U nits Covefed u nco••••d NOTICE Sp«i.1 Appr onb R equ ired R ~eiyed N o t R equired SEPAR ATE P ERMITS A R E REQU I RED F OR ELE CTRICAL,PL UM8 ·ZO N ING IN G.HE A TlN G ,V ENT IL A TING O R A IR C ONOI TIONI NG.HEA L TH D E PT . TH IS PERMIT BE COMES NU ll AND VOID IF WORK DR CONSTRUC- TI ON A UTH OR IZE DIS NOT CO MM ENceD WI THIN 120 DAYS ,OR I'IPl!:D EPT . I FC ONSTRUCTION OR WO RK IS SUSPENDED O R ABAN DONED SOIL REPORT FOR A P ERIOD O F 1 20 D A YS AT ANY T IME AFTER WORK I S C OMMENce o .O TH ER (SClKlfyl I HEREBY CERT IFV THAT IH A V E READ A""D E X .Q.M INE O TH IS AP9t.ICATION AND K NOW THIE S.Q.ME T O I!lE TRUE A NO C ORRECT. AL L PR OVISIO NS OF LAWS AND O qO I"".Q.NCES GOV ER""ING T HIS T V PE 0 1'WORK WILL BIE C O ,",PL IED W ITH _ETMER S PECIF IED HEREIN OR N OT .H ofE GRA NTING O F A PERMIT ODES ,""OT PRIES UME T O GI VE A U T H O R I TVT O V IOLATE O R CAN CEL THE PROVISI O,""S OF A""V O T HER STATE OR LOCAL L AW RE GUL ATlNQ C ONSTI'IVCTION O R 'HE PERFORMANCE O F CONSTRUCTION . L~ZZ2~"~~T IO A UI 8-1:;,;';1~".,~~ WHEN PROPERLYVA LIDATED liN THI SSPACE)TH ISIS YOURPERM IT PLAN CHECK VA LIDA TIO N F o r m1 00.1 1·11 OK.M .D. .8ner Business Forms,Inc .94.-634 4 ..685·4129 • 1• BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ••,·• Jurisdict ion of "••0••Appl icMlr t o complete numbered SI»Ct!S only.": ~..0'00.,•• I ......I'"In .c.~C".~OU .T "'C~CO .~IITIlotH•...........a IL &..""•••..,....."It 2 (o"nUI,,_..aIL..0""."....0 ...L'Ct"n "... 3 u ...,ttC'o .OU,h""'ML ,,"0••••...."..It .,.....'.....• .....,..u·....'L&00 "'".....,...union"... S LI""'....,.·00"'•••••u .. 6 uu Dr IUILO'''' 1 8 el.a at lIIItO rk:O "N EW o ADDITI ON o ALTERAT ION o REPA IR O MOVE o REMOV E 9 OtsCJibe wo rk: 10 C hi ",'01 U5I t rom Chins'ot use10 11 Valuation ofwork:$ •-1P£R MIT FEEPLANCHECKFEE SPECIALCOND ITIONS:T yp O'0 1 OI'UPI"'", CQ,,~t Q,nuo OI"lel"" 5".01 Bllll'No 0 1 M ilt. C1 outl !>Q.1"1 St~••••0<;<;Loo_1S - FifO'U,.Fife So"n.,... ......oc.."......,.;upa"IT .........s CH(co<tD IT _OvlDfQII '\4ou ....U IV l one 2'on.Roq""la Ovn ON. NO.01 OFFSTREET PARKI NG jPACES , Dwelling Un,ts Cowe,ed u"'o"...., NOTICE Spec.i.-l Aptltova15 ReqU"H R~ei ftd Not Required SEPARATE PUtMITS ARE REQlJlREO FOR E LECTRICAL,PLUMB ·ZONING ING .HEATING .V ENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.HEALTH OE ,"T THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TlON AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH IN 120 DAYS.OR I"IR!:0[,"'1. I F CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL R EPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.OTHER (SIIe<;I'~1 I HEREBY CERT IFY Tt-IAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS AIl'9LICATION AND K NOW THE SAME TO liE TRUE A ND CORRECT. ALL ,"ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN ll'iG Tt-IIS TY,"E OF WORK W ILL BE CO"',"LJEO WITt-I WHET t-IER SPECIFIED t-IEREIN OR NOT .TH E QRAI'iTINQ OF R P ERMIT DOES NOT ,"RESUME TO GIVE AUTHORI TV TOV IOLA TE OR C ANCEL THE ,"ROVISIONS OF A NY O TH ER STATE OR L OC AL LAW REGULA TING CONS TRUCTIO N OR THE PERFOR MA NCE OF CO NS TRUCTIO N. '''~''T~~~or CO"T~4CTO.O ...yT~O.'HO ...~".<0....1 ,••,•••,....u~•.., WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE!THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VA LIDATION OK .....0 .CASH PERMIT V ALIDATION C K .M .D.CAS H, FOHn 100.1 ,·n ... w elter BusIness Forms, --------------~------------~- ,944-634"·685-4129 • 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 ,,•• Jurisdiction of •••0 0• Applica nt to c omple te numbered spaces only .0•• JOII ""OR ~U .1~CT ~O.I'"If ".Cl O SEE A TUCNE'O S h EE n"C "~,D UC~. O W H'.....,L ..DO ....","HOH E 2 COHUH'O.MA IL ..DO .....hO ..E L Ie .......... 3 ".,..,ucr ".Dc.,e".".....,L ..DO ......."",'"""51 NO., h C ."UII .....,."DD"U'-...."..'U "U N O . S L eN OU .....,.ODO"'.S BU"C" 6 ~U ",.~'LD ".C 7 8 Clan ofwork :O NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIRD MOV E o REMOVE 9 O~tr ibe w ork : 10 Change ofuse f rom Changeof use t o 11 Valuation 01 work:S I '"IPERM IT FEE.z-P,-AN CHEC K FEE SPECIALCO NDITI ONS,Type 01 OCCU o inCy ConSI .G",>Ull O,~blOn Size of 81el9 _NC .oI M il" (T oUll Sq.F l .St a de,Dec .L Old F ir.V,.Ft ,e Sprin..I.rs ","u,..nON "'c apT(0 8 "'lA"S C "1 C ~t U B"oJ'~1l0v£O to"'S S"'''''C l II"Z o ,,~Z OI'lll R equ","d D Y<li D N O N O.o f O F FST REET PAR KING j PACES , O ",elli"\1 U "I\S C O""'"'"Uncovered NO TICE S p~ial A ppr ovals R e quired Retll;ved Not Requi red S EPARA TE PERMITS A RE REQU IRE D FOR E LECTR ICAL ,PLUMB·ZONI NG ING .HEA TI NG .V ENTILATI NG OR AIR CON DITIONING .HEAI..T H OE PT. THIS PERM IT BECOMES N ULL AND VOID IFWO RK OR CONSTR UC · TION AU THOR IZED ISNO T COMMENCED W ITH I N 120 DAYS,OR F IRE D EP T , I F CONSTRUCTION OR WORK I S SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED 501 1..REPO RT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 D A YSA T ANY T I ME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.O THER {Slnclfyl I HEREBY C E RT IFY T HAT I HAV ER EAD AND EXAMINE DT HtS APPLICATION AND K NOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING T HIS TY PE OF WOR K W II.1..BE COMPL.lEO W ITH WHETHER SPEC IF IED HERE IN OR N OT.TH'GRANTING 0'A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GI VE AUT HORITY TO VIOI..AT E O R CANCEl..T HE P ROVISIONSO F A NY OTHER STATE OR 1..0CAI..LAW REGU I..ATl NO CONSTRUCTION OR T H'PERFORMA NCE 0 'CONSTR UCTION. ..~~.n v IH or ca ..~"..tTO"0 "AV~"0 "'110 AG.",(DAUI ....."o r 0 ....",f 0 "'''1 ''•,•0"~1 WHE N PROPERLY VA L IDA TED UN TH IS SPACE)TH IS IS YOUR P ERMIT PLANCHECK VA LIDATION C K.M.O.CASH PERMIT VA LIDATION CK.M .O .C ASH AUDIT Fo .m 100.1 ,·n 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ••,••Jurisdiction of 0 ••••• Applicant t oco mpletB n umbered JP8Ces only.0••JO'....ollns ~O.M",I'"I,...,OUI'C UL,I .n "C ~'D "....","".e,,.I................OC"'SS ..,-...... 2 (O .....c·,.......,.....~••s."N _•..,u ..u .0. J ...c.....c.O.0""''''_...,...00 .....""0....,.c.n ..... e u c ,.."........L .."..IlU•••.."..e "oc ."u ..0 • S.............,.M 'D ....•.....c ~ 6 ~..or _W'LD '"., •Class 01 wo,k:O NEW o ADDI TION o A LTERA TION o REPAI R O MOVE o REMOV E- 9 Des crib.work: 10 Chana e of US!fro m Changt ofuse10 11 Valuation of work:S , ::'/IPER MIT FEE //~-'-P I-A N C t-tf:C K f EE "'SPEC IA L CO NDIT IO NS:T y p e 0 1 O <;cu o'''Cy CO fl ~t O fn "p O 'YlOlon S tu 0 1 6 1d,N o .0 1 Ma,.. (Inial )s e .F t.S l orln OC(;,L Old F".U,.Fire Sp .'n"'.,~ "'Pf'lIC""'O""CU'H O In 'l A_C"l co<t 0 8 .""ovt [)FO"'I!>SV "NCl BY Z o n.z eee R eQU ..ll (l D y .~O No N O.0 1 OF FSTREET P ARK IN G j PA C ES : D Wl ll ln Q U ni ts C ov~'~d u n co".rIlCl NOTI CE S !Me,..1 Appro....l'Rlllq uired R .(:lIi .....d Not Req u i..,d SEPA RATE PE RMI TSA RER EQ UIRED F OR EL E CTR ICAL ,PLUMB·Z ON ING I NG.HE ATING .V ENTILA TING O R AI R C ONDIT IO NI N G.MEA L TM D E P T .THI S PERMIT BECOMES NU LL AND V OIO I F WORK ORCONSTRUC· Tl ONA UT HOR I ZED I SNO T CO MME NCED W ITHI N 1 20 DAYS,OR F I RE D EPT . IF CONST AUC T IO N OR WORKIS SUSPENDED O RA BANDONEe S O IL RE PORT F ORA P ERIO DO F 120D AYSA T A NY TIME A FTER WO RK I S CO MMENCED .O lHER 15_11..,1 ,HERE BV CERTI F V TH AT I toI AVE R EADA ND EX AMIN ED THIS A PP LI CAT IO N AN D KN OW THE S A ME TO B E T R UE A ND C ORRECT . A LL P RO v ,SIO N S OF l...AWS A ND O RDINA N CES GOV ERNING T HIS TVPE O FWORK W ILL B E CO MPLI ED WI TH WHE THE R SPECIF IEO ME RE IN O A NO T.T NE G RANTING 0 'A PERM I T DO ES NOT PR ES UME T O GIV E A UT HORI TY T O V IOLATE.O R CA NCEL TH E PR OVISIO NS OF A N VO T HE R STATE:O R L O CA L L AW RE GULATI NG CO N ST RU CT ION OA TN E PE R FORM ANC E 0 'COl'oS T RUCTION. ."M..~~_l O .co.....cyo .O••"'"o.,n o ,U t ..'t Da TlI I'M ••O.O"M'.'.O.._t ..J".OO_'A'" WHEN PROPERL Y V AL IDAT ED li NTH IS Sf'ACEI TH IS IS YOU RP ERMIT P LAN CHECKVALIDATION c o<.110II .0.CASH PERMITVALIDATI ON 0<.M .D .CAS H EXTRA COPY / FO'm 100.1 1·77 ••TEMPOH AHY Ce rtificate of Occ upa ncy Countyo f Eagle De partm e nt of Pl ann ing ana Development Building Divis ion Thi sc ert if ica tei ssued pur-s uant t o th e re quir eme nt so f s ec ti on306 of t he Un iform Build in g Co de cer tify ing t hat at t het imeofi ss ua ncet hi s stru cture was in c ompl i ance wi th t he various re so l ut i ons of th e c ounty regu la ti ng bu il ding con s tr-uc t l on o ruse f o rth e f o ll owi nq: NAME._ Use Zo ne f?).;- Group,__---'-_ Fir e Zone ''0BuildingPermitNo,,'c r l Typ e Const ructi on g; Owner of Bui1 d i ng,_ Use Clas s ification,_ Bu il ding Address,-,-_T'l.---_ Bu i ld ing Of ficia l.-"~~""~~;k<'"'~------- Date 11-'-'1-?'I ••2 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION °~• Jurisdictionof W'•°°• Applicant to co m ple te num bered spsces only.0 J .~7k/~RL W6-"-sT"~<-K: ~L "~00 ".,..I h ~.l /Jr-s.:O n ~:n,,<,""',o ...tt Y I1~~:~~.///?~ ".'L"0011...~t ,. ,,o••7&'.......P"o u b."I.///~,~~C"H U "~()"/b p;c;;;;O ;?~t!..'"HOHt LIC E NSE 10...~ 3 rEf.-~.-<""~6~N~. ""CH IT ICT O.<>11'..'".....,L"00""'•••"O He L I c e ....NO••~ (IoO'''UII ......,L "O,,"nl ....OHI UClN U NO • S L t HOt ll ......'L "O ....I IS ."....e.. 6 ~uu o ~l UlL""'"~~W'~.7 <:c,.-~ 8 ClaS$of wtlrk :)tNEW o AD DI TION o ALTERA TION o REP AIR ~ 9 Desc ribe work:~~tI'#-/.A -;;i L_.,~;<.~~~ Ih'/;-/A/h F-r;..d~7 ~~W~.~ 7(:1 PERMIT FEES N o .T VPi'of F b;wre Of It.m F. SPECIAL C OND ITIONS :/.AlN 17'WAT ER C LOS ET IT OIL.l!:T l • If:--=~-/BATH TU8 LA V A TO RY (WAS,,",BASIN) S H OWER /KI TCH EN S INK &.O ISP . /D ISHWASHER "Pf'uC,H 'O","'CC E~H D U 'l .....$CH£C K ~l>.V ...,..ROvt O fO il ISSV..Nl:t IV LAU NDRV T R AV C LOTHE S WA SHER /WAT ER HEA TER NOTICE U RI N AL ORI NKIN GF O UNTAIN I H ER E B Y C IO RT I FY TH AT I H A VE RE AD A ND E XAM IN ED TH IS A PPLI CA T IONA ND KN OW TH E SA MET O B E:T R UE:A N D C OR RE:CT .FLO OR -'SINK OR ORA IN A LL P R O VI SIO N SO F LAW S A ND ORDI N A NCES GOV ER NING THI S SLOP S INK T VPE O F WO RK WI LL B E COMPL.IE D WI T H WH ET HER S P ECIF IED GA S SVST£MS :N O .O UT L E TS HE RE IN OR N OT.TH EG RANTIN G O f A P E R M IT DO ES NOT wA T ER PIPING"TREATI NG EQU IP . P RESU M£T OG I VE A U TH OR I TV T OVI O L.ATE OR C A NCEL TH E WAST EIN TER C £PTO R P ROVISIO NS O F A NV O T HE RS TATE O R LOC AL L A W R E GUL ATI NG CO NST RUC TION 0'T H'P ERF O RM A N CE OF C ON ST RU CT I ON.V A C UUM BREAKERS LA WN S P RINK LE R SYSTEM SE WER ~~~d-CES SPOOL ~~S EPTIC TANK"PI T. 'GH.'VU o ~CO HU .C .a~a .uTo<",U a .G ~'"l"c:~~PERMIT • ,".'~0 'w"f ~I ~aw ..c ~.UIL ""....,T O TAL f EE 'JS(IX WHEN PRO PERLY VALI DATED liN TH IS S PACE IT HISIS YOUR PERMIT 51 '? PL A N CHECK V A LIDATION C K .M .O.CASH PERMIT V A LID ATION ~M.O.C A SH INS PECTOR .z:"¥ Form 100.211 -73 ".0 .....~.OM :IN TE RNA T I ON A L C O NIF ERE NCt:O~BU I LDI NG O~~IC IAL5 'ONO .....0 ."...."M ILL .0 ......M '....I ..~.c"LI "._" 2 CASHM.a.C K .PE RMIT V ALIDATI ONCASHM.D.CK.PLANCHECKVA LIDATION •PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATIO N 0 ,•••.Jur isdiction o f ."•1\0••" 0., Applicant tocomplete nu mbered spaces o nly.I,: .0 08 ~D O .UO 1"- ;.1 ..O T ~o .1"'/)I U 4CT O s tt A nACN lc DMllnLt~"L 1 ""C II.//'"c ....~u......,1._COli us ".""ONt 2 -rr"-~/ CO ",""CTOII ""'L "'00"';'''...""e .,c e....NO• a --;//,".Jot'.'/•J'1-• .."t",n CT e ll on'(NIII ....o ,.."00"'"....o ..e ..,(e ..$O N O •• C".'"U"......,.."00""....."..e L .cIN.C 11 0 • s ..IN OIII ......'L "Oolli s.."..."c.. s ."'o ~S Ul LO'''' 7 ".'~. 8 Class of wo rk:Q NEW o ADDIT ION o A LTERA TION o RE PA IR 9 Oescribft work :.--)•,// --rr A ""T -/1 / PERMIT FEES N c.Type at Fillw"or Item FM SPECIALCO NDITIONS :.,WATER CL.OSET (TOI LET)S ~,.,BATHTUe.LA VA TOR V(W ASH BASIN I S HOWER /KI T CMEN SI N K .&.OISP. /DISHWASHER .."...'C...T'O..ACCE'H Oll T P l UIS C ..EC "C D 8T ........OIl E 0 FOil 'SSu ."CE 81 LAU NDRV T RAY C LO THES WASHER r WATERH EA TER NOTICE URINAL DRINKIN G F"OUNTA IN IH EREBY CERT IF Y T H AT I H AVE R E AD A NDE XAMINEDT HIS APP LI CAT I ON AN OK NOW T HES AMET OBE T RUEA N D C OR RE::C T .F"LOO R '-SINK O R DRAtN AL L PRO VISI O N SO F L-AWS A ND OR DINA NCES G OVER NIN G THI S S LO P S INK T YPE OF WO RKWIL L B E C OMPLI ED W I THWHE THER SPECIF IED G A S SVST E MS :N O,OUTLET S H ERE IN O R NOT .TH EG RA N T ING 0 'A P ERMIT DOES N O T WA TER P IPI NG"TREATIN G E Q UIP. P R ESU ME TO G IVE A U TH OR ITY T OV IO LATE OR C ANCE LT HE WA STE IN TERCEP TO R P ROV ISI ONSO FAN YO T HE R S TAT E OR L O C AL L AW REG ULA TI NG CONST R UCT IO N O R TH'P ERF OR MANCE 0 'CONSTRUCT ION .V AC UU M BRE AKE RS LAWN S PRINK L ER S YSTEM SE WER C ESS POO L "2-S E PTI C T ANK"P IT,-r .,..~...".t o~CII ~U a C'O .O.A"T~O.'U/l ..n ~T 1"....1 .--~r" P ERM IT S /r C( s ,~~a T •0 ,"..T II w .....'Lilt .e ....TOTA L FEE "O<i"ar WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED UN T HIS SPACE)TH IS IS YOUR PERMIT 6 /:5 /{•I AUDIT F o rm 1 00.2 1l ·73 ....0 .0.......0 ..'IN T ER 'i""TION !H.CON ..It:RIt:NCIt:0 1'"II U I LDI NG O ....ICI ""l.S 0 ....&.*0 ........."'LL .0 ..0 .*",.........Ca L..·._' ....- County of Eagle ELEcrRICAL PERMIT N2 1671 Building Valuation S _. Electrical Val uation $. •• J ob Name ..c?d J../.~..~,. Dale ofApplication //'.""'k 19 2.2.. Electrical Contractor ~. A pplicant __. S "lur, APPROVALS PennitFee Inspection Fee Total Fee $../-?<?.~... $.Plan Ched'ler D ate Dale Paid .//CO.c:..~:??... Received BY ,~,4.~~..A/... ~~.:)/c?;/ THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON "OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS AnVAN CE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPEcnONS 3ELECTRI~L PERMIT APPLIctnoN °,••• Ju risdictionof ••••0• Applicant to complete numbered spaces on ly .•••jO lt Ag O"Ult C hqXJ??(7 /)/"1.r<d .1 ,",.0//".A.TUn \ktil o«r S C.h tM 't Su b.[]a u .•n "C~CD ."CitTILC~"L1oUClt .···~\/.:I 0 ....""'....,I."00 "".".""o,,1 2 ~I L tAJ/~<r iJnL ?'f-)..,1/..,i CO .,;?1{,,7 't.",r-v:/7m",' CO"TIt ..TO lt .....,1."DO lt "••""ON.\.'C E ..."..0 . 3 )f>I..r- U le .."tCT Olt OU IO """.....,1.ADO"".""o.."\.,cC "'U 000• 4 uo ,..U It ....,I."OO"'U "'....O N "UC C".C 010 • s 1.1"01"....,1...0 0 •••••....e" 6 "II o ~""1.0 ,..0 1 I'v,m v "r e r,d __"c ___ 8 Ci lln ot work :~EW o ADDITION o Al TERATlON o REPAIR 9 Describe work :!--I-no k-tip 0.£<"I'T n F"r7$rv-j.,,,,l r h A n,,,,, f PERMITFEES No .Each F.. sPECIAL CONDITIONS ,TotalAECEPTACLEOutlet l LIG HT SW ITCH TOlal LIGHTING F ixtures .......1.1'..r 'Ol.l ..ccrPT ~O I V 'l Af\I!l O<t Co<t O By "Pl'ROVlO f Oil 1S!llJ ....n ev FI XTURES R ANGES C LO .D RYERW TR .HTR . N OTICE G A Re AG E D IS P.S TA .COO K T O P I H E R£BY CE RTI FY T H AT I HA VE REA DA ND E XAM IN ED T HI S DI SH .W ASH.CLO T HE SWAS H. APPL ICATIO N AN O KNOW T H E SAME TO SE T R UE A ND CO RR £C T .SPACEH TR .STA.APF'L..'It H .P.MAX . AL L PROV ISIO NS O FL AWS AN DO R D INA N CES GOVE RNING T HI S TYPE O F .....O R K WI L L BE C OMP LI E D W ITH WH ET HER S PECIFI ED MOTO RS:H .P. HEREIN O R N OT .T H E G RAN T I NG OF A PE RMIT DOES N O T P RES UME T O G I V£AU TH ORI TY T O VIO LAT E OR C A N CE L T HE PR OVI SIO N S OF ANVO T HERS TAT£O R LOC AL LA WR EG ULAT IN G CO NSTRUCT I O N O R T HE P£RF OR MAN C E OF C ON S TRUC T ION .N O .T RANS. S IG N S N O.LAM PS TEMP.POWER U PO L E L UNOGO. ,~o .&.~,m ,","' S ERV ICE 0-2 0 0A 201 ·400A 1/-6 -7 '1 D NEW 4 01-600A ,C"UI o CH ANGE O V ER tiOOA PER MIT I S S U IN G FEE • 'G N'"~•••""w ••~.~'L O.~0 ....1 TOT AL "II!:£•/.:',;/" W HEN PROP ERL Y VALIDA TED li N TH IS S PAC E)T HIS ISY OUR PE RMI T »>:-7/ PLAN CHECK VALIDATIO N C K .M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION C K .M .O.C A S H ~7 £--:'/'#/5/.fI- ~,/-ZC S ?d':Y INSPECTOR For m 1 0 0 .3 11-7 3 ..~~..~.."..;I NT E RN AT I ONAL C ON ..It RII:NCII:0 ..B U I LD INGO I CIA L II·M'~~w n',. ..,ELECTRI~L APPLI~ION 3• •. PERMIT. ••,••••Jur isdicti on o f •"•.••••• Applicant to comple te nu mbered spaces only.••, JOS "CO"~50 ~0 1 NO.I'"I'."C1L~U\I D .CI ""'.'''10 ."ClT I1Due". OW,,("....,.a D O"HI ,"."Olte 2 10......C TO'".....,L ..D O ......'I<o"e L'C nuc ..D. J r- .."C",UC'0"ot.'~"[......,1..."o"n.·"o"r Ll ce "Sl NO.• uoo '''n''.....,1."oo"ea'....0 ..'L 'ClltU ..0• 5 L eltors ......,L "00"'18 "U MCI< 6 "U O .1 ,,'.1>1I<G, 6 Clan o fwork:~NEW o ADD ITION o Al TERA nO N o REPAIR 9 Des cribe work : PERMIT FEES No.E ach F .. SP ECIAL CON DITIONS :Total R ECEPT ACLE Ou tlets LIGH T SWITCH Total L IGHTING Filltufe~ Af'PL ,c..r ,o,,".o.ccvno ...·L....SCH~tl<~[)8T ....P~Ovt O .011 '5l>V "'''K:~8 Y FIXTURES RANGES CLO.Q RVER WTR .Io4TR. NOTICE GARBAGE OISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMI NE D THIS 0151-1 .WASH .C LOTHES WASH. APP L.ICATION AN D I<NQW THE:SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.SPACE HTR .STA .APPL.1I.H.P.MAX . ALL PROVISIONS OF L AWS AND O RDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORI<WILL.BE COMPLIED W ITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS ,H.P. HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING 0 >A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO G IVE AU TH ORITY TO V IOL ATE OR CANCEL THE PROV ISI ONS OF ANY OT HER STATE OR LOCA L LAW RE G ULATING CONSTRUCTI ON OR TH'PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCT ION .NO .TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEM P .POWER L P OLE UNOGD . SERVICE O·200A 201·400A-D NEW 401 ·600A "B~ATU "(o~CClN",AC~CI"0"A U~~O"lnp AU"~'O ATIl o CHANGE OVER 600A P ERMIT ISSUI NG F EE • ""••••'~OW~'".U'L ..""TO TAL FEE • WHE N P ROPERLY VALIDA TED (IN THI SS PACE I THI S IS Y OUR PERMIT PLANCHECK V A LIDATION 'K.M.D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.D .CASH / TEMP FILE F.ll.t_m _00 .1 _1 -13 ""o"_o a:"""o,!"tN-.!.l!:RNJ\.T ION ....1..CO N f!ItRI;NCII!:O F.t1U I LDI N G DI':f:I<:I ....1..5 •H O.'00 ........."'L L ''';'AO ......,,••""L'"..... ••.. Count)'of Eagle ELECfRICAL PERMIT N!1585 Building Valuation $__. Electrical Valuation $. Job Name r.9.lI'.l i'!..:!-.~~!;.. Date of Application J.I..~~~.L?§!__1 9 ?~. Electrical COntra ctor..A.xcher ..Elec.t.r.ic ____. Applicant _. S IaUIU« APPR OVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee TotalFee S..l2 _0D .__.. $-. $_l.~.,.QQ __..~._fL,_~.~d l "~·~ """ Date Paid ~~~.s.~..~~.!!.??.~_. Received By K..•..f'~_t.~r§9.l)_.._. Receipt #5 520 Bldg.Permdt #1513 THIS FORM IS TOBE POSTED ON "OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCE NOTICE REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS 3.-----ElECTRI~L PERMIT APPUc*lON 0 ,,•• Juri sdic ti on of 0 0•0 0• A pp lican t to complete number ed S{J8Cf!S only.0-••J"..00 ..~n Chamonix Road ,WestVa11 ~OT NO.IOU 1'00«[In ••nACN~D ''''t''L I UL .1'Due".1 1 A 0 ............,L .00"."",h OM. 1 Tom Wiest ,c/o F&ll Cons tr uct ion ,Box 1532 ,Va11 ,Co .8 1657 10.......C TO ......,L "1;1 0'."'''ON'L 'U .....NO .,Archer Elec t ric Co rp .P .O .Box 292 1,Va11 ,Co .81657 476 -1726 997 .......'uc y 0"D I~'C ..I"....."....D''''n'""0'"L,I I NU "0 • 4 U<O'"U A ....'L ...CO IO•••"..0".L ,l e Mn NO . 5 LI..DC.....,."cot ••,"ue.. 6 ..n o~I "'LD,..G ) ,Class ofwork:D NEW o ADDITION o A LTERATIO N o REPAIR 9 Desc ribe work :tempor ary po wer EWILDIWKXRXXMIrXI PERMIT FEE S No .Each ,.. SPECIAL CON D ITIONS:T otll l REC E P TACLE Outlets L IG HT SWITCH T ot ..1 L.IGHTING FiK !u rl. .......lU;..1l 0"'ACCH'no YT ..L....S (;"[Co.£O 8Y "'''ROvEO ~o",f,Su....u li T FIXTURES RAN GE S C L O.C RYER WTR .HTR . NO TICE G ARBAGE O lSP S T A .COO K T OP I H E REflY C E RT IF V T H AT I HA VE R EA DA ND EXA MINED THI S DISH .WA S H.CLOTHES WA S H . APP LICAT ION A NDKN OW THE SAME T O ee T RU E A ND CORRECT.SPACE H TR .STA .A P PL ...H .P .MA X. ALL P R O VIS ION S OF L AWSA ND ORDI NANC ES GO V ERN ING TH I S TV PE OF WO RK WILL BE COM PLIED WITH WHETHER S PECIFIED MOTOR S:H.P . HEREIN 0'N OT .THE GRAN TING 0 'A PERMIT DOE S N OT P RESU ME T O GI VE AUTHORIT V T OV IOLATE OR CANC EL THE PR O VISI ONS O F ANY OT HER S TATE OR LO CAl..L AW REGULA TING C ONST RUC TION 0 'T HE P ER FO RMANCE 0'C ON STRUCTION .NO.T RA NS. SIGNS NO .L AMPS / TEMP.POW ER P OLE UNDGD . 7U-~zh-g hq SERVIC E 0 -200A 201·400A (/ONEW 401·600A ~~co..nu"oll 0 11 .."...0 11..10 "U..T 10 ..n 'l o C HA NGE OVER 6 0GA P ERM IT ISSU IN G FEE • T OTAL P"E£•,....."o ~0·....[11 '~OW ...II."'LOIII I 0 "" WHEN PROPERLYVALIDATED (I N TH ISS PACElTH IS ISYOUR PERMIT PLA N CHECK VA LIDAT ION C K.M .O.CASH PERMIT VA LIDATION CK .M.D .CASH Fo rm 1 00.3 j .7]INSPECT OR .• ELECTIt::AL APPL~ATION 3-,j .;.PERMIT. 0 ,., ••.Jurisdiction of "•.•0,0•• A pplicantto com plete numbered spaces only.0••~u .-DO"~~s Chamo n1x Road ,Wee t Vell L01 ~o .I'"I'..e T Orr .'U.~€O ..~.tTlLrU\I1DUCD_1 1 A Ow ........,L ..DO .US ".p~o... 2 Tom Wiest ,c/o ,''Jl Construction ,Box 153 2.Vail ,Co .8 1657 CON .UCTOD ...,e .00........",..L'etM"..0. 3 Archer Electr1c Corp .P .Q .Box 2921 ,Vall ,Co .8 1657 476 -1726 997 "'.<"rUC'"''0••''',.••.....,L"00"'"....0 .....UN""D .• ...o,,,n"......L "00""0 ....(I ..,LICE Nse ..0 . 5 u ..o ••....,L ."0".....DUMe .. 6 yU O'OY ILO '.O 1 8 Cl ass 01 work:O NEW o ADDITION D ALTERATI ON o REPA IR 9 Describe work:temporary power 1.IL~IIIXJZlmI!X' PERMIT FEES N,.E lich F.. SPECIAL.CONDITIONS,To tal RE CEPTAC L.E Outleh L.IGHT SWI TCH Total LIG HTING Fixture.. .",<,e...r.o ....CCtPIfO B'P,110<5CliE<;W;E0 8"oJ>PROV[O ~OR ,ssu......C£B'F IX TU RES RANGES C LO.D RV E:.fI WTfI .HTR. NOTICE GARtlAGE DIS P.STA.COOK TO P I HEflEBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS DISH.WASH.CLO T HES WASH. A PPLICATION AND K NOW t HE SAME.TO Sf TRUI':AND CORRECT.SPACE H TR.STA.APPL.l,'J H.P,MA X. ALL P ROV IS IONS OF'LAWS A ND OROINA NCES GOVERNI NG TH IS TVPE 01"WORK wu.r BE COMPLIED W iTH WHET HER SPEC IF IED MOTORS:H .P. HERt.IN aR NOT,'HE GflANTlNG a'A PE.RMIT DOES NOT PRESU ME.T OG IVE A UTHOR l TV TO VIOLATE OR CANCE.L THE PROVIS IONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULA TING CO NSTRUCTION aR TWo PERFORMANCE a'CONSTRUCTION.N O.T flA NS. SIG NS N O .LAMPS T E MP.P OWI':R UPO LE L UND GD. SE RVIC E O·200A t 7 20 1-400AcoNEW,4 01600A ."~.T~.~o~CO~T.ACTO.~••"T~~.:U~.U~T 'OAn,o CHANGE OV ER GOOA PER MITIS SUING F EE • ,.,~~W~•,~OW~.8 0'",.c ..,~TOTAL FEE • WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED l iN THIS SPACE )THiS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION C K.M.O.CASH PERMIT VA LIDATION CK.M _O.CASH .s;~ Fo rm 100.3 1·17 7EMP.fiLE SL~e I 'P '~S 10 eE MOt..lol.rTVUCLY PO'J'2E"D "I, "f I 1/ "f , If II II ...~ru::~@\2 "O .C 4 "c.ONe S L,c,B .! rm at:t-:::·:\·vtE:;;"";;::;.".C.E:U:'I F (ZEO '0 (H1 C.~FlZ09T ocz E XI='L\N!lIVE 501L) ...,D .....0 .-,,,,..,, SECTION SCALE :r~=1'-o' ...,------r.r------~~I I I I IIIIIIIrI, TYP PLAN lUI,ISO U''''oo """~.l T ,.~(con .u U ..,.,ew I~,~.~OI'I ''110 """<WI , SL~e 0VE1Z SEE O"-AIL x '6.'"'?rO'..~~W f, ----'-- 1.l '.\tux c l)L "'l~r L-\~.'COXU I I.l .''1 ,;.',)(''~O l'~l I ll .!Il ",f ·1 1':<: 11I..'C ,;li "..:~;;1"': ~1'.\l ·I.U :!4 "{I.C . I .O:\Dr:;:r.,ll '\GB,\:.l L L /ll ~"J r :o !Ja l'"r 111./1:",,('"7 I'"r Ill ./et'llin.:=.5 ,,,,r SP.\CL D 2 1 "0 .<:'. CON ti II L OAUL-';U 1ll/l0l1!I ~1 C ONU UI LL lIlouf :145 ,."e lJ Lj ll ou r"'p,'f lJl./Ct'iling :5 par S P ACl:1l 16"Cl.C. ·'-I J·l .'·~l '::'O .,J)I ~>t "'ll H I t '",.,I I'QO ,"t·"lN~r '" (""l P .~"C '• "\">0.11 1 '''''U"l ',~r 6 'l ~'<)~ .<.."". H',.,.,~.". ,,,,~I "I '"''•.""'~"'~f ."l'''·"."",n .,~"t.n.r"{~~,"••-,••.'.·•-·11 ·•,n•,'1 ~"•,I Ut •,.8.,••'''1••_10 11 If"•••,"u ~!"."l .""f ~I.""~~I "'H~I ."......UO'O 1."."1 .>'-'H I. 0 "(1 Hi .... 'R~n ·t"'''I '.' ll'~'II ••,,~.'l "l .".$' ~l ~"tF ILI"~'<\,"." ""'L ....u r,..\C '~'1 11 .0 0 .$' !>'J SS -l ~'~"r,n .'·..~".'J"'1 1l .0~.1< r'L t '.~II Ll '"~.,.~"lor'"~u ,~,l \"~'I~I .H ~1' l U I ~...,••i ,'(l 'C '".I ~"r,»••1<1'.....,.~.,""'~'"C ',.I M"1.',"~'l' ~H I h oO ••••_O"D ,.1 10"J _~"r ',:._ ~I'.M '~••o n o '0"••_\,,"I,.,t.I H' u ".''t l 'C"•P H 'I ~M r ·!·tl I C_•I ll. I ~.....~""..~.('1 I t O'..••-.••1110 ·•-..•,...•,°I MIJ •,H il ·,°l "~<•0'"0••0"'1 li d ~.."ro"•I'n ~I ~M I °f·C He ..•I l "I '"''H~.'.'.~CU l eOL ",•-.••1I ~1 ·••"l ·•'",,.,,~"•,ll/,·,·1>"1 ••o 'H•,-l H4 E-0601 ---12'-14T-2 ,5 /6,,' I T-I.S /J ---'11-........_______ :1------2---- .I .--~_-........ I "'-13·","-\'Alil c-.1 ",-1 "'~US WAL R CN E L V'ZVSISJ Arlh H£lM D£TJ:lO lT ATLAN TA HOUSE SETTI NG DIAGRA M N O.3Sp l it entr y set u s ing "r oll off "s yst em a nd b u i lt-up ra mp ' 1...··<')"~II N .1"'-0"tUN . Foundat ion , _.~__11__'7-3El to 48' ~17£frA~'~1v":!0f~,!!:,/v '/.{J4~/(aFt2~~z SECTIO N NO TE:IN CL IN E _UST BE GR ADU AL TO AL LOWTRUCK AND TRAIL ER ACCESS . 12 '-0"MIN.12 '-0 "~HN . !i-------i Foundation NOT E:1'-1::LI NE TO RA P.,? MA Y BE ON EITH ER END OFTHE FOUNDA TION . PL AN NO TE:AREA MUST BE LE VEL 12 '-0 "BEYO ND FOU NDA- TI ON FOR CR IB STAKES . •36"MA XIMUI.1 52 '-0"-62 '-0" *48"MAXI MUM UPTO50 '-0" _____J HOUSE SETTI NG DI AGRAMNO.1 Regular set u sing ron o ff s y stem NOTE:CRAW L SPAC E TO BE A !.I I N ".1U ~-1 OF 24" FOUNDATI ONI>I _-l>r---":":::=::':':"':":::':""-'_--, ...."'-_2Z.....Jw.........:..__<&....o:::1.--1 :-._.....a...-+..;,~I:;:.:N .24" ~..ll .30'-0"m in ....------------..... CLEARAN CE R E OU I~EO TO RO LLEACHSCTIC N OF HOU S[OFF TRA I LER ,DOW N TO FOLN DA TION HE IGHT , AND FINAL ,fjVEMEN T ON TO FO UNDA T ION . NOTE:ALL BACKF I LLING MUST BE COMPL ETED PR IOR TO TH[HOUSE BEIN G HOUSE 5 ETT I N G SH IPPED . D IAGRAMN O.2 S e t w ith r estricted sid e clearanc es r ----, I H I,ouse I L ..J St r eet ,----,i House I L -I FOUNDATION I r --------, I I I I1--1 ~-~f--...j--------------.;,)~----- \_J ....,_.......,'""'-..o SOOT"l'(Il ""P I ~u ~"'E CITY u t...."'00 I l IU ""'ON £'l(Il,•.,_J •• (B)Nor ma lly the crane must drive over the curb a nd/or si dewalk.Asar es ult ,arra ngements s hould bemade to cove rt hecu rb ands id ewalk wi th di rt o rt imbers as t he crane company wi II not assumeany liabi li ty f or broken conc ret e. (C>There hasbeen som e con fusion as to the bl 'li ngon crane s ets .Effect ive on a ll homesc rane s et aft er Oc tober 1s t,1977,you wil I be charged for the act ual a mo unt of the c rane s et ra thert han for a predetermined amount ,and you wi I I r ecei veaco py oft heac tual c rane c hargeswithyo urinvo i ce f r om us f or these cha rges . Cran e cha rges wi t Ino l ong er be shown on t he cont rac t , but wit I be cha rged a t t he t im e of set ting anda t the actual c rane c ha rge .We wil I a t tach acopyo ft heac tua l c rane cha rges t oyou r b illing fo r your reco rds .Be su re t o le t yo urc ustomer know t hat this is a vari ab le f acto r , ~n d the amo unt o f actual c rane c harge will varyaccord - in g t o the av ai lab i li ty o f c ra ne ,s ize of c raner equ ired because of si te fac t ors,and ti me act ually r equ ired for tra vel l nq and se tt ing .(All crane com panies c hargef o r trave l time as wei I as opera ti ng time.)When we are requested t o furnish a c ra ne ,the resu lt ingc ha rges wi I I bei nvoicedd irec tly to you as th edea le r. 5 .On the mo rning your house l eave sSa l t La ke C i t y ,you wi l Ibenot if i ed byphone .If the r e i s a de lay af te r the un it s l e ave Sa l t LakeCi ty , yo u wi I1be no ti fiedbyt hec rew ch ie f I n ch a rge . 6 .On a l Inon-ba sement homeso r c rawl s pace areas ,t he mi nimum c rawl sp ace i s t obe 24 ". SE TT ING HOUSES Each Buil der-Deale r must r ecognIze the Im porta nceo f proper ly prepa rIng t he s i tean d know what I s r equ i redo f h im.Th e Builder -De aleri s r esponsible f or g uara nteeing t hat access Isp rov ided fo r o ur trucks to t heprem ises upon wh i ch i t i s to bep laced ;a nd that a l I necessary o n-s ite preparatio ns,Includ ing f ounda ti onsa re completed.Also ,t hat t he pr em ises are rea dy to receive t he un its i n acco rda nce wi th specificatio ns listed below: 1.When a r egu lar s et Is required using th e "Ro ll Off "system,houses arrI ve at t hef oundation l oadedso t heycanbe set from e i ther the fro nt or rear .Thel oaded heigh t from t heg round t o t hebottom of the house I s36 ".Foundati onsp rojec t ing from2 4"t o 36"out of the gr ound areI deal for t he "R o I I Off "s ystem.An yfo unda tion h ig her th an 48"wi ll be co ns idere d a c rane set.Fo undations that a re lower t han 36"r equiret hat we J ackt hehouse upandpul lt he traile ro ut ,then lo wer the house down tothe fo undation heig ht a nd ro l l Iton .I f the lot I s too narrow to a llow the t ruck to pu l l co mp le te ly s traig ht o ut ,we wil Ihavet ohave a mi ni mu mo f 3D 'o f l e ve l g round t oal lowust oro ll the house off t he t r ai l er and t hen do wn t o the f oundatIonhei ght.(See di agram #1) 2 .I f the lot o nwhich t hehouse i s to be set i ssu rrounded byother houseso r p roper ty t hat we are unable to cross ,i t wi I Ibenece ssa ry t o jack-kn ifet he trai ler I nto t hefo undat io n (Seedi agram #2 >.I f t he f o undati on Is l ow er tha n36"it wl II be necessary t o ha vea mini mum o f3D'o f le velg round.(Seed iagram#1 ) 3 .Sp lit Ent ry se ts ,us1ngt he"Ro I I Of t"system .r equ i r-e tha ta r am p bebur Itt hat wiII put thefou ndat ion heigh t at notmore t han 46 " h igh on houses up to 50 '.Hou ses52 't o62 'a re r e stri cted t oa heighto f 3611 •Th e a pproach to the ra mp must be constructed wIt h a gradual ri se to al l ow thet ruckst odrivet o t hefo undation. Ramp ss hou ld beno l ess than16"wide a nd 8 "l onger t han t hefound a - t i ono n bot he ndst oa llo wr oom f or cri b stacks.(See d iagram #3) 4 .When ac rane s eti s r eq uiredone i ther a r egu l ar o r Sp l i t Entry se t , the f o l l owi ngp rocedu re l s .fo l lo we d: (A)Thec ranemust bebacked into the ce nte r of t he f oundat i on,a pproximatel y3 'from t hef ro nt wa l I . Thi s r equires that t hea reai n f ront of the f oundat i on mustbe leve l f rom t he streett o the f oundat ion ,anda t l east 3D 'wide .(See diag ram #4 ).Ba ckflI l ing at t hef o un dati on mu st also be comp leted a l ong thea rea wh ere t hec rane must par k. • •s to PE :It ff I So AP PRO 'rE 0 Date..__i):~:d..J/..:-:-_.7...'1 _..__. Per mi t ''..;c~.._...f.f/;J_....::-.. 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SuB PNIS l OW BLocK A I /..O~I I FRDN T D DDR ~--- 2.CA~ GAfi.A GE I 'l...--~' ,, I, • \ ALL.-D ru,lNAGE /5 NA1W'.A l- (ON TOu(I. f/...I ...d 'J r <U5 [,JIll j,-e «.n .t'-n d w h eq l 1/'"."/~T>, A ppl i cant P ermit No . 4111 L ocation Review an d return to the County Bu i l d ing Offic ial w ith in 6 working d ays P lann ing :Cornpl lea wi th: Subdi vis ionR e gula ti o n s Z oningRe gu lat ions S i te P lan (Landscap i ng) Yes No 8 8o0o~ 2 Rev i ewed b y :Date :t~l o ~79 R ecommend A pprova l :~~="--,*""""""::::'':::'''_ -tV Count yE ngineer:R o ads G r ading Drainage Comments :.. DODODOo18 Rec ommend A pprova l: Coun ty Health :W ater San it at i on P erc.te st Commen ts: e A eco rnmer ld A pprova l: <Y _.--"....--rr:-..- Fi nal I nspec ion:C /O Recomm end Appro val Comments : D O F i 'Ia l I nspe c tion:L a nd sc api ng R e commend A ppro v al 00 Oomments i _ b y _c/o Issued Fi nn l F i l ing Oate._ Date _ E;A GLE C OUNTY BUIL.G P ERMIT APPLICAT ION • F I NA L:C /O I NS PE CTION,LA N DSCAPE I NSPECJION F ORM R e v iew Routi ng Form ()P ri mary Rout ing (~Rerout ing ~~~j: App li cant P er m i tN o. L ocat io n Rev i ewan dr eturnt oth e C o unty B uildillgOffi cial wi thin 6w o r king day s R evi ewed by :Date :f ~J,.'f...-l'i R ecommend A pp r ov al ~r ~ Yes No 8 8 ~BOornmeute:+,'-_ Pl an ni ng:C o mp liesw i th: Socd ivi sion R egul at ions Zon ing R egulat ions S it e P lan (Landscap ing) R eco m m end Approv al :yl&.:.b 00 0 0o0 ~O Oornmen te:.--'_ C ounty E ngine er :R oads Gr ading Drainage C oun t y Heal t h:W ater S an itati on P erc .t a st oooo R ---"--=,ecomrnend A pproval : F inal I nsp e c ti o n:C/O Hecorrr-nond Approva l C o-nmc nts : 00 Fi lial Inspecti on:L e nda c cpi nq Recommend Approv al 00 Oornmeuts :_ C /O Iss ued b y _Date,_ F inal Fili ng D a t e _ August 22 ,1979 TO LL FR EEAoERS: Va i 1 -9'lI'f-5257 Basa lt -927 -3 B23 8 1657 • Thomas L.Wies t P.O .Box 2420 Va i l,ColoradoADMINISTRATION E.>:t241 EAGLE COUNT Y DEP A RTME ~T OF PLA NNING &DEV ELOPM ENT EA GLE.CQLOR ADO8 163 1 T ELEPH O NE 303/328-7 311 BOAR D O F COUNTY COM MISSION ERS Ext24 1 LD/jk Les Dougl as Eagl e County Buil din9 Of f i c i a l Site pl an?Ro adparkinq? l an? PL ANN IN r,:Not a pprov ed -l andscap i nq?Sc a le on name and wher eon s1 1 l ams ,Zonl ng I nspecto r COUN TY ENGI NE ER:Not approved -Site planmust show dra i na qe.De ta il mu st s ho wdrai nage awa y from found at ion adn not onto adjacent l ot s if possi bl e. ~e 4:t;..d!MeionAtWell.Co unty Engi nee r HE AL TH:Not appro ved -Proposed l ocat ion of thewate ra nd se we r li nes s ho ul d be s ho wni n the si~l an~ r A 4~,..-/..-=p/'L -t:i-.z~--")Y/v----P ~~~~~~Eri~n ,En vlr ift'tffleftt al Healt h tfJ .,Offi cer >Llb--..';:p;,(?r ke<->--o;,~"pd'7 fj-2 'r ?,/ It would be t oyour adva nta ge if you beg in to r e s olv e any problemsa nd/or requ iremen t s a s soona s po s sib le soasnottodelay th e i ss uance of your buil dingperm i tany l ongerthanneces sary . RE :Appl icat ion for Building Pe rm it i n Eagle County Lot II,Blk.A,Vai l Das Schone TheEagl e County Buil ding Dept.requ iresth atapplica tions f or Bu ilding Per mits in Ea gle Count ybe r outed toth e Eagl eCountyPlanni ng ,En gine e ri ng , a nd Env i ronme ntalHealth Depa rtme nts for th eircomme nts prior t o i ssuance of t hepermit s .Your a ppl ica ti on wasrout edonAuq ust 10 .1979. Listed below are t hecomm ents and r ecomme ndat i ons wh ic h we r e madeby t he a bove depa r tmentsduringth e routi ng procedure.I f you have anyquestion s or wish t o get a fu rth ere xpla nation,please contact theappropr ia te dept . TREASURER Ex t 2 01 PUR CH AS I N G/ PE RSONN EL Ext 245 E XT ENSION AGENT Ex t 2 41 AN IM AL SHE LTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR Ext 2 02 LI B RARY Ext 2 55 PUBLIC HEA LTH Eag le Ex t25 2 Vai l 4 76·584 4 E N V IRONMENT AL HE A LTH E xt 238 B U ILDI NG I N I N SPECTION [let 22 6 o r 2 29 C LER K & RECORDER E x t 2 1 7 EN G INEER Ext 236 COU J.lTY ATT OR N EY Ext 2 4 2 ROAD &B RIDGE E llt 2 57 SHER IFF Ea 'l le Ex t 2 1 1 Bualt 927-3 244 Gilman 8 2 7·5751 SO CIAL SERV IC E S 328·6 328 PLANNI NG Ext 226 o r 22 9 EAGLE COUNTY • BUIL DIN G D IVI SION P.O.BOX 179 •PHONE:3 28 -6339 Ir r INSPECT , N J REo.UEST BUILDING COVER PLUMBIIIIG MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH :VENTILATION fOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING wo esFRAMINGVENEERFINAL HOODS ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PART I AL. R EAD Y F ORINS PECTION LOCATION _ MO N TUE WEO TH UR FR I AM PM o R EINSPECT COM MENTS:-'---~_...!...~j..f._ Q APPROVED OD ISAPPRDVED o UPON THE FOLLO~C O~~T I O~:--- CDR RE CTlDN S._..l(""""~"_'_'_~:....!..~~__'_-'-_'__~~_'_'___'_____' I I OAT \ RECilUEST EAGLE COUNTY <!i'f?k ,r) Y. /-S 0S INSPECTIO• D ATE JDB NAME ,e 13'£/=<1'7 "/; TI ME RECEI VED AM PM CAllER ./'):'l BUILDINGDI VISION p .O.BOX 179 'PHON E;328 ·6339 PARTIAL ELECTRICAL LOCATION : MECHANICAL PARTIAL \!EN TTlATION HEATING HOODS LOCATION : PARTIAL PLUMBING LOCATION: ._-"TANDPIPE woe S FINAL BUILDING COVER FOOTING IN SULA nON __ FOUNDATION SHEETROCK FRAMING VENEER ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION : o OT HER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ R EADY FO RI NSPECTION MO N TUE WED niUFf F RI -AM @ ,.~. COMMENTS:,9 ,..I 4--t ,~,J <'~1,I \:;a: o REINSPECT ONS: o APPROVED / 0 UPON THEFOLLO WING CO (,.,cORR EC TIONS.~,.;,:._,:£-~.,;/<;r£::.""':z-..c..J!!=.Z!..--......a.-.,..L.:.....:'-----:;r...,;J7L-.L.<,.....""'=-' / -,~.(~"L</l<:::, ,/-1 ,,~•",", / / r...-::-/,~-~,....-""/../1,?/,v DATE _/0 ,1if;J 6 1:> INSPECTION REBUESTBUI!:OIN G DIV I SION P.O.BOX 179 •PH ONE :3 28·6339 '07/ /t,7 /.:E AGLE COUNTY •O AT~JO f Nir ;:z 3'3"<?Ck="ZZ r A-Z TI ME RECEIVED AMPMCA LLER ~:2 ........-~.'4 0 ~c ~ /./A'~;P;d'q ?' BUILOING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL FOOTING IN SULATION __ROUGH WENTrlATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING w oe S FRA MING lI ENEER FI NAL HOODS ROOF PA RTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIA L LOCATI ON:LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION : ELECTRICAL H MPQRARY PARTIAL LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ R EADY F OR I NSPECTION TUE ~C-(,)<h- , ~A P P R OV E O OOISAPP ROVEO E!.REIN S P EC T &1 UPONT HE FOLLOWINGCORR ECTIONS : C OR ~ECTI ON S -::<C~6 <2 ~d";:;z.-z,~~c./,,£a d ,~cZ ;;.7<~_L:~< " DA TE //-:r-z ;? INSPECTIDBUllDINGDIVISION P.O .BOX179 •PHONE:328-6339 EAG LEe 0UNTY DAte ,/~/;~/'77 JOBNAME £r/;,,,bo·,£M<f CA4-o-<••o,? TI ME RECEIVED A M PM CALLER ::7",I../Ie Q C tt.-r-g ~ \£"./~-.:£~<..- • BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL NSULATlON __ROUGH :VENTrLATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION : • ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl. @tf§) COMMENTS:&-.dtl .t! I READYFORINSPECTION LOCAT ION --:-_ [jAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECT aY UPON THEFOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:/ CORRECTION S ;::;;,,,~,,i del Ed?&-dJ.t7A.!I:#..P ¢#ti/:V"") :/:/'~ DATE it!-/7-1\7 v '--- INSPECTIO /5/;;t REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY r '-.A";06/• • .h./-f \ I BUILOING FOOTING FOUNDATION PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL NSUlATION __OUGH ~ENnlAT ION ITEMPORARY SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woe S VENEER INAt HOODS FINAL ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER D PART IAl.LOCATION r-:r @ffY .t7READYFORINSPECTION IeTHURFRIAMPM" /1-COM MENTS:I-A-.I r/,/i:._~''''::;-"•I H ......,-•'C [J APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT I ~I,U]'UPON THE F OLLOWINGCORRECT ION S: £CORRECT IONS._....t:::.~-'-'-----''--------'~=_=L-~-''---_~~L......;:,'-='''-=--''-_ • D ATE !/J -,T-lt? REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY AI c ;"'<4:6' •BU II,.DlNG D IVISION P.O.BOX 119 PH ON E:32 8-6339 DATE ,II -7 -Z ?'JOB NAM E __.....,L.==_""'=,£d.~_ TI ME RECEIVEO AM PM CALLER ~_ BUILOING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL PLUMBING PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTILATION HEATING HOOD S PARTIAL ELECTRICAL iTEMPORA RY PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: ( LOCATI ON:LOCATION : ,(,;;:,1 o OTHER 0 PARTIA l.LOCATIO N Vrr,'JI /.Au'7cd41U', READY FOR INSPECTION MQN rU E ~THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS,~."L<2 1 cJff .L.y-~p (B-:l\PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o R EINSPECT o UPONTHEFOLLOW ING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS,_ DATE EAGLE COUNTY BU I ~D I NG D IVI SION P.O.BO X 179 PHONE:328 -6339 •#/// INSPECTI • REGUEST • ,A~.r .DAn 1/7 'JO BN AME TI M E RECEIVE D,A M PM CALLER ~_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTIN G IN SULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING V ENEER wo e SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FI NAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTH ER 0 PART IAL READ Y FORINSPECTION FR I AM PMTHUR , TUE C ?'1 <.•,(C) MON COMMENTS'-4.:,-,,~,"","~-",",~-,--.t....;:p.-7'--'-"=-'-"-"'---------------- UJ -APPROVEO o DISAPPR OVED o RE INS PECT o UPONTHEFOLLOWI NGCORRECTI ONS: CORRECTl ONS,_ / DATE RECilUEST EAGLE COUN TY uL,:.d 1'"-/-3INSPEC~ON•BUI LDING DIV ISION P .O .BOX 179 PHONE ;328·6339 DATE JOBNAM E TI MERECEIVED AMPM CALLER.-::-:-'---,-,,--:--:";-.,,-__ /.,./..//R/"l n ..:'l"_. BUILDING FRA MING Fi NA L-p.~",PARTI L LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL IN SUL ATI ON ____ROUGH flJENTrl ATION iT EMPORA RY SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEA TING ROUGH w oe s FIN AL HO OD S FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTI AL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PAR T IAL LOCA TION _ READY FOR I NSPECTION v o R EINS PECT THU RWEDTUEMON , [;};PPR OVEO OOI SAP PRO V EDUJ.u~NGCORRECT IONS : DATE 1/-'1 -74',/ h INSPEC c BUILDINGDI VISION P.O.BOX 179 PHON E :328-6339 • • .• REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY ;,u.·,d IH • BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH ENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING FINAL VII 0C S 11 --..ODDS PARTIAL iTEMPORARY PARTIALPARTIALPARTIAL INSU LAn ON __ SHEETROCK ENEER _ FOOTI NG FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.lOCATION _ READYFOR INSPECT ION t .-.. v o REINSPECT • ",,7!,I ,n.J';, ~Z2.-, THUR /." '.'--' 1/'1 ,'"', WED I ( ./ TUE 1-I ,,r . :/ 1 MON <.<I I, ., COMMENTS:~-"/~~_-~'-...L-'---~-'-~---'=_'-'----..L4------"=-----pr DATE I ,. I'• '1",. F om'l ApprO ved O ~8 No.6 3 -ROO 55 No ._""'=====-;-- •(u .s.,n"'''T MlOOJj,oWC AIOO "'~VJo t f ..!\.QPlwf ,d ( HDUA\.HOU\ofOC.~....n.u.," For .cc...oIe ,••i Old o f u d ,oll c~pin.10'" "'Ay b e UpA ,J Al""a Ab "".f ..l .1.Su...'. '.....p l.'.d ,Il '....O'<Ih..io ",i...i ...1 ""d". DESCRIPTION OF M .AT~IAL5 FHA roo ...1Oi)) v Fl)hn 16-llIj ~ R 2 /i5 o Proposed Construct io n o Under Cons tr uct ion Property oddress _Ci t y _5 10to_ Mo rtgago r or Sponsor ""'::::::-_ Contractoror Builder 'P;~.....",----------- tA ddreui INSTRUCTI ONS I .F ..,ac!Ji .;....,~1 i..lo ,ia..on ,,_t h ,.fa 10'"Iu!o ",,·'.d ' 01 .opi••••1 I h.i "..cri o ...~p;>l i :o "l .10 ,h.FH oI.':'D ;:"C~l lo ..f o, ""0<1'0'.1 '0 0'V.\R.,....,for O.'.....i .........0 ;R.o 'o ....!!!.Vol...,0 ',..."0 '._y . 2.D.ac.ih a ll_•••i ..l.0 "";,.....,I..".\I.H •.."••h 0'"01 .ho.... _,~."'....I,ni ••b,........I.i ~'0 ..X i och "rp.opci.,.c h.-ck-bo a nd .n1 ..i"i Ih ....._0 10 ....c"lI eJ for ,,,.och .POC••I c.II i",""oq..~••ClU•• "5_..i n ,."on d "••c,ib.........i ......21 ..,on o "o e h....hu,:TH E USE OFPAINTC ONTAININGMORETHANONE HALF OF ONE PE RCENT L EAO 8Y WEICHT ISPROH IBIT ED. 3 .Work ,,0 1 'o,.cifically <iI ....i b ...or .ho.....i ll "If 'Io.c_.id ......."I... ••qui ,e".,h ,I.i ~"'.obl .will "d .Wo ,k .H.e4i"l ...i,,;'i co ,b .c id ••od I I pi f.c o ll l"d~lc .;h .d . ••1 '0 ..1 "••••"0 ••"1"p h C heto .'il . iC ili .'o .;f •••qu...f..,"C".lI"a "~.o f bl 'i,..t ,.,i.l...,."..;,.. •,i o "0',h.,.by ,••e l..".d.1 . S.I ncl ""•.•1'...,","ui 0 1Ih••nd o f 'hi .f_. 6 .Th .c ....I !rveli h~1l c_pl.,."I........,I e ...1m ......,.10,.4 d",g .o nd .,.c ;fico'ion ftd du .I..,"rrc:l n,.T he '.p.c il,. c..'i I ...l ..d.,hi .D41C,rpl ion of Mo,••iol.o nJ 'h.o,pl icob l.Mi..i",uIII P .o ,."y Sta"N.d •• 30x3 0Xl O_Vari es I nforn:ati o n BeJoI fl 4 Bars #4 Bars I &B D -(2) (2) ;rOllnda .ion ~cnlJ 2500 Anchors;J,ll Bo l ts wi th washers P"l:fy brl'*d .uiOll ..aU ---------=---=.,,--,,:-:-:-;.,_"'7 l"icD;molo tcrial ..nd ",inlurtinsConcrpte-Tyn \tith Js IO PlywOQd O See Ad d it jon al Window """a""a y.Galy.I r on Footins:d~i lU ---:--::-0---,__;::--------------- Gal y.Iron at Column Base ;in ....lat iOQ Lamina ted Si ze:2x6 Sandy Lo am F~i nv ;c'Onuetc miJt.5 Bag Fo..nd.1.lion ~I ;mJlI..ria l 5 Bag Concret e I nl..riol-found.l.tOo"WJl U:m&l crUJ :--":--:-,,.,,-_ Colli mru :mate rial ;and .Jus,=!6~x~6+F~'2·~r:;92~I~R~T~RTI[j~!iijlliiL~~d;lli~!1~~~~~~~~rt[fti~it}:;j~~~t':r:.~~_(41 2xb 2/8TR Bueinml entl"anct arc ~....ay -:-.:'O-'::.C.o~n~c-r~e""t.e'-------- W.lcr proohng Asohal t Emu lsion T n "';te p n)tClC1icu\~~:I~r:e:a:t~e~d~S~O~j~l======~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~========&sem""'~t space:g round c o"C1' S~~I'ound.uioRi Additio~!infOl"molo don;;-::",__;;;_:'7~c:;--,__;;:_;--_;;',-;---"""_:---.,.,,..,;;_:'''"',.,__;_;:;_:_:T ---------Sil1s:Materi a1 :Red\t ood 1.EXCAVAnOrr. BalMn!toil .cype __"""""-'---'''''''''_ 2.FOUN DAT IONS , 3.CHIMNEY S, •lroo_ 0 1 0" Galy Ml.1..rial 0 Frame Prefabricated (_b tmil,iu)~'-!Ll.l!.u;:l'S!.J.L__,,,"""""-~--- Flue l i ni n!:IIUl terial -"O=.lr~~e""t.i!:'l---r'l'6~c::l'jj-~J.H~,~·~"~'Lflii~~..~"~'L£:Jj;;;jU;;r ~;:iJE!..w:;:t~:l~;tl~~~ji:i::~=J:j:O:iLVc-nt.("",trritdtJnds,:r)'g oJl 01"oi l hc-;uc-r06"Me t ly e n t Doub le Hal1-Tye e B A dd ition).!i "bnna l ion ;-;-:-_:--:_:_--------------------'------- 4 .FIREPlACES,Woods i de Tnee :0 tolid rue!;0 su.b-..In11ng :0 ci n:ulator ('""'U ef':dsi:.i}OAH 36 OAW4Z0W36C WI G]ass Doo rs &Ou ts1 de Com b .Ai r Fi",puc.e :rxin!t 0 Meta l 0 Pre c a~ttinin g 0 Beta].;h,a""0 prec as t :m&n,eIOH'Qo d 0 Preca st Add ilion.al in forma lion:08"F l u e f or Basement firepl ace Q n6C F irepl a ce Fan 5 .EX TER IO R WAus,Plastic Kraft UU-8-790 •'"0 •••_ .Wood ',..m e :\"On<!grol d (o;and s~i "2/BTRHe m Flr .0 Coa-nr,b racins-BllildinJ!:'get ot rel t Sty le 2 Gra de D.Sh ,,'h ia ,.ll!!;l Ply COX Ply .,''''''nn,3/8"OS Ply CCX Pl y.Thic kne ss ,la .Width:48" Sid in o Hard boa rd ;g ,ad.Ext .Pr imed,yP'l'Lap ;.i.zt 10";elI:poIlll'lC 6 "";Wlm-in.Ga lv .Nails D HAIC:DS r:sAA.o ;gT1d&:Xt .P rimedty~Sheet ;.Jle 4'x8';rx pooure o Full "j wlm-i...Ga1v.Na ils []Grade Type Si ze Exp .Fast .. :n..mbc-r of «10&11-:-:"2__ []oiag ona1 Si dj ng S tuds 2A-"0 C M .n orry "·..n~,SiIIJ l.ilt.1eh Ba.Je fb.lhill l -;-======== Maton ry :0 'Olid 0 u«d 0 lI uccoedj IOw .w..alllh icknt'St ...r.\Cing Ih ic knn.o ..;fu:inS m.lterioalBackupmatcria!;Ihiclo.nc-tl ...;bon dinl _--'-'-.....:. Doo-r silIJ Wi tld o ...oil:.Li n lch Bue ftuhinl _ h Ut,1or ...,t.cet:d .unpproofi niJ.("O.l U of _....,,,,,,,,.....,-..,.._..,---:,..,-,,....,.....,.._:fulTin!...__:_-:-::---:_:=:-=--:--::------ Ad d;tio n.sl i nl'ormol ,ion :Ext erj or Framing 02 x4S t uds 16"0 C il 7 x6 E xtC':ior pai ..ti ,,!,mll t...w VinylLatex 0Oil Sta jn G ab le ....,..11 c-on ~ru e-.ion :0 u.mt .loS In.lin w:alll;a ~h c ,,;onSlrll(,ionGab1 e En d Truss DVerti c al 6.FLOORFRAMING: J.....u .....ouoJ .g r.dt ..."..I 'pre,t,2 /BIR He m Ej r i OI hr,;brtdgins "...-:M~e""t .'~l""",-;:=;a nch o..~·:<>t i'!] {'.onC Ul~s b.b ;•b ,Il-,mt'"floor .·0 fin l n\lO r i .'j:to und ,UP f'O 'lro ;0 ICJr.~up po;'in ,,:m ia _·=6=~8:a:g:::2;.5:Q~O'::~P~S~I==-:~,h~k~"":':..~-=_=_~4~-·='==~-' ",inr"rc i..~06x6 101 0 Hi·IM :i",ul.llion __;tntmb,an.. F ill w ,d ..r ,b.h:moll e-ri ..1 Undistu rbed Ea rth i I h id,n "l~.A d J·~i ''i~:nl.~'~in~"'~m;.~'~i~:'================Bll-f l cor Jo i s ts an c hored a t both pn ~~~Jl~t~oi s t hanoers 7.s uaFLOOiUN G:(De w'ji:r ,underIJlXlring l or sp<Xi.:l'fl o-.:rn u nder j:~m 21.) :..I.1.,i..l :!>'oloJC :and Ipo"C«-\5 Pl Y COX Fi r P1'I\-JQQO~"I,-,Jl.I6,-;t u e 4x8x">10 ;l yPC'Sheat h i n9 La ir!II fir u floor ;0 lC'l;on<J tloor;0 Olon ic sq ft.i 0 d j.;r.g (Jlfl ~I ••ria hl ..ngln.Addi l ional i nfo'm.llion:_ N~i l and Glue at a ll joi s ts .-- Lue "r ..........~c-.,"Sn e ,...TN ..:........,,,',nno !kOG..,..,..-.f~_ f inl floor Sc-c-ond fl<ll'>l' A uie fion,"I 'II. A,ld it;"n.ll inform ;lt ;on : 8 .F1NISH FLOORI NG:(Wood only Detcrib.cthff f",ish flooring u ndfl'it,."7 1., FHAForm 2005 VA Form 26-13 52 "I T ~"'l ::'T ·'-,:'"':"rt C'••('\•f.r -/7,,,0 S[;~.E Bl DES CRIPTIO NO f MATERIALS OEseRIPll ON OF MAiE RIAlS 9.PAR.TITIO N FRAMING: 2/BTR Hem Fi r ~ilt a nd 'p.aeing 2x 4 -16"O.C.O t}:"_ Fir Aridgin g _ 2 6 Trusses ;S"SC or >Hight Roof 1l1»K'1 l ~e d Cl.ol il):grade a nd .~cit ,!2 Doug Pi tch ?s=~L .L.~W"t»L.cAJ>-1/12 1 2.ROOFING: S hcJllh,og :....ood,grolOdr ...nd I~i~ Rooll"!Asphalt Shi 091 es U nd CTby Daub 1e 1 ayer 15~ wa ll • n.uhir.g:m~t rri al Ga l v .Ir on Add it ion.!i:uorma:ion:_ 10 .CEILING FRAMIN G: joilll :wood,graJe.:In<!'P'I"';U _ Addil;on.:r.l in ("rm uion :-,_ 11.ROOF f RAMING: R"Clrn :"-ood.sudc ,.lind .~iC'•.-::-:::::,..,,.o'"r"~-";-;; A dd il;OIl.lI in (orma'Wm:__T'-'-r~u~s~s~e~s'_''_''--''::c..__''''_'''_____'!.L'"'''..!.._'_'''''''____'=_....:;z...:>_=___''_'_'=''__''_'''!'.!~!of~P..._ 13.G UTTE RS ANDDOWNSPOUTS : CUtl tn:malublGa 1V I ron Or ;p Di ver t~r.lS"or WC"iShl ~2~6,,-__;'L,e 6 11 x ll;";Ih.ape _--llk.:.·_ DowntpOl.iII :l'n.lI u·r ial ;pSI:or weight ;sile ;,1upr :numbc r _ DownfPOlJlI COG ntlCJM to:0 Sconn _cr;0 :u.n iury sew er;0 dl")·....ell 0 Spl.alh bloc...:J:aleri.al a nd l in Adc.1iIiO(la l in£onnalion :Ofverte r at en tries only 14.LATH ANO PlASnR Luh 0 ",,,UI.0 ceil ingl :rnacerial ---'::-:::-:-=n::C;"''rig:hl or th k~u _--,-;;-_P1.l1Ier:COOII.__;finiUl _ Dry......u ......11•••«,ilin&,:JUleri.J.1 Gy psum Boa rd;Ih k k neu lsi.;finilh Tex tu red J oint ltulmeQI Tape an d fi 11 1 5 .O£CORATING :(Pcint,wo 'fpo ~,..etc.} Kite:hen Bath ,J.'Z.. Gv nsum Bd.Enamel <Inri p 1 ,"rl Tpxru re and ~n a m el Addi tion lll information :Se e 27 1 11 Slorm lash,n umber _ Fjhergla ss SIDrm doon :lhickne n __";nu mbu _ ;mal trul Hardboa rd H.C.:lhkknc:u --l-=..lLJ>_~.,..,~. B....c::·I )·pc:Pre fi n is h;m "I ~l a l Mahog any :lrim Fa ctory Fi ni sh • 16.INT ERIOR OOO R ~AND TR IM, O oon :Iype fl"'U~sJ!h....r;.Pa"'n!"e..J'-----_c;_;_-- Doo r lrim :t ype Prefini slt ;materia l Mahogany Finhh :d oor.Fa ctory Fi nish Oth er tr i....(itrm.f)/J''m.~J~/N~.;'~i.~"I~e:;:fJ~~~~~~iSl~iii2[j~~~:a:r:ii::H:;c:::::J~fli~L:gLlll~iijLJlj]jili:ciiQ!itAddiliotullln£or m illi on ~.~ar drob e C1 osets:IIFl ush Pa.neLHard board H,e .Bj fold 1 7.WINl>OWS ,-Uni tize d Doubl eSash Tripl eGlazed OT hermo In su l ate d ,,'indo ...,:Iyflf'Sl ider ;make Ams co ;m .teria l Alumjnum :Silli h t Md nm-;;-_...L::"'__ G lan:grad e-SSB &OSB ;0 S&5h .....e ighls;0 balances.t ype -------;;---7"";hu.d n .uhi n !_-,~~e~l~f__-r-_ T rim :type Se]f Retu rn :m a teeial Gypsum P~in l Enamel ;nu mber C~Il---2_ W UIhC'Blrippin!:IH'>C Co mpres sion ;m a tC'r~1 Hj Dens ity Wove n Pjle Scrl'~l :0 £ull;•h ,,1£;I)·pe I "s ert ;nu mbn-Al l ;'Ut'en c10lh m "lC'rial _--ltlJilf.J:lj.Jjj::i>'-_ B ~J e m tn (....indow':trpe 51 j der j ma lqi4 1 Alumj Dum ~ICr~ns.n u m~r --,A~lLll-__:Storm u sb,num bn'_ S ~i ~I ...·indows A Bron ze Frames .6~H'l.f 6EI OS f ;:Q>tI 0 \'Ibite Frames Addltiol\.ll inl'l,Ifmation:Basement Sash -pour j n j-ieta l Bucks j 0 Concrete s.ENTRANCE S ANDEXTE RIOR DETAI L: Main t n ~nl n l:C"·door :",,,ttrial t1eta 1 (1ad ;wid t b 3/0 ;t h ic"r:n J ~.F,..mc :r.u.t erU l --"F~i~r ;Ih kl.nen ¥!..eo Olher rnt nCloOC r;\ooQ:ma tm,,1 (si!1.8£low):wid :h ;th ick~,__•Frame ;""'1 C'ri.J.I _~_'7""";Ihid'ncu ---=-' Head ftuhing Ga 1v.Iro n W eathenlnFpins:t).~~f~1 2a~g~n~e~t~i~c~;u ~_~A~l~u~m~i~n~u~m~,_ ScTffn doon :IhickRC'l._";n u mber ;flCZ'«n d oth m.l.ln".ial _ Combinlilion '101m "nd ICr«n doors:lhiclnlt$s __..;n umber __;~r«n dOlh m.trrial ~--7::_:c:-'7,..,....,.--------- Shunen :0 hi n;td ;•lU ed.iuilingt ··••,A ttic Iouvus -12x 18 Al UMj Dum Ex terior millwork :grad e ;"nd ,~k$F,J.Cl ear Ceda r.Pine or Spruce pAINT:Vi nyl t atex flO.OF COA TS:2 Addidou l inform"lion:•Alum inuUJllf..er..ht i o Doo r 5/8"Therno Temp .Glass ........._-- TnW1 . R ..I U SUi.......II ~............L l>'u1 n ... S ,,,,. ~~Ir"'~l ThicknUJ :.1:>.1.....1 l ~ick "....~~'''~l SIn ~1..W'r ...1 Size ~b l ......1 S"".P1Q.Jln 1 -lI R"PTn -illJ t:10"<;.?,n '"0 I1 _1<"B nrm('nl _. MAin An ie: 19.CABI NETS AND INTERI OR DETAIL: K ilt::hc-n u.binm,w .dl unil.:m~lC'r i.A I.RQy a 1 OakOSpanj sh Oak O l1aj .Oa k ;l i n l'~.~wives 25'":,t>c:-If w idth 12" &te'unin:"",trr ial Samea s upper ;cevreer I.)p pl astjc l amjnate ;edgir.g po st Formed BacA a:wl cnd .pt."h.pas t fanned F"in ;5h.u£uJ';ntlS Fl1c t !l.l:Ui 01 sh ;",_",hoo r ("001 ",,__ Mc:d icinec.abinttl:mak..fashjo n :mtId,.l l1~l C -2 4 U i1r.-1B 0[-24 -BArN""' O lher €abi nC\s and built ·in furn iture Rat hVan;t,:t 0 Bath Va 1e:L.Bzt b £IP'-lj rrot a t V 'mj t y _Ra t l;,~Z. Add iti.,nal in£onn ;r lion ;..r~Qn a rcb #45 1 M('d ic..i.n~c.ab.:"...n.ath #'2..Dau ilt jn Chjna Cabinee~t__ 20 .STAUl:S ' I Ir:T ER STA TE FI LE NO.:tle--1300 $~-~I I l • B2 .. IN TERS TA TE l OG NO:.52.0';=• '-, 2 1. ,. 5P!:CJAL FLOORS A ND WAI NSCOT:m esc ClJrr>et a s li sled in.C ert ified p r of!uCI .'l I .u)-1.oo.:A1 JU"O ~hTU.~<:::bu:l..BoIlDU .SU ....(;.......Etc.Th.WAU..B.u ..U ..oun.oo. M ...n .....~"""TU.~M U ll,""', •K iI Cl"~~omc o ]j):aster f or 8 Karamik 0 -Al um.Wo od 58PTe BD ]B.lIta "Z..om M'<>l:!:.f.lQL...I!Harami ~0 Al um Wo od 51 8Pl BO.04 Corn ers o Ecs ta sy O"ast1s.n.rr bor "flood 5 8 P ng OHlER "'4 Cor M rs o <rS tas v o Cd S t te 1I "r bor Wood 5 8 PTCL 80 Lo<.,_M",na&Al.,.~Bon o..c.~.$,ua.CAG t.[Tt:,.lIue-II'H ~Ilr.,e..,.,..S-'U O-u T u_(l·.o ..FLO....)i n~th ,•Cerami cTi e uh $0 a<h Over lJR S IJ!'e 'ror~60"7 ,;'"•,Bath 2 •r prami ,..Til"""'a11s ve r WR ,"ee tro ~~7~ •",. t.... B,n.'utM.>m a CCJ:1.Xlf"in :•RC'Ccued;m .u ~ri &1 Chrone A ddition.l infonnalion ;OOl de Eng 1i sh Pl ank 22.PlUM a'NG, ;bWnLet __~_;•AlIac:bed;ma lcri.l.l Ch rome Ent ry p Pa....gue t En try .li no .Ent ry 4 F,XT un :<il.l ......Lo<._""'"M",,·.F I>rn;1II 1000 'fTU.CAl tlO"No.~"Co~- Sin k ,Ki'r he""R'COG~R-~3 1 ..,.2 x1 2 C U D't::£ un&Gty Bath Z l!>ltl~~;2.~o 18"Round Whi te..'..'2.Bath -",1 -G4,,'Ii ,.7;2.4-0 .HWallTCkUd- Bat}uub .Bath Owe ns Carni n T16-60 lin".~hite Shower oyer tu bA I Bath I Jlmerican Olean 10 RiDDle White ,..See 21 nihite s~Il~4 I Bath 2-Am er ican Olean 10 Rioole White .S ee 2 1 .Mh ite. L.a,.u 'I(lty tra,....,, Bra ss All ''Vallev ",""S ino le t ontro l '.•or • ........,"TO...V I lSIIT H -I JI M ee ,5TA"D.'3 :2.00 .D,,·.,I B"R.uA/ Il 'lTlfTVB I eA T'"IIMU.S'TAND.7.2 (,...'0 il /H;r uo At Shower .. ...Q.nt.a.i.Q rod ....Door •S ~n'pan :material_"F"""b"e"'r"'g"l"'a"s"s'-_ ""ater supply:•public;0 co mmunity Iy ~em;0 i tWliv ld ~1 (priv ate)s Y "~.* S_~'c d~:.public ;0 commun ity ,51_an;0 individ~(pri"lI lc)I yslftn.*. *SIIa..<1 M tlncrib~IMi l1J IltIl £1'1"'"ill n",p~tlllt!4i'it!Itporo ~bwl u.,J •.v ~,,"jwG1 iOlU 1M_flint "ur('I.",..,rt/l . H ou5e d /'JI in (itu ~):0 ca n iron:o "lile ;..oWe-.ABS H 0\I1oIIl ~~(~.id ct.O ·OJt iro,,;•tik;0 othu ;;-=,..,-,..,...,,__ W aler piping:0 g.1l"",ni led .tco:l;.,copper l ubi.l:lg;0 Other Sill c.odu.n umber 2 f rost Free Do,;,~c wa cco r h ';'ta:t ype Electric -,;mak e aed modd Me:«~LO .Cp=s S"2.g",rZliw'.aling Qp.c iIY ",,=-~'-'-_ ____~-----gp~100 'rise.Storas;e Unk;·material Gl a ss 'lined ;upxily e ;f gal lons. Gas service:0 ut ilit)'compa'-l)';0 liq .pe t :g ;a l;0 other Gas piping :0 cooking;0 house halin!. Footin g:dr;ain.eo nneaed lQo:0 s\Orm sewer;0 lOlDi tu)'s<:.wr;0 dry w ell .Swnp PumP;ma ke ;and m od c:1_,..-_ _______~_;c.;ar~city :cr~h&rses i nto ~_ eon,""_ o S loke,:bo pper fM 0 ;bi n refll.0 o Spxe healer;0 ftooe r Um;a";0 w all h;aler.Inpul Btuh.•output Bluh .;Ilumber u nit._ M ake .modd Addition;al in fOl'Tl\,\I;o n ::-;-__-:_,-_ Con lroh:nu.ke ...nd c y~HoneY\1e ll -T498-A ln di vjd ual NOm t hermos ta ts A ddilion.l.l in ro nn.il.oon;-;:;O..:-;;;;:-;;::lI:;;;;;;::;C];;;:;;:============:::;-:;;;;~:;:;;;;::========F uel:0 Cool ;0 oil;0 gUj 0 liq.~(.p s;.dearie;0 oche,•storage:c.ap;acity A d(!jt iolL),1 b fo rmalion :-:~~~__-:~~_ Fi,ing:cquiprne nl fumished Jcpar.ud y:0 Gas burne r,eonv~ion Iype. Oil burn er :0 press uee ato miling ;0 vaporizin g _ M ake a nd mood _ 23 .HEATING,o Hoc w ;ater.0 Stc:.sm .0 Va po,.0 One-pipe s)'$lttr'l .0 _T wo-pipe system .o R..:a di:aton.0 Con v~ton.0 E.ue ~rd rotdi.ation.M.l.1ce and MOd el _ Rad i.:ul l pane':0 800#';0 W);!;0 (ril ing .P:a=l cO.l;m&lcri.ll _o Cin:u4_.0 ~um pulTlP.M ...ke and model ;c.apac:i tJ'<pm . Boile r.nlake a.nd ,_model 0utp:J1 BNh.;n et rat inl Club . A ddil>on.al in btm..atm :-Or;;;;;;:-T;;~;_;;;;;:;;-:==============================:::W.arm a i,:0 G r....,i lj·;0 Forc«i.T i'~of s YS I:m Duc l nu leri ~:s •.:pply ;return 'ns u1.J.:ion ,rbickn nJ ____0 Outsid::.ir i n ~k e. Ful"n.l.oU ;rruk.c:and DodoI I n pul ~uh .;outpul ..... Addition.al i llrcrm.alion:__-:::-.,-:--:-:__-:-_-:_ Andi:iolli1.1 in fc rmal;on :--;;:-::c:;:-:::-:::,----,----,-,---;-:--;;:-::-:---;;;;;;----...,---:;.....;:;-::;--,-- t !C"C lnc ~e.l.l i ng ~}S l e m:t ype Ba s eboard In pul 1t>,.ZoD W;Hts :<]2 4 0 '·oln ;~I PU I "3~Be z &uh . A<ltlilional ;r.,fo nn al;on:Ber ko Se c i eS \'elltil,uing c:q u :pmcnt:a nie un.."oI l.C-aRd mod el 0 l oma nco l omanco o l 2 00'):u ?¥i l~1290 e &n. Kitch ",Ul,.MI f..n .mAke aod rnod d SWan SOn ?lOO Duc te.d W/M46C-IOOO-2 Hum dls Sat O:t-....r hC'.:.tj ~."(III ;1.ui"lI _o r COOl itl l equ lpmenl Jl 13a.th Fan Range ~las te r r~S6 2 60 eH1 Bat»,;;z- O £iJ th tan li te Unit Au:re't'7002 70 en1 Ba tjl~_C?Ut il itv Fan lite Heat Unit Au bre 'l 7 '1JJ ]1)C '24 .flECTiUC W IRING: s.:-",io.e:0 o.,uh ..3d:0 u.ndr."VOUn.:t Pa nel :0 ruse b(:.lIj •e ircWI ·bru.lter:nu.k~Brvan t A.~tP"s ;z..00 No.~i rcui tl ~l ~ \.....n.,~:0 CG lldu 'l :0 u m Ol"cd ubit'o •n l)f'l mel ..llic ub1 ~;0 "!lOb ;u,J IUbt';•Coop er Se rv 1 ce Wl r e •1 n . ~V-"""'I d ..":•,;a o!~:.w;a11M'h ...l:,r ;•~·I'i'!:sher -dryer .di sht.,asher a dispos al Bsmt.Sub Panel ~110 .,,1 11 _•r.t\imn.Pu,h.bwll Ofl loc a.i()ll.Fro nt ,.Rear A d d.lion,»il..rorrn3Iion :~14.P.Ou tl et _Smoke Detector DF ireplace Spots o T.V.Ou tl et .CoDPe r Sub Pan el Stu b Toos'al!ow ance for fi>l lures.In >i Ca.\inJla.II.1 :'O'l.$_/5"T ,....I n '~:nl>t'r of fi >t lu rn _-,-~__ :,\o nIYr-H ul ln u;,t.ll a.lion _ A dd 'lion31 i nforma.lion : LIGHTING FlxruRES:2 5. EB B3 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL S I NTERSTA TE LOG NO:2'"2 0 s: DESCRIPTION 0,MAT ERIA LS . LOC."T IO~T IIIC ....1.loI M ................T."-.......~h .........("">T~u..o.TIO".VAI'Ot.~...~;U-K(.,r (:<-ili"'!I:el "ul ose R 4oBl o\'m Non e \,'",11 •Fiberq la ss R,9 Blanket S tanled Kra ft Paper f1~•Fibera lass RI9B lanket Sta oled Kraft Pane r . 26.IN SULAtiON' '27.MISaLlANEOUS:(Descri be 0"1 moin d_!fing m a '~rio'J..eq....ipm ent.o r conshvc tio n ile,.,s nOl ,how"rbewhw.;o r U'$lI'to p ro";&' additional i"rormotiOtl wh.t.t h•.lpl7eft provid 8d WOJ.illod'eqllot e.""""'01 'r ef,,'t!'<j b y iI.•sm rt'ilJJb .r fa corrt'Jpotld '0 ,.umbering usedo"this lorm.)House bu i l t and moved 1 0 sectI ons per I-HH su l e t i n #qb l . 'OOroD Ceil ing in Kitchen Al"ea wt th Recessed Li~ht inq .D BNmed Ceil inq __~.Vaulted Ce iling ,,..,.P '/III N~"4.,LeV in.RpeM..IW p·E N ULy D Wainscot Ha lls •Cu ltured MarbleHindow Sills _~I!f Cera mi cSoap &Grab ina 11 Tubs &ShowersoAccentHalls- _____£I Orywall Cabi net Soff it i n Kitchen HAR:DWA~~(",ok••maleriol,OfIa Mi slt.)Heiser Bronze -Exterior Do ors to have Deadlock ing latch GFe-"200 ~la sher Gene ra l Elect ric Dishwas her .Ge neral Elec tric Disposa loGeneralElectricAutomatic 5Pl::CIAl EQUIPMfNT:IStale maferiaJ Of'm o ,!,:tt.m oottJ and q uontify.Indud.only eq..,ipment a nd aPp liance.which c r.accept. o bl9 by 'oco''ow,cu.sfom a nd a pplicable FHA stanaorOs .Do not incllld.items which,by e stablish ed eUJ'o,".ore lupplie<J b,. occu pant and r.moyltd when h.yecol.,pre",i,.,or chattJ ••prohi bited by tow from b.comi"9 r&clty.}_ J:Ge ne ral Elect ric Kitchen Rap.qe ;[Mp ..2.{, o Ge nera l Electr ic Refr igerator o Genera lEl e ctri c Dryer PORCHES: O Freestandi ng Shed 'x D Unde r DStorage D Atta ched O Ga ra qeoCarport ALL SPE CS PE RTAINING TO GARAG E OR CARPO RT TO BE SAME AS HOUSE...D Fact ory DS i nqle D Double O At t ached GA RAGE S : W ALKS AND D RIVEWAYS, O ri_.IY:....idt h :bJlM'mal crial ;t h id ~."';surt'acinl ~terial ;d tlclnna_" Fro M wal k:""tcf!h ;ma lni.1 ;Ihkknn.__".Sc-nke .....Ik:widlh :m al...uJ.:d ud __.. Sl epl :m.l.1nV-f ;Ircaw "';risen ".~k """,II._ O THia ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS , (SfHrin all rdrri.r .III;t,;"'1-__,,11 1M'I ,,,,iJr4 r~uJttrr.;wli.Ji"l it tlNlllUl II'."Id ...1 "uin,.J .a;rutl'Ilrwt••r•••tftl;ni"'t ",-oat:",f,na,,a iti",., fUl t1a«r1l4 7·,rwh ..et.] ____E'e~Irtt'I.'••'.B &.B: ____E....:rgrccn .hn.;b .'to '.B &;B. ____V i",....2'yral _ ,...-.... LANDSCAPiNG,PLANTING.AND FtNlS H G itAD .....O: ·T opte4I __"th ick :0 (ron l )'ud :0 .K!e yards ;0 1'Q.r yard t o ~;-;:;-;-::===-.':~:·'~":h i t'd moam buildin g . La ..nl l!"~,wJt4,,.,J?'C ,J):0 rr(lnt yar\!:0 'idc l",rd.;0 ",~r yanJ _ Pta~li n~0 .a ,.pt'Cifif'd ,nd ,ho ...n 001 c!ra ...ing,:0 .&.rullo....· ___S h.tJ e I,.,..,.deo:iduo"......~&pl'r. ___l.ow ll_rrir.g I.('ft.d~duous.•1",__• ___I H!th.grow;n8 .It.ubs.ckociduou.._'I",_. ___MN i",ul1.growin:J;.hrub..,.1«iJ ...o .·•••'" Lo......l r"'win~.hr ...ln.d ecid .......,..•It) I O:.I'i ""lI .:::;.o.Tl O.".·11:i,c..ltib.1 .h..ill be id ~nli l\ed by t h e ,i ~;u re of :!:e b lJildcr.or ~__, ~w o..;.1 ~!'l.e (itae of :l.pFli~lion. O~:e _Sioptil:ul"C'_ S.l{f\.1/11f C'O ....:..__--=._ ~HA ror-m :::"i!. ,IVA For:l'\:':',i-1852 INTE RSTA TE FILE NO .:AC -f3F - ( INTERSmeLOG I 110.:_"----_~_ • CE I LINGS ~------0 R .J:?.6 2 •r~·.-:0 .'}C o "- .. 1.6 2 1 .40 1.00 YiAh.lli {1 R ·"c n -13 II R-19 W IN DOWS -----rr.l rmo .12 .63 .Uo'li H"d '11.43 DOORS Tl"jr.'l --7 .39 /Vt2tal CI;.d ·1.:52 PatIO _12 .72 W:;;x:.ld ·49 .81 A REA Sq .ft . 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