HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 16 LEGAL,ltuL D~[1c/)n'lR.-I /t>-r /(p I h/ocJc Pi Project Name:GLENN REROOF Project Description: REROOF Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co .u5 DRB Number:DRB040505 OWNER GLENN,JOANNE D. 2389 CHAMONIX LN VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: APPLICANT GLENN,JOANNE D. 2389 CHAMONIX LN VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: Project Address:2389 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2389 CHAMONIX LN 09/17/2004 Phone: 09/17/2004 Phone: Location: Legal Description:Lot:16Block:ASubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE AL1 Parcel Number:210311401015 Comments:SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:09/17/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans maybe made withoutthewritten consent ofTownof Vail staffand/orthe appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute apermitfor building.Please consultwith Townof Vail Building personnel priorto construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become validfor20 days following thedateof approval. Cond:202 . Approval ofthisproject shall lapse and become voidone(1)yearfollowing thedate offinal approval,unless a building permitis issued and construction is commenced andisdiligently pursued toward completion . Planner:Joe Suther ORBFeePaid:$20.00 I•,. M inor Ex terior Alterations Application for Design Rev'OF VAll .DepartmentofCommunity Developmen t DESIGN REVIEW .75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado /S165'7TAFF APPR OVAL TOWN OF 11AIL ',,'te l:9,70 .479.2139 f~x :970.479.2452 r» V/l ..web:www.vallgov.c0 i1.C:-r~(?'0 C/ General I nformation:·~=~&Q Allprojectsrequir ing designreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmitting a bJilding perm it applicatio .Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfor .theparticularapproval thatis requested .A~'ilpGlica tion for Des ign Revi ew cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformation is receivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department.The project mayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTown Council and/orthe Planning andEnvironmental Commission. Design review a pproval lapses unless a building permit i s issued and constructlon commences within o ne year of the approval. • E-mail Address: $50 NoFee o Minor Alteration (mu lt i-family/commercial) .~Minor Altera tion (single-family/duplex) o Changes toApproved Plans o Separation Request $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee Forconstructionofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. Foranaddit ion wheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercialbuilding(includes250additions &interior conversions). For minor changes tobuildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditlons;landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For minor changes tobuildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For revisions toplansalreadyapproved byPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard. Building Materials Roof Otl:1Qr '"'aILLh:ttctkils- Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand orDeck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material Please spedfythe manufacturer's name,thecolor name andnumberandattachacolorchip. PROPOSED TREES ANDSHRUBS EXISTINGTREES TOBE REMOVED Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Quantity • Minimum Requirements forLandscaping:DeciduousTrees-2"Caliper Coniferous Trees-6'i n height Shrubs-5 Gal. ~Sguare Footage GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOFEROSIONCONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e.retaining walls,fences,swimming poo ls,etc.) 1-7'-1-7'-1 1-7,-1-7,-1 32'-3" 17' 17 ' AREA :617 sqft ill AREA:617 sqft ~I ~~~~I~,i EV E (w/o Gu tter ):1 ---'-';'~-';';'-;';';'-;'~--;';~-~;'~-;';';-";'-~;';-';';'-;';"_.~.;.-;.;._~_......_;.;._...._;.;..._;..._..;-_......_...._........;..~:..:~;:~-""-";';'-;';'-;';"'-"-;';';';'-'-;';'-;':';'-"-»-;';':_':~'_:';'_:':<-';';'_:':<-':';'_:':<-':';'-_:':_<':'-;':':_':':_';':'_:<~'-;':'-:-:::I I 36'-3'I Il"'·xw...."'x,xx""'x,xxx "'''»>'''''/''''''x '''Ev'E ~t;;;e ~lr~·;:'r ·'''''''''"""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,x ,,",,,x''''''''''''''I -- 17 ' 17 ' 33' 11 -----17 ' ~~ I gl li~-@ ~¢::¢:: 0'0'l:+'CIl CIl~~~:j ..-..- 3 3'~l.:J CD C2 j~CD~,L{)L{)!~~«l w W :~WPa::~a::,w ""«~«t ~~~.:. >,?., • ******************.*.****.*************************•••***.*.***********************.*••••*.* TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *******************.****••••*••********************.*.**••••••••********************.******. Statement Number: Payment Method: GLENN R040006690 Amount:$20.00 Check 09/17/200403 :28 PM Init:JS Notation:#1112/JOANNE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040505 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 210311401015 2389 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2389 CHAMONIX LN This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance : $20 .00 $20.00 $0.00 ************••••••••••••••••***•••*•••******•••****••••••••••****.********************•••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmt s 20 .00 r. ProjectName:GlennResidence Project Description: addition ofwall Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci .vail.co.us ORBNumber:DRB030243 OWNER PONSFORD,JOANNE D. 2389CHAMONIXLN VAILCO 81657 License: APPLICANT PONSFORD,JOANNE D. 2389CHAMONIXLN VAILCO 81657 License: Project Address:2389CHAMONIXRDVAIL 06/27/2003 Phone : 06/27/2003 Phone: Location: LegalDescription:Lot:16Block:ASubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 ParcelNumber:210311401015 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/27/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building .Pleaseconsultwith Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:CON0005975 Cond:CON0005976 Thewall must befaced,cappedwithstone,etc,tomatch the existingwallsonsite Planner:AllisonOchs ORBFeePaid:$20.00 ·Jul -Z3 03 12:33p Wm.Hunter Sauss~,Jr PE 970-477-2259 p.1 W.HUNTER SAUSSY JR.PE LLC•_-~._•.'•...••""_•.__'-1---'.._.__• CONSULTlNG ENGINEER STRUCTURAl.•CIVIL-MARINE·FORENSIC _._...................---_......-.-__--__.__.-_---- TownofVail Planning Department Attn .George Ruther Fax 479-2452 Dear Mr.Ruther, Re: July 23,2003 File 03-025 Masonry Fence Addition Residence of Ms.Joanne Glenn 2389 Chamonix Lane Vail,Colorado in responce toour telephone conversation,please permit meto offer the following in regards to the drawingfor construction of Ms .Glenn's fence dated 6-28-03. TheCMUwallshowninthe drawing waslimitedto4'0"to comply with the opportunity for an early schedule of construction .The to extend itto6"A"was expressed byMs .Glenn but to initiate the earliest improvement consistent with local regulations,it was limited to4'0", Thisreinf.CMU fence canbe extended to6'0"by addition of extensions tothe vertical re-bars by drilling10"minintothe center of the presently reinforced cell,setting the bars in epoxy adhesive and continuing thewall upward 24".The cell containing the extended bars shallbefilledsolidwith concrete orgrout. Thetop course should have thecrosswalls notched 3"+/_deep anda horizontal bar added asa bondbeam.The top course should then befilledwith concrete or grout.Laphorz.Bar 24"at splices andbend90 degrees at corners. Asolid timber packing shouldbe fitted and secured between the stair stringer andthewall for additional stability. This fence wallisnot designed as a retaining wall,however as described in our telephone conversation,some address will eventually be needed tothe timber retaining wall inside to improve it's capacity.Thiscanbe accommodated by converting the6'masonry wallto provide lateral restraint bythe addition of metal tiebacks thru the CMUwall inside the stone facing ,eventually tobe added. and thevoid between the timber wallandtheCMU fence filledwith grout 2I~L'I S(Y'Sired (31405) P.O.(}ox 14643 ~'lV."nah.C"wp.ia 31406 1'11"'11":rJIJJ :.l~...'11 NI Fax:(9JJ)112.JJ1J,~ hsllU."~)"""3OUllr.ner DESIGN INVESTIGA TlONS '. REPORTS W.HUNTER SAUSSY,JR.PE LLC P.O.BOX355 VAIL .COLORADO 81658 Ju123 03 12:34p Wm.Huneer Sauss~,Jr PE 970 -477-2259 p.2 C/oA.U IS"f"bt...l e.F=et-ol C,N6 .lOn--.Z3&q t:H6Mot.J\X-~VAJJ..-_~'_ !:HII IN\.I ••••.••••1 .01 ••.\ (;Al(;UlAil UIlY \AJ'-;~OI\TC.<:i?'2 e.e;:;e..._. CHlCl(tOI'Y _______OIlTl _ cz~M c>.J ~e}(,.l ~J""c" '1"'1 M~"~A'- ""lb£-. i , g,"C:MLA 'oIVJ~~ec::vI---P~~~:Jl:NI~;)'!!~_-O ,:'(\..-""" e6Q:"T).4 e.'L\~,.I~ v..J I a.e.l">.6oeiOtlll!g -.'~.\•I -•~ T-(P\CAL ~E.CTION •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Commu nity Development 75South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cl.vail.co.us Project Name:GlennResidence ProjectDescription: addition of wall Participants: DRB Number:DRB030243 OWNER PONSFORD,JOANNED. 2389 CHAMONIXLN VAILCO 81657 License: APPUCANT PONSFORD,JOANNED. 2389CHAMONIXLN VAIL CO 81657 License : ProjectAddress:2389CHAMONIXRDVAIL 06/27/2003 Phone : 06/27/2003 Phone: Location: LegalDescription:Lot:16Block:ASubdivision:VAILDASSCHONEFIL1 ParcelNumber:210311401015 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:06/27/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangesto these plans may be made w ithout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute apenmit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:CON0005975 Cond:CON0005976 Thewall must befaced,capped with stone,etc,to match the existing wallsonsite Cond:CON0005977 THISISNOTARETAININGWALL.IT ISNOTALLOWEDTOBEOVER4FTINHEIGHT. Planner:AllisonOchs DRBFeePaid:$20.00 ·'• Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunity Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.d.vail.co.us Description of the R~uest:-F ' General Information: Allprojectsrequ iring designreviewmustreceiveapprovalprior to submittingabuilding permit application.Please refertothesubmittal requirements forthe particular approval that isrequested.An applicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalso needtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Owner(s)Signature(s 'f...-.,.;....:.:....:.::....:.=--=:::::::,;!S.:::::...:::.boI::.:::l<:3.<Z ..L-------------- Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:0C3 rrl C Ii A mo IJ I''I... Location of the Proposal:Lot:~BIOCk:Subdivision:t.!&L DA 5Se-k"U£ Physical Address:cQ3g9 cll!il77at/!'J.UIJE Parcel No.:)..()(Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Pre I'ovtteV -s ~c..otV ..IJ<'tlCt Name(s)of Owner(s):r 44 0n e <GleJ Mailing Address:;;r3K Cf C l-l ~m(JfV l't--LtJ 17 0 -47b-~'rS= E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) ~Alteration (single-family/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o Separation Request $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee £lJ.!a $1.00persquarefootoftotalsign area. Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commerdal bUilding (indudes 250 additions&interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe Design ReviewBoard. For Office Use Only: FeePaid:CheckNo.:By:_ ApplicationDate:DRB No.:~......mS1{0------ Planner:ProjectNo.:--l.~<-.,L.-..:...::.mz.uc._ .".•C \!\<\?-e ~ S DCA..U'J"'€-Go.\QJ"~ d-J &~Gl 'c~~o ~v, 4 l " _c:.;:> I \-:: \(p.,.,}~""";I+- d. = -\ f -, ~o \ I i .r- 'I'=" •-= N 1 \'1\1/. ! I - -. c---- O.gn ReviewAction FoA TOWN OF VAIL Date ~A.t1.1\f ~>lLP--------'---­ {m p~CYf V\At1 A 50 Category Number_-,-----_ ProjectName :G I ~V1 n-S4't.:::C==-----..L.l...:...J..-¥~~:.L..lC.\O.!l~~.;;J;!L _ Building Name :_ Project Desc ription:-----de VVJ (),J..e c \?-- (0 ·d:-=S=------_ Owner ,Add ress andPhone :\.j~n 'CI!/G \..e V\a Architect/Contact,Address andPhone:L.o-r (""loA Toto'"S S I 2..'3et'{~l5Y\\J( \}CM.1 W BI 14 S .-:r \ LegalDescription :Lot -l--k-BIOCk +Subdivision V ~i l \)v..OS S:JI\,(5}I\,R #ZoneDistrict £\.s- ProjectStreetAddress:2.--3?4 C1'/-~..l.JCt,llA.L\'Y).J-..llO...un...l.\~'f,f,.~--------------- Comments :_ Motion by:_Vote:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval o Disapproval ~aff A Pp rov a l Conditions:_ !AA1Arffirv t!"bkrf-tnv__ Town Planner Date:1·-t~!IJ\..(..~L-Y~_DRBFeePre-pa id ~'Z--D fd . ••rovised 9/17/94 DATE RECEIVED:I. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VA,IL,;COLORADO ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE DATE ********** 1.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION:Demo and do not replace eastern!of existing dprk Replace load bearing 4x4 wood posts nnder remaining portioo of deck Apply cultured stooe facade to existing B. concrete retaining wall beaneath deck Beneath deck install patio floor consisting of CeramiC tile o"er concrete pad Replace existing deck railing with new railing. TYPEOFREVIEW: ____New Construction ($200.00)~Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addi tion ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS:2389 Cbamooix Lane ,Va i 1 D.LEGALDES CRIPTION:Lot 16 Block ~A _ Subdi visi on VAIT.DAS SCHONE FIT.ING A, If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E.ZONING:Primary Secondary Joanne Glenn 2389 Chamonix T.aop Phone (970)479-0441 NAME OF APPLICANT :_..::::..:==:::::-==~_ Ma i 1 i ng Ad dr css:-J:.-"-'OL.:2--'--'.L.CI.JUJ.U.J..L.L..!>-....L.I.C1.U-l=--_ "ail,ColoragO F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Larry T.Topliss Mailing Address:2389 Chamoni x Lane Vail,Colorado~81657 Phone (970)479 9972 81657Vail,Colorado23~Chamonix LaneMai1ingAddress:_ N~1E OFOWNER(S): OWNER(S)SIGNATURE: H. Phone (970)479 0441 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of s ubmitLal of the DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the tabl e below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:$2-D.00 CHECK #:1(0 0 DATE:(p (-11:_~BY~:~S VALUATION FEESCHEDULE: $0 $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over $10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1.000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONEYEARAFTER FINAL APPROVALUNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 •LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:2389 Chamonix Lane LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT~BLOCK -A-- STREETADDRESS:2389 Chamonix Lane Deck remodel SUBDIVISION VAIL DAS SCHONE Filing 1 The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIAL S: Roof Siding TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other CULTURED STONE I&ld7fu-'-'V1=u _ cJtVt-~11/-fu DECORATIVE WOOD -fY'rt~f'J/lf;.Vis "i1$nS B .LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer : Phone: 7 ••PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical NameCommonName Quantity Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS N/A *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL N/A N/A N/A N/A Square Footage C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan .Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade,type of light proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture .(Section 18.54.050 J) N/A D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,ctc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. N/A 8 •Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Res idence,Duplex, ZO NE DISTRICTS •Primary/Secondary DATE:indY 3 0,/99 b BUILDABLE LOT AREA J £83 .r ..... Subdivision V UCUSC 4d"1f #-( PHONE @zo)if]{.,0$"2-, PHONE _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I f::,Block.El- ADDRESS::23...B!t 0m!~l.O jd ~1.N 1119/...... OWNER lm1N /IJC GLiZ NAJ ' ARCHITECT -.L.IJ~O.:.:IJ~C=:..-_ ZONE DISTRICT ~p~/~SL-___ PROPOSED USE _R=~~JL-__ LOT SIZE 9 9r]\S->-- Allowed Existing P roposed Total Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se tbacks Front S ides Rear (30)(33) +425 =_ +425 =-------- 20' 15' 15' 1.10 CfftlRlfrt No CJlrlNbt }JO CIff1Nf,£ lJiJ (J{/tNk :;..0 ( Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' Parking ~Reqrd _O_Encl Garage Credit (300)(600)(900)(1200)---,00.<.-_ %Permitted Slope _--=-%_Proposed Slope _---"_Drive: Complies with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes NO Water Course Setback (30)(50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES_NO ;X Environmental/Hazards:1 )Flood Plain N /A 2)Percen t Slope «>30%)N~/A _ 3 )Geologic Hazards a)Snow Ava l anche N/rt b)Rockfall '-N---';If!~,f-!..'-'------- c)Debris Flow __--!.N.IL,/c.:.,q.~_ 4)We t Lands ..!.N.Y..Llfl~-_ View Corridor Encroachment:Yes_...No X ? Does this request involve a 250 Addition?AJ O How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?/J I lt Previous conditions of approval (check property file):~~~h~n _ 10 •• OWNER:JOANNEGLENN LO CATION :2389 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL ,CO PROPERlY:VAILDASSCHONE,FILING1,BLOCK A,LOT16 PROPOSED WORK :REMODELOFDETERIORATED EXTERIORDECK DESCRIPTION OF S COPE OF WORK: 1)Demoanddonotreplaceeastern1/2 of ExistingDeck 2)Replaceloadbearing4x4woodpostsunder remaining portion of deck 3)Applyculturedstonefacadetoexisting concreteretainingwallbeneathdeck 4)Beneathdeck,install patiofloorconsisting of ceramictileoverconcretepad 5)Replaceexistingdeck railing withnew railing A DD J7lON TOBUILDA BLE ARAA:NONE ADDITION TOGRFA :N,ONE .' • • N SITE PLAN SCALE :1/20"=1'-0 " Owner:JOANNEGLENN Location:2389 CHAMONIX LN.,VAIL Property:V.DASSCHONE fl,BLK A,LOT 16 23 89 CHAMO NI X L ANE ,VA IL V AIL DA S S HONE,FILIN G1,BLK'A,LOT 16 LOT AR EA:99 17.55SQ.F T. LOT PERI METER:4 14.3 4 LI N.FT. ~<v 'vi?' :;;.\- 0' (.;:'?''*' .J _.__';:"1,>';><6 ,:7'-',""',,::<,-;......." E .....:ST ~~n:;·..l ".:ef~~y,?v E.C owner.JOANNE GLEt-lt-l Location:2389 cHAMON!X Ll'l ."All (EX ISTING)SOUTHEAST PERS PECT IVE~---~..__._------------ NO Sc"'lf ~~"",~,",,,,",,,"""~ \....'_n'"W ee ....",= \ \ \ \ ~Yl--r~~~~= .1 <,·,r~~\~~~ Owner:JOANNE GLENN Location:2389 CHAMONIX LN.,VAIL \(NE JIIl)RAIL!NcS \ .\ L-(N EiAI)L .a.POSTS (PRO'POS~Q)SOUTHEAST PERSP ECTI'v'E NO SCAL E (E X/ST INCS )CO Ne .01A LLs III rr / ne r:JOANNE GLENN at lon:2389 CHAMONIX LN.,VAIL 21I0~IZ .4 X4 MEMBERS (SROHN) iperty:V .DAS SCHONE #1,BLK A,LO T 16 ~x-4>'\rJOOD POSTS @1:2"O .G.(BR OJAlN)AX.VERT.DECORATIVE PI G KETS (BRO JAlN ) 2 X8 JAl OOD F A SC IA ., il 1\ I P r\ ,I I I 'I V 6 /<6 P OST ~DO"- §§ t-~8mDDD ~Cfof)tI'd~9!J}:!t!lj°C:aDor;G~I I~r;;r:AD<J Uf--)0 Q;aOob~O O 0t~aOC:l~/J-f;l(;jFA<;~r~D Cf1/?d (c.DaQ<JfZOr'/r 'l~r ,~I ~-, Ow Loc Pro .X4JAI (NO T E N • <, 'L XIS TI NG)CONG S T E PS ~IM '7 .A.TION STONE (EART H TON ES ) /SOUT[~ELf"l A T ~ON (ONL Y PROPOSED CHAN GES SHOWN) SCALE:1/4"=1'_0" -.-. (E:XISTIN G)0 .'<8 T I ~B::R -- RE TA IN ING riALLS (EXISTING) EARTH FLOWER GARDEN I I (NE v-l)6 X6 !"lOOD P OSTS (EX ISTINcSr )6"e.O Ne.. \F O UNDATI ON Y'lALL ~(E XISTING)e.ONe..S TE PS Location:2389 CHAMONIX LN.,VAIL Property:V .DAS SCHONE #1,BLK A,LOT 16 (EXISTINcSr)e xe TIMBER ---.. R ET AI N ING V'l ALLS lSi DWELLING INTERIOR (NE!"V e.ERAtvtle.T ILE ON B "GONe..S LAB @ EXISTINcSr G RADE (NE!"V 4X4 !"lOOD LOAD-BE ARING P~ POSTS @ 48"O .e.. \(EXISTING)40"HIGH e.ONC.RETAIN ING !"lALL (<1 "T HIC K) (EXIS T ING)G ONG .!"lALLS L L L LL LL L L ~L L L L L L L LL L L L L 'L L LLL LLLLL LLL LLL L L L LL L LLL L LLL LL LL LL I II I I L LLL LL L L L LL LL LL L LL L PATIO L LLLLLLL L LL LL LLL LLL~~~~~L L L L L L L L L ' LL LL LLL LLL L L LL L L L LLLL LL L I ?~ L L LLL LL LLLL L L LL LLL LL LL L I \\21 1-6 "',Jf \\c I I ~\\2 11-6 "'....ul () .'r- ((NE!"V 20 "HlcSr H GONG .RETAININcSr V'lALL (4"TH Ie.K) • • I ::t ~)bX6 iI'IOO D POST FLOO R PL AN (ON LY PROPOSED CH ANGESSH OWN) SCAL E:1/4"=1'-0" Owner:JOANNE GLENN Location:2389 CHAMONIX LN.,V AIL Property:V.DAS SCHONE #1,BLK A,LOT 16 • •HORIZ.4X4 MEMBERS (BROJl'lN) 3 /8"D IA.SOLTS (TY'lO EACH P OST) 2 X8 Y'lO OD FASC IA (BROJAlN) 2 X6 OVER 4 X4 HEADE RS (SROV'lN) IM ITATiON S TONE (EARTH TO NES) F ELT MEMBRANE SE PARATI N6 ALL CONCRETE AND JAl00D SURF ACES 2 X6 JI'lOOD HANDRAIL (B ROJI'lN) 4 X4 JI'lO OD POSTS @j2 "O .C.(B ROJI'lN) IXV VERT.D ECORAT IVE PICKETS (B R O V'JN) .!-I (NEil'!)3 /4 "P L YJI'lOOD 1\ \L (EXISTI NG)2X6 .jOISTS L (NEJI'l)1/2 PL YJAl OOD 4 X4 JI'lO OD L OAD -BEAR ING POSTS @48"o .e (BRO JAl N) HORIZ .4X4 JI'lOOD (SROJI'lN ) _____2X8 JI'lOOD S IL L (BRO Jl'lN) -C.ERAMIC T ILE -3"CONe S L AB O VER C O MPA CTED E A RTH (E XISTIN6 6RAPE) (EXIS TING)'1"TH iCK CONC .v-iALL JI'I!115 REINFORCIN G STEEL Df T PdL SCALE :1/4 "=1'_0" •• ---~-....-------.--_._.'-.'---,-- ~I TOWN OF VAIL IRECEIPT xo .~ ~A.'IE (JAVY~To ~)\s S D EPARTh IE."OF Cml~I L':\Tn'DE\"ELOPMEl'T ~ '.~ 1ft ~ ~U ,~,~I ADDRESS DATE ~P ROJECT 15 ········~·~:;,·~O:;,:~:'~=1~..r:ACCOtJ:\T!'O.---...-..,-.-'.---..-,-....".'.'-··nDl "··"-~--t-.. ~ I:l 0 1000041540 ZONINGAN D A DDRESS MAPS 1m 0100 0042415 I U NIFORM BUILDING C ODE $5 4.00 •:5 01 000042415 UN lFOR..\1 PLUMBINGCO DE 5 39.00 •001 01 0000 42415 UN IFOR.\1 MECHANI CAL CODE 5 37.00 • 01 00004241 5 UNIFORM F IRE C ODE 5 36 .00 • ~(11 0000 42 415 NATI ONAL ELECTRJCAL COD E 53 7.00 • ~01 00004 2415 OT HERCO DE BOOKS •~ I,ii;0 1 000041 548 B LUE PRlN TS (MY LARS)5 7.00 •.11=0 1000042412 XE ROXCO PIES 50 .25 • I 0100004 2412 STUDIES •~ 01000 0424 12 I TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM 55 .00 •1i'l ~01 000042371 PENALTYFEES I RE-INSPECTIONS ~ I;::0 1 000041332 PLANRE VIEw RE·CHECKF EE [S40P ER HR.]~ ~01 0000 4233 2 O FFHO URSINS PECTIONFEES ~ 1"-"01 00004141 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ~ ~010000 41 413 SIGNAPP LICA nON FEE S20 .00 wi~01 00004 1413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGEFEE 151.00PER S().H.I ~-I VTC A RT PRO JECTDO NA TIO N ~ (OS:0 1 00004 1331 )PREPAID DESIGNRE VIEWBO ARDFE E 7.0 .UT)~ ~VI uvvv 4:!~71 INVESTI GATION FEE (BUILDING)EO~31000 04 5110 TO V PARKING FUND ~ E 0 1 0000 2202 7 TO V NEWSPAPER DI SPENSERF UND .' ;;:*0 I00 00 21112 T AXABLE ra;4 .S J(;(STAT E ) ~*01000041 010 TA..'XABLE (Q)4 .0%(TOWN)~ -='0 1000042371 BU ILDINGINVESTIG ATIO N ~ ~OTHE R r.;o ~····....1~.01 000041330 rt.c APrLlcAuuN .H ..t.S .....".,.••.,•.·;·:..:.·...··~_..~,..:_·.•c',·.·.'...... A DDITIONAL G RFA "250·$200.00 ;i:01000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PEIUillT 5200.00 S 010000 4 1330 EX TERIOR A LTERATION[LESS THAN 100SO .FT.]5200.00 ~0 1000041330 IEX TERJORA LTERATION[MO RET HAN100SO .FT.]55 00 .00 :;, t:::'0 1 0000 41330 SP tUAL DEVELU P:-'ltN T DIS T RICT IN t.W I 51 ,;'00 .00 -,. ~0100004 1330 SPEC IAL D EVELOP MENT DIS TRICT Il>WOR AMEND!SI ,OOO.OO §0 1 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEV ELOPMENTD ISTRICT fMINOR AMEND]S200.00 I-~0 1 0000 4 1330 SUBDI VISION ~ 8:01 0000413 30VARIANCE 5250.00 ; I¥.01 000041330 ZONING CODE AMENDME NTS 5250.00 =II'E 01000041330 RE-ZONING 5200.00 ~OTHER I;fl OTHER TOT'''""<n '<mlI,,-~~·t:/fl £11A1 ~/)fZ ~". ~i I E CASH I )CK .•J 00 lH.OU REC.BY·Lw I .........-..._._.._.----'.-.. • TOlo..lN OF I~J R I L • r'iiscellaneous Cash 12:12:11 J ..., 0.f /' PecEit=,t "#:::c"::::ec Rccoun t #CK ott.l'::.~i lRPF'/TeFLI ~::>'.F'PEP~~I [;DF~[:FCE Hmc'_oj 11 ~.ende I ed I tem paid THRNl-<: Hwoun .paid ··.··OIJ TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLET ELYPRIO RTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT I TYPEOF PERM IT OOC BUILDING 0 PLUMBIN GoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION o M ECHANICAL 2~9 CHAMONIX L ANE I.::GAL LO T 16 BLK A VAIL DAS SCHO NE 11 1 ESC.FILING JOBNAM E:GLENNDECK OWNER NA ME J OANN GL ~~N 2 3 89 CHAMONIXLNMAILADDRESS VAIL 47 9-0538CITYPH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDR ESS CITY PH . FIRMJOANN GLENN GE NERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL RE G.NO.157-L TELE .479-0538 FI RM LECTRICAL CO NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBIN G TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TEL E. FIR M ME CHANICAL CONTRA CTOR TOW N OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL RE G.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . N OTE-COPY OF PERMITT OBEK EPTON JOBS I T ~• DATE IN ON OCT 6 1 992 :5'~~~~,~PERMITNO . t .TYP EOFCONSTRUCTION I II III I VV 2 OC CUPAN CYGROUP A BEHIRM BU ILDING 1,000 DI VI SI ON z ELECT RIC AL122a3452 GEN ERAL DE SCR IPTION OF WORK :l- e(PL UMB ING REMOVE OLD WOOD WALL-REPLACEWITH ::> ..J e( CEMENT WALL-EEMENT KRNM FLOOR FOR >ME CHA NICAL DICK. TYP E GROUP G.R F.AVALUA TION PERMITFEES V R-3 0 1,000 BU ILDI NG PERMI T 35 'IS PLA NCHE CK 23 ~~ELE CTRI CAL ?I ~ NEW()AL TERATIONXXX AD DITI ONA L()RE PAIR()PLUM BING DWEL LING U N I TS __ACCOMMODATIONU N I TS __ME CHANI CAL H EIG H T IN FT __NO .FIREPL AC ES --RE CRE ATIO NFEE INSULATION:l YPE T H ICKNE SS R-VA LLUE DE SIGN REVIEWBOARDcwo"~J NEC]1\"tLEAN.UP DEPOsif gz USE TAX ~EXT.WA L L ~ $;?ROOF 50OWNER/BLDG L IC FEE "'it:. TYPE ELEC .GA S TOTALPERM IT FEES $108 1.94OF SO L AR WOOD 19:~HE AT DANSTANEK OC T 7, ADDIT IONAL PERMI TS NE EDE D:BUILD INGOFFICIAL ------DATE ----- x .':!-INITIAL J IM CURNBT TE OCT 6,1992 X 1---------------ST .CUT ~ON IN G ADM INISTR ATOR DATE -----'-, B LA STIN G X ZONING &BUILDING NO TES:CONCRETE RETAI NING PARK ING X WALLS MOST RECEIVE FLAGSTONE FA CING. DEMO X I h ereby ac kn owledget hatIhav ere ad this ap pli cati on,filled out in full the information re quired , completedan accurat e p lot p lan ,an d st ate that all the informatio;p rovided S requi redi sco r rect.I ag reetoc omply witht he info rmati on an dp lot plan ,to co mpl y ~~II To ord i nances and st ateI,~.and '0 bu ild th is ","01'"acco rdinq 10 Ihe o wn ~and d ivision code s ,d e,190 r eviewa pp roved ,Un if orm Bu ildingC ode a nd othe ordina~ce_,th e o wn a pplicableth e re to . S I G N AT~;pW1 E R OR CONT RACTO R FOR HIMSELF AND THE R. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT • • ~O PLANSNOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE TN ON Of""6,1992 005765PERMITNOo 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 1,000 DIVISION 1 2 2.34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK;~PLUMBING REMOVE OT.n voon WATT _'D111>T II.rT1 WT'l'I'l :J -'<{ CEM ENT WALL -EEKENT DIIIl FLOORFOR >MECHANICAL IlICK. TYPE GROUP GRFA VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 0 1,000 BUILDINGPERMIT 35 PLAN CHECK 23 ~ELECTR ICAL NEW()ALTERATlON l.:X X ADDITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING .' DW ELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATIO N UNIT S __MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACE S --RECREATION FEE INSULATION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD :;2FLOORCLEArrm:-D fPO~ftJ EXT.WALLS "nUl>USETAX r ROOF ~..) OWNER /BLDG LIC FEI 50 --"11!TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES -4., OF $108 SOLAR WOODHEAT DAN STANEK OCT 7,19 9 ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- s.!:!..INITIAL JIM CURNBTTE OCT 6,1992 X ,---------------ST.CUT 70NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:11 JUl.'!'"H1T1I1r. PARKING X toIAT T ~MOC;,.TH'r11 TVF l1T...r.~,.n1l1T1 lPArT1I1r. DEMO X I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided -as required is correct.I aoree to comply with the information ODd plot plan,to 'O~"2f~:-1OWP ordinances ODd state laws,and to build this structure according to th~S n On nd subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and oth ordinance he -6wn applicable thereto. SIGNATUR~fpw EROR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF ANDTHE0 NEB. " CONSTRUCTION PERM IT TOBE I[·ED OUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CXJx.BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION o MECHANICAL 2 Q9 CHAMO~IX LANE ~GAL LOT 16 BLK A ,'ESC .FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE #1 JOB NAME :GLENN DECK - OWNER NAME JOANN GLENN MAIL ADDRESS 2389 CHAMONIX LN CITY VAIL PH 479-05J8 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM JOANN GLENN CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.1 57-1. TELE.t.7Q-O';'lA "FIRM LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . --.TELE . FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE . iJ{}- t n9 - PERMITFEES NEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF PERMIT MECHANICAL PLUMBING RECREATIONFEE BUILDING PERMIT ~::<;;:; PLANCHECK '""_..,- ELECTRICAL OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE/1\ WOOD IIIIIIIV V ABEHIRM VALUATIONG.RF.A . DATE ..,. ...L-NO .FIREPLACES ELEC . SOLAR GROUPTYPE 1.TYPEOF CONSlRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y t!. BLASTING ST.CUT DEMO I hereby acknOWledge that Ihaveread this application,filled ou lithe Information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and stale thai allthe Informatio lded as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply If wn ordinances and slate laws ,andto build this slructure according toI'szoan subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Bu ild ing Code and 0 her ordina....'·'··,t Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: PARK ING HEIGIIT INFT . DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __ FLoon '..""...VI I EXT .WALLS '-'V 0".) TYPE OF HEAT ROOF INSULATION:TYPE NEW()ALTERATION()AODITIONAL()REPAIR() PH. PLUMBING ~-' CONSTRUCTION PERM IT fiRM - TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . OTHER ;.;FI.:.;R;;.M _ LEGALLOT __~~~_ DESC.FILING ARCHITECT FIRM ,::f,~A ,•..., CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM ----- CITY MAILAPDRESS PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REGNO . CONTRACTOR TELE. TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERM IT TYPEOFPERMIT .I!f'BUILDINGoELECTRICAL n MECI-\.AI ILADDRESs:z..:: ,MECHANICAL \CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . ,..i/rECTRICAL FIRM \_TRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. • Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes •r •\ NAME:GLENN DECK ADDRESS:2389 CHAMONIX LN. VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY :R1 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V DATE:10/6/92 CONTRACTOR:JOANN GLENN ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C.FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes .The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1)SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.1 210 OF THE 1991 UBC . 2)ANCHOR 4X4POST BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM WITH CODE APPROVED PLATES. P OSTS THAT ARE ROTTED NEED TO BEREPLACED. 3)FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE z ·9'-7:5 JOB NA ME _ CALLER READ YFORI N SPECTION: L OCAT I ON:Z"5 ff1 MO N TUES L"AI'ffA'cJ;IC-/'L / WED T HUR FR I _____A M PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I D .W.V._ o ROUGH I WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ o o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ,.- o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED ~'c:.o.F'PR O V E D 17 -o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .12ff&u4 ./'d d CL.R ~~(t ...£.aL &;c~~.j c:Q<h A(.,.;:2 ''/<4 <'. DATE __....!.---'-'=-_~L INSPECTOR d •.,."..,'I -•"'I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE I 0 (B IS:2---JOB NA ME ---+~:"5"'=-=....l<::.L.-=----"b~bA<"--===--------- C ALLER LOCAT ION :--e~",.I--'~I-----l~-'--''''''-<.'':''''=''''---~''--,.('--bL--t=~-=----------- REA DY FORIN SPECTI ON : c2 ~S q BUILDING:1i1~4=PLUMBING: )(FO O T I NGS /S TEEL o U NDERGROUND J(FOUNDAT I ON /STEEL l qtrr=o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL 151tPPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED(J CORRECT IONS: DA TE ---~-=-'f---''-r-+-'::'''-_-I NSPECTOR •I INS'PECTION R£·QUES\T 1" TOWN OF VAIL . 479-2138 ~A. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC T DA TE ~/;~/9S JOB NAME C;"---7'L.4~;....la"""w,,L.J..L,/21L.t-_~~~~----_ CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:~N TUESWEDTHURFRI LOCATION :C).jZf LAa-m~w - _____AMPM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION ..o POOL /H .TUB .."o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 " "0 0 ~FINAL o FINAL, ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:~o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 P.tJ'NAL o FINAL P¥PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED (()..qORRECTIONS:~ -------,n-' DATE E"'-.:..-~~-----­ I INSPECTOR ...•• APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT (OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence Wall Landscaping Other 211'q f/G ..s -z DATE Ur T (/12 I OWNER OF PROPERTY /f NAME OF APPLICANT __..............g........_~....:....:.;:...:..:~"'-'"'-L.o.ll.-....c;.=~:::.L..__.....:..._ (h z'/'ADDRESS (Please type or print) Inside lot _Corner lot _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT /6 BLOCK.A...-SUBDIVISION W;'L LJA...5 .-.5e-l...eJJE (If necessary,attach description on separate sheet). J DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: f(6e.-F I/V',l.L!/;"h r r'/~~..p tMt"16bi i kh A Attach plans showing encroachment,property line,sidewalks, curbs,intakes,hydrants,meters,manholes,any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned)and section(s)as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist?~~~·o~___ Proposed date for commencement of construction ar ~!q2. In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: 1.That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2.That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3.That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction,in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4.The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail,its officers,employees and agents from and against all liability,claims and demands on account of injury,loss or damage,inclUding without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,personal injury,sickness,disease,death, property loss or damage,or any other loss of any kind Whatsoever,which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit,if such injury,loss,or damage is caused in whole or in part by,or is claimed to be caused in who~.e or in part by,the act,omission,error,professional error, mistake,negligence or other fault of the applicant,his contractor or subcontractor or any Officer,employee or representative of the applicant,his contractor or his subcontractor.The applicant agrees to investigate,handle respond to,and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability,claims,or demands at the sole expense of the applicant.The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto,including court costs and attorney's fees,whether or not any such liability,claims, or demands alleged are groundless,false,or fraudulent. •• , Applicant agrees to procure and maintain,at its own cost,a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims,demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail,its officers,agents and employees from any and all liability, claims,demands,or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage,loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers,agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property,streets, sidewalks,or rights-of-way. 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction,or other structure constitutes a nuisance,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public,constitutes a traffic hazard,or the property upon which the ancroachment,obstruction,or structure exists is required for use by the public;or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the ToWn of Vail. 6.That the applicant will remove,at his expense,the encroachment,obstruction,or structure w~thin ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. 7.That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. 8.That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction,or structure is not accomplished within ten days,the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 9.That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. 10.Special conditions: S'gnature of Pro (If joint owners APPROVED: /eJ -S-7.2-- rty Owner Date ip,both signatures) Director fId~m? Date } ~~ Director ~PubliC Works Date 13~ Date , J •• •• UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION ADDRESS SUBDIVISION ~;L D CA.~ss-:«. U 6A /Z1'l G I ..0 Yl 2J 0 eA~d ll {i, BLOCK fi FILING 1£;/0/t,)'7 JOB NAME -""'-l.~t::L..l:":"-.....I..o~.:::....t U!._..tIf:..--e::~l-L_"::':""=~~~.,o....---f:.~:o....::::.~__ LOT (b The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature (O-$-7? ()~~ -d1~/~ gJ~r:->- D Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Public service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall U .S.West communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty NOTE:T hese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any pUblic right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures. '. .;.,. , I . • .'•r ~..,. .' ..::'-.":" .'.:r ", .', .~~., " • .- ... J.H ~D EK PLftTFGf4l./Sit!!B ~...r'~..._,~IO ~G t: ,, ..," ...,'.. 1 . .I I. I • SNOW 5iORAGE...'AND ROC.!:-f;FLOfJ)ER r-r~£A,. .. .. ."" '. ',.. I . " .J .. "... \.!.~. .,". .. ,; .:I I ' /., " '~"5 G:E1J WITH f::"UJW~R5 /'\ -, "." .' ./:/.~/. ,.. ,;, ., -....~. :.'..:,.:,~.. ..-.-l: '...~•...• .t .-: .~: '.. :.....e , ,... ; .;.....;...;~ •-r.";• ..~. '-'.,.-.-,;"...~.. o"i ~. ...~",: ,-, .. ::.,.r 1 .:,:;i~;·::~~:.~;~~:~}....•• _.'""..s;",,;,"p..-}-....,."',:.:,:,~,.:"'.•.,,}_.....•.~.....-;-:;.~.,...'~_..:.~;-'.~:-:.~~.:'";"-.. :.... -, ". ."; :',. ..:~. ~",' ,. ..-~' ..- _••0."~ .-"~.,.. ..0°•-":• -v,\:..'..'.~:~ '..'~'~:':'....~:.:.-;..... '-:.,:.. ...,.•Project Application = 8(6'57 -L..f7Q -c>L{'1 ( le</U-e I V~;L Co , -::f'"o Q tAl/\.r;.L.e ~I/\. ~3!!e:r c /.,"fl'&j-..>,'K Owne r,A dd ressa ndPh one:_---=-=----'-"--=..0'----':=:..-:::....::..:'-'-"---'=----------'_-=-----'---'--'----_ A rchitect ,Ad dressa ndPhone : Date 04b,/99;;( Pr ojectNa me:JOeYy)f1 r;..Lel/lJ/l f<e:s,;J..e,uc £' Pr oject D escription:~eVl-'\ou-e +,~k-er (-e-lC{;~H;":'7 t.V(;.(((9>t~{:tl'"c:PN-t 01-1a..J/t..J,~y C ontact Personand Phone O~-€VVl5 f(:q t::'F L(7C(-OS ~.8 Sqh-e qs CaoC!Le «..u /.{;B lock A ,Fi ling ...(,Vs,,'((1 c.S c:LC'fJ~,Zone p/S o mments:ql'-"d ~[QC I-U ~-fC-c.opcr.e -Ie ~C(((oS ..v/I-(.Fl Q •!be e.., >bp-e.+-cc9r<:f'cf€:5 ((:(1 tPtu t:J::?td.p~c olNcJ tl.PI1J1J 1i-'9 :t.~+e·;;t ~:;1~Wlr?h F-fo...,;[J,;..,S~{J t:~~'r-dG;~'"u-Iq{{S lOp w:sf s'~-e CS>t.S)~r),~ a~,{)gI 'f~J e(1'..e~r 6c>vcd-e r ~;,v:;J wet-Ie 0,0 ScPr..)+k s ,;J-e as>~ f a f'kt ivc,'"r..ee:t..-, ..J DesignReviewBoard D ate _ Mo tio n by : Sec onded by:_ A PPROVAL DI SAPPROVAL S ummary Q e eM S h<:(S;.CJ-e-ec>P---1 4 a..t-UQr-€..+b+A..Jo 1-.e-lcr;,eJ~ £..ucrGC IV\~Y -eyC...t2.-e.d!"3 (/~.t.-e.tj h+vU:A,.,'r-=>--tbe ;;<0 I ("('alA- yq"ot £~-!-fac.cf-Qf'-eg,(9r G I CIA>Y (..V f...12.f"oR...-e L.s<...C!:>F--+L€-. I • Lev ( ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** PROJECT INFORMATION : A.DEXRIPTION:«",V'--J V--1 ot.c'A ~6b/l C<..."""l 'l!Yl l'/AJ A h b iJ.A C-t .:pi'Y 3 o I X e( .r- cY c1:-Ir eevised 9/4/91 COLORADO ,R EC'O'SEP 2"4 1992' JZ'ld§~~) • DATE APPLICATIONRECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL, r. L/M inor Alteration ($20.00) ____Conceptual Review ($0) ABlock_,L...I _/b B.TYPEOFREVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) ____Addition ($50.00) C.ADDRESS: D .LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ~~__ Subdivision _ If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E.ZONING : F .LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. -De er-v $AA?F L{79-C>S 3.3 G.NAME OFAPPLICANT:oj ()""110 6 .tI y )/\'Y\ Mailing Address:2 39 7'C £6tb ,~."x 6 "'/iI .... _______________Phone LI f e.,06',:{f?-GtA t I ,,/0 'i"I J.Condominium Approval if applicable. NAME OF ---------""A'"------Phone _ 1. H.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address :-=-:-_ K.DRB FEE:ORB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid . FEE PAID:$ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $0 $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over -$10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50 .00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 .*DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. II..•PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:• III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual approval and a final approval.Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a .Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior .to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residential construction: a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. 2 4t LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:~()A VY )6:.1 v w \liD U ~...., LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT~BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION _ STREETADDRESS::2 ~a (/C h A ;NIL>J.1 >1../--,1..h-( DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:((t J--.H......0 j",J L.t.....>OD ./R ....r......~""S::d e.-ALL C~V"l-..'t --;..i./.../?'),~t::q />/(0QX ¥'"h i e.,,~.,t>T ;'16"- 6 'y ,L f1 J p,..KJ.-e:t(1/.>"J. The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name CommonName Quantity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees .Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 7 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED SHAs Botanical Name (J Quantity Size*. EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED AI?>..f J.t '-/,{ 1:k.".....,t~".,,1 _ *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage,height above grade and type of light proposed. de ,CU(."h "".( 8 U~TY LOCATION VER J BLOCK A CJ".;,.i--YI c Vl ;~ /b SUBDIVISION _ ADDRESS JOB NAME --"'-"'--"'--"'-''''''-''"'--..L..<:.=:;;;..;;;--.;..----------r------- LOT The location and availability of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature u.S.West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1.This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. 2.For any new construction proposal,the appl :cant must provide a completed utility verificat i on form. 3 .If a utility company has concerns with the proPQsed construction,the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However,please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems. 4.If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies,and no comments are made directly on the form,the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5.These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail ,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in t he Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit .A street cut permit must be obtained separately. *Please bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. 9 ZONE CHECK •FOR • ~FR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRIC~ DATE:~fO/2./f/'7 j LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I &Block .s.,Filing d ,J..a,Y1 Si,....7) ADDRESS:.:J.f 3 c;(;/-'./.vYl o "l ;')i:6bh -<U J J.. OWNER ,-fo A ::yr G'"7 I-y v-PHONE >'Z9 0 Y 1,/I ARCHITECT PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT __ PROPOSED USE _ **LOT SIZE __ Front Sides Rear Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Allowed (30)(33) ___+425 =_ +425 =_ ~15' 15' Existing Proposed Total / Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking )l t I (;,t".,.<\J.~ Garage Credit ).It..>b"""""1"" Drive: (30)(50) __Reqrd (300)(600)(900)(1200)_ Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope _ Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental/Hazards: Yes,_ 1)Flood Plain NO,_???_---- 2)Percent Slope _ 3)Geologic Hazards a)SnowAvaI anche __ b)Rockfallc)Debr is F l-o-w--------------------- 4)Wet lands,_ Previous conditions of approval (check property file):...:...._------- Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?---- **Note:Under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code,lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq.ft.in area may not construct a second dwelling unit.The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 • TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • RE:New construction at 2389 Chamonix Lane,Vail The following construct ion procedures are proposed: 1. 2. 3• 4. 5. 6. 7. Removal of old wood (5'x 3D')retaining wall Construction of new cement retainin~wall / (5'x 3D')on south side of house I LV (~f(~~"11l"eUe {.·.....c ,r-J5" Exca vating dirt from west side of parking lot for ~J1 {:(,,r _~~• snow storage (#15 q/y)New cement retaining wa ll,l.<.>/7l.t ~·{:.:.e..C(,...!'J with steel,to be built.Approximate s ize 3'x 10'.. Construction of floor for a porch next to south side of house Floor constructed of flagstone and cement Door installed to enter porch ,p o<.xf +0 s{.s>..f5 &o <.JL~~r-€-{et':~Ol-C=p.y FI'~rJ'-r-C~-cvf,tJ~~'r+Cl:ff[;~f'=r REspectfully submitted, (l::~kJ~/ ---...--<J oanne Glenn,Owner:2389 Chamonix Lane,Vail. 1 992 -::--- •• .....; I J' ,'1 ,i ., 'c>. i: i"i,'.,, •I .' '!>::;"'~,t, ':',1 ,', .'-"';', ,I ,, :,':' '\':""..,., .....';.., ","r .'\I}·. ,:~" :., ,,' ,.... '~. :. ..,.-..}.~: .:.. "~......-_..--.~...::t.:- ,',I: i ; r-'.J~ ./:..' " "~.' ',.' '~. ',' ,-- ..... ,". , ',"',1 f ':l .~,'...../.' : ..~ ,"/' :".. <,." .J> .'..-. .'. ~.' "" ','"'Jf ,~.. ,' -'''.: ":" ", ,', ....' ...... ,;. " -... ~' ~,,;>';,.'r " ;~"" ~:,'.,. v -.,'~......~.~'. ;.'. c , -'I.,..:If,. C:".f ..·:',: •.Ct..:. " ,'..' .~...' .•.', ~.;;.~... •··1• ....1- \' ..··f '.\.';' , '::,': ", i . "... ,:.!,.•:~ S'" " .... ..... ~.'::..!-/, ,")0'.' ".-:. :..'.... .~'....' CompletionDate(permitValidfor30DaysOnly) • TOWN OF VAIL ad,J)A.5 ScJ,oA..J e //,StreetAddress hwa-1 --:/A Lb-L ~I LicenseNumberAddress LegalDescriptiona.<xn -q-n I X Lor-/d.I .Block A •APPLICATION FOR TOWNOFVAIL STREETCUTPERMIT ~ (\6AMh 1.JobName 2 . 3 . 4.Workisfor(circleone)Waler SewerGasElectric TelephoneCATV Other _ 6.AL L MATERIALANDEQUIPMENTMUSTBEONTHEJOBS ITE B Depth _ To "permit Fee $_ Length _ BondAmount $-;>PermitFee $---.,~_ 5 .Trench-widtrh _ 7.Rubberout-riggersarerequiredonexcavating ~q U i P m en henworkingonasphalt. 8 .Asignaturebelowindicatesareviewofthearean8 utilityIcationsandaprovals .Onceallutilitycompany signaturesareobta ined,permitteehasoptionof 0 tingalicatlonthrougthePublicWorksofficetoobtainthe necessary Town~f Vailsignatures.~~IO W 0 eektoprocess.~t::.Upper Eagl ~lIey Waterand S~{jration (476-7480 ~V-'r~-/~('i b l'j '/0 -6-92..-~~~PublicS ~ic e Company (1-80022-1987)Lp.::~.....:..jI~WLL::"F<~~<L.!L.!==-_-L~....=!...----'~"'--__ ~WesternSlopeGas Company (46 ~HolyCroElectricCompany ~g'::58 9 2 )!d~=~~'=~7:~~~u..,~~::::::::"---.L.LL:....E L...::===--_ ~~u.S .West(800-9 22-1987(~ ~t~H e r it age Cablevision Television (949-5530)';'z;--q 2.-- Town of Vall:,()()/<l -4 -:( VailFire Department (479-2250)~.J ¥,,_Police Department (479-2210) Irrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-2171)_ PublicWorks (479-2158)_ 9 .THEREWILLBENOTOTALSTREETCLOSURES!Aconstructiontrafficcontrolplanmustbeapprovedbythe PublicWorksDepartmentpriortoissuanceofthepermit. 10.Allexcavationmus t bedonebyhandwithin 18"ofutilities-(SenateBill 172). 11 .PermitteemustcontactPublicWorksDepartmentat 479 -2158 24 hourspriortocommencingbackfilloperations . FailuretonotifytheTownwillresultinforfeilureofbondmoney.. 12 .tersofTitle 12-StreetsandSidewalks ,oftheVailMunicipalCodeandwillabideby andtheVailPoliceandFireDepartmentshavebeennotifiedasrequired. FinanceDept.by: Approved-Streetinspector DatePermilIssued BondReleased Date ApprovedbyStreetInspector Spocial Condilions InspectionRemarks CUT PERMIT! SKETCH PLANOF WORK BELOW Showstreetswithnames,bUildin~s,andlocationofcuts.USEDASHLINESFORCUT. .:t .A~.J ~~rI\ I u\tl 1"\\~\~'..\f"0 '('G~.r White -PublicWorksYellow-Finance Pink -Commun ity Development Gold -Contractor •• APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY (Please type or print) DATE Uc r (/q2 OWNER OF PROPERT';(6'"""n 6,l-l M V) NAME OF APPLICANT /f 2]'11 eJA V"(?h tx ADDRESS fA /L r Ie;.:>7 Fence Wall Landscaping Other SERVE D: Ut I L LJAS .sc.I-te JJ is sepa rate sheet).J . Inside lot _Corner lot _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE LOT 1'-BLOCK..L3-SUBDIVISION ----l.::...e....t.~=-=.;;....;.;;;...;;..,:,...-=._ (If necessary,attach description on DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: Roc,.F (/'/,l.if ~.h¥~/~-d1>tk.t?7ob i/.~11.--r Attach plans showing encroachment,property line,sidewalks, curbs,intakes,hydrants,meters,manhole s,any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimension ed)and section(s)as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist?~<11~'O~___ Proposed date for commencement of construction ~~~~~~~~__ In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: 1.That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to t he land above described. 2.That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3.That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction,i n order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4.The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail,its officers,employees and agents from and against all liability,claims and demands o n account of injury,loss or damage,inclUding without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,personal injury,sLck nes s,disease,death, property loss or damage,or any othe r loss of any kind whatsoever,which arise out of or a r ~in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit,if such injury,lOSS,or damage is caused in Whole or in part by,or is claimed to be c aused in whole or in part by,the act,omission,error,p rofessional error, mistake,negligence or other fault c f the applicant,his contractor or subcontractor or any Of ficer,employee or representative of the applicant,hi s contractor or his SUbcontractor.The applicant agrees to investigate,handle respond to,and to provide defense f ~r and defend against, any such liability,claims,or dema n ds at the sole expense of the applicant.The applicant al ~~agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto,inclUding court costs and attorney's fees,whether or not any such liability,claims, or demands alleged are groundless,false,or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain ,at its own cost,a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims,demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail,its officers,agents and employees from anyand all liability, claims,demands,or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage,loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers,agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property,streets, sidewalks,or rights-of-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction,or other structure constitutes a nuisance,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public,constitutes a traffic hazard,or the property upon which the encroachment,obstruction,or structure exists is required for use by the public;or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove,at his expense,the encroachment,obstruction,or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction,or structure is not accomplished within ten days,the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application.Special conditions:"_ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10. •• I. I /(}-s-~.2-.- rty Owner Date ip,both signatures) APPROVED: Director of community Development Date Director of Public Works Date Town Manager Date UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION •• FILING _ U6/'tl1'>G!~kJ Y1 2)¥1 BLOCK _~-A..:...-_ t&'t-()/t!LlADDRESS__...(".L=:...c:.;;.....-=.....!....~"'__.L__ SUBDIVISION -:-.."....-_ JOB NAME _.:..L.lLC:...t:l:..!::.:....-~!..J!l...=....t:w:!_~__e::~L.L_..::::..t:::.!.!.~~t.::..l._P_--"~~L:L-- LOT (, The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature U.S.West communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall ci~~~~ ~/~ Holy Cross Electric Assoc~ 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V . 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit .A street cut permit must be obtained separately . This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures. t , '::l:~~~;(i.:':~.;".:'::~~:~:~r :':t:;;:;:{:;:;...~.;;,:;~.,:::=:::~..,:;::0';;:;:::'-'{~~:;:::::':i;'~,·,:,v:>"::Wf}""::':"A\#,e·~:,~:::z·:#,~;,\':l"W~~·R'aA':'''l *'',~:,.r.,,+ti;:"W«VN"'''''''V''db;;'F{·,,!;~,·;:??<.'~·.<\'i,tt},« .~~.I •TOWN OFVAlI:;-.~""i.:~~t ::· :~~:~t'~:':DEPARTME:-iT OF COMMlJNITY DEVELOPMENT~r :h:K~j:SALES ACTION FORM ~?~.~;.~f.:~~: :I·....~'. ;;}:DATE2~~E-'tt;:~.~ r :.l'\'\~I E .'.:>:, eo }h:;:...J ".:- ~j -~~ ."";:-.-:,if1;;Ii~:?:x~2c'b L~TSJl§::@ij';f{~j~:~:t~4~;~~tg~}f~rfft!tU:1~i:~i;f;Zl~i}r;:ift~~f.~;t;t~rt;M:~~:~~t'lD~~~ftwl%ftq*:N6'~~~J~tr?CO'§T:tXri§*q~a:T'A1Jfjt"~. ti:~::u:tt.I ,..:..... ::;.;~. '.)~. :t 01 0000 4154 0 ZCl\1NG AJ"'D ADDRES S MAP S ..',S5.00 @' :'i: 0 1 0000 424 15 I UNIFOR.\1 BUILDING CODE I S50.00 »:;:~x ·.;i:.If 01 0000 42415 I UNIFOR.\1 PLUMBIN G CODE I S36.00 ~<; W :::t I I :'S;; '~".01 00004 2415 UNlFOR.\1 MECH ANICAL CODE S32.00 .l'".~'.'::;'';:''::.;~I I ~:~ ~»,0 1 0000 4241 5 UJ>,1F ORM FIRE CODE S36.00 ¥)~~::.:.::~;~€I NATIONAl.I I x-. ~;::01 0000 4241 5 ELECTRlCAL CODE .S30.00 ::;;:: ~~. :i.01 QOOO 424J 5 I OTI-lE R CODE BOOK S I I :f$;~~;.";.;: I II )::. ~-::;:0 1 QOOO 4 1548 B LUE PRlNTS G'-lYLA RS)$7 .00 .::l'..~;~.,"~::-';::~01 0000 4 2~12 I XEROX COPIES I STUDIES I $0.25 I ;':~,.'6,,:.: ,':'.: i I ;:;:;:. ~:~.01 OOCOO 423 71 PENALTY FEES I RE·INSPECTION S .~ ~~~.:'~' {;. 0 1 OCOCOO 4 1332 i PLA.'1 REVIEW RE·CHE CK FEE (540 PER HR.)I I .:~ ;::~~,.'r 01 woo 42312 I OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES I I ~l:..;.;. I I :{:>~:0 1 QOOO 41412 CO~TRACTOR S UC E.'\'SES rr.E.S~;::':"'::s-:I I I l /U 01 COO OO 41 330 OTHER FEES :~., I I I 520.001 ..~,'-=:01 QOOO 4141 3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE :Y~.::: IADDmONAL I ;::; \~01 00004]41 3 SIGNAGE r::oE [$1.00 PER SQ.FT.);jj;~ :~~.:;'y /vTC I I *.:;~,.01 0(\0::0 ~2~O ARTPROJECT DONATIO N ""::.~~.:: i'::;IPRE I ~",.'2,c .-o', 01 WJO 4133 1 P.AJD DESIGN REVIEW BOA RD FEE -;;...,..~~;">.'~~:.r~01 0000 I:~:A~;.;--:*01 0000 21 112 TAX (4%)::.' .....e. t~;*01 0000 41010 TAX (4%).:"':: ;~':l".....:....:;:..{i-:.~.w:.:c..........~ ~~.''r :.~,.:~;!:r.-::'::.~::o ~:~~:~~;0 1 OCOOO 4J 330 I ADDITIONAL GRFA -250",5200 .001 -:.-:':',;.;:.'.;.~,. 01 0000 41330 ICOJ>,'DITION AL USE PER.\fiT I S21XWJ .:~~::.'~::~:~;:;.::,. 0 1 oooo I ALTERATION ILESS THAN J OO SO.FT.I 52 00.00 :m·~~.41 330 EXTERJO R ·x ; ~::.0 1 ooJlJ 4 1330 I E.X1ERJO R ALTERATI ON IMO RETHAN 100 SO.fT.)5500.00 Pi:.:'.~ :;<~.0 1 000041330 ISPECIAL DE V ELO PME~I'D1S 1RICT [NEW)51.500 .00 1 ItH· '"0 1 0000 1SPECIAL D1S rnCT (MAJOR AME."'DI 5 1.000.00I ~;c.,~;;41330 DE V ELOP~lE ~1'',.:11::::':01 0000 4 1 ~::o I SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MINO R AMENDI 5200 .001 :}.:::. •'y 0 1 OI."\Co()4133 0 1SUBDI\o1SI0:-<I ,:-:.::.;.::::..x::. :~~:01 oooo ..J 33ii VARJA.\lCE 5250.00 I :::::; :::~.:if:.,.:.' 5250.00 Ix-.01 QOOO 4 J330 1ZONiNG CODE A.\1E2'o/D ME."'I'S W:.:;:: 0;".:-.01 0000 4 1330 IRE -ZOND\G S200.001 l~·...~:;-:. 0 1 0000 I I,. 1;',;]t@; t:~,·...i; .:;.-,:~.n~~'; }l ..~;:·CO MMI'.:-''TS :······>1 :ft :;~:..:;.; :~:. ~.~~ ~~.~'-e-.,,;~.(;~, tf:::~.$:::·;:·:::~":,,:'..'.:l'.~::\",::·r~.i;;:::,;:;;t··~.~~;...'..~:.;:~:;~:-":':.::;..~:~~;:·~i·N~::"':·.~~::::~F:~:'·:.~:;,:::,,?::-;:;~:..:~::;<t:>1-':;;Ci·:~:.~::::;;~~::-:'::.~~:'~:~(~'::;::::>~Y;·:~,~)."'~:~r:;:~~~;:;~....."";~~~r-*:~~)$;·:f~~:~i;~::~:~::::tj~;;~:{::*...·~~·::::r:~:.i:',~:::lt :~~~:;;.'t::';~;'-{,<·)t~t:W. ** * ** * * **. •• OF .....HIL MiscellaneoJs C3sh r,..t.-:··-~ ~er e l pt #1 0 4 ~22 14,-.1)Un ·.f i ..:f1 -:"'c r.:):.~C '-1-- t~n :l_lr t ..:;.nul::'"r ':" Item paid Rhioun t pa i d THt=lt--UO(c OU 'oi.t C __I Fe TOWNOF VAIL ;j . DEPARTMENTOFPUBLICWORKS '3 rri 479-2158 I~ FIELDMEMO To:~l.£NN PeO). Attention:DEEM $:rIlN "C UtZ.N L2nf PROJECT (LOCATION):~381 C/fvtrvjOt-./fit A-er::UOC 148L.E)e I G:>f-f=r OF t..J A-Y ,'J £fM IT nE"f:.os.Tb s e:14PPLllCD FcP..('OAlC£:e,...IIN f:. R6Ck:.QIZ'V}-lI".J/~c;~1tU-.WITH TH,'s )l.\-p 'f=t-I ~I4-rtc.I'oo.1 ISo IIV1 £:8,(;)e.T 0 F:86';'E De,4-v...J J iJ <::.I'V1 <..J .sT 8 £W I T1-I-T I-J-/S S~"'d,Qh .~0..:. Title:;r:"I s f?Fc1P1fJ CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received 2}(: Wh~e-Con lractOf' Pink-ConstructionEngineer Canary-Fila Date:__~_ .. '\• '1AY 1.1988 MS.KATHY WARREN TOiJJN OF VA IL DESIGNREVIEW BOARD \jA IL..CD 816:'i7 DEAR MS.WARREN: WE ARE HEREBY PRESENTING PLANSFOR CHAMONIX ROAD.VAIL.CO 81657 FOR DESCRIPTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS: SHONE RESUBDIVISION,FILING NO.1. COLORADO. • A CARPORT ADDITION TO 2389 YOUR APPROVAL.THE LEGAL LOT 16.BLOCK A.VAIL DAS COU~TY OFEAGLE.STATEOF THE EXISTING HOUSE IS ON LAND ZONED PRIMARY/SECONDARY AND IS MADE UPOF TWO UNITS:ONE MAIN UNITOF APPROXIMATELY 2.450 SQ.FT.AND ONE APPARTMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 1.053 SQ.FT.THE CURRENT OWNER HAS A CERTIFICATE OF UCCUPANCY FOR A SINGLE FAMILYUNITONLY BECAUSE HE HAS NO COVERED PARKING.WE HOPETO PURCHASE THIS PROPERTY AND WISHTOOBTAINA CERTIFICATE OF OCC UPANCY FORA PRIMARY/SECONDARY UNIT. IHEPLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDED THE COVERED F'ARK I !'IG (-)DO r TI ON INTHEI P NOVEt1BER 23.1981 t1EETING.THEIR COMMENT WAS ··...THE BOAPD HAD JUST RETURNED FROM LOOKING ATTHE SITE AND FELT THAT INTHEPLACE WHERE THERE WAS PARKINGFOR3 CARS WOULD BEA GOOD PLACEFORA GARAGE AND THE DRIVEWAY WOULDN'T I·IAVE TO CHANGE !-H ALL." CUF1RENTLY THE HOUSE HAS A FIVE CAR PAVED DRIVEWAY.WE WOU l.D LIKE TO EXTEND T HE DECK ON THEEAST'SIDE OFTHEHOUSE.TO PROVIDE TWO COVERED SPACES.THEREFORESERVING 80TH ASA DECK AND ACARPORT. WE BELIEVE THAT THIS ADDITION WILL BLEND IN WELL WITHTHE CURRENT ARCHITECHTUREOFTHE BUILDING AND WILL ENHANCE ITS VALUE.Al ,L CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS l>JILL MATCH THE CURF:I:::NT HOUSE.THIS CARPORT ADDI'fION WILL ALLOW THEPROPERTYTO8EUSED AT ITS ~ULL POTENTIAL 8Y LETTING US LIVE IN T~IE MAIN UNIT AND RENTTHE (-WAF:Tt1ENT. fHANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ON THIS PROJECT. SINCERELY. ~/Jf~--- DENIS M.BEAUDIN :Xt-u.(Ae a·;$ttU{M ,-DULSEA.BEAUDIN 1 • ,.APPUCATION DATE:bjDy.Z #17eg DATE OF ORB M£ETIl~G:M_~I~I 1Z8$ ~f \.(ttL:,(.0 ,$1"57 alock A F1Hng --1.- ORB APPLICATION -****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBHITTEO***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatfon meeting with a planning staff member i5 strongly suggestid to determine if any additional information is needed.No applicat~on will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It isthe applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff tofind out about additional submittal requirements.Please not.that a COMPLETE applica- tionwill streamline ehe approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval thatthe ORB may stipulate.A~L eond1tions of approval must be fesolved before a building permit is issued.. " A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:A DD '~0 !Z--T 1tDJ)IV O tJ ~'-~Y/~nNr:,HOM r;:-.9J3.Eo @C WIL-<...-EtJ UCJ'SE -two _Ptm--l~,v C;1 --?Pkfes A N D PPYkM IC 11tF c..C¥TIPlt.-ft1E V p Q C-OJ \OAtJfd S77t1U s CHtt1J&[;Ptu7n ~p 70 r;/'S ~ 8.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Pie?CHtrM ()NIX. Legal Description Lot Ie.. Zoning f~!fi!mt;N12frFt!I --.,. C.NAME OF APPLICANT:-J:):.JiClW~I....:?:.-....·-!.M..:..I.I..'.....w~~;L.lIVO~/L.lIlt1l~---..l"'::T~ 1#-I/?I &1. Address -Z0 fk?X 112 i EO(~..,<6?eu~z..tel.phone '1U.-'O~'3("') D.NAME OF APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE:_,Address _..t.lephone _ E.NAME OF OWN~:1?~~:MIt Signature ~__ p ..• Address 23M Cl±frMQ~Ip!.~?A:O}~t-slc..Co $?~~'7 telephone _ F.ORB FEE:The fee wil'be paid at the time a byild1ng permit is requested. YAW.PON .;.:FE~E_ o-I 10.000 '$10.0010,001 •50,000 S 25.00 :50.001 -150.000 S 50.00 160,001 ..$,500.000 $100.00 500,001 -$1.000.000 $200.00 Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMPO~TANT NOTIC!REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRS: 1.Inadditionto meeting submitta'requirements.the applicant must stake the site toindicate property lines and building eorners.Trees that wi"be removed should also be marked.This work must b.completed before the OR8 visits the Ii teo 2.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wil'normally involve two separate meetings Of the Design Review Board,10 plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail to appear before the Design Rtvi.w Board at their schlduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. •• 4.The following items no longer havetobe presented totheDesign Review Board. They,however,havetobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator forapprova l: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane ofthe building;and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium association. 5.You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies onyour property .You should checkwitha Town Planner before proceeding. .' I.NEW CONSTRUCTION • MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED • A.Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1.Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2.Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless the parcel consists of6 acres or more,inwhich case,5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3.Existing trees orgroups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4-or more one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.). 5.Avalanche areas,100 year flood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if applicable. 6.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewer invert. 7.Locations of the following: a.Proposed surface drainage onand off site showing size andtypeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources tothe structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric c.Property lines showing distances and bearings anda basis ofbearing d.Proposeddrivewayswith percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing andproposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking.loading areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopof roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,'to insure property ownership and all easementson property. D.LandscapePlan (1"=20'or larger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of4"diameter or larger trees,other 'shrubs :a ii d-ii ative plants th o are onthe site andthe location and design ofproposed landscape areas with the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3.Designate trees tobesavedand those tobe lost. NOTE:As much of the above information as possible should occur onthe site plan,so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear.The landscape planshouldbe separate.The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. •-E.Architectural Plans (1/8 "=I 'or larger)2copies • 1.Mu st incl ude floor plans and all eleva tions as they will a ppear on comple ti on. Elevations must show both existing and finishe dgrades. 2.Exter ior surfacing mater ials and colors shall be specif ied and submitted for r eview on the ma terials list available fro m th e De partment of Community Dev elop- ment.Color chips,s idi ng sa mpl es etc.,should bepre sented at t he Desi gnReview Board me eti ng. F.The Zonin gAdm inistratorand/or ORB mayre quire the s ubmis sionof add itional plans, dra win gs,s pecifications,samplesand other material (includin g a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will compl y with design guidelines. II.MI NOR AL TE RATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDI NGS Photos or sketchest hat cl ear lyi ndica te what is pro poseda ndthe l oca ti on (site pl an) of proposal maybes ubmi ttedi n lieu of the more f orma lr equi rements givenabove,as lo ng ast heyprovide all i mportant spec ificat ions for theproposed incl uding colors and materials tobe used. ~III.ADDITIO NS -RESIDENTIAL 0 COMMERCIAL ~Orig inalf loorpl ans with all spec ific ations shown B.Flo or pl anf oraddit ion -2copies- C.Site plan ·showingexisting andproposed construction -2copies to po s ..Q..Elevat ions of addition E.Photosofe xisting structure F.Specifications for all materials and color sampleson materials list availa ble at De partment of Co mmunity Deve lop ment At the req uest of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement fromeach utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form. H.Si te i mp rovement surv ey,stamped by registered professiona l surveyor. I.Preli mi nary tit le report,veri fying ownership ofpro perty and lists ofease ments. IV.FINAL SITE PLA N After abuil ding permit hasbeen i ssued,and when the project is unden~ay,thefo llowing will be re quir ed befo re a ny building receives a fra min g in spection from the Buildi ng Depa rtment:A certi fied i mproveme nt s urvey showing: A.Buildingl ocati onswith ties to property corn ers,i .e.di stances and a ngle s. B.Building di mensions to nearest tenth of foo t. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Dra inage as-builts.2 copies E.Basis of bearing to tie t o section corner. F.Allpro perty pins are tobe either foundor set and stated on map. G.Alleasements H.Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. •LIST OF MATERIALS • NA f·1E OF p~OJECT:f)r..-nvD{6J [26 IDt -yCE2 C/ttztonr M DI77{}AJ LEGAL DESCR IPTIO N:LOT Ii.,BLOCK =-::tf FILING ~-",i,-::-,..-;-:;=-_ STREET ADDRESS:-z;:z,9f7 c I-M 7V/OIJ/K Pt~.(VAtL-CO fJ ~'<::;7 DESCRIPTIOtl OF PROJECT:A TJD n UQ L'--,illL_L .d:::j/t rr2~T :~D Grk'?UJtJ\/?l'kSI oN The following information is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbef iven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wall Materials -"'SH A1-f? -'y.0 C-.H ftMJBL p-v-zn e-C~ COLOR tWtTlH C--XtS17lVy I1.{Il1?iI G-x 1S77/f/tj Fascia Soffits Wi ndows NM Win dow Trim Iv bt Doors N'JII Door Trim I~N7 Hand or Deck Rails Flues ;V/Il Flashings NIA- I Chimneys Nj;/} TrashEnclosures 1/)/t ~l Greenhouses 0/B Other B.LANDSCAPI NG:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Na me PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ------~~~-- Co mmon Name Quanity MI'tTlH Gx!Sl1J..H A1tJ1Z#/?2</SON:, Size* *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) .. ".•• -PL ANT ~lATER IALS :Bota ni ca 1 Name (c an I t) Coml1 on Name Quanitv Size SHRUBS EXISTI NG SHRUBS TO BE REt·10VED GROUND COV ERS SO D SEED TYP:::OF I RRIGATI ON ~ P)USVN Sr Square Footaoe TY PE OR ~'ETHOD OF E-xt 2®~7D .If2Gn1I41N EROSION CONTROL c.OT HER'LANDSC APE FEATURE S (reta ini ng walls,fence s,swi mming po ols,etc .)Pleases pecify. '.•• ~,...•• UTILITI LOCATION VE RIF ICATION 1(;A 1 ftlm l D 070 The location of utilities,whether they be ma in trunk lines or propos ed lines,mustbe approved and verified by the foll owing util ities for the accompanyin g site plan. MountainBell 1-6 34-377 8 WesternSlo pe Gas Harry Moyes Pub lic Service Compa ny Ga ry Ha ll *Ho ly CrossElec tric Ass oc. Ted Hus ky/Mich ael La verty Vail Cab le T.V . GaryJo hnson Up per Ea gle Va lley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Author ized Sio na ture Date ~:,....:;z...sc--e ~~~B .I *Fo r new cons'f~z.f~please fill OL aT:t 3.c hed shee t NOTE:Thes e ver ifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a stre et cut permit from the TO\ffi of Vail,Department of Public Wo rks an d to obtain utility locations before digging in a ny public right- of-way or e as eme nt in the TO\m of Va il .Po,bu ilding p ermit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit mustbe obtained separately. This fo~is to verify servic e availablity and location. This should be used in con junction wit h pre parin g your utility p lan and sch eduling installations. "J ..' ,.• ZO NE CHEC K FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZO NE DISTRICTS • DAT E:4/'2--J )8 6 LE GAL DE SCRI PTI ON:Lot l G,Block A Filing i ADDRESS :'7 z,Yf t O -!tlzY'N \.,(t2<'AU VAIL ,(,0)P!1f7S"7 OW NER 'B C-'mJQII,)1 /.:.,ttr..,,4 1 I Phon e 'i1 1 I NI (to)'77G·1m3 {!fJ ARC HITECT 'Phon e ZO NE DIST RI CT ----- PROPOS ED US E f Yldtt lltY?"-I /5 H />/J DIt}'!-'t LOT SIZE 1 074 I 7 Height Tota 1 GRFA Pri mary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front Sid es Rear Water Cou rse Site Cove rage Lan dscaping Fe nce/Re t aini ng Wall Heig hts Par king Credits:Ga rage Mech anical Ai rloc k Storage So lar He at (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(l 00) (25 )(50) (2 00)(400) -I~ )30 Drive:Slo pe Pe r mitte d Sl opeActual '_ Environmental/Ha za rds:Aval anche -------------------- Flood Plain ------------------- Slope _ Wetl ands _ Geologic Ha zards ____ Co mm en ts:_ Zoni ng:Approved/Disapproved Date: Sta ff Sig nature J Date --~~f!-!~+-:-::,l-.,L--- •Project Application• Contact Person and Phone Project De scription :-----=--'-"'7....::....:r::.::.::.::---------------::-----f----------- Ow ner ,Add ressand Phone:HI,<v1 v +------ Architect ,Address and Phone: ,~A-,Zone Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Da te _ Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 4 -0 Summary:_ \ ) o Staff Approval Da te: '~p"nl l'ry vl,1 •• • • INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL vJa.6w ~II V U 2l!/(!(J At l.1d)JCALLER_-----"="-'--'==-''---'''''''--''''--''-'-='''----_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1;9//-:)J OB NAME I 1(1'/(1 B _PMREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATIO N :-==c=...-..:...----':::..:.....;=-.::.-..=.:.--'--''-'=-'=_O---L..:::....::....-=----_ BUI LDING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL _ o FOUNDA T ION /S TEEL o FRAMI NG ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LATION o SHEETROCK NAIL .,----_ pi Ju;ottlL $;O£·JJ l rzlu o FI NAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGRO UND o ROUG H /DW.V,_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING '_ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.P OWER _ o ROUG H o CON D UIT 0 _ MECHANICAL: o HEATI NG _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FI NAL AP'PROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION RE QUIRED CORRECTION S: DATE _-'-----=---_I NSPECTOR • (ltrrttfitntr of OOttupnnty wuwn OOf ]Jntl ilUil~iU!l irpurtmrut SABA RESIDENCE T HIS CERTIFICATEISSUED PURSUANT TO T HE REQU IRElvlENTS OFT HE UN IFORM BUILDING CODE CERT IFYING T HAT ATTHET IME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE \VAS I N COMPLIANCE \V ITH THE VARIOUS ORD INANCES OFTHE TOWN REGUtATlNG BUItDING CONSTRUCTION,AN D OR USE,TO THEBESTOFOUR KN OWHDGE. Singlefamilyonly.Only one kitchenallowed. Name ~--- U CI if .SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE GseaS51rcarronrou p__--'-_ vBuildingPermitNo.1:..:8:..:6:..:.7 Type Co nstruction _-'-_ O wner of Building Mi chae1 Saba Building Address 2389 Chamoni X•11/27/85 D are G ·a w~il~.;.,~IOW~ T he.'b uilding off ida l ma y,in wndng,suspendor revoke .1 C cr ri- ficareo f Occupa ncy issuedun der the p ro vis ionv of t hi s co de when- ever t he cenifica re is issued ine rro r,oro nt heba ..is of incorrect information supplied ,or when it i..dcrcrrnincdthat th e.'buildinuor st ructure or pon ion t hereof is in vio lation of a ny ordina nce Of regula riono f th e:Town of Vai l or an y o f the provis ions ofrhi v co de . PO ST IN A C ON SPICUOUS PL ACE , CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LEG AL L OT 16 BL K A DESC .FILING Vail Das Schone #1 -N'......I JOBNA ME :Pa rsons M o un tain Home ~'~,~ OW NER NAME Mi chae 1 Saba 4335 Marina Ci ty Dr . MAILADDRESS CIT Y Ma ri na De 1 Rajt,H. ARCHI TECT FIRM MAI LAD DRESS C ITY PH . GE NERAL FIRMA1 ic Parsons CONTRACTOR MAIL A ~J%sg7 4 CITY A ~~-JIJ..:I P I-l. FIRM ELECTRIC AL W NTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH FIRM Bea ver C ree k P &H PLUM BING Box 48 CON TRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY Avon !Me 5441 FIR M MECH ANICAL CONTRAC TOR M AIL ADDRESS C ITY PH OTH ER FIRM MAI LADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY PH PROJE CTN ODATE5/5 /8 1 n n 6 87PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III II I IV (J) 2 .OCCUPANC Y GROUP A BE H I@M BU ILDING D IVISION I 2 2a eJ4 z ELECTRICAL0 >=GENERALOESCRIPTIO N OFWORK:«PLUMBING 1.500:> -'«MECHANI CAL> IJ11:lll1lJ i n g TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMI TFEES BU ILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL PLUM BING 20 .00 NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADD ITIONA L()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL DW ELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE G.R FA ___B EDROOMS DESIGN REVIEWBOARD COMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANTSEATING C LEAN ·UPDEPOSIT HEIGHTIN FT.__BATHTUB /SHOWER NOFIREPLACES __NO.TOILETS TOTA LP ER~FEES /f?20.00 ~I AL/~fE ----COVEREDPARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING '-. ----- I NSULATION ---------------ONINGADMIN ISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE ONINGNOTES:FLO OR /1 '7 n \(,., EXT.WALLS rl,I./I 'T ROOF '-.c ,~9J \ .I ' H EAT ELEC :GAS: I Jl ER EH Y ,\C KSOWL £DG E THA T I H ,\\'!': SOLAR :WOOD :R EA ()T HI S ArPL ICATIO S A,NO S T .\Tt:TII A T TIl E A BO""":I SCO RR ECT AND AG REE '"0 C O ~l r LY VAIL WATER &SAN .D IST.TAP FEE :WITH A I.L TO WN O RO IN ANC t :S AX()STAT io I.A WS HF GA tUU N G H U II.OIN G CO:-':S 1 H.I'(;TIO S . SPECIALNOTES:7 ~/2--- "If :!';•T11 '-'J.)J,i 1\\''''''!':...I I ....('('.....T H .\("T O " [ZJ PLUMB INGoFOUNDATION O NLYo TYPEOFPERMIT o BUILD INGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL lhe p rintery /vall ( PROJECTNO ._.DATE ---__,...r-~r-~ I IIIIII vf!i.PERr.1 IT NO.I i I f);" 1.TYPE OFCO NSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPAN CY G ROUP AB EHI~BUILDING I i DIVISION 12 2&4 Z EL=CTRi CAL !~Q ~7 ."0 0GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK:."PLUMBING ;p/&ml ::>/j /~4 1/1 ,;I--' ."MECH ANICAL> 1...~--.....-.........WO?..". TYPE G ROUP SQ FT.VALUAT ION PERMI T FEES BUIL DING PERM IT /iPLANCHECK/ I IELECTRICALI PLUMBI NG ,;2t1l .00 NEW ()ALTERATIO N().ADD IT i ONAL ()REPA IR ()MECHAN ICAL I D WELLINGUN ITS __ACCOMMODATION U NITS RECREATION FEE / G .R F.A.__B EDROOMS D ESIGN REV IEW BOARD /-- CO MMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANT SEATI NG CLE AN ·UP DEPOSIT /-- HE IGHT IN FT.__BATHT UB /SHOWER NO FIREPLACES __·_NO.TOI LET S TOTALPERMIT FEES L2 0 •C!/C/I-- COVEREDPARK ING __UNCOVERED PARKING a UI L D I NC OFFlC IAl ------O Af[----- I NSULATION r--------------- I'ON INGADM I NISTRATOR O;'TF TYP E THICKNESS R·VALUE FLOOR l O NINGNO TES: E XTWALLS ROOF HEAT f L EC :IGAS :I il EHEUY .H.K :'IioYd.U Hi l:1 tL\T J H ..\n ·: SOLAR:WOOO :R t:A U TlIls"r PI .I C A TIO='"SU ST .\ll:::111 .\"[Til l'. "uoVE I S ("0 It ftt~C'!A :"O ,,"lil"l:1:r 1 ')("CJ ~lI·l.Y VAIL WATER &SAN .DI ST.TAP FEE 'WITt I I\L l .T OW:"ClUIJlS ,\:"("i';S \;'\0IJ ...r "\1 r I.,\WS k EGA tl OING U l 'II,UI :""G <:0 :--;"1 H f"("l"I O;'\o SPECIAL NOTES ' <.;r (;~y rr'H "I H ()'.~'!-H I ltf I /1 '~J1~U ""II)H CONST RUCTION PERMIT 2~Y/ TYPE O FP ERMIT o BUILDI NG r1YPL UMB INGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION O NLY [J ME CHANICAL 0 lo wn0 val gepartment of community development L EGAL LOT l (e BLK e DES C .FILING t/,4~(t?4.,·nte:A.';'d ( feB N AME:,4,(/....a ~.e.~",/~..."".A~PAt.s WNER l W /f /~,J.r//1EC .A.Sde/1 4t3:f ,o r?r1,e.",A G.7/P,'-. MAIL ADDRESS C ITY~~JL/-V,f J'.'"t"filP H ARCHITECT FIRM MAI LADD RESS CITY PH . G ENERAL FI RM /?L /t:C t?"'''X IJ'1I:~"IiJ...,!.:;I.e CONT RACTOR MAIL ADDRESS "t}I It'C>"/y CITY ~i(..-PH FIR M EL ECTRICAL .TRACTOR MA IL ADDRESS CITY PH . flRM -2E/Iv ':'';<.i'PfH . P LUMBING M AIL ADDRE SS ~)'~t"' CONTRACTOR PH .9'1ffY4'!CITY /hINJ eo .- PR,.,. MECHAN ICA L CONTRACTOR MAILADDR ESS C ITY PH . OTHE R FIRM MAI L ADDRESS CON TRACTOR CITY PH . .......... • PLAN NI NG AND EN VI RO N ~l E N T AL C OH~lI 5S ION Novemb er 23,1981 2:00 Field Inspe ct ion 3:00 1.Approval o f minut es of Novemb er 9,19 81. t 2 . 3. 4. Reque st fo ra varian ce from tIl e f ront set-b ack to allow a ga rage to encroach 1.8 feet into t he f r ont se tbackon lot 12,Bi ghorn Fourth Ad dit ion,44 84 Streamsi de Circl e.Appl icant:Timb er Fall s Corp . Requ est fo r 3 vari ance s to a llowa s econdaryun it for employee ho usin g onl ot 1 6,bloc k A,Vail Das Schone #1.Tbevariance requests a re fr om th e cover ed p arkin g requir e me nt,the 4 0% maximum GRFA f or th es econda ry unit r equ irement,and ar equest for a GRFA variance from th e PI S distri ct re st rictions. Applicant:Michael W.Saba Reque st for con ditionalu se p er mit in ord er t o have a shop for radio co mmunication equipment s a le s a nds ervice on the basem ent 1e vel in Com mere ia 1Core II,th e Li onsquare Lodge, located at 600 Lions p la ee,Unit H-12,Lot 1,Vail Lionshea d ls t Filin g,l s t Addition.Appl ic ant:Mo unt a in Commu nica tions Mob i l phon e ,I nc, Publ ished in the Vail Trai l Nov ember 20,1981 •• TO :.Town of Vail Planning andEnvironmental Comm issi on SU BJEC T:Varience LOCA TI ON:Lot 16,Bl ock A,Vai l Da sSchoneResub divisi on I t is hereby r espect ful ly r equ ested that variencesa s follows begranted i nord er to establish a secondary un it for t hes ub ject loca t ion i n the Prima ry/Secondary Resi dential Zone Dist ric t . 1 .Waiver onPar .II 4 o f Ap pli ca tion f or Seconda ry Unitf or l ots o fl e ss than 1 5,000 squa re f e et ,where i n 50%of r e qu ire d pa r king mu st be e n clos ed.Reques tf or wai v er t o p e rmi t ex i sting parking fac i lities to suffi ce . 2 .Waiver on Par I I 1 of app l ication for Se condary Unit for lots of less t h an 1 5,000 squa re feet ,where in second un it shall not ex ceed 40%o f total Gross Residental Floor Area .Reque st f or waiver t o allow 4 2.7%of total G.R.F .A. 3 .Wa iver f or Town of Vail G.R.F .A.o f 25%o fl ot size .Request fo rwai ver of35 .4%of total G.R.F .A . Thi s va rience r equest i s b asedon the following : In support of t he r equest f or Waiver #1 ,.it i simportant t o know so me of the b ack ground in t h is case .Theor iginal dravnngs sub - mi tted to the County of Eagle showedt he b ui lding des igned with atw oc arga r ageon thef irst f loor of the .build ing.This was di sapp roved be ca use the s lope o f the d riveway was grea ter than that al lowedb y the county .Thetwo car ga rage was eliminated from the building in fav or of a larger excavated parking a rea which requi red considerabl e cribbing and resulted in los s of f ron t ya rd a rea .The requiremento f the secondary unit to have enclose d pa rking,e ither carport of garage,would detract from t heex isting visual appear a nce o f t he site a nd the p rimaryhome .Any carpark structure would n ot be h armoniouswi th the site a nd t he prima ry h ome,a ndwould p art ially i mp air scen ic vi ews from t he exist ing fami ly r oom ont he f i rstf loor of t he home .Thec urrent e xi sting pa rki ng a rea is s uffic ient to pa rk f ive a u tom obiles (one carf or e ach bedroon)plus three a utomob ilesf or o ff -street p ark ing .Any secondary enc lo sed structure ,c a rport o r garage,would not s erve any meaningful purpose to the wh ole concept . I n support o f the r equ est f or Wa iver#2,the area of the e xisting b ui ldingde si gn ated f or t he s econ da r y uni t i s only 66 squa re feet ove r the a l lowanc e o f 40%of t heTown of Vail's allowable G.R.F .A., bu ti t i s 1 32 square feet und er the a llowance of the County of Eagle allowable G.R .F .A.The building plans were a pp ro ved b y t he County o fEagle and the existing structure was buil t under a bu ilding pe rmi t issued b y the County of Eagle .The a rea being (page 1 ) ...-(cont inued) designa te d as the s econda ry un it r equireson ly t he installation of a kitchen in thee xisting buildinga ndn oe xternal or internal wall s are b e ing changed. In s upport o f t he reque st f or Wa iver #J,t he exi s ting bu i lding wasc ons tructedwith the approved plans and t hei ssued building permit o ft he County of Eagl e .The subsequent a nnexat ion und er t heTown of Vai l Ord inances n ow means that the e xisting building ex ceeds thea llowab le Gross Resi dential Floor Ar eafo rt he lot si z e. Summary : The exi sting building with the s i te i mprovemen ts is an asset to t he c ommuni ty and se rvesa sagoo dex ample t o th e neighborhood. The granting o f the three (J)waivers will a llow a secondary unit to be available f or rent to f ull t imeemployees i n the Upper Eagle Valley,an d it in n oway affectst he a tt ract ive ou ts ide appearance of t he ex is ting building. (page2 ) '."... App lication Date Oc tober 26,'1 98 1 . APPLICATION FORM FO R AVARIANCE I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is s ubmitted. PHONE (213 )82 3-6201 A.NAME OF APPLICANT Michae lW.Sab a---:----,:--------------------43 35 Ma ri naCity Dr.#74 2 ADDRESS Marina DelRey,Ca90291 Elmer StymiestB.NANE OF APPLICANT'S REPRES ENTAT IVE-----~----------- ADDRESS P .O.Box219 ,Vail,Co .81658 -0219 PHONE 4 76 -4519 C.AUTHORIZATIONOFPROPERTY OW NER SIGNATURE 433~ftl{J ;?;{:j!g~ ADDRESS MarinaDel Rey,Ca 90291 PHONE (213)823 -6201 D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL ADDRESS 2 389 Cha monix Rd.,Va il,Co .81658 LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot 1 6 block A--------Filing Va il Das Schone #1 FEE.$100.00 plus 18¢for each property ·owner to be notified. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addres ses. See at tached list F.Owners of property adjacent to 2 389 Ch amonix Rd.,Vail,Co.81658 I /}..Jcsrrc;4 c > Block A,Filing 1,Vail Das Schone Lot 15 Frank andConsuela Velm e ~~dina Box 228 Minturn Co .81645 Lot17Rober t G.andTone Howlett Box 1208 Vail,Co.81658 Solem,and Elizabeth H.and / Solem Uni t3 8165 '7> SusanM. Elroy A. Box 2621 Vail,Co. Bl ock G,Filing 2,Vail Das Schone p:=C- Lot6 A. B.Ronald J.andMaryRose Helton Eri cks on,Lord,Studt ,Et al . 1722 So .Robb St . Lakewood,Co .80226 Uni t 4 C.Hugh D.and 1~r ta I.Dy er 5243 White CapSt. Oxnard,Ca .930 30 Un it1 D.Robert and Elizabeth H.Cherry Box22 23 Va il,Co.8 l 65~ Unit 2 Blo ckG,Filing 2,Vail DasSch one Lot7 Thoma s C.and Linda S .Hill Larry L.and Helg a H.Kerbs Box 1 334 Vai l,Co.8l65 ~ See Lot 6 -Same Owners Uni t3 Tr act D,Vail Da s .S~hone #1 Filing WestVail Developmen t Corp. 99 33 Lawler Ave.Sui te 410 Skokie,Ill.60077 .,.'•• MEMORANDUM TO:Planning and Environmental Commission ,#. FROM:Department of Community Development/Peter Patten DATE:November 17,1981 RE:Variance requests to allow an employee secondary unit in an existing single family unit onLot 16,Block A,Vail Das Schone Subdivision. Applicant:Michael Saba DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Two variances are being requested to allow an existing area of this residence permitted in Eagle County for one dwelling unit,to add a kitchen and,thus, an employee ,housing unit.The variances are for the covered parking requirement (50%of the requirement,or 2 spaces)and the secondary unit restriction of 40%of the allowable GRFAfor the employee unit (proposed is 42.7%of the allowable GRFA). A garage was disapproved by Eagle County in the original submittal to them-- the placement of the garage in the structure caused the driveway to be too steep a grade to allow.The applicant then turned to the existing p1an of surface parking on the front and east sides of the lot.They argue that a garage would not be compatible with the existing structure and would infringe uponsome existing ground floor views. The area proposed to be an employee housing unit is 66 square feet over the 40%maximum allowable GRFA for such a unit.However,the structure is still 132 square feet below the County's maximum GRFA.The applicant points out no particular hardship but argues that the County has approved the plans as the I house exists,minus the kitchen necessary ,for the employee unit. t "' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings,Section 18.62 .060 of the Municipal Code, the Department of Community Development recommendsdenial of the requested variance for covered park ing and approval of the variance r equest for a maximum of 40%GRFA allowable on the secondary unit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. On the covered parking variance request,although the i~nediate area is not characterized with a standard of enclosed parking facilities,there is no reason why the applicant should not provide such a facility for this particular development. sa~~11/18/81 . With respect to the GRFA variance,this would have no significant impacts upon other existing or potential structures in the vicinity. Thede gree to which relief from the str ict or lit eral interpretation and enforcement o f a specif ied re gulation is n ecessary to a ch ieve compatibility . and un iformity o f treat ment a mong sites in the vicin ity or to attain the o bjectives of this title without g ra nt of special privilege~ Concerning the covered parking variance,we feel the granting of this would bea special privelege.The existing paved parking area can easily acconmrodate a garage for 2 cars without any adverse effects on the aesthetics of the house, while still allowing for 2 other surface s paces to meet TOV requirements.The staff feels that one of the jobs delegated to us as a result of annexation was to upgrade a esthetica ll y the West Vail area,and enclosed parking is just one method of accomplishing that. Concerning the GRFA variance,our feeling is that 66 square fe et of floor a rea for the secondary unit only improves the viability of the employee housing. The unit is a spacious 2 bedroom 1053 square feet with 1 bathroom and a sizable living area.To disallow the unit because of ane xcess of 66 square feet of GRFA would not be consistent with our goal of providing comfortable,viable employee housing apartments throughout the commun ity. The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distr ibution of population,transporta~ion a nd traffic f acilities,public f acilities and utilities,and public safety. Although the lot is not a large one,9875 sq ft,the GRFA is existing and a llowing the secondary unit would not be overcrowdin ge ither the site or the neighb orhood. The Design Review Board wi11 review a garage proposal,a ndat the same time, landscaping and other sit e consideration s. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the ''Proposed·variance.' FINDINGS: ThePI anni ng and Environmen tal Commission s ha ll make the follolving findin gs before grantin ga varianc e: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privlege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of th e va riance will not be detrimental to the public h e alth, safety,or welfare,.or mat erially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. •.e Saba -3 ~~'18/8 l That the variance is warranted for on e or more of the follow ing reason s: The stric t or literal int erpret ation a nd enforceme nt of the s pecif iedr e gul at ion wouldr esult in p rac t ica ld if fi cu lty o r unnecess ary phy sic al h ardship i ncon sistent with the object ives of th is titl e. The strict or lit eral in terp re tation and e nfo rcement of the s p ecified r e gul at ion would dep rive theap pl i cant o f privil egese njoyedby the owners of oth er prop er ti es in th e samed istrict. RECO r-.-IMENDA TI ON TheCommunityDev elopment Dep artment r eco mm ends approval of the v ari ance fr om a ma ximum of th e4 0%GR FA r e striction for the s econdary un it.Theex t ra 66 sq ft only makes "it a b ett er unit a n d,since th ef loor areai sa lready ex ist ing, no e x teriorbuildin g ch anges will occur.The s ec ondary un it b ein gp ropo sed is avery nic ea part me nti na go od loc ati on for em p loyees (wi thin walking distance to Comm ercial Co re 3).Our e mpl oyee hous in gs itua tion may be improvin g,but we n eed t o continue to pu sh for viabl ee mp l oyee h ou sin g further .This p ropo s al adds to the s tockofgood e mpl oyeeh ou sin g un itsa nd wo uld begov ernedby the standard r estri ctions f or emp l oy~e un it si n th e Pr imar y/Secondary zon e di strict for lot s of les s th an 15,000 sq f ~. "--..:.....~-/ The covered p arkin gv ar iance is not in ac cord,howeve r,with th egoals of i mproving the a esth etics of th e \\'est Vail area .There is c ur rentlyal ack of cov ered pa rk in gf ac il it ie s in dupl e xn eighborhood s in We st Vail,a nd to continue that trend is no t in the b est i nterests o f l ong rangeobj e ct ive s. The sitea pp ears c apab le of handlin ga two-car garage whi le s ti ll me et ing a total of 4 off-street space s.Thus,we rec ommen ddeni al of the cov ered parkin g v ar ianc e. PLANNI NG ~~D EN VIRO NM ENTAL CO~W ISSION November 23,1981 PRESENT Roger Tilkemeier Scott Edwards Will Trout Gerry lfuite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper ABSENT Jim Morgan STAFF Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre BetsyRosolack The cha irman,Gerry White,called t he meeting to order at 3:1 5. 1 .Approval of minut es of November9,1981 . Dan moved and Duan e seconded to approve the minut es .The vote was 5-0 ,\Vill abstaining,because h is packet had not y et arrived in the mail. 2 .Request for avariance from the f ronts et -b ack to a llowa ga rage to enc roach 1.8 f e et into t he front setbackonl ot 12,Big horn Fourth Additi on, 4484 Streamside Circle.Ap plicant:Timb er Fal ls Corp . Pe t er ;J amar e xp lained th e memo and t he rea sons the staff was in favor of t he v ari ance.Ron Riley ou tlin ed the basic mecha ni cs o ft he error .He stated that no nei ghbors would bea ff ect ed by thee ncro achmen t.Bob Ruder s aid that the lot l ine wa s 20 feet from S t reamside Cir c le .Ger ry stated that the bo ard h adj ustb een out to look at t he property. Ro ger me ntioned that t he pl ann in g d epa r tme nt no w r equi redan improv ement s urvey,asu rv ey whi ch i sdone after a f ound ation is in to show loc ation of the bu ild ing in re l at ion to setbacks.This was not r e quired wh en thi s buildin g wasco nst ruc t ed ,so that in th isc ase,the bo ard would not b e se ttin g a precid ent .Ro ger moved a nd ·Scott seconded t oa pp rove th e varianc e as recommended in the staff mem o dated No v emb er 17,19 81wi th th ea dditional fact.th at th e present r egul ation s requirea nimprov em e nt surv ey.The vot e was 6 -0,un animously in f avor . 3.Vari a!l c e re qu ests to all ow an e mp loy e e se condary uni t in a n exi stin g sin gle f amily unit on Lo t 16,Block A,Va il Da sSchoneSubd ivision.App licant: Michael Saba. Pet er Pat t e nc xpla i n c d that only 2varianc e s were n eed ed,s i nce the GR FAha d b eena ll owed und er th e Coun t.y• ,' ••PEC -2-11/23/81-- Elmer Stymiest,representing the owner,stated that whende aling wi th th e County,there wasa problem with t he garage and the applicant changed his plans to suit the County .He felt that the owner was being asked to change back to what had already been changed.He complimented the staff on t heir - h elpfulnes s.Gerry ask ed if the intent was to keep the e mploy ee h o using fo r emp loyee h ousing.and Elmer replied t hat it was,and that Mr .Saba had signed an affidavit that i s part of the appl ication process in the planning o ffice to the effect that the unit would remain employee housing. Danp ointed out tha t what t he County had approved wasa single family house, and that this request was not the same,for it was ar equest for a second unit for which the Town had different requir em ents.He a dded that the bo ard had j ust returned from looking at the site and f elt that in t he place where there was parking for 3c ars would beagood place for a garage an d the drive- waywouldn't have to change at all .Gerry stat ed that the re wasmore than ample roomand that the site lent itself t o the garage and h e could see no reas on not to require it. Discussion followed concerning whether or not to grant oneo f the request ed variances without granting the other.It was decided th at it was possibl e. Danmoved a nd Ro ger seconded to de n y the request f o r a cov et ed parking v ariance becau se the granting would b e inconsistent with the int entions on other properti es .and that there wasno hardship .to the applicant.The vote was 6-0 t o deny . Roger movedand Will seconded to approve the GRFA variance per the staff memo dated 11/17/81.The vot e was 5-1 with Dan disapprOVing because he felt the two varia nces were tied to g ether . Pet er reminded Stymiest that he had 10 day s in which t o a p pea l the decision of deni al to t he Town Council. 4 .Reques t for a cond itional use p e rmit for a s ma ll e lectdca l equipment and sales store in a b as em e nt a rea of the Li onsSqua re LodgeBuil ding,Phas e II. Applicant:Mo un ta in Coinmuni c ationsa nd Mobil e Te lephone,Inc.. Jim Sayre e xplained th e situation and s howed wi th a s k et ch the loc ation o f the propo sed store .He add ed that th es ta ff 's on ly c o ncernwas with th e a d di tionl at er of s al es of TV 's,s te reos ,e tc .He as ked th at th ea pp licant come b ack if th ere were to bea na ddi tion of othe r it emss ol d,thought here wasco n cern a bout the si ze o f th ea ppliances illso .Scott aske d t he a pp licant if h e wa s a ware t hat th e Li ons Squ areLodgep eople wereco nce rned a boutn oise, and wa s told t hat n oi sec ontro ls wo ul d b e handled by the Lodge.Dan mo ved andRoger seconded to ap p rove th e re ques t f or a con d itona lu se p ermit wit.h t her e strict ion that the sto re b e lim it.edt.o the sa les an d repair of r adio eq ui pme n t.Thevot.e was 6-0 j nf avor . Befo re ad jou rnin g,the bo ard was r emi nded th at.t.heDec .14 mee tin g was a n import.ant one,and would i nc lu de as tudy of arcades .They were a lso remindedo ft.he joint s tudy me etin g wit h th e Counci l o n1 2/8 .Ro g er mov ed and Wil ls econded to a djoufll.Th e meet.ing was ad journed ~t 4 :1 5. ••~ Vail Associates Real Estate," .I ul y 25 ,1985 Mr.S tev e Pa tte rs on Office of Commu ni ty Deve lopm ent Town of Vail 75Soutll Frontage Road Va il ,CO 8 1657 Dea r S t eve : Per our co nve r sa tion o n tile t elephone tod a y,I a m writing this l ett er t oy out o out line what MikeSaba has d onea nd is pl annin g to d o in o r de rt o ob t ain th e certificat e of oc cupancy f rom th e Towno f Vail . 11 1.The d r ain agep ro blemi n t he basement h as b een c orre ct ed b y Alice Parso ns .Id isc usse d this with Gary Moran in y our office a nd he ind ica ted t h at s he has now brou ght the drainage s ystem u p t o th es ta ndardst hat wo uld be r equ ired f or newc o ns t ruc t io n . #2 .Mike is planni ng to h ave a 2 -ca r ga r age inst all ed in t he b asement with as ing le ca r ga ra ge d o or .He wil la lso h avea d o or ins ta l led f rom th e garage in th es tai rwe ll l e adin g upt o t he h o us e . 113 .The land s capin g wil I b e bro u ght up to the sta n dardso utlined in 18.54.0 5 0D,and a pp rove db y the de sign revi ew bo ard. If this is yo ur underst andin g of the requirements that must b emet b y t heCo mm uni ty Deve lopmentd epartment in ord er to ge t th e ce r- ti fi c at e of occu pan cy ,wouldy ou please sign this lett er and d at e it. Thank you very mu ch fo r you r c oope ration in this matter .If yo u h ave a ny qu esti ons or comme n ts ,please don't h esit at e to c ont act me. S i ncere ly yo urs, VAIL ASS OC I AT ES ~~:~~1 enbe'-<c--"kV''"''A "V-c-<.J\ Assoc ia te Bro ker .JH/lg :i ",.{I.I "-.~'.,I';~l .~~.l i !l I -il ·,.1 ..J "II :•t .'[.t l c .•,!()I t ;,"t'I 't l:t·l :,i i J . H iil ','",!(t.I;!I~I .:,1'1 "1 .!!J·,'I'!I,'!1 .'1 \1.·:1 ....7 1 ·~1 ~1 L.t:II ·\i t:.1 n ."'1 ....!.,l t'; c l C>-- • town of vai 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 Mr.Mi keSaba 4335 Marina Ci,ty Drive,Suite 742 Marina Del Ra~,California,90202 Dear r"'r .Saba, • officeof community development October 30,1984 RE:SabaRes idence Lot 16,Blk A Van das Shone I apologize for the delay in sending you the l ts t of landscaping improvements.for your property.Van 'had several unexpected snowstorms that made it difficult to check the existing landscaping. Enclosed is a reduced xerox of your l andscapi'nq plan that was approved byEagle County.I'havea1 ist of numbered improvements that needtobemade.The improvements are keyedon the enclosed map. 1.Sod should be laid on the median s.trip between the road and parking area andweedsremoved ,' 2.Eight more five gallon shrubs should be planted under the front deck.Weeds should also be removed. 3.Planting pocket should be planted.The plan calls for three 1 ~"to2"diameter aspens andtwo5 gallon shrubs. 4.Sod should be laid in the area tn front of the main entry. 5.The property has many areas that are covered by large thistles and other weeds.Theweeds should all be removed, particularly under the deck,sta trway,and front sodded area, 6.A1pineseedshou1d :he 'p1anted 'behind the house , :' •• Once these requirements have been fulfilled,you will have met the landscaping requirement.If you have further questions please call me.I appreciate your patience and cooperation . ~itY'~rrQ- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/rme ••1.• JHWE'!Z f ~,n;" ) --' ;"\, ", '\ ,, ~:.-. ...'..' I ,.I 5NOW 5T'MA6E:., 'AND RocJ::-i;FLOfJ)E,R IH<~A "{...,," ','Ii Jj ,' .... ,. ........'.; '~:'t t:,'\, ,/.'i':/!i \;,\ ", :', ," •...., I " ", . ",'; "...,.:, ••~,l .i i ' ~.":'.'........... ,, Nt_/'II V..:..'J !-L.-V W 'I ,'.Wli'liItm'J:'',\,t..awlmS, ",/,''.S .\..>.\¥ 'U/ GIIR.Dtrfl o o .,"".,;', \'/:~;,l 'i.',';. \'(.A '(,.;\•",' ,-'!'J:_NJ'_OWtl 0'~"'~:\,'"~ SlZ~'~A l\l T rTY I ' 5GliL../8 ", '0o, Afl\,VJ.l).e : 0' 'IU..Pt«Je S€E''[) ~WITH, VlfLD .!' ,,.... ,, .~~ ~ f'". it! ~~'~, D •boyle engineering.inc. 143 e .meac::loN dr.suiten-10 crossroads shopping center vail.colorado 81657 303/476-2170 April 10,1985 Mr.JaMes R.Booker 1729 nanhassett Drive Dunwoody,GeorQia 3033& Subject'Structural inspection or ReSIdence At 2389 Chanonix Road Vail,Colorado Deflr Mr.Booker: • MS you know I Made a str~ct~~~l in5p~ctlqn or the above noted residence on April I,1585,Wlt~~fQIJoW~4R 1~.p~c'lon of the saMe on April S. The purpose of the oriQin~1 inFp6Q*.ipn ~~~to check for structural deficienCies in the bUilQlng ~nd,to ~~drq~s the drainage situation, while ihe second VIsit was qAne 'or th~.p ~rpo s e of satisfYing the concerns of the lccal bUil~lng Q'fic!al ~'Q~rdIn9 the roof fraMing of the secondary unit.ihis 1~§§~ro~Ary pr MY findings. I aM pleased 10 state that I ~id not finq ~nY structurdl probleMS With the buildlng.8a~ically tMer~n~v~~Qt peen any sLgns of exce6~ive deflections 1n the roof or ftQqr 1~~~~nQ ~y~teM5.nor are there any Indlcations of settleMent OP ~=~vi~~lr the foundation.I have reviewed the fraMlng of th,rQof fQr '*h~5~c~ndary unit and found that it is Madeup of pref bri~~ted roof iru5see prOVided by the Baise-Cascade Corporation,TyPl~.tl¥t"e~~4r~designed to Meet the current 5no~load requlr~~~~t~tor tho lQc~tion and are designed and certified by a staff eng~~«~r 'rQrn the cOM~any. I c~uld not deterMine that ~~~riMater drain systaM is in place at the footing elevation around th$p'~iloinQ or that it is functIoning properly if one is present.Yeu ~1 ~have to excavate down to the footing level for a short lengtp of the west wall to draw a final conclusion on that point.My services are available to youwhenyou choose to undertake thlS effort .The present owner,Mike 55ba,has indicated to ~e that a drain systeM is in place but obviou~ly I cannot go on record with the building departNent that n proper systeM is in place based ~pon ihia re~ark. Please feel free to gIve ~e e cell if you have any questions regard1ng this report. • Page Z Mr.JOMBS ~.Booker Apr i 1 .10,.I S85 Sincerely yours, SOYLE ENG NEERIN6,INC. lj~iB;an cc :Sieve Patterson Janine Hollenbeck • • 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)476 ·7000 A.l tee Parsons P.O.Bo x 674 Vail,Colorado,8 1658 Dea r Alice, • officeof community development Qctober 11 ,1984 In response to your reques t to obta i.n a fi.'na 1 certi fica te of occupancy for,the Saba Residence.1 would 1 ike to outl ine the issues that needtobe addressed before a final certificate of occupancy rs rssued . If the emp 1oyee housi:ng unit rema ins,the owner mu st cons truc t an enclosed garage.The GRFA.var-iance was granted with the understanding that a garage would be constructed.'In addf t.ion, the landscaping must be improved to comply with sec t ion 18.,54.0500 of the Urban Design Gu i,l dl ines ,and be approved by the Desi,gn R,evi.'ew Board. If the ownerwi,shs to make the pr imary/secondary .resfdence .into a singl e fC!mily dwelli:ng,the fo 11 owi,ng requirements mus t be met; 1.The secondary unit"s kitchen mus tbe abandoned, anda physical connection me inte tned throughout the house so it functions as one unit rather than twouni ts , 2.I..,andscapin'g be brought up to the standards out'l ined tn 18.54.0500,and approved by the Design Revi.ew ' Board.. 3.The drainage e!0blem in the basement m~st b~c9rrected, L../.R A /I c e P/M 6 e ~r:flo--e ~iJ U IV'f /.1 II',JJ 12m.. If on final inspeetfon of the residence,any other problems become evident,the owner will haveto address those problems before a fi na1 certifica te of occupa ncywi 11 be issued ,' •• The Town would strongly support theideaof build ing agarage inthe basement if thegrade and retainage problems canbeso lved. Pleasefeel free to call me at 476-7000 -extension III if you have any questions. Si ncerely, ~l'~(\?{\~ Kristan Pritz Tow n Planner /~. A.Pete r patten 1 / Acting Director -~mmunity Development ~~~ Gary Murrain~ Building Inspector • November 1,1985 TO WHCM IT MAY CONCERN: '252 3 4- 1IIOl¢JA? NtE 97~ ',-(;i ri{1TE PHILLIPS ';LE er r.RECORBE R Nov ~II 30 ftH'95 The property located at 2389 Chamonix Road, __.V,ai1hCo~orado and whose legal description --is:Lot 16,Block 'ii ,Vai1 das Schone Resubdivision,Filing No.1,is to be sold as a single family dwelling and not asa duplex unless and until further compliance with the zoning and building co~es as ~ met. t' "\ I, .-• 75southfrontageroad vall.colorado81657 (303)476 -7000 Mr.Mi keSaba 4335 Marina City Drive,Suite 742 MarinaDelRay,Cal ifornia,90202 Dear I~r.Saba, • officeof community development October 30 ,1984 RE:SaQa Res idence Lot16,Bl kA Va n das Shone I apologize for the delay in sending you the l is t of landscaping improvements for your property .Va tl had several une xpected sno wstorms that made it diffiCult to check the existing Iandscap inq. Enclosed is a reduced x erox of your l andscap inq plan that was approved byEagle County.I have ali st o f numbered improvements that need to bemade.The improvements are keyedon the enclosed map. 1.Sod should be laid on the median strip between the road and parking area andweedsremoved ,' 2.Eight more five gallon shrubs should be planted under the front dec k.Weeds should also be removed . 3.Planting poc ket should be planted.The plan calls for th ree l !:!"to 2 "diameter aspens andtwo5 gallon shrubs. 4.Sod should be laid in the area tn front of the main entry. 5.The property has many areas that are covered by large thistles and other weeds.Theweeds should all be removed, pa rticularly under the dec k,stairway,and front sodded area , 6.Alpine :seedshould :,be'"'planted -behind the house • ... ••• •• Once these requirements have been fulfilled,you will have metthe landscaping requirement.If you have furthe r questions please call me.I appreciate your patience and cooperation. ~itY'~At- Kri stan Pritz Town Planner KP/rme ., r .·..' ",J ......'.'~~.:.,~-;. :.'.- ®G .'o o o o .:,'"..'..'.",. ..•:.4> ,... •-;-\0 . "" '"' "," -r- r ~ !., ;0 " 'Ily Uj- ...... ,0 Il\ ,'.,~,-.,, -U\ ;.....-. .::!,-. ,.-.... \I)': -', .;. ....:.......,:-..-." '.,..r-. .' -, .•= '. ~...... ..~...,:..' ..~. •.......".~.. ~'.'. -' .'.":" '..' .'... ,":~:~"'-~ ,;'......~.,- ....l,., ,;.:.''.j"~.~- "~"·H·- :." .'p ". ,"......,""'...'.... .-,,:'. '..'.t.« ••'".•-"of·• '\""../ "'.-.:./". '/ '\ ;. ...."~. .=-.•_Co •• "-.;--.': ...:-;_....",-." .: I .'.; ...~_...~..;.. _:.~:~:::\;~~_"v • .'0 .~.~, \ J 1 ')':::1: ~ '1 'p 1:~ -:'3 FIELD COpy ... • (CO HTR'SLI CE NSE ) 1867 (PROPOSED U SE) BUILDING PERMIT November 17,80 DATE 19 _....-........._PE RM IT NO ........:=.;><-'--_ Alice Parsons Mountain Homes lj\lDRESS Box 674,Vail,CO. Footers,Foundation,Basement wailS .I NO.I ISTR EET' for Single Family Hom~_._}sT ORY -----'----,-----,-~~~~~~N J'FUNITS _ (T YPE OF IM PROVEME NT)N O. BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE ,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 PERM IT TO APPLICA NT (NO.' Chamonix Rd. (STR E ET) (CR OSS STRE ET )(CR OS SS TREET) Vail dasSchone#1 16 A (T YPE ) 1)Parking now works for 3 dwell illY unft on this lot. OWNER ADDRES S spaces;2)CountyRegs.do not permit a second J1m W1lliams,Zoning Inspector Plan Check Fee $70 .25 e~[t Jr ES T IMATED COST $20,000.00 ~~~MIT $140.50 (C UBIC /S QUA RE F EET ) Michael W.Saba ~::}iBt ~97 I? 4335 Marina City Dr.#742,MarinaDelRey,CAlif.~~ILDING D~~ INSPECTION RECORD • .DATE NOTE PROGRE SS -CRIT ICISMS A,NO RE MARKS INSPECTO R ~"..'.,.',-,., "...,.......,... ,.. ',."" ".. " " 1 C ASHM.O . /940 7, CK .M.O .CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK . WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (I N T HIS SPACE )THIS IS YOUR P E RMI T ••BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N • PLANCHECKVALIDATION 0 ;;~·z Ju risdiction of "•.0 0·Applicantto completenumbered spacesonl y."~ ~ J Ot AD D"£ss C ha.mi.n o~Road,Vail.ColoradoI'O TNO . 1 m .IT;~~l <OSE E A TTAC:loU:O S Iol[[.T )L EGAl ..1 0[sc..la A das Sohone Sub divis ion I OWN E lt M AI L .1000"['15 ,,"P HONE 2 Miohael W.Saba 43 35 Marina City Drive #742 Ma rina Del Rev.Calif 90291 CON T IU ,C:TOJll MAI L "DD JIlES!P H ONE L I C£NS £HO . 3Alioe L.Pars ons Moun tain Homes I no.P .O.Box 674 Vail Go II I fifi 7 471'\_4?1l? 4ItC"'lTEC T O R DE S IGNE-J111 MA IL A O DR ESS P HONE L I CEN S E 1\10. 4 Boise Casoade Hom es 12 01 South Boul der Road tA ",.......Cnl n.-Arln ENG I NEE R ""'A IL A C DRE SS PIoIO"l E L1 CE"lSE ,..0. S Sa me LC "'O[A MAI L AOO "ES S B"A ...C IoI 6 U SE 0"aU IL OINe; 7 Residenoe 8 Class of work :~NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :Di ~f or f oun dat ion.p ut in f ooters and ba sement walls.s et Bois e Casoade home,s titc ht og eth er a nd add roof on s it e.Comp l ete eleotrioal and 01 umbins: 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuat ion of work :$20,000.00 PLA N CHECK F EE 7 /).2.('IPERMI TF EE Flo .SO SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Typeo f O ccupan cy C anst.Group D ivision Si ze o f B ld9.N o.of M ax . (Total)S Q.F t.Sto ries oee.Load F ire U se F ire Spri nk lers APP LI CA TION AC CEPTED B Y PLANS CH ECKED BY APPR OVED F OR ISSU AN C E B Y Zone Z one Req u ired D ves O N o N o .of OF F ST RE ET PAR K I NGSP ACE S ' D well ingU n its C o vered I U ncov ered NOTICE Spe cial Approva ls R e qu ired R eceived Not Requ ired SEPARA TE PER MI TS AR E REQU IRED FO R ELECTRICAL ,PLUMB·ZON IN G ING.HE ATING,V ENTILATING OR A I R CO NDITIONING .H EALT H O EP T. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IFWO RK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHO RIZE DIS NOT C OMME NC ED W ITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FI RE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SU S PEN DED OR A BANDONED SO IL REPORT FOR AP E RIOD O F 120 DAYS AT ANY TI ME AF T ER WO RK IS COMM ENCED .OTHER ISpe clfy) IH EREBYCE RTIFYT HAT I HAVE R EADA ND EXAMI NED THIS A PPLICATION AN DK NOW THE SAME T OBE TRUE AN D COR RECT. A LL PR OVISI ONS OF L AWS AN O ORDINANCES G OV ERNING TH IS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WI TH WHETHER SPEC IFIE O H EREIN OR N OT .THE GR ANTING O F A P ERMIT DOES N OT PRESUME TO GI VE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE LT HE PR OV IS IONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGUL AT I NG CONSTRUCTI~N OR TH~:ORMANCE OF C ONSTRUCTION . (U};;~.~J ~~.r.~{(J"y I'i lyA; $I GHATU"£0"CO NT"ACTOIII 0"A UTH ORIZED AGE NT CDA TU 5IG,.AT U RE 0 "OWNE R I"OWNE "BU I L DE")OA Tll Form 100.1 '·77 INSPECTO R 1 CATIONRMITAING -~........ BUILD PE PPLI 0 <;•,·J urisdiction of ~>.0 0• Applicant tocomplete numbered spaces on ly.~••JOD AOO-'[55 . ,,~.-,,('I,~"''H.oJ.]I -. L OTNO . lOCK IT'ACT .· L ''AL I OSEE ATT:'CMEO '!'lEET)-1 DESC"..0 A ~.",.AI'",.,.'''...,. OWN £Ill ""'AIL "'00"1[5$ZI P PHONE 2 C...,1 •4.';...'1 ?-"..J •r r ft ..'-...,.,.-.,., CON TIU.C TO"MA IL "'00"[5$PHON E .LICENSE 1Il0 . 3 J I"F to.".,.......t I,.,--...,.,..,-.- "fIICH lTEeT O ft O ES I ~"'E "MAIL AobRES '$.P I1 0N E'"•Ll CCNSE:Nd•- 4 -I ..:..........,;.~L,,.. £NG IN£ER ""'....IL AO CA!:SS ~.PI'tbNE LIC E!Il 5 E NO . 5 ',..•-LENDEA MA IL AODJIlESS S""''''CH 6 USE 0"B UILDING 7 Q.,I(....... 8 Classof work :o NEW o ADDITION oAL TERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOV E 9 Des cribe wor k:fi _or •und"l t1011.,Jut.oo~ra ·~ud u·..<[If "'"'..'..,.,1n •....\te'I.,)I.n.,r lln"'\,,~~'Olll IU "L ...,'j 1 ,("..,.,... 10 Change ofuse from Change o f u se to 11 V aluation ofw ork :$'''.C'''J.W P LANC HECK FE E IP ERMIT F EE , SPEC IAL C ONDITIONS :Type of Occup ancy Const .Gro up Div ision Size 01 Bldg .N o.o f MaJC. (Total)SQ.Ft.Stories Dec.Load F ire U.e F Ire Sprink lers APPL ICATION A C CEPTE D 8Y PLANS C HECK ED BY APPROvED FOR ISSUANCE B Y Z one Z one ReQuired DVes oN o N o.0 1 OFFSTREET P ARKING SPACES , Dwelling Units C overed I Uncovered NOTICE Special Approva ls Required R eceived Not R equired S EPARATE PERMITS AR E R EQUIRED FOR EL ECTRICAL,PLU MB·ZONING ING.HE ATING,VENTILATING OR A IR CONDITION ING.HEA LTH OEPT. TH IS PERM IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTR UC· TlON AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR FIR E DE PT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS ATAN Y TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED .O THER (S pecify) I HERE BY CERTIFY THAT IHAV E READ AND EXAMINED THI S APPL ICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TOBE TRUE AND CORRECT. A LL PROVISIONS OFLAWSAN D ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OFWO RK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OFANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ," S IGNATU"E 0'CO NTAACTO"0"A uTHOll'lZED AGE NT t DATEI S IGNAT AE 0"O WN E "II"OWNE"eUIL OER )D A TE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK .M.a.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH EXTRA COPY Fo rm 100.1 '-77 _____AM •PM t.>tlfc M/' FRI •INSPECTION REQUEST /T OWN OF VAI L tt61\..N AME CALLER ~/TU E S WE~THU R~?Ltl /t--a h (A> OAT E ----'_--/---'---=-_+_''''---' READYFOR INSPECTION : ;2 3ePy PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o ROU GH /DW.V._ o ROU GH /WATE R _ o GA S PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ .,.,\0 /J ~Jv ~")L-0 FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL .......--- D--------n --~~r__;;:_:'::;:_r_+ )(FINAL r ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EA TING _ o EXHAUSTHOODS _ o SUPP LYA IR o _ o FIN AL _ .....l(·APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 0REI NSPECTION R EQUIRED CORRECTIONS:--'~i ~,w¥lll=fI Of1\iM i du ~1 ----=c\JlliA:c=...>----- DATE INSP ECTOR .. _____AM•PM (--1,1 ',-(/ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t1.J")1\ T HUR FRI NA ME CALLER MQ /TUESWEDY{1 {/It.t)h /,LOCATI ON :_--="-----~_--'--___'___--'--':::......::~!O.._..::._'__'__'_'_____'_=....!.._'__.:........J.'__!_.__ READY FOR INSPECT ION : :2 ')&7 PERMIT NUMBERlF PROJEC T DATE I 0 /2 5>-I!~B // o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING : o UNDERG ROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POO L /H.T UB _ 0 _ "'\0 .f'"·l ~I BU ILD ING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL ------------c-- 0 ..,-------,----.----,----:- f ~~~F~I N~A~L~~;;+~~.J.~/~I.~S~'~(~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED (I11 0C ,. DATE _--,--~+-=-~~,---,-",:",,-_INSPECTOR •• ,~;!~,u 1c)~1 kG nA/J'1G Cy().'.. '!J ~~.'~~{:;jW;r fj nvt'ltif ?i .'.J )tp ~td s-«dnv ~b-.<'-/- .I ~d.~'- .dh 'liZ.,(pI,; 4 LL ~".. ~1'o~~-r-«;r~.ec /~~ 13ss-~~/'1*Or ,ft/Zt 712-7~at /::7 C:.e7 /tJZ7'z-- · (AGll:COUNTY • DEP ARTMENT OF BUILDI NG &PL ANNI NG EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 T ELEPHONE 303/328 -7311 BO ARD O F C OU NTY C OM MI SSIO NERS E xl 241 TO LL F.NUi'1BERS : Vai l 949-5257 Basalt -927-3823 November 13,1980 A DM IN ISTRA TI ON Ex l 2 41 AN I"lA L SHE LTER 949 -4292 A SS ESSOR Ex l 202 BUI LDING I N I NSPECTI ON Ex l2 26 o r 2 29 CL ERK & RECORDER E Xl217 COUN TY A T TO RNEY E xt 2 42 EN GIN EER E xt 236 ENV I RONMENTAL H EA LTH Ex t2 38 E XTE NSION AGE NT Ext 2 47 LIBR ARY E xt 25S PU BLIC HEALTH Eagl e E xt 252 Vail 47 6-5844 PLA N NI NG Ext 2 26or 229 PURCH ASING/ PERSONNEL E xt 245 ROAD &B RI DGE E xt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ex t2 11 Basalt 9 27 ·3244 Gilm an 827 -5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 3 28·6328 TRE ASURER Ext 2 01 MichaelSaba c/o Alice L.Parsons P.O.Box 674 Va il,CO.81657 RE:Applicat ion f or Bu ilding Perm it in Eag le Co unty Lot 16,BlockA-VaildasSchone #1-Denied The Eagl e Cou nty Bu ilding Dept .requ ires that appl ica tio ns for Building Perm i ts in Eag le County be r outedtot he Eag le County Planni ng,Engineering, and Environme nta l He alth Dep ar tm en ts f or th eir c omments pri or to issu ance of the pe rmits.Yo urappl ica tionwasr oute d on 10/16/8Q &rerouted on 11/5/80. Li sted bel ow a ret he c omm ents and r ecomme ndat ionswhich were ma de bythe abovedepartmentsduringth e r outi ngpro cedure.I f youhaveany ques tio ns or wishto get f urth ere xplana ti on,pl ease contact th ea ppropr ia te dept. Plannin g De pt.:Not approved.Redesign dr iveway soeach parking spacehas22'c lear backup space.(See attached information sheet on parking are as.) Brian Haas,Building Inspector Engineering Dept.:Approved . Envir onme nta l Hea l th Dept .:Approved. It would be to your advantage if yoube gin to resolve anyprobl e ms an d/or r equirements assoona s possiblesoas not t o de lay the iss uance of y our buildio,peemit .oy loo ,ee th,o oe,e,,~ ;f ~u ,~ Ea gle County Build ing Offic ial LD/adj '~ .\ :t.~ {, E; "", i .~ .1 tru ck.f r r_·i Cl hl f or c~c h u s c i 'l t.l,e f rl1 l O'.ri'1rJ r~1 ~1 '2 5 1 1 space p cr l re r50n;o f h n'.rly b ~se l if t 12.Dr i ve I n FilC il ity -ol le sp a.ce f OI'e'ach 2 00 S'l u are f eet o f fl OOT'areil .m d a 'mini rluin o f fiv e acdit i onal s pJce s for ten p or(lr y i n 1 in e '.'1 a it i rHJ o r st an dinQ. AC C~5S t o t h e street s h tlll be r es tr i c':.e d to dri',!L·'.I ·~{S d ~:.ifl np.d to preserv e o ff -s treet p:3,-ld ng an d rri ni r-riz c h 2Z :H G ~. ~ h'tlere a l ot is o c cup ied by a comb iu e t i o n o r t he a bove j i s t ed tJ ~CS . t he min 'inum o ff -st r cd ra d 'i ns:r e :::ul r,:"'cn t ...t-all cq l/·,i t he ~U I "o f the requ i r-e'nent f a r all includ ed L:SCS on thr lo t . l nduvt r i a l: (a)Manu fa c tu r in g E $t )~l i s hm~n ~: 1 space oe r 100(1 s qu.n-e feet o f f l oor ;\\'(>,3 (b )1,~h ol e s<l le Es t ab l i stuue n t.',·:are!lo'Jse,rail n r t ermi r.a1 So: 1 soace per 2QOQ squa re {ee t o ffl oor ~"P.J: Ski ra ci lities c apilci ty; par k i nq s pace 1:1\"1r"II"area (a l i ns i de.cover ed or parti al l y i ns i dc or cnv('r('d.a nd (b)o uts i de or u ncn v ered 9 . 8 . 10. 6.Au ditor i um and Pub!i c f'~Sf..:-l b l y -1 spe c e re r100 S:I:I·,re f~'?t of flo or a ree used f or :;e Jt ~r,g ore ss erbl y ; 7 .P ubl i c a nd Hea lth F"c.i1 i ties (c xc cot a:.J:'it8 ri L-"\a nd pu bl i c a s s cnbl y)_1 s pace per 3 0 D sq uere te et o f flo or or-ca {e xc ep t sto rage are a ); 5 .R e~ta ur a nt and Tell/ern -1 s u a ce ocr euch 11 s ne t s ~ 1 . f 1 !!:'li ~';J:n _~!"~?_t_~!?:~!"'lP~;~~i!:"t)_:pa fr ,i n ~s pa ces s h.r l be p r ovi d ed ~llou nt s:~r. -CLlli.....l ot ---f.wi dth 9 feet 11)f eet ... I e nut h 1f1 f c ~t (0 f r pt .~ d r i vcvay wi dt .hsf or • anq t e or Far'11 0 1 park ing H foo t 12 f eo t.~ ner pa ndic u la r p.:-rk iog 2~fe e t 22 rc e t r <,unobs tru c te dbac k-up vpac e 2 2 feet:.22fe et ",c..C-.; 2 .Reside n ti al -p ,)I'kinl1 r ('qu i r o.l ,..~nt o f 2 .5 s poc c s f er" / f o r a ll t y P~::-o f unit s .I nca ve o f '1 ~J'.f r a(t.i O n of il ~,C ,\C E'.~P r a f ul l space ~h (,l1 be r-e qu i r c d ; 3 .l od9ings -i nc l ud t nn hote l.mo tel .1-::0')"'.bear di n 't ho us o and sirrile rt ncil i tt es -1 ;DI'IC"?ne r ro o'e;. / a nd Non Reta il Bus iness and professional Off'C. 4 .P,etai l and Serv i ce C:r.·'·~0rcia l l\1 space per 381)Sq UiU'!?f c ~t /of floor are)(e xce ~t sto rage ar ea ): II. @ 4.0(,.05 I Est;abl ish::ic'"lt o f C l ca r -Vi~i cn ..~,r c"s : /'"C1C;1 -1::\;Ts-ion-,~rC :3 -"Fr~--::::;'-n-~~Tn('d on 01('corn or ,;o f e tt rro r ~T ·ty at t he int ers e cti on o f L w s trc c t s o r a :;l r,..·~t an d o ra i lr oc d .A clea r v1S10n arCi)s h"ll cO t ~l3in f)1)I'la nt i'io .f "'''rr .•....;)11.<;tJ'Il r.tUl"("!.Qr tr:'r-'l lo r ,'I"v 01"p~r",,'tlN lt t~L:.t l"u ct i c n (,~c c '7 '1 h o t',-:('.111 ,"1 01,('_1,."f f (',:"t in h'.:iy h l.~·C .]Sll rc >j f l·D~~'t h e l :,:r of t1.CUI-b.cr d'cI'('',:;.'CU ll'cxi o:t s. (ro ':I tt ·~I"s t ~h li~l-:~d ~.t r ,:,....t c entf'!"l :")'.:'r l ·.1~.,.(''(,-(''i d"~I "t t,.f..'f'~ 1','<:c ced i !1:J thi s I Ti q 11t r:·il','r e l of;,\l e i :l '!;l;~.,J r (",l r n 'vi"r.".,11 IWilflc h'?'i .1 n{i f ol i.'~~{,rc rr7'"~o vf'rl t o;,hdljh t of ci ll~t .f"t't .'1~·II·'(>U :('1r ,,.1~. 4 .05.0'. (3) (4) \\,.}.>IIUW stor a~e orea:In addi ti on t o ::l r ~i1 required or utili zed for pa rk ing o r maneuv ering of v ehi cl es .a s now s tora ge ~r~a sha ll bp.p r ovi ded whi ch a t a mini mummee ts the f ol lowing stan da rds : (1)t ota1 a rea shall e qual 20~of the s urfa c.e 3 ~e a of par ki ng a ndmane uver ing a rca . (2)a rea sha lle i the r be of a pervio us na~ure o r be drained into an a dequa tE.'f il te r wh ich r eMoves po l lut an ts . t he minimu m di mension shall be 6fe et in -lny d irect;,.,n . AI"eas ha ll be d it 'ect ly a djacent to t hE."3.l"Ca fro:1\which s nm'1 i'i to be remuved an d StH 1 1 extend no moy·c t han 12 feet f ronl tr.e e d "J <~ of t he PClrk i r.n "iul"face . Page 53 u p t o 10,000 greate r than ]O.OO U r.l Qadi n q b er t h shall c ontain a s pace 1 0 f e et wide and 35 fee tlon~an d hdve a v~r t iccl l c lC.3rrlncc of 1tl fe r-to \S here th e vo ni cl e s o enc -e ll y u ,;cd f or l Oel din(]and un lo,v1inlJ exc ecrt t hl?s.edil11en~\o ns ,t he rCQu irerJ l eng th o f t he se hc rths sha ll be i nCI"Ci\S cd. 1_\,.- 2. 7 .Se rv ice drives s ha ll hav e a nu ru rnum v i si on c l carClnc e il r e "f ur -ned \Y/t he intersection o f U le dr iv0way c enterl ine ,the s tre et r ight- o f-WilY Line ,i1 nd a s traiqhtl ine jo in ing s a id linest hroug h p oin t s2 0 f eet f rom t hei r intersec tion. r '~i n imul1 Off-St r eet l.o03 l1 ino p.r.Cl u ireme nt c;: gUll ding;or s truc t ures-t:Obe--tJ;J1lTo':'-su bsta nt i:'\11 Y a 1 te r ed ,wh ic hrecei-J~a nd d ist ri bute mate ria ls and mc rct1,an rl i se by t ruck.s ha llorQ~idr an d m~in tai n o ff -s trc 0t loading ber th s in s uff ic ien tn umber and size to a dcQuatcly han dlp the n eeds o f t hepart i cular u sc . 1 .The f Qllo,/ing s tandards sh all be use d in as t abl is hing the rnin i /TlI ;171 number of berths r CCju ;rerJ : 9..r_os s Fl oor ArCil o ft he Building i"!'~..T!~l.q ~_~.:... Ilumber of Berth s 1 2 6.Ser v ice d r ives t o of f -s treet p a r ~;ng arc~s sh ~ll be des iqned a nd c onstructed to f ac il itate t.he t l ow of traf f i c.pr-ovi de r:l3x imum s.lfl':ty of t raff i c a c ce ss and erJre ss an d th e-maxim um s afetyo f pejcstr i a n a nd veh 'icu la r t raf fic on the s i tc . 5.Grc\lrs o f not-e than f our-pa rkin g s pa ces sh~ll be so l o ca tnd a nds~rv ~~by a dr i v ~way thot th e ir u se will r equ ire nQ ba ckingl~o ':{'I"',er.t s or othe r lnJne uvet'ing within a s treet right -of-w()y other ~han a n .alley . 4 .ec c c s s aisles s hall he:of su ffici ent wi d thf or all vehi cles l lirn inq and maneuve r ing. 3 .t'l rt ifi cial 'l i qht i n o Itlllich ma y be p rovi ded s ha ll be so deflected .]50 n ot t o shine or cre a t e g lar e i n a ny res ide n tia l zo ne or on any ad ja cen t dwe ll ing . 2.E'C~Dt 'or pdr~ing to se rvr r esidential uses,IJarking J rld l oading arE as adjacent t o r esidentia l zones or adj acent t o residen ti alu~c~s hall be de siQ ncd t o min imize d is turban ce of r e si dents. (')E..~...i_~I :~.~e~~l .~!~!.1£:~!E !:.~P~~.9_.!-2J..2_~~2~~1.!J~g -~.~~~?~1..'re"s usee f or s tr.ndlng and mane uve ri ng of vrhicle s s hall havp. rllH-.,:,lc slldac ~s nMint.'''lined a rtequa t el y for all wea ther u se an d s o ci l'ained a sto a void flow o f wale"ac r oss si dewalks . a 1\~e r,Il J t c s nace o nt he p r ope rty sncllbe pr ovided fo r stOfrlge of snow r emo v ed frompc dcs t r a inva ys ,vellicu l ar way s.p a.r king or l oadinn s pace s. P.I'plan (It-awn t o sc a le.ind i c iltinry how the nf f·s trf'et p ,)I'I'.in ~ 1\111 1 l oadi nn rc C1 ui rC'1l1 ....nts -ir e t o be r u l t i t le d,s ha ll ac company an ap pl icat ionf or a bu il ding permt t. 4.06 .02 ,; I !i 4.06.03 I ·. EAGLE COUNTY SUIL~G PER MIT .A.PPLICATION • FINAL:C/O INSPECW>N,LA NDSCAPE INSPE g.r lO N R M Rev iew Rou ti ng Form ()Primary R ou ti ng (v)'Rerouting s /:!'T'-- 'I •/A:.1./J lr I (L (It. Location . Date Refe rr ed P ermit N o . Pt armiuq Co mmiss ion Fil eN o.__--=_ Rev iew and r eturnt o the C ountyS ui Iding Of fic i al w ith in 6w ork ing days Pl anning:C ompl ies wi th :Ye s No Re viewed by :Date:11 -17-[0 S u bd ivis ion R eg ul a tions D 8 Z on ing Regulati on s D S iteP lan (Land sc api ng )00 ~~0 R e co mmend Approv al:•\0 .~0:::: C o mments:[.?Al:lrVL~!,o 4.L-V2~!:~1::~ 2,COl'"£1YI--fZ87~~tJ ~f~ll:-------22!P--= County Engineer:Ro ads Grad i ng Drain age DD D0DOoD R ecommend A ppro val:_ Comments:_ County Heal th:Water Sanitation Perc.test D0DODOo0 R ecommend Approval: Comments:_ Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DO Final Inspection:Landscaping R ecommend Approval DD Cornrner its;------------------------------- by _C/O Issued Final F il ing Date _ Date._...:....-_ • "-E AG LE C O UNTY B U1 l&NG PE RMIT .APPLICATION _ FI NAL:C /O I NSPE~N ,L AN DS CA PE I N S P E C T IO~R M R ev iew Rout ingF o rm ()P rim a ry Rou ting (v)R er out i ng 11-s-go Date Re ferred (Yl'CHAI:i-S/i8tJ......::'-"""=-------Applicant Permit No. Lo cat ion Pt ann ir rq Comm ission F ile N o._ Re view an dr eturn to t he County Build ing O ffi cial wi t hi n6 w or k ing day s R ev i ewed by :Date:...L.I.;L-:=:f~~:"'- R ecomm end Approv al :~[!t1:tu..,IJ o !Comments:--------+----------------------- County E n gineer:R oads Grad ing Drai na ge Pl anni n g:Comp lies w ith: S u bd ivision Regulations Zo ning Regu l at ions Si te Plan (Landscaping) DO DO DO ~O Comm ents:----------------'-Jc,~(d_..,L___A~h4------- County Health:Water San itation Perc.test Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DO F i lial Ins pection :L andscap ing R e comme nd Approva l 00 Comments:------------------------------ C/O I ss ued by _Date._..:...._ Final F iling Date _ Pt ann h rq Co mm ission File N o._ I 2;!l.T EAGLE COUNTY BUI':...liiilllNG~i-RMITAPPLIC ATION • (0 1 .5 FINAL:C/O INSPE.ON LANDSCAPE INSPECTIO ORM R eview Routing Form (V Primary Rout ing ()R srou t ing ?1.1..__LP-,-..-/k~fi1!__~~9a:?u If <i .<i D ate Refer red App Ii cant !f!!-.{l~r2 wI /1.'I Locat ion t&/~t/~· - Permit No . Review an d return to the Cou nty Building Off ic ial within 6 wor ki ng days --_._-County Engineer:Roads Grau ing Dralnaqe Planning:Compl ies with:Yes No Rev iewed by :Date i /~:J;M Subd iv ision Regulat ions DO 8 7 I ~o n i n g Regulations b ite PI a"(Landscaping)00 o )8l Recommend.~pproval :~ /1- Fi rial I nspect ion:Landscap i ng Recommend Approval 00 Cornrnonts :----- County Health:Water San itation Perc.test 00 DO00Dca C/O Issued Date._ F inal Filing Date _ --~..- EAGLE COUNTY • DEPART MEN T OF PLAN NI NG &DEV ELOPME NT EAGLE,COLORADO 81 631 TEL EPHONE 303/328·7311 B OARO OF CO UN TY COMMISSION ERS Ext 241 TOLL F RE~M B E R S: Va i 1 -~9 -5 2 5 7 Basal t-927 -3823 October 23,1980 A DM INI STRATION Ext 24 i A NI MA L SHELTER 949 ·4292 AS SESSOR Ext 20 2 BUILD ING IN I NSPECTION E xt 2 26 or 229 CLERK & RE CORDER Ext 2 17 COU..,T Y AT-TORNEY Ext 24 2 E N GIN EER Ex t 236 E NVIR ONM ENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT E xt2 47 LIB R AR Y E xt 2 55 PUBLIC H EALTH Eagle E xt 25 2 Vail 47 6·5844 PLA NI~ING Ex t 2 26 or 229 PUR CHA SING / PE~S ONN EL E xt245 R OAD &BRIDGE E xt 257 SH ERIFF E agle E xt 211 Basalt 927·3244 G i lman 827·5751 SOCIALSERVICES 328·6328 T REASURER Ext 201 11i chael ~1.Saba c/o Alice L.Pa rsons P.O .Bo x 674 Vail ,Co.81657 RE:Application for BuildingPermitinEaole County Lot 16,Bl ock A-Va il aas Scho ne Fillng #1 The Eagle Coun ty Bu ilding Dept .requires that applicat ions for Build i ng Permi ts i nEagle Co unty berouted t o the Eag le .Cou nty Pla nn ing,Engin eering, and Environmenta l Hea lth Departments f or the ir comments priorto issuan ce ofthepermits .Your appl ication wa s routedon 10/16/80.. Lis tedbelow are th e comm ents and r ecomm endations which were ma deby the above departments duri ng ther outi ng pr ocedure.I f you have any question s orwisht o get a f urthere xplanat ion,please contactthe appropriate dep t. Build ing Dept .:Not approved.~v e w a y s lopei sexcessive.~ parkingspaceobstructs clea r back up s pace fo rgarage (2 2'r equi red). C)No provis ion f ors no w st o r a g~..~~. ,dAr.:=7V~ Environmenta l Health:~ppro v e d .Site planmust s~revised contour ~ cut.&fil ~o pes,.an~extent of.reveget~tfOn a~ea.M?re d2t~i led ~ralnaqe pl ~T1g roof ,parklng,&slte dralna ge ln deta l1 1 s nee ~(CT CO/~r---:7"'b-;~/;>-",:t-l',-::>---,,~"'-L..--=-_~_ Erik Edeen ,Env.HealthOfficer I t wouldbeto you r advantage if you beg int o resolve any proble ms and/or r equirementsas soon as possible soasnottodelaythe issuance ofyour bu ilding per mi tany lo nger thannecessa ry. ;t;v D~-o Le s Douglas Eagle County Bu ilding Official LD/jk ~~~ ~~-r~/&:1''/~/;,~ ~I ~;V<?~~/~ ~~/~IB~t4)V/ln....O/Ts.~C.II~C Rew$../~/L,;4i ~/ ~sr~-f7(,-4s 11 V~V5 'J ®~43)'cA.~~J%J . -------fb£~ ~e0~- -INSPECTION REQUEST YlbtA &f1~Q.M tQ TOWN OF VAILJOBNAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC T DATE _Oc-\.)6 READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION : CALLER MONTUESWED THUR ®-----AM ceJ ~S.\iJ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED :y\ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR Of ~_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME -----:"-C..:..<.<..:.:"--~~~L..:...!.:WL._ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE n(~J l, CALLER ~_."__-----_.;_--..:....-....,,.....-____ MONTUESWEDTHUR ®READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:---.,.--:: BUILDING:PLUMBING:. ..o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:- o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED J"ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:.. DATE _ INSPECT ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME -'~LJ......:'--=-2....!...~~~_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE _Or~')h , THUR r;RI I IWED CALLER ..,,--:---:-__..L-__--.. MONTUES BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINA L ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : )rl ,qi"'''\1\)\ I(, o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR ---:...~_...:.-:..._-.:..._ ':';.•.. ",. ."~. '::' ............ .. ,,. <::•,.',c.....~:'.~ .".: .'.0 , .;"'.' ......." .,'.."~....; ":";.:.....:.. " ~.'.---. .0 "••~."• .•..,~~.~._.:;a.. :.~.:r . ,.'.::..'.....'" ~.~-r -."" .:.~ ..o ,':.-,, /."', ,/:.:'~~-'. /.'"'\"-....", o o o ., ®8 ...... '.. e ;'." •,J .-.'" '. , ~.-.;.''-..... '•....".":.-...... ..:..~'........ eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . INS AaL/a/ CALLER '~"~' THUR FRI JOB NAME _L...:>'""--"'"~~~.L--=~~_DATE READYFOR INSPECT ION: LOCATION :?39J---po BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V,_ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER ~_ o INSULATION 0GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 POOL /H ,TUB _ o 0 _ IPjlNAL 72'A-f/J-C!e;g 0 0 FINAL _ (,Ip 5"7AI/<,>OJoJ '--,/A!.t!ZI r4c7"Ote'f /'?O/(.../(/,u,-r ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POWER 0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR _ J / .......;D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED 0 _ /----,//I O f--'----------""7""--=:::--. O/INAL )1~A1>PW E I~q CORRECTIONS : ;; P.E::::R 'rtnzK-€~R <./,('OCJ ,er.£t<;Ct-.A9t!1 -<6 ~ //? S/P15luC 0-'erof>GItltfT10 A.!, //-/-R:/ DATE -->.....&-_=-.:=:....---'-'-""'-_ READ Y FOR INSPECTION : • ___--J~PM INS eTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL .. JOB NAME A?/ch"q ff SAM K'£~ CALLER M-u l R aMEe MON T UES THUR FRI 2 -Z?-?/DATE LOCATION:2 :?5"r C L«&ttdd U)(pp. BUILDING:PLUMBING: .. o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .PO WER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ D ,flNAL ------------- MECHANICAL: o HEA TING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPL Y AIR _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ V/ ~PPR O V E D CORRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --'L---=_...:...L _I N S P E C TO R ~~ I f"b 7 eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL • THUR INS Sa b a 0/ WED CALLER .....'... MON / READ Y FOR I NSPECTION : LOCAT I ON :__----'~""'_.............L;....---l.__-=::::...J.:...;....!...1..::ll.._'_"'..:.=.....L__"_____=~ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL rj FRAMING / 1-s"INSULATION / PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ --------;a:.ROUGH /DW.V.---------- o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o F INAL / ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o o FINAL ----,,...--_ o APPROVED ~'SAPP R O V E D ~~N SP E C T I O N REQUIRED DATE --"--"-----''=---''--~"---_INSPECTO f INSPECTION REQUEST .;}TOWN OF VAIL • DATE r:,t;/f/JOB NAME ):JkLL Ja.tG..,/11:5- I CALLER &44}1 C14m ,am eY READYFOR INSPECTION:•~O N)/:?TU ES WEDTHURFRI ®PM LOCATION :c23Y 9 (!k1'~&.-Id d,;f BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ROUGH /DW.V._ I)(FRAMING )(ROUGH /WATER _ o INSULATION 0GASPIPING ------ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 POOL /H.TUB _ o -----;0-0 ---------------- o FINAL 0 FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL -----,:#-_ /l ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL ....,.-_ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : ~R O V E D ~~L E I N S P E C T I O N REQUIRED A I/;./I 0 E.F -, DATE -{5l'--""""'~-.LLt.'------- s- INS eTION REQUESTJ:OWN OF VAIL .:LL6-J Def J ('A ~ THUR FRI AMPM fl,'!,-If &:"'-,"'S'f /t()(/,...' ct ;y,11M I bo{Jr/ft CALLER REA DY FOR INSPECTION :MONTUES L OCATION :;2 :u-~~It - / BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEE L o FOU NDATION /STEEL o FRA MING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: g UNDERGROUND /o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 __-:--...--,-_ o FINA L _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .PO WER _ o ROU GH o CO NDUIT 0 _ o FI NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEA TING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ~A P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DI SAPPROVED o R EINSPECT ION REQUIRED INSPECTOR • L.el I-J-Ie;,..f ./ -----r;;;J PM ~ ~... ~flcJs1~ if INSPECTION REQUESTStl(A.-TOWN OF VAIL • 1!0 S J'lEL<--rr I e'-CALLER MONTUES THUR FRI ()()~j /Jll j C!OI-,<--H I C 4 tt''1~1 <l"""},/./ INSPECTION : 1A III, ';l'$?'7 READYFOR LOCATI ON:J..L....=:--"=_'-=-----<..-=--=.~==__.:;;:;.!._----'----------==.::.:...-=--.:+__ BUILDING:PLUMBING:. o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW,V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ o INSULATION .0 GAS PIPING _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o 0 _ o FINAL 0 FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER ----,--_ p\ROUGH 6~T~U./4 o CONDUIT o o 7 I N~L -------------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ",J;PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL ·. ~q b 0...&(~f0--1 4r,") L~A~~fZo~~S~S~+-_ ~ T HUR F~AMPMor <a /7-Y/II JOB N AME r I r CALLER TUESREADYFORINSPECTION:t0 0N C /!C'-u-LO CATION :--==----=....:----=::---=:.......:::~:........c::......~_ DATE :. BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOU NDATIO N /STEE L _ o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 __ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W .V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o RO UGH o CONDU IT _ ro.s.e r lit (e> O F~AL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY AIR _ 0 __ o FINAL tyAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED the pr ln"ry'",.,l DATE tf-L.G-fr INSPECTOR ".....::L~c=.c=-:..;-~--.==-~-------p DATE 6 -:.J-'/-/'/JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . S iliA- CALLER -----0~PMMONTUESWEDt.§B)FRI (',I ~<fl1/·i,~sr 7LOCATION:_~=--'"'-'''---+--__=--C--'--==--=~.::.L-t--'''-'"--_ READY FOR INSPECTION : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ROUGH /DW.V. ~F R A M I NG ROUGH /WATER I INSULATION f'l1to/F 0 S PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING , o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI ~AL o FINAL ~F'OVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : DATE ----"-~-----"---"'7''------ P M .. M INSPECTION REQUEST C)TOWN OF VAIL • .»~6~ CA LLER __----I.~...!....!......L.:..._=_--,L...==:.=.- READYFOR IN SPECTION:MONTUESWED LOCAT ION:..2 :Jd-c;~/q A..,6 h I :I, BUILDING: oFOOTINGS /STEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAM ING ~~N S U L AT r O N o SHEETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINA L _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TE MP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FJNAL -------------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPL YA IR _ 0 _ oFIN AL K POVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA TE --GI--------==------='/----INSPECT ~~-e5 eTION ''REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . WEDTHURFRI .. CALLER ~¥t /JOB NAME READYFOR LOCAT ION :_-",;l,-,---,--,-,_..t---"--..L...L..~=-'--"-''-'-/.....-.,~---;:--=--=-=''-=~'-''''--1' DATE I -' I PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 __----,-_ o FINAL _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION _ SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER '_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL --------------2"--- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR ---,.;_ 0 _ o FINAL ------7"-------- o APPROVED ;::-"'-LD",,M'lJ.i,PROVED.»-~EINS P E C T I O N REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:--;pr~~~.cz-?'4¥'L ~ue ",J C4---:e <. DATE ---'===::"'_'=:.L-~L--_<t"""C 1M prln ter~lIIa t l • . eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . READYFOR INSPECTIO~ LOCATION :d B/I X'f! PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ , I 11 ,-I h1,!r'£). I o FINAL _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING I ,D/NSULATION I liP SH EETROCK NAIL --'-''-'--''----J....o..::....l~=.:...---_ ~-------------- t MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ----'__ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o Y~A L ~6f.A P P FmVE D~RR E C T I O NS :o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---'------=-~----='T---- Ine prlnllllry/va il CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' q-k b Or ~. £O.r.r c/..£:c." J OB NAME ----"""~"'--""'"'-"::L.____'___...=....:~__:._DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MO N TUESWED THUR FRI AM @ LOCATION :-2J'U ~~H o M,'>!/)Y .~I ~~;f BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUG H/DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T _ 0 _ o 7f NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ g h..PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR----?/ .:1//FC7 , ON REBUESTr EAG LE COUNTY iMf?Std~ /JlAJAf I~..,-'I' INSPEC, DATE JOBNAME -----=---=:-'7.;r'---'-"'-:-T -'-'...:.:."---'-57-7....:c.==.;;:-----;---- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---'-'..::!.!O=-"~~.c:.~~~~~.=~:.==-=~=l-- BUILDING DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE:32B-7311 BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __VENTILATION TEMPORARY SHEETROCK STANDPIPE ROUGH VENEER FINAL woe S FINAL ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: I o OTHER 0 PARTIAl.LOCATION ~.e:--=="--~-'-'-"='--"'~:u..~-- READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FR I AMPM mAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT []I-UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS -----:;----..,,----=-~-------;----~+------------ DATE #'/6&7 ON REGUESTINSPEC DATE JOBNAME TI ME RECEIVED A M PM CALLER ----....::....;=----'-''-O-.::....::::........;::..--:.....:-~__=__..:..e-:..--_ BUILD ING DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE:328 ·7311 COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __VENTILATION TEMPORARY SHEETROCK ROUGH FRAMING VENEER FINAL ROOF SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION t: READY FORINSPECTIO N M ON TUE WED THUR FR I AM PM .--~~/:/'~~/r- COMMENTS:__'1/<!. [B APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ./. I,/ / DATE .I /~/,. EAGLE COUNTY INSPEC4tON•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE:328 ·7311 DATE JJb#f~ // TIME RECEIVED AMPM COVER PLUMBING INSULATION __TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK FRAMING VENEER ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI @ M COMMENTS:_ o REINSPECT { M NT DDISAPPROVED :IT) o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : APPROVED / CORRECTIONS DATE EAG LE COUNTY " BUILDING DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE:328 ·7311 DATE 1;jI~~~~JOB NAME /, TIME RECEIVED AMPM INSPEC ON /EO?? REG"UEST COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAil INSULATION __VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK ROUGH FRAMING VENEER FINAL ROOF SMOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON WED THUR FRI--------t- COMMENTS:_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS d APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE