HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 9 LEGALTO WN OF V AIL 7 5S.FRONTAOE ROAD VA IL.CO8 1657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE: D E PlulENT OF COMMUN ITY IJ E V E LO P~T l-o\-1 t>\~-A I T illS PERMIT MUST HE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES u....\k '""::.c 1".,"1'-<- PRO JECT TITLE: NEW (SFR.P/S.DUP)PERMIT Penni'#:B04-006 5 04 /14 /2004 Phone:(317)3 35 -3138 04 /14 /200 4 Phone:(31 7)335 -3138 OWNER Job Address:2319 C HAMONIXRDVA IL Location:23 19 C HAMON IXROAD .VAILCO816 57 Paced N o:.2 1 03 11 ~~~~J 'I ) ProjectNo :(PRJOJ -O~ RESKE,~I~C .04 /14 /2004 23 19 CHAM ONIX LN VAI L,CO 81 6 57 Licens e: CONTRACTOR RESKE.BRIAN 5945 W.70 0 North McCordsville,IN 46 055 License :30S-L APPLICANT RESKE.BR IAN 59 45 w.700 North McCordsvi lle,IN 4605 5 L icense :30S-L Phone : Status ...: Appl ied..: Is sued ..: Expires ..: ISS UED 04 11412004 0 511812004 1 1/1412004 Factor 1 7 .7 0 8 1.50 23 .80 De sci ption :NE W CONSTRU CT IONA S FR Occupancy Type Dwe ll i ngs Zone 1 V-N Baseme nt Dwe l lings Zone1 V -N Private Garages Zon e1V-N Masonry Totals ... N umber o f Dwe llingU nits : Sq Feet Valuat ion 4 46 $7,89 4.20 2,10 1 $1 7 1,23 1 .5 0 610 $14 ,518 .00 2,547 $4 00 ,000.00 ~ Town ofYail Adjusted Valuation:$400,000.00 Fire place Infom1lllK>n ;Rt :>lricled:Y "ofGas .....p pliences:0 1#of Gas lop:0 II l.f Wood P~llct :0 .....................................................................1'(,,1;;:SUM \t RY . Buikl i n g ~$2 .073.'75 RC'<nl~rant Plan Rt'\'ic.I"-:>$0 .00 Total Calcu lated Fecs..........>$4.669.J9 Plan C heck->$1 ,'73 '7 .94 ORB f ee >SO .OO Add ilional FCI.~>($3 .00) [nvoligatiun-'$0 .00 Re«tation fce >$254 .10 Tnla ll'emtit Fee >$4 ,666 .39 WilI Call->$3 .00 C lean-up Depo:.it--->$0 .00 ...,.....>$4,666 .39 TOTALFEES >$4 ,669 .39 H.....l.A"CF.f)UE ->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approval s: Item :051 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05 /10 /2 004 cdavis Act ion:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04 /23 /2004 MRG Action:DN Ta king back to ORB on 5 /5/04 t o revise c an, Item: approval as applicant 05/11/2004 MRG 0 5600F IRE DEPARTMENT can't work out Action :AP r et aining wall withn eig hbor . Went back to DRB on 5 /5,has met approval •Item : t he 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04 /27/2004 I s Action:DN New Reske regarding my concerns.Revisions are 1 .Must show limits of disturbance fence on 2.Show e rosion control around catch basin . 3.Prov ide a traffic control plan on avx 11 " 4 .Drive is now shown as heated,heat in TOV •site plan is r equired,I have contacte· r equired before approval from PW is gr. site plan. sheet ROW must be o n a seperate zone and rna c o nt rol box . 5 .Culvert o n dr iveway must be connected to catch basin . 6 .4'Conc rete pan cannot be heated . 7 .Contractor p lans might inc lude,e xtending lS"culvert west b ound . 0 5/0 7/2004 I s Action:AP Item:0 555 0ENGINEERING ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seepage 2of this Document forany conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAT IONS Ihereby ackn ow ledge thatI have readthis application ,filledo utinfull the informatio n required ,comp leted anaccurate p lot plan. andstatethata ll the informat ion as requ ired iscorrect.I agree to complywit h theinfo rmation an d p lotplan ,tocom ply w ith a ll Townordinan ces an d state la ws,andtobuildt his structure acco rding t o thetow ns zoning and s ubdivis ion code s.de s ign rev iew approv ed,UniformBu ilding Codea nd othero rdinance s of the To wn a pplicable thereto. REQ UESTSFORINSPEC TION S HAll BE MAD E Th'ENn'-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T E LEPHONEAT4 79-2149ORATO UR OF FiCE f ROM 8:00AM ·4 PM. -i1=-f?\/ S IG NATUREOFOWNERORCONTRA CTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF ••PAGE2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit #:804-0065 CONDITIONSOF A PPROVAL as o f 0 5-18-2004 Statu s:IS SUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Appli cant: JobAddress : Location: Parce l No: NE W (S FR,P/S.D UP)PERMIT RESKE.BRIA N 23 19 C HAMON IXRDV AIL 23 19 C HAMON IX ROAD ,VA IL CO816 57 2 1031 140103 1 Applied: Issued: 04 114/2004 0 5118/2004 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C ONDITIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond:33 (P LAN)THI S PROJ ECTWILLREQUI RED A SITEIMPROVEM ENTS URVEY .SUCH S URVEY S HALL BESU BMITTEDAND APPROVED PRIORTOREQUESTFORAFRAM E INS PECTIO N. Con d:12 (BLDG .);FIELDINSPECTIONS AR E REQUIRED TO C HECKFOR C ODE COMPLIANCE . ••• APPLICATION WILLNOTBE ACCEPTED IFINCOMPLETEOR UNSIGNED,.,.3 -02 ~3 Project ':?(<..>0 _ • Building PermU,5!O'f -PO!zC 1 70-.479-216 (l nspections) TOWNOftl PLICATION Se I mechanical,ete.t 75S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Ge nera l Co ntractor:T own of Va~Reg.No.:Contact a nd P hone II's: "r;an D .~.I '",_T h i 7-~74 -6 700 Email address:Br1anreske@AOL.com . Contractor Signature~(\..y ....J2i COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materialsl BUILDING:5 30 0.000 ELECTRICAL:525 .000 OTHER:5 2 0.000 PLUMBING:5 JO .000 MECHANICAL:5 25000 TOTAL:5 "00 .000 , For Parcel 1#Contact ESflle County As.sessol3 Office at 970-328-8640 or visIt www.eaqle-eountv.com Parcel # 210311401031 Job Name:Reske Residence Job Address :2 )19 Cham onix ,Vail ,CO Legaf Des cription I Lot 9 I BI...:A I Rling:1 I SUbd ivision:Va il Das Schone Owners Name :Brian Reske Ad<lress 5945 W 700 N.McCordsvil Phone:317-335-31 38.. An::hitectlDeslgner:Brian Reske Addrnss:McCordsville.IN 46055 Phone: Engineer.Edw ard G Wilson Add_:"n;M'I'-<Q?'R Phone:40h _<87 _1 11 < Detailed desa1ption ofwork : New Con struction of a S i ng l e Family Res idence Work Class :New(,j Add ition ()Renodet()Re pair ()Demo ()"",...() WcnType:Interior ()Exlerior ()ll odqX)I Does anEHUexist at this k:lcation:Ves()No(") - Type"'Bldg.:_famOly(X)T__()........mOIy()C<>mme<tiaI ()Rostau<aet I)""'"'() No.of Existilg Dwellng Units in this buikiing:N/A I No.of Ac:oommodation Units in thisbuilding : No/Tvoe of Flmolaces Exisma:Gas Aool"m:es (I Gas laos (I W~ellet (I Wood Bum;no (I No/Tvoe of __P :Gas """'''nces I )Gasloos(2)WoodIPellel()Wood BunUnll (NOT ALLOWED) Doesa Fire A la""Exist Vest )No (:x)I Does aFire Sprinkler SystemExist :Yes()No (X) ~=:'::::-'---"""""IOR o::c:,~:::::"''''''''''''''''''I :::¢7 [)RB Fees:_Occu.2!Grou :Pla nner $1 fH)ff: Pu blic Way p enn"Fee :Date ReCeived-.RECEIVE F~MITS'a.DGPERM JXlC Engineering,Inc. CI VJ1JGE OTECHNI CAL 06 /0 3/2004 15 :52 9 789 26988 9.LKP EN3INEER It-Ki I NC•PAGE 02 /02 Jund ,2004 Mr.Brian Reske 183 5 West Gore Creek Drive Vail,CO 8 1657 RE:OpenHole Observaucu Lot 9,BlockA,Vail Das Schone,Filing No.l 2319 Chamonix Lane Townof Vail Eagle County,Colorado ProjectNo.03008 Dear Brian: Commun ityDevelopme nt Oepartme nl BuI lding Salaty &In spection SeIVIces \YE OAPP Atyourrequest,onJune 2 &3,2004,we visited the construction site on Lot 9,Block A, VailDasSchone,FilingNo.1 ,2319 Chamonix Lane,Town of Vail,Eagle County ,Colorado. The purpose of our sitevisit was to observe the soils expos ed in the foundation excavation and . compare them with the findings and recommen dations of the Soiland Foundati on Investigation Report,Project No.03008,dated February 5,2003. Theexcavation consisted ofbenches and tre nchesstepping intothelot.The excavati on cuts,ranged fr om about12 feet in the north part of the excavation and about 4 feet in thesouth part of theexcavatio n.The soil expose d in the founda tion excav ation,was cons istent wi th th e findi ngs and recommendations oflhe above-n amed soil's repo rt and it is s uitable for the recommended be aring capa city of20 00 p sf.It consisted of silty,sandy clayandsandy gravel with cobbles .The bottomof the excavation withintheproposed footing areas was compacted.. Soft spots were not reported . We recommend compliance with the recommendations of th e above -named soil report durin g the remainder of the construction,specifically with the sections on drainage ,grading and irri gation. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to calJ..--..... P .O.Box283 7,Bdwards,CO 8 1632 ,(970)926-9088 T.~(970)926 ·9089 F"" e6/64/2ee4 1 4:42 4136587 976 .PAGE e2 104130 1/4•I-It) Sheet'of 3 • l'~t1 ;., 1 6'I!'6'rr ! b !0 :B 5'l.c;;:$:1-r--,1I,..,I I l-,I-•1 f- 'V 1 L___'&"l 1;, 1 1'-1.'@ !B ~lu1~-' N Q 1 '"l- I ",I I I io I :n I I 1 io 1-..---,1 1 IT\1 1 I 1 Lt,@ 1 1 12".lYP.I 1 1 STONE VENEERt 1 I I 0 STE P T.O.W.-i,--'-T.D.W.92'-0'"I '" r---_____________J 1\..,:••1 b 1 -----r -;-.,t - I I I @'"I I-1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1\:@ 1 I :n ,.---,1 1~F I~DI1IT\1 I F-.I 'to '"'l-AZING-L ~,@ oR GLASS BLOGoK II /PER ARGHIre:;.'l\IRAL!;) ", 1 b '"-I I-'~-~IIr--~~ AM.TO B[rnD ~ I IT\1 1 L ________~~!~~~~rr-L~,@.I-./---1. / L ____________________ -",• RESKE RESIDENCE LOT 9.BLOCKA.FlUNG VAIL.CO REVISED DEC K FRAM ING 06 -04-04 ~."..,~Inc . iOIS&'??e-w..a.--.........,1. fItIlN ICBJ.7·"t&.,.14CIJI &17-9181 _...._..0M'l.if....cl........-n 406 5 87 97 6.PAGE e4 RESKE RESIDENCE LOT 9,BLOCKA,FILING I VAIL,CO REVISED DEC K fRAMING 06-04-04 FOOT ING SCHEDULE GENERAl.NOTE S;!mE 2,ODO p.d.8EM N(;CAPACrN NO COlD JOlNlS ...rND.W"U.S WfTllOUT PER ~p ENGINEERING,INC.CEOTECHPfCAl PR ot CONSENT OF'EHClN EDt OF RECOIID. REPORT '2a526 ~ VERn AU.DIl[HSlQN$NlD El.EVAmNS @ 2""CONT.xl£>'DP.(21'!l CONT.PRIOR TO Ntf CONSr. !mE @ 2&-Iq.x ~·OlD (.1'4 EA IIlAT 'lMl..L EL£W,TI)NS AHD STEPS AR E 10 Bl nnD VEAI'IED ©24 1 ce::tlT.x kZ)"OP.(21 '!>CONT.~ RU.CEOTEDtHICAL REPORT fOR stAB-ON-GRADl IttalARDIEKTS. Engir "'a Wld ~h::. ..r'p'ClItIe •.....,........e871 •.........,.-",5·"fCJJ1 Dl1-87ft8_d••_.._.•,k."'••_'.GIITl Sheet S 01 S #04130 00/04/200 4 14:42 40 65879768 C&HENGINEE RING •PAG E 0 3 REVIS ED DEC K FRAM ING 06-04-04 •</}" tz ~<.i '"~;/ 3 J?'"In I;;-C>x '!I -~ (TYP .)r.!j I r-, 1\ EI ogIo -'no end Survaying Inc. QO&EdIlt :DM.~,MDnt.w e;71B Pl!GnIII«l81 501-'115.FaIc (400J S8747M ....01'0&.._uu"•illfo.~heilgll _..ocwn - •';?' Shut 2013 #04130 6 1/28/2665 15 :13 4665B79768 C&H ENG INEER ING RESKERESIDENCE LOT 9 ,BLOCKA,FILING , VAIL,C O R ~SEO UPPER FLOO R 1-2 1-05- 1-21 -0' Engln ee 11 0 end S Ul""VeY in g Inc. 2l::ro ~0'iIIlI •~.Morttan.5'!l7'8 PtI011ll {«l61 587.'1 '5 •Fu.t4Ol!l1 5Il 7.B7B8__~.,.,....iIIft'o .~~.com I,I I 1 1 I I I I I I I !I I I I'-J f ~NC R " 1\ / I(OFF IG ::' (2)2,10 A I)~.~~l!.?f.~~ 11 4"•1'.,," #04130 REVlSED FINAL t-2t -O'dw<.11281200'3:10:1 9PM 81 /28/2005 15 :13 4865979769 O :\e.tiI\()4\04l)o\sTRUCTURAL REVISED FINAL I _'l-O"i t4W Cl'InRnrYl 'l .,·,II··n PO... ~#.r:~~---. '-t 1-214 ~5 "F iR RiN< ~ ,..•.- ,<{t'2x l2.lE[)C£R ~<,s:~l:~i O.C.-..:i:~E r RC 0 ~ tJll / <, 1/--'f\~'"s t-,:>~~<>~I\. :0 5S [}' •"V it:(1_21 -05 "-(J 11\,9 LV .J /'--L£OCER ~J"t-2.t--o" PER FRA ING NU '" L¥-~~ IJ:-~'>~ \.~L..---- Ie" . R!c.;s '1.; RESKE RESIDENce "'- LOT 9.BLOCK A.FILING ,~""~1 ~ VAIL,CO ~~i>~u .,Enginee,ooit lQ Mnd ~inc.REVISED towN LEVEL FRAM ING ~~Al l'"2tm E.--CrW .eo.-...........~'e 1-2 1-05~(4Cl8I l5lI1-1 1 15 .~14Oli1587.Q7A _ct........._•.....<;1 ........._#0 4 130 RESKE RESIDENCE LOT9 ,BLOCK A,FILING , VA IL,CO REVISED soor FRAM IN G ~10 -11-04 ~12\1 "I ll!."LV L N ,X ~~ ~I .2 12 ~/~N-------~,,,r-,1 1I !~~o(, t.,,,BeDROO M 3, v!-,, I (2)2,"Jj',I1f LVL i 'I/'~'iY V """'"I r ='o _'-'~V I(z ~n «-'"-2.r ife"r ~~---H:17 PI fell 'IH L[VE .~<fl o:"'7-1-'-_fi lH L ~5t~~II -'?y o l+'i -~6 TH LVE ......-~•1 ,)(2 '"Ll -L M lfi;11'~aV b ::"vv~.+'l -f-~~~I ?~<h /t<>')~llAI'1~\.-Ci 1---,,~~V 1.-/:"~---,r -.~H VE N '"/.+)(3j",lW LV L - j £t{~? -c •r %-I I ~:V ~~,",vo.n,n"nO M,~,l j ~IO~~,\4 I ~ I I r-.-,'"/!1;',;,~.-II 1, J-.,l ~'f",.:..-"0 -tL O ?,-L/,~/,IL.--''0;2,'\i 0J)-<,-",/ >-~""I / ~~I I I ~>/~Oc '~I I (I "11 '"I ..-----L'---', i -v:- I ..r/I 2)17\'all LVL ,y I 2)1 ~.1 ~LVL I I ~~~trG;:~C~~I y I Ie..I I I ~,'""c,..1(-;; ~,I :~;.:.1(Jj!;~)';~ i;j(F',\,,9, I 'I ,.c::::J -l_.J ____________ "~}.EM s0.:&~. E ngineering a nd Surveying Inc .if<0'O~Al t \'.<;205 EdelwoIiIl:8 lJrMI ..Bomman,Montanfl 597 18 1/4"1'-0" , PI'lcnI I4OB1587-1115 ..FIUlI4(0)58 7-9768 ~ _.ch!lngineenI,com ..~chenlJn--s.com S heet f o f5 #04 130 RESKERESIDENCE LOT 9,BLOCKA,FILING1 VA IL,C O REV ISED UPPER FLOOR 10-11 -04 a le.am E ngineenng and S u rveytng Inc . 205 Edelweiss Orivl:t .~,MorIt&n8 59718 Phone (4061587-1 11:5 •FBllI406 J587·9768 _.chengineorscom .mQOchllllgil teel"5 .tom I ,I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I L J E NTRY ~) ~ S hee t 2 of 5 Ii / DF f Ie - 1/4",.l'-c2''' - #0 4130 RESKE RESIDENCE Lor 9,BLOCKA,FILING 1 VA IL,CO REV ISED CLOS ET UP PE R LEVE L 10 -11 -04 ... --D //....;/I ~ l,l"x91"LVL "r ~~H U 41O H GR ~'---------- -,:;b-M AS 1E R~I!'RA TH/vi ~FLAT CElUNG 9'0 "_ ~~.[@-----© Ie..I E ngineering end Surveying Inc. 205 ~Diw .9ozeml!I n,Mort.ono 59718 Phl:lnIl [40615B7 -11 1 ~•Fall{406 1587-9 769 _ehft~G com -lnfoOchonginelml.rom Sheet 3 oj 5 1/4"=1 '-0' ._f---,.-- #04130 '"'"'--'" ".0 0-\Sc I ~! G =, O cr J .. (il - lrJ;-x' cJ ~ c .2 ...l e,' I ! •9 ?Q 4 7'1 0 4('4 1- ;\,' 'I I :II; I : i ' "I'J I ", i, LJ i L \ 7 '2."\L-.~€ t-J _;\..,)" \..."'b ('_1"''- & L L ,'--,/),,-,--._..:~-~"'.r ~"!I .II ' i L:l <----j~ ?-~I '?I CoN T 'b Pi , \AlIo S pL",...E W.n-\L~o @.ef\, -R,F-rc?- RESKERESIDENCE LOT 9,BLOCKA,FILING1 VA IL,CO DETAIL 10 -11 -04 RIDG E BEA M PER PLAN 'k---VALLEY BEA M PER PLA N I"t~-(2)%". /I THRO UG H BOLTS C ~~~~-SOLI D WO OD BLOC KING ANG ER HU5.125/12 VALLEY BEAM CONNECTION .3/4"=1'-0" Ie..I Engineering end S urveying Inc. 205 ~cnw·Bo.zamen .Mcd.ana 59 718 PhonlI (400)5 8'·1115·Fax 14061 58 7-91 68 www.chengloeers.com·infoti.chengineers.com S hee t 5 o f 5 #0 4130 .----._-------j.~--------,.------ #04130 1/4 •1 " Sheet'oj 3 b ~~, ;., 6'-8"6'-6"I b :EB:5'1.4'$-I-IIr--, ""-,I ~___.J&'O.w.if) ., '--./'3;, '-V , "f-.@ ...Q, if)'"...., I'"Q'".... "', "'lo, "'-r---,'t'-,, L__.@ 12"0 TYP . STONE VENEER t I,,, STEP T.O.W.--{ r---FL ~~_~~§-----_J 1 -~I b r ------f-l--:-I ,®"',-,,,, I, ®"\,, [rlo,.---,),F 'XED,,IT\:-<r 'GLAZ'NG;...-l_'="_.@ OR GLASS B UXK J (PER ARGH 'TEGnJRALS) 10,b <0 -,tlQI[.:r --~WALl EllVATIONS N6)STEPS ARE TO B£nao ¥£RIRED -kB :L L B.O.f .85 '--l ___.@ ----------------,-----l. ~/L ____________________ •,-• b, "''" RESKERESIDENCE LOT 9,BLOCKA,FILING 1 VAIL,CO REVI SED DECK fRAI,I'NG 06 -04-04 Engl.---.ng and SuNeyjng Inc . ;os Ed....[)oM .~.Morar.,5971 8 Pto.-I4C6I587.'"5 .FIa 14CE 1587.e7e8 _d6""_Lmrn·.~.-..cam x , f ll ~1\, .'fF L£ ~<i •'"-~;. ::>0~-, '"•I<,'"x ca Tfl -«;. • ••• • --I ~q<p"•• ~If •• •• • • ~''Y E • •, 1+---1-+-H1 I ~h%,f'''' It--j------+-----------!i}j!k~~~ ~IW&0- 2,12 LED GER fbf, ~b j:;~O .h~(). (lY?) REVI SED DECK FRAMING 06 -04-04 Engin eering and SUrveying Inc. 205 Ed........l:l-irrfe.Bnremun .Mrrtaoo 597 18 Phoo8 14£E15B7-1 115 .Fax (4061587-8768 _.cherlgir1eftrs .cam •nm@chengineenu:om Sheet 2 013 1/4"If 1'-0" H0413C RESKERESIDENCE LOT 9 ,BLOCKA,FILING1 VAIL,CO REVISED DE CK FRAM ING 06-04-04 FO OT ING SC HED ULE GENE RAL NOTES ;=2,000 p.s.f .BEAR ING CAPACITY NO COlD JOINTS IN FNO.WALLS WITHO UT PER U<P ENGINEERIN G,INC .GEOTECH HICAI...PRIO R CONS ENT Of ENG INEER OF RECORD . REPORT '29526 =VERI FY ALL OIt.l ENSr ON S AN D El EVATION S @ 20u CCNT.X\tZ}1 DP.(2)OS CONT.PR IOR TO ANi CONST. !WE @ 28 1 &Ct.xl0"OF (3)'4 EA WAY WAlL ELEVATI ON S AN D STEPS ARE TO BE nan VERF lEO ©24"CONT.x1 0"PF.m OS CONT.MQIE RE f .GE OTECHNICAl...REPORT FOR SL'8-ON-GRAOE RE OUIREMENTS . Engineering and Surveying Inc . 205 ~DWe .em--n.MOIUn8 59716 Pho:ne [4061 567·1 115 .ffI;It 14(6)587-97 68 _.che,~com.irtDOchengirlBra.com Sheet 3 of 3 #04130 TO\lfN OFVA IL 75 S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL ,C O8 1657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE: OEP!TMENT OF C OMMUN ITY DEVELOI'MtT TH IS PERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON )OIlSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permit #:E04-0085 'to'(-oO(P~- Job Addre ss : Location : Parcel No : ProjectNo : 23 19 C HA MONIXRD IfAIL 23 19 C HAMONIX RO AD,VA IL C O8 1657 21031 1401031 '?'\\SO !>{)f_~~ Statu s ...: Ap plied ..: Iss ued ..: Expires ..: ISS U ED 06 /0212004 0710612004 01 102/2 005 OWNER RES KE,B RIAN C. 23 19 CHAMO NIX LN VAIL,CO 816 57 License: CONTRA CTOR EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.D BOX 744 FAIRPLAY .CO 80440 License:213-E APPLICANT EAGLE/S UMM IT ELECTRIC CO P.D BOX 7 44 FA IRPLAY ,CO 80 440 License :2 13-E 06/02/20 04 Phon e: 06 /02 /2004 Phone:719 -836 -3559 06 /02 /2004 Phone:719 -8 36-3559 Desciption: Valuation: NEWSF R ELECT RICAL $12,000 .00 .....................................................................FEE SUMMARy·..•..•••..••••••..•••..••..•.. Electrical--->$113.00 Tolal Celculeted fee5 -->$lHi .OO ORR Fee-->$0 .00 Additional Fl."CS -->$0.00 I n 'l:st j~tioft--.:>$0 .00 TOIlIl Permit Fcc-->$116.00 Will Call ->$3 .00 Pay m ~nl s >$116 .00 TOTAL FEES->$116 .00 BALA NC'F.DUE->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Appro vals : Item:0 6 000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06 /0 2 /2004 JS Action:AP I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMP LIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ECLARATIO NS Iher ebyack nowledgetha i Iha ....e read th is a pplication.fi lledo utinfull t he information requ ired .com pleted a n acc uratep lot plan , and sta te that a ll t hein formationas requ irediscorrect.I agree tocomplywitht hein fo rmation a ndpl ot plan .toco mplywitha ll Townordinances a nd state law s.andto bui ld thi sstructure acco rdingto thet own szo ning and subdiv ision co des ,des ign rev iew a pproved,UniformBu ilding Code an dother o rdinances o fth e Townap p lica ble t hereto . •REQUESTS FOR INSPE CTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY·FOUR HOURS INAD • R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S t at ementNumber : Payment Me th od : E l e ctric5 1 35 R04 00061S1 Check Amount:$116 .00 07/0 6/20 04 10 :48 AM Ini t :DDG Notatio n:Eag le S ummit Permit No : Parcel No : Si te Address : L oc ati o n: T his Payment: £04 -0 085 Type :EL ECTRICAL PERMIT 21 0 311401031 23 19 CHAMON IX RD VAIL 23 19 CHAMO NIX ROAD,VAILCO 816 57 Total Fees : $116 .0 0 Tot al ALL Pmts : Balance: $11 6.0 0 $11 6.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Accoun t Co de l P 00 1000031 1110 0 we 0010 00031 12800 Descri pt ion TE MPO RA RY POWER PE RMITS WILL CA LL INSPECT IO NFEE Current Pm ts 11 3.00 3 .00 I \ • APPUCATION.NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE.UNSIGNED -,'").-'~-0 ~:5 Project #:_-::---;:-.....,...."'=,f..J~<J<.):::;:;=~ Building Permit #:i5 0,!-QdbS" Electrical Permit #:~~<f.-O:ltr> 970-479~2149(Inspections) TOWNOFVAILELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 7SS.Fro ntageRd. Vail,Colo rado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ) EIectJic:a I Contractor :6 Townof V~l qeg .No.:COntactandPhone #'s: ~IJG,{i?;)"/'fI"IT /.60/£-;11 ."!7/-/;ZR"/ E-Mail Address: Contractor signature~~..........Z._L7 <.J c ~ COMPLETE SQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS-and VALUATIONSFOR All OTlfERS (labor &Materials AMOUNT OF SQFT IN STRUCTURE :.2$~c.~EL£CTRICAL VALUATION :$/000 Contact Eaole County Assessors Offlce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.com farParcel# Parcel #'2 iO:"I !-f()'fl 31 JobName:l\~ske ((e ",\J ~"cc:Job Address:!..~\9 C"'e ~.c ",")(LV,,;. Legal DescrIption I Lot:4 Block :AI Filing :1 I Subdiv ision: Owners Name:('>,..",.,'K e:o.'-<C Address:~7~1 ,:?:~1.-!1f1?H,.Phone:-:-z n-,'-"I-C-.7o(J Engineer:E ,jw~,..J I..}I""Ad dress:(\.,-z.C"',,",'t-fiT Phone:YO,",-S~7 -/II S Detailed description of work: R<2.:>,(Q 'v\('-'\,\("\..:,S ,.:..L.~"...:,\, Work Cla ss:New <IS...Addilioo ()Remodel()Repair()'-femp Power ()Other () Work Type:Interior ()Exterior ()BothlXL I Doesan EHU exist atthislocation:yes()Nop(J Type or Bldg .:Single-family ~Duplex ()Multi-family()Commcrdal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsInt his building:'1 No.ofAccommodationUnits in t hisbuilding: Isth is permit fora hot tub:Yes iXi No() DoesaFire AlarmExist:yes (l()No ()I Does a FireSprinkler System Exist:yes()No (A- ••••••••*••••••••••••*••*••••••••••••••FOR OFFICE USE ONly····.*•••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••• \\V.if odata'cdevlfORMS'1PEJU,1ITS \Fl.ECPER.\.l.lXX:'0112612002 , ..•• Am endment to the 1999 N.E.C.Town of Va il Ordi nance 10 -1 -6. o Overhead services arenota llowedint he Town of Vail. :J Undergroundserv ices havetobeinconduit (PVC)f romthetra nsformer tot he electric met er,m aindiscon nect switch an d tothefirs t elect rica l distnbutlon ci rcu itbreaker panel. oThemaindisconnect swit ch shall be locatednext t othemeter on t heexterior wallofthestructure easi ly accessible . :J All un dergroun d conduits a re r equired to be inspect ed before back-filling thet rench . nI n multi -family dwelling u nits,noelectricalwiri ng orfeeder cables shall passfromoneunittoanother.Common wa lls andspacesare accepted . o NM Ca ble (Romex)isnot a llow ed incommerc ial bu ildings or structu r esexceeding three(3)sto ries . o Nouseof alumin um wire smaller t han size#8 wil l bepe rmitted with th e T ownofVail. TOWNOF VAIL ELECTRICALPERMIT GUIDELINES "Allinstallationsof exteriorhot tubsor spa's requirea ORB approva l f rom pianning.Th isapplication will notbeaccepted wit hout acopyof the ORB approvaiform attached (i f applicable). u If th ispermitis for installation of an exteriorhottu b or spa on a neweievatedplatfo rm ordeck over 30"abovegrade,yo umust aiso obtain a buiiding per mit. u I fthispermit Is forinstallat ion ofan exterior hot tu b or spa on any existing deck orelevated platf orm, astr uctural engineermust review th eexistingcondition andverify t hat it willsupport the adde d concent rat ed load.Pl ease provide a copy of t he stru ctural engineers wet sta mped ietter ord rawing wit h th is application. o I f t his is a remodei in a mult i-familybuilding with a homeowners association,a letter ofpermiss ion f rom the associat ion is required . "If thispermit is for a commercial space ,two(2)sets ofstampedd rawinqs are required. I have read a nd understand the above. ~ Sig nature If you have a ny questions regarding the above i nformationo r have add itional questions, please contact t he Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479-2147.The inspector canbe reached on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of Samand9am.You may a lsole ave a voice m ail and the inspector will call you back. TOWNOFVAIL 75S .FRONTAG E ROAD VA IL,CO 816 57 9 70-479-2138 IJEPtTMENT O F COMMUN ITY D EYELOP~T NOTE :n us PER MIT MUSTB E POSTEDON J OBSITE ATALLTIM ES M ECHANICAL PERM IT Permit #:M04-0085 ISS UED 0512 5/2004 OS/2512004 1112 1/2004 Stalus ...: Applied ..: Iss ued ..: E xpires ..: Phone :OS/25/2 004 23 19CH A MON IXRDVAIL 23 19 C HAMONIXROAD,VA IL CO 8 1657 2 103 114 0 103 1 ~031)Z'D? RESKE.BRIAN C . 23 19 CHAMONIX LN VAIL,CO 8165 7 JobAdd ress : Lo cation : ParcelNo: Project No : OWNE R Licens e: CONTRACTORTROPICAL HEAT INC PO Box 4747 Edwards,Col orado 8 1632 Li c ense :283-M AP PLICANT TROPICAL HEAT INC PO Box 47 47 Edwards,Co lorado 8163 2 License :2 83 -M OS /25 /2004 Phone:926 -31 26 OS/25 /20 04 Phone:9 2 6-3 12 6 Dcscip tion: Va luat io n: M ECHAN ICAL FOR NE W SFR $14 ,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted Y 1#of Gas Appliancc!!:0 1/of Gas Logs:0 II nf Wood 1"':11 ~1 ~0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F E ESU ~1 ~1AUR Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mechanical-->$2 8 0.00 Rcstuarant Plan Review->$0 .00Total Calculated Fees-e-$3 53.00 Plan Chcck-c->$70 .00 ORB Fee >$0 .00 Additional fcc$-->$0.00 fnvesnganon->$0 .00 I'OTALFEES >$353.00 TOlalPe rmit Fe<:->$353.00 Will Call->$3.00 Payments ->$353 .00 BAU,NCED UE->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I tem:05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OS/25/2 00 4 J S Action :AP Item:0 5600 FIRE DEPART MENT C OND ITIONOFA PPROVAL C ond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INS PECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHE CK FOR COD E COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC.7 01 OF THE1 997 liM C,OR S ECTION 7 01 OF THE 19 9 7 I HC . Cond :2 3 (BLDG .):IN STAL LA TION MUST CO NFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUC TIONS ANDTO CHA PTER 10 OF THE1 99 7 UM C ,CHA PTER 1 0 OF THE 1997 IMC . Cond :25 I MC . SHAL L THE1 997 AP PLIANCES SHAL .E VENTEDACCORDING TO C HA P TB~AND SPECIF IED INSEC .806 OF THE 19 97 UM C ,OR CHAP TER8 OF (BLDG .),GAS TERMINATE AS C o nd :29 (BLD G.):AC CESS TO HEA TING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAP TER 3 AND SEC .I Ol?OF THE 1 997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 I He . Cond :3 1 (BLD G.):BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUST IBLE CONST.UNLES S LISTED FORMOUNT INGONCOMBUST IBLE FLOORING . Cond :3 2 (BLDG .):PERM I T,PLANS AND CODE ANAL YSIS MUS T BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN I NSPEC TION REQUE ST . C end :30 (BLD G.):DRAI NAGE OF ME CHANI CAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEAT INGORHOT -WA TER SUP PLY BO ILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOO R DRAIN PERSEC .1 022 OF THE 1 997 UM C,OR S ECT ION 10 04.6 OFTHE1 997 THe . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS Ihereb y ackn owledge thatI have readthis ap plication,filled ou t in fuJI the info rmation required ,com p letedana ccu rate plot plan , and statetha t allthe in fo rma t ion as requirediscorre ct.J ag ree to comp ly with theinformation andp lot p lan ,10 co mplyw ith a ll Tow n ord inance sa nd statelaws,and tob uildthi s structu re accord ing tothe t ow ns zon ing 7'nd subdivi s ion codes.design review approved ,UnifonnBu ildingCodeandothe r o rd inance so f the Town 7 Jicablether eto ..: REQUESTSFOR l NSPEc n ON SilALLBE MADE N 'F.NTY.FOI iR HOI JRS N ADVANCEBY TE L E P H ON E A~79-2149 O RATOUR OfFICE f ROM 8:00 AM·4I'M. N TRA CTORFOR H I M SEL FA N D O \VNH •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : P aymentMethod : HEAT R 0400 05898 Ch eck Amount :$3 53.0 005/25/2 00 40 4 :04 PM l n lt :LC No t a t ion :#4 281 /TROPI CAL Permi t No : Pa rcelNo : Site Addres s : Location : Thi sPa ymen t: M 04 -0 0B5 Type :ME CHANICAL PERMIT 2 103 11 40103 1 2 319 CHAM ONIXRDVAI L 2 3 19 CHAMO NIX ROAD ,VAIL CO8 16 57 T o tal Fees: $353 .00 To t al ALL Pm te : Balance: $353 .00 $35 3 .00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A CCOUNT IT F.M LJ$T : Acco unt Cod e MP 00 100003 111100 PF 001000 0311 23 00 WC 00 1000 03112B OO Oese r ;pt i on MECHAN ICAL PE RMIT FEES PLA N CHECK FEES WI LL CALL INS PECTIO N FEE Curren tPnt s 280.00 70.00 3 .00 to i nclude: REC'D MAY2 120 04 TOWN OFVAILMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accep ted w ithout the following: APP UCATION WIl.OT BE ACCEPTEO IFIN COMPLETE O&SIGNEO ?RJ 0:3 -~<-S '3 Project #:1..)0'1 -00,":::':="l Building Permit #:It' Mechanical permlt'--#"":-"I\j=OTgT.---:i1tJ""O$.5 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75S.Fro ntageRd. Vail,Colo rado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMAT ION Mechan ical Contractor:TownofVall Reg .No.:CO ntactandPhone#'s:-11l'N~c..(UaJ -c.:7_'3 ~-C'1 '<,QGl _'-I,01 E-Majl ,4d dress:/J ~ct:r Sig~atur~ /~ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MECHANI CAL:$1L\0 00 071'26.'2002\\V,irdall -..cdc,.\j'()RMSI.P ERMITS\MF.CHI'ERM.DCX: Contilct Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esale-countv.com tor Psrcel e Parcel#'21 0 :<,11,-\0 \0..<"\ Jo b Name:R k R.e ~~d e.JI c.<:.Job Addre s s :1~\9 C k ......""';""Vc;,\e.~C- legal Desaiplion I lot:q I Block:A I Filing:1 Subdivision:(t..,I D:.:!.Sc.\.~ OwnersName:C\~\a.",Ke k Address:I;.;':i ~7~"",,~Phone :~1l '3"'-t -"100 Engineer:i=:1.-\r..LJ ;l s ~Addness:;to ,;~dd .....c:~c/,<:;I"Phone:'1(X,-S 'i'7-,II 5"" Detailed descriptionofwo rk.: N e.w s;:'.;lc:.F-c;.':'.\t(u.J c"c .... WorkClass:New 1.>6 Addition()Alteration()Repair (Y Othe r () Boiler Loca tion:Int erior ()¢Exterior()Other ()~Does anEHUe xIst at th is location:Yes ()Not><> Type of Bldg :Sing~fam lly eo Duplex ()Multi ·famlly ()Commercia l ()Restaurant ()Qtt1er () No.ofExistingDwelling Un itsi n th isbuildi ng :N/A ~No.ofAccomm odation UnitsInth is building: NofTvoe of Flrenlaces Extstlnc:Gas Anollances ()Gas toes ()Wood/Pellet()Wood Bummq () No{Type ofFireplaces Proposed:GasAppliances()Gas Log s (X)Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOT AllOWED ) Is this aco nversion from a wood burn ing fireplace toa nEPA Phase 11 device?Yes()No() -************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY **************,~**--********** Other Fees:Pl anner Si n-off:Acce ted .. ORBFees:D ate Received:\, RES KE.RESiDENCE T ROPICAL HEAT DAT E:4/11/04 HEATLOSS SUMMARY-WIRSBO IN GYPCRETE ZNROOM SOBT U BTU NO.D.C.TUBES /LOOP TOTAL MAX GPMFTF LOOR COVERING FTHEAT PERLOOPS(IN)JOIST LGTHS FTOF S UPPLY HEADTYPEUSED LOSSSOFT SPACE(FT)T UBET EMP 1 GARAG E 59812336 21 3 12SLAB225675150 1.73.2CO NCRETE 2 LOWERBE D 148 272218 12 SLAB 0 150 LITE CARP ETIPAD 2 LOWERBAT H 37 121333 12 SLAB 0150 T ILE 2 L OWERHA LL 115 1608 14 212 SLA B 175 3501 500.91.7 LITE CA RPET/PAD 3 CRAWLSPACE 379607 116 2 12SLAB200400150 12.4 LITE CA RPETIPAD 4 LIVING/KITCHEN/DINING 69122353 32 8GYP 0150 3/4"PLYWD+3/4"HRDWD 4 ENTRY 743026 4 1 5 8 GYP 250 1250 15034 .2 T ILE •O FFICE 106 1785 17 12 GYP 0150 LITE CA RPETIPAD POWDERI HALUSTAIRS 1001927 19 12 GY P 0150 TILE/LI TE CARPET/PAD 5LAUN DRY 27 1300 48 212 GYP150 300 150 0.6 0 .8 T ILE 6MAST ERBE D 224 875139 8GY P 0150 LITECA RPETIPAD 6INNER MASTERCLOS ET 35141 4212 GYP200 400150 1.1 2.7 LIT E CARPET/PAD 7OUTER MA STER C LOSET 7 1 163023 1 8 GYP125125150 0 .2 0.3LITE CAR PETIPAD 8MAST ERBATH 1714510 25112GYP2002001500.8 3.8TI LE 9 BED 3 161 324920 12 GYP 0150 LITE CARPET/P AD 9BED3BATH 39 1637 42 1 8GY P 250250 150 0 .6 3.8 T ILE 10BED4 1583463 22 12 GYP 0 150 LITECARPET/PAD 10BE D 4 BATH 4 3 131731 8 GYP 0 150 TILE 106THLEVE LLANDING 51 35572 12GY P 1503001500.6 0.8 LITE CARPETIPAD RAD IANT TOTALS 32347938426 21 TOTAL 425015010.34.2 S NOW MELT 1925221375 115 SEE SNOWMELT CALCULATION SHEETFOR DETAILS TOTAL NET BTUlH REO 'D 300769.2 •USE 1/2"W1RSBOHEPEXPLUS TUBING FORA LL RADIANTF LOORAREAS Page 1 of 3 11/04 "OTES AND SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT REQUIREMENTS NOTES: 1.GASORWOOD FIREPLACES WITHOUT SEALED DOORSMAY ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE OFRADIANTFLOORSYSTEMS . 2.IFTWO DIMENSiONS APPEAR INTHE -oc (IN)"COLUMN,INSTALL 50%OF FLOOR AREA ONONE DIMENSION ANDTHEOTHER50%ONTHE OTHER DIMENSION.THECLOSERTUBESPACING SHOULD BEDONE CLOSEST TO EXTERIOR GLAZED WALLS. 3 .SMALL SEPARATE WATER CLOSET ROOMSWITHAWINDOWCANBECOLDAREASIF PRIVACY DOORIS LEFT CLOSEDTO ATTACHED BATH . SUPPLEMENTAL HEATISREQUIREDINTHE BELOW LISTED AREAS . ZONEROOM•6MASTER BED SQ FT 224 BTU HEAT LOSS 8751 BTU PER SQFT 39 AUX % BTU 'S TOT REQ'DBTU 150017 ALL HARDWOOD FLOOR OUTPUTS LISTED AREFORBAREFLOORONLYANDNOT ADJUSTED FORANY AREA RUGUSAGE. THEPRINTSDONOT LIST FLOOR COVERINGS.PLEASE CHECKTHE FLOOR COVERINGS ANDTHEIR R·VALUES FOR ACCURACY• • Page2of3 Page3 of 3 RADIA NT CO NSTRUCTiO NT YPEAND"R "VA LUES HAVEBEEN ASSUMED IFNO T SHOWNONTHEPRINTS . P LEASE USETH IS SHEE TT O CORRECTANY ASSU MPTIONS MADE THAT ARE INCORRECT. IST HEREANY PLANS TOINSTA LL AN A IR-TO-AIRHEAT EXCHA NGER??YN IS THERE AN Y PLANS TO INSTALLANYEXHAUST SYSTEM OTHER THAN BATHROOM FANSORRANGE HOOD??Y N CHA NGE"R"TO : (LISTCHANGES ) R20 R I O R38 R2.3 R l .6 R2.5 R 19 o o o CALCULATED 0.3 68DEG .F -25D EG.F R I A R2.3 R"VALUE USED SOURCE OF HEATLOSS F RA ME D WA LLS LOG WA LLS CEILING • GLASS SKY LIGHTS DOORS FLOORS U NDERSLAB SLA BEDGE F O UNDATIO N WALL A IR CHANG E/HR %GLYCOL INS IDE DES IGN TE MP OUTSIDE DES IG N TEMP LIT E CA RPET &PA D H EAVY CARP ET &PA D T HE RADIANT FLOOR INSTALLATION TY PEIS ACTUALLY (CIRCLE O NE): 1 TUBI NG STAPLED UNDER SUBFLOOR .TUBING IN CONCRETE SLAB 3 TUBING IN GYPCRETE WI TH FINiSHED F LOOR DIRECTLY OVER GYPCRETE 4TUB ING IN GYPCRETE WITH __"SUBFLOOR DIREC TLY OVER GYPCRETE RESKE.RESIDE NCE T ROPICAL HEAT DATE:4111/04 H EATLOSSSUM MARY -WIRSBO IN GYPCRETE . RESKE RESIDENCE T ROPICALHEAT DATE :41 11/04 HEATLOSSSUMMARY·WIRSBOIN GYPCRETE SLAB TYPE-O=ON GRADE B=BELOWGRADE W =WALK·OUT BSMT FLOORTYPE..·W =WOOD T=TILE C=CARPET Z N ROO M SOFT ROOM AREA SOFT UNHTD ARE A LF AVG HT L F EXT WALL 50FT GLASS AREA 50FT DOOR AREA 50FT CLG AREA 50FT SKLT AREA LF SLAB EDGE OBW SLAB TY PE WTC FLOOR TY PE YN HEATED BELOW? 61 I B i,,--, _____I ••j ._.__:-••1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N T : T I C i C i T : C i CI C • T : T i C • C • C i C: C •-----'-W1TI TIC i SLAB : ____l--_.' 5 i 0 j 10l B' 52 I W ----··---1 ._••_--I ----0.I ---1---; --..1----' .·_.._.1 ..--~I' ----1---1 ;------- 1 23 :W1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 43 1 o o 39 51 .- o o• o : 54 o ; i 200 •300 I :130: i 0 I i 0 i I200 • oi900 i I 74 I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 192 30 4 o o 26 25 25 64 o 25 o o 12 24 24~, 50 i 224 46 25GB •6 -I 11 8 !0 9 i a 9 i 5 9 !30• 6I9 9 !10 6 !13 ' 9 I 23 9 I 13 9 I 10 9 I 52 I 6 I 12 11 T 180S F 13 I 360SF •11 I 230SF 9 :61 i i 13 j 1000SF " 14 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 54 o 129 0" 35 71 5 1 43 39 2 71 37 156 161 115 T 108 154 177 596 224 I 146 I 379 i820 . 74 6 'MASTERBATH , 5IOFF ICE .-, 6 IMASTERBED 9 IBED3BATH 5 !LAUNDRY : 7 iOUTERMAST ER CLOSE1 9 IBED3 • 5I POWDERIHAWSTAIRS I 6 i l NNERMASTERCLOSE" 2 ILOWERBED I ':II ;,..0 ,0,1,0,11 ~PACE j I:/KITCHEN/DININGi ..:""'1 ,n (, 1 IGARAGE I 2 ILOW ERHALL I 2 'LOWERBATH I ltllflTH l EVEL LANDING T 10IBED 4 10 I BED 4 BATH 1 • ••RESKERESIDENCE DATE :4111 /04 FLOORCOVERINGTYPE S HAVE BEENASSUMEDIFNOTSHOWNONTHEPRINTS. PLEASEUSE TH ISSHEETTOCORRECT ANYASSUMPTIONS MADET HAT ARE INCORRECT. ZN ROOM FLOOR COV ERING TYPEUSED CHANGEFLOOR COVERINGTYPETO : (UST CHANGES ) 1 GARAGE 2 LOWERBED 2 LOWER BATH 2 LOWERHALL 3 CRAWLSPACE 4 L1VIN GlKITCHENJDINING 4ENTRY 5OFFiCE 5 POWDER1HAll1STAIRS 5LAUNDRY 6MASTERBED 6INNERMASTER CLOSET 7OUTERMASTERCLOSET 8MASTER BATH 9 BED3 9BED3BATH 10BED 4 10BED 4 BATH 10 6THLEVELLANDING CONCRET E LITECARPETIPAD TILE LITECARPETIP AD LITECARPETIPAD 3J4"PLYWD+3J4 "HRDWD TILE LITECARPETIPAD TILElLITE CARPETIPAD TI LE L1TECARPETIPAD LITECARPETIPAD LITECARPETIPAD TILE LITECARPETIPA D TILE LITECAR PETIPAD TILE LITECAR PETIPAD Page1of1 -' • • SNOWMELT AREAS CALCULATION SHEET C USTOMER:TROPICAL HEAT JOB NAME:RESKE RESIDENCE DATE :4/11104 AREAl AREA2 AREA 3 AREA 4 AREAS AREA 6 AREA7 AREAS AREA 9 AREA 10 TOTALS SOFT 1925 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 1925 BTUH 2213 75 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 221J 7~ BOlLER INPUT BTUII 383002 000 0 00 0 00 383002 FEET OFTUBE 2500 0 0 00000 0 0 2300 LOOP LENGTH 250 0 00 0 00000 >OF LOOPS 10 0 0 0 0 00 000 10 TOTALGPM 14.8 0 .00,0 0 ,0 0 .0 0 ,0 0 ,0 0,00 ,0 0 .0 14.8 GPM PER LOOP 1.50 ,0 0,0 0 ,0 0 .0 0 ,0 0 ,0 0,00 .0 00 PD 1m LOOP 11 0000 0 0 0 0 0 PD 1m SMS &S MR I 000 00 00 0 0 TOTAL PD [FIl 12 000 00 000 0 SMS &SMR PIPE SIZE /IN,1.500 0 .000 0 ,000 0,000 0 ,000 0,000 0,000 0 ,000 0 .000 0 .000 DI STANCE TOMANI FOLD2000 0 0 0 0 000 AREA T UBE SPACL'iG IN,>10 10 10 10 101010 10 10 10 TUBL~G PIPE SIZEIN,)0 .6250,625 0 .625 0 .625 0,621 0.625 0,625 0,6250 ,625 0 .625 LI STED PIPES IZES .SOQ=ll2"0 .625-5/8 "0.750-3/4"1 .001l~1 "1.250-1 -114 "1 .~O ""1~1/2 "2.000-2 " N OTF,,~: 1.ALL PRES SURE P ROP CALCU LATIONS ARl.BASED O~\\1RSHO m :.PEX p Ll'S S:"lOWMKLT AREA T UBI:"i G AN)).....IRSBO LAR(;f:DIAM ETER HEP[x T UBING J'OR DISTRIBUTION TOMA NIFOLDS. 1.BOILER I;'<IP UT C ,\I.CUL.\T IO NS ARE BASED O N BOILBR HnCllt '(''Y.ALTITUDF.DKRAnO N FACIOR AND JO IIS ln :M..EYATI ON ENTKRY.I>0;0;THE ~I SFO R ;l.I'\T ION~s nEET. J .Dl STA."CES T O I\IA."I/J I'OLDS ARE UST EDASONE WAY.S UPPLY riPE &I RET VR.V PII'EAR I<:L'CLl'DED IN PRE SSURE DRO r CALClTl.ATIOSS• ....APPIWX IMATELY 10'O Y Tl;BINU I'I::R LO OP l lAS BF..:N ADDEDFOR TAG Y.N~TO REArn TJI &SUPPLY ANI)RETURN ;\IA.....IFOLDS. AR EA 1 -DRIVEWAY AND FRONT ENTRY AREA!-! AR EAJ -1 AREA 4 -1 AREA~~1 AREA 6 -! AREA 7 -! AREAH -! AREA 9 -? AREA 10 ""? date job-No . position proicct your referen ce in charge • :41 11104 . :RES KE RESID ENCE :TROPICAL HEAT •\ • Data sheet P.H.E . Heat Rate Fluid Flow rate total liquid gaseous Temperature Pressure serv .(abs .) toa.temperature difference Fouling factor[I OE-4] lf -value.serv o Total heat transfer area Surface margin No.of channel s Pres sure drop CONSTRUCTION No.oftotal plates Connections P.H.E .series P.H.E.paralle l Empty weight TIP -Brazed Plate Heat Exchan ger Version 6 .0 l x TIP4-50 Primary Secondary llY$BtUlhr 222.00 Prcoylcoglvkol 30%Propyl englykol 50% Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet ,.,m 15.530 16.530 gpm 15.5 30 16.530 gpm 0.000 0 .000 of 18000 150.00 110 .00 140.00 PSI 362.59 362.59 of 40.00 ft'hr"FlBlu 0 .00 0.00 Btulft'hr"F 3 17.6 1 ft'17.47 %62.29 24 25 PSI 1.42 1.54 50 G in GI" I I Ib 16,8 NOTE :Please check th e input of ourfluid data TOWI\'OF VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO816 57 9 70-4 79 -213 8 NOTE: DE I~l rME NT OF COM MU I\'ITY DEV ELOP!NT TIllS PERMIT M UST BEPOSTED O N JOBSITE AT ALLTIM ES M ECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M04 -o374 801-0 .r,=' Ph on e:9 70 -384 -2748 Phone :9 70-384 -2 148 Job Ad dress :2319 C H AMO~I X RDVAIL Location :2 319 C HA MONIXROAD ,VAIL CO 8 1657 Parcel 1'0 :210 311 401 031 Proj ect No:{'d'c]-.~3 OWN ER RESKE,BRI AN C .1 2 /2112 004 231 9 CHAM ON IX LN VAIL,CO 8 1657 Licen se: CONTRAC1~R RESO RTMOUN TA IN EN TERPRIS ES 12 /21 /20 04 P .O.BOX 2 032 GLENWOO DS PRINGS,CO 8 1602 Lice n s e:2 68 -M APPLICANT RES ORT MOUNTAIN ENTE RPRIS ES 12 /2 1 /2 004 P .O .BOX 2 032 GL ~.OO D S PRINGS,CO8 1602 L icense :2 6 8-M Phone: Status ...: Applied ..: Is sued ..: Expires ..: ISSU ED 12121 12004 01/07 12005 07106/2005 Desciption: Va luation : IN STALL 2GAS A PPLIAKCE FIREPLA CES 54,000 .00 '-irc'pllcc Infonnation:Rotriclcd:Y "olGa-;Appli3n=;;0 ,ofGu t ogs ,0 /I or Wood Pd kt .:0 .....................................................................f-I+.SU MMARY . M .,.;hlllliuJ -> PlenCh ec k-c-> Invesrigal;on.:> Will Call-·--> $8 0.00 $20 .00 $0.00 $1 .00 Rescwuant Plan R""i"",-> DRB F ec ·----~ TOTAl.Fn:s -> $0 .00 $0 .00 $103 .00 T~I C.k u ~tcdF~> Addiliol'llli FCC!I---> Total l'erml1l-'ee---> Paymcn lS .--._._.> B AL .A~n DlJE_-> S 1 01.00 SO.O O $1 03.00 $1OJ.00 $0 .00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I te m:0 510 0BUILDING DEPARTMEN T 01/0 3/200 5c da v is Ac tion :AP IN STALLATION REQ UI REMENTS Item:0 5600 F IRE DE PARTMENT SUBJECT TO FI ELD IN SPECTI ON AND MANUF ACTER CONDIT ION O F A PP ROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG .):FI ELD INS PECTI ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHE CK FORCODE CO MPLI AN CE . Cond:25 (BLDG .l :GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED AC CORDIN G TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFI ED INSEC .B06 OF THE 1997 UM C.OR CHA PTER 8 OF THE 1997 I HC . Cond :32 (BLDG.):PERM IT .PLANS AND COD E ANALYS IS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRI OR TO AN INSPECTI ON REQUE ST.......................................•......•..•..•......•.....................................................•.••.••..•..•..•..•...........•.. D ECLARATIONS I he reby acknowledg e thai I havereadthis app lication.filledou t in fu ll the in formation required,co mpletedanaccu rate plo t p lan , and stale thatall Lh e informationas req uired is correct.I agreetoco mply wit htheinformationan d p lotp lan,t o comply with a ll Towno rdinances and state laws,an dtobu ild th is structure acc ordingto thetowns zoningand subdiv isio n codes,de sign rev iew a ppro ved,Uni fonnBuildingCodeand o thero rdinances of th e Townapp licab le thereto . •REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALLBEMADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS INADVA • CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER •• TOWNOF VAil .•CO LORADO S tatement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payme nt Method: En t erprises 27 13 R050000DIO Check Am oun t:$103 .0 001 /07 /2 00502 :26 PM lo it :DDG Not ation:Resort Mtn . MECHAN ICAL PERMI TType: $103.0 0 M04-03 7 4 210311 40103 1 2 3 19 CHAMON IX 2319 CHAMONIX P e rmit No : pa r ceL No : Site Address : Location : Th is Paymen t; RD VA IL ROA D,VA ILCO8 1657 Tot al F ee s:$103.00 To ta l AL L Pmts :$103.00 Ba lance :$0.0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Ac count Code Descript ion Current PInts MP 001000031 11100 PF0 0 1000031 12300 we 00 1000031 128 00 MECHAN ICAL PERMI T FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WI LL CALL INSPECTI ON FEE 80.00 20.00 3.00 ~E C 2 0IC' V-COM.DEV. t o scale to indude!='===c=-==~ RECE IVED TOWN OFVAILMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the f ollowing: APPLICATION A NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INC OMPLETE .UNSIGfI)....•~r.'< P~ect#:V{~~~~~_~O~GO~~~Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #:'f 970-479-2149 (Inspections) geRd . do 81657 Al~v:de U~"H 5 • o Equipment Cut/Spec Sh eets 7 S S.Fron Vail,Colo E-Mail Address: CONTRACTO R INFOR,\I ATIO:,/~ Town of VailReg.No.:contact andPhone #'5: ~CD .",-~-0 Z- COMPLETE VALUATION FORMECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MECHAN ICAL :$LfOoo Contact EaIe Counh Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.camforPa rcel# Parcel #'f..1 ()<,I 'I rJI (J'?,I JobName:r05/--.e.tfil JobAddress::;z...~(Cf ~""t.<J Vt f~ Legal Description lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: Owners Nam e:Address:Ph one: Engi neer:Address:Phone: ~~~t:.U ;Pli~W~~.~"'''k"nc.€-8fEO-O b c.a.5l. I New v)Work Oass:Addition ()Alteration ()Repair()Other (). Boiler Location:Interior ()Exterior ()Other ()Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg:Single-family ~uplex (.)Multi-family ()Com mercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units inthisb u ilding:V No.of Accommodation Units In this bu ilding: ,Norrvoe of Fireplac es EldsUno:Gas ADDuances..lllGas toes f8r Wood /Pellet (.l::f Wood Bumino ' Norrype 01 Rreplaces Proposed:GasAppUances <1J.GasLogs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) I I s t his a ronversion from a wood burning fireplace toanEPAPhase II device ?Yes ()No () ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ***************************** Other Fees:Planner Si "-off:Acce ted B: ORB Fees:Date Received: \\'i.iMa\.ll'.cdeY\FORMS "PER~nTS'MECHPERM .DOC 0712612002 TOWN or VAIL 7 5S .~R()NT AGE RO AD VA IL,CO 81657 9 70-479-2 138 NOTE: ••DE PARTM ENTOFCO MMUNITYD EVELOPMENT TH IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE AT ALL TIMES OS/25 /2004 Phone:9 26 -3 126 OS/25 /2004 Phone:926 -3 126 OWNE R PLUMBfi';G PER.'lIT J ob Address:23 19 C HAMON IX RDVA IL Location :23 19 CHA MONIXROAD,VAILCO 8 1657 ParcelNo :2 103114010 3 1 Project No:~~'P<03 -az 'i:7S RESKE,~k~~.~OS!2 S!200 . 23 19 CHAMO NIXLN VA IL,CO 81 657 L i cense: CONTRACTOR TROPI CAL HEAT I NC . PO Box 474 7 Edwards,Colorado 8 1632 License :31S -P APPLI CANT TROPICALHEAT INC . PO Box 4747 Edwards,Colorado 81632 License:315-P Pho ne: Permit #: Status ...: App lied ..: Issued ..: Expi res ..: P04-OO 57 I SS U ED 0512512004 0 512512004 11121 12004 Desciptio n: Va luation: NE W S FRP LUMBING $23,000.00 Fireplace InfnnT\lllion :Restricted:??~o r Gll.~Appliances:??"cr Ges l.og ~:'!'!~of Wood Pallo:l:?? .....................................................................FEESUM MA Ry·..••••..•••..••..•..•...•..•..•..•....·.,.......••......••• Plumbinll_'> Plan Chcck-'" I n ~li g a lilln ..:> Will Call---> $34 5.00 $86.25 $0.00 $),00 Rt stuaranl Plan Review-> DRB Fee ;; TOT ALFFFS ;; $0 .00 $0.00 $434 .25 n llal Cak:ulaled Fees-c-> Additionall·ees_·.. TOII I Permit fee ---> Pa}1l'ltl'llS > BAL\J\"CE DtJF-:- $4 34 .2 5 $0 .00 $434.25 $434 .2 5 $0 .00 ...............................................,..""............••.•..••............•..•..•..•..••.......•..•..••.•••••.••.• I tem :0 5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OS/25 /2 004 JS Actio n:AP I tem :056 00 F IREDE PARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:1 2 (BLDG .):F IELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANC E . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D E Cl.A RATIONS Iherebyack nowledge t hatIhaveread thi s a pp lication,fi lled o ut infull t he info nnatio nrequired .com pletedanaccurate plotplan. and state t hatallthe informationas required isco rrect.Iagree to co mplyw ith theinformation and pl ot plan ,t oco mply with a ll Townord inances and state laws,andtobuild t his stru ct ure according t o th e towns zo nin g and subdivision codes,de s ign review ap proved ,UnifonnBu ildingCode and other o rdinances o ft heT own applicab le t hereto. e de REQUESTS FORINSPECT ION SHALL BEMAD E TWENTY-FOUR1I0URSIN AD~E BYTELEPH.if,mo,,,0'AO 0"'om"'"OM sooAM -,eM ~\)U2d/t ~.. •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNO FVAIL,COLORADO S ta tement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stat ement Number : P a yment Method : HEA T R0400 05897 Check Amount :$4 34 .25 OS/25/20 040 4:03 PM Init:LC Notat ion :#4 281/TROPl CAL Permit No: Par celNo: S i te Addr ess: Lo ca ti o n: T his Payme nt: P0 4 -00S7 T ype :PLUMBINGP ERMIT 21 0 3114 01 03 1 2319 CHAM ONIX RDVAIL 231 9 CHAMO NIX ROAD,VAIL CO 8 16 57 T o t al Fees: $4 34 .25 Total ALLPmt s: Ba lance: $434 .25 $4 34 .25 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT IT EM LI ST; Account Co de PF00100 0031 1230 0 PP 00 1000 031 11100 WC 00 100003112800 Desc ription PL ANCHECK FEES PLU MBI NG PERMI T FEES WILL CA LLINS PEC TIO N FE E Cur rent Pn ts B6 .25 345 .00 3 .00 LICATION REC'D MAY 2 1200 4 APPUCATlON WIL!OT BE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMPLETE O~SIGN "3 ...~II? Project #:~iit:~]5U~~:;V~~OJBuildingp-:mit #:~ Plumbing Permit #:'7 970-47 -2149 (Inspections) 75S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 , CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Pl umbin g Co n tra ~TO Wn O~a i1 Reg.~Contact and Phone #'5 : ~'.J L --;t::,,<c.~,15 ~.'f1tJ .<J ;J.2 E-Mail Address:./7 // Contractor Signature://.~T 1.~· ~OM P~ET E VAfuATlON FORPLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) IPLUMB ING :$2.?'I 0 00 i.l -~~""-~~~~-~~~~~--~· Contact Eaale countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeale-coontv.com for Parcel # Parcel #21031 1Lf OI 03\ Job Name:~e ~~e..Re.""Je",ce Job Add ress :L V,,;I'l.:!..\"'\C~~~.."-'" Legal Oescription i Lot:9 I Block:AIIFiling:1 ~Subdivision:lIc.;l C\..~se,<>"< Owner>Na me:(\(.""",,R""I.tc Address:~~..,U"Ph one ~=lll ~~l<t {,,00.....I c.t Engineer:l:)G L 1.\'""""Address:....;;;"¥",;,;/Phone:yo c.<;1':1 I 11 c:;--:;" Detailed descriptionof work.:f\..).<::.,~\<F ...--:-,\\(c.,;e&,.I P ..,., Work Cla ss:New /)Q Ad ditio n ()A ~era~n ()Repair ()"Other () Type of Bldg .:S1 ngl e--tamil y O¢Duplex ()Multi-family ()Comrrercat ()Restauran t ()Other () No.of Ex isting DwellingUnitsin t his building:~J ",No.of Accommodation Units inthis build ing: Is th is aconversion froma wood burni ng fire place to an EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No (X) ·······································FOROFFICE USE ONLy ···································· Other Fees: ORB Fees: Date Recei f _ Acce ted B: Planner Si n-off: RECEI VED lZ51OO' \W.it.d:a lJ~.FO R M 5'lPERM rrS'.P LM B P E RM.rxx:0712612002 •• Page 2906-08-2005- ~1jlj>m--- Inspectton Request R~portlnll___-.llalLCQ -C~OL _ Requested Inspect Oa~: tnececncn ArN: S l~Address: Thursday ,June-og .2005 JRM 231 g C HAMONIXRD VAIL 23t 9 C HAMONIX RO AD,VAil CO 81657 M'fO Information Ac",""E04-OO85 "Type .Co nst Typo .oc<upaney OWo&r:RESKE.BRIAC. Applbnf:EAGLEiSUMMIT ELECTRICCO Co"nlractol:EAGLE/SUMMIT ElECTRIC C O Desuiption:WEW SFR ELEClRlCAL &ElEC S ub Typlil N SFR Uso : Phone.719-836-3669 Phone :7 1 9·836·~ Status:ISSueD InspAr...,JRU ReqU6ted Ins pectlon(s) ttem:190 ELEC-Fl nal Requestor:EAGLE /SUMMIT ELE CTRIC COMPANY A;:;rE~:~num..~E.p_ R.-questP.d Time:0 1 :30 PM PhO.....:317 -374-6700 -cr-477· D400 Entered By DGOlOEN K In sPtCU90 History nem:110 ElEC-Temp .Power 07f2D'Oo1 Inspector: Comment ttam:120 ElEC-RoUAh 01.12Of()6 Inspec:1Or : Comment Item:130 ELEC-Condult It8m:140 ELEe-MI~. nem:190 fLEvAnal REPT131 ActIon:APPR APPROVED Action :APPR APPROVED Run Id:3 267 •• P.ge 6-06-00-2005 Inspectlon Request Reporting _4:19J1[!1'---"V"'all4-II,CO -C~OL _ R&Qu e.st9d lnsp«:t Data: In speeUon A~: Sim Add ress: Thursday,June-0 9,2005 CD 231;CHAMONI X RD VAIL 231 9 CHAMONIX RO AD,VA ILeo 8185 7 AIPfO Information Ae'lvI'y ...,..0085 TVPf:l:B-ME CH S U b T~:NSFR Sla ltB ISSUED const~:OCcu pancy:InspAreI.l·CDowner.RESKE BRIAN C.=n'TROPtCAl HEATINC P!>oroe:926-3126 C ctDr :TROPtCAL HEAT INC """""926-3126 Do=lptJon.MECHANICAl.FOR NEW SFR TIme ElP: Requ ~st'ed Ttme:M :30 PM Phonlt :3 17·374-9700 -or·477 · Entared By :::-oeN K 0.,//.«: pN)jv..J/.r> o J .>,}y 5(f ~ /'~{,( 0'r,",r)1"[~ InlDt<!!oll HlSlory ~(/~'~~\~, ham:200 MECH-Rough .~Approwd •• 07106,'04 IMPe<:tof:GCD Action :PIPARTIAL INSPECllON Commenl IN SlAB HYORQNICS l00praf TEST. 11 '09104 ~.JAM Adk>n :PtPARllALINSPECnoo ~~1rrs:.~~Y&~ELTPARTW.~~Nc~~c;rc:'R~~~ri-Y 100'AIR YES;~~ Convnent:B-'VENT REQS ,.CLRTO COMBUSTABlES .\U 01125o'Ol5 1:~1fr JRM Action :AP APPROVED D <- 'tam :310 M~~~~RECT1ON_,,=~,o~Ilu'''"(i 0112Ml6 lil&pedor :JRM Action:AP APPROVED '-?•"I Comment INr:tOORHEAT86A1RTEST {V nv .em;315 Pl._PIping ?'iI1tJm:320 MECH-Elhlust ROOdS ....Approwd .... 01125.'05 ,_,.JRM AcOOn :AP APPROVE D " Comment BAlHFANSAND ORYERDUCTAPPROVE D \0 110m :330 MECH-SUpply""L,J Item :3040 MECH -MIsc.'\v ~ Item390 MECH-Flnel tr' Lt'o-p.- t I"~v \l\J ----:-:--~--tI1'Run Id:328 7 IV I Requested Inspect!on(s! Item:390 MECH-FlnaJ Re-quutor:TROPICALHEATINC Commtnts:PM .will ca ll -'ther number AssIgned To:CDAVISAcOOn:_ RE PT131 ----- 06-08-2005 4:19pm • Inspection ReqU~S.h.R~~rtJng\llIl1.Co.·__ • --Page7 AJPfD Inklnn.tloll Requesh!'d Inspect OIN-: Inspeeaon ArM: Slte-Addre-u: Thursd.ly,Junv (KIt 200S CD 231Q CHAMONIX RD VAIL 23Ut CHAMONIX ROAD .VAlL CO 81657 T'yp(I 'B-MECH occupeney: ActMty : Const Type . Owner: Applant CoOO1lctor. M04-0374 RESKE.BRIAN C . RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES SUbT~. Pt>ono : Pt>ono : N SFR 910..384-2148 97Q.J64.2748 Status'ISSUED JO$pAt••:CO DescrlpUon :INSTALL 2 GAS APPLIANCE AREPlACES ReaulMted Inspectlonfsl ItMl:31M)MECH..flnal Requestor:RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES Comments:PM.wlU cell either numb8r ~Md To:CDAV1SAcllon:TIme E.p._ Requesmd Time:04:00 PM Phone.317·374-6700 -cr477 · 0<00 Enlered By :DGOLOENK Insoect!0n History \J Item: Item: !tem: Rem: hem: Item: Item: 200 MECH-Rouah 0112&'05""Inspector: COmment.: 310 MECH-H8a~J 15 PlM8-GIIs 320 MECH--EllhaU&1.s 330 MECH-Supply Nt_MECH-MlSC. 390 MECH-FlnIt ..Appt"oved·· JRM AeUon"AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id:3287 •• 0&-08-2005 419 Qf1! -- Inspection Request Reporting ___--,Vua...ll,CO-Cit)'Of _ Thursday.June oa,200s CO 23HI CHAMONIX RD VAIL 23HI CHAMQNIX ROAD VAIL CO 1657 NPfQ Inf9!mauon """"'"Const Type Owner-'*Co"n\reckw DtscrtpUon: -,TypeOccupont~ RESKE.BRIAN C TROPtCAL HEATINC. TPOPtCAl HEAT INC. NEW 8FR PlL'.'lBING BoPl""Suo T,>;::NSFR Phone:926-3126 Phone 92&-3126 SZIItlft.ISSUED Int.pA~CD ill I Requestf'd Time:03:30 PM Phone"317·374-6700 -or·477· 0400 v I 1 I Action:AP APPROVEO~210 PlMB-lJl'l(Mrground "Approved w_ 07.;02104 lnsptcaor:CDAVIS Commtnt 81 AIRTEST 220 Pl......"""IvOWV ••Appro_•• 01/07105 Inspeclot"GCD ActIon'AP AP?ROVEO Comment 2 GAGES ap.llEST 230 PU.tB-Rougt\oW.le,••AppfO"oled .- 01,'071'05 InIPKlof:GCO AcUon:AP APPROVED Com_3 GAGEs """"'TEST2-00 PlJoIB-GOI _••_•• 01;07.'05 I~r.GeO Action-AI>APPROVED ComrMnt:GASPlPE AH:>GASllTE 30peI TEST 250~Tub 280 f'l..AE.Mbe. 290 Pl...Mft..FQI nem: ram: II...,,, _. Item: 110m; Ins:ptCUon History Item: RegU!sWd lnsP!(:!jon(sl Ifgm:290 PlMB.flnat Requestoc"TtlOPtC....L HEAT INC. REPT131 Run Id:3267 .'•• Re ceipt fu nd s to :, Name:h I',fJr ,'c.A 4 e.5ke Mailing Add ress:N3I:Cf at....n()~i><z;1. ,fC,c'/,Co fi/(,?"f' CASHDEPOSIT FORMAT Lega l Descr iption :L ot 4.,Block A Su bdivis ion :Lk,It [)A>Sc bQ"e- A ddress:cl.ri 4 C ,h c ,MQ1jk Lb"'~ De ve loper:I r Ic..../\,Re>K< Project Number :Ii'I2..To 1-0 2-l?>:> Improve m ent CompletionDa te:[X tnb?r 1'£,200S;- DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEM ENT T HISAG REEMENT ,madeand en teredintothis 2!f.!!'.day 01 JUA e byandamong /')t ~R e s.R (the "Dev eloper "),and Va il (the"Town "). ,20<:2h the Townof WHEREAS,the Develper,asacond ition of appro valofthe Te mporaryCe rtificate of Occ upancy fo r Sf:'"t M '"(,,>/rJQ/\((2 I-~-"-t'1C1.iK Lc.../\€':. (add ress ,legal desc ription,and proj ect n u mber )wis hes toenter int o a Develope rImprovement Ag reeme nt;a nd W HER EAS,t heDeve lo per isob ligated to pr ov ide secur ityor co l lateral su fficient in t he j udge ment oft he Towntomak e reasonableprovision sfo r completion ofcertai n improve mentsset forthi ntheattac hedestimated bid(s)in acco rda nce wit h the approvedplans and speci fications fil ed in the offi ceof t he Community Develop ment Department o f theTowno f Vai l;an d W HE REAS,the Develope r w ishes to provide c ollateral to guar anteepe rform ance ofthis Ag reement,inc luding com pletion oft he all improvements referred toi n thisAg reement,by mea ns of th efo llowing : Th e Developeragrees toest ablish acash depositaccou ntw iththeTownof Vail ,as esc row ag ent,i n t he amo unt of $1':2 /-:l S-~,;tS-(125%of thetotal costsof t he attac hed estimated bid(s))as c ollatera lforth e comp letion ofalli mprovem ents r eferred to in t h isA greement,in the event there i s a defaultu nderth is A greement bythe Developer . NOWT HEREFORE,in consideration of the f ollowing m ut ual cove nants a ndagr eements, t he Developer a n dt he Townagreeasfo llows : 1.T he Dev eloperagrees,atitssolecosta nd expense ,to furnish a ll equipment and mate rials necessary toperform a ndco mplete all improvem ents refe r redto i n thi sAgr eement.The r Develope r agrees tocomp lete all im provemen ts refe rred 10 in thi s Agreemen t onorb efore the I_~'" day 01 Cl::t96e r ,200£.T he Developer s ha ll c omp lete ,i nagoo d workma nlike manne r,all improvements r eferredtoi n th is Agre eme nt,i naccorda ncew ith allap proved plans andspecifica tionsfil edintheoffice oft he Communi tyDevelopme nt Depa rtment o f the Townof Vail,andto d o allworkincidental the reto accor ding to and in compliance wit hthe following: a .A ll saidworksha ll b e done u nderthe inspection of ,and 10 thesat isfaction of,the T ow n Plan ner,the TownEngi nee r,the TownBuild ing Offic ial,or other officia l f rom the TownofVai l,asaffectedbyspec ialdi str ictsor service dis tricts,asthe ir respec tive interest mayappear,ands hall notbedeemed compl ete u ntil ap proved an d a ccepted as completedbytheCo mmun ity DevelopmentDepartm ent andPub lic Works Departmentof the TownofV ail. F :\cOevlSilrJ>ro;ects\DI/\\DIA Ca sh drafl _121202.doc Paoe 1 o f 5 ••.. .... 2 .Tosec ure an d g uarantee performance of the obligationsassetfort hherein ,the Developer ag rees to pro videcolla teralasfo llows : Ac as h deposit a ccount w ith t heTownof V a il.asesc row age n t.in the am ount of $/;;(,.)')(.;.::15 (125%a fthetotal castsaft hea ttached estimated bid(s»ascollate ral fortheco mpletion of allimpro vementsrefer red to inth is A greemen t,intheeve ntt hereisadefault und er this A greement b y the Dev eloper. 3.Th e Developer m aya t any t ime substitute t hecollatera l origina lly se tfo rthabo ve fora no therf ormo f sec urity or collate ral acceptable t othe Townto g uarantee the fait hful completion of thoseimp rovements ref erredtohe rein i nthis Agreement an dth eperfo rmance of theter ms o f th is AgreementSuch acceptanceby the Townofa lte rnative s ec urity o r collatera l sha ll beatthe Town 's sole d isc retion . 4 .TheTo wn sha ll not.nor s hallan y officer oremp loy ee the reof,b e liable o r r espon s iblefora ny accide n t,loss ordamag e ha ppeningoroccurring to thew ork spec ified inthis Agreement pr ior tothecom plet io n a nd a cceptanceof th e same ,no r shall t he Town,n or a ny offi cer oremployee thereof,be liable for any p ersonsor propertyinjuredby reason of the nature of saidwor k,butallofsaidlia bilities shallbeandareher eby ass umedb ythe De veloper. TheDeve loper hereby agrees to i ndemnify a ndhold harmless th eTown ,a nd any of its officers ,age nts andemp loyeesagainst any losses ,c laims,damages ,or lia bili ties to whi c hthe Town or anyof its officers,agentsor em pl oyeesm ay becomeSUbject t o,insofar asanysuc h losses,clai ms,damages o r liabilities(ora ctionsi n r espect thereof)arise ou t of or are based upon anyperfo rma nce by the D evelope r he reun der;andt he Deve loper sh all r eimburs ethe Town for any and all legal oro ther ex penses r easonab ly in cu rr ed by th e Tow n i n connection wi th inve stigat ingo r d efending any su chloss,c lai m,d amage,liability o r ac tion .This ind emnity provision sha ll beinad dition toany other liabilityw hic h theDeveloper m y have . 5.It is mutu allya greedthat the D eveloper mayapplyfor and th e Town may a uthorize a parti al release ofth e co llateral dep o sitedwi th theTow n f or ea ch ca tegoryo f imp rovemen t a fter th e subj ectimproveme ntis c onstruc tedin compl iancew ith all plansand specifica tionsa s r e feren ce dher eunderand a cceptedb y th e Town .Under no con dition shallthe d ollar amo unt o ftheco lla t eralth at is be ing he ld byt h e To wnbe red uced below t he do llar amount necessary t o comp l ete allun complete d im prove m e n ts referre dto int hisAgree ment. 6 .If th e To wnd etermines,a titsso le d isc retion ,thatany o f the improveme nts r eferre d toin th isA greement aren o t con structe d in co mpliance wi th th ea pprovedplansand specifications fi led in the officeof t he Co mmunity Dev elopm ent Departmentof the Town ofVail or not accepte d b y the Townas completeon orbe fore thed ateset fo rthinPara graph1o f this Ag reement ,theTownmay ,bu t shallno tberequired to ,draw upon th esecu rity ref erre d to in th is Ag reem ent andco mpl ete t he un comp leted impro vement sre ferred to in this Agre ement Pursuant to Section 12-11-8,Vai l T ow nCo de,theTempora ry Certificat e o f Occu panc y ref erred to in this Agre ement mayberevo keduntil all improvements re ferred to herein arecom pleted by the Developeror the Town in acco rdanc e withthis A greement. F ~.c<le~l r.projeCts \OIA\OIA Cash draf l_12 1202 .doc Page 2 of 5 .'•• Ifthe costs ofcompleting tho un completed i mprovementsrefer red tointhisAg reement exceed t he dollar amount ofthe d eposit,th e excess,togetherwi th i nterest a t twe lve pe rcent (12%)perannum ,sha ll bealien a gainstt he pro perty andmaybe collected by c ivil su it or m ay be certi fied tothe treasurer ofEag le Co unty tobeco llected in t hesamem annerasdelin quent ad valore m taxesleviedagains t s uch pro perty.IftheDeve loper fa ilso r r efusesto completet he improvements referredtoint h is Agreement,suchfai lure orrefusal sha ll becons idered avio lation of Title12(Zo ningRegulations).ofth eVai lTownCo de,andthe Developer shallbesubjec tto pena lt iespu rsuanttoSection 12-3-10(V iolations:Pena lties)andC hapte r 1-4 (Ge neral Pe nalty), of theVai lTownCode. 7.T he Developershall warranty thework an d materialsofall imp rovements referred to i nthisAgreeme ntlocatedon Tow n prope rty or w ithin aTown ri ght-of-way,pu rsuantto C hapter 8-3,ofthe Vai l Tow n Code,fora periodoftwoyears after the Town's accepta nce ofsaid improvemen ts. 8 .T hepa rtiesh ereto m utuallyagreetha tthisA greement mayb eamended fromti me totime ,providedthat such amendments be in writ ing andexecutedby all pa rtieshereto. F :\C dcvlB,11\ProjeclsIDIA\DIA c esn d raU_121202.doc Page 3 of5 •• Datedthe day an dy earfirstabov e wr itt en . • Dev eloper STATEOF COLORADO ) )55. COUNTY OF EAGL E) T h e f ~r egoing D eveloper Improvement AgreemeoL.wa s ac k no wledgedbefo reme t his ;I tt'Dayof 7l<oe ,200S-by \~r ·,u--..C .,u f k:-c Witness myhand a nd official sea l. My co mmission e xpires To wn Planner ST A T E OF COLORADO) )55. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) T hef ore going D eve loper Impr ovement Agreement wasa cknowl edged beforemeth is ~Da yo f ~v\e...20 0'->by ""\,,.M{h ..c '-0 ,;:'~J';j "',......:'1 +- Wi tnessm y han d and officia lseal. F ;\cdcvl BiIl'.ProjectsIDlA illIA Ca sh d rafl_121202.doc Page 4 o f5 "•• ATTACHED COPIESOFTHEEST IMATED BID(S) F :\cdevIB iIllProjectsIDIAIDIACa shd raft_121202 .doc Page 5 of5 Ju n 2~0 5 0 91 04 a • Holl ~wo od Se r v1c~~I nc.•9 70 74 80 770•p .I VailValley Off ice PO Box 49 01 Vail,CO 81658 (910)148-0725 Estimate for: HOLLYWOO:!)SElII.VXC:E8 VAI L ASPEN Hollywood~rvtcesinc.com t:u.:(970)74S..a770 Roaring Fork O'n ce PO BOll 24 73 Basalt .CO 81671 (970)963 ·3392 u""In..tlllle'd EJ 1C'l ldcd 'nsll llvcl Qlla.'!!!!J ~t•.r:u na"":;In ~~ CoIIlfl'f'l rrerJ 5 Rocky Mount"In Ju"i~,.5 $59 .00 $295 ,00 3 Colorodo Spruu 10 'BB $645 .00 $1.9;'5 00 3 Norw3y P in e 8 ',,"""05.00 $1 ,2 1500 Jurfa nd '0"9 1500 ~l'!Om !l'·Nah ve G ,o~'.IC"'On $0.22 $33:>.00 1000 Soti Sll II SO .59 3 590 .00 AlI"c~o6fl la"d,c ~f'roduc:tJ 2 Top\oil &u.n d~.:J De Grocli"g pe r hndc-m $575 .00 $1.150 .00 0.'Cooble2"'·4 "13"d0m $95 000 $4 75 .00 30 Sitel [dee',.$300 $9C.00sSpri"~l e'Sy:;lem zonMi $745 00 $3.72S.OO "''''a.BKJoI".P,_I.,ncl 0Il(.I..u~ Bid N /tIMo= Totlll,"101111111 ~, A ll tV"ET_&DecodUOU$T,""include ,.I ..ke~alld well:. u .•ouo Town ofVail ..Department of Community Deve lopment 0<'::;9075S.Frontage Road Vall,CO81657 Name :'""}?r:,(.~(,/(s \::<-Re ceipt No.S V;;-:to1 f'lddr ess :O at e~"L{I /O')Project Pleasemakechecks payab le to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No .Item No .Code #Cost Each Total 00100003141 110 Address Mans ZA 55.00 00 100003141110 Zoninq Maps ZA 520.00 00100003 141112 Other CodeBooks CS • 00 10000314 1211 BluePrints/MylarCopyFees SF57 .00 · 00 100003141111 XeroxCopies XC $0.25 • 00100003 141 111 Master Plan MS • 00100003141111 Studies ,MasterPlans.etc .MS • 00100003123000 ContractorsLicense Fees CL -,2-SiP.c:-0010000240 3300 .Developer Improv ement Aoreemenl De003l1 D2-DEP10 AD 00 1000031 21000 RestaurantLicensefee (TO V)RL 0010000 2302000 soec.Assess.-Res taurantFeetoCo .Oeot.Rev .SA 11000003141115 R esaleC ommission MS Other-MS Othe r-MS Other-MS Other -MS Other -MS 0010000 201 1000 Taxable 4 .4%Statel-Tax eavabte TP 0010000 3101 200 Ta xable 4 %(Town)·Reta il SalesTax T7 11500003101200 Taxable .5%n own-C onf e renceCt r TC I-TOTAL:'1.~\&L~l- I- l- I-Town of Vail •••CUSTOMER RECE IPT ••• Ope l":~fli:{Typr :F8 Draw ,l";1 Date ;6J27J~81 Re ceipt no:1k41 ClJ~tO l f r Lo cation Naif ~ount is'll!2b8S Bri an ~r~kr IlIl AR-tmlSITS UZQt,.Q !HI'"!lEW DrnEIT FOR ut<liSO"llE f", 2519 OMItII u:r£'3 <">0 Ii <-Received by :(c.-Check # Trnd rr detail IX Q£Cl(3N112 U~6 Tat al hlldert>o U&Jb.6 Total pa ylent '1~.25 Tl"an s dah:GJ27 J85 Tiu:13 :4::i :l.'0 TIfW{YIlI FO R YIlIR PA'Ilt.NT ~ ffcdevltoJTMIad minlSales Acct.AprIl 2005 0511 212 005 • • •0<•n 0 0 0e00 :~•0•t< s~,,,•••~~0 0 0 •••0 ••!l 0 0 0 0 0 0•••< •0 ~§••••0 0 0 0 ~~0••••••0 2 0 0 0 ·0 0 0••-•0 0 "~••9•••0 •0 •~28 0 0 0 0 ,••••--0 .~0 ••<!-0 0 0 0•0 0 0 ~0 ••• ~e•~0••0 0 0 •0 ~,•••••,0 0"2 , ~0 ~•••0 "•0 0~0,•0 0 ••,,••••0-0 0-0 0 ,•••0 0 ••8"~ ~ """•••~00s•~•0"•, 0 >~•!••0 0 ~u ,••~••~0 H•0 •0 •,;•00~•0 •00n,.••,.-~•••"••~0"a "0 e ~,..u •00••~•u.0.B,.>8 0 ••"e u.~.·"e-•~8~•0 •se~~2:I.d ~••,--.0 0 0 • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Project N ame:RESK E CHANGE Proj ect Description : V~3d1.m£-f.,I 101-1,bIt-A Departmen t of Comm unity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 t e l:970.479.2 139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www .c l.vail.co.us ORB Number:DRBOS0227 FINAL APPROVA L TOA CHANGE TO niE AP PROVED PLA NS.BRICK PAVE RSI N LIEU OF CONC RETE.APPROACH AND BO RDER Participants: OW NER RESK E,BRIAN C.OS/25/2005 2319 CH AMONIX LN VAIL,CO 81657 APP LICA NT RESK E,BRIAN C.OS/25/2005 2319 CHAMON IX LN VAIL,CO 81657 Proj ect Add ress:2319 CH AMONIX RD VAIL Location : 2319 CHAMO NIX RO AD,VAIL CO 81657 Legal Description:lot:9 Block:A Subdivision:VAILDASSCHONEFIL 1 Parcel Number:2103-114 ·0 103·1 Commen ts:seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Moti on By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAP R Date of Approval:06/03/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochanges t othesepla ns may be made withou t thewr itten conse nt of T owno f Vail staff a nd/or t he app ropriate rev iew committee(s). Con d:0 (PLAN):DRB a pp rova l d oes notco nstitute a permitfo r b uildinq.Please co nsult with T ow n o fVail Building pe rsonnel pr io r to con struction activities. Cond:201 DRB a pprova l sha ll not becomeva lidfor20d aysfo llowing the date o f ap prova l. Cond:202 Approval ofth is project sha ll lapse an d becomevo idon e (1)yea r fo llowing t he date offina l a pprova l,unlessabui lding permit is issuedan d const ruction is com me nced an d isdi lige ntly p ur sued toward completio n. Pl anner:Matt Gen nett ORBFee Paid :$20.00 -" • Minor Exterior Alterations Ck~,-i'<::> Application for Design Review Af (\n \ Department of Comm unity Developmen t v~\,.Ci "c,.....~ 75Sou th Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado8165 7 t 0 I I tel:97 0.479 .2128 fax:970.479.2452 ~""-c.A e I'"L 0" web:www.vangov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receiveapprova l prior to submitting abuilding permlt appncatron .Please r efe r to the submittal req u ire ments for theparticu larapprovalthatisreq uested.An ap plicat ion fo r Design Review cannot be acceptedu nti l all r equir ed informatio n isreceived by th e Community Development Department The projectmayalso needto be reviewed by theTown Council and/or t he Planningand Environmental Commiss ion. Design rev i ew a pproval lapses unless a building pennit i s i ssued an d con struction co mmencesw ithin o ne year of th eap proval. Description of the Requ est:Gt",,\c.~'-'~l'~,-\~"U oS;c:"-'c c-;::\e,......A.'ff'l'>~c..........~b ",,-£d~r '-I -- Construction of a new bUildi ng or demo/rebuild. All additionwhere square footage isadded to any residentialor comme rdet bUilding (Includes 250additions &Interiorconversions ). Minor changes t o bUildings andsite improvements ,such as, re-roofing,painting,w!ndow 'additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. Minor changes to buildIngsandsiteimprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window addluons,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Revisions to plans already approve dby Planning Staff orthe Design Revi ew Boa rd. eIl.!S $1.00 per squa re foot of total sign area . $20 $20 No Fee $50 No Fee $65 0 $300 $250 Type of Rev iew a ndFee: o Signs o Concept ual Review o NewConstruction o Addition Owne r(s)Signature(s):_-::--''--''=__---->=''--,,:'----'=;:-==---_ o MinorAlteration (mult l-famify/commercial ) Location of the Pro posal:Lot:lBIOCk:ft .Subdivision:_fk,j,,~'v '''i,,-,,1 V-i I (k.So.\...,' Physical Address:1 2>\e,.c l.,e _~",I X L ",)\),,;-\C0 r~ Parcel No .:-2 1O~I 1'-\\O::-,,~ICcntact Eag le Co.Assessor at 970-32 8-8640 for parcel nc.)~ Zoning:PS !L..J<~+0.~\-A.. Name(s)of Ow ner(s}:~£'\~.......R c ~'-<<..'-iii' Mailing Address:2~\9 C \......""_"""~"'-L ",U.;,\CO lA~1 G.S 1 Phone:7________---.... :..:vb c...-vL_ Nam e of Applicant:Dr:,~-c..Rc:~\..c( Maili ngAddress:2.Q\"I ~_",~-,=<,k 4 V ",',~CD ~lc's, _____=_.,.----,7"""r--=-=_Phone:/C,,'()Len -D':fcG E-mail Address:~f'(--R;'kL9{\QL,....Fax :"I,D 'Y./'1-D't6'1 o Minor Alteratio n (single-family/duplex)XCha nqes to Approved Plans o separa tion Request ", ForOffice u~Only :JP I<)'~Ker>,...eFeePaid:Z --Check No.:~By: MeetingDate:b-T'7'(,-o S-DRB No.:nBowz;Z-7 Planner: M,C;Proiect No.:-"7)~-\b ].62..S3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIl ,.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta temen t Numb er: Pa yme nt Met hod: R0 50 00 0680 Amount :$20 .00 Cash OS/2 5/2 00 507 :40 AM I nit :J S No ta ti on :S /BRIAN RESKE DRB -Chg t o Appr PlansType: $20.00 DRB050227 2 103 -11 4 -0 103-1 23 19 CHAMO NIX RD VA IL 2319 CHAMONIX ROAD,V~L Pe rmit No: Parce l No: S ite Add ress : Locat i on: This Payment : CO 81 657 To tal Fees :$2 0 ,00 Total ALL Pmts:$20 ,00 Balance:$0 ,00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code De script ion current Pmts DR0 010 00 03112 200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2 0 .0 0 • Project Name:RESKE NEWSFR Project Description: •Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comm unity Development 7S South Frontag e Roa d,Vail,Colorad o 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.o.vetl.co.us ORB Number:DRB040058 NEW CON STRU CTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNE R RESKE,BRIAN C. 2319 rnAMONIX LN VAIL,CO 81657 li cense : APPUCANT RESKE,BRIAN C. 2319 CH AM ONIX LN VAlL,CO 81657 License: Proj ect Address:2319 CHAMO NIX RD VAlL 2319 CHAMO NIX ROA D,VAlL CO 81657 0 3/01/2004 Phone: 03/01/2004 Phone: Location: Legal Description:Lot:9 Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DA5SCHO NE AL 1 Parcel Nu mber:210311401031 Com ments:seeconditions of approval BOARD/STAFF AcnON Motion By:Viele Second By :Proper Vote:4-0 Conditions: Action:APPROV ED Date of Approval:03/22/2004 COnd :8 (PLAN):Noc hangest othese plans m ay be madew ithoutth ew ritten consent of To wn of Vail staff and/or theappropriate reviewcom mitteels). CO nd:O (PLAN):ORBapproval does notconstitute apermitforbuilding.Pleaseconsult w ith Townof Vail Bui lding person nel priort oconstruction activities. COn d:201 ORB approva l shall not become validfor20 days followingthedateofapproval. CO ndo 202 Approval ofthis projectshall lapse andbecomevoidone (1)year f ollowingthedate offinalapproval,unless abuilding permitisissuedandconstruction is commenced and isdiligently pursued toward completion. CO nd oCO N0006363 PRIOR TO .DING PERMIT APPllCATION,THE APPlla-SHALL SUBMIT A NEW PLAN FOR THE RETAINING WALL ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OFTHE DRIVEWAY THATIS COLLABORATIVE DESIGN WITHTHE NEIGHBOR AND AVOIDS A DOUBLE WALL. Planner:MattGennett ORBFeePaid:$650.00 •• Application for Design Review RECEIVED MAR0 1 llt Department of Community Development 75 SouttI Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81 657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .d .vail .co.us General Infonnation: All projects requiring design reviewmust.receive approva l prior to submitting ill buikfing permit application .Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until allrequiredinformationis received by the Community Development Department.The proj ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and EnviJonmenta l Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit IsIssuedand construction commences within o ne year of the approval. De~riPti~nofth~eq~:'J:~2!:e,w C "",:."tof'U <.:~I',;.".,cst c.S.~O\.... £C:;M.l::J K e :::::.<''''> Location of the Proposal :lot:.3-BIOCk:A Subdivisio n:~:\D",,.SL-."e F.\,~1 I V Physical Address:'2.3 l3L...-"L_-,,-,-b-'-"C\"'~"'-Ja=""-I..\x,""--_ Parcel No.:'2.\O::'l ,\'1 01Q :3 l (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970 ·328·6640 for parcel no.) Zon ing:PS R ~J ,"",,;gj Name(s)of Owner(s):U~\c-V\,J::R .se".;J"'k""c>----c _ MailingAddress:';'1 't S'L,J ..,00 10,-,w=-"t:o..:h:o..,.--'-'-'--"--'-'''''-'''''''''''-''-'"r-'-'-'' '-IbO'SS p'}Q,ne:-,--_'_--,,..,......,....---. Owner(s)Signature(s):=:I\I'IS,,",C .K e,:,\.(-E:. Name of Applicant:~,c.",C R ~l~ Mailing Address:SS':iS W 'DO ~".t-~ -llJ 4 bQ..S:s::.Phone::\n~:;,-;:±---:a-:"=:::o--­ E-mail AddresS:c;c:;;;::RfJ{C \5 M L.coMFax :'__""\->..I..1...,-'-_............._....I..>-J......'-_ Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptua l Review No Feeg-New Construction 5650 Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (mutti-family/comrneroal) 0 Minor Alteration $20 (single-fam ily/duplex) 0 Olanges to Approved Pla ns $2 0 0 Separation Req uest No Fee ~$1.00per square foot oftota'sign area. For construetJon of a new building ordemO/rebuild. For an addition where SQuare footage is added to a ny residentia l or commercial buildlOg (includes 250 additions &.interior conversions). Forminor changes to bu ildingS and Sit e jmpeovements,such as, reroofing,painting,windoW addrtions,landscapi ng,fences and retaining wails,etc. for minor changes to buildings and site improvements ,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc . Forrevisions to plans already approved by Plann ing Staff Of'the Design Review Board . ForOffice ~se O~y:.I c.'~t;e Fee pa;d,S-0 Check No.:.2.m-By :r ........I{"~ Apphcation Date:ORB No .:~~0;tt>b":i 6 3 Planner:fr)C..ProjectNo.:0"0 Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material • Ceck £s,\9~Tt :~.s~l"v£je.-L, CoW -Lt DJ,(c:"'f~L (l.t--)C eJ,,,,C G,\of C o ff'"'~l-l JLG:.f ,C'("'""'t ">.i.£__ S-n>"'-L i.,<;'1:J L~C> Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fas cia Soffits Windows WindowT rim Doors Doo r Trim Handor Deck Rail s Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash En clo sure s Greenhouses ~pL ,l\-D.'~'O \,:o ,J ~-J- S !\.J C(0 t ","'-'J ~1 S "\DY's:.. S "\0..,:-"S). S evY\c.Q SW,:_<~ WOOc\ Reta ining Walls Exterior Li ghting Other No tes : Please spec ify the manufactu rer'sname,the co lor name and numbe r and attach a co lor ch ip. Page 6 of 12/02/07/02 •• oExisting andproposedcontour lines.Retaining wa lls shall be incl uded with theto p of wa ll andth e botto mofwall elevations noted . Architectural Flo or Plans: o Scaleof 1/8"=l 'or larger;1/4"is p ref erred :J Floor"p lans of th eproposed development drawnto scaleandf ullydimensioned.Floor plans and b ulldlnqelev ations must be d rawn at t he same scale. D Clear lyindicate onthe floorplans the insideface of theexte riorst ructuralwallsof t he b uilding. o Labe l floor pla ns toi ndicatet he p roposed fl oo r a rea use (l.e.bed room,kitchen,etc.). •Oneset of floo r p la ns m ustbe "red-lined"in dicatinghow th e g rossresid entialfl oor area(GRFA)was calc ulated.See Title 12,Chapter 15 -Gross Resid entia l Floo r Area for regulatio ns. o Providedime nsions of allroofeavesand overhangs. Arch ite ctu ral Elev ations: U Scaleof1/8"=I 'or larger;1/4"isp referred CJ Allelevations of theproposed development draw n to scaleandfu llydime nsioned.T he elevation dr aw ings mu st showbothexisting and fi nishedgr ades.Floorplans and building elevationsm ust be draw n at th e same scale. o If bUilding facesareproposedatangles notrepresented we ll on t he nonn al buildi ng elevat io ns,show th ese f ace s also. a Elevations sha ll showproposed f inishedelevation o f floo rsand roofso n ell levels. Q All exte r iormaterials andcolorsshall bespecified on theelevat ions. :J Th efollowingshall be showngr aphically and f ullydim ensioned:fa scia,tri m,railings,ch imneycaps, mete r locat ions,andw indow details. a Show all p roposed exterior lighting fixtureson t hebuilding. a Ill ustrate all decks,porches and balconies. aIn d icatet heroof andb uildmqdrainage system (t.e.guttersand downspouts ). :J I ndicateall rooftop mechanical systems andallot her roof str uctures,if applicable. aIll ustr atep roposedb uildi ngheightelevat iono nroof lines and ridge s.Th ese elevations should coordinate w ith th e fi nishedfl oorelevations andt he dat u m usedforthe su rvey . oExterior color andmaterial samplesshall be submitted to staff andpresentedat t he Design Review Board meeting . Lighting Pl an: a Indicate type,locat ion and numbe r offixtu res. o Include height abovegr ade,lumensoutpu t,lum ino usarea oAtta ch a c utsheet foreach proposed fixture . II .IM PROVEMENT LOCATION CERTI FICATE rI LCl Onceabuild ing permit has beenissued,andconstruction is underway,and beforet he Building Departm ent wi ll schedule afram ing inspection,two copies ofan I mprovement l ocation Certifica te survey (IlC)stamped bya registeredprofes sional engineermu st be subm itted .T he following information m ust be providedon t heI lC: :.J Basis ofbeari ng andtie tosectioncorner UAll property pins f oundorset aBuil ding location(s)with tiesto p ropertycorners(ie.di stancesandangles) aBuildingdimensions,includingdecks and balconies,t o t henearest t enthofa foot a Build ing and ga rage floorelevations and an roofridgeand eaveli ne elevatio ns o AU drainage and utility serviceli neas-b unts,show ingty pe ofmaterial,size and exact locatio n o All easements Page 5 of12/02/07/02 • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING • PROPOSED TRE ES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quant ity 5 I I f Minimum Requ irementsforland scaping:Deciduous Trees -2n Caliper Coniferous Trees -6'inheight Shrubs -5 Gal. !Y.R!Squ are Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED I RRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Pleas spe cify othe r land scape regru res (l.e .reta ining w Q..~,--U c.11 c- Is ,fenc es ,swim minq pools ,et c.).,- Page 7 of12/02/07/02 •••UTILITYAPP ROVAL &VERIFICATION ·2.~i "\C"""-<>,,,<~~"-• L,.""9 (',\0<-'-<.A,v~;I ......>9-,< Th is formserves t ov erify that the proposed improvements will not Impactany existing or proposed utility F.\:~)to>-1 service s,andalso to v erify service availability and location fornew construction a ndshould be used in conj u nction w ith pr eparing your utility plan a ndschedu ling installations.A siteplan ,includ in g grading plan,floor p lan,and e levations,shallbe submitted to the f ollowing utilitiesf or a pproval a ndve rificatiOn. QWEST 9 70.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970 .4 68.68 60 JasonSharp 970.3 84.0238 EXC EL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 9 70,262,4076 (tel) Contact:Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949.5892 (tel) 9 70,949.45 66(fax) Contact:T ed Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970,262 .40 38 (fax) con tacts: Kit Bogart 9 70 .26 2.4024 l imO'neal 970,262 .400 3 EAGLE RI VERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476 .748 0 (tel) 9 70.476 .4089 (fax) CO ntact:Fred Hastee COMCAST CABLE 970 .949,1224x 112 (tel) 970,949.9 138 (fax) Contact:FloydSalazar Authorized Signature Co mments NOTES : 1.If th e ut ility ap proval &ve rificationform has signatures from each of the uti lity companies,a nd no comments are maded irectlyonthef orm,the Tow n will presume tha t the reareno problemsand the developmentcan proc eed. 2.If a utility compa ny hasco ncerns with the proposed construction,t he uti l ity r epresentative shall noted irectly on the uti lity verification fonn that there is a pro blem w hich needs to be resolved.Theissueshouldthe n be detailed i nanattached letter to the Townof Vail.However,ple ase kee p In mind tha t it is th e res ponsi bility of the utility compa nyandth e applicant to resolv e identified problems. 3.These verifications do not rel ieve thecontractor o f th eresponsi bility too btainaPublic Way Permit fromthe Department of Public Works at the Town of Van.Utility locations must be obtained before dig ging In anypu b lic righ t-of-way o r easeme nt within the Town of Vail .Abu ildioo permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obta ined sepa rately. The Developer is required and ag rees to sub mit any revised drawings to th e utilities for re-approval &re- verification if t hesu bmitted plansa re altered inany w ay aftert he authorizedsigna ture d ate (unless o therwise specifically notedw ithin the co m ment a rea of th is form). Deve loper's Signature Dat e •• Q.Zwlm View coordinating items Add coordinating items tomy portfo lio lQ!l1!other fi nishes 15"HSt .Lawrence Co lleclion (32930) This traditional outdoor lantern brings 18th century French stylingtoyour home.Itfea tures acast aluminum construction with mouth blown seedy glass i na black fi nish .Measures 6-3/4'W x15"H ,ext .8 "and takes a100 watt bulb standard base (not included).Backplate measures 4-5/8"W x 6 -1/4"H . •• 3/1'10'1D.1tC:_"'-~'-__-,-~_ Lega l descriptio n:Lot q Block -L.A-,-_Filing .-J~lL.:L!~~~~..Ij~~_ ~~~:s ~~.~tl;;:/,,''''~ Arc hitec t ~ Zone district e 75 ,>lWf..;.J Let size ",s=;-Q, Primary GRFA __+(425)(675')=_,T ctzl GRF A --+--- Al1m~~~mng=~J...50 t a ---+---=--- Secondary GRFA __'+(425)(575')=_---+---=--- •675 =425 credit plus 250 additi on Docs this request involvea 250 Ad di tion?_~IV'!!C:.-__ How much of {b ~allowed.250Addition is used with this request?<5 y 4'I (114~fJ Site Co verag e D +1/710 = Height (3 0)(33)3:>/ Setba cks Front 20 ' Sides •,.1S'\ ROll ,15' rn P~.~'0LandscapingGO%M~jmum ~/'i2(J {oo%,.r;,~rp .~(''J~'') Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' Par king Required 3 C>4 ::s.En closed / \ S I \ I)Percen t Slope «:>30%)-\-_--i:.-_ 2)Floodpla ir.--------'';-7------ 3)Wcll.lndS ~_-_ 4)Wate r Course Setback (30)(50)_-1--'-_ 5)Geologic Hazards -----j:.---'o;----!-- a)Sn ow Avalanche__+__-\__-,.-_ b)Roekf,II --=-=-=-~~C:==~r~==c)Debri s Flow _ (300)~(900)(1200) Permitt ed Slop e to % Ycs-U-/o Ycs--;L...No,_ Driveway Ga."'3g e Cre dit Arc finis hed gradesless than 2:1(50%) Complies with TOV Lightin g Ordinance En\;room cnta1IlIazards Prev ious conditions of approval (ch eck property filc),-:_....:=--r-'_ Is th e proper ly non-conforming?Describe ;....!!.!!.'-.:p""''-_L-'-~-''''~'=_ •• :''.. r-,..~ ••.,' I .r .~,...;~,...)'.\; _.,,-'. '.. ..". " "',.." --t Scale /"GRFA~250 additional GRFA-f/ CrawJ\Al:ic Space- o ~-...!L'E~isti ng trees ,J -l::!Proposed trees •.1 /)/EHU~U I~G StEVATIONS '~.'.i/»; V ,Color\'\{atenals )J Roo fl>;'eh o LANDSCAPE PLAN...-.:~.• "...•• ,-.,.. Water Course Setback Tr~~s t1, Utility locAlIOns Pi :-~-'..:~7~------..eLOORPLANS (3 SURVEY ./"Scalti'..7 V Legal descrip tio n \Lo!Sizc --l Buildab le AIf:a -f Easemcnu TOP Q,grn phy •• -,..-...-".....II100yr.flood plain-I-L EIl virollmeatal Hazards \- -\Spot elevation s -,-0 ......... • 'J (,. Q,•1"....\' :.j'••-,.• •, SITE PL"":l"l • Scale ~B u i I Cin g H,lgh' ElICl oaclun ents , Se tb acks • Site Coverage~Eav cslOvcrllallg s (41- I DecksIBal conies- Garage CO:l.1cclicll Sile Gra dclSlopc /Rcmi ning Wal ls l , MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A &.B) Util ity veri ficatio n fonn PIIO IOS of site Building materi al samples C.O.Ycriflcat ion SunlShad ,Angles Utiliti es (lU\dcrground) View Corri dors Fences •Variances Par kinglG.atag e •.•Plat restric lions Turnin g Radi us (- '\ Driveway (access and grad e) Snow Storage FircAccess •• TOWN O F VAl l ,COLORADO Statem en t****•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatement Number : Payment Method: R0 40 005 456 Che ck Amount :$65 0 .0003/01/2 0040 3 :36 PM Init :J S No tation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permi t NO: Parcel No: Site Addre ss: Location: Thi s Payment: DRB0 40058 Type :DRS -New Cons t ruct ion 2 103 1140 10 31 23 19 CHAM ONIX RD VAIL 2319 CHAMONIX ROAD ,VAIL CO8 1657 Total Fee s : $65 0.00 Total ALL Pm ts : Balance : $650.00 $650.0 0 $0.00 ACCOUNT IT EM LI ST : Accoun t Code DR 00 100003 112 200 Desc ription DESI GN RE V 1 ~'FEES CurrentPmt s 650.00 •• Proj ect Name :RESKE otANGE Pro j ect Description : • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community t::>eveopment 7S South Fron tage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:9 70.479.2139 fax:9 70.479.2452 web:www.d.ven.co.u s ORBNu mber:DRB040406 REVISE BOULDER RETAINING WALL TO STON E VEN EER AND CONCRETE BLOCK.ADD WINDOWS AND CH ANGE FO R NEW GRFA AREAS Participants: OWNER RESKE,BRIAN C.08/13/2004 Phon e: 2319 CHAMONIX LN VAIL,CO 81657 Ucense: APPLICANT RESKE,BRIAN C.08/13/2004 Phone : 2319 CHAMONlX LN VAIL,CO 81657 License: Project Address:2319 O-tAMONlX RD VAIL Location : 2319 CHAMON lX ROA D,VAIL CO 81657 Lega l Desaiption:Lot :9 Block :A Subdivis ion:VAlL CAS SCH ONEFIL1 Parcel Number:2 10311401031 Comments:Seeconditions BOARD/STA FF ACTION Motion By: Second By : Vote: Cond itions: Action :SfAFFAPR Date of Ap proval:09/07/2004 Cond :8 (PLAN ):No changes to these plans may be made without the written con sen t of TO'Nn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review comm ittee(s). Cond :° (PLAN ):ORB approval doesnot constitute a permit for bu ilding.Please consult with Town of Vail Bu ild ing personne l prior to constru ctio n activities . Cond:201 ORB approval shallnot become vali d for 20 daysfollowing t hedateof approval. Cond :202 Approval ofthisproject shall lapse and becom e void one (1)yearfollow ing the date of fin al approva l,unless a buil ding permitis issued and constructi on is commenced .and is diligentl y pursued toward comp letion . -.eMi Aer.-Exterio r A~ Application for Design Review .Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vall,Colo rado 81657 te l:9 70.479.2139fax :9 70.479.2452 .web:www.vailgov.com RECEIVED 1l Gen eral Information: Air projects requiring designreview must receive approvalpriorto sublnJttl ng abuilding permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements forthe particular approval that Is requested.Anapplication for Desig n Review cannot be acceptedunti lall required Information is received by the Community DevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneed tobe reviewed by the Town Council and/or thePlanningand Environmental Com mission . De sign re view approval lapses unl e ssa building p ermit is is sued and co ns truction co m mences w ithin one ye ar o f thea p proval. Descri ption of t heRequest:Re v .~c..l::,J IJ.<.S'f<e.~:~:,'l.J -l \'K>S-r=-c...Ted ~CDAU'<.+<'1oI =<.\.s .·A J lJ ,XJs J r Cha o,.. _QL h ey GRfA a f'<<: I tfAr Loca tion of t he Proposal:Lot:C)B1OCk:LSUb division:_l Ja.;\D<:.~S else ( Phy si cal Address:2 ::>\5 C \"0 ",>0'";y. Parcel N o.:A\D ~I\Lf01 0;:)L (Contact Eagle Co .Asses sor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:(',..............c C C-CJ ......c9c Own er(s)S ignatu re(s): Nam eo pp rcan :,.--... 'LDj "1 C~C~"'h .A ,..,~L...1 a~~n ~Addr eSr 1 "'-=,\")(I(S 1 Ph one:"11 /.-16700 E-mail Address:~J"'\~'A.:_,l'"<0 0.rv \_;0"'"Fax :'7]0 '-fT]O '-(OY Ty peofRevi ew and Fee: o Signs o Co ncep tualReview o New Constru ction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multl·family/commerclaJ) o Minor Alteration ,~'e-fa m ilY/dU Ple X) ~Changesto ApprovedPlans o Separa tionRequest $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 ~ No Fee ~$1.00 per square footof total sign area. For constructionofanew bui lding ordemo/rebuild. For an additionwhere squa re footage i s added to anyresidential or comme rdal building (indudes 250additions &i nterior conversions). For minor changes tobuildings and site i mprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. For minor changesto buildingsand siteimprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,w indowadditions,landscaping,fencesand r eta i ning w alls,etc. Forrevisions to plansalready approved by Planning Staff or the Design ReviewBoard. Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 J.I.:><:.;";-\."",0',l'.<I'~ ,.'.,....-·~....."""r<,.,,;••~ ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLO RADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : RESKE R0 400064 1 4 Am o unt :$2 0.00 Chec k 08 /13/2004 09 :51 AM r nit :J S Nota ti on:#106 /BRIAN Permit No: Pa rcel No : Si te Address: Lo c a t ion : Th is Paymen t: DRB0 4 0406 Type :DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 210 311 4010 31 2 31 9 CHAM ON IX RD VAIL 23 19 CHAMONIX ROAD ,VAIL CO 81 657 T o tal Fees : $20 .00 Tot al ALL Pm ts : Ba lance : $2 0 .00 $2 0 .00 $0 .00 ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Accoun t Cod e DR 00 10000 3112200 De scri pt ion DESIGN RE VIEW FE ES CurrentPmt s 20.00 • Project N ame:RESK ENEW SFR Project D escription: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtm entof Co mmunity Devel opment 75 Sout h Fron tage Road,Vail,Col orado 81657 tel:970.4 79.2139 fax:970.4 79.2452 web:www.cl.vail.co.u s ORB Number:DRB040034 concept ual review ofanew singlefamily res idence Participants: OWNER RESKE,BRI AN C. 2319 CHAMONIX LN VAIL,CO 61657 Lice ns e: APPUCANT RESKE,BRIA N C. 2319 CHA MO NIX LN VAIL,CO 61657 Li cense : Project Address:2319CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2319 CHAMO NIX ROAO,VAIL CO 61657 02/09/2004Phone: 02/09/2004 Phone: Location: LegalDescription:lot:9 Block:A Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHO NE FIL 1 ParcelNumbe r:2103114010 31 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action:CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptualreview Is NOT a Desig n Rev iew Board approva l. Plann er:MattGennett .. F eb a s 04 01 :4Sp 317 4170 1"1 •.'."." Application for Design Review . Depat1:ment of Community Development 7S SouthFrnntaqe Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970 .479 .2452 . web:www.ri.vail.co.us .RE te.'\, /-cd 0 i ,1Iu~ General Infonnation:. AU Pfojects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submit:bng it buHdlng perrott application.Please refer to the su bmittal requirements tor the pa rticul~r ,a pproval th at is req uested ..An app lication for Design Review cennct be accepted until all reQ ui red ~iifonria tiOn is received by "the Cominun¢VOevdopment De partment.The " .project:may also need to be reviewed.by the Town Council .and/or ,the ,P!a nning.Cl nd EnvironfTI ental.Commission...; Design revi ew Zlpprnval lapses unless a building p ermit is issued and C::Onstruction eemmences within ' on e year of the a pproval.',....',;.:..:.~. o e$oiption of the R equ~:Conceptual De s'Sgn Reyj"ew o f 'aS jn gJe 'R aiD j l y _ Res i den ce ',.(2nd Submittal).,. Location of the Proposal :Lot:.9 Block:·A ,Subdivision:Vail .Das S ch one .'F iling .1 Physical Address:2 3i 9 Chamon jx Road .Vail"'co Parcel No.:210311401031 '(Co ntact Eagle Co .Assessof at 970-328Cs64<i for p.~1 nc.)...'. Zon ing :PS Re sidential Name(s)of o.~ner(s):..tBllr::j'-'a"n"'-'C........,...R"'e"'s"k"e'-~.,_------.. Mailing Address:-""'-:L....::."-l..:====T"===::.:.;==::-'-::~:....,:-=-="-'__----5 945W.7 00 No rth McCords vi l le ,.IN 46 055 .•___________________~--~~Phone:31 7-33 5 -3138 Own er(s)Signature(s):_.,.....'--,.,_-,----,-,--------,-.,----,-,,.,. :.,'4 6055 '. c eJ] .Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:.'---"-="-'-'-'..:..;"-"-=.::....:=c...:.:.;;,.==.::....:=7--':-"'-,-~=--~- E-mail Address:BrianReske @A OL.com ----0leCk No.: ....,-, Type of Review and fee: o Signs )(Conceptual Rev1e'N o New Construction o Addition o Minor Alteration . (rnuItH'amity/commerdal) o .Minor Arter.Jtion . (si ngle-fa mitv/d uplex) o Olanges to Approved Plans oSeparation Request For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:.------ Application Date : Planner: .,. $SO No Fee $650 ' $300 " $250 .. $20 .. ..;. $20 NoFee f1us $1 .00 pet"squa re foot of trltal sign area . ~.' For <Xlf'lStnJCtiOI of a new buikting or demo/rebuild.. For anaddition where square footage Is added to any residential or oommetdal buflc1lng (Wldudes'2SO additions &interior mnversions).·. For minor changes to buildingS and -Site lmpr.ovements,.such as, rerootil"llJ,painting,window additions,landsc:aping,f ences and retaining waDs,etc.....~. For minor changes to buildingS and site'i'nPrOYeillents,such as, reroofing~'pa inting,.windoW 'adcfltlo ns,landscaping,.teoces and .- retaining wa lls,etc.."'.."."..:.,. 'For revisions to .Plans a lready approved by Planning Staff or the ' Design Review Board..- '.'"., '... ••Project App lication Be H.vy n ,:J-t 00 Va z, C ontactPerso n a nd Phone p r ojec t D esc nption :---:::-_---,--;:::--,--_ (/ Arch i tect,A d d re ss a nd Ph o ne:_ v Design Review Board Dat e _ M otion by : Seconded b y : A PPRO VA L DIS AP PROVAL Su mmary :~_ T o w n P lanner ~Ii t/'1'1 ):(S ial{Ap prova l ••• Projec t Applicatio n I• Con tactPerson a n d Pho ne P r oject De scription :-:::--_----:-:::::--:--_ 1/-:JoY -7t'J--2.ooy A rch itec t.Ad d ressa ndPhone :_ \ (/ / Design Review Board D ate _ M otion b y: Secondedby: A PPROVA L D I S AP PROVAL Sum mar y:_ D ale: Town Planner s;l r/1 / .-):;!Sta ffAp p rov al DRB APPLICATION -TOWN DF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OFORB MEETING: ,, •,•• •••••••••• THIB APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED llNTIL ALL UgllIUD INFORHATION :lB 8llBKITTED............ I •PROJECT INFOB!lATIQN: TYPE OF REVIEW:B. A.DESCRIPrION:'Ib r eroove e ncroaChing T imJ:er Re ta in ing tm ll p od Ascb nlt ~d Gravel Dr iveway onou t lot 'Which arise from a lor encroacllrmn t o no ary dfspute {wnl e as n settl ;a nd to retu rn the terrain to a natural gra de and put down na_t_i_ve-'g:..ra_s :.se=s:....:s.:od:....:on::...:t1:.:le:...:a7r::ea::....:a:;f,:.f::::ec:::te::::::d~.-'No:::::...;f.:;:e :.:nc~e::....;t~o -,be~~=~n s~t"r:!!,,~ct ed ;no trees to be a ff ected . __New Construction xx Hinor Alteration __AdcUtion _conceptual Review C.ADDRESS:2319 Chamonix Drive D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 9 Block ....:;A:....._ Subdivision Vail Das Schone ,Fili w 1 If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide ona separate sheet and attach to t~is application . E.ZONING:Re s idential (pr i ma ry/seconda ry) F.LOT AREA:It required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey liho wing lot area.8 603 .46 Sq.ft. G.NAME OF Hailing H. I. J. K. Condominium Approval if applicable.D.N.A . DRB FEE:PRB fees are paid at the time Df iSSUAnce of Q building pernit. FEE SCHEpULE; , ((J ~J (~~r:' h~ Ita..r J <.J-" VAWATION 10,000 50,000 150,000 $0 $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500.001 Over -$ -$ -$ -$500,000 -$1,000 ,000 -$1,000,000 FEE. (G:'DQ) "l;Q.Oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 \ -110 APPLICATION WIU BE PIIOCBBBED WITBOOT 01lllBIl'8 .IClNAT1IIIB • ,.with th~eSign guidelines .The DJltdoes not vote on conceptual reviews.The property owner Dr his representative Ihall be present at the DRB bearing _ LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OFPROJECT :PECHOUS LANDSCAPING PROJ ECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION.LOT...!..-BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION Vail Da s SChone Filing"1 STREETADDRESS.:;2;;,3 1:.:9:....::ChaJro::::::::;n~i x:::....:Dr::..:i.:;ve=--....,.._ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT :REMlVE lIN ENCROACHING TIMBER REl'I\IN ING "AL L AND ASPHl\LT lIND GRAVEL DRI VEWA Y l<H ICH ARISE FRCM A PRIOR BOUNDARY DIS PUTE 1-.'HICH HAS BEEN S ETl'LED ;TO RETIJRN THE TERRI\IN TO I TS NATURAL GRADE lIND TO PUr DOWN 'NATIVE GRAS SES SOD ~~e'llif omw¥riFH&ol!\l,a"?Po;;''Ts Bt~w:'ci ~1 ~'iib ,ll'ti.Fa fO~sign Review Board before a final approval can be qiven : A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL OO ES NaI'APPLY COLOR B.LANDSCAPING :Name of Desiqner:ROY C .PECHous ,0b"NEB Phone:nOB)7 88-2004 PLANT IlATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED BotAnical NamecommonName Ouantity Size· Native Grasses sod as n~ed .!,, a pproximately 10'X 10 0 '(1,000 .00 59 .ft .) NONE -Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum ca~~p~_fqr. 7 ..........~.-. '.deciduous tftes Is 2 inches,Indicate~i9ht for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. p~MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name QuAntity size. PROPOSED SHRUBS NONE EXISTING SHRUBS NQ~ TO BE REMOVED ~IndicAte size Df proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED SQD NATIVE GRASSES SQD NQ'IE Square Footage App rox.1.000 .sq ort. TYPE OF IRRIGATION GFNrLE SLOPE TOWARD CH!\MONIX DRIVE TYPE OR METHOD OF _N~A.:..:TURAL~.::...::G RASS::.;;=ES::....:::S.::O D::.-_ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wall&,fence&,swimming pools ,etc.)Plea&e &pecify.Indicate heights of retaining wall&.Maximum height of wall&within the front &etback is 3 feet .Maximum height ot walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 1'0 RFNOVE EXISTTM;TIMBER RE'IA INIU}waIT,Al\1)ASPHALT AND GRaVE L DRlm'lAY NHICH ARE AlL ENCROACfNEm'S O~WE AFFECTED r.ar • ----_.. ., .. ••IRR EV OCABLE LICENSE AND PERMAN EN T •EASE MENT This Agre e ment made this NOVEMBER 14:-1990 1-;,hereinafter ref erred to as a ·permanente asement "Is made between Roy C.Pecho us and Vera Pechous,h is vif e,part ies of the first p art,here inafter d escribed as "Grantors,·and Bert Y.S. Wong and Glenda L.Wong,h is wif e,hereinafter described as "Grantees." WHEREAS,the parties of the first part (Grantors)are the o wners o f a certain parcel of land described as: Lot 9,Block A,A Resubdivision of Va il Das Schone,Filing No.1,Accord ing To The Recorded Plat Thereof,Town of Vail, County of Eagle,State of Colorado. WHE REAS,the parties ot the second part (Grantees)are the owners of a certain par cel of land described as: Lot 10,Blocl,A,A Resubdivision Of Vail Das Schone ,Filing No.I,According ToThe Recorded Plat Thereof,Town of Vail, County of Eagle,State of Colorado . WHE REAS ,the true boundary line between the said parcels i s shown upon t he Recorded Plat ThereOf on file with the Town of Vail ,County of Eagle,State of Colorado,and sworn to i naSurv e yor 's Affidavit by Tibor C.Gartner ,Surveyor, l icensed i nt he State of Color ado under Registratio n No. 4 678,d ate d t he 11th day of October,196 5 ;whichP lat shows La'9 tto h avea frontage of 74.0 'and Lot 10 to h avea frontage of 66 .6'. WHEREAS,it is acknowleged by the parties to this Agreement that said Plat described immediately above is exactly consistent with the sur vey of Au gust 16,1989,certified to by Robert D.Scarcw,a dUly registered and licensed land surveyor in the State of Colorado under Registration No.33 17,which survey also shows Lot 9 to have a frontage of 74.0'and Lot 10 to ha vea frontage of 88 .6 1 • WHE REAS,the 'parties of the second part (Grant ees)wish to u se8 fe et of Lot 9,ownedby the parties of the first pa rt (Grantors),which land runs adjacent to the boundary l i ne between Lot 9 and Lot 10,for the p urpose of a paved dr iveway. I T IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1.The part ies of t he second part (Grantees)agree to p ay to the parties of the first part (Grantors)the sum of Fi veThousand Dollars ($5,000.00 )as and for considerat ion f or t he p erm anent and irrevocable right to use B feet of Lot 9,at and along the boundary line of Lot 9 with Lot l a,for the purpose of a paved driveway. 2.The parti es of the first part (Grantors)hereby GRANT to the parties of the second part (Grant ees)an IRREVOCABLE LICENSE and PERMANENT EASEMENT to use 6 feet of Lot 9 at i t's bou ndary with Lot 10,said right to use said land to ex tend down th e entire boundary line betweeen Lot 9 and Lot 10,on a nd along the edge at said Lot 9. 3.Th e parties of the second part (Grante es)agree to constr uct n othingon the said s trip of land on Lot g, which i s t hes ubject of t his Agree ment ,other than a pa ved d riveway a nd a fence (if desired),bo th of which must be c ons truc te d i n accor dance with the b uilding cod e requir emen ts of t he Tovn of Vail,Colorado. 4 .The Grantees here in shall have the exclus ive use a nd b enefit of that part of Lot 9 which is being granted to them for their use,under the terms of this Agreement, •-<•and the Grantors here in shall have no right to any useage to that part ot Lot 9 which the Grantees are acqu iring Permanent Eas ement righ ts to by virtu e of t hi s Agreement . 5.The Grantors shall r etain ow ner ship of tha t par t of Lot 9,wh ich is affected by this Agr e ement and shall b e r e sponsible for t he payment of all past.pr esent .and futur e real estate property t axe s,or other spe cial assessments , on said prope rty i n ques tio n. 6.The Grantees shall be responsible for the maintenanc e and upkeep on that part of Lot 9 which is affected by this agreement from the d ate o f this agreement forward. 7.The burden and bene fit o f this Agree me nt a re in tended to be permanent and sha ll atta ch to and RUN WITHTHELAND. 8 .This Agreement may not be revoked or rescinded by the parties he re to and is binding on their he irs,exe cutors, administrators ,assi gn s a nd Gr an tees. <• .' STATEOF ILLINOIS COUNTYOF COOK ) )5 5: ) The undersigned,ROY C .PE CHOUS and VERA PECHOUS, his wife,being first duly sworn on oath,depose and say th at l they are the same persons described in the Ir revocable L i ce ns eAnd Permanent Easement an d that they have read the foregoing,know the conten ts the reof and ackow ledge it t o be an ac t of their own f re ew ill and based on v aluable considerat ion. VERA PECHOU5 omaALgAL DI:JIALD E.A:I'I:S .wAlt ",MJC srA"OP D.UJIO IS M'I mww.tsSIOIi DJI.APL Il.Ift' COLORADO ) )55: COUNTYOFEAGLE) The undersigned,BERT Y.S .WONG and GLENDA L.WONG, his wife,being firs t duly sworn o n oath ,d epose and say they are the same per so ns d esc ri bed in the Irrevocable License And Perm anent Easement and that they have r e ad the fo regoing, kncv the contents t hereat and a ckncwLe dqe it to be an act of their own free will and based on valuabl e consideration . a.de - G DA L.wk tJ ub~cribed and efd eLJti this__~Mf ~J1N Sw rnto 7g,;.. "-990~;rn t;~ N tary Publi'c •'Ccm.'l1lssioo Expire.~29-93 -2 - •LEGAL DESCRIPTION'" Theland refe rred to I n this Commitment Is located In the Countyof Eagle ,State of Colorado and descr ibed a s fol l ows: Lot10, Block A, A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.1, according to te recorded plat thereof .,.'..._:..._.."- "• ATTORNEYS AT LAW 6529 WEST CERMAK R OAD BERWYN,Il.UNOlS 60402 PHONE :{1 081 788-2004 May I,1 991 T owno f Vail 75 South Fro nta ge Road Va i l ,Col or ado8 1657 Att n:And rew Knudtsen,Tow n Pla n ner, Dept .o f Commun ity Deve lopme nt RE:PECHOU S l an dsc a pi ngp roje ct, 2 319Ch amonix Dr ive,Lot 9, Bloclc A ,Vail Das Schon e,F il ing 1 Dea r Mr.Knu dt s en ~ ~• , Enc losed i sa comp leted DRB Applicat io n and a $20 .00 a pplication f ee for the a bove capt ioned proposed pr o ject .a lo ng with s uppor ting docu men tation . Also e nc lose d i sa r e c en t cert if ied survey,as we ll as a p hoto-copy blow-up of sa me,which more specifica l ly ind icates t hework s ought to b ed o ne . Prio r to November 24 ;1 990,a boundary dispute e xisted betwee n the p resent owne rs of Lot 9 (Mr .a nd Mrs.Pe chous)a nd the prio r owne rs o f Lo t 10 (Mr.and Mrs .Cacioppo)a st o t he l o c ati on of the l ot line betw een L ot 9 a nd Lo t 10.This d ispu te has b een s ett le d b etwe en t h e present ow ners of Lo t 9 (Pechous)and the prese nt o wne r s of Lo t 10 (Dr.Bert Y .$. Wong a nd Mrs.Glenda L.Wong)as evide nced by t he enc lose d Irrevoc a bl e Licens e And Permanen t Ease me nt wh ich g ra nts t heWongs an 8 foot ease ment for ad r iveway along t he P echous p rope rty a t its bo rde r with Lo t 1 0. Pur s uant t ot he easeme nt agr eement ,Mr .and Mrs.Pec hous now seek to r emove the en c ro ac hments on the ir la nd ,(beyond t he 8 fo ot e ase ment granted to t he Wong s),by r e movin g t he T imbe rRe ta ining Wa l l,and t h e Grave l a n d Aspha lt Dr iveway • •••• shovn on th e certif ied su rvey e nclos ed,a nd yel low high l ighted on the photo -copy b low -up of same . T he proj ect cal ls for a minimum of ea rth moving a nd wi ll not affect the existing t rees.Nof ence will b e i nsta l led ; t he de nuded areas will be covere dw i th na tive gras s es s od. Mr .and Mrs .P echous will be in Va il from May 1 6 ,t hrou gh May 20 ,1991.fo r the pu rpo se of obtai ni ng bids f rom lands cape a rchitects a nd/or q ua li fied ,e xc av ato r s . I t is hoped by the u n de rsigned,t hat t he applica tio n fo r th is p roject c a n rece ive s taff approva l wi thou t t he n eed fo r a fo rmal DRB h e ari ng ,in t imef or t he apPlicants to go a h ead with t he p ro ject d ur ing t h ei r Ma y vi si t t oVa il . Thank y ou f or your c oo pe rati on in t h is matter . Very Tr uly Yo urs , RCP/vp Enclosu res ~c.~ RO Y C.P ECHOUS -2- ...................... COMMITMENT FOR T ITLEI NSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWAR'r TITLE GUARANTY CO M PAN Y to,"'....k a ...L.nd Tit'.A no d.t,on CommI1m"nl ••'fled 10/7:1.. ,'l,•....... STEWART TIT LEGUA RANTY COMPANY.A Texas Corporation ,hereincalled the Company,for valuable consideration,hereby comm itst oissue itspo licy o r policies o f title ins urance,asiden tified in Schedu le A.infavoro f the p roposed Insu red na medinSc h edule A,as owner ormo rtgagee of the estate orin terest cov ered he reby in t hela nd described orref erred toin ,schedule A.upon payment of t he premiumsan dch argest herefor;al l sub jecttot he provi sions of SC hedulesAandBand t o the Conditions a ndStipulations hereo f. Thi s Commi t ment sha ll be eff ective on ly when the iden tity ofth e proposed Insured a nd the amou nt o ft he pol icy o r policies c ommitted forhave bee n inserted in Sc hedule A he reof by t heCo mpany, eit her a tt he time o f the issuanceo fthi s Commitment orby subsequ enten dorsement. T his Comm itmentispreliminaryto the issuance of such policy o r po licies of t itleinsu rance an dall liab ility and ob ligatio ns hereun der shall ceasea nd te rm inate s ix monthsa fter th e effectived ateh ereof or whent he poli cyor po licies co mmitted fo r shallissue ,wh ichever f irsto ccurs,providedt hat the failure t o issue suc h policy o rpolicies isno tt hefa ult of the Com pany .T his Com mitment shallno tbe valid orb indi ng u ntil cou ntersigned byana uthorized officer or a gent . INWITNESS WHER EOF,t h e Comp anyhasca usedt his Commitm ent t ob e signed and sealed ,to become valid wh encou ntersignedbyanau thorized officer o r agen tofth e Com pany,a ll in acc o rd ance withit s By-Laws.T his Commi tment is effective asoft he da t e sh own in Sc hed ule A as"EffectiveDat e." STE'\'AU'I'TITLE Pre s iden t ....111<'1/1.1·<'I (v"'''''.I '"';.,No C-1601 -gJ22~91]:9L72CJl=r#l~ '" ••• • • ORDER NUMBE R:9 1006633C3 S CHEDU LE A • 1 .EFF EC TI VE DAT E:February2 6.1 991 at 8 :00A .M. 2 .POL ICY ORPOLI CIES TO BE ISS UED:~A~O UNT OF I NSURANCE A.ALTA OWN ER 'S POL ICY S PROPOSED I NS URED :GARY B .RO THBART ,AS :-.l O:1INEE 55 ,000 .00 B.ALTA LOAN POL ICY PROPOS ED I NS URED: C .ALTA LO AN POLI CY PROPOSED INSURED: s s 3 .THEESTATE OR INTERESTIN T HE LAND DESCR I BED OR REFERRED TO I N THIS C O~M ITM EN T A~D COVER ED HEREINI S FEES I MPL E AND TITLE TH ERETO IS AT T HE E FFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VEST ED I N: ROY C .PECHOUS AND VERA PECHOUS (S ee Requ irement s) 4.THE LAN D REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMI TM ENT I S DESCRIB ED AS FOLLOW S: LOT9 . BLOCK A, A RE SUBDIVIS ION OFVAILDAS SC HONE ,FILING NO .1 ACCORD I NG TO THE RECORD ED PLAT THERE OF T OW~OF VAIL CO UNTY OF EhO LE S TATE OF CO LORADO THIS COMM IT MEN T WAS PREPARED ON JANUAR Y 25 ,1 991.FORQUESTIONS PLEASE CALL T RUDY MA TARESE 13031 949 -1011 . PREMIUM: OWNE RS: TAX CERT. 44 2 .00 1 0 .00 ST EWART TITLE OF EAGLE COU NTY .I NC . P.O .BOX 2000 VAIL,CO.8 1658 (l03 19 49-1011 STEWART TITLE CU AR AN TY C OMPA NY • SCHEDULE D-SECTION 1 ORDER ~eMB ER :91006633C3 REQUIREMENTS • T ilE FOLLOIH NG ARE Til E REQUIREMENT S TO BE CO MPLIED WITII: ITEM(A I PAYMENTTOORFOR THE ACCOUN T OFTHE GRA NT OR S OR MOR TGAGORS OF TUEFULL CO NSID ERATION FOR TH EESTATE OR I ~T ERE S T TO BEI NS UR ED. ITE M IB)PROPERIN STRUMEN T (S)CREATING TilE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE I NSURED MUSTBEEXECUT EDAND DULY FILE D FOR RECORD,TO WIT : 1.Executio n o f a ff i davi t a s to Debts an dL ie ns and its r etu rn to Ste wa rt Tit le Gua ra nty Compa ny . 2.Evid ence satisfacto r y to Stewart Title Guaranty Comp any o f payment of a ll o u ts tanding taxes and assessments as ce rti fie d by The Ea gle Co un ty Treasu rer . 3 .Ex ecut ion of Certificate -Entity Tran s fer or /Indi vidu al Tran sfero r and its ret u rn to the o ffi ce . 4 .Evidence satis facto ry t o stewa rt T itle GuarantyCo mpany that th e real es t at et ra ns fe rt ax assessed by the Towno f Vai lh as be e n pai d or thatt he t ra nsac t io n is exempt from s aid tax . 5 .Re lea se o f li en e vi d enc ed by S tatement o fTown of Vai l in th ea mount o f $2 .2 09 .05 r ec ord ed J uly 5 ,1 988 in Bo ok 4 86 a t Pa ge 6 49 as Re cept io ll No .3 828 3 2. 6 .De ed from Roy C.Pec ho us and Ve ra Pe chou s , vest ing fe e simpl e tit le in Ga ryB .Ro thbart,As No mi nee. NO TE;NO TATION OF THE LEGALADDRESS OFTHEGRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 197 6AMEN DME NTTO ST AT UTE ONRECO RDI NG OF DEEDS CRS3 8 -35 -1 09 (2). NOTE :IT EM S 1,2,3 WILL B E HANDLED AT TH ECLOSING OFT HIS TRA NSAC TION,S ELLER HAS P ROVIDED REQU IREMENT NO .1 AND 3 . NOTE:Fo r an a dditional cha rge ,Stewart Title of Eagle Cou n ty will provide a ny copie s of ex ceptions as shown o nS che dule B - S ec tion 2 . S TEWART TITLE C UARA N TY CO M PAN Y • SC HEDCLE B-SEC T I O ~2 EXCEPT JO~S ORDER KL~BER ,9 1 006633C3 • Til E P OLICY ORPO L ICIE S TOBE ISS UED WI LL CO NTAH ":EX CEPTIONS T O-THE rOLLOh'IXG Ur\L CSS T HE SA~IE ARE D ISPOSEDO FT O T HE SATISFACTION OF TilE COMPM~Y : 1. o.. ,.. 4 • 5 • 6 • RIGHTS OR CLAI :-lS O F PA RTI ES I N P OSS ESSI ON NO T SH OW~BY T HE P CDLI C REC ORDS . £ASr::-1E :-;TS .OR CL.l\I :1S OF EASE :-1E!':'TS,NOT SHOt"l'N BY T UE P CBLIC RFCOF.:,)S . ~;SCR E P A~CIES,CO~FLIC~S l ~BOC~DAR Y LI~ES ,SHORT AGE I N AR EA , !:X (~!W .\Cm ~E:\TS ......:;::::;:\~~y P .!\CTS l\'!!I en ;\COR R ECT SI:RVE Y AND I:;:Sf'E'CTI 0~:OF rue PR::;:-11.S!::S h'Ol'!"::::::DISCLOSr::\~:~h'HI CH ARE ~OT SHm.;:,\,B Y T HE Pl"B LIC RECC'!WS. A~Y L IE~,ORRI GHT TOALIEN .FOR S E~V I C E S.L~B OR on ~~T E RI~L HE RETOfOREORHERE.\F TER FCR:-;rSH EO ,I MPOSED BY L I\'.\'!\\'D x or SHOW~BYT HE peS L le RECORDS . DEFECTS,L I E~S ,E ~cc~n RA~C ES ,_.o.OVE RSE CI.AH1S OR OT HE R MA TTERS, I N ANY ,CR EATED,FI RSTAPPEARIN G I~T HE PUB L IC RECORDS DR ATTA CHI NG S UB S EQ UENT TO TH E EFFECTIVE DA TE HER EOF BUT PR IO R TO THE DATE PROPOSED I~S URED ACQ UIRES OF RECO RDFOR VALUE THEESTATE OR I NTE RESTORMORTGAG ET HERE ON CO VERED BY THIS CO~MI TMENT • UNPATE NTED MI NI NG CLAIMS;RESERVATIO NS OR EXCE PTIONS INPATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING TH E I SSUANCE THERE OF ; WATER RIG HTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TOWATER. NOTE :"MECHANI C 1S L IEN"AN D/OR "GAP"PRO TECTION (EXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5ABOVE )MAYBEAVAI LAB LE WITH AN OWNER 'S POLI CY OF T IT LE I N SU R A ~CE ON RESID EN TIAL PRO PERTY UPON COM PLIANCE WITH ST EW AR TT ITLE GU ARANT Y REQUIREMENTS.PLEASE CA LLFOR FURT HER I NFORMATION AS TOT HOSE SPEC I FIC REQUIREM ENT (S )NECESSARY TO OB TAI N THIS COVERAGE . -.' 7 .An ya nd all unpaid taxes and asses sments and any unr edeemed tax s a le s . 8 .The effect o f incl usions in any general o r specific water c onservancy ,fire protection .s oil co nse r vationo r other distr ict o r inc l usio n in any wat er service or s treeti mprovement area . 9 .Ea sem ents ,r estrictions and rights -oi -ways a ss h own on th e Plat of aRc subdivision of Vai l Oas Sc ho n e F iling No .1 . 1 0 .Ease me nt to Gas Faci lities ,Inc .,a Public Uti lity Co rporation r e c ord ed September 6 ,1 968 in Book 213 at Page3 44 as Rec eption No .10 87 6 8. Co nti n ued o nn ext p<S'I'EWART TITLE CU ARANTY C OMPANY • CON T I~UA T ION SHEET • SCHED ULE B -SECTI ON 2 EXC EPTIONS OR DER NC MBER:9 I0 06 633C3.- 1 1.T e rms ,c o nditions ,r e5e rv a ti ons ,r e strictions and o b li ga ti onsa s c ontained in P ro tect ive Covenants r ec ord ed July 7.1 96 5 in Book 190 at Pa ge5 59 as Recept io nNo.101701 a nd Ame ndme nt to Pr otec tive Cove na nts recorde d Ma y 22,1 968 in Book 2 12 at P ag e 82 9 as Recep tionNo .10 8 225.a nd Am endme nt t o Protective Cov en an ts recorded Febru ar y 1 6,197 0 in b o ok 217 at Pa ge 7 8a sRec e pt i on No .1 1 2635 . 12 .T erms ,c o n dit io ns,r es ervation s ,r e stricti on s and o bligatio ns a s co nt ainedi n Withdrawa l and Revocati on of P ermi s sion f o r Land Use r ec or de d Au gu st 31 ,198 9i nBo ok 5 12 a t Pag e6 59 a sRe ception No .4 0883 6. 1 3 .Te rms ,c onditio ns ,r es e rvat ion s ,r estri c ti on s a nd o bli gat io n s as con tai ned in Irrevocabl e Li ce nse a nd P erman en t Easement ,between Ro yC .Pechou s,Vera Pe chous .Bert Y.S.Wo ng , a ndGl oria Wongr ec orded Nov ember 1 6.1990 in Bo ok 5 42a t Page 3 25 as Rec eptio n No .43847 2. 14 .Enc roachment o fT imber Re ta ining Wa ll a nd as p ha lt,gr av el driveway as a hwon o n th e Map b y xcun ee t n Engi nee rin g,dat ed Au gu st 1 2 ,1989 .Enc roac h ment o f timbe r wall .driveway and a por tio n o f deck as s hown by t heIm provement Lo ca tion Certificate b y Eagle Val leyS u rveyi ng Inc .,dated November 2 0,1989 . NOTE:The Improv em en t Loc ati on Cer tif i cate depi cted Lot 10, Bl o ck A,Vail Das Shon e F il i ng No .1,the ad jo ining property . STEWART TITLE e UA .AN YY COMPAN Y •• CONDI TION SA ND STIP ULATI ONS • 1.Th ete rm mo rtgage,when usedherein ,shall includedeedof trust.t rust deed ,or other securityinstr ument. 2 .If th epro posedInsuredhasoracq uires act ual knowledge of a ny def ect ,lien, encumbrance.adverse cla im oroth e r matter aff ecting the estateorinte rest o r mortgage thereo n covered bythi s Comm itm ent other than t hose show n in Schedule B hereof,and shall fa il to d isclo se suchkn ow led ge to t heCompany i n wr iting,t he Compa ny sha ll be relieved fr o m liability for any losso rd amage resultingfromanyactofre liance here o n to the extent the Company isprejudi ced b yfa ilure tosod isclosesuchknow ledge .If the p roposed Insured sha ll d isclose suc h know ledget ot heCompany,or If th eCompany ot herwise acq uires act ual knowledgeofanysu ch def ect,lien,e ncumbra nce ,adve rse cla im o r other matter, t heCompa nyat its optionmayamen d Sc heduleB o fthi sCommitment acco rdingly,but su ch ame ndment sh all not relieve the Companyf romliability pr eviously inc urredpursuant t oparag raph 3oft hese Conditions andStipulations . 3 .Liab ility oft heCompany un der t hisCommi tmen t sha ll be on ly to the named p roposed Insureda nd s uch partiesincluded un der the definiti onof Insured in the formofpolicy orp olicies comm itted f ora nd o nlyforactuallossincurredin reliance hereoninund ertaking in good faith (al to co mply wit hth e requirements hereof,o rIbl to elim inatee xcep tions sho wn inSc heduleB,o rIc)t oacquire or create t he estate or int eresto rmortgage thereon c overed by t hisCommitment.In noevent shall suc h liability e xcee dt he amou nt stated inSc hedule A f or th epo licy o r po licies co mmittedfor an dsuc hliability issu bjectt o th e insuringpr ovisionsa nd t he Conditions a nd Stipulations andt he e xclusionsfr omcover age of the f ormof p olicyo r po licies comm itted for infavor of t he pr op osed Insuredwhich a rehe reby incorporated byreference a nda re made a part o fthi sCo mmitmen tex ceptas e x pr essly modified he rein . 4.Any c la imof lossord amage,w hethero r not basedo n negligence,a nd w hich a r ises ou t of the stat uso f th eti tlet o th e estate o rint erest o rt he lie nof th einsu red mo rtgageco ve red h erebyor a ny ac tion a ssert ingsu chc laim,sha ll bere st ricted t o t he p rovisionsa nd Conditionsa nd Stipulat ions o ft his Commitment . S TEWART TITL E GUARANTY COMPA NY All notices requ iredtobe given t heCo mpany an danystatement in wr itingreq ui red to be furn ished t he Com pa ny shall beadd ressedto it atP.O.Box 2029,Hou st o n,T ex as 77 252,a nd ident ifythi scom mi tme nt byits p rinted COMM ITMENT SERIAL NUM· BER which a ppears onthebot tom of the f ro nt of the f irst pageoft h is commitme nt . Page5 >t '" ~; <"r; RWf~ ., 'I;;~ ~,,.',',., -:,.."....t ' S,'m"liI,l'(It (.",,(;</;'[ STE'\\"ART TITLE O UA H AIfT T C O M P",-:"!l' ! .~..,.~-~~._.. , ~ STF.'\"ART TITLE :a iM ~fHOUARANTYCOJlff'A.~T ,'-~ .'J:.;l,1i u?"ESTABLI SHED 1896 -'1.~' if.~I NCORPORATED1908 "lH \s , ">.,,I.',,••,>)!~'., ~ •',': ;.,•>\•ANAME , >18".RECOGNIZED NA TIONA LLY ••.', F ORMO RETH AN80Y EARS ,COMM ITMENT " ~B A S B EING .~FORSYNONYMOUSWITH'.TIT LE INSURANCE''.,•),.•SAFETY •:r~ \V /I~I U lb • -- ID.§I?WlKllf ffil §~1f lID [? ID [3 ~§[k@)[;J [jiJ§~1r '. • SAl.!S ACTION FORM _~.......,._-...----~MMM 40ft ....... • Ae::UNT I .Ilz)'!NO. .1Oi)'!' 1Jlct.'NT • . I I • .. ze.ee I . TOT),!,:ir -' .F - I J (;.-:I I ._.I--- I :c.:o I I 3 s:00 I I ~...'-I"!I._...... I .I'- I 3C .:~I .I I I 7.CO r I .~I.I ~,/·_./.4 /J /'~ . 01 oeoo 41'13 .SI c;:I A7PUC4TION le t e::e 424~21:s:x c:?!£,;I S71JD1tS ". •~1 ceco 41:1:0 IOn!!il r.!S CCll)J£N!S : • • • - .'/ • - '.. • , --/ o \j\ '--" \ \ I I \ -..- ..-X-Z 0 ~ <l :J ~ .- ~, ~J ~~0 ~0 {">' c)'"r-, <:ell-, ------ GIt ......E.L. I DR '''''WA.'f' - • \ ,,) 1 0•• ..v ~\ /\. /\ \ \-, \ \ /' / /.....-." o •.'.......-'. "..: ......." o o • • • •, I ••II!,ter-Mountain ...EngineeringLld. November 7,1989 Mike Cacioppo Box 3300 Vail.CO 81658 Re:Lot 10,Block A.Vail das Schone Filing No.1 Project No.893108 Dear Mike: I am writing to you in response to your inquiry regarding the east boundary of Lot 10,Block A.Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. The only way in which we can accurately determine the location of this line 1e by performing a detailed boundary survey on this lot.Thie would include the re-eatabliahment of subdivision and block corners baaed upon the plat of record. field evidence and our records of this area. As you know,we found three unmarked rebars on this lot in 1980,during the preparation of an improvement location certificate (not to be confused with a boundary survey).In September 1989 our client,Steve Yates,through hi~attorney, requested that we again try to locate these rebars .We did find one of these rebars to the northeast of the house .It is still in the same location as in 1980.however,it was buried beneath approximately 2 feet of landscaping.We did not try to find the one in the front as the asphalt drive has covered it . We also found a pin and cap (PLS No_11204)approximately 4 feet west of this rebar.We briefly checked these pins with others along the same line and found that neither agreed very closely with the others.We recommended that a boundary survey be performed.and estimated the cost of thie service at approximately $2.000.(This work will be more difficult as snow accumulates .) Box No .978•Avon .Colorado 81620•949-5072Denver 893-1531 1420VanceStr eet.Lakewood.Colorado 80215•Phone :232-0158 ) Mike Cacioppo Page 2 November 7 .1989 •• I hope th is p rov ides y ou w ith the information you requested . However.if you n eeda nything fu r the r.p lease c all. JHS:cjn S ince re ly, .1;\\:()~f e ry~~H 'panel,P.E. (~~~e Pf aident'J -. cc :Steve Yates c /o Art Abplanalp Mike Mo llica .Town of Va il 232 ?Cl.A"l""').N. /,J -:30,'r1 r • • •• !iJ .3o.1r'i Sr ....-!~.7-~c.c:-A .z,~~ ~~I !~~--r ~ o-:~~.~-...: ~~b T~~I'GC ~v~4-e-~• z)7X-t 4-rr:'/r:-?~-1'1 .•~ -Ck ~e br-r7~/~~ &~. ~~~~-k ....74<Le~-1 ~ 7~~1 k~#<~ ~}~. -V 7X--t $(~~A ~.b 3 ' 'fA-.#to ~~~&-/). ......-----~=--- • •4-0089275298 10/25/89 l esIPM 8NGZ CSP GWLC 3J27882004 MGM8 TOEN BERWYN I L 107 10-25 1102A EST• .~ PETER PATTEN,DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT •75 S.FRONTAGE RD VAIL CD 81657 • • THEPURPOSEOF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO LODGEA FORMAL APPEAL FROM 41 THEADVERSERUL ING OFTHE TOWN OFVAILPLANNINGCOMMISSIONWHICH WAS CONTAINEDINA LETTER TOUS FROM RICK PYLMAN .TOWN PLANNER,DATED OCTOBER6 .1989 AND RECEIVED BYUSOCTOBER8 .J989 .• • • • • • • • • •THIS APPEAL AND REQU EST FORA PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNS LOT 9,BLO CKA , VAIL DAS SCHONE FIRST FILING .THE APPE RSUANT TO TOWN OF •VAI L ORDINANCE NO 18 .66030 .THANK YO .312-7882004 • ROV C .PECHOUS AND ANTON BELEHRADEK 6529 W.CERMAK RD •8ERWYN I L 60402 • •",03EST • •N ~. • • • • • • MG MCO MP TOREPLYBY MAILGRAM MESSAGE.SEe REVERSE SIDEFOR \'\'ESTERN UNION 'S TOLL FREE PHONE NUMBERS • • • • • • • • • •., .•• c::.Roy C.[JJecholti &df1J.1J.ociate1J.,..£.td. AT TORNEYS AT LAW 6529 WEST CER MAK RO AD BERWY N.ILUN OIS 60402 P HO NE 7 88·2004 Octo ber 20 .1 989 Ric lc P y Iman ,Ta wn P la n ner T own of Va i 1 75 Sou th Fro n tage Roa d Vail ,Colorado 81 657 Re:Lot 9 ,B lock A,Va il Da s S chone .Fi rs t F i li ng Dea r Mr .Py ima n, Th isl ett er is a f Oll OW -Up l e tter t o your le t te r o f r escissi ona ndd en ial of o ur f enc ep ermit ap plicat ion . At f ir st bl ush you r l etter wou ld see mt o b e p erf ectl y r e as onable.That is,the Town of Va il fee ls th er e i s a bo u nda ry dis pu te an d theref or e d e ni es u s af en ce p ermit. My fe l lowl and owner,Mr .Ant on Be leh ra de k ,and I wi sh t op uty ou on n oti ce that we have tho ught car efully about yo ur a ct io ns a ndh ave c onc lu d ed th e f o ll o wing : 1.We fee lt h at youh a ve b e en unduel y influ enced in thi s matt er by Vail Town Councilm an Micha el Cacioppo, wh o h asa dir ect fi nanc i al i nt er e st in see ing tha t our ap pli cation fo r a fe nce perm it b e deni ed . 2 .Your actions wer e furt h er ta i n ted by a representa tion f ro m s ome unid entif ied s ource claimi ng a"bo unda ry disp ute ." I f you had a genuine in ter est in malc1ng t he p rope r dec is ion you wo uld h aver equ ired a ny objec tors to o u r app li cat io n to pro d uce a current c e rt i fi ed l oca ti o n mar ker s u r vey t o y ou as we did.T ha ti s t o say ,a sur ve y l ess than six months old . 3.We fe elt ha t y our actio ns in rescinding our pe rmit a nd pr ohibiting a ny futu re const r uction o n our l otl i ne with out f i rs t going th rough the Co urt s ,denies u s th e con st itu tion al u se of o ur l and unl ess we spe nd u pwa rds o f$50 ,000 .00 to li tig at e something t hat sho ul dn ot b e i n qu es tion. '.•• 4 .We f eel that y our actio ns h ave been ar b itrary, cap r ic ious,un reasonable ,a nd a de n ia l to us of the d ue p r oc ess of law,amou n ti ng to a ta lti ng of our property without j ust compe nsa t ion ,and c lear ly un cons titution al. 5 .We have communicate d our d eman d for af ull fair and i mpar ti al h earing to th e Town At tor ney ,Mr.L ar ry Eskw i t .h . We fee lt hat t heCo ns titu tio n o f the United S tates s hould apply equally to all ci t ize ns of t heUn ited States a nd we s hould no t he den ied ou r r ig hts beca use we l ive i n Illi nois and t he people interes ted i n taking our land witho ut j ust compensa t io n li ve in ,a nd a re politically i nf luencial i n t he Town of Vail. We r efuse t o have o url an d t alcen fr om us b y arbitra ry a nd unconst itut iona l ac tions.P lease tr y to d isc harge your d ut ies i naf a ir and i mpartial mann er. Ve ry Tr uly Yours , RCP/vp ROY C .PECHOUS -2- • Octo ber 17,1989 Hr.Ri ck Pyiman Town Planner TOlIN OF VA IL 75Sou thFr ont age Ro ad Vail ,Co lo rado 81657 Dear Hr.Pylman: ., • I am di sappo int edi n yourdecision and t he Town of Vail 's de ci si on with t he issuance of the wo rk s topo rder .For yea rs,Hr .Pyl man,thes u rvey lin es we re undispu ted by Mr.Yat es ande venmos t r ece ntly by Mr.Cac ioppo.I kn ow that t h ese pe ople are former and present Vail Town shi p Of fi ci al s,howeve r,they are v io la tingou r ci vi l ri ghtsa nd t her efo re yo u leaveme n o c ho i ce but t o file a l aws uit aga inst y ou,t heTown o f Vail,Mr.Ya tes an d Mr.Ca ci oppowith the Fed eral Dis tri ctCour t o f Colorado f or d a ma gesa nd inconv enien cesc a used by all the par ti es inv olved. OFFICE :788-2660 67QO w.26lh STREET BERWYN .IL 60402 Si ncere ly , ,(~I?~#~~11- AntonBel ehrad ek 3514 S.Elmvood Ave nue Berwy n,II 60402 31 2 1788 -2805 ee :Tovn o fVai l Lega l Depart ment 'l'ft£em l'F ~~~.,'f"1IlIlINS/$e TONY BElEHRADEK Building Inspector Dept 01 NeighbOmood A.ffa lrs .. -~.-• Hr .Rick p y ima n 'rovn Plann er Town of Vai l 7 5 Sou th Frontage Roa d Vail ,Colorado 8165 7 ATT O~NE'f'S AT L ....W e eae W E ST CERM A K ROAO B ERWYN .I L LINO IS &04 02 PH ONE ,7 S8 2004 October 16,1989 •R£C'DOCT 2 3 \989 Re :Lot 9 .BlockA,Vai l Das Schone ,Fir st Fi ling Dear Mr.Pyiman. This letter i s in r e sponse to your l etter of October 6,19 8 9,whe rei n you a l leged that Mr.Anton Be lehradek , my co-owner of the above l ot sUbm itted as urve yt o y ou d at ed October 1985 ,s igned a nd stamped by Ja mes Burke of Mou n tain Engineering and L and Surveying Company. Please b e o n notice that we did not submit the above described s ur vey to you but in fact submitted a s u r vey to you da ted August 1 6,1989 and signed by Rob e rt D .Scarrow , Manta in Enginee ri ng S Land Surveying ,anoth er copy of which is enclos ed. My partne r a nd I h ave been f rustrat ed a nd damag ed by t he myt h that our survey is n ot ac curat e.I assure you t hati ti s. The attorney for the opposing parties p romi s ed t o submit a su rvey to us that would show a c onflict.This promise was never fulfilled .Furtherm ore ,th e b oundary markers h adn ever bee n disputed befor e . We feel that unu su al and i no r dina te obstruction s have b een placed b efore us by the To wn of Vai l in the ordin ary c ons t itut iona l use of ou r l and .This Official action ,un d er c olor o f law,appears t o b e for t he clear b e ne fito f a pres en t el ectedOf fi cia l o f th e Town of Vai la swe lla sa fo rmer Offi cial whoa re bo th directly ,finan cia l ly,interes t ed i n denying us the fu ll use of our land . -".•• We will b e seek ing to have this matt er r e sol v ed by t he Fed eral Dist ri ct Court,under it's diversit y of citizenship j urisdictiono n the ba sis of denial of the equ al protection of the law,violations of the Interstate Comm erce Act.and civ il r ights viol at i on s.Of course the Town o fVail will be made ap arty to this law suit.We shall also be asking f or punitive dama ges . Please c orr ect your r ec ord s t o r eflect the r ece ipt of the actua ls ur vey which we pr ev iousl y h ad submi tted t o y ou . Very Tr uly Yours, RCP/vp Enclosure ROYC.PEC HO US -2- • ~1<\ lown of vai ~ • 75 so u th frontage road vall ,c olora do8 1657 (303)47~2 1 38 (303)479-2139 Oc tober6 ,1989 An ton Belehradek 3 514 south Elmwood Avenue Be rwyn,Illinois 60402 o ff i ce o f community d evelopment Re :Lo t 9,Block At Vai lDas Schone F i rst Filing Dea rMr .Be l ehrad ek , On Sep tembe r 6 ,1 989 ,the Commu nity Development Dep artment staf fi s su ed a n app rova l fo ra fe nce t ob e pl ac ed a long your property l i n e.This approval was b as ed on t he s u rvey you s ubmit ted d ated Octobe r 198 5, s igned a nd s tamped by James Burke of Mount ain Eng ineering a ndLan d S urvey i ng Company .Representatives of t he ad jacent property,Lot 1 0, BlockA ,Va il Das Schone First Fil ing ,have subm it ted t ot he T own of Va ila signed and s tamped survey by Jame s L .Wheato f Intermountain Engineering Lim i ted i n Avo n ,Col orado.T hese t wo s u rveys show c onflicting in f ormat ion regardi ng the property line between lot 9 and l ot 1 0 .Beca us e of th is appa rent d isp ute r egar di n g the boundary b etwee n the two lots ,the Town o f Vai lmu st resc ind the app roval f or t he f ence and wil l not b ea b le to a pp r ove a ny futu re i mp r ovements al ong t h is property line untila l e g al r e so l ut io n of thi s d i sput e i s reache d. OnOc tober 2nd ,t h e Town of Vai li ssu ed a stop work ord er for g r adi ng Qnd l ands c ape impr oveme nt s t h at were in p rocess .The s e i mpro v eme nt s had n ot r e cie ved Town o f Vai l approva l .Wh e n the property line i ssue is res olved ,anywo rk on t his prope rty ,inclUding th e previously p r opo s e d fe nce,must be submitted t o ,a nd app roved by the T own of Va il . I fy ou h avea ny que st ions or any f u rthe r in forma tionr e g arding th is b ounda r y di spute,p leasef ee l free t oc onta ct me at 479 -2 13 8 . S ince re ly , "0<.(."K---.....J R ick Pylrna n To wn Pla nn e r RP :lr cc :Peter Patten Larry Es kwith Mi ke Cac io ppo •Project Application • Date ~-Ce -S"l f----- &s>-.xa- Contact Person an d Ph one k0 "C2:t'jl,Vc'-£'a ka 5 """1),'1 1\:5 "c&?>.!CE" ~ll.+I A Co mments:_ Design ReviewBoard Date _ Moti on by :_ Seconded b y : APP ROVAL 4 u)?,n,u ·i'Z"'")[:)P I"'\=+,..>a "'>C- ----------"~i o M.c>,">l.."Sj7tt ,,)e,yc.' DI SAPPROVAL DA~ f /A=..() 3'-I.).-%~ -:s u eJdY I --s..' T o w n Pllln nPr Date:----'1--{p -fU _ tV 0 I'I-<~tfe--£.rtf ,,+--J lei vtr 4-do I uf 51 ce . -_.... •••-, DETACH AND BR ING THIS PORT ION OF CARD TO BLDG .DEPT.AT MUN ICIPAL B UILD ING La:a tion ~::.:...1..........~.~~....A .........lf.1.~~....k ....s.\~ Dat e m.I .?cI.~~:::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::..::::::::::::: BuilngInspector o Ifice of Bu ilding Offi::ial,TOWN OFVA IL ,CO ORADO •.'.,••Project Application •) Dole ~-Cc.-~'"\i---- ;:-0.Ie <:!: Co ntact Person a nd Phone -('a!P''''u "r=.'rJe: :'I' I/I I ,fA; I ABlock__~-'-__«tf--l egal Descript ion:l ot Comments:_ Design Re v iew Board Date _ ~Motion by :_ Secon ded by :_ AP PROVA L DISAPPROVAL Summary :A ,~;n'~y =~9 ""''\,...);0"-QLI 'JrJ';l SIr -,~•';s'L N M!l'>t iPl /..,)~l>X .,I ""f)"'5 '.d \.'"'Y I ",y::.. .A!...r>t-,,'X.. To w n Planner Date :----9"k 'D"l _ Sta ffAp p r oval --....,- •• ."...•..::~. :".::',.-.. .. ':~~.'.' SPRucE LOT 9 o L"AS PE N. o-(~)AS P."S o ~..PI NE < .-'" /• '. - U PPE.R.L E.VE.L. P .E.c.K -~o.sc '---,, '/----!----L_--/ I :/t 'r;H ~/t :Z ()~·;,n r r v e y o r-I n 'I"V"V ",'I " e_e ,...-,:,:.':'.:!i:.-.'...~ .~4·~..:3 APPLICATION DATE:Au'1 .'3 \I\q 'l?9 ".-.~¥.f d .J DATE OF ORB ~EEiIrlG :..-':ti----------.......-.-""'~C:","t :·•".-.~;....•-..._.....-'-.-..-..'-.-'.-.... .,.."-,""." • -.,;;~~ A pre·application meeting with a planning staff member .is strongly s~glgested to .~~:2: determl ne if anyaddi t ional info~tio"i sneeded.No application Wl 1beaccepted ~~~. un less 1t is complete (m ust include allitems required by the zoning adm.inistrator ).'-"~~~f It is the applicant's responsibility to ma ke an ap po intIr.ent with the staff to find -,' out about additional submittal requirements .Please note that a COMPLETE applica-;"':~:T~ t10n wi 11 stream 1i ne the approva1 process for your proj ectby decreasi ogthe number -," of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL cond itions ofapprovalmust .~;S~ beresolvedbefo.re abuild ing permitisissued.",~;.~ A.PROJECT OESC~IPTlON :Sri,.f ~~~."""-..o "'?::~ ~~(:J ";,.;s;d L I.,1-;"1&). .-.. • I .PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: ORB APPLICATION • •••••THIS APPLICATION WIL L NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL IN FORMATION [S SUBIlITTEO·.... B.LOC ATI ON OF PRO PO SAL: ALot'9LegalDescription Addres s,_ Zoning IC es:W ;-..e... C.NAME OF APPLICANT:R.o~c .f e.G )."0 u.s b S 2.q W 1'../{1 II ~~1 l--7 li"b'"-2-0 0.11 Addr ess ~~r ~""1=11 .'"q 4 ,;:~e l eP hon ~7 O.NA NE OF APPLICA NT'S REPRE SEN TATIV E:Rvp..uit""0 be.'l-\0 h r- Address 2{,\{-~lX.-v os 1 V-c;..;/,V«.;/te l eP hone 4 /(,o 3 "1 /3 E.rw~E OF OWNE RS:~lifo"B (Vi .B../~J,....f .k 0.-9 A?~:s c..a.c,DU .s ~f~wt-« Signature ~C ,R ik<?<'19 41 < F 5 "r:.._J #/1 ~:U(.3f2..·)'il'r -:2-<JolAddress6.2..9 w ·~J(fL&'o/•t elephone I G ol(O l- F.ORB FEE:The fee willbepaid at the time a bui lding perm it is requested. VAL UATI ON $0-$10.000 $10.001 -$50.000 $:50,001 -$150.000 $150.001 -$.500.000 $500.001-$1 .000.000 $Over $1.000.000 FEE s 10.00 V $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSION S TO THE ORB: -1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements .the applicant must stake the site to indicate property l ines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be mar ked.This wor kmustbecompleted before the ORB visits the site . z.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvol ve two separate meetings of theDesign Review Board,soplanon at least two meetings for their .approval. 3.Peop le who fail to appear beforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meetingand who havenotaskedf or a postponement will be required tobe republished . • TELEPHONE 788-2L d?oy (!Pc.chOLU &dluoclatc.j.,.1!.td. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 6 529 WEST CERMAK R OAD B ERWYN.ILLINOIS 60402 o o . ••.-;r: .••:..i.......-i!-....---,. 4 .The fo llowing i tem s no l onger hav e t o be presented t o th e De sign Rev iew Bo ard. They,how ever.have t obepresented t ot heZoni ng Adm i nis trator for ap proval : a.Windows .skylig hts and similar exterior changes that do notalter the existing planeof the building;and . b.Buil ding addi ti on s th at arenot view ed f romanyotherl otor public s pace. wnich have had letters s ubm itted from adjoin ing property owners approv ing t headdition ;an d/or approval from the agent fOf .or manag er of acondomln ium as soci ation. 5.You may be requ ired to c ondu ct NaturalHazard St ud ies o n you r property.You s hould c hec k with a Town Pla nner before proceed ing . • ... • •••--". " MATERI AL TO BE SUBM[TT EO I.NEW CONS TRU CTION A.To pog raphic mapands iteplanofsi te con ta ini ng t he f ollowing (2copie s): 1.licensed surveyor'sstamo. -e, ,.- 2.C Q~tou r int e rvals of not moret han 2 'unl essth e parcel consis ts of6acr esor more t in which case t 5 'co ntouri nterv als wil l be accepted. 3 .Existingt rees orgr oup sof trees havin g t runks wi th diame te rs of4-or mo re one f ootabove gr ade. 4.Ro ck outcroppings and ot her s ignificant natura l fea tures (l arge boulders . in t erm i tte nt streams.etc .). 5.AYalancn~areas,100 year fl ood pla inand slop es 40 :or mOTe ,if app lic a ~le . 6 .Tiest o exi sting benc hma r k ,e ither US GSl andmar k orsewer i nvert. Z.Locat ions ofth e fo llowing: _____~.Propo sed surfa ce drai nag e on and off site show ings ize andtypeof culver ts.sw a le s.e tc. b.Ex actl ocati onsofal luti litiestoinc lude exi s ting sources and pro~ose d s ervice line sf r om s ourcest o the stru ctu re.Utili tiesto i ncl ud e: ".. .. cable TV Telephone sewer water gas el ectri c c.Prop erty lines s how ing distances and bear ingsanda basis of bearing d.Proposed drivewayswithperc ent slope and s pot el e vations e.Allease ments B.Exi sting andfi nished grades. 9.Al lexisti ng and proposed i mpro vements including structures.landsc apeda reas, s ervi ce areas,stora ge areas.walks.dri veways.of f ·s tr eet par ki ng .lo ading ar eas.r eta inin gwa ll s (w ith s pot e l evat i ons ).and other site i mprovem ent s . 10.Elevati onsof topofroof r idges (w ith exi s ting grade show nunderneath)t o dete rmineheigh t of buil di ng. 8.A st a t e~e nt f rom each uti lity ver ifying l ocatio n of serv ice and ava ilab il ity.To besu bmi tte d with s i te plan . C.Prel iminary title report to accompany al l submi t tals .t oinsu reproperty ow nership .and a l.1..eas em entsonpro perty. O.Lan dscape Plan(1 "=20'or l arger)-2cop ies .. 1. 2. 3 . Show th eh l o c~ti on 0df 4 "d1iameter or"la r ger t re e S,."o the r ·slhru6 s -ana~native olants tt: are on t e 51 te an theocatio n and de sig n of pro posed a nd sca ~e areas ~i th th e var ieties and a pproxima te s izes o f pl ant mate ria lsto be planted.~ Co mp lete land scapematerialsl ist. Desi gnate trees tobesaved and those t o bel ost . NO TE :As muchof th ea bove i nforw4tion as poss ibl es hould occuron t he site plan,s o tha t the i nter·relation of t he various com ponen ts is cl ear.The l and scaceplan shouldbe s eparate .The existi ng to pogra ph icand veget ationa l characte r is ti cs maybe a separate map .Thea pp li cant musts take t he s itet oshow lot l ines and bu ilding corn ers.Trees that wi ll be lost durin g construction mustbe tagg ed.The work shou ld be comp leted bef oreth e ORB s itevisit. •• E .~A r ch i tect"r .J Pla ns .(I/B"=I'or l arger)2 copi es 1.Mu st i nclude flo or pla ns and al l el evatio ns asthe y wi ll app ear on co mpleti on . El evat i onsmus t s haw bat h exis ting and fini shed gr aae s . 2.Ext e ri or surfacing mate ri a ls and colors s hall bespec ified and s ubmit t ed f or r eviewon t he mater i a l s l is t availabl e f romthe De partme ntof Co~u ni ty Oeve l oD- ment .Colo r chips .si ding samp lese t c.,shou ldbepresent ed at th e Des i gnReview Boa rd me e ting. ~ F.Th e Zoning A d~inistr3tor and/orORB may r eQuiret he subm ission of add i ti onal plans. dra wings.speci f icatio ns ,s amp les a nd ather mat e r ial (i ncl udi ng a mode l)i f deem ed ,./~~nece s s a r.v t o determine whethe r a pr ojectwil l cemp l y wi th des ign gU ide li nes . I I .MlNQR .A l TERATlO NS _TO _T HL EXTE RI OR.Jlf BUI lO I NGS ~--. Photosor ske tches tha t c 1 e ar ly~n~c 3te what i s proposed and th e lo cat ion (site pla n) of pro po sal may be s ub mit:ed 1n l i eu ofthe mor e f o ~a l r equ ireme nts given ab ove ~J S lo ng asth eypr ov ide a llimportant spec ification s for t heproposed i ncluding colorsand ma ter ial sto be usetl . d.ADDI TI ONS -RESIDE /ITlAl OR CD:·::1 ERC IAl A.Origi nal f loo r pla ns with a llspecifi cat i ons show n B.Fl oor pla n fo r addi tion-2 cop ies C.Si tepla n 's howing existing and propos ed constructi on -2copies t opa s O.El evati ons of addition E.Photosof existing struct ure F.Spec ificati ons fo r a ll mat e ri a l s a nd colorsamp les on mat eria ls lis tavail able at D ep a r ~~ent of Commu nity Deve lo pme nt Atth e r equest oft he Desig n Review Adm ini strator yo u maya lso ber equi r ed to submi t : G.S tate ~e n t fro m e ach ut i li tyveri f ying locati on of se r vice and availa bi li ty .See a t tache d util ity lo ca tion ver i f i ca ti onf onn. H.Si te imp rovement survey,stampedby r egi ste redprofess ional s urve yor. I .Prelimina ry t i tl e re port.verify ing owne r s h i pofpro perty and li sts ofe asem ents . IV.FINAL SITE PLA N Aft era bui lding permi thasbeen i s su ed.and when theprojectis und erw ay,t hefol l owing wi llbe r equiredbefore any bui ldingrec eives a fram in g i nspe ctionf rom t he aui ld ing O e pa r ~T.ent :Ace rt ified im provem ent survey showing : A.Buildi ng l ocat ion s with ties t o prope rty corners .i.e.di s ta nces and angles . B.Bui ldi ngdi mensions t o neare st t ent hoffo ot . C.All uti litys ervice linesas -buil ts showi ng s ize of lines,t ypeofmateri alused, andexactloc ations .2copies D.Dra inage as -buil ts.2copies E.Basi s of bear ing to ti e tos ect ion corner . F.Allpropert y pins are tobe ei t her foundor .s et a nd sta tedon map • •G.All easement s H.~ui l din g f l oo r elevatio ns and roof r idgeelevati on s. -e-1.......:..-._- ~ •• •LI ST OF f~TERI ALS • ••0 -.. ~.-:-:o ". ,".'..,-'" ~L O CK fiLI NG ~M E OF PROJ EC7; LEGAL DESCRIPTI Q;I:-lL:OOr:T====::-a-[iJ1~=====m:rmG::===== STREET AODR ESS;Ji~;:::===~~~=====~~~=====DESC RI PTI O,I OF PROJECT ; The f ollowing ;nfo~a tion i sr equiredforsubmittalbyt he applicant t ~theDesignRevi ew Soard before a f inal ap prova l can be f iven: A.BUILQ ING f~TER IALS;TYP E OF MATERIA L COLOR Roof Si di ng Ot her Wa l l Mat erial s '. Fasc;a Soffi ts Windows Windo N Trim Doors Doo r Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flu es Fla sh ings Chi r.:n eys Tra sh Enc losures Gree~houses Other B.LANDSC';PH lG :Name of Des igner: phone: PLA NT f~T ERIA LS ;Bo tanical Name Commo n Na me guanitv Si ze- PRO POSED TR EES .'....,~-.. EXISTI NG TRE ES TO _ BE REHO VED *I nd icateca li perf or deciduc ioust rees..J Edicate height f or co nifers. (o ve r) ..•. ••..,.~ .,~--.:t '. -PLANT nATER IA LS:Botanica l ,":ame (can't) SHRUBS EXI STING SH RUB S TO BE REi·:OVED GR OU::a CO 'I ER S SaD SEE D TYP EOF IRRI G~TI OI I Co :r:::on Name Quan it '/Size ......'... •-'?'OO Scuare F'co t~a e TYPE DR MET HOD OF ._ EROSION CONTR OL C.OTHER ·L ANOSC~PE FEATURES (retai ning wal ls,fen ces ,swimmi ng pool s,etc.]Pl easespec ify . .. MAP OF : LOT 9,BLOCK--- RESUBD IVISION OF SUBDIVISION,F I LIN G CO LORA DO . II A" VAIL DAS SCHONE No.I,EAGLE COUNTY, / / / / / / / / ...",..... ( ......... o t l)A5PE",s o \Cj 1 "'Co .. / ,'0...>./, I I I I I I I o '4"PIN£:. - L"A5PEI'l LOT 9 - o (3)ASPE.>lS U P PE.R 1..E.VeL P E.c..l( o JUNIP €R. ,;"5PRU C.E. o o JUN IPoER 0 v, f],~-j)~'Llf Ce-'i>I7R.((;lSI "> 10 'A';¥,(t.T 4'fllGH WITt4-2 !lA//..S Ii /(120"11 L I .:> T,...BER.RETAININ G L.->.>.... IN A.LL / / SCALE. / / / rNO/CArr.5 C~K"AlFIf.srr I I C';~"E"-FOt/IoID NOTE: o• / / / / / / •F ,-c.. j 1 .....p ) 9.::J )' J ~"1 --:;r-~~~~~---,r _-ot 1 ...'-r-.::!:.~"""":'c<t".t'~_ cer t ll ...~arr ov ,[..')117 ober t D .Sc i rr ov ,I in'I Ju re t t flo:I If [1'St a t e o f 1 r[o,do t ere!vr t if)th t r.lde by me or u nd eI dl roccne rv t•Lon c1nJ [1.J1 t 1 correc t r ep res en t at ion )!t h,t u r--ev t t1 )-t't ~)wlt'dh~and bt'lt~t. Mountain Engineering &Land Surveying 1001 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs.Colorado 81601 (303)945·2045 SHE ET NO .1 O F 1- PE.0 -\ou 5Ro\( PREPARED FOR JOBNO eKD.BY",J 3'12.-8 REVISIONS. D RN .BY DATE ~OrICE :Accord ing to l Lorado l av ,you mus t commence any lc~al action hased ll)On nny defect in this 8\lrV v ~itl1in i)l,..ec (3 )y e irs a f t er yJU d t C-OVl'r ~UL~ de t ec t .In no even t mav In c t i on I (1 Ipon a~delect in this su v \l)~ (mme nc cd mo i e than t er,(10 (r 1r 11 L1C d.rt e of cer t I I i ca t Lvn 11 wn h ere HL MAP OF: LOT 9,BLOCK II AII RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE SUBDIV ISION,F ILING No,I,EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO , / / '. / / / / / NorE: o r,VIJICArr S CDKJJlEIf.srr •,,C,)It.NTII(F(J{/I>I D -, /0\) /\.:: <:::) /0"( ~ / -1- /Q/ ~ '/C I I ",n t-1 • r 'f ,,t',d .,I I Il I ..""i •'I ~ Mountain Engineering &LandSurveying / / / / / /I / 1 / /';I',; 1 w t 1 I rl ,,6 £~ r RE TA.iI,Ju•..\.';WA LL. "'-' - o l.~PE" I I I I I I / / v.."c....5 I\~O~ - UPPE.R.I..E.VE.L E.<.'<. - o 3)A SPe ~S o ~"AS PE,.j -- 0 3 SP RUC-c LOT 9 JUNIP£R JU N IPIOIl-o\~1 "c...- .» l"'''i>£R.RE TAIN/III"<.J_ ""A.LL .- r / / / / / SCALE.. J.:cr it) I t ee an 1 (11 t 1001G rand Avenue Gl enwoodSp rings ,Co lorado 8160 1 (303)945-2045 PREPARED FOR Ro d ,l ,l REVISIONS DRNBY P I eKD BY R 5 DATE B c:-8 JOBNO SHEETNO 1 OF 1. ,....'\..-- ., ----------U TI LITY ~---- •42.70 EASEMENT -....... ----'--- tioc..••• .t"0 ' V oo91S 1420 \<ANCL Sl H E k:J ...A.J<i;""""-1CJO.(~"JL.O.~,~ (:loa;);Z :JCl '01be ~d'j ~.:»:~r.i.c.. ~r~~r ' -Sef+'7r~t I •"lnter-M n .D Engineering u.s. By:.I / ,J47'ii sL-:-mi e a t Regis ter e c Lan Su rveyorNo.1 24 8 8 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION GEP7 1F iCATE LOT 10"8lf)CJ(A,A R£SU80IVISJON OF I--"'-'-..........~ VAIL [)),as SCHONl:.f-.LNG N(1 i EJft (,LF COLJN n 'COLOHADC .• •R W p o eo.-C ·100 A v ON.COLO e -e.eo 1303J 114W '007 .·: "1,.I,,",.,.:..... ....... .. ."'"1 I~.cc l EI '0 , •••••••':I ~.)'\.'''''-'>'.~-::' :..II • :...1'"'8 :~....:::.·.·.·.{... - 1 •t ·c·0 -r 1 .C Lig ~l (jl":'i ·........,.. . :...a t lG.!:I i e .:'r..h.h 'Re ~u ~~·.•s i ,».0:Vi1i l -n t,;j ..:or ~;().:, I hereby certi fy that thi s r ~prov em e n t Loc at i o n Ce rti f icat e ,the locat ion being based on ~e P l at of ~eco r d ,was p r epa red f o r S teve Yates o n t his ?.3(!!.day of _~'!'~__I\,D.1 980 ,of '~1 e :-rorer ty dcs :::ri.!;cd as foll ows: I further c;t!rtif y thAt th e i mprovememts o n t1 t.<:a b ov e de s cribed parcel , except util i ty conne ctions,a r e e ntire ly'with in t he b ~und a r i e s of th e p a r cel,except as s hown ,that t h er e a re:no e nc r o e chroent,s u pon the de - scribed premises by improvement s on a ny adj oi nin g pr e ie i s e s ,e xc e pt as indicat ed ,and that t here is no evi de nce or sign of a ny e ase me nt crossing oiburdening a ny pa rt o t s aid p arc~l ,e~cept as n ote d.Th isIm pr ovement Lo cation Ce rtU ica te is pz e pe r cd for loam purpos e s o nly and i s not to be relied upo nt or the est ablishm '~n t o f ternce s,bui l di n g".o r other future, i mp ro v eraont P ro p r ty pin .."",I'''not 1m.ta l1ed, IMPROVEMENT LOC ATIONCERTI FICA TE : ~V I•.ot"e EAS EMEN T SCALE 'I"=10' u ... 10 /20 D MB 1---4---:-----------_----1 Or;.v" I---+-----------------I c -..J l!W • -T -FO UND 5/8"REBAR :I:I -- --~~- .: / (50') ------ _------'4=0~~'_-----, --- 10,BLOCK A ROAD , L'"53.60 , CH'"5 3 .2/ '>/ / / o/V;y / / .".:" ,,'.....'" LO T ~--?.'-'~--L----- 9648.88 Square Feet 0.222 Acres \ CHAMONIX A =24 006'33",R:::/27.38 N 5/°46'03"E ~. 1,...... () '../ - --:....:~_4_----L---l..~---~.....a..;;",;,~...-----------~r t· .~:.....•_~,-_.I L.. _. __~._••__~__1 __ j" ., 1- - I ( I 'f), ,. '/ v /~..I -~ ~ - \ ~...I • .'(..,\ \J \J '/ 7' I I \'"J -- ":>V\.0 <.A:>. 'i.~,,;x -J ~j II I / I I r f I I'" I I -- 'r\.: \I ..( J,~ I'"":I-..53G ~4 '\YIA A L o\-\e ....,(,.r Vo ,l \).....J l.-\,.. -r>" VI t ...J y--r -t..f '"I£, ~ •, .-< L--/ r t r """/' APPROVED _./V7"lOt-:;>-te -.e._~..._._.ae -'-1........_ Permit #..Itl.~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~.Insp......~..r~OLORADOEAGLEcouN1r,'c'oi';