HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 17 LEGALII • THE RESORT DESIGN COLLABORATIVE I ~T ERX AT I O XA L Adjac ent PropertyOwnerstoLot17 Lot14 Lot15 Lot16 Lot16 Lot lA LotIB Lot19 Lot18 1999 Sunburst Drive Richard L.andNancyV.Knowlton 401FifthAvenue ,SW Austin,TX55912 2009 Sunburst Drive Heliscope NV POBox1231 Vail ,CO81658 2039 Sunburst Drive MichaelJ.and Cynthia G.Biondi One Deer ParkMeadowsRoad Greenwich,CT06830 2039 Sunburst Drive Marietta Pierce POBox1123 Vail,CO81658 2094 Sunburst Drive Landon III andMaryMyersHilliard Shutter Lane Oyster Bay,NY 11771 2094 Sunburst Dri ve Deerwood Cottage Partners 100 Shutter Lane Oyster BayCove,NY 11771 1998Sunburs t Dr ive AccardoFamil y,LPGarlinghou 300Wcst19th Street KansasCity ,MO64108 2008 Sunburst Drive Donald 1.Herdrich 71OldRoaring Brook Road Mt.Kisco ,NY10549 phone:910 .416.4433 1000 South Frontage Road West ,Suite 300,Va il.CO 8 1651 inro@resortdesign .co mfax:910.416.4608 VAIL FRISCO D ENVER S AN F R A ~C ISC O ,t!ls ITEMMAYAFF ECTYOUR PRO~ PUBLICNOTICE NOTICEISHEREBY GIVENt hatt hePlanningandEnvironme ntal Comm ission oft he Townof Vail will hol d a pu blic heari ng in acco rdance with Sectio n 12-3-6 of the Munici pal Code ofthe Townof Vailo n J une 28,1999,at 2:00 P.M.inthe T ownofVailM unicipalBuildin g.In cons ideratio n of: A request foravariance from Section 12*60-6,to allo w for a build in g encroachment intoarear set back,locate d at2657 Arosa Drive I Lot 8 ,Block D,Vail Ridge . Applicant: Plann er: Town ofVail Alli son Oc hs A request fo r a minor subdiv isio n,to vacate a common lot line creating anewlot,located at 5166 Black Gore Drive I Lots4and 5.bloc k 1.Gore Creek Subdiv ision . App licant: Plann er: A &GDeve lopmentPartners Bren tWilson Arequ est for a sidesetback variance ,fro m Section 12-60-6.toallow for a bath ro omand closet addition,locatedat2427 Chamon ix Ln.I Lot21,Block A,Va ilDas Schone 1·' A request for arearsetback variance,fro m Sect io n 12-60 -6,to allo wfora deck enclos ure, located at 2038 Sunburs t Drive I Lol17,Vail Valley 3rd .~ App licant: Plann er: Ap plicant: Planner: John and KarenBerg ey Domini c Mauriell o B.R.and Rox anneBoni face ,represe ntedby Leslie Davisat RDC AllisonOchs A request for amino r subd ivision ,10 vacate common lot lines to create a new lot ,located at 2477 ,2485,2487 ,2497 Garmisch I Lots 1-4,Block H,Va ilDasSchone#2. Applicant: Plann er: Town at Vall,represe ntedby Nina Timm Alliso n Ochs A request fora conditional use permit,toallow to r theconst ruction ofa T yp e II employee hou singunit ,loca t ed at265 Fo res tRoad I Lot 21,Block 7,Vail Village 1~Filing. Appl icant: Planner: LawrenceFli nn,represented byMitchell Studio ,LLC A llison o cn s A request for a final recom mendation totheVail Town Cou ncil attheDevelop mentStandards Handbook . Applicant: Plan ner: Town atVail Allison OC hs Arequest toravariance tram Section t2 ~6D ~6 at the Townat VailMun icipal Code ,to allowfor an encroac hment into the required side andtront setbacks ,locatedat 3003 Bell flo werDrive I Lot9,Block6,Va illntermounlain.. Applicant: Planner: Mr .Guillermo Huerta George Ru ther 1 Theapplications and inform.about the proposals are availablefO.Oinspection during reg ular off ice ho urs in th e pro jectplanner's off ice loca ted at the Town of Vail Co mmunity Development Department,75South Frontage Road. Sig n language Interpretation available uponrequest with 24hour notification.Pleasecal l 479- 2356 .T elep hone for theHearingImpaired.for information. Commun ity Development Depart ment Publi shed June 1"1999 in the Vail Trail. 2 , II • THERESORT DE SIGN COLLABORATIVE Ad jacentProperty Owners to Lot 17 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot16 Lot16 LotI A LotI B Lot19 Lot I~ 1999S unburstDri ve Richard L.and Nancy V.Kn owlton 4 01 Fifth Avenue .S W Au stin.TX5 5912 2 009 S unburstDri ve HeliscopeNV POBox 1231 Vail.CO 81 658 2039 Sunburst Dri ve Michael J.and Cynthia G.Biondi OneDeerPark Meado ws Road G reenwich .CT 06 830 2039 Sunbur st Drive Mar ietta Pierce POBox 11 23 Vail .C O 8 1658 2 094 Sunburst D rive Landon III andMa ry Myers Hilliard ShutterLane O yster Bay,NY 11771 2 094 S unburstD rive D eerwood Cottage Partners 100 S hutterLane OysterBay Cove,NY 11 771 1998S unburstDrive Acc ard o Family,LP Gar ling hcu 300 West 19th Street Ka nsa s C ity.MO 64 108 2008 S unburst D rive Donald J .Hcrdri ch 7 1 O ldRoaring B rook Road Mt.Ki sco.NY 10549 pbone :~70 ,47~.441]1000 South Fronu!c koad We ll ,SUilC ]00,V.il,CO U 6S1 info@morldclign,(om (u ;910.476.460~ fRIS CO S AN FR"'N C I ~<:O ..S ITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PRO. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN thatthePlanning and Environmental Commission oftheTown of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section12-3-6of the Municipal Code of the TownofVailon Jun e28,1999,at 2 :00P.M.inthe TownofVailM unicipalBuilding .In consideration of : Arequestfor avariance trorn Section12-6D-6,toallow for a buildingencroachmentintoarear setback,located at2657Arosa Drive I Lot8,Block D,Vail Ridge. Applicant : Planner: Town ofVail Allison Ochs Arequest fora minorsubdivision.tov acate a common lot linecreatinga newlot.locatedat 5166Black Gore Drive I Lots 4and 5.block 1,GoreCreekSubdivision. Applicant: Plann er : A &G Development Partners BrentWilson Arequestfora side setback variance,from Section12-6D-6,toallow for a bathroomand closet addition.located at2427Chamonix lll./Lot21.Block A.Vail Das Schone 1"· Arequest fora rearsetback variance,fromSection12·6 0-6,to allowfor a deck enclosure, locatedat 2038Sunburst Drive I Lot17,Vail Valley 3ro. Applicant: Planner : Applicant: Plann er: JohnandKaren Bergey Dominic Mauriello B.R.andRoxanne Boniface.representedby Leslie Davisof ROC AllisonOchs Arequest fora minorsubdivlslon,to vacatecommonlot linestocreateanewlot,locatedat 2477,2485,2487.2497Garmisch /Lots 1-4.Block H,VailDas Schone #2. Applicant: Planner: Tow n ofVail,representedby NinaTimm AllisonOchs Arequest fora c onditional use permit,to allowfor the constructionofaType II employee housing unit,locatedat265Forest Road I Lot 21 ,Block 7,Vail Village1!II Filing. Applicant: Plann er : Lawrence Flinn,representedby MitchellStudio,LLC Allison ocn s A req uest for afinal recommendationtotheVail T own Council of theDevelopmentStandards Handbook. Applicant: Planner: T ownofVai l Allison o cn s Arequestfor a va riancefrom Section12-60 -6 of the Town ofVailMunicipal Code.toallowfor an encroachment intotherequiredsideandfrontsetbacks,locatedat 3003Bellflower Drive / Lot 9,Block6,Vail Intermountain.. Applicant: Planner: Mr.Guillenmo Huerta George Ruther 1 The applicati ons and intorm"'about theproposalsareavailable fO.C inspection during regular officehours in thepro ject plann er's office located at theTownofVa ii Community Deve lopment Departm ent,75South Fro ntageRoad . Signla nguage int erpretation availableupon request with 24hournotification.Pleasecall47 9- 2356,Tele phonefor the Hearing Impaired,forinformation. Comm uni ty Developm ent Depa rtm ent PublishedJu ne 11,1999 inthe VallTrail. 2 •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO S tatemen t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : BU ILDERS R050 001355 Amount :$20.00 Ch eck 0 8/22/2 005 10 :32 AM Init:J S Notation:322 1/JEFFLUTZ Permit No: Parcel No : Site Ad dres s: Lo cation : DRBOS0 43 4 Type :ORB-Mi nor Al t,SFR/OUP 21 0 1 -102-010 0-4 2 038 SUNBUR STDRVAIL 2 030 SUNBURS T DRIVE Tota l Fees:$20.00 This Payment :$2 0.00 TotalALL Pmt s:$20.00 Balance :$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITeM LIST : Account Co de DR 00 10000 31 1 2 200 De sc ription DE SIGN REVIEW FEES currentPInt s 20 .00 - , • • BONIFACE RESIDENCE Deck • Project Name:BONIFACE WAll Project Desaiption: .-.\I~Va/~f;(3_,,1'(7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Commumty Develo pment 75So ut h Frcntaqe Road,Vail,Colorado8 1657 t el:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 w eb:www.vailgov.com ORB Number:DRBO S04 34 ANAL APP ROVAL TO COf'lTlNUE PERIMETER WALL TO ENDOF PRO PERlY Participants: OWNER BONIFACE,B.R.&ROXANN E 5.08/22/2005 6440 5E WINGED FOOT DR STUART FL34997 APPUCANT BO NIFACE,B.R.&ROXANN E 5.08/22/2005 6440 5EWINGED FOOT DR STUART FL 34997 Project Address:2038 SUN BU RST DR VAIL 2030 SU NBURST DRIVE Location: Legal Description:Lot:17 Block:SUbdivision:VAlL VAUEY 3RO FlUNG Parcel Number:2101·102 -0 1Q0-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: Sec ondBy: Vote : Conditions: Action:WITHDRWN Date of Approval : COnd :8 (PLAN):No cha nges to these plans may be made withou t the written consen tof Town of Vail staff and /or the appropria te revi ew com mittee{s). Cond:O (PlAN):ORB approva l does not consti tutea permit for building .Please consu lt with Townof Vail Bu ilding perso nnelprio r to cons tructio n aetiVibes . COndo 201 ORB appro va l sh all not become valid for20 days foll owing the dateof approval. CO nd:202 Ap provalof this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year followi ng thedate of fin al approval,unl ess a building permi t is issu ed and con structi on iscommenced andis dil igently pursued toward comp letion. Planner:MattGennett ORBFee PaId :$20.00 •Minor Exterior Alterat.s Application for Design Review Department of Commu nity Develop ment 7S 50Jth Frontage Road,Vail,CoIofado 8 1657 tel:970.479 .2128 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com Genera l Information : AD projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittingabuilding permit application .Please refer to the submittal requirem ents for the partioJlar approval that is requested.M application for Design Review cannot be accepted u ntilallrequ iredInforma tion is recetved by the Com m unity Development Department.The project may a lso need to be reviewed by the Town Coord a rd/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approva l. Desaiption of the Request:C!..dIVTZ N e-E PG£Im &-Ti9?W&-<-<- rli &z!or ,e£d/@try Iti::too:97().J2&-1622"'_ fax:9~M4SJ 6 1 6>V'IGS'Z t:lJ. 4-1 ..'''''•Eojlio COOodoel ~l By ,0 dfLirf-2.Bv,Id/M;?C ·---' D RB NO.::D.ZB~4d \L-BEGD AUG ll1 00 Proiect No.:?h \<4)-03 c.Cf For constructiOn of a new building or demo/rebl For an addition where square footage is added commercial building (includes 250 additions &Ir: For minor changes to bulklings and site Im proye re-roofing,painting,window additions,land : retaining wa Rs,etc. For minor changes to buildings andsit e improve re-root'ing ,pa inting,window addItiOnS ,land! reta ining walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by P Design Review Boa rd. ~$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. $20 $20 $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 Planne r: ForOfficeUseOnly: Fee Pa id:.)..O .()l)O1ed<No.:3J.....}-( Meeting Date,f -2.\-~~ o Separation Request No Fee o Minor Alteration (multHamily/commercial) ~nor JUteration (single-family/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans 13a-vtr-ICC e Ut<-(!"'1116 r;7 Name of Applicant:..1!.Sr"l'~~=----+---~~~~"""~-J'::::,!!!,'::.L,t:z~£1j~_ Type o f Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptua l Review o New ConstructiOnoAdd_ IE "pp r). 203 9 <;;aesv PT .p1L /,4/<- ::-~:-:-:-:-Phone:'ll tJ "flIO E-mail Address :Fax:q 7 "4-7 6 •• Improvement Location Certificate Sh eello£Z Lot17,Vail Valley.Third Filing"according to the plat recorded August 30.1977,in Book2S9 at Page 69,E.1g1e County.Colorado. Address:2038 Sunburst Dri ve L~T I ~ ft...l'o'£.0 <t,1"tNE. vJ'''''3'H,..... i \ ., <. ".. N"Ic:An:""dinl';t..c ad<.a..f U"m ......romll'll.-nre any k:pl acb.1n b.w.-d up......In)'dew in th i!<«'ftifK<lk'wilhin tnn'll y.,_ttL,.y.....fi ".t Ji.n.n...OMoch d~"'od .In l:v t m",;my ;oct>,..b._...t "run ..ny dck.'l"tin thi.n 'l'tifi.:d'"bo,nwnm.'n ......<d ........th....."'n ,.....""In d,m.'.'" n-rtil'i<;all."shown ~ Leland Lechner PLS23506,Box 3463.Vail C olorado 8 1658,(303)949-5387 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 816 5 7 9 70 -479-21 38 •• DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THI S PERMI T MUS T BE POSTED ON JO BSITEAT ALLT IMES ADD /ALT SFRBUILD PE RM IT P e rmi t #:B OO -0 0s5 Job Addres s,20 38 SUNBURST DR Locat ion ...:2 0 38 SUNBUR ST DR Parce l No ..:2 101 -1 02 -0 1 -00 4 proje ct No .:P RJ 99 -0267 Stat us : App lied . Issued .. Expi res ... I SSUED 04 /1 3 /2000 05 /10 /2 00 0 11 106 120 00 Occ u panc y: Typ e Constru c t i on : Desc ription : ENCLOSE DECK P hon e:970 -390-63 63 P hon e,970 -390 -63 63 R3 VN 72,000 FL 34997 TOV/Comm.Dev. AND REPLACE WINDOWS ON BACK SIDE ONLC;lean-up Deposit Refund a pproved 'rI£'~"iy:L S i ngl e Fami ly Residen c e t 1:1°'" Type VNon -Rat ed amoun --...!f-"T'-.--- F t '.date _:#,+",(c+,(J,-,'_Add Sq JEFF LUTZ BUI LDE RS PO BO X 1660,EAGLE CO 8 16 31 JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS POBOX 1660,EAGLE CO 8 16 31 BON IFACE BR &ROXANNE S 64 40 SE WINGED FOOT DR,STUART OWNER APPLI CANT CONTRACTOR Valuatio n: Pi r~plAc~I nformAti o n'Re&tric~ed:YES I Of 0 ••App li a n ce d :/t o£a ...Log'"10[Wood/Pal l e t: l'!u iJdir>g ---··.. Pl.n Chack·-·" Inv est i g ation > wi ll Call ····,. 600 .00 390 .00 .00 l.OO 1I""t "a ran t p l"n Revi ""--,, DRfl p ",,~....-------------> lIe e r Ration Pn e--..> Clean -Up Deposit ····_·_·> TOTAL P E P.~----·-·-------~ .00 1 00.00 .00 25 0.00 1 ,3 43.00 T otal ~lcul a l ed F e ee---:. Ad di tional FeeB---------:. Tot ~l pe rm it F e ~--------:. PQymen t~·-·-------------> AArAACF.OUR·······_··:. I ,J"J .Q O .00 1,3 4.3.00 1.343 .00 .00 I t ,m ,0 5 100 BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 8~t 'BUILDING Division : 0 4 17 /2000 KATHY Action :NOTH ROUTED TO 05 /08 /2000 JRM Action ,APPR approved Divi sio n:I tem:05400 PLANN ING DE PARTMENT Dept,PLANN ING 04/17 /2000 KATHY Action ,NOTE RO UTE D TO AO 0 4 /18 /2000 AOCHS Act ion ,APPRI 'm approving I te m ,05600 F IRE DEPARTM ENT Dept.:FIRE Division : 04 /17 /2000 KATHY Action ,APPR N /A I tem,05500 PUBL IC WORKS r.Rw t ,PUB WORK Division: 0 4/1 7 /2000 KATHY Ac tion,NOTE STAGING P T O LEONARD See Page 2 of this Document f or any c onditions t ha t may a pp ly to t hi s permit . DECLARATIONS r h e reby ~ckn owl edge t hat I h a ve r e ad thi.appl i c at i on ,f i l lnd Out i n f ull t ho I n fo ~tion r eq uirod,c~p le t e d an accurate p l ot p lan ,and etate t hat a l l t he i nf OrMa t ion p ro vided aa r ~ui r .d i e correct.I a g rn e to c o mply wi th t h e i nforma tion a nd plot p l~, t o c omp ly wi th al l ~o vn o rdinanc.e an d a tat .l a wn,and t o b u i ld thi••t ru e t u r e a o o ordi ng to tho Town'e aon ing a n d e ubdi vieion cod .e,d e eign rev iew appro ved ,U n if o~Suilding Co de and o ther ordi n ancee of the T own a pp lic able t he r e to . C NTRA CTOR I'OR HIMSELF ANO OWN'l!:R AT OUR OFF l e!P ROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PMREC\1l!S TS "O R I NsP I':CTta NS S HALL BE ~E TWENTY -FOrR llOtJRS I N ADVANC R BY TEL P ~~~~Se n d Clean-l1'P Depo"it To:J !';I'P LtJTZ BUILDj,;RS •• page 2 ******************************************************************************** CO NDITIONS P ermit #:BOO -DOSS as o f0 5 /1 0/00 Status ---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILD PERM IT App l i c an t --:JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS 970 -390 -6363 Job Addr es s:2 038 SUNB URS T DR L ocati on --~:2 038 SUNBUR ST DR P arc el No --;210 1 -1 02 -01 -004 VAIL VAlLEY3RDF ILING LOT 17 De scripti on: RN CLOSE DEC K AND REP LACE WINDOWS ON BACK SIDE ONLY Appl ied --:04 /13 /2000 Issued ---:0 5/1 0/2 000 To Exp i re :11 /06/2 000 **************************************Conditi ons ****************************** 1.F IE LDI NSPECTI ONSARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CO DE COMP LI AN CE . 2 .SMOKE DETE CTORS AREREQUIRED IN ALLBE DROOMS ANDEVERY STORY ASPERS EC.3 10.6 .1 OFTHE 19 97 UBC . •.................-_•....................___-----_._------• TO WN OF VAIL,COLORADO -Sta t e mnL•._-_.•._-_.•.••••_•••••.•..•_---_••..•._•••.•••••-••.•_._***._. State mnt Number :REC -06 27 Amount: Payment Ma thod :CK Not .tion :6 425 1 ,29 3.00 05 /1 0/00 1 4 ,39 Inil ,JAR Permit No :BOO -0055 Type:A-BUILD AD D/ALT SPRBUILD PR P arcelNo:2 101 -1 02 -01 -004 Site Addre ss :2038 SIINRI1RS"f DR L ocation :2 038 SUNBURST D~ T hi s Payment.1 ,2 93.00 Total Fees: T o ld1 ALL Pmts : Ba lance : 1 ,343 .00 1,343 .00 .00 Account code BP 001 00 003 111 100 DR 0 010 00 03 1 12 200 PF 00100003 112300 AD OJ-DEPOe we 0 010 00031 12 8 00 Ocsc:-ipt ion BUILDING PERMI T FEES DESI GN ~EW FEES PLAN CHECK FE ES CLEANU P DEPOSITS WILL CALL I NsPEcrroN FEE Amount 600 .00 5 0 .00 .HO.DO 2 S0.00 3 .00 •APPUCAnO.ll NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPl~RUNSIGNED Project #:--.Rz:r 99.Q210J Building Permit #:0 00--00 5 S- 970-479 -2149 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Se parate Perm its a re re quired ror e lect rica l.pl umbin g,m ccnun icat .e rc.! 75 S .Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eaole Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 o rvi sit www.eaole-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #21 0 \-10'2.-0\·00'-1 I. ,5lo'!.e> Job Name:,§~-~~JobAddress:}~.J-Cr.,""L legal Descr iption WLot:J7 II Block:!Filing:;S fbCl.Ii SubdIvision: Ow ~~N~e:".n Address:~'{:!..~~C'.-~~..}I'l P hon e:~(_ZZI _g,~&:. A,[E.hJ!,»!:~ner:,...",&~J Ad~~,:,:;;,,-PRAN «e o !/...,l Phone :t:l7t.-t+'!o,=< EQ'J neer O.,p .•."Address:/«q§:{C6 '.oU't Phone:.q7<:..-;;lj 70 Detail«lldeseriptklll of WOrk):..'".<M-~00I!'lC(lZalt.llCEnlatr iJ::~Off/.·•a1J9 /fl •.....~~"""""'"~",,'n.~.~rJ., Work Oass:New()AdditkiriW Remode l ()Repair()Demo {)Other () Work Type :I n t e rior ~Exterior <Xl Both()Does an EHU exist atthi s location:Yes ()No() ... Type of Bldg .:Single--fam lly!>CJ Two-family()MUlb-faml1y ()Commcroal ()Restaurant ()Othe<() --. AiNo.of Ex&ing Dwelling Unitsin this bui lding:I No.of Accommodation UnitS i n thisbuil ding : , GasAoo liances (2,\Gas toes (\Wood/pellet (\WoodBumino (\Norrvoe of Fireol aces Existino: .NolTv","of PireolacesPrcocsed:Gas An olianees~'~s Loos '"\Wood/Pellet k>\Wood Bummc(NOT ALL~WED\ Does a FireAlarmExist :Yes (t/1 No()I Does a Fi reSprinkle r Syste m Exist:Yes ()No (I/f . COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) .. BUILDI NG:$.iJ:f;io ~.cJo ELECTRICAL:$•6~OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$.MECHANICAL:$~,,,o TOTAL :S 1Z.0c0 REFUND CL EA>lU P DEPOS IT TO :I'..P 'r:<..'J A.o . V CONTRACTOR INFORMATION T own of Vail Reg.No.:Genera l Contractor : JUF hl1r2.-ll>u,LD u.J xc, Contractor S~naOJre: **•••••••••••••••••••****.***•••**••**.f()RO Contact and Phone rs:?R6 -i-:U;:3 -It:.2-'Z- EUSE ONLY••••••••••••,._,•••,_,••••••••••••••• Other fees: ORB Fees: I Public Way Permit Fee: F:/fNeryoneJfOfrnsJbldg penn ~ype of Con~!U~~:m: 9CCl,.JpC!!!fY.Group,-:-----1 Date Received: ~cceP ted By :~~Planner Slgn-off:~Q, D R /(/./1-"""1'at e ecervea APR 1 3 2000 .-"\.-"'.";.:..1 '.),.:..~.•• •..... .,.. "f,ll t-'"•• May-02 -00 O}:4BP ALA Pl a sti cs /Indu s t ri es•303 296 2 1 46•P .02 I 8.1.8.industries APPLIED INDUSTRIAL &ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS May 02 ,2000 Town of Vail Building Department Design Criteria Re:Boniface Residence DearA.J., \ The pyramid skylight that we are fablicating and installing does meetthe 100#snowload (live)that isrequired per the design aitena. If you haveany addJI ional questions please feel free togive a call. Sincerely , ~1!fHo(.Machado Sales &Estimating 290 Easl561 Ave .•Denver ,CO80216·1711 •303-296-9696 •Fax :303-296-2146 ,. •• •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUN ITY DEVEL OPMENT 7 5 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 816 5 7 970-479 -2138 NOTE ,THIS PERM IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI TE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permi t #:EOO -CO?1 J ob Addre ss : Location ... Parcel No .. Project No . 20 38 SUNBURS TDR 2038 SUNB URST DR 2 101-10 2 -01-004 PRJ99 -0 267 Status .. App li ed . Issued .. Expires .. ISSUED 05 /12 /2000 OS /2 3 /2000 11 /19 /2000 AP PLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING ,HEATING,ELEC. P .O.BOX 250 ,MINTURN,CO 81 645 CONTRACT OR BURNETT PLUMBING,HEAT IN G,ELEC . P .O.BOX 2 5 0,MINTURN ,CO 8 164 5 OWNER BONIFACE BR &ROXANNE S 6440 SE WINGED F OOT DR ,STUARTF L3 49 97 Phone :9 70-827 -5 562 Phone,9 7 0 -8 27 -5562 Description:ADD LIGHTS AND RBCEPS Valua tion:3,000 .00 I'l"ctrical---> OR B F...-_.,. I nve ..tiga t ion > 1\1 111 Call ----> TO'l'Jl L lI'l!:ts ---> 5 4.00 .00 .cc LOll 57 .lIlI Total Ca lculated Fe ••---> Addi tion al Fe e~---"-'--> Total P"r$it ,,,.-••----.> Pa~e nta----·-----------> BALANc g UUK -------------. 5 1 .00 .00 57 .00 57 .00 .00 Item,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05 /16 /2000 KATHY Action,APPR APPROVED Item:0 56 00FIRE DEPARTMENT 05 /16 /2000 KATHY Action,APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: PER KW Dept :FIRE Division : CONDITI ON OF APPROVA L 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . •.•.••••••••••....••••.•.....••••........•..........•••..........•........•.••••.•........••..•........................••......•.. DECLARATIONS I he re by a cknow l edge t ha ~I h a v e re ad thi ~ap p l ic ation ,fill ed o u ti n Cull the in formatio n requ i red.cC 2pleted an a c curat e p lo t p l an ,~n d state that ~l l the i n f o~ation provided a Q r e ~ir e d ia cor r e c t .•a gree t o comp ly v ith the info rmetion an d p lot p l an , to comp ly v it h ell Town ordin ~n c e .and e t a t e l.wa,a nd t u bu ild this ~truc tur e a ccor ding t o the To wn's ron ing ~d subdi viaio n c o de a,d esi gn review app rov ed,L~i t o rm Bu il din g Code a n do ther o rdin an ees o f ~he Town app l ica ble ~h .reto . 'l I':QUES TS FOR I NS P'J':CTIONS SHAL L BB MAD B TWENTY -POUR HOURS I N lUlVl'w."qC E BY TE LJ':PIlONR fl.T 4 7 '-2 138 OR fl.T OUR OFPICE !"R OM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM ;- S I o..~)U or OH.R CONTRACTOR FOR ll I ~'lln.F AND OWNER •• TO WN OFVAIL,COLORADO .Stat cmnt................................................................. S t atcmnt.Numb er :RBC -06JJ Amount: Paym~n t Met h od :3 4616 Nota tion: 57 .00 OS/23 /0 0 13 :54 BURN E:TT PLUMBI NG Init:IN p ~~t No :EOC-0071 Typ~:B -ELse Parcel No:2 101 -102-01 -004 Sit@ Ad dres s :203 8 SUNBURST DR Location:2038 SUNBURST DR ELECTRICAL P ERM IT Th is Paymen t 57 .00 T otal Fees: Total ALL PrD t s: Bala nce: 5 7 .00 57 .00 .00 Accou nt Code E P0 0 1 0 0003 11 14 00 we OU100 003 112 8 00 Descri pt io n ELECTRICA L PERM IT FEES WILL CALI,I NS PECTION FEI< Amo u n t 5 4.0 0 3.00 , APPUCATIONell NOT BEACCEPTEO IF INCOMPlAR UNSIGNED nn.02.., Project #:p e:s -n •lD Building Permit #:B oo -0°5 5'" Electrica l Permit #:t;CO-Ot:l,f 970-479-~(I n s pection5} ;/j/f' TOWN OFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 7 5 S.F rontageRd . Vail,Colo rado 81657 Contact Ean/e Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 Dr visit WI.vW.ea te-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg_permit #i s prov ided above).7/C'/<?;?.-:c!'57':"rr::7 --.--._-, Job Name:IJ.,t;k,I?0 S I rig";;;"JobAddress :~o3~s;.,,;d"'1f r041A<P Legal Description Tlot:I?1 Block:II Filing :3",'£II Su bdivision:PA i'/h L /-c-/ Ow ne rs Na me:/?;Il//f A<",-,Address :20 J?S"...,O~'iSr phone(5~/J J .:J./->'9~£ Engineer:/?n w /cr Add ress :/'1.3 e:/M.~~_oJ /JA Phon"!'??_)'1 'J~-.;1./?P Detaileddescription o f work :. -f-A'e c ,z .-:7/Pt-C t <Q ~/1 def,,';'<So h\..Q..t /6-17'rzs: s:New ()Addition()Remodel Repair()TempPower()Other() Work Type :I nterior ()Exterio r ()Bot h.)Doesan EH U ex ist at this location :yes()No() ~Single-family (0 Duplex ()MUl t i-family ()Comme rcial ()Resta urant ()Other () No.of Exi sting Dw elling Un its in this bu ilding:No .of Acco m modation Units i n th isb uilding : I st hisoerrnit For a hottu b:'1i'(1 No () Does a Fire Alamn exist:yes f No ()II Does a Fire Spri nkler SystemExist :yes ()No () COMPLETESQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNT OF SQFT I N STRUCTUR E:ELECTRICA L VA LUATI ON:$3 oo~",0 CONTRACTORINFORMA1TION LlC-~.D q-;>q "".0 ••*•••*•••***.*****.*******.***.*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .*••****_*****.*******._*_****•••**•• Electrical Co ntractor:Town of Vail R~No .:I V~;lta ct and Phone #'s :J 1'.....0 <.<.,..<.t e.rr III.100-0))1J ?,>'>6:J.",o ~M.'~:.~ CO ntractor Sig natur ../ 17 Other Fees:.Date Received: DRSFees:AccentedBv: Planner S ian·off:, F:/everyo ne/formstelecpe rm •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTM ENT OF CO MMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.F RO NTAGEROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 9 70 -479-2138 NOTE ,THIS PERMIT MUSTBE P OSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIME S MECHANI CAL PERM IT P ermi t #:MOO-0 041 J ob Address ,20 38 SUNBURST DR Loc at i on :2 038 SUNBURST DR P arc el No :2 10 1 -10 2 -0 1 -004 Proj ect Number:PRJ9 9-0 2 67 St a t us ...:IS SUED Appl i ed ..,05 /12 /200 0 I ssued ...,OS /23 /2000 Exp ire s ..:11 /19 /2 000 APPLICANT BURNETT P LDMB I NG ,Ir.&ATING ,ELEC . P.O.BO X 25 0,MINTURN,CO 81 6 45 CONTRA CTOR BURNETT PLUMBING,HEATING,ELEC . P.O.BOX 250,MINTURN,CO 816 45 OWN ERBONIFACE BR &ROXANNE S 6440 SE WINGED FOOT DR,STUA RT FL 3 4 997 Phon e:970-8 27 -55 62 Phone,970 -8 27-55 62 Description:Valuation: RELOCATE HEAT/AD D NEW FAN FOR EXI STING STOVE 2 ,00 0.00 Fire pl a c ..In fQrlUtiQn:R"..t ricc"d ,"{jOf Ga o Ap plia nce5 'IOOf Oa .Log '"lO Ot Wo od/Pallet;, H.chani c ..l ·--~ e t ..n Ch "ck ---~ Inv...ti g.t ion ~ wi ll ca ll ·_·-~ 4 0 .00 1 0 .0 0 .00 l.00 Ke stua ran t:Pl an Re v i ew -'~ ORB "'•••••--------------, TOTAL PEES --------------, .00 .00 5 "].CO Total Cd cu l ilt ed Pee.---> Addi ti ~~.l ,,"co---------> Total ~rmi t ...e ···-----> P"Y""'nt "._••••----------> BA LANCE O ~------···----~ 5 3 .1111 .00 5 3 .00 63.00 .00 It~m :05100 BUI LDING DBPA RTMENT Dept:BUILDING Divis ion: 0 5/16/.2000 KATHY Action,NOTE ROUTED TOJRM 05 /17 /2000 JRM Act ion,APPR APPROVEDItem:0 56 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Divis i on : 05 /16 /2000 KATHY Action,APPRN/A CONDITION OFAPPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOU 1RED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC .7 01 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OF THE 199 7 IMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHA PTER 10 OFTHE 19 97 UMCb CHAPT ER 1 0 OF THE 1997 IMC . 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTE ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE ASS PECIFIED IN SEC .B06 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 199 7 IMC . 5.ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMP LY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SE C .10 17 OFTHE 19 97 DM C AND CHAPTER 3 OFTHE 199 7 IMC. 6 .BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7 .PERM I T~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PKlOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST . 8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL RO OMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT -WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BEEOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRA IN PERSEC . 10 22 OFTHE1 997 DMC,ORSECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC . ****.***.**********.**••**.***************************************************** •DECLARATIONS • I h ere by ~c know l .dge ~~~r h a¥e re4d t hi .appl tc.cion ,f ill .d out 1n Cull t~.I n (o~tion r ~l r.Q.ca.p lct ea a n a c curate p lot p l an .a nd atata that .11 t h e inf o ~t lon provide d 4 6 r ~ir .d i.corr ect.[_g r ••to ~p ly e t ch the I n t c ~ti c n an d p lol:p l a n . tc c oaply with .11 Town or din anc~.and a t ate l.v~.and t o DUild t h t ••tru ct~••ccor di r~t o the ~O wn 'l aon ing and eubdiv!ai on c od••,deai gn r ....i ••ilP!'rovrd .tl'ra ifo ...Sutldln<j Co<ko and oeher ordinanc••o f I:to.Town d ppl 1c .ol .t he re to . RI CUESTS see I NS I'ECTI CNS SI!.\I.L li E ".AD S '1W!:N'I"t -FOW HCURS rs ACVll: f BY Ti:UlPffONE A":4 7 "-2 1)1 OR AT OUR 0 "1'10 '"ReM .:00 AM i :OO PM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN O ~VAIL.COLORADO •s ccc cmnt; Statemnt.~~r :RBC ·0633 Amount: Payment Meth od :34616 Notation: 53.00 OS/2 3/0 01 3 :54 BURN I-:"!T PWMB ING Ini t ;IN Pe rmit No :HOO-0041 Type:B -MH al Parcel NO:2 101 -10 2 -0 1-004 Site Address :2038 SUNBURbl DR Loca tion :2038 SUNBURST DR M!-:C:HANICAL PERMIT This Payment.53 .00 Total Fees: T o ta l Al .L Prot.o : a...}an ce: 53.00 53 .00 .00 Account Code MP 001000 0 31 113 00 PF 0 0 100 00311230 0 we 001 0 00 03 11 2800 Des cri pt.ion MECHANICAL P ERMIT FR ES P LAN CHRC:{PRim WH.I,CA LLI NS PBCTION F EB Am ount ""0.00 1 0.00 3 .00 APPLICATIO.LL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCDMPLAR UNSI NED ?'..:n Project #:•"""" Bu ilding Permit #:0 0 -0 0 GS Mechan ical Permit #:m OO.co I 970-479-....(Inspections).:</ff TOWN OFVAILMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit willnotbe acceptedw itho ut t h efoll owing:75S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 Provide Mech anical Room Layout drawn to sca le to include: c Mechanical Room Dimensions c Combustion Ai r Du ct Si ze and location o Combustion Air Du ct Size and Location a Flue ,Vent andGasUn e Sizea nd Location c Heat LossCalcs. u Equ i pment Cut/Spec Sheets • Contact EaClle Countv Assessors Office a t 970-328-8640 or visit www.ean/e-colmtv.com forParcel#-------_....".. Parcel #(Requ ired if no b ldg,permit #is prOVided above)-:?/IJ/-/0,;;;'-6!/--. ]ObN ame:..a -/la S (<!<iNC -e Job Address :d :3 &"s:8(7N#1 r A c-e o £It .v (;(~J f- ----. Legal Description !Lot :Block:~Filing:II Subdivision: Owners Name:B o f(/'"fif e",Add ress:Jo33...s~""t10("Gr Phon'TS,;/)J ::</-lif b r; Engineer:/?"."t~Address:/113 ?:d-O...P h o n e '(~)'/1J6-.;1.1')0,I'I1q4-t'~ Detailed description ofwo rk: IPJ2.Lo c,..r...r'v ('"#~~r r JO ~rr/~~/N /ofow h-ftol ~~rl(''''iv<5/'3</ Work Class:New()Addit ion vo Alteratio n ()Repair ()Other ()/(11.Al a dJ2 , Boiler Locatio n:I nterior(.)Exterior ()Other ()DoesanEHUexist att his location:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg :Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi-fam ily ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of ExistingDwelling Unitsin th is buildtnq:II No.of Accommodation Units in t his building : NofTvoeof Hreolaces Existi no:Gas Aoonan ces()Gas Laos()wood /Pellet ()Wooo Bummo () No{Typeof Fireplaces Proposed:GasAppliances()Gas Logs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurning (NOT ALLOWEO ) Is t his a conversion f rom a wood burning fir eplace t oan EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No() COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II MECHANICAL:$2 000 ,0 o II CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~ ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** Other Fees:I·Planner Siqn-off:".I Accepted Bv :III J ORBFees :",I Date Received:.',,I Iii!I ".v,0 'U 0 II F:/everyone/form s /medlperm UU/:l " I:OB~:~I/)/L~/===! M~:i cal Contractor:Town ofVail Reg.No.:.Contactand Phone #'s:rl ...... 5«tl ,,/JL r r:,¢,/3 /l>OM./0 6 ~i (7 ?0)f?f)!(-S.s6:L Contractor Signature' --- i./~-- • " 0•0 ~0••"u 00 0 00 0 ••••< u ,,~0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~00 0 ~•••~""" 0 0 "o. ~~0 0 0 00 0 '0~~00 0••••"""~•0•~,•5 ~0 Ii000,00 0•~~8•0 0 0e•••0 """•• ~s•• ~•"••0 <s ,••0 "0•, ~<,•"•~0 •0 ~~0,0 ~", ", ~,8••••"•~0 •0 , 0,•"•0•0•""•,-•-••0 """~•0 0•,,••"~0 "•i\~~••~•"~•••••,."0 0 •••~••"•o.•0 0 ~~l:l 0 0 ••,'.~•00 •88 Z l:j ~o .e •~,"a •e 0,_.~0g0·•8 0a~.•-0;.·••~~0 ""•:i ~• •8 i e ~~.0 g "•,•••0 0 0 • •• REPT13l TOWN OF VA lL,CO LORADO 07/13/212100 1218:04REQUES TS -INSPECTNWORKS HEETS FOR:7/13 /20 PAGE 6 AREA,EG Phone:q70-827-55&2 Phone : Phone:q70-827-55b2 Activit y:£00-12107 1 7/13/2121 T ype:B-ELEC A dd t~ess :c:038 SUNBURST OR L ocatio n:203S S UNBURST DR Parcel :21 01-1 02-0 1-004 Description:ADD LIGHTS AND RECEPS App lic...nt:BURNETT PLUMBING,HEATING,ELEC .. Owner:BONIFACEBR &ROXANNE 5 Contt~actot~:BURNETT PLUMBING,HEATlNG,ELEC . Status:ISSU~D.. " Co nstr :ASFR Inspect i on Raque s t Inforllla t ion ..... Re questor:J IM Phone :827-55&2 Req Ti me:1218 :00 COM.ents;WILL CALL It ~IlIS req uest Erd-'hPb f:-'Iti.j S1:l.ect e d,..A 1 ~o»jfO llment 5 Ti lIle Ex p 0014121 ELEC-Mi!>c.t -I rtf.-~:~_ In sp ecti on H i ~to r y ...•. Item:121121 1 1121 ELEC-Temp .Po wer It em:00 120 ELEC -Rou gh 06/23/00 Inspec tor:LP V It em:00130 ELEC-Co nd uit Ite~;0~140 ELEC-Misc . I te m:001 90 ELEC-Fina l Act ion:APP R CHECK PANEL ON FINAL •• -67-05-~OOl --- 8.1!!8J!l Inspe.:tlon floquellt Reportlni/ ______\lAU.CQ·I.O llV N .OF AlPIQ 1f\f9!!!!!bl!!-,,;.onst T}M " i\sx>lbo' COnlrI<lOr "''''''DnctlpOot1- Thursday.Ju!y 0"200~ JRM 2038 SUNBURS r DR VAll Z~UNBU~Sl~~J'~; ""sF"'IN 91Q.39Q....6JE.! 970-390-'3363 RfQUf,!!d Imm1ior'!Ij UHf'.IJ BL..DG.J.tn.t R-alJKiot.Jeff LUTZ BI.AU;£P."", eomrnonts-we 39O-6J6J AuIQneo:l To '~ -'<:lIon twod I,m_:O1i:vO All Pt"1OM.9;1)-~'-!lJ63: l:1)1.,.~Bv Of-LORES /( REj>']'131 ~(?~,/! COr rfJvftUh.iD e..-d .a 4#'1 d h-cf<.-Ie..Iv-~ /h.h/Aaf'YI V u\Jv fh G-. \1~ -Run Id'752 ,'• Des ign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL P rojectName Bo nifacere side nc e Proj ect N u mber : Project Desc r iptio n:C hange 10 a p proved pl an -Exte rior color c h a nge O wner,Ad dre ss ,an dPho ne .B.R.Boni face 2038 S unb u rst Drive Va il,CO 8165 7 476 -1330 Ar chitect/Conta ct ,Addr ess,andPhon e :Jeff L utz POBox1660 Eagle,CO 816 31 390-6363 Projec tStreet Add ress :203 8 S unburstD rive Legal D escript ion:Lo t I i ,VJl.il Va lley F iling3 . Parcel Number 2101 10 2 III lI O ~ C omment s Bu ilding Name: ------'--,----------- Motion by : Secondedby : Vote : Planning Permit Ju dy H.odrigul'7. TechCoord inator: Board /S taff Ac tion Ac tio n:s taff a pproved D ate :7/11 /11 0 DRBFee Pa id $20 .00 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ,•Questions?rfII Planning Staff at 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATlON This application is for anyproject requiring Desig n Review approva l.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prio r to submitt ing for abuilding perm it.For specific infonnation ,see the submitta l requ irements for the particular approval that is requested .The application cannot be accepted until all the required informatio n is sub mitted.The project may also need to be reviewed bythe Town Counci l and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission,Design Revi ew Board approva lex piresoneyear after fin al approval unless :""".:;;:::;;;;;:_.,~~~~.- '4 d'if'(l'n 4'RL0L"=2:-7,/';',;M- &b:'//~c..c, <;,;""--- LOCATlON OF PROPOSAL:LOT:BLOCK :FIUNG:_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS :Q O">5 <"I)A /';»K C r U k I I PARCEL #:,?)I Q(102..c>(0 0 "(Contact Eagle Co.Assessors Offi ee at 97a$8=864Q.foc percel #) ZON ING:---,~)_7'T-".,...._,_---------------- NAM E OF OWNER(S):-"p=-"-I"'e'-!,_L-""-"=""""""-""""='O -=,.-,,.-,_ MAlUNG ADDRESS : L OWNER(S)SIGNATURE( NAME OF APPUCANT: MAlUNG T S S:'-\!,I;..s~~c.s::-9'-'-"7'''''-----::==-----;--o-:'-r ."".--- B. G. -F. .,.-c. D. E. Construction ofanew bui lding . Includes anyadditio n where SQuare footage is added to any residentia l or commercia l bu ild ing. Ind udes minor changes to buil dings and site improve ments ,suc h as,reroofing,pai nting,win dow additions,landsca ping,fences and retaining walls,etc. H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: o New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 A Minor Alteration -~20 ~re y'/~/";::~ DRS fees a re to be paid att he time of submittal.Late r,when applyi ng fora building permit,please identify the accurate val uation ofthe project.The Town of Vai l will adjust thefee according tothe project valuatio n. PLEASE SUBMIT nus APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THEFEE T OTHEDEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7SSOUTHFRONTAGEROAD,VAIl.,COLORAOO B1657. For Office Use OnJv: J..--""; , •. Town of Vall Department of Commu nity Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vai~CO "157 Name:-:kr ~~f 5r~~~LC-Receipt No .'2;'283 f\dd<...: Doto -7 ,II h)P.oj oct:<;?&"".e,I!c.v., Plea8e make checks payable ttl tne TOWNOF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code'Cost Each ToCa' 001 0000314 1110 ZOni"end Address MapS ZA $500 • 00'0000314 1112 Uniform BuiJdlng ceee •1997-VohJ me 1&2 CB $50 .95 • 00 1 00003141112 Uniform Bulldna Code -1997-Volume 3 $60 .65 • 00 1 000031411 12 IntematlOnll Plumbl na Code •1997 CB $36 .00 • 001 0000314 1112 International Mechlnical ceee ,1998 -CB $35 .00 • 00100003141112 Uniform Mechenil:.'Code -1996 $35 .80 • 0010000 3141 112 Unll'ormFIre Code CB $36 .00 • 001 00003141112 National Electrical Code CB $42 .60 • 00 1 0000 3141112 Abatement of Oanot!roLlS BIda.'.1997 59.95 • 001 0 0003141112 Model Energy Code -'995 5 10.00•• 001 0000 3 14 1112 Ana of Revi8lo ne to 1997 Unifo rm Codn $12.75 • 00100003 141112 Other Code BooKs CB · 00 1 0000314 121 1 ~ueP nn~arCo~FeM BF $7 .00 • 00 10000314111 1 XerOKCopies XC $0 .25 • 00 '0000 3141111 Uonshead Master Plan ($1 .801$1 .60 MS $40 .00 • 00 '0000314 11 11 SbJ dles MasterPlans,etc .MS • 00100003153000 Pen FeNIR&-Ins no PN 00,00003 11 2300 ,Plan Revtew Re-check Fee (S40JDer hour I PF 00100003 15 2000 orf Hours n F_OH 00100003 12 3000 Contrectors l..Icense Fees CL 00100003 12 4000 s ~~Fee SP $20 .00 001 0000 312 4000 AddUo nalSlan,F..SP~~~::~~~~~~~_~~..s-~~d :=P DR PN 00 1 0000240 3300 '_M_....L-....cl"'O AD 001 00003121000 Restaurant U cenH fee (TO RL 0010000 230 2000 S c.Aueas .~Re&t8u rent Fee to Co.R"".SA '001000020 1100 0 TlWIbte ft ".5%fState ~Tax Plyable TP '00'0 0003101100 Taxa ble 4 .0%own ~Retail Sa5esTas.T7 otherlMlec.-MS 00 100003112500 PEe APPUCATIO NFEES 00 10000311 2500 Additional GRFA ~~250"PV 5200 .0 0 00 1 0000 31125 00 Condillonel Uae Permit PV 5200 .00 001 0000 311 2500 ExteriorAlteration -Lass then 100 SQ .fl PV $200 .00 0010000 311 2500 ExterIor Altef~-Morethan100 .fl PV 5500 .00 0010000311 2500 S OtYeio ent Dtstr1ct ·NEW ,PV $1500.00 0010000311 2500 Specie Qeyelooment Otsbict-Meior Amend I ,PV $1000.00 00100003 11 2500 Specie Oe¥eIo pmerrt District -Minor Amend F'V 5200.00 001 0000 311 2500 SubdMlion Fees F'V 001 0000 3 11 2500 Venance F'V $250 .00 001 0000 311 2500 Zon in Code Amendm ents F'V $25000 R..ZOn In F'V S2OO .OO 001 0000 3193100 Greenstli r P ro om other-MS TOTAL :.. -,4t~.~;;-- -Comments;- - - -~5:T7 Raceived by:() .J.'I- -Cash Money Order'Check'I- -I- TDNn ef Vail Ht CUSTMR RECEIPT ttt DATE:7/14/00 01 RECEIPT:001121S DESCRIPTION InY AI'ICIm TP TM DESIGN REVIEII FE 1 $20.00 tDR CK JEFF WTZ BUILDERS TENDER DETAIL CK 6559 OOTE:7/13/00 TOT~DECK AMIX.tIT TENDERED $20.00 TIME:15:53:29 $20.00 f20.00 TtRf<YOO FO R YOO R PAYIEHT! •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name :Bonifac e Deck Enclo sure andExterior Lighting Plan PRJ 99-0267 Project Description:Enclosure ofan existing deckandexteriorlightingplan Owne r,Address .and Phone:B.R.and Roxanne Bonifac e 6440SE Winged Foot Dr. Stuart,FL 34997 561-221 -8966 Architec t/Contact,Address,and Pho ne:Leslie Davis Resort Design Collaborative 1000S .Frontage Rd West.SuIte 300 vsu,CO 81657 476-4433 Project Street Address :2038 Sunburst. Legal Descript ion:Lot17.VailValley 3rd ParcelNumb er:210110201004 Building Name : Comments :Variancegranted by Planningand E nvirunmental Commissionfor encroachment intorearsetback. Motion by : S econdedby : Vote : Con ditions : Town Plann er: Date:9/17 /99 Allison Oehs Board/Staff Action Action: ORB f ee Paid:5 50 Staff approved ProjectName :Boniface Deck Enclosure and Exterior Lighting Plan VA1 LDATAIEVERYONEID RBIA PPROVAt.S\l DRBAPPR • ZOi'iECHECK Date:VI1 ICf[_-=-_____Ad Legal description:Lo'~Block FilingJM tk f,t er Address ~_ Owner ~:0i:e Phone F W/-H?4' Architect ftf:!li J.JJ/K Phone '1/&-':fi2? Zone district xr Pr op osed us c Iit/i Il¥iCfdi Lotsi ze flJl'!l Buildable area _ Primary GRFA +(425)(675')-_ Rem aining- ---= Proposed + ---+ Ex istin gAllowed --+---Total GRFA, SecondaryGRFA _-,+(-1 25)(675')=_---+--= ..675 =425 cred it plus 250 addition Docs this requestinvolve a 2S0 Addition?_.LIJa.VL-_ How much ofthe allowed 250 Addi ti onis used \...-i th this rcqucst ?--:====-_ Site Coverage 31ZQ + Heigh t (30)(33) Setbacks Fron t Sides Rear 20' .IS' IS ' \ Landscapi ng Mini mum Retai ningWall Heights 3'16' Parki n"o Required,__Enclosed Ga."'3S CCredi t (300)(600)(9 00)(1200) Dri veway Complies with TOV Lightin g Ordinance PCrrni tt c7S'O c '%Pr oposed Slope % Yes No,_ Arcfinished.grades less than 2:1 (50%)Yes,_~o,_ Envi ronmental/Hazards I)PercentSlope «>30%)'_ 2)Floodplain _ 3)WctJan ds'-=:=_ 4)Wat er Cours e S ct b~e -0Hj 5)Geologic Hazardsf--#~~-r:-----__!_- a)Snow AJ.J --'/J!,=0!!Jrll.:a.'I1lL..-'--_ b)RockfaJ l-----:7.c:T-r.:==--.:.-- e)DebrisFlow IfjIr /fift&itI Previous condi ti ons of approval (check property filc):'-_ Is the prope rty non-co nfonning?Describe :_ ¥£Jed udf9Jli aIIuv.mI wlu frppqj 1f/'trt M rIII1 hV1f r:WPVJ •• DESIGN REVIEW CHECKL IST SWl lS bade An gl es Utilities (undergro un d) View Corri dors o FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 addi tion al GRFA Crawl \Attic Spa ce EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Color\.\1atcrials Roof Pitch Variance s Plat restricti ons o LANDSCAPE PLAN Exi stin g [Tees Pr op osed trees Leg end MISCELlANEOUS Con do Approval nue report (A &B) Utility veri ficati on form Ph otosof site Buildin g material samples C.O .Verifi catio n Scale Benchmark Legal descrip tion Lot Size Buildable Area EavesfO\'crbangs (4) DccksIBaJconics Gara ge conr.cet ion Site Gra dc\Slop c Retaining WaIl s Site Coverage Fences Parking/Ga,age Turning Ra di us Driv eway (access an d grade) , Sno w Storage Fire Access - - - Project:_ - o SURVEY - - Easemen ts Topography 100 yr.flo od plain Wat er Course Setback- Environ mental Hazards- Tre es -Utility locations -Spo telcva tions "o SITEPLAN Scale -Buildin g Height Encroachme nts Setbacks '.' .. Bern ie Bonifac e l(!JU U .l PSA VAI L.......~n o2 J D.97e :'W:'''''S2 p,llr,c;]$2 "S Quaain?C.II".P1_iallSUdf..A7~2131 .. .:.'IL .TYl'S0I'Al'PUc:A.11OI'I: .a A.IdilI_GIlFA(2SCI)a __81 _ C e-liaaaoI Ullo_ a ~..CMiII!lr_.o--oaalliIroV_.:va.;..:(Raar setback )• o laiacc.ll A·wi"... , D AM '.,..D·Applu_Di......,untA- c F"IJ',.eJ';C LWt(1""e:) o .......C ....CCPMrii...,It"rI_ (Vail~) C ....O ......CCIs.Lw~ (I ',Q c Sp 'de d ......J)iaidaMIjar_C MmcrA dRs ID lID SDD ·.-. \... .'. ,...,.'. • ,~ .:.~·"".:}.'':i < .::i:" ,,'... '.:'$ .~ -.'",~..~-.~ '.:'.:J "'J1.....j. ·, '.'. ",~" We s t ~S't,e.300 De s iqn Oollabora~ive PliCM ...0 7 N.ucSOFO'WNEIt(S):B·.R ~·and .Roxanne s ,Bon i faee MAJL~QADDRf'SS;641.4,0 s..E .Winged Fooi:Dr d.ve ~tuaht,FL 34997 ~(561)221-8966 '.. DE3C'RJPIlON'Of'TREUQUEST~enclose an e Xi.sting second level d eck surrounded b y three e xi5tLnQ e Xterior valls a t the south side of the J:'esiden:ce "P rev i ou's ~y :'~J::h is are a was qr~nt.ed a r eOl.X 's e tback"·:v ari ...nee >....-., .'. LOCAna-lOFPROP05~t.oTJ.7 BlOX W{J\m..rNGXail Val'ey J rd £il in~ AD~·20 )8 SUhburs t'Drive BtnLDINONAME:Bo n iface residence ZO~O~£am ~l y primary /seoondary r .s ide ntial d i strict O~Il(CHAT1lII£(S):",CL~~_ MAMEOF~•Le S1.ie "Davis, ~lUNGAlXHtESS:·1000 s~Front-age Road.. F-Plid:'--__.:...·CW:'--__-:..Br-~_ '. fEE.S£B~SummTAL~FOR-nmAPPaOPIU4TE fEE. stl1IMIT TIDS.AI'PUCA'DOIf..AU.5IlBMI1'1:AL IlEQUmDIDIT&AMI 'l1Dt WEE TO-nm IJa'AIlDII:NT OFCOMkIJNii ..~.751KJU1B ftONTAGEJlOAD,. V.uz.,.COLOIWlOIlS'7.·. a. c. D. F. G. .Eo ,• MEMORANDUM • TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT : Planning and Env ironmental Com mission Com munity Deve lopment Departm ent June28,1999 Areq uest fo r rear setnack v ariance f rom S ection 12-60-6 toallo w t ora resid entiala ddition locatedat2038 Sunburst I Lot 17,Va il Va lley 3 rd . Applicant : Planner: B.A.andRoxanneBo niface.representedbyLes lie Davisof Resort Design Collabo rative Allison ocn s I.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST Theapplicants.B.A.and RoxanneBorutace.represented by Leslie Davis at Resort Design Co llaborative.are requesting ava riance fromSect ion 12·6 0-6toallo w fo r theenclosure ofan exi sting deck intherear se tback.The single -fami ly residence wa sgranted arear se tback variance on April12,1982 to allowfora rea r setback of 7.5 ft.The variance w as granted d uetothe u nusual shapeof the lot,the existing haz ard.toallowan adjacent property owner avie w totheGoreRange, a nd toa llowfor increased land scaping in the frontalonga h ighlytravelledped estianandbicycle route .Thecur rent request doesno t c hange thiS7 .5 ft.rearset back becau se the re is c urrently GRFAbe low andtobo th sides of theexisting d eck.butd oes add additional bUilding mass inthe setback,requ inngavariance .Thedeck enclosure will e ncroac h approximately 2 ft.intothe 15'rear setback.o rapp rox imately 13 ft from t herearpropertyline.wh ichabutslandzo ned Natural Area Preservation Districtand TownofVail owned land.A cc py 01 the plans,along with alett er descri bing the re q uesthavebeenattachedfor reference . Thepro poseddeckenclosureisanadditional 378 sq .ft .of GRFA.and anincreasein s ite cove rage of 120sq.ft.(due tot h e ov ernanq 01 the deck).The propos edaddit ion d oes no t tall w llh inthe high d ebrisflowha za rd lo ne. II.ST AFF RECOMMENDATION T he Commun ity Development Departme nt r ecommends a pproval of t he requestedrears etback v anance subject t othefollowing fi nd ing3: t.Thatthe g ra ntirg of t he rear set cack var.ance d oes n ot c onstit utea grant o f s oecial privilegeincons ist enr .....I:h tre imitatio ns o n et h er pr ope rries inth e Prima ry/S econda ry Z one Jistrict. 2.T hat the g ranting of t ile v ar.ance w ill not be detri mental t o the public health,safety orwelfa re,o r materially injurio us topropert ieso rimprovements i nthe v icinity . 3 .Thatthe v a ri ance isw arrantee beca usethe re areex ceptions o r ext raordinary c ircu mstances o r con ditions applicable tothe samesiteofthe v ariance t hatdo not applygenerally toot herp ropert ies in th ePrimary/Sec ondary Res idenlial Zone District. Sho uld thePlanning andEnv ironmentalCommission ch oose toapprove th is va riance request,st aff 1 • recomm endsthe following co ndition : •, 1.That priortoDesignRev iew Board approval.theapplicant shall subm itan exterio r lighting plan wh ich bringsthelot into conto rmarca with Section 12·11·5J (Exterio r Lighting)of t he T own Code. III.ZONINGSTATISTICS LotSiz e: Zoning: Hazards : GRFA: Set backs: Front: Sides : Rear Site C overa ge: 19.641 sq.h. Primary /Sec ondary Residenti al Debri s Flow High /M oderate Hazards,Med ium Seve rity Avalanc he Allowed PI S E xist ina Pro posed 506 4 sq.h.4 013 sq .h .4 391 sq .h. 20'20 'N/C 15'15'NlC I S'7 .5'7.5' 20 %(3929 sq .ti)2729 sq .rt,or 130/.2849 sq.h .o r 14% IV.CRITERtA ANDANDINGS A.Consideration of Factors RegardingtheSiteCov erage and Setback Variances: 1.The relationship o f therequestedvarianceto other ex isting orpote ntial uses andstructuresi n thevl(;i nlty. S taffbelieves that t ~e p roposed r esid e ntialadd ition iscompatible withthe surroundingdeve lopment.T headcition isonthe r earof t he house ,which is adjacenttoNA PD·zonedp roperty .No other prope ni es wi ll beaffected by t he add ition .Theinc rease insite cov erage associated wit h t his reque st andth e additional bUild ing ma ss is notvis ibletoa djacentp ropertyowners . 2.Thedegreeto which relief from t he strict and literal Interpretati o nand enforcement of a specif ied reg ulationi s nec essary to a chie v e c ompati bil ity anc u n iform ity of t reat ment a mongs ites in t he v icinity o r t oa ttain the obj ect ive~of t his tille w itho ut a g ra nt of s pecial privilege . The 1982 re ar setbackvariance was grantee based onexisting site c onstraints.inClud in g me C I ~CU It snace o f the lot and the attempt tokeepas litt le cevelccrnent as po~sib le ::-:ma hazard z one,along w ith allcwing an adjacent p roperty :.wr er to re tam views of the GoreRange .It was a lso noted lhat gra nting t hE rear setbacx var.arc e couldallowfor increas ed landscaping a long thef rontof the resid erc e .Cue to th ehigh pedestri an an d bicycle traffic on t his street,this was tl'10 11fjl1t to tie apositi ve effect o fthe variance. B ecauseof thes e tactc rs ,s tartce liaves that the rear set back v ariance is still warranted and is n ota grant of s pecial privilege. 3 .Theeffectof t h e reque sted va r i anceonli ght a nd air,distri b utiono f 2 ,•• population,tra nsportat i on ar.d traffi cfac ilities,public facilities and utilities,andpublic saiety . Staff does notbelieve mat there w ill beanynegat ive impacts associated wi th th ispro posal,if c onstructed,onme above-referenced crit eria. B.The Planning and Environment al.Commission shall make rhe following findings before grantinga veiience : 1.T haithe ~ranting of the v ariancewill n01 con stitute ag rant or sp ecialpriv ilege inconsiste nt w ith t he lir.1 itations ono therp rope rties classifi edint he s ame di strict. 2.T hat the granting of ~h e variance w ill not be det rimental to the public health. safe ty o r w elfare,or mat erially injurioust o properties o r imp rove m ents in th e vicinity. 3.Thatthevariance is warranted for oneor moreatthefollowing reasons : a.T hest nct liter al interp retation orenfo rcementof t he specified ragu lation'Noula resunin p ractical d ifficultyoru nn ecessary p hysic a l hardship inconsistent 'N!th the objectives of this title . b .There ar e excaonons or ext raord inaryci rcumstances o r conditions apc licable to me sa me site Of the variance that 00 no t apply g ener ally to other p roperties mth es am e zone . c .-~he strict interp re tat ion o r enforcement of t he specifi ed r egulation w ould de prive thE ao pncaor of privileg es e njoyed by the ow ners of othe r properties in the same d istrict. • i,I ~t:I '"-:-.;.!,,,, p ! , t I i ;I~ ",, "}1I;ec;r I;?"'" I I (~~'"''''''";,.J ,'.'/ ,I !, ;, i, / !,, I~1 ' J'" " . "• ~• , , .!r •i' ~,, ~. ::" , • ..' ,,. " ,.. ri · \ 1J ..:e:nl 'l'e-l.L.I.....,. ,...,~\Il I I 'l tl l»""'I ,••,\!l~REe '"I/'~-:'···T ··!';I;'''"'r Q'."y'D,,It';;''{\).''..,~"-'.'."".~I '.... ....2'3506 i l',:;I...._ft'(•,c:':.J -=:,I:....,....r ....."<'1 '.'oc :~.J.',,:....._.•.~~~i t: ". ".. II • TH E RE SORT DESIG~ C OLLABORATIVE - • ..HP L ICATI ON FO R PLANN ING .~N D E:"lVI R ON ME ;-.lTAL C OM M:ISS lO N APPROVAL DATE: TO: F ROM: RE : JUNE 1.19'J'.,l T OW!':O F V.....IL C Ohfr,.IUMTY DEVELOP!\1.ENT LESLIE D AV ,~,T HE HE'lORT DES IGN CO LL.\DURATIVE L."'-'TElL'lAll0NA L B.R.AND ROXAI"NE S.BU!'iIF .'\CE RESIDE.".Jc:r: 2a~SL:NBlJ RST D RIVE LOT 17 VAIL V.Ul.EY.3-.0 flUN G The variance we a re recucs ricgo n th e behal f o fo ur client.Bernie Boni face,is ;1 rear setback vanance.P reviously,in approximately 197i .a tar set back variance W'.l.S g ranted d ue to site constraintsaod h azards red ucing and ITWl d.:uing the b uildable area, Th e p roposed addition.on th e rearo r south side o f the re sidence,would b eto enclose an csisecg second leveld eck,whic h is currentlysurrounded by thre e exteri or ...-alls.The deck and the rirsr level below ar c thepornon o fthe building,which llunimaIl y encroaches the r ear setback (appr oximately 2'·6"on the west co rnerand 1'-0"O D the east corner)and was previously approved todoso.Wefeelthis additio n would not be haz ardous to the reside nts nor its neighbors ,and hav e little irnp:u:t t o the:negb borbcod,as thi s portion o frhe h ouse is adjac ent toBT_\[property. Best regar d s, THE RES ORT D ES.lGi'COLLo\BO R.YDVE I ~TE R."'ATIO N.'\L P.c. Le slie D J.Y·..s . V ....ll 'RI~CO ,n fnL~r ~l n r l~ell su.com •• r:'-~ ~~ L- \'," . ,. ,j(f,-- ~~L.IfI. I '••I .'.. ..".i' .\., -. \ .--~=~-, .."-------- '4- i ".,• .\"~- •T<-~".'~'.-----.\'"",-'r :",\ •• t " y ' I }1 JI ''-'., f "J~',~ ~, ,,:::.---.-..;-<~..•E:"-<rJ s .~'~.:- .. r,- ~ Coz: ;I ,', • '. -,, I' \,, .- / I • • .- ,, , t. -I , ,\, ,I I I -,,, !.' I II, r I\i ,', f /-\ I I I, I I i , I I I I/' , I " I , j i i \ I,\ I ! \ ,, ',,"',.. \ ( " "•,. ,. ,, ~., ¥• ••...'.--.~ ,. 1 I i i. I L ,;.."..\\:, •, t- r ;n, '1 ~ r \1' ~;r.. '. 1 I ::_t, r,., ,I., f, II tII "! '", I I I ,, I Lj J' -,.... J Il- .~ j, •f ,II I I j I . ,1 -I,-,\ \I I I ,i I J 'I \, I ~I!, I I I 1-,I.III•,I \ \1 , I I j ,r, L ;-i.. ~_.._. 1'--:--->" ._-. .. •. ,.,t J ",.,, ! ,- i, f ••• PLANNING ANDENVIRO NMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday.J une 28 .1999 FINAL A GENDA Prolect Orientation I PECLUNCH -Community Development Department 11 :30 p.m. M EMBERS P RESENT J ohn Schofield Ga lenAasland Diane Goi den Bri an Doyon T om We ber Chas Bernhardt Dou g Cahill Site V isits : M EMBERSAB SENT 12 :30 p.m, 1.A &G Developm ent -5 t 66 Bl ackGore Drive 2.Boni!ace -2 038 Sunburs!D rive 3 .B ergey -2427 Chamon!x La ne 4.Hu erta-3 003 BellflowerDr ive Driver:Geo rge NOTE:If the PEe hearing extends unt~6:00e.m..the board win break fordinner from 6:00 -6:30 p.m. Public Hea ring.Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1.A re q uest f or a min ors ubdivi s ion ,to vacate aco mmonlotline c reating a newlo t.and a varia nce,toa llow forth e estab lishment ofan access ease m e ntlesst han 40 'in Width. locatedat 5166 Black Gore Drive I Lots4a nd 5.block 1.Gore Cre ek Subdivisi on . Applicant :A &G Development Partners Planner:Brent Wilson MOTION:Chas Be rnardt S ECOND:Ga len Aasland APPROVED NEWL OT UNE WITH 1 CONDITION : VOT E :7-0 1.The proposed newaccesseasements must be recordedwit h theEagle County Clerk an d Recorder 's Officep rior t ot he recor ding of t hepr oposeda mended p lat. Theeasement will be recorded on all affected lots.Ifthese access easeme nts arenotrecorded,theamended plat shall not be recorded an d becom e void. •MOTION:Doug Cahill •S ECOND:ChasBernhardt VOTE:7-0 • APPROVED VARIANCE WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Th e prop osed new accessease mentsmu st be rec ordedwith theEagte Co unty ClerkandRecorder'SOffic epri ortot he recording ofthe p roposed amended plat. T heeasement w ill bereco rded onall affec tedlot s.Ift hese acces seasements a ren otreco rded.theame nded pla tsh allnot berecordeda ndbecomevoi d. 2,Arequest for aside set back varia nce,from Sect ion12-60·6 ,t oanowfo r a bathrooma nd cl oset addition,located at 2427 Cha monixLn.!Lot2 1,Block A,VailDas Sc hone 1st Ap plicant:J ohna nd Karen Bergey Planner :Dominic Mauriello M OTION :DougCa hill SECON D :Chas BernhardtVOT E:7·0 APPROVED W ITH 1 CONDITION: 1.T hatt heORB rev iewand a pprove t heparkingimprovements,p rior t othe issuance ofabuilding permit. 3.Arequ est fora rearset back va riance,fromSect ion 12-60-6,toa iiowfora deck enclosure,loca ted at 2038 SunburstDrive I Lot17,VailVaiiey 3'" App licant:B.A.andRoxanne B oniface,r epresented by Les lieDavisofROC Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION:GalenAas land SECOND:DougCahillVOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1.Tha t p rior toDesign ReviewBoard a pproval ,theapplicant s hall s ubmit a n ext erior light ing p lanw hichbrings t he lotintoco nformance wit hSection12-11-5J (Exterior Lighting)oftheTow nCode. 4 .A requestfo r a variance fro m Section 12-60 ·6 ofthe Tow n ofVailM unicipalCode,to allow foranenc roachmentintotherequir eds ideandfro nt setbacks.locat edat3 003 Bellflowe r Drive I Lot9.Block 6.Va ilIntermountain. App licant:M r.GuillermoHuerta Planner ;G eorgeRuther MOTION:BrianDoyon SE COND:Doug Cahill APPROVED VAR IANCE FO R FRONT SETBACK VOT E :7 -0 MOT ION:Brian Doyon SECOND :ChasBernhardt VOTE :7-0 DENIED VARIANCE FORSIDE SETBACK 5.Arequ estfor a final r eviewof a proposaltoam end t heTown's "Pu blicAccommodation ZoneDistrict ,"C hapter 7and a mendments toChapter15,GrossRes identialFloor Area (GR FA),Tow n o f VailMun icipal Cod e. Applicant:J ohannes Faessler,represented by Braun Associates ,Inc . Planner:GeorgeRuther MOTION:Gal en Aasland SE COND:BrianDoyonVOTE:7·0 2 ••RECOMMEND TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH ADDITIONS: 1.Th atnos urface par king bea llowed in t hef ronts etback. 2.T hat belo w -grade pa rking bea llowed int he setback,a nd itadditional p arking be requiredon lots,it beat thedescretion ofthePEG. 3 .That a sectio n be a dded similar to12-A -6,with text add edto de lineate parking with the exception ofitem#2tromt he staffm emo. 4 .T hat short -termgu est parking be allowed inthes et back. 5.T hatavarianceor SODnot beneededfor parking deficiencieson ro ts under a Y2 ac re. 6 .Arequestfo r t he establishment ofSpecialDevelopment DistrictNo.37(Antlers),to allow for theconstruction of 24 newcondominiums,7 newemployee housing units and anew parking st ructure levet,locat ed a t680 W .Lionshead P la ce(theAntle rs)/Lot3,Block 1, Uonshead Thi rd FIli ng . Ap plica nt:An tlers Co ndominium Association,repres ented by Robert LeVine Pl anner:George Ruth er MOTION :D ianeGol den S ECOND:G alen AastandVO TE :7 -0 TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 7.A requestfora final recommendation totheVail TownCouncil oftheDevelopment Sta ndards Ha ndbook. Ap plicant:T ownofVai t Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION:Ga lenA aslandS ECOND:DougCa hill TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 (to a liow fortext c hanges) VOTE:7 -0 8 .A request for a minors ubdivision,tovacate commonlot linestocreate a new lot,located at 2477 ,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch /Lo ts 1-4 ,BtockH,Va itDasSc hone #2 . App licant: Planner : Town ofVail,represented byNina Timm AllisonOchs TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 9.A request for a conditional usepermit,toallow fort he construction ofaType II employee housing unit,locatedat 26 5 Forest Road I Lot 21 ,Bl ock7 ,Vail Village 1st Filing. Ap plicant: Planner: Lawrence Flinn ,re presented byMitcheli St udio,L LC Ali ison ocns TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 10 .Arequest for a final review of a proposedlockerroom expansion and loadingdock add ition t othe DobsonIce A rena,loc ated at32 1E.Lionshead Circl e/L ot1,Block 1,Vai t Lio nshead 2""Filing . Ap plicant: Planner: Vail Recreation District G eorgeRuth er TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 3 ••11.Arequestfora varia nce tromSec tion 12-6D-6.toallow forabuilding encroachment into a rearsetback,located at2657Arosa Drive I Lot8,Block D,Vai lRidge . Applicant: Planner: Townof Vall Allison ocrs TABLED UNTIL JULY 12,1999 12.Information Update •~C o n f li c t s ofInterest"-Tom Moo rhead 13 .Approval ofJun e 14,1999 minute s. The applicat io ns and lntormatlon abo ut th e pr opo salsare ava ila ble for public inspec tio nduring regular office hours in th e project plann ers off icelocat edat th eTown of Vail Community Development Department.75 S outhFrontage Road.Pleaseca ll 479-2138 fo r i nformation. Sign language interp retationavailab le upon request with 24hour notif icat ion .Please can 479-2356.Telepho ne fortha Hearing Impaired .for in form atio n. Community Develo pmen t Departme nt 4 75South Frontage R ood Vai~Colorado 8 1657 970-479·2100 FAX 970-479·2157 J uly7,1999 •• j !L ECOpy - Les lie Davis,Resort DesignCollaborative 1000 S.Frontage Rd.West.Suite 300 Vail,CO 8 1657 RE :The Bonifacedeck enclosure located at 2038 Sunburst Dr.I Lot 17,Vail Valley 3", Dear Leslie : Attbe June 28,1999 ,meeting,the Plannin gand Environmental Commissi on voted to approve thevariancerequest forthe Boniface deck enclosure located at2038 Sunburst withthe following condition: LThattheapplican t submit anexterior lighting planbringing thelotinto compliance withtheTownofVail lighti ngregulations. I will issue you r Design Review Board approva l assoon asthisis received .Shouldyou hav e any questions,please do DOl hesitateto callme at479-2369. :1ithsele{ Planner1 TownofVail TilE RE SORT Il ESIG'I C O LLA BORAT I VE • ri O ,\I •- A I'P LIC A TI ON FO R P LANN I NG A :"\O EN \'IRO NMF.x T AL C.O MM ISS I 0 1'O A PP RO VAL D ATE : T O: FRO M: RE: )L !'<F.I ,1')<)') TO\X '"OF\',\11.CO 'L\llI l\JTY DE\'ELO P;\IEl\T LE~J .I E D ·\\'b.TIlE I{E.'iOJU DES 1C:,,>'COL1.AlIOH.ATIY E I:-..J TERN :\T ION :\L HI{.,Y\il)R{):'\'\:'>,;l'.E S.HOi\IFAC E RES JI)[l\CE 20)R SI;NBU R.ST DR I\"E l.OT 17 '"AIL "I\L I-EY ,J RIl H Ll:-.'G TIlt'va riance we arc rc~ut>$t..i ng till the be ha lf of o ur client.Bernie Boni face,is a r earset back va rianc e.Previously,in app roximately 1977.a r earsetback va nancc was granted due to site cons uaiuts ami hazards red ucing and ma ndarinj;rhc b uildable area. The proposed addition ,o n me r C<II or sout h s ide of the residence,would b e to e nclose an cxi still~St't"llIld lew'!deck ,whic h is curre ntly s urr ounded by t hree exte rior walls.The d eck a nd th e Firsr levelbelow arc t he portion o f rh ebu ilding.which minimally encr oaches rhc r earsetback (app roximately 2'-6"011 rhl~west co rner and 1'-0"O il t he cast corner)am i was previous ly app roved to do so .\'\'t~feel this addition would nor b e hazar dous to t he reside nts nor It S neigh bors,an d h ave littlc.:unpil e t rothe neigh borho od.as t his portion o f rbe house IS adjacen t to BI..:-'l prope rr:.°, T HE RESORT DESIGN COLJ.,\BORi \TJ \'E INTF.lC\JA-nONA L o P,c. Leslie D a y i ~. ~il ~~t ~7 ~4 ·~.4 J l j ,.\I I. To wno f Vail •.•rt ment o f Commu nity Dev e lop ment•• 7 5S.Fron t age Ro ad Vail ,CO 8165 7 N ,m"~l!t Recei pt No.'S~I D"e--i.LJ~~Add ree J}:ra a'.P rojec t: Please make checks payaole toth e T OWNOF VAil A ccount No .i Item I No.1Co d e II I Cost Ea ch I TOla l,I ,, 00 10000 3 14 1110 .Z oning a ndAddressMaps I i Z A ,$5 .00 ~. 0 0 1 00003 141112 Uniform a Ullding Code -1997 -volume 1&2 ,rc a $50.95 i ' 0 0 1 0000 3 14 t 112 I Unik >-,~g ceee .19 97·vcume 3 I I ,$57.20 i ' 0 0 1 0000 314111 2 I Int ernational PlumblnQ c cce •1997 res $38.00 :. 00'000031 4111 2 ttmenetlcnar MechanicaJecce -1998 I iCB $3 5.00 I ',, 00100003 141112U mtcrmMechanicalCode -1997 ,,!$33.60 I " 001 00003 141112 Uni formFire Code I :CB I 538.00 I ' 00 1 0000 31 4 1112 NationalElectrica l Code I c a I $3 7 .00 :. 0010000 31 4 1112 A batemen t ot Dancercue Bid .s 1997 I ,$9.95 " 0010000 314 1112'ModelE nergy Code ·199 5 I ,$10 .00 i ' 00 10000 31 41 112 IAn asis 01Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes I ,,$12.75 . 0010000 3 141112 'Othe r Code Boo ks ,c a ,'., 0010000 3 14121 1 B luePnnts/Mvlar ccov Fe9$,,a F , $7.00 " 0010 0003 1A 1111 X eroxCopies IXC I $0.25 • 00100003141111 Lonshaao Master P!~$l.BOi$l.60 i MS $40.00 j ' 0 0100003 141111 IS tudies.MasterP lans.ere.,'MS , "001000031 5 30QQ.....lPenaltv F eesJAe-lnsPeCtions PN ,I 0 010000 31 12300 P lan Rev iew Be-check Fee $401oer hour ,P F I 001 0000 315 2000 Off h ours Ins ection Fees O H I 0010000 3 123000Contractors ljcense Fees I CL , 0 01 000031 24000SianAoc Jication Fe e ,S P$20 .00 001 00003124000 Additional Sian Applicato n Fee SP 001 000 0 3 11 2200 D esign Review Board Fee Pr Id I DR 001 000 0 3153000 BuildingInvestigation Fee !'P N , 001 0000240 3300 IDllYelofl8r Imprav emenr Ageemenl Dupwil 02·DEP,O I l A D , 00100003 12 10001'Restaurantlicens efee O Vl I RL 0010 0002 302000Soec.Assess.-Aestaurant F9EI to co.uec t.gev,S A "001 00002 01 '000 i Taxabl e @ 4.5%(Stale)·Ta ~abl e ,T P ,, '00100003 101100 T axable @4.0%own •Retail Sales Tax T7 ,, Oll1e rlMisc.•MS ,, 0 01 00 003 112500 PEe APPUCA TlON FEES I ,I, 00 1 0000311 2 500 Add itionalGRFA ."250'PV ,$200 .00 001 00003 112500 Co nditiona l Use Per mit I PV $20 0.00 0 010000 3 11 2500 ,Exterio rAlteration·Lesstha n100s.ft.IPV$200.00 0010000 3 11 2500 Exter ior Alt eration ·More than lOa SQ .ft.'PV $5 00.00 I 00100 00 3 112500S cecial D avalo me nt Deuct-NEW PV !$1,500 .00 00100003 11 2500S cec ial D eveioc ment District -Ma lO r Amend ,PV 1 $1,000.0 0 0 01 0000 3 112500S pec ialDevelop m ent District ·Minor Amen d I PV $200.00 I 0 0100003 1'2500 Subdi v ision Fees PV 00'00003 112500 V arianc e ,IPV $250.00 0 00 1 000031 1 2500 Zo nina Cod e Am endments ,PV $250.00 I Re-Zoni na P V $200 .00 00 1 000 03 193100 G reenstar P rogram Oth er .I MS,ITOTAL : I--l- I--Comments:l- f- f- I--OOPII l- I--Cas h Mo ney Order If.C heck.II Re ceived by:,4~I- I--I- , """9 , .. J • 0lPd:: !>i tt:fJtV~.1 AfC.iptl ~O< Alou nt h nd f'r Pd lInl 18195 /9la. '258.01 •.. 10emofYil iI HI QJST(J£fl I£C£IPT Ht MIT :&11Z199 81 !<E1I!PT ,eee957'J llESCllIPTHJ<an lKU<1"r. ~YARI Ifn FEE I 1251••<1>,0< RIOSOR I OC SIGN illlOCIl ItJAil 0<11721 DATI:::6182 /99 l Ol l<.D£D( lKU<1 IENOCRED 1258.. 111£:8:12:3.1laee I 2SI.811 "Jtligneeview Action"e TOWNOF VAIL ',- , 8,1ztr'tS" 2,'"/'0 -.."~,_ Category Number '9 Da te ----==+~9'~s:------------ pr~je.et Name:B ooJI ;i o .c .'---l (01 1 doa.c a /":f2..t> Bulldmg Name::B o<,....,.I 'C (__,£SA :../,1 'r .{ () /I "r ,'1'-{l -nco I I LegalDescription:Lot /7 Block -Subdivisio n \L o ~/\,/0 I L r ,?~7ProjectStreetAddress:"=~>"2 .1 (q ';1.(1 _1\,,1 f Zone Dist r ict --::j::'k::, 7 C omme nts:_ Motion by:_ ==== Board @faff ActiO "":) Vote:_ Seconded by:._ o Approval j I {)7 / 2 o Di sapproval ';9f.Staff Approval Conditions:-'1'-',~."-!'-t'-'p-"""""U..J:L_;~~L-72-1.~"-'"""'--'!lo;;!,<..-.LL-=".~:..z"'-"""--_9'.1l:.~t.S=-..... I Town Planner Date :-......'-f----------------OR B Fee Pre -palo 2'0,...11kl ••_. DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OFDRB MEETING:....-._... INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW•......•_-- I. A . B. C . D. TYPE OF RE VIEW:,'OV.COMM,Il'V.D£Pi __-JNew Cons truc tion($200.00)~i nor Alteration ($20 .00) _Addition ($50.00)_Concep tual Review ($0). ADDRE SS:Z o~22 ~We..=-_ ~~g~rv ~~~~~I~o b &!lj ;~'C;1llI1 "t¥'""HA~rJ- If p roperty i s de scri b ed by a mee ts and bounds legal de sc ript ion,pl ea se p rovi de ona s epara te sheet and attach to t his application . H.NAM E OF OWNER(S): ~~~~;~~:J~rg*tA ~~~~::;::::::::==______________.__Phone __~t1c..-I~~~~o~== APPL IC ANT 'S REP~N TAT IVE :~~~'t:!=1 ,J~A< Addr es s:1:>0.b2l':,lW'l }~.__~lr" -,-Phone - E.ZONING: F.NAM E OF Mailing G.NAM E OF Mailing OWNER (S)SIGNATURE: Mai ling Addres s:0 Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I .Co n domi niumAppro val i f ap p li ca bl e. J .ORB FEE:DRB fees .as shown above .are t o be paid at the time of submittal o ft he ORB a pplicati on.Later,when a pply ing for a b ui lding permit,p lease ident ify the accurate val uat ion o f the p ro pos al .TheTowno f Vail will adjust the fee according to the t abl eb elow.to ensu re t he correct fee is paid . FEE PAID:*;~C K #:N !JIDAT E:~J/df~Y :JfI4~I " FEE SCHED ULE; VALUAT ION $0$1 0,000 ;10 .00 1 $50 .000 $5 0,001$150.000 $150 ,001 $500.000 $50 0.001 $1.0 00,0 00 $Over $1.00 0,000 FEE $20.00 $50 .00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500.0 0 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONB YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTBD . 1 • 1.I"'~'(".....)"" • l • " .'"..- 0 .•.~,J I . 0 •.••,"""...,..,~;.",,..'-~Q ~.'..•.v;:"'.,"r ··,.I .e,'~•••.,....-,I •,,,'. •~I • ,.' ",..,." ";"1 [...;.',' /.'0 .., , J ...f ..! t '.':'.. ," " "f ':." .,, .'.,. ",. .......~.......':;" •.I r • I '.",' ''''I I "..... •',I'.' " " \".'•f ").'t .:.'J • • PLANT aAL. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUB S Botanical Name Quan tity S ize'" "'Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper f or dec idu Qust ree s is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous t rees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 f e et. "''''Indicate size of proposed shrubs .Minimum size of shrubs is 5 galloD. Square Footage~ ~'------GRO UND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OFI RRIGATION TYPEOR METH OD OF EROSION CONTROL -D......,d'-'-.--_ C .LANDSCAPE LI GHTING:If e x te r io r ligh ting is proposed,please s how the numb er of fix t ure s and locati o ns o na separate lighti ng plan.I denti fy each fi xtu re ·from the lighting plan i n the space b el ow a nd pro vi det he he i gh t above grade.type of ligh t propos ed,l um enou tput,luminou s area and a cut sheet Of the light fixture.(Se ct io n 18 .54 .050 J ) ___Dci . D .OTHER LANDSCAPE FEAT URES (reta ining walls,fences.swimminQ pools ,etc.)Pl eas e sp ecify.Indicate heights of retaining walls .Maximum heiqht of walls within the front s etback is 3 '.Maximum h eight of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. b~i~b~_ 8 I.•• .Dm q ,,Ii,75 = C ;lI:CKS ~lA.DE 'Ay....LE TOT O ~~Of\'41L j ~O.TAX -cosru..TOT.t.L .. S ~· 554 .00 • $3 .• 53 .• I536 .• ,~""I 1Q/j-~-5::/lc'S /11;-<1/5' />/.•JI,PROJf.CT _-'-J--"'-'-'-_-'_-""=-=-'-__ • • • • S 1.2 5 • • · =I , , - - •'., i .. i1 ,-"· , , I · A :- S!iOO. OO S2 . S.1 ~s ' .>. 1 I .,DO I ~ S250 . S2 . S ~ T.S I.OO PERS ",31 411 ...PA .N N ;;;.J __V _".s-:-.",<~1....~..>I .r.r U l 'iU •I 0 I II ,\.\,:,\Bl E ri :4 '/.1ST A TEl -(,..1 4 11 A;,\B L 1'Q.-4%1 0 .) l 4._,71 BUILDISG IN \:5 1 ,HI .~m A A , I 4 ~~A mo ,A (j A"••0 " J 4 1 N D ITIONA S .:PER.\1J I413 3.ALT R.....T N 10S .FT. •I DOO 4 m IEX TERlORA TERATIO N MORE TllAN 100SO .fT .] ~:[q~:~0 i ~'"'I~L~DE VE L O P ~1 E N T DIS TRI CT MAJOR AME§tKD I 4)3,,)A v E OP!\.'t A .1 • -.1 0 4 1.>.J :~I 4 1 ",r\A ~'1 4 13.3 0 ~N IN GCOD EAM E 1\'DMEN lS 1 41 ""~-N .' ·O T ER ~,·("UMM I::~TS "_"'-':l...L'-"-'-;t"--_.:..:..-"".:::...'--'_===='---':....;'--'-_=:....;-a " CASH I I Cit ~I j(jIJ /,,I J J,.1.0 LI NOT E:THIS PERM IT MUS T BEPOSTED ON J OBSITEAT ALLTIMES 75SouthFrontage Road Vai~Co lorado 81657 970-479-2131'1479-2139 FAX 970-479-245 2 • MECHANI CAL PERMI T • Pe rmit #:M95 -0077 Department a/Community Development Job Address:2 038 SUNBU RST DR Location : Parcel No:210 1-102-01 -00 4 Project Numb e r: APPLI CAN TBURN ETTP LUMBIN G,HEATING P OBOX 250 ,MINTURN CO 81 645 CO NTRAC TOR BURNE TTPLUMBI NG ,HE ATI NG P OBOX 25 0,MINTURN CO8 1645 OWNER BONE AFACE 203 8SUNB URST DR ,VA IL CO 8 1658 S tatus ...:I SSUED App lied ..:0 5/09/1995 I s s u ed ...:0 6 /15 /1995 Exp ires ..:12/1 2/1 995 P h on e:3038 27 556 2 P hone :30 3B2 7556 2 P h on e:4 7 6-133 0 Descrip tion : DR IV EWAY SNOW MELT Va luation :13,200 .00 firep llce Inf o r.at ;on:Re$tr 1ctfd :'Of Gas logs :'Of Vood/h llet : *,*********.*****,**",**,*~""'"H*.*i ••**t-************f EE SUI'IP\A~Y .'H .t:Ut H-tll"t •••**rtbt***'*******H.****_*HH-t H****tln* Ke ehanical--->250.00 Rel tu~ra n t Plin Re vie ~->.00 Tota t Calculated F ee ~--->353,00 Plan che ek--->70 .00 ORB Fee--------------).00 Addlt ionld Fees-------).00 Invest i gation>.00TOTAL FEE S-------------->353 .00 Tetll Per.it Fe.-------)353 .00 vt n CaU----)3 .00 PIYilents-----------)3 53 .00 SALA"lC E DU E-------).00 *************.*~*.*********.***••~****-~••••••••I .....***..~~...**......***•......*T*••••••••*******•••••••*.* Dept: Dept: I tem:05100 BUI LD ING DE~ARTI1EN T 05 /19 /1995 GARY Ac t,on :APPR Item:054 00 PLAN NI NG DE~ARTMENT 05 /19 /1995 GA RY Ac t,on:AP P RN/A CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL BUILDI NG Division : P LANNING Di vi s ion: ******************************************************************************** DEC LARA TIONS I hereby .c know ledge t hat I ha v ~read t hi s tpp lication,f ill~outin full t he in for..t 1on r equ ir ~,co.pleted an _ccu rate plot plan,e nd s tote t hlt I Ll t he i n10 r.atton provided I'required i$co rrect .I I gree to cooply with the i n1or..t ion and pl ot plen, t o ea.p Ly with III Town ordinlnces and s tate la~s ,and t obuild this st ructure ac cording t oth e Town 's zoning and subdivi sion Codes,desi gn re view Ipproved,Un ifo rm BUil ding Code Ind o th~r ord inlnees o fthe Town appL icable t here to. REOJ ES TS '0'IN SPE,TIONS S"LL BE "'E TW ENTY-'OJ'HOUR S IN "V,"'E "TELEP HON E ~'O""E SlGMATURE OF OIo'NE R OR CON TRA CT OR FORNIPI SElF AND O\IN ER ~-e1JZ,~~ .-/' o Itl:C'YClLDI'AnJI FItOK 8:00 Aft 5 :00 PI1 •• ****.*********************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Statemnt **••**********••••••***.*••****.**••••**•••••••••*••••***••***** Statemnt Number:RE C-0037 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:'30882 353.00 06/15/95 15 :25 Init :LRD Permit No:M9 5 -0077 Type:B-MECH Parcel No :210 1 -102 -01-004 Site Address :2038 SUNBURST DR MECHANICA L PERMIT This Payment 353.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 353.00 353.00 .00 ******.*.*.*****************•••********.************************ Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 280 .00 70.00 3 .00 '.. •••.. $/j-,e///r £""U ';7.l/£rC ,>"'(!y ' EX5 /5 7-'::J GM";9C F'/ II'"VII 5'#0 "1,1 /1;;Lr 8o/j.~r:1::' /;";;0",1 /0 //LI<''' ) /0/,t;"~,n.AI1<:-fI / /PoO/vI" 'OJ..y /Y'/Jc s:0'/U/.5/l/(/~/?7£1t ../~-</5 1 ..,/4 c/OA/) .;20 37?S.u.A/bk'--S~dn Y'c'Y/P ./£c!t2J ttY/i;? 7~5 ~C.,fRd/O:?//"oP d h'?/5 ~OP09 ~£~ """.A/o-/.-~£r ,#'Nc/o.,L'~t7L ".L:;r o/O ~/A/ ~.u-f£.&£-...-1/.,,/..,--.....-?/9P "%J/~ •• ~ign ReviewAction F& TOWN OF VAIL Date _ D-,."","'/c b-<>""'1'" Category Number"_ Project Name:B !'k1 1-"·LA ...K . Bu ilding Name:/1 Project Descrlption :_ 'aa""""h "I1 ..)-xT')....c'./I IBu.;, r --r1.<-. Co mments:_ Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:1 Lif (.,_t:,~.L 'LeI (•.,.4 ?0 a "")l ["to t:..a 'i I I C'a 8 /63/ ~Le ga l Description:Lot /7 ,Block Subdivision Zone District -pfs_ Project Street Address :\L,..:'"j "La,,,,.,:gllD ~7 7 - ....L.e.c-0 '4 C<] Board /Staff Act ion Motion by:_ Sec onded by:_ Vote:_ o Appro val o Disapproval o Staff Approva l CO nditiOn s:.fi)-Lc<C.,t:.<..,L,..,,',f'h n d),J f;'La l ",-c(.a ;~7 4(;''''''.'-n<CJ tf ~oL ,;0 0 <..",vI ./11'lA -I ~t--=t ~_"Z ,N,..A,_ Town Planner Date 418/95 ORB Fee Pre-paid ;2.0 0::>f"d,Ii • DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION •TOWN DATE RECEIV ED : DATE OF ORB MEETING: ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY N OT BE SCHEDULED ********** I f'l l I fl ("t1 IIf\JDEPT I \oJ t I..IVlllifi.~L ,. FOR REVIEW. I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A .DE SCRI PTION :L B .T YPE OFREVIEW: C . D. ____New Co nst r uc t i o n($2 0 0.0 0 )Mi no r Al te rat i on ($20 .00) ____Add iti on ($50 .00 )~c o nc c P t u a l Re view ($0 ) ADD RES S :au 3 fd .Ava t..<&"4 1 ,DA .U",j LEGAL DESCRI PTIO N:Lot It B lock _ Subd iv ision (h,..,I\)IJ.%~I ·3"D 1.6:>--\ I f p roper l y is d es cribedb y a mects a n db ou nds l eg al desc ription .p leas ep r o vi deo n a sep a rat e sheeta nda t ta c h t ot his applica tion . E .ZONING: F . G. Il . NAM E OF APPLI CANT :A " x e i Ii ng Add r e s 5 :7:':>i?:<::,...:.....-'''-'''.....,,,.,..-::t.:,,,z..:.''7.'''''',,...=::-;-,,=;-:-----A A ,I 7"<)<t 'i'Ph on e > Nl\M E OF AP PLICANT'SREPRE SENTATI VE :3''-11 c4'~'&..:L.ft 1 d ,k".., Ma .u ing Addre s s :,,0-.;O"-Lc,""",,"'<-.L6£k.£k..>6,-'---;:2I1.L:'7}7J,,-,-=c;'~"';='-:"'''-=----r Q.y"Co ~/{37 Pho n e 5Z 8 ·("k =z.-- Ni\l1 E OF OWN ER (S):Bn ,,.j d"Ja."""L",l\'--..J·~>.!..\'\"'-"¥F"a"~"""'--_ _hJ.,p . OWNER (5)SIGNATURE :,"c:«:A-"'-''''-~.f,,,Ji''''i-/.''-'''--=---------------- Majli nq Ad dr es s:/~t H i(D s f w.;q:/J 1..-d {)11. Llu'C 'I :/t 31 7 77 Phone '{'l:<:'.<:1-25';:'6 APPLICATIONS WI LL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S S IGNATURE 1.Co n domin ium App r o val i f applicable. CHECK FEE SCHEDU LE : F EE PAID: DRB FEE :ORB f ees.a s s how~ab ove .a re to b ep ai d at t h e t ime of s ubmittal o f t he OR B app lica t ion .La t er .wh e n ap plyinqf or ab uil dingp e rmit.pl ea se i de n ti fy t h e ac c urate val uati ono ft he propo s al .Th eTo wn o f Va i l will a d ju st the f ee acc o rdi n g Lo t h e t a bl e be l ow.t oe ns ur e t he co rrect f c e i s p ai d. J . VALUAT ION $0 $10 .001 $5 0.00 1 $150 .00 1 $500 .001 $Ove r $1 0.000 $5 0 ,0 00 $1 5 0.000 $500 ,000 $1 .000,000 $1 .0 00 ,0 0 0 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRU CTION IS STARTED. 1 II.PRE-AP P L I CA~N ME ETING :•, A pre -application meet i ng with a member of the plan ni ng staf f i s encoura ged to determi ne if a ny a d di tional appl i ca t ion i nf orma tion is needed .I t is t he applicant 's r e sponsibili ty t o make a n ap po in tmen t with the sta f f t o de t erm ine if t he r e ar c a d di tional subm i ttal r e qui rement s . Please nole that aCOMPLETE application will s t r ea ml in e t he r e vi ew process for you r p roject . III .IMPORTANT NO T IC E REGARDING ALL SUBM IS SIONS TOTHEDRB: A.I n a dd itiont o me et in g submittalr equ irem en t s,t he ap p lican t mu s ts La ke and tape t he pr o ject si t e t o indicat ep ro pe rt y l i n es,bu ild ing lines and bui lding co r ne rs .Al l t re es t o b e r e moved mu s t b e tap ed .Al l s i te l a p i ng s a nd s tak ing mu st b ec o mp l eted pr io r t o the DRB si te vi si t.Th e applican t mu s t e ns ure t h ats t aking d o ned ur ing t he wi nt er i s n ot b u ri ed b ys n ow. B .The r ev iew proc ess f or NEW BUILDI NGS normally r e qu ires t wo sepa rate mee t ings o f the DesignRev i ew Boa rd:a conceptual r ev iew and a final r eview . C .Applicants who f ail LO appear before the De signRe vi e w Boa rd on thei r scheduled meeti ngd ate and who h ave n ot as ked i n advanc e that discussion on t heir item b e p os tponed .w ill have Lh ei r i tems removed from the ORB agen da un ti ls uch time as the item has b een r e publi shed . D.The f oll o win g i t e msma y .at t he disc re t ion o f the z oning admin is trat or .be a pp roved b y t h e Co mm u n i ty Deve lopment Departme nt staff (i .e .a f o rmalh ea r ing bef o re the ORB ma y n ot be requ i red): a .w in dow s ,s ky l ightsa nd s im ilar exte r io rc hanges wh ich d o no t a l te r t hee x i s ti n g pl a ne of the b u ild i n g;a nd b .Bui l di ng a dditi on s n ot v isi ble from any other l ot or pub lic space .At the time such ap roposa li s submit ted .applicants mu st inc l ude let ter s f rom a djacent property owners and/or f rom t he a gent f o r o r ma n a ger of a ny a d jacent c ondo min ium a s so c ia t ion stati ng t he assoc iation app roves o f t he a dd itio n. E.I fa prope rty is located i na mappedh az ar d area (i .e. snow avalan che .rockfa ll,f lood plai n .d eb r is fl ow . wetla nd.e tc.),a ha za rd s tudy mu st b es ubmi tted and t he owne r mus t sign an aff ida vi t r eco gni zing the ha za rd report pr ior to the issua nce o f a bu il di ng permi t . Ap pl icants arc encouragedt o checkw itha Town P lann er prior to ORB a p pl ica t ion to determine t he r e l at i o nsh ip of t he prop erty t o a llmapped ha za rd s. F.F ora llr e side nt ia l const r uc tion : d .Cl e arly i n dicate on t he f loorp lan s t h e i nsi de fa ceo f t he ex t eri ors Lruc t ura l wa ll s o f t he b u ildi ng ;an d b .Ind ica te with a das hed lineo n the si te plan a four foot d istancef rom t he ex te ri o r face of t he b uil ding walls o r suppo rt ing co lumn s. G.I f ORB app roves t he a p plication with c ondit i on so r modific ati on s,a ll c onditi on so f a ppro val must be addressed prior to t he a pplicatio n f or a b u ilding pe r mit . 2 •L IS TOF MAT ERIALS • NAME OF P ROJ E C T :-.lA."~e t.""'~-<-~'~"'-~_ LEG AL DESCRIPTION :LOT£BLOCK _suBrl'rv IsION _ STREETl\DDR ES S:.9 059;b .n {".j "cf 61\.(fa;) The f ollowi ng inf orma ti on i sr equi red fo r submittal to t he Des ig n Review Boa rd b ef ore a f in a l approva l ca nb e g iven : A .BUI LDINGMATERIALS:T YPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof IV(>-.A Sid ing IV""( Ot her Wall Mate ri al s /.,t\",,' Fasc ia f "',' SOffits f\J ,:"",-,{ windows ILl"_> Wind ow T r im N l'-~ Doo rs .\)c0<-- Do or Trim II!1 ("\"J... Hand or Deck Rails IY r <\:J Flue s fJ I "'='- Fl a shings l0 P '._' Chimneys 10 6 \; Tra sh Encl os ur es Iv c."\._" Greenhouses tv .t ,( Retai ni ng Walls Iv1\" Ex t er io r Li gh ting l lL!-rv,c, Ot her IJ ~"-I ~fZ.'r fJ h i L dt.u I ':;'y If)" B.LANDSCAPING :Name of Designe r: Phone : 7 PLANT PROPOSED TREES l\ND SHRUBS Botanica l Name .' / .r:;f-! Quan tity S ize'" *Indicate caliper for deciduou s tree s.Minimum ca liper fo r deciduous trees is 2 inch e s.Indicate he igh t for conifer ous t rees .Mi nimum heigh t f or c oniferous tree s is 6 fe et . **Indic at e s iz e of p r o pos e d shrubs.Minimum s ize of shrub s i s 5 gal l on. s qua re Foo ta ge GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRR IGATION .,.'.e, 0' TYPE OR ME THOD OF _ EROSION CONT ROL C .LA NDSCJ\PE LIGHTING:If ex teri or l igh ting is p ropo sed.p l ea se show the nu mber of f i xtu res and locations o na separa te l ighting plan .I dentify each fixt u re fr om the l i ghting plan i n the spa ce be low and provide the hei ght a bove g rade.t ype o f l ight prop osed .lumen o utput .lum inous area and a cut s heet of th e ligh tf i xtu re .(S ecti on 1 8 .54 .050 J) 8 .......... ~. '.. " .;.rROJ ECT acco rxr :'10. • TOW I\O F VA IL IT n l • C I If ......."u.m:....V ...BIJ:TO T OW !'o'O F v ...n, !(O .T .4-'1:"'O'OT"4-TOT.d." =0 1 ססoo 4 14 •A 51l5"t\DRtSSMA _.0 1 ססoo 42415 UN IFORMilUI xcc ....0 1424 1 N l 'ORM PLUM BING _0 1 000CI 4241 ~l RM MECHANICA LCODE I 4.4 1 l E U E :.0 1 ססOO4 •..4 1 .AA 11. 0 10000 424 15OIl IE RCODEB ..I 4 1 4 ~,5 t:..tYLARS) ;~••I =,OPlES -:fOOOO4 _4l..STUDllS :0 1 ססoo 4 14 L :,t ~'::~...;\. •.OJ OOCX l 4H 1 P E ~I\L rv FEE S i RE-IKSPEtTIOl'S ....I 4 1 A ."'-C IIEe'}-'E S40 PERIIR . !OJ 00 00 4 2.'2 O ff HOURS INSPECT 10X f EES i:4 1.CON TIV\TKS LICENSES ft+.S .;0 1 ססoo 41 4 13 S IG!"APPLICATION FEE ...I 4 141 A DT IOl'\,\L SIGNAG E I-H :'S\(lO PER"SO H T ~0 1 0000 4 ..4 _'(TC A RT PROJ ECT D<~)NA TID\!1 0 10 •R .A ,~,\A ,. c-0 1 OUOO 41 I I NVEST IG ATIO:-t F EE (}I L DI~(j ) P ~\A . -0 14 _U A (Y.i A UR A H2 5U" ".01 0000413.10 C N DITIONA LUSEPE 1I I ~.0100004 1330 E T I:RIO f{,\LTERATI O N LESS T IIAN IOO SQl..T . -0 1 413 30 ~:OR ALTERA T ION MORETII ANlOOSo-t-""t . ,.01 00004f)JO P ~I ~P\1 , O I~'!!.'J.!'..PECIALDEVELOP \1ENT DISTR IC MAJOR AMEN Dl -0 1 ססoo 4 1330 S P ECI A[l~DEV ELO~.:.A :;.'1 ססoo 4 1 ..0SH DI\S N ,\1 41 ..A A . I ססoo 4 J 3 ~;.J COD ·A.'1TN D ME ~TS I ~•N!\G OTHER OTHER , S5 .oo • $54 .• 5 39.... 5 37.• 5 36 .00 • 5 37.00 • • s1N'•sill·• 5 5.00 ... S20. 5200.00 5200.00 ,00 5500.00 1 I ,00.00 $250, 52 50.00 $200,00 TOTAL: · •-' •-• ,. , ea , a i r :;>r)·>,- ~ · ~ ,·•"· "j; -', " •". j, . , • ._C(l !O(\lU-TS :fl~ CASH I I n:.~J H .O I _1 • TOWN OF VRIL Miscel laneous Cash I .~ 1)4-14-95 Receipt"172471 HccQ I)n 1.#CK #3:377 JEFFLUTZ BL[:oEF5 "DF$FEE Rmount tendered ~ 15:00:31 20.00 Item paid Rmount.paid 20.0(1 -----GJ PM INS_eTlON REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL . 47 9-2138 AI 95-001'7 ()//li P PEir5rT N UMBER OFJ!AOJEC . D ATE b;If.·4 ';',JO B NAME -'>L~~:1~~]~~~~;:k~==== /'C A LLER .::: READYFORINSP EC TI ON:MO N TUE S C g O?<j L,VI I !:'I!rd-a-,«c-LO ATION : g'Z1-55 f.,2- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FO OTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERG R O UND o FOU NDATION /ST EEL o RO UGH /D .W.V. o FRAMI NG o RO UG H /WAT ER RO OF &SHEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATION o PO OL /H.T UB o SHEETROCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICA ~:t J.nj , o T EMP .POWER )(H EAT ING /VII '"o RO UGH o EXH AUST H Oo g~ "5.I~o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYAIR ~/'"-J .......''"'"'r00 o F INAL o FINAL P;APPROV ED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIONREQ UIRED CO RRECTIONS : D ATE ---{;.c--L=~='-----INS PECTO R --"!-"'~'4<0.===---------- , INSPECTION REeUfST TOWN OF VAIL 479 -2138 §:J FRI /_@ PM ~f~'f ,I :_5 VJ !J 'II,-Rtfo f '"I oo~-C ALLER TUE SWEO ('( MON 'r PERMIT NUMBER OFPRO JECT DATE 7//)I 9.:5 JO B I i REAO YFO RIN S PEC TI ON : LOCATION :_""-"')'--'-_--'--'-"'-'-'-'-_ - BUILDING:PL UM BING: o FOO TIN GS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATI ON I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o F RAMING o RO UGH I W ATER RO O F &SHEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NS ULATION o POOLI H.TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL ..,t'lD.;s{FIN AL ')[1 r7 t.lrl1!~U C,P ?r,P ROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT IO N REQUIRED CO RRECTIONS : DATE --'+-+---"-1-'-'-''----INSPEC toR 00574 9 PLANS ATTAC HED 94 10,000 145 $3 39 PER MIT FEES PER MIT NO._---'::....::-=----'__ B UILDINGPERMn MECHAN IC Al Pl AN CHECK PlUMBING ElECTRICAl. TOTALPERMIT FEES BUILDING z ELECTRICAL0c:-e PLUMB I NG~ ~•M ECHANICA L> CHUCK FELDMANN SEP 30 ,1992 UliD±1\\Db'£'\It~N ------5 E~A '0~~9 ~-- :CHING "DMINiSTRAToe-----OAT E---- ZONJN G ~B U I\D IN G..N O T ES SMOK E OET~CTO R S REQUIR D P E R SEC .l.lU Or'THr:1991 UBC.H ELD _"un K04U 1K W "UK conr CUMPL IAN C~. VAl UATION 10 ,000 x X WOOD GAS ADDITIONAL (I REP AIR (I o GA.FA. ~lotOOA TIO N UPII ITS __ N OTE -CO PYOFPERMITT OBEKEPT O N J OBSITE I N ON SEP 29 .1992 DATE __"'0 fiREPLA CES """ R-3 (LE C CROUP V TV P£ 1.TYPE Of CONSTRUCTION 2 OCCUPANCY CROUP S1 CUT DlVlSION 1 2 2.3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OFWORK :0:-=;:-===",""-111RX¥N REMOVE WOOD PATIO ~1D REPLA CE WITH CONCRETE ~\~STO~~. P OO ~ BLA STING PARKING DWfUI~G U PII I T S DEM O E lC T ,..AllS TY PE 0' HEA l ADDIT IONAL PERM ITS N EEDED NEW t )ALTERATION 426 -5 PH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r---~==:::::""'---, TOWNQ F VA IL RE G N O THE .949 -4 138 fIR M CITY M AILAD DRESS B NA ME :LLOYD B DECK OWNER NAME RICHARD LLOYDS -, PO BOX 819 MAll ADDRESS VAIL 476 -4388 CI TY PH VOGE~~~~ST ASSOC . C ~~~~:~~gR TOWNOF V AIL REG ,N O . T ELE . GE NERAL C O N T R ACTO R I.LI=~~":_:":"_=~---- FIRM ARCHITECT £"',,R""-I TOBEFIL LED QUTCOMPLETElYPAIOA TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TV PE OFPERMIT f-,.-.t 11 I;;BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoElECTRICAL0FOUNDATION LJ MECHANICAL Gb 38 StmBURST DIRVE _~E C T R I C A L f iRM NTRACTOR TOWN QF VAil REG NO TOO E ..N ~\.~ Ilil"JaW d epartment o f community deve lopment l EGAL LOT 17 -==6 81-"" ESC FILI"i0'AIL VALLEY3RD \ F IRM M ECHANICAL C ONTRACTOR TOWN O FVAIL REG NO. tn.e OTHER ::""R":o..._ TOW N OFVAll RE G NQ CONTRACTORTELE. Iherebyac know le dgeth at I have read t h i s applica t ion ,f i lled ou t i n fu ll t he informati onrequi red, co mpleted an accurate p l ot p lan,and sta le that alltheInt c rmattcn pr ovided asreq uired isco rrect.I ag ree t ocom p ly w ith t h e information andp lot plan .10co mplywith a ll To wn o rdinancesands tate l aws,and to bu ildt his st ructureacco rd i ngt o the T o wn 'szon ing a ndsubd ivis i onco des,d esign reviewapp roved ,U niformB uild ing Co de an d o t her ordi n ancfS)~(t he T owna p plicab le t hereto. CLEAN UP T O :~.tA:..//;1;_ RI CHARD LLOYD S ~S ~,G~N~A~T~U~R~E~O~,~o1w~N~E~R~0~R~C~O~N~T~R~A~C~T~0~R,-;F~O~R~H~,~"~S~E;-;" PO BOX8 19 AND THEOWNER .... V OGELMA N W E ST A SSOC IATES ow,.,~'II 0 ',"'010 frnil R r- V.',Ir-- .I. ".8 . li e;"sua ce r {lr ntl IQofa o!'m ior an f 01 os nd ~:,.an ·I,S fil3 11 nO I e nst ~ao aem t tc.or an ,....,,!I •.~.:l:,"Ii /(;1 '1 y (he or na n ~0 Ihe j uri iea ion.Ttle iu IOel of "t o.[~j,I "}'"•,all /i ~D·...e.t Ihbu Idi of cialfror ttl flaf 1M r mi'ina he ."ionof ro in sai pi M.1$Del'!fleE ion anot P." "'" v 7 •.•.1 rL 1/ /// /1/ , t---';, r'c , ct "",./If / I)" 1\ ,I / \-It' \..J,.I !.'"-f"~"of-\+-t-I-+-+-+-+-H-t-¥+f+.:--'H-j... STO N E OESIGNS •MASON RY ·P LASTER -T IL E ·MA RBLE ·CO NC RETE P.D BOX 92t I AVON ,CO LOi=lA DO 8 Hi 20 I (303)9 49 -4 1381 FAX (303 )845-7605 """,~M t d v."c ,'v , VO GELMANWE ST StiEETNO.---l.:.-OF..::l--OATE ''1 M 1,"2.., ASSOC IATES CO-I.CULl.Tt:O Bv----Lr ;,Pdt<,0,1 r ,• """"n C .~x..~.<J "",I-fJ I !\I 11 /f I I \I,h;\ I I l-.e0 - (It,\'".""'='"I rI,.I I•,_.- -,I --- , / <, -,r •--.- -D!. 'I(,0 1(1 'r'\1'G \- J r~ hi: I"l.i h <:\1-1 I ~Ii,t"\L<-l.,I I "\ (A~jlj ~''''''1 r '",-..••, ..,.•• 11'-VIV \j "-'f V .L.. 'de 1/"A,e 11 :/l M .._. \.I STONEDESIGNS 'MASON RY ,PLASTER ·T ILE 'MARBLE'CONCRETE P.o.BOX 921 I AVON.CO LORADO 81620 I (303)949-4 136 I FAX (3 03)64 5·7605 ------AM 6) ...,INSPECTION REQUEST T O WNO FVA IL NA ME -t-2~~~~~~~---n--r-=,-----.------ CALLER I INS ~N ~y(o N .~51ftj£~""-"E,,D=LT----'~"'~L-FR,--.,_ READYFOR LOCATIO N, DATE --'+-f>-"--lf---'--=- P ER MI T BUILDING:PLUMBING : oFOO TI NG S I STEEL o U N DE RGROUND o FO UNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH /D .W .V . o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER •.. ROOF &SH EER o GAS P I PI NG , o P LYWO OD NA ILING oPOO LI H .T UB --o INSU LATIO N o SHEET ROCKNA IL 0 0 0 I'ct:ct N AL "tYr k )o F IN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP .POWER o H EATIN G o RO UG H o E XHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o S U PPLY AI R 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL (W'ffi OVED o D IS APPROVED o REI NSPECT IO NREQUIRED CO RRECTIO NS , D A T E ------'--r-.L...L..,~-"-"'---- ......._-~•••,••-"'"Y"I ••••Project Application • • /iXt-S7i/V'f ViI"&1 .Z one -,""....._ &"/L<!'T !XIs ?!"" U ,{f1MJ &12'< Des ign ReviewBoard Dale _ Monon by : Seco nded by APPR OVAL D I SAPP ROVAL Summary:_ .. ..•ORB APPLICATION-TOWN OFVAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING : 4Itrevis ed 9 /4 /91 COLORADO Rf _ *********. THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQUIRED INFOIUolATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .PROJECT IN FORMATI ON : A .DESCRIPTION :Re moval of wood at South s ide of houseand repla ce with concretedeck.Con crete deck will becovered with s tonefl ooring . B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Con struction ($20 0.00)__X_Min o r Alterat ion ($2 0 .0 0) ___Addition ($50 .00)Conceptual Revie w($0) C.ADDRESS :2038 Sunburst Driv e ,Va il ,CO 8 1657 D.LEG AL DESCRIPTION :Lot 17 Block __ Subdi visi on Vail Va ll ey 3rd Filing I Boo k 033 1 Paa e 02 58 If prope rty is described by a meets and b ounds lega l d escription,p le ase provide on a separate sheet and attach to th is appli cati on . E.ZON ING:~R",e "s '!.!.d~e~n-,t,"i a!!..l~_ F.LOT AREA:If r equired,appli cantmustp rovide a curre nt s tampe d 5 u rvey S fI "·'V'i ng 1 at are a .~1,",1-,2-",A c"r-,e~_ G.NAM E OF APP LICANT :~--;,J;R'li~h[!ja!!r:;:d!.*Ll!.10~d~s~""--n=,,,-r _ Mailing Address :B 19Vail CO 8 1658 ___________-'-Ph one476-38 / H .NAME OF APPLICANT '5 REPRESENTATIVE :Voqel rn anWest Associates.I nc. Mailing Address :P OBo x 92 1 ,Ayon .CO8 1620 _____________________________Phone 303-9 49-4138 I .NAM E OF OWN ERS :;-'R:..:i.o:c:..:ha:;;r;,:d;;.=;L.;.-l O"'Y"'d::s'-_ "SIGNATURE (S):~h..L..---- Mail ing Address :P.O.8'0£*9 vall ,CO 8 1658 ___________________________Ph one 476 -~388 --- J.Condomi n ium Approval if appl i cable. K.DRB FEE:ORB f ees ,a ss hown a bov e,are to b e pa id at the t ime of submi ttal of ORB app l icat i on .Late r ,whe n a pp ly ing fo rab uilding permit,pl ea s e iden t i fy the a cc urate v al u ati on o f t he proposal .TheTo wn o fVail wi ll a d justt he fe e acco rd ing to t he tab le below,t o ens ure thec orrectf ee is pa id .17f t-<-q'(1 /1 I"/6 ;) FEE PAID:$4.!;.")'1 ~\:!::./ FEE SC HEDULE : VAL UA TION S0 $1 0 ,001 $5 0,001 $150 ,00 1 $5 00 ,001 $Ove r -$10 ,000 $50 ,000 $1 5 0,0 0 0 $500 ,0 00 $1 ,000 ,0 00 $1 ,0 00 ,000 FEE $20 .00 $50 .0 0 5100.0 0 $200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 "DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PEFMIT IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS ""NOAPPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WI THOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 •LIST OF MAT E RIALS •NAME OF PRO JECT :-,L"l"o",yd",s,--,R",e,,-s ,,,0 d"e"'n"'c"-e _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT--lL-BLOCK __SUBDIVISION Vail Valley 3rd Filinq STREET ADDRESS :2038 Sunburst Orive ,Vail ,CO 81657 DE SCRIPT ION OF PROJECT :.Jpoe:rr:...J!0",th",e"r:....!!d",es,-,c"r2i "p>.t ,,,0 sa.,_ Th ef o llo wi ng i nfo rmati on is r equired for SUbmi ttal to th eDes ign Review Boa rd before a f inal approva l ca n be gi ven: A o BU I LDING MATER IAL S: Roof Siding Other Wall Mate rials Fasc ia Soffits Wi ndows Wi ndow Tr im Doo rs Doo r Tr im Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash En cl osures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MAT E RIAL Co ncrete Pioneer Gold Flaastone° COLOR Grey Gold B.LANDSCAP ING :Name of Designe r: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS :Botanical Name Common Na me Quant it y Size* PROPOSED TRE ES EXI S TI NGTRE EST O BEREMOVED *In dic ate calipe r for decidu ous trees.Mini mu mc a liper f or d eciduous trees i s2 i nches .I ndica te height f or conif erous trees .Min imum hei ght fo r coni f erou st ree s is 6 fee t . 7 !,.,• DEPARTME:'iT OF COM:l-IUNITY DEVELOP~IE NT SALE S ACTI ON FORM -s ,~.,~.1!':;"';"';'''''':.~''''''¥~~"''''_''''''''''''':;W~':::'_"'''''''f"7''-''''''.''''''~''i "",,,'''.:C'i'''J :'-''I>__''':~'~.~..,...~ I T OWN OF VAlL I '"~ ,, 1,, 1, , " "•I I I I I I ' I ...55.00 $50.00 SU .OO $32.00 536.00 .530.00 57.00 "',25 • •• •• •• 0 1 eooo 42322 Ion:HOURS C-;SPEcnON FEES 0 1 (IOOO~1 4 12 CONTRA CTORS UC E'lSES FE£S s:::o.oo / , ., f,..5250.00 $250.00 5200.00 ". ~-","'."~.,,>f">l"......~.~......,;;~..:-.....,......."'.~,,_..""'...,..$,'~:,..,~••".....-.?,:''C.;''''--<·.i;~'·""'!:::":':""'''''''~'''~~<--''''''~'·!",-'''''~~l ~'''''~-'''''''''i "..-, '.'. ,01 ססoo I $1*01 0000 2 1!17 T AX r4 %) ••01 0000 4 1010 TAX (4%) <,,-~j., ~. :';1'(,':.::''-~'y~x~_~,~i'~'q,'d:-:;-:~'~'<·i~rto:;",~",-·,~,,:,>_v~";;'.,:A-Y '~';';""·::i:;:~"1~~r!it 't'~:-r:r;tiM:t::.tl';;'':t<;'~~Ji4;.''''''''~:;~7 ::.:-i,:,~-:;:i1:i-','.'",,~:,<Jt-:"";;~r?":......:'<'f!·,...,,~t!t::,~n!PEC .ArrLlC'\TION .F'Ets ~:~J:;'F.>~~f<!¥~·,~'[ffl ;f.t.t ;;i -~"?t :~""J-'@ ~'i( 0 1 (){I()()41HO I AoomOSA ....·25 0 ~200.001 ; 01 0c00413 3O IC OJ\'DI 1l0NAL USEP ER.\O T I 5200.00 Ot ססoo 4 1330 EXTERlOR ALTERATION LESS THAN 100 5 .FT.5200.00 01 ססOO 4]330 IE..TIE RlOR ALTF.RAn ON MOR-ETHAN lOOSO .FT .1 5500.00 01 ססoo4 1330 ISP ECfALDE V ElO P~!,-"DI STRICT E 5 1.500.00 1 0 ]ססoo 4 1330 SPECIAL D E V EL O P ~fE !\"DISTRJ CT [MAJOR AM E.\f[)51.000.00 0 1 ooco 4 1~,.o I SPECIA L DEVELOP MENT DISi'RlC T t-iJN OR A.\1EN'D 5200.00I 01 ססoo 4 1330 ISUBDlVJS IO:-l 0 1 0C\')Q ·H33V .VARJA."'IC E 01 ססoo 4 1 330 IZONIN G CO DE A..\.1 E"IDMEVTS 0 1 0CY.l0 41330 R£.ZQN'O"G OJ ססoo ";: " Miscel la neous tasn P~~'L -i or tt 10~;533 He.-'l "# r::1t rl~H~:[)LLOVOS'.DE B F[[~~ ~nl'_''r 1..E-nde red 2(1.C'1~1 Lte m paid Rn;ount paid r ,"r '1-C II Ted .,)(to T HH NK .....O U NO PL ASSNOTE-C OPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE J UNE 22.1 992.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE..."0 05530•,.PERMIT NO. IIIII III I.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION IU lII lVV department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I RM BUILD ING 4~OOO DIVISION 12 21134 z ELECTRICAL TO BE F ILLED aUT COMPL ETELY PRI ORTO IS SUANCE OF P ERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOFWORK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITREMOVEANDGRAVELSAVEFORREUSE.~ "INSTALL 60 MIL EPDM REINSTA LL -c MECHANICALI!J'BUILDI NG 0 PLUMBI NG > o ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATIO N GRAVEL. o MECHANICAL o 2038 SUNBURST DR.TYPE GROUP G RF A VALUATION PERMITFEES LEGAL LOT ~l.wr OF ~§YB .OFA V R3 0 4 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 85 ~.a DESC.FILING VA IL VA LLEY 3RD PLAN CHECK 5 5 ~~"& O BNAME:LLOYD REROOF ELECTRICAL P OWNER NAME RICHARD LLOYD NEW !)ALTERAT ION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR PL UMBING MAIL ADDRESS 2038 SUNBURSTDR.DWEl LING U NITS __ACCO MMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL CI TY VAIL PH,476-0443 H EIOHT INFT.--NO.FIREP LAC ES --REC REATION FEE ARC HITECT FIRM INSULA TION'TYPE TH ICKNESS R·VAllUE DESIGN RE VIEW aOARD flOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~MAil ADDRESS 100 EX T,WAllS -ONE -ClTY PH.USETAX RO OF -FIRM PLATH CONST RUCT ION GE NERAL ,.. 148-B TYPE El EC.G AS TOTAL PERM'TFEES •24 u ~CON TRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG NO.Of 949-1905 SOLA R WOOD TElE.H EAT HXKH CHUCK FELDMANN JUNE 22 ,1992 ADDITIONAL PERM ITS NEEDED:~uTu5i"NGOFF1C IA L ------DA TE ----- FIRM LECTRICAL 1.!!.~I-_-.!O-.!LANNER_--TOWN OFVAILREG.NO,X ------NTRACTOR ST ,CU T ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE T ELE.BLASTI NG X !zONING &BUilDING NOTES: FIRM PARK ING XPLUMBING SEE CORRECT IONS .ON DRAW ING S .IOWN OFVAil REG .NO.DEMOCONTRACTOR X TE LE FIRM I hereby acknowledge t hatI haverea d th is a ppucatton .I i li edi~lu ll t he In~3lion req uired, ME CHAN ICA com pleted an acc urate plol p lan,a nd state tn at a ll th e i nfor mali ~rovide~.ed i s c o rr ect.I CO N TRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG NO ag ree to com ply witht he inf ormation an dp l ot plan ,to CO~~ia ll Tow I nancee a nd state THE l a ws,a nd to bui ld th is structurea ccordi ngt o t he T own's0 li91,»nd su tvrston codes,d e sig n OTHER FIRM rev iew approved ,U n iform Building Code a nd o ther /-/e!P'n apP lic a ~ TOWNOF VAilAEG.NO.CLEANUP TO 'PL ATH CONST .S I~~~Nf'A O fLC O NT ~O A f OA H'MSELf CONTR ACTOR TElE.DRAWER XIIXRIIX 5 920 AN E ow A.L--'" •"'l!m'l!" - 1-~-12 '---- R,Of 4.;"". (i9 Are 0 ~ • f.1 %fl!'"e",-i-h!s S eC.t ;O t"\ Town ot Va 11 Community DtveIOprntl1t Validity of Pe rmit see,303 leit9U.S.C. r "';~rss uan ce or grant ingof a pe rmit or appro val of plan s anti .,~.,;:k ;H i o n s sh allnot be con struedto be a perm it tor,Of an <:,~;:,.:v;Ji of,an y violation of any of the prov ision s ofthIs COO s :.r r ':;:""'y otherordina nc e of t hojurisdica tion .The IlSUiACe of "O:>~:·:'l :lt based upon plans ,spe ctuca nons and othe r data shall (1;;;prev ent th ~building off icialtrom thereafter l1IQu iring ttl. C ("r~;::ti ::m oferrors in S3l d plans.speclftca tions and Qttt!' .'".. / / T);), "'periL.,.s ed ;o" 6o LI' N't" 1 S lof'->/ /PIIll1 •-1'('-oved 0 • •• Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uni form Codes NAME :LLOYD GRAVE L ADDRESS :2036 SUNBURS T DR . VAIL ,COLORADO OCCUP ANCY :R3 TY PE OF CONS TRUC TION :V DATE :6/22/92 CONTRACTOR :PLATH CONST . ARCH ITECT:NONE ENGINEER :NONE P LANS EXAM INER :C .FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intQnded to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes .It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation o~any o~the pro- visions o t the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1)SMO KE DETECTORS REQUIREDPERSEC .I2IO 199 1 UBC . 2)F IELD INSPECTION REQU IRED FOR CODE COMPLIANC E . " PM ~e:e&J'" FR I ..J),,-----~M cit INSPECTION REQUES:r T OWNO F VAI L D ATE -+-f.:L.-'-"-I'-f= READ Y FOR IN SPECTION : LO CA T ION ,__--:::::;;.<+-.>...;J-,L_~*:L:.U'-'-'u::.1d.d.,<biz:....-~:::...c---'--------l--- BUILD ING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGRO UND o FO UNDAT ION /STEEL o RO UGH /D .W.V . o FRAMIN G o ROUGH /WAT ER RO OF &SH EER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING D I N S ULATION o P OOL /H .T U B o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 ~F INAL o FI NAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANI CAL : o TEM P.POW ER o HE ATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL :R APPR OVED CORR EC T IONS: o D ISAPPRO V ED o REINSPECTION R EQUIRED DATE 7 -Z 1 -92 INSPE CTOR la~ NOTE -CO py OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 6/4 /82DATE OOlOtoS I IIIII I V(i) PERMIT NO. t TYPE OFCONSTRUCTIO N 2,OCCUP ANCYGROUP A B E HI @ M BUILDI NG '"nnn DIVISION 1 2 2a~z ELECTR ICAL 35,0000 "GENERAL DESC RIPTION OF WORK :<PLUMBING 25,000~ NQW RQli "<45 ,000>MECHANICAl TYPE GROUP SOFT.VALUATION PERMIT FEE S V R-3 4013 475000 BUILDING PER MIT 1 370.50 PLANCHECK 685.25 ELECTR ICAL 0,no NEW(I .ttL TERATIO N ()ADDITIONAL(I REPAIR (,PLUMBING 25U.00 DWELLING UNITS __ACCO MMODATI ON UNITS MECHANICAL 4 50.0n ~~ G,R,f,A 4013 __BEDROOMS RECREA TIONf EE 601.95 ~ COMMERC IAL SYST __COVERED PAR KING DESIGN RE VIEW BOARD 100 .0U ~-L HEIGHTINFT.__UNCOVEREDPARKING CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 200.00 ;=t NOf i REPLA CES --use TA X 2375 .00 -ril~-INSULAT ION <TO TA LPERM IT FEE S 6127.70 STYPETHICKNESSR·VALUE flOOR ~L--f F ..."6/j)s:>.----~- EXT.WALL S " BUILDINGOfFICI AL -=DN ING ADMINISTRATOR ---------ROOF "DATE HEAT ZONING &BUILDIN G NOTE S:pennit does noti nc'l uce ELEC 'GAS:0001 or SO LAR:WOOD :pav t t i on a rea I hereby ack n ow l edge that I have re ad this a ppl i cation,fi lled o u ti n full t he tnt ormattonrequi red , completed an a ccu rate plot plan ,a nd state that all the i nformati o n provided as r equiredIs c orrect.I agree to c ompl y with the information and p lot plan ,to c omp l y wi th all T own ordinances and s ta te laws,and to b u ild th is stru cture a c cordi ng to the Town 's z oni ng and subd ivisi on cod es.d esign re vi ew appro ved ,Un iform Build ing Code and oth ~ances of~n appl icable t heret o. //A~~P'</6/.:1.J.. SIGNATURE OF ?~®"-cONTRACTOR FOR H IMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. Ii]P LUMB INGoFOUNDATIONo IU BU ilDIN GexELECTRICALexMECHANICAL ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1~1.~.~l ~~t :,oom mu nlty dev.'opm.~t ...., TO B E FILLE DOUT COMPLETELYPRIOR T OISSUAN CE Of PERMIT TYPE OF PERM IT LEGAL l OT 1 7 BlK , DES C.FlUNG Va il Va ll ey 3rd JOB NAME :LLOYOS RESI DENC E OWNE R NAME Rh:i:larcl blQ;yds .J.lB.g D~E slrontag e Rd CITY PH .4433 AR CHIT ECT fIR M F or don Pierce MAILADDRESS CITY PH GENERAL FIRPNic Gal ena Canst CO N T RACTOR TOWNO f VAILREG.NO, TH E. FIRM Bill Burne tt lEC TRICA l NTRACTOR TOWN O f VA IL REG ,NO T ELE. FIRM Bill Bume ttt P L UMB ING TOWN O F VAIL REG .NO . C ONTRACTOR TE LE. FIRM Bill B.'"RetttMECHANICAL CO NTR ACTOR T OWNOF VAIL REG.NO . Te L~. OT HE.'R FIRM T OWNO F VAILREG .NO., CONTRACTOR TELE. ,~,••,1 ••• •p ierce·ba ldw in anda ssociates,inc. o rc hnectore.planning May 18 ,1982 Steve Patterson Towno f Va il Department o f Commun ity Deve lopment P.O.Box 100 Va il ,CO 81658 Attn: RE : Steve: Steve Pat terson LloydsResidence 2038Sunburs t Drive Vai l,CO 8 1657 This 1 s a fol low -up l etter t oi nd icate to you thaton thi s proje ct, John son-Vo lland-Archul e ta o f Arv ada didt he s tructuralengi neering, while ou r off ice did t heac t ual d rawings fro mmarkups .I fyou need fu r ther i nforma tion,d on't hes i tate t oc all. Dave Sellers DS:p c c :BobVo i land J ohnson -Volland-Archu leta 1000 southfrontogerood w est .va il,colorado 8 1657 303/476-4433 '.Project Application • Date A 'C 'IIq ,1M. Project Name:f ,t d2'j'Q "::) Project oescnpnon.-'?=.i'b.,lJ"r-,j:Jt..Eol:...---'I::Jl.MlJJ,.-+_~~'-ll.2:E.-'~L._ Contact Person andPhOne ~e '::::"El ,:'t3?- ______~4 1 L -4 *~~ Owner,Address and Phone :M "~"Me$:.~lj/\Cp Lt,....!"(t7":? ('21'2..')9.+%= (''?.C:I'~A.\I , Arc h i tect.Addressa ndP hone:BpQ::F'.BAJ.-::12hH,,)A,4c/1fA 'Til '\f-)I,xn .-I I 1 .}.TfN±P-D,I t)I \/A\l.•CQ ,'"(.<-r 4 11"-4g '3 n , Comments :l""..e!tH h 1.6.121 ~.f • Y'I -NJ W...:.{",~Y.u\l'''-O\!LAI''\em,\.--r'CA,I !A 1'SIaN :F n ·\E;'O>\!N 2f=//;1 ' 'l>J WI I .O .I "\':!"Z-. Design Review Board Motionby : Seco ndedby : A PPROVAL DI SA PPROVAL _________~S-L --"-O"--_ I Dale : o StaffA pproval _-",.0' ••rri GlJll ERJi;G CH I CK LI ST Subdi vi s ion l ot Block Fil i n9 [1",,(~,~<;!....'._____1<+7'--_ '. 1.Subrr ri tt ed I t ern s (A)To po Na p (B)Site P l a n (C)Ut ility P lan (D)I i t l e l1 e por t (E)Subdi v isionAgre ement ---.:z:- (if a pp li cab l e )=-_---=-= >. 2.~3 }n eering R~q uir e m ent s d (A)Cu lver t Size 15 -L (B)Il r i veway G r "~e (8;;~",,)-(i.c tual)'::;.2..-:-.>?% 3 .So urc eofUti li ties (A)Elec tr ic (B)Ga s (C)So"e,- (D)!Iat.er (E)'l e l e pl.or.e -"'./':7.---- (F)T.V _--'v"--;-_ Ii .Cou.nent s :(i2 Un "",!)">92\J /~.'~~B ..~~. Appr o v e d: Oisap p roved : De j.ar t mc n;o ~n c l~orks Bill '~n d ,,·:·:s ,- MEMO RANDU).! TO:Plannin gandEnvironmental Co nmi ssion -........... FRO).!:Departme nt of Communit yDe velo pment DATE:April B.1982 RE:Requestf or a r ear se tbackvariance of7.5 f eetonLot17,'Va il Va lley Thi rd Fil tnq, Ap pli cant:Richard Lloyds DESCRI PTION OF VARI AN CE REQ UESTED The requ ired setbac k for l ots within t hePrimary/Secondary zone di stri ct i s fi ft ee n feet.The app li cant wi she sto encroac hin to t hese tbackwith a po rtio n of th e prop oseds ingl efa mily dwell ing.(See attached site pl an .) Th e e ppl tcan t ts r easo ning f or the vari ancere quest is to "perm it suff i ci e nt fl exi bility to bet ter s ite t he hou se amon g t he tree s,permita better view fr om t hehouse ..-.,per mi tmore plantingbetwee n the road ,driveway and hou s e, aswell as permit abetter vi ew co rridor for thenei ghboring pro pertyt o th e wes t (lot 18 )"(s ee attac heddi a gram)" CRIT ERI AANDFINDI NG S. '.~'r ev i e w o f Criteri aa nd Findi n9.s ,,·S ection ]!l..62.D60 of .th e Mu nicipalCode, th e Departme nt of commu nity Dev el op me nt recommen ds approval of the r equ e~ v arian reoas~d u pon t he fa l ow;09 f actors:. Con sider ation of Fa cto rs The relat ionship ofth ereque s ted variancetooth erex is ti ng orpotenti aluses ana s tr u ctu r~~'_iii th e vi ci nitt. The lot upon whi ch the variance i s requ e sted is l oca teda t theend of Sun burst Drive on t he sout h s ideof t he s t reet.The l ots t o the north of t he s treetare occupi ed by exi stin g Pr i ma ry/Secondary du plexe s and sin ~l e f am i l yre sidences. Thel a nd to the ea st a nd so uth ofth e l ot a re Nati onal Forest la ndsan d t he lot tot he west is avacant Pr i ma ry/Secondary l ot . The variancerequ e sted would have a pos itive effe ct upon adj acent prope rti es in a numb erof ways . Due to cons t ratn t s.r-the pl aceme ntof astru cture i s qu ite restr ic ted tot hesouth- we ste rn corner of t he pro perty.The east e rn portion oft he l ot is withinboth hi gh and mode rate hazard avalanchezon es ,a ndth e lo t is ex t rem ely nar-row,being 108'a tthe wid e st point and only45 1 at the narrowes t.averagingabou t60' •4IIIIt Ll oyds -2 - inwidt h ove r t he 310 f oot l ength .Th eac t ua l buildabl ea rcaof th e 19 ,641 square foot l oti s 4.965square fee t .Sitin gt he houseto t he rear ofthepro perty pe rmi t st heposs ibil ity of l eaving more ofth eex is ti ng veget at i on between the hou sea ndr oadway (w hich i s heavi ly used fo r a ccessby b ikers us in g th egolf courseb ikepat h whi c h begins a tt he endofth ecu l-de-sac at t heea st endof theproperty)a nd pre serving th ea bi lity oft he ow ner of t he a djacentl ot to s i te a bui lding soast oprov id eexcellent vie ws of th e Gore Ra ngewithout destroyi ng t he views fro mt he e x isti ngduplex t o th e we s t of th at l ot. The adjace nt Nat ion al Fo restpr operty t ot her earwil lnot be negati ve l y im pacted , and the staff ha s r ecei ved a l etter fromt heFore st Ser vice s tat i ng that th ey haveno objec t ions t ot he g ra nti ngof a variance . Jh e de1ree-to'wh i c h re li ef f rom th e s trict o r l itera l interP re tat i on and enforce -. me nt 0 a -5j)eorrre-aregu l atio n 15 neces s arx:to achi eve comp-~_tib i1 ity anaunTfoniiTty of,freatm~!~m}~n.9..sitc~~1.!l.th ev icin ity or to at tain t he objec tive sof ,t his titl e~~~grant,of ~c 1aTPr!v ilege . Thepurpose sec tio n ofth ezoning codes ta te sth att hezoni ng regu lati onsa re i nte nded t oa chieves pec if i c purpose s .Amo ng the se pur posesa ret o"e ncouraqe a har moni ous .convenient,workable r e l ationsh i p amo ngl anduses"and Ut a safeg uard and enhance the a ppearance of th e town ."Th es taff be lieves t hatby preserv in g th e neighbors 'v iews and a llowing mo re a rea f or l andscapesc ree ni ng a lo nga heavi ly usedpubl ic way;:::,the r e que st i s i nc om pliance with theobject ivesof the zonin g code.The property doeshaves ome physica l .buildi ngcons t rain ts (conf iguati on oft hel ota nd a va la nche hazar ds)not common to o th er pr oper ti es within the a rea whi ch make i t a dif fic ult l otupon whi chto bui ld without enc roac h ingi nto potential vi ew s fro m the ad jacentproperty _The gran tin g oft he variance woul d r es ul t ina wo r ka bl e rel at i onship betweenpropert ies . l rn;-'ei fect {)f';-ihe r'equ ested''var ia nce on 1 ig ht an d a i~di s t r i but i ~n of popul a t iont. ,t ranspor t a t ion-ana:yaffic fac ili ties ,puE1 i cf a c11 i tl esa nd ut il H ie s,a nd pu bl i c-".!"~tl.:. Th e r e wil l be nonegat iv e impa c t s upon th e ab ove. Such ot h~f actors 'and c rite ria as ;the ~o mn iss io n deems a~icab le to t he pr oposetr varj ance .- FINDIN GS: "The,Plan n';ng ami..Efl vironment<:lJ Com mi ssions ha ll make t he f ollow.i1!9 fin dings. DefOre:g r antfng,i v ar ianc'i:-- Th a t t he g rant i ngo f th e var ian ce wil l not cons titu te agran t of spe ci al pr i vi lege i ncons i stent wi th t he 1 im ita tions on o th er properties c la s sified int hesa me d is tri c t. Th a tth e gr a nti ng ofth e variance wil l not bedet r i menta l to t he pub li c hea lth, sa fety.o r welfare ...-or ma te ria l l.y i njur ious t o pr opert ies or i mpr ovement s i n t he v ici n ity. _Ll oyds .3- Thatth e var iance i s wa r ranted for the foll ow ing r easo n: Th er e are excep tions or extraordi nary circumstan ces or condit ions a pplic ab le to thes i te ofth evar i ance t hat donot appl y genera lly to other pr opert i esi n th e sam e zone, STAFF RECOMHENOftT iONS: Th e Department of COl mlunity Development r ecomm e nd s a pprova l of th e req uested s etback var ia nce .The pre serva tion of t heviews fro m the ad jace nt site ,an d th eab i li ty t o preserveex is ti ng trees between t he house and t hes tr eetpr ovide po s i t i ve qualit ie s i nthe developme ntofth e si te~and th e sta ffcan s ee no negative i mpactswhi ch wo uld r esu ltf rom th e grantingof th e setbackvar i ance .Alt hough a str ucture of t h i s s ize could becon s tructed uponthe site wit hi nth e r equ i red setbacks(/we f eel th at t hef lex i b il ity prov idedbyg ran ting t he r ear se tback va ri ancei s benefi cialtot he ad jacent proper ti es andthe surrounding a rea. I PRESENT Duane Piper Will Trout Dan Corcoran Ji m Viele Scott Ed wards Di ana Donovan ,-A B SE~T Ji m HOr gan • PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April12,1982 STAFF Peter Jamar Peter Patten Dick Ryan Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP Her man nStaufer · 'S-J( t" Dan Corc oran,chai nna n.The meeting wa scalledto order a t3:10p.m.by 1.Appro val ofminutesof mee ti ngof March 22 . Dan no ted that in item no.3,Dan and Dia na voted against thi s measure.Scott Edward ss tated that he ma de the mo ti onin i tem No.4.Jim mo ved and Scott se c onde d toapprove the minuteswith th e noted cha ng es,Th evote was 5~O 1n favo r. 2.~uest fo ~a .rea r setback variance of 7.5 fe etto allow theconstruction Of asi ngl e fallll1¥adwe'lH!!9 on ·lot 17,vanValley3rd Fi li ng , EPPlicant:allcna [lOla S Peter Jamar s howe dthe plot plan and reviewed the memo ,pointingoutt hat th e memb ers had j ust visited the site.He suggested that perhaps onec ondition whicll cou ld beapartof approva l wou ld benott o a llow any further encroachment tothe front ofthe lot. Gordon Pierce ,..architect representing Mr.and Nrs.l.lnyds ,explained that th e lot had many restrictions with th~a vala nch e hazard on t he east and t he setbac ks.He a dded that one reasonforasklng forth e variance was toenabl e the house tobe shifted slightly .He em pha sized that t here would be an abund ance of plan tin g an d ex is ting trees t osc reen thehousefro m the street . The comm ents fro m th e staff were favorable.in light of t hepreserv at ion of the view corridor for t he prop erty tothe we st withagreemen t that nofurth er encroachment should be mad e toward the front ofthe lot .Wil l mov ed and Duane secondedtoapprove therea r setb ack variance of7.5f eet for lot 17.VailVall ey3rd Filing as perthe staff mem o and as per t he drawing ss ubm itted.The vot e was 5-0 infavorwith Dan abstaining. 3.Req uesttoamend Sec tion18.36 .0 30 of t he Vail Munici ~al Co det o includ e as a c onditionalus ei nthePublic Use Di s trict a hell a for em er e nc and or CQfIITIUn ityuse.App itant :own ofVai .. DickRyan explained t hatth ere was pressure on the po li ce and th ef iredepartments wh en a hel ico pter had tola nd inan eme rgency.He explained th att heamend ment was th e first s tep.later the s taffwould come back.with rec onmendat tons on s peci fic s ites.Henmann Stauferf elt that th e he l ipad shouldbe for eme rgencies only. r ... Peter Jam a r stated that theareawestofthepost offi ce s eem ed suitab le because i t wasclose tothe ho spital .Headded t hat the Hi gh way Departmen t wouldl et theto wn use it on a on ey ear tr ia l basisandf or emerge ncyuse only . J i m Viele mo ved and Will secondedt orecomm end to t he Co unc il an amendmen t to Section 18.36 .030 oft he Vail Municipal Codeto include asa conditonal use int he Publ ic Use District a helipa d for eme rgencyand/o r community us e.The vote was 6·0 infav or. Diane moved andDan seco nde dt oadjo urn t he meeti ng at 3:29p,m. .. .. ..I I ! .~ ZOIIE Cl :[C,K f or SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DI STR ICTS .'.'.".".,..,.'."'.; l egalDe scription:lot a Block __Filing )t;!!JJ.~.J.~~~i-j~@!~~-,--- O ,~er !?/cI I1ft!;)LL-oYI2J Arch ite c t --1.62~~~I2f:.~L-",:-_ .Zone 'Di s tr ic t IS.';0;1;Prop osed Usc _---,---"/~·.!..F__-'---.-_ "i.~t A ~e ~.•'If;6 yi I .H~i 'ght All o\l e d 30;p roposed .._'--_ Pro pos ed __-'-"==.L:.=-_ ~'.".•.--.__.•.".',__"..•.f· Setba cks :Fr ont-Requ ired20 'Prop osed -'---'-__-r. Si des-Re quired l S'Propos ed ~_ Re ar -Required 'l S'Prop osed ~ l1 atercou;'se -required !it4 'Pro pose d GR FA :Al101';ed I t!fl./'I rt -~--==-:-L.;;::;~*-==--- .' Par k ing:. Pri mary All O\'led ~Prim,ry Pr oposed _ Secondary {,l1 01'/ed _Secondary Proposed _ ?O%D~Site Covera ge :A'lI owe d ~L',-=-,,-_-,,--,---.-Prop osed _ l andsca pi ng :Require d h I')%Proposed __-'-_ Z .GRFA : _._.----._-~------_._.-. I '~if))...11.,......'....l ";'I'I""Y""l'•I ,.'\.\,......"•1 \•.O.l\~:._--__..--_. j PJER~,BALD WIN &AS SOCI·~:::'\.C , Architecture/Plan"I." 1000 South Front age Road.West VAIL.CO 81657 (303 )476-4433 TO _1Z'O)N C P ---'V'-"J:,.=I..."L."----_ ----f)tS6if-:W gel IEltJ ect.R,...D"'----__ D "~\"1 1 '°,l>;I~1 An c ..T 'OH I i'I r:P p c:,r-»,v'r WE ARESENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Underseparate cove r via 'the following items: 0 _ o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples o Specifi cations co~es ..r e NO•D£5Cl't "TIOH ~,-r;,"""'~"..,'£X,',-&< \4i1;,k I •.r-,..;"J,',\,f'!,.~•,j L:, I "",l ,~"-r:H./.(?~rI::- II I /C.-..j .~VI,. a I ~.;..",j-,j "'"\?i - -1_,.,~.A;:r 'H;,J P(, \W ",.-~.J ",I .;'+- i "1M-.6@?'6 (~\,,1..1-:.'''' THESE ARETRANSMITTED as checked below: ~approval 0 Approv edassubmitted o Fo r youruse 0 Approvedas noted o As requested o Retur ned forcorrections o Resubmit __coples for approval o Submlt __c opies fordistribution o Retum __co rrected prints o For review and comment 0 _ o fOR81DS OUE 19 0 PRIN TS RETURNEO AFTER LOAN TOU S REM AR KS _ COPY TO__________________~-I L rSIGNEO'~Q.Y ?0.cc d -.tflOW ~"'__I '''I • •it urn .rrr I .Ot.:.\TI O ~VJ:lUlI C\TIOi'1 SU Il I II V IS ID "_L ~~P-'I.'i .\?\~.•t;f'_J?>.a.f_OF.__:?\JNB>Je.ST_ JDIl NAM~l.J....o'1t?s I2ePlDEgc,E~_ LOT 11 BI.OCK FI I.L\G \IP.lL VAu..E"( A"DRESS 'Zo32:?9JN~~'4E..yh4L. J The l ocnt I on of ut ilit ies ,whct h c r th cy b e ma In trunk l in e s o r pro po sed Jine s,mu st b e a pproved and verifi e d by the f ol l owing utilit i e s f o r t he a ccompanying s ite pl an. • Mo unta i nBe 11 Western Slope Gas Pu bli c Servi ce Comp any HolyCrossElectricAssoc. Vail Cable T .V. Upp er Eagle Vall ey Water a nd Sanitat ion Di stric t Au thori:cd Signa tur e '"-,,?A ~-\~.:.(~·:Ii,,i A Da t.e • NOT E:Th ese verifica tions do not re Il ove t he c o ntract or o fh is respon s ibility to obtain a s treet cut permi t fro m the Town o f Vail,Depa rt me nt o f Public Wo rks and t o ob tain ut ility l ocationsb e f ore di gging inan y pub l ic right- o f-way o rc asement i nt he To wn of Vai 1.A bui 1ding pe r mi t is not a street c utperm it .As t ree t cu t permit mustbe obtained s cpar3 t cly . Thi s form i s t o verify service avail ablity a nd location . This sho ul d beu sed i n conjunc tion wi th p reparing your utili typ lan and 'sche d u lingi nsta ll ations. • LEGAL'DESCRIPrION: 1 1 1,\:,J;,":I Ill',: FILING I .1•.. •Sing~e Fam:i;ly .~sidence T il l'r o l l l ,l·:i n .::iu f'orum tion i -1 "')!I in ,d r U I':;II!Jlli l l ,IJ l 'y t ho ,IJl p Ji \:1I 11 1 0 t he f)..::,i l'.I1 l :,·\.'j l _\~ 1I 0 ;l rd I j ~,rn t '"a I'L nnl '!Jlll/'ov al ('::11 he ,:;\'('11: Cot or- Hoof Si ding Grave l------.- 'S'ro'(Stucco)--- __Gr<jY,"-_ 9037 M:>ssrock Fascia So~fi t s Birch Natural Win dow s Clad Dark Brown Dark BrownClad::-...:::::===_Doo rs Window T ri m Door Tr im Hand or Deck Ra il 5 Metal -Pa inted Dark a r oen Fl u es Metal (Hidden)Black Flashings Copper Natural Chimneys 'S'IO'(Stucro)9037 Tra sh [n ;:lQs urcs Greenhous e s Othe r •.~R _ B.LANDSCAPI NG Na me of De s igner : Ph one Matthews &Associates 476-081 5 PLANT MATE RIALS TREES Bo tanic al Nam e P i eea Pungens Picea Pungcns COITlTlo n Name COlorado Spruce COlorado Spruce Quantity 10 9 Si ze --- • Picea Pungens Colorado Spruce 9 Synphoricarpos oreophylos Sno,.benyI SHRUBS Populus tranu loides Comus sp o Ibsa s po Acer glabrurn Physocarpus spo Aspen Rose Ibcky Mt.""pIe Ninebark 8 10 26 15 28 3 l-l~"cal. .2.Sal . 2.-2.a l. .2.Sa l . ...2...9.a l . .2-.gal. Rubus delic iosus Prumis besseyi fobhonia--aqtri-folium iliinDleban:y Sandcher.ry Oreqon -Grape 1 7 17 4 ...5...gaL 5 gal. ..5..-gal. •GlltlUN D ·(QV U<S SOD SEED TYP E OF I RRIGATI ON •.:N/A ..__.__. ....._--_.-_.._-- _._------ Bluegrass TY PENative To Be Determined Autar'atic Underground Systan , '.....1'...···1·..',"'-----, SQ UARE FOO TAG E 1 ,900 f t . SQUARE FOOTAGE 1,200 f t . TY PE ORMETH OD All Disturbed =und To Be Recl aiJred OFEROSI ON CO NTROL - C.Other Landscape Features (reta i ning wa l ls,f ences ,swi mm ing pools ,et c .)Pl eases pec ify . -----'..•--------------_.. r •App Ld cn tion Date">larch 15,1 982 • APPLICATION FORH FO RA VARIANCE I .Th is procedure is required for any project reque sting a Variance. The application will not be accepted u ntil all i nf ormat ion i s sub mitted. P HONE 212-288 -2209/CJe):J/ A .NAME OF APPLICANT_-'Ruj.s;;ch,,"ardI:D..J1..J,J"'oy""'nss _ l\DDRESS 900 Fif th Ave nue ,Ned York .NY B.NAME OF APPL ICANT I S RE P RESENTNfrVE Pierce,BalcMin &As socia tes ,Inc . ADDRESS 10 00 South Frontage Road ,Nest P HONE47 6-4433 c .AUTHORIZA~ S IGNATURE ~Ar/f!cdAf2.I)Llaye/.s ADDRESS 900 Fifth AVenue ,N"",York,NY ~.:/'c-f PHONE 212-288-2209 D.LOCATION Or'r-RC~~::l'.r. ADDRESS 2038 Sunburst Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION l ot1 7 block._F iling Vail Valley Third Filing F EE.$100 .00 plus 18¢for eac hp roper ty own er to b e notified . A list of t he names of own e rs of a ll prop e rty adjac entt o t he subjec t property and thei radd ress e s. Warren Pulis Th eVa lley Forge 23 4E .Gore Creek Drive Vail,Co.lorado 81657 •• pierce ·baldwin and associates.inc. architecture .pl anning APPLIClITICN FOR VARIAlD': RICHI\RD =RESIDENCE March 15 .1982 The app'ldcant;is requesting two variances for this project.The project is a permanent;single fami ly residence for the applicant and his fami ly . The firs t request is for a set-back ('I'cMn of Vail zoning Ordinance Sec- t ion 18.13 .060)variance of s even and a ha lf feet a~the southern property line which is adjacent to the White River Nat1ona!Forest. Due to the shape o f the properJ:y ,the avalanche restrictioos and the natural fOliage (large trees)it would be beneficial to the project and the cbjectives of the zoning ordinance if this variance would be granted. "'ore specifically.the proposed house (or for that matter.any design) is quite restricted to the scoeh-seeeern corner of the property due to the p:Jtential ava.1.and1e lines to the east ,the narromess of the lot , 108 'at the widest potrrt ,end only an average width of 60 I over the 310 foot length . 'Ihe west side property line rreets the south line at an acute angle .ru.ch also dramatically reduces the cyti.ons on placing the house or any des ign.'!he actual area in \-1hi.ch t.'1e house is permitted is only .114 acres eventlxmgh the lot is quite large for Vail standards , (.4509 acres)• By p kacdnq the h ouse approxilnately seven and a h alf feet further back on the l ot :eepnJ.ts sufficient flexibi lity toJ>ettPLS:itet?"l1oJ.;;e the ts a better vIew f ran ~llse ........I::e.....-nnif?S p anting between e 1 vewa i'tier v aes corm r or t!e neighboring property to the west (lot 18). We f eel that these are all strong argurents for granting a set-back variance and we feel that they are oonsistant wi.th the goals of the zoning ordinance as well as in keeping with other similar varaarce granted in the past . second request for a verferce to the Tom of Vail zoning Ordinance ~to r a s Jngle f_1¥J;Qlij"QQR98.Section 18 .04.130 states t two encl parking spaces per dwelling unit are pennitted and therefore a primary- secondary property such as this lot coul.d have up to four enclosed spaces.Hc:Mever ,the applicant is rroving to Vail on a permanent;basis and needs all the space aliCMed for his am family and doesn't want a second dwelling unit .Nonetheless ,he would l ikea third enclosed space for a rossible third ca r and addi tional storage .-,. 1000 sout h frontage roodwe st.vail.colo rodo81657 303/476-4433 •APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE RICHARD UDYDS RESIDENCE Page two March 1 5,1982 • '!he p roperty is .45 acres in s ize and adjoins the National Forest a long one s ide and is at the end o fa cu1 de sac .therefore ,this s e tting has a very generous "open space"feeling and we feel that the relativel y ~1 1 additional ara e wo v e av snaIl 'ct t o the ne i ghbor- in cnnpar~son to th tl c ar an s tnrag e.a t this request,i s in keepi ng with the g oa S0 e zoning ordinance as well as i n k eeping wi.th s imi lar variances cranted in the past . Sul:mi.tted By:Pierce ,Ba ldwin &Associetcs ,Inc. •UN I TED STATES D EPARTMENT OF AGR ICULTU RE FOREST S ERV I CE Mint urn .Co lo rado 816 45 Ma rch 11,1 9 82 r Mr .Pet er Pa tt en Town o f Vail 75 Sou th Fr ontageRoad Vail ,Co lorado 8165 7 L Dear Peter: • TheU.S .Fores tServiceh as noo bj e ctions t o ar eque st ed set -back r e g ard ing l ot 17Vail Va l ley 3rd fi ling(single fami ly)by Lloyds . How ever.a ny da mage t oNat iona lFor e st lands f r om co nstruct ion wi ll b e assessed b y theFo res t Serv i ce a nd mi tiga ted b y l and owner. ~l Y ' ERN EST ~J N N DIs t ric t Ranger c c:Go rdonP ierce 15 38 Eas tSpr ing Hill La ne Vai l.CO 81657 5 .0 . "PIONEER NATiONAL TITlE INSURANCE .. It nCOA CQMPAPfY • .ncy of Title Insurance SUBJECTTO TH E EXCLUSIONS FROM COVER AGE .THE EXCEPT IONS CONTA INE D INSCHEDULE BAND TH E PRO VISIONS OFTHECON DITIONS AN D STIPULATIONSH EREOF.PIONEER NAT IONAL TITLEI NSURANCECOMPANY (8 Stock C ompany); aCa lif orniaco rporatio n .herein ca lled theCompan y ,in sures .asofD ateo fPoli cys hown i n ScheduleA ,again stloss o rdamage.no t ex ceeding I he amount 01 i nsur anceslated in Sch ec1 u l eA ,and co sts ,attorneys'f eesand expe nses wh ich t heCompany maybecomeob liga led to payhe reunder ,susta ined Of i ncurr ed by t he in sured by re asonof : 1.Titl e tothee state orinterestd escribed in Sch edule A being vested otherwi se th an as stated therein ; 2.Anyde t ectinor li enor encumbrance o n such tit le. 3.lackof arigh t ofaccess 10 and f rom the land :or 4 .Unmark etabil ily o fsuch t itle : This p olicy shall not be va lid o r bindi ng un til cou ntersi gned b elow by a va lida t ing otncer ofthe Company_ c ovntersrceec : P ioneer Nallonal TilleIns uranceCompany L,~G }~JM)0- Pr e\l(1ent Secre tary ell.N O NN~8J ._---_._-----------------• ...'-Schedule of Exclusions from Coverage---------------- The f oll o wing ma tterser e 6 11p r es sly exc l ud ed fromth e co ver ageo fthi spo l icy : 1,Any 1 1I w~or din ance o r gove nvnen tal r egula t ion(incl uding bu t n ot l imited t o bu ild ing a nd zon ing ordi nances)re stri c tin g or reg ul at ing o r proh ibiting t heo ccupa ncy .u seo r en joyme nt o fth eland ,o r re gulatin g the c ha racter .d ime ns ions o r Ie ee - l ion o f a ny improveme nt now Of he rea fter erected on th e land.o r prohibit ing a sepa rat ion inownership or a reduc ti on in t he d imensi ons o ra r eao f the l and,or th e effect o fan yv iola tion o f any s u ch l a w,ordinance o r qo vem-n eual r egul at ion . 2 .Ri gh t so f emin en t domai n o r go ve rnmen ta l r i ght so fpol ice po w er u nl essn otice a t t he e xercise o f s uch rights appe a r s i n th e publ ic reco rds a t Dat ao fPolicy . 3.O etec t s .li e ns.enccrrcre nces .ad ver se cl aims .Dr o ther matters lal c reated.s uffe red .assumedo ra greedto by t he insured cl aimanf ;l b)nat knownto th e Company and not sho wnbyth e pub licr e c ords but known 10 Ihe insured cl aima nt e ither at Date o f Pol i cyo r a t ~h e d ate such claimanta cqu i red an est a te o r int e re st i nsu red by t hi s pOlicy and no t di s - c lo s edinwriting by th e in s uredc la imant t o t he Company pr ior t o th e d ate such in su red cla imant be came an insu r ed he re- unde r:tel re su lt i ng innoloss o r damage to the i nsu red claimant;(dl attach ing Of created sc bsecrent to Date ofPoli cy ;o r (e )result ing in lossor da mage ~ich would no t h a ve been sustained if th ei nsured c laimantha d paid value for t hee stat e or int e res t insured by thi spolicy . Conditions and Stipulations 1.O.'init ion of Te.ms The 10 1l0 w ,,'\9 WInoS wht!n UM Of f on Ih ,s lool,,;y ,,~n ' ta l ",nsu,fld ':Ih..tn~u'llt l n.ln Mll l III Scht'llju l~A .;!no.l."",h - illel 10 IIny "Hili:.Uf dcfefl~t."s t nc C u mpi llly lUily n ove h ad lIgainsl Ihe named ,n Su.ed.thQSC whu succeed 10 Ii'll.'Ill ' t ereSIo f SuCh ons "'ffll hy o ,..ri'il,o n 0 1 l(lw il S ct'SI U1 91"sh'Of I !rom pu 'Chlll>fl IIlC llltl"'H .hUI nul l on"l m l tu,hIH 'S.dl~II I ' buleeS.cev.sccs ,s u rvi vors.lle.sornll l1::preSenlolll...ll S.'11'_1 0 1 "in.or corpoo ,l l1;1 Of hcluC IMy successors. Ibl "ms...red C la'm.....I··:itn ''''l>u'l:I11 c la,mlrog loss or d 'U1 "~IOl h e .e urodM . ICI"l<nowledwo ":a ctua l "n owlooge ,ncr coasuucnve k."._- ledgo Of no nce w hic h mav be ,mpl.,t ed 10 an insured b y rea , s on 0 1 a nV j,lU bl,c records . ldl "larKf ':Ihtl lard desc eibed ,l>p'lc,f,ca lly o r by r p.hlfl~m;u in Schedu le A a nd im proveme ...\s alfi lt cll Ih e .eta Which hy Jaw c cos ta cte .ea l propp r ly :11l'Oy,cted.howe...e r .t he t erm "la ntf'd oes n OI ",c lll du <l ily ,_opu,ly /)ltyoncl I h A l 'flHS 01 t he 1'1'08 S>Jl.-G,I,ca lly d escribect or re le rr ed to ,"scueoutc A . nor a llY r,g hl .I 'l lI'.In l elfls l .e lol<.l W m e as emeu t in abuII ,nn 9tr e~I S ••eeos ,a vcnuc~.e ucvs,Ianas,WilyS or w ateewov s , bul n Ollling h e .ei n Sha ll mort ,ly 0 'IIm il t he e xtent t o w h'ch it ri ghl o f access t o a nd from 111 .,land is Insured bV t h'S pnl ,r:y. (e ,"mo .tgag e":m or lg.10C.deu>d o f I.ust .t r ust deed .0'u ll ",r S e c ur ity ,n slrume ...t. (I I "public re ccr d s":m os u fU(;olds Wh ic h b y ta w impi lr1 CIIII' S lruCt l...e ecuce o f ma il ers re lat in g \0 s ,l 'l l I,m ll. 2 .C onlinuut ion 0'In s ura nc u a ll tl l CUII"u ya nc lt o f Ti n .. The CC\lo.agc o f t hi S po l ,cy shall co"I "',,(o''n t erce it S (If Dete of Policy ill f"vor o f all i,l slIf('\1 s o lOllg a s s u c h ill ' surod relain s lin estate or m ter es t ,n Ihtl la nct.or h o lds "" ",d ..b l ed ...es!s e c !."",1 by II pu .chase nI{.my nl Ofl gag e U'V"11 try a IJI.l rctlaser f.om such ,nsu .~I .or so lo"t)(IS Such In, sured sha ll have liAb ili t yb y reas on 0 1 c oven.l "tS o f ""itlr.m · II'mode by s uch '"iiu ,ed in a ny Ira n s!I;>1 u.COIl...e yilllce u f such eSla le or interesc prOy icloo.howevl'1'.Ih's policy s h,..11 nol Conl lnue in l orcl'in favor o f IIIlI'I."chase.fr om Su Ch on· SUled u f eitha.s aid estd le 01 i"lcf(.'SI or t lK'indelJlet:lntl "" !:>el;u .od uy a lJI.,rchaSe n \OtlCy m orlgage g ,...en to s\,ch "'Suled. 3 .D ,I.n ••and Pr OSlH;ut iOf'o f A ctions -No t j{;l1 of C l a,m to be Gi ...en b y an IllSured C lai man l l al The COIlIpilny.1II i ls own cost a,"fd w 'lhoul lInd",e d e l,ly . IO hall pro...,d u lor Ihu de lense of an Insured '"all 11 "9<'10 00 cons iS I,ng of a c I ,ons or proceed"'gs C(ll'lYl'le nced Hg....nS! such "'sured .or a delense inl a'pobed a g<l",s t (Ill in sured in lin lICtion 10 enfo rce a COO1rl!lC I 101'"a sale 01 t he CSlale or in l ereSI In said lorod.10 t he e "lent Ihll l SUCh 1<1 '9"t'oo ,s fCUlded upon <In all&yed de lecl .hen .encumbrance.01 u llltll ma iler insu,ed aga'nSt by Ih,s pohev . l bl The "'SUlad S ha ll not dy Ihe C (Jl'n pllny prompl ly ,n Wrll,...g t Il '"l;8Sll'any a cl,on or pr oceeding is begun Of"d elt!Os ..'s 1...ICl posod iJl>sel loflrl """"abo...e.llil in case know ltllJijo s h a ll COlne lu d ""'SUled hereunder of any c laim of li tle or ,n l e.eSIw h'ch is lKlvt!'lie 10 Ihe toi le 10 t hee Sl a te or inl Cfes l . n s Insur ed.nod """',ch mIght clIuse lOSS or d amage TO'whic h Ih e C<mpany md v b6 hable by vi 'lue o f Ih ,s policy.01 (ii il if I,tl"IU Ihe (>,,10"1 1",.m l "-'f C'>I••1'>,ns",,·".'s fl·,ecl cd as e n- ...".....·1.110 1e .II s ,K;h 1"'''''1'1 "u l 'I.",,10 ;,11 "u,I...~J,ve n 10 t he C '''''I)1n y .".."";IS In s u ch ",SlU"-'f I .ll1 "ahll 'ly o f I","C(Jl'npa· "y <;,...1 11 t;.",..."m"''''01 '''''''''u •"!I"r<1 I"Ihe "....II ..rtll'mdl ' Ie '"fur w h '<.h M,t;h I",.upt "{>tI U~,'''""lulfl·,I.IJI"uv,dcd .huw · I,V"'.Ih.ll 11I,I"rt~lu nol "1'Sl 'il ll III "0 c."."l"I!"orI ,ce the "!lh h u f ,l"y MM.:h "l s ........1 ".II~.'.th ,.,pul,,;y ""'~s It'l;!C om· l kltly !:>hd l l he 1I"!I,,,I'CI'f1 hy s u!.h l iI ,lt",.,ilnr l t hcn on ly 10 Ihe ,·",I.."t "f S 'M.:h 1""1'''''''''' leI Tht!Conll.lol ny sh,d l h .IVI;I lI"l f1Uh l it t 11 ...(MIll c ost 10 "'_ sl i luW and w ,lhfMI ,,,,,Iu"d.)I.ly p-cs ecu te .lny a cl ,on or pruCI·e'fhllll '"tn do a n y Ull l'"a c t wh id,'"'IS op""on may be ne ces saly 01 flu :>"ilt)l£:10 eSlah l,sh t het .ue 10 Ihe eSlme Ill'II'lll'l l!SI .'1,>'''''wee l.m ,d Ihe Comp,'1ny mill't ak.e a ny ap~o­ 1"'ilIll Hcl,url "'KJr'1 I l,,,Ill r,,'s (,f Ih ,s po t.c v.w hlllh l:'l r or not ,t s h,,11 h I!l lil i lin 111 .."',,,,11....i ll KI s hil l t no tlhe,cby eeoc..,t" l i"I ,I,I ,l y ()I""""i it "y I)<UV 'S ,ur l o fth .s 1.IO I,Cy . I,l)Wh..""v .·'tl C ,.np,,,,y ~110 1 1l ""Vf!h ,oll ghl it"Y ll CHon or ,n lf'rI K,...Ht111 ,1l~f (·"j-i .,.1\-;.equ,r"d or 11tIrm l lll:d by till!III"<JVI - Sl u nS 0 1Ih,s IM11,,::y.t he Co-llp1m y Ilta y pU'S"",1n y SuCh Ill ;' tl'1I1ll"10 ,,,,,<I <I..t ......"......I '(.'b l'11 COUll of c caupeten t ju ri", d'l.:l,on a nd c ltl'rcss ly .esmves me riqh t ,in li S sole c.sc re - I'on .10 a pl >l .a l f ...",a ny ,,,I ...e rs,,iln lgrllen l oror uer , (n)In nll cn sll ~wh",,,th,s po llcl'IX'''n ,l s ur r ..q uires Ih .. G I)<"I~I"y tn IXUM-:UI l..,0 1 1l({,,,,"le I ....lhe \lu l ulls{,of a lly .1C I;on o r plliceed;"II.Ih""lStl ll 'f l hen"",df"sxau secure 10 Ih••COlltpllny Ih .."!l ht I"'"'0 l ,ro s "c"II'o r pr o",,1..deft·msl'!,n lolli'll d c t"Jr I or IIHK·'md;"\j.;",tI .,11 "1'l'lmls ther e in.and 1""_ uut n.c C '."I ~"'y t il lISI:.ill 'IS o l,I H.'.thl)"""'"u f s uch In - s ,u.·,1 fm s"c l,IX"l x,,;,'.WI"'''I'''''1 "'flu"...I",1 I,y ,h..C crnlJod ny, ",...h ",slIIt·,1 s ha ll !I'v"II..,e lf")""'y "II "';lsor.'lhll:l a ,d in ,I"y "ue h n Cl lfl'\(}'Ilr<w.·,,,I"'!I .'",·ltl'....""l s~ll l e"'e nl.sa- q "",!!uv"ltt,,,:,,.,,1""111 ""1 ""'II'''s .....~.u r IJr u sacul'ng or d e - 1..,,,,I'ny s "ch .1CI OOll or 1"\J e,:I.'fl ,",-..11>11 th t>C r.·Il I..,..y shall "',,,,1""'H'~"r :1 1 ",s '''''''fll,,,.1"y "'1""'"''S""u;,,,,~I. 4 .N o l'CIlt of l~s l ,m,ull lOn ul ActIO" In ..k l ,I ".'t o II ..."O IlC '~S ''''1"",,11 ..n tl .....Ik",lyr ll l ih J Ibl o f Ihl"'>I 'ClNllIotl on5 .1'11 1 SI 'I.,l il l ""'~."s l ill eme ...1 In w r ,l lng 0 1 ""y toss o r cl.1n""ltJC lur wl llr:h ..'I>c la'mP.O l Ihe C ompany'S h al,l"Urw.IN thl';l,,--,I,c y <;,h il ll Ill!'urn ,sht:t.l'o thlt C<mpllnl' Wllh ",!IO 1l;IV'"a fl ."such Inss or ,la nla\jC ~1 "1t1 h a ...e btMm ,1"1,..mllllll lllnll nO "Uh l 0 1 ,1<:I ,on sMI I a c c,"~10 /In ,nSur ed Cl,l u .,.lnl \lll lli 30 tI "ylo .I h ...suc h 5 ",t ..._nt s hall have been fur ",sh ed.Fa I lure 10 furr "sh Su ch S I.lleml..'Ol o flo ss 0'da ' o ""gP shalllco m "'llt e a ny loabilltv 01 ttle Comllan y und e r ttl,s jlolI~I'"10 .."eh It»>s or d~.tage. 5 .Dlllluns t o Pa l'or o lhelw .se Se ttle C laims TOle COI"IJod lly lohi l ll ha ...e Ih e Option 10 pity oro th er w,se sC ll le for 01 If'Ih H f\<lme 0 1RII ms..red c la"n an l any c l'h m "', s u'l'd ~to'''IS I Uf t o h"m in.l l e all I,.ll llioly arod obijya t lOllS 01 I"e C vn'I U 'ly hCr<,!IJrlllu r h y l..lyu ,W ur h HlClt!flny payment Crf"'It'a mounl of 'ns ....an c.,umlt'l !I'l,S l-IOhcy togelher w ilhny l;~I S .a n ....""ys·flieS .IIK!"'.I _'''lo ~lo onc urr ed liPIU Ih'"jme of SUch pilymenl or lende.0 1 p a ymelll.h ....t ""~,nSured c la ,m . "01 llrod "U lh or ;l fld b y t he Con'l.lol"Y. Nt.LJ/..Lm ..- Pion eer National Tltle Ins urance Co mpa ny ENDORSEME~l NO.ONE Ar rached 10 and formina a part o f PolicyNo.3764 5 (OWNE R 'S P OLICY ) Said Po licy i she re by ame ndedbyd el eting paragr aphs1 .2 .3 a nd 4 o f Schedul e B. The totalIiabiht y of t he Company und er said P olicy a ndany endorsem ents there in shallnotexceed,inrbe "Uteaa te,th e race amoun t o fsaid Poli cy a nd costs ....hich t he C ompany is cbliaatedunder th e stip ulations t hereo f to pay . Th isencorsemem.when sianed below byan Authorized Sianatory ,is made a part or said P olicy and is subject to the schedules and Sl ipulations t herein.e.,ce pt as modi fied by the provisions hereof. ThIS endorsement is not to be construed as insUlina the ti lle 10 sard n tat e or interest OIS o fa nylater dal e th a n the d ate o f said Policy.except as herein exprculy provided as to rbe su bjC'C1 mane r hereof. IN WIT NESS W HEREOF,P ioneer National T ille Insurance Co mpany hasca used itscorporate nam e and sea t tc b e hereunto a ffued . PIONEER NATION AL TITLE INSURANCECOMPANY DATED:Decem ber 1 .1 981 I ~T A ONNl:WS POLIC'l''0fI'"11 "';70 AJoi ENOEO 10017·70 AMOUNT $37 5,000 .00 .... SCHEDULE A NAME OF I NSURED RICHARD E .LLOYDS .. DATE OF POLICY Oc tobe r 29 ,1 981a t 8 :00 A.M. 1.The estateo r in terest in Ihe tend described here inan d wh ich iJ ec veredby th is pol icy is: I n Fee Simple 2.Th eesrare or interest re ferred 10 herein is at Dat e o r Po licy vestcd in: The Insured J .Theland refe rred [0 in th is P olicy is described as follows: Lot 17 . VAI L VA LLEY -THIRD FI LING ,A RES UBDIVISION OFPARTOF SUNBURST, Co un ty of Engle , S t ate of Col o rado. SCHEDULE 8 Th is Policy docs nOI insure against loss o r dam ale by reason o f the followin l: I.Rights or claims of pa rlin in pos.sa.s.io n no t show n by the pu blicreco rds . 2.Easem ents,o r clai ms o r eese menu,not shownby the public records . J .Discrepancies.co nflicts in bo undary lines.shorta le in ar ea ,encroachments.a nd a ny facts ....hich oil correct survey and mspec- tio n ofth e p remises would disclose an d which ar e notshown by th e pu blic records . 4 .Any lien.o r ria hl to I lien.for services,labo r,or mat erial her etofore or he reafter ,furnis hed .imposed by La w an d not shown by the public:records. S.Tues and assessments nOI yet du e or pa yable;an d Special Tues o r xssescne eu certified to th e office of theCount y Treasu r- er subseq uent to :Oc t obe r 29 ,1981a t 8 :00 A.M . 2 POLICY NO ._~=e!.L _ FormS114 / - No.37645 ..,"8 .. SCH EDULE-(Co DtiDUodr-- G. •,. 9 . 10 . ::l.i~h:of ...·a y ror-df t c h es o r cane.Ls c one'aruc t e d :7 !.~e e l.::~:-.~:-:::r .;:':~~';~~":.e d. States ,~~~~s e~v ed i n United S tates ?a~en~rec o r ~~c J'~~e 2 9.:903 .i~2 co~ 48 at ?~~e ~95 a nd a s rec o rded Aug ~s ~22 ,1950 ,in 30o~157 ~:?~~~~C~. Un dfvt ded "",·"·e "·s"Ln .'1 0 1"·"S o c her-"';"""""'J.":..--..~...e s e rved ".,..•..._~_-1-•.••"-:___,~.._,••_'-••__~•••~._~_..... Pe~er ~.:'~:3 0S i~the Deed to Job~?:~~~ay ,Jr.r ~c ~:-~e ~~~:r ;,:;~0 ,:~ Sook 1 65 a~?~~e 22 7.a~d a ny and al:~s 3:~r~e ~~3 t~e re?~,~~~":.er es~t~e rei ~. Te~s ,:on~i:i~~s,$~i p ula t i o n s ~~d ~bli~at:o ns ~s ~o n t ~i ~e~~~l r.d :!~~~r.: i zpose d ~y )~ree~ent b y a ~d be 't ~e en i~i :A$soc:at es ~;~.a~d ~~~:aci~::i ~s Inc.,a :o~~r~d o c ~r?o ra tio n .reccr ~ed July 1 7,1 96 4,i~3c ck :;2 ~:?~~e ~5 7. T e ~s.c~~c it i o n s ,stipulations e~d o :liga:iocs a~c ~r.tai~~d :~a ne ~~~d e ~s fap o sed ~i'Eas ement;Ag reeme nt 'by a r.d be tveen J ay 3 .?u li s J r ,.'.';:~:'-:"e :'!.f'.a.rr.e ~ Pulis ,J3.Y 3 .?~li s Jr.Trustee a nd 'ti a ~~n Kam er-Pul is,"c-us t e e and 'h .i :·.;a";~:­ an d Sa~ita:ior.Dist r i c t ,recorded f e or~a~/5 .:969.i ~300 k 2:.~~?a ~e 612. Terms,co~~i~i ons .stipulations and ~~l i gatio:ls a3 c ontai:le d.:~~r.~b~d ~~s l ::tpos e d ':;y Eaaeaie nt,~ree:ne nt by and becve en Va ilAs sc cLa'ce Inc .~:'!.c.';So:':'..',,'at e ::- and Sani tati on Dist rict .re cor ded Oc ":o be :-20 ,1 96 9,i~Boo~21 6 ~~?a ge 217. i~.Util i ty ~asement a s shovn o n the P13t o f sai ~Subdiv:'5icn,Sa:'!e ase=en:~e i r~ over a ?O r~1 0n o f t he ~or thv es t Corne:-of s ubje c t p roper ~y . 12 .Co ndi tions 9.S ahovn on t he r ec ord e d Plat o f ~a id Subdfvt s tc n ?r'J~!i "::'::~a s :-0110 ....5: ,St =-~c~~~s c on s ~r~c~ed ~ithi n ~h e ~od er~t ~!l..a1 anche ~2 =~:,i ~~::es ~il::e requi~~d :~~eet 3p ecial d e si ~~s ?e~ii~c atic ns. 2 .No bui:d in~s ~il 1 'b e p e~it t ~d ~i~hi~~~e ~:~~ava:~::~~e ~a~a.~i ~o ~es. 3 ,T r ~c ";"D"tc o e us ed ro r-t.em po r-a r-y uuz-n a.round for Sunc uz-s't ~::-:.·t ~.t..:.::t:l su ch r -e ad....a y i s extended Easte:-1 7 .~:-ac t ":J It vi 11.r-e ver-e ~s.c :::t o :0"'::'7 1 a s 300 ~9.$there is no n e ed :or ~uc ~~urnar o ~~d. 13 .~est r i ctior.s.~hic~do not ccnta1n a :or~~~~~::-e ~r reve:-~e :-~:9.cse ,~s c o ::~a i n e d i n 1 n s ~rumen~recorded Augu s ~30 ,1977 .i n Deok 259 a't ?age ~6 ,as se "t f o~h o n f orm at ta ched he r eto. / - • .. •- 13 .NollUI,wher.Senl A n ncnccs reQ u ire d 10 be g ill en tte Company al"d any sla te- 'ncnt,,,wr lli ng r eq ure ed to be lurnish ed th e Corrp a ny sha lt Inc'ude Ih e num~o l l"'i.polley anu shall be addr essed 10 it s Herne Otuce .C laims Dc ccrt me nt.6300 Wilsn,re B oule va rd , Los An9 clcs,Calilor n ia 90046. 12 .Li a Dilit.,.limiled t o t his Pol ic y Th,s m S l r....nent l ogether w .tha l l el"ldors cmeon ts and Olher .n · !;lII.-ncn tS .ifa ny.a n llc had h e ,elO by t h",C cmplt ny is lh llt en- l ore pol iCy ll nd cowec tb etween th"in s ured i'lnd t h e Com pa ny . A ny c ta .ee o f I(lSo"O'tJa m ag<:l .w h e th..,.o r not ba sad on neg l i . \tenee.a nd w hi ch a r ises Oul o f th e s tll1l.'s o f t he t itl e t o t he e state or in t erest cove r ed hy reby or 3 fl'(IICt 'OI'I ass ert ing slieh C 'Rim ,'l;hllll btl re str icted t o tbe ~ov ,si ons and condi •• I ,ons and S l i ,.,la l ions 0 1Ihl S policy .N o Bme'f'ldment o f or e rw:lOt'setnent 10 Ih lS policy e en be made e"Celll.by wr iting en • d or sed I'\ereon or a ttach ed he ret o s ignAd by e it her Ihe Pres ;· d ".,t .a V'CI'I -Pr1'l 511'l#\nt.Ih e Secre ta ry.an A SSIs t ant Secr eta - ry .or Vi .I I ~i1 tin llll H iee r or auth o.ized s ign atory o f th e C um lli llly. ..... l eO."hl 'On,.on ll S I 'INI ,n ,...."Con I,,,,,..,,.,~rt Cnnc '''''...t f rom "..~...."S ,,,..0 1 P oll e y fee ..' 6 .D llllt,m inlll ion lind Pay ment of LO$'o f such ins u,ed c laim,"n.sue"lie!shall n ot v o id t h is po liCy . 111 1 The 'h"b ,('l y o 'l h .!COl l111<111 Y u nd er Ih ,S po licy s h al l In n o bot t he Com p.'lny .on t hat event ,sh/t ll be requ ired to pIIIV on · c n se f'~c ,••~r t ru-1",lst Il l 'lv IM I pilI!or ony 10 6SflS in su red a ga ins t he reund er wh ich l 'l l ~lIc ltl/11 Ins !>u f t tre ,n ,\,,""1 1 CI;\,,","II ,o r s hal l e"t;lled th e a mounl.i lany.IOSI t ot he C om pany by 1"1 11'"<II11U1"'I ..1 ,"",ur,-,nC!!"la t",1 '"5 c;hl,.'<lu I1l A .reaSQrl of the impairment 0 1t he rl gnl o f s ub roglll ioo. (b l The C or"l ~l n ",WI ll I.'Y.OIl ,1t I.h ,,,~,It l .ln y Ills s ,..,,,,,rocl .1l:l<'Ill!o Il1v I h ,,,"I'uloc y •.,11 <;0..1..IIlll_n."d lIl ""1 .I ",nsu rod on l 'I 'Qi'lI'on c """....l 011 b y I h ~C ()o "I ~l"y ,,,'Such .n""retl .;t orI au c os t e.,1Uor ncy"l 'I('.·s .1m l ''''1 ,,:n ,,'''.In 10 1'H<1 1'0"c a ",ccl \'"hy SIlCh ",~.."...,l Wllh ;1",...."IW "o1 tlll ul!,T .l\.fln 0 1 IhO Com p,lny . ,cl Wh ",n 11 ;11 ,,"1'1'1>.1S h.',·",!"h nd,·ly fo .,,<1 '".If;r."r d ..nee .....11'I h ~c or...l.I"_,,,....1 'I"",,,,Iky.ti ,,,I"",.,'Of ,I...""!,,,s ha 'i ,.....1.·WlI h h'W.lh ,,,]"d ''1'',11'''''''''''''. 7 .Lim iUlli on 0'L,at"II .y No CI,l'nl :.h .'tll a""l 'III 1>.'""1",1.1 "hl h l"\11,,1.·,I",S J,,)lory Ii'l l ,I lh l!C,.nl n ny."'I'"I,;,,,,,,!,ff ·n ·.",~1 ""l1CO of iO n a 'h f«l!U ""'H(;I .1'1:11 UI ,,,,<:,,,,,I ,,,,,,,r:I'""-Ul''''.HI.1111S 1 hm eu rMh :r.h y 111 '»-11'0"<I'u l ll'·'....."'••",nu,v,'"'>111:1,,1.,I"t:I .I.""0 '(:"(;"111- u-co c e or l!"lilh l,,,lu',>lh",.,h ,.....,,,,,,,,,·,1......11 ""11 <1 '01"01" Ith lll I ,,"C a lt e.,,·...-."1.,1 .."r.ll "",.",. lbl ,n IllP ~c n l 0 1 h l'l l.ll'UII u"lil t h,·,"h .1S hcm ,1 '"111 1 nc - l "...rn",a loon h y <l cuu.1 vI <;""I.'U..,I 1""-""C I ,(lf'.;"....f r!'S llQ- ...1 ,on of .1 11 ,l l ~,,-·I-,Ih ,-,.·h 1".·'·..•I "Ih l '"I lt'.'I S on- ~",t.>d.as p .O\!,d"r1 .n 1"""!lr"':1 1""",,1.or ICI lor "fl b"'I".",,,,,,',I.Voly .,,,,,,,,,,,,,~I I ,.,,.m "':>I IIed '"!>!!II I",!/ a ny e ta .m 0 'hU l t W'lh ",,1 1'''1 ''...."11"..l:l N's "n l o j Ih l!Cnmpl1ny . 8 .R"duet lC'"o f ,l iabi l ily All paymen n.1I.lde .lh ,s I'o l.e.,..C.CO'll1 p •.,y "'.....t s mOOe fnt e tlol<l :>...II 01""YS ·I.·.....1,..1 ".I.....S.'S.",h...11 fflr.luCft t llr:t a",uunl 0 1 Ihit onsU,",Ol Ce pr o I.:J Ol lu .N o JlooJy mcnl sMll bot 1Nl<1..w ,th out ...OlL c mg Ih 'S po ',e y IOf ..,lrlOl "'-l!mer .l 01 s u c h '."Vmcol ....... te ss t he "olocy 1}If '0"1 III <1 ""1'0 '1("1.,n wh,ch c ase ,.001 01 Su Ch loss o r l1es tlLle.I 'lI",>h ill l I,,·I"rn ,sloeo-l t o th e s at ,slllCt'on 0 1 t ne C om IJo<1 "y . 9 .Li .b i l il y Nonc um ulal ,,,,e II i s eN~e s s'y ""rl ..rs l ,wlCl Ihill t he 8 '"UU,,1 u f ,nSurallCe u "dlt'" th is po lo e y 51",11 be red uced bva ny ,"1mo u n t I h e C orrip any moly pay u nder "ny policy ,nSLO "nll (',thm I")...n'o(ll t 9"'9 P showro 01',elerred t o Of'Schpdu le B h ..m ol w h,ch .sa ht""on lhe e st "te or in!l'.e!>1 cn""r ""hy t h,s p o li cy .or ibl a m or tgilge h e'6afl er e ~c c ul ed lly a n 'ns u.c d ....h .ch rs 11 c h1'lrgp Of II ".... o n th e e state o r inl "'''!>l l1os C,il ",d I"",fm'Hrl III 'n SchoduloA "ndth e am ounl so 1),'\.,1 s im i 'b e dec,,,r.:d ,1 Ik,ymCnl u ndc.th is poliCY.Th E!C omlkl n v !>h iJ ll h ,1\I('lh e 0 1'1'0"t o ."P llly 10t ho payment 0 1 a"y Su c h m or t g."1 !lIl!>..fly ;"""lC,nl """o lh"rw ,sll w ould 00 pay ,l ll il'!hn...,..""·'III t he "'bO "r ~1 [1Wf\Cf 0 1 use ",M<l le or 'ot e 'cs l CO\fC,C(1 1>'1'th ,S ,_.hry "'111 t"..l1mr:l.....1 s o pa.d sIq"1l!~1I.-.lf'C1 ,1 ''''''1'''''1''1 ,01 ..1."1I l1 ~pot.ey 10 s ,l id tn - S u,f!I1 ownt!•. 1 0 .AP POIl iorlllleOl I II the la nrl l h ·sc rol ,,·d ,,'5 d "...IIlI"A t:,,,,...~l :;0 1 l....1l or m olt! pe rcets "'''.t.il ...,..,""I Il l>...l a s a s n1!l h -s.t ".,,,"d a ross .l> establis hed .1 I1cC!'''1I t ",,~ur 01 ."..•rol 1"'1'"1 ~"'Cl 'l s hLOt n ..t .111 . t t-e loss s h all ilfl Coml _,t ,..t a nllll>l,n lol\1 Oil a 1110 r31.1 1""lSI5 3S .1 the [l1I10"n l "I ".-.t"'lOIr,:"m i."Ih .:-I'oln ;.,.....as 11 ,Of'!{1 oec ra ta as 10 IhP ";.h ,,,l '"D ilt e 0 1 Pot ..:y "I eacn seu a te ce -ce t t c I ht!Who '''."k clt ,si"c uf ,llW Im p r ov c m en t S mII dp. r.u h :;P.(l ",~n l In Datr-0 1 r nl l ry.,,,,I,;ss a II,lll ll.t y or...<l 11It1 ha s o ll1e'....'S.o been ;lQ";c d ll POll .1S t o l'!;u :h 1'o uch l'..rc ~1 11'1'I h !! COffil."'W ,mil t h l',n ,,""'ll .11 .1m t un"0 1 thl!,ss ,~l "cl'0 1 t h is >JO "Cy 'al ,,1 s h ow"'1'1'a n 1.'_11I"""s s l;.h'nll,,,t h ...",in or by a n l:'ndor S er'lP"'l a n it,h ,,,l hr 'fc t o. 11.Sub-oga lio n UPOII Payrnenl o r Settl emen l W"cr ,e ve<lh e COlll.1n y s hall h ;we seuled a cl/1tm u nrlltr Ih ,s 1)()1icy.a l l tiQ ht 0 1 S "h'()(Ji l!.(\f'\sM II "PSI '0 Ihe C~p<"lny tlrl _ I1lfllc led hy IIny a c t 0 1 II;!''"l\u r..d c lam'iln !.Th o C Ompll ny ~h ul l he s uh.ogo1tlld t o i)rlli lm (:nt i llfld 10 ,"1 11 t ights aflCl re - mcd ,es ....h .ch s uch Insur ed c la ima n t wou ld have had aga inSt .!loy pe1 SOll or ~o ~n y in r CSPCCI 10 Such c la ,m had t h ,s flO· h cy not been is s u ed.aM ,f rf!'q uesl ed by th e Company.~h in!'OurlK!el '''mN'lt s hll '1 transf ...to Ine Conpilny a ll righl s and rcrned,es a Sla ,n:>t a ny pe rson or \..OllC "'y ne cessary in or der 10 I..r le ct S uCh flgIl l of s u hr~t i(lll li nd shal l permit t he C lJm l ~lny t o 1ll'.1l t ho n lllllO of s uch InSUr(ld c llli fT\/l nt in lin ¥' t '':lIISol Ct,on u.Il t lya llOn i n"u l"'ln ll Mlr.h fI ght s or remedie s. It Ih e pa y ffiCnt d oe s ...o t COif(!,t he los s o f !'oU c h insur ed c '".ma nt .Ih e ComlJoil ny S hall be Svl l,og.1t ed t o such r,ghtS il nrl 'r>mt;<tl .r>s .n t h('p .opnrl .on ....h ,Ch sil .d payment bears t o l ht ~...m ou...t 0 1 SiI ,d Im-s.If to ss should re su lt !r om any lICI , ....-_...-_...-_.....-~.......-_....---------------------------------------------_. .. .". .. , ]~0z ~mrn :II z >~~,~li0 ~•n 0s ~~~ z ~III C ~ Zn ~m .' .."-. •montgomery D EN V ER BRANCH :s I NVr.:FlN ESS D RIV E r.:AS T EN GL.EWooD.COLD R'-CD 8 0 112 303 /77 3 -:114 23 May 2.1983 Vic Gall inaConstr uct io n Co mpany,In c. P .O.Bo x B Edw ard s,Colo ra d o 8 163 2 • At te n tio n: Subject: Ge n t l emen : Vic Gall i na Code Requ ir e men s-f or-Hom e _e va ~o r /' Lo c ate da tt h Lloy d's Res ide nce / Vail ,Color ad o ~ TheUBC (Unifo rm Buil din9Code)re f er e nces t he Ame r ica n Nati on al Stan d ar d of In st itut esco de e dit ion (AN S I).Thi s i st hesa fet y co de for e le va t ora nd e sc a l at or i ns t al l at i on s. I nsta ll ati ono fhomee leva tors i s o ut li ned in this cod e, specif ic al ly par t V,Pr i vate Re si denceEle vato rs . To the besto f oura bi lit ie s we haves uppl ied mater i al a nd workman shi p t oc omp l ywi t h an in st all a ti on th at meets or excee ds part V req uiremen ts . Ver y t ru ly y ou rs . M O ~T GOM E~O R tl:~en~~~a i r/M O de r nizat i o n JL :l p CO MPAN Y Supe ri ntenden t M ontgomery Ele vat or C ompany J Elevators &.Esca lators I Moline,Illinois 61 265309 1 164-6771 •••• )pi erce·baldw in and assoc iates. 0'o rchue cr ore .planning O~ltV August 9,1982 Vic Gallina Construction Co .,I n c . Box D Edwards,CO 81632 Dear Vic : Inc. On the fi r st level subfloor ,plywood can be lapped l es s than 4'_0". In stall header at any point where plywood corners are n ot be aring on j o is ts . Cr ipp le walls on t op of f oundat ion walls sbould be sheathedon b ot h sides wi th 1:1"plywood . Please c oo r d i nate t hese changes with the Town of Vail Building Insp ec~ to r. Thanks, David G.Sellers Pr ojec t Arch itec t DGS :p 1000 southfrontageroad west .vail,colorado 8 1657 303/4764433 • INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL )(£5U()6lj (I ~• , /L 0 YlO,,-O....l.S _t--::I<>->.:..:>..<r...:>LL...L.:---__ READY FO R INSPECTION : C ALLER MO NT UESWEO 0 ,'2K S /" _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON I STEEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S H EER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o PO OL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 19(F IN AL I ='9 Nt>S (f)PII..f<,.,0/2 /3,o FINA L ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL )l APP ROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPE CTION RE QUIRED C O RECTIONS : INSP ECTO R • • OATE . INSPECTION REQUES:r TOWN O F VA IL '1-2 J ~£'?JOB N AME I!.-o YDS Rt:S CAL LER _-==-----,_ M O NTU ES ~T H UR F RIREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CATI ON :_ B UILDING :PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /ST EEL o UNDERGROU ND o FO UNDATION /ST EEL oROUG H /D .w.V.. o FRAMI NG oROUG H /W ATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU L A TION oPOOL /H .TU B o SH EETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 P ~'NAL (I eo o FINAL ELE CT RICAL:MECHANICAL: oTEMP .POWER o H EAT I NG o ROUGH o EXHAUST HO ODS o CO N DUIT o SUPPLY A I R 0 0 o ,F ~J'lAL oFIN AL k n {A PPROV ED oD ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION R EOU IRED :7'C O RRECT IONS: DATE _--.L...::.<-a_"--"'---_INSPEC T OR ••INSPEC TION REQ UEST• '7 .2.-:::r TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAM E a :d <•'-'CALLER 9.20READYFORINSPECTION:MON TUESWED THUR FRI QS PM "-\--LOC ATION :~-, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT I NGS /STE EL o UN D ERGROUND o FO UNDATION /ST EEL o ROUG H /D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H .T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL I ~cl:~0 ~'i:.\=::'-1 , <-,"C"I 0 ..) o FINAL o FINAL ELE CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER a HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUP PLY AI R o '1 0 O>?;;AL o FI NAL I PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPEC TION REQUIRED·v, CO RRECTIONS: DAT E -'''-------'=---_--'==-_INS PEC T OR --e~ /'J •• ~-, ...-..., • INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN O FVAIL r"£7'" G~L-CN14CALLER • DAT E ...::r....~",V",A.>...L5___JOB NAM E --''''-'=-==--4 L-....:<_--:..---=:..L--=---.-----,---_ • _1 Ad /.S G AMP -- / - /&/) •- II \'CO RRECT IONS : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER R OOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 °Q:fJHAl."t=4?(Pj'O o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXH AUST H I~)Q D S o CON DU IT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 D,h'N AL o FIN A L ~<{APPR OVE D o D IS APPRO V D o REINS PECTIONREOUIRED -- INSPE CTOR f eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . r-,..fL -:;;I • I CA LLER _ PM_____A M I L ----RITHURWED .,-I TUES h M ONINSPECTION: -V .,x READYFOR LO CATION :__----''-_'-_---'--=--'-''-'--"---'-_L-===-------''--'''-__ Jr: o REINSPE CTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED "~-' BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL tvA'c:_7 41 .r-c:,-o ROUGH I DW,V, o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER RO OF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H ,T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POWER o HEATING o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPL Y AlA 0 "0 o FINAL o FIN AL ...--a 'APPROVED / CORRECTIONS: DATE ""","-'-~'-'!--L _INSPECTOR ) • •INS eTION REQUEST •/L T OWNOF VAIL JOB NAME UL,(rDATE CA LLER J READYFORIN SPECTION :MONTUESWED ·THUR 7-FRI AMPM. LOCATION:,,w BUILDING:PLUMBING: /o FOOTINGS r STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH r DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH r WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING. o IN SULATION o POOL r H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELE CTRICAL:MECHANI CAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 .0 o FIN AL o FINAL ""ADAPPROVED 5<CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPR OVED o REINSPEC T ION REQUIRED --- DATE --'''''-'-''-''...2..c::...._ I INSPECT O R ~,,~<</-,' '--'/ •INs.eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . DATE _ /CALLER "-__'--'_ PM_____AMFRIMONTUESWEDTHURREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CATION:-"----"'__~'____ o REINSPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF&S HEER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING"- o I NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ,r.~o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: • D ATE _IN SPECTOR • • if 'I CALLER ----"-'7-'=='------------ PM/THUR .....FAIWED-:MON TUE S Jun~tS l h . READ Y FOR INSPECTION: L OCATION :--'-=-==_"'-'-'-_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U ND ERGROU ND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAMING .o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCK N A IL 0 ~-11U#tf?Co 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS ~CO f/C o SUPPLY AIR ?4?:Z ~FI NAL ->/'o FIJ>i1 L A PPROVED -PROVED -:~6N P-ECTiON R EOUIRED<7 7 /CO RRECTIONS:./ -//' )//)-:-f'/,.•,,{(£/ /1 /I'f/ I//,// f l lrl If '1/ D A T ~'-"""+~7-_ -_.... • • (dfl.vuA-f '1CALLER CO RRECT IO NS : READYFO R IN SPECTION :MON T UES ~'ir't~FRI AMPM LOCAT ION :,;1?>:3 S 5"/lhlY~~'In-lIv>lP; -~ BUILDING:PLUMB ING: o FO OT IN GS I ST EEL o U NDERG ROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o RO U GH I D.w .v. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WA TER ROO F &SH EER o GA S P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEET ROCK N A IL 0 0 0 o FI NA L 04=I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR o .0Q.F)JJ ~t¥fI N A L ~P P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPEC TI ONREQU IR ED ...__.... •• ,/ INSPECTO R t:::;c;::.~~2~~_--~==:;;:'---D A TE -"r~=-r"------ eTION REQUEST T OWNOF VAIL • L L e)V/)<;DATE :;(;,/? PM C ALLER __~:::;;::;;;;;;---------~:_- TUE SW ED C T HUR _~FRIMONREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCATION :_ /CORRE CTION S: BU ILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROU GH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING. o IN SUL ATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETRO CK NA IL 0 rf ;~/c ~:tt '4 F Il/IL 0, o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 '"o FINAL o FINAL ""}b ~AP PR O VE D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • o . •• IN SPECTOR --"'=="-=~~~=--_ • • 3-/'1-73 • INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNOF V AIL , READYFOR I NSPEjJ(?N :MO N O/::~~S)W ED TH UR FRI AM PM lOCATION :£h ,../a»;-Ca.. V J BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PIPIN G *l YWOO D NA ILING IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCKN Ail 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:ME CHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPP LY AIR 0 0 o ~].t'J.fC o FINAL ~~PR O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CO RRECTIONS: •• DA TE 3-/£,f ;?I NSP EC TOR /~z 2~I • • • INSPECTION REQUES'T T OWNO F VA IL (f,,)J..,l/"c /,,(/ PM (-,• BU ILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON /STEEL o ROUG H /D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /WA TER ROO F &S H EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H .T UB o SH EETROCKNA IL 0 0 (,t (',,1 _,/.f 0,/'foFINAL o FI NAL ELECT RICAL:MECH AN ICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 09·4 o FINAL A AlSPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CO RRECT IONS , I NS P ECT OR ~~<_I:(v .z-??-f?DATE ~'-'--"-'L--!L.L._ • • -z...;/y I ; • INSPECTION REQUESTL/0 s I T OWNO F VAIL /CALLER _ _____AMPM oREIN SPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED READY FORI NSPECTION :MaN T UE S W ED T HURFRI L OCATION :;?-Od'.\-I ~U 'I 6urJ r Pa 1 I ',I 1 611 BUILDING:PLUMBING : oFO OTINGS I STEEL o U N D ERGROUN D oFOUND ATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W .V. I 'F\FRA MI NG oROUG H I WATER I ROOF &SHEER oGA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INS ULATION oPOOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 oFIN AL oFIN AL ELECTRICAL:ME CHANI CAL : n T EMP .POWER o H EATING o RO UGH oEXHAUST HOOD S o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY AI R o /0ci>~:L o FINAL ~/A P PR O VE D /CO RRECTIONS : ~/.• DA TE 2-/~-F5 _____AM ,PM TION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL • INS • D ATE 7-/'I/,r:5 J OB N AME L (0 ),5.r I ----=--~_r<=----__r_----,,------- CA LLER ,'.::>u jn ("/{I READ YFO RINSPECTION :~TU ESWEOTHUR FRI LOCATION:2 0 J.?lj;-'J lJ./~0 r ",",\.ce..<;<V'~\(/)"4 <1 ,iI ,oJ,., BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o U NOERGROU ND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL o ROUGH /D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WAT ER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATI ON o POOLI H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HEATIN G 0'ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS, o C ONDUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL • o 'A PPROVED I"'b O RRECTIO NS : o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED ---.'.." DATE •}-7 -,r2.,7 INSPECTO R --::-:;-/_''''-=-'---,----'-_~'''_'=~------»: THUR '~<?':(J a -I (.,,..,.._.,,....., • INSPECTION REQUESTjTOWNOFVAILI\,)c: I I v.~JOB NAME ---"=--'--"'-"7---¥-,...,------'---------I J,q /v3 T ' • READY FOR L OCA TI ON :-;-f'-"--'-'---'--"--'-~"--''-------''--__'f'''--=L:..OL--'=-...!::..-'-''--i-=''==-------- DATE --'-,f-L'H--'---"---- o REINSPECTION REQU IREDoDISAPPROVED BU ILDI NG:PLUMBI NG : o FOOTIN GS /ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S H EER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOL /H.TUB /7\SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: ~ o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING , o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR ~ 0 0/7 ".,, o FINA L o FI NAL .~A P P R O VE D C ORREC TIONS : • • /--;-B • INSPECTION REQUES:r lfl 1'6 T OWNO F VAIL r.£iJNatt r CALLER READ Y FOR I NSPECTION :MON 11 TlJES ~ L OCATION ~3J S1,?,K/""jL /;, T HURFRI _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L I H .T UB o SH EET ROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEAT ING !:J,..ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL Q 'A PPROVED /'CO RRECTIONS : o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQ UIRED --- • IN SPECTOR --=-""'==----'-=--...:,,..--,~C_:"------ /' rf) J !-J-DATE --'-----""----'-'-4----- • • INSPECTION REQUES·T )(I /?TOWN OF VAIL ~l f/~1d;.ArrIiJOBNAME--"-'-'-''-'''r--:.L--I-'=~-------------1-3 -J'~D ATE ---'---='---''-=''----__ _____AM PM CA LLER _ MO N @ WED TH UR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCA T ION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ~ROUGH I D .W .V., o FRAMING b ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR :~il 1£vl /JH ct, o FIN AL, 1"A PPROVED o DI SAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION RE QUIRED ./CO RRECTIONS: _...._'.... I .~ IN SP ECTOR bllfr ~D ATE -'---'_"-"'''-_ • "• 1-3-£3 READYFO RINSPECTION : LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOUNDAT ION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. .r{,FRAMI NG o ROUG H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEE R o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 .-07/o FINAL o F INAL,, O ::'APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECTIONR EQUIRED /CO RRECTIONS : ~-·I ~£«>:"( INSPECTOR -""'-,~~i"c;""'=c=.==----------DA TE -L.~~::"'<:'_ • • _____AMFRITHURMONTUES I ,I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL J OB N AME t-/"(I./1,r CALLER II ( ,- (1/e READ YFORINSP ECTION, LOC ATION , DATE J......J...l-'-_ • COR RECTION S, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ELECTRICA L:ME CHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L h -APPROVED o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQU IRED-.... • INS PECTOR ( TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAil · INSP f!-~(cI---L£=()s,-,--_ ICALLER _ <®&>.~I MON TUE S WEDTHUR PM' kdB'.'" ~, JI JOB NA ME • READYFOR INSPECTION , LOCATION,-=__.e ~il5.~t:::--==:-.L DATE -J-'-1-.i1l.J='--- ,0REIN SPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: iJ'FOOTINGS I STEEL ,,~.(l't ~,1"o UNDERGROUND 6 FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF&SHEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOLI H.T UB o SHEETROCK NAil 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAl: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 ./lg.FINAL o FINAL -~}J;.7\P PRO V E D /C ORRECTIONS' TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - INS NA ME ciJll yl/At,. C ALLER -----------.'7f=r----=---@ TUE SWE D T HURFRI JOB • READY FOR IN S PECTION : LOC ATION:-,-7fL-=Zlf:LL...._ • BUILDING:PLUMBING: '6 FOOTINGS I STEEL ~~.e o U NDERGROUNDif. o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRA MIN G o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &SHE ER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUSTHOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o fl~1L o FI NAL ,~P R O V E D o DIS APPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED /CO RRECTIO NS : DA TE //-,;-ft.-- • -----8 PM INs_eTION REQU EST J OB N AME X-k/lr k rc:.TOWN OF VAIL C ALLER I If/",-"",.n-I/.... IN SPECTION,MONf U ES W ED T HUR ~ :20 ~~SVA1 A-IUC ~R EADY FOR LOCATION :...2"-".2..L.L!.=""""""'-'---"""-'-_ •D ATE BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROU GH I WA TER ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROC K NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATIN G o ROUGH o EXHA USTH OODS o CON DUIT o S U PPLYA IR ''1 111m"Autq:de -Pe4 1z1 ,/(2ht'(':....0 o FI NAL ./t7"u n ~/!.t1)..,.n)../)/(J,/(0FINAL " X A PPRO VED CO RRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIR ED IN SPECTOR .,:'=="---'''-''--"---'''''-=-"'"'''-7-==---I ,)-;>ry _f'1.,DA TE -'--'""---~-"f--=-G-1--- READ Y FOR LOCATION: eTION REQl:JEST TOWN OF VAIL • INS JOB NAME dJMfJJ &. C ALLER =::-----:= MONTUE S ~T HURFRI /0 -2jJ -f 2..• DATE • BUILDING:J,.PLUMBING : 't/OO TING S I STEEL (i 'J.//J7I/J.--.--'o UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB ~S;:J;J;C K NAIL 0 0 I 'o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPL Y AIR 0 09'~a:L o FINAL APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REOUIRED C ORRECTIONS: ..........,""'" TION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL ~.INS DATE !{}~!tJ JOB NAME ~,Y/'-U~'r'~~~~~r-d--_ /I CALLER -"ffi~!z'eJ.~:;",,~';JI-~-----r==:::c=;;;;;;:- READ Y FOR IN SPECTID)1 ~MON C~WED T HURFRI LO CATION:J{}3rtlJ0:,t!!.(~ o REINSPECT/ON REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL ):rU NDERGROUND (/Ode K<'O'k--- o FOUNDATION I STEEL b;-ROU Gff/''U.WoII. o FRAMING ~·ROU llli:t;WA'fER ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o GA S PIPING o INSULATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 •0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUP PLY AIR 0 0 o F.IN 5i?'o FINAL ,.~O >i(P P R O V E D 7 CORRECTI O NS: IN SPE CTO~~::::/t1 -20_EZ;-- IDATE-r'-U~-===C-=----- ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL • {(•DATE --"-t'--"--"tL£....=:c.-JO BN AME ----'--'e...-:.~:__~:l-:r___:_--------- r ___~cAM)PM V ~,:- p O£r z,od o REIN SPEC TION REQUIRED W ED THUR I,,,..':>e o DISAPPROVED MON T UESINSPECTION: ~.. -, B UIL DING:PLUMBING: o FOOT ING S I STEEL o UNDER GROUND RFOUNDATION I STEEL &:o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWE R o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 O ,F ~AL o FI NAL., t,29 4:f,PROVED /C OR RECTIONS : • D ATE -;=--==----'----"--''-_INSPECTOR ~-&<:,.-:-/ '1"- _____AMPM :)0"....n h-../J INS TION REQUE;ST JOB NAME L I 0 '7/~O W N OF V AIL - -C-A-L-LE-R---'='=\i,',50 r/.-.-~ TUE S WED 8 FRI D~fr~I • DATE -----1'--'-''---1'--'--'''-- READYFOR I NSPECTION:MON LOCATION:,~((h (,,'"r Y~r /I1""t.I.-.- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUN DATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF&SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 '•.tM -,(c 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL :M ECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL, • ~D 1.P PR O VE D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED DATE --''-'--"-----'-=--_ /~/-~~-~(INSPECT O R ..:pe;..<~4'/.If,."___ '-"'"( -,....,...... I V'-_ ____--,~PMI~' r(Jpl'~ eTION REQUEl?T TOWN OF VAIL 7i THUR CALLER ----""--"7-+~-"='-"-==---_=_-- MONTUESWED S (t ~{,<A.7 -:- JOB NAME -------"--=~"7;T_:<t:_'"7:r-~------ INSPECTION : .,:2 0 J r • DATE REAOYFOR LOCATION :--"""-''---''-'---....ll='-''-='''-'----------------,fU-''''';>;-:'3l- • BUILDING:PLUMBING:,(~.w~/~~o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND '\•-. o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB lJ SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 lJ o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: lJTEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH lJEXHAUST HOODS c CONDUIT lJSUPPL Y AIR lJ lJ lJ .JIN ~lJ F INAL ~::PR O V E D lJ DISAPPROVED lJREIN SPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE _"---'--=--'-_INSPECTOR ,.-"'-.'.-:::=r=-....e...=="-"==='----- INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F V AIL Lt OV11 ('J OB N AME __-===---'~~'---_ • D ATE • _____A M @ CALLER _ M O N ~WE D THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CATION :--.-_ • o REIN SP ECTIONREQU I REDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STE EL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT IO N /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /WAT ER o I NSUL A T IO N o GA S PIPING o SH EETROCK N AIL o POOL /H .TUB lP ·~,.c7&gZ 0, o FIN A L o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE M P.POWER o H EATIN G o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOO DS o CO NDUI T o SUPP LYA IR o <0 LP y)it:o FIN A L -~A PP R b V E D /CORRECT IO N S: D ATE _-''-_£b'~yINSPECTOR('5~~- •, INSPECTION neoussr T OWNO F VA IL it-ow ')R~('. _____AMPM C ALLER _ M ON T UESWED ~FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUI LDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTING S/STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH /OW-V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WAT ER o INS ULATI ON o GAS PIP ING o SHEET ROCK NAIL o POOL /H .T UB 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 .0 O f ytL o FIN AL ,.o DI SAPP ROVED o REINSPECTIO NREQUIRED~AP PROVED -eoRRE OTIOt~S. i::£HAVE AePi'Qllifo -rHIr f't't/L.t:>oO maR OAi 7'7IE O¥:'r el1a=or 1fi£Iff CUdI'1£1'£# S/lt!"EU,uG r RauCLI '[',.poe ",,<if L Ilf 6".:;jt;livr AL(...1f!!I"1H£1s! w/u t-AF II " 7 DATE _-"-__~'-_ eTION REQUE~T TOWNOFVAIL FRIWEDTUES JOB NAME lA.w:IfI"----'-'"":-.,---m,,~---------- INSPECTION :MON ~:k--- READYFOR LOCATION :---!:.-'==-<===------------=--------f-.L"L!o!.==----f:~__:: BUILDING:W PLUMBING: ItFOOTINGS I STEEL 1f!A,,15~1l Nrlt/L ,AUNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPING \'o PLYWOOD NAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 O)'I r9 o FINAL ~PROV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -''-_ ..- ••• eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAIL DATE :7 .").(,-t V J OBNAM E __-=L=-=L=",o"">-(."rj'l""'~""Y7"'''-_ CA LLER _ PM_____AMFRITHURINSPECTION:MONTUESWED 'i//-tV&.....-£.z?- R EADY FOR LOCATION:L<"'-''''''-====-=='--_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: .Iq FOO TINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND Io FOUN DATION I STEEL n ROUGH I D W .V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER ROO F &S HEER o G AS PIPI NG \o PLYWOODN AI LING o POO L I H.TUB \o I NSULATI ON o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL , ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL , , o A PPROVED CO RRECTIONS : o DI SAPPROVED R:J,4$~ o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED .-" ""11>'}&~~--.,,:p ~'!~'t",'-..INSPECTOR -::-''--'''-'''''''-=~~=----------,-'2-.-::.n.,D ATE _-'-=-=""--'-.-L-'---_ /,,,-/,,!G t .._·........ N AME ---=~=-"'-'+-_'+--"~_=_=_-__c:---__c:---- INS eTION REQUE~T /TOWN OFV AIL L 40 ..,C'1.s /I ;-n,C'CA LLER I,C 1'-,~.m-?~ M ON TUE SWED ~FRI ;:;;:)jPM,U...(,~(U<f.'-Dt o r.«>//·!-1 ZZ;:~_; IN SPECTION : :)0/0 DATE READY FOR LOCATION:"-'""'-'<--;'--L.:....=c!c.-'-"=L--W'-__--:~==--LL:.L--==~+- •• BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS 1 STEEL o UN DERGROUND ,,P,FO UNDATION 1 STEEL o ROU GH 1 D ,W,V, o FRAMIN G o ROUGH 1 WATER RO OF &S HEER o GAS PIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING "o IN SUL ATION o POOL I H ,T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 \\ \\0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POWER o HEATIN G o ROUGH o EX HAUSTHO ODS o C ONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 ,,,,/,,o F)NAL o FINAL ,~PPR O V E D o D ISAPPR OVED o REIN SPEC TI ON REOUI RED,/.----: /CO RRECT IONS : DA T E _<-=-"-'===~_/ INs_eTION REaUE~T TOWNOF VAIL • I 1/,q (c ~+-. TH UR ~1Rlo- I WED • J OB NAM E __--====-'--"-':--""+--,-_ CALL ER --'-"---'--L.-'-'="-'-__,-=-_-= IN SPEC TlON ._MON ::;l TUE S -d ..J Y'7 ~6 /-..k • DATE -~r-'-----'-"--- REA DYFOR LOCATION ;__-='-'--""'----'--_-=,.."-'---~o....'____.....:..___",_----------- ••• ,-• BUILDING:PLUMBING:, n FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UND ERGROUN D o FOU NDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMI NG o RO UG H I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGnPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L I H .T UB o S HEETROCKNAI L 0 \ 0 0 ••_',1 \-\\0\o FI NAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 O ,F)I1AL o FINAL ~/A P P R O V E D o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQ U IRED CORRECTIONS; D AT E ~-&-1'2--..I NSPECTOR READY FORINSPECT ION :MON LOCATION :g d~/, i> INS eTION REat.tE~T [(o )!=TOWNOF VAIL i" CALLER .'-g;;...,L/=;t'..- TU ES W ED T HUR fj)A MPM'I 'u VA-(1A.&z -r:DfC I ",,', N AME __---'-'=--"'~~;:=''------=----~---iO If \)/'l Z-J OB ..I I ... DATE •..• o RE INSPECTION R EQ UIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDER GROUND o FO UNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. /o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &S HEER o G AS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOL I H .T\B o S HEETROCKNAI L 0 ''1:'\-'"'\\\ \0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL r V\-'I\" ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: IJ\T EMP.POWER o HEATIN G o ROUGH o EXH AUSTH OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAI R 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL ',.,{,I ,0-A PPROVED f'C O RRECT ION S: DAT E -r-rr-r-r-r-..:.:--'-__IN SPECTO R =--""-L__~-"-,_--":..L.:..,==--_ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 •• SPECIFICATION FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCE of MR .&MRS .RICHARD LLOYDS VAIL,COLORADO MAY 1982 • I A SPECIAL COI\D ITIONS I EGENERALP ROVI SI ONSOFDIVIS ION2 THROUGH DIVISION 1 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • SPEC IFICATION IN DEX COND IT IONS OFT HECONTRACT Ge neral Co nd it ions DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVIS ION 2-SITE WO RK 2BS ITECLEARI NG 2CEXCAVATION.BACK FILLING AND GRAD ING 2D SITE D~~I NAG E .UTI LITIES 2 £PAVING DIVI SION 3 -CONC RETE 3A F ORMW ORK 3B REI NFORCI NG STEEL 3C CAST-TN -PLACECONC RETE DIVISION5-ME TAL S SASTR UCTURAL STEEL 5C MISCELLANEOU S MET ALS DIVI SION 6 -CARP ENTRY 6AROUGH CARPENTRY 6B FI NISH CARPEN TRY be BU IL DING INSULA TION 60 CABINET YORK 6E GLUE -LAMINATE D WORK DIVISION7-MOISTUR E PR OTECT I ON 7F SHEET METAL 7 G MEMBRANE WATE RP RO OFING 7JLI QUID DAMPP ROF ING 7K CAULK ING AN D SE~~S 7L COHPDSI!WA LL INS ULATION DIVIS ION 8 -DOORS ,WIN DOWS ,GLASS S AWOOD DOORS 80 SPEC IAL DOORS 8 D METALFRAMES 8G WOOD WINDOWS 8 H FIN ISH HARDWARE 8 1 GLASSANDGLAZING 8 J CURTAIN WA LL • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •DIVIS I OK 9 -FINISHES 9C DRYWALL 9 D TI LE 'WORK 9 F WOO D FLO ORIN G 9J t.'ALL COVERI NGS 9 L P AI!'(TING AND F INISHI NG DI VISION 10-SPECI ALTIES I DA MISC E L LA~E O US SPECIALTIES l OB TO I LET R OO~ACCES SORIES I OC MET AL CURTA IN TRA CKS DIVISI ON 11 -EQU IPMEK T IlL KI TCH EN AP PL I~~C E S D IV l S IO~13 -SPEC I AL CO~ST R UCTIO N 13F SWIMMIN G POOL 131SOLAR COLLEC TOR DI VISION 14 -CONVEY ING E QU IPME1~ 1 4AELECTRI CELEVATORS DIVISI ON 15 -ME CHAN I CAL l SA MEC HA.'~n CAL -G E N E RAL REQ UIRENElI.'TS DIVISION16-ELE CTRICAL 16AELEC TRI CAL -GE NE RA L RE QUIREMENT S • The f olloYing Se c tions a r e not ap ar t of t heContr ac t: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •EXCL USIO~S: IB ALTER.'ATES Ie ALLOWANCES ID UN IT PRICES 2A DEMOL ITION 2F LAN DSCAPING 2G METAL FENCING 2HIRRI GATI ON SY STEM 2I SHORING 2J CAI SS O:-iS 2K PILING 3DPRECAST CONCRETE 3E PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 3F I N S L~AT I N G CONCRETE 4A BLOCK MA SONRY 4B BRICK MA SONRY 4CSTONE t--'.ASONRY 5BMET At DECKING 50 AR CH ITECTURAL ~TALS 5£PRE FINI SHE D ~TAL 5F OPEN-W EB STEEL JOISTS 7A BUILT-UP ROOFING 7B TILE ROOFING 7 C SHI ~GLE ROOFING 70 ME TAL ROOFING 7E ELAS TOME RIC COAT ING 7H METALLIC WATE RPROOfING 7I BUTY L MEMBRA.xE 8 B ME TAL DOO RS Be ENTRAN CE DOO RS &FRk~NG SF METAL \o,'IND OWS 9ALATH &P1.ASTER 9B VENEER PLASTER 9ERESILIENT FLOOR ING 9GTERRAZZO 9H SEAMLESS FLOORING 91 SEA~ESS WALL COATING 9K ACOUSTICAL UNITS 9M SPRAYED FIREPROOFING IOC TOILET PARTITI ONS I DE ~~TAL LO CKERS IOF MET AL SHE LV ING 1DG F'LA GPOLE S 10H MOV AB LE PARTITIONS 101 SUN CONTRO L 10J LETT ERING s ~U!1B E R I N C llA LABORAT ORY FU R..\'ITURE lIB LAB ORATORY/HOSPITAL EQUIP }~NT llC FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ]10 PARKING &~D G .~G E EQUI PMENT llE SCHOOL AND GY}!NASIilll EQUI PMENT IlF LIBRARY EQ UIPXE~7 llG WINDOW WASHING EQUIPMENT • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •EXCLUS I OKS (cont.) II H STORE EQUIPME NT I II PLAYGROUN D EQ UIPM ENT I IJ BANK EQ UIPMENT 11K AUD IO VISU AL EQU I P ~~T 1 2A SEATIN G 1 2BBLINDS &SHADE S 12C CASEWO RK AN DFIXTURES 1 2D CARP ETING 12E MAT S &MATTIN G 1 3A WA LK-IN CO LD STORAG E 13B I SO LA TED ROOMS 13C RADIATION PROTE CTION 1 30INCINERATORS 13E ACCESS FLOORS 13 G PREFABRICATED STRUCT URE 13H SAlmA UN IT 14B HYDRAUL IC ELEVATORS 14C ESCALATORS 140 CONVE YORS 14E DUMB~A I TE R S 1 4F LO ADLl ITS 14 G PNEUMATI C TUBE SYSTE."'1 • GE~ERA L CO ~D I T IO N S I~.'--==-===_·L-_ I I I I I The "GEXE RAL COX Dl TIONSOFTHE COl\TRACT FORCONSTRUCTION".Do cument A-2 0I. i s su ed b y t he America n Institute o f Architect s ,l at e st e dit ion.and i t s S u pp l ~en ts i f any,relates directl y toth e Work o f th is Pr oj e ct and is h e reby made apa rt of the Cont ra ct as though f ull y cont ained 1nt hese Spe cif f eat dcn s . I I TheCon tr ac tor i s h er e by specifically directed.a sa conditi on of t heCont rac t. :0 o btain t he nece s sa ry number of co pies o f Document A-201 ,to a c qu a int h imself with t he Articles c ontained therein and to n otif y a nd apprise all Subcontractors. Sub -subc ontr ac tors ,s uppl iers and any ot her part ies t o the Contrac t o r indiv i - dual so r agen c ie s en ga ged o n the Work as to its co ntents . I I 1\0 c on:ra c t u al ad justments sha ll be du e o r b ecome exigen t as a r es ult of fa ilu re on t he part o ft heCont ractor t o fully acquaint him self a nd all o therpa rti es t o th ~Cont rac t ~i t h thec ondit ions o f Document A-20 1 . I I I I I I I I I GE:;ERA,L C O!'lLHT IO~S I I •SECTI ON I A SPECIAL CONDIT IO~S • CO ~~O ~RLFERE~CE S Tk~DARDS:Reference in t heCont rac t Documents to kno~~ standa rds such as codes .standa rd spec ifications .et c.pr om ul gated b y p rof e ss ional o r t ec hnic al Assoc ia t ions ,I nstitu t es ,Societies mean t h e l ate st edition of e ach s uch s tanda rd a dopted and pub lished as of t he dat e of t he Contrac tf or t he ~o rk of t hi s Pro ject ,e x cept ~here otherw ise spec if ica lly i nd ica ted .Th ef o llo....ing is a represen tative li st o f suc h standardst o get her with the abbrev ia t ion by wh ich e ach i si denti f ied : APIAmeri can P etroleum I nst itute I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AAMA M AASHTO ACI ALEE AISC AN SI ASXE ASTM AWSC AWW A e RSI CS FG:-fA NEC NE.HA NITA Arc hi te ctur al A lum inu ~Ma nufa cturer sAss oc iat ion Alumin um Associ ation Ame rican Assoc .of Sta te Hig hway &Tr anspor ta ti on Offic i al s A~e r i c an Concre te Institute A~c ri ca n Inst itute o f Elec tr ical Engineers Ame rican I ns tit ut e of Stee l Construc tion Ame rican ~a tlonal Standa r ds I n sti tute An e rican Soc iety of Mechan ica l Eng i neers Ame r ican Society f or ~es ting and Mate r ials Ame rican ~e ldin g Soc iety Co de Ameri can Wat e r Wor ks Ass ocia t ion Co n cre t eRe infor c in g Stee l I ns titu t e Comme rcial St anda rd o fNa ti on al Bureau o f Standar ds Flat Glass Ma rke t ing Associat ion Nat iona l Associa tion o f Architectu ral jtet a I Manufac tu re r s National El e ctric al Code ~ationa l Elec t rica l Ma n ufa ctur ers Assoc ia t ion Na t ional Fir eP rotectionAss o ci at ion lA-l I SDI • I I I SS PC TCA UL LllC Steel Struc tu r es Painting Council Titl eCoun cil o f Ame rica,Inc. Underwr i ters 'Lab orat or ie s .Inc . Un i form Bui ld ing Code.I n tern a t i on al Confe rence o f Build ing Of f icials,5360 Sou t h Wor km an Mill Ro ad,Whit t ier.Cal ifor nia 9060 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJ ECT ME ETINCS : A.To enable order ly r ev i ew d ur ing progress of t he Wo r k,a ndt o prQ vide for systema tic d isc u ss ion o f p r obl em s ,th e Architect wi ll conduc t pe r iod ic p roj ect neeting s t hroughout t he c on stru ction p e riod . B.Project mee tings may be requested by the Archi teC t O~~e r o r Cont ractor as t he need arises a nd subjec t to 8 mutua l ly agreeab le t L~e a nd l oc ation . C.To the max imum ex tent practicable ,~eetings will be h eld a tt he job s ite. D.Pr econst ruct ion me et i nc will b es cheduled wi th in tend ays af ter t he ~~er has issued No t ice t o Pr oceed .Prov id e attendan ce by autho r ized r e pr e senta tiveso ft he Con trac tora nda ll majo r su bcon t rac to rs .The Archi tect ~ill advise o ther I nt er e.ted p ar t i es and r eque st thei r at t endance , CONSTRUCT IOX SCHEDULE : A.As soon as possibl e,a nd no l onger t han 10 d ays afte r t he a ~a r d of t h e cons truction co nt ract ,s u bm it B co nstruction sc hedu le to the Ar ch itect. B.Subm i t o ne co py o f "Sc h ed ul e Sta tus Rep ort "in t he f orm of a n u pdated s che dule ,a minim um o f onc e 8 mo n th wit h th e cons tr uct ionpa ymen t r eque st .In termed iate s chedu l e s tatus re po rts s hou ld b esu bm it ted f or a pprova l a ny time the s chedu le mu st bea l te red sign i f icantl y. SUBMIT TAL S: A.Co nfo rm to all r eq ui rem ents o ft he Gen er a l Co ndi tions and Suppl em entar y Co ndi tions (AR TIC LE 4). B.I,..·h~r ~ve r poss ib le t hrougho ut theCont rac t Documents ,t hemin imal l y acceptable qu al i ty of wo r~~ansh i p and ma te r ia l s has been d efin edby manufact u rer 's n ame and c ata log number,r eference t o r ecognizedi ndust ry and gove rnment st a nda r d s ,(,T desc r iption o f r e quLred a tt r ibutes a nd performanc e . c .To ensure tha t sp ec i f ied p rodu cts a re f urnisheda nd i n stalledi n acc o r- dance ~ith d esigni nten t ,sa~p les a nd/o r submi ttal s a re t obe s u bm i tt ed to the Arch itectf o r approv al pr i or t o pu rchase a nd ins ta llation .It ems sub~itted as alternates to the specificat ion should i n n o way c ause delay because of availab il ity o r installation p rocedur es .Any it em not 5ub~ltted for cons ide r ation as an alterna te t o t he s pecif ica tion should be su ppl ied a ss pecified . l A-2 F.Sh op Draw ings :~~ke a ll Shop Drawings accu ra tely a nd to scale s ufficient i ns iz e to show all per ti nen t as pec ts of t he it em and its methodo fc on- nection to t he Work C.Samp l es :Unless ot her~i se s pecified.subnit al l s amp l es in t hequantity ~hich is r equ ired to b e r et urned p l us o ne which ~ill b e r et ainedby the Ar chit e ct .~us t su bni ts ampl es 10workingda ys prio r t o installation. 1.Su bm it a ll Shop Dr awings In the f orm of one s epia t ranspar e n c y o f each she e t pl us one blue lin e o r bl a ck lin ep rint o f each s heet . Blu ep ~l n ts will no t be a ccept a ble. •2 .Prin t i ng a nd dist ribution of r e v iew Shop Draw ings fo rt he Arc h it ect 's u se will be by t he Ar chi tect .All Arc hi tect 's review c o~ents will b e s hown on t he sepia transparency when it is ret urned t o t he Contractor. The Contra ctor shal l make and di stri bute all c opies r equi re d for h is o vn pur p o ses- A cc ompan~ch wi th a lett e r of informa ti on r equ ir ed fo r ident l- t he schedule with a ll ne c essa ry sub c ontr act orsCoordinate suppliers. Cons ec u tively ~b c r all subm i ttals . tr an smitta l co nt a in ing a ll pertinent f Lc a lion . Coordi n a ti on : a nd mat er LaLs D. E.I I I I I I I I I I I I I H.~nu f a cturer 's Literature:Where c ont ents of su bmitted li tera tu re fr om man uf acture r s inc ludes da ta n o t pertinent t o the submittal ,cl early indi cate whic h por t ion or t he contents is being su bmitted fo rr e vi ew. Submi tt he number o f cop ies which are required to b e re :urned plus t wo cop ies whic h will be re tained by t he Archit ect . I .Cerr tf t ce t tcn:Whe re ccr t t f t c at es of compliance a r e specif ied ,show on eac h c ~r tl f ic a tio n the name and l o cat iono f th e Work.namea nd address of Co n t ~a c t o r ,quan ti ty and d ate o r d at es of shipment or d eliv er y t o ~hi ch t he c~rtif icate a ppli e s ,and na me o f th emanufac t ure r.Cer t i- fi cate s sha ll be si gnedbyan off icer o f the manufac tu rer .I n addit ion , all l ab ora tory tes t reports submit ted with Certificat es sha ll sho ~ date o f test ing,s p e c if ie d r equirements for whic h t es ting was per f or med , and r e s ul ts of tes ts . FOUN DA TION INFORP~T ION : I A.A soils inv~st igation report has been prepared fo r t hes i te o f this Wo rk by t h e Soi l Engin eer . I I I B.The soi l s investiga tion r ep ort may be in spected at t he o ff i ceoft he A r ~hit ~c t,and c opies maybe obtained at the cost of repro duct ion an d hand lin g upon r eque st a ccompani e d byf ull pa>~ent a nd a dd r ess ed to t he Ar chit e c t , C.This r ep ort ~as o btai ned on l yf o r the A rc h i t ~c t 's u se in des ign and i s n ot a pa rt o f the Contract Docu~ents .Ther epo rt i s available fo r b idde r s'inf o rma tion.b u t is n ot a ~ar rnn t y of sub su rface cond it ions . I lA-3 I E.Adjus t al l ~o rk pe r fo rmed thatd oe s n o t mee t tec hni ca l or design r equ ir ement s.but makeno dev iat ions f romContr ac tDocuments wit hou t sp ec if ic and .....ritt~n a pp rova l o f Ar chitec t . A.The Owner wil lp ayf o r al l t es t s and in s pections .o ther t han thos e b y Pub lic Au tho r i t ie s,call ed f O T i n Sp eci fi c ati on Sec ti ons un l ess o theru ise specif ied.Th e Co n tr ac tor sha l l,a t h is ex pense ,fu r n ish s am p l esf or such te st s a nd deliver t h~to t he Te stin g Ag ency ~he n a ndwhe r ed i re c t ed by t he Ar chit ec t. I I I I I I D.Bidde r s Sh OU ld'.sitt he site and a cquai nt them've s .....ith al l ex ist ing condit ion s.Pr ior to bidd ing,b idder s maymaket h eir O~~s ubsur face i nves t iga t ions to satisfy t h em s e lv e s a s t os i te and ~ub s u rf a ce c on dit ions, bu t all suc h inve st igation s shal lbepe rf o rmed onl yu nde r time sc hedu le s a nd a rrangementsa ppr oved In advan c e b y th eArchi tec t . I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.Distribu tion o f Te st ,I ns pec ti on and XiI I Repo r ts :The Tes ting Agenc y shall d is t ri bute cop ies o f a ll rep ur t s t o t h e offic es o f th e pa rt ies conce rned a s f ol lows : 1c o py to t h e Arc hit ect 1c opy to t he Stru ctural Engine er 1co p yt ot he ~Nn er 1 co py to t he P r oje ct Rep re sentat ive co py (ie ~)t o t he Contr ac t o r co py (ies )t o t heSu ppl ier be in g te st ed Copies i nd ic a t ed .,"above wil lb e d et ermin ed on c ommencem en t of the Co ntrac t . Cli T I ~C ~~D PAT CHING: I n a ddi ti on t o th e requ ir em e nts o f th e Gene r a l Condi ti ons ,p e rf orm al l cut t ing ~nd pa t chin g re qu i red to r emove an d r eplace Wo r k n otc on fo rming t o the r equire- me nts o ft he Con trac t Docu men t s ,to un cover ill -ti med Wor kf or in spection , t o re pl ace de fe c ti ve Work ,to make pa rt sf it pro p erl y,e tc. A.Per form a ll c utt ing an d patchin g in s tr ict ac co rda nce with pert inent re qui remen ts of these Spe cifica ti ons a n d ,i n the e ve nt n osu c h requi re - men t s aT e d et erm ined.i n confo rman ce wi th the Arch it ect 's wr itten dir e ct ion . B.P ri or to c ut tin g ~hi c h a ffect s st ruc tu ra l sa fe ty ,s u bm it ~rit t en r eque st t o t h eAr c hite c t fo r p ermi ssi on t o pr oc eed with cu tt ing. C.Prior to cu tt Ing a nd pa tc hing p er I orreed pursuant t n the Ar chitect's i n st ru ction s,s u boit c ost e stima te t o t heArch i tec t.Se c ure the Ar chi tec t's a pproval o f c os te s timat e sen d t ypeo f co s t r e imbursement before p roc e edi n g wit~c utt in g andpa tching . D.Subm it ~r i t ten not ic e to t heArch i tect d esign a tin gt imet he ~ork yill be uncov e red .t o p rov ide f o rt h eArch i tect 's o bse rvat ion. lA-4 RE CORD DRAWINCS :In accordance with t h e r eq uirement so ft heGeneralCon di- ti on s,the Ar c hitect will provide the Contractor wit h a s et of reprocuci ble drawin gso f th eo r igina l bidd in g do cuments,a s required and at Contractor 's ex pense ,as fol lo~s : The Own~r wil l reimburse the Contra ct or for cutting and patching pe rf ormed pursuant t o the Ar chitect 's written r eque st a fter claim for such re imbur sement is submitted b y t he Co nt rac tor .P er forma ll ot her c utt in g and patching ne eded to co mp ly with th eContr act Document s at no ad dit ional c ostt o t h e Owne r . I I I I E.•• B.For p l~b ing ;heating ,ventilatin g anda ir co ndi tioning :e lectrical; an df ire p ro tect ionWork,Reco r d Drawings s hall bemainta ined byt he Contr acto ra s t he Yor k progres s es and a s fol lows: A .I f theCo ntra ctor elects t o v ary fr om t he Cont rac t Docu~en t s ,a nd secu r es p rior approval o f the Arc hitect ,f or an y ph a se o f t he Wo rk o ther than those listed be low,he shall r ec ord in a n e at readable ma nner all such va r iances on t he reprodu cible d ra ~ings f urnis hed . I I I I I 1.All dev iationsf r om sizes,locat ions a nd {r om all o ther featu res o f a ll ins tal lat ions s hown in t he Co ntra ct Documents shall be reco r d ed. I n a ddi tion it sha ll b e po s si ble ,u sing th ese drawi ngs ,to c orrec tl y an d eas ily l o cate ,iden tif y and est ab l i~h siz es of all piping . di rec t ion sa nd the like,as well a s all other featu res o f tJork whi ch ~ill b e c oncealed underground and/or in t he fi nished building. I I I I I I I I I I 8 .Loca t ions o f un derground ",'ork s hal l bee stablished by dimensions t o c o lu ~n lines o r walls ,l oc atin ga ll tu rn s,etc .,and by p rope rly ref e r enced cente rline o r i nv crt e lev at io ns and ratcs of fall . b .Fo r Work co ncealed in the bu ildin g ,suffi cient informat ion shall be g iv enso it can bel o cated wi th reasonabl e ac curacy and ease . I n s ome cases this maybeby d imension .In o the r s it maybe s uffici entt oi l l ust ra te t he Wor k 0 11 t be d raw ings i n r ela tion t o th e s p aces in t he bu ild ing n ea r ....hich it ....las Ac tua lly i n stalled. Ar chit e ct 's decis ions s ha ll be f ina l. C.The follo ....i ng requ iremen ts apply to al lRec ord Drawi ngs : 1.Tbcy shall h e ma inta i ned a t t h eCont ruc t or t s expense . 2 .All s u c h drawingss hal l bedone ca reful ly and nea tl y by aco mpetcnt d ra ftsman an d in form approved byt he Arch i tec t. 3 .Addit ion al d ra wings shal l be prov ided as n eces sa ry f or c larification . 4 .They sha ll be ke pt up -to -da te during the en tir e cou rs e of the Wor k ands hall he available o n request:f o r examina t ion by the Arc h i tect and ,whenn ecessa r y ,t o estab lish c l ear ance s fo r o ther par ts of t he Wo r k. 5 .The Record Drawin gs s hall be r et u rned to the Ar chitect on c omple tion o f t he Wo rk anda re sub ject t o the a pproval of the Archit ec t. l A-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••TE MPO RA RY yO~S T RU C T I ON AND SE RVIC ES:The Contrac to r s hu ll prov ide t he f oll owing specif ic item s of temporar yc onstr uc tion and serv t ces : Tempo ra ry T ele phone Servi ce :Telephones shall b e r eadil y avai lable [or.e he u se o f the Cont r a ct or,Subcont r ac to rs ,Ar ch i te ct/En gineer s and trade s empl oyed on the Work.Tol l a nd l ongd i st ance ca ll s shallbemade only under arran gement Ylt h t he Cont r ac to r wh o shal lb e r esp ons i b l e fo r t he c ollec ti on a ndpayment o fa ll ch a rges i n connection t h e rewith .In a ddi tion t o o ff ic et e lephone serv ices pa id f or by t he Cont rac t o r ,the Contracto r may install a s epa r atec oin t elephone fo r g eneralu se . Tem po rary Water: A.ua c e r re qui red i n the per f ormance o f the Con tr ac t shall bep rov ided and p a id f or b y t heCon t racto r.Wa t er u sed fo r human co n sumption "s ha Lk co r-formt o re quir ement s of St ate and l oc al nut hor t r t cs fo r p otab lc wate r. B.Co ntr ac to r sha ll furn i sh a ndi nsta ll a ll mains ,l ateral s.branc h lines and s e rv ice pipings a nd fittin gs t o su pp ly t emp o r a ry water i n s uff ic i ent quantity a tr equi redl ocat ionso ft he bui l dinga nd s ha l l bear co st so f making the ser vic e con nect ions at a pproved l oca ti ons .Tempora ry conne ctions and p ipings ha l lbe removed and all op e ni ngs clo sed at end o f the Work . Tem porary Ele ctr ic Servi c e: A.Tempora r y e l ec t ric service r equir edi n t he performance of the Contra c t !'l hal l b e f urnish eda ndpaid f o r byCont rac tor who sha l l furn ish .in st all a nd ma intaina ll temp o rary p ole s a nd ov e rhead cons tru ct ion ,tr ansforme rs , meters ,d r ops,a nd other wi ri ng an d fi ttings for both light and po wer a t l oc ati ons r e quired in the Work ,and s hall bea r t he cost of makingt he serv ice con nec t io ns .Be f ore fi na la cc e pt an c e,t em por a ry e lec t r ic al s e r vice facil i ti es insta l led by Contr ac tors hall b e removed ,exc av ation b a ckf illed and com pacted ,an d servi ce c o n ne ction s seve redi n ac ce ptab l e mann er . B .Adequat e light i ng and co nven ienc eout le ts sha ll b e furni sh ed and i ns tall ed i nt h e t empora ry s t ru c tu r es and el sewh ere as ma y b e nece s sary f o r prop er p er formancea ndi nspectiono f the Wo rk .If o pera tions are car r ied o n d ur in g h our s of da rkn e ss ,ad equ at e fl ood li g hts ,clu sters an d sp ot il lumi- n a ti on s ha ll bef ur nished and main t ain ed du r in g all wo r k ing hou rs tha t natura l illumination i s i nsuff icien t to t he Work . Tempora ry He at : A.When r equ ire d fo r p roper in s tal1:lt ion o r protect ion o f any po rt ion o f the wo rk,Contracto r shall fu rnisha nd in sta l l,opera te an dmai nta in temp o ra ry he at ing un i ts .Open s ~l a m andp rs shall not be op erated where smokewi ll damage f inished Wo r k or i nt er fe r e wit h s at i sfact o ry i nstal lat ion of fi n ishes . B.Whe n heatinga nd vent i lat ing s y st e ms are in st al ledan d o perable ,Cont r acto r shal la rrange f o r t em porar y o perat ion of the h eatin g sy st em ,pa y in g a l l c o st s o f operat ion .Before the d ate o f Su bstan ti a l Comp letion ,al l registers , di ffuse r sand fil ters sha ll be c l ean ed or repla ced . l A-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••Tempo ra ry Clo sure s :Cont ra c tor shal l ere ct temp o rar y c l osur es ove r openi ng s when weat her co ndit ion s ren der s uch a ct ion ne cessary f or p ro per installati on of an y por t ion o ft Le Work . Pro t e ctiono f Wor k i nP la ce :Work i n pl ace that I s subjec t t o i n jury becau se o f c pcr at t ons c ar r ied on adjacen t theret os ha ll b e cove red ,b o ard ed u p o r s ubs tantially en clo sed with adequat ep ro tect ion .Perm anent openings used as t h or oughfa re s f or th e in tr oduct ion o f Wo rk and matcr ia l5>t o the s tru cture sha ll ha ve heads ,jambs a nd sills we ll bloc ked a nd boarded .All fo rms o f p ro tect ion sh al l b ec o nstructed Ins uch man ner t haton corr.pIet ian ,the entire Work wil lb e de li vered to O~~e r i n un b l emished condi tion. Tcnpo ra ry F ire gu i she rs,fi re c onstructi on . Temp or ar yBar ric ades wit h i n the ex i st Lngs truc tu res sha l l be du st p r oo f and in l oca t ions i n di cated on the dra....i ngs .Th ey s hal l b eco ns truc ted o f2x 4's and p lywood ,adequat ely b ra ced t o b e sel f suppo rting without any fa!'>tening to existingf i n is h es .Be t ween ba rri ca de and exist in g finis h ,provide ane oprene ga sket o r u scs t r ipso ff iberg la ss i nsu la t ion or fe lt .Tempora ry doo rs s hal l be i n stalled with l ock se ts t o pr ovid e ex it!'>at e nds of co rr i dors.Such d oors sh a ll no t be used byc or kme n.The bar ri cad e shall be pain te d on t he "pub li c s i de "an d em er gency ex i t s l abe l ed . Tenpo r a r y Fence :If re quir ed byl o c al cod es ,p rov id e a fen ce to prevent workmenfrom pass in gi n to ar ea s b eyond th e"li mit so f wo rk ".I nst al l i n l o - ca tions shown on th e draw inS s andc onst r u ct of s tee l f enc epo st s4 fee t h igh . ~ax i~um 8 feet o .c .and th re eho riz ont al un ba rbed ga l vani zed st eelwi re r a il s , m i n i ~u rn 10 gauge .Pain tt op r ai l whit e . Signs:No si gns wil l b e pe rmitted on thi s Project e x cept the pr oject si gn, id entify in g captions ov e r o f fi ces,ce r ta in d irect ional a nd ~arning signs r equ ired fo r ~a fcty and protection .Con tra ct o r sh allt ake all nece ssary s tepst o p reven t i n st allation of an y un author i zed s igns and ,s hou ld a ny a ppea r , c au se them t ob e r emov e di mmediately,and repa ir a nd r epa int an y d amage c aused thereby \oli thou t a d d ition al cost to Own e r . Pr ojec t S i gn :If p rov id ed,th e p r oj ect sign shall co ns is t of a 4 x8f oo t x 3 /4 i nch s hee t of wate rp roo f p lywo od on R Zxan d 4xs uppo rt i ng st ruc ture,pain ted and Lns tu lLcdi nLocut f o n d esigna ted .Exnc t de sign ,t ext and co lo rs sh a ll be p rov ided byAr c ht t e cr,wb t c b -..'ill in clud e t hen ame o f the b u ildingan d of the O...~c r ,an y e mb l ems el ec ted b y t h e Own e r ,the Ar ch it e ct 's name ,and the names o f th ef i r ms execu t ing t he p rinc ipa l pa rts of t he Wo rk .The s ign(s)sha ll be pl aced in quan ti ty a nd l o ca ti on s sp e ci fied b y the Arch itect. Scaffolds and Run~ay ~:Cont ract o r s ha l l f urn is h,e rectan d main ta in f or du ration of t he "ark a~r equi red ,all scaffold s ,runways ,guar d rai ls ,p latf orms an d s i eilar tempor a ry co nstruct i ona s may be n ec e ss a r y f o r the perfo rmAn ce o f th e Co nt rac t .Such f acilities s hal l beof t ype a nd a r rangement as r e qui r e d fo rt he ir s p('c i f ic use ;shall be s u bst a nti al ly construct ed throu gh out , stron gly su pp o rted,wel l sec u red .and sha l l co mp ly with a ll app licab le r ul es a nd r e gul a tio ns of a ppli c able Sta te andl oca l co des . lA-7 I •• I I I I I I I I I I The severa l level s of t he stru ctur e s ha ll be c onnec ted by mean s of s uitable l adde rs ,ramps and tempo rar ys tairs ;p rovi ded ,howev er,t hdt permanent s t ai r ways mayb e used for s u ch purpo ses i f ad equ at e l y pr ot ec ted aga inst da mage .Open we lls and shafts s ha l l been c l osed a s r equi red by O.S.H.A. Te mp ora ry Bui ldings:All t emp o rary bui ldi ngs s hall b eweather and water t i ght a nd s hall be p ain ted (co lo r as sele cted b y Architect )an d maintained in an eat,ord er ly ap pea r ance fo r t hed u ration of th e ~or k and s h all be p rov id ed with rai sed wood fl oo rs.s oli d s heathed c ompos it ion roofs.a dequatel y sc reened windows and s ubs tant ia lwooddoo rs wit h p rovision f or loc k ing ,or s hall be a tr ailer kep t a nd ma in ta ined in a neat,o rd er l y mann er by t he Co ntrac tor .The follo wing min imum f ac il iti es s hall be p rovided: A.Office fa ci li tie s f or t he f u ll -timeProjec tRepr es e ntative s ha 11 have the following minimu mf eatu res :A r oomo f mi nimum 100s qu ar e fe et no t l css than 8 fe et in a ny d i rection ,80f oot c andl es o f light at desk le vel . 2 p ower outlet s ,I-linet elephone ,8l ineal feet o f l ayout t ab l e .d rawing r a cks withf ive s tic ks plus on e s ti ck f or e a ch Subco nt rac to r,a dequate h eat faci Ut Lea to mai ntain 70 de grees F .d u r ing wint e r month s. B.Office f a cili t ies and a ll s tructu res n ece s sa ry f ort hc 5to r age o f t o ols , ma te ria ls a nd equ ipme nt fo r Cont rac tor a nd Su bcon tracto rs ,sh al l be e rect ed and maintain ed. C.Tempora ry ch emi cal t oi l et s tr uct u r es wi th ur inals shal l b ep rovided in n umbers as required.adequately si zed .l ocated and maint ain ed ina cl ean an d san i ta ry co ndit i ona cc eptab lc to l e ga lly cons ti tu t edau thoriti e s. D.Sh ou ld Go vernment ,St ate o rl oc al a uth or ities r equir e cons t ructio n of t.cm po r-a r -y b arri cades o r cov er edpassageways t heys ha ll be buUt b y Cont rac to r at noa ddit iona l cos t to Own e r an d s hallbepainted and mai nt ained i n a n orderl y ,n eat a ppeara nc e a t al l t ime s. Removal o fTemp orar y Cons tru ctio n:Tempora ry o ff ic e f ac t Lr t t c s ,t o ilets. s to rage sheds ,an d ot h er co nstru ction of a t emp orary n Ature s hall be r emoved f romt he s t t e as soon a st hep r o gress of th e i-.'or k wi ll p ermit :a nd the po rt ion!;o f th e site oc cu pied by the s ame sha llbep ro p er l yr es to red.I I I Pumping a nd Drainage :Su rf ace or sub s urface ~a ter or other f luids sh all b e permit ted to a ccumu late in e xcava t ions o r 1n a nda b out the p remi ses . suc h co nditio ns b e encoun t er ed or d evel op ,t he f l u id sha l l b e con tro lled su it ab ly d isposed of b y mea ns of t emp or ary p um ps ,p i ping draina ge lines , tr ough s,di tche~,damso r othe rmetho ds. not Sh ould a nd I I I I I SUR RO~D ING SIT E CON DI TIONS AND PROTE CTION: A.Prior t o st artinge xcavation ,Contr actor shal l es tab lish b ench marks i n th e stre e ts s u r rounding the c onst ru ct ion site .One shal lb el oc ated a t eac h corner of t h e si te a nd o n e in e ac h st reetmidwayb etween corners . Prov ide a s many addi t ion al b ench ~arks a s maybe n eeded . B.Eleva tions o f b ench mar ks sha ll b e taken p r ior t o co mmencement of t he Wo rk an d eve ry t wo week s,o r mo re often i f a c hange in co nd i tions i s no ted o r s us pected d ur ing e xc avat iona nd con struct i on .Th e datum u sed t o es tabl is h t he elevat ionss ha ll besu ff ic ient ly d is tant f rom the site so a s n ot to be af fec ted b ya ny set t lemen t re s ul ting from cons truction op erat ion s . l A-8 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c .The r e sults of in i tial e le vations a nd subsequent chec ks s ha ll be noted in p e rman ent f onn a nd subm i t tedt o Architect immedi at e l y aft er each set of elevat ions has be en t aken .Anys ettlementn oted sha l l he report ed immediately to Archi tect by t he f a ste st possib le mea ns . D.Establ ishment of b en ch ma rksa nd la te r chec ks s ha ll be b y a licen s ed s urveyo r. NOISE DURING CONSTRUCT ION: A.The noise genera ted by the Wo rkmay at t ime s creat e ap ro bl em for t he Own er.Th e ~~e r r ecog niz es and can t ol e rate the n orma l lev el of noise c rea ted by mo st c ons t ru ction ac t iv i ty a nd .therefore ,doesn ot antic ipa te a ny need to set cer ta inh ou rs o ft he day when n oise sha l l be r es t ricte d.However ,t he ~~e r re cog nize s t h at during cert a in c on- s t ruction work (fo r in s tance ,when connectingt ot he e x is ting bui ld i ng) the no ise l e vel i s hi gher t han n orma l.These leve ls o f noise may con- flict wi t ha sp ecif ic ac tivity being co nducted by t he Own er . B.Cont racto r sha ll se c ur e a gr eement from t he Own er p r i o r to sc he du lin g any s uch unusua l l y noisy a ct ivitya nd s hal l c ooperat e i f ano n -golng ac tiv ity be comes objectionab le by i t s longevi ty o r ov e r laps into a pro gram start ed la ter by the Owner .It s ha ll be un de rst ooda nda g r eed t ha tb ot hpa r ti eswi ll c oop e ra t e t o th ee ndt hat nei ther wi ll b e undu l y i nco nvenien ced by t h i s requi r em ent . c .Radios ,t ap es ,h i -fi,t.v .o r ot her dev ic e sa re not p er mitt e d un less a pp roved b y o wner . OCCUP&~CY BY OWN ER OF CE RTAIN C O}~LET E D AREAS DURI NG CONSTRUCTI ON: A.I t is intendedt hat t he Owne r may cause cer ta in compl et edp orti ons o f the Wo rk t obe occupied du ring t h epe riod when the Wo rk is in pr ogr ess a nd may request that suc h a r e a s of t hebui l ding rece i ve co ncent rated work t ocomplete them f ore a rl y occupancy by t heOwner .Thi s shall b e d one with considerat ion of t he schedu ling o f the Wo rk b y t h e Contracto r . Earl yo c cupancyo f such a reas And t he mo v ing i no f eq uipment by the Own er s ha lln ot be const r u e d t o b e acc ept ance o f the Work p erfo rmed un d er t h i s Cont ra ct no r s ha ll i t be d e~~e d t o be the eq ui valent o f t he f i ling o f t he No tice of Comp letion of any o f theWork of this Cont r act. B.Cont rac to r sha l l b e he ld ha n nle ss fo r a n ydamagedo ne t o the Wo rk b y t he early oc cupancy of the Owne r . C.Co ntr a c to r s hallma ke a va i la bl e,in the ar ea s occup ied ,any uti lity services ,he a ting a nd coo ling a s ar e in c ondi tion t o b e pu t i no per a - tion a tt he time of ea rly occupancy .Al l r es po n s i b il it y fo rs uc h equipmen t shall r emain wi th th eCon tra ct or whi le i t i ss oo p era ted. However ,an itemized list of e ac h such piec eo f e qu i pmentwi th t he da te opera t ion st a r ts sha ll bemade and c e r t ified by Ar chitect .Th is l is t s ha ll be t he ba sisfo r t he c omm encement o f the gua rant ee pe r io d o n the equ ipmentb eing opera ted fo rt he benefit o f the Owne r 's e a r ly occupancy .Con trac tor shal l pay fo r a l l uti l i ty cost swhicha r ise out of occ up ancy b y t he Owne rduring c on st ru c t ion except fo r telephon e se rv ic e which Own er wi l l pr ovide . l A-9 1 .Besides the "r emoval of waste mat er i al s ".t he foll owin g spe cial c l eaning shall be r equir ed j u st p rio r to a ccept an ce : I n addi tiont o t he p r ovisions of Arti cl e4 .15 of the Gene r al Cond it ions ,t he fo l lowing shal l be requ i red : I I I CLEANI:-lG UP :•• I A.Renove s ta i ns ;wa sh a nd p ol ish glass i nsideand outside .Thi s Yo r k shal l be do neby p er sons sk il led and equipped fo r such Work . I I B.Remove fo re ign mat ter,ma rks ,s t ains ,foreign paint , so il and dirt fr om (pod ha ve i n a po l ish ed condition t he fo 110...·10&: a .Pa in ted.dec orated ands ta ined Wo r k. f ingerpr in ts , ~he re appl icab le) , I I I I I I I I I I I I I b .Al l hardware,fixtu res and inco rpo rat ede q ui pme nt. c.All finis hed sur faces andmet al su rfaces .wh et h er int er i or o r exte rio r. d .All doors and windows . C.Useon ly t he cl eaning materia ls an d eq u t pra e nt ...rb f cb are corape t f b l e wi th t he su r fac e b eing cl ea ned ,as recornmedc d by the man ufac turer of the ma te ria l o ra sap proved by the Architect . 2.I n add ition to c l ean-up p rovisions of the S pec if ications ,Co ntrac to r sha ll t ake a p propria te s teps t o pr e ven t ai rborne du s t due t ot he Wo r k o f the Cont ract .~ater shall b e appl ied wh er eve r p r ac tical to spt t le . a nd ho lddust t o a minimum pa rti cul arlydu ring e xcavat ion a nd mov in g of mat er ials . lA-lO I ~O TE: SECTION I E GENERA~P ROVIS IONS OF DIVISION2 THROU ~DIV lS lON 16 I • I I I COND ITIO XS OF THE Cm....r RA CT and DIVISIO~I ,-e s i n dexed.a p ply t oSECTION2 through SECTION 16 . WO~~~SHIP :Al ll ab or and in st al l at ions r equir ed t o co~p le te t he Wo rk o f the f ol1 o~ing Sec t ions sha ll be perfo rmed in a qua lity ~orkma nli ke manne r f ollowing th e recomm end ation s o fa ll manufactu rers ,indiv idua l trade and i ndustr y standards and supp lier s i n st allat ion inst ruct ions ,as app licable . Wor k shall be di rec ted a nd pe r fo rmed by pe rsonnel tr ained,expe r ienced and t horoughl }a dept a t pe rformingt h e Wo rk ,and with t he e q ui p ~en t r equ ir ed t o pe rform t he Work. COORD I NA TION:AllCont ract or s a ndSub con trac to rs will c o operate and co or- dinat e t h eir Wo rk wit ho t hers wh ose Wo r k ma y af fe ct o r be affect ed by the ir operations . D k~~GE :Care should be t ak en t o protec t an d p rev ent damag e f rom occuring t o t he York o f preceeding trad es .In the event of da ma ge to preceeding York . s teps mus t be taken i mmed ia te ly to ma ke a ll r epair s and rep l acemen ts n ecessa ry fo r t he approv al of t heArchitec t a nd at no a ddi tion al cos tt o t he Own er . CLEAN UP :Clean u p shou l d b ep erf orme d fo Hovfng eac h Work t a sk acc o rding t o t heGene ra l Condit ions .The Gene ra l Cont rac to r mayr e quire e ach tra de t o per form c lcan u p follow ing it s wor ko rh e ~ay elec tt o pro vid ec leanup s c rvices for ~hi ch the Sub cont rac to r s would be b ack -charged ,as may be stipul ated i nt he indiv idua l tr ades ub-c ontra cts . I NSPECTI ON:Examina tions or in spe ctions shall be made t o determ ine the s u it a bili ty o f all subsu rfaces to r ece i ve subse quentWorkan d repor t in wri ting to t he Gener al Cont ractor ,with ac op y to t he Archi tec t.any det rimental condit ions .Failure t o observe this inj unc t ion cons titu tes a ~aiver to a ny subsequent clai~9 tothe contrary a nd makes t he Co nt rac to r r e s pon s iblef or any co r rec t ions r equ ir edby the Arch itec t .Corernencemen t o f ~o rk wil l be con st r ued as a ccep tance o f a l l su b sur face s . ar eaa nd . Damaged fi el d meas urements . is r e quir ed . by takin g ma teri al s d imensions s ho ~~ o f a l l pa r ts a nd Ver if y all attachment DELI VERY AND STORAGE :Deliver and s to re ma t eria ls in dry prot e ct ed wh ere appl icab le .in t he ma nu fact u rers 'o rig ina l packing mate r ia l s . ma terials sha ll b e r epla ceda t no cos t to t he Own er. MEASU REMENTS: P rope r fit a nd I I I I I I I I I I I I I )E-l I I I •SECTION 2B SITE CLEARING • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONDITI ONS OF TH E CO NT RACT ~1D DIVISION1 .as ind exed ,apply t o this Se ct ion. SCOPE :Complete Site Clearing Wor ka s shown on Drawi ngs a nd as spec if i ed h erein. CON DITI ONS AT SI TE:Execu te a ll Wo rk in a no rder ly and car eful manne r wi th du e c onsid e ration for a ny a nd a ll surroun ding areas ,plan tin go r s t ructu res which are t o r em ain .Pe riodically wat er a s r equired t o allay d u st an d dirt .Pr otect any a d jac ent prope rt y and improvement s fr om d amage and replace any portions damage dt hrough this operation . CLEARING AND GRUBB ING : A.Cle ar an d grub the p rem ise s o f al l s ubt e r ranea n o r s ur fa ce mater ia l, gr owth andt h e l ike a s r e qu ir e d t o r em ove an y obstru ction t o the work wit h in t he l imit s to b e coveredwith buildin g ,walks ,dr ives, etc . B.Fill and compac t a nyho lesl e ft by r emov al of t r ees o r l a r ge s tones pe r r equ ir ement so f S ect ion EX CAVATION,BACKF ILLING AND GRADING . DISPOSAL :Al l mat eria ls c lea ned o r gr ubbed sh al l b ecome the p ro p er ty of Cont rac to r and be r emov e d f rom th e s ite byCont rac tor . CL EAN -UP :Remov e f romt he Sit e al lr ub bish ,debri s,e tc .,re sulting f rom wo rk i n thi sSe c tion ,ex cept as o therw ise specif ied above ,p e r G~E RAL COND I T IO~S . NOTE :Th e Owne r ,Ar ch it e ct a nd Contr acto r will meet at the s i t e to di scuss the pro cedu re of t re e r em oval a nd prot ection . I •SE CTlO~2 C • I EXC AVATION .BAC KFIL LIN G AND GRA DINC I SEE:"General P rovis ions o f Div is ion 2 thr ough Division 16 ". C ON DITI O~S AT SIT E: I A.Cont rac t o r s sha ll vi s it t he si te t obecom e familia r wi th ,examine and note a ll co nditions as to the c ha ra cter and exten t of work invo lved . I 8 .All pe rtinen t util it y compani es shall b~n ot ified prior t o any excava tion s o that t hey may l o cat e and mark any ex i s ting ut ility l ines. • I EXI STI~G UT ILITI ES :Where exis ti ng u tili ti es ar e encountered in t he ar ea o fc on st r uct ion ,s uppo rt.shore u p a nd p r otect fr om d amage ,until l i nes can be ca pped and reloc ated. I I I I I I PUMPl~G AND DRA INAGE: A.Keep a ll e xcava t ion s .pits ,tr enches ,f ootings ,e tc .,e ntir el y fr ee fr om water . B.Protec t excavations from e xcessive ra i n or water f rom any sou rce d uring c onst r uc ti on .Use suitabl epump ing e qui pment o r o t he r means as required byc onditions .Continuingpum p ing as n ec essa ry until c omp l e t iono f Pro ject. c .tchen o pe r at ions ar e int errupt edby un favo r a bl e weather condi tions ,p repa re ar eas byg ra ding a nd c ompaction t oa voidp ond ingan d e ros ion . E XCAVAT10~: A.Excava t e t o d epths noted on d r a wings,a s r equi red fo r pr op er c ompleti on of all foot i ngs a nd o ther s ubgrdde l eve l work,andc utt os u ff i cien t s ize t o provide ampl e r o om f or c onst ru cti ono f f orms.sho ring.and bu lkh eads as re quired. TRENCHIN G:Fo r u nde rg round pipin g.elec tr ic al condu i ts ,e tc .s hall be d o ne by the t rade in sta l l ingt he pipes.c onduit s,e t c..T he Cenera l Contr ac tor may elect t o provide tr enching services fo r v ariou s subcont rac torst o expedite i nsta ll at ions . I B.Backf ill a ny exc es sex cavat io n und er f o otings wi thc onc re tea t Co nt r ac to r 'sIIexpense. C.Sho r e and b rac e exc av at ions wher e nece ssary t o p r event cave -ins .and in acc ordance wit h a ll sa fe ty l aws a nd codes . I I I I FINISH CRA Dl~G :P e rfo rm all fini sh g radin g r equire d.ns ind icatedo r rea sona bly i~ferred t o permit i n st allationo f York o f others .At co mplet ion o f York, e n ti re s ite shal l b el e ft in a c lean and fin ished c ondi t ion . F O~DATION STABILIZ ATIO N:Whe r ever,in t he op i niono f the Arc hitect ,the b ase of an y ex cav a tion is no t sufficiently stabl e to suppo rt th e cons truction, excavate no t l ess than2 feet be low foun dat ion g rade and backlil l t of ound at ion I 2C -l grade with founda tion stabilization rock,al lowing for thickness of grave l base where required.Place rock in a -inch l i ft s.l oose thickness ,a nd compact each 11 ft t o 8 5pe rcen tr elat iv ecompactio n. I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If Architect determ i nes tha t more t han 2 fee t of ove rexcavation is requ i red to ad equately stab i lize the e xcavat ion base ,e xcavat e and ba ckfi ll t o exten t dire c ted . STOCKPILE ARE AS:Excava ted o ri mported mate rials to be used as bac kfill or f l11 shall be s tockpiled within t heworking a rea .Contractor sha lln ot i nt er- fer e with t hework of other Co n trac t ors and s hall not sto ckp i le material wi th in 10 feet of n ew construction o r existing const ruc t ion to rema in . SETTL EMENT :Any set t lemen t i n backfill o r fil l,which occ u rs du ri ~g t he warranty pe ri od and is at tributable t o construc tion procedur es,s uch a s L~p r o p e r r emoval of shoring or in suffi ci ent c ompac ti on ,sha ll be corr ected byCont ra ct or at h isown exp e ns e .Anys tructu res ,pav ed areas,p iping o r o ther fac il ities d amagedbys uch se t tlement sha llb e r e st ored t o the ir cond it ion p ri o r to se tt lement b y Contracto r at h i s own e xpense . BACKF ILL AROUN D STRUCTURE :Place ea rth backfi ll around st r uct u re .Al low f o r t hickness of pa ving sect io n ,landscape t reatme nt ,or ot her s urface materia l. Deposi t backfi ll mate rial in horizont al lifts not ex ceeding 8i nches l oo se thickness,and c ompact eac h lift t o90 percent r elativeco mpaction ,ex cep t as f ol lows: A.I n areas whe re finish grade i s shown or des ignated t obe asp ha lt o r co ncrete ,re la t ive compa ction s hall b e 95pe rcen ti n t he top 12 in c hes below t he subgrade elevations shown on drawin gs . B.Wh ere ba c kfi ll s e rves as fou ndat ion f or footings ,co mpac tion shall be specif ied under FOOTINCS ONFI LL OR BA CKF ILL below. BACKFILL OR FILLIN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE AREAS:Whe re f inish g rade is des ign ated t ob e aspha lt or concre te ,pla ce e a rt h backfi l l t os ubgrade elevat ions shown .Deposit i nho rizo ntal l ift s not exceed ing 8 inches loo se thi ckn ess,and compact each lift t o n ot l ess tha n 90p ercent rela tive compa ct iont o with in 12 inche s of s ubgra de e levat ion.Relative c omp ac tion sha ll be 95pe rcenti n t he t op 12 in ches be low su bg rade e l evat ion . BACKFILL OR FILLIN ~~DSCAPED AREAS :Where ba ckfill o r f ill 1s r e qu ir edi n o r de r t o brin g areas designa ted t o be landsca ped to fini sh g r ade ,p lace earth ba ck fi ll t o wit h in4 f eet o f finished grade elev ation .Deposit in horiz onta ll i ft s not ex ceeding12 i nches loose thicknes s and compac t eac h lift t o90 percen tr el ative compac tion .Pl ace select landscape f il l above earth ba ckf ill to t he g r ades shown .Allow f or th i cknesso f topso i l,a g greg at e ba se and dec omposed g ran it e sur fa c ing.Place select landscap e fi ll in horiz on ta ll i f ts not to e xceed12i n che s l oo s e t hi c kne s s and compac t each lift 90 per cent for d e compo s e dg rani te a nd 85p er c ent f or plan ted ar ea s. Unless otherwise s hown o r speci fi ed,areas to b e l andscaped shal l no t be excavated fo rt he sale pur pose of r e pl a c ing e xisting fill wi th se lect la nds cap e fi ll .Select l and s cape fil l s hall be u sedon ly wher e backf il ling o rf ill in g is requ i red in landsca pe ar eas because of p rior ex cava t iono r because ex isting grade mu s t be r aised t o obta in fin ish g rades s hown o r specified. 2 C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••FOOT I ~G S ON .FILL ORBACKF ILL:Whe r e foo t ingsa re f ound~d o n newlyp laced fill o r bac kfi ll ,s u ch f ill plac ed be l ow foo ting l evel ~h a l 1 be c om pac t ed i n8 -inch l o ose lift s t o 9 S pe rcent rela tive c ompacti on f or a d epthn ot less t h an t he wid th o f t hef oo ting b elowt he foo t i ng base.Su chcompac t ion s ha ll ex tend fo r a l ate ra l di st ance equalt o ~t h e f oo t ing wid th beyond t h ee dges of t he f ootin g .Fill p lac ed a bove t he foo t ing level shall be compacted as s pecified f or land scaped o r pav ed a reas . ~~D S CA PI N G MOUN DS:Cons t r uc t mounds o f selec t landscape fill t o t h e l ines, grad es andc ontou r s s hown .allowing f or t h i c kness of t o psoi l .P lace ~ate r ial i n l oo se l ift s no t exceed ing 12 in ches 1n thi ckn es s ,and compac t each lift t o 8 5 perc ent r el ative co mpact ion .Ma k e sur fa ces fr ee of exposed r o ots a nd s tones .To es .of slopes shallf lare evenly a nd sm oo th l y in t os ur rounding sur fa ces .Final l o c ations and contour s of mound s shall b e appr oved b y Ar ch i tec t . GRA VEL BA SE UN DE R ST RUCT URE ;Pl ac ea minimum 6-i nch c ompacted l a ye r o f gravel ba se ma teria l un der a ll f oo t in gs ,s labs .g r ade b eams ,c oncrete st ruc tu re sand c ulve r ts .sidewa lk s .a nd in o th e r a r ea s a s s hown.Depos it in l oo se l i f t sno t grea t er t han 9 i nches in thickness a ndco mpactea ch lift t o no tl e s st han 9 5pe rcen tr e l at ive com pac tion. 2C -3 I I •SECTION 2D SI TE DRAINAGE ,L~IL ITE S • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE :"General Prov is ions of Di vision 2 through Divis ion 16". SITE DRA INAGE : A.S ite d ra inage will be accomp l ished by means of con tro lled s urfa ce run-o ff. B.Cul verts of c oncret e o r cor ru ga ted steel ,of a diamet er c apable of a CCOmo - datin g the maximumamount of run -off anticipated.sha ll be u tilized und er all d ri veways an d paved surfa ces which a re l o cated ov e r d rafna ie d i tche s. Coor dinate c u l ve r tt y pe and s i ze with l oc al r oad a nd highway depa rtmen t e ng inee r . UTI LITIES: A.Genera l Cont ra cto r and r~lat ed Subcont ra ctors shal lc oor dina te t he l ocatio n. markin g.excavati on,capping .t appin g ,r e loca t ion.ba ck fi lling ,c ompac t ion. et c .wi th the l o cal utilit y co mpani es. B.Installati ons of all site utiliti esmus t co n fo rmt o th e r ecomm en dations, siz es and to the spe ci fica tions set f ort h by the l o cal u tility c om pa nie s . 2D-l I I •SEcrIO~2E PAV ING • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PREL IM I~AR Y WORK :Make ca reful i nspec tion of ex cava t edsu rfac e on ~h ic h pav in g is t o be placed and 8 check o n bottom and top grades o f pav ing t hr o ug h o u~t he paveda rea prior to starting Work under t hi sS e c tion . COORDl:~ATION :Coord inat e Wo rk and cooperate with any othe rt ra d es whose Wo r k rel ates t o pav ing i n a ny ua y. WO RK"!r..~S H IP :.App ly pav ing i n t r ue p lan es t oe Lemdriat.ed epr es si o ns o r"f a t" sp ots .Ca reful ly warp cha ng es i ns l o pe .Ca refu ll yha nd compac t a nd r o ll with proper heat a round bui ld ingp r ojec ti ons so t hat c om pact ion a n d tex tur e ma t chesmach ine compac tio n .Maskb u ild ing sur facesbe fo re pla cin gco ncrete p r ime rt op reven t s t a in inge xposed buil di ng s u rfac es ,and pr ev ent st a inin g a nyc ur b s.Permit no t ra ffico n pav ingun ti li th as r eac h eda tmosp her ic temp erat ur e . DAMAG E :Repa i r any damage to f inished pavement surfaces tha t may r e sult f rom s ubs eq uen t construction t oa smooth.true and unifo rm su r face a t n o e xt ra costt o t heOwner . WFATHER L I ~IT ATIO N S : A.Do no t produce p avement mix tu re when sub~rade .subbase o r base c our se s a re f rozen o r show an yev idence of e xcessi v e moisture n or ~hen moist u re on the surface to be p aved would preven t p rope r bond . B.Do n otproduce pavemen t mixt u re when t he air t empe r a t u r e i s less t han 40 deg rees Fa renheit nor whent em p erat ur e of t he Ru rfnce on wh ich mixture 1 s t ob e pla ced is b elow 4 0 deg rees fa renhe i t. PAVI~G APP LICATION : A.Aggrega te Ba se :Ov e r t he pr epa r eds ubg r a de ,s p read an dc ompac t ba s e . In-p la ce d ry dens i ty s ha ll b e at least12 Sp ou nd s p e r c u b ic f oot . B.Paint Bind e r:Af te r ap p r ov al o f t he base cou r seby Ar ch it ec t a nd j ust p r io r t o pl ac ing as pha lt conc re te surfacing ,a ll s ur faces t ob e co ve r ed o r contactedby the a sph alt conc re t e surf a cing .o the r t h an t he pr i med base cou rse su rfa ce (such as cu r bs .gu tte rs.heade rs .e tc .)s hal l b e sprayed withpa in t b inder .P l ace pa i n t binde ri n an amount n o l ess t han fifteen hund reths (O.IS)and n o mo re t ha n twent y -fi ve hu nd reths (O.25) gallons per squar e ya rd o f su rfac e to b e s p rayed .Respr ay a ny areas whe re emulsio nc o at h as been broken o r damaged p r iort op l ac i ng t hep lant mixed su rfacing . C.Adjoining Pa v in g :~he re new Wo rk a d joins e xis t ing .warp c a r e fu l ly t o f lush su rface ,wit h seal ove r join t. I I D.•Prime Coat :Place over d ry r ock base ; than t wo day s b e fo re a pply in g pavi n g . f in i sh eda rea s . •al l o ~t o p e n e trat e f orn ot Av oid sp at te r ing adjacen t l e s s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E.Aspha lt Paving :Over p r e pared bas e,sp readan dc ompac t pavin g.Sur fa ces o f finishe d as pha lt t op pi n g s ha ll be flu sh wit h t op of ad joining c oncre te g ut ters ,walksa ndd ri ve s.Ma ke An even lin e along vert i cal s urf ac es . Con formt o f inis hed gr ad es .Slope e ve nly withoutbumps o r low spo t s fo r comp lete d rainage .Prompt l yco r r ect a ny defec ts to fu lle xt e nt di r e ct ed b y Archit ec t andp roduc e a un if ormsu r face .f r ee of ap pea ranc es of pat ch - work . F .Sealant :.App ly to al l finished plant surf a ci ng .Apply at r a te o f 1/1 0 gallon p er squa re yard .Cu t 25 %wi th water .• 2 £-2 I •• I S ECTION 3A FOR.l1W ORK I SEE :"Gen e ral Provision s o f Div is ion2t h r ou gh Div is ion16". SCOPE :Supp l ya nd in st al la ll f orm wo rk for al l ca st -in -plac e co nc rete . A .Secu re a ll pipe sleeves .ancho rs and bo l ts ,i nc l uding those f or a ng le f rames ,i n ser ts ,s uppo r ts ,t ie s,and ot her materia ls i n connec tion with co nc rete construct ion.in pos itionb e Co re c oncr ete i s pla ced . SURFACE CON DITI ON S ;Check a ll s u rf ac es and c onditions under whi ch th e Wo rk is t o bedo ne .Cor rec t a ny c ondit ions which would pr event the t ime ly co m- plet ion of t he Wo rk ,b ef ore p roceeding. B.Ob ta in i nf orma t ion and in s tru ctions fr om oth er tr ades and s upp lie rs in amp le time t o ~c he dule a nd co o rdina te the insta ll ati on of it ems to beembedded in conc ret e so pr ovi sions f or their Wo rkc anb e ma de wi th- ou t de lay ing th epr oject. •COORDINAT I ON : I I I I I I C .Do a l l cutt i nga nd/o r pA t chin g made ne c essa ry by fai lu re or delay in comp lyi ng wi t h th ese r equi rements ,a t n o cos tt o Own er. I I I I I GENERAL RLQU IREMENTS : A.Pr ovide comp l ete f or ms of s uch s t rength and co nst r uct ion as t o pr event any s pr ea d,s h if ting ,or ~et t ling when c onc r e t e is deposit ed ,a nd ti ght e nough to avoidan y l eakage or washingo ut o f cemen t mo r tar . B.De si gn fo rms and fa lse -work s uppo r ts so st ress es in t he d ifferent memb ers c anbe d et ermined.i n cl ud ing the d et a ils .They s hall have s uff icien tr i gidi ty t o resist d efl e ction more than 1/8 inch between suppor ts after co nc re te has b een plac ed a nd to assurea s mooth a nd e ven a ppeara nce of s u rfa c es . C.Uscbo l ts ,rods an d oth e r approv ed d evices f or i nternalt ies a nd s preade rs ;o f such co n st ru ct i on thatwhenf ormsa re rem ove d,n ometal is with in one (1)in ch of a n ex terio r no r within one-half (~)i nch o fan in te rio r conc rete s urf ace . I I I I I D.Ta ke s pec ia l c ar e that f o r ms ar e tr ue t o required l i nes ,g ra des and su rfaces so a s t og ive au n i fo rm neat an d wor kma n like f in ish t o all c o ncrete s urf aces and to make fo rm s uppo rts of su fficient s trengt h,well b raced a nd on adequa te foundatio ns so t here is n o settl ing or d is to rt ion when the we ight of c oncre te a nd of f loors abov e ar e added. E .Remove a ll d i rt ,ch ips .saw dust,ru bb ish,w~t er ,etc ••f romf orms by water hos ing a nd a ir pressur eb ef o re a ny co ncrete is d epo sit ed.Leave n o wooden ties or block ing in concr et e except f or att achment of o t her 3A-1 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I work .Leave lowes t hoard of f orms alon g wall s l oose or provide cleanout p ock et s .At any co lumns and pilasters .p rov ide hol es i n forms at b o ttom for c leaning purpo se s.Leave o pen ings a ndhol es open until just before concrete Is pou red .Prov ide o penin gs fo r th e introduct ion of vibrato rs whe rever necessa ry.Whe re r equiredon account of excessive drop ,o r required by Arc:hi tect .pr ov fd ee Lepbam,t runks or side openin gs t o receive conc r ete. F.Architec t will coop e ra te with Contr act or in the matter of r enoving f or ms and shoring as early as poss ib le .The length o f time fo rms must remain in p lace depends on t he ra te o f t imer equired f or concrete to obtain the design strength and on const ruc t ion loads tha t will be placed on conc rete. Forms shall not be r em ovedun til author ized byArchitect . • G.Prov ide 3/!4 inc h ch amfer at any wal l,co l um n o r ve rt ica l co rn e r,unl e ss o the rwise shown . FUR.'i RE MOV AL: A.Forms n ot suppo rt ing co nc rete --such a s wall s,co lumns ,beam sides and the l ike --may b e r em oved afte r c umulative ly cu ring,a t not less than 50deg rees F .,f or 24hou rs af ter placing conc rete ,if approved by Arch itect . B.Forms for any s labs ,g i rders ,beacs and t he like and ret aining wal ls shall not be removed o rd ist urbed fo r a t l east 1!4 d ays from date of la st po uring ex cept as appr ovedby Archite ct.I t may be required that suc h forms be left in place longert han t he abov e specified period .The l en gt h of time they sha llr ema in in p lacewill depend on t he sys tem of fo rming and shoring ,and t he l ength of time s hall be as a pp roved b y Arch itect . C.On remov al of fo rms,all bol ts ,wires fo r a nchoring,etc .,sh all be e ither r em ove d,c ut of ft o l en gths as di rec ted,or l e ft i n plac e fo r an ch orage of ot her Wo rka ss pec if ied . D.Form fac ing material ma y b e r emo vedf our days af t er pl ac em ent --on ly if sho r es a nd o therv ertical s uppor ts have b een arr anged to permit such removal wi thout d is turbing th em. CONSTRUCT ION JOINTS :Make and loca te const ruc t ion joints so as not t o impair the s treng th of the struc ture an d onlya tl o cations app rovedb yArchit ect . Form keys t n any cold jo ints requ ired. FOa~RE USE:Forms t o b e reused s hall be un damag ed,in good c on dition and tho roughly cleaned before r eus e.Apply form co a ting for new f ormwork.When (orms a re r eused for succ~sslve c oncretep lacement ,tho rough ly c lean sur faces and tighten and secu re ly a l ign a ll joints. FORM COATING :Coa t contact s u rfaces of forms wit h form -coat ing compound before p lacing re info rcement .Do n ot allow excess coating t o a cc umulat e 1n 3A-2 forms gr to ,contact su rfaces which will bebo nded to fresh co ncre te.Prov ide comme rcial formulat ion form -coat ing compoun ds tha twi ll not bon dwit h,stain nor adve rs ly affec t concre te sur faces r equ iri ng bond or a dhe s ion ,n ori mpede wetting of surfac es to b e cured with wate r o r c u ring compoun ds .I nsure t hat no form coa t ing is i nadve r tan t ly p laced on r ein forcing steel .App ly per manufactu rer 's in st ru ct ions. I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • 3A-3 I I •SECTIO N 3 8 RE IN FORC I NG STE EL • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE:"Gen eral Pr ovisions of Division 2 thr ough Divis i on 1 6". SC OPE:Supply and insta ll all Reinforc in gSteel as r eq uir e d. REFERENCE STANDARDS: A.Conf orm with all ap pl icab le requ irement s o f Concr e t e Re inf orcing Stee l I ns titut e (eRSI)"Ma nualo fS t andard P ractice"and Ameri can Conc r et e Institut e:sACI31 8 . • B.Do a ll welding of reinf orcing s te el wi th quali fi ed welder si n "confo rman ce wi th details ond rawin gsa nd with the Ame r ic anWel ding So ci et y ·s Recom- men da t ionsf o r Weld ing Re in for cing Steel (A.W.S .DI2 .1), S UB MITTALS: A.Sh op Dr awin gs:Per GEN ERAL CON DITIONS .s ubmi t Sh opDr a wings s howi ng be n ding ,pl ac ing .b ar s ch edules,stirrup spa cinga nd a r ra ng em ent and ass embl ies of a ll reinf or c ing.Ma ke Shop Drawings p er AC I-3 15 . B.Mill Ce rt ificat es:If r eques ted a long with ShopDr awings ,s ubmit s t ee l p roducer 's mill analy sis c e r tif ica tes and ten s ilea nd bend test s . COORD INAT ION:Coordina te York with o the r trad es s oa s not to interfe re . Bring i nt erferenc es b etween t ra des t o Arch it ec t 's a ttenti on and re s olve befo re any co nc re te 1 6po u red . MATE RIAL HAN DL INC: A.Delive r r einf orcing s teelt o the site bu ndled,ta g ged a nd marked ,wit h metal ta gs i nd ica t in gba r sizes ,l eng ths and o ther in f orma tion c orres - ponding with mar kings sho~n on pl ac em ent d ia grams. B.St ore r ein f or cement o ff t he g round an d so a st o pr event damage,exc es - s i ve ru st.d irta nd thel ike. I NSTALLATION (GEN ERA L): A.Conf orm with sta ted standards ,and as s pec if iedh erein .fo r d et a iling a nd pla cement metho ds a nd s uppo rts . B .Cleanr ein fo r c em ent of l oose r us t.mill s ca le.eart h andany mater ia l whi ch could reduce o r d es troy concret e bond. C.Po si tion.su ppo rt a nd sec ure reinf or cement a gainstd isp lacementby fo rmwo rk ,co nstruct ion or co ncrete pla cing op erations .Locate and su pport reinf or cing with met al cha irs.runn er s ,spa ce rs,bols ters , ha ngers.a s required . 3B-I Provid e s uf f ic ientn umb er s o f s upp or ts and of s trengtht o car ry re in- fo rcement .Do n ot p la ce r einf orc ing ba rs more than 2"b ey ond t he la st l eg of a nyc o nt inuous ba rs upport .Do n ot u se sup ports as bases fo r runw ays fo r conc re te convey ing equi pm ent ands imilar const r uct ionl oads •• P l ace reinfor~ent t oob tain minimum cov erag e4ltr co ncre te prote ction. Arr ang e,sp ace a nd secur ely tie bars a nd ba r s uppo r ts t ogether with 16 gag e wir e t oho ld reinfor cement accur ate ly in pos i tio n d u ring c onc rete ope r ations .Se twire ties s o t wi s te d end s are dir e ct ed awa y fr om exposed c oncr ete s u rf a ce s . I I I I I D. E. F . Ins ta ll welded wire f abric in as l on gl en gths as pr a ct ic a bl e. joining pieces at l e as ton ef ullmesh .We l ded wi re fab rict o to ASTM A-185-73. Lap ad - con form I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C.Prov ide standardr einf or cement sp l ices by l ap pi ng ends ,p la cing b a r s in c onta ct,and tightly wir e t ying. H.Detai ling ,f a bricationa nd p lacemen t o fr einf or c ings te el sha ll b e in ac co rda nce wi t h the Man ualo fStanda rd Pr ac tic e fo rDetai ling Reinf or ced Co nc ret St ructu res (ACl3 15-7 4 ). I.Re i nforcing ba rs shall c onf orm t o ASTM A6 15-79,and sha ll b e Gr ade 60 , excep t ties ,f ie ld be nt ba rs ,o fb ar s to be welded wh ich shall b e Gr ade 40. J .At sp l ices ,l ap ba rs 3 6 d iamete rs .Atco r ners a nd in t er se cti ons ,ma ke ho rizo ntal ba rs continuo us or provide matc hing co rner ha rs.Around o peni ngs i n wal ls an d s labs ,p rov ide 2 -P.5 ba rs ,ex tending 2 1 -0"b eyond e dge of opening. K.Excep ta s n oted on draw ings ,c on cr ebe pr otection over reinfo rcement sha llbe in a ccor dance with ACI 3 18-77 . L .Shop Drawings f or r e infor cin g stee l will be r equiredpe r Sec t ion l A,SPEC IAL COND ITIONS. 3B-2 I •SECT ION 3C • I CAS T-IN -PLACE CONCR ET E SEE:"Ceneral Prov is ions of Div ision 2 t hroughDiv ision 16". I SCOPE: and as P rovide a ll Cas t-in -p lace Conc re te Wo rk a s shown on t heDrawi ngs spec i fi ed here in . B.Do any c u tting andpatching ma de n ecessa ry b y fa ilu re o rd elayi n comply - i ngwith t hese r equi rement s,a t no cost t o Own er . HATCHING ,MIXING AND DELIVERY EQU IPMEN T:Use tran sit-mixedcon cre te f rom approv ed ba tch ing a nd mix ing p lant .Batc h,mix andt ranspo rt concre te t o the s i te in a cc ordance wi th "pr ovisions of ASTM C94. RE FEREN CE ST k~D ARDS :Com p ly wit h all a ppl icable Fed era l.State andl ocal code s.s a fety r egulat i ons ,refer enced Am eric an Conc rete I nsti tut e standard s (ACI)a nd any o thers referred t o herein.I n any conflict between refe r enc ed stand ards.the mo re s t rin gentr equir eme nt s sha ll govern . A.Obt ain in f ormation and instructions fr om other trades and sup pl iers in amp le timet o s chedule and c oo rd inatet he in stallation of items furni sh ed by t h em t o be embedded in c onr ele so provi si on fo rt heir Work can b e made wit hout de layingt he pr oject . •COORDINAT ION : I I I I I I I I INSPECTION :Examine a ll ar easandco ndit ions un der ~hich t he ~o r k of t his Section will he p~rformed .Cor rect any conditions detrimenta lt o t he approval completion of t he Wo rk .Do n ot p roceed unti l a ll suc h co ndit ions a re cor rected . CONCRETE PLA CEME NT (GENERAL): I I A.Placeco nc re te i n complia nce wi th p ra ct ices a nd recommendations of ACI30 4,a nd as s pec ified here in . B.Depo sit c on cr ete c ontin uous ly or in l a y ers of su ch thi ckness t hat n o conc rete wi ll b e placed on co ncrete which ha s hard ened su f fi cientl y t o f orm seams o r planes of weaknes s within the sect ion . I c.Wherea sec tion c annot b e placed con t inuo usly.p rovide cons t ruc t ion jo ints . I D.P l ace concre te a t s uch ar at e t hat conc rete which is be ing i n tegrat ed ~i th fresh concre te is s til l p las tic . I E.Deposit conc rete as nea rly as p racticab le in it s final loca tion to a void segrega tion due t o r ehandling and flow ing.Do not subjec tc on cret e to any p roc edu re ~h ich might cause seg rega t ion. I F .Sc reed conc rete which is t o r ec eiv e otherc onstru ct ion t o th eproper l ev el t o avoid excess ive skfmming and g rout ing . I I 3C-l B.P rovide r unways fo r wheeled con vey inge q ui pment f romd elivery poin t to location of final de posit . E .Usec hu tes or t remie s fo r p lacing concrete wher e a d rop of more t han2 m (72 ")is requ ired . D.Pumps maybe used on ly if th eyc an pum pt hemix designed .Do n ot ad d fine a ggr egate o r water to the mi xt os at isfy n eeds of apumping dev ice . C.Kee pi nt er i or s u rf aces o f convey ing e quipment ,in clud ing c hu tes a nd trem ie s, f ree from ha rden e d con crete ,d e br i s,water ,and otherd elet er i ous ma ter ia ls . a ~u nw O r ka bl e .or d oes n ot which has been con tam ina ted n ooplast ic l im it s,o r becomes cont rol Do not use contltte which meet the requir ed quality by fo re ign mater ia ls . G. CONVEYING : A.Hand le co ncrete fr om p oint of de l iv e ry and tra ns f er to convey ing equip- ment .and t o l oc at io n of f ina l d epo sit ,as r apidl y as p r ac ticablean d by methods which pr even t segrega tionan d 10s5 o f mix mater ia l s. I I I I I I I I F.Where free d rop through tr emies exce e ds 6 m 08 '-0 "),u sef low check ing d ev ices . I I VERT ICAL PLAC EMENT : A.Depos it co ncr ete in f orms i n h orizo ntal l aye r s n ot deepert ha n 60 ern (24"). B.Wh er e pla ceme nt cons ists o fs ev eral l ay er s,p la ce ea c h layer whi lep receeding layer is s till plasti c. I C.Remo ve t emp orar ys p readers in f ormswhen co nc re te p lacing has reach ed the elevat ion o f such spreaders . I D.Do n ot p lace co ncrete i n su ppo r ting elements unt il the conc re te p r evi ous l y placed in co lumns a nd wal ls i sno longer plast ic. I I SLAB PLAC EMEN T : A.Deposit a nd c onso lid atec onc ret e slabs in aco ntinu o us ope rati on .with in the l imit s o f any co ns truc t ion joints ,un t il the pl ac ing o f ap ane l or sect ion i scompleted. I I B.Conso lidate concr et e du ring pla cement by use o f th e spec if iedeq ui pmen t , thoroughlywor k ing c on crete a r o und r e infor c em ent andi n t o c orn ers. C.Consolidate c on cr e te p lac edi n beams and girders of support ed sla bs .and against bu lkheads of slabs ong ra de ,as spec if ied for fo rmed conc r ete structu res . I D.Cons ol idate conc rete i nr emainde r of slabs b yv ibrat ing b ridge sc r eed s. r oll er pi p e scr e ed s o r other methods acce p ta bl e to Architec t. I I 3C-2 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E .Lfmit t ime o f vibratin gco nsol id at ion t opreven t br i nging an excess of fine aggreg a te t o t he surf a ce . F .Bring s lab s urf ace s to co r rec tl eve l wi th a s traigh t edge ,and then strike o ff . G.Usebu 11£10at5 o r dar bies t o s mo oth thesu rface ,l eaving it f ree fro m bump s and ho llows. H.Do n ot sprinkle water on the pla st ic sur fac e;dono t distu rbt hes lab s urf aces pr iort o st art o f f in ish in go p e r at i ons. CO LD WEATHER PLACING:Comp ly with the American Conc rete I nst it ute sta ndard ACl -306 t opro tec t a ll co nc ret ewor k fr om phy sica ldamag e and r e dueed s t rength c aused by fr ost,fr e ezing a cti on so rl ow temp erat ur es .Place no concrete agains t f roz ene arth. HOT WE AT HER PLAC ING :Prepare a gg rega te s ,mixwater ando ther ing redien ts ,a nd pl ace ,cu re and p rot ect conc r e te in a ccordance wi tht he r equir em ent so fACI -3 05 . CO NSOLI DATION : A.Co nso lida te a llc o ncr et e in acco rdance wi thp rovi si ons of Am eri can Concrete I nst itut e Standard ACI-309 . B .Con so Ltda t e ea ch l a yer of conc rete immed ia te ly a fte r p l acing ,us ingi nternal co ncret ev ibrators s up pl emen ted by hands pading ,rodding or t ampin g . C.Du ring al l phases o f ope rat ion ,main ta in a f requency o fn ot l ess than 10 ,0 00 vib rat ions pe r minu te per i n ternalv i br at or. D.Provide a dequa te nu mb er of uni ts an d power sou rc e a t all time s .Maintain spa re u nits o n hand to en su re a dequacy. E.I f,i n the o piniono fAr chit e ct ,th e eq uipmen t i snot adequate to pro per c ons ol i dation,h e ma y o r derd elay in furth er pla cement u ntil ade quat e e qu ipment i s ma de ava ila bl e. F .Xainta in v ibrato rst o assurep eak e f fi ciencya t a llt imesd uring placemen t. PAT CHI NG &~D CLEAN ING: A.Afterf or ms are r emove d,r em ove projec ting fin s,bol ls ,f orm ti es ,n ails , e tc.no t necessa ry fo r th e Work o r cu t back one in chf rom th e s urface . Where ,in Ar ch i tec t's op in ion,su rface d e fec ts such a s h oneycomb occur, repair t he d efective area s a s dir e cted by Ar ch i te ct.Joint ma r ks and f i ns i nex posed Work s ha ll b es moothed o ff a nd c lea ned as directed by Ar c hitect. B.Repair d efe ct s in co nc re te Wor k a s p er AC I-3 0l ,Chap ter 9 and as directed byArc hi tec t .Chipv oid s and s tone po ckets t oad epth of o ne inch or more a s requiredt o rem ovea l l l oose mat erial .Vo i ds ,su rf ace i rregularit i es , chipped area s,e tc .,sha ll b ef il ledb ypa t ch ing ,guni te o rr ubbing ,as direc ted by Ar chit e ct .Repa i red s u rfac es s hal l dupl i cate ap pea rance of unpa tch edWork . 3C -3 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c .Clenn exposed co n c rete s urfacesa nd adj oining work stained b y l eakage of c oncret e t o a ppr o v al o f Archi tec t . D.Rein fo rce o r re place an y defici e nt work a s directed by Arch itec t a nd at n oa ddit iona l co stt o Owne r . CLEAN -UP:In a dditiont o the requir ementso f GEN ERA L COND ITI ONS .clean-up all co n crete a nd cement wor kon c omp letion of th is po r tion of t he Work. The protect ive c oatin gso r b uildingpaper ss hall r emain unt ilf lo or s have complete ly c u red o r u n ti l interior part i tionsa re to b ei n stalled. CON CR ETE DESI GN : A.Design i s b ased on "Bu il d ing Co de Re quirement s fo r Re in fo rced t on cr ete " (AC!318-77).Conc rete Wo rk shall con form t o "Sp ecif i ca tio ns f or S tr uc tu ral Conc r ete Bu ild in gs"(A C!3 0 1 -72,Revi se d 1 975). B.St ru c tural con c rete s ha llhave ami nimum 28 -d ayc ompr e s s i ve st reng th o f 3 000 p si. C.P rovide co n t inuo us l ~i nch d eep s hea r key s at a l l co n~tr uc t i on joints in wal ls ,s la bs a nd between f oo tings and wa lls . D.Exp osed edges and c o r ne rs s ha l l bec hamf ered 3/4>1. E .Design of n ew foo tings i s ba sedo na maximum allowab le b earing pressure o f 1000p sf ont he natu ra l undi st urbed s oil,o r c ompac ted s truc t uralf il l, be low fr o st de pth . F .Design o fr econs tr u ct ed fou ndationsi nex is tingbu i ldin g is based ona maximum al lowable bear in g pres sure of 3000 p sf . I S O LAT I O~J OINTS :Provid e i s o l at ion jo in ts in s lahs on g ra de at po in ts of co ntac tbe tweens la bs on g ra de and v ert i c al surfaces . CO ~STRU CTION J OI NTS : A.Hor i zontal c o ns t ructio nj oint swill n ot b e pe rmi t ted. B.Fo r s labs o n s r ade ,l o ca tea ny unin cl i ca t ed j o int s i na manner to divide t he s lab into a rea s n o t in ex ces so f600 squa re fe et wit h on e d imension being n o t g re a t e r than 120%of the other dimens ion . C.P lace c on struct io n join ts perpendicu lar t o t he mainr ein fo rcemen t .Con- tin ue al lr einforc ement across cons t ructi on j oints . CON TR OL JOIXTS: A.P rovi de c ont ro l joint s In slabs on grade .Use inser ts !.z:"wide by l/Sth t o ~th o f s l abd e pth. B.Fo rm c ontro l j oint sby inserting aprem ol dedha rdboard or f iberboard strip int o t he f resh co ncrete un til l a p su rf ace is flush wi th s lab surfa ce . 3C-4 I I I I I I I I I ••C.Afte r cqnc re te has cured for a t l e ast 7da ys,remo ve i ns ert sand cl ean loose d ebr isf romt heg rooves f ormed. CD~CRETE FINISHING: A.Fin ish of Formed Surfaces : 1.Rough Form Fin ish:Provide as-cas tr ough form finish to f ormed co nc rete su r faces tha t a re t o b e concealed in the f in ish Wo rk o r bya ny ot her construc tion .Stand ard r ough form fin ish sha ll b et he co nc rete s ur face h avin g tex ture i mpa rt edby fo rm f ac ing ma terial used,with tie hol es an d d efec tive a reasr epai red and pat ched .a nd all fi ns and other pr o jections exceeding ~"in he ight ru bb ed d own or c h Lpp'cd off ... 2 .Smoo th FormF in ish :Provi de as -cast smooth form f ini sh fo rf ormed concrete su rfac es t hat a re t o be exposedt ovLew,o rt hat a rc t o be covered wi th c oati ngmate rial othe r tha n ceme nt p laster a ppl ied directly to conc rete .Producesmoot hf orm fin ish b y se lect ing form ma te rial to impa rt a smo oth ,ha r d,uniform texture a nd a rrang ing them o r derly and symm et ri ca l ly with aminimumo f seams.Repaira nd patch defect ive ar easwith all fin sa nd othe r p rojections complete ly removed andsmoothed . 3 .Related Unformed Surfac es :Att ops o f walls ,ho rizontal o f fsets . a nd sim i la r u nfo rmed surfaces occu ring a djacen tt o formed sur fa ces , st rike off smooth an d fini sh wit h smootht rowel ed fini sh . I I I I I I I I I I B. 4.Exposed Concre te Fini she s:Patc h a ll ho neycomb a nd rough sp ots as soon as fo rms are r emoved using mix tu re of I part Po rt l and Cement to 2 parts sand .Patches sha llb emadeand rubb ed down smooth as qui ck ly as possib le . Monoli thic Slab F inishes: 1 .Scratch F in is h :Apply sc ratch finish t o monolith ic s lab s u rfaces tha t a re t or eceiveco ncrete floo rt op pin g or mor tar sett ing beds for t er r azz o t i leand othe r bonded applied cementi t ious-finlsh floo ri ng mater ia l.Afte rp l a cings la bs .plane the sur face t o a to lerance no t exceed ing \"i n 24"whent estedwit ha st ra ightedg e. Slope sur faces u n if o rmlyt od r a in s wher e requ ired .Aft er leve l ing , roughen su r face be fo re fi na l set b yu sings t if f b room brush .o r rake. 2.Floa t F in ish:Ap pl yf loa t finish to monoli thic s l ab su rfaces t hat a re to receive tr o~el fin is h and o th er f inishes herin aft er specif ied an dt os lab surfaces whi ch are t o be c ove red wi th i nsul ation .a nd a s otherw i se shown o n drawingso r in sc hedu l es .After p l acing conc rete s l abs .do not work the surface fu rth er u ntil r eady fo r f loa ting .Begin f I oat tng .....hens ur fac e .....at er has d isap peareda nd when conc re te has stiffened suff icient ly to perm it o perat ion of a po wer-dr iv en fl oa t.o rb oth.Consol i dat e su rfac e with p ower-dr iven f loa ts ,orby han d -floating if a reai s smal l or inaccess ib le t o power units .Checka nd l e v el s urface plane to a tolera nce no t exceeding ~"in 10 '0 "when tes ted with a10 '0 "straightedge p la ced 3C -S 3.Trowel F inish :App ly trowel finish to mo nolit hic s lab su rfaces t h at a re t o be ex posed t o v iew.un les s otherwis e shown ,and t o s lab s u rfaces t hat are t obe cove red with r esilient f l oo ring ,ca rpet ing ,pa in t,o r o thert hin-fi lm finish coatin g system .Af ter floating ,beg in fi rs t t rowe l finish o pe ration u s ing a powe r-d riven t rowe l .Begi n f i nal t rowel ing when su rfacep r oduces a r ingings ound as t rowe l is moved over su r face .Consolidat e conc rete surface b y fi nalhandt rowe ling . free f rom trowel marks ,un i fo rmi n textu re and appea rance ,and with a sur face pl ane to le r anc en ot exceed ing 1 /8"in 1 0 '-0"vhea t ested wi th a 1 0 '-0"s tra ightedge .Gr ind smooth surf ac e de fe cts wh ic h would t e legraph t hrough appl ied f loo r cove rings yst em. ont he s u rface at not le ss than twod i ffe ren t angles . spots a nd fi lll ow spots .Uniformly slope surfaces to re quired .Immediately afte r leveling.r e fl o at s urface smooth .g ranu lar texture. I I I I I I ••Cut down high d rains where t oa unifo rm I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 .Non s l i p Br oom Finish :Apply nonslip broom finish t o exterio r conc rete platforms,s teps ,ramps and c l scwli e r e as sho....'TI o n dr awings o r1n sc he - dules .l nun e di at ely after t row e l finish ing ,s lightly r oughen conc rete su rface b y broom ing in d irectionp e r pendicul ar t o main t raffic route. Use fiberbristle b room.Coord ina te re quired finish with Ar chi t ec t pr ior to a pp lication. MISCEL LANEOUS CO NCRETE I TEMS : A.J unction wi th Ex is t in gCon cr ete Bui lding Co nstruc tion:Abovef loor s lab , leave a n open jo i nt a s indicat ed and f i ll wi th sea lant and backing in acc or dance with t hepr ovisions of Se c t ion "Cau l kinga nd Se alan ts ".At f loo r sla b and be low,clean exist ing c o n cr eter emoving ea r th a nd fo reign materia ls a ndp lace new conc r et e aga inst exist ing c o n str u ction .Useb ond ing ag ent . C.Fi ll ing In:Fill i nho les an d openings le ft in conc re te structu re fo r pa s sage of Wo rk o f othe r trades .un le ss o t herwise d i rec ted,after the Work of other trades is i n place .Mix,pla ce ,and cure c on c rete as herein s pe cif ied ,t ob lend with in-place co nst ru c tion .P rovide al l other misc ellaneou s c oncrete fi llin g t o complete the Work. C.Cu rbs :Provide mono lit hic f ini sh to I nt er Ior cu rbs b y st r ipp ing forms while conc rete i s sti ll g reen and t hen stee l -trow el i ng s urfa ces to a ha rd,d en se finis h wi th co r ners ,i nt ersections and terminat ions s l ightly r ounded . D.Equipment Bases a nd Foundat ions :P rovid emachine and equ ipment b ases and foundatio ns 35 shown on d rawing s or r equired fo r mach ine a nd equ ip- ment a ct ua l ly f urn ish ed .Set a n chor bo l ts fo r mach ines and equipment to t e~p la t e ,at co r rec t el ev at ions ,comp lying with certified diag rams o r t em pl at e s o fmanufac ture rf urnishingmac hines an d eq u ipmen t.Provide isola tion j oints su r roundingbases where i ndica ted o r requir e d.F i l l jo ints with j oint fil l e r a nds ealant in accordance wit h the p rov is ions o fSecti on "Ca ul k inga nd Sea l ants ". 3C -6 I I •S ECT ION i1B BR1CK !'lASONRY • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s eE:"Gen er a lP r o vi sion s of DIVIS ION 2 through DIV IS ION 1 6". SCOPE:Supply and install all Brick Mas onr y Wo rk a s shown o nt h e Draw- in gsa nda s specif ied her ei n. REF ERE NCE ST~~DA RDS :Comp ly wi th all app li cable r equ iremen ts o f St ruc - tural Clay Produ ct s I nstitut eand Am erican Standa r ds Associat ion Stand - a rds . SAHPLES A.'oW SANPLE PANELS: A.As pe r GEN ERA L CO NDITIONS ,s ubmi t two s ampl es o fe ac h type of b r ic k s p ec if ied. B.Before pr oceeding wi th Wo r k ,a s ample b ric kp an el 5 fee tx 5 f eet shal l bee rect ed wi th t o o ling .mo r tar.colo r a nd wormanshi pt o be approved byAr c hi tec t. GUARANTE E :Aspe r GE NERAL CO NDITIONS . HEASVREX~TS :Verify all dim e ns ion s s hown on Dra wings by takin g field measur~~cnt s;p r op er f it an d at ta chments o f al l brick ID 3son ry as r equ i red . COORDIN ATION :Coordina te wi th al l o ther Trad es whose Work r ela te s t o b rick mason ry in s ta llat ion fo r pla cing of all r equ ir ed bloc king ,sub- f raming ,back ing,fu r r ing ,wate rproof ing .etc.,in proper l ocati ons. TES TS ~~D IN SPECTIONS : A.Archit ec t may requ i re t e sts a nd i nspe ct i ons as nec essar y to ver ify qua li ty a nd st rength o f br ic k mat eria ls ,mo rta r ,g rou t,a ndwo rkman- s hip .Labo rato ry test so fma t e rial s ,mo rtar,Bn d g rou t wi ll be made per AST M s tanda r dp r oc edures . B.Architec t will se lec t T est ing Lab ora tory a nd Owne r wi llp ay f or al l ~or k r e quired b y Test ingLa borat ory. C.If req~lred t furnish a nd del i ve rt o Testing Lab o ra tory ,wit hout cha rge ,id en tified samp les o f b ri c~~,morta r and grou t requ i red for t ests.Makeo ne set of a t least two t est pri sms each of mo rtar a nd g rout eac hd ay fo r the f i rs t three wo rking days a t beg i nning of Bri ck Work . DELIVERY .~~D STORA GE :Sto re bricks i n manufac tu re r 's o r iginal pack ing u nt il r eady fo r use .Do n o t stack l oad e d pallet s o f de live red br i c~s. S to re i n prot e ct ed loca ti on off ground . ER ECTIOX: A.Clean an d i nsta ll b r icks pe r manufa ct u rer s r e c omme n dati on s and the r ecomm endat ions of t h e r ef er enceds tanda r ds .Cutun its wi th saw , free f rom brokeno r s pal l ed corne rs anded ges. 4B-1 B.On completion of Work r ake out defective joints in exposed Brick Wo rk .fl1l with mor tar and retool . I I I • Provide full mortar unfini shed York fo r spalled.c racked or • coverage of all faces of joints. joining with continued York .Use broken b r icks . St ep back any nowarped . I I I PROTECTION:Cover ove r all unfinished Wo rk a t night against t he elem ents with plastic sheet ,building pape r.heavy canvas or other materials approved by Arc hitect . CLEAK ING:Cl ean all Work thoroughly u sing f iber brus hes .Remove mortar stains with cleaning c ompou n d ,r insing thor oughly wit h water.All finished su rfaces shall b e unma rr ed . CLEAN -UP :Per GENERAL COND ITIONS. SETT INGBRICK PAVERS: MATERIAlS:I I A.Paving Bricks : be selec ted by Ironspo t Architec t Ar chitectural and Owner. paver s.f ull th i ckness .To I I I I I I I I I I I A.Paver s wi ll be s e t accor ding to manufac tu rer 's r e c omm end at ions . B.Joints to be tooled t o a s li g ht concave shape. C.Pa ttern o f pavingb ricks shall be as s hown on the Drawin gs .A "Her ring Bone"pattern will be u t f I bed i n mos t area s wit h a "Row Lock"bo rder."Stack Bond "pattern will be utilized in selec ted area s (refer to d raWin gs).See d etai l s at entrys tair . D.No fracti onal or c utpa rts of brick will b e allowed in the ~o rk whe re awhole br ic k co u ld b e ut i lized ,excep t where indicated as a deta iled t reatment . E.Cu t bri ck shall have n eat.c lean-cut sharp edges . F .J o in ts to be g routed \lith "Medusa"Mill mixed masonry cement c olor 79G o r approved equal by Architect . 4 5 -2 I I • SECTION 4C STONE MASON RY • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CQXDITIONS OFTHE CONTRACT an dDIV ISION 1 ,a s index ed,a pp ly t o this Section. SCOPE:Su pp ly and install all S tone Mas onry as shown on th e Drawingsa nd as s p eci fied herein. GUA RANT EE :Per GEN ERAL CO NDI TION S . COORDINATI ON :Coordinate Stone Work with o ther Trades whose Work r el at es t o this Sec tion 1n any manner for placing of all required backing,b locking , e t c. INSPECTION :Examinea ll subsu rfaces to receive Stone Work .Repo rt1n wri ting to General Contr ac to r .with ac opy to Ar chit ect.any c ondit tons whi ch may prove d e trimen tal t ot he Wo rk.FAilure t o observe this injunction will c ons t itute a wa iver t oAny l"ubl'loe quent c laims to the contrary andmake this Cont ra ct or r espon sibl ef or a ny co r rec tions Architect ma y requ ir e.Comm encement of Wo rk wi ll b e cons t rupd 8 S a c ceptance o f a ll subsur fa ces . SETT ING : A.Cut s tonet o acco mmo dateWork o f o therTra des. B.Br ush s tone f r ee of du st and o ther foreign Datt er;t horoug hl ywash wit h c lean yat er b efo re se tt ing.Accu rately s et true t o l ine ,l ev el a ndp lumb. Mak e j oints to widths andco nf igurations requir edhe re in . C.Lay t o true ve r t ical a nd/o r ho r izon tal face in si zes selec ted t omi nim ize j oints .Fi ll a ll in t ers tices a ndc revi ses so lid wit h mortar .Keep ex - po sed f aces c lean of mortar .Stones fo r any corners or openings shall be car ef ul ly s ele cted f or squared f aces. D .Have all Workd on e by competent s tone maso ns and to a ppearance a pproved byArchite ct . GROUTIN G A~D POINTING :Fil l all joints wit h mo r tar ,then r ake out joints and b eds t o a d e pth c ons isten t with t hi ckness of units ,taking ever y pre- ca ut io nt o pr event s tonesf rom bearing o n edges.Afterf ace-jointsand beds hav eb een b ru shed c l eano f loo sema te rial ,grout t owith in ~i n ch of e xpos eds urf ace of units un les s otherwi se shown .Poi nt a ll joint s n eat ly wi th spec if iedpoint ing mortars .Press and wo rk po in t ing ma te rial into raked o ut a reat o in su re solid packing throughou t entire joint .Strike j oint s ne atly t o pro fi les requir ed h ere in . CLEAN IXG:Af ter complet ion o f Stone Wo rk an d af terpo ss ib i lityo f stain fr om o ther o perat ions ha s pa s sed,Wo rk s ha ll be car ef ull y cl ean ed,r emoving all dirt ,mo r ta r,s tains ,or other d efa ce me nts.Usen o wir e brushes o r ac id so lu tion. PROT ECT I ON:Cove r ove r al l unfini sh ed Work a t night ag ain st thee l ementswit h plast ic sh eet ,buildin g paper ,h eavy canv~s or ot her mat erial s at is fac to ry t o Architect . 4C-l , MATERIAls :All ma rb le a nd g ran i te shall be standa rd grade ,free from c rac ks . seams .o r otheri mperfections which might impair its st ructura li ntegritya nd fin ish .See Drawings for t hicknesses .locat ion,extend and d et a il s requi red. Inherent variations charact e rist ic of the qua r ry from which t he stone types are obtained wil l be co nsid er ed acceptable .Al l s ton es f u rn ished must conform to ,and be with in t he r angeo f app roved sam pl es . I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A.Marbl e:Provided b y Owne r,in st al led b y Con trac tor . B.Granite :Provid ed by Owner ,insta l led byCont ractor . C.MossRoc k:Selected by Arch itec t a nd Ow ner . 1.Loc al st one ,moss c ove red ,s ubmit s amp les t oAr chitect f or a pp roval . 2 .Lay J "to 4"t hick where s hown. 3 .Heavy non-cor ro s iv e co rr uga tedt ies ,one pe r e a ch t wo square foot a r ea . 4 .Mortart o be color se lec ted fr om s ampl es pr ep ar ed f or Arc h itec t 's a pp roval. 5.Arc hite ct t oa pprove pa tte rn . 6 .Provided a ndi nsta lled byCont rac to r. MARB LE AND GRANITE I NSTALLATION:All marble and grani te work shall be in- sta lled in s t ric t acco rdance wit h thea pplicab le spec i fica t ion and drawing p lates of the "Am er ican Standard Specification f or I n te ri or Marble "pub- lished b y t he Ma rbleI ns ti tute o f Ame r ica an d the d et ails on th e Cons tru c- tion Docume nt Drawing s.Thepatt ern of i ns ta l la tion shall b e as shown on the Drawings . 4C-2 I •St::CTlll N ~A S TR L CT U ~~L STEEL • I I I I I CO N D IT I O ~S OFTHE CO llT RA CT and DIV:SI ON I .as inde x ed.app l y to t h is s ec c ren , SCOPE :Su pplyand instal l a ll St ruc tural S t eel Wor k &8 indi cated on the O r a ~l ngs a nd as sp ec ified he rein . S HO P DRAWI NGS :"Sub mit pe r CENERAL C O ~O ITl ONS : A.Sub ~lt s hop n nd er e c tion d rn~lngs ba aed on Contract Do cuments cle arly s h o ....l nge a ch p ie ce requ ire d fo rf ab rication ande rec tion . b .App rov al o f Ora....l ~6s w111 ~ov e r only gene r a l scheme .d esign a nd charac - t e r o f de tai ls b u t no t che ck j n ~o f d ime ns i o ns .no r ....111 suc h a pp roval r e Lt eve Co nt ract o r f r om r es ptlnslbl11c yf o r exe cuting t.'o rk 1 n ac c orda nce ~lc h Co nt ra ct Dr~wlngs . H;SPE CT lO ~AND TE STl~G: The T ~stl ng Agency s hal l :I I I I I A. 8 . c. Ius pe c t ;]11 ca t e r i a Is and v orkaa ne mp , De t e rat ne t c ets pe c i e ens r e qui red t o ins ure conp l t enc e wit h Co n tra c t D oc u~e n ts .Co n tr a cto r s ha ll t h en pre pare t~8 t 5p~cl men8 and de liver t hee t o Agency . T ~s t ln s Lab o ra to ry s hall fu rn l ~h Arch itect wi th verified re ports that ve I d t n g c on r o na et o Dr .l wings and Spe c t f t c e t t o na and that n ece s s a ry ee ane ha v e be en u se d t o dc rer e t n e q un Lft y of we ld.Usex -ray ,gamma r a y, oag naf lu x ,al tr a -so n ic t e st i n g,o r o the r alds to visual inspe ction 8e ee q ut r e dt o a s au re a de q u acy o f wel ding . I R£fE RE~CE STAS DARD S :Exc ept wh e re p r ovis io ns of t he s e Specif icati ons a r e mo re ex ec t t ng ,\o'or k o f t his Secti on sha ll compl y with all applicab le pr o visi o ns of th e (al lowi n g s r 3n d3rds : 5A-l D.S pc c i f Lc ut l c ns [or St r u c tural J o int s u :'I l ng ASnt A-325 or A-49 0 ,Bo l ts by t he Rcs e a r c hC ounc ll on Rt v e t ed and Bolted Struc tural Jo in ts . ....u!L'-'1A r~s H ]p :\.,'ork s h a ll comp ly 'oI i t l ;AISC -~.1 n u a l o f S teel Cons t ru c t ion" un Jes s mo r e exa c ti ng r cq u1re m...-nr s He s pe cif i ed ln t he Co nt ract Dccu c e nt e , I I I I I I A. 8 . c . St3:lJ .HJ S r..'l:1C ic a tl on s f o r t he Design and Fabric ation o f S t ru ctural ~t ~cl f or Bu i ldi n gs,o(t he .~p.r i ca n Institu te of Stee lCo n structi o n. LvJ e o f S t3 nda rd Practi ce (o r S te e l Building s and Br idges.o f AI SC . Cad l'f o r Wel ding in Buildi n g Co nst ruction.0-1 .0 of the ~erican Weldi ng So ci et y . I •• I I I I I I I I I I I LA~S 'ASD ~~CULAT I ONS:Co mpl y ~ith All a pp lica bleFederal,State a nd Ci cy co des a nd r ~g u lu tl on s f or p e r ior~l nc e o f t he ~ork of thi s ~e c t lon i ncluding ere c ti ons afe ty r e gulation~. 'WELD ING:P e rf or m s hopa nd f ie ld ve I d Ing 1 n eve ry d etail 1 n acco rd anc e w f th n I l ap pl icab l e p r o vi s io ns o f a bov e -r ef ere nced A.I.S.C.SpeC if ica t ions a nd v te b "Cod ef or We lding 1 n n ulldlnp;Co nst r u c t io n"of the American We l ding Soci ety. ~~LD DET AILS:C o~p l y with a ll o f r eq u Jrewen t s f or j oints \oI hich a re accep ted without qu a li f ic ati o n t e s t s und e r the "Cod e fo r We lding in Building Can " s t r u c t Lo n"(AWA Des ig na tio n 01.0)o f Americ an We l di ng Soc iet y,a nd 1 n add Lt Ion ,t o spec if i c re qc i r eeen t a o f the Dr .av l ngs . (::.rALI FI CATI ONS OF t ~E LD E R S :Make ve ld a o n ly b yo pe r a to rs vbc ha ve r e ce ntly oc en qu a l if iedby tes r s ,a s p r esc r ib ed i n t h e "Sta nda rdQua l ification I'r o c edu r e"(,\WS De st gne t J cn B J .O)o f American We l ding So ciety ,exc ept th is p r 0 v i ~i ~n n e~d no t ap p ly t o t a ck y el da n otl at er i n co rpo rst ed i n t o fi n is hed w ~lJs c~rr y ing cal c u la ted s t ress . T E..'lP LATES:Fur nis h,t o g et h er v f t h i n st ruc tio ns for se tting o fa nch or s, anch or bo l ts and bear i ll g pla te s.A~c e r t ai n t ha t items a re p r o pe rl y s et du ri n~~rogr e ss of t he Wor k . ER ECi:"IO N: A.Rep or t any err ors in sh op f a br ic ati o n o r defo rm at io nr e su ltin gf r o m handl ing and t ransp or tat i on t h~t p re ven t p r o pe r a ss embly and fi t tin g of pa rts lcm~dia t~ly t o Archi te c t,und o btain a pp rov al o fmethod o f co rrectio n .App roved co rr ec t t o ns sha ll b e mad e at n oa d diti o nal c os t t o th e Ovu c r . 130 Lo ra t e au c h o r bolts a nd a nc bc r s LI nd b u ild i n to connec ti on wo r k.PTe-se t b y u se of t c mp La t e so r ot he r me chodaa s r e q uir ed t ol oca te acc ur ate l y . C .P r o vide a ny t~m p o r a ry s ho ri n g a nd addit i onal b ra c i ng o f st ee l fra min g n e c essa ry t o-adeq u ately a nd s a(l.!1 y sup p ort any o r a ll l o ads im p o sed o n s t ru ct.ur e du ri ngc ons tr uc t io n .Be f or-e pr oce ed in g v t th \Jor k .s ubmit d ra~inss for r ev ie w o f any p ro v o ~e d t emp o raTya h o ri ng and braci nR. Re vi~v o [d ra ~i n g 5 shall n o t r e li eve Co nt r ac tor of sol er e spo nsi bili ty I or s a f c e xccu r Io n o f Work . S HO P P AIN T1:-l ~:Sho p pa in t a ll s t ru ctu r al s t e e I t.,·o rk e x cep t zinc -co at ed su r f a ce s and Wo rk to b e embedd ed in co ncre t e o r mo r tar.Co ntact su r fa ces t o bev e Ided sh3.11 no t b e coa ted v i r h t n th re e i nches o f th e we Id ,p ri o r t o welding .C o nt~c t sur faces f o r j oi nts at hi ~h-9 t r en g t h ~h 3ll n ot be pai n ted"Tho r o ughly d r ya nd c lea n su rvn c e e vh e n p aint is ap p li ed.Coa t .:111 j o i n t s and c rev i ce s tho r ou gh Iy ,PAin t a n y s urf ec ee co ncea led o r i n acc e s s Lb Lc a ft er ces e mb L y ,p r I o r t o as sembly . I I I I I A .Cle.:1n!.!!s.: :;I aleria]s Rc ~ove a ll ml l l s c al ~. pr i o r to coati n g. r ust ,dir t.g r e as e and o ther har mfu l 5A-2 '. I ••U.Pr f n t n g :So on l l ~pl )f.lil b l~.11 t e r c Icn u t ng ,c o a t a ll e xp ose d s ur faces ~l th p r l m~r .Ap ply to un if o rm dried fil m thtckneSB o fno t les s than 1 .5 mf L,Pr oc ptl y repair an y d am ag ed coating with p rimer .I g> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIE LD PAINTING:Af ter ere cti on o f et ee L ,c oat all exposed s urfac e s nu ts,And wel ds r equi re d f o r f i eld a ssembl y o f sho p pa int ed stee l. a br a de d a nd d ama ged c o~t l n g t o a ppr oved c ond i ti on. CLEA.N -UP:Pe r CE :-.;ERA I.CONDI TI ONS . J;(11'F.:s .·.·;Il ~l C,D1E KAI.and S PE CIFI C ~OT E S (10 S TRUCTURAL flRAwrr-C S. o f bo lt s. Repair 50-3 I I • S ECTION5 C MI SCELLANE OUS MET AL • I SEE :"Gene r al Provisions o f Division 2 throughDivision1 6". I SCOPE :---d ev ices Supply and i ns tall all Misce lla neous Metal York i n c l u d ing al l ancho r age and r equi red appur tenances . I I I I I I I I I I I SH OP DRAWINGS:P er GENERA L CONDITI ONS ,submit ShopDraw ings of a ll York i n clu ded he rein s howing layouts ,sizes.methods of construct i on and insta l la tion ,i nc l uding s iz es and t ypes of all fas ten ing devices . FABRICATION: A.Standard c omm e r cial products .conforming t o requiremen ts of Drawings a nd Sp ecif ications maybe used subj~ct to appr oval of Arch itec t .Bo l twit h pr oper s izeho lts .~ut5 sha ll be d ra ~n t ight andend t hr eads upset . Scr ews and b olts shal l be s tandard an d washer s p rov ided whe re necessary. B.Build a n chors and o t he r c onne ctin g members r ~quircd to em bed in to co ncre t e a s Wor k p rogresses t o a vo id unn ecessa r y cutt inga ndd rilling. C.Exe cute all Wor ku sing s ki l ledwor kers only .Useon l y ce rtified weld er s. Do o n ly such Wo rk a t thes it e as can not r eason ably be per formed in t he s hop .Make cut s,bends,pu nching and d r ill ing accu ra te ,n eat and p roper ly l ocated .Grind and f i le smoot h a ll p ar ts exposed t o v iew;leave exposed s u rface s free of f ab r ication marks .Make memb ers t rue to len gth t oa ll ow a ssembly without fillers . D.Do all weld ing per AWS Sp ecificati ons.Apply "Ca Ivave l .d "o r eq ual to any surfa ces wel ded aft er ga lvanizing . Eo Make fab r ica t ion of all struc tu r a l s t ee l sha p es c o nf ormt oAI SC s tanda r ds . F .Fu rn i sh a llne c es sar ytemp l a tes and pa t tern s r equir e dbyo t he rTr ade s. Supervi se a nd be re s p ons ible fo r pro p e rl o cation and in stalla tion o f b uil t~ in items .De liver a ny i tems of th is Se ct ion r equ ired t o b e em b e d de d i n c oncrete ,or buil t i nt o p art it i ons and ot her l oca tions t o res pec t ive Co n tracto r s .Provide ho les and c onnecti ons f orWork of other Tra des an d ma k e nece ssa ry c onnec t ions . G.When possible ,fi t and shop a ss embl e,r eady fo r e rect ion,with sho p a ndf i eld connecti ons riv et ed,welded o ra ttachedwit h sc rews,countersunk a ndf i nished f l ush where expo sed . 1 .Hot -d ip ga lvan i ze any structural stee l s hapes ,plate s,ba rs and other minor asseobl ies per ASTM A-I23. H.Galvanize any fe rr ous meta l exposed to ext erior unless otherwise specified . All unit sgalvani z ed sha ll b e fabricated in to the la rgest p r a ctica bl e sectio ns bef o re galvanizing. I I I I 2.Any small s truc tu ra l steel ,cas t s teel a r ticles and hardware b o l ts ,nu ts and washers:hot -d ip galvanized per ASTM A-IS 3. such as- 5C-l I ••• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSTALLATION :Install a lli t em s true ,square ,plumb anda ccu ra tely fitted . SHOP PRIMING: A.Shop coat any u n galva niz ed fe r rous metal with p rimer. B.Clean ir on a ndmetal to be primed of scale ,dirt and dust by s teel sc raper s . wi re b rushes or sandblast ing .Remo ve oi l andg rease with pe troleum naptha . c.Thor oughly wo rk paint into a ll joints by brush .Overa ll application of b rusho r spra y coat of r ed l ead prime r. D.Give any pain ted built-in po rt ions one fie ld coa t of prime r on all a braded pa r ts aft er ins ta l latio n. STEEL PIPE HANDRA Il.S: A.Hand rai ls shall b e construc ted of l~"d iameter r ound pipe ,with smoo th b ends,mecha n ic al ly co nnected joints .c lo sed ends and welds tha t ar e f il led a ndground smooth ,l ocations as ind icated. B.Provide all required a nchorage piece s including f or atta chment to c onc ret e wall s and flo ors. SP IRAL STA IR : A.Spiral s ta irI s t o be 5 "-0"diameter stee l "Helix s ta i r"as manufa ctured by Bo st onDes ign Co r po r a t ion . B.Tread so f th iss ta ir a re t ob eMode l W5-1 (smooth plate)wi th a hardwood (oak )tread o f I"thickness mounted ont he metal plate of the tr ea d. C.The handrail is t obe 1-3/16"x3 "oak mounted t o 3/4 "s tee l ba lu sters . 2pe r tr ea d. MISCELLANEOUS I TEMS:Misce l laneo us me tal i tems and their rela ted componen ts ar e n ot n ece s s ar ily i n dividu ally desc ri bed.The mo stimpo rta nt an d those r e quiring detailed descriptio n are spec ified ah ove.Mi sc ellaneousi tems not d escribed shall be fu rnished and in st all ed in a cc ord ance with t he i nt ent of the Drawin gs and Speci fi cat ions and as r equired to complete the Wor k. - SC -2 I I •S E CT I O ~6A ROVG"CARP ENTRY ,• I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE;"Gene ra lP r ov Ls I c ns of Div is ion 2 t h rou gh Division 1 6". SCO PE:Provide all Rough Carpentry ,framing .back ings .b locking and fas teners , et c .•comp le te and In pla ce . CO N ~ECTIO NS : A.~a l 1l:>:Brigh t common wi re nails .ga lvanized for ext erio r Wo rk .Suh-d ri ll where nece ssary t o avoid sp litt ing . B.Bol t s :Drill h olt hol es 1 /32 i n ch la rger t ha n bo ltd iamet er.Use squa re plate a r ma lI ca b l e ir o nwashe rs unde r heads and n ut vhc r e th ey b ear agains t wood.Re -e fgbt en bo lt s ir.unedia tely p ri or t o concealin g ....Lt h finish Wor k . Re-t l ghten exposed bo l ts immed ia te ly p rior to f inal i nspe ctio n. C.Lag Screws and Sc r ews :Subdril1.us e square plat e o r Mal leab le ir on washe r und er la gs c r ew heads ~hen they be a r on wood. D.Fa bric ated Conn rct1o ns : 1 .Sheet metal galvan iz ed o r coated of s ize and type sho~~on Drawings . 2 .Stru ctura l Steel :AS TM A-36 .Weld ing by qual if ied ~elders in c o nforman ce wi th AWS 0-1 .0.One shop coat o f paint p er Federal Specifica tion TT-P-8 6 . Type II t o a ll pa rts not e mb edd ed. TEHPORARY ENC LOSUR ES :Du ring c ourse of co nst r uc t ion,t o mi n imize t hee ffects o f ~cat hpr an d the pot en t ial f or t heft s.prov id e t em porary c losu r es as fol lows: A.All exr er t o r d oor o penings : 1.In sta ll s ubs t a nt i a lly hLnge d doors wit h l o cks . 2 .Prov ide one set of k eys (minimum)to Ar chitec t. R.All windows (and o the r c x t c r ior op cnin~s): 1.Fireproof clo t ho r o ther approved ma te rial. 2 .Mak e s ui tabl ep rovis ions fo r ventila tion,t o permit prope r a mount of "dryin g-ou t"o r cu ring o f building and in s ta lled ma ter ials. T~WORARY ST AI RS :Un ti l permanent s ta iri s insta lled .provide tempo rary stairs t o each fl oor a s s oon a s t he s ubf loo rhasbeen installed .Temporary s tairs maybecon ve r ted t o pe rman ent st a i rs ,de sign p ermitting ,if pr operly i n st alled a nd if the pe rmanent s ta ir i s to r eceiv e a cove ring fini sh of ca rpet ,woo d o r o the r ma terial wh ich co~~letely cove rs t he t~p o rary s tair componen ts .I n t hi s c ase ,a ll daoaged t emp ora ry stair componcnt~mus t be replac ed p r io r to f ini sh c over ing i n st a llati o n. I I I I SCAFFO LDI NG : use by ot her P roviuen ecess ar y ~c a f ro ld ing tr ades as r equired . f or a ll c arpent ry Wo rk an d al low 6A-1 I •• I WOOD PRE SERV AT IVE TRE ATME~T :All ~oo d sil1pla tes and l edg e rs i nd i rect contact wi th co ncrete shall be p ressu re t reated wi th p en t ach l o r o p h e nal I na ll1n acco rd wit h t he Uni f o ro Build ing CodeSt andard 2 5-12 . I I TE~~TE CONTR OL AND DE CAY PREVENTION : sc rap l umbe r,s hav i ngs a nd sawd us t i n i nany f i l l o r b ackf il l. FRA.'1I~G : Remo ve a ll wood .i n clu ding f orm lunbe r, co n tac t with gr ound .Lea ve n o wood bu ried I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gene ra l:I n ~t a l l a ll wood f raming mak ing p ro pe r provi sions fo r York o f ot her t rad es . Do a ll cutting o f wood requi red t o accomodate p l umbing ,h ea ting ,vent ila ting . el ectrica lan do t her trades.Fit n eatlya rounda ll e xposed i tems s uch a s out le t hoxe s ,co ndui t .pipe s an d d uc ts . Ext erior BasePla tes or S ill sRes ting o n Co nc ret e:If to p s u rfa ce o f con c r e te is n ot l ev el o r v a ri es s ubs tan t ia l ly ,be d in c em en t mo r ta r to ob tainac ont inuo us bear in g.Mor tar sha l l c ons is t o fo ne p a r t c em entt o thr ee p art s s an d.Mix morta r in s mall quantit ies so it c an b eu sedp romp t ly .Siz e all p la tes o r sills and set level and tru e t o l ine.Boltd ownwi th bolts o f prop er s iz e ,l en gth a nd spacing,with abo lt no t mo re t hann in e inches from t he endo f any plac e . Additi onall y ,place 1 x6i nsu la t iona smanufac tu red by Ow ens Corning or a pp roved equ a l ,be t~e en s il ls ,o r ba se p lat es an d concrete. P l )~'ood Sheat h ing:Ins tallp l yw ood r oof shea th ing and s u b f l ooringwit h l ong dimen sions per pe nd icula r t o joists .I ns t all wa ll sheathing wi th long d imension vert ica l.All p lywoods hea t hi ng and s ubflo or ing s ha ll hav e a ll edges b locke d a nd nai led for d iaphragm o r s hear wall str es ses.All p lywood sha llbe l a y ed loO'ith t he "C"o r bes tf ace on expo sed s ide . RoughFramin g :Fi t clo sely ;s et acc ura tely t o r eq u ir ~d l i nes a nd l ev el s a n d secure r i gi dly i n place .Se t horizontal and inc l ined mem be rs loO'i t h c rown edge up .Do n ot cut,n otch or bor e s t ru c tu ral mem be r s wi t ho ut specific app rova l. Reinf o rce c u t m e~b e r s as d i rected .Bolt ,nail a nd spi ke tho r oughly wit h no t less than s izesa ndquan titi es i ndicat ed.St ruc tural members s hall provide f ull co nt act a t a ll bea ring surfac e~. A.Studs :Ma ke wal ls a nd pa rti tio n s of n omina l 2x 4 Bnd 2x6 s t uds .16 i n c hes on cente r u n less o t herwise ind i cat edo rr equir ed t o be la r ge r to a c ccmo da t e mechanica l o r e lect r ica l equ ipment ,piping an d fi xt ures o r the f i xt ur es o r equip~cnt o f any other t rade .Unle ss otherw ise indica ted ,all pan els ,va lve c over s ,c leanouts ,devi ces,aCcessd o or s,r ecessed cab ine t bo xes,e tc .,sha l l be moun tedf lush loO'lth t hea dj a cent ~all surface.When any su ch item is of a depth where i t i s not p r ac tica lt o u se solid studding to the f u ll thicknes s o f the wall ,t he wal l sha l l be furre d.When furr ing i s r e quired it s hall ext end thef u l lwidt ho f t her oomon the wa ll I n v ht cb it occ u rs :a nd f r om f l oor t or oo f o r c e i l ing jois t s.The s tuds c omprisi ng al l i nte r io r pa rt it i ons an d t hewal lmater ia l af f ixed t o t h em shall ex tend f r om fl oo r to ce il ing jo is t fra ming except as o therw ise i ndicat ed.St agge red s tud \o'a115 s ha ll b e const ructed loO'here indica ted onDraw i ngs .Prov ide doub le s tuds a t a ll o peni ngs . 6A-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •••IL Top P late!'>,in B~arin~Part itiuns 51101U b e doub Led and Lapped nt cnc h t ntr-r-. secli~n with walls or pOl Ttitions.Stagge r joints in up per and lo~er membe rs of top plate not l ess than 4 f ee t. C .Prov ide Blocking not less t han .2 Inches i n t hickness of same v Id t h as studs as fo l lows :Stud p arti ti onsor \JaI ls more than a fee t,but n ot mo re t han 14 feet in he igh t shall have one r ow of blocking f it ted snugly and n a iled in to mid -height of s tud.Wall so r pa rtitions ov er 14 feet i nhe ight sha ll have twoo r mo re r owso f blocking .Locat e r owso f b locking so t hat in no c ase will the d is t ance be tweens o le or t opp la tes and bl ockingo r bet ween l ines of b loc king e xceed8f e et . D.Frame Co rne rs s olid whe re s tud wall so r part it i ons meet ,o r as i nd ica ted on Draw ings . E .Prov ide Duub le J oi stsun de r all partit ionsp ar al l el to jo is ts . F .P rovide Do ub led Joist s,he ade rs and s ide membe r s at a llo pen in gs lar ger t han 4 f eet in d imens ion. G.Allj oi stsf rami ng into h eade rs and a ll hea der joists s hall be sup po r ted o n j oist hange rs . H.P rov i de Cant S t ri ps f or r oofing as i ndi cated. WOOD BACKlNG &NAILINGSTRIPS :Pr ovid ea ll woodb acki ng ,fu rrin g o r b loc k ing i ndicatec or r equ ir ed fo r p roperi nst allation and a ttachment of ~ork of o ther Trade s.Form l umb er vhtcb has b een c leaned and is In sound condition may b e us ed .unless o ther materia l is indica ted . Provide Wood Str ipping where i ndic ated f or attac hmento ff ini sh ma t e r ta ls t o wood s ur faces. BUILDING PAPER : A.Prov i de 15po unda sp halt -saturat ed r a gf el t paper ,p e rf or ated ,be hind all ex ter ior fini sh sidi ng . B.La p fe lt paper 2i n c hes to wea ther wit h 4"side I n ps ,Se c ur e with galvanized nails suffici en t ly t o h old in pla ce wi thouts agging until f i ni sh is app lied. XATERI AL S:Mustbe of best merc han tab le qu alit ya nd o ft ype and g rades peci fi ed. A.Struc tu ral ~ood Framing : 1.Except where n ot edo therwise ;all 2 11 l umbe r shall be Bern -Fir S4S x o .2 and bette r,and a lls olid t imb er beam s and p os t s shall be Do ug la s F ir - Lar ch No .1 . 2.Studs sha ll be Standa rd Gra de a nd b e tt er Hem -Fir .F inger jointed s tuds sha ll no t be used . 3 .To pan db o ttom plates st~ll be Hem -Fir 02 a nd bet ter. 4 .Pr ov id e sol id block ing a t s uppo r ts fo rwood f lo or and r oof jois ts and Ix 3c ross-br id gin g at mt d-epan 0 1'"a tl in es of S '-O"maximum spa cing. 5 .Except as n~t ~d otherw is e,minimumn ail ings hal l be pr ovided as s p ec if ied I n Table No.25 -P "Na LlLng Schedu le "o f t he u.n .c.•1 979ed it ion . 6 .P I Y'J ood floo r "a nd r oof sheat hing sha ll b eC-D I lI."T -A PA v i t h exter io r g lue g rad ed i na c cordan ce with APA s t anda r ds.Pan el identifica tion index andt h i cknesss ha ll be as not e d on t he d rawi n gs . 7.Tru ssed r aft e r s n nd floo r j oi s t s shal l be designed by a Colora do registe red e n gine er t o support t he fu ll d eada nd live loads of t he r oo f (15%stre ss 6A -3 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tnc r ca'se sha ll no t be used)and ceil ing o r f loo r a nd any o the r su per- imposed l o a ds .~cb arrangement a nd mL~be r f or ce s shallbe d et c r ml n~d b y t he f a bric at or.Str esses sha l l not e xceed t hosea l lowed b y t he U.B .C.,19 79 edi t io~.Calculat ions and shop d rawings ,inc lud ing "memb er si zes ,lumber s pec iesa nd grad es ,a nd subs tantia t ing d ata fo r conn e ct or c apac ities ,sha ll be su bm it ted to t heArc hi tec tf o r r eview and approv al p r iort o fabricati on . 8 .Lead ho les fo rl ag bolts s ha l lbe dri l led in ac cor dancewi th Table 5 .1 of t heA.I .T.C.Tim be r Const ru c t io nHanual ,2nded ition . 9 .Wh e re ligh t ga ge f ramingan cho rs are shown o rr e qu ired ,they sha ll b e Sim pson "St ron g Tie"o r equal I.e .B.O.approved c onnect.or s a nd sha ll h e in stall edwi th th enu mbera ndt ype o f n ail s recommended by the manufa ct ur er to d cve l cpt he r ate d c apac ity . B.St ruc tu ra lEr e ct iona ndBraci ng: 1 .The d r a~1 n g s illu s trat e t heco mp leted s t ruc tu re .i th a ll e lemen ts i n the ir fi nal posi tio ns ,proper ly suppo r ted and b r aced . 2 .TheCon t r ac to r ,i n th e p rope r sequence,s hallp rov ide prope r s ho ring a nd b rac ing a smayb e requ i r ed d u ring co ns truction to a ch iev e the fi n al c om p leted s t ruc tu re . C.LaminatedTim b er s: 1 .Mate ria ls .Manuf a ctu re r,and Qu ality Cont rol sha ll bei nco n fo r mance wit h Vo l untary Pr oduc ts Standa rd s P S5 6 -7 3."S tructu ral Gl ued Lam inated Timbe r", a nd s o "Qual it y Mar k ed". 2 .Ad hes ives used s ha ll me et t he r eq ui r em ents (or wet conditions of s e rv ic e. 3 .Appea ran ce of a lll aminated timbe r ss hall be Indu st rial Crade un l es s o therwi se in di cat ed. 4 .Surfaces including ends sha llb es ea led wit h pen et r ating sea le r. S .All m ~b e rs sha ll bei ndi vi dua lly wra pped . 6 .fab rica to rs hall fu rn is h al l connect ion s teela nd hardwar e f or j oining t imbe r members t o each oth er and t o thei r s uppo rts exc lu sive of an c hora ge e mb edded in maso n r y,sett ing plates.and it ems f ield we lded t o st ructural s teel .Met al shapes to hav e on eco at of s hop app lied r u st inhibit ing pain t . D.P lywoo d: 1 .Sheat h ing (;w D,ll s): a .~inch s tand ard CD -EKte r ior g rade . b .Nail e very 6 inches onpan el edgesa nd12i nch es on center on int er- med ia te bea ri ngs ,ut ilizing8D cement c oated nail so rType 5 s crews. c .Refe r al so t o St ructu ra ln ot es and /or Drawings. 2 .Shea th ing (roo fs): a.5/8 in ch Tong ue and Groove A-Co r be tter,Exter ior Grade . b.Al lj o intst o be ti ghtly fitted a nd g l ued .wi th pa n el edg es supported on bloc k i ng o r prima ry framing . c .Nail eve r y 6 inches on panel ed gesa nd12i n cheson center o n in ter - med iat eb ear in g,utlizing8 D cemen t c oat edn ai ls o rType S screws . d .Refer also t o Structural notes and/or Drawings for mo r e s peci fi C de tails . 3 .Sub -f loori ng: a .3 /4 inch Tong ue a nd Gr oo ve C.D.Exter io r Grade . b.All edge joi nt s to be glu~d . c .Glue t o all j ois ts andn ai la t6i nc hes o n c enter on all b earings ut il izing 80 co mmon s han ked,cement c o at ed nails . d .J o ints between pane ls a re to be stagger ed . 6A-4 C.Ex t e r ior Dec k s : 1 .2x6 Hea rt Gr ade r edwood decki ng ,c o nstruct ion 5 45 . 2 .In s t.a Lfd e ck ing with ~"spaces between board s . H.Do ors an d Window s: 1 .I n s tall all s pec if i edd o ors and windows pe r ma nuf ac tu rer 's r ec omm e nd atio n s and in struct i ons . I .LoY-Jo is t s : 1 .P rovi d e "LulIl ber -~.ate -Open -W eb -J oi s t s "a s dist r ibu ted by Ri g id Compon e nt Sy stems ,4 35 We a ver P k .Roa d,Longmo nt ,Color ado 8 050 1,o r a p prov ed alt ernat e . F.Exterio rTr i m: 1 .l x 6 &I xlO Toug h sawn ced ar a round wl nd o~s a nd d oors . 2.2x8 r o u gh S3Yn cedar c o rner bo a rds . 3 .2 x r o ugh s awn c eda r Fac i a boa rd s . ••E .S id i ng : 1 .1 x 10 r o u gh ceda r Sh ip laps id ing in s ta lled wi t h 8 inch exposur e ~ount c d ho r iz o n t a l ly . 2.I nsta ll u ti lizi ng ga l vaniz e d na i ls of t he pro p er si ze. 3 .Mi t er c u t all r un n ing j oint s. 4 .Pr e -s t ai n onb ot h si des .e dg es a n d e n dsp r ior t o i nst al lation and a ft er mi terc ut s . 5 .Sidin g willt e rmi nat e at i n si de a ndouts ide c o rn e r s of ver t ica lr ough sawn2x 8 t rim.mite r e d at c o rners . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6A-5 I I •SE CTION 66 F H:I Sll CARPENTRY • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE ,"Gen era]Pr o vi sions of Div is ion2 thr ou gh Div is i on16 ". SCOPE :Sup ply a nd in stal l co mpl et e Fini sh Ca rp ent ry Work as s hown on the Drawi ngs an d as s pec i fiedhe rein . SHOP DRA WINGS :Per GENERA L COXD ITI ON S.subm it Sho p Drawingso fmillwo rk at f ull s ize o r la rg e scal e showing s i zes ,mate rials ,gr ai n run ,methodso f const ruc t ion ,connec t ion to ad jac e nt membe rs and in s tal lation.In di cate all back ing membe rs fo r install ation a nda ll har dwar e . MEASUREMENTS : A.Obtain comp let e dat a at bui l din gpr ior to f a bricatin g ,a s semb ling ,OT f it ting in te r io rwo odwork. B.Ver ify a ll d imen si ons by t aking f ield mea surementsf o r c a bi ne ts .t rim a nd ot he r mi ll wo rk aft er drywall o r ot her wall f i ni shma ter ia l i s insta lled . C.Be r cgpong ih le fo r acc uracy o fmeas ur em e nts an dl ayout of Work.Pr ope r fi t a nd a tt ac hm ent of al l pa rt si sr e quir ed . D.Co nsu lt with ot h er Cont rac to rs b ef or e p r oce eding wi th Work a d joining other trad e s. E .I n s tal lation of materi als will c ons ti tuteac c eptance b y the Co nt ractor of su rf aces and c ondit ions . F .I n t he c ase of d is cr epancies,n otify the Archit ect ,in wr itin g ,and awai t hi s d ecision pr i or to pr oceeding .Verba l notifica t iont o the Ar ch i tec t o f p rob lem ar ea swhich are 't ime -c r it i ca l'will beac cep ta ble but mus tb e f o llowed by a wr itt en n ot i fi cat ion f or the r ec ord o f ci rcumstance . COORD IKATION:Coo rdina t eWor kwith al l o t her trades as r equired to comp le te Hark t o sa t is faction o f Architect. GENERAL REQU IREt-fENTS :Fo llowing s ta ndards a p ply t o Wo rk o f this Sec ti on exc ept where more str inge nt r equir em ents a r e sp ecif ied he re i n: A.Ar ch t t c c t ura IWoodwork Institute "Qual it ySta ndar ds ". B.We st ern Wood Products Asso ciat ion Manual . C.Am er icanWood Preserv er s AssociationSpe cif ica tions . P RI MI ~G :Bac k-pa int al l wood su rfaces inac ce ssibl e andun exp o sed af t er in stalla ti on be fore d el i very w 'i t han approved lin se ed oi l a nd aluminum pr imer .Prime c oat a l l unfini shed meta l p a r ts . FINI SH CARPE NTRY ]N STALLATl ON, A.Us e onl y hot -dip galvan ized or al uminum fin ish o r c a sin g na ils .Set na ils f or pu tt y s top pi ng in s u rf acedmembers.Hammer mar ks n ot a c cep t able on ~ny e xpo sedf in i s hed s urfa ce and may be caus e for rejection of Work by Ar chit ect. 6 B-l I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.Ma k~a Ir end s plic es exposed in f in ished membe rs be vel sp lice sa ndn ot sq uarebutted .I nsta ll members in a sl ong len gths a s possible . C.I nsta ll Wo rk to detai l s shown ,plum b,leve l and t ol i ne a nds ecure ly anchored .Make s c rt bes.where r equired ,accu ra te . D.Pr ov ide and in sta ll o ther misce l l aneous millwork it~s as rela ted Work required t o co mplete Wo rk o ft h is Sec tion. E .Pr ep are all woodwork ins talled hereund er by cleaning an d s and ing as requiredt o r e c e iv e finishes s pe ci fied in Sec tion PAIN T I NG AN D FINI SHING. MATERIALS : A.Doors: 1.Wood d oors -See S ec tion "BA". 2 .S p ec iald o ors -S ee S ec t i on "8D". B.Wood Int e rior Tr i m: 1.Cas ings,sill s,j amb ex tensions. a .3/4"Red Oak ,p rem ium g rade. b .Fill a ll na il holes wi t h co mpa tib le wood filler to mat chc olo r o f finish wood . c .Mit er a ll c orners. d .All out side edge s to be slightly ea sed . e .Back side t o be rout ed. 2 .Wood Ba s e : a .3/4"RedOak ,premium grade . b .Mit e r all ou ts ide corner s. c .Fi ll all nail ho les with co mpatiblewood fil ler to ma tch co l o r o f f inis hedwood . d .All outs i de edges to be s lightly e ased . e .Back side to be r out ed. C.Miscellaneo us Finish Carpent ry: 1 .Handrail s.wal l caps,bal lu s ter s .e tc .: a .P r o v i de al l mater ia lsa nd labo r required for installat ion . h.Plu ga nd fill al l na il ho les and fa stenings with wood fil ler or wood plugsc ampatible with wood type and f in ishco l o r as r equ ir ed. c .Fin is h to mat ch ot her wood trim. 2 .Closet shelv ing: a.Oakv eneer plywood with solid o akn os ingsa s per d e tails. b .Fu rn ish requir edb r ac k e ts for s h elv es . 6B-2 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 :Med icin eCab Lne t-s : a.P rov ide a nd install c us tom made r ecessed cabinet s with a dj us t ab le g lass s hel v e s,l ami n a te d pl a stic interi or , b .Do or s to b e ~"e d ge b anded pl ywood ....ith i n si d e s u rfac e f in ished 'W ith l ami na ted p l astic.Out erf a ce o f d o or to r ece ive l.);"m irr or with polish e ded ges . 4.Fin is hHar d....are : a .Car eful ly ins tall and a dj ust a ll spec i fi edha rdwa re fo r doors , cabi ne ts ,drawer s,etc .,a s per manuf ac tu r e r 's in st r uc tions. b .Upon comp let ion t urn al lke ys a nd r e la ted hardware ov er to Ow ner c a refu l ly tagged or marked fo ri dent if icatio n . c .Doors are to beund ercut the min imum a moun t t oc lear all a dj a cent f i nish ed s urf ac es ,inc luding c a rpet in g ,without d raggin g,bind i ng or wearing .(Re view at j obs i te with Ar c hit e ct.) d .Af terd oo rs ar e installed and a djusted .r emove as r e quir ed t o al l ow pain t ing co nt r ac tort o fi n is ha ll ed ge s.t op and bo ttom. e.Reins tu ll a l l door s at their p ro per location and read j us t a s r equired after paintin g and c a rp eting a recomp l ete . 5 .\o,T indows and P reiees e a.All windows and frames a re to bei nsta l led a nd t r imme d byf i nish ca r pent ry cont racto r. b.No wind ow s hall b e t rimmed pr iort o insu ring gaps and voids are prop er lys tuffed with i nsu lat i ng materia l. 6 .Cab in ets a nd Counte rs : a .Finishc a r pen t ry co n tractort o i nst all a ll ca b ine ts a nd coun ters n ow in sta ll ed b y s upp lie r. b .Cut out sf or sinks Bndo ther r e ces sed items t o be c losely c oord in- at ed with i n st al ler and made to manufac tu re r 's r ec omm enda tion s and instru ctions . c .Counter to ps .sinks .b a thtub sa nd a l l o t her i t ems susceptib le t o dama geduring c onst r uct ion a r e to b e ad equately a nd co nt inuous l y cov e red wit hs turdyp r ot e ctiv e mat e ria l.(Review a tj obs ite with Archit ec t .) 6B-3 I I •SECTlO!\be BU I LDING INSULATION • I I SEE :"Gener al Provisions of Division 2 t hrough Division 16 ". SCOPE:Supp ly a nd ins ta ll al l Bui ld ing I nsu lat ion Wo rk as spec if ied herein. SUPP LIER:Mat er ial s des ignated for as pec if ic ap p licati ons hal l b e th e pro duc t s of o nemanufac turer . l~SP ECT IO~:Exa~l ne al l subsu r faces to r eceive Wo rk o f this Sec tion .Repo rt in ~T i ting t o General Cont rac to r.~l th a copy to Architect .any cond it ions det rimental t o Work o ft hi sSect ion . DELIVER Y A~D STORAGE:Del iver ma ter ia ls t o j ob in manufactu rer 's original unopened packag ing.Adequa te ly pr ot e ct a ga inst damage vhd le stored a t the si te .Deliver so t hats toc ks of mat e ria ls on th es i te wi llpe rm it un i nte r - ru pted prog ress of t he Work . I I I I COORD INATION ;Chec kWork of by Work under thi s Sec t io n . and coordinate Wo rk to a v oid oth er Tr ades whi ch ab utts , Consu lt Drawingsand ot her om iss ions and de lays . a d jo ins o ri s aff~ct e d Sect ions and expe di te < I I I I I I I I I I I PROT ECTION:Take pr ecautions t o prot ecta l li nsu lation ,bo th during and a f tcr i nstallation,fr om d amagco fan yk ind un til covered . ~1ATERIALS: A.Perimeter Founda tion Walls : 1 .Insula t ion sha ll be STYROFOAM brand insulation l ~and 2i nches t hick as manufac tured by Dow Chemica l Com pany. 2 .Bonding adhesi ve i s Styrofoam b rand insulat ion mas tic No .11.Apply mastic and p lace insu la t ionb oard a c cor ding t o ma nufac turer 's r ecommen- da t Icns ,Protec ti n sulation materialsf rom damage includi ng deteriorat io n ofs u rf ace bys unlight whil e s to red at j ob s ite,f o ll owingmanu fac t urer 's recommendat ions .When ins tall ed ,cov er 8 S s oon as poss i ble after o ther rela t ed fou nda t i on Wor k has b een compl et eda nd in spe ct ed.In sure a ll gaps ,holes,and d amaged a rea s a rec orrec ted prior t obac kfi ll ing o r covering .Take ca re d uring ba ckfi ll ing t o prot ect i ns ulat ionbo ard f rom damage . B.Ce iling Insulation : 1.Insulation shall be P tbe rg Iaes ba tt s,12 i nches t hic k,R-38 ,as manufac tu red by OI.1cns -Co rnln&,with a sphe Lt e dKraf t va por ba rr ier and s tape ling f lange , placed between roof framing membe rs . 2 .Insu re all gaps ,vo id s,s pa ces andb u tting edges are tightly f illed. 3 .Install vapo r ba r ri er ,4mil o r heavie r ,fas tened t o bottom o f joists. C.S ill Plat e In sulation: 1 .Provide lx 6f iberg lass i ns ul at i o na s manuf a ctur ed b y Owens Corn in g . 2 .Place sill plat e in sul ati on between all ex te rior wood fr aming sill s a nd conc ret ef oundation wall s,a nd slabs . 6C-1 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.E xterio~Frame Wa ll I n sulati on: 1.In sula tion sha llb e Fi be rg lass f rict ion f itt b a t ts ,6 in ches th ick , R-19.a s manufac tu red by Owe ns Co rning. 2 .Insure a ll ga ps ,v oid s,spaces an d but ting edges a re t ightly f il led . 3 .Ins tall vapor ba r rier,4 mi l o r h ea vi er ,f as tened t o fr aming mem b ers i ns i de o fi nsul ati on on t he wa rm side.P rotect fr om tea rs an d other damage. E .Do o r a nd Window Frame Insu la tion: 1 .Stuff Fibe rg lass batt insu la tion i nt o all s p aces a round window a nd door f r ames be tween head,j ambs and s il ls,and rough framin g. F .Plumbing a nd Hum id if ier Duct Insulat ion : 1 .Provide in sulat ionon plumb ing p i ping as s pec if ied in DI VISI ON 1 5 o r a s i nd icated on the mechanical drawi ngs/sheet s p ec if ic a tions . 2.Provid e duc ti nsul at ionon humidifier d uc ts as r equ ir e d an d sp ec if ied in DIVIS I ON15o r as i ndica ted on t hemecha ni ca l drawings/sheet specif - ica tions. G.Tapered Roo fing I n sulat ion: 1 .Pro vide and in stallt a p ered r oof ing ins u latio n,"Co nt o ur Tape r Tile ", s lop ing t o r o of d rains as sho wn o n dra wings .manu fac tu red by Adv ance Foam Pl astic s,P .O.Box 546 ,Broomfie ld ,Co lo rado .8 0020 o r appr oved byArchitec t . 2 .Tapered roof ingi ns ula tions hall be a p plied i n acco rdance wit hap proved manu factu rer .Sho pDrawings shal l b e pr ep ar edf rom actual f ield measu re- ments and s ubmitted f or app rova li na t imelymanne rt o preven td ela y in the co ns truct ion sequence .Installation shall be p erformed by a ppr oved insta l ler an d wi th s t ric t adherence to manufac tur er I S r eco mm end ations . 3 .Contrac tor may e lect to provid e i nd icated s lope by alte rn ate means wi th p rio r ap p roval b y Ar chi tect . 6 C-2 I I • SECTION 6D CABIXET WORK • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO~DITIONS OF THE CONTRACT and DIVISIOX I ,as indexed ,apply t o t his Section. SCOPE:Kitchen cab i net ry and bat hroom vaniti es viI I b e provid edu nder separ- ate Cont rac t .Condit ions of this Sec tion will ap ply t o the Contract u nd er whi cht he above cabine t ry will be prov id ed . SUBllITTALS : A.Submit per prov is ions of SPECIAL CO~~ITIONS . B.Within 60 days of Cont ract award .submi t : 1 .ShopDrawings (la rge scale o r full size)show ing each i tem to be provided under thi s Section,complete ly deta iling j oinery and other c on st ructi on inc lud ing ancho rage ,and d isp laying t he "Cer tificate o f Comp liance"of t heWoodwork Instit u te fo rt heg ra des specified. 2 .Samples of all s pec ified wo ods(ando fp las ti c l aminat es ,if spec i- fied)• 3 .Comp lete ma t er i als l ist of all items proposed fo r f urnishing a nd in st al lingund er t his Section . 4 .Ma nufacture r 's r ecomm ended i n st all at ion procedures. HANDLING : A.Usea ll means necessa ry to protect the ma te ria ls of this Sect ion before , during and af ter insta l lat ion and to protect t he installed Work of all o ther tr ades . B.I n t he e vent o f d amage ,i mmedi at ely mak e a l l r epa ir sa ndr eplacement s t o Arch itect 's a pproval at n oad di tionalc o st to Own er. GUARANTEE :Pe r GEXE RAL CONDITIO NS . CERT IFICATIOX :Make all finished Work per the detail Drawings and grade r equir em ents (he reinafter specified)o f the WOODWORK INSTITUTE o f CALIFORNIA "~UAL OF MILLWORK"(W .1.C.).However.det ials shown on Dra'Wings sha ll supersede details of r eferenc e.Do all final finis hing Wo rk in sho p and only touch-up Workon the sile o GE.~ERAI .REQUIREMEN TS : A.Stor e all Work speci fi edh er e in away [rom s it e at n oadd itional c os tt o Owne r until bu ilding is r eady to a cce pt in st allation.Have spaces in which Work is to b e ins ta lled enclosed ,drya nd wi th constant tempe ra- t u re and humidi ty es tablished. 6D-l I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.Take such field measurements as may he requi red and be responsible for sam e.Repo rt any major disc repan cy between plan and f ield dimensions to Arch itect .Examine areas and condi t ions of the Work .Correct any det ri- menta l conditions bef ore start ing . c .An y plasti c lamina t e fin ish ing required in t he Wo rk shall he "gene ra l purpo se","p o s t -forming "or "sp ec i fi c pu rpose "type as recommend ed by manuf actu rer and approved by Architec t fo r use on the v ar ious surfaces , and shall be "high wear"t ype f inish i n ac co rdance with the prov isions of NEMA LD -3 .Co lors a nd pa ttern s as s e le c tedby Architect f rom s tanda r ds . FABR ICATION:Employ ex pe rt cabinet makers t o carefull y f a bricat e the Work of t his Sec t ion in strict acco r dance with th e original des ign and the ap proved Shop prawmg s . IN STALLATION :Insta ll a ll componen ts in strict accordance with the o ri g inal des i gn a nd the ap proved ShopDra wings ,anchoringa lli tem s firmly in to posit ion f or l ong life under hard u se . TOU CH -UP AND CLEANING:On comple t ion of Work t ouch -u p all abraded areas on expo sed finish Work and wherever r equ ir edt ocomplete the Work for Architect 's approva l.I n addi tion,dust and wipe clean al l finis hed surf aces ;use no ha rmf ul s o lution s .Adj u st a ll o perat ing components . CL EAN -UP :P er GENE RAL CON DITIONS. MA TE RIALS , A.Kitchen : 1 .Kitchen cabinets a re to be Mill Made. 2 .Kit chen c ou nte rto ps are to b e marble . 3.Backsp lashes are to be marb l e . 4.Under c ab in et lights as manufa ctured by Alkco are t o be prov ided by Kitchen cab inet s upp lier .L i ghts are to be "L i tt l e Inch"ser ies . B.Powder Room and Al l Bathrooms: 1 .Vanity cabinet t obe Mill Mad e . 2 .Va ni ty coun ter to ps are to be gran i te . 6D -2 1 I , •SEcn o~6E GLUE -LAMINATED ~DRK • 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEE:"General Provisions of Division 2 t hrou gh Division 16 ". SCOP E:Supply and i nstalla ll GIu-Lamina ted Wo rk a ndco nnec ting ha rdware as sho~on the Drawings and as specified her e in. SHOP DRAWINGS :Pe r CENERAl CONDI TI ONS. ME AS UREME NTS:Ve r if y all dim ensions ahovn o n Drawi n gs b y t aking fi el d me a - su r ements ;pr oper f i t a nda tta chm en t o f all membe rs I s r equi r ed . COORD INATION :Coord ina te with a llo the r Trades wh ose ~o rk r elates to g lue - laminated me~be r ins tal lation. I N S P E CT I O ~, A.Fab r ica tion of l am inat ed memb ers s ha l l be s u b jectt o i n s p e ct i on by a n In spectionAge ncy a pp roved by Ar chitec t a nd pa id fo r b y Owner.Fa br i- c a to r shal l p rovide acces s a nd n o tif y Archi tec t and Inspecto r o newe ek In advance o f I n s pec tio n ~i fr eqUir edh y Arch i tec t . 1 .Species .grade and ~lo pe of gra in of l umber me et sp eci f ications . I n sp ~c t o t shall furnish a no tari zed statemen t.o n c o mpl et ion o f fab ri- cation ,sta t ing t hat fr QUI.his own p e r ao neI k no ....l edg ef roma n i nd ivid ual inspectio n of eachan d eve ry memb e rt ha t all p rovisions of t he s pe cif i - cat ions and specific al ly the f ollowi ng req ui r emen ts havebe en me t: 4 .Cont inu ous inspe ct ionof g lu ing ope ra t ion . 1 1 1 1 1 B. 2 . ~. 5 . Glu e1 s of quality s peci fie d . Clue bond i s over en ti re su rface,and spe c if ied pr essu re and temperatu re have bee n a dhe red t o. that moistu re content meets spec ifica t ions. 1 1 ID ENTlfICATI OS :Each c OQ pl et ed member sha ll bea r a specifi c iden ti fica tion f o r l o ca tion a nd shall be acc ompanied bya certifica te of inspection by Inspec t ion Age ncy,if an i nspec ti on was requir ed b y the Arch itec t. DELIVER Y ~~D STO RA GE: 1 1 I 1 A.Cont rac to rands u ppl ier s ha ll c oo r dinate co nstructionand delive ry s c hedules .Me mbers ~hal l n otbe d eliv e red t o si te un til a deq uate prepa rati on fo r s to r age has been Clad e and no t erec t edun t il pr epa ra t io ns to rec e ive members are c omp le t e,i ncluding mi s ce lla neous me t al a nd connec ting ha rd wa re erobedd~d in conc re te . 6E-l ~. 1 I · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I •• B.S to r e mem be rs o nsu ppor ts oot le ss than 1 2 i nc hes ah oveg r ou nd o r 1-1/2 i nc hes ab ov es u bli a or s.as a ppl l~a b l e. STANDARDS :Des ign,fab rica tion and co n st ruct ion of st ru ccural glu ed- laminatedt imbe r shall con for m In all a ppli cab le r e sp e c ts t o the f o llo wing gove r nin g s t and a r ds (unle ss o t he r y lse specif ied h er ein ): A.Am e r ic an I ns t i tu te o f Timbe r Co n s tru ct ionS ta nda rds --~anua l No .301. B.Comm e rc i al S tanda r d f o r St r uctura l Clued LaQl nat ed Ti mb e r --C5 -2 53 . ~O I S TU R E CO NTE NT:At t l ~e ot gl u i ng.moi stu re co ntent of l umber sh al l no t be l ess t han 7%a nds hall not exc~ed 1 2%.Ther ange o f mo is tu re c o ntent o f va r iou s l am ina t i ons a s s e mb led i n tu ~sin gl e me mb e r s hal l not e xceed 5%. ADHES IV E: A.~ix l n g .s p r ead in g,s t o rage l i fe ,po t life ,wor kin g life a nd as semb ly lif e o fa dhesiv es hallb ep er n~nu f a c t u r er 's rec ommenda t i o ns .Use ex ter io r type adh es i ve s fo r a l l members. B.Com p ly with Mil ita r ySpecif ic atio n XI L-A -3 978 fo rr oom a nd inte r media t e t emp erat ur e s etting re sin ad hesive s o f ph eno l,reso rcino la nd mel aclne base o r ~lli c ar y Spec if i c at ion MI L-A -5534 -A f o r h igh ce cperature s ett ing r e sina dh es ives of ph e nol ,re s o rc ino l and me lamine base. CON~EC T I ~G HARD WAR E: A.All co nnec t i n gha r dwa re indic a ted on Dr avf n g s s h all b e fu rn i s hed by f ab ricato r of g lue-l acina ted Work . B.All st ee l p la te s ,ang l es and o che r sh apes s ha ll co nfo rm t oASTM A-36. C.Bol ts s hal l co n f o re t o ASTM A-3D7 .Mak e b olt l eng ths s uch t h att hr e ads a re e xc l uded f rom be a ri ng o n wood o r steel .Provide standard mal leabl e iron o r e qu iva le nts teel plate was hers under bo lth eads o r nuts be aring on woo d. D.Lag s c rews ,s hea r p l ates a nd sp l it ring c onnec t o rs s h a l l co n fo r m to "x a r I ona IDe si gn Spe cif ica t io ns f or S t ress -Grade Lumbe r and t cs Fas te n- ings"of Se t t o na lFo r es t P rod uc t s Ass o c ia ti o n . E.Accu ra te ly loca te boltho les andd r ill wit h a b it 1 /16 i nch l a rgeri n d iame te r t h a n bol t.I n s ta ll lag sc r evs ,s he ar plat es a nd spl it ring c onn ecto rs per Na ti on al 'Des ig n S?e cificat i o ns . F.Galvani z ing o f a ny fa bric ateds tee l ba se a s semblies shall be b y ho t -d ip p rocess pe r ASTM A-12 3 af ter f~b r lca tlon . G.Sh o p pain t 3 11 conne cting ha rdwa re e x~e p t a ny galvanized b a se ,n o ~em- be dded i n c o ncrete ,with ~n e c oa t o fr e d l ead pr i mer per Federal Speci fi- ca ti o n TT-P-86 . 6£-2 I •• FAB RICATION: ERE CTI ON: I I I I I I A. B. A. Fabricate wit h a dequatep lant and equipment a nd u nder superv ision of pr operl y qua lified personn el . Lam inat i onss hal l be ma chin e f in is hed ,but not s anded,t oasmoo th s u rf a ce a nd to 8 un i fo rm t hi ckne ss wi th a maximum a llowableva riat ion o f 1/64 i nch .Warp,t wist o r o the rc ha r a c ter i st i cs whi ch pre ve nt contac t ofad ja cent g lued fa ces o ri n t er fere with uniform bendingwhen under cla mp ing pres su re not pe rmit t ed.Surfaces to be glued shall be clean a nd fr ee fr om al l,du s t and other f oreign mate ria l d etr imenta lt o g luin g. Handli ngo r erec ti on t o ol s.eq ui pment and methods s h a ll avoid sca r ring c o r nersand faces or o t h e rwi sei nju ring t he member.Sharp instrum ent s oru n pr o tected wire rope o r chai n sl ings not permitted . I I I B.Ere ct lami nated woo d memb e rs t rue and plumb.I n stal l temporary bra cing wh erev e rne cessary t o take c ar e o f al l l oa ds to whi ch stru cture maybe subje ct ed.i nclud inge r ecti on equipme nt,a nd to k eep s t ru cturea nd membe rs in a lignment .Lea ve temp orary b r ac ing i n p lace 8S l o ng as re qu ired for safet y and u nti ln ol onge rr eq uired to mai n tain pos it ion . As e rect ion pr ogresses .secu r el y b o lt up t ot a ke c a re o f a ll de ad l oa d. lat e r a l f o r ces and e rec t ion stresses .Tem por ary b raci ng sha ll be ti ed t oad equate suppo rt . PROTECT ION: CLEAN -UP :Pe r GENERAL CO ND ITIONS . B.Be responsib le f o r ca reand p rot ect ion dur ing erec t ion .All f ie ld -trimmede nd s o r su rf aces pe n e t ra ti ng type se a le r p r i o r t o ere c ti on. I I I .,.I nd t vf dua Ll y wrap me mbe rs fo r'p rotection du r ingsh ipme nt ,s to ragea nd e rec t io n wi th Sisa l -k raf t or rasin s i zed pape r.Contrac tor s ha l l co n tinue to ?r ote ct me mb ersa fter erec tion andu nti la c c eptanc e of Wo rk. un l oad i ng,hauling a nd s ha llr e c eiv e a c oa t o f I I I I I I MATER1 AL5 : A.P r ovid e an d i nsta ll g lue Larn Inn t ed mem b ers of siz e and shape i ndi cat ed on Structu ral Drawin gs . B.Ex cept wh er e phy sic al connect i ons a re ma de ,l ea ve pr otective wrapp i ng on membe rs un ti l removal is abso lutely ne cessary o r unti lmemberi s schedu led to r eceive other Work . 6E-3 I I • SECTIO N7F • SUBMITTALS : !lATERIALS HANDLING: 7F -1 1 .Sho p Drawings of a ll pr oposed c ustom fab ricated Wo rk . pe r tinen t c odes an d o ft he "Architec tu ral Cont rac tors National SHEET METAL I n addition t o com ply ing with a ll wi th a lla p pli cabl e r ecomm end ations of Sheet Metal and Air co nd ition ing COORD INATI ON:Coor dinatea nd c o operate vtth an y oth er tradeswhos e Work r ela tes in a ny way to sheet met al ,e specially roofing wo rk ;make s heet metal andr oofing awea thertight and watertight ass em bly. REFERENC E STAND ARD S: r egu la tions .com p ly Sheet Met al Ma nual" Ass ociat ion . 3 .Manufa c turer's reco mmended ins tal la t ion pro cedur es . A.Compl y wi th ap plic able provisions of SPECIAL CONDITION S. 4 .Complete ma t er ials list of a ll i t em sproposed fo rf urnish ing and in st alling under this Section. 8 .Within 45 cal endar days of Co ntract a ward,su bmit : CONDITIONS OF TH E CONT RACT and DIVISION 1 ,as indexed,app ly t o t hisSection . GUA ~~TE E :Per GENE RAL CO ND ITIONS,furnis h wri tten guarant e e,c ountersigned by Co nt ra c t or and 1nstal lingsu bcon trac tor,tha t all s h eet me tal WPr k 1s unconditionally guaranteed to be watertight and f re e o f defects and fault y wor~n8hlp fo r aperiod o f two years f r om da te of com p let ion o ft he Wo rk . 2.Manufa cturer 's data f or s tock manufactured items a s r e quired to demo nst ra te compliance with the spec1tied requirements . SC OPE:Provide a llSh eet Metal Workan d f lashing as shown onDrawings , specified herein and 8S requi red to make the outer building wate rtig ht . A.Use all means nec e ssary t op rot ect ma ter ia ls of this Sec t ion befor e, during ,and af ter installation. INSPEC TION:Exam ine all su bsurfacest o r ec eiv e Work.Re por t in writin g to Gener al Contractor,with a c opy to Architect.an yc ondi tions detrimental to Work .Failu re to ob serve this injun ctionc onst itu tes a waiver to any sub sequen t claims to t he con tra ry an dho lds Cont rac to rr espon sible for any co rre ctions Archi tect ma y require.St art in g Wo rk wi ll be cons tru ed as ac ceptance o f all subsurfaces . I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I ~ I I I I B.In t he e ven t necessa ry to WORKMANSHIP : •o f d a mag e,immediat ely make all a p proval of Arch i tec t and at no •repai rs and replac ements additional cost t oOwner. Verify all Drawing dimensions by t aking fi eld measu remen ts a nd assume responsibility f or such measu rements . Shield all sheet met al a ga inst galvanic action with two coats of asphalt base pain t or sealert ape.Embed all r oof in g metal 10 a solId bed of sealant pe r CALKING &S EALAh~S Section . Form all shee t metal ac c ura tely and to dimensions and shap es required. finishing all mo lded and broken surfaces with true.sharp ,straight l ines and angl es.Whe re interc epting o the r membe rs.c ope to an a c cura te fit ,so lde ring s ecure ly . adequately provide Finish watertight turn a ll exposedspecificallypermittedbyArchitect. Form bends to 1/16"inside radius. Unless c t be rvdae edges back 1/2". Fab ricate,fo rm and in s tall a ll sheet metal so as to fo r expansion and contrac tion in the finished Work. and weathertight. D. B. E. A. c. I I I I I I I I I F. G. Make a ll l ock seams fla t and t rue to l ine,sweating full of s o lder. Mak e all lock and lap seams ,when soldered ,at least 1 /2 -inch wid e. Where lap seams a re not so ldered,lap according to pitcn but in no case less than 3 inches .Mak e all flat and lap seams in direct ion of f low. Join pa rts with r ivet s o r sheet metal sc rews where necessary fo r strength or stiffn es s.Provide watertight expansion joints for all run s of mo re than 40 f e et ,ex cept where closer spacing is indica ted on Drawings o r requi red fo r correct in sta llation. I I Ii.Wheneverpo ssi bl e,s ecure metal bymeans of c l 1ps o r cleatswithout n a iling t hroughmetal.In general ,s pace a llr eq Uir ed n a il s,r iv ets an d screws no tmore than 8"a pa r ta nd,wh ere ex posed to we athe r,u se l ead was he rs .For na il ing into woo d,us e barbed r oo fin g nai ls 1-1/4 " long by 11 g age.For n a iling into c onc rete ,use d ril led plu gholes an d p lugs . SOLDERING : A.Thoroughly c lean an d tin a ll joint ma teria ls before s ol deri ng. I I I B. c. Perform all solder ing s low ly wi th well heated copper to heat seams thoroughly and comp le tely f ill with so ld er . Perform all so ldering with heavy soldering copper of blunt des ign , proper ly tinned fo r use . I D.Make all exposed soldering on f inished surfaces neat ,full f lowing, smooth . I I 7F -2 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E .After so ldering ,tho rough ly wash ac id flux with a soda so lut ion. TEST :Shou ld Ar chit ect r eques t,de mons t rate b y h ose o r sta nding water that al l shee t metal and f la s hin g i sco mp le te l y watert ight . MATERIALS :Sh eet coppe rA.S.T.M.Specif i cat ion B370 co l dr ol led temp er , wei ghing n ot l e ss than 16ounces per s q .f t. CLEANI NG AN DCLEAN -UP : A.Clean a ll meta ls urfac es ,whe the r e x posed or c oncealed,after in s t alla tion .Care full y r emove g reas ean d o il wit h solvent a ndwipe clean . B.Clean-up pe rr e quirementso f GENE RAL COND ITIONS . 7F-3 I I •SE CTIO N 7C MEMB RA.~E WATERPROOFING • I I I I I, I I, I I I I, I. I I I I I I I SEE :"Cenera lP rovi s ions of DIVISION 2 through DI VISION 16'.'. SCO PE:Provide all Membran eWate rp roo f ing Work .compl ete a nd In place . a s specif ied he re in . GUARANTEE :P er GENERAL COND ITIOSS ,f urnish a written 2-y ear gu arantee for waterproofing and a ssoc ia ted work s pe ci fied her ei n,ag ree ingt o repair o rr eplace wat erproofin g ,in c luding repair of other adj ac ent materia ls damag edo r d is pl ace d.i f the waterproofin g system d oes not r emain wate r t ight,d eteriora te s exces s i ve ly or o ther wise fa ils t o per- fo rma s r equir e ddu e t of a ilu re o f materials o rworkman ship . SU BM ITTA LS: A.Comp ly with provision so f SPECIAL COND ITIONS. B.Af ter con t ract award.s ubmit: 1.~'O samples o feach mater ia l proposed f or t he Wo rk. 2 .Manufactur er 's sp eci fi cat ions and ot her dat aa sr equ ir ed to demonstra te c omp l iance wi th t he st ipulat ions o f this Se ction . 3 .Manu factu rer 's r ecomm ended in s ta llation p rocedure~. 4 .Co~plete mater ia ls list of al l items p roposed for f urni s hing and insta l ling un der th isSection. MATER IALS HANDLING : A.Use a ll means nec essa ry t op rotec t mate r ia ls befo re ,dur in g ,a nd a ft er instal lat iona nd to p rotec t in stal led wo rk a nd materials of all o ther tra d es. B.I n t he ev ent of damag e,imm ediat ely make a ll r epa ir sa nd re p l a ce- ment s neces sary to approva l of Architect an d at no addi t iona l 'cost to Own er • C.Deliv er a ll materi als to s ite in o r iginalunop ened co nt ainer s with al l labe ls intac ta nd legi blea t t ime of use.St ore i n st r ic t accorda nce wi th manuf ac turer 's recomm endations as approv edb y Ar c hi- t ec t. I NSPECT IONS: A.Make al l necessary not ifica tions and secure all r equir ed inspections by t he manufac turer of the approved materi al s t o fac ilit ate i s suance of the s pecified gua rantee. B.Examine al l subsurf aces And r ep ort in wr it ing t o Ar chi tect a ny con- ditions de trimen ta lt ot he Wo rk .Failu re t o observe this injunc tion c on stitut esawa iver t oa ny subsequent c l aims t o the c ontrary a nd ho l ds Contra ct or r espon sibl e f or a ny c or rec t ions Archi te c t may require . Comme ncem en t of Wo rk wi ll b e c onstru ed as accep ta nce of al l s ubsur fac es . 7G-1 I •• I I C.All in stallat i ons shall b e i nspe ct ed and appro ved befor e being co ve red over . AP PLICATOR:Have a llmaterials app lied by "a l icen sed waterp roof ing cont rac - t or with n ot les s than5 y ea rs of experien cei n simila r a ppl icat ions .Cer tify p r io rt o sta rt o f Wor k. I COO RD INAT ION:Wo rk c lose ly with all otb er adja c ent wat ert i ght ne sso f Wo rk of this Se c ti on 1 s d epend ent f ull re spons i bility fo r fini shed inst allation. t rad es . o n ot h er Wh ene ver t he trades ,assume I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EX IST ING CON DITIONS:Proceed with the Wo rk onl y aft er c urbs .blockin g, nailer st rips,piping ,c ondui t and o ther projections through the sub- s tr a te are c omp let e,after all framing of op enings i s complete ,and when e x is ting a nd f o r ecasted weather conditions wi ll perm i t the vork to be pe rformed in a cc ordance with the manufacture r 's recomme nda tions ,the estab l ished procedure s,and the const ruction schedule. SURFACE PREPARATI ON :Locate al l h oles ,join ts and c rac ks ;poin t t hemf lush wi t h mo rtar a nd c ut o ff or grind o ff a llh igh s po ts . WAT ER STOPPING:Att he end of e achd ay 's Wo r k sea l o ffWork at edgest o p r event mo is tu re ge tting under material.Conductno va terp r o of ingo pe ra- tions v hen wa t er i n any fo rm is present on surfaces to be co v ered o r when waterp roofin g mate r ia ls ar e weto r damp . PATCHI NG ~~D REPAIRING :Prior t o a p plic at iono f any p ro t ective covering over waterpro ofin g,cl os ely examin e Wo rk f or cut s,t e ar s ,o pen join ts and other defe cts .Co vercut s snd t ears wi th n ev matc h in g mat erials, each of s u ff icient s ize to ext endno t less than 6 inchesb eyonda ll s ides o fda mageda re a.Res eal o pen s po ts at joints and co ver vith addi- t i onal r e in f or c e men ts trips. MATER IALS FOR USE I N FLATROOF AREAS : A.Pr ovide and i n st al lSu re-Seal E.P.D .M.LooseLa id Sheet Membrane as manufac tured b y the Carl is le Ti re &Rubber Co . 7G -2 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.Ut i lize ma nufac turer 's rec ommended a dhesives,f lash ings,edging systems where requ i red . C.Util ize River -Washed Stone Ballas t 8S rec o~ended by canufacturer. Color range to be selected b y Architect f rom submitted samples . I NSTALLATIONOF WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON FLAT ROO F : A.Fol low manufac turer 's recomm endation sf or p lacement and p ro tect ion in clud in g use of co mpati ble r e lated ma te r ia ls . B.Wate rpro o fmembrane will be i n st a ll ed ove rt ap er ed insulat ion seop - ing app roxima tely \"p er f o ot to in teri or roof d r ains . C.Keep1nmind that t his wate rproo fing membrane o r portions t h er eo f maypo ssibly b e r e lo c at e dand r eused in water phases of construction. MJ\TERIALS FOR USE UN DER WATE RPR OOF MEMBRA~E ON FLAT ROOF : A.P rovide and install an e xpendedpo lystyrene tapered insula tion sys tem to p rovide ~"per f oots lope t or oo f su rface in s uring p os i tive drainage t o inter ior r oof dra in s ,a smanufactu red by Advance Foam P last ics .("Con tou rTape r Tile Sy at em,")Al t er - nate taperedi n sulat ion sys tems mu st b esubm i tted t o the Architec t fo r approva l p rio rt o award o fs ubcontra ct . B.Sys t em sho p and insta l lation drawings wil l be required . INS TALLAT IO~OF TAPERED INSULATI ON: A.Use ~anufa c t urer's re commended i nstallation .materia ls and pr ocedures. B.I nsul at ion yill be l o o s e laid.Coordinate wi th manu fActurer of wat er pro ofin g mem b rane . c.Keep in mind thatt his t ap er ed i n sulat i o n sy stem or p or tions t her e- of may possib l y b er elocateda ndr eusedi n l ate r p has es o f construc- tion . MATERIA LS FOR USE ON EXTERI OR BELOW GRADE CONCRETE WALLS: A.P r ovide a nd instal l "Sure-Sea l Liquiseal"wate rp roofing as manu- factu red b yt he Carlisle Tire &Rubber C~pany. INSTALLAT I ON OF BELOW GRAD E CON CRETE WATERPROOFINGl A.Fo llow manuf a ctu rer's r e comm ended instal lation procedu res. B.In s ur eprop er b a ckf illingan d compac ti on p roc edu res to pr event damage to wate rp roof coat ing memb rane . 7G -J I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MATERtALS OF MEMBRANE WATERPRO OFING SYSTEM ON EXTERI OR DECKS : A.Provide a nd install "BITUTHENE"plastic faced.rub b eri zeda spha lt membrane a smanufactur ed by Grace Cons t ru ct ion Pr oducts,o r"JIFFYSEAL"#1 40 r e in- fo rced coa l tar memb rane a smanufa ct ured b y the Conrad Sovig Company . B.Provide th e r elated compatib le primer andmas tic fo r either s yst em.88 r eco mm end ed b y the r es pe cti v e manufac tu rers .S ubmita l ternative sy stems t o Ar c hitect f or approva l. INSTALLATION : A.Provi de a slip sheet at j oints i n the subsu rface where movement I s l ik e l y to occur. B.Pr ovide reinforcing a t c orners a ndc hanges in plan e b y pl ac i nga dd it iona l plies of t he memb ra ne wa terp roofing over thesea reas . C.Whe re uti lized on sl oping roof a reas o r deck areas.place memb rane p erpen- ducula r to t he s lope of the roof deck plane beginning at t he lowest edge and co ntin u ingup t he s lope lapping e ach preceeding layer 4 inches ,a n d e xtending up any s ide wal ls 8 inches under roof fl ashing. D.Where possible .change s i n planes hould be made in 4 5d e gree increments or less . E.Where membrane will be covered wi t h earth or b ackf i lled aga ins t,rigid insulation should be placed a ft er membrane installat ion ,therefore act - ing a s a prot e ction layer. F .Follow manufa cturer'sr ecomm end ation s fo r p lacemen t and p rot ection includ- ing use o fco mpat ible r elat edmat eria ls . G.Cover membran e as s oon as p o s sible fol low ing in spection a nd a pp rova lt o preven t de t erio ra tion by ul travi ol e t ra yso f sun light . 7G-4 I I • SEC;T~O N 7K • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAln,KING b SEALANT S SEE:"Gen eral Prov i sions o f Division 2 through Div is ion 1 6". SCOPE :Th roughoutt he Wor k,cau lk and sea l al l j oint s as r equ ired to pr ovid e a posit ive barrie r aga in st pa ssage o f a ir a ndmoistu re ,all a s specifie d herein . GU ARANTEE::Pe r GEN ERA l.COt\DI TIONS .f urn ish a written g ua r an t e e s i gned b y the a pp li ca ttng Conr rac tor o r fi r el .ag re eIng to ma ke any r e pa ir s or replacemen ts requ ired because o ff a ult yerat e r La Ls nr vo r keansh fp,at no add it i onal cos t to Owne r,f or a pe r iod of 2 yea rs fron d ate of com pletion o f the Work. Exte rio r Wo rk t hat doesno t rema in wen thertig ht a nd al lWo rk whic h does n ot retain a ll pro per ties inh er ent In thep rodu ct w111b e cons i dered f.1ulty. SUBMITTAI.S : ·A.CODply with provis ions of SPECIALCON DITI ONS. B.Af ~e r Con t ract award ,submit : 1 .Samples of ea ch s e 31ant.each bac kin gma t er i al.ea ch primer and each bond br ea ke r pro pos ed.Sa mplell o f sea Lent col ors from manufa cturer's s t andard sched u le . 2 .A compl ~te mater ials list of n Il it em s propo sed f or t heWork . 3.Suf fi cien td ata t o demonstra te that a ll propos~d mate ri als meeto r exceed t he specif i ed r eqo t r ements, c ,S p ec tf t c et I ons ,tn s t a Lkat tcn i ns t r uc tions and g e ne r a Ir ecomm en dations o f manufac ture rs i nd i cat i ng Inu t aLl at i on proc edur es . }~T ERIA LS HAND LING: A.Dcliv~r all ma te r ia ls to job s i te 1n ori gi nal un opened co n ta iners with all l a bel s in tact a nd l e gi bl ea t time o fu se .Sto reonly und er c o ndit ions r c C'oncncndcd by man u fac ~u re r6 .Do n o t ret ain on joh site any m~ter181 which has exceeded s helf life r ecommend ed by manu fa c t ur er . R.Use a l l means n ecess ary to protec t mater ial s befor e,du ring .a nd aft~r ins t~l l ~t ion and t op rotec t t heWor k a nd mater ia ls o fa ll ot her Trades . 1:.I n t he e ve nt o f daraag e ,imm edia tel)'make all r epa ir s a nd replacement s ueccs.sar y t o app roval of Ar ch itect and at no additional c os t to Ovner , ,!{r.LAT ED I'RO ~:Rela ted items s uchu s cl eane rs.pr i mer s.ba ck-up mat e rials and s ce I n ut s s ha ll e ither be thep roduc t e of a s ingle ma nufact urer o r sha ll be ce rt if ied by t hp sea lant mA n ufac tu rer DS compat ib le with t he sealan t. 7K-l I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I INSPEcr\ONS :. A.EX B:Il tn l.!s ubsu r faces t o r ecei ve ~'(l1"k and re port in vr1tlng to Arc hi tect a ny c on dit ions de t rimen t al .F 3!l ur ~t o o eserv e t hl~inj unction constItut es a va tvc rt o any s ubs equ e nt c l alm~'to the ccnt re r y Bod holds Contractor re8 pon81bl~Cor ony co rrections Arc hit ec t mayr equ ire.Commenc~ent of Work wIll be c on s t r u ed as 3 ~c ~~tance DC all subsu rf ace s. COLORS: A.Colo rs f o r.""c:.scn Lant in sta llati on will b es elec ted by Ar c hf t ec t !rOKl s t a nda rd co lon';n orra n t I y a va t I nble trom t he specified man uf ac turers, Shou ld l illy s u ch st .e udo rd c c I o r ne t be uve Lfa b Le tC l\'1l the approved ltanu~ I nc t ur c r ex cep t at u d rl It I ona I c he rg e ,provide any "uch colora 'at .no add it io nal r ost t o Own er. n.I n conc c a l c d tu s t cH nt I ons ,and hi partially or fully e xpoaed Inl!1tallatlons wh er e a pproved b y Arc hi tect.st an dard gra y or bla c k s ealant ~dy be aaed . PREPARATION :Clean and p repare s ur fecea to which sealant 1.t o be applied,per mnnufac t u r ert e r ecomrsend at t one ,S c r epe and wire brus h ony concrete.tIle or ~lm l 1a r su rfa ce as r e quir ed.Blast ••crope o r vire brush a ny steel surfaces • .Clean a ny a luminum s ur fa ces of p ro te ctive coat1ng.di rt,Oil,grease.Ose cleaning solvents as recommende d by su rf ac e n:anuf ac tu r er . PR1MIN G :lis e on lvp r imer r cccmecnded by lII anufac turer of aealant and apprev ed i ly Ard l 1t('('t f or t he pa r ti cu la r i ns talla tion.Apply rr icer 1n strlct accordance with lll.1n ufll l-lu rer 's r ccoeeu-ndat Iens tU approv ed byAr c hit ect. bACK-UP t-tATERIAt .IN STALLAT ION:Where back-up naterta l 18 required,e s e only mat erial r ccoween dedby reauc f ac t.u r e r o f sealan t and e p pr-cved b y Architect for t he par ticular i n st all ati on_c ompr es sio!back~lp material 25%to 50%f or a pos it ive a nd s ec ur e fit .When u sing beek-cp of tube o r rod st ock .avoid Long t hv t sc s tretch ing of rrw te rh l.Dc-not tvil'lt o r b rnid ho se or rod ~ack.ri1p s toc k. BONn-BRF.AKF.a IN STALLATION:I ns tall 1)0 approved bo nd-breaker where r ecereeended hy mnnu f n c t u r a r of seal.ant and vbere «l'irected by Architect,adhering·strictly t o l ll ~;t .1 1 la t f o n r v c o mme ndat ten s a pproved by Architect. A .Pri or t o st Drt o f i n st alla tion 10 e ach joint.ver ity t h at t he re~1 i r ed p ro - p or ti ono f ~ldth of jotnt to depth o f j oint ha s been secured ,Dep th of s ce Iunr ",ha ll he e qual to wid th o f eea Iant u p to 3/8 inc h d eep wit h a minimum dep t h of ~inc h .Joint s over 3/8 i nch shal l b e ':5 as d eep a s wid th. Dee p joint s should have s ub-c a ulking materials as beck-up , Th oroughly and comp le tely mask all joints where the eppea r ance of s ea l an t o n adjacent surfac es wo ul dbe obj p.ct ionable . I I I I I B. Co Appl y seal an t u nder a pp r 0p riatc means . suffi ci en t r ressure p ressu re w1th hand o r pover--ec t u at e d cun or otller Guns sha ll h ave nozzl eo fp r ope r s he and provfde t o complete ly fll1 j oi nt s as designed , I 7K-2 E.To ol all j oi nt s t osmooth pro fi le wi thc aving too l. G.J ointsan d s paces to b eca ulked l';h,,11 be c lean and free fr om dus t a nd for ei g n mat t er . F .Al low min imum o f 28 day cu ring p~rlod f or c ~n cr ete.grou ts o rmort ar s prior t o c aulking . ••Il.Instal~sea lant in s trict ac co r d~n~e with ma nufacturer ts r eco mmendati on5 as ilp'p rovcd by Arc h it ec t,tho re-u ghl :1 fi l ling a ll joints t o t he r e coea ended d epth, H.No cau l king s hal l be do ne on da mr .wet o rf rost c ove r ed surface s .and shouldbe p laced a cco rdi ngt o man uf ac tu r er's recommen ded temp erat ur e res tric tio ns, , I I: i I I 1 T.Rem ove ex ce ss cau lking a nd leave s~r face n ent,smooth an d cl ea n. CLE AN -UP : , I I I A .Remove t:laskir.~ta pe ilUlUcdlate ly a f t e r j oint R have been t ool ed and in itial set has occu r ed , B.Clean adja cen t s ur faces fr e e fr om sea la nt 8 ~the i n sta l lat ionp r ogresses ,Use s ol vent o r cleanin g agent as r ecceeended b y sea lant manufee tu r e r, I , ,•I I,, 1 I •,, 1 1 1 7K -3 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION7L COHP OSIT WALL INSULA TIO~&FINISH SYSTEM S EE:"General Provis ions of DIVISIO~2 through DI VISION 1 6 ." SCO PE:Supply a nd in stall c omp let e ext er i or compos it wa ll in sula tion a nd finis h sys tem 8 S specified h er ein . SUP PLIER AN DINSTALLER :Both t he s uppl ier a nd /o r i nstaller o ft hecom- p o sit system must be approved a nda ccept ed b y the sy stem manufac tu rer . COORDINATION:Check Work o f other Tr ades which abut ts ,a d joins o r Is affected by Work under this Sec t ion .Consult drawings and o ther Se ctions of t he specification and expedite and coordina te Wo rk t o avoid omi ssions and d el ays . INSPECTION:Examine all subsurfaces to receive Work of this Sec tion . Report in YTiting t oGeneral Co n t r ac t or.with a copy to Ar chi tec t ,any co ndit i ons det rim en tal t o Wo rk o f t h is Sect i on. DE LIVERY AND STORAG E:Del iver ma te ria ls to j ob in manu fac tu rer 's o rigi n a l u n opened package .Adequately p rotec ta ga in st damage of an y k indi n clu din g fr eezing.while ~t ored a t th e s ite .Delivers o tha t s tocks of ma terials on the s it e will permit unin ter upte d pro gr ess of th is work. MATERIALS: A.All adhesives .standard me sh .a rmo r mat .int ermed iate coa tings an d fini sh coatings are t o be as manu factured b y STnEne r gy Cons ervation 'inc o r po r a t ed.fo r use ov e r and compat ibl e with th e prop os ed sub- su rfac es. B.I n sulat i o nb oard is t obe expan ded po lys tyrene .l~in c hes thic k.as manufactur edby STO Ene rgy Conse rvat i onI nc or p orat ed . C.F inalf ini sh tex ture an d patte rn will b e selec ted byArchi tec t f r om s amp l esp repared by t he i n s talle r. IN STALLATION: A.I nst al lation will be made following the manu facturers r ec omm ende d deta i ls a nd pro cedures. B .Installa tion of "Arm or Mat"wi ll be r eq uired in s ome areas s ubj e ct t od amag e.Ins taller wil l be r equ ir e dt o make di r e ct c oordination wi th t he Arc hit e ct p riort o beg inn ing Wo rk ,f or l ocati o no f Arm o r Mesh . 7L-l I I •SECTION 7M SKYLIGHTS • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCOPE :Requi rements o fDi vi sion 1 apply t o Wo rk o ft his Sec tion . A.Wo rk Includ ed: 1 .Scope 2 .General 3 .Materials 4 .Construction S .Erection 6 .Garan tee GEN ERA L:Fabrication and e recti ono f e xtr u ded aluminum f rames where shown on t heDrawings. A.Aluminum to be anodiz ed dark b rown. B.Skylight s sha ll b e designed to s upport75 Ibs .l i ve loadp er squ are fo ot . C.Su bm it Shop Drawings per t he Genera l Conditions . CONSTRUCT ION:Sky lights sha ll be cons t ruc ted using t he puttylessg lazing system,employ ing all ex t ruded aluminum mem be rs.Sky lights sha ll have a continuous e xt ruded a luminumc urb wi th expansion j o in ts located a sr equir e d. I n sofar a sp ra cticab le,fitt inga nd assemb ly of t he wor k shall b e done i n the manuf ac tu re r 's s hop .Wor k which canno t be p ermane nt ly sho p a ssembled. s ha ll be compl et e l y as sembl ed.marked and disass em bl edb efo re s hipment to the job s ite to a ssu r e proper assemb ly in th e f ield . Wate rproofing s ha ll b e done b y me anso f a continuous n e oprene glazing s t r ip app lied above and b e low th e glass .A c ontinuo us n eoprene g laz ing a ng le s ha ll be u sed at the top f lange of t he e xtruded aluminumc urb fo r p roper g l as s bear- ing.A gasketwashe r s ha ll be u sed b en eath the h eads of a ll fas tener s at t he ex t erior c a ps .Neop r ene spacer ss ha llb e u sed at a ll ex tr us ions fo r g lass s epara tion .Atno point s hall g lass come in co nta ct with meta lpa rt so f th e s ky light . Top reventdu st a nd s now fr ome n tering through t hecu rb .a continuous b ead of sea lant sha ll be a ppl ied be tween t he flash ing and the ext rud ed aluminum cu rb bar .The skylight s hallha ve weepho le sl ocateda t thel owe r p ort ion of t hee xt ruded aluminum c u rb bar a t ea ch ra fter connec t ion for d rainage of co ndensat ion t o the ex terio r. MATERIAlS: A .Skylights to b emanuf actu redby "Brist olite Pr oducts ". 1.Triple dome 2 ._l ns u l ate d .cur b 3.Sk yvent e lect ric d om eo pe ra tor 4 .Include s cree n I OR e qu al approv ed byArch itec t.7M-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• ERECT ION:Thes kyl ight sha ll be comp le te ly ere ct ed and g lazedby t hemanu- fa ctur er .Th is Work shall bed one wi ththe sta ndar ds s et fort h by sky lig ht man ufa ctur er .Conta ct betw een aluminum and diss imilar material ss hall rec eivea prote ctivec oat i ng fo r p revention o fe le ctrolyti c action and c orrosion . GUARAN TEE :Thes ky light manuf ac turer s hall fu rnish the Own ers a nd Archi tec t with a wr ittengua rant eea f ter fin al acc ept anc e,aga instd e fe ctive d e sign, def ect ivemateria ls .constr u ct i on a ndl eaka ge fo r a period o f tw o ye a rs . 7M-2 I I •SECTIO N SA WOO D DOO RS • CO ND I TIO ~S OF THE CON TRAC Tan d DIVISr ON 1.as indexed.apply to t hisSe ction. SC OP E:Fu rn i s h a nd de l ive rt o the site all Wo od Doors indicated ont he Drawing s, spe c lfl~d h erein o r required f or th e comple ted installation. I I I RE FERESCE STANDARDS:Al l wood d oors As sociation senl o fa ppr oval a ndt he be ar the UL l abel for the designat ed shall bea r the 1.5 .-1 stamp . ra c mg , Nat ional Wo odwork ~~nufact urers Any fire doors s hall also I I I I CU ARAN TEE:As a co ndit ion of -~ccepta nce of the specified do ors a t t he si te , d eliver to Archi t ect t wo c opies of an agreement wr itten on th e ~o o r manu fa c turer 's s c andar df or m,si gned by the d o orManu factu re r a nd the Cont ra ctor.a greeing t o replac e o r re pair d o ors whic h have warped (bow,c up o r twi st )or which show p ho tog ra phing of inner cons truction i n v eneer fa ces,88 d ef ined in N"..lMA St andard Doa r Gua ran tee --e xceptt he ~provis ion f orr efundingt he p ric e received by the doo r Ma nufacture r fo r any d efective doo r shall not ap p ly .Guarant ee shall Jl so inc lude any re fi nishing a nd reinstalling r equir ed due t o repair o r replacement ~f defectiv e d o ors.Guardn te e sh all be in effect for a period o f f ive year s f rom d~t ~o f accept ance . SUBM IITALS: I A. B. Comply wi th p rovis io n s of SPECIAL CO NDITION S . Wi thin 4S cale ndar days o f Con t ract award,s ubmit : I 1.Comp le te ma te r ia l s l ist o f i tems p r oposed f o r furnishing and de li vering cnde r rb f sSe c t ion. I I 2 .Su ffi c ientda ta to d em on strate tha t a ll suc h items meet or exceed the $pec lf led requi rements. 3 .A co py o ft he p ropo sed g u ar ~n t e e, ~TERIALS HAo~DL IN G: I A.Pr ot c ~t t he ma te ria ls o f t hi s Sect i ond uring transit,s to ra ge.a ndh andling t o ?r~v ~n t de te r io rat ion .d a ma ge.8011ing . I I I I I Pa ckage each doo r at the fa c tory in a se pa rate heavy pape r -type carton. ~rk ~a ch car ton fo rl oca tion to co r respond with opening numbe r on the Drawing s, I n t he even t of damag e.immed l at ~l y make all repairs a nd r eplacement s n ~~~~s a r y t o app rova l o f Arch itec t and at n o additiona lc o st t o Owner . DEl I VE R\':Deliver a ll do o rs t o t he site in s uch ma nner as to permi t orderly p r ag r e ss o ft he to tal Wo rk . l~STAL LA TION:Ins talla t ion o f t he ~ork o f this Se c tion is cov e red unde rSe ct ion 6 B-fin i shCa rpen t ry , SA-I I I MA.TERIAL S : A .Doo rs : •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.Ex ter ior Ma in Entry Door t o be 2~"x 40 .1 x full h eight with t empe red ~"i ns ulatingg l ass .(See Details.) 2 .Exterio r Slid ing Doo r s: a.P e l la Clad slikdi ng g l ass d oors as sc hed ul ed . b .Glazed wit h 3/4 "tempered i nsula t ing g lass prepa red s pecif ic al ly fo r a n a ltit u de of 9000 f ee t a bo ve s ea l ev el. c .P rovide screens f o r a ll s l id ing g l ass do o rs . 3 .I n te ri or Do o rs : a.Flush So l id Core Red Oak Ve n eer ,premium g rade (rift s awn), Full h eight . b.Provide c ompa ti b le g r ain p a tt e r n on a llp air s o fd o or s. c .All doo r s sha ll hav e ed ge b a nd o f RedOa k ona ll ver tica l stiles . 4 .Shut ter d oors b y First Cab in Com pany ,De nve r,Colo rado .These d oor s wil l be u n d ers e parate c ont ra c t wi th Own e r and sub-contr ac tor. 8A-2 I I •• SE Cf ION 8 D SPECIAL DOORS • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE :"General Provisions of DIVISION 2 through DIVISIO~16". SCO PE:Supply and inst all all Special Doors and Appu rtena nces a s shown on Drawi ngs a nd as specif ied her ein. SHOP DRAWI NGS :Per SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CON D ITIONS ~su bmit S hop Drawings of all s pecified i tems showing s iz es ,me thods o f con st ruc t ion .conn ec tiont o ad jacent memb ersandi n st al la t ion. MEAS UREMENT S :Veri fy a lldime n sion s b y t aking fi eld measuremen ts ;prop er f it and atta chment t o adjo i ning Work 1 s r equir ed. CO ORDIN AT ION :Coor dinate ~nd schedu le the Work o f thi sSect ion with other Trades fo r co o r dinat ion of s izeo rr e veals ,l ocation s of a nchorage ,e tc . DEL IVERY AN D STORAGE :Carefully hand le do o rs during shipmen t.Sto re materials in d ry andp rot ected area .Rep lace a ny damaged o r defective i temsa t no cost to Own er. I NSTALLATION:Ins tall doo rs comp lete with h ardware under supervision o f manufac turer 's r e presen tativ e.At completion ,installation shal l be left c lean and s moo thly operat ing . MATERIALS : A.Garage Doo r s: 1 .Prov ide a nd instal lOver head Door Compa ny o f Denve r,125 Ser ies , i nsu la tedd oo r a te ach ga r agedoo r opening or a pprovede qu al . 2.Cou nterba lancewi tht or sion s pr ing ,t ape r ed drum ,s i de l o c k ,h e avy duty r o lle r s and gu i des ,wit hs up po rtingb ra ck et s . 3 .Pr ovide doubl ec on tac t ru bber weatherstr ip f o r bo ttom rail. 4 .Ma nu fa cturer t o provide e le ctr i c doorop e rator Mo del R100 with r adio con t rolf or open-clo se fun c tion,andpu sh button control mounted with in garage .Cont rol to h ave s a fe ty swit ch t o r ev er sec los ing on contact wi th an object when c losing . 5 .Doors t o be clad wit h 3 /4"x 6"t onguea nd g roove Redw ood Clea r All-Heart siding 8 S p e r Drawings. 8D-l I •S ECTION8G • I WO OD WIND OWS SEE :"G ene ra l Provis ions of Di vision 2 through Divi sion 1 6". COO RD INATION:Coo rd ina te Wo rk a nds cheduling wit h other Tra des . SHOP DRAW INGS:Per GENERAL CON DI TIONS,submit the re qu ired sc ts o fc omp le te co ns truc tion and e rection deta i ls . SCOP E::Sup ply and ins ta ll a ll Wood Win dows as shownon Drawing s a nd as spec ified he rein. Ver ifya ll d imensions by taking f i eld measu remen ts ;p r oper f it to adj oining Wo r kI s r e quir e d . MEASUREMENTS: a nd at tac hmentI I I I I I I I NSPECT ION:Pr i or to i n st al lation ,i ns pect a ll s u rfaces to whic h wood windo ws mus t be fi tted .Repo rt in wr i tingt oArchi t ect anyc on di tions d etr i mental t o Work.Failur e t o o bs erve t hi s i njun ct i o n c onst i t u tes a waiv er to a ny sub sequen t c laims and -h old s Wood Windows Cont rac to rr esponsi bl e for any cor rect ions Arc h i tect ma y require . DELIVERY AND STORA GE:Delive r and s tor e mate ria ls in 8 prot ec teda rea .Stac k un i ts t o preven t warpage .Cove rmat er i al s as r equ ir ed to pr eventdust accumu - l at iona nd damage t of i nish.Re p lace damaged o r defective items at no cost to Owne r. I I FABR I CATION: A.Fa br icate al l wood wi ndowpa r ts of se lec ted k iln -dr ied woo d,water repe l len t pre servat ive t reatedp er Nationa l Window Manu f ac ture r s l Assoc i ation Standards ,and Comm erica l Standa rd CS -26 2 . I I B.Window members s hown a re diagramatic .Ma i nta in p erimeter dimensions in t he f i na l design of un its .Comp letely fac tory-assemb le with a ll corne rs da doed a nd cau lked ,with a ll spec if ied ap pur tenanc es and ha rdware ins tal led. Fabr icate all profiles as d eta iledo n Drawi ngs and r equired for t he Wo rk. C.Provide al l woodg laz ing beads a nd s ea lant required . I I D.Fac tory -pr ime al l wood pa r ts whe re f i nal fin i sh i s to b ep a in t. E .At Con t rac tor ls o pt ion sas h may be pr e gl a zed at place of ma nuf act u r e., INSTALLATION: I A.I n s ta ll all woodwind ows a cc ording t oman u fac t ur er 's i n s tru c ti on s;use mechan ics sk il led i n th is type of Wo r k .Supe rvise i n st allat i on of a l l g las s. I B.Se al a ll j o in ts between wind ow f rames a nd bu i ldin g .tightlya nd cont inuo us ly , p e r Sec t ion CAULKING AND SEALANT S . I I BG-l I •• c .Al l o pe r ab l e unit s are to b e provided with rem ovable s creens as provided by the manufa cturer. B.All units a re t o be metal c l a d on t he exterior with da rk bronze c o lored c ladd ingmaterial . D.Al l thermo pane units are t o b e glazed with units s p ecif ically manufactured for h igh a ltit ude (9000 f eet above seal evel). MATE RIAtS: to be a s manufactured b y t he Pe l la Fixed sash t o be MillMade as per Manufacture:All o perab le un it s are Window Corpor at ion .(SEE SCHED ULE) Details . A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8G-2 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTIO N 8H FINISH HARDW ARE SEE:"General Provisions of Div is ion2 t hr ough Division 1 6". SC OPE:Pr ovide a t the j ob site all Fin i sh Ha r dwaret o c ompl ete the Wo rk.Prov ide a ll t rim a t tachments an df a st en er s specif ied or r equired for t hecomp le te in st alla tion. NOT I NC LUD ED: A.F inish ha rd ware ins t al lation (F inish Ca rpent ry). B.Cabinet ha rdwa re (Cabine t Wor k). SUBMI TTAL S : A.After Cont rac t award .submit acomplete Mate r ia ls Lis t of all items proposed fo r the Work of t his Sect ion . 1 .Id ent ify each it em by manuf act u re r,ma nufa ct urer 's cata logn umb er. a nd l oc ationo f the it em in t he Wo rk . 2 .Hake l i st in fora s uitable fo r ready checking by Arch itect . 3 .App roval of lis t by Architect sha ll no t relieve Cont racto r of r e s pon - s ibili ty for p rov id ing a llr equir ed Fin is hHardwar e. B.Subm it ma nufac turer 's spec ificatio ns ,c ata log cu ts andany ot her data r equ ir ed t o demonst rat e compliance wit h this Sec tion . c .To ensu re order ly progress o f the Work ,d e liver Temp la tes o r p hy sical . s amp les o f approved Finish Ha r dware i t em s to the a ppropr ia temanufa ct u rer s of int er fa cing i temss uc h as d oor s and f rames. MANUFACTURE QUALIFICAT IONS :Eac h system ,mater ia l.p rod uct us ed in the Wor k s ha ll be as r eg ul a r ly produc ed bya ma nufac turer wi th a h i storyo f supply ac ce pt a bl e t o Ar c hit e ct . DELIVERY AND HAN DL ING: A.Stockpile al l ha rdwa re i tems sufficiently i n advancet ogua r antee ava il- ability snd ma kea ll del ive ries so as t o ensure o rder ly p rogress of t he en ti re Work. B.I ndivi duall y pac kage e a ch un it o f Fini sh Har dware con p l ete with f a st ene rs an d accesso ri es ,clea r ly ma rked on t he out side to i ndic at e c ont ents , hardwa re s chedu le i den tif ication a ndl oc at ion in t he Work. c.Use any me ans n~cessary to p ro tec t materia ls o f th is Sec tion befo re,du ring anda fter de liver y t oj obs ite ,and to p rotect the Wo rk a nd mat erial s of al l ot her t r a d es .- 8H-l I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D.I n t hee ve nt of dama ge ,immediatel y makea l l r e pair s a nd replacements nece ssa r y t o approval o fArc hite ct and at n oad ditio nal cos t t o Owner . FAS TEN ERS :Where n eces s ary,f u r n ish fasteners wi th exp an sion shiel ds ,t og gle bo l ts ,s exbo l ts a n d other an chors approved by .Arc h i tect ,accor d ing t o the ma teria l to which hardware i s to be appl ied a nd the r ecommen dations of t he hardware manufacturer .All fa s tene rs s hall harmo ni ze wi thha rd ware in mate ria l and f inish . SUPP LEMENTAL ITE MS :Any miscel l aneous it em s ,not s pec i f ica lly d esc ribed o r schedu l ed but required fo r the c omplete in stallat ion of a ll Fini sh Hard ware shal l b e as s e l ected by Cont ra ct o r s ub jec tt oa ppr ova l of Arc hitect . IN STAL LATION INSPECTION:On co mple tion of in st al lation ,and a s a cond iti on o f ac cep tan ce .visually inspec t a ll Finis h Hardware fu r ni sh ed under this Sectiona nd put in o ptimumwor king c ondit ion . KE YCHANG ING:On f inal acceptance o f the Wo r k,void the co nst r uction-key sy stem a nd ,in Ar c hi tec t 's presence ,demons tra te t hat specified key ing system i s operat ing pr operly. 'TOOLS AND MAN UALS:With delivery of permanent k eys .f urnishOwner one c om plete set of adj us tm ent tools a nd on e set of maint enance manual s fo r loc ks ets .l a t c h s ets a nda ny scheduled cylinders .bolts,clo sers .pa nic dev ice s and the l ike. MAT ERIAL S:Locksets g ene ra lly to be 'AI S eries and 'G'Seri es a s manu fac tur ed by Schla ge.Other items a s pe r app roved hardware schedule subm itted by s uppl ier .(SEE SUBMITTALS AB OVE). I ~WA RE ALLOWAN CE :$3 ,500 .00. 8H-2 I I •SECT ION 8 1 GLASS AND GLAZ I NG • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE:"Gen er a IProv is ion s o f Div is ion 2 t hrough Di vision 1 6". SCOPE :Provide a ll Gl ass and Glaz ing,completeI n plac e,as shownon the Drawing sa nd as sp ecified her ein.t hat I s no t s uppl iedby Window a nd Door oanufa cturer s . REFE RE NCE STANDARDS :C o~ply with all app l icabl e st anda rd so f the fla t Glass Marketing Assoc ia t ion 's "Glazing Ma nu al". SUBMIT TALS: A.Comply \.l it h prov i s ions of SPECIAL CON DITIONS , B.Within 45 ca lendar da ys af ter Cont r ac t award,su bmit; 1 .Comp let e materials list o fa ll i t ems proposed f or t he Wo rk . 2 .Suffic ient da tat o d emon st r ate t hat a ll s uch ma t ~r ials mee t o r e xceed spec if ied requ iremen ts . MATER IALS HAND LING: A.Provide a ll me ans necessa ry to prot ect t hemat er ials of this S e ctioo _ before ,du ring and a f ter inst allation . B.In t heev ent of damage ,immediate ly make all repairs and r ep l ac em en t s necessa ry t o app rova l of Arc hi tect and a t no addit ional cos tt o Own er . C.Gl assb ro ken after in s tallation ,by ot h er Cont rac to rs ,will b e replaced at the b r ~1k lng Cont r ac to r 's ex pen se . IN SPECTION:Exam ine al ls ur face s t o r ec eive the Work and r ep ort i nwr iting to Ar ch itecta nyd et rimenta l conditions .Failure to o bs erv e this injunction con st itute sa waiver to a ny s ub sequen t claims tothe contrarya ndho ld s . Contr a ct or re spon s i b le f o r any correct i ons Architect may require.Starting o fWorkwi ll b eco nst r ued as a cc ept an ce of s ubsu rf aces. INSTALLATION: A.Prepa re a ll glass an d s ur roun ds ,un less ot h erwise d ir e ct ed,in c on fo rmance wi th the d eta ils and ge ne ra l cond it ion s g ove rn ing g lazingi n the FGMA .GlaEing Manua l •• B.Ins ta ll glass t ypesa tl oc at ions s hown on Draw ings and accor d ingt o glass manufactu rer 's r ecomm ended ma x imum s ize lim i tations and pl acement o f se tt ing b locks .Mak e all ad jacent glass in sam~glazed a re as c on sistent i nt ype and thickness un less o therwise noted o r d irec ted . C.I tems t o be glazed s hallbe shop-g la zed o rf i eld-glazed wit h g lass of the qu alitie sa nd thickn es ses spec ified.Us eb eads or s to ps f u rn ishedwith the i t em s to b eg lazed to s ecu re g las s i n place. - I 81-1 ) 1 •• 1 D.Keepl abel s indicating manufacturer,quality and thickness on g lass unt il ins tallat ion has be en approved by Architect. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 CLEAN ING :In add ition t o provisions of -SPECIAL CONDITIO NS,a nd prior t o a ccep tance o f t heWork.thoroughlyc lean allg l as s and remove al l labels. pa intsp ots.putty a nd a l l d e fa cemen ts .Replace any scratched.defective or b roken g lass caused by in stal lat ion "at no cost to Owner. MAT ERIA LS : A.Mirro r s s ha~l b e quality ~inc ht hick plate g l ass .wi th b acks silvered 2 c oa ts .heavily el ec t rop lated wi th co pper a nd g iven primec oat and co at o fmi r ror backing paint.Al l e d ges sha ll be polished .Use ~r o se ttes fo r mou nt i ng .Mir ro rs will be affixed t owalls and t o medicine c a b inet do ors . B.Fie ld glaz ing o f wlndoys (in cluding c us tom)and d o o r s will b e the r espons i b il ity of t he suppl ying c on tr ac tor . 81-2 1 •• 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 8J CURTAIN WALL C O~~ITIONS OFTHE CON TRA CT and DIVISION 1,8S indexed,apply to this Section. SCOPE:Supply snd ins tal l al l Cur tain Wall Fr aming and all Appurt enances as shown on Draw ings and as s pecified here in . SHOP DRAWINGS:Pe r GENERAL CONDITIONS,su bclt s hop d rawings of al l s pecified Work s howing sizes,me thods of construct ion .connection to a djacent members and i nsta llation. SAMPL ES :Per GENERAL COND I TIONS ,s ubmit two 12-1nch long samples of each specified mate rial .In cludeany fin ishes s pe ci fi ed herein,showing ma ximum co lor var iation .Resubmi t any color variation samples until Architec t1s ap proval.Provide any additional sam ples r equired by Cont racto r.Submit any special fin ish samples be fo re treating quanti t ies of metal for the Work . GUARANTEE:Per GENE RAL CONDITI ONS . REFERENCE STANDARDS :Comply with all appl icable requirements o f Nati onal Associati on of Architectural Metal Manufacture rs'NMetal Cu rtain Wall Manual N and NMetal Finishes Hanual N• I -- MEAS UREME NTS : and attachment Ver ify of all all dime nsions by taking field component parts is requi red . measurements;proper fit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 COORDINATI ON:Coordinate with othe r Trades fo r prompt delive ry a t site of all ma te rials required fo r e rect ion .Identif y bol ts and o ther loose i tems. Pa rt icularly coordinate with ent ra nced oor Wo rk . INSPECTION :Exam ine a ll subsurfaces t o receive Work an d repo rt i n wri ting to Gene r a l Contrac to r,wi th ac opy t oArchitect,a ny condi tions d et rime nta l ~ Fa i lure to o bserve this In junc t10n c onstitutes a waiver to an ys ubseq ue nt claims t o the cont rary an dwil l make thisCont rac to rr espons ible f or any c o rrec ti ons Architec t may r equ ire.Comme ncement of Work will be construed 8S acceptance of all s ubsu rfa ces . DELIVERY AND STORAGE :Deliver and sto re mater i als in dry protec ted a reas. Pro t ec t fr om ru sting and other damage .Remove any damaged items f rom si te and replac~·at no cos t to Owne r. CAULKI NG AND SEALANT S:Ins tall per Sec tion CAULKING AND SEAlJLVTS. BJ-l I I • GENERA L DES IGN AND FABRICA TION CRITERIA: • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A.Memberss hown onDrawi ngs a re diagrammat ic onl y;ma in ta i np er imet er dimensions of memb e rs shown i n thef inal design o f the Wor k.Mismat ches of sections or f inishes ,warp ,s ur f ace d efects ,weld ing h a l oo rt he l ike , will r es u l t in r eje ct ion of thea ff ect ed part b y Archi tect .Take c a re i n t he alloca tion of memb e rs d u ringf abr ication soa pp roved e xtremes of light an d dark co l or v alues d ono t occur a d jacent to each othe r.No mod ifica ti ons o f any o ther pa rt of s t ructu re t o accommodate this Wo rk permitted . B .Sea l mem bers as n ecess ar y t omakewat ert ight .Makewi de surface s o f membe r ss uffic ien tl y t h icke ned a nd r e in fo r c edt o prev en t warps o rbuck - l es .Ma ke g la zing rabbets suffi cient ly d e ep to a ccommo date a ll g lass or pane ls . MAT ERIALS:Dark b r onzeco lor ed Tube li te #40 0 wall sys tem with Therma Break design t o with stand a minim um windloa d o f 2S0/sq.f t. INS TALLAT ION : A.I nstal l al l Work under d i rec t superv ision of manufac ture r 's re pr esen t a - tives ;use mec ha n ics s ki ll e d in t hi s type of Wo r k.Su pervise i n sta lla - t i on of sealing wo rk o ccur ring in or ad j ac en tt ot his Wo rk .Ere ct a ny requ ired support ing steel work pe rr eq uir ement so f appl icable Sec t ions of DIVISION 5 . B.Pro tect all Work f rom cor ros i on o r galvan ic a c t ion whi ch may be caus ed b y a ny mate ria l adjac ent .Prime a nys te el s uppor t ing work b e f or e in sta l la ~ t ion . C.P r ovide shims an d anchors as reqUir edso Wo rk 1 sp lumb .level .t rue, fi rmly fa stene d. D.Des ign jo int s between a d jacent u nits to minimize seepage and pr ovi d e f or expans ion an d contract ion. E.When un itsa re stacked ver tical ly ,provide co nt inuo us co nd ensateg utter b etween.with drainage ho les a nd wat er tight s p l ic es . PROTECTION AND CLEAN ING : A.Sto r~mater ials off g round andout o f wea th e r.Ass ume r es pons i b ili ty f o r main tenance a nd p r o tec tion o f c u rta in wall d ur ing erec t ion . B.Atco nc l usion o f erection ,pe rform f i nal c leaning of c ur ta i nwallt o Architect 's sat isfact ion. CLEAN -UP :Pe r GENERAL COND ITIONS. 8 J -2 I I • SF-CT lON 9 C • SCOP E:.Supplyand insta ll all Drywall Work 8 H sho wn on Dra win gs a nd 8S s pec lf lr.d herein . I I I SEE:"Gene r al P rov is ions o fDiv i sion 2 throngh Divis ion1 6". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPLIER:Ha ve a ll dr yva Ll.s upp lied by one mi Jnu fa cture r . C OORD e :A T1o~:All Wo rk h erein req uires c o ord ina tion with t r adeswho se uc rk c on n cc t n wft h ,is aff e ct ed o r ccn ceaLed by d rywall.Befo r e p ro ceed i ng with dr yva Lf uo r k ,make ce rt ain all r equired in sp e ctions have been made . J _~~P r.~:In spec t s u rfac es t o r ec e tve drywa ll before s tarting Wo rk and .'.)no r a tar t until s ur fa ce sa re acceptable.S tar t ing Work unde r this S ~...l i un i mplie s accepta nce of e u r fe ces , DELIVERY AN DSTORAG E:Store materi a ls o ff grounds ndc over aga in st weat h er . Remove a ny d amaged mater i als fr om t h ~si te . GENERA L REQU IREMENTS :Comp ly W'it h 1111 a pplic able requirements of "American Standa rd Spe cif icatio ns f o rt heApplication a nd Finish ing of Gypsum \1 a11 - b oar d ,"by the Ame rican Standar ds Ass ociation ex cep t cber emore s t r i ng ent r equ ir ement s a re ca l ledf or h e re in,in l oc al Codes o rb ymanufacturer o f .....a l I bo ard .Do a ll cu tt ing andpat ch ing r equi r edt o a ccommodate vo r k of other t r:ldes . Ma inta in t em p erat ure of d r y.....a l led ~p 8 c e s in r unge of SS O to 900 F.u nti l bui ld in~i s enti r el yc losed a nd vent i late t o e limi nate ex cess iv e mo ist u re . 1NSTAL LAT IO:-;r : A.Apply Gyps um Wa l lboa rdt o c e i l i ngs p rior t o app l ica t ion o f Gypsum Wa ll- bo ar -d t o 1oI811 s. R.Apply boa rds wi th l on g d1m~ns io n pe rpc nd i r.u l~r t o f r am ing member ~ wi th al l abut ting ends a nd ed ges over s upports .Neatly fit and sta gge r a ll end j oint s.Make j oints occur ond ifferen t stud s a t oppo si te sides of pa rt i t ion.Cu l and fit n e atly a r ou nd all o ut lets an d s v ar ch es .Spac ef asteners 8 "on cen t er a long vertical e dg ea ,and 12"on c e nter at mid poin ts ,3 /8 "fr om edge of bo ard .Fas t enboard s to backi ngs s pec ifi ed . c .Ere ct i on t echn i que a hu lI r e s ult in p lumb n n d st ra ight su rfa c es wi t h n o WAVE-'S o r buck les .fr ee of u nevennes s at.joints. O.J ol nl s .....f de r t han 1/8 inchwi ll t-e c ausef or r ej e c t Ion of b oa rd s u rf ace by Arch H ec t , 9C-1 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E .If f ramin g members a re out of ali gnm ent ,bowed or warped ,correc t t o maket rue s u rfaces b efore applica tion of gy psum board .Usemethodo f c or r ection approved b y Ar ch itect.Make fin ish wall so r -ce f Hngs plumb a nd l ev e lwithout ridge s,bo ws,o r warp s. TAP ING AND FINISH ING: A.Mix joint and finishing compoun ds pe r manufacture r 's directions . B.Cen ter tape over joint a nd embedi n uniform l a yer o f joint compound o f s ufficient width a nd d ep th to provide fi rm a nd complete b ond .Ap p ly s kimc oatwhile embedding t a pe . c .Treat angles with r einforcing t ape fo l ded t o conform t o adjac ent s urfac es a nd s t raight true angles . D.Allow c ompound tothorough ly dry for at l ea st 24 hou rs . E .Over jo int c ompound a nd tape ap ply c o at of finishin gc ompound .Sp r ead even l y and f ea t h e r out be yond edge o f board.Aft er first fin ishingc o at i s tho roug h ly dry (at least 24 hours)cover ~i t h second c oa t with e dges feat hered out slightly beyond p receding coat . F.Gi ve all d impl e s at fastene r heads and all mar red s pots ons u rface of board one coat j o intcompound a nd two coats f inishing co mpo un d,a pp lied as each coat i s app lied to j oin ts . G.I nstal l meta lc orne r re i nforcement at a ll externa l c o rn ers .Conceal f langes of meta lr e in f orc e me nt with at least t woc oats c om pound .When c ompletedco mpound shall extend approxima te ly 8 in ches to 1 0 i nches on each sid eo f meta l n osing. H.After each application of joint or finishing compoundha s dried ,light ly sand al l joints .Leavea ll board and t reated a reas un iformly smooth a nd r eady for pa i nt ing . **I MP ORT ANT -NOTE: 1.Texture to be extreme ly l i gh t "Orange Peel ",s pray applied after one prime coat of paint .4 8 i n ch square samp le r equir ed f o r a p proval by Architect p rior to an y t ext ur eap pl icat ion . DRYW AL L MATER IAL: A.Qypsum Wa llb oard :Conf o~ing t o ASTM C-3 6. 1 .5/8 inch thick x4 feet wide ,fire r esistive g ypsum bo ard,Ty pe X in all areas except a so therw ise specifi ed . 2 .~inc h th ick x 4 fe et wid e,water resistant ,in all bathrooms ,wher e ab u tting "Wonder Boa rd"0/16"). 3 .In al l o ther wet l oc ati on s u se 5/8",wat er res i stant ,gy psum wall- hoa rd . 9C-2 4 .Use 7/16 inchco nc re te g lass fi b er r e i n f orced backe r boa r d,"Wond er Boa rd"8S n~nufactured by Mod ula rs ,I nc ••P .O .Box 2 16,Hamilton , Ohi o ,45012. 5.U S~~"V-g roove s ound b oa rd s app l ied t o ins ide face o f pa rty va ll . Sea l joints wi th lat ex c au lk . 6 .App r oved manufac turers a re u.s .Cypsum.GoldBond,o r ap proved equal . I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.WallboardAcc esso r ies : 1 .Fasteners to b e l ~i nch cement o rr o s in c o at ed dr)~all na i ls or U.S .Gypsum Type 5 Sc r ews.d rivenf rom t he c ent er ou tb o t h d i rec tions , wit h the h ~ds s et s light ly below th es urface In a d imp le . 2 .Tr im an d e dgi ng to b e26 gau ge,e lectroga l van iz eds tee l,with knurl ed s ur f ac esf o r bed d ing cemen t.Provide angle corn erp£ec es wi th 1 ~in c h l e g s a t a l l e xte rn al c o rn e r s a nd channe lt ype me t al tr im pi ec es a t a llgy p sum board ed ges me e ting d iss imilar material s , whe re n o t cov~r e d b y o the r t rim mate r ials .Cr iDp ing i n s t allati o n to d rywa ll n ot perm itted . 9C -J I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECT I ON 9D TILE WORK (GRAN ITE AN D MARBLE TYPE) SEE :"C ene r alP rov isio ns of DIV ISI ON2t hrou gh DIVIS ION 16". S COPE:Install all"Tile"Work a s shown o n Drawingsa nd as s pecified here in . SAMP LES:Will be f ur nished b yOwner u pon r eque st o f Cont ract o r. COORD INAT ION ;Coord i n at e all with o t her Tra des who ~c Work a ffect s ,co nnec ts with o r is con cea led by t ilei h stallation.Be fore p rocee ding ,ma kec e r tain a ll required in spection s have been made . I NSPECTION:Examinea ll s ubsurf ac es t o rece ive Work a nd repor t i n wr it i ng t oGenera l Cont r ac t or ,wit h co py to Arc hit ect,a nyc o nd i tion s d et r imental . Fa ilur e t oo bs e rve th is injunct ion cons tit utes awaive r to a ny s u bsequent cl aimst o the c o ntra rya nd ho l ds Tile Co ntra ctor re spon sib l e for any c o r r~c t io ns Arch itec tmay r e quire.Comme nc ement o f Work wi l l b eco ns tr ued as ac cept ance of a ll sub surfa ce s. STORA GE :Keep material s dry,cleana nd pr otec teda ga inst d et eriorat i on 1n a ny fo rm. I NSTALLATION: A.Lay out all Wo rk so that whe re p os s ibl e n o til e s l e ss t h an half s ize o ccur .I n any event i ns tal l nohalf ti l es ab ove firs t cou rs eu pf r om th e bo ttom or away f rom f irst vert ic al co u rse at inte rnal a nd ext ernal c orners .Align a ll j o int s ,v e rt ica lly and h or izonta l ly .Cut a ndd ri ll neatly without marr i ngt ile.Rubsmooth any n ecess ar yc u ts with a f ine stone and setn oc ute dg eag ains t an yf ixture ,cab inet,or o th er til e withou t aj o inta t l eas t 1/1 6 i nch wide .Cut ,fi t ,ad just .a nd e stab l ish t i les neatly a nda ccu ra t e ly t o a ccomm odat e a cc es so rie s ,interruptions , c h ases ,r etu rn s ,mechani c al a nd e l ec trical outle ts ,and fin isha t the ir ex act lo c ation (a s d etermined b y jobs i te co ndit ions ).Max imum varia tion sha ll be 1/8 i nch +i n 10 fe et when a stra ight edgei s l ai d on thes urface in any direction . Provide all r equi red trim pi e ce s as d eta iled f or t he va r ious til es specif ied . B.Tho roughly wa sh out j oin ts and s atu rate with cl ean waterb ef or e grou ting Tho roughly gr out into all j oin t s t o fil l en ti re length a nd d epth .Fill fl u sh with face o f tile smak ing a n ea tly f in ished ,smooth surf ace.Pr e- vent s tainin go f g routed j oin ts . CLEAN I NG AN D PROTECTION: A.Wipe sur fa ce sc l ean af te r g r out ing,r em ove a ll t races o f mortar and grou t .Don ot u se a c id so lut ionf o r c le~ning g l az ed tile . B.Close s paces t o t raf fic or ot he r Work until t ile is firm ly set .P ro tec t from damage until ac cep tance .Repa ir a ll da mage d Wo rk a t no ad dit i onal co s t t o Own er . 9D-l I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MA T ERIALS : A .Floo r,Gran ite til e 3/8 "x1 '-0 "x 1 1-0 "i n ba throoms s hall be s upplied b y Owner . B .F loor Ma rble t il e 3 /8 "x1 '-0"x1 '-0 "shal l be suppli ed by ocner and i nsta lled by Co nt ractor in thin s et mastic . C.Wall ti le in ba thr ooms t o b e Gran it e 3/8"x 1 1-0 "x 1 '-a"s upp lied by Own er.Ceil ings wi l l no t be ti led . D.Tile g rou t to be n on-st ainin g,Yaterpr oof comm e rc ia l grout as rec omm en ded by ti l e manufac tu rer.Color to b e selected byArchi tec t f romsampl es s ubmitt e d . 9D -2 I I • SECTION9 F WOO D FLOORI NG • I I I I I I I S EE :"Ocner-a I Pro vi sions of DIV IS ION 2 throughDI VISION 16 ". SCOPE :Sup p ly and inst al la ll Wood Fl o oring as shownonDraw ings a nd as spe ci fied h er ein . COORD INATION:Coordina te Work an d schedul ing with other Trad es . I NS PECT ION :Prior t oi ns ta l lat ion,in s pect al l s ur faces t owhich Wo od Flo or- i ng mustbe a ppl ied .Repor t in wr iting t oArch i tect a ny co ndi t ion s det rime n- t al t o Work .Failuret oo bserve this injun ctionco nst itu tes a wai vert o any subseques t c laims a ndh olds Wood F loo r ing Contrac tor respons ible f o r a ny co r rections Ar ch i tec t may require. DELIVERY AN D STORAC E :De liver and st or e mate rial si n a prot ec ted a rea .S t ac k fl oor ing t o prevent wa r page.Cover mate r ia l s as required to prevent dus t accumul at ion and d a ma ge t of inish . I NST ALLAT ION : A.I n st a ll Wood Fl o oring according t omanufac turer 's i n stru ction s;u se mechan ics skilledi n thi s t ypeo fWork. I I I I I I I I I I MATERIALS:Bru ce Hardwood Flooring. l en gt hs prefinis hed light oa k co lor. thismater ia l.) Villa Nova3/4 plank r andom widths and (Submitsamp le s befo re o r dering t h is 9 F-l I I •SECTION 9J WAL L COVERING • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONDI T I O~S OF THE CON TRACT a nd DIVISION I ,as i ndexed,a p pl y t o t hi sSect ion. SCOPE ;Supply and i n stall all Wall Covering as shown onDra win gsa nda s fur nished by Own er. GUARANT EE :Per GEN ERAL CON DITIONS. I NSPECTION;Bef or es tar ting ,ex ami ne surfa cesonwhich wall co vering i s to be applied.Examinat ion i nc lud es bond .mo is ture,and al kalai tes ting as re quir ed or recommen ded by manufacturer .Mo is turemet er readi ngs of b ac king surfac es shal l be l e ss than4 percent .Have ba cking t horoughly dr y,clean of dus ta nd d irt ,paint spo ts and fr eef rom any imperf ec tions tha t mays how through the f inished i ns tal lat ion .Notify Ar ch i tec t of a ny conditio ns pr ev ent ingp roper a p plicat ion o f wal l co vering .Sta r ting Workwi thout s u ch n oti fi cat ion will b e considered accep ta nce o f surf a ces . STORAGE :Sto re on s i te i na nen close d.pr ot e ct eds pac e . I NSTALLATION : A.Siz ing :Give a ll su rfac es to r ec eive wall cover ing on e coa t o f s iz ing . Be fore ap p ly ing.ex a min e b ack ing c ar efu lly.u singas trong light ,an d apply a second c oa t of s ize t oho l idays an da reass howi ng e xcessive s uc tion . B.Layout :Ins tallwith long d imen sion v e rti c al.Layout a cc u ra te ly between corners ,j amh s,wa lls,o r o ther s topp ingp oin tso r changes in directiont o equa li ze spac i ng o f j oint s.Do n ot makea ny joint s a t external c orn er s. c.Application:App ly p er ma nufact u re r 's speci f ica t ions and pr in ted in struc - tions .Take par ticu la rc are in mak ing join ts as fi ne a nd i nconsp icuous as possib le .Trima way s elvage b efore a pply in g .Br ush o ut al la ir bubblesa ft er ha nging u singa squeegee or s t iff brus h.Remo ve ex ce ss adhesive wi th a damp s ponge or r ag as Work pro gr es se s.Avoid g etting excess wat er in to seams while c leani ng .Ma ke a ll in -pl a ce c u ts onmet al cu tting plates.Do n ot cu t i n to b ac king s urfa ces .No a irbu bbl es. wrinkles .t ea rs ,cuts.c ons picuou s j oint s,st a inedo r o therw ise damage d Wo rkwil lbe all owed in finishe d Wo rk .On completion .r em ove any adhe~ s ive and marks f rom material. CLEAN -uT :Per GENERAL COND ITI ONS . 9J-l I I I MAT ERIALS : • S ECTION III APPLIA.,\CES • I I I I I I I I A.Furn ishedby ~ne r and i ns ta ll ed by Con t r actor i na cc ordance wi t h manu - fac ture r s in st r uc tions . B.Allow b udge tf or un crat ing and h andling at job site . C.Protect t hese items fr om pos s i bl e damage a t t he site ,va n dalizrn ,o r t hef t. D.Th ef o llowing it ems will be fur nish ed by t he Own e r: 1.Ran ge :Vu lcan SG-260 L-77R 2 .Cooktop :J eo n-Air CI0 1 3.Refrige ra t o r:Su b-ze ro 201R 4 .Fr eezer :Su b -ze ro 2 0IFD 5 .nt sbva sher :Ge neral Electric GS D25 00 6 .Mic rowave Oven :Am ana RO -I OA 7 .FoodPre par at ion Mac hine :Ronso n 7300 1 8 .Wa s h er :Mayt agA1 10 I I I I I I I I 9 .Drye r:May t ag D7 10 i n.-i Improvement Survey Legal description: Lot17,Vail Valle y -Third Filing,accord ing tothe platrecordedAugust 30,1977,in Book 259 atPage 69, Eagle County,Colorado. pin andcap l .S.23506 radius point+ (Public ROW.) Tract D--- \ \ \ Lot 17 0.4509 Acres (platted) 0.4556 Acres (calculated) --z ~------~~~! Address :2038 Sunburst Drive pinand cap LS.2S68 I hereby certify thaI this IMPROVEMENT SURVEY was prepared forB.R.Boniface,that itis not a land survey plat or improvement survey pial I funher certify thatthe improvements onthe above described parcel on this date,August 10,2005,except utility connections,arc entirely within the bounda ries of'the parcel except as shown,that there all:no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises,except as indicated,and that there all:no apparent evide nce ofany easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel,exceptas noted..."..,','. .............-I\~fir CiS I."",.:-~\.\)"""""1('"".... $•.•.~j .L.;c··:·~·'"',,;~_!:.;~-'7-:;;"<:>~ Date 12K./0 ·~S -Leland Lechner PLS 23506 ~..','. =-0::t:::\~\.tC f~~'",0 ~"l"....."':.~~~ "I u~/j)·····.·····r.S ~..."I",u'QAl l~~\u ... Notes :','",;".,.. Recorded information andthe legal description was provided by Land Tide Guarantee Co..Those easements listed on Commitment No. VS25553-2 that lie within thesubject property and all:described ina way that allows them to be drawn ,arc sbown on the drawing . The hazard lines shown all:scaled from the recorded pial Sunburst D. fiVe ". 16.8'"I 20.5' 0;-.. m garage '" ls2S001 'OS" R=SOO.62' L=244.81' LC=242.37' LCB=N 7S 00S'OS"W -'-"-.-.-.-. -c • -c,•-'- ............ ~..:P' ,,~ pool,deck,patio area .... / .....__._--_._-----_.._-_._-------~_._-_...__.- 4.1' .... -m '" paved driveway 29.1' 33.6' _.-.-.-.-....... .. oj house 32.0' bN,-,, 15.8' sr» Lot 18 I 20110 Scale 1"=20' N S9 °S7'30·E 310.00' Unplatted Note:According to Colorado law,you must commence any legal action based upon any defect on this certificate within three years after you first discover such defect In no event may any action based upon any defect inthis survey becommenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon . Leland Lechner PLS 30946 County Rd.356,Buena Vista,Co.81211 (719)395-9160 .-- LA DDESIG S BY EL LI SO ,I C. 11111 \\BEAVER CR~E"BL VD lITE~~1I "YO .COLORADOXlh2() I'0 IlOX 12:") AVON COLORADO x lr,~(} PO BOX 26 7 " \'IL (01 ORADO Xlh"X I ,II,I '~-I')-17111 I"('0::')-1'1 -'~XX e •-• >l'Jo ::J-.aDU - U 2 11 1 11 ------- PIW IH \MH R etloZ III lI I I :'I O-~ RE\']'10 DTE -kUCt '.III"let'? nd I z-~u.J- cO ?-1 1 P-:>f~ ISAl-(I~z.~r~~Z '~-p-1":» ".:::>_,:/1 (~ I 11~-f~I~~oet) __L~~~ / I-,7 ~'q.).>I ~~ I tl