HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 18 LEGALD EPARTMENT OF COMM UNf D EVELOPMENT• ijO-A \lJC(.\~\ L..0 {-l<s)I G \\'\~ NO TE:THISPERMIT MUST B E POSTEDON JOBSITE AT A LL TIM ES TO'W"~OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 970-479-2138 ADD /ALT MFBUILD PERMIT Permit#:B02-0053 JobAddr ess.: Location : Parcel N o: Proj ect No: 1448 VAILVALLEY DRVAIL 1448-A V AIL VALL EY DRIV E 21010920701 7 Status : Applied : Issued: Expires : ISS UED 04/05/2002 06/06/2002 12/03/2002 OWNER KOSSMAN,ROBERT 140 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: APPLICANT Kossman,Robert 140 Cherry Street Denver,CO 80220 License:200 -L CONTRACTOR Kossman,Robert 140 Cherry Street Denver ,CO 80220 License:200-L 04 /05 /2002 Phone: 04/05/2002 Phone:303 -355-8293 04/05/2002 Phone:303-355-8293 Desciption : RENOVATE KITCHEN AND3 BATHROOMS Occupancy: Typ e Constructi on: Type Occupancy: R3,UI VNTypeV N on-Rated ?? Valu ation:$50 ,000.00 AddSqFt :o Fireplace Information :Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliance s:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building-->$49 0.00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 .0 0 Total Calculated Fees->$8 11.50 Plan Check->$31 8 .5 0 DRB Fee--------------->$0 .00 Additional Fees----->$50 .00 Investigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee------------>$0 .00 TotalPermit Fee----->$86 1.5 0 WillCall·->$3.00 Clean-upDeposit------->$0 .00 Payments------····------>$861 .50 TOTAL FEES ---->$8 11.50 BALANCE DUE--··->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/25/2002 cdavis Action:AP INSPECTIONS Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECTTO FIELD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• I _.-;l I ~\)I 1_-1 -j I5C1!~I}i.f 0:.1 0 ,. X-= •• . "oJ .':r ..: \ ,'...• I -,"".'..I •I •• p~F-rlp..L 'S I til ~~~~L.E-V ~L.FAA t1 !H.::.,F'L-I"\N EIVED MAR Z 7 ZOUZ f KOSSMAN REMODELI1448VAILVALLEYDRIveLVAIL,COLORADO ~~ I ·Y·m lIHEET • 62 lICALl!!. 118-.1',,- TOV-COM.DEV. ••.. ••PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02-0053 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06-06-2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType: Applicant: JobAddress: Location : ParcelNo : ADD IALT MFBUILD PERMIT Kossman,Robert 303 -355-8293 1448VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL 1448-AVAILVALL EY DRIVE 210109207017 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 04/05/2002 06/06/2002 12 /03/2002 Description : RENOVATE KITCHEN AND3 BATHROOMS Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :16 (BLDG .):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC.310.6 .1 OFTHE1997UBC. Cond:15 (BLDG.):THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORAN INTERIOR REMOD EL ONLY. See page 2 of thisDocumentforanytditions thatmayapplytothispermit.• DECLARA nONS Ihereby acknowledge that[havereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.[agree tocomply withtheinformationandplotplan ,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved ,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . SIG 1\T4 79-2138 ORAT O URO FFICE FROM8 :00 AM•5PM. 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 G~geral Contractor: r-c.>S vv-v-v--- Contractor Signature: •OR UNSIGNED #:---------ding Permit #:_ 970-47 -2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$"3 '0 P 00 7""--0 OTHER:$ELECTRICAL:$~~. PLUMBING:$ISeH7D MECHANICAL:$TOTAL :$..s1PfOO O.60 d'parcel"lf.conl:i1ct Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-countv.com (;;~will not be accepted without parcel number)27 D J 012-07 tf:)/7 .L :/{oSSf211h'J ?e"vf1V4-7/oU JobAddress:/W~fr Jllf/L..Y4LJ.e'l p/f/II ~ ,.:'::';..iption II Lot:II Block:~II Subdivision: .~'~"'-:I<C'MI k'o.c,.c MAA"Address !~t:.It08ll-CJ .,f;t:;,Ve'/Z. Architect/Designer:.,OWNzR.Address:Phone: Engineer:1301::1 ie.Address:Phone: Detailed description ofwork:l\:e,<J o\J 4-,e-HI Tc...J.k.A.)IfIJ p --r}I(tee l3/t7'11 /2.001"7 5 WorkClass:New ()Addition()Remodel £0 Repair()Demo ()Other() WorkType:Interior (£...y"Exterior ()Both ()Doesan EHU exist atth is location:Yes()No() TypeofBldg.:Single-family ()Two -family (£...VMulti-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant()Other() No.ofExisting DwellingUnits inthisbuilding :?-No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthis building: No/TvoeofFireplacesExistinq:GasAppliances()Gas toes ()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurninq (2-) No/TvpeofFireplacesProposed:GasAppliances (0)Gas L~)Wo~et (0)WoodBurninq(NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes ()No (J.-Y lrooes u...~Sj)iii1kJer SystemExist:Yes ()No (~ I I MA~Acceptect)Bv: I Planner-Sian-ff:Occupancy Group: Type of Construction: ORBFees: public way permit Fee; j Other Fees:. F:/ev eryone/forms/bldgperm ....'.., '.I • "I • .. • TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DIARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELIt ENT THISPERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PROJEC T TITLE : ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #:B02-0197 Job Address : Location : Parcel No: ProjectNo : 1448VAILVALLEYDRVAI L 1448AVAILVAL LEY DR 210109207017 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires..: ISSU ED 06 /26/2002 07/08/2002 01/04/2003 OWNER KOSSMAN,ROBERT 140 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: CONTRACTOR Kossman,Robert 140 Cherry Street Denver,CO 80220 License:200-L APPLICANT Kossman,Robert 140 Cherry Street Denver,CO 80220 License : Desciption:INTERIOR STAIR REMODEL Occupancy Type Totals ... Number of DwellingUnit s:0 06 /26/2002 Phone: 06/26/2002 Phone : 06/26/2002 Phone:303-355-8293 Factor Sq Feet Valuation $2,500.00* Town of Vail Adju sted Valuat ion:$2 ,500.00 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #of GasAppliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #of WoodPallet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ruilding-->$75.00 RestuarantPlan Review->$0 .00 TotalCalculated Fees-->$1 2 6.75 PlanChcck->$48.75 DRBFee------->$0.00 Additional Fees---->$0.00 Investigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee >$0 .00 Total Permit Fee>$12 6 .7 5 Will Call-->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-->$0.00 Payments-.c-$126.75 TOTAL FEES------>$12 6.75 BALANCE DUE-->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/05/2002 CDAVIS Action:AP Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECTTOFIELD INSPECTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See pag e 2 of thi s Document foran y conditions thatma y applytothi s permit. D ECL ARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthi s application ,filledoutinfulltheinformat ion requ ired,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethat-alltheinformationas requl iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe inf!ation andplotplan,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved,Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances of theTownapplicablethereto. ••PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit#:B02-0197 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-08-2002 Sta tus:ISSUED ***.*.************************************************************************************************** 06/26/2002 07/08/2002 Applied: Issued : PermitType:ADD/ALTSFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant:Kossman,Robert JobAd dress:1448VAIL VALLEY D R VA IL Location:1448AVA IL VALLEY DR ParcelNo:210109207017 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCO DE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS ANDEVE RY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997UBC. •• •*********.***••***.************************************************************************ TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statemen t *************.*.**.************************************************************************* Statement Number: Payment Method: R000002683 Amount:$126.75 Check 07/08/200210:44 AM Init:DDG Notation:Kossman 119 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: B02-0197 Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT 210109207017 1448 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 1448 AVAIL VALLEY DR This Payment:$126 .75 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $126.75 $126.75 $0.00 *••*.**************************************************************************.*.***••*•••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Ac count Code BP 0010000 3111100 PF 0010000 3112300 WC 00100003 112800 Descripti on BUILDIN G PER MIT FEES PL AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPEC TION FE E Current Pmt s 75.00 48 .75 3.00 CONTRACTOR INFORMAnON 75S.Frontage R Vail,Colorado GktJa~(";t:f f6;ge/V1 Town of VailReg.No.:IContactandPhone #'s:I7J-IJ &~L 1}7tJ .-V77 -S;HJU Contractor Siqnature : COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials ELECTRICAL:$ MECHANICAL:$ OTHER :$ TOTAL:$ Engineer:Address: Phone: Phone: tailed description ofwork:Re pl-A c,'f-¥4/1<.~-r!1 1f-7 ~~I 'RI ~t >9 "-rteent:> wrTrf If 1J e tV JI"fl2.MD WorkClass:New ()Addition ()Remodel (~Repair()Demo(Other() WorkType:Interior (....-y-Exterior(Both ()Doesan EHU existatthislocation:Yes ()No() Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other() No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthis building:No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthis building: WoodBurnin **************************************FOROFFICEUSE ONly************************************** Planner Sign-off:. I Accepted By:.... occueancv GrOUD: Date Received: Type of Construction: DRB Fees:. public Way permit Fee: j other Fees:......'. F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm .. • • -.• o •boyle e ngineering.inc. 1438 .mead ow drivesuite JQO crcssrocds shopping c enter \lo il co lorado 8 1657 970/476-2 170 JO B ~~stAH ~e~O Dt.k SHEETNO.5x -1'---_OF'_ CALCULA TED BY----=tJ.J.E:2 DATE b ~{.B -0 z.. CH ECKEDBY DATE _ SCALE A ' ;~A l:1D 3 :1 ~1-11 l§L..-\{L QI--\,S 9UTH Si lpe r •o ~boy le en gineering.inc .f7 143e .m eadow drive suite 390V~crossroadsshoppi ng centerUvoncolorado81657 Q70/476-2170 JOB _f:=0 S s.f't>s-tl ?b--Ho em.. SHEET NO.-:S '(C.-I OF _---,::-_ CA LC ULATED BY~DATE 1-/9-6 z:.. CHECKEDBY DATE _ ,.,,....,I I " ?~J?17 t+fr 14-:... :ll'i ;~JDl~T ..,...'.' ./7Ql.l.13 L-ff 10/+.'f iL4;:kVL..~"\~~ ~kUc;'.u-J/Ct+P~4-Pc)+~ll-.W lm 3 .J2-ou-)S :(Q .j (~)eqUc:>lG.: o 8 .i Lo 04 .e¥:-'-~f'J '()CfJCft Po:>T :: :: :, fi iAf."S s r-t~:~.L Q 6 IP fT-,. ~L'3>-n N ~.j .L*,JoISt T ~ WJr t+.Y&-LLtZLYW oQ () r=:w L-L-,L-t?H bj 1'&+.If N L . ,(AJl 7ltJ-i ~I ®Ce l(c>_~il0fO Irrof¥~.:rrra !VI CH±Pt-D-? :£.-~uI~I))l-rtf tft-4qo , B ekr<-I N0, ;! .'~-r:;;lJZ i stK-/)j (z,e:¥~AIL ',. Jul OS 02 10:23a John Schofield•p.1 JohnB.Schofield 1448 Vail Valley Dr. Vail CO.81651 Mr.GeorgeRuther Chief ofPlanning Town of Vail 15South Frontage Rd. VailCO.81657 July9,2002 Re:Final Inspection Town ofVail Building Permits NumberB02-128and B02-124 Dear George: Please find enclosed the Eagle County CourtTrial Activity recordshowing judgmentinfavor of John Schofield regarding the Kossman roof dispute.As wediscussed this will allow you to complete the final inspections forthe above referenced permits.Please complete this andsendmecopies of the final inspection reportsforboth permits. George,I find itmost incongruous thatMr.Kossman would be allowedto verbally protesta situation like this yetyou require metoproducewritten evidence inorderto conclude the matter.I would also question whetheryour handling ofthe situation properly affords due process.I would suggestthat theTown of Vail require allsuch complaints tobe in writing.If thetown thendecidesto intervene regarding the complaint aprocess should be established to afford all parties dueprocessto resolve the situation. Iwould of course suggest thatthetown should notbe involved inthistype of dispute. Thankyouforyour consideration. ...... Jul 09 02 10:23a JUL-0')-2002 09:59 KegJ.:S~er UL lIMi....&.uu ......._.....'" John Schof'ield•9'-764024•p.2 County court.BaSI.county State 01 Colorado DUX.TEIUU S Vs . JIA'I1DIB OF IIC'l'JOR ()Money Demand ()YED I)Nam"Change ()Other ()Restraining Order SCHOl"lEL!).JOlIN plaiAtiffu ~eto~SWlllI'<ms Filed COlIPlail1t Filed R..curn Yiled Alia6 Sunnoru;Entered _ Answu/Co....ter Co~ter Claim Filed Case ClosCKI pmr-TBXU,/"BT!J ACJ'XYITX ~turn Date 7/30/2002 Continued to _ Tria1 Date ContinuQd to _ Continued to Reoson 24 po Tax and Filing Fee lUl_er FBe $.._ Proceas Fee ~S _ ,JUry Fee .ili._ Other ~S'-_ J~~ent for Possescion Dism issed without Fr..judite Di~issAd with Prejudit~ Default;DAte: eefault Judgnu!nt ..S Plus COfits:~s _ Plus Attorney Fees $plus Interest , Trial to'Court Jury of After hearing ana conSidering the testi~ny.evidence.aDd ;::~ And~~_~ For $6 Plue Costs :S 0 Plus AttOrney Feel:S '~~~-J Date,7"~~\le/l!agistrate,~ TOTAL P,01 .. John B.Schofield 1448VailValleyDr. VailCo.81657 Mr.CharlieDavis ,Chief BuildingOfficial Town Of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail,Co.81657 Re :Kossman remodel,1448VailValleyDr. Dear Charlie: •• July1,2002 Allison Ochs informed me today that the above referenced remodel permit as issued by your department does notincludeany exterior work.Atthistimethe exterior deck onthe southwest side of Mr.Kossman'unithasbeen completely removed. I would ask that all work onthis project be stopped untilthe required permits and approvals are obtained. If youhaveany questions,please feelfreeto contact meatanytime. Sincerely , TOW N OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8165 7 970-479-2138 • •ARTM ENT OF COMtvlU NITY DEVEAMENT NOTE:THISP ERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITEATALL TIMES Job Address : Location : Parc el No : Proj ect N o : ELECTRICALPERMIT 1448V AlL VALLEYDRVAIL 1448AVAILVALLEYDR 210109207017 ?i\tl 2..():(\o Permit #:E02-0151 1)o 7 -co 5:5 l?(:lh -0 ,ct 7 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:08/20/2002 Issued ..:08/20/2002 Expires...02/16/2003 08/20/2002 Phone:OWNER KOSSMAN,ROBERT 140 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: CONTRACTOR WESTERN SLOPE ELECTRIC,LTD 08/20/2002 Phone:(970)468-9450 PO Box 3034 Dillon,Colorado 80435 License :319-E APPLICANT WESTERN SLOPE ELECTRIC,LTD 08/20/2002 Phone:(970)468-9450 PO Box 3034 Dillon,Colorado 80435 License:319-E Desciption:REMODELMASTERBATH ,CHANGE 1BATHTO2BATHSIN ANOTHER AREA,REMODEL KITCHEN DINING,LIVING RM AND STAIRS Valuation:$9,600.00 EleclricaJ-->$180 .00 Total Ca lculated Fees->$183 .00 O RB Fee-->$0 .00 Additional Fres --->$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .0 0 To tal Perm it Fee-->$183 .00 Will Ca ll--->$3 .00 Payments----->$1 83 .00 TOTAL FEFS->$183 .00 BALANCE OUE-->$0.00 •••***.***__*"'*._••**_*_***11-••**.*****.***_•••_.**_*_*__"'*****•••__*•••_.__*__******_*****_.*****__"'_ Approvals: Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/20/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out infullth e information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allth e information as required is correct.I a greeto comply with th e information and • plO;pla~,to t omply with all Town!lances and state laws,and to build thi!.ucture according tothe towns zonin g and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BEMADE TlVENTY-FOUR HOURS INA DVANCEBY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 ORAT OUR OFFICE FROM8:00 A M -5 eM.?Wd ~~~ SIGNATURE ()f OWNER RCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNH 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 I Town of VailReg.No.: r;....L-Id. COMPLETESQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE:CALVALUATION:$"b(JO:CJ(J Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeole-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #1.-l<11 Oct.'L D7 0\7 JobName:g"h k J)S (\('(111 {\Ie r"t\en(r f Jf~m-~jlt I I Legal Description II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II ... II n: OwnersName :f'lo h i-\/\SS t'lGlt'l Address:14 4p,A-Val "VIWp"D Phone:y 11-~j.()(} Engineer:!i',,,,,~()'J Ie.-Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:V"c ''(I '0 J s -l q b -I ~c I"Y\q ~I b t\+"-/-v 2-,o-t-h<l,I't ~.x.Mt'l r t1 I,l.(bCt-t~5 If\.Q"'tl'Q4)\"'-rt\o~'(I k;hM~1\oL'"+-"V.(rIl .+-S'1-oI 1f-S WorkClass:New()Addition ()Remodel {)()Repair ()Temp Power()Other () Work Type:Interior (X')Exterior ()Both()DoesanEHUexist at this location:Yes()No ~) Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex oQ Multi-family ()Comme rcial ()Restaurant ()Other() No.ofEXisting Dwelling Unitsin this building:""L No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: Isthispermitforahottub:Yes ()No eX) DoesaFire AlarmExist:Yes()No 9()II DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No oo IIVaiJld.talcdevIFORMSIPERMITSIELECPERM.DOC 07126/2002 TQWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE: - aRTMENT O FCOMMUNITY DEVELOIaNT THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit#:M02 -0142--:ro z.-C1J)-S JobAddr ess: Locat ion : ParcelNo : ProjectNo : I448 VAILVALL EY DRVA IL 1448AVAILVAL LEY DR 210109207017 -?\tSD 1.-0 ~to Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expir es ..: ISSUED 07/0912002 07/0912002 01 /05/2003 OWNER KOSSMAN,ROBERT 07/09/2002 Phone : 140 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE &STOVE SH007/09/2002 Phone:970-668-3760 POBOX 1330 FRISCO,CO 80443 License:101-M .APPLl CANT FRISCO FIREPLACE &STOVE SH007/09/2002 Phone :970-668-3760 POBOX 1330 FRISCO,CO 80443 License:101-M Desciption:install o nehargro vegas logset &Idirect ventgas fireplace-No gaslines Va luation:$3,030.74 Fireplace lnfonn..ion:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #o f Gas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Meehanieal->$80.00 Restuarant Plan Rcview->$0.00 Total CalculatedFees-->$1 03 .00 Plan Check->$20 .00 ORBFee---->$0 .00 AdditionalFees-·-->$0 .00 lnvesttgation->$0.00 TOTALFEES>$1 03 .00 Total Permit Fee-->$103 .00 Will C.II->$3.00 Payments·---->$103.00 BALANCE DUE-->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/09/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC .70 1 OF THE 1997 UMC,ORSECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC . Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. •Cond:25,. (BLDG .):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER B AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.B06 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER BOFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond :29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATINGEQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond :32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. DECLARATrONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis appl ication,filledoutinfullthe informationrequired ,completed an accurate plotplan ; andstatethatallthe information asrequ ired iscorrect..Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan,to complywithall . T own ordinances andstat e laws,andtobuildthis structure according tothetowns zoning and subdivision codes,designreview a pproved,Uniform Building Code a ndother ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY·FOUR HOURS IN ADV1++-AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00AM ·5PM.;t..::-..:=.:~~~:.:.:...:: R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF '9'/0-9;J.!I-9<f0o 3.,-I ContactandPhone #'5: -~f -e \[V\Ar-'-e ~ COMPLETE SQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) is S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 AMOUNTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$l GOO contsct EaQle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-coljntv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)-~ret.;}..\3001 .' Job Namer-;r-,•l-.b....,~Job Ad~est .~.• ........~1 '.-...JL..I.'11~a"'_L .1J.,1 G:',....4 ~\~lu ,. ~ega;-~escriPtion ~Lot:~Block:!!ling :"Subdivision :! ~6'6:~~~~:.1,l.1rt.1':;~Address:Phone: Engineer :Address:-. Phone: I Detailed descr iption of work:--, ,1/'1.0 jJ!WJcr-r -1m A'-<.f?~('-'v\~A-.d FV-...a §Al_.d i~~cc.~("~'-t~S , New (v{"Addi~on (Remodel 0 -,'.-- ,Work Class:)Repair()TempPower().other ()_....---. Work Type:I nterior()Exterior f:I..J.Both()Does an EHU exist at th islocation:'7Yes()No ()•--Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi-family ()Comme rcial ()Restaurant ()Other.e-r No.of ExistingDwe lling Units in t his;b uilding:f'J oA 'jNo7rAccommodation ""ls "tho b"""'9 '~ IIsthis permit for '~"hot tub:Yes ()No ()/VA-..J DoesaFireAlarmExist :Yes ()No()A J A-~DoesaFire Sprin kler System Exist:Yes (.}No ,) ***i ******"'**"******"'***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****..".."'**********************.. Other Fees:---"_.-Date Received : .DRBFees:Ac'ceDled By: c.!'J~nner Si9rt-off:..- F:/eve ryone /iorms/elecpenn ld W~6S:80 c00c 6 1 'unf 0 0868c6 'ON Xtl.:l OJ O atl~O l OJ WO ~.:l OWNOF VAiL 15 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO8165 7 9 70-479-2138 .. •RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO!ENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSIT E ATALLTIMES MECHA NICAL PERMIT Permit #:M0 2-0161 Job Address: Location : ParcelNo : ProjectNo: 1448VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL 1448AVAILVALLEYDR 210109207017 ~</...-S--o Z-az (0 Statu s...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expir es ..: ISS UED 08 /0112002 08 /29 /200 2 02 /25/2003 08/01/2002 Phone :OWNER KOSSMAN,ROBERT 140 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: CONTRACTOR MIKE MCFADDEN 08/01/2002 Phone:(970)845-7059 2121 N.Frontage Rd.W #172 Vail,Co 81657 License :297 -P APPLICANT MIKE MCFADDEN 08/01 /2002 Phone:(970)845-7059 2121 N .Frontage Rd.W #172 Vail,Co 81657 License:297 -P Desciption :REPLA CE BAS EBOARD HEAT WITHIN FLOOR RADIANT INLIVING ROOM AN DDEN Valuation:$2,840 .00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 #of GasLogs:0 #of Wnod Pellet:0 ..........................................................................FEE SUMMARY ••••••,.,••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*..*••• Mcchanical-->$60 .00 Restuarant PlanRevicw->$0.00 Total Calculated Fees-->$78.00 PlanC heck->$15 .00 DR13 Fec--------->$0.0 0 Additional Fees------>$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .00 TOTAL FEES--->$78 .00 TotalPermit Fee--->$78 .00 WillCall-->$3.00 Paymenls-------->$7 8.00 BALANCE DUE---->$0 .0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/02/2002 CDAVIS Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC .I017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARA nONS ...• -2138OR AT OUR O FFICEFROM 8:00 AM·5 PM.REQUESTSFOR INSPECTIONSHALLBE MADETW ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA~Ei TELEPN E A ~/':::7r-~::;"'-;;~~{;~;;::-:=-=:-:=:=-=;;~~;;~~~::-:-:-::::-::::::-:~ SIGNATURE OF WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Iherebyacknowled ge thatIhavereadthis application ,filledoutinfulltheinformation required ,completed anaccurateplotplan, andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan ,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszon ing and subdivis ion codes ,designreview approved,Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. ...• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLO RADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Me thod : McFadden R000 00298 7 Amount:$7 8 .00 Check 0 8/2 9/200202 :51 PM I nit :LC Notat ion:#878/Evaleen Permit No: Pa rcel No: Si te Ad dre ss: Lo cation : M0 2 -0 161 Type:MECHANICALPERMIT 2 101 092 07017 1448 VAIL VALLE Y DR VAIL 1448 A VA IL VALLE Y DR This Payment:$78 .00 To tal F e es: Total ALL Pmts: Balance : $78.00 $78.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Acc ount Co de MP 00 10000 31 11300 PF 0010 000 3112300 WC 00 10 000 3112800 Descr ipti on ME CHANICAL PE RM IT FEES PLAN CHEC K FEES WILL CA LL I NS PEC TION FE E CurrentPmt s 60.00 15 .00 3.00 cale to include: PTED IF INCOMPL~RUNSIG~~0':\10 - PrOject #:~_~-+-~-.:::~C7--...:.__ Building Permit #:;;0 .2-t9o~3 Mechanical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) WN OFVAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following:75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMAnON Mechanical Contractor: ,U Mtflldd~A/ Town of Vail Reg.No.:ContactandPhone #'s: ~q1-p U '/{~If?D~/'IfP 11'1~-?t:>5"ct COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials I MECHANICAL:$.tIl'If)."'0 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaa/e-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above):2/tJ/()9.207(')/7 JobName:/10"~/(06$/11 w II Subdivision: Ao".ve1 Phone:J.}7 '-.7 2 t:>0 •.•-II Lot.II.....•..~.~~~g.~..."'~.II'•• ~====db='1r""="==========l1 Owners ~D~illr /(eSSll't A-.,v Address:,VI)cle .,~orr. Engineer:Nil/{<:'-Address:Phone: Work Class :New ()Addition ()Alteration <)(1 Repair ()Other() BoilerLocation:Interior ()J Exterior ()Other()Does an EHU exist atthislocation:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex (x>Multi -family ()Commercial ()Restaurant()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:2..No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding: No/Tvpe ofFireolacesExistina:Gas Aooliaoc~)GasLoas()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurninq (;:4- Norry""~",~~~~t'ropoffil:~~l Appliances()GasLogs(I)Wood/Pellet (n WoodBurning(NOT ALLOWED) Isthis ~!FISl Ul II "",,:a .~~,otrrrnnqfirep lace 0 an EPA Phase II device?Yes (loI).No() IIDateReceived:I uri ICE USE ONLY***************************** I Planner Sian-off:I Accepted Bv: '6 f (\/./ I DRBFees: DATE ROUTED:tJY -_.nll~..:.c *'iIOIC **","'·'" otner Fees: ***** F:/everyone/forms/mechpenn •• • MIKE MCFADDEN 2121N.Frontage Rd.W.#172 Vail,Co.81657 (970)470-1949 hogriderP @aol.com Job Name:Bob Kossman 1448AVailValleyDr ive Vail ,Co.81657 PROJECT SUMMARY • Town ofYail \)FFfCEcopy BOILER PLANT:T eledyne Laarsmodel NT225N (225 ,000 BTU /HR input...161,700 BTU/HR output I=B=R rating) TOTAL BTUIHR AVAILABLE 161,700BTUIHR *TO TAL HEATLOAD 103,477 BT U/HR AVAILABLE FORHOT WATER 58,223BTUIHR (58,223BTUIHR @ 50°incoming water,heatedto127°Fwillheat162 gallons perhour with120gallons of storagepro vides 282gallons of 151 hour hotwater) *Basedon calculations from SlantlFin Hydronic Explorer and Uponor Wirsbo Advanced Design Suite 5.0. • MIK E MeF ADD EN 21211\.Frontage Rd .W ./lI72 Vail.Co.&1657 (970)4 70-1949 hogridcrP 'tDao l.corn Job Name:Bob Kossman 1448A Vail Valley Drive Vail ,Co.81657 Altitude:8200 ' Design Temperature:70 indoor -15 outdoor HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS Mainfloor livingRm .Den totals htdarea sq.ft .224 316540 floor dnwd btu/hr 4571 5723 10,294 celngupwd 578816 1394 skylites 0 0 0 walls 1638 800 2438 windows 8380 6720 15100 doors 1120 0 1120 infiltration 3587 3601 7188 totalhtloadd 19,874 17,661 37,535 ttl radiant Btu/hr 14,07414,661 28 ,835 suppheat 5800 2 ,900 8,700 19,874 17,661 37,535 • • MIK E MCFADDEN 212 1 t\.Frontage Rei.\\'.11172 Va il.Co.glGS7 (970H70-IC)49 hogriclerl"l/aol.corn Job N ame:Bob Koss man l448A Vail V alley Dri ve Vail ,Co .81657 DESIGNDATA Ma in floor outdooor temperature windspeed totalheatedarea totalheatload totalradiant construction glyco l designtemp .drop totalflowrate maxheadloss totalloops totalman ifolds totalzones tube spacing totaltubing water temp.required surface temperature floorcover ing Rvalue Supplemental Temp .req. Total supplemental baseboard -15degrees F 21MPH 540sq.ft. 37 ,535 btu/hr 28 ,835 btu/hr bestquality 30 % 10degrees F 6 Usgpm 21 ft.(h20 ) 5 1 1 6 inches 1179feet 125degreesF 79degrees F 0 .5 170 degrees F 15feet • • MIK E MCFADDEN 2121N .Frontage Rd .W.#172 Vail.Co .8 1657 (970)470-1949 hogriderl'(t.!;aol.com Job Name:BobKossman 1448AVailValley Drive Vail ,Co.81657 Altitude:8200 ' Design Temperature:70indoor-20 outdoor HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS basement mechRm mudRm laundry Floortotal roomheight 8 8 8 roomlength 8 129 roomwidth 5 10 5 .5 doors&glass door&glassfactor exposedwalllength 13 20 9 exposedwallfactor 1015 0 .15 0 .15 ceiling factor floorfactor 0 .04 0 .04 0 .04 infiltration factor 0 .012 0 .012 0 .012 indoor temperature 70 70 70 Heat Loss(BTUlHR)1440 4400 606 6466 Embassy Panel Trac 2.6 8 1.5 12 .1 • • MIKE MerADDEN 2121 '.Frontage Rd .W .#172 Vail.Co.R1657 (970)470-1949 hogridcrP @aol.col11 Job Name:Bob Kossman 1448AVail Valley Drive Vail ,Co.81657 Altitude:8200 ' Design Temperature:70 indoor -20 outdoor HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS • Mainlevel kitchen entry pdr.Rmfloortotal roomheight 10 10 10 roomlength 23 .8 13 .2 7 roomwidth 14 104 doors&glass 42 42 door&glassfactor 0.65 0.65 exposedwalllength 23 .8 13 .2 exposedwallfactor 0.15 0.15 ceilingfactor floorfactor infiltration factor 0 .018 0.018 indoor temperature 70 70 70 Heat Loss(BTUlHR)11,995 4752 405 17,152 Embassy System 6 15.8 6.2 23 • MIKEMCFADD EN 2121 1.Frontage Rd .W.#172 Vail.Co.81657 (970)470 -1949 hogrid erl'il"!'aol.com Job Name:BobKoss man 1448AVai l Va lleyD rive Vai l,Co.8165 7 Altitude:'8200 ' Design Temperatures:70 indoor -20outd oor • HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS 2ND FLOOR bedroom1bedroom2bath1 bath2floortotal roomheight 8 .1 8.1 8.1 8.1 room length 14.5 11.9 5 5 roomwidth 14.1 14.19 .5 9.5 doors&glass(sq.FI.)5233.5 door&glassFactor0 .65 0.65 exposedwalllength28 .6 26 55 exposedwallfactor0.15 0 .15 0.15 0.15 ceiling factor floor factor 5x4 infiltration factor 0.012 0.012 0 .0 12 0 .012 indoor temperature 707070 70 Heat Loss(BTUlHR)8080 604016201620 17,360 Embassy Panel trac 14.6 10 .5 2 .9 2.9 30.9 •• MfKE MCFADDEN 2121 N.Frontage Rd .W .#172 Vai l,Co .gl657 (970)470-1949 hogriderl'(?aol.com Job Name:Bob Kossman 1448AVailValleyDrive Vail ,C o.81657 Altitude:8200 ' Design Temperature:70 indoor -20 outdoor HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS 3RD floor 24,694 0.012 70 5767 0.012 70 2268 0.012 70 9866 mstrbedmstrbathmstrclosetsittingI'mfloortotal 12101010 19.311 .6 610.5 14 .2 14.210.515 738.5 46 .25 0 .65 0 .65 0 .65 4023 .5 8 .25 10.5 0 .15 0 .15 0 .15 0.15 0.040.04 0 .04 0.04 6x4 0.012 70 6793 roomheight roomlength roomwidth doors &glass door &glassfactor exposedwalllength exposedwallfactor ceilingfactor floorfactor infiltrationfactor indoortemperature Heat Loss(BTUlHR) Embassy Panel Trac 2212.5 4 .2 10.5 49 .2 • MIKE MCFADDEN 2 121 N.Front age Rd .W .#172 Vail,Co .81657 (970)4 70-194 9 hogrid erP @aol.c om JobName:Bob Kossman 1448A Vail Valley Dri ve Vail ,Co .81657 KITCHEN ISOMETRIC • •gSTUDOR~ InVENTive TECHNOLOGY'" Specifications Contents of this page: Sizes and application Multi-PurRose Recess_Box --Inside Use MuJti -Pur~ose Recess Box --Outside Use CertifiCations Studor Air Admittance Valves are available in two sizes. •Studo t ne. 2030 Main Street Dunedin,FL 34698 i nfo@ltudor.com Top ofpa~ The Studor®Maxi-Vent®fitspipingsystemsof 80mm(3")and100mm(4")diameters .The Studor®Maxi-Vent®canventupto500 drainage fixtureunits(DFUs)inastack application. The Studor®Mini-Vent®fitspipingsystemsof 32mm(1 1/4"),40mm(1 1/2")and50mm(2") diameters.The Studor®Mini-Vent®canserve upto20 drainage fixtureunits(DFUs)including water closets,i.e.,morethananormal bathroom group. Multi-Purpose Recess Box -Inside Use The Studor®Mini-Vent®canbelocatedinadrywallbyusingthe Studor Multi-Purpose RecessBox. Therecessbox,designedfor exposure tothesun ,has"cut-outs"to accommodate 40mm(1 1/2"), 50mm(2")and80mm(3")pipesthroughthebackorbottomoftheboxforeasyin-wallventing installation.. ficsil·Q ,-";;,/~~l ')~~•-~.US/IAPMO \". NSF Certifle;;:Or r:NW NESpeR ASSE 1050 FileNo.C-3803 toNSFstandard14AV103ASSE1051 . http://www.studor.com/specifications.htm #94498 7/22/2002 TOWN'O F VAI L 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO81657 970-479-2138 a ARTMENT OFCO MMUNITY D EVElpMENT N O TE:THIS P ERMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSITEATAL L TIMFS PLU MBI NG P ElTh-1IT Permit #:P0 2-00 76 JobAddress: Location : Par cel N o : Pro ject N o: 1448 VAILVA LLEYDRVAIL 1448 A VA IL VALLEYD R 210109207017 Status ...: A p plie d ..: Issued ..: Ex pires ... ISSUED 06/26 /2002 06/26/2002 12/23/2002 06 /26/2002 Phone:OWNE R KOSS MAN ,ROBERT 14 0 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80 220 L icense : CONTRAC TORMIKE MCFADDEN 06/26/2002 Phone:(970)845-7059 2 1 21 N .Frontage Rd.W #172 Vail,Co 81657 License :297-P APPLICANTMIKE MCFADDEN 06/26/2002 Phone:(970)845-7059 2 121N .Frontage Rd .W #172 Vail,Co 81 657 L icense :2 97-P De sciption:REMODEL OF PLUMBING AND H EAT IN BATHS ANDKITCHE N ADD G AS FIREPLACFS Valuatio n :51 6,600 .00 Fireplace Informa tion:Restricted:??#ofGas Appliances:??#ofGasLogs:??#o f \\'ood Pallet:77··..."'·"'..········_***""·....1.*·...•.."'*..••••__·_*'**_"'**_···..._"'·"..,"'..FEE SUl\.1M ARY ••••__......."'."'•••••_._.__•__•__.-_.**.....******- Plumbing-> Plan C heck---> Investigation-> Will Ca ll--> $255.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $63 .75 DRBFce----> $0 .0 0 TOTAt FEES----·-----> $3 .00 $0 .0 0 $0 .00 $32 1.7 5 Total Calcu lated Fees-> Additiona l Fccs----> Total Permit Fel"---> Pay ments-> BALANCE D UF~----> $321.7 5 $0 .00 $321 .75 $3 21.75 $0.00 *_tr****_***_._...",***"'."'**_*******ft"'**'*._IIr****_*__"'_ft ...."***ft*********111*****__*__*_********ft ••******_**,*",****__••"'**....*******•••**.** Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 6 /26/200 2 DF Action:AP I tem :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOF APPROVA L Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *.**-.I;-.I;-.I;-.I;-.I;-.I;-.I;***••1t••1t_****__*_.~*****.__1t *1t_*_*..*_*••*•••**.**.********.*__*__*__**••*••••••*.********__*__._* D ECLARATIONS I h ereb y acknowledge th at Ih av e read th is a pplication,filled o utinfull th e informa tion r equired ,co mp leted an accurate pl ot plan,and state that all -'n formation asrequired is correct.I at toco mply with th e information and pl ot plan,toco mply with a llTown ordinances and statel aws,and to build this structure a ccording tothe towns z oning a nd subdivisionco des,d esign review approved,Unif orm Building Codean d otherordinancesofth eTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALL BEMA DE TWENTY-FO UR H OURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2qa ORAT OUROFF ICE FROM 8:00AM -5 PM .,/-///','I I.' ;{"-/-c _•t tr ~-t' SIG N ",URE OF OWN ER9 R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A NDOW NEF , 75S.Frontage Rd, Vail,Colorado 81657 >" COMPLETE ~LUATION FORPLUMBINGPERMIT (Labor &Materials) ~=~=============,IIIIPLUMBING:$/("0-0 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit WII\IW.eaale-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) legal -:r'~II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: Owners Name:,t:108 ){O%fflA-AJ Address:l'I'fi"A Vjl.'1 L;,~/fM /)11.-Phone:Lf?'l-~2-c-o Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork:/(e/Jf ~PC £-,P/u,-I,-----r f 1u.4'r o»:-'T r/,,""s ~K,-I-c·""h......_/lv/)~/fS 'f-vo- .:?hJl l!,J ~ce5 Work Class:.New ()Addition()Alteration (v)Repair ()other () Type of Bldg .:Single-family ()Duplex ("1 Multi-family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other() No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:;!.No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding:Z fromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes (X)No() ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy ************"'************************ I Other Fees:Date Received: ORBFees:-AcceDtedBv: Planner SiQn-off: F/~eryone/formS/plmbperm ~..•-. 'fHi sera .....rc 1 \'OJ I"e "\il_•Le \/1>.,,- .....:!~AJ J t.."(.It:; ISSIE CD .,6:110 " 79-5200_,:>LDEN l' ".F {f I h , I f! "1.:::: "'"-------------u.t3 , IRP_...... TOWN O FVAIL 75S.FRONT AGEROA D VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIT~)EVELOPMENT 00A\\j~'3",<,,,\ ~o\--\~ N OTE:THISPE RMIT MUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSITEAT ALLTIMES ADD /ALTSFRBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B01-0036 Job Address: Loca tion : Parc elNo : Pr oject No : 2008SUNBURSTDR VAIL 2008 Sunburst Dri ve 210109103020 f ~1...-~(:)\-00 -to Status ...: Applied ..: Issued : Expires: ISSUED 03/1 6/2001 03/21/2001 09/17/2001 03 /16/2001 Phone:OWNER HERDRICH,DONALD J . 71 OLD ROARING BROOK RD MT KISCO NY 10549 License : CONTRACTOR BOSSOW,GARY DEVELOPMENT 03/16/2001 Phone :970 -390 -2233 P.O.BOX 5055 VAIL,CO 81658 L icense:218-A APPLICANTWHITE WATER PLUMBING &HEATI03/16/200 1 Phone:970-328-3708 POBOX4 290 EAGLE ,CO 81631 License: Description: Replace Entran II tubing on ins ide and at exterior of existing dwelling. Occupancy:R3 Type Co nstruction:VN Sin gleFamilyResidence Type VNo n-Rated Valuation :$50,000.00 Ad d Sq Ft:o Fireplace Infor mati on:Restricted :Y #of GasApp lia nces:a #ofGasLogs:a #of Wood Pellet:0--************'*******-*-*****************'*-****'*··****.,.********FEE SUl\1MA RY ********.-"'**_.**-***-*--*-*******************+****** Buildin g---->$490 .00 Rcstuarant PlanReview -->$0.00 TotalCalculated Fees->$811.50 Plan Check->$318 .50 DRB Fee---------->$0 .00 Add itiona l Fees---->$0.00 In vcstigation->$0.0 0 Recreation Fee----->$0 .00 Total PermitFee-->$8 1 1.5 0 Will Call--->$3 .00 Clean-up Dep osi t---->$0 .00 Paym enl<i--------->$811 .50 TOTAL FEES-------->$8 11 .50 BALANCE DUE--->$0.00 **_****"'''''****__''''''''''''.'''_**1Ir '''***._.'''__''''''**'''_'''**_*'''._*__._*'''***_******It._*'''*_*************••_***...._*_************""""*********".,,* A ppr ovals: IEem :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/16/2001 JRM Action:AP Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS •••• See page2of thi s Documentfor any conditionst hatmay applyt o this permit. D ECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge th atI have readthis application,filledou t infullthe information req uired,completed an accurate plot plan,and sta te that all the information asreq uired iscorrect.I agree to comply wi th the information an d plo t plan,to comply w ith all Town ordinances and sta te laws,and to build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design revie w approved,Uniform Building C ode and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable th ereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECfION SHALLBEMADE TWENTY -FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR ATOUROFFICEFROM 8:00AM -5 PM. SendClean-up Depos it To:N /A . SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACfOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF • PAG E 2 • ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B01-0036 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL asof 03-21-2001 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT WHITEWATER PLUMBING &HEATING 970-328-3708 2008SUNBURSTDRVAIL 2008 Sunburst Drive 210109103020 Applied: Issued: To Expire: 03/16/2001 03/21/2001 09/17/2001 Description: Replace Entran II tubing on inside and at e xterior of existing dwelling. **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPUANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKEDETECTORS A REREQUIREDIN ALLBEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORYASPERSEC.310 .6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. **********************•••*~*.**•••*••••••••••*••*••*•••••*.***~******.***••*.*•••••••• TOWN OF VAI L,COLORAD O Statement .**•••**•••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***••••••••*•••••••••••**********.***.**. Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000522 Amount : Check $811 .5 003 /21 /2 00110 :20 AM Init:LC Nota tion:#3705/Kevin bossow Permit No: Parcel No : S ite Address: Location: B01-0036 Type :ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 210109103020 2008 SUNBURST DRVAIL 2 008 Sunburst Drive Total Fees:$811 .50 Thi s Payment:$811.50 Total ALL Pmts :$811.50 Balance :$0.00 **•••••••**•••••••**••••••••*****•••••**•••••••••••*****.***************••***••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accou nt Code BP 00100 003111 100 PF 0010 000311 2300 WC 00 100003 112 800 Description BU ILDING PE RM IT FE ES PLAN CHECK FE ES WILL CALL IN SPE CTION FEE Cur rent Pmts 490 .00 318 .50 3 .00 APPUCATIONILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMP~;~~~m~(-ad ,/iJ Building Permit #:-,-_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections)~ TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION V S eparate Permits arc required for elec trical,plum bing,mechanical,etc .: 75S.F rontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 ContactEa Parcel # JobName:Ii I I o IITV(J '''~h '.....(.r,.'e nc « .com for Parcel # \ JobAddress:200 t?n."I r»a .J ~'"'*r v I". No (t) Phone: Phone: Subdivision: epair (X)Demo (k)er()II Doesan EHU exist atthis location:Yes( Address: Address: II Address: Block:LegalDescription Detailed description ofwork: Archit ect/Designer: WorkClass:Addition ()Remodel () OwnersName: I Engineer: I Wor kT ype:I nterior()Exterior eX)Both () Ty peof Bldg.:Single-family (\-)Two-family(Multi-family ()Commercial()Restaurant()Ot her() WoodBurninNOT ALLOWED Wood Burnina temExist:Yes ()No( No.of Accommodatio n Units inthisbuild ing: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials)l ~~ I No.ofExistingDwelling Unitsinth is building: BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ 1~**********************************:i:***F O R OFFICE USE ONLY ***************-Jt:*******-lt ************* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION MAR 12 2001 TOT AL :s ContactandPhone#'s: 970 -]'6 ,Y2?'I- TownofVailReg.No.: ::</-A Occuoancv Grouo: Date Received:'. Type of Construction: MECHANICAL:$ GeneralContractor: PLUMBING:$ R EFUND C LEANUP DEPOSITTO: ORB Fees:..C '" Public Way Permit Fee: Other Fees:..',~- F:/everyone/fonns/bldgpenn TOW N OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGEROAD VA IL,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DfA RTMENT O FCOM MUNITY DE VE L~ENT THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITE ATA LL TIMES Job Address: Location : Par celN o: Pro jectN o: MECHANICAL PERMIT 2008SUNB URST DRVAIL 2008 Sunburst Drive 210109103020 QQ..:So I-c..;>cj•..j 0 Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires..: M01 -D0 21 ISSUED 03/02/2001 03/20/2001 09 /16/2001 APPLICANTWHITE WATER PLUMBING &HEATI03/02/2001 Phone:970-328-3708 POBOX 4290 EAGLE ,CO 81631 License:1 04-P OWNER HERDRICH,DONALD J .03/02/2001 Phone: 71 OLD ROARING BROOK RD MT KISCO NY 10549 License: CONTRACTOR WHITE WATER PLUMB ING&HEAT I03/02/2001 Phone:970-328-3708 POBOX 4290 EAG LE,CO 8 163 1 L icens e:104-P Des ciption:Replace EntranII tubing in side &outside. Valuation:550,000.00 Firep lace Information:Rest rtcted:#of Ga.App liances:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #of WoodPellet:0-------·-----·-·..·--"'-..••••••·----FEESUMM ARY •.....-----.-----.-..--••••••••••••• Mecharural-s-> Pla n Check-v-> ln vesugartcn-> Will Call-> $1,000.0 0 $2 50 .00 $0.00 $3 .00 Rcstuarant Plan Review -> DRBFee > TOTAL FEES > $0.00 $0 .00 $1 ,253.00 Tota l Cal culated Fees-> A dditional Feeo--> To tal Permit Fee> Payments > BALANCE DUE--> $1,2 53.0 0 $0.00 $1 ,253.00 $1,253.0 0 $0 .00 Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/15/2001 GRG Action:AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD I NSPECTIONSARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Cond:22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC.701 OF THE 1 997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond:23 (BLDG .):I NSTALLATION MUST CONF ORM TO MANUFACTURES INST RUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1 997 UMC ,CHAPTER 1 0OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond :2 5 public streets or Town of Vail stre et TOV Public Works Construct i on a nd coo rdinat ion of d r iveway snowmel t SHALL THE 1997 IMC . APPL IANCES S~BE VENT ED ACCORDIN G TO CHAP .8 AND SPECIFIED IN SEC.80 6 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OF (BLDG.):GAS TERMINATE AS Cond:29 (BLDG .):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHA PTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CON ST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUES T. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOM S CONTAINING HEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBE EQUIPPED WITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 19 97 UMC,OR SECTION 1004 .6 OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond:CON0004575 Replacement of Entran II tubing on exterior of dwelling requires a pproval by DRB pri or to i ssu ance of permit. Cond:CON 00 04592 Snowmelt systems must not interfere with rights -of-way.Con tact Leonard Sandoval , Insp ector,a t4 79-21 98,for requireme nts work.-_._._-...._--*-**___._--*_.._.__-__*-_._*-- DECLARATIONS Ih ereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan,andstatethatallthe information asrequired is correct.I agree tocomplywiththe information andplotplan, to comply withallTown ordinances and statelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,des ign review approved,UniformBuildingCodeand other ordinances oftheTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FO RINSP ECTI ON SH ALLBE MADE 'JWENIT-FOUR HOURS INA DVANCE BYTE LEPHONEAT 479-2138 O RAT OUR OFFICEFROM8:00 A M -5 PM.r>.i '/{;. :\,./"J:-'J /_£/;~/'.........W /t ,L l/?/-T'-.....-"-'--?-~.....:=-'''b-''''''"'_=.:'---=---+----------­ SIGNATUREOF OWNER OR CONTRACf RFORHIMSELF AND OWNE C ~ *************************~***********************************~*********************** T OWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *******************••********************••***************************.****.**************** S tatement Number : Payment Method : R0 00000518 Amo un t:$1,253.00 Check 0 3/20 /2 001 03:03PM Init:JAR Notation:9 661 Permit No: Parcel No: S ite Address: Locatio n: M0 1 -0021 Type: 2 1010910302 0 2 008 SUNBURS T DR VA IL 2008 Sunburst Drive MECHANICAL PERMIT Total F ees:$1,253.00 This Payment:$1,253 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$1,253.00 Balance:$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT I1EM LIST : Ac count Cod e MP 00100003111300 PF 0010 000311230 0 WC 0010 000 311280 0 Descr i pt ion MECHANI CAL PERMIT FEE S PLAN CHE CKFEES WILLCAL L INSPEC TIO N FE E Curr ent Pmts 1.000.00 250.00 3.00 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 I'0: I ·~..~,.••..APPLICATIoAll NOTBE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMP~~~~~_(;04-0 Building Permit:- Mechanical Permit #:MM -CXJ 21 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWNOF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMITAPPLICATION Permitwillnot beaccepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: o Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Sizeand Location ::J Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location o Heat LossCales. o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Yes( WoodBurnin Gas Logs(WoodBurning (NOT ALLO Addition() BoilerLocation:Interior Exterior() ;ype of Bldg:Single-family\.6 Duplex ()MUl t i-family ( No.of Existing Dwell ing Units inthi s building: Contact Ea Ie Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-coun .com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) Isthisaconversion fromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No() COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II MECHANICAL:$5Q 000 .Db Ii CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact~d Phone #'s6-'"3~~·370c '.Other Fees: ',ORBFees: F:/everyone/forrns/mechperrn / • Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 9,1998 Ms.Candace Ditzler Venable LawFirm 1201 New YorkAvenue NW Washington,DC 20005-3197 Re:Your requestfor information Dear Candace : •~ WORLD C H AMPI ON SH I PS AL f'I N E S It I 1999-'VAll ·ee "V f:R C U F.K CO LOR ADO,US A 1M Following isa summary of theinformationyourequestedonpropertiesintheTown of Vail. Copies of theTown 's recordshavebeenincludedforreference . Lot 18,Vail Valley 3rd Filing -2008 E.SunburstDrive Design Review Board Approval-grantedon 1/16/91 Construction Permit-Issuedon 4/17/91 Certificate of Occupancy -Tssued on 11 /20/92 Lot 6,Vail Village 10th Filing -950 FairwayDrive Design Review BoardApproval-grantedon 5/06/92 Construction Permit-Issuedon 6/04 /92 Certificate of Occupancy-8/14 /94 1fTcanbe of further assistance inthismatter,pleasecontactmeat (970)479-2128. Sincerely, BrentWilson Planning Liaison Officer (')RECYCLED PAPER • • POST I N A CO NSPICUOUS PLACE ..• "L~OEn,~W~~!~~~;j,?:~MgE~R~DgR~I ?Cp"IHe~Bc,E7 .S•..••",.,.I.,.i,D'i"",EI ;N~CI I~I "n'.'u";.'"""",;,"?,?",,,,}I'""i'·.·.·.···.',··.·ii ·'·.I i·'.j '..,'..••..,'..••'.,..,'••.,•.•..,'.,..•...,'.,••..."..,•••.,..,.,.•,.,.'..,'.,..•...,'.,.•.....,'.,..•..,.•'•.•'...,'.,••.•...."..,..i...."..,..•',...•....,'..,..'...,'..,.?...,•..,..",.,..•....,•..,•.....,•..,....,••.,••...•..:•....,•....•...,•...,:....,•..,•.••.•:..,•.,.?.,!....•....,:..:••'....,•..,.?•.,••~,•..,,',.,•.....,•.,.:"•.•,.•.....,•.,•...,•..,.•",..",..,.•'.'.'•.•.•'••..•••••.••,•."..,•.•..•:'.,•.•..,••,••,••,.,',.,••,..,.,'.,.,.,.,•••,·,.,.··.•.··'i.,.•,.•.·,••.•:·.·,.,.·.·,:,.,.·.·l~p.··.•'.••.••.~R·•••••.•O~.•.··.·pN.N.···.••O·~.•.·SE.·.·.~..·D'••.•.••••.·.•.,•..,.•·U•.•.:••..S•.·••.·e••••••••:..1 ;.",',',',',..','.,.·..,..·.·.·...'.....'•......'.·•..·•..'...'i.'·1 ••·'.'·••'·.,•.•• LOT: IS'THE'·LOT 'SLOPE·'OVER'30%""'·'.""""'i 'J.t"'I :O::'",',¥ESlNO."i"I·'.'f 'i/'"I I?:"",::""'"':""""I,.",,, NO"OF ".UNI TS 'ALl.OWED ·',ON 'SITE :"":'·:;:':"{{,,,,,,',.,.i""".,.'I.,.?"••,.?'I},.I}?',"::""/""'?';'"',',',',',"',',',':0:',0: ".,." 'iItIiIt"'i ?? NO;OF GARAGESPACES t,,:,,·,,·,·•••••:t•••:,,}':t"'iJ"'iIi'iI. GRFAAL LOWEDOh!>:>11 TOTALAL LOWED GRFAWITHAL L INCREASES ..,••,••,.'t i"'r ALLOWED S ITECOVERAGE t,,/r <i.t SITECOVERAG EUSED Ii"i //..."r SITECOVERAGEREMAINING ...i·'· LANDSCAPECOVERAGE .··'t ii I TOTA LGRFA'.USED".ON".SITE I ii .',,":I·Ii """""''''''''i,','.'.·.r?',.,",.,..,",i '\"""',,,',''."",.,.,.,"I'I"':;'.','.'i'·'.'·""'··' "". .'.'.:'.''.'..'. 16,518 NO 2.0 2 .0 3,901.0 3 ,901.0 3,303.6 0.0 3,303.6 9,910.8 3,890.0 11.0 ..."'..,.,..".....,,,.,.,.,••;<,.'ito:·II'STANDARD/t:·;';"••I~kRAGE'.',cREbi't .l .;:l; 600.0 850.0 ·'..""i "·'.FLOOR ·••:•••,.'"..••••I ••••,,'•..••,._12 ;·i:~·l#.¥•.wm @ I~~i~tHtFW·W l.J i t l.@M.WM .W:;.@i~::~:••~%%%.~.~l~;~~~~~;;m?%tMPt.~'lbi <BASEMENT SQ£Tk ••,.·,,'.·.,•••·."I 1,764.0 558.0 .1ST>FLOORSQ:FT.2,118.0 0.0 2NO,FLOORSQ;FTn •••••';"",,·1,416.0 0.0 3RO,FLOORSQ;FTf ·I """0.0 0.0 [OFT.:F tOOR ::SQ ~FT ~tt::::::}::~~/::::";:::;.:{:::::0.0 0 .0 '·'},T OTALS ".·.t';·""'I"'"•{.:·:·••".r.5,298.0 558.0 ;:CREDI T ~~T O.TALS :::US E D/~:/tt·:~::t::(· ADDEOGRFA(l E250?r 'GRFA ALLOWEDt :'.GRFA USED I ,,'GRFA REMAINING '"iIt . 1,408.0 CREDIT I 0.0 TOTALS I 3,901.0 3,890.0 11.0 558.0 42.0 I ·.f • Town of Vail community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 • Plan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number:21191 Address:2008 SUNBURST DR. Occupancy:R3,M1 Type of Const:V-N Portions of the material contained in uniform Building Code (1988 edition) Conference of Building Officials Name:HERDRICH REMODEL Date:February 26,1991 Contractor:GMA &ASSOC. Architect:PIERCE Engineer:MONROE Plans Examiner:DAN STANEK this program are reproduced from the with permission of International #SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED ============================================================================= 1 A-2 2 **** 3 **** CRAWL SPACES All areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit . basement shall have less than 5'ht.from earth to structural floor/ceiling above,be ventilated as per UBC 2516,with minimum access as per UBC 2516 and max.access of 9 sq.ft. ****A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system.--Sec.1205.(c) ****In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be prov ided.Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav,may be ventilated with a recirculating fan.UBC 1205 (c). 4.**** 5.**** **** **** Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by opsinings.Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq.ft.for each 150 sq.ft.of under-floor area.UBC 2516 (c)6. In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per liMC Ch 6 I ,1 •• PAGE2 6.**** 7.**** 8.**** **** MECH ROOM MECH ROOM Due to Colorado state statutes,all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices.Also,the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system,size (BTU and volume)of equipment,vent location and termination,and combustion air to be supplied prior to installation. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace.A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler.UMC 504 (b) •• Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 • Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number:21191 Address:2008 SUNBURST DR. Occupancy:R3,M1 Type of Const:V-N Name:HERDRICH Date:March 6,1991 Contractor:GMA &ASSOC. Architect:PIERCE Engineer:MONROE Plans Examiner:DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Un iform Building Code (1988 edition)with permission of International Conference of Building Officials =============================================================================== FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Bedroom #2 267 26.70 13.35 1 Yes 2 Bath room #2 60 0.00 3.00 1No 2 Bedroom #3 264 26.40 13.20 1 Yes 2 Bath room #3 95 0.00 4.75 1No 2 Bedroom #4 260 26.00 13.00 1 Yes 2 Bath room #4 75 0.00 3.75 1No 2 Halls,closets,etc.401 0.00 0.00 1No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1422 1 1 Living room 607 60.70 30.35 1No 1 Dining room 180 18.00 9.00 1 No 1 Kitchen 272 27.20 13.60 1 No 1 Master Bedroom 260 26.00 13.00 1 Yes 1 Master Bath 121 0.00 6.05 1No 1 Halls,closets,etc.678 0.00 0.00 1No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2118 1 B Garage 524 0.000.00 1 No B Rec room 729 72.90 36.45 1No B Mechanical room 96 0.00 0.00 1No B Bath room 53 10.00 5.00 1 Yes B Halls,Closets,etc.307 0.00 0.00 1No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1709 1 Yes BUILDI NG TOTAL 3540 2 •• FOOTNOTES: 1)EGRESS-An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room.The minimum clear openable area must meet the following.--Sec.1204. 1)The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2)The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3)The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4)The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2)The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3)A mechanical ventilation system may be used inin lieu of exterior openings for ventilation.--Sec.1205.(c) 4)The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec.1204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches.Kitchens,halls,bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection.If the ceiling is sloping,then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec.1207.(a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area.Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet.--Sec.1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension.--Sec.1207.(c) GLAZINGREQUIREMENTS: 1)All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material.--Sec.5406.(d) 2)Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor.--5406(d)5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. --Sec.1210.(a)4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source.--Sec.1210.(a)3 . A smoke detector is required in the basement.--Sec.1210.(a)4. A smoke detector is required on all stories.--Sec.1210.(a)4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s),a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec.1210.(a)4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS: FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1)unit must be an approved unit.--Sec.3705.(a) 2)Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. --Sec.3705.(a)&(b) 3)Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B • OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence,materials approved for 1hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door.--Table 5-B &Sec.503.(d)ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.--Sec.3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. --Sec.3306.(c)exc.#l Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers.--Sec.3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimum height =36 inches,maximum opening size =6 inches.--Sec.1711.exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 inches.--Sec.3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive construction.--Sec.3306.(n) ATTICREQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more.The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches.There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access.--Sec.3205.(a) 2)Provide ventilation in all attic areas.The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50%of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic.The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents.--Sec.3205.(c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls.Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space.openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. --Sec.2516.(c)6.Note:Vent openings may be reduced to 10%of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. 2)Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area.Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space.--Sec.2516.(C)2. 3)Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood,the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches.The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches.--Sec.2516.(c)2. • ADDITIONALREQUIREMENTS: For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECTWILLREQUIREA SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALL BESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACESWITHINTHE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TOA EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHTOF 5',BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY,BE VENTILATEDASPER UBC 2516(C)6 WITH MINIMUM ACCESSASPER UBC 2516(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESSOF9 SQ.FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITHASLOPEOF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALLREQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN.SUCH DESIGNSHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE,SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BEPERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALLBEPOSTEDPLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For Ml occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TOOUTSIDEORPROVIDEA FLOOR DRAINWITHWITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTORTO DRY WELL ORTO SEW ER.ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE,THE WALLS OFTHE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALLBE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION.UBC 503(B). ,. Chen ~Northem,. April 3,1991 pierce segemerg &Spaeh Architects 1000 South Frontage Road west Vail,Colorado 81657 Attention:Mr.I<ilrt 8egertlerg •Cc nsultinq Er1g ·r '~ers andScieuusts 96South ZU"l Street Denver,Cooraoo A0223 303741,-7105 303 7l.4-02 "C Facsmile " SUbject:Review of Proposed Geologic Hazard Miti gation Design for the Herdrich Resid.erx:le,lot 18,vail Valley,Fili.n;:J No.3,Vail, Colorado Job No.433490 Gentlemen: As requested in your letter of February 27,19 91,we have prepared this letter to state our opinion on possible off-site effects of the hazard mitigation you are presently designi.n;:J for the Herdrich residence on lot 18.Recx::nnmen:1ed design irrpact loads ani static pressures for developi.n;:J stnlctural designs to mitigate potential SI10Vl avalanche,rockfall,debris avalanche ani debris flow hazards on the lot were transmitted to you ani Monroe Erl;Jineeri.n;:J Consultants on January 24 , 1991.It is our urrlerst.arrlirq that these :ree:::amnen::3tions have been used in preparing the hazard mitigation design for the residence. '!be previous hazard mitigation design concepts d i sCllssOO.in our letter of october 19,1990 which used upslope energy dissipation stnlctures iIrleperrlent of the building,have been abarrloned.'!be current mitigations will rely on the building walls ani the wall alorg the uphill side of the deck.to provide direct structural protection.'!be proposed mitigations are shown on the February 5,1991 revision of the site plan,Sheet lAo In our opinion,the hazards mitigations shown for lot 18 on the February 25,1991 revised site plan (Sheet lA)will not increase the present level of hazards to adjacent existirg property,eXIsb.rg stnlctures,existing streets or existing utility easerrents. If you should have any questions concerning this letter or if we may be of further service in the developing the hazard mitigations,please let us knc:M. Respectfully submitted, Cllen-Northern,Inc. ;,"'--/1 /,.\*.....::/.c _..»<.'l~;;::~£"c~ Ralph G.Mock Erl;Jineering Geologist Rev.by:SLP RGVkd Attaclunent 1\mem ber of the IHIH Igroupof companies • To Whom I tMayCon cern : IDon Herdr ich.c er ti fy that Ia m a wa re of t he fa ct that Lot 18,Vail Vall ey - Third F i ling.Vail.Co lorado.lies in a geologi cal sensit ive a rea and further acknowledge th at I a m a ware o f the f a ct thatt heh ous e I a mp roposing to build on Lot 18 also wil ll ie wi t hin t he geo log ical se nsi tive area . Sub scr ib eda nd s wo rn befor e me th is Zet{d ayo f ~7t?~~~<,1991. M)Commiss ion Exp ires : • onroe Engineering Consultants,Inc . April 2,1991 • Pierce,Segerberg,Spaeh,Architects P. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail,CO 81657 Attn:Mr.Larry Deckard CEIV D APR ~3 Re:Herdrich Residence,Lot 18,Vail Valley-Third Pili ng, Vail,Colorado (MEC Project ff62l) Gentlemen, Monroe Engineering Consultants,Inc.provided structural engi- neering services on the Herdrich Residence.As part of the avalanche defense system designed by us,a large exterior deck at the south side of the building has been planned. This deck's structure was designed to fail under heavy avalanche loading as described in the hazard survey by Chen Northern,Inc. The large space below the deck would be used as a collecting basin for the avalanche vo lume in this case.The space is nei- ther fit nor safe for living or storage space and will have only minimum vent and access openings. Very truly yours, W-.+:>5 _ Hannes Spaeh,P .E. P.O.Box 1597 48 EBeaverC reek Blvd .,#307 Avon,Colorado 81 620 303 -949-7768 FAX303-949 -1959 t / ,.--..-,... y"I I "',>.~:~~:.).i\,,- Project Application i· Da te _~~~..:..\ \\ C ontact Person and Phone Proje ct N ame:~~(~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a«,.--1 \ Pr oject Desc ription:--iRA )1,L.f (A Ow ner .Ad drEZ s and Phone :_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ - • A rch itect ,Addr ess a ndPhone:--=:::::....:..'----r;--;:9.!5...LY.~~~~-f----l.<::::lL!.LJL::::l.L'~--.!~::::::::..=~OJ ~ L egalDe sc ription :L ot ---\-10--+--.Bloc k _ Com ments:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:.-~~~~~~~_ / / i D ·R/..eSlgn eview Board Date ~:;:--__ Motion b y:_~~~~~~~~~~~_ Se co nded by :_~~~~~~~~~~_ A PPROVAL D ISAP PROVA L ~t a ff Approva l LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON&CO. •• August 13,1991 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 ATTN:Shelly Mello RE:The Herdrich Residence Lot 18,Va il Village,3rd Filing Dear Shelly, I am submitting this landscape improvement plan for your staff approval. Items that havebeen revised on the site plan include the following:layout of entry walkand columns;addition of stone veneer retaining wall,±18" in height,incorporated into entry column design;layout of spa and related patio;addition of boulder retaining walls and garden steps. An item of concern on the site plan is the addition of boulder groupings uphill from the rear retaining wall.With all of the attention that has been given to thi s wall for sl ide protection,the question needs to be asked whether these boulders might bean additional hazard? In regards to the planting plan ,this in not the final plan.We will be submitting a detailed planting plan for the remaining landscape areas within the next month.But,once again,we havea site with restricted access,therefore,the planting of large trees has to be coordinated with the backfi 11ing of walls,removal of access roads and the commencement of masonry work. Keeping with the builder's schedule,planting of these trees wouldhave to begin on or around August 21,1991.The remaining landscape is scheduled for installation in the spring of 1992 .We dohave approval ;from adjacent property owners to plant within their property asshownon the planting plan . Should youhaveany questions or comments,please call me as soon as possible. P.O.BOX 2677·VAIL,COLORADO 81658·(303]949 -1700 SJS :096/1a • NAME OF PROJECT:--j;:LL.:~T-::::'=":"":"'---l~~=+,-\j....&:=-o::;......---:-T--:T~7"IT"';"':":""--"'­ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREETADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:ra:=:=L~,------=-------=---- The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OFMATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:t:x6fr ~-~'M6 Phone:~",_,>--","~=".-.. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREESTO BE REMOVED ....,..~....,..."-------"--~........:..---:----- Quantity Size. ''20 ~\ [t:\(P-lo ' .' *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. • •..."0 ' PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size. ,. ..:..-.".....;..~ I • PROP9Sf:1?~HRUBS ~•~.',10 ..'t •.'i ...< " , EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED .,...' ! # I••"• ••f ~. ", ~.;;"'------ *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. 5 gallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage ., ...~••r",..•~ ~.,Ji ,-:-~l .,.t l-"'I..,.'~TYPE OR ..J:;f:'r:HD,O dE _ EROSION CONTROL C. '..,~It......4 : I"J ·,:lJ.f·.....: ..•t •.i ~"";''''';''';';'''';''':'''''''j':'',''''',--.-'--.......------------- ........!~"\"....'..-~...." OTHER LANDs ·dAPE ·'FEA7'~ES ·(.'r ~ta ln i'h 9 :walls,fences,switnming pools,etc'0')'Pleasi!'sp'ecit"y·..·IncHoate heights of retaining walls.Maximum heigh~of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet.k~:.~~I~WlI""""",-b.....:-._ AUG AUG 28 '91 14:36 PS&S A.CT5-YAIL 3034764608 28 'Sl 1 4:00 FRONNOR THERN •P.2 PAGE.002 ChenONorthem,Inc. ~28,1991. Mr~JDmld J.Berdrick C/o PietcB,Segel:belq'and Spaeh AlX:hitect:s 1000 sc..tth F1:ad:a:;1e R::Iad vail,Qalatado 81657 Atteht1cnJ Mr.1Urt~ !Ill SauI'lZun,SIIeet Dtnvtt.Co"a<ado 80223 3037".710$ 303 744 0210racsnTll lfl ~:~of Excavated Slope fOr the HeJ:tJdrick Residteme,Ujt 18 ~ vail Valley,Filln;J No.3,vail,COl~, Jd3 No.4 334 90 GGntlEillerU It is -our ~that yell i.nt:end.to J.an:lsc ape the gn1ded slope lJI;tti 1]of the resMeme by the pJ0Ciielt or baJ1dem am the tteErt:abl ishmen:t of aspen tLuz. 'Ib!city of vail has mised tl1e,questi.cn en what impact this laM ercapin;J will helve on t:he qeoJ.OCJic haz<u:d lIlitigation.In our opinion,these :I.armcapri features ~tend to mduce the kinetic enet'9Y associated with ~avalBD:he, rocJcfaJ J,debris avaJ.anc:be,anCl debris flow ani would be an enhar....=meut to tdtigation.It is re"u'YiGided,that if boolders w:e placed on the slope,thsy :be paitially ~:below the surface to prevent dislalgemllt an:l bEl at least 3 feet:in diamBt:er. :If Yotl should have further questic:r1s,plese ccnI::aot us. ~l fully B!1btrj:t:t:e1, '~~.4'.~ Ralph:G.H:X:k ~Geolcgist awe by:'SIP ' lQtIJcd ..f• August 23,1919 Town of Va il Community Development 75Sout h Frontage Road Va il,Co lorado 81657 • To Whom It May Conce rn: We hereby grant Don and Fran Herdrich,property owners of lot 18,Vail Village,3rd Filing,therigh t to plant trees on toour property,Lot17, Vail Village,3rd Filing,as shown onlandscapeplan prepared by Land Designs byEll ison &Co.,dated August 16,1991 . All trees planted within lot 17 by theHerdrich 's thereby become the legal property of lot 17.Maintenance and watering of these trees,however , shall bethe responsibility ofthe Herdrich's and future owners of lot 18. MRL:121/la f!I ~1Jf If r • t/<£j j;-/,J-1 JJ c /lJ of /$.5?<..Z cj() ~II Sv.Ja-!0 /.:c.: Iv.I ,'/1.. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS ..J . .\jVWJ\ DATE:-.1 I \t \~'/_~ LEGAL DE'-,~f-C-R-IPT-I-O-N-:-L-o-t-=...lh--Block -=--Filing ~,Q ADDRESS:....>.....:;-;r'---- ntJlJl:'D -f Project Application Project N ame :-\:kx d(\[~l Date _ Project Description:_ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Add ress andPhon e:_ DesignReviewBoard ..iI ' 4 1 \';- 24?·r ~{),f(l0~1 -p ie /Vi e,I ~e(~e h V '~.Z one J?/S 81\DYY8q'Ge0\--41)\,- si+c Q0"e(t1 0(??03/~. J Architect,Address andPh one :----Yd A(t Le galDescription:Lot __-t-'-.B lock Filing Co m m ents :J21t(){ffd.,----'-"'.~-- Mo tion by :&&r1f l <amv 6'---_ Seconded by :-PA-t tta.t v\/;\.?iF APPROVAL 6-D vol--C Dat e _ DISAPPROVAL ~~"-er------ Date:_\/\0 19J'---_I I o Staff App roval ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS DATE:1011.,1//10 ,!I} LEGAL DESCRIPTI-O-:-Lo-"'t-~.Block __Filing \/oiJ v/OPMe ~. ADDRESS'~~ OWNER PHONEARCHITE:~CT~~~~~~~~~ii~=PHONE 41'-44~?'ZONE DISTRI T PROPOSED USE _~~~~g.:::.-_.....,....---."....,...-:..,.-- LOT SIZE .~ •- Allowed Proposed Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front sides Rear Water Course site Coverage Landscaping 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 1/t?!• 1522 · tk;(Ph + 3~'be:;f ~. 16: J~ ~~ .... F~nce/Retaining Wall ~i9hts(~"Ittt~d-\·r~,.:\ Parking 'J -.'.):; Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50)-- storage Drive:Slope Permitted ~~_ (200)(400)~ Slope Actual ~~~+r~·-·---- ." Environmental/Hazards:Avalanche ~ Flood Plain _ Slope _ Geologic Hazards (~ll/~~~) zoning:Approved/Disapproved .~(S 1JVa.-.~~'tf- Date: c Staff Signature ,.4 ,--- - :rtf ~et~-(') 1'\:+ ~~ ~t~l r~ ~ l!' C <,~ ~~<; If, "V r\-~ I I •FILE C 75south frontage road office of community development vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 September 10,1991 Mr.KurtSegerberg Pierce,SegerbergandSpaeh P.O.Box 57 Vail,CO81658 Re:Lot 18,Vall Valley Third Filing DearKurt: On September 6,1991,theTownreceivedacomplaintfromthepropertyownerofLot17 concerningthedrainagefortheproject.Currently,waterisflowingfromLot18acrossthe adjacentproperty.AccordingtoSection18.54.040(C)oftheTownofVailDesignGuidelines , alldrainagemustbe addressed andcontainedonthesite. Please be awareofthisproblem.AllfinalgradingmustbecompletedonLot18,wihch containsthedrainageforLot18onLot18,priortotheissuanceofaT.C.O .Ifyoushould haveanyquestions.pleasedonothesitatetocall. ;2~Iu2A_r~Sh~~~I~~_-} TownPlanner lab Atl~:;n Monroe &Newel EnOlul'er,.I n c . .i'I.\lgust 13 ,1991 P ierce ,8egerbe rg ,Sp aeh Ar chitect s 1000 Sou th Fr ont a ge Roa d Va il ,co 8165 7 Act n :Mr .Lar ry Decka rd I .~ P.2 /2 VI~I .Co lorudo Denver.Colonulo Re :Ht::r <;1J';ich gesiden ce ~Patio Dock Gentlem en : On 08 /08/9 1 we rec e ived fr om you a r evi se d bck patio drawing. AG re quosted by t he o ~ne r ,yo u h ad lined up t he west s ide of the deck vlit h t hewe a twall of t he buildin g.Th $r evision chan g es tIl G structural av~l ~nahe and d e bris f lo w defen se s ystem .The owner should be aware that th e n ew deck layo t lnay cauSe exc ess debris from t he pat io a r ea t o flo w into th e 1 ouae instead of t hr ough a breakout wa ll pa st the ho use. (1'0 re~uce th is ha z ard,a n 8:-0 lon g part of t e d eck wall be g in- 11i ng at the so uth-w est corne r of t he bu il din J should be built Hith 8"e mu,f u lly g r out ed,bu t unre infora ed ab ove,the ele vation 10 8'-3 on ly (cont r e ct oz-cs alternate s hall b e 8"u nr e Lnr or ced concr ete wa ll ).Is e l.o w t "hi.s Le ve I i the de ck "all shall be rein- fo r ced concret e,reinforc ed as det~11ed. If yo uh ave un y q u osti OllS or commonts,pl~ao e call. Ver y t ru ly yo ur s, U .._-~..~_.~~!~_..." lIa nnes Sp neh,P .E. }l:~:/kb f TO: F ROM: DATE: RE : • MEMORANDUM File Kristan Pritz and Gary Murrai n Apr il 8,1991 Herdrich Residence Lot 18,Vail Valley 3rd , Due to n e cessary mitigation for debris flow,rockfall,debris avalanch e and snow avalanche for this proposed residence,we have decided that the crawl spac e below the south d e ck area shall be allowed to ha ve a crawl space head height which may exceed 5 feet in hei ght from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the struct ural member above.For GRFA and site cover age purposes,this deck has been considered as a deck/patio which is within 5 feet of gr ade an d should not be considered GRFA or site coverage. •revised 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO REC"O MAR 1 3 1992 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** PROJECTINFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION'~~~+_ ea currentLOTAREA:If required,applicant must stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OFAPPLICANT :-±Ao y ...'r\-J.·.:=eb""-+-_ Mai ling Address :-::-:-_ ________________Phone _ _______________Phone APPLICANT~REP Add res s :.--::'.J.-'t;-:'V:=--;...'.=.:=-r-"""""~~:-=-:::--~"IZt2:IIc:_:_"""'_:;!;;:::_- ,Phone _---"-........_..........-...::...>ססoo<._- NAME OF OWNERS:~k-~~t""",~do~...a.-_ *SIGNATURE(S):-::/~ikl..JArt lc) Mail ing Address :-=-:-_ I. S ubdi vis i on ~;z.J'+--J,.L~:I!;1II'__........."""-""'-'-_-&.4-.L:..I~~_ If property is des a meets an unds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E .ZONING : H. G. D. F. J.Condominium Approval if applicable. \FE $20.0 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 -$10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 VALUATION $0 $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over FEE SCHEDULE: DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please~iden~ify-the accurate valuation of the proposal /The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to ~h e table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid.( FEE PAID:$ K. *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONEYEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 ,. Dat e ~</•4 2. Project Application• Project Nam e:-k tlfl_OO"'-'--'-_ Project Des c ripti on:-tQ t\A.d /l!J1 f l ~'-----''-----------------------­ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Addres s and Phone :_ A rch itect,Add ress and Phone : Legal Desc ripti on :L ot -J'-~H~-'Block ,Fil i ng ~4".LU'--"y--"-'-"""''''''''4--=:::-- Co mments :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion b y: Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Dat e : .- -¥~- APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY '.-.~.'-"Iel J,\..IIVr ;~J\i'I '\/1 ~!\f1.Q~------~===.:::=---"...--m JAN 131992 Vi (y ',~#- ~.e,V rr.r7 J<' (Please type or print)Fence Wall )<) Landscaping,_ Other OWNER NAME OF Corner lot __ DATE ...J...:6:~G...-~L.l:DL ·, DESCRIPTION kUer OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: ~.:J ~\'rk .t-ftcl...:.!...:.!=::M~~- Attach plans showing encroachment,property line,sidewalks, curbs,intakes,hydrants,meters,manholes,any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned)and section(s)as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist?~~~~~__ Proposed date for commencement of construction ~~~~-1~~~:r~ In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: 1.That the structure herein authorized ona revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2.That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3.That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction,in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4.The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail,its officers,employees and agents from and against all liability,claims and demands on account of inju1~,loss or damage,including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,personal injury,siCkness,disease,death, property loss or damage,or any other loss of any kind whatsoever,which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit,if such injury,loss,or damage is caused in whole or in part by,or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by,the act,omission,error,professional error, mistake,negligence or other fault of the applicant,his corrccaccoc or subco'I~.cactor or any offi..::er,emplof~e oz representative of the applicant,his contractor or his subcontractor.The applicant agrees to investigate,handle respond to,and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability,claims,or demands at the sole expense of the applicant.The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto,including court costs and attorney's fees,'whether or not any such liability,Claims, or demands alleged are groundless,false,or fraudulent. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .~. ,. .- Applicant agrees to procure and maintain,at its own cost,a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims,demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail,its officers,agents and employees from anyand all liability, claims,demands,or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage,loss or injury to tqe applicant or to the applicant I s property caused by ·theTown,.of vail , its officers,agents and employees while ~ngaged '1n maintenance or snow.removalac~!vities or any other activities whatsoever~on ToWn ofyail property,streets, sidewalks,or rights-of-way.~". That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction,or other structure constitutes a nuisance ,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public ,const itutp.~a tr ~~f.ic h a ~a rd ,or the p~operty upon w~ich the encroachment,obstruction,or stricture exists'is required for use by the pubj Lc r ;..c;J r it may ,be revoked at anyrtime for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove,at his expense,the encroachment,obstruction,or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the ·rlght~of~way. That inth'e event said removal 'of the 'encroachment ;':':' obstruction,or structure is not accomplished within ten days,the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth ·in this application. ,special conditions:N fl I ,"'L I'IA '\U1 '\..UV \0..( •.••,j ./ IJ [~(d :11-.... ..• .' ~~~~/%,/.~)/ Signature ~~roperty Owner Date (If joint ownership,both signatures) APPROVED: Date 1-/0-1a-- Date Project Application Dat e _ P roject N ame:~kd (l Ckl (2pSl d......,:i2~I!'u.-{e.1"",..L.-,_ P roject Description :_ Contact Person and Phone ---->.<:..l.LL~.L4-----l..l':"--'--""~~~-----------IArotiQd -----"1+---:1 d d Owner,Address andPhone :_ DesignReviewBoard 5top:~1-Pi Vcr.f,I 0J~e"" V i ~•Zone _PI s 8 1\pwt<4 ·be0\--41)\,7 Sit<0£>vel611-3103.G Archi tect,Address andPhone:_Y:J ,(r t Legal Descr i ption :Lot -----'--t~Block Fi lin g Co mments :12J'1j')(tfct-p::r===-- \ Motion by:{-b'Jfif L<MNh~_ seconceo by :\d:d=+k t vi ~_ A PPROVAL 6 -D 0 0 I-C Date _ DISAPPROVAL Su mmary:--t-\~\--ltp~~+-i ~ o Staff Approva l n!1,,(crt) ().vA AssvG1lt le.S -Rii-Pfh lJ1 ~ Ufl6lo~~seuny Ltu.i -/-b (}»£l~ ili'M'1 Yl.e-vtv ...JLvn:t ce> bMi!L-~~'I rf.j""1 vJc;yJ vt VJJ 4v rW25I '~ il -/b f0 0 I , I~Il)[1/40 ~Vv\~11vN&UVv'v l~~ , \Y f C)w+v to V\..,ot'~ ~Vvt(r JiM ~.£(jJ:j2v~ ~~~ ~~'\h~fY1~1:,~ ~J~\j e-~~'vu V1~\~ --- I I It I I C1v l::\errzt,N1OW \Ltlrt Nwl f1~C7 t4J ~M ~ hVv-{,\IV oJJJ:;, , ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS DATE:-.Jy/~_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Block ~Filing ~~~~~_ ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE __ ARCHITECT PHONE __ ZONE DISTRICT ~~h , PROPOSED USE ~---~I7.--~~~if--~~~~r=--- LOT SIZE "7......UP01 }'1 7 Allowed Existing Proposed Total Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA (30\(33) ::ffD/.7 -reg;'--7 4-70.7 Secondary GRFA v Setbacks:Front 20 1 sides Rear Water Course •"7/·.£"DS1.te Coverage I/V I 151 15' (30)(50) '1-;-;D~,G J; - Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' parking ~Re qrd Snow Avalanche _---__a) c) b) Geologic Hazards __ (25)(5 ) ~O O )(400)~~ 8%Actual Slope ~\7 .I (°1 D Inl(/Date: ~ 1)Flood Plain ._ %Slope ---=.f....:,t:_ 4)Wetlands -+'~----------------------- (Yhtfl rlQ;rf({ Airlock ---- Mechanical storage Drive:Permitted Slope Approved by Town Engineer: Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche ...,.-_ Credits:Garage , I \ • DRB APPLICATION • DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AtL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:~/5~av'J-~',[ B. C. D. F. G. LOCATION OF PR~POSAL: Address 5J~l6 \2r:WB.'------------- Legal Descriptic;m ~t Ib Block - Subdivision \M~:oning~~~G N (),\)\\'()-~ NAME OF APPLICANT:~~~\.\)\\.~\-- MailV:g Add:~:s~~L~V(~~®-.~~I ~Phone ,.-_-=-_-,-__ NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:~f :)~f(0~_ Mailing Address:(too '3.~l?i_.V-.)~",;,._~_ Phone ~&~"3.."..,--­ NAME OF OWNERS:7)0 IV 11-L h J .;.ItS.rc..D l c I Q ;.l SIGNATURE(S):~/j ~ Mailing Address:1/61~n~~c;:eIlC.P<*......,_ V0-\-.~~i rN·WOhM.Phone Condominium Approval if applicable~ DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is paid for. VALUATION FEE $0 -$10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 (OVER) rr •• LIST OF MATERIALS •NAME OF PROJECT:Jlv~~=-rJ.J!J!..R!V'L.(:""-';:"...,---+---r--r- LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT~BLOCK __SUBDIVISION \bI~\hPltj 314 f1)~ STREETADDRESS:S!Jl\bt15t tz.l..!..t1ll..:....;~=:...-_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:---lli~I~~JL:~"""""=_:_ The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: • A.BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer.~~, Phone:,,- • PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREESTO BE REMOVED Botanical NameCommonName Ouantity Size* ~~ ~=r r ~'a--_3"_·~ • *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet . I PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical NameCommonName Ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS ~~(/~.• Co ~(JWI-+-S _ EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 gallon. ~.~(~1i.h.t W~AJ"JM.~~ of proposed shrubS l \M~i;um s iz :-Jf~h~s~r;r \~'~ Square Footage GROUND COVERS ,SOD SEED • ~~~f-,- ~--1O!J- C. TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reta ining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the p roperty is 6 feet.• • ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS• , ~•• DATE:/0(1,1./1_0 __!~.~t ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTIO Lot ~,BloCk __Filing \r@ J~f.~. ADDRESS·~~ OWNER PHONE ARCHITECT ~~j~~!~~~~=PHONE 4~-tJ'~Z--"44~~~~:.........----ZONE DISTR!T PROPOSED USE ~~~~~~~~~~ LOT SIZE L.. • Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front sides Rear Water Course site Coverage Landscaping F~nce/Retaining Wall ;;i9hts(~fVI~tV\J{;t.XUf...:\ Parking .~~..)/ Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock storage Allowed (30)(33) ~c-)Di ·~..t 1'5&07:=f 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) wi• Proposed tktRh f ~32)t;t ~ 16 J~ "1J$ ~,--- Avalanche _--."..'-• • Drive:Slope Permitted ~~__ Environmental/Hazards: Flood Plain _ Slope _ Geologic Hazards (61.V~~'~4) Zoning:Approved/Disapproved ~~S ljI/a...J.AAA--etu.~~ Date: Staff Signature &~•lot f,iu---.1771 2 tJCC Ie?;t eo Ii).z.s:7 -~7 'V (0 i 7 o tv 10/ 'Ytol SIJt;-CJJV~~ • • l-ssup_ ·~O ~Q,DIl!\/\XKrvlfit ~~Y Ocf PMU~ \t\i oJ-c{;y)vt - Won ?J -l!'1 rAJ-A IN)uft • • • I,, UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION 'M,IL VILLAGE ;DIl.,lNG 3 I JOB NAMEiHE~-D~IC K-,;I .. FILING "•:'j "J_,?,,,,,'i -.{'b ' BLOCK _ SONBU~S 1-~vv 8i- 18 ):(. ADDRESS LOT __......:..~....;;.;;.__ The location or utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature U.S.West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5539 Gary Johnson I 0 -1~-<to to-{l-r~ Upper Eagle Valley Water &sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee lo-f5--'lt NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures. ________________,.J .....'0 DEC 3 1990 .Monroe EngineeringConsultants P.O.B ox1597 48 E.Beaver Cr eek Blvd .•#307 Avon,Co lorado 81 620 303-949·7768 SHEET NO __.,--OF---;;--_ CALCULATEDBy_~.0 .DATE ~ CHECKED BY DATE _ VAl \.-0'--.,.I SCALE ....+,.;_-.;......l•';'__.0. j l..-..t--.----~-_..L ......•..__._j., ..j .....;....+_...?io ~~~=b~i-kjijri:.I12ki~~,~L ...i ~~.~~~~.~$;.J.;~kc ~J&,~.. ,j ~r ·.I~t .Ubl~y;..~m '1f I ~.I l--(G l-,,?I ........L..._..j.-...·····-·-cc···•-_.~....•..•.,-,•. 1.i .P E::..F E ~b e:q:.:f ..~.I i ~q;'lit-I e:..J'1't='LPH -:,?N 0.0 1 ~~~N Q1 p [,.... ·~;;r~;rt~~~E:-l._~.·I-.. -~'~.E~:.L ...,.. l .rz,U<b6 C?FPa:c k:-w ,.e..w.-"bc;;;;,'r'fZ \H4 \2..Y vE:"F""tStVSE:0'1)~T e:r-1 ... 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" .. ~.-_.....i..... "!.--...:..... -1?~'f"'@2P ''S>-rb-:r~J~o ug .,~J L,-P IN Co =~\-\-11.4-s-I D E t ~OT;..._?~~:\~L..S 1 "F01?-::?-=>~SNSt=:,ACph\!0?T l tJ.!C;;H I"bN ~t>::v A '-:t-N c.~~..... 4-o ~~,__"__;:_._1 '2 .\. ,:\-..r··---·-----.;-,-.-.--.-,-+---:. .Z:..l-,'t1 ~ll N ~J~J R l··dl a;~l ~. :,',.. 2 .~.M&.x--\1,1 U t-\,Srfc W ~\tE;\G \-rr'LY Tb.....U ~i?-E G '-.)\:-A\1 0 N ~ \<;:.-~I -o . !- I onroe Engineering Consultants P.O _Box1597 48 E.Beav er Cr eek Blv d.,#307 Avon ,Co lorado 81 620 303 -949 -7768 SHEETNO.OF _ CALCULATE:=Y..L-l --=o=-:-.DATE II ~'2(,/-1~ CHECKEDBY DATE _ ~cl o §0,\I-I -t \--~Cl-z •III ~~j ~')Jl,)~ \J ' of! J'I.. r·---:1its;;mr -+----,l-+--\-~..ll:2 ::-~-=--l-~-~~~ \ ~"._.r..<••".L .~,.".,.",_"-,,.L ••.•:;;-;::;:,:;::•••,....._.","t."'"•.,.."n .·'u·.,,_...... C I \~ ----7,·\/.\\1 --./..,. - -........---...--- ........ ....---~ Chen "Northern,, october 19,1990 •Consu'tmqEngineersand SC ientists 96SouthZuniStreet Denver,Colo rado 80223 3037 44 ·7105 303744-0210 facsim ile Pierce,segerberg &Spaeh Architects 1 000 South Frontage Read West Vail,Colorado 81657 Attention:Mr.Kurt segerberg SUbject:Review of Proposed Geologic Hazards Mitigation Concepts,IDt 18, Vail Valley Filing No.3,Vail,Colorado Job No.4 33490 Gentlerren: As requested,we have reviewed the geologic hazards mitigation concepts proposed to protect the residence being considered on IDt 18,Vail Valley Filing No.3. We have previously corrlucted a geologic hazard study for the lot am our findings were presented in our May 22,1990 report.OUr previous study inlicates that the lot is exposed to potential snow avalanche,rockfall,debris avalanche am debris flow hazards.nus letter has been prepared to present our general comments pertaining to the proposed hazard mitigation concepts beiIg developed by Pierce, Segerberg am Spaeh Architects. It is our un:1erstan:li.n;that the conceptual designs for the residence are beiIg submitted to the Town of Vail for their review.OUr canments are based on a review of our May 22,1990 study,a site visit with Mr.segerberg on August 28, 1990 am review of the site plans showiIg the proposed mitigation concepts submitted to us on october 11,1990. Hazards am Mitigation Concepts: As discussed in our report of May 22,1990 IDt 18 is located in the nm-out zone for small snow avalanches,debris avalanches am rockfall which have a potential for originatiIg on the steep valley side to the south of the lot.'!he lot is also located on the "Clubhouse Gulch"debris fan am is exposed to debris flows originating in the "Clubhouse Gulch"drainage basin.With the exception of small snow avalanches,the likelihood that the other potential geologic hazards could Impact;the lot during the service life of the residence is probably low. 'Therefore,in our opinion,a reasonable approach to mitigative designs would be to develop designs which could tolerate some structural damage to the residence, but which would prevent structural collapse am provide for the reasonable safety of the occupants.nus approach to hazard mitigation is ocnmonly used for residential structures in areas with a high earthquake potential,where it is not feasible to design for no structural damage.'!his design approach inplies that the owner is willing to accept some risk of property am building damage. Amemherof the {HIH!groupof corr-oe-nes • p ierce,segerberg'&Spaeh Architects october 19,1990 Page 2 It is our urrlerst.an:.lin;J that the proposed geologic hazard mitigation concepts for IDt 18 will consist of two energy dissipation structures i.rrlepen:lent and uphill of the residence,am.by designin;J the exposed builclin]walls to resist potential forces without incurring severe structural damage.'!he prilllary energy dissipation structure will be a planted,earth berm located about 50 feet upslope o f the residence.'Ihe secondary energy dissipation structure will be a rock wall located upslope of the terrace at the back of the residence.'!he purpose of the two energy dissipation structures is to reduce the kinetic energy associated with the potential hazards and decrease potential forces on the exposed wall of the residence. Comments: r:/.Pr."'It does not appear feasible to develop mitigative designs,given the L.-'1 --/~site constraints,that will eliminate the potential for sc:are property and structural damage. As planning proceeds,specific design criteria for the mitigations planned should be developed to refine the general geologic criteria presented in our May 22,1990 report.CUring design coordination between the architect,structural engineer am.geoted1ni.cal engineer will be necessary in developing apprcprdate mitigation designs. Chen~Northem,Inc.CO~StJl ll ng Engt-ee -s and Scientists • pierce,8egerberg &Spaeh Architects OCtober 19,1990 Page 3 • If you have any questions regarding this letter,please contact us. Respectfully submitted, Olen-Northern,Inc. ;fc~%/4V -e:~~~ Ralph G.Mock Erqineer~Geol~ist Rev.by:SLP IGf/kd Chen ~Northern,Inc. ~INSPECTION'S COMPLETED ~ The items below need to be complete .before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. o [11 o DATE: FI NAL BUILDING DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: o TEMPORARY C OF 0 LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: ,....\ FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN "F:VAIL ~........,.......--..., CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: .;2..ODLOCATION:---=~~.fL--~~:::::l::.l....&L~~~_-b,lQ.---!.-~_ r ~'-.... PERMIT N ~~CT DATE q l 1"(1/JOB NAM E ----!------.::!~~~~~=::::::::-,______.!...5=:.~~-_A_- BUILDING:f)(JlJJ'-\PLUMBING: OOTINGS /STEEL ----,'f----l,;;;=--r=;.9-I'~~0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~~I':C.!::.1....J.~;Y:::="'---0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING ------------ o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL:" o TEMP:'POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o ,0 FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I '-,v CORRECTIONS : 3 41 0 £&/6-d b >,d<-'t z:M'~ DATE --=--===---'--,L----INSPECTOR ., READ Y FOR LOCATION : o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FI NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND _ o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL.~" \.\o FINAL ELECTRICAL:•1 BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL Q:FOUNDATIO N /S TE ~L ( o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- IoINSULATION ,_ o SHEE l;ROCK NAIL _ 0 _ \(A PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED D ATE tC-j:::i -7'{INSPECTOR PM N REQUEST OF VAIL ' ______AM CALLER tJ:.-- :&~E D THUR @.~ru, -1'"7 .".'.,.e- DATE ---f--"'----jf----'-----'-JOB NAM E --'---1-1--=-~'-------__===.,..-""--'---~,____-7L:!/ READY FOR I NSPECTION : LOCATION :~O g o REINSPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATiON o POOL /H .WB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL \ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ~E M P.POWER .. "o HEATING I 0 ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL // L~ CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR",,1"-3 I -->i IDATE-"--.:.......:.-_ ~SHOj> ", INSPECTION REQUESTch-ct-TO~N b~F ~AIL CALLER INSPECTION,@J.L.UES WED THUR FRI 2..0 0 '1M./tUAd 1:k. ,. READ Y FOR LOCATION : PERMIT NUMBER OF/P.ROJECT DATE 5/'2 Irq I JOB NAM E ---t-~'7-"r--=--~--=.c'---'=------;--;~~=-----------r=r----- BUILDING:{~~L U M B I N G '.~O T I N G S /STEEL l.(~30/",UNDERGROUND I b UNDATION /STEEL «·0 ROUGH /DW.V. )0FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .., DATE g:-5'-:R /INSPECTOR ., READ Y FOR LOCATION : o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FI NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND _ o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL.~" \.\o FINAL ELECTRICAL:•1 BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL Q:FOUNDATIO N /S TE ~L ( o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- IoINSULATION ,_ o SHEE l;ROCK NAIL _ 0 _ \(A PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED D ATE tC-j:::i -7'{INSPECTOR PM N REQUEST OF VAIL ' ______AM CALLER tJ:.-- :&~E D THUR @.~ru, -1'"7 .".'.,.e- DATE ---f--"'----jf----'-----'-JOB NAM E --'---1-1--=-~'-------__===.,..-""--'---~,____-7L:!/ READY FOR I NSPECTION : LOCATION :~O g o REINSPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATiON o POOL /H .WB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL \ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ~E M P.POWER .. "o HEATING I 0 ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL // L~ CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR",,1"-3 I -->i IDATE-"--.:.......:.-_ ~SHOj> ", INSPECTION REQUESTch-ct-TO~N b~F ~AIL CALLER INSPECTION,@J.L.UES WED THUR FRI 2..0 0 '1M./tUAd 1:k. ,. READ Y FOR LOCATION : PERMIT NUMBER OF/P.ROJECT DATE 5/'2 Irq I JOB NAM E ---t-~'7-"r--=--~--=.c'---'=------;--;~~=-----------r=r----- BUILDING:{~~L U M B I N G '.~O T I N G S /STEEL l.(~30/",UNDERGROUND I b UNDATION /STEEL «·0 ROUGH /DW.V. )0FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .., DATE g:-5'-:R /INSPECTOR D A TE JOB NO. ~-'?=>=-9 1 6::::>':2..1 P ROJE CT H-e~\2-1 c...t+~~. L O CATI ON V~I L".YA.I--LSI""1141 ~D F\L .LO"i \& CON TRACTO R OWNE R GM~ WEATHE R I T EMP .Oa t 12."?o')ltflll' <SUr-!'r-!1'c;:,..c>Oa t PM P RESEN T A T SITE '"f'p..Ge::, 303 -949-7768 onroe Engineering Consultants HELD uv 1991 TO 'AEnac;~,~t=:"j2 CFf?-.G;,~F"~ 1=="'S .rl2-c:>r4-r.......e-s !<-p ldE:'b' A--n-r--1..ILLl \2:1 SsG..E.12 E7;;;:J<..G THE F OLLOWING W ASN OTED :I '/:\~-P7'\-~\.t..J l '\-.~,V >~IU-1 E::IZ.g...s I Nr=l2C..E:.HEN T =F c:=.ou rt+'B-u I kP1 N.c..k).uJ-:~#-=7 __-..-....JNO T I N'STAW-EQ C:k.c:::::FFq Asp kJ I I tt co~r rtJ Ll 00"':..I N ~tD E A- ___....:==.wIJ:LrL...,>";>=:1~1?t>-R..c;;..Ne:u E~TI±E.~e.SO '"T H IS IN.:;,r 4.L..L'E..P B,6-R.,"= .•J ___....l,(.........CO""""'.J:....lT l b!1ct.ou<;;.OUI&lb 6 Hb-T $--:J:2.i:2COl'-lL I N.~.~E H-bT )I OS SuEr-\C\E~-h • .-. \ I 11 -- ~/P .o .Box 1597 4 8 E.Bcavc r Creek Bl vd.,#30 7 .Avo n ,Colorado8 1620 _/ _____A M /",,"!J+50 ~I N S P E C T I O N REQUEST PERMIT NU ~BER ~JP R O J E C T ,TOWN OF VAIL . ••-'DA TE C:z (31 /JOB NAME ---...:t=~;""':"":::"'::::'~~"'=:::;~-----,----- i I CALLER ~av-io -cS /Y)/J- ,READ YFOR INSPEC TION :.MO ~~THUR FR I LOCAT I ON:.62 00 8 ~f;y., r BUILDING:PLUMBING: o F O ~IN G S /STEEL I ~0 UNDERGROUND~O 6~/S T E E L ( / o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0,:,,. 0 ,0......'. o FINAL o FINAL ", ELECTRICAL:.MECHANICAL:•.o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL P {PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED CORRECTIONS : r DATE -.!...¥-_+-_L......L-_INSPECTOR ---l.&f::!:.~~~~=-==--_ ,r eTION REQUEST TOW VAIL .iI ( T ..........~......... CALLER -----'~:=--t-~-=------L:::::n::~~~d:.!.b,,~~~~~'_r ~"'INSPECT ION :M ON ;2 00B READ YFO R L OCATION :__(;:.Z."--..lo.L..1~~~_'=='=';~3L..~:"""::>o!:::l.._----':~:"-":'-~---.Jh ,....l::.....; o FOO TINGS /STEEL --ff'or /ikf::fOU N DA T ION /STEEL ----~J o FRAMI NG R OOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL BUILDING:\PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND -f<:•o ROUGH /DW.V ..,,--_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _'_ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL , '1 MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ _____________,"0 SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o F INAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ o RE INSPECTION REQU IRED~R O V E D .0 DISAPPROVED ~/RRRREECCTTIIOONN y.?.~~-7=~~~b~~ D ATE --l.~_f.-~!--_I N S PE CT~R '~- PERMIT NuMBER'OF A OJECT D ATE it?/It/,fl JOB .. ~I N S P eTION REQUEST -TOWNfiFVAIL NAME -----+--=-'-"',---:;:oe::.=..-=-------::--=""""''-fP-~--+-<rt_----.:=--r___=.,..__o___-CAL~~!i5.sC)C . M ~R D-r AM ~ t LOCATIQN : RE ADYFOR IN SPECT IO N: cfloO ; t l ( ---BUILDING: oFOO TI NGS /STEEL o FOUN DATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION .. " I o SHEETROCK NAIL, 0 o FINAL PLUMBING: NDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW,V,_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H ,TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP,POWER __---"'--_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ D ,.,..~___'___ n FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEA T ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL \. ~~I"\rr ROVED ':'\ C ~S :'.» C!J-J tMJ ~uta LL4- o DISAPPROVED n REINSPECTION REQUIRED I NSPECTOR{p -/7-91DATE_-=----''--'-_L-.L _ REA DY FOR IN ~~CT IO N :M O rz.TUESW EDTH UR LOCATIO N :d.~h <::::::k)s'\\.'OV-..~'s.~S'. INSPECTION REaU~ST ,~"~\~._TOWN OF VAILNAME~~\~l~ CALLER \;:Z ~""~<::"'\'J'->• ~\@ PM PERMIT NUMBER OFPRO JEC T D A TE 'b -:'b 5\\,JOB ~B U I L D I N ~:~~ FO OTINGS /S TEEL DFO UNDATION /STEE L "I- DFRA MI NG ROO h &SHEER D PLYW O Ob NAILING --------- D INSULATION _ D SHEETROCK NA IL _ D D FINAL PLUMBING: OO NDERGROUND D ·ROUGH /D W .V ._ D 'ROUGH /WA TER _ D GAS PIPING _ D POOL /H .TUB _ D _ D D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TE MP.POWER ~_ D ROUG H -; D CONDUIT D _ MECHANICAL: D HEATING _ .. DEX HAUST HOODS D SUPPLY A IR _ D DF INA L _ DATE _~_L-_INSPECTOR ------J'-"""...I..q,~+--<f-rl'b4''1,£...--''-.......=------ r .- FRI INSPECTION REaUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~f · , THURr .. .~-0 "T ---r''''--'''..-..,..,........-,.~..,~ READY FOR I NSP LOCATION : PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE ~-\'S -%J OB NAME -~':""':""'+---'''''''''''~'-''--''t--i::::-~~~~~~----'"'-------- •BUILDING:PLUMBING:~~. o FOOTI NGS /STEE L o UNDERGRO UND l. -.--'~"",..'..~.~O U N DAT I O N I STEEL o RO UGH 'i DW.V .-. FRA MING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &S HEER itoPLYWOODNAILINGoGASPIPING'\--.~o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB , •.,'Jj, o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 ,I;;'J , "\, 0 0 )0 • _1"''''' o FINAL 'V ~O;F I N A L ;.. ."y ~ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:I ,i j o HEA T I ~G - o T EMP.POWER \-----o ROUGH o EXHA UST H OODS toCONDUIToSUPPLYAIR 0 0 <.~.......-...loFINALFINAb·r , o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTJON AQU I RED ,. ---------~-----~--=-----t .4. ....., INS P ECTORDATE_-=--..!..---J'-----"':.-L._ -----------------------.::--r--.T-n----;;;;>/~~_'<;;:_--------' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1J -D\.s>-~\JOB NAME READY FOR INS!{{CTION: LOCATION :c!J\j'tJ BUILDING:PL UM BING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS P I PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o PO OL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING ~O UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPL Y A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL 0 PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o R EINS PECTION REQUIRED DATE ----".t------'--'------''-+-.---I NSPECTOR .~~'-L....c=.tL..::..'----":"'-----"f,-#-"'--'::::~..."..""-_ ." PERMIT N UMBE R OFPRO JECT ,. J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL _____AM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND •0 FO UNDATION /ST EEL 'c-O ROUGH /D W.V .~....t;'...%P ;;7. JpC--/,::J ~-o F RAMIN G o ROUG H /WATE R ROOF &S HEER r ( o PLYWO OD NA ILING o GAS PIPING ~o INSULATION I OPO~UB 72;, o SHEETROGK NAIL 0/.j bU 1 0 -,0 o FI NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: IoT.EMP .PO WER o H EATING - ; o RO UGH o EXH AUS T HOODS .. -o CONDUI T o S UPPLY AIR ?,"' 0 0....!i o FINAL -,'o F INAL ...--- P -APPROVED -o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED IN S PECTOR<;;/-C'r-1/ •IDATE-""h-----'l".-,~---I-I'------- ______AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N VAIL /' CALL ER MO ~~RI LOCATION :_----l;..;:2!=..c.L..<:.....c...L-_----,-,~4A"""-'''---'':J...L--''''''''''--'~'4_--'--------------- R EADY FOR INSP ECT ION : • ;/ / / o o FINAL PLUMBING: o U ND ERGROU ND o ROU GH /D W .V.-----'.;-_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o G AS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o __~_ .0 F INAL BUILDING: o FO OT INGS /S TEEL o FOUNDATION /S TEEL ....::.1 _ ~R A M I N G I RO OF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o S HEETROCK NAIL _ o MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXH AUST HOODS o SUP PLYAIR _________________0 o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _~_r;;._ o CONDUIT __....::''--__~_ o o FINAL "l:APPROVED rC~R R E C T I O N S:, o DISAPPROVED . o REINSPECTION REQU IRED / DATE -ll_~__,-+_IN S P ECTOR R/lNT SIIOP _..._T"'!OO r r'''''''_....,..........rr ..........-,• L OCATION : REA DY FOR INSPECT ION:MON d -ODf5 PERMIT NqL!0F f OJECT DATE qq)JOBIjI BUI LDING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOU NDATION /STE EL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION [lQ HEETROCK NAIL _ D-----To;;:---------- o F INAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINA L _ ~AP PROVED CORRE CTIONS : ~oL~p o D ISAPPROVED o RE IN SPECT ION REQ UIRED I NSPECTOR9-.;1 0 -9/,D A TE --r---=---'---.L---'----- READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION:c20 6t'(1v~~ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT Q S··1I " BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o .FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V .. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING F /INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 . 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ;- .O 'TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR , 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL , I)tO~PPR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: {jq1(.P£b ..';~t ~~~h.z =-·>,cb/Li L.o·~<-.12 ~~~ DATE +-t.:6-L--4------INSPECTOR /cEU-AM c0 J r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :---=~::::..-'.....:O,---6"-----"lS'----I""""-'::::.:.:::...!""""",,,,=-"'-=':"'_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ( o DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUG H /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER ---;;;------:7 <-<---_------"fl GAS PIPING 1..L/)=O=--t,f?/----'5=---::t~_'___ o POOL /H .TUB --'-- 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING "0.o INSU ATION-<., "o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 o FINAL ~P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: ,. PllftrrSifO? P M INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL lI(oIt /'~k. e C ALLER ~@,.td -E//C?&A= MON TU ES W EO T ~YJj F 1 AMLu-->~-0r-,• JO B N AME ----+--I--'--¥''-I--+-:~p::,..------------ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE /2 -/6 -9/ LO CATIO N:__""'-""""'-"'--"'-'----4-<-__-="-=~Z_L """'.L--'-------------- REA DYFORINS PECTIO N: ?'OrJ t /. F=====================================r.·~"/ BUILDING: o FO OTI NGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &S HEER o PLYW O OD NA ILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FI NAL PLUMBING: o UNDERG R OUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GA S PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL I ~CTRICAL: ~TEMP.POWER _ , o ROUGH o COND UIT o _ o FI NAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHA USTH OODS o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL _ o RE INSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED(){A PPROVED ~OJ! CORRECTIONS :_ IN SPECTOR/1 -/@ -9/DATE ----.<--=_-'-'=---_-L......'-_ ~SHCP ( • _____A M DATE INSPECTION REQUEST ( .TOWN OFVA IL )\<mdJlJ .-=-~..:l...-l _~_ C ;LLER 3/)~-6MA _ READY FOR I NSP EC TI ON :MO N [TU ES WED S FR I LO CATION :d oo9 4 lf?D unA..--C ChU '-/7CiJ -'-I!J80 PER MITN UMBERO F PRO JEC T '/:....r;.q J JOB NAM E BUILDING: o FOOTIN GS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S H EERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o IN S U LAT IO N o S HEETROCK NAIL _ o ----=-""""'-=----;-,r----,------\~I N A L ZCD!iIk -/-12- PLUMBING: o UN DERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING-,o POOL /H .TUB _ o _~_ o o F INAL ~ •0 F INAL . ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o C ONDUIT o .,---~----- o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING ----,-_ o EXHAUST H OODS ~- o SU PPLY A IR _ o _ O \APPROVED C O RRECT IONS :... o DI S:n:PP ROVE.D 0REINSPECTION REQ UIRED DA TE '-+--I-+-~'-----IN SPECTOR 7J .I A "2)/,I ."-==s:!lUI 0 1/1 tJ IJ'--------.i:L'<--L_ FRI --I A PM PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUG H /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL I INSPECTION REQU ST ,T OWNOFVAI L • A,p)cl/\(~"~'-'---------;rI---::------'------7---'---CAL ~ER czf,f'ry2 ¢!., TU ES ~E0 .THUR JOB N AME BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INS ULAT ION o S HEETROCK N AIL _ 0 ---'-''----_ o FINAL R EADYFOR L OC ATION : PERMI T NUM BER OF PROJEC T DAT E ((-(0 -9;L ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ •0 ROUGH '--,----_ o CON DUIT 0 _ o DI SAPPROVED MECHANICAL:' o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYA IR D ~--------'.,--- o FINAL o R EINSPECTION REQU IRED C ORRECTIONS :..---.-...:--,-=--_-=--_-;;-~-___::=__------ :;z(Rue;J6.~4='C-a-.g-p ( ,,'.., •••,.a .'- .'..~.. ",I ' D ATE /-'}.92 '1J J'.--10 ~e4'y."V'J.-.@) eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME --'---=------.~----=-----::;>""r---_=----D ATE lljJ e>q.)-JOB READY FOR I NSPECTION:M ON CUJ08 BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION. o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o -----7"7'1---::---------- \(FINAL C '0"'. PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH /DW.V ._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL,.. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 ---'-_ 9.FINAL -------------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 ----.,.-_ o FINAL _ n ~P R O V E D V CORRECTIONS: o D ISAF'PROVED "o REINSPECTION.REQU IRED DATE _~J YZD J----'--q~-INSPECTOR ----=--..C 12 t:cJ;- ATI'ENl'ION:MR.I<URI'SE>3ERBERG A memberof lhe lHIH!group of compa nies MR.OONAID J.HERDRICK C/O PIERCE,SEXiERBERG AND SPAEH ARaITTECI'S 1000 scum FOONI'AGE ROAD WEST VAIL,COIDRAOO 81657 PREPARED FOR 303 744-7105 303744 -0210 Facsimile 96 South ZuniStreet Denver,Colorado 80223 Consumnq Engineers andScientists• GmIDGIC HAZARD STUDY IJ:11!18,VAIL VALLEY FILIN3 ID.3 VAIL,CX>U>RNXl May 22,1990 JOB ID.433490 •Chen tlNorthern ,Ir"ic.I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gentlemen: Steven Pawlak,P.E. •• May 22,1990 Mr.Donald J.Herdrick c/o Pierce,Segerberg'am Spaeh Architects 1000 South Frontage Road west vail,Colorado 81657 Chen ~Northern ,Inc. Respectfully submitted, '!he report which follows summarizes our findings am presents our conclusions am recc:mnerrlations.If hazard mitigation appears feasible,then additional evaluation should be made to provide specific design criterion for the mitigative methods planned. Olen-Northern,Inc. SUbject:Geologic Hazard Study,Lot 18,Vail Valley Filing No.3,Vail, Colorado At your request,we have conducted a geologic hazard study for Lot 18. OUr study indicates that the lot is exposed to snow avalanche,rockfall,debris avalanche am debris flCM hazards.'!hese hazards have been evaluated an::l preliminary design considerations have been developed to assist in evaluating the feasibility of hazard mitigation.Relative severe design constraints are indicated. If you have any questions regarding this report,please contact us. Job No.4 33490 -, f)··dl/,ut -4'~~~ Ralph G.Mock Engineering Geologist Reviewed by:(-=:c.)__ "',I-~)_....!':...f )c j j \"'j,/,.-r ,<V"'\...L r'~ RGfo/kd Enclosure I " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIMITATIONS PROFOSED CXJNSI'RUCITON SI'IE CXJNDITIONS HAZARD MITIGATION CXJNCEPI'S 2 1 1 9 3 3 5 6 8 10 11 11 Co-isuttmq I:ng reer sand $0:::c rnsts GOOI.CGIC HAZARI:S SKETai MAPI LOr 18 Chen ~Northern ,Inc. DIsarSSION OF DESIGN CXJNSIDERATIONS RJRFDSE AND SOJPE OF S'IUDY • TABLE OF CDN1'ENI'S GOOI.CGIC HAZARI:S EVAIIJATIONS SNCM AVAIANClIE ROCKFALL DEBRIS AVAIANClIES DEBRIS FI.CMS FIGURE1 REFERENCES I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 POOrosED a::>NSTRIJCTION It is our understanding that a single family residence is being considered on Lot 18.'Ihe residence will probably be a three-story structure with the lcr.ver story set into the hillside.'Ihe lCMer story will be at grade in the front, lcr.ver,northern part of the lot and back of the first story will be belCM grade at the back,uphill part of the lot.'Ihe building footprint will be abcut 4,800 square feet with dimensions of abcut 60 by 80 feet.'Ihe precise location of the structure on the lot has not been determined at this time,but it is anticipated that construction will be in the northern one-half of the lot as generally shC1iln on Fig.1. •• '!his report presents the fin:lings of a geolcqic hazards study for Lot 18, Vail Valley Filing No.3,Vail,Colorado.'Ihe purpose of the study was to identify potential geolcqic hazards which may have an inpact on Lot 18 and to develop preli.minal:y design considerations so that the feasibility of hazard mitigation can be evaluated.'Ihe work was performed in accordance with our March 23,1990 proposal to Gordon R.Pierce,Architect. '!he study consisted of a field reconnaissance made on April 23,1990,to observe geolcqic corrlitions at the site and in the general vicinity.Potential geolcqic hazards identified during the field reconnaissance were evaluated and prelim.inal:y design considerations for assessing the feasibility of hazard mitigation were developed.'Ibis report has been prepared to smnmarize the fin:lings of this study and to present our conclusions and recormnendations. Chen ~Northern,Inc. I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lot 18 is located on the southern side of the Gore Creek Valley about two miles east of the Vail Tc1Nn Center.'n1e site is on the eastern edge of an alluvial fan at the IOCJUth of "Clubhouse Gulch".'n1e gulch is an epherreral drainage with a basin area of about 240 acres.A sketch map showin:J Lot 18,the adjacent lots and their locations in relation to the "Clubhouse Gulch"fan and other key ~phic features in the area is presented on Fig.l. Lot 18 is a 0.4 acre,irregular shaped parcel located to the south of SlU1burst Drive.An existin:J residence and condominium are located on adjacent Lots 17 and 19 to the east and west.Existin:J residences are also located to the north of SlU1burst Drive on Lots 14,15 and 16. 'n1e lower,northeast one-half of Lot 18 slopes down to the northeast with an average slope of about 15%.Slopes become steeper in the southwest one-half of the lot.Slopes in this area are between 20 and 30%.A prominent break in slope occurs between the steep southern valley side and the m:x:1erate slopes on Lot 18.'n1is break in slope is located about 70 feet to the south of the southeastern property corner'.'n1e steep valley side to the south of the prominent slope break averages about 80%.'IWo prominent liIrestone units in the Minturn Fonnation fonn distinct outcrop bands near the top of the steep valley side slope.'n1e lower outcrop band is about 300 feet above the lot and the upper band is about 700 feet above the lot.Valley slopes above the upper outcrop band average about 60%.'n1e apex of the "Clubhouse Gulch"alluvial fan is located about 300 feet to the southwest of the southwestern lot line.'n1e average slope of the fan surface in this area is about 20%. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen~NorthernJnc. SITE CX>NDITIONS • ConsultingErpmee rs ann Sc ertists GEXlIDGIC II1\ZARm EVALUATIONS 3 Veg-etation on Lot 18 is an open stan:l of aspens.'!he steep valley side and the alluvial fan to the south are also veg-etated.by open starns of aspen with an occasional lone conifer.A dense conifer forest occupies the upper valley side above the upper praninent outcrop band, •• Chen~Northern,Inc. OUr field reconnaissance and review of published regional geologic hazards study inlicate that the proposed builc:li.rg site on Lot 18 is exposed to several potential geologic hazards.Potential hazards present in the area are: SnOlV avalanche Rockfall Debris avalanche Debris flOlV '!he hazards identified and a general discussion of their potential :i.Irpacts on the proposed construction on lot 18 are disalSSE'd in the follOlVing section.A sketch map of the lot with respect to the potential hazards is presented.on Fig.1. SNCW AVAIANCHE TWo potential sources of SnOlV avalanche are present in the vicinity of Lot 18.Regional avalanche hazards investigations inlicate that rnaj or avalanches occas.ionakLy run out onto the "Clubhouse Gulch"alluvial fan and that there is also a potential for small unconfined avalanches along the steep adjacent valley side (Mears,1979). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 The location of the high hazard run-out;area for the "Clubhouse Gulch" avalanche track is located about 170 feet to the west of the proposed building site on IDt 18,as shown on Fig.1.The high hazard zone is defined as the area where avalanches are expected to have an average reoccurrence of about 25 years or less am could be expected to result in dynamic Impact;pressures of 500 psf or more (Mears,1979).The regional avalanche hazards study indicates that areas adjacent to the high hazard zone can be considered to be free of avalanches with average retunl periods of up to 100 to 200-years,am that the hazard in these areas is small enough to be disregarded f or planning purposes.These studies indicate that while the site may not be totally free from avalanche exposure, large avalanches asscx:iated with "Clubhouse Gulch"have relatively low probabilities of reaching the proposed building site on IDt 18. '!he 1979 regional avalanche hazards study does not provide est:illlates of the average reoccurrence or :nm-out limits for the potential small avalanches which could be asscx:iated with the steep valley side adjacent to "Clubhouse Gulch". At the time of our field reconnaissance,in April,the remains of a small wet snow avalanche which stopped just before reaching the southeast end of the existing residence on IDt 17 was observed.'!he avalanche deposit was about 1.5 feet thick.Based on this am the general nature of the steep valley side to the south of Lot 18,it is our opinion that the probability of a small avalanche originating on the steep valley side am reaching a residence located on IDt 18 is relatively high.'!herefore,the feasibility of mitigating po tenti al small avalanche inpacts from this potential source should be considered. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen~Northern ,Inc. • In our opinion,a reasonable mitigative design for small avalanches originatirg on the steep valley side should account;for avalanches with flCM depths up to about 6 feet above finish grade elevations travellirg in a direction of about N25°W.Dynamic iIrpact pressures associated with avalanches of this size in the vicinity of the building site could be in the range of 500 to 900 psf for the uphill,above grade,lCMer story of the structure,and about 75 to 100 psf for the upper stories of the structure.'Ihe 75 to 100 psf pressure could be associated with air blasts. RJCKFAIL '!he two prominent limestone outcrop bands on the steep valley side above lot 18 are potential source ares for rockfall.Regional rockfall hazards investigations irrlicate that lot 18 is located near the run-out limit of a high severity rockfall hazard zone (SChmueser &Associates,1984).'!here are a few an;ular limestone boulders at the grourrl surface on lot 18,and these boulders appear to be associated with past rockfall.'Ib our knCMledge,historic rockfalls have not ocx:::urrai in the vicinity,but historic rockfalls have danaged existirg structures in the Vail are which have similar geologic settirgs as IDt 18.Based on this,it is our opinion that the potential for rockfall at lot 18 is sufficient to warrant mitigation considerations.It is not possible to assign reoccurrence probabilities to the rockfall potential,hCMever,the potential is probably relatively lCM. Judgirg fram the size of the limestone boulders on IDt 18,future rockfall could involve lirrestone blocks with weights up to about five tons.Considerirg the location of the potential source areas and the slope gradients along the 5 I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen~Northern ,Inc. • rockfall travel path,a rockfall should be deeeleratin;J as it approaches the b.li1din;J site on Lot 18,but could still be travelin;J at a relatively high velocity. In our opinion,it is reasonable that mitigative designs should account;for a five ton boulder travelin;J at a velocity of about 40 miles pe hour in the vicinity of the proposed buildin;J site.'!he direction of the travel of the rockfall would be about N 25·W.'!he diJnensions of a5 ton boulder would be about 2 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet which is comparable to the larger boulders on this site. DEBRIS AVAIANCEES Regional debris avalanche hazards investigations indicate that Lot 18 lies near the run-out limit of potential debris avalanches which could start on the steep valley side to the south of the lot (Mears,1984).Debris avalanches originate as shallQ\o1,translational soil slips on the steep valley sides where slopes are generally steeper than about;60%.'!he initial soil slips are CCllTIIIOnly fran 2 to 5 feet deep.Once llDbilized,the avalanches can rapidly accelerate to peak velocity which are prOOably in the range of 20 to 30 miles per hours.'!he I'OClbilized debris avalanches consist of a mixture of wet SJ1C1,o/,soil,rock and debris.'!he avalanches decelerate rapidly once encounterin;J the flatter terrain along the base of the steep valley side.A historic debris avalanche in the Vail area is reported to have stopped after rrovin;J about 100 feet ona 12%slope (Mears,1984). To our knQ\o1ledge,historic debris avalanches have not occurred in the vicinity of Lot 18,but historic debris avalanches have occurred in the Vail area 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen ~Northern ,Inc. • CC'1sultlng Frlfl ree rs and Soeinsts at sites with similar geologic settirqs.Regional aerial photograph studies have shown that at least twenty derbis avalanches occurred on the south side of the Vail Valley s ince 1939 ani prior to the May 1984 debris avalanche ani debris flow episodes (Mears,1984).Many of these soil slips apparentil.y resulted in several debris avalanches ani a f€M resulted in debris fl~.'!he initiation of the widely spread soil slips,which occured in 1984,has been attributed to: A relatiVely low SI10W line durirq the 1984 sprirq warming trerrl. Nonnal or bela.v nonnal sprirq tenperatures followed by several consecutive days of mean daily tenperatures from 15 to 20°F above freezi..rq. '!he regional studies done followig the 1984 debris avalanche ani debris fla.v episodes have shown that the debris fl~ani the debris avalanches are active georcorphic processes which periodically recx::cur under current environmental con:litions.Both of these potential hazards warrant consideration when evaluati..rq the feasibility of developirq in the designated hazard areas.Based on the present kna.vledge of the debris flow ani debris avalanche potential in the Vail area,it is not possible to estimate average reoccurrenoe periods for these cyclic processes.'!he probability of a debris flow or debris avalanche occurri..rq at a specific buildi.rq site;ha.vever,is probably relatively low. Based on our field observations ani revi€M of the prevtous regional hazards study,mitigative designs on lot 18 should account for potential debris avalanches reachi..rq the buildi.rq site.Debris avalanche depth up to about 5 feet above finish grade elevation ani traveli..rq in a direction of about N25 °W should be considered.Dynamic ilrpact pressures at the buildi..rq site could be in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 psf for the uphill,above grade protion of the structure. 7 I ·. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen ~Northern ,Inc. • Consunmq ;:::1Qlneers (lIld Sc.eutrsts DEBRIS FI.J:WS Regional debris flow hazard investigations in:licate that Lot 18 is located in a IOOderate debris flow hazard area for debris flcr.vs issuing fram "Clubhouse Gulch"and travelling down the al.Iuvfal,fans surface at the nouth of the gulch (Mears,1984).Debris flcr.vs are a viscous mixture of muddy water,soil,rock and debris which would be confined in the channel of the gulch until the fan apex is reached.Once the flow reaches the fan,there is a potential for fan channel blockage in the existinJ shallow channels on the fans surface,and the flow could take an unpredictable path down the fan surface.'!herefore,the entire fan surface shown on Fig.1 should be oc:nsidered a potential hazard area.Once reachin:J the fan surface,the debris flow will tend to spread,decelerate and deposit as it travels down the fan surface.'!he buildinJ site on Lot 18 is located about 350 feet downslope of the fan apex which is about midway between the apex ard the toe of the fan. To our knowledge,debris flcr.vs from "Clubhouse Gulch"have not cx:x::urred during historic t:ma.SUbdued gearrorphic evidence of past debris flcr.vs is present in the vicinity of Lot 18 and historic debris flcr.vs have cx:x::urred in the Vail are in 1984 on alllNial fans with a similar geologic setting as the "Clubhouse Gulch"fan.As discussed in the previous section on "debris avalanches",the regional studies,following the 1984 debris flow and debris avalanche episodes,have shown that both proc:esses are occasionally active un::ier current environmental conditions and warrant consideration when evaluatinJ the feasibility of constructing in the designated hazard zones. Based on our field observations and review of previous regional hazards studies,mitigative designs on Lot 18 should aa::ount for potential debris flcr.vs 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen~NorthernJnc. • Con sulting ErnineersandScientsrs 9 DISCOSSION OF DESIGN CXJNSIDERATIONS reaching the site.Debris flCM depth up to about 3 feet above finished grde elevatin an::i travelin;r in a direction of about N 35·E should be considered. Dynamic Impact,pressures at the building site could be in the range of 800 to 1,500 psf for the uprill,above grade protion of the stn1cture. •• 'Ibe design considerations for geologic hazards discussed in the proceeding seeton,are in our opinion,appropriate for evaluating the feasibility of possible mitigative designs to reduce potential damage to a residence located in the northern one-half of IDt 18.Possible mitigation concepts are discussed in the follCMing section.The rec:anunen1ed design considerations are,in our opinion,reasonable considering the current l<ncMledge of potential geologic hazards in the vail area.With the possible exception of the snow avalanche hazard,the likelihood of actually experiencing the recammended design considerations for the other hazards during the service life of a residence is probably relatively lCM.'Iberefore,in our opinion,a reasonable approach to mitigative designs would be to develop designs which could tolerate same stnlctural damage,but would prevent structural collapse an::i provide for the reasonable safety of the cx:x:upants.'Ibis approach to hazard mitigation is ccmoonly used for residential stnlctures in areas with a high earthquake potential,where it is not feasible to design for no stnlctural damage.'Ibis design approach implies that the CMner is willing to accept same risk of property an::i building damage. Chen ~Northern ,Inc. I : I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 10 associated with snaN avalanche,rockfll,debris avalanche and derbis flaN without •• Chen ~Northern ,Inc. incurring severe structural damage to the residence. For feasibility evaluations,it is rec:onuterded that the energy dissipation efforts fa all affected property owners an:l probably the 'I'c:Mn of Vail. Techniques for snow avalanche,rockfall,debris avalanche and debris flaN mitigation can broadly be grouped into two general categories which are source zone controls and runout zone defenses.considering the nature of the potential -'1.--- hazards at Lot 18,source 'zone mitigation does not appear practical which leaves direct protection of irrlividual buildings.'!he existing adjacent developrrent to Lot 18 will preclude the use of deflection structures,and ~structural protection of the residence appears to be the only viable option.An exception would be the possibility of constructing a debris collection bas~near the fan '>K apex which could provide debris flaN mitigation for all of the residences on the "Clubhouse Gulch"fan.'!his mitigation technique would require the cooperative runout zone defenses,which CCIlIllOnly consist of either deflection structures or Direct protection of the residen on Lot 18 could consist of an energy .~~ dissipation structure located ~l~pe of the residence~rpora~into the residence.'!he purpose of the structure is to dissipate the kinetic energy necessary.'!he general travel directions of the hazards are sha;.,rn on Fig.1. structure consist of a nearly vertical wall at least 10 feet above finished grouni elevation.'!he dissipation structure could be part of the ~idencec§)a indepeI'dent structure.Earth could be palced downslope of the wall to provide mass in resiting the anticipated dynamic ilrpact pressures,if I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'Ihis report has been prepared in accordance with generally acx::epted geotechnical erl3'ineering practices in this area for use by the client to evaluate potential hazards and the feasibility of hazard mitigation.'!be conclusions and rec::onuren:iations submitted are based upon a field reconnaissance,review of regional hazard studies and prel:i.mincuy hazards assessments.'!be information is suitable for general feasibility evaluation.Additional evaluations should be made once prel:i.mincuy building layouts are available to provide specific design criteria for the proposed constnlction,if hazard mitigation is shawn to be feasible. I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Chen ~Northern,Inc. LIMITATIONS 11 • Co rl:iL.llr'lg Engineers <l1C Scrent.st s SChrnueser &Associates,1984,Rockfall Study -Town of Vail:Prepared for the Town of Vail. Mears,A.!.,1984,Debris-Flow and Debris-Avalanche Hazan!Analysis for Vail,Colorado:Prepared for the Town of Vail. Mears,A.!.,1979,Colorado Snow Avalanche Area Studies arrl Guidelines for Avalanche Hazan!Planni.n:1:Colorado Geological SUrvey Special Publication 7. Consum-iq Engineers3'1C Scient 51!'> • 12 • Chen ~Northern,Inc. I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROXIMATE SCAl£'--100" \ GEOlOOIC ~SKETCH t.lAP,LOT ,IS Fig.' \ 4 334 80 ChenONorthern ,Inc. I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I community Deve opmenI Departr1l!l!& BuIdIng Safety &InspecllDn SeM:el APP VED 5'c.-/I L I I)II )z:s- -= -~-- ------- ; I( t , u --r- ---+- _1- -- '1 -r ~II 1/~,(e-16/·f.., LIt 'bIJ{,. +o(L ~I.,.--r/~b f+«.~ff -- I 7 -'"I J/I g (2.e..7 /)41x- oW (3)S )->.r II 0t'V1 /./ "J,/1- ,, (JJJ (fo-fa,Go +<J -t / ~ ).yJ,f ~L "-fJ ,..-~'y~(7 )0.1'/If.y.5"., ~,:..>(K l~ ~-rr:?..-....t::.. I L.-!+"I J>1 iJ l» -f'oe, -r I T<D r"OO(t (