HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 21 LEGAL• Design Review Boa rd ACTION FORM • DE-pa rtment of Communi ty Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 te l:970.4 79.213 9 fall :970.479 .2452 ~"".lrr,CJ:".o.·>""£·.·web:www .vailgov.(om Project Name:LU BLA NDECK ORBNu mber :DRB070118 Proj ect Description: FINAL AP PROVAL FOR AMI NO R ALTERATIO NTO AN EXTERIOR DECK ALTERATI ON INCLUDING HOTTUBAND WATER FEATURE Partldpants: OWNE R LU BLAN SA 03/26/2007 LYFO RD CAY PO BOX N-3229 NASSAU,BAHAMAS AP PUCANT RAM ON ALONSO 03/26/2007 Phone :305-733-1591 5S5 N.E.15TH ST,STE 200 MIAMI FL33132 Project Address:1944 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1944 SUNBURST DR Location : LegalDe scription:Lot:21-A Block:Subd iv ision :VAILVALlEY 3RD flUNG Parcel Number:2101-091-0302-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Motion By:Dantas secondBy:Gillette Vote:4-<Hl Action:AP PRO VED Date of Approval :06/06/200 7 Cond itions: Cond:B (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made w ithout the w ritten consentof Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee{s). Cond :O (PLAN):ORB approv al does notconstitu tea penn it for buikiing.Please consu lt with Town of Vai l Bu ild ing perso nnel prio r to construc.tlon activi ties. Cond :201 ORB approva l shall not become valid for20 days followi ng the date of approva l. Cond :202 Approva l of this project shall lapse and becom e voidone (1)yea r foll owing thedate of fin al approval,unles sa bu ild ing perm itis iss uedand co nstruct ion Is co mmenced andis dilig ently pu rsued toward completion. Planner:Rachel Friede DRBFeePaid:$20.00 7 5 South Frontage Rd . Vail ,Co lorado 8 1657 970-479-2 13!l/479 -2139 F AX 970-479-2452 Jun e 6,2007 Ramon Alonso 555N .E.15"S treet,S te 200 Miami,F L 33 132 Se nt viaemailtoralonso @ mu seotec .net Re :DRB 07-0118 D el Valle Exterior Dec k Alteration D earM r .Alonso, • Department of Commwrity Deve lopment Th ankyoufor submittingth e Del Va lle mi nor e xterio r alt erat ion de sign revi ew a pplication.Th ea pplication was a pprovedby th e D esign Review Board on J un e 6 .200 7 wi th no co ndition s.AD esign R eviewAc tionF orm h as beena ttachedfor yo urrec ords. P lease contact the Building Department r egard ingthe necessary b uil ding p ermits forthe project. It w asa p le asure to w ork w ith you.D o noth esitate to contac t m e w ith an y q ues ti ons or concerns. B est , Ra che l F riede P lanner,To wn of Va il Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review• •• Departmentof Community Deve lopmen t 75South Frontage Road ,Vall,Colorado 81657 te l:970 .479 .2128 fax :970.479.2452 web;www.vailgov.com • Gen eralI nformation : All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior t osubmitting a building per mit application .Please refer to the submittal requiremen ts fot theparticularapprovalthat Is requested.An application for Design Rev iew cannot be acceptedunt ilall required information is receivedby the Community Development Department.The project may alsoneedto be reviewed by th e TownCouncil ancll or thePlanning andEnvironmental Cc mrrasso o. Design re v iew approval l apses unl essab uilding permit isissu ed and constructioncommencesw i thi n on e year of thea pproval. Locati on of the Proposal :l ot:...2,LBlock:__Subd ivision:VA\L.\JAu.e-t :J\b~flu....¥; IJf3 Parcel No.:0 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcel no .) Zon ing:51 r-¥i1.6 -0011"/(k;;t I'l&ffiln-J)}>W1or (sa) Name(s)of Owner(s):AN'tUNIO na...."AlAE Mailing Address:1~4':!.SJ",lWC2.!>:~"~(...,~121 ~_=~e :....iii(i S-)IIQilU>~;;;;;;;;CO) Ow ner(s)signature (s)~")::::5(i__...-=-- Name of Appli cant:"RAV\AO,J ALcJr..\S:O MailingAddress:~"\,6 .\<;~~TU:ET"~YI'\~,fi­...33.13'2."I1(,"e;3O~;Z;33lS?:'J E-mail Address:f~~<OI:ec ,n:ec.Fax :c.3 Type of Revi ew and Fee: o Signs o Co nceptual Rev iew o New Con structio n o Addition o Minor Altera tion (multi-family/commercial) V Minor Alterationi'(single-family/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans o separa tionRequest $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee ~$1.00 per square footof total sign area. For constructlonofanew buildingordemo/rebuild. Foran addition wheresquare footage isadded to any resldentialor commercia lbuilding (includes 250 additions &interior cooversons). For minor changes to buildinqs and site improvements,such as, re-roofing,paInting,windowadditions,landscaping ,fences and retainingwalls,etc.I, For minor changes tobuildings andsiteImprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,w indow additions,landss;ap ing,fences and retaining walls,etc .I f"'l ' Forrevisions to plans already approved by Plann ing Staff Of the Des ign Review Board .(~~~44> rr"<6' For Office Use O ~:n l£•Fee Pald :'1)l .c Check No.:By: I "-Meeting Date: Planner:Pro • • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN AP PROVAL LEITER • I,(print name)ANTO N\0 t:e....VA lJ...G .a j ointowne r ofp roperty located at as written approvaloft heplans dated ---'''-'''+-''-''-1-''''''-"'-''-----whic hhavebeensubmittedto t he Townof Vail Com munity Development Department for the proposed Improvements tobe completed atthe address noted above.Iunderstand t hatthe proposedimprovementslnd ude: 8 l<:I€~OI'-1:B;:\L ,f<;LT§?f..--nOt>\\....'-VJt:>\rJ!1 tkrr 1\Je, • • Additionally,please check the statement below which is most applicab le to you : 'p(I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over thecourseof the review process to ~with the Town;-applicable codes and regula tions. /.111,1£11 nwl') o I request that all modificatIons.minoror otherwise"whichare made tothe plans overthe course of the review process,be brought tomyattention bytheapplicant for additional approViJI before undergoing further re view by theTown. (JllliiaJ1H:1t') Joml pr uPfrlJ'_nu leller revised /0/18/2006 Er f:\cdev\FORMS\Pcrmi ts\Planning\DRB\drb_addltlon_1-2S-2001 .doc Page 2of 14 11/23/2005 ••ALTi\OWNER'S POUCY -11)..17-92 • PQUCYOFTITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE G U ARANTY C OMP AN Y SURJECT TOTHE EXCLUS lONS PROM COVERAGE.THE EXCEPTIONS P ROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SOIEDULE BAN D T He CONDI TIONS AND STIPULA TIONS,STEWART TITLE GUARANTY CDM PANY•.I. Teu.~corporation.herein called the Company,insures.as of DateofPolicy mown in Stbedule A.against lossor damage oot exceediJJI the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A,muained orincum:dby the insured by reason of; I .Ti tle to die estate or i nterest described in Schedule A being vested othe r than....stated the rein; 2 .Any defect inor lienor ePCWllbrancc on the tille; 3.Unmarketability of the n Llc ; 4 .Lack ofa ri ght o f access to and from the land . The Company wi ll also pay the COSES ,anorncys'fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title,a~insured.but only to the eXlcnt provided in the Conditions and Stipulations . IN WITNESS WHEREOF ,Ste wart Title Guaranty Company bas caused this polky 10 be signed and sealed by ils duly authorized offiCers as of the Date of Pal'cY mown in Schedule A . ST EWART TITLE OUARA.''TY COMI'ANY ItXCLUSIONS PROM COVE ItAGE The folloWq INI'tft1 ~opreal)'exeIUlled from IhB OD Yeflie ofthil polk)'an4 the COCl1'.ny wi U not p.y 1011 PI'cIamIgo,cam, 'l!orney.'feet or expen.e.'W hich arilC by IIWOfI of; 1.(I)Any Ilw,or dinance PI'lovemmenflll rClul.lion (indudina but nll i limi ~10 bu ildlna .ocI l onina La......ord il'lllN:eI,Of rqul.'ions) ItSlriclina,reawarin"probibilinl or re'llinglo (I)!he ~)',use .or en}oyuw:nt of the land;(Ii)tile d lll'kter,d ltrCllliona or location vi My impravemmr ...or herclftet eree.ad Ofllbe land;(iiI)I .,..tiOD in..,.,..,1hip Ill'I dlanIc in IN d lmtnAol'II Ill'_of !he lind 01' .ny P*"'cl of which ItII!land b:or WI.I part;or (lv)mvuorunt1ItaI pr olKtton,or !he effect of lUIy .,Iolalioo of Ihc:Ie II"...,OIdlrwnceJ or IOVCUllJle nlal felulltlo..,c~cepllO the euent IllI t a notice of the enforeemeDt thereof ora notice o f a defect.lien 01 cnculTtlranc:e rnulq from I violation or a1Itaed .,iolaDon &treeling 1M land '*been recorded in the public ~or ds at Daro or Polk)'. (b)Any l~r\lIII police power not ududM by (a)lboYO,excepl fI)!he CUlm'lhM a mtiee of I!'IC eXeR:iIe lhenor or •nock.nf a lk recl,lien or enaJmbra~resuWna:from.vioilCion or I1leJed vinlatio n atreclina Iho 1an4 hu been l'«ordcd in the pub lic f'l:1XItdIll Dal e of PulIcy . 2 .RiSbtJ of errincnl ~n UnlCII DOtke of the uen::ise the reof baabeen recorded 1ft!fle pulMic recordI at Dale of Policy.bUl not excluding from COVCJa&e I n)'lII.t ing wh!dl tal oocurTt'd prior lI:I Dale of Polil;:y which would be bindin&on lhe rlghll of.purdluer for nJue without knowl edge . l .Defei;I:I ,1m .mcumbrafK.et,Id'fcrJt c1I1mf or Olber mlrten: (a)ctelled .JUffcred••-..mtd or .,reed to by Iht hur.Im1 claimant, (b )not known 10 the ~wy ,not record"d in lhe pUblic r ecorrIJ al D I ~of Policy,bu t t nown to the ilWUttd c l.imant.nd not di lCloled in wri lina 10 the CoqIwy by !be iruurcd c1am-rn Pl tor to \be dltcl th e inJwed c1ainw.nt ~lUI iNured undct thi,poItey; (e)resulrina in no 101.or darrqe 10 the imurcd c111mI111; (d)Irrachin,at eteIled ~bwquent IDDire of Policy ;or (e)resul ting in 10'"or daml&e wh ich wou ld not hIVe bee n mallined if the insurcd claiml/'lf I\Id pll4 vllue for the eltlle or IntnUi tn.ured bylhi.poUc,.. 4 .Any daim,wbkft .rI_0lIl of the U'1JlIAdion vesIiJlI in lfIcIll*Ued ttIIl cslItcl or inref'all illKlrcd by !hit policy ,by rel:klll of !he op e...ticn orted.,l!blnkNpfCy,ltal.ifllO!VI'n;;y ,ot .imilu cr edilOU'rightlllWs;IbICI,bued on : (.)the translction creatlna the esSie 01'int eresl IRNreci by lIlil policy bell'lll 4eerncd .fraudulent comoeyaoce or fc.udulenr:trandec;or (b )\be IrVlIKlion ctelCina lI'e estatcl or 1nruu1 ~by !his poIiey kine deemed a p re(ererull1lranJfn'txeq'l wbele the p'elcrmlill flamfCf rerullll frnm the failut'C;(i)IDrimely l econIlhe inatNmera ur trlnllfec;Of (ii)of JUch recordation ro 11T1l.t1 nodee to I punhaser'for vllue Of II ·d ment or Iitn c rcdllor . $crial No .o..910 1-U61171 ALTA O WNER'S POLICY Order Number:OS0 3 7200-C3 • SCHEDULEA • Po licy No .:0 ·9701 -1561171 Dale of Policy :Noveaber 1S.2005 a t 4 130 P .M. o rth e dateo frecording of t he insured deed,whicheveris later . Amount ofInsurance:$3.250.00 0.00 1.Nameof Insured : J,.UBLAN S.A. 2.The estateo r interest inthe land which is covered by this policy is : ,BX SIMPLE 3 .Title tot he estate o r interestin theland isvested in: LUBLAH S .A .,A BRITI SH VIRGIN :ISLANDS COIUlORATl:ON 4.The land referred tointhi s p olicy is described as foll ows : SHB ATTACHBD LBGAL DESCRIPTION Order Number:OS037200-C3 •SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION • LOT 21A,A RESUBDIVISION OPLOT 21,VAIL VALLEY THIRD PILING, ACCORDINGTO THB PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 29 ,1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 506 COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OFCOLORADO. ALTA OWNER'S POLICY Order Num ber:DS037200-C3 • SCHEDULED • Policy NO.:O -9701 -1S61171 Th ispolicy does not insure against lass or damage (and the Company wiU notpay costs,attorneys'fees or expenses) wh icha rise by rea son of: 1.Rights orclaims ofparties inpossession,not shown by thepublic records. 2.Easements.orclaimsof easements,not shown by the publicrecords. 3.Discrepancies ,conflicts inboundary lines,shortage in area,encroachment s.andany facts whichacorrect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose andwhich arcnots hown by the public records. 4 .Anylien .orright to alien.forservices ,laborormaterial heretofore o r hereafter furnished ,imposed by law a nd notshown by th e public records . 5 .Unpatentedmining claims ;reservations or exceptions inpatents,or anact authorizing the issuancethereof; waterrights ,claims ortitleto water. 5.Any and .11 unpaid taxes and als.s.ments and any unredeaaad tax sales. 7 .Tha effect of inclusion.i n any general or specific water con••rvancy ,tire protection,soil c onservation or other district or incluaion i n any water sarvice or street improvement area . 8 .Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S.Patent.,or in Acta authorising the iS SUAnce thereof ,recorded June 2',1905 in Book '8 at Page .'5 and August 22 ,19 56 in Book 157 at Page 3 04,r e s ~ving 1)Ri ghts at the proprietor o f a vain or lode to extract and remove hi.are therefrom and 2)rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under th4I authority of the United State,. ,.An undivided oae·halt interest i n and to all of the oil ,ga.an d other _inerala solid liquid and gaseou.of every kind and nature ,including uranium in,on and undar and which lDay be producad froa that portion of subject property .8 r ••ervad by Peter ••Katso.i n Deed recorded May 3 ,1"0 in Book1 65 at Page 227. 10.Agreement between Va il Associata.,Ltd.,and Ga.Faciliti.s,Inc.,recorded July 11,19"in Book183a t Page 1 57. 11.Baauant granted.to vail Wa ter and SaaitatioD District ••contained in the i na truaant recorded Pebruary 5,1969 in Book 21 4 at Paga 612 a.Reception No. 110089. 1 2.Basement granted to Vail Wate%'and Sanitation Diatrict as contained in the i nstrument recorded October 20 .1969 i n Book 21 6 at Page 217 aa Reception No. 111739 • 13 .All matterG shown on the p lat of Vai l Valley Thi rd riling recorded August 30 , Continued on next page Continuation of Policy Number, • Schedule !.ALTA 0-97 01 -15611 71 Owner 's policy • 1977 in Book 259 at Pa ge 69 aa Reception No.155410 . 14 .Protective Covanants r ecorded August 10 .1977 in Book 259 at Page 68 •• Recepeion No.155409 . 15 .Declaration ot Covenant.,Condi tions,Res trictions,Basements and Party Wall Agreement,dated November 10.1982 and rec orded Deceaber 21,19 82 in Book )50 at Page 772 a.Recepti on Wo o 247111 and AAendaent to Declaration of Cavenant•• Conditiona ,Restrictions .•••em.nta and Party Wa ll Aqreeaent ,dated August 9 , 2004 and recorded August 18 .200(8.Reception No .8 88146. 16 .All matter s shown o n the plat recorded November 29,1 982 in Book 34'at Page 50 6. 17 .All aattars shown on the Xaprov..ant LocatioD Certificate dated October 31 , 2 005 prepared by Backlund Land Su rveys . E!'oroRSEMr:NT FORM 110.1 (Rn'.5I9S)•• ENDORSEMENT ATTAOUID TO AND MADE APART OFPOLlCYOF TlTI.B INSURANCE SBRlA L.NU MBER,O ·1701 -1561171 I SS UBDBY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY HEREIN CALl..EO THE roMPANY Order Nc .:05037:l00 -CJ Said Policy is here by amended by deleting paraan.pbs 1-4 •incha.(j,ve.of SCbedule B. Tbi!O endorsement is made I part of the policy am is subject to all o f the II:IlDS and provisions thereof a nd of any prior endonemcnts thereto.Except to the exs.:nt expressly sta ted,it neilher modifies any of the terms w provisions of the policy and anyprior endorsements.nor does it C.'<.tend me effective date of the policyand any prior endorsements,nor does it increase the b ee atnOu nt thereof. Si&ned u nder s eal for th e Company,but thill endo rsement is to be valid onty when it bears an authorized COUD tersip1ature . S TEWART T ITLE GUARANTY COMPA.'OY SrnwART m LE OF VAI L,IN C. AacnllD I0600S I Serial No .B-9351 -11 1403 • •• 5.PW.OOF OF WSS OK DAMAGE. 10 adllil lo.to and a1\u lllc fIOCl;:"requird under SoI.'tioo 3 ollhele Coodiliom IDd ~Iiwu IYve bK"p!1J\'idcd Ihe Compall)'••p roo(Dr I..,or dUllIlC .i&aed .nd rworu 10 by lhc:a-mf e..~...11 be fum ilbed co Ib:Cotapeny witbin 90 day••1'Iet tbc ....mS cI.....ahall aKCfUoin Ihe fads I i¥iq rise 10 the lOll or dl m,lI:, The proofot lou or "'m.llc Iha U ddtribc 0..defm ill,or lie1I or a ll:\l r!lll'.nce OQ lk litle,or uUltr maltu irlaltcd 'I'N by Ihil polk,wbicb COlWiluw w buill of loss or d.lJUl lc ~nd Jh,o ll~.In lbt Ukll1 pouible,the N 'is of ul~"Ulltil1'llle 10,,101I11I;urthe loP or da D\llC.Jr I!le CouipllIl)'q prejudiced by 1hltr.wro oflhf;imuml cllia..1ll1o ptovif:k!hl:~ircd proof 01 loA or cUIRI lC,lhe Co ~D )".oblil.'ioG .1o tbe m.u mf uillder lbe policy.halI k n"inalc.includin&lA)'lilbility III"oblia.cina 1u o n end.P ~.or CO Illi.ue •.,lilic -eioo.wil b rqard 10 tbc DYUef or -'lUll ~~.ILIda proof olku lit da 'QI'c . In ldditiol1.UIc inound dlIiroe nt mI)'~uo nably ,.nqulRd 10 a1brae UI euminatiDo under uMh by Illy IUlhoriud rcprexDlativc o f I1Ic C<lqtaD)'.nd W II p roduce for e lUminallon,inlpc:d:ioo .Ad m py iq,Il l\Ich rc'$OlWble UIlIN.nd pl K:CI u may be dcliantlN 11)'l lI1l l,l lhoriud rcprac:lliativc o f the C ~DY ••n teCOfd', hoob.,aedC.....dx>cb.connpondcnu and mc.-.nda,tI>'betbtr bcariDt •dak b e(<R or ,fter o.u nfPllliq ,w llkb ,u lUJl&bl y penain 10 the los,or ....Jnl IC.Fu rtha', if R'q~by aD)'~n:p~Uvc oflbe ~.lbe iuured d,imtNIlhaO ,rut ill perm .....irI.wrilina,fOf'any -.thoriled lqI~ve ot'lbe ~ 10 euminc,iclsput tnd COJl7 aUm;OI1h ,boMlU ,led&cn,~bcc k ..~OI I~and me1Nl",n<U in Ihc ar:sIOdy «COdrOl o r ,Ib "~,.,..Yo1lidl ~iJ ,nuillio dl~1olI.o r daIlllSC.AJl lnfonnalion dctilIIolI1M IS <<In(llltnlial by Ihc Ourcd ~1t ime Jll f'Rlvidcd 10 the Com(nny pural,nt In Ibis Sccclcm w n not be:di adOKd 10 otb c" vnIcu.ia mc re .sonable Judlmelll OrOlil'Co llll'.h)'.it ill ~l)'ia 1bc -.lOllRntnlion nl the c"'im ,F,ilure oI'thc inwRd d,il'lWlllO ru bmit foe u.lDinalioo under OlI lh, p rtWNu Olhr:r rea_Illy requetkd iIllilnnali"a or JAa!permitlrion to te(U!1l reumtbly D«-.,~Iioa (rom third ~'"as ~\I in:d Ira IhU p&I'Il~shall IcnwlC 'CY Ii.bllily or lhe Cornpanr u lIlkr lhi:!l policy at 10 tfMI claim. Ii .O PTIONS TO P AYOR UrHEltWISE S F.nLE CLAL'fS>TF.RMINATIO:'i O f LlABIUTY. I n ax Or.cl.im u ndef ibis policy,the CoIIII'.ny $h.o.I l hlvc l he rOU O'NiRll -.ldd PlaI optiol\l : (-,)To Plo T or Td6rr r.,.,._.r tIM ""'-t ffI~, To pi)'or ~1Idet ~mcaI.o f lbt'.lIIOXInI o r in.-....u u.-r tbis pol K:)'to&dbcr.~..,COllI.'11OmC)'1'feet and e lpenttS -.eurTcd by dIIC iIIawwt e ..........1Iicll. wcre autbotited bT the Cuolp&ny,\If'to lhc lime o r payment Of tender (If pI)'1IlC1II aDd...hlcb llW ~ny is obli,.1Cd 10 pay . Upoo lhc eJ.U1:1x "'y tile Cor t ~ormis optioll,1111 l~hil ily .nd oblllll_10 Ihc illJUrccI undc r Ihi.t pol icy.otbcr IhID 10 lIIake lhc pa )'mcut required,aba.1I terminate,indud q any habllily or obli,lIioD10 derend,Pf'OllCCUle.or COPIinlo as.,-litlealion,a llOll the policy shill be ""m:odeml to thc COIllpl Il)'for callUu.lPo. l,b)T.f'a,y or 0dIe ""'_Se«Jao WIda Partin Odwr tho 1M '-nd .r ',\1dI tIM l-.nd 0aimMI. (i)10PlY or Olbcr«fM &dde.illl nttw;r plrties fur or Irl the 11Im!:ul ...__red d.li:muI aay ~lairn inaured .,ain1lulllkr mia polk"1DIclllf:f .illliny COIb. a ltO mey ~'rcci a nd U ~II.n ilK umd by IhI;imurcd cla imalll w hil:b w cn:autroriled by Ille Com pany up10 Ihc lime or paymmt 'lid 'N1Uc 1a the Con ~ny ill ob liaatcd to pa'!;or (Ii)10 plI'!Of OIhcrwilc ICUk:.kIllbc ....m1 cla._tIl the ioA Of dama&e provided b UAlIcf IJliI pol icy.IOI dbcr .~ill,!QOIU.,.etome)'a'fee,and npalX3 incurred by lhc iu.ll1:d wiman!..bil::b wen aulhoriud by the Comp&rr)'up to Ihc tiruc o fpaymtnt and wtJich!he CompllU)'D oblizatod 10 plOy , l;pon the ClCl'l::Dc by !he COIllPIIDJI ur e ither o rllK:opIiona ptnvidfd lor iQ pa",&II pha:(b)(i)or (Ii),lbc Company'.Qblitllilms to the insuml undcl'tb.ir.policy h the: ..~imed 1011or damalt.otbcr U.D the PJly ucnIJ teqIIired 10 lie IlIIlIe,.hlil tcnnina.t=,inc llldini a ny liabiJit'!or obli&atm II)l1cftoo .pOOsa;uUl or cuulwe .n)'litiaMion . 7.DETEll'UNATI O~.EXTENT O F UABJUTY A1'Ioll CO L~KAJliC K. t his policy it II conI.tKt o r bldetnrUly 1,.inIt ~IlklUCWy 10M Of damate lU~iPcd III'iotv md by the inJured ....imaaI.ho ....1Ul'fered Iosa ow duwJC by teaJlla of mauera inlurcd 'I ad b)'thiI pol icy a Dd Dill)'to the ex1cnr hen:iIJ dcsaibcd. (a)The liability o f the Conv&nY u nder Ibil p ol ity .1\1 11 aoI aoeed the lei.of: (i)lhe Amo&Ic oIl111unlKC II*d ill Scbco:tu k ~1If, (Ii)the d itTetenI:C bawca the vatua of the insIated csttCe Ill'inaar:u ia.uo:Iallll the valv..oIlbc __red ~at dcfar:IUbjecr:10 Ibc deled,lim Of ~ bflInc.e inaurcd ."inal.by mil poIlq. (b)In the ~lbc Amoullt o f rn.r...rn:1 atatcd in Scbedllie A III the:OtUl o f Po liey is k ll tban 10 pcn:enI "r tblI VIIW.oflba inauml tittle at inlcfelll or the rull conaidtralion paid b tile lallll ,",bkJlcver Is Ie...01'ifJUb ~uenllO Ibc OtIC 01 PoIi;)"1I "'rnvcme1lt iI en:clcd on !be allll wlUcb.Incl'WllXl lhc vllue o r Ibc inlUmi ~or ~lIy ...Jeasl 20 pauo.Oftf the I\JJIllIIU.of t-J",1lU SUI ted ..SchcdWe A,then IhiI Polity Is 1U1IIjuI.10 the follow ...: (i)wll£re no tubMlfllellllrAprovemmr:bas bee ll ru"'.,II to Ul)'plnial bt,tba CoInp IIJ)'I!la ll cmIJ'P'"dle "-'pro nta iIl lht pnJpordoa thai the a.-nl nf imurahCC II O.te o f I\)licy bc:art to the lot.al value:or the insured euate o r inteTal llt Dale a f Po lk:y ~Of (li)1\'bcre a aubxqucnt:improvClllent ...bc:m made.as to any ,anillllOll,the Company aba1I only pa)'Itlt lou pro taUI in !be propor1ioa Ihat 110 pen:enr o f tbc Amount at f~JbIcd ill Schat1lle A b_"10 tIE IUIJI orlbe AmoIft o r llllllll rlllU'..ted in 5aledUk A.nd!he _lit e.perDed lOt die iqlrovanc:d. n.e provisiom (If this p&l't'flIpb JJlaIt QOI a pply 10 D:)tU.aIJIlI"DCy'.'reet tIld npenl Cl b'.lliI::b the C08lpany il lwble "'''r Ibis polic)'.allll at.u ord)'appty 10 lbat punion o f .n,10M whio.:l1 eacccch,in the aUret1te,10 ptl"C erJ o f the A mnul1l 0("..unnec !tiled in Schedule A. (c)The Company will pIO)'OIIIy tboM co,u,IIl101'lle)'l 'fcc,.llII u pcnJtl u rn:d in ~.hCC ...1thS ection ..o r lllt'~Cnnd itinlll and .\)jpu.1atiom. K .AP~RT10~~T . Ir lhe lend dctcnbed in Sc llcdult A COI1IiAs ot Mo '"_ptI'CId.wtJc lla,.,QOI UMd u a Iin&Ie dc,a Dd a 10511 k e lUbCiIbod a tl'ecliaa one Of -n or tbe p"l'C4!lt bul lWl all,the 1011 .Rhtll be COlJllUIC'd and 'Ctlled Ufl ll plO flIIII bula at it'llli::IlIOOWl1 01 inIucoIlIC l unkr IItn po'ky WIll divided pro ..Ia as to thc value 011 D.te or Poliqr DI ea ch acp.ttle partel W Ilia "'boI••Cl clu .ive of Iny irnprovemcnll made tub acqucl1l to OaUl or Polic y ,Un!q,ll IUbilily or value ....oUlc l'llliac b~n llreed u pon II 10 ach pa r«.!by the ~a Dd tbt iaAlRd Il lbe time o rthe .....nee o r Ihia poIic)'a nd IIlowD by an CX pRIl stllcmenl or by an cndoncmcnl aaacMd 10 lItia policy . (ALTA Owncr'1 Polk)') •CONDITION S AND STlP1Jl...\TIONS • I.DEFINITION OP TERMS. 'IDe (onn.ing te rms whe n used in Ihill polley JIleIlll ; (II)"insured":the in lll1red named in Schedu\ll A .1Ult1,subj cct to a ny righ tl o r defcns05 1hc Company would bye had .ga.in~1 1M oamed iluured .Ihofc who succeed 10 Ihe iDlOml of Ihe ruuned En-qJ l'lld by ClpCl'1lri on of law aa di!tin f'l itbed (rom purthue including,bul not lsnh ed 10,bein.distrib.1tc1:s,dc:vlsces.IUfYivon.personal repn:lleD.tIl!:i vcs .DeD of tin,or CO rponalc o r fidJJclary .ueccsso n. (b)-Insured clalmanl":an inJured claimin ,~or et.nage . (e)"Uwwledp'0'"known ";actual knowk:dgll.IlOl c:onrouctive bo..ledi lll or notM:O ....tueh may he impulN ID en insured by ruJOI) of !he publh:nlConb u dermed in lh~po licy or on)'OWl reconb which impart l:o rlJtnlctive nutiee o f ma llen alf«tinl the !lind. (d)"land':the land deJCribod o r rderred 10in &:hedu"A ,and im provemCflUl affi.ll.od lheKto which by law IXlfUlitute felIl property. The erm "land'doeI not inc hul"1Ul)'property beyond the line_o f Ihe ar-ducribed u r re rCf'ftll1 IO in Schedu le A .Do r any righ l.tltlcl, interest.ca tll.le o r euewml &n a butting seeeu .rooda,avcnuel •.n~I.lanes.way.or wa rerwey••but nochlnl hOR m ,haD modify o r limit the c.II.tn111O which.rWI 1of ItCCeII TO IIlKI from !he land it iniure4 by Lhi.polky. (e)"rJlOl1l."&g e ":mor1pge .deed of tru st.lnal deed,or gthef Iealrlry bttumenL (f)·public records":n:conb a.tll.blished undeT .tllc Itllbltn a l Da le of Policy for the plrpoM of imparting CODJ bUaive eoeee o f ma tters r ellltinc 10 rea l pmplrry 10 pur,;}wllen for value aDd without tnowledao.With I'Q~III.I SectiQll 1(a)(Iv)of the ~ch1lionl From C ove rage,"pu hlic re cords".tw O abo Include environmental Pl'OlCC tlon Iiena filed In tbct record .o f !he c lerk of the Unilcd StaICS diJ>trict cOlIn for tht:i dlslrict In ..hic h lh e lan d il located . (g)"WlIJ)ll.r etability of th e titl e ":III!Il.1l1lged o r appanmt metter .fJectiaglhe title 10 m e land .DOl excluded o r exupted from coverll JO. which would en titk a pu~o f the e$fZIle o r mlenlSt delc:n"bed In SCbe<kale A to be releued from the obJi&.tiioo 10 pun:hue by Virlue 01 •CXJIl.trac tual condition rrqumnglhe delivery 01 manctllble tide . Z.CONTI NUATION OF lNStJRANCE AfTER CONVEYANCB O F T ITLE. Th e c overage o f thi.po licy iMn COl:ltinue in force u o f DlIlli of fQlic,ill (n or of lID Ins u~oo ly so 100,at the Insu red re tain.IIl1 ettale or interes'in lbu b oo.o r hokill 3n indebte<Jn ClOl'secured by II pu ~e money mor1goge gi ven by a pu tcha.er fro m the iJu ufl!d. o r onl y so kinK II ~Ihe lnwn:d shaD have liI,biliry by retIIOI1 of CQ vcnanUl of WlIIT&Ilty ma dll b y the lra uredin any transfer o r c cnveyence of me e.1a1e o r mll:re .l.1'hilII po licy .ba ll DO l continue In force in favor of a ny purchafcr from the Insured o f ei ther (I.)lID ntale o r in teresl in lhc Lmd.o r (ill an indebcedne&$'ecu.nd by a pun:hDe money morlgarc gi ven 10 the iDlur'N . J .NOT ICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BV INSURI!:D CLUMA NT. The InJUted.halI notify Ihu Company promply in wrilin.(i)b1 cas e of any litiplioo.as Jet forth In Sel;:tioD 4(a)below.(II)In AoIe kDowledgc .tu.n come 10 an insured hereunder of lilly claim fA lide:I,I r inIen sl ....hic h ia adverse 1O!he title 10 !boo e!"'te or int.o:~.at lmur al.llIld which mighl couse!ollll or damage fur"hicb the Cum pany may he liab le byv lnue 01 this poliL:y.o r (Iii)If ti tle 10 lbI!tlllltc o r lnlere$l ,a8 Insured ,II eejec red ali un llUlrblab le .If prompl eouce ~haU not be gi ven to the Company.then Il'to the iml\ll"e ll",U liab ility o f the C omp lUly shall Ierm illilte Vtilh rega rd 10 the m&ttor o r lIIlI (ten fo r which prompl notice is requ ired:p rovided .hcweee r,tlw t failure 10 notify the COIDplIIIy 5balt in no Cbe pl'ejudic:e tho rightl uf any insu red under this po licy unleu the Company ahaU be prejudiced by the Wbre and then only kJ the e :.1nI1 of the ptBjudic e . 4 .DBFE NSE AND PROSECUTION O F ACT IONSiDUTV OFINSURED CLAI MANT TO COOPERATE. (a)Upon wrilten reques t by lb.insuf'l:ld and tubj e<:1 10 the options contained in SeclWn 6of lbesc Condilioos IUIt!Stipula6oo.J .!he Company.",I 11&own coa t and witboul unrea aonable de llly .JhaIl p rovide for !h.dt:\femc o f on insured In Iitigalion in whicb lIDy lhird pa rty qlCl rla Il dllUn ad verse to tho title or interest as h"ured .bul ouly a .to thos e atllted caulet of sclioll a U'i!ni a dIlfect .lion o r encumbrance o r other ma iler i.nJUred againsl by this policy .T bi:Compa.uy ,hall hav e the righ t to ",lee l cwnscl.of lUi choice (lRIbjecl tu the ri pt of the ioAJred II;)~ect for radol'INlbl.~Je)10 rep~Ihc UIi Ured u to thc'IIIC Slated C8lI$ClI of action &ad .hall pOl be liable Cor and will not pay the rea of any o tbe rcounsel The CompenJ will DOl p"y any 1_.COIUI or I1pen&N inclll'ml by the iruured ia the dd_o f lbnIc:CIJll_ol-=tion wbtch allege matletS DOt b1Iurcd tlpina l by Ibill ponc}'. (b )The Compe.ny .hall have the ri ghl.al its o wn calt,10 irl.ti tule and prolCcUIe liD}action o r proceeding or to do any ocher act which In ita op lnioo.lUay he necetMry or dcairahla 10 ClIl8bliJ b tho lido 10 the a late or iD tere..a...inaured.o r 10 pre yent Of ~Ion u r dHmaK e 10 the in~umJ .The Cn mpany may lake an y approprillle ~tkm under the tenns m thi.prlllcy.wheth er or nolll sha D be liable h ereunder, '00 IhalIIlOt !hereby c:om;ede lia bility o r wai,..,any p rovi.ion of thiJ pol icy .If the Cum pany s hall Cll.etcisc il8 riahlll u nde r IhiJ paragraph ,it shall do JO diligmtJy . (c)Whenev er the Campeny iMU ha ve brou ght an aetio:n or interposed II deftnllll as required or penrritt.ed by tho proviJions ollhi. policy.!be Curnpa.ny IDay pIlDUe any Iitiplinn to final determ.ln&tioD b y II c:oun 01.COlIIpelent juriJdic:1ioc IIDd e:.prasly reserves tho right, In iD 11,110 di Jl,;reUou .10 tlppeal fmrn any adverxjud~to r o rde r. (d)III an cnes where th iJ policy permits o r requi m !he COJDP-ny 10 proaecule or provi de for !hD defC'IUI 1l uf an y action or proued· Inilo!he I.rt wrcd srn.lI secure to the Compw1y!he ri£hl 10 10 pros ecute or p rovlda de fenJe I.rt tho 1l ~1ioo o r proc:OIldini,and a llllppeals the reiD.and pe nnilthe Compmy 10 Uk .at its option .the name ollhe inJured fUI this ptItpOfC.Wheneve r requ..lod by the Company.the: buuRld .tl l tha Compllny ·.expense.ahall ~vc the:Camp&Ily all ~bJC aid (i)in any aclillD or pIOl:eed l.rt g .'ecuriJJg e v ~e.obr.ainiDii ";tDc:uc:s.Pn»eallini o r de fendinK !he actioD or Proccedirli .or e rrocdna;~cnt .and [111 In my o lher IIIwlul tlCt which in !be opinicQ of !be C omplLD y may be nece_..,.or deairtlblto to cstllblish the tillo to !be ClfDole OJ"inkl"Cll l ..insured.If Ihe c:omp..ny b prej udicod by the faihlre of the iDsu red 10 furnish the n::qu iM:!coopen.llon .!he CClrI1plIlJy',obligation.III the insured under lbe polic y.balI terminate. inc lu ding lilly liab illl}'or Dbligation 10 de fend.p roKCll let.or continue an y Iitirrilln .with re gard 10 lb..Ina ner or matters ~iring such cou pcration . •• 9 .LlM fTATIONOF UABII JTY. (a)Il lhc C ~c_blm-the:lille ,Of mnon~the allqed dc(cd,lien Of mcumbrancc .o r (IIre1lhc I.lct o f I riahf of leeellto Of'f1'Dltl t be "lid,or t\lm:the ,lIim af unm.uteubilq.o f l ille ,&.l Ias illlU red...a fftIOIUIhly dil iaml manner by any 1J'Idhod .includina lilia.lion.1\4 tile rompl clioQo f I ny appall there from.it slwl U hive fIllly performed ill obl!l:.tions ....ilh ~11o thl l nllllier Ind I hllI ooc be liable for Iny 11m IH'"ma,t c.u~lhn'dl)'. (b)Til thc:CYen1 of IJI)'liIiI;alioll.ltJcl\ldq lilia_lion by Ib:Company or IW~lhe C"..o mpl.lij'·'CORMnI .!he COlllpany ahall have DO IUlb iliry ror loa or'dlma,t u/llil IhcR:baa bftn I final dt1emllMtion by •mun o r eompeklll)imdiOioa,and disposibm ut.l1lppull tbCTI::l'rum ,ad'i'Cnc Ilu tho:tillo I'inJured . (c)T1Ie ~1hIU .at be-liable Mf kltl Of d......e 1Illlll)'ialllred ilf litbilily vofW1tl rily .s.m1Cd by ~insured in tdllina 'fIJ dlIim.Of"iC witlKJulme prior wriltc1l ~of W Coqt.qy to.REDUCT ION 0 1'L~1lAlIiCH;MFDl :CTlOS O R TIUl.'1 J::1i ATION O F llABILrrV. All pa'J mc:IllS uDdu uu.poiie)'.c .cepI p"'ymeus madt:tor eoN.aaomq ,'rt-el and c&pCDK-'••haillalucr the:a-..nithe ........ACII pro 1anCAl . II.L1AIUlRY :"(ONCm!lILATlVI:. Ii i,tx prn&Jy uOOentood U\lIf.lhe.mount o f UuuI1lQCll under thia poli<:y .rl'1I be rcd ll«'d by .lny .mounllhe Company "",y Pi,.UMe/'any policy iMUrinI'nIM,,-,. 11.1 hitb nuption ia ~kc l\in Schedule R Of 10 whitb lIlC inaJred hu larced .lsaumed .o r ~tlll\al bjert,ur .....hieh II Ilcrnftcr cxeculcd by In inJUrc4 aDd wbich III a fbo.e o r IlclI nn the ea.1&:o r in«crN.lkKribed Of fWfCfTed to in Sclwduk A,aad!he 'IIIllUnI Ml paid wlI be'cIcen.d I pay~ulldcr thia policy 10 thc _red ow nc'. 11.PAnfRHT or UlSS. Ca)No ~ylTlCUllball be tnIde wilhuul:pndIciPa thil policy fof ~or dW ~y __""'-lhc pol icy ...teen IlISt o r cblroyed.ill wbidl u.1t proof o f10.- W'cSttlnICC ioll llhlll be ftJrn i.hcd 10 1Ix aatitfKtiaa at th.I eoq.aay . (0 )Whco IUbilily .nd the n_c(10II Of danw.lc-'"bftll ~iu:1y fb;rd ill ~..ith "-CoodilillM Ind St ipul.tiom,tho 10M o r da".~,ball be p.,.lb\t: ...ilhin 30 day 'lherallcr. U .SUBROGATION UPO N PAYMENT O R Sl!rtlJ1MENT. CI)Tk ColJlpany',IUeht of Subroc.tion. Wbau:va lhe Co DIp'1I)'.ball bayC 1Ctlk:d and paid•cllim und er lhi.J policy.I II r1l hl o f a1brol.t....mall vet t in tho Com plny u naf'fcc:tcd by In y I d o flbe InlUfW c llilMtlI. The Cwupany ,baQ be ~brocl tc d 10 .nd be'enlilIed llJ all.n,1lUI and rancdict ...Idcb Ibc nurc4 dlimalll would.t.\Ie'bad ',Iins '117 pcnoll Of propaty in rapecl lD the claim bad tliI policy n«bcC1I ~ed ,Ifmpc-m "Y!he Q:.rnpanJ,the DwRd c......,.ItIalI tnID1lG-1o me ~ll)'all ria'"aod mtWOcs .,.iut Ill)' penoll or ptopeny necnlafJ in Ofdcr to pcdect IhiI riahl rJ/~.The _red c1 .UmIll *II pmaiIIlhe CoGpuIy kI a1C,enGl9ro.nite Of qaJe in lhc til".o f lhe IUJted cllktD,..JalID ~tbt _of the IMu rcd daim...t in lAY truIKlioaOf I ~ia:~_in~oly""tbeIc rl,ru 01"rtnWdiet . Ifl paymmt 011 aa::llU al o f •claim ~IltJt IWIy cOY er 1Ix 10"ofu.:irwred eJo,iJn,oOl.tha C MlflIIl)'ma n be IUbroalt ed 10 lhe'IC r1thb I ud ~mcdicl iu the propwtioa ...hielt tM ~I\)".paYnlC1l1 bHl1lO1M ....ho lor Imou lll.uf !he .... If Ina Ihould result from I llY ac t ()f lhc inJured cllim.nt,lS ..tad above,U-t ace .hllI 001 wo id 11I 1~pol it y,bUI Ihc COO '9J!ny,ill ItUl I ewnt.Ih llllN:rrquircd to pay only lhM ,art of lny Iossc.insured .,.intI by this po licy ..hicb lhall tIlued the I.-Ill,if .ny,ioItllJ!he C~ny by re.1OII o f the implirmtd by the insutcd c ll\mtlnt of the ~IAY '.riahl.of ..bfot,l liua.. (\I)n"c...,anr s RJabts Aallitlat ~0tlUpn. The C ompeny ',ri&bl.o f IUbropilln ...M swo-iMutMobIir;on lhaD til.&Od all&ll n:1uclc,watlout IUnutloll.Ibe ~0I1he _red 10 indcmailin.IUlr1Inliet. other pOt iciu of iaJunaee or bIOodt .ll<lCWithstallllinclll)'taIlII or cond il'"~inDd in l!ItlIe bwtnurttru whicb provide foflUbrowat iotl riabtJ by ra.m nrlbit policy . 14.ARBITRATION Vakil pruhillitcd by appl icable law .cithcf the Company Of the iallOJred may danand l(bitr1ltion pumu.nl 10 the-Title InsunnKe Arnknltion RuIn of thc Amctic.n Arb ilnt ion AAuc:iM ion.Arbilnblc:ma nclS lUIy incl ude,IN I I ~not IiOL iI.Qd 10,.ny eoalro Yel'l)'or claim bctwccn the C ompany I nd UIlI illlUmi I minl OI.It oror ~l.Itinl 10 Ibis policy ,.ny KrYb:n r the Company ill COMI!ldlon ...ich u illulncc 0 'the h~h of.policy provilion or otiJcI"ohlililion.A Uarbill1ble matlcl1 ....hen tlx:Amount oftnmr-e.$1.000,000 or leu _II be arllitmcd II I ~optioa o f cit"-tlx:Coalplny 01"tho iumd.AU IJb itnbte IDIlta'I ...ben t1llI Amount of I.-ranee ill in Q«SI of 51,000 .000 aMU be alb"'"oN,..ko Itreed to hJ IIoth IN:Co lllflll.lf and 1111=insutcd.AJbitntioll pllfWl nl ...th la policy and uokf 1be RuJn in e«ea oa cbc Ute IIJedanand".lfbitAtioo •made01'.II the ",lion llf tbI itlIutal.the Rulai ill dfed at Date of Pol icJ IbIt I k Iliadina uplXl the parUa..TIx ....ant may ind»dc Itl.omr)'I 'fen OtIly if tlw ....of the _Ie ill _bkIt the iaftd ..Ioea1cd permit.court 10 1.lnlltlomCyI'fCd til.prevlil"party .hldall.lC1lll tIpOll the ....rd rendcRd by the ....~,.tor{.)may be entmd in Iny eau l'l lin"jlIf.id.imt l.lw:ltcof. TIte II ""C1 fthe siNI C1fthc ll Ja1 I ..n appl}10 an .rtIitnt:ion uodel"the t itle lnru.ratlCe ArtlitnUon IMa . A ~y o flbe Rula IJII)'be'obtai ual from !hI!Compl"y upon fCII uett . 15.UABIUTV LIMJTRDTO TillS POUCY ;POUCY HNTIRECONTRAcr, e.)Thil po licy ~witlt aU endane:aICl.lU,if aDJ ,l nachcd IIcftkl by tbc Company II 1Jle Cnlu.policy.1Id COnl.llct betvtcont the ....red and Ihc ~'II)'.In Wotcrprdil!&Ill)'pl'U"ilinn oflhia pOtiq ,thit poljr:y abaQ Ix COMlt'Ued "'..hOle. (b )Arty daim of .or duMle ,..bI:thc:r cv noI balCll1l OIl llCllilClU.and .lta ariM Olll oltbc .....o f lba-I.to dIe ...~01'~COYn'Cd berI:by Of hJ aoy llCl.io a la.ntina aucbcllm"IhaD be ~ki th ;"policy. ee)No .lI;ICIldmcN llI"Of mdoncmcM til thls policy CIA be -.:Ie'u"p*by.wrUtc ClIdoned ItI:mm Of llUK:bed Ilfteto l ilned.by e thtt !be ~I Vice Prnidcal.,Iho:ScocnUty ,III .....illlr-.SecMa¥y,01'~l l idM"o fl"ot:If 01'.uchorizcd .it...l.Or)'of 1llc CoqIany . 16.sEVIlRAIlIUTY. In tbI!ever-.l OY ptoYiliwl o f the po licy iI held imilid Of llllCll fon:eabll!uoder appl ieabk law,tlw:po lky .ball be deemed DOl to include Ihlt prowilion.nd all o ther proyiaiolu IlMl l remain in IlJU force and effecl . 11.I'o'OT ICF.S,WIIERE.SIWI'. NJ nocW;a required 10 be ,iYenlhc COPIpU1)'aIld all)'~i_.ritinc required CO be tIJrIli.-d the ~1l1 .un intlu6e lhc IJ\lmber of thil poJq-Ind IhaII be Mid:r-.aed IlIO 1he-Compa ny IIP.O .B.n 2019,Hau.....tC Ull m52-1019 . STEWART TITLE GU ARANTY COMPANY • SCUED ULEA Order Hllmber.6038306 Date oCPoIkv:February 15.2007 at 4:30 PM (Dl IIll:dIU:ol_li,.ollhc inslnd 6ce4.~.Iaa) Amount of I.,lIraace:$2.600.000.00 t UBLANSA •Polley No,:Q.9701 -1962210 Prtmlu m:$4.725.00 • • 1,TIe tllIi fe or laftrUt III th e la nd ,,"1ch ls ee vered b ythis Polky Is: Fee Simple J .TItir to the H tate or latrrnC:III the I..d i:J "n ltd In: WBu.N SA..A BR11lSH VIROlN ISlANDS CORPO RATION 4.11Ie Iud refund t o In th b p olk)'is dtKribed U (ollows : LOT2IB. ARESUBDIVlS IONOFLOT 21.VAD.VAU.EV nrow m lNG . ACCORDTNOTO mE PLAT RECORDED NOVEM BER 29.1982 IN BOOK 3<19 AT PAGE lO6 COUNIY OF EAGLE STATEOFCOLORAOO . ..........u GUARANTY COMPANY I'.LTAo--"l'Illlc)--Sd...hll .A --------------------~,---- Tbl.po lk)'doea:1I0t i•••re aa:aba .t lost or d am_e:e (a nd tile Company ",UI d ot p ay COIU. attone)'"fea or cxpeu a)whit ".rise by renoo of;•Or der Num ber:60383O<i SCHE DULER • Polity ND:0-9101.19622 10 • • 1.RighlS or claims of parties in pouession,not shown by !he public records . 2.Easements.01'claims of ~ts.not sbo'NO bythe public records. 3.Discrepanc ies,conflicts in boundary lines ,atwrtage in area.encroachmen ts,or any racts.which. correct I\UVCY and inlpcc cton of the:pn:millCs would disclose,.nd which ere not ll00wn by the: pub lic rworda. 4.Any lien,or right to•lien.fOf services,labor or metenel heretofore or hereafter furn ishe d, irfllOlCd by lawland nol shown by the pu blil:records . 5 .UnplItented minina:claims,reservations (If e;l[cqJtlom in patents,or an att authorizing the: issuance thereo f;WlI tef riehls.claims or title:to water. 6.Any and all tmpaid ta:J:ll5 and assessment s and unredeemed tax sales. 7.The dftd of inclusions in any F rllmalor specific wa ter comcrv ancy,fire protection.soil conservation or otheI"diStrilX or inc1 usK.n in any water sevt eeor street improvemen t area. 8.RClCfV1,tioru or ~ceptiont contained in U.S.p .lenti,or in Actsauthoming the issuance thereof, recorded June 29,I 90S in Doo le 48 at PIle 49$and AU iUM 22,1956 in Book I S7at Pa,e 304, t'ClICI'Vins I)Rightl ofthc proprietor of a vein or lode 10extrectand rcmewe his ore lhen:from and 2)riihtl of -ay for ditchesand c::ana l.constructed unde r the authority of the United States. 9 .An undivided one-halfinlerest in and 10 all oflhe oi l,sas and other minerals so lid liquidand paeoua:of every kind and DlIture ,incl..,Jjplil untnium in,on Wld under and which ffiIiIy be produced from chat portion oflubjcct property II reserved by PetCf E,Katsos in DeedrecordedM.y 3, 1960in Book 165 at Paac 2V . 10.Agreement betweea Vail Associate$,Ltd,and Gu Facilities,ln c.,recordedJuly17,1964 in Book 183 .t Page l S7. 11.~t sranted to Vail Water and Sanitation District U cceteined in the iNtrwnent reccrced February5,1969 in Book214 at Pa,il!"612 as Receptkm No.11 0089. 12.Ea5ClJlefl1granted to Vail Water andSanitation District as contained in the instrument recorded October 20,1 969 ill Book 216 at Pare 2 17 as Reception No.111739. ..........",... GUARANTY COVPA.Hl' AlTA OwDcr'.Pg{icySdlaluI~B ...__.'-_._..•----- • • 13.All manm.A-n on the plat of Vail Valle y Third Filma reco rded A_lO.1977 inBook 259 lt PliC 69 Kception No.t H4tO. 14.ProtectiYe CovcnanIJ recorded Au,ust 30,1977 in Boot:259 111 P:ro~68 I S Reception No.1:55409 IDd Amcn Qnnl recorded Oc tober 21,ZOO4 u lleuption No.895164 .• 15.Dec lata tioa of Covenants .CoDditionl.Restriclionl.,Easemen ts u d Party Wall Agreement.dated Ncwember 30,19821nd rec:onkdDee:ember 21,1982 in Book 150 I I Plsc m as R.eee;Jaon No. N 7111 md Amendment to Dr:c1mUion of Co\'aW\tI.Conditions,Restrictions,Eucmcnu and hnyWalI Agtec".....t.da1ed August 9.2004 ..uI m:ordcd August 18,2004 at Rooeption No . 888 146. 16.All rranas Ihov.non lbe p1..reootded Novcrma-29,19 &2 in Book 349 at Pqt 506 . 17 .Appliation fOl Revocable Petmit to Enet or MaintaiD Improyements on.Pu blic RiKh t-of.Way rec.or6ed Deocmber 11,2003 at Reec:pti an No.862323 . 18.AU matters abowD 00 ~~...nnc:n t Loeation CertifiCicc dated ~tmber 28.2006,prepared by Bac:khmd LandS~. • 0ftW_"",. OUARAHn'COMPAIO' ALTA ClImer',Polley Scbedulc B ,..,....:6W&306 .< • COMI\UTMi:NT "'OR TITLE iNSURANCF.e SC HEDULE A e • I .Flfectlve DIlle:January 9,2007 at 8 :00•.m. 1.Polk)'or Policies To Be Ia~: (a)A.I.,T.A.Otmt:r's (Ex tended) Prcpesed Insured: LUB1.AN SA,A BRmSH VIRGIN ISLANDS CORPOR ATION (b)A.LT.A.Loan Order No.:6038306 -C2 Amount ollnsunllOl! 12 ,600,000 ,00 3.Tbc estate or lut"mrt In the land desc ribed 01"n:tt't'M 10InIhls Commitment all d «JveJ'nt IM'n in Is: Fee S imple 4.TIOe to the Fee Simple alate or InknSt"said land is III the errecerve date htrtOr vested In: JODY M.GOFF 5 .Tbe land referred to in UIit Conunttmnd .deKribed.follows: LOT 2 18 . A RESUBDIVISIO~OFLOT21.VAlL VAllEY lHlRD ALIN G. ACCORD~O ro llIE PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER29,1982INBOOK349AT PAGE 506 COUNTY OF EAOLE STATE OF COLORADO . ~.72.5 .00 140.00 20 .00 "'.00 •Purported AddR:5ll: 1944 Sunbum Dri ve B Vail,Co lorado 8 1M7 STATEMlI\T OF C HARGES n-e:tIIrsa are due lIIId payal»r ~rl.'A •Policy ~II be i$QIe4; PREMlUM S: Owner',: MoJtFlge: Tax Ce rt : Fonn tl O.l •~-.._....--- ..........u C UARAHTY COIoIPANY e--_s-","A ""F lorI • Order Number:60 38306•Amended C2 'The foUowing are the requirernetllJ to be complied with:• •COMMITMENT FOR rm.s INS URAKe SCHEDULE B -Section I REQUIRKMEJtr.'TS • • I.Payment to or for tbe account of the grantor{s)or rnor1i!agor(s )of me full con.s i&ntion for the eswe or intcrc.st to be insured. 2.Proper i ostrument{.)creating the estate or interest to be ins ured must be tlICCUled and du ly filed for record ,to wit: 3 .Evidence sati~ractory [0 Stewart Title Guaranty C o mp.ny o f p ayment o f al l ou tstanding tax es and assessments as certified by The Eagle Counry Treasurer. 4 .Execution of affi davit as 10 DebtsandLiensand us remm to StewartTitle Guaranty Company. 5.Evidence satisfactory to StewartTitle Guartlnty Company thatthe real esta le transfer tax assessed by the Townof Vail has been paid or Ihat the transaction isexe mpt from said tall . 6.The Company requires for its review a 8II lisfaetory affidavitexecutedby the ownerof the land staling that there have been no improvemenu on the land (inc luding fences or other structnres) since the date of theprior swvey .U the survey reveals any encroachments.overlap5.boundary line disputeJ .CW'e lbcr advene mattcn,theymay appearas exceptions inthe Policy. Note :1l1e company also requires for iu review a copy ofany C.lining surveyor n..c the scllu<s) may have in their posseuioo. 7 .The Company requires.Wistaetorx evidrocc of !he authority of LuhIM SeA..the cwporation.to pwdlasclmongage lhe land,including: (j)A Resolution of the managing dirpctop fln English)authorizing the purchase/momage rc be insured and aud1orir,i ng 1!I managing <futctor t9 pcom the clO$i ng dog!!ncnlSlmonga gs: f iil.Cen::ifica t.e a fGood Standing (in f.nglishl. Note:if the dosing documentslmortgue is to be execcted byan 'ttomey:jn·fpct,then I duly CICC\lted Po W"ofAt tomn in Conn for recording mus l be produced a nd rroors!ed with proof from the managing di R&to!l stati ng the Did Powq Q(Attomey is valid and bjnding and duly I\Itborizcd 8.Deed from Josh M,Goff vesting fee si mple tille in Lubhm S ,A.,a Bntish Yillin hland.'i COrpot'ltioo, NOTE:NOTATIONOF THE LEOAL ADDRESSOFTUE GRA NTEE MUSTAPPEARON THEDEFDAS PER 1976 AMENDMENTTOST A1VT'E ON RECORDING OF DF-EDS e RS 38-3S·I09 (2). ............,. OUARAHn'COMPl\,NY e-;_~s.-R.t"'101 . _.~.----- • • • e C O ~MJTMENT FOR TI11 .F.Il'Ii:SUR A4 SCH EDULE B -Sft:tion 2 EX CEPTIONS Order Nu mber:6038306 •C2 Th e polk}'o r poIlda lo be '-ued wiD oontalo tx«ptI0M tot he rollowlnx un l",1M 3lIme.n!disposed or to the ..tbrlldioq of Ute Com plln,.: 1.Rights or claims of panics inpossession.not shewnby the public reccrcs. 2.Easeme nts .o r claims of easements,not shown by the p ub lic records . 3.Discrepancies.confliCts in boundary lines,shortage in area.encroachments,oran)'fac ts,whicha correct survey and inspection of the premises woukI disclose,andwhich arc:not shownby the publ ic <=d._ 4 .A ny lien,or rigb l toa l ien,for services.labor or ma terial he retofo re or hereafter f umi!lhed.imposed b y laws and not show n by the public records. S.Defects.liens,encumbrances ,adverseclaims or other matters ,if any.created first ..ppearing inthe public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date here of .burprio r to the dat e the:proposed insured acquires of record foe value the estate or interest or mOr1 gagethereon cov ered by thi s commitment. 6.Unpatented mining claim&.reservations or ex cepliOfl s inpatents.oran act authorizing the issuance thereof;water ri~claims or nue to water. 7.Any and allu npaid taxes and asseumenll andunredeemed tax sales, 8.The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy.fire protection.soil conservation or other district orincluslou in any water service or street improvement area. 9.Reservations or exceptions containedinU.S .Palents.or in Acts aulhorizins the issuance thereof. recorded June29.1905 in Book48 at Page 495 andAugust 22.1956in Book 1057 at Pale 304, reserving I)Rights ofme pmprietnt ofa vein or klde to ell traa l Ad remove his OR therefrom and2) rights of way for ditches and canals ccesruced under the a u(hority o f the United Slates. 10.An und ivided.one-half interes1.in and to all of the o il.gas and orner minerals so lid liqUid and gaseous of every Idnd andnature,indudins uranium i ll,on and under and which may be produced from that portion ofsubjoct propeny Il.S reserved byPeter E.Katscs in Deed recorded May3,1960inBook 16.5 at Page 227 . II .Agreement between Vail Associates,Ltd.,andGas Facilities,Inc..recorded J uly17,1964inBoak183 If Page 1S7. l2 .Euemenl granted 10Vail Water and Sanitation Districl:as contained in the in.qlrumenl recorded wnnrAaT nn.,a ~-=6OJI;)06 """""'"'OONPA>Y C _.s.c-"'l l ""'1 012 ---------------_.---- • • • february S.I ~OOk2 14 at Page6 12as Reception No.110089.e 13.Easement granted to Vail Water and SanitationDisirict as containedin the instrument recorded October 20.1969 in Book216 It Page 217 IS Reception No.111 739. 14 .All matters Jhown 00 !he pla t of V ail VaJley Thlrd Fil ing recorded August 30 .1m inBoo k 2.59 at Page 69 as Recepdcc No .L~54lO . IS.Protective Covenants recorded A ugu.~t 30,1977in Book 259 atPage68 as Reception No.155409 and Amendment recorded October 2 1,2004 as Reception No.895 164.. 16.Declaration of Covenants.Conditions,gestricnces,Ra..~menlS andParty Wan Agreemeet,dated November 30,1982 and m:orded December 21.1982 in Book 350 at Page m aJ Reception No. 247111 andAmendmenl to Declaration of COVCOllnLS .Condiliom••Restrictions.Easements and Party Wall Agreement.daled August9 ,2004 and recorded August 18.2004as Reception No.888146. 17 .All marten shownon the plat recorded November 29,1982in Book349at Page .506 . 18.Application for Revocable Permit to Erect or Maintain Improv ements on a Public Right-of.Way recorded December 17.2003 as Reception No.862323. NOTE:EXCEPTIONS I AND4 ABOVE WIlL BE DELETED ON 1MB ANAL OWNERS POUCY.PROVIDEDBOllI SEl.LER(S)A.~D PURCHASE R(S)EXECUTE THE HER.Ell"l REQUIRED AFFIDAVITS AI\'D SAID AFADA vrrs ARE APPROVEDBY TIl E COMPANY . EXCIWIlONS 2AND 3 Wll.l.BS DEl..EI'ED ON THEFINAL OWNERSPOUCY PROVIDED THAT nm PRESBNT OWNERS EXEClITE THE SURVEY AFFIDAVIT.EXCEPT ION 5 WnL NOT APPI!AR ONTHE OWNERS POUC Y.ANDGAP PROTECTIONWILL BE GRANTED PROVIDED THAT STeW ART rrna OFEAGLECOmITY PERFORMS CLOSIN"G DISBURSEMENTS AND RECORDINGOF All..DOCUMENTS. SEE '1>ISODSURFS ~INCUIDIID HEREWITH ....~n= GUARM7Y cowPAN'I" ~-$c::llcdt.lI0 8 2.,.,.hn TO IYN\...:OF::::V,~j\[L~~i •• 7 5So uth Fron ta ge Rd . Development Vai l,Co lorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2 138/4 79-2 139 FA X 970-479-2452 M ay 1,200 7 Ramo n A lonso 5 55 N .E.15"'S tree t,Ste 2 00 M iami,FL33 132 S ent v ia ema i l toralonso @museo tec .net R e :D RB07-011 8 Del Va lle E x terior Deck Alte ration D e arM r.A lonso, D epartm e nt of Comm u nity Thank yo ufor s ubm itt ing additiona lm aterial s forthe DelVa lle min or exterioralteration d esignr eviewa pplica tion .T he fo llow in g areco mm en ts re latedto thi s a pplication: I .P leas e p rovid e an upd at ed h azardan aly s is repo rtth at confirms th e p ropo sed design willmitigate allhazards on the s ite. 2 .P lease provide a t itlere port wi thb oth Sched u le AandS ch edule Bfo r Lo t 2 1A.I only c urrent lyh aveth e titl e report for Lo t 21B. 3 .P lea s e pro vide det ails o ftiles pa an dth e wa te rfall,aswe llas d etails o n theso urce o f th e wa ter for th ewa terfall . 4 .The pro pe rty iso nly allowedI outdoor light s ource p er 1,000 s q uarefeeto flot area. Lo t 2 1is a llowed 2 2 o utdoorlightso urc es.L igh t so urces no m orethanI S"a bove gra de ,as m ea su red fromthe top o fth efixt uretot hefin ish grade be low,and areei ther "fullc utoff'fixtures ,o rh avea m aximum source lu men s of four hund red (400) (equivalent toa40w att l ight b ulb),a re e xe mp t fro m t his requirement ami ca nbe included in ad diti on toy our a llowed number of lightso urces .Whil e most of yo ur p roposedo ut doorlighti n g fixtures arc exempt ,therea rcth reefix turestha t are m ore than 18"a bove fini shedgr ade.A dditions of n ew ligh tin g fixtures th atarc notex empt req uireyou to come int oc ompl iance w ithth eo utdoorlightsourcer egul ation. Th erefore,you w illn eed to red uce th e total num bero f o utdoorlights ources to 22 . 5 .P lease pro vide de tailonho wthe ro peli ghtin g wi llb ea ppliedt o th e d eck s t ai rs,spa a ndpl antera reaonth e d eck.In order for th ero pelighting tobeex empt from th e o utdoorlightin g re quirements,itmu st b efull c uto lT.F ull e uto ff is defi ned asa lig ht so urceinw hich nomo reth an twoa ndfive -tenths percent (2 .5%)o f it s total o utput is emitteda b ove n inety d egrees (9 0°)as m easu red f rom nadir ass hown hi th e examp le onth enex t page: • .....'.-.. I • I amst ill awai t ing comments fromthe Department of PublicWorksregard ing the ero sion contro l details and limit s of di st urbance fencing .Iwi ll inform you of any comments fromPu blic Work s by nextweek . Do not hesitate to c ontactm e withany que st ions or concern s. Bes t , Rache l Fricdc Plann er ,Town of Va il Direct line :(9 70)479 -2440 ! I 12v• ,,.. ....,htl1<1 ~""'t .~"l_Juppilool'Optl..IKIP9-141 _ 100'1 ~5'<oppoo,lCwMRII (fU EI I,""'llo'«;I."I,2.JS"Io<Iq\ 1.W 1.7S·<oPPO '1OwMR11 <rL)[FI (",wlio',,,IIo,I.l.n-long ) 7.W 2.25"<oppo,1I."ooMRI 6<aAB;H I ~".,..."...,I.Hl"1ong) l .2S-ZOO "<OPl>P 'Xlw MRII H I l.2S "1,~""'Pi>'<XM-MRl l E'I $1.·)7'''11 1 'l.1 ~-J,OO"<01'P'"lOwMII16 H I 'Qsll..,.,..I..M bool!»lor Sl.-ll2.-04.-ll7.-oe.·17.,18,·2••·30,31.-35 .........f<>r A ~-'li I. For 1~,T·7,Th<Tl0,(Qnoull l0C10 ry 10<ptic utld .....,labIiIlt)-. 12v. .. o•• Underwater lights C.......~C"I --......-u ·n ,,.5.7S·&mf'tl<<101brlI..25wVWfl fAA-.J(i "U -Il'"4 20"5.7S·dilmem-u .lbrll..2~1IWt~~AIl·J(J "~~1.50·2.SO"diomew'<»l br ...2llw ~11R "~.....,~.2.:.0"dl.mow,<I..b,."2 llw "'~11 fl "5t...-o-A"AC 17S '2.SO"dIo mew'co"1:><."l llw "'~11 fl "~....,17S'l:;QdI.....w',.-t l:><.../fJw "'1111 f l "5t.-«l-AC·5M US'l:h'dl........,.,.bo ...2Ow M~l l f l "~_W 'W 25<rd'ome l.',.,.bo ."JON M ~11 fl "~.»12S'3,J8'"d iome l'",...bro..}(lw M~l6fl \BABl "51.-»·"1 3.2S·3J.B·di......,...o;;nlbr"",2Ow'-lRI6fl l8ABl "S l-l ~AJl.AC ,~3.3S"di.....,...~.-2Uw'-lR16fL(llABl "Sl_l ~AC ,~3.3S"d i.........«I.l br..",»-''-l1t16Fl ·:Il ABI "S l-l~AC·5/lI sae-3.J8'd_...,••1"'""/Ow "'1t 16 fl :eABl "5 l-l~S M ].2S·3.3B"diam<l ...""I "''''''2t),."'R16 fL !BAII 1 "Under ......~""""_,lobi<..'I~IJL><k An d .....1.........ldd ·eATIQ ,...log ......,1>«, Sl -4(].AB-AC ·"SL-4G-A8 Sl~AC ·S"SL-4G.AC SL-40-SM Sl ·40 ,, New Slaln/e, /steeraese ."'" s :Plug Into weallwirproof re«:pl.CIe vi.powe cord (suppl ied by Focus;fof F1 e ~O a m p Se ries only). Pow«Supplies fo r 12vJ120v. Appll Clitions 1:H<lirctwl re 12\0, tran sfonner 10 12011. weatherproofroo". (HW-l2-7Sl 2:Plup·ln 12v. lr ansformer to 12011,weatberpecof receptcstle (PIo 12·1S: J :Qu ick conn ect to 12v.rechargubli!l portable ca ne ry (W8-12-880). -4 :Direct connection 10 12v,lendscape Ilghting syslem via FA-<l5 Clukk Connector. 'Silo'Plug-Inl l.nsformer o .,,~~~!Q, Mu st bu y .~,50et ,t lime 01oro.r ((~/ - HW-U ·1S PI·n -1S WM·Ch lfgl!'WM12·BBQ Barbecue Power Supplies 12v.f12Ov.Flex Clamp/Fin DecwescoP IC Serle5 '"-,.mo loto ..h'__..Su__ooIol Opo'-ol_ooIo~'1 ~.SIojopIlod'0f0Il-."-"I------_._-- 4'1lQ.(I ).p()4 'rnl .,"""""."",In"",brl",<opper.lloI'"I....flet!:KJw T4.'S .C.ecce 1lQ.(I7·P(24'JW cse-..lruded ..~"',".....bll..,~.•loI'"ln .fI~:lOwTol!S.C.I C DU t 1O.(I8.P(24'mt 'W """I~,,,~....brl.uopper.lloIlnleu fltel :lOwM~·1 6 'LIMO]I CDH I \IQ .(Ill·P(24'Jt<i I.SIT ...U I"",,",,",--:l(Iw MA ·!\(FTOl IDEF t Model ,how",IO.(I)-PD 24'nd..w 'JIUf\II""'in"",bll.\<opper.ItIIIll .....I~1(M-T4/S.C.I C D! IIQ·(I8-FD-J6..SS 1 0.(I7-PD 24'nci •.se """"dod ................b,..\<opper......nleI .n ....JUow J4,'S.C.I CDUI.....,)4'nd ,w us,.......'"""",b'.'\'0Jl!»I,-..less <teel :lOoo Mil-"T o ~lAI )I C DU I.....,)4 'nci 1.)0'o:an ll"",'""""--:lOwMA ·!UFTOl.........I H I 1O-11-Tt1 )6".)0 '),:10.'"''.''1'1'1'"'''''b....:lOoo Uhllogef'I CE IO-n·TD 16'·)0 's.se -QIIII"....-,brl'l ;llJwT.h.o'''9''''.ct 'k-J(>'"".armu <ld .J(>'to Qwk>j rKJmbtt.Cofl",~flCtory lc.prien 'f or 121)v.twlO9<"os>I ion~C<>f>'''~foclorylof ~""'"nd IVIIlIbIIIl)', Not.,U o...FIt,Cllm"s.n..(o......~p1uglndCOrd, ,,,. 120..., New Easy M ountS~ ® LISTE D•L IGHT ROPE --------,e ,--------..,-------=- Ugh l ~~d!~cabmtt and aOOVl!u~_X!non Tas ~Lir/11 abcwe w,k. FEA TURES ~Ul listed and labeled totoug h new 2388 Flexible l ighting Products standardfo rindoor and o utdoor ecpnc euo ns . •Ships completely assembled an d ready to mount.All packag ing includes Ught Rope ,fused power cord.and mounting d ips. •Sold in both J-Ra ck,readyretail packages andpo lybag bulk packing (see page 35) •Sold in both 1/2"diameter and 318"diameter. •mterconnectebleto 450 ft . per 110V plug . •Crushproof to 150 PS I. •30,000 hourevereqe bulb lif e. •Available in SI X colors • c Mee ts the tough new VL 1188 Flexible Lighting Products standard. New! BulkPackdging in every J-(oot :ncremen t between J feet and 15 feet PHOTOMETRICS O NPAGE 3 7 \00 00 0\ ....1"_ 1 00 0 0 0\-,...... Volta~II OVA( Bulb 5po<.ifiu tiom ..•••3.5 0'011.SOmA.16 .....arts A'Ifflgf'Bulb l ~.....30.000 Ha ~rs Bul b Spacing ....•••..1"on Clmltf (olon ...•....••...,(If¥.R~.8tue.Olange.G'ft'l'.Y@l1ooN O~,....,,..lfr tll'llm)and 3i8 -(lOmm) l lMl}ttK ,....•,,..R~:ail Pactaging (8'isll'I P ad:;~'1 .6',12'.18'.24.J O',ISO ' U ~~JIadtd}).1I"Da'ror.t'"(l£AR ONLY ~3:6',9 .11:I;',18',2T.]4',27;30'.33',36,39',41.45~48'. 51',<;4 ',ST.60',H .66'.&9 '.7]'.75' In lf>rron nl'Clabi lily ••••.AlI ll!ngtns 01equal diilmt't .....(an rormect WIller 10 a ma(i'llum 01450 f'~Ptf 110V plug PoMr (Ofd •••••._.,.E ""'Y pactqd ~COI'l'es \M!tla 6 ~IN!!SIT PQ'M'f (QI"d per Lll2188 r~P$rt'd lor0IJt);XJr a;lIlIieat iO'llo. 1n(il.Jdt5 cee ~'l'n.~ill f'iff1 pt!'o'fel'to'd pI .J;. MOlofl ting (o~,.[~packaged ltongth comes WIt h Mounting (liP5 for ....ery 2'01 product.Mo ~l 'ng Ciipo..\OPw 10 ~a't.and lJght Rope p'l'\'>l"i ifllOdP b(l ~ws irltkJdtd), F1@I dMocMic ation ,.,•.I't!Ll l 2388.""re isno OJtllng .spliCing.or f~mod ~'lCdlion alloWl:>d .Orlcf a stCliOn ~~If>hol'l e ~po r l'd .me ~h musl be disconnl'Cle d,di~~ol and replac ed. Ma~imurn Run •••..,'.1n:..,<ortr1 l'Ct.:l blto 104SO ft.pl'r 11'J1,'plug Er1ef9Y ltsq 2.16 v.a"~IJ'I fOOl Agl'l1ty Approval ••.•••ULlil llM!IrKIoor &Oill door to n(OW IOl/9h Ul 2388 s t a nca r c~ N '\TIONAl S Pl:CI""LTY l IG HT1N G 2 006 ® LI STED ••LIGH T ROPE ,~..." IlUllQ.01 0 lIll ·~e< fllAl~1 0 In ·~Ie< PIMtJc MoI..wltiog CI\aeI ~" 5i'ip§in ..ft 5ect~" 1lI./l.-ClO6 24 ~unq (Ilp\ WItI'l ScrPM FItt both I n"... l'8"~lq'Il 'lopr /l.LRl l)«13 MI 'O i~me t l'l PJ.Rl).(I03 I n"O~met l'l smw-on EndC ~p . 2 p/ecf's pet bag ... AUl-8M\JSE 8 Amp ~Cord Fuw 2 piecM.pel"INq "1tL/l.1D-01G-S 1'8·O..-rell!''" 1tL.R1 3-01O-S 1/2 ·O .:wr cler ~W1ttl mount ng "...... "lll.Jtl Q-()l G-T 3JS "o.~me:e' lILRl3-QIG-T In 'o.a~1P< ~jmlalPd doub e---r vvF---- NOTE : All pack.aged Light Rope at left shi ps complete WIt h light Rope,PowerCord.Mounting Cues.and roses •Accesso ries listed at right are for mountIngatterna- l iv es and spare parts. ApPLICATIONS •Cove lIg hting •Eave light ing Deck light ing Cabinet lig hting (I Architectural outl ines •Visual mercha ndising •Exhib it pr oj ects •Sta ge lighting (I Th(>,1tr1Cill projects ~.PKbgi"9-C",<AJc,o'Q 8:»:P«:k eod lpnq:h I SO Di.tml'lt'f~_111"N'Id 3/8 "6,,_ 12°iN .12°(w).6 '11:1, R(lt~,1 Pado:ag lng.Bliller Pd(kl'd.J.llilfk rpiIl'ty l.l'rqltn:18',24',30' O'a'TlCWs :1/2 'or lIS ' 6 coors 15-('1)X B "{w).'.II'O(d) Bull<P.K~<l9 .~PoK lo'.td It<'ogl'''-3',6',s-.IZ',I S.a.21 ', 14',27',33'.ar.)6',)q .4 2'.4 S",48 ', ~I ·.~.51',60 .er.60 .es'.12",15' ~...-1I8 ' '''..",.y PackolQf ~V~ Re'l.'lil P~d<a 9"1Q .BI!\IH PMk~,J ·R ac~J.ddy l(ln gt~·l.6',12' Diamell'flO :1""I)(ye - 6 "''''1]"(hjx 9"(w ).t .I/'·{dl PURCHASE OPTIONS) 31 .~<c:o LiL,t "l""",\)2'1-\\\... \)a.."Au.&'c;l'-t6ilAO{<....I)c[\!'..I,\\.;\(:,H\\'C,,\ " V'\(,lt<'.L f a,IC DC (P L I\:".£~\.0,Ii'.) -'r ;" •museotec I IJ '--_..->-L-'l • r Ccv~/Dr~ .~~'q l il'/1.<c"/ .." ....: J~~cr~L ll}tt\l r-.-\~ 'D 8Tl\\L-- • A ugust 17 ,2006 Mr.larry Benway Cohen Constructi on,Inc . P .O.Box 1889 Edwards,CO 81632 • Arthur I.Mears.P.E..Inc. Natural H azardssCo nsultants 555Coun ty Road 16 Gunnison ,CO81230 Td/Fax :(tnO)64!-'H JO ., RE :Geo logic ha zards ,1944 S unburst Drive(Lots 21A &216),V ail Dear larry : ~yo u know,I completed a site ins pection o f the above-referenced property yes terday .T his property i sa ffect by s now a val anche .debris flow a nd rockfall ha zards ,a s s howno n T own of Vail maps.As a res ult o f my s itein spection I am p rovid ing the following appraisal of th es now avalanche ,debris-fl ow,a ndr ockfall haz a rdsandam d iscussing mitigation options at this s ite. 1 .Rockfall-T he b uilding s ite appears t o be beyond the limits of destructive ro ckfa ll e vents.Mitigation willnot be req uiredt o p rotect f rom rockfall. 2 .Debris Rows (or d ebris avalan che/debriss lides)-The entire al luvial fan encirded by Sunb urst D rive has been built from debris now a nd debris avalanches ori ginating in the s mall,steep drainage basin 10 the so uth . Consequently,from a geologic o rg eomorphic perspective,allp roperties a re WI thin range of these p rocesses.T he b uildings a t 1944 a &b a re near the outer or d ownhill l imits of ~10o-year·ret urn period e vents .E v ents of th is ma gnitude mu stbe considered In T owno fVa i l hazard as sessments . 3.Snowa valanches -S now avalanches affectp ri marily the we stern ha lf of the a lluvialfan but may r each to t he up per e xp osures of 1 944a &b.An av alanche(probably of wet snow a nd e ntrained d ebris)re achedt o within a p proximately 2 00 feet sou tho f your s ite in th e e arly 1960's.Thi swa s determined by s tu dy of aerial photographyan d o nsite in spection. A r ow of boulders has been pla ce u phillo f p art of t he e xisting b uildings o n Lots 21A &B .T he bo ulders form a crud e 'wall "o r "da m-ap proxi mately 3-4 feethigh (measuredonthe uphill sid e).InmyjUdgment,this wall willno t be sufficient to sto pt he d es ign-magnit ude,100 -year avalancheor debris now e v ent before the b uild i ng is reached . We d iscussed your c lient'si nterest i n b u ilding a swimmingp oolo n the uphill si de of t he res ide nce.This p oolco uld a lso serveasa debris "catc hi ng b asin"inth e "•• • • ev ent of the ver y rare o eons-no w event t hat mi ght a ppr ca c n the house.It w ill a lso serv etc d i ss ipate some of t he e nergy of a s nowav a l an che .in cludi ng t he v egetati on that mi gh t beent rained into thea valanch e fl ow .A b erm or darn lo nger a nd h i g herthanthe currenl one should a lso be b uiltei ther abo ve the o r b e low the pool to d is sipa t eth e e nergy o fth e d esign ava l anche and debris f low m ust rei terate th a t th e c urre nt d am i s n ot su fficien tlyhi gh or i ong a ndm ust b e inc rea sed In s ize .Th!S str ucture mu st b e long e nou g~to pr otect th o b uil di ng a nd m ust be desi gned In S U ~3 w ayth at m e fl ow of ava ta r-cr ies Of d ebns ftO#5 IS ret defiecteo o nto a n,'adjacent pu bl ic o r p rivate p r operty Such a defense str u cture c ould be mcorpo rateo i nto d evelopment p -ans ,woul d pr ov ide adeq ua te p rotection .a nd satisty fawn o f V ai l regulatio n s Fu t u re w ork will requ ire qu annncanon o f th e avala nche a ndd ebri s -flo w d y na mi c s sothatt hea ppropriatemiti gation c a n be desig ned .Ve loci tie sandflo wh eight s mu st beestimate d by a pplyi ng up-to-date modeling procedures ,j f th esear e approp riate Because p-ans are not c u r rently k nO\.'I("'I ou antift caticn an d d es ign can not oro ceec a t p resent L imitatio ns T hec urrent extent of fo rest onthe s teep slopes tot heso uthha s been co nsidered inth ishaza rd evaluation .If substantia l portions of th is fo rest is removed b y na tura l {pa r asit es.fi re }or man -made (tim ber remov a l)causes .ttl e h azardma y i ncrease .Av alanche a nd /or debris fl ews ma y b ecomela rg er and more f requent !n this ca se th em 1hgati on concepts OI SCU S seo h ere may n ot be s ufficient to pr otect the hou se . Yo u as m y cl i e nt shou ld k now th atwh ile o ur com pany ca n andd oes attemp tto u phold th e highest profess ion al standa rds ,the s tate of s ci entifi c and en gi neenng kn owledge I S incomplete ,a ndd oes no t al ways p ermit c ertai n ty.T h e complex ph en omena inv olved in avalanches .debris flowsandd ebris ava la n ches can n o t be perfectlye valuated and pred i cte d ,and meth ods us edto pr edictt he i rb ehavior ch ange a s ne wresearch becomes available V.Jhi le we can and w i"offer ou r best p rofessional Jud g me n t.we ca nnot and do n ot o ffer an y war ran ty or gu aran tee of resul ts . P ie2S€con tactme if y ou h ave a ny questions S ince rely , Arthu r I.Me ars .P .E A valan cbe-control engIn ee r •• TO WN\....O::::Fv,~'AIL~~i 7 5South Fro ntage Rd. V ail,C olo ra do 8 1657 970 -479 -2138/479-2139 FAX 9 70-479 -2452 Ap ril4 .2007 Ramon A lo nso 555 N.E .is"Street .Ste2 00 Miami,FL33 132 Sen t v ia email toralonso@muscotec.net Re :OR 1J07-Q1 18 Del Valle Exterior DeckAlteration DearMr.Al onso , Department o f Community D ev elopment T hank youfor your design rev iew a p pl ica t io n foram inor ext erior a lteration at 1944 S unburst D rivet hat inclu des exterior d ec k a lterationsincludingahot tub and waterfea ture constructi on. Starr ha sreviewed t he applicati on mate rials and h as t hefo llowing conunent s: _..;,,~I .P leas e pro vide an updatedh azardan alysisreportthatco nfirms t he pro posed de sign will mitigateallhazardsont he site. 2 .T he si te p lan s h a llbe amended t oincl ude t hefo llowing: a .Ex istin gandp ropo sed lightingfixtures (includi ng landscaping lig hts) b .Lim it of d i sturbance fence c.Setbacks d .Ea sements 3.P lea se p ro v idea n updated stamped s urveythatincludes ease men ts. 4 .Please p rovid ea s ection of t he bou lderw alls andindi cate bottom an dtop o fwa llele vations on plans .I fwa ll is more tha n 4',we requirea stamped engineer drawi ng . 5 .Pl eas e provide ero sion control det ails../ 6 .The ga s p it must be replaced with a fire pi t ,p er Public Works corrunents.V 7.P leasepro vide d etailonhow the rope lighting will b eapp liedto t he d eck st airs . 8.Provide source lumen s for a ll proposed l ighting fi xture s . ,,/9.Please ob tai n s ign off from the util it y companie s.A fonn for theirs ign off is included in the application . 10 .Pl ea se pro vide a stagi ngp lan with the b uilding p ermita pp lica t io n . In o rderto rema in onth e April 18,2007 De signRe view Board agenda ,I ~;11 need the a bove comments addre ssed byM ondayA pri l 16,200 7 .O therwi se.th ea pplicat ionw ill be m oved to t he May 2 ,2007 ag enda .Do net hesi tate to c ontact mewi th an y qu est ions or concerns. Be st, Rachel F riede Pl ann er,Town o f Vai l D irectl ine (970)479 -2440 • P .O.'Box.-606 .1lai(,Co(oTaJo 81658 •(970)926-.3594 "•. ~n fJ7.ee W orR,s,I nco'-:..;;;,.;",;;;;;""'""'--;.;;.;;;'"""'==='-"~:..:.:;:...:.;;:.;. May 24 ,2007 Mr.Mike Charles Max im umCo mfortPool &Spa .Inc . rOB 26 70 Vail ,CO816 58 Re :Tree evaluat ion Anto nio Delvalle Residence,1944 Sunburst Dr . near M ike. On Thursday,May 17,2007,Imet with you at 1944 Sunburst Dr .to evaluate as pen t rees and comment o n possible const ructionimpacts.Th is reportwill document myfindings and provide recommendatio ns . Assignment •Evaluatethe generalcondit ion of theas pen grovea ttheso uthwest comer ofth e property. •Evaluate s pecific trees propo sed by t he a rchitect forsav ing wit hinthe pro posed dec k . •Createan acc e ptablelimit -of-disturbance(LOD)for save t rees. •Submit tree preservationg uidelines. Generalco ndition ofas penstems S ince many o fthe as pensarequ ite s mallind iameter,it wo uld be better torep lace themrather than att emptto sa vethe sma llertree s .Thestand o f aspe nsis of average health.wit h three exc e ptions: I )Th e trunks o f as penslocatedadjace nt to theexisti ngbould er wall had been significantly damaged a nd these trees are nowst ructurally com promised. 2)Some of the aspens trunk s ema natefroma s ing le bowed buttress root. lienee,thewho le tree wi]!always be unstable. 3)Some of the s ma lle r s tems have a sn ow-load caused lean . ...,~-g ~... ~ :JIr- I •.- .. -i---~.._-,,_.__.I Deck wells f or aspen s -~=J Sheet A2 of t he 3·23-07 arc hitectural draw ing shows 6aspens to rcmai nwrt~. the proposed deck.I cannot endorse saving any of these s ix as pens forJtie 11 following reasons:~Q) '"?"' ~n'Tree <, WorR,<,In~ '.• I )Structural trunk deft..x ts m ake:man yo fthesc trees un suitable to S3 \e. 2)Rai sing the grade ane st imated 18 inches will require undi sturbed tree well s that areasmu c h as a 4 'radius from th e trunk of t he larger trees . The plancal ls for si gnilicant raising of the grade un der th e we st port iono fthe proposed deck ."Ibis is also w hy it is no t feasible toatte mpt sav ing a ny of th ese aspens .If th ede si reisto save aspens w ithinth e d eck,I suggestthec astpo rtion o f the deck.s ince there is very littl egra deraising p roposed for thi sa rca .J h ave flagged 5 as pens (#1 t hrough #5)th at arcworthy of sa v ing in thecasta rea .The LOD is list ed inthe a ttached inventory s preadsheet.If d esired as "save tree s".I s uggestth ese tre es be acc uratelyloc ated o n s heet A 2o ftheplan . Perimeter "sav e trees" I have fl aggedanad ditional15 aspens thatI have des ignated asperi m etcr "save trees".Th e limit of di sturbance is listed inthe attached inventory spreadsheet. Summary of recommendations I.F lagged trees #I through #5.if de sired as "save trees",s hould be accurately s urveyed and located on s heetA2 of the p lan .Note:Tree #2 needs to drawn ino n the p lan.Follow the LOD de signated inthe attached inv entorys preadsheet. 2 ,Flagged trees #6 thr ough #20 shouldb eacc urately surveyed an dlocated o n sh eet A2o f t he p lan .Fo llow the LOD designated in the attached in ventorys p readsheet. If youhav eanyq ues tions a boutthi s report ,ple ase give me a call. Sin cerely, [Submilled by emuil] Mar kSt elle,ASCA Registered Co nsulting Arbo risr Attachment A:Tree Inventory Attachment B:Tree Preservation Gui delines ATTACHMENT A Tree Inventory Project:1944 Sunburst Dr. May2 4,2007 TREE #SPECIES DBH Recom me nded Co mments (i nc hes)radius:From root co llar to LOD (feet] t A spen 7.5 4 .0 These5aspens arc worthy o fsaving by cre ating a wellwithinthe deck.However , 2 A SDen 7.5 4.0 undisturbed soil must be amini mum or8 foot diameter for tree s#1.#2 &#3. 3 Aspen 8.0 4.0 4 As pen 7.0 3.5 5 A spen 5.5 3.0 6 Aspen 8.0 4.0 Tre es#6 through #19 are theblue flagged tree sproposed as perim eter "save trees".Fencing 7 As Den 5.5 3.0 should be placedat the re spec tive listed radi uses fro meach root collar . 8 A spen 5.5 3.0 9 A soen 7.0 3.5 10 A spen 7.0 3.5 II A spen 5.0 5.0 12 ASDen 6.5 3.5 13 Aspen 6.0 3.0 14 A spen 4 .0 4 .0 15 Asoen 5.5 3.0 16 A SDen 6.0 3.0 17 Asoen 5.0 2.5 18 A spen 7.0 3.5 19 A soen 4 .5 2.5 20 A spen 8.0 4.0 Thi s tree is locatedadjacentto the NW accesstra il.The fence shouldhe placed aminimum of 4 feet from the root collar. Defin itions LOD:Limit-of-disturb ance.Inside thi s ar ea there shal lbeno soil cut,no fill.an d nodisturbance o f t he tine surface ro ots . Rootcollar:A point at th e base of the tree where the tru nk flar es int o the bu ttre ss roo t. '.'•Attachment B Tree PreservationGuidelines Project:1944 Sunburst Dr. By :Mark Stell e ,Reg istered Consulting Arborist May 24 ,2007 ROOT ZONE PROTECTION Protection of the critica l root zone isesse ntial to ins urelong-term healtha nd s urvival of the tree.Soil compaction can be just ali d amagi ng as root c utting and root re moval.To pro tect the critical roo t zonefrom excavationa nd compaction.afence shou ld 00 e rected before the onset of any topsoil remov al from thesite.Thewill provide a much needed phy sicalbarr ier throughout the co nstruction and landscapecons truction process.This physical barri er protects agains t adv erse impacts s uchas excavation ,trenc hing , mach inery traffic,and attempts to temporar ily s torebuild ing materials. Fencing : An imprope rlyinstalledtree pro tectionfenceis asgoodas n o fenceata ll. Spec ificatio ns areasfo llows:The fence s hould be ins talledatthe dripline of a ll save- trees,a mi nimumo f 4 'ta ll ,a nd installed with "1'"po sts on 4 'centers .Thefence sh ou ld remain,undis turbed throughout general con struction an dinitial landscape construct ion. Fencing Alternative: Shouldthe fence require temporary d isassembly fo r temporary access,a consulting arborist s hou ld be contacted to approve a lternative trunk/root protection .The trun k can t hen be pr otected as specified inthe "Trun k Pro tection"segment of thi s report . Mul ching : If nota lreadymu lched ,a ll save -trees s hould be mulched before initi al s ite excavation . The mul ch layersho uld be 2"to 4 "th ick and cove r the entire cri tical root zo ne (fro m t he trunk tothe dri pline).T hemat erialcan be woo d c hips ,bark,orstraw.Benefits are asfo llows: •Redu ceev aporation of g ro un d m oisture . •Reduce eroding effe ct so fs upplemental wate r . •Moderate soi ltemperature. •Mi tigate so il co mpaction . •Recycle traceamo unts of n utrients (o nly a be nefit of o rgan ic m ulch). Construction Material Storage &Dumping: Thecri ticalroo t zo ne (area within d ripline)s ho uld be void of st ored m aterials .In a dd ition,s torage(eventemporary)of anyfue l/o ilcontainers,o r other che mical contaminants w ithin 20 feet of the dripline of anys ignificant save-t ree s hould be strict lyproh ibited .Once s p illedliquids contaminate theroot zone,remedialleaching pr oc edures become e xtremely expen siv eand chemical uptakeby the root s ystem often resu lts inirreversible treed ecline. Page HI o fB4 '.0 •Attachment B Tree Preservation Guidelines Project:1944 Sunburst Dr . By:Mark Stell e,RegisteredConsultingArb orist May24,2 007 TRUN K &BRANCH PROTECTION All tree trunks th at are subjecttoru nawaybo ulders o r scraping from machinery s hould be en circled with s tra w ba les.The bal ess houldbepo sitio ned ve rtically around the e ntire trunk perimeter and tightly bound with twine .Underno circumstances sh ould wire/string encircle the trunk directly a gainst the tree bark.Straw hales 'Will al so p rotect an y e xposed ro ot collars', Where po s sible a ll branches adjacent to constant machinery traffic s hou ld be identified by the general contractor/excavating contractor and pruned ortied o ut of harms wayby an arborist.The tree in ventory identities se veraltreeso nthi s project that need professional pruning to a llow fo r vehicle a ccess and minimize unv..'anted branch tearin g. EXCAVATION When removing to psoil.tothe extent po ssible.all excavation adjacent to the root zone s ho u ld be cut radially away from the trunk .The operator's mach ine should always be facing th e trun k whenthes hovel severs th e root.T hispr ocedure mi nimi zes damageto th e residual root system. Ex ploratory Exca vation: This is a procedure for dc tennining the actual location,size.and volume o f roots before the e xcavator operator disturbs topsoil adjacent to the dripline o f a s ignificant sa ve-tree.Thi s procedure must bem onitored by a consulting arborlst . Rootprun ing : Priorto machine excavat ion c uts,a pre-excavationhand-dug trench wi ll re veal critical art ery roots which can be sa wnby hand tom inimize damage to the re sidual rootsy stem.Ousite monitori ng and root pruning by a consulting arhorist issuggested at this point.Any time a so ilcut rem ains e xposed to the sunfor an extended period, the cut should be covered with a porous protective barrie r s uchas landscape fabric. burl ap.or plywood, T ree &Stump Re moval: Trees scheduled fo r removal tha tlocated adjacent tothe dripl ine of save-trees should no t be to ppled by an excavator.Rather,removal-trees located adjacent to save-trees shoul d be fe lled by an experie nced arborist,and the stumps s houldbe sawn flush to the ground or treated with a stump grinder,leaving the stump's root wad2 a nd adjacent s ave -tree roots und isturbed. 'Rootcollar (rootflareo r root crown)-Apoin tat tree base wheretheroo ts andtrunkmerge . 2 Root wad _Thema ss of soiland la rgestructura l rootsimme diately below ihetrunk . Page 8 2 of 1\4 '.'•Attachment B Tree Preservation Guidelines Project:1944 Sunburst Dr. By :Mark Stelle,Registered Consuning Arborist May24,2007 Exces sS oil Storage: Excess soil should not be stored (even temporarily )w ithin the driplinc of a ny save- tree .The adverse effects of this excess soilareasfol lows: •Compaction irreparably damages the critical rootzoneby inhibiting critical gas exchange and water pe rcolation . •Compaction often killsbeneficial soil microbes tha t arc associated withroot hea lth, •The clean up process of removing excess so il by machinesofte nintroducesfurthe r physical damage to surface roots . If temporary placement offill so il within the driplinc ofa tree becomes a bsolutely unavoidable.therearetwo prudent protective measures. •Encircle thetrunk with vertically place straw bales. •Cover e ntire area inside the dripline with landscapefabricprio r to adding filldirt . Aera tionS ystem: If permanently adding extra soil over the root zo ne becomes an unavo idable option. an adequate aeration system should first be designed and installed under thegu idance of a consulting arborist.Oncean aeration system and trunk protect ion hasbeen installed.theexc avator may commence withthe addition of fil l din. SoilRetention: Anytime a p ropo s edex cavation cu t an dthe associated ove r-cut wou ld vio late th e dripline,vertical shoring s uch assoilna iling s hould be considered. Water StressMitigation : A tree o n a constructions ite can become water-stressed from several infl uences. •Phys icalroo tdamageor destruction. •Increased exposure from the drying effect s of sunuponsoilandfoliage. •Reduced availab ility of ground water,duetothe wicking effects of an exposed hillside excavation cut. •Soil compaction can adversely affect theava ilability of rainwater. SupplementalWa tering : Supplemental watering of allcri tical save-frees during this construct ion project s hould be scheduled.Prior toinitial excavation,asu pplemental water source should be secured.If hydrant water isno t immediately available onthe s ite prior to construction,awater truck should be s cheduled. Page 83 ofB4 ••Attachment B Tree Preservation Guidelines Project:1944 Sunburst Dr. By :MarkStelle,Registered Consulli ng Arboris t May24 .2007 WaterFrequencyand V olume : Thi s is a customizedprogram w hich varies g reatly be tween eac h tree d e pending upon s ize.s lope .e xpo su re,an d weat herp attern s of a given mo nth.Spec ificn eeds m ust be mo nito red by the cons ulting a rborist a tth e t ime of initialexcavation . SUBCONTRACTOR BIDDING S PECIFICATIONS The ro les o f a consulting urborlst ar c torevi ew propo sedimpacts tosa ve-tree candidates, provideg uidance,andtomonitor (dependant uponthe pr oject budget)co nstruction impa cts.The creatio n of t ree preservationgu idelines is an important s te p in a tree preservat ion program.However.the people trul y hired tosa vet ree sarethe contractors and subcontractors whoareansiteeveryday. In additiontodenotin go n a llfuture s itep lans thephysical location of the tree p rote ction fence,thebiddin g pro spectus for all s ubcontractors,particularly e xcavators.should cl early reference the "otfl imits"tree protecti on zone.Thi s is ab so lutely e s sential s ince thepos it ioning of the fence limitsthe s ize of ma chinery allowable.the acces s for ba ckfilling.scaffolding s ize.a nd ge neral working space be tween thestru cture andthe tree dripline .Subcon tractors mu st und erstand that the tree protecti on fence must remain unaltered throughout thecon struction a ndland scapeconstruction proces s. Page B4 orB4 ..I ,•• AVALANCHE AND DEBRIS-FLOW HAZARD EVALUATION AND MITIGATION LOT 21A AND 21 B,V.V.3'"FILING (1944 Sunburst Dr.) VAIL,COLORADO Prepared For Mr .Ramon Alonso,Architect MUSEOTEC MIAMI Miami,Florida Prepared by Arthur I.Mears ,P.E.,Inc . Gunnison ,Colorado April ,2007 • A rth ur I.Mears,P.E.,Inc. Natural Hazard s Con sultants 555 Co untyRoad16 Gunni son.CO8 1230 Te Wax:(9 70)64 1.3236 Apri l 12 ,2007 M r.Ramon Alonso MusetecMiami 555NE15th SI. Venetia Build ingS uite#200 Miam i,FL33132 •,I .. RE :Del V alle pro perty .Lot21(1944 Su nburst Dr.),V ail-A valanche andd ebris- flo wevaluation and mitiga tion DearMr.Alonso : The hazardsand mitigation evaluatio n yourequestedonbehalfof your cli ent (Del Valle)isattached . As discu ssedin th isrepo rt,theproperty is wi thin rang eofvery raresnow avalanchea nddebris flo ws,is located onVa il hazardmapsa ndrequires structural protection.This satis fies theTown ofVai l hazardregulationsand will e nsureadevelopment thatissafefromthe desig n-magnitude(1aD-y ear return period)events. The existing build ing ,newdeck alterationa ndlandscapingwillnotbeexposedto rockfallanddoes not require rockfall mitigation. Pleasecontact me if youhave additi onal q uestions . Sincerely, Arth ur I.Mears,P .E. Avalanche-control engineer 1 .'.• 1OBJECTIVESA NDLIMITATIONS • As discussedwith project architectMr.Ramon A lonso,this hazardeva luation has th efollowing objectives : a.Evaluation andquantifi cati onofextreme avalanche ,debris -flo w, and rockfall proce sses a t theproposed project andexistinghouse ; b.Recomm endation of performancespecificat ions of structural defenses to protect fro mavalanche,debris flowand ro ckfall. Thisreporta lsohas the foll owing limitations.whi chsho uld be und erstoodbya ll those rel ying on theresult s: a.Th est udyapplies tothede velopmentp lans p rovidedbythea rchitect (Figure 4 );s ubstantial pla n c hanges ma yinvalidate theresu lts; b.100-yea rreturn periodeventswereconsideredinthea nalysis and are requiredbyVa il hazard regulations;larger events (e .g.the "3 00'o r ~100 0"year eventsmay be largerandmore destru ctiv e; c.T he curre nt forest cover onthe mountainslopew as assumed;removal ofthis forest (by nature[e .g .fire]orman)mayresultin la rge r or more frequentavalanches ,de bris flowso r rock fall. Y ouasmycli ents hould know that whil e o urco mpany ca n a nd doesattemptto uph old the high est professiona lstandards,th estateofscientifi c and e ngi neering k now ledgeis incomplete,andd oes nota lwayspermitce rtainty.T hecomplex phenomena invol vedinavalanches.debris flowsa nd roc kfall canno t beperfec tly evaluated and predicted,andmethods usedto predict their behavior chan geas new research becomes available.Whilewecanand w ill offe r ourbest pro fessio nal judgmen t,wecannot anddo notoffer any wa rranty orguarantee of re sult s. 2 MAJORAVALA NCHES A ND DEBR iSFLOWS NEART HE PROPERTY Larg ea valanches or debris flows have not occurred in the drainagea bove th e p roperty (kn ownas "C lubhouse G ulch")s ince V ail w as founded in 1962 . However,inspectio n of old U.S .ForestSe rvice aer ialphotosdatingfrom 1939 , 1950 and 1962s howthata largeava lanc he (of snowand/or de bris)didreach the alluv ial fanabov e Sunbu rst Drivesome timebetween 1950a nd1962 (see Figure 1).Th is a valanche cut aclearly-defined scarinthe forest thatis visible today .A fieldinspectionconducte dinAugust,2006 in dicates thisavalanche stopped a bout 200feetsouthofthe delVa lle site .T hislargeeven t probablyconsisted of snow,soil,rock,andvegetative debris .It probably orig inatedin the upper dr ainage basin at10,000 feetele vation,pe rhapshigher. T heshapeofthea lluvia l fanis h igher inthe centera nd slopes steeplyto th e wes t.Itw illtend tod eflect th e m ajorityofthe massofanyful ure avala nchesto 1 ••.. t hew est.awayfrom thedelValleproperty onLot 2 1.Thi s fan shapeis apparent o nthe topographic map (Figure 3).Th es hapeofthealluvia l fan is al so important in deflecting debris flows away fromthe property,asdi scussed below ... 1.1962 P hoto Wh en the 1962 ph oto was lakenthe fores t in t he upper basin w as missing in spotsor consistedof small,young trees.Ifthis phot o is comp ared w iththe 1990 's phot o in(F igure 2 ) substantialre-growth of the forest atthe h igher e levationsis app arent. Because avalan ches have not been d irectly ob served at this location ,they have beensimulated .Iu sed an ava lan che -dynamics simulation model developedin Switzerland . Th is mo del isused regularly in land-use plan n ing and e ngineering inEurop ea nd pa rtsof NorthAm erica.I have calibrated th is modelto North American s nowandavalancheconditions by comparingthe resul ts of modelpredictionsto theeffects ofrealava lanches. In applying the simulation modelthe foll owingwasassumed: a.New s nowslabave rage thickness =1.23m (4 .05 feet; b.Slab release volume =3 9,500 ms: c.Maxim umvelocity =32.4mlsec; d .Stopp ing position =Northof S unburstDriv e. I subdiv ided the runou t zon e into red and blue hazard zones',asshown on Figure 2using th e resultsofthe simula tion and field evidenceofprior ava lanches.Figure 3istheU.S .Geological survey mapofthe terrain. 1 InVail a "red"hazardzoneisimpacted by a snowavalanche produ cing a pressureof >600 tbslft l and/orwith a return interval oflessthan 25 years ;a "blue'zone is impacte d byasnow avalanche prod ucing a pressure of <600Ibslft l a nd with areturn period of >25years. 2 • kit1a'lijG" FIGURE 2 .Red &Blue z onesand local development • 11_...._.."".. o_e..-I _.e--- -- -. i ",-,loN:: __'\-C'~.~_. ""_.1 _l_"·O The de l V alle pro perty o nLot2 1is locatedatthe lower eas tern edgeoftheb lue zonewhereavalancheforces aremoderate.Within the Vailbluezones reside ntial prop ertycanbedeveloped if avalanchemitigation is used. 3 ~~""~UAt __....,.... __Dot .......,..USMllt--- • -. • ....... - --•;N -;~ /-j / In s ummary ,th e d el V alle prop erty islo cated o nth e easte rn ,loweredge of th e alluvial faninth eava la ncheblue zone .Development is perm itted inthe a va lancheblu ezone w hen a ppropriatemitig ation m ethodsa reu seda ndth eV ail ha zard regulationsa refollowed . 4 •• Tow n ofVa il hazard ma psa lsoind icat e thesi te is locatedat I he downhilledgeof a debris-tl ow "area ,a "geolog ica lly -se nsitive-area according to Town of V ai l hazard regulations.Debris fl owa reas,si milarto avalanc hes ,a lso requi re mitigation to protect property.Debris-flow mitigation for hasbeen I ncorporated into the snow-ava lanche mitigatIon discussed in Section 3 of this report. Th e To wn ofV ail hazard m apsa lso i ndicat e t he s ite isloca ted i n arock fall- haza rd area .My fie ld investigations o f la st summer foundt hat a lthough many rock s havebe en deposited inthea lluv ial fanbyava lanches and d ebris fl ow s; they have not been depos itedby rockfall.Ro ckfall is not a geological hazard at Lot 21 and will not r equire mitigation. 3 AVALANCHE AN DDEBRIS-FLOWM ITIGATION ,'.. I •I .) /•/, _.- --,, .\ .. '..,'.:.....•••• Identical structural d efensecanbe us ed for bothavalanche a ndd ebris-flow m itigationat Lot2 1.Figure 4ind icates(red c i rcles)th e re commended positionof F IGURE 4 .Rockwa llm itigation (in ",d) a c ontinuousrock -w all barrier abov e the patioa ndpoola rea .Aty pical cross sec tionof thisba rrier is showninFigure5 . 2 Debrisf lows are some timesreferred toa s"m udslides ,"Th eyconsist ofmuddy .flowing m ixtures of water ,mudande ntraineddeb ris ,T hee ntire alluv ial fanaboveSunbur st Drivewas formed fro m deb risflowsa nd ava lanches of s nowanddebris . 5 ••.' F IGURE 5.Rockwallava la nc he a ndd ebr is-flowbarrier above proposed c on struct ion atproperty .The avalan c he o rd ebr is flow direction isshown as a blu e a rrow . • :+-------------------~IW ~(O]'.-----------------":'ii'BlJ\!I ~-~-------------.-----------------------~ •i ®~ T hemitigation p ro posed m ustsa tisfy th e foll owi ng c riteria : a .T he wa llmu st beco ntinuous across t he building with no m aj or breaks; b .It s hould bea minimum of 6fee t higho nthe uppers idewh er e av alancheandd ebris flow impact w ill oc cur; c .It m ustbe designed to res ista horizo ntalforceof 4 00 Ibs/ft2 ove rth e e ntireuphill s urfa ce a reaofth e boulders ; d .Th e3 D-footwid eav a lanc he -d e brissto ragear eao nth e uphill s ide of therockwa ll ne ed not be k ept free of tr ee s a nd vegeta tion ;a short a reaofrevers e slop e is s hown for deb ris-flow storage a ndis recommend ed . Va rious m od ific a tion s of thi s m itigation plan are feasible b utth ese mu st be e va luate d o n a s ite -s pec ificbas is . 4 COMPLIANCE W ITH V A IL HAZARDSO RD INA N CE Th e p roposed av alanchea ndd ebris-nowmit igationhas been ba sed onphoto- inte rpretat ion of pre vious avalanche a ndd ebr is-flow activi ty ,ex te ns ive e xpe rien ce i nthe Col orados nowand a valanc he c limate a nd a pp licationo f a n up -t o-d at e avalanche -dy namicssi mula tionmo de l .Th e resul ts a nd rec omme ndations ar e thought tobe rea sonabl e for t hissite . Th e m itigation pr oposed satisfies th e Vail haz ards regulations,s peci fically : a .T he ne wpa tio /d e c ka rea andth e hou se willbeprot ected from avalanchesanddebris flows ; 6 •• b .Theproposed mitigation,ifconstructedasproposedinthisreport ,will not deflect ordivert avalanches or debris flowstowardany adjacent publicorprivate property . Reportpreparedby , Arthur I.Mears ,P.E . Avalanche-control engineer 7 •• MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE I MPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS • General I nformation: Thi s applicationis required forpr oposals involving minorexterior alterations and/or site im provements. Proposals to addlandscapingdo not require DRB approval u nless th eyinvolveth e addit ion ofpatios, wate r features,grading ,or the addition of retaining wall s. I,B IR ** • v /StampedTopograp hic Survey" ~/Site and Grad ing Plan'" 'P'pndscape Plan· V.J'rchitectural Elevations'" V.,..Exterio r color andmaterial sa mplesand spedfications. V ~r chjtecturaJ FloorPlans" V,-lighting Plan·andCut-sheet(s)forproposed fixtures '4;1"/fltJe report,Induding SChedules A &Btoverify ownersh i pand easements" V.,rPhotos of th e existing site andadjacent structures,whe re applicab l e. \7.JN ritten approvalfrom a condominiumassociation,landlord,andjo intowner,if applicable \;l"Site-specific Geological HazardReport,ifa pplicable" Q TheAdministrator and/or ORB mayrequire the submissionofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samples andothermaterials (i nduding amodel)ifdeemed necessary to dete rmine w hether aprojectwi ll complywith Design Guidelines oriftheintent of the proposal isnotdea rlyi ndicated. Plellse .J'IIPmir three (J)copie.J·rtf/he mll/erin/s Ruted with n/1osterirA"("). """For interiorconversions with no exter iQr changes,thesubmittal requireme nts include a complete set of existing andproposed floo r plans,at itle report,and writtenapprovalfroma condominiumassociation, landlord,and joint owner,if applicable. Ih ave readandu nderstand the above l isted submittal requ irements: Project Nam e :...u!!a,,-:illl.l""'-~ Contractor Slgnature'._-,~===l;;:=5'~~~~!\"'='--__ Date Signed'-_JlL~~~t.:t:~~-----l------l------ • F:\cdev\FORM S\Permits\P1a nning\DR B\d rtlJT1inor _ale 1-25-2007 .doc Page3 of13 11/23/2005 • Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of M aterial • Roof ";('" Siding ",/. other WallMaterials "/"Fascia rJ IA Soffits ...A Windows N A Window T ri m ...A Doors rJ lA Door Trim ...IA•Handor Deck Rails 'NlU-I.l S<;EX.\~tiN'<~ Flues r-t (IT Rashing cd"Chimneys N fA Trash Enclosures tJl"Greenhouses rll,.. Retaining Walls I'I'IO~~ex:u LD?fL Exterior Ughtlng \?;l,JI,U.rn..tA \..- Other M4sto®-fiie-fKOO Note s: • Please specify themanufacturer'sname,thecolor name andnumberandattach acolor chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\pennils\P lannlng \ORB\drb_m inor_altJ ·25·2007.doc Page 6of13 11/23/2005 • •• PROPOSEDLANDS CAPING Bota nical Name Common Nam e Qu antity PRO POSE O TREES AND SHRUBS ~(&!j'?a:;S _I-",-w _ SYvlI'iIA.-9@<f,~e, <?>" 2 " • EXISTING TREES T O BEREMOVED • Minimum Req uirements fo r Landscapi ng:Deciduous Trees-2"caliper Con iferous Trees -6'in height Shrubs-5 Gal. !..m!Square Footage GROU ND COV ER SOD SEED I RRIGATION TYP EOF EROSION CONTRO L Please specify other landscape features (l .e.retainingwalls,fences,swimming poets ,etc.) F:\crIell\FORMS\permits\P1 i1n ning\DRB\drb_minor_01 1'-1-25-2007.ecc P<lg e 7of13 11/23/2005 r •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO S tatement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : ALO NSO R 07 0000 36 0 Amo unt :$20 .0 0 Ch eck 0 3/26/200703 :49P M l n it :JS Not a tion :1 36 /RAMON P ermit No: Parc el NO: Site Address : Loc ati on: DRB0 70 118 Type :ORB -Mi nor Alt ,SFR !nUp 2 10 1-0 91-0 302-9 1 944 SUNB URST DR VAIL 1 944S UNB URS T DR To tal Fees :$20 .0 0 Th is Paym ent:$2 0 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$2 0.00 Ba lance :$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code DR0 01 00003 11 2200 De script ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES CurrentPint s 20.00 NOle, ElOULDER PLAC.EMENT C.RITIC.AL TO PROPER PERFORMANc.E PLAc.EMENT TOBE5UPERV I5ED BY A L1 C.ENSED EN&INEER.F INISHED c5>RADE ) 2 '4>ElOULDERS TYPIc.AL I 'c.oNTA C.T. 5URFAc.E N. eo: LAYBAc.K==11 W=W-,,'~"'--_-'------J.~"","~ FREE DRAININ6 5RA!'U..AR B Ac.KFILL FI RST 1'-0"BEHIND BOULDERS. 4"4>PVc.D RAIN IN I'-O"x l'-O"HASHED RQC,K •F ILleR F ABRIC.-DRAIN TO DAY Ll5HT 80ULDER R ETA ININ G ~A LL S INGLE T IER sc.ALE 1/2 "=1 '-0" 60ULDER RE TAINING WALLD ETA IL DEL vALLE RE&IDENCE 1S44 &LINBU R&T DRIVE VAIL.COLORADO r f ) ~•A7~PROVIDE D OUBLE MATV./OF #4 ..12"O.G.EAGH lAIAY SEESHEETPL I.O I FOR lAIALL Dl MEN510N5 5 PA REINFORGIN6 r--. B YP OOL EN6 INEERIN6,ING.-~I .-J '" I • •• • SPA R ET AIN IN G ~A LL SC ALE 1/2"=1'-0 " 5PA f<ETAINING WALLD ETAIL DEL VALLE f<E5 IDENCE I ~5UN6URST DRIVE V AIL ,C OLO RADO DATE,..~ eNEl!T "&-2 OOALI!, 1/2 "•I'-C" •• DEL VALLE-SPA WATERFALL RENDERING ANDDETA ILS PROPOSEDDES IGN DETAI L OFDELVALLESPAAND WATER FALL Spec ific dime nsion a nd sha pe wi ll bedictated bythenatu ral rock supplied to co nstruct thespaan d waterfall . T he spas hap e wi ll be fre eformat app roximately 12fee t wideby20 fee t long . T he wa terfall w ill beap proximately 7to8 fee thighby4to5 feetw idefallingover ran - domlyplaced natu ralrockboulders. r APPROVED BY THE T he wate r supp ly fo r t he spa will be ad omesticwate r sup ply linep rovided to th eeq uip- mentvault fromthedome sti cwater supply fromthe hau t e..;.1 N (,((0 10+ f-w T he wa ter supp ly fo rt hewate rfall will bethe spa wate r w hich w ill circu latethrought he wa terfallpiping wh en de sired .Expected timeof wa te rfall o peration willbe2to3 hours a d aya ppro ximately 30d ays pe r year. 51212 007 ••• II1lUTY ~Al..IlbUnCAl'IOll • TlllS Iotm scnoes to ~~the p~~llelG"'"nal:mpaaarrt exilbIQ ~JlftlPOir*i llily.w:rs.lnd...,10 Yttfy S8W:le a flHtty htlocllliOn lor netI'ill cmsII'\CQn MId shWd bll.-d In ~wttl P4WO-:'og your Lil1ily pan Ind §Ciledul"ng ~A ste ~n.1nducInO~~Ib:r plan.b!dewltbd,-.aI be ~10the tobMg utillbes tarAJIP'Of~Mel 'l\tl'if....tb•.PLEASt IW.OW "1'02 wfRS RJltAPPttOVAl eM.COMMEWTS f1tOM TtlIInWTY mMPAIIIES.If you..-e unebIe to otoin COlNlWQ wIho that bnlfrarne pII!.-CIJt'Oct 'Jhe TO'Mt d Val. Det....,.'"""'*,..,........~"tt- L.HUll J5."14 ~B.g:r pB...:.t UAIf.:,_ QWrST -<l/v,/!l"'~.It- 970.468.6860("'){ell ·,.rf=~:\,#~""........1J.~~_---"dLlllal_.....~---- 910.204 (OlI) 970.<611..1"'.(_)CJ>ta<t:...._ r!d'!Kd Mag:A!ctnCl5il'l.c.cm NOLT~DlatCY '70.947.5<2S (11:I) .llL945......(Ia<) CAnUa:JtIf VIt1ilm j'lIQRl.rPt'bsa-mnlCal_ 970.26MOJ8 (~) 070.262.4021 (lief) Cacods:"'-Utnn a,g,rmrB FltfBGJ.mm EMilI!mvu.WA1D asuu.am:.IdS....... 970.."'.7410019 970.471\.4099 (l'Ii)eaua:__ fI\N:dIe"tl$d,"1I a>MCASr CMU! 97D.4Ja.az..(tzf) 97U.949.'lJI!I (1W) ~_.... d§yIcl ......,..",..amzst am ~7 NllII5< 1.11 the utM1 ~..vwtIbIb,I\Jnn _1lQI\llIIlnS ~."rI me Idly mnpkI"and no mii.fi'f$ee INde di'-ed!y an ...fCltm,or no IdIon ~tMcn ...2 ...,_the uta(I n!I:dJt at the form lIIItlCIUt 5pIIiiiItbJ Ihr Town ..pa,me tNt tNn ..no poblei,.and hdeooelqAl«C CM pru:aed . 1 11 •YdIr IXIfIlPM'f has (DiCI!l,tI wtiI the plopaoed ~d'e LdV IqII_atrve .,..ntR dIn:dfY en the ~ ..ratit:n ftnn thIII:u....IsiI ~lfIltWdll'lflelbi tD be.-:lMd.The~Ihotid INn bI dIDIed In an ~tdb::r to ~ Town d 'ill ~,PM-blip in mincf tNt it •the rapcw"'t d ttW!!:~(D.....',...1ht ~10 n::5DM: ICIenti-.:J LiGtit.mL J.~'lNlIlf'atb1l!l em net ..-...e the aowCJ'Ktllr «tt.iqu""to atlCMl •NJk w.,fIB'ml fJom thII ~o.e It fA f\JbIIc'MrtS at k TownrlVIII .IftIDtx··Mh-'"lie ..,..~any p.HIc ~WiI'f or ~ wIilNn the Town dVIIiL A 1py0clpe MI:'PWlIc:WW..,..Pl"btpl!bj"".....". 4.The OM:k;:a 51't1QUftd hi to submit Iny ~chwIng$ttl the udI:ff5 for I"H9P"MI a "WI ificilbon t the ~pIMs arc ~k\",.,Wir'I after ee athoril!d sVYbn ~(&nils ~~nard wf(tMn the cn""'8lt arN ofthls ftnn). ••_~'_~"9&I.'~OO'."·~_"O :.l ...-__C,...J.) .~"...... hgir adD ,""""'" Lo'#:'_ ••:tTII'j~UTlUTY APPROVAL a.VERlFICAnON Thi~form servesto ~rtfy that the proposed nlptO'mTlentl;will not impact any e:xlstJng or prtlp05l!d utl~services.and also to verify ~aYal~bility and location for new cnnstrudkJn and shoo/d be used n conjunction with prepa rtng your utility pi."..and schedunng installations.A SIte plan,Indudlng grading plan,float plan,and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approyal and verffiatkxl.PLEASE AUOW UP TO 1 WEEKS FOR APPROVALOR COMMfNTS FROM THE unUTY COMPANIES .If you ~unable to obta in comments wth n that timeframe please amtact The Tawn c:A Vail. /Je ,,",operto"-ldeLDtAdd,.,..InfonnotJon:tr!ul LotAdd.-:19</</5oM~vA->r ~4"t SUbdlYtslon:,_ QW EST-~,Iv"jl.."~.If 97 0.468.68 60("')(el [, 9 70.468 .0672(fax)01'/'>11 001, Ortad:5:sam Tooley samue!,tooleY@ Qwest;·com XaL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970 .262.4076 (tel) 9 70.468.1401 (fax) Contact:Rich Sisneros d cbard :asneros@xr:r:!rnergy,com HOLY CROSSENfRGY 9 70 .917 .5·US (tel) 9 70 .945.4081 (fax) Cootztct:Jeff Vroom lyroom@ boIyqpSS ,com XCE LENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (~) Contads : ""Bogert IS jIIhyD,Bogert@XCELEN ERGY.co m fAGlI!RIVER WARR • SANITAnON D15TRICT 970.176 .7480 (tel) 970.476 .040B9 (fax) Contad:Fred Hasee fhOS IeeCtrwsd,ora COMCAST CASU 970.418.8248 (tel) 970.949 .9138 (fax) Contact :David Evans david eya ns!Pcable,corncast .com Authorfttd S IgnatyrJ Comm,ntp £,J,.w ~u'T1'"? f (rL ~Ms ~e-J/h-uwn~APR 2l 2007 1'/''-,tf</,kn=6 '7 ~s-.. NonSj 1.I f the utility i!lPPrtJYa l &.ver1f\catb,form has signatures from each d the utility companies,andno comments are made d1red:1y on the form,Of no action Is taken within 2 weeks of the Utlllty"5 ~pt of the form without eKj)!alnatlon the TownwUl presu me thai:there are no problems lI"ld the development can proceed. 2 .If a utility company has conoems with the proposed construeUon,the utility n!piesentattve sha l note dlrectfy on the utility vertIcatlon form that there Is a problem whiCh needs to be resotved.The:Issue should the n be d~lled inan attad'led letter to the Town ~Vall.However,please keep in mind that It is the responsibility of the utility ccmpany and the a ppllcart to resolve identified problems. 3.These ver ll'lcatlons do not:reneve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Pu blic W~Permit from the Department of Public Works at the T own of Va ~.Willy locations must be Abta lned before dlgplng In anypu blk:Iight-of-way or easement wittlln the Town dVa~.A bll l llllnq RCrmlt I.opt .Public:Wn permit .nd must;be pbtalncd KQlirltdY. 4.The Developer is required and a grees to submit any revised drawilgs to the ldities for re-aPJX'D"lC'I &.re-verifica tbl ,If the submltkd plans are a~In anyw ay alter the authorized signature date (unless otherwise spedflcall y noted within the comment area of th is form). DeveIoper"s Signature Page a d 13 l U2J /200S • UTILITY APPROVAL 8<VE RIFICATION • 52-69 'rnn form serves to verify tha t the propose dImprovements will not impact a ny existing or proposed utility services ,and a lso to verify serviceavailability and locat ionfornew constnJdion andshould be usedin co njunction wi th prepari ng you r utility plan and schedu ling Installations.A siteplan,includ ing gradingplan,floor plan,and elevations,shall be submitted to tne following utilities for approvaland vertflcatlon.PLEASE ALLOW UPTO2WEEKSFORAPPROVALOR COMMENTS FROMTHE UTILITY COMPA NIES .I f you ate unable to obtain comments within that nmetremeplease contact The TownofVail. Developer to Provid~Lot Address Information: Subdivision:vail valley Jed FilingLotAddress:1944Sunburst prive Authorized Sig nature QW EST 9 70.468 .6860 (tel) 970 ,468 .0672 (fax) Contacts :sa m Tool ey sa muel ,toolev@ av.:est ,corn XCELHIGH PRESSURE GAS 970 .262 .4076(te l) 97 0.468 .1401 (fax) Contact:RIch Sisneros richard.s1 sneros@xce lenergy.com HOLYCROSSENERGY 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contad::Jeff Vroom 1 $,......-/J ()I jv room@hQ!YC[QSS,com /~&{//f«TJn/ XCEL ENERGY 970,262,4038 (fax ) 9 70.262.4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kath rm,Booert@XCE LENERGY,rom EAGLE RIVER WATER Il SANITATION DISTRICT 9 70 .476 .7480 (tel) 9 70.47 6.4089 (fax) Con tact:Fred Hesee fhaslee@erwsd,Qf9 COMCAST CABLE 97 0.418,8248 (tel) 970 .949,9138 (fax) Contact:David Evans david evaos @c.ab le,coms:ast,com CQmme nts Lot#:",21,--_ !1!!< 4124107 NOTES; 1.If the uti lity approval &verification form has signature s from each of th e uti lity companies ,and nc comme nts are made di rectly on the rorm,orno actlon Is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the f orm without exp/alnatlon theTow n will presume that thereare no proble ms and the deve lopment ca n proceed , 2.If a uti lity company has concerns with the proposed CQnstruction,the utility representative sha ll note directty on the utility verifICation term that there Is aproblem wh ich needs to be resolved,The issu e should then be detailed Inan attached letter to the Town of Vail.Howev er,please keep inmind tha t it Is the respons ibility of t he utility co mpanyandthe applicant t o resolve identified problem s, 3.These verifica tions do net relieve the contracto r of the responsibility to obtain a Pub lic Way Permit from the Departm ent of Public Works at the Tow n of Vall.Utility locations m ust be obtained be fore d igging Inanypubli c right-of-way or easement w ithin the Town of Vail.A bu ilding Dermit is not lJ Public Way permit and must be obtained s eparately. 4.TheDeveloper is required and agrees tosubmit any revised draWings to theutilities f orre -epprova t &.re ......eriflCa tlon if the submitted plansare altered In any W irf after the authorized signature date (un less otherwise specifica lly notedwithin the comment area of thi s form ), Developers Signature C:\Oocumenls.Jnd Se lllngslJvroom1Desklop \PDFs\TOV UWity Appro ....JI_01-25-07.doc nate A-rrN:~~•.ltY'/~UTILITY APPROVAL.VflUFlCAnON ntis I'onn 5fI'\I!S to verfy that the proposed Impl"tM!:ments Will not Impact lillY PJdUlnO or p~utility lervk:ti,'nd .Im to verity servk:e aVlilability and Iocatlotl for new conltnlttion and should be used n c:onjundfon wth prepirlng roor utj!ity pl.n •...:1 sdleduRno insta tlltlons.A slte ptln.r'lduding GrldlnO plin,noor pl.In,and eIevItkm,shill be submitted to tN foUowin9 utilties for ........nd..nfleatiOn.I'UASE AllOW UP TO2 WUK!I FOR APPItQVAL OR COMN!,,",FROM TIt.unllTY COMPAJUEI.If you .-e UOiIIbIe to olXiin comments wlthin that I:itI'lefnInl!jHMe contICt The Town at\fal . Ixltli:~A ~P.}8 J:l!llcommenaAuthqrlzedSlgnaty" tM~'"hrwkIe lilt Add,..btlomutitMr; IqL/4~J:£..Subdlvtslonr'_Lot Address: QWUT -~dv"~'1 .If 970.'68.6860('"')(.1/·;.r' 970._06n(flx)~f'/1 '6 1 CorUd:s :s.m Tooley Hmuc!,tooleYlmQ~,'QIJl XCiL taGH P!USSUIlE c:AI 970.262.'1076 (lol) 970.<68.1<01 (flJe) c:or<oa:RQ1,.",..". dcb.rdt.S!Jcrm~PXg:wwrgyt'PfD HOI.Y CRDSIINIRtiY 970.947.50425 (tel) 170.915.1081 (fl') Cootoct:Jelf Vroom 1yroowCbglyea;p,Q¥D XaLfNERGY 970.262.<038 (flJe) 970.2&2 .402.(tel) Contxts: ""Bogert , KatfJryo ,BOQertCXCFI ENERGY,eOrn IAGLlIUVIR WAnR. SAlm'AT1ON Dmnuc:r .,IM76.'<80 (lol) .70..76.<089 ,ID) eatact:fired HaHe fbAsJcckNJ'!tl,org COM<:ASI'c:ABLf 970.•18.82'Hl'teI) .70......138 (ID) Cart:JCt:David evins d'l'jd m o.sC9blc mrrot:¢.gm "D'IU.!1 .If the utirlty approval &Wt1f'Gtion form has slgnatulU from .am d thI utility ClImpanlfts,endno corrvnent:Ill1I made dirtctty on the fam.or no action Is t.ltl:n with in 2 weco d the utiJity'.rcc:eIpt of the form without upllinetfon th!Town will presume that tt'lere .re no problems and the:dlYtlopmtnt Cln pnxHd. :1 .It iI utlilty company ta:1XII'IOif'Tl51 wltfl the propc:lSlld conSl1UCtlCl'l,tl'MI uUllty repre$l!ntJtlvl 5hill ncu dlfedJy on trw utilItY ~fMn tNt tf'len!Is I prnbIem whlch needs to be~.The tB..e should then bI:deblUed In In Ittae:hed letter ttl thII Town or VIA._.please Ic<ep In mind !hat t b the _baly of the utility """pony and ttl ••pplicant to ....,... ~entitilll prollIem~ J.Thae Ye1lbtblli dO nat relleYe the ~CI ttle ~to ctuln I P\lbti:way P4m1it ha'n tnl!I Department r;I Public Works lit the Town of v,n .UtiUb "x!'1P'M ""st he phtalned belpre diesins in .ny pUbliC rigtt4·wty Of elsement within the Town d Val.•bulldJM RamR II not I PUblic;WI,penult .04 royal be gbtaln'"8AJ[Jtefy. 4.Thl Otoveloper II reQured and agrees to submit any rev ised drawJngs to the utlltla for re-8J)1X'OVal &re-verIfl<:atiO()if the submitU<l p!ltlS art .lttrtd In ,ny way ,tur the authorized Cignatutl date (unlts$~iH Iptdf\eIAy noted witnln thI comment area oI'thls l'orm).. "i198 B d 13 11/23(2005 .............•unUTY APPROVAL.IIERIFlCA1l0N •.......,...~"...., CommentsAu!tJprlztd Slgnattn This fnrm seves to verify that r:t'lt pi ~Improvements will not Imp;Kt any exI5tIn9 or proposed utility sevces,and illso to verify seMce availability lind Ioation lU new c:onstruction and dIc:Ud be used in aJI"J)ntkJn Wlh preparing ycq-1.d1ty pan and ocheduflng IrWIIallons.A'"plM,_ding grodng plM ,lIocr plM ,and _~"'""be a.txrItt<d ID the r._rv ....... tor approval i!lnd verit'lc:ati:Jn.,lLA5£oULOW UPTO2 WEEKS FO~APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THI!UTILITY '. COMPANIES.If you are lNbf.to obtain mmments wIttlln tNt timeftlme please carDct The Town dValI. lJewkJpN Iv Prar/dtllfJt Addm.:.l"1rfDI'INtIDn: Lot Add .....'1m ~£h,.It{j50..1,1.100"_ QWEST "~dv"IW"'" 97O.'68.6ll6<l(t>Q Cel l '"r 97O .<68.0672(rax)C$f'/1 ,;~.t, Contacts:sam TooJey wm uel .too l!!yfllgwcst.CQ'1] xcn filCH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.<016 (tel) 970 ."".1101 (rax) eo.-:"""5........odlard.si:ms::rpsl!Pxa:enmzv.mrn HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970 .947.5<25 (t>Q 970 .945.1081 (t.,)eont,,!:JoIfIInlom oooom@ Do!y<r!lU CllOl XCRfHERGY 970 .262.1038 (rax) 970.262.102'(t>Q ~Klt_ Kmtlw SooerttbXCEtfN ERG)',cpm EAGLE RIVER wAn•• SANIl'A11ON DISTlUCT 970.476.7480 (lIOl) 970.476.'1089 (....)~~~CW~~ CCMCASrCABU ~ 970."8.82<48 (lIOl ) 970.949.9138 (r",) Conta ct:0rIvid PlIiw"lS da vid MnsCcablc aug:;t rom NODS; 1.If me utility iQP'OWI ..veriftc:Ition tonn has signatures from Ndl d the utfty compIn ..Ind no comrrents R made d1rectty on the tonn.Of 00 aeuon As tJlcr:n wkhln 2 weeks d the UtIlity's ncets:t fA the tarm wtthcut expIiiNition the Town win ~me that there are no prOOtems Ind the dewk:lpment c:an proc;eed . 2..If JI l.tiIity CXlmpany'his concerns with the ~c:cnstruetlon.the utilty repruentati"\le sh~note dnd:fy on the utWtv veril'ication form thIt there i!l:a problem whid1 needs to be te!lOMd .TheIssJe shoIJd then be detailed h iIIO attadll!l:lltntr to th8 T(M11 d Vail.However,please keep In mind that t Is the responsibility r::I the utility eotnp,Iny and the applicant to NSOIve iden~problems. 3.These 'Verification s do not refieve the contractor of the responsibi Uty til obtain .PublIc:W.,Perm it from ~Deplrt.tnent d Pubfi::works at:the Town fA v an.UtIlity _Up"1 mUll:be pbta lDe4 bofprt dlpplftl/n any public ri9ht:-d-way or ea5lM"lf:tlt within tt'Il!Town ofYail.A b ullcHna plm"t II dot I Pubflc Way "rmlt lad mild:be!obtalrtecl "P'fjllefy. 4.The De¥eloper is requred and Igreu tD aJtlmlt any revi5ed drawings to the ldities tor J'e-tPPf'(:Wa1 &.,e-veril'lcation it the submitte::l pbins Ire ~In any VRV after the IUlhoriled slgnatln dare (ur*D ott'Iel'Wbt s;pedtIc:3IIy noted wINn tIM!cmunent al'lNl oftlll5 form). -PagIlS d 1]11/13f1l!lZ; •m9 •,unUTY APPIIOVAL"VEIUl'ICAnON1'00~'lit . ThIs form ~to Verify that the proposed improvements wli not rnpad.oy existing or propostd utility sevces and also to~rify s~availability ~loaIbon kr rw::w ~and stKUd be used In aH'l1urdlon WIth p~rtrg your ~Ity plan ard schedulnlill/'lstillatlons.A Sib!p0n .lndvdmg ~ng plan,t10a plan,and e1e'ti1tions,shall be submitted to the follOwIng utl~~ fer apprwll and ver lticatiorl .PLf.AS!A1J.QW UPTO2 W'EtICS fOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS fROM TlfE tmUTY COMPANllS.[f you are unable to obt!lin (l;ltTIfI'lCflts wth in tNt timeframe please c.ont3CtTh e:Tcwm ofVaA . Lo'O'_ Comm'Db SubdtviAon :------ Authorlzad Sipnl!tutJ: L..Ad....',_ QWtST -<dvu jt.;'\.It 970.<68.6860(1)l)(.1I.r 970A68.06n {fox )01'!\'\;,.t CorUdS:S.m Tooley sa M tooMg\llolt st;-oom xca HIGH PIl1S5UIltE GAS 970~62.<O76 (lIel) 970.<68.,,01 (f»<) ContzK:t :Rich ~ ridl!rrl st:ioerm ft:xce!cncmv ,CDGl HOLY 0t0SS !NI!RGY 970.947.5<25 (tal) 97D.94'.<081 (fI>t) Contact;JetfVroom lyroomfthol V'CtQS$com XC!LENERGY 970.262.<038 (lax) 970 .262.4024 (t9I) Cmtaas:Kit_ Katntyn ·Booert@XCflENERGY,cqn EAGU RJ'VER WATER a SANITAnoN DJSTRICT 970.178.7480 (1)l) 970 .476 ..~D89 (fax) Contact;f red Iiil slef masleeOetwsd ,Qra COJ04C4ST CMU! 970.418 .8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (lax) Caot.Kt:David EV¥15 cl ai r(!MQsC@bicmt'TlQsr:enm NOnS ' L It th@ utilty appwal 8.Ye rtt\cation form ha5;signatures from cadi d the w rit'(tomPlnie.s,MJCI no CQRlments are made direttry Otl ttle Ibtm,«no attion IS taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's ~d the form withwt ~iNtion the TDWfl ~I tnsUme tNt there ereno I'WbIems and the CIcveIopment can prtaed. t .It a utility company has concemJ with tM ~amstruction ,~utility ~~sham note drrectty on me utllty ver1fICatiot1 rorm that:there Is I prcblem which needS tg be ~ed .The:Issu e shouti then be detailed In an attad\ed letter to ttle Town d Va ~.~.peese k~In mind that t is the re$9ORSib\1ty d the utiflty CXlmP'ny and the applicant to ~ kS@ntitled proI)/ems. 3 .These verlflcations do not n:lieYe the cootraal:lr gf the responsi bl hty to obtain I Public Way Permit rrcmthe DepartmetIt:of P\.tJIIc Works at the Town d Vall.Uli1ill1oqtkms must be pltta!-trefprI dlqqlna In any pubflC rfqt't-of-way Of easement wrtNn the Town of Va U.A building "nult 1B apt ap ublic:Wn """it .nd mm be obtIined "plRtell'. 4 .The Developer IS requiA!lO and ~to submit Il'ly revlsed dnlwtrqs to the utilities for rHPj:ttlYaI &.re-verMcatiOn t the sutrnitted plins are altered n any way afterthe authcmed signatln dare (urlleS1 CltherwIse specl&:al ly noted within tM comment aru;0(thiS form ). I I I, I I Dev!lo.....'~nature F:\l:deY\fORHS\Penni t50 \Pl al'll"fflg\DR.B\tttl_rRMr_1IIl.1·2S·2007.doc Paqe 8 d 13 11/23/2:005 VALL E R E SID ENC E -EX TE RIORD E CK 1944 SUNBURST DRIV E -VAIL ,CO EX HIB IT B •I.~",. ~,·1 \.-.~ EXHIBITC D EL VALL E R ESIDENC E -E X TE RiORD ECK 1944 SUNBURST DRIV E -VAIL,CO Depa rtment of Community Development 75SouthFrontag e Road,Vail,Colora do 81657 te l:9 70 .479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.vaucov.ccm • Project Name:DEL VALLE CHANGE Project Desaiption: VtU£'YA-iLay -fr /3 •/of'r7I (~) Design Review Board ACTION FORM ORB Number:DRB060133 FINA L APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR AN 8'DECK EXTENSION TO THE SOlJTH OF UNIT 'A' Participants: OWNER LUB LAN S.A.05/02/2006 LYFO RD CAY PO 80X N-3229 NAS SA U,BA HAMAS AP PlICANT SNOWDO N AND HOPKINS,ARC HlTEOS/02/2006Phon e:970-476-2 201 PO BOX 3340 VAIL CO B16SB License:COOOO01763 Project Address:1944 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1944 SUNB UR STDR Location: LegalDescr iption:Lot:21-ABlock:Subdivision:VAIL VA LlEY 3RD flU NG Parcel Number:2101-091~03 02-9 Comments:see CON omONS Motion By: Second By: Vote : Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action:STA FFA PR Date of App roval:05/17/2006 Cond:8 (PLA N):No changes to these plans may be made with out the writte nconsentof T ownof Vail staff and /or the appropriate review com mittee(s ). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB app rova l does not consti tute a permi tfor buil din g.Pl ease consu lt with Townof Va il Buil din g personn el prior to co nst ructi on activiti es. Cond :20 1 ORB approval sha llnot become valid for 20 days foll owin g thedateofapproval. Cond :202 App rova l of this project shall lapse and beco me void one (1)yea rfollowing the date of final appro val,unless a building permit Is issu ed and constructio nis commenced andis diligen tlypursued toward comp letion. p .2 ,•c.'.;J ccon ta t:t Ea ~Co .Assessor at 970 -328-8640 foroarcetno ,' For const1JCb clfl of a "E!W bulld i l'19 or demo/"ebu lld . Foren iKlditiOn where squire fo otage hi a'ded to any residenti al Or comlTll"J'clai Ol,;i!ding (l nd udes 250 addmorJ5 &i nterior cO:'Welsion s). For minor changes ::0 budding;aM site imp'OVelT'cnts,so e s. re-rtlofJ ng,j:)ainting,w in OOW add itiors,ia l'tC~~,fences ~nd ~i'!i n ln g wails.etc. Fo r minor dJanges to blJ itdin95 aod site impro-mTumts.such as, rt=-Illofing .p;lIl'lti n9.'Mr100w additions,l'md Kapinq,teoces and retain ing wells,etc . for ~vI$ions to plans al ready apcrol/l!rj by PlaMing Staff C'r the De$!'l tl Review Board . Departrrlent cr ComtNinity l>e';e lopment 75 South Frontage Road ,Vcl~.Co rOfi clo 61ES7 tel ;970:1792129 fax:970 .'179,2452 web:www.vallgoli.com $20 $'SO "0 ~fU 4 f~:lL '''''''C''N &H UH<1 N >New Construction ,~.•,. -APplication for Design Rlie,;,=:-W~-=-=--0c7.,"=-;=;; '=!I K UI\I \.:I 1 :17 f'"1 l'llflor Alteration ~1'l \Jtt i ·~m ,l yl com rr.et'da l ) ,\1ioo r Alteration (SI,g;c..fam il)'Jdu pl~) D '-::>;.-~~~<=O M:02 2006 Gf'n e raII nfarma t ion: ';11 ;J ro:ectt reQ uiring deslg:'l review must re ceiv e iiPpl'QY 31 priOr to sucm ittng <I bui'cir.g ;>e~'t aJ~WN ~seV A I L ~e r ,'f t~tt e su bmit12 1 rl!Qu b~Me.nts fu r t!'1Q ;lartlctJ !ar ap prov al t hat IS requested.An <t ppli4ition fO r Cesign ~·';ew ~.nu t be eccepte c lJr'ltil t:11 nKll,llre,j l'ftrm a';100 is receive d by thE!Comm ur ity OcveloplTe nt Deaartm e-tt .The pr<.Jc ::r:may ;!1 m nee dt o be;n!\iTe wl!d by th e ;ow n Couool lInd lOl'th e P1 aMing at'ld En ....,r onmental Co-antssicn. D~_·;il1 l1 1'ft'i_appraval la pses unless a bu ilding pe rmit is issued and constr udion m m mences w ithin o ne ye ar of th e:a pprova l. y..O"anges to Approl/ed Plans se ,erabo n Reque st Lccab cn of tne Proposal:Lot ;~e lock.;__Subdivisio n: P ~y sl "d Address:--'.Itl-'--#=__"""<U'''''''='''-'_..><::='-_ P,,,eel No.:~tJ 10 Zo nin g ;j"ro ft!H1l.:1(:ft2u-{kf?Jl/~f2It' Nd me(.)a,own er{s):A/-tfC}/(c>U k /AfI.U I t-/)P.>lAN Clo l'm;r- M.,;f;n.Addr.s ",\3~:'k~t>S1NIE:-~~:.~;rJjm1 317-~J~t1- Olo'lf ner(s)Si9n ature(s):.'~I ,.'_'J.-'?f,U Ui (\~, Cu.1 loJ t:R f!.€jJ~1I(f"_I Na me of Applicant:,()\-:)';:,\\l..l..82- M u i 'i ~Addr6s:~\-A=-'=-:ro~~::=~~:==~:#~;::jrf;~b~~72l1J===__,--..,-,==,..,.,="",,<-,-----,.;Phon4i:[;~=~s .=-~~~/':..:'J'fq;~~~ft~~~~"iI~~~ 1)0 e e of Review and"'F~~':. Stg"s $50 PIUs $1 .00 per sq uare root of total sign ar-. Cc n ~B I Rev levJ JIlc Fee M 'N Cor struetion $650 t.ddltl on $300 s r ,"J II <::Cla Cl .~·~,26 ..:_~ I MC;:t .r.O oate ; PIa,me r: Snow<i<>n andHopkins I -Ar chit ects.P.c.";:';:i't-J~~-":--:',.".('.,..'~..-...,,.c:.r_.• P O B u '':340 •Va i l,Co lo rado 81658 •Ph o ne :970 ·476 ·2201 •f ax :9 70·47 6·7 11 9 1 -------.- r, I f ,/=--1\ \ til 11#4.UN~4/~/1XP_~~./~~ll:£f .,!:IA..0!::L ~AUNb..r:::...---J~~~~1'2et \----. -j . -- ,UN I '12-11':':>' .=.----- ~·'::'!A C • roWNOF AIL DESIGNAlEW STAFFAPP OVAL -S-OG 'e.. .. to CRt>FT •p .1 P tlGE 61 JOINT PROPERT'Y OWNER WRnTEN APPA:OVAL LrrrER -_._--.__._- :.(prIn t narN!)Jot::JI.JA .~,a Joint owner o f pro ~rty locltted a t (adche ss/le<jal ""nption )/q 44-b.LJ.v~....re:.~-1tL.-.&f2Wpi21 ;)rO"'de this letter a s wrttt:en approval o f the pi llns dated _.4(/l./e!ale whicn have :,(',~submitted to the T Own of Vai l Commu nity Dev elo pment De part ment fo r t he c rcccsec l l'"lprovemen t!. .0 r-~comPded at ttle a ddress n oteda bove .I u nder!Jtdnd t hat ttre crcoosed imp rove ments in dude : £l~~11:lf.2....:!W6~ersl'M"lN b V~A~e::LIAD....-__ .dl::l!I2....1a::/..kl tEi2IHk....11H2 ~If>-'-rO 11ft?"lOU11f, ---------------------- 1 f w ''''er u nderstand that 'Tunor modificatIOns m ay be made to the p lans ov er t he co urse of t ee rev ie w o ro-css to ef'\SU~cnmp l;ance With t he To wn's appllcabll!'code s dnll regulat ions. if-)S L)/ (Date )~..~----..f -_••--- f ,t {l ~~\fURM5 ~b\PlMt....."g'OR8\1Olnt JlI'lJPl'''V _.-ne'_1D"11« rz-s-xos •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T OWN OF VAl L.CO LORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta tement Numbe r: PaymentMeth od : HOP KINS R0 60 00 0S01 Amo unt:$20 .00 Check 0 5/02/20 0604:18 PM Init :JS No tation:722/SNOWDON Permit No: Par cel No : S iteAd dre ss : Location: DRBD60133 Type:DRB-Chg to Ap pr P lans 2 10 1-0 91 -03 02 -9 1 944 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1944 SUNBUR ST DR To tal Fee s:$20 .00 This Payment:$20.00 To tal ALLPmts :$20 .00 Balance:$0 .00•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLI ST: Accoun t Co de DR 0010 0003112200 Descri ption DE SIGN REVIEW FEES Current PIn ts 20.00 !~/•\~~\I jij 1 :~\2 r i ~.J_s:~~ I ~-e.i}i'~rl'-.~"l V I tt I ~j;- r .--A ~i • t j 1'J ~. ""---..-.'---- ~~~~ ~~s I Ii )'=.it""".~it'I \ I 1~E~ il IY" ~ <, -------------- &9Nnld ?)~/\/\I V Iti J;Q1 /~A '1'a(1 J.~n:aHm-{o-!?i.?1 ~6 17 L '9l t:"O L 6 :xe d •t Ol Z-9 Lt:'-Ol 6 :3 u 0 4d •SS9 tS o pe JO IO)'I!el\•OvE£\0 8 Od ••W;V~/tu.;-fi!'nr 3 Ir;f'-~I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopmen t 75 South Frontage Road,Vai l,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www .vaucov.com Project Name:STEP HENSON DE~K EXTENSlON ORB Number:DRB06oo64 ~I u....lle.. Project Description : FINALAPPROVAL FORA DECK EXTENSION ON TIiE SOlJTl1 SIDE OFU NIT 'A', Participants: OWNER LUBLAN SA LYFORDCAY PO BOX N-3229 NASSAU,BAHAMAS APPllCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS,AROiITE03/I4/2oo6 Phone:970-476-2201 POBOX 3340 VAIL COB165B U cense:COooOOI763 ARCHITECTSNOWDONAND HOPKINS,AROiITE03/14/2006 Phone:970-476-2201 POBOX 3340 VAI L CO BI6SB Ucense :CO OO OO 1763 project Address:1944SUNBURSTDRVAIL Locatlon: Legal Description:Lot:2 1-A Block:Subdivision:VAILVALLEY 3RD F111 NG Parcel Number:2101 -09Hl302-9 Comments:SECONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mollon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action :STAFFAPR Date of Approval :03/17/2006 Cond:8 (PLA N):No cha ng es to these plans may be made witho utthe written conse nt of Townof Va il staffa nd/orthea pp ropri atereview co mm ittee(s ). Cond:0 (PLA N):DRB approval does not constitute apermit for buil ding.Please co nsult with Townof Vall Building perso nnelpriorto con structi on activi ties . Cond:201 DRB approva l sha ll not becom e valid for20 days follow ing the date of approva l. Cond:202 Approva lof thi s project shall lapse and become void one (1)yearfollowin g the date of final app_l,unlessabuildingpermitisissuedand cltruction iscommenced andis diligently pursuedtowardcompletion. Cand:CON0007878 RAIUNGS MUST MATCH EXISTING RAIUNGS Planner:Warrencampbell DRB FeePaid:$20.00 •• MAR 1 3 2006 Sr'F •M".I ".mor Exterior A teratlons Application for Design Reviei~';'-;::~:---~~=-~ Departmen t of Community Development 1075SoulhFrontageRoad,vea,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970.479.2 128 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgo v.com GeneralInfo rmation: All projects r equiring design revie w ml;5!.rece ive a ppro""1 prior tosubm ittinga building m i ~\iU t 'nC'Pfea"Il -crer to t h e submittal requ irements (Of the pertcularapprovalthat isreccested.An application f or Design Rev! can not be accepted un til a ll requ ired information is received by th e Communiry Development Department.The cro)eCt may also need to be rev:ewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental CommiSSi on. Des i g nre view approval la pses unless a b uilding permit Is IS5U ed a nd cons truction co mmences w Ithin o n e year of the approval . For construct ion of a newbuilding or demo/rebIJ ild. For an addit ion where square footage 15 added to any res iden tia l or commercialbuilding (indu des 250 additions &Interior converscn s). Forminor changes t obuildings andsite improvements,such C1~, fe-roofing,pa inting,window additions,landsca ping,fences and retaining walls,et c . For minor changes to bu ~d i ngs and s ite im provements ,such as , re-rooflng,paint ing,window add itions,landscaping,fences alld reta ining walls,etc . For revisions to plans already ap provedbyPlanning St a((or the Desi gn Review Board . nescrfptton 0'the R~~uest :tcLHl!/24l1N b 1ID[)t2X 1"211Nk ~,A~/)e ~ ai m !}~~/JHe ~bB4 DB IHQr-r UB WIlA""f2!2.-~CN1]:;d'ffe~. Locationof the Proposal:Lot:~Bl oC k :__Sub division:IIA /v VAU-f??~f'IUNb PhysicalAddress :J.1±4 4Utlf2l 2F=2C17E:..:._ Parcel No.:¢IOIO'lIO:;DtL (Cclntael Eagle Co.Assessor at970-32B -8640 for parc el no.) ZDn lng :1Wo PAK 1 ~!(W/1-l1t P-C(l~e<!IJNtJAf'1i Na m.(s)of Owner(s):~O PfiLv',AU£-1.»6/AI.J<f!'A. Mail i ng Address:_ ~Phone : Ow n.r(s)Signature(s):;#,,(..4i/~-Ownu:t.U?~1Y-~r Na me of Applicant:~?&d .H /LL..t:'!i;J!<.-"Wnw ~(..<2... Ma i li n Address:/l:IIt:b O~JlIIAJ'D plUJP,WtJ'lf1"::t)IC. I '}~~'-6f65'f-Phone :!l?O 33 /O~Fr =~.fi!br~~~~~a~:rJ&N;;~4~~~~'~X ~Wd Type of Review andFee: o Signs $50 fWi $1.00 per square footoftota l sign area. .:J Concept.ual Review No Fee G New Construction $650 :J Addition $300 :J MinorAlt erat ion $250 (multi-family/commercial) r Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/d uP/eJl ) cJ Cha nges to Approved Plans $20 'J seoeretonRequest No Fee •• TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Stat ement••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Numbe r: Payment Method : HOPKINS R0600002 30 Amo unt:$20.00 Ch eck 03/14/20060 8:31 AM I nlt:JS No t a t ion:709/SNO WD ON P ermit No : P arc el No: Site Address: Loca tio n: DRB0 60 064 Type:D RB~Min or Alt.SFR /DUP 2 101 -092 -0 70 1-7 1448 VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL 1448 VAIL VALLE Y DR IVE To t al F~~~:$20 .0 0 This Payment:$2 0 .0 0 T ota lAL L Pm t s:$2 0 .00 Balance:$0 .00•...•.•••••.•.•.•.•..........................."~.......•...••.•. ACCOUNT ITEMLIST ; Acc ount Code DR 00100003112200 Desc rip t i on DES IGN REVIEW FE ES Cu rrent Pmts 20 .00 P O Bo x3 3 40 •Vail .Col orado 8 1 65 8 •P h on e:97 0 ·4 76·220 1 •fax:970·476 ·7491 ,! ~~OCCV"2 . ,:,.. >l.l.U..IJ.l.I ". - / .... I / / / ---.-. ~l Z1_•r ,-~• F'_'_~_ W AIlRANTY JlF.ED TII'l ~DI:£D.~11oll 1 .tb *,..1f 1lI' ,JOD'1'Ill .oo r, .110 5 ........ _l.pl _io I.nolUl O Y.'.0 .sc ••-122' wu Uoa.~ ..........e.-,.._..., wntQs:am.nv.I"'~""""'In_""Io/lIIl "'''_af ~01011.&0:'aM otb4l1'go _l".bl .C<rD.i.~.r.l_DOu...U,l _~_ "'._..".Ilof v-<l,,."-.........,..._'"_,._,_,..-..'I"M --, .,...wt.,N il .oil _...~,...-_•.,..=.0 II..,I~'" Coo••"""DGLa _f C_..--'....~ ... .r t-bJ'_0.""1..........10_""" loOT l U .10 aaau.IlIYUIClIf C.LOT :31."AlL f ALtoet ,.110 .IL%Q. ACCOJlDUI"II YO nu .LAZ'aaL'QalJlUl ~..2 t.1 '12 D IIOC&~4'A-r ...._s .. ~c ."CAQLI""y.o.COUlIl,UlO • ......._.~u:u ..~VRIJt Pkl"9'S".YAIL.00 un.' 'I'OOMTKI •..ttl ..._'1oatJI ........"...-'-ai .....'-*",.._ UIIl l'C".IO _.....Nw ...._-......~_p.-~....oIl ...-..iIIb'-....... _·~"."","'Jniao&'''_If.''''''_·''_'''_'''-,_,,_ TO 1fA"J:AlIDTOIIOUI _.~............otI lIlI....-*.__..........-~.aII_•._.......,........-.-.-.. I!K ~~~.,.--.._1kI•...,.,_,___ ~"''''''''-'~__.,.,.......Ill __._ --..-.,.~~.._._..,.,.----- ...-.-..._.~...,.t_.. ~._t:.e._~c.rd1 111 -..u.t.~A &t.~k&.u ~t. n..,......aIIIll_.-itl ...uaA1'fTf AJID I'OUYUOOa.NP ...,I ",r ill ... I r ..1'''-'....tltif l ...wltM.oplM IIl,l _'""',...ar,.--""",..I _laY '*' _-.II ._11Io ,_._,r...,,...-ohdl .._l .u.-..I II WIT ._I_Jo.-..._.......-... ~"w m ~JtW t'••ClIO ~..,.....,.;..-~_.... _fL CtILCDADO I l"T"o....td.1M. CNllf1 0r L-<UtJ ,uc.=;) "....f~..."'"",*,-...~.......,.OIII I'Jf'1 ",r-m y ••oorr _...--.eo __~v...,_......~...__r_..,,--_e-"'J._- I •d 99BS-9I..to--O L S ~dRE:S S O O ~Ot ~W~ • . _Z1_ =• _':l'!!'IrI:-""_ ~n .r4 1 t ~~~R t o~the yw~r 20 0~and 'ub s eq~ent Y.'~.I and (hOM S I ~l f i ~.~c ep ~i on .dea eribed by r ~tcrr ncc t o r.~r~d d~n u .1 r e nacted tn tlll'Tlt le I)()CulV n tl .=.~.d by Cra nt .e C.1 .L a .~OI~C'.,i th •.ct i on I.(T i tl e Rlvi lvl a f l~ OClftt un co 8 ..y InC a,l1 .....1 a et ic i ..al'l;,J og Ul U...bu"",~ de ,c r l~~p.rt Y I dl .t~ibu ti on ~t 11 1t y 'I '~'l l nc l~dln ~ coble TV I ,~~o ••a pee l tlc.Jly de l;r l ~t ighe .or t nl r~p Itt :•• not '~C*Pl by chI pub:1 C'rl\:tl rd,Q r ..h .l e l.G r ........MI &=1.1 1 1 I".-hdqc .noS ...hld>"'C.'"I CC'qKcd by O raoc ••Ca'In AC~f;' .tell t ll:'Ct l.on .0 {",us r .not..1IOOt,..by ch,Public:RKO~t a NI S0C1:10 n Ie (i ....rvlly 1t....1 ....)o t t.M Co nt r a«to ........and San b el .I tatl ~l.r lnq c o en.Abovw d ••C'rl b ~c a.1 pro~rty .I n",l ul lon Qt thl p~percy v l thin any ~ci.l tl'd la t rlCCI and .the ba n.tlt an d bu rden.or ~~cl.ra t t on and part V va l l 1 9'.....n c ••it Any . w ....._>_""".._......~~ ~,m 99 89 -91..-01.6 WdBE=S 90 0 ~a t ~~W ;";';1 1(1 05 C2 .~t ~,.,0 " 'j " - - J -- - '!iOO~:ecn ,~.....'.... 10------ -. , "-... ,- •0 :,;'ro C5 r ?JljJ ••• COlUNS &AssOCIATES l;10-4/0-1 I ~•v o f rl"d Llening r O.Box 89 Bnnd ,Colorado 80423 ~""'-At>Il)NAT~~1l:E ~CO"l:SOATA'JrS P.O .Box 23'1116 MINEOT~DlUVE SILT,COlORA""81652 PHONe/FAx (9701876-5400 bocol@rof .ret April17.2000 is;lOT 11.VAIl V.o.u EY 3"f UNG 1944 8 SO "ilUlST [)m:f IWAl.lM.E RlUOO il) ) j \\<ir h regard to Ill)'repo rts d ared Septemb er 30a nd December 3 ,1999 ,and ou r recent p hone ~t",.,:,."""ibn.,./'~",N!,.,i ~iJ th o c:Jprionarl (lrnrll'''rry ,it i'i my II ndt~tam1j mr 11 ~at yo u now wis h t o rlln"rnh'r "rrianeular vdd it i'm to t he OMSt~bedroom which would extend the structure a pprnxirnatcly 10 ft to t he s o uthwest.Ir is my fun.hl."r u nde nt<l1 1ding that you wish to tn!i[(tll Iloor-to-re ilin g g lass wind ows.s liding g lass dOO fS.o r some c ombination there of o n (he exterior ••id es o f th e addition.Th e addirkmwill be renscrecreo onnew 8"foundationwalls on 1 6 ~ foo ters .TIle additt cn as be rein d iscus sed is as ge n enll ~'illustrated on GJu:.coltV REG rsrn, A "a UTECT Sin-Plall drawing 1\1 .rev.2(16fOO .You ha ve advised t hat a wood deck,no r shooln Oil t he plan .win be constructed on [be ;oum side of the addition as well as the west side as illus tra ted.You intend ra co nstruct aro ck-end-e arth berm as prmously re commende d to take a d vantage of and blend into it natural sw a le abou t 2 5 ft roughly west o fthe structure. l h e south side of r he additf on.15 fl:in ~eng(h .is exposed to the h azards as discussed in my o ri gina l re port.a ndd ue roth e e xtension ex p osure to debris Oow is marginally increased .I do not cons iderrhis in c re.u e sign ificant ,an d 50 long as previous recomme ndations are foIlovled a nd positive drainage away from the.structure is ma tn talced those mitigation measures should s uffi ce.So long as it is firml y anchored a nd Sub stallO"Uy constructed d ie proposed deck WI1 1 p r ovide some additional protection .If the mpograpbyaUows I would suggest deepening the sw aleo n tM west (hill)s.ide o f tile berlTfto produce a 5-rr:o rgrea tc rtle1"8[lon diffelj ric:e:"ri;me r . t ha n the 4 fr n rigillallr recommended .I als o conti nu e to rec ommend higfKt:r~ngrb giass in stalled in heavy-duty fra me s o n at least m e \ourh and preferably both s id es ott~_e ~~JtiOn : In su m mary ,all grading and co nstruction sbculd be performed with the s lightris k ofdebris flo w o r rock fallinmind, A..p r eviously re ported die pro perty isina geologlcallysensidve are a b ut so long asfinal grading is pro perly designed a nd con s tructed the proposed work wi ll not increase the hazard to other prope rty o r str uctures.or to p ublic r 1g ht_~-o f..way ,b uildings,ro ads .streets .easement'S .utili ties . r o -s 1'0 C5 C2 39 p ~" CaU'ly MiSkell •9 70-476-1758• Page 2 0 "facilities or other pro pert ies of any kind.Th is re portisintended to comply wit h a ppropria te po rtio ns o f Town ofVa ilRegulations Chapter 12-21·15,a nd nothing con tained here in should be i lll etpre ted as s uggesting th at the subject property isnotexposed [0 themapped hazards.if you IMV (>any ques tions,or ifl can be o ffl.lnher s ervice.pleasedo not hesitate t o contact me. ~~t~~l ~~....t.•••~.~''i{1$;"- Tl ,;~t "(>Oft col1crms nmu....l pro=ccs tfI:<1 lire tItIfln'lIOc'nlb lor .,d ill 1.'6"llll!~_l"J Qrly ....-k1'oI06d.U "tUCfOltet1 Ul il'Iclltify plKrUu:l l c lh e""'hle bURls lo",tlic "t~r ~n·jrCl pturcnr;~n.po..wm d I O""&I~miri!?,ins"....",,,,,,,,il1n>m,,l i-.a>wkhppJlCllbl e ro:gulAl<oI.f..!'Iodr'''K in "~.l'I'Pf";l dllHlld be C'lMI<tT\JHI..-i "".'1"",",d -'.f <~~Bl:IIIe'~"'dll~d~~""....,'-..,ttt.c C/w ~nendc d 1l1k!g:;nhM";''1 ~1 .\lrn til l""'bjKI:poopl!l"lY Imm l br d~~ll.l..d ";lUre,~Mkr.oll drc.."unc....1M"""'"O!"~;..~N"l'd"ns i....i<'''!l'O lT dlo,,'<1 he ('I)\I T '~IIlf 1r1lerJ)l'~..~d u &"IlI '~j n l llu '.lI'ldlUtma]unid<"!ll'-li~~bUllrd'.Ire nee pr"<:~I.II mtJPt ~~I)be UlIl!emtlod tbill "",IDRBtI"""d O('~ /1 M ,~~tlit '_t1wl!t i",;r.oItiOOl (l f d ~h:u;o f\fj ~1 or p1C'1\:/lQ.on or ~U1rue<t ,,~.~.,,1..1 ,ulll"t1ltt",nt or~rltf.<1I\J)'l be ~urn/)llo wd'c t'l~nT .c aiDn~bly jJc.lIlblcofthl!hr!U!r .Ily a.np[lng Tfli rtel)On'.n pn'll:M Ul!alI~'1um \p.lftlu lII aeto .j;ftf Cu l!1dco nnlfy..ncl hold ~..,.rm:5 i me pi q /JIfC~IN."r IIn ll"till u..'-:l!'!<.a;,tct,;1ll!'~«1 o r C ot '~lt"I !I :II ."'d l1<1in g pft"ln.ft IlIjmy oI 1011 Gt1l1e,..,.O\,~mtd.bll)vnd th e an;jT'llll COil orn"s 'Nll1.QllK4 \I:t e r lesvft'.nll (rom allYO«(um:n~o(l1w'de'lcilJr d (l r o'.~er h a~;r rd!.JI ,IOfK:l IIC'f Q\not s"ctt lI_be~may IC'<"tt I\omDIl Ll .e tl.or l,....t,ty SlIod hauroll )nr f mt(l toil,......()f i n ~eql/aet tlfpro(W1i .\,e ngJnc~'(''',OO l"",.rrr d,M1"lP;IInutll<~d recr>m lllendrd A!lrlpdn ~J _The PI';j)ilICf "fril l\;I'tpt)ft anlOrit 1IIl 4 ",il l n "f :.e ""'paMoblt 'n any "'""1'or "",.no ~.-r fiM'."1:pt l'lprr "t'ntc:rintl.toll UI1~tiocl ,lII d,Qr m "'~lr n ~of r~J)IllIN'lMlNl m ILl;JrtO"'.o r .11<'in..='coquao:yot rlli.lV f'I!o fi rtl(ll'O l!l:riwellJl!fle trcd.m ",:rr ~d .,,"6111l'm.n-lt-'l1 rll rermnll'lr"d~ m i'lJ;"',,;rnJ .o r ",iri~d....<I ~t h;r,·"~""..If.''td in "")o.....,.......~rrCMJO d K-''''l'I:~vtnIOCPd c d t:,the pn:p.1I"<!I". f .'••PH DOCT 25 2004 IRRE VOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT LegalDescri ption:Lot t:f2/"'1 g ,Block'--_ ~~~~~~:I on /ifff;m».!$KtwA£r Developer:....jJN W/1J/(!(~ P roject Number:rt:..i¢~M..':{.2- Improvement Completio n Dale :~,J/I#15-{.u/1 Le tter o f Credit Exp iration Date: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT T HIS AGREEMENT,mede a ndente red intothis /2 f/~ay of J/cftlt'!Jfb ,20 .::!..5'c byand a mong ,J/IJ/ts 5t/I7li (t he"Develo per"),andthe Townof Val l (the "Town ")and (the "Ba n k"), W HEREAS ,the Developer ,asa condition of approval ofth e Temp orary Certifica te of Occ u pancy fo r 11#5/(/lJ/}lf&,7 /JJ2tVC (a ddress ,lega l descrip tio n ,a nd proje ct number )wi shes toente r intoa Developer Improvement Ag reeme nt ;and WHEREAS ,the Developerisobligatedto provide securityor collateral s ufficient inthe judgeme nt ofthe T owntoma ker easonableprovisions fo r co mpletion ofcerta in i m provements set forth inthe att ached estimated b id (s)in accorda nce withtheapprovedplansandspec ifications file d in the officeofthe Co mm unity Deve lopment Dep artmentoftheTownofVai l ;and WHEREAS,theDeveloperw ishes toprovide security togua ra ntee performa nce oft his Agre ement,i ncl u dingco mpletion ofall imp rov eme ntsr eferr ed t oi n thi s Agre ement.by m eansof the following : TheDevejcper ag ~ees to establish anirrevocab le lette r ofc redit #in the amount of $Plp(!-wi th =-;-.,-;--;--;;----:c---:c7"--,.,.:-:;:-,--,..,..,=-::--~ (na me ofba nk in EagleCo unty ,Colorado)as the sec urity fo rthe completion of all imp rovements referred to in thisAg reement.in theeve nt t here isadefa ultun de rthis Agree mentbyt he Developer. NOW T HEREFORE ,incons ideration ofthefo llow ingmutualcovenants an dagree ments , th eDevelope r and th e T ownag ree a s follow s: 1.Th eDevelope r ag rees,atits sa lecostandexpe nse,to furnish a ll equipmen t a nd mat eria ls necessary t operfo rm andcomplete a llimprovements referred toin this A g ree ment.T he D y~p er ag reestoco mplete all improve mentsreferredtoin this Agreeme nt onorbefo re the ~day of .kliJG ,fQL)j ,The D evelopershallcomp lete ,in a good wo rkmanlike ma nner,all improvements referred t o i nthisA greement,i nacco r dance w ith a ll app roved plansand spec ifica tionsfiledi n t he o ffice of theCo mmun ity Development Department of t heTow n of V a il ,a ndt odoa ll wo rk incide ntalt hereto a cco rding to andinc omplian ce w ith the fo llowing : F :\c dev\FORMS\D IA\DlA credit fo rma,-112002.doc Page1of 5 ••t a .A l l sai d wo rk sha llbedone u ndert hei nspection of,a nd to the satisfaction of,th eTow n Plan ner,t he Town Engineer,t he To wn Building Offi cia l,o r othe r o fficia l f romtheTo wn ofVa il ,as affe cted byspecial districtso r serviced istricts,as theirrespective interest mayappear,a nd shallnotbedeemedcompleteuntil approvedanda cceptedascompleted by the CommunityDevelopment D epartmenta nd Publi c W orksD epartment o fth e T ow nof Va il. 2.Tosecure a nd g uaranteeperformance of theobligations as set forth he rein,the Developerag rees toprov ide secu rity as f o llows : Irr evocablele tte r o f c redit #inth e am ounto f $ (125%of t het otal costs ofth e atta che d es timated bid(s »w ith -"'-''-'''-''---- _-,---_-c;--,-------;(name ofbank in EagleCounty,Colorado)set to ex p ire o nthed ayof ,20(not toex pireless t han3 0 da ys aft er t hed ate set f orth i n Pa ragraph 1 o f this Agreement)asthe secu rityfor the-comp letiono f a ll i mprovementsreferred to inth isAg reement,inthe eventth ere isa default und er t his Agreemen t by theD eveloper . 3 .Th e Develo per m aya tanyt ime su bstitute t he securityo riginally set fo rth a bove for a notherformo f sec urity o r colla teral ac ceptable to th e Towntog uaranteeth efaithfulc ompletion o f t hose imp roveme nts referred t o inthi s Agreementa ndth e p erformanceofthete rms of th is Ag reement.Sucha cceptance by th e Town of a lternative security or colla teralshallbe a tth e Town'ssaled iscr e tion . 4 .T he Townsha ll not ,nors ha ll a ny office r o r emp loy ee t hereof,beliable o r respo nsible fo r a ny accide nt,losso rda mage happening oro ccurring to thewo rk s pecifiedin th is Agr eementp rio r tothe comp let ion and a cce ptan ce of the s a m e,nor shallthe Town ,nor an y o fficer o r e mployeet hereof ,be liab lef or any pe rsonsor p roperty inju red by rea sono fthenat ure o fsaidwo rk,but a l l of sa id liabilities s halland a rehereby ass umedby th e Developer. T he D eveloper h erebyag rees to ind emnify andholdharml ess theTow n,and any o f its officers ,a g e ntsa nd employees aga inst any losses,c laims,damages ,o r liabilities tow h ichthe Town o ra nyofits o fficers ,agents ore mployees m ay become SUbjectt o,in sofar asa ny s uch losses,c la im s,da mages o rliab ilities (or ac tions in re spect the reof)that a rise outofor are based u ponany perionnanceby t he Deve loper hereunder;andthe Developers hallrei mbursethe Town foran ya nd a lllega l o r ot her expe nsesreasonablyincurredb yt heTown in co nnection wi th i nv est ig a ting or defending any s u c h loss ,cla im,da mag e,lia bility orac tion.Thi s i ndemnity pro vision sh all be inaddi tion toa ny ot her lia bilityw hichth e Developer m yhave. 5 .It is mutu allya greed t hattheDeveloper may a pp ly fora nd t he Tow n m ay a uthorize a partial release of t hese curity p rov idedto the Townfo r each category of i mprovement a t s uch time ass uch improvementsarec onstructedi n c o m pliancew ith a ll pla nsa nd s pecificationsas referenced here undera nd acc epted by theTown .U ndernocond itionsha ll the d ollar amou n tofthe sec urityp rovidedto th e Townbe redu ced be lowthe do llar a mountne ce ssary to complete a ll un completedimprovementsreferredtointhisAgree ment. F :\cdev\FORMSIDlA\DlAcredit formaC 112002.doc Page2 of5 •• 6 .Ift heTownd e termines,atits saled iscret ion ,t hatany of t he im prov ements referred tointh is Agreementare notconstr ucted incompliance wit h the approvedpla ns a nd specificationsfile d in theoffi ceof theCo mmunityDevelopment D epartmentof the TownofVailo r not accepted bytheTownascompleteono rbefore the date setforth in Paragra ph 1 ofthis Ag reemen t,th e Town may ,buts halln otbe requiredto ,dr awupo nthesecurityreferred tointhis Ag ree ment a nd completet heun completed im prove m e nts r eferredto i nt his Agreemen t.Pursuant to Section 12-11-8,Va il TownCode ,the Temporary CertificateofOccupancy referred tointhis A g re ementmay berevoked u n t il a lli mp roveme ntsre ferredto h erein are co mpleted by t he Developero rtheTown in acco rdance w ith this Ag reement. Ift he costsof completingthe uncompletedim provements refer redtointhisAgreemen t exceedthedollaramo unt o f the securi typrovided to the T own,the exc ess,together wi th interest attwelv epercent(12%)per annum ,sha llbea l ienagai nst the propertyand may beco llectedby civilsuit or maybecertified tot he treasure r of EagleCo unty to becollected inthesa memanner as delinquent adva loremtaxes levied ag ainst suc hproperty.If th e Developer fails orrefu ses to co mpletet he improvementsrefer redto in thisAgree ment,such fail ure orrefusalsha ll be considered aviolation ofT itle 12(ZoningRe gulations),oft he V ailTownCode ,and the Developer sha ll besubject topenalties pursuan t toSect ion 12-3-10 (Violations :Pena lties)andChap ter1-4 (GeneralPenalty),Va il Town Code. 7.The Developershaltw arrantyt he work andmaterials of allim provements referred to in th isAgreementlocatedon Town propertyo rwithina Tow n right-of-way,pursuanttoC hapter 8-3 ,ofthe V ailTown Code,fo r a periodof tw oye ars afterthe To wn's ac ceptanceof said improvements. 8 .Th epa rtieshereto mutua llyag ree thatthis Ag reementmay be amended fromtime totime,provided thatsuch amendmentsbeln w ritingand executed bya llpartieshereto. Dated th e dayand yearfirstabove ritten STATE OF CO LORADO COUN TYOF EAGLE ~v \)\ )ss. ) The foregoing Deve loper Improvement Ag reemeD wasack nowledgedbefo re me this \L Dayof \\Ch l e ~U',20ii!by ~,.'t·~.~14 -,,"!'- Witnessmy hand andofficial seal. \!Y COOMISSOI EXPIRES~&'2007Mycommissionexpires W"llllllfllllf, -:.,\(\..I E ,..,1111"~'",,~\,,l"'''1A~''''~~v.···....''7..0''':0"S ••'":t\~ o -N .~....,PI if :0 r "'1 '.?~§:!j>y :r-~_.........-~·u ..::.7~..a'/C :if,,::<.(.,•~ ~:-'...::n §"1<;Qc:.,•..•.,,-\}7,:,S' <;...t?o LOf\~\,\\'''''F :\cd ev\FORMSIDIAID IA credit forma '_1120 D2 .do c Page3 o f 5 ,.''''11I111\\1 • Town Planner STATE OF C OLORADO ) )55. C OUNTY O F EAGLE ) •... T he foregoing !Veloper It::rovement A qreemen l.was acknO Wledled before me this I ?--Day of lc \.>(~"---.20fl by l:.!,s,hetk <!CA.{ My co mmissi on expires: Ba nk STATEOFCO LORADO ) )55. COUN TY OFEAGLE) T he foregoing Developer Improvement Ag reement wasacknowl edged before me this __dayof •20_by ~ Witness my handand officia l seal. My co mmiss ion expires:_ NotaryP ublic • F;\cdev\FORMS\OIA\OlA cred it bmal_1 t 2002 .00c Page 4 of 5 .rown Of Vol....Department of Community Development 75S.Fronteg.Road V••I.CO 1 1651--~Name:,.JaMES R",,"ptNo.54/,ite Address: DeteJ L .LIL...I.1iLProject: Please make checks payable to the TOVYN OF VAIL Accou nt I/o.Item No.C_.Cool Each T.... 001 0000 314 1110 zcnin and Address Maps ZA $5 .00 • 00100003 14 11 12 Unifonn Building Code -1997 -Volume 1&2 CS $50 .95 • 001 0000 3 14 1112-~Uniform Building Code -1997 •Volume 3 $60 .65 • 001 00003141112 International PlumbincCode-1997 CS $36 .00 • 00100003141 112 Internationa l Mechan ical Code -199a CS $35.00 • 00 100003141 112 Un iform Mechanical Code .1996 $35 .60 • 0010000 3141112 ursrorm Fire Code CS $38.00 • 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrica l Code CB $42.60 • 001 0000 3 14 1112 Aba tement of Dan emus Bid ,'s 1997 $9.95 • 001000031411 12 Model EnergyCode -1995 $10 .00 • 001 0000 3 14 11 12 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 UniformCodes $12 .75 · 00 10000314 1112 Other CodeBooks CB • 0010000314 1211 BluePrintslMylar Copy Fees SF $7 .00 • 00 1 DOOO 3 14·1111 X8f'OX Copies XC $0.25 • 0010000314 11 11 LlonsheadMasterPlan MS $40 .00 · 001000031411 11 Lionshead Master Plan Append ices MS $20 .00 • 0010000314 11 11 Studies,Master Plans.etc.MS • 00 1 0000 31 2 30 00 Contra ctors u cenee Fees Cl 00 1 0000 2 40 3300 Deve loper Improl/tln'lOI\l Agr&ement 0ep05il D 2.QEP10 AD lSi 11,,11 1\0 00 1 0000 312 1000 Restaurant Ucense fee (r OV)Rl 00 1 0000 23 0 200 0 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to CO.Oeot.Rev.SA 00 10000 319 3100 GreenstarProaram 1100000 314 1115 Resale Commission Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS ·001 0000 20 11000 Tuab"~ltA"(State)·To Ie TP ·001 0000 310 1 100 TuabJe 4 "own·Retail Sal..Tu:T7 ·001 0000 3 101200 Taxable G .5%(Town)-Conferwnce C1r TC TOTAL:'If I fI"JIJ .tID Comments: Cuh Monsy Order'Chod<'J13±Racolvod by, {-;~ 03 • Town ofVail H*CUSTOMER REC EIPT *H Oper:PHARPE Type:FB Dr awer:I Date:11 /13/03 01 Rec eipt no:1532q Cust oler Locati on Nale Alount 2441 2457 GARDEN SMITH AD AR -DEPOS ITS S8160.00 GARDENSM ITH RECEIPT #54585 • Tender detai l CK CHECK Tot alt ende red Tot al paylent 1137 S8150 .00 S8150 .00 S81 60 .00 Trans dat e:11/13/03 Tile:10 :07 :lq ,HANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYi'lENT I •• • fILE COpy Oc tober 25,2004 Mr .Ja mes Smith Ga rdensmit h 84 1East Goorman Avenue Littleton.CO 80121 Re:Bond return ( 1944Sunburst DriveNai],CO81657 Lot21,Vail Valley SRI Filin--- De ar Jim. • Th ankyou for finishing thecu rb an d g unerrepairon Sunbu rst Driv e .Yo u ca n expect to receive a check f rom t he Townof Vail i ntheamou nt of$8160 .P lease l et m e know if you have not rece ived an~h ing bytheen d of next week.Thanks againandp lease donot hesitate to con tact either m ysef o r Leonard San doval sho uld you have fu rther questions o r co ncerns . Be stRega rds, Elisabeth Eckel 9 70.479.2454 (ofc) 970 .479.2452 (fax) ce:LeonardSandoval,Public Works Department • FILE COpy July1,2004 Mr.James Smith Gar densmith 841East GoormanAvenue Littleton,CO80 121 Re:Bond returnfor DIA-1944 SunburstDrive/Vail,CO8 1657 Dear Jim, • It hascometomy attention thatthe Developer Improvement Agreement signed last falltog uaranteecompletion oft he work onthe boulderwall and landscaping at the above address expired onJune 15,2004.Aftervisitingthe site and speaking withLeonardSandoval,it was determined that the curb a ndgutterare still in need ofrepair.As I am sure youremember,a check wassubmitted in theamount of$8160,to be returned at the timeof the project's completio n.W ewould like tobeable10 return t hat sum to youas soonaswearemade aware thatthe repairiscomplete. Please do not hesitatetocontact either m yselfor LeonardSando ....al should you hav efu rther qu est ions or co ncerns. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 (ofc) 970.479.2452(lax) cc:Leo nard Sandoval,Public Works Dep artment •Elisabeth Ecke l -Re :1944 Sunburst Page 1 From: To: Date: Su bject: <Jihoca@aol.com> <EEckel@Vailgov .com> 1012212004 7;53;36 AM Re :1944Sun burst The curb and gutter is finished .I sto pped i non T hursday 10/14,onmyway throughV ail ,an d the contractor hadnotfinished .I s topped in yesterday 10121 and it wasfinished .Mycellphon e #is 3 03-60 1-8576,pleasecallmetoday or simply e-ma il meandletme know what Ineed todoto get mybondretumed to me.I have t riedto get a h oldof Leonard ,I evenstopped in a tt he pub lic works d epartment y esterday a nd fo und o ut heisenjoying a litt le R&R a nd won't beback u ntil next week.Lookingforwardtothereso lution ofthis ,sorry Ittookso long . JimSm ith •El isabeth Eckel-R e:1944 S unburst Pag e 1 From : To: Date: Subject: <Jihoca@aot.com> <EEckel@v a ilgov .co m> 1010712004 5 :44 :52 PM Re :1944 Sunb urst Thank Yo ufor contact ing me .I have called t hreet imes to meet andshowm e w hat needs tobe done ,now I know w hy I have nothe a rdf romyo u.I amso rry If I ga ve you an incorrect #. Mycellph one #i s (303)60 1-8576 . Ihavecontra cted with Ch arlie S herman inVailto removeandrepla ce a section of curb and gutter thatIg uessed isthe problem ,it wi ll befini shed by Friday ,Octo ber 15t h.I will persona lly beinVa il o n t he14th to check it. Plea secallmeIwas getting alittl e w orried soI just moved forw ard. •E lisabeth Ec kel-1944 Sunburst Pa e 1 From : To: Date : S ubject : Hello Jim: Elisabeth Eckel J ihoca@aol.com 1010712004 2 :00 :58 PM 1944S unburst Ihavetri ed tocon tact yo u via the cellp hone number tha t Ihav e in myfi le.but tono a vail.Just w antedto let yo u know that t he P ublic W orks Departmentstill need s toha ve thecurbandgu tter repa ired fromthe damage thato ccurred dur ing the constructi onof the boulde r wa ll .Thisw ork needs tobe done by November 15th .Therefore,ifwedo n 't to uch base w ithin the nextweek,Pub l ic W orks w ill goa head and cas h your bo nd c heck,fin ishingt hewo rk themselves .Pleaseletmeknow how y ou wou ld like toproceed . Thank you fo r yo ur prompt a ttentiontothis matter. Elisabeth Ecke l Planner,T own of Va il 7 5S.Fro ntage Road Vail,CO8 1657 970.479.2454 ole 97 0.390.3 554 cell 970 .479.2452 fa x cc.Leonard Sa ndoval " Elisabeth Eckel ~Reo:1944 S u nb u~f Page1 ' From: To: Date : Subject: Leonard San doval Elisabeth Eckel 0712012004 10:46:31 AM Re :1944 Sunburst Thatfunny, I spokewith him a bout amonthagoand He askedifthe TownofVail wa s going to repairt he curb and gutter. I told h im NO. He was responsibletohire someone.H ewas supposedtolook foracon tractor an dhave it rep aired. I will callhimback. Howmuch cash dowe have? I don't have aproblem findingsomeonetodotherepair,I don'tbelieve he will be happywiththe cost. Takecare Miss Elisabeth. I will letyou know. »>ElisabethEckel0712012 004 8:17;46AM >>> Good morning,Leonard:W1ile you wereaway ,I spoke withJim Smith regardingt hedamagedcurb and gutter out o nSun burst.Heme ntioned t hat he was u nd erthe imp ressionthat PW would be d oing the repairs a ndth at th ecost sa ssociatedwitht herepa irsw ould be d educted from his bo nd c heck.A s J d on't knowt he specifics fromhe re o n o ut,I will letyouwo rk t hose outwit h him.Le tmeknow if I can he lp furt her.His c o ntact info rmat io n isas folJows :Jim Sm ith,Ga rdensmith (720 )283-8287 (ce ll) 841 Eas t Goo rman Ave nue Littleton,CO 80121 T han ks, Elisabe th ·, 'ElisabethEckel-Re:1944S unburst Pag~1 From : To : Date: Subject: Leonard Sand oval Elisabeth Eckel 0612812004 8:5334 AM R e :1944 Sunburst Good Morning E lisabeth . I do remembe rM r .Smith. I spoke with him in late M ay ,Ithi nkw eca n approve thewall ,You are correct th e wall is huge.George R. hadan issue withthewallde sign .I wi lllook atthewall closer sometime this week bu t hestill needs to repair the cu rt>and g utterhe damaged.S o the bond cannot be returned . Thankyou Is >>>El isabethEc kel 06 123/2004 4 :40AO PM »> Hello l eo nard :Doy our em emberJ ames Smith and th e in fa mous bo ulder wall ou t onsun burst?I l oo ked u p the con d itions th at I placedont he approva l a nd apparentlywe o nly s pe ci fied t ha t hehadto move the bou lders atle ast 12"away f rom t he curb a nd gu tter.T he bou ldersarestillhu ge ,w ayo verth e 3'allowed i n aset back.Ha ve yo u seen it and ca n we co n side r it as tepped wa llan d t herefo reok ay?Wha td oyou t hin k?If 5 0 ,we ca n return h is bond . Than ks , Elisabeth (hope the tim eo ff was good!) c c .Leona rd Sand oval •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmento f CommunityDevelopme nt 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vau.co.us Project Name :Goff siteimprovements Proj ect Description: ORB Number:DRB03 0481 Rebuild ex i sting non -conforming bo ulder wall;ad d lanscaping o n northeastsideofhom e, Including junipers,etc.according to sitepl an;landscap ing bondin the amount of $8160 subm itted,to be returned June 2004 afterCO Participants: OWNERGOFF,JAMESPAUL &JODYMARIl0/28/2003 Phone: 1550 E OXFORD LN ENGLEWOOD CO 80 110 LIcense: APPUCANT GOFF,JAM ES PAUL &JODY MARllO/28/20 03 Phone : 1550EOXFORDLN ENGUEW OODCO 8 0110 li cense : "'" project Address:1944SUN8URSTDRVAIL 1944SUNBURST DR Location: Legal Descr iption:lot:21-8 Block:Subdivision:VAIL VAL LEY 3RD FlUNG Parcel N umber:2 10109103 030 Comments :seeconditions BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Cond itions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval :11/12/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN ):Noc hanges toth ese p lans may be made wi t hout t he w ritte n cons ent of Town of Vai l staff a nd/or the app rop r iate review comm ittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORBa pprova l doesno t cons titut e ape rm it for bui ld ing .Please consu lt w ith To w n ofVail Building personne l prior to cons tructio n activities. CondoCON0006229 App licant m ust m ov ebou lder wallawa y f ro m the T OVcurbandg utter by at least 12" p rior to final i nspectionand return of bo nd Entry:11/12/2003By:EE Action :AP Cond:CON0006230 .-.' .Applicantmustcompletelandscapingindicatedonsiteplanby 06/15/04,accordingto thetermsoftheDIA,beforebondcanbereturned Entry:11/12/2003 By:EE Action:AP Planner:ElisabethEckel ORBFeePaid:$20.00 1012812003 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL .COLORADOC opy Reprinted on 10·28-2003 a t0 7:04:27 Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tateme n t Number : Payment Met h od: R0 30 005013 Amount :$20 .00 Ch eck 10 /28 /200307 :04 AM Init :DF Notation :#1131 Permit.No : Pa rc el No : S ite Address : L ocati on: DRB 03048 1 Type :DRB -Minor Alt ,SFR!DUP 210109 1 03030 19 44 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1 944 SUNBUR STDR T his Payment:$2 0 .00 TotalFees : Total ALL PInts : Ba lance : $20 .00 $2 0.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A CCOUNT ITEMLI ST: Account Cod e DR 00 100003112200 Description DES IG N REVI EW f EES Current Pm ts 20.00 • Application for Design Review Department of Community Dev.1opment 75 South Frontage Road,vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us Gen eral Information: All projects reQuiring design revewmust receive approval prior to subm itting a buildIng permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that Is requested .An appncatcn for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informationis received by the Community Developme nt Department The proJect mayalsoneed to be reviewed bytheTown Council and/orthe Plan ningand Environmental Commission . Desi gnr eview a pprovallapses unless abu ildingpe rmit is i ssued and constru ction commences within on.y.a,ot th e approval.~D .Sc.iPuonOf f requ ~t &T t;~U Wc~BJ<dcl~,M~Uq11&:'"Cl ..".,d i9 (-If.Jce Location of the Proposal:Lot :~!rock:__ Nam e(s)of Own er(s):---''''1'-'''-:'----'''''-'''''''''-''''-':'-'~'--.>...<-''--::'--'----=~_,----- ----<.l-~'---~~~=:;:;~~~~~~~~{-{? Owner(s)Signatu re(s) Name of Applicant:--\--f-:;,-'-'-'--"'-:::-'''"'''7LL -'-J..JI-''''-'''-''q:.u..=.!.J.-'--'------- Mailing Address:__-''..1.--O~1J'..J~~1l(J,C!!~~~,!.~'*r=,...''----- ______--,-.,.,.,=-_=--:-_:-Phon ....:~.....~:::-::'-*~<I:"-_ E-mail Address:J'110 cr-·e )1.<tV.L~r>1 Fax :_.ll.<L:'-"IL.!.-=-"-"""-...L _ For Office Use Only: FeePatd:rzA .-Ch eck No.:\l)I Applicatlon Date: Planner: Type of Revi ew andFee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New ConstructionoAddition oMinorAlteration (multi·famity/commerdal) -,:...MinorAlteration (Slngle-famity/dup!ex ) o OIanges to Approved Plans o Separatio n Request $50 ND Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee P1uj $1.00 per SQuare foot of t otal signarea. For construetlon ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild. Foran addition where SQu are footage IS added to any residenbal or commercial building (includes 250 addibons &interior conversions). For millOf chanoes to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofIng ,painting,window adclltlons,landsca ping,fences and retaining walls,etc. fof minor changes to buildingsand site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,winOOw additiorls,landscaping,fences and retaining walls ,etc . For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staffor the Design Review Board . [).U~~-('lq ~C V OCT 2 7 200 3 By-X~"$f c.e+.ccAc S"-trl---~"'vd~ DRB ND.:H & Project No.:v iC'1A3 -G'i,? •..•GARDENSMITH .Ja mes P...Jth ~lANDSCAPE DESICN-BUllD-CARE jof~I < •&II ElostGoorTNnMllue Utl1elOfl.CoIorlido so 12 1 tI !'hone .J03-7'il7~2 Cd:JOJ-fJO''''S16 InncwIUon l1uou&h ~fax.:110-281-82" wo...oz ~zoo... ~~_... 8 ~ U-~.N W ~()0 ::;o Q. ..J ~ ......,... •• -~(')~~I---AO~'--­ CC>c-C).A>2>J ~c..o or....l b ~~l •=x:; ..u...;:.~u~~=>-PH--','-_ O<"".p.u->=-->=~Oo\-p,,-c-~=e<"""2<"'-:::l'c. £",....-~~~._------ CSco~~.~........,:,......)T>'"~~_ =~=~~~--- .L...etc \O~CO"-I~~~c::..d.-l.",.j~~~ _t:I .BJ ~...)G,--~~~Ck:...,.--O-r:-l'--_ .~--e..:.=e ~~C---- 6->~:Erl::.~G.G<?B,~-"'".--.....,~~C>---­ .'-e.cu->~~-.---~~<::.I.')~~ 6=-~~6=~o""'~_=_ ~--'--'Y-~~--""'"-~I 8 .........<:0"--__ A--e~l:r ......~€\-z:.quJ.e;:-x-,~.:O::>-__ d;>.=c:n+."'"--<'4""G--"""~""""----- ~__A'3==r>e=~._<t::L I)~D_ ~~=........:2R,~--=-=­ ~A ....,cC""">.....e~~~~=~__ ~~c::..e..~~~_ ~.,..._v ~.....e-:e~~~...~),;;;; Co·.)~;ar-<-;:::=~_~-->:5 ~~_ •....:>6.-."Y~.-=.="~~-­ ~~"..,l >r-~~-o .............C,').~ )E..-.r-...J 6 cC C ~~·J ~----.LO /2 ~'-~.r !'- • • • - , • ..'.,• • • Brick Drive StnJcture orF ir TreeSpruce .-- Bou lder Aspen Tree Dec:idous Shru b ,/ • G, .' Brick Drive Sunburst Drive I ,.J ~\ \ o GG I (fl 0 ~~,-m, - r , I T j PROJECT: Goff R&Sid ence Su nburs t Dr .1944 I I N'SHEET DE SCR IPTIO . 't·nsExistingCondl10 Gardensm it~an Ave .J • Department of Community Development 75So uth Fron tageR oud Vail.Colorado 8 /657 970-4 79-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 31,2003 Mr .J imS mith G arde nsmith 841EastGoo rman Ave nue Litt le ton.CO80121 Re:Boulder wallatG off Residence 1944 Sunburst Drive ,Vail CO Dear Mr.Sm ith, •........~.....'"',I , l T hankyouforsu bmitting a n a pplication for d esign rev iew of thebou lder wall thatha s been constructedo n the no rth side of th e abo ve add ress.However.there are s everal issues that render thewallnon -confonning wi th the T own of V ail's cu rrent regu lations.Acc ordingtoth e Deve lopment Standards Han dbook .wh ich exists asa g uideline forim provementssuchasbou lder an do ther types of r eta ining w a lls, 'Fences.h edges,w al/sa nd landscaping scree ns shalf n ot ex ceed threefeet (3J in heig htwithin an y re quired front setb ackarea,and shall n ot exceed s ix fee t (67 inh eightinany o ther po rtion of th e Sff9 ...- (nle 14,p.33). I nadd ition to exceeding theh eight limit,th e wall exists out side o f theowner's property lineandinthe T own o fVai l rig ht-of-way .T hePubli c Works Department o f theT own ofVa il needs am in i mumof12"(12 inc h es)and preferab lyatleas t 24"(24 inch es)o fwidth between the c urband gutter andthe begin ning o fthebou lder wall . Add itionally,you will n eedto apply for a revocab le right-o f-way pe rmit inorde r fo r thewall 10 beplaced in t he v icinity thatit is n ow . I willptanon h earing f romyouassoo n asyouhave rece ived t his letter,oratleast by nextFriday ,N ovember r: It is m ywish that th is somewhat complex p rocessre ma inas clear a nd s imp le aspossible.Therefore ,I w ill domy best toanswe r yo u r questions so that we c anresolve this proble m .,',.,,-,B e str~ard s "y,_.~--/--:;:;.~,//7£?ft"O~~ th Eck el 90.4 79 .2454 (phone) 970.479 .2452 (f ax) o RECt'tUWI'APER •"'"I ".~, •, • Department of Co mmunity Development 75South Fron tage Ro ad Vail,Colo rado 8165 7 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX 970-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail.co.U.I November11,2003 M r .JamesSm ith Gardensm ith 841EastGoorma n Aven ue Little ton,CO80 121 Re:Boulder wall,landscaping p lan 1944Sunburst D rive Vai l,CO8 1657 Dea rJ im , T han kyoufor su bmitting an ap plicationfordesign r eview o ft heboulderwa ll a ndrelatedlandscapingallhe abo ve a ddress. Following is a summary o f theacti ons t hat ha ve occurre d thu s fa r intheap pl icationp rocess: 1)A fin eof$150fors tarting w ork p rior to rece ivingd es ign ap proval w as paid 10 the Tow n of Va il on November 6,2003; 2)A revocableright -of-way formwas fi lled cut and th e$35feewas submitted to IheTowno fVa iJ on November 6 ,2003; 3)A landscapi ng plan detailingthe placem ent andtypeof fut ure landscaping has bee n s ubmitte d .. Ho wever ,sev eral issue sremain tha t mus t be resolved pr ior to the applica tionbeingreviewedfu rtherand th e pr oject ap proved . 1)Th e wall must be m ovedatleast12"and prefe rably 24 -awayfrom t hec urba ndg uttera longSun burst driv e . T hereasonfort he re locatio n of th e w all away f ro mth ecu rb a nd gulter relate s bo th to any dam agetha t m ay relatetothec urb and gutter fro m t he cu rrent placement ofthe b oulders andthe ow nership/ma intenance ofthe curbby the Town of Va il: 2)Th e wall m ust bebroughtd ow n to a height offou r fee t orl ess w ithin thefr ont settees of th e property ; 3)A d eveloper Improvement agreementm ustbecompl eted with aspecifieddate for th e comple tiono ft he i mp roveme ntsa nd abondin theam ount of $8 160 must be rece ived by the Tow nofVa il,re gard lesso rIhe scope ,du ration ,and t im ing of th e work to be done o nthesite (seee nclo sedl etter fr om LeonardSan doval of the Publ ic Wo rks De partment).Oncethe wo rkh as been completed andinspectedby theapp ropriate Tow n o fficials,th ebond w ill be r eturned . Please donot hes ita te tocon tact m e s hould you havef urther q uestio ns or concerns.Icanfaxyo ua copy of th e de ....eloper impro....eme nt a greement wh en youare readyto receive it.Be fore the above issue s have been han dled,n o permission t o cont inue w ork has been gra nted .Tha nkyo u fo r y o ur co nt inued cooperation inwha t isno t alwaysa simpl e rev iew process . ",.'B ~~S.~- ~~tfd;;h:~t!~ Elisabeth Eckel 970.479 .245 4 (phone) 9 70.4 79.2452 (fax) enclosur e o H f-'CYCLEDPAI'/!;R Department ofP ublic Horks &Transpo rtation J309Elkhorn Drive Vail ,Colorado 8 /657 9 70-479 -2158 Fax ;970-479-2166 www.vai lgov.com 11 /061200 3 Gardensmith 841 E.G oo nnan Aye . Littleto n.C olorado 80121 RE:1944 Sunburst Drive-Retainin gwall and Landscape Project. Dear Mr.JamesSmith • Th e T own of Vail Pu blic Works Department requires thatabo nd be provide in the am ount ors 8 160.00 dollars.Bondisto assure tha i the curb and gutter andA spha lt o n Sunb urst Driv e art nut damaged when work o n the reta ining wall isin process . Bond will be helduntilproject has be-en completedand inspected by me Townof Vail Construction Inspector .If weather becomes and issue.noapp roval Yo'ill be givenuntil afterApril 15.2004 . Inaddition,contractor will need to prov idetheTown of Vailwitha Tra fficcont rol and staging plan.Keep inm ind t hat no staging onSu nburstDri vea llowed a fte r Nove mbe r 1.2003 thruApril l S,20 04. Ifnowo rk is p lanforthis year becauseor the ti me frame ,the Rand isstill req uired. Ifyouhave a ny q uestion.Please reel free to call me a t 97 0-479-2198 or 97 0·)90-4677 Thankyo u, Leona rd Sa ndov al 4fr/-,f-.f~L Town or Vail Cons truct ion Inspector .~t.•"A/;I I:UWP"'"".~ •• Department of Community Development 75 South Fron t age Road Va il.Co l orado 8165 7 97 0-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-U52 ww w.c i.vail.co.U.\' November 12,2003 Mr .James S mith Gard ens milh 841EastGoo rman Ave nue Littleton,CO80121 Re:Boulderw all,land scaping p tan 1944 Sunburst Drive Vail,CO 81657 Dea r Jim , • •• Pero ur c onversationwithLeo nard thismorni ng.yo u a nd your staff a ref reetobeginw orkon relocatingthe bou lder wallc loser tot heresid encea nd atleast 12-awayfro m the Town's c urb a nd gutter.T he Develope r I mprovement Agreement thatyo u co mp leted today wi ll bekept o n fileuntil Ju ne 15 ,2004 ,an d mea nwh ile ,the check wi ll be cashed b y theFinan ce Department.In J une o fnextye a r,the amount of thebond ,S8160.00,wi ll berefunded infu ll aft er th e time of the fin al inspection,prov ided thatthelandscapinga nd thewallare finished accord ing toplans .Shou ld dam age occurtothe c urbandgutte r during the remainderof the improvement process ,thePublic Works Departme nt willworkout the necessary arrangements w ith yo u for the repairof such d amage. Pleasedonot h esitate tocontac t e ither myselfor LeonardSandovals hould you have furth er questions or concerns .Tha n kyou fo r yo ur cooperati on inwh at is notalways asimplereview process .Enj o y the s ki season!'7~,u:l~.d~.d Elisabeth Ecke l 970.479.2454 (phone) 97 0.479 .2452 (fax) cc:l eonard Sandoval ,Public Works Department David Rhoades ,Code Enforcem ent Officer TOWN OF VAIL APPLICAnON FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TOERECTOR MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ONA PUBLIC RIGHT-Of- WAY r!"THISFOR MCANNOT BE REDUCED I.,c,(PLEASETYPE )TYPESO F IMPROVEMENTS ...(IV \o '?Fence \('V Wall 1\Landscaping X Othe r OWNER OF A D D RE SS =~===~=====::==::~~~~=========== LEGAL DES CRIPT ION O FPROPERTY TOBE SjRV0 :r. LOT lLklBLOCK SUB DIVISION ([,,!U {q (If necessary,atta ch descriptiono nseparatesheet). Comer lot _Inside lot .s._ IONOF STRUC;TURE ORIT EM (s)INTOR IGHT ·OF·WAY: '"d r //If'"u Doesstr ucture p resently ex ist?_~Y"=,,,e_7,---_-,-__-r-r--r-r-e-'_ Proposedda tef orcommencement ofco nstruction IU-J./1l.{I--,--.....,--.....,---:--;c----,---,-- In consideration of t he issuance of arevocablepe rmitfor Ih e st ructu re above indicated,ap plicant agrees asfo l lows: 1.Thatt he structure herein authorized ona revocablepermitbasis is restrict edexclusively to the land above d es cr ibed. 2.T hat the permitis lim itedspecifica lly to the type ofstructuredescribedinthisapplication. 3.Thattheap plicant shall n otifyth ePro jectPlann erandPublic Works Departm ent,ortheir duly authorized ag ent,twe nty-four ho urs in advance ofthe timefor commencem ent of construction ,i nord er th at proper inspec tion ma y be m adeby the To wn . 4.T heap p lica nt ag reesto indemnifyan d holdha rmless th eTow nofV a il,its officers .em ployeesan dagents aga insta fll iability,cla im sandde mands on accounto f injury,lo sso rd amage .inc lud ing withou tlim itation cla imsa ris ingfro m bodi ly i njury.persona l injury .s ickness ,d isease.death,propertylossorc arnage .o rany othe r lossofanykindWhatsoever,whicha rise outo f Or areinany m annerconn ectedwith applicant's activi t iespur suanttothis perm it ,if su ch inju ry ,loss.orda mage is caused inwho le o r inpart b y,o ris c la imed tobe caused i nw ho leor in partby.theact ,o miss ion.erro r ,profess ional er ror,m istake,negl igen ce o r o ther fau lt o f th e app licant,his contracto r or s ubcontractorOra ny office r ,emp loyee o rrepre sentativeof the ap pl icant .hisco ntractor orhi ss ubcontractor.Th eapp licant ag reesto investigate ,han dle respond to ,and to provide defense fo randd efenda gainst.any such lia bili ty .c la ims .or demands a tthesale e xpenseo f the ap plicant.T hea pplicantal soag rees to be ar allexp enses rela tingt hereto .inclUding cou rt cos ts a nd Revised 0410810 3 \\Va il\d a ta\cdev\F0 RJ\.1 S\PERM 1T S\R evcab le ROWPermi t .doc attorney's fees,w h eth e r~anysuch liability,claims,ordamands ~d are groundlessfalse.o r fraudulent .', App lican t a greesto p rocure andmai ntain,a t its ow ncos t.a policyor po lic iesof in surance sufficie nt toensure aga inst a ll liabi lityc laims,d emands a nd other ob ligationsass umed by theap plicant pursuant to th is Paragraph 4. A pplicants further agree toreleasethe Town of Vai l.its officers.ag ents an de mployeesfroman y a ndall liab ility,cl aims.d e mands,or acti onsorca uses o f actions w hatsoevera risi ng outo f anyd amage,lo s sor injury to theap plica nt orto th e a ppl ica nt's property c ausedby theT own o fV ai l.its o fficers,ag ents ande mployees wh ile en gagedin m ai ntenanceo rsn ow remova l activities oran yoth eractivitieswh atsoevero n T o wn of V ail property,streets,sidewalks,or rights-of-way. 5.Thattheperm it may be revoked wh enever it isdeterminedthat theen croachment,obstruction,oroth er structure cen sututes anuisance,destroysor impairs theuse of the right-of·way bythe public,constitutes a traffichazard,orthe property uponwh ichtheencroachment,o bstruction,or structure exists isrequ ired for usebythepublic;or it may be revoked at anytimefora nyreason deemedsufficient by the TownofV ail. 6.T hattheapp licantwillremove,at his expense,theencroachment,obstruction,or structurewithin tendays afterreceiving notice of any revocation of said perm it. 7.T hat the applicantagreesto maintainanylandscapingassociated witht he encroachmenton the rig ht-of-way. 8.Thatin the eventsa idremoval of theencroachment,ob struction.orstructureisnotaccomplished wit hin len days,theTownis herebyauthorized toremove sameand have the righttomake anassessmentagainst the property and co llect the costs orremoval in thesame mannerasgeneraltaxes areco llected. 9.Tha t the ap plicant has read and understands all of theterms andcond itions setforth inthis application. 10.T he RevocableRiqht-of-wayPe rmit fee isS35.00;S11.00 ofthe fee pays for Eagle County Clerk and Recorderrecording .Make checks payable t o Town c f v all. 1 1.Specia l cond itio ns:_ ~:~;tt u r e of Proerty w ner (J.nt ownership ,both signatures) S ignature ofPropertyOwner (If j oint owners hip ,bothsignatures) Departm ent of Publ ic W orks If/'Ie-; Date Il.e ~i sed 04;U!Il)J \\Vai l\data\cdev\FOR.\.1S\P E R.\.UTS\Revcable RO W Penn it .d oc -, \ IRREVOCABLE LE TTER OF CRED ITFORMAT legal Des criptio n:Lot 02 .A'IJ ,Bloc k'---_S Ubd jV js~.o~nj:~'!'~~~i<~;;!!IAl:r;:~~~~~~Add ress: De veloper:W P rojec t Nu mber;ee..Jt6 .-.LJ1..:-?2- Improvement Completion Dale:'l }t/II/f /5 ~,;L,I/4 L etterofC redit Expira t ionD ate:_ DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT dr T H IS AGR~~E N T,ma,de and enteredi nto this /2 dayof J,!d1tlma!-,206.5'.- byan d among .'!flI ts 5t117lI (th e "Develo pe r"),and the Townof Vail(the "Tow n")a nd (t he "Bank"). W HEREAS,the Developer ,asacondition of a pproval of the Temporary Certific ate of Occ upancy for 11#Slll/.lJlf.§;'-r-'hY"'''''''IA''''C":..-_ (address,legaldesc ription,and project number)wis hes toente r intoa Develope r Improvement Ag reement;a nd W H ER EA S ,th eDeveloper isoblig atedt o pro v idesec urity orcollaterals ufficient in t he j udgement ofthe Town tomake reasonable provisions fo rco mpletion ofcertain improve ments set forth in the atta chedes timated bid{s)i nacco rdance w ith t he approved plansandspecifications filed in theoffice of t heCommunity Development Departmentofthe TownofVai l;and W HE REAS,th e Develope r w ishes toprovide secu rity to g uarantee performance of this Agreement,i ncludingcomple tion of all improvements refe rredto in this Ag reement.by meansof thefollowing: T heDeveJ9per ag2es toestablish an irrevoca ble lette r ofcredit #__-Ji n th e amount of s PI"t)w ith -=-,----,--,---::---c;-~-;:---:_::_-~ (name of bankin EagleCounty,Colorado)as thesecurityf orthe co mpletion of all improvements referredto in thisAgree me nt.in theeventthere isadefa ultun der t his Agreement by t heDeveloper. NOWTHEREFORE ,inconsideration of the fo llowingmutua l cove nants and agreements, the Developer and theT own agreeasfollows: 1 .Th e Developeragrees,at its sa le cost andexpense,tof urnish all equipment a nd materials necess ary to perform andcompleteall improve ments referredtoin thisAgreemen t.The D15~pe r agrees to comple te all improvements refer red to in this Ag reeme nt on or before the dayof .JidJJi£,~.Th e Developersha ll complete,inagood workmanlikeman ne r,alli mprovements referred toint his Agreeme nt,inaccor dance w it h all approved p lans and specifica tions filed in theoffice ofthe Co mmunity Development Department ofthe TownofVail,a nd todo al l work incidental theretoaccording to and in compliancew ith the following : F;lcdevlFORMSIOIAIOIA cred it formal_112002.docP age1 of 5 .. a.Allsa id work sha ll bedone underth e inspectionof,and 10 t he sa tisfaction of,t he Town P lanner,t he Town E ngineer,t he Town Building Official.o r ot her officialfro mt he Townof Vail,asaf fectedb ys pecia l d istrictso r serv ice d istricts.as t he ir r espe ct iveinte restmay appear,a nds ha ll n ot b e dee medco mp le teu ntil approved andacceptedasco mpleted by theCommunity Development Departmenta ndPubli cWo rksDepartm ento fth e Townof V ail. 2.To securea nd gu arantee perform anceof the ob ligations assetforthhere in.t he D eve loper a grees t o p rovide security as f ollows: Irr ev ocable le tte r o f cr ed it #i n t heam ountof $tfllyJ!l- (125%ofthe to tal costsof th eattachede stimated bi d(s»with ;C:---;O;:-;::-::::-:0:7--:-:7: _-;-_-;;----,;--;(na me of b ankin Eag leCounty,Colorado)setto exp ire o n t hedayof ,20(not to ex pire les s t han 30 da ys afte r thedatesetf orth in Pa rag raph 1of this Agr eemen t)as t he sec urityf or th e-completionofalli mprovementsre fe rred toin th isAg reement,inthe eventt here is ad efau lt un der t his Agre ement by th e Deve loper. 3.T he Developer ma ya tan yt ime s ubstitute t he s ecurity o riginally setf ortha bove for a nother formofsec urit y orcolla terala cceptableto the Town to guarantee t he faithfulco mpletion o f those imp rove me nt s refer red toint hisA gre ementan dt hepe rfor mance o ft heterm s of this Agree ment.Su chacc eptanceby t he Townof a lternativesecurityo r collate ral s hallbe a t t he T own's sa le d iscretion. 4 .T heTowns ha ll n ot,no r s hall a ny o fficer or e mployee t hereof .be liable o r responsib lefo r a ny accide nt ,lossorda mageh appen ing or occurring tothe workspeci fied in t his Ag reement pr ior tot he completio n an d accepta nce of thesame,norshalltheTo wn,nor an y offi ce r o r e mp loyee the reof,belia bleforany pe rsonsorpr operty injuredby reason of th e nature o f sai d work.but a ll of said lia bilities s hallandare h ereby ass umed by t he Developer. The Develope r he reby a grees t o i nde mnify and ho ldh armlesst heTown,a nd a nyo f its o fficers,agents a nde mployees aga inst any los ses,cla ims,dama ges,or lia bilities to which th e T ownor any ofits office rs,a gents or e mployee s maybec ome subj ect t o,inso far as an y such los ses ,claims .d amageso r l iabilities (oract ions in respect t hereof)t ha t a rise o ut of orar e ba sed uponany perfonnance bythe De veloper hereunder;and t heDeve loper shall rei mburse the Town f or an yan d all legalo r other expenses r easonably in c urr edbyt heTowninco nnectionw ith i nvestigati ng ord efendinga ny s uch loss,c laim,damage,liabili ty o ra ction.T h is in d e mn ity p rovision sha ll bein a ddition to a ny othe r lia bility whi ch t he Developermyhave. 5.Iti s mu tually agreed t hat t he Developerm ay a pply f orand t he Town ma y aut h orizea partia l relea se o ft he se curity pro vided to t he Tow n fo reachca tegory of im provement a t suc ht ime ass uch im provements a re co nstructed i n co mp liance wit h a llplans and spe cifications a sreferenced hereunde r a nd accepted b y th e Town.Unde r no cond itions hall t he do llar a mount of thesec urityprov ided t o theTown be r educed b elow t he d ollara mountne cessary toco mp lete all u ncompletedi m provemen ts refe rred tointh is Agreement. F:l cd ev\FORMSIDIA\DIAcred it fo rma t_112002.do c Page2 015 6.Ifthe Towndete rmines ,atits sale dis c retion,thatanyofth e i mprovements re ferredto in this Agreeme nt are n otco nstru cted incompliance wi th theapprove d plans and specifica tions fil edintheoffi ce of t heCommun ityDeve lopment Departmentof t he TownofVai l o r not accepte d byt heTowna sc ompleteo n or before thedatesetforthinParag raph1 of th is Agreeme nt,theTow nmay ,but s hallnot b e requi r edto ,dra w uponthe security referred t oin t his Ag reement a nd complete t heuncompletedimpro vementsreferredtointhis Ag reement.Pursua nt t o Sec tion 12-11-8,Va il TownCode,the TemporaryCertificateof Occupancyreferredto inthi s A greement mayberevoked untilallimprovementsreferred toh erein areco mpletedby the DeveloperortheTown in accordance wi ththis Agree ment. Ifthe c ostsofcompletingtheuncompletedimprovementsreferred 10 i n thisAgree ment exceedthe dollaramountoft he security pro vided toth e To wn,the excess,togetherw ith interest a t twelve percen t (12%)p er a nnum,s hall b e a lie n againstth e pro perty and maybeco llected by civi l s uito r may becert ified 10 thetreasurer of Eagle Count ytobe collected inthesa memanner asde linquentad valo rem taxeslevied ag ainstsuch p roperty.If theDeveloperfa ils orrefuses to co mplete t he improvements refe rred tointhis Agree ment,suc h f ailure or refusal shallb e cons idereda violation ofT itle12 (Zoni ng Regulations),ofth eV ail Tow nCo de ,andtheDeve loper shall be subjectt o penalties pursuant toSec tion 12-3-10 (Vio lations:Pen alties)and Chapter1-4 (GeneralPenalty),V ailT ownCode. 7.Th e Developersh all wa rrantythe wo rk andmater ialsofallimprovementsr eferred toin t his Ag reement loc atedo n Townpro perty orwi thin a Townright-of-way,pursuan tto Ch apter 8-3,o f the VailTownCode ,foraperio d oftwoye ars after th e Town 's a cceptanceofsaid improve ments. B.Th epartieshereto mutually ajlree t hatth isAgreement may beame nded fro m time toti me ,provi dedthatsucha mendentsb e n w riting and exec uted byall part ies here to. Datedthe dayand yearfirstabove :r i1ten STATEOF COLORADO CO UNTYOFEA GLE G\,)55 , ) per , , T he foregoing Developer Improvement A g r e em e~a s a cknowledgedb eforeme this \'2-Day of }\D \J "~J',20t)2.bY ~..,iL1Lh [C s;,c,;,.Ji-- Wit nessm y hand a nd offi cialseal. l/,'(OOMMlSSXlN EXPIRES~W2007Mycommissionexpires...,\\llm1 1rlIl/l/ ",,\·\~;;..n .J.E C"l ~~~~~~~......"...''7."",s;-;'•,"'00>"~,.~~'N '((\;~ 'P I f :'0'1 .....-%I ~~:........It )-:r'g:-:-"+'-::=:'~='-'J""-----=-=~.IS .......:s %Y,?-'"U UL IC :f::<.'~-:'~Q "..::0 ~.:.-".~,''::'''':':-''·L';';;'f\.V:;:·~''""....u \J{~~\\\'F :\cdeIl\FORMS\DIA\DIA c redit l ormal _112002.doc Page3 of5 """""1111\\\\1\ TownPlanner STATEOF COLORADO ) jss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing .5!veloper I~;no vement Ag ree men ~w a ~aC knowler Ib ~foJ e me this -l.f::..Dayol O L~v-,20flby ,,-f ,schell,d&<-{ Bank STATE OF COLORADO ) )5S, COUN TYOF EAGLE ) T he foregoing Developer ImprovementAgreementwas acknow ledged before me this __dayof ,20_by ' Witness myhand and official seal. My comm ission exp ires :_ Notary P ublic F :\cdevIF ORM S\OlA\01A C7ed .t formaC 112002 .ooc P age 401 5 ...:"..;.'.',...',.......-....--'.'",.....•,',"".,.. if' •I•i I••I ' I -'".•Mo"ID .,,... f,:10 200 00 7b 1:B ~~55 01 55 I I, i JAMES PATRICK SMITH ~l E GOO AMAN AVE. UTTlE TON,CO 80121 """....._------- ~'OII '1 806..~II!Y;~ $/S-a ,d O~ -- 18 05 '__•c::"._ 23-"011 1 ""..":""~'L116 jP ) ~++:_,_::_~r--+-----'L?+-----'$J~".(J 0 ~ JAMESPATRICKSMITH 84 1 E GOOAMAN AVE. UTTLETON.CO80121 hlnlo":>3 :!OP t.JJo\lS 19~"A ac"'~'''''$+ •• •• .•• • ID/n/,'!l a:~WtlIJ I'W A Sa«J~...s-r •.. 11>/"/05 $:~P aM~ /9tp18 $It.N6w-.-r 10//1/03 3::Jo P ~II /'i'lfl1J S1c~I~.,.. • ",,~_w ..& s~.~.+~ll'~'1I) •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Wallace Addition Proj ect Description:changesto approved plans Owner,Addr ess,and Ph one:Ray\Vallace 4500 N.Versailles Dallas ,TX75205 1-800-631-4420 ProjectNumber:Prj99-0292 Architect/Conta ct,Address,andPhone:GregoryRegister POBox11586 Aspen ,CO81612 970-927-8525 ProjectStreetAddress:1944B Snnbnrst Dr LegalD escription:Lot21B ,Rlock3,Vail Valley 3rd ParcelNumber:210109103030 Build ing Name: Comments:Hazard s:high rockfa ll,moderate debris ,poss ible ava lanche Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: TownPlann er: Boa rd /Staff Action Action: AllisonOehs staffapproved Date :5/19/00 DRil Fee Paid:$50 ProjectName: Document ! Wallace Reside nce • TOWN OF VA IL Depa r tment of Community Developm e nt 75 South FrontageRoad Va il.Colorado 8 1fJ 57 970·479·21 38 FAX 970 -4 79-2452 M arch2 9 ,2000 G regory Register P.O.Box 11586 A spen ,C O816 12 • RE:T heW allace R emodel ,loc ated at194 4B S unbu rst Or I Lot2 1B ,Va il Vall ey 3rd Dear Gregory, Th e C o mm unityD eve lopmentDep artment has re v iew ed yo urre-s ubnuttalfo r t heWa llace Remodel.T he follow ing co mments a nd rev isions still need to be a ddressedpr iorto app rova l: 1.T heproposed hazardmitigationwasbasedontheprevious design for themaster bedroomat t he rear o f th eh ouse.A l etterfro m the co nsul ting geo logist s tat ingt hatthe proposed be rmi s suffici ent fo r th isc hange m ust be s ubm ittedpr io r tomyappr ova l.Pleaserefer to Section 2 1, C hapte r 12 of the T ownC ode for additio nal i nformation . 2.P lea sep rovide the r idge el evations of aU proposed ne w do rmers . 3 .Bothu nits must ma intainth e kitchen facilitiesto be considered two units .If o ne k itchen is re moved ,th eT ownof V ail regardstheresi d enceaso neuni t ,and GRFA w ill needto be removed asthehouse w o u ld then only be a llowed 6 00 so.ft.of garage c redit a ndo nly all owed o ne 2 50 bonus . T heCo mmunityDev elop ment Departmen t has rev iewed thepl ans s ubmittedfo r t he remod el/addition of the Wallace re sidence ,loc atedat 1944 S unbu rst.T he a nalys is p rovides thefollowing: LotS ize:21 ,911 sq ,ft. Zo ning :Pri mary/SecondaryRe sidentia l Hazards :Hi ghSe verity R ockfall ,Moderate Sev erityDeb risFlow,Po ssible A valanche Influence Z one Standard A llowed Proposed Remaining GR FA 529 1 sq .ft 186 S Q.ft. Prim ary 3340 sq .ft.no c hange 9 s q.ft. Secondary 24 51 sq .ft.2274 sq.ft.177 sq .ft. S iteC ov erage 4 382 s q.ft.3123 sq.ft.1259 sq.ft. Th e Wallace rem odel/addit io n Will be staffapp roved once th ea bove co nditions!revisionsareme t w iththe ap prova l of staff.Please d o not h esitate to con tactmeshou ld yo u havean yq uestions .M y number is 9 70-479-2369. S i nce rely, I 'i I- '!I/t:~il LL ;':/7 1\ A llisonOcn s Planner II .JO( o R F:(:YC1.£[)l'A l't·H ••• COlLINS &ASSOCIATES ~ANO NATUW.~~TANTS P.O.Box 23 •1116 MINeoTA DRIVE Sn.T.COLORADO 81652 PHONEIFAX (970)876-5400 baco l@rof .net April 17.2000 FredUen ing P.O.Box 89 Bond .Colorado 80423 Rl:::lOT 21.VAIL VAlLEY J-RuNG 19448 SUN BtJRST OR.IVE (WAUKE REMOllf1l Dear Mr .Liening: Withregardtomy reports dated September 30andDecember 3 .1999.and OUf recent phone co nversations concerning the captioned property.it ismy understanding th at you now wish to construct a triangular addition tothemaster bedroom whichwouldextend the structure approximately 10 ft toth e southwest.It ismy furth er und e rstanding that youwish to ins tall flcor-t o-celftng gl ass wind ows,sliding glass d oors .o rsome combination th ereof,o n the exterior s ideso fthe a ddition .The addition willbeconstructed on n ew 8 -foundation wallson16- footers.The addition as herein discussed isas ge nera lly illustrated on GRE GO RY RE GI STER , AR OlrrT.cr Site Plan drawing AI .rev.2/16100.Youhavea dvisedth at a wood d eck ,not shown on the plan.willbe constructed on me south s ide of th e addition as wellasthe west side as illustrated .You intend to construct a rock-and -ea rt hbe rmas previously recommended to t ake adva ntage of andblend intoa naturalswale about 25 ft roughly west of the structure . The south side of t he addition.15 ft in le ngth.isexpo sed tothehazard s as discussed inmy original report,and due to th e ex tension exposure to d ebris now ismarginally increased.Ido not consider this increase significant.a ndsolong as previous recommendations a refollowed and positive drainage away fromth e structure is maintained th ose mitigation measures should suffice.Solong a s it isfinnl y anchored and substantiallyco nstructed the proposed dec k will provide some additiona l protection.Ifth e topography allowsIwould suggest deepening th e swaleon the west (hill)sid e of the bermtoprod ucea 5-ft or gr eater elevati on difference ,rather than th e 4 ft origin ally recommended .I a lso continue tore commend high-strength glass installed inheavy-dutyframesonatleastth e south and preferably both sides of the addition. In su mmary,allgrad ing and constructionshould be performed with the slightrisk ofd ebris now orrockfa llinmind . As previousl y reported the property isinageol ogically sensitive a reabutso lo ng asfinalgrading is properly designed and constructed the proposed workwillnot in crease th e hazard to other property or structures,o rt o publicrights-of-way,build ings,ro ads .streets.ea sements.utilities. •• Page 2 orfacilities or other properties o f anykin d .Thisreport is intended t oco mplywith appropriate portions o f Town ofVail Re-gulations Chapter 12-2 1-15,a nd no thing co ntainedherein sh ouldbe interpreteda s suggesting that th e subj ect pro perty is not exposed to t he m ap ped haz ards .(f you haveany questions,or ifl canbe offunher service ,please do nor hesitate to contact me. Bru ce A. Consultin This r ~conccms IUlUf'OII pr<KftIft dm ~unp~ic:ub't'..d in lqe me_p<JOf1 y "n<kntoocl.II Is in tended to ide ollf y poc",ual obiftv.lIblt'I IUMds towbidJlbewb;mpropo:ny ~n posoedandro wanlmins:""'i"3 me.asw «in compl lancewit h~pl.abIt'ITJUI~.Nothi nS in d>i5 report shook!.be ('Il)(tSUW'd or i nt"l"'"~B sugKflnllhe ~of me ~h,u.-dJ.or dJoIIIlht fftUmIneIIdtd DJitiM~on$win prol~die t u¥rt pro prny lTom me dHlTibN ~under all d ~cn.furnftn or unfin'neoen.Nothina in rhis tq)Ort lMuId ~ ronstn1c:'d or int"l'"'lrd a ~t5tinl tNt ~dition~unidmdfitd ~1IR n ul pt't:W'llI .II mU51 also be u nd~tha ~mitis...iun ~don not lnCM\ddttr me climinmon of"ttte ~unIlsl or ~(i on oflhe conKtfllc:n<~or a ~d nomt or neob.Ofllythc mllKtiOlt lOme "tmt reason ~ponible of the !;Jttct".By atrtpfing tb i~repoer an prnent and l\Ib$,eqlWnt p.ni<:s tbm.1:Q ~to inM1'n nilYand hold b¥ml"~rhe pr~for I ny an d ~I d amages.dirNt.indilT'Ct or (t>fl'IC:quenti;l/.indoo ing penon~injury Qf'lou ofllfe,abcM:and beyon d the OI1gi nal COA" oftflis lllUdy .ClIUW'd by or multing from an)'O«'tIfTC~oftbe dKaibt'd Of 01,,"huard('1.whetherOf nohudJ dam ll"may result fi'orn failure to idcntllY said hoaard(s)or from raihn or tnadequcy of propl'l'ly eng interrd ,ro n5tru(1td.and maint ';ned rerom mtrldC'd miti ~on s The preparer of this report cann ot andwillnot be respcn nble in any WJ'j or IruIIl nl'r whauoc..'WI'for t ilt proper en gineering,ro n~tT1lt1io n .andlQf' mafnt enence ofreco mmended miti ll:atlon s.or t he-inadequacy or failure of improperly l"llgillO;"l,.'«'d .ronstruced,Mld/nr maint.lined r«OInmenrk-d mitigations ,or mil;galtonS thar h-.-been alt ered in aoyWil'f wh al ~from lhoK'remmrul'fJdcd by IIx-prtpart'l'. Geologic Hazard Review OCT .2.Z !"l'l'1 ' .(Date)~Lot ZI rI..i((/",,:f'6 i3 •P.2 er) STATE OF .,J~~ COUNTY OF .<.\~ ) )59 . ) (Name ,Owner) t• , , '-The foregoing instrumenl-was aCkn0l1dged before me Ihls 3 dayoft'1W&LJ.~t9 f2 by tV 't:&'f w"~~e j ,knowntome 10 beIhe person · whose nP.JT1 .I.'l subscribed to 111 forego ing Instrument and acknowledged 10 methath• ••eculee Ihe same ferthe purposes and censldera Uon there in e"p is ~.%I&,i ~, M),'comm ission expires: STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss , COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknow ledged befere me this day at __-,~'19~by ,known tome 10 be tho person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing lllstrument and acknowledged to Ine that he executed thesameforthepurpose.and considerat ion therein e.pressed. My commission expire.: •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Wallace Addition ProjectDescrip tio n:addition and remodel Owner,Address.andPhone:Ra y WaDace 4500:'i.V ersailles DaDas,TX75205 1-800-631-4420 ProjectNumber.Prj99-0292 Architect/Contact,Addres s.and Phone:G regory Register PO BOI 11586 Asp en,CO81612 970-927-8525 ProjectStreet Address;1944B Sunhurst Dr Legal D escript ion:Lot21B,Block3,Vail VaD ey 3rd ParcelNumbcr.210109103030BuildingName: Comments:Hazard s:high rockfall,moderate debris,poss ible avalanche Motion by: Secondedby: Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved with conditio ns Vote: ( Co nd itio ns: Town Pla nner: 1.Please return geologic hazard acknowledgment report 2 .Show limits of disturbance onsiteplan around rear of building Allison Debs Date:10/25/99 DRB Fee Paid:S50 ProjectName: Document J Wallac e Residence P .O.Box 23 SI CT.COLORADO 8 1652 PHONElFAX (970 )876-5400(24 HouRS) •COLLINS &L AMPIRIS CO~UNG (ifOl~ September 30,1999 •Date Rece ive OCT 22 1999 1'Rl"C!7'AI.-S 8No.:e A.Collins.Ph.D . Nicholn l ..ml"""Phil Fred Liening P .O .Box 89 Bond ,Co lorado 80423 DearMr .Licning : RE :UJT 19,V AIL V ALU i Y 3 M F l UNG 19448 S UNH LJRS T DR I V E Peryou rrequest Ihave completed my geologic hazard evaluation ofthe above refe renced property with respect tothe potential for rockfall,deb ris flow/debri s avalanche.or snow avalanche . The property is co ntained within t he "High Severity Rockfall"zone.the "Moderate Debri s F low" zone and a "Possible Avalanche Influence Zone"on the Town o fVa il geologic hazard maps .The "HighSeverity Rockfall"zoneboundary is coincidentwith t he northeastboundary o fLot19against Sunburst Drive.andthe "Moderate Debris Flow"zone boundary curls around the structure present on Lot 19atthe timethemap V.1lS drawn.T he "Possib le Avalanche Influence Zone "boundary is drawn co incident withthe northeast side of Sunburst Drive . Thelot is loca ted o nthe northeast s ide of asmall a lluvia l fana t the bottom of a small b utdistinc t dra inage on the north s ide of t he rid ge between Gore Creek andMill Creek .TIle base of t her idge is a pproximately 360 ft fro mt he s truct ure,thes lope inbetween being that ofthefan,or about 14.4 0 (25 .8%).The imme diate hillsidebehindthefan is about300 ft high.t o t hetop o fan interm ittent- ex posedledge oflimestone inthe Minturn Fo rmat ion o fP ennsy lvanian age .Severa l thinn e r limestone form o ther o ccasionally-exposed led gesbe lowth ema ine xposure .A significantbreak in s lopeoc curs a bove t he main ledge,which is repr esented bya s teepco nifer-covered s lope w here ro ck is not exposed .These ledge s arc source ofth e mapped rockfa ll hazard,while t he po ssibil ity ofd ebrisnow int he d rainage andac ross the fun is the reaso nforthedeb ris-flow hazard de signa tion.The generally- steep s lope of ther idge tothe south is the reason forthe generic potential s now avalanche hazard. The existing structure is located well away from the base o fthe s teep slope to the south.I nad dition ne ither thema in ledge norany of thelesser o nes a ppear to be e xposed directly uphillfromthe s tructure.The slope below themainledg e and t he fan itse lfare moderately toheavily forested with aspen t hat show no indication of recent s ignificantrockfall .The rockful l hazard tothe structure, while not nonexisten t,therefore appears t o be minimal.I would nevertheles s recommend tha t if po ssib lethe wooden wa ll presently closing offthe area beneath t he existing hot -tub room be re placed withare inforced concrete stem wallat least s ix.inches thick ,and that thenew outside foundation o r stemwal l o nthe southwest side oftbe mast er bed room addition belikewise constructed ofreinforced co nc rete toaheig ht of at least three feet above final gra de,wit h no doors.windows,oro ther s ignificant openings in th is inte rva l.If po ssible,the cxisting win dows in t he hot t ub room should be r eplaceds othat nog lass is w ithin sixfeeto f final -grade gro und s urface,a nd windows inth e ••Pa ge 2 so uthwestwall of the proposed master bedroom addition shouldlikewise be sixfeet or more above tinal g rade . The c urrenta ctive channel of the drainage is to the northwest .o nthe oppos ite s ide of the fanfrom Lot20.It has,cutint o the fan near its apex.sos ignificant o verflow across the fan in the event of a major debris flow is unlikel y.The foundat ionc hangesmentioned previously willhelpmitigate what minimal debris flow hazard there is .In addition,if significant grading and land scaping changesar e mad eso ut hwest o f (behind)thest ructure .final gradingshould be de si gned togu ide flow away from thehome and toco nnect with therock henn co nstructedhehindthe northwe stern halfo fthe duplex. F inal grading in this manner will further minimize wha t ro ckfall hazard exist s as well . T helikelih ood ofs now avalanche w ould ap pear tobelimited by t he d ense t ree cover,which willtend to reduce deep drift sno w a ccumulations and d isrupt th ec reation of large s labs that can loosen and slide easily;the a pparent absence ofas ignificant open acc umulation ar ea further u pslope that c ould producea s lidet hat woulds u bsequently mo veinto and through the trees ;and the break in s lope a bove the main led ge .There is noe vidence of recents now s lidingin the area e xcept wi thin the drainage itself.which trends otT toward the northwest .Since e valuating a valanche hazards is notmy primary area ofe xpertise.Iwould s uggest that if you wis h 8 more thorough analysis oftbe avalanche hazard you s hould c ontact Art Mears (970-641-3236),who assembledmu st o f the da ta used in pr eparing the map s regardingt he se hazards,or another profe ssional in that field. Foundation a lterat ions will not alter roc kfa llo r drainage patterns around the existingstructure.If ex isting grading and land scaping are altered suchmod ificationss hould he de signed so that s ignificant changes toexi sting drainage capacity and character do not o ccur,a s we ll a s to connect w ith existing drainage s tructures asment ioned above.The property is inageo logically sensitive area but theso longas final grading is properly designed and constructed remode ling will not increase the hazard to ot her property or structures,or topu blic right s-of-way.build ings,roads.s treets.casements,utili ties. o r fac ilities or o ther propert ies of any kind .This report isintended toco mply w ith ap propriate portions of Town of Vail RegulationsChapter12-21 -1 5 ,an d no thing containedher ein should be interp retedas s uggest ing t hatt he s ubjectp roperty is not exposed tot he ma pped hazards.lfyou ha ve anyq uestions ,o r ifJ can beo f further service,p lease d o not hesitate to contact mc . nil'rqw1 C<Inl:CmlI natural ~hI arc u"J"didahlc:and in luge ft'IC:;UU re poorly unckrUood II b intmdcd to idetol il)'p:lh:nlial obsm-.hle huatds It>whidllM sub;ccl fII'OIIl:rt)is hp<md a"CI lOsuggest milipting measures in oompliancc:with appl icable ~.llIioni.Nothing:in Ihi,n:por1 shlould he constnICId or 'l'IICfJIRtCd as su acs"'f!.the ~of the dl::so::r1.......baan:k.or thai tIw:rlll.lllllUflCnl m ili[l.lliooi ....ill profC:d !hi:wbjm propert}fionJ the: Ibcriho:d huanh II....a ll l:in.:u~IOracc:n UI"II ~.Nothi,.in Ibis rc:port~Id bcCUll>tnted or inlCTJ"dal tisugcslmg tha i addmon.l unidenll.f1td ha1atdo aJ1:QOI ~_11 m u"a~be undrnlood lha t ~m ll'igll hDll -00.::.IlOl _tither the d iminat....of the hanlnJ(s)or P"""l:ftKlfl of the alftlIlllIucnlI:!o ora ba7.IIrd n 'l:ftl Of ~only rho:n:duet....10 the:hlall _bIy poMible 0(1110 Iattef.By fIl:ICICPling Ibis rc:port al l pmlCIIC and lIUbsooQuenI pattiesdw:n1oqroe 10irldemn if)o and bold.hannIelIs ~~for any and a11......ges.d ll'lll;l.indim.:c Uf ~iaI .iD<;l udins penonaI injury or IoolII onili=.a~and he)ond !hl:«iSinal ClKI o flhi.stlOd,'.Cluxd byOf rgu llinj fionJ aI1)'o ';wm ;ncc vflhc<bcfib:.,J UI"~buard(s)...~ Of IIOI-.:h damalJl:ll may n:w h fionJ failure 10 ido;nI iry:laid hanrd(s)..!f0Cl1 &.,III ~or ~~o f proptrly Cfl@ irw;:.:nd,~and rnanltllincd ~m,liptiont..T'bt prqlIIm'of Ibis report ClnlIOI and ..ill IlOl he re1fIOII'<'b1t in Itr'J way Of'IfIIIInner whatlltll:\er fM the:propel'engilllll:rill& oon.-:tion"andInr INlI11lef1u11;l1:or m>om ~mitiptiom.nr 1tIe i ~Of failure o f imprgpcriy ~wmuueud.andiOl'"maintained fu.:ouwv:nd.ed milipliom.,Of mitip lionJ W I have ~ahered io all)'_y Wlull'iOC\'U lhm chose rec:ommallll:d by lhc prqlIIm'. , C OLLINS &L AMPIRIS lbN.L T1NG (J IlOLOGfSTS • P .O .Box 23 SO.T,C OLORAJX)81652 PHONEIJo'AX (970)876->WO (H HOURS) February 5,1998 Mr.George Ruther Vail Community D evelopment Department 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 8165 7 R E:Lor 21 ,VAIL VALLEY 3 R11 FlL L~G;1944 SUNBURST DRIVE D ear Mr.Ruther: P!!r«1PA!JI an-A.C.oIl in"Ph.D. t'idlolu Lampiri...Ph.n . Atth e requ esto f Douglas M atthews,Ihaveexa minedth eroc kbarrier that has b eenco nstructed a t t he abov e-referencedlocation in acco rdancewith Mr.Lam piris's r ec ommendations dated September 2 0,1 993,and the designreviewedand endorsed by meby letter dated November 21,1997. I findthattherock barrier appears t om eet or exceed th e recommendations made by Mr.Lampiris, has been constructed in aeeordanee with the approved design,and once partially backfilled withdirt should perform as intended .The barrierisaminimum offour feetin height and ha s been constructed. in conjunction with the topography to create aw ell-drained swale that will further aidin catching materia l that might reach the site .Considering the size of the boulders used init sco nstructio n t he barrier should have a finis hed strength we ll in excess of3oo pounds pe r sq uare foo t . The mitigationas designed an d const ructed w ill notincreas et he hazard t oo ther >st ructures,public rights-of-way,ro ads,str eets,easements,u tilities or facilitie so r o t herpr operties o f an y kind .If yo u haveany questions or re quire any further info rmation,please d o not hesitate t oco ntactme . Sincerely , cc :D .B.Matthews 75South Frontage Road Vai~Colorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2100 FAX 970-479 -2157 August 11 ,1999 Gregory Register P.O.Box 11 586 Aspen,CO 81612 ••flL£COPy ,. RE:TheWallace Remodel,locatedat1944B Sunburst Dr .!Lot 21B,Vail Valley 3" Dear Gregory, The Community Development Departmentbas reviewed yourapplication forthe Wallace Remodel,located.at 1944BSunburst.The follow ing co mments and revisions JIU1!!l1 be addressed prior tofinal approval: l.The Wa llace Residenceis located inthefollowinghazard ar eas:Possible Avalanche Influence,High Rockfall andModerate Debris Flow.The remodelt hat was done on side Ao ftberesidencerequiredsignificant haz ardsmitigation.Aletter froma consulting geolo gist (preferably the same from t heprevious remodel)stating t hattheconstru cted berm is sufficientfort hisproposedremodelorstating what additional mitigation is necessary must ~submitte dprior tofinalapproval.Please refertoSection 2 1,Chapter 12of theTownCode for additional information. .2.Upon visiting t he s ite.staff noticed that many of t hefooters for t he deck and a reta ining wa ll wereuntreatedconcret e.Because this isa "250 addit ion"the re sidence willneed t o be broughtinto compliancewith the TownofVail DesignStandards . 3.Please indicate all e xisting tre esand all treesto be removed bytheseadd itions.Any tree removal willneed to bemitigated inch for inch of aspentr ees and 1"foreaeh foot of evergreentrees. Pleaseindicatealimit of constructiondisturbance.Thiswillneed to be delineated in the field w ith a construction fence. .s .Please in dicate ifthere is to beanyehangeto thedriveway,includingchanges in surfacing materials. •• • §-.Please indicate all p arkingspaces onthesite plan.The addition hasincreasedyour requirement to3spaces.Enclosed parking spacesare9'byIS ',while surfaceparking spaces are 9 'by19'. 7.Theplans,ascurrentlysubmitted,do notmakefiredepartment accessrequirements.The revisionsthatwehavediscussed overthephone may improvethe situation.Oncethose p lanshave beensubmitted.fire department access can bere-evaluated.(A 300 ft radius aro und th eentire structure is required). TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentbas reviewed thep lanssubmitted forthe remodeVaddition oftheWallace residence,located at 1944 Sunburst.Theanalysisprovides the following: Lot Size : Zo ning : Hazards: 2 1,911 sq.ft . Primary/Secondary Res idential High Severity Rockfall,Mo derate Severity Debris Flow ,Possi ble Avalanche Influence Zone Standard Allo wed Proposed G RFA 529 1 sq .ft P rimary 334 0 sq.ft.nochange Secondary 2451 sq.ft .2451 sq.ft.' Site Coverage 4382 sq .ft .2995 sq.ft . •includes "'250 additim."and 170 sq.ft.of intaior cceversicn R emaining 9 s q.ft .(fo r primary u nit} 9 s q.ft. o sq .ft . 1387 sq .ft . TheWallaceremodeVaddi tion will be staffapproved once the aboveconditions!revisions are met with the approval of staff Please donothes itatet o contact Ire should youha ve an y quest ions .M y Dumber is9 70-4 79-2369. S}Z1aa- A llison Oc hs PlannerI T own of Vail •COLLINS &LAMPIRIS •P.O .Box 23 SILT ,COLORADO 81652 PHoNEIFAX (970)876-5400(24 HOURS) November 21,1997 Mr.GeorgeRuther Vail Community Development Department 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:LoTIt,VAlL VALLEV3"FJLING;1944 SUNBURST DRIVE DearMr.Ruther: P!us'-VW Bruce ACoIl....Ph.D. !Io1dlo!as ~m.,Ph.D. GregoryRegister has requested thatI review his designrethecaptionedpropertyandMe.Lampiris'a hazard review thereofdatedSeptember 20,1993. The home is located in anareadeemedhazardousin varying degrees with regardtorock fall.debris flow.and snow avalanche .Mr .Lampiris recommended theconstruction of arockbarrieratleastfour feet high onthe south (uphill)sideofthestructureto mitigate these hazards .Healso suggested that the barrier contain din between the boulders usedfor its construction,toincrease cohesion (hence strength),add bulk,and provide for vegetation ifdesire for aesthetic reasons .Thebarrier should have a strength oflOO pound,per square fool.A wel l-drained swale on the uphill side wasalsosuggested. The location andgeneraldesign of the barrier indicatedonthe drawing conveyed tome by Mr. Register (enclosed)appear tomeetthe recommendations made by Mr.Lampiris.Dirt fiJI between the boulders used to construct the barrier remains recommended,as does aswaleonthe uphill (south) side to promote drainageandfurtheraidin catching material that mightreachthesite . In constructing the recommended hazardmitigation structure.caremustbetakennotto increase potential hazards toneighboring properties.Theonly potentially-affected landisimmediately west. identified asa high-hazard area zoned for public use.The mitigation as designed will notincreasethe hazard tothislandor other property.structures,public rights-of-way,roads.streets.easements. utilities or facilities orother properties of any kind .Although certainly not required,I would suggest that the barrier beexaminedafter construction,butpreferablybefore construction access and eq uipment havebeenremovedfromthesite.to be certai n that as-builtthe barrier will functionas intended.If youhaveany questions orrequireany further information,pleasedonot hesitate to contact me . Bruce A.Collins ,Ph.D. Consulting Geologist Ene . - - , •, 1•· •-... -- ~'" '--- ••~. _.-- ------ , I; --- Comm!ity DevelopmentPlan Routt Form Ro uted To:G regH all orLeon ard Sandoval ,Publ ic W orks Return To:Allison Dale Routed:R/30/99 Return By:AS AP Pr oject Name:Wall ace Rem od el Proj ect Add ress:1944B Sunb urst Proj ectLeg al : Project Descripti on:Addition and remodel but they arc now proposi ng heating the driveway. I alreadytold themthe 4 'concret epan (no heat)and r-of-w in separatez one . Any oth er conce rns?Th e back port ion issimply encl osing a deck. __Approved __Denied (c ited etailed rea sons).k Approved with conditions 1 .\1;\ERYO:\.E\DRiP'ROUI[NU\!/!jR UL r~r ,I!'Uli l.l r ",O\IMA Sll::R.FRM It!!l1ttil::tttttiGGG I\!:ljj j~lN 'iX~ 7&na e-~"-.J.!L'/.d'",.;';c R/~,,_0 1'1 "!fDa ,..;k.:7"-'-J. /II. .,, (V .w"LL.-t.,N f.iilc{.,J-""""If--, b-r.-i tJ s.-=--~'ZC:U.;).c;-• \l ,1,v IdL .../<dL,.,I"~~...I.".w"'"/~/pi"';'"~-"""w"""'·n /"'s r": I ~""I ..-./.- Ir•. ;/"".~u L.'A A'~-(tJ~L.....,.,b"'l:. .P1~,".'\ /v Datereceived: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: ;.",;,,.. •• Z QNECHECK Date:__J.+"4'-'--+-m"'_ leg::al dcscrip~c n :L ot,....."'"'+_Bl ock F iling Address own ".~:~~~~?ilu:=====Phone 1-i (tHa -'1 '/!:,~S-_ Ar ch itect Phone t:t1I~--" Zone district Propos ed usc ._ lot size Buildable area c,_ Allowed E:s jstin g ?reoosed +---=-----+----sai., Prima"y GRFA __+(42;)(67 5 ·)~~fD ~??l +-=~~1%"V Scc on dary GRF A __"+(m)(6W)=..1fQL .J 51 00 +lf5I =~~ .67;=425~J;t plus 2;0 'dditiOn(~ll\llll ~wI ?X>ctul i/-..J)170.hl.,tfu-'-11 \-«1 0(~lJtr .;.j~"t If Docs this requ est involve a250 Additi on?~f-6::z._ Howmuch of the allowed 250 Additionis usedwith this rcq u cst ?---------~A l ~ S ire Covera ge lj-%t '77'52 +~= T otal GRFA Height (J O)(JJ) Setbacks Front 2 0- Sid es 15-\ Rear 1;- Landscapi ng Minirr.um Retaining Wall Heights J -/6- Par kin g Require d Enclose d Garage Credit (JOO)(600)(900)(1200) Permitted Slope %Proposed Slope -'% Complieswith TOV Lighting Ordinan ce Ycs_No _ Arc Finis hed grades less than 2:I (50%)Yes _No _ I 1)Percent Slope «>30%)_-2)Floodplain 3)Wetlands'_-=_ 4)Water Course S et b ac ~- ;)Geologic Hazards ---,,....,,----i-- a)Sn ow AV alan~~ll<~I1<RI.!L -'-_ b)Roc kf.Jl ~-'-__ c)Debris Flow~~_ Envi ronmental/Hazards Previous conditions ofapproval (check property filc)''-_ Is theproperty n on-conforming?Describe:_ •• DESIGNREVIEW CHECKLlST Seal, GRFA 250 additional GRfA Crawl\Attic Space Scale Color\\1aterials RoofPitch Existingtrees Proposed trees Legend Utilityverification form o f LOORPLANS EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS o LANDSCAPE PLA1, MISCE LLANEOUS Condo App roval rro jcct:_ Q SURVEY Scale BC'lchmark- I legal descri ption Let Size Bui ldab le Area. Easements Topography 100 yr .flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hawds Tms Utility locations Spot elevations '.D S!lCPLAN Seal , Building Heigbt Encro acrw-ncn ts Setbacks Site Co verage Photos ofsite EavCS/Ovcr!langs (41 Building malc:ria1 samples - DccksIBaico nics Garage conn ect ion C,O.Veri fication Sun 'Shadc Angles Site GradclSl opc Utilities (undcrgroWl d) Retaining Walls'Vie wCorri dors FOlCC:i Va.';an ccs Parking/Ga.."3 gc Pla t restri ctions - Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) SnowStorage Fire Access ·. TOWNOF VAIL DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST: G ENERAL iNFORMATION Th is ap p lica tion is fo ran yproject requ iring Des ign Review a pproval.Any pr oject r equiring des ignr eview mu st r ec eive Design Review app rovalpriortosubmi tting for a building pe rmit.f or specific in fo rmation,s ee t he submittal req uirements fo r t he part icular app rovalthat is req uested.T he a pplic ation cannot be acceptedunti l al lther equired informati on is submitted.Th e projectmaya lso nee d to be rev iewed by the Town Counci l and/or t he Planning an d En vironm e ntal Co m miss ion.De slgn R ev iew Board a pproval expireso ne year afte r final a pproval unlessa h uilding permit is issuedand constr uction iss ta r ted. AOOrnOH /ge:110p<D...-I B.BLOCK:3 FILING:3 lLD \b.1L.\hurl 5tl!Je!JI2.i5'-Dr2...fbl'-,~8/'-5'1.. C. D. E. Construct ion of anewbuilding. Includes any ad dition w here sq uare footage is addedto any res idential or c omm ercia l building. Includesminorchanges to buildingsandsite improvements.such as. reroofing,painting.window additions,landscaping.fences and retaining walls.etc. 6gqj \'-e:.p( As'R!.rJ ,CD 8"t'Z"•_________________PHONE:'tlO -jU-85'2.5 ::z... NAME OFAPPLICANT :ca"~"t"!?¢:6.c!>~~r'-!a!.~---!=~:WLU=<L__=-;-:::;-_ MAILING ADDRESS :eO.eax,It Sf!,G" TYPEO F REVIEW ANDFEE: ....~c w C onstru ction-$200 .,..Addition -550 o Min or Alte ration ~S 20 F. G. H . OR Bfees are to bepaidat th etime of subm ittal .Later .w hen ap plying for a b ui lding pe rmit .please iden tify t he acc urat eva luation of t he project.Th e Town ofVa il will adjust t he fcca ccording totheprojectv aluation . rLEASE SU BMIT THISAPPLI CATION.ALLSUBMITTAL REQUIREME NTSAND T HE FEE TO Til E DEPARTMENT O F C Ol\li\lUNlTY DEV ELOPMENT.7S SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD . VAIL.COLORADO 81657. ,.,-V~_"y<,,,,'-V··'Y'"".'._""""':'_"For Office UseOnly:'.!;2,:>''':::'N,'<~~-'<.<-'.,.-----,,' ',...- BUI LDING MAT ERIA LS : • LISTOFPROPOSED MATERIALS TyrE OF MATERIA L: • COLOR :· Roof S iding Other Wall Materials Fascia S offits Windows Wind ow Trim Do ors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flu es Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reenhouses Retaining Wall s Exterior Lighting'" Other ,. -6!""o""oCJ,.Q'-_ i2~Je;p.,RP4'-~__ W<:X>O -MA-r~t2:»f2-""J12,!!'1 __h./ooo It>ICIQO -M~AJ.... §%'n ~/~12f >U=., _~J>Jt.."",--__~__ }.1.o. -~IF'l-1~l!X' -----P£U"1S~ ~N~30<55 -~6R. ~~F)E<cL 1-:w:''-''1 ;$10~ ~l •Please specifythemanufacturer's co lor,number and attach a s mallcolor chip ••All ext erior lig hting m ust m eet th eTown's LightingOrdinance 18 .54.0 50(1).If exterior lightingis proposed. pl ease indicatethe num beroffixturcsandlocati ons ona s eparate l ighting plan .Identify each fixture type and provide: the heighta bove grade.lumens output,luminous area.and attach acut s heet ofthelighting fixtures._. Updated 619 1 • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING •fI "." Botan ical Name C0O10190 Name Q yantlty ~ PROPOS ED TREES fQPe:N A9't!.,.J B 1':..1."; AND SHRUBS:I .J3<..:!g ~3 ~-o-lt-r EXIST INGTREE ST O B E REMOVED: GRO UNDCOVER SOD SEED I RRIGA TION "Minim um requ iremen ts for landscap ing: 1= _lvi 'e:tY&4lJ-'1AH "• H6-r'?M,(~)q:!."nt:J'l NO>..ll!• deciduous trees -2inch caliper coniferou s trees -6 feet in height shrub s -5 gall ons SQuare Footaec TYPE OR METHODOF EROS IONCONTROL OTHER LAND SCAPE FEATUR ES (retaining walls .fences .swimmi ng pools,erc.)Please specify.Indicate top and botto m elevations ofrctainingwalls.Maxi mum height of-walls within the frontsetback is 3 feet.Maximum heig ht o f wallse lsewhere on the property is 6 feet 3 Updated 6/97 ••T OWN OFVAIL 7 5 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 970 -479-2 13 8 DEPAR'IT>1ENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT NOT E,THIS PERMITMUST BE POSTED ON JOBSlTE ATALL TIMES AD D/ALT SFRBUI LDP ERM IT Permit #:B 97 -0434 J ob Addres s ,1 944 SUNBURST DR Loca tion ...:1944 A SUNBURST DR Parce l No ..,2101 -091 -03 -029 P roject No.:PRJ9 7 -0253 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..,12 /16 /199 7 Issued ...,01 /0 5 /1998 Expires ..,0 7/04 /1998 40 1 25 AMETHYST DR,ST EAM BOAT SPRING 401 25 AME T HYST DR,S TEAM BOAT SPRING Phone:970-870-037 1 S PRINGS ,CO 80487 TOV/Comm .Dev. Clean-upD ositRefund Res i dencEl pproved ":!"-/'''--:-:-..,-,,-- amount 56CJ ·01J date ?17,;;;Iff Sing le Family Add Sq pt, R 3 (GARAGE ,ENTR Y,BEDRM ) 1 50,000 F INDELL BETH ANN BRYANT %I ND USTRY CONSULTING GROUP, FINDELL BETH ANN BRYANT %INDUSTRY CONSULT I NG GROUP , DOUG MATTHEWS 4 0125 AMETHYST DRIVE,STEAMB OAT OWNE R CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Valu at ion : Occupanc y: Type Cons tructio n: Descri pt i on : ADDITION/REMODEL .Of 0 ...Log ••e oe Wood /Pe lle t ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FE!S ~~~Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ui ldj.n 9 ····-> Pl an c h ock ···.. Inv ".tig.t1on > Will c .lI----> H O.OO 6 11.OD .cu 1.0 11 ,...tua ""nt PI "n R,,,,i ,...··> DRS Fcc-----------------> R.c,·....tioll F "e·-········~ C l~.n ·Up O.po .it········, TOT AL FK ts ·-~~--~-··-···~ .00 100 .00 .00 &00.00 2 ,15 4.00 Total Calcul ated Yee d-··~ ~dditi on4 1 r.u .··--·····~ To tal Pe nni t Faa -·------~ ~~ym ~nl n -••·_·~ BALAN CE O UE ----······-··~ 2,1!>1.110 .00 2 ,I"~.lIU 2,l S4 .00 .00.................................•..•..•.•............................................•.....•.•..•.•.••..........•.•.............. I tem :05 100BUI LDING DEPAR TMENT Dep t:BUILDING 1 2 /1 6 /1 9 97 J RM Action,NOTE PLANS TO PLANNER 1 2 /16 /19 97 J RM Act ion ,NOTE PLANS TO CHA RLIE 12/1 8/199 7J RM Action ,APPRAPP ROVED JRM 12 /3 0/1997 JRMAc tion:NOTE pw a ppr oved larry Item,05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept ,PLANNING 1 2/26 /1 997 GEORGE Action,APPR Item,0 5600 FIRE DEPARTM ENT Dept,FIRE I t em,05 50 0PUBLI C WORK S Dept ,PUB WORK Division : Division: Division: Division : ...............................................................................•.....................•....•....................... Se e Pag e2o f th is Document f ora ny cond it ions that may apply t o this permit. DECLA RA TIONS I h ere by acknoYlu ~~that I h ave r e ad thi.applicati on,fil l ~d out in f ul l t h~i nf onaation requ ired,coapleted a n a ccurate plct pl an ,and a tata that a ll t he i n formatio n provi ded a .re~~1red 1a correc t.I asree to c~ly wi th the information a ndp lotp l an, t o com pl y wi th al l T~n ordinancea and .tate l a va ,a ndt o bu ild t his struc t ure a ccord i ng to th e T ovn '.~on i n g and e u bdivl.ion code.,d ••i gn rav iew a p prove d ,Unifo ra Buil d i ng Cod.and o ther o r ainanc ••of t ha Town appl i cable t he re to. IlIo:QU/l STli rOil I NSPECT IONS SHALL B E MAll E twENTY -FOUR \lOWS I N AOVANCII In'TE U::PIlO NE:AT 4 7t -2 13 8 OR AT or S tlJ NA TtmE fI' ROM 11 ,0 0 A)l 5 :00 PM I MlI!LfI'AND OWNER •• p age2___*_.__.__t .*••".__.***.,._._*..._....._ CONDITIONS Perm it #:B97 -0434 as of 01 /05 /98 S t atus ---:I SSUED --_._._._...._-----_.._-------------------------------------------_._------_.... Perm it Type ,ADD /ALT SFR BUILDP ERM IT Appl ic ant --:FINnELL BBTH ANN BRYANT Job Address:1 9 44 SUNBURST DR Locat ion---:1944 A S UNB URST DR Pa rcel No--:2 101 -091 -0 3 -029 Des c ription: ADDI TION /REM ODEL (GARAGE ,ENTRY ,BEDRM) Ap pl i ed--,12 /16/199 7 I s sued ---,0 1 /0 5/1998 To Expire ,0 7 /0 4/1998 --y -*------y_._._--***------_._-----*-Co ndi tions ---**•..._.*-----------------* 1 .FIELDI NSPECT I ONSAREREQUI RED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO MPLI ANC E. 2.SM OKE DETECTORS ARE REQU IRED IN ALL BEDR OOMS AN D EVERY S TORY ASPE R S EC .1210 OFT HE 1991 UBC . 3 .PERM IT GOOD FORBUILDING ONL Y ,NEEDPE RM ITSREQ'D FOR PLUMBIN G,HEATI NG ,ELECTRI CAL,MECHANI CAL 4 .Geo logic Eng inee rs ha ll f i e ld ve ri fy theg eologic h aza rd mi t igat ion b erm p rior to t he i ss uan ce o f at emp ora ry certi f ica t eo f o cc u pancy. •.~.........................•....................................•TOWN OJ>VAI L,COLORADO...............................................................• s t.&e .-I:"'''-"r ,AEC'-Olll ~unt., Mo:;;.l:i on,"I' 2,014 .00 0 1 /05 /"Il ,54 Inll:'MAW P u·..i t.No.B ,7'OU4 Typ e ,A-KUlLD ACD/ALT SPR BUILD PB Parc"l Mo,2 101 -0 H-O )-Oa 511:"Ad d r •••:19 44 Btm8lJRST DR Loeal'.lon,19 44 A S UNB URST " 2 ,0 1 4 .00 Tot..,l ""..", Tot..,l ALL P.t", S .lanc e, 2 ,1 54 .00 2 .154 .00 .00 •.................................................•......••.•.•• A eCOl.lnl:Cod .o.acri p tion "'-ount "0(10000)1 t 11 00 8 UILDrM:]P E"...n FEltS U O.OO oa 0 0 1000011 12 2 00 DESIGN Jl!Vlr~PE El 1 0.0 0 "0 0 1000011 12 10a p [,AH CHECK FE!:S £11.00 DO 0 0 10000 HO l iOC CL£~~DEPOS ITS 5 eO.00 we OOl OOO Ol L1 2 8 011 WIL L CALL I NSPECT ION '"].00 -----_._...-...-..-_.-_..-_..--,_.._---- ~Conla cc Eagle County A$sessors~f1ce .• no 970-328 -8640 fqr Parc_l t.,..aWN O F VAI L CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ,_ !t~EL I:ZIO(-09 1-0o,-OZ-j PERM IT AP PLICATION FORM~DATE:_B p,rb '9 7 'lYRjq7 0 25 3 AP P LICATION MU ST BE FILLED OUT COMP LETELYOR IT b~\NOT BE :'CCEPTED~••••••~••••••••••*•••*.~.***.PERMIT I NFORMATION ****••••••••*••**.**•••**•••• [~-BUilaing [J -PJ.umbing []-Elec tric al []-Mechan f cal []-Other _ .Job Name :t INgrj!,!?fl,1Qf;oXg Job M d ress:14+'1:"':'<¥h..!'V'RfiC pq../Lor 21,!, V}.Jl,.i~3r>-6 F'.u>J6t Legal De scr iptio n:Lo t LL :Block J<.Filing 3 .....0 SUBDI VIS ION; 8 -rv-10 J 1 S /J fYl ETh I-'JT on.1..1 ovnexs Name :E />1 B t l tV lv"=(<.Ad dress:l>l>n n1<Wfl T s f'6 S ~~'18 7 PtI...'1''!I 810 '<>471 of Accommoda tion Units: Ph -'00-811-<:<>1+ .'[]-Repair []-Other ___rJ:i -Additional I":z-'50 Numb er Addre ss:ea.ft?t.TI4¥?4-$rOll&!p4 T """",,-,,,,oS Work Class:[]-New []-Altera~i on NUmber or OWelling Units : Genera l Descript ion: NO,___T own of Vail Reg. Ph one Number:"Electrical contractor: r..ddress: ,mber and Type ot Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs_Wood/Pe llet;'e X'Jhj ~********************j~~********~ALUA!\ONS .******************************** BU ILDING:$IflJ"T E .ECTRICA :$~OTHER:$ PWMBING:$MECHANI CAL:$-TOTAL:$;--='-=S"'Q=-J-;"""'-Q=-,-- ,»r.r -«: l **********••******·.****·••CONTRACT OR INFORMATION *****.*.******.******~**** .enQral Contractor :,()0 ()C:2.IJ.14 Tni (l..J>./1i.ffi:!r'Jt1!2 f7.c.Town of Vail Reg .NO .~ 1o.d dr ess :..j()/1 5 dMf>]}i \.I n;S)i)l'!i d ~1ise lf s ~@;>~hone Number :q 2a 8 2 0 aWL (fA?-ry..J 7,~ ?lumbing Contractor: \ddress: "Town of Va il Reg .NO._ Phone Number : 1echanical Contractor: \ddress: n Town of Va il Reg .NO ._ Phc;me NUJnb e r: FOR OFFICE USE *************••••************** BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE : PLUMB ING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHAN ICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREAT ION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT : TOTAL PERMIT FEES :.rr.\I .-'I 'In, T YPE GROUP SQ :FT .'VALUAT I ON .=1:1 ..""fL '2 d h _1.omm e nts :......,,.,.-h-rt --------------"-"'-~Cjj t **************.**************** ~U I LD I N G PERMIT FEE: ?LlJMBING PERM IT F -m'lIECHANICALPERMII",.., lLECTR ICAL FE E:1\\'.....",II 'THERTYPEOF FEFI'DEC 0R ]99Z "''; lRB F EE'T BUILDING: S IGNATURE: ZON I NG : S IGNATURE: • - 0•0 ~0•0•0"~~0 0 0 00 0.0 p~ ••t< ~~0 0 0 "00 0 ~0 0 0 ~~0 0 0 0 ~0 0 0,•••~0 0- ~~0 0 0 0 0 0~~00 0 00 0••••e•0•~"•~~,00 0 ~"00 0 ~0 0 0 8 00 0•0 ••-••0~"••••••••~•<, "0 ""0 "3 ~,, ""•"0 ••••~•0,•""~"'", ""•••"•"0 ~", 0,•••-i 0••~t "•,"""~0 0 0 "t ••0 •"g u ~"•e"~&~•<•"•0 z •>"0 0 "•••"••~•..•e•o.00 z,~~~o.f.~0'".c"'0 B ",-"•s ~".-"••~8z>0 ••50"•0B~""•""~"•~c ••f;8 ~,~0u~•"'OO ••;,"""0 0 • ••TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970 -479-213 8 DE PARTMENT OF COMM UN ITY DEVELOP ME NT NOT E:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS TED ONJ OB SITE ATALLTIMES PLUMB INGPERMI T Perm it #:P98-0006 Job Ad dress :1 9 44 S UNBURS T DR Location ,..:1 944A SUNBURST DR Parce lNo ..:21 01 -091-0 3 -029 Pro ject No .:PRJ97 -0253 Status .. App lied . Issu ed .. Expires. ISSUED 01/26/19 98 0 1/28 /1 998 0 7 /27 /1 998 APPLICANT DOUG MATTHE WS Ph one:970 -870 -0371 401 25 AME THYS TDRIVE,STEAMB OATSP RINGS,CO 80 487 CO NTRACTOR DO UG MATTHEWS Phone :9 70-870 -03 71 401 25 AM ETH YST DR I VE ,STEAMB OAT S PRINGS,CO 804 87 OWNER FINDELL BETH ANN BRYANT \INDUSTRY CON SUITING GROU P,4 0 125 AM ETHY ST DR ,STEAMB OATS PRI NG De scription :PLUMB I NG F OR ADDITION AND REMOD ELVa lu at io n:2 ,50 0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUY.MARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'lu"'bing -----> I"lan Check ···. I n"....tig.tion. Will c ll ll ----> 45.00 1 1.25 .00 3.1I0 Re.tu arant Plan R..v i ..~·-. TOTAL FEES --------------, .00 5 9.25 Total C.l~ul.t ..d Fee ..·••• Addi tional Fe...---------. Total Pe rm it Fee -···----. Payment.---------------·> BALANCE:Il U E:-------------> S !J.2 S .e c S !J.2S 5 '.25. .cc .U.H ••••••••••••••••••U . I tem :05 10 0BUILDING DE PARTMENT 0 1 /2 6 /1 998 J RM Acti on ,APPRAPPROVED I t em :05 600 FIREDEPARTM ENT 01 /2 8 /1 998 J RM Action,APPRN/A JRM J ~t : De pt: BUILD IN G Division: FI RE Divis ion: ................••.....•..•..•.••.•..•................................•..•.••.•.••••••.•.•.••••••.•.•.••.•..•••.••.••...•.••...... COND ITION OF APP ROVA L 1 .FIELD INS PECTI ONS AR E RE QUI RED TO CH ECK FOR COD E COMPL I ANC E . 2 .FIRE DEPARTM ENTAPPROVAL I S RE QUIREDBEFORE ANY WOR K CAN BE STARTE D . .......•.............•....•..••..•.••.•.................••.•.......•.••••.•••..................••.•......•....••••..•............. DE CLARATION S I hBTBby acknowledge t hat I h ave r ead thi s app l ica t ion ,f i lled out i nf ull t he i nfo~.t io n requ irad,e ~.p la t ad an accura te plot p lan,and otate tha t all t he info~a tion provided a5 required io c orrect .I agree t o co~p1y wit h t he i nfor~ation a n d p lot p lan , t o COM ply ~it h all T o~n ordi n ance a ~n d a tate lavB,and to b uild thia atructure a cco rdin9 t o the To wn '.~o n i ng and au b divi eion code a ,d eB ig n r ev iaw approva d,Un1 fo~Bu ilding Coda a nd other o rdi n.ncB.of the To wn a pp licable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IN SPECTIONS S HALL BE MAD !TW ~NTY-FOUR HO URS I N AO~CE B~TEL E P HO~E AT 47 !J-2 • POR HI MSELF AND OWNER •••................•••....••..................................... (Ot<o'N o r VAIL ,OOLORAOO ...•.....•.....•................................................ St.tem n ~N y .~r ,R£C-DJ 1 4 ~unt , P&V-Ant "a t hod .CK Notaeion .iOl0 Parsl e NO 'I>,I-ooe ,Typa •••p ~. P l rcll NO :2 10 1 -0'1-0J -0 2' Sit..Addu ••:1144 ImlllUR:5T DR Lo c ation :19 44"SUNBURST OR ~'.2S 0 1 {2 '/"14 :0 4 1 "l t:MA W PLUMBING PERMIT TOU!r •••: Tot.al ALL "atl' a alanc:e, S 9 .2t; "9 .210 .00 .....••.••.••••.....••..............................•....•...••. Account.Cod . PI>0 0 1000 0J1112 00 P I'00 10000 11 12 JO O we 001 000011 12 .00 O..c riptlon PLUMalNO p eRMIT PEES PLA."4 OlEO(;PIES WILL CALL IHSP £~ION FEE -~, 45 .0 0 11.2i l .OO . ~t .n ct Engle County Assessors .9 70-32a -8640 f or Parcel O. <eCL 0 ,',1..1 Ol-O~f ·D~-Q?" .1e. TOWN OF VA I L CO NSTRUCT I ON PERM IT APPLICATION FO RM DATE: •PERN IT APPLI CAT ION MUS TBEF ILLED OUT CO MP LETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED'******~**********************PERMI T I NFORMA TION ***************************** ()-Bu i ld in g [;(]-Pl umb i n,[)-E l ec tri ca l (]-Mcc hanf ca l (]-o th er J ob Name :-s '(1M II R'S!Q/M C(,Job Addres z:.J1i!;:L':J.A....sJIn1?-'-T~{)o.:V2<-'__,,--_ Le gal Desc r iption :Lot 2(Block A F il ing:S cd.SU6DI\.I SI<lli1....llJ,l/I/t,/W,,'<-_ Owners Name :..'bd l-I L!,FlY'jp 11_~Address :'1U.z..~kl":'>;,1s'(t~b"~2 pfi/?ik <l ;,?7/ ~-~q~ Ar chitect:[TCh ISiwc -fvv.c I Add r ess :f D (3)?'IJoc/:SSPb5 g.o~7,P h ,fil,-m)Z'1 Gen eral Description :Add.-n1lY1 ~~(.- NO . Town of v ail Reg .N O o _ Phone Number : Tow n of vail R "e~g~.~~~====Phone Number :_ Ii Contractor : ~l umb i ng Contractor : \d dr e ss : .n e c t r i ca .l~=::::~-====~==::;:::=;=~-==vddr-e s s :_ work Class :[J -New []-Alteration [Xl-2~~ti o n al []-Re pa ir []-Oth er _ Humber of Dwe ll i ng Uni t s:J Nu mb er o f Acco r.tm od ati on un its :, ,mber a n d Type o f F i rep laces:Ga s App lia nccs.__Gas Logs__Wood/Pe l let l8-Kt51J '*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:l.~I~R ~hV 11 d OTHER :1 t LUMBIE 1 :;l;5=~~MECHAN ICAL:1-----'roTAL:1:--:/-S/O-2-J--C17Y7:>==--- t***************************CONTRAqTOR I NFORMATI ON ***k***********************~e neral contractor:0<11)(,MAtM lZu<,LIJdl-.fi ",j.II 1'own of vail Reg _NO ,2 6/L Ad dz ess :4 1J'lC ~1h.'(S-t d F ${',{u ,8t>Y5s"t>Ph one Number :tl/v8?oo37/,- 1/ -tectran i ca L Contractor : \ddre ss : Ii Town o f Vail Reg .NO o _ Phone Number : ~******************************* IU ILDI NG PERMIT F E E: ~LUM B I NG PERMIT FEE : 1EClIAN ICAL PERMIT FEE : ,LECTRICAL FEE : )THERTYPEOF FEE : )RBF EE : F OR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLANCHECK FEE : PLUMB I NG PLAN CHECK fEE : MECHAN ICALPLAN CHECKFE E : RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT: T OTAL PERMIT FEES: BU ILDING: S IGNATURE : ZONING : SIGNATURE: r cnmen t.s s _ TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION - , CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:. \ r ••T OWN OFVAI L 7 5 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA I L,CO 81657 970 -479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF CO MM UN ITY DEVE LO PMENT NOTE ,THIS PERM IT MUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBS ITE ATALL TI MES ELECTRICAL PE RMI T Permit #:E98-00 14 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No..: ProjectNo.: 1944 SUNB UR STDR 1 944 SUNB URST DR 210 1 -091 -03 -029 PRJ97 -0253 Status ...: (UN IT A)A pp1i ed .., I s su ed...: Expires ..: ISSUED 0 1/26/1998 0 1/28 /19 98 07/27/1998 APPLICANT DO UG MATTHEWS Ph one:97 0-87 0-037 1 40125 AMETHYST DRIVE,S T EAMBOAT SPR INGS,CO 804 87 CONTRACTOR DOUG MATTHEWS Pho ne ,970-87 0-037 1 40125 AMETHYST DRIVE,ST EAMBOAT S PRINGS,CO 80487 OWNER FINDHLL BETH ANN BRYANT %INDUSTRY CONSULTI NG GROUP ,40 125 AME THYST DR,ST EAM BOAT S PRING Descript ion:E LECTRICAL FORREMODE L AND ADDITION Valu ation :2 ,000 .00 .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FB2 aUM MARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• El ..ecrlc:..l ···~ ORB F e e _._~ J n v".c iga ti on> will e..n ····, T OTAL f EES ---> 5 0.00 .00 .00 L OO 5 3 .00 Total C.lcul at..d Fee ,,·"> Addi tion al Fe...···-_····> Total p e rsit r""--------> P .~.nt.·····-_·_·_····_> BALAN CE DUe··-----_·····. S l.OO .00 S LOO S3.00 .00 ••.•.••.•.•..................................................................................•...........•...••.••.•••..•.••...... I tem:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT De pt:BUI LD ING Division: 01/28 /1998 JRMAction ,APPR approve dj rm It em :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:F IRE Divi si on : 0 1 /28 /19 98 JRM Act ion ,APPRN/AJRM •••u •••••••••••••••••••••••u ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u","u ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u •••••u ••u . CO ND I T ION OF APP ROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTI ONS ARE REQ UIRED TOCHECK FOR CO DE CO MPLIANC E. ................................................................................................................................................ DECLARATIONS I he reby acknowle d ge that J h ave r e ad thie a ppl icat ion,ti lled ~t i n f~ll t ha i n forT.ation r aquired ,c~.p let ed a n a c cur ate p l ot p lan ,and atate tha t a ll the i n formation prov ided a.r e q~i red i.corr ect,I Rgre e to c omply wi t h the i n f o ~a t i on a nd plot p lan, t o e~p ly wi t h a l l To wn ordinances a n d s t a t e lawa ,an dt o bui ld this atruc tu re accordi ng t o tha To wn'.zoning and .~bd i v i .i Qn codea ,d ••i gn ra vie w approve d ,Unif o ~a~i l d i ng Code an d o the r ordina nce.of t he To wn a p p licab le t he re to . REQU ESTS FOR I N SP B CT I O~S SHAL L aE HADB TW ENTY -FOUR HO URS IN ADVANCE BY TEL EPH ON E AT 4 7~'2 1)8 OR AT OUR o rr I CE r R ~8,00 AM S I OO PH ...........•..............•.••••••.••.•..•....•...•............. r ••TOWN or VAIL .CO t.O~ ..........•..•..•.•...........••••••.••.••••.•.•...••.•......... S t.t .~t Number :Rt e -I))'.Amount ' reya_no;M.thod ,ex Mo tetlon ,~0 10 53.00 0 1ne!"14 ,01 In1e :MAW II':LE C'IlII CM.P ERMIT'....It N O I r:U-I)014 Type :a -KLEe Per-<:..l 1+<),UOI -Dtl ·Ol ·02' S 1 t.Ad d .....,1'44 SUNBURST DR Loc etion ,ItU alJNlIURSTDR (UNIT Al 1'00;.1 r •••: u .o o u.oo ~).OO .00.................................•....•.•.•..................... AC CO lm t Cod. E r 00100 0 011 11 400 we 0 01000 01112100 o.."..l po;lon ~L f.:CTR lCAL PERMIT FE!S WILL CALL I NSPECTION F aE '"""=, SO .OO ],00 ...'-...... 'Con tnc ~Eagl e County Ass e ss ors tltic e <lot 9 70":328-8640 fo r P <lr ~l d .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRU CTION 'MtC EL 0 :2.10 1-0 ""(-0.$"Q2 et P ERM ITA PP L ICATION FORM DA TE: .' APPLICATION MUST DE FILLED OU T COMPL ETE LY OR I T MAY NO TBE ACCEPTED(*•••••,••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT I NFORMATI ON ••••••••••*•••*••**•••*••**.* [)-Buil d in g ()-Plumbing (>0 -El ec t r i cal (]-M e ch a n i"ca l (]-Other J ob Name :r-:Vlebll Q(?W:mCR I J ob Ad dress:J!i1q A S//Yl!l1.M.5 i 012 Legal Description:Lot-..2.l...-Block-.f\_F iling .=s (i 0 fiUUDI VISLQN:j!AI(VI Iii"')_U''I al L S"ItnM 1-l.S 1 0/.....q )O ' Owne rs Name:-LX i 4 JVl.b"Add ress :5-1-&mb"""1 s -:..l'(Co a',aY4IPh .b )O OJ7/y'IJ-?j "Jo Architect :AcC"dCIld.«I Addres s:P 0t3 77'tJ o'i ~5 fb S f:/X17Z Ph .&71 D07y General Oeser i p tion :.-il deL n,ll!!.iI---,aC'>...Jp"-~=-::Z0LJ,,,t.L..1(__-;::-_ work Class :[]-NeW []-l\l t e r a~ion [~it~iti on al []-Repair(]-o th cr __ Humber o fDwe lli ng Un it s :/Number of Accommod ati on units : ,lmb er and Typ eo f Fi rep lac es :Gas Appli ance s.__Gas L ogs w oo d /pe llet ~~ ,~***************************i****VA LU A T IOh~;*J****************************** BUI LD ING :$E T~~~-OTH ER :\-_-,-,=:-:==__ PLU MB ING:-\ME CHAN ICAL:\------.TOTA L :\-(<;zJ 62nJ, 1******..**********~d..********CONTRAC'1'OR IN FORMA'l'ION •**'1<*********************** e onoral Contrac tor:CtJvz,/'YV'llilW~I ll fJrl r ,~Town o f Vail Reg .NO.11-61 ( M d r e ~s :~Q Il ""iW-<Jl=ystJ ,S S cc:>'AiD'!))r::t n e Nu mbe r:4 .?;f l ~3,;'v~3 71 g Lec t r-Lcu IContractor :/I E 'i><J-()O 're.~n of Vail Reg ,NO ._ Add ress :H 1 ho ne Number: Pl umb i ngCon tractor : Add r ea s t /I To wn o f Vail Reg.NO o _ Phone Nun b er: «ecban dcu),cont ractor : Addr-ee s r "Tow n o f Vai l Reg .N O o _ p ho ne Number : ******************************** BUILDINGPE RM ITF EE : PLU MBI NG PERM ITFE E : MEC HANICAL PERMITFEE : ELECTRICAL FEE : J TIIERTYPEOFFE E: ORB FE E : FOR OFFI CE U SE ******************************* BUI LD I NG P LAN CHECKFEE : PLUM BING PLAN CHECK yEE : MECHANICAL P LAN CH ECKFEE: RECREATI ON F EE: CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT: TOTA L PERMIT FEES : TYPE GROUP S Q.FT.VALUATI ON BUIL DING : SIGN ATURE : ZO NING : SI GNATURE: :o mment s :- 'C L~UPDEPOSIT REFUND TO: \ ••T o ~m OF VA IL DEPARTM ENT OFCOMMUNITY DEV ELOPMENT 75S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81 657 970-479 -2138 NOTE,THIS PERMIT MU ST BE P OSTEDON J OBSITE AT ALL TI MES MECHANI CAL PE RMI T P ermit #,M9 8-0235 J obAd dress :1944 SUNBURST DR Loc at i on :1944A SUNBURST DR Parcel No :2101-091 -03-02 9 Project Numbe r:PRJ 97 -0 253 Status .._:ISSUED Appl ied ..,11 /17 /1998 I ssued ...,1 1/2 0/1 99 8 Expi re s ..,05 /19/19 99 APP LI CANT DOUG MATTH EWS Phone,97 0-870-0371 401 25 AM ETHYST DRIVE,STEAMBOAT SPRINGS,CO 8048 7 CO NTRA CTO R DO UG MATTH EWS Phone,9 70-870-0371 40125 ~lETHYST DRIVE,STEAMBOAT SPRINGS,CO 8048 7 OWNER FINnELL BETH ~BRYANT %INDUSTRY CONSULTING GROUP,40125 AMETHYST DR,STEAMBOAT SPRING De scrip tion: ME CHANICAL FORADDITION Fi ~epl .c e Inform.~i on :R••tricted: Valuation :1 2,000.00 lIa!~·ood/i'..ll..t: .•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ree SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M..ch.ni c.l ···~ 1'1an Che ek··',. Inve"tigat ion> wi ll c an _··_.. :14.0 .00 '0 .00 .ce 30 00 R••tuarant Plan R .v l .~·-> OR!Pe e ·---·············> TOTA L rE!S --------------> ." .00 303 .00 Tot_l Calculat ed r •••---,. Additional F•••····-----~ Tot.l p.rmit F••··------~ P .ym.n t.··········_·····~ BkUN::g DUg--------·····~ JOl.OO .00 J OJ.OO 3 0 ).0 0 .oc.........••.........•........•.......••.............•.•.••••.•.••.•..••••..•....•••.•.••.•.•.••.••••.•••••••...................... It~m :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: ll f1 7 /19 98 CHARLIE Action,NOT E PLANS TOCHARLIE 1 1/2 0/19 98CHARLIE Act i on ,APPRCHARLIEDAVIS I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT De pt:FIRE Division : 1 1/1 7/1998 CHARL IE Action,APPRN/A COND ITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUlRED T O alE CK FORCODE COMPLI ANC E . 2 .COM BUSTI ON AIR I SREO UIREDPER SE C .607 OF THE 19 91 UM C . 3 .INSTALLAT 10N MUST CONFORM T O MANUFACrUR ES INSTRUCT IONS AND TO APPEND IX alAPTER2 1 OF THE1 991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCESS HALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE ASSPE CIFIED INSEC .906 OFTHE1 991 UMC. 5 .ACCESS TOHEATINGEQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 7 03 OFTHE1 991 UM C. 6 .BOILERS SHALL BEMOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NON COMBUSTIBLE CONST . UNL ESS LISTED FORMOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BEP OSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PxIOR TO AN I NSPECTIONRE8UEST. 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAINING HEATING OR HOT -WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BE EQU IPPED WITH AFLOOR DRAINPERSEC . 211 9OFTHE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS ..r ••1 here by .ckno~l .d g .th .~I h av e read t hi.a pplicatio n,fi llad O ~t in full the i n formaeion re qu i red ,c omp leted an a ccu ra te p lot plan,anda t.te that all the inforMation provided ••required i .corre ct.r ag r ••to com ply with the i nform a ti on a nd plot p l an, t o e ~,p ly with a ll To ~o rd inanc ••a nd a t at_l ava,a nd to b u ild t hi.~tructur e a cc ord ing to t he T ~n '.~on i ng an d aubdiv ie i on c odeD.de ai gn revi ew a pproved,Un ifo<m 8 ulldlng Cod e an d other ordinancee o ft he Town applicabl e t horeto . REQ UESTS rOR I NSPECTIONS gKA L~8 E MAnE TWE~Y 'I'OUR H O~~S IN SI:lNATl.;RE OF OWNE R Oil COtrrRACTOIl r OR HIMSELf'AND o m;E R OR ~T OUR OrrICK PR O~&,0 0 A~5:00 PM ••..........•..•......•...........•.............•.................•T ()Io,':>!OF VAl L,COLORA no .............•..................•.......•.•............•..•..... PG~lt No ,M "'02 1 ~Type ,8 -MtCH '.re e l No,2 101-C'I -0 )-0 2' S ite Ad dre ....'1 '4 4 S:JNIWIIS':'DR Lo e.t icn ,It",A SUNBURST DR 1 01.00 1 1/2 4/"Oi ,:& I nle l JR T t'.i.P &yae r:t ]0 ).00 Tot..1F •••, Tot.l ALL p",e a, 101 .0C 1 0J.00 .00..........................•.••..•.•..•.......................... Ac count Cod.. MP 00 1 000 01111100 PP 0010 00 0111 2 )00 ~c 00 100 0011 1 2100 c..cript!on ~K~~ICAL PERMIT FEES p~QU:CX PEES WILL ~L t N SPKCT l ~FEE a e.D O 50 .00 3.00 rE RNtT 1t1l/·O'!JY Pe.3"1 7-0 ?-S3 • I't u mber of Dwe lli ng U nits: .1C. TOWN OFVA IL CONSTRUCT ION PERM IT APPL IPAT~FORM DA TE :..Jt(2 Z~t" APPLI CATION MU STBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR I T MAY NOT BE ACC EPTED~••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATIOll ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (]-Bu i ldin g (]-Plumbing(]-Ele c tri c al (;¢-Mec ha nfc a l []-ot he r J ob Name :~VJc1e II (2 oseb,CR-.Job Address :-B...:!Yf1 S I/Yl tJt!YlST Do... Lega l Descri Pt~'n:Lot I)I Block A F il ing .3 'Y SU BO!VISI'lli-'..../h;,I rk.iii " l ,((.0 roo .I ,'/tfo.lH ~i:h y 5 1 d r-'1)0' Owne r s Name:-t n -l\t:I If)cv Address :5-+<h'1O "db t 0:;-06 5 c..,.)@k ;Ph .8)0 OJ?!1.\~'J ,;;)0 Archit ec t:ty"-C L.S"b-dw~I Addre ss :PDf/,7 7<130'/S Sf)('S 8'>Y7l1'h.8 71 0 07'1 Genera l Descr iption :~~(}{\~~t~~~~~·~~(~.~._ Na rk Class :[J -Ncw[)-Al t erati on [IO -Ad ditional [)-Repair [)-O th er _ ~S-i) Numb er of Acc ommodation Units : -.." -ContAc t Eag le Count y AS5c sso rs At 970 -328-8640 f or P~rcc l O. "'CEL 0 ,2.1 0'-0 '1/-0.1 -02., f mber and Type of Fi r eplaces :Gas Appl iances.__Gas Lo gs w o od /pellet~i>J -*********************************VALU TIONS *******;******r****************** •b VI I e< l UILDI NG :$E LECTRICAL'OTH ER:$ 'LU MBI NG:$MECHAN I CA .$----.TOTAL:$---;J'SZ=')-:6jfi)==O;----, t *********-1<********~,****....**CONTRACT'JR ~:J~l'lA 'ION **********************..*..*-10- I ene r-aI co~traetor:~VL~?"~0 tlJldl Town of vail Reg .NO .)'6/1.. vdd ress :~D(l'f 1'!>1K&S.l ~L ~=!,honc NUr.l ber:"t 70 8/0 OJ~I :l c c trica l Co ntra ctor : .dd r -e s s : I(T own of Va il Re g.NO o _ Pho ne Numb er : 'L umbLn q C ontra cto r: .dd z-ess : lcc h a n ica l Co nt ractor : .ddr-e s s : Town of vail Reg .NO._ Phone Numbe r: T own o f Vai l Re g.NO ._ Ph on e Humb er : :******************************* IUI LDING P ERMITFEE : 'LUMBI NG P ERMIT FEE : lECHANICALPERMIT FEE : ;LECTRICALFEE : IT ItER TYPE OF FEE : lRBFEE : FOR OFFICE USB ******************************* BU ILDING PLAN CHE CKFEE : PLUMB ING PLAN CHECK fEE : MECHA NICAL 1I\4t'EfRlib.~oed.R EC R E A T I O N ~.C~CIV ~t=========== CLEAN-UP DEPOS :tro~16 19 98 TOTAL P ERMIT FEES: T ~PE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNA TURE : ZONIN G: SIGNATURE : :ommen ts : CLl':AN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO=. Proj ect Name: !sign Review Actin Form TOWN OF VAIL FindellR esidence Addition P rojectDescri ption:Frontentry .garage.bedroomadditionwith changes to th eex teriorlandscaping . Own er .Add r essa nd Phon e: Ar chitect/Contact.Addre ss andPhone :Gregory Regi ster,ArchislrucfureOne,P.O .uox 774304 ,35 5th Street,St eamboat Sprtngs,Co .,R04 77 970 -R71 -0074 Proje ct Street Ad dress: Legal Description : ParcelN umb er. Comm ents: 1944 S unburst Lot 2 1,Vail Va lley Third Filin g Building Name:Findell Residen ce Board I Staff Action M otion by:Bishop Action:Approved Seconded by :llingst Vote:4-0 Co nditio ns:A\That th e drtveway configuration be amended prior toissu anceo f a bulld ln g p ermit. That th e mitigation berm befield approved by a Geologic Engineer prior to T .e .O. That th e applicant add 10 morc caliper inches of trees to the landscape p lan 10 mitigate ..JJ the tree r emoval. TownPlanner:G eorge Ruther Date :11119197 DRB FccPre-P a id :so •I 80487 June 29.1998 Date Received JUl01 1998TownofVail Dept.of Community Development 75 S.FrontageRd. Vail.Co.81657 (970)479-2138 Beth A.Bryant Findell 40125 Amethyst Drive Steamboat Springs,Co. (970)87(}.0371 (970)476-5423 ••;'t Towhom it ma yconcern : This is arequestto havemy buildingpermit .#B97-0434 extended foranother6 months,as I havenotcompleted theprojectyet.and it is due toexpire on 07 /04 /98 . I would also like 10 extend my electrical and plumbing permi ts forthissame project for an additional 6 monthsas well.Those num bersare#P98-0006 and #E98-0014 .Thesebothare dueto expire 07/27/98. Thankyouverymuch for thiscourtesy.(fyouhave any questions,youmay contact meormy husband at the phone numbers listed above.or he can be reached on his cellphoneat (970)846-4124 . Sincerely. h4~/frr"i::/-~~ Beth A.Bryant Findelr APR -1 6-99 02 :44 PM •I p.el lUI ...... FirePolicy Sl aL us .FINDELL.)lEnl AMETHYST ~T OhT SPR CO 60~6 7 -9212 T\PJHT.)6 .1999 H Ph.(9 70)87 0-037 1 FIRE Polic y:B6-CY-66 06 ·2 F Yr issd :1997 XrAf: Term:CONT Amou nt d ue : Date due : Bill to: Type :PERS L:IAB lJMB Covcr~g c information L·PERS LIAG 5 00 000 0, I I P remium:3 ~7 .00 6 2.72 AP R -~2 9 9 INSD Renew date:~~lB-CO BILLED 03 /18 /1 999 End act 03 /18 /99 Prey p.rcm:155 Previ ak :o Aut o liab :U PP~R FARM COVERAGE POT.I CY FoND and Endo.rs~mentsForms >'1'-7950.1 FE-7676 .1 FF.-7786 Hab: hal>: li ab : l iab : l iab : ComprehenB ive BusinC6& OHicc EmployeH Watercraft PREFERRED I 0 3 02 Rat-Po claflFi: Auto mobi lcfl : HC v etu.cr ee : F rm vehlcles ~ n r i v cr-c :0 ' age dr i ....e rs : Rent als: TerrlLo ry: Undo Messa es: Family farms.corp.or pa rt liab: Fann camp ,pe.rs liab:Y Date Be celvec APR 1 6 1999 APR -16 -99 02:44 PM •I P .0 2 F l ~e Po llcy SLal uS lHNDELL,BETH ANN AM ETlIYST ST OhT SPR CQ 804 87~921~ ,l\PRtT ,1 6,,999 H Ph .(9 70 )8 70 -037 1 FIRE Policy,86 -50 ~625 ·0 F Yr i ~£d :1987 Xref:YRs with SP:9+ Term:CONT Type,HO -HOMEONNERS Renew date:NOV ·16-99 Cover ge i nf ormat ion Prem ium:2 .1 50 .00 A -OWE ING 1 ~16 700 DWELL EXT 1316 70 D-PER PROP 9 87 5 25 C-LOS USE JlC'!'UlSS Amount.due :SFPP L-PER LYAll 30 0000 Da le due:S1'1'1' om I'KOV ,00 Bi ll t o:S.to'l'P M-MED PERS 5000 Prey prem ;2 ,523 Prey isk :1,3 16,700 $FPP occt:020 0 -7516·20 Deduc i bleii appll ed ,1000 ALL PER Messa efi:P"rms and Endorsements FP-7955 llOMEOWNERS POL. Yu buill ;1993 Cons t.r:FRAM E LSP D1 LM'I"R!'LC COST -ll ZoUi:t :H Home a J.ert:FE DB FR 8R osr 10 COv A·INCR.DWLG Pro claD~:9 T.SP 1\1 SMt.R CONS T-JI F ml lll?r.:01 FE -220 6 A!1ENEN::> OPT OL BIJ)ORD!LIIW -10l Roo f Cla RR WOO D RC .".... Us e: 9 7 0-670 -0371 Dee. (GA RAGE,ENTRY,BED RM ) BRYANT Phone . BRVANT Phone: Phon e: ;~~~l~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~:~=:~;~~:~~':~~~~~=====~=;~_~~_: Activity :897-0434 7/20/19 Type:A-BUILD Status:ISSUED Constrl ASFR Add re ss:1944 SUNBURST DR L o cati o n:1944 A SUNBURST DH Parcell Z101-891-03-029 D••c ription:ADDITION/REMODEL Appli cant:FINDELL BETH ANN Owner:FINDELL BETH ANN Con tr.ct ol""'J DOU c MATTHE~ ---~------------------------- Co ••eots <T ~,..,I "..".JI'·, .1'1"----'---&'-'-------- Insppct l0n HI story ••••• It •••00010 BLDG-Foo t ings/Stee l ~1/30/98 Inspector.CD Action .APPk WITH CORRECTIONS: N o to s.RRISE REBAR MAT TO PROVIDE CLERRRNCE FROM SUBGRADE PER PI.. REMOVE LOUSE MATERIALS FROM FORMS WEATHEIl PROTECTIONS IS REIhJIRED It ••:00020 BLDG -Found.tion /St eel 02/09/98 I ns pe ctor:CD Actionl APPR APPROVED Notes.PROVIDE WEATHOR PROTECTION It •••00520 PLAN-ILC Sit.Pl~n It •••00030 BLD~-Fr••ing 11/16/98 In sp ector:GRG Action:APPR APPkOVED Ite.:00050 BLDG -In sul .tion 11/18/98 In spector:CD Action.APPR COM ~ETE LOWEk LEVEL "· 1te.:00060 BLDG -Sh .e trock Nail 11/27 /98 In spector.JRM Action.PA APPkUVED BSTHROO~ Not ••,KITCHEN,AND MASTER BEDH OUM ONLY 12/02/98 I n spector:GRG Actionl RA MAIN STAIR,L~OSET•.• N otes.MAIN STRIR,CLOSET ~UPPER RIGHT &ROOM S @ RERIl RPPROVED . NEEDED R FEW MOllE FRSTENIokS RT WALL ON MA IN STAIR. 01/05/99 In sp ector:J HM Action:PA APPM ALL EXCEPT THe Notes:MtCH ROUM,GARABE AND SMAL L ELECTRICAL ROOM !!!!~!!!!! 01/13/99 Inspector:GRG Action:APPR ~MAINDER OF DRYWALL -oK It ••,00070 BLOB -Misc. It •••0009~BLOG-F inal Ite.,~33 PLAN-TEMP.C /O It •••00532 PW -TEMP.CIO 01/15/99 Inspectort LS Actionl APPR APPk.ONL Y IF BONDED Not.5.DRIVEWAY AND LANDSCAPING WALLS Ite ••80530 BLDG-Te.p.C/O ~1/13/99 Inspe ctor:GRG Act ion:NO PRE-TOO CONSULTATION Ito ..r .~o D0 =:JPo"tod •••ACti on 005r I:l'LDG -:-Final C /O I -/'"-rt:f-."..Jl.9 V 1\'~. {"../If'::,"----------~ ------------------------------------ Lock s,Holds,and Notice s....I~II )~ ACTI VITY e()4 vNotice:~RM I T EXTENDED UNTIL1 2/01/98 ,~ Notic••slot 37 OJ/""--""'~ Notic e:Befo re Build ing CU -n e.d to cleanup t a sh oklJite..JIn~::~:~:::~e~~:~tL~~~~~:~ti~~~~~~------------:::::~-:::~::::-~------------- Req Ti.e:08:00 Co ••entsl WILLCALL REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO ~7/20/1999 08.21 ~~UU~STS -INSPECTN WOR~SHEETSFUR,7/20/1999 PAGE 7 AREA:CD 01/14/99 Inspector:~R6 Action,NR STILL UN~R CONSTRUCTION 01/15/99 Insp.etor:CD Action'ON DENIED Not ••:-PLLMBINB FINAL k£WIRED ,;UEST BATH NOT COMPLETE PlJWIJt,.R I<lXJM NUT ~LETE DISHWASHER DISUiAIlGE ~D SUPPLY NOT INSTALLED -MEC~I~AL FINAL REQUIRED FLUE FUll HUUSE BOILER MUST BEPROPERLY SUPPOIlTED A L~TTER FROM L NTRACTOR CONCERING THE TESTIN Of HEAT LIN MUST BE RECIEVED BY THE TOWNCNO INSPECTIONS ON RECORD) ~NOWMELT BOILER NOT INSTALLED -D.I.A.REUUIREDFOR OUTSTANDING EXTERIOR WORK REQUIRED -HOUSE _S REQUIRED • -REMOVE PLASTIC FKUM BUILDING EXTERIOK ~ATED ASSEMBLY REQUIRED FOR UNDE~STAIR STORAGE -PROPER SI ZED ENRTY DOOR WITH HARDWARE RECUI RED -RETURN HANDKAIL AT ENTRY -REMOVE ALL CONSTRUTIUN MATERIALS FIlDM BUILDING • ~D GARAGE -KATED ASSEMBLY REOUIRED FOR STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS IN GARAG -CLOSER FOR GARAGE DOOR REQUIRED -CA~ALL WASTE LINES WHE~E ,IXTURES ARE NOT SET -INSTALL WINDOW IN MASTER BATH lHIS IS A PELIMINARY LIST THIS P~OJECT 16 AT A LOW LEVEL UFCUMPLETIUN.MORE WIlOK MUST BE CUMPLETED ~1/19/9~In.pector:GRG Action:APCR OK FOR T.C.O.,UPP~R ONLV Notesl UKFOR r:c..u.,UPPEH LEVELONLY.ALL ITEMS FROM 1/15/99 LORRECTIQN LIST THAT WERE NEC~SSARY FOR A T.C.U.ON THE UPPER LEVEL HAVE BEEN L'tJIOlPLETED.MANY OTl£R ITEMS, INCLUDING LlJMPLElION Ut=T~LOWCK LHEL,ORIV"'~Y,LAND- SCAPING,SNlJWIoEL T BUlLER,ENTRY 61 IlEI4t;HT ,FLOOR COVER IN,; TRIM,DISHWABHI:::::H HOUt<-l.JI,J,ETt;.,ETC.,ff'W AWROVALS FROfl'I PUBLIC WORKS &PLANNING,WILL NlOl'~tlJMPLETED/08TAIN PIlIOR TlJ RE~A5E 0,THE FINAL C.'tJ K "THE DWELLING. It •••00537 PL~-FINAL C/O )JI V 07/1&/99 Inspectorl D~MINIC Action.APPH APPRPVED It •••00539 PW-FINAL C/U It ••:00540 BLDG-Final C/O •, I Use: ,}70-870-037I ,}70-870--0371 Oce: Phone: Phone I Phone: REPT131 .OWN UFVAIL,(;QLUkAOU ,PI-lGE 07/20/1Q')'}10:"':5 REQUESTS INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR.·20/1'}Q'}AREA,CD =-aac8 C=--=--C-==========Z:==~F·-m-_mr?Q=-====Z2a=•2_===_==-====== Activity:P98-0006 7/20/1'Type:B-PLMB Status:ISSUED Constr:AOUP Addr.S51 1944 SUNBURHT DR Location:t944A ~UNBURST DR Pare.l:2101-091-03-029 De scription:PLUMBING FOR ADDITION AND REMODEL Applic.nt:DOUG MATTHEWS Owner:FINDELL BETH ANN BRYANT Contractor:DOUG MATTHEWS-------------------------------------------------------------------. Lock s,Holds,and Notice •..•. ACTIVITY Notice:PERMIT ~XTENDED UNTIL 12-01-98 i.e Exp OK 10 PSI WORKING PRESSURE Air t.st 8.psi COUR INSPECT APP~OVED Phon".??7?7?? APPR PA APPR Co ••ents r T ~- (1"• ./ II .- " Action: Action: Action. Action:APPR Action:APPR It ••: It ••: Ite.: Insp~ction History ...•. It ••:00210 PLM8-Und.rground It •••00220 PL"8-Rough/D.W.V. 03/04/98 In.pector.ART 10/~/~8 I nsp.ctor.JRM 11/1&/98 Inspector.BRG It~.1 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water 11/16/98 Inspector.GRG It ••:00240 PLMB-Gas Piping 11/1&/98 In ~p.ctorl GRG 00250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub 00260 PLMB-Mi se, 002'}0 PLMB-Flnal 01/19/99 Inspector.BRG Action:APGR OK FOH T.C.U.UPPEk ONLY Nat ••,TWO UPPER BATHS FUNCTIONING.STILL NEED TU COMPLETE DISH W~H~R HUUK-UP,LOWER BATHS,ETC.PRIOR TO REL~ASE OF FIN C.O. In spection Request Infor.ation •••.• ReQue~tor:??????????? Req Ti.e:08:00 Co ••eots:FOR FINAL tt ••s requested to be Inspected ••.Action 00290 I='LMB-Final -------------------- ------;;:;;;;;;;;~~------ I 303-~35-e&13 303-4~~-4.HZ 303-~35-e&13Phone: "IZ=--= . ~PAGE II (J{AREA.JRM Canstr:RAPT Use: V.il Point Townho ••s Dec. heat Phone I Phon.: R~PTl31 ,-OWN UI'VAIL,t;(JLORADO • ~~~~~~a~~~:~=~~~~:~~~:~~~~_~~~=~~:_~~~~~~~~9 Activity:Mq~-0070 7/20/19 Types B-MECH StatusJ IHSUED Addreoss:1"881 LIONS k:IDGE LP Location:1881 Lionsridge Loop .23, Parcel:2103-122-07-007 Description:Mechanical to lnst.l1 hot water Applicant:SU~kIOR MEUHANICAL ~ERUICES Uwner:BUXTUNLEE ContrActor:~ERIOR MECH~NICAL ~EkVICE& Inspection Request Intor ••tion ••••• Request Dr :RON Weq Ti_e:01:00 Co ••ents:BOIL~R It ••5 requested D~.If!nllpected •.. 00340 MECH-I!U.4c•./~o(Ilrf\/i')@., ('.v: Phone:303-935-2&1~ Action CO.~5 tV tnspection History ••.•• It ••:00200 MECH-Rough ltu.00Zes FlRE-SPRlht<LER ROllliH It ••:00248 PLMB-G.s Piping It ••:me31e MECH-H ••ting It ••:08320 MECH-EMhaust Hoods It ••:00330 MEL~-Supply Air It ••:00340 MECH-Miac. It ••:00390 MECH-Fin.l It ••:0~~38 FIRE-FINAL C/U FrrJOG1.c o ~I OE.AJ C.("• LOT 2/11 I)..V.3«D~/l..(NL PEOl-m IT 807-0'-1.3<; ~EY\T t.o 5 S CA.ceo LA (7 61\J 5 e.t1.0 ".4T C)ReA i ROO ilELDCOP ~<13 2- 87(;'1 5217 SI D] IDt17:2. 3D <I]7 </()2 C} C(6J 3 </J ST AI R.ToWER ER ~~I g GATl-t S R..~J J GAi),-{ CS R -!'.2 t GAl1-i [S R -t±I f [S ATH CJI1RA GE • F Am il Y R oO M (S 704 L DSS @CjCJ' !V1A f V 13010::1<.3 b G pOD CS 71.J1-(L:,T INPUT For<-S PAC ~J./89 71 ,vC!UO r w~TEl?..s uPPt...Y//!U mc('/f/!/J /CA(/?~ 2 l3 O /u:72S Q 2 ~O iJc:;«To N M et-!;:.o/( SAJ;;)h./m E!.T :::;r S 7C/YJ )L {)V(lV)/IlJ !..o;C-T O;C ti'/lf2/lGE"o --=-1 3061oa::>(lril..I~M B61 te Il1.. o 0 ,Bo (l..€'TL 3Gb Ih VI{ I/--,- " ",1 ',1 •__r _......~. "I f \I '..-r.•'.": I I ~'-tIS",\ :.1-1;> I : ,111 i;- !r;==::::: '1- 11 /2B/1 997 14 :38 PAGE 132 PROPOSED UNIlSCAMNG BotAp;gl NAme CommonNwnc Qr,lMrity liizl:!. .PROPOSED TREES ~.kme-'~.z."1 r-e:q f AJO ,'S•. Aim SHRUBS:..±-.al.<:;>"?it.fico..pili t!l6'E>'l!>u.!l,!;5l'~ "',...........,..... II ~5~3>~'_OJI Ie, EXISTING TREESTO BE REMOVED : MP~,.I.,,;SapJ jJC:f't!C:$..........€A.~...........Ia€ ZoO ~.....-t. ReUt<06"'-:0",--_ GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION ·Minimwn n:quircmcnt&(or ~i ng:clcciduOU$trees •2 inch caliper coclifcrut.lS tre:lC::IIi -6 fCd in height shrubs -5 gall.... TYPEOR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL - OTHER LANDSCAPE PEA1lJRES(....niag wallL fenccs,lWimming pools,de.)P1_lp«ify.Indic:ol.top and bottom elevations ofn:tain1ng walla .MMiDV.Im bdgbt ofwalb within raaefl"ont letblck is 1 (eet.Maximum K1pr of' .mJs t:lscwhucOD dtc PCUllCrty is 6 feet. 1 1 /28/1997 14:38 9 70871 0077•AROUSTRU:TlF1E I;PAGE 83 UST or PROrosED MATEBIAU .IlUIl ow MATERIAlS:IYPEOfMAIEBIAL:COLOR;- - " - - __.0 ...... I"A.lJL __ kM-'ll!:~p. 1!:iCI'r;1'1'=&J-~!'Si~~,/h-ry,u. Nb.. k.lA.. -1'"''?l'1t..Jo,::.o,-_ __--,bJO;>O__ I,.JOOD Roof Sidlne Other Wall Makrials Fasc ia Soffit£ Windows Window Trim 000.. Ooc.wTrim Hand or ll<:cIl Rai Is FluCJ FI:W:Iinp '.CJ,lmncys Tnsh EncIDlU'" C""""...... ,. Rctainin;Walts Es.erior Lillbb.goo Other •P1eMC specify the ftJllJIUfJaurer'l color.nwnber and attaeh •,malt color chip -All exterior Iipting rDWIt meet the Town",Uahtina:Ordinance 11.S4.05O(J).If exteriar liDitina it~ pl....indicolclbc number ofll.....and 10C0Ii00I ...._lighting plan.Identify .....fix....type and pnlvidc the heiaht above pwde.lamc:ns output,tuminaua -m.Mel abdIa CUI:Ihcet of tile Jiptinc.fixtures.... P rojectNa me : ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Findell Residence Addition P roject De scription :Front e ntry ,ga rage ,bedroom a ddition w ith c hanges toth e exterior land scaping . Owner,AddressandPh one : Architect/Co ntact.Addre ss andPh one :Gregory Register,ArchistructureOne,P.O.Box 77 4304,35 5th Street,Steamhoat Springs,Co.,804 77 970 -871 -0074 P rojectSt reet Address : Legal D escription: P arcelNu mber: C omments : 1944 Sunburst Lot 21 ,:Vail Valley Third Filing B uildingNa me:Findell Residence Board /Staff Action M otion by : Se conded by : Vote:4-0 Bishop Hingst Action:Approved Co nditions:That the driveway configuration be amended prior to issuance ofa building penn it . That the miti~ation bermbefield approved by aGeologic Engineer prior to T.e.O. T hat the applicant add 10 more calip er inches of trees to the landscape plan to mitigate the tree removal. T O ,",TI Planner:George Ruther D ale :11/19/9 7 DRB FeeP re-Paid :so •• FAXTO:City ofVln 7j South Fronllgc Road Vail,CO AuguSt 11,1997 ,~ oJIP ' / RB:Notke of Remode1 illi 1944 A SlIllhum Drm:,Vail J' We have been promised blueprints of the referenced property,which we ha Dever received .Without the opponunity to n:view these blueprints,we object to any chang being made.I W.Ray ~/t ·X O V d a:!IU~Sn aN r J.J .INI1U H ;:O I INO"'L6 ,n -en v ,• nus ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUOLIC NOTICE • NOTICE IS HE REBV GIVEN that tlm Planning and Env ironmcnral C ommission v I llI(:Town 01 VAil willho ld a public h Ci'HI n(1 in accordance w ilh s ocnoo 18.6 G.060 o rlhn M unicipa l Code 01 III Town01Vail OIl Augusl 11.1997,812:00 P.M.inmoTown of Vail Municipal Bll ildinn .In co nsldcranon 01 : A request tor a variancefrumSect ion 18.13.060 (Sclbacksl .10 allow toranew residence 10 encroach illio the Ironl setback,located 81226 ForB s!Road/lot 11.BloCk 7.Vail Village lSI F iling . Applic3nl: Pl anner : J ohn Kmdict Lauren Walorton A mqucst Irn 250 square 100 1 of Addilional GRFA.10 allow lor thoInleriorconversion atan ox isl irlg crA wl space in to a homo oucc.loca ted 81 338 Aocklccigcu'l.ol 1.Block I,V ail Village 3m FIlin g.I Appli""nI: Planner: Bill a nd El oanor Si alicr T8111 1nic W.lliamson 1\mqun ut Ior n variance lmm Gncll on to .24.130,10 allow lo r 5 dwcllino unlts and a variance hmu Secliull I R.G!.uJ.lO.tu allow lor a purl;o"0 1 11 10 bllildillO 10 be ca untcvnrcd over p ari Ol lh IOO -VI.I/ooc l p l'llll.loe;tlcd ill 231 l.;u.1 Gu m Cmck OrivcJl-o t A.Dlock 5·B,Vail Vill ano First Hling ..' "'lljJII(;:1I11 : Ptntmur: I \;pi (ir;Llu:J l ,llll IlH ~r (,-ieu rgD Iill lh(~1 A request tor 250 square ICC I 01 A.cid ilional GRFf\..10 allow for a garago addilion wil h an l~lt pandud b edroom,bath and dock,located al 2550 Uald Mounlain Roadl Lot34.Bl oCk 2 ,Va V illage 13111 Filing . Appl icalll : Planner : Ron and Marilyn Wollard represented by stove RiCf en D irk Mason A request for 250 square teet 01 Addittonal GRFA,10 allowfor abedroomandbammom -eidilio n ,localcd at 1944A Sunburst Drivellol21A .Vail Valley H llng No.3. ~l i C8nl:Alvin andMary Ann Raw,repres ented by Mark Donaldson and Associates 'pianncr:Dill<Mason •~1 q _;;;.I.pS e.-. The applical ions and informat ion abeul theproposalsa re available torpubliC inspectionduring regu lar ol1ice hours i n theproject planner's officelocated at theTown0 1VailCommunity Devolopment Department,75South Franlage Road. S ign IangU agll int8l'p'liI tation avall.bIa upon ruqunl with 24 nou,noUhalioo.Pl ene ca D478·2114 voice 01479-2356 TDO for in for mation . Comrnunil)'Deve lopment [W paI1metll Published Ju ly 25.1997 In th_Vai Tra it 33 I a..ts nOHI ....,9 tQQ1 U .JH I lll.~Z '0 I(NOJ'f1 L6 .I ~Dnv Department of Com munity Devetopmem 75 S outh Frontage R oad wn ;Col orado 81657 970 -479 -2/38 FAX 970-4 79-2452 TOW NOFVA IL .,••f\lE COP~ ,. Jun cti .1997 G reg A msden U 135·1l La rkspur Lane Vai l.Co lo rad o 8 1657 RE :Lot21.Vail ValleySrd Filin'g D curG reg: Asreq uested.I have reviewedthe fi lefor Lo t 2 1.VailVa lley J rdFiling 10de termine thea mount o f ava ilab le G RFA.U pon review ing thefile.I W<JS u nable to d etermine theex ist ing GR FA . t her efore.I ca nnot acc ura tely provideyo uw iththe a mount of GRFA re maining fo r t he lot.if any . W hen a n a p plica tionis submitted fora ny G RFAex pan sionas tamped su rvey wi ll he required10 ve r ifyth e 101s ize .S ubsequently .Iw illou tlineth e allowableG RFAfor aprimary /sec ondaryun it ba se d o nthe Jot si ze indicated o n th e rcsubhvislon plat. A ss um ingth e lo ts ize is 2 1.911 s q uare fee l.the allo wable GR FA is ou tlin ed belo w fo r bo th th e p rimary a nd se co ndary u n it. G RFA C red its A llowable Total Add itional "2 50" Potentia l Total IQ1ll1 4.44 1 sq .fl. 850 sQ.Il. 5.291 sq .Il. 500 sQ.ft. 5.791 sq.Il. Prima e'(60 %) 2.665 sq .11 . 425 sQ .Il. 3.090 sq .n. 250 SQ.C. 3 .3 4O~.ft. SccomkllY (4 0%) 1.776 s q.11 . 425 sQ.Il. 2.201 sq.fl . 250 sQ .C. 2.451 sq .ft . S houldy ou choose to usctheadd itional 250 sq.ft .per unit ut ilizing the Additio na l GR FA o rdinanceaPl ann ing and EnvironmentalCo mm ission a p plicationfo r "Additional GRFA (25 0)" is nec essary.A De s ign R eview B oarda pp licatio n is requiredfora nyinterioror e xt erior addition usingt he allowable G RFA . ••r : jJ l ji, I am hopefulthat th e informat ion addressed inthi s lett e r \,,"i11 help y ou d et ermin e th e d evel opment pot ential for Lot2 1.Vail Vall ey3 rdFili ng .lf yc u h ave a nyqu es tion s.or if yo u ar cin need o f additi onal information.p lease do nOI hc..s irate 10 cal l.I canbe reached 3147 9-2128 . Yours trul y, P~:Pd_- D irkD .Ma s on Tow n Pla nner xc:D Oll Everett Mark Dona ldson (via fax) IN SLOT s:::l:l 04 5 08 PLANS NOTE -COPYOFPERMIT TO BEKEPT ONJOBS ITE AUG.1,1990 , CONSTRUCTION PERMIT':-0 ).. ~DATE . 1.ln.lal •PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OFCONST RUCTION I II 11 1 tv II department o f Cl 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP A BE HI RM BUILDING 20000 D IVISION 1 22,,34 z ELE CTRICAL 1 500TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPL0 GE NERAL D ESCRIPTION OfWORIC,:Ii PLU MBINGTYPEOFPERMIIENLARGELIVINGROOMTONORTH,MODIFY ~ ~< [l{}:BUILDING o PLUMBING KITCHEN TOPS ,ENTRY ,ADD GUT TERS.>M ECHA NICAL !XX ELE CTRICAL o FOUNDATION TOTA L 21 ,500oMECHANICAL01944SUNBURSTDR.TYPE GROUP GRF.A V ALUATION PERMIT FEES ~G A L -LOT ZL BLK V-N R-3 *B42 1,500 BUILDING P ERMIT 22 1 ~N-,ESC _FILING VAIL VAL.3RD FIllING PLAN C HEC K 110 "".l~ J OB NAME :WALLACE ADDIT ION elECTRICAL 44 OWN ER NAM E RAY WAL LACE NE W(I AlTERA TlONXXX ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR (I PLU MBING d# MAil AD DRESS 2525 STREMMANS F ,W Y ME CHANICAL ?fr QOWElLlNGUNITS__A,CCOt,l MO DATlONU NITS __ CITY DALLAS 2 14p1j31-U 4420 RECREATION F EE R4 X ,,-11HEIGHTINFT__NO FIREPLACES -- ARCHITECT FIRM DllANE PIP ER IN SULATION 'TVPE THICKNESS R.vALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD 2 5 ~BOX 5 560 FLOOR C LEAN·U f>O EPOSIT 100MAILADDRESS AVON PH.6 -7 07 4 EXT,'NAl lS NONE -U SE TA X sCITY BECK &ASSOCiATES ROOF GENER AL FIRM - 117 -A TY PE ELEC .G AS T OTAL PE RMITFEE S $5 13.00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.N O .O F TEL E.949 -1800 SOLAR WOOD 13,1990HEATMICHAELWHITAKERAUG. FIRM SHEARO~EL E CTRIC A D DITION ALP ERMITSN E EDED:BUlt.OING OFFIC IAL ------D Af[----- LE CTRICAL 1 21-E !."-INITIAl.BETSYROSOLACK AUG .15.1990 CO NTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL REG .N O.ST CUT X toN ING ADMINISTRATOR-----DATE---- TEl E.949 -6456 BLASTING X lzONING &BU IL D ING N OTES: f I RM PARKING PLUMBING X CONTRACTOR T OWN O f VAil REG .N O .DEMO V TELE . FIRM I hereb y a ckn owledget ha i I ha ve readthi s application ,f illed ou t in fullthe i nformationrequi r ed, ME CHAN I CAL c ompleted an ac curate p l otp lan ,an dstate t hata ll t he information provided as required i s correct.I CO NTRACTOR T OWNO F VAI LREGN O ag reeto c omp l ywi tht he i nfo rma t io nandpl ot p lan ,t oco mplyw ith a ll Town o rdinancesan dstate TE LE la ws .a ndto b uild t his st ructureaccord ing to t heTo wn 's z o ningand subdi visi on codes,de sign rev iew a pproved ,Un i form B u ild in gC o deand o ther o rdfS,nces of t he ~n a ppl i cable t hereto. OT HER FIRM CLEAN UP TO:/;-...J r. TOWNO FV AILREG .N O ........-"'----S IG Ni ~OE OF OWNER O R C ONT RACT OR FO A HI MSELF C O NT RAC TOR TElE.A NO T OWN ER. bz ,• 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2 139 P lan Review Basedo n t he 1 988Un iform Codes • o ffice of community eevetop ment PRO JE CT NUMBER:8 /1/90 ADDRESS:1 9 44 SUNBURST DR . VAIL,COLORADO OCCU PANCY:R-3 TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION :V-N NAM E:WALLACE REMODE L DATE:8 /13/90 CONTRACTOR:BECK &ASSOC. ARC HITECT:DUAN E PIPER ENG I NEER :NONE PLANS EXAMINER :MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONS REQUIRED 1.Ga sl i ne t od eck f or ba rbeque s ha ll be i nst all ed as p er UMC Ch.22.Gas o ut lets f or a b arbeque sha ll b e cont ro l led by a n approved ope rat ing va lve (shut -off)l oc ated in the s a me room butn ot more than 4'f rom outlets. 2 .Co ncrete steps to f ront e n try to be a sp er UBC 33 06 (max .8 U r is e,min.9"r un)withh andra il o n mi nimum one side a nd a guardra il i f drop to grade exceeds 30 11 • 3 .All e lectrica l wo rk t o b e comp leted as p er1 9 8 7 Nati onal Electrical Code . 4.Ex isting s l id ing doo r to be r eu sedmus tb e sa fe ty g lazed a s per UBC 5406 . 5 .Provid e fros t p rotecti on f or l ower level wall be ing extened out near ent ry . 6 .Transfe r bearing from r e pl acing ex i sting wa ll wa ll t of oundation. n ewGlu -l am or doub le o n 2 nd level t h rough l owe r mic ro-lam l e vel 7.Provi de vapor ba rri er for n ew extend ed f loo r a t a r ea be - twee n i nsulation and h eated area. ••• AUGUST 16,1990 BETSY ROSA LACK DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN Of VAIL VAIL.COLORADO 81657 RE :WALLACE RESIDENCE LOT 21 .VAIL VALLEY THIRD DEAR BETSY : PREVIOUSLY .YOU RECEIV ED A LETTER NOTING OUR AWARENESS THAT OUR HOME IS I NA GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIV E AR EA .WE fURTHER ACKNOWLEDGED HAVING READ A REPORT BY MR .LAMPIRIS . PLEASE fiND ENCLOSE D.A SUPP LEMENT LETT ER TOTH E ORIGINAL LAMPIRISREPOR T.WE HAV E READ AND UNDERSTAND THI S SUPPLEMEN T. SI NCERELY; .-Y'fWiu J.1y,L-b1JdllW-J RAY AND/OR MI~ONE WALLACE My Commi ssion Expires : .' l UtlA.- •Nicholas Lamplrls,Ph.D. CONSU LTING GE OLOGIST 0793VAl lEYROAD CA RBON DA LE,CO LORADO 81623 (303j963·3600 (24 H OURS) Or (,:\n F'c er".(.I'-,=hl tr.....to ::J r c-:::'=.·~U f_',''),'::0U 16:2'.' • HF Thi ettl'l i rs i rrt cncteeo to euo pl ement;my l£'>tte ....ot .f ulv 12th ~'lh)r-_h de-o t t;cn lv \'Jirll ,..-oc:kf."ll and debris Flm..;nez er-ds ,I C,f'>-'11"Ol1l ",(-"I'"nl pt-or onraptrs,th~t "it.i'!W':-'\">.1 o oe e i nt e r or-,:>nO".1 l:r e.ach ttli:;'!",3r 111 the eiven t or a V0"-Y lowfrAOUenCy of 'lee'-r enc e (l,'C\-~C'1 ave t anct'.e b~\t thE d is t enc e anti the ~'tl ~l~ial I 'cp c~ver will C~U5e spSQds to be ~low and h -r-ercr e :'I,P-eut i cv t.r on T discussed.i-f t mp i cmont eo anc-u i d '.J'fiC"lo. (t.bo--e cl.~~f ur-t hcr-quce.r t ona n l e.as.e .to net hpSl at e o-o c crrta-t;rne, Si nLETE"l V. w~ I~lctlola~Lamplris ,1.Jn!:.'>u1 t r nq Be-o i cc st •Ni cholas L amplrls,Ph,D , CONSULTIN G G EOLOG IST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE.COLORADO 8115 23 Jul '.'12,1990 Duane Piper ,Ar c hitect P .O .80:<5 560 Avo n CO 8 1620 •• - ~E :Ro ck fa ll Eva luation ,1 9 44 Sunbur st Dr .,Wall ace Remo del Dea rMr .Pi per: I v is ited th e home at th e a bo ve r ef e ~e n c e d a ddress at y our r equ est to eval uate the d ebris fl ow a nd r o ck f all potant ia l for the propos~u add iti on s to th e n o r th and sou th si des of the home .Th ese a re bot h i nterio r a n g les ne ar th ec e nter o f th e du plex .T h e a d di ti on o n th e uphi l ls id e of the dup le ~ wi ll be used f or a c lo set. My f indin gs ar e that one a ddi tion is on the side o f th e home whi ch i s awa y f rom b oth t he d ebris f low a nd r oc k f a ll h azard a s map p e df or th e Town of V.il in 1984 and ther ef or e will not - a f fec t t he ou t c om ~o f a n y ro ck fall or d eb r is flo~.Tha ot he r add ition i s faci ng u ph i ll and is in th e Me d ium Deb ris Flow Haz ard ;1 d o not be li e ve t hat t her [!is an y ro c k fa ll hazar d at t he ho mes it e. If i t i s d esi r e d t o miti gate th e Medi umDebris Fl ow Ha z ar d t his ca rl be d one with ab erm o r wa ll whi ch woul d be des ign ed t o de f lec t flows t o the wa st a roun d the ho mp..A n et uph ill ~e l i A f o f four f eet would be ~uff ic ien t .I wau ld b e ha ppy to workwith a c ivil en g i ne er o fy ourc h oi ce i nt he d es ign a nd " p lace me n t if t his o pt io n 1 s chosen . I n conc ru ar o h ,i t is my opini on th tit t hes o ut h a,dd ition i s rn a g eol ogi cal ly se~sit iv e area but th e deve lo pment does n ot incr ease th e hazard to o th er propert y or str uc t ur es .or t 2 pub l lC building~,rig h ts -of -wa y,r oad s,str eets.easemen t s, u t i lit i es o r fa cil ities o r o th er p r o per ties of a ny k ino .I f there a r e f urther Que st i on s pl ease do n ot h eS i tat e t o c o nt ac t me. • -• • ...' I Si nc e re ly , /}},;T:/~'~~. Ni ch ol as L ampiris ~o n su lt ing Geologi st "'"","...",;)'..:,... -- '"••Project Application \ ContactPerson andPh one uu~/ 70 7 'I Ad ./([.A rch itect ,Address and Phone:-f'--l.--,t-L,.L----------------------- Z t •Zone _ Co mments :_ Design Review Board M otion by:!£A ~r()J1 APPROVAL Dale _ D ISAPPROVAL Summary :---~'--;----r---------c,--------.------------- Date : To w nPl anne r7/1 1 /<1 a o Staff Approval e., Minyone Wallace 50 35 Lake hill Co urt Da llas,Texas 752 20 J uly 2 5,19 90 Be t sy Ro s olack Dep t .o f Commu nit yDeve lopmen t Town of Va il Colorado Re:Wa l lace Residence Lot 21 ,Vail Val ley Th i rd Dear Betsy : I a m aware t h at t he ab o ve mention ed property i s in a -ge ol ogical ly s ens it ive area .- I h ave read and u nders t a nd the acc o mpany i ng repor t d one by Mr. Lamp i r is .dated J uly 1 2,1 99 0. Sincerely ,..W~ M inyO ~ STAT E O F TEX.'\S ______COUNT Y I )55 . ) The ,lI d : My fOrCgO i ~;1trumc nt was acknowledged bef orp me th is day of :,1990 ,by ~<k'7eU al<t "z"-,,e <,(J c ommi s si.on exp ires :9 3(".-9 .2../ Notary Publ i~ Witne ss my hand and off ic ia l seal. /j'''--..4 '/':;,,y,If-L £"1'c-c-ee-c» ..,. hlUl APPLICA'nOIl DATi APPLICATION REC~IVED: DATE OF DR8 MEETING' R£I:D J c ~02 1990 :::I v..~11',/38 6 ··.·.TRIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTEO ••••• I .PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGI A pr~-app11cat10n ~eetinq with a planning .taff member i. otrongly &ugqQ.te~to ~etermine if any additional information is needed.No A~11kati9n y111 be a~,~ Mnl~.~nt~gi:;~~;~~§(~9§~-io~lyd.~ll-jt~s-JC~red b~~'L ~t"'>::l..It 1&tha applicant'& resp onsibility to make an appointment with the Gtaff to tind out about additional sUbmittal requirements.Please not. that a CONPLSTE application will streamline the approval process for your prc~eet ~y d~creasin9 the number of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulats,ALL conditions of approval must b.rs&olVed before a building perm It 1s issued.Application will not b~procs.sed without Owner's siqnatur . A PROJECT DESCRIPTION:.~~•~.p«- .'.... LOCATION O~'PROPOSAL I tJ Address _\~~5J e~*"t "",,~It(=.s-__ Legal Description Lot ~Bl0 SUbdiVision~~~Zoning .s:.~'Mi~-:--:-::-_ NAME OF APPLICANT:IN J:!.aUiM Addn ..:0 ~j..L-~7'2'Ci-:-:;;r:;:c.\~,_~"1~1&Q~_ N~~E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address,~~~~~~~O~~~ Phone ~5 .'349.·1~ O. C. B. E .NAXE OF OWNERS I _~1L';.o;+-~..I ~SIGNATQJU:(S)I Na il in\!I\ddraU'....olU"""'~=~~~::~i!~t!~~~~~~~'1"'''''------ F.Condomi iurn Approval if applicable G.ORB FEE Thf-!pc will b.p~id ~~the time a bui'~iOg ~.,m1t i s Hid f2Ls YAVJbTl°..ll $0-$10,000e10,001 -e 50,000 f 50,001 -.150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 5500,001 -Sl,OOO,OOO f Over $1,000,000 ill $10.00 $26.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300,00 R) ~-'-:::::::.;;;0 _ ••I LIST OFMATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:WP~~E;'t....",-__~_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT;k.1 .BLOCK _SUBDIVISION Y~...J. STREET ADDRESS:_--.:~SIlN ~\.9t-!Jll-1..sE-L.-_ The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding other Wall Materials TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR ......• signer:Name of DeLANDSCAPING: Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. Phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name COmmOD Name Ouantity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches,Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. ,•• PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Comm on Name Quantity S ize* PROPOSED S HR UBS EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REM OVED .Indicate size of proposed shrubs .Minimum s ize of shrubs is 5g allon . Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION T YPEOR METHOD OF __ EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify .Indicate hei ghts of reta ining walls .Maximum height of walls within the front setba ck i s 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere o n the prope rty is 6 fee t. •I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS Proposed / Allowed £.".".I DATE:"."''=--~~~LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot w::2....l.,Block _Filing ADDRESS:=~~TE~!b~....:~g~~~,~__ ZONE DI~~~~1 PROPOSEDUSE ~ LOT SIZE I~~~'plStt 6iJ1.9. Height Total GRFA (30)~ L 3 (.1 1 Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front 20' Sides 15' Rear 15' Water Course (30)(5 0) Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wal l He i ghts Parking Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock storage (300)(60 0) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) Avalanche Drive:Slope Permitted Slope Actual _ Environmental/Hazards: Flood Plain _ Slope ,-__ Geologic Zoning:Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature •INSPECTION'S COMPLETED • The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. D Please check off in the box provided. F INAL PLUMB ING o DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE : 0 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: cY FINAL ELECTRICAL,m,\1\\)DATE:~ U ,\ FI NAL BUILDING EAST SIDE : RESID.NAME: WEST SIDE: D DATE: TEMP ORARY COF0 DATE: D LANDSCAPING DUE ~CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY DATE :7)-cQ -P DATE: FILE ,.- PM_____A MREADYFORINSPECTION: L OC ATION :__I 0)Lj_Lj..l-~"'--!C"""-'''--'-''--J._ y ")0 <g INSP eTION REQUEST"'P E"'R"'M""I~T N UMBER OF PROJEC T TOWN OFVA IL D ATE __q.lJ!j JOB NAM E t ),~ CALLER £::l.rrjc...'i\~s ()~ MON TUE S ~T HUR FRI 5 u t\'cu I""T BUILDING:PLUMBING: oFOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND oFOUND ATION /STEEL o ROU GH I D .W.V. :::P<F AAM ING oROUGH /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING ~N S U L A TION o POOL /H .TU B oSHE ETRO CK NAIL 0 0 (0 \ o m l f.L o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: oTEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH oEXHAU ST HOODS o C ONDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 I 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~ ~P P R O VE D CO RRECTIONS: oDI SAPPROVED o REINSPECT IONREQUIRED -----------------------------, DAT E 9-~·7~INS PECTOR ~c PM •INSlcTION REQUEST;.. T OWNO F VA IL I NAME ~fNV •. CAL LER \;:y<.le '1 j\:,,,OC:: MON T UESWEDTH UR B S!.",j""",,\-.do, IN SPECT ION : \C\\..\L\• READYFOR L OCATION._--l.-:'+---'--::L_=..L:~"--"""'''='''-~ PERMI T NUM rR OF PROJECT DAT E OJ to JO B BUILDING:PLUMBI NG: o FOO TI NGS /STEEL o U NDERGR OUND o FOUN DAT ION /ST EEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER ~~A S PIPING --;>A'£)7 ./o PLYWO OD NAILING opaoLI H.TUB 7"A.~/7 A.'//o IN SUL ATION /~,/ o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EX HAU ST H OODS o CONDUIT ,o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o F INA L ~:P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRE D CORRECT ION S: 9-7-;90,INSPECTOR ~_ ..-.•-• ~CJJl I INSP eTION REQUEST PERMI NAM E \~~R TOWNOF VAIL • ~ , D ATE JOB ~\'s5'1\~CALLER \@READYFORINSPE~.~~D~UR AMPM L OCATION : BUILDING:PLUMBING:• •o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POO LI H .T UB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FI NAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HE A TING~OU G H ~~~.Q )o EXHA UST HOODS CO NDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ~A PP R O VE ~~ CO RRECT IO NS: o D ISAPPRO V ED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE _"-_~__L.."'--_ ,INS PECTOR ~,~l --y •.....-.-.....,- PERMIT NUMBEIf6F PROJ ECT DATE 'a !'(.f tC JO B !I ~II -9f) • N AME _-J'-"--=-=~'!-t"--""<-=""'-=""""""-----_ PM_____A MMONTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: L O CATI ON :_ BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEE L o ROUG H l OW-V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER ROO F &S HEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICA L:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS c CONDU IT o S UPPLYAIR 0 ;";"<,-(TQ..t2;<-0 .o FINAL o F INAL .rA PPROVED -t:l CO RRECTIO NS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..• INS PECTOR _4 ;;!f .:.At)~//-9'0,DATE ~,L----''-'--L-'''-----=- - •INS eTION REQUEST ~QQat.Q C1 &xi:0WNOF VAIL ·• CA LLER $1 (c;;:3§sa y s=o3 P='E"'R"M 7' T N UM:Er :PRO J EC T D ATE 11a<)JOB NA ME -='-=""""''''-<.;'-''''=''-~''''-'-~*_~_ I , REA DYFOR '~S~E~TyON S ~~~"~~~WEg)THU R FRI AM PM L O ~\Tl ON ::"'\\'~-, BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGRO U ND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I O W .V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOLI H .TU B o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o C ONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 lj('Fi NAL o FINAL i(APPROVED ~t:o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIONREQU IRED C ORRECTIONS: - -DA TE _'-----'=--=-_-'---"''-_ ,. eTION REQUEST TOWN OF V AIL ·'_" INS \)0~-.A.S::~..\l.-L,~~~~__NAME PERMITNU MBERO F PROJ ECT DA TE ,",-~-~\)JOB TH UR _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TING S /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUN DATIO N /STEEL o R OUGH I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L /H .TU B o SHEET ROCK N AIL 0 0 0 ., 'Ii}'NA L '0 *Q o FINA L LECTAICAL:MECHANICAL:, o TEMP.POW ER o HE ATIN G o ROU GH -f\o EXHA UST HOODS i o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL o REINSPECTIONREOUIRED,9f-APPROVED 0 D ISAPPRO VED CO RRECTIONS :~-=14 ~~'------------- f-z f -90 Project Application Oa'.I ?v.,.,I "l.2 (,:.lit U t?uNl• thb<"- -a C ontac1 Person and Phone .....::~'"',."'''''-Lr__''-'-_'--''==~~.2..!..1=.-=--2:?-'''-"---_ ,Sr.!/Tt O wner ,A ddress a nd Ph one :~5,-,"'=M,,-.-,,,,,,-,,,,..<,,,,"_~=='-....._J...,"'-'''T_2...:L.<:..2.---'~_2....!~~~U:-z..!... Ar chitec t.Add ress a nd Ph o ne :..J.4"""I,-TL!!.'~"""'''''------'(~~~'_1La.nL2---,r-j...:.L--""~"""r..4.£;~L_e...!....__ Bl ock F ili ng II,#,J.LegalDe sc ript ion:l ot ;J C omments:t2t?J.J t ""II {"Itt·,.Jr.,,! 30 ' r!;l.U r 1,/,}J..J IT TO L(J'<'S r •Z one _ Design Review Board Date Moli o n by : Second edby :_ APP ROVA L DISAPPROVAL I}:f'I'lO-Oll "Jr:..5<.0\;-.~cr TO Bu ILLJ /,<,(, t2CC'no 7"H I"t-fL Rt;'11.c O.!,I-4A L0 rr d~ ,.~t a ff Approval Date :_ -~,- town of val 75 s outh fron tage rd. van,colorado 61657 (303)476 ·7000 Janu ary 7.1982 Ga ry Lundberg San dp iper Homes ,Inc. 59 75 S.Syracuse St. Eng le wo od .Col orado80111 • department of co mmunitydeve lopment DearGary: Thi s le tt er i st o i nform y ou t hatin accordancewith Sec tion 18.04.130 of t he Town ofVail Mun i cipal Cod e th e cr awl s paces l ocate d within t he As pen Gr ove Du plex und erconst ru cti onon l ot 21.Vail Val le y T h i r ~fi l ing.must beconst ructedso ast o hav e a ce il;09 he;ghtofl ess th an6 16 ".Any area s witha ce il i 09 heig ht gre ater th an6 16"will beco untedas Gr oss Re sidenti al Floor Areaandthe in clusi on of the se areas l abeled on thedraw ings as cr awl spacesas hgbitabl e area wou ld putthe bu ild ing over its ma ximum allowab l es quare footage . If y ou have any qu e sti on s pl easec ontact me. S in.c~e ~\.~fi~ Peter J amar Town Pl ann er PJ :df AD G ENG INEER.,INC . CO NSULTI NG ENG I NEERS 8 LA ND SURVEYORS 730 W.HA MPDEN AVE .,SUITE 3 00 ENG LEWOOD,COL ORADOBO liO PH ONE:(303 )7 61-514 2 • M.y18 ,1982 , Sa ndp iper Homes,Inc . 5975SouthSy r.cu s .Street Suite707 Englewo od,Co lordo 80111 A TT ~:Morey ••wy er RE :Asp -,Grove Dupl ex Va il ,Colora do Dec ].Support Co 1umns Gentl ernen: Thedec k support columns were d e s;gn~d fo rdead l oad a nd 60pSf l ive 10ad on decksand 3"£I sta nda rd pip e c olum ns we re sel e cted. Th et el e -po stsa s placed arecapable of supporti ngt hemaximum c alcu lated l oad of 13000 1b s .;howeve r,t he 3"0 pi peco 1umns wit h the we 1d ed Up1.t eand bo1t s at theto p were detai led t o supp ort thebeam a ga instrot at ion .Thet e le-p osts wi thth ethr eaded roda tt he t opdo not provide thi s res trai nt a nd we would r eco rrrn end t hat knee.-aces bepr ov i ded 'to th etoo ft he i e a rt ion of t he -te l e -os ts f o 1 r e str al nt.or so ,p'pe c ol umn s witht heconnect ion pl atese provided .1 -• ~: HlIG/j w ENGINEEAtG,I NC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS a LAND SURVEY ORS 730 W.HAMPDEN AVE.,SU ITE 300 E NGLEWOOD,COLORADO 80110 PHONE :(303)761 -5 142 May 1 9,1982 Sandpiper Homes,Inc . 5975 Sout h Syrac use Stre et Su ite 707 Englewood,Co lorado 801 11 ATTN :l~r e y Sawyer RE :~Aspen Groye Dup lex -Vail ,Colorado Roof Beams and Ties Gentlemen: ,• This l etter ;s to certify tha t theroofbeams and tie rodsf or referenced proj ect were analysed and designed t othe fol lowing c ri te ria: 1.Roofs nowl oad 75 psf with noi ncrease of a llowable stresses for short du rat ion (100%). 2 .The system was de signed ast wo (2)inte rs ect i ng tied 3-hinge a rches with tie rodss ized forthe dead and li veload forces at a stress o f 24000 psite nsion. 3.Roo f dead lo adso f 20 psf we rein cludedand eaves we re designed for ana dded 80 poundsper l in.f oot i ce l oad. 4 .The gluedla minated beams wer e sized on t hebas i s of 2400f combi nation mate rialf or combined bending and ax iall oads. HH G/jw ,"..'. ..••FIELD ORDER I TBCT /A .I.A . PROl lc;r:Aspen Grove Duplex Lot 21,Vail Va lley,3rd Filing Vail,Colorado OWNE R:Sandpi per Homes.Inc. 5975 South Syracuse Stre et Engl ewood,Colorado 8 0111 TO (Co ntractor) Sandpiper Homes,Inc. 5975 South Syracuse Street Englewood,Colorado 801 11 DATE O FORDER :January 13 .1982 ARCH ITECT 'S PROJECT NO:SAN/810306 C ONTRACT FOR :N/A CONTRA CT DATE :N/A N UMBER OFORDER :ONE You are berebv d irected t o ex ecute p romplly thi !>FieldO rder w hichi nterp rets th e Co ntract Doc uments o r o rdt>fi mi nor changes inthe Work wi th out change in Conlract Sum o r Contract Tlme. If yo u co nSId e rth at a cha nge inCo ntract Sum o r Contract T ime is re qu ired.ple ase submi1 yo ur itf.'miz C"::I p roposalt o th e Archil ff1 i mmediatelyandbeforeproce edingw ith th is Wo rk .If yo urpr oposalis found t o be satisf.clt>,y and i np roper o rdf".thi s Fif'ld O rder will in I hal even t be superse ded by a C hange Ord!"r. De scription: Install ridge beam metal boot plates and tension rod assemblies as indicated p er the attached Field Order drawings.Refer to sheet A-9 Deta ils and 5-4 Framing Plan/Roof for supplemental information. Attachments : Field Order Drawing s :F.O .1-5AN /8103 06 F .O.1-SAN /8I03 06 Drawing No .1 -Drawing No.2 cc :Gary Lundb erg,Sandpiper Homes.Inc . Herb Greenwald.Cae .VanLoo &J as chkeEngineering.Inc. • ()--.. ,1 "'til 'l1~.,,';;...-2:' 0 ,••~ ~~~~ b...U.-':'0-.;. z::: ~.... .n.- t./'..: -s;>, "~~ ~~t..r••~.•~"r-,.. ~•.~e " l a,'I.11"'.t'l.(~~~ ,r..1.111."~,-.'1"'"(11111.)=CTY r.i 1HAMu-~1'\@ ~I tXfE ~/tll s I'~ea" I ........----::1/..·1 ~"'r1lI1l"1'41 ,::.".~,.'"frtOl".:J'.I....•...111 ~.~1'1',.,,, -,CT'1'f" reM SIon r~.A TE 1'/&1 1 11 II.Oil i 1"_°Le , ~L ~V.• ".. /'"'-.,11''''"r""r~"'/":.I'I l'G ~H ,:,,:,¥~."1.<>1l6- !!9"'~cr .~.""1) '<n1 rI ~N".I'11 ~J-\,I re&I<t: , -.'. • • c ~<••-oj•r••( ,,: ,0 ,,,",' a :, ><1LI. ~l::=Q~.. '"C . ~"<,-. ~~~n'J,.A'i I"r ,'."""•• / ! :r: .;. 41SEC1!O~ 1 e :a.I ~lion:. _..:I/fST..LL.;~If -I"-=C'rLolTW ~1~f1"If us. c .::,'or "fl._~, :";..-&>"1"0'11'"''''" r e ._.~r £.".lIf ",:..~""'I"'/I6"&iW'1",,'fl.4TWS ... I" I .. " /.+•~: .-... • _._..-.....,-, ~~I -.'.-:-'..'"..-~~N ~e.-=t•'"....1._01 ...."""'IC•~~pw.t .•1'....I,'PWIt"•....•• ~...,.~~:.____."".1 ..''''n ~Till.;fl4IP NlI::n_<l •.• • INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL d HSiC>FRI /J A M @ 4."/.·4 c«:. TU ESW ED /tTV'" MO N VUt "..---• ~-'2-1_fc JO B N A M E ---L.'f,>!l¥e~-""",-~-~~~,"~~=-_ CALLER ----=:=2:::;:;;---------------=:::: D ATE R EADY FORI NSPECT ION: L OCA TION ;--<'"#'71 BUILDING;PLUMB ING : o FOO TING S I STEE L o U NDERGRO U ND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WA TER o I NSULATION o GASPIPI NGIXSHEETROCKNAILoPOOLIH.T UB 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ELE CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXH AUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SUPP L Y A IR 0 0 o F INA L o FI NAL fI'&!6 "~,,~'JfJf('"ft c Ufto.v.v PRV E r ISAPP ROV ED ~EJ N S P E C T I O N REQU IRED C ORRECT IO N S; _;'4.......d I}{=-..M I - •,) INSPECTOR ~~ / A a: 'ATE -'1--==...."--'=-"-'=----- •.. _____AM @ ~N SP E C T I O N REQUEST~~~O W N O F VAIL JO BN AME ~a"'~::;~4'-""'----"'t)'<1LJ<=~=¥e::...:_ CA LLER ...,... T S WEDTHURFRIREADYFOR LOC ATION :fj~f----'~~~;U;~.L,.~..:...._:_---.::::::::: • BUILDING:PLU MBING : o FOO TING S I STE EL o UNDERGROUND • P FO UNDATI O N I S";t o RO UGH I D WV. o ROUGH I WA TER~FRAM ING v'1!!{ \ o INSULAT ION o GASPIPING o S HEETROCK NAI L o POO L I H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OOOS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 o jJ)lAL o FI NAL ?9' :rf'APPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED ~E I N S PE CT I O N REQU IRED ~"CO RRECT IONS: • ,------------------------------- DATE _~-'---_I NSP E C T O ~~ -,.......,....., •.. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /.-7 r 12'-&;o.<!-<,2 ..;v:/'~/ CA LLER 127=-E /r c :'::::., j'-.2 b -!L JOBNA M E --.L::z....r==-Lj'.Jc<""-J'='--~,:z'.7'!';<:'--:...._---DATE PM_____A MFRIMONTUESWEDTHUR "£01 &4 <•.,I A;•.V ~ IN SPECTI O N : ;9''1'7' READY FO R LOCATION:-L:;'---'-"'-----v,.LJ""""'--£:.=-'-'-'='----,-<=~-------------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEE L o UND ERGROUND o FOU NDA TION I STEEL o RO UGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER o IN SULATION o GA S PI PING o SHEETROCK NA IL o POO L I H .T UB 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING /h ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o COND UIT n SU PPLY A IR 0 .0 o FJI"AL o FI NAL V APPROVED o D ISAPPRO VED o REI NSPECTIONREQ UIRED COR RECT IO NS : L7 • DA TE -.L'-"--;ft---4--''-----I NSPECTOR ~~ /</' -,......."...., .-... T HUR FRI Qr'L... INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN OF VAIL .4SPI5~GI'2-VV t:OU&f-.X CA LLER ~=------------ MON TUE S <WEi?) SYN /3';12,S T 1'2.}?-b I S2J OB N AME --...:...!.=--:.....--'---':::..-_-=:.=-----...M.~'__'::=,.L~­ I IDATE READY FORINSP ECTIO N : LOCAT ION :Ie,41-/ COR RECTION S. +- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STEE L o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL ¥ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAM ING ~R O U G H I WAT ER o I NSULATION )(GAS P IPING f'1l.c.SSv/2..f;;Tt-trr . o SHE ETROCK NA IL o POO L I H .T UB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HE ATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUP PLY AIR 0 0 D .f1NAL o F INAL §ifAP PROV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIR ED . ._---------------------------------- • DAT E /-ZZ-H /..._....,.-, .....-_.•.r.,_ DATE -L-L-~-=Y--- •••• eTION REQUEST T O WN O F VA IL CA L L ER --===""".=_ R EADYFOR I NSPECTION,~TU ESW ED T H U R FRI L OCATION,_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS /ST EEL o U N D ERGROU N D o FOUNDA TI ON /ST EEL o ROUG H /D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER o IN SULAT ION o G AS PI PING o SHEETROCKNA IL o POOL /H .TUB lA_44J 0 o F INAL o FI NA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P,PO W ER o HEAT ING o RO UGH o EXHA UST HOODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o ~J!A L /7 o FINA L ~~. D r"II V ' ..........yi. I N S PE C T O R~~=D ATE .,l,I.~.,,<...;=-4-'------- •.--------------;-:--+------:;r------ •.., INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN OF VAIL sc",,!n .:.L J AS",,-C'efI,e ,Z;I .()f' • I /))1 IV J OB N A ME -----"-"'~~'-'-T'~~~~~=~T 'C A LLER D ATE r'r-- lU ES W ED T HU FAI A M ..f...M...... I q "'I 'It 11 k u -rr:.c ff ]"uI MONINSPECTION: A I CS~_.L.-L-"-f----'--U-LL~=.J....__-----"~----"'-----'-'L READYFOR L OCATION , I BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL r:f UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL C ROUGH I D.W.V. I • o FRAM ING fl-ROOGR }WAI ER - o I NSULATION o GAS PIPING o SH EETROCK N AIL o POO L /H,TU B 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POWER o HE ATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OODS , o CO ND U IT o S UPP LY A IR 0 0 Io;~o FI NAL /~A P P R O V E D o DI SAPPROVED o REI NSPECTION REQUIRED/ CO RRECTION S: ._---------------------------------- 7 DAT E -'--'---''--''-''--'--_INSP ECTOR ,->~~« --,.- ·.. INSPECTION REQUEST /7:;N OF VA ILc:q.,....~lh_pJOBNAME-'-'=I""'''''''''----'''''<!-'''''''''''---'LGJ.~:L..---------DATE FRI CA LLER ---=-_ READ Y FOR IN SPECT ION :MON ~W E D THUR LOCATION :G/l/A5£5 ,L th-'cL 4,a BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO.OT ING S /STEEL o UNDERG ROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. a FRA MING o ROUG H /WAT ER o IN SULATION a GAS PIPING [)(SHEETROCK NAIL &J ...,--k,;,;:~o POOL /H .TUB a 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HO ODS o COND UIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 O....F)NAL o FI NAL %PPRO VED o DISAPPRO VED a REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED C ORRECTIONS: DATE d-7 7-f,-INS PECTOR (~~< / ..........,..." ••• W ED THURFRI___7/ (';/n.- INS d¥t'k '.ILraA e_ CA LLER ----------.---:;c------;o-,- ",MON fA/..'" o REIN SPECTIONREQU IREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMB ING: o FO OTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH l OW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PI PING~i P L Y W OO D NAILIN G - d INSULATION o POOL I H.TU B, o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HO ODS o CON DUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L.. / +0:APP ROVED CO RRECTIONS: •-------------------- {/ 8·24·81.•-,'....\CONSTRUCTION PERMITtln~D ATE PROJ ECT NO.[,r,7 q 0. I tl lIIlV ft PERUIT NO. I .TV PE OFCONSTRUCTI ON d epa rtment o f co mmunity d evelop ment 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH leJW BUI LDiNG 272 000• TYPE OF PER MIT'''-¥DI VISION I 2 2t94 Z ElEC TRICAL 9.5002•GENERALD ESCRIPTIONOF WORK :PLUMBING 14.100 []BUILDING []PLUMBING new du pl ex ~ ~•9 ,500[]ELE CTRICAL o FOUNDA TION ONLY >MECHANICAl n MECHANICAL n LEGAL LOT 21 BL"TYPE GRO UP SOFT.VAL UATION PERMIT FEES DESC FILING Von v ,.V R-3 -339tr 272 000 B UILD ING PERM IT "",nn OBNAME :Aspen Gro ve Duplex 3~'6 PLANCHECK 431.50 OWNER NAM E ELECT RICA L 83 on MAILADORESS PLUMBING 150 .00. CITV PH NEW,)AL TERATION I )AD DlTJ ONAlI 1 R EP....IR(I MECHANICAL ,nn nn ARCHITECT FIRM DWEL LING UNITS _",CCOMMQOATION UN ITS RECREATIO N FEE 5nq7n Fl'iP M AILADDRESS GR FA ~EDROOMS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100.00 -I-In~CITY PH COMMEBCIAlSYST __RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 200.00 -N FIRM Sa nd piperHome s.I nc.H EIGHT IN FT .__BATHTUB /SHOWER <:(' GENERA L <.J OO CONTRACTOR M AIL AD DRESS N O FIREPLACES __NO.TO ILETS TOTAL PERM'T)'EllS ~2 43 7 ,20 J C,,,PH COVERED PARK ING __U NCOVERE D PARI(ING ~~!i~F ~~-~«¢;---FIRM LE CTRI CAl NTRA CTOR MAll ADDRESS I N SUL ATI ON --------- eny PH OH ING AO "'I ""5TS"Y08 DA TE TYPE THICKNESS a ·VAlUE fIR M FLOOR no ..Q "D_'"ON INGNOTES: PLUMBING M AIL AD pBESS H .,nnl v-.<.,gf,InCONTRACTOREXT-WAl lS 8att 5~1l R-19 ""y P"ROOF Batt9"R-30 ",..."A U ,.I,I"•.•R~J .~.~..I~ V •r ID -X ·f IRM HEATMECHANICAL CO NTRACTOR M AilApDRESS n ee .XGAS: l ctrv PH I H1:"E II"",C:kNUII"LU>t;1"THA T I H ...\'.' SOLAR :WOO D:R t ,A D Till S ""rL l e ....T IOS "SD 5T An 'nUT Tin OT HER FJR M ....U v I l ~C flR'UC l ",)lin ...t;M£'TU t·o "".\' VAIL WATER &SAN.O'ST TAP fEE ...n .."'I.LT ......"""01 ....."("[5 ASO ~T ..T.- MAIL AOORE SS L~7 "7!7l;;S ~T M IT l lll"SPE CIAL JltO TE SCONTRACTORCITYPH _...-.r....., I ,,,."'", / Projec t Application P,ojeclName flsl'L,)G,A'u£tJrlI'JC1' Pro ject Description :II Eo V IJtI f'I e )I C ontact PersonandPhon e C;AA Y If.J.II P P ~#If J., • Date 1&Oc T C;;' "I'~.?~C.I "., '0"-)e~7 5"'92,-S.5 y",.Co'''''ST. ??t>7".3''',/0 I Owner,Address andPhone :5t9 1!41!?;I'/~It(fI"iHll ,, E:~/;I"CW"'I?C,zJ"~d 1/1, A rch itect,Addressa ndPh one:_ ,,,,(!? J •Z one _ Comments:C.P.A,.,}A ~i o ltd TGA"f..{ DesignReview Board Da te _ M otion by: Seconded by :_ APP ROVAL DI SA P PROVA L S ummary:_ Stafl A pprov al D ale: /0/11 Ii;'""e< •III Il lB2 .__ Add re ss rO Jl c r ~)'Own e r .!;:c.,,1,~~ii".~;;il Si glwtU TC._~~~~~~~c..'"•"-~-~-A tJ f}"l p e ¥'Homes .-I n cc-:-.-- Add r -c ss_795LJ"''---''!!!I!=~oQd Aye nue -Suite 200 i Eng l ewooa .,.co.l'hon c 770-7030 SDIIl A.Name of Appl I cn n t S~~_~~-.l.tt=....H ~",t.-:l ~~~_ Add r ess l 'i SI G M ~~k~90.0 ,4_~_5....;-4_~ r;~S<'"","oof!,Cv fC>1I 1 B.Name o f Appl Jcunt '5 Rcp t-cs c nt at J vo g 5~l-._L ......~.~~~ l0 ~-c .bl,;>db s,,~1,,-&,,-ll J),,£.r !:,Phon e '+7(,~7 S(,I \J~,I ,Co t>lbS7 c .Aut ho r i z ut J o.r o f D.Locati ou of Propc s n l Lot 21 Bfock Fi J ing \1 ~'\__'J ~\I "-y R ~Jl ~,I.~5- ".Fc c $100 F .Type o f Su bd ivi si on :(che ck one) ~lajor {tnvo l v in g mo re than 4 l ol.=-» Niner (i nv ol v in g 4 or Fewer J ot !'» X Dup l cx (split tj ng a dupl ex s truct ur e a nd/or l o t) G.Proccdu res f or major a nd mi no r s ubd i vLsi ous are a s def ined i ll t he Towu of V:l i j Subdl v i s i on Rc gu la t I o ns o n pag es ~)t.h ro ugh 2 0. II .nup l e x subd i.vi s Jon rcqo l r -cs t.hc ;,3nJC in f o rma t i.on :1:-n mi no r su bd i v l s i on wl th th c rcqu l rcncnt t hn t th eFcI l o wi n r;s t u t cmcn t mu s t n ppcnr o n th e pi n t h cI ruc-rcc cI vin g TO\\'Jl o f Va i]a pp r ova L: L F 01'z on l n g o r ot.h c r l a nd-us crc-gu I n rJons of th e '1\J\':n of Vail ,t il t't wo p .n-ccl s c rca t c d by t h is su bdi v i s l ou ;I)'C dt'C'J::ed t o be-OIH'lo t.No more t h .m om-\\;\1.1 :1 1.1 :"]:, r-c s i d oncc :-;h:1 11 lit,a t tovcd on t he cr ucb iu c d are a s of t he tco parccl -,.:\11 ..n ,',II']t.' Gnl s s Rcsi d cn t ia I l-J o m -An'a «(;I ~F :\)For till'two-Tnmi 1)'rc s id cnc c s!1.I 11 bv c nl cu l u t c d \I :;i ll ~:tlu -combi nod arcn (If th e t wo p.u-cc l s . ,I .Ti l llt "Il cl\lI i J"I'r!I,.'llt s :~:I.i O l'an d eiuor sub.ti v l s i ons mos t h e app r -o ved b y I I\('l 'I;:l\11 1l)!; nIH!I:l w i,"\)Ill:Il :11LI I C(I!:lI,li s -;l o u •T hl'l'H:nv-c-t s u n 11,.,.~Il d ;IllII -l th ~ll ;ll d ,.y ";or 1'.i 'l. mout h ••\11 ;l ppl ic:ll j"ll wlth till'lltX{'S:,:ll'y :1l't'om p:l1Iyilll:mu rrl n I lll ll :-;t l<l ','~Ui IJ;:l t l l',J f o ur (,1)wcck s pri ui-to 1 It t'<I ;11t'or i h ~::,I'('l i n t.:, II..1\\ lo wn of vail '1,1 box 100 vail,cclcradc 8 1657 (30 3)476 ·56 13 J ulyB,19B1 Gary Lu ndberq Sa ndp iper Home s.Inc. 59 75 S.SyracuseSt .•Suite 107 Engl ewood ,Co lorado BOll I departme ntof communityd evelopment RE:ORB Submitta l of7/1 /B 1 Lo t21 ,Va il Va lley 3rd Dea r Ga ry: AttheJuly1 mee ti ng ofthe DesignReview Boar d.yoursubmi tta l fo r a new dupl e~was given final approva l wi tht he fo ll owing stipulati ons:use two se pa ratedriv eways and submit rev ised site planto staff,eliminate pon derosa pine from landscape list an d s ubs titutewithother mat erials .Ap prova l was forapri mary/seco ndary res idencewithat ota l GR FA of_s q.f t.:2037 sq.f t,pri mary and ~sq.f t.se conda ry.~?if ,(oW Sin cr:;1]_',-<-""7 1'1 Peter Jama r Town Planner PJ:d f ProjectApplication 0.'.1 ,-tld,;1/' '0,-?n ·1 t?v6'--· II J.I!ut?&UG Pr oject Nam e:1),t?Ed r;JltI;L• Proj ect De scription :_-,A.!=~,""V:-_J<JLL=-"---_ Contact Person and Phone -'"Q2/;II"'A'-'i'-----JJ.'--------!'~fLI,=;U1:!<t.....:LL.£_"___2.5.::L.'__J!!i!.~_ 'In -I/?(,1 Jpe [9'~.s;S y"e"g".,, ~t?/Il sT., =T U ,;LAr~s sI."Ar chitect.Address an dP hon e :-'/f~!~l~":1"~~L____...!:..!jld:!'L!..!!.!.!.l!.._....!2..!!..~::2,____LL_d....,tLl!.'M~~ t,, 2 I 4-K } .y ~/I it.6.:J-1Y1-f/ZA>, 3 "4_.Zone_ C omments:_ Des ign ReviewBoard Da te _ D ISAPPROVA L '"5:-D====---_ Summ ary :__-:---=-:---:-~_ o Staff Approva l --- ~>•• ENGINEE RIN G CHECK LIST l!4t q .!4"C 7' ;?l Subd ivision __~~~~~'--___ Lot Block Filing I.Sub mi tt a 1 Items (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ta pa Map S ite Pl an Util ity Plan Titl e Report Subd i vi sion Agree ment (Acce pt able )(Not Acceptab le) ,/ (if ap p li c a hl c ]=-_ 2 .e ng ineering Re quir em ents (A)Cu lve r t S i ze (B)Dri veway G rader8~m "r.I(A c tu an -=~_ 3.Source of Ut il it ie s (A)El ect ric (B)Gas ~(C)Sewer _.Jt:...._ (D)Water (El Te lep hone (F)T.V. ..,.Coume nt s :------------ Appro ved: Di s a p pro ved :_ Depa r-tme nt o f Pu bhc l{orks Bi ll Andr-ews .... ,. I \ I, I I•.~ ZO:IE CI:r r.K for SFR,.R,R PI S ZO:IE DI STR I CTS 1 ,)," !Y.''~'!&; ,- •• legal De s c r i pt i o n:l ot ~Bloc k Fil'i ng Jk tiTttLy '-ritetJ O,",er ~1)p{fJtl£tWs Arc hi tect l -.fr'fl+/£~ Zone Dis t r i c t _~Pr opose dUsc .f(:~S,,-.'-,--------- ..l ~t A re ~(j..''Ii 3(;'.'.lI ei ght All wcd 3 ~;Pro pos e d __...:.-,_._ -.3.G>7B ~Z ~teu: "'I' oA .'""J::. 6.c:. (yI('&kor~r /1 ,f 'j IY j /" I ) ./\vi.:l ?nc he Fl ood Pl a in Al l occd Seconds ry r\11owe d n r ive : L.and s c api ng : Pa rk i ng:. L.n vir ona ent.a1 /11~za r ds : GRFA: Sc t ba c k s :F ron t ~R e q ·u ;'rcd-·26·i '-P roi;~s e d ----f-tt-b~-'--------'---­ Si d e s-Req ui re d 15'Prop~sed -----+--hf---------------------- Rear -Re qu trcd15 'Proposed -\..L..~",...._____' Hat cr cour s c-requi red .Pro posed -:;;~;~-;---~~=:-::-:~-_:::2I.::_:~l:--==-i .~?!?cl'-,v t_"'t.2 ~~1_'"/Pro pos e d __-'===-!-..:"'--__ J 1O '.' Primal',)'f,'/l owed d G I ~'.Pr i nu ry Pr oposed -''-''~''=''~_ 17'1): GRFA: ,Sl opc .'. ~•....._..__.__•.._----------, ~."'"\ 1 (':1 ~.~:/'.\ljl :"ilr ..;...!!l )1';;:j11'i';:"':'(i --_._._--_.._----- .------.-----------+---l--.-......--- r ,• UT IL I TY LOCAT ION VE RIFICATION SUBDIVISION,_ JOB NAME li s b A!G-r"IL tJdjL ,- LOT 2 /BLOCK F.ILING lit /I, AD DRE SS'---_ The l o cat ion o f utilit ies .whether th ey be ma in trunk lines o r proposed l i nes,mu st b eapprovedandv erified by the f ol lo wing util ities for the accompany ing sit e plan. .-. Moun tai nBell Wes tern Sl ope Gas Pu blic Serv ice Compa ny Ho lyCross El e ctric Assoc. Vail Cable T .V. UpperEagle Val leyWater and Sanitat ion Dis tr ic t Da te ..;!./-,f'/ 4/~:1 6 ~/?-<f"/ NOTE:The se verifi c at ionsdo not r elieve the contractor of hi s re spons ibi lity to ob tai n a s t reet c ut permitf rom t he To wn of Va il,Department o fPublic Wor ksandt oobtai n ut il i ty l oc ations b e fo red igging in any publicr ight- of -way o re aseme nt in the Town o fVai l . ..LIS T OF MAT ERIALS •Aspen Grove Du p lexNAMEOFPROJECT_....:..::=::.:....==:.....:=="-~__ LEGAL DES CRIPTION,LOT 21BLOCK N/A FILINGVail Va lley Third Fil ing DESC RI PTION OF PROJECT single fami ly dup lex re sidenc e The followi ng i n formation is r eq u ir ed fo r sub mi ttal by the a p pl ic an tt o th e DesignRev iew Boa rd before af inal ap proval can be given: A.BUI LDI NG MAT ERIA LS Roof Siding Typeo f Ma terial shake sh in le a (heav Color n atural Other Wall Mat er ia ls trim rough sawn ce dar stain to match s iding \IJ4P:ii O>'tefli':.~sta in co ma tett e,'"'1 ~.,,-..-.- (2)<+~_~iding rough sawn cedar 2 x 1 2 stain to match s iding Sam e a s siding wood CRESTLIN E ~p rau@jb s awnc ed arWindowTrim Fas cia Wi ndows So ffits Do o rs met al ins ul ated pa int ed t oma tch s iding c olo r Door Trim same a s window trim Hand or Deck Rails de ck r ails (2x-)redwo od natural fini sh clear Fl ues p a int ed to match r o of F l as hings Chinme ys p a in t ed t o match r o of s tone(river r ock /n atural )l ocal collected Trash Enclo sur es wood ties (natu ra l) Gre enhous es N/A Oth er skyl i ghts -bronze tinted Tree s .Shru bs,and Ground B.PLANT MATER IALS (Veget at ive ,Landscap ing Materials i nc lud ing Co ve r)PI l 'f.1ant~st -re e r t o s ~t e p a n Botan ica l Name Common Name Quant ity S ize GRO UND COVER/br oad leaf ev e rgre ens Mahon ia re p ens Pa rth enocissus qu inquef o lia enge l ma nni Pachysti.ma myrsinites Arc tostaphylos lNa-urs i creeping mahonis I SO 1 q t . ivy ,engelman 100 1 gt . myrtle .box leaf 50 1 gal. kinnikinnick 50 1 gal. TREES. Pinus pooderosa Picea punge us Picea pmgens glauca Pira.ls aris tata Pinus nigra Pinus flexilis pine ,ponderosa 5 8/10' s pruce,Co lorado Green 1 8/10 ' s pruce,Co lorado Blue 1 6/8 ' pine.bris tle cone-foxtail pine 6 6/8' pine ,Austrian 4 6/8' pine.l inDer 3 6/8' Botanic a lName .. Comm cn Nam e •Quant i ty S ize 13 19 14 BUSHES Potentilla frui tcosa potentilla,bush cinquefo il Fores teria neamxi.cana privet,tn:JUn tain Pyracantha coccinea 'Colorado Red 'pyracantha ,Colorado Red C.OTIlE R LA NDSCA PEFEATURES (Retaining Wall s,Fence s,Swimm ing Pool s,e tc .)Pl ea se s p ec i fy . Re t aini ng wall s -c oncr ete rou gh boardf in is hn atur al. 5 gal. 5 gal . 5 gal. Exi s ting si te v egeta tion cons is tso f den se p opulu s t remu lo ides,As pen , size various I"cal to 9 "cal .All t r ee s to r e main w ithin 3 feet o f e xter ior f ou nda tion wall i f at a ll possib le I I, I! I I I c ounty ·1'• RECORD ER 'S S TA ~I P Fec$2 .OOpd G> Reco r der.Eagle STATE ~CUMENTA fiY HI AP R 2719 81 $.:33.c20 lzd April o f the and S t ateo r Co la - 14 th .'. THI S DEED ~l lI d ,this 1981 .l>e t ....-een KAI SER MORCU S.an unma rr ie d man Coun t)'of Eagle r e do,of t he lint part.lind SANDPIPER HO!1ES,INC ...'acorpo rationor5!'ani:ted a nd t'xi~t iIlJl u nder and b )'vir tu e of the l aws of th e St ate o f Colo r ado o fl h"~..ccnd part :wb ose leltal e ddre s.s is S97S S outh Syracuse S tre et .Engl ewood,Colo r ado 80111 'kook 322 Pa ge 1 73 R."'d.d "~<k_A_M.,Ap r il 27 ,l ~_ R...ception Xo I c !:.rmette P hi -~~­ --"==== ,I ;; ~> ~ l,r) ~! i::~ WIT:'\"F.S!'ETH.T hat t he nid part y er tbe tint part.(or and i n consideration ofxk~* t he exchange o f ce r tain real proper ty ando ther g ood a nd valuabl e I co n s ~Qi~ to t ht'~lIid part y cf t he first p art in hand pai d b)'t he 5aid party orthe 5econd part,the rece ipt w hereo fi z ht'tt'u)'conf"'fI,ed a nd ackno",'I f!'dl;("e d,ha Sgrllnted,b ar-g-ai ned ,so ld a nd conveyed ,a nd by t h ..~1!'pr..s en t~do es /tn,n t,Ullrltll in.,..11 .con,'e }'and con fir m,u nto t he "aid party of the s econd part,its ,ucce"",o rlll a nd a flzign s fo re"er. IIIl u f ~h"follow ing-described lot o r pan::el ofland ...ituah!:,i)'in l!'and beinl[i n the Coun t)'o fE ag Le a nd State o r Co lorado.t o w i t : Lot 21 .Vail Va ll ey .T hird Fil ing alflo k nown as n rt't't and num ber TO GET HER wi th all a n d si n gular the here di ta m en ts a nd a ppu r te na nces the re u n to b t'longing or in anywise e ppe rtnmin e .and the r cverslcn and r eve r stcns,r e ma inde ra nd r e m ainder s ,rents,inues a nd p rofi ts t h ereof;and all t he est a re,rli:ht .nne .irucr e s tc clal m and d em an d wh a txoe ver of t h e ~lI.i d P li tt Y o f tnt'fi nt part.e ither in la w o r equ ity.o f.in a nd to the above ba raalnedp r emises.w ith t ht'here ditame n u a nd a p purt ena n e ea. T O H ,\\'I::,\~D TOHOI.D the s u td p r emises a bove bar5:ained a nd de sc ribed.witht he a ppur-tenances,un to the s aid pnr t y o f t he sec ond par t,i tfll'u n"fI ~u r a nd a~s i gns for ev er.A nd t ne slI.id part y of t h e first part,fo r h in s e !f ,his h..ir e,"",,('Ulo r5,and admmist rators,does c ove nant .g ra nt,b a rg ain a nd agree to a ndw ith the suid p lI.rt~'o f t h e ee cc nd rUi n,its successcrs a nd assi 5:ns,that a t t he nm e o f t he e n se a ling and d eliver yo f t h esep r esen re .he i s we tl seree dofth e p r ermses a bove conveyed,as ofg ood.su re.per-fect,a bsolute and ind efl:a ~i b le e stat..c f i nn "rit ll nr e ,in l aw.i n f to e simple .and has g oo d righ t,ful l p ower a nd l awful a ut h crrty t o gran t, barlla in,s ell an d e onv..~'tht's ame in ma nn er and for m as a foresai d,a ndt hat the sam e a re free a nd cl ear fr om a ll fo r m"r and othtof erent s.b argains.s al es.lie ns,taxe s,assessments .v.nd e ncu mbrances o f w ha teve r k ind or n ature ~Ot"·H.except a Dee d of T rust fo r th e use of Co lumbia Savings and Loan As s oc ia t ion as ~curi ty for a Prom issory ~o te in t he o r iginal p rinc ipa l s um o f $165 ,000.00 ,r ec orded June 20 ,1980 . ~Book 304 a t Pa~e 299 of the Eagl e Count y Re cords ,wh ich the s econd par t y assumes and agre es t o a y.m ineral r eservations c on tain ed i nD eed r eco rd ed Hay 3 ,1 960.In Bo ok 165 at Page 227 o f the~ and th e abo "..b ar ,.ain eo d p re mis esin the qu iet a nd pe aceful pos5euion of t he s aid p art)"of t he second p a rt.its s u cce sso r a ne!a nilol'ns.aj):alnst all and e very person or persons l awfull}'claiminl(or to cl aim t he w holeo r an)'part th t'rt-o ~,t he saI d pa rt y o f t he f l ut pa rt s hall and w ill \\'A RR A~T A ~D F OREYER DEFEXD. 1:'\WIT~E SS WHERI::O r,The said part y o f the firs t part has her..un7tD:IIet his h and and s...a l the da ~-and y e a r fint above ....rtnen.- S ignee!.S ea led a nd Delivered in the Presence of ~rtl(l.::t'!~SEA LJ KAI SER MORCC S _____________-lI SEAL) ______________-lI SEALJ S TATE OF COLORADO. W IT:-':E SS m ~'ha nd and offic:ia l seal. ~o,U2 .WARRA...-n IIl L(ITU (·U Il/'V IlAno :,,_r ..,I'h",or'.l'hi t R ~<o rd , _8 ..df ood I'"bL II 1'>lnll'Co,.Il ~~'.r ,Colorodo -1 \'" agle Coun ty Rec o rds ,terms of a n Ag reemen t be r veen Va il A ss oci at e s,Lt d ;,and G ~;il ad~!l,ties.I nc •• e~orded Ju ly 17 ,1 964 ,in Book 183 a t Page 1 57o f th e Eag l@ Coun ty Rec or ds a nd easeme n~s)r1 ghts - f-....ay an(f=rC!.s t r t c tfons o r -record an d crh e ..:.1 981 =gc n c.ral :=r cn l-es t at e::-t:axe 8:::du e_J:l.I luar y ::-1.f.T982;--,' ..,t·. :Y";""'~ i !~f~~~'l""",LH ....I • .1/~cl.J ' Ci ty and Cc unt yof Denve r The forelloir.g l n f t r ume nt wa s ac k now l..dged before me t hil ,,€,l .b"U>l Slo."C."'et.U..,<;.~t y C'omm iuion t'xp irn cc..\O ~4..J \C\<g,::, .., ••..----.... to wn of va i box 100 ven.colora do 8 16 57 (303)4 76·5613 Sandpiper Homes~Inc . %S l ife r &Company 230 Bridge Street Vail .Co l orado 8 1657 ... department ofc o mmuni ty deve lopment Mar ch 1 1 ..1 981 To Wh om It May Concern :__ ~~~_~ai l-Y a l l ey 3rd Piling-is zoned Primary /Secondary and con t ains 21 ..131 s quar e fee t of site area.The Town of Vail wou ld all ow 4 363 square fce t o f Gross Residentia lFloor Area t o be bui lt on th e l ot ..but th ere a re s ubd iv ision co venants wh ich restrict a ~y dupl ex in Vail Valley 3rd to 3950 square f e et with the s econdary unit a lloweda ~L x i mu m o f 1316 squ are f ee t. Thel ot al so c ontains a s iz eab le area o f high ha zard ava lan che area on the western port ion of the parcel with a moderate av alancheha zard ar eaon the l o tt ot he northo ft he high ha zard .The high hazard ar ea may not be bui lt upon .Constructi on pr oposed for t he blue (modera t e)ha zard area would r eq ui re a n a valanc he d efense sy stem de s igned specifica l ly for t he propo sed s tructure. Bu il d ing o ut side of the ava lanche hazard area r equires noa va l an che mit igati on s ystem. I fIcan be of furt her hel pf p lea s e call a t 476 -7000 ,x 23 7 . S in ce~~~-----td?:'C1 Se niorPfanne r AP P :bpr ••a •••,..,. INNESOTAOMPANYOF POLICY NO.AZ 2320 56. NSURANCE a St ock Com pany,of Minneapolis.Minneso ta , ITLE •• AMER ICAN LA ND TITLE A SSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B -1970 (Amended 10.17.70) SUBJECTTOTIlEEXCLUSION S FROM COVERAGE ,TIlEEXCEPTIONS CONT AINED IN SCHEDULE B AND TIl E PROVISIO NS OFTIl E CONDITIO NS AND STD'ULATIO NS HEREOF, TITLE mSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA,h ereincalledth e Company,insures,as ofDate ofPolicy shownin ScheduleA,against lo ss Of damage,not ex ceedingtheamo unt ofinsurance statedin ScheduleA .andcosts,attorneys'fees and expenses which th eCompanymaybecome obligatedt o payhereunder,sustained Or incurred bythe insuredby reason of: I .Ti tlet ot he estate orinterestd escribed in ScheduleA b eing vested o therwiset han asst a t ed there in ; 2 .An y d efect in o rlienoren cumbrance o nsuchti tle; 3 .La ck o f ari ghto faccess to and fromth e land ;or 4 .Unmarketabilityofsuchtitle. I N WITNESSWHEREOF,th esa idT itle Insurance Company o fMinnesotahas caused its corp orate n ame an d sealt o be he reu nto affi xed by its d uly au thorizedo fficersaso fth e da te showninSc heduleA ,th e poli cy t o be valid wh en countersigned by an authorize d o fficer or age nt o ft heCompany . ITLENSURANCEOMPANYOF INNESOTA '-1~s-:-~j •C ~ .Au th orized Office r Or Agent Presiden t Secretary EXCLUSIONS F ROM COYERAGE Th e following ma tters a re expressly exclu dedfrom th e coverage of thi s p olicy: 1.An y law ,ord inance or gove rnmental regulation (in cludingbu tnot limited t obuil ding andzon ingo rdinances) rest ricting o rregul ating orp rohibiting t heoc cupancy,useo r enj oymen t of t heland,or regul ating the cha rac ter, dimensions orloc ation of any im provement no w or h er eaftere rected ont heland,o rprohibitinga separation in ownersh ip or a reduction int hed imensionsor a reao f t heland,Ortheeffe ct of a ny violationo f any such law, o rdi nance orgove rnmentalregulation . 2 .Rights of emi nent d omaino rgovern mentalr igh t so f po lice po wer unl ess n otice of theexe rcise o fsuch right s ap pears i n t he public reco rds a tDate of Policy. 3 .Def ects,liens,encumbrances ,adv erse claims ,o r ot herma tters(a )cre ated ,suffere d,assumed or a greed to bythe in sured claiman t ;(b)not kno wntot heCompanyand not sho wnbyth e publ icrecordsb ut know n t othein sured cl aimant e ither at Da te of Policyora t the datesuchclaimant acquiredanes tate o rin terestin suredbyt his po licy and n ot disclosed in writing by theins ured claiman t totheCo mpan y p rior tothe dale such insured cl aimant bec ame an insuredhe reunder;(c)r esult ing in n olo ss o r da mageto thein sured claim ant ;(d)a tta ching Or create d subse qu ent t o Date of Policy;or (e)resulting in lo ssOrd amagewhi chwo uldn othave been sustained if thein sure d clai mant hadpaid valuefo r t he e sta te or interestinsu redb yt his poli cy. L ,0.,F().m 1J0 2 17330 M '•.W C()P l",'gt11 HUH'A ....rl c.n I...n o T il '.AU()C.iu'on 13.Notie....,W hen S ent All nOl ien re qu tred to be l iven I ht COmp a"!'.nd .ny sU it 1Mi'll in "'Til ii'll 'e'lllir td 10 be f u ,nisl>td Iht Compan}'shall be a d dleSK d tCl III H ome Of f ice .Mi nnel polis ,~,"neSO I I S S40 I . ,2 ,lia bility l im ited t o Ihi s Po lir:y ThiS Ins!lumf nl loa e lh er "",lh a ll e nd orloC menU and o lher in strum en ls ,i f .ny ••tt ached h e,elO by Ihe Co mp ..n y is the "n l ire po l,ey .an d co ntr lct be twee n t he in sured a nd the C o mpl n ~'. A n y .:Il im o r Ion 0 'dam"J e ,....hel her o rn ol b.se d 0 '" ne i lll tn ce,I nd ....hich ""IfS outn f the Sinus o f t h e t ille 10 t he t st l t ~0 'in lelc U covere d here b )'o r .ny .."l io n ISsenin.5uch cla im. s h .lI be ,~su i c l lf d 10t he p rovision.an dc onditi o n l .nd sl ip uill ions (I f I ll i ~po lic)'. No .~nd m en l o f 0 'e n d o,~me n l ICI I h is policy can be m ade e..ee p t b y "'Tit,n,t n doncd h eltO"o r I II ..ched Il lfr~lo s i,ned b)" e it her t he Prosidt n t .I V i"Preside",I,I he Sc<;re llry.a n Ass istan l Se (ltllr y ,o r va l idaUn,o fficn o r aur h(l r i ~t d s iJ;nat ory of Ihe C omplny . '1 .S ub'O!Ia tion Upon Pa:ymtnt o.$OIltlle.....n1 'to\,'h ene\cr t he Com pany 'hill h "...stttltd •c1.im u nde,lllii · poo lin .I II 'irhl 0 's ub ro Sllio n :ShIll 'nil in Ih lf Compa ny un .ffnled b ).ny lei n f t he insurd c1llm a ",l.T ilt COmpln y sh lil be- s ub ro,l led 10 I nd b e t nl ill e d t o a ll ,ilh n I"d rtm ed iu whICh su cll in su re d cl.im.ant "'ou ld hive had I gainst ",n y per son o r p.upcrt y in rnplfet 10 ~u c h cllim h id I hll po llc)'n o t Men Issued .a n d If re quel te d b y the Comp ..n )",s u ch in sured cl limant 'ha.!J n ln d"10 lh e Co mpany a llr i,hU a nd re med ,n a ,a inu a n y pe lSon or p 'upe "y n e c nsa ry in nr dt r t o perfect luch li l ht of s ubroga ti o n an d 'ha ll pe rmit t he C o mpln y 10 u s e rhe "I mt o f '\lcll i"'sured c1aiml nlin I n~tr an s action o r htl.llio n In vol"';n ..s u c h ri a hl s o r rem .d ies.j(th e pa l'm en l d ocs n ot co ver I h~Inn ofl uc h ins ure d cl aimant ,th e C Ompan y Shill b e s u br o Sa led t o suc h r ighls a nd rem e din in th e p rollOr tio n ....hich "i d p l ymen l b ean to th e I mOun l 0'n ld 10$~.If lo ss s hould rnul lfro m a ny IIct of s uch insuICd c illman l ,~u ch act ~ha ll n ot vo id Ih ls poli (y,b UI t he C o m p a n~.in thal ,","enl .~h all be rtq ulre d 10 p .y o nly Iha l part of an y l o ~se s in s ured lIilinst h er e u nd er ....h i(h ,hall ",cced t h e I mo u nl ,if a ny ,Ion t o Illf Co mp ln)'b y rnoon Cl f I h ~imp .irmen t of Ih e riglll o f s u br o g..li o n . 10 .A pportlon .......t If I h~l.nd d es cribed in Sche du le A «Insists o f Iw o 0 'mo re pu ctls wlIicb .,tn o l u'ICd IS I s in ,le ,il'".n d •Joss is esl l blllM d I ff lfdinl o n-c 0 'mo re o f sai d Pl rc e ll b ut nOI .11,I h~loss ,haU b<c com puted Ind sc llied on I p ro t a U b asIS IS if Ihe .moun l 0 ' ins ...nn«u n der IhlS po licy "..as dlVlded pr o u ti IS t o th~~'a luf o n Oal e o f Poli(y o!u ch se p ....t e p aru Jlo Ihe whole .U C1USlW of a ny im ..ro~'f m f "U m i ll.lUbwquenl t o O.te o f Po lie}',u nlltiS lli.abilil y o r v l lue has o rM IWlSIf bee n I p etd upon IS t o u (h I U(lI pa rce l b r th eCo mp a ny .nd Ih e ins vr~d IIIhe limt o f t he issuanc e o f t hi\ policy ."d 'ho",'11 by a n upress Sll te ment he rein o r b y a n en dorlf men t I ttac hed here ec . 9 .l iability Noncum ulative' I I is ea pre n ly v ndt TS IOo dIhlt Ih t I moll nl of Insurance u ndtr Ih is po lil:Y Shill b e redu ctd by any a mCl unt th~Com pa n y m.r ply un d t 'an y po li.y in SUli n ..e ltller (I)I mo rl ,.Je shown or reh ne d 10 in S chtd u le B herto!which 11 •lien un Ih e nUlt 0 .i"'tt.t u c oW're d b y Ihls po licy ,o r t b )•morl ilit h er ufter ClfCC llled b y a n in s ured ""hich is •e h.r....o r Iwn o nIh t t ll1te OJ in t er ..n d e scri bed o r re ferted 10 in Sch tdule A .I nd t he Imo un llO plid ~hl ll be dee med I p .~menl u n d e r I hispo licy.Th~COm pl "y s hi ll h lw t hf op l ion 10 a pply 10 Ihf p I )·m ..nl of .ny s uch mo rllige s a n)"am oun t I hl1 o thtfWit.t wou ld be p lyl blt h~rcunder 10 t he insu red ow ner o ft he ntale o r in ter nt to_re d b y Ih is policy.n d t he Imounl lCl r .id shill 'be d e ..mtd I ply menl un der Ih b po lic y t o sa id i ,,~u t e d OWl'll!!. 6 .O.~••minlljon I nd PI v,,",n!o f loIS '1)Th e li abilil )o f l h .Com1'1")'u nder Ihis po licy shall in n Cl C.l.IoC e H H ,j l he lust o f : S .Op t io"'s TO PI V or Olh ~rw i M Settle Cllims ,ht Cl)m r l n ~Sh.lI ha ve Ih e o p t ion 10 pa yor o ille ......;sf se n le rOt ..r I ~I~'n a m ~o r an in sured clai ma"t i ny cl..im iM urf d l ~l inSl cr :0 te ~,,"na lt In h .hlhly a n d o b li$l t ;o ns o ft he Co mp ..ny t,tre u n~rr b ~p lyi ng 0 'tendt 'in,p l ~'mt nl o f th e Imounl of "'.'unt,:r _~';:er t h is po lley l o ae ther wll h I ny COS IS.anorn eys 'ftel and e arenlofs i"'eu rlPd up to t he lime ofSu ch p.ymen t or f fn d er o f r'~mor,t .~r Ih t inju re d cl l ima nt an d au thur ized by t h~C Cl mpan y . 7 .l imitation o l lia bihty ~o clai m shill ar ist Or be m..;"'lIin able u nde r t h is polic y (I)if r!':c CC l'I'",p n).II In 11 .1.\''''1:rue ived n Olioc o f .n .Ile$e d d efect.lie n o r .r.,~~b ra ncc llliure d .llaiMt lI ~r eu nd t r ,b y lit iluion o r c ther .......amo u,s ue,",defec t,lien o r e nCl:lm ,",t ."'c ~o r nl a b liihn t ht t i::e ,n lns u le d ...ilhin I ,uson l bl..1Ime aft ..r rece i pl o f :S u..h nOlla :I t)In r he e _..n r or Jili,ll ion u ntil lh ere h ..bc1:"I f,,,..1 :It lfll:C ,~l1 i o n It)'a court o f COmrtlen l juriS-dietion,.nd ~isp o li l i o n o f a ::.;....als t herefr o m.I dursc ICI Ihe t ille ,IS ,"sured ,n provi dc d ,n r a'a ~z ;h 3 htrto!;o r (c )fo ,li ab ili l Y "'Olunraril y a ..um ed b )'a ", l r.h.:re~il'l HlIlinf ."'y c l.im o r su it "'lthout p rio ,"'Titlen c onscnt o f t he C C'l"I;an ~·. t il Ih e ac t u.llon o f the i nsu r~d c13imln l;or (iiI Iht amO un t Cl f insura n ce n alfd In S chedu le A ;o, t b)Th e Com p an~will p lY ,In add ition t o .ny loss in :S\lred a oa ir,n b l'11.,,\!,Cl UC )',I II co us imposedu r o nI n i",su red in li t ialtion cnne';:o n b ~'l he Comp ln y fo r s uch ins ured,I nd all rosh, anor nn I 'ton I nd n re n sn in Iitil.li on ea trie d o n by Such ins u red "';th I t""'Till tn lut hur iut iCln o fIhf C Omp any . f cl .....".n h lb ility hn be~n de fini le ly Hud in accord ln oc ...il htho con d,tio ns o f lhll p o lin ',Ih~loss or d l m 'Ce s hall be r:a ~a l:')e ..u hin 30 d ays Ihernfter.. 4 .Nol ,ce o f l oa -limilllion of AClion I",I ~,j ::i o')n TO t he n otice s rcqu"ed u nder p a llplp h 3(b)o f Ihe W' C o n ':::I '~'a ,.d Slipubl ions ••s ta tement in "'Titin,of Iny Ion o r :I>maic fc r ..h,cll ,t i,claimed Ih t COm"any i.i li lble un ~~r thi s :'lhc ~'"11:1 t-c f u r n l ~he ,j 10 th~Company ",;th;n 9 0 d ay s af t",su ch Ion N j a""le sh all h a '"t>ce n d~l ~rmi n-cd ..nd n O ri lhto f I c lion S!:lll ..er v e10 In inl ured c i a'ma l'llu nlil 30 d a y s I rt~.s uc h }:lte~t·:'~,lll hht been fu rn iShed .f ailure t o 'utn l,h s uch sr1I em,r,r or lou o r daml ie shall le r",inate a ny lil bitil yo f tht C~.....~a~,~\ln ~..t hn p u h cy IS 10 su ch losso r da ml ,e . (c)1n II I uscs wh~r~thiS p Olicy ~'mi U or r~quirltli l he Comra",10 ~ro wcu l~o r p roVlde f o r ttle d ef~nSoC o!.ny .et ion o r p .o cre e.n,.Ih e insu,~d lIer ~u nd e r .h.ll .eeure t o Ih~COmp .ny t h~ r iih l to so pr OIoC CUIt o r p ro vi6t def~nloC ins uchl (t iOll o r P"OC«d ml .I nd .all 'prellS thlre in ,I n d p ermit t he C Omplny to usc, a t III o .,"on .Ih .nl~o f Suc h Insured fo r su (h pu r posc.W h ~n e wr rc~uesu :l t )Ihe Com p ln)',su ch insure d sll.U I:Nc the Co mp ..n y .n .usonl ~le I I:!In .n)'such 1o(I ion ot r rocudin "in ~ffe ~l i n, ""ale ""I'l l."';u "n,e ",Jenct .obll inlnr ",;tntsl-fs .0 'po-osc cuun,o r ,H ~end lq:s uch ac tr on o r p rocnd,n ,.I nd I h~Com pan!,sh .ll 'e,m!'","'"s "eh inlu lf d fo ,Iny eapens::so ,nclUred . e..(Con rinutd f ,om i"sidt !rrmr flap)• o f t he Co m r a n ~'5h,11 enloe Ind l e l m !na l ~i n~lI'd t o Iht m anee o r 8 .RadUe1ion o f L,..tv millen fOf "'hleh ~\Ic h pr ompt e e uee IS requ U"ed :prOvi ded ,how. f HI .t hll f ail u re 10 n ot ify .hall In no n~pre judice I ht rlj:l 'IIl o f A.11 I'a)'menuun d "t his poQl icy .f llcep'p _ymtnls m lfde (01 COIn, .n,.~(h insul ed un drr t his polic y un leM lhe C ompa n y s h a ll be all orn.)'.'feu Iftd uru~l.sh.1l r",dun t he arnoun l o f I he r re j ud ind t-~.l u c h f.Uule an d then o n ly t o l h e utenl o f l uch imllrancc p ro l.nlO.No p a yme nt Iha ll be ma de wilhou l prod ",.:,n, PUj".dlCf.Ih il POllCl'for endOlloCment of l uch p.ymenl unle u lh epo licy b e (.)Th e Com,,",5ha ll h Ivet heri,hl It in 0 '-,_,loU 0 'den tay ed .In wh ith elK p ro of of III(h lo ss or de S1r\lClion~,..~.to WIU be f u r o i _hed 10 Ih ~"I il (,e l ion o f Ih.Com pan )'. in SHl u "and "';Ihou l u ndue d eb)'pr oSfe u l ~an y Ic tlon 0 1 r'o c n d ltl~o r 10 d o a ny o l h ~r .loci ..'hlch in i n op inion may be n .;:c ~ar~o r d.m ab J.10 ~Sl a bli s h I he uue 10 Ih.nlilc 0 'inter nt n ins u ...':!.I nd th e Co mpln )'m ay like In)'.pp ro prilte I Clion under I he t ~r m ~o!Ih ,s po llc)',....1I ~III ~to r n o t il s h i ll be lia b lf tll f rt u nder . I nd lhall '101 t h N ~b y ecncece hallihty or .....iw an y p ro vukln o f th i ~ pooh c)'. (d l ""l1 ~n fV er Ih ~Comp ln)'s hill h i"'"br oul:hI I n y Ictionor inl tt po~d I ae fcnsc u r eq u ir~d o r rtrmincd b y Ih~pr o \isio ns o ! 1!':IS ro lley.Ihf Complny m lY r u nu~Iny suchh l i,ltion to f lnll d e l f.m lt,Uion by I co,m o!co mrf lul j u risd ictio n nd nprnsl y r rw r"'n t he ri I M .in lu so le dis.c:re h on,to .p~1 1 from .ny .d ."rK jud ~mcnl 01 o ,der . No te :Th il policy valid o nly if Sche d ules Aand B are atta ched. ••• CONDITIONSANDST IP ULATIONS 1 .Dillfinit ion 0 1 T Kms The fo llo winc ler ms when uud in l hil.poli cy mUM : (_>"insu red ",t tl"imund n lme dIn Sc hedule A .I n.:l,lub~cl 10 I n)',i,h ll o r defen~5 t he Cgm plny m ay hl ~had 1 ••inI1th l n.med ins,,",d .fhose who .,,(end '0 Ih C'in ternl of ~u ch insu red b y 0I",.lIon o ftaw ~d lSiiniu;s hed f to m Pll tC'hl5e inc!ud in l.b ul n o t li mll ed t o .h ei....d ilfri bu l HS ,.:I lviwC5 .survi""n.p er50nd ,ep rnenl .hvcs,MxI v(kin.or tarpon ,e o r fi duciary ,"ce n.on. (b)Hlnsurcd c bim.nl",.n insur ed (bimini lou o r dam'" IIe t.und.r. (t)"k no",le d I C",ICh ul knowledse,no t c:unlll'\lc:t.... knowl dc'Dr nOliee whi ch m.,bc lmpuled t o I n ins ur e d by rusa n o ran y public re co rds . (d)H!and",me I.nd d n cr ibed.s pcc il'ically o r by rduenc ,"in S<:hed u"A .an d imp,ovemenu .mud 111.,,.,0 wh i<:h b y I.w (Onl l1lul .N.I p rope rly ;p rovld ,d ,ho_"e"th,ter m "land"d OH S nOI lnch,ld t a ny propert y b eyond t h,li nn of t he a ru sptlctnca ll y des uibed or ,detted t o in S<:hedu le A ,no,a ny ,ilhl ,tl tl',ln tu",t, ..,uu 0 'Ule men l in abu llinl s tre et s.ro ads .awo n ues,all eys,la n es , _ys o r _I er ~y s ,but n o l hin l h e'eln s hall mo di fy 0 'limit the edent t o wh ich a rilht o f acce "t oa n d tr om t he la"d is ins u ,ed b y th is po licy. (e )"mo ,l ll le":ma rlille,d eed o f trust ,trust decd,~T o t h e , le cu rity in ~l,u men l . (0 "public reco,d s ":Ih o"re co ,ds which b y la w im pa ,! co ns t,udive n c r tee o f mall ln Rl ali nl l o sa id la n d. 2 .Conlinu",lion o f I"w,","u at u T Co n"e",lnel 0 1 T it l. T he COW Tl~e o fth is p Qliey ~h a ll CQ nl in u e in fQTCe Ii o f Da le of Policy in fa "o,of an ins u,.d $0 lone as such i nsure d rela ,ns an e stare o r in l '''SI in t h e la nd ,O t holds .n Ind e b tedne"Ioe c ...red b ya p ...reh lH mo ne y mo rt~II',,".n by I pu 'eh ....'fr om luc h 'n~..re d , Of 100 lo nl II s uch in s ured shall hl\'C li abililyby rCi SO n o f coven.nls o f _rnn l y made by s...ch ins ...red in any Ira'Urer 01'cc nve ranc e o f sud!nili.Or inlern!:p ro rid .d ,ho .........,Ih is po licy shall n OI co nlin ....in fO'<;1:In favv 'of a ny p u ,ehaser fro m luch ,n ...tcd o f e il he,u id e lUle 0 'int .,.11 o r t he ind ebtedn.u Ioe cule d b y I purch:IH mon.y mo rt lil l li...n tolu eh i"lure d , 3 .Olf.nM ,"Cl ProMoC tion 0 1 Act io"s -N o t ie,o f Clai",10 be ,i"en b y ..l "w,1d O.i nt (a)Th e Co mp any ,a t 111 ow n COli an d without ..n due ;I ..la y, sh an p rovide fo ,Ih e d ef enH o f an iM""ed in .11 h lilUion CO ",i$linl o fac:lionl or proc;ee din .s e omme nc;ed "I.inll l ueh ;",,,,.d .o r I d efe n se inle rposed 111 1nS!a n inlUred in a n I Cli on to ,nrQr CI I contrlct fot .ule o f Ih,u ta l,o r intern l in Ia,d la nd ,to the eaten I th lt suc;h llti plion Is fQum l ed uponan Illel.d d ,feCI .lien , c ncu mbra nc;c.o r o t h'"malle'Ins ...red ala i n ~1 by t his pOlic y . (b)The i n ~u te d ~h a ll noti fy l he Co mpa ny p ,ompl l}in "r il;n , (i)in c ase an y a ct io n o r p ,ocndln.II be,un 0 'd cf c n ~c is in ler po ~f ;l u se l fo n h in (a)abow ,(il)in e .....k nowl c dl C ~hlll co mf 10 I n inJun d ne reu nder o f a ny cl aim o f lillc o r inlern l "hi rh is .d "erse t c t he t ill.to Ih ,n ille 0 'in lfnll,II ln l ured ,In d w hic h m llhl eI"'$C lo llS 0 'd lma le for w hic h t he Co mp any m ay b e lia ble b y virt ue o f t his.po licy ,0 '(Hi)ifti tle to th,nllt c o r ;"I,rn l,.~ in.\l n d,ia re jccl ,d as "nmar ketabl ,.If w ch p ,ompt n o ll ce Ihan not be c i..e n 10 Ihe Co m pa ny ,Ih cn ..t o ,\lc h ins",red a ll liability (Co "r i"u~d 0 11 inJidt bout J"/.;p) Tl ~F or...\00 .29 .••• TITLEINSURANCECOMPANYOF MINNESOTA a Stock Co mpa n yo f Minneapolis,Minnesota ENDORSEMENT Tobe attached toand become apa rt of PolicyNo .AZ 232056 Company of Minnesota . o f Title In surance The Company hereby in s ures a gai nst lo ss which th e I nsu red shalls ustain by reason of ; da:nag e to e xisting imp rovements,in cluding lawns,shrubbery o rt rees ,resulting from the exerc ise of an y rid1 t to use th es urfaceo f sai dl and for the ex traction o r devel opment o f the minera ls e xceptedfrom the descri ption o fs aid la nd o r shown a s 8 re servationin Schedule B. The t otalliab ility o ft heCo mpany u nd ersa id policy andan ye ndo rsementth ere t o sha ll n otexcee d,in t he aggregate,the fa ce amo unt of saidp olicyand cos tswh ich the Company iso bligatedu nde r th e Conditions a ndStipulations thereof t o p ay .• Prt"S1 dt-nl TITLE INSURAt.icE COMPANYOF M INNESOTA Thise ndorsemen t ,when cou ntersigned byan authorized officer o r agent ,is made a part of said policy aso fthepolicy date thereofan dis subject totheSc h edules,Condi tions andStipulations a nd Exclusio ns from Cov erage t herein co n tained ,ex ce pt as modified by t he prov isions he reof. Dated s;!~1 .r.§.-r.O'~P,(.fr F~<? ~~t>\fD'A II'..~~sJiAz.~ /1 ,.:JYl Coun le~ned :':&\. By oL~*.<.-e-==7iTicer ~liCb linl:AI:t"nt 1.::••c. :::,:~n=-i..!,_'L..= ;-.-I I ~;""'.'.L .'..:.;:c ,•r;s '.,0:":'':. ,.".'1 r-=.n r- ~_E :.~t'~·r-1 ,·'.·::r -':':';'1: .en i c r.i r ....occe.ocr ec [),' .. ,n t.,"",j r'.'.,.0 r-,tc j T r,1 ,.rc 1 Cy 1 ,.: .-. ":: t -.:.-,,,'..':. .'..:.-~~''':'.C:':;_,',:;.,,:.-';'4 " ".'-';'£. •i u "-" •"r "!.•"'....'. • , -...:~[,-.:!". :l _".. r ..,t,' '. 1;\:'"::.:..::.:-, ae-r V .'c e r, -. .:;:::,'.'r. I_'.. 1., ,-;-' , :.' <.:..,~-. "..;j :.-' .,.,.., •I.._; I J.",' -. .. '-'.".'~•~','"t ;-"'\ ",r-;r _,=. .l .,.: ,-.,"..-,•-.......< !::••) ••ro .'> ,', •....! .,..... .."-..'. ..,", '.'.'-' ", !.l r :.::'';~'.' -, :",., ,-;:.:z .r-,_.L'-'; ,..'':~,:, .~.:i:"r 1I " I":-,. _.•::':".:"1 ::-:1-;':::.~:t,:t "i·:::;._;"_,,:.'__, :.~I ;~'.:.!L;!···.'H _i-.:,. !::.:..:;-;-.:;.~;_f .':;:.••,1 r-;!.-.:,;.::I ,•,'.: ,.i"i ;',''':..,-, :::.-,L - -,-;,••.,•t-'''',1'.(1_. :-...,--~,': '......, ,,•__f :..:;:~i)...~U:~=;1 ·:..::.~';::(.I r l'\!j:'1 r ..t ll ':.!:.:-:!1lJh l.U::.I ~i I r:S FU;:,L':'.~. L.:~::'IK':"'C.'-._ud:\I ~(-1);'0 'J :-:=.U2,i::L,r:L ·:':I :...!.J ;~i =-ll::=.'(l I.'1 nc~.:,(.,NiJ Ltnr:.... 1 ..··":1 (1 '::,:;'".,:);--,=,i r.E .:.I,!"1 '_·F :;::':~·5.('\~1 ',).',:\.J i-.~'_'_:l"',:.:::..:)·..\UI;=:,2 '),1 9:::') .l t,:(;1 SO ILS.FOU NDATION &.MATE RIALS INVES TIGATION S• CONS.lING ENGINEERI NG 52 02W BOW LES (ftJ SHER IDAN lITnnON .COlORADO8 0123 •TEL RES.(303 )795 ·6853 -O FFIC E,795 ·60 11 r 9-9-8 1Date:_-"-'-='-'-_ .J Sa ndp iperHomes,Incor porated 597 5 South Syra cuse St reet Suite107 Englewood,Co lorado 80 111 L Da te o fInspection:_:..9-:.9:..:-:::8,,1~_Jab No .43 -45-_8=..1:..:.7.0.2 _ fo rf'l"l s visi b l e indicated that th eIcundctlon walls we re s p re a dfo otings The por tion ofthe fo rmed upon ~~~~~~~_ Sub jec t:Ce rt ification ofReinforcingSt eel a nd forms Inspe c tion for Resi denceLoca ted at 19 44 Su nburstDri ve ,lot ,Block_ Aspen G rove Duplex SubdivisionNo ._ Va il ,Eagle County ,Co lo rado. , Th isisto certify t hata n inspection wasma de o f the p la cement a nd size o f the reinfor cing s teel inthe foundat ion walls o f su bje ct residenc e and wa s fo und to be in accordance with t h especifications of Plan Dup lex ,Job N o.,da ted ________by Davi d,Watte rs &.Associ ates,Inc.Excep tions ,i fany ,'fo=lI"::o-w-:-- 1.Enlarg efi replacepa dstos ize o n p lanfor lower pod. 2 .lift tee row of re bar for reta ining wall foo ting (s ta kein p lac e).Addver tical bent rebar ot 12"o vc ,re ar o f wa ll4 1 h ig h.Ad d ver tical be nt r ebar @ 18 11 cvc ,re cr o f wa ll 2 1 hig h.Red uce footingsw idth same as !-eigth for wallredu ct ion- oppos ite so il side only. 3 .West rearfoo ting ok a sfra med (lot spanw illbe sat isfactory) 4 .Remove 3 -4 "o floose soil fro m bo se o f w estfi repla ce footings 5 .Ca llu sfo r wallr e bar in spection Davi d A.Wa tters In spe ct ion By As phdlt &Co ncrete •Te$ling &.Mill;Dnign EVdludtjun l •R.s identi dl &Co rnme rci dl f o "",ddl ion De s ion •')o ils &Mtltet idls ln vestigdlions.....,,,....... Ext erior l oads sho uldb e support ed upon reinforced conc rete grade beam s and int erior l oodi should besupport ed up onc oncr ete,steel or woodb eams fou ndedupon adiustablestee l columns .' Foundation loading Recammentllons • Reinforci ng Foundati.o!!-wall s a nd grod e b eamsshoul dbewellreinforced soa st o minimize t hee ffects o fslight d ifferential moveme nts withaminimum o f t wo '5 b ars ,G rade40 (oreq u iv elent '4 Grade 60 ),con - tinuous a t t hetopa ndbot tom-~ba rs minimum (refer tofoun dati ondesign fordeta iledt ype and spacing). Backfill a nd Surfa ce Dra inage Th~foundation cpdslob sojl .~sh ould be pr evented frombe ingwe tted after construction .This can generall ybe a ssistedby in suring t hatthe backfil l pl acedar oundthefoundati on wallswillnot settle a fterc omp letion of construction (causing water t o bet rapped a nd pond next to foundat ion walls ). Use be ckrlll rn a te r ial that isre lativelyi mperviousfor the fi nal12 in chdep th .The backfill material should be free o f tr ash and it sh ould b emoisteneda ndonl y moderate lycompa cted a t dep th,andwell compactedforthetop12i nches.Inli euo f moderate compaction,a i,erm mayb e added around the fou ndati on wa lls to pro-;fde drainage aw ayfromwa lls i f minor settlemento f backfill occurs. T~e fj n.~!....9!.ade should be we llsloped to preclude ponding of rain fall,irrigati on water and snow melt adjacent tofo undation wa lls.A 6in ch fall i n10 feetisa recommendedminimum .Caution: Danot d ikeor i m ~ede t he fl OlN of wat;r aw ay from foond ation wallswi th sod,e dging or decorative grave l a ndpot yetel yene.Sodshouldbe c ut into e xistingsoH 2 "d eep ,t oprev ent adik e at structure . landscaping that tra pswa ter nextt o foundation wall s ha s been a majorsource o f moistu re causing soils t oe xpand and /or se t tle .Downspoutsa nd sill cocks should d ischarge into splash blocks or l ong extensions ou tsideo f backfill areas.P.-.SLn9~pond waterg dlg cent t o foundation walls. l awn Irrig a tionSystems Do_noUrl$tall ..Q...sR!JnkJ~r system line within 10 feet of foundationwalls.Ifasprinklersystemis inst a l led,the sprinkler heads shouldbepl a ced so that t he spra y from t he heads ,u nderfull pressure, does no tfallw lthln 5 fee t offo undation walls .lawn irrigation shou l d be controlled .l awn,fl owers sh rubs,etc .,planted'within5 feet offound ation wall s,shouldbehan dwa tered an dt his wate ring shou ld beminimi zed.p~n ot~ond '!LaJe~J ace n t to fo undat19.ll .~ Ground Cover Whe n'TIaist soilsar e en c ountered In the excavation,th e grou nd surfaceinc rcw l spa cea reassho uld be cov ered withon impervious moisture barrier (building fel t or h eavy polyethel yene)sealed aga inst the foundation t oas sist in th ereduc tion of humidity in t he c rowl space areas. SUMMARY DISCUSSI ON ~~e._,?f th e si te soil s may v ary from slightl y Ax pansive t o c O_l)S olidating so ils andtheownerssh ould bemode awareth at the re issome risk of future d amage.ThisIs especially true ifthe recommendations concerning back fill,surface dro inage andlawn i rriga tic.n are not followed.Our experience has indicated that damage d uetosli ghtly expansivet o consol idating soils usually resultsfrom sat urati on of founda tion soils.The sa tur otion is generall y c aused b y im rer drainage or landsc aping,excessive lawn irrigation ,spr inkler system leaks near foundation we s,and poor y como tooted ac fi sois . The ePm inatfon of t hese potential sources o f e xcessive water will gr eatly minimize,or elimi nat e,the ris k o f con st ruction in t hisar ea. Append ix B 0<C(LONS)7 9 1/1 •• C ut Sod2"Into ,.50i I to prevent '--dike Donot dike with sod or edgi ng /Well Sloped 6"in 10'Re - commended --- Top 12"of well compacted backfill_i%:>--- Recommended Berm ----4--Domp Proofing •• Co nc rete G rode Beam Brace Wa ll Top and BottomPriortoBackfilling Wall Reinforc ement Exp ansion Joint FloorSlob ~ \ l !Clean Gravel B -1 0"depth 12-18"width 4 "diameter perforated pipe OR openjoi nted drain tile with covered ioin~lope drain pipe l/8 "/foot to sewer line lateral.Place gro vel i n bottom of lateral fromres idence to s'ree t to a daylite under drain,or ,le ad systemto a sump. DRAIN SYSTEM &BACKF IL L DETA ILS Bac kfill a round the foundation should be moistenedand compacted end thefi nol gra de shoul d bewe ll slmed t o pre clude pending ofrai nfall,ir rigat ion water a nd snow melt adj ace nt tofoundation wo s.A6 i nchfall in10FeetIs a recommended minimum.Caut ion:Do no t dike o rimpede the now of water awe fromToundotion walls with sod,edging or dec orative g rave l Dnd .E O~~r e ye ne.sou d cut into existing sol "eeptopre vent a i eat re si ence . loscopfng that trapswater next to foundation wa lls has been a major source of moisture causing soils to expand or consolidate.Downspouts and s ill cocks should d ischarge i nto splash blocks Or l ong extensions outsi de o f backfill areas .Donot pond water at foundation walls. lawn Irr igationSystems Donoti nstalla spri nkler sys tem line withi n 10fee t of foundation walls.Ifasprinkler system i s Inst all ed ,thesprinkl er h eads should be p laced so that the spray from the heads,un derfu ll p ressure,d oes not fall w ith in 5fe et o f fo undation wa lls.Lowni rr iga tion should b e c ontroll ed. Lawn,flowers,shru bs,etc .,p l anted within 5 feet of fo und ation wa l ls,shou ldbe hand watered and this wateri ngsh ould b emi nim ized.Do not ponelwa ter @ fou ndation wa lls. DRAIN SYSTEM &BACKFILL DETAILS SO-l 78 0 w/Poly Under Slab Hgure 4 C(1) BARTON BROS.,INC. 935-4673 ESTIMATE""3 fi 9 Lf 2245 So.Ruit.an •&tim.te I ndInfor m.tion Sheet VA II.-e-e-"".:7 c,.at.:Concrete pump,If needed , will be furnished b\t g en ~ra l. Englewood.Color.do Co,t re ctor ~.IJ...«a..p...l .e...&;J(I:I.I2 .,M ..6...s.C.A>lS'f",ed Co".Co .. Fele.No .Iele .No . M.m,.Add..~'/...2.:L $.$.Jt.lf..1 .~..""..$..l.'i?.··,t t.:Cone,Ft M;,Rock .. 1 0 ( Cjty .J.'J...t'!r..<f.t ..~.:$,.~..g...:l .I!O .......•.Zlp q::a..H l .................Yds.C one .Fd ,Mi•.....;;..::.:S.-:~o c L .. By .:~:::::?:z 1...-<.LL<"6............................................................D.'~£:l .. Job Add ,."..l..O t::2,.1..I.I..././..l .b u.s.u:»YO.tM~,1 ,fC;mm.,c e . If S P I;i .II I G"I?""a-Fou nda t ion Diagra m ....o I'/L,y Plen N o. - • Size loo lln g ,u.Jl:0...1..IJ..~..Size wa'q:..........Size II pads /.R..........see piers . veo eer de pth House ~.~Garage ~.•.•••..Porc hes •.•~"":;~'":b~::;;~:;;~ Wir"l(l Ow:S :Type .("'~••~••.Size •••••••.••••We turrish .••~••cast in •••••••:...••••BlOCked out ••.••••• ).'',,Grade:Housebaseme nt.l ~..i".I/.o.Non-basemerl .••.•~•••Garage ••••••~.PI6f$•••••••••••••(A.n).H~I _ Plate bolts'House ~~Garage -...curbs ~wa l l$We lurrish .~••• Firepl8Ctl lormed ~~BlOCk ed cu i :::-:-:-:Aecess Si ze se am eeees Size . Oeplfl ot FI.if dug '~~C ol u m ns size Columns graoe ••••.•••..•:_••. Points:To be g Iven .~••.•••••••Olsllromlront ProP.hn e .••~.••••.•••..•••.Side line ••••~.••••...•.. sreet No.bars In r l .~A ~T....Size •••••••.....NO.in rd .•~,r.:v.~~Space Horizontally ••••.:7....•,' see •.~.•.•...Space "'€M'l icil lly SIZ e ••••••••...•.•.Welurnish •••~••..•Add.comment ••••••••••.•~~,~,__ voi d ~~.....Size ••.....•....•........•••••Amoum ..•••••.•••••••••••.We r ll r~e'0"'No •...~ Formin g MaterialS: FOOl ing T he ir s ~Oul"S ~.Fd .Wh al e .$.-.tv-••...t reee •••~.Ours .~~Length ..•...•.•.•. Veneer:reees .••.•.•..•••.•O urs .•••••••.••••No FI 1 •8 ••.•••.•••..•••Veneer 2x 4 Iellogl h ••••.•.••••••••••..•.•••••••••••..•.. Tf1@tlS ••••••••••••Ours ••.•.•.••.••.Quanlity •••.••••••••••e.pres ••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••••..•.•.••.:.•••••.•.•• INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL • ~mar< C ALLER __-::::=::;~~--_~::;__=_=_---/:::; MON T UES WED G!I1UO FRI JO B NAM E _'""''''''==0-'-'''''''''<&_D ATE READYFO R INS PECTION : LOCATIO N : -----------------------------. • CO RRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING:~OO TI N G S I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D WV. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WA TER I .o IN SULATION o GASPIP ING o SHEETROCK NAI L o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL . ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEA TING o ROU GH o EXHAUST H OODS o CON DUIT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 D#L o FINAL ~P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQU IRED \ DATE .2_-'---'--"'-_,I N S PE C T O ~~4 .J.:--.'.... •)I MTHUK c.k7.7e:l..MAN KAtiE ?·A "C H Augus t 20,198 1 Sand pi pe r Ho mes ,I nc . 5 975Sou th Syracus e Street En glewo od,Co lo ra do 8 0111 • IT ~C T /A .I .~ At t n:Gar y A .Garbe rt Re:Aspen GroveDupl ex ,Lot21.VailVall ey -Third Filing, Town of Vail,Eagle Count y,Colorado Pu rsua nt to at el eph on e conv e rs at ion with Mr .Steve Patt er s on, Chi ef Building In spec tor ,Towno f Vail,on August 20 ,1981,Mr . Patterson has agreed t o allow Sandpiper Homes,Inc .to pr o ceed with constructi on of the pr opo sed As penGro ve Duple x,t ob e lo- cated on Lot 21,Vail Valle y-Th ird F ili ng ,Town of Vail ,Eag le Cou nt y,Colorad o.Upon ac quisi ti ono f the a c tu al buildinr,pe r- mi t fo r this p roj ect yo umay proce ed wi th e xcavat ion .f orm in g a nd c ons t ru ct ion o ff ootings and foundations only .Furth er ,c ons t ru c t ion wi ll n ot be al lowed unt il final a pproval h as been ob ta i ned fromMr .Patte rson and /or h is dep ar tme nt b asedon s ub - mi ss ion of the comp l etec on struc tion d ocumen ts. I per s onally appr e ciate h is help in th is ma tter and have in - f o rmed Mr .Patte rsont hat complete c onstruction docum ent s for th is p ro ject will be t ransmit te d to hi s att ention du rin g t he month of August 1 981. I will b e in c on tac t with yo u as soon as t he d ocument sa rec om- plete a nd f orward th er equired numb er o f repr odu cti ons o f thes e " document s to t he Town of Vail. I fy ou s hould h ave a ny c on ce rn s and /or questions pl e ase don ot h esitate t o c on tac t me p er s onally. 71~a ~~---=> ~rthur Cas selman Ranes,AlA AC R ,rz cc:St ev e Patterson,Chief Bui lding In spector,Town of Va i l ... _____AM PM /'0 il eTION REQUEST T OWNO FV AIL '-• 7~vrl.p, J.r .......~.-.,.././I S;I <I '"•""J':r FRI ,,.. JO BN AM E C A LLER ----'----==='-4"'-"r==---'-.!J..!="""'~ INSPECTIO N :MON /1 TUES WE T HUR /qVv 1~~7 f) t D A TE ---i-f--"'-.'--"--'---- R EADYFOR L OCATION ~7 ql J'It I,/' ,(7>DW.,j,'? BUILDING:PLUMBING: t~/F O OTI N G S /STEEL D UNDER GR OUND DFOUNDAT IO N /ST EEL DROUGH /D WV , o FRAMI N G DROUG H /WAT ER D I NSU LAT IO N D GAS PIPI NG DSH EET ROC K N AIL D POO L /H ,TUB D D DFIN AL o F INA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D T EMP,POW ER DHEA TIN G DROUG H o E X HAU ST HOO DS D CON DU IT DSU PPLY AIR D D o FIN AL DFINA L D A PPROVED _'RD ISAPPROV ED~D REINSPECT IO NREQU IRE D CO RRECT IO NS :~;":'fl~r .<"';P ~t'f C ''F f · L.i ""'*~'"~~<,.t ~y h r,<'/c I. • ., DATE 9 -t2 -~I ~e . • • PM_____A M eTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL '..'. ftnlJ EiL_:1/-.r / FRI INS«:17 CAL L ER /'=::;;-_L-'-==_===:.:...::..::...L."---~ T UES T H UR -k--"7) I NSPECT IO N : V READYFO R L OCATION : BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FO OT INGS I ST EEL o U N DER GROUN D• o FOU N DATIO N I STEEL o ROU G H I D .W.V. , o FRAMING o ROUG H I WAT ER o IN SU LATI ON o G ASPIPIN G o SH EETROCK NA IL o POOL I H .TU B 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ,;~TEM P.POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F)N A L o F I NAL ~P PR O V E D o D ISAPPROVE D o REIN SPECT ION REOU IRED , CO RRECT IO NS : DATE e -.?6 Pf•I N SP E C T O~79 _~_••, ....~ CONSUe NG ENG INEERIN G SOILS ,fOUN·~ON &MATERIALS INVESTIGATIONS Letter Dote: Inspection Date:e ·~8 -8/ JobNo.41 -_ TEL RES.{3031795 -6853 -OFFI CE,7 95-6011• ~ Inc. UmETQN ,COlORADO80 123BOWLES@SHERIDAN5202w. I t . Subject,Ex cavation Inspe c t i on &Foun dation Recommendations forResiden ce at IQ ¥;t:Son Ou(2 ,s r ore .'U"l:-,Lot d.I I Bl ock ,fl9 ,"l C/o/Ie,.Su d .,#3', E 961t:'CQfJO t 7 •C olorad. Soils Exposed in Ope n Excavation: UL,_ LL,_ Fo undation Re commendations:TypeC -Conve n tional Spread Foo t ings Thestr ucture sho uld be founde d onc on ventional spreadfo o tings designed fo r amaximum soil be aring pressureof IOQops f (dea d-l oadplus 1/2 li ve -lood ).Refer to founda ti o ndes ign for footi ng size verifica tion.All loo se,dis t urbed so ils shou ld beremo ved before p lacing walls. The b ottomo fwa lls orfootin gs shou ld be at lea st:-ae1n ches bel ow finalg rade forfrost protection . 115" Founda tionwa lls shoul d be rei nforced w itha minimum oftwo '5 (or '4 G rade 60)rebar c ontinuous a t the top and bottom (4 bars minimum -refer to foundationde sig n fo r detailed ty pe and spacing). Slabsshou ld bep laced directly o ntheu nd isturbe d soilso r we ll co mpacted fill (no grov el)and shou ld be sepa rated from a ll be a ring members a nd ut ility lines .Joints should bescored i nslobs to c ontrol the loc at ion o fan yc racki ng (max imum 2 00sq uare foot areas).Provide a minimum 1 inch vo id space above,o r be low,pa rti tio nsa nd u tllitiesons lobs.See Appendixfordetails .- Bo ckfi ll around th e foun dation shou l db e mois tene d an dwe ll c ompa cted a nd thefina l g rade shou ld hewe ll sl oped to preclude pon d ing ofro infa ll,ir rigationwater and snowmel ta djacent t ofoundation walls.Caution:Do notdike o rimpede the fl owo f water away fromfou ndat ionwalls w ith sod, ed ging o r decorativegro vel a nd pol vethel y ene ,Downspouts and sill cocks should di scharge into sp lash b locks o rlong e xtensions.Refe rto Append ix and Figure attached for details . A d rain system isreq uired a round the l ower le velo f the structure.Whe n use d,t he d rainshou ld be g raded to th esewe rlin e la t eral tre nc h asd eta iled onDrain Fig ure attached.De leon g rave l shouldbepl aced in the la teral fromthestr e et t o t heh ouse.[!J Lead drain t o a sumpo r otherwise doy lite. D .A.W.Inspect ion by :.....l.Lc.L:.t..<&<.~_DAVID ·WA TT ERS &A SSOCIA TE S.INC. Reviewed by~ David A .Watters P.E. Soils &Ma terials Engine er A _r_7Q70 DATE I-20-'13 1h INSPECTION REQUEST ~T O W N O F VA IL . Jv{..",. READYFOR L OCATION : INSPECT IO N :MON ~!/1 1/~, TUE S WED T HUR B UILDING'PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OU ND o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. \I l)'fRAMING o ROUGH /WATER I 'ROOF &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LAT ION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETR OCK NA IL 0 0 (?ffO 0 t;6INAL o FINA L ELEC TRICAL :MECHANICAL, o TE MP .POW ER o HE ATING o ROUG H o EXHAUSTH OODS o CO ND UIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o ':J~A-r o FINAL ·7b.....PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPE CTIO N REQUIRED /COR RECTIONS , DATE -L---'--'----"'-='-_I N SP E C T OC-~~t .",%~< ,----....'... INSPECTION RECl:JEST TOW N O F VA IL1 ./ 1/ j IJI .= CA LLER ~/_"",-.L:."--~:-:---=- (,/'JO BNAME -'-'--,'-,-.,....,=--'---"-'~~DA TE I-IV READY FOR IN SPECTION ,MON TUE S WEDTHURFRI L OCA T IO N ,/</(/(,II , .Lrf ______AM PM , BUILDING,PLUMBING , o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGR OUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I D.W.V. o FRAMING o RO UGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUG H o EXH AUST H OODS o C ON DUIT o SUPPL YA IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L tk/APPROV ED COR RECTIO NS , o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIONREQ UIRED DATE J ~/9 ~J1 ____AM 0) eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL: y . F RITHURWED JO B N AME .,,;!jUX: BUILD ING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECT RICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUP PLY AIR 0 0 I ,/o FINAL o FINAL 'o /APPROVED/, CORR ECTIONS, o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED DA TE //-)I/.',IN S PECTOR C ALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILas"(/'_a L /)u {/(""./r H' READYFO R I NSPEC T ION : LO CA TION : ,MO --'(,I I . <t.-/3 t T HUR FRI o REIN SPECTION RE QUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOT ING S I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUN DAT ION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D .W,V, o FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H ,T UB o SHEET ROCKNA IL 0 0 0 d FINAL -{fgJ o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP,POW ER o H EATIN G 0 (ROUG H \:o EXHAUST HOODS \0CO NDUIT o SU PPLYAIR o /7 0 //o FINAL o FI NAL, -f f j1)\PPROVED /CO RRECTIONS: D ATE -;?Y--'=--'--'-'------ ) IN SPECTOR ,'_."":~=,¥"--4<4====='----_ f_ PM_____A MFRITHUR INS eTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL:.... &.Wf J1 y /)• ~I WED OATE 10 -1:;-%)JOB NAME _alL,,\~"<:"'Lt.../.'~~=~~<P-~_ CALLER _ REAOVFOR ~~JCTION '8 TUES L OCATION ,~f (lAJ /& I BUILDING'PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V, o FRAMING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLVWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 d FINAL L \rf-f l/o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POWER o HEATING o ROUGH \o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL •o FINAL , o APPROVED \JDISAPPROVED ~REINSPECTION REQUIRED C ORRECTIONS',I I IN SPECTOR "==:::J=+~~q...~~~::::===="--- - • INSPECTION REQUEST //}TOWN O F VAIL -l..r/1!~q ess (-c.____ (/I NA ME -----L-?r='-'----T-.k.:!.L.L.=.~~---_D ATE PM_____AMFRIREADYFORINSPECTION:M ON L OCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTING S I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 __e s .<;'(';.£-f /C n~./0, o FINAL o FINAL ELEC TRICAL :MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 [J FINAL o FINAL b APPROVED o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS:• ~ I Yr\An -\\\'VINSPECTOR......,::r'r"'-~r-~:=-'it:-'=-------IIDATE---'-'-+--"-1---'_ ) eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAI L'• C;Yo ("- be,. THUR § 4t 'd-+ CALLER I J /'), MONTUES $'1<« II I NS PECTION : I q ««READYFO R LOCATION: )-\I~~i;-~.,- BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FO OTINGS I STE EL D UND ERGROUN D D FOU NDA TION I STEEL D ROUGH I D .W.V. D FRAMING D ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER D GAS PIPINGDPLYWOODNAILING D INSULA TION D POOLI H .TUB D SHEETROCK NAI L D D D D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP .POWER D HEATING o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D SUPP LY A IR D -","-YI/',"(='V'-o i ____ D D FINAL D FI NAL 9 /A PPROVED D DI SAPPROVED D REIN SPECTION REQUIRED C RRECTION S: DATE -,'-!-'--'4----,:f-""'----INSPECTOR ~L/ • • D REINSPECTION REQUIREDDDISAPPROVED INS eTION REQUESTT~~O W N OF VAIL"\",. NAME "'¥tt::1'$4;-jjj;;l.£,,,-/" JOB CLLER . REAO Y FOR INS ;~fJr;b W~S ,{WED THUR FRI e PM LOCATION :II A i "'1trI'//&,7 - )qf/r!L .k A ~iU _ BUILDING:PLUMBING: DFOOTINGS I STEEL D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION I STEEL D ROUGH I DW.V. D FRAMING D ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER ,DGA S PIPINGDPLYWOODNAILING DIN SULATION =\"D POOL I H .TUB D SHEETROCK NAI~D D D . D FINAL D FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: DTEMP .POWER D HEATING DROUGH DEXHAUST HO ODS D _ O S UPPLY A IR D~11 1')'ug'"~-,/'W!IU< DFINAL (~hrLCb,t.l DFIN AL -~A PPR O VE D CORRECTION S: DATE 7 -/«.P L.v IN SPECTOR ~.~a6:~/'-.-r'. INSPECT IO N :MON T UESWEDT HUR ,RI /'1 vr /,"')""Au'2~1), READ Y FOR L O CATIO N : 10/'I IIII JOB N AME eTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL ,...~ ~ \/.\, 4 ..._____Q PM 42('11 w (r,o.'00 f BUILD ING:PLUMB ING: o FOOTI NG S I STEEL o UNDERGROUNDi;{FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I D.W.V. o FRAMIN G o ROUG H I WATE R o IN SULATION o G AS PIPING o SHEETRO CK NA IL o POO LI H .TUB 0 0 o FIN AL o FINA L ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS ' o CO NDUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 D ~L o F INAL ~:P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS : DATE /;2 -'2 -1'/IN SPECTOR ~~ -_....AM i 4 _•• • o R EINSPECT IONRE QUIRED • eTION REQUEST OW N O F VA IL ", \\. o DI SAPPROVED • 'IDATE-'-P-Ul;f1-'---- READY FORINSPECT IO N :Y O N jfUES")W ED THUR FRI ~apaX~:PM L OCATION jCif/f/<,.:,7"71 - f1 BUI LDING:PLUMB ING : I);•h;.Il=KFOOTINGS/ST EEL o U NDERGROUND 19 -f'<WNO=O N ~3T E E"t:'~fe r o ROUGH /DW V. \' o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER o INS ULAT IO N o G ASPIP ING ti SH EETROCKNAI L o POOL /H .TU B 0 0 o F INAL o FINA L ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP,PO WER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDU IT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o P ;JA L o FI NAL . C--.?3 !'PRO VED COR RECT IONS: DATE _+-=--'='==--=7£._ ....""-'Y'••., DE L VALLE RESIDE NCE -E X TER IORD ECK A LTERA TI ON 1944 SU NBU RS T D R IVE -V AIL,CO C ONC EPTUA L R ENDERING DEL V ALLER ES ID E NC E -E XTE RIORD EC K 1 944 SU NBURST DRI VE -VAIL ,CO If" , P H OT OO FE XI ST ING SIT E