HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 21A LEGALProject Name:LUBLAN ADDmON Project Description : Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75SouthFro ntage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 f ax:970.479.2452 we b:www.vailgov .com DRBNumber:DRB080083 Exter ior deck alterationi ncluding hot tub ,water feature and boulder wall Participants: OWNER LUBLAN SA 03/26/2008 LYFORD CAY POBOXN-3229 NASSAU,BAHAMAS APPLICANT MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL &SPA,03/26/2008 Phone:(970)949-6339 POBOX2670 VAIL COLORADO 81658 License:348-A Project Address:1944 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location:1944 SUNBURST DR LegalDescription:Lot:21-A Block:Subdivision:VAILVALLEY 3RDFILING ParcelNumber:2101-091 -0302 -9 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:04/09/2008 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestot hese plansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit fo r bu ilding.Please consult with TownofVailBuilding personnel prior to construction act ivities. Cond :20 1 (PLAN):DRBapp roval shall not becomevalidfor20days follOWing the date of approval,pursuant totheVailTownCode,Chapter12-3-3:APPEALS . Cond:202 (PLAN):Approval of th is project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)yea r followinq the date offinal approval,unlessabuild ing permit is issuedandconst ruction is commencedandis diligently pursued toward completion. DRBFeePaid:$300.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.479.2128 fax :970.479.2452 web:www .vailgov.com ClOA- 3e.oeOON\kNO Ok'(l1a..;:r:S Cd"• For constructionofanewbuilding or derno/rebu d. Foranadditionwheresquarefootage isaded ~'noar 'Or commercialbUilding(includes250additions &interior conversions):---~-..J Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite i mprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls,etc. Forminorchangestobuild ings andsitei mprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStaffortheDesign ReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquare foot of totalsignarea. Physical Address:l ~'-I";5(,'".113 v ~0;"C ~\II i.L Parcel No.:2 101 -09/-0 302,-'J (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Description of the Request:_--=A....:....::O_D_---'I~__===__=:=::::...:..::..L.--'-:....:.c:-=------'-:.:....:::=.:...:...:....:::....::...=_=__>=____"'~= A W'O F="n&.N~MM~T!.~l Location of the Proposal:Lot:2.1 Block:Subdivision: General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesign r eviewmustreceiveapprovalprior tosubmittingabuilding 'permitapplication.Pleasereferto thesubmittal requirementsfo r theparticularapproval that isrequested.Anapplication forDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceived bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a bUilding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):A."'TO I.J I 0 D=1£L.=---=\/.--'-A-"'LL=-o:.:...::~=___............o~_=_~_"'_'___'____'_' Mailing Address:LYEC>~D C.A'1 Po ~o>l t../ASSr«sv RAI ·tA~~: Owner(s)Signature(s):-=:...............??~ Name of Applicant:---fh,d 0 12\,j)$£tid I {g;,. 1NJ.r.x.I M~GO All t=e>-t..r -1>0 0 l.- Mailing Address:Po 40,z #=w 7","\lA-ll ______________----,-----::,----__Phone: E-mail Address:Mc..H"Qwzs:1.~c£ls"1JM1..~x:=~=~2~~9'_~~~i~~@:~WJ~nR1 Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee ~NewConstruction $650 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) I 0 Cfanges toApprovedPlans$20 0 SeparationRequest No Fee Page 1 0 15 ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMIITAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapplicationisrequiredforallproposalsinvolvingtheadditionof GRFA (grossresidentialfloor area).Thisincludesproposalsfor250additionsand interior conversions.SeeTitle12,Chapter 15-GrossResidentialFloorAreaforspecificregulations. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** o AllpagesofApplicationiscomplete o ChecklistiscompletedandsignedJZf-StampedTopographicSurvey* Jj{SiteandGradingPlan* ..a landscape Plan* ~ArchitecturalElevations*(1set of Redlinedelevations)..~Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications...-3o>P ho i<J ~1 ~~/.)I.'S \- C5 ArchitecturalFloorPlans*(1set of Redlined floor plans)~ o LightiAg Plan~and Cut slleet(s)for j;}re~gsed fixtures '-el-Title-report,including-scnedules-A &B ttl verify ewnersAi~and easements* o Photos of theexistingsiteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. o Writl:en-applOval flO",a condominium -association,lClfl6lerd,aAd jeint OWllel,It ~bI& 8 Site sf3eeifie Geological Hdldl dReport,if Ilpplicdble* o The AdmiAistrateF aAd/ol DRB IfIdy requiie tAe submission of additignill plans, ~rawings,specificatigns,sam~les aAd Otllel II laterlals(Includingamodel)if deemed necessaryto detprmiREl wl:letl:ler il ~mjeGt will eomj;}l(witll DesigA GtJidelines or if-tAe. intent gf tAe fJmfJgsal isAoteiearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted wit"an asterisk (*). **For interior conversionswithno exterior changes,the submittal requirementsincludea completesetofexistingandproposed floor plans,a title report,and written approvalfroma condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:O!L.VAU-1l ~IQt:AJa -L-<.){:.>(JyJ S:.,.(.. contractors~-~ Date Signed__--..:~__=___ F:\cdev\FORMS\Pennits\Planning\Old fOrTns\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of15 ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey: •Wetstampandsignature of alicensedsurveyor •Dateofsurvey •Northarrowandgraphicbarscale •scale of 1"=10'or1"=20') •Legaldescriptionandphysicaladdress •Lotsizeandbuildable area(buildableareaexcludesredhazardavalanche,slopesgreater than40%,and floodplain) •Tiestoexisting benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.This information mustbeclearlystated onthesurvey •Propertyboundariestothenearesthundredth (.01)of a foot accuracy.Distancesandbearingsandabasis ofbearing must beshown.Showexistingpinsor monuments foundand their relationshiptotheestablished corner. •Showright of wayand property lines;i ncludingbearings,d istances andcurve information. •Indicate alleasements identifiedonthesubdivision platandrecordedagainst thepropertyas indicatedin the title report.Listanyeasementrestrict ions. •SpotElevationsattheedge of asphalt,alongthestreet frontage of thepropertyat twenty-five footintervals (25'),anda minimum of onespotelevationson either side of thelot. •Topographic conditionsattwofootcontourintervals •Existingtreesorgroups of treeshavingtrunkswithdiameters of 4"ormore,asmeasuredfromapointone footabovegrade . •Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders,interm ittent streams,etc.), •Allexisting improvements(including foundation walls,roofoverhangs ,build ing overhangs,etc.). •EnvironmentalHazards(ie.Rockfall,debrisflow ,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) •Watercoursesetbacks,if applicable(showcenterlineandedgeofstreamorcreekinaddition totherequired streamorcreaksetbac k) •Showall utility meter locations,includinganypedestalsonsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacenttothesite. Exactlocationofexisting utility sourcesandproposedservice linesfrom their sourcetothestructure. Utilitiesto include: •cableTV sewer Gas •TelephoneWaterElectric •Sizeandtype of drainageculverts,swales,etc. •Adjacentroadways labeledandedge of asphaltforbothsides of theroadwayshownfora minimumof 250' ineither direction from property. SiteandGradingPlan: •scale of 1"=20'orlarger •Propertyandsetbacklines •Existing andproposedeasements •Existingandproposedgrades •Existing andproposedlayoutofbuildings andotherstructures includinqdecks,patios,fencesandwalls. Indicate the foundation w ith adashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. •Allproposed roof ridge linesw ith proposedridgeelevations.Indicate existingandproposedgradesshown underneathallrooflines.Th is willbeusedtocalculatebuildingheight. •Proposeddriveways,includingpercentslopeandspotelevationsatthepropertyline,garageslabandas necessaryalongthecenterline of thedrivewaytoaccuratelyreflectgrade. F:\a:lev\FORMS \Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 4 of15 PROPOSED MATERIALS BUilding Materials Type of Material Roof Other Wall Materials Siding '-.._------4::0- Fascia Soffits Windows .,. Window Trim ~.------ , -.._-~---- .~ ~-...._------~---=:::.....="--"'-,;>-------- Doors DoorTr im Hand or DeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,the color nameand number and attach a color chip. F:\cd ev\FORMS\Perm it5\Planning\Old forms \drb_addition _8 -28-2007.d oc Page 7of15 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTINGTREES TOBE REMOVED Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantity Minimum Requ irements for Landscap ing:DeciduousT rees -2"caliper Coniferous Trees -6'in height Shrubs-SGal. ~SquareFootage GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEOFEROSIONCONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i .e.retain ing walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) F:\cdev\FORMS\Per mils\Planning\Old forms \drb_addition_8 -28-2007.doc Page8o f15 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER $l1~LS"D2..>:IIl.....(..=--1.providethis letter as written approval of theplansdated whichhavebeen submitted tothe Town of VailCommunityDevelopment Department fortheproposed improvements to be completedatthe address notedabove.Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include: AOO .. H4~cl /3,200 cf (Date) Additionally,pleasecheckthe statement below whichismost applicable toyou: I I understand that minor modifications may bemade to theplans over thecourse of the review processto pliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. o I request that all modifications,minor or otherwise,whicharemadetotheplans over thecourse of the review process,be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional appro val beforeundergoing further review btheTown. (Init joint pr opertyow ner lette r rev ised 10/1812006 Er F:\cdev\FO RMS\Pe rrnits\Planning\Oldforrns\drb_addition_B-2B-2007.doc Page 2 of15 DEL VALLE RESIDENCE 1944 SUNBURSTDR LOTS 21A &21B VAIL,CO. AREA ANALYSIS SITE AREA 03/2 3/07 21,911 .00 sq/ft DENSITY (GRFA) ALLOWABLEGRFA EXISTING GRFA DEVELOPABLE GRFA SITE COVERAGE ALLOWABLESITECOVERAGE EXISTING SITECOVERAGE DEVELOPABLE SITE COVERAGE LANDSCAPING MINIMUM LANDSCAPEAREA EXISTING LANDSCAPEAREA DEVELOPABLE HARDSCAPEAREA (20%) PROPOSED HARDSCAPE 7,398.43 6,373.42 1,025.01 4,382.20 4,189.61 192.59 13,146.60 15,027.90 3,005.58 3,003.78 sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft sq/ft 1944 SUNBURST DRIVE -VAIL,CO 3 -25 -2008 r PHOTO RENDERING OF MASTER BEDROOM EXTESION 1944 SUNBURST DRIVE --VAIL,CO 3 -25-2008 EXISTING MASTER BEDROOM EXTERIOR t,¥ 1944 SUNBURST DRIVE -VAIL,CO PHOTO RENDERING OF MASTER BEDROOM EXTENSION AND ADDED BEDROOM AND MECHANICAL ROOM 3-25 -2008 VIEW -WEST ELEVATION 1944 SUNBURST DRIVE -VAIL,CO /' EXISTING WEST ELEVATION VIEW 3 -25-2008 1944 SUNBURST DRIVE -VAIL,CO 3 -2!:i -200B r ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***•••••************************************************************************************ Statement Number: Payment Method: R080000350 Amount:$300.00 Check 03 /27/200810:41 PM Init:RLF Notation :#042917 MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL AND SPA Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location: DRB080083 Type:DRB -Addition of GRFA 2101-091-0302 -9 1944 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1944 SUNBURSTDR This Payment :$300 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT IT EM LIST : Acc ount Co de DR00 100003112 200 Des c r ipt ion DESIGN REVIEW F EES Cur r ent Pmts 300.0 0 ,• CONSTRUCTION ESCROW AND COMPLETION AGREEMENT ThisAgreement,madethis15thday of January,1999,between Beth Ann Bryant Findell,locatedat40125AmethystDrive,SteamboatSprings,CO.80487(hereinafter referredtoas "SeUer"),Paradise Designs(hereinafterreferredtoas "ConstructionManager "), havingitsprincipalplace of businessat40125AmethystDrive,Steamboat Springs,CO .80487 and James Paul Goff and Jody Marie Goff,locatedat1550EastO xford Lane,Englewood , CO.80110(hereinafterreferredtoas "Buyer"). WHEREAS,Buyerispuing accommodate Seller's desireto effectua~t!ll="""';"6 WHEREAS,theremodel of theresidenceisnotcompleteandSellerandBuyer mutuaUy agreetoestablishan escrow foruncompleteditemsintheamount of $77,249 (hereinafterreferredtoas "Escrow")tobeheldbyLandTitle Guarantee Company,locatedat 108S.Frontage RoadW.,Ste .203,Vail,CO.81657(hereinafterreferredtoas "Escrow Agent"). NOW,THEREFORE,the SeUer ,Construction ManagerandBuyerdomutuallyagree uponthetermsandco .iereinsetforth . ~~~o t.O~COl\l~N:tltO ~SCHEDULE SeUer and Construction Manageragreetocompleteinteriorandexterioritemslistedas "CompletionItemsand Gutters/Downspouts"inExhibit "X"(attached heretoandmadeapart hereof)onorbeforeFebruary15,1999.Saidworkshallincludeinstallation of asnowmelt boilerperTownbuildingcodesandcompletion of the operating systemforheating exterior decksitemslistedinwillcomplywithstandardpracticesand procedures forthe construction industryinandaroundtheVailValley,County of Eagle,State of Colorado . Sellerand Construction Manageragreetocompleteremaining exterior itemslistedas "Driveway,Hot Tub DeckandLandscapinginExhibit "X"onorbeforeJune15,1999. • ARTICLE 2 BUYER PUNCH LIST • Uponcompletion of those construction items scheduled tobe completed by February 15,1999,asprovidedinExhibit"X",Construction Manager andBuyershallagreeto jointly prepare andfinalizea written memorandum or "punchlist"of those construction itemsnotan integralpart of Exhibit "X",yetdeemedincomplete.An amount equalto one-and-a-half (1-1/2)timesthe estimated cost of completing thesepunchlistshallberetainedin Escrow held by Escrow Agentuntilsuchitemsare completed tothe reasonable satisfaction of Buyer.Inthe eventsaiditemsarenot completed onor before April15,1999,the Escrow Agentshallbe authorized todisbursethe escrowed fundsto Buyer for those specific incomplete items. ARTICLE 3 I'ENALY FOR DELAYED COMPLETION IntheeventSellerand Construction Manager donot complete those construction items bythe dates specifiedinExhibit"X",Sellerand Construction Manager agree topay Buyer a penalty of $215perday .Seller,Construction Manager and Buyer agreethatdelayscausedby materialsuppliers,weather orany unforeseen circumstances shallprovidean extension of the completion dateasmaybereasonably necessary .AnypenaltyincurredshallbepaidtoBuyer from Escrow attime of final disbursement by Escrow Agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartieshavesettheirhandsandsealsonthefirstday above written. SELLER: BethAnnBryantFindell CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Paradise Design BUYER: Jody Marie Goff 2 • EXHmIT "X" • Punchlist Escrow and Completion Schedule (1944-A Sunburst Drive) ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED BY FEBRUARY 15,1999 Completion Items: Doors -Install* BaseTrim ,Crown Molding andCasing-Install* Wood Flooring -Install* Carpet,PadandInstall Fireplace Mantle -Install* Finish Garage Walls Tile Grouting/Granite Finish Glass Block -Install * PlumbingFinish-Install Mirrors -Labor and Materials Electric Finish Interior Painting Closet Rods/Shelves Exterior Painting Speakers -Install Washer/Dryer andWetBar Refrigerator Gutters/Downspouts: TOTAL PUNCHLIST ITEMS Contractual Escrow Percentage TOTAL ESCROW (HeldbyLandTitle) FOR FEBRUARY 15TIl ITEMS $2,000 1,400 1,400 4,575 400 600 1,000 500 900 600 600 1,600 600 2,600 100 1,300 $20,175 $3,256 $23,431 X 150% $35,147 ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED BY JUNE 15,1999 Driveway: 12 palettes Uni-Decor,1 palette Edging Palette deposit Delivery charge 1,800linearfeet Wirsbow 15yardsmasonrysand Delivery charge $4,200 130 346 1,280 120 220 • 2rolls6"wiremesh Bobcat andop er ator (2days) Compactor (3da ys) 2"Blu-board (10) Labor -paverinstallation Labor -wirsboandmechanical Zone fill and pressure test Hot Tub Deck: 300linearfeetWirsbow 1yardmasonry sand 4"pipe Insulation Labor -exca vation fortubingandwirechases , installmanifoldandaccess,backfill ,install electricservice ,install wirsbow,pour concrete,setstone,grout andclean . Landscaping (Including Irrigation): TOTAL PUNCI-ll.JST ITEMS Contractual Escrow Percentage TOTAL ESCROW (HeldbyLandTitle) FOR JUNE ISm ITEMS •Allmaterialsforlisteditemarepaidforand on-site. 2 120 250 120 230 4,500 2 ,400 880 $213 32 30 25 3,000 • $14,796 $3,300 $9,972 $28,068 X 150% $42,102 -.. JAH-1S-99 10:18 AM • Al(TICL[:z BUYER Pll~CH UST • P.02 Upon completion of'those construction items scheduled tobecompleted by February .~.11)1)1).a~provided in E"hibil "X",Construction :-'hnllgcr BIllI Buyer ,hllllllgrt:c:tn juintly prepare and tinftli7.C a written memorandum or "punch list"of'thosc construction items not an integral pall of Exhibit "X",yet deemed incomplete An amount equal to onc-and-a-bau' (1-112)times.the estimated ellsl uf C\.lmplcting tht.!~~punch list shull be retained in Escrow held hy escrow Agentuntil such items arc completed to the reasonable satisfaction of Buyer.In the event said items are not completed onor before April IS..1999,the Escrow Agent :;hall he authorized to disburse the escrowed funds 10 Buyer for those specific incl,rnplch.:uems ARTICU:J I fEN,\U'FOR DELAYEP COl\1rLF:TIO~ In the event Scllc:r And Construction Manager do not complete those construction items hy the dates specified in Exhibit "X",Seller ,IOU Cun~trucliun Manager agree to pay Buyer 1\ penalty of S21 5 per day.Seller,Construction Manager lind Buyer agree thaI delays caused by m:\ler ial suppliers,weal her or any unforeseen circumstances shall provide:an extension of the completiun dale:as may be:reasonably necessary .Any penalty incurred shall be paid to Buyer from ESl"IUW al time:or Ilnal t1isbllrs~lII"lll b:r E~~IUW Agent IN WITNESS WHEREOF,theparties have set their hands and seals onthe I1rsl dny uhove wntten , SEI.U:R:BUYER: C()N:O;TRl.J<.TION MANAGER: I'Rrt"IISf Dtslgll Uy:.. DOU1;Munhews,Owner Jody MarieGoll' e~tr()\,/N~r:VA262904 Coar.1;tment N...c.er;V2 6290 4 Cl.".er:Laura.L.nowe .-~er.colorado .'Jatluary 15,1998•T~e undersigned deposit with LAND TITLE GUAaANTEE COMPANY a~Escrow Holder .the itoms set forth i n Schedule A,to be held by ~aid e.,crO'l Kolder subject to the tel"lllS hereof and the $pe<:ial Instruct ions ~et forth i n Schedule B bel.,... lZAll cash deposits IlIUs'be acc~nied by 3 fonn \1-9 Request for Taxpayer Ident ification NlII1ber. n SCHEDULE A q (Depe!:it.,) ~41,562.00 "SCHEDULE B" (Special Instructions) ~Special Instruction No.1 (Rep;oi r-s)AttachedospecialIll$truction No.2 (Intentionally omitted) OSpecial Instruction No.3 (lender C"""let;co Instructions)Attachod []special Instruction No.4 Clndeanity Ag..........t-Cash Oepcr.it)Attacned DSpecial Instruction No.5 (ln1:entionally OoIitted) []Special Ill$truction No.6 (Depository Instructions)Attached [Jspecial Instruction No.7 (F .I.R.P.T.A.)oSpecial Ill$truction No.8 (Resolut:ion of Hi~ellaneo""Issues) OAll others (See attached "xhibit -AU) The parties to the escrow,by signing below.39tH that they have read and will be bound by the General Provisions to the Escrow Air~t on the following page. BY: ~mNiU~ ~ 'KWN OF VAIL ~,f /l -I SELLER(S) (I f appl i cable) BEnt ANN BRYANT FDIDELL 1550 EAST OXFOlU>LANE EN~EWOOD CO 80110 Address .....:::==....;;;:=""--==-===--====-_Address 40125 AMETHYST DRIVE STEAMBOAT SPRINGS CO 80487 Telephone:\!_relq>h~_ SSN:or T~~lO~_ Contact Person _ SSHi!Dr TAX Ill';\!_ Contact Person _ LENDER: (If appl ica!>le) COLORADO CAPITAL !'UNDING INC_ESCROW FEES TO BE AS FOLLOWS; (a)Set up 1"., (b)Amual fee CCl l1i!:cellaneous By _ Addr~s 5251 S.QUEBEC STREET SUITE 200 ENGLENOOD .CO 80:1.:1.1 rilX loti _ contact Person _ Any corr""pondence r ega rd ing this ""craw shall be addre§ed tD~ :wIND T:ITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 ~.1ST AVENUE,SUITE 600 DENVER,COLORADO 80206 ATTN;ESCROW COORD:INATOR fORI1 EAl Ree..ipted and ..ccq>ted as to spec ial Instructions and General Prov i51ons to Escrow A9r~~. LAND TITLE GWIRANTEE COMPJ\NY -ESCROW llOI.DER By'_ JAN-14-SS 14.41 FROM.••JO .S7l1J94S4BS2.-PAGE 4/4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION NU!!5ER 1 (Repairs) A.The above deposi t shall be held by the Esc:row Bolder to a$SUl:e completioA of: DJUVEWAY,EXTERIOR PAINTING,AND LANDSOU>UIG AS SET FORTH ON EXJIIBIT liB"ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HERE:IN. (Type of repair oe incomplete work) to be perfo:r:med upon real prop..rty located at (or described as)• LOT 2lA VAIL VALLEY FLG 3,VAIL,CO 81657 B .Upon wril::ten notification ("Notice")haviAg be....actually :receivco frO'll Town of Vail ~:to the escrow stating that the repair or incomplete work bas been completed,Escrow Holder may rel::urn ebe deposit to: SELLER UPON WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BEING RECEIVED lIY TB:J::TOWN OF VAIL. Es=ow Holder shall have nc independent duty to determine if the :repair or incomplete work has indeed been completed and may conclusively rely upon such Notice and may dis:re~ard any warnings or notice given it to the contrary. C.The Notice :reql.lired by paragraph lettered B of these Special Inst:r1.lctions shall be addressed as follows: LAND TITLE GlmRAN'l'£E COlllPAHY 3033 E.1ST AVl!:NOE,SUITE #600 DENVER,COLORADO 80206 ATTN:ESCROW COORDINATOR PHONE:(303)321-1880 FAX:(303)399-8:193 Such Notice shall conspiCUOusly state upOn it that it is r ..lated to Sscrow Number VA262904 D.The undersigned hereby authorize LAND.in its disc:reticm,to use any portion or portions or all of said deposit to pay,o:r:to reiJllburse its..l£for the payment of any SUlllS for the payment·of which the uAdersigned bave by thi$Ag>:eem~t obligated thems..lves 3Ud have failed to pay promptly upon demand,or ....y sum which,in the dis=etion of LAND.it may he reql.l:i.>:ed to ~y for the protection of its insureds or itself. E.Any retu=of deposit by the Escrow Holder may be sent by regular.first class.united States Mail,address..d in accordance with the addresses contained in general Escrow Instructions. SELLER(S): EETH ANN BRYANT FrN1lELL 1 Farm ~o.SPECIHSl VA262904 V262904 JAN-14 -SS lQ ,40 FROM , I:'\ir ials Init ials PAGE 3 /4 1.Fa....of Notice.Any ins tr-cct icn,not ice or d-...d to,upon orby Escroll Holder sha ll b<!in writing and /IlilY be del ivered persona lly,by u.s.or pr ivate mail.~ouri ~r.telefax or te legram.No~ice shalt be deemed given on t he f irs~ bus iness cate sa id notice i s received by Escrow Holder.ielephone or other oral i ns trvc ti cn.not ice or demand ~not be accepted by Escrow Holder.but E&erow ~older shall not be l iable for damages or o:herwise,i f actions are taken ba~ed upon non-written i notructicnf,i f Escrow ~olde r shall have rel ied thereon in good faith . 2 _Reliance on Notice_Escrow Holder may act i n reli~e upon any wr iting cr jnstr~t or signature whi ch it.in Q'ood faith,bel ieves to be genutnt,and::laY aSSLme the val i djty end IIccur.ac.y of any $t~tement or ~$$cit ion contai"ed in such a writing or instrument,~nd way assume that any person purporting to g ive any writ;n;,noti~e.advice or instruction in connection with the provisions hereof has been duly authori~ed sotodo. 3.O;sbursement Time Reguirements .Any notice to Escrow Holder hereunde r,shall be given no later than 24 hours prior to the date ar~timefor a~t ian by Escrow Holder.Escrow Hold~agrees to act upon all notices WivtO to it.which are fully approved by all approp riate parties and which are not ccnditioned upon any event other than Escroll Holder'S actions, not later than 5:00 p.m.onthe bu$iness day next following the date upon which such notice wa~received. 4 .laW$of Esche..t .All Part ies are hereby advised tlwlt unclaimed funds ....y be payable to the State of Colorad e ot some future d8te pursuant ~o ~he l aws of ~eheat r and chould E£crow Holder pay any such funds held in ~he Escrow D~sit. Escrow Holder ~,all be rcleased from all further responsibility under ~h is Agreement and shall not be liable to any Party so long as s uch paytnent was lIl8de pursuant to the statutes of Colorado or r egulati Qn$ofthe Color.do O~rt1lltnt of Revenue. 5.Receipt and Deposit of Proceeds.Escrow Holder shall depo$it &nd invest all the EscrO'l Deposit Funds in a federally i nsured institution .If the Escrow Deposit Funds exc~S100.000.00.Escrow Holder ~y in~st the Escrow Deposit Fundsin Gover~t Repurchase Agreements for U.S.Treasury obligations.EscrowKolder shall not be re~nsible for maximi~ing the yield on the Escrow Deposit Funds .All Parties hereto shall execute and del i~r toEscrow Holder all forms requ;red by F~ral,St~te or ct~er governmental agencies relative ~o ta~a~ion ma~ters and Escrow Holder will fi\e appropriate 1099 or other required forlM. ~_Intprest Eanned onEscrow DtpOsit Funds.If theDeposit eonsists partly or entirely of money,then durin9 thc period the £$crow Holder i s in possession 01 the Depo~it.th~money will be deposited in an fOIC insured institution (the "InstitutioOU).O~posits of less than $1 ,000.00 shall not bear interest.Oeposits 01 $1,000.00 to $100.000.00 shall bear interest at the rate pa id by the Institution.Deposits of S100.000.00 or more may be directed by the Parties hereto to other typeS of investments.Underno c irclIIlStances shall Escrow Holder be liable for toss of i...cls due to bank,savings and loan association or other Institution failure,I ncluding employees Or agents the~f,suspension or cessation of t1Jsiness"orany action or i nac.tionon the pa rt of the b;nk,cavlngs and loan ils,ociation o r oth@r Institut ion,or any del ivery service transporting funds to and frOID suchIns titution. 7.Fees 'and Expenses of Escrow Molder.The Escrow Holder shall be entitlod to reimbursement·in full.or ~y d~nd payment in advance,for all costs.expenses.charges.fees or other pa~ts made or to be made by Escroll Holderin the performance of EscrowHolder 's duties and obligations under this Agreement.The Parties to the Agreement are jointlY end ..,verally liable for the payment to Escrow Holderof Fees and Expenses .Escrow Holoer is hereby authorized and directed to d isburse to itself in payment of Fets or Expenses fN:lGl.tJny f~in the Es crow Deposit,.whether from principal or Irrrer-es'r or bo'th,at "ny time,and from time:to ti~,as the saee may be due and owing_Further,E$crow HoLder i$hereby authorized towithhold any Fees or Expenses from any disbursement or distribution of Escrow Deposit Funds to any Party hereto or to the Clerk af the Court upon interpleader.Inthe event that the Oeposi~shall consist of documents only and not funds.Escrow Agent mey refuoe ~o distribute anysuch documents or to otherwise act under this Agreement until all accrued but unpaid Fees and Expenses h..ve been paid i n ful t ,: 8~Non -liabilitv 01 Escrow Hold~r.E$crow Hold~r $h8Ll nOt be Li3blc for any mistakes of fact.or e rrors of juD~nt, or for eny ec'ts or-Qnll$$ioos of any idnd unless caused by 'the willful misco~t 01'"grO$S negli~ence of Escr-olol Holeler-. Escrow Holder shall not be lill!lle for any t axes,ass<!Ssments or other gowrnnental charges which !My be levied or aueued ""on the Eserow ~it or any part thereof.or uponthe inc""",th"refrOlll.Escrow Hc lder may rely upon ~he ~v i'Ce of counsel and '-"""st3tetDOnts of a~ountants.brekers or other persons r easonably believed by it in good faith to be expert in the matters upon ..niGh theya re consulted,and for any reasonable action taken or suffered in good hith based "POn such advice or statements ;scr""Holder s hall not be liable to anyone. 9.Indemnity of Escrow ~o I Oe r .The Parties hereto.jointly and severally,agree to indemnify Escroll Holder and hold it hat1ll1ess as to any liability by i t incurred to any other p<>rson or I!T'Itity by reason of this hcrow Agr.......ne,or in connect ion herewith ~xc~for Escrow HoLd@rl~own willful mi$conduct or gross negligence,and to reimburse ~$crow Holder ~or all 1"tS @'xpeliSes,inCluding,but not rttc~r\l y 1;ftlit~to .3t'torn2Y&1 fees:and court costs.incurred in connection h"r~ith. 10_DisDUtes and lntenoleader ~In the ~ent of any dispute between the P~rti~as to either taw or fact.or in ~he event 8ny of th~Parties h~r@to fail.for any r~a$on.to fully receipt and acquit the ~$cro~Holder in writing,f'erou Holder ~y refuse,in its discr@'tion.to carry out said escrow instructions or to deliver ~ny ~und:,doeumen:"a~ property in its hands to anyone and in so doing shall not t>ecorne liable to doGland _Escrow Holder shall be ef\tltled to continue,without li~bi lity.tc refrain and refuse tc aet:ca)until all the rights of tbe adverse elaimants haye been finally adjudicated by acourt havin;jurisdiction overthe Parties and the i t ems affected hereby.after which t ime the Escrow Holder shall be en~i tled t o act inconformi ty with such adjudication;or (b)~t il all differences s hall have been adjusted by agreement end Escrow Ho lder sholl have been notified ther-eof and shall have been directed i n writing signed jointly or i n counterpart bythe Parries and all persons making ad""rs"cla llll$or deIcanc!s,at which time EscrO\l ~older shal l ~pto~e~~ed i n a~t ing in ~ompliance therew ith_E$crow Holder also h~s th~ri9ht ~o in~erplead in~o a court of Compet~L j u r 1 ~di cL i on a~Lhe expe nse of tne Part ies. 11.Reguest for Written Instructions.Escrow Kolder may at any time.and f rom t ime to time.request the Parties to provide Wrl~ten i ",,~r uct i ons concerning the propriety of a proposed payment of funds on deposit.distribution of documents.or other action cr refusal to act by Escrow Helder.shculd the Parties fai l to provide such written instruction$within a r~a$onabl~time,Escrow Hol~r may take such action.or refU$e tc act,a~it may d~em appropriate and shell nat be Liable to anyone Tor such action or refusal to ect.Notwith$tandiog ~he foregoing,should the terms of the Escrow Agreement be complied with.inthe judgment of Escrow Holder.then the Escrcw Holder may disburse any funds. distribute documents.or take such act ion without specific furthEr written instructions from any party. 12.Resignation of esCrow Holder.Escrow Holder ~y resign under this Agreement by 5iving written notice to all of th~Par~ies hereto,effec~ive 30 days after the date of ~aiQ notice.upon the appointment by tne Partie$o f u new e$cro~ holder or cuctodian,or Upon wr i~ten i ~truc t i ons to ~scr~Holder fer other diGPOS it ion of the escrow Oepo~it,E3~rOW Holder shall,after retenti on of its accrued escrow fees and ~~es,if any.deliver the f$crow oeposit within a reasonable pe r-iod of time as so directed,llnd snail be r"li~~of any and all liabi I ity hereunder "rising thereafter. 13.8enefit .All rights and protections afforded to Land Title Guarantee Company hQ reunder shall inure to and for the benef it of i ts ..,.jerwr iter. 14.Aoplicable law.This Agreenent shall be governed by the lawsof the State of Colorado. 15 _Coun'ter~rt$!FIle$imne.lhis Agreement my be executed in any nunber of eo\X1terparts,each of which when so executed shal t cDnS'titute the ent ire agreement between thl!!"parties hereto and lD8:y be eXfocuted in facsimi le and such fac- simile signature shall be accepted IS orig inal signatures .The parties acknowledge and agree that there are nc intended or unintended third party benefieiaries who may rely upon or ~efit from the provisions of ~h is agreement. FOR!'l EA.GP (8/94) VA262904 AUG -26-S8 lq .37 P~O~. Rue;16 99 12:05p 10 . A~n Davis &~owler ~c ~,u~PAGE 2/2 PARTIAL RELEASE OF PUNCHLIST ESCROW August 2,1999 The undecigned parties hereby authorize Land Title Guaranty Company,escrow agent,to release the remaining balance ofthe original punchIist escrow established on January 15, 1999.plus any accrued interest,to Beth Ann Bryant F"mddI.The said esCrow was held for colIlpletionofwork at 1944-A SunbumDrive (Lot 21-A.Vail VaUeyThird Filing).The escrow agent is further directed to wiretransferthese released funds into AccouDt #48l3032111 at Vedrll Baak in Steamboat Springs,Colotado.The phone II1lXI1bef for Veeua Bank is (910}-879-4949. Please contact Greg Amsden at 476-8610 with any questions regarding ~wire traosfer. Beth AnnBryant FUlddl Department of Community Developm ent 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479 -2138 FAX 970-479-2452 December 17,1997 Gregory Register Arch istructure One P .O .Box 774304 355th Street Steamboat Spr ings,CO 80477 V IA FAX -9 70-87 1-0077 RE :Findell reside nce bu ilding permit/Lot 2 1A,Vai l Va lley 3rd Filing Dear Gregory: Ihave reviewed the proposed plan s fortheFindell residence remodel.Upon completion of my r eview,there areseveralou tstanding issues youneedtoreso lve. Plea se resol ve the following issues : I .Please revise t hedri veway turnaround perthe Town of Vail Public Works Department's recommendations.Ifa xed th at drawing to you prior to the Design Revie w Board 's final approval of th is proj ect. 2 .Plea se indicate onthebuildin g permitset of plans ,thesizesandthe quantities o f th e new trees tobe planted onthesit e .Youwill remember that the P lanningand E nvironmental Commission required thatth e removal of 100 caliper inches of trees ,neededtobe mitiga ted .The Planning andEnv ironmental Commissio n suggested that th e rate of mitigation beinc h lor inchforaspen trees a nd I"foreac hfooto f everg reen trees . Sho uld yo uhavea ny q uestions orco ncerns with regard t o th e informationa ddressedin thi s lett er, asa lways,p lease dono thesitate t ocall.Youca nr each me mo steasily d uring regular office hours at (970)4 79-2145.. Sincerely,;(J ~~'1 €.-~ George R uther,AICP Senior Planner GRljr o R£'CYCLEDPAPER TM -FILE COpy APPROYE DOEC 0 8 1997 3 .Arequestforanadditiontoandthe remode~n~e Xisting -residence ,-utiltzing the250 Ordinance ,locatedat1944ASunburst Driv ~1A ,VailValley3rd FilinD Applicant:BethAnnB.Findell,representedbyArchistructureOne Planner:GeorgeRuther GeorgeRutheraskedTomMoorheadaboutaQuorumof3-0-1 ,ifaPEG member abstained . TomMoorheadsaidtherewouldstillbeaquorum . GregAmsdenrecusedhimself ,ashewaspresentlyrepresentingtheowneroftheproperty . GeorgeRuthergaveanoverviewofthestaffmemoandrecommendedanamendmenttothe conditiontosavesomeoftheaspens . GregoryRegister,representingtheapplicant,saidhewantedtokeepitthewayitwas ,asitwas soclose totheforestandtherefore,didn'trequirethatrecommendation . GalenAaslandaskedaboutCondition#2. GeorgeRuthersaid staff hadnotmadearecommendationbasedonthenumberoftreesbeing removed .Instead ,staffwasrecommend ing thatthePECmakeadeterm ination . JohnSchofieldhadnocomments . 3 Greg Moffet saidhewouldliketoseea1:1treemitigationplanandthathehadnoproblemwith where thereplacedtreeswerelocated ,however,heencouraged flexibility with evergreens. John Schofield madeamotionforapprovalin accordance withthe staff memow ith 4 conditions , withtheadditionalsuggestionthatevergreensbegiven consideration inthe landscape plan . Galen Aasland seconded themotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof3-0-1 ,withGregAmsdenabstaining . 4 • Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Co lorado 81657 970 -479 -2 138 FAX970 -479-2452 October29,1997 GregoryRegister ArchitectureOne P.O.Box774304 Steambo at Sp rings,Colorado80477 e FILE COpy ~~ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS AtrlNfSlC 1 1999 'VAIL'IEAVElt CREU COtORADO'USA TM Rc:Findcll Residence250 AdditionlLot 2 1A,VailValleyThirdFiling DearGregory, [have completeda preliminary review of theproposed 250AdditiontotheFindellResidenceat I 944A,SunburstOli ve.Uponcompletion of my review,Ihavedeterminedthatseveralitems a rc outstanding .Eachof theoutstanding itemsneedtoberesolvedprior toafinal reviewbythe Plan ning and Environmental Commission. Theitemsthat needtoberesolved arc: o~3 . In orderto verifyownershipandencumbrances ontheproperty,pleasesubmitanupdated ScheduleA&Bofatit le report. Pleasesubmitatopographicsurvey.Thesurveyshallincludethelocation of thegeologic hazardareasandthe s izes of alltreesremoved becauseoftheaddition. Pleasesubmitalandscape planindicating alltreesthataretoberemovedandthelocation ofanynew landscape materials.This information maybeshownonthesiteplan. 4 .Please indicate th eproposedfinishgradingonthe siteplan.Thegradingsha ll alsoinclude acenterline drivewaygrade.Tenpercentisthemax imum alloweddrivewaygradeunless thedrivewayisheated.Ifthedriveway isheated,themaximum allowedgradeis twelve percent. 5.Afour-footwideconcretedrainpanis required attheedgeofroadasphalt to prohibit surface drainagefromthe drivew ay from entering ontoSunburstDrive.Thefour-foot pan shallhaveatwo-inch centerlineinvert. o RE CYCLEDPAPER 6 . 8 . 9. 10. 12. • r:-'"t... AGeolo gic Hazard Aeknowleagmcnt Formmust beexecuted to assurethe prop erty owner understandsthepotentialgeologic hazardsaffectingtheproperty, AGeologic Hazard Report prepared in accordancewithChapter 18.69 of theTo wnof Vail Municipal Codeshallbe required priorto a finalreviewofthe project bythe Design Review Board. Pleasecomplete abu ildingmaterials list pr ior toappearingbeforetheDesign Review Board onWednesday,November19,1997. Please submitdocumentation confirming thetotalexisting GRFA ontheproperty. Inordertodetermine building height,please indicate theproposed ridge elevation of each o f th e twonew dormersandtheridge overthenewgarage. According tomyGRFAcalculations,the proposalisoveronallowab le GRFA.My fi gures indicatethattheallowableGRFAincludingthe250GRFAis 3,340 square feet and you areproposin g3 ,372 squarefeet.+31.q Pl easestaketheoutlin e o f theproposedaddition footprintprior to Monday,No vember 10,1997. Aga in,theoutstandingissuesoutlined aboveneed toberesolved prior tothe Pl anningand EnvironmentalCommissiondeciding on your250 GR r Arequest.Youarecurrently scheduled for fi nalreview on Monday,November10,1997 .Ifyouhaveanyquestionsor concerns,please do not hesit ate to call.You can reachmeat970-479-21 45. Sincerely, ~K~ George Ruther,AICP Town Pl anner •Q~.l '?Call the Planning Sta Ir at 479-213S APPLICATION FOR PLANi\ING ANDE NVlRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERA.L INFORMATION This application isforanyprojectrequiring approval bythePlanningand Environmental Commission.Forspecific information.secthesubmittalrequirements fortheparticular approval thatisrequested.Theapplicationcannotbc accepteduntilallrequiredinformation is submitted.Theproject mayalso needtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/ortheDesign ReviewBoard. A. B. TYPEOF APPLICATION: ~AdditionalGRFA (250) o Bedand Breakfast o Conditional UscPermit o Majoror 0 Minor Subdivision o Rezoning o SignVariance o Variance o ZoningCode Amendment DESCRIPTIONOFTHE REQUEST: o AmendmenttoanApprovedDevelopmentPlan o Employee HousingUnit(Type:) o Majoror 0 MinorCCIExteriorAlteration (VailVillage) o Majoror 0 Minor CCIIExteriorAlteration (Lionshcad) o Special Development District o Majoror 0 MinorAmendment toanSDD AQI2I--rlQ bJ !1ze1oQE:II.-e<_ I PECMeetingDate: C. D. E. F. G. H. LOCATIONOF PROPOSAL :LOTe.l....6.-BLOCK FILING 3;z.P ~I L VAL!e:=( ADDRESS :14#A ::2UHBUI2.-6"L t2Iz.BUILDINGNAME:_ ZONING:....125.-51 OE;:N-rIAL. _.1 ~.I •••-:B~aAulJ B .htJ.DE""l.l NAMEOF OWNER (S ):~j~~""~",,,<.:L-_ MAILrNGADDRESS:-. _PHONE:~819-0311 4012~AHEll\'fST ~"l:~J?o,,"T ~PQ-.L Co .9040 ( O WNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):M ;J"ft~, NAMEOFREPRESENTATNE:A1?4!lI~rug....e:"--"otJo<p.LE~_ MAILrNG ADDRESS:e 6,?ox.TI±304:_ .~e:.&st1BOkr eppfZ.HJ~.CP .B04"'lPHONE:-=tJO -B11-ep14- FEE -SEETHE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHE A PPROPRIATEFEE. SUBMIT T HIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL RE QUIREMENTS ANDTHEFEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OFC OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75SOUTHFR ONTAGE R OAD, VAIL,COL ORADO 81657. For Office Use Only : tI'}~~~FeePaid:J&,NI Ck#:_~=-~__By:GF?Des,q VI ApplicationDate:i 0/\7 It11 Revised6196 '.' TO: • MEMORANDUM Plann ing and Environmental Commission • FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Department of Community Development November 10,1997 Arequestforanadditiontoandtheremodelofanexisting residence,utilizingthe 250Ordinance ,locatedat1944A Sunburst Drive l Lot 21 A ,VailValley3rdFiling . Applicant: Planner: BethAnnB.Findell,representedby Gregory Register GeorgeRuther I.BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST In1985,theVailTownCouncil approved Ordinance 4,Seriesof1985,which created Chapter (18 .71)oftheVailMunicipalCode ,entitled"AdditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea."This Chapter allowsforupto250squarefeetofadditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA)tobeaddedtoa dwelling (beyond themaximumallowance),providedcertaincriteriaaremet.The purpose ofthe Additional GRFA Ordinance istoprovidean inducement fortheupgradingofexisting dwellings units,whichhavebeeninexistenceforaperiodofatleastfiveyears,by permitting uptotwo hundredfifty(250)squarefeetofGRFAtobeaddedtoadwellingunit. The applicant isproposingtoaddan approximately 965squarefootresidentialadditiontothe existingresidencelocatedat1944A Sunburst Drive .Theadditionincludesanew597 square foot garage ,anewfrontentry ,afourthbedroomontheupperlevelofthehomeanda relocated driveway.Inadditiontothe interior changes,twonew dormers willbeaddedtotheeastandnorth sidesofthehousetoincreasetheceilingheightinthelivingroom.Twonew wooden decks anda patioarealso proposed aroundtheexteriorofthebuilding.Atotalof241 square feetofthe250 squarefootallowancewillbeusedbytheapplicant. II.ZONING ANALYSIS LotSize:21,911 square feet Zoning:Primary/Secondary Residential Hazards:Highhazardrockfall;moderatehazarddebrisflow;possibleavalancheinfluencezone Allowed/Required Existing Proposed GRFA:5,291 sq.ft.4,082sq.ft.5,047sq.ft. Primary:3,340sq .fl.*2,366sq.ft.3,331sq.ft.(9sq.ft.remaining) Secondary:2,201 sq.ft."1,800 sq.ft.N/C SiteCoverage:4,382sq.ft.2,058 sq.ft.2,752 sq.ft. Height:33'32'32' Park ing: • 3 spaces Includes 425Cred ita nd250Additional GRFA Inc ludes 4 25 Cred it 3spaces • NoChange III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS UponreviewofChapter18.71 -AdditionalGRFA,theCommunity Development Department recommends approval oftherequestforaddit ional GRFAbaseduponthefollowingfactors : A.Conside ration ofFactors : BeforeactingonanapplicationforadditionalGRFA ,thePlanningand Environmental Commissionshall consider thefollowingfactorswithrespecttothe proposed use: 1.Effect upon the existing topography.vegetation.drainage and existing structures. Staffbelievesthattheproposedadditionwillhave positive effectsuponthe existingstructureandwillonlyhaveminimal,ifany ,negativeeffectsupon theexistingvegetat ion ontheproperty.Staffdoesnotbelievetherewillbe anynoticeableeffectupontopographyordrainage. Theproposedadditionwillup-dateanolderstructureon Sunburst Drive.In recentyears ,manyoftheexisting res idences inthevicinityofthe applicant's property haveundergone i mprovements.Staffbelievesthe proposed improvementswillbeinkeepingw ith theneighborhood andthe community Approx imately 17trees (approximately 76caliperinches)w ill needtobe removedasaresultoftheproposedaddition .Thetreeremovalis nessecitated bytherelocationofthedr iveway andthe construction ofthe garage.Staffbelievesthatthetreelosscanbemitigatedthroughthe plantingofnewtrees.Thenumberofnewtreesshallbe determined bythe PECandbased ,inpart ,upontheamountof caliper inchesoftreesremoved . 2.Impact on adjacent properties. Theadditionshouldnotadverselyaffectviews,lightorairenjoyedby adjacentstructures .Staffbelievesthattheproposed additions willnothave a significant impactonadjacentproperties.Thefacade improvements will enhancethispropertyandthestructurewillbemore compatible withthe surroundingstructures . Theapplicant'spropertyislocatedina geologically sensitivearea. AccordingtotheOfficialTownofVailHazardMaps,the property is impacted byhighhazardrockfall ,moderatehazarddebrisflowand possible snow avalancheinfluence.AhazardreportpreparedbyNickLampiris,Consulting Geologist,indicatesthatmitigationofthehazardsis necessary .The hazard reportfurtherindicatesthattheproposedmitigationwillNOT increase the hazardtootherproperties ,structures ,public rights-of-way,streets, easements ,utilities,facilitiesorotherpropertiesofanykind.Acopyofthe hazardreporthasbeenattachedforreference . 2 •• 3.Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section18.71.020 (F)oftheTownofVail Mun icipal Coderequiresthat any dwellingunitforwhichanaddition isproposedshallberequiredtomeetthe TownofVailDesignGuide lines assetfort h inChapter 18.54oftheVa il Municipal Code .Additionally,beforeanyaddit ional GRFAmaybeperm itted inaccordancewithChapter18.71 ,thestaffshallreviewthema intenance andupkeepoftheexistingsinglefamilyortwofamilydwellingandsite , includinglandscaping ,todeterminewhethertheycomplywiththeDesign Review Guidelines.Thesestandardsinclude landscaping ,undergrounding ofutilit ies,drivewaypavingandgeneralmaintenanceoftheproperty. Uponreviewoftheapplicant 's request,thestaffhas determined thatthe proposalisincompliancewiththeTown 's zon ing requ irements and applicabledevelopmentstandards .Thestaffwouldliketopointoutthata letterwasreceivedfromHelga &WarrenPulis ,1979SunburstDrive, requestingthattheDesignReviewBoardbedirectedtotakeacloselookat thelandscapingontheapplicant'slot.ThePulis'feelthatthe landscaping alongSunburstisill-keptandwishtoseethenewowner(applicant)clean-up thatarea. B.Findings: ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission shallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore grant ing approvalforAdd itional GRFA: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnot negatively effectexistingtopography,vegetation ,drainageandexist ing structures. 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnotnegat ively impactadjacentproperties. 3.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldcomplywithall Townzoningrequirementsandapplicable development standards. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community DevelopmentDepartmentstaffrecommends approval oftherequestfora250to allowforaresidentialadditionat1944ASunburst/Lot 21 A,VailValleyThirdFiling. ShouldthePECchoosetograntanapprovalofthisrequest ,staffwouldrecommendthatthe approvalcarrywithit,thefollowingconditions: 1.ThattheapplicantsubmitasignedGeologicHazard Acknowledgement FormtotheTownof VailCommunityDevelopment,priortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit,idemnifyingthe TownofVailofanydamagecausedtothepropertybythehazards. 2.Thattheapplicantp lant anappropr iate number ofnewtreespriortorequestinga TemporaryCertificateofOccupancyfortheadditiontomitigatethelossofvegetation resultingfromtheconstructionoftheaddition.The number ofnewtreestobeplantedshall 3 • bedeterminedbythePEC. • 3.ThattheTownofVailPublicWorksDepartmentreviewandapprovetheproposedgrading planandtheproposeddrivewayaccesspriortotheapplicant'srequestbeingreviewedby theTownofVailDesignReview Board. 4 .Thattheapplicantamendthesiteplanandlandscapeplanandincorporatethehazard mitigation proposedbytheConsulting Geologistpriortotheapplicant 's requestbeing reviewedbytheTownofVail DesignReviewBoard ThestaffwouldfurtherrecommendthatthePECmakethefollow ing findings : 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegativelyeffectexisting topography ,vegetation,drainageandexistingstructures. 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditional GRFAwillnotnegativelyimpact adjacentproperties . 3.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillcomplywithallTownzoning requirementsandapplicabledevelopmentstandards. F:\e ve ryone\peclmemoslr a pp.811 - 4 ;,,01."••,".....-'....,J I 8.. ",'.". "."" .,".' ",,'-'l\' ....,••••"11'""""..",''.".'....,.............•.... ...,\....J ~,.:,.~;~~~:,:"~:.:'~~:;;~,. ·'I \'·.,,:::~\··""I"<:~:' "1\'~...,,"'H '~" ••••',.':"'.•,<" ..:.>.".::~:::~i·<~::,::::···::::;, OL 3.lV.lS~31.NI "'1 , "'i"" ..../1 ••'1'" "",.' "H\fON;108 l l\f/\.:10 NMOl "'11 ,"- .~..." ............"",. -",I'".::::~~•• '......,..',,,.~ "'1\'"~".. :;'.;>::.~~::~,~:':'~::}:::':::~,:~:~:~:,::::':.,:",•."" _:~J~:S~>"-0 ~~J lS3t:10.:l l \fNOI 1\fN H3/\1t:l 31lHM -•• -~:,r r ~.1;;.• :-8 ·': .cae·<.•OOY1IOlOO ~I~""10 JSIIIlaJrIDS tHl NOWOOV /1]001'<l3ll • 3::::>N30IS:rn "3Cl:NJ.:! ."..,. j ~. I I " I, .' ~j h ''''-~ "\ ..... \. ,/ ,..' ~i .\I Ilil tl,l.l hi--.'.--.........~ -~ •..~ t• -j '.."~ -~"~~• I ;~!.....1I?'0 •-:-... 1 ':®-- ...-..-.....--." -J ---.. -I -- 'h i, \I ..--~.... '---I- , I .'.'... ,:..... 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'~:,r rr ~~.~...~..:. .""-:. r -------- I I I I I--- •OCJY1IO"lO':>~IVA "lill JSVJ\8NIlS tNl • NOWaaV I 13aOlll:Jll 3.::>N301SIDI 11:3<rNJ.:! -, .-._........- ~. \,'•• r • ~:!~:1 'I, I I •• .I I •~.i -."I Ir 1 !'. .~.,"',to.'-,to.• :I''~I I ' 1",l ~I ,_II .\'".~I .I' 7 \) ~ III -'III ~~~.WJJU•'Ii ~.,rJi Il•I +j {\'I !1i oavKm<U~YA"1IO .1.RlUlNnS tNl , NOWOOV 1'3001\l3ll 33N3GIS:rn '13<I~ ,s:' ~i,g~••••.. ".~~ JUL-15-1997 09:49 VMD ARCHITECTS P.C.- Nid10Ias Lampiris.Ph.D. ~T1NGC'.rotOGl$T' PO.II()l(2 SILT.COLORADO e1ll52 -'F.e-JOlI18.Mllll C24 HOUR!\) ,July 11,1~7 3133 949 5200 P .09 In..l IOO "ark .I)onaldsan PO Be)(esoo Avon CO 81620 0..,Mr.Danaldsgnl I visi~ed ~h..~gyw r~ar-nc~dypla~in Vail recen~ly for purpgS4S C'f •geologic h~.,..d ..valuation,lL'8paelally ••it per~.in.~D snaw ~d .debri.a"alanche po~~tlal.~you ~n~ bo~h of the..hazard.may .ffa~t this prap~ty.In addittQn, rOCkfall 1.~ppad In t~area but fa111n9 r~k.cannot r~eh the site.Snow ~val.nch.i.11.ted on ~hR "••r~m~~••a potent••1 h~.rd.being At the outer ~Q.of the "Possiblw Avalanche Inf1u~c~Zone." ws~~res~~~to the debris 410w h~ard,t do not b.l1RY&that l.roe volu.es of _tertal ...111 b.c;o••lnvolvR thh.f'a,..,..._the CCLJrCP.Ther.4lra ,IN.,..1 large boulders behind t.his _lit unit that may have bean rafted 1n during prevlou.debris flaw activlty_ I do not believe t.hat a large enow avalancha capeble of serlou~ d~age ,~likely .~this .i~e.The ~&in ch~t.tr.nd,~Q ~he ~.~ of the unit.Bec~u••of the l1eu:ard r~uhltia".of "he TDM'l of V_iI,care ~_t be token to nat lncrea..tnB h.z&rd ~o •n~i9hbQr by your A~te~p~_.t alligation."V r.~~~d.tiQna ~or ~itigatian at thi.sit.ar.anly to plac.an .i~ht inch thick st••.all,or thicker,pro~rudlng at l.a."three ~eet .bov. finl~n8d V'ad-.on any addition.or i.praYe~ent.to the rvar o~ the halll..If l."dscaping i ..a pArt of 'the plan fc:lr the ....ear portion of the property,land features conduCiVQ to _!owinQ or deflactin..,snaN ar dflDMJ could b.eansldlll'"ed b ....t i~!'lot n~ee..rv; The prop~ty does lig In •~.olav'c.lly sen.ttive are_,but d8Y81opment ...indic.ted will nat i"crease the hazard ta ather prop~ty.Qr structur..,Qr to pubLic rt9ht.-gf-~y,ro.d~, _trPet5,e~.~~ent51 uti1itl ••or fa~111tift.or ather properties of any kind.If th~e are fur~her question.,pJ •••e cont~~t me. Sln~IIIV.... --P-#~~"r ' Nieh~las La~Srl. tansultinq Beolavi.t !C:lZ &O-LO-L~6t._---_...-- JUL-15-1997 09:49 VMD ARCHITECTS P.C. _.'Nl~~~tiimpiijs,,Ph .D,. .OClIaIiI.lIN&OBliDom'. :cmiia vAua iIOaO · Gut8oliI~..COI..Qf!,AD()81_- July 12,1990 303 949 5200 :':". .... .\ ...' •.~.~~,:•·~t ·". .'..~.. ......\ IDliO. Duane P"lper',~c:hi t~.t ...{:"1{4;~~:- p~O·...:Baw'.~bO ".::;:,:,~,,"'~":-~'. ~von CO a 162<>..~~:::\-.:.' .f\E:.~oCk~all ..~val'-l~t:(o.~;·1 944 ·:·Su n b ~r.st Di...~H ac:~~~~f:~~~\:·::~;:.;:':f~1·~;;~··. De4lr-:1'Ir •.Piper::...,':'.:>/'~.:':>P 7 ~': i .,,;.'51 t::~d 'th ~:h_at thi!.itbo_'~'lIf ~""'Ced addrKs ·.i;I~/yqur ':~:'"'.:?.,:.",;;~:''. ..equ~~t.·t:.o eval u.a'tc!.th~d~bd 5 fl ow :·.at:'d n,clC f.-il r:¥cit:.;pcjtl al ....'.~:;.~.. f .or the prapO.~d ~dd i t i .ons t'o the nor-.tn and sout.h .Gil des ·of.':"..~,,-. the home:··These ara .·both in'tadcr..a".gl~·neal"'t h ~·:l;,efit:ar.;:ctf ::':''.:'-:"'.;,' ~l'Ie ~uptelf;;'The .3ddib·bn.on the uphi-l1 Ade of ·thli!'dt.fp.lex~·,.';j ..,•.;,.:;,.... ....Hi be:.u~i!l:!··:f'ar:a~lQ!;~~....,.~.>,·.·:···.~\:.:,::)tt :~;:~:. My hfldi·flgA:·.are ~hat:'~e addi ti on .i'~.on'.·the .51 .de:.of.t.h,:·.~o~e ::,::'.:;'~~-~=. .·..h'ich i ·s ..a ......y -frcm :~~.th4t.tfabt-i s -f.~.~c!.roCJc .fail:·ha~.",rd ~;:.·;:.·Y:-..' a.'CNFipeO ,'f c:ir.::1:he T~.,'Of.'·,V":i::l i~19,&t\aNt,ther=ri"oi.-e.-.'itoIu-i.:':.Dcib:·;'.;;:~-<>......"......"...,. a'ffec.t·..t.h~.oU.tc:~~f .:i?y ·r cic.k faJ,.l ~debrh -f'l~.':.,"~~'':'-.'~::../"::~~·~i ,;. other addl t 10i,'!15 f.ac i .nCJ·.uphi lliVld'·1 !i!:in ·the 'l'le!dl w:a.D~"l~':"..-f':~:;;"""!.:::. Flow 'J'fazart:l;'1 do ri~t~·b.e~i ~~t.there '~5 40y .I"~k~,F~l:l ':.~.::::~~2:':'~ .haxa"'d at:t'heo ·tioH 'site..'.::.:~~.::.',- .......:.'..:"...-,':?4':":'~:~~{:'. If it.'1.5 'oeiSi,"ed .t.o lfti'ti·tja~e the.·P1edi~lIl ·DSlbr is '·Fla w.fta%,ar·d '.:-'·Z"" this can bQ ·d Cl'l e.With.'~'bllriil ·a·..~al1 :·'~iCh :."ou l d :b 8 ":dK ~g"e.d ·:·;.-:;~.:'.-. to defl.ec:t:·.:flows ·.t:o·:t.~·~:~t..:;ar~c(~..hbtfte~A ·n.e:t:·,:~;'~';;i:~·..,:.:'::::-!';'~;",..;"r--eli ef ¥:f our .feet.·..wou.ld ·'·6&',su'f'f i c·~e:ot..,~.';'OU:l .~.be·;tra p p Y:·~:t:~·'.:..~~:'f.~;:.:' I'K?rk ·.w~th .a ckyi;t..ert~in.er 'of .ybl,it".~nd i ce in ~ne .dest:9r1 and:":·:;-'."'8::'''.. pl~em.ent .if thi s:..opticn i 's ·ch osen..:.':,.:.'...~:-.':,'~':~..:'::'..1~.C;~~l~_~i ·~~~~.j~.~':~'r ~~;~~:'~~at·.tri~,.:!!9-'!tt'.~dd~'~i.~h :\s_·;;~·;~.:~':~~~ a 9e'ol D9i¢,al:l"y .S8l"l si ~.i:"!l'e .'a;rrta-:'but::::ttle ';d~'l9P~:·aci9$"01:'-:''':''~:~'':'~'.."". inc:reaiie ,\tle:·~~i."'d fo ot",erpl"'oP'~t.'(:or .~~rw;tur'~:,"'Or ~Q '.."..r:;·;:.:.:' publ ic bui Idings,rights-of-wa.y,··r.oad5 ~.streets',.easeI!I ettts f :,'. util'it:i-es ..or··-facllit'ies or .,.ther·proPi!r·'t .i~Q:f .any ~ii1d.'..I'f .~::,,_r ·t:h eo i-e a ....e ·.further'·qi.le~t.1 on •.ple;a§t:!·do ~ot .hesi tate.:·1;·p':~bf:lt;;.aIf-~·:/~~t ,-· ..... ..',~..~..',".'.,~:.:/.. <~.:~1f\f\'t-.':--~"J .V~l~/\. "\,,\\1-// \p\./.'. P.ll3039495200 Nicholas Lampiris,Ph.D. CONWLT1I'ICi GEOLOGIST om VALLeY RQAO CARBONDALE.C0L0RAD081~ VMD ffiQ-lITECTS P.C.-JOE 15 1997 09:50 1990 1.Ii-... This ;'e'tte-~;.$inJ.:~ncl~c -::c 5u;:~1i'?:T:~:'lt ~(y lett2!""of July 12~~~ wh~ch ~2e!t ~ly L,,:.'th rct:k-rall an~d~::,rls ·~l o ~nazards.I see f~co ~~ria~~~o~ogra~hs t~~~i~may be pos~ible ~pr sno~ tc r:gach th1~far i!"!thi!S".IC!!":t o~.a very lO~1 'freq'Jency of occurrence (la;~~i avels~=he h~t th~dist~nC2 a~o th~ sunst~ntial tr2~cove~fti~~C4~~e $peeds to be =lc~an~ th~r·-=-~ore ,=ne mi-::'g~~~o:-:!c:!i~c~5issc)i~implem~ted,!,sh::Jt.Ale <;;..<f-f ice. ~~~he~e ~g ~u~the~GueD~ic~s ~!e~5e de not h~~i~ate ~c c~rt<!:.:::t.me_ ~~ Nichol~s L~mpiris Con6ulting Geologist TOTAL P.ll •NicholasLampiris,Ph.D. CONSULTINO GEOLOOIST P.O.OOX2 SILT,COLOnADO (J lG52 (JOJI 876 ·5~OO 124 nouns) September 20,1993 Greg Amsden 288 Bridge Street Vai I CA 8165" RE:Hazard Evaluation,Lot 21,Vail Valley,3rd Filing Dear Mr.Amsden: I visited the above referellced lot,with home,in Vall recen lly for purposes of 8 geologic hazard evaluation,especially as it pertains to rock fall and debris flow potential.As you Icnow both o·F these hazards are shown by the Town of Vail's maps as affecting ttlls property.Snow avalanche is also.,,-po t en t te I hazard south of the s I te.YOLI have aslced me to eval uale thi s hazard as well and,although I do not specialize ill SI10W ave l anche studi es,I aliii nvol vnd in many and 0 '1'Lnn am u ~;etl as the expert in that field.Therefore I have also given "Iy Opillion 05 to this hazard. My general findings are that the first two hazards are illdmed present and that they s/lould be mitigated as effectively p09sible.The s;teep hilllUide well behind the home is lIe";lvily forested.With respect to the moderate debrisrlol~ha z ar-u ,I ~;ee evidence above the home 0'1'material coming within 20 fer~t uF thE~ home,but the west unit is more exposed.The topography 15 also somewhat ·Favorable in that there is 0'.1 br'eak in the slope which results in vl?ry gentle terrain at the subject lut.Tlterl?ar-e 0'.\ number of boulders near the rear o·F the horne (Lnd I c e t i nq that there has been some rock fall activity at the site). I do not believe that a large snow avalanche capable of serious destruction is likely at this site.The main chute is well to the east and thl?maps by Mears show an "avalanclle influence zone" well behind tilE!IlulIIe.ThE!p,-uposecl mitigation to ,r Cl llo ,,",should help to protect the home,although only debris flows appear to be a realistic threat to the home. Because of the above cited factors I believe it would be possible to improve the situation significantly with sume lIIodifications to the rear o'F the site.Any large r cc ks available c ou ld be positioned to 'form a barrier across the r'ear of the bu l Ld l nq site.The wall of rocks (or a wall or b~rm)Sllould be at least four feet high all the uphill (south)side and "lay corltain dirt between the bou l dera for cohna i cn ,added bu lk,and 'for tile potential for vegetation if that is desired. •• rI,e wall should ~e placed &0 a s to afford '"BxilIIUIII Ilrule c liorl. Tho pattern should Ile d~signed 1.:0 stop or deflect all lhree o f the potenti 81 qr'avi ty r eI aled hazards .TIH~5lr rm~lt:ll uf I.:h n ~J"ll should be at less\.:300 pounds per square foot .II.:waulel be advantageous tCJ include a well dr a i nsad swalc~on the south siue of the wall to a i d in catching maler-ial which may ,-each I:.ho site, including eIICe~H:\snow lh.:\\':could minimize the p.ffecl.:ivc?rH?~j ~;of the wall. Because of the 11B zard regulations of the Town of Vail,care mu st be taken to no I.:i ncre,:\se tl1l1 h az ar dtCJ ,,;\nn i \Jh~u r b v vuur' attempts at mitigatiorl.The p roperty does lie in a ye clloy ic ally sensitive area,but t his miti ~~i"l:ion will nol inc,-e,:\se the ha;:ard to othElI-property,or str"uc:tures,or to public riyh t s-o f"-~jay , r-oads ,stl-eels,e'.H;ernenls,utilities or faciliti t!s or'otlllc!r properties o ·f any Idnd.If there ar e 'further que s t I ons ,plC?il!H? contact me. Si nCE!~11~lf'~-'['Ii t >/:/}",0 ,.~PU.I- Nicholas Lampiris Consulting Geologist \,-.\'It , _mmitment To Insure AlTA Co mmilment·1970 Ilev. OLUREPUBLIC NATIO NAL TITLE IN SURA NCE COMPANY.a Mmn esnta cor poraan n.herem call ed Ihe Co ",pany.for a vatuab la consderauo n.hereby conmus to IS sue liS polic y 0 'pohc ies of IlI le II1 S0 """.as Iderlll lied III Sch edo le A.10 favor 01 Ihe pro pose d lns ured named In Schedo le A.as oWller or "'",Igagee ultheestate or uueres t rnve icd here ll j III th e land desc llllfJ rl nrrelerr edto in Sche du le A.upon pajrnem 01 Ihe pr enuu ms anrl rharqes Ilu 'lO lm,all su hl "'1 10 the PIU'II SIOn s 01 Se hedole Aand B and to the Cn nd umns and Snp ula nn ns hereol Ilus Co unlll inleni sha ll he ellecuve oillywhell Ihe Id enlll y01 ihe plU posed Insur ed dlld lire '11100 11 1 01 II,.poliCY or po li Cies cnlll nHlted lor have heen ms eued In Sche dule A hereof by Ihe CO lll lra ilY .I"lhe,al Ihe IIII1 U "I Ihe rssusuc e II I 111IS Cnm mnm en t or hysubseque nt endo rsem ent Ilns Con ll mllnent IS preh rnr naryto th e Issuance01 suc h polic y or poliC ies01 1II Iemsur ance and all Ira blillYand obli qa rions here llnder sha llceaseand lennn,",e SIX mo nth s alter ihe elieclI'l e dale herau l or when Ihe poli cy or pelioe s ,"IIIHlllle d lor shall Issue .whiche verIIIsl occur s,provid ed Ih al the lar lure 10 Issue such flolicy or puhua s IS nor the lault 01 Ih e Cumpan y. COND ITI ONS AND STIP ULA TI ONS 1.Tir e lerlll "monqa qe",whe n used herei n,slra ll ntlude deed of IIU SI.uu st de erT.or other selUll ly msuu.nen t 2.1/Ill?prop oseu lusurerl hasor aC4lJ IlBS actua l knu wled ge of all Y de fe r!.he n.enuuuhr ance .arlve rsn daull or othe r mailer affecliflg the as raia or mrere si 01 I1 lfHl ga gp.rlirlfloll r.fl ve ll~d h ~rt ns I nnunnmeru olller than Ihosp.sho wn ill Sr:hr.rhJ le B tWH!of.1111(1 shil l!fri ll In thsrlns e s ll~h k n (1 wle d ~p. 10 ihe Compan y in wntlOg ,the Compa ny sha ll he re lreved frU III lr abllrl Yfo r allYloss or damage leslliling from allY actof rahan ce hereon 10 ti,e ex tent the Com pen'l IS pr sjudi tad by larlu re of the propo sed Insured 10 so discl ose such know ledg e If theprop osed Ins ure d sha ll disclose such knowl edg e 10 tha Comfl any,oril the Compa ny olherNis e acquir es actual kno wl edge of any suc h defe ct.hell .em:lJ l1lh rI1 IlCc.ad\llH Sp.dau u or Ull UH nnner.th e CUllllliln y at ItS u ~lj u ll may ame ml Sche dul e U ul thiS CU IlllIlllJ I1I1I1 1 ;H:co rd lll[J ly,hut suc h amendmen t shall not reli eve the Com peny hom habi hty preVio usly incurred pu rsuant 10 parag raph 301 th ese COlldll ion s an d Sauulann ns :J.Lralr ,h ly of Ihe CUlllpany un de r tlus C"m llllll llelll shall he ollly 10 lire Il allle d pr opos,,1 lusured alld suc h part,", Inclu ded und er the defi nitionof Insured II I the lorm 01 polrey or pol iCi es rnm mnta d lor and on ly lor auual lnss IO curr ed III reliance he ra011 ,n ull dellakr ng III good lairh lal to complywllh the req uirem ent s hereo l or IhllO elllll male exc eptio ns shown III Sched ule8.or Icl 10 arquue or cre ate the estateUIintelesl ormortgage thereon covered hy ihis Comm itm ent.In noevent shall suc h li alrl lllY e,ceed the aumu m Slate d III Sch edul eAfur the poli cy orpuhos s cenumue tl lor anrl such lralllir ty ISsulrl '''1 10 Ihe II 1S 01l "U prO VISions and the Condillon s and Sup u'a uensa"dIhe Ex r.l "SIO "S lrumCovera ge 01 Ihe form01 polr cyorpoh cles cnmnuued lur '"lav ur 01 II'eurnpus ed lnsured wh ich ale her eby mcmpn raied hy"felence andmads a parr 01 tlus COI Hl1Itr"'"t em pt as e.'pressly III odlh eli ha mill. 4.Any actr onor acuons or nq hts 01 action Ihatthe pr ofl Osed insur ed may have or may bllng agam sl the COlll pa ny ell slng ou l 01 the Slatu s 01 the lIt le to Ih e estateor mlerest or Ihe Sf atUS of Ihe Ino llgage thereoll covered hy thiS COl llnll llll ent III 11S1he Ira sed Ull and are sulrlecl 10the pr ovIsi on s 01 thi s Com mllme nt. STI\NOA RO EXCEPTION S III adll ilion 10 II,e ma iler s cO lllall 'ed III the COll dwoll sand SUpUlallUIIS all d E,eluSi on s fr om Cove rage alrove referre d to,Ihl sCommillll ent ISalsosuhlect to Ihe lollowlng , I.RI!lllI 'or d allll S "I fl anl es III 1'""e55 10 n 1I 0t ShOl'"hy Ihe puhll c '''':Il lfll 7 laserne ilis.or cl alllls of ease me nts.notsllO wn hy the pu hl"records. 3.O,screp ancre s,cOli lhe ls lfl bou nda ry lines.shona ge Hl area.enc ruac hmell ls,alld all 'l fac ls wilic h a correct sli rve y all dIns pecllon of thepremises wo uld drsclose and wlr lc h are nol shown bi Ihe [l II IrIr C re co,ds 4.Any Ir en.01 ng lll 10 a Ir en,lorselVice s,laboror mar ellal Iheretolur e or hereali ",IlI rnlshed.Im posed Ir y law an d nOI shownby Ihe pulrll e record s. 5.DeleeIS,Ir ells .encumhrances,advelse c1alllls or other ma ners.II '"y ,created.Insl a[l peallll g II I Ihe puh l,c ,"cmds nr anachl ng sli bsequeOi to the effective dar e hereof1"'1 [1 1101 to Ihe dare Ih e prop osed InsHl ed acqUi re s 01record lor va l"e the eSlaie or IInereSI 01 mortgage Ihereon co,ered by Ih,s Curn mnme Ol. IN WII NLSS WHLll lOF.Olr l fl e[l llhlr r:Na llll ilal 1"leIlIsll ,,"ce Cll m[l all Yhas c""r"l lI s CII 'I"lIa le "ar lll '"",I 'Hal III be he rellnto all"ed hy liS duly aolh on /ed olhe ers nn the dale Shll WII III Schedlile A,to be v,llI l whell cOI Hlt erslglle d Ir y a,a lilla llllg 011 1'"''"lith er alilho llled SIQll alO C/ OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A SlUci [omp,my 4()O Second AVP.f1llc SOf/flt.MJfI{I/.'ifl)o/rs,Mlfll.ll!.mM 55411 / ,6121311 1/1/ AUlhorlledS'goalOry ORT Fo,m 2582 8y AlleSI PrCSIJ1eflf SeC/emlY OLD R E~LIC NATIONAL TITLE INSU~E COM PANY ALTA COM MIT MEN T -Charges - ALTA Owner Policy Alta Lender Policy Tax Report Endorsement 100 .00 Endorsement 335 .6 (Alt a 8 .1) Endorsement 100 .29 Endorsement 100 .29 Endorsement 115 .2 (Alt a 5) --TOTAL -- SCHEDU LE A Our Order #V2 57 65 2-2 For Information Only LOT 21A VAIL VALLEY3RDFLG $1,82 7.00 $100.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30 .00 $18 2.70 $18 2 .70 $18 2 .70 $2,550.10 ***THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE ,BUT AN ESTIMATEOF FEES.WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER,PLEASEREFE RENCE OUR ORDER NO .V257 652-2 *** 1 .Effective Date : 2 .Policies to be i s sued ,and proposed Insured: "ALTA"Owner 's Policy 10-17-9 2 Proposed Insured : ALVINS .RAPP and MARY ANN RA PP "ALTA"Loan policy 10 -17-92 P roposed Insured : $8 00,000.00 $64 0 ,0 00 .00 FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES,INC.,its success ors a n d/or assigns 3 .The estate or interest in the land described o r ref er red to in this Commitment and covered herein i s: A Fee Simple 4 .Title to the es tat e or in t erest cove r ed h erein is a t the effective date hereof vest ed in: BETH ANN BRYANT FINDELL PAGE 1 ,-. OLD R~LIC NATIONAL TITLE INSU~E COMPANY ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE A Our Order #V25 7652-2 5 .The land referred to In this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 21A,A RESUBDIVISION OFLOT 21,VAILVALLEY-THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TOTHEPLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 29,1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 506,COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO . PAGE 2 .,. ALT.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 • (Exceptions)Our Order #V257652 -2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1.Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6 .Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7.Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8.Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges,if any. 9.RIGHTOFPROPRIETOROFA VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE ORINTERSECTTHEPREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDSTATES PATENT RECORDED June 29,1 903,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495,AND RECORDED AUGUST 22,1956 IN BOOK 157 AT PAGE 304. THEEXISTENCE SCHEDULE B-2 , NO.100.29 TO OFTHE MINERAL EXCEPTIONAND/ORRESERVATION SHOWN ASITEM 9, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT--------------OUR MORTGAGEES POLICY WHEN ISSUED.------- 10.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN AFORFEITUREOR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUTOMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION,OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 30,1977 ,IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 68. 11 .AN UNDIVIDEDONE-HALF INTEREST IN AND TOALLOFTHE OIL,GAS AND OTHER MINERALS SOLID,LIQUID AND GASEOUS,OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE,INCLUDING URANIUM IN ON AND UNDER AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUCED FROM TlffiT PORTIONOF SUBJECT PROPERTY IN SECTION 10 OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERETO AS EXCEPTED AND RESERVED BY PETERE.KATSOS IN THE DEED RECORDED MAY 3,1960 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 227. THEEXISTENCE SCHEDULE B-2, NO.100.29 TO OFTHE MINERAL EXCEPTIONAND/ORRESERVATION SHOWN ASITEM 11, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT-----------OUR MORTGAGEES POLICY WHEN ISSUED . 12.EASEMENT GRANTED TOVAIL WATER AND SAN ITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 5,1969 IN BOOK 214 AT PAGE 612. 13.MODERATE AVALANCHE HAZARD LINE AND HIGH AVALANCHE IffiZARD LINEAS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OFVAILVALLEY,THIRD FILING. 14.NOTE ON PLATAS FOLLOWS: FOR ZONING OR OTHER LAND-USE REGULATIONS OFTHE TOWN OF VAIL,THE TWO PARCELS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION ARE DEEMED TOBE ONE LOT,NO MORE THAN ONE TWO FAMILY RESIDENCESHALLBE ALLOWED ON THE COMBINED AREAS OFTHE TWO PARCELS.ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA)ORTHE TWO-FAMILY PAGE 5 •r ... ALT.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 • (Exceptions)Our Order #V257652-2 RESIDENCE SHALL BE CALCULATED USING THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. PAGE 6 ... ALT .COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B -2 • (Exception s)Our Ord er #V25 7652 -2 15 .TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVIS I ON SOFDECLARAT IONOF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS , RESTRICTIONS,EASEMENTS AND PARTY WALL AG REEMENT RECORD ED December2 1,1 982 IN BOOK 350 AT PAGE 7 72 . 16.EASEMENTS,RESE RVATIONS AND RESTR ICTIONS ASSHOWN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLATSOFVAIL VALLEY THIRD FILING AND ARESUBDIVISI ON OFLOT2 1, VAIL VALLEY THIRD F I LI NG . ITEMS lL ~AND l OF THES TAND ARD EXCEPTI ONS WILLBE DELET ED FROM THE MORTGAGEES POLICYUPON RECEIPT OFASATISFACTORY IMPROVEMENT LOCATI ON----SURVEY . NOTE:SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEMENTS SET FORTH INSCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN .PLEAS E PROVIDELAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITHTHE NAM E OFTHE---------SURVEYING COMPANY AND WE WILL SEND COPIES OFTHE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS .FORM 100 WILLBE ISS UED-aASED UPONTHE COMPANy'S-REVIEW OF THE SURVE Y AS S ET-------------------FORTH ABOV E. NOTE:IF THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION S URVEY IS NOT RECEIVE D BY LAN D TITLE-----------GUARANTEE COMPANY INSUFF ICIENT TIMETOREVI EW AND ENDO RSE THE COMMITMENT--------PRIORTO CLOS ING,ADDITION AL EXCEPTIONST O THEPOLICY CO ULD BEEXCLUD ED FROM FORM 100 COVERAGE.------ END ORSEMENT 335 .6 WILLBE ATTACHED TO ALTA LOAN POLICY WHEN ISSUED.-------- ENDORSEMENT NO .115 .2 WILLBE ATTACHED TOFINAL PO LICY WHE NI SS UED . NOTE:THIS ENDORSEMENT WILLBE ADDED UPON RECEI PT OF A SATISFACTORY----IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE . PAGE 7 ,.,.•• International RM Corp. c/o Ferrari House Box 971 Avon CO 81620 Hans &Carol Storr 33 Brookridge Dr. Greenwitch CT 06830 Warren and Helga Pulis 1979 Sunburst Drive Vail CO 81657 Jamesand Daphine Slevin 1985 Sunburst Dr. Vail CO 81657 ••• Ingram Investments Inc. 1801 Broadway Suite 1600 Denver CO 80202 Royal &Stephanie Firman 10VillageRoad Englewood CO 80110 Town ofVail C/o Finance Dept. 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail CO 81657 Minyone M.Wallace c/o Vernon Smith Associates Box810691 DallasTX 75381 •••THISITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanning and Environmental Commission oftheTownof Vailwillholda public hearingin accordance withSection18.66 .060 of th eMunicipalCodeofthe TownofVailon November 10,1997,at2:00P.M.in t heTownofVailMunicipalBuilding .In conside ration of: A request for remodeling,upgradingandan addition toanexistingresidence,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,located at224ForestRd.lBlock7,Lot11-B ,VailVillageFirstFiling . Arequestforan addition toandtheremodelofanex isting residence,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,located at1944ASunburstDrive/Lot21A,VailValley3rdFiling . Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Forest Road Trust (Keith Samuels,Trustee),represented byKathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects,LLC George Ruther BethAnnB.Finde ll,represented by Archistructure One George Ruther A request fora worksession onamajor amendment toSOD#4 (Cascade Village),toallow fora revisiontothe development planfortheGlenLyonOfficeBuild ing site,locatedat1000S. FrontageRd .West/Lot 54,BlockK,GlenLyonSubdivision. Applicant: Planner: GlenLyonOfficeBuilding Partnersh ip ,representedbyGordonPierce ,AlA Dominic Mauriello Anappealofan administrative decisionregardinggeologichazardssectionatVail Golfcourse Townhomes,Unit60 ,locatedat1592Golf TerraceIVaii Golfcourse Townhomes. Appellant: Planner: Stephen Dowdle,represented byBillSargent Dominic Mauriello Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan -Discussion and recommendation . Staff:Susan Connelly Anappealofthree staff interpretations:1)The staffs classification ofthethirdandfourthfloors as"eatinganddrinking establishments";2)Section 18.52 .100 C ,Parking-Requirements Schedule(Eating &Drinking Establishments)andSection18.52 .160,Exemptions (parkingpay- in-lieu)-appel lant disputes thecalcula tion ofthe number ofparkingspacesrequired;and3) The requirement thatthe applicant signthepay-in -lieu promissorynote personally andthata Deedof Trust befiledontheproperty;located atTheVailVillageClub,333BridgeStreet,LotC, Block2,VailVillage1stFiling. Appellant: Staff: RivaR idge PartnersLLC-GlennM.Heelan;Margretta B .Pa rks Mike Mollica/Tom Moorhead The applications and information aboutthe proposals areavailablefor public inspection during regu lar officehoursintheprojectplanner'sofficelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad . Sign language interpretation availableupon request with24hour notification .Pleasecall479- 2114voiceor 479-2356 TOOfor information . Community Development Department Published October 24,1997intheVailTrail. ••• In:."r ··.__.._--_-~O:.-T AX --COfi ~TOTAL CHECKS MADE r.4 '\'ABLE TO TOWS O f v AlL ,l310 TOWNOFVAI L ~v1Od el/hiJ.t1,. DE rARDIE:"oi OF CO:\I ~IL"J\"TT\'DE \'E.LOPME!''T L_..-'-=--'-~---JI RECEI!'T 1'0.40/~ AC COlr.'o-r!'tO. L n S7 .00 • 50 .25• • 55.00 • 5 54.00• 539 .00 • 5 37.00 • 5 37 .00 • 536.00 • 520 .00 r.R ZA foR CB ,.." r.T RF XC MS foR Sl' nR OR PN PF UNIFO RMFIRE CODE UNIFO RM HUILDING CODE UNIFOIU"I PLUMBING CODE UNI FORM t-.1 ECHANICAL CO DE NATIO NAL ELECTRIC AL CODE ZONIN G AND ADDRESS M APS OTII ER CODEBOOKS BLUE P RINTS (MYLARS) XEROX COPIES S TUDIES SIG N A PPLICATION F EE PENALTYFEES I RE·INSPEC TIONS PLAN R EVIEW RE.CII ECK FEE "'.,..,[5,=;4'""0-.P"'E'""R-;I..m--....-]----+-.J....L1----i------i:----r---~ I O FF HOURS INSPECTION F EES I CONTRACTO RS LICENSES FEES a I 0000 4 1540 010000424 15 01000042415 01 000042415 ~. '"(Ii 00 0042415 ~0I 0000 424 15 Ijj;0 1 000042415 ~0 I DOOO 415.:1 8 ~0 1 00004 2412 ~0 1000042412=..:c..:..::.-+-:::...c-_.:....::...:.='--__._ Itt _::aI 00 00 4 1413 c.0 I 00004237 1 ~01000041332 I ~0 J 00004 2332 I'N MS , . . ..:.. ~ '"-·.. S20 0 .00 IA-n' 5 200 .00 L S200 .00 ·.55 00.00 ~ 51,500.00 ·-Sl,OOO .OO I ~ S200.00 Ii" ~ 5250 .00 E 5250 .00 ~ 52 00.00 ~ ~ TOTAL: T P T7 PN PV I'V MS I'V PV D2 I'U nn I'U Uti PV PV ~1;'vvit'iI ves,::dl:'/lft? -H:t h ld-t'l r.?£fA "2 J;o'~]ica-htiv,. OTlIER M il-h(~V,I re ~'V1(::df j i Cl44A S IIVl0LJr<+"Dr, a,v~Dl2 B f2tvt,w O THER 0 1 000041330RE ·Z ONING 01 00004 1330 SUBDI VISION 0100004 1330 VARlA KCE 01 000041330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS ~0 10000 41330 SPECIAL DE VELOPMENT DISTRI CT 'f\11NOR A MEN D] _0 1000041330 SP ECIAL DEVELOP:-1ENT DI STRICT [NEW] ~OJ 000041330 C ONDITIONA L USE PERM IT ~1 111 .11 111111_11 111 1 nFUl'Tn I'I'R TMPROVD 1ENT AGREEMEI\T DEPOSIT ~ ~01000041 330 EXTER IO R ALTERAT IO N [LESSTHA N 100SQ.FT.] ,g-0 1 00 0041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DI STRICT [MAJOR AMEND] I~~.C OMMo;TS:_!...J,,<J..W~l..lLlL-l-~L...L~~~~.,..L_L.:...__~~~..w_..L':::::..:::.:~l.LL.li..J;;.,...i3 ~--_.L.-...I-,--,--_--,-,-...::....=...c~---"-:"""":""-_-'-=-:::""-''''''':'-::'';''''-L.l.....>.::....c'''-..!.-'---='-''--'-----'-~~-,-=--,~ ~ ~'UI DOOU211 12 TAXABL E (a;4:S 7.(STATE)=.-t----------+-=--+----r----+------j0E"i.~*01 DOUO 41010 TA"XABLE (Q)·L 0 7.(TOWN) ..0 J 0000 4 2371BU ILD)NG I N \'ESc.;T:TIG~A~T:.;.;IO~N,.<,----------+--:':-:'::--+---+----t----i'€l l'E')CASTI I J CK .'[J H.O ....J ......=r REC.BY,-·~~__ "it • -e--,~.-...:::;:;:-~~--:~-D£CK .-.___..•..'2tl0.\:l1l Alount lendered $250.00 PAY TO THE:ORDER ()'FIRSTBANK OF VAll VAll CO 81&5 7 :10h01519 : !-OR DEPOSIT ONlY TOWN OF VAll 570 0337 Town of Vail HI CUSTMR RECEIPr HI l~t~:kSCHMIDT FB DKAWER:1 DATt:10/14/97 01 RECEIPT:0000324 DESCRI~TION UTY AMOUNT T~T" DESIGN REVIEW FE 1 '50.00 DR CK SR Dt SIGN PEC VARIANCE H.E $200 .00 ~V CK SR DESIGN ADDITION/REMODEL FOR FINDEL RESIDENCE 1944A :JUNBURST DR DArt:10/14/97 14 :36:08 TOTIL DECK ~TENDERED •• {~....... commlity DevelopmentPlan ROU!g Form Routed To :GregHall ,PublicWorks Todd Oppenheimer,PublicWorks MikeMcGee,Fire .-- Return To:George Ruth er, Date Routed:11-10-97 Return B y:ASAP -- Project Name:FINDELL RESIDENCE --1 Project Address:1944 SUNB URST DO .--- Project L egal:LOT 21-A VAIL VALL EY THIRD FI LING --" Project De scription:GARAGE &GR FA ADDITION __Appro ved _x_Denied (citedeta iled reasons)___Approved w ith conditio-~ 21'P lease pro videm in.20'centerlin e turnin g rad ius forb acking int oyo urb ac k-ou tlturn-around a rea ,Back-or, turn-around mustd esigned toaccess the street witha3po int tum or le ss.1 don't thin kyo u can g et thi s d esign I work on your prope rty..--.--::..........~~.....:-_----------------------_._-- lea se p rovidesn ow storage on site .Amin imum func tional ar eaeq ualing30 %o fth e paved area SI ,11 b provided contigu ous t o the paveda rea and desi gned to accommodate sn ow storage..~ ~P l e ase provide H azard Report i 5 ) 6 ) 7 ) 8) 9) 10) Da te r eceived: Rev iewed by :Larry Pardee 11-1 2-97 f:\cveryolle'dom\mutform D ate reviewed: RENOVATION /ADDITION VICTOR MARK DONALSON ARCHITECTS,P.e. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • RAPPRESIDENCE • I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I •• ••I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I ••I I I \\,I '..,. " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• 75SouthFront age Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 9J..~itl,~-~.4~~J7 Mark Don aldson V ictor MarkDo naldson.A rchitects P.O .Box 5300 A von.C o lo ra do X1620 Rapp Re sidence Dea rMark . I.lft ZIA,~""'\Mu.6f 'Bl~ 10-10.5 T he Town of VailPublic Works Department has completed a preliminary review of the proposed Rapp residence remodel.Upon comp letion of their review .the followin g issues were identified: I .The proposed retainin g walls exceed the height allowances.The maximum height all owed for retaining wallsinthefront setback is threefeetandthe maximum height forall other retaining walls aresixfeel. '")Gradin go nthesi tes hallnot e xceed 2:I .Please re view y our gradin g planto insure grades donot e xceed the2:Ilim itation . 3 .A fo ur-foot wide c on crete drain pan isrequiredattheed geo f asphalt to prohibit surface runo ff from e nteringth eroa dway . 4.Th e ma ximum dri ve cut flar e shallnot exceed twenty-four feetin width . 5 .The maximum driv egra de s hallnot exceed 10%unless yo u propose aheated driveway s urface , Please revise t he plans acc ordingly. 6 .There may bea c onflictwiththe location of the64'contour.Pleasereview theplanto insure till: g rading information is accurate. 7 .A s igned and stamped topographic survey is required. Eachissue identified abov e must be resolved before afina l rev iew of the request bythe Planning and Environmental Commission .The Planning and Environmenta l Commission is tentatively scheduled to review the Rapp residence proposal on Monday ,August II,1997 .To remain onthe agenda.you must submit resol ve all of the above-described issuesby 110011,Wednesday,August 6. S incerely, ~R~IO.47~ TowlI Planner o R1XYCU.·DPAPER • TO: FROM : DATE : SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Depa rtment of Community Development August 11 ,1997 A request for250 square feetof Additional GRFA,to allow fora bedroom and bathroom addition ,located at 1944A Sunburst Drive /Lot 21A,Vail Valley Filing NO.3. Applicant: Planner: Alvinand Mary AnnRapp ,represented by Mark Donaldson and Associates GeorgeRuther I.BACKGROUNDANDDESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST In1985,theVail Town Council approved Ordinance 4,Series of1985,which created Chapter (18.71)oftheVail Municipal Code ,entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area."This Chapter allows forupto250 square feetof additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)tobe added toa dwell ing (beyond the maximum allowance),provided certain criteria aremet.The purpose ofthe Additional GRFA Ordinance isto provide an inducement forthe upgrad ing of existing dwellings units,which have beenin existence fora period ofat least five years ,bype rmitting uptotwo hundred fifty (250)square feetof GRFA tobeaddedtoa dwelling unit. In August 1995,theTown Council approved Ordinance 6 ,Series of1995that amended Chapter 18.71 ,forthepu rpose of eliminating the ability tousethe additional GRFA when a dwelling unitis "demo/rebuilt."This Ordinance also requires thatall requests for additional GRFA involving exterior changes toa building,be reviewed and approved bythe Planning and Environmental Commission. Description oftherequest ,i.e squarefootagenumbers associated withthe appropriate expansion -please explainfurther.... II.ZONINGANALVSIS . Lot Size:21.9 11 squarefeet Zoning :Primary/Secondary Residential Hazards:Highhazardrockfall:moderate hazarddebrisflow;possibleavalancheinfluencezone sq.h.sq.h . Allowed/Required Existing GRFA :5 ,291 sq.h.sq.h. Primary:3 ,090 sq.ft. W/250:sq.ft.sq.ft. Secondary:2,201 sq.h.sq.h . SiteCoverage:4 ,382 sq .h .sq.h. Proposed sq.h . sq.ft. Remaining sq.h. sq.ft. sq.h. Height : Landscaping : Parking: • 33' 13,14 7 sq .ft. (60%m in.) • III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Uponreview ofChapter18.71 -AdditionalGRFA ,theCommunityDevelopment Department recommends approval ofth ereq uestf oradd itional GRFAbaseduponthefollowing facto rs: A .Considera tion ofFactors : Be fore act ing onanapplicationforaddit ional GRFA ,thePlanningand Environmental Commiss ion shallconsiderthefollowingfactorswithrespecttotheproposeduse: 1.Effect upon the existing topography.vegetation.drainage and existing structures. 2.Impact on adjacent properties. Theadditionshouldnotadverselyaffectviews,lightorairenjoyedby adjace nt structures.Staffbelievesthatthep roposed additions willnothave asignificantimpactonadjacentpropert ies.Thefacade improvements will enhancethispropertyandthestructurewillbemorecompat ible withthe surroundingstructures. 3.Compliance with the Town 's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Sect ion 18.71.020 (F)oftheTownofVailMunicipalCoderequi res thatany dwellingunitforwhichanadditionisproposedshallberequiredtomeetthe TownofVailDesignGuidelinesassetforthinChapter18.54oftheVail MunicipalCode.Additionally ,beforeanyadditionalGRFAmaybeperm itted inaccordancewithChapter18.71,thestaffshall review themaintenance andupkeepoftheexistingsinglefamilyortwofamilydwellingandsite, includinglandscaping ,todeterminewhethertheycomp ly wi th theDes ign ReviewGuidelines .Thesestandardsincludelandscap ing,underground ing ofutilities,dr iveway pavingandgeneralmaintenanceofthe property . B .Findings: ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommiss ion shallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore granting approvalforAdditionalGRFA : 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAddit ional GRFAwouldnotnega tively effectexistingtopography ,vegetat ion,dra inage andexist ing structures . 2 ..'....•• 2 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnotnegatively impactadjacentproperties. 3.Thatthegrant ing oftherequested AdditionalGRFAwouldcomplywithall Townzoningrequirementsandapplicable development standards . IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopment Departmentstaffrecommends approval ofthisapplicationfor250 squarefeetofadditionalGRFA (underthe250Ordinance )subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.That thegranting oftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegativelyeffectexisting topography ,vegetat ion,d rainage andexisting structures . 2 .Thatthegra nting oftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegativelyimpact adjacent properties. 3.Thatthegran ting oftherequestedAdditional GRFAwill complywith allTownzoning requirementsandapplicabledevelopmentstandards. F :\everyone\pec\memos\rapp.81 1 3 •• T HISITEM M A Y AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUDLI C NOT IC E NOTICE IS H Efl EOY GIVEN t ilal 1I 1e PI,HlIlin[1 and E nvironmenta l Corruui s sion 01 th o T own o f V i ii!w ill /wid a p ubl ic I warill (J in ac corda nce wil li SC)Cl ion 1El.6G .060 0 1 II w Mllili cipal Codo o f til e Town o fV il il on A u gu s t 11,1997,at 2:00P .M .in tile Town o fVa il MUll icipal Huikl inr}.In c on sklcrati nn of : A r eq uest forav a ria nce fro m Sec tio n18 .13 .060 (S etbacks).10 allow l o r a new r osid cn ce 10 o ncroach into t il e tren t se tba ck ,loca t ed a t 2 26 Fores t H cad rl.o t t t,8 10 cl<7 ,Va i l Vill aqo 1sl Fili n[). I\ppllcall t : P la n ne r : .l OIIi I Krnd iet Lawen vv a t cr ton 1\r e q ues t for ?~i O squa re fc)et o f A ddit ional GRFA.,toa llow lor til e in terio r conver sio n0 1 ,111 c)xistinD c raw l space in to a hom e o t tico,lo c ateda t 338 Ho cldedf/e/Lo t 1.8 10cl<1.Vail Vill age 3 rcl f-IIII )\!. Apphcan t: P la nn er: Bill and E l ea norS tel ze r T a nuu io Wil lia lllson 1\requ est l or a varian ce 110111 S oction 18 .21\.130.toa llow lor !i cl well ing u nirs and a va ri ance h o ru Sc~c lion l fU ;~·l.O ·I O.10 ,illow lor a p ortio n ol Iho bl lilcllll(J 10b o can tileve red ov er p ar i 01 II le 10 0 YI .lIoorl p lain,l oca l (:r1 a l 2 ~j I Las :Goro Cr o c kD rivo /!ot 1\,B locl <~13 ,V a il Villao c F ir st F i l ll l ~J /\1 q llh:;;111 I 'li lll l lCl : I "t 'p i (;'<1 111:',11,.111/1"'1 (~c c)l (.J e I ~u lill ~1 1\requ es t for ?50 square teetof A dditionalG RF I\,to allow fora qaraq o add itio n wil h a n expa ndedb edroom .ball!an c!d eck .Ioc atcc <\1 255 0 Ba !dM ou nt ain R oad /L ol 31\.Blo ck 2 .V ai l Villa rw 13111 F ilinn I\pplicanl : P la nner : R on and Ma rilyn W olla rd rc pr cse ntc o b y S ie ve Ricl n n D i rl<Maso n t 1\r equ es tl or ?50 square fee t o fAdd itional GHF A,toa llowl ora b edrooma ndb athroom -f(ddi lio n,loc ated a t 1944A Sunbu rs tD r ive/Lo y 1A ,V a il V a lJ ~,\I fjli ogJ:;J Q =i.. ...;:";~'i,Ap ~lican t :A lvina nd Mary A nn R app ,r epresen te d byM ark D o nald son a n cJ A ssociates ,:P l ann er:D i rk M ason T he application s a ndinf ormationa bout th ep ro posals a rc avai lable fo rp ublicin s pectio nd uring regu laroffi ce h o urs in th e project p lann er'soff ice l oca teda tt he Town o f Va il C om m u ni ty Deve lopment De partment,75So uth F rontageR oad . S ign languageinterpretation available upo nrequest w ith 24 hour notitication.Please ca ll 479 -2 114vo iceor 4 79-2356 TOOfo r infor mation .We.~-\~~' Comm unity Development Department Clhe.\.lMoaJA.40 Q.ug,\M.Lt.!MS, Pub lished J uly 25,1997 inlhe Vail Trail.~,~"'-\-lot.bu.q~e.ot V\O\I.~~~~l>e.Q ""~\,)~CO\-,\"",,'Me.&.~~Q..c1D~e.Q.oO\\.G.~-\l......~o\~':V:S C>~~~+ ~e\AQx f"'O~~~J'~Qhc."'~~''''~~"--\~l..t.\U.RA.~t :.':"1 ¥C"Y'lj S~bwn~aM ~.\+WO\Ad.Le..\Mce.\~~~V'lIW 0'00V\e..n CO .>, ~uA~-\Q c..l.tA\.t.~Q.4 \olD S,~Wtc.Pu \o\t.l!p-'"~'f'fe ~~'Itr:\em ~UM~-p 'J>rr.\.17'-53iS •• -==:='...--_._.----...__.._.----.-_.--:~~~~-_..:--.......=="'-."''*"'hP;';;..---..-~-'-"i ::.-):;.:;:..._.''-:.__-';';~.::.":...X -...--.•.--,..,,-~~L.__.Ilu .c.u r T :-':0.-4BJJCfTOWNOFVAIL ""'...--.0;·r-;::~ ~Df-:rARr,\IE:\-r O F C O:'tl:\Itr."ITY DK \-.:LOPM E:,\-r ~S ."IF•..!J.;"'YI!\J..&fi11V<.(1!fYt.L.RIl-pp ~~ ~r- - AII IIRESS..:l..PfL-.5Tt8't7Yv1 e flKCLE c,j'(£W ~/..J....o.':-7 ,.-d..,__CJ2 :r. ~O AT F..tf~vafiA1:a (tt pvrt-c.... .~~.")7~I ..i",,1£ 0 I'HOJE CI'..C~'2.~-'"&rrt<171.fV ~'<4" .:C Ilf.CJ..:S MA o r.f A \'An LF.T O TOW:"I OF \'A II.!:< ~x ccouxr :'\0 ITEM .._-._.•.-.-..••.•~.....'NO...-.T A X '.~._.COST LA.-T (rr AL ==.~I '"E 0 1 0 00 0 4 1540 ~N ING AND ADDR ESS MAl'S S 5.0 0 ·~ I ~0 1 00 004 24 15 UNIFORMBU I LD I NG C ODE S5 4 .00 *S f#0 1000042415 U NlrG Rfvl P LUMBIN GC ODE S 39 .00 +~ I ~01 00 00 42 4 15-''J2NIFO I~IE C IIANICAL CO DE S 37.0 0 *":. .)i.0 1 00 0 0 42415 UN IFORl\t F1 IU:C ODE S 36 .00 • \r .--r.TM oo 4 24 CS -NATIONAL E LECTRICAL CODE S3 7.00 + e"-rT!clO oo 4 2 ·11 ~C 'OfTTI:R Co'DE nOO KS +~-:01 0OO04 15-1 i:IlLUE P RINTS{MYLARS )S 7.00 •3'~~fi=0 1 0 00042412 XE ROXCOP IES SO.25 + ~~..(J I 00 00424 12 ST UDIES •~ ~'!0 1 000042412 T OVFE"Es (O MPUT ER P ROGRAM S5 .0 0 .•7< .:~01 O()OO 4 2 37.~_P ENALTY FEES"R E-IN SPECTIONS % ~._~R(-"~-"\V ,~J'~'1 I ECK 1'1'1'.-1<;4 0 PE R lilt.];"0 1 (JOOO 4 1332 -_Ns,-oro ooo4 2TIT""O FF 11 0l 1l(S INS PEC TIO N F EE S .;.':" ;1 -ciT (1000 --;j""f.ITr C()N TRAC TORs -IrC.TNSES f1 ,E S =.,. '01 o{l c)o-ffi iT SfGR-A I>j;I]CATIUN 1 TI :S 20 .0 0 .;::. e ,l 00 00 4 14 n-..0m2~I~T£l 0L .s.!0~_0 (;Ii..!:E!i.-JS 1.00 PER SO H .I io J)1 1 1 llilQ..ATl -1~V TC A I:';'PROJECT DONATIO N :;< i [l)~<lTOili j(i"4Trn T'T[E-['AliS1 i l}i1-CiN IU "'IEW 13 0ARD FEE ..5l2L__.~ 01 OCIOO 4 2 .\Ii I N V E ~J[(j t\lTI)NTE E (BU ILDI NG) -Jj O<IO O 45 1 io T OV PA RKTNcITUNi)~ 1-OTQ()()02201r To\'NE\\'SP AI'E1d)"i s I'ENSE R j:U N D ----f. --'"""IiIOtioui f(fY )-;\X f\ll ~_q,:4 '-S;C TSTA'r E)~~ ~ r :''Ol oOii0 4lIiifJ T AXA IlL E (II)-1.0%(TOWN )~UTOooo 42371 TIUjI DI N C~Vi:S'n("},'\T I ON ""--'----'-ernEll '.;.' lj__r.'f.,..---I¥.~JiIrC Al'P LlCTIION FEE-s .--...-.-•~p :I1l "(:-Ii 0000 4 1330 _ADDITI ONAL GRF A "2 50"S200 .00 U'O.«:>~~01 00004 1330 COND ITION A L USE P ERMIT S200 .0 0 ~§0 1 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERA TION[L E SS TJlAN 100S Q.FT.I S200.00 ~ ~01 000041330 EXTER IOR ALTERA T ION[MORE TJl AN r oo SO .FT.I 5 500.0 0 ?.,OJ 00004 1330 S PECIAL DE VELOP:-'1ENT D IST R ICT [NEW]S 1,500 .00 - ~01 00004 1330S PEC IALD EVELOPMEN T D ISTRICT [M AJOR A MENDl S I,OOO .OO g 6: ;a: 0 1 OCI OO 41 330 S PEC IALDEVE LOPMENT DIST RICT [MINO R AM ENDl S200.00 fY ;".0 1 00 004 1330 SUH DIVISION ~:'~---or-OOOO'4 I 330 VA RIANCE S250 .00 :~;~:o1()()(jO,j"j J3~Ze)NINGToTIt A ME NIJM I::N(S------$250.00 -----Q ~ :F.:-OlO<JOO <1 1J 30 R E-Z ON ING S20 0.00 ~ ¥OT HER .,., ~OTH ER h<:I ~T OTA L:ZS7.),00 H ~ i\E.., ~COMMD-lTS :-F-o~.- ~/~.-, ~(;)112~l../12.03 111 / .- ~.CAS H I )H.Ol-J REC.BY'...) -._0••_.~•-.."......._. • TOl,.IN OF I~J~IL Miscellaneous Cash • ~:eceic)t *'2274:::0 Pccourl1-:I-t CV #12t:,2 :~~:126~) RU 1H1.t'lHF.:'/PRF'P "oo[:oPE:FEE-·RDDlT IOHRL GPFR 11.€"m paid ~:1 i (:)00041331 000 (1!(100041 0,3001)0 Rmount.paid 50.n(~1 2(1(1.'30 •• ~ mill it / / § N '" \ II I'I'71 i I ~&~......Q !)1~~~=,.9 tJ\ ~; ., ------ "-('0 _,_-c ~ ~~ ~ii1 .~ '~ ~ ;R ~ ~ :t; ~.~ f ·~..~, " ~I't, ~1 ;REMODEL/ADDITION FOR : THE RAAP RESIDENCE VAlL = VICTOR IrotARK OONALDSON AR C~I TE:CT S •P.C.,01 10 0 . S..ul otO ~iT['1\I 1lf -"",,'<I "".IlIn .IO.S===A1 ~"'7'"'.""f u...t -~lC!> ....=''::21.~ --------_._--_._-------- j . I II II11 C'I i -< ,:;11 o '\';:-'~~"I'.$;:)\.i "i;.'"2~t;v ~.~~! ~..... 'Z t; o ~ 9 ~...z 0 0 "'"•:> e- 2us• • • • -- i I PER L EVEL FLOOR F LANE.bSTlNGo CONDITIONS·UP@""~~O k""!" • ..--..---''1'''#11'-• ------------ ,E XI5TlN(;CONDITICN5 -NORTH E XTERIOR EL EVATION IIII I II ~ ,E XI5T lNU COND ITIONS -E AST E XTERIOR E LE vATION [~ 1'1 -(~l <. -J..III ~rt+--• • • ~_..._--._- •E XI5T1N6 CONDITloN5 •tl.E5T ExTERIOR ELEvATIoN E XI5T1N6 CONDITIoNe>•&oUT '"E xTERIOR ELEvATIoN --------~--~-~ .--_..-------.rb · ...-_.-------r:.~. I II III1 •• -----.---/ :! o i I __--I '-I'- I I .".i I ! I .. -, I ~~~; I ~I:U!I \,lL..:dj ... • 1L=,II "If-==I-'",:--'1oi•Ir----' \, I ./ I'I: I 'I : . , ,, ! ,I :i:i ~j.. :j 'f i ! >z > > (J\ :'J-t "-'-" t': i!z i ~ ~ ~ I I ___-'---1,"---.-'-._-...-....-...-J ----------------~-----~-------------------- VAIL COLORA DO -----~--------------_. I I II I I I ~ -- • • -l'~. -~~1-;'-.... I 1II -i.~l!."'!Il~. -1 ~...7 -.t1l'''' -i"'.,,;7 ·..."'-~ • • I I I 1IIII1 I I I ~ y ~1 1 I ~~ ..':"~J .•._.,~~.,. -i,.'iJ-:;.'l-. -;.-;r--• I ., !"""...\'\.~~-_.~- • • I ~ I \ JUL-16-1997 11:51 July 11,1997 Mark Donaldson BoXSJOO Avon CO 81620 VMD ARCHITECTS P.C.e 303 949 5200 P .02 ViaF;Qt; Rc: 970-949-5205 Expansion of 19#A SunbUlSt Drive \ As owoer of rec:ord on mf:above reference propetty,I hereby authorize the prospective buyers,A1 and Mary Anu Rapp,and.their udziIect,Mark Donaldson,to apply for and Pf'eSeDt expansion plans for 1944A Sunburst to both the TOWD of Vail Design and Revievr Board and the PlaDDing and En'rironnu:ntal Commi!$ion (for -250'"and my associated variances). I If you lu.ve any questions don't hesitate to call me at 970-870-0371.Good luck with your approvals .. I Best~. I ' I J ...._TOTAL P.02 - Wa llace,M inyoncM . %Vernon Sm ith A s sociates P.O .Box 8 10691 Da llas,TX 753S I Parcel No:2101-09 1-03-030 Lot21B,F iling 3Va il Va lley Town of Vai l %Finance Depa rtment 75S.Fro n tage Rd Vai l,CO 81657 Pa rcel No:2 101-091-03-0 15 Tract B F ir man,Royal.III 8:.S tephanie 10Vi l lage Rd E ng lewood .CO 80 I 10 Pa rcel No:2 10 1-091-03-026 Lot2 0B,F iling 3Va il Va lley Ingram I nvcsuncnts Inc. I SOI Br oad way.S uite 160 0 Denver,CO S0202 Parcel No:2 102 -09 1-03-025 Lo t 20A,Fi ling 3,VailVa lley Town o f Vai l 'X,F inance Depa r tment 75S .Frontage Rd . Vai l.CO 8 1657 Pa rcel No :210 1-091 -03-016 Tract A S levin ,J ame s M .&Daph ine S . 198 5 Su nb urst Dr. Va il,CO 8 1657 ParcelN o:210 1-091-03 -001 Lot 13,F iling 3,Vai l Va lley t: Puli s ,Warren K .8:.I leiga T . 1979 Sunbu st D r .. Vai l,CO 81657 Parce l No :2 101-091-03-002 Lot 12,Fi ling 3,Va il Va lley S torr,Hans G .8:.Caro l F. 33B rookridge Dr. Grcenwitch,C T 06830 Parcel N o :2 101-09 1-03-003 Lo t II,Fi ling 3 ,Va il Va lley Inte rnational RM Corporation %Fer rari House P.O .Box 971 Avo n.CO X1620 Parcel No :2 101-091-03 -004 Lo t10 ,F i ling 3 .Va il Va lley, THIS ITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PU BLIC NOTIC E N OT ICE IS H EREBYG IVEN th a t theP lannin q and Enviro nm ental Comm ission ofthe Town of V ail w ill h olda p ublic hearing in ac cord ance w ith Section 18 .66 .060 o ftheM unicipal Code ofthe T own o fVailon August 1 1,1997,at2:00P.M.in th e Town ofVail Muni cipal Bu ilding .In c onsid eration of : A reque st l oravar iance from Section 18 .13.060(S etbac ks),10 allow foran ew resid ence to e ncroach i nto th e front setback.loca ted at226 F orestRoa d /Lot11 ,Bl ock 7 .Va il Village 1s t F iling. Appli cant : Pl anner: John Kr edie l Lauren W aterton A reque st l o r 250 s quare teet o fAd ditionalG RFA .t oa llow for the interior conversion o f an e xi sting c ra wlsp ace int o a home office ,located at338 Rockledge/Lot 1,Block t.Va il Villag e 3r d Fi ling . Appl icant : Pla nner : Billand E le a norSta lz er Tam mieW illiamson Areq uest for avariance from S ection 18.24 .130,toall ow fo r 5 dwelling u nits anda v ariance fro m Section 18.69.040,toa llow fora p ortiono f theb uildingto be cant ilev ered ov e r pari o ft he 100 -yr.floodp lain.loca ted at231Ea st Gore C r eek Drive /Lo t A .Bloc k 5 -B.Vai lV illageFirs t F iling . A pplic ant: Pla nner : P ep i Gram aharnm er G eorg e R uther Areq uest for250 square f eeto fA dditionalGR FA.toa llow fo r a garage a dditio nwi than ex panded bedroom ,bath and deck.located at25 50 Bald Mountain Road /Lot34 ,Bl ock2 .V ail Vi llag e 131h Filing. A pplicant : Pl an ner: Rona nd Ma rilynW ollard r epresented b y S teveR iden DirkM ason A request f or250 square feet o f Additional G RFA .to allow fora b edroomandba thr oom ddition,loc ated at 1944A Sunbu rst Driv e/Lot 2 1A ,Vail Valley FilingNO.3 . Al vinand Mary An nRa pp ,repr esented byMa rk D onaldsonand A ssociates D irk M ason T he ap p licati onsand inf ormation about the p rop osalsa re availableforp ublicins pectiondu ring r egularo ffice hours inth e proj ect plann er's offic e locateda tth e Town ofV ail C ommunity D evelopment D epa rtment,7 5 So uth Fr ontage Road . S ignlanguageinlerpretation availableupon request with24 hour notification .Pleaseca1l47 9 -2 114vo ic eor479 -2356 T OOfor informat ion . C ommunityDevelopment Department Published Ju ly 25 .1997 intheVailT rail. Que~?Callthe Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL iNFORMATION ( ThisapplicationisforanyprojectrequiringapprovalbythePlanningandEnvironmental Commission.For specific information.seethesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.The application cannotbe accepteduntilallrequiredinformationissubmitted .Theprojectmayalsoneedtobe reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/ortheDesignReviewBoard. A.TYjE OF APPLICATION: 17'AdditionalGRFA(250) o BedandBreakfast o ConditionalUsePermit o Majoror 0 MinorSubdivision o Rezoning o SignVarianee o Variance o ZoningCodeAmendment o Amendment to anApproved Development Plan o EmployeeHousingUnit(Type:) o Majoror 0 MinorCCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) o Majoror 0 MinorCCIIExterior Alteration (Lionshead) o Special Development District o Majoror 0 Minor Amendment toanSDD B.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST:_.LA~d~d,,-,{-,':hL..l..·(!.I.JJY\'--¥-/..Lfo.~:e-tn=U~!X!l....o!...11e:..<J)L--_ } C. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT ~I A-BLOCK FILING ~3L--"J-'J."""'-..l-J:I::..I.-I.l:.&...+-_ ADDRESS:;/cils5'1...,?aJ~~d*1 k:~.BUILDINGNAME:_ ZONING:(6 e5<'(teen hvJ NAMEOF OWNER(S):--'L...:...!..-'L:::....o-~----'-'-'-'-"'-'---L!...L:>L.LU......!4~i!¥_---:---------- MAILING ADDRESS:~=~!...L;~~~...!.!o.o!l.AL.-LL~J.ll:=-...2~~.I:-_.'\w E. F.OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):-..L.M~~11f-:::"-_ G.NAMEOF REPRESENTATIVE:V,'e-to«.MAY'I<.Pd<!C.\rJsQ(J A-rcJ,/k G+s pc., l MAILINGADDRESS :--!:(3:.,:,o~')(~.......S::~3~()~QL-_ AtJ Q.'Q Co 8\(o~PHONE :C;7 a ~q '-I e,-~OO, H .FEE -SEETHE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICA nON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. For OfficeUse Only; FeePaid:200.00 Ck#:12ft.~ Application Date:7-/4-'1? By:TJ1J PECMeetingDate:f rll-'2 7 Revi""d6l96 7• ZO]';E CHECK ?-;;Z ~-22 Legal description:Lot ;.z I A ddress /9~':/ Owner ,tI/u ;o A fP Architect 024jU5 :De.-vA Y'>"cv0 Zonedistrict -;;:;?1"'\",,"';),I ~-,<.o-rPt:>r~, Lot size ;;;./V Ii Total GRFA ~.ij?!1 +5?5"0 Allowcd =£':'Z91 Existing + Propose d ==----- Remaining PrimaryGRFA ~gr +(425)(675*)==3 09 () SecondaryGRFA J '7 '1(+(425)(675*)=='Z 7 0/ '"675 ==425cred it plus 250addition D oesthisreques t involve a250Addition?~~_ + + = == Howmuch of the allowed250Additionisusedwi th thisrequest?_ SiteCoverage ~s:) Height Setbacks (30)(33 ) Front ----+ 20' ----= Sides I S' Rear 15' RetainingWallHeights Parking GarageCredit 3'/6' Required _ (300)(600)(900)(1200) ____Enclosed Driveway Permitted Slope %ProposedSlope % ComplieswithTO V Lighting Ordinance Arcfinishedgradeslessthan2:I (50%) Yes,_ Yes,_ No _ No _ En vi ronmcntal/Hazards I )Percent Slope «>3 0%),_ 2)Floodplain 3)Wet lands,_ 4)Wa ter Course Set back (30)(50),_ 5)Geologic Hazards ---:_ a )SnowAvalanche B ~c '6 ),Ifv,,1Ja4 2'--.. b)Rockfall .#1'0,1 c)DebrisFlow I1Io J"ah. Previousconditions of approval(c heck property tilc),~:_ Is the propertynon-conforming?Describe:_ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL •Questions?ClalC Plann ing Staff at 479-2128 GENERAL INFORMATION This application isforanyproject requiring DesignReview approval.Anyproject requiring design review must receive DesignReview approval priorto submittingfora building permit.For specific information,secthe submittal requirements forthe particular approval thatisrequested,The application cannot he accepted untilallthe required informat ion is submitted.Theprojectmay a lsoneedtobere viewed bytheTownCouncilan d/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Dcsign Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a huilding permit is issued and construction is started. A .DESCRIPTION O F THE REQUES T:-f1d&.L1+,!....L::·0=.:<'\'..2..../-/:....JA~e.d\lbl.Llla~d:..L.S:.e '-J.l:....-_ 7 II<....I v'r.J fej Cp Rlla5'7 LOCA nON or PROPOSAL:LOT:;l (Il BLOCK:FILlNG:~3"""---lLL~--"--"""-'-'~_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS :;;1030 A lYle edcw Bv-ooK.Dr-:Y'e..lIA-1 L J I B . J!r.1-u <:<)8 /loS IJ, 3'"10 -98/0 PARCEL #:~10'-Q 91-Cl3-OJ'l(Contact EagleCo .Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:Aes ;clCYlh"cJ NAME or OWNER(S):_YVl:.:.2,r .:...--'-'-',:';:;""~L2......-!.:.J.Pl.!.!....!....-'-'~'¥#o-~:'tx:-..tn>:--------- MA III NGADDR ESS::_~~b:!!!Ll:t±ed£'lbfkl:±=:::!b!~~::lc!!'~~---lC!'kJ..J.--r--'~----l:lUl22.:....L Andffirs~~ ;h12.'t!fA m;~:1;~~ /L.~PHONE: OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):........M..,cz.:.'-'·~"'"-"--~-.dn<'JiL..::....7 -'--__ NAME OFAPPLI CANT:\/,c..-btQ 1Ylu..r1c;.DoyJcJdS"otJ fJrrcb d <e is p.G , MAILING ADDRESS :e.o.8m(5'"300 j AVon.CD 'il"l b2.0 PHONE :9'70-7'19-5~OU I C. D. E. F . G. II.TYPE or REVIEW ANDFEE: o New Construction -$200 lit'Addition -$50 o Minor Alteration -$20 Construction of anewbuilding . Includesany addition where square footageis added toany residential or commercial huilding. Includesminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,such as,' reroofing.painting.window additions.landscaping.fences and retaining walls.etc . DRBfeesaretobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later.when applying fora building permit,please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project .TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefee according tothe project valuation. \ PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. .ISLQEJ~KOJ'OSE\}i\lATEIUALS • ---------_.._---- -------------W o u(7 S iv CC 0 ---- ·".ia I':JO f Ot her Wall Materials S iding yV;ndows Window Trim I )o nrs SA t-...q:;A <;S l17ftJ.?_ SAM\?p.<;~IP/.ti<; IJ l,or Tri III llnmlor Deck Rails wco n___~_.._r .:':..._... W ooD .."),0..\'-1.1;:6-S ~((7JNI', _~j>M E:,Ac;~(9(riL, Flashings _-.ot....;.)1\t,l l.t-£~. r'\II.Li IQ....!jA I L-t+fp...0~_ C himneys TrashEnclosures .~!_'?n,-t(".J<::!y£~f_~_ ~A Greenhouses -~---------------- RetainingWall s Exterior Lighting**NO UC..,-IT Ir-lt.--------- .'thcr •Pl ease specifythe manufacturer's color,numberand attach a s mall c olorchip ··1\11 exterior lighting must meet theTown 's Lighting Ordinanc e 11\.54 _0,)O(J).If exteriorlighting is proposed, please indicate the numberoffixturesandlocationsona se parate lighting plan .Identify each fixture typeandprovide thehe ight above grade,lum ens output ,lumin ous area ,andatta ch acut s heetofthelighting fi xtures. 2 Upd ated 6 f l)? ••1}~!!;l!l!I;;Il __N.1r11\ :\ND SllR llllS : 'i&!?-srre:~1'0---------- 131 -:R E MOV ED: +M ininuun rc qui rcmcnt x Ii"lalld scll'ing :d eciduous tre e s -2 inc h ca liper c oniferous Ire,'s -I>k Ll in he ight shrubs -:;gallons CROlJN D COVER S EED I RRIGATION -_._--------_._---------------- ------------ TY PE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTII F.R LAN DS CAP E F EATURES (retainin g w alls.f enc es,s wimming p ools,c tc .)Please s pecify .Indi cate top and b ottom el evati ons o fretaining w alls .M a ximum h eight of w alls wi thin th e front setback is3feel.Ma ximum h eight of w alls e lsewhere o nth e pr operty is 6 feel. ---------------------- ------------------ .. J UL-14-1997 13 :25 liI 1D ~ITECT C;P C '~.•-.,..-~ ~~_.....-_~~~3i;;;~al. This form i~t<l verifyservice Availability antllol:iI\;'lI1 tor new cnn~lt\ll:li()n lind ~hnuld bc u-~ed inconjunction \'Iilh prepAring your utiliI)'plal'lllnd schcdulin];inHt"Il;al i(ln~.The lecaticn and availability of ulililic.~.whether theybemain trunk lines Of prnJlCllicd lines.must be Approved IIld verified by the followinc ulilirl~fOf the _ccoOlplInying "ite plan . p..oil U.S.WclU Communications '11C"!~''- l-l!OO .922.19117 ~.....1 46R -(,Ilf!O or 949.4BO r1'f.'1'14 ,~.~. Puhlic Service CVl l1pany 949·5 '!I I IJ,I4 ...~"'" t;i1ry 1'11111 Zlo l I.{0<;1 Hllly ('rol'll Elcenic Assoc. Y49 ·51\Q2 Ted Hu.~ky/John B.2Yd T.c:.1 Y49·5:'i~O Floyd Sal«7J1f .., EIIU1c River Water &Sanitation District • ~7(,·74110 Fred Haslcc '1-/<f -Y 7 .12'rJ7 Ctr>tcLvi t- •Please bring a site plan.floor plan,andelevations whenobtainingUpperEagleValleyWater &.SllIIilahon signarures.Fire flow needs mUlI1 beaddressed . NOTES : I .Iflhe utility verification forIII hilS signatures froOl each oftlle utilitycompaoics,and no comments I\fC madedirectly 011 theform,theTown will presume thallhere are noproblems and thedevelopment can proceed, 2.Ifa utility company Iw concernswith the proposed construction.the utility represClltative shall note directly onthe utilily verificationform that there is a problem which needs toberesolved. The i'~\Ie shouldthenbe detailc<l inanattachedletter 10 till:Town of Vail.However,pleue keep inmind that it is the rcsponsibllity ofllle utility eOlll(lllnJl and the appticanttoresolve identifiedproblems. 3.These verifications do notrelieve the contractorofthe responsibility to obtain aPublicWay Permit fromthe Department of Public Work'attheTownot·Vail.lJlility IQC3ljQ lllI mustbe obtainedbefore di~gi",~inanypublicright-or-wayor casement withinthe Town of Vail.6- building permit ~llQU.Jj,!.!ili~...WilY permit and mU>1 beobtained lPmarull;ly . 'C)\I~E.APPL1CATION Cffi:jFERENCE • TOTFlL p.el