HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 4 TRACT A LEGAL,. TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Addres s: Location ...:VAIL GOLF COURSE Parcel No ..:2101-102-0 1-006 Project No.:PRJOO-0049 Permit #:BOO-0054 Status ....ISSUED Applied ..:04/13/2000 Issued ...:05/02/2000 Expires ..:1 0/29/2000 APPLICANT PINYON BUILDERS POBOX 96,MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR P INYON BUILDERS POBOX 96,MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER TOWN OFVAIL%FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75S FRONTAGE RD,VAIL CO 8 1657 BUSINESSVAIL GOLF COURSE Description : REPLACE PUMP STATION Occupancy:Ul Type Cons truction:VN Type Occupancy : Not in table! Type VNon -Rated Phone:970-827-5793 Phone :970-827-5793 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up De~tund approved amount )~::cJ() date 7#&0 Valuation : F ir eplace Informa ti on:Restr icted: 18,350 iOf Ga sAppliances: Add Sq Ft : #Of Gas Loge :#Of Wood/Palle t: Eui lding-----> Plan Check ---:::o Inve stigati o n> wi ll Cal l----:> 2 35 .00 1 52 .75 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> ORBFee-----------------> Re creation Fe e ----------> c lean-UpDepo sit--------> TOTAL F EES--------------> .00 5 0.00 .0 0 10 0 .0 0 5 40 .75 Tota l CalculatedFee s-·-> Addit ion al Fe ee ---------> To ta l Permit Fee --------> Payments ----------------:> BALANCE DUE-------------> 5 4 0.15 .0 0 5 4 0.75 5 40 .75 .00 Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DJep t:BUILDING Division : 04 /17/20 00 KATHY Action :NOTE ROUTED TO ruM04/19 /2000 JRM Act ion:APPR approved Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division : 04/17/2000 KATH Y Action:NOTE ROUTED TO ANN 04/17/2000 AKJERULF Action :APPR oui ouiouiItem:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT Dept :FIRE Division: 04 /17/2000 KATHY Action:APPRN/A Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS Degt:PUB WORK Division: 04/17/2000 KATHY Action:NOTE ROUTED TOLE NARD 04/27 /2000 LSANDOVA Ac t ion :APPR APPROVED See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit . DECLARATIONS I h er e by acknow ledg et hat I have r e ad this a pplica t ion ,f il led o ut i n f ul lt h e i nformationr equired ,com pl e ted an accur ate p lot p lan,a nd s tate t h at a ll t he i nformation provided as r e q uire di s cor rec t .I agr ee to c omply wi th the information and plot pl a n, to c omp ly wi th all Towno rd i n anc es and state laws,and to build t h is stru cture accord ing t o the Town's zon ing and s ubdi vi sion c odes ,d es ign revi ew approved ,Uni form Bu i ldi ng Cod e a nd othe r o rdinances of t heTown appl icab le t her eto. REQU ESTSFORIN SPECTIONS S HALL BE MA DE ~Y -F O UR HOUR SI N ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT 4 ~8 OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM ~~ Send Clean-Up Deposi tT o:PINYON BLDRS :GORDON CHINOINE SIGNA.TURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR F OR~ANDOWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:BOO-0054 as of 05/02/00 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type :ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant :PINYONBUILDERS 970-827-5793 Job Address : Locat ion :VAIL GOLF COURSE Parcel No:2 101-102 -01-006 Description : REPLACE PUMP STATION Applied:04/13/2000 Issued:05/02/2000 To Expire:10/29/2000 Conditions : 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt ****************•••***********************************--***••••- Statemnt Numbe r:REC -0622 Amount:520.75 05/02/00 13:03 Payment Method:CKNotation:#100 2/PINYON Init :LC Permit No :BOO -0054 Type:A-COMM Parcel No :2101 -102 -01 -00 6 Location:VAILGOLF COURSE ADD/ALT COMM BUILDP This Payment 520 .75 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 540.75 540.75 .00 *.*••**********.***************•••*********••••*****•••**-_••••- Account Code Descrip t ion Amount BP 00100003111100 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 235 .00 DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 30 .00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 152.75 AD D2 -DEP08 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 100.00 WC 00100003112800 WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 PREPARED 9/26/00,15 :13 :20 PROGRAM MR4 15U Town of Vail CUST -ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOS IT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION l B2B BOO-0054 PINYONBUILDERS DEP08DEPOSIT D2 TX-DATE 5/03/0 0 AJ -DATE 9/26/00 DEPOSIT AMOUN T 100 .00 DEPOSI T-ADJ AMOUNT 100 .00 ADJUSTMENT AM OUNT 100 .00 - AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FORCUSTOMER TYPE, GRANDTOTAL : D2 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 00 .00 100 .00- 100 .00- .00 .00 DEPOSIT COUNT: G/L BATCH CREATED, 1 BATCH -02585 2000/09 USERI D-JPOPECK APHELD COUNT -1.00 AMOUNT-100 .00 .. 75S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 ..APPUCATIO!AILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMP~R UNSIGNED -P'-ct#:~::rQ)-CO~ Building Permit #:DOO .15:. 970-479-2149 (Inspections)~oo.oo54 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Sep arate Permits are required forelectrical,plumb ing,mechan ical,etc.! Contact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaa/e-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #2\0 I I D'Z.0\COlp JobName:~;I 6 0 If'Cp.....r ¢-Job Address:~{-p.,eI4.V;.)700 5"",,,f(". I Lot:~Block:I Filing :II ...,,: Owners Name:V;",I-u (i 1r:';:t-~:700 s:Ffh<~e-,Ld ~e :J,>u.lAyqs,117cr-"22J2.ell "~,&,- Architect/Designer:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description ofwork:~ -f lac e PU4'V'r'sM~t't Work Class :New ()Addition ()Remodel ()Repair ()Demo (')0 Other (X)~/~-r Work Type:I nterior ()Exterior (X)Both ()Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No 0 <) Typeof Bldg .:Sing le-fami ly()Two-family ()Multi-famil y ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other ()q No.ofExisting Dwelling Units inthisbuilding:0 No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding:0 NO/TVDe of Fireolaces Exi stino:Gas Aooliances ()Gas Loos ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bumino()ttIA- No/Typeof Fireolaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas Loqs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bumina(NOT ALLOWED) I Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes ()No ('}C)II Does aFire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No (Y) COMPLETE VALUATIONSFOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) f\0 0"fH'n ,X')'"'I 'f\ru'\{:L C'0 rrlj..,-LD o~):..C£ln"\p BUILDING :$(7,"'P.<I ()II v on\)6OOSlo'-ELECTRICAL:$!,O tJO DlliER:$ I PLU MBING:$~MEC HANICAL:$II TOTAL :$\~/,n;I REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSITTO:I,',.."(J II(~...;r~>_:J::N...~O.~~~67"2-Cci<.v~CO '8Ib72. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .Townof Vail Reg.No.: l D6-11- Contactand Phone #'s: 6~rcJ.,,..C.f..;~;~e.!vi r.'??--7-!T7<f~ ***************************************FOROFFICEUSE ONLY************************************* F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm Questions?CalltheBuildingTeamat 479-2325 Suilding Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development V~( G 0 ({'C.c''",se >.Prem 'Ir.€t?-k{, LI~;( 7 (H) Project Name:__....:::.....::.:.....:_...=:.....::....:...:-...:..::.~....::..==---_ Project Address:_--+....><:..:::.....-.....:....::--'--'-"-''-'-'-+-=:........;--''---'<-=~_ ,/This Checklist must be completed before a Suilding Permit aoplication is accepted. oAll pages of application is comp lete o Has ORB approval obtained (if required)Provide a copy of approval form ,vIA-0 Condominium Association letterof approval attached ifproject isa Multi-Family complex will 0 Complete siteplan submitted ~IA 0 Public Way Pennit application included if applicable (referto Pub lic Works checklist) tJ!A 0 Stag ing plan included(refer to Public Works checklist )No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways andshoulders without written approval Asbestos test and resu lts subm itted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 setsof plans forMulti-Fam ily and Commerc ial) ,£Window anddoor schedule EI Full structural plans,including design criteria (ie.loads) r:I Structural Engineer stampand signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) tJIA 0 Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection ~0 Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated rJ ~0 Smoke detectors shown on plans rJ~0 Types and quantityof fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature:_---=:'--'-'::........::;'-"'-.:....::.....>«:J<::..:=..:;:;..;;:;.-:-:-"--~"'------- Date of submittal:_ Received By:_ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is perm it requiresaTownof Va il Fire DepartmentApproval,Eng ineer's (Public Works) reviewandapproval,aPlanning Departmentreviewor HealthDepartment r eview,andareview bytheBuilding Department,theestimated ti meforatota l review will takeas longasthree(3) weeks. Allcommercial(largeorsmall)andallmult i-family permitswillhavetofollowtheabove mentionedmaximum requirements.Residential andsmallprojectsshouldtakealesseramount oftime.However,if residentialorsmallerprojects impactthevariousabovementioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,theseprojectsmayalsotakethree (3)weeks to reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemadebythisdepartment to expeditethispermit assoonaspossible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtimeframe.I alsounderstand that if thepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpirationdate,that Imuststillpaytheplancheckfee and that if Ifailtodosoitmayaffectfuturepermits that Iapplyfor. ~~, Signature .?>1fk \Itt:\Gdl4'C,v-I)e If("J!otJ I Date:-----..:....LJ.J£-f-'::..:-.-------- ProjectName: F:/everyonetforms/bldperm3 • WHENA "PUBUC WAYPERMIT"IS REQUIRED PL EASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESITONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": o Isthisanewresidence?YES,__NO /' NO v--- Does demolition workbeing performed requ ire theuseof the Right-of-Way ,easements or public property?YES__NO ,,/ NO ./' Arethereany improvements being done tothedriveway?YES__ Isanyutilitywork needed?YES __ o o o o Isadifferent access needed to thesite other t hantheexisting driveway?YES__NO /" o Is anydrainage work b~i ng done t hat affects the Right-of-Way,easements ,or public property? YES NO--"Ve- o Isa "RevocableRight-of-Way Perm it"requ ired?YES__NO / o Isthe Right-of-Way ,easements or public propertyto be used for staging ,parking orfencing? YES NO ,/ If answeris NO,isaparking,staging or fencing plan requiredby Pub lic Works? YES NO v( If youanswered YES toanyofthesequestions,a "Public Way Permit"must beobtained. "Public Way Permit"applications maybe obtained atthe Public Work's officeorat Commun ity Development (a sample is attached).If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESITONS. Contractor Signature Jobor Project Name:~;{6e,(f'~e Date Signed :'-t frolotJ I Company Name F:/e veryonelforms/bldperm4 PUBUC WORKSANDTHE PUBUC WAYPERMIT PROCESS .. Howitrelatesto Building Permits: ;;.Fill out theattachedchecklist w ith theBuildingPermitApplication. If yeswasansweredtoanyofthequestionsthena"PublicWay"permitis required.You canpick upanapplicationateitherCommunityDevelopment,locatedat75SouthFrontage Road orPublic Works,locatedat1309Elkhorn Drive. >-Notice sign-offsforut ility companies .ALL utilitiesmustfieldverify(locate)respective ut ilities priortosigningapplication.Some utility companies requireupto48hoursnoticeto schedulealocate. >-Aconstruction traffic control/stagingplan mustbe preparedonaseparatesheetofpaper. Anapprovedsiteplanmayalsobe used.Thisplanwillshowlocationsofall traffic control devices (signs,cones,etc.)andtheworkzone,(areaofconstruction,staging,etc.).This plan willexpireonNovember1standwillneedto be resubmittedforconsiderationfor approvalthroughthewinter.Be awarethatyour resubmission for winter maybedenied depending onthelocationofconstruction. >-Sketch of workbeing performedmust be submitted indicating dimensions(length,width anddepthofwork).Thismay be drawnonthe traffic controlplan orasite planforthejob. >-SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWork'sofficeforreview.I frequired,locateswill bescheduledfortheTow n ofVailelectricians and irrigation crew .Thelocatestakeplace in themorning,butmay requireupto48hourstoperform. >-ThePublic Work's ConstructionInspectorwill reviewtheapplication andapproveordeny theperm it.Youwillbecontactedastothestatus and anyrequirements that may be needed.Mostpermitsare released within48hoursofbeingreceived,butpleaseallowup toone(1)weekto process. ;;.As soonasthepermitisapproved,theBuildingDepartmentwill benotified,allowingthe "BuildingPermit"tobe released.Please donotconfusethe"PublicWayPermit"with a "BUildingPermit". ~NOTE:Theabove process isforworkinapublic way ONLY.PublicWay PermitsarevalidonlyuntilNovember 15th.AnewPublicWayPermitisrequired each year if work isnotcomplete.Re-applicationeach November 15thdoesnot meanan automatic renewal. Ihavereadandunderstandtheabove. Signature F:{everyonefforms{bldpermS Date Signed '0 rJ!A- DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check otTeachof the itemsbelow: oTheTown of VailBuildingDepartmenthasdevelopedthefollowingproceduresto ensure that newconstructionsiteshaveadequatelyestablishedproperdrainage frombuildingsitesalongandadjacenttoTown of Vailroadsorstreets. o TheTownofVail Public WorksDepartmentwillberequiredtoinspectandapprove drainageadjacenttoTownof Vail roadsorstreetsandtheinstallation of temporary orpermanentculvertsat access pointsfromtheroadorstreetontotheconstruction site.Suchapproval must beobtainedpriortoanyrequestsforinspectionbythe TownofVail Building Departmentforfootings,temporaryelectricalorany other inspection.Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 torequestaninspectionfrom thePublicWorksDepartment.Allowaminimum of 24 hournotice. o Also,theTownofVailPublicWorksDepartmentwillbeapprovingallfinaldrainage andculvertinstallationwithresulting roadpatchingas necessary.Suchapproval mustbeobtainedpriortoany Final Certificateof Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by:_ Print Name Signature Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forrns/bldperm6 ·\ MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Pleasereadandcheck off eachoftheitemsbelow . (Copies of completetextareavailableuponrequest) CODE 5-2-10:DEPOSITSON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED oUnlawfuldeposits:Subjectto subsection Cthereof,it isunlawfulforanyperson to litter,trackor deposit,orcause to belittered,trackedordeposited,sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,orany otherdebrisormaterialuponanystreet,sidewalk,alleyorpublicplace,oranyportionthereof. oNotice;Abatement:TheDirectorof Public Worksmaynotifyandrequireanypersonwhoviolatesor causes another to violatethe provision of subsection Ahereof,orwhohasintheDirector'semployment apersonwhoviolatesor causes another to violatethesame,topremovesuchsand,gravel,rocks,mud, dirt,snow,iceoranyotherdebrisormaterialwithin twenty four(24)hours after receiptofsaidnotice bytheDirectorofPublicWorks.Intheeventthepersonsonotifieddoesnotcomplywiththenotice withintheperiodoftimehereinspecified,theDirectorof Public Works,orotherauthorizedagent,may causeanysuchsand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,debrisoranyothermaterialtoberemoved fromanystreetoralleyatthe expense ofthenotified. o SummonsandPenalty:As analternative to thenoticeforremovalprovidedinsubsectionBabove, anypersonwhoviolatesor causes another to violatethesame,maybeissuedasummonstoappear beforetheMunicipal Court of theTownforsaidviolations,anduponbeingfoundguiltyofaviolation hereunderbepunishedasprovidedin Section 1-4-1 of thiscode. o NoticeandPenalty:It isunlawfulforanypersontofailorrefuse to complywiththenoticeofthe DirectorofPublicWorksasprovidedin subsection Bhereof,andanysuchpersonshall,inaddition to paymentoftheexpenseofremoval incurredbytheDirectorof Public Works,asprovidedinsubsectionB hereof,uponbeingfoundguiltyofaviolationhereunder,bepunishableasprovidedinSection1-4-1of thisCode.(1997Code:Ordinance6(1979). CODES 7-3A-l AND 7-3A-3:PARKINGOBSTRUCTINGTRAFFIC &IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED oNopersonshallparkanyvehicleuponastreetoratanyotherplacewithinthisMunicipalityinsucha mannerorundersuchconditionsas to interferewiththefreemovementofvehicular traffic orproper streetorhighwaymaintenance.(Ord.2(1968)§1) oWheneveranypoliceofficerfindsavehicleattendedorunattended,standinguponanyportionofa streetoruponanyplacewithinthisMunicipalityinsuchamanneras to constituteaviolation of any sectionofthis Artide,or left unattendedforaperiod of twenty four(24)hoursormoreandpresumed to beabandonedundertheconditions prescribed byColorado Revised Statutessection42-4-1102,as amended,theofficershallrequirethevehidetoberemovedor cause ittoberemovedandpacedin storageinthenearestgarageorotherplaceofsafetydesignated ormaintainedbythisMunicipality,and thechargesfortowingandstorageofsuchvehicleshallbechargedtotheowner of thevehiclein addition to atendollar($10)impoundment charge.(Ord.2(1968)§3:Ord.28(1981)§1) Ihavereadand "ill compl y withtheabovecodeprovisions : Date Signed:------I-+L"'-f-"'-"''------ Position or Relationship toProject : F:ieveryon elfonnsibldpcrm7 e e TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THIS PERM ITMUSTBEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TI MES DEM O .OFPART/ALL BUDG. Job Address : Lo cat ion ...:VAIL VALL EY 4TH FILING Pa rcel No ..:210 1-102 -01-006 Pro ject No.:PRJOO -0049 APPLICANT P I NYO NBUI LDERS POBOX 96,MINTURN CO 8 1645 CONT RACTOR P I NY ON BUILDERS P OBOX 96 ,MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER TOWN OFVAI L %FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75S FRONTAGE RD ,VAIL CO 81657 BUSINESS VAIL GOLFCOURSE PUMPHOUSE Desc ri ption: DEMO ONLY FOR GOLF COURSE PUMP HOUSE Permit #:DOO-0015 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:04/13/2000 Issued ...:04/13/2000 Exp ires ..:10/10 /2000 •Phone :9 70-827-5793 Phone :970-8 27-5 793 Occup ancy:B1 Type Co nstruction :VN Type Occupancy: B1 Type V Non-Rated Valuation :500 Add Sq Ft: Fire plac e I n f o rma t ion :Restrict e d:#Of Gas Ap p l ianc es :#0£Gas Lo g e:#OfWood /Pallet : Bui l ding-----> Plan Ch e ck ---> I n vest i ga ti o n> wi ll Cal l----> 2 0.00 1'2 .0 0 .00 3 .0 0 Res tuarant ?lan Review--> ORB Fee -----------------> Re c r eati on Fee ----------> Clean -Up Deposit --------> TOTAL FEES --------------> .00 2 0 .00 .00 .0 0 56 .00 Total Ca l cu l at e d Fees---> Ad d itiona l Fees---------> To talPermit Fe e --------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE OUE -------------> 56 .00 .00 5 6.00 56.0 0 .0 0 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04 /13 /2000 KATHY Action :APPR APPROVED Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTM ENT 04 /13 /2000 KATHY Action:APPRN/A Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 4/13 /2000 KA THY Action :APPR N/A Item:0 5500 P UB LICWORKS 0 4/13/2000 KATH YActio n:APPRN/A Item:05 700 ENV IRONMENTAL HEALTH 04 /13 /2000 KATHY Act ion:APPRN/A Item:05900 LIQUOR 04 /13 /2000 KATHY Action :APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division : PER KW Dept:PLANNING Division: Dep t.:FIRE Di vi sion: Dept :PUB WORK Division: Dept :HEALTH Division: Dept:CLERK Division: See Page 2 of t his Document fo r any conditions that may apply to this permit . DECLARATIONS I her e by a cknowledge t hat I h a v e re ad t h i s appl ica ti on,f i l l ed o ut i n f ul l t he i n form ation req uired ,c o mp leted an acc ura t e p l o t p l an,a nd s ta te t h a t a l l the i nfo rnat i o n p r ovided a s r eq u ire di s correct .I a g ree to comply wit h the i nfo rmation and p lot plan, to c o mply wi th a ll T ow n or d ~nan c e s and s t at e laws ,a n d t o buildt h is etructure acc ordin g to t he Town 'ez oni ng a nd s ubd i vision c odes,d e s i g n review approve d,Uni f orm Bu ild ing Code ~nd ot~er ordi n an c e s o f t h e Town appli c ab le there t o. R EQUESTS ,OR I NS nCTrONS S HAL L as r·!ADE _Y-F OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T EL EPHONE AT ''-38 OR AT OUR OFFICE PRO M 8 :00 A.'1 5 :0 0 PM vA,d--'·, J .'~/'I-.'_'7~V"""t~·",·,.;.....4,_ Send Clean-Up De~osit To:~c~CHP~GE D SIG~IATURE CF O~~CR CONTRACTO R F .HI MS ELF ~VD O\iNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:DOO-G015 as of 04 /13/00 Status;ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type :DEMO .OFPART/ALL BUDG . Applicant:PINYONBUILDERS 970-827-5793• Job Address : Location:VAIL VALLEY 4TH FILING Parcel No:21 01-102 -01-006 Description; DEMO ONLY FORGOLF COURSE PUMP HOUSE • App lied:04/13/2000 Issued :04/13/2000 To Expire :10/10/2000 Conditions: 1 .THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR DEMO OF EXISTING BUILDING ONLY .NO NEW CONS TRUCTION WILLBE STARTED UNTIL BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED . ••••••*••••••••••*•••••••••••••~••*•••••••*••••••••*••••••••• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt ********.******---*--*****._._.**.*-_••*-***---***.****.y .**.*** Statemnt Number:REC -06 15 Amount : Pa yment Met hod:CK Notation:2004 56 .00 04 /13/00 13:36 Ini t:JAR DEMO.OFPART/ALL BU 56.0 0 56 .00 .00Balance: 56.00 000-0 015 Type:A-DRMO 2101 -102 -0 1 -006 VAIL VALLEY 4TH FILING Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This P ayment *._--*.*•.*.*****_.*****••***-_.*.*-.*--_.*.**•.••__.-_.**•.._*- Account Co de Description Am oun t BP 001000 03111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 20 .00 DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20 .00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 13 .110 WC 001 00003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTR ICAL PERMIT Permi t #:EOO-0041 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No..: Project No . VAIL VALLEY 4TH FILING, 2101-102 -01 -006 PRJOO-0049 Status .. VApplied. Issued .. Expires . ISSUED :004/13/2000 04/13/2000 10/10/2000 APPLICANT MARK ELECTRIC CO Phone:715 -486-3254 3002 HWY 91,LEADVILLE CO 80461 CONTRACTOR MARK ELECTRIC CO Phone:715-486-3254 3002 HWY 91,LEADVILLE CO 80461 OWNER TOWN OFVAIL %FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75 S FRONTAGE RD,VAIL CO 81657 BUSINESS VAIL GOLF COURSE PUMPHOUSE Description:REMOVE/REPLACE ELCTRICALSERVICE FOR COValuation:4,000.00 S l e c t r ic a l---> ORB Fee ---> Inve "eigation > Will Cal l ---.> TOTAL FEES ---> 72 .00 .00 .0 0 3 .0 0 15 .00 Total calculated Fees ·--, Add it i on.l F e e$--~~-----> To tal Pe rmit Pee ----·---, Paymen t 9-----------~----> BALAN CE DUE -------------> 75 .00 .00 7 5 .0 0 75 .00 .0 0 BUILDING Division :Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 04/13/2000 KATHY Action:APPR APPROVEDItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/13/2000 KATHY Acti on:APPRN/A Dept: PER KWDept:FIRE Division: CONDITIONOF APPROVA L 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I ha ve r ea~t h is ap pl ica tion,f i ll ed Que in full t he i nformat ion requ i red ,complet ed a n accu rat e pl o t plan.and state that all the in f ormat ion provi ded as requi red i e correct.I a gr ee to compl y wit h the i nformati on a nd p lot pl an , to c omply wi th all To wn ordinanc es and state l aws ,Mno to b ui ld t his s tr ucture acc ording t o the T own 'a zoni ng an d subdi vi sio n c od••,de s ign re view a pp rove d,Uniform Bui l ding Co de a nd other o r dinances o f t he Town applicable th ~reto . REQUESTS FOR IN SPECTIONS S HALL BE MADE TWENTY-POUR HOURSI N ADVANCE BY TELEPH O~~AT 479 -2 138 FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :0 0 PM *************************~*************************~******** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0616 Amount:75 .00 04/13/00 16:06 Payment Method:CHECK Notation :#750B/MARK ELEC Init:KMW Permit No:EOO-0041 Type:B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERM IT Parcel No:2101-102-01-006 Location:VAIL VALLEY 4TH FILING,VAIL GOLF COURSE PUMPH Total Fees:75.00 This Payment 75.00 Total ALL Pmts:75.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code EP 00100003111400 we 00100003112BOO Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 72.00 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________DOLLARS sJJ""h-,-CO_--,-_ 50671 PoliceReceiptNumbers _ By -2~..u..!..L..!.L-..L..L-_ _-'--'-'---'-1.""-'-•19:z.--__ .,508 HOW PAID-"cash Check --"V__ PermitNumbers _ r --------------------------------------·------- :RECEIPT -The Town of Vail I I I ,I ':I I I, 'I I ) I I I I I 1 I I IL _ APPLICATIO~LL NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLEalR UNSIGNED _Pr~#:tJ .\Cr-· BuiIdi n9 Permit #:--=-,,--:,=.>oc~'-F--,;-,:=o=... Electrical Permit #:~-( 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaaje-co untv.com for Parcel # I Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)2.101-l02·bl-Oth JobName:V !c;,/,t:~Job A~dre~7 ev/;.r:I fr T /'71cA,'..,r CoN!SI .v,...,,~Ii DL~E 1/4-,'I"""tC;C I LegalDescription II Lot:II Block:1/Filing:II Subdivision:vt-t;1&/Tid Owners Name~i I-/hi ,/Address :Phone:4J",~,(/~, Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed desc ~~of work:'VS'~,!1':'..;4-' _L /l~e-vf ./-/E'iJ'I"1/( TMIl 0 r-c ~I-Cc,'-'f/~c-C~"r-/<;;/rc!7J,"O..l '>f4",Y"f WorkClass:New9C Ad dition ()Remodel ()Repair()TempPower ¥.J other () IWorkType:Interior ()Exter ior ()Both()I DoesanEHUexistatthis location:Yes()No () Typeof Bldg.:Single-fam ily()Duple x()MUlti-family ()Commerda l ()Restaurant ()Other~ No.ofExisting DwellingUnitsinthis building:No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthis building: Isthis permit forahottub:Yes ()No (X) I DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes ()No ()t)II DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yes ()N o ~ COMPLETESQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$.~000, Electrical Contractor: ~Il!t"<£hcrl7,'C Contractor Signature ' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION L \l 1 ~I Q ? Town ofVail R~.No.:ContactandPhone #'s:"{S7 109r ;)7 5-~"A-l1lc 717 '7'Y6 r).~v-Q.\So -\l)..j(~ ************************************~'t**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ***~,,:******************************~"t ** Other Fees:-:'L Date Received:.c I ORBFees:;,:'i--:Accepted By:~1 1J I Planner Siqn-off:i I Date Re ceived APR 1 ~-l 2000 F;/fNeryon e/forms/elecp erm