HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 19 LEGALCsisn n"uil Action tt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef o"" ftnq:f [* fl1L\, Proj€ct Descript;sf i-c Y^OO(* Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: proiect street Ad anut 4l? C'll,t,^ ,.,, '.U ! lfu-. * ? Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval Atatf AnRroval ' Conditions: Town Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid P.61 ,i 1r{1?ii{IJ!?,-{ I I{ f t ii Jil::.iJ: _JJI {g}|IIS,TION I rlll.ll*lrrrtl q*aie*tra* 1' j,,ii'i:ic,il l prr0li' Qg--."Raa L***-; r, i il.'Ja ol' filjjvJslrr: ;::',;;Jii,i:,gii: . . ..-lrJri!'.(.:OnsLrucIjOn ($?00,00) ".", Artd{ tlon {$50.00) zlNlnor Albsrat*on ($?0. o0)*.-Jqnce0bual Rcview ($0) L).1,5(,;AI/ FE9CRIIITION: IlAL _-,^ . Block$ribdlvlslon Jr, ;I;r,,perty ie ciescrj,bgd.l?y a negbg and boundt legalricirc,i:ipbion, .pleuue provtdi on .-reperaLe gheeg ana attacht:ri t"hie appllcarion. Ii. i.' . {r rt_ t;o,tit_j{i} I iJrli'1i1 1-1p' ll,r:Lilr,;AT,PLICI\}I?; Adclress; Fhone 0. K.t,(.&. ,I , *.ll\ "r,r'i'i.ii.:al.Jt?il.t h.Jl,Ir .lfof ps pn*C#gg#p *ffftrr,#r$*' P/tcE< grsivarqJT6' i)r.r,1;,;.1,.1y11ii.,*l.trn Approvel tf applicable. l,!'r.lr iiiL.: .tltlg feesr.ir,,.ir (,i ririrrn,t rro.r.^3u.flol:..above, 6re. to be paid aL theI ir'rr (,,f $ui)IllLbal :- :--' :1 ,'i1i ,,.1 ,._ !: _ , 9{ . ilre DRrl appJ.lca$lon,L,,aLgr. whgn I l:.; : I ll,, t ; i f ,, l.,i * dr ns perirriii"I Gi;;:iirl,!ffri.;ie";;lr r * 0I;;',;;l;;o?,1",t: l;$:ili; ,-ip frJii"Ir'ilIif.ifrf^idifilt-lig : I*, :lf,!otd: rrrl |o ii';-i;ili; b;il*:"[' ff,Jl:",X:t:,311: ')I liiil:t: ()i' APPLICAN,f ,S REFRESENTATIVE: $+"pt'i;i,j.J,j,,r,l$ Ad{jresF !* ._ - - \r"' ' r!r- , ..",* phone ir', UIi Ll,E'"t::"jl.t $)ii+ il li,7 ldiii: t^Jl'lgg (.$ ,'"i j..(l i.(i, 235D l IO\I-CO[4M, DEV. DErT. .,,ri-. -,7- J996- - t,ri rri' L.,rrili, r:Ul"l-l.lEV O,.0.-o.s-24s2 JUls'e6 SUBDIVISILN 15:17 N0"010 P.02 to the Derign NAME OF PRO,ISCt: LEQAIJ DE6CRXPTION; ilTREnT ADDRESS I Z Ii'hgr foLlowlug inf,oxrnatlon ls flevisw Bosrd bef,ore a finaX h. BUILDIN0 XrrEnfAr.er l, Itoof $idlng orher wall Fascia srlffitF Windsws Wlndow Trln dJoors uilt,erials Dno:r Tr:im 3i&nd 0r nesk Ralls r1u00 nJ.arhinga Chrrureye Frash sncloauree Greenhougee Recainlng Watls regrircd for subnittal appreval cen be qivenl nrFB Op IiIIBRIAIT Sr-Lerlor r,lghtlng T{fhr}{ oF rJF| r r- lliscellmeous Cash E7-lS-96 S8:18:48 Heceitrt * 285266Ftccr-,unl.* |]K#?358 EF:UCE }{TIRRII.I6\.PREPFID DRB FEE Flrrurun t. tende red :) 29. l3g Item paid 11r6SB841f,S1SsE f,hange returned )' fudjni paid ?8. Ae [1. 6E THFI}{}< VSIJ Vc,ur cashier HEII)I DATE RECEIPI ,/ / ,wn ofVaI (t/ 19 /w N9 t?680 RECFIVED FROM ADDRESS Permit lrlumbers HOW PAID-&sh-Oreck nuJnrc AND ENvTRoNMENTAL cou$ron May 9, 1994 AGENDA Prolect Orientation/Lunch Slte Vislts ,i It 1. 2. Szpiech Krediet 11:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a wall height variance to allow for a single family residence to be constructed aI2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, Block 9, Intermountain subdivision. Drivers:Andy and Randy Update on Environmental Program Public Hearinq Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: by Russ Forrest and Paul Reeves. 2.A request lor a minor SDD amendment to allow lor a modification to the porte cochere at the Westin Resort located at 1300 Westhaven Drive/further described below: CASCADE LODGE JONT VENruAE (w6tin Hcfiel) Thst prn ol $e SW 1/4 NE 1ll, Section 12, Township 5 South, Rsnge 81 W€st ol f|o Sixth Principsl Meridian, Town ol Vsil, Esgle County, Colorsdo, d€scrib€d as ldlolrs: Beginning et I point on the soo$ert boundary ot lhe prrc€l ol hnd shown qr he Condominium lkp lor the Colo.ado Mountain Condominiums recordod in gook 387 at Psgs 620 in he ofiic€ ol thD E gle County, Colqrdo, Clerk 8nd Rocoder, whenc€ fie mo6t southedy comer ol said pscst bss'E S 5P50'29'W 14.16 h€l distsrn; ftsnce th€ folloning ninc cou.ses 4qq th€ southerly boundrry of ssid p..col: (1) N 5P502S" E 49.16 foet €) N 37"'1215" W 12-3'l tc.t; (3) N s*47'1s" E t.OO lo€c (4) N 3rr24n" W 1.30 bet; (5) N 52o,17'1s" 42.60 teet; (6) N 37"1245" W 8. lect; (4 N 5F17'15'E ts.00l€eri (8) S 37.12145" E 22.40i€€t; (9) N 5F5029" E 35.28 toet; thencs d.psning said Fourhorty boundsry N 5?50'29" teet; thenc€ S 37"0931" E 45.34 leot thonc€ N 5f50'29" E 48.70 lect: h€nce S 37"Gt31' E 9.60 beq rhence N 52"50'2gr E 8O-0o b.t;rhence S 37"0931" E 2Z\02 teet b Gore Creek; thqce the lollorf,ing lour coursss along cors Creek: (r) S ,ts"26?6'W 76.{5 lest: (2) S 22'313tr $, 124.47 tuer: (3) S 53€736'W 119.34l6st; (4) S 65€136" W 14.58 tsel thenco N 37.093r" W l16.,t5le€t ro Ore point ol bsginning cont€ining 110,2m squsro teet or 2,49 acr99. moro or logs. PLAzA SUTTE lhat pan ol ths SW t/4 NE t/4, Ssdion 12, To,nship 5 Sourh, Range 81 West of lhe Sixth Principal Meridisn, Town of Vail, Colorado. deccribed as Jollows: Dan Frederick Andy Knudtsen B€ginning at ths mo6t northerly comsr ol Condominium Map qf Colorsdo t ountein Condominiums moding lo lh€ msp thereol recorded in Book 387 st Pag€ 620 in the ollics ol Eagle County, Colorsdo, Clerk rnd Rscordgr, whencs an ircn pin whh pbsric csp msrting $€ center ol said Section 12 bsa's S 34'50'58" W 964.37ieeq thoncs N 56'48?4" E 106.67 lest; rhooca 79,97 t€d elong the src ot a curvc to ihe lelt h.ving a adiue ot 1f21.72 lsst; a certtsl angls ol (X.os!,i", snd s chod rh€t b.a6 N 54"i16'13' e 79.95 lcst: thence N 529,13'4'|' E 28.82 lect; thencs S 37"093t" E 105.76 teet; thence s 5F5O'29'w 25.00i.ot; thenco S 37o0931'W 25.00 leet;lhonce S 52P50'29' E 80.m bel; thsnc€ S52"50'29fW15.mt€et;lhsnc€S37S3l"Et6.78teel;ftencoS52"50'29"W2l.30leet;thsnceS3T'0931"E9.60 boq thence S 5e!50'29" W 80.m teet: hence N 37o(Xl3t" W 9.60leet thonce S 5295029" W 48.70 b€t; lheoce N 3700931' W 45.34 ls€t; therrce S 5p"5029' W 5€.96 leet to d|e nodr.rslerly lhe ol said Condominium lirp ql Colondo Mountsin Coodominiums; thonce ths lollowing thrse couGss elong sqjd nodheastsrly line: (l) N 37'0931" W 55,00 tegt; (2) N 07'50'29' E 45.00 ts€t; (3) N 37'09'31" W 80.40leet to tho point of beginning, containing 1.000 rcros, mor€ or lgss. Chris Hansen, representing the Westin Resort George Ruther I.i. t 3. A request for a conditional use p€rmit to allow for an outdoor dining deck to be locatod at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave Garton Planner: Randy Stouder r 4. A request for a wall height variance and private road slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10"/o located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtse 5. A PEC update on revisions to previously approved setback and site coverage varian@s, located at24O9 Chamonix Lane/Lot 19, Block A, Vail Das Scfione 1st Filing. Applicant Anneliese Taylor Planner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 7. A request for a workgegsion to discuss revisions to the Zoning Code to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay Pelerson Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 8. A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front setback and for a wall height . variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be consfucted at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West'lst Filing. Applicant PeterandSusanneApostol/MichaelSanner Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 9. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback and a wall height variance to allow for a Primary residence with a Type I Employee Housing Unit to be constructed at 1799 Siena Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant George Plavec, represent€d by Erich Hill Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED INDEFINITELY TOWN OF VAIL category rurrn", B o*e 5 ' 4' ?4 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: (("n Contact, Address and Phone:-' BaJ - PO T,/. zzlL , A,^r""-, CO nnr^ Legal Description:Lot l7 Block A subdivision/o.J "L 9J-*,* F - I Zone District Project Street Ad aress: 74 rl I ( Jo-'- ;+ L-- . Board / Staff Action .-T)Motionby: 'h rrt 4 Volrri 5 - O Seconded by: \(rpprovat ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval Town Planner Date: 4/i /'/,1L DRB Fee Pre-paid a Rer-"*A,O5'f^**f rc | 4 @ n'*;i /4rA /t".V^@t4 ty'."ift T"t'r<- n *-'-l/- - Vrf€ \f'-"J aL a.^!44 €"^U"r t rovised 9/4/gt TJ COIPRADODRB ePPtJfCAffON - EO9W'OF ttAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs .aPPLrcArfi;;;;i,L "*t N'!IL ArL REQUIRED INAOnIATTON' *tt*it**i*IS SUBr!trTIlED \ n lqgl' . . r'lr' t.l ^..,ji, L: '' ' $ r:''ir;fl I.PROJECT INFORMATION: IA. DESCRIPTION': -\A 6to r.ofi-c.t l,aat-n, New Construction ($200.00) \,/ Addition i ($50.00) B.TYPE OF REVIEW: C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAI DESCRIPTI Lot Subdivision Minor Alteration ($20.00) ($0)Conceptual Review ,r.,^V 'Lq If property is descrlbed bydescription, please provide attach to this appJ-ication. Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requlred, applicant must provide a currentstanped suivey showing lot area. G.NAr.rE oF APPLrcAlrr , H^[ AIC>Esi6:fAvtor-Mait4git:re$: ./Y(o 3 cu .t H.6ai: -(\ D / /H. NAlilE oF AppLIcANTrs REpRE5ENTATTyE: C/L.S,rt JSqcQ"<qoLr_ Mailing Address:_ Phone NAI'IE OF OWNERS: *STGNAIURE (S) :Mdiling Address] ,t. K. CondominLum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of subnittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a buildtng permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of ValIwill adJust the fee according to the table beloC, toensure the correct, fee is paid. FEE PATD: S Phone FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00 .00 FEE SCHEDULE: VAIUATIONI 0 - $ 10,000 $101001 -s 50,000s 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1r 000r 000I . Over $1r 000,000 * DESTGN RsvrEw BOARD APPROVATJ ExPrREs oNE YEAR aFTER FrNer. APPRo\IR'L ItNIasS A .BUTLDING PERMIT Is IssItED AltD CoNSIRUCTIoN rs STARTED. **NO APPLICAIION 'III.L BE PROCESSED WTTSOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATURE 1 Y'!'Tilrysu"*q*,i*frT,- {*;*:+ff;'!fru'tffiqyg* ,* 7- t VERSA-LOK' 1 ir!lFiLl I/VAL. S'YSTEMS Iri 'l lre rc's jr,rst onc [r.r:ic r,tn jt to w ork tvith to rn.tkt' stlarqlrt \\'.rll:,, (()nrcrs, cul'\'('s, \l('ps .rntl halvt'.; sinrf,lt' tools rvill holy.' tio the lob. fhcrc .rre nir c()r.('s t() rill rlith solitl Vl:liS,\-l.L)K ttrtits. Intt,rkrcking pi;1;, go i:r illicr tlto urtit i: lairl. There 's n() r)1()r'i.rr' n()r a()n( rr,tr' totrtin,ts rr'itli VIlllSA- l-()K. Nrr rrlilrl st.trnt'ntal re tainirrq rvall svstt'nr c.r rr rrrake all tlrr,st'*tnt('nrents! ,t.r., \r'tt ,.,ttt ['Lrrltl *tr,rillrl ir,,rJls. -r ' r I r 1' I 1 I I 1 'r' ' rralls n'ith insitlc .rnrl otrtsicle r,rclirrs cttrvcs, cor rers lrotlr insitlt'arrtl out:ide,,rnrl variorrs [r'pes ol :le ps irtttr vour n all rvith VEIiS,\ I-()K. SLrlicl eafs, irr rl.richirrg crrltrr. .rntl tr,\trrrr', lop oll rr-.tlls ,trt.l \('r\'(' ,r\ stair tlt'acls. \'t:liSr\-t ()K Irt'5gp15 1;1111111 itL'rl clt'sign ()pp()rtur'ritir's that r'.ur lrlerrr,l in n itlr ii//r/ l.l nd sc.r pc pla n. I , I vrrrts.\ l.()K units .rre lrr,]lrlrl,tatur(.d t() rnr,('t ()r c\c('('(l \,r t iort.r I Intlttstrr 5t.rnelartl: I()r'(()r.llLrr(':si\'(' strt'rrtilr anrl rr'.rtt'r,lb5()rption. C-olOrs are integral llrlotrgltottt the erttirt' ttnit. Tht'rt'Jr'('Ir() ((rrr'r ()r ptrekr,tr tOr r,,'ccrls to grrrr\' in. [:r',rttrrt'l(]r lo.ttrrrr', VI-liS,\-l (lK atl.ls uf t().r lrft'tinrt' of nr.rinte 11,lnr-t'-Irt'e scrr ici' .rrrrl [.e.rtrtt . ll VI:liS,\ I-OK Ilot.rining \\rall .,!r'stcnrs ,rre lrr'{.' tlr',tirtittg, thu: prrgl 1'111j11g a I'rrilLlul. rrl hvtlrost,rlit Prr's:rrr('; ll() \\'er'P h0lt's in tht' rrall nr('t-('quir-crl. VI lisi\-l ()K also t'lIi'ctivt'lv rlitltst,tnrls frct'zt',/ th.rrv.rtt.rck. I'ro;)t,r (lr'5ig1r of arrv rt'lainin,J rvall rhrrtrlrl inelr,relc l.nrr i.iorts for t'lirrrirt,ttiorr of srtrt.rcc rtrr rrll .tntl -qrtruntl rr',ttt'r, t'itlter ri't'pirt:: in bt'hinrl tht'rrall, ()r ri:in1] lrrrrrr bclrrr| gr,rrlr,. Sec Vr)ur \'lrlis,\ l.()K re pres('n t.r t ivc trrr ltrrtltt'r' itrftlrnr.r iion. il,'rf r:rna ...,',.r.1,.' nrotlul.rr fr'tnirnn! \\ nll unrt' tirrrl,rin n() L)rr'\r'r\'.ttl\'(,\ ()r t()\ia chenric.rl. -'...-- T , -. :.'.:71 I ., .? ':-1,"1:-& 1 to lt't'tlt ilrt() illr'soil: tltcr tr'trn't rttt. \\'arLr. ()r ar.r( k tl'r('r("s 11() r'n()rt.tr re(luil'r'd- Iro tlt't'yr loltntl,t :i:l l o :' l:: "1 :i : t:: :::' i;, :l' l r illi:, : ;1,i.*' ll : ''lrt'st Irit'rrtl" trt our tr,tgile ert trrrnIrrt'tttI I i... VI:liSr\-l-OK rt'tainittg rr'.rlls c.rn be e l[r"r'tivt'lv us('(l ir) Pontls, ert't'kt, l.tkcs, rivt'rs ,tttr-l ch.ttrttt'is; ir hret, alnrtlst ,t/i rr'.rtt,r sitr-r.ttirrns ir'lrt're enrlr.rnk- It1('rlt ! ()tttr,.)l i: tl r''i lr'tl. SPetial,.,rtlsi.l ercl titrl)s, 5ual) .l\ \r.rter lr'\'r,ls, tlorv vr'loe itr', \\'i\ c ind sarrtrr .rt-tion, rllrst L.t' krtLrtrr [rt'lort' st,rrtitrg rrrrr strut't irrn. See vtrtr l V I : ll.Sr\-l-OK rt'|rt'si'rtt.rtivt' lirt' Irr rt lr ('r inl(rrrn.r li()n. I !. 1 ',r ili.,',. I V EITS/\-l-( )K u',rlls onlr' /i,,)i\ e\pcnsivcl QLralitv contrrrllt'.1 nrass prociuclion oI units anti n.rtiorr,rI availabilitv ht'lp kccp \,orrr rrr,rteri.rI eosts Iorr,. l .rsr itrst.rll.rtion (n() f()rnr. t(r \ct uP l()r' f()Ultrintt()11s, It() a()lt(r('t|' ()r n1()ft,lr t() 1l1l\) ar)1.]- irilrrrlt's to lor,, irr-yrl.tq1' ctlsts. Tht' la:ting bt'autY .rrr(l rrr,r in t('n,r ncr' [ri'r' .tr-]r'.rnt.rrtt' ol VI:llSA-l .()K nalls atlrl up to Iroth irritial rrlrl lilt' cvclc ctrsts tllnt r'r/lirlr)i /'r' l)r'rllr The VERSA-LOK Commitment Ilr,' pt'oplc .rt \ I liS,\ I-()K lit'taining lYall S\ \ir']lr\ ,r]-r' eorrrrri{tr.,tl ttr plorirling tlre hiqlr r':l l.ossiblt' lt'r cl Lrl -r.'Irirl't{) ih('if (LI\ )rt1cr! tlrt, 'l t_lt |. , ' I I I I I . I I i r I . i I't,, lt,l)l-, 'l: ... Itt ittti-iil Ir,ttllLltrt:,.(J\erint (1)nslrrreii()n ()l \ I.li5,\ l_()K rr.rlls lr0nt bast, Pr.t,P.rr,rtion tri LonrIr]t,r ar)nt('r, rJ(lills ()r stt,p tlt't,tils. ...l ii, rrrlttt; l ) r' ( j r 'r ) ' ) t i ( j r r , r I lrrL rilr r rr,'' th,rt ht.lyr I rr'.r i(' lnr'rd 5c.rliirg rr i :h-rr't.r i ri ng- r',r ll 11('si!tn t rl (',1s . .I'.,. ,. ,r. 1,,, I,, ,'t pt |,l ,,tt',,1 .11 ..1r.,- irtq t otttttti tttrt'ttI [(i Pr()!] ttat i rtt Pt-o1 1'111g11 1, pt.rrtiLtcl appJi1'.rIiirn,rnrl nr,rrkt'l tlr'rt'lrtyrtrent, t'tl rrt.rtiort thr()uqlr \('ntin,trs. tr-.ttlc Ir irlt'sqiotr.rl slrorr s, .rlt.l tlrt l'r'irtc.l rr or,-l lr r lrr|.,;1 S,,1,|,,r r.tngitrg lrottr,rrrsrr't'rirrgI' rrr, ,1, -rln .,n,1 r -t.r'l.rlr'n (lrr'-lr\)r'- ru ,r\srsiinq \\'rth iP('r i.rl .ul.l unu\uJl .rl)pli(ilti(n1:. ... /ir,r/ is otrr f ()rrrritDl|. nl t() \'(ru ()lrr (ttsl(rtttef. t ++ ---T-- Retaining A BEAUTIFUL WALL SYSTEM THAT LASTS... INDEFINITELY Developed rvith simplicity of ilsLrllation in mind. mrxlrrlar. concrete VEIISA-LOK units form .r mortarlcss, interlocking retainir.rg rvall svstem that is rlllnfcllr'ri in beauty, strr-rctural stabilitv anci comparative cost. VEIISA-LOK retaining walls require no concrete footings or complicatecl fourr- r.latior.rs. Each course sets-b;rck autonraticallv 3/-1" to cre- ate an attractive linear appe.aranct that blcnds in n'ith the surrounding landscapre. Jrlst one b.rsic unit providcs design and construction freeclom to builcl straiglit, curved or serpcntine walis, insir-le and orrtsicle corners, ancl spiral, fan-sh.rpecl, or regular steps. No other retain- ing ruall product provicles this kind of vcrsatilitv! VEITSA-LOK's simplicity and versatilitv combil.tc to provide an uldititwl feature...an .rffordablt', cost cffcc- tive, no m.rintenance retaining wall that is r-rnstrrpassecl in value. VERSA-LOK re-taining walls .rrc designetl as gravity rvall systems; tlre werght of the wall resists the slicling action of the soil that is retainecl. Uncler favorable soil ancl site conditions, VEITSA-LOK retaining r.r'alls attain a height of 4-fe.et r.r'ithout the neecl for geogrid rcinforce- ment. For greater heights, the ivall can bc. reinforcer.l using a geogricl svstenl to strengthe.n the retainecl soil. The neecl for, and design of, drainagc features are site and I1i'l( 1/ \l (-Il()\, J Illt)ll l\.ll I geogrici a ncl specia I soil type clependent. Check rvith vour VERSA-LOK re.p- resenta tive for additirrnal ir.rfor- mati()n. A VEI{SA-LOK retaining rvall has a nuntber of cont- ponents: tlre cor.r- cretc moclu lar units, a lcveling pa cl or ba sr', drainage. fill, geo- ori,l r,' i l t,rrr in o (on lvalls o'r,er.l' high) anti rotain- ecl back fill. VERSA-LOK INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Step 1. Pn1'nrr' /r i','llt.t /,n,1 hv o\c,r \'.r t iIr $ t() th(' I i nes nlt(l grades vou'vr. cstablisheci for Vour VERSA-LOK rvail. I'lirce a ieveling pad, using sanr.l ancl 1i2" to 3/1" crushccl stone'or gralt'1, -1" ttr tr" tltitk, .lept,ntl- irtg t,n t)tr.ht.ight t'f llrt'rr'.tll. lt shor-rkl then bc comptrctccl to.r consistent le.r'el. Step 2. /rrsfrr// f/r. lrdsr .{)/r,sr leveling cach VEITSA-LO( tnrit lr()nr sitl(' h'sidc, frirnt tLr rt'ar ancl r.vitir the irdj.rccnt unit. Align each c()ursc using a string line or bv sightiug tlorvn tlre grorrres (ttt tht'trrP ,rf tatlr urrit. It Iorrr r.r'.rll rvill h,rve .t comer, start yonr first crttrrse at tlle corncr. Step 3. /rsia//'12" oi drnitngt fll/ behincl ctrch unit, tlreu b.rckiill r.r'ith srtit,rhl(' nr.lterial. CrrntP.11-1 tltese m,rtcrial.' rr itlt a hand t;rnrpcr or vibra tirrg plate compactor (rental). I I Step 4. /lslrl/1 le'-tl cotirsr of VFItSA-LOK units, settittll thenr h,rck appror.intat,.'lr' 3/4", insert tl'o pins in tht' irrrnt lttrles so tltat thr'1 [,rll irtttr slots rrf thc rrrrit belorr. T.tF tlrt l.)irrs \^ ith .rn e\tr,r pitr atr.l a hammer io prroperly "set" tlrt'nr. Fill .1n(l c()nlpa(t hc- hind c.ach c()urse as you g(). Step 5. Alter slrrnpletinu the top course of your w.lll, i rtstrrll V'ERS,4-L()K .di,s, cithcr flr-rsh with the rvall, or with a slight ove rlra n g [rrr sh.tdorr ef[t'et. U sr. VERSA-LOK Concrete A.lhe.ire to hrrnd tll(,se c.rf unlts. COMPLETI INSTALLATIO\ SPICTFICATIONS ARE INCLUD- ED IN THE VERSA.LOK DESICN AND INSTALLATION CUIDE .-rnd in individual Technical Bulletins available from your VERSA- LOK distributor. SOME GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING CORNERS, CURVESAND STEPS Figure 3w Conver (oulsade) CORNERS The Standarcl VERSA-LOK unit a llorvs for c;rsy construction of both i nsicl e ancl orrtsidc 9()' corncrs. Halves, split from thc st.rn d arcl r-rnit, proviclc both rip;ht and left corner ullits used on out- sielt'corrrers. (See Figu rc 1). On insicle corners, alter- nate 1.rl;6jpg a full size unit past the insicle face of the othcr corner unit. Figure 1 OUTSIOE CORNER CURVES Concave (inside), corr- vex (otttsicle), .r ncl serpentilre curvcs are rnacle simply by either fanrlir.rg the units or by bringing the tails of units togethcr. (St'e Figures 2 & 3). Construction reclLrirenrt'ttt- (lou trd.rtion pr('p.l- ration, backfill ancl col.rrpaction) rernain the same for curved rvalls .rs for straight r,valls. CAPS Finish off your rvall r'r,ith soliel VEI{SA- LOK caps, rvhich lravc thc s.i n1e tcxture arrrl color as regu la r units; tusc Tvpe A for outsidc curvcs, Type B for i r.rsi cl e curves, trnd a combination oi both for str.right ancl serperrtine walls. (See- Figure.l). STEPS The stand.rrd VEIiSA-LOK unit is also usccl t() builcl a varicty of step clcsiS;r.rs: straillht, fan or spiral shapcd. Trvo methods (eitht.r pedestal or cut-in) arc used to brrilcl steps. (Figr-rre 5). Tr,-chnical Bulletin #2 orovidcs a comole lc set of instn-lcti()ns on ho$' k) build iteps using e ither of these tr.vo metlrocls. BASE COUFSE FIRST RISER SECONO RISER ASSEMBLY ASSEI,IELY Figure 2 LEVELING Figure 5 :g I \tf.riqht l\.rll \lr ll: ,,:i, rr:.tll,,ll, l, li, ir.r.l l,r ' llr.':r,- rit r, L lrl Ir ri\ r ,,r .,Li 1|l r1- i, , {, ll,, |]-, ,r'r )rL 'l rl , i ,rl, l\l\ ',' ',,r. rL,t tr\.rl'.,,rl ilrr,lr,i. rrrrfl'r'r \\i1l\'\,r r, l,, ll ll ()ulsidc ( rrrr.s \lLrl r'lr l|r,rt . , I l,,, r, rll Lr.. \rr (] Li t\r1r(, \rr l.L'ir r,tu. 1-,' Insi(le ( tlr\r. \lir r',11r, (ii ll |,' )ir|-r,,tl|,t- ":. lr 1. ,,, r, .i, r \.(rlJ \ . r.r,l , r I .l ,,r,lr .-rl'.r '.'l.r (l .l ,,,: rjrtL.'r-,,r r" .1, (l r \ ll\\l(i\\\ l.lrl I rr',,i\,ir \lli!\ l(Jl:,1,:t..,. 1.,1r\t ,,r :r:.i, lr ',.,,r.t rL.rl ,'.,1 rr. ',r ,r, IIrL.IILI-,...,\(I rll ltL.L VER.SA.LOK' _-.!..' :- f, +*,o 2;o l\fr Ke,Q'- *totfn ,a Dateof npdication@ / Dateofond'u*ti@(-bKfr m)ft1L APPUCANON FOR ADDMONAL GRFA FOR PROPERNESi IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-applicatlon conference wlth a member of he planning statf is stongly encouraged to discuss the provlslons under whidr additional GRFA can be #d b a site. lt shoukl be understood that thls ordlnance does not assure each propefiy an additional 250 square leet ol GRFA. Railrer, the ordinance allola forgp.,!9.,1!!Qg!9E! if csrtaln oonditions are met. Applicadons for addldons under this sec-tion wlll not be accepted unless they are complete. Thls Includes all Information required on this form as well as Deslgn Revlew Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT APPLICATION ENc LosED STATRWAT ?ER Coh{C.E PT DRAV/ il.tc" DAfED t\4AB z rqq3. Legal Description:r-ot \Q-BbckJL riting VAtu Mg 9qJilr s I Zone District c.NAME OF APPLICANT:N€ I- Address Z4o g clt'4r'lo htix LN VA1L Co 4 (aSl D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: EPU: i B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ?o fu. >t-Zb ArJod co E. It F.rni'or"?,@redattime or"rr^r dk/ qfnfq> @ , The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submlttal: Verification that the unit has received a final cedificate of occupancy. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is availaUe from the Eagle County Assessor's office. Existing floor plan of structurs. -\ G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehenslve Plan. H. lf this applicaUon requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agsncy other than the Town of Vail, he appllcation fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples ol sudr review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any mafrer is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be ro-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by lhe Community Development Department to havs signiftcant design, land use or oher issues which may have a signiticant impact on hE community may require review by consultiants oher than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town statf that an oubide consultant is needed to reviar any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outsirie consultiant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and lhis amount shall be fonrarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the rsview ol the application by he consultant, any ol the funds forwarded by the apflicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be rstumed to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in sxcess of the amount fonrarded by the application shall be pald to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. )UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that ttre Design Review Board will be reviewing an application on April2lst, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Taylor Residence located at2409 Chamonix Lane/Lot 19, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1. Applicant: Anneliese Taylor The applications and information about the proposal are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on April 2nd, 1993. n ," ./l ///ut*"! /fu{/ '/a/as r (+\ fr4 *2,./s t','4 o/8 \rfgG H$ a I \) \f\P\t \] o\n v0\' qs$* *) H \nJJ +' oots>f \{, l$ rS :€ rq5qL\ r)'€ A trnirr (}.- \n t U {I c4 M t)A + t-Jz {. \\ (u) )u Dt\ryDsJ .6,.,t tJ(zrA Jarl\l 2cj \,,^ cP 'i,sYF. a/\) -.s,'36+ o'/u ocr ).-o se g ,tt [<-r 7.t t/') UJ \) 2 nI ldts d 2 N}voz \g \) ) M FA : 0t d \0 N t$ j { epSn v)l$N 'P\F=k{'- n \P -ur--d;{0gp \r;.) %D<r-J&> zfr"/23 €4 _^N 4lrl'e I fpqgsEs-es Btr '' -: -noUe&N7 /-P.-1,;erio s .' oD NEf2e a F it lriinui $lLse 5u4HTR 6/6>e t, -- '4T-2o:I I ti h4oce NoPeiatQ * JAa,?a P-0, frer / lt r 1y'oil , c" I -:t-.( 3:' Gei _g'__ 9€_t srt+t- eqEK- I ----;,---- - - t S-t g - fltev Ea1 * Pfloect StEBe ",;. . tJrJ, It:'.- I l;'.,je.t LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL date: FROM: BACHRACH VIP LTD POBX2236 AVON CO81620 phone 303€49€408 fax 303€49{629 TO , %-nr or VA iL CoL o wE ARE SENDING vou 1gt'16"6ed [.t sepentely vla the followlng ttems : I I drawin$ ttfrine [,] plans I I samples I I speclflcations I sketch€ [ ] copy of letter fl schedules $fnformation I I change o]der II \es ia hl g Z*oi CltLAt^,tol"t fx . VAi\*.. A ;v';e'J lcoples ltlatetl I numberl item I descrlptlon Thesa ar€ t?nsmttted as checked below : lqdr your approval I t for your Informatlon [ | for revlew and comment I I as r€quect€d I I approved as noted I t for your use I I returned for conectlon I I for blds due Remarks: ?oU AOoif,'ogAt- 25o 6RFA ' le6ranwrl : I i. t' t I PLEASE MAKE C j TOWN OF VAIIr- D E PA RTi\{ E.'r.. T O F C O lvl }1 LiN ITY D EV EL O P }l EN T' S,lLES ACTION FOR}'I 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD dro)/ N,I}IE 0t 00004t510 ZCI\T\'G .{r\D A D D RF-SS [{A}S 0l 0000424t5 UNITOR\,I B UILDL\'G COD E ot oooorzqis uMroR\,( P'-u!'{DDrC CODE 0l 0000 42'l | 5 UM FOR.\.I ]i{EC HI}'ICAL CO DE 0l0o0oJ2{15 Iuxrronrtrnucoor 0l 0000 42{ l5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE 0t 0000{2415 oTltER CODEIOOKS ol crooo.il543 I sLur pnbffs 0l 000012112 | >:ERox coplEs/s'iuDIES s0.25 0l 00co423?t PENA |.fi FEES / RE.i\SPECT]ONS ot 00c0 .r 1332 i pt-,r,.v Rr.rnnv RE.CHECK FEE lslo FER HR.l 0l 0000 42323 OFF I{OUR,S DiSPECTION FEES 0l 00)0{t{t2 CONTiL\CTO RS LICE\S ES FD5 0t m00{1330 SICN APPLIC,\TION FEE.0t moo 414 t3 0r 000041113 ADDITION^I.5I6NAGE F;E IS],OO ?ER SO.IT. 0l 0c00 42.t{0 VTC ART PR,OJECT DONAT]ON 0t 0000 4r33t lpnr p.^:o DEsrcN REr'tE1v BoARD FEE *.01 0000 41010 TAx TOTAL DUE: PEC..iiPPLi 0l 0000 { 1330 ONAL USE PER\flT I CEOo 41330 0r 0c00.1r330 r! 0000 .l 1330 0t 00004t3i0 LYTERIOR ALTER^T'ON IIIORE THAN I OO SO.FT. ELOP.\{E}it. DISTR]CT 10000dt3i0 S PEC L4 L DEVELOPTfE}l-I DISTRICT { 1330 ivARItu\cE .11330 IZONING CODE /tl,VE\D[l 0l 0000 4 I ::.r. I coI I lvl EITS r',:.r.i: 'i' i*t I Ttltl|.{ f L|F|ll- tllslls: Cdr 6-UHt l5r lSrEI Rrotpi r tl8aait Rccount t g( I 6iZ3' 6341 6llll ft{€-IE€ TR$-M\MT PRII.TECT DO.NTISI hwrt tildrmd ) Itr prld flro4rsslffio1ffir13tsm 0lme+l330-@ ta.4 tu|'|3 pdd s.@m.n ?5D.W Chrrgl rcturrrrd ) g.m THFF{|( 1,tOjL, tq.rr cdrior FEfim Project Application /) o"," //z/43 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phon€: Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio n, tot / 1 -etocx 4 , r*nn y'lz As €ry'zrtt| t /ron Comments: Design Review Board I Motion by: " ''a.- @no Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: /zt - ' 2r& /f,vpccT/ay 7a ,< '-.. " /)7Ptzf1pp5 iIEMORANOUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department {-bu^ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: May 10, 1993 A request for a setback and site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located atZ+OS Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A' Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello The applicant is requesting site coverage and setback variances in order to construct a two- "a, g"rig" and building aJOition to an 6xisting residence located on a Primary/Secondary lot wnijn is'iess than 1S,0b0 square feet in size. There is an existing employee restricted dwelling unit on this site located in the lower level of the project' Currently, the proper$ has a covered carport to meet the requirement for enclosed parking for a primary unit with a iestricted employee dwelling unit. Under current zoning, the property would require four on-site parking spices with at least one space covered. The site currently has three'on-site parking spaces anO one partially on-site space. At the time this carport was approved, the carport wls considered enclosed parking, but did not contribute to site coverage using the definition in place at the time. Under the current site coverage definition, the carport is counted as sile coverage' The property currently allows for t,Zg+ sq. ft. of site coverage or 20'/. of the lot size and with the bxistinj carport has a total of 1,635 sq. lt. of site coverage. As proposed the project would nave J t ,g4e sq. ft. of site coverage or 21 .8o/". A variance is requ ired for the 1 .8% site coverage or 162 square feet. The proposed garage is approximately 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 loot front setback which will leave a 2 foot 6 inches setback from the south property. There will be a 2 foot encroachment into the '15 toot side yard setback. A 13 foot setback will remain along the west property line. Variances are needed for the 17 foot 6 inch and 2 foot encroachments' II. BACKGROUND In 1989, the applicant received a variance to locate a carport in the front setback. This was in response to the requirement for enclosed parking when a restricted secondary unit is provided. Prior to the 1989 application, a varianie from the parking standards was requested in order to add secondary unii without providing the required enclosed parking. This was denied and the applicant was directed to conslruct a garage. The applicant's subsequent proposal to construcl a carport was approvecl. In April of this year, the PEC reviewed this application at a worksession. The applicant was directed by the PEC to minimize the overage on site coverage, but that some overage would be acceptable because of the addition of enclosed garage space. The applicant has revised the application by decreasing the width of the garage and the stairway leading to the house which decreases the amount of site coverage necessary to complete this project. At the time of the review the staff also discussed the removal of the closet area to the north of the main entry in order to further come into compliance with the site coverage regulations. The applicant has selecled not to eliminate this area therefore it remains a part of the request III. ZONING ANALYSIS Total Size Area: Zoning: Allowed Density: Existing Density: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Site Coverage: Allowed: Existing: Proposedl Parking Proposed: Enclosed: Surface: 0.2048 acres or 8,921 square feet Primary/Secondary Residential One Primary with one restricted employee unit One Primary with one restricted employee unit 3,080 square feet 2,814 square teet 3,019 square teet =Ll84square leet 1,225 (Building) I 1,225 (Building) + 471 (Garage) t!! ({ddirion) = 1,e46 toral (21.8%) 2 spaces 2 spaces (completely on-site) 'ln order to allow for a garage in the lront setback, the average slope beneath the garage and the dwelling unit must exceed 30% slope. In a previous application, the statt determined that this site did not qualify to allow the garage to encroach into the fronl setback due to excessive site grades. While historically this site may have qualified for this allowance, it was determined that because the existing on-site parking area is virtually flat, this site would not qualify for the allowance. lf it had qualified, site coverage would have been restricted further to 15Vs and the existing project would be non-conforming io site coverage requirements. /Ntt I tq+ IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail MunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationshlp ol the requested varlance to other exlsting or potential uses and structures In the vlclnlty, The proposed garage encroaches a maximum of 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 foot front yard setback leaving a 2 foot 6 inch setback lrom the front property line. There will be 2 foot encroachment into the 15 foot side yard setback leaving a'13 foot setback lrom the western property line. The roof is pitched, however there is no proposed floor area within the lofted area ot the garage. Materials are proposed to match the existing residence. The applicant has minimized the size of the proposed garage in order to maintain the maximum setback possible from the soulh property line. The applicant has also minimized the amount of site coverage overage for the proposed garage. However, the stafl feels that it is possible to further decrease the site coverage generated by the addition. This can be accomplished by eliminating the closet area 68 square feet (GRFA) to the north of the building entry. The statf feels that the connection between the garage and the building is important because it furthers the compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines, which specities thal the buildings should be connected, but feel that the connection could be minimized. In addition, the statf would like to see additional landscaping added lo the project to minimize the impacts of the garage, especially on lhe south (adjacent lo retaining walls) and west (adjacent to the garage) elevations. In addition, the applicant is proposing to remove a portion ol the existing stairs leading from the parking area lo the building. In order to meet the wall height standards, the applicant has stepped the new porlions of wall which exceed the standards. The statf asks that landscaped steps also be added to the existing portions of exposed timber walls which exceed 3 feet in height in the front setback and 6 feet in height on the remaining portions of the property. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and llteral Interpretation and enforcement ot a speclfled regulation ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among sltes ln the vlchlty or to attain the obJectlves of thls title rvithout grant ot special privilege. The stafi recognizes that the siting of the existing building does constitute a physical hardship. Because of the existing location of the house, as well as the topography of the site, it is difficult to improve the property without obtaining B. variances. The staff feels that the addition of the enclosed parking is beneficial and that the proposed location will have minimal impact on the adiacent properties. The staff teels that the granting of the requested setback variances for this garage will not be a grant of special privilege. The staff also supports a portion of the overage on site coverage in order to add the garage as well as the building connection. We feel that this is an important elemenl of the application and that it lurlhers the compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines. We do not feel that a granting of a site coverage variance would be a grant of special privilege if it were minimized, as discussed above. 3. The effect ot the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of population, transportatlon and traflic facilltles, publlc facllities and utllltles, and publlc safety. The addition of the enclosed garage will improve the existing parking problems for this property. In addition, the applicant will be able to obtain four parking spaces entirely on the property and meet the parking requirement. Currently, there are 3-1/2 spaces located on the property. The staff feels that additions ot this type on non-conforming properties are important because they decrease the need for on-street parking. This proposal does not impact any of the other criteria listed above. The Plannlnq and Envlronmental Commisslon shall make the followlno findlnos before qrantinq a varlance: 1. That the granting of the variance will nol constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enlorcement ol the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with lhe objectives ol this litle. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sile of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicanl of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff supports the garage portion ol the request as well as the building connection' including the necessary setback variances with the lollowing conditions: 1. The storage/closet area to the north ol the main entry be removed and theretore decrease the site coverage by approximately 68 sq' ft'; Z. Additional landscaping be added to the south and west elevations to screen the garage and building addition; and 3. Additional landscaping steps be added to the existing retaining walls. We find that this request, should it be modified per our recommendations, will not be a granl ol special privilege and meets the criteria set out in Section lV B, 1, 2, 3, a, and c ol this memo. The staff feels that this application is a positive improvement' We teel that the garage addition has been minimized to decrease site coverage. Due to the location ot the existing unit, as well as the topography ol the sile, we recognize that some additional site coverage is needed to provide fortn6 garige and the connection between the units and the garage' The staff tinds that it would noiOe possiOle to incorporate any portion ot the garage into the existing building. We believe the proposed building connection !o b9 a positive improvement becauJe it brings the slructure more into conformance with the Design Guidelines, but find that it could be lurther decreased in size by eliminating the portion of the building to the north of the entry. The applicant has worked with the stafl to obtain a proposed plan for this garage and addition that the staff can support. In lhe past, the stalf has supported site coverage and setback variances when they are attributed to the provision ol additional enclosed garage spaces' il:ag,l G otoz Ju,E. a'-,<l.rl'zg- /2 HIl,/i ..tY--- / conenr PLAl.l'SCALE: 1";10'-O' t' '.) .R - -:; \.- J \S- *oo l.Jq'.1949',4a,ga' 6E4Yt) NfLl,{ .2a48 Ac ?ROFE TT UNE I I 3 ! rnoF*3tD 2 oriaot --=--"\\\ " _.-- EOE O;PAlrmfT.-._r4.-\\..'.\ --...*-.- o tlsl. I :l tN;..ll 'ilOi ('rot o:o: ' t-i .; o -E tD 4e= Wae"l;ffi u,!1- t-o/t-'1AE- Retum r" 6o14,{r*rr^r, II{TER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HETf,ING COMMENTSNEEDEDBV: @ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: \urtt'6^^4j- W W qw*f kyv,^r qYh{,dt- t /1 , FIRE DEPARTMENT s'27'73Revieured by: Comments: Z-6.'a/Date: .',zO O4/,-.V7cr45 r*r, llrtg PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PRESENT MAY 24, 1993 MINUTES ABSENT STAFF Diana Donovan Dalton Williams Kristan Pritz Jeff Bowen Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter Allison Lassoe BillAnderson Mike Mollica Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Tim Devlin Russ Forrest Ftt t toP y Larry Eskwith 1. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Roacl/Lot '19, Block A, Vaildas Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Anneliese TaylorPlanner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a brief presentation per the staff memo stating that staff was recommending approval of the requests for setback and site coverage variances with two conditions. The conditions were: 1) that landscaping be added to the south and west elevations, and, 2) that additional landscaping be added to the stepped wall. Diana Donovan stated that the PEC did not have any concerns with the current proposal. Greg Amsden made a motion to approve lhis request for setback and sile coverage variances per the statf memo with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the motion should be amended to reflect that the DRB should look closely at the proposed roof pitch of the building connection. Jeff Bowen amended his motion accordingly and a unanimous 6-0 vote approved this request. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck located at 122 E. Meadow Drive, Village Center Gommercial Building/A part of Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Fred HibberdPlanner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a brief presentation per the staff memo stating that the staff is recommending approval of this request for a conditional use permit. Plannlng and Envlronmental Comm lslon Hay 24, 1993 F ILE. COPY Department of Cornnwtiry Developtnent TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 38 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 15, 1993 Anneliese Taylor 2409 Chamonix Lane Vail, CO 81657 RE: A request for a setback and site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Roadilot 19, Block A, Vaildas Schone Filing No. 1. Dear Ms. Taylor: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the May 24,1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your setback and site coverage variance requests was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of these setback and site coverage variances shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not oblained and construction is not commenced and dilpently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from lhe approval date (May 24, 1993). lf approval of this 5- lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by lhe Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding lhis information, please do not hesitiate to contact me at 303/479-2138. lWll*-^ Enclosure 6. rfl,#"q"0Py Bill Duddy stated that the Town of Vail has requested that First Bank me stucco wall along the inside of the parking lot and that First Bank agreed to maintain the wall. Dalton Williams stated that he was concerned that the project would not be completed by July 1st and that he did not want this site to be torn up over July 4th. He further stated that he would like to see a condition attached to this approval concerning when construction would be completed. Greg Amsden stated that it could either be by July 1st or that construction would be delayed until September 30th of this year. Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned with the Town of Vail doing the maintenance of the landscaping and that she felt that this was the applicant's responsibility. Jeff Bowen commented that he felt this proposal was a positive improvement to the site. Diana Donovan added that she felt that First Bank should be required to contribute to a Town of Vail maintenance fund. After further discussion, Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for a landscaping variance per the staff memo with Jelf Bowen seconding her motion. Dalton Williams added that the construction should either be completed by July 1, 1993 ordelayed untilSeptember 15, 1993. Kathy and Jeff their motion accordingly and a 6-0 vote approved this request. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and agarage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot'19, BlockA, Vaildas Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Planner:TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1993 Kristan Pritz stated that the site coverage which had originally been proposed had been reduced and that staff was recommending approval of the site coverage variances with the condition that the storage area be reduced and that additional landscaping be added and that landscaped steps be added to the retaining wall. lrwin Bachrach, the architect for this project, stated that they were currently only 1.8% over the allowed site coverage and that the closet was an important part of this renovation. He stated that he feels they have complied with the PEC's requests of stepping the walls of the garage. He commented that he felt the garage was now as small as it could be. Planning and Envlronmenlal Commlsslon May 10, 1993 Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello 7 Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agrees with staff concerning reducing the storage space in order to reduce the site coverage and that this situation is not a hardship. She also stated that she was concerned with how the stair tower and the garage are attached and the proposed roofs. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Kathy's comments. Bill Anderson staled that he agreed with all of Kathy's comments except concerning the roof pitches, he feels that they are okay as proposed. lrwin Bachrach added that the roof proposed will shed from west to east at approximately a 6:12 pitch. Jeff Bowen stated that he has no problem with this request and feels that the storage space issue is insignilicant. Dalton Williams inquired where the second means of egress was located' Shelly Mello responded that egress can be through a window as well as a doorway' Dalton Williams stated that he had no problems with the request and added that the closet has a dual function - airlock and storage area. Diana Donovan stated that she was sympathetic to the applicant's situation, but that she did not feet that a hardship exists on this sile. Anneliese Taylor stated that it was her opinion that the closet was the most important aspect of this project. lrwin Bachrach stated that the proposal was only 1.8/" over the allowed amount of site coverage. Shelly Mello stated that if one of the projects was eliminated that the applicant would be able to have the closet. frwin Bachrach requested that this item be tabled until May 24,1993 to discuss with the applicant what direction they wanted to go in with this proposal. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to table this item until May 24,1993 with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item until May24, 1993. 7. A request for a minor subdivision for Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part ot the SW y., NE y., S€ction 12, Townshtp 5 South, Range 81 Wesl ot th€ 6lh P.M., described as lbllows: B€glonlng al a pginl ol lhe North$ourh cgntortino ol said Sgclbn t2 whonco an lron dn wiIh a plasdc cap narkinO lhg canb, ot 6ald Ssc[on 12 b€ars S0O-38'56'W 455.06 leer; lhoncs along said csntorlin€ NOO38'568 122.81 l€ot to lh€ soulherly ROW line ol l-70; Planning and Environmental commisslon MaY 10, 1993 TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department \f\ffisn?P-: May 24, 1993 btfl " \l/ t" /tN'D tc \60t. ( A request lor a setback and site coverage vliance to allo'w lor the o6nstruaii of an addition and a garage located at24o9 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A Vaif das Schone Filing No. 1. (Plea note cfianges are In bkl ltdle.) ](wApplicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting site coverage and setback variances in order to construct a two- car gdrage and building aJdition to an existing residence located on a Primary/Secondary lot wnicitr isless than 15,0b0 square feet in size. There is an existing employee reslricted dwelling unit on this site located in the lower level of the project. Cunently, the property has a covered carport to meet the requiremenl for enclosed parking tor a primary unit-witir a iestricted employee dwelling unit. Under current zoning, the property . w6ub require four on-site parking'spaces with at least one space covered. The site cunently has three on-site parking spaces and one partially on-site space. At the time this carport was approved, the cariort was considered enclosed parking, but did not contribute to site coverage using the definition in place at the time. Under the current site coverage definition, the carport is counted as site coverage. The propefi currently allows for 1,7S4 sq. ft. of site coverage or 2C,h of the lot size and with the bxiitnj caryort has a total of 1,635 sq. ft. of site coverage. As proposed the project would nave f,9OO'sg. fL of site @verage or 21.3%. A variance is required for the 1 .3olo site coverage or 122 sguare feet. The proposed garage is approximately 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 foot front selback which will liav'e a 2 toot e incnei setback from lhe south property. There will be a 2loot encroachment into the 15 foot side yard setback. A 13 foot setback will remain along the west property line. Variances are needed lor the 17 foot 6 inch and 2 fool encroachmenb. II. BACKGROUND In 1989, he applicant received a variance to locate a carport in the front setback. This was in responss to tlre requirement for enclosed parking when a restricted secondary unit is prwiOeO. prior to tile 1989 application, a variance lrom the parking standards was requested in order to add secondary unit without providing the required enclosed parking. This was denied and the applicant was direc{ed to construct a garage. o fn Aprif and May ot this year, the PEC reviewed this application at worksessions. The applicant was directed by the PEC to minimize he overage on site coverage, but that some overage would be acceptable because ol the addition of enclosed garage space. The applicant has revised the application by decreasing the width of the garage and fie stairway leading to the house which decreases the amount of site coverage necessary to complete this project. At he time of the review the staft also discussed he removal of the closst area to the north of the main entry in order to further come Into compliance wlth he site coveragg regulations. The applicant has selected not to eliminate this area therefore it remains a part of he request. At lhe PEC revlew ln ltray, the appilcant was agah dlrected to delete the ctos€/t porilon ot the requesL Ttre statt suggested lhat approxtmatety 68 te€lt of slte nverqe couldE ctereted. The appllcant has ,esponded by cleletlng a portlon ot the ctosf.t whlch contilbuted approxlmately 40 quare reF't ot slte ooyerage. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Total Size Area: Zoning: Allowed Density: Existing Density: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Site Coverage: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Parking Proposed: Enclosed: Surface: 'ln order to allow for a garage in the front setback, the average slope beneath the garage and the dwelling unit must exceed 30% slope. In a previous application, the staff determined that this site did not qualify lo allow the garage to encroach into the front setback due to excessive site grades. While historically this site may have qualified lor this allowance, lt was determined hat because the existing on-site parking area is virtually flat, this site would not qualify for the allowance. lf it had qualilied, site coverage would have been reslric'ted further 0.2048 acres or 8,921 square feet Primary/Secondary Residential One Primary with one restricled employee unit One Primary with one restric{ed employse unit 3,080 square feet 2,814 square feel 3,019 square feet 1,784 square feet (20%) 1,225 (Building) + 410 (Carport) = 1,635 total square feet 1,225 (Building) + _47-1_lGarage) t90 (Addition, =/r,W6 ro|r,l (21.3%)\_._'1 2 spaces 2 spaces (completely on-site) '.c, ]- r lz2' %- >jift't??o-w to 15% and the existing project would be non-conforming to site coverage reguirements. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviar of Crileria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ol the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommenG approval of the reguested variance based on the following factors: @: 1. The relatlonshlp of the Equested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the vlclnlty. The proposed garage encroaches a maximum of 17 feel 6 inches into the 20 foot front yard setback leaving a 2 foot 6 incfi setback from the tront property line. There willbe 2 foot encroachment Into the 15 foot side yard setback leaving a 13 foot setback from the westem property line. The roof is pitched, howsver here is no proposed lloor area within the lofled area of the garage. Materials are proposed to match he existing residence. The applicant has minimized the size of the proposed garage in order to maintiain he malrimum setback possible from lhe south property line. The applicant has also minimized the amount of site coverage overage for the proposed garage. However, the staff feels that it is possible to further decrease the site coverage generated by the addition and garqe. The staff feels that the connection between the garage and the building is important because it furthers the compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines, which specifies that the buildings should be connecled, but feel that the connection could be minimized. The appllcant has reduced the prcposed slte coverage by $ quare teet from 21.8yo to 21.3% by d*reaslng the slze ot the entry and clos€.t area per the sb,tf and PEC requests. In addition, the staff would like to see additional landscaping added lo the project to minimize the impacts of the garage, especially on the south (adjacent to retaining walls) and west (adjacent to the garage) elevations. The applicant is proposing to remove a porlion of the exisung stairs leading from the parking area to fie building. ln order to meet the wall height standards, lhe appticant has stepped the new portions of wall which exceed the standards. The staff asks that landscaped steps also be added to he existing portions of exposed timber walls which exceed 3 feet in height in he front setback and 6 feet in height on the remaining portions of the property. 2. The degree to whlch rellet from 0re strlct and llteral lnlerpretatlon and enforcement ol a speclfled regulatlon ls necessaty lo achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty ot treatment among 3ltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the oblectlves of thls tltle wlthout grant ot speclal prlvllege. The staff recognizes that the siting of he existing building does constitute a physical hardship. Because of the existing location ot the houso, as well as the topography of the site, it is difficult to improve fte property without obtaining variances. The statf leels hat the addition of fie endosed parking is beneficial and that the proposed location will have minimal impact on the adjacent properties. The stafi feels lhat the granting of the requested setbac* variancss for this garage will not be a grant of special privilege. The staff also supports he overage on sile @verage in order to add the garage as weff as the building connection. We feel that lte bulldlng connmtlonls an lmportant element ot the applic€ltion whlch has Mn dectea*d ln srtaas much es posslble and that it furthers the compliance ol this project with the Design Review Guidelines. We do not leel that a granting of a sits covsrage variance would be a grant of special privilege il it were minimized, as discussed above. 3. The effect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon ot populatlon, transportatlon and trafflc facllltles, publlc facllltles and utllltles, and publlc aafety. The addition of the enclosed garage will improve the existing parking problems for this property. The applicant will be able to obtain lour parking spaoes entirely on the property and meet he parking requirement. Currently, there are 3-1/2 spaces located on the property. The statf feels that additions of this type on non-conforming properties are important because they decrease the need for on-street parking. This proposal does not impact any of the other criteria listed above. B. The Plannlno and Envlronmental Commlsslon shall make the followlno flndlnos before orantlno a varlance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistenl wih the limitalions on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, satety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemenls in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal inlerpretation or enforcement ot the specitled regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of tris title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstiances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The stricl interpretation or enforcement of the spec$fied regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same districl. V. STAFF REGOMMENDATIONS The staff supports the garage portion ot ths rsquest as well as the building connection, Including th€ necessary setback variances with he lollowing conditions: 1. Additional landscaping be added to the south and west olevations to screen the garage and building addition; and 2. Additional landscaping steps be added to the existing retaining walls. We lind that this request, will not be a grant of special privilege and meets the criteria set out in Section lV B, 1 , 2,3, a, and c of this memo. The staft feels that this application is a positive improvement. We feel that he garags adclition has been minimized to decrease site coverage. Due to the location of the existing unil, as well as he topography of the site, we recognize hat some additional site coverage is needed to provide lor the garage and the connection between the units and the garage. The staff finds that it would not be possible to incorporate any portion of the garage into the existing building. We believe the proposed building connection to be a positive improvement because it brings the structure more into conformance with the Design Guidelines. The applicant has worked with the staft to obtain a proposed plan for this garage and addition that the slaff can support. In the past, the staff has supported site coverage and setback variances when they are attributed to the provision of additional enclosed garage spaces. '..ti.__-- \.-z--- :\:,_ @ N j ' .1 'i i +.- / I j -', .;';:'-'n ;. i r I zo E ril I -ltu F.c{oz L'(' e I a!ul aaocoGc -: r^+dOdrO6||rDF r-!,I rrrr I|'|,l&i(),2o,ioiolut(,ltolr =ulE,- ---+ |_-- I g6 brFt-6< gul?Jrul oF EraIJ ,-Xz vr: E E|llFxl|lt if-'l IJ 6H '3 u, ul F ffi o Bachrach VIP LTD PO Box 2236 Avon, CO 81620 303/949-9408 FAX 949-0629 May 14, 1993 TO: Planning and Environment Commission Town of Vail, Colorado FFX)lr4: Erwin Bachrach on behalf of Anneliese Taylor Subject: A request for a set back and site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at 2409 Chamonix Road Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. Dear Commission and Staff Members: Considering the discussions before the Planning and Environment Commission work session on April 12, 1993, the Community Development Department memorandum dated May 10, 1993 and the tabled discussion before ths Planning and Environment Commission, also on May 10 we are herewith submitting a revised application having addressed concerns as follows: l. Subsequent to the work session we have: 1. Reduced the garage dimensions by 2'-4"2. Lowered the garage roof pitch trom 1211O b 1AB 3. By the combination of items 1&2 we have lowered the garage roof ridge by approximately 3'-0" 4. Made the stairs & stair enclosure narrower by 6' 5. Added terracing with landscaping along the retaining walls to the north of the proposed garag€. I l. Subsequent to the hearing (now tabled) before the Planning and Environment Commission on May 10 we have: 1. Added a North elevation to the concept drawing for clearer presentation of the building connection.2. Added more terracing3. Added more landscaping materials; 5 Aspen, 1 Blue Spruce4. Deleted the entire bench area and exit aisle, reducing the site cov€rage by an additional 50 square feet. We are however retaining a 2''0" deep closet, adjoining (as close as possible) the existing entry door. The closet is an essential feature for the owner and the key to the entire remodel effort. Retaining the closet will have no impact on the visual appearance of the building connection, inlerfere with no one's views, has no bearing on light, air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, utilities and public safely. Will be entirely within the set-back lines and in an area presently occupied by the existing deck. It is very unfortunate that previous government agencies allowed developers to subdivide into now non-conforming lots, especially on diff icult terrain. We are not asking for any special privilege; we ar€ asking for a closet. lt will not be to the detriment of the neighborhood, of the Town of Vail, or anyone. It is unfair that present day homeowners must depend on granting of variances for permission to modify their homes to bring them to reasonable standards and even comply to Design guidelines. Fortunately it is within the province of this commission to right a wrong by granting this variance applied for here. The site coverag€ increase is only trom 20ct.6 to 21.2%. Respectf ully, Erwin Bachrach t: : , ;lt: *,:,,_N.WE1_ j fppCqZSg_ D_tr _o t)-N.€r>e- -o-F- ."', -rtDulcfunt7 /P" 2,;nir-s .' . Ro, 0"r (et- (4"c, c7- 6t-9se -:-b7:3_: Tee; t p?t-Sgtlt-*46ri< *,,- t {t g - 4 ce o't 44* Pfr oect St eB c ., 9anrfr BezaMA , 14 3 3t q 3 zf t" /? ) I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. + 2. A request for a landscape variance to allow for lhe reconstruction of the parking area at the first BanUl7 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. 3. A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1st Fiting. 4. A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction of a driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen Vail Associales Jim Curnutte Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello - -5. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an lt addition and a garage located at 2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vaildas.{f Schone Frring No. t. Y 6. A request for a front setback variance and a site coverage variance to allow the construction ot a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vait Village lst Filing/165 Forest Road. o Applicanl: ; Paul Raether" Planner;Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a work session for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2,'a request for variances from the subdivision road standards; wall height , standards and to allow parking in the front setback at Lols A1 and 42, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No;.1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. ' Applicant: Michael Lauterbachffhe Relnforced Earth Co. Planner: Shelly Mello 8. A request for a work session for a maior amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at. 1100 North Frontage Road. ,' Applicant: Simba Land CorporationAA/alid Said g ; Planner: Mike Mollica 9. A request for a work session to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter 18.38,' Greenbelt and NaturalOpen Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agriculturaland Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest 10. A request for a minor subdivision and a malor amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan lor the Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: That pan ol the SW tA NE tra, Secdon t 2, Tflnrhlp 5 Souh, Aanoa 8t W€3t ol $esLth Prlnclpai MerldbG Tovrn ot V8il, Erela Cou y. Colorado, descdbed as tolloly3: 8€lnnlne at ! potnt on the touthgrly 41ht{t way tlna of hb(3trta Highway No. 70 whrncr rn koo ptn wllh a pLrth Grp ma.ldng rha c.nrr of sald S€c on i2 bean S 33'10'ty W l447.qt b€li $.oca along 6ald rourhorly riehl-ol-{vly tna tvro cos]ser r) N 525O2f E 22e.68 L.r 2l N 74"38'17 E lgl7! berl rh.occ &panh0 sstd soutn3rly rleilot-way llnc N tt!455f E 138.93 teet ficnc. S 4(,.45'14' W 94.32 bet th.rp S ltP lSld W 5it.08 tcct fienas S 0r"2r36i W AE.o? le€t $enc. S r2'O7:3€i W 't O25l€ol th€oce S ?8283d W l6a.,l8 L.r3 h.|tca N al,.1Da'W 2ti.t6 fset '|er|ce N 494256'E ItJo fcct fidroa N 37'091r'W91t59 teet $m S 5?50?f W 55.tO b.t tt€no. 69..t8 tccl alooe lhe !,c ot . non-|angenl o./rve lo lt|. lei lravine a ndus ot 65.00 teet, a car r.l anelc ol 6l.tala and a ct[d tlEt b.!tt N 58t 5553- W 66.22 ted: $erre N 3t$ll'W 11&5O hat To lhe Truo Polnt ol &Cinning. County ot E elq Sitrt.ol Color.do: .{ Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and .: , Commercial Federal Savings. Planner: Shelly Mello rl Ir 11. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specilically described as follows: A pan ot h€ SW 7., NE y., Soction 12, Township 5 Soufi. Ranoo 8'l Wosr ot h. 6th P.M., d€scribed as tolor8: Beglnolne !l e poir{ ol lic Nodrsouh caderline of 3aid Soction 12 vrMff, an lron dn wilh a phslic cap msrline lh. cenlor of said S€cion l2 bea6 S00.38'5W 455.6 '3sl; thsnc€ along ssir, c€nbrllna N0f3A56t |22.61 foct to fie sourh.dt ROW Ins ol l-70; liqrce depanlng said ROw line N66"53?5T 39.15l€€r; rhence depanine sald ROW lin. S81"?3'19'E 155.{? lcet lo e point ot curvg: lhence 122.&l bgt along the arc ot I 143.20 lool f6diur qJrvc to th€ tet! hlvlnfia canlrsl anglo ol49"ot5r'snd ! cho{d that bear3 St557'45'E t 19.10 leer: lhsncc S4032't 0'E 3.00 l€st thcnca 66.30 bet along ths sfc ol a 77.?t tool Edius qrrvg lo fie rlghl, havln! a c€nret rnglg ol49"t 2'10' 8nd a chord lhat b€a,s 515'56'05'E 61.28 teoli lhenc. S8"4Om'lV 90,27 ber: lherco N38'a2?4'W 224.55 le.r: thenco S781OBrW r01.44 tset ro fie ffolnr ol Beolnnhg. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte o o INTE R.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRfEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: n ,4_ fJ ue uunu_ W qwaqf /t/\^ (f6wl qf'bo,zL ' ,) PUBLIC WORKS Reviared oy: r4t/a Be"+f+ ,^r",ft+-z-E comments:, frreo,a.;> Fr[ t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION c0P y 1. APR|L 12, 1993 MINUTES STAFF Krislan Pritz Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Tim Devlin Jim Curnutte Russ Forrest LSny Eskwith Starting at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Planning and Environmental Commission was called to order for request for a work session for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at 2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. PRESENT Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams Bill Anderson Applicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a presentation per the statf memo and summarized the zoning analysis for this project. Diana Donovan stated that the PEC is concerned with the site coverage variances being requested. lrwin Bacharach, the architect for this project, stated that he was attempting to make the unit on this site more habitable. He stated that the two car garage would allow additional storage space and make the garage accessible to the main house via an enclosed stairway. He felt that the 66 square foot overage of site coverage is minimal. He said that there were other alternatives that the applicant could pursue, but they were not as desirable. Shelly added that the site coverage overage was actually 231 square teet. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she had no problem with the lront setback variance, but lhe stair system and enclosure arc a concern because of the site coverage being generated by this portion of lhe request. lt was her opinion that the side coverage needs to be minimized and she suggested that the staircase should be the minimum site to allow for access. She inquired what lhe area over the garage was intended to be used for. She staled that she was concerned with the connection between the house and garage from an architectural standpoint. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion Aprll 12, 1993 .t The applicant replied that there would be no floor in the garage structure which would create GRFA. Dalton Williams stated that, given the steepness of the lot, there is justification for the enclosed stairs. He suggested that maybe the roof could be made flatter by decreasing the pitch. He felt the storage at the end of the entry could be removed. Jeff Bowen agreed with Dalton. Greg Amsden stated that the roof connection needed to be worked on with the focus on design and he agreed with the previous comments. Kristan Pritz stated that the impact of the structure on the street needed to be minimized. Bill Anderson stated that he had some concern with the sitdcoverage overage, but that, overall, he felt that this proposal was a positive addition to the site. lnrvin Bacharach stated that the roof reflects the same pitch as the existing house. He believes that if the roof has a decreased pitch it will make the structure less appealing. Diana Donovan stated that they were looking for a compromise on the roof pitch from the applicant. She said the flat roof diminishes the impact on the street. Greg Amsden stated that the area where the retaining wall is currently located could be a possible area to work with in order lo make this proposal work. He also suggested that the stairwell could be built in such a way so that the storage area could be located underneath. Diana Donovan stateO that the majority of the PEC board supported this request, but that the applicant should try to tighten up the site coverage. 2. A request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 27 lo relocate lhe private pedestrian easement ("pool path") between Lots 5 and 6, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: RAD Five Limited Liability CompanyPlanner: Tim Devlin Diana Donovan spoke on behalf of the PEC and stated that they supported the staft decision to approve this request. Kathy Langenwaller made a motion to approve this request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 27 lo relocate the private pedestrian easement ("pool palh") per the staff decision and the memo with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved this request. Planning and Environmenlal Commission April 12, 1993 Qr*, *, *Tffi---------------lo*u orrr*,.C OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Ha.i rrh I TOIA1 GRT'A Primary GRFA View Corridor Encroachment.: Envi ronmental,/Hazards : **Lor stza f/i2l A1]owed (30) (33) /, / | ) / . t- r''., /-at-\ .- 2rt g-v-,'/-./-7*) r tv-[-)&_ f:/42- + Azs secondary GRFA U12- *425- = Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Qi l-o /rnrra r r r^ra,v-eYe Landscaping Retaining WaI1 Height.s Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3' /6' Reqrd PHONE PHONE 1, ctr vJ*.'L'f Existinq Proposed Tot,al tbb3 \ t2-? 201 L5' L5t (30) (s0) :ou(@ (eoo) (1200 t44?Erp Permitted Slope 88 Date approved by Town Actual Slope Engineer: Yes No 1'>1 Flood Plain ^"tPercent. Slope Ar'l) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfal]c) Debris Flow4l Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check propert.y file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? lrl^[l . How much of the alrowed 250 Addition is used wit.h this request? 1) 2) J) **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.090(B) of rhe Municipalcode, rots zoned Two Famiry and pri-mary/secondary which are ress tilan15r000.s9. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Thecommunity Developnent Department rnay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteiia set forth undersect.ions 18.12.090 (B) and 18 .13.080 (B) of rhe Municipal code incrudingpernanentry restricting the unit as a long-term rentil unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. t?r ,\TEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt, B]OCK /T FiliNg ADDREss , 2Lf t{1 L/vtl-v.vt-rVltxtt V L0 - revised 9/4/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'. ********** TSIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPEED IIIITIL AIL REQUIRED INTORMAEION IS SITBI'{IIIED********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A.DESCRIPTION:'aPd€ D R tfr LtFu oF oP6N R P'P-T N/) B. TYPE OE REVIEW: I. Exccasen SfAiRYIAY New Constru - ./ Addir,ion ($il- *o*ru, ction ($200.00)Minor Alteration (920.00) 50.00) _ Conceptual Review (90) 24og 4,ltnh^o-uin uht VAiu Co 6165'1 D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot t9)Block k subdivision VAic Dl-+ SfHaF]F F-iuca € | If property is described by a meets and bounds legal desqription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING. 2 TANN G. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF applicantlot area. current r. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT, S Address : YrO r J. K. APPLICANT: Address: REPRESENTATIVE:o{ h- 3C Phone 949- 91.8 NAME OF OhINERS SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addres . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the table below, to,. ensure ihe correct fee is pala. *-.^p fr AZfEE,EPATD: $1(t' <9'.--1, ) FEE SCHEDULE: t,_-t VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10r 001- - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YE"AR AFTER FIT{AIJ APPROVAIJ UNI.ESS A BUTLDING PERMIT TS TSSUED AND CONSIRUCTTON TS STARTED, **NO A.PPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WTTSOUT O!{NER' S SIGIIATURE .t FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $1,00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 v PRE-APPLICATTON MEETING :II. A pre-application meeting with a member of t.he planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AlLsite tapings and staking must be compleLed prior to the DttB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two neetings before obtaining finalapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on t,heir it,em bepostponed, wiII have their items removed frorn the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following it.ems may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Comrnunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not. be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the tine such aproposal is subrnitted, applicants must includeIetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfaIl, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. F. For aIl residentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walts or supporting colunns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Applicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello F ILE r'riPl April 12, 1993 A request for a worksession for a setback and site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vaildas Schone Filing No. 1. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a worksession to discuss a request for site coverage and setback variances in order to construct a two car garage and building addition to an existing residence located on a Primary/Secondary lot which is less than 15,000 square feet. There is an existing restricted dwelling unit on this site located in the lower level of the project. Currently, the property has a covered carport to meet the requirement for enclosed parking for a primary unit with a restricted dwelling unit. Under current zoning, the property would require four on-site parking spaces with at least one space covered. The site currently has three on- site parking spaces and one partially on-site space. At the time this carport was approved, the carport was considered enclosed parking, but did not contribute to site coverage using the definition in place at the time. Under the current site coverage delinition, the carport would be counted as site coverage. II. BACKGROUND In 1989, the applicant received a variance to locate a carport in the front setback. This was in response to the requirement for enclosed parking when a restricted secondary unit is provided. Prior to the 1989 application, a variance from the parking standards in order to allow for the secondary unit without providing the required enclosed parking, This was denied and the applicant was directed to construct a garage. The applicant's subsequent proposal to construct a carport was approved. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Total Size Area: Zoning .2048 acres or 8,921 square feet Primary with restricted Secondary Allowed Density: Existing Density: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Site Coverage: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Parking Proposed: Enclosed: Surface: One Primary with one restricted employee unit One Primary with one restricted employee unit 3,080 square feet 2,814 square feet 3,074 square feet 1,784 square teel (20%) 1,225 (Building) + 410 (Carport) = 1,635 total square feet 1,225 (Building) + 530 (Garage) 260 (Addition) = 2,015 total (22.5%) 2 spaces 2 spaces (completely on-site) 'ln a previous application, the staff determined that this site did not qualify to allow the garage to encroach into the front setback due to excessive site grades. ln order to allow for a garage in the front setback, the average slope beneath the garage and the dwelling unit must exceed 30% slope. While historically this site may have qualified for this allowance, it was previously determined that because the existing on-site parking area is virtually tlat, this site would not qualify for the allowance. lf it had qualified, site coverage would have been reslricted further to 15% and the existing project would be nonconforming to site coverage requirements. IV. CRITEHIA AND FINDINGS The following are the criteria and lindings that the Planning and Environmental Commission should use to review the variance. A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the requested variance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the viclnity. 2. The degree to whlch rellef from the strlct and llteral lnterpretatlon and enforcement ot a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among sltes ln the vlclnlty or to attain the oblectlves of thls tltle without grant of speclal prlvilege. 3. The etlect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transportatlon and trafflc tacllltles, publlc facllltles and utllltles, and publlc safety. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with thei objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF CONCERNS The staff feels that this application is a positive improvement, However, the staff would encourage the applicant to modify the application in order to decrease the amount of site coverage and therefore bring the project into greater conformance with the allowed site coverage. The staff feels that the garage addition could also be minimized to decrease site coverage. Due to the location of the existing unit as well as the topography of the site, we recognize that some additional site coverage is needed to provide for the garage and the connection between the units and the garage. The staff finds that it would not be possible to incorporate any portion of the garage into the existing building. We believe the proposed building connection to be a positive improvement because it brings the structure more into conformance with the Design Guidelines. However, we do feel that the site coverage overage could be further minimized. Slaff is concerned with the mass of the proposed garage structure in the front setback. We suggest that the ridge of the garage be lowered to minimize the impact of the structure on the street. The proposed building addition could also be decreased on the north side to reduce the amount of site coverage. The staff feels that the garage addition should be minimized to decrease the need for site coverage. B. The staff would like to see additional landscaping added to the project to minimize the im6c1s of the building especially on the soulh side. In addition, the applicant is proposing to remove a portion of the existing stairs leading from the parking area to the building. In order to moet the wall height standards, ths applicanl will need to step the new portions of wallwhlch exceed the standards. The staff asks that landscaped steps also be added to the existng portions of exposed timber walls whlch exceed 3 feet in the front setback and 6 feet on ths remaining portions of the property. 4 o o{ zo o I!ot{ qff$ -- 3tie -6vI,-J lt I I----+ I I I l." lD..io @z i,,ir.n;:. _,4/ I \\i ir\\ r ,/l\/rllll'/it\ \r /- L \. \lt 2I 5 i(s tn ?5$i if;:$> $ F C Rt\ {z D. d ,Nt\ $L g s' I It I I It IF $F$ / llt/'l !, firB l---=--LI I ----=- w E s i-l:, ,,mt t'-:_i. ll-l ; ,2, -.- :L; - q P t ,itiotol+ .N \tl i-rlolr9 iY l- I IJJ'ioio ilp rO I I li ir lt 9't z.tt0J.t >'{ l-aozlt il tlJI tl lr ll lr' l/l/ r' N $ ID $t E mrm:4! :4 :i:-|,iH 1Oz aevised LO/5192 Applicatlon PEC MEETING roR A VARIINCE Y IPPLICAIION This proeedure is requlred.variance. The appliiationinformation is submitted. A. 4 iL Co 8t 6 F , ro*, VTrl 7 t2 T_ C. NA!{E OF OWNER(S) (type for- any proJect, requestLng awill not be accepted untif all bMD NAr,rE oF *rrr"^, A,h,fr,/;deg G/LIR/1 ,, ADDRESS olrNER(S) ADDRESS SIGNATURE (S) Yoq ADDRESS $250.00 PAr Stbzo lvMl;crT-se- Ttl D. LOCATION OF pROpOSAI: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT nAtBLOCK fT Frt.t*. MoM r 2cx *-(o2-3-e" ft" '/4*fid^WI}t! qgE uusT BE pArD BEFORE THE COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENTDEPARI!{ENT WILL ACCEPT YOU:] .-:IPOSAI,. F. stamped, addressed envelopes ..f.the nanes of owners of 1-r1-prgp"rtv_adjacenr ro Lhe subject proleriy rHcluorliepRopERTy BEHTND AlrD AcRoss srnssis, and i ri3t of rheirnames and maiLing addresses. THE AppLICANf WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. rr. A pre-apprication conference wit,h a planning staff menber isstrongly.suggested to determine if airv icaiiionarinformarion i1_negdgd. ^ No applicatioi wiii-te acceptedunless it is comp.Lete (must iircfude aff iierns required bythe zonrng adninistrator). It is ifre-ippii""ntr"responsibiriit. to make an appoinrmeni ;iih-ih" srafr ro findout about additional subnit.til require*e"fs.-- III. PI,EASE NOTE THAT A COI{PI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAI,ILINE THEAPPROVAT PROCESS TOF-%ETibJECT BY DECREASING ?HE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, IIIAT THE PT.,ANHTNC ANOEITVIRONMENTA]. COMMISSION (PEC) MAY SrrPUr,AiB. AIJ,CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI M;dr BE COMPLIED WITH ESffi ABUILDTNG PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THEVARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THESTATEMENT MUST AI,SO ADDRESS: 1. The-retationship of the requested variance toother existinq or potentiai uses and struct.uies inthe vicinity. - B. l 2. ,n"Qnt"e to which relief from!trre strict' or literai interpretatlon and enforcement of a iptcified regutauion is necessary to achieve c-ornpatibiliti and uniformity of treatment anong sitis in the vicinity or to attain t'he objectives of this title withoul grant of special privilege' 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilitiLs, utilities, and public safety' 4. How your reguest conplies with Vail's Comprebensive PIan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scafe of at lLast i" = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locltions of aLl existing improiements, including grades and elevations' Other eit*etts wnitfr nust be shown are parking and loading'areas, ingress and egress, Iandsclped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least 1'r = 20' sbowing existing and ProPosed buildings. A11 prelini.nary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to inaicate ihe cimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces exlsting and ProPosed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and ' easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family a"""fopient.which has a honeownerst association, then riiiiei, approval from the association in suPport of Lhe proj""t rnitit ale received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional mat,eriaL necessary for the review of the Jpirication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior nodifications, an inprovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator' REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A complete application fornr Lnd all accompanying material-(as dlicribed above) must be submitted a minimum of four lS) weefs prior to the date of t}e PEc public hearing' No'incomplete applications (as deitermined by the zoning administiator) wiff Ue accepted by the planning staff before or afr-er the designated submittal date' All PEC approved variances shall lapse if const-ruction is not co-mirenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to compl'etion. If this application requires a separate review-by any Local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. a-xlnples of such review, may ilclude, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits' Arny Corps of Engineers 404r etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying aly pullii-ning fees which are in excess of 50t of the ippJ.ication fee. ff, at the applicant's requestr dhY mitter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, thenr the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. t\ IV. TIME A. B. A.v. B. c.Applitions deemed by the co*r.b Development Dbpartnent to have signifieant design, land use or 'other issues which rnay have a significant impact on the community may requS.re review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Developnent may hire an outside consultant, it shall estinate tbe amount of money necessary to pay hirn or her and this amount shaLl be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of tbe consultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. v o rto STATEMENT REGARDING THE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED Item IIIA Presently a carport with a roof only and no sides exists. The carport is for two vehicles. The carport encroaches into the front setback area. A variance was previously granted allowing such, as the topography precludes any other area. The present application for variance is to enable the owner to replace the open carport with an enclosed two car gara5e. The garage needs to be somewhat larger than the carport. The present variance request is for the additional area needed. (ORD.18.13.060). See enclosed drawing for details. A.1. The existing carport will be dismantled and replaced by the garage. The style and appearance of the garage is proposed to be complimentary to the main dwelling Stnrcture. A.2. By granting the variance requested the Town will allow the owner to be in compliance with ordinance "whereby at least 50To of the parking must be enclosed." The general appearance of the property will be greatly enhanced as should be desired by the neigh':orhood and the Town. A.3. There will be no new effect on light, air, population, transportation, traffic, utilities and public safety, as the two car garage would replace a two car carport. A.4. Vail's comprehensive plan includes maximizing covered parking. This variance will add to covered parking. Bachrach VIP Ltd. P .O. Box 2236 Avon, CO 81620 303-949-9408 4"rhryw 3l '' "lq> Poticv Numner A0 I7 250 4 MINNESOTA TITLEA SUBJECT TO THE TXCTUSIONS FROM CI)VERAGE, IHE EXCEPTIONS FflOM COVEFAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B ANt) THE CONOITIONS ANt) STIPUI.ATI[)NS, TlTtt INSUBANCI C0I/IPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a lVlinnesob c0p0rarion, herein called the Company, insures, as of gare of Policy shown in Schedule A against loss or damage, nor exceedrng the Amount o{ Insurance suted in Schedule A, sustained or incurnd by the insured by reason of, l. Tiile ro the e$arc or rnterest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated lherern; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance 0n the title; 3. Unmarketabilhy of the title, 4. Lack of a right of access to and from $e land. The Company will also pay the cosrs, anomeys' fees and expenses incurred in delense 0f the ille, as Insured, but only to lhe exont pmvided in the Conditions and Sipulations. lN WITNESS WHEFE0F, rhe said Tttle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused rts corporate name and seal to be hereunto aflixed by its duly aurhgri?ed gfficers as of the dare shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid rahen countesigned by an authorted officer or agent of the Company. lssued through the 1lftce of' LAND TlrIE GUARANTEE CO'TIPANY P. O. 8ox 357 lO8 So. Frontege Rd. West, Suire 2O3 Veil, GO 81658 TIILI INSUflANCE C()MPANY OT MINNESOTA A Stock Conpany 400 Seclnd Avenue Snuth. Minnearolrs. Minneslta 55401 13Gil 476.22s1- J'[rv^ g -{,*v/u-' Attth(wei ,rnnahry TIM tomr 316 ' AI-TA 0wneis Polny 10 21 87 lBw. 4 6 901 Prcsidmt Setn(ary l'0lcy tor lhe puryose 0t ir"r".^'^"] f"1, f:'y r li ilffi;',ffi ;,'ff 'flllilX,ners relatinQ to Wrh respeci roSecrion l{al{i.,l ;r;,t rrrjrri'iiJ'i#i;;, I starutes ar Dare of ffiffim;f,,Sffi*,rm;records" shall also lcontlnaed on nside bad covet/ TTM Owners Forn 2312 Order No. V19490 SCHEDULE A Policy No. Ae172504 Anount $235, ooo. oo Address 1. policy Date: Novenber OS, t992 at 8:00 A.!i.2. Name of fnsured: ANNELIESE TAYLOR 3. The -estate or interest in theand which ir "or"r"a tv-'tiiJ i:li"$.i:ribed in this schedule A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the eaui" r'JrJo.F i:T::.35 ill""est covered by rhis poricy at rhe ANNELTESE TAYLOR 5. The Land refercororaiol-iiA'is ll.lirlli=":"i:il"is. siruared in EAGLE eounty, !il_i:^U:E;I.*. A^R-E-suBDrutrlgI gI- yAIr DAs scHoNE FTLTNGsrare,oi-_;;;ii;":o rHE RBcoRDED pr,ai_ riniii"i. corrNry oF EAGLE, Page This Policv va.l irt ^-r v19490 - Volicy No. Ael72sq4 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure aqainst loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easenents' not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines'.shortaqe in area' encroachnent;; ."d-"tv facts trti"n i correct survey and inspection oi'tn" ptei'is"" t""ia-ai-close and which are not shoirn bY the Public records' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services' labor' or rnaterial theretofot" ot-f,"teafter furnished' imposed by law and not shown bY the Public records' 6. LIENS FOR I'NPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES' IF ANY' T.RIGHToFPRoPRIEToRoFAVEINoRLoDEToEXTRACTANDREMovEHISoRE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME EN TOilT'ID_tO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREIIISES AS RESERVED rN UNTTED STATES patillt-nncononp August 11' 1900, rN BooK 48 AT PAGE 236. E.RESTRICTIVEcoVENANTs'wHIcHDoNoTCoNTAINAFoRFEITIJREoRREVERTER CLAUSE, gur or'lrrtrNc RESTRrCrioui'-rr ellv,_PtlED ON RACE, coLOR, RELIGION, oR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS C9NTATWi-O-iW INSTRUMENT RECORDED JuIy 07' 1965' IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE 55e AND eS ei'irHoi-n iw rHstRItllENT RECORDED Ytay 22' 1968' IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 829 AND ns-nicoRDED JI,NE 19' 1968 IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 966 AND AS AI.IENDED IN INSTRUMENT iECORDED February L6 ' !g'7o ' IN BOOK 2L7 AI PAGE 78. g.ANEASE!,IENTANDRIGHToFwAYFIVEFEETINWIDTHAI,oNGAI,LSITEBoUNDARIES FoR UsE oF UTILITY sERvIcE lrllns AND FoR THE coNsTRUcTIoN, ERECTIoN AND MAINTENANCETHEREoF'INSTRUMENT_nnconpnDJULYT,1965INBooKlg0ATPAGE 559. I0.UTILITYEASEMENTsEvENFEETINWIDTHALoNGIHEWESTERI,YI,oTIJINESoF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN OU TTTi-NNCONOTO PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE NO. ]" 5. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE TREASURERS OFFICE. PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE OR Page | ,r" onner ,.t,. ,*T*t No. vle4eo Policy No. AQ172504 SCHEDULE B 11. ENCROACHMENT OF GRAVEL PARKING AND GRAVEL DRIVEWAY ONTO CHAMONIX ROAD AS SHOWN ON IMpROVEMENT IJOCATION CERTIFICATE BY EAGL,E VALLEY ENGINEERING & SIRVEYTNG, rNC. DATED MAY l-3 ' L997. 12. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT REGARDING EMPLOYEE ITNITS RECORDED lltarch 18, 1988 IN BooK 48o AT PAGE 832' 13. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FII'ING NO' 1' ],5. ENCROACHMENT OF ASPHALT DRIVE ONTO INILITY EASEMENT AS SHO!{N ON II'IPROVE!'IENI LocATIoNCERTIFICATEPREPAREDocToBER22,Igg2BYEAGLEVALLEYENGINEERING & sttRvEYrNG, rNc., JoB NO. 488. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED November 02, tgg2, FROM 4NNELIESE TAYLOR A SINGLE WO!',tAN To THE PuBIJIC TRUSTEE oF.EAGIJE iouutY'FoR THE UsE oF A'L' SHAPIRo & co' To sEcuRE THE SU!,t oF $11O,OOO.OO RECORDED Noveirnber 04, t992' IN BOOK 593 AT PAGE 354. 1?. FINANCING STATEI4ENT WITH A.L. SHAPIRO & co., THE SECURED PARTY' RECORDED Novernber 04, Lggz, IN BOOK 593 AT PAGE 355' t zft,/t> "/3 ,:,-N-Ws- -4 ?ppes-tssg otr oDNsDs- -of- Io t Pol 2. 3. TI!1 owner Forn 2313 Order No. V19490 SCHEDULE B icy No. edrzzsba This policy does not insure against loss or darnage by reason of the fotlowing: 1. Rights or clai:ns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Easenents, or Clains of easernents, not shown by the public records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary linesr. shortage in area' encroachments, "ttd "tty facts which I correct survey and i"tp."ti"n of the preinises would discfose and which are not shown bY the Public records. 4, Any lien, or right to a lien'.for services, labor' or-rnaterial- theretofore or frereafter furnished, imposed by J-aw and not shown bY the Public records. 5. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE TREASURERS OFFICE. PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE 6. OR LIENS FOR IJNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES' IF ANY' RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI'IOVE I{IS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PRE!{TSES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 11' 1900' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 8. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITITRE OR REVERTER cLAUsE, BUT ol'trrrrHc insrnrcrroNs, rF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR' REr,rGroN' oR NATroNar, onicrr'r, AS coNTATNED iN rNsrRUt"tENT RECORDED July 07, 1965, rN BOOK 1-90 AT PAGE 559 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRTTMENT RECORDED llay 22', 1968' IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 829 AND RE-RECORDED JUNE 19, 1968 IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 966 AND AS A},IENDED IN INSTRWENT RECoRDED February 1.6 ' L97o' IN BooK 2L7 NE PAGE 78. g, AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL SITE BOI''NDARIES FOR USE OF UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF, INSTRTTMENT RECORDED JULY 7' 1965 IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE 559. 10. UTILITY EASEMENT SEVEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERI'Y LOT LINES OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PIJAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE NO. 1. Page -to TIM Owner Forn 2313 Order No. VL9490 tPolicy No: AQ!725O4 SCHEDULE B 11. ENCROACHMENT OF GRAVEL PARKING AND GRAVEL DRIVEWAY ONTO CHAI'TONIX ROAD AS sHot{N oN Il.tPRoVEl,[ENT LoCATIoN CERTIFICATE BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & suRvEYrNG, rNC. DATED MAY 13 ' L987. 12, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT REGARDING EMPLOYEE ttNITS RECoRDED March 18, 1988 IN BooK 480 AT PAGE 832' 13. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. L4. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIO*t e*o RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVIS]ON OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO' 1' 15. ENCROACHMENT OF ASPHALT DRIVE ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOI{N ON IMPROVE!'TENT LOCATION CERBIFICATE PREPARED OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SL'RVEYING, rNc., JOB NO. 488. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED November 02, Lgg2t F'ROM ANNELIESE TAYLOR A SINGLE WO!'IAIiI To rHE puBr,rc rRUsrEE oF. BAGLE iouutv'FoR THE usn oF A.L. sHAPrRo & co. To sEcttRE THE SI,M oF $11O|OOO.OO RECORDED Novernber 04, L992' IN BOOK 593 Ar PAGE 354. ].7. FINANCING STATEMENT WITH A.L. SHAPIRO & CO., THE SECURED PARTY' RECORDED Novetnber 04, ]-992, IN BoOK 593 AT PAGE 355' ltl ofo () z = ;i ! -;ju r i=::---r l: r: iii'Ei,z ;€+; ea 2 i4;. t iaiE ="i.iE:;=E :E4 ii-: ,,42=,= iiiEziz i . ..E i s e.iE::--'i=;e- =si;!!t::€ !?; @ CO CA \oN t F, (JzH t-t f:. r:Izo tn v, FfH v o Ff o\ ts z xH2o = () r\ .rtol E U F O'tN(\(''t oo (n I E<Hv ()zH l-1Fl Ir1FA (! aI z u A !O FHz FItrlFo|: E z at) &;4k Hzz ts Qktn r\F-' :EE =:5>zzLr<< 3Eta>o ZUQ)zJ E3?u-=Qat r.rl \.,-c<,-r-tr2euAuJ\ .- ===<(4co5=uoE z3 F.tr -t.ll< F'? i ;$El=z ?bB5 El r--::Ebrl{5trEX\ r,t ' q.l sE6;P;nO€qqe HF3SdFxo F:8F STHF,-F-Y* =<<qrIESE rFa lJa.'aa. i{ {-rfratte. FR rn l- -r|-Er.r{ frFt+ -H -trl-t+<,t iH s, {J+rtaqt -q l9 a+\daLIr- -d *FIFLrt{ EY rr-f trt A. irtat{ rfJ!-l.F){rthA. €o! ;oz t oz tr =t Lllo- rn tt) UJ uJu- F =E IJJ(L IR \R$* N N zH && E F& LUicoo@ F(\ NF H <A (JnzrL< o.nzta&=v= IIJF E CE ln =o zz tr F I otuF zcaC ZF6:) .6F \rcZb.2t (!)tu U) lt oFo EFzoo uJ at, ;EE I;o Iri5 \6or I ;TN (,)CL sJi*ds\\i\ Fg\ Reb \rE oDcc(E E€oo 8o(5 Ct) -'=gd =-//,C.,5 El =eoyo9..€=^ E O.Fc(! las,ti? El FJ at,o aho o Co at> l-: 't. a Eoo :l (t o o C' o d E .= o =; o. E o ll) ct) o (! o (E !,o (g € o Yo'=O EE o- EE L=.o x' cL'- v,oo.c- =!;>cP d0 !(6 lFo EY;x-.=- o(E m(5-- -c-Fo -(5 ;oOE O(! (6C -c(! -o(!0€aogol (tr OrfE8o(6 x=o* >g499, O- =6-() o\lr|.ir.ir tr = uJ z lo Y UJ z J aF z =l z ul UJ uJ!tz tr TJJE UJE e. 3 UJ uJ zo UJo F6 o- UJ o- z u,J(J x ulol at uJ IJJu- E = UJz o! J 9tF() uJ) UJ 2 =) J 9z I() uJ NOtlVn'lVA rr{ f,!1cH 1(lz g 4a 7FI t aIH E Ye. =Z rt- 6z;o E(J uJo c uJztu (\l N =>G -I z Fo- FO'ooz>- OZrL< o-Y>x z F- J { ..: cc f UJ F @ o- uJg. z Eoo z E UJF =uJz I I tzlz <oo< =H8c;<z Lz OzZ- EO3mOI uJl .E aautz i F zo 5az t'-l F rl sl zl zl .. >-lo uJ u,.l uJzo L (r uJ J z Eoo I @@ \o N N lu =o -zo F(L ul:. UJ (D ot- F E uJ(L l!o oo UJF z u,F o a t '2 2 '-lt,t i/z ) =I LJJ = z :E tt vt A FfH z J tr I JJo J 1F zHv z rt1p tu z (D ,- q Fr :fl az ts UJ =z EO =g I I I Il+lo I I I u) rq {--l EO qz :1FIA -c4 I tr oz o UJE J lto z = uJ) uJF a F-ro Fl FT z, =tr z olu J a u- 23oF uJ) IJJF EI E E 2FE E tr z UJ f l! z3oF uJ uJF dl tu c( u- z3 E tr 2 cituE l|-oz3oF lu J uJF TIJz = LllF - E <F(tsOtll <ZE tJ-r F(qZ o )t<o(JF =o:.< tu,2 2? =E]FJZr-L o )tY<= :JF?a)a< Y,z E. d ir =;-\ = <ofifl=l z |Ji- =<!oo =z (L I.L -('c)zi /,1 F =:co ur t (r llto- ILo uloz atLo FtrI JFL!-h= dil>o-OLL9o5ur6aLx.> l! J UJd) co E o c, ott Ec E Eo(, o --E E =E.lrl o-zo Fof &,Fazoo trDn trtrr "rr (-J.r.. clt + :.- < na(J c JFI ( -JFocta- t:< o tu- 6 ' !.< O :.=c.ov', ,(r! .o q)o+r!(u ()E E()oLC-(F O- L(,l0JPl.P olP.nlaJl ::l v r$ .rJ()l \l I'l hi I t(\ N ,"1t3l #q-- $-i Bda4uJl ed ="-3 ?,1 €$ |rJ auut ? o xx nct!o ?io ]J-oo trJqo.Y :9 -aEo :I E\-, o'sF FR 3t olt,vc),Fr TR:E( !{,2E 1O.D DC:(Eio foioloD ,.so f dt = f d!) o q 6 3.; o tDc;o)a3rt! (5l, ;i T,i;oC(J : o. e:0o.>:Dr€. lol;:\ :9: trO rLN ( =olri:, t-*Ifi iei o\ -cDcCG'i a,v:oc 3o$O \o ()f fdl atE vro E.; Ef -o6gc)(a LT'!rcU6 2a,oB XE r3t.o f,F t-= )(!i.c i =.:>\:^ ) o':ol 'Orl-t : S.t i: (to.Et -. .! ='r o(.- ll (t) at) €.e 3p>'i o-oEoo€otfoc a) .tt:3;'([ E o c) (!, oE6 =i E3c.2 -Y :Ltr'i ^(t;c) oo5u =€i'tc9 5 c')-o f (!.Dc:r i (D. i.ct- | t(g Il6: tv I: O, '|at' r7t (-(.-T FFas€Co'-agcr+ Es3';o>:E6F E669 E- orEgOo)oo lo-to)t.=l=lo!E lcl.oIEItr!!l.c tq)| -c. | ='t- ; o1Ol cl =((nl == aa(uI at+ E./ OG 6c -E(60 og 14 (EEl r-olE3o(' ;6(g! >.9lloEaotrc5 -o tn uJ N )l 9 D \ a D U q Ti st I I 1 IAo sii*l I tr,1 \ htr rrl -"1]L F = UJ o- rr, IL z :< lu z J o tu tll a5z = o- 2 t! = UJ uJtl-z F- IJJE r! oG B UJtu, z 6 UJ F ll,l o- z IIJ () x F u, ll .A IH l=*IE Itrirll<l Fl z J o F() ll,JgJ z 6 J 9z u, = J F F NOr{vn'lv Gr\@>,r - f r.u l3l6 -.ta d l9 0rg g 5frrRi6FO zo F E() UJ + JI # # ilF 1l il I F:.- { a o llJL' il:l o- llJ t8JI<| rlfl B t9tl rEil !ll :ll =lluJ llzll .. >lo o F UJ J z Eo ul J uJz o IF z tr J oz lltltl v)Fzfz9oFUI<oo<o: =fi*cr 6ci<z a2.. z=-iF ur(,3tr UJo z (r oz trUJ >o v, a F uJ I l\ s. s) N F ^c."" trl O l- J.FH clt +)E<.!q(Jctrl Fr .gCLJ- (5z,h-=NX Na M\E\o ltla UJrdz. w ar1t*u) <5(Dzo5 z=o={ F lr-o.lrJ rr,|YFul- @ LU F o >< tJ-o (Loo I uJFoz o -F F (,z -t ,1 ,.,/.v, ,"21. .),./ l,; ',1' ,/^,/ :E -l ()l I I I I I I ,)UIr{ Eol -{g JO<Far c)ur<zEUJF<iZoc) 9F SEd5o o Fo Fzo() oz c)u, = o tFz o z(,= =e =zr9 Tilan J.-i5 zEzrt F; f i IJJcotr= t;ul91 o- Yb Esu Fa5i-0i+ e-F c.i- g :r,r; E=tE !l €5g Fl S:P HI E;E:I3<i- *.1 tr =u,r3 *F.T* ts =Elrlo-zo F()f,EFozoo S$r INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATIOTlr JOB NAME ,--.__-:::_ 'J'INSPECTION: ,/ MON l__..---"--' CALLER ')TUES WED THUR FRI AM( 'FM'... 'BUILDING: Etf,ooTrNcs / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FJNAL tr FINAL {feeaoveo }ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT --,* rE INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN.gE_yAtL CALLER H €l-Ftr \::t I <v\ TUES WED THUR FRI OATE €- /6- 68, JOB NAME ', PM ltH r4l-Ftr \ar <q READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL prouruoerr tr FRAMING ON / STEEL Sono* {,.be PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER cl tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o /wnu tr FINAL PROVED IECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ;'- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN "Qf*JyAtL ,G DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECtrION: \ CALLER TUES \ ... \. '. t-THUR FRI 'I MON WED AM BUI trF trF trF trF orl trS q- rl Q.f ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr INAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL VED.*-El tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before g'iving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: EL ECT RI CAL FINAL BUILDING -('...', \- CERTI FICATE OF OCCTJPANCY TEMPOMRY C of O DATE: \ rl.'\ \..\*.N!i t* i- l'1 \ ,Jatl\'){*..tq.;t->/- :l > 1," 7 x,t,9 sit- 9 rt ", I ,I t II I II I IIII I IIG t9l-lt,ist I I ,tIt { , 2 5rrfl f\ \t :+\ \. =$- s tlrl,itl s:st ._t ;.-1 .\' t: \r.l rJ .T ficJ .l tl rl ia ;5 .l \\^',.'l $.r .-\l-{ \, i\.\r\t ].l.""-\.; -$ trl t),l Y \I o o f? trv|x\J I Is .r? F r{ ta,)trt:\9S-€g ,-/ \- -*-J {il' ii't I .ta V' I t ,.,It i\ jt ifl'-{-I ) ,.1 :1, tLl\ r,ILt + $ dtt r! f; ts t{ [- b irl '-"2 t\j., il;\ c{ \$ In a \il z_ ;Z F -z sl ^Y, :<t\uLL {rr?..J .r 't_s {: {: r\1 -t f,j .-Jls ..." hE \ 'd\ t\J F ANvl .YNO cct. .a-6 ;=r- -<)x \\)e E $\l .,n '{\J A/+1 lK-a-4-rJ L+- rf o p-,.i"* '' tlU t--rT\a/-> n rVeo_ V_ I /,^, + | l-^ f t'l \[tty- (! I t r '- V [:F\ It hrtY r g-/ o \ k.l-6stt 9e '7t /-y<3t a- - | /.16(4"5 ftr.'zgc(:A x {-. ( F@ frd-+u-,) -1- ( lnrt@ (w t^f 3@ HX-,; lr t)o-/ W{ Z-*..--g q " zL*^-(.*/.- CW,, C-Ql*rc U tt, o u lv-^.(o,f ,q l3u-r- 71 os o v C_(_ V^1 o4-,^- \ ,s7l L 6"r.7xV G^J Ve f,'- ,z/n a "4./ ?drfv".- , Pr-{-v..- -...-, {3.> X 3 68 t - C Sc-z',-"" ''-' Lo "a:r'^'')- ?rsl . d.^ * 't' *( : ti.'*ttvt Uo-'/ ,/6 r 'r/rs GRAY.STONE CONSTRUCTION Harry C. Gny P.O. Box 721 . I{intum, CO E1645 . fi3|l,n-Szl.l adJacent property ounar! to the aubJcct property Lot 17, Block A Vatl DEr Shone Barza, Ssrglo Pedernal 520 01900 l.lexlco 20, 0.F.. Lot 19, Block A, Vall Dgg Shone Regalado, llartlnez Botque'Amrtax #11r3 Itlaxlco, D.F. llexlco oo a. ALTA *8I"1 I'I ITMENT :JI:HENULE A Appl icatic,n N'r. V11l4l3-:{ 5. The I and ref er'r'ed t,:, i rr th i s tl:c,nrnri tnrent i s des':r'i bed as fc, 1 | c,uts: Lc,t 1F' Bl acl: A, A RESUBLTIVI';It:'N ilF VAIL nA:i ::ir::HtlNE FILINF NTI. I, Af,IERBINE TB THE REI::I:IRNETI FLAT THEREI:IF, I:I]UNTY I:IF EAGLE, STATE t:tF t:t:tLr:tRAnt:t. frAt:iE I q. I4'4.V FACLE COUNTY AYSESSOR DATE: OJlAg/Ai - PAOE: C O N D O M I N I U I,I L I S T I N,O P{ CSDE: OTqT CONDOMINIUI"I: VAIL VIEW TOWNHOUSE ==:B=!a=a:!taE-!r=E=ltrtEr!a!EE-3Et-!;!r-ttt-:-trtt-StEEta==lt3t!ttI:3ll!lt!a-|alE==-=t!Ellr=E==ls==13E:=i==i==.is OOO1 SCHEDULE: 013411 DISTRICT: 113 ARNOLD, THOHAS S. BOX X-100 AVON STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81620 UNIT S BK O?$a PG O1a6 BK 0361 PC 0146 TAX ITEt'{g: 113O 123O OOOA SCHEDULE: 013337 DISTRICT: t13 HELWIC, NORf'IAN R, E45O COLORADO STATE BANK EUILDINC DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: EOeOa UNIT 6 BK 0253 PC 0157 BK Q267 PG 0993 TAX ITE['|S: 113O 123O OOO3 SCHEDULE: O13351 DISTRICT: 113 CANTER, I.'ILLIAH A. & JUDITH A. 24E7 WEST CHAI"IONIX ROADI UNIT 1 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 4L637 UNIT 1 BK 0414 Pe O21A TAX ITEf.lS: 1t3O 1230 ooo4 SCHEDULE: OL33?7 DISTRICT: 113 I(IRK, THOT"IAS H. .JR. 54O SOUTH CRESTWAY WICHITA STATE: KS ZIP CODE: 67218 UNIT 7 BK 0303 PO 0419 BK 0377 PG OO41 TAX ITEMS: I l3O 1?3O OOO$ SCHEDULE: O13336 DISTRICT: 113 KUDEL, PAUL J, & SHIRLEY A, 4933 ROSE DOI^INERS GROVE STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 60915 UNTT 2 BK 0213 PG OE17 TAX ITEl"lS: 1130 1?3O o CLE COUNTY ASSEgST]R o EA. ,,{TE: O5/23/Ag pAOE:,,A CONDOMINIUM LISTING CODE: OL?T CONDO|'|INtUH: VAIL VIEH TOhJNHOUSE ,, ====- ===========!3==3=t!===!-======t!======================:-===E=-========== ===== 0006 SCHEDULE: 013406 DISTRICT: 113 SHERROD, ORVILLE t.I. & PATRICIA R. 607A SOUTH JACKSON LITTLETON STATE: CO ZIP CODE: gOlal UNIT ? BK O2e3 PC 0641 TAX ITEM9: 1t3O 1?3O OOOT SCHEDULE: Ot33A6 DISTRICT: tt3S}IITH, DONALD J. A600 WEST 95TH STREET OVERLAND PARK STATE: KS ZIp CODE: 66ALz UNIT 5 BK 0?16 Pc 0352 TAX ITEME: 113O t?3O OOOB SCHEDULE: OlggOZ DISTRICT: 119 STOTT, EDWARD BARRINoTON BOX 15SO VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: e16gg UNIT 4 BK Oa16 Pc O13? TAX tTEllS: 1130 1230 OOO? SCHEDULE: Otgg34 DISTRICT: ttsVAIL VIEI^I TOWN HOUSE VENTURE *1Z CLAHE, ROBERT W. 4O2? I{AIIPTON AVENUE I.'ESTERN SPRINOS STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 6OggE UNIT 3 BK O?14 PG 0698 TAX ITEt'lS: 113O tZ3O .f. PUBLTC NOTICE NorrcE rs lrEREBy crvEN that the pranning and Environrnental commission of the Town of Vail wirr hord_ a public hearing in accordance with section L8.66.060 of the municipal cod.e of the Town of vail on November 23t rgBT at 3:oo pM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request to rezone and resubdivide pulis Ranch, sunburst . Filing 3, property located at L785 sunburst Drive, from Lo$r Density Multi-Farnily to Single Farnily Residential. Applicant: S.H. Shapiro & Co. 2. A request for side and rear setback variances on Lotl9, Block A, vail das schone subd.ivision Filing No. r in order to build covered parking. Applicant: Tonnie Ferguson 3' A request to apply the parking District zone to a triangular parcer of land containing o.t2 acres, bounded on the north and west by Breakaway west condorniniums, and on the south by the North Frontage Roadt section 12, Township s south, Range 8r- west of the sixth principal Meridian, state Highway parcer 24A. Applicant: Willian f. Fleischer 4. A request for a conditional use perrnit in order to prace seasonal parking on the upper bench of Ford park. Applicant: Town of VaiI The applications and informatlon about the proposals in the zonJ.ng adninistratorrs office during regular for public l-nspection. TOI{N OT VArI, COIIMI'NITY DEVEI'PMENT DEPARTIIENT THOMAS A. BRAT'N Zoning AdninLstrator Published in the Vail Trail on Novenber 13, 1997. are available office hours rlrb8 - ||J>OF I55o*,E IE'tEe I89;b* |-E tl rt I+, +t L L I|, O >rtt I =g>C{, IE.-o6r. IiEiBEE I!€Er.Es I€?:E;E I !E.gs r: I8:!HE; IoorF ErE I.!r Ul d >c, (, I sE r FEF I.Fc6hlJP I EiEEe E Iuuo. I€:EEgE I6.}l>Lo I..Et o5.F, Ilrl O, E rA .O I(.,F.F O !, I-c cut lF >+, .'- Q,,C tr.F Ct t2 rE lr<.P .P @ 1.)rfN oz. o rc, ao c'c.c 8{, e(L Hifu |r, 't -_;f.E sr 3 -!t d.'.. r, I c'u |- o c4 CL -. Cl: O O C rar, lr\olJ l. tt>.dq. O XAI!| Odt,L o lrF. - E O .! a' C'{o>o!rt\CGC Ci r{Flrr.!ot !, I ol r, +.'o llJ Or.O E! A Ot L'ttoOs.{.c: O+{ O CCd 'i +. o > rj| El o0 aOr..ot lJtr oox oEr!Cil,t(|tOEl.io.r!t! nt €Lr r{ |fg-€i"--EEi 383-cL6 toao9a, c'.326c r!. rJ O > 6 (, = Lt +. -,o rr o x u o cL r. I E a-$P9*"fLt3. tEEe. E r.o Z.t o.o . o -+.o.<' or!c-tE:iEiXriE i:IE +. r{ clrl |. i{ r{ l:tL r-l ol 6rt r! x-a ? lrl+. !t +.o.OOO !631 2!r 6 Or-t.c olt E-Lt.c.oC !r Ol+. O ll .Ct l =or U O E A.Ct t U O }. t*".9!5"9'3. 5*E;€x > q. o.lr o qzocto'{o!txo'l{^ '{ 6 O l- O €E C "O!ro.co.uoorr6 oL " I6 E E l. O.O Fr Ort=u6o;$;r.!|d .rsr.< oo'a ott |JCC +.OOt ; o l! aJ.! r'. !lroo.J !..rt.o o c o.-E3*8.35€d{ "t"6!r6!rt-.O O|J Or rsEr.rlqkllorr2 !f|ozg;fr3"f3" 3E"9O C O O.c: tl r' r{ l, '-l l',i; !.c.oE g.E o ! E a, =O, Er., OC o'Or{=j j . " gi 9* g 3l " B..r.!oE 6+. qor'|- O+{ rJO3.JO€d OA+{ t, G (!+| ! O !, I lit.C F{ - t C |.r O O O tr=tro4Sa, o|CLl- g E CE }.|E€J (, O! ,t, r, \-. u,a E o It .. | <f6 Ott o I x t, o !r..fEiiEj3"5 €r?:.! tt l' L 'E Ot -\ o!''c.Jta o oFrr-r.. ! rrogoo rrtSo{ rU r., - C a, o' .! .! O OaA!r.tt CiO Ott r{{, U i9EOtJE|.OF riO9E.raiEEonEox r}'E zC,FI O O > l' E '' rl '--- tGo.oot trdt->{lO !Q|. !Ltr- -ct 0o9rr. ec (!I|a. lIoczEgBo59"50 "tt=,x !r;.r euCa DttoEa ). Ei O rJ O.r I r. a OoLo,l?OtO+. tOaO.F.aoSsEtl+r6 l.|.rlt t)rll !*. .... :ol- sl{r d l- B p o E I 'ote /s ,u' ohb&-w qos/ rft l-.r) -J s a; { D I !.-l3 o ___-_ _--.-.._ ., _./--=-l rrrr"i q fq N I I h t o o I I Jt N 1l b I I I I I I I It J i- E aI B r<t- qt t E $ t I H $ l- $ F g l- =H I fic J1 HlF :iH3€is: FS !I l- _d d F g $t\E H[H lt') Is fr3f lii @ rotN c;z o ,q, )o 9 .c ao,t 3 - F g .9 cl €c 9€t !oO C ''lt ra F{+. !t (1,O'.r.c6tl i tocE r. ,rl 6 tll-t oo5d59o a loG T Efio90 z.J$.Ei-t ;5EdF{E}TE E! s? 998569. 2a;.F* Ol.. Idort=:35Sl,lrl)a-r:"8 +,u>e,o ob c(,>o?E!".'eEt,|.ClJOE ()oL8s;b*s t|,l!+, L Li,l O >.r rU5g>co,E.FOd>(r.5+,6 B E E988 es E'ra- =l r. =g;o FeL!,S\.F Ul .1, C * Fls gE "EEgFB:3'btEP!t+t6uPct o.F E |!.1, ut 6 >(u u -3,, FEEC L G''-.FC.6>lJP ?9 Eg, bo+, .o (,uoo.g'gEats p3O)d+r>Lo..E! t 5Put!,c (t|6 or-.F O ItF. EEVIF >.tJ .F Oa5 e.F ct €z |E t '-{ .P P orHii:6t O-1 g,;E:> E!;g E b;H 4t6r. I <O l: r..e$3: o Et -u t! o 3 0sa dg"E rril$!!Er"tl=o€ 4, cr. aOtortoF..rat Irr .; --tf.E !'r g Ct-{+.!rl.!rr}.O! cL -{ Cl: !t O Ci.' !>\O!'\.!L. U X., !al. C, tr{ . E U OO>!ttr>rCOCr!|9!t l.!' or,, o ?a O Citt clqO O O U '-{.C O'{ OO .E y.o > !,|.!tr9., O!rtoEOtOrra,aL a! lr.Ci !tCtgt€ii..gEi o. ct Sooor.QtEl.. o o > l! (J OtrO XOOO|-O OIeH OX t CI l!t c, [| g'a a O o ! . O -r. O t!,,t (, !l tF{ E +,tGl .-.oql!r> i!u!r-acltuaoo+a r{ or{ |- t{u.. |{F{ 6 6 O q i( r, vaClOOO|.r6o.r.c or.t.c.oc rro o!!, t, iu .c E.c !aJOEl:trO|.rO-.Jq, O ! Clc >. > r.. at,ocrrodo 6}\+. 6 0 r. o it! c!rocoo6or.r€t!E Er.o!aJ O O+. .! r{ r.'U q0 OU'{ O. lt|EEi -l O 6OO+.O.r L tE o Crr (,r{5 oco -!,cc !r -o t tt'o'oo6rJrY{O oLE I 6 rra !.O O r.' foa.c o E63>o!lroolr(,o Ci O qr.€ 'r r.r. r{ El-C ! r, CE OE! c!, ocg O (! O O € A,t E '{ F{ >+l t crr -tJ Oli ?nto|r{rJO-OSo'.!Orl !r 6 6r{ l, oE F{ - tErrOr,, o cloo oar..c! AE t\EO Ur, ri >rr{ t Fl .CUi! a, rt o o x r,E'Ct>-lC!9€erErJ E: |.r{ O+{ O lUE t t r', H 'Ei\ o, o g u D (,r.r!rrOgO!',ao!r.cl oct€rr!coriro +|ot C:oq69OE{roEco6CO>lU-{OO>l.E>r. O 'O A Cxoo er|.Il I t i. c! E r! Orl.o { ao E o c o! !oE +l ta O+{d r, ta.9 !, l. g Ei t c o u {, '. dol.3to50{Fa I o E r, C lrr0l r:) td !.* .rr. Fsl{ l{- t- B p fi I -ora ohQ"a los/ rf) l-.t) -..1 s 9; { !.- d).-i t I o I' ,.- ---_l-i\-, I==-' r-i^\*.= AJrjrJn- ----, *=r'*r '- t4 ?q N I l T I o o nIt It ll T ! , I I I I I t- i ; \ tsqi E 3I H 8l T I H $ tr E F $ l- F I Pp dE $g sbf x HiE :iHs6is: F3q t. E d F g $ |. 5 S\ HEH lgn I.rl {a * EtolO 5q? dqi HII mffibnr""3."."'.,oBoxI2206.Oa,asTexas75225 100 e 60 F5o> YoAH '> ?F- ai^ -> srAN D By)tfdd{ffi Eil*Iilv c neDrr - I RREvocAB LE ANV|SING BANK - fiiii'.0u4"6'56 ".I CREDTT NO. OFAOVTSTNG AANK II'ANT BFNFFICIARY TONNIE C. FERGUSON 7102 WESTER WAY DALI.AS lEflour.:r ? R'4I TOWN OF VAIL 1 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Seven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty a 00 7 ,250.00 DA'E 7/or/8gtN -,.',, ". m1, FOR NEGOTTATTON wE HEREBY TSSUE lN YOUR FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT Ot _^n r.r,, ouR TFREVocABLE LETTER oF cREDTT rN THE AMouNT oF " ""'*t","E C ' FERGUSON wHrcH rs AVAILABLE By youR DRAFT. DFAWN oN NoRTH'AFK "o-,Ju^4[Q T0SA'MENT AT srcHT ANo BEARING rHE CLAUSE: "DRAWN UNDER rHE LETTER oF cREDlr No.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 83 I OF NORTHPARK NATIONAL BANK' AND ACCOMPANIED 8Y THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 1. THE ORIGINAL OF THIS LETTER OF CREOIT. (]F THE INTERIOR WORK ON THE SECONDARY UNIT IS NOT COMPLETED BY MARCH 1, 1988, THE TOWN OF VAIL !{ItL HAVE RIGHT TO USE THE MONEY SPECIFI- CATLY ATLOCATED POR THE INTERIOR WORK TO HIRE A CONTRACTOR OR TOTN OF $BFr{I€1.+l6f+}Pfr+E|.{-fF€M T€,VAIL STAFF TO PERFORIU TIIE WORK. #dft{9.Re+{&el1r vr\ r Ar\rJ ADrnA.Lr r1\\r \Jr r rr-fr rAILr\ r r\\r jJ\Jl flr\& Il\.,,.L v \.,,1.r5 tr I:| r flrr Dr JULY 1, 1988, THE TOT^JN OF VAIL ALSO HAS THE RIGHT TO USE THE MONEY TO CO}IPLETE THE WORK. UPON COMPLETION OF SECONDARY UNIT CONSTRUCTION, CITY INSPECTION AND APPROVAL A CERTIF]CATE OF OCCUPANCY SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY PROPERTY OWNER WITH]N ONE WEEK.) 'WE HER€BY E\GAGE WIIH ORAW€NS AND./OF AONA T]DE HOLO€FS OF AIL OFA'TS DFAWN ANO ADVISING BANKS NOTIFICANON NICOTIAT€D IN CONfOfiMIIY WITI lHE IERMS Of INlSCFEDII ITAI SUCH OFAFTSPRTSENIEOFOS PAY]IIENT AT TFI COUNTEFS OF OUR COLLECIIONS DESK T30o NOFTHPACX C:NT€F. DALLAS TEXAS CN OF AEFORT O'JF CLOSE OF AUSINESS ON TH€ EXPIRY DATI OF THIS LEITEF OF CFEOII W L! BE DULY HONCRED il/ II] N THFE€ BUSINESS DAYS OF THE PBESENTATIOII TF]EREOF WE F!RIHTF ENGACT THA'I ANY O8AFTS ACCEPTED IN ACCOAOANCE WITH THE TEFMS OF THIS LETTEN OF CAEOIT WILL 3E DULY HONOS€O AT MATUBITY ' BY: D 'LYNN IRBY, LOAN OPE"L/20/ 88 Namg and signature of the issuing bank. NORTHPARK NATIONAL BANK PLACE, DATE NAME ANO SIGNATUS€ OF AOVISING AANK FICER NPB 1198 rR 7/351 BENEFICIARY 75 soulh l.ontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl February 1, L988 IvIr. Steve Mann 9601 Dunbreck DriveHuntington Beach, California 97646 Re: Ernployee Housing Agreement, Lot 18A VaiL das Schone #l Dear Steve: r appreciate your pronpt attention to the requirement that yousubmit an emproyee housing agreement for the secondary unit foryour property Lot L8, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing fl. Ihave enclosed the agreement with the revisions that irenecessary. I am sorry that you have to go through thesignature process again, but these additions to €he agreernentare important. If yog_have any questions about the changes, please feel freeto call me. KP: br cc:. Tonnie FergusonHarry cray Sincerely.a ,,,/. | \ )_l \1frun VrltKristan PritzSenior Planner nt/^G /J. , fr,4 raq - SlD. 6 nrL- o Kt ,771 rr',- 1'' frn:d"t "f'!({"onrRAc r o^," //22 ,r,E8 ?,/o? e/rnor-t./,V / / ,'z CO propose to furnish all materials t'\^/ TO and perform all labor necessary to complete the following: labor required to complete the work men- the amount mentioned in o' l,6Fth'e fbove work to be completed in a substanrr and wo ard practices for the sum o Pavments to be mad a: /L as the work progres ses to the value of er cenr (,/OO %) of all work completed. The entire amount of contract to be oaid within days a fter completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above spetifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum men- tioned in this concract. All agreements must be made in writing. Respectfuil bmitted, By CCEPTANC all materials andYou are hereby authorized ro tioned in the above proposal, for said proposal, and according co the ACCEPTED furnish which terms rhereof. Dear Sir: D ate AIGNER FORM NO.55(}7 19 agree to Pay PRINTEE' IN USA 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 7*) offlce ol communlly develoPmenl January 12, L988 Mr. Harry Gray Gray-Stone Construction P.O. Box 72LMinturn, Colorado 81645 Re: Lot 1-9, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing #1, Solution for Secondary Unit Dear Harry: I am asking that you subrnit the following information by January 29th to remedy the problern at the Ferguson reeidence.The issue is that the kitchen has been added and Mr. Dal-tonWillians is living in the unit without the necessary zoning requS-rements being met which would aflow the secondary unit. Please subrnit the following information by January 29, 1-988: L. A signed bid by a licensed contractor whichidentifies the cost of constructing the carport,asphalting the parking lot, and reworking theinterior of the secondary unit so that it meets thesguare footage requirements as outlined in point 3 ofthis letter. In order to speed up the process, I recomnend that you subrnit this information as soon aspossible so that Gary Murrain, Director of theBuilding Department, will be able to review the costsfor their accuracy. 2. A letter of credit or bond should be submitted to cover the costs as identified in the contractorrsbid. The wording for the letter of credit shouldstate that if the interior work on the secondary unitis not cornpleted by March 1, 1988, the Town of VaiIwill have the right to use the noney specifica)-Iyallocated for the interior work to hire a contractoror Town of Vail staff to perforrn the work. The agreernent should also state that if the carport and asphalting of theJuly 1, L988, the use the money to should be signed o parking lot are not completed by Town of VaiI also has the right to cornp)-ete the work. This agreenent by the property or^rners. 3. A building perrnit application and two sets of drawings showing the proposed plan for the kitchen,floor plans for the secondary unit, a plan andelevations for the carport and asphalting should besubmitted. Please remember that the floor plan forthe secondary unit may have a maximum square footageof 892 square feet. Please note that in addition tothe 892 square feet, the zoning code allows for 200 square feet of storage, 50 square feet of mechanical, and 25 square feet of airlock space. 4. An enployee housing agreement signed by the owners ofthe property must be subnitted. I have attached aportion of the zoning code related to lots under 15r000 square feet. Please include the wording inSection 1-8.1-3.O80 IO.A-D which relates to the housincr agreenent. At our meeting on January 7th with Gary Murrain and DaltonWil1iams, I told you that I would look into the possibility ofusing Ordinance 4 r,rhich would allow properties over 5 years oldto add an additional 250 square feet per unit. Unfortunately,after checking the wording of this ordinance, I found that itspecifically states that the 25O square feet may not be usedfor restricted enployee housing units. The secondary unit onthis lot is a restricted employee housing unit, and thereforethe 250 square feet will not be able to be used to solve thesquare footage problen for the secondary unit. If you have any further questions about these conditions,please contact me as soon as possible so that there is no delayin meeting the deadline of January 29th. We have tried to beflexible in allowing even more time than the two weeks as wehad discussed at the rneeting on January 7th, as I feel that you and the owner will definitely try to cooperate and provide thisinformation. This solution has been suggested in order to avoid asking Mr.Dalton Willians to nove out of the residence. The staff doesnot wish to create any undue hardship for hirn. However, $/emust continue to abide by the rules that we a1l agreed to whenwe first started working on this project. I must inforn you that if we do not receive the inforrnationlisted above by January 29, 1.988, we will have no choice but tocite the owner for a zoning code violation. I certainly hopethat this will not be necessarv. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,t/ I n i {ri*l-rlr^. Vr,lLllrlJlLv'\ltrt/Kristan Prit2 Town Planner KP: br cc: Ms. Tonnie FergusonMr. Dalton Willians Mr. Steve Mann o h-L Lrfl 1 .- l, /'v\ eL - I I t-\ ftuq- I\aorr\... tt-Ol D'rNuRdJ-i t'\,,-.J, yr{A', &r,.!'. (A U ll*./i IMPORTANT MESSACE WH]LE YOU WERE OUT |t/t,r-<4/ ,J- >->t o a!-i S f" ,,--- //la TELEPHO N E D PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO gEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL /- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of , 1988, by and between the T0l,lN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, hereinafter referred to as "Vai1," and T.C. Ferguson/Steve Mann hereinafter referred to as Ferguson/Mann. l.lHEREAS, Ferguson/Mann is the owner of the property described as: Lot 19, 81 ock A, Vajl das Schone Filing 1, Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property;" and, I,THEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restri ctions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. NOl.l, THEREF0RE, for Ten Doliars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The secondary employee dwelling unit is located on the first floor of the structure located at 2409 Chamonix, jn the approximate size of 892 square feet. The secondary emp'loyee unit located on the Subject Property shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separate'ly from the primary unit located on the Subject Property for a peri od of not more than twenty years and the life of Trent Ruder, from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second employee unit. 2. The secondary employee unit shal'l not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full- time employees jn the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagie Valley shall be deemed to jnclude the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red C1 iff, Gilman, Eagle-Vai1 and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A ful l- time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval ownership or fractional fee. ' 4. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be ' filed of record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Vail Town Attorney for the benefit of Vail to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. UVAI LU TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Attest:By Ferguson,/Mann STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) couNTY oF oRANGE ) SS. The forego'ing instrument was acknowledged before me this _dayof_an individual . , 1998, by My commission expires: Notary Publ ic Address STATE OF TEXAS ))ss COUNTY OF DALLAS The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this day of My commission expires: Notary Publ ic Address AGREEMENT Tlrls AGREEMEM dared tt" /f day of and between the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, as "Vailrtt and T.C. Ferguson / Steve Mann as Ferguson/I,lann. hereinafter referred to \,?, by referred to WHEREAS, Ferguson/Mann is the owner of the property described as: ,f -,--.4=\' Vail'D, As\Schone FiIing Block'-trr-I--ot 19, ;*-eifEh-Fi+irrg, County oftr_.State of Colorado, I, Eagle I on the Subject Property shall conveyed separately fron the {or o- uUiod"o{ hereinafter referred to as the nsubject property"; and, WHEREAS, VaiI has reguested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. NOw, THEREFORE, for Ten DolLars ($10.00) and ot,her good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledge, the parti[:*i3 .T:":: asree as ro]lovs: 1. 'n" Jff##$#lt,rb-d- a,unitwillffi rn l$C.rr" firsr floordt(e #5iI*r locared ar chanonix 2409, in rhe approxinate size of 89$ seuare feet. Ms rocated transferred or s located on the.rwai d,r,d-lilii{i oi be reasea o,t ,"rl."u$Ifi for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, ,, Utui+fl d\'{ - it shall be rented, it sha1l be rented onry to tenants who are fulI-tine employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The upper Eagle Valley shall be deened to include the Gore Valley, Minturnr Red Ciff, Gilnan, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty soLd r.trT be ,l \a^ o ft n t r^a\r- o ic{re'l-a effect consent 3. until J of Town of restrictions contained b{reLn shall ess edrlier terminated VaiL an roperty Owner Ferguson lhis agre t shall e attached) renain in by nutual. ,/ ttann. BY "Vai1" TOWN OF VAIt, COLOR"ADO Ferguson/Mann Li'-/),, Attest: /,L.e{ STATE OF lly comnission expires: lhryP|ilh4.llloml! ffA'{GE@UNTY r.i 6an Ep, ocr. i9, 1980 -rEln1 STATE OF €*pR@D-Dt)ub COUNTY OF.EhGTE- My coumission ) ) ) ss. ss. Tt was acknowleoged befo thisby T.C. Fergyspn. Steven /Q.t a . r4i COUNIY OF-EreLE "r- lqr/.. uufn"ofo'"n-"*i:.,'"i::"^"lt l33g?'*";;t'un:,9J,".f o,.'"-r;;*", lll: -=: t- --:ZnFbh e-TOWN- OF VAIL+---COLORADOT----arnunicipa}-corporation- ,----for'and on'behalf - of sitj.4--corpo rat-i-on -'_ a.:,-, i.-&c,... rLc.,r, ( f,z1,tc, Address The day of nstrun 'exeiresz $, Address I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated tne l?*a^y or 7" I- , 1988, bv and between the T0tllr.0F VAIL, COLORAD0, hereinafter referred to as "Vail," and T.C. Ferguson/Steve Mann hereinafter referred to as Ferguson,/Mann. l{HEREAS, Ferguson/Mann is the owner of the property described as: Lot 19, 81 ock A, Vai I das Schone Fi'l i ng I , Town of Vai I , County of Eagle, State of Colorado hereinafter referred to as the "subject Property;" and, WHEREAS, Va_il has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. NO}J, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and va1 uable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. The secondary employee dwelling unit is located on the first floor of the structure located at 2409 Chamonix, jn the approximate size of 892 square feet. The secondary employee unit 'located on the Subject Property shall not be so] d, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit located on the Subject Property for a per.i od of not more than twenty years and the life of Trent Ruder, from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second employee unit. 2. The secondary employee unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented on'ly to tenants who are fu] l- time employees in the Upper Eag'le Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shalI be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff' Gilman, Eagle-Vai1 and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full- time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval ownership or fractional fee. 4. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Vail Town Attorney for the benefit of Vai'l to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. The foreqoinq instrument EfiA) a"y of 32.1-ttta-r^l , an individual . 0 STAfe-,o F trl-Oa DA.s+$rE-4F-+g+s ) r' ogrlru{ O}" deenj^oL.F was acknowledqed before m-e this 1988, by -g€a*/x- E2'ta/lrrr) Notary 4a- &- laZo4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this /9 ca.- day of .% 1988, by T.C. Ferguson' an individual My commission expires: WOTARY PUBLIC. s?I\?E O! FfdHID']f;NY CO|/lfiilSSlCN E;i',iREg: JAN. S, 1992.roNoEo l'HRg NOrAfiv puBLtc uHoEnv/htrtfl I ) Address UVAI L" Ferguson/Mann lbv hl o{rlllomia iliIEOOUNTY Lt dtn h. Oor. r9' ro9o 3sa Address 1..I/1 {n, t AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated tne l?FaaY of between the T0l,rli-OF VAIL, COL0RAD0, hereinafter referred to as "vail,,, and T.c. Ferguson/steve Mann hereinafter referred to as Ferguson/Mann. t.lHEREAS, Ferguson/Mann is the owner of the property described as: ' Loi i3, Elock A' Vai I das Schone Fi I i ng 'l , Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado hereinafter referred to as the "subject Property;" and, , 1988, bY and 17704iuiloiI:Yje ..nuii'bti:^''ttkf?'l !,t:e l8 ll rs [H'BU Nt l|lHEREAS, Vail has requested that certajn restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. N0W, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideratjon, the sufficiency of which 'is hereby acknow'ledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. The secondary emp'l oyee dwelling unit is located on the first floor of the structure Iocated at 2409 Chamonix, in the approximate size of 892 square feet. The secondary empioyee unit located on the subject Property shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit located on the Subject Property for a per.iod of not more than twenty years and the Iife of Trent Ruder, from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second employee unit. 2. The secondary employee unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than th'i rty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shal'l be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full- time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Va1 1ey, Minturn, Red Cliff' Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full- time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per weeK. 3. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval ownership or fractjonal fee. N.9 a 4. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall,be filed of record in the office of the Eag'le County Clerk ond Recorder in a form approved by the Vail Town Attorney for the benefit of Vail to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. ? J . The foreqo,ins instrument was acknowledged befole qe this EHJ a"v of 32.?-ttta.t*l , 1988, by '.llfta'<rr-' ftVlatxa) an individual . a c-ourjrr{ of SBeni^olrE couNT+-!0F4iA*45- c') l": The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this /2 a,-, day of % 1988, by T.C. Ferguson, an individual My commission expires: IIIOTARY FUBTId. STATE O.F FrdR'D?$ lrtY COLlllllsSlON Ei{i2iRE9; JAN. 5, 1992.BONOEO 't.Htt|J NOTAsy p!,ELtC Ut{O€RWFtrttp.t Address lTtc Qnttu (/',o-Utr "VAI L.. Ferguson,/Mann ItE f,s.od. 19'rs$Aaa &- laZo4 r€-oF trpoetDA. y;):';ry['[Flo3fi'h'PERMI T PUBLIC SERVED: LOT/q BLoc separate strEEt. ) TO ERECT OR MAINTAII, nreHT_oF_wb tenceIall -7 Lhndscapin[ 7F PROPERTY OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE(If necessary, attach description on Corner lot_ Inside lotX r,1 s DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(s) Iruro RIGHT-OF-WAy C I I/,1,,,1. Lno// =.uAttachplansshowingencroachment,property1ine,sidm meters' manholes' any.other affected apurtLnance in the project area (to sciledimensioned) and section(s) as wel l as' elevations (if apbt iiable). Does structure presently exist? /4 Proposed date for commencement of construction 1. That the structure sively to the land2. That the permit is appl ication. In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,appl icant agrees as fo llows: herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exc'l u-above described. limited specifical'ly to the type of structure described in this 3. That the applicant shal'l notify the Town Manager, or hjs duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of constrirctjon, in ordir that proierinspection may be made by the Town. save harmless the Town of Vail from and losses and expenses 'in any manner resulting erection or maintenance of the above 5. That the permit qay be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazari, or thL property upon wh1chthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required toi- ule Oy the public; - 9! lt lay be,revoked 9! any time for any reason deemed stifficient by the-Town bf Vaii.6. That the applicant wil.l remove, at his Lxpense, the encroachment, o-bstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.7. That. the applicant agrees to ma'intain an! landscaping issociated with the ehcroachmenton the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an assessment against the property and co] |ect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general iaxes are cbtticteA.9- That,the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued solely to the undersignedappi i cant.10. That the appiicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditjons set forthin this application.'ll . Special conditions: DATEgnarure o roper t owners gnatures 4. That the lpRlicant agrees to indemnify andagainst al'l cl aims, suits, damages , cbsts, from, arising out of, 0r connected with theidentified structure. fr/.J lo4 vso.L4't/ /)ot .fd'^o/ Manager E 5 uEE r/|G O O c.gg8 €5'5.,I 6 EE. t9lEob 9-E t..., I 5E s5€ '-LnlN IPNE*' ix5 H$5 Eei_-.__6see -=-d-_------t x-z----gEiE()H F <-E -otr) *Q1--< -.,o {{ 7 {\*a\t,\ v -)\ l-o \.I ,t \ B. i -./ IA tl,t / /rl,/ ,/ v/ 'l\ ,/ ,' ./ tl ,' /' ,r'E:{-fr'l I I I I I I \ I I .9\?iEl 'i.f, tsr l- d: SE(5g Ii$.l ffin" \ I \ ,,,\!r, "k\ or, 'l \r ry--trir:!n':-.---iF:_ Ftiirrtry'.-- - _tr:irtt ' ''t'f l. 'u Project Appllcation o^," '/;'/=' . /E 7 mJ" 1 >, I J/ ,,cJ ,!/, Projeci Name: Proiect Description: Person and Phon6 c/onConlact L Architect, Address and Phone: LosafDescriptiontto, /? ,etocx4 ,rr,nnWt/ <'':'. u'4'"' Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board ".," \A/ lsJtr\ DISAPPROVAL r)mary: - I [',nhl ,-sum D! 6't1 I'\., val.h itt 5 E statt Approval a^ 1\o , cdQ^[d 0arL,r'l; \.,j 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly development December 22, 1987 Mr. Harry Graycray-Stone ConstructionP.O. Box 72LMinturn, Colorado 91645 RE: Ferguson Carport, Lot L9, Blk A,Review Board Approval Vail Das Schone, Design Dear Harry, On Decembgr l-6 | !987, the Design Review Board gave finalapproval to the Ferguson carport with the following conditions: L. A Revocable Right-of-way permit nust be submittedbefore a building pernit will be released. 2. The swale at the access point into the carport areamust be maintained along Chamonix Road. 3. The driveway must be asphalted. 4. There wirr be a quarter inch per one foot pitch on the. roof. 5. lhe columns for the roof are frush with the retainingwaIls. 6. The roof material is tar and gravel . 7. The roof must also be flush to the retaining wall sothat no space exists bethreen the roof and theretaining wall. 8. Dar\ gray-trin to natch the existing structufe will beused on all the wood for the coverea parkin{structure rf you have any further questions please feer free to calr ne. Sincerely, v. l o.\ I\tfiqn {nT{Kristan Pritz Town Planner Jlt NAME O; PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol Iowing Board before A. BUILDING Ccfi "ta- information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MTERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review D COLOR lr\-, lc,/ t/Roof Si di ng Other l,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'ils Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers..; IoveU . " PLANT IIIATERIALS: Botanical [qqe Cormon f'la1nq Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. \ rdun^',n {lu nqdv,ol*'U i,.'r-: .: i- r'.r i il f: : .,. , ,l' .1.:cug ,40/g :wtffiri* __-._r_ LOJ t9 .. WINDOW l WINNW WELL \_-- ..,- .._/ ./,/,/-/\ - ,/' -/'#;/'. .r6vrrA. .// ('^ {i* .ry/,R --'r' - '' ;r666"ry-t o^ , BLOCK ? 'tr-"-r I ( GRAVEL PARKING - "'' I .,..ffi '--':,7- / - -.'- -.//,/\..\-_-... '['tutuo WALLS .-- ./7 )'/ -/ ,'- ," ,' t---..- --t' _----.\\\ \ futnrt -]J i'; I i : o D boyle grqlne€{ Ing. rrc 143 e mecxjcr// dr surte n, 10 crGsrocx-ls srr)pptr€ center \^crl. colo.odo 81657 3[,3/476-2170 | ,r,V {/ ,1n'to&c\ I ll1'tt lo porvfil )tt? 1,. '- -, 1.- q t ivl or'l 1'> ,'rgi' ff- I '1 4*4 g.f-t hr'I I ; Itlz ratvr I IT FJ I i,,,i,4 l*F j lti llllti J--lliitirri trl!o.u > lra IJ Wl'f_ J*f /,i>A f'rrn ,a'.,t; L r'1 4, I v,t.'Ll t,l, i,, ( 1...J' ,/ {-'- i A 4 ') | f )J,/ | V ,.'&lt\n I r /l,i ... --) | ,t>i?V;,vi (/1 'vul- it'{f.;i),-t,* f'A'r f N .- L/lbf)si<-,t LJr>v-"' -sT"':*.'--\' + / l(t 11'+- -r-- .. t- --mlilIi ,,].,J''rl I li4.i1lll f{ IL-r I\-/ | rtt 'I t l/)( | | v,,t t/'( r't '. l:,:^+ -;t-?',aN"p. , oI Ooi/le engtnee( rr'. rrc 143 e rneoood dr surle n-10 crossroods slrcpptr€ c€r.ltef rorl. colorodo 81657 w3/476-2170 /IJl f,vt+tt{4 rq/e ...1. , t;,-'7gtw ttt 1Z 4,L ..28+-l74rlteYl,L -, t{arlt\ltLV urb lz"4 rrrvF y' tfrrtlH frgr l''L'( tA*ts" ,.1o'' lrvvt;v- lJl 46Y' II lo a.u ' '4lO vJrvt 1.. rt. ol. p, lie 11, L ll e /,/ u,r ,+f Iy ft l--.--" Y"ut(' lIrFfil-- t- .r -fr r ,/f-FilLf .. LflftLp ,zxr,tpautr (r,,ii1.;flr-t /r1 T tAN f - .)4"7 t'-.ot .l.i''''' (v ab ?4 pF4,L lrftor, ,..----I'rV -4trht* g' .,,' +{ v v. yl i 22'',c'l .zl - L .-.) t/C-. ?-- rlB' .i + Yffd)+rN f,,-'iriN; ,uT ,i'1i ?ltrcY F , f ivi Vi''' i | 'J i'-t-, 4c, HO *L , ": f (i. ll 1.., 1 f \.",-i IYl I t-/ tj ti , f.) l-J ,2 l, lj r'l- I ,!,rtLCF hflO SZ or Tpa ( . -'.' tif, ; 'lorur 9- l4rj 'r s PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI,IMISSION November 23, 1987 STAFF PRESENTPRESENTJ.J. collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy osterfossSid Schultz ABSENTilfr-vfele The rneeting was called to order Donovan. Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Rick Py1nan Betsy Rosolack 1. by the Vice-Chairman, Diana est to rezone a portion of Pulis Ranch Sunburst at 1785 Sunburst Dr from Low Densit MuIt eF to sinqle F lv Residential zone. Appr cant:and Company Peter Patten gave the staff presentation. He showed a plat rnap and site plan and stated that the staff recommended approval . Abe Shapiro made a brief statement as the applicant. Bryan Hobbs moved to recomrnend approval per the staff menro and seconded the motion. The vote was 6-0 in favor. est for side and front setback variances on Lot l-9 Block A, Vai.I as Schone S v]-sJ-on Fil order to build cover arK].nq. Applicant: Tonnie Ferguson Kristan Pritz explained the request and presented the zoning analysis. She then reviewed the criteria and findings. Discussion of the structure followed. J.J. collins rnoved to approve the reguest per the staff rnemo with the finding that there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The vote was 6-0 in favor. The PEc asked staff to pass on to the DRB their concern that the materials and design of the covered parking be looked at closely. 3.A request to applv the parkinq District zone to a trianqular parcel of land bounded on the north and The applicant asked to table this iten until Decernber Schultz rnoved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to table. I'IaS 6-0. west b Breakaway West condominiums, and on the south b e North Frontaqe Road. Applicant: William Fleischer r-4. sid The vote 4. A reque-st for a conditional use perrnit in order to place Kristan Prit-z explained that this request was for five yearsinstead of only one year. J.J. Collins felt that an annualreview was appropriate and the PEc should have the flexibilityto review any changes in the situation and add additionalrestrictions, if necessary. Peggy felt that in light of theWorld races corning in 1-989, it was important to see how thiswould fit into larger parking plans along with the addition ofa swimrning pool at the park. Bryan asked if a conditional usecould be revoked at any time and was told it could be, then hestated there was no reason not to give a 5 year approval . Sid agreed with J.J. and Peggy, as did Parn. Diana stated thatoriginally the parking on the upper bench at Ford park was tobe for special events only. She felt that having a parking loton the upper bench only encouraged locals to drive their carsto VaiI instead of taking the bus. She felt it looked tackyand cheap, and pointed out that this was supposed to be openspace. Kristan stated that the Town of Vailrs original intentfor the parking area was to provide parking for special eventsand overflow parking. A secondary use as an eurployee parkingIot developed over the past two years and had not, been antici-pated by the Town. Diana felt ernployees should ride the bus. Peggy felt this parking lot helped the small business owner whocould not afford to buy a parking pass for their employees. J.J. repeated the reguirement for an annual review. peter saida five year approval could be given with an annual review inwhich case if the conditions change, it could be called up forpublic review. Diana felt approval one year at a time wouldkeep everyone on their toes. Peter preferred to see a fiveyear approval with annual reviews. Kristan suggested havingthe review in Septenber to give time for any needed changes tobe made. J.J. moved to approve the request for a five yearconditional use perrnit with three conditions: 1. A representative of the Town of Vail would presentthe PEC with the plan each year no later than l_O/l_5. 2. If the Town of Vail does not conduct a review withthe PEC each year by tbe above date, the parking willnot be approved. 3. The Planning Conmission can rnodify, anend, deny orapprove the conditional use permit. Pam Hopkins seconded the motion and the vote was 5 in favor and 1 (Diana) against. Pam Hopkins volunteered to be the PEC representative to DRB for January and February and Diana Donovan volunteered to be the PEC representative for March and April. Ommitnent To Insure ALTA Commitment- 1 970 Hev MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE C0MPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee 0f the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A. upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount oI the policy or policies commifted for have been inserted in Schedule A hereol by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. Ihis Commrtment is preliminary to the issuancs of such poliry or policies ol title insunnce and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue. whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the tault ol the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPUI,ATIONS 1 . The term "mortgage", when used herein. shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knor,vledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liabilig for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by lailure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knorivledge ol any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incuned pursuant to paragraph 3 ol these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form o{ policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the poliry or policies committed for and such liability is subject t0 the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed lor in favor ol the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Sti0ulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown bythe public records. 3. Oiscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the p u blic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, la bor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects. liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other mafters, if any, created, first a ppea rin g in the public records or attaching su bseq u ent to the effective date hereof but p rior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHERE0F, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when c0untersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TTTLEI\ l4lo*^ "--.- 0 Sh-J- Authorized Signatory TIM Form 2582 -A/,.-{ _,g:f,-=_ Seuetary l9z4'9ll 199t8 of, 'l!e^ lge xo€ 'o'd '/rA PPod a6eluo.ll qlnos 80 t 006t- t ?8 t0108 of 'ralred urew rsel 06961 6? l0-tr91 ectol Otr 'uuel6t{lroN 0zz allns lea.rls luerg 066 t t 0998-886 9gz0s of 'Poo/v\3le'l 9t I allns tluo^ sPeAA 'os 609t l I r8-u ez I tz08 of, 'Poo,r\3l e'l laorrs 6urldr) 0tl 9160-U 8f 96908 Of, 'sutllol pol 102 at!ns anua^v a6allof, 's 0000 t 9za-9t 199t8 0) 't!en l9g xog o'd '/v\ peod aoeluorl qlnos 80t ]]IINVUVflE31lll CrlVl 9696{./l Zt tog Ol ,poor\€l6ul alrrf, ^lloH qlnos t 999 0989-t?C lOClg Of, 'o6uern6' enue^v ulew tozl e9e6'tzt lzz08 of, ,ra^uao PrP^alno€ Poo,v\uear9 ettg ozzo'6Lt /9208 of, 'J€^uao srtnl lsel 616l l0e ellns z €reld Prolues 0881-1Ze l lz0g ol ,la^uaQ 0?t9 xo€ 'o 'd rz8?-re9 e0609 Of 'sBuHdS opeJolof, qrlesqe/s quoN zlz 89e9-889 10108 o) ,)t]od 3ltsP3 xorli^ zt9 992,2-t9' ?etog Ol 'aoplrualrer€ 08zz xo€ 'o 'd a6Prd qtroN ooa LOtt-v?, 10808 otr 'rePlnoS tesrrs qr00 0l8l gee'-t 9t ? 1008 otr ,e.rornv 90t allns "PU relred 'os 00es ttzo-ozr A0009 Of 'epsruV P€ou PJel 0tt9 :10 agg eg q6ruq pansl Vj,,.,, AN\tt^too omsul ol ilrousrururo:l VIOS]NNIW ALTA ':I:'MNITI-4ENT SEHENULE A Appl icatiorr N*. v11?4S-3 F r-, r' I rr f,: r' nra t i o n flrrlrr - l:har'ses - ALTA OWNER PL]LII-]Y Al ta Lerrder P,r I i cr Tax tl:ertif . Errdrsmt * lOO. O{t Errdrsrrt # :131. 1 Errdrsmt * 1OO. ??_-TTITAL-- $.5("r-1. OO $40. oo $5. OO $2C1. {,0 $10. {J0 $56. O0 $691. O{J With voun rerrittance please refer t,: Vl1248-3, 1. Ef f ective ftate: Clct{,ber. tlt*, 1?87 at S! CIC} A. M. 7. Fol icies to be issued, arrd prnp,:sed Irrsur'ed: "ALTA" 0urrers"F F(, I icY For-m B-11?70 (Anrerrded 10-17-7r]) Prr-,posed Irrsur'ed: STEVEN MANN arrd CATHERINE C. MANN "ALTA" Loarr Pfi l i c\" ( 1?7O Revis ion ) !b159,000. oo !s 135, 15c1. 00 Fr.c, p,l se d I rrsured: FIISTER FIORTSAGE tr!:IRPBRATIfTN, Its Successc,rs Arrd/Fr Assisrrs 3, The estate or irrterest in thr.- I arrd descr'ibed ,r r' r€f erred to irr this f:ornmitnrent and cnvered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate ar inter.est cever.ed her'e irr is at the effective date heresf vested in: ALEERTO I,IARTINEZ-VARA PAFE 1 ALTA CI:t MMITMENT S*HETIULE B-? (E:lceptic,rrs) Appl icati*rr Nc,. V1124fl-3 The p*l icv c,r' p,r I icies t,r he issued uil I contain ex,:eptians ta the f al I *trri rrg urrless the sanre are dispnsed c,f to the satisfacti,rrr c,f t he f:*nrpanv: 1. Starrdar'd Escertic,rrs l thrarish 5 printed cn the Icrver sheet. ts. Taxes and assessments rrr.rt r'€t drte ,:, r' parab I e and spec ial assessmrrnts rrot ret cer'tif ied ts the Tr'easurer's rf#ice. 7. Arr'r unpaid ta>res {'r assessmerrts asairrst said land. 13. Lierrs f r-,r' unpaid ulater arrd seu.ler' charses' if anr. E!. FITiHT C'F PROPRIETflR DF A VEIN OR L':IBE TTI EXTRAI::T ANTI REMCIVE HI-.J BRE THEREFRCII"I E;HBULN THE SAME BE FflUNN TTt PENETRATE CIR INTER:JEI::T THE FREMISES A5 RESERVETI IN UNITEN STATES PATENT RECORT'EF ArJgr.ISt 1I, l:?L]O' IN BCII]I,i 4E AT PAL1E ?36. THE EXISTENCE CIF THE I'IINERAL EXtrEFTION ANEI/TIR RESERVATIBN FiHIII"'N A=; ITEI'I P' SEHET'ULE F-?, WILL NI]T AFFET.:T TIUR ABILITY TD ATTA']H I:DLI:'RADI:' ENTILIRSEI{ENT NO. lf.'C,.?9 TCI fiUR !II"INER.'S ANN HfrRTISAGEE"S FNLI':Y I^'HEN I:3€iUETt, II1. RE';TRICTIVE IOVENANTS, I"'HI*H BD NI:IT I:I]NTAIN A FIRFEITURE LIR REVERTER I::LAUSE' FUT C'MITTINC RESTRII::TI|fN5, IF ANY' BASEN fIN RAI:E' CT.]LOR, RELIISII:IN' 'JR NATIfiNAL r:'RIfiIN, AS |:ONTAINEn IN INETRUHENT RE|_:':'RBEn ,-lul y (t7, 1?6.5, IN BOBI{ 1?O AT FAGE 559 ANn AS APlENtrEt' IN INE;TRLIPIENT RECfiRt'En Har ??' 11?69' IN BI]I]I{ 2I2 AT FAEE B?? ANTI RE-REI:OREIEII ..IUNE 1'7, I?/:B IN BCIIJH ?1? AT PA6E:?66 ANTI A$ AMENNETI IN INSTRUI4ENT RECORBEEI FET.rr:Ar.r !6, 1P'/CIZ IN BfiNF: 7T7 AT PAEE 7S, (1 1.'I AN EAE;EMENT ANf' RICiHT I:IF hIAY FIVE FEET IN WITITH ALTINCi ALL SITE FI:IUNI'ARIE5 './ FI]R U5E BF UTILITY SERVIEE LINES AND FFR THE I::I:IN:3TRI.h::TI[N, ERECTII]N ANN MAINTENANCE THEREC'F, INSTRUMENT REI:'IREIEEI *IULY 7" 1765 IN FI:'B}{ lPO AT PAGE 5=p. 1?.) UTILITY EASEI,IENT EEVEN FEET IN WITITH ALCING THE I^IE:ITERLY LTIT LINES I:tF..,--l SUBJE':T PRIFERTY A$ sHoI4N BN THE REC0RTIED FLAT t:'F A RE';UBTIIVI,;ION I:'F VAIL t'A$ s*HCINE NCr. 1. PAL1E 4 ALTA t:: t:t I-4 I,I ITMEN SCHETIULE B-2 (E:lceptions) Appl icatiarr Nc'. V11248-t 13. ENf,RI]Af,HI-IENT CIF IiRAUEL PARF;ING ANN ERAVEL NRIVEI,IAY FNTff trHAI"IONIX ROATI A.; SHOWN L.IN INFRCIVET"IENT LI:'CATI':IN TERTIFI*ATE BY EAGLE VALLEY EN!:iINEERINCi E{ SURVEYINI:I' INf,. NATEN MAY 1:-1' 1:?87. 14. TERI,IT:, I::INNITINNS ANTI PRL.IVISIIIN'; I]F THE WEST VAIL FAVING A65E$SI'IENT N|]TE: UP']N EVITIENI:E SATIEFAI:TI:IRY Tfi THE f,IJMPANY THAT SAIN A:3'SES:IMENT HA::: BEEN PAIT' IN FULL SAIN EXTEPTI|]NS I^IILL BE NELETETI. ITEf.Ii; 1, ? AND 3 BF THE STANNARN EXI]EPTII:IN.B I^'ILL BE T'ELETEN FRfiM THE I-ICIRTIJAISEE"S TITLE PI:ILI':Y UPNN FEEEIFT FF A SATISiFAI:TBRY IMPRTVEI'IENT LI:II-:ATIBN SURVEY, NEITE! :3AIN SURVEY I'IIJ:3T SET flUT THE EASEMENTS ::iET FTIRTH IN E;CHEBLILE B-T HERETN. PLEA:3E PROVINE LANTI TITLE IJUARANTEE T:TI]'IFANY I",ITH THE NAME t]F THE SURVEYING T:|II"IFANY ANN WE WILL $ENTI CI]FIES CIF THE NET:E:{.qARY T'I:'I:UI'IENT5. FORT'I lOO WILL BE ISSUEN BASETI UPNN THE I::EI"IFANY"S REVIE',, OF THE :iURVEY AS SET FTIRTH ABOVE. NOTE: IF THE II'IFRtrVEI"IENT LOI::ATIEN SURVEY I5 NI:IT REI::EIVETI BY LANN TITLE GUARANTEE I:']HFANY IN SUFFICIENT TI].IE TE REVIEW ANT' ENTII]RFE THE T-:EMFIITHENT PRIOR TO trLCISING, AIIIIITIffNAL EXtrEFTIONS TI:t THE FI:ILII]Y CSULN FE EXT:LUNEII FRCIH FI:IRI'4 lCI(' L]I:IVERAGE. ITEI'I 4 I^IILL EIE TIELETEN FRBM f'IFRTIiAEEE"E FI:ILII:Y UFfiN ftECEIPT I:IF A i-ATISFAIIIfiRY LIEN AFFIITAVIT. I::':ILflRANI] ENTIi:IR$EI'IENT FI]RI'4 I*1.1, hJILL FE ATTAI::HEN TI:I F{NRTI:iA[iEE"5| TITLE PBLII:Y I^IHEN Is*UEN. FAIJE 5 TO: FROM: DATE: Planning t rnurronmental Commission Community Development Department November 23, 1987 ILot 19 has a lot size of"8,921 .9 square feet which allows for atotal GRFA of 2.237 square-ffi The secondary unit is allowed to be up to 40% of the allowable GRFA which is 892 square feet. SUBJECT: Request for front and sjde setback varjances for coveredparking in order to add a secondary unit on a lof less than 15,000 sguare feet, on Lot 19, Block A, Vajl das Schone Subdivision Fif ing No. l. Appl i cant: Tonnie Ferguson I. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The app'l icant would ljke to add a secondary dwelling unit to anexisting residence on a Primary/Secondary lot that is less than 15,000 square feet. The Primary,/Secondary zone distri ct alIowsfor a secondary dwelling unit on a lot under 15,000 square feet under certain conditions. One of the conditions stjpulates that 50% of the required parking be enclosed. Due to thjs requirement, the applicant has proposed to build a carport in an existingparking area to meet the enclosed parking requirement. The proposed carport would be built entjrely within the exist.i ng cribbed area currently used for park.i ng. * In this situation, the staff feels that a carport meets the'intent of enclosed structured panking, as the cars are screened from above by a roof and on two sides by retaining wal1s. The requested setback variances incluqe: Front (South): 14' -8" encroachment, maintains 5'-4" from thefront property line (20' front setback requ j red ) Side (}Jest): 3' encroachment, maintains 12' from the westproperty line (15' side setback requ'i red) II.ZONING ANALYSIS *F.iii GRFA Primary Unit 1,718 sf Secondary Unit 840 sf Existing GRFA over allowable, 327 sf Park i ng Required: 4 spaces (2 spaces must be covered) III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the municipal code, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures jn the vjcin'ity. The surrounding area is primari ly residential . In addition, most of the parking is located in the publ ic right-of-way or in front setback areas for these properties. The proposed carport will be an improvement to the generai appearance of the neighborhood by partial 1y enclosing the parked cars. Neighbors' views from above and to the west of this property will be'improved, as the cars wjll be shielded from view by the roof of the carport. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified requlation is necessary to achieve compatibilitv and uniformity o treatment amo tes in the vicinitv or to atta n the t grant o rivil The Primary/Secondary regulations governing lots under 15,000 square feet state: "That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or landscaping, site development or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual appearance of the si te and surround ing area; . . . rl Staff believes that the proposal does improve the visual appearance of the sjte and is therefore warranted. It should be noted that the present slope on the front portjon of the'l ot is 30% which would allow for the garage to encroach into the front setback. However, an existing parking area has been built whjch means that the slope beneath the carport is not 30% due to the construction of the parking area. The applicant does deserve some relief from the strict interpretation of the front setback requirements due to the existing siope condition. In respect to the side setback vari ance, an existing retaining wall already encroaches into the side setback. The column supporting the two western corners of the carport will encroach 3 feet into the side setback. This encroachment is actually less than the existing retaining wall. Relief from the setback requirement is appropriate given the fact that the encroachment is minimal and the exist'i ng retaining wa11 encroaches even furtheli nto the setback than the proposed col umn. The effect of the uested variance on li ht and ai r stri but transpo trafacilitiesacilitut safety. There are no significant effects on any of these issues. IV.APPLICABLE POLICIES FROM VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Community Actjon Plan: Community Design: No. 3. The Town of Vajl range plans to meet needs hous i ng . Land Use Plan: Goal s: 5.3: 6 6. should make long- for employee Affordable employee housing should be made avajlable through private efforts, assisted by ljmited incentives, provided by the Town of Vai1, with appropriate restrictjons. The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Addjtional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. l, Such other factors and cri teria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed varjance. FINDINGS The Plannjng and Environmental Commission shalI make the folIowing findings before granting a vari ance: That the granting of the vari ance will not constitute a grant of special privi lege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classjfied in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrjmental to thepublic health, safety or welfare, or materially injuri ous to properties or improvements in the vjcjnity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretatjon or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical djfficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sjte of the varjance that do not apply generally to other propertjes.i n the same zone. The strjct interpretation or enforcement of the specified reguiation would deprive the appl icant of pr.i vileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same d.i strict. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the two setback varjances. The Planning Commissjon has reviewed two requests for this property toobtajn a variance from the required covered parking requ.i rementfor a secondary unit. The staff and PEC's denial of the twoprevious covered parking varjance requests was based on the opinion that covered parking could be provided on this lot with reasonable setback variances. This appticant has made the effortto try to incorporate covered parking onto this site in a way that has the least impact on adjacent properties and the neighborhood.It is staff's opinion that this proposal js consistent with thestaff's objectives to encourage enclosed parking facjljt.ies. The appljcant js also able to meet the parking requirement (4 spaces) for the proposal on her property. In addjtjon, the staffbeljeves that it is positive to encourage this type of disbursed employee housing as Iong as the special criter.i a for'l ots under 15,000 square feet is met. The owner has agreed to meet all of these requirements. For these reasons, staff recommends approvalof the request. 869 "00" _i,:r fi] i: "e EitoJ/, 'i-f ip {I t>LV ,.i 7 ? o6/o/ (4 I tt'f / rll) 18. t --t Q N{o'+o''\ffia=7o'e4 o== )-t \oserrALrl io, IX l 0t\M I ndao (50') CHA ilOTICE: Accordlng to C.lorrdo llrr you rrust cofl|encc rnv leorl actlon brsed upon any dcfect In thls surY"y iiirrin"itt."" yerrs after'you firit dlscover such d'fcct' ln no ayent, rnay any actlon based upon such defect-ln thls Survey be comrrnced fore than tcn years troD tnc drtr of the certlflc.tlon shqn hercon. _ __._ _./---___-;r-- __--/ -/'/ .a- -=- \ I t {mgsonl -&rrr'E SCALE:'l4a i'D APPROV€D 8Y:ORAWN BY DArE: ll - ,+ -bl TEVI5E D bt t1 , Bssx- A , +iUrrrt4 t+t :.:- y'erl -D*+ $:+q,tg ,'VAIL , CC ly, Ew*nx ) F tl-d- ara b* r' ... r.D.|l ,4.. lfn Drrn r.- rin. e0th.t 'r Gtotrrr.r!r.i Attffo nilliEt-Yll^ ..tL C.unlt 6{ fffSdrx-.ulPrt' Colclr& ab.tn.rtr. teariatr|ibt tACr r 0:r lt l_. 2l0f Gltnnlr lold , Yrll. Coloerdo llllt .rr87 ?89ltr r*t gltlt tt'tilAtl Jlf$#'*|fi'ffiiil * cAnilrr G' rr' * Jolnt t||ritr*-*l'-. ffil,H$fi:"fl'L"'ott"t"t ' , . r ||r9 r. rtCCr(&th l0 r lt'tl ?ltXtttttll. rh.l rb '... t'rtt '|f rh""ti l,.rl for'? rn"'rrir'l'rrr,r'Jri!"irn"'' ' C ilm. 'F't tt* n'Fil' tp 0/too-_----,--($59,0O.00)---.---rxrLLAu Lc:lt.aJrdr.l||.Llt'{i'ldt?'iift'tolhrr'dl{rlf"tr|?frirtr{rlrrrlrrndt"lhtth'dit'?rb"trh' rrrra Frr.lht rr..ita tftttr rt r"t " iti'nit'J tu'' t"f 't''*ur-l' h" lr'rlFl' Irrrrtr.l{' "&l m' c{rrtd 'L b fba ta nra i.tr tlt ' bt3'ln n'll' conrA "i rohfrt|n t|nt'r ihr r'l'l FrrtFr t'f {'i!'nl Ftl tit" Htr 'i' r.|i. brv.r. ... h *.,*, ,n --n"'i'u;;;;;;;;';l "' ' he tdlilffd ' r"'" "n ...J:;H* . .i*tflf'lfietTl i'F*ur' rtci'61'ut t t -D'! ^3cl9f r| | rr r' r I rcccdlrn to ttt ,*o-i';i;i-itirrot' coontv of t$!r' lt'tr 0r tlfftlSl t|rh rll .d 'r'aul'r tt'' h"?in'hthlt 'n'l rDt{rttnr|lt' rh"tlir' ttk'iGi3' h xtlrt ||ttF |Jrar3 |.a rh. r.r.!trl"n '.|' ttr'rt!'ni 'rr|rr rrle' rnd tttnr|ndttr' rtnr ' ltrutr rnl ftfltr fl!||L! L { 'lt .adr, r| t, rrtL. rht....r., f]nr rnc 'r"trtr*l tfitr*' t" "f rf'' r.rd D'rlt '{lht trt }"t' tltlttr5h.''qi"'Lli rJotJ rr".t trtr.rn'd tre'i -r' Irth ih? hr'"drtrnrr.rrlr rnrl 'Futltn'nnl t0 tlTt lr-ll tu ||l"'" "* -r.r ;;;;-: tl'rrr hrrll'P'l ro'l 'n rtrH' rrth rh" rgrerlt'rnl' r"t ltr ld F lb.raih''! ,ndPrtt.rhqf n' '' rn't 'r''{n" t"r'"'r lnirhr'rrdt"lr"ltlwtrr'rD"l'fth|''.'t'LL'lt .r..r.r.o..n.l r.l rr,,t,,', r.,,u .. u'." ''''l''*;;;;"t "" tln rn'l rtr?? to r'!l r rrt' tht 'xd Ftt't t' tL t'' Ftt' lldr lrt[ rnd D.rt'r.. lh.t rl tl'r I InF '{ t h' rn " rlrn' rx'l {'hrtr' rr th" F r'rlr' h' |. rtl tdtt"rtt Flr- rLvo alivttr.l .r rt |!rrl. 'ur' Fr l! l rhnn'rlr r'r't lrxLtr"rblt "'trti d Inhtrltrn|.'' rn lrr' rl fro lftb' rd llf lgi rflrf. lull F,rrr en'l trrfur rrrr rr"rrrr t(' Ir rxt' l'rr"ln i'll rn'l .|,nt?t lht "trt' ra ar*r r.. hf Jtlfil -#ft .ll*itt'ro*rg*ir*xtin*'tnt*f'm'o- rtd rl* rh,rr l'art||rrP'l t'rr'rr"'t\ rt' I luFl rrr'l lpo"fir'l' li'"r "r"r',,1 th' .!,.1 r,rrlFr d ih. ciri' fJt f b :r,::" iil.1.:'il:1,::::;,::;;,;'r, ',.i;:;,;;;j.;',. . ',"' ' '"::: r:'::t:,':::j"":'j,,ffi1;,r:i;-, ",*' " ,-' t .hrll rn'a rrll l'AllA!{t A'iD lrrl\|ut(lrrnnr,t'tl"'lrrr"lh'rlt"l''nLrrrirtllnrr"rthrr|."llr"tlt'lrl'?rI'lIrrl..r-.-r.-rr',nluJIr||r tl'rtxl llt'l'lur'r tlP'r'tullt irll lht utt d'rt tt|ll'l Frtl:f t:lt trl:l l:\ D I ht {n,or'rr "'rrr'l rr 'h{ll rrn l' } tlrr l l'r'xl r lt' STAiI:.rf I I rl r rll llrr I ,1. .' i 1..,,111,,1 ElGtt I aott Gtobrr ILlet.3,vf lr|J{t'ri' r|t r r' r' rr"r 'r rltl'l l{ 1"r "' ' ' ''' l:' u tllrr Golrlct. .. ..-#r"iii"ilii lot llberto lldritrr'ufr \ '' r''l \\ ' " |e"'hr ' '-::-')/Ir l ,,mrrr'\.r," rrlrrr I -- tot25l87 .. 4L,utdu_)l- I :l S. ala. Cala?rrlll lALl^ill lrl I lr,. lo lo'r' v-u2f8 v t lL'18 I NTEP.- DEPARTHENTAL REVI El^l PROJECT: DATE SUBI4ITTED: COI.'rI,IENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: C ,..o 76 7V/t--24,'/ € €elt..r,lr,rs E, "a- ac /-'/ey @ Prkt,^,a- /"1 €/kic( 4-'o Revierved av: Rfr oateJ/j-A/AZ_ Conments: / / fuQ DATE PUBLIC HEARING $ t.t'lC€ t9<aos S 4cc€SS Petz- rrttz Fd^a €x / S 7/^r e ?-v,*<- cs . t/J EX t s/,/.!( Lo T .:/€7 ? 7. Pao/oSeE e4,.',rtF o^/Lr @ pe,.t,ue ? G) *// ,,t-r --z z(a @<7 .S4yS':?' a-J.n *.,..,-. .r.o,,r4, /&L tlft & urpr,4'ry - rys a' ou.-a' 2€4^J 74€ ftapz P,.o?."., 1tu4. =oo ,o 14€ ? st/otto gd FIRE DEPARTNENT ,,rz ae-z+ s-. s, K,+ cz .7o .*/6,/e ,^r €^r<,.4+<,ra.;N7- Reviewed by: Conments: Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed.by: Cor--i,ents: UBLIC Date o Ktr /s/4^) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning "Q rnurronmental Commission Community Development Department November 23, 1987 cove red less than Schone I -t n tt. Bapplicant would like to add a secondarv dwelling utrit to an *\htsl\'/t ----- for a secondarv dwellino unit on a 'l ot under 15-000 souare feat Primary unit on One of econd Secon a lot the secondary dwelling certain conditions. the r rki ary zone djstrjct allows under 15,000 square feet nditions stipulates thathis requirement, o t-k\w Request for front and side setback variances forparking jn order to add a secondary unit on a lot 15,000 square feet, on Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Subdivision Filing No. I. Appl icant: Tonnie Ferguson I.DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED ror a under 50t' of e app cant has propo to build a 'i n an existing irement. I&parki ng area to meet the enclosed parking carport would thin existi * In this situation, the staff feels that a carport meets theintent of enclosed structured parking, as the cars are screened from above by a roof and on two sjdes by retaining wal ls. The requested setback varjances jnclude: Front (South): 14' -8" encroachment, majntains 5'-4" from thefront property line (20' front setback requj red) Side (West): 3' encroachment, maintains 12' from the west property line (15' side setback required) II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot 19 has a lot sjze of 8,921.9 sguare feet which allows for atotal GRFA of 2,23I square feet. Tle secondary unit is allowed to be up to 40% of the allowable GRFATfiftfi- rs square feet. GRFA Primary Unit 1,718 sf Secondary Unit 840 sf Existing GRFA over allowable, 3?7 sf Parki ng ,/n...Required: (tsp9(2 spaces must be covered) III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the municipal code, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: The relationshjp of the requested variance to other exjstjng or potential uses and structures in the vjcinity. The surrounding area most of the parking In addition, ffii e proposeq canport will be an improvement to the generai appearance of the neighborhood by partial 1y enclosing the parked cars. fNeighbors' views from above and to the west of this property {wi11 be improved, as the cars will be shielded from view by fthe roof of the carport. The deqree to which relief from the strjct and literal 'i nterpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibiI ity and uniformity of treatment among sites jn the vicinjty or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special ,privi lege. The Primary,/Secondary regulations governing lots under 15,000 square feet state: "That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or 'l andscaping, site development or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual Staff believes that the oroposal does improve the visual appearance of the site and is therefore warranted. It should be noted that the present slope on the front portion of the'l ot is 30% which would allow for the garage to encroach into the front setback. However, an existing parking area has been built which means that the slope beneath the carport is not 30% due to the construction of the parking area. The appli.ant does Ceserve s the strict interpretation dGT-o-the ndi ti on. In respect the side setback vari ance, an existing ret tback of th rDort wil s encroachmen s surrounql ng are3 ; encroach to o tern corners wall. Relief from the setback requirement is appropriate given the fact that the encroachment is minimal and the existing retaining wal l encroaches even furtheri nto the setback than the orooosed column. The effect of the requested varjance on ljght and air,distribution of population. transportation and traffjc c---:-saTery. There are no significant effects on any of these issues. IV. APPLICABLE POLICIES FROM VAILIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Community Action Plan: Community Design: No. 3. The Town of Vail should make long- range plans to meet needs for employee hous i ng. Land Use Plan: Goals: 5.3: Affordab'l e employee housing should be made avajlable through private efforts '| imited incentivesl-provided by the Town of Vajl,.. : :wi tn-appropri ate restri ct i ons. 5.5:The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Addjtional employee . housing needs sheuld be attgmmodat=it-rt-mTie4sites throughout the communij!.y. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems appl icable to the proposed varjance. V. FINDINGS findings before granting a viriance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties classifjed in the same district. That the granting of the variance wi'l I not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety or welfare, or material 1y injurious toproperties orimprovements jn the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reas0ns: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thjs title. There are exceptjons or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propertjes jn the same zone. The stri ct interpretatjon or enforcement of the sDecified regulation would deprive the applicant of pri vileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Vi. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the two setback variances.Ee.-Planninq Commis qbr@'ln a variance from the required covered parking requirement s qen la I or Ineprevious covered parking variance requests was based on the opinion rhat covered parlring cculd hp provideC on this Int witl reasonabl e setbac ed parkin effortin a way Eh'at has the least impactIt is staff's opinionstaff's objectives to properties and the neighborhood proposal is consjstent wjth the enclosed parkjng faci I ities. on adjacen that this encou rage ,lt employee housing as long as the specjal cri for lots under II owne r agreed to meEfa f ese requi rements.For th reasons. s FeE6ffiends approvalofttrs-F6q-feFfr- <4 ,grrhan ar ,1A3$,k *e{ -uuro\:W r\D,rtd b" Cdlu4rd \ DtS \l r\(u)'-,$*r 4 , spaces) for the proposal on her prop-1!y. In addiTTonl-the staffA ge tnrs Eype or- orsourseo i J Ar9 -iii fi: t i''LL - -"d.i ^#' "]Pad., , a 'lIti 8.. .l^i>- @se'A=70 )_) 6^"\ Nf"oo'ao . / \\_ 6oe I I aMoNr (50') CH tOTtCEr Accordlng to Color.do lrl' you fi,3t coomenc' env lecal actlon based upon rnt d?fect ln thl3 survet iiirrin'irrree yilri aftei'you first dlscovcr such drfect' ln no.Yent. iuy rny actlon based upon such drfect-ln thls survey be com€nced mr€ than t€n ye'rs tron tne drte of the certlflcltlon shffn h€reon. ! \ r ,,r!-!".4i1.) l,nrrLu, lnci L, \ foN\^u- (oh\o1g,rt. . 3 JluP- ?'11^ P!{I\I.A.I{YiSECQNDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTR]CT Clrepter 18.13 PRI.\IARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ( Sections: 13.1i.0t0 i 8. ri.010 i lJ.li.0i0 r s. I i.0-10 'l 3. l -r.050 i ti. I J.ri60 i 8.1i.075 l.s.l i.030 18.1i.0ti1 i 8.1i.03? 1{J.I i.090 lIJ.li.1r0 I ti.li.l lc .)ttrpose. i)cnnitretl uses. Couciitiorui use's. .\ccessorv uscs. Lot rre:r nnci site ciimensious. 3et baci's. I Ieigir t. Density control. .'rppeal to pianning cornnrission. Appe:rl to town councii. Sire coverage. -anciscaping and sirc developnrenr. i)arking. ili.13.010 Purpose. Tlrr-' two-rirrnily prinrl r.y/seco ndary resitjenrill disrricr is intenricd Io l)roviclc sites ior singlc-tanrily rcsidr-'ntiui gses or trvo-lirntily rcsiclential uses irr rvhich one unit is I llrger prinrltrl,, lesidcrtcc an(l tllc sccond urrit is a snrrller carctuker apilrtrnent. togetllcr \r'ith sLlch public tucilitios :.ts nluy uppropri"tcly [., e locatc'tl in thc sume tlistrict.'Ihe trvo-lenrilv prirrruryi s,.,contlar-v rcsitlcntiul rlistrict is itrtr'rrtlr'd to cnsrlrc :rdl'quute light. lrir. l)rivxcV lu'td 0pcrt sp ce i'()r ctch rlrvr-.llin!i. coll) nl L.nsurlt tc s,ith sin,:lr:-lrrmiiy ()ccul)i.lllcv :rrrrl IrvO-ljrmily occulll.rncv. i.lllU tO rntrirrtuin thc tlr'sirullle rcsitlcntiill <lullitics ot' srrch sites tr1, cstlLrlisirinq trprrropriu!e ritc tict,clopt.ncnt sttlldtr(ls. (Ortl. 31y1 l,r??) I I (plrtr.) I lJ.l i.010 I't rrrritrc.d uscs..l ltc l<.llltrrvtnu uscs shull llc pe rrnittcd..\. Sirr..rlc-lirrrrrlv rcsirlcnti:rI thvcilrnus: IJ. I'rvo-tlnrilv rcst(lcnttxl tlrycllrrrts. ,61r.1..i0(1977):\ I rp111 y. 1(_ r_+-I ( \'.'|l l().$ I I o ( ZONING .{. Public utility and public service uses:B. Public buildings, grounds and facilities: C. Public or private schools; D. Public park and recreation tacilities: E. Ski lifts and tows. (ord.30(1977) $ 2 (part).) 18.13.040 Accessoryuses. The follolving accessory uses shall be pernritted: A. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses. garages or carports. swimming pools, patios, and recreation tacilities customarily incidental to single-family ancl trvo-tlmily residential uses; B, Home occupations, subject to issucncc of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of Chaprer I 8.58; C. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory topermitted or conditional uses, and nccessary ior the operation thereof. (Ord. 30(1977) $ 2 (part).) 18.13.050 Lot aren rrrd site dimensiorrs. The minimum lot or site urr'l shlll be fit'tcen thouslnd squarc feet of buildable are.a, lrrcl clch sitr.. shull hlve :r rninintun liontuge of thirty feet. Each site. slrull lrc ol'I sizr. und shape capable of enclosing u s(pl.trc lrcl. cighty t'r_.c,t on erch sirle, rvithin its bounchries. (Ortl. I l( lr)7ll) S .j (lurt): Ord. i0(1977) N I (prrt).) 18.13.060 Setbacks. Irr thc prirrruryTsccontl:rrv rcsrtlcnrial tlistrict. thc rnirrirnurrr t'ront sctb:rck shull bc twcnty ti.ct. thc rnirrirnrrnr sirlc scth:rck shall bu lit'tccn l'cct. ltntl thc trrirrirrrurrt rcur sctlxck slrlll ht t'iftcun ltct, (()r(1.50t l()78f \ I (p:rrtr.) 18.13.030 Conditional uses. The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accord with provisions oiChapter 18.60: ( L (vail lo.El)-l:.1-l t o pRt MARy/ SECOiT{DARy RESTDENTTAL DISTRICT I E.13.075 Height. For a flat roofor mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet. For a sloping roof. the height of build- ings shall not exceed thirty-three feet. (Ord. 37(1980) g 2 (part). ) f8.13.0E0 Density control. A. Not more than a total of two dwelling units in a single structure shall be permitted on each site, with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots of less than fifteen thousand square feet, and not more than twenty-five square feet of gross residential floor area (G R FA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet for the first fifteen thousand square feet of site area, plus not more than ten square feet of gross residential floor area shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of site area over fifteen thousand square feet not to exceed thirty thousand square feet of site area, plus not more than five square feet of gross residential floor area for each one hundred square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand square feet. On any site containing two dwelling units, one of the units shall not exceed 40 percent of the total allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA). No two-family residential lot except those totally in the red hazard avalanche zone, or the flood plain, or those of less than fifteen thousand square feet shall be so restricted that it cannot be occupied by a two-family primary/ secondary residential dwelling. B. The community development department may grant an exception to the restrictions of this section relating 10 lots of less than fifteen thousand square feet to allow the addition of a second dwelling unit if the following criteria are met:l. The second unit shall not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot and shall not be sub- stantially similar in design to the primary unit;2. The community development department shall findthat the granting of the exception will not be detrj- men tal to the public welfare or injurious to otherproperty in the area in which the subject property is situated: and ( ( t 324-3 (vril l2-2-:l-N6l ZONING 3.That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or landscaphg, site development or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual ap- pearance of the site and surrounding area; and That fifty percent of the required parking must be enclosed; and The architectural design of the structure and the materials and colors must be visually harmonious with their sites and with surrounding sites and structures, and must not unnecessarily block scenic views from existing buildings; and Access to the secondary unit must not adversely affect the privacy of adjacent structures; and The applicant must demonstrate that the site has the ability to double its capacity for handling trash and outdoor storage; and An application for the second unit, containing the foltowing information, must be submitted to the community development department for their review: Name of applicant and address, Name of applicant's representative (if any), Authorization of ProPertY owner' Location of the property for which the proposal' $ maoe, e. A fee of one hundred dollars plus an amount equal to the then current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified here- under,f. A list of the names of the owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their ad- dresses for thc purpose of notification; and 9. The proposed plan and all required materials must be submitted to the design review board at their regularly scheduled meeting lbr their review and approval; and 10. The applicant shall agree in writing: a. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately from 4. ). 6. 7. 8. { a, b. c. d. L (vail l2-21-116)3244 ( PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT the primary unit for a period of not more than twenty years and the life of Trent Ruder from the dete that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said second unit, and b. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty consecu- tive days, and that if it shall be rented it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A fult-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty hours per week, andc. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval owner- ship or fractional fee, and d. That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle County clerk and recorder in a form approved by the town attorney for the benefit of the town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. (Ord. 23 (1986) $ l: Ord. 23 (1981) $ 2:Ord.22 (1981) g | (part): Ord.35 (1980) $ l:Ord.22 (1979) $ I (part): Ord. 12 (1978) g 2 (part): Ord.30(1977) $ 2(part).) 18.13.081 Appeal to planning commission. A. An appeal to the planning commission from a decision of the community development department may be made by the applicant, adjacent property owner, or the town mana- ger. The planning commission can also call up such decisions by a majority vote of those commission members present. B. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing within ten days following the decision or the decision must be called up by the planning commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting. C. The planning commission shall hear the appeal within thirty days of its being filed or called up, with a possible ( L 324-5 (Vail l2-21-86t ( zoNtNc thirtyday extension if the commission finds that there is insufficient information. D. The decision of the community development department shall become final after the time for such an appeal or callup is exhausted without any formal appeal. (Ord.22(1981) $ 2 (part).) 18.13.082 Appeal to town council. A. An appeal to the town council from a decision by the plan- ning commission may be made by the applicant, adjacent property owner, or by the town manager. Town council can also call up a decision of the planning commission by a majority vote of those council members present. B. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing within ten days following the decision or must be called up by the town council at their next regularly scheduled meeting. C. The town council shall hear the appeal within thirty daysof its being filed or called up with a possible thirtyday extension if the council finds that there is insufficient information. (Ord.22(1981) $ 3 (part).) 18.13.090 Site coverage. Not more than twenty percent of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. (Ord. 30( 1977) S 2 (part).) l8.l3.l l0 Landscaping and site devetoprnent. At least sixty percent of eilch site shlll be landscapecl. I'he minimunr of any area qualilying as landscaping shali be tr.n feet (width and lcngth) with a mininrum area llot less than three hundred square l'er't. (Ord.30(1978) g 2 (parr).) t 324-6(Vail l2-23-86) IO 1{ dnltwfr' t3q4/ p& J ,bo/ a4/,/r,rt^/ " f'Y"aChr&d,Lt, lf,eo afu. lsz lfll o!!6tn' ffiro#" r>3D ffi e'{D Jan - n-l 1el. Y &).{:, Qll IVJ IL 2tpara. o _IA'5 IbLtD )t fr.. \5.5 LSv $- A} X* LID 3t \) /t .fxll,f: 11 IL IJtL J.L+ DDl,es &6sO-oLiffitr /0tro o -r- CUSTOMER ADDRESS t.,coLoR r\.' rr. _ PHONE STYLE SALESMAN f,"gulon 14$chn.lU'OOUG AYFEN Contraclor Sales Represenlalive o I -Tet $ oa ( o B. ,}\,\-6 x\ {\ ++ \, s $$,r $ C,.,hs'\- \ls\ I-*" $ -_!n)- ,tl -)? i t\I RC 30a. (5,'A4l GRAY.STONE CONSTRUCTION Harry C. Gray P.O. Box 721 . Mintum, CO 81645 . 303427-5231 November 't.3, 1987 Toun of VallOfflcs of Eommunltv DevelopnentAttEntlon: Hrletan Prltz 75 South Frontage RoadVall, C0 81657 To the Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlselon: tdE are requestlng a aetback varlance to bulld a carpott ln orderto provlde covered parklng aa requlred to add a kltchen to the basamentof the exlatlng homa on Lot f, Block A, Vall dae Schone Ftllng No. 1. Thta carport uould be placed bntlreLy r,llthln the exlatlng crlbbed areacurrently used for parklng. lde feal that thla varlance le u,arranted ae the eteapneae of thelot and the exlstlng crlbblng make any other solutlon lmpractlcal andcoat-prohlbltlve. PleeEe note that the exletlng parklng area hae room for four vehlcleg and that thla atructure uould provtda coveredperklng for tuo as requlred uhen addlng a unlt. The oulnera rscognlzethat the baeemEnt apartment may not be eubdlvlded or Bhort-tetm rented and must be ueed for local employee houelng. w# 4s+fi l/l/0t I. This wil l ..-i ' . \A. App'l i cati on PEC MEETING Da DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted unti'l all information is submitted. NAME 0F AppLICANT lonnle Ferguson ADDRESS 7102 tdester trlay r-\( B. 'NAME 0F ADDRESS Dallas, TX ppgp9214-911-0420 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE HaITy C. GTay-ETav on P.0. Box ?21 Mlnturn, C0 816q5 p11gy17 827-5231 4-\t)NAME 0F 0l.lNER(S) (type or print)Tonnle Ferougon Si ADDRESS 71UZ bl6eter UJa DalIes pggpE 214-901-842a Qr, L0CATIoN 0F PR0PoSAL ADDRESS 2409 Chamenolx ValI c0 61658 LEGAL DESCRTPTT0N L0T_IABL0C KA FILING Vall Das Shone 1 A Iist of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and thejr mailing aaoresies. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I^IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO IDETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l.llLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS iT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT IS THE AppLICANT'S RESpSNSIBTLTTy T0 r,iRre Rn App0INTMENTl.llTH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OTCMASiNG THE NUMBER OF cONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MU.T BE COMPLIED I,IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED ANO THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS:/^'r1.) f19,r91ationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. \2.') The- degree to-which relief from the strict or litera't interpretation and' enforcement.of a_specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilitvand uniformity of treatment among sites in the vtlinity-or-6;iili;';h;'"objectives of this tiile without grant of special privilege. "t c , /^,) eelo_1' o g_cK # 2 o3_ raon 4deo_!fu(-fu ,: - PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.IILL ACCEPT {s:p.' FEE $r00 ] THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. OVER Vari ance ]z- 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic faci'lities, utilities, and public safety. \@ A topographic and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at least 'l' - 20' stamped\/ by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all ex'ist'i ng improve- ments, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must-be ihown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscBped areas andutility and drainage features. '.7.',/c.'l A site plan at a sca'le of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed V buildings. ..,<r( Ol ntl preliminary bui'lding elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate\ the iimensions, general appearance, sca'l e and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed'on the site. .R' NE"l n pre'liminary tit'le report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is 'located in a multi=fam'ily deve'l opment which has a homeowners' associatjon, then written approval from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the applicat'ion as determined by the zoning administrator., * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zon'ing administrator. IV. Time Requinnents The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete appl'ication form and a'| 1 accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. -/a I 75 south lronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ol communlty development 3.s Novenber 3, L9B7 Mr. Harry crayGraylStone Construction Box'72L Minturn, Colorado 91645 Re: Planning and Environmentar comrnission submittar for theFerguson covered parking, Lot r-g, Brock A, vair das schoneFiling No. I Dear llarry: r discussed the issue of the covered parking with the pranningstaff and it was decided that the covered pirking wilr'r"q"i;;a setback variance. The setback variance is sch5duled to-lereviewed by the plannj-ng and Environmental Conrnission onNoveTler 23, L987. The meetings are held at the MunicifalBuilding in the Town council cframbers begin"i"g-"1 3:oo p.M.You or Tonnie Ferguson shourd plan to attend tf,e neeting. rtis important that there is " rlpr"rentative ror ttre appricantat the meeting. r have enclosed an application for the variance. r havecircled a1l the parts- of the appricaii""-[tr"I-vou will need toaddress. r am ":!ilg that you 3ubnit the fotr6wing inrorriti""by Novenber 11 . LggT a - t. A conpleted variance application form 2- A check for gr0o made out to the Town of vair for thereview fee. A list of the nanes of owners of all property adjacent tothe lot requiring the.variance (this infornation can beobtained from oui office) A written statement as to why the variance is warranted.(Please see 3A, I and 2 and 3 of the variance ippiicationform. ) t'5.ooA topographic/inprovenent survey that wiIIcontour lines, property lines, and edge ofarea of the proposed covered parking. A site plan showing the existing parking and proposed,covered parking area. show the road in the @qq A prelininary title report to verify ownership andeasements. Elevations of the covered parking structure. questions about these subrnittal requirenents,to call ne at 476-7000. If you have anyplease feel free Sincgrely^ , {;,)^,^ Y-'J-,nl r) lclt ) u t\fKristan priti Town Planner KP:br cc: Tonnie Ferguson :"€t+ oz F =E LlJo- cc <\ (\l c c c (\ (I a LUItlu- ts =E[!.L 8?Ch h+zr)3 Lsltlb rl 1..@or (f) z z, E = 9J o r1 io- =t;i i- >-Itr o-,o le5 14P r all UJF o E e. Iz o zzo l=F IF FD =IIOFt- KNIrd l(5 R l(-) I ;;OI'i'iFr;Ea!UJ =*>ur6olzl or.] OFZO =2. RT a'f(-) F :Z oz. (-) LJJ uJz3 uJIFoz t/ l/ ,/1 ,hf, r LL tro =I (r LL UJtr t- z o l/,r, a('q,,t,v' ,L, {A(o )6f'jr TIatlll)l $l ct 0) c)5 -g (!()l =l oF-** -c <'1.1 E- 3 -<\ o 9- ESt^r\il-- 1t X'fr!tio/ao4 g)t / =^t'3 rl6/4 EL* > l,ly. t/. c4-\ .' -_hP7 X,l) o =ldl E f 0) =o :e: $E8E; =.e n3 *EP3EiE= € 6P ec-o> cf:E* 6.o d E E!:c96E'- cl.c ^ E sE ='.t ?.) 6 sEg;* o otiEo=a\'- O O.q-F!!teo-€ o--o=*o(5:: o-o!E-qrs*:€ YE.9H g:-E E;E i:- o;9 c;o(/) "' A:;.9 =P --3E== gB=-E o (E: x ;E F';*;E9E"or -c5g: (o rr,<\l F\ cr.F-{ -l:r, N L = llJ z x l! z J J trF C) IIJ tr z z I lu = UJ uJl!zo uJe uJc E =uJt uJEzo6 trJo 6 gJo l z UJJ x utol a UJ uJu-t Iu(L J Fo- z !fo ) 9cl F(J uJJul z c J = IJ,J = F F NOrlvnlVA lo Ft.ld IO:l-*15.lF^ t&. J-r- 3- 6"&q, z->9d a6e. F H >E -I =6 z9 .tt o =r^<Jzr!<ogwlo-v>x Hni z E =J g cc IL oe.o UJ F C\l (\.) LIJE z E o * zotr tujF ;IJz t1 I I I tzfz <oo< >fi>E Rt!do<z =z OzZ- EO3trOI UJl = (t lt) llJz II i o-- zo F Jl U)z o 3 F uJ Flo F .. >lo utoul uJzaF t IIJ(L .J z Eoo (l(I I utF U' @o-zo t-(L luY uJo oF F It ;6Hor bJ>(tlo-tOFIo c-ir9'lUurbkzo c!tr z.-o =ed)o =z (L IL Tr(r--1 tr2 uJ o. E9E<EllotQE2B9T'L cf, EJr- =uJ:-EF=R 5G'o.uJE =*E 66 9 \luEXIt x>|!=FtL 'ioitt; uJ F E-E E =E.lrlo-zo F()f E,Fazo C)..i5 =r=dd= e I I I I .lol z.l ol IIJI 1l al>I bl 3t :ol uFI F tltllo- |ttllF\ I(5 Cf' I2,1 |*',llcdlEI =t-{ ^l-l zl rkl Olet ujl ialzl >l 1-l rl-l =l oltzl =l 3lel 9lLLI FI rl ol UJIcrl Jl al>l rrlol zl 3lolFI + I Olsrol I IIr!llle{I r-{l-cP Ftor+-ff>Jl rr 'rl E d-| ,ll =+: *\?: !i oz /,i UJtt J z 3o c.)c! I F\c\l T-|r.{-t Iol =.1(rl uJI 1l al>l u-lol zl 3l 9tFl x .g o F ao =! (l) .{J ln(u =(\I t-\ o 4ql +(UIq.rr 'Trua 4 JlrloO =UJE z. EanE UJu- ii =z E, b= oozl- =() =#]F =JZr!o F t z z -(-) UJ = E, F() Fz d.F L! <F(ts() r.! <ztUJF t ,,t z O F uJF -.1-(J E Eulz = FrFit-tL)<9<! rco+J:< .rt:(J clF. .6.J-o- o.,o- x<o U- rJ7F{ o)vc .'5 .,'(' I.trj @lopl EEI i;l!:l --i {l INll U l" l\t C\ rl I t$ [\ {l NI\l x t l> eeN Ct\ I I Iur .Ft<ro I I I I I I I l9J lo I ll. ul ou- UJ'r Foz xX Rci66 nP J-)tu)i-(o5.9 :([ t€DO :N.rc :o = ./D)cl,r cl\s. $rb. ,o.tt Eoo o) ==f dt E o =l o o- 3 .9 qrc 6.963 c-(I/r,^o;iD-o -O9c :.e).>:-El€t lo{ :E""-]otN,R)c r);i)s\:F\igii:Jio(r-1tPi 'r!( o(()( (Ec o: -! o:f,c tii E oE 5'E E= =;xd op o t; sio;'t -(!E -c) 6go at, CE)O Dut )d ;o .,] i ,.\ )Fi;)(u -=;=;>\ :cr:EIo:o r:l = El (!i .-l 6,E! o? (D( E.1 -f >\': o+(), €(( q)ou.:3 (! :: fYxoE() --=)_ -oD(5 -o):E:> tC).9 t(!lE:r- ior' ;6' -E. or (6l a'o! lo.I 6i;( -ao-a.l 6lg: f: o>$? x!Z.o;;" Eioco(t Eo - E : .= oo' 3 .E (dl (5l J Ei(5'o1 o)( .E( _? 6( ogoi E! EEOC .Y; (E! >.3-oo hF -cd -o t a ^\fit \x i I chN ! 0 (-\ n/\ I o- a {{$ 1 N I 1 Rt \. c^r c{ { ldt\ l{l lx€ IG , t6v]I 5..,1 t5l =4 NI F =E LIJ z 5 .D Yo LUI z C EFollJ UJ z Jo- s2z LU = u, uJr!z tr u.lE uJ oE o co B!! uJ z 6u., F oo.ll, o. z gJ Ja x F UJo at UJ UJ lJ_(\trc TA 1)s FI-l z oJ F C' u.l J uJ oz. co =fJ J 2 uJ J FoF NOrtvn'tvA It\ ,1-$ i IY. R!I- t'--!va\:\+\ ET 6 ENq, ztl Ito\:tr |- o- -{E .lhrJH0l:a *'$o* qa zoFo- FOF(E<D <tiXr6:bf -(J>()FO ;ai ll N .$ t\ J s:v z tr J \J\N N\ t^ t<lo- llrJE ;1<lzl EIolol<l il -l zl zl .. >-l ut uJ UJzo tr LU o- J z 9 = llJ J lt, at)llJz = z tr oz lltltltltl Fzfz9oFrlJ<()o< > iii>E Pr!6ci<z at, =z,.ff,9z Eo3tr u.,o oz oz tr ct .c oJJ it IJJ s\ \ zotr UJFJ =UJzt\ ^.9L.J OF Ed.lrlG (5 z, J l! Eo l,.L o lrJ z, hll z oP =<(Do =z a-,P EEfr ;,H,* SMr h CE tr.l o-t!o ut C)z fa' att oF I JFlll : h=:o.o- uJ>aLOrr9o\t!xc:>9F JJ |r. u,ooF TJJE. :Z :< G, 4. xx:vo .: r.d E= 9c< to E=EU- ag t! cL (./,g< J .x**'** -et \1 $ $ uJ </,t-oa6=.q= ;=o!rEo.lll L!,v=ul-o oF ts lrJA./=:\i;f i*Alo.:''lol u'lbEzox ts =Elrl o-zoF C)f,EFozo(J ag lNt FNt5! lrst\ \"tzt--;^JYtr Ilx l's N l$l :-l>l<lzl dtlI ll$|N tgt st dl | \)l -*l t t$:l 5 IJ-l Nl ::l ilNt vl'^f \t \l -Y HXI\)fq't = :d >ll<<i4A()I tl|lll-Itllu)t<dltJ4taltct =l 3: v) t N\* $N Nu Nfl\ Nfl$ dfl ill dt =.1ol sl <l>l u-lol =lI I I I IOI =.1(rl UJI CrlJl <l>ltrlol Pl Etr J<o9u)LII UJ rUz.3 I - F C)lljL C) JO<FGOuJ<zt TIJ Fozoo JE 5P;()i<irE;F'ta t:P =t-:-!z\ *Oao <x9tr 13 -1-iit z =8 E i'r =b-= >< ,X x x,x *><>< eO tr. \ ' i\. DATE . '. . '.' ,', JOB PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND l.EoucH / D.w.v. -ti nouqr / wATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E] F'NAL O FINAL g'l'bpnoveo t-- '/tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i>/t'I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r Ll t.t t,i'1 DATE' nl I :,',r, JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL nv READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUFS THUR FRIINSPECTION: MON')g. ,, : CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. I] ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr hAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP:}'POWER MEGHANICAL: tr o tr u HEATING Xgouc"EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I APPROVED'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: ... INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL F Y' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: WED PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' coRREcrtoNS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION F\ !-. REQUEST' PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D 1995^&il.qFn...^ o GAS prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -E SHEETROCK NAIL tr - 1...| r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR -nr-_ tI FINAL tr FINAL I i.. ,{Fr APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ^.^,lNii vtt\ \_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\.. rr\ =\qr DATE \- \\- \.:''. JoB READY FOB INSPECT LOCATION: NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF -r('.,'.'',,.-; 'r'. REQUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL 'drrrunl ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR- oo FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be comolete before giving a permit a final C of 0. P'lease check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: oo AGREEMENT THIs AGREEMENT dated tne l?*aay of 'l', /!- , 1988, bv and hereinafter referred to as hereinafter referred to as between the T0tifi.0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, "Vail," and T.C. Ferguson/Steve Mann Ferguson/Mann. l,lHEREAS, Ferguson/Mann is the owner of the property descri bed Lot L3, Block A, Vai I das Schone Fi f ing 1 , Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado hereinafter referred to as the "subject Property;" and, WHEREAS, Vajl has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. N0W, THEREF0RE, for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. The secondary employee dwelling unit is located on the fjrst floor of the structure located at 2409 Chamon'ix, in the approx'imate size of 892 square feet. The secondary employee unit located on the Subiect Property shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit located on the Subject Property for a period of not more than twenty years and the life of Trent Ruder, from the date that the cert'i ficate of occupancy is issued for said second employee unit. 2. The secondary employee unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and' if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full- tjme employees in the Upper Eagle Val1ey. The Upper Eagle Va11ey shall be deemed to include the Gore Val 1ey, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gjlman, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and thejr surrounding areas. A full- time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per weeK. 3. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time-shares, interval ownership or fractional fee. 4.fi led of Recorder benefi t run wi th oo A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and in a form approved by the Vail Town Attorney for the of Vail to ensure that the restrict'i ons herein shalI the land. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. . The foreqoinq instrument 8lA) a^y of 3@--,an individual . a was acknowledqed before m-e this 1988, by '.fA'r.,<2,- EZZannl fu, Ca- ?aza4 SiATLO F trPo€-l DA. s+A:rE-oF+€{+s ) c-ourjru{ Otr SPeni^oLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me thjs /9 av day of *n-llqt-r,.^, 1988, by T.C. Ferguson, an individr My commission expi res: I{o?ARY FUBr-tC. siA?E O-F FrORlD-7t; HY COl,li:l55lCN E;ipiREg: JAN. 5, i992.EONOEO THRU NOi.AkT ',uBLrc utroERvJRtl.ai'l Address "vAIL" Ferguson,/Mann oz E =e c\l o IJJulIL F =E lrJo 'd%nf:{'f'#qr' t-l r 'iq'l l*-lrX + {,, \' olI ttI i, Ni \s ,t ,!(.e o-llg =\tF sr- tt t: ,^lis( 19 .:. I n:i sz, IJJF az o (Jzz .ttul oz 2 o .6 4z 0., IJ P rdE Foo (u E rdtn tJ(J xo, cr uJz B uJi Foz r{ !-{OOco oCJ(u Q6...F cto>LPlo(u! o- u) =5<o) (6.F C, 9- .U '-OOoosd. Q)s(5,.A5- (O P g (\l(u (u(oL 5Z .-r o o o g" o = (!l c\ BoF o4 o oooc(! .E.E o o.c o o o) ==o E o =l 13q) o (! 3 .9 q) 6*6.9.=u691 sbE: F.e*g EE E: gUP:Ec-o> essE =Eei; >=:c9cE -*io3 5;.: BEAREtEo-.€g; '9eeF EiSE o_ (! 0-- SE; soiE sr :f;eE;o:R :EE F IrEE - o..lJ o .c=o(,) ",' rD =.98E55gElE I(!EE SFEe ;g: E eEg,g rf, C\l O) r.o C.: (o <f N (ft C\ F =tu 2 Y UJ I z c EF !!J uJ z =J z - UJ = uJ uJ!r-z tr UJ () UJ 3llJtu, OEz(, ulo F oo-u, lz II,JJ x F uJo (n uJ IIJ l.|- E =E UJ J FoF (,z6J o acF <)uJ uJ z lo = c z ulE .d.P NOtlVn'rVA + 0+ ( ll E f ct tl 7 J 'u- 2 9 E C) gJ J UJz uJ zzoo F-V'q5F90 U'O5da)zl!<og o-Y-5 <N tJ@ =lOJc =G' +., an I gl +, (lJo an o c) eoL Ul o) at 5- oo (u ao +) +J q- tl- z tr uJc F C\I x ao- uJ z Eoo z tr uJ =UJz atrzlz tr o (t) Lzl zf) llJ3o a llJo)(L LIJ tr 6z F z F trI UJlJJ UJzY =F z F J oz \ \ 6JJ 3 F llJ 3 Jl sl zl zl .. >-lor!o1!ujz <t) = E.l!c zI =o q --F 2 F 6 oo I o)5q) rlOO uJFo @Or1zOr Fro- uJY t! to oF F TE IJJ o-rr\o.\i;lhlr'-lgurbkzo z--orj,, ;- =2.d)o =z>fJO O- LL dfi.|t / i =zie -'! -'i uJ6d= tr uJ o-lr :REZE5606eB9E'ir 5EF't*:uji-E h=R 5G-o-uJE =o-E U69 iurE X'LE X>t q- o-i!E uJo F --- E =E, lrJ o-zoF(Jf E, Fa zo() trDu ctl =.1ol r.lJl :t <t>l ttlol zl 3l 9l -l uJl 5l fl I I I I I I cil =.1oll!l 5l <l>l t!lol 5t :Ol ulFI F' o(J 3 Lll .6 =J! atto- 5-- o!!o (,/) (t, I I Il.ti I I A|r.ldCIq dEE() g o'r F\ I (o Cf) llqlql 'r1l>ol!.1 or Iq€la-'lrir I ,+l zlq ,;lgEt t-lu1 )l-t <lq>tq|rlYoltzl>l 3l HPI cil =.1(rl uJl 1l <l>l ttlol zl 3loll-l ct oz J u- Jo Or F{ q- ! I d. o ! ! 5-c) t)') ui z (D -) E 2P =Ef,Fr6 F (E z z I uJ = Eii9E t-o2 o t -rO<F uJ<zEUJF(nZ F UJ LU EOJ(oc fr553:.:O+ cc\l cl trur oz F =t UJL rll1 I I I t l*' r9I l<;i ,gt;i tartrzrh l=r(5e.z,2. t ,.ro tzl: ,7 '=o(/);iodipiE9UE;c F 9 R€:.iEe8: F]E:3 E qE.9:e eii sE; =EE; A -r.= nF: EG EP E:EE,;;i->E3g E F: E=6FIE 5;;FEg.; r.e €o=-o"(E:O-E 3 t -'g;=EEEgvq).vOO ijp E l'loI;t:c T F E:: : -'€ E; sf;;!E E a =pt5 () >.'=Eo (!=; c)c-*-> E; E: Ri6eE!9E or . f.sEgg; =>E --.'i u.t .t = c) N' Y 3ZZ!- tr ^ 6zX f >YF 9 OE aoEz>()o o lt'r.a)zXt!<9q duJ-+xtraXz iNO o = tr z zl .. >loluo uJ llJzat UJ(L J zI =oo 3 F Hrt<>o* ulF <t, dt -tzo Fo 1rJY lljo F ts TE llJ ILo TLoo I ul Foz uJ z zz(Do =z (! Lr- .-i5\J\J= =Ee dd= = E uJ LL IJ,J z lo U) F I o- JFul :- h= duJ>().Ou-9o\uJx>IF-)J ul F {, E CIo o ott 'E t E EoIt o E-- ts =El! o-zoFo E,F(nzo(J nnD a I ol =.1(rl {!l 5I al>l rLlol Fl =.1(rlr!l 5l al>l |rl zl 3lolFI I I I I cil =.1ol IJJI 1l <l>l t!lol 5l sOl lrJFI F =.1 uJl 5t <l>l rLlol 2l 3lolFl =.1(Jl ull 1l <l>l t!lol zl =l9lFI (J z. _= t! z --) I I I Ilr I I I urlLllEIol <l J'<tr =(J I IL l" I Iu\UI ctq dEEc) F E. z z I LIJ l--C(irg b2 O G, F E z J trF r.lJ.J UJ E 2P =f'.6 FoqJ F T E, E --: o<F uJ<ZE IJ-J F () LUz = J<o<5 (.h YE -'i ,r !ntr . t{-ro t ' O.F!c+,LalJq-c .F .6 'o)x 30JrI' .lJt-(U oE I+)o I.a)o I o-o IE= 'o{J I(Jl,*g Ios I l, = -r4€(g9'cJ!d.(/)E 4 ] c{ lll .A IfJ UJu- F = lu N wr t\lqtn$ I I ,] It,rl il ll"rl HI '( ll olt z u, ut F xxxxxxx >< ><xXxx lO, iqt g A q.. re cF At\5 oq) 6 t' : D ) : ; I : GIUIu, E lrlz3o u,'r F ;€ -l- F_s :o Jo|y (jl aE-x; .:i yO'E ior ; c o f, D 0) f, E 0) )o q) -(uc;E9 l,o -d :DElc ^tl! at rooC(J '€.Y{ o.> J ---r _ _Ea --c, .- :rr3.: ( :51c-N ( 9c I" 3; :Fc.coi :-ov9-EaOlCt.S s:pg!X::6r!)o-:cJO) :of l4tc ;|ao_=- !'= Ef, .:E,!9o9 !o-L(E "-)st(l' '';(g g) ?r- - o EdE5E.o SFE Fen =! 6(1'!rc c.:c5 ! ;.=36pcL; u('c =: i :'= * -9lo js: , (E-, c c-r:.LC'Oo-,iEe;:egl -C..;*.j -c: - qc ('ct (t*eC TrcOaootg= cJ €If Q.Y () -c:*;; cr= ta6cE dioo >.= -=-!5si ao ^-oc:- r!Io -:(u(,' i s_a E:EE gE =!tr.: hdscj,cL !, (t *'t: EE' -..*l-or o'- ( = qr. 35r l.?rEt?=t ,gs;('*rE 5r (g= :(!-.ae'- co-;o qr- r(Ec 3;()>.(!; cc*(Es_o3 a. 69E-oco ocDt)6- lE'IEt:trlc, lcl.oIE!tr!iielc EO't -c. |. --rI 3-I *r I cit:,I f II o.:I oilar!l=i CC -o '; -:oro-==O. tiqt(Is ut=Eo -g;(tg)E q'tg -a(EO c'(, Er=o)fE3O (!. CFt;(\'xt>9,o cr.Pd,9El!Ot l5le IEIJf- .l =lFl-;tszlr rl.z;li l6 t5url o ,,.- | i6l;FI ESf zEl (, <) | t/, IrJ I qleto liil-ll uJ ll ru ll lL IF llEll uJ ll o- IE ll o llF s/gl5lEl= l-t.rl3zlzcDl< =trf,l()Jlulo.t>NOtlvnlv^ iur =ao z Esc.OFlxQO:>H(Jezo*frufo- (J>oFOj rii sl ist i =[ UJzxI F z F J z at, uJo J g, tc ctz I I I I F =F o r!lII \fl ,tFx, I It= [ |S IllFll ,i* lt F ll^ll 3 ll-ll 6 il3il E: lt oil:il Ill=ll =[9[ Xtq xt Yt-tl tzl It3il |lEll "llJll Ealt z <fl J ^ll s IJ;ll gyll " tt aD i F uJ tlli|l : totllgll z' ,11..,,| ile| ilqI ll <nI F 3il F 3 ll _,H lr G e(, url >lFI rl rl bg \'*lle;lsl;l'lF =Eu.F-.o.-. zo9z= E0J tr.J -O6-(lJ z.- r< ,gtl-+- c)vr'L c) ou)LrJ t,o< LIJ '-. (-) z.or<L =q-J'L o+JIJ- +.) a) L.lJ t_ FF q1o =zde "d6'z=zqif =tJJydd= Dntr t!L!od .E=z(n<:zf,dllL4,€ oFX E#iF ]-,+-ru.G-lH=laFEl> o-lGr.r-lS60l( u.lfXJo-lL'rl5-t ,\ ^l-'JuE:q-: 9-.t-FD- co ECII G' atE .E f E EoIJ o ct Etr c, t_ 'oia, --c.o )z.l bl3l /s-AL^'AF_\vlj= - n'l (,z J t! c) I 5 lLtzIo *d t-< 'r/D I EI<l;l9l .-E\JO<j- =fd6o oFo J 9 Fo LlJ JO<FEOt!< I.IJ Fozo() Fo |.UF o J<oou,uJ uJ -rO 6Fzo IFIt =8 oGhgY F-oi o C) Esl ilg.ctsa-?z J?AJ/ 7ro a / }t/t',' S'4'4=-'- l/* ,4..rV ,4// 7i""/f t7;'C >+ r!'*r -1 fuq o = :--'.\-Z g 3qit l\t :. =<f\ = :a Itct= =e)ds35r= gr-r r--l I > + \ \ \ f!uLJe &9r o M)rorv 2.a",2/t,f */ 5$ b'q-p{,,,': Aer"D R*, "//fr]* , /o.'^*r- ,4ty /"*( -Lfu,,Ja,ri b( - /-4 cbk a/az-J za/ -ke j*, 44"r- + 3o -T^*Pd/ ^A4) A/u/) f1"*1 ryj--,f .( 54;o/. o--- f *PoL'/.*4 ?.fu't/*ee ,/ €,X E<f . 4-a.J- + io f ryau 8J-"- {4tky r, SrJ J}r/*e-a,e.{ 4)e1*o 4/ 'ak/* sL^J,"s-'2-a'e1/ tYw<- '77 /ZL Tt-+t'fvM # ..--\ -//\-)) c,2 ()qL-t <D, ,-:-\,n l: h';. \ -a i5'-(ta a<, ;-: \< 'it .-l I ;tr 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Every attempt will be made by this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the frame. offlce of communlty development BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approvai, EngineelLs- (Pub1 ic Wot"ks) review and approval , a Planning Department revjew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. AII commercial (1arge or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maxjmum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. department to expedite thjs plan check procedure and time ,42, Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Departnent, 7 I q 4'l PEBMIT NUM BER OF PROJECT olre / I INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION REQUEST tr tr tr u tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL c' "/ <). tr HEATING tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS:: ":i7?:,":: DATE INSPECTOR m Project Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date , Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -)lJ, Stalf Approval V ot ol Employee housing was again discussed. Patten noted that the revised ordinancestated that the employee housing did not have to be on the site. He added thatthe recently completed Eagle County employee housing survey found that the needfor housing for seasonal transient had diminished, and that hous'ing now was neededfor more permanent employees. The problem was affordable housing ior the morepermanent employees. He added that the though'fTeh'Truf-furnishing employee housingat Cascade Vi1'lage was,that the twenty units would be a "holding tink"'which would - g'ive new employees a place to live toi^ z-g months until the bus! season was over.Patten felt that the temporary solution was still important. Norris stated that he wanted a pnocess that recognizes that the developer is notthe emp'loyer. He added that the l,lestin Hotel had a 30 year agreement wittr nimthat on September 15 of each year the Westin is to notiiy the-deve1 oper the number of_employee units needed if the Westin can't provide the-units themsblves. Troutfelt uncomfortable with this solution because'the West'in may decide not to furnish employee housing.. Norris said that he would rather show th! Town of Vai'l the yearly lgreement_concern'ing employee housing between the westin and the developer.Patten felt that there should be a minimum number of employee housing uhits. Vie]e moved and Pie ns: l. The area and therefore the density on the table be corrected to show threeadditiona'l dwe'll ing units; 2. Park'ing requirements be amended to require 40 spaces for the conferencefacjlity; 3. That-the appficant participate in a study to develop a reasonable plan fora left turn lane on South Frontage Road;- 4. 0n a-yearly. basis a contractural agreement between the employer and thedeveloper showing evidence of empioyee housing that is shtiitactory to the Town of Vail, be made avai'lable. The vote was 5 in fqyg_t_ldth Trout voting ggainst, for the r no' 3.4 uest for a rear Lot 23, Block 'Va variance in order to add to a dwe]linq onst. Appl icant:Dr. 0liver Peterson setback aqe Kristan Pritz showed the site plan and elevations while explaining the proposal .Gordon Pierce, architect on thb project, stated that he telt the Town oh Vhitshou'ld require-that the applicant build the primary unit if the setback variance v|as granted. Rapson asked'where the parking wou'ld-be. Pritz stated that 3 more spaces would have to be provided as one of the conditions of approval along w'ith P:Iing.the.driveway. Pritz stated that the addition had alreaby ueen throigh DRB h,i,th.the exception of the approval of three windows, but ifwas basicaliy the same desion. Tom Braun showed a site plan and elevations and explained that the staff recormendeddenial.gf Pol!.requests. Tim Clark, representing i,lisenbaker, the architect andbecK' rne Dullder' showed photos and stated that for the past five years the househad undergone extensive remodef ing. Pierce wondered wny ine additi-on could notbe redesigned and moved as the sttff memo suggested, ani C'lark stated thtt ji-wou]d require, too much fill. c'lark added that the-ipp]icants had permission io useparking spaces across the street in the street i^ight-of-way.' Donovan answeredthat, even that-day, sumner time, it was difficu'll to drivl past the ciii parieoin the right-of-way. Bi'll Anderson of Beck Asssociates felt'that itrere *ai alng""of gett'ing into ground water if the addition were moved toward the back of thi - ]ot. Pierce suggested to c'lark that he tab'le. clark asked to table to 6125,- ro V 4PEOTO The board felt that there must be landscap.ing on the south side. Trout moved and Vielq seconded to approve the staff memo datedune ./. l9u4 w the additiona tion that unit must tslmu ltaneous seconcar ti on.evo w ma as n ?avorabstai ni ng. 4.A uest for a front setba variance and a current rki variance in o rtoa tional qross enti a to a dwellin on t 37,BIock 7,aqe First Bo Price an Mr. and Mrs.John t,|isenbaker uest f add a seconda rti nez !.19.,10!;-_lonovan felt, thgt.lhg,...wou'td not. ug .ly more impaci tnin ine ieiainins *l]r^:1T:ly.-llg::_ she fert that^the, asset to tire buildint wourd outweish theg.s!,oI constructins.the garase. Clark stated tila ih;;; fir;-il ;;il-;;d;;on that street, so at preient-it conformed, but araun poiniio out ilraft[e eiii:l-lhu! street,, so at preient'it conformed, but Biir; ;;;r;.iriiji"tiiii 9llo"T.1'.'gy:I^tt 3lr?!1b1.:. Raqlon ;tapgi *rat rre-iii",i ir-*,""rJisiuJfi"Jlexi sti ng ll9.'ll .1iltl._:l,lo caretakins bone to the piopeiiv io"-u,i ilrt"E'i"iill""ilr"r.I:il^h:^lllt!_1a!!er see a setSack variance ttrah no"gu"ug".Viele moved and Donovan seconded deny the uest per the staff memo. Thevote was n tavor o al.erce sugges that Cla tell the applicants 5. - Tom.Braun explained the recluest and said that the lot had been approved for a single Ig*ily dwelling.by Eagle Cgunty.. He showed site p1ans, floor pthirs and eievitions.Tim C'lark, architect fgt lle project, stated that'-adding a garige would add aeniitVand would interfere with the neighbors' view corridor. -Miki Gr6en, wno would-ientthe secondary unit, stated that adding a garage would cost more thin the ownersof the home wanted to pay. He wondered ii laidscaping coutd be ujed to-friae-itrecars. Pierce felt that substantial landscaping woLld-help, but ihat a girige-lou;obe constructed with a flat roof with a deck'on-top or eirirr-stre'l tered. Piper asked clark if he had studied the view impact, and clark replied that he that the PEC was in favor a garage. covered parkinq variance in order of emp'loyee housing, but felt it wjs-important to have lo )^** /ao MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Corununity Development Department June 6, .|984 Request for a var seconda pl i cant:berto Martinez TO: FROM: DATE: SUBiIECT:covered rki n to add DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED This-application is to add a secondary unit to an existing single family residence.The lot.is 8,400 square feet and zonei Primaryf5econaiiy." iection .18.13i080 of!l" llltlg code a1lows for.a secondary unit oir'lots1esi than 15,000-squa"e-r"eetif certain criteria are met. One of ihese requirements is that 50% ofrking be enc'losed. The aer requrrement of Section lg.l3.at no vari ancetimprove the visua'l appearance of the te.appl icanta garage to appearance ofsurface parking is a better alteinative. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n review of Criteria and Findi Section .|8.62060 of the Municioal e ues contends the lot that adding and that Cod varoaseo upon the followinq factorij , eonsideration of Factors The relationshin of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses e degree to which rel ief from the strict or I i teral te iT retati ontva and enforcementof a speci ul ation necessar.y to a eve n ormi tof trea o s title Existing development in the area i5 primarily residential. A characteristic ofdevelopmentinthisareaisanot.i@king.iJg"iniihi' variance would result in no. changq to existTi[i6nl1t-i6nl-in-ttre-neighu6rhooa. " If a garage were to be construct6a, itlqyla impiove th" g.ng1g]_np$a;un[G Ilirgfgg,by enctos .. .ars: enT-eason wtry-a ga;AFcourd not be constructed on this lot. in without qrant om To grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege.The existing parking ot O U.', -2-,6/6/84 area on the'lot cou'l d accormodate a garage that would benefit the site as well as the neighborhood. It shou'ld be noted that a similqlreqqest on a neighboringproperty wis unanimous The effect of the requested variance o ibution of population.- M There are no significant effects on any of these issues. Related Policies jn Vail's Communjty Act'ion P'lan This proposal is related to two elements of the section on Conrnunity Design.These #b Upgrading and remodeling of structures and site De encourageo. #> Maintenance and upkeep should be a priority of property owners and the-)r lOWh rove this vari e would be inconsisten eob ecti ves , \ improvements shou'ld by while the tneTRP.*&F.43, or more of the fo'l lowing reasons: and enforcement of the specified regulationor unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent circumstances or conditions applicable toapply generally to other propeities in the sasou o*$rn a(a" FI ND I NGS f,!e f'! annin9 ar]d Er-rYironmental Conrnission sha'lI make the followinq findinqs beforegranting a variance: =- That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the limitations on other properties clissif.ied ih the sime dis["ict. .ll1!^!h.^9"..!lils of the variance will not be detrimental to the pub'tic hea'tth, "-satety' or welfare' or materia'l 1y injurious to properties or imprbvementi-in-tne.Ticinity. That the variance is warranted for one The strict or literal interpretation wpuld result in practica1 difficultvwith the objectjves of this title- - There-are exceptions or extraordinarythe site of the variance that do not- same zone. The strict or literal -interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwould deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS since the annexation of the west vail area,_j!_[as__!eqn an objective of the TownW-999!hefir&- 0n. rean ,".n" :19t9::d. ?lrking,facilities. Thi; proposat is !o!_qq llsith this oOjeciive3?fffiffi?H+$+i*:*++ffi woutd encourage the appliCanf to ..:r' m[d-ih-Tlew;:ffiii.j;;;;ii;";Td;;i;;;i.l'nllinllP|1canf,fo Ld\r'(\. .-\ 4fl"..a^\ .U- 6\_ s.tlork u^^\-*ro**-, +" @,^:li, ns *a/ / N'- ,/ N", ,,i--7hu. /-\ ' , /,rr _ I 4 ,'P,/L/ /I -,,/--.-..\/ --- i, -.J/'=\-.-- l r'.-, . =--\ =-..- APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE r. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NArr{E OF AppLrcMrr /Lb?vt, AFwf ,Ap_z_ l ''D'*ss ??aoL vp'- l,lt-tr''g \ +b pHoNE 4u9 -"ert u ' 9e*tCa V.? \t'1ooB. NAyE oF Appr,rcAxrs REpREsENTATTvE trr-1 Ot+,zw ADDREss bctr an2' 9 w*tL-.?-,t G9b plroNE *1b-oSQ4 c. .NAME 0F 0l',lNER (type or.prinf) & SIGNATURE ADDRESS +LHe laonn aN e tr9 AevE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAT paopass 44o4 c+l*t4cNlX ED. IEGAL DESCRIPTION lot FEE. $100.00 PA Jpr-r eg a.N. JPrl ETTE | /')I Lll h lock A Filine VA1L bte +UoAe-wl E. Er A list of the nanes of owners of arr- property ad.jacent to thesubject property and their mailing addresies.- w+r 1E xtv>f - 1U Nor4H - 3Q aoutd - T v*f J'OeVl s'1t2 poLgtb V"Ahe€-hWt qb?, VL\L,, ct; ' z,lbsz) 4+al N, CrJAloNtx- \/&t L ,C<.' ?-,1{b91; pfi fu p=,rJ L+922 A)hz-r-1 tg<,A V-V. v*rt_,, (,/) L\C+L bNeP "5.ot-1r+evzti&L D" - +o/'JN oFD k).--i-t/uu fu"-f,y Q ct s s L a- r- /c,- /4'^"^-' 'ft' / t O .Vnsr-t- ?-D' v,atL v lb.r! {aaif.+H(;ugEgur-rif tl I tlvl-* u / r *W,- f. t-+ f v*tL ta a1/ S ke*^-- )4 LoolJ.n"i'r/ sVr'ft-/ application f|'lr a variance Paee 2 o u.s !t1" zoning adninistrator rnay pre_submit pertinent ro the "ppii""iil". IIf. Time reguirements rhe pranning and Environmentar conrnission meets on the 2nd and' 4th Mondays-of each *""tr,. - e1 appri-iti""-'iith the necessary accom-panying materiar must be sr:bmittli F;";---;";ks prior to the lateof the meetj.:rg. Do/, '- (c,) t 'l/'l t-J'' e^ 5 II . Four (4-) copies of the foJ.lowing information: A' A statement.of the precise-nature of the varialce requested,the regulation- involved-,-""a-trt" pr""ti""i"Eirticurty or-unnne"essaryphvsical hardship inconsislent wilh trr" "l:"Jti.r." of this titrethat would resuli rrorn slii"t "i-iit.ii"iiEllpretation and enrorce-ment of the specified. regulation. B' A site prar.showing arr existing and proposed features on thesite' and on adjoining-"ii"s-tt_necessary, -pertinent to the variancereguested, including lite boundarie", reiuiied setbacks, building*;::t""" and heish[r,-t"p"graprry ""a prri"il]i r".t*es and simil_ar C. Such additional materialscribe or the applicant may e)Application APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIA}ICE I. This procedure is reguired for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted' A. NAI.{E OF ADDRESS NAII{E OF ADDRESS APPLrcAtlr y'LD?V-lo A*% :ALZ : ::z : z; ;-qo9 - 9nu'-t-t-. - -- --W)qQab gc._- p46!e9 \ 4,b PHONE--bcl t_z poqti.vr=/= \7e L-tq l)t-|?sCa v.7 \t1oa APPLICANT, S REPRESEI.ITATIVE t t",t Ct:;zU 41c -cact4 c..NAME 0F 0UNER (type or Print) B. SIGNATURE ADDRESS +LHE pUONE €bH e t9 lA;le D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Ptr,DPJ;ss o +o q L$*{oN lx vD - E. F. LEGAI DESCRTPTToN lot f4 lro"k i- titi"g YhU VF= #oAL*l A list of the names of owners of all PIoPerty adjacent to the sr.rbject proPerty and their mai'l ing addresses. Vr'?f - .,V,caz?A 6.r-il2 {-eEg\A VeBtrAr-tx try)A qbb V;tl-, c'tl ' 'L'iC;92; l.1f r-.-.f - .-)er{E9 ANI? 'jr*rr r:1-TE O.lrL1 N . Ci y1;a1r2t4 | r 't/Ayl,t-'z: 2tI L'9'i-; N /; t T{.i -- t,At W tzt-..t-t L4 1,.?; () ^t:-w | +c.- H lg-*t-,' . v'o: L- , C-2. 2- t.-- a'., r:.-, 1 l-l -- Z,.t.tl:l) " 1.,r.,.1-lFir' t.i.,l/- l- /F,b, Vs:\ r* V " - Jc;r'lt't ,-\*t-19Y-E- (1 Y)v 'Lr ' v't't c V t er'{ {ar't r.{ r.;4'L';F': 1r-'. lf & \ L,r- .vr- i l- /,->(/ / / ^/)ut r \)z 713rV/ t/ "') * t --J 901 N. FroniogP Rood P. O 8o( 7g) Vdl, @ldcb 81658 f€bpr|one (oqi) a7624E F DRINT€H/| ,tt\illtTD Checki ng l'lartinez, d-.@ the check iorn $100, Vail View iown ttouse Condo Assoc.address' f-iis Z, and 4, Blk G, Va'il das ichone-#2, (which includes viir srv High condo Assoc.) addresses' PLUS signature of owner. [o: BE: 4/16/84 Town of ValI Plannlng Dspartnent. Parklng Varlance for Exlstlng Bcsldencc at, 2409 Chanonlx Roed. Thc extstlng resldencc 1s on lot 19, Va1l Des Shonc,Flllng #1A, rhlch ts zoncd prlnary/sccondary and ls 8,400 square feet ln slzc. The onncr wlshes to provldc an apartnentfor a local enployce ln thc basement of hls hone. The pro- poscd bulldlng chenges are all tntcrnal and vsry nlnor ln aoopc, oonststlng of: renovlng one partltlon wall and addlnga sneLl kltchcn. A11 thc zonlng crlterla under scotlon 18.13.080 B regardlng prlnary,/secondary resldenccs on lots of lese than 15,000 Bquetc fest have becn net, exccpt #4 whlch stateaIthet flfty petcent of thc requlrcd parkln8 nuet bc enoloecd.i But, there exlsts a physloal hardshlp ln the stcep topographyof thc slte and the extstlng tlmber retalnlng walLs wlrlchgurround the four-space parklng area; thlE ncane thc requlrcd garsgc encloslng the tro parklng sl>aces rould have to bc a Btructurc of approxlnately 340 Equarc fcct and bc dctachcdfron the erlstlng rcsldenoe. ?hle sltuetlon would not onLy add to ihe overall denslty of the nelShborhood by lncreaslngthe lot coycrage, but lt would also downgrade thc vlguel eppearancc of the slte. Therefore, we fecl the varlancc ls warrantcd becaueg of zonlng gcctlon 18.13.080 83 rhlch states nthat no varlancc for parklng would be approvcd y requrr e consEruc onora Ewo car sataga on thle relatlvcly snall, steep lot rthe vtrutl appcaranos of the slte and surroundlng arcai rould actually bc lesecncd to a great degrec. Slncercl,y, vL,4,4 c rv1, L. v \-.- ffi ARCHITECT. IC/ lrc. EAELE COUNTY AgSESSOR DATE: Q4/L?/A4 PAEE: 1 CONDOf.I I N I Uf.l L I 8T I NC CODE: OtgT CONDOMINIUI'I: VAIL VIEtf TOI{NHOUSE =E=============!3==!E====E!!!!!3==-=!!!=ta:13==g=E======:EEtEa!=!'*:l=!l=======!t====g!-:E::=!====-= OOO1 SCHEDULE: 013411 DISTRICT: t13 ARNOLD, THIIf"IAS S. BOX X-100 AVON STATE: CO ZIP C0DE: 81620 UNIT 8 BK 0252 PO O1e6 BK 0361 PC 0146 TAX ITEFIS: 113O 1?3O OOOA $CHEDULE: O13337 DISTRICT: 113 HELWIG, NORI'IAN R. E4SO COLORADO gTATE BANK BUILDING DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: aOeOe UNIT 6 EK OaS3 Pe 0137 BY\ Q?67 Pe 0993 TAX ITEt'lS: l13O 1230 OOO3 SCHEDULE: O13351 DI$TRtCT: 113 JANSKE, JAT"IES A. & JANETTE R. 2427 I'EST CHAI'IONIX ROAD VAIL STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 81637 UNIT 1 BK O2?2 PC 0163 TAX ITEMS: 1l3O 1230 OOO4 SCHEDULE: 013336 DISTRICT: 113 KUDEL, PAUL J. & SHIRLEY A. 4933 ROSE DOWNERS EROVE $TATE: IL ZIP CODE: 60515 UNIT ? BK Oe13 PG OA17 TAX ITEFIS: 1130 123O OOOS SCHEDULE: O13327 DISTRIGT: 113 KIRK, THOMAS H. JR. 94O SOUTH CRESTT.'AY t^IICHITA STATE: Kg ZIP CODE: 672r.A UNIT 7 BK 0303 PG 0419 BI\ 0377 PC OO41 TAX ITE['1S: 113O 1230 O ,t DATE: o4/L?;a4 E+f co CT]NDOMI CODE: OLST CONDOMINIUM: VAIL VIETJ U IST Y. NIU1.1 TOWNHOUSE A5S LIS t|r TIN OR e PAOE:4 0006 SCHEDULE: O13406 DISTRIGT: I13 SHERROD, ORVILLE T.J. & PATRICIA R, 6078 SOUTH JACKSON LITTLETON STATE: CU ZIP CODE: AO1el UNIT 9 BK 0223 PG 0641 TAX ITEMS: 1l3O 1?3O OOOT SCHEDULE: O133e6 DISTRICT: 113 SI.IITH, DONALD J. 8600 WEST 95TH STREET OVERLAND PARK STATE: KS ZIP CODE: 66'212 UNIT $ BK 0216 PG O35e TAX ITEt'lS: 113O 1?3O OOOB SCHEDULE: O13307 DISTRICT: 113 STOTT, EDI.'ARD BARR INCTON BOX 1950 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81658 UNIT 4 BK 0216 Pe 0139 TAX ITEI'IS: 113O 123O OOO9 SCHEDULE: O13334 DISTRICT: 113 VATL VIEI.' TOWN HOUSE VENTURE IIl Z GLAHE, ROBERT W, 4OE9 HAI,IPTON AVENUE I.JESTERN SPR tNGS STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 60594 UNIT 3 BK 0214 Pe 0698 TAX ITEl'tS: t13O 123O t-.la WYlloocne-" d De*zp .)'l/ ILof 'b -tvlotr-?et+tot,s Dc>r?iQr),t02aY "bbt:'?-t l-of 4- /vuetLuz 6, V6tL O/-.2 .rrlc;r'l 9o 4, r--,r) i -'-v1 'o''u lQrfu9 'Vbll-"12t, oa2'lbCL VPll',fts ''lbE6 ?p Havirr(-Y'Vat: e-t? .r;tO SRtrl\\ /tou ) t\o a!*-tL &.*9e-1 U"l\/lnn-4"'f ^!tDrrX ruat\.c\ r,..r Av\ U ,^i ! UJ^[^^U-1,^a D*.7 Z>16 ax.a\ra 4ReX jtl . L***1* -M'"J tt rh^0 Ljl -> loYo 1^^?u - > :4" / Ya4 r'7*^*c^-o-!*-0" o.*Lk /?zqPe* L"__ .--r t u QA fm- f\!/. i lmn'lfllili}z 75 south frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 ollice of community development o o HP.'$ffie'#'ffi PAUL & SHIRLEY KUDEL I332 BLANCHARD DOI'JNERS GROVE, IL 60515 o 3 l oE 9iii:i o6 AV|/l ,/ tr\,V' \r, 7$.oulh front gs ro.d urll, color.do 81657 ofllce of commrnlty development PAULA K PERKINS Box 2597 VAIL C0 81658 w' o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the P'lanning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 1g.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vail on June ll, l9g4 at 3:00 pn in the Council chambers in the Vail municipal building. Public hearing and consideration of: l. A request for a rear setback variance in order to add to a dwel]ing on.Lot 23, B'lock 7, Vail Village lst, at 254 Beaver Dam Road. Applicant: Dr. 0liver peterson 2. A request to rezone Lot 6, B'lock '1, Lionsridge Filing 4 from Sing'le Famity to Residential Cluster and a request for a Special Development District for the above lot and lots Al , A2, and A3 and a reguest for a minor subdivision in order to combine these lots into one. Also, a request for a variance to build on 40% slopes on Lot 6, Block l, Lionsridge Filing 4 and Lot A3, Lionsridge Filing 1. This is a revision and expansion to the Architema-at- vail earth-sheltered housing project which was approved in l9gl. Applicant: Reinforced Earth Company 3. A request for a front setback variance and a concurrent parking variance in crdcr tc add a ga'rage and additiorral gross resicient,iai floor area to a dwetitng on Lot 37, Block 7, Vail Village lst, I53 Beaver Dam Road. App'licants: Mr. and Mrs. Bo price and Mr. and Mrs. John wisenbaker y'4. A request for a covered parking variance in order to add a secondary unit at Lot 19, Block A, Vail das schone Filing No. .|,Z+bg cturonix Road. Appl icant: Alberto Martinez 5. A request for a conditonal use permit in order to relocate the Marbud Miniature Golf Course to an area east of Frasier's restaurant which is in the Lionshead Gondola Building on Lot 4, Block l, vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicants: lvlarcet and Bud Benedict 6. Requests for exterior a'lteration approvals in Lionshead, zoned Cormercial Core II, for the following buildings: A. Antlers Lodge on Lot 3, Block l, Vai'l Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicants: Marcet and Bud Benedict B. Gondola Building on Lot 4, Block 1, vail Lionshead First Filing Appl icant: Vail Associates c. Lazier Arcade, canada's entry on Lot 3, Block I, vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Canada's of Vail, Co]orado -2- The applications and information relating to the proposals are avallable ln the zoning. adminlstrator's office durlng regular business hours for revien or inspectlon by the public. ;l TOhIN OF VAIL COI'T.IUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT DEPARTIIENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR ZONING ADI,IINISTRATOR Published in the Vail Trail lrlqy 25. 1984 I PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commjssion of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 1g.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vail on June ll, l9g4 at 3:00 pn in the Council chambers in the Vail municipal build.ing. Pub'l ic hearing and consideration of; l. A request for a rear setback varjance in order to add to a dwel]'ing.on Lot 23, Block 7, Vail Village'lst, at 254 Beaver Dam Road. Applicant: Dr. 0liver peterson 2- A request to rezone Lot 6, B'tock l, Lionsridge Filing 4 from Single Family to Residential Cluster and a request for a Special Development District for the above lot and lots Al , A2, and A3 and a request for a minor subdivision in order to combine these lots into one. Also, a request for a variance to build on 40% slopes on Lot 6, Block l, Lionsridge Filing 4 and Lot A3, Lionsridge Filing't. This is a revision and expansion to the Architema-at- vail earth-sheltered housing project which was approved in |9gl. Applicant: Reinforced Earth Company 3. A request for a front setback variance and a concurrent parking variance in order to add a garage anci adci itionai gross resiciential floor area to a dwelling on Lot 37, Block 7, Vail Village lst, lS3 Beaver Dam Road. Applicants: Mr. and Mrs. Bo price and Mr. and Mrs. John t.lisenbakerI J y O' A request for a covered parking variance in order to add a secondary unit at Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. l, 2qO9 Cfruronix Road. Appl icant: Alberto Martinez 5. A request for a conditonal use permit in order to relocate the Marbud lrliniature Golf Course to an area east of Frasier's restaurant which is in the Lionshead Gondola Building on Lot 4, Block l, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicants: Marcet and Bud Benedict 6. Requests for exterior alteration approvals in Lionshead, zoned Cormercial Core II, for the following buildings: A. Ant'lers Lodge on Lot 3, B'lock l, vait Lionshead 3rd F'iling. Appl.icants: Marcet and Bud Benedict B. Gondola Building on Lot 4, Block I, vai] Lionshead First Filing Appl icant: Vail Associates C. Lazier Arcade, Canada,s entry on Lot 3, Block l, Vail L.ionshead First Filing. Applicant: Canada's of Vail, Colorado I -2- I I I I I I The applicatlons and infornation relating to the the zoning administrator,s office durlng regular or inspection by the public. TOI^JN OF VAIL COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR ZONING ADMINISTRATOR proposals are aval'lable In business hours for revlew ,,,.' 'll Published in the Vail Trail ilqy 25. 1984 BUILDINGBUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, p. O. BOX 179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303)328'6339 DATE July i6 APPL ICANT Alfred L. Covillo AODRESS Box (c/o Van de Kamp Const. ){NO.)(STREET)(CONTR'S LICENSEI 'ERMrr ro Construct si nql e fami ly__r"qs tC6*cl ITYPE OF IMPROVEMENT}NO. B$Tii?*noFu*'t. one (PRoPosED UsE) ;0. PERMIT 'i#r;*r:'8Ji'"o r47 6 ZON ING AT ( LoCATIoN )o rsTR tcr AETWEEN AND(cRo59 STREET'(CRO53 STREET' o, @ oo ozt o lL suBolvtsroN Vai'l das Schone #1 EUILOING IS 10 BE - FT. IVIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP .o, --19- ".o.* A "tPJ. FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOATION ( TY PE) REMARK5: Pl AIlNIltlG DEPT: 0 K for cingle family only! 03it""i $tt6.OoO.oo - EsrrMArED cosr (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) ownen Alfred L. Covi]Io ooo.." BU ILD ING 468.00----- pggltr r 234.00 ---?Tan--uheek (Affidovit on revci:c side of opplicotion lo bo complcted by outhorized cgenl of owner) I hereby certify thot the proposed work is outhorized by ond I hove been ouihorized by the owner lo noke rhis outhorized ogent lhe owner of ,record opplicotion ss his SIGNATURE OF AGENT' ADDRESS (NUnAER)(STREET)(ctTY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE t9 I County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERIT{IT Ne 16 80 Job Name... Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. APPROVALS $..35- a5- $-................ ...... $3446,- Plan Checker THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOII {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Applicanr. Sl8nature TELtPOnAnV . Ccrtificate of Occupancy County of Eag'le Department of Planning and Developrnent Building Divisjon Thi! certjfjcate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tjme of issuance this structure was in compliance rvjth the various reso'l utions of the county regulating building construction or use for the foi Ior'ring: NAi,tE A'lfred L. Covi I I o Use Cl assification Construct S'ing1e Family Group R-3 Type Construction Oivner of Bu il ding Alfred L . Covi I 10. Box 1307 , Vai I , Col orado 81657 nuilding Permit t'lo. 1476 _Fire Zone J Use Zone RSL Building Address Lot 19 Block'A. Vail das Schone #1 Bu'ilding Official Date q- 8.fu N0TE: App'l icant must finish landscaping as weather permits. PLUM!|RrG PERrv*T APPL,&t,o* Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cnc @r Form lOO.2 ll-73 r.oro.. 'ror: WHEN PFOPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE TH|S rS YOUn tER tT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION 61trX, iL 'rlz, Scika-t- *d &" iltiL *&'qot-(LJa aa ^rt^cnro 5x€at) MAtL AOOtatS @6u;4Lo trt PaoiE MA|L AOOi€sa tHoira AiCHITECT OT OESI6NER t|lolr f lrcl|sE r{o, ru,\(3 ?DC, MArL A0Ol a3 ! traor{a Lrctr(!l No. M^rl ^oDtE3t al^f.cx u5€ OF l!rror{c 8 Crass of work: El4tEw n Ao0rTloN tr ALTERATT0il D REPAIR 9 Describe work: TyF. ot Firturr or ltml SPECI AL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOI LET' LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. AtPLTCATTON ACCtPTtO AY APPAOVTO FOF ISSUATC€ AY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASH€R WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTH€R STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-.SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMSi NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING 3 TREATING EOUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR L.AWN SPFINKLER SYST€M SEPTIC TANK I PIT E-*;'/*€y'zz INSPECTOR ll.rlRt{ATI()'{ AL C()a{FCFI'.CI Ot lUlLOltiG (,ttlCr L3..x. I rr.r?n.rr caQr. ,...r ELEcriltAL PERMTT APPLCInoN Jurisdiction of Applicant to camplete numbered spaces only. t / L2 L/ta 5 ( lfa p t<- Sq-B P, u /'I !S EE AT'A'IIED IHTETI MA|L AOOiE3S PHOll a tTtis' 2 C/fa3 /hrt, Q,, " 9ICSZ ARCHITECT ON OESICNEh MA IL ADOTES S FHOIIE IICENsE NO. L I C Er{3E tO. MA IL ADOiESS IiAXCH 8 Ctassolwork: E[lrrw tr AoDIT]oN tr ALTEBATIoN tr REPAIR lPG./r- /an t^ .- ts-s -----' SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPT€D AY: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT, ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH, SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. Vr H.P. MAX MOTORS: NO. TRANS. SIGNS SERVICE E rrrew E cxeruce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMII PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION448,-l*//% INSPECTOR Form 1OO.3 11.73 INTERNATIONAL coNFERENcE oF BUILDING /,^' r'**df/^ -H.-/2--?z-/ OFFICIALS MrrL ioaD. ur}lr?rr.ir ca|.rF..o.ot ELEcT#L PERMTT APPLCInoN Jurisd iction of 1t to complete numbercd spaces only. lse e r rucx:o sx e: r t RECEPTACLE Oulers TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESPLANS CI]€CKEO OY APPAOVEO FOR ISSUANC€ AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA, APPL. % H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LJPOLE tIUNOGD. SERVICE E rew E csnruce PE RM IT ISSU ING FEE TOTAL FEE LICENSE NO.PXONE :Ci OR DESICNER tr NEW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION D REPAIR LICENSE r,lO. LtcENSE r{O, PERMIT FEES l ol work: irib€ work: TEMP F ILE - CONDITIONS: ON ACCEPTEO BY NOT ICE EBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS )ATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED N OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT ME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE JIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING RUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUB PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONcK. I.3 11.73 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFTCIALS ' 5!'O ' WHIYIIT'II C^'-IF.9] EAGLE couNTy BUrLDrlenr't AppLIcATtoN OFINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDS-OAPE.INSPECTION FOF{M Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting t41L Permit No. Commission File No.Location Plarrnir rg Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations S ite Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: No En tr Yes trtr .i7 Reviewed by: Approval : --------a--WJU^r.,.- County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage trutrI tr Dn D -l-tz -h R ecommend App rovar, 7f/*-rt I . 4Zlrl/ Comments:q County Health: Water S an itat ion Perc. test Comments: ntrn R Recommend Approval , ;2-/6 -> 7 tr Dntr Final Inspection: C/O Recomrnend Approval Conrments: D ''n Firral Inspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngntr c/o Final lssued Fil ing Date by Date BUILDING PERA,IIT APPLII o ATI -,-' D I ON Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spac$ only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION M,O. lcn ti Btock \ p'rr.r,.rq\ C\nnnopixR"*\ Vesr VArr.. EE A rrAa H E(lE lEEYl I oEscR. LtcENSE frO. MA|L AOOFaSS r _ PHoNE 3a rq: r or o a5 rcx Er IL AODR ES S PXOI{E TLJ u5E Ot CUt LOI N G7 Stn> 8 Clas ol work:tr ADOITION D AITENITIOru D REPAIR N MOVE tr REMOVE PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEu vatuarionof work:$ / / 6,0()O Occu pancy Group Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Firc Sprinkl€15 Required [ye5 !1eAPPLTCAIIOiI ACCE'TED 8Y PLAIIS CHECXED AY APPFOVEO FOA ISSUANC€ 6Y OFFSTRE€T PAFKING SPACES: Covered I Uncoverod NOT IC E SEPARATE PEAMITS ABE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS{E SAME TO AE TRUE ANO COR RECT.ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS ZONING HEALTH OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (sp.clfy) Form lOO.l 'l-?7 M,O.e0"4* e#.t-s-7/b INSPECTOR Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t-- .:r I *{ r..k I ti\'.1'. li ltlt i y'\.,r. {[s:: rrrrcxrusrtert. I OESC R, .lrr' '| 1,. MAII AOORESS IC ENS E NO. aicrlt TEc i ot DEstc|l - MAII ADDF ESS PIION Lrc€N5E {O. 8 crass ot work: Vtttw D A00lrt0N tr Alrennrton tr REPAIR D MovE ! REM0VE ) ,.1, , 10 Change of use from PERMIT FEE ," '' ..JPLAN CHECK FEE 'll Vafuation ofwork: g ,; ii. .l..;.-) SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of Storiei Size of Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkle15 Reouired lyes [p6APPIICATION ACCEPIEO AY PLANS CHECXEO AY APPAOV€O FOR tSS9ANC€ BY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unit5 NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUME- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF T2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO 8E TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTVP€ OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER lsp.cltyl gu r ro tfibfERM rr APPLr cfri o N WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I Form 100.1 1.77 DfiRA COPY PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. /4 EAG L E COUNTY I rNspectru FIECI|JESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-63it9 TIME FECEIVED- AM CALLER E oruen D pnnral.LOCATION I orsnppRovEDflo*RovED 4.; ,r- ;2itaa D nerNsPEcr E UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ,,Y2 G rnr {l AM PM k"*#,ffiTgffiH#r p2"-:* * t47b T0r ltr. Jotrn l. IlLn dc hry vt"H nB K*HP O0flSrnnlX0rl 80r tSrfvlu., c0[,cFlp0 8Lt$51 th hrrrbg rpf!#r* ymr pfm* for r tln f,ra0Iy hoilre olr Lot I,9r lg.6h I, Vrll ["tsSronr; ftffs 31r egl.r C!ffirQr. Ttlh th: fotforfq rnlplatlnnrr thrn ft to br m ueord rtr1, corrrrt ot clnddr btcls. ffi tp br rt lnrt 6 r 6 ta glrr lt rtsmgdr rpprrlrrrl (}ltnry to be *mkrmd. lf yao p{* fir rn r*lltlo*nt drnlftrtf rurltl 3rot rust mnk rnd ol*rlnrparurrl fm thr srgl,r frasst S@. of m.reflg rnd Damlaprfb m tbe lot, .Sprr. 1p6 opll fcl t.n Adffrfr u*t€ wdil. thl Coerg Aord,try Emolullon, b arri of {rth€r obdtn$tle on countg dr r*tts?-r ilr*t trr coryf{itdyolan rfr dll ttffic. ,a{f futffiir tdil[.i,torul nltllrt*ffif trgf,Nltfu€ alor oturlgre6 dG, snet,br alM.tttrd far rppmr*l to lhr t&rt, Tat;t tllelritrpt.lnrl Omii:lter. rb ndd lthr to rnwld rr s*r frnd*rryf,rg rc poarltllc, lrslsdlqf trlr c, RECEIVED AUG 13 1979 iil.' ,ri t'i,il""l f l)eve' I:r!. ' '' _:' L:l!(' .lt&Y I.. 1979 ,- G.o. b1rt,. o,f, ltffinf.4 rnd pevelam$, hglc fua1til ,-/ rNsr=ft*FIEOUEST NTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328-6339 EAGLE COU DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER INSULATION ..-.--..-.-..- S}IEETHOCK VENEER - BOOF PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING tr-oucr+ STANDPIFE '---.---.-.....- .io pARTtAt LOCATIONI FINAL n&-, -.- -f r- MECHANICAL VENT]LATION HEATING HOODS -_*..--:*_---*:* PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETEETOF PARTIAL florHen fvTplt COMMENTS: E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,WED AM PM fJnppRovED tr uporu rHe CORRECTIONS E otsapp RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: l-l nerNSPEcr DATE JrL'oo County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name.....John...VanDeKamp...-_,.Lo.t..19,..91 k. A,..Va.i.l.. das..Schone. Date of Apptication...........-s.eP.l.e..[Q9.f...Iq ... ..... ...............1e...2.9.............. Electrical Contractor..........ReSS...El.eC.trt,c Applicanr..-..-. SliDature APPROVAI.S Plan Chccker Ne Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee TEMP. 1618 $. $. $...... .1?,.9.q.......... $............. ..... .... 0.. .l?.,9-Q... ... . Date paid........ 5.e p!.e..nbe r...18,...L97 9 .. Received By ... !al-d.{ ..9.9.19i3... receipt # 5642 Building prnt. # 1476 FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G COI{STRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIREI' FOR INSPECTIONS THIS .rOB ELEcTilI(hL PERMTT APPLItInoN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIOAT€D (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Jn/2,4- U"-Z/+ INSPECTOR Form 1OO.3 l1-73 TNTERNATtoNAL coNFERENcE oF BUtLDtNG oFFtcta|-s I 13 EI ATTA('IED SHEEII OWNEi MAIL ADDiESS ZIP PI4OI1E z[.ou (/a,-t2t/t,r,,lP &x /36 /. e-ot, f,./r d7 7'/, /2 > LICEI{SE NO. 'ee /5O3 Uzt./s5- "e iCH I TEC'I OF DEs I GN EF MA|L AOOi ES S PXONE LICEXSE NO. ENGINEER MA|L AO Ot ESS tl{ONC LICENSE NO. I EN DEI MAIL AOORESS U SE OF IUILDI{C 8 Class of worK: D NEW D AODITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR TotalRECEPTACLE Outters SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING F ixtures F I XTU RESAPPLICATION ACCEPT€O AY APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. A'TURE OF CONiRACTOi Oi AU GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. lA H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LJPOLE LIUN06O. SERVICE E new E cxaruoe OV€R 6OOA PERMIT ISSU ING FEE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INSF E N FIE(IUEST EAGLE COUNTY oarc // '('7/ J.BNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALTER READY FOR INSPECTION ^ l'ar/ 2-"5/,rrzl( ,t C- CJu/ytr"t;,f FR!-AM PMMON COMMENTS: @ lWa,pp Rov E D Efuporv rHE FoLLowrNG co E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr ECTIONS: CORRECTIONS rNsr=fr* EAGLE CO FtEOUeST UNTY ),. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328'6339 DATE .JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING,,: . FOUNDATION FBAMING FINAL: , ,'. PARTIAL ,LOcArlo!::. COVER PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ,ROUGH STANDPIPE wDCSFINAL LOCATION: PARTIAL I orxea MON COMMENTS: I panrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FBt / / -' '-' AM. E a'ppRovED f uporu rne CORRECTIONS f] orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG COR R ECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DATE {\ BUILDING DIVISION I O P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328-6339 DATE -..,. - . JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER . rNsPEStCv FtEouEST EAGLE COUNTY FRAMING fifrrr- . LOCA COVER INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER - BOOF PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH . STANDPIPE WDCSFINAL n orxen I pnnrrnl. LocATroN APPROVED n orsnppBovED !nerNsPEcr I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS / BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHoNE:328-63gb oo n\rsPESil*FIEOT'EST EAGLE COUNTY oot, //t/rO J.BNAME -rME REcErvEa 2:?D A@ cALLER n orxen E pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR #,4*.t! PMAM -OWa44,^1 APP ROV E D 6 rrrro.io*,"o coRREC.oNS: ! netNsPEcrE orseppRovED CORRECTIONS M bo/e ervgnee{r€. rrc 143 e rneodoiv d surle n-'10 crGsroods shopprr€ center wrl. colsodo 81657 303/47c.2170 4t? vJrvt ll 7za1s1a -, lslp* luth. 4.L.oF-Z- lt4 ,, lb Y1', ?v'( t1*,v' ,- 1a' (>?b{t'l w Qilt _t-l 1Y fu ti1il a6|< e lo al'. ale,rut/t <l ?'17*r lteil"L rlerlhnlzL? 0rb lrE 12 + f tz( 4 t"'0 ,t|({tLf ;. VylF p uxu y,*r(, t:L (t6.c Paw# (" -Wl4_ (V r.atz (aef ?F+f- 1,(?Wrv .-ttl,*fFV 4rb*9 ,n'+-12 f-.A 4 nlo vrtt" Irrl i )'e -?- rrl22 -ta t1_ I ?+ -i.f 3Z O{ TbJfi 'rW11od. t )i"rr'.o' Ye rau4ctl rrqr iN-1 ,4r JiI JgE izT i4, plttcg- f , f iLil-i,i1 F I VaiL i?r/= lonC$?/ V,tl L/ lrtLOFhVo I (# ^ftr boyle ergneertng. rrc 143 e rneodoav dr sude n-10 cr6sroods shopp{rg center \Orl. Cdo.odo 81657c .- L*141il4 -.?tV,,+rrL .t rl l'@ 24!lf fo ?.q r\ lll1-rt 1o Wo?YFtl ut49 Il. I I d'+ rt* on a'r o'ra' ;"1 4*4 I,tol ?fv dry VF ,H 1Jl ,Ftl (t x lq 1dlo.b ?EPAU',ON {ffFiN'1 LoI 14, pV?oF t ,? | r- i Nd Yrl L pr+ =t.lall?,Vfi 5 f I\JO -,;;V (t I AO, (o IJ Y /,TFJJi UFV L, uoDzrt?C ;.KS.,m. '.+r