HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 21 AND 22 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado E16S7tel: 970.479.2139 taxrg71.4tg.24Sz web: www.vaifgov.com Protect Name ZARBA RE-ROOF ProjeA DescripUon: Pardclpants: OWNER ZARBA, MARYC. 2427 W CHAMONIX LN UNIT 1 VAIL DRB Number: DRBOGO3B5 LocaUon: FINAL APPROVAL FoR A RE'RooF; REMovE wooD sHAKEs, INSTALL NEW 50 yR BROWNWOOD ASPHALT DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE' 08123/2006 co 81657 APPUCANT TNT SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTORS, 0812312006 phone: (719) 487 -30t4PO BOX 2370 MONUMENT coLoMDO 80132 Ucense: 813-8 coNTRAcroR TNT spEcIALTy coNsrRucroRs , oalz3lzoo6 phone: (719) 487-3014PO BOX 2370 MONUMEI,IT coLoMDO 80132 License: 913-8 ProJectAddressz 2427 CHAMONIX LN VAILVAIL VIEW TOWNHOUSE #1 . 'A- -. l+ \ret\ Lr a t'l'-^- |Legat Des€rrpuon: Lou zo:z etocki 'suodrvision: vdrl vfiri t'dwrviouse Parcel Number: 2103-11+0900_t Cohments: Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Condltions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08]2A12006 Cond:8 ll$rylluo changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of rown ofVail staff and/or the appropriate review @mmittee(s). Cond:0 leuru)'-ona approvaldoes not consuhrte a permit for buirding. please consurt withTown of Vail Building personne! prior to consiruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approvar sharr r't become varid for 20 days folrowing the date of approvar. condr 2o2 ' I 3ffi ffi ?,T#5,,ffi *fliqffi ffi ffi,[iffi s]ffi#[**.,ffand fs diltgendy pursued bward 6;ntedd Joe Suther DRB Fro patd: f2ttO.OO -ffi ' DefftnemdCorrun.nltyDeitdopmcnt.1 75 Souh ftontage noad, Vail, Colorado 4657 - ,. / teu 92,.479.2128 ld(: 921.479.24511i urebi rrvrw.velgov.com Generat ltrFrtnrton: All prcjecB r€quldng den'gn rwia,v muit reoaN4 rpprp\ral pri6 to rubmfiilt€ a fuildlng prfith atPliEaugn. Please adr 6 Uc alhrrtul requirEfiS tsr lrc prrtaftr approrel that b rryt$td. An ipplicaEon br Deslgn Ret/kttl cilrmt be acepted umii all cquttd lrrhrinafrton i; rierea by rhc Cdrnmunity Devel4ment Depafineit The pruJect may also need to bE |gda.red by the Towt coundl and/c the Phnning aill Bilfanmsntel Commhdctr' i*rtn tei*w aDptoEI hDces unle* A builrfing F nlt E'tssod arrd conrtrudon EonttrngE f,'fdrirl one year Fl tlrt tpFtuvtL TNT SPECIA-TV COI.ETR Minor Exterior Alteratlons Application for Design Review zoningl vr.Aus. 2. 2006: | 4. 00Pl\ile487eEze Drcdptonof iie RFqust! LL Parcel ilo,t ?-lO 3 I I +0360l N0.2600 rP, 1 az e acEt+l vflg F E6 --e (Contrct Eagte Co. Assessdr at 970€2S8610 for pamel no.) llem{s) of Owner(r): ..!E-i[ngAd4er* 7 til0 gurner(s) lfignitdr(l) : Narne of Applkrnt:IJ Haihng Aldreee:e9?o U lt,t Nf E-maalAddre lYpe ot Reryiew and Fea: O Signs $50 Pluqgl.Oopefiquff.tbotofffil signarea. . tr @neFtual Ravlew o Fee D Nary Confucion $650 For engtrudion of a new building or demo/rtDuild,O Adddon $300 For an additim where tq$rc ft@ge b addst b any r€sldenual or commercial bulldln9 flndudes 29) addtions & inHar converdonr). lt-6Q u& \ H MinqAlcr€Eon IW ForminorCrngsiduminEsanonteimprwqmsnts,qJchEs,/ (mutit-lbni[/ommarchD Eg$ rFmottrg, pllrfing, wirdory addiUms, bndrcrplnE fcns and . / r|tilnlng wElls, eftc.ffip"r u'ffiTiffi1i},lilF^f1ffiffi:Hi*.no tr ChangesbAgprovadPlrns $20 For revtrloru b Dhns alredy apprwed by Plannlng Slrff ot tha I Detbn Rfvl€lv Boad,tr SspsddrlR€quest Noftc >-. .? .z- - - tl fn -l Je -f+;i er s?'*o(t G*"y' --Jol, 25, 20O6.tl,lgPUl 87r tsr Zitto-'ri:5r -' t 194879629 TNI 5FECIATV CTilSIR l{o,2410 rA sz 'OINT PROPERTY OWTIER WRITTf I{ AF F ROYAT ETIER t, (wmmne@a lrint owner of poperty.loeted at (addr2$/Led ooo,w""i a+e? / W. c+eip.rlrx UPrf f 1 porddcirhlotHalwilthlappnaroFtfieple$ *, - --qn/* ), whlchhat! been submitEd to ttre Tovn of Vail Canrmunty DEvlloFlcnt Dcprttnst fur tfp prcposed lmProt cments b b€ ompldrd'at the addrqss notrd abore I underchnd $at tlle emposed tnprwarenB lhdudri Dtrr 6Qr L6vl4, ss t'.- I further underdad that minor rnodifioHons may be made to the plans orcr tln aurse of tln evieul prccess tr rtrue complhnca wffr tho Tonnl appllcabH oder and regubdons. //?/7f/06 _ (Datc). F \te'4roRl{slPqFfisulamno\tfi!_m'nor-rrtLrr-23-2005_da T'/z3nooE " ggoUt ! hg.2 of It MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or'site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** ad- Stampa Topographic Surveyx <-6. Site and Grading Plan*y' Landscape Plan*-/ Architectural Elevations*'{ exterior color'and material samples and specificaUons. 1d, Architedural Floor Plans* I tignttng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures -q' TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* rO pnows of the e><isting site and adjacent structures, where applicable. fu wntten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable -/i Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablex '.rg Th. Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,- specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the maturtak noted with an asterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repor! and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: z F/6*tr|t* Contractor Signaturq Date Signed 24.ob F:\cdw\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc ltl23l20o5 Page 3 of 13 Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed survsyor. Date of survey. North arow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4OVo, and floodplain). Ties to exisUng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informaUon must be clearly stated on the survey. Prope0 boundaries to the nearest hundredth (,01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner,. Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsr Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4' or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock oukroppings and other significant nafural feafures (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmenbl Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flont, avalanche, weUands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centedine and edge of stream or creek in addiUon to . the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exad location of exisUng utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sldes of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"=20'or larger. PropertY and setback lines. Existing and proposed easements. Eiisting and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other stnictureE including degks, patios, fences and tvalls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roofedge with'a sofid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elwations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the proprty line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accuiately riRbct graOe.r A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that e>dt the street in an uphill direction,. Locations of all uUlities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\adev\FoRMs\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alL11-23-2005.doc Paqe 4 of 13 . Location of all required parking spacesr Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure,r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheel Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . landscape Plan:. Scale of 1u = 20' or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. r Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affested by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing fees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixfure. . BEPAI.NI.PBIEIqE . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, ek.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 5 of 13 1112312005 Buildino Materials *ogsfrstJ sot$6d color 2rs gnet.f col*t(6 Siding o@ gp(U{Jt }os\) PROPOSED MATERIALS Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo,ns Windorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Notes: Please specify the manufacfure/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\dev\FORM S\PEru{m\Plannin g\drb-minor-alL1 1-23-2005.doc rrl23l2M5 Page 5 of 13 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantifu Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DGSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, s,wimming pools, etc,) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor_alt_U-23-2005.d0c Page 7 of 13 111231200s ,T\I Y' UTIUTYAPPROVAL&VERIFICATION -r.*irtmmtrmil,z This form serves to veriff that the proposed improvements will not impact any o<isting or proposed utility services, and also to veriry service availability and location for new onstruction and should be used in conjunction with preparing ),our utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, induding grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorlzed Sionature Comments Date QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (@ll) Contacts: Steve Waters $/vaters(oowest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4075 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLYCROSS ETECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Conbct: Jeff Vrcom ivroom GDholycross,com EXCEL EI{ERGY 970.262.a038 (fax) Contacts: Klt Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAI{ITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tql) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erusd.oro cor,rcAst CABLE 970.468.2ffi9 elt 1100 (teD 970.468.2672 (fax) Conbct Erad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1. lf the utility approval & verification form has signatures from eadt of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. ff a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form trat there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Deparfnent of Public Works at Sre Town of Vail. Utiliw lo€tions must in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town oi Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is reguired and agrees to submit any rwised drawings to the utilities for re.approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developert Signature F:\cdev\FORJ"IS\PERI"Im\Planning\drb-mi nor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc Ltl23l200s Date Page I of 13 ;m NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-apolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to idenUff any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre.application meeung helps to expedite the dwelopment review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre- application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suther at 970.479,2L28 or jsulhel@vailggv.cqm Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeb on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, A complete applicaUon form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Departrnent prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www.vailoov.com For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fofth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and f itle 14 (Development Sbandards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Reouirements for prooefties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rock fall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific Aeological investigation determines that the subject propefi is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owne(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the propefi to all mapped hazards. Reouired PlJn Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown, 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed' 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Gnphic bar scale. 4. North arrow, 5. Title block, pCIect name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity mbp or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger, 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor-alt-1r-B-2005.doc Page 9 of 13 ; ttl23/200s Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must sbke and tape the project slte to indicate propefi lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeUng date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be pos@oned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staffl) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All statr approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any sbff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of SQVo of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re.publicaUon shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Depaftrnent may hire the consultant. The Departnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o(cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review ompletion. F:\cdev\rcRMS\PERMm\Phnning\drb-minor-alq-l 1-23-2005.doc ru23l20os Page 10 of 13 nnnricanu ftlf 503clsY <-st$fB.'.tY-d*t phone Number, 7t) - 4gV- 3uf 4 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.om *This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Wortcs review of a proposed developmenL Owners/Project Name: Project Address:2427 \)(.HS\rvt\*JI ?( 9?o -33t-50gl Submittalo Stamped survey of property o Civil/Site plans Survev Requirements: o Surueyor's wet sbmp and signatureD Date ofsurvey B North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or !"=20')o Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information, o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30olo of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)n All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.B I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. F:\cdev\FORMs\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt_ll-23-2005.doc Llt23t2005 o landscape plan o Tide Report (Section A) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanchg weUands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) D Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)o Topographyo Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. Page 11 of 13 III. Drainage (check allthat apply) o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.tr (Noter Valley pan must not be heated) o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot @ncrete Pan o PosiUve and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. tr A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested .bJ To*n Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply) a Disturbance area is greater than one halfacre, B A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stampqd. o Less thari one half acre has been disfurbed, and proper.erosion control devices are shown on the she plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The p$ect does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. GeologicayEnvironmental Hazards (check all that apply) o The project lies within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Repoft has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 gmde have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils, PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only o(isting contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIIL Parking (check all) o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Darelopment Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standardq p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) u Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please pro"ide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review. Applicants Signature F : \cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Plannin g\drb-minor-alt-1 l-23- 2005.doc Ltl23l20o5 Page 12 of 13 Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (e70) 47s-213s 3:,::- "',iltiFrt 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building / Environmental Housing Admin_Planning PEC 2. was your initiat contact ritn oi--r rt"@- sowavailable ? 3. ff you were required to wait, how long was it before you were hepeaZ /t f # 4, Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yel/No lf no, why not? 5. Wasthis your first time to file a DRB app-PEC app- Bldg Permit NiA_ 6. llease rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: @szl (5 is high) Name: _(knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.€a 3 2'l (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? ld ',9{ Sn4/t 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. or no one 12t0s/05 f G,g slf- eLe! ' (Loclert-r' * (0 Fng Lf-?( gtlrf 1J -S..,G S/i.f @f-NYl f cf:ri' (co.lc r sr= \'Jf,) (ror'"'tj;}l,,'-d":dil/ ") Lootrt SJb s/uJ tt?sM fr^fl? pfta(- V Lf: t'l - (facotsrto (;ur:5i / Q, O":S;rtz-,.:cjfrr-) lffi llN0vaTt0|l oR UY lt6 " OAKRIDGE PRO 30" SHINGLES Sophisticoted Expression, Enduring Style \ ::r \:l ,G . - f -at'-( Feotured roof colors on Estote Groy, Driftwood houses ore (clockwise from top) ond Onyx Block.r 9.:,\ l."f\, \\.!.il 'ja' It ffi il0YAltolil f0R Llvtc' OA|(RIDGE PRO 3O' SHI1'|GLES Sophisticcted Expression, Enduring Style The view from the street just got o litde better. The muted color blends ond subtle shodows of Oakridge PRO 30 shingles offer increased curb oppeal and low-maintenonce durobility. . A more sophisdcated alcernarive to traditional shingles . Durable weathe ring-grade asphalt shingles bonded together with tough Fiberglasc mat core for lasting performance and protection . 3O-Year Limited Warranty . 70-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty' . Class A UL Fire Rating-the industry's highest rating 'See act!al warran!y for complete details, limitations and requirements. COLOR AVAILABILITY l4AP For assistance in identifying your ServiceArea, ask your contractor or call l-800-GET-PINK. Color Availability' Amber Nor Available in Service Area l3 (see map). Driftwood Comp eme.red by color mar.hntHp&Rd$ Complemented b/ colo. matching Hap & Rid8e. Complemenred by color malch nt Hip & R dte Not Available in ma((h,nt H,p a R'dte New - Colonial Slate compremenied by coro. Service Areas | | , | 2. | 3. l4 (see map). New -Woodland Blend compremenied by coror Not Available in 'atchi'8 HiP & RidSe' Service Arers l, 2N, 7W 8N, 10, | | , 12, 14 (see map). New - Quarry Gray comPreme.ted by coror maichrnS Hrp & Rid8e. Onyx Black Chateau Green Conrp em€nred by color macching Hip & R d8e. Complemented by color NeW marchint Hip & Ridge. Estate Gray Complemented ry .obr match n8 H,p & Ridg€ - HarbOr Blue compremented Dy co,or maEhint Hip & Rid8e. ShastaWhite comp emented by coror New - Terra Cotta comp emented by.oror New - Slatestone Gray compremenrcd by coror NotAvailable in -'tchi'8 HiP & RrdSe NotAvailable in *tchint Hip & RidSe NotAvailable in 'aichint Hip a Rid8e Service Areas l,2N, 7VV', 8N, 10, I l, 12, 13 Service Areas l, 2N, 7VV 13 (see map). Service Areas ll{ 8N, 10, I l, 12, 13,14 (see map). (see maPr. tranu|eb|endsma'yary'romthePhoto'ThePitchof'oUrroofCana|soimPacthowashin8le|ookJonyrhome-wesUgestth sublect to chante without notice, Comp eme.ted by color match,ntHp&Ridte. Complem€nred bt color marchint Hip & Ridte. OA|(RIDGE PRO 3O' St|INGLES Sophisticoted Expression, Enduring Style PROTEIT YOUR HOl4E FROl.| IHE TOP DOWN WITH OUR COI4PLETE ROOFING SYSIE14 Yol.roll1sllo.eth.]f]L5t5hfge5'|tj.1..)|-|Pctesy;LemtlJ[ l--r'::Cuc'., F.cr of lhc;e e cn-enl D.r, ar po I Int o e n L,i olcat nq your l-orre. ,rrc they 'work togcther 1o ef sur-e the beJulv and d.]r,r:r t;r o';ror,r' oof Hip & Ridge Shingles - VentSu re@ Ventilation Products Shingles Weath e rLoc ko' Wate rp ro ofi n g Underlayment Products Product Specifications Nominal Size:l3'/." x 38%" Exposure:5%" HIP & RIDGT S|1INGtES Help protect ridge vents from weothering . C:,r', iol oo'.. r'dge 1 ne . Add . >tf-a [-.I-oteal or .rnc a mo e crren5ri)f ,l loo < . .,\-e cr,n'p ilil e ,.^, ii'r :l Ou,en; Ccr r rg s rg e p odu:l! . Conr, n scvera :tyles ior a rcgcn,r bas:l VINISURE' YTl'|IILAIION PRODUflS Help prevent structurol domoge . F[ Lri.;"^,'erf the top o[ taur- r-ccf arC il; f rp & 1|cge Sr ng e' . ReCr,: no ):Jre aondelrs.rtor ir o, nter,:nl cxcc;sive hcat n sJrrr.e- -.i) help euard ngairst prem.ilurc , trrg :rnC deck ',var-p ng . I 1:lr eep: J -no., ng lf r-trLr!r the Jttr:, ba.lrarn:l outcoor-.,nC Indo( ) teffpea.itLr e5 SHII{GLE5 Provide protection ond beouty . Fr.n:t r- I:t',",,hcr JScC .:s p,ir'l 3f ,, cf,r plele r-oof rq sy':terr . tns(|rr rrosL.rre resrsienac'wr'.h we,rtherIq g-adc asph,rl: coal ng . O'lc str ultlr a dL.reb ty ,\' '- r .t stro'r:l F rl glas n;ii cor= WEAII|IRLOI|(' WAIIRPROOFING Ut'|DIRLAYIlENI PRODUTTS Resist roof deck domage . ,1\at ,L ,:l f) olccL rc layei bei'w,-'cn you- ool cea. arc 5h nilc5 . Are ,,L enlr1 ca1 ;i e nq nee ed Lo p -ov dc ; s( i ulior to e',,e -/ app ca- of l n:e rl ',.,itl' f:;u un cue y ces:lrcd ',1,,rte'prorflrl: Lrrde' ,i','mc-:s Shingles per Square: Bundles oer Souare: Coverage per Square:99.9 sq. ft. ASTM D 30lS,Type I ASTM E 108, Class A UL 790, Class A 66 Tested for Excellence All Owens Corning shingles are tested to meet or exceed appllcable standards measuring fire coverage and wind resistance. Applicable Standards & Codes tcBo Es ER 5443' ASTM D 3462 ASTM D 228 ASTM D 3I6I UL 997 -Applicable only in S€rviceArers 8N, 10, I l, 12, 13, l1 (se€ map inside). 6 ftl0{^ltolll tor u m" OWENS CORNING WORLD H ONE OWENS CORNING PARK!\AY TOLEDO, OHIO, USA 43659 EADOUARTERSE www.owsntcorning.com l-aOO-GET-PINK Prnted n U.S.A Januarv 2004 THE PINK PANTHEF'& O19642004 Metro'Goldw^r'n-Maver Studios nc. Al Rrghts Rese'veo. The coor PINK is a regrstered trademark o'O,,\,'e.s Co.ning. 02004 Owens Corring Pub No 57636-,4 (Compton, Denver, Holston, lrvng, Jessup'North, Kear.y, lvlemohisNonh, Portland, Summrt'\A/esr) Page 1 of 1 Bilf Gibson - 2427 Chamonix Lane, #2 From: Bill Gibson To: Jacquelyne.Cavanaugh@janus.com Date: 8lLLl2009L:27 PM Subject 2427 Chamonix Lane, #2 Hey Jackie, According to the Eagle County Assessor the subject building was constructed in 1968; however, this neighborhood was not annexed into the Town of Vail until October, 1985. Unfortunately, there is very little information in the Town's files concerning the development of this property while it was under Eagle County Jurisdiction. The Town of Vail has no records, plats, architectural plans, or other documentation that can confirm a lock-off unit was legally established with Unit 2. Apparently, Lots 21 and 22, BlockA, Vail Das Schone Filing 1 were re-subdivided into the Vail View Townhouses at some point in time prior to anno<ation into the Town of Vail. Since this re-subdivision occurred under Eagle County jurisdiction, the Town of Vail has no record of the plat establishing the subject townhouses. You may want to contact the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office to see if they have a copy of this plat on file. Sincerely, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail p:97A-479-2L73 f:970-479-2452 >>> "Cavanaugh, Jacquelyne" <Jacquelync.Cavanaugh@janus.com> 8lLIl2O09 10:28 AM >>> Hello Mr. Haeberle - My name is Jackie Cavanaugh and I live in Denver. I am looking at buying a townhome in Vail at 2427 Chamonix Lane #2 - Vail View Townhomes. The unit was built in 1968 and has a lock-off apartment in the basement. The. seller claims this lock-off is legal and grandfathered in, but I am having a difficult time finding any documentation of this. Could you suggest someone in the Town of Vail I could confirm this with - is there a builder inspector or clerk of deeds I could contact to confirm? I have looked through the website and have not been able to find the appropriate person, Thank you in advance for your assistance. Kind Regards, Jackie Cavanaugh file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4A8171... 08llI/2009 Windows Live Hotmail "Windows Live- Hotmail arthurvail@hotmail.c... Inbox (8) Junk (235) Drafts Sent Deleted (13) Related places Today Contact list Calendar Home Profile Peoole Mail Photos Page I of2 More ' MSN r Search the web New I Delete Junk Mark as r Move tov Reply Reply all Forward condo elevation From: Kelly Malin (malin @co mcast. net) Sent: Wed 9/23/09 12:26 AM To: a rthu rvail@ hotma il.co m fl 2 attachments I (168 8 KB), 3. Messenger ' I Op Federal Aid Pr' Expa Moms I Online Hopefully this willjog Bill's memory. I'll find the plans and plats when we get home. (943.1 KB) (174.3 KB) ,3 .* Scloct Y labam a Alaska Arizona lkansas Calif ornir Colorado Connecti Delar'rare Florida G eorgia Hawaii ldaho http://snl09w.sntl09.mail.live.com/mail/Inboxlight.aspx?ReadMessageld:e04d480a-9b2... 9123/2009 Vf 4 \td'rr tuogvk tuaneffi 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:OG 'o 3?b s-lBq6- oz.r/Bu CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: --/F)T S fiz-acr/z-6N.:yfg 5 Town of Vail Reg. No.;&tz-s Contact Person and Phone #'s: 4.,a, 99o - 331- 5o8 t Email address:-TlNtT- J - 4 O pg364 coPlqsigna* *e: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ (epa</ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ /MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AuGzz2006 illil;i I xg 4/AL-z2 Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit*2,oa \\4 63 qsr Job Name: 6'Ftlrle\kAIzrgr\Job Address:21217 U, UtJJf,L ChlAvuodtX Legal Description ll Lofi ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision:9-Y1a:'2ffi- 1 a""o,'nffiz^szn-or 5z ArchitecvDesigner:Address:Phone: Ens'n=l>=_r llAddress:Phone: -$\aired descriqlion { work:?f, vutOv t'r FxrST t tJ (o <f#?. .Stl\ F(ev:J',,-' --l'1? ^{4cq[-,--- tJE(J Soy/' (bv{AstrTicrJ -S*rNGui syJft3vA' WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet( ) rlp"irff Demo( ) Other( i Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Pd Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Tw+family ( ) Muni-famity}<) Commerciat I ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 4 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: + Noffype of Fireplaces Elisling: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Propqsed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm ExisL Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( Towhi.' -' Page 1 of 16 04w1200s UNreo Srers Posr* Senuce B. Sender Please print your name, address, and \-_r Townof \fl 75 S. Fronirgc Rd. \,S, CO 8165'7 ll,,lt, t, I l' ll',,l,l,l,,,l' lrl,ll, , ,1,l',,ll ,,l,l, ,1,l, r,l,l' I I Gomplete items l, 2, and 3, Also complste item 4 if Restrict€d Delivery is desired.r Print your nam€ and addr€ss on the r€vers€ so that we can return the card to you.r Attach this card to th6 back of th6 mailpiece, or on th€ front if spaca pormits. 1. A.tlcle Addr€ssed to; Mcrq C 7-atVa ULA C/no*oniY L.nr I Va.r l, c0 81A51 3. S€ lca Tvo€ XC"ttir"a u"ir E E)(pr€ss Mail b Regtstercd B Retum R€ceipt for M6rcfiandiso E tnsur€d Mail E C.o.D. 4. Rosilicted D€liv€ry? (E/'€ Fee)E Yas 2. Arttclg Numbor ttfisfer lron g,'vtce la.x') ls delivery addr6 It YES, enter d€llv€ry u:l.f,/ PS Form 381 1, August 2ool DomEslic Roturn Rocaipt '10259ff2-M-1540 Departmnt of Community Deuelopmmt 75 South Fronwge Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-21j8 FAX 970-479-2452 ututw.uailga.com June 15, 2009 Mary C Zarba 2427 W Chamonix Ln, Unit 1 Vail, CO 81657 Martin A. Haeberle, C.B.O. Chief Building Official Town of Vail cc: contractor (regular mail) SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Expired Plan Review: Permit#806-O251.,Zarba,2427 Chamonix Ln, Unit 1 (Chamonix Chalets) Dear Property Owner(s), A review of the Town of Vail Community Development files indicates that the permit listed above was never paid for or picked up. This peimit was approved on 08/2812006 _and the contractor, $ Specialtv ionstructors, lnc, was notified. Permits must be issued within 180 days of notification or @e20o3|nternationa|Bui|dingCode,section1o5.3.1,asisthecasehere. tr lf the work was completed, this permit must be paid for in full and issued, and inspections scheduled to verify code compliance. The total amount due is $232'76' tr lf this work was never completed, the plan review fee must still be paid as we completed that work in response to the application being submitted. The plan review fee is $90'51. While contractors typically submit permit applications, proper$ owners are ultimately responsible for the permits on theii propqrty per the 2003 lnternational Building Code, section 105.1. I encourage you to contact me at (970) 479-2142 with any questions. Sincerely, $RECfrCLED PAPBR Account Page 1ofl Account: R013351 Locrtion Eue&&g!|$gt --Ag*S4-c!!Eile!!. Parccl Number 2103.114-09-00l Owlcr Nene ZARBA" MARY C. Acturl (2009) $499'590 Tar Aroe SCl03 - VAIL (TOWN) - Owncr Addrors 2427 W CIAMONIX Primry Trrrblc S39'770 SCl03 LNLJNITT ""xArer:SCl03 MIttLcW:46.1240 Sltuc Addrc* 002427 cHAMoNIx VAIL, co 81657 LN#l lu:_.--*Actud Agre3sed4gglqll-* Legal Summrry Subdivision: VAIL Improvements $439'780 $35'010 uEwrowxtiousEUnit: I BK- L,and $59'810 $4,760 0'06E 1828.000 vuSPG-0477 ll-10-75 BK-05 t0 PG.0r94 QCD 07-21-89 Transferc Srlc Pricc Srlc Deto $237.000 tvt4l195 f116.000 05n9/19t5 $130.000 09Da1918 $49.500 08/3'/1976 Rcccption Nunbcr Book Prgc B: 0680 P: 0979 B: 0414 P: 0218 B: 0292 P:0163 B: (D48 P: 0562 Imeecr http://property.eaglecounty.uVassessor/taxweb/apcountjsp?accountNum=R013351 06t0912009 Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Cheklist mufi be o.moleted before a Buildina Permit appliation is acceohd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o tr o tr o o tr g a tr o o tr o o tr Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: Received By: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building_Jeermit.DOC Page 2 of 16 0zl09l2oos P1AN CHECK FEES TABLE Deryturent of @mnunity Development Building Safdyand Inffiiul *tv i6 75 huth Fronta,ge Rd Vail, Colondo 87557 970479-2138 FM9704n-2452 www,vailgov.un Plan check fees are required for projects with a valuation over $100,000, at the time of Building permit submittal. Please use the table below to calculate your plan check fee total. $100,000-$150,000 MulUply by $150,001-$250,000 Multiply by $250,001-$400,000 Multiply by $401,000-$750,000 Multiply by $750,001-$ 1,000,000 Multiply by .0055 of Valuation Total .005 of ValuaUon Total .0045 of Valuation Total .004 of Valuation Total .0035 of Valuation Total Valuations over $1,000,000 will be calculated by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment. If you have any further questions, please contact the Town of Vail Building Depaftment at970-479-2728. F: \cdev\FoMS\Permits\Building\buildingurerm iL DOC Page 3 of 15 021091200s I Ini'oice Request Formt- I Route to FINANCE Bill to: Mary C Zarba Address: 2427 W Chamonix L City, State and zip: Vail, CO 8[657 Phone number: Please describe what we are Include dates, town equipment, and personnel involved. Copies of any collection of this debt. documents you would have would be helpful in the See attached certified letter never collected, however we t6lt1l2009. lnvoice is for plan review fees thatwere the worlc Letter was delivered however we have never received a or payment mail.Please send invoice via Total amount to invoice , Unit 1 Account nunber to be PF 00r00003112300 ' m Ftl*n* %tnl$& Flcdev\BUILDING\Form Letters Plan Review LettersVnvoice finance form 8064251.doc TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: RO6OOO1281 Amount,: $50.00 08/23/200608:52 All Palment Method: Check Init: aIS Notation: 5952/Tl[T SPECIAIJITY CONST PermiE No: DR8050385 tl4le: DRB-Minor AIt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2103 -114-0900- 1 Site Address: 2427 CIIAITIONIX IJN VAII Location: VAIL VIEW SOWNHOUSE #1 Tocal Fees: 550.00 This Palment: S50.00 Total ALL Pmta: $50.00Balance: $0.00****f+*+*t* * **** * * * * * * * * * * **********f**********{.t****+**{.{. t + * **********+****i******+* +'f***** ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN RE\':TET{ FEES 50.00 ocai*trtTY oEvEuFtlE{t V*enoErt"*"fr4 | Design Review ;;; /rtu H-* i'tPn ACTIOI| FORl,l Department of Communit!, Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax'. 970.479.2452 web: wwn.vailgov.com Project Namer BELL RE-ROOF Project Description: Participants: Pruject Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Location: Lotr 2fJ-2 Block Subdivision: VAIL VIEW TOWNHOUSE 2103-114-0900-2 sEE {'ONDmONS DRB ilumber: DRB050511 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO ELK ASPHALT SHINGLE WEATHERED WOOD TO MATCH ADJOINING ROOF owNER BELI, BRENDAN E. & DOUGLAS E09/23l2005 PO BOX 2s29 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT BELL, BRENDAN E. & DOUGLAS EO9/23l2005 PO BOX 2529 AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOII TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. 0912312005 Phone: 970-328-23,O P.O. ijOX 2123 EAGLE co 81631 License: 540-8 2427 CHAMONIX LN VAIL MoUon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: VAIL VIEW TH-#z L4s *rzz , 6'tlc & W"ldarfU*w--Al t BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvab 09 l23l 7005 ConC: 8 (PLAi'l): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revhw ommittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): LrRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dilioently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: l2O.O0 Application for Design Review Depa.trnent of Cdrmunity Developrnnt 75 Sorh FrcntagB Road, Vdl, Gdorado 8167 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 97O.4792&2 rreb: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All prcS:cts rcqufting design revlew must reoeh,e appro\al fior to submitting a building petmit application. Plece refer lo lhe submittal requirements for the psrticular approrial that b rcquested. An application for Deslgn Rwlew canmt be a@pted untl all requlrcd infomatlon is rccehred by the Co.nmunity DerieloprFnt Department. TIE projec.t may dso ne€d to be rcvbrcd by the Town Concl andlor t|€ Ptanning ard En lonrnental Catmisdott. Declgn revlew approval lapcer unlss a bullding pe]mlt b bard and conotructlon commenc€s withln one ycar of the approval, Description of the Request:s,^..-,L Qffi 'e-cooF:,a ho^.-qo L^ lts t-ocation of the Propocar, ,@ parcel No.: 21 0 3 n q Oq O OZ (conract Eagte co. Ass6or at 970-328€erc for parcel no.) Zoning: t{ame(s) of ouner(s): &r.,Jo^ &.lt t{aifingAddrqss: lLiLT C)n.^"^:t Lrr.,&2, .Va,'|, C4_ Flt"sz Owner(s) Slgnature(s): ilamc of Appli""nt Bre*t)o^ kll Iailing Addreee: Phone: q7 a - ft'.oz5S"t,--------..---a.'Type of Review end Fee: $50 Fhrs $1.$ per squarc foot of total silp area. i,lo Fee $650 For mnstnrclion of a nerv building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addllion where s$are footagn b added to any r€silential or cornmedal buiHing (lncludes 250 addftions & hterlor oonvelsions). $2st! oP VJovl o h \, \ For nftor ctanges to buil&Es and site inproverrrenb, $Jcfi 6, @em,g-l"ittirg, wirdow addititrs, lan<tcapiU, ftnces sd r€tainlng w:als, eta _E f.Binqchanges to buildings and site improv€rnenb, such as, Crcpgfngrpainting, windo,v additions, landscaphg, tunces and relarlmg tEt|s, elc. For rcvi{om b pbrs alrcady apgorcd by Pknnig Stafi or the Design Rerfuw Berd. 9rbdivision: Physical Address:ZqZl Q\a,-oa:* Lr., #z . $grs . CarcC,ttal Retbv . l.leur Oonshrction. Addition . trtsAltetatbn (multifanty/omuchl) Mhor Alteratbn $20 (dnglefamty/dudex) Owqes to Approved Flans $20 . Seperetihn Requ€st NoF€ For Office U1;l Rflf Fee Paid: Lv Page 1 of 'l2l04'l0ll04. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent ****ft****++tf't***************t*'l*f*fat+++*+*+***ftl*{'{'!t'l**********iiti********ilt*******i*** Statemen! Nudber: R0500015?3 Atnounts 3 $20.00 09/23/2OO5O8:40 AIvl Payment Method: Check BEI,I, Init: iISNotation: 1355/BRENDAN Permit. No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Palment : DRB050511 T}/I)e: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103-114-0900-2 2427 CHAMONIX I,N \/AIL VAII., VIET| TH-#2 Total Fees: TOTAI ALL PMEA : Balance: Description 920.00 $20.00 $0.00 $2o. oo **t*++**********++*+******+*********t'i**{'+++++a*f+'}********lfa**++++*{.+{.*****tat*++*++****** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003 Lt2200 DESTGN REI,ITEW FEES 20.00 g9/2Al2gSS 0g:30 9723921824 CARABELA PAGE 6T s.t tg (t6 Oa:56P Er.ond.n Ec I I g?o-oa5-oa55 .DtXttnotHwotxEn wlrttEir AtPRovAL ItlTlR l, lDrfi n rE . .ltlil orn ? of p|upGrly bctd .l l.d&E/h!tl *rilb^, ?-'14,y* c'z! iX L-,T2. r/a,'l Ce etofr ttralff - rnfo rpp.lrd ot lh. ,|il -ld 1- zo- os rtralr l|rr i-n.obrtlFd F lh. Tflt ot val corlurunlty Dctrlpfirt DF6nm.nl br lh. Prcpard inFffi||.|{. b b| @rnglDd at lha tdd'.!a notad aoor. | 'trahtltlnd lhrl thc prcpomd fiTpovtfltanb i|clrda: I fifil|f ufiffild |,d r5o. iE(ffi |t|, !..rd. b h *|r of,, llrc arr. d l|r. frr|.t DfE/r| b|||3rf oc!*f,orlh lrrTornt.gtre 6e e'[ ]!g!&lb,I. p.1 ?.- -za^ Os (Oelo) tutDZo,tao.,nlo, 'z(aoG:* i} : TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Bui tding-----) Ptan check---> Invest igation> l.,i IL CaLt----> Job Addreset 2427 CHAMONIX RD LocaLion . , ,I 24T7 CHAMONIX IJANE UN]T ParceL No.. : 2l-03-114-09-008Project No.: o O DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT permit #: 897-0132 APPLICANT JOHN WEBSTER 2417 CHAMONTX RD #8, VAIL CO 8l-657 CONTRACTOR JOHN WEBSTER 2417 CHAMONTX RD #8, VAIL CO 81657OWNER WEBSTER JOHNposTFAcH 83, ?500 ST MORITZ, SVTTTZERLAND Description: REPLACE RETAINING WALL Occupancy: RL Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: VaLuat,ion: 980 Add So Ft: Fi replace Information: Restri cted:#0f Gas Appti ances:#0f cas Logs:#Of l,ood/Pat tet: **#************t*******ffi********ffi**tt***ffi****t***** f EE SUIII'|ARY *ff*****#**********ff***********ffi*ff****************** 35.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--)?2.75 DRB Fee-------.00 Recreation Fee--------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> .m Total Catcutated Fees---)20.m AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 Tota[ Pernit Fee-------->.00 Pavmcnts------- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-213E lot Z( 6lbtL , fett Au)-Q'l'7''- 80- 75 50.00 130.75 130-75 n******ffi*********tr*************llllit*lili;;;;;;;iii***********ff;li*******illllll*lli;;;;;;;;;i************ill*** Ire.r.ni .05100_gqrLDrNG DEpARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:05/28/T997 CHARLIE A-.ion: APFR cHARLIE DAViS-Itqm:'.05400_PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:05/28/1997 CHARLTE Actionl-ApFn pnn D]RK MA56N- ----- - IteBi'.05600-!IBE DEP4,RTI.4ENT _ Depr: FrRE Divj-sion:05/28/1997 CHARLIE Actionl APPR N/AItgm:'.05500_PqEI,IC WORKS ' Dept: pUB WORK Division:a5/.?q/.!997 CHARLiE action: NoTE pLANs To puBfroRK-S-- "-"-' -- 05'/29'/L997 LARRy_p Acrioni AFPR Lp -.- -- - ffi**ff*#*********************t*************t**tr**H***ffi***Hff******t*ffi#*ff***t***ti***H*******t*****tr*********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I-hereby acknouledge that I have read this appLication/ f il,l,ed out in futt the information requi red, compl.eted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that aLl the information provided as nequired is correct. I agree to compl,y with tire information and pLot pl,an,to corP [y Hith atl' Torrn ordinances and state [avs, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodcs, design review approved' uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the town appl,icabl,e thcreto. Status...: ISSUED #Applied. . : 05/28/L997 Issued.. . : 05/29/1997Expires..: lL/2s/1997 Phone | 476-3854 Phone:476-3854 Phone : 41-81-8 3 3-0 815 Send C Lean-Up Deposit To: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0132 as af 05/30/97 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Appliedt O5/28/1,997Applicant: JOHN WEBSTER rssuedt os/29/L997476-3854 To Expiret LL/25/t997 Job Address: Location z 24L7 CHAMONIX LANE UNIT #8Parcel No: 2103-114-09-008 Description: REPLACE RETAINING WALL Conditions:1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETR"ATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTI4ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAN BE STARTED. o **************************** o *********** Statemnt **;********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0280 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation z 182 130.7s os/3o/97 09:58Init: DDM Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L4L2 01 0000 4L336 897-OL32 Typer A-MF ADD/ALT MF 2LO3-11,4-09-0 0I 2427 CHAJ{jONIX RD 2417 CHAMONIX LANE UN]T #8Total Fees:130.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CONTRACTOR LICENSES V{ILL CAI.JL INSPECTION FEE BUILD PER **************************************************************** 130.7s 130.75 .00 Amount 35.00 20.00 22,7s s0.00 3.00 eIfl O**rnoNix AtM,-f^r,*,n +8 Fe"*t Vin l /,E*,m- Vie^Y &a*UJlr- pk fue&erel ka+t g,a66s.Ita* fepeR ro pnrce<cprl. f Eo {.{.! o6z ,0t- { IDfr 1 EpatH I I , Gn e-u E*t Panxpo Nsen .1tc6uz )eno,yter., fo k Sexest A" Sdl 0er..rrers Frccv SEcorys &((ss A^D Seir<er ,^rrr, $"t* 11.r, striryt+/$-{€rtlci.f ailfrrr J7rkes F AlrJ-, Q^^ 8487236 LEEHNER FAGE g2 or improvcmcnt survcy plai ard thrt it is not to be relicd upon of fence, building, or othor futun lmprovematt linea I furthci certify thlt the iurprowments on the above deccribed percel on lhls dlte, February 23,lltl, utillb cottnarfions. "t" entirelv within the boundrries of the naicel exoeDt rs shown, thrt therc aro ntexcept ulillty connestiom, are entiiely within the boundaries of lhe paicel ercept ai $hown, thrt there are no q$ Indi€rted, 6 nolcd. A&-e'6'n7 Date Rrordrd lnformatlon ls based orr Stewad Tltle of Eagtc Co, lnc., Commitment No. 95013ifd:"frtaUU'I-€atcmenls lirtrd on sald eommltment thrt lie within thc subJcct property and art detcrlbed in a way that qllows thern to bc drownn ur shown on the drcwing . {ccording to FIRM Comrnrrni$-Panel No. G0054 0001 B, this parcel lier In Zone C. Addrcrr = 2417 Ch monix / Vail ViewTownhomes # 0a I I ,ffi'rni$ .lN-Eril el[l- l"F€.o [---- udgaaL#rl.-L-.FIce l-!,r==!:*:g |a'-t'r,/fei:, d I -rv -lmt fl$| d:i ;r --lT )/ r ddo 23' (ry,-fr"tl "dq.l"1erntz1' 1i.^ "as.4y'q'r- t 71L. 4 o ,p t, |Jlt ffi* r$t S E*,nT=tts" IL-!J__1 fb?osEr, Ne,u(,€rniutxe tJAtl- * *.d' t,Ldrslr-l.Ce' t-I=4i!=)-U-sf" drltlrrrlF\f- ! | Improvement Location Certificate trgrl Dilctiprlonr F.ftof ror!i,gtoch lreRrsubdirision of Vail Drs lichoncpFilingNo.l,Er8le Corrnql,coloredo, dssrlbed as nrtm rnd boundo on Schrdutr A of Stswrintle;i iitl C"fiConnftfrent No. gcorgg50. Abo known as Vrtl Vlcw Townhona Unlt Ne. t rnd rhewn bclow on thc &twiltg. I hereby certity that this Inprovenent Locetion Certilicrte was prsparcd for Fint Weilern Mortgapl gctvlcra brc., itr oucie*on and/oiraigns, and Stewart Title of Eagle Ci. Inc., that lt i9 not a land suw-ey plat or improvcmcnt survcv olrt and thrtTt ii not to be relicd upon f-or the establlshment of fence, buifdirtg, ot r$/ ,fi, ili Ll I ttl I T*'.lg*$lt-q.-gYtiTfltT:.)t6,,t$.f11:t;:.Ttlqlocdoatrot upon_ury d.lccttn.rlrtren{rcab,duri." tr*'yg.n otrrrr.)aou.ft't cirr.,y..p 'l ' f contact Eagle County e"""""orff1"" \, t*\i' o'ao#j...'i| '3HH"?i X#1, :lffi 3$"F3i$.'V DATE: PER]-IIT /I , APPLfCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEI-,y OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PEIll,tIT INFORI'IATION *****************************rl [f,]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical g 1-r.lechanibat [ ]-other Job Name: htrgErt< d?etq,i*1 &)n--Job Ad,dressz tVlT €ih+-rrrotrV &ao +8 legal Descriptiorr Lot4tro IBlock-l ririns , suBprvrsroN, /a,f ov'nersName:@Address,Bsrrrut8s|sw9lV|oet.rzPh.tt|-s|.8$o8/s t @Architect N /ft Address3 A/\ceneral Description. (fltkg ?aT|,airve Nat.- work cLass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additlonar tXl-Repair [ ]-other & Number of Accommodation Units:Number of Dwetling Units: , ' ^ Ilpnber and Type of Firepraces: Gas Applian".4" cas Logs_ wood/perret_vfif********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* t,l n'urr,orNcr r @?gO- nr,ncrnlcar,:$ orHER:$pLITMBTNG: $ MEcHANTcAT: $-_'- TorAL: $-}Z f,*******************jt*****!t:t CoNTRACTQR INFORMATION *************************** 'Eenerar contractoT:, @ Town of Vair Reg. No. Jq/- LAddress: OwruEe/ prrone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunrbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DR8 FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg..NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBfNG PLAN MECHANICAL RECREATfON FEElir; c-, -' CLEAN-UP DE llAI 2 S 1097TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: VALUATION CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT f,EFIIND TO: -,(il{dlu, DETDEPT- ,o* oF. uor" ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ulz t 0v [+ tfltfl lrrC, e"''<-l NOTE: Job Address Location... ParceL No.. Project No. 2427 CH}J,(ONIX RD VAIL VIEW TOWN HOMES 210 3- 114-0 9 -0 0 0 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES aon/ar,t MF BurLD PERMTT Permit +: 896-0219 Status. . AppIied. rssued.. Expires. ISSUED o8/05/Lee6 08/05/L9e6 02/ot/ree7 Tcc coNTRAcToRs, rNc. P.o. Box 1953, AVoNt co 81620 TCC CONTRAcroRs, rNc. P.O. BOX 1953, AVON, co 81620 vArL vrBw TOWNHOMES/NORRTNG 2417 CHAMoNTX RD, VATL,CO 81657 Phone:949-0630 Phone: 949-0630 Phone z 476-9032 TOV/Comm. Dev' Descriprion: Clean-up Deposit-Refund REROOF BOWN PRO PANELS approvgd"'-'1.-;- loo.-occupancy: R1 Multi--Family OlTlOi.rr rr. Type Construbtion: v 1-HR Tlpe V 1-Hour Type occupancy: datg --rff Valuation: 14,000 Add Sq Ft: FireDtace Inforration: Restricted: fof Gas APpl'iances: #Of Gas Logs: flof Uood/Prl'tct: FEE SUTITIARY Bui tdingr--) 1S5.OO Restuarant ptan Revjevl) .oo Totat catcuLatcd tces---> 15E '25 PLan check--> 1zO.?5 DRB Fee-------- -:----> 5O'OO aOiitionat tees--------> 'm lnvestigation> 'oO Recrcation Fee--------> '00 ioiat rermit fcF-----> 158 '25 ,,,i,.r carr----> s.# l*ll-:g,i:r:r: -:-----i [s:r iini[:,,;;;,,,,,,r,"ri._.__.___i]1fi--- Item: .051.00 08 /os /t996It'em:'.05400 08 /os /t996It'en:'.0560008/0s/L996It'em:'.05500 08 /05 /tee6 BUILDING DEPARTMENToiI*"r*"o8Eiifti'tii: o$T*" ot"tfiF&E*i *n* OAN- Action: APPR PUBLIC WORK$OAN ACIiON: APPR LAUREN N/A N/A DePt: Dept: APPROVEDDePt: DePt: BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: of this Document for any conditions that rnay aPPly to this permit' DECLARATIONS :L:::t;1.;il"rili"r"$il;i; i;iroii auitaine code and othef ordinances or the rovn appr'icabte REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Cl.ean-UP Dcposit To: NoRRING See Page 2 I hereby acknowledge that I havc resd this sppl,ication, fil,l,ed out in ful'l' the information requircd, compteted an accufrtc ptot p[an, and state that .tt .n.'iiio.*iiin p.ou\a"a as rlquired is correct. r "gr.c to-iomptv-Jittt t|t" iniornation and Ptot Ptan' to conpty vith arr' rovn ordrnances-und:t?19.!1':1,:":-:J-ifrl'^:lii"ii::"::'i^:;::*t::"i1.:[:"tn]:.31"t"t and suuivision ****************x***********,r*************************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit #: Be6-021 s t;;;-oit/ii1s'1 ' ' status: rssuED *******************i***************ii******i**i********************************* Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 08/05/1996 Appficant, tcc, ..NTRACTORS, rNC i'ssuea; 08/05/1996 949-0630 Nc' To expire' o2/01/L99'1 Job Address: f-,ocation: VAIL VIEW TOWN HOMES Pircel No: 2103-114-09-000 DescriPtion: REROOF BOWN PRO PANELS t"f';i;13' r"rr"t"oNs ARE ryqgl$9..r?.9t::I.::*"t:Rl :?Hi?tg3l'2. sMoKE DErEcroRS ARE REQuf;'s;ilo-Ali--ieDnooMs AND EVERY sroRY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE I99]' UBC' o *************************?*************************l********Statemnt TowN oF v}Il : . :9:?*??- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iiil****************i.::i:.::1:::.^- 43a.2s 08/t2/e6 L3:2-Q"rru..*r,. Number: m:9-9183^P:Yi:: 1)oG Init: ALM T:fiH; t.;;; cricr Notation: 1206 ------------------::.-;;-,;*-;;:.;-;;-----;;;7;;;;;;;;;;;;Permit No: 996-0219 Type: A-MF ADD|I+IJL Parcel No: 2103-L14-09-000- Site Addressz 2427 CHAMONIX RD- LOCAIiON: VAIL VIEW TOWN HOMES Total' Fees: 458 '25 rhis Payment 438'25 *ot'i-oiit:il::; nut:33 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Descriptio D",rm n'EF:s ffi:t; 01 oooo 41310 iurr-,orlle PERMTT FEEs 01 oooo 41331 pesrel'l REVTEW FEES 30 ' 00 01 OO0O 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 120 '25 01 OOOO 22002 ci',rarvup DEPosrTs 100 ' 00 01 0o0o 41335 wll'r-, cnt-,l nlipicrroN rse 3'00 tiriu or v*rL coM-DEV :303-479-2452 b Offlce nucf'e6 8r55 N0.003 P.01 zloH(l4c'T'*1lPPIrICAtrtolf lfU8ll 8E FIl,I.lD OUT CollPLR[tSY gR tT UAY lloT DE ]CcEarrDN TlrrF-. It{. 5.r,...E., vU|l rt9ll|rLl'L'5l.I 9ll I'J .|l^f |YffI| Eg J|CCEI'TED Ela*it*t*r.rf lra*ttt**l*.*i*r** IlEilIs r||to$g|Etox rrrr..ara*tr.r*rrlrr.r*a.lrrrn,, TOI{il Or VIID CoNSIRI'CTTON vER}lrr f DlnlCT TPFLTCSTION FOnI{DITE: fi-L-s6 'C;d;nufrctng .[ t-Pltunbtng I lbtlcorrtaal t oo, nr.ruW.trob Mdr'rr Lrgal lrucrlptlont Log-J__ Sloolc_ I crrdncrs nrr.WAddrarrr rltlng trrchltret M%€-* ,, Addrrrrl6r er..r.!rE;[,: f w -. : rr AGlqrtlt ! Dh _ _ crnoral ucrarlptlont 7g .W.4,, 8&%., R1,14 t{orkeIr''s[:-New${-rrurr!tontJ-|Ccitlcnal[].Repa1r[t-othCF- PheJ.Eg_fl64, Nuubcr of Dnclllng Unlte : a , Nu*rr og tccfrnnoaadton unlg;t . ,,;, |rnbcr lnd Typ. of Flrrptrefrs *r{}rrr.nccl- er! r,ogr-.- wooc,/p.rlrt_^ ![rnbcr lnd Typ. of Flrrptretts cu-t'$p1l.ncr1_ ct! Logr_._ lrood,/Erlltt_v.. fi*r"*tr***rt***t*.alti*****tfr.tt* VILU|TION$ i*r*r*rtrt*llirrr**.*r*!rrr**r.*it {y.t*ilqr lYooo ,, ErrerrreAt.s t__-- orttrrr Irreillr|rcAl.'l-T 'iotil; -- <--r-tffi#"t'ffi. ""ffis:'$"nii,;a;##e Ehctrlcal conttrrotorl a lddrctir Addrert: Town of Vall Phonr Nnhba8s a- PlunblnE Centractort ldechanlcal ContractorElddffrEl Sown ol vrtl Rcg. N(}. Phono Nunbrrl fewn of Vail RtEr, NO. Ehone Nunbcr: tt.ra*rt****rr**t*t**irtrr*rr*ii ttgt3 BUtrLDINC prnutt rrnr PIIIUEINC FEn}IIT FEE: TIECHANICAL E!R}|Il! tEBc ELECDRICAI+ FtEl OrHtn IYPE or rlEs DRB FElr otltcE u$E ***r**rr.rt*rr*rfa***rr**frti.r B9II,DTNO PIA}f CHEGTI FIIr PUIIIBIXe PIllN cHEcK IlUrHECilTNICtt PIAN CllSCK FEE|RlcRAAlIor| FBE! CI.EAIT-UP DIDOSITI BUIIDTN(rIgrct|lltun8s ?ONTUSI EIGI{IIUREI r--rl-- -rl|.r!rt|F-- UP N*cJ)'rG 7-41+ L4*&pt^^tt, I Lt 531VIC0S5V I XC38ra 35vd #a 6r6f-5r6-Et6 34tTA 366rtt@lAB T0t'JN 0F lr vnIL c01.1-DEv TOr FBOM: DATEI Htc :505-479i.2452 RU6J'e6 ALL OOlfrFACTOng TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIS WONXE DEPAFTIIEHT l,lAY g, tOgf WHEN A'PUTUC WAY PENilI]r'IS REAUFED 8;$7 No.U{J$ P,U4 #7aT Earcllng ttre nercl tor I 'PuHlc Wry Prrmlt,: IEA tl h thlr I ncw nrldencc? e) tr drnollilon wuft Drtng prdbrmed thil nqufr3s thr u8o ot thr dght of wly, oassmfnls or pubtg Froprqry? 9) lc rny utlltty wort ncedrd? 1) lr thr drlvewry bdry apilcd? 5) fr dlflrrcnt aooccr nrcOed io rlrc other than txlrtfng ddwwfi ,6) lc any drslntgr rcft brlns donr rffcctlng the r{ght of wif, tlt9mentr, or publlo propfrty? 7l lr r'Frwcable Rhhr Of Wrf Permlt' rrquirctf?. 8) A, ls thr fih of wly, rlttmfdt or publla poRrttl to be urrd hr'flqtng, prddng or frndrp? B. It no to BA.le I prfing, fi.glng or lcnclng pbn ruqulrrd W Communtfi Dcwloptmnl? le a ll yan^ aneweqd yei to any of tl|.to QUgstlsm, r.pubtb Wty psmif mud bc obtainrd. "Publlo Way Prrmlt' appficetlOnr mty br oblrlncd il thr'Pubtia Worl(r ofnoa or al C.o-TTqntty Dwelopmcnt. llyou haw-tny querilons pleeee call Charlle Devlt, thO Town of VrllGonrtructlon Inspcctor, tt 47}2t58, I hrve read rnd tnewered all the $we quwtfonr. za SfIVICOSSV 8 )C3g 6L6n-6V6-AL6 9Z:tZ 9661/IA/84 T0t'lN 0F VRtL COl{-DEU lnun "I|'UTI'U PSRI.UT IssT'AIICE TIIIE FRAI{E ' If' thts Pcnltt feeu.{r;-1 !g1-or-y9tl lirc Denrr,rrrnt Aspruvrt,Engt ncer Lr (pubt ti-lbrtrl nvien lii'ippruvri r' r rt inritni-Dcprrupntrtvlrx or nulth Doprrtnint-iciiJ,-ri ilt[:l:t,$:".lfi*t.i ir"i rri'r-,i,l, HJil%JT,ft i]i'fl "; - All cormrrcfrl (tarp gl !!111 and rll rnulfi-frnr{ly p?nnf ti rfllhave to fcltou rhr SDoif -ifrii.6nil' niirmun requtlomntr. Rrrtdcnilrlrnd nrlt proJccts shouid--ifc-i'ieiilr-rmrnd or-iinel' norcvr, trrrcldcntinl oi rrmllrr,p,pJisis 6il;i Ue-vartous iiii,i. nrngoncddepr ?tmanti nt th r.rsnd. to- iiisiiFy-reiii*; -iriEil iiijlct! myrlro ta&e the tfrree-iraf1 fuiltoa.---' , Evcry rtternpt hr{ll !l 1||$,bJ thlr depnrtnrrnt to rxprdltc Ulr .Pormtt It sson rs pgfflblt.-- I:-l!. underrlgntd, undrnrtrnd the plrn chrck grccrdurl cnd fimcTnlNE. B-z-qe Comunlty Dovclopment Deprtnent. nrrrrtrmtrrrirdf||l. ada||rlr ]fI',,,.lftlt, 479-2llt * 479-ZrS9 nuu'e6 8 :36 No .005 P .05 ofib. of oilnrn[y rfrrrhfrnl e7 q EA SVd S3IVIC0SSV 8 XC3A 6L6F-6t6-616 9ZtIZ 966r/WlBA TOUIN OF VSIL COM-DEV luwn BO: t|Folf : DllEl suBtECTt :503-47942452 ?l rcrltr tr.|rffr rrf f,ll, rotrt dr ff||'(fofl 479-2UC or t79-2131 8 r 36 N0 .005 P ,0? amor ct ccrtll||nlu rtrrrtogrmil nuc J2 'e6 rT& GOIITRACTON8 CX'RrDfirI/YIJ TECISTERED rtTB TITEaom ol? vAtt SOwr of VAIL puErrlc roRKS,/C9nn flTy DDVtIDpuEtfT ltrReH.16, lrrl oorglngslroN DtnKrNo t utTERrt& SIsRlot In rumrry, 9rdlnlnet No. 6 rtatil thrt tt tt unlretul tor anyFrrcn ro lrgtcrr tsrets or dapJrit -iiy-"oir;-d;i, rlnd, drabricor nrtrrhr, tncrudfls' tnarr iunprtrri, 9o=iaura--i"i1;ti ;;;"-rorknln vrhleler.gaon-rni ,tdi[, rfgiwrii, -rli+ or Dubttci:ii.r$.:ll ffI*an triiror; --i1,.-iifiEilii;;i-in rriEorn or rhri ;#nfi"r ;rii!i. l!dEEil.lil:!l{,'Fi.i;:'i;H*;5ii, -' 'ublle tforrcr uroaitnrnt. --iiir6"r aouna "tiritrni thlr ordlnrDc.vill bc ctvrn a-er f,oiii srriiii-i"ilor-ti-ili#lr'".id nerrrrer.rn th. crrent s" ptiid r"-iJir-r-iic-iirJ-"lFEJierv s*h *renotlcr vlrhrn trrl i! loui-tinJ-.p."rilii,' if.-iilf,rr, rforrrDrpartnenr riu r.nsv. rarc -irrti;iii-;;-ini'Ir.iil.r o! p.Eronnot-lrird. rho provlrronr ol-trrr"-ofoHd.l ;tfii Det brrpplicrbk to c6nrw'eilon,-lrfii?rnt. g-r reP.arr Drorrctr ofany ltrrot or alr.y or rny'utttrtru rn thc iigh[,-r-rlay. llo rrvlrtr erClnrncr Do. 6 ln tull r Dlraro rtop by ttrG .lgi,n o!::11^!!t+!ing qspfrtnrr* ro--ottifn I oopy. tirani< you for yourcooprtrtlor on thl,r nettgr. Amd onc tcttnovlcCgrd Dy:Ye'A,r^tc,- (i.1. contractor, grntr! s3_rvlcossv I xc3flia 39vd 6t6t-6F6-Al6 9Z?tZ gEEI/IAtBA oo FIozcit.o E '{ oooo IH9Fc;xoa I EH Hdqza|I9uaoHOiEooHtiCr aqozo(a1lEE\c|ao oo o oo oo oo oo o o oo o P EI o r, cEa N E dl t At FAH5 at u5 ! ''luoat E|.o A"t E d!(\|'O IEoc -,ifr Iora aoB $5 t E A:{ BE E8oi( EEt( Hlr EEIOH: t:l I trH 2Bi9HaiI E HF. HB 88H< !4H r: l. H z a.t{g6 {ql2A AdE-Eo c,EH !:A E 68 aH tID B q n E{co E& z EE e. IAIo t: ois dlt-> IlEl..!z1(,1E4e|4EC, tE& O FILI OPY o c mvNqvwn 75 SouthFrcnuge Rod Uoil, Colotado 81657 97A.479-2IN FtrK97M79-2157 June 29, 1999 John and Karen Bergey 9351 Chambray Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 RE: Variance request-2427 Chamonix l-anelLol2l, Blk. A, Vail Das Schone Fint Filing Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bergey: The Plannhg and Euvironmental Commission, at its Junc 28, 1999 mecting, apJroved your request for a side setback variance allowing an approxirnatcly I' setback. The "250" portion ofthe proposal has not yet been approved, pending a solution to the pavcd parking issue. This variance approval requires that commencement of the improvements occur within 2 years or the variance becomes void. Ifyou have any questions, please call rne at 479-2148. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP ChiefofPlanning Paee I of I {p-rn*.*r * TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 28, 1999 A request for a side setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a bathroom and closet addition, located at2427 Chamonix Lane/ Lot 21, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1"' Applicant: John and Karen BergeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello l.w The applicants are requesting a side setback variance to allow an approximate 1' side setback to the vail view Townhomes unit #6 (15' required). The existing structure is approximately 2,5' lrom the side property line. The property is currently zoned Primary/Secondary Residential and the existing multiple{amily development is nonconforming with respect to density. The Vail View Townhomes were constructed in the late 1960's under Eagle County jurisdiction. The property was annexed to the Town of Vail in 1986. The project was developed as a multiple- family complex on two lots and constructed without respect to interior lot lines. The minimum distance required between buildings (according to Building Code) will be maintained. The structure to the east is approximately 18' from this property line. The PEC's responsibility with this application is to review the setback variance and evaluate the request based on the criteria in the code. The Commission must find that a hardship exists on the property warranting a variance to be granted. The applicant has also submitted for a 250 request. This portion of the request is subject to review by the Design Review Board and does not require PEC action. The DRB will be responsible for reviewing the architecture and landscaping and determining what improvements to the property are necessary to bring it into compliance with 250 ordinance (paved parking, upgrade and general upkeep of property, etc.). II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approvalof the requested side setback variance subject to the lollowing findings: 1, That the granting of the rear setback variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety 3. That the variance is warranted because there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in lhe PrimaryiSecondary Residential Zone District. ilt.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A.Consideration of Factors Begarding the Site Coverage and Setback Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed residential addition is compatible with the surrounding development. The proposed encroachment will have minimal negative impact on the adjacent properties. The degree to which relief trom the strict and literal interyretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity ol to attain lhe objectives ol this title without a grant of special privilege. This multiple-family development was developed under Eagle County zoning and once annexed to the Town of Vail was zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. Staff believes that the zoning on this property is inappropriate given the existing uses. Staff believes that a hardship exists on the property given the change in development criteria for the site and the location of the existing structure with respect to the existing property boundaries. Staff believes that the setback variance is warranted and is not a grant of special privilege. The eftect ol the requesled variance on light and air, dislribution of population, lransportation and traffic lacililies, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negalive impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 2. 3. B. b. c. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specilied regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. F :\EVE RYON E\P ECVt, EMOS!99\bergey.doc ocv!o]o3 AtNno3 al5vf t 0N cNr'tl lNoHJs sv0 l|v^ NOISI1fOAnS3U V - v )OO]A'IZ/OZ SLOI oyoS a *3 i ;;: . * i:ii; i litiii:; :gi:;s:t9st ri!ui; i :i ;€:::i g e ii !iE;s: ; gn ig iliisE i BHiFs;i;ii; , x/Mzt/yp.., F Z<tozD-2 frr Z FH .i'Ii'B F F <;lJt tLES : 'tar z [--J r--.- I T- lL Ersi: gr E$*ii:ii;i! i! E aet! $ -E s r j gi 33:5E5 -eE€!r* E: iiEf xEsEsE .. =.i z: j Eir 3si s u F N = :''i- a/ o -R SQ EE N ._.t.-..- -s +,; ";;y3f"y;6, I t-_- I' t- - I I '-e%u kl55Hoao o -H-n-. n a Iirrs $$ Fs qHI,, r.*ts*l* t,. .-, I J I t'-- Ict .a E 8 -(\l(o :ftrteo l,.rb r!"j ry $r $s L-o =to.9 ID lt, o an s- { s s Fr. $H IrJFObiH(JtLo uEqz!'|,l \ E FsI (\ \o r-_- II r-**J I I I Fr+_l I L I c Er C =E =r9lrf .9.ItoI 'tt,a lo t-o IE 1' o(,o IFo2 =an-rt 4oz. (o e.i s N: ut e 4o_ales: tt4ls, vatt VGw roilnnomEi Address p.o. Box 4.t75, Avon, c-loEE6E6-d First Floor 14.3 31.4 Seoond Floor 31.4 25.3 15.5 Living Roon 10.8 r 10.5 Olotet 8.010'6 sKETe;l AREA/TABI-E ADIENDA L2.2 a 10, { a {'2t x {.21 x Eeco[d Ploor 13.0 r 2.5 a 0.5 :c Scale: I = 15 27 .8 13.3 26.8r 26.8t 31.4 10.1 10. 5 339.2 138 .3 111.3 111. 3 {08.2 25.2 5.2 438 .7 6{1.9 383.9 {38 .7 5{1. 9 383.9 $o R ls o I I i Iii s lr :\i\I j$ ! isi\ i..{ittlI a 5 * 1 ( \ P9 l.i .g$ \$ ilft$ N t$ $tt bl I(iX c( .xN,llt $,{ t - - - --- -ra $ \ { Nvl il ftrcoPy TOWII OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 8. 1999 John and Karen Bergey 9351 Chambray Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 REVariance and 250 requests-2427 Chamonix Lare/Lot 21. Blk. A. Vail Das Schone First Filing Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bergey: I have received your variance and 250 applications and will be the planner responsible for this project. It appears that based on the nature of the development on the site (multiple family) and the conflicts with the existing zoning on the property (Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential) that a hardship does exist on the property. You may also want to consider or have the homeowners association consider applying for a rezoning to the entire property to bring it into confonnance with the multiple-family development that exists on the property. This will facilitate redevelopment of the property and reduce the need to apply for variances in the future. I would encourage you to consider this option. Staffhas identified issues that must be addressed in order to approve the 250 portion ofthe request. The "250 ordinance" was created in order to provide an inducement for properties to be upgraded (meaning, brought into compliance with the design guidelines and design standards). General upkeep and maintenance of the properry is one of the criteria evaluated with respect to 250 proposals. The following issues need to be addressed as part ofthis proposal: 1. All outdoor storage must be discontinued and the site must be maintained in an orderly fashion. Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal. 2. The paint on the entire building is deteriorating and needs to be improved. Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal. 3. A11 exterior wiring must be properly installed. Please provide a statement that this {err:}#^,* I i '" ' will be completed as part of the proposal. 4. The gutters on the building shall be installed properly and painted. Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal. 5. The parking required for this unit (2 parking spaces) must be paved. Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal and show this on your site plan/grading plan. 6. The fence that exists along tle east properfy line needs to be repaired (if that is indeed your fence). Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal. 7. You need to investigate (via contractor or architect) whether the existing stairs to the property meet building code requirements for access. If they do not comply with the Building Code, they will have to be upgraded in order to comply. Please provide a statement that this will be completed as part of the proposal and show this oh your site plan/grading plan. As part of your application, you are also requesting some grading work on-site in order to provide additional parking. You must submit a topographic survey and site plan/grading plan showing the existing grades and the proposed grades where the improvements are proposed. You will also need to show the edge of the street and provide a spot elevation along the edge of the street. It appears from a site visit, that the proposed 3' retaining wall will not work. It appears that based on the steepness of tbe site that a much greater wall will be necessary. Therefore, if you wish to continue wittr this portion of the request, you will need to amend your variance request to include a wall greater than 3' in the front setback. We must also have a letter from the homeowners association approving tle proposal. If you would like to meet on the property to discuss these issues, let me know. Let me know if I cal be ofassistance to you. Please provide requested materials by June 17, 1999 in order to remain on schedule for the June 28, 1999 hearing date with the Planning and Environmental Commission. If you need more time, let me know and I will move the hearing to an appropriate date. If you have any questions, please call me at 4'19-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning Ptge2 of 2 ERIJ&SD I D : 9704764089 JUN 16'99 o. 10 : 10 No .004 P .01 aootf,m Io: vlttl rrsfl 9rl.[!r mrsort.tDAtrD |l[tt rrox Dtrlllgrgutl(tttl lrta cutctl.rrt rr"EF"r rEC" f'rrr'r=::rr rrrJr ..'!:=aaattraatrrar:=:3r ar-E t'fr t--= ==!r rr aEa strcrt rddrercr zt|lj-CAArnonil .R4 / U.h to. of rnrtr hrtrod: -_..e..r)0oLer.t: --AzoB,, trA,..vr-gt -. Dnrc or lrir brlrlnr: __-L;U_j,Z__ tquara tootata: rllltnc .:odt: _,.- .}o,-,q! - O a IYDI:lcrldohtl|l 6lruh h.lly Coodo CoECrol rI L|t)l.r ItoteI Othrr ( ( ( ( ) ) ) i* {) noltcd raco$nt!: l. HAlf,l ia?E AnD tltftl aAPE: epDl I crtr.o.r lhtc; Connactlon D.to: totll soltd tor DrJoot,: grrr Dl.rI ( ) DrTl ot LASI Irgr!E{1TIO}t! lltscslr,Alflous rt lo8l|attol : D6I[ IJf(grEAlICt logrl P.idt ;o, o! unltr! rttt DIIG tt&rr taD Fltc: Lt{!/untL: 2. t. Lt5 TlffNOT Dcpefrurrt 6 CatlzlttYtttrY Dadryunt 75 Sorrrh Frwgc Rd, l&d!, Colomdb 816t7 970179-2138 FN( yro-479-U52 Junc 8. 1999 Jobn rndtrken BsgeY 9351CbmbreyLane IfieDlands R ncb, CO 80126 RE Vuianceanit250 requcsts-2427 ChamrnixLaadlc2I, BlkA,Vail DasSs'hme First nfing DcqrMr- mdMrs. Bcrgqa I heve receivcd yorrr varimcc and 250 appticatims and will be rhe planner resposiblc for this . p6oject. ft aee.in ttat based o te aatiue ofthc dwclopment m thc site (orrlriple famrly) and rnacmflics with the cxisting zoning m tle proptrry pwo'Family himary/Seomdary. 7 Rc$i.i?dti8l) lhat ahardship does exist m;he1q9g4'. You may also waft to corrsider orhave - ' 1[s l'.ot'"own ng to thc €ntire Fopcrty to bring it furo @e-faoi! acrrAopment that crists ou thc property, This will fasilitate rcdcvelopment of the property ard reducetbe need to apply for varianccs iu the futurc- I wotld encour€Byo,rtocosiderthisoptiOn- Tlere 13 no 6o*trctz,s€r, a556e;bhba Stafi has idcf,rtficd issrcs thar Eust bc addrcsscd ir ordcr to approve the 250 portim of the restest. Thc "250 ordinancc- was rrcatod iu ordcr to prorrido atr r!&ry€lrrt€pl for propctti*.P b. upgraded(me.dug brurght iuto conpliace withtre desigD ggidslines aud desigF stedards). General upkecp aod 'naintcuace of thc propeny ig onc of the oiteria eyaluared with rcspcct to 250 propocals. The follonriug is$es necd to be ad&essed as part of this proposal: J t. All ortdoc storage mu* bc discootinucd asd ibe sitc must be neintaincd in aD t/ z. orcvide a sateineut that ftis will be comolsted as oan of 6e proposal. .Tbe/leua J o*taa/y a//ortr/ jb/ai,h* *i i"'/ al'eh j"e''//dg p/ Z. All exrerior nrirbg must * pnopcrly installed. Pleasc prwide a sratetucnt that this ordaty fasbion. Plcaseprovidc a statetn€dt tblt tbis witl !e corryIacd as gort of tbe pt"dtt. Tirraatg'471 xazilq ae,/ .2/y /si' aa* v'qete c"'// ib€ rlo nore on*d&r 2bi+g, q//er' feqf- The paint o tte catirc buildiag is dctrriorffng and uceds to be improved Plea.sc zd H6s:aI 666T ZI 'das 6XUVILVX9E. : 'tN fl.lo{d A3:H:H : 1.B1 wiubccqfplercdaspartoflbcproposal- 9o"& /i'te a gJ'det /o "'e' t/ O, lr" rr*on thc building sh4l bc insalled propcrty and paiuted- Please pro'ide a , statemert that this-wil! be cmplaed as pan of,fte proposal ' 4l/a a gd /&o ad /y'Et/e'-? '' t /t.'*roroi*egired forthis unit (2 P;*iDg spaces) rn'st bu p1u"d Plcasc providc a strtcdeot dat tht wiU le cwrptetedas part oftho proposal and s1e-w this o'n yor sitepleo/gradingplar.f dt't L;,'F'7'e- . 164 /1$, .Ye- -//i /E-|i' - ft 'a*'c4ftUG. fn" ffij'ttr[-e1[ii( n6gih" cast proffi iinc aeeds to be repaired (if tha is indccdv ic,r f*oe). Please g,cn'idc " statr-m tl"t this rtdl bc cmrplaed as oart of the pr"wt-i';di W.,9 ."'-'J iy-7fiit *' a* / fu aa'e/&r , //;.t 'ta re7/-.e t'*, ph - 'V^roato tuvdtigere (vir c architect) whcthe the cxittiug suirs to thc properEy mcct buildi€ c;de rEq*i€t'.ots for accc$c- If they do not coruply with thc i1a4iry coa., ruy frU Uvctobc upgraded ia ordcrto coryly' Pleasc p'r'ovido a s[ar6rcqt that Ois witt Uc corptael as pan of the pr,oposal od shon, this oa you siteplas/gladiugplao.-l- rtr,// c4eJ' 216 lae ''{ fary an7/y t r/,s.ptt of your ryplicatim, you aG also requcsting sm: gno-ag w$ m-$itc in ordcr to " p.o"ie" "aat i*"t'par*hg. Ycn nrrsr submit a topogrrphic srwey and site pladgradinC pF _ -. 'rUo*iog tt* cxistiig grades and the proposcd grrdes where the imgoverneats are proposcd- You wiU also sccd b shorp tbe g{lge of thc ste{and prwidc a spot elevation dog thc @c of thc strcct- It appcars frorn a sitc visit" rbat thc plqoscd 3' rctaining wall will not work It appean that basea cin rhc secpness ofthc sire thst a much greatc wall will be ncccssary. thercforc, if yur wish to cootinuc wirb this portiou of thc rcquesg you will ueed to rmend )ronu'variascc request to iDdude a wall geater tban 3' in fre front sdacB-- -'---- i/;.-;A li. 2ffi,ni.t/ a,,-r,+ /s f We mist alrc bave a Icttrr fiwl rhe h'ncownets associaion 4prwing thc proposal- V/eoca u€e ofiry'r2a. / eae*ra/> - Ifyotiwould lfte to upet sn thc propcrty to discuss tbosc issues,ltt mc loorrr. Let me lomw if I can be d assistirnce to you. f € 5 Ptcasc provide reqrcstcd oaterials by Jrme 17, 1999 in fid€r to rturain on schedulc fq the June 28, 1999 bcaring date wirb the Plaming aod Frvironmcnd Cornurissim. If ycn nocd morc time, tct me lilow drd I rrill rncrre tbe hcariqg to ao appropriatc date- If ycr have any qucstimq plcasc call rre at4Tt-2148- DcninicF-MaruidlqAICP ChicfofPlanniug Page2 of2 Ed t^ugs:ztT 566I ZT 'des 5UXVIL'5:ZE : 'S.,r :lNtHd AfSfg : l,lldl , ,. -,-.:..1. ,*1i) 7a t Dc^ttt>;e:-E.ilp*rtdl -,y'-/cP a/ta/gA- - &*Enz ba n*a/a. L& *r.*r i es aa *u. : {o,lq- -*-"J-!-tuo 3.ag-y - ---o&+-//atr- fuet c ;ur,- -t!,q-rr*et - a./e*-t/r.-*- !/ey--t "tt-e-- ---ic,/qy'rZ ,t, mQ f*;e tb'aA/eF, --4rz:- _qLalatd- r/^ n t- J h (e,e-J-tuJ-4.e/-a. a:/y- o/ .s,e. etpaB -on4- -+/eog aarlo *r-yz --f7/z--A>a-*- - Tlerrr: *----/az- er2._4r.tuerby'a.rr- . J ..J.aue. laetW.*--jile.-- .L|aae--e+" .tAe . u6rne'{ /o..-.-.0 cf atcrr eay'ire ,en/hF ---f .bc -7aen+/z-/--A.- Ary-thg----q'a-- ^&r y'{z 1: l{nJ usr ,b ,,'/*--r9abr -.h- t?.a,rz y' -btr4L-4aue----------'J Y;TffiY= j 1aa be /e//- -rept*.d-e. dJ. a I - .heelit-b4 ?d Hdgtg:al G6Gtr zT 'das 6s:VrLr'?€. : 't}.,t 3N&td A3StUfg : ].|]UJ o t)..?a.y---rh1fika.. t2-afa ;/*zn ; ..-.. -.. J- -k/.rbJ&-Z--ti&./&--ud tfu--ofu-{ya,4d?l-< -. --Maloa /-3-....-b " thaTsvs4-tae- ua/a<e-- - v'r/ .-/tua^6,:,L{7..--f uy--/@etg- - 4L- a- r*r,/- iqe-- neQ/pLer-.bo/-.-.sa/u.-.-oud-urarp-tbeq/rJ4l sd t^ldts:ar 6G6T zrdEs 6EEttrZtEAE : 'O..1 :tr{}ld A3S:H : l,lldl oo -"=, .--1 nR ETI E H a R tL' F t \s ao d(, o-o = (,1oo s: lr-/o \.t\ ida(D(rl + ot_ NN t)ol! z.o(,,{ u. 9{m I = N 9l(rl --1 I I I I I I IJ o Ito r--- I --J I l.t -ot o\ N ,\) \i.-\ )-.'-d -,})-o F$ 5$ 8gI rr'iPll ll +Nr ll:z;,(p+{i--lb-)'lrt!'@ qrqt,l g R 0o_ \g:-- =-6q: rrl i*s tr *iiiiii{fliii ;i iE llliilqiiu # i GEGr zrdas Aecvtlv€z[ : 'o.,t ]t$il Ajstf:tr : ],[Hl lt =l'! >-1d d 9P = A3A'4":* iagF ge ^ !@: xE t-^s zd t"l4s:ar .l O. -{aart E i'r't:(tI i'3fo= ;:F $'-_' : ffi: lrumr-oel,(App,.rcarlo* ro" r" **,i* EN'IR'NMENTAL COMMISSIONAPPROVAL IOVNOF GEiFf,ALnFoRMAaIODi Thb +i6d." 15 tu uy gro.ica rt$ehg qryo€t W th Ptntd€ pd hdmml Cooraisic- Fr sPdb i6sno,ai-."cc69gUoirarqrtirru.nstrtcnotcnlsrymltbisrry$d- ftE8PditrIi,oocanmbc accgrauilatlrfr=AUtndsfut.trnir'ttl ltcpoiuouySocrltobctlviurcdbytbcToruCelAf l0:07All FROI|-A0VAilTACE PLUS I|]RTC 0E rdra ilc DcdgF REvfury 8.4d. A. TI|?EOFAIFLICATIChh - E eddirioalcRFA(2So) El tscdadBaltutl codnisllhsFairtri ltdajrq EtMbrSubdvlsictr R€ci{cB S8e\/rireE Vrlncctr ?snir.gc{d.AedDcaS DEICRIPIION OF TIIE f,EQUEIT; 3032il00t0 T-680 P.02 tr amdncctoa'AfqrEiDcttdpaPlaotr rnda,yccHurdryUdtfifc -. ) tr M.iscg lfiacGCl F-usicAllcradq ffrdWrec)E lt{ajcc trl&cCCtrs'rlriqAlsi,o (t;'nd!ed) Sttcdil DtsdiD'nGd' DiSicl ltair c tr !\{ntrAedndo ss SDD tr B LOCATIoN OF PROFOSAL: Wr -el--W-cr5.JLFTrJNGc. D. I E F. ? ZONING: NAMEtrOUTI€R{S): MAILIMI orryr{Ef,F) NAMEOF MAIIJ{GrIIIDRES: $rsc- EEE - IIEE TTG IITIBITIITIAL REqUIREMENIS FoR TIIE^PPRQPRIATE FEE SI,IBIIOT Im APgITCATI$q AII SIIBf,,IIUAL ruQT'INEMENTS AND TAE EEE T{} TEE DEPARIMENT OF COMMINUTY ryrEINllErI ?5 SOUTE ITOITTAGE ROAD. YAIIi COLOBADIo t[657. rerxA-?D0rl0- u- 6LBr- AD . -Irid615 :re e:r - ee . .<u.rt. ^!rv- vuft-t_rEv-r-rr:r r L|J.3ttaq732a52 PAGE 2/ 2 aucstior[C'all rhc Planrrjng Stcff ar 479.212t\ APPLICATION FOR Df,SIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projca rcquiring Dxign Rcview approval. Any project requiring dcsign review rnusr rcceive Dcsign Rwicw approval prior to subrniting for a building pcrmir. Fot spccific informadon. sce the subnirtal rcquircmenrs lbr the particular approv:rl tlut is requcstcd. Thc application curnot be accepted until all thc required infornration is subrnitcd. Thc p'rojccr may also necd to bc rcviewcd by the Town Cormcil and/or tbe Plaruring and Environn:cntal Conrmission- Dosign Rwiew Board approvrl cxpires onc ycar after final approval unless a building permit is issucd and constructioq is sfartcd. A. B. c. D. E. F. G, PITSICA!ADBRESS; - v{#ffi,fi,ft433) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT; (Contact Eqlo Co. Assessors Offrcc at 97(F328-8A0 for parccl #) DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: OPOSAL: LOT: 2 (.. BLOCK AIa3l r4Oqrn5 PHONE- '22 | o2<t) xt //9 MAILTNG H. ryPE OFREVIEWAND FEE: E New Construction - 3200p Adrtition - E Minor Attcration - PHONE: Consmrction of a ncnr buitding. S50 lnchtdcs any additiot whcre quarc foougc is addcd to any residcndal or conuncrcial building. $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcrnenb. such as. rcroofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fcncc and retaining wdls, ctc. DRB fces arc to bc paid at thc tintc of submittal. Latcr. when appllng for a building pcrmit, plcase identif the accurate valuation of thc project. Thc Town of Vail will aalusitlJrr. accordin6fro the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPaRTMENT oF' c oMMUNITy DEVELoPMENT, 7s sourl{ FRoNTA cE RoAD. VAII4 COLORADOSl6sT. Respectfully submitted to the planning and environmental commission, lVe (Jack and Karen Bergey) are owners of the townhome in Vail dasShone. Our town home i-s i two-bedroom one bath unit uostairs and a one bedroom one bath unit downstairs. we would like to boo a main floor bath and expand the upstairs closet. ourtownhome was built in 1969 so itdoes not conform to the current setback requirements. The total area will be approximately 200 square feet. This addition will encroach into the 15foot setback requirement. Our town home is an end unit. The addition can only be seen by oneneighbor next to us and they are in complete agreerirent with ou'r plan andhave even offered to help blrild it. lf this varianie is approved mv' neighbor will agree to an'easement where the fencc itirrenfly ii.' The degree to which the variance will affect our neiqhbors is verv minimal.The reason for this is that the proposed addition cainot be seen'from thestreet, or the back of the housb, dr from the west side of the house. The pro.posed addition will have no effect on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities, utilitles or puoticiitety.'- ! .U.pl"yp. our request complies-with.Vail's comprehensive plan because itw[ add to the taxable value of our home. The_ space where the addition is to be built is on the level qround. Thecosl for a topographic survey is an additional g00 oottars.- li ioei ttrevanance approved I will have a structuralengineer do the drariings. Thank you for your consideration, t Fo'rn'r AO.4/95 Ordbr No. V253411- ef-cy uo.LTEHz53411_ AmounL i217 ,000.00 SCHEDULE A fara Address Policy Date: September 09, l-996 at 5:00 P.M. Name of Insured: JOHN R. BERGEY, JR. The estate or inEeresE. in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple Title Eo the estate or interest covered by this policy aE the date hereof is vested in: JOHN R. BERGEY, JR. The land referred to in t.his policy is si-tuated in EAGLE CounE.y, Colorado, and is described as follows: TIIAT PART OF LOT 21, BLOCK A, A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE, FILING NO, L, EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOI.TI.TOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NW CORNER OF SAID LOT 21, THENCE SOUTH 76 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2]- A DISTANCE OF 104.49 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF SATD LOT 2]- WHICH CORNER IS ALSO ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHAMONIX ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 1-9 DEGREES 26 MINUTES WEST AI.,ONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 36.58 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF TOWN HOUSE SITE NO. 5 (THE FOI-,,LOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF TOWN HOUSE SITE NO. 5); THENCE NORTH 60 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 51 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 33.78 FEET; THENCE SOIITH 85 DEGREES 46 MINI]:TES 22 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE FOOTING COMMON TO TOWN HOUSE NOS. 5 AND 6 A DISTANCE OF 32.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03 DEGREES ]-3 MINUTES 38 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERIJINE A DISTANCE OF 12.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 22 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 12.57 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 25.30 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 21 AND TO THE NW CORNER OF TOWN HOUSE SITE NO. 5; THENCE NORTH 21 DEGREES l-3 MINUTES EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LOT LINE A DISTANCE OF 27.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COI]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI-,ORADO. LAND TITLE GUARAN:TEE COMPANY This Policv valid onlv if Schedule B is aEtached.Page ' Foirn Ao ,4/gs Order No. V25341-l- SCHEDUI.,E B o O Policy No. LTEH253411 LA}ilD TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYPage 2 This Poticy valid only if Schedule B is aEtached. ' Form AO,4/95 O Policy No. LTEH2 s34LLOrder No. V25341-l- SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure agaj-nst loss or damage by reason ofthe following: L. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. EasemenEs, or claims of easemencs, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any li-en, or right to a lien, for services, labor, ormaterial theretofore or hereafter furni.shed, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 1996 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABI.,E AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LIENS FOR T]NPAID WATER AI{D SEIIER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREF'ROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR I}ilTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augnrst 1L, 1900, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIIT OM]TTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED rN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED July 07, 1965, IN BOOK 1-90 AT PAGE 559 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED T,ITarc}] 22, T968,IN BOOK 2L2 AT PAGE 966 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED May 22, 1958, IN BOOK 2L2 AT PAGE 829 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI]ME}TT RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 1-970 IN BOOK 2]-7 AT PAGE 78. 9. AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY F]VE FEET IN hIIDTTI ALONG AI.,L S]TE BOUNDARIES FOR USE OF UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION AND MAIMTENA}ICE THEREOF, AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED.I'LY 7, 1-955 IN BOOK ].90 AT PAGE 559. 10. UTILITY EASEMENT SEVEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINES OF Si]BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO. 1. 1.1-. EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS CO}ilTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1-958 IN BOOK 2L2 AT PAGE 819 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED JULY 2, 1958 IN BOOK 213 AT PAGE 37. Page 3 'rontu Ao,4/gS a Order No. v253411 SCHEDULE B O Policy No. LTEH2s341t L2, DEED OF TRUST DATED September 03, L996, FROMJOHN R. BERGEY, JR. TO ITIE PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGIJE COI'IfIY FOR ITIE USE OF ADVAIiITAGE PLUS MORTGAGB, LLC TO SECTIRE TIIE SlrM OF $189,500.00 RECORDED September 09, 1996, IN BOOK 704 AT PAGE 708. Page 4 i \ lt., ll\ ',:4 \.s Nxlq H $N .r.to N ft$ N N$ $st bl Ft' iX c(.xN\iii xt l ii H Ni\i\ FTtl i{ lrs .i s 1X i'ill ti ts EF ;strr.l .l.lB N u i I,l({ N l.,\ N N li -------*$ L $ \ a Nvt \ Nii O rHrs rrEM MAY AFFEcr ror* tr=r* PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 28, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, localed al2657 Arosa Drive / Lot I, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor subdivision, lo vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, located at 5166 Black Gore Drive / Lots 4 and 5, block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: A&GDevelopmentPartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a side setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a bathroom and closet lzaddition, located at 2427 Chamonix Ln. / Lot 21, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1s' fo*,,."*, John and Karen BergeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a rear setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a deck enclosure, located at 2038 Sunburst Drive / Lot 17, Vail Valley 3'o' Applicant: B. R. and Roxanne Boniface, represented by Leslie Davis of RDC Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor suEivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477,2485,24€7,2497 Garmisch / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a T.ype ll employee housing unit, located at 265 Forest Road / Lot 21, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Lawrence Flinn, represented by Mitchell Studio, LLCPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of the Development Standards Handbook. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request lor a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side and front setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive i Lot I, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm Allison Ochs Mr. Guillermo Huerta George Rulher ,,F, The applications and information "ilr,n, proposats are available to, pn gi.Qp""tion dudns regular office hours in the project plannefs office located at the Toi,n of Vail Coinmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Si,gn language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please calt 47g- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 11, 1999 in the Vail Trail. I N Materials list The roof to be the same as adjoining units. The roofs were replaoed lastyear on.the adjoining units and I wilfreplace my roof with the dxact same matenat. Exterior to be board and bat vertical 1x12 cedar, stained exacfly like the current exterior. 00vuo10c 'AlNnoc 3-lovl I 'ON ONIII.J .fNOHCS SVO IIVA ro Norsr^roSnsSu v - v )c0'18 'rz,/oz sto'r lNSn=18V3 lNSnHCVOHCtrl3 ffiHH thflFiu E s.e E IEi: E g:i; g=;€: !irFI l$€ gs. € eEE.g g 5 aii e:s;JI*6 E;[3FEi 3 g E ut ri:S " gflEiII .V/UO//lHC \ f-c\ -J I l i __J .l) rtta,e r.)n(\ =@ro-l', rooz (o F(oo @ i! i}! ,l SN s' .8ra 'i(4 /\/c/l/\/Y r-l F.((, N tL F.z. 19 o_2 u)zf(J tr-l,J . (\Is @+ @@t)'t oFoA lB s Co") sO.8. ..^'; ,,,cAflIerFF '8iH ;j i- + di + z io--{IIIie $ieezmm 'Yo F- { :i )l!tl ;ILNlui IFloqleJt r..) .rli,x jrK' \/ F- :/beV, rz't =o ioI.)- N; =a:<^' sa R --r ss \t'- !.-Jst = x ut6 r---_- I --_J k5trr's :Hxs< \ o --l ! 3F:." u * g*gEl n ;; iF;;l i ff t!;ii ; ici$;€iF?o Q !F -. uJ - O6b 'Erihs.i g :s;€;?il* tg EeEs+; E igiliii*i:; IEEtH: s is e;iai€ ; I- i I I L .rn rorreq elop .qt to Jo., .uo qqtl} 0..n .q ol p.Pu.lu! .!ur.r.! p.ulotuo. lorro@ord Iuo puo tu.o..cp .tqr '6r!I.ur6ul utDru.on-Dlu uo4 uo'loruoqlt u.IrJr !'orqo l.1l lsho,bql.sodr.d ilD rol u'ertL poujrllr. uooDur.lJ' .ql ro tsdnr.p6tqt .sn ol d.rls.D rltr!. rc !os6d reqlo /!o loql rua^o aqt !l,., /oqtno tou s r)|u. /o ro6Jad r.qto Irb Iq qaFq pa!!ot!or !olouro,u! .qr rc r!.!nrop s Llr lo .sF .q1 uo.r.q pa|tc.o3 .qr ror p.iDo.rc soN lu.un.op 439U38 )CVfulBlunotrN-raluI @at(or}:Ea a,tt @'{ol|.llJlt ,I ||ul|'sr rodo'IvtN|ltrt Boo ta.!a|fea(|(d:Etaltta oJ'ltotv tlaloa.ta cvo{rDlttn!1, 'pn EuFeaupug (L € 1,,.i o- RECEIPT- The Town of Veil DArE J[n4 I "m N9 50208 Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash --CYe"V ffi i) r J"'ta \ ROAD a,A ? | /.,ir |/("-,\r,(,\-.itt ''/ " 1/ /--'-'-L''--V*"1 //&'tt" c iomr or verr, ?5 S. FRONTAGE vArL, co 8165? 970-479-2L38 Bui [d i ng-----> Ptln check---> lnvestigation> $li Lt ca L t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES R-pn-ffiVC eoo/err MF BUILD PEMrr Pernit #: Be?-0340 V Job Addressz 2427 cHAMoNrx LN status"' ;;;";i;"..., ulllf i.,i;-^.-^^^ tEEllEi:: f,s:''--9 /*-: APFF?ED' oe /24 / tee'7 L0 /03 /te97 o4'/oL'/Lee8 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES r vArI-,, co 81658 ----CONTRACTOR NUSTY SP]KE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 ;;;;;i uo.. , 2103-114-oe-oo5 Project No. y.a.,Aa /5/7 6uir-i-iowAlD J & PArRrcrA owENs ,. Eii:iiiustnni, 6841 wooDsoN, ovERLANDOWNER DescriPtion: REPLACE WOOD SHAKES OccuPancY: Type Construction: TYPe OccuPancy: Valuation: IbbtlEtrr r r Expires. . Phone z 30347 643'1 4 Phone z 3034764374 fof Gas APPI i ances:#0f Gas Logs:flof Uood/Pattet: Fi feptace Information: Restri cted: --;;;-;;;****************i**rd***ffi******t*fr*****i FEE-sumtARY ******t*****ft*#i::til:H-i:::ii:l---*--*-T;:ii-- .00 Totat ca Icutated Fecs---> WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES R1 MuIti-FamiIY V l-HR TYPe V 1-Hour 5, 000 Restuarant Ptan Review--> DRB Fee-------- R!cneation Fee----------> Ctcan-tlp DcPosi t-------> TOTAL FEES--_- PARK KS 66204 TOV/Co Clean-uP D approved amount date Add sq Ft: 95 .00 61 .75 3.00 20.00 100.00 ?79.75 AdditionaL Fels---------> Tota[ Permit Fee-------> Pavnents----- BA'LAXCe Oue---- 279 .75 279 .75 .00 BUILDING PLANN]NG FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: oivision: Dept: CHARLTE oox5B., PER DrRK t;13;?t N/.4 Depr: N/A i i?[ i l[? t i : :"n{tt*tilruErffi El + t98ir? s 8 g o ;#,*8,8"'IETTBHT o"'* TE9tii?ti9o.fiXRliE *RE[?"" : APPR see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit ' DECLARATTONS I hercby acknor,r.edse that r have read.this .p?\19"!l"i:i.:11t'.:":^l:.::t'' ln:"1::"ir:ffi,i"llllt;'?l?l:Hlt:l:::Tt:: Et::I hercby acknor,l'edge that.I have read this €pplicatron' 11r'reo out rrr ru(r L"E ""-i;-iiipty *iitn ttt" in?ormation and Ptot Ptan' p(an, and state that arr tne"iniormiion p.oi'.io"a ":-:..q:iff,]".1?l'lil;"rl.lni3lo.o,* ro the roh,n,s zonrns and subdivisionptun, a'nO state th;t alL the informtion providcd as requl req rs lur rsu!' ' -"'-- aing io'thu fown's zoning and subdivisioni;;;ili; *iit'-"ii-i"," ordinances and *ii:.!:-:t,:^1-1"^:*l'^:ll:"::::":l'i^:"i:h aoor.icabr.e thereto.:h:::t:Lil1""'lJ":lo::ll['iiitlli iiiiiiil"iful"]ni-oii".-o.ain"nces of the Tovn appricabre thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 479-?138 OR AT OUR OfFICE TRO E:OO AI'I 5:OO PH Send Ctean-UP Deposit To: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: Be7-0340 t;;;-ioiil.lzl- statu6: APPRoVED *******************************************,************************************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT- -appfi.iirt: tuStv SPIKE ENTERPRISES 30347 6437 4 Applied: 09/24/1997 iisuea z Io/03/L997 To Expire I o4'/ot/L998 Job Addrees: Location: ttNIT #1 Parcel No: 2103-114-09-005 DeecriPtion:_REPLAbE WOOD SHAKES WITH ASPIIALT SHINGLES Conditions:1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR 2. FIRE DEPARiMENT-eppnovnl rs REQUIRED BEFoRE STARTED. 3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP 32 CODE COMPLIANCE. ANY WORK CAN BE 'Fo7' .oo= tsloz trz tso PU oFr oo E 'a o U ,l FloF U o otr F U a i (, t"z Fi() FFI zo AFzz lqO tr1 :E FI FF7Z lr' OFIE btre2 FIE FFrF7 ooAE Fi o tl k F o F E(., iz9r EE] p :cu() (.) ti cU '4 o 25 F o ; E !rE a.r o ts, ---'- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 97 o-47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNBR /r%';/^"2* DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT'. | " 'l tunJ ih^ 'rrr''{ I'l3kejnA,LaiJl NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BurLD PERMTT Permit #: 89?-0340 as:J V- Job Addres sz 242'l CHAMONIX LN Status" ': IrPF€llED' r.,,ocation. . . : uNrT #1 appliea" : 09 /24/L997 parcer No..: zioi-ii+-09-o0s rliuea...: L0/o3/tee'? project No. : LUr-rt*-vz ww- Expires. . : o4/oL/L998 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 itusrv sPrKE ENTERPRTSES , vArL, co 81658 surrn pouelo J & PATRTCTA owBNs lo-:r-d.usrnns, 6841 wooDSoN' ovERLAND Phone t 30347 643'1 4 Phone z 3O347 6437 4 PARK KS 66204 TOV/Co DescriPtion: REPI-,,ACE WOOD SHAKES OccuPancY: Type Construction: TyPe Occupancy: Valuation: W]TH ASPHALT SHINGI'ES R1 Multi-FamilY v 1-HR TYPe v 1-Hour 5, 000 Restuanant P lan Revi e'.r--> DRs Fer------- Recreation Fee----------> cl,e.rup DcPo3it-----> TOTAL FEES----- Bui tdi ng-----> PtEn check---> Investigat i on> IiLl, cal. t----> 95.00 61 .75 3.00 .00 1m.00 279.75 Totat PerBit Fee--------> Pavnants-------- elLAHce our----- .00 279 .75 279 .75 .00 y. a,,A7 /5/ 7 Clean-up approved amount date Add sq Ft: aO.Oo AdditionaI Fees---------> fof Gas APPIiances:#0f Gas Logs:fOf flood/Pa ltet: Fi reptace lnformation: Restfi cted: ---;;;-;;********************r***i*rrt****t*ir*t*n* FEE. sunt{ARY *****t****i*t**i*:n:i:iiH:-:::::11*******-1;i:i!--- .00 Totat Catcu lated fecs---> BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: Dept: CHARLTE oox:B., PER DrRK t;53;?t N/.A Depr: N/A ii*iir i li''$H*Hs*attlrffi i tg1ff?4liil':Htfiltg ''Rtri;, ;;;;to/03/L99'7 CHARLI see page 2 of thls Document for any conditions that may aPPIy to thie permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I havc read this apPtication, fiLted out in fuLt the infornation required' compteted an accurate pl'ot pran, and state that air tne"lniormiiIon p.ou'la"a u. ."qri..i-li-i?;;.:tt -l-in:::^:; ;ptv iitn tire iniorrnation and ptot pLan' to compty with aLL forn orOin"n""" anO state [avs,.and io UuitA this structure. according io'the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revrev approvcd, un.iform Buitding coo" "na-oii".-o.di n"n.." of the Toun appticable thereto' REouEsrs FoR rNspEcrloNs SHALL BE l{AoE Tr,lENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE By TELEPH.IIE Ar 479-2136 oR AT ouR oFFlcE FRol' 8:00 AH 5:0o Pl'l ; tlpe/ 4ortonu/ <4-z- Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES o DEVELOPMENT TOVIN OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, co 8165? 9'to-4't9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ADD/AI-,T MF BUTL',D PERMTT Pernit li: 89?-0340 TIMES Job Addreeaz 242"t CHAMONTX LN Location...: UNIT #1 ;;;;;1-N". . : 2103-114-oe-o05 Project No.: APPI,ICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES ' vArL, co 81658 ---^CONTRACTOR NUSTY IPTTE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 owNER surti-;oNAlD J & PATlrcrA owENs co-riust-eds, 6841 wooDsoN' ovERLAND DescriPtion: REPLACE WOOD SHAKES OccuPancY: Type Conetruction: Type Occupancy: WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES Rl Multi-FamilY V 1-HR TYPe V 1-Hour Phone z 3034764374 Phone t 30347643?4 PARK KS 66204 Add sq Ft: fof G!3 Logs:#of Hood/Pa t tet: **tt**ff ********t*f*******r*********i***********i******** Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Tota L Calcu[atcd Feca---> Additional' Fres--------> Total. Perrit tce------> /stJ 7"-- A*FNET'ED' oe /24 /Lee1 LO /03/Lee? 04 / or /!ee8 valuation: Fir.pt.cc lnforration: Restrictcd: 5r000 fof Gas ApPliances: *t****i**i**t*****tr****tt*ifi ******tr*******t*******i F EE- SUllllARY ?79 .75 .00 279 .75 n9.75 .00 Bui tding----> Ptan chcck---> Invcstigation> Ui t I c! l' l'----> 95.m 61 .75.o 3.00 Rcsturrant Ptan Rlvie9--> DRB FcF------ RrcPeation FcF--------> c t.an-UP DePosi t--------> TOTAL F EES-__ .m 20.@ .00 1m.00 279 .75 BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: Dept: CHARLTE ooxlBr, PER DIRK t;13;?t N/A Dept: N/A i s?tili a i q ::Efltfi+EillEtiiffi I IEbA\',118go ;fi l*P' B"'IETTBHT "n " * ii'efri' 65560-FUa"1E ng$?on ! AppR16/62/tssz cIlARr.,I seePage2ofthieDocumentforanyconditionsthatmayapplytothieperrnit. DECLARATIONS Iherrby.ckno|tedgethatlhavercadthisappLication,fit|'!doutinfuL[theinforLationrequired,conpletedanaccuratcp[otp[an, and state that at,t thc information Providcd.. 1"e,itJ-i "-i9"tt9t. ^r -"gtct^io-"*pty *iittt tire inforrnation and ptot PLan' to corpty yith rl.t ro*n o.ain"iii" "ina-.tii" t.r", ."na io uuita this structure. a"totaing iothc Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design ,".ur., "pp"orJl"u"itl'ri i"iioi"g c6o" "ni-oirr"r-o.Ji *n.., of the Tovn appticabl'c thlreto' REQIJESTS FOR II{SPECTTONS SHALL EE NADE TUEIITY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOT'IE AT 479-215E OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROII ETOO Ail 5:OO P s send cLean-Up 0cposlt To: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES SIGNmRI' ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: Be7-0340 ";";;-io7ii.ln'' - status: APPRovED *******************************************,***********'(************************* permit rype: ADD/ALT MF Bur-LD-PERMrr Appried: 09/24/1997--ai,pri"iu., {H:i;,::Tl'liii*,*,,u, ," li*H:i lX//ilti1:'i Job Addrees: Location: UNIT #1 Parcel No: 2103-114-09-005 DeecriPti-on: REPI,ACE TIOOD SHAKES I{]TH ASPITAI'T SHINGLES t"llt;t;l3' r*rrr.rroNs ARE RE''TRED rg-gIEgI-IoR coDE coMPLTANcE' 2. FrRE DE'ARTMENT AppRovAi-ii- inonrRED BEFoRE ANY woRK cAN BE STARTED.3. ALL woni uusr coMPLY wrrn 1991 uBc cHAP 32 , I REF.T 131 Ttrl^,N OF UAIL, COLORADO PAGE A4/@I/98 O8:rAt REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION NORK SHEETS FORt 4/ I/98 AREA: €D ======= ====== a-E:.:: i: =:::===-:5=== == = = = ====53i9==:: === g ==:===== ==: ======;i:===i::== = == =:=== == 33: Aqtivity: 897-11340 4/ l/9A Typer A-lvlF Status: ISSUED Constr': AMF Addressr E437 CHAMONIX LN Location: UNIT *1 Fat'cel: t10t3-114-89*fi915 Occ: Use: V l-HR Descr*iption: REtrLAEE NOOD SHAKES WITH ASFHALT SHINGLES Applieant: RUSTY SFIKE ENTERFRISE$ Fhone= 3A34764374 Owner": SMITH DONRLD J & F,ATRICIA OI^IHNS Flrone: Contractor': RLISTY SF'IKE ENTERFRISES F'hone t 3V34764374 Inspection History..... ltem I gtOSlUt dr.i veway gr.ade f inal Item: 0ta0f la BLDG-Foot inq:,/5tee1 Item : OOO8O BLD6-Foundat ion./Steel Item: OOSera F'LAN-ILC Site Flarr Item I 0E{2t30 BLD6-Framing Item: tarara4a * * Not 0n File * * Item : OAASA BLD6-Inst-r1at ion Item I tatA06rA BLDG-Sheetr.ock Nai I It em ; rZrOrZrSAr * * Not 0n Fi 1E * * Itern: O0lATrA BLDG*Misc. Item : UrrZlUlgO BLDE".Final Item: EU53A BLDG-Temp. tr/0 Itemr 4O531 FIRE-TEMF. C/A Itern: O[ts3g FUI-TEltlF, C,/n Item: lzt0333 F'LAN-TEMP. C/A Item: OrA537 PLAN-FINAL f;/A 1t em : tZ'Ut33B F I RE-FINAL C/O Item: ata539 F,I^J-FINRL C,/O Item: E|O54O BLDB-Finel C.rCt Inspect i on Reqtrest Request or': MIKE Req Timp:0t8:tZtE Items requested to TAAO9U' BI-DG-Final Infor*mation...,. Comments: UNIT I be Inspected... Fihone: -. WIL-L CRLL MIKE Act i on Uomment s 476-4374 - 476-4374 Ti me Exl ",t' ' --l]L PER.}IIT # , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COl.tpLETEr.,y OR rT !.IAy NOT BE AccEprED Xi******************** * ** * *** ** PERI'|IT INFORI,IATION ******** *********************tl .4 62/ I J-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanil [ ]-othe Job Namez 7 Job Addre"=. ey'e7 Legal Descriptionz Lor--Q/ ztocx_L ,Lrfn //,trlsx= +t owners x^^"rDapAlD Smlht Addressz G W ,a./139i/TZ-Kt<rn.W General. Description: Worlc Class: [ ]-New I l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-oCnE Number of Dwelllng Units:'Nurnber of Acconnodation Units: ^ lLtI'tBrNG: | ltECnANrCAl: $-- -.tf, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * t* CoNTRACTOR rNFORIifATro:7 Eeneral Contractor: lt , -?, - {-n l I En -+TJoN **** **********ffiATOTAL: $- gtTi"Fgz __dt efutSn,dj&_ Town of Vair Req. No.Address: - #u Architect: Plunbing Contractor: Addr€ss: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *************** *** ******* ** *** ** BUTLDTNG pERuiT FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: 'tr4\/r E:-=" tt oz^ r ) / / Vf t( lC-a> V/Lf(7 Phone Number: ffi Erectrical contractor: ' hltl-. Address: --__l/t I x"id 5F v"ir Res. No._ FOR oFFrcE usE ******* * * ******** **** ********** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIJAN cI{EcK FEEs MECTANICAL PI,AN CIIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'IIT PLI'MBING PERMTT FEE: IIECHANTCAL PERI'tIT AEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: BUII,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONINGs STGNAIT]RE: CLEATT I'P DEPOSIT REFT'IID zt+Al 75 loulh lront3gc rord Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TEET: otflco of communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OT VArL TOWN OF VAfL pUBI_,fC WORKS/COMI,{UNITY DE\ELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ;t-=;']-"J"i, sand, debrisor material , including trash hunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles,upon-any ,[r".i, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any porti-on tha;e;i:--,rh"-;i;h;:;i;;;-ln all roh,n ofVail streets ind.roaas--is-"pproiirutery 5 ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance "ill b".;i"i;iiy"enforced by the Town of vailPublic l{orks Department. pers6ns found. viorating this ordinancewilt be siven a-24 hour rriii;;-;otice-to-;;;;;;==.id narerial.rn the event the person so notified does-";t-;;pry with thenotice within the-24 hour.tG;-;;;;i;I;,"ii""iiliric worksDepartment wirr re'ove said matetiur -"t the expense of personnotified' The provi-sions-ot-trris orainance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,uirrt"rurrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i; il"-;i;;i_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 5 in fu'l, prease stop by the Tor,rn of:3:i"::i1:i"3.";f,if*:i:":a-."rtii; i c"pv---il";i. vou ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh trontsge road e.ll, colorldo tl657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty dcyclopm€nl EUILDING PERtiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMtttE If this perylt regui.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineerts (pubric works) review anJ upp"ou.i,'i pii",irn6-i"p."t .ntreview or Hea'l th Department review, ani'a-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estinated time to"'u-tot"r ""ui"*-il"v"iail'as tongas three weeRs. All commercial flaroe or smar'r) and ail murti-fami]y permits wiilhave to follow itre ioove menti6ned rixi*um reguirements. Residentialand small projects should take a teiier amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessii.v-r"ui"r, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every attempt will be Tgge by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - vv !^rsv l:-I!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timet rame - Communi ty Devel ooment Department. t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMM'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the.right of way, easements or pubtic property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing diveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit, required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe above t"j \ need for a'Public Way Penpit': I YES NOi : 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) lf_f9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must 6e obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C-o.r.nry1u1ity Development. lf you have any guestions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Townof VailConstruetion Inspector, at 479-215g. Job Name Contractor's Sig ly m ]sigrr ltcvicrv Actiort IroU 'l'owN oli l'ntccl Nurttllcr: VN IL llrrikling Nlttttc: Prricct l)cscliption: ()rvrrcr, Atlrlrcss tt't<ll'l'ror', J*o7" 4* .-Qxy:lt^J ?a, L Ks 6zov oLr - rs - 2t z Alclri{cct/(irrrtact. Addrcss arrtl Plronc:--- f .t:1irrl l)cscrilrtion: l.ot 2 t Blocl< .4-.Srrlrrlivisiorr //J -4* - {-dr-u-1/ -r.ourDistrict ---- l' rr r j ccl S I rr:c t A cltl rcs s: - .--. --X I 2 7 - -C/a*roa-i * ---4*-tx (.lrtn rrrrcn ls: Iloarcl/ Staff Action Moliorr by:Votc: Sccontlctl by: u Approval I I l)isirpprovll bC staflApproval (.i rr rr li lio rr s:-._ O 4o //" 3o. . y-, ,o.+y'|p.9'{ sA:ltk 61 64r rftrdcrt,Q'.:,.7;*loerl;...+....-9z.rs- . ?A .Jo, ** ,n,-"{. +- lLilrl, SA^lo- ', -J\ : ---L--- ^'t'fwr l'nncf )-t/- 7?,l)ltc:l)f { | } | f cc I'rc-)'iri d -ANU-a-gAr-1"t- .., 5EP-38-199? AB:32 owr'ruirts--s)utir'ra,r'uttutsll--'b/#a*t'-:";;gnjggllg$IDItIr:Eq NAME ()r, Apr'r.lcAN'l':- ttt"lgWnn :.u*-. qg..[ro3E- '"''"-',riir.rN(iAuuRliss;-aox llljl l'lloNU: .*.'- 4taA114*-' EI,JR BEAU a cRK 'nu'"n'f ?J6 e43 5s26 Qrrcstions? Cnll thc Fllntl AtPl,lcATtoN $oR l)Iist(lN trE'vlEw APPRovAt', :- ,=::, il';ffi -:-r, ffi 7 W-A:-.' " - ;; P,@4 [,N0r vllt ffi*ff6ssgg****t**^ . ^i,rrr-,ri stlINCHtHffi 1,,::,ilkmro"#=ffi :-ff ry;"l' ::;;iuneu,urarlBrls--corCI'Bir*m.rr,#ffiile}d#ffi e\"2 r'r rv s rcn, nn,, o,,lr'i", ", ! g, *-g't5 1,:**i;#''il;; ;; ;; ^;;f ,l.ty$lg1t . Anl)RIlS:t; --2::1"'"'--"- glc 610, Asscsson Oflir;c ttt e /tr"'tr'n'('\'av "'- ' ;;;;; ;'..2lsl]"lll'0eg-0!' "'- (currinct tn*'"*l'll' -- -- - -':zonttt'rc,, "-'1ru$rit -.- ;-:--*'r;L;E;:i ZUNrrrr,'. BBETT r{AlrrN "-__VeU,f.Lq}-qU _i N'\r'tti Tiilil'll1;;**;,t,lg'stwr- "-Y=*'*N*.d76.nr"e3.,--'n till.l,l[ill1Y,,]:U?'' ilffilllliiffijillliurrc roor^gc is 'vrrrcrr to anv rcsitrcrtiar 'lrt tr Artrritron- '--" co-nini*,ui,,irrurrrrirrs. stoburdr,rsr".,1*,i:..i.,i::l"illllll_;llillf;;i* ftMrrror Arrcrrrrron - $10 [||'1ffi]Hlilli$:,li,," ii.r,r,,i-"".lnnd'rcirping' DRrr fcc$ nfc k, r,c p$id rrr rhgliilc:,jl::lt:* "lillli;lfi';ijlll',t#l"J;'Jillllf,l1''Tl$:1rufff"fi, DRB fcc$ nfc k, t c puid ut trro rinrc 'filllllll ^:ilili;lfi'lijliliJi'1il ilffii thc prtjcct varuatiorr' , ;X*;;;icvorultiin0f thcnrujNi' Thc'lovmot Yirrrlrrrr"""-..-.--^.-r!,,,8 ^NrTltEFF,E,.1otltli thcncturatcvillulltollQlrrrslrtvrrvr' "'-. r--_......unrr,r..MEN,l,FANl)TllEFF,ETOtllf, f rs*osunMrr.ll$tTlt',1fl ll,xi'ilbl$llfi1ffi]itlltli'fiill]'ii$il*;;;o-'iHr,l{Juillllb'3f, llslt'ili''iJftf ls'iili*i;idiinoNrncepQADr rvulls. dlc, veil. cbr.,onADo tl 6s7' 2nJ 100 loEegIh00e ls r E0 gE-G0-16' ,,--:\ 6S (Dcrign Rcvierv Actio' notl toFy,w,D' T.'f)\UN OIT VAILmtvrorvtil,l)/ 1OWN OF VAIL lrtc: . JL/-t-22- l)arccl Ntrrnbcr:-----'v I'rrrjct:t I'la ttt c: lluilrling Nittnc:-- Plo jcct l)cscript ion: Owrrcr. Adtlrcss ^,rrll'lro,', J"o-" 4* OErL"J-3L ,(s 6zov ?rr ' rr '2Y ? Arclritcct/Contact. Atltlrcss antl Plionc:-- l.t:1i11 l)cscriptiurr: l.ot 2t-Block-4 .strlrrlivisiol /r!--J* -{-/n*r--"/-r'n,',"1)istrict-,-, t, r r r j cc t S I rcct A <lrl lcs s : - ---. --l 12 Z--C4*oz.7 *- --4^-:-* -- /',r,r,rrrn,tit' o Boar'd / Staff Action Motion by:Votc: Sccon<lc<l b u Approval {| l)isapproval M Stir[f Anuroval ( lrrrrliliorrs:.- O t/s. ,* 3o ..yu, .^."1L-0.[ sk:,:{,- b1 6er t-^tfwn l)i;rnncr- J)irtc:J-t/- 7?l))tf] Iicc Prc-l'aicl @ n!?ig' Review nctiii Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Malin Project Description: Reroof. Replace shakes with asphalt shingles (natural shadow) to match unit #5 Owner. Address and Phone: Brett Malin. 2427 Chamonix Lane Unit #4 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone:Michael Krohn, PO Box 1517, Vail, CO Project Street Address: 2724 Chamonix Lane Unit ff4 Legal Description:Lot 13, Blk. H, Vail Das Schone #2 ParcelNumber: 2103-l1l-40-9004 Comments: BuildingNamc: z42-+7.:? A LDQA,6:YnvD'+ | Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Meuriello Date: f 0-l-97 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\91MALIN.O0 | DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Calt tntnirrgStaff at 479-2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any p-roiccl rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv must rcccivc Dcsign llcvicw approval prior to subnrittirrg fo, n buiiriing pcr,,rit. For spccific inlornration' scc thc subnrittal rcquirenrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucslctl. t'trc apipiicatiorr catrnot bc acccptcd trntil all t1c rcqttircd infornration is subnrittccl. f f,. pru.;..t nray also nced to bc rcuicwtd by thc Torvn Courrcil arrcl/or thc Planrring and Environnrcntal conrnrission, Dcsign Rcvi$v Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a builtling permit is issuetl antl construction is startcd' 11. DIISCRtPTlON OF Tt'lE REQUEST:CHANGING WOOD SHINGLES TO ASPHALT SHI S oK rHE uNIr NExr ro IT:ALREJ\DY *s DoNJ\LD SMITH' i DZt irtat rr- Flitqtr,"7 r.o(:AT'foNorrpRoposAl: [ort-1?'- BLocr,t{ FILINC: V4loo-r or"t ,u*"urEs +4 TOl,/fN OFVAIL PHYSTCALADDRESS: 2427 CHAI'IONIX LN UNIT 4 VAIL pAttCELX. 2L031-11-409004 (CorrtactEaglcCo.Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) D, li. ZONINC: BRETT MALIN [;. C. NnME or owNER(S): MAI[-|NC ADDRESS: 2427 6IIAI'{ONIX LN UNIT #4 VAIL CO 81657 PFIONI: 476R1q? orvN ttR(s) sl GNAl'U lrE(S): NAME OI APPI.,ICAN'I':MICHAEL KROHN RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES MAII,INC ADDRESS: BOx 1517 VAII-, CO 81658 PIIONE: 47 6 437 4 I t. 'IYPE OF RI]VIIIW AND FED: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw building' tr Addition - $50 lnclu4cs:uy atldition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or comnrcrcial building. eMinor Altcralion - $20 lncludcs nrinor charrgcs to buildings and sitc ittrprovcnrcnts' such as.. rcroo|ing'painting'*in.lo'uadditions'landscaping.fcnccsandrctaining rvalls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuildingpermit,plcascidcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust thc fec according to thc project valuation' pLBAsE st;BMrl THrs AppLtcATIoN, ALL sUBIdITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADT vArL. coLoRADO 81657. oot\ 'rowN otj vAll, tl]:rAlt I ll ti;\-l alF C(r.\lrl l,n.-l l't' l)F,r't:l,Ot.\l t:;\-f n^,,,.-.fr .(.W)--Ltfu vlatrynpwvrtvtpnca.s Al)DttIrss____.- ,u,,*.,?fu-0h-&v@y Lane, t)vtiv t + "- TAX''f '' ' l(r't ,/,oNlN(i n Nl) n ll l) I( l:S S Mn I'S-IINilf IRTi-ilOr-r.riTNt-UNrirOmilr-LU'NlIIfN-6TOfi iij'ftiiii(iAil.i r--(ii-i,iiat0-aTi7-i- 'i r 'itili;o'n.f iii-' rr i 'riirirri:ilid:r'r- i'rii-iriiiio lit ii -r'r-- rn' lili Vi ri\V'm-r.. i tTiex'i:ill-TSl ir lTiitT otrt; I tolil(s lNsl,licl'l()N Itit:s-(UN'i'tt A-c'itti( s -fifi:N SilS-l:1;i:S---'.{ttirl n rii;L it'^Tii)i{l jt.:li litDi i'riiNA i;T rtlNl(iiii:ili:ililii Vir-;{r{i- iilioi i :e'i' i j-O'}iiif i ?\i iti)l:.{it ;lr-iiTiVTi:W-i I N V'iiS','i( t-^'i.ii.tN' iril il'i-lluil-.ii'llrv I'n t i tN(; tjr rl.t | )'i(i V'ir iir\r rtA r;riii i i r.{i rilN Si iii- I'i-,i.t i t-'i'itSli ii i. r.l?i.7-l :; 2 - (.1'j n'f ii -' -.j-['iiLit',-Gii-.,0i,-c'i:c'ul-IiUii;D iNt(i lFt t/ifsr'l(iiflI0N- C-t)NDir.IOFi -fUST:Tii ft-wol t,ln if $ C.ASII f----J "*.r1 1"ltt2 :U.OH ' ucov, lzMl= 1\ ao oo Design Rcvierv Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Parccl Nurnbcr: --utPro.lcct l.lamc: 5nr-'T,\ - 'ar 'r o"'{ I Builcling Namc: Pro.icct Dcscription: Owrrcr, Addrcss andPbon (\.,l^^! ?o" l. 62o'/ ar:: ' ?s - 2/ ? ArchitccilContact, Addrcss and Phone: Proicct Strcct Acldrcss: l-cgal Dcscription: Lot '< t Fitock 4 Subclivis c District Cotntncn ts: Board / StafflActiott Votc:Motion by: Sccondcd by: r Approval D l)isapproval bC staff Approval Corrditions: '-/ - To-wn Planncr-.'-' Date:DRB Fee Prc-Paid 4fr,tr* * at|l' P"t oo oo Qucstions? dutt ttt" Planning Staff at 479-2128 CENERAL INFORMATION Tt.,i*ppti.otiorr is for any prqicct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval' Any projcct lcqtriring dcsign rcvicrv mu'st rcccivc Dcsign l{cvicw approval prior to subrrrittirrg fbr a truiiiing perrrrit. For spccific inforntation, scc thc srtbnlittal rcquircnrcnls for thc particular approval that is rcqtrcstcd. Thc appiication catrtrot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittc4. t'hc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council arrrVor t6c Plann ing and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvi$v Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a APPI-,ICATION }'OR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL building pcrmit is issuccl and construction is stallcd' DESCRI PTION OF TI IE REQUES'I:S/raH" S/l'o t-T gla 1n7/e_s PARCEL lt: 2toZ - t t4 - O7 - a < (Contact lSaglc Co. Asscssors Ofticc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: NAMI OF OWNr],R(S): MAII-ING ADDRTJSS: li ci, tr Addition - $50 ElMinorAttcration @ B. C. D, t.OCATl ON OF PROPOSAI-: LOT:- IJ LOCK:- FI LINC : plryslcnlAr)DRlrSS: v"l2i chd'odn'y I -ne- o-'f-4-r MAILING ADDRI]SS: I'l'toNE: I't. TYPE OF IIEVII]W AND FEE: D New Conslrrrction - $200 Cortstnrctiolt of a ncw btrildittg .lncludcs any atldition whcrc squarc firotagc is addccl to arry rcsitlcrrtial or cornntcrcial buildirtg. Includcs ntinor chatrgcs to buildings and sitc itlrprovctncnts' sut':h as. rcrooling, painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fcncc.s and rctaining walls. ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuildingpcnnit,plcascidcntily thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTownofVpil will adjust thc fcc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALI., SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DBVEI-,OPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAtL, coLoRADO 81657. TOI#N OF V/.IL OWNER(S) SIGNATURB(S); NNME OF API'LICAN'I': Xtou -To k ,onil,'4 *t t l43 p€t'nt i/- oo oo BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ ur:.+^.*Q (hoJo.^> Siding Oihcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tri rn Doors Door Trittt l llnd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys . t'rash Enolosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting+* Othcr * Plcasc specify the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicatc thc numbcr offixhycs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. ldentify each fixturc type and providc it," t.igt,t abovc gradc, lunrcns output, luuinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs' 1 f <{.J.. Clo n"+^at '/i'w Updated 6/97 OM tt PROPOSED TREES AND SI.IRUBS: EXISTING TREE,S TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Nantc *Mininrunr rcquircnrcnts for land.scapi ng: Typc Contmon Nantc Ouantity Sizc+ dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shmbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc OTHER LANDSCAPE nenf Un-gS (retaining walls, fenccs,'swimming pools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicatctop and bottorn olcvations of rctaining walls. i4aximu-n n.ignt of walls within thc front setback is 3 fcct. Maximurn height of walls clscrvhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. Updated 6/97 0?-ll-9?l0:4lA}{ FRou#r|tES ITC il385 oo P02 f'>?- 2 t ro flon/ D€ar Vdl View Townhome Ormeru/Ocq{arF, This lertter is in rdereoce to our cedar roofr and tbcir futurcc. My name is Arthur Stoever, rnd I purchrrcd unit #3 in Novmbor of '96. Thir pagt wirt6 | cndurcd many a bardship with ny roof ..lt corutmtty loaked. Becltuo of it, I now hrw doqs on thcupperfloorthd arc difficnlt to opcn md clocc, rtaincd ccilfuUs rnd walle on thc top rnd middlc floorr, urd drmagcd rhcstrook in thc middlc floor cciling. In lune of thir ytar, I ro phnning to rcpeir urd re-roof my home. It hu come to my attentim tbat if I rcplaco it with hcavy weigbg 30 yr., rsphalt chinglc8, thrre are mury more proo than conr to thc siturtion. To btry thoso rhi4gles rre considerably more than buying ccdar shsk€s. The hbor costs ffe alrc urch cheaps. lhe chinglec are firc raardan. ltue, enrbling us !o reduce our inerurce premiuos, not forgeting the frct thet it nrakcs it e saftr phcc for us to live. I have rboppod aroun{ rnd hsrc found r rhinglc that lookr rrcry eimilar in both colo,r ard tosure to thc .nisti4g ocdrr rlrl|rer, I hlw also gotten tho go alread on this projoct ftom thc Tovm of Vait parding the acJcrowledgnurt urd future mmmitmcnt of other torynhome own€$. So wlut I nm arking of yor ic pcrmission to otrango my roof fi,om the cxpenrive, high maintenrncg lealsy, cedar sha&es, to thc more eooaornic, fire rstE dsnt, arpbalt ehiagles. I murt rcmird you that ilrese rhingler havc tbc srms color srd todurcd look as cedu, with the exception that thcy dout have tbat wrrped look. (If cdff fu not trertod orery fcw yearr, ano'ther cost, it $mr to wup, and tlracfore loscs its dunbility and loqgwity,) If I chuge ttrc roof, I would dso like to know if youU like to do the sam€ in the firture, From rvhat I cen cee of the cordition of our roofr, and tdriug inlo conrideration, their sgc, re.roofitrg in the near firturp is on dl of our mindr. Wlut I proposo, is that I ohngc my roof as stated bdore, with a vcry minimal ctrulgc in appearlncc. And when yotr decide to do yor re-roo&rg; it crn be donc in thc sunc fomrt cr I will haw donc. Thus, wE crn all work tognhu to irnprove our homes urd keq thcm looking conrirtartly bcrutifirl. Not to mentioq koeping in complianco with torvn codor. If you agree with mc on thil mrttcr, I wotrld grcatly apprcciltc you signiry thiE letter h acknowledgmont, rnd forwarding it !o me Et yorrr eadiert convcnieoce, Sincacly, a e7J,.Li 1l'Y Artlur J. Stoever - Datc: 6 -Sf- ZZ gn Review Action For TOWN OF VAIL Parcccl Numbcr: Proicct Narnc'. <1-1nc,t'er ' ,*,.u41 Builcling Namc: Projcct Dcscription: Owncr, Adtlrcss rndPhonc'A 3lr{'e.n,, 2tl-z? a4oo,.^ ;. /o,.< Architcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phone: ? m o Desi Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 2 / Block 4 Subdivision Zonc District -Projcct Strcct Ad<lrcs r: ?1t7 a/*-r"..* /-oa Cornmcnts: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Votc: Sccondcd by: n Approval Disapproval Staff Approval Conditions: D b( -/Datc: K- Zr- 7 DRB Fec Prc-Paid g2O Qucstions? Cf ,. Planning Staff at 479-2 I 28 APPLICATION FOR DESTGN RBVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for arry projcct requiring Design Revicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific infonnation, scc the subnrittal rcquirctrtcnts for thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application carurot bc acceptcd until all thc required infornration is submitted. The project may also nced to be revicwed by thc Towrr Council and./or thc Planning and Environrncntal Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc year aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRTPTToNoFTHEREQUEST: rf4 f" ,( r,a 4o -.ou/ €/ ,<4. B. AE. F. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: KPHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: 2vp BLOCK:FILINC:a/ (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofl'icc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)c. D. <D. ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): ^MAILING ADDRESS: ,L i(ONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: $vinn. Altcration - Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footage is added to any rcsidential or conunercial building. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcrncnts, sr.rch as,' iitoofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walli. etc. El Conceptual Review - $0 For any application where thc applicant wishes to meet with Dcsign Rcvicw Board to determinc whether or not the project gencrally conrplics with thc design guidelinc.s. The DRB does not vote on concephral revicws. DRB fccs are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, when applying for a building pcnnit, plcase identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust thc fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIR"EMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. c.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200tr Addition - $50 TOlIiN OT VAIL o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDNC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouses Retairring Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Other r Please specify the manufacturer's coloq number and attach a small color chip ** All extcrior lighting must meet the Torvn's Lighting 6rdinance l8 54.050(J). Ifcxterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixhre type and provide thc height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixhues. (;AF //L!,?.".0t 7-hJ.w !,.:t^,"0 Sl,oJo,^, Dear Vail View Townhome Owners/Occupants, This letter is in reference to our cedar roofs and their futures. My name is Arthur Stoever, and I purchased unit #3 in November of '96. This past winter I endured many a hardship with my roof...it constantly leaked Because of it, I now have doors on the upper floor that are diffcult to open and close, stained ceilings and walls on the top and middle floors, and damaged sheetrock in the middle floor ceiling. In June of this year, I am planning to repair and re-roof my home. It has come to my attention that if I replace it with heavy weight, 3Oyr., asphalt shinglss, there are many more pros than cons to the situation. To buy these shingles are considerably more inexpensive than buying cedar shakes. The labor costs are also much cheaper. The shingles are fire retardant, Thus, enabling us to reduce our insurance premiums, not forgeting the fact that it makes it a safer place for us to live. I have shopped around, and have found a shingle that looks very similar in both color ard telrture to the existing cedar slukes, I have also gotten the go ahead on this project from the Town of Vail, pending the acknowledgment and future commitment of other townhome owrers. So what I am asking of you is permission to change my roof from the expensive, high maintenance, leaky, cedar shakes, to the more economic, fire retardant, asphalt shingles. I must remind you that these shingles have the same color and textured look as cedar, with the exception that they don't have that warped look. (Ifcedar is not treated every few years, another cost, it starts to warp, and therefore loses its durability and longevity.) IfI change the roof, I would also like to know if you'd like to do the same in the future. From what I can see ofthe condition ofour roofs, and taking into consideration, their age, re-roofing in the near future is on all of our minds. What I propose, is that I change my roof as stated before, with a very minimal change in appearance. And whe,n you decide to do your re-roofing, it can be done in the same format as I will have done. Thus, we can all work together to improve our homes and keep them looking consistently beautiful. Not to mention, keeping in compliance with town codes. If you agree with me on this matter, I would greatly appreciate you signing this letter in acknowledgment, and forwarding it to me at your earliest convenience. '.. Sincerelv./L4 A";l 47 S y^a/,.e ; Arthur J. St o J..-a T0trft{ ftF rJG| f L tlircrllmqls Sa*r E9-3A-97 l4147r 19 Receipi. * ZS16lEFccouni* CK*lffiz RUSTY SFII(E EHTERFR\ORB FEEffmourrt t.enderd Zg;ffi Itrr prid g16BgS4l33100a tlhange relurnsd hornr F.id m.ffi B, SB THFTH|< I/CTNTI Vsur cdrirr REgTtf, Dear Vail View Townhome Owners/Occupants, This letter is in reference to our cedar roofs and their futures. My name is Arthur Stoever, and I purchased unit #3 in November of '96. This past winter I endured many a hardship with my roof ..it constantly leaked. Because ofit, I now have doors on the upper floor that are difficult to open and close, stained ceilings and walls on the top and middle floors, and damaged sheetrock in the middle floor ceiling. In June of this year, I am planning to repair and re-roof my home. It has come to my attention that if I replace it with heavy weight, 30 yr., asphalt shingles, there are many more pros than cons to the situation. To buy these shingles are considerably more inexpensive than buying cedar shakes. The labor costs are also much cheaper. The shingles are fire retardant. Thus, enabling us to reduce our insurance premiums, not forgeting the fact that it makes it a safer place for us to [ive. I have shopped around, and have found a shingle that looks very similar in both color and texture to the existing cedar shakes. I have also gotten the go ahead on this project from the Town of Vail, pending the acknowledgment and future commitment of other townhome owners, So what I am asking ofyou is permission to change my roof from the expensive, high maintenance, leaky, cedar shakes, to the more economic, fire retardant, asphalt shingles. I must remind you that these shingles have the same color and textured look as cedar, with the exception that they don't have that warped look (Ifcedar is not treated every few years, another cost, it starts to warp, and therefore loses its durability and longevity. ) If I change the roof, I would also like to know ifyou'd like to do the same in the future. From what I can see ofthe condition ofour roofs, and taking into consideration, their age, re-roofing in the near future is on all of our minds. What I propose, is that I change my roof as stated before, with a very minimal change in appearance. And when you decide to do your re-roofing, it can be done in the same format as I will have done. Thus, we can all work together to improve our homes and keep them looking consistently beautiful. Not to mention, keeping in compliance with town codes. If you agree with me on this matter, I would greatly appreciate you signing this letter in acknowledgment, and forwarding it to me at your earliest convenience. j",lt ) '11^ , /u n' Sincerd, .,,/t4, Arthur J. Stoever Dear Vail View Townhome Owners/Occupants, This letter is in reference to our cedar roofs and their futures. My name is Arthur Stoever, and I purchased unit #3 in November of '96. This past winter I endured many a hardship with my roof...it constantly leaked. Because of it, I now have doors on the upper floor that are diffcult to open and close, stained ceilings and walls on the top and middle floors, and damaged sheetrock in the middle floor ceiling. In June of this year, I am planning to repair and re-roof my home. It has come to my attention that if I replace it with heavy weight, 30 yr., asphalt shingles, there are many more pros than cons to the situation. To buy these shingles are considerably more inexpensive than buying cedar shakes. The labor costs are also much cheaper. The shingles are fire retardant. Thus, enabling us to reduce our insurance premiums, not forgeting the fact that it makes it a safer place for us to live. I have shopped around, and have found a shingle that looks very similar in both color and texhrre to the existing cedar shakes. I have also gotten the go ahead on this project from the Town of Vail, panding the acknowledgment and future commitment of other townhome owners. So what I am asking of you is permission to change my roof from the expensive, high maintenance, leaky, cedar shakes, to the more economic, fire retardant, asphalt shingles, I must remind you that these shingles have the same color and textured look as cedar, with the exception that they don't have that warped look. (If cedar is not treated wery few years, another cost, it starts to warp, and therefore loses its durability and longevity. ) If I change the roof, I would also like to know if you'd like to do the same in the future. From what I can see ofthe condition ofour roofs, and taking into consideration, their age, re-roofing in the near future is on all of our minds. What I propose, is that I change my roof as stated before, with a very minimal change in appearance. And whan you decide to do your re-roofing, it can be done in the same format as I will have done. Thus, we can all work together to improve our homes and keep them looking consistently beautiful. Not to mentioq keeprng in compliance with town codes. If you agree with me on this matter, I would greatly appreciate you signing this letter in acknowledgment, and forwarding it to me at your earliest convenience. t"ff, Ila.t,7 -\ .;" , /.n Arthur J. I -f{:rl'-lhl CrF lrjg I L Fliscel laneoug Cash [J{,-:t,-irl 14:11f,;iir F:e,:* i. p t. * .::E?t:t 1. t:ll:':nr-JTrl. + [:l,i + f-'f I ,:iT l-lEr..JER!.freF FEE illirr,r;r'r 1. l.*r-rde r*':J .:. :lE , 8F tJ 1 r:1fir:r,;141 f,i 1 EErEl !u, (1r:1 i:h.*rr,:ld:, r* t.t-r f rrEf, i' :rl ' i!"ri THgF{t{ V{fU \;*u r ca=t-ri e r FIEH-IHH Item paid ffmcunt Paid I DATE #02 48,]C Plath Conatructlon, lnc. P.O. Drawer 5920 Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949-190s Work Order t'ttto'?o.^\ k-.-dc.l JoB NAME f- r...lel A l ';.l Z-, C-hnwrrnax Ulr^r=L JoBLocA.oN Vle, I A_)o Vrq, I e,o.ryi-?./?a loo" E'/o-ry WE hereby agree to perform the roofing specified below; *NOTE - Boof repairs are considered temporary and are not warranted in any way unless specified above. IS TO BE DONE AT A TIME AND MATERIAL RATE, THE FOLLOWING RATES WILL APPLY. 3) ll4at"riafFbilled at Plalh's cost, including delivery All materials guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner, according to specilications submitted. All our workers are lully covered by Workman's Compensalion lnsurance, ACCEPTANCE - The above prices, specificalions, and conditions { are satisfactory and hereby accepled. You are authorized to do ^urr€"'IED' the work as specified. ;ffi;; MC /lSA - lf the invoice is not paid within 30 days of completion. I authoriz€ Plath Construction Inc.. to charge the amount due my credit card. o o .'. ln Xu 5'&ft' Ftl Lot r-/** cl 39 .EE UIq-l F9 ;F l3 ttr :F aF gl' e.lil E'; ?r.r F'; BS gE qs gE PA !rgi'<t2 ii r_9gr lcl iaoe Qo.t6:osI t=ieI< ;5 EgqF Br,tL:'t9o6 e,€ gF E.{ um o+ m @ Bx o.tl -{ =o (t,c ==ozaIt = Tz !toomoctmo 9Ft? 3B \ ORsb:tt t 9n 3 I\J =o66 5 @ il T o E 6 !o Ets zB I c,aoits E E\ ptbI 6-' o $ zioi -{: -l t:m,-{:Ol tl I, 8'zal I m! uIm o-'l m =al,n! zo =a-t|natt t 2 =t 2 d = m aa o !!!zo 6 cm r 9-o E. Gt o E ^c Eo I 6oto 8. 3t omT 63 h"- F 6 I a { t I o d -tm -{I att o3 3g E. i\,,E'o (o HitmEl 3H'llF_ln fr9?-{m-Om!+io;€iz -rO-'llm<qr> *! q= PEotI €Il i< |eB I 3E eq ,5.+t-8 93;E 38 o.d .= gr. 9tt-;<Eqxltd E g;: i 5I T q o-' c 1!d; s I q da; E p. o o 6 P. o 3 II t 7 =N)(o -{f:D N) € 9 =,srf, t g- = ts IN3NrUVdSo 3C]'lOd llVA gfrroJ sslilltata l:l^nlHlor$ TOWN OFVAIL P.O. Box 567 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 479-2200 Department of Police DELIVERED BY CERTIFIED MAIL Paul or Shirley Kudel 1332 Balanchard Downers Grove lL 60516 Paul or Shidey Kudel Enclosed you will find a copy of a summons and complaint issued by the Town of Vail Police Department. This summons is issued based on information from the Town of Vail Community Developmeril Dept. that you ene in violation of Town of Vail Municpal Code 18.54 (failure to comply with conditons of Design Review Board). Please sign the enclos€d summons on the yellol highlighted area. After you have signed please tear out the yellow copy for your records. Place the summons in the enclosed envelope and place in the mail. You are scheduled to appear in the Vail Mucipal Court on the 2nd day of February 1995 at 10:00 AM. The court is located in the Vail Muncipal Building at 75 S. Frontage Rd. lf you are unable to appear you wil need to call the court at (303) 479-2129. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ft-r-^/fu-a*..x fuc^6 Kevin R. Kromer Code Enfrocement Officer Jim Cumutte Town Planner o' WORI( ORDER ewb il' :Plath Construction, Inc. P.O. Drawer 5920 Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 94.e-1905 / FAX 8./'S.9r!s &urnn rc NOTE: 1), All rnaterial is guaranteed to be as specified. All work shall be completed in aworkmanlike manner according. to specifications submitte.l. A"t;;"iation from writtenspecifications shall be made oity up'on written orders and shall "b""orn" an extra chargeover and above the contract p;ice: All our *o.Leis ure n riy *"t"d by workriiari'iCompensation Insurance. 2) This bid may be withclrawn if not accepted within 30 days. We hereby propose to furnish all labor and material needed to perform the roofingspecilied below; 1) Install 8' of snow fence at location to be determined._-___. ")-G Bfs^whlE$ t,r,L'-1 o.-qrt'rsr "r ..ns.q; wqlerqby propose to furnish all material and labor complete in accorclance with abovespecifications, for the sum of: Five Hundred and Twenty DOLLARS Payment to be as follows: 1007o upo Autlrcrized Siguntre, platlr Corutruction Inc:-4 $ 520.00 Submittcd to: Paul Kudel 242T Chamonix Lane Vail, CO 81659 Phonc: (909)426-9426 j:|*f;, 2422 Architcct/Dale of plans: Acceptance of Proposal: The above/attached satisfactory- and are hereby accepted. you are Payment will be made as outlined above. prices, specifications, authorized to do the and conditions are work as specified. Alttlorized Signature, Owner or Agent:* Retutn I signed cory to ou, ofrce.Dote .\t rn rle uurqlo,-tuh,,* AND FoR ,o.*n oF vArL, STATE OF OOLORADO, T}IE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLOFADO. summonsNo. m 0afl 6 l,caseNo.MUNICIPAL COURT NOTICE TOWN OFVAIL /)fr-/-'Y{freL The wilhin caso has been set as follows: The Defendant or his Atlorney may request ONE continuance on arraignrnenl and have it be granted. MOTIONS HEARING 9RE.TRIAL l/ PRE-TRTAL TELEPHoNE ARRAIGNMENT BOND FORFEITURE HEARING DISPOSITIONAL HEAFING SHOW CAUSE HEARING TOW HEARING TRIAL SETTING OR DrsFosrTtoN rinl ro A JuRY oF srx' TRIAL TO A JURY OF THREE* TRIAL TO THE COURT OTHER qW M tl ll tl M M tl ll M FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR THE ABOVE.INDICATED SETTINGS MA FOR THE ABREST OF THE DEFENDANT. *t"r, 1r'i-l'ul7iffis Dalo I promise to appear on abovo date (s) and lime(s) and h€reby acknowlsdgs rocoipt ot thls notics. Phone No. r JURY: A wrilbn d.mand and $35.00 be must b€ ierxrgrod to lhe clsrk ol the court wif n 10 days trom snl€ring a pl€a, PargnYGuardian Dals I horoby csrtily thal I sarved this sening slip lo th€ abov€-nam€dby deliwrino/mailing a copy of sam€ to him p€rsonally in th€Vail, on THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE CONCERNING THE ABOVE SETTINGS. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 479-2129 L / U' UJ o xF d) Trlct Fzlll o o J ol!J II I I I I i... , .4. THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO a(*qq N", M *"^0""' jP)Y)|/p-..'f"i]. sr,', t,ov Oate ol Bi(h Mo. oay Yr. I Agoo2 t4 27 7L(Middls)( ) Trallic or CA Penal violalron Mo. Day Ytital q.{ oetenoants Aoarils I 133 7 ALn,.-h.'.4 Cirv Slale Z,P Cods l)ow,,raj Grr:.,( 7/ CoSi 6 Approx. T|rne oJ Mddon OhqoMn Oriv6r's License Number and lype Slate oi lssue Race - f-s€, THeiqht T weiqht I Hair I eveg, | , Home Ielephonew I n lsin I ts''tlav I kJal(tostsss.]2a<- srLoA IcR # 1") ruo I Employar Name Efiploy6r Address EfGrness Telephone I Direction ot Travel lr.rsEw VEhicfo License Numb€, tY statsoty'/Approrrm6t6 Location ol Violation in tho Town ol Vail Slate ol Co orag9 -r\.,1 Ar { ) o" 2/} 7 (,e*ru n iy 1,.-u c e A Type or Body Slyle V€hrcle Color (To99.{6m) -- 6'1-/ vyae vt.( ) At intersection walh ( ) 8atw6€n couRr6ere-on /@ rl At!,, Vail, Colorado, lo answer chargos, as stated below, ol violating READ THE BACK OF THIS SUMMONS FOB M ,1,{. lh€ Mun AIL-IN alO-41--A^., you arc hereby summoned cipal Code ol the Town ol vail, which are allegl FINE PROCEDURES. and o.dered lo i Dpear al the Vail Municipal Court, 75. S. Ftonlag€ Rd W. 'red in lhe Town ol Vail, County ol Eagle, Stal€ ol Colo.ado 4-l Speedino .^pnna-npY&<ffi 2.2a Failure to Slop at a StoP Sign lalrSre ro viera niqlr o , '{'Z-!,.r.rroF S€clion Number Violation Doscr 'enally fusessm€nl: Yes M Amount Poinls /8 {'zt F-,l,.- /.'t r'nn n./v L,tTh nAR Scrm Total SU*, PLYw|THMAlL_|NF|NEPRocEDUREs.|FAPPL|cABLE,| UNDERSTAND THAT FATLURE TO APPEAR CoNSTTTUTES A SEPAFATE oFFENSE ANo wlLL RESULT lN A WARBANT Fr49 ARREST BEING tW -/ -/ ,z bltTh€ undersigned has reagonable grounds to believe lhat the delendanl commitled the olt€nse(s) Otlicet .1 f 4 - No. .2!1Z-- OFFICER OFFICER \/' L-"/i1t ! A/tt-{?/. :NDANT A- TED THIS 1UAN COMPL a./- - \-/_t-F- 04, "o"n -.1s-/4-l-. No - ; ^ 'fU)-day ot1 --ll- r- ewe'w *U"4.-, l- date ol issuo becom€s by law, a summons and coftplalnl and requi63 an Z9T 62 r oT-o m mTI It mz-l Penalty assessment violalions must b6 paid at tho Trallic Violations Bureau, Vail Town Hall, wilhin (20) days lrom app6amnco in cou( at the placo, dale and iims indicaled above, paE! Original - Courl Yellow - Defendant Whit€ - D.M.V./TranscfiPt 0y . L.) >,!..1i.*: l, o8gn Review Action rof, TOWN OF VAIL category r.ruro", I 4 Date fr4 /q75 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: /J/ttoP t / e[.oe. /" ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: /U/4 Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: tot 2 7 arlci I subdivision Proiect Street Address: Comments: I taff Action Motion by:Vote:g-o seconded ,or, gaL({ br'*,ivrl D Approval 6teaJ 76wn Planner / ./on", =/,/l.s DRB Fee e,"-oaa { 4oe /. r'::'li f a.s*f I{ /tr/'*Yj?$}F4! J oo d'F d^o peet A lo,rnf w ;" /.':::.' ,--'' f a.s t.J i')'J*' ' l:i rAlLeuef daf gp'fru,& t*h rlvp tlg r'fo off ld d e -fl, a /rat s--p ef's#' ).*.#TAoE --t .t f ,'+LQ-t/te@ :- /u; /) 3 t t s{**e4f} t*q/65 < :,Gz* as(;;. , sela.ypo(e4 -Gl Q(e -..: ,u;eqC 6{*F{-- ffi,yD eid* ,ro..j l*., * j qr 6., ;-.. i,,,,\ .-rte,.o,f h *i;.*ru ;t(:*..;i, t>q/ - fuot M,vJ 4Ae,*a*k *iis "b ho *{aFy*d ene /,ea,€,y 4*o'^1-y t4 .f &f) 4".*,Q-" Tb.turq {# #ax# f44Jt. tkh a.ocp€- V*pF &rt{ K"co q.L- li,k g - 't*r:(Q 9F cl ft:fe ud L. rt' 'l ECrlf !Y!€ L''€" Se l | , fr,p g r+.fr *,\L 4^e cC ,"^J1,,;, fr.o,Jq *{* *i" *Y -iL* 7*g,ro*c-6-\ cL*,"gg h,)6truu(e1t frcsert+st -fe ORL bf m4^f )'ii,i'n'{t-' =(,/6 0AB *'f3' Informat ion collected irom six locally based roofing companies, plus the name anC pbone r:unbers of j.ndividuals I talked Lrith. Companies contacted: 1). G & G Roofing, Inc. Frisco, Colorado 658-5552 2) . Plath Roofinq, Inc. Avon, Colcrado 949-190s3). Stark Roofinq Co. Vail, Colorado 475-39gg4). PDQ Enterprise Inc. Frisco, Colorado 668-3433 5). Sncw Cap Roofinq inc. Edwards, Colorado' sza-s3zo 5). Rocky Mt. Gutters & Msint. Carbondale, Co. 963-8039 G 6. G Roofing(Steve Poh I ) - snow cleats need to be lag bolted in - Saleski approach (cenented) doesn't work loo weii - would need whoLe roor not just small area cleeted - Saleski costs about double of iag bolt technique - has only done a couple houses in tnls area - I' x 10' area would take apDrox. 50 slats ! | : I t.l |./1n - r hFa (Ed Rothba.ttil - instal led cleats on century z1 BIdg. in AvonwiLl help but not prevent a slide snow c leats/c I ips recommendeC for : - southern exposed roofs or - roof where alI gncw meltg off after each storm, no accumu I a t ionwith heavy snow & ice bui. Iupr soow cleats/cIips wi 11 hold back 4" or snow, rest would si i.de reconnends a snow fence as solution Stark Roofing(Ed Sauressio) _thet $ueh flfitrH {31 a roof with that pitch (4-E/tz) would tear cleats out : ::::il[:t$: ;ffi i:;";,i?: ;l?; ;:;:l=pi"t.s in,o Joints for the snor.t fence - per Ed Sauressio,plastic snow cleats are "garbage" PDQ Enterprises(John Mccol"^'- :ffi :i:::: x::;;":!'f;,"?l,i':::gn'i:l?3 .0,."n of 7/ 12 or greater) where snow is continually sl iding off, or roofs that col iect very l itt le snow snow cleats r.rould r ip out unless lots were installed and lag bolted in with metal plates to beans - only solution would be snow fence utith heat strippj.ng along eves to slowly nelt snoht just behind snow fence Snow Cap Roofing i ehar i Ma 1 Fhar'l metal cleats expensive to !nstalI after roof is 5l roadv i n they install Iots of metal cleats p last ic , cemented ones don 't Iast , annual maintainance needed due to freezelthaw Rocky Mt. Gutter(Mike Riilev) - ri::l:"r:;:'i:'i""iiii:.'?:':"r";l=n whole roor needs to be covered, cleats on smal] area would break of f rrhen uncleated area sl id t.u.tE.A 7 /14/94 * $$esrcn ,',L4 ftv'rt " ' Rttt " l0 t :trli*ttlt*:t* I. A. B. TYPE OF REVTEW: Ne\^r Cons E,ruc LionAddition ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdiwision ,/($200.00) ,/ Minor AILerat.ion -JoncepEual Review/z- ($20.00) ($0 --7 D. \ ['r rfuy 4ll t, / Lot Block rf property is described bydescription, pleiase provideLo this application. a meeLs and bounds legalon a separate sheeL and attach F ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Aflflress: IL'I NAME OF APPLICANT'SMailing Address: Phone H.NAME qF OWNER(S) : REPREsENTATTVE: fa n/.Ztl- Phone hone I P OVINER (S) SIGNATURE: , Mailing Address: I. .1 . "roils nium A : DRB submi E for cn of crding WILL pprov fees, tta1a buithe p LU L FEE scHEpuLE: U 'f/X ^r.(@ i ^ toluArroN . lpE^ ^ 41r," U:r//hn?h.+ v I r.v, uuu .p ztJ. uu$ 10,001 $ s0,000 $ s0.00$ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $100 . 00 $150,001 -$ s00,000 $200.00$500,001 - 91,000,000 9400.00$ Over g 1. , 000 , 000 $500 . 00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL I'NLESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AIiID CONSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. c q1+o\* lcte"\ /,o( !Lo./ /'n ,ro.-J*( f.' c-.r,,-Q , (*ruru ,r*,*( /* ) i?,Lt,t. (o< lty t-/,'o:/'f ,''i1( r6t'( +/,lE:'f('flw 1/r aizza(q trt ' NOT aI i oft ldin ropo heE al,t o PRE.APPLICATION MEETING:rr III. A pre-applicacion meet.ing with a menber of the planningstaff is encouraged to deLermine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is Che applicanc,sresponsibility to make an appointment r^rith the sLaff todetermine if ehere are addit.ional submittal requirements.Please noLe Lhat a COMPLETE application will streamline thereview process for your project.. In additi-on to meeting submittal requirernents, theapplicant must stake and tape t,he projecE site t.oindicace property Iines, building Iines and buildingcorners. AII trees E.o be removed must be taped. A11site tapings and sLaking must be complet,ed prior to theDRB site visiL. The applicant must. ensure thaL stakingdone during the wi_nEer is noL buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board:.aconcept.ual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Desigrn ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have nocasked in advance Lhat discussion on t.heir item bepostponed, will have Lheir iLems removed from t.he DRBagenda unLil such Lime as the item has beenrepublished. n The followi-ng iLems may, at the discretion of t,hezoning administrator. be approved by the Communi-tyDevelopmenl Departmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearinqbefore Lhe DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylighcs and sj.milar exterioi changeswhich do not alLer che exist.ing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building addiLj.ons nob visible from any other lot,or public space. AE t.he time such a proposal issubmitLed, applicanLs must include leLLeis fromadjacenL property o',^rners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationst.ating the association approves of the addicion. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow aval-anche, rockf al"l, f Iood plain, debris f 1ow,weLland, eLc.), a hazard sLudy must be submitted andthe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior Lo Lhe issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check wiE.h a-Tbwn plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relaLionshipof t,he properLy to all mapped hazards. For all residenLial construct.ion: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of Ehe ext.erior sLructural walls of t,hebuildinq; and B. a. b. Indicate wi.[h a dashed line on the sit.e Dlan afour foot disLance from the exterior facl of thebuilding walIs or supporting columns. ff DRB approves the applicaLion wiLh conditions ormodifications, a1l condit.ions of approval must, beaddressed prior to Ehe applicaEion- ior a buitdinqpermi t. . INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION: DIRECTIONS FOR ADHESIVE MOUNTING: Squcczc - out of ttrc adhcslvc cl{ urli the pcrbotcr ls thc rcconcndcd flnlsh. DIRECTIONS FOR SCREW DOWN APPLICATION: WARFANTY: The toltowrng wa.ranty rs ma6e in lr€u of all olher w8rrrnt€s. erO.cssed or rrnotred Recommendaftons 'lot oget u3e ot the product are DaseO on teStt tr€trevecl to Oe ret'abte Any 9OOC'S proyen deleclrve due to malerrats wrtt tleteplaced or purqhase prrce relunded but In no evenl shall the manulaclurer be reS0ons,bte lor oamages In etcei! ol tne purcnase Ot'ce Uset Shall d€lermrne the 3L/rtaOrtrty Ot the prO6uct tOr ,ls Inlenoed use ano atsumes alt isrs ot.ts use o, hanOlrnO A typical installation of Snojax' using the adhesive npunl or the screw down roethod' would start appro).imately three to five feet up from the eave ' spacing the Snoj ax trvo feet apart, the length of the roof. Moving up the roof, another three to five feet, install a second row with the sarne two foot horizontal spacing' but staggered' On roof slopes with an excess of three and lltelve pitch and those 1,rith longer runs, may reguire additional- Snojax placed at the midpoint of the roof, using the sanre staggered pattern. *Please consult manufacturer for suggested patLerns when usinq the adhesive nrount ing method. Determine desired location of Snojax per the manufacturer' s recom€ndaf ion. Clean surface r^lith soap and water. (Do not use any solvents or special cleaners exc€pt Zo1uol.) The Snojax should be placed flat side doror unless it is to straddle a small intermediate rib, then flip the unit over. (Fi11 Gap With Adhesive. ) Smear adhesive on the bottom si.Ce of the Snojax, covering the entire surface to be mounted ' Press Snojax on the roof, making sure that no air is trapped underneath. Squeeze-out is the reconnended finish. In warmer temperatures j.t may be necessary to secure the Snojax temporarily, until the adhesive skins over' The mininnm application ternperature is 50 degrees F' and the full curing time takes 28 days. It i.s suggested that only the new style Snojax be used vith adhesive. JXY 1Y I. 2. ? A 6. 7. v 1. Determine desired locafion of Snojax per the manuf acturer' s recorn€ndation - through the Snojax and purlin or structural the roof's surface face diagonallY top of the roof. - 1-o! L: -9/L- orr^J< t-0 2. Appfy a transparent silicone adhesive to the base of unit.0b A Nbn-Aetic Acid lve ft Galnlure 0r elmnid Rccfs 3. Using two self taPPing #14 screws with neoprene washers r.rnder the heads ' screrv the roofing material , into the supporE. 4. Each Snojax should jut uP from perpendicular to its sloPe, and skyward torvard the ridge at the sNoJAX, tNC. 1405 Brandton Road MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055 (717) 697-1900 FM #(717l-697-2452 /,ar"re -rfrLjr-{ fF U$ff[_ i'li =ce 1 1 anec,u= C-==h i:r.:: i:, ':i:i=r';i::i ri!': :i.. :.i,-.; j+ i,.-:r:,: , !,*,.,. -!; !j ' i. + ,'.'ir:!r.!i, i:: 1._ji'.,i:: l - .i:I l.:t i:tr.I tlli;j,. ,,-r1 I t. i. !:r,,: r:-tt:::. i i,,.-1 .: T r;L r.:i,'i , .. : _::_. :-: : . .-:t-i! ! -FHsf t-ll-: !:|r]:i!': Hrrieurr i. p= i 'i Lr.ilLl $if RECETVED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOIV PAID-Cash Bolice I I oGign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL 7 ,^r" =/^'/q{k-)v l- 7v,<'{, (- {eo'c .l c,-.,a-r,2la1 c5 I tl,,-rf 4 Q Building Nane: Va', f Vt< o<l 'Tecun Aa.*'te 3 Category Number Project Name: Proiect Description: rlPfr(t cq *-{s iVe ,-4sf i,,s{o(.) kttlh( foe € o,uJ c €tor-.- [6.,2v1/ |a, s.(,Je r .ti ra.' {.a aItJ rc w,.9 L l,/tu nut Owner. Address and Phone:'^r,L * 5i,,r(L(7€-a ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: LegalDescription:tot 27, Btock 4 suoaivgond)/ &sa"/,e..<:( zoneDistrict P/S ProjectstreetAaaress, ALldT C l^qt'"\c n i Y L q r, { o{s ( ,'sleJ La (a ^t . 4*o v{prou^t n Disapproval ! StaffApproval /ktw9{ q (;z nsf" ( /rd."q rr4 " o€ ;,,"-*S{ t) C< gg r'alt\€ sa 4l '-t -.29-DRB Fee Prc-paid U dr-- FII- E Departrnent of Conrmuniry Development ff8P y TOWN OFVAIL 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September 8 1994 Mrs. Shirley Kudell 2427 Chamonix Lane. Unit 2 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Unauthorized installation of metal roof at Vail View Townhomes' Unit 2 Dear Shirley: This letter is intended to document our conversation yesterday regarding the metal roof located on the north side of your unit at the Vail View Townhomes. As you know, staff has become aware of the fact that a metal roof has been installed on your unil, however, we are unable to find any documentation in the Vail View Townhouse file to indicate that the metal roof has received approval from the Town. Additionally, during my last conversation with your husband Paul he indicated that the metal roof has not received Town of Vail approval. His belief was that it was installed at a time that your property was deannexed from the Town and was not within the Town of Vail jurisdiction. I have asked Paul to provide me with documentation to prove that this was indeed the case and, as you know during our conversation yesterday, you are unable to provide such documentation. Therefore, the only reliable evidence that we have is that the roof was installed while the property was within the Town's jurisdiction, and was done so without Design Review Board (DRB) or building permit approval. As I mentioned to you yesterday, we must resolve this matter immediately since you are leaving town around the lirst of October. I have scheduled you for the DRB meeting to be held on September 21 ,1994 and have enclosed a DRB application for you to fill out and submit 1o me, along with the $20.00 application fee. lf for some reason I do not receive the application and fee, or you fail to be available for the September 21 , 1994 DRB meeting, I will have no choice but to issue you a citation to appear in Municipal Court to discuss this matter- lurther. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. The goal is to show the DRB your metal roof, and hopefully receive their approval, so that we may put this matter behind us. lf you should have any questions or commenls regarding this letter please feel lree to call me immediately at 479-2138. Sincerelyr- // f".r-Q"n-" flD Jim Curnutte Senior Planner XC:File ' !*, I r.v\s.d 7 /\4194 DESTGN REVT APPLICATION . TOWN o EW BOARD o OF 'fr.- f k*ere-'- Rtc'D sEP 1 21991 VAIL,, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****t***** TNCOMPLE"E APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR REVIEW.********** I. A.DESCRIPTION: ll TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsL,ruction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) D. Re LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescript.ion, please provide to L.his applicaLion. ZONING: a meeLs and bounds on a separat.e sheeE legaI and aLLach E. F.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT'S Address: REPRESE}ilTATIVE : Phone H, NAME OF OWNER(S) :S*n e OqINER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address , Stln f Phone APPLICATIONS WIIJIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOT'T OWNER'S SIGNATT'KE Condominium Approval if applicable DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at, thelime of submit.tal of the DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit,, please identify the accuraEevaluation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wiII adjust thefee according to the table below, Lo ensure the correcE feeis naid. -lL"f' I. ,J. 00 FEE SCHEDULE: $ VALUATION0 $ i0, 000 E.E.l.<*ffir-+-J]/Llulr $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONB YE.AR AFTER FTNAL ISSUED AT.ID CONSTRUCTION $ 10, 001 - $ s0,000 $ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1 s0, 00L - $ s00, 000 $s00,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAIJ IJNLESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. NAME OF PRO..TECT: I-,TST OF MATERIATS LEGAI/ DESCRIPTION: LOT BI,OCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUIIJDING IIATERIAI.IS : Roof Siding Obher Wall Mat,erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim "urrd ot Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining Walls ExLerior Lighting Obher I.ANDSCAPING: Name of reguired for submitLal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAII uP 4*o*lt g, J tkd,e s*, t -t*ry Lc,c'q,+1dr/ . E,o the Design COLOR f.(GG(,)c) I.,a- ".fu\- Designer: Phone: B. PLAlilr *r"Oor, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name co*nt tu*"OuanLitv Size* Square Foot,age GROIJI.TD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL C. IJANDSCAPE LIGI{TING: If exLerior liqhting is proposed., pleaseshow t,he number of fixLures ancl locaLions on a separat.elight,ing plan. Ident,ify each f ixL.ure from t.he Iighting planil the space below and provide Ehe heighE. above giade, -type oflight. proposed, lumen out.put, luminous area and a cut, sheet ofthe light f ixr.ure. (Secrion 19.54 .050 J) *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate rr@strees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6'feet..**IndicaE.e size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qallon. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.aining walls, fences, swimmingpoors, eEc.) Please specify. rndicaLe heighE.s of retaininiwalrs. Maximum heighE. of walrs within the fronb seE.back ii3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, n ) TOlJl.l GF L,fl I t- Hiscellsreotrs Ctsdl B9-13-T4 14: 89:31 Rec€ipr * 155488 9ccount * PFIUL I.:UTIEL\.PREFfiITJ ORB Fmtunt tendered > ':0, BB Ir.en Paid hgm? Peid 816€so41331gBg ?B'EB C.hange returned :) r:r ' Ft:l THFIl'lt< 1/tl|-t Your cashier HEIDI RECETPT* lteTowrCI I{ ; t-- I I I I Ns - {?{l?0 RFCETVED FROM Aoonrss , l9-- July 27 , 1994. Dear Jln, In the event the Deslgn Review Board evaluates the metal roof onPaul Kudell's roof, I would llke them to know how the metal roofhas lmpacted my resldence. The Kudell's townhouge adjoins my resldence on the east. Alladjoining townhouses have shake roofs except for the KudelI'E resldence nhich has metal sheetlng on both the flrst and secondlevelg on the back side of their residence. The sheet metal wasput on their roof in the fall of 1990. In March of 1991 the snortslid off the top level of thetr roof lnto the east wall of ny townhouse. The srall r^ras shoved out of lt's casing, dry $rall danage was extensive on the ingide and repairs were nade on each slde ofthe ttal l . lly l nsurance company paid damages of El ,915.63 (see letter {+1). In addition I paid the deductlble of S25O.OO. After the lncident I contacted Gary Murraln, a planner ln Communlty Developnent. As I recall he came out to the Kudell's and looked atthe roof. However, no futher action was taken. I dld not file aformal conplaint since I did not nant to anqer my neighbors. Honever, as you can see by the lncluded correspondence (see letters +2 and ti3) I cont inue to be concerned about further damage occuri ngto ny house. Flrst, because unlike the previous shake roof wherethe snosr slid off the roof nore gradually, hugh ice blocks comecrashlng off the roof if the sno}r is not periodlcally removed.Also, the sheeting on the upper roof is placed in guch a nay thatthe snou, has a tendency to slide tnto the slde of ny house. In1991, 1992 and 1993 I had to request several tlnes that theKudell's remove the sno$, buildup. On several occasions I lras ontheir roof myself trylng to prevent another dranatic anobr sIide. Another problem ls when the upper metal roof sras put on, the roofline bethreen the Kudell's and ny residence Lras disrupted so that now lf the snow ls not removed often and the snow bulldg up on theeast wall of my house, hrater sreeps lnto the slde wall, goes downthe upstalrs bedroom hralL under the carpet and down into mykitchen and pours through the ceiling. I called G & G Roofing outto evaluate the problem ln January 1993. They stated that theproblem was caused by the Kudell's roof which they could not doanything about unless the Kudell's contracted wlth them. In thefaII of 1993, I had a carpenter repair sone of the exterior sldelralt hoping this would prevent further seepage even if the KudeIl's continued to be neglectful in removing their sno$r. However, thts htinter, I had seepage again lndicating the rrater 1s coming in at the polnt where the metal roof meets my east wall. My attorney has advised ne to send reglstered Ietters to the Kudell's ln the event that the snolt build up on their roof becomeg a potentlal hazard to ny honle. I have sent thto such letters and on nany occaslons have contacted the Kudell's about the snow threat. Prior to the lnstallatlon of the netal roof I dld not have any of these problens. If the Tortn of vail pursues thls igsue I would hope that they consider the potential dangerst of snoL, slldes partlcularly in light of the fact that the KudelI's have historlcally not dealt Ltitb this problem. Also, I stould request that their roof be inspected to ascertain whetber the seepage of water into my house is being caused by elther past damage to my east wall, poor roof construct ion or sthatever. I asgume that the Tordn of ValI is well ahrare of hoe, gnow slides off a netal roof. Unfortunately the east rrall of my townhouse is tn the pathway of a potential slide. If the metal roof lg approved I htant the Kudell's to know that they are responglble for any damage caused to my residence and that they need to be prudent ln renovlng the snow fron thelr roof and take care of problens that are causing water seePage into my regidence. My lnsurance conpany has inforned the Kudell's that any further danage to mf property will be the responsibility of their insurance conpany. If this matter is considered, it ls important for the Design Revlew Board to know that we have considerable conflict with our neighborg and matters must be resolved ln a fashion that does not reley on good will and neighborly cooperation. Sincerely, / h{ Judith A. Ganter ccr Gary Murrain, Comnunlty DevelopenentPatrtck Lang, Farner's Insurance Martha Dugan Rehrn, Holme Roberts & Owens, Attorney at taw 7Ht @ Farmgrs fnsunncg Group o.coMpAN,Ea May 15, 1991 Paul Kundel 2427 W Chamonix UnLt 2Vail, CO 81557 hI REPTY N^EASE REFER IO WLllian canter3l05leL 07 90351 08 78F8 55989 Reeidence $191s.63 s2s0.00 A review of the facts of the loss irdicates that our insured is entitled to recover damages from you. Therefore, lve have the right tro make claim for these damages in our insured's behalf. This letter is to notify you of our subrogation rights and to advise you that no one has authority to give you a releasefor our interest except a representatile of this Company. lf pu carried liability insurance to protect you for such losses, we shall present our claim to your Company. please coilplete the following information and return to us. Insurarrce Company Name:Policy No. Address Name and address 61 4gent or Adjuster 3501 South Teller Streel Lakewood, Colorado 80235 (303) 98$'7860 .-.\ Our lrEur€d: Oab of Lossi . Our Pollry t'lo; ' SALNi Accid€nt Locatbn: Total Amount ol: Claim to Oat€ (lrEl. Otr l'r3.kuct) lf. you are not insured, please send iis lrour check for the amount due. lf you are unable to fulfill this obleation, dease contact the undersigned imrrediately. Very truly purs, SUBROGANON CLAIMS ClaudLa Collina/mp Signed to agent 07 07 379 and to insured. cc:Patrick Lang ,{? V Kr{ December 3, 1991 Paul Kundel 1332 Blanchard St. Dol'rrners Grove, Il 60151 Dear Paul: This letter is to inform you that the ice build up onyour upper roof has reached a considerabl_e size andmay slide into the east wal1 of my house. As you recall,I had $1900.00 of damage done to my home last lpring dueto a similiar ice build up on your roof The ice is sliding off your roof in the direction of theeast wall of my house. The new metal roof is sending thesnow towards the wall of my house. The snow must beperiodically removed or I will agai_n have damage to myhouse. I am sending a copy of this leLter to the Town of VaiIas requested by Farmers t Insurance. 'Gary Murrain wasto refer this problem to the Design Review Committeeas this metal roof was constructed without Town approval. I do hope that you are making arrangements to have theice removed during the winter months. I am taking picturesto present to Farmers fnsurance.in case of further damage tomy house. Sincerell , ,a)^J% Judy Ganter 2427 W. Chamonix, #1Vail, CO 81657 cc: Gary Murrain, Community Development, Town of VaiIMike Gonzales, Farmers Insurance, Claims Adjustor )K ,,L *\ February 1, f993 Paul Kudel 2427 W. Chamonix, # 1Vail, CO 81657 Dear Paul, I have been advised by my attorney to send thiswritten request that you remove the ice build up on yourroof as it effects my townhouse. As you know the ice on your roof is causing water seepage down the east wa11 of by townhouse. The ice is pulling the siding awayfrom the east wa1l, water is seeping under the carpetin the bedroom and then seeping into the kitchen. Thecarpeting is wet in the bedroom and there has beenconsiderable dry wall damage to the ceiling in the kitchen. I am also concerned that the ice may slide into theside of my east $/all causing siniliar damage as occurred two years ago. At that time Farmer I s Insurance paid aclaim for approximately $2,000. for repai.rs to my townhouse. Last week I had G&G Roofing Company appraj-se thesituati-on hoping they could stop the leeki-ng of water.Steve, of G a G toLd me that the water seepage was being caused by the ice build up on your roof. They saidit was not my liability and that they could do nothingto remedy the situatj-on unless you contracted with themto remove the ice, I hope you take some action to remedy this situation. Si)rcerely 7 W,V",-A,/rl - ( Audy'canterJ 2427 W. Chamonix,+l VaiI, CO 8I657 Pat Lange, Farmers Insurance Martj- Roehm, Attorney MEMORAIIDIJIII To3 The File From: .Jim Curnutte Date: October 21, 1994 Subject: Documentation of the hisLory and issues relaEed to the DRB condition of approval for a new window and a meLal roof at the Kudel residence, VaiI View Townhomes, Unit #2, 2427 CorLina Lane. The purpose of this memo is to srunmarize the history and issues relat.ed to the DRB condition of approval for a new window and a metal roof at the Kudel residence, vail View Townhomes' Unit #2' 2427 cortina Lane. Ear1v,fullr,1994 - Mr. Kude11 came in to our office to complain that his neighbor uo the west (unit l-) had consLructed a fence beEween their two properties. Mr. Kudell explained that Ehey live in chicago most of the year, but spend their surnmers in vail. wtren they returned Lo their unit this year they discovered that their neighbor had construct,ed a fence beEween their two yards- Mr. Kudel stated that the fence blocked his view and he believed that it was constructed on his property. He sEated that Lhere is no homeowners associat.ion for the vait View Towntromes and asked if there was anything the Town could do about it. I told him that the fence needed Desiqn Review Board (DRB) approval and thaL r would check the file to see if an approval had been granted for the fence previously. I totd him that if DRB approval had not been granEed I would conLact the owner and LelI her what the proper proceedures were for receiving DRB review of the fence- Mr. Kudel provided me with the name and phone number of the owner of unit one (,Judy canter 475-1398) . Mid Julv, 1994 - I contacEed Judy Ganter and informed her that I had become aware that. she had installed a fence without first receiving DRB approval . She stated that she didnt know that DRB approval was required and asked what she had to do. I Lold her to come down and fill ouL a oRn applicaLion immediately so Ehat it could be scheduled for the very next DRB meeting held on JuLy 21 , L994. Ju1v 18, 1994 - ,Judy brought in her applicaEion and sLated that she was considering lodging a formal complaint against the Kudels' for inst.alling a meLal roof on Etreir unit wiLhouL DRB approval. She stated that Lhe Kudels metal roof has caused snow and ice to slide off and damage her unit. She said she was going Eo hold off on her official complaint until the DRB review of her fence was concluded. Kudel Meno Page 2 ,Iuly 21, L994 - The DRB conducLed a site visit to the subject fence and loolied at it from both properties. Later, at the eveningt meeting they approved the fence with Ehe following conditions: 1. The fencemust be lowered so thaL it is no higher Ehan 4' 6u.2. The applicant should consider adding another verEical post or two to help supporL the fence. 3. The horizontal rails on the Kudels side of the fence should butt up together at their ends raEher Lhan overlap, which they currently do.4. The property line between units 1 and 2 should be resurveyed to assure Ehat the fence is located enLirel-y on t,lre the Gant.er property. The meeting was attended by Paul and Shirley Kude1 and Mary Zorba, Judys' roonmate, After Lhe meeting Mary asked me if she needed any other permits or approvals to begin reconstructing her fence. I told her that a 4'5" fence did noE require a buildinq permit so she can begin work as soon as she wanLed to. I did remind her that the DRB suggested that she trave the property line identified by a surveyor. JuLv 22 or 23,L994 - I received a caII from the Kudels'. They were complaining that ,fudy and Mary were reconstrucLing their fence and they stilI thought it was on their property, al-so they did'nt think iL was being builu according the the DRB approval . The Kudels' believed Ehat the DRB said LhaL the finished side of the fence had to face them, and the side with the horizonLal rails exposed had to face toward Judy. r ca11ed Mike Arneb (chairman of the DRB) to confirm the DRB approval . Mike said that the horizontal rails were ok to stay on the Kudels' side as long as Lhey butted togeEher at the ends and did'nt overlap. I then ca11ed Mary zorba. Mary assured me that the fence was being built as approved and she told me that she had the properLy line established by a surveyor so she was sure she was on her own property. I catled the Kudels' back and told them what, I had found ouE and that I did'nu think that it was a violation of the DRB approval . JuLv 2'7, L994 - Mary Zorba came in and handed me a wriLten complaint regarding the Kudels' metal roof. I told her I would follow up on it. Earlv Auqust, 1994 - I cont,acted Ehe Kudels and informed them that I had received a complainE about their roof and asked them to apply Lo the DRB for approval just like ,ludy Ganter did when she was made aware of her violation. Paul Kudel indicated LhaL he lhgggEL t'hat Lhe roof was installed while their properuy, and all of Lhe wesL vail area, was deannexed from the Town. He admitted that no permits for the \^rork were obtained from the Town or the County. f Kudel Memo Page 3 asked PauL to provide me with evidence to verify thaE the work was done when t,he area was deannexed from the Town (conLractors receipt and/or warrenty, canceled check, etc.). Paul told me that he and Shirley were going to be leaving Town for the season around the first. of October. I caIled ltary back to leL her know vthat was going on. She said the metal roof was installed a few years aqo and she was sure that the property was not deannexed at the time tbe roof lvas insLalled. September 7, 1994 - I call-ed Shirley to see if she had found any documenLation to back up their suspicion that the roof was installed during deannexation. She said no. r asked her apply to the DRB for approval of the roof so that we could get Ehe issue resolved. She said she would and Ehen poinLed out' that she sti1l did'nt think that ,Judy had installed Lhe fence correctly. Septemlcer 8, 1994 - I sent a letter to the Kudels' documenEing our conversation of the day before and included a DRB application. In Lbe letter I told them that since they were leaving Town the first of october I had scheduled this issue for DRB review on September 2t, L994 and asked Ehem Eo return the completed application immediaLely. September 12, 1994 - Paul brought in the DRB application and told me Ehat he and Shirley wilL be availabLe to attend Lhe DRB meeting on September 2L, 1994. He also told me LhaL since he was going to the DRB he wanted approval to chanqe a second story window (sliqhtly different size and type) in addition to the meLal roof. Septenber 2L, 1994 - The DRB visiLed the site and at the evening meeting discussed the issue. Mary Zorba stated that the old cedar shake roof held snow but the new metal roof was allowinq snow and ice to slide down and damaqe her unit. she produced ducumentation(insurance clai.ms) Eo show thaE her unit had received extensive damage from snow and ice comming off of the Kudels'metal roof. Although the DRB had no aesEhetic objecEion to Lhe metal roof, due to its hidden location, they were concerned with iEs impact on the neighbor. The DRB approved. the Kudels' metal roof and window change with the condition that: trThe applicant must arrange for the insEallation of I' of metal snow fence to be instatled on the znd story roof in the area of the west side neighbor. The snow fence must be engineered and professionalJ.y installed by Thanksgiving. " SeptenJcer 29, 1994 - Paul Kudel showedup at my office to informme that he was leaving Town today and it did'nt look like }re was goinqt to comply with the DRB condition. I asked him whaL efforts he had made Lo comply. He told me that he had called three roofing companies and only one returned his call (Plath Roofing). I asked Kudel Memo Page 4 him if he had ca11ed the other two places back. He said no. He said that Plath told him that they vrere too busy to do such a smalljob riqht now and Lo call them back in the spring. I LoId PauI that he still had plenty of time to get the work done before the Thanksgiving deadline and he should keep trying. He said that he was'nt going Lo t.ry to resolve this matter from Chicago. I asked hirn if he knew someone loca11y that could work on this for him. He said that his son lives in Edwards but he was'nt going to ask hin or anyone else Lo deal with it. I told him Ehat at the very leasL he should document his efforts to comply with the DRB condition and Lhen write a letter to Lhe DRB requesting an .S.@Lg, of the deadline unt,il the spring. I told him that when I get the letter I will present it to the DRB for their consideration. He kind of smiled and said "we'11 seerr. I told him that if he has'nL installed Lhe snow guard or received an extension from the DRB by Thanksgiving he will receive a citation to appear in Municipal Court. He said thaL if his neiqhbors did'nE have to install their fence per the approval why should he have to put in a snow fence. I told him that I believed that the neighbors did install the fence properly. He said " we11 we'1l see what happens". November 23, 1994 - Mary Zorba called me to let me know that no work had been done on the Kudells' roof. r reminded her that they had until Thanksgiving to install the snow fence and asked her to call me back after Thanksgiving. She said OK. November 28, 1994 - Mary caIled to let me know that the snow fence has not been installed. She asked whaL was going Lo happen next. I told her that the Kudells' were going Lo be cited for failure to comply with a DRB condition of approval . She informed me that there is already about 10" of ice and 2' of snow on the roof and she was concerned about it. sliding. She also told me thaL, out of curi-osity, she ca11ed four roofing companies herself and none of them had a problem with doing the work. one of the companies she called was Plattr roofing', and she spoke Lo Kate, who told her Lhey could do the work that day. November 29, 1994 - I meL with Kevin (cEo) Lo go over the process for issuing a ciEation to the Kudells'. Their address is 1332 Blanchard, Downers Grove, IIJ 605L6, and their parcel number is 2!03-114-09-002. Kevin said he wanted to meet with Tom Moorhead and ,J.R. Lo discuss proceedure before sending out the citation. oecember 5, 1994 - I asked Kevin for an update. He told me he met with Tom M and J.R. and the citation should go out in todays mai1. Decenber ??, 1994 - r received a call from .fudy Ganter informing me that the Kudels were in town. I contacLed the code enforcemenL gruys who told me they would qo over to the kudels house and serve him personally with the violation notice. Kudel Memo Page 5 'Januarv ??, 1995 - r received a call from ,J.R. (code enforcemenL officer) informing me that he had served noLice to the kudels to appear in courE on February 2nd, however they requesLed a postponement so the court date was changed to March 9, 1995. Februarv 8. 1995 - PauL Kudel came into the office and said Lhat he would like Eo show the DRB a differenL kind of snow guard Ehat he would propose to put on the roof in place of the one required by the DRB back on september 24, L994. Paul was told to fill- out a DRB application and he would gto to the next available meeLinq, which I told him would probably be March t, 1995, because the agenda was pretty much set for the February 15, L995 meeting, and he had missed the submiLLal deadline an]'way. r asked him if he had paid the applicaEion fee. He said no, so I told him he needed to do that as soon as possible. He did a few days later. March l-, 1995 - The DRB heard the Kudels request for a change to the previous condition of approval from a 8' long snow fence to I "snow jacks" and denied the application. Mr. kudel stated that he wanted to use the snow jacks because they were cheaper and they could be applied to the roof with glue. Mr. Kudel said that he didnL want any holes in his meEal roof, which is what would be required with the snow fence. Several of the DRB members were familiar wiLh Lhe product that Mr. Kudel was proposing and found it unacceptable. AIso Mary zorba htas aL the meeEing. She presented the DRB members with some information she had compiled on the product, from phone conversaLions she had wiEh area roofing contractors (see copy of info in file). She also presented pictures of the area of the roof where the snow fence is required to go showing the there are already a bunch of holes in Lhe meLal roof. March 6, 1-995 - Paul and his nephew (oewhite) came in to the office and asked to have one of the Building inspectors perfonn an inspection at the Ganter property to determine if they had done work (rebuilL deck, hot tub, storage closeL and installed a new hot water heater) without Lhe proper permits (see written noEe of complaint in the file). tlarch 6, 1995 - Gary Murrain went out to the property and met with the Kudels. He looked over the fence at the GanEers improvemenLs and came back Lo Lhe office to talk to me about the issue. March 8, 1995 - r received a calt from Mary zorba inquirinq about tfre xuaefG court date. r told her EhaL Eomorrows hearing is just a motions or arraing,rnent hearing, r did'nt know which. r then informed her about the complaint we qoE concerning work done on her property r.riLhout the proper permits. She said that abouL 2-3 years ago Ehey did replace the exisE.ing deck that was on the house wlren Judy bought it, about ten years ago. She said that alot of the Kudel Memo Page 6 boards were rotting. The work was done by Rob Crawford. She said that the deck does have footers and was built to code and Lhat she didnt. know Lhat you needed a permit to rebuild a deck. I asked her if any changes were made to the shape of the previous deck. She said no, but then pointed out that a sLorage closet was added to the deck and a ramp was added in place of some stairs Lhat were there. Also the hot tub was added to the deck about 2 years agro. She said that the electrical work for the tub was done by a licenced conLractor and that she would get me his name. She also Lold me that t,his fall t.heir furnace went out so they installed a new one. She believed that the work was done by a licenced contracEor and she will qeL me his name. I Lold her that she needed to submit a DRB application for the exterior improvements and if there was sufficient information in the application we might be able to staff approve it. I also told her that building permits were required for the electrical hook up for the hot tub and a mechanical permit for the furnice. She asked if the Kudels ever goL a permit for their metal roof- I said no and E,hat r would contacE him to request t,hat he puII a buildinq permiE for Lhe roof. March 3L, 1995 - Paul called to tel1 me EhaE he has a wribten bid from Plath Roofing for the snow fence. He said however, that since he is going back to Chicago next weekend for the sumner, and the work can't be done untir july or Augrust when he comes back' he dosent see Ehe need Lo go to court next, week. I told him that f have no authority to remove his case from the court docket but that I expected to be meeting wiLh the prosecuting aEEorney next week and that r would discuss the issue at that time and gret back to him. r asked him to bring over a copy of the wriLEen proposal he has from PlaLh, which he did (see attached copy). ApriL 3, 1995 - PauI came into the office and asked me if r had gottEntIEh the attorney yet. I told him no but I would call his office and see what the deal was and get back to him. April 4, 1995 - I called and spoke with Linda, the court clerk. She said that for the arraingrmenL hearing I didnL need to be Lhere but Mr. Kudel definitely did. r called Paul and told hin to be Lhere on Thursday. I then took this memo over to Linda to include in the Police file for the case. April 24, 1995 - Mary came in with a ona appl-icaEion to cover the outside work previously done without the necessary approvals. 'June 2L, 1995 - DRB approval was granted for the ouLside work done at the Ganter residence (see wriLe up in file). Kudel Memo Page 7 June 25, 1995 - Mary submitted partially complete building permit applications to cover the inside work. I Lhink theses applications were considered t,o be incompleEe because the official date of submitt.al on the paperwork is July 11, 1995. 'Ju1y 1l-, 1995 - Mary submitted building permiL applications to cover the inside work that had occured wiLhouL approved permits. .Iulv 14, 1995 - Mary came down and payed for the permit and called for a final inspection for Monday. .fu1v 17, 1995 - A final inspecLion of the insideworkwas performed and approved. The Kudel complaint has now been completely resolved. ,Ju1v 20, 1995 - Kudel court date. Paul Kudel pled guilEy with the condition that a fine witl be postponed until September t4' L995 Eo allow him to comply. rfr he does Lhe fine will be waved. auqust 8,1995 - Mary called to Eel1 me that the Kudels have listed their unit for sale (see newspaper advertismenL in file). AuqusL 1.5, L995 - Paul came in to inform me that the snow quard had been installed by Plath roofing. r asked him to bring in a copy of the reciept. Auqust 25, 1995 - George and r went up to the property and observed that the snow guard was on the roof. Auqust 28, 1995 - Paul brought in a copy of the reciept for the snow guard. I called Plath Roofing and confirmend that they had indeed installed the guard, per the DRB condition that it be professionally inst,a11ed. while he was here PauI asked to listen to the Eape of the DRB meeting for the Gant,ers fence and Lo see the building permit for t,he work thaL .Tudy and Mary had done witout approval . I could not find the building permit so I told paul to get with Dan to track Ehat down but assured hin thaE a permit had been pu11ed and double fees assessed. I Lhen set up Lhe tape machine and Paul listened to the DRB discussion twice then left with no further objection. w.rl Vdl New Listino! 2427 Chamonix Lane*2. Open' house Sun 11-3. lmmaculate and charming, 1 ownsr. 3 level townhouse W 600 sq.ft. lock- oll aDt. & no assn fee. Covered private palio,vi€ws, bus route, sunny 3249,0(x) Barbara Bor 949-7979 c€rtry fl, vdvalley o Ltl'n'DEI I s lss{ ;tOV '00t11f,, DlV, Jr'r"l' Dcceinber 15, 1994. Paul Kude-l 1332 Blanchard St Downers Grove, IL 60151 Dear Paul: I ha/e been advised by my attorney to inform you that the ice build up on your roof has again rcached a size that wh€n it slid€s offyour metal roof it may carue danrage to the east watl of rqy tonmhomc and fencc, similiar to the damagc causd in l\darch of 1991. This snow and ioc must bc rvmoved immediatcl-v to prcrrent damage to nrv homc. I hrrrrc boan documanting thir ico buildup wilh photoo. 2427 W, Ch{nCId4 # I Vait Colorado 81657 oc: Patick I-ang Farmcrs Insurance Ciaims Adjustor Irdacti Rehrf Attorney-at-I-an, Hohnes Roberts & Owelre Jim Curnutte, Community Dcrrolopornent ti,tf'! OEc 0 3lggl December 3, 1991 Paul Kundel- 1332 Blanchard St. Downers Grove, IL 60151 Dear Paul: This letter is to inform you that the ice build up onyour upper roof has reached a considerable si-ze and may slide into the east wall of my house. As you reca1l,I had $1900.00 of damage done to my home last spring dueto a similiar ice build up on your roof. The ice is sliding off your roof in the direction of theeast waII of my house. The new metal roof j-s sending the snow towards the wall of my house. The snow must beperiodically removed or I will again have damage to my house. I am sending a copy of this letter to the Town of Vailas requested by Farmers I Insurance. Gary Murrain wasto refer this problem to the Design Review Committeeas this metal roof was constructed without Town approval . I do hope that you are making arrangements to have theice removed durj-ng the winter months. I am taking picturesto present to Farmers Insurance in case of further damage to mv house. Judy 2427 Vai.1, Ganter W. Chamonix, co 81657 Community Farmers Development, Tor'rn of VailInsurance, Claims Adjustor Sincer.ely-- Mike Gonzales, t Aa{ <lo--:-G;"t dr.-F ( ,tQ- oecl7 e(e./ts From the desk of. . .Jim Cumutte aL( e7 t' 4o tetaro'{ - }ttteo k&- ut/oo* lau*;* uot' al L@k.+.A vi A. tL l.'hs *l"D/g ?)",tu3 4-L Owner, Address and Phone: Project Application (5 -. Project Description' I\i i '\ '\ contact person and pnon" D lj i, 'i, P. f,r-r\ ft ilT'il Cr,, n:s (uCrro ir T 't-tt-' . Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot J[ ,riting \ii\'t '.)i\.1ir';c.f t , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL 74+, E.o , ,/oL)(nQ1 tO\l 3E c,rror-',) /?, 5-l , o7 i- F ?od R-LruE,t:T tutf THI3 {-Ot- ,fl.rtOa) : Lrr -rLrt-- k/( /g.,d'L 2l A.g Darc: 4/21 1 . /- /2 g--'- E Statt Approval TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Deve lopment lr THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER Occupancy: R-1 Type Construction: V 1HR Job Addresez 2427 CHAMONIX LN Location...: UNIT #1Parcel No.. : 2103-114-09-001Project No. : PRJ95-0132 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone:476-1398 Phone:476-1398 fof llood/Pr I Let: ISSUED o7 /LL/Lees 07 /L4/reesor/Lo/Lee6 GANTER WILLIAM A & JUDITH A 2427 W CHAMONTX UNIT 1, VAIL GANTER WILLIAM A & JUDITH A 2427 ltl CHAMONIX UNIT 1, VAIL co co 816s7 816s7 Description: CONST. OF STORAGE & REPLACE FURNACE Not in tabLe! Not in table! Valuation:3,300 Add Sq Ft: F i reD lace Information: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances: ffi#rffiffiffi*!ffi:t*t(ffir**f,** FEE SUllllARY fof Gas Logs: Bui tding-----> Ptan check---> Invest i gstion> tliIL C! L l,---> E5.00 55 .25 85.00 3.@ Rcstuarant Ptan Revi eri--> 0RB Fee-------- Recrlation Fee----------> Cl,ean-Up Depos i t--------> TotaI catcu[6ted Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> .00 20.00 .00 100.00 318.25 -00 348.25 Pay|!ents > 34E.25 TOTAL FEES----- ****ff ffi #*ffi ffi i#t|.ffi*ffi ffi ff ffi ***ft **ft ****#*ffi ********ft *****#***,*ffi *H#*Hr#rffi **'wff Hl* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division:JIM Dept: FIRE Division: DeDL: PUB WORK Division: **ffi ff *ff *r*ffi #*ffi ***trlr**t**l**ffi **t tffi ****#***ff **ffi **ff **ffi **ffi ffi *H*ffi ffi ffi # See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATTONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in futI the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Pl,an, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the infornation and ptot p[an,to compty yith att Tolrn ordinances and state [aws, and to bqil,d this structure according to the Tor,n's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign reviev approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tou0--.pp!icab [e thereto. 38 OR AT OUR OFF,/ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT0711111995 GARY Action: APPRIIbm:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT07/II /1995 GARY ACtiON: APPR FORIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 97 /tt/Le_21_GABI_- Action: APPR N/Altem:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS07/lL/L99s GARY Action: APPR N/A IGNATURE OT OIJNER FOR HII.ISELF AND O9NER Page 2************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL E&wlfir*naPMP,L2 as of O7 /14/95 Depart&@,6'oarzrnb6Dwabpment**r14ffCdltfffi68r}S7*********************************************:l!t**************** 970-479-213V479-2139 FR@h19Wg2 ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applicant--: GANTER WILLIAM A & JUDITH A 47 6-L398 Job Addresst 2427 CHAMONIX LN Location---: UNIT #1Parce] No--: 2103-Ll4-09-001 Description: CONST. OF STORAGE & REPLACE FURNACE * ***** ** * *** ******************* * * ****r' COnditiOnS Applied-- -. 07 /Lt/L995rssued---. 07 /14/L995To Expire. OI/I0/L996 ******* * J,*************** * * * ** * {g*ot"uoruo TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0047 Anount: 328.25 0?/14/95 11:55 Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #L022 Init: LRJ) Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 01 0000 423?L Bg5-02L2 rlpe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT 2103-114-09-001 2427 CHAMONIX LN UNIT *1 Total I'eeE: 328.25 TotaL ALL PIot6: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CTEANUP DEPOSITS VJILT CALL INSPECTION FEE INVESTTGATTON FEE (BLDG) SFR BUILD PE 348.25 348.25 .00 **************************************************************** Anount 85.00 55.25 100.00 3.00 85. 00 ********jr******************************************************* TOWN oF VAIL, COT,ORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-o047 Anount:20.00 07 /L4/95 10:01/14/ Payment Method: CK Notation:PRE-PAY DRB FEE Init: GM Permit No: 895-0212 Tlpe: A-BUrtD ADD/ALr sFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2103-114-09-001Site Addresez 2427 CItAI,{oNIx LN Location: UNIT *1 Total Fees:348.2s ThiE Payment 20.00 Total ALL Pmts: 20.00 Balance: 328.25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code 01 0000 41331 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Anount 20. o0 TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANTCAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0108 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213y479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...: 2427 CHAMONIX LN Location .: UNIT #1 Parcel No.....: 2103-114-09-001 Project Nunber: PRJ95-0132 Department of Community Development APPLICANT OWNER Description: REPLACE FURNACE ti reptace Infornation: Rest ri cted: GANTER WIII,IAM A & JUDITH A 2427 W CHAMONTX UNrT 1, VArL GAN?ER WILLIAM A & JUDITH A 2427 W CHAMONTX UNrT 1, VArL Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . co 81657 co 81657 Valuation: .00 .00 118.00 ISSUED 07 /rt/ree5 o7 /L4/teesoL/ro/Lee6 Phonez 476-L398 Phone:476-1398 **:t*ffir#*ffi***ffi*ffrrrr**fft*LH.fi*****ffi*** tEE SUt',lllARY *ffff***ffffi*ffi*ff***ff#ffi:Hl#trfrHffiffi*** llechani ca t---> Ptan check---> Investigat ion> 1,, i L l. ca l. l,----> 3 . 0O fof cas Appt iances: 60.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH-->15.00 DRB 50.00 TOTAL FEES----- Additiona[ tees---------> .00 flof Gas Logs: TotaI Catcutatcd Fees---> Total Permit Fee--------> Paymcnts----- 3, 000 . oo #Of tlood/Pal, Let: 138.00 138.@ 13E.O0 BALANCE DUE-_-**#n#**ffi*ffrtffi*ffi*#**fi*idJcl*****tr*#************ir*ff******************Jr*ffi*ff**********ffi**t#****** Ileqr! .95190 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O'l/II/L995 GARY Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hrreby acknovtedgc that I have read this apptication, fiLl,ed out in futl the infofmation requi rcd, compteted an accurate ptot pl'an, and state that 6l[ thc information provided as rrquired is cor.ect. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan,to conply Hith al,L Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordi nanc€.s-g{ thc town appticabte thereto. REou'srs FoR lNspEcrroNs 'HALL BE r,rADE T[ENTy-FouR HouRs IN AD'AN.E By EI-rpnoHe Ar 129-?138 o* o, l,^ otFIcE FRott 6:00 Ar,r 5:oo pr,l 'r' /' ,a SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI.INER tg**"uo'uo ********.*****************************rr************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-OO4? Anount: 138.00 07/14/95 11:57 Palrment Method: CHECK Notationr *L022 Init: LRDT M95-0108 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-114-09-001 2427 CHATIONIX LN I'NIT #1 Total Fees: 138.00 Total ALt Pnts! Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 01 0000 42371 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) 138. 00 138. 00 .00 Amount 50.00 15.00 3.00 50.00 Page 2********************************************************************** TOIVN OFVAIL 786vsthEr*rttaF9wt212 as of 07 /14 /95 Departa@.€ommunr$Ev&bpnent**Vb:WetlbtAWBr6YT*************************************************************** 970-479-213V479-2139wffitnlvbgz ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTTApplicanL--: GANTER WILLIAU A & JUDITH A 47 6-t398 Job Addressz 2427 CHAI,IONIX LN Location---: UNIT #1Parcel No--: 21,03-114-09-001 Description: CONST. OF STORAGE & REPLACE FURNACE *d.** * * ** * ** ** ** *********************** COnditiOnS Applied--z 07/tt/I99s Issued--- z 07 /14/t995To Expire. Ol/10/1996 **** ********** * ** ** *** ** ***r.** {g u"'"uo'u"' t **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0047 Amount: 328.25 07/L4/95 11:55 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1022 Init: tRD *******************************************************!ts******** Permit No; Parcel No:Site Addreee: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 01 0000 4237L B95-02L2 qrpe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT 2L03-LL4-09-001 2427 CIIANIONIX LN UNIT #1 Total Fees: 328.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) SFR BUILD PE 348.25 348.25 .00 Anount 85 .00 55,25 100.00 3 .00 8s.00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ' COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0047 Amountz 2O-oO o7/14/ss tOzot Pa}TMENI MEthOd: CK NOTAtiON: PRE-PAY DRB FEE INiT: GM Bg5-0212 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE 2LO3-1L4-09-001 2427 CHAIIONIX LN UNIT #1 Total Fees: 20.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: :k * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES 348.25 20.00 328.25 AnounL 20.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES MECHAN]CAL PERMIT Pernit #: M95-0108 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 e70-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... Location Parcel No..... Project Nunber Department of Community Development 2427 CHT&TONIX LN UNIT #1 210 3 -114 -0 9 -0 01 PRJ95-0132 Status. . . applied. . Issued... Expires. . 816s 7 81657 Valuation ISSUED 07 /Lt/ree5 07 /14 /tee5ot/t0 / tee 6 APPLICANT OI^INER GANTER WILLIAM A 2427 W CHAMONTX GANTER WILLIAM A 2427 W CHAMONTX 60.00 15.00 60.00 & JUDITH A UNIT 1, VAIL CO & JUDITH A UNIT 1, VAIL CO #of Gas App Liances: Phone: 476-1398 Phonel 476-1398 Description: REPLACE FURNACE Fi reotace Information: Restri cted: 3, 000.00 #0f $ood/Pal. Let:#0f Gas Logs: Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees---------> Total Permit teF-------> Paynents------- ***i***ififfi:ffi*ffiffffi**ffi***fffi***ft***ff***** FEE SUI4|'IARY *ffi***ffffi***ff*tt*it*ff*fftit**ffiff*r*tr****ff***** llechani ca t---) Ptan chcck--> Investigat i on> Ui l,L Cal.l,---> Restuarant Ptan Rev i ey--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL T EES----- .00 .00 138.00 136.00 .00 13E.00 13E.O0 rtem: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/lL/I995 GARY Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in tutl, the information required, conpteted an accurat! ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty vith the inforDation and ptot ptan,to comP(y with a[[ Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this stfucture according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Unitorn Euitding Code and other ordinance.s_ of the Torrn appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE fiADE TT.IENTY-FOUR HOURS rN- ADVANCE BjTIELEpXOHE lr 479-2138 OR Ar CE FRol'l E:00 A 5:0O Plt SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIt.ISELF AND OI^INER tgun"uonuo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnt Nunber: REc-0047 Amount: 138.00 07/14/95 11:57 Palzment Method: cHEcK Notation| #1022 Init: LRDT M95-0108 Tlrpe: B-MECH MECIIANICAL PERMIT 2103-114-09-001 2427 CH}}IONIX LN UNIT #1 Total Fees: 138.00 Total AI,L Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel- No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 01 0000 42371 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) 138 .00 138. 00 .00 Amount 60.00 1s. 00 3 .00 60.00 PERMIT APPLTqATT9N FORM DATE. L/2(/f- , APPLICATION MUSI BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELy OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** pERlytIT fNFORMAT1ON *****************************rl-fX,-Building t l-Plurnbing [ ]-Etectrical ft-ttectranical [ ]-other Cn-frn Job Ad.dress: - t72frlf TOWN OF (,)vt c 4. t VAIL CONSTRUCTION FERI'IIT, # PARCEL I Job Name: Legat Description'z r.ol-,// BLockJL _ rifins I sulpwrsroN, iL,'/ 0-, U. Ovrtners Narne: Architect:Address: ,;/ 0-, f/..--- P}n. t/7/-82r Ph. D . CI . *,.,t '' {ceneral Descripticn. P-c- n ./ s ht t'Y-Work Class: I J-New [ ]-Alteration [r']-Additfonal [ ]-Repair '/ ^ F'<'' ? e "-7,1{-o*er1QVfur* / Number of Dwelling Units: /Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: - . {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_ ,T*************ilf ********* VALUATfONS ********************************* ryiurr,nrNct * 3oo.09 PLUMBING: $ ELECTRICAL: $ IO'IECHANICAL: $ OTHER: TOTAL: $ . **** ******************** *** Town of Vail Reg. No. J Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUIT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.__,-o.'u Phone Nurnber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTII-) TOTAL PERMIT WESr' BUTLDTNG: , "'.'4t4STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Cornments: VALUATION CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFT]ND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS REQUIRED YES NO ,/ ,-/ 6) ,/ Developmenl? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permil' applications may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construclion lnspector, at. 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) Job Name: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ts any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerent access needed 1o sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Bevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community 3) 4) s) 8) Contractofs Signature .I E7 PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit apolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: 'The above process is for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. prepared on a separate sheet This plan will show locations and the work zone, (area of on Oct. 1sth. and will need to 4) s) 6) 7) cotp ay TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparlment of Comnunity Developtnent HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN rN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DTMENSTONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAT ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS' FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTATLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. rO PROVIDE THTS INFORI'{AEION WILL DELAY YOUR PERIIIT. rIIFORMAIIOII NEEDED WHEII APPLTING TOR A UECHANTCAL PERI.IIT 1. z. 3. 4. FAILURE 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) {79-213s ottice of community develoPment NOTICE TO CONTRJACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequateLy established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or Permanent culverts at access points frorn the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspect.j-on. PLease caII 479-2160 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. All-ow a minimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of vail Public Works Department will be approving all final- drainage and culvert installation wit.h resulting road pacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Fi.naI Certificate of Occupancv issuance. 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUEJECT: olflee of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC r{oRKs/coMMuNITy DEVELOPI{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any =Jif,-"""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash irrrp=."r", portable toilets andworknen vehicles. upon. any streetl .ia"ruix, -;li;y or publicp]?:. or any porrion theieor. rie rignt_"i_;;t-;n art Town ofvail streets and.Igags is approiimately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance wirr be.;iti;irt--lnforced by the Tohrn of vailPublic l{orks Department. pers6ns found viiratinq this ordinancewilL- be sriven a 24 hour written i"ii""-t"-;;;;;;'."id rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within rhe 24 hour tinre-"p""iiiJ,..il"-;"ti.i.c worxsDepartment wirr remove said urate;i;i-;i-irr"-'""iil!e of personnotified. The provisions .r iiri= ordi.nance strall not beappricable to cinstruction, nrainienance or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i" i;"-;Igii-"_"uy. To review ordinance No- 6 in ful1, prease stop by the Tolrn ofYiil P":+ding Deparrment to obtain a copy. rtranx you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 offlce of communlly devolopmetrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII'IE FRAME If this genllit requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.pubr i" IgllrJ review .na ipp"ou.i,' i ii.r,iini'b.p.rt*.ntreview or Hea'lth Departmint review, and'a_review uy tne duiioingDepartment, the estimated time for'a tJtar ieuie*-ilav"i.i!'as tongas three weeks. All conrnercial (rarge or smar'r) and ail murti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow ttre ioove menti6nea'-mi".irur requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a resier amount, of time. However, ifresidentiar or smailer.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepa rtments wi th reoa rd' to- necessii.v-".u r "*, -ilr"i" i". j".ii"ruyalso take the three weer peiiJa. Every attempt will be Tgge by this department to expedite thispel'mit as spon as possible. - I' the underSigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and timeframe. Commun'ity Oeve'l opment Department . EINSP .li!,r ) ii\ I r i I'i\t tt i -.t I'u'l;: f L'' crloN REQuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 47s-2138 / I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: ,t ,n I ' I I, ,1UALLtrH } - BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB i] SHEETROCK NAIL D tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL I f,APPROVED SORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -3. -r.iqrq1 tA" A /1 .-r'f Vlll< -Ar fr,,jll("1 ) ulL'L t1 I f'rLt- i-'/' L,';r L t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 (u, Ir-/ /,1DATE READY FOR LOCATIDN:\ .:.. ' t JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:HUR Lt) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr IrNAL 'lffioveo IRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t'{DATE INSPECTOR ffivqt!:ri,Tr!! /-' q*gn Review Action FOI TOWN Project Name: Buirdins N^ "t Vq i l^ Vte ,,,, --f-out^ Lnn^,e < owner, Addres " ^aenon", a-rJ ,/ I ( --,-o a{-cr '1 Y6- / 9? I -L/,?7 l,tt'. C/ ao.rte zt/ y l,,rr,+' - t2/,'1,f Z , l/q r ( (c' ?teS q( Qt14<(.'/ tGB""@taff Action ^ :'wfl'sitft: uotionoy, I)-.. (tarrt< U Vote: \-O seconded oy, G, l\o€€rt gffiou^t rcpj?r-1- ! Disapproval ;l Staff Approval Conditions: DRBFee e,"-paa # RA:9 l--o"rra* **rFroo*o ApprJrcArroN - rowN i*ro, corJoRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *******!r** PLTCAT PRO.IECT INFORI(ATTON : DESCRIPTION: **t****i** A. an,-r - - l !$/z) c u c/at. TYPE OF REVIB. D. New Const,ruct.ion ($200.00)AddiEion ($50.O0) ff property is described bydescripCion, pldase provideto this applicarion. -t',.tuinot AIteration ($20. 00)ConceptuaL Review ($0) Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1egaL and attach ZONING:E. F.NAME OF APPLICANT: G. Mailing. l./.t .' I NAME OFMailing Address: APPIJICANT'S Address:REPRESENTATTVE: Phone L/7/^-- /?qF C $100.00 $200. 00. $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, TSSUED AND CONSTRUCTTON H.NAME qF OWNER(S) APPLTCATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITIIOW OWNER'S STGIVA,irURS I. Condominium Approval if applicable. .1 . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are Lo be paid at, theLime of submiLr.al of the DRB appf:.lit.iorr. --f,.U"r, whenapplving fo1 a-buirdinq permic,'plbase ii.r,uirv the accuratevaruation of Lhe proposal. The bown of vuii-"iri-'"ai".i-inIfee according to t.he- t.able below, t.o ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n ,. .t,t n r.r r\Y 1/ 9 TU,UUI,$ 10, oo1 - $ so; ooo$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 _ 91,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOAR.D APPROVA! EXPIRESAPPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IsIS STARTED. oI,IST OF ITI,ATERIALS u.t,dh -,-, d /./ / { / LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: L,OT 12 Br,ocK A suaDrvrsroN V"; / 2rt STREETADDRESS 2r/"7 iJ. CAr.-ra^J),. */z Vc, / The following information is required for submit.tal Eo the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: a --' A. BUIIJDING !!,ATERIAIiS: E r.r. € COIJOR ,.1o - ,"/"n ,{rr;'/2 /.,a" c. / o - ,. /,,- J ,, >/7 L-'. r../ a ,,- L?. /J O ^z a- NAII{E OF Sidinq OLher waII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining Wal1s ExLerior Lighting Other TYPE OF MATERTAIJ tU0tJ<- c,. .' - r / {9rri/:7L*, c, /cn - ..,1r- o{ ,r;,17 /- *r. X/ O ,-t <- N?/- <- ,',/Ar'< Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLArim Marsne , PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indicate caliper Botanical Name Ouantit\t Sizei \ deeiduolrs crees is 2 inches. s t,rees. Minimum caliper fotrndicate trffisf or deciduous t,rees. trees. .**Indicat,e size of5 qalIon. GROI'ND. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION proposed shrubs. TvDe Scnrare Footaqe TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COI,TTROL c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior light.ing is proposed, preaseshow t.he number of fixt.ures and rocations on a separateliqhtinq plan. rdent.ify each fixLure from the r.i;hEing pranin the space berow and provide Lhe height, above giade, -type oflighr proposed, lumen ouLput, luminous area ana i cut shaeE oft.he light f ixr.ure. (SecLion LB. 54 . 050 J) OTHER ITANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) prease specify. rndicate height.s of-retaininiwalIs. Maximum heighc of warls within Lhe front, setback it3'. Maximum heighr of wa11s elsewhere on the proferty is 6, D. T ll I.' ,$: r Dimensions:6' 4" x7'7" x 29"N/ 1.93m x 2.31 m x.Z4m H Woter Copocity:3OO gollons/ I ,1 35 litres Jei Configurotion:SmortJet' Sysfem, including I Moto-Mosioge" Jet, I letstreomo Jet ond Z Adiustoble Hydrotheropy Jets -l .....*..*., Dimensions:5' x 6'7" x27 1/2"H/1 .52m x2m x jOmH Woter Copocit/: 205 gollons/776 litres Jet Configurotion:SmortJet System, including 1 Moto-Mossoge Jel, WIx,n it cLnnr fo rL,lnrntion, tfu Sotereign reigtls supretle. The S()r'r'rc4t,r is ro)ntl t'nt.nrgh t() trfit 1.tolt ntd f&r ofhl ndults like ro-vnlt11. L,qri\4ttl it'itlr 9 1tts, ittchulitrg 7 Hydrotltrapy lats, Moto-Massngc Jeti,ti (]n( lL'fstrLnm lt't, tltt' Sot'creign qlso t'eatures n multi-leL,el senting scltt,urt. With lfs s/r't'l-ltuk.s atrl loitter ltofile, tht Soi,ereign nnkes n bt'rrutit'ttl, t'i,ot rc1ll ndditi t to nnu bnckrgrd. WltLtt'tL'r snid ItiSgL'r is bttar (tcr set foot in tlrc letsetter - tlte ultr uttt, titttt prrsut spn. It's n)t otlV Iffordabb, it's pricdess. Tato people catl sit' ft.( to f0.. or sr/r'l'v-sr//.' roltila one enjoqs the Mott>Massnge loutrge tultl tlt(' r)thL'r is -sooflrtd by ttliusfable Hydrotherlpv lets. It's the pui'ct ittfittrtztt' st,tfittg ttt atlunint yLtursclf zL,ith rr:laxatiott nnd rarcqutint rlnu sLli tti[|t sorttcottc tl.tu lLtitt. Ib % ond 6 Adiustoble Hydrotheropy Jets ,6-* Elea.ury I= Qo""t Endurol isn't its mgged exterior. l\lfoen, Trra.nr Sxnr Dnne. \Vhether.it's our exclusive Endurolu shell or our position as the industry leader in energv efficienry, Hot Springu Portable Spas are a marvel of both func- tion and elegance. When your skin first meets our Endurol shell material, you'll under- stand r.r'hy no other shell on the market can hold water to ours. Unlike some acrylic spa shells that rely on laminat- ing tn'o materials together or require backing rvith fiberglass, Endurol is co- extruded. We heat fuse two high-im- pact thermoplastic materials together to form a single surface that can It's the way it feels against your skin. Warmer to the touch than smooth acrylic shells, even when the tempera- ture outside is belorv freezing, it has a non-skid finish you have to see and feel to believe. You also won't believe your eyes when you see how Iittle owning a Hot Spring Spa adds to your electric bill. Because in addition to designing in sim- plicity, we also designed in frugality. We've insulated you from high elechic bills by insutating our spas with the same highdersity polyurethane foam for:nd in freezers. In fact, there are over 130 pounds of E.P. A. compliant foam in some models. But a Hot Spring can iruulate you Hot Spring Spas haae the lozoest documented monthly operating costs of any comparable spa currentlV on the market. Not ttnly is our exclusit'e Endurol slrcll tougher than acrylic shells, it also runneth oaerwith good looks. Designed in a neutral zohite ct or, this elegant white shell is not only timeless and contem- porary ltxtkittg, it giues you the flexibility ht create whateuer look you uant. Simply by changing thc color of thc t:asylo-reach light bulb, you can pick whateoer hue suits rlour mood. withstand years of punishing out- door exposure n'ith a minimum of maintenance. Endurol is so durable, it's r,r'ar- ranted* against cracking, peeling or delaminating. But what's so touching *Pltase rcfcr to t,orra|ly on Wge 10. from more than just high energy bills. The soothing waters of a Hot Spring Spa can rejuvenate you after a long day or relax you to start a new one. Then again, you already knew you needed a spa. Now you know why it should be a Hot Spring. ft t {.-r t f4 i =:.el l anec,u=- f,.:=h .:,: !::|: Hmoun-r. paid Li " ljrj THl=|Hk-: '-r'ELl \r,:,i-ii' ,--;:.h i ':i r' Iiil t-i i f"iir The Towndll N9 4f6$l -l-f|rrrr-{ fiF t-_Jtrr I L_ DATE a1 , tgJ- RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS -,j i r /,,) l**--,, ,t IMPRovEM-enr LOCATION 2427 WesE Chemonix Road w Sheet 2 of .2 : .zz'e i{\t zlo2.96 ^2 ,N a'..-'ALi z2rtz-.in' &o.l3t 12.++ E. N u: +<)_?2.4' t'= Z7 ZZ ri t:3r_ ' i:: .r.j J|-A qtJC:-a;i;i: -!g.r;: ...{:': ,,r : .-:, ';-i.:.i\-..,-:.r:;, i .l l* g l,ji, :;:.:.j31Lj;;t',: b:.AullCi':' f :ri:J,- ! i!;; ii|Jt1{Jgrrf i-Eg Ol ,tS -::J-ri ", t .' .:.,iri ri- iiij.. .. : .,;!,J r' i j.rr::.e - ii ual BUC-L.Lj: -;ii.j!':., '.'!.,.'lin].'r'ij.!:!..:.':.;''..'i-..1i+'ii:'..:,:..1i.iJl, ^ i,", -'.' i l.i.'.-ia, I ::.. 1.,' i..- i . , .., ,.:r:. ..:1j .,..' - I t.j.lr -:" .;r,:j..-jii.::l l:,1:l.laI ;',u 1,... l, I f.! I t l.a E # r' X 303. t3!39"E t2.33' 'T') t a 1) f,-,"1t'xa ., a1/ 't .I l"-o4 a\ \\ -ie Y bst w . .'N \9 Ni Ff\\ bs\oa? :! 0) a' bl ! r$\t e N() o (.-l bJ #,,-q a trJz(Do x$; dCI F=-is$- tuz 3- df6 R.g; spiFt t 9o50 i$ ? Pd u: ffxO !0 l-- iu6z tiU i3* t \ \$\N ru \r-(s Olign Review Action FCr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number s^1s JuL/ 3.t,l1al ,/ Projeci Name:('*-,,,4< r €+ ,r r Q Buildins n*r", ViL V/i< ,^- --l'eu-',,L. er,*-s Project Description' A'" wt C edi..t ^. {.(, + Owner, Address and Phone:A._ rj.,+1, Go,,/"r ,176 _ /B7g '''' tl"'1 a I I - l.^'l .A / tlJ. Ll.q*to /t t //-.-.+\ Architec(ContactJAddress and Phone:-----f , r\ /l,t^r.y 7orl, Legaf Description: rct ? ? Block A Subdivision f<? r' - ,t.--. - l /ProjectstreetAddress: :.''l .8 / ( [..att'ettr X LQtt( -9 bel'e'r't ( Zone District ',L^ t--{ G=@staff Action i!-,. l,-,-',Q uot"' 5 - o ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: I ,4u9-( 9 {-ar S;_t.tr) /c>cn*1[,*l l,r;CJ L'A Lu [oo' oau: ,i . ( ry ,.i , lci't r/ DRB Fee ere-vaia f{ .?o9 DRB DATE APPIICATION RECEIVED : DATE O!'DRB MEETING: ********** TETS APPLICAUON }IILI NOT BEI'NTIL AIJL REQUIRED INFORMAIIION********** o}Eu*t"o ,s/A/sL COIORADO lnr ,r o APPITCATXON . TOIIN.OF \IAIL, l ACCEPTEDIS SUBMITIED ^u<g4.hrsEo(* I k"-le( 'tz€-1,176I.PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION.: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) /($200.00) / Minor Alteration ($20.00) .crorE,lon (S5U.U0). Conceptual Revjew ($0). ADDRESSz ./1)7 /t. CAzt.nour'n t/ I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: T.ot 2 Z Blockt-,Subdivisi on Va ; / 0o . fl o ,- o- If property is described by a neets and bounds legaldesgription, please provide on a separate sheet anAatt,ach to this application. ZONING:F LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing lot. area. NAI',IE OF APPLICANT , T,^ .t;Mailiqg Afldress: NAI''E OF APPIICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Mailing Address i aL/22 U. C I . NAI4E OF OWNERS: *STGNATORE(S): Mailing Condominlum Approval if applicable. must provide a current FtdI Phone 774 - /3 7 " Phone, alVC- /sqr .? K.DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permitr-please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the t,able below, toensure the correct fee is paid. Er.E P!rI'd: I 20. OO FEE SCHEDULE: ----------E-AB1I1 'v';,i,UATiOii FEE ,-l.f f n lq 4-$ o - $ 10, ooo $ 20. oof ,';.il, " $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00$150,001-- $ 500,000 $200.00 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $400.00$ Over $1, 000, OO0 $5OO . O0 * DESIGN REVXEW BOARD APPRO\IdL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FINAI..APPROVAI I'NIESS* A. BU}I.DING . PERMI r "I S,, I'SSUED .}}rD . EONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **No APPr.rcATroN llrll. BE PRocEssED i{rrHour owNER, s sTcNATItRE..-.. 1 o I A pre-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is. strongry encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment lrith the slaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.'Please note. that a GOMPLETE application wirl sCreamrine theapproval process for your project. TTT A.In addition to meeLing submittal requirement,s, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed piior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nornally requirestvro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants,should plan on presenting their development, proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaihing finaiapproval. Applicants who faiL to appear before the Desj.gn ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance that discussion on their i_tem bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket unt.il such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): and. simj.lar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includelett,ers fron adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium assocj.ation stating the associatj_onapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must, sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-T-own plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldential construction: a. ,Ciearly indicaLe orr the fioor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a. four foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. I f . DRB .approves.-"tho " appl ic at, isn.+ri.Lh - c ondiLi, ons ormodifications, aLl conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. B. t\ a. Wj.ndows, skylights which do not alterbuilding; and E. F, - LIST OF MATERIALS BLOCK SUBDIVISI NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTION:LOTJ2 STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P 7 ROJECT: { On t {1 o,-'. A, / The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: ' Roof Siding Other Wal1 Mater Fascia S0rrrts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai Fl-ues E'l.achinrrc Chimneys Trash Encl.osures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING:Name required approval TYPE OF for submit.tal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design COLOR r-1t it '.!rg H E - fl J t< it !--ir-'r -A PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Nn/JL Common Name OuanLitv Size*Botanical Name ___ ,.-.t-__-+_ SXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Mininun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feer. - /.(,.{ PLANT MATERIAI: Botanical Name PROPOSED SHRUBS ) co*ro.?*^.Ouantitv Sizef, EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qaIlon. GROUND COVERS ann SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Mininum size of shrubs is Scruare Footage LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and locations on a ieparatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height above - grade and type of light proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swirnmingpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retainin!war1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback i63 feet. Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the properLyis 5 feeL. D. 2,, z t w.. r,,. " J"Y: TovrJE N r to t*Tl3 T ": : rl F I cAr E LECAL DESCRIPTION: That parl of Lot 22, Block 'r4,, A RESU0DIVIsI0N 0F vAIL DAsN0, 1 , EagIe County, CoIorado, described as follows: tl SCHONE, FILING r.J FtJ -J zoa a!- c-)t ot3o) x t 0) BEGINNING at the 5w corner of saicJ Lot 22; thence N2lolJ,E along the w€sL,erlyline of said LoL 22, a distance of 29.12 feet; tt"n"" s76o18,45,,E, a distanceof 1J.94 feet; thence NB6o46'zznE, a distance of 12.67 feet to a ioint(whichpoint is in Lhe center of the footing of Townhouse No. Z)i thence S0lo1J,JgrrE,along said centerline (which centerline, after-[rauering a distance oF 1.0feet, becomes the centerline or "..I9:!ing common to Townhouse Nos."r"""j'll'a distance of 12'71 feeLl thence N86o46'iz"E "ionq said centerrine, e distanceof J2.24 feet,; thence s60olB,51"E, a oislan""-"i ie.1B feet to a foint on thesoutheasterlv 1ot line of said tot zz irrri"rr-rine is also the wesIerty R.0.t{.line of chamonix Road)1 thence 519o26'w along u"iu R.0.l{. line a distance of46'7o Feet to the SE corner of sa_id LoL 22; trt"""" NG0oSZr)6'rW, a distance of110'11 feet to the p0INT 0F BEGINNING,_county oi-i"9t", state of cororado.(Propertv is not,in a flood pr;i; per city Fiood Hazard Map in city pranningand Zoning 0ffice.) JUi i mlnle Hazerd dated anel No. PER FLOOD HAZARD MAPIN THE COMMUNITY DEVEL0PMENT 0FF ICE , TO1,,|N OF VAIL. I hereby certlfy that thts improvement locetlon certlflcete L,Es prepared for Anchor Mortgage Services Inc. , the lmprovement locatlon being basedon a previous property survEv that has been monumented by others, or mv ournpropgrly llrYgy at the time I prepared thts lmprovement locatlon certiflcete,and THAT IT I5 NOT A LAND SURVEV PLAT 0R IMPR0VEMENT SURVEY PLAT, and that ttis not to be relled upon for the estabrlshment ol'fence, bulldlng, or otherfluture lmprovement ltnes. GOTDEN WEST SURYEY'NG. 'I.'C.COLORAOO TECHNICAL CENTER t2687 W, CEDAR 0R., SUTTE 220 LAKEWoOD, CoLORADo 80228 (303) 987-il4r ORDER NO: It ia herebY cerbified that, the ProPertYles- crlbed hereon i",@,-@ locoted within a flood b llUD Federq g$ltu'4i i 11636 a,;ru* $ zoo. oo 2,, z z' wu" t r."i"T:lovElFNT "::olncArE LOCATION Sheet 2 1(3 14 4.-' L13.24' \J -a,z o 472t zz't et2.61' 1 o.-o 13' 26" ztz.z1 uo'4t| zz" E+2.?4' ZZ .l!.,'..:tiv.' I fi''.. I ir)i '\A/Jlt!. 1 .':',':)Ifr'a 7e.6..2r,2 42.-L/ 2 f,9"44. i .', ! q 0+ UJ \9o h 0 h \9 z /N 5a-^Le, ft= Za' I herehy eertlfy thot thla lmprovamont locatlon cortlflcate uae prepared for Anclror Mortqnqe Servlces lne. r thE lmprovgment locoHon trelnE baeetlon a prevlous pr-operty survey thet has been monumented by others, or my ounnroper,ty llrYgv at the time I prepared thls lmprovement iocatlon'certlilcate,and rHAT IT IS NoT A LAND SURVEY PLAT 0R IHPR0VEMENT SURVEV pLAT, and that ltls not to be rerred upon for the establlshment of fence, butrdlni, or otherFuture lmprovement I t nes. I. further certlfy that the improvements on the above degcrlbed percel on thls l:t".' .Ma.y 3, _1985 t except uttltty connectlons, sre entirely urlthlnthe boundaries of the parcel , except as ehoun, that there are no Bncroachmentsupon the descrlbed premlses by lmproveqrglt on eny adJolnlng premlses, exceptas lndlcated, and that there le no APPARENT evldence or efgn br any easementcrossing or burdenlng sny part of said parcel, except as noted. GOTDE^' WESr SURyEyflVc, ,wC. COLORADO TECHNICAL CENTER t2687 W. CEoAR DR., SUTTE 22O LAKEWoOD, COLORADo 80228 (303) 987-il41 ORDER NO: %.zz WE€T <r-lAMoNrX Krz ii;ig .636 1, ruiii a:!v-ro-{ ? 6 ,..tl L6$ ?ta d 't. 7 i o: "!I $3,: 1L( 3r.r,;,8f, :'hl !.t I I 'a:n t#_,rtt, I.IAS $ lr #i uRcl-l s.i :' $# i'r 2'.d tta; 'UR o:.icortlr tlll !gr ;aie LLt ?.; QFlltr t )FC,|l t ER: )s? ,; Io P GANTER 5/Ot/85 $ 200.00 I .I-(fIJFI BF UJlrL l,liscel laneors Castr fil-19-F4 16..22: 19 i'r:'r-,:i nt * 1q1'F.4:' !la,::a'Llrrt #r::lr. # :f,i? -ILIFITH ff 6ffI']TEF}.FFJEFHIIJ iiiii'::,r-!rr t. i.*rrd* r*d i Item paid [ri [rfirrrEl4 i f,f,1 E1Er0 l:h lrrg': r-e t ur-nEd "': ERB 28.AA Btrount paid 24.88 g. s6 THFIT"{}< l/[}IJ ''r'L:ruF r=€Ehier HEI0I The T^.vn ofVJ , rnl f'1 N? {uB?8 RECEryED FROM l: {OW PAID-Cash-Check'' i I Poliee*{,cetpt $io"termit Numbers I