HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A TRACT B PART 1 OF 2-2 LEGALctz F =t uJ o- o \o ooo\o\ \o (.t ul UJ LL == UJ.L d7a 6lu le r tb?tE rY] O'ol (n & |4 HH B Ff 14 Ht t9r lo Js z 6J UJF o F FIz = zz <ttulFoz o 4 J .! (, =z (E gJz3 UJ F z ts ahzo0o(J ta1 Irl F{ A\t@HF\>rnHNOe()XtsO ^< f.l Fllrl H F4 0<(ia> J uJ at) =I oF(J EFzoo tcoculz3o H z Fl c; e {o' oc{ (6', 'oF {) >lol ololol (E = 0) (! o) 9 (o E o =cl Eo oo (!t ,o o c .9o E.o o Ec6 o N lt ] F o) ctl = oo(o q) o o .2 p :to o ! G ui 'o ;-oox6 '= O (t) g8E Ef; g E=E e Epc-oef: :sPd'5 =c96 E EE E E-PsOO .Eas tq! c.Y- (tr ct(s cl sEc .h +. dE€: EE:EE Eo(!= EE E 6 5.s.c= o--.c s€; sg19 (6a ** E .B'6 e 9t6.o PEg -o(g Or @ @rn o F.rn 6l e ts =Eu, (5zo J co Y,c)lur(J z Jq () E r!J t! z E) o- oz UJ = trJ uJu-zo F uJ lu oE o .D;g uJe,zI ur F uJ z 'x F uJof, .t, uJ4l LL F =I! J FoF z J F tuJgJ z =J J 2 Io UJ Fl H ts NOrrvn'lvA rrF 2 ; F - o =u-ozo Fo- =o LU ) g,lz llJ >E --(oiur& =aoN 2Zooq5 EP 6oo66ozlL<oq.-F;E -i<ri |t tsl ;l E-l rls rl FrO 'l t rl :rrl HIH rlFitH<,IE (n E HHF zo F a (E,; o-f UJ o\ \o E ul(r j z Eoo RxzI ? UJFJ ; UJz .i FzlzOatr!J<oo< =HxrLdo<z tz 9= '!o3trOI ut l J IL !) llJzY it- zI Jloz I trlz z_T ; F tr (r oo = ;lI F :6 J1<l F] zl zl .. >l ulo UJutzo = t!(L J zo tr o z Fo) dl J F uJ I 2 n/l 2 Z J-/r') za--/ cv (_) t*- -<r Cf o\ (r) uJF o ut tro dtoa zo Fot!Y IJJo oF tr E uJ t!o o-oo I IJJFoz dz zoY B =e;(Do =< : o--P il EEI-'1 "1 uJ6il> F E IIJo. !! EE2ZE<cl€Ei9Ek (EFC F 'L v- = lrJ r- E FEE =*E 569 lurE Xa!r x>t q- €= uldl F I-- ts =e.lrlo-zo Fo3 E,FU'zoo F!tr F(n F I \'o\ I ?lol uJlclrl <I>l t!lol zl BlolFI I =.1(9| ullcl 3l Itlq zl 3lo|FI 6tr\ (\ I\o F $ I I<ltl.SlNlFr I I I .lolzl ctlurlEl JI al>l t!lol zl BI PI Fu)z li H F tr IHAc,A.1 7(fl -t :rttulq c)|olq 1 = .lzlHI FllFllHIal MI(.)l t-{ | lE 4 td an B t<F]ts u; z -) z l-{ tll H.A oc) X g{ z -o trJ = Eirg \./ z o F uJJ E 9P gE d6 E <f-GC)l!<ZE ct'l zo F IJJF-r<cio !?.5E (, (.t,(-) Hx! Iz a Not'\ \- , tI, I t I II ,cf,ct)(J) z gE @o =FFstr 9- E(, u, =cl {o() =a 3Eto|l, trtr tEt bEEEZga TE.e9 Ef;E9:E E5$; Ho (\ { u, o E =E,trrA.zor-l- C) =E azo() lLl L-t ,F. hi- CE') t ) oz -cu,A I I i: I I l I iEl; 2 t. rill,l u, Eb tl EI iEt zl ti tl ulout!Jz EaE H E I 3 'le EEIg :fE EA EA E EE|r<oa EgjGl = 0d') I >E r? - :E tr, 1Nt9qi l\\llrt\I:S $lsl \ E \ 6 \t{ \ m f\ T E Nd{Ml IE ni. z tDq E UJz3o (J u, IE c, -rO<Fs?-ctrt F.cZ-8 EEJB g"g 3Ed6(, 6E EE g gJ oCc;sj )<t<)<!?)<Y .\ I lottn TO3 IROI.!: DATE3 SU&'Eqls ?t aoulh Itontrg. tltd r|ll, colorrdo t16S7 (303, 479-2138 or 479-2139 ofilc. of comnunlty drvclopnrnl In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 etates that lt ls unlawful for anyperson to lltter, track or deposlt anlt soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterlal, Lncludlng trash duupsters, portable tol.lets and uorkmen vehlctes upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlcplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail gtreets and roads ls approxlnately 5 ft. oft pavernent.This ordl.nance will be etrtLtly enforc6d by the Toirn of vailPubllc Works Departnent. Persons found vl.otatlng thls ordlnance w111 be El.ven a 2rt hour written notice to renove cald naterial.fn the event the person eo notl.fl.ed does not conply wlth thenotl.ce wlthLn the Zl hour tlne speclfied, the Publlc WorksDePartEent wllL rebove sald uaterial at tlre €rq)ense of personnotlfled. The provl.sions o! tlrls ordinance stritt not beappllcable to constructl,on, ual.ntenance or repalr proJeets ofany ttreet or alley or rny utllltles Ln the rl.ght-a-way. AI,L COIiITRAqIORS CT'RRENXLYL REGISTERED ITITH TNE TOIIIT OF VAIIJ TO!{N OF VAIrJ PUBLIC WORXS,/CO!,IMI'NITY DEVErppl'IENT !.!ARCH 16, 1988 CONSIRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAI, STORAGE the lown ofyou for your To review OrdLnance No. 6 Ln 1u11, please stop byVall Bulldl.ng Department to obtaln a copy. thankcooperation on tbl,E roatter. az /rac/?- o (l.efcontractor owner) 4l oz INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT /- stqt JOB NAME ,Ev,Cd INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR @ AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING E} ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /'t/*2<INSPECTOR Oo* nrspscrro*rs couPLErED a The lteus below aeed to be couplete before glvlog I pemLt a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off la the box provlded. FINAL PLI'UBING DATE: FINAL I{ECEANICAT DATEs IMPROVII.TEI{! ST'RVEY RESID. NA}IE: rrAfE r I I FINAI ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUII,DING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DAIE: / - 3l4Z TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: I I CERTIFICATS OF OCCUPAITCY DATE:rl I,A}IDSCAPINC DI]E DATE! FILE uua April .l [ * L-/ - 1t/ ', \ 12, ,|983 Jim Morgan Box 2210 Vai'l , Col o 75 south lrontage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 and Al Wi'l I iams rado 8'1658 Dear Jim and Al: l,te would jike to take this opportunity tc will ingness to participate f inanc ja'l'ly 'in Pedestrian/Bicycl e Path proiect. express our gratitude for Your the Arterial Business District Although a sma'I1 portion of the path across the upper.Eagle.Va!1ey Sanitation District's property *ii Ue constiucted this summer (1hey will instal'l their ii.iiir-tn"fit"iu"ii, rL feei that we cannot adequate'ly lydset the project in ou" Capita'l Impi6vement Program-unti'l sumrner '1984. This may coincide ri'ori-iunoFiiiy *iii' i*p"ou"*enis planned for .1983 on the utest end of the district as wl]'l as aliow each of you to budget for your assessment more comfortably Please fjnd enclosed the contract agreement form for your organizatjion ;iiili.ii;s it'. aoiiar figure for y6ur assessment as agreed upon. -P1ease.not! ttrat iittr ttre participation oi Upper Eagle.Valley Sani,tation District Fr;;"aa *iv ue ioi,uer tt,ah the tast ?igure you've seen.,,we wou'ld like-to-nuui ttre iignea ui""it"tt ""turn"a to ttre folloring address by May l3' .|983: Peter Patten, Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 0nce again, thanks for your voluntary participation in this proiect. A.P R PATTEN, JR APP:bpr Enc'|. cc: Rich Caplan, LarrY Eskwith ,'' rl't I I I I rl".( ir) I | ,,, l.r _, ((.a (.)(.) t-. ? t !':trl'.,,i'a (' n\)\) l,/, tl, tll t:: i: tr I l,t, tlJ lr- .Jzo - | (r. :1 r'. .r '(,| (t'. , t '' 1,. til l14 I I I I I I trl tL -t .a F .) .a)|: c.' FO :^ ut :l ':*<).a_: rL .( o-t) z ; !- tt, (Ll.( ;i :,. ,I cc l-.at?;'j-.. t) rLr O O(r(-'I7O *l.sa I-tltlJIJI-tl:{lYI'.^l Ivtl .1 \{l:'U oql;: S4 ".Holzl ;H.;H Bq '., \AI c) \€x ..'cal rr: 1{ tr, ,tjrg .l z() r.l r ai o.'/ )-(.) (r, c) TY(L ('t ;(a.i(\ c) c( o(J aa) (t :)t: o :: .: >ct -'r C)()() -!( '-.tt uJ ;; ,-.()z :i lt: <) -.) () cq) t: a .J E f:() lsj () i-) l2t() '(Jt,,.I r-)I r:' t>- | ..i L.. 11, t-- CJ rl' z. {.) I*. :) t*-(/)Z OO I tr I 7- 4Zcro7iz:) -J --, oo_ u- (: r. ,.. o ,(. (r:t- <)(.; IY() () u1 ': .' (t ,:) t.. o;j () ltJ o. t..ttt .('. ()()rIl.- :l .( '? cl !l)-.( _t:) ()i:.a: .( ,-.,,..-*.'..-, i."*---"'" DATE ' ' ,' .1' r,,'/". ..'1 II.rS*CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'tlk INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER Tt,ES \" THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDB DISAPPROVEDOi'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ffiffi DATE INSPECTOR rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED i+rud FRt ,/7\'AM r PM' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB rl tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: a2z;)>.?"i- aa!Z:,; i z;1i-;;;<., <49,.)a :i-.4o> -l,<c -tir o:<E<'..i :/=.:il =r2i= -t : I I I tv! lo l I I I I I I l* ,F ld I I I I I, t< NOIIVNIVA =>9. -I z tr^ aho1>()zLr- < c9 :N tltl l8I '.lll+lo ld- ltlf ts: l.d 5 t+l e$ZtL Iootl-=d>:ql = oJ. Eg6 H. dHzluJl(,t E a(! E z Eoo z tr culF 3 z It Qq : : I I I z E =E uJ(L oz F C) uJ-.) E.Lo \l Flcf-f-fFl UJF o )z z zQ(D0>z O- U- .\F [D LrJ 0) E Io c) .gc!r-:>Elvo;-o- OLL-oFtr t>TF i-C= I ts =E.lrl o-zIF() E,Fazo() Ltr! ) 2 IO uJ =)tr .J co F u.l =z a UJ oo = =z I o- Fo tr t!Eo =F tr LuE o a.rl t{ +J U o F{ r4 'oa tr M Xo€ Eoo = F.{ro\o $ q{o\ (J g 4 !c uJEoo lllltlllill"tl l-ltalI uJlt(rltot lEl>l =lEl <l Itrl >l c I o- b aoo E.i E uJz E u,b-l- E -.r O<F t.lJ <zEul F- <oOF -< XF-,2tl E zt- =#)zr!O <;YFz()<f -,2 -c) =-]* fY (JZ J<()e?.!E I EE1 DATE RECEIPT - The Torn ofVd N9 11715 I J I 1 { I HOW PAID- Cash-\--Chect Police Receipt Numbers c\|n.0 oz F() UJ-)oE o-o co. ; -:l F{l Fll I I ulF o == UJ Ll- UJ(L F co lloo o!, t E o C) o zoF(Jf'8,Fazoo E =E lrJ o- zoz zz =z o-- P J za - 7r CD IIJ L]L] I ti I oz F = lrJIL ?ii;::39;!.s <: J zF-.\i;[;?sn::?;j:itir-r lzz^) -i?"e=u!!": <);:;: = E!?SFL=irI+i li,,"< I I l., .FI<t6 I I I I, IFt<t rF I tJ) z t= ls ;<tc)!rEr- i? \i= \c i =>E -- =@ ztr^ ao7z6>!L< }E ic.i XtHao-l.Zu-I olaa<o> :T. aO HS6> 3b2tt uJ zz f;: FitoPf ;8fi3iF;3 E oZE (DZ= J--)F;b didt! D F z Jtr FoJ ui =z. an I tl. z uJE 6 = o. =c) e luEoc = Io- E C) = tr u,J o = t).A l{.p I)oFl FI toz g |1 xoa IJJ oo )a Fllt)(ort o\!S or o(, tr v,{ )!(=e. LIJ o J = =c uJEoo = Gtr IJJgoo a = IIL tr(J tr UJz3 F uJ -()tr (r <FCOuJ<zg tt: zo() <o()F -< ^t;F-,2;'1*l E >Y =#JZu-o dr =F2Z -Fiz =g t t-E irgX+Eo2 J<(Jau,5H n& .o-aa\ 4r! oo.Q@ qF de. ool o!lt)|crslc.do13clo.A .1 ltrtt4lt{OlOotlE2 t!)ool.,i (J I c.r -clo Ig.E\trooqOF,a1 >! tturoo.{CEE-l.'| ]J ,r. l4 rUOI.{,c16u'toUCl.'l..r t{ u.-{ {r d, r{ aatTo.€ 6lro{,.!E'ot-reao '!ur6EOOa{ .Do!FlD.r5ar.co.-r!(rA tl Ol . glu -rt 6.4 |o ol ! o c>l ol Oro t{ 'lC Ol OO OOC(1r..>rOO Ol r. {r tJ -r -,{ O.rrC. "r I OE>!.{ O tr, ol .-{ar > oo.!.J n d0,.i rJl U6|! LC '|',.C'o ,il (D E o o +r (D --{.Q 1rlIJ (rll E E.rCEO(lr! | |]d r-l O ,1J > > aJ !..r!t ocE4(J0ln -coa, Cl al!.aa O !..tlrE |r'l d l!{J >.c (l tr! | 0ro .Q(Eiorooil oodo -,{rr o >!>' ql OtO.r'c, ,C.d r. O4 -ll c ! '-rU'!qr|!ql .a€ l!rr J-r{d,! tt rrl, dl uc cO'<EOqrdo Ol '! O O€.Q '! |r lr.C! ol > oo{,r (J (loc €t .q.J '! '6 tloo4, Cl al C li.ro >|.O!,E 6l riOO€>\n |! .rl.d !.1I o E!.! (,.c ''Et o.4.ctA 3.r.qCrto> o ttt tiE i!6c6t-q 6 .<.,,r Q', ! b{J o OLij Fr .a.<o o..ro! \r. ' O.!,.|.-l,C O rJ .lEo o E.!ol{ ! r9,-tc.q dr 5JJJrJ!oorr!,t. O o t o O ri {r r! >o (b ooo.,{ oodt'to,r ,-r .. o - o r.out co! ooLo.r..r.o c 3 3.co0r>rrj.,-c r.{! O o o.J o'! a.J o a,.,{c i 4 E< o.i ! rr .d! (l() ' -{ IJ()>'oar-cq,iJ>O O OdCrrdrrU!-Oo'< o 1r.r .clqdoo!to5ors|! |a H .., C t4 r. O o E i. o O.raoot, .p c€dvaattz =tl{o.r-ao d()>o o .!,r Io tr ElE A A}I.rJ u| El )r-EOlJJOOOOt'l-'C9rrrl,tllr. ii o g oH 3 t q,.Ft.D&.,t!t"1o 9 g.ii 'e9,i :!oir-{eoo91c rri4l d . o rFi 'AA,E c E o 5 'o cr - 'i.!a:6: eF'8FEE 7i,qo Qaua4 ! o !F 'i ! o o .A c - o ..t : o-o\ !. |.3-.r c, .. d A B . t I, t;' ;f3.9t I I I r- E i, o i '"t - c cr>o a .t '! o o !l' ! q(or o Er.i. tj o o > > o c o >,. ulFnE - F r f 6 .E ; ': ; iP!;f"Ft 5"5obeLo,3P- elqdE ! 3 * F ., 3 & i : i.,r,-r .r|)6c'l() () (,€rr a6;ad r.r o o * 4 a, o ar 'a c- t.J -r c ' o ..r r.i o rJ o ! q q OE -> iDEO ti o t O O c !,-a oi -i;: r a, 6 c .o d E o ? Er, Jtu(r, rl ! o 16 0) d.AA L' (r i-r ! c ! E a o 8 q !,5i .::835E 3. E g E P . o o g 5, c or, -r tr a). o a! q:3 -e:{tE? a'E 10, ? 3 3I > _:-,{r tainitt '! o d o t 3 _ fl . | flf4 rii E orr(t E -E' !3;e": : .2 ', i ' i' E i, E 3 ,r oO oa.ou- .C E ! o I :1'6 ba5;"; " .9 t ! t 5 3 g33'i'-"'b; ^ t .9 " 3 6 f cr : I sF.a A o.e.aq-{ 6 o 3 6 ]J'i , g 6 .2 F;o€-r-.rot)t.Arr(,.1r(!doriq>tt rn a) !. 4 t- .J o ci Fl (J o .r.-vaEaJO'!.OoqEo - ^ 1'5 A 2 E trrtrtrlorttO.E{.tllI.I3g6E: 640-{-{6.'{O! ''I,Orr!O+,d>EOOoq ..! qi: fl8 33 g f .g I 5 |9- u3l !o> r!., aqroo o..r oE'! Ec .aaa 'A'AE O.r: ' l,r.>r rira/c ri € ;r{-.{! o-a t 2..i'7t{Je '! o.aO>oEr.3>!rE EEl,OO c E o)oo!.io..J.r tr tr od.Joortc totio.r (i ci O!.C3Or qi3u> . Ec trUo-ctLrD |! odruri orl.o .a3OOC.-o ]'H (l/ 3 OO..)g.> !.i {lr !r..1 O€!O Q! O-lcro,>oor ord.'{ ri 'r (J i! rr6C !rr!.C!Oolr > ooO>'ill.Jq c, o |! u o lr'i o c, c r!€! c ol,) o E.4 > E cJ lr 3 ooc/ .E!> o otcglq.JH>>q j('adtS t CrC-J ri7t>4O {J '!-'{! !i -tc{ OOirro.!.J !!l! -r o-to!cJ>oJcroqc'+r ort -oo -a -.2.4 B.SoOoo cE6 >^3!C. ,ri 6.rc .rr .rlooroddr!C '! Oti FEF C Cc!3dt3> a) otioolo o !J-rJ l!ri-c coca l.!oEa .A od'!o oit21.Aet,J ?!DAu r.l!CEC'4O .CO {0 r.Otr l)}]i! aCdoar o,{tr o o. oo-rcJlE -O O i .i O d t{ O c. > rL >! {J9.!E!!o 3.J..r! d rI| (Dn ta oEotl)lJ€ 3.o ! > -* a) dr '-r tr r€F{ljO O O! (,,4 .'rOo}r.q>rr{t!r!CO'e, OTTOHt^ !Elr g.!rd (0g E]O]J rJ O .r+O..r 0|..r O..rO O 3o(o(e o >,c>E ouorE.cEE U >rDOd rl r.r.r.-co.0 o..r l! r4 o o c.-rvr li ! r{ i{ rri t! o.! o r{H E Oa! d O-1! Olr O ttl O Ol!rri t{r* o 1' z ot{ o z o !l o to F. o (l E E. l'l F. F.i &t rtZA <z tIiua7rdo 2i oI'l a o K-E ;.-{-o!.'fl*f i' si ;3: E*; :,'rJ>brt"EE}j3o.9lrEt rs .1 *lT#:E ilE;g 5g €it;E:: il _ee5 = , o,B4 q i 6 i q { :; I !.t F ;lF*eF 0-4^ QdEq 'd : o * f * -g I u 'd. E F otIFxFei6<FeEF6; : i ! ! q 5 i t i o . E !l .,, :H*s;E;aEHigl i 3 i i ; i * ; ; i ; i i I ;l(\ | rz !.1 til:E (J tt Fr (J l( r< cavl Ha(t4 _I/l=(nF arrtrlttd o (! o or ENF Epri2:.5H..58:8 "rf .F3Ig![i-*? gl .'3 ilR;5iEl'ril^"?c i3o j3"t8ioi::F 3et lg:ssl:i*=:ect i S : s u ; . ; -3 .e 3 B a : i igq a':lg'5t":t-tilP i ; g 5 i ; e i s ! I 3 # I E r2i fifB=rE-3e=:fHEeE 5 I ! j I E i I g rj ! t ; 6 - . Es Xl:lilioF;Efi*'; : i i ! 1 c ; i g ! ; i i ! E ;o U ) t rj < o ;i k - e < -' " i = I t3 5,9 Iotdooc,>a- i:H;BH;isElgsEF' ; ; 5 i ! b r ; E : 5 ! E d ;iElUr-.rE6r_,HiftsiE ,r'b -(,,,- ! t,. !.9.1 ;3 H - sEsrFHllrls:-=lid i ; E f # ' i fi s f t X i a * : i:aEe:!Hn;F;il;; e $ : : c # ; F : g E a ; ; : ;;;; 3! Fc'H I :3 at .1 3 u[ E F E.4,F..Oti.ra.asF ..t idl .rli9.g tE €H! r gqq!>|!rr..,{,Qot< ,fti , '4a t/(-""+ )?l 6, ./o, ,., T0: Evidence File on Elliot Texaco ProPerty FRoM: Peter Patten SUBJECT: Site Visit about zoning violations DATE; L2/r8/80 TH(ACO -ELLIOT Inspected site 10:00 pn l2/L7/80 2 trailers with lights on--l farthest south on ProPerty - East side I next to Margers trailer A guy was unloading sorne items fron one of .the senj.-trailers srTE vrsrr t2/t8180 Discussion with l,large on why people wete still there. She adnitted they there (1 person in each of 2 different trailels) and continued to insist would be out by nid-January. I said that that wasntt good enough and that she knew that they shouldnrt be there. She blew up, saying that she wasnrt going to kick her brother off her property and that I should go get nry papers(surnnons). pictures of the property. f//atrtnot(S 'r1 11, tl&fr\ ("'T a Lo", I y{ere they drq4t&o lflltL&w La-a 0 - - t-"^'^"t tu+ altn rl ^ llfy*"^,,"r2,* hrJ*r+ *rna' lr.go.bzo Vr*,,@ Ur.* ful lr3ct.ofl W>1* erw,.7-' tr-z t^ ilrt **-2nA E ryr:* o (^lb,,*/ t/_,t_",4 4t -"t",,L".,-n*;,4 ilr-,1^; - -'-t -- 0 o on E1liot Texaco Property about zoning violations (i', ttl 1n /I,"' ff'- Oe("t, ce,,.lTO: Evidence File FROM: Peter Patten SUBJECT: Site Visit DATE; L2/18/80 TEXACO -ELLIOT Inspected site 1o:00 pn l2lL7/80 2 trailers with lights on--l farthest I next to A guy was unloadilg some itens fron srrE vrsrT r2lL8/80 south on property - East side Margers trailer one of the seni-trailers Discussion with tlarge on why people were still there. She adnitted they were there (l person in each of 2 different trailers) and continued to insist they would be out by nid-January. I said that that wasnrt good enough and that she knew that they shouldnrt be there. She blew up, saying that she wasnrt going to kiek her brother off her property and that I should go get nay papers(suunons). pictures of the property. dtr. Ia [.o ff,r U'' ('-'f L4t'\ I T0: Evidence File on Elliot Texaco Property FRoM: Peter Patten SUBJECT: Site Visit about zoning violations DATE; I2/I8/8o TEXACO -ELLIOT Inspected site 10:00 pn I2/I7/80 2 trailers with lights on--l farthest south on property - East side 1 next to l{argers trailer A guy was wrloading sone itens fton one of the senri-trailers srTE vrsrT r2/t8/80 Discussion with lrlarge on why people were still there. She aftnitted they were there (1 person in each of 2 different trailers) and continued to insist they would be out by nid-January. I said that that wasnrt good enough and that she knew that they shouldn't be there. She bler.r up, saying that she wasnrt going to kick her brother off her property and that I should go get rnay papers(sunnons). 9l pictures of the property. .,:4-.:'-.ri- '.. ' B'-. rNsFEcioN T;ME RECE1VE1 / .i "-t:, AM.pM . CALLER FIEEUESIT TOWN OF VAIL t;6i4tl }F E oruen E pnRrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM p eeeRovED f] UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr 4 INSPECTOR DATE vtutF z z ru F o e. F F z zz +lL/v v_7\;t3H=f:it=_<O{atJ+O D < :- t z F:Cl!F.4,,F i *,.- F 11 'EFUal:?:i<ozd' ^zzAJ;g<;5tFro69<o<aaz:aiiS.3eu'2figr+9 - i .. < d o> -.,<ci-E!q !<c<'l a uJtu IIt = uJ a Lr.lu,u- ==t uJL F F i IJJc z oJ l6 z J(L =ul>qJtz 6ulo z oJ z .o fJ zI J t))z u.l J llJ uJu- (L F o z uJF =) ui uJ z s LIJo-a Zu- 6z;9 a UJ ztr^ rP66 =>6>t!<oqqU .ic.i o- UJe. z E z tr zz fig e(,od.26v',e = [;rE ESF968SEo2 @ ? 9. ,1 = l EHF2 3=d. e =<g+-E"t*r= 955o(9()-za) Ez z tr == (,) arr olz oz E =E UJL oz FoItI -lot o- tljF o b =E,lrlo- Jzoz.,,9zQ coo =z O- Lr- *5i= qfi tr= z oJ c0 co Eeoo o! .E 5E-E=etr 6l!o zo Fo EFazo C) nnn ctz t! Jdt F -J d \:s s G ii z { F f pl :1$t a z E z ns I D P ar{ qoI = t!l 50Io- \.\ o =ii oo UJ Ja = o- tr t tr tn UJ E.oo3I =tr qt Eo = ttr ou) UJ =tr IJJ o J = E.tr UJEoo a = Io- F UJE rb Fc) IJJtI() E t -tO<Fc()uJ<zt TIJ F(rz.o JE<o(-)F =<)t<i, E d-Io ooz. t- =#1ZrJ-o() i5YF 13 E6 th :J*E l-o^2<oan!H ur RECEIIT- ThcTom-o?ll- D^rE eh,d, 4+ . ,oI- I' I 4596 I -'"qrr ;,tI- ^ rtttllfl.- T- /i+- -. RECEIVBDFROM : . Permtt Nunrbcn Ut -It.= Folice Rccelot Nunrben _ tof,r plrposrr-!---- orccu l Byl-'rr--. | ,r2n ^ V Folice Rccgtpt Nurnben Town of Vail H,F:CTRICAL PERMIT N9 Date or Apprication--.. . t/..t.X../- 2...A . Bulldht Offlclel THIS .tOB Job Name-. + ", (,, h uu' ,. Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By.. 243,4' J3'z c) $."....-................-.-.. 8..:?-a-.42,- s.............t.9...... / oa'g- ^rorr. n -.. -. &&.,-'-. /..3/.-zr""m. APPROVALS +,(s/z+. FORT BE POSTED Oil S|TE DuRrl{G COI{STRUCTIOil 24 HOT,nS ADVANCE NOTICE XEQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS r...........2./-....... rrr a,7. roiBra( !o., ofxvrt 3r0art ,/' n!Ll.'// -( ^,W7?-\vlr \ galp '",.t/ t J ,7 JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM \ INSFECIOru /owru oF FIEOUEST VAIL ..1 CALLER I ornEn n pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE,/FRIMON - "i ! app RovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS El6isnpp Rov ED E netNsPEcr INSPECTOR I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department */iiih,,"u TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: November 25, 1991 A request for a conditional use permit to allow a seasonal plant products business in the Heavy Service Zone District, West Vail Texaco, 2313 N. Frontage Road WesUTract B, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 Applicant: Planner: Richard Dilling/Richard Matthews JillKammerer I. BACKGROUND On October 28, 1991, the Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed a request to amend Chapter'18.30 - Heavy Service, Section 18.30.030 - Conditional Uses, in order to allow seasonal plant product businesses as a conditional use in the Heavy Service Zone District. By a vote of 6-0, the PEC recommended the Town Councilapprove this modification to the zoning code. At the November 1 1, 1991 worksession, the PEC reviewed the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a seasonal plant products business in the Heavy Service Zone District. Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1 991 , amended Chapter 1 8.04, Definitions, of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail by adding Section 18.04.277, which set lorth a definition for plant products; and Section 18.04.289, which set forth a Definition lor'Seasonal Plant Product Business';and amended Section 18.30.030, Heavy Service District Conditional Uses ol the MunicipalGode of the Town of Vail by adding Paragraph T, Seasonal Plant Producl Business. This ordinance was reviewed and approved by the Town Council at second reading on November 19, 1991. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicanls are requesting approval of a seasonal plant products business in order to allow the sale of Christmas trees and wreaths d he West Vail Texaco station for a period ol one month (November 26 through December 24, 1991). The applicant proposes to use an 8' x 20' enclosed trailer as an office. This trailer was previously used as the applicant's office for a Christmas tree business, at the Garden Center in Eagle-Vail. The applicant proposes to tocate the plant products business and the trailer on the far weslem portion of the West Vail Texaco site. Attached is a copy of the site plan which indicates the area where the applicant proposes to display Christmas trees and wreaths and locate the trailer. Access to ths site would be from the service stiation's existing western-most Norlh Frontage Road curb cut. Four parking spaces would be comitted to the appligant for his businesses use. The sales area would be secured through the use ol a four foot high snow fence. The applicant proposes to have a maximum of approximately forty trees on site at any given time. As fees are sold, the sales area would be restocked. The business will be open seven days a week from 10:30 o lollowing three signs (see attached ta.m. to 7:30 p.m. The applicant proposes to install he letter lrom applicant): o A 45 square toot (3' x 15') slgn reading 'Christmas Trees', which would be secured to the side of the trailer. o A 7.8 square foot (20" x 4L8') sign reading 'Christmas Troos'and wittt the graphlc of 2 trees. o A 7.8 square toot (20'x 4L8') sign reading 'Christmas Wreaths'and wlth a wreath graphic. Based on tre sign code, this business is llmited to one sign ald the size shouH not sxcs€d 20 square feel. The Colorado Department ot HBhways has indicated tre traller must be 50 feet back from lhe property tine. Thb appticant nas inOiiateO he will comply witr tris seback requirement The inJw t6nce witt Ue siiOitized by T-posts and black tles. The applicant has indicated no music witt Oe ptayeO in coniunc'tion witn ttre operation. The applicant proposes to sflng whlte .Cnristrai tree lighti' on the snow fencs, trailer, and across tre sales area. The lights t9 bo ,ieO ire sold Oy-Christmas tree wholesalers in sections of 100 feet witt lights every ten feet. The applicant albo proposes to string garland on the trailer. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review ol Section 18.60, the Community Development DePartment recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factots: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationshlp and lmpact ot the use on development oblectlu$ of the Town. section 1g.30.010, the Purpose sec,tion of the Heavy Service zone distric't reads as follows: .The Heavy Service zone district is intended to provide sites for automolive- oriented uses and for commercial uses which are not approprlate In other commercial districts. Because of lhe nature ol the uses permitted and their operating characteristics, appearancs and potential for generating automolive a'nO truci traf1c, all uses In the healy service district are subiect to tfie conditional use permit procedure. In granting a conditional use permit' fie Planning commlssion or the Town Council may pgsc1tle more restrictlve development standards than the stiandards prescribed for the distrlct in order to protect adjoining uses from adverse Influences.' Section 18.30.030(T) lists 'seasonat Plant Product Buslness'as a permitled conditional use, subiect to the issuanoe ol a conditional use permlt in accordance wittr the provisions of the Conditional Use section ol the code. The iequesteO conditionai use lo allow the operation of a seasonal plant product business is in compliance with seclions 18.30.010 and 18.30,030(T) ol he zoning code. 2 l 2. The effect of the use on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon ot populatlon' traNportatlon facllltles, ulllltles' schools, parks and tecr?etlon facltltles, and other publlc facllltles needs. Staff believes the proposed seasonal plant product business will not have a direct impact on the above-referenced facilities. Staff believes he proposed business will provide adequate parking of autos and clear access will be maintained to the site. 3. Effect upon trafflc wlth partlcular 'gference to @ngestlon' automotlne and ped$trlan safety and connenlence, trafllc llow and oontrolr acoess, maneuvgrablllty' end rcmoval of rnow frcm the street and paildng ateas. Statf believes the proposed seasonal plant product business will not have an lmpact on the above-relerenced criteria. 4. Effect upon the cheracter of the area In whlch the propGed use ls to be located,Includlng the scale and bulk of the propoeed uee In Elatlon to surroundlng use3. Staff has ooncerns about the appearance of the trailer and amount of signage. We believe a wood structure would be more appropriate than a metial trailer based on the DRB guidelines which prohibit metral siding on structures within the Town of Vail. In this instance, stafl believes restricting the use of a metal sided trailer is a 'gray area' in the code because the trailer will be In place temporarily (1 month). The business should be limited to one sign based on the use having one frontage. The amount of square footage for the sign should not exceed 20 square feet which is the maximum amount allowed for any business unless a variance is approved. The frontage ol the business will be measured on Monday when lhe site will be staked to determine ttre sign size allowable. Sttaff believes it would be unfair to other business owners if the proposed use is allowed to have a total of 60 square feet of signage. B. Findinos The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location ot the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional Use Permit sedion of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to he public healih, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Conditional Use Permit section of the zoning code. ."a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONSlv.I ?Statf believes the conditional use p€rmit requesl meets all of the Findings lor a conditional use permit. The sale ol Christmas trees and wreaths ls an automobile oriented use which is listed as an allorable use (subiect lo fie lssuance ol a conditional use permit) in the HeaW Servlce zone districl. Clear and safe access to the site can be maintained durlng sales actlvlty. Staff believes thera ls sufficlent parking on the site to meet the seasonal plant products buslness parklng regulremenb. These will not negatively alter he character of the area. Staff believes the proposed seasonal plant products operaUon ls an appropdate conditional uee ln lhls zone dlstlct at this location and recommenG approval ot the conditional use apPlicalion subi€ct to the following conditions: 1. The applicant provkJe a tomporary wood booWstrucrture Instead of the metal trailer. 2. Based on the sign code, thls buslness is limlted to one slgn and the slzE should not exceed 20 square feet. (Size allowed to be determined Monday on slte when frontage is staked.) 3. All materials (fencing, lights, structure)shall be removed from fie site by December 27,1991. Please note that under Section 18.60.080 ol the Town of Vail Zoning Code this approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year ot he date of PEC ol he conditlonal use permit approvat and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for whlch he conditional use permit is granted has not commenced within one year. c:9ec\,tlemoruenB.N25 T}IE GART @@. Motr Lordsope Ar. tcr CD67 .'Vcd. C': f lt/ (- /**/ a lrc P-*^/W ' /*ef+4 A14 6*( 1,s( o ER OF EAGLE.VAIL ,ff€g londraoplng, fnc. Cofftructon e (Sfi!)g't9.!107ll r (ilOit)94ft 507? frl jLt /f I / iltov 2zrJgt Ar*((F'-AW 7s 6.^ry+ry(Z ,-*;/ **r al-e /**fi At a/nF 4.a- 7,g ( (V",Ve;a.. C*r'af lv)re c .# :,.t(,,o E J g,o.F, €Eiu EE:J .1 , :;E =i-i ; 9E ut< o{s'S .Yr 5::i.{1r\J0 I vl'2o t- ! '-\(, rqA.4 ! I .tl ,JF t-t \ :Ev cA$i, . H'ti.i-$ 1,:,t: i Fir ?! r-ir* Et i''oHi I ri '-l a\)rrlqJq [1 >W3\ i 1I .t ,IItt.t,I f---___-' .ii .: .; ; i ti i-- :'] ,iHr------li; i it---'_*i i i ii i)li fi ! ii i! t! i !.i ii it -- - -* -f - - - .-.i--- -. -!,'_ *, $o iso'oa) ('i.2r'l-l-in7 lu i='--l i i,g{$ TJ s t1.\)s \*t {t .t( I III I ? 7-t- f.'.i Ol ry-(/g[+ ,rsoito,-) --=-r i--._ { a \ll tu N I Ai lrlJ o{r '.4 n s 5,z A $ IUs B a.'F:x AI trlp. !g ilF ;; sfiH P$ frtFiil q aAtF B $ d F :il I I I I I rf)_'t'. ,' :\--\,s I I I al $dAZI rul{i Er &roi I I l l i \t 'r', - Eu t fiA E 6f; i,t $ifl u I 'JJ ) L I 1}_ t\=-5I\\Ut ).f rL,!+|4, ..r I I I L -,-^: s, \ ).\ 'cA -a.r-a.r-a_a II ) .lb"/!rAl, tr Itos.6r6 (coc).999!9 oporoto) 1to^.499c )(o0' uoulolsrJo) puo arru)gllrpJv adoxpuol )Nt '9Nrd\DSCN\n $MOSSV I S/rgrurw /0efr4 O O '---;- '6rd hi*t *l a//d hrzrz4 , hn4abor red VraQslt7 a ///ar,cessrz-.'t/or/?#*Wf/ryZry t, uru//-& fur{"t fu n? anr/?7 6rde** ----++zztia. oz';;7/"V ry-rcde' @g/c& #!: ttur{n {anug-r eMTb.atzHtrd a /ry^ha;gr@;'*".n /"rc !@'' YL(t)-"ur""t;W.n/aVa7(q kfhq: (tffirt-- 's/an'H gb a241 )ar 4 ?r4'2{.>- €/)tqc --' fr trge /4c 2l fihlz hte': eta**4a ;ruhfrat *W .*T &ctlh4,,#'/n l{^/q t) vZ reoro* .Alta7a,/ t"t<- Ja4rr4g ry b^/EP1* //at/ a* 4trt &e) THE GARDEN CENTER OF EAGIE.VAILffi;F f,lotttrapr eArcclstc! londraophrg, Inc. Lcnd*opc Arcfiltccun ond Corutructhn lcr l!6? .val. Gclcrqdc !16!t llll r (s0dl9a96o7l r (itoo) 9a9,to7? F|I t lBp NTv 2 zrcgr PO 1 ,(on l'' lf I / O';r/ar'*-^a -75 fuP"/'/*n d frc {7 P'*^/P{ ' f/, a$o*--'- /e''2 '-*;f : 'f//ffi* fr rt' e il"r fi /Fo*aa*+ Mt a/nF 4"d- 7,g ( ,ts t fl'nrif 1ilrc q {?frrr7 Ce;e* 1,gv ao noptdSePr ,r9l ttn ,t€Pr09l /Dryoscd fnit€r &nf t99luor &e f,Ti,N-eso Od. r1/o. 43 /??/ s"a.stal TAn t /d*l MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1991 7:30 P.M. A rEular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, November 19, 1991, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers ol the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kenl Rose, Mayor Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro-Tem Roberl LeVine Merv Lapin Lynn Fritzlen Peggy Osterloss Jim Gibson Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first ilem on the agenda was Citizen Participation. As this meeting began, votes from the day's regular munbipal election were being munted, and Dan Cormran and Jay Peteron thanked Merv Lapin, Tom Sleinberg, Lynn Fritzlen, and Mayor Kenl Rose lor their service on lhe Town Council, Kent was recognized lor his dedication and concern, and received a standing ovation. Second on lhe agenda was a Consenl Agenda consisting of three items: A. Odinance No. {1, Series of 1991, second reading, an ordinance amending Chapter 18.04, Definitions, of the Municipal Code of the Torn ol Vail by the addition of Section 18.04.277, setting forth a definition for plant producls; by lhe addilion ol Section 18.04.289, setting forlh a definition for 'Seasonal Planl Prcdrct Business'; amending Sedion 18.30.030, Heavy Service District Condilional Uses of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail by the addition of Paragraph T, Seasonal Plant Produc't Business; and setting lorlh details in regard thereto. (Applicant: Richard Dilling/West Vail Texaco). B, Ordinance No. 42, Series ol 1991, seond reading, an ordinance authorizing the issuance ol Town ol Vail, Colorado Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 ; providing the lorm, terms and condilions ol the bonds, the manner and terms ol issuance, the manner of execution, lhe method of payment and the security iherefor; pledging a porlion of lhe sales tax proceeds of lhe To$,n and the net revenues derived from the Parking Facility tor lhe payment ol said bonds; providing certain covenants and other details and making olher provisions concerning the bonds and the designated sales tax revenues and net revenues; ratifying aclion previously laken and appertaining thereto; and repealing all ordinances in conllict herewith. C. Ordinance No.44, Series ol 1991, second reading, an ordinance amending Ordinance No.29, Series of 1991, relating to the Town ol Vail Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series of 1989. Mayor Rose read lhe titles in lull. Merv Lapin moved lo approve all items on the Consent Agenda, wilh a second comirq from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. llem No. 3 on the agenda was Ordinance No. 41 , Series of 1991 , first reading, an ordinance repealing and reenacling Ordinance N0,28, Series of 1991, to provide changes to Area A requirements ol SDD No.4 that concern the development plan for Millrace lV, Scenario I, aAla Cosgritf parcel; and setling lorth details in regard thereto. The applicanls were East-West Padners/Commercial Federal BanUCascade Village. Mayor Rose read lhe title in full. Shelly Mello advised the ordinance incorporated all changes discused al the November 5, 1991, evening meeting. Tom Steinberg moved lhat Ordinance No. 41 be approved on first reading, wilh a second mming from Jim Gibson. Belore a final vote was laken, Rob LeVine inquired about the two scenarios detailed in the C,ommunity Development Department's memo to Town Council dated November 1 1, 1991. Shelly and Kristan Pritz advised Scenario 2 was listed as an alternative should Scenario 1 not be construcled as proposed. Merv asked il stall was salis{ied that off-site landscaping requirements and improvements were realized. Slafl fell they were. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. I Item No. 4 on lhe agenda was Ordinance l,lo.46, Series ol 1991,lirst reading, an ordinance amending the plan Document ol the Town ol Vail Empbyee's Pension Plan;and setting foffr details in regard thereto. Mayor Rose read the title in lull. Steve Thompson explained lhe specif'rcs ol this ordinanco, includirB that this ordinance in\olved a 6% deduction from seasonal employee's pay which would be put in the pension plan, replacing the end of season bonus. Merv Lapin asked if employees have a choice as to how the money is invested, and was adv'sed only il they are over 55. Jim Gibson moved lo approve Ordinance No. 46 on first reading, with a second oming lrom Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. ftem l,lo. 5 on the agenda was Resolution No.20, Series ol 1991, a rssolutbn authorizing the Town to invest ih surplus funds with other governmenl entities in CENTHUST (formerly JEFFTRUSI); and setting lorth detaits in regard thereh, Mayor Rose read the title in full. Sleve Thompson noted he had fuilher researched CENIRUST as Council had reque$ed at the evening meeting on Oc,tober 1, 1991, when Resolution No. 20 was hbled. After discussion. Tom Sleinberg moved h apove Resolution !lo. 20, with a second oming from Rob LeVine. A rote was taken and the motion failed 2-5; Jim Gibson, Merv Lapin, Peggy Oeterloss, Kent Rose, and Lynn Fritrlen opposed, feeling the risk faclor was too great. llem l,lo. 6 on the agenda was Resolution t,lo. 22, Serios of 1991 , a resolutbn approving the Streebcape Master Plan for the Town of Vail; and setling forth details in regard thereto. Mayor Rose read the title in full. Mike ltollba and Kristan Pritz explained dnawings of maps wsre not included in the distributed November 14, 1991, isue of the streetscape Master Plan simply to save on unneqrssary reduction and reprinting costs of illustrations which might require redratting by the consultani. Joe Macy asked what those costs were. Mike said the work had to be done in Denvet and would run belween $200 - $300. Joe Mary asked Hesolution No. 22 be tabled untit the smaller maps were included in the plan book and made available to the publb, but Kent said the odginalfull size maps were now, and have been, publicly available long enough for anyone inlerested lo have seen lhem, and further, there had been a public sile visil. Kristan added the nanalive in lhe plan bmk fully details everything. Jim Gibson inviled citizens to come in lo see the lullsize maps, which he described as more meaningilulthan the smaller maps, adding a lot is losl on the smaller maps. Afler brief speculalion about a 15-20 year timeframe for the prolect, Merv Lapin mwed to approve Resolution No. 22, wilh a second oming fom Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No. 7 on the agenda was aclion on Cnuncil employees' compensation. A 4% increase for the Town Manager and a 5% increase for the Town Attomey were suggested. Aclion on ompensation lor the Munbipal Court Judge was tabled, pending review of addilional informalion. Jim Gibson moved to approve lhe suggested Town Manager and Town Attorney increases, with a seond coming from Rob LeVine. A vole was taken and th€ motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Not on the agenda, but raised for discussion by Merv Lapin $,as a question about the basis lor approving or disapproving liquor licenses by the Local Licensing Aulhority. Larry Eskwith advised late payment d sales ta( was basis for revocation of a license, as well as lhe character of an applicant. Jay Peterson said il was a privilege b receive a license, and he fett the Local Licensing Aulhority Council was consistent in approving lir:enses. Larry said suspension hearings are held. There being no furlher business, a molion to adjoum the meeling was made and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjoumed at 825 p,m. Respectf ully submitted, Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager Minn€s bkon by Dorianne S. Dolo C:U,tlt'|S11.19 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.JECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 11, 1991 A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed conditional use psrmit to allowthe operation of a seasonal plant products business in tre Heavy Service Zone District, 2313 N. Frontage Road/Tract B, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 Applicant: RichardDilling/RichardMatthews Planner: Jill Kammerer I. BACKGROUND on october 28, 1991 , the Planning and Environmental commission reviewed a request to amend Chapter 1g.30 - Heavy Sefuice, Section 18.30.030 - Conditional Uses, in order to allow the seasonal plant products business as a conditional use. This request was approved by the pEC, subject io several conditions. Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1991, which included the eEO;sapfroval in ordinance form, was reviewed by the Town Council on November 5' 1991' Because the second reading of this ordinan@ has nol yet occurred, the Planning and Environmental Gommissionhay not formally approve the applicant's conditional use permil request. This request is scfreduled for formbl review by the PEC on November 25, 1991' II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants are requesting approval of a seasonal plant products business to sell Christmas trees and wreatnJat tire West Vail Texaco station for a period of one month, from November 26 through December 24, 1991. The applicant proposes to use an 8'x 20' enclosed trailer as in otfice. This trailer was previously used as the applicant's office for a Christmas tree business, which was located ai the Garden Center in Eagle-Vail. Attached is a copy ol the site plan which indicates the area where the applicant proposes to display the ptirit products aird tocate the trailer. As the applicant is hopetulhis conditional use permit will be grinted at the next PEC meeting on November 25, 1991, statf felt it would be appropriate at this time to have a worksession to discuss any planning staff or PEC member concerns regarding the proposed conditional use. III. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Appearance of the sales trailer. Staff recommends the sales trailer be a painted wood, pitched roof stucture 2. Type of lencing for the seasonal plant Products business area' 3. Lighting of proposed plant products business area. 4. Signing of proposed plant products business area. Statf recommends the ap-pticint be ailowed to have a wooden sign of no larger than 5 square feet to advertise the business. c:\pocvfl omogvlanb.N 1 1 s\ N \ N'(,t $(r a; F ---.-- -} Is|,q!',Fi t,Fl t' i tl--.-J ' ! "t $I <za, o,,. oIlqg Gl r+ 3E-o llo 0)lo €oo 1 I i tV'\., (-l c'l\ -l f\ 7. ,(^ i tqF d YlX s ;-e ooBiSr ;5i :l ii; * " 9{ li'; ';\, ! l-,"lri \.J I 6 o "^r, f,R 'i'j? ii,!'h trr'rpXi: $ :l, ' h,r. I l:' 0lp xJk^ hez %,rd."w'Pry-h' . NOTTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commissio'n or ne Town of'Va1 wilt hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on November 25, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for the establishment of a 90day review periodJor a Commercial Core I exterior alteration request for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch RoadLots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicants: Golden PeLkHouse CondominiumAssociationA/ail Associates' Inc./GPH Partners, Ltd'/Margaritaville, lnc. Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a conditional use permit lor a liquor store at the Cascade Crossing Retail Cent6r, iO31 S. Frontage Road, more specilically described as follows: A parcel of land located in section 12, Township 5, south, Range 81 West of the P.M., County of Eagle, state of colorado, more particularly desoibed as lollows: commencing at a point on the northerly ROW line of US Hwy 6, whence the northeast coiner oi said Section 12 bears north 38"07' E 876.99 ft.; thence south 73o,45' W along said northerly ROW line a distance of 75 ft. to the true point of beginning; ihence north 16"215' W to the south ROW line of F70; thence in a southr,v-esterly direction along the south ROW line of 1-70 to the point of intersection of th;t ROW line with the north ROW line ol US Hwy 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north Row ol us Hwy 6 to the point of beginning, County ol Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant: William Von Schweidall/Mike Combs Planner: Andy Knudtsen g. A request for a conditional use permit to operate the Cartwright Bed and Breakfast at 970 Fainray Drive/Lot 8A, VailVillage 1Oft Filing. .)f4. Applicant: Alice Cartwright Planner: Betsy Rosolack A request for a conditional use permit to allow a seasonal plant products business in the Fieavy Service zone district, West VailTexaco,2313 N' Frontage Road WesVTract B, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Richard Dilling Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to operate a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 11A, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing/2625A Bald Mountain Road. Applicant: Eugenia G. Whitten Planner: Belsy Rosolack A request lor a worksession on the proposed Performing Arts/Conference Center' which is proposed to be located adiacent to the east end of the Lionshead Parking Struclure. Presenters: Ron Phillips/E.8. Chester 5. 6. /+n* t. Presontaton orQ O* h Public Places Board (AIPP) tpt" Proposal for fiE Village Transportation Center Prolect. Planner: ShellY Mello 8. Pressntation of proposed Uonshead Sundial Plaza landscaping plan (Litfitouse Lodge). Presenters: Jill KammererlSherry Doruard 9. Any ltems tabled from the November I 1 , 1991 Plannlng and Environmental Commission meeting. Information on the listed items ls availaHe at th€ Communi$ Developmont offlce In the Vail Munidpal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 8, 1991. ,k4td zt/arfuAt - ,/r/rl filcant Chrrt /m os free / h/rea hs J>ff no*2, -wfozn a)or.c &ss/a>.- fmtic<-t ^t/gwdafu- a,ant froi/ao fue<tttc cazt ha/ tddo Snod Fenat lru4ry 4.4r.h* ry ardd l/ , arLztT -d4as , -rrd "oz.lttr g.a"fl a,/vr-t-"p7za. zPa/a&- 7y' xao L'/ aktrrhat ah-d "u*, x 4O hzts an etL e, a- *.ryOf..o- /ig ry ?b -t*il // azl,v4' I 2/g ,-fu *f,3 '-Zt lft;d f h7 / oo lxcrlob -,//5 14r,o4 /O'U m @U *2rr) H -0+ u'/u.r, C,/ogrt.2 E lp hA^, A ad"il dogd v -,ma:h./u&fud anr a/ana :,emee_-, r gfu/d': >empna4/./ h.nnAr'l -JZ'i7Z = z/4 ott a,,//6f f/z'azrt4 ril,rtA(/ - -.rtol p/a'zrzti>^q oxt & ,ratt krc dmt;rqlartn"p,4r,e) %., f"Mfury n anXr/lia ,,4p y',,u, &,|i&u fta"lzd - AAu,,-A-/unrc /{la/?4; 'fz.H,t rtet 71zd -7b mo,,e ,fu&"D 5a' &u brr* t^r@ zaotaarl*4) ^ efr, y' eosr/2-l -J,{ohq-Pd /xa*- e ,-/nd r.z Ra4//€ffi"/. /ttX httdudZata\" - *Ul*e*2u E/22. " V /as/ "t/ b/a*"*t *%> r* door Dranal Keett on odn pnpqet -l darrr/- +taib4' lrzt ^"264 zruf an// ?2 hoarc ' fark l . conan,J abdu* .rfrvn 2f fro ,b mdg rcmoua-( g-6-,qnu At 2 4' "/ \J nurL#r' o A^ATIFIE\VS C? ASSOCIATES IANDSCAP|NG, tNC. Lonclscope Architecture ond ConstflJcfion tlox 3567.Vot|, Colorodo I I 650. (OOO) 949-5077 o \ tl ^ ,,1 \ u(tc r,,'- ,t-tl.4l F'#t;:n : I t ! . --4.- r---l (j R15 ft' \ -i.- lXtx-.tt,,*-" AfcP-V \.tF.-z \i'i F I I I I i I iF ,5 t/r.[\ '-":q .\ 0r n I 1ps F H';$q J BTs-f,g --, I I I I I ! -,.,l6 r= !Rlrn lro IBlv I I i fffii$tiF itq#iruru T,-{,U ,l 6 rn $ $ ;t tZ 'ft F TTI 0\1 bt-Jv; :{ Ff[ rvq. N{ c\ Ir\ N o IV1AITHEWS C' ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPING, lNC. Londrope Ardrifecftrre ond Constrwtion Box 3567.Voi|, Colorodo 81658.(303) 949-5077 o trrD sEP 1 61991 ,fu ft, r?l/ 6' ftet a@ U^-;h'-*' 7- /Z^4 '" ,v ,u*a rtiu €U .J\ .- Ylot^.2, i r Itiql,t$ t.4{,)i ly q \!',..r.i) 2r- F Qv ^/- o," 1 31i:ttni9l-j-; € r 'n\{'ui >-,[ $<of g".'4n2 =*liIto $-1 € ':;lgso B-"; :-c( '2='.- .: Y {etroo p i Jir -. iy)l 1 -t_ \)t lr l Ar't1' @o = ' f ----- I!g/p/gihi'fr I L --,) __ _. :,,t I .t i I .E.fa.oE Yoa o uiF $krL ,i$ l\ oo(a L,(t zhUI;i lu t I I I I I I Ihi C o C "\J C 0 t\ ooa,ood4,ealt I o ry3 oaD o 3:fJ,1X-" ?;:'#3lt;o'of Hishwavs e.fl'."$1T'B'J smith 22'll Norlh Frontage Road West Grand Jurrction, CO 81502 Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 CNL lrrcome Fund ll, Ltd. l-70 Tracl D Association, Ltd. 400 E. South Str€et 700 Milwaukee Av€. Suite 500 Suile 105 Orlando, FL 32801 Box 101 Vermn Hills, lL 60061 L// l/az/{eraa .f Present Chuck Grist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kuz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Connie Knight o w//6/c PI-ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 11,1991 t\Lt t'st\ Staff Kristan PriE Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Larry Eskwith The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 1:35PM. 1. A reouest for a worksession to discuss a conditional use oermit to allow a seasonal olant products business in the Heaw Service Zone District. Apolicant: RichardDillino/RichardMatthews Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the request, and asked applicant Richard Matthews to respond to fie "items for disossion'from the staff's memo. Mr. Mathews dislributed a portion of the survey lor the area, and indicated the trailer would be a regular 8' x 20' sales trailer which he currently owned, with the purpose being to keep the sales attendant warm. The sales area will be secured by a 4' high snow fence. The lighting for the area would be 100' long strings of white "Christmas lights'with light bulbs every 10 feet and larger light bulbs at each tree, Mr. Matthews explained these lights are sold by Christmas lree business wholesalers. No more than 40 trees would be on the lot at any one time. The business would be open from November 25 to December 24, and the hours of operation would be 10:30AM-7:30PM. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the lights would be turned off when the business was closed. Mr. Matthews said they might possibly leave on one string of lights for security reasons. Regarding signing for the business, the applicant proposed using a banner, which he illustrated by showing pictures to the Commissioners. Mr. Matthews estimated the size of the banner/sign was approximalely 2 feet by 12 feet or 24 square feet. The wording for the banner was "Christmas Trees". Staff informed the applicant that the ma,rimum size the sign could be in this zone dislrict was 20 sq. ft. and lhat allowable sign size was based upon the lineal frontage of the business. Chuck Crist asked if music would be played during the hours of operation. Mr. Matthews was not sure. Jim Shearer asked when the trailer would be removed from the site. Mr. Matthews replied it would be taken out the day after Christmas. Jim was concerned about storing 'junk," (like saw-horses or trees, which did not get sold). On site, particularly in lhe area behind the lrtrailer, Mr. Matthews repeated he would only have 40 trees on he lot. Richard indicated the trees to be sold would be attached to rebars which had been pounded into the ground. In response to a question from Chuck Crist, Richad indicated the banner would be attached to the trailer. The state requires the trailer be set back 50 feet from the North Frontage Road dght of way. Based on the site plan, it appeared the sales traller would be approximately 50 feet from lhe road. Gena Whitten believed it looked a little 'tight.' She requested the rest of the survey be presented. Kathy was concemed about knowing where the property line was, so that the Commission would know where the trailer was actually proposed to be located and to insure the business was located entirely on West Vail Texaco property and not in the stale rlght of way or on adjacent property. Kathy also asked how the fence would be stabilized. Mr. Matthews said it would be attached to T-posts by black ties. Diana Donovan believed it was important that eveMhing be located on Mr. Matthew's property, and that the tailer be removed as soon after Christmas as possible. Diana suggested all material be removed from the site by December 26th. Mr. Matthsws stated he had no intention of leaving anything up after Christmas but he was reluctant to committing to removing everything from the site by December 26th as inclement weather could make it impossible for him to comply with this deadline. Jill reminded the PEC that based on Ordinance 43, Series of 1991 which will allow plant product businesses in the Heavy Service Zone District, the site must be cleaned wiUr 72 hours of fie date the conditional use permit expires. Kathy asked that the fence be kept in a straight, vertical position. She hought it would be nice if the failer had a red door. 2. A reouest tor a worksession for a conditional use oermit lor an outdoor dininq Datlo for the Gallerv Buildino (Russell's Restaurant). located in the Commercial Core I zone district, 228 Bridoe Streeva oarl of Lot A. Block 5. Vail Villaoe First Flllnq. Applicanl: Ron Rilev/D.R.R.. lnc.Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica presented the requesi. As this was a worksession, no staff recommendation was given, but staff raised several issues for discussion. Applicants Ron Riley and Mike Staughton rvere present for the discussion. Ron Riley pointed out that the deck would only be used for 90 days in the summer, and did not believe it would obstruct views on Bridge Street. He believed a summerlime encroachment of 2'-1 17z" was minor, stressing the fact that lorver Bridge Street was 'st€rile," and that the dining deck would add interest lo the area. He believed that, due to the popularity of outdoor dining, a reslaurant was almost required to have a dining area ouUoors. Mr. Riley advocated the deck since othenrise there was no visualpenetration into the Gallery Building, and because ol that, people could not tell there was a restaurant contained fierein. Ludwig Kuz was concerned about narrowing Bridge Streel, stating it was easily one ol the .t Jay requested that the gate columns which, in stafl's memorandum, were not recommended foivariances, be given i lO-incn variance. Chuck Crist indicated he could accept a 10-inch variance. The rest ol the Commissioners agreed, except Kathy Langenwalter. Diana believed it was important to note the reasons why the variance in that area was wananted. She said it was because of the nearby recreational path and grade cfranges' Kathy Langenwalter requested the record indicbte this was not a normil variance procedure, and she believed the staff and PEC had been backed into this agreement. Jay thanked Kristan for the considerable effort put forth to work with the applicant to come to this final solution. Gena Whitten moved to approve the request for wall height variances for the chester Residence, Lot 19, Block i, Vail Village lst Filingl3g5 Mill Creek Circle, per the staff memo, with the exception that the entrance g-ate columni were also granted variances to remain as they cunenily exist. The table at thelnd of staff's memorandum would be conected to read tnai me recohmended variance for the wall column was 1 loot 4 inches. Ludwig seconded the motion. lt was approved, 5-1, with Kathy Langenwalter dissenting' 6. Planner: ShellY Mello Shelly lead a discussion regarding this letter. Item I of the agenda was discussed out of order. 7. 8. Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer requested and rbceived recommendations from the Commission as to specific wording for the ordinance. The Commission retumed to item 6 from the agenda. Aoolicant: Town of Vail Planner: Kristan Pritz/Tom Braun Consultant Tom Braun explained the reasoning behind the recommended changes in the zoning code. The meeting was adjoumed at 6:30PM. roducts bwinesSesjn the-Flea Service zone itgtdcL Jill Kammerer Jeara>a/ //a*r//,aoc* M./3 MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 5, 1991 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting ot the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, November 5, 1991, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kenl Rose, Mayor Tom Sleinberg, Mayor Pro-Tem Roberl LeVine Merv Lapin Lynn Frilzlen Peggy O$efoss Jim Gibson Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was a TOV Ten Year Employee Recognition presenlation. Ron Phillips introduced Tom Talbol, Fire Depanment Fire Technician, and presented him with his ten year service award. Tom was thanked lor his years of dedicated service lo lhe Town ol Vail, and mngratulated by Dick Duran. Second on the agenda was presenlation of a donalion by the VaiUEagle Valley Rotary Club from their 1991 Tree Planting Project at Timber Ridge/Post Otfice. Jetl Bowen lirsl read a citalion to Todd Oppenheimer in recognilion ol his assistance on the projecl, and then presented a chedt for $4,792.66 to the Town of Vail. Todd thanked the Rotary for their cilizenship, slewardship, and a job welldone. Third on the agenda was Citizen Participation, of whbh there was none. Item No. 4 on the agenda was a Consent Agenda consisting of six ilems. Before Mayor Rose read the titles, Merv Lapin asked to have ilem B, Ordinance No. 34, Series ol 1991, second reading, wilhdrawn lrom the Consent Agenda for lurther discussion. Mayor Rose then read the titles ol the five remaining items on the Consenl Agenda in full: A. Approvalol Minutes of October I and Oclober 15, 1991, evening meetings. C. Ordinance No. 36, Series ol 1991, seond reading, an ordinance providing lor the establishmenl of Special Development District No. 27, Forest Glen (A.K.A. Timber Falls); adopting a development plan lor Special Development District No. 27 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 ol the Vail Municipal Code and setting forlh details in regard thereto. (Applicant: Timber Falls Asociation) D. Ordinance No. 37, Series ol ',|991 , second reading, an ordinance amending Section 1 8.32.030 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail I adding WellWater Trealment Facility'as a condilional use in the agricultural and open space zone districl. (Applicanl: Vail Valley Consolidated Water Distrbt) E. Ordinance No. 38, Series of 1991, second reading, an ordinance authorizing lhe sale of certain property known as the Berry Creek Sth Filing parcel to the Eagle County Recreation Authority. F. Ordinance No. 39, Series ol 1991, second reading, annual appropriation ordinance adopting a budget and linancial plan and making appropriations to pay the costs, expenses, and liabilities of the Town of Vail, Colorado, for its liscal year ending January 1 , 1 992, lhrough December 31 , 1992, and providing for the levy assessment and colleclion of Town ad valorem property taxes due lor the 1 99 1 tax year and payable in the 1992 fiscal year. Mayor Rose asked if there were any other items on the Consent Agenda anyone wanted withdrawn for discussion. Peler Jamar asked that ltem C be wilhdrawn. Merv Lapin moved to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of ilems A, D, E, and F, wilh a second coming from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Rose read in full the title of lhe first item withdrawn from the Consent Agenda, Ordinance No. 34, Series of 1991, second reading, an ordinance amending Sedion 3.16.050 of the Municipal Code b provide thal any contract for the construction ol a public improvement with a value of not more than $100,000 may be negotiated by the Town Manager without submitting it for b{d; and setling lor the details in regard thereto. Merv Lapin expressed oncern shared by Rob LeVine that $100,000 was too high. Both said lhey would support this ordinance at a $50,000 tevet. Tom Sleinberg asked how many of the last yea/s contrads had been between $50,000 and $100,000, bul an answer was unavailable, Rob LeVine moved to approve Ordinance tlo. 34 with the change from $100,000 to $50,000, with a second coming from Merv Lapin. Before a final vole was laken, Merv noted he was concerned wilh the $100,000 fi;ure because he lell the $50,000 ulouH more likely ensure puUb notilication ol Town contracts over $50,000 open lot birl. Lynn Fritzlen added she felt $5,CI0 was a figure with which she wouH have been more comfortable. She lelt negotialed bids greater than $5,000 should require review by an eleded body. A wte was then taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5{. Withdrawn llem C ol the C,onsent Agenda, Ordinance N0,36, Series ol 1991, second reading, was discused next. Mayor Rose had prevbusly read the title in full as part ol the Consent Agenda. Peter Jamar had asked this ordinance be withdrawn for further discussion in coniunc'lion with llem No. 9 on the agenda, Resolution 21, Series of 1991, regarding the selting of a fee in lieu ol the dedication of land for schml sites. Ron Reilly noted he was not aware of the fee in lieu al lir$ reading ot Ordinance No. 36, Series of 1991. He asked for a determination as lo whether the fee in lieu would be applicable to his cunent proisct, Forest Glen (aftla Timber Falls). Atter discusion about the history of this tax, Larry Eskwith summailzed thal the ordinance applies whenever there is a major suMivision. lt would not apply if an area had been previously subdivkJed and the tee had already been paH. He pointed out the Forest Glen area has been zoned, fut never subdivkjed. There was fudher discussion about the T0V's riationale for adoflion ol lhe ordinance, whbh was al the requesl ol the school board to come in line with what the County was doing to require a lee in lieu of land dedicalion for the purchase of schml land and conslruction of school buiHings in the future. Pe,ler suggesled Resolulion No, 21 , Series of 1991, be made more equitable so developers do not see the fee as one more reason 1o go lhrough the single family subdivision process. He lelt the lee ougfrt to apply across lhe board and be geared more 10 lhe impacl, as opposed to the msthod, by which someone chooses to divide their property. After lurlher discussion, Rob LeVine moved to approve Ordinance No. 36, with a seond coming from Lynn Fritzlen. Belore a final vote was taken, Merv referred lo discussion al a previous meeting aboul inclusion ol a lorest access easement al Forest Glen. Being advised there was no publb access to Foresl Servbe land lrom public streets at Forest Glen, Tom Steinberg asked for a len fool easemenl strictly lor access to the Forest Service land. Ron Reilly questioned if there might be potential liability to him if he agreed to the easement. Tom said Ron muld dedizte an easemenl to the Town, and it would then be lhe Town's respnsibility. Ron saU he would onskJer this. A vote was laken and the motion pased unanimously, $0. Item No. 5 on the agenda was a discussion of issues regarding changes to Area A requirements of Special Development Districi (SDD) No. 4 mncerning the development plan lor The Cascades, alUa Milhace lV, a/Ua Cosgriff Parcel; applicants East West Parlners and Commercial Federal Bank. Mayor Bose pinted out the item was belore Council as an inlormation/discussion ilem only, and Council was not laking any lormal aciion on the ilem during this meeting, Shelly Mello noted there were lwo patls to the discussion, the first being a review ol cunent ownership and potential development isues, and the second being an analysis oi a development plan submited for one ot the individual parcels. Shelly pointed out lhere are presently four ditlerenl owners of the Cascade Village SDD, initially owned by one enlity, Vail Ventures. She said now lhe SDD is running into a multiple ownership situation, and the ditlerent development plans on lile will probably end up being reviewed independenl ol each other. She reviewed a descriplion of the reque$ for a minor subdivision and major amendment lo SDD t',|o. 4 to approve a development plan as detailed in lhe Community Development Department's memo lo the Planning and Environmental Commission dated Oclober 28, 1991 , and the CDD's memo to Town Council dated November 5, 1991 . Kristan thanked Maft Smilh, Jerry Mulligan, and Nick Gwathmey for mming to help weryone examine and fully understand lhis isue. Shelly said there were a number of concerns staff and the PEC had, and read onditions applicable to the statf's recommendalbn of approval, relerencing the previous CDD and PEC memos. There was additional brief discussion regarding GHFA. This item willbe belore Councilon l,lovember 19, 1991, as Ordinance N0.41, Series of 1991. Item No. 6 on the agenda was Sflf;fffif,Series of 1 991 , lirsl reading, an ordinance amending Chapter 18.04, Def initions ot lhe Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail by the addilion of Section 18-04.?27- Settiyrg.forlll a dgJipjl[ggfor plant produc{s; by the addition ol Seclion 18.04.289, setting loilh a definilion amending Section 18.30.030, Heavy Service Districl Conditional Uses ol the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail by the addition of Paragraph T, Seasonal Plant Product Business, and setting forlh details in regard therelo. Mayor Rose read the litle in full. Jill Kammerer explained this ordinance was lhe result of a requesl by an individual to sell Chrislmas trees in lhe Heavy Service Zone Distrbt. There are cunently four Heavy Seruice Zone District within the Town, with a gas slation localed in each. Afier determination thal such sales would not creale a problem in any of these areas, Merv Lapin moved to approve Ordinance No. 43 on first reading, with a second oming fom Rob LeVine. Before a vole was laken, Tom Sleinberg questioned why the ordinance listed the sale period as two consecutive sixty day periods. Jill said Larry Eskwith was mnsulted about this, and he did not see why the sale period could not simply belistedasl20days. JillsaidshewouldaskthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionforclarilication,andadded it was likely particular language regarding the time period called out in this ordinance might be changed for second reading. A vote was laken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Item M. 7 on the agenda was Ordinance l,lo. 42, Series of I 991, first reading, an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Town of Vail, Colorado Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991; providing the form, terms and conditions of the bonds, lhe manner and terms of issuance, the manner of exeantion, the method of payment and the security therefore; pledging a portion ot the sales tax proceeds of the Town and the net revenues derived from the parking facility for the payment of said bonds; providing certain ovenants and other detaib and making other provisions concerning the bonds and the designated sales lax revenues and net revenues; ratifying aclion previously taken and appertaining thereto; and repealing all ordinances in onllicl therewith. Mayor Rose read the title in full. Steve Barwidr sakJ the purpose of issuing the bonds delailed in this ordinance was to delray the cost ol lhe Town's 1992 capitalproiecls. He noted the security on lhese bonds is the first ?/o ol the Town's sales tax and the Town's nel revenues lrom the parking struclures. The lerm of lhe bonds was twenty years, and they would pobably be issued on December 30, 1991. Theratesof beissueandthediscountsfortheunderwriterwerescheduledfordiscussionattheNovember12, 1991, work session when Steve Jefiers would be present. After discussion about pre-payment provisions and the schedule of principle and interest, Rob LeVine morcd that Ordinance No. 42 be approved on fhst reading, urith a second coming from Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, $0. Item No. 8 on the agenda was Ordinance No. 44, Series of 1991, lhst reading, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 29, Series of 1989, relating lo the Town ol Vail, Colorado Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series ol 1989. Mayor Rose read the title in full. Steve Baruick said this ordinance was related to Ordinance No. 42. Series ol 1991 . in that the Town could not meel lhe additional bonds tesl set up under the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds ordinance, which authorized issuance ol bonds for the parking struclure. He added, that ordinance allowed for amendment il MBIA, the bond insurer, gave writlen approval to do so, whbh MBIA has done. Ordinance No. ,14 will amend the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds in order to allow the Town to do the 1991 bonds on a parity with the 1989 bonds. Merv Lapin moved lhat Ordinance No. 44 be approved on first reading, with a second mming from Tom Steinberg. Before a vote was taken, Merv asked if there were any conditions put on MBIA in terms ol when they can or cannot approve addilional bonds. Larry Eskwilh did nol believe so. A vote was then taken and the motion passed unanimously, $0. hem No. 9 on the agenda was Resolution No. 21, Series ol 1991 , a resolution setting a fee in lieu of the dedication ol land for school siles as provided lor in Ordinance No, 1, Series of 1991. Mayor Rose read lhe lltle in f ull. Larry Eskwith explained when questions were raised by Ron Reilly and Peter Jamar about the lee in lieu, it was found the details for the fee in lieu were not set at the same time the ordinance was sel. Larry lelt, allhough not required by the ordinance, lhe detaib should be in writing lor the record. The amount set is the same as set by Eagle County. Tom Steinberg moved that Resolution No. 21 showing either adedicalion ol land based on number of unils x.014495 lor single iamily (number of units x .00267610r multi-lamily), or $5,000.00 per acre if land is not dedicaled, be approved on first reading, with a second coming lrom Lynn Fritzlen. Before a final vote was laken, Lynn Fritzlen expressed concern about the long term impacl of down zoning. Mayor Rose asked if anyone, in this resolution, wanted to provide consideralion ior down zoning. Larry lelt the ordinance should be called back for amendmenl if that was to be considered. A vote was then laken and the molion passed 4-1, Merv Lapin opposed. Merv expressed inierest in going back to the original ordinance and added if there is a down zoning, il not lall under this cash in lieu. Ron Phillips felt wording should be onected lo clarity technicalities ol condominium sumivisions vs, major subdivis'ons. Down zoning was actually incentivized by the fee because the fewer unils lhere are, the less the lee is. Larry Eskwilh was direcled lo pull out thal ordinance fot review and come back to Council with any suggestions for clarification. Peler Jamar disagreed with lhe interpretation being presented, and there was additional discussion about how this related to the subdivision process. Kent asked this be brought back for discussion at a work session for review. Item No. 10 on the agenda was a review ol the selected artisl for the Art in Public Places (AIPP) Vail Transportation Center Projecl. Shelly Mello said the AIPP jury mel on October 25, 1991, and selecled Dan Dailey lrom three finalists to develop the specific proposallor lhis project, Sample drawings and a modelof lhe pojecl were displayed, as well as presentation of a slide show of some of Mr. Dailey's vtork to emphasize the range of his work. Shelly asked lor a motion to uphold or deny the AIPP jury's selection of Mr, Dailey, explaining Town guidelines requhing Council to make such approval or denial as is done wilh all ol the pieces ot art AIPP approves. She added this request to Council was for approval of lhe artist to develop a specific concept only. Kristan added the proiect was akeady presented to Council during budget hearings. Tom Sleinberg moved to uphold the jury's seleclion, with a second oming lrom Rob LeVine. After discussion regarding the need to lund raise for additional monies lor the projecl, explanations about granl applications made, and assurance that public inpul was nol being closed and the arl seleclion process would not discourage more arl in public places, a vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, $0. Item No. 1 1 on the agenda was appointment of two Local Licensing Authority members. Four applicants, Linda Fried, Douglas MacRae, Oonna Meyer, and Sleve Simonett had been interviewed al work session earlier in lhe day. Ballots having been reviewed, Lynn Fritzlen moved to appint Sleve Simonett and Linda Fried to the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, wilh a second coming from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, $0, 3 o o There being no further busin$s, Rob Levine mored b adpurn the meedng sessions at 9F0 p.m. fuepecffully submited, Xent R. Hooo, Mayor ATIEST: Pamela A. &andneyer, Town Cle* Xinu.. rbn by Dorhnne S. Deto 4 crl|nF.fl5 FILESOPY /4/ l/aLl Texde<: aa."f /r,a/.vfnelS v Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kuz Kathy l-angenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Connie Knight PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October2S. 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Mary Dewing Prior to the meeting, an extensive site visit was performed for the review of the Streetscape Master Plan. The following are the notes taken during that site visit. Mike Mollica stated the written report had been based on the conceptual design plans, and expressed that he wanted the Commission to focus on discussing each sub-area and offer information to strengthen the intent of each sub-area. Kathy Langenwalter expressed that certain streets should be labeled. Specifically, she indicated Gore Creek Promenade, Willow Bridge and MillCreek Circle should be labeled on the key map. Chuck Crist was concemed that Willow Circle was excluded from the plan. Mike replied that no changes were envisioned for that area, although something could be implemented in the future. Diana Donovan noticed that, in the key map, Hanson Ranch Road connected through to the east, when it actually did not, and that porlion should be deleted. Kathy and Diana expressed that, on page 1, the Vail Village and Lionshead Urban Design Guidelines should be more clearly stated. Diana believed that all of the planning doatments in the Town of Vail should be referenced. She also mentioned that all of the names of the plazas and public spaces should be checked, as she questioned if Slifer Plaza was also known as Slifer Square. Diana did not believe that using individual store names was appropriate, as they changed frequently. Mike discussed the East Lionshead Circle and Library/lce Arena Plaza sub-area. He discussed inclusion of bikes with vehicular tratfic and pedestrians, especially the concem for the bicycles going through the plaza, indicating the plan discussed a dismount area at the Library. lt was thought the dismount area could contain the area between the two control gates. Kathy did not think bicyclists should be included with the pedestrians. Diana did not tir-1 believe the dismount area was appropriate, as she did not hink bicyclists should have to dismount. However, enforcement lor speeding should occur In certiain areas. A discussion took place regarding what inlormation should be at the bottom of the page within the text. Diana expressed it was difficult to determine what was going on within the text. Kathy believed it was because of a confusion as to which sub-area was being addresssd, and perhaps the sub-area should be listed at ths bottom of each page. This would also assist people who receive only a portion of the plan. Chuck asked if the bike racks would be unlform. Mike answered that public areas would have similar bike racks, benches, lights, etc., although uniformity would not be enforced in privab areas. He also mentioned that the lighting along East Llonshead Clrcle would be exchanged with "Village'lights. Color for newsstands was discussed, with the consensus agalnst btack. lt was suggested that they be painted green. Kathy stressed the importance of not having to paint the boxes, but being able to use stock colors, and perhaps the colors should be varied to blend with the sunounding colors. The location should determine the color. Mike explained the trash receptacles. lt was 4reed that the design was positive. When the bike racks were discussed, it was decided that the top horizontal bar should be metal. Kathy felt that this would last longer and be more appropriate for the use. Diana was concemed with the 10" width, indicating bikes could not stand up in this type of rach and suggested that a wheel control be investigated. Diana suggested heating the sidewalk along the Library chute, and Mike believed that was a good idea. Kathy was concemed with bikes being on the sidewalk. Dlana believed that signage should be used lo indicate the difference between bike and pedestrian paths. Diana addressed the bus turn-around in front of the proposed Performing Arb Center, and believed it should be addressed in case the center was not developed. She suggested landscaping along the hillside, wih no presumplion of a Performing Arts Center. The Vail International access plan was also discussed. The PEC felt the V.l. a@ess should be lrom the Frontage Road. Diana felt the path behind the ice arena should become more noticeable. She did not think most people knew it existed, and suggested signage for the area. This might also assist in the bike/pedestrian separation which is a goal. On page 13, fourth line from bottom, the word 'bike'should b€ deleted. The West Meadow Drive sub-area was the next to be addressed. Kathy and Jim Shearer expressed their disapproval of pavers crossing just in front of the hospital emergency entrance. They asked the bus stop be moved from this area, suggesting it be moved to the east to clear the drive. Mike explained it was located where it was for the benefit ol handicapped persons using the hospital. ll o Jim Shearer asked il he Forest Service was in lavor of these drilling activities. Rich said it was a definite income producer, but the local distict was not necessarily a proponent of drilling. Jim explained it was his experience that, during servicing of the rigs, oil could begin to flow in significant amounts. There was potential for the operation to tlow' as well. He was seriously concgrned about the potential impacF such leases could have, both visually and snvironmentrally, to ths Valley. He cautioned the Forest SeMce and the Commission to be very careful with such leases. Ridr informed fie Commissioners here were some federal limitations restric'ting drilling operalions, especially with regard to population centers, wetlands, etc. He said thsre were 8 existing leases in Eagle County, north of Avon. Kathy asked how long a lease ran. Rich was not sure. Hg sald it was a negotiable item. Kathy also questioned if exploration were not successful, was the lessee required to retum the area to a natural state. Rich indicated one of the lease requirements was a performance bond for that eventuality. Jim Shearer asked it drilling could occur on private mining claims in the county. Rich said the mining claims were specilic as to mineral, with oil and gas precluded. Gena asked if a specific regulation could be implemented to ensure any drilling operations would be a oertain distiance from the ski area. Rich said the district had looked into that option, but had decided not to include it. However, certain distances could be recommended, wih the political implicaiions helping to ensure little or no drilling in the ar€a. Chuck Crist asked what definition of ski area was used to determine the area where no overlapping surface leases could occur. Joe Macy, Manager of Mountain Operations for Vail Associates, said it was the existing ski area, with the potential, approved expansion, as indicated in the Forest Service special use permit. Chuck was concerned more with potential roads associated with drilling operations than with the wells themselves. Diana Donovan requested that'over ridge' boundaries from Vail be established to ensure no drilling would take place in the valley. Rich agreed that visual sensitivity in areas such as Spraddle Creek and Piney Lake were con@rns of the Forest Service as well. Jim asked if wildlife breeding and calving areas were also taken into consideration when lease areas were determined. Rich said they were identified, and the Forest Service was still developing a list of the issues and concerns with leases in the area. Kathy asked if there was noise associated with he well operations. Rich said most of it would be generated during maintenance, but it would be pretty limited. Jim disagreed, stating if there was no electricity on the site, there would be a distinct popping noise. Kathy also inquired if lighting would be used. Rich said it would only be used while drilling. o Jim believed lighting up the forest like an oil rig was a significant conoern. Ludwig Kuz asked if the Forest Service list of concerns was public. Rich indicated it was only a draft at the current time, but it would be public when completed. Joe Macy indicated his support ot a ridge-to-ridge ban on drilting, since the valley had a recreationally-based economy, and the sight of oil wells was a detraction. The Commission discussed possible by-products of drilling activities. Kathy asked if the leaseholder could or would fence he area around a well. Rich answered it was handled on a case-by-case request. However, if the site was hazardous, the Forest Service would require fencing. Jim asked where the monies from the leasing aclivities would go. Rich said 21o/owas returned to the area, with the remainder going into the general treasury. 2. A request lor an exterior alteralion to the Lionshead Center Buildino. to allow an exterior balconv to be enclosed. Unit 312. 520 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 5. Block 1. Vail Lionshead First Filinq. Aoolicant: Celia TeuscherPlanner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the request with the conditions listed in their memo. Diana Donovan asked it all the balcony enclosures were to be done in the same manner. Andy indicated they were. Chuck Crist moved to approve the request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Center Building, to allow an exterior balcony to be endosed, Unit 312,520 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing per the statf memo with the conditions as listed in the memo, with a particular emphasis that the aspen cluster recommended be planted. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. lt was unanimously approved, 6-0. 3. A request to amend Chapter 18.30 - Heaw Service. Seciion 18.30.030 - Conditional Uses of the Town of Vail Zonino Code. in order to allow seasonal sale of olant material as a conditional use. Aoolicant: Richard DillinoAvest Vail TexacoPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the requested zoning code amendment, indicating staff believed a recommendation to Town Council to approve the amendment was appropriate. She explained this zoning code amendment was proposed by Richard Dilling of West Vail Texaco. lf this zoning code amendment is approved by ordinance, Mr. Dilling will be belore the PEC on November 25th for approval of a conditional use permit to allow the sale of Christmas trees and wreaths at the West Vail Texaco from November 26 to December 25. Jim Shearer asked for the definition of plant material. Kristan said it was normal plant items, including fertilizer and associated items. Jim thought chemicals should be excluded from sale, as he did not believe the drainage on the site was adequate. Kathy Langenwalter wondered il the bedcling plant business which operates on lhe West Vail Texaco property during the Spring would require a conditional use permit. Kristan explained lhe bedding plant outlet was a legal, non-conforming use, as the use was in place when the area was annexed by the Town. However, if the bedding plant outlet sales discontinued for more than one year, the businesses legal, non-conforming use status would terminate. Kathy hypothesized that the term "seasonal" could result in full-year operations on the site, as there could be spring 'ssason", summer Season', fall 'season' and winter'season'. Jill indicated the period of time during which a business operated could be regulated through the conditional use permit process. Kristan added that a time limitation could be placed on the conditional use permit. Kathy encouraged such limitation, commenting he'seasonal'sales in Eagle-Vail were not attractive. Kathy further wanted to insure any fencing in conjunction with such a conditional use permit was proper. Kristan reminded the Commission an applicant would have to come before the PEC to obtain a conditional use permit approval and DRB approval before a use was allowed. Ned Gwathmey, who owns property adjacent to the West VailTexaco (Wendy's), complained about the gasoline stations current practice of storing junk vehicles on the westem edge of the property. He advocated amending the code to allow seasonal plant sales on the West Vail Texaco site, saying Christmas trees were better than junk cars. Chuck Crist asked if apples could be sold in the fall. He also wondered il the area could be required to be cleaned up as part of the conditional use permit. Diana Donovan suggested a time limit for the conditional use, advocating 45-60 days, with a condition any structpre on the site be removed after that time period. Kristan said it would be possible to limit the conditional use permit to a specific time period, but that the applicant would be able to apply for another permit. She also suggested a time limitation be included in the definition of 'seasonal plant material,' and further the definition include specific types of plant materials (i.e., Christmas trees, seasonal plants) which could be sold. Jim asked that bulk chemical sales in quantities grealer than 25 pounds be prohibited as well, and the Design Review Board could look at the entire property during their review. The consensus of the Commission was to limit the seasonal sale of plant material to a period of not greater than 60 days. Any conditional use permit will be granted to the owner of the property on which the business will be located. Therefore the property owner will be responsible for the seasonal business placed on his property. Kathy l-angenwalter moved to recommend approval of the request to amend Chapter 18.30 - Heavy Service, Section 18.30.030 - Conditional Uses of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, in order tt allow seasonal sale of plant material as a conditional use with the stipulation that a definr"i;it of "seasonal plant sales' be added to the Code, including the provision a business can operate a ma(imum of 60 consecutive days per year and that there be no more han 2 conditional use permits allowed per propefi per year. Further, the sale of bulk fertilizer or chemical materials in quantilies exceeding 25 pounds shall not be allowed. Ghuck Crist seconded the motion. lt was unanimously approved, 6-0. After lhe vote, a discussion took place regarding limiting whal may be sold in conjunction wlth a seasonal sale of plant material conditional use permit. The Commisslon asked staff to specify Christmas plant material and growing plants. 4. A reouest for a minor subdivision and maior amendment to Millraco lV- Soecial more specilicallv described as follows: A part ol the SW % NE %. Section 12. Townshio 5 S. Ranoe 81 W of he 6th orincioal meridian. Countv of Eaole. State gf Colorado. described as follors: Beoinnino at a ooint whence an iron oin with olastic cao markino the center of sakJ Section 12 bears S 42o50'19'W 669.34 ft: hence S 85'4i)'14' E 89.84 ft: thence S 57'25'30" E 169.46 ft: thence S 32"59'30'E 141.47 ft: thence S 65'31'36'W 95.04 ft: thence S 69o01'36" W 103.02 ft: thence N 23o24'09'W 319.09 ft to the ooint of beoinninq. Aoolicant: East-West Partners Planner: ShellY Mello Shelly Mello presented the issues and staff concems. Statf recommended approval of the request with the conditions listed in their memo, dated October 28, 1991. Ned Gwathmey, representing the applicants, believed that fie original landscaping and pedestrian connection proposed for the area between the Westin and Millrace was never completed. He refened to the letter from Kevin McTavish, stating it seemed to encourage a concerted landscaping eftort. He said he would work with the Millrace Homeowners to determine an appropriate plan. Responding to a question, Kristan Pritz was not sure what water feature was referenced. Shelly indicated the water feature may have been part of he scenarios whicfi were not constructed. Diana Donovan indicated the need to tie up the loose ends regarding landscaping in this area. Shelly agreed, but said this was an issue between different property owners, and the Gommission should not require the developer of the Cosgritf parcel as part of this application to perform improvements. She also related that Kevin's main concem had been with guest parking and landscaping on the Cosgriff parcel, Ned introduced Jerry Mulliken, representing Commercial Federal Bank and Mark Smith, a co- applicant, of East-West Partners. He indicated the applicants agreed with the points outlined in staff's memo. However, he requested that for item 5, regarding landscaping along the 10 iIEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Gommission Jill Kammerer, Community Development Department october 28, 1991 A request to amend Chapter 18.30 - Heavy.Service, Section 18'30'030 - Cond6on4 Uses, in order to allow seasonal sales of plant material as a conditional use. Applicant: RichardDillingMestVailTexaco 0fTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: /\tu ,-Jt" '-;.1"fffii;;I. INTRODUCTION district is iio tor commercia]EE-q{gg uses which are not The Town statf is recommending the Heavy Service zy'ne district be amended to allow lor the sale of seasonal plant material as a conditional use' ' A. Compllance wlth the purpose of the Heavy Servlce Zone Dlstrlct' Section 18.30.010, the Purpose section of the Heavy service zone district reads as follows: il. In February, 1987, an application was filed with the Town of Vail for a conditional use permit i; ;tff!d'r"r" or o"o5i'ng li"nt tit ti"il'11tn9 west V?il Tua99 sjte,which is zoned Heavv 5"rii{rqquremoriat ;;;,;;;i;"J rniir in" Fourth ot July weelend" This beddins plant material outlet was rirst fJimittlO-'"itnin tnt lutisdiction of ELgb County in 1986' The use met the Eagle County =onin6 itqrit"ments and was issued a building permit by Eagle. County' By the summer of 1987, tn6 suBiJJt property had been re-annexed into the Town of Vail' A determination was mact; UV titt fi*" tnit tne bedding plant outlet was a legal' nonconforming use in accordance with in-d.oning JrOinance of the T6wn, and would therefore be allowed to continue without amending the zo-ning code to allow for plant sales.as a conditional use' The Town of Vail Design nevi;w goard rJviewed and approved the bedding plant outlet on April 29, 1987. ffire of the uses permitted and their operating 'fft""t"rilti-i, "pp""i"n"" and potential for generating automotive and truck traffic' all sites for automotive-oriented uses -1@l ritted and their oPeratinS I :rating automotive and truck traffic' all I re conditional use permit prpcedure' 1 Eilmmission or the Town Council \ may prescribe more restrictive development standads than the standards prescribed for the district in order to protect adjoining uses lrom adverss influences.' It is staff's opinion that the applicanb' proposed amendment to the zoning code cloeg not conflict with the pupose section of tre Heavy Service Zone District as described above. B. Sultablllty of exlstlng zonlng. The following conditionaluses ars permitted in the Heavy Service zone dislrict, subject nd to issuance of a conditional use permit ski lifts and tows, accessory dwelling unit for ,.rilt service personnel, animal hospitals and kennels, automotive ssMce stations, building \pt" material supply stores, business officss, Commercial laundry and cleaning s€rvi@s, li " corporation yards, machine shops, motor vehicle sflil*d,t911,1r:,air.g:j:953p1 seasonal plant materials is in keeping with the allowed Heavy Service zone district -i V j idual will drive to the seasonal plant \-/ -nragnafSal665usiness location, make their purchases, load ttreir purchased material into or onto their vehicle and drive their putchased material home. For this reason stafl believes it makes sense to locate these businesses where there is good automobile access. Any use in this zon€ disFict must be reviewed by the PEC as a part of any conditional use permit approval' Staff believes the requested amendment would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the zone district. Staff believes it is reasonable to add seasonal plant as a conditional use in this zone district. Staff believes that review through he conditional use permit sale of plant matorials can be an appropriate and compatible Service Zone District. /\ D. -[toegthe_ami"iltnent provldesfor the grorvth ot an orderly, vlable f t ) communlty? Again, staff believes with adequate and site-specific rwiarv of a conditional use p€rmit request, the proposed conditional use will provide forlhe groMh of an orderly, viable community. Statt betieves this amendment will provlde for the beneficial use of the property. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS AMENDMENT This amendment will take eftect lollowing review and approval by the To^,n Council. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes the seasonal sale of plant material would be an acceptable conditional use in the Heavy Service zone district. The sale of seasonalplant materialis an automotive-oriented use. The impact of the sale of seasonal ptant materials would be no greater than the lmpact of the uses which are currently altowed in this zone district. lf tris zoning amendment request f|\ is approved, a conditional use permit application will follow to allow the seasonal sale of dT!-\y maGiiats at the West VailTexaco. The applicant desires to sellChristmas trees and.wreah\ at this focation for approximately one month (November 24th or so to December 24th) Undet ] the conditional permit review process, the PEC may prescribe more resrictirae developmenl v standards than the standards prescribed for he district (particularly with regard to signage' lighting, removal of plant material, fencing and the sales office) in order to protect adjoining uses from adverse influences. c\p€c\memos\plants.O28 O " ' '' ' -"n/':' ad of/.tt /-'//e) on anujt dt f bfh/r""'**//''t'"o 7b zze' ,?of ry-ffi//ffi'uffiff*rd ffi*W:W*/v"'nM-ryrya*'h/ C/ue- erztt-t'z/ '/ryJ /b* -'''zzl''da"- { tu^* - lW aanaray' a/*d' P'd //n'd / "i/;;7//d --'--- ,2m - canl ,/aoz @ .z,h.rt a'.t at4- (r-xoa) g/ne frilb -- ;tiuoSoco rbUS ^'lt''d 6 Wuonu/ ,rilC ,ho/n /, b'lP- . t '5W]. ".: -rGR-' "ri '':" PETITTON FORI.I o Petitlon Dateo AI.IEND!,IENT TO THE ZONTNG ORDINANCEFOR lF'rrn {. i..1 '(LLIJ \)[.f :J ,lgul . r' This procedure J.s-requifed for any amendnent to thi."ortrg ordinanceor for a reguest for L district l-ounaa*-Jtrange .,i,,.-- --' t ,; OR REQT'EST FOR, A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOI'NDARIES A. NAI4E OF PETITIONER ADDRESS NAME 0F OM,|ER (print or type) f sreuerunr ADDRESS D.L@ATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS LEGAI DESCRTPTION lot E. FEE $zoo.oo - pAI0 (0vER) NAME Or pETrTroNER,S REpREsNTATrvsTtq$a -f n^F..{+E,nS EDDRESS t4',f,}?t sMgg,a/t PEONF (7L-33?r F- A list of the names of owners of arr property adjacent to thesubject property, and their uailing addresses. --- -- -.- / / , //{C morun.ko, o,tao y'tseur-rrvt-jrt.. cznd,/ a*< a/aer1o/'za'tc'/ 7/*nf'rzahrct 4 6 7r7s / b4,t/,t +:25 / Rem o ua? V aa, >bt<a^/ot - C /fa,n q s t @ -l 1)t - -A. 2 ntlr n'[/r1\<- YIAnW 6llen/i AT W W&^t-''r',rS ruEPDY 5 \LD FAs4)0,-,r O Hnn B uR&tpS -a3aq u. fedarAeE Rooo;/adsf 1/4rt-_ ' Petition fo::u for ^4. to'zorrirrg ord or n.qr.for change i" b"ffi!Li." II. Four sttng..lnd- groPoced d*-trr st h;.undarGs -r Applicant nrst subnit rritten and,/or , graphic naterials stating the reasons for iiquest. III. T:.ne .Reg:ilenenls .- -- The Planning and Environmental Comnrission meets on the 2nd and 4ttrMondays of eactr nronfh, A_petition witb the necessary acconpanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the a.G-;i-ute rneet-ilg. " Folrowing' the^ Planning and nnviioiunental comi""ior, r"Jti"g,all amendrnents to the zoning ordinance or districf bo;;d;d;h.r9"Dust go to the Town Council for final action. (4; :.:r !,- copies of the following. information: proposed revisionA. Ihe petition shallof the regulationsr include a It Your proposal wi'll be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive p'lan. If this applicatlon requires a separate review by any local. State or Federal agency othe! thin the Town of Vail, the application fee shal1 be increased-by $200.00. Exanq)les of such review, may includer but ale note limited to: Colorado DePartment of Bighway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engiineers 404. etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the apptication fee. Tf, at the aPplicant"s request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be 3g-publishea. then, the -entile fee for such re-pubfication shall be paid by the applicant. Applicatlons deemed by the Communlty Development DePartment to-.have significant design, land use or other lssues which gaY have a significant impact on the conrnunity may regulre review by consultants other than town st-aff. Should a determinalion be made by the town staff that an outside consul-tant is needed to review any appfication, the Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shatt be forwarded to the Town by -the ippficanr at the time he files his application with the Corununity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the conlultantr dDY of the funds forwarded -by tfe aipficant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consuttant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town' To: Fron: SubJ ect : Town Council Menbers end. Planning Cornmission Menbers Jane Mack ancl Jackie ileelY Request for perrnission for a conclitional use pernit to operate r'lowers by Jackie antl Jane at the l,Iest vail Texaco station on N. Frontale Road. for a period' of ? veeks fron May 18th to July 5th, t98T I{e are asking you inttiviatually to please consicler a permit for the same business at the same locatlon ttrat we operated last year On January 27r 1987, we came prepared for our appointment vith Rick Pyleuran. At this time, ve presentecl to Rick our information pertaining to tbe plans for the site, pictures of last years greenhouse, and. d.ocumentation of our ad.vertising. After an half-hour d.lscussion wlth Rlck, $e left prepareil to aequi.re letters of recommendation, and. present a typewritten letter of our presen- tation, along vith checks for fi100.00 for our application. 0n f'ebruar1r 10, 198?, we rnet with Rick prepared. to incLude the above information. Rick explained to us that the West Vail Texaco area, as clefined by cod.e, is for the use of heavy service use. Ue also gave us a list of areas that met the town cotle requirement. Based. on the above informationr ne vould' like to apply for a conttitional use permit for the following reasons: Neecl for Business Ffie purp.ie of tne flover shop is to provicte an outlet for quality beclding plants anct hanging baskets to resid.ents, businesses, ancl lanilscapers in Vail. Encouragement of home lmprovement increases the quality of the con- xrunity as a vho1e. Seasonality The senins se&son for bedcling plants is very short, approxinately 5-J veeks , or fron Menorial Day veek-encl untll July Lth veek-end.. This ltecessitates a ternporary structure, as any peruanent facility voul-d. be economically inpos- sible to Justify. An analogy can be clravn vith the Vail .Associates Day School , which operates fron a tenporary structure vhen there are skiers in tovn. Onee the se&son is overr the site is returned to its prevlous cond.i- tion. Site Location fire West VaiI Texaco Station ls the ideal site for the flover shop for several reasons. 1) llater is essential to the flover business. The West Vail Texaco station has a nater outl-et, ancl pernission has been grantetl for lts use. The flowers can be vatered early in the raornlng, and then the hose storeal in the building for the rema j-ncler of the tlay. PedestrLan sef ety ls thus assured, anal the need for the construction of any perrnanent watering f aci.li.ties is elininateil . .i&T:lIi ' 2) vehicular acces. "Jn""*ing elreaay exists, .ln""r:.""io1,hls been granteal for its use by Weit vaii Texaco' Agaia' safety precautlons for f,edestrians an6 notorists are alread'y in p1ace,-alct the neecl for any type 'of p""t"ount alterations, or construction is elininated" 3) The site at the west vail Texaco statioa caa be easily aacl quickly restored. to its existing conalition. Last year' tbe tine span from the last d.ay of busi4ess until the removal of tbe structure, gradiog of the site, ancl conplete restoratio! to its previous cond,ition vas 2 clays ' This cooplete restoration of tbe site is oae of the conditions for use of the lani, as agreecl to betveen the flover shop and 1fest Vail Texaco. Past HlstorY The flover sbop operatecl at this location last year' antl its location and nature of businesi is already knowo by its clientele. Furthernore ' I satisfactory agree'ent betreen the fltver shop aad West Vail Texaco is alread.y in p1ace. This agreenent lncludes tbe periocl of tine we can oper- ate our business, tbe amount of rent to be paicl , and the cond'ition tbe gite is to be left ia at the close of the s"t"oo. our loao agreenent with First Bank of vail for our initi.al inventory Purchase also 11sts tbis site as our plaee of business. Any significant lncrease itr rent or cost of site prep- eration and restorations vould totally ellninate our ability to o!erate successfuJ.J-Y. Just i fi c at io:l and ConDatability when ve ffent to neet vith Rick the seconcl tine, lre vere tolct that ve prob- ably could.n,t locate our shop at the west vail Texaco site because the Land' was zoned. for heavy service oa", a"iineai as rrsites for autonotive-oriented' uses anil comnercial service uses rbicb are not appropriate in other cou- roercial d'istricts.i Section 18'30'O1O also states tbat d'evelopnent standard's :ceybeprescribed'toprotectadjoiningusesfronaclverseinfluences.In 1i;ht oi th"". obJect-ives, ve feel that the flower shop, on a temporary basis, fits in vith the obJ ectives of the planniag conmission atr'I tovn council 1) Visual inpact. The flover shop provides vith a better visual inpact than the existing storage ) . 2) The site i.s compatible vith existing traffic patterEs a neealed. aacl des irab].e s ervice use of tbe land (vehicular not conflict vith the long ate to eacourage commercial shopping in this area, and' 3) The tenporary nature of the business d'oes ierro goals of the planning comnj'ssion, vhich use of the space, provide sltes for coronunity naiatain a couvenient shopping environnent ' Conclusion Ir the future r &trlf busi[ess on this site, aud operating on a PermaDent ' ye&r round. basis, rould. be required. to neet ait conaitions of code, if constructing eper]ranentbulld'ing.Eowever,untilWestVailTexacocleciclestosellthe laDd'tosuchaventure,orilevelopitonitso.l'D''vebelieveaf}oversbop isanored'esirableuseofthePropertythanl.tspresentuseforvehicularstorage. t_, Aslevld..oce of tbis, "]onru clte uot oaly l{est Or r"*""o". orilliog- ness to nove its vehicular storage for tbe duration of tbe flover sboprs operation r but also the number of l-etters of support for the shop from Vail property ovners, ancl in particular, Chamonix property ovners. We also realize that eventually thls site is likely to be tlevelopetl ia accordance ritb planning coramissionts vishes. Tbat is one leasoo why our agreement vith West Vail Texaco ls oa a year-by-year basis, aod is by no lreans of a permaoent nature. I{e strongly believe, hovever, that t<i uove our busiaess at this stege of 1ts clevelopmeat to a more costly or less visable location rould be finaacially clevastating. We ask that re be given a variance to operate our shop at the Hest Va1l Texaco station until such time as the lancl is reacly to be clevelopecl , atrd hopefully re are read.y to move to a nore pe!tratrent but stil1 fiaancially conpatible site. Me etinE We vould like to request thet reyou to d.iscuss our appJ-tcation. in respect to the zooing of tbis have a neeting with aoy one or all of We feel our arguments are welJ.-founcled' area. We voulcl J-ike to thank Rick Pylenan for tbe tiroe he spent anal the help he pr ovi cle cl to us. SincereJ.y, 8u* '{.fu*zt Jane L. Mack County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: That poriion of the Ccmmercial t:ac-- of Resubdivisionof vail Das Sc:rone, li].j.ng No. I, Eagle Coutty,cororaco, whicl begins at, the inte-sic:ion of theEast,erly R..O.'.i. line of Clranonix Rcad, and tbe Nor-.nerlyR.O.rrr. l::re of Interst,aie liwy. No. 70, wlricb point ofbegrnning lles N 46 deglees i4' Ze" 'rt a d,istai,ce of357.09 ft. oi t5e SE cor-er of the s-n L/t of SE l,/4 ofSec:lon il, t 5s, R gl w, thence alcng the EasterlirR.O.'ti. Iiae o:- said Chanontx Road x 3! deq;ees {3, 'rJ ai.:scance c:- l08.tS i-t,. tc a poinE, oi Curviture, :henceaiong a 75.29 !t. raC. curve to the:ight a distance of i? ;'3,i'; l"ui.3!i;5 :: ;::g;":I:,'li""i;.-.l1"iil=;;iuR.O.'/i. Lite S 35 <iec-aes 'iir 1?r : a d,lStaoCe Ofr6e.t 6 :r. r; ;-p;;;i-;; ii. ior=i=rry R.o.'r. rine ofI:r:e:siace elgirwiy No. 70, ihence along said nor--he=l1,R.o.r'd. Line S .16 deg=ees 04' ,{5n w a Cj.stancE of142.0 !'-. ..c ::re -poi::t of begi-ni::g. Site '-1",contai;l::lg .500 ac:es. Sa:d g:.-n:ses bei.g si::at3i on tri3 Ncrt:reas-. ccr::e: cjC:a.tlrcn::< Ri.. anC i:l:e-s-,-ate 7O . EXHIEIT A I revised 9l4l9L Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLTEATION TOR COITDITIONAI., T'SE PERMIT This procedure conditional use The application submitted. A. NAME OF ADDRESS is required for any projeet permit. will not be accepted until APPLICANT' S REPRESENTA I\rE HONE OWNER(S) (print or type)?rc*,qG-s rP. Dr'rr ^, .- s_rcr{arnRE (s) PHONEIT6-337 ,1{ { (1 /E frac t/aL/ ht !c/,vq- D.LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL:b#f ILING N/,) ADDRESS FEE s200.00 PArD&906"e cK # q//7 a, ?.2?-qt THE FEE @! BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF or{NER(S) ADDRESS t/, tlazvJss"siz.A COMMUNITY F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their marli-ng addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II, PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additiona.l- information isneeded. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must include all j.tems required by the zoni-ng administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submittal resuirements. rII. PLEASE NOTE THAT A CO}IPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILD]NG PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the followi-ng information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the rrininir-rrY re4rr4 e_t' . The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. flffi'0 $[i' ir r i.:tit required to obtain al-l information is 4.2'.t 7 t z. b.Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilitiesr schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencer traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scafe and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least tt' - 20' showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the buitding is condominiunized, a fetter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior modificationsr an inprovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a mininum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incornplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. AII PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is not conmenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to compleLion, or if the use for which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any 1oca1t State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eLc. The applicant sha1l be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 508 of the applicauion fee. If, at the applicant's requestr any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. 3. 4. IV. TIME A. A. P, ApplicationQ....d by the community op,oo*"nt oepait^ent t'o'have significant design, Iand use or other issues which may have a-significant impact on the community rnay require reiriew by coniultants other that town staff. Should a determinition be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any applicatJ'on, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimale the amount of rnoney necessary to pay him or her and this amount shaLl be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the apblication by the consultant' any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consultant which have not been- paid to the consultant sha1l be returned to the applicant. fxpenses incurred by the lown in excess of the air-ount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant wit.hin 30 days of notification by the Town. t/Os' Z7tlt+g otlice ol community development luwn 75 south lronlage road Y8il, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47S2139 June L5, L989 Mr. John D. Wood French, West, Wood, and Brown 900 South Ridge, Suite 204P.O. Box 588 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Dear Mr. Wood, Your letter of l{ay 3l-, 1989 requested information and Town of Vailaction regarding the bedding plant outlet located adjacent to the Wendy's franchise at 2399 North Frontage Road in VaiI. This bedding plant outlet, referred to as Flowers by Jackie and Jane, was fj.rst perrnitted within the jurisdiction of Eagle County in 1985.The use apparently met the Eagle County zoning reguirements and wasissued a building permit by Eagle County. By the sunmer of i.gBZ, thesubject property had been annexed into the Town of VaiI . Adetermination was nade by the Town that the bedding plant outlet wasa legal , nonconforning use in accordance with the zoning ordinancesof the Town and would therefore be allowed to continue. The Town ofVail Design Review Board reviewed the project on April 29, Lgg7. Theproposar consisted of 2o foot by 14 foot greenhouse constructed of 2by 4 lunber and clear visquine. The luurber was to be stained brown.This reguest was approved by the Design Review Board by a 4-0 vote.As the existing structure rneets the parameters of the Design ReviewBoard approval, there has been no requirernent for any further reviewby the Design Review Board. You are correct in your assumption that parking in the right of wayin this area of the cornmunity is a violation of Town Ordinances.In fact, the area is very clearly rnarked with rrno parkingrr signs atthe boundary of the road right of way and the private property. TheVail Police Department is artare of this situation ana wifl routinelyenforce any violations that are encountered. rf the manager of theWendy's franchise believes there is a violation of this parkingrequirement, he may call the Vail police Department and Lney witt respond. The Town of Vail does have a long range Landscape Improvement Programin place and the beautification of the t{est Vail freeway interchangeI is a part of that p1an. lllrere are no scheduled inprovenents to takeplace in the area this year, but I will discuss your request with thestaff for possible prioritization. Sincerely, R.Q.,.,r*.t Rick Pylnan Town Planner .RP:1r LAV OFFICES OF FRENCH, ITEST, WOOD & BROWN, P. C. lOO SOUTFI RIDOE - SUITE 2O4 P. O. B()X 5aa BRECKENRIDCE, COLORADO 80424 (3Ot' 153.29or ROBERT H. S. FRENCH STEPHEN C- !,|EST ,OHN B. \,'ooD D. WAYNE BROWN ,ANTCG, L RUMBERCER DAVID A. DR,{WEERT June 9, 1989 Mr. Ron Phillips Tohrn Manager Town of Vail- 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear I{r. Phillips: I had hoped to receive some response to the letter that was hand delivered to you on May 31 regarding the problems of the Wendyts Restaurant in West Vail. I am advised by my client that the conditions described in my prior letter continue to exist, and that vehicles patronizing the bedding plant store are destroying the grass that should be maintained within the non-travelled portions of the Frontage Road right-of-way. I would appreciate being taken to alleviate recervrng your ssurance the concerns men oned in lair Wood JBW: sfscc: Mr. GaryMr. Ned 2270.0! iI . Miller Gwathmey f,EmJuil 1e p89 TELECOPIER QO3l 153.Or92 that steps are my letter. ROBERT H, S. FRENCI{ STEPHEN C. WEST JOHN B. WOOD D. VAYNE BROq/N ,ANICE L. RUMBERCER DAVID A. DR.AWEERT LAV OFFICES OF FRENCH, WEST, WOOD 6( BROWN, P. C. TOO SO(JTH RTDCE. SUITE 2O4 P. O. BOX 'EaBRECKENRIDCE, COLORADO 80424 ool' {5r-29or May 31, 1989 TELECOPIER (30t) 453-O192 Mr. Ron Phillips To!,/n Manager Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Dear llr. Phillips: I represent Wend Vail Partnership, the owner of the Wendy's Franchise Restaurant located aE 2399 North Frontage Road in West Vai1. Because past complaints from Wend Vail's partners do not seem to have been availing. I have been requested to make a formal and forceful complaint regarding aPparent violations of VaiI's zoning codes and regulations in the vicinity of the restaurant. This complaint was prompted by the reappearance of a plywoodt 2x1 , and visgueen bedding plant outlet between the restaurant and the neighboring Texaco station. So far as the partners of Wend VaiI have been able to determine, the stand is in violation of application zoning, and has no legally issued permit fof its existence. Adclitionally, parking for the stand is utterly inade- quate, resulting in parking within the highway right-of-way and wittrin the parking lots and upon the landscaping of the lVendyrs restaurant. The result is highfy detrimental to the Wendyrs restaurant business, and has provoked prevj.ous complaints from Wend Vail. rn fact, representations had been made to one of the partners that the stand would no longer be permitted, and yet it has made its annual reappearance' apparently undeterred by what- ever action (if any) that was talien by the Town. The flower stand comes on top of the frequent zoning vio- lations by the neighboring Texaco station which the Town appears to be unable to stop. Because of inadeguate parking and storage areas, the Texaco station repeatedly positiols wrecked cars within the highway right-of-way and upon the lawn separating the Wendy's restauiant and the Texaco statiorr. This unsightly and illegal condition has been the subject of a number of angry confrontations between the Texaco manager and employees or managers of the Wendy's restaurant. The net impact of these violations is to create clutter and unsightly conditions around a restaurant which relies upon its attractive aspect to attract customers. Perhaps more imPortantly, the already inadequate signage for the restaurant is blocked or rendered ineffective by the distractions caused by junked autorno- biles, flapping visqueen, and illegally parked cars. The condi- tion of the area has become intolerable to the restaurant owners' and prompt and vigorous action by the Town is necessary to correct the problen. On behalf of the Wend Vail partners, I arn requesting the Town to take three immediate steps: First, I would appreciate an investigation and report regarding the applicable zoning andpermits for the flower stand and Texaco wrecked vehicles. If we are in error regarding the zoning that applies to the area, it isimportant that lre know of it. Second, if violations have oc- curred, I would request that Vai.l take immediate stePs to abate violations of its zoning and to restrain illegal parking within the highway right-of-way. Third, it is the understanding of the Wencl Vail partners that the Town has a budget for landscaping the area affected by the violations, which would include the placement of rocks to prevent any future violations. I would reguest that the Town expend these funds to improve the area, and will pledge the full cooperation of Wend Vail in the Townts landscaping efforts. Wend Vail feels that it has been required to obey the rulesestablished by the Town of VaiI, and believes that it has con- tributed to the Town in numerous lttays. The partners conseguently hope that the Tohrn will reciprocate by correcting apparentlyillegal conditions which adversely affect the restaurant's busi- ness. Sincerely, John Blair Wood JBW: sfscc: The Hon. Kent Rose, Mayor Mr. Peter Patten, Planning DirectorMr. G. Hudson Worth l,lr. Gary J. lIillerMr. Ned Gwathmev !3:lY:rUrn3!!'n'n" .PPLICATIOII FOR BUSINESS LICENS..rl, Series of 197Gs amended by Ordinance f25'#1, series of 197]s amended by LrcENsE ExprRES lz:El:8f-- - Computed I icense fee'75 s. frontage rorJhit aPPl ication' vail, colorado 81657 ofrice of town clerk TRADE NAME:- location of business must acconpany : t,t'!r{iil 'i;-':'1;"'.:' EACH NAME OF CORPORATION, COMPAI{Y, OR P I.IAILING ADORESS: .PHYSICAL LOCATI Wst street a ress, Dulldlng name, and ln il-'*i':'-, ^i r 1P/ lgP.i I a te ); STATE SALES BUSINESS: Retail Sal es (Spec ity) cKl'i a.jfu :,)n r.Restaurant/Bar Professiona TOTAL AREA OCCUPIED BY BUSINESS: ership Square Feet Corpo ration /Partner Name of Individual Cwner ate o Address Phone II,IDICATE: NEt.t BUSINESS EXISTING EUSINESS FORMERLY OPERArm BY' - LOCATIONS IN VAIL AND ANY BRANCH OFFICES LOCATED OUTSiDE THELIST ANY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS TOWI'I LIMITS; LICENSE FEE Emp I oyees I -,10 10.2s - 40 40.2s - 60 60.25 - 80 80.25 - 100 100.25'+ (Section 5.04.050): Bus $roo $2oo $zso $3oo $+oo 2150-TIME Xl= PART-TII4E X .5 = DEFINITI0N: Part-time. Seasonal TOTAL NUMBER EMPLOYEES ICENSE FEE SUBMITTED: emp'loyee = Less employee = Less THIS LOCATION: X .5 = X.25= than 20 hrs tharr 6 rps. EI,IERGEN CY NOTIF I CATION : PHONE #: UANAGER/F I RST NOTIF ICATION NOrr. STREETTDj_R-f,s5i- SECOND NOTIFICATIONNffit@lv. Lr Ati ovE t, naa PHONE #: APPLICATION O/ /'\ SIGNED:1ltt . ,' .E4FTL c I Ll,^zt./I U tt0rTf OFFICIAL USE ONLY: , STAFF APPROVALS POLICE oo Scan I an ) Duran or l'like Kri stan Muriain) Terrett) Rick Pylman) I ( Sus (oi c ilC'lree, Pri tz,(Tom an k B v an raun, (Gary (Bri BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL INFORMATION IEAR RECEIPT DATE PAID DATE ISSUED LICENSE NUMBER lq8.t $ M,'5-n.t'7 1- rl- 81 + 3qb o 3v 3+<-r-rfl-r-lrr^Xfg UB ufa'.ls z flfitO"l..l I Pr'.t/- td'ta\rb'" &4f / ARcr..Arb 1-a ?vwb trtrr"r)- u{/ru b\rk 6occ-r,-sS <_e.*Lf A s*'.rff {AS6\-n- 1^"471'4/ To: Town Council Members and Planning Commission Menbers From: Jane Mack ancl Jackie Neely SubJect: Request for permission for a conali.tionaJ- use permit to operate Fl-overs by Jackie anal Jane at the West Vait Texaco Station on N. Frontage Roacl for a period. of J veeks from May 18th to . July 'th, 1987 We are asking you ind.ivid.ually to please consider a permit for the same business at the same location that ve operated. fast year On January 27, l-987, we came prepareal for our appointment with Ri.ck Pyleman. At this time, ve presented. to Rick our information pertainlng to the plans for the site, pietures of last years greenhouse, and. d-ocumentation of our aclvertising. After an hal-f -hour tliscussion vith Rick, we left prepared. to acquire l-etters of recommendation, and present a typevritten letter of our presen- tation, al-ong vith checks for SI00.OO for our application. on February 10, 1987, we met with Rick prepared to include the above information. Rick explained to us that the West Vail Texaco areat as defined. by cocle, is for the use of heavy service us e. He also gave us a list of areas that net the town cod.e requirenent. Basecl on the above infornation, ve would like to apply for a conclitional use perrnit for the foJ-lowing reasons: Neecl for Business The purpose of the flower shop is to provide an outlet for quality becLcting pJ-ants and hanglng baskets to resid.ents, businesses, and Ianclscapers in Vail. Encouragement of home improvement increases the quality of the com- nunity as a vho1e. Seasona]-ity The selling season for beclding pJ.ants is very short, approximately 5-l veeks, . or from Menorial Day veek-encl until July l+th veek-end.. This necessitates a temporary structure, as any permanent facility vould- be economically inpos- sibJ.e to Justify. An analogy can be alrawn with the VaiJ- Associates Day School, which operates from a temporary structure vhen there are skiers in town. Once the ses,son is over, the site is returnecl to its previous cond.i- ti.on. Site Location The West Vail Texaco Station is the ideal site for the fl-over shop for several reasons. 1) Water is essential to the flover business, The West Vail Texaco stat j-on has a vater outlet, antl permi.ssion has been grantecl for its use. The flovers ean be vateretl early in the norning, and. then the hose stored in the builcling for the remainder of the aIEy, Ped.estrian safety is thus assured, anal the neecl for the construction of any permanent watering facilities is eliminated. 2) Vehicular access and. parki.ng already exists, antl permission has been granted. for its use by Weit Vait Texaco. Again, safety precautions for ped.estrians and. motorists are alread.y in plaee, 8.nd. the need f or any type-f pet*anent alterations, or construction is elininated' 3) The site at the West Vail Texaco station can be easily and' quickly restorecl to its existing conclition. Last year' the tine span from the last d.ay of busi4ess until the removal of the structure, Srad.ing of the site, and coroplete restoration to its previous condition vas 2 days ' This corapiete restoration of the site is one of the conditi-ons for use of the 1and, as agreetl to between the flower shop and. west vail Texaco. Past History tire ffover strop operated. at this location last year, and its location and nature of business is alread.y known by its clientele. Furthermore t a satisfactory agreement betveen the flover shop and. West Vail Texaco is already in pIace. This agreement inclucles the period' of time ve can oper- ate our business, the amount of rent to be paid., and. the cond.ition the site is to be left in at the close of the season. Our loan agreenent with First Bank of Vail for our initial inventory purchase also ].ists this site as our place of business. Any significant increase in rent or cost of site prep- aration and. restorations would. totally eliminate our ability to operate successfully. Justificatlon ancL Conpatabilitv When ve vent to neet vith Rick the seconcl tine ' we were told that ve prob- ably couldnrt locate our shop at the West Vail Texaco site because the land vas zoned for heavy service use, d.ef ined as ttsites for automotive-oriente'l uses and commercial Service uses vhi.ch are not appropriate in other com- mercial clistricts.rr Section I8.3O.O1O also states that development stana[arais nay be prescribeai to protect ad.ioining uses from ad.verse i.nfluences. In light oi th".e obJectives, ve feel that the flower shop' on a temporary basis, fits in vj-th the obJ ectives of the planning comm!ssion and. tovn council- 1) Visual impact. The flover shop provid.es a needed' ancl d.esirable service vith a better visual inpact than the existing use of the land' (vehicul-ar storage). 2) The site is conpatible with existing traffic patter!is' 3) The tenporary nature of the business does not confl-ict with the long term goals of the planning commission, vhich are to encourage conmercial use of the space , lrovid.e sites for community shopping in thi s area ' and naintain a convenient shopping environment. Conclusion In the futurer &nV business on this site, and operating on a permanent, year round. basis, vould. be required. to meet a1I cond.itions of cod'e, if constructing a pernanent buitd.ing. Hovever r until West VaiI Texaco decid'es to se11 the land. to such a venture, or d.evelop it on its ovn, ve beIJ"eve a flover shop is a more ciesirable use of the property than its present use for vehicular storage. As evid.ence of this, we vould cite not onJ-y West VaiJ- Texacots rriJ-ling- ness to move its vehicular storage for the d.uration of the flover shopts operati.on, but also the nunber of letters of support for the shop from Vail property ovners, ancl in particular, Chanonix property ovners. We also reali.ze that eventually this site is likeJ-y to be tieveloped. in accord.ance vith planning commissionts rcishes. That is one reason vhy our agreeuent vith West Vail Texaco is on a year-by-year basis, and. is by no means of a permanent nature. We strongly believe, hovever, that tcj moveour business at this stage of its d.evelopment to a rnore costly or lessvisable location vould be financially d.evastating. We ask that we begiven a variance to operate our shop at the West Vail Texaco statlon untilsuch time as the 1and. is reacly to be cleveloped-, and. hopefuJ.ly ve are reaclyto nove to a more permanent but stiLl finaneially eonpatible site. Meetina We woulcl like to request that weyou to cliscuss our applicatlon.in respect to the zoning of this have a meeting vith any one or all- of We feel our arguments are weJ.l-f ouncled. area. We vouLci J.ike to thank Rick Pyleman for the tine he spent antl the helphe provi cle d. to us. Sincerely, 8"r*- ,{-42*"zt Neely ,January 31 , To t'lhom It Jane Mack operate the during the Sincerely, 1987 May Concern, and Jackie Nee bus i ness of J F 1987 season on ly have ny permission to lowers by Jackie and Janel the l,lest Vai I Texaco property. Dick Dilling 0wner, }{est Va i I 2313 N. Frontage Box CVail, Colorado 476-3394 t"4 nA4 Tex a co Road 81657 JANUARY 29, 1987 TO I^IIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE PROPERfi OI'NERS IN WEST VAIL FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS. WE WOIILD LIKB TO SUPPORT JANE I4ACK AND JACKIE NEBLBY IN THEIR ENDEAVOR TO RE-ESTABLISH T}tE SI]MMER PLANT BUSINESS THEY BEGAN LAST YEAR. WB DEALT WITH THEM SEVEML TIMES THROUGH THE SI]MMER MONTHS AND FOUND THEM TO BE VERY PROFESSIONAL. TI{EIR SITE WAS ALWAYS VERY ATTRACTIVE AND NEAT. TITEIR PRICES COI,IPETITM I'IITII OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS. IT WAS VERY CONVENTENT TO HAVE A BUSINESS SUCH AS THEIRS CLOSE TO OUR AREA. SINCERELY, .\ / A // / //h {ifu'ftb" 6'WruP I(R. AND }RS. JOHN E. BISHOP 2468 GARMISCH DR. vArL, colo.,81657 Peter llaller Parela Beckstrcm P.O. Bor< 3502 Vail, Colorado 81558 Februarlz 6, L9B7 fiorn of Vail 75 South Frpntage badVail, Oolorado 81657 Ib vitsn It I,Iay Ooncern: Vlb are writing 3n regarrd to t.l".e flcnrcr shop, Flcnrers try Jackie and Jane, that opened for t]re first tirre in !'iest Vail Iast spring. !€ are l{est Vail residernts and feel ttlat the aadition was a big plus. lbt only did the attractive f1cryer baskets ard planters displayed jn the store front brighten-up a rorrnally dismal oorner, but they p:ovided a quality arrl selection of rterc]tardise ottern'rise not arrailable to us. 'r€ truIy tppe to see Flowers by Jaclcie ani Jane in trrsjness again ttris year. Best regards, Panela Bed<strom \a?t o couEtCIubI VAIL, COLORADO 81558 (303) 47G3267 Januar!'30' 1987 Iblen of v-ail 75 South Frontage bad VaiL, Oolorado 81657 Tb lltlom It l,lay Oorrcern: ,Jane I,,bcJ< requested that 1€ send a letter of reormendation regarding her business, Flcnoers t1' JacJcie and Jane. Dring ttrc sumer of l-986, r,te purctrased hanging florper baskets f:om Flo,rrens $z Jackie and Jane to decorate ttre ctubhouse ard girounds at the vail Racquet Ctub. our experience with Jane's firm was hishly satisfactory. Ihqg did v*rat ttrey said they rould do' prcnptly and efficiently. r onsider ttreir operation an asset to tlre Vail onnnrtiQr. Ebst regards tDA/;/ Walter Kirctl tashiro February 2, L987 To Whom It May Concern: I am a graphic designer at Tashiro Marketing and Advertising, Inc., in Vail. I am also a property owner in the VaiI Valley. I had the opportunity to work with Jackie Neely and Jane Mack last summer (1986) when they were in the process of opening their garden center in West Vail. I painted their business sign and produced a Vail Trail ad per their specifications and, in return, received many bedding flowers and a hangS-ng basket. Jackie and Jane were very professional and knowl- edgeable about their business. What stands out most, however, is their wonderful friendliness. Jackie Neely and ,Jane Mack are definately the kind of busj-ness r^romen the community of Vail wants. I hope to see "Jackie and Janers Flower Shop" this sunmer and many summers to come for beautiful flowers and friendly conversatj-on. I'11 be happy to answer any guestions you might have. My office number is 476-1762. =-(f-J(ani:), =t=4,,\) Kqc=? r------.'l tr =--,/f(a\:YJg, CL t9 -1 IIoIT5 GI t:_-:]o =t -,),6)\/a -' ut- LU Lisa Willins Production Supervisor !w/ ew and Designer 2077 n.lronlage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-1762 . They are an inspiration for our area home and business onnnersto^enhance the appearance of our neighborhooJ wit[-rioweri;;;;I found them to be preasant, helpiut, ino inowieigeaore in'my--dealings with them iast summer.' To whom it may concern, As a l,'lest Vail business olJner, Janehave ny support for their greenliouse I February l, 1987 ,Judy Evans Sp ree2l6l North Frontage Roadliest Vai I 47 6-9t94 Mack and Jackie NeelyFlowers by Jackie & iane! o o 2-6-eJ7 fn ,,.8".^c 4o *he business "{lswecs Uy }.f.e- f lcne" I he-ve- no*hin1 but Sood +ht13s *c *X fn^ Ve-.ry $.t ti\tot *1;$"q5e- *\ows brrsines. S/ otx ot 4h" *"t{ yecrs J-v' \'Ed here \^'ere =ff worktnl ;R-""?W-,t "rd}tor*.rt.rf V.i\. &ckre. c^rd }n *'J bqt^ very l'-nou\"d1el>le' :? +" whtch {ilitr*Gnd S\or.,{ 3":, C"s\ at *lnts e\titude. -T*y were reslonsrl,)]i-F"' -''*Y "$ +he-,^135 po5**s o.d b**rqr\ qarden5 'oround town \ds1- sumr^er -I\neyhe. U,e\$i\ or'd ccrry p\cvts . qf ?".."s +hc* ri'va\)enVe{ Jhetr 3reenhouse \at;t= Slrnrner wo.b c" p(eosar* "'lht ,^ir^;d Vest rhi \s irfurstc*e e-xit rorrp5 c..nd q-6s So+ionS. -ff"\e- (resn\o\rse- wc-s toeor*ifirtto'lt D+ ond conVent"ttl(*" e\enty C 1c"r",rrq. J*' wou\d be c. we-\e-ovne- odd,fion *hds c.omryJ bumrner -/ fi /aW<hn"^.__ '_fu, >Zos Vai\, Cc> a Iarctlll,.Iestwutde 898Red Sandstorc 9ircle ?ail,9olorcdo 8t6s7 1*-s z a18a a. LDV.s-n r-t Q-brre-o-r,w-.d, S Lu'o uJ.d* .t.Q-^-re.q_ {*D r!\ Ltr' t,1r\ /)A^1YofD,'*- "F W*sl%+ *F k e-h-i-!-- -G-*h-k o-rrcl* )p1".-.c., Y^o.cJe- ho.*x- +*r c'r -ar+ " *f, e--iq- ., * J-,ufS o--roL u-rfvrs-vror6 .*vfu &'Lq^.l. $"r...-f1- brrrcn^o,oo -J-D ,,-r^rY-.o.-X"-- !J- G- {*^en-o+47 $\- rA o-- =/p-a*-aAu\c-- ..-LD \-'bt-- c\54s- -i-o *^-?C ..-J.).il .-5Qa^*n &"rrcl-* tf'ffra---^ &n^cj-- .-_Jo,v'rs.',rj _t-Aqf gh :f_Tp,:fC^x J!=bes-L *Ko^ S %.^*.- q. -r>*s-u et c-or-++d.-€-4^c--e.- j^n \3La^i CJo^Ar*^*.- t/) pR-.."LJ G* r---z\(,e-aJ*a.L-,f^-Dcl-uc-V^ *rd Cla1-u>4_{_ _r} 6d$,.*..%^ 'ta_D {JLL CgWv.-,"vr r-r-u'r"r r\' - f.i't .-^-B - 9Fr^-. -ft>l) Lfu-\{.^'Y\4-s-'' ()- u \J k"^"J. \ {"-E"tiL'-\'-) 4+u-sr"{1 I On behalf of the hard worklng enthuslastlc flower entrepreneurs of trtr'louets by Jackie and Jane'r re would like to glve our whole hearted support for the reopenlng of thelr business ln the West Va1l area. Being a hone ouner in West ValL for over 10 yeare ve feel .this tusiness was a deflnite plus for out area last suinhar rand woul-d llke to see more endeavors of thls Attention: Design Review Board February 7, 1987 ", your posltlve encouragenent the upcoming sumner 2605 Davos Tral1Yall, Colorado 81657 !lI nature encouraged in our area. *1 i'I t/e hobe. yoU. w111 give then on reopenlng thelr business for geason. .i, /{. a-1.!r a!r ,. i.l to & Joan Stork KARIN SCHEIDEGGER 2702 W. Cortina Lane Vailr Colorado 81657 476-5737 February 9, 1987 TOWN OF VAIL vArL, coLoRADO 81657 To Whom famaI have It May Concern: property ovner in Vail Ridge and Vail Das Schone. lived in West Vail since 1969. I reatly appreciated having .fane and Jackie's Nursery in the West Vail liea Last year. I grust thab they will be given permission to operate t,heir nursery again this summer as I feel they were an asset to the neighborhood. Thanking you for this consideration, I an Sincerely yours, ks degger v -*,Yn-f,/O//f ? U"r%,*t6 S qt""#*,& ltt "^ A(-(. (, g/or7 I.l oi o' N JU' >> zoouJ FHifl h=?ul 801 v.ist3rFilEorIO:rva }dj2(7-, 8pf Hni s'gff; SgXFSlLtl u$i ao =IE. 'Go cc i.x:A) I 9s- 3', ooE+roCr-oOrio;o OGz> 96;^Oii3 f ----.. I Iis,p /'.Yi=rht,/uJ I I \\\l.\i___ J = F, LLI E, t o -lv qyod X/ Not^r VH) )--=---_/ -oi ItI I .i .:l I i I o ut.r- l', I I .9rq r/l 0o U I w ^llt4L ,i$ t\ oo/3 U -f'"--$ \e $ a<fri j.g i$s %3-.-\/€ ;#l'-ry ,b e,t /11 APPLICATI0N oltt: ry f,t /r'/ ' DATE OF DRB I,IEETING, q/;g,/T,Z DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deiermihb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aiditional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approva'l that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bu'i lding permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fl r]ng te1ephone a a :Li-l Zon i ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: ., ,.-m z 114'Addres s D. NAME OF Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : tel ephone F. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION E. NAME OF oWNERS: .4,ttnc es (C ,) S i gnature Address be paid at the time a buildjng permit 'i s requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $i0,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ L50,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and bui'l ding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marfba. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thejr approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 telephone 4. The following items no longer have to be presented_to.the Des'ign-Review Board. ittiy, nowevei, have to be fresented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, sky'l ights and simi'l ar exterior changes that do not a'l ter the exist'ing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not vjewed IfoT lny other lot or public space' wh.ich hive had 'letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium assoc'i ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I.NEl'J CONSTRUCTION \ Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. -*1ftfttntour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or T6ore, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plajn and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing s'i ze and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to inciude existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: 6. 7. cable TV Tel ephone sewer water gas el ectri c B. c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . 9. Al I exi sti ng and proposed improvements 'i ncl udi ng structures , j andscaped areas , servjce areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (w'i th spot elevatjons), and other site improvements. 10. E'l evations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availabjlity. To be submitted with site plan. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership and all ea Eation and the variet'ies and approximate sizes 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above informatjon as possible should occur on the site plan' so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The appljcant must stake the sjte to show lot lines and build'i ng corners. Trees that wijl be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. des i gn of piant rees ' :Other of proposed materi al s shiubs andrliatiVe plants thalandscape areab with to be planted. \' Landscape Plan (1." = 20' 1. Show the location of l arger) -..E. Architectural Plans (L/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the matirials list available from the Department of Conrnunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans' drawings,-specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessiry to determ'ine whether a project will comply with des'i gn guidefines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposa'l may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirement! S!vq! above, as'long as they piovide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materia'l s to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with a'l 1 specifications shown 8. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed constructjon - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list ava'i lable at Department of Community Development At the request of the Des'ign Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and when the proiect is underway., the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Departnent: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, j.e. djstances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility serv'ice ljnes as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used' and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Bui'l ding floor e'l evations and roof ridge elevations. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: liCnr-orscnI PTI oN: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information'is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a finai approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther hlall Materials 2x 9 lor^^Lo-/- Fasci a Soffi ts l.Ji ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pn0ne: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Indicate height for conifers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.