HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 TRACT C LOT 1 FIRST BANK 1 OF 6 PART 1 LEGALVoD""t"[.-^,Tq\ ^ tdtt -Ti".t L {;!*,t t@ 46 l^,u\ t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 804-0345 Job Address: 2271N FRONTAGB RD WEST VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.......: FIRST BANK WEST VAIL BRANCH Applied . . : ll/Wlzffi4 Parcel No....: 210311415020 Issued. . . : 0l/18/2005 Project No . : Pri o4 -rcfgo Expires . . .: 07ll7l2m5.J owNER FIRST BANK OF VAIrJ LL/O9/2O04 Phone: C/O FIRSTBANK HOIJDING CO PO BOX 150097 T-,AKEWOODco 802ls License: covrR;AcroR ADAMS MENDET, Ar,LrsoN coNsrRull/o9/2oo4 phone: 1165 S. Pennsylvania Suite 102 Denver, Colorado 10210 License: 798-B APPITICANT ADAMS MENDEI-, AIITISON CONSTRULI/09/2OO4 Phone: (303) ?78-1165 1:.65 S. Pennsylvanj-a Suite 102 Denver, CoLorado 80210 License: Desciption: DEMO AND REBI.NLD NEW INTERIOR PARTITION AND DOOR Occupancy: B2 92 Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplace InforrDation: Restricted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ir^^U*:.L.,*l- \S Building--- > Plan Check-- > Investigadon- > Will Call--- > 197 .25 Reshurant Plan Review-> $63 -21 DRB Fee------------- > S0.00 Recreation Fee--------- > Sl . 00 Clean-up Deposit------ > ToTAL FEES---------* > Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrgs: O tof Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY 90.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $153.46 So. oo Additional Fees------> S100.00 $0 . o0 Total Permit Fee----- > 5263 .46 $0.00 Payments------------ > $263.45 s1G3 . 4G BALANCE DUE--------- >s0.00 Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L2/02/2OO4 JRNI Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMEIII| LLl09/2004 JS Action: AP Action: AP PER CONSUI-,TATION WITH WARREN CAMPBEIJII Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Ttem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS *+*,************** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlnt I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, corryleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to conply with all Town ordinanses and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWBNTY.FOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OT,R OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. PAGE 2 :**{.**!*****:t*{.*:F:*{.***'t!*{.*{.*:tc****,t***************'&*'t ***!****:t*******r.*******,t ***:t**********d.:*:****,***'*,**t *'** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0345 as of 0l-18-2005 Status: ISSUED *,t***r.**.*****'k*****r.***{.*****:t***:t:t**:&**:f :t:&*:F:t:t**+:t***********:****t **************:&:t*+********:F***{.****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: lll09l20f,4 Applicant: ADAMS MENDEL ALLISoN CONSTRUCTIoN Issued: 01i18/2005 (303) 778-1165 To Expire: 0711712005 Job Address: 2271N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: FIRST BANK WEST VAIL BRANCH Parcel No: 2l03ll4l5020 Description: DEMO AND REBUILD NEW INTERIOR PARTITION AND DOOR Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. EV. tl rroN wrLL Nor BE AccEPTED rF rNcoMPLErF,i"li}tjftlgSy!4 Buildinq Perrhit#: TVWIIOF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 GONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: /lM/15 l4an>e]- E/lso,{ lmsT Town of Vail Reg. No.:1(r :Tl Contact and Phone #'s:(za;) /// - z,gqc.t/ ry1Mttt,t?|a/fi s>, (so3)7 >sl -//t" g- Emaif addresst &,q*np llill1,"xa1T o ntd Contractor Siqnature:"'""-')2'/*Q'z#1 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ {.dLl ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Job Name;,7 Job Address t227/ A/ad.- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel () Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior Exterior( ) Both( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (yQ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes oR oFFlcE usE oNLY"*s*******sr***#***********:k Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off : \Wailbata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07n6t2002 ++++{.*********:t:}+*!i:t*+ +********* * *********************** ***'}***** * * ** * * ****+*+++ * ** ** * * * **** TOWNOFVA]L, COLORADO Statement ** * ****++***+* * ****** * * ****+* + * +++* +******'*i.***+******* * * *'i{t*l.r}+{.+++++*** * * * * * * * * *+* + +*{.+*:f :f Statement Nurnber: R050000029 Amount: #263,46 Ot/L4/2OO5O4:32 PM Palment Method: Check MENDEI., A]-,LI SON CONST Init: JS NotaEion: #22 o o2 /ADA$'S 5263.46 * + * * * * +*+** * ** * **{.**{.,1. * * *1. * l. * * * * * * * * *********,}* * lr*{.{.*{ + * + + + + * * * * * * * * * * * *tt*{.*:}**'}** * ****:}:} * * * Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Address : Locati"on: This Pa)ment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 cL 001-00003123000 PF 001000031r.2300 wc 00100003112800 804-0345 210311415020 227I N FRONTAGE FIRST BANK WEST Description TYPE ] ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERI\4T RD VIEST VAII, VAII, BR,N.ICH Total- Fees t 5253 -45 ToE.al AIrIr Pmts : 5263 .46 BaLance: 50.00 Current Pmts BUII,DING PERMIT FEES CONTRACTOR I,ICENSES PI,,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,I., INSPECTION FEE 9'7 .25 r,00.00 63.24 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 805-0009 Job Address: 2271N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL l,ocation.....: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Parcel No...: 210311415020 ProjectNo, ? Rl1O,( _Oq &O Satus...: ISSUED Applied. . : 01120/20f5 Issued..: 01124/2W5 Expires. .: O7l23l2N5 OSINER FIRST BANK OF VA]L C/O FIRSTBANK HOIJDING CO PO BOX 150097 ITAKEWOOD co 80215 I-,1cense: CoNIRACTOR DESIGN ETTECTRICAIJ CONTRACTOROL/2O/20O' Phone: (970) 468-s330 7193 S. Dillon Court Englewood, Colorado AOLL2 License:352-E APPLICANT DESTGN ET-,ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR}L/20/2005 Phone: (970) 468-5330 7193 S. Dillon Court Englewood, Colorado 8 0112 L,icense: 352-E Desciption: FIRST BANK(WEST)-ADD 3 4-PLEX RECEPTACLES IN EXISTING WALL Valuation: $1.500.00 0L/20/2005 Phone: Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Invesdgation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES_ > s50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3-00 Fs3.00 $53.00 $0. 00 ss3.00 ss3 - 00 s0.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fee---- > Paynrents---------- > BALANCE DUE-_..-_ > Approvals: Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENI 0t/20/200s Js Action: AP "t-::*i---o-u-.u--o-9--lJ-1"*-3"--l*ll*"*,X*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 J."*?f;]*;*-lt*ll?,.-lTili*S.t*-.9I:..**..Tff;J.1F-3.*t-.?-f-t13:I.J.?l-:9.?.1.f.?yi*I'H."I;.**r+:*r*,,****,.*+*:,:,:!*,+:!,*:r**,<i. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT PM. OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 * *** 'li ****** * ** *+*,lt**** * *** *'$ +** ***++**i.t!{.'1.1.*** * ********+**** * ** *** *** *** * * * * * +*****++{.t:}1.* +'N. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+**** * * **** **** ** **,**** ****** * * * ** ****** * * ****** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * + + + * + + + * *** ** ****** Amonnt: $53 .00 ot/ 24 / 20051-0 :27 Attl IniU: DDG Notation: Desicrn Statement Number: R050000045 Palment Method: Check EIect,ric 023254 Permi t No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locati.on: This Payment : EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112 800 805-0009 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210311415020 227T N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL FIRST BAIiIK OF VAII., Tota1 Fees: $53 .00 Total ALL, Pmts : Balance: TE|I|IPORERY POWER PERMITS WIIJIJ CAL,IJ fNSPEefION FEE $s3 .00 $s3 .00 s0.00,t*+*** ++************+t*11++t,l*********a**t**+t*****************,i'i'*:i:i:i:l**************+ *+***** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrj.ption Current Pmts s0.00 3 .00 't APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Building Permit #: Electrical CONTRACTOR INFORMATION oq-ov 0 ? T0Vll0FUt 75 S. Frontage Vail, Electrical Contractor: ,Dste,r lile-hv.l hl-a-Town of Vail Reo. No.:35a: e Contact and Phone #'s: D.n9J, n,'.t A^ A ?zo . grt- gst a E-Mail Addressi Jsth.Lu onna... b cl'.rls. ^ -eL t*lc' e an contractftj r'::l,l^.,b,,,- COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $a Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel# Job Name: / {B^rc."A!57hr. r-,'L,t, PJ -u-vq*&:,/ Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: |}IFIJlglsi( at)to. Qo #{El'is-)l ^ htur,e.>Phone:. Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: /hlCZl 4olet ractaftlo. ),t orrr.,ltu. aro// WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(^|) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (l) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial () Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (no( { Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves ( ) No ( ) ************tr**tr*******t ***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***'t*'t**''t****r.******r t*************** f1 Other Feesl Date Received: .l F\ l" DRB Fees:AcceDted BY: Planner Siqn-off: .DOC i'5 il \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORM S\PERMITS\ELECPERM Y{fff-*ou.nev. , tr o TVWNOF Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and sDaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #B will be Dermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-famiiy building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. D e o D ar/e./o.- Date Signed If .you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. understand the above. t .s,*lgffiffi Ffl,Jrr'rr/tl,205lllAlng; 22|ll ll FROIIAOE RDESIVtil- FNST BAIT( IEST VAT. IRATEH Tho:4.flOcqfdbf gaTl!.: ACOI(fr: V l{fi $tr: FSLEDh9t5' o, FrqnldTtnc C:ooAf- PlFil: @8Dzall36 Elraillt; .mlfi OOil K R.ou..|||nn: e{0ll' PlD|r: (GDn&lltC Enrrd* .ITIDR OOil r A@.h&Edr! s Bt-oo+hl4il5 EICL Au.mr OO|EmtEtrcNilcs.al}Szllcilvft Tln Erp: !|n: 540 BlJlGftrJGORrcff AilISEtG.ll.tJgSlCOEIIlErilCorhrt$ trG|lgEl}l Arfr*CorlTyri:fii*AnbrtCriffiD*ilbaCoairntComnt Flnr: (*l)70lt6C 0mffiou.ttm-FCtLfN A*rdliD: cmUB- A.lcu El|rf,lo.t&Ia Tl|IEIP: DP .r,ly T('' L.o "Y,4w |filt: APAPFRCTTED &S|li AI'AI'PROUED Aftn: APIPPROIED T|r hr httr: hr:bm:TGbo:tn:r'Gln:bor:hm: ;dil'P|ltid- *fiffffotrC" ol tol ol $ltug tgiltlaE 6tOAIz2l NEDT131 Rnn Id: 2Al5 i€66t u li "1c0 0,01U t G EI,L Bruce M. carrson, ArA ifrltt;l;"r" Buttdtns $lir"*ro""" ,,r"" Patrick G, 8lees, AIA 219 North Second Slreel, Suite 301 100 Easl 15lh Slreel, Sulto 105 Timothy E. Palmqulsl, AIA llinnespolls, Minnesotr 55401-1454 Forl Worlh, Terac 76102-6500 Stephen A. Nordgaard, AIA Oftlce (612) 338-6677 Otllce (817) 877'0044 F8r (612) 338-2995 Far (817) 877'0418 0CT0BER 6, 1993 Andrew Knudtsen TOI.IN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 RE: VAIL INN/SHOPPETTE PRoJECT #93113 Dear Andy: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of 5 October 1993 regarding code updates. It is our understand'i ng that the Vail Inn/Shoppette at Chamonix Cornerproject wi l I not requi re any addi ti onal code update at thi s time per the latest Federal/State handicap and/or UBC building requirements since we are only upgrading the exterior elements of the above project. 0nce again at CMA P.A. we appreciate your cooperation regarding this matte r. Yoursr^,,ver4 truly, \, IV' Isit'- l trla4 Jim Picard cc:Jim Churnutte, Town Planner Vail, C0 Dan Stanek, Commercial Building inspector Vail,C0 David Young, Sinclair Management Raymond 0'Connor, CMA P.A. Bruce Carlson, CMA P.A. ,??14il tthd"i'" ffiin o^&tu\t- n00 d'+D -tL4rLL f.nV;;t, JuIy 9, L992 Town of Vail 17 VaiI RoadVail, Co. 81658 To tlhom it May Concern, Please aIIow me to introducecurrently working on completingwith Vail Holdings Group, information pertinent to the Days Chamonix Shopette. Please assistmy complete approval to access necessary. I}.Uq> \ltt(, '6Q Joan Shaffer to you. Joan is several f inanc ia I transactions Inc. and requires additional Inn at Vail Hotel and adjoining her however possible as she has any informat ion she deems Thank you in advance for your cooperation and please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have any questions. Thank you, Jacobs Group, Inc. 2211 North Frontage Road . Vail, Colorado 81 657 VAlt: 303-476-3890 . TOLL FREE: 1 -800-54i1-2814 . FAX: 303-476-6089 eter M Pres id A SUBSIOIARY OF VAIL HOLDINGS GROUP, INC. the finishing touch of voil, inc, ATTN: RE: June 17, 1992 ValI HoldlnEs Group, Inc. 22LL N. frontaEe Rd. W.Vatl, Colorado 81557 post office box 85, voil, colorodo 81658 FN<30347679/4 SERVING HOMEOWNERS SINCE 197I Petcr Jacobs Chanonlx Space In order to obtain Town of Vall approval for the handlcap ranp and entrance to the space vre have leased fron you in the Chanonlx Bullding, wc nust have your approval. Our intentlon 1g to bulld a handlcap ranp on the north side of the bulldlng leadinE to the north faclng door on the weEt end of the bulldlng, ae lllustrated by Duane Piper'e sketctr of gene dated Junc 1992. Further, wc lntcnd to bulld an Qalu facing entrance near the centerof the east end of the bulldtng. The entrance would be ecrved by Et€pB and a dcck fron the noruh, aleo ag llluEtrated by Mr. Plper's sketch. Please indicatc your approval of thcre plane by clgnlng below. Regpectful I JaneB. R. Wtlson Pree ident, rf Ib/tt lf?- Dat6 / Furniture Showroom ond Interior Deslgn 303-476-3538 Vllloge Shops 303-47&1656 / 476560 Approv Jaco dent,Holdinge Group, Inc. p af Op _Cv C \ Oo-o ooN0 Ioao Iooo x o tNoN Io{oIooo oNI o oo o o oo c o o oIoo x oo d 2o .y oo 0 o ooo d o\t 6t1lg2 Department of Community Development Town of Vail Re: RetailSpace lmprovement for Finishing Touch 2271N. Frontage Rd. W. Staff: The Finishing Touch of Vait is currently doing an interior spacs improvement on the second level of the '7-Eleven Building" in West Vail. Normally, this requires only a building permit for demolition and improvement but because of the new handicap access laws the improvement must extend to the exterior. My client will be required to install an access ramp that serves as the main entrance. The Finishing Touch of Vail agrees to this requirement. The one concern is the schedule of opening the new stor€ space and the more extsnded time schedule of rwiewing this ramp with Design Review. I have discussed, with Gary Murrain, the posshility of the Town granting a TCO for opening the business and following soon thereafter with the ramp. (Other points of ingress do exist.) Gary and myself would like to get a'reading" from planning staff as to any pitfalls or "toe stubbers" with this idea. In other words, if Gary has some comfort that th€ ramp design concept is palatable to staff and DRB then he is more likely to go along with the TCO approacfi. accompanying sketch. -./4? i: ?;1 ,.i,.:;,.; _s t-,n..tt,..,r.t,," . /t..,.- .,.i ,1, .", ...,. Encl: Sketch cc: Jim Wllson lgl la-','-'l'--- Lr+Z 96'l d"a 5uf,-'e- 5 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARI'IVIENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERI"IT Permit, #: 897-0430 'Job Address: 227L N FRONTAGE RD WEST Locatj-on. . .: 227L n frontage rd wesE, Parcel No.. : 2l_03-114-15-020Project No. : PR.f97-0250 SEatus. . Applied. Issued.. E>q)j.res, ISSI]ED 1,2 /LL / L997 03 /LO /Lee909/06/Lee8 - UPGRADED 7/L7/971, PER - UPGRADED 7/L7/97'), PER TOV/Comm. Dev. L L *Of caE Applianc.6: auilding-- --- > 3,25a.00 ResEualant Plan Revier,- -> DRB F€e-------- Recreaeion Fee--------- -> cleao-Up D€posi!-- -- -- - -> Plan Chcck- - - > Inve6t igat.ion > will CalI- --- > 2, L24 .2O .00 3.00 . o0 400. o0 . o0 750. O0 APPLICANT (SEE COIflIRACTOR REGISTRATION, #199-A CONTRACTOR MENDEL ALLISON (SEE CON|RACTOR REGISTRATION, #199-AOhINER FIRST BANK OF VAIL ]-7 VAIL RD, VATL CO 81557 DescripEion: add ]-k sf ,interior/exterj-or remodel Occupancy: E}2 92 Tlpe Construction: V 1-HR Type V l--Hour Tlpe Occupancy: valuation: 731,910 Unffil" ALLrsoN Cr"'*{/-' $lrt?LLQ A-to'". V|JL@ Fj.rcplace Information: ResLricted; FEE SUMMARY .........T:lt.::::;;;;;;;.;;;;;;i".......iriii;?1.......liHil.?Yl;;;:;.;;;;;;;1............;::... ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPL: BUII,DING DiViSiON:L2/1,L/1,997 JRM Action: NoTE plans to cha-rlieL2'/aL'/a997 JRM Action: NoTE bpproved drb8,/5/97(dom)OL/20/1,998 .]RM ACTiON: NOTE REVISED PLANS TO GARY02/27./1998 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR GARY GOODELL APPROVALrtbm:"05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Pept: PT,ANNTNG Division:L2/L5/a997 DoMrNrc Action: APPR see conditio-nsOL/20/1,998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE REVISED PI,ANS TO DOMINIC 0L/20'/1,998 DOMINIC Action: APPR see conditionsiEema'.o56oo FrRE DEPARTI"IENTL2/3L/1,997 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR N/ArEbmt'.05500 PUBr,rc woRKS Dept: PIIB woRK Division:L2/3I/t997 CIIARLIE Action: APPR N/A t*ttrfrttti*i*r See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiEions tshats may apply to tshis permiE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdge thats I hawe lead thi6 applicabion, filled out in fuII tsh6 informatsion required, conpletad an accurato PfoL p1an, and Btatse tshats a1I tshe information provided ae required is corlect. I agree to comply rri.th Ehe infornation and PLoE PLan. to comply r{itsh alL Torh ordinanceg and state Laes, and to bui.Id chis 6!!ucCu!e according to the Tort!'6 zoning and subdiviBion codeB, dcsign review approved, Uniform Building code and otsher oldi.nances of lhe Torn applicable tsher€to. Clean-r-rp Deposit Refund apFrrilved anf {)Unt cJare Add Sq FE: $of cas Log6: Total calculated F6€s- _ _ > Addirional FeeB----- -- --> ToLal. Pertltit Fcc- -- - -- -- > PaymenEe-------- #of wood,/PaIIcts: 6 , S45 .2O .00 6 t54S.2O 6 , 545 .2O R6,ltrf.sTg FoR CONDITIONS as of 03/1"0/98 Applied: L2/LL/L997 rssued: 03/Lo/L998 To Expirez O9/06/L998 INSPECTIOIi'9 SHAI,I, BE MADE HOURS IN AD1/ANC8 BY s.nd cl.rn-Up Dapo.il To: ******************************************************************************** o TWEEfIY - FOTJR PermiE #: 897-0430 Sratus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: MENDEL ALLISON 4. 6 5. 7. ilob Address:Location: 227L n frontage rd wesE Parcel No: 2103-114-1-5-020 DescripEion: add ]-k sf , int.erior/ext.erior remodel Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTIIENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. A1I aspens shall be 2u caliPer Add 2 ldditional Spruces to North side of building (5'-8') Provide deEails on newpaper contsainers' Shall be a uniform systsem. No signage aproved as part of Lhis application. No TCO until conditions have been met or bonded. Provide 2 additional 8' Evergreens on north side of Building for a total of 5. Applj-cant shall obtain staff approval of uniform newspaper b ox vending. MusL be in place prior Eo TCO Cardboard recycling cont.iners and trash shall be removed fro m property or consolidaLed into an enclosure on-site. NATVT FONTION OF 1ST STORY IS TENA}fI FINISH PERMIT. C.O. RE QUIRED BEFORE USE OR OCCUPANCY. 2ND STORY IS CORE ONLY PER MIT. AN ADDITIONAL TENAI T FINISH PERMIT & C.O. WILL BE REQU IRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANSY OR USE OF 2ND STORY. L, r.ra rrarrrrrtar a TOm[ oF VtIL, ot,oRlDo st E.unE gcrBdnnB Nurbcr: RBC-037t l[lounl t 6'a99.2O O3ll0l9g U.l2 Pat/rn.nB ta.thod: CK NoE.glon! 117210 Inlg: MAvl P.tulE No: 89?-0{30 typ.r A-collM Parccl No: 2103-114-15-02O SLEG Mdross: 22?1 N FROII"IAGB RD I{EST LocaEion: 2271 n froncrga rd v€ac ADD/AIT COI,Ii.I BUIIJD P Tolal Fa€a: Thi. PayucnE 6,495.20 focal AI'1, Pntss: 5. S{5.20 6,5{5.20 Brhnca: .00 tt rlt I t t ta tatr r* I t ttltr tttttt* tAtlltt t i tt!atilj tt tt r * 'l rt t*trt t a t t i tt * AccounB codc DcacripELolr Arounc 3,26C.00 350. 00 2, r2l.20 750. 00 3.00 BP 00100003111100 BUII,DINC PBRIIII FBES DR 00100003112200 DESIOI BErrrEW PEES 9F 00100003112300 PIJrll cllBcK FBBS AD 00100002403100 cr,BAlft P DBPogrlg WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI. CAIIIJ INSPECTION P8E "$-J$;t$lq.lql1!r*,|}-lt$i$.qF.$3,,.,o."""n,.") Yrftil';"t5.Y3'ffi! Tt..tt fi ryg _ir vrr& cry:nru".prolr,ll ---T- raanr:neg.SAiq"i-ffff' |}EC- 5-9? FRr 1l:A0 tJrfu - 4-% - 7[17; adCress: ii;r.-l ::.:.:[::^i].* FEi,_D "* -*ffit * o *" Js|J, P. ? "oP,i.o2 "r" ,F"- y I _- -.+r r.ruuR!.lTIOlf a**a.'*aaarl. - f'_fuffaf J , t-,,r- . __q---v,F _____rr.!rrrt**t*t*+fi*r***i*r #;:"iqr::::yJne- r- r-slesteicer t !-r'acr,aor-cer I r-ocber'Or^rr--t^aeI ul*,, tobJob lddress: _?L1t nl. frOltlag toaT---l:l T*Tf':'r'riiEiu- ii;* =orn*s **'"' iJ|J.ft"t *. ,r1!t- ffir",Y[l- Ra*b ?EnEt, 7gn7 )erEu AS SrrlrrE TtttEcroL /e:ArosL ffilffi,r::': :fr.T:;till"xr.** I'Flon! Co.Jsro^cr ADbrru)rg le. sr ,l-rar fif-ertc+tloa I l_eddtua ff: .* ttd" oc ,rneplace.s; cas ryp11, ilrlb"r of, l€coloaettcrr Edtrse t::::t-.*.:i::*.::*.{r't**r*r*.{;f*;-l*-ff;'*"*"{3l?Illg' c Slrz.o?s tkraber of, lCcoloaettcrr Edtrs e nftorruurc: I. 'Ftr ffifffil+'l+";66= fi*{ai **airrr*.hif a* --*i*iDf'.- ' Fffi:1. *,*:;E il iiffi: l,Sffi ig3.rrronurro,tffi*, n".*: ; il".ffi; Rca.ro. .--Drrria a*a*aia*ail*t*at Or$tERe IIortr: f-tF;-t--=:-- At- -',,:qr*:aE--- l*prng cdifia;;,;p^.* _?gEB---h t *. TX-n#,1 :;;g!ili?-;rt rrCdressi rrygg.'*3991; ltl9()btst-- A uLr so^) C_o.os1-,, -^q--t\ts so. Pe--\)^)s\ L r4nutt €lozto(e 46, 4z +q5zo 4;l( o(ue i t----_----F-l----.--.-- DeNue L z/re" DEC- 5-9T FRI ll :01 AI,{'' JUY'l$9lluF i::tX,^""il11g9!ttg'1"..ro 'tr."lo"" [orn zr_rOrhrbgnoW Dr. caht|a, tBtfnrr) { z9-2130 os 4?9-2L3s P3 P, 03PACE A'E st[oa 3t conrrrrrri|ll drrtoerrrrr . sUILDIfiG PERTiIT rSSUIilff TIIE FMilE *ffiLts'ffi*ffi$mriffiff*r' #um#:ffffi$#*ff#F$ffi'' *ilt":.ti?lrTlt#,ltf:.Dv rrrs dep*646i1 ro ex-pedib tris . i;ff utdersigned, undcrst rd ure pran chcc1 pn crdure ard *r,€ Xfu!^pe-srJ*? I L.*- 0a-El6r.r-- {!t{.-rg_ei-ruE 13:45 DAVIS PARTNERSHIPJUN- I o -9? 99 : SB Fttotr , rov-cor-'6s-v:bter. loutt I D ! 9"91782tS2 P. 01PAGE 4/E otilec ot orrrirrdv dcr,lrr.iaa, ffi;ffiflo,uo,,, 30: #-ffio cxnR',rr.E nrn "i*so ..rr{ rsEFROK: DA.E: mof,T*""'o" nonxs/a$1rcrs&r DHrEron EqguglEgtll coNst?uer?o$ De$(rN $:#:i::{$dttF.g:t G,,# il"t"; X": r:tt'rottrederc by:L4L- b. <\ Rea ? glR-ne-\oe DE[- 5-9? iRI 11:02 AM t 4 .--. J$N-10-97 TUE t3:45, iiri-'r""it"'t"1""""..o",9Li$lEtrlgl _*_,.^nr,.i,fi ,r,on,""o) P;gg, 6/a TO: Fdol'|. OAIE: RE AILCONTFACTORS illvx, ?il"1 FUBUe woBKs D EP^nrilEilr WHEIit A ?UBUC WAY PEBffT ls REOUIRED rlob {{ame:- 15 lb thb E new reerdfioc? eonair3 ngauing fl6 need br a .publio Way Fenilt : JE '}ffiffi? ls ary uifty rcrt( neodrd? (as sztu,q oury\ X lT**rbeirrrryarce (nerr s^rur; Xls*filferent amess n$dedlo srieOift er Oerr erktfng ;rrfi;; I han fod ard ansr4rBdsil &eEbovo *re$bnEt{dEtf . SL--roJob ll[rno ContraaoE 1) 2) 3, 4') 5) T9x x 6) fds,filrffffi:!.m,*. [ol#rv3b" rrehr orway permir 8) fi*ffi$effiffiffi._ fod#;ilT'nw&i#ff LHnHffi #ffi:ts*:13"*o5,Hyj:s1''rusrbeobEnred.Ffltr#fiffi !ffi**s**stffiffirffiffiotv.nco"**iui,i"ritilffi H;Hr: X Y d 'tJ.tl Uv/rz t; (i'e' g6'Ir1 \Jot, onner) Recolved; st 12 t98; 06/L2/1957 => Et|Ac IST gAlK w.v^rl:J1?, ffc. @ ooe o,Th'*ft" Fru( COVER PAGE OilE OF 3 PAGESi May2.1998 Ohig.Dunham /ChrF.Evaffi.. t Lsnyilit)ofE,$lpt Davls Padnership / Evan$/ MendeFAllbon I Jobsrb: Evansrltiendet_Ailtson30361-3027 / 97e845{4n5 /97G47$3637 PROfECT: 1$TBankWestvaitAfiition ryAJOE# 76/;9 FROTTI:Marrcomfcr, e.e. ,fJr.l / (p- ,/ DATE: TQ; FIRM: FA'CT 1).. 21. f yil GcehJG s cow utrlcn t nd'.trd€ble orb'not oompl# please cell our ofiice -t tOS.rF|Fl951 and'agk lbr En polson ul|o rqrt thF.to yotr. As-e. mlt.ot nry vir-rt b thc prcjGct sile on rdpril 30. rrd in response to quesdons f?om fie Gencral Contrador ft..is.acce@Haro |EplG.ffie.typical.€D(bfior OGB sha#itre 1as rpecifted in sadion 1/51.0) wr'th %' (minimum) gyp€um boaftl connecied to e:(Erior feca of studs rui$ 5d w$oad naib.(or.rquivabrrt screrus) space (D d' o.c. at ell pand edges and speccd @t? in field of panel$. ttistrep$g.b.te'ris6 the.parapet.splica.rssenrbly shorn in saction 6/51.0 as fullorfls: Delgtc tdioc of new perspet studs to erdsdng wall studs belot"4 lap neu, shealhing at $(bliorfrcs..of.mfl.12i (miniril.tm) bdovu.bp of qisling wall plate gnd cffinect b sftrds: hp nervrhcahl'ng d iililbrb of rni 8" (minimum) bebri, top of $tisling wrll pfab an<l conrndto stutls;.e.xlsting knee.brros at^lirbrbrfGof wEllb remain uncfiangEd. Bccanse of dsccparcle6 bctrcen mp of sbel elevations shown on the eristing dwt'ings and.lhe actpl.ebvalionafuund.in lhe fielcl .revice the typicel connedlon of lfie new WT4 tofic cn&of €xisilng beams (as shown in seclions 2 & 3152.0 and 1/53.0) p€rattscfied El€tcft.sdion EI. Because.d cfnralion discGpanciesflrd because the concr€E shb at fie ttrof was fourrl to havo ntt been instafied, rgvase th€ connec*brt at the TS3l€ cslumn base (as shown in secfon 8rB+.0) per.Ached.slcetch.seffin El . Fbase.call with any questions.. ,yA lXcoitoi^r€D tirg lznucE STREEI tOUloCt COTORADO 6O:tOt toi.a/t'l.l9gl !08'{" lttt fAX ,va, lrctriFolalro 4710 56urft coLL€oE AvE, su|rt | 12, FOnt COLUrt. COLOiabo tosrJ 970 ??! tDet 970::l''Ellt Fax .dartiqr'eoorol (oru 3) 4) Recolved: 6t 1A t8/Bi 08/12 1957 :> E[Ac tST SAIK w.vAIL: JVA, IHC. @ooz ROF;[' 8. HUTIIE' DAV|O U. HOUOE5f|lo rHot As 5. tot!! cHRtsYOtfiEn .,. CHOF MAtr c. coltMtER l oraEt n. Ho?! ouvFr w. itcE tHoMAS f. gltitN[t CORINIIE t, TMITH cri^tLEs B. wturRgoN ONDI,RA t WAND June 3, 1998 Mr. CraB Dunham Dcvis Partrership, p.C. 1775 Shenmn StrEet Suit6 gl00 D6rn€r, Coloredo 802[E] Re: {STBAltlK Wast Veit Ad<tition I Rgnodd Veil, Coloredo JVA Job NumberTOig DearCraig: Our records indicstc that during tfie course of conslrucdon, wrB vasited the proieci sne bye timcs.These visib Yuerrt made to obse-rvo vyo* on ttre inaurat elements or frc builcing anc Gre maaeperiodically et our disc|Etion or 8t tt|e general @f|lrado/s request. o|rr rips involved the rwienr ofrcpressntetive portions of waft aocomfllshed on:1) -Structural stael columns, stael floor beams, steel rcsf beams, Et€et rcof deck, and othermbcellaneous sffucfrrral stssl framing dcments. ' 2) Strucfurrl $aod sheahing and gtud framing elemenB Et Interbrlloofs. emarirrnralls, parap€ts, and g$lc enfy canopy- Based on our obsenrations and to thg bgst of our knorvledge, tfie onlratrr has zubstanlially conformed to the mnstrudhn docrrmenb and has cofigcFd Oe,ncrcncies or omlsslons nnen tc!' hane been identiftcd. Ws canro! howerrer, guanantrc lhe performance of the Gencrail Confracbi. Very truly yours, JVA.INC. Reviewe<l by: JVA rrCOeFOlAlEO l 9 t huCE lnEEf. EOUrpiR, COT ORADO 00!02 t0t.{4.t951 t03.4.4.r96' FAX n l llcatiinrtEb 4tr0 soufl,r co!86€ AvE" sutTE I lr, Foftl <ot.lr{t. cot-oi^ao 5!25 9m:25 ?!t 970.22t.5!:t FAr Htralg,i5jrr{trcfGorn C. Comier, P.E Thomas S. Socll. P.E.ffi*'tt0 0 f,6ce1ved: A/ l2lsa;I : 33AI; a8/L2/303 444 1957 =>ETAC 1ST AAIK W,VAILi JVA, INC,@ oos FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT (JvA764e{Rl) Froject: lSTBank Westvail Addition and Remodel loaation: Vail, Cobrado JVA Pruiect No. 7819 Held VieitNumben { Date: May 11, 1.SB Tirp: 7:30 arh YYcirthen Glear,45' Ownen lSTBank Hotding Company. General Gontracton Evans/fulendeFAllison ilb i.ld $ril ti5 ?r|.da b otad'.ilit 9rq'- rtd 4* d t r. !t|4fd Fdim d tr drtu.tien ust r|d kntaa uftdt|rtHFt s lo IqrErC €||t.firr t't|rr il,d prbl dtr &d O(EEt -i/Ale?rr&rrd &1166 b gFnFl !E iktc d !r (hffi a!| rqtfE JV a |ntEtqE&bir' h. @!Hra6t Eh rEn r||.dto6. !*li Fguloaq ritdlE h pc.fonrxmt ddur{cr* ncrryda rl..toa tl|| cirtrd!.r forr*idr [r C!t-.dr h3 t6F.|!!Dl|q'. the lollowing ibms $ere obrcned: 1) E tdion of primsry Erucnural sleel elerneng et ell lerreb induding columns, second floor Dcams, roof beams, end roof deof( sas in progress rnd nearly complsb. Installatlon of misoellEnEous sEcondery steel braoe3 and kicftotB tys$ in progf"ss.ZI Reviewed connedions of n€w siteel etemeflF to e0dsting e|ements almg lin€ D. Becausa of discr€psncies bet$'3on the top of steel €lBvetons indicsted on thc exlsiling fuiHi]|g's contfirdlon doclments and ectnl bybuilt' oonditbns, lhe Gpnncdbns of nerr to existirE mombo|€ requirad modtfcdon in many locetione. .Th€ inodincafuffi obeerved, induding dditiond coling or blockitq .st new bedm B(ds and the use of uelds ratherlhon bolts at conncclions, ruElE asaepteble..3) Noled thtt afthouoh not irdicaled on th6 originel construction dofirnenl$, botom f,engc bnaces srd fittod web stiffrneF hed bc€n lnstslled Et continuous second tloor and roof b68ms at anlerior colurnn locsx-orrg. The binces and sb'ffuners sFcified in s€ction 5/S2.0 and on the roof plan are the(Elbre not r€quircd-.{ Revierived lhe coflnegton sf the basc of the new TS(s post to ilre rcirfordlq adsting MG10 rool member qs shos,n in soc{ion 8154.0. Because of fi6kl cordiuons, the connecffon @uld not bs msde perttnsedion or$Eequ€nt trW6d rlctad EIof the fued m6mo dst€d May 2, 1998. The modificd conoeclion obseN€d w:a acceil8ue.5) Note<l lhut lhe gussst ptetes a<Hed at ths modifled nerv WT-to-exi$im beam connBdlotls as sh6Yn in detail [1] of the trxed memo tlaled May 2, 1998 had not:ret been in$ell€d. 6) Noted ttirt the add€d dip engte oonnedlng thF top qf the addEd T83t(3 column to tho fs€ of the cxi$ting concretc ryall as shovvtr in RFt lFlT had not l,€t instelted d rh€ ur€si Gnd (near gr11 Dl)' .A modifieo conneaion rvas us€d # lhe ed, erd (nec grid Cl-o); lhe connedim observecl was ecceptaUe. In fesponse to que$ions from Latry lloore:1) Re: 86cftm 142.0: I b acceflaue to -rEtal l-& b.aqt€ betvG.n ncw edgp beam boilom flang€e enc- the top drord of fie fiEl trrtdrbrerisUng floorFist (ffiherften tl|e s€cond iois0 u€st d line 0-2- 4 Re: S;ction 2l*.0: n-bacccpteHeto connectttre Drtrofiom plat;tothe continuous ledge angle usin€' 0.1.+5" damcbr (or hlgef Orive pins spnoed GD 2'-0 rath6r tnan th6 $pecmed carisgc bolF sinco boE nol€ in tho boilom flsnge of the edge beam werc not protlilad. 3) Re: gectiofi .US3.0: n is a-ccGf,able b-t€Cace the cordlnufl|t| 20 gEge bent dstfs at lhe eano and rilgrt- wi0l $impeon LgIAl2 straF instalbd d etrh dud and rfier (ipacctt @ 16" o-c-). 1) Re: Seclibns 1 & 2 /S4.C lt is acceFabla to conned a. bbcldng to tho webs of exlstlng beilrF using dlives Sins as described above. Architect Davis Parhershh, P,G. $uperinhndent tany ltrltoom JlfA, Inc. n r' dlcodtfiAteo l3tgtFRU€!stREET'Eourorn,co|-oiAooEot!:303'{{''1951 t0il44'ri57 FAX ,v^" tr{corron^rED 4tro solJtH CotLE6. Av* tr5;r1#S:St, .oloRaoo .ot25 e7e'24r(Er e?o'22t'6tr! FAx By: necalvod: 6t 12fSEi 06/L2/1957 => EIAC 1ST SA K W.VAIt-i JVA. INC, @ ool JVAJoD No. 76,49 MerkGomier, P.E.By: nnEMO (JVA?84$M1) ProJectl gete: lSTBank West Vait Addition May 12, 1998 . Subject: Drawing Rsference: Vadous Mlse€llaneous ffaming cladfications/informfl'ron 4) s) 6) Cophc to:Graig ttunham - Dwis Parhership Lary fvUom - Evans/lilendeFAflison In rEspon€tc lo questions fmm Lany Moora: 1) Soc sfreched ddails on s-tte€* fll tor revised conn#tlon of TJI floor fiamino to a( w3b bfocting and x,€!b blocking io erdrtirng fioor beems. 4 See attacjEd renised.sedion 1fS2.0 on sheet [Zl for aco€dable e*ent of bottom.flange 6nd web cop{ng at existing b6am 6ndE wes-t of line !.2. 3) Re: sectbn 5fSt.ft lt b eccBdable to mplaae the ft( paraFer ascmbly siuiln with a6 u|ail studs (fiofii b€|ffi) installed to lre onlinuous tO the {op of psrapd. Re: Seajon 2ls.o lt b aaoeptsble to r€place the sDccifie{l H3 ancftors uith Ftz.s ancnofs. h/pical. Rq Secflm 3/s2{} ft is acaed,aue to b6ar intefior eill slud well dimcdy on the new ftoor shcathing ag tlro$rn. Re: eecflorr .ils1.0: I l$ a0ce@ble b rBplace tlp conlinuou$ J6 96go plate bearing ofl {ho deck wiBl a conlinuous stip of 7f pllrwood, apprsximalely 10' wid6, connested to the mof d€d( wilh S10 Tek sc|sY€ spaced @ 6i in two rp!,V$. stag8ff€d, IYA lllco|Pol^tlD M5 SFiUCE Srrlfr, .ouLDEl, @LoFAgE 8d302 r0t,{44.105| tltiar'rgt FAx Jv txcortqr tgD aTrqtoulH cgu,EgE AvE,sum lt1lORt co|.urt. cotARlDO s0!25 9ro2r5.9099 gtAz:at3glu fAX €-{Elh irrr'.iQ.ot-(dt ^'""t'""iurii)7{ttor..;3oT:- -^- _.los 444 tssT => €r.oc_J-sr BA*K w.vArL; 11o"'' ffi A;l"ffiFh,#l; tod;**;?,,i. Fo' c'uk{ .,o,-o ,"o * o, o at tue wr aa/ozftb *. ettxDry 0AT1E *rrr D4r, pE- . ,"* TElrb F# aF 7tb*7 7b tEt'rx1o lq * t4x4 L4x4x4xOia 7b EACH hAaiE TEIIT rF a9r,ll> tldtt&itTAL t-E€ ots L,f*l lH$hrt4a lYlc/E r* ftd,-tag() ,e"rbtrF 16tr W.y- if Eao#Eo ArtA>xg mE\h* t'Elo EIIIFaEcpa tncfa ii al t/*o Becelved:- €/12l90; E | 36At;06/12/SA 0B:S8 FA-X 303 .[.H\44\ x"WilI {aall|l|t atrl1lu.r In|lrl diih'*' -' '*"inl' ill, 9ruc tlEl !ou-oq, c0l[|m lcm ,ol4rar$l . }Il.t .-r9$ fft BAIK W.VAIL; #S IilC, tr ,[t co |roa rE Eoos 4ffi0 E tp nt+ AilD Tgil FUIIaE cHfiDnr DArE---GUEI{T {tle Jomr o#Gt rtfot, $tl[ 1 R[ qru4 fi|rx|oo !rt,grutulJort . 90,lr,gt nI SHEETI- OF DeE[.[l H{AL E lgfl 16 a{} mr Aoom {tpoxlieai4 nr tMA 4F &xftf'rfig W,4tulftr Flt-Att&t (*,t5 ttw *,tLQ) e Socelvod: al12l98i Ii 34At :06/LZ/sg 0s:aZ FiX 30sffi aa$rra |rr.<tl.l! aaa|F EY le!- Xr . ,303 444 1957 => Et|Ac lsr BAitK w.vArl; #54.t41p57 JVA, rNc. -Eil-* BJvA flcontsrAl@ o E]005 rtrt !t r IIEL ldl&r' cflflArb E lot ar-Usl . l€Ja.l!F, Fu .fr0 s q$cE dolri qft tu rm cfi$, cotflul aag 9t0.Dt"sE . $tAslEI] EtI JOBT 7c"# . -- .'cnr / or / ' FflotEcl ctfiogY uA?E_CTJEITI DNE ry,Iz/ft PREUrf atw 2x ilUr.f 6to ta ?r(e) /uflt 44t#I- 1o^12 txtl !.mffi* ffit#4hl€ crl 44 ii Wn hrra*I FrAtaE; Zl * 1o tw (th" tutareanatl tA6 @L'r, +PA(+.o o tzd tkTz NFE axs*e \ 1$ tu (rc qt4h +ftFF) luwl llAfi#t- 'uNT zxlz wtnl b&,.f ,. EtIaMt.(4t ,WWtaZwt)tk ME tPAeED A 6+ fir 2 Aecr,fTe,EM lLna htE e'tufri*r^l4 t \.\ \ A&ETTA&LE Ta Ea4aE, #t Nle Hl7',drA rai"taE 4:u& tt &oTfq$ dF a4d.tN a L?tl&s 24p4rtL't: FZUst'l fD AIF{^| l 't+ €w E li ht? €HE # (e, ww .*" L +re*l : tr -ry!ft?::.-ry-',l I ;35AX;Secelved: Otl2lg|j 08/ t2/1957 => EIAC tST BAIK |V,VAIL: JVA, INC. @ ooz FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT pvATo4s-oRz) i Prciecf lSTBank Weot Vait Addifon and Remodel Locaiion: Vail.Colorado J/A Proiect No. 7&{9 Fld.lvlsltttumben I Dale: June 3, I.gg{l 'Timd:6:45 am t'ttbafien Clear,65" Owrcr: lSTBank HolCing Company Gercral.Contreetoc Erranu/Mendel-Alliion Archibrt Davis Supefinbndent: Partership, P-C- Lar.ry Mooftt F.q E.!:-* b ffil u|t Jat*5 rtrt q{t d ttE ndr.a 'oft|l at oa aqEftfft r!* rld rt.t|mm *rdtr !I sr w rr g|t|at srfolr|sr6 rr hcltlrltEaF*ndthfrFEtlbl|rrn ..taidirritlqrralfnCrA tpit.Ar,.i,rr. axtOrrirra!r niij.,rVe;m,+,=thtor-!rGOutffifswrt *ortaErrd dq F.!rufii6. {d|.fiE h Fgid''rrr of 0rurk nor rry #iiipa a trr Egr*rnii ta*i6 Fo;-;# ilENttED v. Tha following itemr rnrrr obscrved: 1) E|Bdim and in*allion of miscdlanears secondaly Sructural sbel obments lndudirE haces, kicftes, gusets, snd enw canopv frsmiq appearutl to bG complete.4 iloiedftutgrEEr* il#sa(l(t€dp3tdckilttldthcfecd ire3'roOa* il*y 2, l$s had bect| &xteue43) Not6d thet the imedor column at grH B-il5 had nd yet bcen reinforu€d per D$ail ,1181.0.4) Instellation of 3ttuctural wood elomefits (? fiaming, sheathiru. hlocktng, framlng ancfiots etc.) et dl loceliot|s lttcfttfrrg €dtdorr|afb, pflepet$, g8!le eilry element, $cond tfoof. secorid fioor hffi . sppearEdto be comdde.5) Rc\ddrlcd.the ln$sllaffon of second floor plnflood sheething rnd blocldrq: tha obeerved essembly was acceptable.0) Reviernad lh€ $nnedions of erderlor sild wels to p€rimetof flening el€mefits 8t shmn in sadions 2/52-0 end 1/63,0i connectlons obs6rv6d wrr€ perdreuings and qcaeFaHe. n Revi€ned the inSallation 0f urcb Hoddng rn<l jolst hangeF d tha sccond noor inf,ll as sftom in sections 1,2, * 31S4.0 ffnd on sheet [1] df Memo JI/A764$M1 dated May 1?, l99E; sssetnbllGs O&eW€d re|Ie acrriehlg, ln lBffoflse to a question frorn Lany lloorc:1) Thc Grftling peflmeter cant silflp at the mof peEpet aFEar€d to conned the HsinS tmf de* to the €xi$thg e)drdor stude 8t the east and $reC endi af the building. Th€ ramo\/al of tllo cant s.ip lhus |€ r|orradfie oomecfun. ft baedemio inrtrf r sfip of %' phffi. rpprpxirratcfy i? td(F, aME Fles 1 and 6. connected to lho elGtlm ]oqf deck vrith #10 Tek scf€trB spec€d @ 6l h trw mtrs. Eacfi exbrior s[!d siroutt bc onnesled to fte plywood ship s'lth an HlL5 ancfior. Installatiotl of the sncfto[s was nerri€wed €nd fourd to be em@lable. ,IYA" InG ,v|' lllcoitonr.fib r3rg afRucE lTf,tfi. goUtOES, CoLoRADo 10302 to!'4&l'1t51 to3'4+r'ltlt fAx ,v ncoleonetED 4? 10 gotttH carltgE avE, tul?E 112. FOfiT A)[UR5. (OTLORADo gct25 ,70'2zli.90t 9lo-225'6til' iax afil#/le/Yt6lot co.tl Recolvod: al l2 tgs i06t72/rs57 => EIAC IST EAtiK rY.yAIL; #1JYA, INC. FAXCOVER PAGE OiIEOF tO PAGES & oor DATE; TO: FIRII: FA(#; j. PROJEGT: FROM: June 12, 1gg8 Graig Dunhem Davis Perfiersnip .30s861-3027 I I I ChdsEvans I Evans/ Mendel-.Atlison / 1-970€4$0465 | Lary ltihors, Supt. Jobsite Evans/tlendeLAllison 1,9704.7&#37 JVAJOB#:74{9 lf you mceivs a copy urhlch is not ruedabb or tn not compkte pfeas€ cafl oqr offlce rt 301-*1951 and ask fhrtlF penson wlro eentttric to you. lSTBenk WeEt Vail Additon MaftCoilnier. P.E. AtEdPd pl€a$afind Cmrfiudion Corf*anm LErer, Field Observation Reports No. I and 2. endCfrtsfu&n ilemp 1. Pleasa callwith anyquestions- ,rA.l codru^lco:3tgSpnucGSTaEEt'.BouLDlR.ccronaooros[! l6i-adl,i95'l !03,444.res' FAx ,vf,. nrcOGroRArED .t1o souTH co gGE Ave sunE r !2. Fott coLUHS, (DLoTADO t05r6 970.r15.96s y/0.22t.6t21 tax err.i,:,l,ri!rOto,..6lt ' DAVIS PAR?*rRSHrP P.c.. fi.HTTECTS TTITTT Tronsmitlql Projecl : . FirsfBonk - West Voil Projecl No : 96265.00 Voil, Colorodo Dote: Jonuory 14,1998 To: Town Of Voil Atlenlion : Chorlie Dovis Dept. of Community Development 75 Soufh Frontoge Rood Voil. Colorodo 81652 WE OTE sENdiNg YOU IhE fOIIOWiNg MOIETiCI: EHEREWIIH EUNDER SEPARAIE COVER E IY IAESSENGEI E VIA FEDERAT EXPRESS COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Sets Siomped & Signed Conslruction Documenis 2 Sets Stomped & Signed Specificotions COMMENTS: Construclion documenls contoin revised volue engineering sheels. I I roR YOUR A?ttOVAl UtOtyOUrn[ES u A??ROVED ll ATPnOVEDAS NOTED m TOIYOU*USE ll tOR REVIEW & COlillJlE T n NOIA?IIOVED Copy To: Slon Lee Cliff Shumwov Gorv Adoms' Fite' By: Croig Dunhom/vfr RODNEY S. DAVIS GARY M. ADAMS HUGH W, BROWN DAVID M. RHYNE BRIT PROBST TIIIII MEttON FINANCIAL CENIER 1775 SHERMAN STREET SUIIE 3I OO DENVER, COTORADO 80203-4325 (303) 86r-8555 FAX (303) 861-3027 D AV I S I P A 0N E R s H I P ln c H r T E c T sP. C., I T Town of Vall tPFFfiI flflp*'ADDENDUM NUMEER THREE FIRSTBANK OF WEST VAIL Archilect Project No. 96265.00 Seplember 5,1997 The folloWng odditions, deletions ond clorificotions drowings ond specificotions for the obove-referenced lhe specificotions of Jvne 20, 1997. Receipt of ocknowledged in lhe Controclor's proposol. ore lo be incorporofed into the project, issued under the dote on this Addendum No. 3 is to be L llem l: llem 2: llem 3: llem 4: llem 5: llem 6: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 07411 . MANUFACTURED ROOF PANETS ln section 07411/2.2/A/1/o/2,revise colorto be Berridge Hortford Green. SECTION O84IO - AIUM!NUM STOREFRONIS ln section 0841O/2.51D, revise color to be Benidge Hortford Green. SECTION 0&460. AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS ln section O8460/2.81C/1, revise color to be Benidge khrtford Green, SECTION 07600 - FTASHING AND SHEET MEIAT Add section 076W/2.1/F, to reod, "Allexposed sheet melolfloshing shollbe pointed fo motch Benidge Hqrtford Green. Re: Deloils4&5/44.0 Delele 2-1 /2" lube sleel conopy ond 16 - I'x4' fluorescenl light fixtures in Vesiibule 100 ond on the inierior bonk side of the oulomolic entry doors. Delele 2'-0" wide Syp. bd. soffit ond l0'-0" high Syp bd. ceiling on the inlerior bonk side of lhe outomolic entry doors ond reploce with ocoustic ponel ceiling ond 2 - 2'x4' fluorescent light fixtures. See qttoched Sheet A4.0. revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheet A4.0 in ils entirety. Re: Sheel A5.0 o. Revise color of prefinished oluminum poropet cop, stonding seom metol roof. oll exposed metol floshing ond exlerior light fixtures to Benidge Horlford Green. See ottoched Sheet A5.0, revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheet A5.0 in its entirety. b. Delete lrosh enclosure on northwesf corner of building. Re: Sectlon l/A6.0 o. Delefe 2-l /2" Iube steel conopy ond l6 - I 'x4' fluoresceni light fixtures in Veslibule 100 ond on the interior bonk side of lhe outomotic eniry doors. Delete 2'-0" wide gyp. bd. soffit ond l0'{" high gyp bd. ceiling llem 7: RODNEY S. DAVIS GARY M. ADAMS HUGH W. BROWN DAVID M. RHYNE BRIT PROBST lllttl MEI. I.ON FINANCIAT CENTER 1775 SHERMAN STREET SUITE 3I OO DENVER, COT.ORADO 8O2O3-4325 (3031 861-8s55 tAX (3031 861-3O27 lstBonk of West Voil Addendum Number Three September 5, 1997 - Poge2 llem 8: Item 9: llem l0: Item ll: on lhe interior bonk side of the oulomolic enlry doors ond reploce with ocoustic ponel ceiling ond 2 - 2'x4' fluorescent lighf fixtures. b. Delete oluminum storefront tronsom obove interior poir of ouiomqtic entry doors ond reploce with gyp. bd. woll fo motch the width of lhe motor housing below. c. Delele oll 4" concrele ond metol pon floor ond roof consfruclion, open web bor joists, ond 6" structurol sluds ond reploce with comporoble wood syslems per ottoched revised structurol drowings. See ottoched sheet 46.0, revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheet 46.0 in iis entirefy. Re: Seclion 11A6.1 Delete oll 4" concrete ond metol pon floor ond roof conslruction, open web bor joisls, ond 6" struclurol siuds ond reploce wilh comporoble wood systems per ottoched revised sfrucfurol drowings. See oltoched sheet ,46.1, revised 9-5-97. Reoloce sheel 46.l in ils enlirety. Re: Secfionl&3/A6.2 o. Delete oll 4" concrete ond metol pon floor ond roof construction, open web bor joists. ond 6" slrucfurol studs ond reploce with comporoble wood syslems per revised ottoched struciurol drowings. b. Delele 2-l/2" tube steel conopy from structure obove Vestibule lO0. Gyp. bd. ceiling to remoin. See oltoched sheet A5.2, revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheet ,A6.2 in ils enlirely. Re: Section 1,2 & 3/A6.3 o. Delete oll 4" concrete ond melol pon floor qnd roof construction, open web bor joists, ond 5" structurol studs ond reploce with comporoble wood systems per ottoched revised slructurol drowings. b. Delete 2-1 /2" tube steel conopy from struclure obove Vestibule lO0. Gyp. bd. ceiling to remoin. c. Delele oluminum siorefront ironsom obove interior poir of oulomotic eniry doors ond reploce with gyp. bd. woll to motch the width of the molor housing below. See olfoched sheet A5.3. revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheet 46.3 in its entireiy. Re: Sheet A7.0 o. Delele oll metol sluds, U.N.O., ond reploce with comporoble wood studs per otioched revised strucfurol drowings. b. Revise deioil of top of poropet woll where the E.|.F.S. meets the horizonlol wood blocking. Provide o %" thick horizonfol loyer of E.|.F.S. on the underside of the l-l/2" blocking overhong, resulting in o 3" high poropet cop ond o 9" high E.l.F.S. bond. See olfoched sheet A2.0, revised 9-5-97. Reoloce sheet A7.0 in its enfiretv. lstBonk of West Voil Addendum Number Three September 5,1997 - Poge3 llem 12: Re: Sheet A7.l Delete oll metol studs, U.N.o., ond reploce with comporoble wood studs per revised ottoched structurol drowings. See ottoched sheet A7.1, revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheef AZ.l in its enlirety. llem 13: Re: Sheet E2.0 & 84.0 Pleose see the ottoched lelter ond drowing SK-l from R. J. McNult & Associoles doted 9-3-9t. llem 14: Re: Drowing M-l For revisions lo lhe Mechonicolsystem, see ottoched drowing M-lXl from the Bollord Group, revised 9-5-97. llem 15: Re: Sheet S1.0, S2.0, S3.0 ond S4.0 For revisions to the struclurol system, see otioched letter ond sheets from JVA, Inc., revised 9-5-97. Reploce sheets S1.0. S2.0, S3.0 ond S4.O in lheir entirely. END OF ADDENDUM NO.3 Attochments: l. A4.0, A5.0, 46.0, A6.1 , A6.2, 46.3, AZ.0 ond Az.l, from Dovis portnershio, revised 9-s-97.2. Letter qnd SK-l from R. J. McNutt, doted 9-3-97.3. Drowing M-lXl from the Bollord Group, revised 9-5-97.4. Letter ond Sheets Sl.0. S2.0. S3.0 ond S4.O from JVA. Inc.. doted 9-5-97. \\dovis\doto \ I slbonk\96265\odmin\oddendum\odden-3.doc M50A rL5, NC. ELECTRTA- EI{6[.E-ER5 RANIALD J. MCNUTT - P.L September 3,1997 Mr. Craig Dunham Davis Partnership, P.C. Mellon Financial Center 1775 Sherman Street, Suite 3100 Denver, CO 80203 RE: lST Bank - West Vail Project No. 9735 Electrical Addendum #3 Dear Mr. Dunham, The following electrical addendum #3 item needs to be issued to the Electrical Contractor. l. Drawins E2.0: a. Revise Lighting.Vestibule 100Area. See attached Sketch SK-I. b. Flag Notes : Delete Flag Notes 16 & 17. c. Switch Bank'A' Detail: Delete Flag Note 17 at S3b, Sc, and Sd. d. Switch Bank'A'Detail: Delete,switch Se and switch Sd shall be mounted 21 *48" same height as S3a, S3b and Sc. 2. Drawing E4.0: a. Light Fixture Schedule: Add Light Fixture Type'B2'same as Type B except 2- F26B)VSPX27, 52 watl fluorescent downlight. Prescolite Catalog #CFR826UEB- 492A. b. Light Fixture Schedule Type'G'Catalog number is CB3l08-QF. Respectfully, 9735tt-? Enclosures: Sketches SK-l. M,R,: pb )7TtJ aVLNUE- ca)?r 1-[TL 200 6R.LE-LE-Y. COLOAADO e6)A e-rn* r1nautr@ c onc enlic.net qP.EtrLE-Y (97o) )*W' DE-NVLR. eo) 654-tAAl f ax (970) >2-@o) il. crlrN5 (97o) &-%7a SWITCHBANK 'A' G c c 82 d 82 d / EXACT.TYPE "D' tES FOR :R LINE RDERING LIGF,ITING U to|ts Tr]tH A!)tTe &a ASAA|ATE+ llc. creE.-Ea, ?2t-oF^2c oo@lt d.&TRl,'.A- Et&tEEFs G@eYt (rp> Y.-pBpeHvEe <n3> ott-taFT. Cotl-ff.lt, (q1p) 6r?V'F&a|MtLe <qlp> x-tu? JOB NLIMbERt q1?3 ilrc1RtA,l. ADDEl.lpti,t nlDArE: qBlq1 PRAF{|NG NUMEER: Ez-O I9T bAIK AE9T VAIL L|GHTING FT-A}{3k-l jrm pi s E F8F 5!E F8F. QdEsE Es {kD(,l6 sH $FF HgEI I lqI t=tlll-oo ffi iF, sE HVAC FLOOR PLANWEST VAIL DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C., ARCHITECTS ROBERT B. HUNNES DAVID M. IJOUOESHELI- THOMAI S. SOEI.L MARK C. CORMIER MICHATL R, HOPE THOMAS P, SKINNER CHART€S S. WILKERSON lSTBANK West VailAddition & Remodel Vail, Colorado JVA Job No. 7649 Addendum No. 1, Structurat ltems ll September 5, 1997 sheet s1.0, Plan & sections: REVISE plan and sections per attached drawing s1.oA Sheet s2.0, Plan & sections: REVISE plan and sections per attached drawrng s2 oA Sheet s3.0, Plan & sections: REVISE plan and sections per attached drawing s3.04 Sheet 54 0, General Notes & Sections: REVISE general notes and sections per attached drawing S4.0 4\ ,vA, TNcoRPoRATED lll9 SPRUCE STREET, 8oULDER, COLORADO 80102 l0l444 1951 ]01 444.1957 fAX lva. tNcoRpoRATED 4TT0 SOUTH COILE6E AVt. SU|TE Tl2, FORTCOL NS, COLORADO 30525 9702259099 970.225.6921 tAX e - mai I : jv a iv a @a ol. (om t' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2J.38 APPLICA}iIT CONTRACTOR OhINER SEatus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 04/2L/L998 riiued...: 04/2L/L998 Ercpires . .. L0/LS/L998 DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PermiE #: M98-0047 iIOb AddTCSS. . . Z 22.7L N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCATiON Z 227L N FRONTAGE RD Parcel No.. .. .: 2L03-tL4-L5-020 Projects Number: PRJ97-0250 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 6770 S. DAVISON CIRCLE, ENGLEWOOD, HBATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 6770 S. DAWSON CrRCr..,E, ENGTEWOOD, FIRST BANK OF VAIL 1-7 VArL RD, vArL co 81557 Phone: co 801-12 Phone: co 80112 ValuaEion: *of gas LogE: 30!-693-2925 303 -693 -2928 25, 000 . 00 *of l'lood/ PaI IeE: Description: MECH SYSTEM FOR REMODELED BANK Fireplace Infol'mation: Restriched:*of cla€ Appliancea: FEE STN4MARY .oo . oo 62S .00 Togal Permlt Feo__----_-> Palments-__-_--- sALAl.lcE DUA---- oo ToEaI Calculatsed FeeB- - - > 628 .00 Addlci.onaL Fec6---------> ooMechanical__-> 5oo-oo Plan Check- -- > 125.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revier- _ > DRB Fee--------- TOTAI, FEES-. - -- -Invesligacl on > 9"li 11 call----> 628 . OO 628. OO ILem: 05100 BUILDING DBP.ART1{EIi[r Q-epE: BUILD]NG Division: 687 i: tl66d",rm'l--- -aELiqqj-'EFFn lppRoveD'JP'"- It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT.{EI\y1 '- O*dpt: FIRE Division: o47 ii t 195e-.ritM-- ----aCii-on r APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., i, i$EHHe#flf,ltr$li$ tEfistftHB;Ffl#Ed$ffi"H8:nE$l3d?:ffi8il:" ; . E8;"RBFil?i*;s"*Efi R["' a rofoffiE"' iAlqff try" ^ro-cHAprE R e- AND srrArJr, TERMTNATE As sPEcr Freo -Itr -5Eg .pOq- - qr--THE 1 9 91 -W-c_:s. AccEss to nriliirc-sduiFMiryT-u0-st-edtqFLv wrm sEC.s05 AI{D 703 0F THE 1991- IIMC.5. BOTLERS SHAr,r, BE MOIJNTED ON FLOOR9 qE-N-ONCgyPltqTr-qLE CONST'-' uNlE g g- !IBE6 F6p'{6LmTt-Uq-'qn--oMBusrrBLE FLooRrNGtiEcHANr cALz. FCilfrIf ,FiItrS-AiD--cdDE-Al{Ar,vsrs Mrqqr BE PosrEl ' : Effiit$Ei3$#fisffiIiRE$HEhlEH$f,Try+"s Fn65i.s-Rr*"88.*tgar 2tL9 0F THE 1991 UMC. ***************************************************t**************************** DECLARATIONS I.vv *****************************************:t********************** TOWN OF VArL, COLOR;ADO statemnE *****t********************************************************** st,atenmt Number: REc-0403 AmounL:628.00 Os/t8/98 tL:49IniE: JRMPaymenE Method: CK NoEation:9657 Permit No: M98-0047 T14pe: Parcel No: 2103-114-15-020 SiTe Address: 227L N FRONTAGB LOCAIiON: 227L N FRONTAGB This Payment Total Fees: 628.00 Totral ALLr HnEs: Balance: MP OO1OOO031113OO MECHA}IICAI, PERMIT FEES pF 00100003112300 Pr.All cHEcK FBES WC OO1OOOO31128OO IIILI. CALL INSPEqTION FEE B-MECII MECHANICAL PERIT'IIT RD WEST RD 628 .00 628 .00 .00 **************************************************************** AccounE Code Description AmounE 500 .00 125 .00 3 .00 )v!t r h.rqbv .ckno{lcdg. !hrt. t hav. rc.d thL. rppllc.tsion. filhd ouc in furl t'h. inforurtEn r'quired' cT!lct::,rn rccuraEe ploe plan, and srrs. thr! rll tha lnforuitlon provld.d "" t.r"i""l-f.-.otittc ' r "g"tt t;-'tipty iitrr cne lnfonrtlan and pLoE plan' to co'ply yith r1l To.rn ordlnrnce. qnd rteec 1.u., .nd io butlcl !hl. tlructur€ tototting io- une forn'r aoning rnd suHivieion codeE, dlslgn rrvl.f approvcd, udiforu Butldtng coae and och'r ordln'nces of thc aoun 'Ppllq'ble Eherqgo' RBQUBT'Ts FOR IIISPEEIIONS SHAI,I, AA !'ADE 1!{BN'TC'FOT'R HOI'Rg IN AD SISTIATURE OF Oflt|ER OR CONTRACIOR FOR HIHSELF AND O$XER BY TELEPHoNE AT t79-2t30 OR AT our OFPtcE FROII 8:oo Afi 5:00 Pl'l lF' tConcacg Eagle County Assessors Office ar 970-32^B-8640.fgr Pg;:cel_il . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON /6ql ' ozto PEtu\lrr /l PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDf f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * pERMrr TNF9RMATT9N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *tl-/[ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical ffi-r,rechanibal [ ]-other :41 ^ t , IJob Name: |e(5nnl-r tr,Ett L/C{,I Legal Description: Lot owners Name: Architect: D'ffi-ftq$t*d Job Acldress: i Block Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: work cl-ass: I ;-New |4-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation UniLs: tlpmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas AppliancesI f **** * * tr * * * )t * t( * tr * * * Jr * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * VALUATIONS bBUILDING: $ PLUMBTNG: T- EI,ECTRICAL: $ Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et ***************rr***************** ^TFIJE D. 3 MEcHANrcAlr$€-x'C joa-Fo -i-E,Fr TOTAL: $ * * * *rc* * * tr** *** * * * **** * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. ne Number: To/n of VaiI Reg. NO. one Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. / Address: Dlectrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Address: Contractor: * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * * * * * *(lS Mechanical Contract Address: BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT F MECHANICAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL FEE: fTHER TYPE OF FEE:;.'.I'.:- DRB FEE: ,[1(.Town of Vail Reg.' Phone Number: Jf,;-ri'\l\ r-:*-FIQE US1 ********rr********************** ':. !,)... \ BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:, PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:.1 . MECHANICAL PI-,AN CHECK FEE: iivi\ RECREATIoN FEE: U\d"'CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FiLing susorvtsrorl : lomrnents: I]P DEPT}SIT RETUND VALUATION TOIIIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 816s7 970-479-2t38 APPLICAIIT CONTRAETOR OWNER ilob Address Locat.ion. . . Parcel No.. ProjecL No. 227L N FRONTAGE 227L N FRONTAGE 21,03 -tL4-L5 - 020 PR,J97-0250 RD WEST Statsus.. RD (lSTBAAppIied. Issued.. Expires. Total Permit Fee--------> Paynent6-------- ISSUED 04 / 24 /L998 04 / 24 /L998to/2L/L998 209 .25 209 .25 DEPART!{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PTTJMBING PERIvIIT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: P98-0038 CCI PLIJIVIBING 9949 WEST 25TH AVE, I,AKEWOOD CO CCI PIJTJMBING 9949 WEST 25TH AVE, I,AKEWOOD CO FIRST BANK OF VATL 1? VAIL RD, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3032338199 Phone: 3032338199 Total calculaLed Pees- - - > 2o9.25 Addi.Lional Fees-------- - > .o0 802r-5 80215 Descrj-ption: PLIJMBING FOR INTERfOR REMODEL,Valuation:l_0, 035 . 00 FEE SUI.IMARY Plunbing-----> Plan Check- - - > fnveEtsigation> WiLl calL----> Restuarant Plan Revier- - > TOTAL FEES. -.. - 155. OO 4r -25 .oo 3.OO . oo 209 .25 BAT,ANCE DUE- -. - .OO It,CM: O510O BUILDING DEPARTI'IENTO4/24/L998 iIRM AcLion: APPR APPROVEDITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.IENTO4/24/L998 ,JRM Acrion: AppR N/A JDRffr : BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO EHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknosledge chat I have l-ead th16 application. fllled out in full Lhe informaLion required, completed an accurale pfoL plan, and sLate that al1 tbe lnfomaE.lon provided ae required i6 correct. I agree Eo conply r.ich Lhe informaLion and plot pl.an, to coftply nilh al1 Tovn ordinanceE and 6t'aLe lavs, and fo build thi6 aLrucEure according lo the Toen'6 zoning and subdiviaion codeB, deeign revj.ei approved, Uniforfl Building code and other ordinances of tshe Town applicable Eheteho. REQUESTS FOR INSPEETIONA ST'AIJTJ BE MADE TIIEMIY-FOUR HOURS TN ADI'ANCE BY 479-2138 0R AT :OO AM 5: oO P[le OF OWNER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEell|nt**************************************************************** SLatemnE. Number: REC-0391 Amount :209.25 04/27 /98 08:13 Init: ,lRMPaymenE Method: CK NoLation: #10605 Permit No: P98-0038 Tlpe: B-PLIVIB PLUMBING PERMITParcel No : 2l_03-11_4-1_5-020 SitsC AddrEAS: 227L N FRONTAGE RD WEST LocaLion z 22.1L N FRONTAGE RD (ISTBAI{K) This PaymenE, ToE,aI Fees:209.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 209.25 209.25 .00 Arnount 165 .00 4L.25 3.00 ***********r*************************f *t************************ Account Code DescripEion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PII'MBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31.123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPE TION FEE PAGE 2/A EE$TII f , APPUICTTION llttgD EE FIY.Y.FD OIxf eoMpr.ErELy o8, rr tay noT 8E eccEplIEDUx******!r+'****'t*'*tr*tL !t***'t*+**** PERIIIT fNFORUNUION tt****tt***ttt****t!r*****r.t.tl ././I l-erifcting 1,2,J-rrtnbing. ( ]-E]ectricat I J-Uecthanic"al t l-Ottler Job Nane:I aor ]ddress: LgaI Descri,ption: r6t Block_ rl-Iing STIBDIVISTON: ourdrs Naue: I Address: Address: t Architect: tsoflc class: I J-New tv{-.J.fteration l-Additional [ ]-Repair 1 l-other Nuuber of Drrell-i-Bgr llnits:llunber of Accounodation truits: o, Is*- and Tlpe of, Fireptaces: Gas Appliances_ cas r.ogrs_ wood/pellet_v fib*******!t*:a******:l*s**:r*t****:ltr*i VaII'ATIONS **********!r*.i******:ti|**ri**a:a***art General Description: Address: ELECIRfCAL: $ UEcEANICAI: $-OInER: TOtrAI,: *:t** ****** lt***a ***!r*!a *i*** Electrical Contrastor: Address: Town of vail Reg. }|O. Phone Nunbers Town of vail Reg. No- Phone Nunber; fpffi*, of vail\J Phone Nlxtbel3 Torrn of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: -* 'l *'l* ******rt* a.**** ** * *****!rt!** **FOB OfFfCe USE *********:l**********r**!t,l:tt**** STTTIOTNG PERtfiT EEE: PLT'UBING PERUIT FEE: T{ECEATIICAI/ PERrfTI PEE: .0I.ECIRTCAL PEE: OTBER 1YPE OF FEE: DRB FEEs BUU,DING PT.AN CHECK qEE3 PrItltBING PIaN CSECK JEE:UECITANICAI PIA{ CEECK tEE: .RECREATION EEB: CI,EAN-T'P DEPOSTTs TOIAL PERUIT FEES: BUII,DTNG: STG$AAIIRF; ZOTTINGs SIGNAN'R8: Plunbing Addresg: lrrwl_t_t_ t_t_t_ ttl u9@ents: asat tD '97A4?52452 o".t APR-24-9€ l O,4r FROM, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEM9BANDUM ALICONTRACTORS TOWN OFVAIL PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMEiIT MAY 9, t9g4 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIjr'.IS REOUIRED PAGE S/A I hare read and all the above NO p0 ila. lJ'o rtv lto ,t/o trlo l)o rt0. ls this a new residence? ls demolition work beirg performed that requires the use oithe dght of way, e.rsernents or pubtic propegy? 3) ts any utitity work needed? 4) ls the drivervay being reparrcd? 5) ls difierent acoess needed to site other than exising dnv*ray? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easemgnts, or public property? 4 ls a'Rerocabte Right Of Way permit-. required?. 8) A. fs the dght otway, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staglng or fencing plan requirect Oy Community Development? YES 1) 2') jlvgu_ anlver4 yes to any ofthese questbns,.a.pubtic way permit must be obtained.'Public way_ Permit' aPplicdions may be obtar'ned at the public Work,s office or at ?.9*qny oevglopment .ttror. $re ary quesilons ptease cart charne Davis, the Tor,rrnof Vail Construcion tnspectoi, at 47g415g: o Job Name Contractor,s Signature v2/ aPR-24-9€) !O=4€; FROM = TOV-COU-DEV-DEPT -ID'97 o479t2452 o PAGE 4./E offlcc of cornnrunfi dcyelopnnnt 75 3o.rih fnoiitge t!.d rraL oobrado t1G57 (3031 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 ro: EROU: DI!E: sttBJECr: I".L COIilIRI,CIOAS Ct'RRET{ILYI REGISTERED WIIIE TtrE:TOWN OF VArL $owN oF VAIL PUBIJC tfoRKS,/COU![uNrTI DEvEtopuENA l.tA:RCB 16. 1988 CONSTRUCTIOII PARKI}IG S tdArERrAL STORAGE (i.e, contraslor, orner) rn sumbal.]|' or'dinancs t[o. 6 states tb,at it is unlarrfur far aryPersol to litter, traqk or clelrosi_t any soit, "rrf, sand, debrlsor uaterial, including tlash &rrupsteri, pori"Ufe ioilets and,vorloen vehictes .Ypon. -any streetl sidcrrai;; ;Ii;y-;= pubtl.c P1?9e 93 any portion tbeieof. fhe rigrht-of-tra1r on all Town ofvail s+-reets ana lgag= i^s approi-iiately 5 rt- iri-p"oe.ent.This ordinance vill ae. itriEiiy-LTroreea by ttre rolrD of vailPublic worlrs De''artDent- pers-ons forrrrd vi;ra;in;-this ord,inaneevill- be given a 24 hour onritten-i"ti; t;-;;"'i.trlia nareriar-fn t-he event the person so notified does not ..rpi" witlr tb,enotice *'ithin the 24 rrour tiue-=p..iii"a,";;."tgii,c worxsDepart'e'nt wirl remove said aateiiar -at the eqrensc of personnotified- The provr.stons-oc-tui]-orairranee sharl not beapplicable to constmsti;";-r"i;;enarrce or repair projects ofany street or allay or any utilieies in the rishl_i*.ay. To review ordinance.No..6 in full , please stop by the Town ofvail Buir.ing Dcpart'ent tJ--o;tairi . .opy. nhank you for yourcoopcration on this r[atter. f#4"/L TOIIN OF VAII,ii s. FRoNTAcE RoAD VAIL' CO 81657 s10-4?9-2t18 ON JOBSITE AT LI.,L TIMES Permit *r s98-0058 DEPAR1IMENtr oF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT rob Addre "", ,,71,,il $t3IltSB 13 H:l 'Hli::l, '.=tlriiiil,iiZ^?. r,ocation" '' i"r'oi-\rl'jii:oio Expires ..'r 't6'1il'11sea ""::;:1."i". i ii5;':o'uo Appr.rc*fr ?*; fi:"$lll;, ^iili ;i{R^X3:!"i.I,i:}-, co B1s0 1"r*,'r'roo'rnn'r"'roo', coNrRAcroR t.c ilitlti'ic'-Uc'c4ilI*t3"i1i1t*, co 81501---- 747 W' V|HTTE AVq:: G owNER Tl*+IriT5,o$olttto 816s?1? VAII-' KU' vAr! ev '--- -.-r..-+ri 'in! 1121400'00 Deecription'. Er'EcrRrcAL FoR TNTERToR REMoDEI', vaLuation: @*****i***nn*************r** FEE sumARy Til::y*iltr**f,*********iff:::*::i ''"'.fr +:tlt'ffi[i*Ei i;#..$nlf:l'*gl . -J:fr !iffil'ou,---- tortl reer--i 11981'00 - .... -,--*..".".*-"*o*******fi*r'r***ff**t*t***il** :ffiH-:::t|d[R?.ry'i'l)f '"'" Dept: JRN-DePt: BUILDING FIRE Divieion: Divigion: IrHllla?g: CONDITION OF APPROVAL l:$IleEiBE$iREfiEfr8-i,$ffiu[f,4!5*RBoE?*fB'8$,6REiR?"*8RH"EIft-88.STARAED. DECI.,ARATIONS r hcrcby lckno,r'ede. tnt l-h?::^:::1,:lt:ilt[:"::"k l,iliit.,T'1"]l':*:i::Jil#ffif:j]j3tjfi[E llll.:::*.":lg'#i :fr."i"ffi "H:i':l' ;":l"fflnlil ii{n*'x*iliii*h"S#:"i}#{'l:;ln'*:rlt:*tr-ffi *tmrk$lll,liltll'#*d:..*r*#T::"r"#'ffi ",'":ri.im;:.r:"'^n"* codor, dcrlgn Favicu aPpfovlq, unrr,ru lccuratc p[ot and PLot Ptan, subdivi sion codaa, REEIJE8TS FOR TilSPECTIOIIS SH^LL 8E TTAOE TUEI{TY-fOUR TIOIJRS III ADVAI{CE BY 1ELEPHONE AI 479'?18 OR A1 OUF. Z o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAILT COLORADO . . . -- --"--*********rt.-.::?::Ti:* * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * tr " * * * * * * tr ! statemnt Nurnbers REc-0386 etounti 1'981'00 n4 11L/98 12:18 --P-:ry::: j::P1:-:I-----y:1:T1-11'-'-'---'----------'--:-\:::-lY- Permit No: 898-0058 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-15-020sit; Address 227t N FRoNTAGE RD wEsT Location: 221t N FRoNTAGE iio (tsi IANI-wEsr vArL) Total FeeE: 1,991'99 trhis Payrnent 1,e81'00 tot"i-iiiti*:: t'"t.33 ***************************************i************************ Account code DescriPtion Anount EP 00100003111400 ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEES - 1'9?8'00 wc 00100003112800 wrLL cAr.,L"iiriiriiirblr rsn 3'00 .t' ,Conracc' Eagle Councy Assessors nt"" ^ APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI f,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERI'Irr TNF9RMATTgN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***,** *t [ ]-Building [ ]-Prunbing Iy]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Narne: First Rank - Wpst Vail Job Address3 2271 N4 Frontage Road Vail. C0 Legal Description: Lot Block_ FiIing susorvrsroN: owners Nane: F'i rst Bank of Vail ac 970-328-8640 for. par-cel //. ToWN oF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON ,\RCEL I:X PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE:J_6_98 Architect: Davis Partnershi PER.\IIT /I ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: f General Description: Address: 17 Vail Road Vail, C ph.ffiAddress: Denver. C0 80203 Ph. r{ork crass: [ ]-New Ix]-Arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DweIIing Units:Number of AccommodaLion Units: Number and Tvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances, ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * VALUATIONS ) Gas Logs_ Wood/pe11et 3UILDING: $ PLUMBTNG: $ E LE CTRI CAL : $_I?-40_Q.g!_ MECIIANICAL: $ ilectrical Contractor: EC Electric. Inc. \ddress : 747 W. t.Jh ite Ave -Grai'-d-Jufc-tToi". t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAL'IONleneral Contractor: Evans-Mendel -Al I i son\ddress:P.0.80x826@-- * rt *'&* **** * * **** *** rk* * * .'t * * * * Town of Vail- Recl . NO. Phone Number: (970) A+S:0a66- 4 Town of Vail Reo. I,I9.262-Ephone Nunber: O10) ?4L=TJW- E ls- oo Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: OFFICE USE * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * rr Jr * * rt * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ,rLumbing Contractor: \ddress: ,lechanical Contractor: \ddress: k*******************************FOR ]UTIJDING PERMIT FEE: ?LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ,IECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ILECTRICAL T'EE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: PLIIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: ) CLEAN I'P 75 3oulh Ironlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 o oltlco of communlty developmerrt BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva.l ,Engineer''s (pub1ii u,orks) revi"n una ipprouui,'i p1.ii,iini'b.purt .ntreview or Health Deourtmint ieview,-unI u_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estirnated time ror'a iotat revien-iluy"i.ie'as longas three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'l I ) and all multi_fam.i ly permits willhave to follow itre ibove rnenti6ned maximum requirements, Residentialand.smal'l projects should t;ke ;-ie;;er'amound of time. However, ifresidential or snrarler,projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartmcnts with reqard' to-necessary-review, th;;; ;;;j;.ii ruyalso take the rhree week peiiJJ. Every attempt vrill be T99e bV this departnrent to exped.ite thjspet'mit as s.qon as possibl e. - - -e v'rrlv ' eL e' I, th. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Devel o5rment Depa rtment. iI 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, L9B8 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any r"ir,-r""i., sand, d.ebrisor material, including trash humpsters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles.upon any street, =ia""aiil-;ri;y or pubricPr?:" or any portion theieof- --in. right-of-way on al] Town ofVail streets and.Igag= is approxi..l"iv-s-i..-lri pavemenr.This ordinance wirr be striiliv--enforced by the Town of VairPubric works Deoartment. pers6ns found viorating this ordinancewilr- be given a 24 hour written ,,oti""-to-;;;;;;".aid material .rn the event the person so notified.aou= noi--conrpry with thenotice within the 24 hour time "p."iii"a,";;"-;;;Iic worksDepartment wirr remove said mateli"i-ui-in""I"pli=e of personnotified- The provisions "r irii= ordlnance shalr not beappricabre to cbnstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities i" [r,"^.iifri_u_ruy. To review ordinance No- 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnanx you for yourcooperation on this matter. %osrtron/Relationshi-p Eo Project ;:li wledged (i.e. contractor, owner) FI .o IF 'oOE F-2 oFF (,A I FT Et lrl ora iE nl F o F tsr FI E F. p o F F QFvz ETE FFz? EOFE bFAZ a. Z o ooA5 !lF D o x z : (.) zln EAIQ OFIF CO F p ril z FI ; ; j E>aEl E '1iq40 e Rit.rNICG REPT131 rowN oF,^H3-:*'egio PAGE 7 AREA: CD@7/3O/9A @8r@2 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FoR: 7/3@/94 ============:====-====================-=========================================Actlvityr 897-@436 7/3O/9A Type: A-COl{}t Statue: ISSUED Constr: ACOM Addresez 227L N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocatlont 227 I n frontage rd sest Parcel z 2L@3'L74'L3-@2@ Occ: Deecrlption: add 1k ef, lnterlor/exterl or renodef Use: V 1-HR Appllcant: l{Et{DEL ALLISON Ovner: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Contractor: IIENDEL ALLISON Phone: Phone: Phone: Locke, HoIde, ACTIVITY Notlce: and Hoticee.. See condltiona Inepectlon Requeet Informatlon. Requeetor: RICK Req Tlne: @8r@@ Conmenter Iteme requeeted to be Inepected.. OO53O QLDG-Tenp. C/O -------drd- Inepectlon Hlatory..... Phonet 97@'4L8-L497 Aetion Comments Itern: OOSIO drivevay grade finalftem: OOOLO BLDG-Footlnge/Steel @4/LO/94 Inepector: CD Iten: O@@2O BLDG-Foundatlon/Steel 04/L3/96 Inepector: JRI'I Actlon: APPR O4/t3/96 fnapector: JRM Actlon: APPR Iten: 0,85'26-PLAN-ILC S{te Plan 06/29/99 Inapector: DOI1INIC Actlon: APPR Item: OO@3@ BLDG-Framing Pn Actlon: PA APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED PARTIAL APPROVAL Actlon: APPR PENDING ILC APPROVAL REPORT AND INFO ON CHANGES RECEIVED APPROVED PARTIAL APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS CHASE NOT COI.IPLETE CONCRETE SLAB 06/O9/98 Inspector: JRI{ Notes: 0N RADIUS CEILING ONLY 06/L2/98 Inepector: CD Notee: ENGINEER'S INSPECTION Item: @A@5O BLDG-Ineulatlon @6/L6/9A Inspector: JRll Actlonr APPR Notee: APPROVED UPPER AND LOWER FLOORSItern: O@O6@ BLDG-Sheetrock Nall O6/L9/98 Inepectorl JRI{ Actlon: PA Notee: 1ST FLOOR ONLY 06/23/9A Inepector: JRll Actlon: APPR Notesr FfNfSH WRAPPING COLU}INS, I'IECH DUCT ftenr @@@7@ BLDG-tllec. @3/OA/98 lnepector: CD Actlont APPRItemr @@69@ BLDG-Flnal Itemr OO53@ BLDG-Tenp. C/O Itemr @@531 FIRE-TEI{P. C/OItem: @@332 PW-TEI'IP. C/O Iten: @0533 PLAN-TEl'tP. C/AItem: 0@537 PLAil-FINAL C/O frla sufra'zf ,az/r'7424? REPTISl A9lo,3lgB O7:54 REOUESTS TOHN (JF VAIL, trOL0RADO FOR INSpECTION hIURK SHEETS FOR: 9/ SlgB PNEE 5 HREA: CD Activity: 897-843S 9/ 3/98 Type; A-trOllFl Status: ISSUED Constr:.. Address: ae71 N FRONTAGE RD, Loeation: r?fl71 n fionta{'e: rd Paree 1 : E1O3-1 l4-LS-OeO Use: U l-HR Deseription: Appl icant : Owner: Contractor: add lk..sf. interior/exterior retod ftfENDELcr-LrSOnl, i io i Oce: el Fhone: Fhone: Phone: Locks, Holds, and ACTIVITYNotice: See Notiees.... cond it i on s Inspection Request Inforration..... Requestorr RICK Req Tirel Ol:@ Eorrents: Iters requested to be Inspected... Phone r 418-14i7 Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspeetion History..... It,er: OOS1O driveway grade final Iter: OOO1O BLDE-Footinqs/SteeI 0,4ltolg& Inspector: CD Action: APPR APPRtrVED APPROUED AtrPROVED APPROVED PARTIAL APPROVALAction: PA Action: APPR PENDING ILtr APtrRtluAL REtrORT AND INFB T]N CHRNGES RECEIVED RPPROUED FARTIAL RPPROVAL I.IITH CONDITIONS CHASE NOT COI{PLETE PHASE II EAST SIDE CONCRETE SLAB Iter : o,o,o,?O BLDG-Foundat ion/Steelg.4/t3/99 fnspeetorr JRltl Flction: APPRg4/I3l9S Inspector: JRM Aetion: AtrPR Iter: SelSPO PLAN-ILC Bite trlang6/?9/98 Inspeetor: D0ftlINItr flction: APPR Iter: OOO3O BLDE-Frarinq o,6/A9/99 Inspeetor: JRltl Notes: tlN RADIUS CEILING ONLYg6/le/96 Inspector: CD Notes: ENGINEER'5 INSTECTIIJN Iter: O0O5O BLDG-Insulation 0l6/t6/9A Inspector: JRltl Action: APtrR Notes: AtrPRtlVED UppER AND LOl.fER FLOORS Iter: 0A060 BlDG-Sheetrock Nail 8b/19/SE Inspector: JRltl Action: PA Notes: IST FLOOR trNLY UbteSlgE Inspectorl JRltl Rction: APPR Notes ; FINISH tfRAppING trOLUl4l.lS' DIECH DUCTgBllL/gE fnspector: CD Action: APPR Iter : o,ol070 BLDG-ltlisc. 05/0.8/98 Inspector: CD Action: AtrPR Lt-e-e:--&8&a0 BtDG:F i n a I Iterr OO53O BLDG-Terp. trlO lA7 l3O/9A Inspector: ART Action: trPFlt See notationl Notes: TGO ApPROUED CONTINGENT UPUN ELECT FINAL' PLANNINB APtrR. Iter: OO531 FIRE-TE]I|P. C/O Iter: OO53a PH-TEI{P. ClB Iterr 60533 PLRN-TEIIP. Cltr Iter: OO5:17 PLAN-FINAL ClO REPTIS1 TOHN OF VArL, COLORADO PRGE 6 69/o,3/98 O725,4 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION IIORK SHEETS FtlR: 9/ 3/9A AREA: CD Iterr OO53B FIRE-FINAL C/O Iterr OO539 PI|-FINAL C/O Iter: O054O BLDG-Final tr/O ri- ?tqn$(5€ nmf n"--stNZ XJ Obr"^U. \-/ ..Pu*tr Vfi;:_+*t;:t ("re\r'e REPT131 legud( inll,I ao^&tr c2-05-2o01 lnspection Request Reportinq Page 8 8 09 am V;ril, Co'- City Of - Requested lnspoct [Ho: I onday, February 05, 2001' Assbned To: PLAf,INING Inspection Type: PLAN lnsoection Ar'ea: CD SiIe Address: 2271 II FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2271 n fiontage rd west A/P/D Information Activirv. 897-0430 TvDe. A-COMM Const Tw6: Occuoar'cv'Paicel: 210311415020 AoDlicant: MENDEL ALLISON Cortractor: MENDEL ALLISON Owner: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Descnption: add 1 k sf ,interior/eKerior remodel Nbtice: WAITING FOR PLANNING APPROVAL - CHARLIE Notlce: Slot 48 - DOMINIC Noticc: See conditions - DOMINIC lnspectlon Hlstorv Itcm: 90 BLDC-Final Comments: ADDTL BLDGTeTnD. C/OJL; I ernD. (,/u (( 07n0€8 Inspector AR (Optionall " Approved * RT Ac,tion: APPR APPRoVED Comments: Seenotation: Run Id: 376 Sub Twe: ACOMlJse: V 1-HR Slalus: lnsp Area: ISSUED CD Item. 510 drives€v orade frnal (ootionai) rtem. l0 BLDGF6oI'nos/Steel (Ootional) " ADDroved '* 041019{ Inspector: CD' Action: APPR APPROVED comments: APPROVED Item: 20 BlDGFoundation/Stc.l (ODtional) 04113198 InsDector: JRM Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPROVEO 04/13198 lnsoector: JRM Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPROVEDItem: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan /Required\ " AFproved * ffi129/98 lnsoec'tor: DOMiNIC Aclion: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPROVED riem. 30 BLDGFramno {Ootronal) *' Aooroved " 06/09/98- lnsoector: 'JRM Action. PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comments: PARTIAL APPROVAL 06/09198 Insoector: JRM Aclion: Co CERTIFICATE oF oCCUPANCY Comments: ADDTL COMMS - ON RADIUS cElLlNG oNLY ObhZgg lnsoeclor: CD Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: PENDING iLC APPROVAL 06/1:/98 Inspector: CD Action: CO CERTI|LCATE qF OCCUPANCY COMMCNfS: AD.DTL COMMS _ ENGINEERS INSPECTIOI.] REPORT AND INFO OIJ CHAFJGES RECEIVED Item: 50 BLDGlnsulatlon (OFtlonal) * Approved "06/16/98 lnsDeetor: JRM Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPRoVED 06/16/98 lnsoector: JRM Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Comments. ADDTL COMMS. APPROVED UPPER AND LOWER FLOORS Iten^: 60 BLDG-Sheekock Nail fOotional) * Aooroved * 06/19198 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPRoVA.L Commerts: PARTIAL APPROVAL 06/19/98 InsDcctor: JRM Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Comments: AODTL COMMS - iST FLOOR ONLY 06123/98 lnsDectcr JRM Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: WITHCONDITIONS 06123/98 lnsDec{or: JRM Aclion: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' Comments: ADDTL COMMS - FINISH WRAPPING COLUMNS.MECH DUCT CHASE NOT COMPLET E 08/11/98 Insoector: CD Action: APPR APPROVED Comments. PHASE il EAST SiDE Item. 7C BLDGMisc. (ODtional) 't ADDroved '* 05/08/98 Inspertor: ' CD Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: CONCRETESLAB ( Requiredl '. apprwed '- Requested Tlme; 08:00 AM' Phone: Entered By: JMONDRAGOI.I #S II'JSTALL SIGNAGE FOR RESTROOMS 09/03/98 Inso€ctor: CD Action: APPR APPROVED 'mments: PENOING P.W&PLNG APPROVAComments: PENOING P.W&PLNG APPROVA 09/03i98 insrector: CD Action: CO CERTIFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY Comments: ADDTL CO}"4MS - INSTALL STREET ADDRESS #S IIJSTALL SIGNAGE FOR REIItem: 530 It€m: 537 PLAN-FINAL REPT131 Drrr' Trl . 21 A 02-05-2001 Inspection Bequqgt B P:na Q Comments:COMMS. TCO APPROVED UPON ELECT , PLANNING APPR. Item: 537 PLAN-FINAL C/O loptional) Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/O (Ootronal) *'Approved *' 09/08/98 lnspector: TP Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPR NO CORRECTIONS o I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROEERT B, HUNNES DAVID IV, HOUDESHELL THOMAS S sO€LT IVARK C. CORMIER MICHAEL R. HOPE THOMAs P. SKINNIR CHARLES 8 WILKERSON Structural Calculations for l stBank West Vail Vail, Colorado (JVA Job No. 7649) Prepared by: Reviewed by David M. Houdeshell, P.E. J'I e 0 897 orfidHdbpv JVA, TNCORPORATEO 13r9 SPRUCE STRErr, 80U[DER, COTORADO 80102 103 444.1951 303.444.1957 FAX JVA, TNCORPOnATED 4710 SOUTH COTLEGE AVE, SUITE 112, FORT COLLTNS, COLORADO 80525 970.22s 9099 970.225.6923 FAX e-mail: jvaiva@aol <om C. Cormier, P.E. ffi$$ o s@ H s rQ N-h $H H$E Fis N$F 3F $ sts $$E & t$ Al H tu $$ F $ 1",\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l_gl?il Drl:oGrlufrf rls, I I Ir) I I I I I I I I t I I @re (oirunri6 n.!cn iat ar6rrtllt Vrvl, nconronaE, o ,vA nconPoRArED T;;;;;nDEn. co.'MDo 80302 47ro sourH c0..E6E ou,rur, l'r, roRI cor,uNs, coLoMDo 80525 303.,144.1951 . 303.4,14.1957 tfi 970.225.9099 . 970.225.59?l tN( BY fulA- D,riE r'5'27'77 cHKDBy Ma- oNe Ap.l/'47 I I JoB* 1L+l , ^.., /t'br'^tt Nen l/Ara cuEfi MVE T sHEEr* e/ oF PREUM s61p1- P*F -r, ,i <z?Awm t-4ehl_-_- I : : l i__ IT': IL_l If-- f-- . 2o.216 4 /vl7',igde.= 20 ftF 2hr anetet N /h^ stat Eac = fu /,rlsr,Ana - /,0 ptP t/anrs 4 #A^M -2o Nr kle"+t { nt*: 2.o ?st: /.e f* €urat*e <eu-oa= /bptc ?DL= fu,b f*, (e) tL. 2F ,O , Duo: P1F t) y I I I I Ir I I I I I t)I I I fuA+- 11,+l-' 5v= 1'1 ,^t> A,L= //a@- d,l , I*- 8,*/a,5=fr,> ,,tt. ---> Ntzxl+ N - b(4,a'Yta + P) + (a.a')(ta) = 41e 2q _1,9 _ lrl+@a.a)= 17,4L' , /4'(a b)- 2q,aL ay- t4.7 ra) An-/x,o: o,s+!': Ip-= 7/,t t'r+* ltllrzL- Lva' graal- @-be (*sv,,v, No Danaa *toa),(E)LL=a5ft htw rrta^) - 114_+tE (€) irto*t - %-_ tpa*= .Za,o' Nt- i GtYza'+ 4)' 4b- r+ , A= 42 l,- *t11+ - /a(ai, k42)^ 2ta L, 5r- 1Q.5 r^t' fr-=,?!tu>(a d(ae)- 7h2 t,J+, A77'//vo- 4 ,***4J --+ NlZx t+ fu dfe+zod--,alzx t4 ? - /2 O).5' )(4 )(zE + b)= 1, t k- pz- tz (1o."') (4 4 (n + p1 = a.4 k- Ieb +0., o,b1' -" a,{="" I I Ii) t I I I I I I I I I I ffi (olltl|r! tnu(lutrl aiqtfl|' Vto" ,*ao*-*arrD o JvA 'rcoRtoMTEDa;'; ;;;thorn. cororADo 80i02 4710 soul' .ouru, o*ur.ft2, Fon co.uNi cotoRADo 80s25 301.444.1951 . 303.444.1957 fr',\970.225.9099 . 970.215.6923 ffu JoB* 1bffi SHEET# PE OF By he o^rE ob,//.17 plorEcr /trh^lL W23T VAIL , fu= 2af? , l-L* b0 l* cLfENr Adrs P nn* 44u* A*p /2? l+- /6t @ 9ro o 2'-O ---> A$<,t",1^t.t, 6h x /b/ z-- y'114 <7a$t- - Ass*v^t1 € x litr ,4 - + Arsut*yt- b" x /6 tlkx <P- -- 1p o /A" It,z' ll tr I I I I t I I I I I I ttD I I I Nt* /z(a-)(z)(zo* u)-. lb7-r oJ z. /z (7' e) (e) (zo + toS- l,- /7btJ Ao 6.*'+1- Z//x-: al?o ,f- (a.er/6,*(z.e-Ean4 M'(o a)= ).4t: , M*(a a.6)- 7.4V -----> N/Zx ft t =(z(4.+') +z.o)(p+ b)= +2i p* i,, I -i- ',I l Eefrezl, y'rto*q O".r lb qap t?. .@ 2:A(l) " N7- fz)G14 4 - 2b P.;-- ftlauatr fVlr<t A?Aa Sfd*\ t 'A?>>t4\': -- clox fo.6 Ar (a1)' d,r/ ffi 4 ;::fffiu,DrR. coLoRAm 80,02 (oriluLrm Inu<rur^r ncrilrr! 301.444.1951 ' 303.444195i F, av A/Lcc oarc oo'//.17 paoreq /arh'vp NEsr CHKD BY - DATE &'ve, (2c>> N JVA IiICORPORATED 17ro sorJTH aouro, orrnrr, fl12. toRT co.rNs c.roRADo soszs 970.225.9099 . 970.225.6921 fAX Joe* 1b4n sHeEr* A) or PREUM ,- P- +'l 1,/q -.f1a'')+ + o)/zo + *) ^ 6qa at-e --l | "1yl ,I _s.aI z.e' I z"' I M-(a a)- l+,ai ----> Nb,(tA An(onr)= Dnn P nnat G*uE P-ep 0,pr I I I at t I I I I I t I I I I -)a' I I I I I I I t I I I IJI t I k P-or Wr.- (.laXzql //a) = 5lo p* ?PiA+ - 22,61-' , ap- //.2 /nt) At- //ta. g.67" , Ip_- E),2 6* --> NIL* 11 ?, b.(7q)(.1,c)(2o+4) - l5e Ny- €]a lcr 7Pl,t\4 = /b.oLt , jf - b,a lt' Att= //o*= d.h/n, Iv= 62.a nt4+ alzx t+ 1N+ = 1,61'- % iltrst*l + NtZxl4'I b, t4sp,ano.,) ---t Ul2x/4 i + N/bx ?6 14,= (l.a(za)- la ,.LJ_ b,rP=4. --l' 121 I+d,b' r=-_Z?=11+r'b' o''l l-l -,t--i- N- b1,^ecaba).=515,*ffi,,I >., tr >+ I.4ae gbty+= 17,+tt , 1p-:6.7 ^t.' Nt'4bP* N=41o Unfi =- a'bl 4rr'(ts) - 4'5b'- //5ac I I I a) I I ffi ry;ilfft-D*.co.o*Dom3oz l03.14,Ll9tl . 303.444.1957 FAX JOB * av ,lrt4 D^rE A6,2b'17 pBoJEcr /6rAr.r,z Na':r Vau to|3un*6 t?trr(tuur l$ Ilrt tffi;fiffiTo,ru,.f,,,. toRr c'r.uNi coLoMDo 80s25 970.22 5.9099 . 970.225.6923 f,rv\1(ffi sneEr* ,(* op PREUM FINAL P+ v4 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I t I t l^ frIr I I I t I I I I t I Itt I I tl - b(4,0)(ta+h)+ (1q.o, , a)'4e,oL , rl1'(o oS^o1e t, 4y=, Ato J/rp- d.#,'ad>- l4t,a4 :il,LlulXn+io)= roiPr ;,1 "- 12 (s,q) (ta+ ia) = 12 /tl+(a Aa)= b.bh-, /vl'(o 6)s 5b0.8 -'- -> lfu E36l€D t /4tt4t4l,Asr,t*, ,(q s 1a', 9F- 2XZ u,t' Apo +.lsotl tsAJ<e b?Et A''-,14,n, 0.11, h-? tt+/al>- :':thu,! Ptaurz$Wl2xz?' :, . '2r2?. nppor,ra: 254 n'---> EeevEE> BEI^)F. dF -TbP fl)ie \ Ntz+xl {-e z>p '5t wn?r . \IAED 76LY2xr+ h/rfitr,rl b'.O oC aPtwrt:J COMPOSITE SECTION 28-May-97 h= h-yc= yc= v 155 10. 12.31 5.223 7. 08 Ay 844 . 30715 ob# Name Engr A(y-yc) ^2 5. 63 22.94 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 7649 FIRSTBANK W MCC Io 156.00 0.77 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 156.77 185.33 , 35. 48/ 26. 15 fl 1 2 3 4 5 6 SHAPE b wr2x22'ts2x2xt{ XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX Sums h b d A v yc Io r A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 .48 1 .59 0 0 0 Total height f conposite section I conp .07 57.19155 .56 Width of r tangle Stop=Sbot=r=height rectangle shape tance ent of of shape centroid above base of compositq centroid above base inertia of shape about its centroid gyrationRadius of .792 I I ffi 4:ffi[f.*DER,co.o*Do8o3o2 cHKD BY lla- oArE &'/1.q7 ;-_.- . :,., FEz' '\ COMPOSITE SECTI 28-May-97 SHAPE b w16X31 DBL TS?X?XI+ XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX Total width 101.444.1951 . 301.4,14.1957 trU JOB #1t4 t ffi ffiT:Tl*r*O 12. ro*r cor.ur.ri cor.o*Do 80525 970.125.9099 . 970.225.5921 tU(o$ur,auG trtu(tuart ticrIIrt SHEET# E5 OF av //,ta oerc E2b47 paoteq /-htn Nct VAtt-PREUMr] I I t I I I I I I I I !^)v I t I I I I I I I I I rglI I I (a) wo x>|, Spoor,r,eo : 4-12 n>#t^ile NI A 9.L2 I [= h-yc= yc= v 7.94 14 .44 Ay# 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dis tance Di s tance Monent of Radius of .9192 0 0 0 0 73 .86 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .53 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 SSum h b d A v yc- 40 376. 53 476. 15 76.07 ( 49.49 6.222rof shape centroid above baseof composite centroid above baseinertia of shape about its centroidgyration lrt+(e t,+) = l4z tvt , Assr,"r 4=+.o', la- (o b) - t4t t-' 3e-- 7o'5 t,'l' \l>.lba rwat PaaP tlz.2o.c'(b*6?)- tbe l,|+(o b.a)=.71.rr,, h'(o L)- lt4 t: At:r*u ,Lt 3 4'a', ar- 61a it) r2.3 11&99. 62t of composite section I comp =rectangle top =hei 'of .rectanglea of shape N,=2t,0'(try+ u)- 2lx r+ t1.z' b -* bg+u Wra+}it> PUSnaat, ./ 4w >"nu ra-r!,\q, b?A€t NrctN /'a ar 4urt,t An.,(/>a= 0,19, L= zZO/a.7b, zfu r^t+ p_&ueFt Ntt xle PEaot@q W-frfi^j NEt-ry;5 15.88 6.260 9 .620 PAIF oF 'rt?,,,+,o4 b T92xZx 4 Ea'.A tlE # 7649 Name FIRSTBANK WEngr MCC A(y-yc) ^2 ro25.76 375.00 ' ltAtt--'l/xn= o.47', Ip^- ! -/!\ .,a t . )2 -> <E> N2lx+7 - aL- I I t lr t I I I I I I I I I I l_ )a./ I t I I I I I I I I I rd I I I 56 .64 83. 02 10.86 19.06 4.276 @re (orlurnr6 f ru(rulrr l16rrllttt "ffi ff:TftT:*,r,l !,r roRT courNt cor.'RAD' 80s25 970.125.9099 . 970.225.5921 tto( JoB* 7b.+1 sHEEr* Aa oF sy l/fu D^re o6':Zb'77 cHKD By -Ae- DArE a2' I'q1 cuEt{t sln|.lv P.ats PE+: *M= 2o.a' IN*- 4?zt 7P' E=4'z[ abMl- 2l.at-, 5L= lo.5 ,,t' (E) htztzx /o,b -'--+ /q' 2'a', 0a#1 Far*rla = l.ZQ' ka / ---'> P^awce+ Aedr. + bTra*\ {ir^{6€ lN ftltNLE lE,o'aF- 'PnJ NI-IH '^TFJE> L|Y,X 4 COMPOSITE SECTION h= 12 Job# 764928-May-97 h-yc= 7.643 Nane FIRSTBANKyc= 4.357 Engr MCC# SHAPE b d A y Ay A(y-yc)^2 Io1 MC12X10.6 0 0 3. 1 6 18.6 8.37 55.402 L3X3 0 0 1.44 0.82 1.1808 18.01 r.243 XXXXXXXXXXXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.004 XXXXXXXXXXXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.005 XXXXXXXXXXXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.006XXXXXXXXXXXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 ry; |l*::[n,*DER, coronADo 80302 301.444.1951 . 303.,1,14.1957 FAx Sums h b d A yc Io r 4.54 19. 7808 26.38Total height of composite section I comp =Width of rectangle S top =height of rectangle S bot =Area of shape r =Distance of shape centroid above baseDistance of composite centroid above base Moment of inertia of shape about its centroid Radius of gyration PE5. tlr- Gio)(2ry I flo) - >4a 99gr: zz. I l-' ------> ?eNhlq.,t/rt PE+ AFVF oay L)xbtt+ *T TaP 4 utPu jgsl+=rb.ou , a?-- /7.oA> Ar, (r- /a)= 1b4 nt. -----> Pa^lr w/ ll*>x Nz-54o N,- ?e 7t+ I t+;' + a.a L lwnvrw: 22.4 1 ar m? 4 btra4> r ' - ''a I'14 -+ At- o'1'= )/26i^l I ?F-o{WD - I"a Rt$$ H$ $$ $N RE r\\ NE $\ $ R s s H .,1 lr $ ic E t N $ \ ^\| s.l \-\ -tl i-.oQ s ss TS $s $ $ e I t II t I t{\ s\ $ hI\ s : F s as t I F c |. 6.9 g-,8 I I I I I I ll rl ll I ll I I t llt I t ll lrl lt I I I I I I I I s4@ \'rvl. nconrongo tr ,vA, rNcoRpoRArED ^d;,,'*..i.]r;tulDrn. coLoMD' 80302 47ro souT'.ou,o, our*ur,Or2, FoRr courNi coroRADo s0525 303.444.1951 . 303.444.1957 tAx 970.225.9099 . 970.225.6923 FAx BY /J4, CHKD BY D,|'E 4 2b'17 DATE Joe* 1to4 PROJECI /.THNK I^/€3T VAL cLtErl{r Drilh P 911E51 x 9/ or PRELIM rwet ?uo Fr-at- Gearn*L&, fu.rc 2t cextzcst? I I I I I I I t Ir) J' t t I I I I I t I I t 4aser = a,F tsr. Jotsrt { eus - ),o pr MEeu't 4 utr,. 2,o I'F Ltaun,,l4= /,a pte 2u<Ftlpa> cetuAE:-_1_29 z^DL= /r.b y:e, UtE h EF 22Fr oq'^tT't. .,-'-----. /i7h+wqVlal e-,tarfr 2oz \--_ 4 *1. E4-: ?taa.+are arJ /'Mt- -1242,--) &.%Fr:-:hve Eara+- - 75 p+ 41 , lbat^: la, 1' ltrr= (zo)( *+ 7+). 2/e pca , ,2.= l, I l- ib^A+ = />(/a,1)L(a,a)- ),o l-' 22' Va't": l4b' wn= u(q,>')(*+tr)+ /z(ta,>)(toa7F)* lop fv , P-7,b/- 1H^+= /u(14,t)'(t,aa)= 4a,EL,, e- b.b tu, Ao- lhro= d.5, , l*- (a,a.>Yzz,s)(t+,a)- a?, / r^t + -2 Ktnfu<E t,/ uAtmt bdTBM Fta0ae a/H.* ltzx$,Z apto/va = /6'* t^l ', 1p?uu,o*'- 141 n+ /+-, \> \VbL- fftlttl< r^ltip ct|:r); t2,6' rz (ta')(n)= b(e oS(t r>) %u" d.42' 4b= e7 nryz'+al ---->N>x lq 1- ,r1-. (2.)(*i7a),224 *t| 5,1 1H,A+ - 4A4 h-' , ag= 21L ut, At. /,/rr,.-. O.a7", Ja-- /Zo t^l* + Wl4x?z /H fr= '2,4/.i , 1r- r2(z,c)/an1a1- o.77 nt, fy^ (a.taa>)(z,a)(rz+)= 5,D rr 4 r,9 I I I 9V.^ -- ,tJ w,uo - ,H,A+ = .') IE 6.2 1, -- Tg1x4, )a I I I ll I t t t I I I I I I I I tl I I I I I t t I I I Ir) I I I %' ffi 4: m:muon, co.o*Do 80102 tffi lTffiTl*r*. O,. 'oRr co{.'Nr c.roMDo 80'25 303.444.1951 . 301.444.1957 FAX 970.225.9099 . 970.225.6921 rAx Joe* 1a41 sneEr* 92- or By Mc< oarc b'/l'71 pao,rcq /nl7*nle 6/E*r VAtt peeuu CHKD BY - DATE cuew DNI.E ? ,rre, /" Fta- 9tp, =y*= 20,5' Nrr= (ta)(io+14)+(+a)1zoSt 2bo(+ , ?- 2,7L ibtAl- b(za,s)"(fi)= l7,b lt, j5- J,J N> Ao- /v.'- Qad ,' TA- Q,oaa)0sz)(c")- 60,2 ht4 N/2v t4 2,1 :tl lfur- 5A,5LJ, 1F' z7,bts, An- l/s*- 0,O7n, IA- 2o'/,^t* - ---> N/Ox24 ,hA+- /0.1u . au= 6.1tt' Ao-l/r-. 0,b7', Iv- 4,1/a37- (,g,qN+ --> glllrl* lll ' /l: 1W= 2L,4' N = lz (z >)(ro+ 7a) 4 Q,a(2"): )n w , Z= 4o u + r1r[+ - /s'(za.a)' (o, r) - 2a,. p' l+, aN = tu.z trt' 4n. //ta, - o,bB' , fp- l+o trta _ N l4x2L ,1Q: J64rt^t,= Za.a' I 11= (z.a>)(ro+ 7e) = lfa V,+., A- z3 r,- +V+- 6.6' N- Zja 7*, L- A,?L &7 dtTa-AsJ'---z Nrz*t4 fo., paze*,\dJ -)II Nrzv t4 abM+ =/tsYz.z)(/.r)ho - ?,b/L' 5lL, 51 d;parad -+ WIZ-:E 1?- x,a++o + 0,1 - 3^11- 22.2 I I Ir" t I I I I I t I I I t l\ TJ I I I I I I I I I I I bI I I ffi )1,u ,*-*-*gtt o rvA r{coRX,RArEl 4;;#lTtuo€R, coro*Do 80302 4710 souT*,o.uo, lurrrrOr2. roff cour r cor.o*Do 80525 BY lVlQ CHKD BY ab, i' t, ,98, I I : atQ, 301.4,04.1951 . 303.414.1957 tv\970.225.90$ . 970.125.6923 ffrX ,toEr 1u11 snest* 5b or oare 0b./1.71 PRoJEcr /trb,Jz ttb+r Veu- DATE cuew DNp ? nnau 2Ao tst-u %A+= n, bP , ap- fo,o N ' Art= //4to^ a,Ad fs- (a,*4e4(n,u)(zza)n 4al i^tr ----> Nlbx)5 @1\(zd(tr)/+o = 1ao L' ?4O tt > --> Nllxzz avAA+- 76.11-" th- fl.cc u' Ao- //ro.- d.67", lu= leo/a,o1 ^ 2bzut* --> N/axZ? /bl[+ c 1F- N\= 22o€u.lz-25o NELED //4'{ x dLa Poe *1 , (E>Nt>x'to, Un,h (o b1= 1'21 , )= A.*.*t Nl\xtu, 'Ul1@ b)- 0.17 , 6b,+ a.fufl --- 7'27LL l-F ?*ta+1'+' ttzL \- rn: 6/2,xp 1 puuoeo (fu) - 10.7 ht> I t I ll I I t I t I t I I I t t. )l' I t t I I I I I I I ffi 303.414.1951 . 303.444.1957 FAI aY Mce- DATE A''/l'71 CHKD BY DATE- Wwl. tHco*rorArEo tr ,vA r*coRFoRATED '\;; ,','*-ur;;o|.uLor*, c'r.MDo 80102 4710 soulr ,ooro, ourrrr,f rr. F'RT c'r.rN' cor.o*Do 80s25 970.125.90S9 . 970.225.6921 tAx JoB* 7t 4 sHEEr* 4 oF - pRoJEcr /tr%^lL[Akir Vt+il- pREuM- cuENr h/t'/,e P lgat ZND FA- 6Ez-t ; i llfr rl t TDI I I (at wzt,41. sd H sq H {$ N H uR SK / \ $ R s tr s\.l R tl F $t $ $ $ e \ s & q o $ R R g F R r1 F si\ l$ t* t{lq l$ s H R E \ F A4 F Ril $B SN FH $$ f$ sx SS istSril IH,)Q GrR is ls It tttllllltlllllllllltltlIII I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t --Th$rnotVeil -- JAt 2 0 19S8 OFFICECOPT lstBANK OF' \,InilST \AXL VAIL, COLORADO PRoJEcTM$NUAL JIIIIE 20, 1997 ARCIIITECT PROJF.CT NO. 96265.00 ARCHITECT: Davis Partnershi.p P.C., Architects 1775 Sherman Street, Su;te 5100 Denver, Colorado E0203 G,4RY M., A04ics E-i0j5 rov" c0|||lvl, OErl, t)Ep I E?t-opoVenA I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I lstBANK OFWESTVAIL VAIL, COLORADO PBOJDCT NO.96265.00 PROJECTMANUAL JTJNE 20,1997 DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C., ARCHITECTS 17?6 Sherman Street, Suite 3100 Denver, Colorado 80208 Otu.1U @ilEe.;/ \-, *l ADAMS l* GARY M. ADAMS B-10L5 ffitr@ I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I rABLE OF CONTENTS FOR lstBJAI{K O8 IIEST \TAIL vArL, COLORADO June 20, 199'7 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Pre-Proposal Information Instruction to Bidders Supplemental- Instructions to Bidders Proposal Form CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT General Conditions Supplementary Conditions Agreement DIVISION ]. EY-T ArA A701, l-987 src-1, SrC-2 PF-1, PE-?, PF-3, PF-4 ArA A20l-, 1987 sc-1, SC-2, SC-3, SC-4, SC-5 AlA A101, 1987 SPECIl.ICATTONS 01010 01026 0102'7 01030 01035 01040 0104 5 010 95 012 00 01300 014 00 0 r_500 01600 01531 017 00 01740 Summary of Work Unit Prices Applications for Payment ALternates Modification Procedures Project Coordination Cutting and Patching Reference Standards and Definitions Project Meetings Submittals Quality Control- Services Temporary Facil-ities Materials and EquiPment Product Substitutions Project Closeout Warranties and Bonds # *"KRd *l _ ADAt\4s l* GARY M. ADAMS B-i015 St'frRt! 96265.00 - 1 DIV]SION 2 02110 02200 02205 02217 02222 02223 02510 02520 02 900 DIVISION 3 03300 DIVISION 4 Not Used DIVISION 5 05120 05220 0 5310 054 00 05500 DIVISION 6 06100 06402 DIVISION 7 Site Clearing Earthwork Soil- Materials Rough Grading Excavating Backfilling AsphEil-tic Concrete Paving Portland Cement Concrete Pavinq Landscaping Cast-In-PIace Concrete Structural Steef Steel Joists and Joist Girders Steel Deck Cold-Formed Metal Framing Metal Fabrications Rough CarpentryInterior Architectural Woodwork Bituminous Dampproof ing Building Insulation Exterior Insulation and Finish Manufactured Roof Panels Sing1e-P1y Membrane Roofing Flashing and Sheet Metal Roof AccessoriesJoint SeaLants Systems - Class PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 07150 072]-0 07242 07 Att 07 530 07 600 07720 07 901 6s% GARY M. ADAI\,lS -1016 Uffi:nr\D 95265.00 - 2 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I DIVISION 8 0 8111 08211 08410 084 50 08710 08800 08830 DIVISION 9 09255 09262 0 9300 0 951r. 09680 09900 09950 D]VISION ]-O 10155 L0522 108 00 DIVISION 1]. tt452 DIVISION ].2 Not Used DIVISION 13 Not Used DIVISION 14 Steef Door and Frames Flush Wood Doors Aluminum Storefronts Automatic Entrance Doors Door Hardware Glazing Mirror Glass Gypsum Board Assemblies Gypsum SheathingTile Acousticaf Panel Ceilings Carpet Painting Wal1 Coverings Toilet Compartments Fi-re Extinguishers, Cabinets, Toilet and Bath Accessories and Accessories Residential Appliances GARY M. ADAMS B-101 5 D--nntD Not Used 9626s.00 - 3 DIVISION 15 15 010 15045 t 5060 15250 15400 155 50 15800 l_5 900 1s990 DIVISION 16 General Mechanical Reguirements Mechanical Rel-ated Work Pipes, Valves and Piping Specialties Mechanical Insulation Plumbing ELectric Heating TerminalsAir Distribution Temperature Control Systems - El-ectric Testing, Adjusting and Balanci-ng General Provisions Basi-c Materials and Methods Empty Raceway Systems EfectrlcaL Systems Exterior LightingElectrical Completion I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I 16010 16100 r.6103 r.64 00 16410 16900 96265.00 - 4 T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t lstBANK OF WEST VAIL PRE-PROPOSAL INFORMATION PRE-APPROVED AND PRE-SELECTED CONTRACTOR: Mendel-Al-lison Construction Co. 1165 South Pennsylvanj-a St. Denver, CO 80210 (303) 778-116s (303) 744-ll14 EAX Cliff Shumway PRE-PROPOSAL INFORMATION PP-]. I I I By reference herein, AIA Document A701 Instructions to Bidders Fourth Edition AIA 1987 t is hereby made a part of and is incorporated and j-ncluded by reference into the Contract Documents for, I lstBank Of West Vail- I Architect Project No. 96265.00r I although said AIA Document is not bound within this Project I Manual, issued June 20, 199'l . I I A11 terms and conditj.ons as stated in above-referenced AIAr Document appfy to and are applicabLe to, in their entirety, the Contract Documents as if bound withi-n this Project Manual . I Any and all Supplemental Instructions to Bidders, as included in I this Project Manual, are applicabte to the referenced AIA t Documenc rrsceci above. I I I I t I I I I t I lstBANK OF WEST VAIL SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER GENERAL: I Proposal for furnishing all Labor and material-s for the lstBankf of West Vail-, Vai1, CoLorado. Submi-t and seal- the proposal in an envelope addressed to the Owner and plainly marked on the outside of the envelope with the name and address of the bidder, and project name. All- proposals and documents submitted shaLl- be submitted with four (4) copies of each item. If a bidder submits his proposal by mai1, he sha1l enclose the above described seal-ed envelope, in a second envelope addressedto the Owner and having the bidder's return address in the upperleft-hand corner. The Owner will not be responsible for the premature opening of a proposal which is not properly addressed and identified. Bids will be analyzed on the basis of cost. performance characteristics, compatibility with the design criteria, andschedule. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or al-l bids and to waive formalities and irregularities. No exceptions,exclusions, gualifications shall be accepted with the proposal, all clari-fications shall be made bv the Addenda Drocess. t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T QUESTIONS: AJ-l questions shal-l be directly lnterpretations and replies to will be mail-ed or delivered to issued Addenda to the contract the contract. to the Architect. questions of the propose documents the Contractor of record as duly documents and will become part of Address all questions in writing (through mail or FAX) to: Mr. Craig Dunham c/o Davis Partnership P.C. - Architects 1775 Sherman Street, Suite 3100 Denver, Colorado 80203 Telephone: 303/861-8555Fax: 303/86L-3027 Questions wiLl not be answered directLv SUPPIEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS SIC-1 over the phone. TO BIDDER EXAMINATION OF PROJECT SITE: Prior to submitting proposals for this project, the contractor shall- have examined the site to determine existing conditions under which he will be required to work or that will affect the work under his contract. No allowances will- be made for any error or negli-gence in determining these conditions. ADDENDA: Any addenda issued during the time of negotiation shall be listed on the proposal form in the space provided. Failure of the contractor to receive any Addendum shal-I not release the contractor from any obligations under his proposal, provided said addendum was sent by U.S. Mail to the address furnished by the bidder for transmittal of U.S. Mail. INTERPRETATION OF QUOTED PRICES: 1n case of a difference in written words and figures on the proposed form, the amount stated in written words shall- govern. DELTVERY: lhe contractor is responsibLe for del-ivering his proposal- at the proper time and to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The contractor must have the proposal actually delivered. COORDINATION OF WORK: A11 prime Sub-Contractors for work defined by individua] Specificatj-ons sha11, jointly and separately, coordinate their various sections of the work as to instal-lation procedures, shop drawings, and final installation of all related rnaterials. Responsibility for enforcing coordination requirements will rest solely with the contractor. END OF SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTOR SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERsrc-2 I t I I I t I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I t I I t I I lstB]A}IK OF I|EST VAIL ]-stBANK HOLDING COMPANY OF COLORADO L2345 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 TO: FROM: Operating as (strlke individual, a Company, the law of the State of or a Proprietorshi-p, a Bidder Address ait-rr./qfeiavrel/ veEvv out conditions that do not apply) an a Corporation organized and existi-ng under Joint Venture consisting of I I I I I I I I I I I BASE PROPOSAL: The undersigned hereby decfares that he has carefuJ-]y examj-ned the Project Manual, all bidding and construction documents, and hereby proposes and agrees to provide aLI coordination, labor' materialsr plant, equipment, transportation and other faciliti-es required to execute al-I the work described by the construction documents for the lstBank of West Vai] for the lump sum of: Dolfars (9 ALTERNATES: I / We Wl- I -L substitutes L. Providefor the incfude the following alternates as specified for the additional- costs Listed: and install all casework shown on Interior drawinqs Lounge and Teller Line.s Add ($ ) Deduct PROPOSAL FORM Provide and install aLL carpet and resilient base shown as "bv Owner" on Interi-or Finish Plans, Add(9 ) Deduct floor tile shown as "by $ Add Provide and instaLl the Pedimat :-n "by Owner" on Interior Finish Plans. (9 ) Deduct the Vestibule shor'rn as Add($ ) Deduct UNIT PR]CES Provide and install all rubber Owner" on Interior Finish PLans. 1. Rock Earthwork Excavation 2. Subsoil FiIl Type 51 3. Subsoil FiII Type 52 4. Additional SubsoiL Excavation 5. Riprap6. Asphalt Pavement Binder Course '7 . Asphalt Pavement blearing Course 8. Asphalt Pavement Installation 9. Portland Cement Concrete Materiaf 10. Portland Cement Concrete Pl-acement 11. Additional Required Caisson Depths 14. Additional Required Caisson Casing ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : I T I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. $-perI per $ per I per $ per I per $-per$ per per $ per I per Per$-Per$ per cubic yard. cubic yard. cubic yard. cubic yard. square yard. square yard. square yard. square yard inch thick. cubic yard square yard inch thick.linear foot.Iinear foot. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Date of AddendumAddendum Number NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE The undersigned agrees that upon acceptance of his proposal, he will execute a contract with the Owner and wi-11 deliver' if so requested by the Owner, insurance as may be required by the Specifications and other Construction Documents. PROPOSAL FORM PE-2 t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE : Contractor to I,/WE agree to complete all RETAINAGE: identify commence work on proposed start the work on and completion dates. ,1997 and bv the Owner until theA retainage of 5? shall be maintained project is satisfactorily completed. CONTRACTOR' S SUPERINTENDENT: I,/WE submit the following name of Mr- consideration to perform the duties of Superintendent for the Work under this Contract ' for -t ^Contractor'sI/wE wiIl submit a qualification resume of the above-named person upon request of tne Owner. I/WE acknowledge the right of the Owner to accept or reject the above-named submitted for Superintendent' SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING : The undersigned contractor proposes to subfet the following work and does hereby certify that -the below listed names have full knowledge that they have been offered as manufacturers and/or Subcontractors for the Work under this Contract, and the Contractor further certifies that these manufacturers and/or subcontractors have consented to listing their names herein. ltem of Work Name and Address of Subcontractors Concrete Ma qa\n r\t Steel- Structure Roofing Mechanical Electrical Landscape PROPOSAI FORM PF-3 GENERAL STATEMENT: The undersigned has checked alI of the above figures, and understands that the Owner, Architect and consulting engineer wiLl not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned in preparing this proposal. In submitting this Proposal, it is agreed that this proposal may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days from time of nrran i n rrvtJv.|5..l:' The undersigned declares that the person or persons signing this proposal is/are fully authorized to sign on behalf of the firm fisleO and to fully bind the firm listed to all the proposafrs conditions and Provisions. It is agreed that no person or persons or company other than the firm listed below or as otherwise indicated has any interest what-so-ever in this proposal or the subcontract that may be entered into as a resul-t of this proposal and that in all respects the proposal is legal and firm, submitted in good faith without collusion of fraud. It is agreed that the undersigned has complied and will comply wlth atl requirements of local, state, and national }aws, and that no legal requirements have been or will be violated in making or accepting this proposal, or in the prosecution of the work resuired. Respectfully submitted' this day of , t99'l (Firn Name) (Address ) (Signature ) (Name Typed) (Tir1e ) (SEAL IF CONTRACTOR IS A CORPORATION) PROPOSAL FORM PF-4 I I I I T I T I I t I t I I I I t I I t I I I By reference herein, I AIA Document A201 . General Conditions of the Contract forI Construction Fourteenth Edition AIA 1987 I is hereby made a part of and is incorporated and included by reference into the Contract Documents for, lstBank Of West Vail Architect Project No. 95265.00 I although said AIA Document is not bound within this Project I Manual, issued June 20, 1997. I I All terms and conditions as stated in above-referenced AIAr Document apply to and are applicable to, in their entirety' the Contract Documents as i-f bound within this Project Manual . I Any and all Supptementary Conditions, lncluded 1n this Project I :;:;:i' are appl:-caute to the referenced ArA Document listed I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I lstBANK OF WEST VAIL SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS The following supplements modify the "General conditions of the contract for construction, " AIA Document A20I , Fourteenth Edition, 1,981 . Where a portion of the General Conditions is modified or deleted by these supplementary conditions, the unaltered portions of the Generaf conditions shalI remain in effect. ARTICLE 2; OWNER Delete Subparagraph 2.2.5 and substitute the following: 2.2.5 The Contractor will- be furnished free of charge 15 copies of Drawings and Project Manuals. Additional sets wil-l be furnished it tne cost of reproduction, postage and handling' ARTICLE 3; CONTRACTOR Additional- Permits and Fees Owner will apply for and pay fees to the appropriate entlty for tap permits -and environmentll impact permits due to water and sewer connections, if any. owner will pay the amount of fees or charges required bY the utilitY. ARTICLE 7: CHANGES IN THE WORK '7.3 Construction Change Directives '7.3.6 In the first sentence, deLete the works "a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit" and substitute "an allowance for overhead and profit ln accordance with clauses through 7.3.L0.6 befow." Add the following Subparagraph 7.3.10 to 7'3: 7.3.10 In Subparagraph ':.-3.6, the allowance for the combined overhead and profii incfuOed in the total cost to the Owner shall be based on the following schedule: .1 For the contractor. the work performed by the contractor's own forces, 15 Percent of the cost' For the contractor, the tlork performed by the contractor's Subcontractor, 10 percent of the amount due the Subcontractor. SUPPIEMENTARY CONDITIONS cr. - 1 .z I I I I I I I I I I I I .3 For each Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor involved, for hlork performed by that Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractorrs own forces, 10 percent of the cost. For each Subcontractor, for Work performed by the Subcontractor's Sub-subcontractors, 10 percent of the amount due the Sub-subcontractor. Cost to which overhead and profit is to be applied shall be determined in accordance with Subparagraph 1.3.5. In order the facilitate checking of quotations for extras or credits, all proposals, except those so minor that their propri.ety can be seen by inspect5-on, shall be accompanied by a complete itemization of costs including labor, materials and Subcontracts. Labor and materials shall be ltemized in the manner prescribed above. Where major cost items are Subcontracts, they shall be itemized also. In no case wilL a change involving over 91000 be approved without such itemization. ARTICLE 11; INSURANCE AND BONDS 11.1 Contractor's Liabilitv Insurance 1- Delete the semicolon at the end of the Clause and add:, including private entities performing Work at the site and exempt from the coverage in account of number of employees or occupation, which entitl-es shall maintain voJ-untary compensation coverage at the same limits specified for mandatory coverage for the duration of the Project; Ll-.1.1.4 Delete the semicolon at the end of Clause l- and add: or persons or entities excluded by statute from the requirements of Clause but required by the Contract Documents to provide the insurance required by that Clause; Liability Insurance shal-L include all major divisi-ons Iof coverage and be on a comprehensive basis including: ! 1. 2. 4. t Premises Operations (including x'C and U coveraqes as applicable)- Independent Contractorrs Protective Personal lnjury Liability with Empl-olrment Exclusion deleted. Contractual, including specified provision for Contractor's obligation under ParagraPh 3.18. Owned, non-owned and hired motor vehicle. t t I t t I Except for Worker's Compensation' the Owner, Architect and his consuLtants shall be additional insured on the above liability r-nsurance coverage. SUPPIEMENTARY CONDITIONS DU-Z I t t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t If the General Liability coverages are provided by a commercial General Liability Policy on a claims-made basis' the policy date or Retroactive Date sha1l predate the Contract; the termination date of the policy or applicable extended reporting period shalL be no earlier than the termination date of coverages iequired to be maintained after final payment, certified in accordance with Subparagraph 9.1'0.2. Add the following Clause Eo 17-I-2: lL.1.2.I. The insurance required by subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not l-ess than the foJ-Iowing Iimits, or greater if required by law. 1. Workerrs Compensation: (a) State: Statutory (b) Employers Liability: Statutory comprehensive or commercial Generaf Liability (including Premises-Operations; Independent Contractors' Protective) : (a) Bodily Injury: (b) Personal Injury: (c) Property Damage: (a) Bodily Injury: (b) Property Damage: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $ 500,000 Each Occurrence $1, 000, 000 Each Occurrence 91, 000, 000 Each occurrence $1, 000, 000 Each Occurrence Business Auto Liability (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles): 1l-.1.3 Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 11'1'3: If this i.nsurance is written on the Comprehensive General Liability policy form, the certificate shalI be AIA Document G705, Certiticate of Insurance. If this insurance is wri.tten on a Commerciaf General Liability policy form, ACORD form 25S wifl be acceptabLe. ARTICLE 13; MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.5 Tests and InsPections Add the following to Subparagraph 13.5.3: SUPPI-,EMENTARY CONDITIONSsc-3 Regardless of the results, the Contractor shall bear the costs for special testing, inspection or approval caused by Contractor's fai-Lure to comply wj-th the Contract Documents which indicate conditions not conforming with the Contract Documents. Add the following Paragraph to 13.8 to Articl-e 13: 13.8 EquaI Opportunity 13. 8. l- The Contractor shal-l- maintain policies of empl-ovment as follows: 13.8.1-.1 The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors shal-1 not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national- origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treatedduring employment without regard to their race, religion, coIor, sex or nationaL origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; Iayoff or terminati-on; rates of pay or other forms of compensatj-on; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for emplolrment, notj-ces setting forth the policies of non-discrimination. The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employeesplaced by them or on their behalf, state that all qualified applicants will receive conslderation for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex or national origin. ARTICLE 14; TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT: Add the following Paragraph 14.4 to Article 14: 14.4.1 The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Ownerts convenience and without cause. l4.4.2Uponreceiptofwrittennoticefromtheownerofsuch termination for the Owner's convenj.ence, the Contractor shaLlr I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I .1_ -z Cease operations as directed by the Owner in writing; Take actions necessary, or that the Owner may direct, for the protection and preservatj.on of the 9iork; and Except for Work directed to be performed prior to the effective date of terminati-on stated in the notice, terminate alf existing Subcontracts and purchase orders and enter into no further Subcontracts and purchase orders. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 5\- - .l I I I I T END OF SUPPLEMENTARY I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I T r 1,4.4.3 In case of such termination for the Owner's convenience, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive palment from the I ohrner on the same basis provided in Subparagraptr- lA.L.2.I ONDITIONS duppr.,BMsNTARY coNDrrr oNS en-q I I By reference herein, I AIA Document A101 . Owner Contractor Agreement Twelfth t Edition AIA 1987 I is hereby made a part of and 1s incorporated and incruded by reference into the Contract Documents for, I lstBank Of West Valf I Architect Project No. 96265.00 I although said AIA Document is not bound within this Project I Manual, issued June 20, 1997. I r Atl terms and conditlons as stated in above-referenced AIA I Document apply to and are applicable to, in their entirety, ther contract Documents as if bound within this Project Manual . I I I T I I I I I I ? A. I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION O1O1O - SUMMARY OF WORK fAKl -L - LtIJt\ titltt! 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions and Supplementary Conditions and Sections, apply to this Section. of Contract, includlng General' other Division-1- SPecification 1a 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of a new freestanding bank building located near intersection of Chamonix Road and North Frontage Road, 2271 North Frontage Road West, in the City of Vail, County of Eagfe, State of Coforado as shown on contract documents prepared by Davis Partnership' P.C.' dated May 16, 1997. The work consists of a one-story bank building' exterlor shell, interior finishes, site and landscape work. The Work i-ncludes concrete, steeJ-, architectural woodwork, waterproofing, insulated EPDM roofing, roof accessories, hardwlre, gLazlng, interior finishes and coordination' plumbing, heating-ventilating-air conditioning, electrical systems, lighting, and communication-alarm-si-gnal systems coordinati-on. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES General: Limit use of the premises to construction activities in areas indicated. 1. Confine operations to indicated. Portions of construction operations disturbed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not applicablel . PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not appl-icable) END OF SECTION O]-O10 areas within Contract limits the site beyond areas in which are indicated are not to be SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - L l_. 1. A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I PART 1 1.1 A. SECTION 01026 - UNIT PRICES 1.) - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and generaJ- provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions Specification Sections, apply to this SUMMARY PART 2- a/.\hf r...1- i nr. l rrdi nrr, rrrv4sqrrrY and other Divislon-L Section. This Section specifies administrati-ve requirements for unit prices. and procedural- A unit price is an amount proposed by Bidders and stated on the ProposaL Form as a price per unit of measurement for material-s or services that wiII be added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by Change Order in the event the estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased. Unit prices incLude all necessary material, overhead, profit and appli-cable taxes. Refer to individual Specification Sections for constructj-on activj-ties requiring the establishment ofunit prices. Methods of measurement and payment forunit prices are specified in those Sectj-ons. Schedule: A "Unit Price Schedule" is included at the end of this Sectj-on. Specification Sections referenced in the Schedul-e contain requirements for materlals and methods described under each unit price. The Owner reserves the right to reject the Contractor's measurement of work-in-place that invoLves use of established unit prices, and to have this Work measured by an independent surveyor acceptable to the Contractor at the Owner's expense. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.]. UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE A. Item No. 1 - Excavation UNIT PRICES 01026 - 1 I t t I I I 1. 1 1. Descripti-on: Provide uni-t price for rock excavation and transported from the site. See Section 02200. 2. Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard. B.Item No. 2 - Soil- Fill Description: Subsoil FiI1 TyPe S1, removal of unacceptable subsoil, excavation of on-site soil' scarifying subsurface, placing and compacting. See Section 02211 . Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard. Item No. 3 - Soil FiII 1. Description: Subsoil FiI1 Type 52, supplying and transporting acceptable structural fill material' scarifying substrate surface, placing and compacting. See Section 02211 . 2. Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard. D. Item No. 4 - Excavation 1. Description: Removal See Section 02222. 2. Unit of Measurement: of additionaf subsoil- material-. Cubic Yard. t I I I I t I I I I I I t E. Item No. 5 - RipraP 1. Descri-ption: Riprap rock as specified in Section 02275, including transportation and placement. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Yard. F. Item No. 6 - Asphalt Concrete Paving. 1. Description: Asphalt Pavement binder course material. See Section 02510. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Yard. G. Item No. 7 - Asphaft Concrete Pavement. 1. Description: Asphalt pavement wearing course material. See Section 02520. 2. Unit of Measurement: Sguare Yard' H. Item No. I - Asphalt Concrete Pavement L. Description: Asphalt Pavement instal-Iation. See Section 02510. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Yard per inch thickness. I. Item No. 9 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving. 1. Description: Portland Cement concrete material. 2. Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard. UNIT PRICES oto26 - 2 t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I J. Item No. 10 - Portland Cement Concrete Placement. 1. Description: Placing Portland Cement concrete, including finishing. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Yard per inch thickness' END OF SECTION 01026 I uNrr PRrcEs 01026 - 3 A. T T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION OIO27 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART 1.1 A. 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawi-ngs and general provisions of Contract' including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 1. Coordinate the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment wi-th the Contractor's Construction Schedule, List of Subcontracts, and Submittal Schedu1e. 1.2 1.3 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of the Contractor's Construction Schedule. 1. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Val-ues with other required administrative schedules and forms, including: a. Contractor's construction schedule. b. Application for Payment form. c. List of subcontractors.d. Schedule of alternates.e. List of products. f. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. S. Schedule of submittals. 2. Submit the Schedufe of Values to the Architect at the earliest feasible date, but no fater than 7 days before the date scheduled for submittal of the initial Application for Palment. 3. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Vafues: a. Project name and location. b. Name of the Architect. c. Project number.d. Contractorts name and address. e. Date of submittal. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT ot021 - r Arrange the Schedule of Values in a tabular form with separate col-umns to indicate the following for each ltem listed: a, Generlc name. b. Related Specification Section. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that have affected value. S. Dol-1ar va1ue, in whole dollars, totalling contract sum. Percentage of Contract Sum to the nearest one-tenth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reporLs. Break principal subcontract amounts down j.nto several line items, using sub-schedules when appropriate. For each part of the Work where an Application for Palrment may include materials or equipment, purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed' provide separate line items on the Schedule of Values for initial cost of these materials or equj.pment' for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total- instalfed value of that part of the Work. Provide j-nvoices for all such materials or equipment. Line ltems: Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Palrment shall be complete including its total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit margin. Vlhere Contractorrs profit is expressed as a fee, either fixed or based on a Percentage, delete the words "and profit margin", and add the following sentence: Where AIA Document 1L1 or II7 is used as the Contract, show Contractor's fee as a separate line item. At the Contractor's option, temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in- place may be shown as separate line items in the ScheduLe of Values. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT: A. Each Application for Payment shall be consi-stent with previous applications and palments as certified by the Architect and paid for by the Owner. I I T I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I n a. t\ q 5. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 0t027 - 2 1. D. I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 1. The initial Applicatlon for Payment, the Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and the finaL Application for Payment i-nvolve additional requirements. Payment Application Times: The progress payment date is stlted in the Agreement. The period of construction Work covered by each AppJ-ication or Palment is in the Agreement. Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document G '702 and Continuation Sheets G 703 as the form for AppJ-ication for Palment. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on the fnrm innl rrdi nrr notarization and execution by personJ- \r r rr!, +rrv4ssrr^Y authorized to sign legaI documents on behalf of the contractor. Incomplete applications will be returned without action. 1. Entries shalf match data on the Schedufe of VaLues. Use updated schedules if revisions have been made' 2. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued prior to the last day of the constructj-on period covered by the application. Transmittal: Subrnit 3 executed copies of each Application for Pa)ment to the Architect by means ensuring receipt within 24 hours; one copy shal1 be complete, including waivers of l-ien and simllar attachments' when required. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments, and recording appropriate information related to the application in a manner acceptabLe to the Architect. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment submit waivers of mechanics liens from subcontractors or sub- subcontractors and suppliers for the construction period covered by the previous application. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested at the Owner's request, prior to deduction for retainage' on each item. 2. Ialhen an application shows completion of an submit final or fuII waivers. 3. The Owner reserves the right to designate which entities invol-ved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payment with the Contractor's waiver of mechanics lien for the period of construction covered by previous payments. item, APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 3 Submit f inal Application for Palrment wj-th or preceded by flnal waivers from every entity involved with performance of Work covered by the application who could lawfuJ-Iy be entitled to a 'I .l ^-rrglt, Initial Application for Payment: Administrative acti-ons and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. 3. Schedul-e of Val-ues. 4. Contractorrs Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final). 5. Schedule of principal products. 6. Schedufe of unit prices (if applicable). 1. Submittal Schedule (preliminary if not final). 8. Copies of building permits 9. Copies of authorizations and licenses from governing authorities for performance of the Work. 10. InitiaL progress report. 11. Report of pre-construction meeting. 12. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies (if applicable) . 13. Performance and palment bonds (if required). 14. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance. 15. InitiaL settlement survey and damage report, if required. Application for Payment at Substantial- Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Paltment, this application sha1l reflect any Certificates of Partial- Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated Portions of the Work. Administrative actions and submittals that shal-] proceed or coincide with this application incl-ude: 1. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. 2. Warranties (guarantees) and maintenance agreements. 3. Test/adjust/balance records. 4. Maintenance instructions. 5. Start-up performance reports. 6. Change-over information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation and maintenance. 1. Finaf cleaning. 8. Application for reduction of retainage, and consent of surety. 9. List qf incomplete Work, recognized as exceptions to Architect's Certificate of Substantial Completion. I I I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I t \J. H. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 0102? - 4 J.I I I I I t T t I I I I I t I I I I I Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submlttafs which must precede or coinci-de with submittal of the final payment Application for Payment incfude the following: 1. Completion of Project cl-oseout requirements. 2. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion. 3. Assurance that unsettled cl-aims will be settled. 4. Assurance that tdork not complete and accepted will be compJ-eted without undue delaY. 5. Transmittal of required Project construction records to Owner. 6. Certified property survey (if required). 7. Proof that taxes, fees and similar obligations have been paid. 8. Removal of temporarY 9. Removal of surplus elements. facilities and servlces. materials, rubbish and similar PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not AppJ.icable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION OLO71 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT oro2't - 5 fa. B. D. I t t t I I I t I I I t t t I I I I I SECT]ON O1O30 - ALTERNATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including Genera] and SuppJ-ementary Condltions and other Divisj-on-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L.Z SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for Alternates. Definition: An Alternate is an amount proposed by Bidders and stated on the Bid Form for certain construction activiti-es defj.ned in the Bidding Requirements that may be added to or deducted from Base Bid amount if the Owner decides to accept a correspondi,ng change in either the amount of construction to be completed t ox in the products, materiafs, equipment, systems or installation methods described in Contract Documents. Coordination: Coordinate related Work and modify or adjust adjacent Work as necessary to ensure that Work affected by each accepted Alternate is compJ-ete and fully integrated into the project. Include miscelfaneous devices, accessory objects and similar items incidental to or required for a complete installation. Notification: Immediately following the award of the Contract, prepare and distribute to each party involved, notification of the status of each Alternate' Indicate whether Al-ternates have been accepted, rejected or deferred for consideration at a later date. Include a complete descriptj-on of negotiated modifications to Alternates. E. Schedule: A "Schedufe of A.Lternates" is incLuded at the end of this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SCHEDULE OF AITERNATES ALTERNATES 01030 - 1 A. Include as part of each ALternate, miscellaneous deviceg, accessory objects and similar items incidental to or required for a complete instalLation whether or not mentioned as paxt of the Alternate. 1. See "schedule of Alternates". END OF SECTION O1-O3O t I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I IATTERNATES01030 - 2 t I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 4. SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES 1. Provide and install all casework shown on fnterior drawinqsfor the Lounge and TelLer Line. 2. Provide and install all carpet and resilient base shown as "by Owner" on Interior Finish P]ans. 3. Provide and i-nstall all rubber floor tile shown as "bv Owner" on Interior Finish Plans. Provide and install the Pedimat in the Vestibule shown as "by Owner" on Interior Finish Plans. Provide and install reveals in E.I.F.S. as described on 5/A5. 0. ALTERNATES 0l-030 - 3 1. A. R A T I I I I T I I I t I I t I I I I I I SECTION O].035 - MODIFICATTON PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 t.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract' including General- and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification sections, apply to this section. SUMMARY This section specifies administrative and proceduraL requirements for handling and processing Contract modifications. MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK Supplemental instructions authorizj-ng minor changes in the Work, not involving an adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, wil-I be issued by the Architect. The Contractor may request additional- information or clarification by using and submitting a "Request for fnformation" ("RFI"), on form attached at end of this section. Additional forms mav be obtained from the Architect. CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL REQUESTS Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Proposed changes in the Work that will require adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time will be issued by the Architect, with a detaifed description of the proposed change and supplemental or revised Drawings and Specj-fications, if neces sary. Proposal requests issued by the Architect are for information only. Do not consider them instructions elther to stop work in prollress, or to execute the proposed change. Unl-ess otherwise indicated in the proposal request, within 20 days of receipt of the proposal request, submit to the Architect for the Owner's review an estimate of cost necessary to execute the proposed change. Use schedule of values format. If within 10 days of receiving a proposal request issued by the Architect, the Contractor instructions or amplification or MODI FICATION PROCEDURES reguests additional clarification of the 01035 - 1 t I I t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I t_. B. proposal request, the time for submitting the estimate of cost shall be extended to 10 days after receipt of requested information. a. Include a tist of quantities of products to be purchased and unit costs' along wj.th the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, furni.sh survey data to substantiate quantities. b. Indicate applicable taxes' delivery charges' equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. c. lnclude a statement indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will- have on the Contract Time. Contractor-Initiated Change Order Proposal Requests: When latent or other unforseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, the Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to the Architect. 1. Incfude a statement outlining the reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. lndicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Use schedule of values format. 2. Include a list of quantities of products to be purchased and unit costs along with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rentaL, and amounLs of trade discounts. 4. Comply with requirements in Section "Product Substitutions" if the proposed change in the Work requires the substitution of one product or system for a product or system sPecified. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G 709' forms provided by Owner or Contractor supplied forms, as approved by Architect. 1.5 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. Construction Change Directive:When the Owner and contai-n a Work and determine 01035 - 2 Contractor are not in total agreement on the terms of a Change Order Proposal Request, the Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Form G'71-4, instructing the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. The Construction Change Directive will complete description of the change in the designate the method to be folfowed to chanqe in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES t I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I t I I Documentation: Maintain detai-Led records on a time and materiaf basis of work required by the construction change Directive. 1. After completion of the change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adiustments to the Contract' CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES Upon the Owner's approval- of a Change Order Proposal Request, the Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of the Owner and Contractor on AIA Form G701, as provj-ded in the Conditions of the Contract. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01035 FI r.o PART PART A. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 0r,035 - 3 UESI FOR INFORMATION Conlroct No. Inquiry Dote - Dote Received Requesied Reply Dote {Nol less thon five working doys) Atlenfion INQUIRY REFERENCES Drowing/Deloil No.Leller Doled Submitlol No. Spec Ref.Shop Drowing No.Sheet No. Subconlroclon/Suppliers lnvolved (One Subiect Per RF|l Queslions I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I t I I I Controctor's Proposed Solutions (include cost ond time impocl) Submifted By:Iitle ARCHITECT'S RESPONSE Architect's Supplementol Inslrucfions Cosl lmpoct: Prepored By: Yes- No-Time lmDoct: Yes- No-Proposol Requesl No. Dote: sfoied otherwise is furnished Conditions A-201. 7.4.1. A. A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I t I t I SECTION O1O4O - PROJECT COORDINAT]ON PART 1 - GENERAL r,t RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract' including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-l- Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY 1.1 1.J This Section speci-fies administrative and requi-rements necessary for Project coordination but not necessarilv l-imited to: 1. Coordination- 2. Administrative and supervi-sory personnel. 3. General instalfation provisions. 4. Cleaning and protection. 5. Coordination with Owner on use and/or existing facilities. 6. Coordination with regulatory agencies. COORDINATlON supervfsory including, closure of Coordination: Coordinate construction activities included under various Sections of these Specifications to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations included under different Sections of the Specifications that are dependent upon each other for proper i-nstallation, connection, and operation. 1. Where instalfation of one part of the Work is dependent on instal]ation of other componentsr either before or after its own instal]ation' schedule construction activities in the sequence required to obtain the best results. 2. Where availabitity of space is limited, coordinate install-ation of different components to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later instaffation. Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved including Owner and separate contractors outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings. PROJECT COORDINATION 01040 - 1 I.4 PART PART 3.1 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t T t I I C. n B. l{ Admlnistrative Procedures I Coordinate scheduLing and timing of required administrative procedures with other constructlon activities to avoid conflicts and ensure orderly progress of the work' Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to conserve energy, water, and materials. SUBMlTTALS Coordination Drawings: Prepare and submit coordination Drawings where cl-ose and carefuL coordination is required for j-nstall-ation of products and materials fabricated off-site by separate entities' and where linited sPace avaj-l-ability necessitates maximum utilization of space for efficient j-nstallation of different components. 1. Show the interrelationship of separate Shop Drawings. components shown on 2. Indicate required instalLation sequences. 3. Comply with reguirements contained in Section "Subrnittals. t' 4. Refer to Division-15 Section "Basic Mechanical Requirements, "and Division-16 Section "BasicElectrical Requirements' for specific coordi.nation Drawing requirements for mechanicaf and electrical installations. Staff Names: Within 15 days of Notice to Proceed, submit a List of the Contractor's principal staff assignments, including the Superintendent and other supervisory site personnel; identify individuals, their duties and responsibilities; list their addresses and telephone numbers. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) . 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL INSTALLATION PROVISIONS Inspection of Conditions: Require the Installer of each major component to inspect both the substrate and conditions under which Work is to be performed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. Manufacturer's Instructions: Comply with manufacturer's instal-l"atj-on instructions and recommendations, to the extent that those instructions and recommendations are more explicit or stringent than requirements contained in Contract Documents. PROJECT COORDINATION 01040 - 2 D. H, A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I rnspect material-s or equipment immediately upon delivery and again prior to installation. Reject damaged and defective items. Provide attachment and connection devices and necessary for securing Work. Secure Work true to level. AlLow for expansion and buj-lding movement. Visual Effects: Provj-de uniform joint widths in V'lork. Arrange joi-nts in exposed Work to obtaln vi-suaL effect. Refer questionabfe choices Architect for final decision. methods l-ine and exposed the best to the during weather conditions and ensure the best Possible resufts- the completed construction from as necessary to prevent Recheck measurements and dimensions, before starting each installation. lnstall each Project statuslsolate each incompatible deterioration. componenE that wilf part of material- 5-Z Coordinate temporary enclosures with required inspections and tests, to minimize the necesslty of uncovering completed construction for that purpose. Mounting Heights: Where mountinq heights are not indicated, install individual components at standard mounting heights recognized withln the industry for the particular application indicated. Refer questionable mounting height decisions to the Architect for final decision. CLEANING AND PROTECTION During handling and j-nstaIlation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place' Appty protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at substantial |nrnrr'l af i r.rn Clean and maintain completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. Limiting Exposures: supervise construction activities to ensure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful , dangerous, damaging, or otherwise del-eterious exposure during the construction period. Such exposures incl-ude, but are not limited to, the following: PROJECT COORDINATION 01040 - 3 1. Excessive static or dynamic loading. 2. Excessive internal or external pressures. 3. Excessively high or low temperatures. 4. Thermal shock. 5. Excessively hiqh or Iow humidity. 6. Air contamination or pollution.'7. Water, ice, weathering, unprotected storage. 8. Solvents, chemicals.9. Light. 10. Radiation. 11. Puncture. L2. Abrasion. 13. Heavy traffic. 1,4. Soiling, staining and corrosion. 15. Bacteria. 16. Rodent and insect infestation. 17. Combustion. 18. ELectrical current. 19. Unusual wear, misuse, mlsalignment. 20. Contact between incompatible materi-als. 2l . Destructive testinq. 22. Theft. 23. Vandalism. END OF SECTION O1O4O I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I IPROJECT COORDINATION 01040 - 4 1. l_. q A. I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I I I SECTION 01045 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, incJ-udi-ng General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L.2 SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative requirements for cutting and patching. and proceduraJ- B. Refer to other Sections for speci-fic requirements and Iimitations applicable to cutting and patching individual- nerts of thc WOrk. Requirements of this Section apply to mechanicaf and electri-caL install-ations. Refer to Division-15 and Dlvisj.on-16 Sections for other requirements and l-imitations applicable to cutting and patching mechani-cal- and electrical installations. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Cutting and Patching Proposal:Where approval of procedures for cutting and patching is required before proceeding, submit a proposaf describing procedures well in advance of the time cuttj-ng and patching wiII be performed and reguest approval to proceed. Incfude the following information, as applicable, in the proposal: Describe the extent of cutting and patching required and how it is to be performed; indicate why it cannot be avoided. Describe anticipated resul-ts in terms of changes to existing construction,' incfude changes to structural elements and operating components as well as changes in the building's appearance and other significant visuaL elements. l,ist products to be used and firms or entities that will perform Work. Indicate dates when cutting and patching is to be performed. List utilities that will be disturbed or affected, including those that will be rel-ocated and those that will be temporarily out-of-service. Indicate how long service wil-l be disrupted. CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045 - 1 1.4 Approval by the Architect to proceed with cutting and patching does not waive the Architectrs right to fater require complete removal and replacement of a part of the Work found to be unsatisfactory. QUAL]TY ASSURANCE Requirements for Structural Work: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that would reduce thelr load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. Obtain approval of the cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching the folJ-owing structural eLements: a. Foundation construction.b. Bearing and retaining walls. c. Structural- concrete.d. Structural steel.e. Llntels.f. Structural decking.g. Miscellaneous structural metals.h. Exterior window wal-], construction.i. Equipment supports.j. Piping, ductwork, vessels and equipment.k. Structural systems of special construction in Divi-sion-13.I. Walls: fire resistive, smoke proof enclosures, separation. Operational and Safety Limitations: Do not cut and patch operating elements or safety related components in a manner that woul-d result in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or result in increased maintenance, or decreased operational life or safety. Obtain approval of the cuttj.ng and patching proposal before cutting and patching the following operating elements or safety related systems: a. Shoring, bracing, and sheeting. b. Primary operational systems and equipment. c. Air or smoke barriers. d. Water, moisture, or vapor barrj-ers. e. Membranes and flashings. f. Noise and vibration control elements and systems. S. Control systems. h. Communicatlon systems. i. Electrical wiring systems. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch constructlon exposed on the exterior or in occupied spaces' in a manner that would, in the Architect's opini-on' reduce the I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I 6. 1 A. a CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045 - 2 B. ? D. t t I t I I I t I t t I I I I I t t I building's aesthetic qualities t Qr result in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Remove and replace Work cut and patched in a visualfy unsatisfactory manner. 1. If possible retain the original installer or fabricator to cut and patch the foltowing categories of exposed Work, or if it is not possible to engage the original installer or fabricator, engage another recognized experj-enced and specialized firm: a. Window wall system. b. HVAC encl-osures, cabinets or covers. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 .1, MATERIALS A. Use finish material-s that are identicaf to existing materials. If identicaf materials are not avaifabfe or cannot be used where exposed surfaces are invofved, use materials that match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible with regard to visual effect. Use materiaLs whose instal-led performance will egual or surpass that of existing materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. 1 ]NSPECTION A. Before cutting existing surfaces, examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditj-ons under which cutting and patching is to be performed. Take corrective action before proceeding, if unsafe or unsatisfactory conditi-ons are encountered. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Temporary Support: be cut. Provide temporary support of Work to Protection: Protect existing construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provj-de protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of the Project that might be exposed durlng cutting and patching operations. Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas' Take all precautions necessary to avoid cutting existing pipe, conduit or ductwork serving the building, but CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045 - 3 I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I z. q A. R schedul-ed to be removed or relocated until provisions have been made to bypass them. PERFORMANCE General: Employ skilled patching. Proceed with earfiest feasibLe time and workmen to perform cutting and arr+r- i na rnn ^.tr.hi nrr -al- ,|- hc9l,rLLIT19 all\,1 lJdL\/rrJ-rrY complete without delay. Cutting: Cut existlng construction using methods least 11kely to damage eLements to be retained or adjoining construction. Where possible review proposed procedures with the original instaLLer; comply with the original i-nstaf ler' s recommendations . Use hand or smal-l power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut hol-es and slots neatly to size required with minimum dj-sturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. To avoid marring existing finished surfaces, cut or dril-l from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. Cut through concrete and masonry using a cutting machine such as a carborundum saw or diamond core dri11. Comply with requirements of applicable Sections of Division-2 where cutting and patching requires excavating and backfilling. By-pass utility services such as pipe or conduit, before cutting, where services are shown or required to be removed, relocated or abandoned. Cut-off pipe or conduit in waLls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve or plug and seal the remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after by-passing and cutting. Refer to Division 15 & 16. Patching: Patch with durabl-e seams that are as invisible as possible. Conply with specified tolerances. 1. Where feasible, inspect and test patched areas to demonstrate integrity of the instaflation. 2. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retai-ned adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. a. Where patching occurs in a smooth painted surface, extend final paint coat over entire unbroken surface containing the patch, after the patched area has received primer and second coat. CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045 - 4 A. I I I t T t I t I I I I I I I ?A 3. Patch, repair or rehang existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even plane surface of uniform appearance. CLEANING Thoroughly clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching is performed or used as access. Remove completely paint, mortar, oils, putty and items of similar nature. Thoroughly clean piping, conduit and similar features before painting or other finishing is applied. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. END OF SECTION O]-045 t I I t CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045 - 5 A. A. R D. E. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01095 - REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS PART 1 _ GENERAL 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General, and Supplementary Condltions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, aPply to this Section. DEFINlTIONS General: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. Indicated: The term "j-ndicated" refers to graphic representations, notes or schedules on the Drawings' or other Paragraphs or Schedules in the Specifj-cations, and similar requirements in the Contract Documents. Where terms such as "shown, " "notedr " "scheduled, tt and "specified" are used, it is to help the reader locate the reference; no limitation on l-ocation is intended. Directed: Terms such as "directed, " "requested, tt t'authorized, tt ttsel-ected, " t'approved, " "requiredr " and "permitted" mean "directed by the Architect, " "requested by the Architect," and similar phrases. Approve: The term ttapproved, t' where used in conjunction with the Architect's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, is Limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. Regulation: The term "Regulations" includes Iaws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders i-ssued by authorities having jurisdiction, as wel-I as ruJ-es, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. Furnish: The term "furnish" is used to mean "supply and defiver to the Project site, ready for unloading' unpacking, assembly, install-ation, and similar operations. " G. Install:The term "instafl" is used to describe operations at project site including the actuaL "unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing' anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing' curing, protectj-ng' cleaning, and similar operations." REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01095-1 Provide: The term "provide" means "to furnish and instaLl, complete and ready for the intended use." Instafl-er: An "Installer" is the Contractor or an entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or contractor of lower tier for performance of a particular construction activity, including instal.l-ation, erection, applicat.ion, andsimilar operations. Instal-lers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to rrorfarm The term "experienced, " when used with the term "Installerr " means having a minimum of fiveprevious projects similar in size and scope tothis Project, being famj-Iiar with the special requirements indicated, and having complied with requj-rements of the authority having jurisdiction. Trades: Use of titLes such as "carpentry" is notintended to imply that certain constructionactivities must be performed by accredited orunionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter." It aLso does. not implythat requirements specified apply exclusively to tradespersons of the corresponding generic name. Project Site j-s the space available to the Contractorfor performance of construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project Site is shown on the Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which the Project is to be built. Testing Laboratories: A "testing laboratory" j-s an independent entity engaged to perforrn specific inspections or tests, either at the Project Site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if required, to interpret results of those i-nspections or tests. 1.3 SPECIFICAT]ON CONTENT EXPI,ANATION Specification Content: This Specification uses certain conventions in the use of Ianguage and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when usedin particular situations or circumstances. These conventlons are expl-ained as follows: 1. Abbreviated Language: Language used in Specifications and other Contract Documents is the abbreviated type. Words and meanings shall beinterpreted as appropriate. Words that are I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I 1. z. J. K. A. REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01095-2 I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I implied, but not stated shatl be interpolated as the sense required. Singular words wiIl be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable and the context of the Contract Documents so indicates ' lmperative and streamfined language is used generally in the Specifications. Requirements 6"pr."".d in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain focations in the text, for clarity, subjective language is used to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectl-y by the Contractor, or by others when so noted. (a) The words "shal-f be" shall- be included by inference wherever a colon (: ) is used within a sentence or Phrase. 1.4 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of standards: Except where the contract DocumentsincludemoreStringentrequirements' applicable construction industry standards have the slme force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the contract Documents to the extent referenced. Suchstandardsaremadeapartofthecontract Documents bY reference. B.Pub].icationDates:Complywiththestandardineffect as of the date of the Contract Documents' c.ConflictingRequirements:Wherecompliancewithtwoor morestandardgisspecified,andthestandardsmay establishdifferentorconflictingrequirementsfor minimum quantities or quality levels, refer requi-rement! tfrat are different, but apparently equal' and uncertainties to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. l.MinimumQuantityorQualityLevels:Thequantityorquality level shown or specified sha11 be the ninirnum provided or performed' The actual- installatibn may comply exactly with the minimum quantlty or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum_withinreasonablelimits.Incomplyingwith theserequirements,indicatednumericva]-uesare minimumormaximum,asappropriateforthecontext oftherequirements.Referuncertaintiestothe Architect for a decision before proceeding' T REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS E, I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I l I D. A. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on the Project is requlred to be familiar with industry standards appli-cable to that entity's construction activity. Copies of applicabLe standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed for performance of a required construction activity' the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and tittes of generaf standards are frequently abbreviated. Where such acronyms or abbreviations are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards generating organization, authority having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context of the text r.rnrri c i nn Associations, " Refer to the "Encyclopedia of published by Gale Research Co., availabte in most libraries, or request schedule of frequently referenced associations and standards from Architect. GOVERN ING REGULAT IONS /AUTHORIT I ES The Architect has contacted authorities having jurlsdiction where necessary to obtain information necessary for preparation of Contract Documents. Contact authorities having jurisdiction directly for information and decisions having a bearing on the Work. Copies of Regulations: Obtain copies of the following regulations and retain at the Project Site, available for reference by parties who have a reasonable need for such reference. Building Code of the place of the Project. SUBMITTAI,S A. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the Owner's records, submit coPies of permits, lj-censes, certifications,inspection reporEs,releases, jurisdictional settlements' notices, receipts for fee palments, judgments, and simi-lar documents'-oirespondence, and records established in conjunction with compliance with standards and regulations bearing uDon performance of the work- REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 010 95-4 I eART 2 - pRoDucrs (Not Appticable) I eART 3 - EXEcurroN (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01095 I REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01095-5 A. A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O12OO - PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, includi-ng General- and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. '1 2 SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project meetings j-ncluding but not limited to: 1.3 1. Pre-Construction Conference. 2. Pre-Installation Conferences. 3. Progress Meetings. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Schedule a pre-construction conference and organizational meeti.ng at the Project site or other convenient location no later than 15 days after execution of the Agreement and prior to commencement of construction activities. Conduct the meeting to review responsibilities and personnel assignments. Attendees: The Owner, Architect and their consultants' the Contractor and its superintendent, major subcontractors, manufacturers, suppliers and other concerned parties sha1l each be represented at the conference by persons familiar with and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress including such toPics as: 1. Tentative construction schedule. 2. CriticaL Work sequenclng. 3. Designatlon of responsible personnel. 4. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders.5. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. 6, Distribution of Contract Documents. 7. Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 8. Preparation of record documents. 9. Use of the premises. 10. Office, Work and storage areas. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 1 r.{ I t I I I T I t I I I I I I I t I t t 1 J. A. 11. Equipment deliveries and priorities. 12. Safety procedures. 13. First aid. 14. Security. 15, Housekeeping. 16. Workinq hours. PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCES Conduct a pre-installation conference at the site before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction. The Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators invol-ved in or affected by the installation, and its coordination or integration with other materj-als and installations that have preceded or wiIl fo11ow, shall attend the meeting. Architect of scheduLed meeting dates. Advise the Review the progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration at each pre-installation conference, including requirements for: a. Contract Documents, including change orders. b. Options.c. Deliveri-es. d. Shop Drawings, Product Data and quality control- Sampl-es.e. Possible conflicts. f. Compatibility probl-ems. S. Time schedules.h. Weather limitations.i. Manufacturer's recommendations. j . Compatibility of materiafs. k. Acceptability of substrates. 1. Temporary facilities. m. Space and access limitations. n. Inspection and testing requirements. o. Required performance results.p. Recording requirements.q. Protection. Record significant discussions and agreements and disagreements of each conference, along with the approved schedule. Distribute the record of the meeting to everyone concerned, promptly' including the Owner and Architect. Do not proceed if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of Work and reconvene the conference at the earfiest feasibLe date. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 2 D. t I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I 1.5 PROGRESS MEETINGS conduct progress meetings at the Project site at regularly scheduled interval_s. Notify the owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates. coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of the payment request. B.Attendees:Contractors,prolect manager ano superj-ntendents, Architect, and each subcontractor' supplier or other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination or performance of future activities shalL be represented at these meetings by persons familiar with the Project and authorized to concLude matters relating to progress. A representative of the Owner may attend. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the pievious progress meeti-ng. IncLude topics discussion as lppropriaie to progress and the current status of the Pro; ect. 1. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Revlew progress since the Last meeting. Determine where each activity is in relation to the Contractorrs Construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited. 2. Review the present and future needs of each enti-ty present, including such items as: a. Site utilization, deliveries, working hours, access. b. Housekeeping. c. Quality and VJork standards. d. Change Orders and construction change directj-ves' e. Unresolved fiel-d changes and cost changes' Reporting: No l-ater than 3 days after each progress meetj-ng date, since the previous meeting and rePort actlon items and party responsible, unresofved items, resolution of problens. 1. Schedule updating: Revise the construction schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognj-zed' Issue the revised schedufe concurrently with the report of each meeting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) PROJECT MEETINGS END OF SECT]ON O12OO 01200 - 3 B. A. I t I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION O13OO - SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract' including General- and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-L Specification Sections,' apply to this Section. I.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the lVork, including; 1. Contractorrs construction schedule. 2. Submittal schedule. 3. Shop Drawings. 4. Product Data. 5. Samples. 6. Record Documents. Administrative Submittals: Sections and other Contract administrative submittals. are not l-imlted to: Refer to other Divlsion-1 Documents for requirements for Such submittals include, but 1.3 1. Permits. 2. Applications for palment. 3. Performance and payment bonds. 4. Insurance certificates and policies. 5. List of Subcontractors. SUBMIITAL PROCEDURES Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of constructj-on activities. Transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of related construction activj-ties to avoid deIay. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication' purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals and rel-ated activities that require sequential activity. 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittal-s for rel-ated elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrentfv for coordination. SUBMITTALS 01300 - I a. The Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submitta] requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. 3. Processi-ng: Allow sufficient review time so that lnstalLation will not be detayed as a result of the Itime required to process submittals, including time I for resubmittals. a. Allow two weeks for revi-ew. Al1ow additional time if processing must be delayed to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. The Architect will promptly advise the Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordi-nation. b. If a re-submittal is necessary, process the same as the initial submittal . c. Allow two weeks for reprocessing each submittal . d. No extension of Contract Tine will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the Architect sufficiently in advance of the Work to permit orderly processj-ng. Submittal- Preparation: PLace a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. Indicate the name of the entity that prepared each submittal on the l-abel or title block. 1. Include the following information on the label for processing and recording action taken. a. Project name.b. Date.c. Name of Architect. d. Name of Contractor. e. Name of subcontractor.f. Name of supplier.g. Name of manufacturer. h. Number and title of appropriate Section. Specification i. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. C. Submittal- Transmittal:Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittaL from Contractor to Architect using a transmittal form. Submittal-s received from sources other than the Contractor will be returned without action. 1. On the transmittal record relevant information and requests for data. On the form, or separate sheet' record deviations from Contract Document requirements, including minor variations and limitations. Include I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I B. SUBMITTALS 01300 - 2 t{ (- D. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor's certification that information complies with Contract Document reguirements. 1A CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Bar-Chart Schedule: Prepare a fully developed, horizontaf bar- chart type Contractor's construction schedul-e- Submit within 30 days of the date established for "Commencement of the Work". 1. Provide a separate time bar for each significant construction activity. Provide a continuous vertical- Iine to identify the first working day of each week. Use the same breakdown of units of the Work as indicated in the "Schedufe of VaLues". 2. Within each time bar indicate estimated completion percentage in 10 percent increments. As Work progresses, place a contrasting mark in each bar to indicate Actual Completion. 3. Prepare the schedule on a sheet, or series of sheets, of stable transparency, or other reproducible media' of sufficient width to show data for the entire construction period. 4. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. Coordinate each element on the schedule with other construction activities; include minor el-ements involved in the sequence of the Work. Show each activity in proper sequence. Indicate graphically sequences necessary for completion of related portions of the Work. 5. Coordinate the Contractor's construction schedule with the schedule of values, list of subcontracts, submittaf scheduLe, progress reports' payment requests and other schedules. 6. Indicate completion in advance of the date established for Substantial Completion. Indicate Substantial Completion on the schedule to al-low time for the Architect's procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. Phasing: Provide notations on the schedule to show how the sequence of the Work is affected by requirements for phased completion to permit Work by separate Contractors and partial occupancy by the Owner prior to Substantial Completion. Work Stages: lndicate important stages of constructlon for each major portion of the Work, including testing and instaLLation. Distribution: Following response to the initial submittaf, print and distribute copies to the Architect' SUBMITTALS 01300 - 3 1.5 I I I I T I I I I I t t I t t t I I I E. A. B. Owner, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with schedul-ed dates. Post copies in the Project meeting room and temporary field office. 1. When revisions are made, distribute to the sameparties and post in the same focations. Deleteparties from distribution when they have completedtheir asslgned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in construction activities. Schedule Updating: Revise the schedufe not less oftenthan monthly, and re-issue updated schedule prior to subrnitting monthly pay application. SUBM]TTAI, SCHEDULE Prepare a complete schedul-e of submittals and submitwithin 10 days of the date reguired for establishment of the Contractor's construction schedule. 1. Coordinate submittal schedule with the list ofsubcontracts, schedule of values and the list ofproducts as well- as the Contractor's construction schedule.2. Prepare the schedule in chronological order. Providethe fol-lowing information: a. Scheduled date for each submittal.b. Related Section number.c. Submittal category.d. Name of subcontractor.e. Description of the part of the hlork covered.f. Scheduled date for resubmittal. if required.g. Scheduled date the Architectrs final release or approval. Distribution: Following response to submittal, print anddistribute copies to the Architect, Owner, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with submittal datesindicated. Post copies in the Project meeting room andfield office. 1. When revisions are made, dlstribute to the sameparties and post in the same l-ocations. Deleteparties from distribution when they have completedtheir assigned portion of the Work and are no longer invo]ved in construction activities. Schedule Updating: Revise the schedule not l-ess often than monthly and re-issue promptly. SUBMITTATS 01300 - 4 f1. B. A. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I -L.O SHOP DRAWINGS Submit newly prepared j.nformation, drawn to accurate scale. Highiight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from Lhe Contract Documents. Do not reproduce contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of shop Drawings. standard j-nformation prepared without speciflc reference to the Project is not consi-dered shop Drawings. Indicate contractor's review and action on each shop drawinq sheet. shop Drawings include fabrication and installation drawings, setting diagrams' schedules, patterns' templates and similar drawings. Include the following information in addition to submittal identification information listed earl-ier: measurement. 6. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and si-milar ful1- size Drawings, submj-t Shop Drawings on sheets at l-east 8-!/2" x Ll-" but no larger than 36" x 48*. '7 . Submittal:Submit one correctable translucent 1. Dimensions.2. Identification of products and materials 3. Compliance with specified standards. 4. Notatj-on of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dlmensions establ-ished Coordination drawings are a special type of that show the relationship and integration construction elements that require careful- during fabrication or install-ation to fit provided or function as intended. 1. Preparation of coordination Drawinqs is section "Proiect Coordination". incl-uded. by field Shop Drawing of different coordination in 'l-h6 cn.a/-a specified in reproducible print and one bl-ue- or bLack-Iine prj-nt for the Architect's review; the reproducible print wiLl- be returned. a. One of the prints returned shall be marked-up and maintained on si-te as a "Record Document" ' Do not use Shop Drawings without an approprlate final stamp indj.cating action taken in connection with constructlon. 1'1 PRODUCT DATA col_1ect Product Data into a single submittal for each eLement of construction or systern. Product Data includes printed information such as manufacturer's installation SUBMITTALS 01300 - 5 i-nstructions, catafog cuts, standard color charts, roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams and performance curves. Where Product Data must be specially prepared because standard printed data is not suj,table for use, submit as "Shop Drawings." Mark each copy to show applicabJ-e choj-ces and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products, some of which are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information. Include the followj-ng information: a. Manufacturerrs printed recommendations. b. Compliance with recognized trade assocj-ation standards. c. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. d. Application of testing agency label-s and seal-s.e. Notation of dimensions verified bv field measurement. Notation of coordination requirements.Indication of Contractor's Revi-ew and action. i I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I z-Do not submit Product Data until compliance requirements of the Contract Documents has confirmed. Submittals: with been Submit 2 copies of each required submj-ttaL; submit 4 copies where required for maintenance manual-s. The Architect will retain one, and wil-L return the other marked with action taken andcorrections or modifications required. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittal toinstallers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and others reguired for performance ofconstruction activities. transmittal forms. Show distribution on Do not proceed with installation until anapplicable copy of Product Data appl-icable is in the installer's possession. Do not permit use of unmarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction. SAMPLES Submit fuLl--size, fully fabricated Samples cured andfinished as specified and physically identical with the materj-a1 or product proposed. Samples incl-ude partial sections of rnanufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture and pattern. a. b. 1.8 A. SUBMITTALS 01300 - 6 a. h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Mount, display, or package Samples in the manner specifi"ed to facilitate revi-ew of qualities indicated. Prepare Samples to match the Archj-tectrs Sample. Include the following: a. Generic description of the Sample. b. Sample source. c. Product name or name of manufacturer. d. Compliance with recognized standards. e. Availabil-ity and delivery time. Submit Samples for review of kind, co1or. pattern, and texture, for a final check of these characteristics with other elements, and for a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and instal-led. Where vari-ation in color, pattern, texture or other characteristics are inherent in the material or product represented, submit mufti-ple units (not less than 3), that show approximate limits of the variations. Submittals: Except for Samples illustrating assembly details,worKmansn].p,fabrication techniques, Maintain sets of Samples, as returned, at the Project site, for guality comparisons throughout the course of construction. UnIess noncompliance with Contract Document provi-sions is observed, the submittal may serve as the final submlttal . Sample sets may be used to obtain flnal acceptance of the construction associated with each set' B.Distribution of Samples:Prepare and distribute additional sets to subcontractors, manufacturers' fabricators, suppliers, installers, and others as required connecti-ons, operation submit 3 setsi one will action taken. for performance of the Work. transmittal forms. and similar characteristics, be returned marked with the Show distribution on 1. Fiel-d Samples specif ied in individual- Secti-ons are special t)rlpes of Samples. Field Samples are fuli-size examples erected on site to ilLustrate fj-nishes' coatings, or finish materials and to establish the standard by which the Work will be judged. a. Comply with submittal requirements to the fullest extent possible. Process transmittal forms to provide a record of activitY. SUBMITTALS 01300 - 7 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 1. ARCHITECT'S ACTION No submittal- will be reviewed unless evidence of Contractor's review ls indicated thereon. The Architect may return such submittals, if either the contents of the submittaL or the absence of results of Contractor's review indicate no review occurred. Except for submittal-s for record, j-nformation or similar purposes, where action and return is requlred or requested, the Architect wiLL review each submittal, mark to indicate action taken, and return nrarnn+ I rrt/!vIrHu4J. Compliance with specified Contractor' s responsibilitv. characteristics l_s the Action Stamp: The Architect wilI stamp each submittal with a uniform, self-explanatory action stamp. The stamp will- be appropriately marked, as follows, to indicate the action taken: Finaf Unrestricted Release:Where submittals are marked "Approved, " that part of the llork covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with requirements of the Contract Documents; final acceptance wiLl depend upon that compliance. 2. Final-But-Restricted Rel.ease:When submittals are marked "Approved as Noted, " that part of the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with notatj-ons or corrections on the submi-ttal and requirements of the Contract Documentsi final acceptance will depend on that compliance. Returned for Resubmittal: When submittal is marked "Disapproved, Resubmit, " do not proceed with that part of the Work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery, or other activity. Revise or prepare a new submittal in accordance with the notations; resubmit without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain a different action mark. a. Do not permit submittals marked i'Disapproved Resubmit" to be used at the Project site, or elsewhere where Work is in proqress. Other Action: Where a submittal- is primarily for information or record purposes, special processing or other activity, the submittal will be returned, marked f'No Action Required". PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) SUBMITTALS 01300 - I t eART 3 - ExEcurroN (Not Appl-icable). I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I suBMrrrArs END OF SECTION O13OO 0r.300 - 9 ? A. B. D. A. I I I t I I I I I t I I I t t I I I t SECT]ON O14OO - QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provi-sions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Divislon-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L.Z SUMMARY This Section specifies requirements for quality Quafity control- services incLude inspections and tests and related acti-ons includino reports, performed by independent agencj.es, governing authorities, and the Contractor. They do not include Contract enforcement activities performed by the Architect or Owner. Inspection and testing servj.ces are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These servi-ces do not reli-eve the Contractor of responsibility for compliance with Contract Document requirements. Requirements of this Section relate to customized fabrication and installation procedures, not production of standard products, unless stated otherwise. Specific quality contro.l- requirements for individual construction activitj-es are specJ-fied in the Sections that specify those activities. Those requirements, incJ-uding inspections and tests, cover production of standard products as well as customized fabrication and installation procedures. Inspections, test and refated actions specified are not intended to limit the Contractor's quality control procedures. Requirements for the Contractor to provide quality control services reguired by the Architect, Owner, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited byprovisions of this Section. RESPONS IBILIT IES Contractor Responsibilities: The Contractor shafl provide inspections, tests and similar quality control services, specified in individual Specification Sections and required by governing authorities, except where they are administrative and procedural control services. QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES 01400 - 1 specifical-ty indicated to be Owner's responsi-bility' or are provided by another identified entity; these services include those specified to be performed by an independent agency and not by the Contractor. Costs for these services shal-f be lncluded in the Contract Sum. The Contractor shall engage and pay an independent agency, to perform specified quality control services. Retesting:The Contractor is responsibl-e for retesting where results of required inspectj"ons, tests or similar services prove unsatisfactory and do not indicate compliance with Contract Document requirements, regardless of whether the original test was the Contractorrs responsibilitv. a. Cost of retesting construction revised or replaced bv the Contractor is the Contractor's responsibility,where required tests were performed on original construction. Associated Services: The Contractor shall cooperate with agencies performing required inspections, tests and similar services and provide reasonabl-e auxi-Iiary services as requested. Notify the agency sufficiently in advance of operations to perrnit assignment of personnel. Auxiliary services required include but are not limited to: Providing access to the Work and furnishing incidental labor and facilitles necessary to facilitate inspectj-ons and tests. Taking adeguate quantities of representative samples of material-s that require testing or assisting the agency in taking samples. Providing facilities for storage and curing of test samples, and delivery of samples to testing laboratories. Providing the agency with a preliminary design mix proposed for use for materials mixes that require controL by the testing agency. Ie. Security and protection of samples and test I equipment at the Project site. Duties of the Testing Agency: The independent testing agency engaged to perform inspectj.ons, sampling and testj-ng of materials and construction specified in individual Specification Sections shall cooperate with the Architect and Contractor in performance of its duties' and shaII provide qualified personnel to perform required inspections and tests. I I I I I I I I t I I I t a. b. A 1. 3, I I I I I B. OUAIITY CONTROL SERVICES 01400 - 2 (' A I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I 1.4 1. The agency shal1 notify the Architect and contractor pto*pf1y of ittegr.,larities or deficiencies observed in tne wott during performance of its services' If test results indicate sj-gnificant deficiences in th work, the Agency shaIl notify Archltect, Contractor and nngine-r immediately, using most expedient means of extent of deficiency. 2. The agency is not authorized to reJ-ease, revoke, after or enlarge requirements of the Contract Documents' or approve or accept any portj-on of the Work' 3. The agency shall not perform any dutles of the Contractor. Coordination: The Contractor and each agency performing inspections, tests and simj-l-ar services shalt coordinate the sequence of activities to acconmodate required servlces with a mi-nimum of delay. In addition the contractor and each agency shall coordinate activities to avoid the necessity of removing and replacj-ng construction to acconmodate inspections and tests. 1. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling times for lnspections, tests' taking samples and similar activities. SUBMITTALS The independent testinq agency shalt submit in duplicate certified written reports of each inspection, test' re- test or similar service. to the Architect, consulting Engineers, and the Contractor. 1. Submit additional coPies of directly to the governing authority so directs. 2. Report Data: Written reports of each or similar service shall include, but EO: each written rePort authoritY, when the inspection' test not be limited of test 01400 - 3 o.. h Date of issue. Project title and number. Name, address and telephone number of testing agency.ottes and Locations of samples and tests or inspections. llamLs of individuals making the inspection or test. f. Designation of the Work and test method' S. taeniitication of product and Specification Qonl- i nn d. h. Complete inspection or test data' i. Test results and an interpretations results. OUALITY CONTROL SERVICES j. Ambi-ent conditions at the time of and testing. k. Comments or professional opinion inspected or tested Work comPlies Document reguirements. l. Name and signature of l-aboratory inspector. m. Recommendations on retesti-ng. OUALITY ASSURANCE Qualification for Service Agencies: Engage inspection and testing service agencies, including independent testing laboratories, which are prequalified as complying with "Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualification" by the American Council- of Independent Laboratories, and which specialize in the types of inspections and tests to be performed. 1. Each independent inspection and testing agency engaged on the Project sha11 be authorized by authorities having jurisdiction to operate in the State in which the Project is located. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not ApPl-icable) . 3 - EXECUTION REPAIR AND PROTECTION General:Upon completion of inspectj-on, testing, sample-taking and similar services' repair darnaged construction and restore substrates and finishes to eliminate deficiencies, including deficiencies in visual qualities of exposed finishes. Comply wj-th Contract Document requirements for "Cutting and Patching." Protect construction exposed by or for quality control service activities, and protect repaired construction. Repair and protection is the Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for inspection, testing or simiJ-ar services. I t I I t I I I I t T I t I I I I T I B. sample-taking as to whetherwith Contract PART PART J.I A. OUALITY CONTROL SERVICES END OF SECTION O14OO 01400 - 4 t I I SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACTLTTTES I PARTl-GENERAL I 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, incJ-uding I General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1-' Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I L.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies requirements for temporary servicesand facilities, including utilities, construction and support facilities, security and protection. B. Temporary utilities which may be required include but arenot Limited to: It 1. Water service and distribution.2. Temporary electric power and 1ight. I 3. Telephone service. f 4. Storm and sanitary sewer. 5. Security Service. I C. Temporary construction protection and support facilities which may be required include but are not limited to: I 1. Temporary heat.2. Field offices and storage sheds. I 3. Temporary roads and paving. I 4. Sanitary facllitj-es, including drinking water.r 5. Dewaterj-ng facilities and drains.6. Temporary enclosures. I 7. femporary Project identification signs and bulletinI boards. 8. Waste di-sposal" services. I 9. Construction aids and miscel]aneous services andt racrircres. 12. Barricades, warning lights, lights. I 13. Fencing and gates. t 14. EnvironmentaL protection. I 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulations: Comply with industry standards andapplicable laws and regulations of authorities havingjurisdiction, i-ncluding but not l-imited to: 1. Building Code requirements. I I I TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 2. A. 2. Health and safetY regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police, Fire Department and Rescue Squad rules. 5. Environmental protection regulations. B. Standards:Comply with NFPA Code Constructj.on and Demolition Operations" standards for "Safety Requirements for Demolition", and NECA El-ectrical Design Electrical- Facilities. " 241 , "Building, ANSI-A10 Series Construction and Llbrary "Temporary 1.4 PART 2.1 A. ,l Refer to "Guidelines for Bid Conditions for Temporary Job Utilities and Services", prepared jointly by AGC and ASC, for industry recorunendations. Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA' NECA and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. lnstal-I service in compliance with National Electric Code (NFPA 70) . C. Inspectj-ons: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. PROJECT CONDITIONS At the earliest feasible time, when acceptable to the Owner, change over from use of temporary service to use of the permanent service. Conditions of Use: Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in apPearance. Operate in a safe and efficient manner. Take necessary fire prevention measures. Do not overload facilities, or permit them to interfere with progress. Do not allow hazardous dangerous or unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on the slte. 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS General: Provide new material-s or undamaged previously used materials in serviceable condition, suitabl-e for the use intended. 1. For signs and directory boards, provide exterior type, Grade B-B High Density Concrete Form Overlay Plywood conforming to PS-1, of sizes and thickness indicated. B. Roofing Materials: Provide UL Class trAn standard weight asphalt shingles complying with ASTM D 3018, or UL Cfass 'Crt mineraf surfaced ro11 roofing complying with ASTM D TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 2 a D. I I I I I I I I t t I I I T I I I I I 249 on roofs of job- built temporary offices, shops and sheds. Paint: Comp1y with requirements of Division-9 Section "Finish Painting. " 1. For job-built temporary offices, shops, sheds, fences and other exposed lumber and plywood, provide exterior grade acrylic-latex emulsion over exterior primer. 2. For sign panels and applying graphics, provide exterior grade alkyd gloss enamel over exterior prr-mer. 3. For interior waLl-s of temporary officesr provide two coats interior latex flat waLl- paint. Tarpaulins: Provide waterproof, fire-resistant, UL labeled tarpaulins with flame-spread rating of 15 or less. For temporary enclosures provide translucent nylon reinforced laminated polyethylene or polyvinyl chl-oride fire retardant tarpaulins. Open-Mesh Fencing: Provide 1-1-gage, galvanized 2-inch, chain l-ink fabric fencing 6-feet hiqh with galvanized barbed wlre top strand and galvanized steeL pipe posts, I-1-/2" I.D. for line posts and 2-L/2" 1.D. for corner posts. EQUIPMENT General: Provide esuipment suitabl-e for use intended. B. Electrical Outlets:Provide properly configured NEMA polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 110-120 volt plugs into higher voltage outlets. Provide receptacle outlets equj.pped with ground-fault circuit interrupters, reset button and pilot light, for connection of power tool-s and equipment. ELectrical Power Cords: Provide grounded extension cordsi use "hard-service" cords where exposed to abrasion and traffic.Provide waterproof connectors to connect separate lengths of electric cords, if single lengths will not reach areas where constructlon activities are in progress. D. Lamps and Light Fixtures:Provide general servlce incandescent lamps of wattage required for adequate illumination.Provide guard cages or tempered glass enclosures, where exposed to breakage. Provide exterior fixtures where exposed to moisture. z-z TEMPORARY FACILITIES 0r.500 - 3 I I t I t I I I I I I t I T I I I I I L. tr G. B. A. Heating Units: Provide temporary heating units that have been tested and labeled by UL, FM or another recognized trade association reLated to the type of fuel being consumed. Temporary Offices: Provide prefabricated or mobile units or similar job-built construction with l-ockable entrances, operable windows and serviceabl-e finlshes. Provide heated and air- conditj-oned units on foundations adequate for normal loadi-nq. Temporary Toilet Units: single-occupant toilet units recirculation, or combustion fu11y enclosed with a glass shell or similar nonabsorbent Provide self-contained of the chemical, aerated type, properly vented and fiber reinforced polyester material. First Aid Supplies: Comply with governing regulations. Fire Extinguishers: Provide hand-carried' portable Ul-rated, class rrA' fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces. In other locations provide hand-carrj.ed, portable, Ul-rated, class *ABC" dry chemi-cal extinguishers, or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA recommended classes for the exposures. Comply with NFPA 10 and 241 for classification, extinguishing agent and size required by location and class of fire exposure. 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Use qualified personnel for installation of temporary facilities. Locate facilities where they will serve the Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required. Provj.de each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed, or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent faci-lities. TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATTON Generaf: Engage the appropriate local utility company toj.nstall temporary service or connect to existing service- Where the company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatlble materials and equipment; comply with the company's reconmendations. PART A. 3.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 4 B. tr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l-. Use Charges: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to the Owner or Architect, and will not be accepted as a basis of claims for a Change order. Water Service: InstaLl water service and distribution piping of sizes and pressures adequate for construction untiL permanent water servi-ce is in use. Sterilize temporary water piping prior to use. Temporary Electric Power Service: Provide weatherproof, grounded electrj-c power service and distribution system of sufficient size, capacity, and Power characteristics during construction period. Incfude meters, transformers, overload protected disconnects, automatic ground-fauJ-t interrupters and main distribution switch gear- 1. Power Distribution System: Instal-l wiring overhead, and rise vertically where Ieast exposed to damage. Wherc nermitta.l . wirinn r-ircuits not exceeding L25 Vo1ts, AC 20 ampere rating, and lightinq ci-rcuits may be nonmetallic sheathed cabLe where overhead and exposed for surveillance. Temporary Lighting: Whenever overhead floor or roof deck has been instaLled, provide temporary lighting with l-ocal switching. 1. Install and operate temporary lighting that will- ful-fill security and protection requi-rements, without operating the entire system' and will provide adequate illumination for construction operations and traffic conditions. Temporary Telephones: Provide temporary telephone servi-ce for all personnel engaged in construction activities, throughout the construction period. Sewers and Drainage: If sewers are availabl-e, provide temporary connections to remove effluent that can be discharged lawfully.If sewers are not avaifable or cannot be used' provide drainage ditches, dry wel1s, stabilizatlon ponds and similar facilities. If neither sewers nor drainage facilities can be lawfully used for discharge of effluent, provide containers to remove and dispose of effluent off the site in a lawful manner. G. Provide earthen embankments and simifar barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction, sufficient to prevent flooding by runoff of storm water from heavy rains. Remove snow and ice accumulation promptly. TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 5 3.3 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTTON AND SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION Locate field offices, storage sheds, sanj-tary facilities and other temporary construction and support facilitiesfor easy access. B. Provide incombustible construction for offices, shops and sheds Located within the construction area. Comply with requi-rements of NFPA 241. C. Temporary Heat:Provide temporary heat required by construction activities, for curi-ng or drying of completed installations or protection of instal-l-ed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select safe equipment that will not have a harmful effect on compl-eted installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce the ambient condition required and minimize consumption of energy. D. Heating Facilities: Except where use of the permanent system is authorized, provide vented seLf-contained LP gas or fueL oil heaters with indi-vidual- space thermostatic control-. Use of gasoline-burning space heaters, open f1ame, or salamander type heating units is prohibited. Fiel-d Offices: Provide insulated, weathertight temporary offices of sufficient size to accommodate required office personnel and accommodate site meetings. Keep the office clean and orderly for use for smaLl progress meetings. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Install storage and fabrication sheds, sj-zed, furnished and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment involved, including temporary utility service. Sheds may be open shelters or ful1y enclosed spaces within the building or elsewhere on the site. Sanitary facilities. Comply with regul-ations and heafth codes for the type, number, location, operation and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. Install where facilities will- best serve the Project's needs. Provide toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups and similar disposabJ-e materials for each facility. Provide covered waste containers for used material. Toifets: Install self-contained toilet units. Shield toilets to ensure privacy. Use of pit-type privies will not be permitted. I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I t. 'l A. H. TEMPORARY FACIIITIES 01500 - 6 z. 1 2. J. K. L. I I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Drinking Water: Provide drinking water fountains where indicated, or containerized tap-dispenser bottled-water type drinking water units, includlng paper supply. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: For temporary drainage and dewatering facilities and operations not directly associated with construction activities included under individual Sections, compJ-y with dewatering requirements of applicable Dlvi-sion-2 Sections.Where feasibl-e, util-ize the same facil-ities. Maintain the site, excavations and construction free of water. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary encfosure for protection of construction in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations and simiLar activities. Where heat j-s needed and the permanent buildinq enclosure is not compJ-ete, provide temporary enclosures where there is no other provision for containment of heat.Coordinate enclosure wi-th ventiLating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. Instal-l- tarpaulins securely, with incombustible wood framing and other materials. Close openings of 25 square feet or less with plywood or similar materials. CLose openj-ngs through ffoor or roof decks and horizontal surfaces with load-bearing wood-framed construction. Project Identification and Temporary Signs: Prepare 4' x 8 r project identification signs; install signs where indicated to inform the public and persons seeking entrance to the Project. Support on posts or framing of preservative treated wood or steel-. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. Project Identification Signs: Engage an experienced sign painter to apply graphics. Comply with details indicated. Temporary Si-gns: Prepare signs to provide directlonal information to construction personneL and visitors. M ColLection and Disposal of Waste: Coflect waste from construction areas and el-sewhere dai1y.Comply with requirements of NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste materiaf and debris. Enforce requirements strictly. Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste material-s separately from other waste by containerizing properly. Dispose of materj-al in a lawful manner. TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 7 3.4 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILTTIES INSTALLATION I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1. 3. A. B. Except for use of permanent fire available, do not change over security and protection facilities untlI Substantial Completion' or the Architect. protecti.on as soon as from use of temporary to permanent facil-ities longer as requested by Temporary Fire Protection: InstaLl and maintain temporary fire protection facilities of the types needed to protect against reasonabfy predictabl"e and controllable fire Losses. Comply with NFPA 10 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, " and NFPA 241- "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations and DemoLi-tion Operations." Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but not less than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usabl-e stairwell-. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways and other access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire exposure areas. Provide supervision of welding operations, combustion type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire iqnition. C. Barricades, Warning Signs and Lights:Comply with standards and code requirements for erection of structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate cofors, graphics and warning signs to inform personnel and the public of the hazard being protected against. Where approprlate and needed provide lighting' including flashing red or amber lights. D. Enclosure Fence: Before excavation begins, install an enclosure fence with lockable entrance gates. Locate where indicated, or enclose the entj-re site or the porti-on determined sufficient to accommodate construction operations. lnstall in a manner that will prevent people' dogs and other animals from easily entering the site, except by the entrance gates. 1. Provide open-mesh, chain-link fencing not Less than 5 feet high with posts set in a compacted mixture of gravel and earth. E. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantiaL temporary enclosure of partially completed areas of construction. Provide locking entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism' theft and similar violations of securltv. TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 8 1 z- I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1.Storage: Where materials and equipment must be stored, and are of value or attractive for theft, provide a secure lockup. Enforce disci-p1ine in connection with the instal-l-ation and release of material- to minimize the opportunity for theft and vandalism. F. Environmental Protection:Provide protection, oPerate temporary faci-lities and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations' and minlmize the possibility that air, waterways and subsoiL might be contaminated or polluted, or that other undesirabl-e effects might resul-t. Restrict use of noise making toofs and equipment to hours that wiII minimlze complaints from persons or firms near the site' 3.5 OPERATION, TERMINATION AND REMOVAL A B. Supervision:Enforce temporary facifities. facifities to essential waste and abuse. Maintenance: Maintain condition until removal . strict disciPline in use of Limit avai-Iabili-ty of temporary and intended uses to minimize facilities in good oPerating (- 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating' cooling, humidity control, ventilation and similar facilities on a 24-hour day basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of l--^^^lrqlllcrvs.2. Protection:Prevent water filled PiPing from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lj'nes' Protect from damage during excavation operations. Termination and Removal: Unless the Architect requests that it be maintained longer, remove each temporary facility when the need has ended, or when replaced by authorized use of a permanent facitity, or no later than Substantial Completion.Compfete orr if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with the temporary facility' Repair darnaged Work, clean exposed surfaces and replace construction that cannot be satisfactori-ly repaired. Materials and facil-ities that constitute temporary facilities are property of the Contractor. The Owner reserves the right to take possession of Project identification signs. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities that have been used during the construction period, including but not Iimited to: TEMPORARY FACILITIES 0r.500 - 9 I t I t I T t I I I I I I t I I I I t a. l'r Replace air filters and clean inside and housings. Replace significantly worn parts and have been subject to unusual operating Replace lanps that are burned out or dimmed by substantial hours of use. of ductwork parts that conditions. noticeably END OF SECTION O15OO TEI'IPORARY FACILITIES 01500 - 10 I sEcrroN 01600 - MATERTALS AND EeurpMENr I PARr l- - GENERAL I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t I I 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract' including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 . Specification Sections, appfy to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's selection of products for use in the Project. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Definitions used in this Article are not i-ntended to change the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents, such as "specialties, t' "systems, " "structure, " "finj-shes," "accessories,t' and similar terms. Such terms such are self-explanatory and have well recognized meanings in the construction industry. 1. "Products" are j-tems purchased for incorporati-on j-n the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product"j-ncludes the terms ttmaterialr " "equi-pment, " "system, " and terms of similar intent. a. "Named Products" are items identified by manufacturer's product name' including make or model designation, indicated in the manufacturer's published product fiterature, that is current as of the date of the Contract Documents. "Materials" are products that are substantially shaped, cut, worked, mixed, finlshed' refined or otherwise fabricated, processed, or i-nstalled to form a part of the Work. "Equipment" is a product with operational parts' whether motorized or manually operated, that requires service connections such as wiring or piping. t.4 SUBMITTALS Product products names of name and List Schedul-e:Prepare a schedul-e showing specified in a tabuLar form. lnclude generic products required. Include the manufacturer's proprietary product names for each item Iisted. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 0l-600 - 1 1.5 I l.r 1.Coordinate the product list schedul-e with the Contractorrs Construction Schedule and the Schedule of SubmittaLs.Submittal: Within 30 days after date of commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of an initial product list schedul-e. Provj-de a written explanation for omissions of data, and for known variations from Contract requirements.Architect's Action: The Architect wiII respond inwriting to the Contractor wj-thin 2 weeks of receipt of the product list schedul-e. No response within thistime period constitutes no objection to Listed manufacturers or products, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with Contract Documents. The Architect's response willinclude a Iist of unacceptable product selections, containlng a brief explanation of reasons .for this - ^+. .i ^-ctl-Lr\Jlt. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations: To the ful-l-est extent possible, provide products of the same kind, from a single source. Compatibillty of Options: When the Contractor is given the option of selecting between thro or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously seJ-ected. even if previously selected products were also options. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store and handle products in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, 1oss, and theft. Deliver products to the site in the manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labe1s and j-nstructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting and installing. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance wlth the Contract Documents, and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. Store heavy materials away from the Project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting constructi-on. Store products subject to damage by the elements above ground, in a weathertight encl-osure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain temperature and humidity within range required by manufacturer' s instructions. I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 2. 1. z- A. B. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 2 B. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.T PRODUCT SELECTION A. General Product Requirements: Provide undamaged products that comply with the Contract Documents, and, unless otherwise indicated, unused at the time of installation. 1.Provide products complete with a]l accessories, trim' finish, safety guards and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and for the intended use and effect. Product Selection Procedures: Product sefection is governed by the Contract Documents and governing regulations Procedures qoverning product selection include the folfowing: 1. Proprietary Specification Requi-rements: Where only a single product or manufacturer 1s named, provide the product indicated. 2. Semi-proprietary Specification Requirements: Where two or more products or manufacturers are named, provide one of the products i-ndicated. No substitutions wj-l1 be permitted. a. Where products or manufacturers are specified by name, accompanied by the term "or equalr " or "or approved equal" comply with the Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 3. Non-Proprietary Specifications:When the Specifications list products or manufacturers that are available and may be incorporated in the Work, but do not restrict the Contractor to use of these products only, the Contractor may propose any availabfe product that complies with Contract requirements. Comply with Contract Document provisi-ons concernrng for use of an unnamed product. 4. Descriptive Specification Requirements: Specifications describe a product or assembly. listing exact characteristics required, wi-th or without use of a brand or trade name, provide a product or assembly that provides the characteristics and otherwise compJ-ies with Contract requirements. 5. Performance Specification Requirements:Where Specifications requj-re compliance with performance requirements, provide products that comply with these requirements, and are recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated.Generaf overall performance of a product is implj.ed where the product is specified for a specific application. "substitutions" to obtain approval Where MATERIA],S AND EOUIPMENT 01600 - 3 a. Manufacturer's recommendations may be contained inpublished product literature, or by the manufacturerrs certification of performance. Compliance with Standards, Codes and Regulations: Where the Specifications only require compliance withan imposed code, standard or regulation, select a product that complles.VisuaL Matching: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, the Architectrs decision wilL be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. a. Vlhere no product avaiLabl-e within the specified category matches satisfactorily and also complieswith other specified requirements, comply withprovisions of the Contract Documents concerning "substitutions" for selection of a matchingproduct j-n another product category, or for noncompliance with specified requirements. Visual Sefection:Where specified product requirements include the phrase "...as selected from manufacturerts standard colors, patterns, textures. .." or a similar phrase, select a product and manufacturer that complies with other specified requirements. The Architect will select the color, pattern and texture from the product line selected. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01600 t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I 6. .1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 4 I I I I I SECTION 01631 - PRODUCT SUBSTTTUTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Dlvision-1, Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L.2 SUMMARY This Section specifies admj-nj-strative and procedural requirements for handLing requests for substitutions made after award of the Contract. Standards: Refer to Section "Definitions and Standards" for applicability of industry standards to products specified. Procedural requi-rements governing the Contractor's selection of products and product options are included under Section "Materials and Equipment. " t<DEFINITIONS Definiti-ons used in this Article are not intended to change or modify the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. B. Substituti.ons:Requests for changes in products, materj-als, equipment, and methods of construction required by Contract Documents proposed by the Contractor after award of the Contract are consj-dered requests for "substitutions, " The followinq are not considered substitutions: 1. Substitutions requested by Bidders during the biddingperiod, and accepted prior to award of Contract, are considered as included in the Contract Documents and are not subject to requj-rements specified in this Section for substitutions.2. Revisions to Contract Documents requested by the Owner or Architect.3. Specified options of products and construction methods included in Contract Documents.4. The Contractor's determination of and compliance with governing regulations and orders issued by governing authorities. I T I I I T I I I t I I A. B. ? A. I I PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS 0r.631 - 1 1.4 SUBMITTALS Substltution Request Submittal-: Requests for substitutionwiIl be consj-dered if received within 30 days after commencement of the Work. Requests received more than 30 days after conunencement of the Work may be consldered or reiected at the discretion of the Architect. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form and in accordance with procedures reguired for Change Order proposals. Identify the product r ot the fabrication or installation method to be replaced in each reguest. Include refated Specification Section and Drawinq numbers.Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, rand the followj-ng information, as appropriate, I a. Product Data, including Drawj-ngs and descriptions of products, fabrication and instaLlation procedures. b. Samples, where applicable or requested. c. A detailed compari-son of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include efements such as size, weight, durability, performance and visual effect. d. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modificatlons needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by the Owner and separate Contractors, that wiLl become necessary Eo substitution. accommodate the proposed e. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the Contractor's Construction Schedule compared to the schedul-e without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall Contract Time. t. Cost i-nformation, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Contract Sum. S. Certification by the Contractor that the substitution proposed is equal to or better in every significant respect to that required by the Contract Documents, and that it will perform adequately in the application indicated. Include the Contractorrs waj-ver of rights to additional payment or time, that may subsequentJ.y become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately. I I I I I I 2. A. I I t I I I I I I I t IPRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 2 ?t I I I t I I I I I I t t t I I I I I Architect's Action: Within one week of receipt of the request for substitution, the Architect will request additional information or documentation necessary for evaluation of the request. Within 2 weeks of recei'pt of the requestr or one week of receipt of the additional information or documentation, which ever is later, the Architect will notify the Contractor of accepEance or rejection of the proposed substitution' If a decj.sion on use of a proposed substitute cannot be made or obtaj.ned within the time all-ocated, use the product specified by name. Acceptance will be in the form of a Change Order, when time or change in contract amount are involved' PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1. SUBSTITUTIONS A. Conditions: The Contractor's substitution request wil-L be received and considered by the Architect when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Architect; otherwise requests will be returned without action except to record noncompliance with these rarrr r i ramenl5 .! vYs-5 v.!tv. 1. Extensive revisions raarli rad to Contract Documents are not 2. Proposed changes are in keeping with intent of Contract Documents. 3. The request is timeJ-y, fully documented the general and properly submi-tted. 4. The request is directly related to an "or equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents' 5. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time. The request will not be considered if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work ^r^rnnf 'l rr nr COOfdinate aCtivitieS pfOpefly.y! !,rtt/ t- J- J6. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved''t. A substantial advantage is offered the Owner, in terms of cost, time, energy conservation or other consideratj-ons of merit' after deducting offsetting responsibilities the Owner may be required to bear' 8. The specified product or method of constructj-on cannot be prbvided in a manner that is compatible with other matlrials, and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility'g. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials, and where the contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordi-nated. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 3 PART i.0. The specified product or method of construct,ion cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provide the required warranty. The Contractor's submittal and Architectrs acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples that relate to construction activities not complying with the Contract Documents does not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor does it constitute approval . 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0].531 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t T B. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS 0r.631 - { A. A. I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I T SECTION O17OO - PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 'l 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of GeneraL and Supplementary Conditions Specification Sections, apply to this Contract, including and other Division-1 Section. )--z 3. Submit sPecific warranties, maintenance agreements, finaL similar documents.4. Submit the comprehensive Ij-st of or corrected as required bY the PROJECT CLOSEOUT SUMMARY This Section speci-fies administratj-ve and procedural requirements for project closeout, including but not limited to: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Project record document submittaL. 3. Operating and maintenance manual submittaL. 4. Submi-ttaI of warranties. 5. Final cleaning. closeout requirements for specific construction activities are included in the appropriate Sections in Divisions-2 through -16. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PreLiminary Procedures: Before requesti-ng inspection for certification of Substantiaf Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. In the Appllcation for Palzment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. Include supporting documentation for completi-on as indicated in these Contract Documents and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. a. If 100 percent completion cannot be shown, include a list of incomplete items, the value of incomplete constructj-on, and reasons the Work i-s not complele. 2. Advise Owner requirements. of pending insurance change-over workmanship bonds, certifications and items to be completed General Conditions. 01700 - 1 Obtain and submit rel-eases enabJ-ing the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities; include occupancy permits, operating certificates and similar refeases. 6. Submit record drawings, maj-ntenance manuals, final project photographs, damage or settLement survey, nr^r)e11- \/ qrrrwe\r. and simi I ar f inal feCOfd infOfmation.t./.Lv}/er eJ rq! wvJ t -1 . Del-j-ver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar lEems. 8. Make final change-over of permanent locks and transmit keys to the owner. Advise the owner's personnel of change-over in security provisions. 9. Complete start-up testing of systems' and instruction of the Owner's operating and maintenance personnel . 10. Discontinue or change over and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with construction tool-s, mock-ups, and simifar elements. 11. Complete final clean up requirements, including touch-up pai-nting. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes. B. Inspection Procedures:On recei-pt of a request for inspection, the Architect wilI either proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of unfilled requirements. The Archi-tect wifl prepare the Certificate of Substantiaf Completion folfowing i-nspection, or advise the Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. 1. Results of the completed inspection wil-l- form the Ibasis of requirements for final acceptance. I F]NAL ACCEPTANCE Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification of final acceptance and final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the requesE. Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previ-ously submitted and accepted. lnclude certificates of insurance for products and completed operations where required. 2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. 3. Submlt a certified copy of the Architect's final i-nspection list of items to be completed or corrected, stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for accePtance. 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, and simifar data as of the date of Substantial Conpleti-on, or when the Owner took possessj-on of and responsibility for corresponding efements of the Work. 1.4 t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I A PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 B, A. I I I I I I I T I I I t t I I I I I I cover of each set. 5. Upon completion of the the Architect for the PROJECT CLOSEOUT 5. Submit consent of surety to final palment. 6. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coveragle complying with insurance requirements' Reinspection Procedure: The Architect will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work, including 'insnection list items from earlier inspections, has been completed, except items whose completion has been delayed because of circumstances acceptable to the Architect ' 1 llrrnn narnrr'l ot i nn nf rc.i nqnecf inn fhp Arr:hi teCt WilIJ-. \.,/P\,/rr U\-,rrrtJr9r-M! \./l- .|-E-r-lr'rl.rs\/\-f vrrt prepare a certificate of final- acceptance' or advise the Contractor of Work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled but are required for final- accePtance. 2. If necessary, reinspection wiII be Contractorts expense. repeated, at RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS General: Do not use record documents for construction purposesi protect from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistive location; provide access to record documents for the Architect's reference during normal- working hours. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged up-to-date set of blue or black line white-prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set to show the actual- install-ation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown' Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing conditions ful1y and accurately; where Shop Drawings are used' record a cioss-reference at the corresponding Iocation on the contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed el"ements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 1. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil; use other col-ors to distinguish between variations in separate categorj-es of the Work. 2. Mark new information that is important to the Owner, but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. 3. Note related Change Order numbers where applicable. 4. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitabl-e titles, dates and other identificatj-on on the Work, submit record drawings to Owner t s records . 01700 - 3 Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual, incl-uding addenda, and one copy of other written construction documents such as Change Orders and modifications i-ssued in printed form durlng construction. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison with the text of the Specifications and modifications. Give particular attention to substitutions, seLection of options and similar information on elements that are concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discerned Iater by direct observation. Note related record drawing information and Product Data. Upon completion of the Work, submit record Specifications to the Architect for the Owner's records. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal. Mark these documents to show significant variations j-n actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations i-n products delivered to the site, and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations.Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. Note related Change Orders and mark-up of record drawings and Specifications. Record SampJ-e Submitted: Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, the Contractor wiII meet at the site with the Architect and the Owner's personnel to determine which of the submitted Samples that have been maintained during progress of the Work are to be transmitted to the Owner for record purposes. Comply with delivery to the Owner's Sample storage area. F. Miscellaneous Record Submittafs:Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements of miscellaneous record-keeping and submittals in connection with actuaf performance of the Work. Irnmediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial- Completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly identified and bound or filed, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Architect for the Owner's records. G. Maintenance ManuaLs: Organize operating and maintenance data into suj-table sets of manageable size- Bind properJ-y indexed data in individual heavy-duty 2-inch, 3-ring vinyl-covered binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark appropriate identification on front and spine of each binder. Incl-ude the folJ-owing types of information: t_.Emergency instructions. I t I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I t I 1. D. E. PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 4 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I ? Sn:rF n:rts list. 3. Copies of warranties' 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Recommended "turn around" 6. Inspection procedures. 7. Shop Drawings and Product 8. Fixture lamping schedul-e. cycfes. LJd. L4 . PART PART A. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 - EXECUTION CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Operating and Maintenance Instructj-ons: Arrange for each installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner's personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. If installers are not experienced in procedures, provide instruction by manufacturer's representatives. Incl-ude a detailed review of the fol-l-owinq items: 1. Maintenance manuals. 2. Record documents. 3. Spare parts and materials. 4. Too1s. 5. Lubricants. 6. Fuels. 1 . Identification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards. 10. Cleaning. 11. Warranties and bonds. 12. Maintenance aqreements and commitments. similar contlnuing As part of instruction for operating equipment, demonstrate the following procedures: 1. Start-uP. 2. Shutdown. 3. Emergency oPerations. 4. Noise and vibration adjustments. 5. Safety procedures. 6. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 7. Effective energy utifization. 3.2 FINAL C],EANING A. General-: General cleaning during construction by the General Conditions and incfuded "Temporary Facilities". is requj-red in Section 01700 - 5PROJECT CLOSEOUT B. Cleaning:Employ experienced workers or professional cLeaners for final- cleaning. Cl-ean each surface or unitto the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleani-ng and maintenance program. manufacturer' s instructions. Comp1y with Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting lnspection for Certlfication of Substantial Compl-etion. a. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. b. Clean transparent materials, incJ.uding mirrors andqlass in doors and windows.Remove qlazino compound and other substances that are noticeable visj-on-obscuri-ng materials. Replace chipped orbroken glass and other damaged transparent materials. c. Cl-ean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfacedfinishes to a dust-free condition, free of stains, f il-ms and si"miLar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. d. tlipe surf aces of mechanical and electrica.l- equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fj-xtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fi.xtures and lamps. e. Cfean the site, including landscape developmentareas, of rubbish, li.tter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom cleani remove stai-ns, spj-11s and other forej-gn deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted, to a smooth even-textured surface. T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t t I 1. D. Removal of Protection:facilities installed for construction. Remove temporary protection andprotection of the Work during Compliance: Comply with regulations of authorities havingjurisdiction and safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste materj-als. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge vo.l-atiIe, harmful or dangerous material-s into drainage systems. Remove rraste materials from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner. Where extra materials of value remaining after completion of associated Work have become the Ownerrsproperty, arrange for disposi-tion of these materials as directed. PROJECT CLOSEOUT END OF SECTION O17OO 01700 - 6 A. A. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01740 - WARRANTIES AND BONDS PART 1.1 A. 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General- and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-l- Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARYL.2 This Section specifies general administrative and procedural requirements for warranties and bonds required by the Contract Documents, including manufacturer's standard warranties on products and special warranties. Specific requirements for warranties for the Work and products and lnstal-l-ations that are specified to be warranted, are included in the individual- Sections of Divisions-2 throuqh -15. DiscLaimers and Limitations: Manufacturer's and l-imitations on product warranties do not Contractor of the warranty on the Work that the products, nor does it reLieve manufacturers, and subcontractors reguired to special warranties with the Contractor. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS disclaimers reli-eve the incorporates suppliers, countersign 1.3 Provide written one year warranty for all work under this contract in addition to special warranties required j-n individual specificati-on sections. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting warranted Work that has faifed, remove and replace other Work that has been damaged as a result of such failure or that must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted Work, at no cost to Owner. C. Reinstatement of Warrantv:When Work covered by a warranty has fail-ed and been corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsement. The reinstated warranty shal1 be equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustment for depreciation. D. Replacement Cost: Upon determination that Work covered by a warranty has failed, replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition complying with requirements of Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replaci-ng or rebuilding defective Vilork regardless of whether the Owner has benefitted from use of the Work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life. WARRANTIES AND BONDS 01740 - l- t.4 Owner's Recourse: Written warranties made to the Owner are in addition to implied warranties, and shall not Limit the duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise available under the 1aw, nor shal-1 warranty periods be i nf ernreted as I i-mitatiOns on t j-me in which the Owner Can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. Rejection of Warranties: The Owner reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selections toproducts with warranties not in confllct with requirements of the Contract Documents. The Owner reserves the right to refuse to accept Work for the Project where a special warranty, certification. or similar commitment is required on such Vlork or part of the Work, until evidence is presented that entities required to countersign such commitments are willing to do so. SUBMITTALS Submi-t written warranties to the Architect. If the Architect's Certificate of Substantial- Completion designates a cornmencement date for warranties other than the date of Substantial Completion for the Work, or a designated portion of the Work upon request of the Architect, submit written warranties confirming this conmencement date. When a designated portion of the Work is completed and occupied or used by the Owner, by separate agreement with the Contractor during the construction period, submit properly executed warranties to the Architect within fifteen days of completion of that designatedportion of the Work. When a special warranty is required to be executed by theContractor, or the Contractor and a subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer, prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution by the required parties. Submit a draft to the Owner through the Architect for approval prior to final execution. Refer to individual Sections of Divisions-2 through -16 for specific content requirements, and particul-ar recruirements for submittal of special warranties. Form of Submittal: Compile two copies of each required warranty and bond properl-y executed by the Contractor, orby the Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, ormanufacturer. Organize the warranty documents into anorderly sequence based on the tabl-e of contents of the IProjecc Manual. I I t I I I t I I I t t I I t I I I 1 E. A I IWARRANTIES AND BONDS ot'] 40 - 2 D. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I PART PART Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, commercial quality, durable 3-ring vinyl covered loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-L/2" by 11-" paper. 1. Provide heavy paper dividers with celluLoid covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark the tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or instaflatj-on' including the name of the product, and the name' address and tel-ephone number of the instaLl-er. 2. Identify each binder on the front and the spine wlth the typed or printed tltle "WARRANTIES AND BONDS", the Project title or name, and the name of the Contractor. 3. When operating and maintenance manuals are required for warranted construction, provide additional copies of each required warranty, as necessary, for inclusion in each required manual-. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable). 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable). END OF SECTION 01740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS 01740 - 3 f\. B. a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 02110 - PART 1 - GENERAL SITE CLEARING 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, includlng General and Supplementary Conditions and Dj-vision 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Sectlon. I.2 SUMMARY A. This Section 1. Removal 2. Topsoil 3. Clearing 4. Removing includes the foll-owing: of trees and other vegetation. cf ri r'rrr i nnv ur 4rF*rrY . and grubbing. below-grade improvements. PROJECT CONDITIONS Traffic: Conduct si-te-clearing operations to ensure minimum i-nterference with roads, streets, wal-ks, and other adjacent occupied or used facllities. Do not close or obstruct streets, wal-ks, or other occupied or used facilities wlthout permission from authorities having j uri-sdiction. Protection of Existing Improvements: Provide protections necessary to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain 1n place. 1. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on Owner's property. 2. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to property owners. Protection of Existing Trees and Vegetation: Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning or bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiting construction material-s or excavated materials within drip Line, excess foot or vehicuLar traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. 1. Water trees and other vegetation to remain within limits of contract work as reguired to maintain their health during course of construction operations. SITE CLEARING 02110 - I PART PART ?1 A. Provide protection for roots over ),-I/2 inch in dj-ameter that are cut during construction operations. Coat cut faces with an emulsified asphalt or other acceptable coating formulated to use on damaged plant tj-ssues. Temporarily cover exposed roots with wet burlap to prevent roots from drying out; cover with earth as soon as possible. Repair or replace trees and vegetation indicated to remain that are damaged by construction operations in a manner acceptable to Architect. Employ a lj-censed arborist to repair damage to trees and shrubs. Replace trees that cannot be repaired and restored to full-growth status, as determlned by arborist. EXISTING SERVICES General: Indicated Locatj-ons are approximate; determj-ne exact locations before commencinq Work. Arrange and pay for disconnectj-ng, removJ.ng, capping, and plugging utility services. Notify affected utility companies in advance and obtain approval before starting this Work. Pl-ace markers to indicate location of disconnected services. Identlfy service lines and capping locations on Project Record Documents. 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Appl-icable) 3 - EXECUTION SITE CLEARING Generaf: Transplant trees and remove shrubs, grass, and other vegetation, improvements, or obstructions, as required, to permit installation of new construction. Remove similar items elsewhere on site or premises as specifically indicated. Removal includes digging out and off-site dj-sposal of stumps and roots. 1. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. Topsoil: Topsoil is defined as friable clay loam surface soil found in a depth of not l-ess than 4 inches. Satisfactory topsoil is reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, stones, and other objects over 2 inches in diarneter, and without weeds, roots, and other obi ectionable material. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. A. B. a B. SITE CLEARING 02rt0 - 2 2. I I I I I I I t I I T t I I T I I I I 3.2 1.Strip topsoil to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other objectionabfe material-. Remove heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping. a. Where existing trees are indicated to remain, l-eave existing topsoil in place within dri-p lines to prevent damage to root system. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles. Construct storage piles to provide free drainage of surface water. Cover storage piles, Lf required, to prevent wind eros ion. DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS Burning on Owner's Property: Burning is not permltted on Owner's property. B. Removal from Owner's Property: Remove waste materials and unsuitable or excess topsoil from Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING 02110 - 3 A. B. A. t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION O22OO - EARTHWORK PART 11 A L.2 1.3 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specificatj-on Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section incLudes the following: 1. Preparing of subgrade for buiJ-ding slabs. wa1ks, and pavemenES, 2. Drainage fill course for support of building sJ-abs is incl-uded as part of this work. 3. Excavating and backfilling of trenches within building lines. 4. Excavating and backfilling for underground mechanical and electrical utifities and buried mechanical and electrical appurtenances. Excavating and Backfitling for Mechanical/Electrical Work: Refer to Division 15 and 16 sections for excavation and backfill required in conjunction with underground mechanical and electrical- util-ities and buried mechanlca] and electrical appurtenances, Finat Grading, together with placement and preparatj-on of topsoil for lawns and planting, is specified in Division 2 Section, "Landscape Work. " DEFINITIONS Excavation consists of to subgrade elevationsof materials removed. the removaL of material encountered indicated and subsequent disposal- B. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materiafs beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of Architect. Unauthorj-zed excavation, as well- as remedial work directed by the Architect, sha1l be at the Contractor's expense. 1. Under footings, foundation bases' or retaining walls' fill unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom el-evation of footing or base to excavation bottom, without altering required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position, when acceptable to Architect- EARTHWORK 02200 - L I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t D. A. B. In Iocations other than those above, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations of same cl-assification' unless otherwise directed bv Architect. Subgrade: The undisturbed earth or the compacted soiL layer immediately below granular subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materi-als. Structure: Buil"dings, foundati-ons, s1abs, tanks, curbs, or other man-made stationary features occurring above or beLow ground surface. QUALITY ASSURANCE Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1A PROJECT CONDITIONS Site Inf ormati-on:Data in subsurface investiqation reports was used for the basj-s of the design and are avaiLable to the Contractor for information only. Conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil borings. The Owner wiLl- not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this data by Contractor. 1. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor, at the Contractor's option; however, no change in the Contract Sum will be authorized for such additional exploration. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in areas of excavation work. If utiLities are indicated to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. 1. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted' piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consuft utility owner irnmediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facj-lities in operati-on. Repair damaged util-ities to satisfaction of utility o$tner. 2. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others' during occupied hours' except when permitted in writing by Architect and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. EARTHWORK 02200 - 2 D. E. I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I t I PART 2.t A. e Provide mj-nj-mum of 48-hour notice to Architect, and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting any utility. 3. Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground utilities indicated to be removed- Coordinate with utility companies for shutoff of services if l-ines are active. D. Use of ExpJ-osives: Use of explosives is not permltted. Protection of Persons and excavations occurring as part warning lights. 1. Operate warning lights as having jurisdiction, 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermini-ng, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. 3. Perform excavation by hand within dripline of large trees to remain. Protect root systems from damage or dryout to the greatest extent possible. Maintaln moist condi-tion for root system and cover exposed roots with moistened burlap. 2 - PRODUCTS SOIL MATERIALS Refer to Section 02205. As determined by geotechnical engineer. Subbase and Base MateriaL: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, and natural or crushed sand. Drainage Fil-l-: Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel. with 100 percent passing a 1-1l2-inch sieve and not more than 5 percent passingaNo.4 sj-eve. Backfill and FilI Materi-als: Satisfactory soif materials free of clay, rock or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waster frozen materials, vegitation and other deleterious matter. Property: Barrlcade oPen of this work and Post with recommended bY authoriti-es PART 3 - EXECUTION EARTHWORK 02200 - 3 z EARTHWORK EXCAVAT]ON Bxcavation CLassifications: The folJ-owing cfassifications of excavation wi-Il- be made when rock is encountered: 1.Earth excavation includes excavation of pavements and other obstructions visible on surface; underground structures, utilities, and other items indicated to be demolished and removed; together with earth and other materiaLs encountered that are not classified as rock or unauthorized excavation. Rock excavation for trenches and pits includes removal and disposal of materials and obstructions encountered that cannot be excavated with a track-mounted power excavator, equivalent to CaterpllJ-ar ModeI No. 2l5C LC, and rated at not less than Ll"sHP flywheel power and 32,0OO-pound drawbar pull and equipped with a short stick and a 42-inch wide, short top radius rock bucket rated at 0.81 cubic yard (heaped) capacity. Trenches in excess of 10 feet in width and pits in excess of 30 feet in either l-enqth or width are classified as open excavation. Rock excavation in open excavations j-ncludes removaL and disposal of materials and obstructions encountered that cannot be dislodged and excavated with modern, track-mounted, heavy-duty excavating equipment without drilling, blasting, or ripping. Rock excavation equipment is defined as Caterpillar Model No. 973 or equivalent track-mounted loader, rated at not less than 210 HP flywheel power and developing minimum of 45r000-pound breakout force (measured in accordance with SAE J732). Typical of materials classified as rock are boulders I/2 cu. yd. or more in volume, solid rock, rock in ledges, and rock-hard cementitious aggregate deposits. Intermittent dri11ing, blasting, or ripping performed to increase production and not necessary to permit excavation of materi-a1 encountered will be classified as earth excavation. Do not perform rock excavation work untj-l material to be excavated has been cross-sectioned and cl-assified by Architect. Such excavation will be paid on basis of Contract Conditions relative to changes in work. Rock payment Lines are limited to I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I I I a. h z. t_. A. Two feet outside of concrete required, except footings. One foot outside perimeter of the fofLowing: work for which forms are f aal- i nrrc 02200 - 4 3. q A. I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I In pipe trenches, 6 inches below invert elevation of pipe and 2 feet wider than inside diameter of Pipe,but not less than 3 feet minimum trench width. Outside dimensions of concrete work where no forms are 16 att I I ral.! Under sLabs on grade, concrete sl-ab. 6 inches bel-ow bottom of 3.2 3.4 STABI]-,ITY OF EXCAVATIONS General: CompJ-y with local requi-rements of agencies having codes, ordinances, and i urisdiction. B. Slope sides of excavations to compl-v with local- codes, ordinances, and f a^rr r i rarn6't t- c a\ T.agencles having j urisdiction.Shore and brace where sloping is not n r ct- .=hi l i l-r,l r:f and slopes of completion of possible because of space restrictions materiaL excavated.Maintain sides excavations in safe condition until backfillinq. DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from fl-owing into excavations and from flooding project site and surroundi-nq area. 1. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutti-ng footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps, wel-l- points, sumps' suction and discharge 1i-nes, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away from excavations. STORAGE OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS A. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfifl and fill where directed. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles €z-rr hr^har ^ ra j_nage. 1 Locate and retain soil- materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drlp fine of trees indicated to remain. Dispose of excess excavated soif material- and materials not acceptable for use as backfill or fill. EXCAVATTON FOR STRUCTURES EARTHWORK 02200 - 5 A. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a I toferance of plus or minus 0.10 foot, and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to Ipermit placlng and removaf of concrete form work, Iinstallation of services, and other constructi-on and for 'incrror-l-inn+rrul/vv urv.. . 1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not I disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to Ifinal grade just before placing concrete reinforcement Iis placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to l-eave sol-id base to receive other work. I 3.6 EXCAVATION FOR PAVEMENTS A. Cut surface under pavements to comply with cross-sections, I elevations, and grades as indicated. I 3.7 TRENCH EXCAVATION FOR PIPES AND CONDUIT A. Excavate trenches to uniform width, sufficiently wide to f provide ample working room and a minimum of 6 to 9 inches of cfearance on both sides of pipe or conduit. I B. Excavate trenches and conduit to depth indicated or required to establish indicated slope and invert Ielevations and to support bottom of pipe or conduit on tundisturbed soil. Beyond building perimeter' excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost Iline. I 1. Where rock is encountered, carry excavation 6 inches befow required elevation and backfill with a 6-inch layer of crushed stone or gravel prior to installation I of pipe. 2. For pipes or conduit less than 6 inches in nominal- size, and for flat-bottomed' multiple-duct conduit I units, do not excavate beyond indicated depths. Hand- excavate bottom cut to accurate elevations and support pipe or conduit on undisturbed soil. I 3. For pipes and equipment 6 inches or larger in nominal slze, in"p. bottbm of trench to fit bottom of pipe for I90 degrees (bottom 1/4 of the circumference) . Fi]1 t depressions with tamped sand backfill. At each pipe joint, dig be11 hol-es to relieve pipe bel1 of loads Iensure continuous bearing of piPe barrel on bearing I surface. I 3.8 BACKFILL AND FILL I 02200 - , IEARTHWORK A. B. I t I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I I Generaf: Place soil material in layers to required qrrl-rnrarie el ewet i onq. f nr cach :rea classif ication listedvgvYIguUgrvJ.J' below, using materials specified in Part 2 of this section. 1. Under grassed areas, borrow material. use satisfactorY excavated or 2. Under waLks and pavements, use subbase material-f satisfactory excavated or borrow materlal, or a combination.3, Ilnder stFns - use Subbase material-.. 4. Under building slabs, use drainage fiII material. 5. Under piping and conduit and equipment, use subbase material-s where reouired over rock bearinq surface and for correction of unauthorized excavation.Shape excavation bottom to fit bottom 90 desrees of cy11nder. 6. Backfill trenches with concrete where trench excavations pass within 18 inches of column or wall footings and that are carried below bottom of such footings or that pass under wall footings. Place concrete to leve1 of bottom of adiacent footinq. a. Concrete is specified in Division 3. b. Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have been made and backfilling is authorized by Architect. Use care in backfilling to avoi-d damage or displacement of pipe systems. Provide 4-inch-thick concrete base slab support for piping or conduit less than 2'-6" below surface of roadways. After installation and testing of pipi-ng or conduit, provide minimum 4-inch-thick encasement(sides and top) of concrete prior to backfilli-ng or placement of roadway subbase. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits. PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION A. Ground Surface Preparation: Removeunsatisfactory soil materials,deleterious materials from ground placement of fi11s.Plow strip, surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to fil-l- material- will bond with existinq vegetation, debris, obstructions, and surface prior to or break up sloped 4 horizontal so that surface. Pl-ace backfill and fil] materials in layers not more than I inches in Loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 j-nches in ]oose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. EARTHWORK 02200 - 't 3. 10 A. I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I a. h 1. D. B. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide optimum molsture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry densityor relative dry density for each area classification. Donot place backfill- or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. Place backfiLl and fill materials evenly adjacent tostructures, piping, or conduit to required elevations. Prevent wedging action of backfill against structures or displacement of piping or conduit by carrying materialuniformly around structure, pipingr oE conduit toapproximately same el-evation in each 1ift.ControL soil and fill compaction, providing minimumpercentage of density specified for each areaclassification indicated beLow. Correct improperly compacted areas or lifts as directed by Architect if soildensity tests indicate inadequate compaction. Percent of Maximum Density Requirements; Compact soilto not less than the following percentages of maximundensity, j-n accordance with ASTM Dl-557: Under structures, building slabs and steps, andpavements, compact top LZ inches of subgrade andeach layer of backfill or fiLl material at 95percent maximum density. Under lawn or unpaved areas, compact the top 6inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill orfill material at 90 percent maximum density. Under walkways, compact the top 6 inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fillmaterial at 95 percent rnaximum density. GRADING General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points whereelevations are indicated or between such points andexisting grades. Grading Outside Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent tobuilding lines to drain ahray from structures and toprevent ponding. Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes and as foLlows: 1.Lawn or Unpaved Areas:Finish areas to receive0.L0 foot above ortopsoil to within not more than below required subgrade elevations. EARTHWORK 02200 - I 2. D. B. I I I t t I I I I I I I I I T I I T I Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with finish surface not more than 0.10 foot above or below required subgrade elevation. Pavements: Shape surface of areas under pavement to liner grade, and cross-section, with finish surface not more than l/2 inch above or bel-ow required subgrade el-evation. Grading Surface of Fi11 smooth and even, free of and to required el-evation. tolerance of I/2 inch straiqhtedqe. under Building Slabs: Grade voids, compacted as specified, Provide final grades within a when tested wlth a 1o-foot 3.11 A. 3.12 A. Compaction: After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and indicated percentage of maxi-mum or rel-ative density for each area classlfication. PAVEMENT SUBBASE COURSE General: Subbase course consists of placing subbase material, in layers of specified thickness' over subgrade surface to support a pavement base course. 1. Refer to other Di-vision 2 specifications. sections for paving Placing: Place subbase course material on prepared subgrade in layers of uniform thickness, conformj-ng to indicated cross-section and thickness. Maintaln optimum moisture content for compacting subbase material during placement operati,ons. 1. When a compacted subbase course is j-ndj-cated to be 6 inches thick or less, place materiaL j-n a single layer. When indicated to be more than 5 inches thick, place material in equal layers, except no single layer more than 6 inches or l-ess than 3 inches in thickness when compacted. BUILDING SLAB DRAINAGE COURSE General-: Drainage course consists of placement of drainage fill material, in layers of indicated thickness, over subgrade surface to support concrete building sl-abs. B. Placing:Place drainage fill material on prepared subgrade in layers of uniform thickness, conforming to indicated cross-section and thickness. Maintain optlmum moisture content for compacting materi-aI during placement operatlons. EARTHWORK 02200 - 9 3. 13 A. I I I I I t I t t I I t t t T t I T I 1. D. When compacted drainage course is indicated to be 6 inches thick or Iess, place materiaf ln a single 1ayer. When indicated to be more than 6 inches thick, place material- in equal layers, except no single layer more than 6 inches or Less than 3 inches in thickness when compacted. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Quality ControL Testing During Construction: Allow testing service to inspect and approve each subgrade and each fiIl layer before further backfiLL or construction work is performed. MAINTENANCE Repair and re-establ-ish grades in settled, rutted areas to specified tolerance. graded areas and debris. eroded, and Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, reshape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. Settling: Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project warranty period' remove surface (pavement, Iawn, or other finish), add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality' and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS Removal from Owner's Property: Remove waste materials, including unacceptable excavated material, trash, and debris, and dispose of it off Ownerrs property. END OF SECTION O22OO 3. 14 A.Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash ? 1q A. EARTHWORK 02200 - 10 I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t SECTION 02205 - SOIL MATERIALS PART ]- - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Subsoil and topsoil materials. L.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 1 - Measurement. and Payment: Requirements applicable t,o unit prices for the work of this Section. B. Division 1 - Testing Laboratory Services: Testing soil f iI1 mat.erials. Section 0201-0 - Subsurface Exploration for GeotechnicaLreport; bore hole l-ocatsions and findings of subsurfacematerials. Section O22Ll - Rough Grading. Section 02223 - Backfilling. Sectsion 02510 - Asphaltic Concrete Paving: Subbasepreparation. G. SecEion 02275 - Riprap. 1.3 REFERENCES A. AASHTO Tl-80 - Moi-sture-Density Relations of Soils Usinga l-0-1b (4.5a kg) Rammer and an 18-in. (457 mm) Drop. ANSI/ASTM D698 - Test Methods for Moistsure-Density ReLations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate MixEures, Using5.5 lb (2.49 Kg) Rammer and 1-2 inch (304.8 mm) Drop. ANSI/ASTM D1556 - Test Method for DensiEy of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. ANSI/ASTM DL557 - TesE Metshods for Moisture-Density Relatsions of Soils and Soil--Aggregate Mixtures Using 10Ib (4.5a Kg) Rammer and LB inch (457 mm) Drop. ASTM D2L67 - Test Method for Density and Unit Weight ofSoil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. ASTM D2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. ASTM D2922 - Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil- Aggregate in P1ace by Nuclear Methods (ShalLow Depth) . ASTM D30l-7 - Test Methods for Moisture ConLent of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures. D. E. c. n E. F. \t. H. SOIL MATERIALS 02205 - t T.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1. B. Samples: Submit, in air-tight containers, 10 lb. sample of each type of fill to testing laboratory. C. Materials Source: Submit name of imported mat.erials suppliers. Provide materials from same sourcethroughout the work. Change of source requiresArchitect approval . 1.5 QUALITY ASSI]RANCE A. Testing and Inspectlon Service: Owner will employ aqualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency tso classify proposed on-site and borrow soils toverify that soils comply with specified requirements and to perform reguired field and Laboratory testing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.L SOIL MATERIALS A. Subsoif Type 31: Excavated and re-used material ,graded, free of lumps larger than 3 inches, rockslarger Ehan 2 inches, and debris. B. Subsoil Type 32: Imported materials, graded, free of lumps larger than 3 inches, rocks larger than 2 inches, and debris. 2.2 FIELD QUAIITY CONTROL A. Inspection and t,estsing willprovisions of Division 1. be performed under B. Tests and analysis of soil material will be performed in accordance with ASTM DL556 or ASTM D2t67. C. lf tests indicate materials do not meeE specified requirements, change material and retest at no cost to Owner, D. Testing Agency Services: Allow testing agency toinspect and test each subgrade and each fill or backfill layer. Do noE proceed untiL test resulEs forpreviously compleEed work verify compliance with requiremenEs. 1. Perform field in-place density tests according to ASTM D 1555 (sand cone melhod) ASTM D 2167 (rubber balloon met,hod) , or AST'lvl D 2937 (drive cylinder method), as applicable a. Field in-place density tests may also be performed by the nuclear method according to ASTM D 2922, provided that calibrat,ion curvesare periodically checked and adjusted to I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t ISOIL MATERIALS 02205 - 2 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I correlate to tests performed using ASTM D L556. With each density calibration check, check the calibration curves furnished with tshe moisture gages according to ASTM D 3017. b. When field in-place density tests are performed using nuclear methods, make calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning of work, on each different type of maEerial encountered, and at int.ervaLs as directed by the Architect. 2. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, perform ac least one test of each soil slratum to verify design bearing capacities - Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visuaf comparison of each subgrade with relaEed tested strata when acceptable to the Architect. 3. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, perform at least one field in-place density test for every 2,OOO sq. ft. or less of paved area or building sIab. but in no case fewer than Ehree Eests. 4. Foundation Wall Backfill: In each compacted backfj.ll layer, perform at least one field in-pIace density test for each L5o feet or less of trench, but no fewer than two tests. E. when testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills are below specified density, scarify and moisEen or aerate, or remove and replace soil to the depth required, recompact and retest until required densitsy is obtained. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 STOCKPILING A. Stsockpile maEerials on site at locations designated by Archit.ect/owner. B. SEockpile in sufficient quantities to meet project schedule and requirements. C. Separate differing materials with dividers or stockpile apart to Prevent mixing. D. Direct surface water away from stockpile site to prevent erosion or deterioration of materials. 3.2 STOCKPILE CI.,EAIVUP A. Remove stockpile, leave area in a clan and neaE conditions. Grade site surface to prevent free standinq surface water. SOIL MATERIALS 02205 - 3 B. If a borrovr area ia indicated, leave area in a clean and neat condition. Grade siLe surface to prevent, free standing eurface water. END OF SECTION 02205 SOIL MATERIAIS 02205 - 4 I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 022).1 - ROUGH GRADING PART 1 - GENERAI, 1. 1 SECTION INCLT'DES A. Removal of toPsoil and subsoil' B. Cutting, grading, filling and rough-contouring the site f or "ii.- pan"ilettt,. deEenti-on and retention ponds 'concreEe slabs and portland cemenE pavements ' I.2 RELATED SECTIONS A'Section01026-UnitPrices:Requirementsapplicableto unit prices for the work of Ehis Section' B. SecEion o14oo - Testsing Laboratory services: Testing fill eompaction C. Section o2OL0 - Geotechnical Exploratio-n -. for Geotechnical report,; bore hoLe locations and findings of subsurface materials. D. Section O22OS - Soil Materials. E. Section 02223 - Backfilling: General construction area backfilling. F. Section 02510 - Asphaltic Concrete Paving' G. Sectj.on o252o - Portland Cement Concrete Paving' 1.3 UNIT PRICE - MEASUREMENT ATTD PAYMENT A. Subsoil Fill TlPe S1-: 1. Basis of Measurement: By the cubic yard' 2BasisofPayment:Includesexcavatingexistingsubsoil, rel6cating strucEural fill materials from onsite sources, scarifying substrate surface' placing where required, and compacting' B. Subsoil Fil1 TYPe 52: 1. Basis of MeasuremenE: By the cubic yard' 2.BasisofPal,ment:IncudessupplyingstrucfurarfilI macerills, scarifying substraEe surface' placing where required, and compacting' L.4 REFERENCES A. AASHTO TL80 - Moisture-Density Relations of soils using a l-O-Lb (4.54 kg) Rammer and an 1-8-in' (457 mm) Drop' B. At{sI/ASTM D698 - Test Met.hods for Moisture-Density RelaEions of Soils and Soil-Aggregatse Mixtures' Using 5.5 Ib Q.a9 Kg\ Rammer and 1-2 inch (304'8 mm) Drop' ROUGH GRADING VZZLL - L D. ANSI/ASTM Place by ANSI/ASTM Relations lb (4.s4 DL555 - Test Method for Denslty of Soil in Ithe Sand-Cone Method. Dl-557 - Test Methods for Moisture-DensiEy of Soils and SoiL-Aggregate Mixtures Using 1-0 Kg) Rammer and LB inch (457 mm) Drop. E. I t F. ASTM D2157 - Test Method for Density and UniE weight, of Soil in Place by ehe Rubber Balloon MeLhod. ASTM D2922 - TesE Met.hods for DensiEy of Soil and Soil- I AggregaEe in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow oepth) . ASTT"I D3O1? - Test Methods for Moisture Content of Soil Iand Soil-AggregaLe Mixtures. 1.5 PRO.]ECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Submit under provisions of Divisj.on 1. Accurately record actuaL locations of utilities remaining, by horizontal dimensions, elevations of inverEs, and slope gradients. 1-. 5 QUAITTY ASSITRANCE A. Testing and Inspection Service: owner will employ agualified independent geotechnical engineering Eesting agency tso classify proposed on-siEe and borrow soil-s to verify thac soils comply with specified requirements and to perform required field and laboratory testing. A. B. t t t I t t I I I I I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL,,S A. Subsoil FiIl: B. Subsoil Fill: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAI"IINATION ag aE Type T)Pe s1 s2 specified snecified Section 02205. Section 02205. 1nin A. Verify site conditions under provisions of Division 1. B. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevaEions for Ehe lvork are as indicated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Identify required 1ines, levels, contours, and datum. B. Stake and flag locations of known utilities. C. LocaEe, identify, and protect utilities thaE remain, from damage. ROUGH GRADING vzzLL - z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I D. E. F. Notify utility companies to remove and rel-ocate utililies that are to be removed and relocated' Protect. above and below grade utiLities that remain' Protect plant 1ife, 1awns, and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaPing. Protect bench marks, existing strucEures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from excavating equipment and vehicular t,raffic. 3 .3 SI'BSOIL EXCAVATION Excavate subsoil from areas to be further excavated, re-landscaped, or re-graded. Stockpile in area designated on site to height not exceeding 8 feet. ProtecE from erosion. Remove subsoil not being reused, from site. Do noE excavate weE subsoil. When excavating through rooEs, perform work by hand and cut roocs with sharp axe. 3.4 FILI,ING A. Fi]l areas to conEours and elevations with unfrozen maEerials. Place fitl materials on conEinuous layers and compact in accordance with Schedule at end of Section. MainEain opEimum moisture content of fill matrerials to atstain required compacEion densiEy. Make grade changes gradual - Blend slope into level areas. Remove surplus fill materials from site. 3.5 TOLERANCES A. Top Surface of Subgrade: PIus or minus L/LO foor.' 3 .5 FIEI,D QUAI,ITY CONTROI, A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Division 1. A. B. D. B. (- D. E. B. Testing Agency Services: Allow testing inspect and test each subgrade layer'- Do until test resultss for previously completed comPliance with requirements. ROUGH GRADING agency to not proceed work verify 0221,1, - 3 l-. Perform field in-place density tests according !o ASTM D 1555 (sand cone met,hod) , ASTM D 2LG7(rubber balloon method) , or ASTM D 2937 (drive cylinder method) , as applicable. a. Field in-p1ace density tests may also beperformed by the nuclear method according t,o ASTM D 2922, provided that calibration curvesare periodically checked and adjusted tocorrel-ate to tests performed using ASTM DL555. With each density calibration check,check the calibraE.ion curves furnished withthe moisture gages according to ASTM D 3012. b. When field in-place density tests areperformed using nuclear methods, makecalibration checks of both density andmoisture gages at beginning of work. on eachdifferent type of material encountered, andat intervals as directed by the Archit.ect. 2. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, performat least one Eest of each soil stratum to verifvdesign bearing capacities.Subsequentverification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison ofeach eubgrade with related tested strata when acceptable to the Architect. 3. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and ateach compacted fiLl and backfill Iayer, perform atleast one fi-e1d in-pace density test for every2,000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or buildings1ab, buE in no case fewer than three tests. C. When test.ing agency reports that subgrades are belowspecified densit,y, scarify and moisten or aerate, orremove and replace soil to the depth required, recompacL and reEest until required density is obtain. D. Compaction testing will- be performed in accordance with ANSr/ASTM D698, AASHTO Tt_80, ASTM D2157 or ASTM D3017. E. If test.s indicate Work does not meet specifiedrequirements, remove Work, replace and retest,. I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I F. Frequency of Tests: compaction at each fill 3.7 SCHEDUI-,ES A. Subsoil Fill: 1. FiJ.l Type SL and 52 : depch. As reguired to maintain proper l-if t st,aqe. Maximum 8 inches compactsed ROUGH GRADING 022Lr - 4 I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I 2. Compact, to minimum 95 percent of Standard ProcEor Oen-sity aE optimum moisture content' Tolerance shall egual -2 percent to +5 Percent'' END OF SECTION O22LT I ROUGH GRADING 022Lr - 5 I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I SECTION 02222 - EXCAVATING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavating for slabs-on-grade, paving' dre i nece nOncis and swal-es .vrqf.^gYvt, B. Excavating for site structures. tanoscap]"ng, I.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01026 - Unit Price: Requirements appticable to unit prices for the work of this Sectlon- B. Sectj-on 01400 - Quality Control: Inspection of bearing surfaces. C. Section 01500 - Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls: Dewatering excavatj-ons and water control . D. Section 02010 - Geotechnicaf Exploration for Geotechnical Report: bore hol-e locations and findings of subsurface material-s. E. Sectlon O22ll - Rough Grading: Topsoil and subsoj-l removal from site surface. F. Section 02223 - Backfilling. 1.3 UNIT PRICE - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Excavation of SubsoiL Materials: 1-. Basis of Measurement: By the cubic yard. 2. Basis of Payment: Includes general excavation to required elevations, loading and placing materials in stockpile and removing from site. 3. Other Excavation: Payment will not be made for over excavated work nor for replacement materials. r.4 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify that survey bend mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated. 1.5 QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing and Inspection Service: Owner shall employ a qualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform required field and laboratory testing. EXCAVATING 02222 - r PART 2 _ PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. B. I-,ocate, identify, and protect utilities that remai-n, from damage. C. Notify utility companies to remove and rel-ocate utilities shown to be removed/relocated by drawlngs. D. Protect plant life, lawns, and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping. E. Protect bench marks, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from excavation equipment and vehi-cu1ar traffic. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil requj.red to accomrnodate slabs-on-grade, paving and site structures and construction operations. B. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. C. Hand trim excavation. Remove loose matter. D. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cu yd measured by volume. E. Notify Architect of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. F. Correct areas over-excavated in accordance with Section 02223. G. Stockpile excavated materiaL in area designated on site and remove excess material- not reused from site. Dispose of in compliance with Local, State and Federal regulations. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection will be perforned under provisions of Division 1. I I t I I I t T t I I I I I I I I I IEXCAVATING02222 - 2 I h 1 I I I l I I I 2. 3. n A. I I I I I t I I I I I Perform field in-place density tests according to ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) , ASTM D 2161 (rubber ball-oon method) , or ASTM D 293'7 (drive cylinder method) , as applicable. Fie1d in-place density tests may also be performed by the nucLear method according to ASTM D 2922, provided that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to correlate to tests performed using ASTM D 1555. With each density cal-ibration check, check the cal-ibration curves furnished with the moisture gages accordj-ng to ASTM D 3017. When field-in place density tests are performed using nuclear methods, make calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning ofwork, on each different type of materiaf encountered, and at j-nterval-s as direct by the Architect. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, perform at least one test of each soil stratum to verifv desiqn bearing capaciti-es.Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison of each subgrade with related testedstrata when acceptable to the Architect. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade layer, perform at least one fiel-d in-pace density test for every 2,000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than three tests. When testi-ng agency reports that subgrade are below specified density, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to depth required, recompact and retest until required density is obtained. Provj-de for visual inspection of bearing surfaces. PROTECTION Testlng Agency Services and test each subgrade resul-ts for previously with requirements. Protect excavationsor loose soil from Protect bottom of beneath foundation, : Allow testing agency to inspect layer. Do not proceed until test completed work verify compliance by methods required to prevent cave-in fal-1inq into excavati-on. excavations and soil adiacent to and from freezing. oF sEcTroN 02222 3.4 EXCAVATING END 02222 - 3 t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I T I T I SECTTON 02223 - BACKFILLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Site filling and backflJ-Iing. B. Fill- under slabs-on-grade. C. Fill under paving. D. Consolidation and compaction as scheduled' E. Fi]] for over-excavation. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 0L026 - unit Price: Requi-rements applicable to unit prices for the work of thj-s Section' B. Section 01400 - Quality Control: Inspection of bearing surfaces. C. Section 02205 - Soil Materials. D. Section 02010 - Geotechnj-cal Exploration for Geotechnical- Report: bore hole locations and findings of subsurface materials. E. Section 02222 - Excavating. F. Section 02275 - Rj.PraP. G. Section 02510 - Asphaltic Concrete Pavement' H. Section 03300 - cast-in-Place concrete: concrete materi-aIs. 1.3 UNIT PRICE - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Fi1I Type 51 and 52: 1. Basis of Measurement: By the cubic yard' 2.BasisofPalrment:Includessupplyingfillmaterials, stockpiling,scarifyingsubstratesurface,placing where required, and comPacting. I.4 REFERENCES A. AASHTO T180 - Moisture-Density Rel-ations 1O-1b (4.54 kg) Ranner and an L8-in' (457 BACKFILLING of Soils Using a mm) Drop. 02223 - L ANSI/ASTM D698 - Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures, Using 5.5 lb (2.49 Kg) Rammer and 12 lnch (304.8 mm)Drop. ANSI/ASTM D1556 - Test Method for Density of SoiJ- in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. ANSI/ASTM D1557 - Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 tb (4.54 Kg) Rammer and 18 inch (457 mm)Drop. ASTM D2167 - Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil- in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. ASTM D2922 - Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil- Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Sha1low Depth). ASTM D3017 - Test Methods for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures. QUAI.,ITY ASSURANCE Testing and Inspection Service: Owner shall employ agualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform required fietd and laboratory testing. - PRODUCTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (. D. 16 PART 2 2.r A. PART A. P 3.2 A. FILL MATERIALS Fill Type 51 and 52: - EXECUTION PREPARATION As specified in Section 02205. Compact subgrade to density requirements for subsequent backfill materials. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of in situ compaction. Backfill with Type 51 and 52 fill and conpact to density equal to our greater than requj-rements for subsequent fill material . BACKTILLING I I I BACKFILLING uzzz5 - z I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I A.Compact subgrade to density requirements for subsequent backfill materials. Systematically backfill to a11ow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. Place qeotextile fabric over? D. E. Drawings. Soil Fi1l Type 51 and 52: Pl-ace and compact material in continuous layers not exceeding 8 inches compacted depth. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work. Maintain optimum moisture content of backfiLl- materials to attain required compaction density within a moisture range of 0 to 2?. Make gradual grade changes. Blend slope into leve1 areas. Remove surplus backfill materials from site. TOLERANCES Top Surface of Backfilling Under Paved Areas: Plus or mi-nus 0.08 feet from required elevations. Top Surface of General Backfilling: Plus or minus 0.08 feet from required elevations. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Field inspection wilI be performed under provisions of Di-visi-on L. Testing Agency Services: Al-Iow testing agency to inspect and test each subgrade layer. Do not proceed until test resul-ts for previously completed work verify compliance with requirements. 1. Perform field in-pace density tests according to ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) , ASTM D 2161 (rubber balloon method) , or ASTM D 293'7 (drive cyllnder method) , as applicable. a. FieLd in-place density tests may aLso be performed by the nucl-ear method according to ASTM D 2922, provided that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to correlate to tests fi-]l where shown on the 3.4 H. A. A. BACKFILLING 02223 - 3 performed uslng ASTM D 1556. With each density calibration check, check the cal-ibratj-on curvesfurni-shed with the moisture gages according to ASTM D 3017. When field-in place density tests are performed using nuclear methods, make cali-bration checks ofboth density and moisture gages at beginning ofwork, on each different type of material encountered, and at intervals as direct bv theArchitect. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, perform atleast one test of each soil- stratum to verify designbearinq capacities.Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on avisual comparison of each subgrade with related testedstrata when acceptable to the Architect. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade layer,perform at least one field in-pace density test forevery 2,000 sg. ft. or less of paved area or building sLab, but in no case fewer than three tests. Foundation Wal-L Backfill: In each compacted backfilllayer, perform at least one fieLd in-place densitytest for each 100 feet or less of waII length, but no fewer than two tests along a wall face. Trench Backfill: In each compacted initial and finalbackfilL layer, perform at ]east one field in-placedensity test for each 150 feet or l-ess of trench, but no fewer than two tests. When testing agency reports that subgrade are belowspecified density, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to depth requi-red, recompact andretest until requi-red density is obtained. If tests i-ndicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and retest. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK Protect finished Work under provisions of Division 1. Reshape and traffic. re-compact fi1ls subj ected to vehicuLar SCHEDULE Fill Under Sodded Area: Fil1 Type 51 and 52 to 4 inches below finish grade, compacted to 85 percent of Standard Proctor Density. R Fj-ll Under landscaped Areas (Unsodded): J.b I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I T I I t h 3. q 1. (. D. A. B. A. BACKFlLLING 02223 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. FilI Type Sl- and 52, to fill to finish grade, compacted to 85 percent of Standard Proctor Densi-ty. C. FilI for Berning (Unsodded) : 1. Fill- Type S1 and 52, to f i-l-l- to f inish grade, compacted to 85 percent of Standard Proctor Density. D. FilI Under Asphalt and Concrete Paving: 1. Fill Type 51 and 32, to fill to finish grade, compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density. END OF SECTION 02223 BACKFILLING uzzzS - J I I I sEcrroN 02s10 - AS'HALTT. .'NCRETE 'AVTNG I PARrl-GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Asphaltic concrete pavlng and surface seaLer; binder course and surface course. B. Aggregate sub-base course. I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Section 02211 * Rough Grading: Preparation of site for r paving and base. Tr B. Section 02223 - Backfitling: Compacted subbase for naving.I r-- I 1.3 UNIT PRICE - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I A. Asphalt Pavement Mix (Binder Course):T 1. Basis of Measurement: By the square yard, I 2. Basis of Payment: Includes mi-x design, supplying to I site, testing. I B. Asphalt Pavement Mix (Wearing Course) : I 1. Basis of Measurement: By the square yard. I 2. Basis of Payment: IncLudes mix design, supplying to I sj.te, testing. I C. Asphalt Pavement Placed: I 1. Basis of Measurement: By the square yard per lnch thickness.I 2' :l:ii"n""":?#:::' or"'"1;tn:0":-.:o::o.?;'n"n..:""i;''li!ltesting. . I.4 REFERENCES I A. MS-2 - Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and OtherI Hot Mix Types - The Asphalt Institute (Ar1. I B. MS-3 - Asphal-t Plant Manual - The Asphalt lnstitute (AI). I C. MS-8 - Asphal-t Paving Manual - The Asphalt Institute (AI). I D. MS-19 - Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual, The Asphalt Institute (AI ) . I ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02510 - 1. r E. ASTM D946 - Penetration-Graded Asphal-t Cement for Use in Pavement Constructi-on. F. CDOI - CoLorado Department of Transportati-on Standards and Specifications for Road and Bridge Constructi-on (CDOT) latest edition. 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Paving: Designed for light duty parking and movement of trucks up to 40,000 1bs. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perforrn Right-of-Way Work in accordance with the Standards and Specifications of the presiding jurisdiction for Roadway Design and Construction. B. Mixing Plant: Conform to CDOT. C. Obtain materiaLs from same source throughout. D. Maintain 1 copy of each standard on site. T.'7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform right-of-way work to the Standards and Specifications of the presiding jurisdiction for Roadway Design and Construction. 1.8 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not place asphalt when base surface temperature is less than 50 degrees F, or surface is wet or frozen. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.I MATERIALS A. Asphalt Cement: In accordance with CDOT. B. Aggregate for Binder Course Mix: In accordance with CDOT. C. Aggregate for 9learing Course Mix: In accordance with CDOT. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Primer: Cutback asphalt type AASHTO M-82, MC-30, MC-70 or MC-250. B. Tack Coat: Grade CSS-1h ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING in conformance with AASHTO M-208. I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I 025L0 - 2