HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 1 LEGALTOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DE VELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE :THIS PERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M04 -0304 JobAddre ss : Locat ion : Parcel No : Project No : 2489 CHAMONIX RDVAIL CHANO NIX CH ALETS 1-4 (710314107016 tJ;A Status...: Appli ed ..: Issued ..: Expire s ... ISSU ED 11/18/2004 12/2 1/2004 06119/2005 OWNER CONSTIEN,RONALD W.&ANN MAll/18/2004 Phone: -JT PO BOX 3988 VA IL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY 11/18/2004 Phone:303 -777 -7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER,CO 80223 License:150-M APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY 11 /18 /2004 Phone:303-777 -7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER,CO 80223 License :150 -M Desciption:FIREPLACE CONV ERSION.MENDOTA D-30 GAS INSERT Valuation:S2,OOO.00 Fireplace Information :Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 **"'***************************************************"'''''''*''''''''''''*'''''''''''''''*FEE S UM~1ARY ************************************************************ #o f Gas Logs:0 #of Wood Pellet:0 $0.0 0 $0 .0 0 $53 .00 RestuarantPlan Review--> DRB Fee--------------> TOTALFEES----------> $40_00 $10 .00 $0 .00 $3 .00 MechanicaI-> PlanC heck--> Investigation -> WillCaIl----> TotalCalculated Fees-.->$53 .0 0 Additional Fees----------->($5 3 _00 ) ToralPermit Fee-·------>$0 _0 0 PaymenlS------------>$0.0 0 BALANCEDUE----->$0 _0 0 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11 /23 /2004 JRM Action :AP Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:2 2 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC .701 OFTHE 1997 UMC ,ORSECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES I NSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 I MC . Cond:25 (BLDG .):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC ,OR CHAPTER 8OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING . Cond:3 2 (BLDG .):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBE EQUIPPED WITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC ,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. ************************************************************************************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledge thatIha ve readthisapplication ,filledout in fulltheinformationrequired ,completedanaccurateplot plan,andstatethatalltheinform ation as requirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan ,tocomply w ithall T own ordinancesandstate laws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes ,design re view approved ,UniformBuildingCodeandotherordinance s oftheTownapplicablethereto . RE QUESTSFORINSPECTIONSHALLBE MADET WENTY-FOURHOURS IN AD VANCE Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 ORATO URO FFICEFROM 8:00 AM -4 PM . NOI)18 '04 09:42355P01 APPUCAnON wtU NOT II!ACCEPTED rp rNCOMPlI'T!OR UNSlGN!D Project #:r 7o tt7 'i .)./7 2..Building Pe=nn:=;;it-::#~:----- Mechanical Permit #:iJ.i$l-a:3c3~ 970-479-2138 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAIL MECHANICAL PERMll APPLICATION Permit w ill not be accepted without the following:75 S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 Contact Eat/Ie County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eilole-eountv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required).;z/tJ~/"/tl7(}/~ Job Name:ChtLMtmix.da/ef ::;:'1 Job Address:J'IS'i 'Chamtf'7l/.k La.m, Legal Description I Lot:Block :I Filing:I Subdivision; OWners Name:/;>~Dcu~Address;I'.{)&..t .~4$"5 Phone:97~t!77-../722- Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descrlptlon of work: Ia-n,flerf-~~d IJcJ r n 'h;:;,h r...(jJ)/~.kJ /YJp~Avht./)atJ ~//1 ~ Work Class:New()Addltlon ()Alteratlon ~)Repair ()Other () Boiler location:Interior ()exterior (}Other ()Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg;SIngle-family ()Duplex ()Multi-family()Commerdal()Restaurant ()Other~ No.of Exlstlng DweIUng Units in this building:I No.of Accommodation Units In this building: NolTvoe of fIt@olaces ExlstJna:Gas Aoollances ()Gas LOQs ()Wood/Pellet ()W~BurnlnQ.~ No/Type 01 A~Proposed:Gas AppliancesJ<;LGas Logs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOT AUOWED) Is this a c:onver5lon from a wood burning flreplac:e to an EPA Phase n device?Yes M No C.) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor"Materials) I MEOiANlCAL;$;Z~(j)0 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Ct:lntradcr: 'RtJ tJ ~/t Co Townof Vail Reg.No.: I )'Q -N\ Contact and Phone #'5: 96:3 777-Jd.d,!und~ Contractor Signature: .......................................fOR OFfICI!USE ONLY ._oft I Ie!.:I 355P02 '-:'-'...~<O lJ 18 •0 4 09:4 3 MENDOTA GAS FIREPLACE INSERT SPECIFICATlON~;&CLEARANCES /1·'!..ltf\, fI;()/A [C ,'O 0 'Ci,ILi. 10 ~..~.M'l r (( -r --.... I ,('!)I ,'i L J:_r ---.s o 1/4 _.--] r R(j~,T vTW i -''"1; 1e"•..!l ",tKi ~~~:OM8 U '~rI B !..:: HfAR i r-C(TS.!<i ':>:)N ( ( ~._~O 7/1 r.------j I I -22 :/4--1 Ir..~.-4------r-~r"--)III'r }4 -1-'-'·----,-/'".l -.-:I \..[I !"I 6 1 @-_·_·-tf--r 14 1 /6 !'-'t rJ._J _ ~~---+..12"\1IN.C LEMi.\NCi:[0 :'1l)Ew.\I.!. -:::1 6 ':l/8 FIGURE 2:Mendtlla Specificalions D-30 Surround ]l>imenllioPJ A B -Inches mm.Inches mm. No Brass Trim27 686 40 1016 30 762 44 1118 With Brass Trim 273/16 691 403/16 1021 303/16 767 443/16 1122 FIGURE 3:MeDdola Dimension, 5 200 IL 1-4 II " I"fOx . C\-l e T .A '" :.J p P' <:T ted TI -L. 'l 'lr t"~ p E p PP u ED h ..'"....p&i 5.... Run '20 ••Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.U5 Project Name:SAME FOR SAME RE-ROOF Project Description: RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME Participants: DRBNumber:DRB030159 OWNERCHAMONIX CHALETS CONDO ASS.05/16/2003 Phone:476 -3308 P.O.BOX1375 VAIL,CO81658 License : APPUCANTTCC CONTRACTORS,INC.05/16/2003 Phone:970-328-2340 P.O.BOX1822 AVON,CO 81620 License: CONTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS,INC.05/16/2003 Phone: P.O.BOX1822 AVON,CO 81620 License:54O-B Project Address:2456CHAMONIXRDVAIL Location: 2456CHAMINOIXLANE LegalDescription:Lot:Block:Subdivision: ParcelNumber:210314106000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AcrION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Action:APPUED DateofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building .Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelprio r to construction activities. DRBFeePaid:$250.00 ,.•• Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co .us General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalprior tosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittal requirementsfortheparticularapprovalthat isrequested.AnapplicationforDesign Review cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformation isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within 00.y~,oft'..pproval,~~OftheReques t'~=-5%f£t"M ;\::i .~O'\.So &-LA II :\.b '(A .0-\,'"7ceo Location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:__Subdivision:_ Physical Address:~5 C.I-"'U=.J'''-4''''O!=..._ Parcel No.:..J."CLu,O~'--'--=t--l-l..L..l,&.'-l.L...:'--"'-(Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):Chdl1r~I'V'\",'y C l..w~k-l.-,-tn-RZ.....-±'<'J A,ScC:.c.\.--:a.V1. Mailing Address:~O·f'?C7f /37<;:IIcA.11 CO.C61 C~rt' __________________Phone:_ E-mail Address: Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applica nt:----!M'--'4aur..JJCL£=-:~.=.(,___'__'_'"'.....,._.u.~r:_t_-__+~-"---"-""""'=,._'_--'--'O";""Ioo'--'-----"---'-........--'\,.>o-'-L...... Mailing Address:J,Ci,B""'-vl''f'------9'--'--'=-:~-~~::r_'-'--_'_:=~.::........:'----...::,.-'--'£.:..,,,,..1-+_---/d l ~i'd~h T,C -CCC'"-\..CC!c\c t \ ';2 \:1 3"E~5ie,(r .C(J[,3/ ______________Phone:1 ~K-:;l1 u t ________Fax:'3~,'J 0 77 Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition ~M i n o r Alteration "-./(multi-family/commercial) o MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) o ChangestoApproved Plans o SeparationRequest $50 NoFee $650 $300 $20 $20 NoFee Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor II commercialbuilding(includes250additions &interiorconversions)..s;: F 'norchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas,s;;,"te..Q eroofinpainting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand ..,~ retainingwalls,etc.e " Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReview Board. 4~/ "\\.jU .\('-) For Office Use pJ1IY:L\~\.; FeePaid:.~"--~eck !.:By:__--'C'\t-"ttJi~K-"'\"\-0..,.::::T---""-'~\'-'--)_ ApplicationDate:(/f;.;c>.L DRB No.:" Planner:~ProjectNo.:----------T~~OT-L-~::---- ,.• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I ,(printname)IS v e r -r-Yo y,0::S 'ajo int owner of property locatedat (address/legal description)Z.~..;<.:.c...\.'-0 "'"c ,,,\....La If\.-.L provideth is letter asw rittenapproval of t he plansdated wh ich have been submitted totheTownofVailCommunityDevelopmentDepartment fortheproposedimprovements to be comp leted attheadd ress notedabove.Iunderstand that theproposed improvements include : <J I- Ifurther understand t hatminormodifications maybemadetotheplansoverthecourseofthe review process toe nsure compliancew ith th eTo wn'sa pplicablecodesandregulations. (Signature ) 1 ~...5) ~I/f./L£) Page2 of 12/02/07/02 , (Date) •• MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGSANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Th is application isrequired for proposalslnvolvlnqminor ext erioralterationsand/or siteimprovements. Proposals to add landscapingdonotrequire DRS approvalunlesstheyinvolvetheadditionofpatios, w ater f eatures,grading,or t headdition ofretainingwalls. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o Stamped topographicsurvey*,if applicable o SiteandGrading Plan,ifapplicable* o Landscape Plan,ifapplicable* o Photos ordrawingswhichclearlyconveyexisting conditions* o Photosordrawings whichclearlyconveythe proposed buildinqor site alteration(s)* o Exterior colorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. D Lighting Plan *andCut-sheet(s)for proposed fixtures,ifapplicable o Written approvalfromacondominium association or joint owner,ifapplicable o TheAdministrator and/or DRS mayrequirethe submission ofadditional plans,drawings, specifications,samplesandother materials(including amodel)ifdeemed necessary to determ ine w hether aproject w illcomplywithDesignGuidelines or iftheintent of the proposalisnotclearly indicated. Pl eases ubmit three (3)copies ofth e mat erials not ed with (Ill asterisk (*). Topographicsurvey: o Wetstampandsignatureofa licensed surveyor oDateofsurvey D Northarrowandgraphicbarscale D Sca le of1"=10 'or1"=20') D Legaldescription andphysicaladdress o Lotsizeandbuildable area (buildablearea excludesredhazard avalanche,slopesgreater than40%,andfloodplain) o T ies toexisting benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewer invert.Thisinfo rmation mustbe clearlystat ed onthesurvey o Propertyboundaries tothenearest hundredth(.0 1)ofafootaccuracy.Distances and bearingsand abasis ofbearingmustbe shown.Showexisting pinsor monuments found andtheirrelationship tothe established corner. oShowrightofwayandpropertylines;including bearings,distances andcurveinformation. o Indicatealleasementsidentifiedonthesubdivision platandrecordedagainstthepropertyas indicatedinthe title report.Listanyeasementrestr ictions. o Spot Elevations attheedgeofasphalt,alongthestreetfrontageofthepropertyattwenty- fivefootintervals(25 '),andaminimumofonespotelevationsoneither sideofthelot. o Topographic conditionsattwo footcontourintervals o Existing t rees org roups oft reeshaving t runks w ithd iameters of4"ormore,asmeasured fromapoint onefootabovegrade. D Rock outcroppingsandothersignificantnatural featu res (la rge boulders,intermittent streams,etc.). o Allexisting improvements (inclUding foundation walls,roofoverhangs,building overhangs, etc.), o Environmental Hazards (ie.rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) Page3of 12/02/07/02 •• Gas Electric oWatercourse setbacks,ifapplicable(showcenterlineandedgeofstreamorcreekinaddit ion totherequiredstreamo r creaksetback) o Showall utility meterlocations,includinganypedestalsonsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacenttothesite.Exactlocationofexisting utility sources andproposedservice linesfrom theirsourcetothestructure .Utilities to include: Cable "TV sewer Telephone Water o Size andtypeof drainage culverts,swales,etc. o Adjacentroadwayslabeledandedgeofasphaltforbothsidesoftheroadwayshownfora minimum of250'ineitherdirectionfromproperty. Siteand Grading Plan: o Scale of 1"=20'orlarger o Propertyandsetbacklines o Existing andproposedeasements o Existing andproposedgrades o Existing andproposedlayoutofbuildingsandotherstructuresincludingdecks,patios,fences andwalls.Indicatethefoundationwithadashedlineandtheroofedgewithasolidline. D Allproposedroofridgelineswith proposed ridgeelevations.Indicateexisting and proposed gradesshownunderneathallrooflines.Thiswillbe used tocalculatebuildingheight. o Proposed driveways,includingpercentslopeandspotelevationsatthepropertyline,garage slabandasnecessary alongthecenterline ofthed riveway toaccuratelyreflectgrade. oA4'wideunheatedconcretepanattheedgeofasphaltfordrivewaysthatexit thestreetin anuphilldirection. o Locationsofall utilitiesincluding existing sources andproposed servicelinesfromsourcesto thestructures. o Proposed surface drainage onandoff-site. o Loca tion oflandscaped areas. o Loca tion oflimitsofd isturbance fencing o Locationofallrequired parking spaces o Snowstorageareas. o Proposed dumpster location anddetail ofdumpsterenclosure. o Retaining wallswithproposedelevationsattopandbottomofwalls.Adetailedcross-section andelevation drawingsshall be providedontheplanorseparate sheet.Stamped engineering dra wings arerequired forwallsbetween4'and6'feetinheight. o Delineateareastobe phased andappropriate tim ing,ifapplicable LandscapePlan: o Scale of1"=20'orlarger o Landscape planmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. o Locationofexisting trees,4"diameterorlarger.Indicatetreestoremain,toberelocated (includingnewlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestandsoftreesmaybeshown(as bubble)ifthestrandisnotbeingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. oIndicateallexisting groundcoverandshrubs. o Detailedlegend,listing thetypeandsize(caliperfordeciduoustrees,heightforconifers, gallon sizeforshrubsandheightforfoundationshrubs)ofalltheexisting andproposedplant materialincludinggroundcover. o Delineatecriticalroot zonesforexisting treesincloseproximity tositegradingand construction. o Indicatethelocation ofall proposed plantings. o Thelocationandtypeofexisting andproposedwater ing systemstobeemployed incaring forplantmater ial followingits installation. Page4of12/02/07/02 •• o Existing andproposedcontourlines.Retaining wallsshallbeincludedwiththetopofwall andthebottomofwallelevationsnoted. LightingPlan: o Indicatetype,locationandnumberoffixtures. o Includeheightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea u Attachacutsheetforeachproposedfi xture. II.REPAINTPROPOSALS Forallproposalstorepaintexisting buildinqs,the folloWing supplemental information isrequired: •-..l'\vV.U . oColorchiporcolorsample i!1 C I U ~i~9 .t~!'.:!.a ufacturernameandcolornumber(s) oArchitectural elevationdrawi rig~.Wb rc ',dearl indicatethelocation ofproposedcolors(ie. siding,stucco,window trini ;doo ~fa cicl;'soffits,etc.)Thefollow ing isanexample: ..'._w_-,,;--~ .-. .- ;;.•l FASCIA WINDOW TRIM TRIM BAND .~.~. UPPER STUCCO SOFFIT LOWER STUCCO Page 5of 12/02/07/02 .SOUTH .ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material • Roof Siding Oth er WallMateria ls Fascia Soffits h TOWN OF VAIL __-----::If-f-j-wDES'GN REV IEW7~AFF !'PPROVAL \ DATE:.s-7~c:2?~\----- Windows Window Trim STAFF: Doors Door Trim HandorDeck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Tra shEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: l\f,II.,",'S M 3 1f J=11'r' -::U'-'-V.",O'--_ Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolornameandnumberandatta ch acolorch ip. Page6of 12/02/07/02 ... !""'.•.. 0 D-A \~s.Scr10t...\ ~O "\1S (f1 ~. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:EOO-0165 Job Address: Location ... Parcel No .. Project No . Status .. 24 90 CHAMON IX AND N FRONTApplied. Issued .. Exp i res. ISSUED :G08/29/2000 08/31/2000 02/27/2001 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER A.K .ELECTRIC 2103 ZEMATT LANE UNIT 2103-A,VAIL,CO A .K.ELECTRIC 2103 ZEMATT LANE UNIT 2103-A,VAIL,CO HANSEN EDWIN L III &CYNTHIA AL 2470 CHAMONIX LANE H3,VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 81657 Phone: 81657 970 -390 -3258 970 -390-3258 Description:BUSSTOPLIGHT Valuation:1,000 .00 !lectrical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> Will call-···> TOTAL FEBS ---> 50 .00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 Total Calculated Fees ---> Additional Fee8 ---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 53.00 -53 .00 .00 .00 .00 ••••••••**••••••••••••+*.*•••••••*••••••••••++••••**•••••••*••••••••••••••+•••*****.***••••*****•••**••••••••••••••••••••••+•••••• Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/29/2000 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED It~m:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 08/29/2000 JRM Action:APPR N/A De pt : De pt : BUILDING Division: FIRE Division : CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARAT IONS Ih ere by acknowledge that I have r ead this a pplica tion,fi l led out in f ull the i n formation require d,com p leted an a cc urate p lot p lan,and state t hat a ll the information p rovided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information a nd p lot p lan , to com plywi th al l To wn o r din ancee and state l awe,and to b uildt hi s structure according to t he Town 's zoning a nd s ubdivis ion codes ,d es ign review a pp rove d,Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceso f t he To wn ap p licable t hereto . REQUESTS FOR INS PECTIONS S HALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SIN ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT4 AT OUR OFFICEFROM 9:0 0 AM 5 :0 0 PM .. ,~.,APPLICATIONWILLNOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE ORUNSIGNED Project #:_ Building Permit #:_ Electrical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Contact Ea te CounAssessorsOffice at 970-328-8640 or visit 4:>-0/F ,I. .com for Parcel # Phone: Phone: Filing: Address : LegalDescription OwnersName: Engineer: f jiarcel #(Required if nobldg.permit #is provided above) 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 I JobName:G u Other () Exterior ( , Doesan EHU exist atthislocation :Yes (No() Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi-family (Commercial ()Re staurant()Other( No.of Existing DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding : ermitforahottub:Yes~~:t Yes() No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding: I DoesaFireSprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No() COMPLETESQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) NTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE:I ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$ldSb CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TownofVailReg.No.: *********************************~'r:*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************1:*****}r************ OtherFees:>",...c .,Date Received: DRB Fees:...AcceptedBy:,i .PlannerSiqn-off: F:/everyone/forms/elecperm .......•I _t I·....1......... -.' I~ (•I "I \1 '-I •A J ['i fl 1'r- : <• .'"' BU,ILDING 'DAolF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.X179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 •BUILDING • PERMIT FIELD COpy Senno Scheidegger ASeptember 7 construct garage (N O.)(STRE E T)(CONTR'S LI C ENS E ) (TYPE O F IMPR O VEMEN T)(PROPO SED USE) (STR EE T)(NO .) ZONI NG AT 'LOCAT I ON)__--",.::-;-..,.,-,==D ISTR I CT _ (CROSS STRE ET ) 1 (CRO SSS TRE ETI ::;BE TWEEN --.==-===AN D ==:-::c==_ ~.........,......,..,......._-..".......-,...,.;...,.-:.p,.....,,..;,.;:_.,,....------....._----__......-----==~==--------..J .. g BU ILDING IS T O BE F T.WID EBy F T.L ONG By FT .I N HEIGHT A ND S HA LL C ONFORMI N CO NSTRUCT ION <D (T Y P E) o ZTO TYPE USE GROUP BASEM ENTW ALL SOR F OUNDA Tl ON ---,-,=c:-_ :I 0:ou,REMAR KS :_ Plan Check Fee 5 ,000.00 22.75 45.50 (CUB IC I SQ UARE r EET) Senno Scheidegger Box 604,Va l l,Colo 81657OWNER---..=:--1:'"'...........=,.-'--'-,........-.,.,..,=:-7"----------- A DDRESS ---'_ ~",~•• INSPECTION RECORD •• DATE NOT E PRO GRESS -C RI T I CISMS AN DR EMARKS INSPECTOR,0' f :";:':_~:~~~-"~;~-.',.,-,-,:,~. .-... ".."': ...• "'t-:-.•-;-~ .. '_~:r-'\~~.;'~~rft ,-f"l/!"";!'lr.•'':".~..[,~ ..-:~\,.if::\t~.·[:;, OWNER ---mIY'ht'I1t::'1'rt"'::~...t,~:.:ft.~~:2::'::.!:, AOORESS ----:--:--..:...--77:,.;;~.;.:.--::..:=:..:.:~:.::.:..2.:.: I.•f ~""-;, •AR EA OR ·l .r~;':I.l ,;,·;·V:\f'.~~.,~ •.1'~VOLUME "'...r,.~·.f~I ~'.}.t "'1.~.----.-. .... ~.. II.e I ..u 0 II .; Z ~ It ;~~o '.. ..REMARKS : • / BUILDING DIVISION t EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 11 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)32 8-6339 B P LDING RMIT (CONTRtS LIC ENSEI JOB WEATHER (P ROPOSED U SE) (N O .) ,.7 N UMB EROF (-NO-.-1 STORY ====...,.,..=OWELLINGUNITS _ (STR EETI (C ROSS S TRE ET) 1 L OT____________________LOT BLOCK S IZ E _ ______F T.LO NG By FT.I NHEI G HT AN D SHA LL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TY PE ) __________BASEMENTWA LLS OR FOUNDATION ...,.,..__...,.,.._ 22 .75 45.50 Pl n C 5 .0 .00 B UI LD I NG DEPT BY 91657OWNER----f!j'"~f1f'\l!-_=__.y,&1r+_=__nIt'J~-.q.'H'~'1_------------- ADDRESS _ T HIS P ERM I T CONVEYS NO R IGH T TO OCCU py ANY STREET ,AL.LE Y OR SIDEWALK O R AN YP A RT T HE REOF ,E IT HE TE M PORA RILY OR P ERMA NE NTL Y .ENC ROA CHMENT S ON PU BLIC PROP E RT Y ,NO T SPE CIF I CAL LY PERMIT T ED U ND ERT HE B UIL D IN G C ODE,MUST B EA P-~PR O VE D B Y T H E JURISDICTION.STR EETOR ALLEY GRA DE SA S WEL L AS DEPTH AND L O CA TION OF P UBLIC SEWERS MAY BE O BTAINED FRO M TH E OE PAR TM ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .THE ISS UANCE OF THIS P ERM IT D OE S NOT R EL EASET HE APPLICAN T FROM T HE C OND IT IONS OF ANY A PPL I CABLE SUBD IVISION R E STRICTION S. MI NIMUM OF THR EE C A LL INSPECTIONS R EQUIREO FOR A LL CONSTRUCTION WORK : I .F OUND ATI ONSO R F OOTINGS . 2 .PR IOR TO C OVER ING S TR UCT URA L M EMB ERS(RE AOY TO LA TH l. 3 .F INA L.I N S P EC TI ONB EFOR E OC C U PA NCY . A P PROV ED P L ANS MUST B E R ETA IN ED ONJO B AN D TH IS CARD KE PT POS TE D UN T IL F I N AL INS P ECTION H A S BEE N MADE .WH ER EA C ER T IFICATE O F OCCUPANC Y I S RE- Q U IRE D,SUCH B UILDI NG SH A LL NO T BE OCCU PI ED UNT IL FI N AL IN S PE C TI ON HA S B EE N M A DE . WHERE APPLICABL.E SE PA RA TE P ERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR E LECTR I CAL ,PLUMBING AND ME CH ANICA L IN STA LLAT IONS. POST THIS CARDSOITISVISIBLE FROM STREET B UIL.DI NG I N SP E CTI O N A PPR OVA L S P LU M BI NG IN S P ECT I O N AP PR OVA L.S E LE C TR I CA L I N SPE CT IO NA PPROVA LS 1 ,1 2 2 2 f':/},;::'jJ.--~ 3 HE AT I N G I NSPE CT ING AP P ROVALS RJ FR I G ER A TIO N I NS PEC T ION A PP R O VA L.S 1 :.-iJ q--JII..-G'~1 1 ~ OTH'f1. , 2 2 V WORK SHA L LNOTPROCEED UNT IL TH E PERMIT WILL BE COME NU LL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION I NSPE CT I ONS I NDIC AT ED ONT HIS C ARD I NSP EC TORHA S APP RO VED THEV AR I OUS WORKIS NOT STARTED WITH IN SI X MONTH S OF DATE T HE CA N B E ARRA N GED FOR B Y T ELEP H O N E S T AGES OF C ONST R UCTION .PE RMIT ISIS SUED A S NOT ED A BOVE.OR W RITTEN N OTI FI CATI ON. ••-. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION J urisdictionof _ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. J oe ADD"lESS I o•z "•"·•oo·"•· a 2 436 Chamon ix Lane,Va il 1.EGAL I LOT NO.1 I IL.K 1 CEm .Res.of lot 8,9.l0 I B Ills Schone,Va il ,Colorado iPStt A TT ....CHE D SHEET ) 2 3 4 O W NE R Benno Scheidegger CO",T I't"CTOR II AR CH ITEC T O R DES'Co HEA II MA IL "DOlilES S Box 604 MA IL AD DRES S MAIL A DD RESS ZO P Vall,Col.81 657 P HON E PHONE PHONE 476-5737 LICENSE ...0 . LIC ENSE.NO . Putting in new Gar age !:N CO IH E EA 5 L ENDEpil 6 U SE 0,..UILDING 7 8 Classof work: 9 De scribe work: Garage I:X NEW o ADDITION ........I l.A O DR ESS MA I L A DOlllES S o ALTERATION o REPA IR P HONE o MO VE LICE NS E N O • 8"""'CI-I o REM OVE 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuseto 11 Valuationofwork:$5,000.00 P L AN CHECK F EE 2.2 7 s'l P ER MIT FEE SPECI AL COND ITI ONS : .. O ccupancy Gr ?~p Division 1------------------------------1 Size of B l dg. (T o tal)SQ .Ft. .PP LlCATtON ACCE PTED BY .PLAN S CHECKEDBY No.o f St ories Use Z one Max . oee .L o ad F ire Spr inklers Required D ves DNo NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL.PLUMB- ING,HEATING.VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITION ING. THIS PERMITBECO MES NULL AND VOID IFWOR K OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED I S NOT COMMENCED WITH IN 120 DAYS.OR I F CONSTR UCTIO N OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED F OR APERI OD O F 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK I S COMMEN CED. I HEREB Y CERTI FY T HAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APP LIC ATIO N ANO K NOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORREC T. ALL PROV ISIONS O F LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE O F WORK W ILL BE C OMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HER EIN OR NOT .T HE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT P R ES UME T O GI VE AUTHORITY TO V IO LATE O R CANC EL T HE P ROV IS IONS OF A NY O THER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R EGULATING CO N STR UC TIO N OR THE PERFORMAN CE OF CONS TRUCTI ON. N o.o f Dwel ling U n its Special Approvals ZONING HEA LTH OEPT. F IRE DEPT . SOIL REPORT OTHER.(Speclry) O FFSTREET PARKING SPACES , Covered I U nc o vered Requ ired Received Not Required 5 1 NAT IfE 0"OWN Eft I ,.GWNEft e UI Lo tft ..a.T£1 WHEN PROPERLY \7AL IDATED liN THIS SPACEITH IS IS YOUR PERMIT INSPECTOR PLANCHECKVA LIDATION ~"ff 550"). F o rm 1 00 .1 1-77 CK.M .O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATIO N CK.M .O.C A SH a •• INSPECTION APPROVALS •• DATE REMARKS IN SPECTOR FOU NDATIONS: SET BACK r -rr-t r i:r-t .......or,0'-,~,..~,-.'....•.>•• r ., TR ENCH "•.L.,-";,-....c-~.f~;..""?" REINFORCING"-,,',-'-v.'r .'.,.•'~(..-.....q -.('r FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHERPROOFING .. CONCRETE SLAB " FRAMING I NT .LA THING ORDRY WALL EXT,LATH ING "r-I",... MASONRY "".-,...r -:...:'.'. FI NAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR N OTES,F OLLOW-UP,E TC, ,"'• a IBUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0 ~•·z Jurisdiction of "·.0 0•Applicant to completenu mberedspaces only."•·JO B ADD"ES S ?'~Y:~L.,on '\..1C Tane,.,11 I.~.3c'101l<'",.u ,Colo riC'I LOT NO.1 I""ITO',~Tn tasl..E GAL 'lOSE£..TTAC~tO S~EETI1OESCO.,.,~.of Lot ~'t 9t1 "I ~')chone.F'1lino; OW NE'"MA l L ....00 ,.£S5 ZIP P""ONE 2 'el'lI'lO 'Yo1,t>iclE"'IT er 'bx 604 Ja11.Col.R1~57 47n.-5?Yl eON T,.AC TOR MAIL,ADOIIIESS "MONE LICENSE 1\10 . 3 .. ARCHITECT O R DESIGNER ""A IL ADD RE SS PtoIQN[L ICE.NS£NO . 4 .. ENG INE ER """l L AOD R ESS PIoIONE LICE""S[NO . 5 L ENDER MA I L A DDItES S 811l4NCH - 6 U SE or BUILDING 7 "'lrll~" 8 Classof work :DNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION o REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE 9 Des cribe wo rk :1 r 10 Change o fu se fro m Ch ange o fuse t o 11 V aluation of w ork :$'l.e"".f'O PLA NC HECK FEE ,.IPERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIO NS:T ype of Occ upa ncy Const.G roup Div ision S ize of B ldg .N o .of Mall:, (Tota l)SQ.F t .S tories Occ.Load Fire tfse Fire Sprinklers APPL ICATIQN AC CEPTED BV P LANS C H ECKED BV APPROVED F OR I SSUAN CE BV Z one Z one Req uired Dves DNOI No.of OFFSTREET PARKING S PACES ' Dwelling Units Covered I Unc overed N O TI CE Special Approvals Required Received Not Required SEPARAT E PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZONING ING .HEATING ,VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING .HEA LTH OEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TlON AUTHOR IZED ISNOTCOMM ENCED W ITHIN 120 D AYS,OR FIRE DE PT . I F CONSTR UCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABAN DONED SO IL R EPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENC ED.OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE RE ADA ND EXAMINED T HIS APPLICAT ION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN D CORRECT. ALL PROV ISIONS OF LAWS A ND ORD INANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SP ECIFIED HEREIN ORNOT .THE GRANTING OFA P ERM IT ODES NOTPRESUMETOGIVEAUTHORITYTOVIOLATEORCANCELTHE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCALLAW REGULATING CONSTRUCT ION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . 'I Ci,..A TU III [0,.CO ,..TlItAC TOIII 011I 4 U THOlil ilEO ACiIEN T I DA TIE l I I S IG -"ATU AIE 0 "OWI'fER .,.O W i'f E III e UI LDEl'I ,O A TEI WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN TH ISS PACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH P ERMIT VA LID A TION CK.M.D .CASH r EXTRA COPY ~-r " Form1 00.1 1·77 INSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLE R __~=-'~'--':.L..--.:..,;l..Z...z:........l~...,!..;~--_----------- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION WED C5 FRI --:-AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT I / o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------'--------------- DATE /r1 -//-/:?;;. ( I ,. V,\II .•,S:',.to,;11:.:~rURAL C TrEE ·.~·i.{f,?J I ~I r\TJ ",;OV,F:AJ:0 81617 TO.,.nr.o ~t,e i d 'r ,ar _x 6M 'Ja11 .Colorado 8 1(,51 \5 2--\ :3ep telr.bor 17 .1979 i h e reby approve )'0Ul"pla ns u itted for garage o n Lot 1 .l esu.lx!ivlslon of l ot e .9.1 '.~;l ook e.\/:;.11 f a !"Sc!'or.o,Ii'll1 nr.1.•E&I;l e County,1»10 do lI'1t1'\t,e fol1ovin ~s ti nula t 1Qn Zl p pea ranc of outsid of g!l r:o to II\.lltch existillR nou in very detail .1s s ;o'Jld I nclllrle t~9 f ollotrln;>:; erh"rnr .001'Pitch Hoo f .s1t31 ~.'Idndovs ,and ldndov tr1l:l ,te , to be tho .same typo of ~r1al and color a6 t 'lat of h ouse, r< //.1,v-U A -<:..ji C 1"5 or other obstruct.ions on county road ,vIllcn mu st all t s . tic)additional.liVing unit s hall be d 11 loped w1t~ln t , "king and obtain:Lnlt a pproval l'tIl l'e County I:eveloplJlftnt . Arry f'utU1"fl addlUoll3 ,Ita tions including oolor c hang f or a pproval to t he :est Van Arel\ltect.ural Cot!md.t. RE CEIVED OC T 5 1979 [)tpt .01 f llnnilli !.lWd l• .....~DIM. cnt."lpletel.y e1 r at s t ruct ures before •of nn1ng a nd ,~1Jr',(1'1?onJ\,Consultnnt i/ EAGLE COUNTY BUIL~G PE .RMIT APPLICATION I FINAL:C/O INSPECTION....--(ANDSCA PE INSPECTION FORM Review R outing Fo rm (vf Primary Routing ()Rerouting ~-l4 -1'1_ Date Referred ~d~J~~A pf icant Permit No . Review and return to the County Building Off ic ial within 6 working days Reviewed by :Date : R eco mmend App rov a l :->,i:t---,IIo'-'-'4--;tT/'--flo'b"-~..:....;..'--- Yes No 88 ~B Comme r Its :----------------------+-,1----'--------- Planning:Compl ies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regul ations Site Plan (Landscaping) o 0o000 ~O Comments:------------------------------ County Eng ineer :Roads Grading Drainage oooo oo ~ County Health:Water Sanitation Perc .test Comments :-------------~~~.....p---'-_f_~h..----___:_------ FinalI nspe ction:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DO Filial Inspection:Landscaping Recommend Approval 00 Co mment s:------------------------------- C/O Issued by _Date---------- Final Filing Date _