HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 11 LEGALJohnson ,Kunkel &Associates,Inc . LAND SURVEYING MAPPING STRUCTURAL &CIVIL ENGINEERING P.O.BOX 409 .1286 CHAlol BERS AVE ..1200.EAGLE.co 8 1631 PHONE,(970)328 -6368.fAX,(9 70 )328-1035 W'WW .JKAN OA..CO'-4 ORAItN B Y.·SLM OATE.·12 /2 2/04 CHECKED B Y.ORA KINe so...£A04485 Jk £A044 85 SHEET 1 or 1 JOtj NO : Thebuildingsetback shown h er eo nis base d upon in format ionp rovided i nth e Towno f Vail Zoning Requl c tionsf or Sing le Famil yResid ent ialzon ing. Du e to thefa ct t h at t heon -site c on trol usedt o e st ablish th is Impro ve me nt Location Cert i ficatei s not inag reementwith r ecor ded prop ert yli nes.it is re co m mendedth at a b oundary sur vey b e comp l eted for t h i s prop ert y. Re cord in f or mat ion i s fro m the fin alp lat o f a Resub di visiano f Vail Dos Sc h one,Filing No .1 a ccordingto t h e re cordedplat t hereof and an ALIA Titl eCo mmitm en t numbered VTF5000 7675 pr o videdby Lan d Ti tl e Guarante eComp any,da te d No vemb er3.2 0 0 4. Im pr ovem entl oc ation sand apparent dee d lines ar eba sedupon t h e mon umen ts sho wn hereon. CU RVE TABLE CURVE I LENGTH I RADIU S ITANGENT I DELTA I CHORD I B EARING C1 I 4 8 .3 2 'I 125.01'I 2 4 .47'122 '08'54"I 4 8.02 'I N3 0'30'27"E 2 ) 4 )Du e to t he pres ence of upt o 12"of sn ow an -si t e a tt h eti me o f su r vey,somefe a tu resm ay nat ha ve bee nsu r veyed. 3 ) 1)Street Address:2 434 Cha monix Road (Po sted) rou nd.#5 r ebar NE 1.82'fr om r ecord locat ion 6) \/A L 0>r-r"rj '"'E.I .~J .~v Ui"..::.,5) FtLF-.JC f'JJ.i P.A.RCEL D Found,plast iccap on e r ebcr,LS 1218 3 SE 2.14'from record locotion , I I !, lei Ihe reb yce r t i fy t hatth is Improvemen t Lo cati onCer t if ic ate wa s prepared fo rMar kYar e,Firstbonk o f Avon andLa ndTitle Guaran teeCampan y,THATTHIS ISNOTA LA ND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENTSURVEY PLAT,an dt hat it i s n at t o ber elied u p o n fo r t he es tab l ishment o f fence ,b u il ding ,or a t her future im pr ovemen t l ines IMPROVEMENTLOCATIONCERTIFICA TE I furth erc ertify th a t t he impro vementson t he above d escr ibed p arc elon t h is date.December17,2 004 except utility c onnectio n s, areen t irelywithin t he boun daries o f t he par cel,e xcep t assho wn, th at t here a re noencroac hm en t s u pont hedes cr ibe dpr emises by im provements on an y ad joining p rem ises,ex cep t a s indicated ,an d t hatt here inn o APPARENTevid enceorsign of an y eas eme nt c rossing or b urde ning an yp a rt o f s aidpa rcel ,e xce pta sno te d . (IN FEET ) inc h =20 ft. GRAPHIC SCALE :;: a .0 <0 !'" If)a (f) aa <iv -] I I I I I I , r r r I r r LOT 1 1, BLOCKB 0 .2 72 oc res @1:> Ad jacentPr opert y Line Build ing Setback Bu ild ing Tie Easem en t Lin e Fe n ce Line LEGEND: R o o fOverh ang Pr opertyLi ne 8L (;('(',J ,I ",.-\." f ound,(/5 r ebar SE 1.74'from rec ord location VA.!l.D A S SCHO'\[. O',L:NG NO.1 LOT 1C,HLOCK B /'(' /'~ctriC Transform er TOV-COM.DEV. --- RECEIVED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE j, ! Edge o f Asphalt Leg alDe s cription ' Lo t 11,B la c kB ,a Resubdi visiono f Va ilDos Schone,Fil in g No .1 a ccord ing to t her eco rded plat t hereo f,Coun ty of Eagl e,St ate o f Colo rado . f ound ,plos tic cop and rebar , LS 12183 NOTICE:Accor ding toColoradolaw you UUST commenceany le 9 01 a ct ion b asedupona nyde fect in th is survey within t hree years after you first di scover such de fect.tn no event may ony ac tion basedupon ony defect in this sur vey b ecom menced morethon t enyeors(rom t h e dot e ofthec ertificat ion shown hereon . , Legal Description: Phy sical Add ress: Acres : P rintableDetails Account Number:R013390 Parcel Numbe r:210314105001 TaxArea:SC103 Mill L evy:45.5710 Owner Name/Address :YARE,MARK 2121 NFRONTAGERD181 VAI L,CO81657 SUBVAIL DASSCHONEFIL1 BLK:B LOT :11BK·0 406 PG-0085QCD01-23-85 002434 CHAMONIXLNVAIL A REA 0.27 Property TaxValua tion Information Ac tual Va lue Assess edValueValue Land 275000 21890 Im provements 1312670 104490 Total 1587670126380 SaleHistory Reception Number:787867 Book:n/a Page:nJa Sale Date:2125 /2002 Sale Price:476000.00 Deed Type:WARRANT Y DEED Granlo r MACMENAMIN ,HUGH &KATHLEEN Remarks:nJa ReceptionNumber:n/a Book:0651 Page:0940 Sale Date:9/29/1994 SalePrice:325000.00 DeedType:WARRANTYDEED Grantorn/a Remarks:n/a Reception Number:nJa Book:0556 Page:0959 Sale Date:6/21/1991 SalePrice:245000 .00 DeedType:WARRANTYDEED Granto r n/a Remarks:n/a Recep tion Number:n/a Book:0247 Page:0474 Sale Date:6/22/1976 Sale Price:17000.00 DeedType :PERSONALREPRESENTATIVE Grantor n/a Remarks:n/a Page I of3 ----_.__.__..._.._----------------------------------------- Improvement Information http://fcs.eaglecounty .us/patie /printable_d etails.cfrn 01/10 /2008 1492.000 2177.000 3669 Printable D etails.. Residential Buildings:3 CommercialBuildings:0 HeatedAreas MAIN FLOORAREA FIN UPPERSTORY Total AllAreas FINOPENPORCH 6 5.000 MAINFLOORAREA 1492.000 FIN UPPERSTORY 2 177.000 GARAGE ATTACHED FINISHED 6 37.000 DECK 335.000 STO A REA-NOHEAT 48000 STO A REA-NOHEAT 176 000 STO A REA-NOHEAT 91.000 DECK 40.000 Building Characteristics (First Improvment In Account) P age 2 of3 ABSTRACT_CODE ACT_YEAR_BLT AIRCOND ARCH_STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILD ING_TYPE CONST_QUAL EXTERIOR_WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GARAGE HEATINGJUEL HEATING_TYPE INTERIOR_WALL NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF_COVER ROOF_S TRUCTURE ROOMS STORIES SUPER_NBHD UNITS USE_CODE Tax History SINGLEFAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS 1976 NONE 2 1/2 STY NOBASEMENT 5.50 5.00 SFR AVERAGE FR STUCCO 23 CARPETINV W OODFRAME GARAGE501-650 GAS HTWTR BIB DRYWALL VAIL NORTHOFWEST EXIT WDSHINGLE GABLEIHI P 11 STORIES 2.5 WEST VAIL I INTERMOUNTAIN 1 RESIDENTIAL TaxYear Transaction Type Amount 2007TaxAmount 5759.28 2006 TaxAmount 3938.24 2006 Tax Payment:FirstHall-1969.12 2006Tax Payment:SecondHalf -1969.12 2005 Tax Amount 2542.74 2005 Tax Payment:Fi rst Hall-1271.37 http ://fcs.eaglec ounty.us/pati e /printable_detail s.cfrn 01 /10 /2008 Printable Det ails 2005Tax Payment:SecondHalf-1271.37 2004TaxAmount 2027.58 2004TaxPayment:FirstHalf -1013.79 2004 Tax Payment:SecondHalf -1013.79 2004 TOPCSH 050 2004TOPPMT -0.50 2003 TaxAmount 1978.58 2003 TaxPayment:FirstHalf -989.29 2003Tax Payment:SecondHalf -989.29 http://fcs.cagle county.us/patie /printable_details .cfm Page 30f3 01110 /2008 '4ar-Z3-05 ~.D3:ZDPII Fram-TOWN OF VAIL COltAUNITY DEVELOPMENT•970mZ452 •T-3ZD P.DDI/OD5 F-3D4 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAP RIG'NAl .Legal Description:Lot I I ,Block 3 Subdivision:\1vh)DA:?'t1:?/!L _........_- Address :i!b.,~4 t.h !Ch:r:!9.t:.l ,f Oeveloper:JX1 44 'U.~~ .I ~I.I Project Number:Pl1!O'i ·COCZ"i \JO r 1<..Lol'/pIe"feel I ,/~,/os-1m provemenl co·-m-po'le7-'tio=nP.:D~ate~:=4=71!-'\4"f/~-----;B;;-;':-1--,;~.--::::==-- -Letterof Credit Expiration Date :~I J "/.,3,i 700'> ok::c.J{1-0 ~~~EV EL O P E R IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT.madeand enteWd intothis 23 dayof ---=r1ctxclA .20~ byandamong NV1-R~~Ar<E::-.(the"Developer"),andtheTownof Vail (the ''Town")and J=:I R h B frf'/IC:(the"Bank"). WHEREAS,the Developer,asaconditionof a.,p rovalofthe Temporary Certificateof Occupancy fo r ~~<:JV~ (address,legaldescription,andprojectnumber)wishestoenterIntoa Developer Improvement Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Developer isobligatedtoprovidesecurityorcollateralsufficientinthe judgement of t heTowntomakereasonableprovisionsforcompletionofcertain improvements set forthintheattachedestimatedbid(s)inaccordancewiththeapprovedplansandspecifications fliedintheofficeofthe Community DevelopmentDepartmentof the TownofVail;and WHEREAS ,the Developer wishestoprovidesecurityto guarantee performanceofthis Agreemen t,includingcomp letion ofallimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement,bymeansof thefo llowing : The DevelopeJ,/Klrees toestablishanirrevocable letter,of,credit #e;;1\~~h~amount of $ILi -,'6 'i (with (<.;\""I..S CHI"\.r::::. (nameof trank inEagleCounty,Colorado)asthesecurityfor t'--he-co-m-p'--Ie-c":tio-n-of""::-all ImprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement.intheeventthereisadefaultunderthis Agreement bytheDeveloper. NOW THEREFORE.in consideration ofthefonowingmutualcovenantsandagreements, the Developer andtheTownagreeasfollows : 1.The Developer agrees,at Itssolecostandexpense ,tofurnishallequipmentand materials necessary toperformandcompleteallimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement.The Developer agreesto com~all improvementsreferredtointhisAgreementonorbeforethe 3.\dayof yi....,.......•2CPS:TheDevelopershallccrnpiete,inagood workmanlikemanner,all improvements referredtointhisAgreement,inaccordancewithall approvedplansand specifications filedintheofficeoftheCommunity Development Department oftheTownofVail.andtodoallworkincidentaltheretoaccordingtoandincompliancewiththe following: (, F:I<;Cev\FORMS\DIA\OIA credilfcnna t_112002.doc Page 1 at 5 Mar-Z3-05 03:Z0pm From-TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY OEVELOP~NT•970HaZ45Z •T-3Z0 P.OOZ/OOS ·F-304 a.Allsaidworkshallbedoneunderthe inspection of,andtothesatisfaction of ,theTownPlanner,theTownEngineer,theTownBuild ing Official,orother officialfromtheTownofVail,asaffectedbyspecialdistrictsorservicedistricts,as theirrespectiveinterestmayappear,andshallnot be deemedcompleteuntil approvedandacceptedascompleted 'bytheCommunityDevelopment DepartmentandPublic Works DepartmentoftheTownofVail. 2.Tosecureandguaranteepetformanceoftheobligationsassetforthherein,the ' Developeragreestoprovidesecurityasfollows: Irrevocableletterofcredit #8.57 IS I {intheamountof $\4-3"~ (125%ofthelo tal costs of theattachedestimatedbid(s))with i c;;..,...?W\<::..(name of bankinEagleCounty,Colorado)setto expireonthe 3 \S T dayof ;YlAl-,-\.,2 ~5 (nottoexpireless than30daysafterthedate setforthinParagraph1ofthisAgreement)asthe securityforIhe-completionofallimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement ,inthe eventthereisadefaultunderthis Agreement bytheDeveloper. 3.TheDeveloper may atanytimesubstitutethesecurityoriginallysetforthabovefor anotherformofsecurityorcollateralacceptable to theTowntoguaranteethefaithfulcompletion ofthoseimprovementsreferredtointhisAgreementandtheperformanceofthetermsofthis Agreement.SuchacceptancebytheTownofalternativesecurityorcollateralshallbeatthe Town'ssolediscretion . 4.TheTownshallnot,norshallanyofficeroremployeethereof,beliab le or responsibleforanyaccident,lossordamagehappeningoroccurringtotheworkspecifiedinthis Agreementpriortothecompletion andacceptanceofthesame,norshalltheTown ,norany officeroremployeethereof,be liableforanypersonsorpropertyinjuredbyreasonofthenature ofsaid work,butal l of saidliabilitiesshallandareherebyassumedbytheDeveloper. TheDeveloperherebyagreestoindemnifyandholdharmless the Town,andanyof its officers,agentsandemployeesagainstanylosses,claims,damages,orliabilitiestowhichthe Townoranyofitsofficers,agentsoremployeesmaybecome SUbject to.insofarasanysuch losses,claims,damagesorliabilities(oractionsinrespectthereof)thatariseoutoforarebased uponanyperformancebytheDeveloperhereunder;andtheDevelopershallreimbursetheTown for any andalllegalorotherexpensesreasonablyincurredbythe Town inconnectionwith investigatingordefending anysuchloss,claim,damage.liabilityoraction.Thisindemnity provisionsha ll be inadd ition 10 anyotherliabilitywhichtheDevelopermyhave . 5.Itismutuallyagreedthatthe Developer mayapplyforandtheTownmay authorizeapartialreleaseofthesecurityprovidedtotheTownforeachcategoryofImprovement atsuc h timeassuch improvementsareconstructed incomp liance withallplans and specificationsasreferencedhereunderand accepted bytheTown .Undernoconditionshallthe dollaramountofthesecurityprovidedtotheTownbereducedbelowthedollaramountnecessary tocompletealluncompletedImprovementsreferredtointhisAgreement. ( '. F:IcdBIIIFORMS\DIAIDIA credit 10"".1_'12002.doe Paoc 2of5 Mar-Z3-05," 03 :21pm From-TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT•910mzm •T-3Z0 P.004/005 F-304 STATE OF COLORADO ) )S5. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Devetoperlrn ement Agreement was acknowledged before methis __dayof -+~--J 20_by _ My comm ission expire.,-.....3II...--_ Notary Public F:lcdrvlFORMSIOIAIDIA crQd~f0tM8U 12002.doc Page 4of ~ ," t• \ \ • \.'\-,.(~I ....-.I ••.,.'".'... • • I-.1 -~. Mar-Z3-05 03:Z0p~From-TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT•mmz45Z •T-3Z0 P.D03/005 F-304 6.Ifthe Town determines ,atits sole discretion,that any ofthe improvements referred tointhis Agreement arenot constructed in compliance withthe approved plansand specifications fi led intheofficeofthe Community Development Department ofthe Town ofVallor not accepted bythe Town as complete onor before thedatesetforthin Paragraph1 of this Agreement,the Town may,but shallnotbereqUiredto,draw uponthe security referred tointhis Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred toin this Agreement.Pursuant to Section 12-11-8,Vall Town Code,the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred toInthis Agreement maybe revoked untilall improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer ortheTownin accordance withthis Agreement. If the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to inthis Agreemen\ exceed the dollar amount ofthe security provided to the Town,the excess,together with interest at twelve percent (12%)per annum,shallbealienaga inst the property and may be collected by civil su it or maybe certified tothe treasurer of Eagle County tobe collected inthesame manner asde linquent ad valorem taxes l eviedaga inst such property.Ifthe Developer failsor refuses to complete the improvements referred tointhis Agreement,such failure or refusal shallbe considered a violation ofT ille 12 ·(Zoning Regulations).oftheVail Town Code ,and the Developer shallbe subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations:Penalt ies)and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty),Va il Town Code. 7.The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred tointh is Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way,pursuant to Chapter 8-3 .oftheVail Town Code.for aperiodoftwoyears after the Town's acceptance ofsaid improvements. 8 .The parties hereto mutually agree thatthis Agreement may be amended from time totime,provided that such amendments beinwritingand executed byall parties hereto. Dated the day andyear first above written . STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing O!(veloper Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before methisd:>Dayof ~v v~,20Q[by Mu...v-t...~Y-1..=u.""v.........e._ 1f)7.00 1- I ..«:;.'._. Witness myhandand official seal..,~~..i ~;:.C.'1 1i .~~V._l~••••••v/N '"','I'~c>-,~....My commission expires "-I 1 ..-,~-:,~':'---'-~_"":::::'_----:5§i---r':N OT -4 n •••y:..~ :::rt 1-•::=•~r.= (~~:.,.()lJ .:g,...,...S:t:.~,.k:.~~;.."j""':~'::J-C:::::::==-:::~'J.7'q~~>..8 Li ~.{o./ -,;;..........~........" F;lcd$vlroRMSIDIA\OIA credit tarmaC112002.doc P.9"3 of S ~a,.Z3-05 03:Zlpm From-TOWN OF VAIL CO~ITY DEVELOPUENT a7C47aZ.52 T-320 P.005/005 F-JO'•• ATIACHED COPIES Of THEESTIMATED BIO(5) P0 uwJa()r-:-i6/91 s ..fli'J --€Adose d . itr//i'fJ tx /2S0~ =:/I/~~qr o== F:\cdavII'ORMS\OIAIDtA credit IonnaC112002.00<:Page 5 of 5 •• P.O.Box 1729 Edward s.CO 81632 Ph.970·926·3311 Fax.970·926·2344 Date:10/20104 SubmittedTo: Address : Contact: Rising SunDevelopment P.O.Box 'f?G(, (;<t.r 1e,CA,.i'fG,3/ SteveFrancis BidTitle: BidNumber: ProjectLocation: ProjectCity,State: YareResidence,2434 Chamon ix Road Phone:331 -4920 Fax:Engineer/Architect : LineNo.ItemNo.Item Description Total Price 2 Prepdrivewa y with 4 inchesofroadbase,approx.2 ,320 SF. Pavedrivewayw ith 3 inchesofaspha lt ,approx.2 ,320 SF. $2 ,853.60 $4 ,060 .00 Total Bid Price:$6,913.60 •Subg rade toberece ived +/-.10 ofafoot.Additio nal wor kcanbedoneattim e andmaterialrate s. •Additionalexcavation dueto unsuitablematerials (rock ,softspots ,etc.)canbedoneattimeandmaterialrates. •Utility loc atesare the respons ibility oftheowner/owner representive.Pricedoesnotincluderelocationofutilities ifneeded . •Elevations are critica l forproperdrainage .WeCANNOTwarrantany workwithou t 2%s lope fordrainage . •Price DOESNOTincludewinterworkorwin ter conditions. •Ownertoprovide wateronsiteforconstructionc rews . •Price doesnotincludepermitsorfeesifrequiredbytheTownof Vail. Payment Terms:Payment duewithin 30 daysofdateofinvoice,regardlessofwhenpay ment ismadebyOwner ACCEPTED : The aboveprices,specifications and conditions are satisfactoryandareherebyaccepted. Buyer Signature DateofA cceptance Page 1 of 1 CONFIRMED: B&B Excavating,Inc Authorized Signature: Estimator : •• Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479-2138 FAX970 -479-2452 www.vailgov.com Mr.PaulR.Wible,SVP FirstbankofAvon P.O.Drawer5270 Avon ,CO81620 June27,2005 Re:ReleaseoftheLetterofCreditforMarkYarelocatedat2434ChamonixLane,/Lot11, BlockB,VaildasSchoneFiling 1 DearMr.Wible, ThisletterisbeingsenttoinformyouthattheTownofVailCommunityDevelopment DepartmentisreieasingtheLetterofCreditdatedMarch23,2005,whichyoupostedfor improvements toMarkYare'sresidenceattheaboveaddress.TheoriginalLetterofCreditfor $14,891.00,Number8571511,isattached . Pleasereviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterplease contactmeat970-479-2140. Withregards, ~< MatthewR.Gennett PlannerII cc:File MarkYare -l"Ylt~RECYCLED PAPER." IRRE!CABLE STANDBY LETTER OF IEDIT Lener of Credit Number:8571511 Amount:U.S.$14,891.00 (fourteen thousand eight hundred and ninety one dollars endzero cents U.S.DOLLARS) This Letter of Credit isissued on March 23,2006 byIssuer In favor ofthe Beneficiary for the account of Applicant.The parties'names and their addressesareas follows: APPLICANT: MARK YARE 2121 Frontege RdW Unit 181 Vail,Colorado 81667 BENEFICIARY: TOWNOF VAIL 76S Frontage Rd West Vail.Colorado 81657 ISSUER: FIRSTBANKOFAVON P.O .Drawer 5270 Avon,Colorado 81620 1.LETTEROFCREDIT.Issuer esteblishes this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit fLetter of Creditl in favor of Beneficiary in the amount indicated above .Beneficiary may draw on this Letter of Credit with a Draft (or Drafts,ifthe maximum number of drawings is greater thanone).Each Draft shallbesigned on behalf of Beneficiary andbe marked "Drawn under FirstBank of Avon Lener of Credit No.8671511 dated March 23,2005."Drafts must be presented at Issuer's address shown above onor before the Expiration Date. The presentation ofany Draft shsllreducethe Amount availabla under this Letter of Credit by tha amount of the draft. This Letter of Credit sets forth infullthe terms of Issuer's obligation to Beneficiary.This obligation cannot be modified by any ref\lrence in this Letter of Credit,orany document to which this Leuer of Credit may be related. This Letter of Credit expires onthe Expiration Date, 2.DRAWINGS.Partial drawings shall not be permittad under this letter of Credit."Draft"means a draft drawn at sight. 3.DOCUMENTS.Each Draft must be accompanied bythe following,in original and two copies except 8S stated: A.Theoriginal Laner of Credit,together with any amendments . Issuer shallbe entitled to accept a draft andthe documentation described above,as required by the terms of mls Letter of Credit,from anyperson purporting to bean authorized officer or representative of Beneficiary without any obligation or duty onthe part of Issuer to verify the identity or euthority oftheperson presenting the draft andsuch documentation. 4,SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.The draft must be accompanied bya statement by a duly authorized officer of lhe Town ofVail stating that this draw isin connection with funds needed for the account of Mark Yereon 2434 Chamonix lane. 6 .EXPIRATIONDATE .This letter of Credit expiresatthecloseof business at Issuer's address at 5:00 PM Mountain Time(Time)on July 31,2005 IDatel.Issueragrees to honor all Drafts presented in strict compliance with the proviaione of this Letter of Credit onor before tha Expiration Date. 6.NON·TRANSFERABLE.This Letter of Credit Is not transferable. 7.APPLICABLE LAW.This Lener of Credit is governed by me Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits,1993 Revision. International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.500.This Letter of Credit is also governed by lhe laws of Colorado,except as those laws conflict with the Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary CredilS,Document 500, Mork Vo'" Standby letter OfCredit CO/4XKBStampOOSI5100004474019032305N 01995 Sonkers Systo"',lno.•St.Cloud,MN ~ Initials __ Page 1 \ TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \.o-\-\"';-'6,\Y:-.\?:, ~\L <:::~t (.,"'-1-'--'\\ THISPERMITMUSTBE POSTED ONJOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B04-01061Y)o'-!-0;)-7 0 mD"!-o~r g­ Status...:ISSUED Applied ..:05/1012004 Issued :06/14/2004 Expires:12/11/2004 Phone: Phone : Phone :476 -654905/10 /2004 05 /10 /200 4 05 /10 /2004 8 1657 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAlL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE ,VAIL,CO 210314105001 -ttl'1-{)()I J- YARE,MARK 21 21 NFRON TA GE RD 181 VA IL CO 81 657 Lic ense: MAR K YARE 2 121N .Frontage Rd West #18 1 Va il ,Colorado Lice nse :307-L YAR E,MA RK 2 121 N FRON TAG E RD 1 81 VAIL CO 8 1657 Li c ens e: Job Address: Location: ParcelNo: Project No : OWNER APPLI CANT CONTRA CT OR Description: AD DTION AND REMO DEL Occupancy: TypeConstruction: R3 VN SingleFamily Residence TypeV Non-Rated Valuation :$331,183.0 0 AddSqFt:1169 Fireplacelnfonnation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 •__•••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F E ES~~ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building..---> Plan Check·--> lnvcstigation-> WillCa ll------> $2.292 .9 5 $1,490 .42 $0.00 $3.00 Res tuarant Plan Review--> DRB Fee-----------··> Recreatio n Fee---------> Clean-up Dc-posit-·_··--> TOTALFEES······-··_···> $0 .00 $0 .0 0 $1 75 .35 $0 .00 $3 ,961.72 TotalCalculated Fees-> Additional Fees····--·..> Total Permit Fee·-·---> Payments-----------·····> BALANCE DUE-----··> $3 .961.72 $0 .00 $3,961.72 $3 ,96 1.72 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••**.*•••-*_.*-_._*-*--*••**•••**•••*****.********.******•••***********.*.******.*••••**.*************•••********.*********••• Approvals: Item :0 5100 BUILDING DE PARTMENT 06 /14 /20 04 GCD Action:AP Item:0 5400 PLANN I NG DEPARTMEN T OS/26 /200 4mrg Act ion:AP see conditions Item :0 5600 F IRE DEPA RTME NT Item:0 5500 PUBLIC WORK S 06 /09 /2 004 ls Ac ti on:AP *•••***•••*.**•••••******.*••****••*******••**••••*.**••••••*••••••••*••••••*.*****••••••••*•••••••••*•••*•••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••****•• Seepage2 of this Document foranycond itions thatmayapplytothispermit, DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledge thatIha ve readthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed anaccur ate plotplan . andstate thatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan ,to comply withall T ownordin ances andstatelaws ,andtobuildthisstructure according tothetownszoningand subdivision codes,design review appro ved,Uniform Building Code andother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FO UR HOURSIN ADVAN C PAGE 2 ********************************************************.************************.****.***************** Permit #:B04 -0106 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 12-22 -2004 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: ParcelNo: ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT YARE,MARK 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO 210314105001 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 05/10/2004 06 /14/2004 12/11/2004 Description : ADDTION AND REMODEL **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.1OFTHE1997UBC. Cond:CON0006462 Vaulted spaceonthe upper levelmaynotbe converted to GRFA. ********••••••••********************•••••****.******•••*****************.***********.******. TOWNOFV AIL,COLORADO Statement *****••••**************************••**************••••••••••****•••••••*********•••••••••** Statement Number: Payment Method: services R040007285 Check Amount:$23 1.00 12 /22 /200411:18 AM Init:LC Notation:#1221 /Franc is Permit No: Parce l No: Si te Address: Lo cat ion : B04-0106 Type:ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 2 10314105001 2 434 CHAMONI X LN VAIL 2 434 CHAMONI X LANE,VAIL,CO Total Fees:$3,961 .7 2 This Payment:$231.00 Total ALL PInts:$3,961.72 Ba lance:$0.00 *********.****.**.**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*********••*********.*•••••****••**••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES Current PInts 140.00 91.00 APPLICATIONWILL NOTBEACCEPTED IFINCOMPL.ET.E ORU.N..SI..G.NE.M....... Buildin g Permit #:0\010 9i0:47~:?j 49til1~pecti.(W !!) REVISIONTOTOWNOFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT 75 S.Frontage Rd. Va il,Co lo rado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg.No.: -L - Contact and Phone #'5: 4--=t-{,o -CoS COMPLETE REV ISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT I Labor &Materials) I REVISED AMOUNT :S 2-5 ~I ELECTRICAL:S OTHER:$-----r- PLUMBING:$-_._-_•..MECHANICAL:S ~--..-REVISED TOTAL:s 3'3 1 (6 S For Parcel #Con tact EaIe Count Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www .eao/e-countv.com P.arcel.# ._.-..;::2 \031 4-\oS CO l Engine . r REASON F9 R REVISIO !':J : I "'"?e-'-ic::se-c:::::.'I;:::.~~ ********-**-******************ROUTING INFORMATIONFOR OFFICE USE ONLy *****************-**************-* BUILD ING DEPARTMENT: I ROUTEDTO :. I DATE ROUTED: I DATE RECEIVED: ..,',I I PLANNINGDEPARTMENT- ROUTEDTO :".-:,~:;:'f -,' DATEROUTED:.-:." Oat",Recalved :":., "",. C :\windo ws\Des kton\n l=l n R1=C:11\1J:r.\C .....,:--""M•..l _----."•.• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Co mmun ityDevelopment 75 Sou th Fro ntage Road,Vail,Co lorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us r~[E ~[EDW [E rm WSEP 20 2001"UlJ VAg,Inc" ~rc h ite c ts &Plamm'S.. Project Name:YARE CHANGE Project Descr iption : ORB Number:DRB040428 CHAN GES TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER YARE,MARK 2 121NFRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT VAG,IN C. POBOX 1734 VAIL CO81658 License : 18 1 08/20/2004Phone:. 08/20/2004 Phone:949 -7034 Project Address:2434CHAMONIXLNVAIL 2434CHAMONIXLANE,VAIL,CO Location: LegalDescr iption:Lot:11Block:B Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314105001 Comments:see cond itions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions : Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:0 9/15/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestot hese plans maybe made without the wri tten con sentofTo wno f Vail staff and/or the ap propriatereview committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approval d oes not const ituteapermit fo rbuil dinq.Pleasecons ult with T owno fVailBuil ding personnel pri or to const ructionactivities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshall not becomeva lidfor20daysfo llowingth ed ate of a pproval. Cond:202 Ap proval of t his project shalllapseand becomevoidon e(1 )year foll owing the date of fi nalap proval,u nlessab uilding permit isissued andconstruction is commenced andisdil igently pursued towa rdcomp let ion. , Oct .OS 04 0 9:43a·., Redwin e EngineersInc. StructuralC onsultants p.1 FACSI MILE MEMORANDUM TO:Mike Masc aros VAg FROM :Brett Burnside October 6,2004 ...WlI'........~S UBJECT:Yare Residenc e Enclosed youwi 11 findtheu pdated sketchesforthedeck framing andthe roof changesatthe entry ofthe Yareresidenceloc atedinVail Colorado.Please review the enclosed ske tches and if youhavean y addi tional que stions p lease contactouroffice. Endo f memoran dum . E nclosed:SX9 ,SX I 0,SX ll,SX12,SXI3,SX 14 &SX1 5 cc :Steve Franc is 04032 328-0355 REC'D OC T 22 2004 700 17~St reet ,Su ite 1900 De nver,CO80202 (303)575 -9510 phone (303)575-9515 fax 0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd.A20' Av on,CO81620 -P.O.Box8009 (970)748-07 11 phone (970)748 ·0722 fax Uct uo U't U::l:'t;ja p.2 '" I, I I I I I I I r-l I 4-, --,- I @L-, I I I I I I I I I /r ) /~ /,-1 4"SLAB-ON -GRADE II ',II~·"'~=gD'7-·~-=-·O:-"'±---I, fA\.., ~I SX9 JOB ~O .04032 YARE RESIDENCE~REDWINE ENGINEERS INC.OAT£:9/28/04 stRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS SHEET NO. 0150 E.BEAVER CREEK BLVD .1-------------------1REDWINEfv%N,BO~~~~()SU ITE 204A SUB JEC T: •(970)748-071 1 Oct 0604 09:44a p •.:! - ~"V Y. ®0 z (~ 3xl0 @ 16"O.c.WI>f.?SIM PSC N U310 FACE MOU NT .::..~HANGE R.SK EWAS REQ 'D'1q> v ~~<~:i1;-0 ~'<l SIMPSON HUC 41 0 FA CE"'.;!-::.../.~r »;r-"t,lOUN T HAN GER.l'fP. ~V ~5 -4xlO ~Ei 'P V """"z z .........INDICATES~0'" ~V I-DIRECTI ON OF DEC KINGVlVJ V e>::e>::Is~<V Vl )V N <'oj V )X x ~(xl0 ...- V )~uv\~d j--SI \lPSON U3 10 FACE MCUNT/10v-I HANGER .TYP. /<ll> 0 /~ ~_____2x l0 LEDGER ATTACH ED wi v ..., )!(2)ROWS OF Y 4'¢LAGS @ .'/'/'/'/////f /'/'/////A /;-"-;:\./ (21..9 1/':.LVl FLUSH) 32"D.C.STAGGER ROWS //~//////V //////V V~~.A..A.A.//////////////////V fF\--/..,...,. ///////"///////////1/'¥///V '¥'/V//~~U POSTSCHv/d /.-ED T.O PLYWOO D //V u:> I]///V @ MARK SIZE W10g'-a"±/v '//0 <8>(2)2x6 DFi2,/V V ><<N /( ;)v 0//V I,-(3)2x6 DFi2 </(;I l,- f //V I,-0 (4)2x6 DFh2 <//l,-i I /,////////.. ~,m"","'ONEERS mc,PRO.JECT:DATE:9/28/0 4 STRUCTURAl CONSULTANTS YARE RESIDENCE SHEET NO . 0150 E.BrAVER CR EEK BLVD .REDWI NE P.o.BOX 8009 SU ITE 20 4A SX10AVON,CO 81620 SUBJEC T: •(970)74 8-071 1 JOB NO.04052 Uct [Jo U..UH:4"a p." .~I I I ~-V-V -v -v "V "V "V "V I .£\S>_I -""...-~-.r:»-&I I (,Irl-r ~rJ [;P ..S~I L f-l ax IL '"L ~I , I p ;"3x6 RAnERS e 24 'o.c.<)vr-:,...N N N;:;";;;x <0 <0 <0 ~~1 (2 )13/'X7'/4'LVL 1:\~/L~I ~/I rr-; .-.-to I //////1/1 /I /1//////'"..'-:i@ D~~.""'1-I 'Y'\·.-..:-:-:..?:..:--:':-:(2)l W 'X l 11/4"LVI.....j 71/V S UD~~:·.I'--2x6 ·.,\:q~~FJlA:W~~L I ~< 16'..I O..c :-:-:-:.·.'(,."'"I'··· IIlLSTO·..........;/.<..~)..'¥r--/........·.><<.........·.I......~fi ...............I /~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::·. ..,.. 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I·.~V @ ~v \'--',.................................~"............... --~~....:..........................I r-...><.....i ~-.,\.:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:.......,........."<•••••..'"<:..,~.......-.....I 'v -·.@ I,....,...'"i'(2)1J/41:11 1/4'LVL :'\,-t-I I .fe,---.f--J"'~5.~~-"""-'~ 1 I ~ ~RED""ENO NEfRS INC .PROJECT:DATE:9!28!Ot STRU CTURAl CONSULTANTS YARE RESIDENCE SHEET NO. 0150 E.BEAVER CREEK BLVD .REDWINE P.O .BO X 800 9 SU ITE 204A SX11AVON,CO 81620 SUBJECT: •(97 0)746 -0711 JOBNO.040 32 Uot 06 U4 OS :44a RE:ARCI I ROOF S~EATH ING -- I ROCF RAFTER N RE :PLAN ~, CONN ECT TO BEAM WI (2)1/4 "~ SCR EWS "TOE -NAILED"WITH 3"PEN -BEAM N RE :PLAN -CON~ECT RIDGE TO KING POST wi (2)1/2"~LAGS 'IDE -NAI LED" :NTD RI DG E VII 4"PEN f'.~ BIRDSMOUTH 3/4"=1'-0" RAFTER @ BEAM ~RED>1NE '''IN''''''''..PROJECT;DATE :9/28/04 STR UCTURAL CONSULTANTS YARE RESIDENCE SHEfT NO. 0150 E.BEAVER CREEK BLVD .REDWINE P.O.BOX 8009 SUITE 204A SX12AVON,CO 81520 SU9JE CT: •(970)74 8-0711 JOB NO.04032 Oct.0604 09:44a RAFTER 3 /4 "=1'-0" @ RIDGE p.6 --%'APA ROO FSHEATH ING ...______-2x OVER FR AMING N RE:ARCH FOR T ~---4x SOLID 8 LOCK~~G ~----TxG N RE :ARCH ~~:----R ID G E BEAM ~---+-CONNE C T EA IW1 ER TO BEAM wi (2)1/4"~SCR EWS ..TOE-NAI LE D· WITH 3"PEN 3x RAFTERS N RE:PLAN S ---CONNECT RIDG E TO KING POST WI (2)lH¢LAG S "TO E-NAILED" INTO RIDGE wi 4 "PEN ~RED""ENON"RS IN C.PRCJEC1 .DATF:3/28/04 STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS YARE RESIDENCE SHEET NO. 0150 E.BEAVER CRE EK BLVD.REDWINE P.O.BO X 8009 SUITE 204A SX13AVON,CO 81620 SUBJECT: •(970)748-0711 JOBNO.04032 Oct.06 0 4 09:4 4a p.? rnc. RE :ARCH ___--8x POST ~RE:PLAN S ____--SIMPSON CB88 POS T BASE .~--12·0 PIER WIi3TiESe10·O.C.N (2)TIES AT TO P or PIER -----------(4)~5 VERTS '0 I-.... RE PLAN ~---roO TI NG RE:PLANS 1----(4)R5x N L 0 VERTS 6 PIER @ 3 /4"="-0" ENTRY DECK ~'£0'''[""'NEERS INC PROJECT DATE:9/28/04 STR UCTURAl CONS ULTANT S YARE RESIDENCE SHEET NO. 01 50E.BEAVER CREE K BLVD.REDWINE P.O.BOX 8009 SU IT E 204A SX14AVON,CO 81620 SUBJECT .•(970)748-0711 JOB NO.04 032 Oc t;0604 09:45a'. ~POST po8 -$LO,W. @ UPPER ENTR Y I\ o _____ o ~--CONNEC T POST TO BEAM W! (2)IH~LAGS "TOE-NAI LE D" INTO BEAM W/4·PEN /-BEAM ~RE :PLAN ~---+--S I MP SO N ECC END COL CAP POST '"RE:PLAN BEAM POST 3/4"="-0" ~""""'NONEERS "" PROJECT:DATE:9/26/04 STRUCTURAl CONSULTANTS YARE RESIDENCE SHEET NO . 0150 E.BEJWt:R CREEK BLVD.REDWINE P.O.90X 8009 SUiTE 204A SX15AVON,CO B1620 SUBJ ECT : •(970)746-07 11 JOB NO.04032 TOWNO F VA IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S.FRONT AGEROAD VAIL,CO81657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBSI TE AT ALLTIMES JobAddr ess: Location : Parcel No: ProjectNo : ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 24 34 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2434 CH AMONIX LANE ,VAIL ,CO 210 314105001 7 R3Dl{-00 11.. Permit #:B04-0106 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued: Ex pires: ISS UED 0 5110/2004 06/14/2004 1211 [/2004 OWNER YARE,MARK 05/10/2004 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD 181 VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR MARK YARE 05/10/2004 Phone:476-6549 2121 N.Frontage Rd West #181 Vail,Colorado 81657 License:307-L APPLICANT YARE,MARK 05/10/2004 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD 181 VAIL CO 81657 License: Description: ADDTION AND REMODEL O ccupancy: Ty pe Co nstruction: R3 V N Sin gle Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:$3 06,183.00 AddSqFt:1169 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 #o f GasLngs:0 #of Wood Pellet:0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FE ESU ~1 ~1ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Uuilding-->$2,15 2 .95 Restuarant Plan Revicw-c-$0.00 Total Calculated Fees->$3 .730.72 PlanCheck-»>$1 ,399 .42DRB Fee·-··----->$0.00 AdditionalFees---->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fee··--··-·_-->$17 5.3 5TotalPermit Fee-·--·-->$3,730.72 Will Call---·->$3 .00 Clean-upDeposil------>$0 .00 Payments------------->$3.730.72 TOTAL FEES-------->$3,730 .72 BALANCE DUE------->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**. Approv als: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/14/2004 GCD Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OS/26/2004 mrg Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06 /09/2004 Is Action :AP see conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seepage2 of thisDocumentforanyconditionsthatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARAnONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completed anaccurateplotplan, andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.I agreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothetownszoningand subdivision codes,des ign review approved,UniformBuildingCodeandotherordinances of theTown applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC PAGE2 ************************************************.*************.************.****.****.****.************* Pennit#:B04-0106 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06-14-2004 Status:ISSUED *********.******************••***.****.****.**••••*******••************.****.*.***************.********. Permit Type: Applicant: JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo : ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT YARE,MARK 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE ,VAIL,CO 210314105001 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 05/10/2004 06114/2004 12/11/2004 Description: ADDTIONAND REMODEL .***••********.****.****.*********.***************Conditions******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.3I 0.9.1OFTHE1997UBC. Cond:CON0006462 Vaultedspaceontheupperlevelmaynotbeconvertedto GRFA . ***********••****.***•••***.****••***•••**••****.***.****.********.*****************•••***** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***.****.*************••***••***•••**.***************.**•••***••**•••*********************** StatementNumbe r: Payment Metho d: Se rvi c es R040006 018 Amount :$3 ,7 30.72 Check 0 6 /14 /200 402:21 PM Init:DD G Notation :1 075 Franci s Permit No: Parcel No : Si te Address : Lo cation : B04 -0106 Type:ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERM IT 2 1 0314 105001 2 434 CHAMONI X LNVAIL 24 34 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL ,CO Thi sPayment:$3,73 0.72 To t al Fee s: Total ALL Pmts : Bal ance: $3 ,7 3 0.7 2 $3 ,7 30.72 $0.00 ************.*.****.****••**•••****••••*••••****••******••*.*****••**••***••***.***.***••••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Co de BP 0010000 31 11100 PF 00100003 1123 00 RF 11 10000 31127 00 WC 00 1000 03 11 28 00 Descripti on BUI LDING PER MIT FE ES PLAN CHECKFEES RE CREATI ON FEES WILL CALL IN SPE CTION FEE Current Pmt s 2 ,152 .95 1.399 .42 175 .35 3.00 ,Ma y-D4-D4 D3 :1 Ip~Fro m-TOWN OF VAIL CO~N I T Y DEVEL OPME NT 9704792452 T-8D2 P.DD2/0 16 F-689 II L1CATION ECEIVEDng,mechanical,etc:.. r, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Con tractor Signature: Ge neral o ntraetor :..Town of Va ll Reg.No .:Contact and Phone #'s :C2:)<....JW~.g'CUWEf ~O-=t-_L-'I/O 3qa ctL3lt.- Email address:rS.l Q:>•<:..J.3 Vv\. 75 s.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BU ILDING :$~c;C;1;C;?ELECTRICAL:s )D (o OD OTHER:s (I,000 PLUMBING:$I~,t7 °MECHANICAL:s Iln h[)Z)TOTAL :$3?00,I/)? I •.I ~.,. No ( ,.'.".",j . 0712612002 Yes ()N0 Y<D Wood Bumin NOT ALLOWED WoodBum inWoodlPe\let Doesan EHU ex ist at thi s location:Yes ( JobAddress: Commercial ()Restaurant ()other( .No,of Accommodation Units inthisbuild ing: Repair()Demo ()Other () .TYpe of Gonstnlctloil :,:::...,.: 'Occuoanev Group:;'.:'. ·:Date,Receiv e<!:.".'....., Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit WWW.eale-coul1 .com 1 4:(D 5 00 ~ No ,o f Ex isting Dwe lling Un its in thisbuilding: TypeofBldg,:Single -family ed Two-famfly <fD Multi-family( Wa r!<Type:Both ~ Work Class: J obNa me: For Pan:el #Contact Ea __"uFOR OFFICE USE ONLY-..·_·•·,.-.__·_- IOther 'Fees:.:,.',;:--;-.:.,~,'.'.,,..:.".'." ~D RB Fees':.'".'",',.''...'-",e 'Public wa;i p;;ft;it F~:"",""': IIVail\(hll.lede.IFORMSlPERMITSI8LDGPERM,OOC J ~j:....... ~, ..... '.I· ~) I• TheYare Residence Deck Addition 2434 ChamonixLane,Va il,C olorado o EC MANUAL Architect: VAg,Inc.Architects &P lanners P .O .Box 1734 . Vail,CO8 1658 P hone:970 .949.7034 Fax:970 .949.8134 Structura l E ngineer: Mo nroe &Ne well E ngineers,Inc. P .O .Box1597 Avon,Co .81620 P hone:970 .949.7768 Fax :970 .949 .4054 Issu e for C onstruction May29,2002 ,. " •~~,....,...',~,.~ -, -. ". J,,'j't i .",{/",',,.,,t , •-~,'........1 ,Ii . .- •,. ", .....r, '. ~, ":-v',~I:..,.........., ...'..'... J ,."I-...: ", ....' PROJE CT:YAR E R ESIDENCEDEC K A DDITION M&N#5 653 DATE :MA Y2 0,2002 GE NERAL NOTES 1.LIVE LOADS USED IN DESI GN: A. B. C. D. TYPICAL FLOOR HOT TUB LOAD WIND 1.BASIC WI ND SPEE D 2 .EXPOSURE EARTHQUAKE 100PSF 5000 POUNDS 80 MP H B ZONE I E.LI VE LOADS A RE REDUCED PER CODE I FAPP LICABLE . 2 .TES TING ,INSPECTIONSAND OBSERVATIONS: A.C ONTRACTOR S HALL PROVIDE COORD INATION FOR SPEC IAL INSPECTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION (PAIDFORBY OWNER)ASOU TLINED IN THEP ROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND LISTED BELOW IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PR OVISIONS OF CHAPTER 17OFTHEUNI FORM BUILD ING CODE.SPECIAL INSPECTION S HALL BE P ROVIDEDBYAQ UALIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTI NG AGENCY AS APPROVED BY T HE LOCAL B UILDINGOF F iCiAL. B.T HE FOLLOWING WORK SHA LL B E INSPECTED BY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR: 1 .SO IL PREPARATION a .EARTHWORK EXCAVATION,FILLING AND COMPACTION BELOW FOOTINGS ANDSLABON GRADE. 2.CONCRETE a.THE TAKING OF TEST SPECIMENS TO DETERMINE.COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH .. b.PLACEMENT OF REINFORCEMENT:SPEC IALINSPECTION N EED NOT BE CONTINUOUS ,BUT MUST BEDO NE ONCE PLACEMENT ISCO MPLETED A ND PRIOR TO CLOSING THE FORMS.ITEMS TOBE CHECKED INCLUDE BAR SIZE,GRADE,QUANTITIES,SPACING,AND PROPER CONCRETE OVERAGE. C.STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS 1.STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MAY MAKE PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS OFTHE CONSTRUCTION ,SUCH OBSERVATIONS SHALL NOT RE PLACE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS BYTHE GOVERNING AU THORITIES OR SERVE AS"SPEC IAL INS PECTIONS"AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY C HAPTER 17 OFTHEU NIFORM BUI LDING CODE . 3 .FOUNDATIONS A.THE ALLOWABLE SO IL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED INDESIG NS IS2000PSF .THE ".. B. C . D. E. F. G. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAINA LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION .SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CAPACITY IS EQUAL TOOR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED .EXACT BEARING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED INTHEF IELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OFSOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOnOMS OF FOOTINGS SHALLBEA MINIMUM OF48"BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. ALL FOOTINGS ARETOBE PLACED ONF IRM,UNDISTURBED,NA TURAL SO IL OR PROPERL Y COMPACTED BACKFILL,APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER.BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO95 %(MINIMUM)MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY PER ASTM D1557 UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT.IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOILANDR ECOMPACT WITH APPROVED FILL(RE:SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OF BEARING SOIL). CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL EQUALLY ONEACH SIDE OFPIERSIN12INCH MAXIMUM VERTICAL LIFTSORAS RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT.REFER TOSOILS REPORT FOR BACKFILL MATERIAL. CENTER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER COLUMNS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ONPLANS . CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE,ATHIS EXPENSE ,FIELD DENSITY TESTS ON COMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTINGS AND INTERIOR SLABS-ON-GRADE.A MINIMUM OF2 REPRESENTATIVE TESTS SHALLBE TAKEN FOREA CH FOOTING. NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION is COMPLETED SO THAT CONDITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OFANYFILLOR CONCRETE . 4 .\.CONCRETE A.ALL CAST-iN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BEMADE WITH TYPE !ill PORTLAND CEMENT, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL SAT ISFY THE FOLLOWING REQU iREMEN TS: CONCRETE ITEM FOOTiNGS 'AND PIERS FC MIX TYPE 3000psiSTD B.FOOTINGS AND PIERS SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTSINA HORIZONTAL PLANE.ANY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE ATTHIRD POINT OFSPAN WITH VERTICAL BULKHEADS AND HORIZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERW ISE SHOWN.ALL CONSTRUCTION JO iNTS SHALL BEAS DETAILED ORAS REVIEWED BYTHE ENGINEER. C.ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT D ETAILING SHALL BEIN ACCORDANC E WITH ACI BUILDING CODE 318 LATEST EDITION,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.USE STANDARD HOOKS FOR DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED .ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4INCH CHAMFER. 5 .REINFORCEMENT A.ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM GRADE 40 . B .REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION: 1.CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 2 .CONCRETE POURED IN FORMS (EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH) 2 .",: C .REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT ANDTO LERANCES SHALLBEIN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIO NS 7.5 ,7.6 AND7 .7O F AC1 3 18,LATESTEDITION. D.NO SPLICES O F REINFORCEMENT SHALLBEMADE EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER.LAP SPLICES ,WHERE PERMITTED ,SHALL BEAMINIMUM OF4 8 BAR DIA METERS FOR #6 BARS AND SMALLER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6 .WOOD A.ALL FRAMING AND T RUSS LUMBERSHALLBEDR Y WESTERN CEDAR,GRADED BY WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION ANDCON FORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ASFOL LOWS : 2"THICK -4"TO6"WIDE (WALLSTUDONLY)STUDFb =550PSI 2"TO4"THICK -6"AND WIDER NO .2 Fb =700PSI 5"TH ICK -5"ANDW IDER NO .2 Fb =625PS I NOTED ALLOWA BLE STRESSES AR EM INIMUMS A NDFO RN ONREP ETITVE USES PRIOR TO A LL OWABLESTRESSINCREASES. B .PROVIDE CROSS BRIDGING NOTOVER8'ON CENTER FOR A LL2X WOOD JOISTS AND2X SOUD BLOC KING BETW EENJ OISTSATA LLSUPPORTSA ND ENDSO F CANTILEVERS . C .FASTENALL W OOD MEM BERS W ITHCO MMON NA ILS ACCO RDINGT OT HEU BC SCHEDULE T ABLE 23-II-B-1UNLESS OTHE RWISENOTED. D .LAMINATED BEAMS 1.ALLLA MINATEDM EMBERSS HALL BE FABRICATED OF DOUGLAS FIRLARCHAT12 PERC ENT MOISTURE CON TENTINACCORD ANCEW ITH WCLIB.AL LSIZES SHOWN ARENET . 2 .LAMINATED MEMBER S HALLBEDETAILEDAND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE S TANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FORTHEDESIGNAND FABRICATION OF STRUCTU RALG LUELAM INATED T IMBER,LATESTEDITIONAS PUBLISHED BYAITC . 3 .PROV IDE UNITS CONFORMING TOAITC117,24FV8,D.F .FOR CONTINU OUS ME MBERS ANDCANTILEVERS AND24FV4,D .F.FOR S IMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS . MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITHZERO CAMBER WITHTOP SURFACE CLEARLY STAMPED ONEACH MEMBER. 7 .GENERAL A.ENG INEER 'S ACC EPTANCE MUSTBESECUREDFORALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TOBEATT ACHED TOTHE STRUCTURE,ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALLBEOBTAINED .UNLESSSPEC IFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCHITEC TURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS,RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH A LL HANGERS,CONNECTIONS ,ETC .,REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF H IS ITEMS. C. D.WATERPROOFING ,VAPOR BARRIERS ,ETC.,SHALLBEASSHOWNONTHE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS ANDAS INDICATED INTHE SPECIFICATIONS . 3 DA T E _ O F -,-_ DA TE 3/-;,l-1jo ;L CHECK ED 8Y _ J0 8 +ki~~~'·CD..;1 CNI~"","LQ_-e:::....::...c:...=----- SH EET NO._ PO Monroe &Newell Engineers .Inc . I ; SCALE .......i .. ······i ···H ••••• ......,···..···T ··~ l .._.•1.'..~_...---T-'_.. i·········t····..··-t _..-!_+. I I .....~...._J.__ !j ···1 ········f ····· .··)....1.:] ..__'[H.-~.-;-: -!---.----~---i !---;.·-+---1----;-~-i --I ---+---t--:-!--:--j--_;__!__+...L '......I'-Me!0%~....., I .....i-..--...+.. L I ' 1_-:~_-;-I -it S ~,?Lb "i cOI'~~~i~~ '1 --·-i---'·--..,-JIij......-~.-I .-~*.-----:.j----ir.-+-,--:-,-+j-J.,-.li-.J·-J ·1_~F'~---~-i ~~f tfr E ;~·:';':'=:;;;;1~·.-"""'1-"~-WL.-r .....,!... .I ...,-'r·-·-'·I .._....t......__',_.1....,i ...1 "._...;.i--·~·,·--_······~·_-_····-t····......... ..I ~=t.~~---L-"'il f.-. J..._.,)....-_..~··········l··---····~··· I I I....~·.._·--·-f·_··..-to_._._..i _1 ._...._..1._...1,'......_._,:.,:__.._.......;.,::..r-····i .._.r~:.!-!._._-•.... I I , •·.•·.---[----r~~;.-~.__1:...••··.:.....-•.'...••.:j ····f . ..1 --+--+-·-+-·1·...L .._.;_,.i---T' 1 DATE DATE _ J O B ~lI Q \&..~P ~""''d'-l.I.uc1'-''M£1J.1.'11te'-<.--__=--__ S H EE~NO.I O F _ :P17 CH ECKED BY _ Monroe &Newell Engineers.Inc . SCALE ...."[---j---I -- L ._....I 1 ··1-··~~...~.._.... i ..!--i··t··l···! +L !j.40t4)J\¥SWN~/4\"11 tyl l"1IM~M i ......_.:...j ; '-'--"'~-"~'- L..,i!.,''''1 _.0. J ! .i .Ll.L l.l....._~__~_:.._ !.L..l-...;.L.....L...l 1 ;I I ':I 6-02-2004 '1 :16AM..FROM P.2 .FROM:Brett Burnside ~..~ ENGINEERS RedwineEng ineers Inc. Structural Consultants MEMORANDUM TO:Mike Mascaros VAg SUBJECT: May27,2004 ,-. ;. Atyour request,Redwine EnineersInc.has reviewed the post sizes forthe Yare residence located at2434 Chamonix e,Vail,Colorado.Based onthe information that you conveyed tous,W24x55 steel beams 0 the rooffrarning plan are missing the post sizesatthe north end . The minimum post size requied below eachsteel beam istobe(5)2x6 studswith (1)2x6 kingstudoneachside.If yohaveany additional questions please contact our office. End of Memorandum: cc :04032 ... 700 17"Street,Suite1900 Denver,CO80202 0150East Beaver CreekBlvd.A204 Avon ;CO81620-P.O.Box8009 TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOB SITE ATALL TIMES EL ECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #:E04-0274 80';'-0 /0& ISSUED 11/18 /2004 11/23 /2004 OS /22 /2005 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: Phon e:97 0-3 28-9 377 Phone: Phone :970-3 2 8-9 377 . 11 /18 /2004 11 /1 8 /200 4 11 /18/2004 2434 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 2434 CHAMONIXLANE,VAIL,CO 210314105001 POO tf-V O/a---' YARE,MARK 2 1 21 NF RON TAGE RD 1 81 VAIL CO 8 16 57 Li cen se : PREMIER ELECTRI C CO.,INC. P .O .BO X 14 18 GY P SUM,CO 6 95L INDB ERG H DR .EAST GYPSUM ,CO 8 163 7 L ic ens e:1 49-E PREMIER ELECTRIC CO .,I NC. P.O .BOX 1418 GYPSUM,CO 695 LINDBERGH DR.EAST GYPS UM ,CO 81637 Li cense:1 49 -E Job A ddress: Location : ParcelNo : Project N o : OWN ER CON TRAC TOR APP LI CANT Desciption: Valua tion: E LECTRICALR EMODEL $12,000.00 '"'"'"'"'"***'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'">I<**'"***.***'"*****'"'"'""'*'"'"'"'"III'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"***'"'"'"****'"FEE S\JMMARY '"'"'"****'"'"****'"*******'"'"'"'"'"****'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"**'"'"'"'"**'"'"'"'"'"***** Electriea l-------->$216.00 TotalCalculatedFees-e-$21 9.0 0 ORB Fee-----·--->$0 .00 AdditionalFces-------->$0 .00 Investigation---->$0 .00 TotalPermit Fee------>$2 19.0 0 Will Call-------·->$3 .00 Payments-----------_·---->$21 9.00 TOTAL FEES··>$2 19.00 BALANCE DUE---·---->$0 .00 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Approvals: I tem:0 600 0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 1 1 /1 8 /200 4 JS Action:AP I tem:056 00F IRE DEPARTMENT **********************************************************************************************.************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL Co nd:1 2 (BLDG.):F IELDI NSPECTI ON SARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CO DE COMPLI ANC E . *************************************************************************••*****••*****••*************************••*******************.********* DEC LARATIONS I hereby acknowledgethat 1ha ve readthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreeto comply withthe information and plot plan,to comply withall To wn ordinances andstatelaws,andto build this structure according tothe towns zoning and 7~i on cod ~~review approved,Un iform Building Code and other ordinances of theTownappli cable thereto.~c~,~ REQUESTSFORINSPECTIONSHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOURHOURSIN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONEAT 479-2149 OR AT O UROFFICEFROM8:00AM-4 PM. **********************••*******.**.*****.*.***********.***************.********************* TOWNOFVAlL,COLO RADO Statement ***********************••****••****•••*************************.**************************** Statemen t Number: Payment Me thod : R040 0 071 75 Check Amo un t:$2 19 .00 1 1 /2 3 /2 00409 :2 0 AM I nit :DOG Notation :Premier1 675 Permit No : Pa rc el No : S iteAdd ress: Locati on : E04-027 4 Type:ELEC TRICAL PERMIT 2 10314105001 243 4 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2 434 CHAM ON IX LANE,VAIL ,CO Tot al Fees:$219.00 This Payment:$219 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$219 .00 Balance:$0.00 *.*************************••*****.***********•••******************************.************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Co de EP 00 100003111100 WC 00100003 11 2800 Des cr i pti on TEMPORARY POWER PERM ITS WILL CAL L INS PECTION FEE Current Pmts 216 .00 3 .00 Nov.02'2 000 11:07 75S.Frontage Rd. Vall,Colorado 8 TownofVailReg.No.: \l...\~-l.::. #1952 P.0 01/001 ICATION COMPLETE SQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor &.Materials) AMOUNT OFSQ Ff IN STRUCTURE :~4 ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$ COntact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visIt www.esate-couotv.corn for Parcel # Parcel #':L Ii',"3 i '-\\0 '5 c-r-.\ JobName:U Job Address:tll .\I ':"lL-(~o::::l2.e..:...').;:;-~t r.c:'Q4'~'-""~..r-,,,.',v I.,- Legal Description Lot:I Block:I Filing:~Subdivision: OwnersName:"'"u..,?l.":'dD,-Ad~ss'yc ...·'-.~;:-..\B\Phone:'-\~,_I ~~\..j.q.,,;-.•"5'\f\.J....,~.•__..,...~- Engineer:Address:t Phone: Detailed description of work: E.\e.c..-(lZ.i.c:.A.~\2.0::.\~ WorkClass:New()Addition ()Remodel (v)Repair()TempPower()other () Work Type:Interior ()exterior ()Both (vj ~Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes()No() Type of Bldg ,:Single-family (...If Duplex ()Multi-family ()Comme~ial()Restaurant ()other () No.ofExistingDwellfngUnitsinthisbuilding:\No.of AccommodationUnitsInthis building:l Is this permit for a hot tub:Yes()NOA\/f Does aFireAlarmExist:Yes()No (..t)II DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yes()No() .....•.."'..•..••..•·•······..."'*****·.*·..···....··..FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"·.........•••....••..•.."'·····*··..·..·..·......·•.. \\Vall\d.\uo'oo<!cvI FORMSIJ'ERMITSII:LI,Cf'(2kM.DOC o TOV-eOM.DEV. TOWNOFVA IL DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUN ITY DEVELO PMENT 75S.FR ONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE :T HISPERMIT MU ST BE POSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #:M04-02 98 B()1 -o10~ Phone :970 -3 28 -370 8 Phone :97 0-32 8 -3 708 JobAddress:2434CHAMONIXLN VAIL Location:2434 CHAMONIXLANE,VAIL ,CO Parcel No:210314105001 Project No :.,oU lJ tf -00/d- OWN ER YAR E ,MA RK 11 /17 /2004 2 12 1 N FRONTA GERD 1 81 VAI L CO 8 16 57 Lic ense: CON TRA CTOR WH ITE WA TER PLUM BI NG1 1/1 7/2004 P .O.BOX 4 290 EAG LE,CO 8 163 1 Lic ense:2 55-M APP LI CANT WHITE WA TER PLUMB ING 11 /17 /2004 P .O.BOX 4 290 EAGLE,CO 81631 Lice nse:2 55-M Desciption:ADDITIONAND REMODEL O F SFR Valuation:$23,750 .00 Phone: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: ISSUED 111 1712004 11 /22/2004 05/2 112005 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #of Wood Pe llet:0 ••••a_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEES~~A R Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mechanical--->$4 80.0 0 RestuaranlPlanReview-->$0.00 Total CalcolatedFces--->$603.00 Plan Check-.->$1 2 0.00 DRB Fee--------··----·>$0.00 Additional Fecs------>S O.00 lnvestigation->$0 .00 TOTAL FEES--->S6 03.00 Total Permit Fee------->$60 3.00 Will Call--··>$3 .0 0 Pa>meots.--------->S6 03 .00 BALANCE DUE-----·->$0 .0 0.........•.....•.....••.....•...•....••.....•.....••..•••....•...........•...•..........•....•...••...•.•..•••.•.••..-•.•...•....••...•••...••..• Item :051 00BUILDI NG DEPARTMEN T 11 /17 /2 004 JS Act ion:AP I tem:05 600 F IRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Co nd:1 2 (BLDG .):F IE LD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM P LIANCE . Co nd :22 (BLDG.):CO MBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC.701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,ORSE CTI ON 701 OFTHE 1 997IMC. Co nd:23 (B LDG .):I NSTALLATION MUST CO NFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUC TIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 19 9 7 UMC ,CHAP TER 10 OFTHE1 997 I MC. Co nd:25 (B LDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDI NG TOCHA PTER 8 AN DSHALL TERMINATE ASSPEC IFIED I N S EC.80 6 OFTHE 1 997 UMC ,OR CHA PTER8 OFTHE 199 7 I MC. Cond:2 9 (BLDG .):ACCESS TO HEAT ING EQUI PM ENT MUST COMPLYWITH CHA PTER3 AN DSE C.101 7OF THE 1997 UMC AN D CHA PTER 3OF THE 199 7I MC. Cond:31 (BLDG .):BOILERSSHAL L BE MOUNT ED ON F LOOR S OF NONCO MBUSTIBLE CON ST.UNLE SS LISTED FORMOUNTING ONCOMBUSTIBLE FLOOR ING. Cond:32 (BLDG .):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MU ST BEPOSTEDI N MECHANICAL ROOM PRI OR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond :30 (BLDG .):DRAINAGE OF MECHAN ICALROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HO T -WA TER SUP PLY BOILERSSHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH AF LOOR DRA IN P ERSEC.10 22OF THE 1 997 UMC ,OR SECTI ON 1 00 4.6 OF THE1 997 IMC. *.*********.********.************************.***********.*.********•••••***.*••*****.**.**********.****.****************.***.*•••************.** DECLARATIONS Ihereb y ackn owledge thatIha vereadth is applicat ion,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed anaccurateplotpl an, an d statethat all the in formation as requ ired iscorrect.Iagree to complyw ith the information andplotpl an,to complywithall To wnordinances and state laws,andtobuildthisstructureacc ording to thetownszoningandsubdi vision codes,designre view ap proved,Uniform Bu ildingC ode and other ordinanceso f th e Town applicablethereto . CTOR FORHIM SELF AND OWNER ••••*****************.*********••******************.******•••******.***********************. TOWNOFVAlL ,COLORADO Statement ********••********************************************************************************** State ment Numbe r: Paym ent Me thod : 11 4 13 R0400 071 71Amoun t: Check $603.00 11 /22 /200 403 :08PM I n it :DDG No t at ion:Whi tewater P &H PermitNo: Pa rc el No : Site Add ress: Location : M04-02 98 Type:MEC HANICAL PERM IT 2 10314 105 001 24 34 CHAMON IXLN VA IL 243 4 CHAMONIX LAN E,VA IL,CO Total Fees:$603.00 This P a yment:$603 .0 0 TotalALLPmts:$603.00 Ba l ance:$0.00 •••****************************************************••••******••************************* ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code MP0 0100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00 10000 31 1 2 800 Descrip t ion MECHAN ICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Curren t Pmts 480.00 120.00 3.00 NOV-17-04 ·06:33 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING,' 970 3283368 P.03 • A:r-.nN VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT {Labor&~1!rtals) ~3,760.OQ -..··..·1 ...............--~-'-=--_:]Assessors Office at 970·328.8640 01'visit WWW.9a te-coun:.com for Parcel # I Type of Bldg:Single.family ()(l Duplex ()Mulij.fllmlly ()Ccmmllrcial ()Restaurant ()Other() I ~o;ype ~fFire lace;E~islin :GasA Iiances GasLasWoodfPelietWoodBurnin ...-.---- I N~tTyp~~f Fireplaces Propos;d-;QaS-Applianclls (3)GlIS L;'9S ()WoodfP811~1 '(')w~;ciBUrriing (NOT AL.L.OWED) l isIhis a conversion fromawoodburning fireplac9 10 an EPA PhllseIIdevice?Yas ~No()~_._o_==-4 .....=.... I ·N~.·Of-E~·i~~g DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No,of Accommodation UnitsInthisbuilding: N~V -17~04 06:40 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING 970 3283368 P.07 WHITEWATER PLUMBING'"HEATING,INC. P.O .Box4290 I Eagle,Colorado 81631 970-328-37081 FAX (970)328-3368 /In'antlf''lutt'P6-4S'l!aiu~/GaS Bo,!f',-19'!-{)()D BttJls I 1 ro.d ~{)ftJ Wfitire 60 (do./Iotl J:/t?ctdc Wa~'HAJ ~r ..-~tJo kI tJf!hf'r1 y...FIN'p/QrIS I''A.G'nJ..ine 70 ",rl~r 1--++-+-+---<if/--------I 00 IS). II. 00 II) til til 00 N til IS) II- 11\ I.:J Z... III t: ::J ...J II. (l: 1IJ I-a: 3: 1IJ I-... J: 3: t:a: IS) 'it.. II) IS) 'it IS) I • II-... IEAU0BB8UIJW.MV N ·JOII~~IEIICE.;_.;TBPIUt M'IE 1t1W4 laTMLATIDII1'f'F Ell.m oM II'IID Il!IIAPIBJ ..IYEB I DI ROOM 8Q BTU BTU 110.a.c.1WE UXJP TOTM.11M ..FT FLOOR cawa.GI p=y HEAT PER LOOP8 (INt II l.&III8 FTOF SUPPLY IIEMI TTPE~ LQ8S IQFT nPE a:n TUBE TEIIIP 1 -MGEJENT 2DfI5 8112 18 EJI81Wi U8ElIQtJIDZC'. 1 l.MDNCmBnRY m _17 G 4 STAPLE 0 150 ;n2IIAINLEVB..BATH 44 72S ,.15 II STAPLE 2lID 3l1li1 150 4.J 4.3 S 'EVi0fRCE 124 21!181 ZI :.12 I &TARE 1m M 150 0 ••0.11 UTE 'ID 4 1lED2 111 3m 15 2 •'8T'AI'I.E 1.3211 151 ill 1.1 UTE CARPEUW) 5 ~IIASTERBED 284 tc.5 38 ...8T'AR.E 0 158 UtE CNtPET~1O 5 IfoiEW IMSTeR ClOSEt III 918 14 ••8TAPLE 'I8J),...150 1A 2.S UIE CARPETIIWJ 8 IIASTm BA."Tti 2fJ7 47118 23 I STAPLE D 150 n.£ 8INEW IIA81l:RTOI..Ef 21 1171 IN :I ...18TAPl£MIl QU 1611 1J.7 t .•TLE 7 ILOFT 2M ~~3 •STAA.£tllD 410 150 o..a 28 UTE~&TLE ,lUIIUWfl'OTM.8 ...t.,...,•n .-1•U W:'-'PWlTWEMID FRIIIBl'D 0 •....11 GILD &PLIJ8 T1&MID FnJI II lAD c C N M t- W '"Jeo:: I.LJc.oa::: -l n, :I: :II::a: r-... c..... .-o.... iii o I :>- :>c 0 -z: Z PlIge 1013 NOV-17-04 06:40 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING 970 3283368 P.09,. NOY 01 2001 1011?AH HP LASERJET 3200 ,:>.6 NOV -17-04 06:41 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING 970 3283368 P.10,. I I i I I ! ~ i I I ~ I I i i I J NDV -17-04 06:34 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING 970 3283368 P.04 ",' :I -: i ·. :..,..•.;';1', NOV -17 -134 136:37 AM.'WHITEWATER PLUMBING 9713 3283368 P.135 Flnit hour lind continulIulI Ruw; •Performance boeed on loctQ~ inetalled mixing valve Get \!)120"F ourJot tIlmperowra wiU,HW"F RtnrnUA tomp"l'nllll'",GIIIII WIII,III Inlet tampnrllturn lit III r'l" •Tan minutlllllll~ck nuw : •Parlormonoe bO;lld on OVB~OIJIl water temlJcr~turll of10B'F at mixing valvB DUtlBt. Delli PERFORMANCE Modal the ur;qu.closed headng loop "waler bartlar"IIIIm1natsl direct eonlaet between lIle SClUI'CII 01 heal and the IIorIld domeStic hot water,lnaeaslng thelife OlCPec\mlcy of!he product .Atlhe 88fllll ~me le/lllllrecl 120'F domeaUc; waler Is d1st11bU18d Inth8 houlill,1BO"F water In Iho outer lenk Is circulaled lhrough the healing loop,providing comlar\llllle,e/llclenl apacu hsallng al Ihll dDDIrDd IomPllralure. IDrlm Tha Della PI!RFORMANCI!ComllI. nali<ln Healer deliverl heal Mel hOI waler In a alngle,CllIflWCI footprint, 2e~D elaranee to DOrylbuetiblee -' 5 ontl 10year ports lind labor plans available " Unlike other wiler healer.Ihal try to perfOtnl lIIe lundlon ot space healing WIth domoaUc hot water.the PER- FORMANCE utilizes two eopa/ale water drcullll,one dedicated 10 space heaUn"(outer aleal lllnk)and the other dedlcllted 10 the producUon of domestic hOiwater(Innerstainless 8Ieellallk). •lnclud",the:burnc:r hood Zero clearance to In)'comblUlible surfece ;een be In.IIUed In limon ony .I<,oCI . TtIlngl.1lJ1I1l1'llS1l1Vllll thll rlghl \Q makl llrOClUcl chenllel Dr ImprDVllmllnll It an"lima wllhout ncuee, Direcl VenlKils are available from Triangle Tube . Th8 Della PEnr-OnMANCE Comblnollon Heater may be drall venled Wough B en lm- ney orrootor direct vented horizont311y oul a side wall up 10 100 leel. R.'af 10 /ha IruI.Untloo BOll Ma"'/a- nallea "'."ua l lot """/19 l"a/NC' 'Ion.0l'U1 "-'''''.'IBcomm.m:t.tJon s. 6uiJr..ln low WII&ef cu~oll Gsccnd.1"/15D psi torn~or8turl & l,re:S8lJre rl!l linf "El lvn Oroln v~lva Dcrn~6tJc th "nnostlltic rnl~lng valvo PrBwlf.ll cunuul p~n~1 Prewired &preset 3utomat.lc and man ual hIG h limit rmml r.ulltrolr; "Circulo\or Ipraw ir'Ddj "Pr1m~",3Dpsi /'lIliar vulve "AutorT'latic .ir IJaot "• lit It•II; BlilIndBrd CDmpooonce Material for yenlloq Qpllgon -Nalural dian (Category I)-Chimney venl •Non-Olredvenl wllh Inalde air (CBleooty III)•3'flL2S·04oa •Direcl venl wllh oUlslde air (CBlegory III)-3"AL29-4C' 'llle DelI11 PERFORMANCE CombInation Hoallll'i.fac:tcry wired for cIomcIstic hoi wal .. pbUy to ensure \he maxi- nun sUPPY 01 hcl wiler. DgUonal VenUn SVI18ml NO~-17~84 86:38 AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING 978 3283368 P.86 IIllnlul SlellPraml1 881 Burner 8118r blowerthen delivers lhie pre-milled airandgaslnto Ihe cOlTlbuatlon chamber loretean,qulel,efl lclent combuallon. The PERFORMANCE la equipped wllh II pressure awllchIhal will preverll IheburnerIromlIringIIIhere Ie any blOCkage In the c;ombuslign lIir syslem.The mallimum IqulvlllenJ len(Jlhlor Ihe 101111 venlin(J SYS- lem(air Inleland flue oullel combined)10 200feel . ..NlIDI'II or'ropanua. ..II m IV r lreel Venl ••••Ied CombusUon to 100 n. A.CambUsllon Iff InlaU B.FlulWays mtld Wllh IlalmeD 5taalbamea C.Prlml'Y will' Do PrlmlryolrcultIherrnoatal (up Ie 1B(J'F\BBn~Jng bulb E.Bumar p.Watl'coolld Immerled combusUol1 chamber G,Prlmlrycirculi drl ln cormecllolJ H.CllrrugllR IIIINISII Ilaal heal nchBnger J.1 11'2"Dr rig id (CFC-FIN)pglyUPlIlhlllle insulillon K.Slnl bodycorllal"ln9 primary wilor L..Primary IKlnnoeU""o ",ea"I,1 (lurbuIBlllre' N.Prlllll'Y healing ,elurn (;OMecUon o.Baked anamelitealllckllt T.GOICondary circuli (domasUc waler)lhermoslal una/ng bulb U.a.lely nm~therrnoslaI120&"F)(mallual reGel) L..W.C.o.:LoW wale'CUI-all device (nol .hown) Inl'lmv OllblIII "rfOnnlnce Co The 0lI1l1 PERFORMANCE model Is II ."aled eem- bUllion producl lhal II powared by a prlmillld,low NO.1IIInlllii ,Iell burner.Thll burnlr II mounted and pralal lit the faotory•adJuslmentl lITe nolnee- ",My.Thl bumer II composedorthree billie com- ponentlj I HonlywllI neg alive preasure gaa velve,II venlurl 8nd 8blowlir.Whan tha blower runs,Ihe neo- aUve preasure developed althe b10wBr Inlatwilldraw natural g89 or propane through lhe III1S vlllYO to mill InIheYenlurlwith tho Incomingcombustion air.The bQ InlllllaUon •Trouble Frl8 0 eraUon TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479-213 8 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED O N JOBSIT E AT ALL TIMES JobAd dress: Loc ation : Parcel No : Proj ect No : MECHANICAL PERMIT 24 34 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO 21 0 314105001 .pa~<f-oOI)- Permit #: Statu s ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: M04-0290 Blit/--0 lo1P ISSUED 11109 /2004 11/23 /2004 OS /22 /2005 OWNER YARE,MARK 11 /09 /2004 Phone : 21 21 N FRON TAGERD 1 81 VA IL CO8 1657 License : CONTRACT OR HEA RTH EXCHANG E,I NC.(THE)1 1/0 9/2004 Phone:970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MI NTU RN,CO 81 645 Li cense:174 -M AP PL ICANT HEARTH EXCHANGE,INC .(THE)11 /09 /2 004 Phone:970 -827 -9623 P .OBOX 6 70 MINTURN,CO 8 1645 Lic ens e :1 7 4 -M De sciption :IN STA LLA TTONOFADIR ECT VENT F IREPLACE V aluati on :$3 ,586 .00 Fireplace In formation :Res tricted:Y #o f G as A ppliances :0 #o fGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pe llet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEES U~MARY ••••••••••••••••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mechanica l---> Plan C heck-»> Investigation-> WiII Call---> $80 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 $3 .00 Res tuarant Plan Review--> DRR Fee----------....> T OTAL FEES --·--> $0 .00 $0.00 $103 .00 To talCa lculatedFees -»> Add itional Fees------·> Tota lPermit Fee--·_··> Payrnenl<-----------> RALANCE DU E-----> $103 .00 $0 .00 $103 .00 $10 3 .00 $0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05 100 BU ILDINGDEPARTM ENT 11 /23 /2 00 4 GCD Act ion:AP Item :0 5 6 0 0 F IRE DEPARTMEN T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):F IELD I NSPECTIONSARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:2 2 (BLDG.):CO MBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,ORSECTION 70 1 OFTHE 1 9 9 7 IMC. Co nd:23 (BLDG .):INSTA LLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUF ACTURESI NSTRUC TIONS AND TOCHAP TER 10 OF THE 199 7 UM C,CHA PTER 1 0 OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond :2 5 (BLDG .):GASAPPL I AN CE S SHAL L BE VEN TEDACC OR DI NG TO CHA PTER 8 AND SHA LL TERMINATE ASSPEC IF IED INS EC .806 OFTHE 1 997 UMC,OR CHAP TER 8OFTHE 1 997I MC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCE SSTO HEATI NG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL YWITH CHA PTER3 AN DSE C.10 1 7OF THE1 9 9 7 UMC AND CHA P TER 3OFTHE 199 7IMC . Co n d:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALL BE MO UN TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUS TIBLE CONST.UNL ESS LI STEDF OR MO UNT INGON COMBUSTIBLE F LOO RING. Co rid:32 (B LDG .):PERM I T,PLANS AN DCODE ANAL YSIS MUST BEPOSTEDINMECHAN ICAL RO OM PRIOR TO AN IN SPECTIONREQUE ST. Cand:30 (BL DG.):DRA INAGEOFMECHAN ICAL RO OMS CO NTAININGHEATINGOR HO T-WATERSUP PLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIP PEDWITHAFLOOR DRAINPER SEC.102 2OFTHE 1997 UM C,OR S ECTION 10 04.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC..•..*--••..•..*•••••••••__•__•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_-----•••••••••••••••••••••_••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledgethatIhavereadthis application ,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatallthe information asrequi red iscorrect.Iagreeto comply withthe information andplotplan,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andto build thisstructure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,designreview approved ,Uniform Building Code andother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . EOF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWN ER51 REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONS HALLBE MADE lWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCEBYLEPHONE AT4 79-2149O RAT OU R O FFICE FROM 8:00AM -4PM. ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement **************************************************•••••••••••••*•••**••••••••••••••*••**••** S ta tement Number: Paymen t Metho d: 6 453 R040 00 71 86 Check Am o unt :$103.00 11/2 3/2 0040 3:2 9 PM I ni t :DDG Notation :Hearth Exchange Permit No: Parcel No: S ite Address: Lo cation: M04-0290 Type :MECHANICAL PERMIT 2 10314105001 2 434 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 2434 CHAMON IXLANE ,VA IL,CO Total F ee s:$103 .00 This Payment :$103.00 Total ALL Prnts :$103.00 Balance:$0.00 .**•••***************************.********************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Acc oun t Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003 112800 Desc ription MECHAN ICALPERMITF EES PLAN CH ECK FEES WILL CAL L INS PECTION FEE Current Prnts 80 .00 20.00 3.00 7SS.Frontage Rd. Vall.Colol'lldo 81657 I I Engineer : T ,·, Phone: N Work Class:New (JI(Addition ().Altel'ilt;ion ()R,epair (.).Other() Boiler Location:Interior (v1 'ExteriO r ().other ()Oof5an EHtrexist at this IocatJon:Yes ()No() Type ofBldg:smgre.family ().Duplex '('r ;'Mulll-tamlly()Eommerdal ()ReNiJrant ()Other ().-.-",'.-. No.of ExistIng Dwelling Unitsin this blilldlrig:No.of 'Ac:comrnodationUnlts in this building: No Wood Bumin Notrype of Fi~PlaeesProposed:GasAPpl~I1Ces (....,·Gas Logs ()W@lReIIet(Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a coD~lOn iftOmawC)oPQuqillJ~:~~I~to,'.~J.l )g~~;~haseJl (f~y~()No ( ****************'*****.***. ','. LY***************************** TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO81657 97 0-479-2138 NOT E:THISPERMIT MUSTBEPOSTEDON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES PLUMBING P ERMIT Permit#:P04-016 6 8 0 1 -0/0 (; Phone :970-328-370 8 Phone:9 7 0-328 ~37 08 J obA ddress:2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL Lo cation :2434CH AMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO Parcel No :210314105001 ProjectN o :P(jotf _0 0 I d- OWNER YA RE,MA RK 1 1/1 7/2 004 2 121NF RONTAGE RD 1 81 VA IL CO 8 1657 Lice ns e: CO NTRAC TOR WH ITE WAT ER PLUMBI NG &HEATl11 /17 /2004 PO BOX 4 290 EAG LE,CO 8 1631 Lic e nse:104-P APPLI CAN T WH ITE WA TER PLUM BING &HEATl 11/17/2004 PO BOX 429 0 EAG LE,CO 8 163 1 L icense :10 4 -p De sciption:ADDITION A ND REMOD EL OF SFR Valuation:$16,500.00 Phone : Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires..: ISSUED 11/17/2004 11/22/2004 OS/21/2005 Fireplace Information:Restricred :??#of GasApp liances :?'#o f Gas Logs :??#of WoodPa llet:?? ...'"**:+*'"+;'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""':+:+"':+:+'"****"':+'"'"'"'"'""'......'"***'"'"'""':+lie'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"III '"**III'"'"*'"*****f EE SUMMARY "'...'"'"**'"'"'"'"~*...'"*"'*'"'"'"*'"II<'"'"*'"**'"'"'"'"**'"**'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"**'""'...'"****** Plumbing-.->$2 55 .00 RestuarantPlan Review-->$0.00 Tota l Ca lculated Fees -->$321.75 Plan C heck-.->$63 .75 DRB Fcc~-----------······--->$0 .00 Addi tional Fees---------->$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .00 TOTA LFEES-·------>$32 1.75 Total Perm itFee-·--······>$32 1.7 5 Will Call----->$3.00 Payments-,----------------->$321 .75 BALAN CE DU E--------->$0.00 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Item:0 5100 BUILDING DEPART MENT 1 1 /17 /200 4 JS Action:AP I tem:0 5600 FIRE DEPART MENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:1 2 (BLDG.):F IELDIN SPECTI ON S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIAN CE. ************************************************************.************************************************************************************ DECLARATIONS Ihereb y ackno wledge th at Ihavereadthis application ,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethat a llthe information as required iscorrec t.Iagreetocomplyw ith the information andplotplan ,tocomply w ith all Town ordinanc esand statelaws ,andto build thisstructureacco rding tothe towns zon ing and subdivision codes ,designrevie w approved,Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances of own applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE TW ENTY-fOUR HOURINAD ***************************************************•••***************••••••**************••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement **.*************••••**************.************••••******************•••••***••************* Statement Numbe r: Pa ymentMet hod: R040007170 Amoun t:$321.75 11 /22 /200 403:07 PM Check In it :DDG Notation:Whi t ewat er Pl umbing &Heating 11413 Permit No: Pa rcel No : S ite Address : Loca tio n: P 04-0166 Type :PLUMBING P ERMIT 21 0314105001 24 34 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2 434 CHAM ONIX LANE ,VAIL,CO Total Fees:$32 1 .75 Th is Paym ent :$32 1.7 5 Total ALL Pmts:$3 2 1.75 Ba lance:$0.0 0 *****•••••************••••••**********•••••************************••********.************** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code PF00 100003 112300 P P 001000031 11100 WC 0010 0 00311 2800 Descripti on PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBI NG PERMIT FEE S WILL CALL INSPEC TION FEE Current Pmts 63.7 5 2 55.00 3 .00 NOV-17-04 06:¢¢AM WHITEWATER PLUMBING •A 970 ¢28¢¢68 P.02 75S.Frontagl Rd. Vail,Colored,)81BS7 UATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &.Malarlals) r=====================~=.__.__. [[Pl"UMBING:'i'"/6 I 50 o·00 Work Class:New ()Addition (Xl Altarallon ()(j Repair ()Other () t .com for Parcel # I Type of 8Idg.:Single·famlly ()4.DUPle~i )Mulb·f;mily ()Commercial ()Ra£!auranl ()Olher() I No.of EXisUrg DwellingU;-iits inthis building ;No.or Accommodation UnitsInthis building ;I • TOV-COM.DEV. ,.\""i M\I "\·,k\",FOItMS\~[;FMlTS\J1lMBI'IlRM.DOC ll'IJ4lJlllll I' • 06-1 o-2005 4:15 pm --,-----=--------Page 22 qtvtty: ConslType. OWrier: Contnlctor: Applicant: DesCr1Iltlon: NOtice: NotIce: NotIce. Nob: Comment Comment: Comment Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: ~omment: Requested Inspect o.m:MomfIlY,June 13.2005 InspeCtIon Area:GeD SlmAcidress.2434 dHAMONIX LN VAIL 2434 JHAMONIX LANE,VAlt:;<O AJPIQ Information x..>r I 804-0106 Type:A-ILD sub:k>uP "I SlIIlUs:ISSUED YARE.~K OCcupency I i KN~,lnspAreI:GeD MARK YARE I I Phone':147 ~ YARE.MARK r Jfc AOOTION AND REMODEL .I r .r\ uPdIted M.1 draw\ng$received Ind routed to Matt Gen){ell\~LLI PublIc 'Way Penni and Revoasble ROW pennlt Required.-~SAVAL ILC reclevltd 12!231nd routed to PIlInnlng for review.•GR -r--;.r •plan ILC denied·BGIBSON " ROlJTED TOGREG DENCKLA AND MATT GENNETT •MGE TT ~" REQUESTl:D ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM ARCH REGA DINGSTR FoR DECK AND STEELPOSTS.-GDENCKLA \ ~~~Rwrs~~0~1fKN~k"~~~REG DENCKLA AD MATT GENNETT (AOOED $25.000.00 TO VALUATION)·JSUlHER Revisions reviewed Ind Ipproved -MGENNETT REVISIONS REVIEWED AND APPROVED.•GDENCKLA REVISED ILC SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TOBILL GIBSON·JSUTHER Revised ILC forwarded 10 Mill Gennett-BGlBSON Requested Inspectlon!s) h:em:9u BLDG-Flnal Requestor.YARE.MARK Comments:tlnal CO .~To:JMONDRAGON ActIon:TImeExp:_ ~uMt8d T1me:,...08:00-AM /1 PIlone:331-4920 Entered By:DGOI..DENK un Id:3292 Inspection History m:10 BlDG-FoolingsfSl8et -Approved" 06125/04 Inspector:GeD Action:AP APPROVED Convnent NE CORNER FOOTING. 08104104 Inspector:JRM ActIon:AP APPROVED Comment APPROVED 8SONOTUBES IMTH BIGFOOTS souru OF HOME FORDECK 12114104 Inspector'cdavts Actlon:AP APPROVED Comment:foo\lngs and pilasters fornorth elewllon deck Item 20 BlDG-FoundallorVStee' hem'30 BlDG-Freming ..Awroved - 12118104 Inspector:GeD'AclIon:CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment:1.1LCREQDTOBE SUBMITTED TO PlANNING. COURTESY WALKTHRU. 2.FIREPLACE REOS INSPECTlON. 3.RAKE WALL INLOFTREQSSHEERPER SCHEDULE ------------------------- REPT131 Action:AP APPROVED 12129104 Comment 0104105 Comment: ContInued: Comment 4.PROVIDE AS BUILT STRUCTURAL DRAINING SHQINlNG CHANGES AND DETAILS FOR BUILD DEPT REVIEW. 5.NEW CMU WALL NOT INSPECTED. Inspector:GCD ActIo .ON DENIED PLANNING DENIED ILC I~JRM FRAMING APPROVED ITEM NOT COMPlETE IS MAN DOOR!GARAGE OPENING CUT.TUBE STEELIN PlACE LINTEL STEEL NOT IN 50 BLDG-Insulation ~Approved ~ 01 11.05 I~r:JRt,j.Action:PI PARllAL INSPECTION Comment APPROVED UPPER AND MIDOI.E LEVELS ONLY 01125105 Inspector.JRM Action:AP APPROVED Comment 60 BlDG-Sheetrock NaN ~Approved ~ 01/1705 Inspector:GCD ActIon:NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Comment LOIlllER HALF NOT HUNG.STILL HANING IN UPPER HALF. 01118105 Inspector:cdavls ActIon:PI PARTIAL INSPECTION comment Upper and MId level only 02J04l05 Inspector:JRM Action:AP APPROVED Comment:SHEETROCK COMPlETE THRU OUT 70 BLDG-MIsc."APPfOved ~ 12123104 Inspector:Art·Action:AP APPROVED Comment APPRovED STUCCO LATH INITH CORRECTION TO COMPlETE FLASHING OVER EAST ININDOWS 90 BlDG-Final 21 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan ~Approved ~ 12128/04 Inspector:bglbson Action:AP APPROVED Comment: 22 PLAN-llC SIW Plan ~~ved ~ 12128104 Inspector:Ibson Action:ON DENIED comment:InsUIIIclent rmatlon 01/05105 I~or:MRG Action:AP APPROVED Comment:R height Information on IlC received and approved 5.13 PLAN-TEMP.C!~Approl/lld ~ 0311&'05 Inspector:MRG ActIon.COND APPROVED/CONDITIONS Comment By '3123106 the foilowlnQ Items must be complete forCG to s1gn-ort.general sIIa cleaJ)olp.no equipment on site (becldioe.ladders.scaffolding,&tnt'"tntller)&IIlnsh removed;exterior wnts palmed or Included In b4d for D1A:Iehr ofcredlt WI D1A to be signed 0«by CG. 03123105 Inspector:George ActIon:AP APPROVED Comment:Developer Impro~~....ment on flle wtIIch nexpire on July31.2006. m:530 BlDG-Temp.CiO ~~ 03124/05 Inspector'cgunlon Action:AP APPROVED Comment:APPROVED FOR TeO ONLY. ITEMS TO BE COMPlETE FOR co: 1\INSTALL PAVERS UNDER FRONT STAIRWAY FOR PERMANE LANDINGS,MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE I 21 COMPlETE ALLITEMSON PlANNING DEPT.TCO LIST:DR!1\Y.PAlNTjTAlN. lANDSCAPE ETC. 3)COMPlETE DRYER DUCT AND PlUBMlNG HOOK-UPS FOR CM£R UNIT ASHERIDRYER.FIRE CAULK DUCT IMiERE PASSING THR ~" •""T .....NO ....,esONHOUSEIONWlE~~ ( lt6om: Item: Item: tt.m: Item. Il8m: REPT131 Run Id:3292 '" Project Name:ADDmON Project Description: •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Com munity Developm ent 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Co lorado 81657 tel :970.479 .2139fax :970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB040074 REMODEL /ADDmON andlandscaping Participants: OWNER YARE,MARK 03/15/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT YARE,MARK 03/15/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address:2434CHAMONIXLNVAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO Location: Legal Description:Lot:11Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:21031410500 1 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Propert SecondBy:Mathiu s Vote:4-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:04/23/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnot constitute a permit forbuilding.Pleaseconsultw ith T own ofVailBuildingpersonnelp rior toconstruction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approval of th is project shalllapseandbecomevo id one (1)yearfo llowing th e date of fi nalapprova l,un less abuildingpermit isissuedandconst ructioniscomm enced andis dilige ntlypursuedto ward comple tion. Cond :CON0006397 ••1)mAT mE APPLICANT REMOVES mE EXISTINGLINEOFVEGETATIONALONGTHESOUTHEAST PROPERTY BOUNDARYLINE CONCURRENT WIll-i mE CONSTRUCTION OF mE NEW ADDmON TO MAINTAIN HARMONY WIll-i NATIVEVEGETATION. Planner:MattGennett DRBFeePaid:$300.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colorado 61657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us .-533mmz45ZFrcm-TOW NOFVAIL ~I TY DE VELOP ME NTMar~1I -04 General Information: All projects requ iring design re view must receiveapproval prior to sUbmittingabuilding per mit appl ication.Please refe r to the submittal requirements fo r thepart icular approval that is requested .An application forDesignReview cannot beaccepted until all req uiredinformation is received by the Community Development Departm ent .The project mayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Ccundl and/or thePlanning and Environmental Commission. pesign reviewapproval lapses unless a building permit is issuedandconstruction commences within o.,e year of the approval. .1?t-c N (Description of the Request;__----"--'-''''-'-...;..:.''"""'-'''-'-----'''=-----'--'-''-="----'-_----::==-_ ------------------------------- 9 L}'j .,\)~"'I CfL!'I B I :J././ Phone:_--"'+-=-_-'--=-..L---'--_ Forconstruction of a new building or demo/rebulld. Foran addition when::square f ootage is added to any residential o r commerc ial build ing (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to build ings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting.wi ndow additions,landscaping,fencesand reta iningwalls,etc . For minor changes to buildingS and site i mprovements,such a s, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc , Forrevisions to plansalready approved byPlanning Staff orthe DesignReview Board. ~$1.00 persquare foot of total signarea. _---------------Phone:__--:-~.....~....,;.~_'__ ___________Fax:-'.L-!..-.o'--...ll.!.-..:.::2'--_ Name of Applicant: -E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: CJ Sig ns $50 0 co n ~eptua l Review NoFee ~N e w Construction 5650 Addition $300 CJ Minor Alteration $250 (m ulti -fa mi ly/com merdal) CJ Min or AJtgration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $20 c Separation Request No Fee ....ailing Address: Location of the Proposal :Lot_I _I _Block :~Subdivision:\I NL-VAS SCHON 'L_ "~II I \Fl..\",.nPhVslcalAddress:!-"/_,;.0'<CH /(\(1..)1'-1\'1 L..I'''''''rt -it\.1'-t":l '(/66 b parcel No.:1)0 '!:I '-/,<;")/;;{~\(Contact Eagle Co .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning:W t '/':!/If]~I /-";;.,('),.,~·,1 Name(s)of Owner(s):\'v'\'{\<2-,\{....\(I~l-fti ""ailing Address: ;:;ner(S)Signature,s):---'U---"...,""C4~"':t+?'.-:../---------------­ V"3 ,-::t-,,{ ~..:.r...__Check No.:&3)0 By:V ___________ORB N O':-+'!FrrtT-T---"'T7'r-r-=-=--=""-'--'-"~-" _____________ProJect NO .:'=l-'·'"-'~.L.:..~_i_"""__ M.r-l1-04 03 :35pm F rg m-T O ~~OF VA IL C ~ITY DE VELOPMENT mmmz , Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window T rim Doors Door Trim Handor Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys T rash Endosures Greenhouses .Retaining Wails exteriOr Lighting other Notes: PROPOS~D MAT~RJALS TyPe of Material L l=:pA a- (J!;OA _------:..fJ_Ii:z:-rA ~ S-r.:o~c.. ::TB D ,).....? Please specify the manufacturer's name,the color name and number andattacha color chip . Page 6of 12/02 /07/02 lI.r-11-04 03 :36pm Fram-TOWN OF VA IL _NITYDEVELOPt.ENT mmz45Z ~T -5 33 P 009/0 14 F-147 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOV ED Minimum Requirementsfo r Landscaping:Deciduous Trees -2 n caliper Coniferous Trees -6'inheight Shrubs -5Gal. ~SquareFootage GROUND COVER SOD S€ED I RRIGATION TYPEOFEROSION CONnl,OL Please specify other landscapefeatures(Le.retainingwalls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) Page7of lZ/02!07/02 • ZONECHECK Block Kl. ~e..., Filing--=-=-=:-7=::.:...,..,;.::.......::::--=------ve..,'l .- Remaining I_O..!P ,Primary GRFA +(425)(675*)=_....,--__----+= Secondary GRFA +(425)(675-)=_+--- •675 =425 creditplus 250 addition Docsthisrequestinvolvea250 Addition?_-"1"0-..:.,0 _ '71 rj, Rear Front Sides MinimumLandscaping Height Setbacks Howmuch of the allowed250 Addition isusedwith this request?-c::>TI1 ,r _")r...n:,rp"r.d7 i Site Coverage ~O ~-~_~.it VI l.f +~~-;;,,?.19 /'(30 ~~GI -16 20'j,I..!t:jr.),~::~7 jAJ I G.":::::..;u /3"f~) --qlb09 -tP~~J Retaining WallHeights 3'/6' Arc finished grades lessthan2:1 (50%) Complies withTOVLighting Ordinance _EnclosedParking GarageCredit Driveway Required _ (300)~900)-(l200) Permitted Slope Y %Proposed Slope...L>% y~.~o,_-- YesNo,_ .Environmental/Hazards 1)Percent Slope «>30%)~--- 2)floodplain 3)Wetlands,.-..+_ 4)Water Course Setback (30)(50),_~'-------- 5)Geologic Hazards -------,M r-F----J'->'-!:------''--- a)Snow Avalanche__.,L-~:..__ b)Rockfall +-__-'--...,.-__ c)Debris Flow-.:....."L _ Previous conditionsof approval (check property file),~-.:.-.._ Isthepropertynon-conforming?Describe:~ DESIGNREVIEW CHECIcLIST .. Project:-:--_ o SURVEY Scale Scale ---:---Benchmark --L7gal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements ., Topography 100 yr.flood pI ain • WaterCourseSetback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations .. Spot elevations o SITEPLAN ~",.•~> GRFA .150}dditional GRFA Cralvl\Atlic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Color\Materials RoofPitch, o LAt'IDSCAPE PLAN Existing trees .Proposed trees Legend ..\,.," MISCEL-t.:mEOOs Encroachments Building Height lW~report (A<&B) '"\"\ ~"C;~n d g'Approval "...'." •_.':'J,".'.1 ......r •""'.\.' 'CO .Scale Setbacks Site.tovcrac\~'..,.r: ...."to"~.••"'"...-r- Eaves/Overhangs (4') DecksIBalconies <r , Garage co~nection .Sile Grade\Slope Retaining Walls "'-~ r ",... :','"0 ,'. .'«: .- Utilityverification form 'Photosof.sitc... ..• ~ - • VAg ,Inc._.- •'$l\W~.:... ;.;.;.; ....""~~, .."'.-.,'" (rIlI)'IllW"'_,,,..---.._-_>Ill eeane Marcb 15.2004 -Final ORB submittal 2434 Charnonix Lane.Vail.Colorado APPR("\"t;~"1'-HE The Yare Residence Remodel _0. 0, ( I '. C2J ~I·,·:==:J ~'1'J9 "'0l:1'R::~ "C"lJ _OiI:""",PU D I:i!~ u is l:l 00 II)8~'if II)> ~j ~J ~~ L> fi;;/u :D DE PI. ')~"--Dl-s-~I!w--f;(:,;-<1/jJrwe)u~ftCAA-. • • Cover Sheet ......~ 1216 .00 AO.O ""~-" VA IL DAS COUNTY OF TOP OGRAP HY SH ONE,LOT11 ,BLOCK B , EAGLE,STATE OF COLO RA DO VAg,Inc. .....-"'~ Site Plan ALl 22 16 .00 -;:..'"::;.:.:.:..-.._........ D _OJ5E IDECI<FO O -PRINT•18.e':!l'"OF L.OT CCvERA..6E '2,:23'il 00.=r . L ANDSC APE :::CVERAC'~E •8 1.1 Z1".OF L OT ::ov:RAGoE •9blZl':!l 5GIFT. !..0 7 SIZ E •1Ijl>48 &G .F-r. ..OJ5E FOCTF'I'i!INT •1,4 ,4 SQ.FT. GA~A6E •eee S~_~-. ~E CK (,t'ter 4 ')•n~~ ret a .,•2 ',~!!I Q FT MA X I~Ul'1 A L _O.J AElLE SITE C OYE F<.Ao:::E '::I1Zl '- M ,NIM..M A LL.OJJAe_E L A -,;:)~APE A R:A •0&0". MAX lr1\..H A L LOWA!:)LE I-lARD&CAP=:TO LII'D5CAP=:'~1Zl~ LOT 11,e.ccc B.~,:;VUV~S IIW 0'\/41l OAS S><!J N[,110.1"0 NO,I. .ECM O£O "_A -lH[~llT .a),JN'Y rY UGl;.Sl,,'l or CO C'llODO. / ..... ;l'iK,..~".,.",: '9 .:...:~""i"9<>"'~j ..... ..1 , ,c ,.~\~,~,_~,,_ ,]1...'",,,,d "'...~~l ,""'0<"'"·001 00.'''''"!,....,,,,P o'0' v,l n ".SI,""•.rill";Ijo ,••"AI l A 1;U.Com "'I1~...t ~. OII).lt>OI\U ,...~,...<l 0 ;510_'1 1'1"of v..•."",.0 Clo<_..n .1003. 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If.- 0 ~Le'wt!L ~-~-~-...·.r·.. ...--.....L_...... ....~g.T>l .._...O~""""TO __.....,.._OOX• ..,..~-""",..-_"~"'NX:A-oCNI'".--0 ..1'1....'"" • • "-."'la- '.>¥."L 1_----"""--_#____"_=_ ••/ 0 G ,:I ,~:~ ~z ~z ~rmo<--c m Icr-~'"'1 lJ -nr-m '0:lJ 0r-;u I ~lJr-<c -n ~~'ir-~~0 m I0X:lJ iii lJ -< r-~~z m X iii ~n-<~\~~ rnl r- I"~r -nr- 8 :lJ ;J! ~ m XI~ ~!i Io --!--'"'--;--"'''-'-, _l The Yare Residence 2434 0Iam0nix Lane Viii,co 816S1 ••G 0) , ~12itrn:I}> ~.(p \Ii!,I ~ I ~rrt'r ~I ~-+ 12~I·m rrtXI~ij> ~ ~o ~~~IFt ,~_.~I r I •E.. H ~~~'"I:><"'JII:l I ~.I tH r r~;:i 8 i o·g·I HI~n.....Boo iii ••0 G III !zl~<P... IIIr-III III r- <III ~I ~... isz i2 III ,~x I ~iji-.I ~~GI ~ ~, l~~ •z !.~ I.'.~'.~I ~~ I j ~I.~~I~Or 1 ;---,-"--J I I I -r. I I [ co f- "~'l- [<C • e u r. or; [M r.,., r ·r , - ,, F\'t j:'\.' 1 I II C 'eEi em r r;HI- I I I I I,, ~~§~ ~o, ~~~~1"'(." I ~I I !nlnI-f ~I ~-g.1 '~Pfljt-,)g ...Hi ~i TheYareRes idence 2434 0wn0Ilix I..oDc van.CO 8 1657 D •• .'.\1:,. 0_, ,, , I:>r !!f ,I ~r 8 r.- •• :llgl 1 ~, >~Ii !3 !~f !In rN~~PN,8'§....[I HI ",~. Jl.;,.... ."'--~''''..-------''-''''--- ••8 (0 '";2,. (l>......... m .J: r ~~il:mmr<i 'l~m,..&qlg -<....,.,. ~~.....T ~ lJ n~lJo.AI lJ !~0(l>(l> m m 0 U ,.1'••I • ;li !;t ~!•00o.'0"j IS I ~if 1 "~I-•si>!~f r i nJl li~I ~I ~.]I l ~I ~n,......~2.I d !I m··· ·····..··D·'·"· .'...,. <6 t The Yare Residence 2434 Cwnonix Lonevsu,co 816S7 •• I I 11 s •~ "ii .1 I .~!.~.., <~!,~••..~~I ~~~iil $ I I;.1>... ~~, i:7.'0,;0,.., I: mrrn ~.., ~ (0 '-I 1 The Yare Residence 2434 Chmonix !.ale Vai~co 81657 =co ~D ~D ".j'>'. , i 1 lJ ~ 'lPmo r 1 1 I I rl 1""I.'e;~r ~I l !nl ll ,.J 8 :It.~J ~pn,to.)~lt ~LCLI I --,f-- 0 I G s ;0 , ~!=t;8 ~'-1),."d ,I ~~ ;0 I I I>III "I ~ 1 m W I ,hi -t l 'r& I .', I I '-1 ,I --- /OJ}7 s. "jlll i i "'I~~~~Q l::~~~i 11 ~~~~~~i ~~~G I !,lHi ll !.'!"i <~ ~~ m I><m • ;0 !(I>-n -tm ;0 -t I>r '" 8 ,1°:I:q m -{ / I ---=---f 1>I:l I t:1 I i rr"\C I ~,[I ~I-~ f the Yare Residence Lot.Filing 2334 Chemonix Lane,Viii,Cokndo -I f < fIll I l'~'f >i 111 '1 11 !!~!I'l '!.'!O."I ,I d 5' !I I P ~.~I-----I -;:;-=--1.._---_u_ --GRFA ____I CJ lu<§1J [J 1"":2 A CRE I 43,5160 00.FT. •11 ,84832 50.FT.I 250"••~EL 2.".,2.06 !>aFT . •42::'''':2'C~DIT •2200tp CRED li 3,6 3 1.08 TO TAL ALL o.,uA6LE GRFA 1384 &aFT.LIVABL EFLP I 20!?p 50 F'T Lly Ae r ~F P '1 ~""&arT.TOT AL LI v A BL E -----, ! III r;;Io'"!c ;0--III 8"0.-';!'"III >~~,I ~,, J0 ~;l; <I ,,,,,,,,, C'==_1 11--11 i "u, ."*5a.FT HEel-l 1"26 5Q..FT.TOT A L I~ I e' -----~----- • • MAiN LEVE L FL OOR PLA1'-l -P;;(:OPO~ED UPPER lEvEL FL oo;;;;:PL AN -~ROP05E:>.'.-~ &<:.0&1.1 ...·."·... 221"'" AU 4-05-2004 11:10AM FROM P .2 1 '~i,! .~ I·..· "",%"....1:...--"."...1'...'....'.....-----:'.-.,,.------t ""-'---'.r:;""'--" '";iJ11JJ"::t ·•..··1 .",.~.'-,·t ri ~1 .':~I 'I '1',1.;----~•---------, t.ie n "0 .-~,.:I',....rh-';..,.'..,-J.1"u ,I I : !"i :':\f ::Iii1i1lf., ., Ii o ~ ~ 8 ;i ..J '5!; ~~;! ::>, A .. • I~,;<-----."'.,---.-,~"'~-~··~+=-~>I~~·--)N'1.•• o._-I-••~I J I ,..-.-----II hi i II!~:J II~ r~l '9. ~..\T • .!(r;'.01 • *********************••*.*.********* *******.*************••*********.*.* *******************. TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO CopyReprintedon 03-15-2004 at14:56:17 03 /15/2004 Statement ************.*****************••**** **********.*****************.*.***** ******************** Statement Number:R040005488 Amount:$300.0003/15/200402:55 PM Payment Method:Check Init:DM Notation:#6310 VAIL ARCHITECTURE GROUP P ermit No:DRB040074 Type: DRB -Addition of GRFA Parcel No :210314105001 Site Address: 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL Location: 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment :$300 .00Total ALL Pmts:$300.00 Balance: $0 .00 ************************************ *******.****************••***.****** ******************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Acc oun t Cod e Desc ript ion Curr ent PIn ts • DR 00100 00311 2200 REVIEW FEE S 300.00 DE SI GN C:f-II MNEY 4 CAP • M A i C ~::X I S iI ~G S iC"-E . STON E C A P 70 :3E S A ~D S "C":: S f-I UTTERS -<.S C EDA R .CA:30i S TJo ':";:;' 3 4RN R E D 0 185 S TUCCO S IDING STO -2 0 ':0 06 ~C S i3 05 -Y 4b R FASCIA,WINDOW 4 DOOR TRI M TIMBERS 4 ACCE NTS OO ~ERS.C E DA R .BEN J AM I S E ~I -n~A.SP A REN T MO ORWCOD 0 8 1 5 8 VERT .4 f-I ORIZ.S ID ING Ix 8 '<:S.T 4(,C E D AR :3 ENJ A H iN ~OO R E SE H I-TRA NSP JoRE NT :-:OCRUJQ O D 0 8 1 55 •"~.~~""""~~:J"~';:'lo rif:;::::""~~.. :i I,! I ROOF,. WIN DOWS S IE-<R A P AC IF IC ST4 NDARD G UL L ('R A' j)j.(A wixr:T1T l.L COLORBOARD CB-l f'il,'\St-> CD 'i H13F 1 11.06.03•"i(".\/.1::Not ToSc.a le ,.I ~S l'E[H TE:l.~..••__.,~••~._.•__ ---VA g~·l~l c.'-·1 r -j;i:;)~i~~~~'------ .'.H''''",.'"1".",,,,,I the YareRes idence :,::,:::,;,.,,:.~.Vail,C olorado (~70 1 t),ilj 70 1 .~ (;.1);:(1)/0 i (II').!L 34 Project Name:YARE CHANGE Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75 Sou th Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us DRB Number:DRB040428 CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER YARE,MARK 08/20/2004 Phone : 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANTVAG,INC.08/20/2004 Phone:949-7034 POBOX1734 VAIL CO81658 License : Project Address:2434 CHAMON IXLNVAIL 2434CHAMONIXLANE,VAIL,CO Location: Legal Description:Lot:11Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314105001 Comments:seecond itions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote : Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:09/15/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult with Town of Vail Buildingpersonnelpriorto construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approva l shall not becomeva lid fo r 20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approva l ofth is project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)yearfo llowing t he date of final approval,unlessabu ildinq perm it is issuedand constructionis commenced and isd iligently pursued toward completion. ;110 -07-04 08:52am Fr om-T Olm O ~COUM UNIT YO[V ELOP I~N T T-gre P.002/00.F-021 Application for Design Review Departme nt of Communirv Development 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax :970.479 .2452 web:www.d.vall.co .us RECEIVE AUl-1 ~c u General Information: All projects requiring designreviewmust receive approval prior t o submitting abuildingpermitapplication.Please refer t o ti le SUbmittal requirements forthe particular approval that i srequested .Anapplicatio n for Des ign Rev iew cannotbe acc epted until all requi red information is received by the Community Development Dapartment.Th e project may a lso needtobe reviewea bythe TowoCouncil and/or thePlanning and Environmental Commission . Design review "P Ill'oval lapses unless a hu ihtitiO permit i s issued and co nstruction comm e nces withii'l one yea r of the npproval, -, t?-Q ~oz:')-1"]5'-1 Forconstructio n of a newbuild ing or demo/rebuild. For an addition whe re squar e footage i saddedto any res idential or commercial huilding (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes tobui ldings andsite improvements,Such as, rerocfinq,painting,window additions,landsca[Ji ng,fence s and retaining walls,etc. For minor changes tobui ldin!Js andsite improvements,such as, r eroofing ,painting,window additions,land scaping,fences and retaining wal ls,etc . Forrevisionsto pla ns already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Reviev/Board , flus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. $20 $20 No I'ee .$50 No Fee $550 $300 $2.50 _________________I"hone:__~'__L_'__....L.__'."_J.__ ____________Falx :..f-...L...JL--l<'-'-.ot...::.-I-__,...__ fonr Offlt:i'!uz On ly: Check No .:(,7 0 'f By:v.A.G.~Fee Paid:0 ~~~~2:~on Oat.,:q.tS·a'l DRSNo.:-e-r- Plonner :l'I,.{i;,Project No.: Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceprua t Review o New Construction o Addition E-mail Address: Zoning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):Hr\-rz.I~A=(2£"'_'i"'_.---;:_ Mailing Address:'1(2 f I.JoVJc:.(~-r.eu....c l~S--r l...t;,l.-.-XA.h_(;.:>'C;Lf$-7-Phone: Owncr(s)Signature{s):--I"-h-'-".,"'£,'--,'0----,......~_.------------------ Nome of Applicant:V~1~!LS.=-._ ',I );)n~'if ,-1 '7,/-.1MailingAddress:Y".=r:'~. nescnpnon oft he Request:~.n,;t HA..,,)l",,*,'1IdI'C '5H.J7!lf:eE PlUM A ~fU&!:) _1J?--.Y1£'t--r ~~Y..,..~,v-:..-o ~-lfbJoI.,/A 'Ol-O<l-,{~'i ..~~--r ..Y1 ~~(l,.WO\)o Q ?-1 5~.AI.6P_.cH~~-rt>%~/);)f 'N4 ~c.t£4Pr1Z..'5t/1}/cL P A5f1I19L;/, location of the Proposal:Lot :~Block:-11.-Subdivision:V~IL Di'lS So 0-/.tJ --.I<C. Physical Arldr~ss;~'i?'4 uhfAI';.>....:;l'fr=-_-"LA""'-.J.-'N:....::..:..h-....==--_ Pa rcel No.:1.--1 0 3t Lf I Dc..;-00,(Co ntact Eagle Co .Assessor at 970-328-86 '1 0 f or p arcel n o.) o Minor Alteration (multi'family/mmmcreiai) ~Minor Alteration (single -family/dupl ex) 0hangeS t o App";ved Plans o Separation Re!luest VAg,In c. Ardtita:t.l IlkP1&nDcn (9lO)9'9 .7Ol4 k (Y1ll)_l l l' -~.~-­•__~1ll:l ~ ...·_r.. """"'""-- SheetTItJe: lulle~; 29Ma,02·PorlOV ~A'07 ju 04 :OWDCI'review .C"l~_04:PinalDRR B ~09 feIJ04 :PEe .lIbmittaJ "8 "Umar04 :0IlBPiILII kffl.-..: ~••U ..04 :miDormod!t ,,, Q)..... U :g 5 .... 00 0 "0 o.....iCI:I ~> ~~.~ ~~Q) ~~ I....@)nnl REc o o o o EX IStlt>.CiCE CK. , \ 4A!:>1 50FT.TOTAL USED 6RFA PER NE W CALCULAT iONSo\0 8!:>1.36 50FT.REMAINI NG 6REA I e e J JT 5 1zk =.212 A C R =/43,:>60 50FT .=11.848.32 5 0 . ,\ FOR F IRST (2)-10 ,000 50FT ,10 ,(2)0 0 X .46 =46(2)05. ~b R 10 .000 -15>,000 SOFT,11 ,848 .32 -1(2),0(2)(2) /1.848.32 \~.38 =1(2)236 50FT. ,<> /TOTAL ALLOWABL E,4 ,600 50FT. •10236 50FT. o :>3(2)2 .36 50FT A L LOWABL E -----~, 2,18350FT. "11 11 " 11 11 11 2NDFLOOR A o II~,=========g=. I ~, 1 \Jj',,,, \::~, M====.J ~, " "" --[7 1 !:>4~50FT.FLP 1 /i1~ 600 50FT.6 ARAG", J\]9 r:: P===~=====;:;?'=== (IT (0' -./-./ 10 \ /~(0'(0'(0' \0 \10\ '-.../'-/,./ GRFA o ~.~:~L E V E L FLOOR PLAN -PROPOSED 0~:'=:~:'R L E VE L i=LOOR P LAN -PROPOSED O'(~ ProjeclNo: 2216.00 SbcaNu. A1.3 (970)94!il.7'CJ3.4 1uc (Yllll .....l~.....~..._~ 'lO -........n __JlIlJ ~ ....."""'.... VA g,Inc. AlWICICtII &.P1aanaI ....I __rrw .....I D 1I~1II.1 TW 1_~: 04",,02 29May02-Por TQV .11..01 ju.04:-m«feView B·09 [ell 04:PEe .uIIrnittl 1lcY1......., ·9.~u ..04 :miDorIIlDdif ':;;' I..':. <I)r-- U :g...=QO ~8.....~I;f.l ~>u~~.~ ~~<I) E9 ~r-----r - .6 -t U T &.',.<>1 ~ [@~ 00(1 ~. II W~_6 ~er"'d C"- -1------°. DO<"" A ....= ~,. t MAIN L EvELFLOOR PLAN -PROPOSED I I "e N -t Proposed Main Floor Plan 2216 .00 A2.2 <'l ....,...._._..._~ ....e-..I714 VIliII co 11"1.11).1 _.... (97D)949.1m4 PaCf1VJMtlIJol .-I:~~-10 .,- VAg ,Inc . An:hi&ec:u •Mannen I I -=~ ! fi I' 11 V~]; '=---~ II I I I I ~ II ~I II IF--'-] II i c- I I I I SI>«ITitlc: ProJCd No: 22 16.00 Proposed LoftPlan ......... r;'"G""....04 '.....mb !:~~ ~', It _Datu: •A"07 jan 04 :0WJa nmcw S "09 feb 04 :PF.Cl ubaUtl&I .C"U mar 04 :P'maI.DRB "0"26 mar04 :Bid Set -po 17 au&:04 :MiD«Modif. Q)r- g :a-00.g 8.-~tI} ~> ~~"~ >t ~~~ r!i >.--,1-I -I l ~ I -s I ~ I I I I I Q I EQ. K1T'pjEN=..::n C -EN e ELG".ll ON"" eEl.Q.li 0--E~o.~05ED LOF T P LA N _ e ,• __•1- ec.a,e,'-1,"•r-e - A2.3.-."'......-... """,O'ooioo 970.39ll..IC2Il-- :!ruAg,InC . """"'-.....IOfTi,;"B<>I J':!o' VolICO 'I&'1I,11:\oI (9701941l.'0J.I.....:~m:.::r ....... \I()~O)~:;:2(12...._y - Sheet No : 2216.00 _A_m ,I..-Dales:1 jan 04 ;OWDCI"tnicw B -09 fllb 04 ;PEe .ubmittll "C"15 UlU04 ;PioaIDRB •'1Y 26 UlU 04 :Bid Set F"I,aul 04:MiD«Modif. Sbtd'T"itk Pmjft'lNo ---::---- I G)I- Proposed Elevations I - e toO.R IDCiE t ..o.RIDGE .... .1'·",," l!II l."132'-2-S1l""0 - l.o.PI..'T1UOOD •M A IN L EveL G et .•~·-el "0 --~ ~~~~~--~~ ~~--~- $t .o .PLTWOOO •-II!II..I ~'-e "MA IN LE veL F~~~~ _$1..0.SLA6 ~LOWEef..llZliZl'.iZl.Ii:L 5 V:L. EAST ELE vA T ION ","•I '_~"-PROPOSED f;\SOUTH ELEVATI\J "".I '_~'ON-PROPSED----- ProjcdNo. "'....~ SblldTillc:: _OIflct BoIJ1 .M VoiIW IlMU1)4 (970)919.7034 ru,{'11III'Jo4\l.lll14 .....,;J:..--oJI!I~ 9O-...n:Roood_llI1 ~ HtcMo<t.l:fl-- In ueDakl; VAg,Inc. .An:hi&cctI &;Plamc.ra JCevilioftl · ..l 'IqlI 04 :MiDor Modif Proposed Elevations •A..07 jaa 04 :0WDer rnicw B"09 reb 04 :PEe lubmirra "C"UIftAl"04 :FllIa.IDRB -0"26 mal 04 ;Bid Set 0 "a ..04 :MiDOf Modi! ~e-- u :a.g ....ao 0 U •to'"I 'itI.l ~> ~~.~ ~~~ E9 ~~ t e .PL YL!.OOO •MA SoTER LEVE L eL -II",·""q, 11 . '.0 .LAB•L ~~';;~~~J.- -t o.PI..T LLl::IOD iii MAIN LEVE L ib .1..~'-"" .':"'-. .,--,'--C '.--.c-•••~··0 -._·.'---"'.'",.: .;:.:g.-,. ;..,....,.,,.I'I :~.''.'.'I'I ..I ~,_,•'"',_,I ,I ,:"".".'.', )/"-.1'.1(9" 2216 .00 Sbcd No ~4 W 12' 5 CA LE.t.....I',C 'A3.2 ~'u,,.~_~~.~..'...~... •Jun-Or-04 09 :52 am F r o m -T OW N ~I L CO~M U NITY OF.VELOP~E NT 070470 2452 ~T-079 P 00 3/003 F-021 Ruildinl'l Mat.e rials Roof Siding Other Wall Materi als Fasci a Soffits Windows Window T rim Doors Door Trim Handor Deck Ra ils Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash F.nclosu res Greenhouse s Reta ining Wail s Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATErtlSU-S Colm: ., -1tH6f~-Mi)u~6)!:) 01>10 1 Please s pecify the manu factu rer's name ,th e colornamea ndnum ber and attach a colo r chip Page (,of 12/02/07/02 ZONECliLCK Dale:9'US-6'1 /I Legal description:Lot If Bloek,.--'&=-_Filing ~,'I t~}SC~G"-e h'!. ~d\~,crCS S ~~"L-Lf~';Cfu ....M he L.-4A.L V\,.ussas -.-c.of Phonc .!"-q;J ?tf . Architect ~__--=-.Phonc '1!:i!7~'3 Lf . Zonedistrict Proposedusc ~/~(f.(i.,...'[y,k!43c ~ Lotsize lilt ~l{i:,)"Bu.ildab lcarca /l ..S=Yi .3 ,11.'.*Allowed ~!ing 1f1 "proDose ~Iill.il.l t/J T otal GRfA £i~CO;+It'2')..J&'~5,16 ~,t 3,1n +"llq ::~t{-=-S-..:..-l .,.---~-:=....---,--_ ..'.---- Primary GRFA +(425)(675*)::--- secondary GRFA~_~=_ •675::4;;:dit plus250 ad'~~~--~ }./ ,,Docsthisrequestinvolve a 250Addition?----:-1'--''--- --'---_::---- o --.,.----+ Howmuch ofthe allow ed 250 Additionisused withthisrequest?__.f."....::...._ Site coverage '.-L- Height (3 0 )(~3 ), 3'/6' ...20' .)S' 15' .'. Parking Required _____Enclosed Garage Credit (300)(600)(900),(1 200) Driveway Permitted Slope_+-__%'Proposed SI?pe %· ComplieswithTOVLightingOrdinance yes.....:._N o"--_ Arcfinished grades Je ss than 2:1 (50%)Yes_Nd~--- Environrncntal/Hazards .I I)Percent Slope «>30%),~_ ,J2)Floodplain ---;'_ I 3)We t lands _~-------------­ ( 4)Wa ter Cours e,Setback(30)(50)-~--"-- 5)Geologic H~rds ---;-__ a)Sn,v Avalanchc~_ b)Rockfall --'---,-__ /e)/Debris Flow _ ,I Previousconditionsofapproval(cbcck property (jlc)~'-,...- Isthepropertynon-conforming?Describe:~_ DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project:-.;-_....:...~"'___:_---- o SURVEY o FLOOR PLANS . Benchmark Scale GRfA Legaldescription 250additional GRfA LotSize Buildable Nca Easements Topography 100yr.floodplain Water Course Setback EnvironmentalHazards Crawl\AtticSpace EHU o B UILDINGELEVATIONS Scale Color\Materials .RoofPilch, o LA."IDSC APE PLAN Trees ~.'Scale--..,' Utilitylocations Legend Existing trees MISCELLANEOU~. CondoApproval TiUe report(A &B) .Proposedtrees .,. " Spotelevations. BuildingHeight..cr· ."Encroachments " o SITEI'LAN..~. S etbacks Utilityverification form Photosofsite SiteCoverage Buildingmaterialsamples Eaves/Overhangs(4') C.O.Verification Decks/Balconies Garazc connection" .SiteGradc'Slopc .SW1\Sh~dc Angles Utilities(underground) -r ViewCorridors ......~':) .':'e .SnowStorage ,.:., """-.-..:..,;.... ..',.'J"..~ f''3.~..,...Jt :r ... Platrestrictions ." .... ,",.\.' .,' ....~",4 ". ..'.,.....',......'.:....... .:~0"~[ ".,. .,•,.v-,F.c:n £c:'·:'.~:. Parking/Garage RetainingWalls ',--..,'. •.•"lTumuig Radius .'--.>."..~ Driveway (a~ccss'an d grade) :..J.f . ~~ VAg,Inc . Architects &P lanners Transmittal: Project Name :theYareRemodelandAddition Project No :22 16.00 Da te:Aug ust,172004 RE:Minor Modifications FROM :Mi ke Mascaros Project Ma nager TO:MattGen nett TOVTownPla nner handWearesendingvia__"""'-"''''-'''----thefollowing: ___MemoLetter x ___Spec ifications Other _ Description: Mino r Modification s: I-The ownerischangingandadding windowsonthesouthfac ing elevation . 2-The owner is addingasmallwindow onnorthe levation in thevaultedspace . 3-Theowneris changingtheshuttercolorfromBarnRedtomatchthealreadyapprovedfasciacolor(se mi transparcnt Moorwood 08155). 4-The o wnerischangi ng theroofingmateria ls fromcedar shaketoanasphaltshingle(Elk:40year,Presitque,High Definiti on,Co lor-Weatherwood).' Other _ Remarks: Matt, Please callmewith anyquestionyoumayhave.Thank s, M ike file ;R·221(H nmsmim nls,Uoc Physical Address : 90 Benchmark Rd .•Suite 202 Avo n.CO8 1620 (970)949 ~7034 fax:(970)949 -8134 email:gcneral @vagarchitects.com Mailin g Addr ess: P .O.Box 1734 Vail,CO81 658 -1734 *••••••*••*****••••***.***•••**********••****************•••*************••**************••* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement .*••••••*****••••••********•••**********••••**********.***••••************••*************••* Statement Number: Payment Method : R040006462 Amount:$20.00 Check 08/20/2004~0:02 AM Init:JS Notation:#6704/VAG Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: DRB040428 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2~03~4~0500~ 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 .****************•••********••***.***********••****.***********•••••************************ ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code OR 00100003112200 Desc ription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Cu rrent Pmts 20.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departme nt of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:YARE CHANGE TO APP DRBNumber:DRB040233 Project Description: A VARIANCE TOMOVEA PROPOSED NEW ADDmON INTOA SETBACK Participants: OWNER YARE,MARK 06/07/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANT YARE,MARK 06/07/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: Project Address:2434CHAMONIXLNVAIL 2434 CHAMON IX LANE ,VAIL,CO Location: LegalDescription:Lot:11Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 ParcelNumber:210314105001 Comments: BOARD/SfAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/17/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building .Please consult with Town of Vail Buildingpersonnelpr ior to construction activities. Cond :201 DRBapprovalshallnot becomeva lid for 20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approvalof t hisproject shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)yearfo llowing thedate offinal approval,un less abuild ing perm itisissuedand construction iscommenced and isd iligently pursued toward completion . Jun-OT-04 OB :5Zim Frcm-TOWN OF VA IL CO~UN ITY DEVELOPMENT T-iTB P.OOZt003 F-OZ! Applicationf orDesign Review Department of COmmunitY Development 75 SOuth Frontage RO<ld,Vail,Colorlldo 81657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us RECE\'4EO \J \0 1 1.I'U~ General Information: All projects requinn9 d esign review must receive approvalprior to submitting II building permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval thllt is requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untilallrequ ired infonnation is receiVed bythe CommunitY Development Department.The project mayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Coundl and/or thePlanningand Environmental CommiS$ion. Design revIew approval lapses unless II building permit isissued and constructlon commences within oneyear of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Lot:~Bloclc;....11-Subdivision:{PJIL])AS Sc..He..JoC.I Physical Addres5;1-'134 'cHA!'-t ~-::,J'f LArJfi..-- Parcel No.:1-"0 '3f '-1 J D~00,(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcelno.) Description of the Request:.'Ct/A4..ll,,.;oF'APPfk>JIZQ !...J,r-l/.).::)WS-r 12o ~I 5,,;:U4 pAy P,c....-S:rArN?M Q c.)'tZA:i (l!1U kL LC> 5!?M Lo -V IN""T"A4 tC Q,y1?G.12 t-Jo-f Zoning:_ lt1658 7'"3L.f K'/1'1 e-o 3em -771t-f E-mail Address: Name of Applicant:---'-'=:J-""""'Q,...l;",.,..------------------- VAlL __________________Phone;---:!:-<--:---7-......----- ____________Fax;'--~__"'_''___'''=..j----- H A-f2-\(..VAYL Mailing Address;'2/'2 f t-..::QVTB £~~~ IcJfCS--r IKI (AIL.0>~.lfS:+Phone: Owner(s)Signature(s):_-1hL..l...~J,<I-'_-y,..+--_=~_._ Vf¥):to L.o Mailing Address:~~~n ,5Y Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o New Construcnon o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi-fam ilY/CDmmerdal) o Minor Alterlltion (single-family/duplex) fD .Changes to Approved Pl,m~ o ~paration Req~ $50 Nol'ee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee f!u:i $1.00 persquare foot of total sign area , For construction ofanew building or demo/rebuild. For lin addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial build ing (indudes 250 additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes to bui ldings andsite improvements,such as, r eroofing,painting.window additions,landscaping,fences and reta ining walls,etc . Form inor changes to buil dings and site improvements.such as, reroofing,paintinll,window additions,landscaping,fences clOd retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions to plansalready approved byPlanning Staff or the DesignReview Board . Jun-01-04 08:5Zam From-TOWN OF VAIL CO~UNITY DEVELOPMENT.• 810418Z45Z T-818 P 003/003 F-OZI Building Materials Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand Or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material Trash Endosures Greenhouses RetainingWails Exter ior Lighting Other Notes: __________~-.,;;;~~~~~~~~:::l:l'tflS ::Wta Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach 11 color chip. PlIge 6of 12/0Z!07/02 ***********************************••****************.***************.**************••****** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement **.***••**••********•••***.******••••••***************••**********••***.******************** Statement Number : Payment Method : R040005967 Amount:$20.00 Cash 06/07/200402:01 PM Init :JS Notation:CASH/VAG,INC. Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : DRB040233 Type:DRB -Chg to Appr Plans 210 314105001 2434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 2434 CHAMONIX LANE,VAIL,CO This Payment:$20 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ••***************************.*****************************•••••••**************••**••****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Acco unt Code DR 0010000 3112200 Descripti on DE SI GN RE VI EW FEES Cu rr ent Pmts 20.00 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:YARE RESIDENCE Project Description: SETBACK VARIANCE Participants: PEC Number:PEC040005 OWNER YARE,MARK 01/26/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: APPLICANT YARE,MARK 01/26/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: Project Address:2434CHAMONIXLNVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Number:210314105001 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:cahill secondBy:Bernhardt Vote:6-0 Conditions: Planner:Bill Gibson Action:DENIED Date of Approval: PECFeePaid:$500.00 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission ••e. Department of Commun ity Development 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479 .2452 web :www.d.vail.co.us General Information: All projects r equiringPlanning and Environmenta l Commissionreview must r eceiveapproval prior to submitti ng a bui ldingperm it app lication.Please refer tothesubm ittalr equirements forthe particular approval that isrequested .., An app lication for Planningand Environmental Comm ission rev iew cannotbeaccepted unti l all requi red info rmation isreceivedbyth eCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedtoberev iewed byt he Town Cound l and/or theDesign Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 o Rezoning o Major Subdivision o MinorSubdivision o ExemptionPlat o Minor Amendment toanSDD o NewSpecial Development DistrictoMajorAmendmenttoanSDD o Major Amendment t oanSDD (noexterior modifications) Description of the Request: re .....,g olc t b:.... o ConditionalUsePermit o Floodplain Modification o MinorExteriorAlteration o MajorExterior Alteration o DevelopmentPlan o AmendmenttoaDevelopment Plan o Zoning Code Amendment IS Variance o SignVariance A V~/"'r>(,.(-b 1Iclv< $650 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 ~ Location of the Proposal:Lot:II Block:g.Subdivision :vA"VA,S b"e-t I ~ Physical Address:'2 ft'3 &1 cuAr.o.,J l )f ~t:.V4J.L,..C~8:/"r r '-....J Parcel No.:2-'0'2 J'1\0$'00 I (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:_ U>~16s-T- 'i 1-:.-'1'-f C[-7 Q '}~ rc:>l W ~,~I ~,=-..,2.1 '-/ I J J'-t VtJ.I L ___________________Phone:__...L-L-_--'---O-..L---"__'--__ C Ow n er(s)Signature(s):-:------!!.::..-~::.......-;?~::::::::....-z::~~;------------ Name of Applicant:__~c:::..;:~..........~l..-'==-'-_ Name(s)of Owner(s): o Mailing Address:_~'2.::.!I....:"2..=-.:.\_N=-----;-~'-==....:.....:=----=--H~----=-=..;:_-=.-=-:.....:------~\L 0. E-mail Address :_____________,Fax For Office Us~nly:~ FeePaid:,S'1JD CheckNo.:S,?By:• Appl ication'Date:I-U-oC.PE~:?E,"--Oq C!ODS Planner:----==---=--------ProjectNo.:TlJo \(-00 I~ Page J of 6-0 1/18/02 January 27 ,2004 Mike Mascaros POBox1734 Vail ,CO 81657 ..•• RE:Yare Residence -Proposed Variancetomoveaproposednewadd ition intoa setback . 2434 Chamonix Lane/Lot 11,BlockB,VailDas Schone Dear Mike , Town Staff has preliminarily reviewedthe application foraproposed variance tomovea proposed new addition intoa setback at2434Chamon ix Lane.Baseduponthisinitial examination,the Department of Community Development has determined thatthe application is incompleteandcannotbereviewedbytheTownofVailuntilallrequireditemshavebeen submitted.The following addit ionalitemsand information listedonthe accompanying checklist mustbe submitted. Ifyouhaveany questions or comments,pleasefeelfreeto contact me directly at(970)479- 2128 . er opment Review Coordinator -cr-~•••..I ofVail .. SCUEDULEA OrderNumber :Ol030484A I.Effectivedate :December 22,2003 at 7 :45 A.b!. 2.PolicyorPoliciestobeissued : (a)A.L.T.A .Owner's Proposed Insured: (b)A.L.T.A.Loan Proposed Insured: AMERICAN CAPITAL FUNDING CORPORATION,ito successors and/or assigns •• Amountof Insurance $ (c)Leasehold $ Proposed Insured : 3 .TheestateorinterestinthelanddescribedorreferredtointhisCommitmentand covered herein is fee simple 4 .Titletothe fee sill1ple blARK YARE estateorinterestinsaidland is attheeffectivedate hereof vestedin : 5.Thelandreferredto in this Commitment isdescribedasfollows: SEB ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Purported Addreoo: 2434 CHAblONIX LANE VAIL,CO 81657 STATEMENT OFCHARGES These charges aredue and payablebeforea Policycan be issued . .. SCHEDULE A OrderNumber :01030484A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 11 BLOCKB RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DASSCHONE,FILING NO.1 according to the recorded plat thereof COUNTY OFEAGLE STATE OF COLORADO. •• .. Order N umber:01030484A SCHEDULE B Section 2 EXCEPTIONS •• T he policyorpolicie s t o be issued will containexceptions tothefollowing unless the same aredispo sed o f tothe satisfaction of the C ompany: I .Rightsorclaim s of partiesinpossession,notshownbythcpublicrecords. 2.Easements,orclaimso f easements,notshownby thepublicrecords . 3.D iscrepancies,conflict s inboundary l ines,shortageinarea,encroachments,andanyfacts whichacorrect s urveyandin spection of th e premises woulddiscloseandwhicharenot shownbythepublic records. 4.Anylien,orrighttoalien ,for services,laborormaterial heretoforeorhereafterfurnished,imposedhylaw andnotshownby the publicr ecords. 5.Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims orother matters,i fany,created,fir st appearinginthepublic record s orattachin gs ubsequenttotheeffective date hereof,butpriortothedatethe proposedinsured acquires of record forvaluetheestate or interestormortgage thereoncovered by thiscommitm ent. 6.Unp atented miningclaims ;reser vations ore xceptions inpatents,oranactauthor izing theissuance thereof; waterri ghts,claim s ortitletowater. 7.Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 8.The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy,fire protection,soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 9.Reservations and exceptions in Patents,or Acts authorizing the issuance thereof,including the reservation of the right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as ressrved in United States Patent recorded August 11 ,1900 in Book48 at Page 236 . 10 .All matteres as shown on the plats recorded February 18,1965 as Reception No.103251 and recorded July 7, 1965 as Reception No.101700 . 11 .Protective Covenants recorded July 7,1965 in Book190 at Page 559 as Reception No.101701,and Amendment to Protective Covenants recorded Kay 22,1968 in Book 212 at Page 829 as Reception No.108225,and Amendment to Protective Covenants recorded February 16,1970 in Book217 at Page 78 as Reception No.112635 . 12.Conveyance of Royalty by Eagle County Development Corporation to L.Ladner Inc.,and Vail City Corporation,a reserved royalty,contained in Book200 at Page 417 as Reception No.104957 . 13 .Eaeement to Gas Facilitiee,Inc.,a Public Utility corporation,recorded Sep tember 6,1968 in Book213 at Page344 as Reception No.108768,through streets and existing utility easements. ••SCHEDULEB Section I Order Number:Ol030484A REQUIREMENTS Thefollowingaretherequirementstobecompliedwith: •• Item(a)Paymenttoorfortheaccount of thegrantorsormortgagors of thefullconsiderationfortheestateor interesttobeinsured. Item(b)Properinstrument(s)creatingtheestateorinteresttobeinsuredmustheexecutedanddulyfiledfor record,towit: TheYare Residence Remodel 2434 Chamonix Lane,Vail,Colorado February09 .2004 -PEe submittalfora variance ~~...:-•.!J..~JB t9MoJ'01-l'o<'I'OY -""01';'04'__ ~·~..Ot :I'9C_ Cover Sheet 2216.00 VAIL DAS COUt\TY OF' TOPOGRAPIIY S HONE ,LOT11 ,BLOCK D, EAGLE,S TATE OF COLORADO VAg,lnc. ~~...._....... 22 16.00 Site Plan __ --.__.... -~- '., \ ", "\. -, / .... I·I ~'.,....~..... ''''''':'''Xo,\"",.,~_:~: l01 "...oc...11["-....,:-rY \1M.0 '"$HI>!!."-""G .''. lIl:C:lJIDlO ""I 1>o(JI(OI".CCUO"Yor [.OC.[.SlAI(:IF t:Jl.OlllA» .~:.... "':" '''.' ... /.../ '."\. / / ./ .,~••,.._d "'00_100>,"....,..,,,..,.......__.. ...00 ."....,..,,,.'f;1I.e-.-_.... C"!UO<IU b ,St u,",''Ill "0'......._.,110.....-.n.7O!lS tl c...to 'h.....__.......t ..,..'oct o'_._.....coo'_..··_r__....-..,od .0;Tht ,_..,=-'"1IMn_...~_"'.s;t .II ,__ ::::."CS <_,,,,'.-'......,,1_.''VIt..... 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SI TE P ..."AN=_ AU VAg ,Inc . ~'-LI A~ S>32 50FT.6 A RA6E (~ (i' 1 5T FLOO~'414 eaFT.TOTAL -42 50 FT MEC~ 1312 £,aFT . ,,,,,,,,,,C==_J o c c c c 2 12 A C~E I 4 3 .,60 5 0 .FT. •11 ,845.32 5 0.FT.I 2,%•~EL 2/~b2.DB 5Qrl . +42:;'.DcZ>CREDIT +2&0..12'0 C REDIT 3,6 31.05 TO TAL AL LOWABLE G~A +eee:5Q.FT.A~LOJJAB LE FOR GARA6E 1414 5QFT.FLP I 1'380 ?G,FT FL P 2 33<34 earT.TOTAL 1""I'l_,"'" -~,.=...-.._...._"" "-""""" ~~.Jea)] ~.::l -,.0;1 .,....0..-..... l'I MuCQ-l"wlVY I''''''011_001 ,__ /'B°<l'reb c..:rsc,otuinol 8t101l1''''' Proposed MainlUpper GRFA's Cales. 2216.00 -OCAI"I ....··'·, ..,- UPPE~LEveL FLOO~G RCA -PROP05ED8-S.~~~LEvEL FL cxz,"'~G"-~-:..::A,------,-PR-=O",PO,-",,,5.,E...D _ • ~,.".._.-.....,...'......._- I i • ...._.'"'T I \,•• I t i1 ,_--._...,-....-..~...,..._- •;~, ~...._~,..,....._----._._,._--' r -- I•,, !; ~ t , i 1 i ,... ! \ I; _0#'...._._,.,._ ._....~...._.. t(.-.0(.... 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I :;.J';<.'I II I!!r The Yare Residence 2434 Ownooix Lane vail,co 81657___---J ~i!ll ."r"I~•;q - I ~~l:~~.Ii qr or~8.t 1 **********************************•••******************************••*********************** TOWN OFVAI L,COLORADO Sta teme nt ***********************************••***.****************************.********************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addre ss: Lo catio n: R040005 376 Amo unt:$500.0 0 01/26 /20040 3:4 2 PM Check Init:JS Notat i on : PEC040005 Type:PEC-Variance 2 10314105001 2 434 CHAMONIX LNVAIL 24 34 CHAMONIX LANE ,VAIL,CO This Payment:$500.0 0 Total Fees: Tot al ALLPmt s: Balance: $5 0 0.00 $50 0.00 $0.00 **********************•••*******************************••********************************** A CCOUNT IT EMLIST : Acco unt Code PV 00100003 11250 0 Descripti on PEC APPLIC ATION FEES Cur rent Pmts 500 .00 • MEMORANDUM TO:P lanning andEnvironmentalCommission FROM:Community Development Department DATE :March8 ,2004 • SUBJECT:Arequestfor finalreviewofavariancefromSection 12-60-6,Setbacks, Va il TownCode,to allow foranaddit ion inthesetback ,located at2434 ChamonixLane/Lot1,BlockB,Va il dasSchone 1st Filing,andsetting forthdeta ils inregardthereto. Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY MikeYare,representedbyVAg,Inc. Bill Gibson Theapplicant,MikeYare,isrequestingavariancefromSection 12-60-6, Setbacks ,VailTownCode,toallowforanadditioninthesetback,locatedat 2434Chamon ix Lane .Theproposedaddit ion inthesetbackconsistsofan increase i ntheamountofbulk andmassintherequiredsetback .Basedupon Staffs reviewofthecriteria inSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandtheevidence andtest imony presented ,theCommun ity Development Departmentrecommends approval,with modifications,ofavar iance toallowtheconstructionofan addit ioninthesetbacksubjecttothe findings andcond itions noted in Section IX ofthismemorandum. II.DESCRIPTIONOFREQUEST Theapplicant isproposingarenovat ion toanexistingsing le-family residence w ith a one-car garage,originally constructed in1976,locatedat2434Chamon ix Lane .The existing res idence isalegally non-conforming structureinregardto thesetback requirementsoftheTwo-Fam ily Primary/Secondary Resident ial zone district,asonecornerofthestructure currently encroaches2 .7 feetintothe15- footrequ ired westsidesetbac k.Architectura l plansbeenattached forreference (AttachmentC). Theproposedrenovationincludesa two-story additionconsistingofanewtwo- cargarageandnewbedroombothofwhicharepart ially locatedwith in the requiredsidesetback .Thisproposalwillinvolvetheconstructionof approximately 155squarefeetofgarageareaand approximately 155squarefeet ofgrossresidentialfloorarea(GRFA)withinthesetback.Theapplicantis proposingtolocatethe garage/bedroom additioninthesetbackduetothe exist ing configurationofthehouseonthelotandthepresenceofanexisting standofaspentreeslocated inthefrontyard . ••I~I The applicant's requestandproposed architectural planshavebeenattachedfor reference (Attachments BandC).TheprovisionsofSection12-17(Variance), VailTownCode,determinethereviewcriteriaandreview procedures fora variance request. III.BACKGROUND Theexistingresidencelocatedat2434ChamonixLanewas originally constructedin1976underEagle County jurisdiction andtodayis legally non- conforminginregardtothe provisions oftheTown 's currentsetback regulations . The applicants 'proposalwas conceptually reviewedbytheDes ign ReviewBoard atits February 2 ,2004,publichearing .Intermsofarchitectureandaesthetics, theDesignReviewBoardrespondedvery favorably tothe applicant's proposal. TheDesignReviewBoarddidnoteitsconcernaboutthe amount ofbuildingbulk andmassbeingproposedwithinthesidesetback.TheDesignReviewBoard alsonoteditsopinionthatthe existing standofaspensinthefrontyardare replaceableandmaynot justify addingtheamountofproposedbulkandmassin thesidesetback. IV.ROLESOFREVIEWING BODIES Order of Review:Generally,applications willbereviewedfirstbythe Planningand Environmental Commission for acceptability ofuseandthenbythe DesignReviewBoardfor compliance ofproposedbuildingsandsiteplanning . Planning and Environmental Commission: Action:ThePlanningand Environmental Comm ission is responsible forfinal approval/denial/approval with conditions ofavariance . ThePlann ing and Environmental Commissionis responsible for evaluatingaproposalfor. 1.Relationsh ip and impact oftheuseon development objectives ofthe Town. 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair ,distribution ofpopulation, transportationfacilities,utilities,schools ,parksandrecreationfacilities, andotherpublicfac ilities andpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3.Effectupontraffic,with particular referencetocongestion,automotive andpedestriansafetyand convenience,trafficflowandcontrol,access, maneuverability,andremovalofsnowfromthestreetsandparkingareas . 4.Effectuponthe character oftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated,includingthescaleandbulkoftheproposeduse i nrelationto surrounding uses . 5.SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeems applicable to theproposeduse . 2 •• 6.Theenvironmentalimpactreportconcerningtheproposeduse,ifan env ironmental impactreportisrequiredbyChapter 12ofthisTitle. Conformancew ith development standardsofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks BuildingHeight Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigationof development impacts Design Review Board: Action :TheDesignReviewBoardhas NO review authority onavariance ,but mustreviewanyaccompanyingDesign Review Boardapp lication. Town Council: ActionsofDesignReviewBoardorPlanningandEnvironmentalComm ission maybeappealedtotheTown Councilor bytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluateswhether or notthePlanningand Environmental CommissionorDesign Rev iew Boarderredwith approvals ordenialsandcanuphold ,upholdwith modifications,orovertumtheboard's decision. Staff: The staff isresponsibleforensuringthatallsubmittalrequirementsareprovided andplansconformtothetechnical requirements oftheZoningRegulations.The staffalsoadvisestheapplicantasto compliance withthedesign guidelines . Staffprovidesastaffmemorandumcontaining backgroundonthepropertyand providesastaffevaluationoftheprojectw ith respecttotherequiredcriteriaand find ings ,andarecommendationonapproval,approvalwithconditions,ordenial. Staffalsofacilitatesthereviewprocess. V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staffbelievesthatthefollowinq provisions oftheVail TownCodearerelevantto thereviewofth is proposal: TITLE12:ZONINGREGULATIONS Chapter 12-60:Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential(PIS)District 12-60-1:Purpose:Thetwo -family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses inwhichone unit isa larger prim ary residence and the second unit isa smaller caretaker apartment,together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential di strict is intended to ensure adequate light ,air,privacy and open spaceforeachdwelling ,commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy ,and tomaintainthe desirable res idential qualities of suchsitesby establishing appropriate site development standards. 3 •• 12-60-6:SETBACKS:Inthe primary/secondary residential district,the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet(20'),theminimum side setback shall befifteenfeet (15'),and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteenfeet(15'). Chapter 12-17:Variances 12-17-1:Purpose: A.Reasons For Seeking Variance:In order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent withthe objectives of thistitleas would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances fromcertain regulations may be granted.A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result fromthesize ,shape,or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon ;from topographic or physical conditions onthesite or inthe immediate vicinity;or from other physical limitations,street locations or conditions inthe immediate vicinity .Cost or inconvenience tothe applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. VI.SITE ANALYSIS Address:2434 Chamonix Lane Legal Description :Lot11,Block B ,Vaildas Schone 15t Filing Zon ing:Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential (P/S) LandUsePlan Designation :Medium Density Residential Current LandUse :Residential LotArea :11,848 sq.ft.10 .272 acres Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks: Front:20'40' West Side:15'7' EastSide :15'27' Rear :15'21 ' Density:2units+1Type \I EHU1unit GRFA:3,637sq.ft.3 ,394 sq .ft. Site Coverage :2,370sq.ft.(20%)2,135sq .ft .(18%) Landscape Area :7 ,109 sq.ft.(60%)8,384sq .ft .(65%) Parking:3 spaces (1 enclosed)3 spaces (2 enclosed) VII.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Current LandUse Residential Frontage Road/I-70 Residential Residential Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Unzoned ,Road Right-of-Way Two-Family Primary/Secondary Reside ntial Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential 4 • VIII.CRITERIA ANDFINDINGS • Therev iew criteria forarequestofthisnatureare established by Chapter 12-16, VailTownCode . A .Consideration ofFac tors RegardingtheSetbac k Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. T his proposedgarage/bedroomadd itioninthesidesetbackis assoc iated witharemodelofanexisting residenceor iginally constructedin1976.Theexist ing residenceisanon-conforming structureinregardtotheprovisionsoftheTown 's currentsetback regulations .AlthoughthePlanningandEnvironmental Comm ission haspreviouslyheldthatconstructionofastructure priortotheadoptionofthecurrentzon ing regulationsmaybea basisforgrantingavariancefromtheTown'scurrentzoning regulations ,Staffbelievesthatdesignalternativesare available to the applicant toconstructanewtwo-cargaragew ith lessimpact totheotherexistingorpotentialusesand structures inthevicinity . Staffbe lieves thattherewillbenegativeimpactsassociatedwith garage/bedroom additionasproposed ,incomparisontocurrent cond itions ,totheother exist ing orpotentialusesandstructuresin thevicinity (specifically tothewest).Staffbelievestheproposed impactscanbe significantly reducedby reducingtheamountof theproposed encroachment andreducingthebulkandmassof t heproposedadd ition toasingle-story inheight.Proposed architecturalplanshave been attachedforreference (Attachment D). 2.The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staffbel ieves thatatwo-cargarageadd ition toth is res idence isin keepingwiththecharacteroftheneighborhood .Therefore ,Staff believestheexistingnon-conforminghouselocationandexisting veget ation onthesite,avariancefromthesidesetback requirementsforagarageadditionmaybe necessary toprovide relieffromthestrictandliteralinterpretationandenforcementof thesetbackregulationsnecessaryto a chieve compatibility and un iformity amongsitesinthevicinityandwith in theTwo-Fam ily Primary/Secondary Residential(P/S)District. 5 •• However ,Staffbelievestheproposedtwo-story garage/bedroom addition encroachment of eight feet(8 ')intotherequiredsetback exceedstheminimumdegreeofrelief necessary toachieve compatib ility anduniform ity.Staff wouldbe supportive ofa varianceforamodifiedproposalinvolv ing a single-story garage addition,w ith no additional GRFAinthesetback,whichwould encroachnofurther intothe setback thantheexistinghouse (i.e, 2.7feet). 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Staff doesnotbelievethe proposed setback encroachment will havea significant impact onthepublichealth,safetyorwelfare, publicfacilities,utilities,orlightandairincomparisontoexisting conditions onthesite. 4.Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Theapplicants 'proposalwas conceptually reviewedbytheDesign ReviewBoardatits February 2 ,2004publichearing .The applicants'proposalwas conceptually reviewedbytheDesign ReviewBoardatits February 2 ,2004,publichearing .Intermsof architecture and aesthetics,theDesignReviewBoardresponded veryfavorablytothe applicant's proposal.TheDesignReview Boarddidnoteitsconcernabouttheamountofbuildingbulkand massbeingproposedwithinthesidesetback .TheDesignReview Boardalso noteditsop inion thattheexistingstandofaspensinthe frontyard i snot i rreplaceableandmaynot justify addingbulkand massinthesidesetback . B.ThePlanningand Environmental Commission shallmakethefollowing findings beforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willnotconstituteagrantof specialprivilege inconsistent withthelimitationsonother propertiesclassifiedinthesamedistrict. 2 .Thatthegrantingofthevariancew ill notbe detrimental tothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,or materially injurioustoproperties or improvements inthevicinity . 3.Thatthevarianceis warranted foroneormoreofthefollowing reasons : a.Thestrictliteral interpretation or enforcement ofthe specifiedregulationwouldresultinpractical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent withthe objectivesofthistitle . 6 • b . c. • The re are exceptions orextraord inary circumstances or cond itions appl icable tothesamesite ofthevar iance that donot apply generally tootherpropertiesinthesame zone . Thestrict interpretation or enforcement ofthespec ified regulationwould deprivet heapp licant ofpr ivileges enjoyedbytheownersof other properties i nthesame district. IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION T he Commun ity Development Department recommends denialofthe variance request asproposedor approval,with modifications,ofavar iance from Section12-6D-6 ,Setbacks,VailTownCode,toallowforanadd ition inthe setback ,locatedat796Forest Road/Lot 13,Block1,VailVillage6th Filing.Staffs recommendation isbaseduponthe review ofthecriteriainSect ion VIIIofthis memorandum andthe evidence and testimony presented ,subject tothefollowing findings : 1.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willnotconstituteagrantingofspecial privilege inconsistent withthe limitations onotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthe granting ofthe variance willnotbe detrimental tothe public health .safety,orwelfare ,ormater ially injurious to properties or improvements inthev icinity. 3.Thestr ict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result inpract ical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardsh ip i nconsistentw iththe objectives ofthistitle . 4 .Thestr ict interpretation or enforcement ofthespecified regulation would dep rive theapp licant ofpriv ileges enjoyed bytheownerso f other properties inthesamedistrict. ShouldthePlanningandEnv ironmental Commi ssion choosetoapproveth is var iance request ,the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1.Theappl icant shallrevisetheproposaltoreduce thebulkandmassofthe proposed two-story garage/bedroom additiontobea single-story garage additionwitha height ofno greater thantenfeet(10 ')plusroof structure , withnoadditionalGRFAlocatedintherequ ired setback. 2.The applicant shallrevisetheproposaltoreducetheside setback encroachment ofthe single-story garageadditiontobeno greater than theexistingsidesetback encroachment of thehouse(2.7 feet). 7 • x.ATTACHMENTS A .Vicin ity Map B.Applican t's Statement C.A rch itectural Plans D.PublicHearingNotice 8 •,., i i-I Attachment:A • Febru ary OS,2004 TownofVail Department of Community Development -P EC Board 75South Frontage Vail,C O 8 1657 (970 )479 -2128 RE:Lot 11,Filling 1,BlockB,2434 Chamonix Lane Vail,Eagle County,Colorado Variance tomovea proposed new addition ina setback. Project No.2216.00 Mem bers of theB oard: •Attachment:8 Wereqoesta variancetoallowaproposednewa ddition into asi de setback in or derto p reserveagroup ofmatureaspens . Theseas penhavebeenclassi fied from acert ified A borist asab ove average an d the growth r ateto beex ceptional.Pl easefi nd his rep orta ttached.T heas pensinque stion areanas set to the property theys it o nandalso th esurrounding properties .I f the strict andli teralin terpretationofregulationswerefolloweditwouldresultin thedestruction of theseaspen and,Hereby d iminishing the ove rall physi cal appearance of the pro pertyin que stion. S incerel y, VAg ,Inc .,Architects &Planners Anne Gunion,Principal Physical Addre ss: 90Benchmark Rd .,Suite 20 2 Avon,C O 8 1620 (970 )949-7034 fax :(970 )949 -8 134 em ail:gem:ral@vagarchitects.com Ma iling Address: P.O .Box 1734 Vail,C O 8 1658·1734 • VAg,Inc. Architects &Planners February OS,2004 Town ofVail Department of Community Development.PEC Board 75SouthFrontage Vail ,CO81657 (970)479-2128 • RE:Lot11,Filling 1,BlockB,2434 Chamnnix Lane Vail,Eagle County,Colorado Variance tomovea proposed new addition ina setback. Project No.2216.00 MembersoftheBoard: Theotherexistingorpotentialusesandstructuresinthevicinity of thisadd ition isoneneighboringstructuretothewest.Our homeandadditionis approximately 30feetawayfrom theexisting neighboringstructure .Withthenewadditioninthe setbackthis would decrease by8feettoapproximately22feet.Asseveralofthesehomesinthis neighborhood are approxim ately thesamedistanceaway,webelievethisnewdi stance tobeinkeepingwiththecharacter of the surrounding area. We arerequestingavarianceofeightfeetintothesetbacktoachievethegoaloftheowner.Theadditiondoesnot impact negatively lightandair,distribution ofpopulation,transportation,traffic,facilities,utilities,andpublicsafety. TheTownofVailplanningpoliciestrytoincludetheabilitytopreservesignificantnaturalfeaturesandvegetationonasite. Byallowingusavarianceweareableto upholdthis policy andintegratethenewadditionintotheexistingnaturalfeatures. Sincerely, ~~ VAg ,Inc.,Architects &Planners Anne Gunion,Principle Physical Addre ss: 90 Benchmark Rd .,Suite 202 Avon ,C O 816 20 (970)94 9-7034 fax:(970)949-8134 email:general @vagarchi tccts.com Mailing Addr ess : P.O.Box 1734 Vail,CO8165 8-1734 ...........J.",J.VI't I n r.c nUHK.::i .....':'",-..02 "... Page 2/5.... February 7,2004 P.O .'l3o~606 •'Vail,Colorado 81658 •(970)926-3.'.94 Mr.Mike Mascaros VAg,Inc. POB 1734 Vail,CO 81658 RE:2434 Chamonix Lane Tree Preservation Report forproposed house addition project Dear Mike, On Thursday,February 5,2004,Imetwithyouat 2434 Chamonix Laneto evaluate a clump of young aspen,This reportwill summarize my findings and provide youwith recommendations . Assumptions and Limiting Conditions •All comments and recommendations are contingent uponthe confirmed accuracy of the surveyed location of allstemsinthisaspen clump . •Each and every encroachment uponthelateralroot zone hasa cumulative impa ct upon tree health.Hence,the importance of protecting the residual north ,eastand south facing surface roots . •Approved root zone disturbance limitsare contingent uponnot dislodging any large boulders during excavation that result in undermining theaspenclump. Observations This tree clump consists of eightsmallaspen stems with trunk diameters inthe1inchto 5-iJlch size class .Forease of reference,all eight stems have been numbered andflagged. The annual vertical growth of the dominant stems is approximately 3feet.Thefive east stems are larger and stand more upright.Thethreewest stems are smaller/shorter,have suppressed canopies,andhavea significant leantothewest.Allstemsarcfree of trunk bark defects above snow level (approximately 3-foot height).The only defects observed wereafew inconsequential twiggallsinthe upper canopy.The overall condition of these stems is above average . MEMBER B.~.....__.......n_e-...'__......,~ ),-l'.hS'd h: Discussion It ismy understanding (needs tobe reconfirmed bya follow-up survey)theproposed outside edge of the foundation wallwillbe located 4 .5 feetfromthe center of the clump. Assuming a 2-foot over-excavation,the disturbance limitwillbe2.5feetfromthe center of the clump (or2feetfromst em #8).Thetree protection fence (specified inthenext section)must be located nocloserthan2feelfromtree#8 .This planwillresultinthe elimination of thethreeweststems(#1,#2,and#3).Due totheir canopy suppression and II ~n 'hC.e <, '1M7TK,f,In?::--.. •U~/08/04 1 :35PM .....,..,,,..•...,. Page2 or3 Mr.Mike Mascaros,VAG ,Inc. 2434 Chamonix Lane Project February7,2004 Job 902 .',.: Page3 /5 significant lean,these three stems would,irrespective of proposed construction,be recommended for removal anyway. Sinceall adverse impacts tothelateralrootzoneare cumulative,the remaining quadrants of theresiduallateralrootsshouldbeprotected during construction.In addition,the surface roots between thelarge spruce andtheaspenstems should be adequately protected during the creation of a proposed walkway.Specifications forthis walkway are providedinthe next section. Givena proposed 2-foot roof overhang ata19-footheight,it appears thatthe canopy of aspen stem #7will be dangerously close.Recommendations are presented inthe next section. Recommendations Tree removal Before excavating machines arrive ons ite,stems #1,#2,and#3 should be removed anda protective fence installed.These trees shouldbe removed witha chainsaw orhandtoolto thedepth of I inch below grade.Caution!Donot remove stems with an excavating machine,as thc critical root system of residualtreeswillbe irreparably damaged. Fencing Once these three stems are removed,theresidual clump of five stems should he collectively encircled with a continuous row of straw bales toa height of 3feel.A protection fence (minimum of 4feet)shouldthenbe installed with T-posts.The southeast fencelineshallbeno closer than2feetfromstem#8.Fencing onthe other three sides shallbenot closer than a6-footradiusfromthestem.Theareainsidethisfenced off rectangle (approximately 10footby14foot)shouldremainfree of both storage and traffic throughout construction.Fencing should remain throughout the construction project... Roof/canopy conflict Duetothe close proximity of the proposed roof andthe canopy of several stems,pruning and guying is recommended.Stem #7canbe strapped to#8,then collectively cabledtoa ground anchor positioned northeast of thelargespruce.The remaining conflicting sou~heast branches may be pruned.A certified amorist should perform both pruning and guying. Excavation of foundation When excavating within 6feet of theaspenclump,the machine operator should be facing theaspenclumpandcutsoil segments witha vertical "chomping"action.Horizontal scraping of roots toward the machine shouldbe avoided,asthis results in extraction of residual roots from within theroot protection area .All residual roots over Iinchshould '--e--",.:: ~a ge 4/5 .'-.'.:':"r.';':"<:;"';;:;'-: '. Page3 of3 Mr.Mike Mascaros,VAG,Inc. 2434Ch amonix LaneProject February7,2004 berootprunedwithasharp tool.A consultingarborist shouldmonitorthissegment of the exca vation proce ss. Irrigation Commencing theday of exca vation andcontinuin g throughout construction,this aspen c lump shouldbeirrigatedwith50to75gallonsperapplication twicepcrweek .Watering recommendations canbe h ighly v ariablebasedupo n soil texture/structure,presence of mulch,method of waterdelivery,and weather cond itions.Th e onlysurewayto optimize soilmois ture management istohaveaconsulting arboristmonitorweekly . Ba ckfill of foundation wall Once thefoundationwallhasbeenpoured,thetr ee preservation fencewillpre vent the excavator from performing thebackfill.Thebid prospectus fortheexcavatingcont ractor shouldreflectthatall of thenortheastfoundationwallbebackfilledbyhand. Walkway in stallation A walkway thatprov ides the smallest amount of rootdamageisonethatimpo ses the leastdisturbanc e to theup per sixinches of topsoil.Accordin gly,one of themosttree- friendl y walkways isloosestoneappliedo ver theexistinggrade.Thefirststepistoappl y land scape fabric onexistinggrade .Ifdense turf ispresent ,thegrassmay bekilledwitha contactherbicidesuchasRoundup. Caution!Th e d irect applic ation of contact herbicide toeithersproutsorexposedrootscan weakenorkilltheparent tree.Theapplication of contact herb icidesinthe close proximity of trees shouldbedonebyalicensed professional applicat or orsupervisedbya co nsulting arborisl.Oncethe landscape fabricisinplace,asubstantialborder(stone , brick,ortimbers)ma y beinstalled .Lastly,Yz-inchtol -inch slonemaybe appl ied. Conclusion Thisisah ealthy,fast-growing aspenclump .Preservation of 5out of 8stemsis possible, providing that recommendations listedinthisreport arefollowed .Asnotedin thisreport therearcseveraltimesduringtheconstructionp rocess thatmonitoringbyaconsulting arborist is recommended. Ifyouhavequestionsorw ish forme toschedul e furthersitevis its,please give me acall. Sincerely, 1ff~ MarkStell e,Consu lting Arborist ~~.. -I ,,'~I)A S\.-+~. ~'.....(.NI)I , ...PAl!Q l" l,"_"__~....II.,.ot_"'--"1..~~1k......_"'....SIoo....~,""'" M lM10 ,...."'t -.1 ..."••_,n .. ...IW........,,..,br_."""...,_.et.........-_ .-.,Il.10l:K.__.to""110."oool .1...,""'-10 ..,.__.1. ,.~<I.~At ~:;r<i . ''I.I'.~1.1;.I • TOPOGRAPHY SH ONE,LOT 11 ,BLOCK B, EAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO VAIL DA S COUNTY OF ......Do\S :;w:'lN( cor I.Ill OC"• / o-c: Ql E.cu ltl ~ • ~l'U: 1.J _~•.,":""1'~'~2004 . J·1 ..po.r._.·~;2 _1 . 11 ~':::b::~;;::~~~~~~.·~7 :~~~-:.~~~'::.-.:1M 4.)$~.!Md.,,",;.'~•.)4 ~'~.,~_'M)"'.• ~)~;~t~.~i:~~("7~!~'"''1 .'''n --«v.- I .)_-.........I:..._i.~_••__,..tt..,.....,tlJ .J ....l.t>'--'\Mt ....,_.,_"'''"~IJl9IItil '.,'_••~_~~:.._~leo ..'~.~...~'~_.. &~.~l~.r~~";~:r;-~O~.~.~I.~~o....-. "~.:':.::::-~~:'H':I":'~::-n:~=~001 ..:~~D~,._~~1 ,~~r.v:_~.~,~.~U.2001. •.'l .D...I.itll ~_c.'II _0""""."4 IMf at '_Ih)Md .,.f"_~~~.~;.',-~c~;:.~.-;-.~~,-, fb,""""U",,,",I."'''I'..0 ~I'"u , m ~1'II I __fa \l'oto Sl!-I'-__"Mr ..... ':u....,j ""It<oI pmL """.f....;""'.hod "'''''''"'"r-..01 Vaf ,_~-~!'~~.:;..,..".':;:;<'..-." .',l~·~~~,..:,...:#I~...r ·::l~-::~I~~ '.•~t ...vn ...-....-....-'1..,...,............. "'~x;·:.·,?]i·~l~'.;.~~;':,,~_:~::". 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'~:g 'D"9w ~-v- 8 'I ~~ni 'I ~ • d ~<I .("">-'l ;.,I'"DO1'''''''I I"jll;1 .-ru I I ~I;;[g' theYareResidence Lot,Filing 2334 Chamonix Lane ,Vail,Colorado,,0~··:·""D"+~'(;1 •I •;~f ~{.,,'"r ~rE~'II·,S ,i Ijf-' d.l ~ U ~~ee d.l 0 '0 u '00 'a' d.l > cG j~·il :>-<~d.l~;l; ~ ~.. _,m .I'w ~""" ~M<yO!·""roy ~::=::=- VAg ,Inc . ~~~ ."..,_.- ""~...."..__0- ..-.........-"-"".- Proposed IMainlUppcrl GRFA's Cales. D D<';"~'\ Bill'":::."8 .......'....- 2 12 ACRE I 43.5"'''5Q.FT, •1I.!l4/l.32 SQ .FT.I 25"•~.EL •E:>'!:l'"sc.FT.A LLOJJA9LE FOE<CsARAGE ""~6'1r2')S 50FT. •42 ~(l):l)C~EDIT •12 ?2"'"CRE DIT 3,i&31ea TOTAL A L LOW ABLE u .~A 14145aFrFCfTr- 1~8"50 FTFL E 1 3 3 ~4 saFT .TOTAL o ,-5,,,, ,,' c o ffi c o ~ ,,,,,,,,, c===1 -~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ Ie' ,, ,I ,I I 51 FLOOR 1414 SCPT.TO TAL -4'$0 EI M E CH 1312 &aFT. (~ Ii; 10' Ig -,§, 10\..../ L ~ 1'- \0 \ _/ ___~X1..z "'rI) .~ .....,- "ffi~ -~ (0 \ ..../ 5 32 5 QFT .GARA6E • 22 16.00 I .J\..~.2 UP PER LEVE L FLOOR G!<FA •P ROPOSED (ko-...,,_..•,.,-QR GRFA •PROP05EDo-!I...."...L.~Y ~L.-,r-,c"~"",==="-,--,--",=_,",,,,,,,,,-_ ••8 0 :.~s 13 ::I ~~z ~!Z £'rm Q i'ilc.r11-n11rmg;U r ;Um11;;;r r ~-n ~i ~r 8 mx;u ij; ~~ 1>~Z rn X ij; ~z (;\ ~~,m ;u rm i'il ~!Ir "r 0 0;u 11r.£ rn ~ U'~!l~ ~ a::'.!~I 1 :g:n~~.:t i's ftv,~,§8 ."g.Ii q~e.......~"11~f ~~( m.. ~ mr- '"~ ~ ,I~ I~..'.:r I, •(0 § ~ J: mr-m <.. ~ ~ • I I 1 ~x w~"r"prII;~~lir~w ~;j ;;;.qW ~1I·t 8 t o't:. '......~~t !<rII The Yare Residence 24)4 Ownonix Lane Vail.co 816 57 D '1 <!~L ;' l' •(0 •8 Ilfi Iz Ik I ~ I ~I ~I:;;~I ~~~ m '"xu;x ~~~~ I; ~ .I i·• ~·,I' ~§:;; 'I ~~r ~r I 1 I ~~I~~ ~.~.I 'I ~'I',, (:;;§~ f "1 U~r I I f, !l x ~~si ~::r ~{er F~ w 1 ~<;;;;'!!!s q r N f 1 ~.6·1 P~l dgooI<i TheYare Residence 2434 Ctwnonix LaneVail,co 81651 D -,,,~Ip 'Iii \q I •oo"r&'1 "!~li f!I•• t 'f ~~~i rifIf •• The Yare Residence 24 34 Ownonix Lane ven,co 81657~I r'II L---'DI!H l i!lil i!l~a::"rI::p ""1'?~e!.r r i rI::f r ""d .~O f ~~B 12:N ;;§~'C ]!il F~rI"f 8 I ;-~B.f'iI 8 1) I ~m 1J .'• .i;' t,[ , \i'fI, rr '"=e-'., Ii "41 IIJ~U r ",.,I ,",-J L , ,,,,,":r='=rF .~<r i rxwi4.!~l ,I ,II "~ " ",",~...:>Go.,I!:=T-=lJ ....-~~, ,/.;'"c..'o-,!;1 L,.II ;H, rr~""~1 ~~I r r"II ,II '!,, I .i n ii I F :b ~_=,J,,'1 ,,,,11 m ll ,J1.I ~1 rC-~"'-''"~~.'~~l ~,~.;MC:.--;, ~,1,rr ::=:Ii ,I ~mIh ,Ii ~I T rrr#b ~I ='Q 4- I +'"I I \~aii+j\x I ~I 1j JIII, '')1,""! [X,1111 irn II" I "III ,II'" l·C ·.-It' ," ; >::(,, f ~{",::dO f •:-!-0 ,8 1 !f8]1 !IIV""'0 ic, ••0 (0 "'lJ> I>,2~I ... J:m •~f;"'r- tl;r-m "'<~~~I>I...••...2 ,2 11 ~11~~11 11QlJ>'""'"'\J\J .I IHITi~ I;r ,Ii i 'h ~~ii ,~·1 " ..··fI· i,,".f1o >-~4'd rt ! w l ~0 r·,••pV.);;:,,'0,8 1 C".~1 ~jlr.r......on [I ~r~e, TheYareResidence 24}1 CbamonU LaneVail.co 81651 ".~ ".jj;;l., -1----'-"'--+--"0<:....--1 I ••G (0 1M z 0 '";II.~.... m J: r m m r <m ~<~2 ~ ~.. ~~.. '"0 m '"'0 m 0 <I:'~7 ,~!'!.;•\"'~'t I I 11 ·'J~· )J"'~." ~:l',~[ >-i 9 I:' I {"0 r ~~Il iqUJ~0;'8 qnnrtvIgI.,.~ o "a"'"~t <i TheYar e Res idence 2434 Ownonix Lane Vail CO81651 d ~<: I I I 'Ii fl '~f"i'>"ll 'r "I 'r,11 ~,•-"r _-••i r i Ii ::I I !' • THISITEM MAY AFFECT YOURPROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE •Attachment:0 NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENtha t thePlanning andEnvironmental Commiss ion of theTownof Vai l w ill holdapublichear ing in accordance withSection12-3-6 of theMunicipalCodeofthe TownofVa il o n March 8,2004,at2:00P.M .in the T,own ofVailMun icipal Building.In cons ideration of: Arequestforfinalreviewofa variance fromSection12-6H-6 ,Setbacks ,Section12-6H-10: LandscapingandSite Development,andSectio n 12-6H-11:Parking andLoadingVailTown Code,toallowforaresident ial addition ,locatedat303GoreCreek Drive/Lot 7 ,Block5,Vail V illage 151 Filing ,andsettingforthdeta ils inregardthereto . Appl icant: Planner : RonHughes,representedbyShepherdResources,Inc. BillGibson Arequestforfinalreviewofa variance fromSection 12-60-6,Setbacks,VailTownCode,toallowfor Aresidentialaddition,locatedat2434 Chamonix Lane/Lot 11,BlockB ,VaildasSchone Filing1,andsettingforthdetailsinregardthereto. App licant: Planner: MarkYare,representedbyVAg,Inc . Bill Gibson Arequestforfinalrev iew ofa variance fromSect ion 12-6H-6,Setbacks,Section12-6H-9 ,site coverage ,and Section12-6H-10:Landscaping andSiteDevelopmentVa il TownCode ,toallowfor A residentialaddit ion,locateda t 303GoreCreek Dr ive/Lot 8 ,Block 5 ,VailVillage t"Filing,andsett ing forthdetailsinregardthereto. Applicant: Planner: Erickson Shirley ,representedbyK.H.WebbArchi tects P.C. Bill Gibson Arequestforfinalreviewofava riance from Chapter 14-6 ,Grad ing Stand ards ,VailTownCode ,to allow forretain ing wa lls inexcess ofsix(6)feet inheight,located atTractK,GlenLyonSubdivision andUnplattedParcels ,amore complete metesandboundsdescriptionisavailableatthe Comm unity Development Departement andsettingforthdeta ils inrega rd thereto. Applicant: Planner: VailResorts Development,representedbyBraunand Associates BillGibson Arequestfora recommendation totheVailTownCouncilforatext amendment toSect ion 12- 7H-3 ,PermittedandConditionalUses;FirstFloororStreetLevelandSection 12-71-3, PermittedandConditionalUses;FirstFloorandStreetLevel,pursuanttoSection12-3-7, Amendment,VailTownCode ,toallowfor temporary realestatesalesofficesonthefirstfloor orstreetlevelofabuilding ,intheLionsheadI &2,MixedUsezonedistrict,andsettingforth detailsinregardthereto. Appl icant: Planner: VailResorts Developmen t Company,representedbyBraunand Associates GeorgeRuther Areque stforfi nal review ofavariancefrom SectionCC1 ,12-7B-15 ,Site Coverage,Va il TownCode , toallowforadd itional sitecoverage ,loca teda t230 Bridge StreeULot B,Block 5-C ,VailVillage t " Filing,and sett ing forthdetailsin rega rdthereto. App licant:Rodney E.Slifer •• The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available forpublic inspection during regular officehoursintheproject planner's office,locatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75South Frontage Road.Thepublicisinvitedtoattendproject orientation andthesitevisitsthatprecedethepublichear ing intheTownofVail Community Development Department.Pleasecall 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with24-hour notification.Pleasecall479- 2356 ,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired,for information. Thisnotice published intheVailDailyon February 20 ,2004. • KarinSche idegge r 2444Chamon ix La ne Vai l,CO81657 T homasCorriga n 2447ChamonixLane,C-12 Va il,CO 81658 R ogerandCarolBloom 1716 9thAve. San Francisco,CA94122 Me linda Har ring ton 1295Lupine W ay Golden,CO8040 1 Do nald Ha gans PO Box4504 Va il,CO8 1658 • ....: ..... -;..... • Jessika W erch ick 2447 C hamonix Lane,C-14 Vail,CO 81658 Stefan Schmid 2447 Chamonix Lane,13-C Vail,CO81658 Maria Ice la Gomez Garcia 147Gu nebe rg Mexico,OF 11590 LillaAs mund POBox 571 2 Vail,CO 816 58 Shei laFitzpatrick PO Box5 102 Vail ,CO 816 58 RoyWh ite PO Box5712 Vail.CO8 1658 • ..." ',' • Vr illyn Vukonich 7 01 Harlan5 1.E56 Lakewood ,CO60214 Ro bert Edlebeck PO Box1 147 A von,CO81620-1147 MichaelJa mesWe llman PO Box 95 2 Vail ,CO81658 •• Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departm ent ofCommunity Development 75South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l :9 70.479.2139fax:970.47 9.2452 web :www.d.va il.co.us Project Name:YARE RESIDENCE Project Description: SETBACK VARIANCE Participants: PEC Number:PEC040005 OWNER YARE,MARK 01/26/2004 Phone: 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANT YARE ,MARK 01/26/2004 Phone : 2121N FRONTAGE RD181 VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address:2434CHAMONIXLNVAI L Location: LegalDescription:Lot:11Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE AL 1 ParcelNumber:210314105001 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:cahill SecondBy:Bernhardt Vote:6-0 Conditions: Planner:BillGibson Action:DENIED Date ofApproval: PEC FeePaid:$500.00 •• THISITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthe Planning andEnv ironmental Commiss ion of theTownof Vai l willho ld apublic heari ng in accordance withSect ion 12-3-6 of the Municipal Codeofthe TownofVailon March 8,2004,at 2:00 P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Bui lding .In consideration of : A request forfina lreviewof a variance fromSection12-6H-6 ,Setbacks ,Section 12-6H-10: Landscaping andSite Development,andSection12-6H-11 :Parkingand Loading VailTown Code,toallowforaresidentialadd ition,locatedat303GoreCreek Drive/Lot 7,Block5 ,Vail Village 1st Filing ,andsettingforth details inregardthereto . Applicant: Planner: RonHughes,represented by Shepherd Resources,Inc. BillGibson Arequestforfinalreviewofa variance fromSect ion 12-60-6,Setbacks,VailTownCode,toallowfor A residential addition,locatedat2434 Chamonix Lane/Lot 11,BlockB ,VaildasSchone Filing1,andsettingforth details inregardthereto . Applicant: Planner: MarkYare ,represented byVAg ,Inc. BillGibson A request forfinalreviewofa variance fromSection12-6H-6 ,Setbacks ,Section 12-6H-9,site cove rage,andSect ion 12-6H-10:Landscap ing andSite Development VailTownCode ,to allow for Aresidential add ition,locatedat303GoreCreek Drive/Lot 8,Block5,Vail Village 1s l Filing ,andsettingforth details inregardthereto. Applicant: Planner: EricksonShirley,represented byK .H.Webb Architects P.C . Bill Gibson A request forfina l review ofa variance from Chapter 14-6 ,Grad ing Standards ,VailTownCode ,to allow forreta ining wallsin excess of six(6)feetin height,locatedat Tract K ,GlenLyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parce ls,amore complete me tes andbounds description is available atthe Communi ty Development Departement andsett ing forth details inregard thereto . Applicant: Planner: VailResorts Development,represented byBraunand Associates BillGibson Arequestfora recommendation totheVailTownCouncilforatext amendment toSection12- 7H -3,Permitted and Conditional Uses;FirstFloororStreetLeveland Section 12-71-3, Permittedand Conditional Uses;FirstFloorand Street Level,pursuant toSection12-3-7, Amendment ,VailTownCode,to allow for temporary realestatesalesofficesonthefirst floor orstreetlevelofabuild ing,intheLionsheadI &2,MixedUsezone district,andsettingforth details inregardthereto . Appl icant: Planner: Va il Resorts Development Company,represented byBraunand Associates Geo rge Ruther A request forfinalreview of a variance fromSectionCC1 ,12-7B-15 ,Site Coverage,VailTownCode, toallow fo r add itional site coverage ,locate dat230BridgeStreeULotB,Block5-C,Vail Village 1s1 Filing ,an ds ettingforthdeta ils inregardthe reto . Applicant: Pla nner : Rodney E.Slifer Wa rren Campbell •• Theapp lications andinformationaboutthe proposals are available forpublic inspection dur ing regu lar officehours i nthe project planner's office ,locatedattheTownofVailCommun ity Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad .Thepubl ic isinvitedtoattendproject orientation andthesitevis its thatprecedethepublichear ingintheTownofVail Community Development Department.Pleasecall 479-2138 forinformation. Sign language interpretation availableuponrequestwith 24-hour notification.Pleasecall479- 2356,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired,for information. Th is noticepubl ished intheVailDaily on February 20 ,2004 . • Karin Scheidegger 2444Ch amonix Lane Vail,CO 81657 Thom as Cor rigan 2447Ch amonix La ne ,C.12 Vail,CO 8 1658 Roge r and Ca rol Bloom 17169thA ve. San Franc isco ,CA9412 2 Mel inda H arrington 1295LupineW ay Golden ,CO80401 Donald Hagans POBox 4 504 Vail,CO81 658 ...• • Jess ika Werchick 2447Chamonix Lane .C·14 vau.co 81658 Stelan Schmid 24 47 Chamonix Lane ,1J..C Vail,CO81658 Mar ia Icela Gome zGarcia 147 GUlleberg Mexico .OF 11590 LillaAs mund POBox5712 Vail .CO816 58 She ila Fitzpatrick POBox 51 02 Vail,CO 8 1658 RoyW hite POBox 571 2 Vail.CO 8 1658 • J".... • VrillynVukonich 701 Harlan 51.E56 La kewood ,CO80214 Robert Edlebeck POBox 1 147 Avon,CO 8 1620-1147 Michae lJ amesWell man PO Box9 52 Va il,CO 8 1658 .~.u ;-.-,..=------->-_._--,;_f--1--"''1 !«O .",.c;-<-"" ~------~I r ---~-.---------il I,~,,,I"----I~, '1 , ~~-.~~'<,F ~; =~'~\-_.,§f .l 1-1-' s; H L.--..;H \ ~=p f-'. _L-.c L1 -~Ir--\'f =8 !l ,, 0:til jj:-~.-j \r !.~'Q .-..~t , "", ;-Ii ,, '-I-~;,;JCW c A ~===-------,•;-:1 I OJ l-e ----.~'.K\\\"'i ,b ~m X ,:~0II" I ::i'i 18 t ';~I , 0 'j,:I.-'I •r-:____"~I'.. I ~-1 ~II r ll:f\J ~)'-.C-.'8:' o r<J C ).~-f-, ,.•.---t f-'i'G> .!/r .n .~-. ;gLJ rzs 1-'-'r-···,.----t -J.10-,01 .1(1'.«_ .;ro.... .~·u ~--~.f---J-!--- "------ -r-l':===",""",--====::::!.I ~I'.'t ",f ....... Ja 'C'i 1lijl:><; I I~ ~. • ~~.... d)xur. ~~ ;:[ d){l'x 8ur ..J 11 ~... ..J ..J ~a,urIl'..J 0 Il'-~0 i ..&u, ..J :>~o III ~..J ~~?;~<t o <t o 1:i 1:i G %-•.,,-~ l-.c:---I---....-._.j.lit>· t .p~·.u I -'k..-,5 .......j+'~~'.. !~ I "" I t-- ~l _~=~~~~ -.: :' .";;~~{ ',:. , ~~i:t~:~ ".~~~ ~J,s; ~.:,.~~ ';::;i ':";. /. "0 •:.~',-. ."'.....'~.~ !."~:~~: ./ .:~::.} Ss ".:?;, " a •;::":",.glS {~~},~ Ig " ..:~~~ -• '0 ,.,. '.,' "\I Of -"""1 (Jal IlI.) .rF'!1 ~--~,1tt CDtu 'WI '.l"ll-uf (o.t.)~ 2-12-2004 10:31AM FR~ F,b-1Z-04 08:45am From-TOWN dlllrrL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT m478Z45Z ~T-333 P.DDZ/DDZ F-e5T P.1 Application for Design Re~iew Department of Community Development · 7S South Frontage Road,Vall,Color"do 816~7 tel:970.479.2139 ~:970.479.2452 . web:www.ci.vailco.lIs RECEIVE D .~u 1 l 200 4 General Inronnation : Allprojects reQuiring design review must:rE!Celve approval prior to submitting a buildin!\permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirl!lTlents for the partiClllar approval that is requested;An allplicatlon for Design fl.eview cannot be acceptl:d until all reQuired informatloll is received by tile Community Oeve!JOllment oepartment.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or ll1e Planning and ~ironmentll commission . Deiiion review approval lapses unless a building permit is 'Issued and constru!:tlon commences within one year or the approval.. 4,Description of tlie Request:_-=...L!:~;"=:-=";"==_---'_-'-'::'><:"'=--'-_'-+"-""""',-__ location of the Proposal:.Lot:...1l-elock:....:E:z-Subdivision :Vf.\,'--.j)A S 2')'13 ,...l\'L Physical Address:'2-45 '-t-c..kc-...",o~~It (eo.....e U:er...:l (CO Parcel No.:2-J ".~1'-/I es-oc:>I (Contact Eagle Co.As~sor at 970-~ZB ·8640 for parcelno.)..-?). Name(s)of Owner(s}; Malllng Address: __________-'-~__Phone:-~~..::<...._-¥-""""_.<:._._l___ it>.-(:::s ;:t0 C 'ro D 0 9 y I J {LJ --~Phone:----::::.....--..I-r'-:::'~~_:__...:;..........-- E-mail Address:Fax:.!........l_-i--"'-'-~::l__ Type of Review and Fee: DSigns $50 )z(Conceptual Review No Fee 0 New Construttion $650 0 Addition $300 a Minor Altel1ltlon .$250 (multi-f~may/commerQ~I) 0 MinOt Alteration ~20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans $20 0 Sel)~rcltion ReQum Nu Fee E!Jjj $1.00 persquare root of total ~9n area. For <Xlnstruttion of a new buildiOll or demcillrebu~d. !'or an addition where liQuare footage is ~dded to IIny residential or comrnerdJl building (lndudn 250 addjtio~s &.interior conver5ions). For minor changes to buildings and $ite improvements,.sUCh as, reroofing,~intinll ,window additions,;landscaping,fences and rllt21ining walls,etc. For ml09r OlilOQe$to bUildings .and site irriprovements.such as, rerooling,painting.window additions,:landscaping.fenCll.amI retilining walls,etc,;. For revi,.icn~!D plans already approved;by Planning Staff Of'ttl<! Design Review Board .: FQr om ~IY:___ Fee Paid:Check NO .:By·'='"~~i ~~~ Application Date ;oris No.:t)Wo,~~ Plannl:r:Project No.:q .('W" ,i Department of C ommunity Development 75S outh Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8165 7 9 70-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.ci .vai/.co .us February 15,2004 Mike Mascaros VAg,Inc. POBox1734 Vail,CO81658 RE:Yare Residence -2434 Chamonix Lane/Lot II,BlockB,Vaildas Schone 151 Filing Dear Mike, TheTown of Vail Staff is currently reviewing the variance application forthe proposed additiontothe .Yareresidencelocatedat2434 Chamonix Lane.Thefollow ing additional information mustbesubmitted tobetter clarify thedetails of theproposal: SitePlan •Showall property setbacks •Showall proposed roof ridgelineswith proposed ridgeelevat ions .Indicateexistingand proposed gradesshown underneath all rooflines.This will beusedto calculate building height. F loor Plans •Showthe westerly property setback Roof Plan •Showthewesterly property setback Calculations •Provide site coverage and landscape area calculations Ifyouhaveany questions or comments,pleasefeelfreetocontactme directly at(970)479-2173 . Sincerely, Bill Gibs on,AICI' Town of Vail IoRECYCLED PAPER VAg,Inc. Architects &Planners Febru ary OS ,2004 Town ofVail Department of Community Development -PEC Board 75South Front age Vail,CO 8 1657 (970)479 -212 8 RE:Lot 11,Filling 1,BlockB,2434 Chamonix Lane Vail,Eagle C ounty,Colorado Variance tomovea proposed new addition ina setback. Project No.2216.00 Memb ers of the Board: Wereque sta variance toallow apro posednew addition into a side setbackinordertopreservea gr oup ofmature aspen s. These aspenhave been c lassifiedfrom a certified Ab orist asa bovea verage and the growthrate tobe exceptional.Ple ase find hisrep ort atta ched.The as pens inque stion are a n assettothe propert y theysit o n a ndals o the surrounding properties.Ifthe strictandliteral interp retationofreg ulationswerefollowed it wouldresultin thede structi on ofthe se aspen and,Here by diminishing the o verallphysicalappearance ofthe property inquestion. Sincerely. VAg,Inc .•Arc hite cts &Planners Anne Gunion,Principal Physic al A ddr ess: 90 Ben chmarkRd .,Suite 202 Avon,C O R1620 (970)949-7034 fax :(970)949-8134 email:ge ne ral @vagarchitects.com Mailing Addre ss: P.O.Box 1734 Vail,CO 8 1658-1734 VAg,Inc. Architects &Planners February OS,2004 Town ofVail Department of Conununity Development -PEC Board 75South Frontage Vail ,CO81657 (970)479 -2128 RE:Lot11,Filling1,BlockB,2434 Chamonix Lane Vail,Eagle County,Colorado Variance tomovea proposed new addition ina setback. Project No.2216.00 Members oftheBoard: Theotherexistin go rpotentialusesand structuresinthevicinity of this additionis o ne neighboring structure tothewest.Our homeandadditionis approximately 30 feetawayfromthe e xisting neighboring structure.Withthenew addition inthe setbackthis would decrease by8feetto approximately 22feet.Asseveral of thesehomesinthis neighborhood are approximatelythesame distance away ,webelievethisnewdi stance tobeinkeepingwiththecharacter of the surrounding area . Wearerequestingavarianceof eight feetintothesetbacktoachievethegoaloftheowner.The addition does not impact negatively light andair,distribution of population,transportation,traffic ,facilities,utilities ,a ndpublic safety. TheTo wn ofVail planning policies trytoincludetheabi lity to preserve significant natural feature s and vegetation onasite . Byallowingus a varianceweareabletoupholdthis policyand integrate thenewadditionintothe existing natura l features . Sincerel y, c2-~ VAg ,Inc.,Architects &Planners Anne Gunion,Principle Ph ysicalAddress : 90Benchmark Rd.,Suite 202 Avon,CO R16 20 (970)949 -7034 fax:(970)949-8134 email :general@vaga rchitecls.com Mailing Add ress: P.O.Box 1734 Vail,CO 8 1658-1734 P.O.1Jo~606 •'Vail,Coiorado 81658 •(970)926-J.'.'J4 02/06/04 ...•M .Job 902 February 7,2004 Page 2/5 Mr .Mike Mascaros VAg,Inc. POB1734 Vail,CO81658 RE:2434 Chamonix Lane Tree Preservation Reportforproposedhouse addition project Dear Mike, On Thursday,February 5,2004,Imetwithyouat2434 Chamonix Laneto evaluate a clump of young aspen.Thisreportwill summarize my findings and provide youwith recommendations. Assumptions and Limiting Conditions •All comments and recommendations are contingent upontbe confirmed accuracy of the surveyed location of allstemsinthisaspenclump. •Eachand every encroachment uponthelateralroot zone hasa cumulative impact upon tree health .Hence ,the importance of protecting theresidualnorth,eastand south facing surface roots. •Approved rootzone disturbance limitsare contingent uponnot dislodging any large boulders during excavation that result in undermining theaspenclump. Observations Thistree clump consists of eightsmallaspen stems with trunk diameters inthe1inchto 5-inch size class.For ease of reference,alleight stems have been numbered andflagged . The annual vertical growth of thedominantstemsis approximately 3feet.Thefive east stems are larger andstandmoreupright.Thethreewest stems are smaller/shorter,have suppressed canopies,andhavea significant leantothewest.Allstemsarefree of trunk bark defects above snowlevel (approximately 3 -foot height).The only defects observed wereafew inconsequential twiggallsintheupper canopy.The overall condition of these stems is above a verage. MEMBER ~~......_~-c:.._,_._'~ )'I ~Sid!;; Discussion Itismy understanding (needstobe reconfirmed bya follow-up survey)theproposed outside edge of the foundation wallwillbelocated4.5feetfromthe center of theclump. Assuming a 2-foot over-excavation,the disturbance limitwillbe2.5feetfromthe center of the clump (or2feetfromstem #8).Thetree protection fence (specified inthenext section)mustbe locatednocloserthan2feetfromtree#8 .This plan will resultinthe elimination of thethreeweststems(#1,#2,and #3).Duetotheir canopy suppression and I Mr.Mike Mascaras,VAG ,Inc. 2434 Chamonix Lane Project February 7,2004 U~/U8/04 1 :35PM Job 902.,- Page2 0[3 Page 3/5 significant lean,these three stems would,irrespective of proposed construction,be recommended for removal anyway. Since all adverse impacts tothe lateral rootzoneare cumulative,the remaining quadrants of the residual lateral roots should be protected during construction.In addition,the surface TOots between thelarge spruce andthe aspen stems should be adequately protected during the creation of a proposed walkway.Specifications forthis walkway ar e provided inthe next section . Givena proposed 2-foot roof overhang ata19-footheight,it appears thatthe canopy of aspen stem #7 will be dangerously close ,Recommendations are presented inthenex.t section. Recommendations Tree removal Before excavating machines arrive onsite,stems #1,#2 ,and#3 should be removed anda protective fence installed.These treesshouldbe removed with a chainsaw orhandtoolto the depth of I inch below grade.Cautionl Donot remove sterns with an excavating machine,asthe critical root system of residualtrees will be irreparably damaged . Fencing Once these three stems are removed,theresidual clump of five stems should he collectively encircled with a continuous row of straw bales toa height of 3feet.A protection fence (minimum of 4feet)shouldthenbe installed with T -posts .The southeast fencelineshallbeno closer than2feet from stem#8.Fencing onthe other three sides shallbenot closer than a 6-foot radius fromthestem.The area inside thisfenced off rectangle (approximately 10footby14 fOOL)should remain free of both storage and traffic throughout construction.Fencing should remain throughout the construction project. Roof/canopy conflict Duetothe close proximity of the proposed roof andthe canopy of several stems,pruning and guying is recommended.Stem #7canbe strapped to #8,then collectively cabled toa ground anchor positioned northeast of thelarge spruce.The remaining conflicting southeast branches may be pruned.Acertified arborist should perform both pruning and guying. Excavation of foundation When excavating within 6feeto f theaspen clump,the machine operator should befacing the aspen clump andcutsoil segments witha vertical "chomping"action.Horizontal scraping of roots toward the machine shouldbe avoided,asth is results in extraction of residual roots fromw ithin theroot protection area .All residual roots over Iinch should -\ Page3 on Mr.Mike Mascaros,VAG,Inc. 2434 Chamonix Lane Project February 7,2004 beroot pruned witha sharp tool.A consulting arborist should monitor this segment of the excavation process. Irrigation Commencing theday of excavation and continuing throughout construction,this aspen clump should be irrigated with50to75 gallons per application twice per week .Watering recommendations canbe highly variable based uponsoil texture/structure ,presence of mulch,method of water delivery,and weathe r conditions.The only sure wayto optimize soil moisture management istohavea consulting arborist monitor weekly. Backfill of foundation wall Once the foundation wallhasbeen poured,the tree preservation fencewill prevent the excavator from performing the backfill.Thebid prospectus forthe excavating contractor should reflect thatall of the northeast foundation wallbe backfilled byhand. Walkway installation A walkway that provides the smallest amount of root damage isonethat imposes the least disturbance tothe upper six inches of topsoil.Accordingly,one of the most tree- friendly walkways isloose stone applied over the existing grade.The first step isto apply landscape fabricon existing grade.Ifdense turf is present,thegrassmay be killed with a contact herbicide suchas Roundup . Caution!Thedirect application of contact herbicide to either sprouts or exposed roots can weaken or killthe parent tree.The application of contact herb icides inthe close proximity oftrees should bedonebya licensed professional applicator or supervised bya consulting arborist.Once the landscape fabricisinplace,a substantial border (stone, brick,or timbers)may be installed.Lastly,Yz -inch to 'l-inch stone may be applied. Conclusion This isa healthy,fast-growing aspenclump.Preservation of 5out of 8 stems is possible, providing that recommendations listedinthis report arefollowed.As noted inIhis report thereare several times during the construction process that monitoring bya consulting arborisl is recommended. ffyou have questions orwishformeto schedule further sitevisits ,please give me acall. Sincerely, 1ff~ Mark Stelle,Consulring Arborist t'age 4{5 ;". DEPARTMENTAL 'APPRO VAL FOR CE RTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY andCOMPLIANCE .: ,1 ·-;I , T obe filled inby eachdi vision i ndica ted hereon upon compl etion 'of its fin al ,inspe ction. " BUILDIN GS '.~:!p e ~m ~t ,~o .'{!,5-/<6 " Approved b~~Dat e j:J -~~1b .:.'j."i Remarks ~~-----:.---~--- ,1 00/2':;'. •PLU MBING ::::'r )Permit No, Approved bY~=K/:;~Date I :~,. Rema rks_....:.-_'_.,.--_--,-_ a;"IDit No.s-y I,~'Date/;J.~2Y''''''7{"J .• \E L EC TR I C~L Appr~v:ed bY~ Remarks ,--_----:.1 :'.."" .t:'.I ',.1"I !.~;.-, ~,I '.~.,Remarks _-'-----.:.....,.-------,:;, I ~" " OTHER PermitNo,~ [.A~~r o v~d b;_"Date _.', r." OTHER _~Permit No.\ .>Remarks _...:....,---t- ,".'.. BJh.-D :N~D iV~5-t ;:)H r-~~~ EAG',L:CO Ut·IT \',P,O.so x ~J:9 COURTl-J0 L1 SE.?--GL'.("O.-PI-1.(3 :J3 L3 :1-6 3 :;q , 1Iii-:-IFICATE IS S U~•)I~./)-:et!-../7-.l--~, BUILDING PERMIT - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I ! I j i 1 I I I I b,'i';"""""r-···k ;;-?-,- 1 i (CONTR'S I.ICENSE) (T Y PE) , (CROSS STREET) PERM IT N O.:..:..._~__ Van,CO (ST REE T) LOTBLOCK_.DI--SI Z E _ ...(PR OPOSE DUSE) 2 Box (NO.) {S TREEn (CRO SS STR EE T)' Chamonix Ro ad (N O .) Vall D as S c hone Benno S cheide gger P.o.Box 604 V a il .Colorado 81657 OWNER _......:==~~~~"-!.~<£>.E..:!~_ ",oDRESS "'PPLlC...NT Benno ~cheideg ~er PE RMIT TO single family dwelling I_I (TY PE Of"I MP RovEME NT)N O. ~BETWEE N '---;==:-::===...No --,===-===_ > (CU BIC /SQUA RE ~E E T ) -c ~BUILDINGIST O BE FT.WID EBY FT.LO NGBY FT.IN HEIGHT ...NoS H"'LL CONFO RM IN CONSTRUCTION :II o ZT O TYPE ,..-_-"-US E GRoUP·__....,.,B ...S EMENT W"'LLS OR FoUN o ...TION ----;::::=;-_ ::E '"o"-REM "'RKS:_..,--_ .~-.' •......-' .7-. • EAGLE C ~NTY RECE IVED OF Eagle.Colo rado OFF IC IAL RECE IPT Date k:--:?-2- 8.t2rJ~6::~~e4,.) .19& CAS H I CHECKJ:i..ACCT . ","10-AM OUNT I TEM CO DE Build ing Permit Fe e /~IL t>-O App lication Fo r ~/"J./1~OZJ 0-tJ Subd ivision Application Zone Change Cond itional Use Special Use V ariance Appea l Fee Code :(B uild ing)(Zonin g)(Subdivision) T o t al Received /9fJ D~ v , 146 8N? All I temsarer eceived fo r co lle ction on ly andth is receipt sha ll bec ance lledf or no-payment ofan yi tem . 1 J../3S S .WORK MAN M I LL ROAD .WH ITTIER .C ALI ....9080 1 INSPECTOR RMJl APPUllDrtG ~ R EORDER "'ROM :INTERNATI ON AL.C ONFERENCE O F BUIL.DI NG O FFICIAL.S.5Form100.1 11 ·73 B I P~I ~~, a ~s ·z Jurisdiction of ">'=C;;•a0·Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."•• Joe A CO"[Sr ,._..1.)('h(',M 0 "!?rJ lof Jf ~a.I I oIaj n l .,r:JI ci'n -eICOTNo.r//t)c K ()T".C T L.EGAL O S[£A T TA CHED S HEET )t DE5 C".// 2 0WNEjj e.S'0 J1 e ;J ;~'~"E ;BOY ZIP c 0 'I ,VQ ;IP HO NE nhO r If 7t -S7J '7 3 CONTR PJ"e h 17 u S c he i of;,~:5~r: PH ONE L ICE:N5t N O . 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(Total)Sq .Ft.Stories Oc c .Load Fire Use Fi re Sprinklers !~E;A:;g:BV PLANS CHE CKED 8 ..,.APPR OVED F OR ISSU A NCE BY Zo ne Z one Required D ves DNo N o.o f OFFSTREET PARKING S PACES , Dwelling Un its C overed I Unc o vered ~NOTICE Specia l App rovals Required Rece ived Not Requ i red SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICA L,PLUMB·ZONING lNG,HEATING,VENT ILATING ORAIR CONDITIONING.HEALTH DEPT.THIS PERMIT BE COMES NULL AND VOID IFWORKOR CONSTRUC- T ION AUTHOR IZED ISNOT COMMENCED WITH IN t20 DA Y S,OR FIRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION ORWOR K IS SUSPENDED OR ABAN DONED SOIL R EPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS ATANY TIME AFTER WORK IS OT HER (Speci fy)COMMENCED. I HEREB Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS Ic-:A lln tv pI n O"APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TOBE TRUE A ND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWSAND ORDINANC ES GOVERN ING THIS 1('ETYPEOFWORKWILLBECOMPLIEDWITHWHETHERSPECIFIED HEREIN ORNO T.THE GRANTING OFA PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE P ROVISIONSOFANY OTH~T1'aoR LOCAL LAW R EGULATINGCON7?::~:N~R T HE ~;~:JA~~Q C:::TRt~~;_~ 5 '~::~O N T g;")~:J;:~:=~O (O"TE I c -)y -7{.., S €O N TU RE 01'"OW N 1'1 O w"tEA eUILCE:)C"TEI wWe ij P RO PERLY VALIOATED liN THIS SP ACEI T HISIS Y OUR PERM IT PLANCHECKVALIDATION CK .M.D.CASH PERMIT VA LIDATION C K.iF-_M.O .CASH ••• •.~.... INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUN DATIONS : SETBACK T RENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WAL L & WEATHERPROOFING CONCRETESLAB FRAMING INT.LATHING OR DRYWA LL . EXT .LATHING MASONRY FINAL USESPACE BELOW FORNO TES,FOLLOW·UP,E TC. \ \ 1CA"O NARMGBUILDIPEITPPLI 0 <;•·z Jurisdiction of "»•0 0• Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•• JO B ....DO ..E SS , L OT N O .I'LO I T R Ae T (OS EE AT TACI1ED SHE ET!L toAL I1OEseR. O WN E A M Al L ADDRESS ZIP PH ONE 2 CON T RACT OR M A IL A OOI'lESS P H OIll E L.I CENS EN O. 3 AR CH I TEC T OR D ES IGNER M AIL.A DDR ESS P HONE L I C E N SE N O. 4 E NGI NEE R MA I L.AD D RE SS PHON E L IC E NS E N O. 5 L ENDER MA IL A ODI'lE SS B RA N eH 6 U SE or BUI LD I NG 7 8 Class01 work :D NEW D ADDITION D AL TER ATION DRE PAIR D MO VE D RE MOVE 9 Oescr ibe work : 10 Change 01useIr om Change 01use to 11 Valuation of work :$PLAN CHECK F E E"-IPERM IT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Type o f Oc c upancy.Ca n s t.G roup D ivision S ize o fBldg .N o.of Ma x . (Tot al)S q .Ft.Stories o cc .L oad F ire Use F ire Spri nk lers APPLICATION ACCEPTEDB Y:PL ANS C HE CKE D B Y ;APPROVED F OR ISSUAN CE BY ;Z one Z on e R eq uired DVes DNa N o .o f Q FF ST RE ET PARKING SPACES : D welling Units C overed I U nc overed NOTICE Sp ecial Approva ls Required Received Not R equired SEPARATE PERMITS AR E REQU I RED FOR E LECTRICA L,PLUMB·ZON ING lNG ,HEATING .VENTI LATING OR AIR COND IT IONING.HEALTH DEPT. THIS PER MIT BECO MES NUL L AND VOID I FWOR K OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZ ED ISNOT COMMENCED W ITHIN 1 20 DAYS.OR F I R E DEPT. IF CON STRUCTION OR WORKISSU SPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPO RT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 D AYS ATANYTI ME AFTER WORK IS COMMEN CED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREB Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS .•APPLIC ATION AND KNOW THE SAME TOBET RUE AND CORRECT.•',IALLPROVISIONSOFLAWSANDORDINANCESGOVERNINGTHIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BECOMPLIED W ITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED HERE IN OR NOT.TH E G RANTING O FA PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO G IVEAU THOR ITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL T HE PRO V ISIONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATI NG CONSTRUCTION OR THE P ERFORMANCE OF CONSTR UCTION . , S I G NA TU i=l E O F CO NTR AC TOfl:O R AUTHOR I ZE D A GENT t DAT E) S I GN AT UR E OF OWNE R lFO WNER BU IL DER)OA TE:) ,.' WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)T HIS IS YO UR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERM IT VA LI DATION CK.M.O .CASH EXTR A COpy For m 100 .1 11·73 R I!IORD IIR ,....O M :IN TERNAT IONA L.CONF ERENC E OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.nll o S .W ORKMAN M ILL "OAD.WHITT,.,.,CALIP'.,,060t .J •• Countyof Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT FOR T EMPORARY SERVICE ONLY. NQ 541 Job Nam&d?d t?'......<._~...""'...-:.u:.:U/.~ Date ofApp lication . Building Valuation $.Applicant···sj.~;;.i ;;~~..··..··..···························. Elec t rical Valu ation $.. APPROVALS PermitFee Inspec tion Fee $,/...0,.0 0.. $.--_-_.P lan Ch ec ker --_....•--..•-.....•....-__.....•.•__.-·D;;t~-···_··_··············· THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION Total Fee $../..0,00... %/7DatePaid?t .. Received BY ..£.&~. ~;,,¥.··D ;;t~·············_···_·······_·- TIl!c .r,"Ultcu:~e e .,D[NVEI SDUal: 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS .J.•1(055 £[eclr[c,!Jnc .•Wirin g for Heat -Light -Power P.O.BOX1503 VAIL,COLORADO 81657 (303)827-4243 payment for past t emp.e lectr ical ins pe ction 1j Eenno Scheide gge r 2 Herbert S ch or p~ J Ral p h ':>utnam 4 Marv Huddlest on $10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 "#•• EA GLE COUNTY Eagle.Colorado OFFICIAL REC EIPT .iJ ~D't.'~./Z.19?" ~I c&/.REC EIVED o F ----'-~--"..,(Jo~"..£_L-___e..__';....«:'_'<__/--------- CASH I //SH,EC~ACCT. -r.r-'-"I'I'AM OUNT I TE M CO DE Build ing Permit Fee Applic ation For ..;.//I'-Ia /Yn/Jr:/!;pI ~J2..Q l/:v)•"YfJ (JO l,/~ Subdiv ision A ppl icat ion Zon e Chan ge Cond itional U se Spec ial Usc Varian ce Appeal Fe e Cod e:(Bui lding)(Zoni ng)(Subdivision) Tota l Re ceived </()Qj .-- BY~~__1676 All It em sa re r eceived f or coll ection o nly andt his rece ipt shallbec anc elled f or no·pa yment o f any ite m . •• County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT NQ 57"1 BuildingValuation $. ElectricalValua tion $. .. Job Name ~..~./.J~'.LLU!-j Electrical Cont racto r ~~. Appl icant.. Sllnature APPROVALS Da te paid ~.c:!7../7..le . Received B Y .4..~. Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $..c2.O'!.Q.o... $...Ld.-'.O.Q . $.d .Q:QD . P lan Che cker Date .......!i;'lI ding oiij ~j ;:.~··························{¥P2~. THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION Hit C.r.HIHCU L c a .,OEM...11l 20 "01 48HOURSADVANCE NOTICE REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS EAGLE CdtJNTY Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT~~C_E_I V_E_D_----.L6f6~'~~c!f:CtjY 2',1 9 ~ CASH ~//7 Sbi E C K A CCT . IT ~g AMOUNT CODE EIet2. =-3"c2ui/dillY Perm it Fee "00 Applic ation For .71 /J ~./J ~/)/r)GO £!eC!- ,/ 'bdi,i 5i sfi Appl ica tion ~::;'c:<-oO. Z oneChange Cond it iona l Use SpecialUse Va ria nce Appeal Fee Code :(Bui l ding)(Zoning)(Subdivis ion) Total Received 7</00 -8 1765Nt? A ll I temsare r ece i ved f or collect ion o nly an dth is rece ipt shallbe ca ncelled f or no -pa yment of a ny item . 3rcIVM•CACT • .ELE RI L ~'21~;'CAT'o ~D 0 ~ s 0 z • Jurisdiction of OCT ~> I -•0 J91b 0•Applic ant t o complete numbered spaces only.~·•J oe A D OA [S5 U""'l.Ul P/JIJllmg . ;;?J/::J ~c'#L7 '7?/J tV/X ?tf)L/~/,,-c..o"""Ugl a (;ounty,c:,;._·"I COT NO."CK IT R;:;;?/~LE GAL. -:/?V~F s ...'\'»,1 .......,(~~.E E A T TA CHED S ti E E:T)l oESe..J/ OWNE R M A l L.AD DR ESS z,.P HONE 2 'BIEN #J t'>.<:::ro .HJ:~/}I~r::r_/Z ;;'::/7 0:;>c:»(',<J .".or '"~.-9 AN ""/7~-'573 11 CONTR ACTOR M A I L ADDRESS P H ON E L IC EN SE NO . 3 P ""~~~/;'L it ~""P-I'-L?rJ~/SO~t/tn /4-(',o «CJ 9 '/!J.~/.-:>;;'/(., A R C HIT E CT O R DE SIGNER M AI L AD DRE SS PHONE LICE~SE NO . 4 ENG I NEE R M A I L ADD RES S PH ONE LICE N SE N O. 5 L.E ND ER M AIL ADD R ESS B RANCH 6 . US E o r BU ILD ING 7 B Class ofwork:[JIlNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Des cribe work: PERMIT FEES No.Each Fee SPE C IAL CO NDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICAT IONACCEPTED B Y ;PLANS CH ECKEDBY :APPROVED FO RISSUANCEBY :FIXTURES RANGES CLO.ORYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE D ISP.STA.COOK TOP THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-OISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. T ION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF SPACE HTR.STA.APPL.1/2 H.P.MAX .CONSTRUCTION OR WOR K IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK I S COM - MENCED.MOTORS ,H.P.I HER E BY CER T IFY THAT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED T HIS APPLICA TION AN D KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND C ORRE CT. ALL PR O VIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNIN G THIS T YPE O F W ORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER S PECI FI EO HERE IN O RN OT,THE GRANTING OF APERMIT D OES NOT PR ESU ME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE L THE NO.TRANS.PROVIS IONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING SIGNSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION.NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER DpOLE DUNDGD. SERViCE Q-200A .(d4:~Rt::eo ~S.N(0 201·400A ~d -7<;"DNEW 401-600A (OA T EI o CHANGE OVER 6QOA PERM IT ISSUING FEE S S IG NAT R E OF OWNER I F'OWNE R S U IL OEfll J O AT !:)TOTAL FEE S WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT '-.5 7 ~ PLANCHECK VALIDATION CASHCASHM.O.CK.PERMIT VALIDATION ..fl..j()cf M.O. ~~/'7~.r;o/J~&~7Y71v,,,,,,,"0,9£;;:~/w"" IN TERNATIONAL CON FER E"NCE OF~BU IL.D1N G O FF IC IALS.50 s o .L OS ROB l.E S.P A SADENA ,C ALI FORNI A g ll D IAEORCERFFlOM:F o rm 100.3 9 -6 9 3 CASH /~./(. I ,"1' ~.".f J'M.O. ,...",. PERMIT VALIDATION Y x /:",/ CASHM.O.CK. •~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ,.. ) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0 5 /(~-----~•/,z Jurisdict ion of I I (L ~•3 0 1 0 3 ~A pplicanttocompleten umberedspaces only,0 0 .)O!!!AO D ~ESS '/I "1//,,--~ LO T NO.I 'L ~ITRAe;<OSEE A TTACHED SHEETILEC.LI1OEseR.JI /./".-, O WNER MA IL AOOAESS ZI P PHONE 2 J .-"-,.-,., "/,... C ON TRAC TOR MAI L.AODI'lESS PHONE L ICENSE NO . 3 I '.r ".-.. "/',.-1 -- ARCH ITECT OR D ES I G"lER MA IL ADDRESS PHONE LICEN SE NO . 4 ENGINEER MAIL A D DRESS PHON E L ICENSE N O . 5 LENDER <,.:t MA1L ADOAE;SS -8RANCH 6 , U SE OF B U IL DI ~G 7 8 Clas s o f wor k:O -NEW o ADDITION o A LTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describew ork : PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECI AL CONDI TIONS:Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT----SWITCH --I----- T otal LI G HTING F ixtures AP PLICATION ACCEP TEDB Y :PLANS C HECKED BY :A PPROVED FOR ISSUANCEBY ;FI XTURES R ANGES CLO .DRYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE G ARBAGED ISP.STA.COOK TOP THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOR K OR CONSTRUe·DISH.WASH.CLOTHES W ASH. T ION AUTHORIZED I S NOT COMM ENCED WITHIN60 DAYS,OR IF ,S PACE .HTR .STA.APPL.V,H .P.,MAX., CONSTRUCTION OR WORK 'IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 1 20 DA YS AT AN Y TIME AF TER WORK IS COM· M ENCED .MOTORS :H.P.I HEREB Y CERTI FY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLI CATION AND KNOW T HE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVIS IONS O F LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS T YPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED W ITH WHET HER SPECIFIED HER EIN OR NOT,THE GRANTING OF A P ERMI T D OES N OT PRESU ME T O GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE NO.TRANS.P RO VI SIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING SIGNSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION.NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SER V ICE O·200A 201·400A ONEW 401 -600A S IGN A TUR E O F CONTRACTOROR AU THO RIZED A'ENT {DA TEI o CHANGE OVER 600A PERM IT ISSUING FEE $ SIGNATURE 01"OWNE R I,.OW NER B UIL DE RI DATE.)TOTAL FEE $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED tiN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ~///, AUDIT Form 1 00.39 -69 RE ORD ER FR OM:I NTERNA TIONAL CON FER FNC E O F BUI L DI NG OFFIC IALS.150 so .L OS RO BLES.P ASA DE NA.C ALIP'OR N IA 911 01-_....... ·-..EAGLE COUNr.UILDING PERMIT APpeeATION R eview Routing Form 6--~/7y Dat e R eferred \~L7~~ Appl icant Permit No. M !/~~Loc ation~Rd Pleas e r eview th e attached a p pl ication an d return it and this completed form to the County Build ing Official within 6 wo rking d ays. Plann ing Commi s si on File No ._ Comments:------------ D ate: /I R eviewed by:Yes No DO DO DO [2510 Planning:Compli e s with: Subd.R egul ations Zoning R egul ati ons Recommend Approval •t. Gradi ng Drainage RoadsCountyEngineer: R e commend App roval 0-.e.J l ~'.r -,,-. V --------- Comments:-L.-LY~_--'::""=_ W ater County Heal th:S anitation [~r:r/'I (3/0 DO R ec ommend Approv al.0D ((J~c ·(e-I __._~ec,;;I-_---LC C/j.(l/L-cr ZE "-)"'c)-. --.-D4 .ac.,;7 1\7 f t'/}!/)(5 ;7z,IC L-.-iJlx1/Le:,._ r;-7Cf-7b ---------------------------------------------1 o REMOV EoMOVEoREPAIR La o ADDIT IO N I liS NEW or P U i L DING Describework; Cla sso f work: [t.C.I !Or r K 8 9 BU IL DI 6 5 1--------------,-----------_._---------------------- 10 Crl<l nge of use from ChJngc ofusc to 11 Valuation of work;S 000 ,(10 ffl _0-0 PLAN CHE CK F Er <,~-I / PE R MI T f'EE' I~ O cc up an cy G roup D ivi si on f..t.dX . o cc.L oad ----+------+-------1 N o .OI 5 10 r le s f-oI Il 1 1PO .1 11 '·'3 I~~:==-=_:=.~=.:~~:~~:~=~~=~~=.=.=.~=.=.=.=.=======~=.~::=.=.=.~=.~=.:===:=.=~Fi re U sc F ire 5 IJr i n k I e t s " K14,pf'("'1 V~1 ACCO'T(O (\'0'.·lA""~C HEC KlU BY A r p",o v~o fOR tS".tJANCf ev Z on('Z o ne Requ iTe d f.]Ves D Na .~.)~~Q F FST R Ef:T P A RKING SPI\C ES :I.//1 N o.o f ,...;'lib t:::/>o O Wl"lI i ng U nits C o ve r ed J U n co vere dr.;NO T IC E -'S I~::';i"l -:1'1';~v;:r:-~;;~~~;;"d Not 'l"q"i':f< ' l I SEPA!1 AT E P ERMIT S ARE R E QUIR ED r O F1 ELE C TRI CA L ,P LU MB ·70NI NG ±=I I,I ~J G ,H EA TIN G,VEN11LATING O R AI HCONDI TIONI NG,--------------I Hf:t-\LTH D EP T . I T H IS I'U 1MIT BEC0rv',~S N\JL L AND V O ID I f'WO RK O R CONS T RUC· TI ONA UTHOR IZE D IS NOT COiv',r&N CU)W ITH I N 120 D.\',.S,OR ,..':'r1._F_l_JE_.:_PT_,__-+-j -+-j I f'CO NS 1RUCT ION 01,WO RK I S SU SPENDE LJ OH AHAN DONED SO I L HE PO HlIr:o ~!"1'U110 D Or-120D AYS A T ANY T IME AF TER woruc I S ------------+----------+-------t------- I ('O U"ENCf,D .~THEH I SP ,'CI~~•j_---_---+_,-------! I t-IEH r~JY CCR TI FV THJ\T 1 H r ...VE RC f\()A ND [X AM I NED T HI S r >lr i I A PP LI CA TI ON AN D K NOW -r H E SAM E'()81''''UI~AN i)cnl1flEC:r.":o un 1.y_l'l {!;_---1 .q'~I.;cP ~/f \~!);~~~~\\;~E l.L I~~v ~t:;r~f~~_~-:~i )~·~~~~\~~lt~n .~~~~r ~.'J~g I J·ll tl t~C_OJ.U Il~~J~Jl.rtill ~e~:__'l 1 li LHCl N O ~~OT .T H E (;1...:/;1\$1 IF'\,j~Of J\f'El-<M ll n ()C ~N OT ._;! .P kL:S I.IME T O (.,Vl:AlFlHOHI 1Y 1 0 VtOL/\1"L OH c orvc rt.T H E --------------------•.,.----,.-----j I P H (I V I ~';T ON S OF ANY o rr-ru ~l T I\TE o u L OC AL L AW n EGU l.!\ri N G C O N S I HUCTtO N ,0 1<THE:_(:tHf-O/IMA~H :/O F;C ONSTHlJC T IOf-l,r--'.,---------------------=1 II '((n //1 kL__/0(j((u;dJ:~\~t ~.:;.~G --1 Y-?g ~_~=__-------\!~!J '4f 0 "COr',.k A C'....•.C:h ·v .'r,.,O f<;IZ [1l ~C L ...r ----,,~/W AYt )_.---- / I ,r-/i j \J IU -------------- I/X r/---c ,-I'iG,"-:?i+i~§!L'_!·~~J;f![.;-u{~~:0.:.::._::.=--~~·J -!-j~:~=~~~I _=_==~_-__--__-~~-_-_+_-------I WhE N I'Il ;)PEHLY V I ,I IO/,TEO (IrJ THi S "PflCr l TH IS IS Y OUR f'I:FlMIT t'LM.J CHICCK Vt ,UDA"f1-0N-----c:.;.~--~~----~~~--·-f:;I_;_flNt il-:-VAljri A :rI()~j-__Z~~-1i:-_:..-M_O~-----;;-A~H--- \:;5../35 ,,,,,;,,C l (ll /S::f!'-":'(~';;I t:-OJ-~/--,?/ ,.r.O'"r-e ...pt o ~1'4 't t t (N ;~1 I ON 1\r.(0 I.J t I H L N("E'0 r:{~U I L_[JI N (;.Or -'"I,-I h L:'"••".~<.we",..""...,.MII.."-~n ,.dl •U"'1111.".':......U •••,.....\ EAGLE COUNTY ,BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX -nf3 PHONE :328-6339 ••INSPECTI ·1tN REBUEST r DATE JOB NAME ----------0-"-'----------'-'---"------- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---'-'_ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR COMMENTS:----='--_ / o APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE -}/ INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789• PHONE:328·6339 •INSPECTI N REBUEST DATE JOB NAME _ TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789 . PHONE:328-6339 •INSPECTI_N REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIM E RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ DOTH ER 0 PARTI AL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS---------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR 2-RMIT ~PLlCATION•PLUMBING ~0 ~~·/102{;j7 z Jurisdiction of ~>~0 0 ~ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~••Joe ADD"ISS I LOTNO.leLK ITOA CTLE,.A L ~SE E:ATTA CHEDS HEE T )10.5co.11.Q Van ilis 3cho~e ,;'ilinE r QWN£II MAl L ADO"IESS z,.PHONE 2 :anno Sc1-J.eide gger '?ox 604 .Vail ,Colorado 8 J.~57 47f.5737 CONT'.....CTO ..MA IL ACDln.55 PHONE L ICENSE 1'10. 3 '3enno Sc eiclegge!"Poy 1)04 ,Vail,Colo rado 81657 ARCH ITECT 0 ..D ESIGNE"MA IL ADO"'ESS PH ONE L ICENSE NO. 4 ENG INEE"MAIL ACDRESS PHONE LI CENSE NO . 5 L ENDEI't MAIL AOOAESS B"ANCH 6 USE 01"BU ILD ING 7 8 Class ofwork:IE NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work:/ I PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :;:WATER CLOSET (TOILET)s tj S-C ~BATHTUB =?o c ..f LAVATORY (WASH BAS IN)L-/.((IJ I SHOWER I I L\([] 2 KI TCHEN S INK &DISP.1 ()( 2 DISHWASHER 3 10( APPL ICATION ACCEPTE DBY :PLA NSCHECKED BY :A PPROVEDFORISSUANC E BY ;LAUNDRY T RAY CLOTHES WASHER I WATER HEATER I .s (. NOTICE URINAL TH IS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC·DRINK ING FOUNTAIN TION AUTHOR IZED I S NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS,OR IF I FLOOR -SINK OR DRAIN I IS(CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME A FTER WORK IS COM·SLOP SINK MENCED.:2 GAS SYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS 3 Itl"\l;I HEREB Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP.ALL PRO VISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING T HIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH W HETHER SPECIFIED WASTE INTERCEPTORHEREINORNOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHOR ITY TO V IOLATE OR CANCEL THE VACUUM BREAKERSPROVISIONSOFANYOTHERSTATEORLOCALLAWREGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONS TRUCTION .LAWN SPRI NKLER SYSTEM SEWER /~!k){J ;do Q Q ~CESSPOOL //-J /7?SEPT IC TAN K &PIT ~:O;~:CO.]~T1n~:Z~~AGEN T (DA TEI PE RMIT S 10_--TOTAL FEE $J .j s cSIGNATlitE0'OWNE R I "OWN E"BU I •DATE ~'iI HEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR P ERMIT OiS3/Y PLANCHECK VALIDATION Form 100.2 9 ·69 CK.M .O.CASH M.O.CASH Joe ADDR E S5 Jurisdiction of _ Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly. -... •PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION o ~z ~• :;••oo•~•• l.OT NO.I"'"ITRACT {OSEE ATTACHED SHEETILEGALI1OEseR.,, OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE 2 •, CONTRACTOR MAIL A DDRESS PHONE LI CENSE NO . 3 .•,"'''1 ARCHITECT OR DE!lIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENS E N O. 4 EN li lHEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSe:NO . 5 LENDER MA IL A DDRESS BI'tANeH 6 U SE OF B UILDING 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECKED BY .APPROVE 0FOR ISSUANCE BY : No.Type of Fixture orItom WATER CLOSET ITOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK &DISP. DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER $ Fee NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS,ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK ISCOM· MENCED . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . , URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR DRAIN SLOPSINK GAS SYSTEMS,NO.OUTLETS WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT SIGNATURE O F"CO NTRACTOR OR A UTl-IDRIZED AGENT SIGNA TURE O F O W NE R I F OWNER 8 UlLD ER (DATEI D ATE) PERMIT TOTAL FEE $ $ PLANCHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH Form 100.2 9·69 RIEORCII:R "'ROM:INTERNATIONAL CONF~H't:.NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.']60 S .WORKMAN MILL ROAD.WHITTIER,CALIF.90801 EAGLE CdtJNTY Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT~~C_E_I V_E_D_----.L6f6~'~~c!f:CtjY 2',1 9 ~ CASH ~//7 Sbi E C K A CCT . IT ~g AMOUNT CODE EIet2. =-3"c2ui/dillY Perm it Fee "00 Applic ation For .71 /J ~./J ~/)/r)GO £!eC!- ,/ 'bdi,i 5i sfi Appl ica tion ~::;'c:<-oO. Z oneChange Cond it iona l Use SpecialUse Va ria nce Appeal Fee Code :(Bui l ding)(Zoning)(Subdivis ion) Total Received 7</00 -8 1765Nt? A ll I temsare r ece i ved f or collect ion o nly an dth is rece ipt shallbe ca ncelled f or no -pa yment of a ny item . 3rcIVM•CACT • .ELE RI L ~'21~;'CAT'o ~D 0 ~ s 0 z • Jurisdiction of OCT ~> I -•0 J91b 0•Applic ant t o complete numbered spaces only.~·•J oe A D OA [S5 U""'l.Ul P/JIJllmg . ;;?J/::J ~c'#L7 '7?/J tV/X ?tf)L/~/,,-c..o"""Ugl a (;ounty,c:,;._·"I COT NO."CK IT R;:;;?/~LE GAL. -:/?V~F s ...'\'»,1 .......,(~~.E E A T TA CHED S ti E E:T)l oESe..J/ OWNE R M A l L.AD DR ESS z,.P HONE 2 'BIEN #J t'>.<:::ro .HJ:~/}I~r::r_/Z ;;'::/7 0:;>c:»(',<J .".or '"~.-9 AN ""/7~-'573 11 CONTR ACTOR M A I L ADDRESS P H ON E L IC EN SE NO . 3 P ""~~~/;'L it ~""P-I'-L?rJ~/SO~t/tn /4-(',o «CJ 9 '/!J.~/.-:>;;'/(., A R C HIT E CT O R DE SIGNER M AI L AD DRE SS PHONE LICE~SE NO . 4 ENG I NEE R M A I L ADD RES S PH ONE LICE N SE N O. 5 L.E ND ER M AIL ADD R ESS B RANCH 6 . US E o r BU ILD ING 7 B Class ofwork:[JIlNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Des cribe work: PERMIT FEES No.Each Fee SPE C IAL CO NDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICAT IONACCEPTED B Y ;PLANS CH ECKEDBY :APPROVED FO RISSUANCEBY :FIXTURES RANGES CLO.ORYER WTR.HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE D ISP.STA.COOK TOP THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-OISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. T ION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF SPACE HTR.STA.APPL.1/2 H.P.MAX .CONSTRUCTION OR WOR K IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK I S COM - MENCED.MOTORS ,H.P.I HER E BY CER T IFY THAT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED T HIS APPLICA TION AN D KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND C ORRE CT. ALL PR O VIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNIN G THIS T YPE O F W ORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER S PECI FI EO HERE IN O RN OT,THE GRANTING OF APERMIT D OES NOT PR ESU ME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCE L THE NO.TRANS.PROVIS IONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING SIGNSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION.NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER DpOLE DUNDGD. SERViCE Q-200A .(d4:~Rt::eo ~S.N(0 201·400A ~d -7<;"DNEW 401-600A (OA T EI o CHANGE OVER 6QOA PERM IT ISSUING FEE S S IG NAT R E OF OWNER I F'OWNE R S U IL OEfll J O AT !:)TOTAL FEE S WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT '-.5 7 ~ PLANCHECK VALIDATION CASHCASHM.O.CK.PERMIT VALIDATION ..fl..j()cf M.O. ~~/'7~.r;o/J~&~7Y71v,,,,,,,"0,9£;;:~/w"" IN TERNATIONAL CON FER E"NCE OF~BU IL.D1N G O FF IC IALS.50 s o .L OS ROB l.E S.P A SADENA ,C ALI FORNI A g ll D IAEORCERFFlOM:F o rm 100.3 9 -6 9 3 CASH /~./(. I ,"1' ~.".f J'M.O. ,...",. PERMIT VALIDATION Y x /:",/ CASHM.O.CK. •~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ,.. ) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0 5 /(~-----~•/,z Jurisdict ion of I I (L ~•3 0 1 0 3 ~A pplicanttocompleten umberedspaces only,0 0 .)O!!!AO D ~ESS '/I "1//,,--~ LO T NO.I 'L ~ITRAe;<OSEE A TTACHED SHEETILEC.LI1OEseR.JI /./".-, O WNER MA IL AOOAESS ZI P PHONE 2 J .-"-,.-,., "/,... C ON TRAC TOR MAI L.AODI'lESS PHONE L ICENSE NO . 3 I '.r ".-.. "/',.-1 -- ARCH ITECT OR D ES I G"lER MA IL ADDRESS PHONE LICEN SE NO . 4 ENGINEER MAIL A D DRESS PHON E L ICENSE N O . 5 LENDER <,.:t MA1L ADOAE;SS -8RANCH 6 , U SE OF B U IL DI ~G 7 8 Clas s o f wor k:O -NEW o ADDITION o A LTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describew ork : PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECI AL CONDI TIONS:Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT----SWITCH --I----- T otal LI G HTING F ixtures AP PLICATION ACCEP TEDB Y :PLANS C HECKED BY :A PPROVED FOR ISSUANCEBY ;FI XTURES R ANGES CLO .DRYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE G ARBAGED ISP.STA.COOK TOP THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOR K OR CONSTRUe·DISH.WASH.CLOTHES W ASH. T ION AUTHORIZED I S NOT COMM ENCED WITHIN60 DAYS,OR IF ,S PACE .HTR .STA.APPL.V,H .P.,MAX., CONSTRUCTION OR WORK 'IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 1 20 DA YS AT AN Y TIME AF TER WORK IS COM· M ENCED .MOTORS :H.P.I HEREB Y CERTI FY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLI CATION AND KNOW T HE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVIS IONS O F LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS T YPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED W ITH WHET HER SPECIFIED HER EIN OR NOT,THE GRANTING OF A P ERMI T D OES N OT PRESU ME T O GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE NO.TRANS.P RO VI SIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING SIGNSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION.NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SER V ICE O·200A 201·400A ONEW 401 -600A S IGN A TUR E O F CONTRACTOROR AU THO RIZED A'ENT {DA TEI o CHANGE OVER 600A PERM IT ISSUING FEE $ SIGNATURE 01"OWNE R I,.OW NER B UIL DE RI DATE.)TOTAL FEE $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED tiN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ~///, AUDIT Form 1 00.39 -69 RE ORD ER FR OM:I NTERNA TIONAL CON FER FNC E O F BUI L DI NG OFFIC IALS.150 so .L OS RO BLES.P ASA DE NA.C ALIP'OR N IA 911 01-_....... ·-..EAGLE COUNr.UILDING PERMIT APpeeATION R eview Routing Form 6--~/7y Dat e R eferred \~L7~~ Appl icant Permit No. M !/~~Loc ation~Rd Pleas e r eview th e attached a p pl ication an d return it and this completed form to the County Build ing Official within 6 wo rking d ays. Plann ing Commi s si on File No ._ Comments:------------ D ate: /I R eviewed by:Yes No DO DO DO [2510 Planning:Compli e s with: Subd.R egul ations Zoning R egul ati ons Recommend Approval •t. Gradi ng Drainage RoadsCountyEngineer: R e commend App roval 0-.e.J l ~'.r -,,-. V --------- Comments:-L.-LY~_--'::""=_ W ater County Heal th:S anitation [~r:r/'I (3/0 DO R ec ommend Approv al.0D ((J~c ·(e-I __._~ec,;;I-_---LC C/j.(l/L-cr ZE "-)"'c)-. --.-D4 .ac.,;7 1\7 f t'/}!/)(5 ;7z,IC L-.-iJlx1/Le:,._ r;-7Cf-7b ---------------------------------------------1 o REMOV EoMOVEoREPAIR La o ADDIT IO N I liS NEW or P U i L DING Describework; Cla sso f work: [t.C.I !Or r K 8 9 BU IL DI 6 5 1--------------,-----------_._---------------------- 10 Crl<l nge of use from ChJngc ofusc to 11 Valuation of work;S 000 ,(10 ffl _0-0 PLAN CHE CK F Er <,~-I / PE R MI T f'EE' I~ O cc up an cy G roup D ivi si on f..t.dX . o cc.L oad ----+------+-------1 N o .OI 5 10 r le s f-oI Il 1 1PO .1 11 '·'3 I~~:==-=_:=.~=.:~~:~~:~=~~=~~=.=.=.~=.=.=.=.=======~=.~::=.=.=.~=.~=.:===:=.=~Fi re U sc F ire 5 IJr i n k I e t s " K14,pf'("'1 V~1 ACCO'T(O (\'0'.·lA""~C HEC KlU BY A r p",o v~o fOR tS".tJANCf ev Z on('Z o ne Requ iTe d f.]Ves D Na .~.)~~Q F FST R Ef:T P A RKING SPI\C ES :I.//1 N o.o f ,...;'lib t:::/>o O Wl"lI i ng U nits C o ve r ed J U n co vere dr.;NO T IC E -'S I~::';i"l -:1'1';~v;:r:-~;;~~~;;"d Not 'l"q"i':f< ' l I SEPA!1 AT E P ERMIT S ARE R E QUIR ED r O F1 ELE C TRI CA L ,P LU MB ·70NI NG ±=I I,I ~J G ,H EA TIN G,VEN11LATING O R AI HCONDI TIONI NG,--------------I Hf:t-\LTH D EP T . I T H IS I'U 1MIT BEC0rv',~S N\JL L AND V O ID I f'WO RK O R CONS T RUC· TI ONA UTHOR IZE D IS NOT COiv',r&N CU)W ITH I N 120 D.\',.S,OR ,..':'r1._F_l_JE_.:_PT_,__-+-j -+-j I f'CO NS 1RUCT ION 01,WO RK I S SU SPENDE LJ OH AHAN DONED SO I L HE PO HlIr:o ~!"1'U110 D Or-120D AYS A T ANY T IME AF TER woruc I S ------------+----------+-------t------- I ('O U"ENCf,D .~THEH I SP ,'CI~~•j_---_---+_,-------! I t-IEH r~JY CCR TI FV THJ\T 1 H r ...VE RC f\()A ND [X AM I NED T HI S r >lr i I A PP LI CA TI ON AN D K NOW -r H E SAM E'()81''''UI~AN i)cnl1flEC:r.":o un 1.y_l'l {!;_---1 .q'~I.;cP ~/f \~!);~~~~\\;~E l.L I~~v ~t:;r~f~~_~-:~i )~·~~~~\~~lt~n .~~~~r ~.'J~g I J·ll tl t~C_OJ.U Il~~J~Jl.rtill ~e~:__'l 1 li LHCl N O ~~OT .T H E (;1...:/;1\$1 IF'\,j~Of J\f'El-<M ll n ()C ~N OT ._;! .P kL:S I.IME T O (.,Vl:AlFlHOHI 1Y 1 0 VtOL/\1"L OH c orvc rt.T H E --------------------•.,.----,.-----j I P H (I V I ~';T ON S OF ANY o rr-ru ~l T I\TE o u L OC AL L AW n EGU l.!\ri N G C O N S I HUCTtO N ,0 1<THE:_(:tHf-O/IMA~H :/O F;C ONSTHlJC T IOf-l,r--'.,---------------------=1 II '((n //1 kL__/0(j((u;dJ:~\~t ~.:;.~G --1 Y-?g ~_~=__-------\!~!J '4f 0 "COr',.k A C'....•.C:h ·v .'r,.,O f<;IZ [1l ~C L ...r ----,,~/W AYt )_.---- / I ,r-/i j \J IU -------------- I/X r/---c ,-I'iG,"-:?i+i~§!L'_!·~~J;f![.;-u{~~:0.:.::._::.=--~~·J -!-j~:~=~~~I _=_==~_-__--__-~~-_-_+_-------I WhE N I'Il ;)PEHLY V I ,I IO/,TEO (IrJ THi S "PflCr l TH IS IS Y OUR f'I:FlMIT t'LM.J CHICCK Vt ,UDA"f1-0N-----c:.;.~--~~----~~~--·-f:;I_;_flNt il-:-VAljri A :rI()~j-__Z~~-1i:-_:..-M_O~-----;;-A~H--- \:;5../35 ,,,,,;,,C l (ll /S::f!'-":'(~';;I t:-OJ-~/--,?/ ,.r.O'"r-e ...pt o ~1'4 't t t (N ;~1 I ON 1\r.(0 I.J t I H L N("E'0 r:{~U I L_[JI N (;.Or -'"I,-I h L:'"••".~<.we",..""...,.MII.."-~n ,.dl •U"'1111.".':......U •••,.....\ EAGLE COUNTY ,BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX -nf3 PHONE :328-6339 ••INSPECTI ·1tN REBUEST r DATE JOB NAME ----------0-"-'----------'-'---"------- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---'-'_ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR COMMENTS:----='--_ / o APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE -}/ INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789• PHONE:328·6339 •INSPECTI N REBUEST DATE JOB NAME _ TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789 . PHONE:328-6339 •INSPECTI_N REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIM E RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ DOTH ER 0 PARTI AL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS---------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR 2-RMIT ~PLlCATION•PLUMBING ~0 ~~·/102{;j7 z Jurisdiction of ~>~0 0 ~ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~••Joe ADD"ISS I LOTNO.leLK ITOA CTLE,.A L ~SE E:ATTA CHEDS HEE T )10.5co.11.Q Van ilis 3cho~e ,;'ilinE r QWN£II MAl L ADO"IESS z,.PHONE 2 :anno Sc1-J.eide gger '?ox 604 .Vail ,Colorado 8 J.~57 47f.5737 CONT'.....CTO ..MA IL ACDln.55 PHONE L ICENSE 1'10. 3 '3enno Sc eiclegge!"Poy 1)04 ,Vail,Colo rado 81657 ARCH ITECT 0 ..D ESIGNE"MA IL ADO"'ESS PH ONE L ICENSE NO. 4 ENG INEE"MAIL ACDRESS PHONE LI CENSE NO . 5 L ENDEI't MAIL AOOAESS B"ANCH 6 USE 01"BU ILD ING 7 8 Class ofwork:IE NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work:/ I PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :;:WATER CLOSET (TOILET)s tj S-C ~BATHTUB =?o c ..f LAVATORY (WASH BAS IN)L-/.((IJ I SHOWER I I L\([] 2 KI TCHEN S INK &DISP.1 ()( 2 DISHWASHER 3 10( APPL ICATION ACCEPTE DBY :PLA NSCHECKED BY :A PPROVEDFORISSUANC E BY ;LAUNDRY T RAY CLOTHES WASHER I WATER HEATER I .s (. NOTICE URINAL TH IS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC·DRINK ING FOUNTAIN TION AUTHOR IZED I S NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS,OR IF I FLOOR -SINK OR DRAIN I IS(CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME A FTER WORK IS COM·SLOP SINK MENCED.:2 GAS SYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS 3 Itl"\l;I HEREB Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP.ALL PRO VISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING T HIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH W HETHER SPECIFIED WASTE INTERCEPTORHEREINORNOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHOR ITY TO V IOLATE OR CANCEL THE VACUUM BREAKERSPROVISIONSOFANYOTHERSTATEORLOCALLAWREGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONS TRUCTION .LAWN SPRI NKLER SYSTEM SEWER /~!k){J ;do Q Q ~CESSPOOL //-J /7?SEPT IC TAN K &PIT ~:O;~:CO.]~T1n~:Z~~AGEN T (DA TEI PE RMIT S 10_--TOTAL FEE $J .j s cSIGNATlitE0'OWNE R I "OWN E"BU I •DATE ~'iI HEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR P ERMIT OiS3/Y PLANCHECK VALIDATION Form 100.2 9 ·69 CK.M .O.CASH M.O.CASH Joe ADDR E S5 Jurisdiction of _ Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly. -... •PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION o ~z ~• :;••oo•~•• l.OT NO.I"'"ITRACT {OSEE ATTACHED SHEETILEGALI1OEseR.,, OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE 2 •, CONTRACTOR MAIL A DDRESS PHONE LI CENSE NO . 3 .•,"'''1 ARCHITECT OR DE!lIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENS E N O. 4 EN li lHEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSe:NO . 5 LENDER MA IL A DDRESS BI'tANeH 6 U SE OF B UILDING 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECKED BY .APPROVE 0FOR ISSUANCE BY : No.Type of Fixture orItom WATER CLOSET ITOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK &DISP. DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER $ Fee NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS,ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK ISCOM· MENCED . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . , URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR DRAIN SLOPSINK GAS SYSTEMS,NO.OUTLETS WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT SIGNATURE O F"CO NTRACTOR OR A UTl-IDRIZED AGENT SIGNA TURE O F O W NE R I F OWNER 8 UlLD ER (DATEI D ATE) PERMIT TOTAL FEE $ $ PLANCHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH Form 100.2 9·69 RIEORCII:R "'ROM:INTERNATIONAL CONF~H't:.NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.']60 S .WORKMAN MILL ROAD.WHITTIER,CALIF.90801 -,EAGLE CclNTY Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT &2020 R ECEIVED o F ----~""""''-L4.:LLu...!-........:2Sod~~:_£..<~~~~c...L---- CASH I //J:tJ ~S,K J ACCT . TTl...;','-'",AMOUNT ITEM CODE B uilding Perm it Fee App li catio n For ~//???/f ~.:;::>~-('"7) Subdiv i si on Appli cat ion Zone Change Co ndi tiona l Use SpecialUse Var iance Appea l Fee Code :(Bui lding)(Z o ning)(Subd ivision) T otal Received .;»,«:S'r) A ll I t em s a re r ec ei ved f or coll ect ion only an d th is recei pt shall b e cancelled for no -pa yment o f any ite m . N?1824 •INSPEC-r4bN REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH WENTrLATION TEMPORARY TANDPIPE EATING ROUGH W DesINAL OODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR •INSPEC"T4lbN REClUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIV ED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING OUGH PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL ENTrLATION PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL EMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: D OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ D APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR •INSPECT4ltJN REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ PARTIAL EMPORARY ELECTRICAL PARTIAL ENTrLATION MECHANICAL TANDPIPE woe S PARTIAL PLUMBING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR I NSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS _ DATE / /~, / •INSPECT4tJN REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL REO.RATING __ENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE ROUGH woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: DOTH ER D PARTI AL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION M ON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :__ D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT DUPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY REGL:JESTINSPECT~N•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789 PHONE:328 ·6339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: PARTIAL LOCATION: PAf\TIAL o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING LOCATION: READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:---='---~_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789 PHONE:328·6339 •INSPECT N REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING MECHANICAL ENTILATION PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION /LOCA nON _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O..BOX789 PHONE:328-6339 .'INSPECTIlIN REGUEST DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING • D OTHER ~__D PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.·BOX789 PHONE:328·6339 •INSPECT1tN REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPMCALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECT IONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- INSPECTOR REGL:JEST EAGLE COUNTY )/,,/;//~/?/;.~) INSPEC,4tON•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 729 PHONE:328 ·6339 D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION --JI'~//-P;:;J COVER PARTrAl LOCATION: PLUMBING FlOUGH STANDPIPE woe s"'Ir:~ I FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION: READY FORINSPECTION ---TUE WED THUR D REINSPECT J DATE J INSPECTOR REo.L:lEST EAGLE COUNTY / INSPEC~ON• DATE ~/__JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED <AM PMCALLER ~_=_______!...._ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.·BOX789 PHONE:328-6339 o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION ",I READY FORINSPECTION MON )TUE WED THUR FRI I ~r AMPM COMMENTS: ~ o REINSPECT I4-I DATE J <?) INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY I( BUILDING DIVISION P.O.'BOX 179 PHONE :328-6339 •INSPECTIJN -j .::t#Os/e REGUEST DATE ~JOB NAME T IME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH ENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ WED THUR READY FOR INSPECTION ~O N COMMENTS :---'---''''''--'--'':........!:::........--'-'--~r__''-==.,,!-=.:'--'<,;:::....::....L------____;----------- ~A PP R OV E D 0 DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECT Q]U-;:ON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS k r::T ~~n-r;r f~ ~~_3f ,~1Zi:r-v-v ,..., IN SPECTOR ? BUILDING DIVISION P.O:BOX 119 PHONE:328 ·6339 •INSPEC'£N EAGLE COUNTY DATE ----'JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDINGCOVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woes FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION WED THUR /~L:--FRI --:..J ~:)::...-:..;_...)_-____=_J_AM PM./ D REINSPECTDDISAPPROVEDDAPPROVED COMMENTS:_----:....::...-"'-_--=-'-"-'--''--''-'~__:_----------- I [J UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : ")- CORRECTIONS )I/"C-/p./I) "J.~~.-/;::;L, DATE /.) INSPECTOR "