HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 11 LEGALNO T E:T liiS P ERMIT MU ST BE PO ST ED ON J OB SITE AT AL LT IMES TOW NO F VA I L 7 5S .FRO N TAGE RO AD VAIL ,CO8 165 7 9 70-4 79 -2 I 38 DEPARTM ENT O F COMMUNITYD EVELO PME NT lo\-I I "Y,\h C Vb":,I ,-'- Jo b Address : l oc atio n : ParcelNo : A DD/A LT S FRB UILD I'ERMIT 25 08 AR OSA DR VAIL 250 8AR OSA DR 2103 14 108004 ~07 -O'{'(l Permit 11 :B 0 7-0302 Project # Stat u s...: A pplied ..: Issued : Ex pires : ISSUED 0912412007 0912412007 031221200 8 F OSTER,KA 0 9 /24 /2007OWNER A PPLICANT CONTRACTOR BECKLEY.KATHL EEN MARY &TRAVIS L. 386 10TH CT VERQ BEACH F L 329 62 TeeCONTRACTORS, P .O .BOX2 123 EAGLE CO 8163 1 Lic e ns e:540-8 Tee CON TRA CTORS. P .O.BOX 2 123 EAGLE CO 816 31 Li ce nse :540-8 INC . I NC . 09 /2 4 /2007 09 /24/20 0 7 Phone :970-328-23 40 P hone:970-32 8 -23 40 Descript ion : REROOFFROMCEDARS HAKES TO METAL PRO PAN EL Occ upancy: Type C onstructio n: Valu at ion :$25,700 .00 Revi sion Val uation :so.oo T ota l Sq n Added:o ....................................................................FEI'SUM MA RY ~•••••••••••••••••••••• BUlldln.ll,_>S~OU5 R ~'S llIMlI nl Plan Rn ic ....->SO.OO T"",1 C,tlcub re<.!Fees->5666 23 l'lan Llleck->S2bO 1111 R e<;IClil iu n Fcc >50_00 Addll iulIlI l Fc c'!>"00 In_nllgA lIOO->"'00 TOTAL fE E.<;>S6ti623 Tota l Permit Fcc---->1666 ,23 WiIl C.Il->0400 l'aymcnls >166623 RA I .....NCl::UUE-->1000 ............•..••.....•...•.......~..~..~•••.••.••........•..••.....•...............................................•............•............... A pprova ls : I tem :0 5100 BUILD I NG DEP ARTMENT 09 /2 4 /200 7 JS Ac tio n:AP Item :0 54 00 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT 09 /24 /2007 JS Action :AP It em :056 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT I tem :0 55 00 PUBLIC WORKS •..•.....••.•...••.........•..•............•..•..••..•..••.••.••~~..~.................................•.•...................•......•............. Secthe Co nditionss ect ion o f thi s Document for an y th at ma y a pply. DEC LARA TIONS I he reby ackn ow led g e tha t I ha ve read this app licat ion,filledo ut infu ll th eIn formation required ,co mp leted a n acc urate p lot plan , and statet hat a llthe informationas required iscorrec t.I ag reetoco mply w it ht he info rmatio na nd p lotp lan ,to co mp ly w it h a ll Town ordina nces an d stale laws,and to bui ldthis s truct ure acc o rd ing to the to wnszo ning and su bdivision cod es ,de sign review a p proved,Inte rnatio na lBu i ldingand Res ide ntia l Codes a nd o the r o n..l in anccs o fthe Town a pplic ab le ther eto. RJ::Ql1t;STS FOR I ~SP[CrlO .'"SIl Al.LBE l\L\D[rWJ::IHY·FOlIR 1I0l 'RS 1:"1 AIlVA,""CE BY TE LHIION F,A T 479-1149 O R ,\"I'OU R OHlCE FROM !I:OO AM · 4 "\1. RACTOR FO R HI MSELF A ND O WNER Permit #:B0 7-0302 CON DITIONS OF APPR OVAL as of 09 -24-200 7 Status:ISS UED •••*•••*.***************************************.******.*••••**.*.*****•••*••••*••**.********••••••••••• Pennit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Pa rcel No: ADD/A LT SFRBU ILD PERMIT TCCCONTRACTORS,INC. 97 0-328-2340 250 8ARO SA DR VA IL 25 08ARO SA DR 21 03 1410 8004 Applied: Issued: To Expire: 09124/2007 09 /24 /2007 03/2212 008 Description: R EROOFFROM CE DAR S IIAKESTO MET A LPROPANEL ...*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••Conditio ns',•••"*.*.*.*.*,.""'""'*"'**••••"" Cond:12 (BL DG.):FIELD INSPECTIONSAR E REQU IR ED TOC HECKFOR CODE COMPLIANC E. Co nd:16 (BLDG .):(S FR)S MOKED ETECTORSA RE REQ UIRED PERSEC T ION R313O F TH E2003 IRC. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN O FVA IL,C OLORADO S tatement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta tement Nu mber : Payment Me thod : cons t r uct i o n -c ash R0 70 00 1 968 Cash Amount:$666 .2309 /24 /2 00703 :5 3PM In it:LT Not ation:Ge or ge /TCC Pe r mit No: Parcel No: Si te Address : Lo cat ion : Thi s Paymen t : B07 ·0302 Type : 2 10 3 -1 41-0 800 -4 2 508 AROSA DR VAIL 2 508 AROSA DR $6 66 .23 ADD /ALTSF RBUILD P ERMIT To tal Fees : 'rot e I ALL PIn ts : Ba lanc e : .$666 .23 $666 ,23 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Code BF 0010 0003111100 PF 00 100 003 1 12 300 WC 00 100003 11280 0 Des crip ti on BUI LD ING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILLCALLI NSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 4 01.35 260 .88 4 ,00 75S .Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 GeneralContractor: Emailaddress: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact andPhone #'*:.'i'I'" COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials Contractor Sig BUILDING:s PLUMBIN G:$ ELECTRICAL:$ MECHANICAl:s OTHER:$'2'5.'==- TO TAL:s For Parcel #Contact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970-32U640 or vtstt www.eaale-countv.com I C!!@U! .....\031'"\10'6='"\ Job Name:\2.\2 -t..(S ~Job Address :'2-'b a~~'De\,,~ LegalDescription I Lot:\\Block:c ~Filing:I Subdivision: (Owners Name :bM iC\P."..~I0..6 Address :p ~Pjl",I 'N S VAIL ((\'ill.s~Pho"'f lf1Jj 190 't7>1", Arc:hitecVDesigner:Address :Phone: <Engineer:.Add ress :Phone: -£OetaileQ~escri~ion of \YOrk: 's:~~.c,.U-li\.lL eo ~VV\.L . Work Cla ss:New ()Addition ()Remodel ()Repair()Demo (>0 )Other() Wori<T ype:Int erior ()Ex terior (,>1 Both()Does an EHU exist at th is locat ion :Yes()No() Type of Bkjg .:Sing le-fam ily W Two-fam ily ()Multi-fami ly ()Convnerclal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing DNellin g Units in this build ing:No.of Accommodation Units in this building : NoITvoe of Fireolaces Existino :Gas lancesI1Gas LoosI1 WoodIPelietl )WoodBumino I1 NoIType of F;renlaces Proposed.GasAonl lances I)Gas LoosI)WoodIPe liet I1Wood Burnl""(NOT AlLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Ves()No()I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Ves ()No() uu u ..•..•..FOROFFICEUSEONLY '". Type of Construct ion: OccuanGraue: Date Received: IAccepted By : PlannerSign-off: 11-26-2007 4 :21 pm Pag e 53 Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: SiteAddreu: Tuesday,November 27,2007 JS 2508 AROSA DR VAIL 2508 AROSA DR Sub Type :AS FR Ose: Status :ISSU ED In sp A rea:JS 970-328-2340 B 07..Q 302 Type:A-BUILD0='"0'"BECKLEY.KATHLEEN FOSTER,KATHLEEN TCeCONTRACTORS INC.Phone : REROOF FROM ceDAR SHAKESTOMETAL PRO PANEL NPID Information Activity: ConstType: OWrier: Contractor. Description: Requested Inspectlon(s) Item:90BLDG-FinalRequestor:TCe CONTRACTORS6INC.1 Louis Com ments :INIU ca llLouis 390 -433 Assigned To :JMO NDRAGON Action:Time Exp: Requested Time: Phone: ~EnteredBy 04:00 PM 970-390-4 330 LTILLMANK Inspection History Ite m Item It e m Item Item Item Item Item Item Itemttem Item Item Ite m 50 1PW·T emp.ac cessldra inaM 10 B LDG-FootingS/Steel +UFERgrd 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 2 1PLAN-ltC Foundation Plan 30 BLDG-F",mlno 22 PLAN -ILC FRAMING 50 BLDG-Insulation 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 70 BLDG-Misc. ~~~brt'~JbE6'1fy WtPM IND ER 536 DIA -SITEJLANDSCAPING 534 PLAN -FINALC/O 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id:7293 Design Revie w Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel;970.4 79 .2139 fax:9 70.479.2452 lXI'>f.U4Tl'O!:'oC..OI"U[IiT web:www.va nccv.ccm Irrl/I bl/::..C- ~~!??h r11'L-{ Proj ect Nam e:BASILE REROOF ORB Number:DRB070492 Pro ject Description: FINAL APPROVAL FORA REROO F FROM CEDARSHAKES T OMETALPRO PANEL Participants: OWN ER BECKLEY,KATHLEEN FOSTER ,KA09/17/2007 MARY &TRAVISL. 38610THCT VERO BEACH FL32962 APPUCANTTCC CONTRACTORS,I NC.09/17/2007Pho ne :970-328-2340 P.O.BOX2123 EAGLE CO8 1631 Li cense :540-8 CONTRACTORTCC CONTRACTORS ,I NC.09/17/2007 Phone :97 0-328-2340 P.O.BOX212 3 EAGLE CO81631 li cense:540-8 Project Address:2S08 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2508 AROSA DR Legal Description:Lot:11Block :C Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2 103-141-0800-4 Comments: BOARO/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vot e: Conditions: Action :STAFFAPR Da te of Appl'"Oval:09/24/2007 Condo CON0009386 (PLAN ):No changes tothese plan s may be made withou t thewritten co nse ntof Town of Vai l. Cond:CONoo09387 (PLA N):ORB approval does not constit utea permit for building .Please con sult with TOV81dg Dept . Cond :CONoo09388 ORB approva l shall not become valid for 20 day s from appro val. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)yearfollowingthedate of finalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:NicolePeterson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 Block:c..SUbdivision:,Ja IL A C?cs t'\--Dg,ll )e:. Departmen t of Comm unity Development 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax :970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review 7 .'5 0& General Information: All projects requiring design review mustreceive approva l prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partkular approval that Is requested.An appliCation for Design Rev iew cannot be accepteduntil afl required information Is received by the Community Development Department.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by the Town Counci l and/orthe Planning and Environmenta l Commission . Design review approval lapses un less a building permit isis sued a nd construction comme nces w ithin one year of the approva l. Location of the Proposal :Lot:II Description of the Requ est: ~ ~ C7" TO t\SPlof!\ur:+ ______________~---"''j?~''-<1 -M..~'.,...0.- 'De-.2 0l~()U \2.....d <____Physical Address:__£..:.=..u:'----''''''=''''=_-l.L-'''"'U1J::..__-'-LL''cl.-'-~_ -., ')..,,;2.lCG~lcl8JClO.'L_(Co nta ct Eag le'Co.Assessor at 9 70-328-8640 f or parcel no .) • \ 2 J·(\.\., Zoning :~'--\..--"'==--__-=......"...-_ ';f;Name(s)of Owner(s):...:!:~~~~---'';::~ill...s::''''''--;-----------'-:T---­f-MailingAddr ess:1Y.:.::t>"---"""-"'-_--'=:l:L.L-__-"'''-''''''''-:'''O''-_=4.I:'U-:''-=-==__ ../'Owner(s)Signature(s):-9~~"'~2------------------- Name of App licant:__...>....."""~--"'-'"=="->='-_ Mailing Address:7 ",~"'6 71 '2.~""'Co ,«r ~8 lt03 I __________________Phon e:1f t:>•}'La -"2."3 L.(C> E-mail Address:Fax:j''"?C>'"3:t.S --z..o ,-, Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstructionoAddition ~I nor AlteIatk>n (multHamily/cornmerdal) ~M l n or Alteration (single-family/duplex) o Olanges to Approved Pla ns o SeparationRequest $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 (3) $20 NoFee ~$1.00 per square foot of totalsign area. Constructlon of a new building ordemo/rebuild. An eddlt'on where squa re footage 15 addedto any residential or rommerdal building (Includes250 additions &interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site i mprovements,such as, re-roofing,paInting,window 'additions,landscap ing,fencesand retainingwalls,etc . Minor changes to bUi ldingsand site Improvements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window addiUons ,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. Revi sions to plans already approved by Pla nning Staff or the Design Review Board . Planner:Pro·ectNo.: ForOffice ~O~:Fee PaId:____ 6Meetingnate: .-_.....~.__-~.... '~D COLOR SELECTION GUIDE _ Va/sp ar's Kynar SOD!orHy lar SODO'!.Flu rop on ~Fin ish Main Office P.O.Box 2 1 2 ~.Eagle.CO 8 1631 Phone:(970)328-2340 f ax:(970)328 -2 077 •A lso available in 26 gaugll SMP S TAND IN G SEAM R DO FING ~A RCHI TECTURAL T R IM.R OO F FLA S H I NGS.G UTTER S.D OWNS POUT S "Matte Bla ck "H reen *Terra C otta 'Co lo n ial Red 'Mansard Brown Ch ampagne 'Cha rcoa l Tea l P atina H emlo c k Green Reg al Red Burgundy 'Dark Bronze Sil ver 'Sla te Gr ay Ta upe Tea l 'Slate Blu e Royal B l ue 'Med iu m Bro nze A ged Co pper Yor ktown Stone Wh ite 'Bone Wh ite 1\rmon d S andst one S ie rra T an Co onerPen ny SEE REVERSE SIDEFOR PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES ANDSPEC IFICATIONS = Page I o f I hltp:llwww .metalroofing .com/v2llightbox/upl oadsllargellarge_13 66jpg 911 412 007 Printa ble Details Page I of3 ---------- legal Descripti on : Account Number:A0 13301 Parcel Number:2103 14108004 Tax Area :SC103 MillLevy :49.6250 O wner Na rn8lAddre8s :BECKLEY ,KATHLEENFOSTER ,KATHL EEN MARY &TRAVIS L 5927BR AE BURN CIA VEROBEACH,FL 32967 SUB:VAIL DASSCHONEFIL 1 BLK :C LOT:11 BK-0293 PG-0672 QC D 10·22·79 BK-OSOO PG-0007WD02-07-89 BK-0556 PG-0785QCDOO·19-9 1 R7son1 QCD 12·11-01 002508AROSADRVA IL AREA 0 .27 PhysicalAddress : Ac res : Property Tax ValuationI nformation ------------- ActualValue A8Sessed ValueValue Land 275000 2 1890 Improvements 50 2850 40030 Total n7850 61920 SaleHi story Reception Number:nla Book :0385 Page:0538 Sale Date :5 /10119 84 Sale Price :183000.00 Deed Type :WA RRANTY DEED Granlor nl a Re m a rks:nla Reception Number:nla Book:0289 Page :0247 Sale Date:7 /1811979 Sa le P rice :180000 .00 Deed Type :W ARRANTY DE ED Grantor nla Rema ri<s :nla Reception Number:nla Book :0256 Page :027 4 Sale Dale:5125119n S alePrice :71000 .00 Deed Type :WARRANT Y DEED Gra nlornla Aemat1<s :nla Reception Number:nl a Book :0222 http ://fcs .eaglecounty .u s/patie/printabIe_details .cfm 09124 /2007 -P rintabl e D etail s Page :02 14 Sale D ale:9/211971 SalePrice:45000,00 DeedType :WA RRANTY DEED Granto r nla Remarks:nl a Reception Number :nla Book:02 16 Page :0502 SaleD ale:lOm1969 SalePrice :6500.00 Deed Type:W ARRANTY DEED Grantor nla Remarks:nla Recept ion Num ber:nl a Book :0215 Page:0776 Sale Dal e:5/14/1969 Sale Price:2000.00 DeedType:W ARRANTYDEED G ra nto r nla Remarks:nla Impr ovement Inform ation Page2 of 3 ResidentialBUildings:1 Comme rcial BUildings:0 Healed A reas MAIN F LOORAREA Total All A reas MAIN FLOORAREA BALCONY 2 104 .000 2 104 2104 .000 270.000 Building Cha racteristics(First Improvm entI nAc count) ABSTRAC LCODE ACT _YEAA _BLT AIACOND ARCH_STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING _TYPE CONST_QUAL EXTE RIO~W A LL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GA RAGE H EATING_FUE L SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPRoVEMTS 1969 NONE 2 STORY N OBASEMENT 3.50 6.00 HSEWI APT FAIR BD/B ATIEN 12 C ARPET INV WOODFRAME NOGA RAGE GAS htt p .z'fc s .ea g le county.u s/pat ie/pr in tab le_d ctai ls.cfm 0 9/24/2007 .Printable Details HEATING_TYPE FORCEDAIR INTERIOR_WALL DRYWALL LOCAL_CODEHOUSEWITH APT NEIGHBORHOODVAILNORTH OFWESTEXIT ROOF_COVER WDSHINGLE ROOF_STRUCTURE GABLEJ1-iJP ROOMS 11 SHAPED NlA STORIES STORIES 2.0 SUPER_NBHD WESTVAIL {INTERMOUNTAIN UNITS 1 USE_CODERESIDENTIAL WALL11N NJA Page J of3 ---~--------------------------- Tax Hi st ory Tax Year Transaction Ty pe Amount 2006 TaxAmount 2056.48 2006 TaxPayment:FirstHalf -1028 .24 2006 Tax Payment S econd Half -1026.24 2005 Tax Amo unt 1920.38 2005 Tax Payme nt FirstHalf -960.19 2005 TaxPayme nt:SecondHa lf -960 .19 2004 Inte rest Charge 9.14 2004InterestPayment-9.14 2004 Tax Amount 1828.60 2004 Tax Payment First Half -914.30 2004 Tax Payment:Second Half-914.30 2003 Tax Amount 1784.40 2003 Tax Paymen t:F irstHalf -892.20 2003 TaxPay ment:Seco ndH alf -892.20 2002 Tax Amount 1675.00 2002 Tax Payment:W hole-1675.00 http://fcs.eaglecounty .us!pa tie/printable_detai1s.cfm 09 /24/2007 • 75southfrontag e road wall ,col orado 81657 (303)4 76-7000 •, office ofcommunity development August 1,198 5 Mr.Greg Burnett Univers al TV R Bo x 552 0 Avon.Colorado B1620 Re: wO"¥. L ~\c.~ JV)I>.\M J.. 'l\'b ~'6' De ar Greg: An adeq uate amount o f time haspassed i n which t o completethe requ ired i mp rovem entsforthe Beck ley and Ho sate l lite dish i nstallations.I am reque s ti ngthat this wo rk be completed by the f ollowi ng deadlines : Be ckley Installat ion As you kno w,citations we re issued inear ly July over fa il uret o compl ete requ iredDesign Rev iew Board impro veme nts for thi sdish. Whil ethe l andscaping i si n,the paint used on t he di sh is i ncon- s is tentwithth at a pproved by t he Boar d.Iwouldbe happy to dis - miss t hecha rges against yo u and Travis Beckl eyprovided the dish i s pain ted t he approvedco lor by We dnesday ,Augus t 7 .Yo ur arra i gn ment has beenre scheduledto August8t h toa l l ow you an ad ditio na l wee k t ocomp le te th is wor k.I f t he paintin g i s completedby Au gust 7th I will s ee t hatthec ha rgesare di smi ssed .If no t.th e charges will be heard atyourar ra ig nment o nt he 8t h of Aug ust. Ho Install ation As wa sdis cussed.therequiredl andscaping and painting was t o have been comp leted wi thinone wee k after the iss uance of the bu i lding pe rm it fo r t his i nsta ll ation.The permit was issued onJuly 17 . 1985.The heavy rain we have had ove r the last few weeks ha s obvious ly c reated prob lems witht hepaintingof th isdish.However.t his should no t have affected th e abil ity to insta l lt he required l ands caping . I have set a deadline of August7 f o r t hecom pl etion o f thi s wor k. as well. I encourage you to comp l et e t hiswork byt hedeadlines th at ha ve been • lown of vai 75 50uth frontage r oad vall ,colorado 81657 (303)476 ·7000 Mr .Ri chard M.Hols ten 1720 S.Be l laire St De nver,Co .80222 J ul y 11 ,19 85 Dear Mr .Holsten : • olllce of community development Ihavef orw ar ded copi esof yourl ett e r conce rningt he s atellited i sh antenna at th e Be ckley r eside nce (2503 Aro sa Drive ),to t he Des ign Rev i ew Boar d .I am su re t hey wi ll a p preciate y our com me ntsc oncernin g th is instal lation . The Tow nhas r e c entlypassed a new o rdi nance addressi ng sate ll i te di s h in stallati ons .While t his willnotreso lve the s i t ua ti on wi th the Beckleyappli cat ion,the newor dinance wil l r equ ire notifi cati on ofany application t o adjacent property ow ners .Wi th respect t o th e l ands ca pe ma ter i a ls t os cree nth edi sh .t heapproved appl i cation didnot propose a ny materia ls tobe lo cated onth e dow nhill side ofth e di sh. Th e r ea sonfo r thi swas a ppare ntly to all ow for th e disht o r ecieve si gna ls f rom as outherly or ien tat ion.Whil e lo w sca le s hrubbery ma y be added on thesou th s ide of the di sh,any ta llpl antings would effe c t t he perfo rma nceof th e di sh. Pl ease do not hesitat e t oca ll me witha nyfu rther que stio ns yo umay haveconce rning thi s ma t ter . rc~~Th oma sA.Braun Town P1 anner T8/blf • R ICH AR D M .H OLS TEN ,72050...,...elrLLa'''C S T O ....IIU ••CO LO .....OO 8 0 ZZZ J u ly 5 ,1 985 DesignRevi ewBoa rd Town o f Vail Vai l ,Color ado 8 165 7 Gentlemen: • Ea r l ier thi s we ek a l arge t e l evi s ion sat ellite dish was i n stalled i n the backyard o f t he mu ltip le fam i ly r e sid ence at 25 08 Arosa Dr ive , Wes t Vai l.Wh i le certa in l a nd sca ping is b eing done above the unit,app a rently nothing i s schedule d to soften the intrus ion n owb e i ng ex per ience d b y those of u s l i v i ng be lowt heh o use --to t he so ut h an d west . Had Ib een aware of the o wner 's p lans to i nstall t hi s di sh ,I wou l d h aves t rongly o b jected on es thetic g rounds .At this p o int,p robab ly nothing can b e done exce pt t o request t h at s u itab le t a l l and bushy p l antings b e in c l uded ont he d ownh il l s i de of t he d i sh t oh elp mit ig a te i t s p res en c e fo r t he n ei gh b o r s . Since re ly , 1!I{Io~~-C 2469 Chamonix Lane P .O .Box 1 2 4 6 Vai l ,Col or ado8 1657 TI lE FO LLO WIN G I S IIE ED ED FOR FILl IIGPERM I 11 t t 'f m CondoAssocf if applt cebl e ) ,' R:,'?:/,WorK iee.T ..,/,Ill.,:e er ro '2se ts o fc cmpl e t ad rewt nqs l t f no DAlE .drawings t wo c omplete e xplanation of-..,,.•klor k .ImDrnii I .TYPE orCONSTRUCTlON rnm rv v- d epartment0 1 co mmunityd ov elopment z.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM a UIW ING ~OO';'.:::.y.z elECTR ICAL X flE£,MI:LfY fC"dil'r1MlnfYPlI \~"{o i~W~~c m I'"·"DIVISIO N 122.3 4 Q XGENERAL OESCRIP TJO NOFWDRK :"PLUM BING X T YPEOF P EHMI Q [.j,~~x INtr"LL Sfl:Ml ill "•X~BUILDIN G o PLUMBING >MECIlANICAl ELE CTRICAL o fOUN DATION ,X TOTA l ..:l or,,(\'" •o M ECHANICAL 0 TYPE CROUP GRF.A .VALUATI ON PERMIT FE ES X LEGA L LOT I I BlK '" [I BUllDIH Cl PERMIT X DE SC,FILING V+l l OM~c~""~1"PLAN CHECK 11,,,OV'i='-<\I\'r'"(r~D[.;)\l , JOB N AME :ElE CTR ICAL x OW NER W....E fRPi fj,fJ££k.!et new I )Al TERATl OIf (I AODlum/AL (I REPAJR (I PLUM BlflC Loc al Ad d. X MAl!"OORESS OWELllNGUNrTS __ACCOMMOOAflONoorTS_ME CHANI CAL (t .Address CITY r i1 H£I GHT lNf T.__HO.fIREPl...CES --RECREATION FEE ARCHITEC T [m,Llh IL V!®1l1.-~1\f'UM l>}.JI .I N SUL ATI O N :TYr'E THICKNl:SS /'l·v"'UUE DESIGN REVIE W BOARD ( MAll ADDRESS (;9)::"nn o fL OOR CLEANUP DEPOSIT, CHY {tV otJ .LDL O,PH q4Q ,(421 EXT.WALL S U SE TAX f lRJ.(V N(·("g ~trt..£/lS lllilli ~-l5.ROO'WGENERAL1'l'1 -s TYPE f LEO,I GAS .r CONT RACTOR TOW N O F VA ll R EG NO.0'TOTAL PE RMIT FEES ~'JU!5..~SOLAn wooo ~THE.HEAT-\FIRM ADD ITI O N AL PERMITS NEEDED:,l u"ii orNGOfFICIAC ------l)..,fE ----- ElECTR ICAL z,!!.lli!!!&~~N T R A C T O R T OWNQ F VAIL BFG ,NO ,----------0;1E----ST.C UT 'ONINGADMINISTRATO RTELE~-- BLA S TING l ONING &BUILDING NO TES:~,/',f lB-"P....RKIN O -PLUMBING TOWNO F v,MCftE:G NO.----, CONTRACTO R TELZ DEMO , eM-- f tR"!/Ih ereby acknowledgo lhat I ha ve read t hIs applicalion,fil led ou t I nl ulilhe I nfo rmal io n reqvt rec, MECHANICAL TOWN O F ~E G NO , c om pletedan accurate p lol p lan.and stato I hal allihe lntcr rnatlcn p rovideda srequ ired isco rrec t.I , a gree 10 compl y wit h t ho Into rmatlcn an d pIal p lan,to comply wilh allT own ordinances andstateCONTRACTOR",7 laws,andtobuild thisst ructure acco'di ngto 'j Town's,onlng an d sub ctvrs tcn cod es,doslgn OTH ER f IRM review approved ,~n ilo r m B uild ing Codeando lh ordlnannS O'Jh8 TO ~P IiC"bre th ereto. TOWN O F _v~reRE o .N O, ','XX XXX XXXXXXX X "\.•..1 -I')<.'IlL ""'LSO ~~SIGNA T~~~OW !A O A C ONTRACTOR fOR HI MSELF CON TRACTOR T£LE ,-----ANDTH E EA. - po :::lt:J .r":2 v ~JJ :t!. '-.:;::.'.u --l ~0- ~~ ':::2 8 \..- yO ..0 J -e;Cf r: &-.' r <"cl~'Q:. -,;:: -~ill s;i ':::>0?~ ~,::r <:l \......~-::.J ,,'")~'< \-*~ ~Ll-''r- t-\ •• X. x X X dt7 -t7t7 /()•<!!!- DurlDIPlC PERI.II T uunnmo I,lEC l lAtl JC Al TOTAL PEnt.tlT FEES PLAtl C'tr e K MEC IWlrOl El ECTRrCAl PLUl.l llltlC RECREAUOfI r EE DEsrCtI REVI[W BOARD C lEAt~UP DEPOSIT US ETA X TOTAL PER MIT FEES 6"7.06 10·.... I (1ft' ~TIIJ~:c::.Aa;i-I Vv\----DA il -----_'......~t!!.!_ 'ONI U'G AO ~llNISf RAI OR OAlE ZON ING &ElUllD ING NorES: / VA L UATION WOOD ,.",.- I TW C ItNESS R·VAlLUE i /// /l-./. f UAl E nec...-'":G::"=-_ SOLA R TYrE OIlOUP HEIGHI rfH T.__NO.fm EPLACES E llI.WAL LS flOOR ROOF DWE Lll ~jGUfj rIS _ACC O~·1.I0 0A1I O NUNl'S _ TYPE OF tlEAT S T.CUT ADOlTlONAL PERMITSN EEOED: 1.!i DLASTING /lEW I )IIlTrllll Jr mH J ADDrrl Ot lAll I REf'A III() PH. BlK (' j.J v ~,:;L f , Wo rK TOWN O F VAll REG NO_ Ml:lt AD apESS - l OT I FI LING 2 5'"\'" LEGA L DESC . JO D N AME: :,:\'1./ ":":''' .1m 0 ,iii ., d e partmen t o f commun ity devel opment OWNER lf ~',!E ')1 ~.r.;.,"l oca l Add. !J!lLArmRfSS }..::.~p. .t .Add re ss C IT Y rc P II. ARCt llTECT FIFlI,4 VjJ'Vr •, GE r~ER A L CONTRACTOR I .!.i==="-"-......=~_ ____·I ~C1~TY'-_'~·1 f IR '.!Vt}IY(II l l'r (f; J W~s~Ll r ~ClU T[f1f1'~W Wrm~"XO IV;WRg t m11""" lYPE or Pl:Ht.Uf t:.A DU llOU IG 0 PLUMOUIG fj ELECTlHCAL 0 FOUNDATIO NomCIlA/IICAl 0 . ____=I ,!!TE~IJ;E ~__ xx x • ( .( x ( ,, Wi lAO ill@ +MI l DEMOTQWNQFVAllREG.NO Tn E Pl UMBING I u;~CQ.!:mJ..Bjlli..lli!._ CONTRACTORI' !JB""_ MECHANI CAL CONTRACTOR IOW N QF VAll RE G NO , Tft E OT HER I f~':."::.'--:_ TO WN O F VAil R EG .N O. COt H RACTOR THE. ,..,.....,."r ...., Ih ereb y a cknowledge t h at I have read t h i s ap p li c ation.I illedo ulInf ullihe In l ormallon r equi red. c orncte te d an accu ratepi a l pl an,an d s late th ai all th e I n lorm al/o n p rovided a srequired is c orre e!.' Agree 10c omp l y wit h l ho Int c rmau c n and p lot pl an.t oc omp ly wll h a ll Towll on Ji nancesandstate l aws,an d 10 build I hlsst ructu re ac cordI ng toI he T own'a z onin9 atl d subd i visio n co d es,d ~si gn review app ,~v ed i ~n i l orm Bu il d ing Code andolllOl lo rd inances o ~~e T ownapp licable thereto. '.XXXXXXX XXXXXX ,.r't\·.0 .>t. ..t S IG N ATUJ¥!~F OWNER OR CONTRACTOR f OR HIMSEL F A NO T H E ~ER. 'M ,aws:::;,0:0 azwes _,..."",,_ • aa---• 75sou th fron t ag ~ro ad vail ,colorado 81657 (303)4 76-7000 Ma y 30 ,1985 GregBurn ett Universa l T.V.Hour P.O.Box 5520 Avon ,Col orado 8 1620 Dear Greg 9 • office of community development I "-.. The ORB approved the Beck ley Residence Sat ell i te Di sh a pp l ication withtheamended landscape plan ason fil e in our department.As wa smadea conditionofapproval by the ORB .th e building per mit for thein stall ati on will notbe i ssued until t he l andscape materi als are on the s ite .In addition .the landscaping will be requ ired tobein stalled concurrentlywithth e d ish in stallation . Please do not hesitate toca ll withany questions you may have. Si nce r e ly , (\~ ThomasA.Braun Town Planner *E oc1. o r oi..J ''''~) ,;:"._~~L e.-J I e lie I i->: •.,-~.. , I I,- I i ~3 'I ; I, i ,--.. I ~------.."Ih .I ",.\I , I't 'i-~l ';I-~I I I•I i I - -l\r--- I I l i I I ------- .-• o •2 ":1 [c- PVC 5 ...,.~;."....- )' l e I/I!I .i '- t--".\: I '.I '. I +-------·36 -"---- I J,.1f<'.j Hoi < ,--r+i o~. T -I•__r1 S '" " I P VC c.0 r,d ....;1-------------- N CNI,£tel!a""*A .,--.~I c.I I ..~-~ t g " <TO Ho4S e..{ p-- Project Nam e :Tr avisBeck ley I Satellj te Dish .----Project App lication .. Date ADrl1 25 ,1985 Pr ojeclDescr ipt ion :In sta ll a tj on of Satell i te Receiver An tenna/Be ckle y Res . C ontact Pe r son andPh one l1.DJ..jtersa l Sat e]]jtp Systems!Gr eg Burnett P.O.Box 55 20 Avon,Col o 816 20 949_1457 O wner ,Add r ess an d Ph one :.Txccaa"vCli..<s,-,6"e"co.kulee!fy---------------_ 2508Aros a Drive Va il ,Colo.8 1657No phone @ res . Ar ctut ect ,Ad d re ssan d P hone:Uni v er s al Sa te ll i t e S ystems I Greg Burnett P ,O.Box 55 20Ayon.Colo.816 20949 -1457 Legal Descr ip tion :l ot 11 Block C FilingV...aJ l aa sS c hone #1 .Zo ne P IS C omments:_ Des ign Review Boa rd Da te _ M ot i on b y : Seconded by :_ A PPROVAL T o ....n Planner D ISAPPROVAL o Staff A pproval Da te:_ P roject Application •• Date Apr 11 2",1 QAr; Project Name :TI"~vi 5 ~eocklp ..,I ,,'i"pll jt p D!~h Project Description:I FJd~JI:!t!l"ln,.,f ~atpll it"R-r ·jver Antenn ill/P.p ..lijl to t Pe - Contact Person and Phone lI n jv ersr J Ca t""I j t"(;y,,+pmC'I G r p",Q,'rr>ett" Owner,Address and Phone:~T.!r"'l.lvl..lLS.s --,,0'<0"':'>'<..1..1 0"-""_ ?-08 Aros.Oriv.V.il ,Colo.81657 No p ~o n .~,.s. Archite ct,Add ress and Phone:UnlvAl"SAJ c:..,tAl 1it l;i'S ...s't~ms I GrelJ 8urn'?tt P.O.Ba,5~?0 Avon ,Colo .•1620949-1457 1 1 r ,Zone P/C:, Comments:_ Des ign Review Board Date _ M otion by : Second ed by : Dale : APPROVAL To wnPla nner DISAPPROVAL o Staff Approva l Pro ject Application Dale A.p rll '5.1'~85 • ProjectName:TnJv 15 B ck If>Y I 5:t ,,!,!I'"OJ ~h Project Description:I"st~!l Jat lon of SeteJlfte Recei y pr 4ntllllon ,/'31'cklp y g l!"S, Contact Person and Phone "ol yer s,)S .,t~I J 'toe S y st ems I Gre Q Bur n ett p .DRox 5~?O Ayon Col o 81620 9 4Q.1457 Owner,Address andPh one :~T.::,.",,,v,,j-,s,-,91leOJr::.k,,-,-1 2-",'_ ?508 Aros.Ortve V.I I,Colo.81657 No ahone 4 res. Ar cnu ectAocress ancPncne :Unt vpr!ftl ~.t@ l ltte Ci.y tem!'I (;reQ eurnett P,O.Bo.5520 Avon,Colo .81620 949-t457 Legal De scription :Lol '1 Bl ock r Filin gVaI ]p ~S Scht)ne t .Zone 0°_''----''--_ Comments :_ Des ign Review Board Dale _ Motion by : Seconded by :_ APPROVA L Town Ptanner Date:_ \, DISAPPROVAL o S taff Approval ••••APP LI CA TION DATE:~1..:::O"",5.,------,- OATE OF ORB ;·lEETING :--5.jJs.1-<.'OL.5L-_ ORB APP LICATIO N *****THIS APPL ICATI ONWILL NOT BE ACCEPTE DUNTIL ALL IN FORMATION IS SUBti IT TEO ***** I .PRE-AP PLI CATI ON ME ET ING: A pre-applicati on meeting witha planning staff me mber i ss trongly suggest ed t o dete rm ine i f any add i tional i nform ation ;s needed .No appl ica ti on will be accepted unles s it i s complete(mu st includ e all i t ems re qu ired by thezoning adm inis trator). It is theappl ica nt's responsib ili ty to make an appo i ntme ntwi ththe s taf f tofind out aboutadditional sub mit tal requir ement s.Please note that a COMPL ET E applic a - t ion wil l st reamline t he ap provalprocessfo r yourproje ct bydec reasin g the nu mber of conditions of approva l that the DRB may st ipulate.ALL cond iti onso f app roval must be resolved before a buildingpermit is issued . A.PRO J ECT OES CR I PTION :---"'-I ='O..Lll-'cl...:..w.-="'".._""-'-_--4!:L.L-'--'.d.<J'-'-.'-L----"D"".c~ d50B B.LOCATI ON OF PROPOSAL : legal Description Zo ning Pis E_N ~~E OF OWNERS : lkc.l{LE-'/ D/{.Vi't.k-,(>=-L t-I ->.C",O",I..O,----,"',-,-'\'",5"-.,7,-te 1ephone -==:.... O.NAfIE OF APP LICAN T'S REPRES EN TATIVE:J[W;."E7L ~rl L.(/l:rHll:rE.S '1H kJ\~ Add ress 80)(55.1 0 A40tJ,(0 ,5 (b -)O te lephone ~'7 TnMO 13 E.tk..l..l.ce1::l-_ C.NAME OF APP LICA NT:--.li<IN r:~ Address J 5O$IM .oSI~ Signature Add ress (;l508 f.t /tof,(\Oil..Vttr-l Co .te le pho nef F.ORB FEE:The feewi 11 be pa id at the ti me a bu ild ing pe rm it is requested. VALUATI ON FEE $0 -$10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 $50 ,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 $500,001 -$1 ,0 00 ,000 $Over 51,000,000 s 10.00 $25.00 $50.00 5100 .00 S200.00 5300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTI CE REGARDING ALL SUBM ISS IO NS TOTHE ORB: 1 .I naddit i ontomeet in gs ubmittalrequir eme nt s ,th e app li cantmust s takethe site t oi ndicate property l ines and bui ldi ng co rners.Tre est hat wi ll be rem oved should also be marked .This wor kmust be com pletedbefo re the ORB visits t he si te. 2.There view process for NEW BUILDINGS wi ll norma lly invo lve t wosepa rate me et ings of the De sign Review Board .soplan onatlea st twa mee ti ngs forthe ir appr oval. 3.People whofai ltoappear before theDesign Re view Board at their s cheduled meetingand wh o have no t asked forapostp onement wil lberequired t o be re pub li shed. •••• 4 .Thefo llow ing items nol ongerhave tobe presentedt o the Des ign Rev iew Bo ard . They.howe ver,havetobe pr esented tot he Zoni ng Adm ini s trato r f ora pproval: a .Window s,sky l ightsa nd si milar exterior chang es that do nota lter t he ex ist ing planeofthe bu il ding;a nd b .Bu i lding addition st hata re no t viewed fro many other l ot or publics pace, wh i ch have had l etter ss ubm i tted fro m adjo in in g property own ers a pprovi ng theaddi tion;and/or approva l f rom the age nt for ,or managerof acondo min ium ass ociat ion . 5 .Yo u maybe r equired toco nduct Natu ra l Hazard Studies on yourpr operty .You shou ld checkwi th a TOwn Pl annerbefore proceeding . •••• I .NE WCO NSTRUC TI ON MAT ERI AL TO BE SUB MIT TED A.To pograp hic map and s ite plan of s i teconta ini ng the f o llowi ng(2co pie s): 1.Lic ense d s urveyor's stamp . 2 .Contour i nter va lsof not more tha n 2 'unle ss th epar ce l consis ts of 6ac res or mor e ,i n wh ichcase,5 'contour in terval s wi ll beaccep ted . 3 .Existing treesor g roups of t rees hav i ng tru nks with di amete r s of 4 "or mor e one foota bovegrade . 4 .Rock outcroppingsa nd other s ignif ica nt natural fea tures (la rge bo ul de rs . i nt e rm i ttent streams ,e tc .). 5 .Avalanche areas ,100year f lood pl a i nand s lop es 40%o r mor e,i f applicab le . 6 .Ti es to e xis ti ng benchmar k .e ither USGS l a ndmar kor sewe r in ve rt . 7 .lo cations of th e fo l low ing : a.Proposed surf acedr ai na gea nand off s ite showi ng si zeandty pe of c ulv e rts .swa les .etc. b .Exact l ocat i onsofa ll ut il ities t o inc l ude exis ti ng so urcesandpro posed servi ce l inesf rom sour ces t o th es tructure .Util ities toin clude: cable TV Tel e ph on e sewe r water gas e lect r ic c .Pro pe rty lines s how i ng di stanc es andbea r i ngs a nd abasis ofbear in g d .Proposed drive ways with percent s lope ands po t elevations e .All e asements 8 .Ex i stin g a nd f inished grade s. 9 .Alle xist ing andproposedi mp r ovement s inc luding structures ,l andscaped areas. s e rvic ea reas ,s t orage a reas .wa lks ,driveways .off -s tree tpar ki ng .l oadi ng a rea s ,retaining wa ll s (withs pot e levat io ns).a nd other site i mp rovement s. 10.Ele vati ons oft o p of r oofr id ges (w ith e xi stinggra de sh ow n und erneath)to dete rm inehei ght ofbui l di ng. B.As ta tem e nt fr om eachut i lity ve ri fyi ng locat ion of service a nd ava i labi l ity .To be s ubmi tted wi th site pl an. C.Preli mina ry tit lere po rt toac company all s ubm ittals .t oinsu re prope rty ownersh ip and all easeme ntson prope rty _ D.La nd scapePlan (1"=20 'or l arger )-2copies 1.Sho w t he l ocation of4"di amet er or larger trees .o ther shr ubs endna tt vaolan ts t he are on th esi te and t he l oca ti on anddesign of propose d l ands cape area s with the varietiesa nd a ppr oxi ma t e s izes of plant mater i a l stobe pl ant ed .~ 2 .Com ple tela nds cape mate ri als li st . 3.De signate trees tobesa veda ndth oset obe l ost . NOTE :Asmuch oftheabove i nf orm a ti onas possib le sh ould occur on the si te plan .so t hat t he in t er -relation oft he va r iouscomp on ents is clea r.The landsc apeplans houl dbe separate.The exi s ti ng to pogr aphica nd vegetational c ha rac te ri s tic s may beasep a rate map.The appli c ant must stakethe si te t os how l ot l inesand buildingcorne rs.Trees that will be l ost du ring cons t ruc ti onmust betagged .Th ewor k shou ld be comp le ted before t he ORB site visi t . ••••E.Architectura l Plans (1/8 11 =I'or la rger)2 copies 1 .Mu st in clude f loor plans andal l el evations as theywill a ppear oncomp letion . Elevat ions mus t show bothe xi stin g and finished gr ades . 2 .Exterior surfac ing mater ia ls and color s shall bespec ified and su bmi tted f or revi ew onthematerials l is t available from the Depa rtment of Co mm unity De velop- me nt .Co l or ch ips .s iding samp les etc .,should bepresented at the Design Revi ew Board me et i ng . F.Th eZoni ng Adm in istrator a nd/orORB may require thesubm iss ion of add it i onal pl ans . drawings.s pecifications.sample sa nd other ma t er ia l (includ ing a mo del)i f deemed necessaryto determine whethera project will comp ly with design guideli nes. II .MINOR ALTERATION S TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos ors ketche s that cl early indi cate what i sproposed andt he loc at ion (si tepla n) o fproposal maybesubmit ted i n lieu of the moreformal requirementsg iven a bove .a s l ong asthey provide al l imp ortant specificati ons for theproposed in cludingcolors and materials tobe used . III .AD OITIONS -RE SID EN TIAL OR CO MMERCIAL A.Or iginal f loor pl ans wi tha ll spec if icat ions shown B.Floor pla n for a ddition-2copies C.Site plan s howing e xistingand proposed construction -2copiestap as D.Elevat ions of addit ion E.Ph otos ofe xisting structure F.Specifi cations fo r all ma terialsa nd color sa mp les on ma t erials li st ava i labl e at Depa rtment of Community Dev elopmen t At t he r eque st ofth e De s ign Rev iew Ad ministrator you may also bereq uired t o s ubmi t: G.Statementf rom each util ity ver ify ingl oc at i on of se rv ic ea nd availabili ty.See a tta chedut ili tylo ca tion ver if ication fonm . H.Site im provement s urvey ,stamped by registe red pr ofessional surveyor . I.Prel iminary tit le r epor t ,verify i ng ow nersh ip of pr operty and l i stsof e aseme nts . IV.FINA L SITE PLAN Af ter abuildi ng pe nmit ha s been i ssued.a nd whe n the project is und erway ,thefo ll ow ing wi ll bere quir ed before any building receives af ram ing inspe ction f r om t he Buil ding Depa rtment:Ac ertif ied im provem ent s urvey sh ow ing: A.Buildinglo cations with t ies t o property corners .i .e.di stancesa nd a ng les . B.Bui ldin g dime nsions t o nearest tenthof foot. C.Al l utility servi ce lines as -builts showing size of li nes,t ype of material used , andexa ct locat i ons .2copi es D.Dra ina ge as -bui lts .2copies E.Basi s of bearing to t ietos ect ion corner . F.All pr operty pins are tobe e ither fo undor set and s tated on map. G.All easemen ts H.Buildi ng fl oore levat ions a nd roof r idge e levat ions. ••LIST OF MAT ERI AL S •• NA ME OF PROJECT :-----8.UK.l-£'l LEGAL DES CII.I PTI ON :LO T""'-''''':-,~,---'B;rL"'O C"'K~--'C-r----'F'f1"LI"N"'G'V"rt"'C-;-I.----'D"'I"'<"~t"'l!gJ\:.""JI:I ST REET AODRESS :_::>5 00 /,RO,A DRLV~VI\-!:\..I CO.g "'69 DE SCRI PTI ON OF PRO JEC T: (tJ ~q\-l.l-l1 rcoN Of :tHEiLun::D(Ir\1 Th e fol l owing informati on is required forsubmittal by the appl icant to th eDesig n Review Board befo re a fin alapprovalcan be f iven: A.BUI LO I NG MA TERIA LS:TYPE OF MATERIA L Roof Sidi ng Other Wall Materials Fascia Soff its Wind ows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand orDeck Rai ls Fl ues Flas hi ngs Chimney s Trash Enc losures Greenhouses CO LOR Other B.LANOSCA PI NG: ONt.PC.€.(E.;)PvtJ AUl MUl\I M DJ:.~H;&.5 Er 1 rl I 0 r-&1'[N Dr.M DMK -8aDW"-OQ~Na me of Desl gner: ph one : PL ANT MA TER IALS:Bo ta nical Na me PROP OSEO TRE ES mo .gLV E \rlt~lf ~'2 \,<" EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED Co mmon Nam e Quan ity Size*~G ( -.,{I 0 c:(.,...I;f'" *Ind i cateca l iper fo r deciducioU5tr ees .Indicate height forco nifers . (over) ..•••• PL ANT f~T ER IA LS :Bota nical Name (ca n't ) SH RUB S EXI STIN G SH RUBS TO BE RE MOVED GROUNDCOVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON (olTma n Nam e Qua nity Si ze Sq uare Fo o t age TY PE OR METH OD OF _ EROSIO N CO NTROL C.OTHER LANDSCAP E FEAT URES(r etai ning walls ,fences,swimm ing pools,etc .)Please s peci fy. £[.-[r,o·T (}f lHt r'WPO~E7J SrlL(a ct /?ENOEll.fclCt)·ALSo lID/MalT l1J [l/[ 'PiWpt:Jt1)Sur (EfiST 5[0£)Sr#AliJa Ii rr~1 SIff:/2 dfPll,OK[lll&fl L'i I)'IiJ HUGIll 41/"JIDri IO '/...OtJ(,r ulitr SUB sfi/1Ja f11 L'f SCli-aNS /ILL V[/;4)(M rJ.L (J()R.~f-fW M OtJ£EMf TO PUc Sount . •••• ZONE CH ECK FOR SFR ,R,R PIS ZON E DI STRICT S Fili ng DATE : LE GA L DES~CR~I~P~T~IO=N~:----=:LO=t:::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=,,:B=I ~O:Ck:=====~~;=====AD DRESS : OWNER Phone ARC HITECT.;;:;;;;;::===============-Ph one----- ZO NE DISTR I CT -==============PROPOSED USE _ LO T S I ZE Allowed Prop osed He i ght Tota l GRFA (30)(33 ) Pr ima ry GRFA Seco ndary GRF A Setb acks:Fr on t 20 ' Si des 15' Rear 15' Wat er Cours e (30)(50) Si te Coverage Lands caping Fe nce/Ret a i ni ng Wal l Heig ht s Par ki ng Cr edi ts :Ga r age Mechani cal Ai r loc k Storage (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) Sola rHea t Dr ive :Sl ope Pe rm itted Slo pe Actua l ____ Env i r on menta1/Ha zards :Ava1a nc he _ Fl ood PI a;n _ Slo pe _ Wet la nds __ Ge olog ic Ha za rds ___ Co mm en ts:_ Zo ning:App roved/Disapp roved Date: Sta ff Sig nature ••••., lITILlTY LOC.\T I O ~VE!l.lr lC ....TION sUBDIV IsION _ JOB NA.~E'-__,-------------- LOT ...:BL OCK ,FI Ll NG,_ ~D D R E SS The loca tion of util i ties .wh ether t hey be main trunkl ine so r pro posed l in e s.mu stbe a pproved a nd veri fie d by the fo llo wing uti li ties for t h ~ acc omp an ying s itep l an . Moun tain Be ll 1 -634-3778 Wes t ern Sl ape Gas Harry Moyes Pu bli c Service Compan y Gary Hall *Holy Cross Electr ic Assoc . TedHus ky/Michael La ver t y VailCable T.V. Ga ry J ohn s on Upper Eagl e Va lley Wate r a ndSanitation Di scri ct Dav id Krenek Authoriz ed S;Qnature.Date ...Fo r new cons · ___pl ease fill au a t ~a c:1 e d shee t NOT E:These ve ri fi cation s do not r elieve the cc n trac~or of his r esponsibility to ob tain as treet c ut permitfrom the To~n of Vai l.Department of Public ~or ks and t oob tain utilityl oca tions befo re di~ging in a ny publ ic r ight- of -way orc asement in the To"n of Vai l .A bui ldi ng permit i s not a street cut pe rmit .A s tre et cu t per~i t mus t be obta ineds eparate ly. Thisfo rm is t o verify servic~availablity a nd loc ~ti on. Thi sshou ld be u sed in cc n junc r i on vv.it h pr-cpa r i.n g your u tility pl an a nd scheduling i ns tallation~. •••... •., L~~\:)J,l w'J1..s,\-"",,9 ~s (14 cr~"-'-&~ ~~~(MClAM "LA ~I fWfiJ A6a r 5 ...• Al~~~~~~oh I a ~b\'t>~~~S.,\·...oh ~b..".l I ~\-~...~I"\...~."'''~ld~"-~.5 -q /\.,\.,1 ~~l\-1tyAlL--<I,,~ -(\t!-\,~~~1""';'\- -~OvJ-L~",,\Vv-.",\-~t-\O I"-\-" ~\!\ellA \\-.',\- -~t.,,:,.!.<-~~$."'l-e.--~~ -~9..rc-s ~9..e., •Project Appllcallon •.,. Con tactPerson andPhone .--C\<'{\,c, e \ I \. -.J -,~ 0)\.{Zd -----C," Date "t"_ -I.,t L.(.1 I l I\::'/l./fr ,OS d"!,"# , ",--0 .A o Arc hitect,Add ress andPhone :_ c r Com ments :_ DesignReviewBoard M otion by: j ..?-I1A "-wf) i I I \ Dale _ D ISAPPROVA L o StaffApp roval •••••• 400.00 300.00 PERMIT FEES PERMIT NO.001 825 5 14 000.00 PLU MBING BUILDING MECHAN ICAl V ALU ATION 8 /20/8 4 G .RFA N OTE -COP YOFPERMITT O BEKEPT O NJ OBS ITE DATE GRO UPTYPE []I PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo 00 BUI LDING 00 ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ~.CONSTRUCTION PE...R_M_I_T_~~~::=..,,.......---. rln~1.TYPEOF CONSTRU CTIONI II III I I;;)1,..,.."".,""''''''..........,,..,..,,...,=....,,::---------, d ~partm8nt of communi ty development 2.OC CUPAN CY GROUP AB E H ~M ••DIVI SION 1 2 -~z ELECTR ICAL TO BE FILLED O UT COMPLETEL Y PA IOR T O I SSUA NCe O F PERM IT 2&0 TYPEO F PERMIT G ~~~~L g~~rt1ToOnN ~i 't~Rh o·Ct"t"'u"'b-----1 1 ~~1---:::.:.==--+-_.....:.::..:..:=-------1 ------------11 L EGAL DESC. II Va il V R-3 514 ,700.00 BUILDINGPER MlT PL AN CHEC K 11 nsn 55 .25 JOBNAME : OWN ER BECKL EY DECK NAM E rav l S HeCK ley NEW ()Al.T£RATlON II AD D ITIONAl.(XI REPAIR (I elECTRICAl PlU MBING 3 5.00 10 .00 OWELlINQU NITS __ACCOt.lYOOATIONUNITS __ ARCH ITECT MAIL ADDRESS Bo x 2301 4 76-4067 CITY Va t l,Co .PH . f IRM Trout Creek Ca ll . HEIGHT INn __NO.FIREPlACES THICKNESS R-VALLU E MECHANICAl RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAl!AQDRESS Clockt ower Bl dg Val l Co 4 76-1176 CITY ,•PH CLEAN -UP DEPOSI T US ETAX 10 0 .00 150.00 FIRM Beck ley Bui l der s FIR M Sibley Pl um bing TOTAL PERM IT FEES 460 .75 ~7 0 N I N G &BU ilDING NOTES :a p prova l for we st s ide de;:k and ram"-on l v as e r ORB a oorova. LZ~..A~~~L.k;7jy'r NGOF F Al v ATE Tom ra un 8/84I---------------ONINGAD MIN ISTRATOR DAT E GAS WOOD ELEeTYPE OF HE AT BLASTING TQ WN QF VA IL Reo NO.114L TELE 476 -4067 FIRM Eagle Va lley Elec tr ic ELECTRICAL 156 E ONTRACTOR TOWN Of VA il REG .NO, TF".827 -5772 GENERAL CONTRACTOR .!2==""''=''''<u''''---':':'':':''''- PLUMBING 13 4P CONTRACTO R TOW ~~7:~~3R5EG -NO. T ELE . 0'"0 '"\'" FIRM M ECHANICAL CO NTRACTOR T OWN OF VAil R EG.NO, I TE lE. OTHER "FI"'RM"--.I TO WN OF VAil REG .NO . CONTRACTOR T ElE. Ih ere b yac knowledge t hat I h averea dthi sa p p l i catio n,fi lle d o u t in f u ll t he I n forma tion require d, c omplete d an acc u rate plo tpl an,an dsta te t hatallt he i nformation p rovi d ed as requ i red iscorrect.I agreetoco mp ly wi thth e I nfo r matio n a ndp l otplan,toco mp ly with a ll T o wn o rd inancesa nd state laws,and to b uild t h is st ru ct ure accordi ng tot heT ow n 's zoninga nd SU bd iv lsio n~cOdes;,d es i gn re vi ewap proved,U niformBu i ld ingCo de a nd o ther~inan ces o f the T~PP li C ee reto . re turn c lean up to :"'/A'~'._~~~~/== Trav is Beckl ey -Bo x 23 01 r~IG NATURE OF OWN ER OR CO N'tRA CTORJ--EiR HIMSELF Va il .Co lorado,81 658 AND TH EO WNER. .............,-, NOTE -COPYO F PERMITTOBEKEPT O NJ OBSITE DATE III III P,<V ABE H I /R M BUI LDING TO BEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELV PRIOR TO ISSUANCE O FPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT PERMITFEES MECHANICAl PlUMBING VAlUATIONGRF.A DIVISION GROUPTYPE z •..:'..:":.C..:'_"..:'C...""4 ..::.:.:...::.--1",G ~~L ~~~n7~OnN ~~R~"'t.,ti:"'b:-----1 1 ~t.:===---t---=-=-=-=------------1 ~1-'-=---..::.....:.1-----------1[lJ PLUMB INGoFOUNDATIONo o BU'LO'NG [)ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL NEW()AlTERATION ()AOo mONAL f X )REPAIR(I LEGAL DESC. JOBNAME : OWNER J R-3 $14,700 .00 BUILOING PERM IT PlAN CHECK elECTRiCAl PlUMBING 1)0 , 10 .... MAlL ADDRESS C...LhI \ ·-,,1 ,~/'l.-,'~ICITYv....PH. DWELLlNO UNITS __ACCOIoNOOATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE ARCH ITECT f1".Tro.Ceeet Coll R-VAlUJE DESIGN REVIEW BOAR D MAILAPoRESS ctiok~~r dlog II b-l1i bClTvV.il.Co.PH. CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT USE TAX 10".00 150 .0:0 TOT AL PERMIT FEES b ONING,&BUIl,DING NOTE S:a nprou l for wpst S1U1 dKt.and ri.-RJ~o n1 y as pe r OkS 4 Dprova . Y/.I IBUiiDiNGOFFICiAl ------!:rATE ----- T..II raun /I---------------ONINGADMINI STRATOR OATE WOODSOLAR ELEC, 0'.0 ~_Y__";;.";.;i;;;_;.U.~ eL.A STING ADDIT IONAL PERM I 1~'lJEEOE O: ST CU '•",,\f-,I,):r.,!! TYPE OF "EA' F1".S1bley PllJ,lblnq FIRM '..-11 'II ley t.lectrlC ELECTRICAL 156E O NTRACTOR T OWN OFVAILREG ,NO, 'FOE.su-vn: PLUMB ING 0 134PCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG,N_, ITELE ,ll-07 3, FIRM MECHA NI CAL CONTRACTOR T OWN O F VAll REG .NO, TELF OTHER "F1,,"."-1 TOWN O F VAI L REG .NO. CONTRAC TOR TELE . Ih ereby a ck now ledget hatIhave readth is application.fi lled out I nf ull t he information required, co mpleted an accurate p lot pla n ,a nd stateth ata ll th e In formation pr ovided asreq uired i sco rrect.I ag ree tocom ply with t hein formationand pl otp lan ,to c omplywit h a ll Town ord inances andstate laws,an dto build this structure according to t heTow n's zoning and subdivision codes ,des ig n review approved.Un if orm Bu ilding Code ando ther ord inanceso fthe T owna pplicable the reto . 7 .-return cl ..n Up to:/'[~//,;',- Tr.,h Beckley -!9x 2301 SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CO NTRACTOR FOR HI MSELF Vlil,Colo rldO 01£,50 AND TH E OWNER. ,l- f Shee.TWor\(' ..."OJ .. ~~j"i[\:..~.'DATE \... '1m II l amP I .TYPEQFCON STRUCTION •II Itt IV,§) d e partment of community development 2.OCCUPANC Y GROUP ABEH I :R)M BUILDI NG 1'1 d u '"Lr.,z ELECTR ICAl q oo T OB EFILLEDO UT CO MPtETEL Y PAI QATO I SSU ANCEO F PERM IT D IVIS ION 1 22..3'4 0 GEiJRAl D,(C1TlON OF WORK:~PLUM SING '1 00TYPEOFPERMITtMQ~e c JlJ tPo AJ !.VITI!~E1'BUILDING •0 PLU MBING >MECHANICAl o EL EC TRICAL 0 FOUNDATION (o M ECHANICAL 0 TY PE GROUP G ,R.F.'"VALUATION PERMITFEES \L EGAL L OT II B LK {'I JL e ~lit!.7«J BUILDING PERM IT 11 0,S O OESC .flUNG f (JAIl ~("",L S"S.l:;:>PlANCH(CK fJO BN AME '/(Rr VL ,.f/np ('V 35,.0 elECTRI CAL /0 ,.0OWNERIN'"'J);'~i'Le'Y NEW !•Al TERATlO N()AO DITIO NAl b<'REPAIR')PLUMBING ,P O /,'Ay""1'1 /DWELLING UNITS __ACCO M MQO,lTIO NUNtTS __MECHANI CAL ~ I CIT'1/.4 /t .PH l iEIGHfINFT .__N O .FIREPLACES --RECREA TION FEE --- <O R"1,fovT c leek < ARCHITEC T C ol INSULATI ON :TYP 'THICKNess R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BO ARD ,\~ MAIL ADDRESS eta,I(Too/f/I ate ''''0,"./CL EAN UP OEPOSlT /Ov/C I CITY iJ4I/PH /11'1/1(.1 EXT.WALy"1\U SE TAX /5 0,e~"\ , fi R.rJ;!ttltt!c h~</l1J.ROO' II GENERAL " TYPE ELE e.A--sTOWNOFyAllREGNO.)J;;f~1/t ~TOTAL PERMIT FEES Lf ...'"CON TRACTOR 0'WOpD "/SOLAR ,~#/'...!..:__~~:~-.f'r___THE H EAT , Y fi RM GII1L<!.Vlli.L ty tLl(AOOIll N L P rfR MlTS NEE D ~k L 9U1LOING0rCIAL AI lECTRICAl z,-d~ TQWNOFV"rLAEG NO (G"b-~/---------------- NTRACTOR TELE f~7 <:77 ')..ST.CVT 'ONING AOMINISTRATOR DAlE Al ASTL G V L/l~N~~?l-&BW L~.N G N ~TE t I'.~ kPLUMB ING FI RM ~tB L t#'1'/tlN$lM II .~ PARKIN •'( TOWN O F VAil REG .N O l 't?~OeuQ -:v,'\",.JL r If'o"'1JCONTRACTOR TELE ex 7~7 rc , FIRM I hereby ac knowledge tha t I h ave read this applica ti on,filled ou t infullthein formation requ i red, MECHAN ICAL completed an accu rateprot p lan ,andstateth a t allth e informati on p rov idedas req uired i s c orrect.I TOWN Q F Vhll R EG NO ,aere e 10co mplyw ith I hein formationand pl ot pl an,10 c o mpl y w ith allTown o rdi nancesandstateCONTRACTORlaws.and10 b uild ttu s stru cture ac cording t o IheT own's 20ning a ndsubd ivision co des,de sign THE r eview approved,U nifo rm Build ing Co de a nd oth e r o ~~J n ccs o fth e ~~~a p~L t h eret o. O THER FIRM y ..../A .;:7/_-" TOWN O F VAil REG .NO SJGNA T ~RE OFO WNER O R CO NfRACT 0VFOR H IMSELF CONTRACTO R T ElE•AND T HEOW NER -,, • PM INSPECTION REQUEST »'TO WNOFVA IL 'f$'"r ((".'d (C f/,l/{vI ./;,..c &/.(/ti Ifh r .a ' //T HURFRI --'1 AM r t / WED ~ MO NTUE S Avn r 6 IN SPECTION : :::lSOJ I %"))----• READ Y FOR L OCATION :_---"'--.,;'--"'-"''-_-L=='--'~'__'____ DATE PERMITN UMBEROFPROJECT ).b.':i b ::,~J OB 7 I o REI NSPECTION REQUIRED 1('l.H ?//''-'/,v-..//'1·.!._.._- o D ISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATI ON o POOL I H .T UB o SH EET ROCK NAIL 0 0 0 '"o FI NAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HE ATING - o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS • o CO NDUIT o SUPP LYAIR 0 0., ,,0 FI NAL o FI NAL, /t o A PPROVED f ft .//f'"•CORRECT IONS :_'___ <j IV'·==--------.--s\ , ,~"'>/(IN SPECTOR _-"'-__--'--"_...,---'--;'-_2 -DATE _:::....__"--'-_---"'-~'-_ _____AM PM eTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL . FRI INS ,(( C::j./~, c: WED T HUR "'- CALLER TUE SREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CA TION:_ BUILDING:PLUMB ING: o FOO TINGS I ST EEL ?UNDERGROUNO C'b ...., o FOUN DATION I STEEL -'o ROUG H I DW.V. o FRAMIN G o RO UGH I W ATER RO O F &SHEER o GASP IPINGoPLYWOOONAILING-o IN SULA TI ON o POOLI H.T UB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:ME CHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FJ.NAL o FINAL . D 'A PPROVEDr CO RRECTIONS: o OISA PPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQUI RED ) I NSPECTOR(c-D ATE _'-~_-'-_ )(>'),5 eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL' INS [Sec f I.e., /~-JjJ ~,CALLER NAME -------''''-'7'-;:--c:'--~",__;;:_;-------- • DATE PM_____AMFRIINSPECTION:M ON TUE S :r W EDTHUR -.<..-)J'Po --;'01 if"11( READ YFO R LOCATION :__----''----'''---'-'-'''----_'-''-'-'-''--'c..:cc:...._=_ o REINSPECT IONREQ UIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I ST EEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUN DATION I STEEL o ROU GH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF&SH EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING. o INSULATION o POO ll H.TUB o SHEETROCKNAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUSTHO ODS o CON DUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FJJ'A,L o FINAL -j D :J\PPROV ED C ORRECTIONS: • DATE ~_---=~---'''-_INSPECTOR • I INs_eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAIL t. • DA TE __"'--J OB NAME _--:=~__"-_ PM_____AMFRITHUR CA LLER =_ TUES 'WED' /''--~ J.-........~'- INS PECTION :M ON ~Jd' R EADY FO R LOCATION:__---''-~'-''-___'_~=_.:....:'__'~ / BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUN DATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH /WATER ROOF&SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TU B o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F I~Al.o FINAL .z,O "APPROVED /CORRE CTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --....::....!..-T''--------INSPECTOR c PM .iC s y • • T.> _____A M . IIv/f, !\A-(-<"CALLER _---'---"'='---....:...--"-L.!......:!.-"'_ MONTUESWED A L Q S'r.: INSPECTION :-<.S-OJ" DATE READYFOR LOCATION ,_----''''--=--'''''''-__--'-:::l.'=-''-.!.C.---"'''--,-::.L--'=;,-- ", BUILDING:PLUM BING: 1'0 FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND,\ o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W,V, o FRAMING n ROUGH I WA TER RO OF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING. o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB c SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRI CAL:ME CHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR I 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL.o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPP ROVED o REINSPE CTION REQUIRED DATE _INSP ECTOR "-_ ..--,.... ••Project Application •..• •2 • Project Name;_--"""~"-'''-'_--'='-'''-''::''_ Cont act Person an d Ph one Ow ner .A ddress a ndPhone :_""'-",~-~",.",~,---~,~~=.~,",,,,,="~-~",-----,,,,--,_..c:,,-_:::"-=,,----,~-,-,,,,,,:=O._ Architec t,Address and Phone :c""==__-=~",-~-_-~:<""S6""",,_~J."-"=-'-","-'_~=--====-'-__-'::o..~,,-_ .-.:="6 -\....Comments:_~~":::",~~_~=_~,---==,-_~-,,,,,,::,,..L."'-_=~--"=__='---_'---__==--::o.._ wrnj ,.,-. Design Review Board .-,/,/.-,..; M otion by : Seco ndedby : DISAPPROVA L Su mmary:-----A----r----------,------------------- ~,A, •-----o Staff Approva l Da te : COP'V"Q h'~1919CO M f RCO.IN C '50'50'50 N ••wood I(o uyh I 5"'001" If you want the mellow look .~'[r;I,.-A Coverage table (In sq.It.per gal.o pp roxim ote] O lympi c O lympic SolidC olor ST ain h ,d es the cal o r 01 thegr ain a ndthe wood.comboes ri ch mellow co lorWIth los ltng pr otecnon.Avai l· a ble i n both 0 ,1 b ose and m :ryt.e lore•.Both a re ~c overed b y the Ofympic SIOtn guarenTee .A sk lor on Olym pic "So lidC olorSlain · C olor Ccrd. S"m,·Tra".por",,!l ~"5'0'".>V ' OlYMPIC. OlYMPI CSl A I N A d,v ,~,on of CQMFRCO,I NC.t Bellevue.WA 98004 Mirg and applice.Wlon Instructions '. C''''I''.J'''~19 7'9C()l..'f ~o.INC 0l1t,769--1,"'"U S"1960 I.C leanthesc doce.Al ung icide has beenmc orporcted in O lymp .c Slain to mcke .ts d ry Irlm m ,lcl........·res,stont ArT>! exiSTing mildew m ust becompletely kdle d before the c p phrcuon 0 1 O lym p«St(W"The sur/oce m ust be crerm and d ry. 2.Follow m i ~i ng rosnccuons p rinted onea chcontoassu re un iform c olor nnd ma ximum durabilily. 3,Keep a wal edge.Tom sure a umlcrm limsh,uv aiJ lop ma rks.O nhorizontal sid,ng,be gin et one edge 0/several bo<lltJs <lnd ~l<l1 f1 <KlOSS 10 a lcqiccl br eak •.,u door, w indow,etc .On verti cal siding,stcr t a t the top a nd work dawn 10 a I ~i (.ol b-eck.Use U 1'1011,110 1 b r istle b 'ush foro il bos e sterns O lympic Stains m ust d ry c ompletely b efor e a s O!(ofKl COol is o ppl..,d , For cdditroncl informa tio no n so-Ieee prcccrotioo and o ophecnc es see the O lympic "Before You Begm*brochure or Olympic Inlorm otion Manual.Al ways 'c od a nd lo llow label directions. 118 ....f" OlYM-t STAI Il[:' It ,cf ter p -ope-o p pbconon In ecce-donee \/Vl Th label mstrvctions,O lympic Stom should crack,p ee l or b lister, replccemeet gallons wi ll be lurnished fr ee01 chofg e,o r a reivnd 01 'he sta inc ost w,1I be m ode 01mon ulnctcrer's option .l aborcos ts,as well as cro cking.p eelmqo r bl ,SINi ng cause d b y a b reakdo w no f l he underlying sodoco 01 p '8\lIOUS pcmt him ar e 1'10 1co veredb ythis q oorcotee Slruc turesWITh Inad equa te venhlaT,on a ndlor w ecther da maged sur tor esshOWingd erenoro t.onsuc h as c ha l~,,"9 , pecbnq.b listering o rm ,ldew Will reqcue sp eool p-eporcuon. A sk your d ealerlor cd oucoct I ntormononOf se e the O lymp,c In formaT,on M anuol n!\IO"r O lympic De aler. Olym p ic weothellng ST ain speeds notur ol :'':lll'l';I ~weoThering on n~w wo od,W h.,."curedin Th", sun a nd ro.n ,.,bec omes nearly ind ,stinguishable I .om wood weo tbe -ed nalurally VI'I yo u gel the 10 51i ng protecnco of sl ain.Per/eel /o r ne w wood s,dir;g.shakes a nd sbmqles.fences a '1d d ecks. For the fresh-cut,. natural wood lOOK For the weathered look O lympic Stain N ctc rcltooes,716,717 c od718o re very close 10 thenatu ral "lresh -cu t"wood colors o f c edar,red wood and /ir'·pinc .Clear linish~s o r~hkely to shotter and c rock Of to allowthe sen 10 co usc the weed to rem block.b ut Olympic Nctur cttcoes kee p yo ur wood looking fresh-cut ond beoutdulkx years. Olympic Stain guarantee Oly<r>p,c S ..ml·T'0f15 p<H en,S lain bllngs Q\,I ! wood's ,",o lu,ol be autyb ecouse Ih e grOin end -eeto reshowthrough.Its r ich li nse ed 0 ,1 bos e p.eserves wood wi Th p enet,ol mfJ orotecnoe ogmn ~r sun a nd ra in.Usc on ro ugh Ofs mooth Siding.un hmsbed msenor poeahoq,plywood .b ooms,wood c eilings. lencon9 end JlX ~i ng O n booz ootol $u.lo<:.,5,h ~p.p o rches, d ecksond r Olllngs .U ~f'o nly one COOl.Tw o coo ts ore reco-r vncndcd to r smooth eoeuoe \O\lOOO s,dmg S ~l11i. tr c nspore-u color varies wi th wood species.col or,g ra,n cod teovre We re commend 0 Inolbru shout rUllo.f':yo u stofltornoke 5U'.,.yo u gel exoctlvthe co lor you won'. The .wast beautiful tiling you can do for wocM SUBJEC TTOTHE EXC LUS IONS FRO\-1 COVERAGE,THE EXCEf'T IONS COS TA I~E D INSCHEDUL E BAND THE P RO VISIOl\S OF THE C OND IT IO ~S A..."'D STIPULATIONS HEREOF. TI TLE ''>:S lJRA ....C E COMPAN Y OF ~lIl\~'"£SOT A ,her ein c alled theCompany.insures ,as of Dat e of Po lc y shown in Schedule A .agllillSl losso rda mage,nor ex ceeding the a mount of insurancestatedin Sc hedule A ,lind co sts.311 010(")'5'fees and ex penses wh icht he Company may become o bligatedt o pa y h ereunde r,sus tained 01 in c urred by the ins ured by reason of: I .Title 10 the estate o r interestd escribed inSch edule A bein g vested o ther ....-ise than as stated th erein; ,Any defect inor lie n or encumbrance onsuch1111e; J .Lack o f a ligh t o fa ccess to andfr om the land ;or 4 .Unmarket ..bility o fsu ch title . '. I .... .", <J~'->.."--~~ '~~.;"..:..;.s:::........ ••POlIcY~o A Z 38363 9 •• Ar.-1EAICAN LAND ,TI TLE ASSOCIATION m',N E R'S POLI CY F ORM B -1970 (A mended 10 ·17·70) TiTl E INSURANC E CO MPANY OF M INNESOTA aStock Companyo f Minn eapolis,Minllt!w la .: l I ~o.,..,.'0 2 1 3 3.:!V C '_.'-.'"1 ~('9 """.,-a"L.""T;,'~~"<;o:.,,.:>~ • IN \\lT N ESS \\lIEREOF .the said Title Insur ance Compan}of ~f innr sota h as caused itscorpo rate name and seal t o he h ereunto a ffixed by its d uly a vrhonzedo fficers as o f t he d ate shown in Sched ule A ,th e policy t o be valid when cou ntercgned by an au thorized office r or agen t o f 'he Company . TIT LE I N SURAN CE COM PA NYOF [11I N NESOTA EXClUS IO:",\S FRO\!.COVER ACE Tnc follo\\'ing m;lIt I.'IS a rc c >,plt's~l )ex cluded (rom the cover age of this po licy: I .Any Iii.....,ordmance 0 1 govcmme nutre gulation [including butnotlimi ted to b uilding a n d zo ningo rdinances] r('wieting o r 1l.·g;J I ;,t in~or pichibit ing tile occu p ancy.use o r enj oyment of theland.or regulating the charac t er. dimensions o r 10':3110n o f Jny im provement n ow 01her eafter erec ted on the lan d.o r p",hl bitin!a ~r ar ;'li o n in o wnership Ora reduction in thedi mensions or ar ea o fthe land.o rt heeffect o f an y violation o fany such Jaw. o rdmance or goveuunental rcgulation. 2.RIghts o f ermnen t domain o r go vernmental ri~hl$o f police-pn....er unless n otice o f the exerci se o f such rights ilppe,)I~In the pu blic reco rds lit Daleo fPolicy. 3 .Defects,liens.en cumb rances.ad verse claim s ,or other ma ilers (a)r-ea red.suffe red.assume d or agreed 10 by t he msured ctarna ru:(b)nOtk nown 10the Company an dn OI shown by t he p ublic reco rds b UI kn own t o t heinsure d claima nt eithe r a t Da le of Policy o r 01 1 the d ..te such cl aimant acquired an esta teorInteres t insuredbythis polic y an d 1I 0t d isclosed in wr it ing by th einsured claima nt t o th e C'om?any pll o r to t he d ale suc h insured claimant became an insure d h ereunde r ;(c)re sulting In no loss01 damage to th e ins u re d claiman t:(d )att aching o rcreate d su bsequen t 10 Date o f Po licy ;Of (e)f ('"~lIltiJl £in loss 0 1 dama ge ....hic h ....o uld no !ha ve be en su stained if t he msu ted cl aimant had paid val ue fo r thee state or in t erestInsured by t his po licy, 1 • ,," ~~1,_'..,':F •• Fil ,?tJ o. :::CHEDU LE B •• F'I)1 i c.: • • J OY D.S EXT ON TOT HE PUBL ICT RllSTEEOFEAGLE CO UNTY FOR THE USEOF THE EMPIRE S AVINGS ,BU ILD ING AND LOA N ASS OCA TION TOSE CllRE T HE SUM OF $127,500.00 PECORDED AUGU:::T 0 :::,1979 ,I N BOOf <::c':::';;-AT F'ACiE 2 4 :::. .... ••••• •::·CHEDULE B T hI.e 1'>(,'ic y doe s n ct f n s v re a ee i n s t 10:'==co r-d e me s e br r e e scn (If t be t <:.11 cur i ne e J.Rj~ht~Of cl~im$~f Fartie~i n p o=s~~=io n n ot !hown bY the put,li c r ec or-os • ~;.Iu sc re r-en c i es ,con Fl ic t s i n bou n d er-v f i ne s ,shor-t eee i n a r 'I?03.• •n c r(l ~ch~l?n t =,a nd anY facts whic h a cor-feet s urVey ~n d i~!pectlon o f the p rem is es would dis c l ose a nd wh i ch a pe n ot show n by tt,e Fub lic r <2 C(,r-(15 . L;,';~"t i e r.,(.f·r f ebt r o '=i 11""'f,.s cr s sr v ic es,l e t.or .,;,r-rr.e t e r-i e I tt ~r ~t o ~or e o r hE'r e~f te r furni;h e 1.im Fo E ~,j t ,","l a ~'and no t =h O I ~n b ~ :t,e ~u bl ic rec ords . s.1 ';;-::::4 TA>',E':.NO T Y ET DUE At ·m F''::'Y;'BLE.e ~-..L I EtJ '::FOR UI.JF'A ID t-l ATEF:A ND ':::EWER C HAHCi E'::,IF h~~Y . ,.F'J,::H T O F PROPR IETOR OF A \"EIN (lr~L C,DE T O EX TF;A(:T H hi[l F:Et"I O\.:E H I ::.(IF.E T '-lE:.RE j:'"RCi ~:;;HOUL[I THE ::::AME BE FOU~-..!D TO PE NETRAT E (IR Ir \l T ~R ~ECT T HE --~;':=:MI':E -::AS F.E::·ER VED IN I)~H T E [I '::,TAT E :;;F'A-r E N T f;'~C('R[E[I A IX,LI';:T 11, \;',)),IN [:[lO f<L.::::AT F'AGE 2 '~~6 A ~>.!D AF'RI L 1 ':',1'~"~~4 It>:E,')Clf<1 ':::A T ;::':'::,E ,~,. .:'r.1 (.'-iT OF l·lP,Y F (,F;DI T Ci-ic ':::OR C P.~~AL S C":Ii':::Tj;'!_'(TE [1 8 \'TH :::;";_ITH CI':;'l T '{(IF T ~~l.!~j I TED ~~:T AT E ~'::,;;:.:::R ESE F-·...,E[I l /'J U:~r T ED '::-T H TE'::·I="A -:-Et JT F-'~(:".:":':.:::::':'F'F:JL l~.]~3 4.I t ~BOO k 123 AT P AGE 3. 9 .R E:::,T f;'IC TIV E C OV ENANT ::::.WHICH DONO T COI JT':<l N ~F OF:FEIT UF:E C'R f.E VE i-=-,TF.f; C LA !.I:::;E·B UT Ci M ITT!t!(;F:E:::,T RI CTION S ,I F A fN,B :::':::==:[1 O f>!RA ,:';::,CO L(IR , RELI C,I ON,OR 1'~?"l TIONAL ORICdh/,A:::,C(INTAltJi::D If"';HJ STF :U t'H::;~7 F ECe:F-TE D ·JULY ·)7,1·;·c.5.p .:BOOK 190 AT PA OE ':,':8 A ~W A~:AI'lEtJ[IED I N Ir"'·::·7 h r):'·:~NT RECORD ED f1 ARCH 2 :2 ,196:=:,I N B(lO f(2 1:2 A T F A Ci E ?~.(;.AN [I :?,:':";o AN D ~:: A~E N~I E D I N I tJ ·:.TF,UME t>J T RE CO;::·n::o F S 8F.;UAF,Y j/.;:.,1';'70 ,I t ·~BCI':rf;:217 A T r 'AGE 7 ;::. i o,UTI LIT Y E A ':::~MENT (IVER T HE ECj:=;T ERL Y :;;E \.'~I ,,'(7}FE.ET :"~>J [l Lr ='AH~AC-i E E A:::;Er--:E NT (lVEF:T HE :::.OUTHERLY TEN (10)r-~E T A'~;'::HOI·Jt·J (,t'J T HE F'LA T . • 11.PN E A-:EMt.NT h rW F.I C,!-lT OF WAY FIV E (5 )F-=-EE T ltJ t..JIDTH ~'_(l ~JC,A LL ':,I"i E E-XIN[lP,RI E'::;F ('F:U::,E OF UTIL I TY :::,E F\V I C E L l ~j t::;AND F OR TH ~ C ':!r !'~:-r F:U,:T ]O t ~,EP EeT I Of~..-1N [1 !'":A l N T Er-J ~NC E T '-:cF...EDF,T (I.:'=-THE F:l':1 TH TI-:E F !(,H T CF H .l G F.E::.;Ar ~o E (,HE::;·:.TkERF.TO I :::H-F:E.!:-:Y F:E.':,E F:I';":'D J r-J I r ~':.r :-=.,_,n F..~!T ~::::I:':l r:DE[I ,YJ L Y 7 .1 ';'1;.5 I N (tOOl <l'~IO A T F ~C.~~,:8 . 1~.[:F.ED C F l RU'::T !::A T ED ,JULY 10,1 ';'7 ':',F RG 1 C',EO ~:C'E r.,:;T~\i EN 5,l;'UTH .J .·::··(E:I..'E r~-::,F'I'::HAR r'E .::::E)'TOfJ,C YN TH IA F O ;:::[I '~:::-)T,X'!'c .».:=:';:;:X TO ~~;'ND ,:-.;;.?;:., A ffi o~n t $183.0 00 .00 •--.-."" -.~ • • 1.Pol icy De t e :~AY 16,1984 ~t 8 :0 0 A.M. T F'AVI '::L .BE CKLEY 3 .T he e ~t ~t e or inte r~!t i n the la r,d d ~f cri b e d i n th i!S ct,edu le 6 ~d WhICh i ~c o v e r ed b 'Y th IS pol i c y i~: • :~it l ~t o tt,••f t~t e O~i r't e r ~st =o ve r -ed b Y t h lf F o li e Y at the d ~t ~ t ·i r~(o f I f v ~st .d I n : T F'~V J :;:L.BE Ckl.E Y T ~",:.l.=t r l!:1 rl?fe r'r'ed t «i n t h i e F (.l i cy i s s r tue t ed irt EA OL E (>:,ur,!y , C o:i (.r~·j ,:,.en d IS d e ecr f beo a s fo ll':"J!s : ~.,.(·T =L Ev EN c ii i ,BL OC.:"C".A F :E:.:=aJB [r]\'IS ]O;~(IF I,'':'~:''[l A:=-::CH:lrE. c!L :r ~'~.n o.1.;::'::·c ,)R Dl no TO H -E RE CCF.[ED F 'L ~T 1 1.t:F£CiF".c ,x r ~'TY (;1="=:":'L E ,S T ATE e F (.OI....Ot:;.;DC,• • 1 .., "".F ::i .':+~.:._.~. 111 ;5(H I I "II {;:~(ll:J1 l l o.ll ;Cr_~~e:sr ____---"-Ne:w><=_~ ",\~1.'01''1.","I'CT_'P..r=q<,j!L ~rW_~L_S ....__•__.•__. I.El :,,1.'·Jl '''C!<Il'TIO':1.0 '1'1\BI.UCK 'v }IU :;';_NO'J tA ~"':>Iffi OF ~.~~ ~.Q!:g<.ffle...1k>T ~~'-tl- Ace..r:&5._EM "-p .__ The Fol l ov...in g In f o rtna ti on is rcqu i rcd fo r s ub e u t t n j by t he ap pli c ant to t he Dc s l gn R e v L ew Board b cf'orc a f inal upprova I ca ll be g I vcn : A.BtJILIJ J1\(;Ml\TEP-I AI.S Typ e o f f.b tcria l Colo r Roof Siding Oth er \':a l l Ma t eria l s Fas ci a Soffit s Wind m.;s Wi ndl)W Tri m Do ors Door Trim Hand O~Deck Rails Fl ues Fla shings Ch i.rmcys Trash I:n::lo surcs Gr e e nhous e s Oth er .~ B.LA NDSCAP ING NameofDesigner : Phone PLANT MATERIA LS Botan icalarn e TREES ,Corrmon Name Quantity Size SHRUBS I I I I .. GRO UND COVERS SOD .. SQUARE FOOTAGE _ SQUARE FOOTAGE _ SEED TYP EOF I RRI GATI ON TYPE _SQUARE FOOTAGE _ TY PE ORMET HO D OF ER OSION CONTRO L C.Ot he r Landscape Featur es (r etai ning walls .f ences.sw i mmi ng poo ls.etc .)Pl e ases pec ify. Nl'i'J ;J ~ 6 IT t¥>l1t:~:ref1.!=l oT 1Uf2 IN eNa,.C?p S r2 .PEfGK. ·tw~W W?K :iIJ ~. ..... ,•-------------"------- --~----- FROM:Com munity Oevelop ment Department DA TE:Septemb er10,19B4 (TO :Plann ingand Envi ronm ental Comm is si on ( SUBJ ECT:Arequestforafrontsetbac k variance inorder to con struct tw o garages on Lot 11 .Bloc k C.Vail das Scho ne Filing No.1 Ap plicant:Travis Beck ley -The appli cantisrequestingtoconstruct two doubl ec ar garages infr ont of hi sdup lex.Pres en tly,the area 1nfront ofthe house providesse vens urface pa rk ing spaces.The prop osal woul dprovide4encl osedspacesand 4s urface s paces.Thet wo garages encroach intot he set bac ka pprox ima te ly14fee t.The requ ired fr ont setbacki s 20fe et forthePrimary /Secondary zone.Ea chgarage is 44 0 squ are fe et (22 feet wid ex 20 feet long).The garag es are 16 feet high. CRITE RI A AND FIN DING S Upon review of Cr iteria and Findings,Sect ion18.62.060 of the Mu nicipal Code . t he Depar tment of Commu nity Deve lopment recomm e nd s approv al ofthe requ ested variance based up on t he f oll ow i ng ractors: Con siderati on of Fac tors The rel ati on ship oft he req ue sted variancet o ot he rexis ting or potential uses and s tructuresint he vicinit y. The reques ts ho uld no tcre ate an y negative i mpacts onexist ings tructuresin t he vici nity . The degreet o which rel ief from t he s trictor lite ral inte rpretation and e nforcement ofas pe ci fi edregu latio nis n ece ss ar~to ach ievecompa tibi li ty and unifo rmi ty of t reatmen t among s i tes i nt he vic in lty ortoatta in theobje ct ives of t his t itle withou t gra ntof specialprivil ege. Du e tot he lo cation of the exis ting house.it would be difficult tolo cate t he two gara gesin a posit i on t hat would notrequireei ther asid eorfront se tback variance ..Th eapplicant ha s l ocated thegarages outofthef ront and east si de utility easement s as wellasthewestside drainage easement .Even if the east garage weremoved directl y up against the -hou se,it would encroach 5 feet into ---------the f ront setback .A"deck and hottub locatea on th e west side "of"the house ma ke it i mpossible to pos itiona garage i nthi s area.Staff beli ev es th at therearephysical constraints on the site that warrant thegranting of the variance. l ,, /I 1 ' , I • Planning • and Environm ental Com mission September 10 ,1984 , PRE SENT .,STA FF PRESEN T Dian a Dono vbn Scott Edw ar:ds Gordon Pierce Dua nePiperl Howard Rapsb n Ji m Vi ele Jere Wa1te ra i Peter Patten Kr i stan Pri tz Betsy Roso1ack 1.Approval ofmi nu tesof Augu st 27,19B4 . i Donovan moved and Rapsonsecondedto appro ve th e minut e s.The vote was 6 i n fa vor wi th Pie rce abst aining. 2.A requ estfo r a realse tback variancein order t oconstruct a qarag e on Lot3 ,Block 1,Gor e Cr eek Subd ivision.Appli can t:Richard Di lling ,;' Peter Pa tten s ta ted that thi sreq uest had be en withdr awn,as the a pplicant had foun d a l way t o build hi s garage wit hout needingavariance. 3.A reque ~t for front setbackinorderto constr uct two g a r ag e S Aj ~ Block C,Vaildas Scho neFiling No .l:)Applican t:Travi s Bec~~ , Kristan Pritz pres en t ed therequ e st and e xplained thatbe cau se ofthe locat i on ofthe hou s e,i t would be diffi cult t o locate the tw o ga rages inaposi tion that would not requirea set ba ck varianc e.Sheadd edt hat the app li canthad l ocatedt he 'garageso uto fth ef ront and e ast side ut il i ty easeme nts as well asthewest ~ide drai nagee asement.She stated that th e proposal improv es up on the exi,sting situation by rem oving the exis tingparking configuation ,that f orced residents t o back into thes treet.making a safer parking area andal so encl osed s omeof the par king.The s taff recomme nded ap pro val. Howard Rapson que stioned th e numb erof units inthedwelling .and K1ienman stated that .accordingt o theapplican t.the re were two units.Th eguest parki ng i nthe s treet r ight-of-wa y wa s discussed.Prit z exp lai ne dth at s incet his area had beenused f or parking since before it had been anne xed by th e Town, parkingherewas9randfathered. Raps on sta ted that he would l ike t o see la ndscaping whereguestparking was indi cated on t hepl ans.Others fe lt t he same way,an d discussi on fol lo wed con cerningt he nu mber of units an dquest i oned th e ne ed of8spacesfor 2 unit s. Ed wardsmoved and Pi erce seconded to approve thef ront s et ba ckvariance because of thephysica l restraints with t he s tipul ati onthatthe two guestspacesbe replac ed bylandscap ing.Thevote was 7-0 i n f avo r. " I ••,J J I.. 4.Areque st fo ra side se t back var iance in ord er to constructagarage on Lo t ~,Resu bd iv ision of Buffer Creek.Applicants:J oh n &Loyette Go odell I Kr istan Pr itz expla ined the req uest stat i ng thatdueto t he s lope andt he existence of a shed.t his loc ationwast hemost desirable on t he s ite.She ad dedthat this l ocat ,on would not adv ersely af fect other e xist in g uses i nt he v i c ini ty . Pr itz al so 'statedt ha tth e CommunityActio n Plan ecour agedth e upgrad i ng and r em odeling 'of structures,and added t hat t he staff recommen ded app roval. .; Loy et te Goddel l,oneoftheapp licants ,said th at t hey wo uld pave the driveway and lan dscapet hesouths ide of t hegarage.She exp la ined that th ewests id e of the lot had a s tream an d ahil l.the no rths i desometimes wa s f looded fro m the str e am ~and t hee ast si de of th e house had wind t hat cau seddeep s no wdri ft s. Pierc e stated that the se we re exce llent arguments,butthat it se eme d that th e garage c ould bebuilt e lsewhere,whether ornot i t was best . pl acing t he garage up hi ll anddetaching .i t fr om t he ho use., to him He sugges ted Good e ll po intedout that by movi ng t he garaget o th eea st .th e req uested var i ance wasonly 5 fe et . Pierc e mo ved and Viele secondedto approve t herequest of a 5 foo t setba ck vari anc e ..The vote was 7-0in favor . 5.•A req uest fora cond itionaluse permitinorderto add tothe li ft buil ding atthe ~ottom ofChair [1ft .12.Applicant:Vail Associat es,Inc . Kri stan Pri t z exp la ined t ha tt hisaddit ionwouldbe 104 squ are feet i ns iz e . Joe Ma cy o~Va il Assoc iates ad ded tha t t hi sadditio na l room forloc kers.e tc.was badlyneeded.Donova n asked if snowmob i les wou ld s t il l bearriving i ntheear ly morni ngs.and Macy answered '~y e t "butthat t hiswas occurring now., Viele move d ~nd Pierce s econded toapprove t he reque st perth es t aff mem o da ted Sep tembe r 10,1984.Thevote wa s7-0 i n favor . ";), 6.Areq uest to modify theflood pl ain Cre ek with Go re Creek .Appl icant: i nt hearea of theconf luence of Mi l l VailTrash Grou p Pe ter Pa tt en s t ated t hatthea pplic ant s had a sked totab l et his i tem unt il t he ne xt mee t ing.Rap son moved an d Pi erces econded tot ab l e .Vote was 7-0. Awork sess i on fo l lowed concerning th e propos ed Spraddle Creek s ubdivi sion and t heproposed ame ndmen ttot he zon ingcodetoa llow additi ons of 250 square f eet. ..~PEC -6-8/13/84 ..," ho using re strictions rela tedtothe4 unit son t he to pf loor ofth e hotel,2 )Final- i zing and record i ng of the en croachment agreement regard in g the undergr oun d parking s t ruc ture onto To wn of Vailri ght-of-way.3)App ropriatel an gu age with inthe covena nts addressing owners 'use restrictions forthe accommoda tion uni ts and the4 dwelling units proposedtoberestr icted,and4)Completion,tothe s atisfaction of the Commu nity De velopm ent Department ,of all a pp l icable bui lding and fi recode r elateditems. Aftersome discussion,Rapson move d and Viel e second ed t o ap prove the requ est pe r t hes t aff memo witht he 4 con ditions of approv al .The vote was 4 1n f avor with Pierce abstaining . 10.A req uest fo r aminor subdi vis ion 1n orde r t o real ign the l ot l inesof lot 6 , Bl ock 5,Va il Vi ll age 1st Fi li ng,wh i ch cont aIns t heSl i fer BuildIng. Applicants :Rodney E.Sl ifer and John McBride (Seemotion f or.~""ing item 11.) ----------11 .A rt f ora fro nt andsid e se t oa c variancei norder t o constructa arae 'onLot 11,Block C,Vai l dasSc hone .plica nt:Travis Beck ley Applicantsa uested tabling t o t henext meeting.Donovan moved and Rapson se condedtota ble items10 and 11 .The vote was 5-0 inf avor. 12.A reques tfora rearse t back variance inorder t o constructa garage onl ot 3 Block 1 ,Gore Creek Su bd ivision .App licant:Ri chard Dilli ng Pe ter Patt en explaine d t ha tt he staff recommended denia l of therequest because it appeared t ha ttherewere s everal othe r places ont helo twheret he garage could be constructed wi t hout gett ing avari an ce.Di c k Dilling,t he app licant ,stated he f e 1 ~any ot her placeont he property wouldbloc k an apartmentbel ow t he main dwelli ng unit .He was asked Why thegarageneeded tobeso l arge,and answer ed th athe wan ted toputa work bench and snow blow erin thegarage.Itwas s ugge sted th atperhaps th e garagecoul d bedes ignedt obe wi der ather thandeep.Pipe r suggested that Dil ling exp loreaddit iona loptIon s,and Patte n stated th atth es taff would be wi lli ng to wo rkwit h him tof ind asol uti on.Dil ling as kedtota ble t o thenext meeti ng .Rapson moved and Vie le seco ndedto t ab le .The vote was 5-0 . The meeting adjo urned a t5:30 pm. .,.·,..~-5-8{13{8 4 l esss itecoverage,earth coveredpar king,no va ri ances we re requested,and the chang e in size of eachuni t wa s inresponse to national economic changes,wi th th e reuest th at a I eal document be filed sotha t bu e rs wo uld know t hatan add itiona l GR wou ld not be possible..Eskw t h state t hat the docum ent mentl0 ne couldbe fil ed ,butt hatr ights of in divid uals tocom e i nand reques t additional square fo otagecould notbe ta ken awa y .) Thevote was 4 in favorwith1 (Piper)aga inst .Piper fe ltt hesa me i mp rovem ents couldhave beenac hieved wit ho utin crea si ng thenumb er ofuni ts . 7.Areques tf orext eri or alteration s inCommercial Co re I for theHil l Bu ild ing onLotL,8lo ck 5C ,Vai l Village1stFil ing t o add s econd f loorr esidenti al space.Appli cant:81anche C.Hi l l Kristan Pri tzprese ntedth er eq ue st expla i ningtha t it was i n comp l i a nce wi th t he inten tof thezoningf or th e CC Idi str ict,and with t he Urb an Des ign Guide Plan a nd Design Consi derat ions .The sta ff recommenda tion wa sfo rapprovalwith 4engine er ing concernstobe resolved bef orea buildingpermit would be issued .The issues i nclude:1.Dra inagewi ll beins ide of buildin g,2.issuance of an improvem ent survey, 3 .i ssuanceofarevocable r ight -of-wayperm it f or e xisting i mproveme nt i nth e ri ght-of -wa y,and4.t he e ncroachme ntofroofoverhangsmust be resolved byan agreement letter of theadja cent property owner . J ay Peterson,rep resenti ng t he app l icant.stated t hat a ni nter i or drain woul d bei nsta ll ed andhe tal ked al i ttl e a bout t he fac t tha tt he Townof Va ildid notplow th is a rea, but that VA and Hi ll Buildi ng own ers did. Pi erce suggestedtu rningther oof 45°.Do novandidn 't l ike losing th e vi ews ,Pip er pointedout that given the di rec tion from the Counc il concerning these vi ews ,he had no problem wi thth is concern. Vi ele mov ed a nd Ra pson s econded t oa pprove the r eque st wi th th econdition th at a ll 4 items ofconcern l isted by Pritz beaddre ssed.The votewas5-0 i n fa vor . 8 .A r equestf oraccommodation uni tcondo min ium conv ersio ns for t he PhaseI I add ition of theMar riott Mark Resort a t 715 West LionsheadCircle ,Sp ecial Developm ent Distri ct7.App licant:M-K Co rpor at ion JayPete rson,rep rese nting th eapplicant .req uestedt o table thi si tem in def ini te ly. Rapson moved and Vie le secondedto t abl e toa date tobedecidedbys taff .The vote was5-0inf avor of t abling. 9.A r equest f oraccommoda tion unit condominium conversio n oft heVailAthletic Club at 352 East Meadow Drive.Appl ican t:Th e Vail Club Pet er Patten expla i nedt hat thi s cond omin i umi za ti on was tof urth er div idethecondo- mini um conversionproposal approved l ast year bythe PEe by converting e ach accommo- da ti on unit wi thin t heVail Athl etic Club Hotel i ntocondomini um s.He discu ssed 4 condi tio nsof app roval wh i ch i ncl ude d :1.Fina li zin g and r ecordingt he empl oyee •• name pro ject •• l of I b y ~l <" ...~("c ..".-..--r.:........, '---I.I ..--:",-,....5 .1"5 1o'...,>Ct'"~."''-i ).,~A~~ ,:,.,''C e..~? ,..:-<;?'.t::~r:­ ~.~E. r4e.-;-..~-r+lA.T D IO ~W l '~"'il' 0'.-r:O.>J .A{'~'':.!.-I ?tt::)~.;~~E-~~...~c)?F..iF-r;:"='''';'':J"_~.....::.tJ ~lZ.:J'"j f'".,.~~.,, "'-r -...,:::.:A '?'""(~~_c;,:)IN ''''Eo p~...Ir~~s:B .....l ze ....":Cf'.-;:..- ,;"':··a"-:;::..=.o.J r¢....~l'Z.~l.:C::~.:.?A O C -=~:...........A'\;~~'---::::. ~(':...:.c ~l'7 .N ~~ft..~~"'Q ~"'~~""2: 7~'~,?...:r-$~r:.~1 ",,~"S ;r: ..ar ch it ec ts g roup ltd p.c ._thecl ock t ow e r va il col or ado 81657 (30 3 )·~:-6 ·1 j 16 • •••• dale 10 A.b _-<- ;:".-;'] job r 'l'JO ~l,..O u K.!=.TO ~""7'"'~z=;.~,f'!2.;:'L.lS"Cr ::"£.....~...e v ~T~e;fl.A N N ,~et':--ll"-1t::::;/cN t'1 5ET1~c -:1'1C"'a..j ;"...6 .I ~~64 1 A}OD R.e'5a-<~i"T"~~I-..e xr P.."'s5 .~ M ~~r-,;6. arctilecls group M p.c,the clock tower va~coIotado 81657 (303)476 -1176 "••>....v •• Application ~te ,JUL.1 N 1-1 11e4 _ APPLICAT ION FORM FORAVARIANCE " ,. ,,,. ....<1i{l-·... This procedure is r equired f or any pro j ect requesting a Va ri ance. ..J,_,1·'.-.., Th e application~will not be accepted until all information is submitted t .1 .".II ,',""e..,i.....I ,,;>"......_...r..,'.''''"1 j ~.L"11 '"';:I :.- A .NAME OF APPLICANT Jij..'1 2 ,~•• a ADD RESS CO N,bi,fte 1b.sr .~I F1Q1?lffi 'Z2152 PHONE }b):l51 -QSJ..,-~1 ,-..,. B.-NAME OF APPLIc:iiiiT'S .REPRESENTATIVE_£:1c!<:L.L."'·...:I't:JI.l2<=::JiI'lNJJM~AN=N --'_ ADDRE SS ]1l:.-n<D!l(Cf=l'l:f-~·-me cu;o<."!!?W I%.PHOIlE_41 lJ-/IJU I. P HONE,_ ..,.,..,.I A M C .flAME OF .OWN ER (type 'o r p r1n t)~!.l:m~--E~=:,KJ4:,j..l2J2...1~_ SIGN ATURE ~~4 ADDRESS C!Q N.b!.&,iI...5T;lU-f'Of=J"€!.-I F/..q?,IOA, r ;.... LOCATION OF 'PROPOSAL 1 _,• '< ADDRESS 150 '0 fo.&::gA.'WjZ IYk \AlL-,CO.t3l&57 • LEGALDESCRI PTION lot ·11.block c..Filing I ~P!\!,."",9"-....!?A p'" -r- E .F EE. :.•,_I;• .(jJ-J ~~.~jf ~~<j~;9.7/t!l/.it :~:'.' "lJ "'".,',,',:••:._....,' F.A list o f the names of owners o f all prop ertya dja cent to the subject p r oper ty a nd their ma il 1n 9 addresses. I"",,"t:t 0 1 1..- J '-! D ENGINEERING eNEfK LISTi',.(..',1\<:.:».'"'."'''...~.""'",.. I ...;". •• ,I "' ..~.•.'. • r-', , ,. (Accept able)(/lot Acceptable) (A)Topo Hap ~(01 S i tePlan (e Utility Plan (D)Title Report (E)Subdivision Agreement (If applicable)=__ •Subdivision ra."o,J 5£*""5 .•Lot.II Block cflli'!g I • J.Submittal Itl!JllS 2.~n9in eerin9 Requirements .'r:"..:..",~.:'""..'..''."..~.... •(AI Culvert 'Size'<:.It"",' (0 Or\ve"ay Gr~dne2 OIul(Actual)-I.C:="":.;7'---_ 3.Source of Utilities ,••'. (A)El ectric (e )Gas (C)S.,.,.,r (D)Ilater (E)Telephon. (F)T.V . ." • .®~tile9z f'H/i.<.-..G.se«f5 i ~U:?G f"CA)nC P':?'rxG~~....;;.-E1.,..hf,cr-o..,J uP OAJ D~I.art~'!:nt of Public h'o r ~s Bill "AJul:rc ~s -- (<0 !-J <tJ job !o f , by 5 :z c --.c::;:--..........- tA 'r en '~-......"--.==-copies !.:;~N name address project a rchitec tsgro up ltd p.c .t he cloc ktower vail colorado 8 1657 (303)4 76-11 76 ,r .'''''F 'OTAI"··~::>" n,0",:)'t 1 Y O FU'.........~ f e ;E -~:-;::" \'. \\ 5T:,J ~n 1 0 T H E:EXCl l ~SJ O\'S FHO\l r O\'F.KA G!:.lIl E [\0.."1 10 :'\5 C O.-...:l.t·.I -...:F.D p",~(,HtI J l 'U B .;\,D T I :~j '!\(I\lS!O ,,\S O FTHF C O?\DJTI O\,S A"'\D STlPlIl.A T JO,"S HE I-U:.(lF . 1 Jj Ll:J.'"-'St·RJ ....C!.:CO~H'.·\~.'Y or MI ...~.:E$()T A.l .e l~:~:.,';1-<:u.e ('~.:-,:~;1 :.1:.~U !I'~,~~of n ~1t 0:P ('~l ~~"',:,..r.lr S _'.·t ·.:i:.;<!,~i ::~l It,~~u ,c~x~.!'t .not o.c,d;nr t.ljt a mnum c.I l 'I ~:J,l::l'1C('~:~;t C If.~d ,h~.Jlt .!.••~"tC tf s :~.<Ill ':;l r;.~·f ,~'~ ~'\~;·~~t 'Wl l1.l.Ir.rl (,:;-;?:!n}T :;~:l-ccome (,;;Jipl t'd to p ~i,t·c,;Tdr :.·J ~:2 i.n rC 0:ir.::.ntC t;.It,,::I'1 \;"I~C I,:u a vor,c,:": "Lrle 10;.•1:.(1"~i:.If ~:i r.lon:d !'~.l jl>·:C l ~S ;!,r .1.11 t.':"~:.::~.\~'1 rC ('l~W ;I'.·I~!'t t.e r,l:!S;..':.;J H ,~I~m • .....:1:c ~f rCi ir.(':he no :t 'l ;:..l·.l;:,nc c-l 'f,~",:t.I .I IC". i\~;j T'.·E S ~\,:;~.i-{~O F .I :,~~1l 1~Tnj{h s _:~n:r l ~··";,~:".~of ~.~.:..~,,:.)~.:~b ~c;:~'<;c I:~:{;!i'0l ",1 ~r;.;'lt ~~'C:)~~11 ( ."...'.r..«"f:·:\~c tl,:n s '::~1 ~;,.;:I '~';;I ~C l ·fr;;:('!!>2 ~o f l:,~bl!!»,;:"':':-,t r;S:l .d ...l cA .I ~,t ;,ojl::~t r -be \i;:ll:..her; r -~C r ..e:~~:;'.::Z{"C (f f l ~rr C':"-f er.I (';t:-t~(l:r ?~n~. 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Th e a p plication wil l not be accepted until all in formati on is s ubmitte d. A .NAME OF AP PLICANT_m=~"''''-,,-·,--,~~EG~:.::~=e.;.;:{,-_ ADDRESS L.-NY:!.i2 1i ="!::u:n ~u I Fi Q fSl P'-'7'?1"'-7 PHONE ~~1~1 ), B .NA:<E OF APPL ICANT'SRE PRESENTAT I VE.---,f'1-"".l..-",-j(I:.r",.l"",~",N!l.M.!:bJ::.N:!I.'N'--'-_ ADDRESS !!l!:.-rr<c",r q'g;b ".U!'!"P"'JE'-''iJ-:-V YK -r("'I~JS.,P HO NE 47 LJ-II,U PHONE _ C•.N AM E OF O''N ER (type or pr i nt )-:"TT<A-'-='-'\.:::.,..---,----'f>'F<=~:;.,d"-'".K""",,"-'_)'.l-_ SI GNATURE ~~V ADDRESS U('1'-.1-,,I."l)-H\..'-T.e=..f...J7)~Fl.~?IZ10A. D.L OCATIONOF PR OPOSAL '.-~.-',ADDRESS--''''-''-'-_='-'-''''-=='''-..::.t.'''=--'--'--'''---'--'--'-"-_ E. LEGALDESC RIPTION F EE .$100 .00 '" lot II block 0 F iling I ~O Ili l)I"'fJ Cf YAt....pA'Sd ~l.·.r;\ .~c?fr'"..f<I ).C.IZ #~2,'JfI?:.~?/t!?k!~<,;~ F .Al ist of the names of o wners of all property adjace nt to the subj e ct property a nd the ir ma i li ng addresse s. '•.~t"I l) (1.- I '-/ f)1132., e-:6 ...a._.w 'j!;, ~s-o r , applica tion f ~or a variance . II .Fo ur (~)copies of the f ollowing information : A.A state ment of the precise nature of t h e varia nce requested , the regulation i nv o lve d,and the p ract ic al d ifficul ty or unnnec e ssary p hysical hardship inconsistent with the obj ectiv es of this title t hat would r esult from s tricto r li teral i nterpreta tion and enforce- ment of the s peci fi ed reg ula tion . B.A site plan sh owing all existing and propo sed f e atur es on t he site ,and on adjo ining sites if nece ssary,p ertin ent to the v ariance r e que s t e d ,i ncluding s it e boundaries,r eq uireds etbacks ,building l ocationsa nd heights ,t opography and physical f eat ur es and similar data . C .Su c h additional mater i al as the z oning administrator m3 y p re- sc rib e or t he a pplicantmay submit p ertine nt t o t he app lication. I II .Time requirements Th e Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday s of each mon th .An a p plication with the necessary accom- panyi ng material must be submitted f our weeks prior t o t he date o f the meet in g. ENGINEERING CHEfK LIST ,...'" •.'-.,-,~..,---.,,.---~. t Subdivision Lot Block Fi ling c I I • I.Submitt.l Items (Accept.blo)(llot Acceptable) (A)Tope M.p ~ (0)Site Plan (C)Utility Plan (D)Title Ileport (E)Subdivision Agreement (if .pplicable)=__ 2.gngineering Requirements &...r..........,(""""'(,.$-.",.(,>:>.,( AJo",-,1f'"' :"t.,.. ••".:t .::...-"... "~'~I':" ,••'. •(A)Culvert ·Size CH_«.' (0)Dri v:,',ay Grtde(82 mt"J(Actu.l)-''"'''.''',,=-,'--_ 3.Source of Utilities (A)Electri c (B)Gas (C)Se"er (D)lIater (E)Telephoro. (F)T.V. • 4.Corr;r.enh :/,J -;'/,"..<'ct'~1Zl (.(A'~--1.--e£.L u E_)..;1 'tS ---:4''-'''7''C;:;O(lo?IC~et....'C.u--C> ®...-fi:tr9?et47lk ~·5-I"'A'C:::-,;)"~+tz.~f<-C R "-""">9 ~"""'fi?o:..t:?{:""'l:C"'"s.,rv ,:f--r.-a_ B,1-<~lIv(. (i)7/('?:e b iY-bh-#/0 i#!j c8u!£t't:oB{Elr7S I'lJI.<:ofotl!G~J ,~ .lAJIlCL S I§rt . App.'o\·ed: Disapproved:6/::r)&f aJ?/d') Del.artr.~n :of Publ ic \~orl.;s Bi 11 Alld!"c~...s ) , E A •E C 0 U I,T Y A S S.S 0 R DA TE :0 2/2 4/8 3 PAGE: C 0 N 00 M I I,IUM LI S TI N G COD E::)04 9 CQNDOMINIU'1 ;CHAMONIXCHAL ETS ======-~=~=-=~~==================~=============================================: OOOt SCHE DULE :01 33 14 DIS TRI CT ;113 ADAMS ,J .R .~G.S .-DAN IEL,B.R.JR .~J .0 .- LE VI TZ.J .J .t ,K .R.-SENG ELMA NN.D.L.7.LE VIT Z 3670 SOU TH HE LENA WAY AUROR A ST AT E:CO ZIP COD E :80013 UN IT4 BLDG.F B "'~0321 P C 00 97 T AX1 1E:15 :1112 1 217 0002 SCHE DU LE :01 3 305 DISTRIC T :1 13 ARMSTR ONG.THOMAS J .t,.NAN e l E.- HENAULT.P HILIP A. BO X 2 9 03 VAI L ST ATE :CO ZIP CODE :81 658 UN I T 4 BL DG .A 211-0 3 0 9 P C 0032 T AX IT EMS:1112 1 217 0 00 3 SCHEDUL E :0 13395 DIS TR IC T:1 13 BAR NES.RI CHA RD BOX 6 98 VAIL S TATE :COZ IP CODE :8 1658 UNIT 1 BLD G.F BI(0 26 9 PG 0593 T AXI TEf1S :1 112 12 17 0 004 SCHEDUL E:0 129 19DI STR ICT :1 13 BENNET T.LEE ANN BOX 24 51 VA IL S TATE :CO Z IP CO DE :8 1658."....-- uK 027 2 PG 0626 TAXI TEMS :1 112 12 17 0 0 0 5 SCHED ULE :0 13415 D I ST RICT :1 13 BEN NIN';T GI",L EWIS R .t.:KAR I N 1 74 5 S TELLA DR IVE CO LORAD O SPR INGS S TAT E:CO ZIP CODE :8090 8 UNIT2 BLDG .J 8 ~.0 231 PC 04 4 5 T AX I r-n-s.1112 1 217 • E A •E C 0 U N T YA5 5.5 0 R DATE :0 2/24 /83 PAGE :. C 0 N 0 o M I NIU M LI 5T IN G COD E :')049 CmmOKIN IUM :CH AMONIX CHA LETS 0006 SCHEDUL E:0 13625 DIS TRICT :11 3 B ITETTO.DO UGLASA.- ADA I1S .11A R YA . BOX 276 ' VAIL STATE:CO ZI P COD E:8 1658 UN IT 1 BL DG 0 2 K 029 5PG0 5 18 TA X I TEf1S :1112 12 17 000 7 S CHE DUL E:0 13339 OI S TRI CT :113 BRADY .DONA L D - FERRIGAN,RO BERT 90 4 1 S OU THE XC HA NGE AVE NUE CH ICAGO S TAT E :IL ZIP COD E:60617 UNI T2 BLO G.F BK 0275 P G 0583 TAX ITE t15 :11)2 1 2 17 0008 S CH EDULE:0 13303 D IS TRIC T:11 3 BROHN,GARF IELD R.&MARGARET A. BOX 1 312 VA I L STATE:CO ZIP CO DE:8 1658 UNIT 1 BLD GC Bv..0259 PG0 680 T AX I TEI"i S :1 1121 2 1 7 0009 S CHEDULE:0 13355 DISTR ICT :113 CL AGE TT .BARBMRA H . BOX 2769 VAIL S TATE :CO lI P COD E :8 1658 UN I T 1 BLOG .B TAX I T E I1S :1112 12 17 00 10 SCHEDULE:01342 7 DI STRIC T :1 1 3 CLEARY,ROBER T E O ~AR O J R. BOX 300 AVON S TATE:CO ZI P COD E :8 1620 UN IT 3 BLDG.0 BV.0 32 7 PG 0376 T AXI T E MS :1112 12 17 CON D aM I N IUM DATE :0 2/24 /83 C a UNT Y ASS*,S a R L IS T IN G P AGE : C ODE :OC·49 CQr-.:DOMIN IUM:CHAMONI x CHALETS :::====:::""'"-==.:===-=-===-=-==='=========:;==============:::=========~=======-=====:'========="'" 00 11 SCHEDUL E :0 1337 5 D ISTR IC T ;113 CORN IE~.MAR Y J O -BROOKS.L AURENCE W.- LENZMEIE R ,CYN THIAANN BOX 2 111 VA IL ST AT E :CO ZIP COD E:81658 UN IT3 BLDG .H B ~028 1 PC 072 1 TAX IT EMS :111212 17 0012 SCHE DULE:01 3 298 DISTRI CT;1 13 COTTER ,JAMES E.~LIND A CAY BOX 38 5 VAIL STATE :CO ZIP CODE:816 58 UN IT2 BLD G.D BK 0247 PG 03 17 BK 027 3 P C 000 8 T AXI TEMS :11 12 1217 00 13 S CHEDUL E :013304D I STRI CT :113 DAVIS .ROS SE.JR . BOX 1 4 0 8 VAIL STATE:COZIP CODE :81 65 8 UNIT 2 S LDC.A gil,0 246 P G 006 4 TAX IT£/15 :1112 1217 00 14 SCHEDULE :0 13273 DIST RICT:113 DELTA DRYlJA LL.INC . 2605 WEST7 TH AVE NUE DENVE R STAT E :COZIP COD E :8020 4 UNIT 3 BLD G.J BK 0 226PG 0 09 4 T AX ITE:15 :11 12 12 17 0015 SCH EDU LE:0134 05 DIS TR ICT :11 3 DI NO.':;-AIL- S TEELE .STAN BOX 2 21-:- VAIL STATE :CO Z IP CODE :8 1658 UN IT3 BLDG .C 13 K 0299 PG 06 5 7 TAX I T i::MS:1112 1 21 7 E A •EC 0 UN T Y DA l'E :02 /24/83 C 0 N D o M I r~I U M CODE :0 04 9 CON DOMI NIUM;CHA MON IX CHALETS AS S 'SS0 R L IS TIN G PM E :. ==-=====,';""':"::.==-=.=::.======-=====:.;.========-=====================""============::.======:::=: 0 016 SCH ED'JL E :013293 DIS TR ICT :113 ERB .ER WIN &MAR IA A. BOX 2 21 VAIL S TAT E :CO ZIP COD E :816 58 UNI T 1 BLDG .A BK 0 2 1 3 PG 0 832 TA XI TE MS :1 1 121 2 17 0 0 17 S CHEDUL E :013 365 DISTRIC T :113 FARQU HA R,J ~RRY L .~DEBO RAH R. 9 10 PLUr 1 L I NC OLN STAT E:NE ZI PCOD E :68 50 2 UN IT 3 BLD G.B BK 0260 PG 0 362 TAX ITE.:"'lS :1 1]2 1 21 7 0 018 SC HE DUL E :0 13095 DIS TRICT :113 F INLAY.RO BERT G.~PHYLL ISE . BOX 3032 VA IL STAT E :GO ZI P COD E:8 1658 UN IT 1 BLD G.I .8K 0247 PC 094 2 T A X ITEI1S :111 2 1 2 17 0 019 SCHE DULE:0 13299D ISTR IC T :113 F ISHKI N-J OHNSON PART NER SHIP 3 6 00 YOSEI1 ITE.SU ITE 910 DE Nv ER STAT E :CO ZIPCODE :8 0 23 7 UN I T 4 BLD G.C BJ'~03 25 PC 0 7 15 TA X I TEI'.S ;111 2 1217 0020 SC HEDUL E :0 1 3373D ISTR IC T :1 13 GOSNAY ,LAUR AP . 555 wa;:rSEL L 11ANOR RO AD WARWI CK S TATE :MD ZIP CODE :2 1912 UNI T 1 BL DG.H 13Y,.034 3 P G 0 115 TAXITEKS :11 121217 D IS TRIC T :113 ZIP CODE :8 1 657 BLDG K 3;'027 e P I;0552 002 1 S CHEDU LE:0 1 3276 GRAV ES.BYRO N ~S HARNA BOX 2 81 3 VA IL S TAT E :(0 UNIT 2 C0UNTY DA Tt::0 2 /2 4/8 3 CON 0 0 MIN I U M CODE :O C ~9 cQNDOr"l I Nl uM:CHAMONI X CHALE TS AS L I S0R NG PA'G E :. ======..-=-_._;:.:=:;..-==;.:;::;.;:.==============================================:=::::c==::::::::========, TA X I T EI1S :1 112 12 17 0 022 S CHEDUL E:0 128 15 D I STR ICT:J 13 HAR BOUR.CURRIE 9 1 8 3 P l r '~E R ID GE LAN E BOULDER STAT E :CO Z IPCODE:8 03 02 UNI T 4 BLDG.J 3K 0 2 39 PG 0906 B "~028 9 PG 0500 TAXI TE MS :1 1121 21 7 0023 SCHE DULE:0 1336 6 D IS TR IC T :113 HI MMES ,.,.l A!1ES C .~JOA NM. BOX 993 VAI L S TATE :CO ZI P CODE :8 1658 UN IT 4 BLDC .B BV.02 50 PG 07 16 T AX IT8 1s :1 112 12 1 7 0 02 4 S CHEDULE:0 13332 D ISTR I CT :113 HOLS TEN ,RI CHAR D ~J EA NE M. x GU LF Me-NE PA L RES. 4 5 05 SOUTH YASEMITE .#1 07 Df;N'J ER ST ATE :CO ZIP CO DE :8023 7 UN I T 4 BLDG .E SK 02 17 P G 087 1 T AX I TEI"':5:1112 1 2 1 7 002 5 ·SCHEDUL E:0 1 3297 DISTR IC T:113 J OH NSOhl,HAROLD E .~P ATR IC IA 13 . 387 5 E AST E ASTER PLACE LITT LETON S T A T E:CO ZI P CODE :80 1 2 2 UN IT 2 BLDG .B BK 0212 PG 0 31 6 B j.(0 248 P C"04 24 BK 0 32 3 P G 0 79 2 TA X I T EI"lS:1 1 12 1217 0 0 26 SC HED UL E :0 13 374 DI STR ICT :113 KEHL.O':'LE:W. 1 4279 t..!E'S T V IR G INI A DRI VE L t,KE WO OD S TATE:CO ZIP CODE:80228 UN I T2 3LDG H 2V,0225 PG 0809 BY,0236 PC 0 4 82 ::V,0 28 7 PO 0590 T~~ITE~S·1112 12 17 E -,L E C 0 UNT Y A S .SS 0 R DA TE :l)2/24 /8 3 PAGE :, C 0 N 0 0 11 I N I U M L I S TI N G COD E :QC4 9 CO NDO"'i I NI UI"'i :CHA MO NIX CHA LETS ======~~-=-======~===~~====================================================== 0 027 SCH EDUL E :01 34 28 DISTRIC T :113 KE rR.BEVERLY J . BOX 4 15 VAIL STATE:CO ZI P COD E :816 58 UN IT 4 BLOC .0 BY.0242 P C 0 5 23 TAX I TEMS :11 12 121 7 0028 S CHEDUL E :0 1327 7 DIS TR ICT :11 3 KUSUNO,N ED hI. 6 10 GA'fLOR DS TREET DENVER S TAT E :CD ZI P COD E:8 020 6 UN I T3 SLDG K .e ll..0296 P C 0 384 ell,.0 337 PC 07 55 T AX ITEI15 :1 112 12 17 0 029 SCHEDU LE :0 133 16DI STRI CT:113 LE FEBVRE.F RANK J.&KATHRYN K.- '-l rLSO N,N .HOl.JAR D t-V IOLET E . 316 SOUTH 124 ST REET OMAH A S TAT E:NE ZIP COD E :68 15 4 UN IT 3 BLDG .E BK 0342 PC 061 3 BY,024 2 PG 06 14 TAX IT EI "1 5 :111 2 1 217 0030 SCHEDULE :013308 D ISTR IC T :113 LENTZ.l"i .A .&.BE TTY LEE 164 H ILLV IEW DRIVE SAN ANTONI O ST AT E :TX ZIP CODE:7 8209 UN IT 2 BL DG.G 3V .025 7 P C 073 1 B Y,0257 PC 0982 TNX ITEI1S :111 2 1217 0031 SC HEDULE:0 13284 DI STRICT:113 LINDST ~CH.o;,S TEVEN J .-FORV,E N,MAR GARE T F- BEASLEY.JOSEP H w.~GER EMYG. BOX 16 5 VA IL STATE:COZIP COD E :81658 UN IT 3 BLOG .G B ,~02 71 PC 013 4 BIo',')316PG 0 2 25 TAX 11£1":5:1112 12 17 PACE : SS 0RAS•LI S TI N C C 0UNT Y D OM lr4IU M I1A TE :02 /2 4 /83 CODE :OC49 CONDOMINIUM :CHAf10N I X CHA LETS ::::::==.,...."":.;'::..==--===-:."'''==;;.=====;;========.,....=============================-======::.======= 0032 SCHEDUL E :0 1 3348 DIS TR ICT:113 LI VINC5TQN,LOU IS F .~ANN EP. 700 FLA~STAFF STAR ROUTE BOULDER STATE:CO ZIP CODE:8 0 302 UNIT 1 BLDC .E 3.,0215 PC 04 96 TAX ITEMS :111 2 12 17 0033 S CHEDUL E:0 13294 D ISTR ICT :11 3 MCCADAM ,DO UG LASS . BOX 2938 VAIL S TATE :CO ZIP CODE:816 58 UN IT 3 3LDC.A 2y:0 23 3 P O 022 4 TAX I TEl...S :11 12 12 1 7 0034 SCHE DU LE :013353 DISTRIC T :11 3 MC CLAI:4,JAY E 2 460 CH AMOI·~I X LM~E VA IL STAT E :CO ZIP CODE :81657 UN IT 2BLDG C By:0263 PG 0 24 1 311..028 4 PO 0098 31'0309 PC 0495 BK 0 334 PC 0540 TAX ITEMS:111 2 1217 003 5 SCH EDULE :0 13278 DISTRI CT :113 MOSKOW II Z.SEYMOUR 1"..GLOR IA J. BOX 340 PARKE R STAT E :CO ZIP CODE:8 0 134 Ur4 lT 4 SLDC K BY.0 335 PG 094 6 TAX I TEI1.S :1 1 1212 17 0 036 S CHEDULE:0 13376 DISTRICT :113 NI CHOL '_S,J EFFREY T .to.J UD ITHA . BOX 1236 VAIL STATE :CO Z IPCODE :Bi bee UNI T 4 BLDG .H a K O ~20 PO 0688 TAX IT EMS :1112 1 217 E A e L E C 0 U N T y A S •S S 0 R D A-TE :'~-2/24/8 3 P AG E : C 0 N D 0 M I N I U 11 L IS T IN G CODE:0 :'49 CONDOM I III IUN :CHAMDN IX CHAL ETS --"=='=.~.:_=====:::;=:.'""==:==.=.==.===-===========:::::=====================.================: 0037 ~CHEDULE :0 13274 DI S TRI CT :113 RUSSELL.PAUL E .~CAYE . 790 7 LAV,E t..lAUh!A TTA DR I VE ORLA ND<J ST AlE :F LZI P COD E:32807 UNI T 1 BLDG K BK 02 7 1 PC 0103 TA X 1T£115:1 112 12 17 0 038 SCHEDULE :01 334 6 D ISTR ICT :11 3 SC H~IOT ,HU GH K.~S USAN R. BOX 1455 VA IL STATE :CO Z IP CODE:8 1658 UN IT 3 3 LDG .F B V,0297 PC 0089 TA X I TE:11S :1 1 12 121 7 0039 SCHED UL E :013302 SHE ILS.~E RR I L L M. 11 85 f ARY,AVENU E "'1:;'"1 _'vnou r-f T V DI STRI CT;113 ,~,-...,..............,I STATE :NY ZiP CODE:10028 UNIT 2 3L DG .E BV,0 215 P G 0572 BK 021 5 PG 092 7 ex.0 260 PG 0 833 TAX I1 E115:1 1 12 121 7 0040 S CHEDU LE:01 29 18 DISTRICT:113 STEM.·J ;]:;N M.s.PA TRI CIA A . 4 7 26 H';R I.JICH BOU LDER S TATE :CO Z I P CODE :8 030 1 UNI T3BLDG .I BK 0 22 2 PG 0 903 TAX !TEl'S :1 1121217 0 0 41 SCHE DULE:0 129 1 7 D ISTRJCT :11 3 TAYLOR .WADEC.~RU TH C. GENERAL DEL IVERY VAIL STATE :CO ZIP CODE :816 58 UNI T2 3LDG .I 8 11,027 4 PC 073 1 8~0286 PC 0 98 9 TAX I TE 1~.S:11 12 12 17 • •Ae-..5.E E C a U N T Y A 55 a R •DAn :0 ;;,/2<:/83 PAaE :. C a N 0 a M I N I U M L I 5 T I N a CODE :0 ::49 CONV0I1INIUM;CHAMON IX CHAL ETS 004 2 SCH EDULE :01 32 05 DIS TR ICT :11 3 UGL IANITZ A.DAR IA 63 12 l.J =ST BE U 10NT A VENUE CHICAGO STATE :I L Z IPCOD E :6063 4 UNIT 1 S LDG .J B/',0 274 PG 075-6 TAX IT~M5 :1112 12 17 0043 SC HECVLE :01 3328D I ST RI CT :1 13 VAIL EIHE..~PR,ISES 530 {.JA ;'REN R OAD GLENVI eW S TATE :IL Z IF CODE :6002 5 UN IT 1BLDG .a 3 10'·02 17 PG 0430 TAX IT£I ..5 :11 12 12 17 0044 SCHEDULE :013349 DISTR ICT :113 WILKEN S,ROB ERT E.~HENR Y 4525 w ~ET DIVISION CHI CMO S TAT E :IL Z IF CODE :6065 1 UN IT 4 3 LDa .G _BV.0217 PC 043 1 T AX IT£I'1.5 :1112 12 17 • ~~Jvwiht'-~ ~ltiiW c:::Ja ~- o ~}~~-+-l~U~J<A c 'lleV, k ~~£),J/,f-/\J/\. ~)i,-JiJJ ~/~ojiv. ,(j ',~0 ,S:,-\--" ., ••.. ~d../r-;~",--,::<~-=,,-_copie s <:....;~-.! address ,~::toJ '(J ,.:.•-:i......~:::.:..."';:'::-s.- ~jec t 7h~---;'O;::::...:J.::......av~=-=~------'=----=<:=--- regarding ~:;..\!;~r.:..'?2 :;- ......,...~......'~,0;;..-=.;,,::~v ..-"-.-"':::''''~..-r:J A \.:ll,'::•.L..';'':::'_,'~__--<--I ......"'t=--A "="'-'",~-...._\'-,"_ ~=e c=~...~?":"''''N ;::.;....:!..A"'Ii~I ~.)"=>~.....:A"'_8'=:...,.....;. -ic,2.cI 'Fp..:::-...-"S-:;"'j ~'.....:..<.:r-...~-:;='<..-;-..;S _......? _~~.2=.';;.l"-l ~=-:.-.=c;-;;~~-:-.,....'::-A f P-:'::'-;-":<.,.':"-:::'--=-........~.::;-, ~:--::...-:;.~<2:1\'("~--=-1-,.=:__<7 CAL~:=",..,:..;:.c~r1 .Q"'T.:; ~.J..:..r_TT"'~~~·='5 fZt ~~~?Ab;··...5 Jr''2.~ :0-~lD~__O f .....,.:'..:.l ~::.-:.-:-;.....c ,...\i/J"''''';A {...1:;;-7 ~,""J --:-...e. I\.~~;....0E CF -;...£j'::-,-::-~. a rchitects group ltdp.c.the clock tower vail colora do816 57 (303)476-n76 ••.,. dat e zip job0'<../'~,..~=~='-_ na me --r?A:/" ad dress (f'~'"._,,,,-._~~~-,-~~;::.:..-'".,;.z-s: ~j e c t --T""~",~c-~~,..,·__v -_,:",_=..::...<..-_---:::.~\.-::"'.0::._"'_"'_I ~_'--"'-~I -?~_~.r;.--c _",....- :~C::~......~?.2\:::"~_....A.lio~·:~.I 7.='....:;::-C7."_~"-,"v .s: """=:2.::;1 :-~,--=~i ~._,:-<".......7"-..-;~~,.;=__? ::.(::;:..•.::.:...:-:=.--;;.j -=~-~~""::-....ls.A C !'-::";-;--;"':"~:.-::;~.s-;=-.,-..-',-~=-~~-.:::-I ,..,::__{./CAL.'5:'""\-~-:":;~i-!0 7 .,::- <?~T,..;S ~r..A..:::::=::5 F-I£:;o;-1l lJ'P A:A .r-...-:--;-;..,'2.+-,:.-!"'~ ,~lI\.~"")~fl r--:--..:...~~..:.,.;.--....-a ......N:?:;,.:.e.<!L-:::...;-r-,-:'~ r,-~·-~:-<-=::.~",-;:-z:7"":~~~. architects group ltd p.c .the cl ock t owervail colorado 81657 (303)476-11 76 PU BLIC NOTICE NO TIC EI SHER EBY GIVE Nt hat th e Pl an ning and Envi ronmenta l Commi ss i on of t he Town ofVail wi ll holdapublichearing i naccordance with Sect ion 18.66.060ofthe municipa l codeofthe Town of Va i l on Aug ust 13,1984 at 12:30 pm intheCounc ilc hambe rs i ntheVail munic ipal building. Pub li c he aring an d cons id eration of: 1 .A mi no r subdivisi on requ est i n ord er to realign the lot l ines of Lot6 .Bl ock 5 , Va il Vi llage 1stFili ng ,which contains t heSl ifer Bu ild i ng . App lican ts:Rodney E.Sli fer and John McB ride 2 .A request f or accomm odati on unit cond omin ium conversionf ort hePhaseI I addition ofth eMarr iott Ma rk Resort at 715 West Li onsh eadCi rcle ,Speci al Developm ent District 7.Appl icant :M-K Corpora t io n 3 .A request f orafron t and s idesetb ackvar i ance in order t oconstructa gara ge ~on Lot11,Black C,Vai l das SchoneFil ing 1 ,25 08 Arosa Drive. i Applicant:Tr avis Beck l ey 4.A req uest fora rear setb ack variance i n orderto con struct a garageon Lot 3.Bl ock 1 ,Gor e Creek Subdiv isi on ,51 46 Black Gore Drive . App licant :Richard W.Dil ling 5.A request for an amendment to th e zoningordinance inorder toal low he li pads asa con ditionaluse i n t he MO MFzone.Ap pli cant :Va il Vall ey Me di ca l Cente r 6.Ar equest for side and f rontse tback variances toconstruct a ga rage and to enclo se an area underneath adeck on Lot 12 ,Block 1,Vai l Vil lage 6th Fi li ng. Appl ican t:Richard He ller 7.A requ est to amen d Ord inance 30,Serie s of 1977 t o i ncreasethe num ber ofunits al l ow ed t o be const ructed at770 Potato Pa tch Dri ve,f r om 30 plus an employee un itto36 plus an empl oyee un it ,l ocated on Lot 6,Block 2,VailPotatoPatch Subd ivis i on.App l icant:Ed A.Smi th 8 .Arequestf ore xterio r alterations i n Co mmerc ial Cor e Ifor t he Hill Bui lding onLot L,Block5C,Vail Vi ll age 1stFiling to add secon d f l oor r esiden t ial space.Applicant:Blanche C.Hi ll ., •••>-,(., • 9.Reque st for anamendme ntto Speci al Develop me nt District t ll ,Highl and Pa r k, t o subdivide 9.5 acres atthe s outhwes tco rn er of t he Hig hl and Me ad ows Sub di visi on t o beknown asVail Wo od s Subdivision.The pro posal will divi de therem a ining area of SDD 11 into 11 dup le x lots wh ere previou sly a townh ouse developm ent wa sapproved.App li can t:I .K.S.Va il Asso ciates 10.Req uest f or accomm oda ti on unit con do min ium conversio n of t he Va il Ath letic Cl ub at 352 EastMeadow Drive ,a po rtion of TractB,Vai lVi lla ge First 'i 11n g. Applicant:Th eVailClU b,a Colorado limited Pa rt ner shi p 11 .Re questfor s ides etbackvar ia nce and a GR FAvariancefor un it 12.Vail Ro whouses t o add 17 0 squ are feet of GR FA by enclosing a south s ide terrace . Ap pli cant:Robe rt Galvin Th e app li cat i ons and info nmation ab outt heproposals areava ilablei nth e zoningadmi nistrator 's off ice during regular off ice hoursfo r publ ic in spe ction. TOWN OF VA il COMM UNITY DEV ELOPMEN T DEPA R T I~E NT PETERA.PATTEN ,JR ACTI NG 01RECTOR OF CQf·:fI Ull ITY DEVELO PI1 ENT Pu blished intheVail Trail on J ul y27,1984 7S south frontage road va il ,c olorado 81657 ollice of community d evelopment j,t-!b ')"i ,(US 1 OX 02313381 07/31/13"1 \J"Q f,"1 UkN TO SENDEf'~\j'NOT DELIVEkABLE AS ADOR~SSED FOI~WARO:I .NG Of<DI::R EXt-'IRED NED KU5UNO 610 GAYLORD 5T DENVER CO 80206 • • PUB LIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HER EBY GIV ENt hat th ePlanning and Envir onmenta l Co mm i ssi on of theTown of Vai l wi ll hold a publi c hearin g i naccordance wi th Sect i on1B.66.060 ofth e municipal code of th eTow n of VailonAug ust13.198 4 at 12;30 pm inthe Cou nc i l chamber s i n th eVail municipa l bu ild i ng . Pub lic hearing an d considerat ion of: 1 .Aminor s ubdi vis ion request i nor dertorealign the l ot li nes of Lot 6.Block 5. Va il Vill age 1st Fil ing.whichcontainstheSl i fer Build ing. Ap pl icants ;Ro dney E.Sl ife r and J ohn McBride 2.Areque st fo raccommoda tio nunit cond ominiu mconvers i onfo rth ePhaseIIadditi on of the Marr io tt Ma rk Reso rtat 715 Wes t Lionshead Circl e,Specia l Dev e lopment Dist ri ct 7.Appli cant :M-K Corp orati on 3 .A requestf ora fr ont and si de set back var iance inorder t o con struct a garag e ~on Lot 11 .Block C.Vail das Schon e Filing 1.2508 Arosa Drive. App l ica nt:Tra vis Beckley 4 .A requ e s t f ora rear set ba ck variance i n order toco nstruct a ga rageonlo t 3 .Bl eck 1 ,Gor e Cr eek Subdiv is ion,5146Black uore Drive. Appli can t;Richard W.Di ll ing 5 .Areque s t f or an ame ndment t o t he zoning o rdinancei n ord er to all ow heli pads as a co nditionaluse in t he MDMF zone .App l icant :Va il Va l ley Med icalCenter 6.A requ est fo r si deand f rontse t ba ckvar iances to construct agarage an d to encl ose anarea underneath a deck on Lot12.Block1.Va il Vil lage 6th Fi li ng. Applican t;Richard Heller 7 .Areque st toamend Ordinance 30 .Seri es of 1977 t oi ncrease t he numb er ofunit s all ow ed t obe con structed at 77 0 Po tatoPatch Driv e,from 30 plus an employe e uni t to 36 plu s an em ployee uni t.loca t edon Lo t6 .Bl ock2.Vai l PotatoPatch Subdivision.App lican t;Ed A.Sm ith 8.Ar equest fo r exter i or alterati ons inComm ercia l Co re I f ort he Hill Bui ld i ng on Lot L.Block 5C .Vail Vi l lage1st Fi l ingt o add second f l oor r esid enti al space .App licant;Blanche C.Hill 2 ,;,I•,.1:1 "~'.j.--..: ..'.;."., .':\ .. • 9.Request for an am endm entto Spec ial DevelopmentDis trict I l l .Highland Pa rk. to subdivide 9 .5 acresat the southwe st co rner oft he High land Mea dows Subdi vision to be know nasVail Wood sSubd iv isi on.The proposal wi ll div ide t he remai ni ng area of SOD 11in to 11 du plex l otswhe repreviousl y a t ownh ouse de velopment was approv ed.Applicant:I.K.S.Vail As sociates 10.Request for acco mm odation un it cond ominium conversionoft he Vai l At hletic Clu bat 35 2 Ea~t Meado w Drlv e,a porti onof lract B.Vail Village First Fil ing. Appli cant:The VailClub,a Co l orado Lim ited Partn ersh ip 11.Requ est for side s e t back variance andaGRF A variance for un it 12 .Vail Rowho uses to add 170 squa re fee tof GRFA by enc losi ng as outh s ide t e rrace. Appli cant:Robert Galvi n The ap pli cati onsandin form ati on about theprop os als are ava ilab l einthe zon ing admini strator's officeduri ng regularoff icehou rs f or pub li c in spection . TOWN OF VAI L CO MM UNITY DE VEL OPME NT DE PARTMENT PETE R A.PATTEN ,JR ACTI NG DI REC TDR DF C OI'~l ur aTY DE VEL OPI'.ENT Publ ished inthe Va il Trail on July 27 ,19 84 75 south frontage road ....11 .colorado 81657 office of community development -'--.-....,.'---•.,.-I:,,'f --Ji To"oJ \-~"EN D:" '\ATIE;\lP TED NOT KrmWN ,,.. /.f ; .&MRS .DON AL D GEI SE R 11 323 E CIMAR RO N DR .)\0i1 q ENGLEWOOD CD 80111 I.)'~ 11 111 111 1111 111111 11111 1,I'!lll i PUBLIC NOTIC E NOTICE IS HE RE BY GIV EN that t hePlanning and Environmental Commission of th e Town of Va il will ho ldapublichear ing inaccordance wi thSect ionl B.66.060 oft he municipa l code ofthe Town of Va il on Augu st 13.1984 at 12:30 pm int he Council cham bersintheVail mun icipalbuil ding. Public he aring and con s id eration of: 1 .A mino r subd ivis ion requ~s t inorder t o realign t he lo t li nes of Lot6 .Block 51 VailVil la ge 1st Filing.wh ic h contains the Slifer Building . Appli cants:Ro dney E.Slifer andJohn IkBride 2 .A requ e st fo raccommodation unit condominium con versi on forthePhase II addi tion ofthe Ma rriott Ma rk Reso rtat715 West Li onshe ad Circle,Special Deve l opm ent Oi str i ct 7.App licant :M-K Corpor ati on 3.Arequestforafron t and side setba ckvar i ance i n orderto con stru ct a ga rage ~on Lot 11.Bl ockC.Va ildas Schone Fil ing 1,2508Arcsa Or ive . ;Appl ic ant:Travis Bec kl ey 4 .A requ est forarearsetb ack variance inorder toconst ruct agarage on Lot 3,Block1,Go re Cr eek Sub div is ion,5146 Black Go re Dri ve . Appli cant :Richard W.Dilling 5.Areque st f oranamend mentt o t hezoning ordi nance inorder t oal lowhelipads asa con ditionaluse i nth e MDMF zone.Ap pl icant :Vail Va lley Med i cal Cen t er 6 .Arequest f or s ide and fr ont s etback varian ces toconstruct agarage and t o enclose anare a underneathadeckonLot12,Bloc k 1 ,Va il Vi lla ge 6thFi ling. Applicant:Ric hard He l l er 7.Arequesttoame nd Ord inance 30 t Series of 1977 toincrea se th e number of units allowed tobe con st ructed at 770Potato Patch Drive,from 30plus an employ ee unit to 36 plus an employee unit .l ocated onLot6.Bloc k 2,Vail PotatoPat ch Su bd ivi sion.Ap plicant :Ed A.Smit h 8 .A requ est for ex terior alterat ions in Comm ercialCore Iforthe HillBuilding on LotL.Bloc k 5C,VailVil la ge 1st Filin g to add se condf loor res identia l space.App l icant:Blanch e C.Hi ll • 9.Reques t for an ame ndment to Spe cial Devel opment District I l l.High land Pa rk . t o subdi vide 9 .5acres atthe sout hwe st c ornerofthe Hi ghl and Mead ow s Subdiv ision tobe known asVail Woods Subd ivis ion.Th e propo sal wi ll divi de th e rem ainingarea of SOD 11 i nto 11 duplex lo ts where previ ou slya town house deve lopm ent was approved.App licant:I .K.S.VailAssociates 10 .Requ e st f or accommoda tion un it condom inium conversion of the Vai l Athl etic Club at 352 Ea st Mead ow Dr ive,aportion of TractB,Vail Villa ge Fir st Filing . App licant:The Vai l Club,a ColoradoLimited Partnersh ip 11 .Reques t f or si de se tback variance and a GRF A variance for unit 12 .Vai l Ro whouse s t o add 170square feet of GR FA by enclosi ng aso uth s idet errace. Ap pl icant :Rober t Galvin The app lications and i nforma tion ab out the propo sa l s areavailable i n t he zoni ngadmin ist ra tor1 s off iceduring regular off ice hours forpublicinspe cti on. TOW N OF VA IL CO f~UNITY DE VEL OPME NTDEPART MENT PET ER A.PATTE N,JR ACTI NG 01RECTO R OF C OI'~'IU I :ITY DEV EL OPM ENT Published i n the Va il Trai l onJ uly 27,1984 ~~; lown 0 val 0 ,V,\'>.".-75 south fro ntage road '"\ vail ,co lorado81657 officeof co mmunitydevelopment -~----- BRO 12 9A28NL51 07/28/84 RETURN TO SENDER BOX CLOSED GAR FIELD RAND MARGARTE BROWN BOX 13 12 VA ILCO 81658 •----~' • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOT I CE I SHEREBY GIVE N that t hePlanning and Environmental Commi ssion of t he Town of Va il wi ll ho ld a public hearinginaccordance wit h Sect ion 18.66.060 ofth e mun ic ipal code of the Town of Vai l on Augus t13,1984 at 12:30 pm i n t he Co unc ilchambers i n t he Vai l mu nicipal bu ildi ng. Pub lichearing and consid eration of : 1.A minor subd iv ision requestinordertorealiQn the l ot l inp.5 of lot 6.Block 5 . Va il Vil lage1stFil ing,which contains theSlifer Bu ilding. App licants :Ro dney E.Slifer and Jo hn McB ride 2 .A requ e st f or accommodation un it condomi nium conv ersion f orthePhase II add it ion - ofthe Marrio tt Mark Resortat 71 5 Wes tLionshead Circle .Sp ecial Development District 7.App lica nt:M-K Corpor ation 3 .Arequestf or a f ront and s ide setback variance in ord ert o con stru ct agarage --!-...on Lot 11 ,Block C,Va il das Schone Filing 1,2508 Arosa Drive . d i Applic ant :Travis Beck ley 4.Arequest f ora rear set back vari an cein ordert o construc ta garage on l ot 3.Bl ock 1 ,Gore Cr eek Subdiv i sion,5146 Black Gore Drive. Appli cant:Richard W.Dill ing 5.A r equest for an amendment tothe zon ing ordinanceinordertoallow helipads asa condit ionaluse i nt he MDMF zo ne.Ap plicant:Vail Va lley Me dicalCenter 6.A request fo r side andfr ontse t back varian ces t oconstructagarage and to enclose an areaunderneathadeck on Lot 12,Block1 ,Va il Villag e 6th Fil i ng . Appl icant :Richard He ller 7 .Arequ estt o am e nd Ord i nan ce 30 .Series of1977 to i ncrease thenumb er of units a l lowe d tobecons tructed at 77 0Potato Patch Drive,from 30plus an emp loyee unit t o36plu s an emp loyee uni t,l ocated on Lo t 6,Bloc k2 ,VailPotatoPatch Su bdivision.App licant:Ed A.Smi th 8 .Arequest fo r exter ior alterat ionsi n Commercia l Core Iforth e Hi ll Bui ldi ng on LotL,Block 5C ,Vail Vi l lage 1stFi l ingto add second floor r esident ial s pace.App lic ant:Blan cheC.Hi ll "..-,, • I..,."." ., • 9.Request for an ame ndm entto Special De velopment Di str ict #11,Hi ghl and Par k, to s ubdivide 9.5 acresat th eso uthwe s tcorner of t he Highland Meado ws Subdivis ion tobe known asVail Woods Subdivision.Th e proposa lwil l divide the remai ning area of SOD 11 into 11 duple x lot s where previo usly a to wnhous e de velo pm ent was a pproved.Ap pl icant:I .K.S .Vail As sociates 10.Re quest for accommoda tion un it condomini um conv ersionoftheVail Ath letic Club at 352 t as t Meadow Drive,aporti on ofTractB,Va il Vi lla ge First Fil ing. Ap pli cant:Th eVailClUb,a Col orado Li mited Partnership 11.Request for side setba ckvar ia nce and a GRFAvariance forunit 12 ,Va i l Ro whou ses to add 170 squaref eet of GR FA by enclos ing a southsid e terra ce . Applica nt :Robert Ga lvin Th e appli ca ti ons andin forma tionabouttheproposa lsar e ava ilabl ei nthe zoni ng admini strator's of fice duringregular office hours fo r pub lic in spect ion . T O ~~OF VAIL COMM UNITY DEVELOPMEN T DEP ARTMENT PETER A.PAT TEN,JR ACTIN G01RECT OR OF CDNNu riiTY DEVELOpr1 EN T Publi s hed i nth e Vai lTrai l on Ju ly 27,1984 COR 11 MA RY JO CO RN I EA ET AL BOX 2111 VA IL CO81658 ,, 1 Iv(;)',/_I 75south frontage road • vall.colorado 81657 officeof commun ity development NOT ... ~\L.Co ••-......9A28NLN1~~Fd8 .1 -'1 -~0 =~~?~~· •816 ~~; RETURN T SENDER DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABL 0 EDRWARD • PUBLI C NOTICE NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th e Planning and En viron mental Co mmissi on ofthe Town of Va il will hold apubli c he aring in accordanc e withSection lS.66.060 ofthe mun icipal codeof t he Town of Va il on August 13,19S4 at12:30 pm intheCounc il ch ambers intheVail mu nicipal bui lding. Pub lic hea ring and con sideration o f: 1.A mi no rsubdivision request i norder t o re align thel ot l ineso f Lot6 ,~lo ~k 5 , Va il Villa ge 1st Fi l i ng ,which contains th e Sl ife r Bu ilding . Applicants:Rod ney E.Slifer and J ohnMcBride 2 .A requ e st foraccommod ati on unit cond ominium convers i on f or the PhaseIIaddition of the Marr iott Mark Resort at715 West Li on shead Circ le ,Spec ia l Development Distri ct 7.Appl i cant:M-K Corporati on & 3 . 4. A req uest fora front and sides etbackvariance in order toconstruc t a garag e on Lot 11 ,Block C,Va il das Schone Filing I,25 0S Arosa Orive . Applic ant:Travis Beck l ey Arequ e st f orarearsetbackvarian ce i n order to const ruct a garag eo n lot 3,Bl eck 1.Go re Creek Subd ivision .5146 Bl ack Go re Dr ive . Applicant :Richard W.Dil lin g 5.Arequestf or an amend me nt tothezon ing ordin an ce inorder to all ow heli pa ds asa condit ional usein t he MDMF zone .App l icant:Vai l Va l l ey Me di calCenter 6.Arequest for side and fro ntse tback varianc es toconstruct a garag e and to enclose anarea under neath a deck onLot 12,Blo ck I,VailVil lage 6thFi ling . Appl ica nt:Richard Hel le r 7.Arequesttoame nd Or dinance 30 ,Serie s of 1977 to increase the numb er of uni ts al l owed t o be con structed at 770 Potato Patch Drive,f rom30 plusan emp loyee unit to 36 plus an em pl oy ee unit,l ocat edonLot 6 ,Bl ock 2 ,Va il PotatoPatch Sub div is ion .Appl i cant:EdA.Smi th 8.Arequest fo r ext erior alterations in Co mmerc ial Core IfortheHill Bui ldi ng onLotL,Block 5C,Vail Village1stFi l i ng t o add second f l oor res identia l s pace.App licant :Bl anche C.Hill ."•• • 9.Request fo r an amend men t to Spe cial Deve l opme ntDistrict#11,Highland Park , t os ubdiv ide 9 .5 acresatt he southwe s t co rner of t he Hi gh land Mea dow s Subdivision t obeknown as Vai l Woods Su bdivisi on.Th e proposal wi lldi vide t he rema ining areaof SDD 11 i nto 11 dup lex lot s where previously a town house developm ent was appr oved.App licant:I .K.S.Va il As soc iates 10.Request foraccommodation unit condominiu m conversion of theVailAthlet ic Club dt 352 East Meddow Dr ive,d port ion of Tr act S ,Va i l Vil lage First Fil ing . Appl icant :The Vail Club,a Colorado Limited Partnersh ip 11 .Re qu est for s ide s e t back var iance and a GRFA vari an cefor un it 12,Vail Rowhou ses t o add 170 square f eet of GR FA by enclo sing asouth si de terrace. Appl icant:Robert Ga lvin Theappli cat ions and i nform at ion ab outthe propo salsare available i nthe zoning adm in ist rator 's of fice duringregu lar off ice hours fo r pub licin spection. TOWIl OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN TDEPART MENT PETER A.PATT EN ,J R ACTIN G DJ RECT OR OF COMflUIHTY DEVE LO PI1 EN T Pub li shed in the Va il Tra il on July 27 ,1984 ,, ~~l 75 soul"frontage 'road vail,color_do 81657 officeofcommunity development BE VER LY KEIR BO X 415 VA ILCO 81658 • _•f\I...--- • ----. ••'I • .>'-•-- -'"-- -...e...-_-v • • • •..'.'••• •••• SCHONE, COLORADO BECKLE Y ST EV EN I{S C.OTTe c 5 20b'l5 OF VA ILDAS OF VAIL, TRAV IS s c c STE"IED PR OF ESS IONAL LAN D s:CO~O';>ADO DO HEREBy K_i=>A t:FRuA-'A 5uRVEy L-RECT 5UP E Rv SIOAJ IN vuLY 2. FORPREPARED T OPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT II,BLOCK C, FILING NO J,TOWN 5TEV£1V X C OT T 5URVE Y 0R Iv -,.,£ ,,£R t:;.,4 PERFORMED UNCE R A Y 198 4- S URVEYORSC ER-,FI CAT£ OA TE OF r E ~:J A FAL CON AR - o t «4-1'1 84 MAP A Iv u ..... DRAWN B,S 5\..OT' ~HF c :«4 r v SHOWN H EREO N,ARE BASEO OIJ 4 RIM ELEv,4TION OF 8010 4-7 '-OR MANHOLE 4-,214A.! THIS DA TA RE PR C-SENTS A .J0PILATION 1/Fe R MAT ION r-Jl Il t:\j FRO M TOPO<,RAPHJ(..SURVEY PREPARED BY \--tAPS ..97,:: NOTES 2)THE B EARINGS,SHOWN HEREON ,A RE BASED ON 4 BEARING OF S 30'4842 E'-OR THE VORTHEASTERLY ~'vE or LO T 1/ 3) S .3 8 002 0 O°<1-e RET WAL.~ ~<'~ DcC'<-*-SPRuCE (jOOS 0 RE T WALL .......... I I, .,. J/T'T" / / / / I '-<1 /, C) ,Q I\. !'t) o C) '0 t-- I , c ,0 \ o ~ o 0 .. o o - 182.3 0' EASEMENT L OT // DRA NAGE / o t X 799 1.Z. 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