HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 12 LEGALDepartment of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 TM BUILDING PE&\UT ISSUANCE TIME FRAc'\'IE If this permit requires a Town of VailFire Department Approval ,Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval ,a Planning Department review of Health Department review,anda review bythe Building Department,the estimated timeforatotalreviewmay take aslongasthree(3) weeks . All commercial (large orsmaIl)andall multi-family permits willhaveto follow the above mentioned maximum requirements .Residential and small projects should takea lesser amount of time .However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review ,these projects mayalsotakethe three (3)week period. Every attempt willbemadebythis department to expedite this permit assoonas possible. I,the undersigned,understand the Plan Check procedure andtimeframe .Ialso understand that if theperm itisnot pick ed upby the expiration date,that I muststillpaythePlan Check Feeand thatif I failtodosoitma y affect future permits that I applyfor. Agreed (0 by : ProjectName:. Date :_ WorkSheet was turnedintothe Community Development Dept. o RECYCLEDPAPt"R TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OFVAILPUBLICWORKS M'D COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I ,1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINGAND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10:DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A.Unlawful deposits :Subject to subsection C thereof,itis unlawful forany person to litter, track or deposit,or cause tobe littered,tracked or deposited,sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt, snow,icc,orany other debris or material uponany street,sidewalk,alley or public place,or any portion thereof. B.Notice;Abatement:The Director of Public Works may notify andrequireany person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof,orwhohasinthe Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same,top remove suchsand ,gravel ,rocks,mud,dirt ,snow,iccorany other debris or material within twenty four (24)hours after receipt of saidnotic e bythe Director of Public Works .Inthe event the person so notified doesnot comply withthenotice within the period oftimc herein specified,the Director of Public Works,or other authorized agent,may cause any such sand, gravel,rocks ,mud ,dirt,snow,ice,debris orany other material tobe removed fromany street oralle y atthe expense of the notified . C.Exceptions:The provisions of subsection A hereof shallnotbe applicable: I.Within the immediate area of any construction ,maintenance orrepair project of any street oralleyor of anywatermain ,sewer main ,electricity line ,gasline,telephone line orany appurtenance thereto; 2.To deposits of sand,dirtor materials necessary forthe protection of the public safety:and 3 .Topublic areas designated forthe dumping or depositing of said materials . D.Summons;Penalty :Asan alternative tothe notice for removal provided in subsection B above,any person who violates or causes another toviolate thesame,maybe issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of theTownforsaid violations,anduponbeingfound guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code . E .Notice:Penalty:Itis unlawful forany person tofailorrefuseto comply withthe notice of the Director of Public Works asprovidedin subsection B hereof.andanysuch person shall,in addition to payment of th eexpense of removal incurred bythe Director of Public Works,as provided insubs ection B hereof.uponbe ingfound guilty o f a v io lation hereunder,be p unishableaspro videdin S ection 1-4-1 of th isCo de.(1997 Code:O rdinance 6(1 979) Readandacknowledged by:-,,4~'d..h"!L.d4:1~~==::::::~~:"- PositionorRelationshiptoPro'ct:(2 1 -<-/'y'k..-e..../' (i .c,contractororowner) -c:::/';?Date:/2 ·/---L i TOWNOFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Job Address:C h o.'{J"e INFORMATION M UST BE COMPLETE ORTHE APPLICATION WILL REJECTED ~GContacttheEagleCountyAssessorsOfficeat970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel #..:uoJ -0 j>1.-Db -OD I Date:/2 -I '-99 j JobName :C h ed<26~I\j- f Building()Plumbin g(E l ectrica ~Mec hanical (Oth er() Legal Description:Lot Block Filing .Subdi vision Ow nersName :Z;()c/,Address:Phon e # Architect:Address:Phone# D escription of Jo b:/2 5 H /Jf f?5 (:'ru/o~ Al teration() Number of Accommodation Units:._ WorkClass:N e~ Number of DwellingUnits:._ Additional ()Repair()Other () N um ber and Type of F ireplaces:Gas Appliances.GasLogs.WoodIP ellet _ B~DrnG:$._ P LUNlBfNG $_ VALU AT ONS ELE CTRICAL :s Z ~t1J &~OT HER:s M ECHANICAL s 7 TO TAL $.--------- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:_Addre ss:_ 2 /0 -<Z t?,{/v -r---d it 3q 0 '-125'8: G-e,0 -- Phone #=-_ Address:----~ (/71 Plumbing Contractor:_ Tow n of Vai lRegistrationN o .._----'--'---''-'-Phone #~-<---'-=--~"---===-..,=::.........,,~----_r__r.._--- Town of Va ilRegistrat ion No .._ i\'l cc hanical C ontractor:-----------Address:_ To wn of Va il Registrat ion No..Phone ;: FOROFFICEUSE TY PE GROUP S Q.FT .VALUATION BUILD ING: SIGNATUR::::E:-:------------- ZONING:SIGNATU--R--E=-:-------------- CLEAN UP DE!'OSIT REFUNDTO: ***CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR P URCHASE UPON REQuEST*'"* TOWN OF VA IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 cCL-C\C '\1lo ,,,,-\UQ---"-k 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSlTE AT ALLTIMES ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permit #:E99 -0 260 Job Address: Location ... Parce l No .. Project No. 174 GORE CREEK DR 174 GORE CRE EK DR 210 1 -08 2 -06-00 1 St atus .. (ROW STApp lied . I ssued .. Exp ires . ISSUED 1 2/01/1 999 APPLICANT A.K .ELECTRIC Phone:970 -390 -3258 2103 ZEMATr LANE,UNIT 2 103-A,VAIL ,CO 81657 CONTRACTOR A.K.ELECTRIC Phone:970-390 -3 258 2103 ZEMATr LANE,UNIT 2 103-A,VAI L,CO 81657 OWNER WHITE JOHNE 551 S MASHTA DR,KEY BISCA YNE FL 33149 Descript ion :125 AMP SERVICE FOR STAGE(TOWN OFVAIL Valuation:1,000.00 El ectr ical ---> DRB Fee ~--:> Inveetigat i on :> wil l Call ----> TOTAL FEES---> 5 0 .0 0 .00 ,DO 3 .00 5 3 .0 0 Total Calcu lated Fe es ---> Ad di t ion al Fees-------·-~ TOLa l Pe rmit Fee --------, Paymenta ----------------> BALANCE DUE---------··--> 5 3.0 0 -53 .00 .00 .00 .00 BUILDINGDivis ion:Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/01/1999 JRM Action :APPR APPROVED Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/01/1999 JRM Act ion:APPR N.A Dept: Dep t:FIRE Divis ion: CONDITIONOF APPROVA L 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO MPL IANCE. DECLARATIONS I h ere by acknowl edge that I have read t h is application,f illed ou ti n ful l t he i n f ormat ion r e qui red,c ompleted ~n a ccu rk ~e pl ot plan,a nd sta te that al l t he i n format ion pro vided aa required is c orr ect .Ia gree t oc omp ly with t he inform ation a nd pl ot p lan , t o com ply with al l Town o r dinancesa nd stB~e 15wB,a nd to b ui ld t his structure according to t he Town 's z o ning and subdi vi s ion e odes,design r ev ie w a pproved,Uniform Bui l din g Code and o t he r ordi nance s o ft he Town appl icable thereto . REQUESTSFOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY ~FOtJR HOURSI N ADVANCE BY TE LBPHONEAT 47 9 -""a ~'J ATOUR OFF ICE ADD /AL TSFRBUILD PERMIT TOWN OFVAI L 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL ,CO81657 97 0-479-2138 NO TE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D EV ELOPMENT U CV-..t U -<-h '~::x.J,-(...rt--<-l ""-o-\-\~T::;\\1...\S t THISPERMIT M UST BE POSTED ONJ OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:B02-0269 t :-,-\-e,~(..l-<.AJ ~ Job Addre ss: Location : ParcelN o : Proje ctNo : 2430 C HAMONIXRDVAI L 2430 C HAMONIXLANE 210311 415001 1"-0- Status ...: Appli ed ..: Iss ued : Ex pires : ISSU ED 08/20/200 2 08/28/2002 02/24/2003 OWNER SCHMIDT,COREY A.&KATHERIN08 /20/2002 Phone : 2430 CHAMONIX LN VAIL CO 81657 License : CONTRACTOR K.C.COMPANY 08/20/2002 Phone :970-926-0566 P.O.BOX 341 AVON,CO 81620 License:465-B APPLICANT K.C.COMPANY 08/20/2002 Phone:970-926-0566 P .O.BOX 341 AVON,CO 81620 License:465-B Description: WINDOW REPLACEMENT SAME FOR SAME Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation :$26,000.00Add SqFt:o FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #o f Wood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE S l J~~~RY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building--->$322.00 Restuarant PlanReview->$0.00Tota l Calcula tedFees->$53 4 .30 Plan Check->$209.30 DRBFee------>$0.00Additional Fccs---->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fc-e---···->$0 .00 TotalPenn it Fec·-·-->$5 3 4.3 0 Will Call----->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit---.>$0 .0 0 Payments......-....--->$534 .3 0 TOTALFEES ·----->$534 .3 0 BALANCE DUE..-·>$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••** A pprovals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/20/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS OK PER JRM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See page2 of this Document forany condition s thatmaya pplytoth is permit. DECLARA nONS Ihereby acknowledge that I have readthisa pplication,filledout infull the informationrequired,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethatallthe information asrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan,tocompl y withall T own ordinance s andstatelaws,andtobu ild thisstructureaccordin g tothetownszoningand subdivision codes,des ign re view approved ,Un iform Building Codeandot her ord inance s of theTownapplicabl e thereto . REQUESTS FO R INSPEC T IO N S HALL BE MAO E TW ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANe Send C lean-up Depos itTo :N /A ..479 -2138OR AT O UR O FFICEFROM 8:00A M -5PM. TRACTOR FORHIMSELFAND OWNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02 -0269 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08-28-2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Penn itType: Applicant: Job Address : Location : ParcelNo: ADD/ALTSFRBUILD PERMIT K.e.COMPANY 970 -926-0566 2430 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2430 CHAMONIX LANE 210311415001 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 08/20/2002 08/28/2002 02/24/2003 Descript ion : WINDOW REPLACEMENT SAME FORSAME **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :16 (BLDG .):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC .310.9.1 OFTHE 1997 UBe. 08 /28/2002 ******************************************************************************************** T OWNOFVAIL ,COLORADOCopy Reprintedon08-28-2002at 14:54:17 Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: Comp R000002979 Am ount :$534.30 Check 08/28 /200202 :51 Init:LC Notation : PM #9036/K.C. Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Location: B02-0269 Type:ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 2 10311415001 2430 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2430 CHAMONIX LANE This Payment :$534 .30 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $534.30 $534.30 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** A CCOUNT IT EM LIST : Acc ou nt Code BP 00 100003111 100 PF 00100003 112300 WC 0010000311 2800 Descri pti on BU IL DING PE RMIT FEES PLA N CHECK FEES WIL L CALL INS PEC TION FEE Cur rent Pmt s 322 .00 209 .30 3.00 APPLI 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contractor ignatu re : Contact andPhone#'s: -osbb COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING :$Y-L,OO .t::fD ELECTRICAL :$OTHER :$ PLUMBING :$IMECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$-'2(P 6tO-CO t""tt9703288640Off!"t AI#C t tE I CFPorarceonaceat«oun rv ssessors Ice a ..or VlSI www .eeote-countv.com Parcel # )..(03-/1£.(-1;--001 JobName :~((~R'Sf J</I C.L.[JobAddress :l.Lf30 C~Itt.()il"X L"I Legal Description II Lot:I).II Block:fS II Filing:I II Subdivision:(ja,1 ~~1~(}IIL OwnersName :f/tp.n''I b4r(l"Address:I Y 1 &vl-f'l/U Nit (ht'l.ICnDf Phone :IJ/,I}- ArchitecUDesigner:If /ISqO Phone : I~Address:I Phone:I ..work :wiMOIItJ ~(P~(fM'1t 1:; Work Class:New()Addition()Remodel ~Repair()Demo()Other() Work Type :Interior()Exterior()Both ~DoesanEHUexistatthislocat ion :Yes()No() ..~,-'e-family ~Two-family ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other(), No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding :I II ...,<"mmodationUnitsinthisbuilding :II No!TypeofFireplaces Existinq :Gas Appliances ()GasLoqs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBuminq() No!TypeofFireplacesProposed:GasAppliances()Gas Loqs()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burn inc (NOT ALLOWED) I DoesaFire AlarmExist:Yes()NO@ II DoesaFireSpr inkler SystemExist:Yes()No()I **************************************FOR OFFIC E USE 0 NL y************************************** IlVailldatalcdevIFORMSIPERMITSIBLDGPERM .DOC Other Fees: ORBFees: public Way '.Fee:~ Type of Construction: Occunancv Grouo: Date Received: • Questions?CalltheBUilding T eamat 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development f((~f&CIJ (,< C"fNt\OA i~ GC1r(I'~ J.-lfs O Project Name:-'='<.-"'!.......",L.!<..:"'---_-=~~~_l__ Project Address:__---'!.-'--'-....<J..L-_---l-="-=~~_ .,/ThisChecklist must be completed before aBuilding Permit application is accepted. oAllpagesof ap plication iscomplete o Has ORB approva l obtained (if required)Provideacopyofapprovalform o Condom inium Associat ion letter ofapprova l attached if project is aMult i -Family complex o Completesite plan submitted o Public Way Permitapplication includedifapp licable (refer to PublicWorkschecklist) o Staging pla n inclu ded (refer t oPublicWorkschecklist)No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadwaysa nd shoulders without written approval o Asbestostest andresults submitted if demolition isoccurring o Arc hitect stampa nd signature(A ll Commercial andMult i family) o Fullfloorplans includingbuild ing sectionsandelevat ions(4 sets of plansforMulti-Family and Commercial) o Windowanddoo r schedule o Full structural plans,includingdesignc riteria (ie .loads) o Structural Engineer stampandsignature onstruc tural plans (AllCommercial a nd Mult i Family) o SoilsReportmust besubm itted prior to f ooting inspection o Fireresistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shownonplans o Typesand quantity offireplacesshown Applicant's Signature:-----...,.L..:....!....!..t---::=f.-IfL~!:::.------- Date of submittal:).7 -/V1.iI'Z...- Received By:_ F:/every one/form s/bldpe rm2 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requiresaTown of VailFire Department Approva l,Engineer's (Public Works) reviewandapproval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,andareview bytheBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total reviewwillta ke aslongas three (3) weeks. Allcommercial(l arge or smal l)an d allm ulti-fam ily permits wil lhavetofo llow theabove mentioned maximum r equirements,Resid ential andsmallprojects shou ld takealesseramou nt of t ime.Howe ver,if residentialor smaller projects impact t hevariousabove mention ed departments w ith regard t onecessaryr eview,theseproj ects may also t akethree(3)weeks t o reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemade byth is department toexpedite th is perm it assoonaspossible. I,theunders igned,understand theplancheck proc edure andtime fr ame.Ialso understand th at ifthe permit isnotpickedupbythe expiration date,that Imust st ill paytheplan chec k f ee and that if Ifailtodoso itmay affect fu ture permits that Iapply f or. Agreedtoby:_Blil vrd t=C~IS p ~ F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 " --~~--L}~Q &J-1.'=---- __~~_~_D&~_O~_~-- -----..------------- ---.;..0..--- --~--- --------- -------- ------ ----------------- ---,-.------- ------ ---~------ -'--~ DesignReview Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 7S South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.v ailoov.com Project Name:CASTRO REROOF Project Description: DRB Number:DRB080111 REROOF WITH DAVINO SHAKE IN MOUNTAIN RENAISSANCE COLOR Participants: OWNER GARCIA,MARIA ICELA GOMEZ 04/22/2008 147 GUTENBERG MEXICO DF 11590 APPUCANT MASTER SEALERS 04/22/2008 Phone:970-476 -3975 P.O.BOX 4473 VAIL CO 81658 License:577-B Project Address:2430 CHAMONIX RD VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:12Block:BSubdivision :VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2103-114 -1500-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPP Date ofApproval:04/22/2008 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes to theseplans maybemadewithout thewrittenconsentofTownof Vail staff and/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):DRB approval doesnotconstituteapermitfor building .Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 (PLAN):ORB approval shallnot become valid for 20daysfollowingthedateof approval,pursuanttotheVailTown Code,Chapter 12-3-3:APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN):Approval ofth is project shall lapse and become voidone(1)year following thedateoffinal approval,unless abuilding permit is issuedandconstruction is commenced and isdiligently pursued toward completion . Planner:RACHEL FRIEDE DRBFeePaid:$20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Commun ity Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479 .2128 fa x:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapproval prior to submitting abuilding permit application.Please refertothe submittal requirements forthe particular approval that isrequested .AnapplicationforDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbythe Community Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningand Environmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:L£II ..4 ~/F ~1'/1 /2"Q ~N~eI Q\ovom,>O,.QGho\\ss.t3V\~-D cot V,'vxc.:.s.hM1 Q ' Location of the Proposal:Lot:/r Block :(l Subdivision:_ Physical Address:2=93 t?c::.,v .n"p"",,1'< Parcel No.:2/Pf //JI'II'",1 (ContactEagle Co.Assessor at 970 -328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:~_ YY?'Y Name(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address:...?"'-Lb-"p:::.-....,I'~~___=___:_-- Owner(s)Signature(s):"'-A><...LrL~""..-....:./__.."..,o!~~...."'----------------- Name of Applicant:~c"'"!=::...:.-.:::..L.r.:..:~:...:\ot:...:...-_..c:..L!."_=_=__'__~=_ 7,iP·6;?e-,;J- $">'7 1 r r>» Mailing Address:A /p.d D..¥Y.P'7 :7 L/.;d/'t ?eo-r/tf'/,..Phone: E-mail Address:........r;;.r~...,"'/~~,..Kifax :----''---...::........::....---===-------------.. Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruct ion o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) ~or Alteration (single -family/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o SeparationRequest $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee Plus $1.00 persquare foot of total signarea. For construction of anewbUilding or demo/rebuild. Foranaddition where squarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbUilding (indudes 250additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc . For minor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisionstoplans already approvedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard. For Office USe 9nly:,~0_If\"_a _(l Y:2 I Fee Paid:ot..V --CheckNo.:~I By:\Y \\~,..)~ MeetingDate :61.±J-->o",-~=·DRBNo.:OC2-60 go--0 I \\ Planner:.R..1£ProjectNo.:P R.-.J 0 ~--0 .\cl-.6 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*.******•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••****••••••••••******•••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R080000499 Amount :$20.00 Cash 04/22/200810:03 AM Init:RLF Notation:MICHAEL BOYD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: ORB0801 11 Type:ORB-Minor Alt,SFR/OUP 2103 -114 -1500-1 2430 CHAMONIX RDVAIL This Payment:$20 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL PInts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Desc ription DESIG N REVIEW FEE S Current Pmts 20 .00 ', 11-30-2006 4:17 pm Page 31 Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: Site Address: Friday,December 01,2006 JRM 2430CHAMONIXRDVAIL 2430CHAMONIXLANE Status:ISSUED InspArea:JRM SubType:ASFR Use: B02-0267 Type :A-BUILD Occupangy: SCHMIDT ,COREYA.&KATHERINEM. NORMANROMERO Phone:719-486-8256 NORMANROMERO Phone:719-486-8256 INSTALL FLOORS,fRAME WALLANDSHEETROCKINLAIUDRYROOM/BATHROOMINSTALL10 WINDOWS,REPAIK STUCCOAROUND WINDOW RE-SHEETROCKGAGAGEANDLAUNDRYRM,TILE STONEON FIREPLACE",PAINT INT.INSTALLCABINETS ROUTEDTOJRMFOR KEVIEW/APPROVAL -GDENCKLA REVISEDDRAWINGSANDHEADHE IGHT FIXAPPROVED .-GDENCKLA Comment: Comment: Applicant: Contractor: Description: AlP/D Information Activity: ConstType: Owner: Requested Time:09:30AM Phone:376-6096 EnteredBy:DGOLDENK Action:ONDENIED Action:ONDENIED Requested Inspection/sl Item:90 BLDG-Final Requestor :NORMANROMERO Comments:willcall376-6096,mechanicalfinalisalsoscheduled AssignedTo:JMONDRAGON Action:TimeExp: Comment:IIEMSNOICORRECTED Comment:MECHFINALREQD . Inspection History p Item:10 BLDG-Footings/Steel cP . Item:20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item:30BLDG-Framing **Approved ** 09/27/02 InsIlector:JRM Action:DNDENI Comment:ELECTRICALINSPECTIONHASNOTBEENPERFORD6CONTRACTOR NOTI 10/01/02Inspector:GCD Action:CRCORRECTINREQUIRED Comment:ACCESSORYUSELAUNDRYANDNEWBATHROOMCANBE7'HEADHEIGTH .I-'H7''<:!........ LAUNDRYROOM IS5'51/2"CHANGEBEAMTO7'FORCODECOMPLIANCE. 10/02/06Inspector:GCD Action:APAPPROVED Comment:SEELOCKSHOLDSNOTICES Item:50BLDG-Insulation Item:60BLDG-Sheetrock Nail **Approved - 08/20/02InsQector:GCD Action :APAPPROVED Comment:PATCHHOLEINWALLINGARAGE 10/08/02Inspector:JRM Action:APAPPROVED Comment: Item:70BLDG-Misc. Item:90BLDG-F inal 10/20/06 In~ector:GCD Comment:MECHFINALREQD. 11/21106 In~ector :JRM Comment:ITEMSNOTCORRECTED Item:21PLAN-ILCFoundationPlan Item:22PLAN-ILCFRAMING Item:533PLAN-TEMP .C/O Item:534PLAN -FINALC/O REPT131 Run Id:6021 s ,... 11-30-2006 4:17pm Page34 Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: Site Address: Friday,December 01,2006 JRM 2430 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2430 CHAMONIX LANE Status:ISSUED Insp Ar ea:JRM Sub Type :ASFR Use : Applicant: Con tractor: Description: Comment: AlP/D Information Activity:M02-0 174 Type:B-MECH Const Type:Occupanc;y: Owner:SCHMIDT .COREYA .&KATHER INE M. ALLCLIMATEMECHAN ICAL Phone:719 -486-9813 AL L CLIMATEMECHAN ICAL Phone :719-486-9813 REPLACE60GALGAS WATER HEATERW ITH SIDEARM60GAL INSTALLBOILERANDREPLACE GAS FURNACEWI TH FANCOIL U NIT RO UTED TOJRMFOR REVIEW/APPROVAL -DFLORES 09 :00 AM 376-6096 DGOLDENKEnteredBy: Requested Time: Phone: Action:DNDENIE D Inspector :JEC Action :DNDENIED 1.Need installation instructions forboiler&fancoil. 2 .Need requ ired clearance fo r singlewa llflue pipeatcab inet 3 .Need neutralizer onflue condensate 4 .Co ndensing flu e t ied intolarger"B"vent 5.Sealduct work andfinishdnve installationatfanco li. 6 .Filt er Accesss???? In~ector:JR M ITEMSNOTCORRECTED 390 MECH-Final A LL CLIMATE MECHANICAL willcall376-6096.building fin al isalsoscheduled JMONDRAGON TimeE xp: IIEMSNOI CORRECTED 1.Need installationinstru ctions forboi ler &fanco il. 2.Needrequiredc learancefors ingle wallfluepipe at c abinet 3.Need neutralizer onflueco ndensate 4 .Condensing fluetiedinto lar,g er "B "vent 5 .Sealduct work andfinishdnveinsta llation atfan coli. 6 .Filter Accesss???? 11/21/06 Comment: Requested In spection(s) Item: Requestor: Commen ts : A ssigned To: Action: Comment: Comment: Inspection History Item :200 MECH-Rough Item :310 MECH-Heating Item :3 15 PLMB-Ga s Piping Item:320MECH-Exha ust Hood s Item:330 MECH-Supply Air Item :340MECH-M isc. Item :390 MECH-Final 10/19/06 Comment: REPT131 Run Id :6021 • Project Name:GarciaResidence Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.4 79.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cl.vail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB030150 Repaintsame for sameand exterior stuccorepair.Thisitem went totheMay21,2003DRB meeting where the comments fromtheBoardwerenotin favor oftheproposed stone add itions. The following daythe applicant decided toremovetheunapproved Participants: OWNER Maria IcelaGomezGarcia 05/12/2003 Phone:477-2171 C/oAlexandra Billom i Bodi POB 4812 Vail,CO Icela2002@hotmail.com 81657 License: APPUCANT NormanRomero 05/12/2003 Phone:719-486-8256 1875SilverEagleCircle Leadville,CO 80461 License: ProjectAddress:2430 CHAMONIX RDVAIL Location:2430ChamonixRd LegalDescription:Lot:12Block:BSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 ParcelNumber:210311415001 Comments:SeeConditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:OS/22/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without thew ritten consent of Townof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction activities. Cond:CON0005863 The applicant shallremoveallunapprovedstoneandreplaceitw ith stuccotomatch theexisting condition s priortothe commencement of theunapprovedstone work. Planner:War ren Campbell DRBFeePaid:$20.00 OS -May -03 13 :13 BUFETE FARELe \?w.J 05/08/03 01._P .OO1 P.Ol .. TOWN /#.100 -••:'. ~':.~:'"... ~--;.-,..'--'",~.'",'- Application for Design Review ~01 ClIn1lllunlY Development 75 SoutII Ff'OlItage RaId,va.,Colorado 81657 lllI:970.479.2139 file:970.419.2152 wdr._.d.vaLCD.US Type of Ite\Mw and Fee: o Signs o Conc:IptwI Review C New COl'Istf\lCljon C Addition o Minor AIleratiolI (muJU.f'emily/(lOI1ll'MI'Cia1) c Minor AIer1Ilion (stngle-flmlly/Cluplex) o ~tIO ~Plans fSO No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 '20 filii S1.QO per square foot d total sign Irea. For CDnstruelion d I new building or demO/rebuild , For Mi ....,when!squere footage is adcIecI to eny resIdenCIal or mmmerdelllulld'lllCJ (includes 250 additions III interior ~ns). f17 mInof Changes tIO buldinos ilnd sib!iInIlroYemenls.such as, Ieloof'oilg,pllftting,windOw lddillonS.lJndsc8ping.fences lOll reQini"ll Mis,etc. For minorQlinges to bulldings and sitlllmllrll'll8lllerlls.such as, rerooIlRg.peintiftO,MlClOw lCId1tions,landsaapirlQ.r.nces IIld reIiJlninO Nls,etc. For revisionS to plens lireilly IppI'llVed by Planni"l!Sta1I'or ttl!!! Design Rev4ew llolIrd.o 5eParatton ReqUl!!Sl:•No Fee 1~2-<>0>",~if =~~I £l.k,VED AY 7 ~003 • ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Romero R030003970 Amount :$20 .00 Cash 05/12/200303:51 PM Init:JAR Notation :Cash Norman Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB030150 Type :DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 210311415001 2430 CHAMONIX RD VAIL 2430 Chamonix Rd This Payment:$20 .00 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Acco un t Code DR 00100003112200 Desc ri pti on DESIGN REVIEW FEE S Current Pmt s 20.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2 J38 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.cl .vail.co.us NormanRomero 1875SilverEagleCircle Leadville,CO80461 • May19,2003 Re :Staffcomme ntsregarding2430Chamon ix Lanere-pa intandstoneaddition Mr.Romero: Thisletteristoprovidea summary ofstaff'scommentsregardingtheproposedre-paint andstoneadditionat2430ChamonixLane.Thefollowingcommentsshouldbe addressedintheinformationprovideduponre-submittal. •OntheprovidedelevationsfromtheTown'sarchivedfilespleasedrawtoscale theheightandlocationoftheproposedstonework.Thescalesoftheelevations are 1,4 ofaninchequals1foot. •Theproposalforthestonetofollowtheexistinggradeisnotrecommendedby staff.Staffrecommendssteppingthestonedownwallsontheelevations . Previousproposalshavebeenmoresuccessfulinobtainingapprovalwhenthe stoneissteppedontheelevationsasitismorearchitecturallyharmonious. •Pleaseprovidedetailsofhowthestonewillbecappedanddetailsofhowthe stonewillbewrappedaroundwindowswhichpenetratetheproposedstone .For examplestonelentilsandsills .Staffisconcernedwiththeappearanceofusing concreteormortarasacap.Ifyouchoosetostaywithamortarorconcretecap pleaseprovideadetailofisapplication .Apicturefromanotheridenticalexample maywork. Pleasereviewthese comments andifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletter pleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148 .Pleasesubmittherequestedinformationnolater than3:30p.m .FridayMay30th inordertobeplacedontheJune4,2003DesignReview Boardmeeting . Withregards ,1t}~m~ Planner 1\ Cc :File o RECYCLEDPAPER "'~:;J·?a :;J '7 ''l ~''VJ :;JdV?y tl r 'l." e• ,"~ '" ® o (] eo G G) 1t?Q1-l).7 t ,.··'......;.·; '1 U \,"I{~ "<"""'lJl~ :,:\.~"'~;.'.;.: '~"-- ~ ~ " ~ ~<.. 'llQ q.J.V ~)I-<I ",":;;J ~.;u7 ;;lI....I.Jootr1 /f'l d?<;l4>'S- \-'vo7 ~)."<1'f-Q"7'r;J ....YOZI .....~vs;o......ril <;{'I :;J"~"'fI'J.~".a , zc-"I I J.J-lI .:;1"'d.!td 11c?IM I2J?<"~I )..J I J(l.,~ 'I::!"...,.'21 ...."....1::1 .).l'Ia ~9 ......"l*"a-.,I" :,,~,I'.t;>..,c n rQl!-'9 ,-,J - r 'J"'-~1 djll,1l JI "I'I <t "'''9"l rl f1,>l .l~ u.,....-r...116'"'1 V'} ·rl,,,,,,-,j IJ."i1''9l'v <;l11(l ddell !I 'o:::lG O['II""'J,Jd'?~"'.;l'r'I "'A1V~ (..,......,.1:)SoiJ!l """....,A ..."...,..1......~·..,....,....(1 ~<:1'7 (...,..,..,!r )'~I,"""," 'f"fl ..~I (1 I -('~.J I l'lfl 1 G'1 '9,j;lf'Q (·....n z )·....J....I"OJO UlJ .,,.IH ~'''V''!'1.;.n,1tlil .:;Jn..,......o-?~ l s-",r -"'''r 'W"'IJ.r"<lJ~J!'"'''?lrl1 l ~l r [l l '' 1.fI--'.r-o?d ~ \.,.n s,.).....~I.J.(lJI ,i -n-.IJ[1..l,J<:I't.I ·"'I "'::l.:3 r 'e'rt l ?,..~ .' ?afap ."":l'Q'21d['l=3-Z e 'l"'Ql ",""?T'r,il~.,....(11.. 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( Stole,-tb ~retwueJ C\f\dr~~~wj~h gfuC£O NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE May 25,1993 607 1 PERMIT NO . i .TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2 .OCCUPAN CY GROUP AB EH I RM BUILDING 3000 00 DIVISION 12 2.3 4 z ELECTRI CAL 0 GENERA L DESCRIPT IONOF WORK :~PLUMBING Com pletion of lower l evel deck. :J ...J-c>MECHANICAL 3000.00 TYPE GROUP G R.FAVALUATION PERMIT FEES V -N R-3 BUILDING PERM IT 75 .00 PLAN CHEC K 4 9.00 ELECTRICAL NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIO,,*X1,Y\(REPAIR ()PLUMBING 2 DWELLING U N I TS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __ME CHANI CAL V HEIGHT IN FT --NO.Fi REP LACE S --RECREATION FEE INSULATION :TY PE THICKNESS R-V AL LUE DESI GN REVIEWBOARD 20.00 (Y.) FLOOR 0-CLE AN·UP DEPOSIT 1nn nn ~lEXT.WALLS USE T AX ROOF I~k)TYPE ELE C.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 244.00OFSOLARWOODHEATDanStanek5-24-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:'BUILDING OFF ICIAL ---.---D ATE ----- ~!'!.INITIAL LA .Knudr aen __3 -2£I-ll ------ST.CUT ~ON ING ADMINI STRATOR DATE BLAS TING IzONING &BUILDINGNOTES: PA RKI NG DEM O I hereby acknowledge that I have read th i s application ,filled out i n full the i nformation required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformation and plot plan ,to comp ly with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning:1subdivision codes ,designrectzapproved.un ttorm Building Code and othe or~1/T:~etO . w-f'IJ L(p J?ep05i i g ,r t:A 1 :/ C~Gy 6 Ct-H,tj IJ)I SIGNATURE OF OWN~R OR'"t:ONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF ;.~DTHEOWNER . T 0ruVL0 ) CONSTRUCTION PERM IT TO BE FILLEDOUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OFPERMIT T YPEOF PERMIT G B UILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION o M E2~~18~kmo ~A lane LEGAL LOT 12 BLK~H DE SC .F ILI NG Vail Das Schone 1s t J OB N AME:Schmidt Deck OWNER NAME Corey Schmi dt MAIL ADDRESS 2430 Chamon ix 1n CITY Vail CO 8 1657pH 9 -22 12 AR CHITECT FIRM Gerald Meremonte MAIL ADDRESS Box 395 CITY Edwards 81632 PH.926-3262 FIRM Corey Schmidt GENERA L C ONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.167-1 TELE.479-2212 FIRM ·LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG. CONTRACTOR NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM' TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. C ONTRACTOR TELE. ..- ,..l .'.;.... .~••:P&oll \TOWN OF of Accommodation units: ~-Add i t i o n a l Number/Number of Dwelling units: General Description:~~tJ <!>f-h<A..Je.._Io ~'-e.e ~. []-Repair []-other _Work Class:[]-New []-Altera~ion APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~.............................PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0J -Building []-Plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechanical []-Other __ Job Name:QORE-f'S'J,1f1~J f-Job Address:;)-'-1 30 d aMoN It L,...; Legal Description:Lot~Block T3 Filing (/I ~b ~s,c.;C£,J.J(J, OTHER: TOTAL: INFORMATION *************************** Town of Vail Reg.NO.1(;9 -L-- Phone Number:?:f1=tf -..:J-~I ::::L- ( mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet I *********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* ,----BUILDING:~5~,ELECTRICAL: PLUMBING:MECHANICAL: ~***********************~~neral Contractor:~__~~~~~~~~~~__ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE:45?00 PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMI~FEES: e&>1/'~/~BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FOR TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION UN 12 -3 ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:2'6-;,¥J PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments:_ (CLEAN UP ~EPOSIT REFUND TO: • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 office of community development TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL FROM:TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter • to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) by:.;ec;:;~:rn..:........oc..~d__ "()W /VVv-~osition/Relationship ~Date 5/1 ):/1 ) •• 75southfrontageroad vall ,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRA ME If th is permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Publ ic Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong asth ree wee ks. All commercia l (large orsmall)and all multi-family permits will have tofollowthe above mentioned max imum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if res idential orsmaller projects impactthe various above mentioned depa rtments with regardtonecessaryrevi ew,these projects may a1sotakethe three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this permitas.soonaspossible. I,t he undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame. 'I-A9ce(h bdk )i ~~flll~k",---.----Project Name )Coate f1~~~~s tmed into the Community Development Department. • Plan ReviewBasedon the1991 Uniform Codes NAM E:COREY SCHMIDT ADDRESS:2430CHAMONIXLANE VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY :R-3 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION :V DATE :5-25-93 CONTRACTOR:OWNER ARCHITECT :NONE ENGINEER :NONE PLANSEXAMINER:DANSTANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itemslistedbelow are not intended tobea complete listingofallpossiblecode requirements inthe adopted codes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsofthecodes. Thefollowingisnottobe construed tobean approval ofanyviolationof any of the provisions ofthe adopted codesorany ordinance oftheTownofVail. 1.GUARDRAILSREQUIREDIFDECKISMORETHAN30"ABOVEGRADEASPER SEC.1712OFTHE1991UEC . 2 .SPATOBEINSPCET EDFORCODECOMPLIANCE. 3.DECKAND CONCRETE TOBEINSPECTEDFORCODE COMPLIANCE . 7:55•M ra.......ont Group ••>4 tM\REC\,I...''1'1 ARCHITECT 'S PROJECT NO: P.01 Archil,cl"r,' Inurior D,siK" Pro/tCI COIIS.,I ,"'.~ , )Samples )Product Lileratur. MlR4MONTJ GROUP (I Information i .J via _, )distribution to partias )rf'ord )-----~------------.r-_.- )Shop DrawinB Prints I Shop Draw ina fl.eproducibles )--.....----.....-----------_._- r C -:c'~~"S~Mlt>I yin t::P~"".. /f~11.ze,1/'p L.. WE TRANS '.",T; +-r 'f ~:c:wllh ()undal sepir.t.CO ver (I \11 accordanc.Wllh your request FOR YOW!!.:----------------- (I .~,plovar ().evlew &comment .J-t·u ~., THE FOLL C ',Y i:-,C: 4...-~.Tn awings lI Sp ~ci fl ca t l o n s ()(hal'lgo Order TO: -----...,.-----------------.'..-- ACT ION CODEOlSCRIPTION O.'or ,lln'lure Ind forwlldln.II noted b.low ,,"d r r R(MARKS E.S..RtMARICS b.lo....- ~tv.NO. .._-L_-L_-:-~_:_~-__:_:___::_-~~ ACTION A.",'i"n IndlCII.d on 111m Iranlm llIId COOl e.N·!1{';01l r.q"'r,d c.r ~·,i.o,'""and ,.turn 10 Ihl.offic. REMARKS •. CO"~S--[..~."~~~'_-+__-+_~~:-_-------------------j~~/1'~·.·k:'·t~:1..L-L+--+--~-.,.;...=.:~--r-------.-'..····1·-'- ..1 I~.._..__ -L 1------1~J ....1.____ ~.--~.~------------==;=......_---------..-._".-"'''-='''''''' -~. 8Y: (with enclosurellooooo -COPIES T'J : ?I{"/~---- AI"OOCU Mr ...f CelO •T~"NSMITTAl lET'r!R •APRil 1970 !0 11 10N •III".•COPYR iCHT to 1970 TH("M(~.o(':'1:-:f ,TVH 01 <,>RCHITlCTS .176S MII$SM;HU\(TTS IIYE",ul.N.W.,W"SI"1INCTON,D ,C.100)6 ON!PAC! • I'D!1CTORAL SPZCIPICA'nQlt8 1)poundation d••i~bAoed upon &8suaed -.x1~aQila beari~ clpac!ty of 2000 »-f tG ~verltle4 at tt.e of excavation. All toot1nqs ara ~bt.~u~n natural un41.t~bed aol1 Or oOMPftot.d ·.tructural till. 3)All foundaUon around peri..t:ar ot _tru.etura .hall have ain1a\UI frolt Pl'oteCltion ot U.to bott"lll of tootinq.All foundation WQlle and columna to be C.nter~on concr.~footing_unle.s .bown Q~rwb.en »llJll. ')All caat 1n place concrete aust be made vl~POrtland Ceaont an4 attain .inia~co.pre.sive atrenqth of 3000 psl .fta~as days.Desig'n bued upon BUILDING Cool:RiQOlJU:HBNT$rOil ~rHPORCED CONcRITB CAeI 318),1992. 4)Jte1nforolnq .t.el to MTH GrAl1e '0 fell:...and U bars . .~ln!orceMnt plac..ent aha.ll conton ..,ith tcAWAL OF STANDARD I'RA~ICB,1990 a.prepnel1 by eftSI.All lap .pUce.to be ainl~36 bar d1aaetar..Xlnlmu=r91nfo~Qament prot&otionl -Concrete PQurad against earth 3a ..conant.pola"c4 in fQr.&Z- -slab.1- 5)All luaber ahall be WOlaanizad Hem-Fir '2 I~S or ~tter. J'l:Ovic1a .0114 bloolt1nljl llt I'·0·on center 1n all (Uaplu'.~·. 6)Anchor bolt.and bolt,.hall be AJo7.Ml ~lt W.elql ~cbor.and RIla8ata to ~installed .o¢¢r4in~~-.nutaotUt:9~' IlP*OiUcatlonll. 'l')Cov.~~Jt$,.,1~2x6 Redwood with :z IQt"$W per bearinQ point. ')Live loade UDed fQr 4.~iqn- -Deck-l00 par. -"lnd-25 1)8l • •~~ak~-zone 1 UBC. 9)III construction aullt oowrpl)'\lith the 1991 lJl\itorll ~i1dinQ ClXla u tulopte<2 by til"row ot Vail !\lildis1i Pepart-ni and tha -General Condition.of tba Contract tor COnltruation-(AlA ~t A301). lO~All baUII,;loleta and rafters are to bear upon w..Us or beau OR be h\ll'29 wl~SIXPSON Stronq-'r1.hanqars or approv.4 equala. 111 conneotion hardware AI manu!AQt~ed ~J SIMPSON Itton9-T1e or approvalS equall. 11)All atruetural ..abel"are s~own In their final positions ~~~ly brBCsd and .upport.~,durinq oonatruction it ..y be n.c....r:y to .hare port!on.of the atl'Uotura wUe O~l" portions are beinlJ eon.truotad.Contact tba etruot.ural 1n91neer for con.ul~tion aG required.~2)~Ohtractor 18 ~.pon.ible tor all non-.peclfl~oonn~ction8. oontact structural on91neer tor details as requirad.~9i~.or to .~rov••11 Itru~t~rAl .u~ttt~tions. 13)Contra~or is to ooord1nate all diaphra~penD~ration.(ie, obl~sy8,pl~in9 .ewers,eto.)through floorl,~oof.and founc1at.l.on 'Wall.vith appropriBta aub-contraotor..General contraotor it reapondbl.tor JIIilana,_~,teoMlque., -.quenoaa And prcc~ut'••AIlIaoCiatac!wiUl thi,~ojlKlt.c.neral Co~tr.otor to verify all dimension.with arohiteotural arawlnv-.Notify .nqlnaar of all conflicts or o~••iona between varlo~s ele..nts of thA WDr~1nq dravln~..n4 ~a existin~gonditions before commencing with tbat po~tion of the project.. 14>All ..t4rials exposad to s¥t.rio~and/or ~i.t~.OQnditlonl .hall be treated for th•••Qonditione (la,chamical traat-ent, _tainih9,paintinq,ato.)as required by code. ~__I. CJe.. 11~ De tZO f.1 ,:..'1" u$.C l1 .MIl/-r ,V~lll C~U)ilArX) .~__~..c...~~-------"..•... ___-..,;~__....,.....-_------_."c.·-...-----...•--- M AY-~1-93 FRI 7:56 Mira mon t i Group P.03••--- .\~.:: l'~li 1 ~~~~~ iol !~,U.....,v"~~~l.~~""~,,~~r ~. ~ ~~,t ~!•t ~~t'" "0.:'of )~~ ~l ~.~ ~~~~~f ..st' • 1 \ \ I \ +--.:....:--~--~--t i ~-JI~-{ I ~I--'t-Jt-.t~~ -. .I .\ ,.,.~..,,~~.-.-_. PM_____AM CoO?-1 DATE e INSPECTION REQUEST ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL • 0 !\r~I_C~"-),,,---_JOB NAME ~l,--,-n~T---,------_ CALLER r (RY ~,--'(1 t-)tv)I 1)-, READ Y FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ITHUR § LOCATION:a 430 (1II A tv1 r ,!\\,V I [\,t\)E') -, PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING -'--_ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL ., 'J:S...A PPROVEDr CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 0-4-9 -3 INSPECTOR ,,.. "i NAME INSPECTION REQUEST ~lc:.!h ~TOWN OF VAIL •\..c ti1J/I \D I ' CALLER ()cR /c:t H ~/]l 'l\I_---:::'-=-:~_M ~N TUE S WED ~F R I !3 u ~~ (+-tA:tvtOJ IX ~ (rO l l READY FORIN PECTION : r 4 30LOCATION:---"~'---'-='--__~-'--.!-!--'-'---"-'-=-:"":"---'---'--.::_==------=-_ PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJ ECT {rlCtl lerCi~ DATE ~JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT I NGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW .V . ~~A M I N G o ROUGH /WATER .O OF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION D 'POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ()fI.trPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : IN SPECTOR PERMIT N DATE -""---,f---'---1-~~- LOCATION :-7 BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS P IPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:.,;;:;-o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o __--'-_ I)(FINAL -------------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR o o FINAL _ c J/';,p 'APPROVED -::-/' CORRECTIONS: ,(..j j .....,..----, o DISM'PROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED o INSPECTOR ~/:.-...-.:.../--=-.c"---'~_'___...c...:...=.".:...--=-------\r >L ./3DATE--''----''''--_ ~...,...~,... ____---;0 PMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL P DO '7 I a> L1,q-27/1. NAME _~'-'---"'-L.I'---=-_-''---JC!.l.L:'':'''''''':'-----=-_c;dn 1f'o 1"" CA LLER -'C-"("--)_'--'-'-}F-------'-------'---=---=---e----- MON (T~~W ED THUR c::::..b .../VI ON \Y I""w--e boll I LOCATION : DA TE READY FOR INSPECTION : PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJE CT <6 -?-~,.q 3JO B (i-"'B U I L D~:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION /STEE L o ROUGH /DW .V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 r.Q:"f INAL 0.,0 (/I:.o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 \ o FINAL o FINAL G;t'7\¢"~R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIREDc CORRECTIONS : at: '1 DATE ---+..L--f--=----'---f-----'-----'---INSP ECTOR ~C~-- N OTE -COPY OF PERMITTOBE K EPTON J OBSITEPLAN S ATTACHED DATEI N ON J AN 14,9 2CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT t~~lr :i .005305PERMITNO. 1.TY PEOF CONSTR UCT IO N I IIIIIIVV department ofcommun ity development 2.OCC UPANCY GRO UP ABEHI RM BUIL DIN G 18 ,855 DIVI SION 122a3 4 z ELE CTR ICA L 1,650TOBEFILL';:D OUTCOMPL ET ELY PR IORTO ISS UANCEOFPE RMIT 0 GENER AL DE SC RIPTI ONOFWORK :ADD LIVING SPAC ~PLUMBING 2 ,250 TYPEOFPERMIT IN CRAWL SPACE,ADD L IVINGSPACEAT ::> --'550MAINLEVELDECK,«ME CHANICA L~B UILDING Ig PL UMBING PLUMB ,WIRE,ADD > ~ELE CTRICAL I1Q}:FOUNDATION NEWWINDOW,INSULATE SHEETROCK,TRIM.TOTAL 2 5,000 ~ME CHANICAL 9 30 CHAMONIXLANE TYPE GR OU PGR.FA.VALU ATI ON PERM IT FEES L EGAL L OT 12 BLK x:~VNR R-3 *491 25,000 BUILDINGPERM IT 295 DESC.FILING VAIL DAS SCHONE #2 PLAN CHE CK 192 ~O B NAME:SCHMIDT RESID.ADDITION EL ECTRI CAL 50 OWNER NAME COREY &KATHERINE SCHM D1 NEWI )AL TERATIO N ()ADDITI ONAlXl{)REPAIR ()PLUMBI NG 45 /11 #41334 ~MAIL ADD RESS 2 430 CHAMINI X L N DW ELLIN GUNIT S __ACCO MMODAT ION UNI TS __MECHANI CAL 20 /4 #41335 VAIL 47 6-4032 ~74CITYPH.HE IGH TIN FT .__NO .F!REP LA CE S --RECRE ATION FEE ARCHITECT FIR MMl RAMONTI GROUP INSULATION:TY PE THI CKNE SS R-V ALLUE DESIGN REVI EW BOA RD X 1)SX ~Ch- POBOX 395 FLOOR 100MAILADDRESS--CL EA N·UP DE POSIT ~CITY HEWARDS,CO pt-fl26-3262 EXT.WAL LS ~~_.US E TAX DIDIER CONSTRUCTIONCO.RO OF GENERAL FIR M ~CONTRACTOR 160-B TYPE ELE C.GAS T OTAL PERMITFEES $~791TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF TELE.328-5499 SO LAR WOO D CHUCK FELDMANN JAN 3 0,92HEAT FIRM AVALANCHE ELECTRIC ADDI TIONA L PERMITS NEED ED :BUILDING OF FIC IAL------DATE ----- LECTRICAL Y.ti INITIA L ANDY KNUDTSEN J AN2 9,9 2 TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.188-E e---------------NTRACTOR ST .CUT X ~ONI NG ADM IN IS TR ATOR DATE TELE .468-0299 BLA STIN G X ZONIN G &BUILDIN GNOTES: FIRM ALPINE MECH .CONTRACTOR PARKING PL UMBING X TOW N OF VAIL REG _NO.14 2 P XCONTRACTORDEMO TE LE.949 -705 2 FIRM GYPSUM CRK HEATING &SH ~~METI\1J ereby a ckn owledge t hatIha ve rea d t his app lication ,fill ed out i nfu llthe i nforma tio nrequ ired, MECH ANICAL 132-M c ompleted ana ccurate plot plan,andstateth ata ll t he inform atio np rovid ed asrequ ired isc orrect.I CON TRACTOR IOWN OF VA ILREG .NO.a greet o comp ly w ith t he informationand pl otp lan ,to comply with allT ownor dina nces and state 5 24-7254 l aws,andt obu ild th is structure ac co rdin gt ot he Town 's zo ning ad subdivis i on cod es,d esignTELE.revie wa pproved,U niform B uilding Code and othe~an ce s o ft r T owna pplicable thereto . OT HER FIRM .U'l-.tJ /.£CLEANUPTO:d-i 30 'ai""ON l >'-/U,J1 - TOW NOF VA IL RE G.NO.IIIIIIIIIIII lf ~,-C-o ~/6 or!SI G NA T,~~E OF OWN"£R OFt'CO NTRACTOR FOR HIMS ELF CONTRAC TOR TELE.AN D THE OWNE R. __._.,,~~oo~~F':." 0 "~f::~IJ($~""~/~~ _.?~II .....;1 111 ._-_.~ , -I ~ 7 l'~ ~i I t<-i I--- 0S(J AQ~il~; ~C\~JI~\ t l~~- ~~or.;>iJl~t701~~. l"............. \-->t' ~ I ~-3I~1 ... ~ ----fPMIl.-=(.... , I ..,1 r~.?~ 1 1,-,. I i ~7 ts .~• o o 5ftloJ!&d(1/;JI,fLS 1rJ.oI Cb,,·pl~[up>. se(llo.v 'd-,0 FIre •(~)3)1) of cle e LPj,Jf: &)-1'2 ~~L I . ~""~~• -- ._-_...._- -----JI .-_._--~--- .._---JI l ---.....---- _~t?17 ~lZ --- l~WI ~W~o$.:-JfFVL-l,...L-I-+-E':-... -t-{~~I".rtl ~'Y==~= ..-.---±'=---_1-'1-'--.....---1 ==:11-=-1= II .~.__H ..__'••-_•• ~__.._u=-=-?~=-o~.-~--z'.·~f.J,:?E:~-:..-.;j~UJl .-~ea!th .__,,"....-,----.~A,pp rov ed 0 ._.Q--';;:--..--.-.-----.-.=~----------''---®-----...::-';;-;ii ;:;J~~~-~~@~~~~-l -ri -'--":"-~@ I J.12d:E::':.,J:lo 1.-L-~~I<J ,""e:>J.-'<~iJ-+::....~1.~4;'?~,6.I s=eJ ~~~$2 :'1w ]"'j~~l..__......__"'"...P-IL-I .........'v-r....1IIiJ~I ~.j..'-.I alidity 01 Pe rm itt--______s e cl ~o s (e)19U.S.C.-------themuance orgrant ng of apermit or app roval ofplans and ,peci fica tions sh all not be cons trued to be a permi t for ,or an aop rov al of,an y violation ot any ofthe provisions 01 this coce G (of any other ordinance 01 Ire jurisd ica tion.Hoe tssu ance of ;,~cr m it base d upon plans ,sp eciti ca tions an d othe rdata shallU:.:~uilding official f 0 e~e r rr quiring t he .•..:i ;l lialt ~s and olh!,' b ··n".I !1V i ....II II IIf/)0 --14:::~ 1------.----- -----_.. ..'. • +-- - Ij To\n1Vail Community ~eve l D p m e n t . !---ClAn~1-B ~Health Fire I ...1-.....r ~,\pproved 0 0 0 Denie d 0 0 C 0 l~,,~ I . I! ~ , 1 '1..-!I 1"\ I ~I I I I ., :.., .~ -, . , -.'• • DATE 'I l!30\Qv (,pO,"5 ti I ~-'--l4 I!.=t~ V~lidi ty of Perrnu -t--=S.::JeL;..1~0 3 lc)19 U.B,C , i ne ~uarrcevr \;"J ''';''~of a permit or,approva l ~f plans a ~'.J spec ifications shallnot be const rued to oe ayermlt for ~or a,; approva lof,an y violation ot.any ,o f t he provr sions ~f this COG" or of any other ordlnan co ofthe J~f1 S d l ~atlon .Tile Issuanceof a perm it based upon plans ,speci fica tions and other data shai: -+----------------------~-------if,;n oi preven t thebuilding official from Ihe~e,afler r eq UI ring t P~f co rrection 01 errorsin said plans,specif ication s and otne cat a ." ...... - .. I'll PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL USE TAX RECREATIONFEE CLEAN .UPDEPOSIT PERMITNO .S:~0~ BUILDING I e.S5 /( z ELECTRICAL I &.5"0 2.0 ~PLUMBING ;).aso 3~ ...J..MECHANICAL 55"()I> .)r-::.,,/V(' VALUATION WOOD GAS THICKNESS R-VALLUE G R.F.A . __'10.FIREPLACES TYPE SOLAR ELEC. GROUP 1.1YPE or CONSTRUCliON 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application,filled out In full the Information required. completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe Informalion provided asrequ ired is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationand plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and ot ~ordlnances of the Town applicable thereto. ~H(taij 'i1cler IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF .AND THE OWNER. TYPE DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICALI-------t---.:..::::..~:...-.....:..-~ PARKING ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y !:!. BLASTING ST.CUT /I )I! DEMO NEW()ALl ERAliON ()ADOITIONA L ,x..)REPAIR ()PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION PERM IT LOT I ;;t.BLK----=B::..-1 FILING ~2 M>.cf V,d J..,""-~".Jl f.I,')"1. TOWN OF VAIL REO .NO . OTHER FIRM-------------- CONTRACTOR TELE. LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REGNO . TELE.4 be -O1.4 'l TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT ~BUILDING I8l PLUMBING (8J ELECTRICAL I!S FOUNDATION l;sJ MECHANICAL 0 HEIGHT 1'1 FT . ARCHITECT INSULATION:,rLOOR EXT.WALLS ROOF GENERAL TYPE CONTRACTOR OF HEAT • 75south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39,.. • officeofcommunitydevelopment BUILDING PERIHT ISSUANCE TIME FRM1E If thts permtt requtres a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. Allcommercial (large orsmall)and all mul ti -family permits will have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum require ments.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above ment ioned departments wtth regardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this permitas soon as possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame .. Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. ... • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 • ofllce 01 community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found viOlating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall nqt be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged '~tt)(ul YlJrer . Position/Relationship 1/14 /'i:z.... Date by: to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) • • , ---- .~ I Iie«rle'M .'fH~E:'Si-loLO ~~L-e ... -- ~=-==-~--,--=-=-~--=-.,----- o /t:,oWLFere l2'<?OF'ilL£""...~~iJe~1'IL&­ I / .' J Town of Vail Community Development '\:P ~n B U ~-- r"~f'~~L :,~,~,L.~,:1t?I ,j~·-?::.:..-?:~~4 11 -?LOF"E. ~--- .. :.. ",'I' "''.q'-, \(\j <f /'It\I.-il ,~/, -.:i.-•.. .......•.--=.~- _:J)enied '-,0 ·:::::0 I,r '--,--- I :*---- ,Validityof Pe rmit /'• ;.1-_.,,SeUOUcl.19 _IH J!·-{,. Ihe i~6ntn r -gra nt ing of-a petm f!--er llf1PF ~a l of plans an d ~p ecif j c a ti on s shall not be co nst rued to be a oermi tfor,or an ___~p r o l,'al of,any vlotatton of arlY cf 1M prov isions ofthis code .;.+of any other orc.nance of the[ertscrcsticn .The Issuan ce o'f .."pe rmit based upon plans,speci ficati on s andother data shall T':prevent the buildingofficial from thereafter requ iring the co rrec tionoferrors insaid plans,spe cifica tions and otne ~1t a.II •!Jii/1v II ~. .:7 ":--. --=.:=..::."':_.~. ,I/ "i/,\.l q' Ii' "....,~ i ,, .,. ":. -NP.J .1, ~'"~'."t · '.~"''''- .i, ,.... ,/ ;, : • ..,. I I r.l--h- f--.-+ --'FF==lfi====*==J "' !:L.e....;:IO~I?~<?,(PI'"~!l<'1r7.:..,1? 4:I Li'fel!'5e '-1'"1 oiJ t?~'(PP".o r::- ,It'c ro<~J'wI t:70IC"Mt::e WPLL- --,E:L£:-Vl "III '1 M..:::DeC.K c.J"'),I I.P:~-r .t.P ' -~-~, !I ....'-: ...~_.r>.. -- J .4 -- -i-_ - • .i---~/ .r .. 1 / I, H I ' .' • ,.' .u. '\~ \-C=::3&~~·.:~1I'1 ._ '."_.r._.. __-_J Pt--- '-1 - I " L/;I /\1 r-~ \~ \ '. -',1-1 it,--.<.-It...i:i I',",, ;1 <• I!.;!F=!~ J,'L I ~I:L. ._---- :i J r,f;IT r 'i l III';i .,IiruiI'l :i,1.",I J )"1 l-~I---f;"":";-:..!'j~6 ;;:'\:;; :,'-,','.:,;Ii ,:,;"Ii.'"i :i·~:.\;;!;.\;J:!j ~I ; -- • ---- ....:~. -'1 - -i~ ..;"", -r t ', ,-":~- -'-~~ -,(\ 81 .cJ ·_·~CO -,c coU')i ..CO_.... I ...i2 co 'r d v . I U.... (1).-1 .~E ~ II .>-a:«, :::::> z '«..., ('I') ~ ,..,I '. .I..., ••• A NEW LOWEST LEVEL FRAMING • Validity 01 Permit Sec .303 (c)19 U.B .C:. f"e i'SSuance or granti ng of apermi t or approv al of planll and;~,,;~:ti G (\t io ns shall not be con str u ~'j tobea permI t lor.or an~r _:.wa l 01.anyviolation 01 any of t:-;"prov isions 01 this colle~.01 ail'i othe r ordin ance 01 the i\lri S ication.1 he i~Su8nce 01 ,')~'mit bas ed upan plan s.spec ilicat io i;s and othe r data shall '-""nt the buil din g ol1 icia\l rom thereafter requiritlQ the .~,n o r ~in said plans.spec\1 icat iOM and 0\h8- ToWn ~ot Vall community ' Development Pl an Buil Health Rte ,\pp rov ed 0 C~0 m Oenie d 0 0 ......I!l'--' .' II82 ~ W 0 0 W ~Z c:{OW....JO'0:xc:{ •-a: W Zo O....JW~O.0:c:{() l-I -()d 0 O~.-:~C") "l;f"<I:C\I o·W 0 ,,"CO Nit) C UlUlNor-.-~CO,.. d 'It i QI J .....-. (1)--(1):::s E ~O .~....'0 E Ne! )(,2 (I)00.aU .c .~0'-...ci~ II >-a:-c :::J 'Z-c J C") ,..- • o • A 13)All atructural IlUbara are ahown in tlIair tinal poa~tion. durin..COI1IItruction 1~..y ba nacu.ary to a1lore portions ot tlIa atructure whila other portions ara balnq oonstructed. Contact tlIa atructural 8n'llnaar tor oonsultation ..required. 14)Contractor 18 ruponsible tor all IlOn-apacit1ad oonneotions. contact .tructural _lnaar tor .s.taila ..raqu1recl. 15)Contractor 1&to coor41nata all 4iapbraga _trations (1e.! ch1JInays .pl'-lnq _wra.ato.)through tloo....roota and . toundation valla wlth appropriate aub-oontractora.General Contractor 1&rupoDll1ble tor .......__,tacbniquea. __and procaduraa ..aociated with thia project.lIotity _~ot all CODtUeta or oll1a81ona batvaan varloua al_ta ot tlIa warldn..dra~and tlIa ax1atin9 00Il41 tiona batore .._-oo-.c1Dc;with tlIat portion ot tlIa project.Identity ot all - ,ax1.ting-hl_atructural al_ta baaed upon pl....by !OYLI! ,EIlGDlEElIDlQ.IIIC.dated 6-28-87.... 16)All _tarla1a ~to axtariol'and/or "'1&ture oondltiona 8lIa11 ba treated tor thea.oonditiona (ie.~oal trea_t. ata1D1D'l.painl:1D'l.atc.)..raqIlil'ed by coda.. .OWER LEVEL FRAMING o o Fire o o Validityof Pe rmit .3C3 (el 19 U.S .C. o o tl '\pproved Deni ed 7)Xicrol.....are ......utacturad by TRIJSll-.l0IBT CORPOllA'nOIi.All built-up Xicrolaa baa:u aua~l>a '11_with PIAOO and naile4 with 2 rowe ot 18dap1l<aa ,lI'00.Jl1crol...d_per than 11 7/S'IlU8t be bolted toqathar with 2 row ot 3/"di....ter bolts . •U'00 top and bo~toIl. 8)Sheath tloon wlth 3/8'plyvoocS or orlentacS atrand -.:4 with ll1niau:a apan ratin'l ot 80/20 or l>attar and 'llua with PIAOO. Hail plywood with 104 •8'00 to all jo1ate.1I)Live 1 __tor .s..i'lll- -Root-aO pet snov. -Floor-aO pat r ..idential. -Wind-25 pat.. -Eartbquake-zona 1 UIlC. 10)All oonatruotion JlU8t ooaply with tlIa 1988 11n1tora 'Buil4in9 c:ocSe ..adopted by tlIa 1'OVn ot Vail Building DepartMllt aDd tlIa 'GanaraJ.conclJ.tiona ot tlIa COIltract tor Conatruotion-(AU _~A201). 11)Construct valla ..toll.....- -l!::l<tarlor-2><8 •16'00. -Interlor-2><8 •16'00••unl...notacS otharvi_.· 12)All ba....jol.ta and rattara are to l>aar upon valla or baaaa OR ba hUDll wlth SDlPSOII StroJ>q-Tia hangera or approved equal•• All c:onnact1on bardvare ..lI&Ilut_by SDlPSOII Sto"'l-'1'la or approv..s aquala..• Town of Vall Community De ve lopment Plan Health-/-----------+- a A i il ');::;:H!?nce or graning ofa pe rrn 't or approval ~f plan s and y.J/,C ',(~~J..f O fi S shall n ,I tie C0r.stld!ld to t e aparrnlt fo r ~or,an............~Jf-",~n ,,'']:'j n of any of the prov .sron s of this con e-~,.-------cr ,:1 any rrre ror Ir.nco 01 t he J~f1Sd !caiion ,l he iss uan ce oi,,~"F'8 .sed upon plans ,specifiCations and other d~~a sha ll-Z_/1 .;;',I the tlUi l !fig of!icialf rom th eroa ft~r reQUlr!fi g t he t'3l~~--;M~----i~ ~.~~~~CLlP 4~0"erro rs '0""I';F"n"",,,and 01 001: ~~.6f~.(D-- ~)4--'~-~f.-f,e/~at.~ ~~4'N,I3~~~M[.,.d~I~_I ~~~t{b~I~. • UPPERLEVELFRAMING o STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS 1)Fo~tion .s..lqn ba.e4 upon 'SOl1 llAporta.137231 and '27231A dated 12-28-83 and 8-23-87 ..prepared by CHEH , MSOCU=.IIIC.PJ:ovlda.,."8'dla_tar drains wlth gravel and tllter tahrlc to drain _nal perched 'i=undwatar in crawl.pac..Fleld coor41nate all detall•• 2)All t~tlon around periJoetar or atructure .lIall bave Il1nll1U1ll tro.t pr~on ot 48'to llottoa ot toot~. 3)All oonereta suet attain Il1n1awa ooapr...lva atren9th ot 3000 pei atter 28 days.De.iqn buad upon BUIUlDlG CODE REQllIlllDIlDl'FOR RJiDlPORCED CXWCRE'1'Ji (ACUla).lUll.Dowl all new tootin...to a:1&tln'l tOUlldation with 2 IS bara Ie 2" .so-J.acS .Inl.,..5'into axiating-toundation.'i=ut with non- ahr1nlt epoxy... 8)llAintorcing .teal 18 Grada 80 tor:f8 and '5 bare. Re1nte>r<>e.-n~pl....-n~alIa11 conrora with JIAlIO.U.OF ST»ID&1lD PlU\CTICJl.1190 ..pnopared by c:JUlI. 5)All lWll>ar:aball ba DoU9-Plr:t2 or batter.all volaan1ae4 lW1l>ar:&hall ba Ilea-Fir U or:l>a~tar. 8)Ancbor bolta and bolts &hall be A307.All ~l~Wedge Ancbora and aa-ts to l>a lnatalled .ccord1n9 to .....utacturer. .paciflcations. ....., _____~§PMWEDTHURFRIREADYFOR LOCATION :_~...L..~=--~..<Lt..=~'.U-J.CL1..+_ 5Bos-INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJECT /l ./J TOWN OF VAI l:. D ATE ;J -3 'Cf k JO BN AME ~10n (d.r fJ:CL\l..,--'----rl------- R 12~-IJet "A CrWL BUILDING:n 11 't;iJ FO OT I N GS I STEEL -trO-<d ~/1lJ b FO UNDATION I STEEL o FRAMI NG R OOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o IN SU LATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o F INAL PLUMBING : o U ND ERGROU ND _ o ROU GH I D.W .V._ o RO UGH I WATE R .....:...._ o G ASPIP ING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAU STHO ODS o SU PPLY A IR _ 0 _ o F INAL _ ,.~/.. tIYJ\ijPROVED-, CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---"'''''''''c.,L--L..,.~...!...------IN SPECTOR I {):OO 0 PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI I!l READY FOR INSPE LOCATION :-'="-----'--'o.,~---.::....--'-:>....:>."'--'-=...:~~---"--=-'O'--"-"'--"------------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~--\Q -~J O B h lkJ I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND ~- o FOUNDATION /STEEL --r-r-r-r-r-x-,.--_ROUG H /ow.V.-fL'""'V.""'--"'I/f(...:L.-'~i!."'------+-:.1J.~_=___ IN FRAMING S 1.Ll5 f~cuz-'If...R6 '''--~R _ I L~O O F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER -:=--_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINA L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ (6'~E~V E Drr>: CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./ :/ INSPECTOR __..LJ.---,,<:::,-.b::=:..!~:::!.-__--=":::::"-_ ""..,... • INSPECTION REQUEST/J ',}TOWN OF VAI ~. !{J2.t LM -t .d.t:ro~(J ~ CALLER &tlC!J .~7 i AJ a!4/Y1 W /Zilif WED THUR FRI (l ft!j-!yt!6 (;~PM l )J'.$'f 7 ~\.:/ If n -02 0 L: 53 0 S= DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATI0N :-.:d,-,,_'-l(1-',.....3 '-()'--'-=-'--'-'--'=:...L.L'--"--'-~"------------tT--H---r"r -,..,.r"'rT ---- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL -, PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ ~ROUGH __'_ o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ 'APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:d~Z -CC >A n c ~I .47/t<£t:J£,o?.,-4 .o DATE --""'~---==---'-_-L.-==--__INSPECTOR =/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . INSPECTION REQUEST VAI ~ PM_____AMREADYFOR L OCATION :_--'--"--..l-=_-='-"-'-='-''-'-'--~''---'-_ '~ BUILDING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL ro'J FRAMING /lO)),.;;.b t 'ROO F &S HEER ()o PLYWOOD NAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D .W.V._ ROUGH I WATE ~~&-e..lAt.l4L o GAS PIPING .._ o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL , ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o ~,A L ------------ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ 6/!AP PROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,INSPECTOR ~..p..~~==---_=--_DATE ----cf--~----"=------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI ~ A Ii L/M{d.//i £L/J _____@ PM CALLER Y {(i )/L ,,(-4/1 .><!:!!:E/T HUR FRIREADYFOR L OCATION :_----'----=--=--_-'---'--...::....:.~'_'_':..e:__ BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUND ATIO N /ST EEL o ROUG H /DW.V. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING l/ifl NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHE ETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o COND UIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F1 N t-L o F INAL L }v/'Slr;Y ,-"O V ED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED v- CORRECT IONS:, DAT E =-;a~/tP I NSPECTOR ____~~P MFRIWEDTHUR 02-dB g 4-JOB NA ME --;--'-'-'-'-~....!....!.-"c...!C..':'-~~--=-=::::"":"'-=--~_ 530\- DA TE R EADY FOR L OCATION :_"'-~='=--_..I..-"'--'-"'~~~-"-'--'-_ PERMI T N UMBER OFPRO JECT •.CORRECT IONS: BUILDING:-PLUMBING: o FO OTIN GS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W .V . o FRA MING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POOL /H .TUB I fEETROCK NAIL 0 0 o F IN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 DF I N ~.o FINAL ~P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED DA TE ~-2 -.£'2.-INSPECTOR ~ •INSPECTION REQUEST . PERMIT NUMBER OFP OJECT f TOWN OF VAI l! D ATE to C;L J OB N AME .d--e./,k-h L ...:t..t-~ CALLER 7!Ju t!-I '=-rft-r (J;c- READY FD RINSPECTIDN,r;:;;J J UES WED ~THUR ~(£)PM L OCATION :.;:?(/~(.J.It tJ 1I-L~'h_-'~-/~l Q 7 ---.J BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WA TER RO OF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 )('~I N A L o F INAL ~PP R O V E ~~~o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:/ / • D ATE 6'-I S -9.2 ~=.r ........ •INSPECTION REQUEST '/!._~O W~A ~l! NAME '_./w A-liA lA aLt>~ ,CALLER I W1A (-e:,L/h..--(~f/C IN SP.EC TION :~TU ES W ED ~HU RJ FRI L;;;P M ;;<(j ?)D ()A 11<11 tAJ t LA '/~l\-12.c u - DATE __+-'--::~'----'-_ READY FOR LOCAT ION : BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ \,o )(FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CO NDU IT _ 0 _ o F1tjAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ A.1.J..-. ~~R O V E D CO RRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --=-r----L.!«+-+-~---INSPECTOR .AL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED • The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. n FINAL PLUMBING DATE: [J FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: D IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: C I FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: '--U FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: DATE: L TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: C CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: 1- LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: RESID.NAME: WEST SIDE: Project Application Contact Personand Phone /2. Date IJhlrI.,I I1f q ,'If leo-ei ACti /cnut:41 A v-r:./ L.ere7 ~c It M i I f 741CJ CIr tL1n t1J1 ;K I~fI;;\'7 J&x 1 /l1,~c d:/Ynt 1/ ~J 9~Er&-tJa..rM C CJ t I&:?~ C omm ents :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _.L.--"-=-I--'-¥~'--_ Motion by :_ Seconded by :--,_ D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary:_ ••ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R piS ZONE DISTRICTS DATE :o e-f 3 .{q ('/, LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot /2-Block -.!i-Filing V'L?-I IJ<'/I J'cA-<'l-<--L .#/ AnDRE SS:Z 4 3 <:1 ci-~</'O't :)<L CL-~ OWNER ('ere-z SC /=-<'d //PHONE -1'7f'-Z?IL V ARCHITECT J "...h ',(J(,t'rakU/I-1./PHONEJ ----------- ZONE DISTRICT ~r /~5~___ PROPOSED USE S,~t?='Itt.,,«;~ **LOT SIZE •z..&l of.A-c...(I,'"l,~,&,t Allowed Existing Proposed (30)"@iiJ '30'3 0 / 32 7/·7 /91 4'11 z ~16-.7 +425 =3 "27/.7 I s7P 1 4{1/ Height Total 'GRFA Primary GRFA SeCOndaLj GRFA Q Setbacks Front Sides Rear +--42-5-=0 20' 15' 15' 6 o Total ZQiJ -/.A f£()@ ?f!{.t-o lifJ 6 7ill @11 Date approved by Town Engineer: Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope fQ.Q {6/0 @ [J;gJ 0V /1.0 c.J,........p ~ 111 ~@!) ???_----® 44 NO_---.:_Yes _ (30)(50) 1 76 1,.0 fl."c/...":} 3'/6't1 c'PJ'f'1?J?","« r 6 11 flq e <,'",tJ.~Re q r d P:,-"St~J:~A ,_"f""_r ",_e.__ (300)E600)!(900 {(fzo '0)so l View Corridor Encroachment: Retaining Wall Heights Garage Credit Water Course Setback Parking Si te Coverage t:Yteeis 3/)!. .(;t,3 '(&&)1.1"»" Landscap1.ng Drive: Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain 2)Percent Slope 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche b)Rockfall c)Debris Flow 4)Wetlands i1AJ ",al)~/~13 (,I.... tto ..k rz.-<,L,,?((o/?(',t, i C.1 ,&I"{~/0/3 cs: iN).w2 a t: Previous conditions of approval (check property file)~:_~~~~~~~_ Does this request involve a 250 Addition?Nb How much of the allowed 250 Addition i s used~w~i~t7h~t7h~is request?~o~~ **Note:Under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code,lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq.ft.in area may not construct a second dwelling unit.The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 •••A rchiteclure Interior Design Project Consulting MIR4MONTI GROUP • SCHMIDT RESIDENCE 09/12/91 GRFA Square Footages Upper Level: 10.5 x 49.0 =514.5 11.0 x 2.5 =27.5 Total =542.0 Garage: 21.5 x 24.25 =521.375 -(11.0 x 2.5)=27.5 Total =493.875 . Lower Level: 5.5 x 10.5 =57.75 10.5 x 49.0 =514 .5 16.0 x 16.5 =264.0 11.0 x 13.75 =151.25 Total =987.5 Garage Crawlspace: 21.5 x 24.25 =521.375 Additional SquareFootage: Lower Level; 5.5x11.0 =60.5 Crawlspace; 16.0 x 16.5 =264.0 11.0 x 13.75 =151.25 misc.=48.5 Total =524.25 PO .Box395 Edwards.Colorado 8163 2 303·926-3262 e · MIRAMONTI GROUP au/WING AREA (FOOTPRIN1J 22.5x 24.75 5.5 x 11.5 11.5 x 50 .0 5.5 x 11.0 17.0 x16.5 11.0x13.75 5.5x5.5 Total SITE COVERAGE .2614 ACRE X 43560 11386.584 X 20% 11386.584 X15%(sitesover 30%grades) DENSI7Y CONTROL 11386 .584 X25% Additional Allowed Total TOTALS UpperLevel Lower Level (Crawlspace) Additional Total (Total wi Garage crevaepece ) • Proposed Existing =556.875 =63.25 =10.5 =575.0 =60.5 =280.5 =151.25 =2 .25 =1689.625 =1636.875 =11386.584 =2277.3168 =1707.9876 =2846.646 =425.0 =3271.646 =542.0 =987.5 (=521.375 ) =524 .25 =2053.75 (=2575.125 ) I·•I • - \ . I ,, I ~I , I J !~ ).. ~ ~:J 1--~~.--:1•~If1l\,~-~I:t ··l ~ .~..t~l-I t ~-fI·2:l~~~ I i I !• I,.•• I I I -I- .,..v //- /- I '"_ 11----+(1\;~•I q~u \~ ,:~I ~~I'"~l=I -----I ......,,~ ....I '1(': I ~~~ii,~%~~-~_I IiiEi q ~-~ •4It revised 6/18/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO RE r'""""DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: , 6 89 1' ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION:?£.4.Z<50'0'::'-ac>D'L.~Pf14t::.-e Ie;-10 BIlE. -?O -fP4 6':r~u1 I-!cMG (4/icI-/~~~L.r WHq~.</-I'P6 ~/$/~~r c:=e~4.J~~:p;t1~15 ~t>L,q~6.6C/~~O/N'r P"tX>-f'p.e~U-//dILl..,</,,-/t!!:.dNl</dtlE.. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: E . New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.0 0) vi Addition ($50.00)----conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS :~~O c::.1-1I1iii2t<J/x:L--AU4:#- D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Ie.Block __--"~'--_ Subdivision /?,£5e!a.<'~Y'P(L.-PA'5 t:.#(.?lC/~I'l~ If pr operty is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide ona separate sheet and attac h to this application. ZONING:-P~Nn kee. I F. G. LOT AREA:If requ ired,app licant mus~~rovide a c urr,nt stamped s urvey showing lot area.fLr.:lN,.U?a NAi·1E OFAPPLICANT:CoR E"If A..felt /'It I d±:_ Maili ng Address:doVO J1\~~Ali)(L..tJ ___________________________Phone 'f71 -d-~I d--... _________________________Phone _ NJ..M E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:I:It~AM~l..f.It 6teeup Mailing Address:Ho)L~q~, EpWA#OS f kO'evtk~2 Phone 9Ze?32<4?Z,l7'-+"\ NAME OFOWNERS,~...~"ff-,~,;,~S;.RIM 4t- *SIGNATURE(S):~k?~ Ma i1i ng Address :-'C...."'='=:l..-_ I. H. J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,whe n applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.TheTown of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. *NO APPLICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 II.PRE-APPLICATiir MEETING:411 A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant~s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual approval and a final approval.Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D.The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residential construction: a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. 2 IV .NE W CONSTRUC~•A.Three copies of a recent topographic survey,st a mped b y a licensed surveyor,at a scale of 1"-20'or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1.Lot area. 2.Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,5' contour intervals may be accepted. 3.Existing trees or groups of trees having trun ks with d iameters of 4"or more,as measured fro m a poi nt one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other signif icant na tural features (large boulders,intermittent streams, et c .). 5.Hazard areas (avalanche,rockfall,e tc.), cen terline of stream or creek,required cree k or stream setback,100-year flood p lain and s lopes of 40 %or more,if applicable. 6.Ties to e xist ing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert.This informat ion s h ould be c learl y stated on the surve y so t ha t all measuremen ts are based on the sa me starti ng poi n t. This is particularl y i mportant for h ei ght me asure ments.See Policy On Surve y Informati on, f or more i nformation regarding surveys. 7 .Loc a ti on s of th e fo llow in g: a.Size a nd t y pe of d rainage cu lverts,s wal es, etc.must be shown. b .Exa ct loca t ion o fe x ist i ng uti l ity s o ur ces and p ropo seds erv ic e li n es fro m t heir s ource t o t he struc tu re.Uti li ties t o i ncl ude: Cable TV Teleph one Sewer Water Gas Elect ric c.P roper ty li nes -d istances and bearings a nd a basis of b ea rin g must be sh own. d.All e asemen ts (Title rep ort musta ls oi nclu de ex isting easement locati ons) 8.E x is ting a ndf ini shed grades. 9.P rov ide spot e le vations of the street,a nd a min imum of one spot elevation on either side of the lo t,25 feet out from the side property lines. B .S i te Pl an 1.L oca t ions o f t he follow i ng: a.Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b.P ropo sed dri ve wa ys.Percent s lope an d s pot e levat ionsmus t be s hown. 2 .All e xisting i mprove ments i nclud ing structure s, landscaped areas,service areas,storage a reas, wa lks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (w ith top and b ottom of wal l sp ot e levations),and o ther e xis ti ng site i mpro vemen ts. 3 N0 7E: 3.tions of to of roof rid existin an ro osed rades shown und These elevations and grades must be provided in order for the staff to determine building height.All ridge lines should be indicated on the site pran. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4.Driveway grades may not exceed 8%unless approved by the Town Engineer. C.Landscape Plan (1"=20'or larger)-3 copies required 1.The following information must be provided o n the landscape plan.The location of existing 4" diameter or larger trees,the location,size, spacing and type (common and latin name)of all existing and proposed plant material.All trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indicated.The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2.Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3.The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 4.Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components,please i ncorporate as much of the abo ve information as possible onto the site p lan. D.Sign off from each utility company verifying the l ocation of utility service and availability (see attached). E.A preli mi nary title reo ort must accompany all su bmittals,to i nsure property owners hip a nd locati on o fa ll easeme nts on property. F .Ar ch itect ural Plans (1 /8 "=l'or larger,1 /4"is preferred scale for rev ie w)3 copies required. 1.Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed deve lopment.Elevations must sho w bot h existing and finished grades. 2.One set of floor plans must be "red-lined"to sh ow how the gross residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated. 3.Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- 1/2"x 11")for inclusion in PEC and/or To wn Council memos may be requested. 4.E xterior surfacing materials and material colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application.Color chips,siding samples etc.,should be presented t o the Design Review Board meeting. G.Zo ne check lis t (attached)must be completed i f proje ct is located within the Si ngle-Family,Pr i mary/Sec ondar y or Dupl ex zone districts. H.P hot os of the e xisting site and where applicab le,of a dj ace nt structures. 4 1.The zon~Administrator and/or DRB~ay require the submiss~of additional plans,dr~gs, specifications,samples and other materials (including a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V.MINORALTERATIONSTOTHE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan)of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above,provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. VI.ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL _.A. B. .C. D. E. F. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8"=l'or larger (l /4"=I'is preferred) Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction.Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. Elevations of proposed addition. Photos of the existing structure. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be * eaUired to submit: A statement from each utlllty verlfylng location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form. H.A site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. ,I.A preliminary title report,to verify ownership of pr oper ty,which lists all easements. VI I.FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued,and construction is underway,and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection,two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC)stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted.The following information must be provided on the ILC: A.Building location(s)with ties to property corners, i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C.All utility service line as-builts,showing type of material used,and size and exact location of lines. D.Drainage as-builts. E.Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F.All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G.All easements. H.Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines. 5 VIII.CONCEPTUAL DallGN REVIEW •A.Submittal requirements:The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development.The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines.This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single- family and two-family residences.However,developers of single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review.Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: 1.A conceptual"site and landscape plan at a minimu m scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2.Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; 3.Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e .GRFA,site coverage calculati o ns, n umber of parking spaces,etc.); 4.Co mpleted DRB application form. B.Pr oce d ure:Upon receipt of an applicatio n for c o ncep t ual des ign review,the Departme nt of Comm un it y De velop ment shall review the submitted materials for ge nera l co mpliance with t he appropriate require ments o f t he z on ing code.If the proposal is in basic c omp liance wit h the zoning code requireme nts,the pr ojec t s hall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptu al re vie w.If the application is not ge nerall y in c o mpliance with zo ning code requirements,the applicati on and submittal materials shall be returne d to the applicant with awritten explanation as to why t he Commu nit y De velopment Department staf f has fo und t he pr o ject not to be i n compliance with zo ni ng c ode req uirements.Once a complete application has be en received,the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual r ev iew application a nd s upporting materia l in order t o d e termi ne whet her or not the project generall y co mpl ies with t he design guidelines.The DRB does not vo te o n c onceptual reviews.The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. 6 LIST OF MATERIALS •APPI-I,a.<! LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT..lh BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION Rg,-.s<-btlv'Sl4~8f'V';;'p~S ST REET ADDRESS:d-.t30 ch~~Niy /.-N.S~/A2..{;;f ,J£.-#-1 DESCRIPTIONOF PROJECT:~Z4.2.~at IS .,10 'Blf AOOI!!EO -ro eKtS:I'/d4 t#/H~~"'-IleG'-Y 141-1#/4 EX'lsI/#1.c:.e*~G­ ~E Id~'$·1!!e1/£'O/89 ~r&/N-I !.4/U No:!~tlA::I;V4Ie.~llo wing information is required for submittal to the Des ig n Rev iewBoard before a final approval can be given: A .BUILDI NG MATERIALS: Roof Sidi ng Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Do ors Doo r Tri m Han d or Dec k Ra i ls Fl ues Fl as hin gs Chi mney s Tras h E nclos ures Gr ee nho uses Ot h er TYPEOF MATERIAL ~ If 'f ~II "" If II ~~ #,4 AlA 6/4 ttA NA COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Des igner:.--ll/.<....%..-"-A--=-_ Phone: PL ANT MA TERIALS:Botanical Na me P ROP OSED TREES EXIS TI NG TREESTO BE REM OVE D Com on Name Quantity Si z -vr e * *Ind icate ca l iper for deciduous trees.Mi nimu m calioer f or d eciduo us trees is 2 inc hes.I ndicate height for conifer ous tre es.Mi ni mum he ight for co niferous trees is 6 feet . 7 PLAN T MATER I. PR OPOSED S HRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name '"rr Quantity Size * *Indicate s ize of proposed shrubs.Mi nimum size of shrubs i s 5 gallon. ~Sguare Footag e GROUND COVERS S OD SE ED TYPE OFI RRIGA TI ON T YPE OR METH OD OF EROSION CONT ROL "'l;t1' C .OTH ER LAND SCAPE FEATURES <retaining walls,fences,s wimming p oo ls,e tc .)Please specify.Indicate heights of r etai ni ng wal ls.Max imum heig ht of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 ••UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION S UB DIVI SION ....:........:...----::..-.=..:._ JOB NAME _ LOT _ ADDRESS BLOCK _FILING _ The location and availability of utilities,whether they be main tr u nk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by t he following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature U.S.West Communications 1 -800 -922-1987 46 8-6860 or 949-4530 Pu blic Service Company 94 9-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Hus k y/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 9 4 9-5530 S t.e ve Hiatt Upp er Eagle Valley Water &Sa nitati on District * 476-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:;These verifications do not relieve the contractor of h is responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the To wn of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before diggina in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A b u ilding permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *P lease bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obta ining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. 9 -.• FOR R,R,R PIS ZO NE DISTRICT" OWNER AD DRESS: ..DATE: LE GALDESCRIPTI ON :Lot I ~Block l2..-Filing '&e-\u.b~v~~~·Q rf 'l/J d1{50 U:>~N '/Y j)2.~r~,v c.--r;g ,~if I ~rey 1At1M--r29 -J-)..{)-... ARCHITECT I1tf4'.AM(')N./J C:u:OUP PHONE 9z(P~C:::.z• ZONE DISTRICT 1?'E'l/~ec.. I PROPOSEDUSE ;¢?W~ **LOT SI ZE i¥3~,Crz O~ He ig ht Allowed (30)(33) E xisti ng P roposed To t al j./A To talGRFA Pr imar y GRFA zz;tf<p.(p +425 =?411,(p ~~.CL ~4.V>'Z$7'fi'/ZS +US S et-b ac ks F ro nt S ides Rear 20' 15 ' 15 ' ,</4 / Water Cou r se Se tba ck Si te Cove rage L an ds ca pi ng (3 0)(5 0) 110!> t{A Re taining Wall Hei ght s P ar ki ng Garage Credi t 3'/6' __Reqrd (3 00)(600)(900)(12 00)~ Dri v e:Permit t ed Sl ope ~Ac tu alS lope ~~ ,<.10 No u" '</0 Date approved by Tow n Eng i nee r: Yes t/A No qA ???PA 1)Flood P lain _~,</.~~:.....:.._ '2a~2)Perce nt Slope __..f!.z..::....:~~-=.....~_ 3)Geolog ic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche,_.....c.~:::.....-_ b)Rock f all ---I..::L.!~_ c)Debris Flow --.....tl!u.:~-----4)Wetlands,---A~I:::-.._ E n vir on me ntal /Ha zards: View Corri dor Encroachment: Pre vious c onditions of approval (check property file)~:_ Does thi s request involve a 250 Addition?JVlt>~ How much o f the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ **Note:Un der Sect i ons 18.12 .09 0(B )and 18.13.0 80(B)of t he Mun i cipal Code,lotsz o ned Two Fa mily and Pr i mar y/Sec ondary which are less th an 1 5,000 s q.f t.in area may not cons truct a seco nd d welli ng un it .The Communi ty De velopme nt Department ma y gra nt a n e xceptio n to t his rest rict ion pro vided the applicant meets t he criteria set f ort h under Se ct io ns 18.12 .090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of t he Mu nicipal Code i n cl ud ing pe rma nently restricting the unit as a long-term r en talu nit for ful l- t ime e mp lo yees of the Upper Ea gle Valle y. 10 "•••• .,.., --.-~ I B I ()~M ,'fH 1(~'S i-Io L t'eE'L-t.., ---- --==-==-----.._----- ,,,. 1--,_. :.1'---.. .i->:-- /.t:oIJLFe re ~r 'f1L.£"'....~diJe ....nl.&- I, I c: -----_..--_...(-_.----+ «. I ".~f ~.b L:~l?L-ev:IPII~j --?~_-?:,oIoe-r 4~~l.GI"e. ~--- ., ~I I· I +-1-_.... !-.-- ·,•::1 \1 . ·.· / /-1 -l- -..~ <, ¥'I l(\IC '1/!...-l'l ! 1- + .""1.-•..i .::;e::-l--ft-JI II?+Jhlo K'-r~E:L.eyD.il 0 U , _Jd I IZ~~p Ll·,h C,;:2~u-p cq,1'2.'q I ~ --=--=~~-:---. -.;..'~._--- /./ .i /.J ~ 'l' I''< ,~ i ' !". :' ,. .' "":.1..•~ -1-- :. ;III .i ' :2 t>t>,fJ .:, -f-=;;;~ .,I ~ ~:IO~II .:?'(O,p' ---Ii \.,J -;",-\. N ' .~,-•. • .I ,.,. .' -~._--...-......;.. -. I I r-L -h1--.-+ 'j f . , JiJ -~<k~-"".~... \_"~L.I0-(;;t ..':. E:u=v:~~Ibll e LoLJE'~ t::l-E:vl "I'e·ie 1.IvlUV t::L-e...;:101:>1 'S t!<?-(Pi?~~I 9.:."e ~l U1'e li:~f .:.n o tJ 19;;-(PI"L/f"- ~bl"-f"'ejl:loll C".oIt'MI!:Ia'LJ~LL.. - 'f-- "__f4.' " ~" ~t - j4 I Ij , 4 . I .,.•--I t ---j. 'f--,---- !.. .'~o:1k./ .·1., - I: I'I • i II I :i ;; -- '...-~-.. __-_,J To-t--- ....l ----- • • - ---- •-~"."'W!.• -."'.---.--"---- -, ", J-j ./r;.J :; ,"1 ,I Z,'~I .... • J TOWN OF VAIL ~~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM DATE:i W eol if-f ~-'71 ?;W.c<i Qm ±Sqj ~i :!:oi:~*l m ;;~i~li m !;)~!!:;:;m ;i m :t!l l ~f f~i:~*;ioi:~~O!i f li l:~:~;'~:ill;(i l ~l i;ill )~~8 !;!ill:*o o)¢6§¥;i£A i o;o::o i ±6¥x Ij ol oi : 01 ססoo 41330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES I f)U SiJ, 01 ססoo 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORMBUll.DING CODE S50.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMPLUMBING CODE S36 .00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE S32 .00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36 .00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELEcrRICAL CODE $30.00 01 ססoo 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 01 0000 42412 XEROXCOPIES I STUDIES $0.25 II 01 0000 42371 PENALTYFEES I RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 42322 OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 4141 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES (01 0000 41330 OTHERFEES 01 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 I@I 01 0000 ~1'11 (,,'1) S c.k1M..,crt 4d/;fi 1J4(COMMENTSf f :{;~tIl \.../ <,»> • \,--" TO ....Jt·-l OF I_._IQ IL Mi sce ll aneous C ~5h 14-0 3:5 7 J;:'.;'c e ~pt.~.~:r;'73 ::''''' t:.ccc I.,f T.l±~··v :!:!:.r ~r:;5 ·-:flF.,C"l.,.'':;r"1t,1"'C,T -'~P PI Tf:!=I TTJir-J l:'EES Hm(tl Wll t ~:..nd.:;;,~'~d 5 C1 .C"W1 Pmount;paid T H'=It---lK VOU • • PO ST IN A C ON SPI CUOUS PLACE NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE May 181987,00292 9PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 152.300.00 \/ .DIVISION 122a34 z ElECTRICAL 3,700.00 "'/0 GENERAL DESCR IPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING 9,000.00 l\=>...J j,UUU.UU /\""MECHANICALNEWSINGlEFAMIlYHOME> lrnrm It 168 000.00 /\ TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES 1/R_':l ?':lor-1hQ ()()()()()BUILDING PERM IT 878.00 '790.e :::,,~~D M-l PLAN CHECK lJ.J~.UO "3'1~.~""-'\~c: ELECTR ICAL fl7 .nn NEWKXl(ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 90.00 " DWELLING UNITS J-..ACCOMMODATION UNITS__MECHANICAL 45.00 ~ HEIGHTINFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE.15 359.90 ~ INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100.00 So <':iI .i'..-...or IBERGLAS 10 I R30 'r »f'l'~\ FLOOR 500.00 .~~CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS ErB ERGL AS 6'R19 USETAX I")/~840 .00 ~~s6 ~::::: I-IBERGLAS 10'R30 . ROOF ~~~~,~'5 ~~,\(j).--~~ TYPE ELEC .GAS XX /TOTAL PERMIT FEES $3,338.00 '};:i "I.":OF ~//HEAT SOLAR I"~. ADDITIONALPERM E1 ~.QJ V ~I-_.GARY JlURR1\lli._____J.une-3~19.81_ BUILDINGOFFIC IAL DATE <,......::.-Y <--.~-INITIAL f-_BETSY .R05..OL AC.K __Jilj[29 ,J9al _""',-I ~-.c ur->~---ST..~e--~""".x.~.ONING ADMINIS TRATOR DATE B ~--o~lsf:r;:::X c~1z0NING &BUILDINGNOTES: 1-""0 "--'***WAITING TO SEE IF NEED SOIL TEST PAR G ~~~, " REC.TEST JUNE 4TH 1987~~<::::::l)...r-~.DEMO -~"'< I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication ,filled out i n full t he i nf ormation r eq uired , completed an accurate plot p lan,and state that a ll the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the i nformation and plot plan ,to comply w i th all T own ord inances and state laws,and to build th is structure according to t he T ow n's zoning ~d subd ivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building C <;?de and other r~n an ce s of ~~t:"9 \\(~v1ca b l :Ir/~i~o . CLEAN UP TO:~~rru..JL.~~-d1J.t.4 C,II ~I ----------BcJf...:J-Sbo vJ SIGNATURE 6 FOWNER ORCONTRACTOR ~O R 'HI M SE LF ANDTHEOWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERM IT TOBEFILLED OUTCOMPLETELYPRIOR TOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [X}{BU ILDING [Xj)(PLUMBING [X}{ELECTR ICAL CXb<FOUNDATION [X}{MECHAN ICAL 0 LEGAL LOT 12 BL rl !eSC. FILING Vail das Schone #1 B NAME :SCHMIDT RESIDENCE OWNER NAME COrey &Ka the rl ne Box2560 MAIL ADDRESS CITY Vail PH. ARCHITECT ueeet te ,Arnon I!I s.reuz FIRM MAIL ADDRESS Box 1230 Eagle328-2340 CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM 1400DLEY-MOORE CORP. CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.OIlO_71111 FIRM AVALANCHE ELECTRIC tlECTRICAL I88-E NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.468-0249 FIRM ,j I ttU t'LUI'IIHI~\:l PLUMB ING 176-P CONTRACTOR T OWNOFVAILREG.NO. T ELE.949-4320 ME6HA~ICA L FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. O THER FIRM TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. CON TRACTOR TELE. x (/r-:;;;;MoO X DATE C::;Oo,O O /00 .e c:.. 9 0,C"c.. PERMIT FEES 3 ,70 0.00 )( 9 ,000 .00 X -1 _,f,""1IQ- BlJl LDING PERM IT CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT DES IGN REVIEW BOARD USE TAX RE CREATION FEE •I (' MECHANICAL PLUMBING PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES BUILDING z ELECTRICAL 0 ~PLUMBING=>...J<MECHANICAL> -------ONING ADMINISTRATORI / I R 30 R 30 R·VALLUE Kl';1 VALUATION GAS X WO OD IIIIIII @ ABEHI RcM o 10" TH ICKNESS G.R.F.A. __NO .FIREPLACES ELEC . SO LAR F i b e rg l a ~s 10" GROUP I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this applicatio /1.filled out~~"full the information requ ired, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe ihformation prvid ed asrequiredi s correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot pl an ,l,tl J om PIY1"'ith all T own ordinances andstate laws ,andtobui ld th is structu re accord ing tothe rc'I n's.I~01'''P a~d subd ivision cod es,design review approved ,Uniform BUild ing Code and oth e ~111771/0"<:Town appl icable thereto. SIGN 'I /JRE OFOWERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND EOWNER. TYPE I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP /0-( FLOOR F 'fb er g L a s s EXT.WALLS r _1 De r g.la ~s ST.CUT »: B LASTIN G ,/ PARKI NG V DEMO ,/ HEIGHT INFT. ROOF ADDITIONALPERMITSNEEDED: Y DWELLING UNITS __1_ACCOMMODATION UNITS __ INSULATION:TYPE TYPE OF HEAT , NEWe X)ALTERATION ()ADDITIONALe )REPAIR () DIVISION 12 23 34 iGENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK :'=""_N NewHome ~onstructl0n ~PLUMBING I3J FOUNDATION D CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r--~~=::::~:':':-_ LEGAL LOT 1 2 BL B DESC .FILING V al d as Schone1 DB NAME :S chmidtRe sid ence OWNER NAME Core y &Ka therine Scmf.d: MAIL ADDRESS PO Box 2 56 0 CITY Va il ,CO .PH. ARCHITECT FIRM DeGe tte ,A r mon &Kr euz MAIL ADDRESS PO B ox 1 230 CITY Eagl e,Co .PH.328 -23 40 GENERAL FIRM Woo d ley-Mo or e Co rp . CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.94 9 -7 114 FIRM Av al anch eE lec tr i c «ECTRICAL 1 8 8ETOWNOFVAILREG.NO.NTRACTOR TELE.46 8 -024 9 FIRM ci s L td .P lumbing PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.17 6P CONTRACTOR TELE.9 49 -432 0 FIRM N ot Select e d. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. x X X x x x x lown 0 val _department of community development *****PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X)MARKS ARE! TOBE FillED OUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOF PER."IT TYPE OF PERMIT ~BU ILDING.M ELECTRICALeJMECHANICAL • TO:Com Dev Staff FROM:Peter DATE:6/5/87 SUBJECT:project List • In an attempt to better track progress on all our projects,I would like to do a couple of things that I hope will help us all.First,I'd like to post above the water cooler the project list which was developed on 4/24.It will be helpful to have the entire list displayed for easy scanning. Secondly,to help measure progress and keep us all (especially me!)up to date,I would like our last staff meeting of each month to include a review of our updated project list.In other words,the person who is principally (day-to-day)in charge of each project will be responsible for providing the update (in typed format)at the last staff meeting of the month.Discussion will then take place as necessary. Last,if you would like to change the format of the project sheet,please be ready to discuss it on Tuesday,June 9.I believe you all have copies.Thanks! ./ ....• Town of Vail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 • Plan analysis based on the 1985 Uniform Building Code Project Id:SCHMIDT RES. Address:LOT-12,BLK-B,VALDAS-l Occupancy:R3,Ml Type of Const:V-N Date:June 3,1987 Contractor:WOODLEY-MOORE Architect:DAK-LTD Engineer:NONE Plans Examiner:GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1985 UBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property line EAST Property line SOUTH Property line WEST Property line Area increased 2.500001 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V-N SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 15.0 Feet 55.0 Feet 22.0 Feet 8.0 Feet %for open area FIRE PROTECTION 15.0 Feet 55.0 Feet 22.0 Feet 8.0 Feet on 2 sides. FL NAME OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 2 Parking Garage Ml 550 3000 0.18 3 1 0.06 2 Dwelling R3 648 Unlimited 2 1 0.04 TOTAL 1198 6512 0.18 5(5)1 0 .10(0.10) 1 Dwelling R3 1198 Unlimited 4 1 0.08 TOTAL 1198 Unlimited 4(6)1 0.08(0.13) BUILDING TOTAL 2396 25884 0.09 9*NOTE:Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Table 5-D #NOTE:Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec.3302.(a)exc. The allowed M area is 3000 sq.ft.for a mixed occupancy.--Sec .1102. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS M1-R31 hr Materials approved for Ihr construction are required on the garage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core,self-closing door.--Sec.503.(d)ex #3 All glazing in hazardous locations (see section 5406.(d»is required to be of safety glazing material.--Sec.5406. • .v.:1 " '~\.',,..:r Tj...",."',:.;C r,I'I. " •.':.I c, " • ", m ,.h ~':',TJ .: r " i", ,... .. ,, -I ',' ". I I•~",. )(I I I l t " .'J j .'..'.'( ,...., -,", !I "" ,"'1 ,J ,r ,,51 ,r'j j /\t "J....., "'.,,'-,(,1 -r "'.,.J ..l.." r ,1 c " 0 r ,<..,~'," .)',,I "••~t ,",;•I .... 1 "'1,),'t "4 \".:,.1 I,r ,n I.,e: [/" h ~r ir...n'1 t ~;i ;:l ,, '>);,.1 • \'I -',v ,I : ),.," ,.-j ~r t t~.t ~,-~.J ",I,'l .t ·",,I 'I ~-,,-; 't·~1.,r·",,.1'-"j·1 ..~ 1 \-r-J ,"J (1 .5 ~~)j r;t ,LJ"t ,."-.h i ,j ". " ~)l'r E,S O' I ,".In -"~I -:e ,,.r .J'1 ;.»r ,'.-..I J .,.J... ..•• EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON -BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALLWALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT M1 OhrOhr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None R3 OhrOhr None OhrOhr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. None No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50%of the area of the wall maximum .Sec 504.(b) NOP Openings are not permitted in this wall.*These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing.The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall.See section 1709.for details and exceptions. BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A MATERIAL FIRE RATING ANY NONE ANY NONE ANY NONE OTHER ELEMENT Interior Bearing wall Interior nonbrg wall Structural Frame Exterior Struct Frame Shaft Enclosure Floor/Ceiling Assembly Roof/Ceiling Assembly Stairs ANY ANY ANY ANY 1 hr NONE NONE NONE NOTES AND EXCEPTIONS See footnote #1 FOOTNOTES: 1)Minimum on exterior side also based on exterior brg.wall requirements. Based on section 3202.(b) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.--Sec. 3306.(b) Sec.3306.(c)exc.#1 The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height=36 inches,maximum opening size=6 inches.--Sec. 1711.exc 2 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-6 inches.--Sec.3306.(p) The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet.--Sec . 3303.(d) ••... ,A r 1 .1',,I,i I '~f'i',lV,,,0 I..',·f f 'v...\ r t '-'(••11 l .~(..q j ,;,.,,f j 'I 'r;\I I,'1 .';;0 '~ .,'\,I ,.]'I .,, 1 ...It!,,"," ·1':~1 .I •'.,I I .,' ,,VI "-~"",.)1 .'I ;..r ';, IIi ,",<-1 r:,.'I' I I"J "J "o ~t ..('.-;...:'t 1 1 1':-a I,"....e , 1 )t "'!t,... f./J..i'11:"TJI, ~,, l:'"c.L I vr-,:'«!~~.,("f ,".,'1"1 •I -r,r "t '1 t 'J \4 11 i.J'•,1 ':'-t',: i~\1"~" j''J , ,I I .'-J " , 'J.\ ·-\~1 'j ,... "I JL ~,,'e ,I •," p Ht,', ,,1 -l- ".~F)."" j .'j ,,>I 'l.l.' .11 .r ....'..'. '0< " ,..;.'.i·~ ,i .• ,' I'T ...... " I ",.0 ,'~ " ..' l./-,d. " 1\.,\'J ~1':.I 'j !fi.' .~d J -u '1 ,~( •(t" ..'. ,, 'I'.','I <.....(~-...'"j ,I l r '0\(" I ~11'~,,l:'-;~. /1 l.H ,",,["11 -1 1 :,"'I ' "·r I ..\,".'.~~, "•"JF,J ,-\"'i.'.' (....,.:'',-:... ~".1 ., r,- ~'",I ",. .r -r I " fr·' ,.t' " ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For M1 occupancy • For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping.--Sec.1204. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft.,a clear height of 24 inches,and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum).--Sec .1204 . All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10%or more of the floor area.(min 10 sq.ft.)--Sec.1205.(a) All habitable rooms require an openable exterior openings equal to 5% or more of the floor area.(min 5 sq.ft.)--Sec.1205.(a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens,halls,and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet.-- Sec.--1207.(a) •••Town of Vai 1 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 • Plan correction based on th e 1985 Uniform Building Code P roject Id .S CHM IDT RES. Addre ss :LOT-1 2 ,BLK-B,VALDAS -1 Occupancy:R3,M1 Typ e of Const:V-N Date:June 3,1987 Contractor:WOODLEY-MOORE Architect:OAK-LTD Engineer:NONE Plans Examiner:GARY MURRAIN #SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTIONREQUIRED ============================================================================= 1 2 .".'-' 4 All sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engineer registered in this state. Provide attic ventilation that complies with section 3205.(c) Pro vide an attic access (22X30 min)to each attic area .--Sec.3205.(a) A s moke detector is required in the access area to all rooms used for sleeping purposes.--Sec. 1 210.(a) Provide 2 compl ete sets of engineered by the truss manufacturer's engineer. st ate) truss deted 1 s (reg in this 6 Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. LED6ER • MONTHLY LEDGER t ROUND UP TO NEAREST SI,OOO t :: • TOTAL NEW REC.FEE ::PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERm JOB NAME CONTRACTOR TOTAL BLDG.NEW PERm STREET RESDNTL SQ. DRB TAX RATE ELECTRICAL PL UMBING MECHANICAL ::IF UNDER IF OYER PLAN ELEC.PLUMB.,In.VALUE SQ.FT.TYPE TAX?FT.tYIN)?RESIDENTIAL FEE ?S/SQ.FT.VAL.YAL.VAL.::$1 00,00 0 S100,OOO CHECK FEE FEE ================================================================================================================================ =========================================================================================================== 6/3/87 LANDMAR KRETAINS LANDMAR KMAT.825 °REP Y NN N0.00 00 o"22 0 14 N/A MIA"6/3/87 PEREGRINE LIQUOR CA NTON CONST.6,500 °ALT N NN N 0.00 0 °o"86 0 56 NIA N/AII 6/3/87 DANA REMODEL RIPPY CONST.18,000 235 ADD YN Y N 0.15 1200 2000 o"189 0 95 45 20"6/3/87 TELEHARK UNITtIl PERFECTIONISTS ONLY 1,300 0 REP YN Y N 0.00 0 °o"31 0 16 N/A NIA"6/3/87 SCHMIDT RES.WOODLEY-MOORE 168,000 2396 NEW Y Y Y Y 0.15 3700 9000 3000 ::0 878 439 87 90 DESIGN CLEAN-UP STREET :1 TOTAL PER"IT:: REVIEW DEPOSIT USE TAX:I FEE Ii "ECH. FEE REC. FEE • "" "" "" "" • LEGAL DESCR . ========================================================================================= MIA 0 MIAMIA 100 :i 135 Ii MIA 0 MIA 100 MO "241 I:,, MIA 35 MIA 100 150 ::b34 :: N/A 0 N/A MIA 100 I:147 II 45 359 100 500 940 II 3338 :: •Tow n of Vai1 7 5 S .Fro ntage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 • Plan analysis b asedo n the 1985 Unif orm Building Code Project Id:SC HMIDT RES. Address:LoT-1 2,BLK-B ,VALDAS -1 Occup an cy:R3,M1 Type o f Cons t:V-N Date:June 8 ,1987 Contrac tor:WOODLEY -MOORE Architect:DAK-LTD Engin eer:NONE Plans E xaminer:GARY MURRAIN No TE:The code items listed in this r eport are not intended to be a comp lete listing of all poss ib le code requi rements in the 1985 UBC.It is a guide to s el ect ed sections of the code. ========================~====================================================== TYPE OF CoNSTRUCTIoN:V -N F IRE PROTEC TIO N 15 .0 Feet 5 5 .0 Feet 22.0 Feet 8 .0 Feet 2 sides . SEPARA TION AREA INCREASE 15.0 Feet 5:'5.0 FE"!et 22.0 Feet 8 .0 F eet /.for open area on DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Propert y line E AST Property l ine SOUTH Property line WEST P roperty li ne Area in creased 2 .500001 FL NAME oCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 2 Par k ing Ga rage M1 *550 3000 0.18 3 1 0 .06 2 Dwelli ng R'648 Unlimited 2 1 0.04~. TOTAL 11 98 6512 0.18 5 (5)1 O.10 (O.10) 1 Dwell ing R'1198 Unlimited 4 1 0 .08~. TOTAL 1 198 Unl imited 4(6)1 0 .08(O.13) BUILDING TOTAL 2396 25884 0 .09 9 *NOTE:Indi c ates that this occupancy is not al lowed on thi s fl oor-Ta ble 5 -D #NOT E:Indicates that this o ccu pan cy i s an a cc essory area-Sec .3302.(a)e ~·~c. The all ow ed M area i s 3000 s q.ft.f or a m i xe d o c cupanc y.--Sec.1102. REQU IR ED OCC UPANCY S EPARAT I ONS M1 -R31 h r Materials appro ved for 1h r con struction are requ ired on the garag e si de o nly and 1 3/8 inch solid core,self-closing doo r.--Sec .5 03 .(d)ex #3 All gla zing in ha zardou s loc ations (see s ection 5406.(d»is req uired to be of safe ty gla zing mater ial .--Sec .5406. EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION NORTH E AST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALLWALL P ROT WALLWALL PROT loJALL WALL PROT M1 Ohr-Oht-None Ohr-Ohr-None Ohr-Ohr-No ne Ohr-Ohr-None R'Ohr-Ohr-None OhrOhr None OhrOhr None Ohr Ohr None._' The e xter-io r-walls may be of COMBUS TIBLE mater-i a l. Non e No f ire pr-otection requirements f or op enings . Pr-ot Opening s are t o be protected with 3/4 hr-fire asse mblies . 50%o f the area of th e wall ma ximum.Sec 504.(b) NOP Op ening s are not permitted in thi s wall. •.These walls may b e required to have a parapet wa ll 3 0 inches abov e the r-oofing.The par-apet wall i s required to have the same f ire r-ating as the wall.See section 1709 .for det ai ls a nd exceptions . BUILD I NG ELE ME NTS Table 17-A MATER IAL FIRE RATING ANY NON E ANY NONE AN Y NON E OTHER ELE MENT I nterio r-Bear-ing wa ll Interior non brg wal l Structur al Fr-ame Exte rior Struct Frame Shaft En closure Floor /Ceiling Assemb ly Roof/Ceiling Assembly Stair s ANY ANY ANY ANY 1 hr NONE NONE NONE NOTESAND E XCEPTIONS See footnote #1 FOO TNOTES: 1)Min imum on exterior side a lso based on exterior brg.wall requirements. Based on section 3202.(b) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire reta rdant. E XIT NOTES: A s tairway in a dwelling must be at l east 36 i nches wide.--Sec. 3306.(b) Sec.3306.(c)ex c•#1 The maximum rise of a step is 8 inc hes and the minimu m r un is 9 i nches . Pr ovide a g ua rd r a i l where dro p off is greater t h an 30 i n ch es. Mi nimum h ei ght=36i nc hes,maximumo pening s ize=6 i nc hes .--Sec. 1 711.l'~:.:c2 The minimum he ad room is 6 f t.-6i nches.--Sec.3306 .(p) The maximum tr-ave l distance i n t h is b u il ding is 150 f eet.--Sec . 3303 .(d) •• •ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSBASED ON OCCUPANCY For M1 occ up ancy • For R3 oc cupa ncy Provid e a window or d oor to the e xterior from every room used for sleeping.--Sec.1 204. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft.,a clear height of 24 inches,and a c lear width of 20 incheslminimum).--Sec.1204. All h abitable room sr equire exterior glazed opening s equal to lOX or more of the floor a rea.Imin 10 sq.ft.)--Sec.1205.la) All habi ta bl e ro oms r equir e an open able exterior o penings equal to 5X or more o f the floor area .Imin 5 sq.ft .)--Sec.1205.la) Th e minimum ceiling in a habitabl e spac e is 7 fee t 6 inches e x cept kit ch en s,h alls,and ba ths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet.-- Sec.--1207.I a ) SOIL AND FOUNDATION INV ESTI GATIO N PROPOSED RESIDENCE,LO T 12,BLOCK B, VAIL DAS SCHONE RESUBDIVISIO N,FILING 1, CIWIONIX ROAD,1'0I./N OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO •chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS ~080 RD .1~GLENWOOD SPRINGS ,COLORADO !!1601 303 /945.7458 • -. Job No.27,231 Prepared For : Corey Schmidt P.O.Box 2560 Va il,CO 81658 December 28 ,1983 OFFICES :CASPER.CO LORADO SPRINGS.DE N VER.SA LTLAK E c rrv _____IIII!IIIl:II_I,II'II,~.",.,,--."..- ;j,.,'t .,• TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE OF HORK PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS SUBSOIL CONDITIONS Forn,DATION RECOM}ffiNDATIONS FLOOR SLABS UNDERDRAW SYSTEH SURFACE DRAINAGE LUIITATIONS FIGURE 1-LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIGURE 2-.LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIGURE 3 -LEGEND &NOTES OF EXPLORATORY IIOLES FIGURE 4-SIJELL'-CONSOLlDATlON .TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5-GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I-SUNNARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS • 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 6 7 .....,-, f t I •• CONCLUSIONS The proposed residence can be founded with spread footings placed on the natural clayey sandy gravels and ' designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 3,000 psf.An upper clay layer,with moderate swell potential,was encountered at the upper boring on the lot and will require special considerations during construction. Geotechnical design and construction considerations for the proposed development are presented in the body of this report. SCOPE OF WORK 'This report presents the results of a soil and foundation investi- gation for the proposed residence to be located on Lot 12,Block B,of Vail Das Schone Resubdivision,Filing 1,Chamonix Road,Town of Vail, Eagle County,Colorado. This report has been prepared .to summarize the data obtained and to present our conclusions and recommendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered .Design parameters anda discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to the construction of the proposed facility are included. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the time of this report .preparation,specific design and construction plans for the residence had not been developed.Generally,the proposed structure is expected to be2 stories in height with a lower level excavated into the hillside.Maximum cut depths on the order of 10 to 15 feet are anticipated and foundation loadings are expected to be light. The residence will be located on the west central portion of the lot and :;T::•• J'--.;' .' ., f I, ••., -2- contain about 1,500 square feet on the 2 levels proposed. Once specific building plans have been developed,this office should be -notified for geotechnical review and re-evaluation of the recommendations contained herein. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our field investigation,the site was undeveloped, vacant property with vegetation consisting primarily of native weeds and grasses.The lot is situated on the lower portion of the northwest valley side which slopes down to the southeast towards Interstate 70 and Gore Creek.Topographically,the ground surface within the lot slopes down moderately steep to very steep to the northeast.Grades range from about 20 %to 30 %within the southwest to west central and south central p ortion of the site and increase to 40 %to 70i;to the north and east. Hax imum elevation differential across the probable building area is on the order o f 1 0 to 12 feet.A maximum fill depth of about 8 feet from Chamonix Road emb ankment is located along the west site boundary. Approximatel y 2 feet of ·snowand relatively steep grades at .the site required the use of track mounted drill equipment to access the site. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsoil conditions were evaluated by drilling 2 exploratory holes at the locations shownon Figure 1.Graphic logs of the profiles encountered are presented on Figure 2.The results of laboratory testing including unconfined compressive strength,swell-consolidation tests, gradation analyses and other index properties are presented on Figures 4 and5 and summarized in Table I. ,. gravels with occasional to numerous cobbles and occasional boulders. As indicated by the logs,the subsurface profile is relatively uniform and consists predominantly of medium to very dense clayey sandy •-3-• 2 encountered a 14 foot topsoil layer above 9~feet of very stiff clays Hole 1 encountered a l!~foot topsoil layer overlying the gravels.Hole overlying the gravels.The maximum depth explored was 39 feet in Hole 1. Refusal to power auger drill equipment was encountered in Hole 2 at 18 feet due to the material density and size.The borings encountered occasional clayey sand layers within the coarse granular deposit. Swell-consolidation tests performed on samples of the clay encountered in Hole 2,indicate a low to moderate swell potential when the samples were subjected to loading and wetting (Figure 4).Results of gradation tests performed on the minus l~inch size fraction of the gravel deposit ..'~ are presented on Figure 5. Free water was not encountered in the borings at the time of drilling or when checked 6 days later. FOUNDATIQN RECOHNENDATIONS The very stiff clays encountered to 11 foot depth in Hole 2 possess a low to moderate swell potential and are undesirable for spread footing f oundation support.The proposed bench cut for the walkout lower level of the residence is expected to require excavation depths on the order of 10 to 15 feet within the vicinity of Hole 2 .Cut depths on this order will likely penetrate the expansive clays exposing the dense clayey sandy gravels for foundation and slab support.Considering the proposed construction and general subsoil and topographic conditions at and construction criteria should be observed: soils can be used for support of the structure.The following design the site,we believe spread footings placed on the natural granular •-4-• 1)Footings placed on the n~tural clayey sandy g~vels below the existing topsoil and expansive clays may be designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 3,000 psf.Total settlements are anticipated to be in the range of about ~to 3/4 inch with differential settlements of about ~inch.The settlements due to dead load of the structure will almost all occur during construction. 2)Footings should have aminimum width of 16 inches for walls and 2 feet for columns. 3)Continuous foundation walls should be adequately reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet.Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure corresponding to an equivalent fluid weight of 40 pcf.We assume the backfill will consist of non-expansive on-site granular soils free of oversized material and compacted to aminimum 90%of standard Proctor density.The backfill surface should be graded to slope down·and away from the structure. '. 4)Exterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. 5)Areas of loose or soft material or expansive clays encountered within the foundation excavation should be removed and the footings extended down to the undisturbed natural soils. 6)A representative of the soil engineer should observe the excavations prior to concrete placement. •t "",·• •-5-• FLOOR SLABS Floor slabs present a difficult problem where swelling soils are present near floor slab elevation because a sufficient dead load cannot be imposed onthem to resist the uplift pressure generated when the soils are wetted and expand.Based on the moisture volume change characteristics of the stiff clays encountered,we recommend that any clays remaining at floor slab grade within "the lower level excavation be removed and replaced with nonexpansive fill.If significant depths of clay are encountered below slaD grade,an alternative to removal and replacement would bea structural floor above a well ventilated crawl space. To reduce the effects of some differential movement,the floor slabs should be separated from bearing walls and columns with an expansion joint which allows unrestricted vertical movement.Floor slabs should be provided with control joints to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking and the slabs should be adequately reinforced.We suggest that control joints be provided on the order of 15 feet on center.Aminimum4 inch free draining granular layer may be placed beneath floor slabs to aid in drainage and provide a uniform surface for concrete placement.This material should consist of aggregate with less than 5%passing the No. 200 sieve and more than 50%retained on the No.4 sieve. Fill placed beneath floor slabs should bea non-expansive material compacted to at least 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum.Prior to fill placement,the ground surface should be stripped of vegetation,topsoil and debris and compacted to 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density at near optimum moisture. ..~. /~~i UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although free water was not encountered in the test borings at the time of our investigation,it has been our experience in mountain areas .. • -6- e · that localized seeps or perched water ·can development during times of seasonal runoff.Therefore,all below grade levels excavated into the hillside should be protected byan underdrain system.The underdrain should consist of a perforated pipe installed in a gravel-filled trench placed at least 1 foot below adjacent floor slab or crawl space grade and sloped onaminimum 1%grade to suitable gravity outlet.Free- draining granular material placed below floor slabs should be connected to the underdrain system.The gravel drain material should contain less than 5%passing the No.200 sieve and more than 50%retkined on the No. 4 sieve. The on-site clayey sandy gravels devoid of vegetation,topsoil and oversized rock should be suitable for use as structural fill.The on- site clays are suitable for overlot grading,but should not be used for structural fill. SITE GRADING We assume that the lower level excavation will be constructed by overexcavating the slopes to a stable configuration rather than utilizing a temporary retaining system.We suggest that temporary excavation slopes in the soils be constructed no steeper than 1 horizontal to 1 vertical.Some minor surface sloughing may occur adjacent to the slope faces at these angles; however,large-scale slope failures are unlikely. SURFACE DRAINAGE Permanent unretained cuts in the overburden soils less than 15 feet in height maybe2 horizontal to 1 vertical.The risk of slope instability will be significantly increased if seepage is encountered in the cuts.l~e do not anticipate seepage will be encountered.However,if it is,a stability investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut. The following drainage precautions should be observed during con- struction and maintained at all times after the facility has been completed: 1)Excessive wetting or drying of the soils exposed in the foundation excavation and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2)Miscellaneous exterior backfill around the building should consist of non-expansive granular materials moistened or dried to near optimum and compacted to at least 90%of the maximum standard Proctor density. 3)The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions.We recommendaminimum slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet.Site grading should be planned to divert surface runoff away from the •-7-• structure. 4)Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. for design purposes.The conclusions and recommendations submitted in geotechnical engineering practices in this area for use by the client this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory holes -. -8-• This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted LHIITATIONS drilled at the locations indicated on the exploratory hole plan.The nature and extent of variations between the exploratory holes may not become evident until excavation is performed.If during construction, existing fill,soil,rock or water conditions appear to be different from those described herein,this office should be advised at once so 'that re-evaluation of the recommendations maybe made.\ole recommend on- site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata bya soil engineer. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES,INC; By fuQ \''o-c.n G.. Stephen A.Down Reviewed 1111287 .:",. SAD/de cc:Bridge Street Real Estate &Investment Co. Attn:Alvin R.B.Knoblock Chamonix Road • Tr act Il Commer cial ,'\J"C'a I I<..----- • App rox , Scale 1"=:;0 ' '-- \ I'rllptC'I'y I.iIlC'~ ~I I I ,,'"'. Vail Il a~Sch one Fi ii Ill:I chenandassociates,inc.I.OCAT I ON 0 F LXI'I.O IL\TOllY 1I0l.ES i, .., CJ CJ..... 65 c 0.., > 60 CJ - 55 50 -15 40 •1I01e 2 U=92 .5' 1.0l;S OF EXP I,lJR ,\,/,ORY IIO LES •110 1l'1 E I=1\2 .0 ' chenand associates,inc. 95 ~}(I ~[~1714/9 Assumcd Lower IlIl=1 10.4 Fl oor J.eve l~ -200=90 1.1.=46 85 1'1=27 20/121\·C =16.O 1'0 Illl=112 .~ UC=9850 15/12 10 /3 75 10/6,20/9 ..,27/12 CJ 70 \\e=7.(, CJ -200=18 4-<25/6,45/7 c 0 65.......,30/0 > :J (,0 - len and associates,inc. Moisture Content =17.0 percent Dry Unit Weight·110.4 pcl Sample01:clay,slight ly sandy From :Holc 2 at 3' r-.r-, ~I'\-:.---t--<,"I P--t--I--l-t-r-...t\"pr-, I'\. "undcrE,II"n ~ons an~ p es ~ue to ~ett ~ng c 2 0..... '"c '"10- X l.:.l ()~0 c 0..... '"'"tls-. 0-2E 0 U 0 .1 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf 100 :::~0 c 0 1..... '"'"os-.c.2E 0u 3 Moisture Content =16.0 percent Dry Unit Weight =112.5 pel Sample01:clay,sandy From :Holc 2 at 8' .r------I---~r--r---"'--..J"'-...t- p~11\ ~[\r-.jJ I"\. \[c n underxaI con st~It r sf'"Ie duc t c wct rin Jo f ! 1"e,., 4 100 Fig._ I~10 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 0 .1 27,231 U SST AN DAno SEH IES CLEAR SQUARE O PENINGS 'HXJ -so '40 ':\0 "'6 -'P'F1 '4 '."....1 ';M J '5 "6 '8 " o 30 70 80 JO o "'40Z ;;' I- "'50 '" I- Z "'6O l;? "'a. 10 76212738, 0'0 '9, • 18.., 952 Hole 1 at 9' 4;6 S IEVE ANAL YSIS SI LT AND CL AY FR OM 1.19 PL A STl C 'TY INDE X 297 I 590 48 % nNE 149 SAND ... 2 38 04;'20 D IAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS lI .l; •chen and associates,inc. sand &gravel, clayey 34 ''0 Ul 9 lI0UI D LIM IT cix-TOS ILT ,I~~[Il tM)ltJGS GRAVE L S AMP l.E 0 , H YD RO ME T ER ANAL YS IS (Xl? o o 00 ' o o 30 90 2 -79 HY D '10 '.'=TEH A NALVSIS S IEVE A NAL YS IS .I '.'f ,,!....~,.'u ;~, o 00 o ° 4(J o 0 "'Z;; I- "'50 '" I- Zw""Uc; "'n o -'0 S ILT AND C LAY '3 0 PLASTI CITY IN DEX °'0 f ltn 'Hill ". SAND '?''O U 4}20 D IAMETEROF PA flT l C LE IN MILLIMETER S . -:1 h ,"TO ':H r F.t "•O Il I .,N (j r-t'Jt l "~_''.'I.l .",.,~.~I 1 r,.~I N ,0 '40 .',.,'R '4 i,5'5" ,0 I 1---'_..., ~, C 3 + 4 ..-·1.., ::::-.=-='::--:1 ~.-:=--~-..;--.rr------._. l:=-.---_.-t-- ",..--..-'-..--==-. s,I---=-- I==--rt;i= ,, I ",'1 /11.'.....,~~.';1 11 II)}0,'4 14 '1 ~9 1 I ~.~.M),'0 T2 :Ill ".I I ~,jI "I I '111 1 Hi "l 12 7 2:'<> .9< '.:.r.1P L[O F FR OM 5Fig._GRADATIO~~TEST RESULTS~7 ,231 CHEN AND ASSOCIATES SUMMARY OF TAB LE LABORATORY TEST Job No.2 7,231 RESULTS SA ,,",Pl r L<;.:'ATlON NATURAL ~RADATION NArURAL PERCENT ATTE~.E~G L IMITS UN CONFINED t.lOlS TuRE ooy PASS ING COMPRESS ivE SOILO R HOLE O[FTH CONTENT DEN SITY GRAVEL SAND NO.200 LIQU ID PLASTIC ITY STRENGTH BEDROCK T YPE (FEET)(%J (PCFl (°/.)(%)S IEVE LIMIT INDEX (PSFl (%)(%l 1 9 7 .6 34 4 818 sand &gravel,claye y 2 3 1 7 .0 110 .4 90 46 27 clay,sl LzhtI v s andy 8 16.0 11 2.5 9850 clay sandy -- ~--..--'.'0:--- ...... • DA TE OF PUB LIC HE ARI NG"--'-t-='-+-- •INTER -DE PART ME NTAL REVIEW c ./~. PRO JECT :::>e-A 1ft ,-L/~ DA TE SU BMITI ED :1./1 I :s CO ~t"lE NTS NEEDED BY :r I 2-C BRI EF DES CR I PTI ON OF TH?PR OP OSAL: /V U rla r'f L/~/.c,orT"'''''~12.."" V ~7"..rC~~d~7' 51((j '--'ltv f/De.e:....:t£.I .>"7f 7 u=- I s O,o.....j s /7<=pc I'J-tJ (I 0 f Jt h f-l r?~\.~) FIRE DEP ARTMEN T Revi ewed by :Date._ Comments : POLICE DE PAR TMEN T Reviewed by:Dat e._ Comment s: •.J '.-•." 4.~. REC REfl.TION D EPAR Tj·j ~N T Rev i ewe d by:Dat e._ Co;;-;ments: •• .. UT ILITY LO CAT ION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION ~r-e..SlJ6 d IV'-StO t?o LVtil \das ~,v e..-.("ubJ ~visl ~,v J OB NAME COR~y 5:c.6 f\\"cl t---J-R~e.=S::.!..,·.=..J::::!eN.:::..:c.e=s....--,-_ LOT-'2.BL~CK B FILING 1 V~c£e-"S vL ADDRESS 2Lf '3 0 detM-ON \'1.La.Ne...... The loc ation of utilities,wh ether they bemain trunk lines ,mustb e approved and veri fied by the following accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountain Bell 1-634 -3778 .- ~~S-?-5S~ Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Ga ry Ha 11 Q'11 -s 7f3 I *Ho ly CrossElectric Assoc. Ted Hus ky/Michae l Laverty "If'!-5 e.q ().. Va il Cable T.V .""J~-Ga l"y delHI 5 OR 'fiN -5'53 0 Gi~::"2~;;;::::::.::::.,Jk~2:~=== Upper EagleValley Water and San itation Discr ict Davi d Krenek '17b -71fB o (~Ikf J..., ~-y-?7 i7 ~g7 £-,,1--:1 /1/7 r?/*For new cons t~p l ea s e fill out attached sheet . 't-1-Y7 NOTE:Thes e verifications do not relieve t he contractor of his responsibility to obtain a ..street cut permit from the Town of Vai l,De partment o f Public Wor ks and to obtain utility locations before digging in an y public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A bUilding permit is not a street cut permit .A street cut permit mustbe obtained separately. This f orm is to verify servic e availablity andl ocation . This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. / ••• COMMITMENT TO I~~SURE Th is comm itment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P.O.BOX 357.VAIL.COLORADO 81657 Telephone(303)476 -2251 .r>1'\•..,,-_.~Cpot1Tt\ers lg n ~:._----..)i .;\.......,.~-,~./ I ~.~';.!•~.:._~-\~..i ~_~\...,:-"'-".~ G v ----"\),iJ Va li Cl ntmfOfficer Rep resenting: --_....--~-A.ACOM MIT MEN T ~ -Charliles - Owner Policy Tax CertH. --TOTAL -- SCHEDULE A Application No.V0005989 .For Information Only $173.00 $5.00 $178.00 With your remitta.nce please refer to V0005989. 1.Effective Date:NOVEMBER 16,1983 at 8:00 A.M. 2.Policy to be issued,and pr~poged Insuredl "ALTA"Own.r"!PolicY Form B-1970 (Amended 10-17-70) COREY A.SCHMIDT $34.000.00 3.The esta.te '01'interest in the land de~cribed 01'referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: AFEE 4.Title to the e~tate 01'intere~t covered herein is a.t the effective da.te hereof vested in: GERTRUD HACKER AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 3/4 INTEREST,FRED GEORGE HACKER AS 1/8TH INTEREST AND JEFFREY STEVEN HACKER AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/8TH INTEREST 5.The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 12,BLOCK B,A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.1 ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. ••ALJA --==-~-+r-;;-+-;---n--C-""""~------__...~=:;=Ii'll SCHEDULE B-1 A~~lication No.V0005989 The followine are the re~uirement5 to be com~lied with: 1.Payment to or for the account of the erantors or mort,a90rs of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2.Proper instrument<s)creatine the estate or intere~t to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record,to-wit: 3.WARRANTY DEED FROM GERTRUD HACKER AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 3/4 INTEREST, FRED GEORGE HACKER AS 1/8TH INTEREST AND JEFFREY STEVEN HACKER AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/8TH INTEREST TO COREYA.SCHMIDT CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE:THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX BY VIRTUE OF ITS INCLUSION IN THE TOWN OF VAIL.PURCHASER SHOULD CONTACT THE TOWN OF 'VAIL REGARDING SAID ASSESSMENT. i ! COM MIT MEN T- SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptiol"J~)Application No.V0005989 The ~olicYor policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the followin9 unles~the same are disposed of to the sati~faction of the Company: 1.Standard Exceptions 1 throu~h 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6.Taxes and assessments not vet due or payable and special assessments not vet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7.Anv unpaid taxes or asses~ments a9ain!t said land~ 8.Lien~for unpaid water and sewer charges.if anv. 9.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE "PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 11, 1900,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 10.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR, RELIGION.OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ..JULY 07,1965,IN"BOOK 190 AT PAGE 559 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 22,1968,IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 96 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 22,1968,"IN BOOK 212 AT PAGE 329 AND AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 16,1970 IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 78.~-N EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY 5 FEETIN WIDTH ALONG "ALL SITE~O U N D AR I ES FOR USE OF UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION,ERECTION AND "MAINTENANCE THEREOF,INSTRUMENT RECORDED ~U LY 7,1965 IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE 559. 12.ITILITY EASEMENT 7FEETIN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINE AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE .FILING NO.1.6)13.UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER AND .SANITATION IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ..JANUARY 21,1982,IN BOOK 335 AT PAGE 144. ~cc ptanc of this as nt by th Vail Vlliag We st Wat r snd Sanitation Distrlct shall constitut its agr nt and cOllsent as follows: F"e S6 .00pd bov -d scri IIUlxi us subs u nt ct to the TEMPORARY EASEMENT Recorded at 11 :00 A.H.Januar.,1982 Re corder Johnnette Phillips Ea9l e Co unty <:erEEI Racker ,e' SIGNED AND DELIVERED this day of Witn ss myh nd and official a a1. KNOW ~L L ME BYTHESEPRESENTS. ~tmper sry e aaem nt,together with the r ight o f access to th.,eaa nt,together with the right of ingress and ress,for c onstruction purpoaes,to expire 60 dsys af ter th completion of all construction on th pe nent asement on th followin; d scribed property: ~strip of land located in Lot 12,Block "a", Va il o.s Schone,Filing No.1 Resubdivision, Eagle County,Colorado,d scri d as the Northerly 10 f t of said Lot 12,bound on the orth by Tract "0",(C~rcial). T II~T G rtr ud Hacke r,J f fr ey lIack er and rred Hacker, fo r T n Oollar a($10.00),a nd olh r good andv aluab le cons ideration, th r ip to f wh ich i shr with acknowledged,hereby sells andc onveys t o the Vail Village W st Water and Spnitation Dist rict,a q ua ai -mu ni cipal corporation of the State of Col o rauo,th fo l lowi ng real p~operty 5ituate in the County 0'Eagl e ,S at e of Co l ~r do,to-wit. Grantor,its successors,and asaigns,ahall not r ct nor plac any pe...n nt building,atructur ,i prov - nt,fenc or tr e on th abo -doacri teaporary as nt during th existence of thia T porary Eaa nt,and Grantee shall not be Ii ble for their r val if th y ar so placed. Grant shall not interfere with ny xistin pn nt dw 111ng or coaDercial buildinq loc t adjacent to this t porary eas nt. ST~T 0 COLORADO ss. cou Y0 LJ Th nt was acknow1 dg d bMfore t h is ,,....(.,1981,by G rtrud Hack r. 1981. 1.At such tia and in th ev nt that th ease- nt d scribed h re1n shall be abandon ,th prop rty interest of grant in the eas .ent shall inm diately pever and th rafter rg d in th de-inant estate. 2,Th facilit i s inatalled in th nt shall be install d,sO as to 0I it th njoym nt of th surface by th pres nt and own ra of th above-described prop rty and subj f ollowing sp cial conditions: ( __c ~• c.t t ' J I I rl ~ 1~O '~ I I-\.e ~ .. I t r ... "•• APPLI CATIO N DATE :-.L..J--~~-----­ DATE OF OR B ~EETI im:---'-/--Lj--=-f------- ORB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBt1ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member is strongly suggestedto determine if anyadditional information isneeded.No application will beaccepted unless it iscomplete (must include all items required by thezoning adm inistrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff to find outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a CO MP LE TE applica- tion will stream line theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapprova l that the ORB may stipu late.ALL conditions of approva l must be resolved before a building permitis issued.. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: j::?telkE;4.t GAte' -rU4>U A'II=g~~e A-:SIUl:IL..E:£'AM IL.'-("~steP~t4 ge:SI ... 4tAgAGr~&I'Ll b...L..Q1""kJ J b tsa:?~1r: ~a·l.~ra"~t::'e:. ________________________--=:J=--e_v_v l'We y ~""~'"r;: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:\v,v--- Address 2'1.30 Cham ON 'l}C LqlJe...\S~\~S c.. Lega 1Descri pti on Lot 12 Block _---=6:::.....Fili ng I . Zoning ~lIrl ...-tlloR"Y'1~~~"'r:>A.fItY C.NAME OF APPLICA NT:t..&lrz~""f 4.J<~-I-Y~~L.1E:~GHMIP"'" Address 64)(Z">~c:>VA 1'-LL.a.81t.-oS'C te lephoneAI1(P.ao:sZ. D.NAME OF APP LICANT 'S REP RESEN TATIVE:PAk:'L-~.--=-----=--'=----=..:....::.-:...._---------- Address 6~K 1:Z30 E:Ac::.:rL.e.I {...Q.6t"'~t telephone~2.eZa40 E.NAM E OF OWNERS ,~"':,~e;_"",,s I~!:~!"JI'""",e- Signature &b A.~~I!!JJ-Z~LMd.A Address P.O.&:'x 25"0 Vfl~I a telephone '/76 -'1D3 :J... F.ORB FEE:The fee wi 11 bepaid at thetimea bu ilding permit is requested. VALU ATIO N FEE $o-$10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25 .00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$.500,000 $100.00 $500,001-$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMP ORT ANT NOTI CE REG ARD I NG ALL SUBMISSI ONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and build ing corners .Trees that will bere moved should also be marked.This work mustbe completed beforethe ORB visits the site . 2.The re view process for NE WBU IL DIN GS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meet ings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have notasked for a postponement will be required tobe republished. ••" .. 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,have tobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approvlng the addition;and/or approval from theagent for,or manager ofa con do minium association. 5.You may be required .to conductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Plannerbefore proceeding. .., ".,.. ~'..~' I .' ...~'.," .~.. ..". ", .",.. ", .. ,.' ," ... I.NEW CO NSTRUCTION • MA TER IAL TO BE SUBMITTED • A.Topo graphic mapa nd site planof site contain ing thefol lowing (2copies ): 1.Licensedsurve yor's stamp. 2.Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless theparcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,5'contour intervals wi ll beaccepted . 3.Existing trees orgroupsof trees having trun ks withdia meters of 4"or more one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.). 5.Avalanche areas,100 yearflood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if app licab le. 6.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer invert. 7.Locationsofthefollowing : a.Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and typeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all util'esto include existing sources and proposed r service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Te lephone sewer water gas electric c.Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis ofbear ing d.Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot e levations e.Al l ease ments 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing and proposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,loa ding areas,retaining walls (withspot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (withexisting grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To besubmittedwith site plan. C.Preliminary tit le report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership -and all easements on property. D.Landscape Plan (I"=20'orl arger )-2 copies 1.Show the location of 4 "dia meter or ~larger trees;"other 's h ~J 6 s c a ~a -~~f i ~e plants th i areonthe site and the location and desig n ofproposedlandscape area t with the varieties and approxi mate sizes of plant mater ia ls tobe planted .~ 2.Comp lete landsca pe mat erials lis t. 3.Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost. NOTE:As much ofthe above information as possible shouldoccuronthe site plan,so that the inter-relation ofthe various components is clear.Thelandscapeplanshouldbe se pa rate.Th eexistingt opog raph ic and vegetational characteristics maybea separate map .The applicant must sta ke the site to show lot lines and bui lding corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbetagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the DRB site visit.. ••.. E.Architectural Plans(1/8"=I'or larger)2copies 1.Must include floor plans and all elevations asthey will appear on comp letion. Elevations ~t show both eXj~g and finished graj~s. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified andsubmitted for reviewonthe materials list available from the Department of Co~unity Develop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,shouldbe presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F.The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require thesubmissionof additional plans, drawings,specifications,samples and other material (including a model)if deemed necessary todeterminewhethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. II.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) ofproposal may besubmittedin lieu ofthe more formal requirementsgivenabove,as longastheyprovide all important specifications for theproposed including colors and materials tobeused. III.ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Original floor planswith all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan 'showingexisting and proposed construction -2copiestopos D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for al l materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development Atthe request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form. H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I.Preliminary title report,verifying ownershipof property and lists ofeasements. IV.FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permithas been issued,and when the project is underway,thefollowing will be required beforeany building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement survey showing: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Buildingdimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-builts.2copies E.Basisof bearing to tie to section corner. F.All property pins are tobe either found or set and stated on map. G.Alleasements H.Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. ...•LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:~c.I"h11P-t ~~IDel.k ..e- LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT It BLOCK E'FILING STREET ADDRESS:2430 C.h~/'l\eN'\)(L if~Q....----'---- DESCRIP!ION OF PROJECT:A 1?U"k;l~e p~,!,,If .7?:.,~tA,'.'",=4 'Z.~1iC'~~C4E. The following information is required for submittal bythe applicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approvalcanbe fiven: ...... A.BUILDI NG MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof ~~~~e:t'e 11ke~ Siding ....._6 -'--_ Other Wa 11 Ma teri a1s -6·bJUD Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim., Doors ,~e*1-0 k&defe.ow'l1«{ '.'. Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails It'.~.~Ef'1:)~12: I?-So c::.E 12~12:' SOJ\tI.u.4-:;;'I.J j V\,Mw -tLi..~ I\.\\.\\.'-\ Flues J •• Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other B.LA NDS CAP I NG :Name of Des igner:--"'t2~~=___:!'i'.=-=-='L"':-n:'_"'C2"'--'.'------------­ phone:",2 e eo.,40 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botan ical Na me PcPrl,H..~" A IJ '"LHo1"1 ~L.I'-'. .1 I' Co mmon Name ~"lIflWioJ L,.1iii ...F (.o-r~aJ .....crc:o C' II II Quanity Size* EXISTING TREES TO UA. BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) •., •.. .,PLANT MATERIALS:Botani ca1 Name (can 't) Common Name Quanity Size SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS U~ TO BE REMOVED .... "'---- GROU ND COVERS SOD SEED ," "~u<"LJ£"'~61-ue~eA'\S~ Square Footage TYPE OF 0JJ.IRRIGATION --"'--"------------------- TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL ------------------- C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret?ining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc .)Please specify. ,....,••1 ...'.. ."•• ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS EJ Filing ___ 20' ttTI6 0)2.,,3 "'$-MAo'" tl ~~ ~A ').-OlJr~ ~/a. ~(33) Ze>A'7 14b 1 IJb UA 15' 15 ' All owed (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) (30)(50) J 7e.'/t'-n.,rt ~e:i5Z " Airlock Mechanical Storage Solar Heat Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage ,I 3 ~~J II ~t!n 'tl •'Z &:..,\' Landscaping ll~e~",.,,::J Fenc~/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits:Garage Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front Comments: Envi ronmenta 1/Hazards:Avalanche U~---='---------------- Flood Pl a i n _----"'L.1~A=___ Slope U A Wetl ands UJ;;A=--_ Geologic HazardsjJ~~__ LQ-r'~M.6~~-r'HboU ANt:.E.b-are.=3<:>-"G."f~P~ Zoning:Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature •• - ~r ~-1-~,-4-_+-tJ y ~'I\-<l. _S hI--' 3J~~'7 _¥ --lLJZj >t I -J ,J --=1£--++__...:c...::::...-'----_ __LLJ-~S'.J _---'--'-'_.!.-::3=_ _I z .~-Y I (_S,..__3 q Y ·1 _)'.-"_ z..~-y'/1..J "-t.f I•2-('--11-----'------__If y 2.'L./'3/s.-._ 5'.~"'-,(_II ~~..3,z(,,0 0 .( ~01.,( , ~3 -z.·)S_r;;-t o.",{_t il"_ L-1.-:')s \\l~c f_-------------'----- I I ------ r((.~ -------- z.-2..S-7<{,1 !-1..\"i.." j.------ --17 --- -~f ~~ '\1 '~,_~.I (.,(--'"'"))1;3 s":j T __5"3 'l-.'j" 1/0 1...4f (" •• ----+~.I--- I I I!------------+--'- ----------1-11l------ ---------- 11 I I !I ,I II ------ ._~----++------- --------- --++- , IDate-!.._:::...----:~__ •ProjectApplication• Pro ject Name :.::L -=-_ Project Description :_ Contact Personand Phone / Owner,Address andPhone :_ A rch itect ,Address an d Phone : j Block _-=_I t...legal Description :lot __-'--_ Comments:_ I ~/ I Date --!-__=-.;...._-----':...-_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by :L APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Le:InSummary:__-"~-=__....:...-__'___=L_____..::..___..!...:.~:....:.L_...L__._.:~~=__..__:._ \~ .£ T own Pl anner f o Staff Approval Da te : • 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 May 21,1987 Mr.Jerry Meremonte DAK Ltd. P.O.Box 1230 Eagle,Colordo 81631 • officeof community development Re:Schmidt Residence,Lot 12B Vail das Schone #1 Dear Jerry: OnMay 20,1987 the Design Review Board approved the design of the Schmidt Residence with the following conditions: 1.The final application on the chimney cap must be approved by the staff . 2.The landscape changes as suggested by Kathy Warren,i.e. taking out the kinnickinnick and replacing with natural grasses and adding cottonwoods,be indicated on the plans submitted for building permit. Thanks for your attention to detail and for having such a complete submittal,Jerry.Good luck on this project. Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician •Project Application • Da te _ Project Na me :~_ Proj ect Descr iption :_ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Add ress andPho ne:_ Arch itect,Address and Phone: legal Description:lot "Bl qck ~Filing ,Zone _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard I Date ,-__'--_ M otion by : Seconded by : APPROVA L DISAPPROVAL Summa ry :-'-_ T o wnPlanner o Sta ff Approval D ate: ••ProjectApplication c;I ?.... Date -" Pr ojectName :SCHMIDT RESIDENCE PrJ,I''1 J 'J, NEW RESIDENCE )I Proj ect Description: ContactPerson an d Phone JERRY MERlMONTI DAK LTD BOX 1230 EAGLE 81631 328-2340 BOX 2560 VAIL 81658COREYANDKATHERINESCHMIDTOwner,A ddressan d P hone:_ 476-4032 Arch itect ,Address a ndPhone :_ 12 VAIL DAS SCHONE Co mments:_ ,(7 i:'7 /t!I i / Date __-'-,--_-!-_-'--_ DesignReviewBoard Motio nby : Seconded by : AP PROVAL DISAPPROVAL " ')1Summary:_-:...C-:-~__--'--..£:..._!..:.-----=-~-----------------~--- r: 0..5 r \..,./ TownPlanner o St aff App rov a l Dat e : lh e printer,'Ya ,1 •• ~').....Ju <,)~r.t'l Ll l.z ~-.,,)/A )~~h o,J:::--f' '\~J -t~,&u.J-,.k-., q"-l'-v1 :d,0 t.L J,-..,=L I~""'-<A"-L.,(h ""~-rl-r sfr "l J ~\kV~Y<.i __ _~)"1.."b~C -<:>/1 fu (,..v .:4 s.,j h~1 ~~jb ?6~J Turs IlEEIl,MII,Io';hi,;.,'.d lll:"f ,l llnu ilry 1.,",w ""11 GEI:m UlJ III\CKCH, FR ED GECRCE I:.;'::.:(E :~,.311.:: J EFP EY ~TF.'i;::;;H".C (~t.i- n, r . 8 53 AM 'B~.l ~H 25 ,.273601 11/................•. OOOK --J..ZZ _ PAG~~..E.:J._.: JOHHNEHE PHILLIPS EACLE OTY .RECORDE R ,I !l C~ ,.,.I)omFilo't l '"r f1 ·....r ll th .. of t he C ou It t)'IIf C ul oru do.o f t he fi rst p ar-t,a nd a nd State o f COREY A.SCHMIDT and KATHERINE M.SCHMIDT of the C olorado.of t he sevond p a rt : C o u nty of wh ose 1l'J!al address is P.O.Bo x 2560 Va il,CO 81658 Eagle an d State o f ~.... St ate Doc.ve e and «t lw r f.!o od nn d v ulu abh-l'(Jn~id ('I'at i (lns til t he.'s u idpur t y of t lu-fi rst part in "tHind p aid h ~'th..•~n i d parties o f th e s econd p art,the recei pt whv rvof is ht-'I't·hy co ufcssvd a nd adino w)l'dj!l'd ,hns gTa nt t'd ,b ar-e nined.so ld and con ve ye d,a nd b y t h ..",t'p re se n t s dot's g rant :bu rjrui u .sol l.eo nvvy uml c u uf'i rm u u t«t h e snir!I)ar til·:or.(If s e con d pa rt,t heir he irs n nd n:o\~il!ns fo re vc r,nu tint en aney in counnon hut in joi n t tl 'n .ull'y ,a ll t tw fullowini:dt..'s(:rihl,d lot or part-e!of land.sit uatt'.l ying a nd h l~in K i n t h v C ou nt yof Eagl e nru l Sta t e of Colorado .t o w it : Ie !e 1.40 \\"IT~ESSETH.that tilt's uid p art y uf t hv first part.(01'anll in consld c rat ion of lin-s um of TH IRY FOUR THOUSA ND AN NO/I00-------($34,000.OO)-----------~---------DOL LARS LOT12,BL OCK B,A RE SUBDIVI SION OF VAI L DA SSCHO NE FI LI NGNO.1 AC CORDIN G TO THE RE COR DED PL ATTHE RE OF,CO UNTY OF EA GLE,STATE OF COLO RADO . a ls»kn o wn a s s tr ee t a ncl nu mbe-r T cua:T IIER w i t ha ll a nd s i tl ~lI l a l 't lu-}n 'n'.!i tauwlll s a lll i apptlrh'na U('l·:or.t hvre un t o 1ll'loni:ing'.(II'i n anywise appe r - tai ning'and t he t-e v ersio n and reversions .re n rui mh-r allt l t-e mui n der-s ,H 'nt:"iseucsan d profi ts t he reo f:~nd a ll t h e est at e .I'h::h l.tit.le,i n te r r-at ,cla i ru a nti dr -ma nd wh ut s oover IIf t he suid party o ft h e f irst par t,ei th erin l aw or eq uity.of,i n a nd to t h e a bove h aq~a i n ed pre m i ses.w it h t hl'h e r edit n nu-nt s lind u ppur-te n aru-es. TO H AVE ~\:'\1l TO IHJI .n t h e s aid p n.·mi :-;es a bo ve l'al'J!a irwtl a nd fh..s ~..j-ibed.with thl'nppur-te nan r-es,un to t he sa id par t ie so f th t'~t'('n nd part ,th eir h ei r-s an d a !'o :,i ~ns fon'n'l",Anti t ru -s aid p a rty o f t he fil'~c part,for h imself',his h eirs. execut o rs.a nd a d m i riist ratm-s,tlnt.'s c ove uu nt .ura n t ,ha rg-ain a nd H ~rel't o and wit h t he s aid pa r t ies of the seeund p art. t hei rh ei rs ancl assi}!ns .t hat a t t hv ti nu-oftht·l'n~lo R li n J!uud lh·)j\"l'ry IIf t hese prese n ts,h e is w e ll s e ized o f the pr eruises above co nveyed ,as of J!lulCl.sun',pe rfoct ,uhs ulutv a nd irHIt'f"a :-;ibh'('s tah'of l n hc t-itu n ve.in lnw.in Ive :-iimpll',and h as ~no ll r igh t .fu ll puwe r-a nd law f u lu u t h o rit y t o g'l'tlll t ,h ..rg'u i ll .scll u ml ecuvvy t he sa m e i n m ann er and fo rrn a fot-es aid, uud t hat t he s ame ar e f'rvv und deal'fr om a ll f orm er a ncl ot hf.~I·Cl'ants ,bargains,sales,li en s .t axe«.a sscasme nts and Pl1('U mhrauce s of wh a t eve r k ind 0 1'n atu re S Ot'Vl~I', EXCEP T GEN ERAL TAXES FOR 1984AND SUBSEQ UENT YEAR S,EASHIENTS OF RECORD,OR I N EXISTENCE,AND RECORDED DECLARATIO NS,RES TRICTIO NS,RESERVA TIO NS,AND CO VE NA NTS. ~.d .,19 .~,dayof ~'"b y Co unty o f ~....."......~.....~ Th e fo r e ~o i n K instru n1 t'nt was al'knowlt>dg-ed hl'fofl'me t his GERTR UD HAC KER and t he ab ove b aruu i n ed p rem is es in t lu-q uret a nd pvacvublvp oss esx ion o f t h e »aid pa rties.of the se cond p a rt ,t he s u r vi vor o f t h em.the ir a~:ol.i~n s and t IH'hvirs and a ssl~n:;of :-o U('1I surv ivor,again st all ami ever-y person o r person s law f ull y c lni m i ug o r t o cl aim the wh ole 0 1'a ny «n r tt h vr eof,th...•~H id pa l't~'of the fin:t p.art shall Mild will WA RRA:\T A:"\,D FORE YER D E FE XD ,Th e'~inK u lar TlUrn IH:'I'sh all in dudl't hlo p l ul'a1.tlw plural the singu illr.nnd t ht>u~t'of any ~l'n d t:'r ~h a ll ht>a ppli cuul t>t o a ll Jrf.:'r l dt·r~. 1:'\\\"I T:"\I':SS \\'Hfo:Hf:O }o't Ill',.;a it!p arty 11ft II('fil'1"t pa l'1 ha :-l h"I"l'lIl1{{1 s :,t hi s h and anti H'u l tht'da y nl ltl ~'('Hr f in:t a b ovp w ritten, ~o ,9 21:\.WARRASTY HEEO,_ToJ{J inl T"na nl ..,_","c .,._.tc•.,__ ~fy C ommission expir es ~l OT AR Y PUBLIC ST ATE OFFLORI OA 101)COMMISSION EXpmS f.V,Y 24198 7 ~C I'l !)El)THRU !3 ENE~l IN S U ~Na U ND..~ c THUR INSPECTION REQUEST "\TOWN OF VAIL "JCVr-.l\il~ lZ-o 1___e.-cJ(!.!...!.JCALLER TUES DATE READYFOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :L..1""I 1- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT b /3 0 If 7 JOB NAME ~--=---=--"---=~=_--~~-___:_______,,~ I/ . PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: '~O O T I N G S /STEEL ~~_ o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER --,---_ o ROUGH o CONDU IT _ 0 _ ~p fiNAL -------------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ('r41f PPROVED7CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED tM pr lnt er y'/va,1 7-/--5J7DATE_-'-----'-_-L.£----'-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 77 READ YFOR INSPECTION :M ON LOCAT ION : ••INSPECTION REaOEST ~J'T OWNOF VAIL • ~C 1\-"'.,.f-- C ALLER TUES W ED PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL I BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL 17<FOUNDATION /STEEL L..d...w....:"'-_~_ o FRAM ING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T 0 _ ~~I N A L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPL Y AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ U~P R O V E D I CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED R l d1:-c;CbN2 J;; (•'I A (1-P.u/)'-"'tZ."".""S-"'--_ DATE '7 -(6 -157 INSPECTO ~==rt~-J.~~~'::::::5==~-------- II\e p rlntery !,..a .j PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI ~. • ___'__~==---___JOB NA ME --==-~,---=~-=-----,--,,,,,,,,---,--...:.o,.c,----,-_-,,--,---__-:-:-_ READYFOR INSPECTION: L OCAT I0N:-:+---"--"--'--____'_--:.-'-'-"'--"'-""""'-'-....:...::.~_"'____'c.=..~___¥"'"""'--''---''-----'--''--'''-'---- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 Ih ';,~",'"~~"",,,,,\.~0~FINAL -,o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPL Y AIR 0 0 P J FINAL o FINA L ~~J A P P R O V E D -=t r 0 "---\ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -;C bRRECTIONS:("&\\(UI!Lv '"\1 dL '-I @ n;',O.C•ffort-.s I\.)O+'L'.f + !<l r j & the pr lotery/v a d'7INSPECTORs--,./L:....·--+--f-!!-~===-------DATE ----JL..---'------''------'=---.!._ \J-'\~~.~PERMNUJfzOF PROJECT DATE g ~7/f]JOB NAMEI7 ,-, INSPECTION REaOEST,j TOWN OF VAIL~C--~l'~(-r CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :.:2 V r cJ TUESWEDTHUR C /r s:»:l h.1-1.. ____&PM PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL I o FOUNDATION /STEEL EI ROUGH /D.W.V .-oZ.----f'=-=...1.---!P--'-l>._ f o FRAMING OUGH /WATER -,rw-o<"",-,"I'--+'f..::e,;",,;-r...1.-_-=..c~__ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------!GASPIPING (p c--,pc "'t o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL •MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FIN)> D4.P"~OVED ~O R R E C T I O N S : I o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ttIt'prlnlffylv ,Ul z! /'l/MI\. / INSPECT'~'-I-:""'l'----!-+a::.:Y~~~=-_ / DATE &r ;:;]0 -?;7 e INSPECTION REallEST TOWN OF VAIL ~.~. ~ • DATE _-----'-_--C.-'-_........-'-.-JOB NAM E --"'--"-""'>'O"'--"--~..:.-_----,-;:--i..=-_--'-"'~'------__----,-______ CALLER PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR (fRI ')AMPM ') WEDMONTUESREADYFOR L0 CAT ION :_--"'---"--'---':.....:...-_-"'-----'-":2>..~":"'O'__"'__'_'___>"":O:~"__"_::._."'___ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING 1 ROUGH U.r /1J.-,~~'?1 l :o.vn ,7 o EXHAUST HOODS~'C O N D U I T U rJ o SUPPLY AIR. 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL E1 1APPROVED~P CORRECTIONS: ~ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ / J/cv-i q-,-!-.P/AI·d ~.., j , ( I, ,. DATE _~__':"--""-__{".."-----<-_INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL _____AMPM . CALLER MONTUESWED THURREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :__----'e-::...--'-----'-'-"'------'--'--'-'-'--~,_o_....:....>...:...o......::.._~~~"----------.,____---- INSPECTOR (l ff---- PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V. o ROUGH /WATER o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL MECHANICAL: I HEATING o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLYAIR 0 A o FINAL J BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL I I!J FRAM ING \ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL -------------:H---- DATE 9 -11-~7 o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: No DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT q //s;1J-l JOB NAMEIri, INSPECTION REQUEST (TOWN OF VAIL SC A /'l-l i «: CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :::2 V:2 () MON l UES (.ETHUR C f\..~(h (-I-- FRI _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING b /ROUGH AR -I f1 S £?~c ;h C)V1 7 r o EXHAUST HOODS , 'i'D /CONDUIT </0 J _ J 4 ..,• I , I 71-·,.I f(o SUPPLYAIR,i 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL // o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'-', o DISAPPROVED}O/APPROVED CORRECTIONS : ~ DATE __----'-__--=""-----_INSPECTOR :: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL S c h m \~\-~-.....A,~"",r '-9 CALLER 1=\\~,I TUES ~THURFRI ~PM ,e READYFOR I NSPECTION:MON LOCATION :_ _a-'L.>.g ~ PERMIT N U-:7M~B:-:E:=R~O~F=-=-PR=-O=-J-::E::-::C::-::T::--- DATE -=t -!...,-<ts7 J OB NAME __--"--'''-L~~_'_A...:''___~~~~~_''''''___ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V, [;s:FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER C ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILlN~~.:::0 Ol•.J j o POOL /H .TUB~S U L AT I O N ?",t.:\ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F1NAL o FINAL ~1::R OV E D ~S 1'10-1--1 o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : C t-a.L.1\>per<"""fA c..,f\o-\-'0...-.At!l'\:rfA.>Sv~,,-W =rl,.-,',.-,.'IJ ....~!,\,.....\o~'OeM h UQ ~p\-'-',""-!="b:>..>k"'-'l..r..:b .....'~"t-------- DATE 't -/7-~,.--,INSPECTOR "'=~~-1-,f....Q::.~~--------- tne p rlnwry lv aol PM_____AMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST ~TOWN OF VAIL THURWED CALLER ---'-----'-'-----'-0.-'-"-___,,1.,----_..>..:-:--:----'_____''---_ TUESREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :-'-------'---0.>..'-----"-_....:......_ DATE ----'~___,,1.:...._______'~JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILINGIfINSULATIONoPOOL/H .TUB 8 SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 .0 o FINAL o FINAL. U I {APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _q+._--="-'-_-=--_INSPECTOR (7 I the prlntery iv;lIl PMREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCAT ION:------------'-'"'-"--"'-'-'-'-''----'=..;..:...:..::=;r-=--------------- DATE _-,;-,---=--=:..,:..-=:._ ~9-:t9 INSPECTION REQUEST PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJEC T T OWNOF VAIL vh6l!1 JOB NAME ''it lit 1(/1 '1//1)1(/£/ /I 6 ALLER /I.f I}!~d ~I T U E S FRI -IlhpJI/ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS /STEEL D FOUNDATION /STEEL _ D FRAMING ROOF &SHEER D PLYWOOD NAILING --------- D I NSULATION _ D SHEETROCK NAIL ._---;--_~--:-::-;----PIJtJd u·1 d.YPZ;ill Wu D'FINAL 7 j PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND _ D ROUGH /D .W.V._ D ROUGH /WATER _ DGASPIPING _ D POOL /H .TUB _ D _ D D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP.POWER _ D ROUGH _ D CONDU IT _ D _ DFJNAL _ MECHANICAL: D HEATING _ D EXHAUST HOODS _ DSUPP LY A IR _ D _ DFINA L _ C s:f 1~P R O V E D 7CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./I NSPECTO ~:::::::;.'/~..'----_+_f_.::.L.!.:...=~-------- I DATE _'-----=--'--=_-=---'--_ _____AMTHUR~WEDMONTUES CALLER DATE _-'--'--!---''-'-_ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \\I i.JOB NAME S~('..L.ll...:...!~"':"-------=':""~""""'=---r--'::"""":::'~-----...~~~ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ,0 o FINAL ,o FINAL• ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 .1:(FINAL o FINAL ., v y /0.APPROVED @ CORRECTIONS: ~~~ DATE /-7-%7 INSPECTOR // ~ / PM_____AM j INSPECTION REQUEST S -l0WN OF VAIL C \!V\~cll .~. 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