HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 3 LEGAL75S.Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 Town of VailReg.No.: "oo.l.Jl1tA G 886 ~EjQa -o(~1 Buil m9 Permit~#~~:._ 970-479~2149 (Inspegions) anical,etc.! Contact andPhone#'s:. q ')0 3"0 "7 J.q '1 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials BUILDING:$ PLUMBING:$ l Ooo 13 00 CTRICAL:$ HANICAL:$50 0 ER:$ TOT AL:s 10 DOP .s:»For Parcel #Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 97<-328-8640 r visit www.eeate-countv.com .~~i.~I ~-tt...<,'f'.../)r~~Ii:ca~ip-~ilJ.jnot1Je ·accep'[ea :wlttib.~t-IPCfrcel 'ou rri 6e'i'l ,-~\0 \L.\\ojOlf a JobName:J\J ~l S 0Vl Re-v1t oJ L \l.Jpb Address;ALi ~f'J C ~""'''''I J<l l1 t-{;). ...-ription II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision:.-I Owners Name:5 c,0 -H rJc..lso VI Address:0(LI 70 c.L.."""O'l 'vL",1-/;)Phone :l{04-;X ,/-9;0(; Architect/Designer:Address:: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:f{o.."'"'ocl ....\b e:>Ii 0 "'"l ...,,(!I "'£lJ wA s l.-.,...d"y'l'I 0 "L.,,,,,,,,,,t,,r hr.""£1 P\v ...,.1~).'l ",~\/l .,..,~\All ..c.k v v lI c ~I Roo .."lJ,tJ 1"___Je. Work Class:New()Add ition ()Remodel (X)Repair ()Demo()Other () Work Type:Interior ()<)Exterior ()Both()DoesanEHU exist at this location :'(Yes()No()• TypeofBldg.:Single-family ()Two-family()Multi-familyJ>()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other() No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthis building:L(~commodation Unitsinthis building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq:GasAooliances()GasLoos()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurnino('1 ) NolTvoe of FireolacesProoosed:GasAooliances()GasLoos()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurnino(NOTALLOWED) I DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes <;x )No()II DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No {>() **************************************FOROFFICEUSEONL y ************************************** Date Received: Occupancy Group: Type of Construction: ORBFees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm public Way permit Fee: j Other Fees:' •• OJ t f (~J l. /I "D J )l~"t """...~.'".'f).J _1,{Ito,./\).0:-"\''''I IL .- r .;...--.. (iliJ~-l oSr:t ~...11r-;1-..oS~":I (V\t.~\..."'I4.IC..A 12...'l- '1j... i Project Name: Project Description: Participants: V~dM 5~{,'t ( /b-r 3/(;MprJon"'l-Cf1A,~n DRB Number:DRB050225 COMMON ELEMENT-TO REMOVE EXISTING CEDAR SHAKES FORM WALL AREAS ONLY.NO WORK WILL BE DONE ON THE ROOF TOP.INSTALL CEDAR SHAKES WITHA CLASS 'B'FIRE RATING.SAME FOR SAME OWNER THOMAS R.GOUGER TRUSTEE -T05/23/2005 GOUGER REVOCABLE TRUST 409 CALLE MAYOR REDONDO BEACH CA 90277-6417 APPLICANT TCC CONTRACTORS,INC.OS/23/2005 Phone:970-328-2340 P.O.BOX 2123 EAGLE CO 81631 License:54D-B CONTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS,INC.OS/23/2005 Phone:970-328-2340 P.O.BOX 2123 EAGLE CO 81631 License:54D-B Project Address:2470 CHAMONIX RD VAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS Location: Legal Description:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS Parcel Number:2103-141-0601-3 Comments:SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:OS/23/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmay be madewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel priorto construction activities. Cond:201 DRSapprovalshallnotbecomevalid for 20days following thedateofapprova l. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate of final approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:JoeSuther ORB FeePaid:$250.00 " Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.4 79.2452 web:www.vailg ov.com I• General Information: All projects requiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapproval priortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertot he submittalrequirements fortheparticularapprovalthat isrequested.Anapplication forDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntil allrequiredinformation isreceivedbytheCommunity DevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalso needtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthe PlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapsesunlessa building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. () Plus $1.00 persquarefootoftota l signarea. $20 $20 NoFee $50 NoFee $650 Constructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild. $300 Anaddition wheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or ~m m e rc i a l bUi lding (includes 250 additions &interiorconversions). ~Minorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window 'additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Minorchangestobulldinqsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Revisions toplans already approvedbyPlanning StaffortheDesign ReviewBoard. o MinorAlteration (single-fami ly/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans Location ofthe Proposal:Lot:Block:__ 3.tf6Crz C/JIc/ll¢rX LJf,,{#1/1'/£/~/11658'1:J /4{O~0 l}(contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)(,'" ~ o SeparationRequest Physical Address:--''''-''--'''.......--'-P'-«>J.¥-'""''''.....tL.>.---'IotD~''--_........,.u.,~--''''''''-'''''-_'''-'-"'''-''':..>.L _ ParcelNo.:Zl()~ Zoning:_ Type of Review andFee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition ~r Alteration (multi-fami ly/commercial) Name(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address:t!hM~el;kl.s i?o Eo;(1376 KIf.,~8 Phone::-I-~~?<...J:IiL,~---.LJ:,JJ10L.L~e~------ Owner(s)Signature(s):6.{'.d.e-u,-<"-d O--TJ .L'L"_~ Name of Applicant:r et!Ro~~~.uIJ*&~7 W/!!. Mailing Address:eo ,ROI(~/2J lftIK lc ealo.,f!0 3C Phone:_...Jc.<g...Jl2.--~2.........1'_'t!"''00___ Fax:-------------------------E-mail Address: Description of the Request: C~~~~~~(:Jt?&J,y ~A""," (-, Planner: For Office ~~~-h,~ FeePaid:CheckNo.:By:"t.44A<.r ~~~ MeetingDate:~·()r-Or "DRBNo.:'t?il-BOSO zZOS ",j J ProjectNo.:f1?..J oS-(5 tq3 " -> District 2005SC103 <•• Prior YearNe(x)t Version Abatement NextYear Characteristics Property Card l~prDist r Parcel Number 2103 ·141-06-013 ~IStreet NameICHAMONIX ?Location Zip 81657 IMHSpace I =Ty-p-e-!..--r--....J LN IAcctType MapNo Queries--=..:=----- E COUNT Inquiry Only Clear Exit 173 1,267 173 1,267 SOFT CJ AFIC [Ij Legal Description Current Year Prior Version TaxTrx Prior YearNe(x)tVersion Abatement NextYear Characteristics Property Card Inquiry Only Clear Exit Q] , Seq CONDO:CHAMONIXCHALETSUNIT:2DESC:BLDGGBK-0257 PG-0982WD07-22-77R747275SWD12-11-00 I New Version 20050520000 Queries [ACCOUNT "---- I TOTAL IMHSpace I , r-"T-yp-e--'---fNO#; LN IG2 II-:"A-cc-t-=T:-Y-pe....:...---Ir.L::ag;;;t:----'!.,-~-~~-......".,..."-~-~,,...~~~~~-......-J IMap No LENTZLIVINGTRUST 15971 L1NDENSH IRE LN DALLASTX75230·2740 2005SC103 <..I I ..>I 0 Cancel STR Owner Name/Address [J Block o Sales [j Year o NameoSitus--li'~";";;;';"""'~"'-;;;W;'-":';o Mobile I ValueSum I o TractoCondo Account R013308 l ~p r D i s t f l IBusiness Name Location City ?Location Zip VAIL 81657 IBAcode lowner Id Iparcel Number 2103-141-06-014 StreetNo ~IStreet Name 002466 I CHAMONIX <--I I -->I 0 Cancel STROwnerName/Address Account I BEASLEY,JOSEPHW.&GEREMYG . R013284 N3130 EMATHLA ST ; 1:,-MIAMIFL33133YearDistrict 2005SC1031i-~-p-r""D-"'is-t---.!..----'f 173 1.267 TaxTrx 25,710 Next Year Characteristics Property Card Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Current YearPr ior Version Queries Seq ~CC O U NT L..:...:..:.....:......__..:..:...__--=3=.:23.010 jMHSpace I T=-y-p-e-!....--r.cN,--o"C""#--1 LN G3 IA":""C-c-t-=T""YP-e..l---ILagt ValueSum Location City ?Location Zip VAIL 81657 IBAcode lowner Id IBus iness Name ~---,.,---,.,"'=------:=-----,.; Iparcel Number 2103-141-06-015 Street No ~IStreet Name 002466 I CHAMONIX Inquiry Only Clear Exit Exit TaxTrx Abatement Clear Prior Version Ne(x)tVersion Characteristics Property Card 25,980 D AFIC [jj erA Legal Description L NextYear Prior Year Current Year Inquiry Only L CONDO:CHAMONIXCHALETSUNIT:4DESC:BLDGGR861224 QCD11-24-03 ~NT------- Queries Version MHSpace ValueSum I o TractoCondo o Block o Sales []";lsC(N:>.J'i!"0~l-=--~'~~~~9!0~~~""" [2 MailTrk D===~~ioiiM__"""jlni>"";:';';:' l~prDist r l <..I I -->I D Cancel STR ,--______Owner Name/Address 11:SPIERS,MICHAEL J. j------r-----"2466CHAMONIXRDG4 District VAILCO81657 2005SC103 Ipar cel Number 2103·141-06-016 Street No ~IStreet Name IType 002466 I CHAMONIX LN Location City ?Location Zip IAcctType VAIL 81657 IBAcode !owner Id Ir::o-'w-n-e-r-=-L-o-Ca-ti-'o-n-li:M:'"a-p--:N.,-o-----'------..J IBusiness Name r.;----:----I;;~=~~=;:~~~=~~~~==:-:=:~~==~~ o Name tiA L DES IO,J r':'!IEW S TA FFA ?~O VA L 6'.Z-3.oS-DATE:--"--:l:~~ TAFF_o ~+-_ Vttd,hb ~drr>YlL lor 8)b/~B Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Commu nity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax :970 .479.2452 =<.t!NITYDE\fE LOP~fENT w eb:www.vailgov.com ProjectName:NELSON FENCE DRBNumber:DRB070251 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FORAMINORALTERATIONFORTHEINSTALLATIONOFAWOOD FENCE Participants: OWNER NELSON,SCOTTW. 36 NORTHWOOD AVE ATlANTA GA30309 APPLICANT NELSON,SCOTTW. 36 NORTHWOOD AVE ATlANTA GA30309 ProjectAddress:2470CHAMONIXLNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS H2 06/11/2007 06/11/2007 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS ParcelNumber:2103-141 -0601-8 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR DateofApproval:06/18/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval doesnotconst itute a permit for build ing.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshall not becomevalidfor20days follOWing thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approva l of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate of final approval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced and isdiligently pursuedto ward comp letion. Planner:Bill Gibson DRBFeePaid:$20.00 c W ""Co j f rl '-f ---~I ~<:-e..-.) kA Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Reva"E ~~~=-:~- Department ofCommunityDevelopment 0 ~CG ~n ~!!p -!~\I 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 II ') tel :970 .479 .2128 fax:970 .479.2452 ."\J'I .1 1:I' I'll !I:U I'~I ?rn,7 ::'./:,11web:www .vailgov.com !: General Information:~n I Allprojects requiringdesignreviewmust receive approval pnortosubmittingabuildinq permit'J?!!.~a ticirF Please. refer to th esubmittalrequirements fortheparticular approvalthat isrequested.Anapplication for DeSign evfe-w- cannotbeaccepted untilallrequiredinformation isreceived bytheCommunity Developm ent Department.The projectmayalso need tobe reviewed byt he Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building perm it is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:J.LV!"-'s\-!=<J-->o-l.h---="---'--".<l_,,--'----o<vf.....__e-.=-=-_-==--__-+'---'----'---'---_---'CI-_ Location of the Proposal:Lot Block:__Subd ivision :--'--'::.-:=.c.-=----_-=-=----...=..!--'--'-'._" Physical Address:~I tl c.k,.",OW\.=u,,-,'f'...'-..:>.!..·Iy,"""--"lc""""'~d.V'SL_==_____'___'_-"'--_ Parcel No.:~~J'1/0 ~o18 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcel no.) Zoning:---SG--"-Jr.::;,""==------------ Name(s)o f Owner(s): ~b Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant:..>L.hl(1\.\L-Is,I)'"" MailingAddress:~~~Nclr1kwoo J A'lL---~k1 OV\~~3Q.-1 ~5 Phone:~~~~./'}9 ss::::: E-mai l Address:$M.·ko (\Q .,"'"-e~v ",,"iI.s..,,,.Fa x :3o'f~~-I a 8'.3 (<lJ"\ Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) y(-Minor Alteration (single-famiiy/dup lex) o Chang es toApproved Plans o Separation Requ est $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee Plu s $1.00 persquarefootoftotalsign area. Forconstruction ofanewbuilding or demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoany residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildings andsite improvements,such as, re-roofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,f ences and retaining walls,etc. Forrevisions to plansalreadyapproved by Planning Staffort he Design Rev iew Board. Pl anner: For OfficeJJ nly:c> Fee Paid:--'=-Check NO .Z O~ --Z.(9.,07MeetingDate:--'-_ ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : NELSON R0 70000931 Am ount:$20.00 Check 06/11/20070 3:16 PM Init:JS Notation :280/SCOTT P ermit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: DRB07025 1 Type :DRB -Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103 -141-0601-8 2470 CHAMONIX LNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS H2 Total Fees :$20 .00 This Payment :$20 .00 Total ALLPmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** AC COUNT IT EM LIST : Account Code DR 0010000 311220 0 De scription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 ~-h (towI(P4 JLS ~r Ofp(l \Je--l~-F;u (II"'.c-s s CC-~c...-~<:0 r-; OV'J n JL ~lh'o()rs JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(p rint name)-"---,a joint ownerofpropertylocated at ________________________________---',providethis letter aswrittenapproval oftheplansdated whichhavebeen submittedtothe TownofVail CommunityDevelopment Department f or t heproposedimprovementstobe completed attheaddressnotedabove.I understandt hat theproposedimprove ments indude: (S ignature)(Date) Additionally,please checkthe statement belowwh ich ismostapplicab le toyou: o J understand that minor modifications may bemadetothe plans over thecourse of the review processtoensurecomplianceWiththe Town's applicablecodes and regulations. (ll1liial h ere) o J request that all modifications,minor or otherwise,whicharemadetothe plans over thecourse of the review process,be brought to my attention by the applicant f or additional approval before undergoing further r eview by theTown. (ll1Iiloihere) j oint properly ow ner leit er revised 10//812006 Er F:\cdev\FOR MS\Pe rmits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_aiel 0-18-2006.doc Page 2 of13 11/23/2005 Jun 02 2007 1:09PM June 1.2007 . CHENEY -INTERMTN B&B CHAMONJX CHALETS 970-476-7926 To Whom It May Concern: The Chamonix Chalet Corporation Board of Directors have approved Scott Nelson's request to build afence in the limited common area behind his unit.Scott Nelson is the owner ofUnitH2,2470 Chamonix Lane.Please callme ifyouhaveany questions. D.Ls:IT '"Q 1.«'eA.- Manager Chamonix Chalets ¥T ,.-J 10 ''is Jun 02 2007 1:09PM March 27,2007 CHENEY-INTERMTN B~B 970-476-7926 p.2 Dear Neighbor. I would like to install a privacy fence in my backyard.per tho enclosed drawing IIIId 5limple plcture,for my condo U;Oit H2 .. Ifyou have any questions or concerns.please call me at 404-229·9955. Ifyo.aine.p1eaJe sip below iDdleating your approval and place the liglled letter iu Iront almy door,anU 82,or slide It UDder the door if it will fit.I will thc:c proceed to get approval from the Board,followed by the appropri8te approval!from the Town of Vail.. .eln Chamonix Chalets #H2 Vall,CO81657 ApproHd: [unit #] Jun 02 2007 1:09PM March 27,2007 Dear Neighbor, CHENEY -INTERMTN B&B 970-476-7926 p ..3 _ I would liketo install a privacy fence in my backyard,per the enclosed drawing and sample picture,for my condo unit H2. ....Ifyou')faVe any queslib'ti:S6:fC6i'1t~.-Ple<l,tjt;iCIiUItte ·at40¢:'"229 ~9~5 ·T.·"-'._.~.~ If you agree,please slgo below iDdicatlDg your appl"Qval and place the signed letter in front of my deer,unit H2,or slide It under the door If it will Ot.I will then proceed toget approval fromthe Board,followed by the appropriate approvals from the Town of Vail. ott Nelson Chamonix Chalets #H2 Vail,CO81657 Approved: 11-(~'1---t"O 0 -, [name)[unit #][date] Jun 02 2007 1:09PM March 27,2007 Dear Neighbor, CHENEY -INTERMTN B~B 970-476-7926 p _4 .~. 1 would like to install a privacy fence in my backyard,per the enclosed drawing and sample picture,for my condo unit H2.· If you 'have anyquesncns-or eon~;plc~;calhtleI8t-<494,"229-~"_.;,..--_..._.-. If you agree,plea8c s.lgn below tDdlcatJng your approval and place the signed letter in front of my door,unit IU,or slide It under the door If It wiU fit I will then proceed to got approval from the Board,followed by the appropriate approvals from the Town of Voil. Scott Nelson Chamonix Chalets #H2 Vail,CO 81657 Approvedl __%1\t-lSeV\ C'~k~l'v\~t~~ [name][unit #] Project Name: MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGSANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapplication isrequired forproposalsinvolving minorexterioralterationsand/o r site improvements. Proposals toaddlandscaping donot require DRB approval unless t heyinvolvetheaddition ofpatios, waterfeatures,grading,ortheaddit ion ofretaining walls. I.SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped TopographicSurvey* oSiteandGrading Plan* o Landscap e Plan* oArchitectural Elevations* o Exterior colorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. oArchitectural FloorPlans* o Lighting Plan *andCut-sheet(s)for proposed fixtures oTitlereport,including Schedu les A &Btoverify ownership andeasements* oPhotosoftheexisti ng siteandadjacentstructures,where applicable. o Writtenapprovalfromacondominium association,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable oSite-specific Geological Hazard Repo rt,ifapplicable* oTheAdministrator and/or DRB mayrequire t he submiss ion ofadditional plans,drawinqs, specifications,samples andother materials(including amodel)if deemed necessaryt o determinewhetheraproject wi ll comply withDesignGuidelines oriftheintentofthe proposalisnotclearly indicated. f'lefl:l"e submi//hree (J)copies o//he Illo/erio!.f'lIo/edlIIi/h 011 os/erisA-(*). **For interiorconversions withnoexterior changes,thesubmittal requirements includeacomplete set of exlstinq andproposedfloorplans,a title report,andwrittenapprovalfromacondominium association, landlord,andjo int owner,if applicable. Ihavereadand understand theabovelisted submittal requ irements: ~{)d~~M --8A=U!--=-_ Contractor Signature ~ Date Signed ~--4-f 0 (;9 b (7 (01~I I F:\cdev\FORM S\Perrnits\Planning\DRB\drb_rninor_aiel0-18-2006.doc Page3 of13 11/23/2005 CHAMONIX CHALETS Procedures For Construction Or Remodeling In Common Areas I,$<u ~~~~0 c;acknowledge the following regarding the addition or.pc~~~o-e..'l ·c.:<...inthe Chamonix Chalets common areabehindmy umt,-B a-j. 1.J have obtained permission fromtheotherthree owners in~Building.Approvals have .entothe Chamonix Manager. 2.J will provide acopy of detailed plans (drowntoscale)of my project tothe Chamonix Chalet Board of Directors andthesemustmeet their approval before J canproceed. 3.IhavemetallTown of Vail building codesandhave obtained all necessary permits fromthe Town of Vail.Thesewillbeonfilewiththe Chamonix Chalets Manager. 4.Anyonedoingwork in the Chamonix Chalets common area must providethe Chamonix Chalets Association with written copies of proper license and insurance. 5.Iwillbe responsible forany injuries or liabilities incurred during orafter construction of any new structures inthe common area . 6.Iwillbe responsible forallcosts of maintenance of anyadded structures. Homeowner 's signature anddate: 2470 Chamonix Lane #H2 Scott Nelson 404-229-9955 Privacy Fence Example ~ -. e-+7'""£:::'' T ..,,::..I?•.s ("r y---L.. r------,) c=---.- \ j) I__YJ I"Z::::----0 --~1 --- ..,••{;.d -~'.:,(~'("~(~ Vt'-t t J (..1 .)(.i.-t'lJ- TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.F RON TAGE ROAD VA IL,CO8 1657 970-4 7 9-21 38 DEPARTMEN T OF CO MMU NITY DEVELOPM ENT NO TE:THI S PERMIT MU STBEPOSTEDONJ OBSITEATALLT IMES MECHA NICAL PE RM IT Permit #:M9 7 -0 027 Jo bAdd re ss :2470 CH AMO NIX RD Loca ti on :CHAMONI X CHAL ETS UN TIG-4 Parc el No :2 103 -1 41 -0 6-01 6 Project Num b er: S tatus ...:I SSUED App li ed ..:0 3/07/1997 Iss u ed ...:0 3 /07/1997 Exp ires ..:0 9/0 3/19 97 APP LI CANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING &HEATING POBOX 2156 ,VAIL CO 81658 CONTR ACTOR GUARANTEED P LUMBING&HEATING POBOX 2156,VAIL CO 81658 OWNER CULP VIRGINIA R 2960-B MANNS RANCH RD,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:3038 279414 Phone:3038279414 Desc r iption: REPLAC E BOILER Valuation:4,000.00 Fireplace In for ma tion:Re stri cted :#otGas Ap pliances:#ot GasLogs:#Of Wo od/P all et: ***********************************************************FEE SUM MAR Y ********************************************************** Mechanical --->80 .00 Re st uarant Plan Re v iew--).00Tota l Calculated Fees--->103 .00 PlanCheck--->20.00 ORB Fee------------------>.00 Addi ti onalFee s--------->.00 I nve sti gation>.00 TOTAL FEES -------------->103.00 Total Pe rm itFee-------->103 .00 Wil l Cal l---->3 .00 Payment s---------------->103.00 BAL AN CE OUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** BUILDING Divisio n: Division:FIRE Item :05100 BUILDING DEPART MENT Dep t: 03 /07/1997 CHARLIEAc tion:APPRCHARLIE DAVIS I tem:0 5600 FIRE DEPAR TMEN T De pt: CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FI ELD INSPECTIONS AR E REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM PLIANCE. 2.COMBUS TION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT IONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21OF THE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC . 5 .ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MO UNTED ON FLOOR S OF NONCOMBUST IBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED F OR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AN D CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PKIORTO AN INSPECTI ON REQUEST . 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAIN ING HEATING OR HOT -WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITH A FLOOR DRAINPERSEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby a cknowledge t hat Ihave read thi s appli cation,filled out in f ull the i nformation requi red,completed an accurate plot ••plan,and state that all the information provided a s required i s correct .I agree to comply with t he informati on andpl ot plan, to comply with all Town ord inan ces ands tate l aws ,andto build th is structure according to the Townls zoning andsubd iv isi on codes,de sign reviewapproved ,Unifo rm Buildi ng Code and other o rdinan ces ofthe Town applicab le thereto. RE QUESTS FOR INSPEC TIONS SHA LL BE MADE TYENTY-FOUR HOUR S IN SI GNA TURE OF OYNER OR CON TRACTOR FOR HIMSE LF AND OYN ER FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0251 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#1646 103.00 03/07/97 09:31 Init:CD MECHANICALPERMITB-MECH 103.00 M97-0027 Type: 2103-1 41-06-016 2470 CHAMONI X RD CHAMONI X CHAL ETS Permit No: Parcel No: Si te Addres s: Location: This Payme nt UNTI G-4 Total Fee s:103.00 Total ALLPmt s:103.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Acco unt Code 01 0 000 4131 2 0 1 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Desc ription MECHANI CALPE RM ITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 80.00 20.00 3.00 PERmT Ii---- SlJROT VrSION: • Fil ing --"-'''-!2..!.!.2....!"""'""'''~~u...:..._Block--- .,,...\•~Con t ac t Eag le County Assessors Of fice a t 970-32.Bt-864!l for Pa rcel )/.TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION 'AR CEL 1/:J iU ~-!y l-IPGr O!&PERM IT APPLICATION FORM DATE:j--1 -Cf7 ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERM IT INFORMATION ***************************** [)-Building [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical [~)-Mechanlcal [)-Other Job Na me:,!3 biJS e.--.-Job Address:-dtffRv CM'hYJ I1/I ;(~ f'ULegalDescrtpt1on:Lot _ Owne rs Name:Address:____________Ph._ Architect:Address:____________Ph ._ Gene ral Description:,,' Work Class:[)-New [)-Altera~ion [)-Additional D(J -Repair [)-other _ Numb er of Dwelling units:I Number of Accommodation units:.8-. ~m b e r a nd Type o f Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.·~G~s Logs~wood/pellet~ ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BU ILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$YV'f1 7rF-OO }7 OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$~d7fij ~TOTAL:$'--------, ~***************************CONTRACTOR 3e ne ral Contractor: \dd re ss: INFORMATION *************************** Town o f Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Num ber : ~l e ct r i c a l Contractor: \dd ress: n umbing Contractor:G-u/ht.-,f,.)Ire,~-:I:/I....D;c::.., \ddress:170x I-g./o b fM Q,.f. 1ec ha nical Contractor: ~ddr e ss : Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO.17~P Phone Number:?f.[-(p.3d7J Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: :******************************* IUILDINGPERMITFEE : 'LUMBING PERMIT FEE: [ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: :LECTRICAL FEE: ITHERTYPEOF FEE: IRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATIONFEE:... CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: omments:-'--,;.,.,._ :LEAN UPDEP,QSIT REFUND TO: .\~L./&~""/"hM.eHJ J It.L n>.LJ 0 t I~,PjtoR- \6£.N'50N ~£.~\~£..~t-£..(R£.~,~\..UN\\"") ~AMot-:l\"'I-~\.l,AL.e..\5 tit ~4 2 to----41l'-'----<t--1.{\.I __---1\ r------'l N Top VIEW '/04"-\'.o~ ...LL.--, r-fr------------- C'__\I _..• .. r- I~I--~I I ---+--+- ·1~------------"il ·,-~::1t ~~:uJ ~~t.l=:~:::L::_:;;:;__1 I---~H.------ .:",<' P.02 A AIJtul.l:,Co,.."" !.vE •JOtl:Pl.1t RIl l AMI\STOft ~'~lN llA ~1C'~U I.l>l:" SI~vf"PE""( ClINI ~""S'CJtI OU NOY ~'XWU'\H PVJl."lIl/.OIlO.O I flllE W.\lU(;fJune6,1996 _...__~_..."....M :>TONE MECHAt~I CAL 1 303827.±~55 ......,l;;,~.=.",.___ •••oc ~GlltIrNO VALLEY CONSULTING ENGINEERS.INC. II_~.927ROODAVENUE lb=:dI~GRAND JUNCTION,COLORADO 61501 (970)245·3177FAX:(970)245·4450 ., Mark Slone Mechanical P.O.Box3066 Vail,CO81658 Subject:Jordon Residence Combustion Air •Vail,CO OurJob 116076 Marl<: Peryour request,the following Isthe calculalion ofairvolumerequiredforand atmospheric draftboilerbasedon the informalion youhave provided,Le.528,000Blulhrsealevelluel input,8200 It elevation,airto be provided by fan and ductwork. H~82OO'_=(528,000 Btulhr)(1•(0.04)(8.2)) "354.816 Btulhr V'J'ol =(354,81 SBtulhr)(1 ff I 825Btu)(1hr I 60min.)=7.17CFM gas Perme Handbook tothe Uniform Mechanical Cod~,1992,page31,theair required lor combustion,fordilutionof combustion products In the flue,andfor venuianon ofthe room in which the appliances are located is approximately 50 11 3 foreach h3 ofgasburned. c (7.17CEMgas)(50 ff air I ff gas) ::356 CEM ofair lor llQilers This englnoor's involvement intheprojecthasbeenonlyinpreparationof calculations forair volume basedon Information provided by stone Meetlanical.Theaccuracyofthedata provided by Stone Mechanical hasnot been varHied.Boilerroomdesign.combustion vent (flue)design.thememodofdelivering the airto the boiler room,interlockofthe combustion air source andgas valves,andall olher aspects ofIheprojecthavenot been conveyed \0 mts engineer and arenot the responsibility of thIs enj)lneer. ~;sss:~ Please callifyou have any questions . Sincerely, GrandValley Consulting Engineers,Ino. j)~(~1 Donald Clinton Ralston Jr.,P.E. CR60606.WPE .............""~I U I .I::.1·1 ~t,;lt H I ~I C ...L.1303e274 2':i ~P .0 1 STONE MECHANICAL,INC. P.O.80x 3066 Vb ;~CO 8 1658 Grouse Creek center 2379 8 Highway 24 Unit B-13 M INTURN.COLORA DO 8164 5 (303 )827 ·5724 Fax (303)827 ·4 255 (t)'~d ''''I .:2 T~'._rr :t/J$Il M From {'r\A~ C"'''''',"'"t>'fo M:>M6c;:dA.'Jlc,/f,..... lOl:~!OJtl Oepl ~9t ----------------- JOO CtiAMOJ,JIX I CMI!C~O Il-f ''''''_ S CAli •••••1 , ~...,.. V I\I(L .~(i"f~CFM <iA i )1(:·sO -~_iAJ~/rr 3 ~AS) ;"'i Ci,o-FM _Op-AI~.:~&OI:L46.: ~.i r, ............~. I II1 . ····1 ..·:···· .'-'! i ....~i "-.... ...'-"L .. c TYPE ( (AMERICA'S MOST COMPLETE LINE OF CAST IRON BOILERS RESIDENTIAL ...COMMERCIAL ...INDUSTRIAL ...INSTITUTIONAL -*.--_.~-----_.~-- SERIES10 PACKAGE GAS BOILER ---------- NETLOADRANGE HOTWATER: 37,000 to 174,000 BTU/Hr. Design certified by American GasAssoci ation Net ratings are approved by The Hydronics Inslilute DOE Healing c apacitiesba sed on standard test procedures pres cribed bythe Uniled States Deparlment of Energy ® Buill in accordance withthe requirements oftheASME Boiler and PressureVesselCo de 'p~'"•. Before purchasing this appliance,read important en~rgy cost and efficiency information ;.available from your,retailer..._.....:-,~,:t. _._---------- T he We il·M cl.ainTy pe CU M is a co m - p act ca stiron gas b oiler for forced h ot waterheating systemsin new homes ... orfor replaceme nt o !o lder,inefficie nt he atin g e quipment.The unit is ava il , a ble in seve n s izes wi th net 1-1l-1t rat - ings from 37,000 to 174 ,000 BTU /I1r. The CGMis a c omp le te "pa ckag e ,' fu lly assembled and wired and ready lor immed iate installation .Before ship- m ent,th eCGM is water -tested t.hree tim es a ndfactoryfire -tested toa ss ure reliable opera tion . Mos t important,the CU M ismad e inA merica by Weil-McLain,th e lead - ing namein cast i ronbo iler s fur o ve r JOO yea rs . ENERGY-SAVING ACCESSORIES Additiona l e quipment lo rt he C<:1\1 bo iler lorn atura l ga s incl ud es (I)a ll int ermitt ent e lect ronic i~nilion s ys- tem wit.h redundant main ga s val ve (r eplaces the standa rd ga s valve, p ilotbu rner,an d therm oc oupl e)an d (:t )a na utomatic vent d a mpe r.T hese a ccesso ri es a rc d e sign ('pr tificd by A .n .A.wit.h LJ .I •.'I .istedcom pon ents . ,\ T he intermittent . :cl cctrtJ .".ic i~nition \:sys tem redu ces :;,gas co ns u mption It·~by e lim inating a cons tuu tb urni ng p ilot.On a call .lor heat.an e lec tric spark ignites th e pilot.T he p ilo t fla me is pro ven t hrough fla me rectification a ndth e main gas valve opens. Wh en th e thermostat.is s a t isfied,gas iss h ut o ff toh ot.ht.he pil ota ndt.he m ain b urners. T he automatic vent damp er,w hich is e lect rica lly inte rlocked with t.he i n- termit te n t ig nit ion sy stem.prev ents heat fromesc aping u p t.hech imney when the burners arc not operating. Onacall !orheat,th e damper opera - tor is e ne rgize d a ndt.hed amper is !ully o pened i n15 sec onds:th e igni- Lion system is th ene nergized.W hcn Ihet hermostat issa tisfied ,a ll gas is s h ut orr a nd t he d amper clos e s in 15 second s. = BUILT-IN Aln._LIMINATOR Th eCGMfeatures a ca st-in ai r e liminutor ...noneed for H s eparate air e liminat- ingde vice.Asshowninth e illustration,ri singa irhub- bles are diverted to theex - pansion tank through a W' tapping located next 1.11 t.h e s upply nut .lol,in the loft-cud section . .. AUTOMATIC CONmOLS I ."""r _ , \ t· EASY CLEANING AND BURNER SERVICING ; KeepingtheCGMintop operating conditi on isasimplemat- tel'.Removing theb ack half ofth e topjack et panel ,collector hood,and radiation plates e xposestheflueways for easy cleaning. Removing thefront jacket door and front ba se panel al - lows access tothe burners. AllCGMgasand electrical controls are mounted,wired,and conveniently locatedfor easy servicing. TheCGMis furnishedwitha combination gas valve that combin es mai n gas valvewith redundant seats,pressure reg- ulator,and gas cock ,plus pilot filterand100%shutoff ina single unit.Theboileris furnished witha combination relay receptacle and40 VA transformer andaplug-in circulator reo lay.This combination provides the advantage of easier com- ponent replacement at lower unit cost. The 'control system oftheCGMisfully automatic.When the thermostat callsfor heat,burners ignite andthecircula- tor starts.Whenthe thermostat is satisfied,the gas valve closesandthe circulator stops.If boiler water temperature reaches the high-limit setting,the burners stop,but thecircu- -latorop er ates aslongas there isacallfor heat.Burners recycleas necessary. CGM ,lATINGS Chimney S lze- 4 "1.0.x 20' 4 '1.0.x 20' 5"1.0.x 2 0' 6"1.0.x 20 ' 6"1.0.x 20 ' 7"1.0.x 2 0' 7 "1.0.x 20' (~fP)~DOE ®• DOE 5e asonal Effk:lancy _____Percent (AFU__E)'r-_'__-J DOEHeatingNet l,B-R Hlghast·Hig h- Capacity Ratings Water Efficiency Effk:l ency Standa rd BTUlH r.·BTU/Hr.-Model(PIO)Mode l (PI)Model...----.-_0 -__•~___ 43,000 37 ,000 8 1.1 7 2.0 67 .4-------------t----::::::-::--+-:c:-=---==-t 58,00050,000 8 1.8 73.7 70.3----_._-._--------- 86,00075 ,00081.7 73.3 70.3--.---.--._-.----._---------·~-+-,-,..,.--,--I _~I ~,OO_O ~~O,~~O____8 1.5 72.-;-9_+_-::7::,0:.;.3_+-:::-:'::'-"7.::--1 143 ,000 124,00081.4 72.5 70.4.._.....------.-..-..-----------:;::'-:--t-=:::'-"-~ ..!!~,OO~___~~~'C!0 0 81_.2 7_2._0_1--:7:::0,-.4:--t~::':::":':'::-:::--f 200,000174,000 81 .1 71.6 70.4,-'--__--1 A.G.A. Input BTU/Hr. 52,000 70,000 105,000 140,000 175,000 210 ,000 24 5,000 Water Boiler Numbert CGM·2S CGM-3 CGM-4 CGM-5-.._..--_.- CGM·a CGM·7 CGM·8 TYPE PACKAG E GASBOILER length WIdth Helghl--_._.-------_. 27 27~3 1"" ~~--'---_.._- 27 271>31 ~ .----~.__.-----_.- 27 27 ~311; .-----------30 271;311;-_.-- 33 271;3'1;------- 36 271;3'~ 42 27l'l 3 1\1, ~--------_.__. 6 Olmenalons of Crllted CGM (out alde ente measuremenls In Inche.)..~.--_...__..._---- / lEW SIDE ELEVATIDN MINIMUM CLEARANCE FORCLOSET INSTALLATION ·40 ~clearance requi red wi th automatic vent damper . G..Conn ection Slze- ';"-;'/X,////-//, /~l~~-~6 2 ,. /, /3 / T TOPV w '0 '0 13 16 '9 22 25 MA,NUAL MAIN SI-lUTOrF GAS VALV E :/ t Add "PI"todesig natorlor IntermlUente lectronic IgnitIon system .Add "PI w/Damper"todesigna tor fo r intermittentel ectronicIgn ition system with eu tomeuc vent damper. ~Based on standard teet pro cedures p rescribed by Ihe UnitedStates De oenment 0 1Energy ..Net I-B-R raUngs arebasedo n net in stalled radiation 01 suffic ient Quantity lorthe rec ulrements o f the buildingand nothin g need be added lor no rmal p ipingand pick -up.RatingsBrB based onapipingandorck-up a llowance 011.15.Anadd itlo nalellowance should be madelor u nusualpIpingand pick-up l oads . ..."ln special caseswhe re surrounding conditions pe rmit .chi mneyh eightmay be reduced to10Ieet. NOTE:CGM boilers lorresidentialradlentpa nel systems.conve rted g ravity he ating systems .orother low water temperature appllcetiooe sh ou ld be Installed withby -pass pi pingequa l 10the supply and returnsue .with balan cing valveetoavoid excessi ve nue g as condensationdu e 10 l oweroperati ng water temperatu res NOTE:CGM bo ilersareAGA.des ign certilicd fo rinstallat ion on combuslibleflooring,Testedlor50 PSI 'NOrklng press ure.Available lor natu ral andpro panegas to 0 "l RETURN \ DIMENSIONS LEFTEND FRONT RIGHTEND Number &Size of-------Dlmenllons -Inchea Weter Return Bo ller Supply (In Number clrculalor)A 0-0 E CGM-25 1-1'''-1 -~·11 39"4 CGM-3 1-1%'1-1"181;46!w 4 'I;---------~---~ CGM -.1-1 ~"I-I"20 48"5 II;------ CGM -5 1-1 ~'1-'"23 5'"6 'I;--------_._~---_. CGM·6 1-1 ~'26 54"6 4 CGM-7 1-1'1."24'14 53'"7 4.----...__..---- CGM-8 1-11'.1:"271;5 5 ~7 4 6 Add 4\1~wh en aulomallc vent dam perIsused . "Sizes shownare gas con nection euee .Gas p iping from meier 10bo iler to be sized acco.ding10 loca l u tility req uirements Mi chigan C ity,In diana 46 360 STANDARDEQUIPMENT ALL BOILERS InsulatedSteelJacket Vertical Draft Hood(In sapers te carton) Aluminized Steel Burners Combination Gas Valve (InclUdes pre ssura regulato r,gas cock,pil ot filta r,pilot adlullmen~and 100%shutoff main gas valve w~h redundant seats)lor 24 von Thermocouple (Ilandard elllciancy mode ls) Non-Untlng Pilot Burner Buln ·ln AIr Eliminator 51alnlese51eel Radiation Plate s (except CGM·25) Combination Relay Receptac le and40VA 1I'anslormer Plug -In Cir<:ulator Ralay Hlgh·Umn Temperature Control Electrlcal Junction Box Rollout ThermalFuse Element SpillSwitch WiringHam ...and 5e1ety Control Wire Circulator (1lIco 007or B&G LR·20) 30PSIASME Salety ReUe'Valve Combination Pres sure·Temperature Gauge DrainValve Hlghest-Effk:lency Mod el (PIw/Damper)-Inlermillant electronic Ignnlon SystemwithAutoma tic VentDamper High-EfficiencyModel(PI)-Intermillent E1actronlc Ignition System StandardEffICiency Model -Constant Burning,Tharmally Supervised Pilot System ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Seil-Generatlng Cont rols with 100%Shutoff (dual -limn control furnished In place 0'redundantgas valve) Taco110 Circulator B&G 100Circulator Gas ConV6rllon Kits AII·1I'01 System(co mpression tank,fill and chec k valve,automatic air ventand Ilttlngs)-~109 Sizes 25thru 5;~110 Sizes 6thru 8-ahlpped In separale carton ) ADivision ofThe M arley C ompany FormNo .C-553RI4(1 290)1:)19 90 Well-M clain LithoIn U.S.A. CONSTRUCTION PERM IT NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT T O BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ATE DECEMBER 30.1 994 PERMIT NO .7173 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1 11 111 IVV 2.OCCU PANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 z ELECTRICALa GENERALDESCRIPTION OF WOR K:>=c(PLUMBING 5 00 .00REPLACEBOILER=> ...J c( MECHANICAL>13.000 .00 TYPE GRO UP GR.F .A.VALUATION PERM ITFE ES BUILDINGPERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTR ICAL NEW()ALTERATI ON ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (XX PLUMBING 1 5.00/PC 4.00 #41 34 DWELLI NGUNITS __ACCOMMODAT ION UNITS __MECHANI CAL 26 0.00/PC 6 5.00 #133 ~HEIGH T IN FT.__NO.FIREP LACES --RECREATIONFEE INSULAT ION:TYPE THICKN ESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REV IEW BOARD Ie; FLOOR CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT ~\.JI~EXT .WA LLS USETA X l':::::l- ROOF WILL CAL L 6.00 ~_f- TYPE ELE C.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3 50 .00 OF SO LAR WO OD CR FELDMANN 12 -30-94HEAT ADD ITIONALPERMITSNEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- s.-'"INITIAL IzoNING ADMINISTRATOR-----DATE----ST.CUT BLA STIN G ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledg e that I have r ead this application ,f illed o ut in fu ll the i nfor mationr eq u ired, c omp leted an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the i nformation prov ided as r eq uired is correct.I agree to comply w ith the informati on and plot plan ,t o c omplyw i th all Town ord i nances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town 's z oni ng and subdi v ision codes ,design review approved ,Uniform Bu ildi ng Code and other 0idinances of ~.T ow n ap~Ii Cable the ret o. \l ..fL .0 C?' SIGNATUREOFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. TOB E FILLED OUT COMPLETELYPRIORTO I SSUA~CE?F PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT V,1);1:;~~ o BUILDING [lOIp L UMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION rnx M E:f4%N ~O NQ DR 1IH4 _GAL LOT ~'5 BL K I; E SC .FI LIN G CHAMONIX CHALETS :.JOB NAME :F INLAYBOI LER OWN ER NAM E BOB FINLAY BOX 3032 MAILADDRES S VAIL 81658 926 -1 0 0' CITY PH. AR CHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM I LECTRICAL ONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM SIBLEY P &H PLUMBING 134-P CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE 827 -5736 FIRM SIBLEY P &H MECH ANI CAL 134-P CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAILREG.NO. 827 -5736,TELE. OTHER FIRM. TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. C ONTRACTOR TELE. PERHIT 1/1113 ,J . •TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTIO' PERMIT APPLICATION ~ORM DATE:i 1 -'-1 -11'-{ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED )(••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• []-Building [~-pumbin~J~..A-Electrical r,(]-MeChanical []-Other _ JoJ:>Name:Gf..vuP#';;J<1.a.p/~cj Job Address:7.-i 70 eJ"t:/;>/';('\0 *V, Legal Descript i on:J ,nt Block .Filing -"'S...UB'"'D"'"'I..,V'""I""S'""I~ONll..O..::--_ Owners Name:f3 010 '..f ;Ii1 L'1 ':J .Address:_C5_0_'f._'_.30_3_'2_·-,,-V(/1.__:l---=B:..:;/.=..b52~.Ph .q"(,-{OQL Architect:Address: General Description: Work Class:[]-New []-Altera~ion []-Additional ~-Repair [.]-other_ Number of Dwelling units:I Number of Accommodation units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances__'Gas Logs__Wood/Pellet ~~**~**~**~*~*********************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$SQC2 £E.MECHANICAL:$t 1..ZJ tl ()~TOTAL:$.---------- ~*********************~*****CO~~CrOR INF~RMATION ***************************"~neral Contractor:j?\(\,,\o ,,",()v :ld\.~"....s Town of Vail Reg.NO.(VJ~ Address:f O {3 (,>x I e fl2 It ,-,'I (0 51t?£P?~hone Number:l Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor:.~do~fl~,"".C ._Town of Vail Reg.NO.!~"e Address:lolfo '&"9".'".s::F 1&-.VI Of ",r.'"e;I te L($Phone Number:(.iI 27-$~ .< Mechanical Contractor:$='I 1'~=~I ",C c Town of Vail R~.NO~~ Address:(~YQ !N2 d $-+::V\.~I\.~~bit"V:S Phone Number:~-1 SJ~ FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE:· CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FE~S::.3 'S:?>- BUILDING:C\Q~I~~)IQ.~.SIGNATURE:--"_.......,....:::="-="",,,,,o.::.;;=-_t ~ ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATIONSQ.FT.GROUPTYPE ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: Comments:------------------------------------ ~CLEAN UPDEP.OSIT REFUND TO : I • 75 south frontage road . vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • office ofcommunity development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thts permtt requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Public Works)reviewand approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,andareview by the Building Department,the esti~ted time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeks. All commercial (large or small)and all multi-family permits will have to followthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period . Every attempt win be made by this departmentto expedite this . permitassoonas possible . I,the undersigned,understand theplan check procedure and time frame. "w ·(?(){3~--...,---r-.Agreed toby.. ckl et 'f.j 2--'Z q-q fr Date Work Sheet was tuned into the Community Development Department . 1(-•• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 • office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: "SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right~of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public 'Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: ~W .IL (();R......:-- ~Date ...•• ----------------------- --. ®c..A +((>"0 V,vJ (,".:JC:':'\-S ~l.::ol1<L 'I I~II fx;~k '"\le(\1- 1-\:~h CV e.-A ..{:.....OM L ew :ro:~b fC'>.~O~\.I (\)\ C-.A • C k C\."\.o.'....Of::cl.·o-I~r H -if 'Z '{7 0 C kG tv':r-o»:((/L IJc:.\(Olu . ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED ~,.."A.~- ;,"-TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ••MEMORANDUM • i-J UJobName:[b Of\'\.l?'";J{('bE it .f 1 Date:I k -z...q -q 'I Please answer thefollowing questionnaire regardingtheneedfora"PublicWay Permit"; x y. y.. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Is this a neW residence? Is demolition workbeing performed that requires theuseoftheright ofway,easementsorpublic property? Isany utilitY workneeded? Isthe driveway being repaved? Is different accessneededtosite other thanexistingdriveway? Isany drainage workbeing done affecting therightofway,easements, or public property? lsa "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A.Is the rightofway,easements or public property to be usedfor staging, parkingorfencing? B.Ifnoto8A,isaparking,staging or fenqing planrequiredby Community Development? 'f;~~~Y DEt ~_ 1uv .•,DEV,0 1. .Ifyou answered yestoanyofthese questions,a"PublicWayPermit"mustbeobtained. "Public Way Permit"applications may be obtained atthePublicWork'sofficeorat Community Development.Ifyouhave any questions pleasecallCharlieDavis,theTown ofVail Construction Inspector,at 479-2158.- Ihavereadandansweredallthe above questions. -1d :t lJ dxt ;L tJ£~-- JobName Contractor's Signature -e .:. 17.....z1 -tt y Date - • Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes ~. NAME:CHAMONIX CHALET #14 ADDRESS:2470 CHOMNIX LN VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R1 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V1HR DATE:12/30/94 CONTRACTOR:SIBLEY P&H ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C.FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1)COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2)ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3)INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21OF THE 1991 UMC. 4)GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9OF THE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5)DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6)BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7)FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 8)PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.