HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 3 LEGAL~.... TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /,u l':3 cD Ur;.J S'~cJ-,n ~ NOTE:THIS P ERM IT MUST BE POST EDON JOBSI TE ATALL TIMES AD D/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Permit £:B97-0316 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No..: project No.: 2572 AROSA DR VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 2103-142-05-008 Status ...: LOTApplied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 09/16/1997 09/19/1997 03/18/1998 APPLICANTVAIL VALLEY ROOFING P .O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY ROOF ING P.O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 OWNER WILSON CHRISTINA LOUISE &DAVID 2572 AROSA DR ,VAIL CO 81657 Description: REMOVE METAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Phone:970/476 -6899 Phone:970/4 76-6899 Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:9,995 AddSq Ft: FirepLace Information :Restricted :£ot Gas AppLian ces:£OfGas Log s:£of ~ood/PaLLet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** BuiLding----->145.00 Rest uarant PL an Review -->.00 To taL Ca LcuL ated Fees--->362.25 PLan Check--->94 .25 ORB Fee----------------->20 .00AdditionaLFees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00Tota lPermit Fee-------->362 .25 ~iL L CaL L---->3.00 CLean -Up Depos i t-------->100.00 Payments---------------->362.25 TOTAL FEES-------------->362 .25 BALANCE DUE ------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/16/1997 LORELEI Ac t ion:APPR APPROVED Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORK S Dept: BY ART Dept: Dept: Dept: BUILDING HOUGLAND PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division : Division : ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions th at may apply t o this permit. DEC LARATION S Iherebyacknow Ledge that I haveread this app Lication,fiLLedout in fuLL the i nformation r equir ed,comp Le tedanacc urate pLot pLan,and state that aLL t he i nformation provided a s required is correct.agree t o comp Ly with the information andp Lot pLan, to compLy with aLL Town ordinances a nd state Laws,andt o bui Ld this str ture acrngt o the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design reviewapproved,UniformBuiLding Code and other ordinan c oft he ow app Licable thereto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE Send CLean-Up DepositTo:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit £:B97-0316 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: Pro ject No.: 2572 AROSA DR VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1 2103-142-05-008 Status ...: LOT Applied •.: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 09/16/1997 09/19/1997 03/18/1998 APPLICANTVAIL VALLEY ROOFING Phone:970/476-6899 P.O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY ROOFING Phone:970/476-6899 P.O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 OWNER WILSON CHRISTINA LOUISE &DAVID 2572 AROSA DR,VAIL CO 81657 Description: REMOVE METAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:9,995 Add Sq Ft: Fir~p lac~Information :Restricted:lOfGas Appliances:lOfGasLogs:lOf Wood/Pallet: ******************************AAAAAAAAAA*****~AAAAAAAAA**FEE SUMMARY *******AAAAAAAAAA***AAAAAAAAAA************AAAAAAAAAAAAAA** Building----->145.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->362 .25 Plan Check--->94.25 ORB Fee--------------->20.00 Additional Fee s--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recr~ation Fee------>.00 Total Permit Fee------->362.25 Will Call---->3 .00 Clean-Up Deposit----->100.00 Payments---------->362.25 TOTAL FEES --------->362 .25 BALANCE DUE------->.00 *******AAAAAAAA****************************************************AAAAAAAAAA***AAAAAAAAAAAA***AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA********** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/16/1997 LORELEI Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: BY ART Dept: Dept: Dept: BUILDING HOUGLAND PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and stat~that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SendClean-UpDepositTo:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER •• Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit £:B97-0316 as of 09/19/97 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING 970/476-6899 Job Address:2572 AROSA DR Location---:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1LOT3 BLK C Parcel No--:2103-142-05-008 Description: REMOVE METAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Applied--:09/16/1997 Issued---:09/19/1997 To Expire:03/18/1998 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. •• **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Reprinted:09/19/97 15:59 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0328 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:£2539 362.25 09/19/97 10:13 Init:LRD 362.25 362.25 .00 ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPEA-BUILD FIL 1LOT3 BLK C Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 362.25 B97-0316 Type: 2103-142-05-008 2572 AROSA DR VAIL DAS SCHONE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 145.00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 94.25 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 100 .00 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPAR TMEN T OF CO MM UNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit £:B97-0316 Job Address: Location ...: Parce l No ..: Pro ject No.: 2572 AROSA DR VAIL DAS SCHON E FIL 1 21 0 3-1 42 -05-008 Status ...: LOTApplied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: APPROVED 09/16/1997 APPLICANTVAIL VALLE Y ROOFING Phone:970/476-6899 P.O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY ROOFING Phone:970/476-6899 P.O.BOX 3415,EAGLE,CO 81634 OWNER WILSON CHRISTINA LOUISE &DAVID 2572 AROSA DR,VAIL CO 81657 Description : REMOVE ME TAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Single Fam i ly Res idence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:9,995 AddSqF t: Fireplace Information:Re stri cted:lOfGas Appliances :lOfGasLogs:lOf Wood/Pallet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Building----->145.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->362.25 Plan Check--->94.25 ORB Fee----------------->20.00Addit ional Fees-------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee--------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->362.25 Will Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Oepo sit-------->100 .00 Payments-------------->.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->362.2 5 BALANCE DUE----------->362.25 ******************************************************************************************************AAAAAAAA******************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/16/1997 LORELEI Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: BY ART Dept: Dept: Dept: BUILDING HOUGLAND PLANNING F IRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application,filled outin full the informat ion required,completedan accurate plot plan,a nd state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to complywith all Town ordinances and state laws,andtobuild this s tructurea ccording to the Town'szoning andsubdi v ision codes,design r eview appr oved,unifo rm Bu ild ing Cod e andot her ordinances of the Town appli cable thereto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPECTIO NS SHALL BE MAOE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA NCE BY TELEPH ONEAT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO M 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SendClean-Up Depo sit To:VAIL VAL LE Y ROOFING SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO OWNER •• Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit £:B97-0316 as of 09/16/97 Status---:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING 970/476-6899 Job Address:2572 AROSA DR Location ---:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1LOT3 BLK C Parcel No--:2103-142-05-008 Description: REMOVE METAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Applied--:09/16/1997 Issued---: To Expire: **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. PE RN IT ff--- *~c on t;a ~t ;t~gl e County Ass esso r_ff i ce •~a t :9 70-3 28-8640 f o r Parce l fl r/TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCE L fl:"k{o $l qY SOD'{}.-PERMIT APPL,l:C!-TION FORM .DATE:9./1 {/!:J.7 ItIAPPLICATIONMUSTBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BEACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMITINFORMATION ***************************** []-Buil ing []-plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechan~cal []-Other Job Name:~f5 i\9~e...tSo Job Address:2S1 ~)JA-/)g , SUB DIVISION:Block___Fi1ing --"""-"-''-"--''~~''-'-_Le ga l De scription:Lot _ Owners Name:Address:_____________Ph._ Archit ect: Ge neral Description: Number of Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type o f Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.__Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILD ING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$,-=-......",-:-~7-::---- PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$--"-~----TOTAL:$01 QCZ {-tIJ! -i l El ectrical Address: Plumbing Con tractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Pho ne Number: Mechanical Contractor: Add ress: To wn of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** BUI LDIN GPERM IT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE US E ******************************* BU ILDING P LAN CHECK F EE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTALP ERM IT FEES: Comments:----------- TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATU RE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: L 61A--O l(CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: \,r \(I 12~.-----------_-_'rr ')~) Lf 1.;D t/-v-J,q ( .'•• 75 south trontaqe road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 office 01 community development TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL FROM:TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. (i.e.contractor,owner) To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooper tion on this matter. "C cl't;J'"1~'-(~~ositi ;r:RelationshiP to project~Q"[Q 7 ' "Date I • 75 south frontage road vall,co lorado 81657 (303)4 7 9-2138 or 479-213 9 • olflce ofcommunitydevelopment BUILDING PERt·iIT ISS UANCE TIME FRM IE If thts permtt requires a Town ofVail Fire DepartmentApproval, Engineer"s (Public Works)reviewand approval,a Planning Department revieworHealthDepartment review,andarev i ew bythe Building Department,the estimated tim e for ato tal review may ta ke aslong as three weeks. All c omm ercial (large or small)an d all multi-fami lyper mits will haveto follow {he abovementioned ma ximum requirements.Residen tial andsmall projects sh ould take a less er amount of time.However,if res idential or sm al ler projects impact the various above me ntioned de partments with regard to necessary review,these projects may al so take the three week period, Ev ery attempt will be made by this department t o expedite thi s. per rnit assoonaspossib1e. I,th e undersigned,understand the plancheck procedure andtim e frame . Co mmunity •MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'IS REQUIRED Job Name:._ Date:'--_ Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestionnaireregardingtheneed for a"PublicWayPermit": 1)Isthisanewresidence? 2)Isdemolitionwork being performed thatrequirestheuseoftheright ofway,easements orpublic property? 3)Isanyutility work needed? 4)Isthe driveway beingrepaved? 5)Isdifferent access neededtosite otherthanexistingdriveway? 6)Isany drainage work beingdone affectingtherightofway,easements, orpublic property? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPermit" required? 8)A.Istherightofway,easements or public property tobeusedforstaging, parkingor fencing? B.Ifnoto8A,isaparking,staging orfencing plan requiredby Community Development? Contractor's vereadand answered alltheabo«.t<JI0!>~ Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthese questions,a"PublicWay Permit"mustbeobtained. "PubllcWay Permit"applicationsmaybe obtained atthe Public Work's officeorat Community Development.Ifyouhaveany questions please call CharlieDavis,theTown ofVail Construction Inspector,at479- JobName •• PUBLICWORKSPERMITPROCESS HowitrelatestoBuildingPermits : 1)Filloutourchecklistprovided withabuilding permitappl ication. If yeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequestionsthena"PublicWay"is required.YoucanpickupanapplicationateitherCommunityDevelopment , locatedat75S.FrontageRoadorPublicWorks,locatedat1309VailValleyDrive . 2)Noticesignottsforutilitycompanies .Allutilitiesmustfieldverify(locate) respectiveutilitiespriortosigning application.Someutilitycompaniesrequireup toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate. 3)A construction trafficcontrol/staging planmustbepreparedonaseparatesheet ofpaper .Anapprovedsiteplanmayalsobeused.Thisplanwillshow locations ofalltrafficcontroldevices(signs,cones,etc..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction,Staging ,etc..).ThisplanwillexpireonOct.15th.andwillneedto beresubmittedforapprovalthroughthewinter. 4)Sketchofworkbeingperformedmustbesubmitted indicating dimensions(length, width &depthofwork).Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcontrolplanorasite planforthejob . 5)SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWorks'sofficeforreview.If required , locateswillbescheduledfortheTownofVailElectriciansandIrrigationcrew.The locatestakeplaceinthemorningbut,mayrequireupto48hourstoperform . 6)ThePubl ic Work'sConstructionInspectorwillreviewtheapplicationandapprove or disapprove thepermit.Youwillbecontactedastothestatusandanythatmay needed.Mostpermitsarereleasedwithin48hoursofbeingreceived,butplease allowuptooneweektoprocess . 7)Assoonasthepermitisprocessed ,acopywillbefaxedto Community Development allowingthe"BuildingPermit"tobereleased.Pleasedonotconfuse the"PublicWayPermit"witha"BuildingPermit"todoworkonaprojectitself. NOTE: *The above.processisforworkinapublicwayonly. *PublicWayPermitsarevalidonlyuntilNovember15th. *AnewPublicWayPermitisrequiredeachyearifworkisnotcomplete. cdlrma y • 75 southfrontag eroad vall,colorado 8 1657 (30 3)47~2138 (303)47~2 1 3 9 • o Hice of community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Eff e ctive Jun e2 0 ,1 9 91,t he Towno fVai lBu i ldi ng Departme nt h as de v eloped the f ol lowing p roced ure s to ensure that new construction s it es hav e adequat el y e st abli shed proper dra in age f ro m b uildi n g sit esa long a nd a djacent t oTown of Vail r oads or s t ree ts . The Town of Va il Public Works Department wil lb e required to inspe ct and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail r oads or streets a nd the i n stall at ion of temporary or permanen t culverts at access points from the road or street on to t he construction s ite. Such a pprova lmust be obtain ed pri or to any r equ e st for i n specti on by th e Town of Vail Bu i lding Dep artment for footing s or t emporary e l ect r ical or a ny other i nspection.Pleas e c all 47 9-21 60 to re qu e st a ni nspec tio n from t he Pub l ic Wo r ks Departmen t.Allow a mi n imum of 2 4 hour n otic e. Also ,the Towno f Vail P ub l ic Works De partment wi ll be approving al l f inal drain ag e and culv ert install a tion wi th resu ltin g roa d pa t c h i n q .a s nec e ssa ry .Such a p prova l must be obt ai n ed p rior to F ina l Certificate of Occu pancy is su ance . 75 South FrontageRoad Vail,C olorado 81 657 30 3 -479 -213 8/479-2/39 FAX 3 03 -479 -2452 •• Department of Co mmunityDevelopment INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN INTOSCALE,WITH PHYSICALDIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGSOFALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3.SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIRDUCTS,FLUES, VENT CONN ECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4.NOTE WHETH ER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILLALSOBEINSTALLEDIN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURETO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. •.i •• REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 11/05/97 07:48 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FoR:l1/5/97 PAGE AREA: 1 ================================================================================ Activity:B97 -031&11/5/97 Type:A-BUILD Status:ISSUED Constr:ASFR Address:2572 ARoSA DR Location:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1LOT3 BLK C Parcel:2103-142-05-008 Dec:Use:VN Description:REMOVE METAL ROOF;APPLY CEDAR SHAKE ROOF Applicant:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING Phone:970/47&-&899 Owner:WILSON CHRISTINA LOUISE &DAVID Phone: Contractor:VAIL VALLEY ROOFING Phone:970/47&-&899 Inspection Request Information ••... Requestor:MICKY Req Time:01:00 Comments: Items requested to be Inspected ... 00090 BLDG-Final Inspection His t or y ••••• Item:00510 driveway grade final Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel Item:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:00030 BLDG-Framing Item:00040 **Not On File ** Item:00050 BLDG-In sulation Item:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item:00080 **Not On File ** Item:00070 BLDG-Misc. Item:00090 BLDG-Final Item:00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O Item:00540 BLDG-Final C/O Phone:47&-&899 Comments Time E><p • CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: VENDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRlPTIONOFEXPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FORBP # AMOUNTOFREFUND: DATE APPROVED: , ProjectName: e e Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Wilson Reroof ProjectDescription :Removemetal roof andapplyshakes Owner,AddressandPhone:Christina Wilson,2572 Arosa Drive,Vail CO 81658 Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:VailValley Roofing ProjectStreetAddress: LegalDescription: 2572 Arosa Drive Lot 3,Blk.C,VailDas Schone ParcelNumber:2 t 03-142-05-008 Comments : Motionby: Seconded by: Vote : Conditions : Staff approved TownPlanner:Dominic Mauriello BuildingName: Board /Staff Action Action : Date:9-15-97 ORBFeePre-Paid:$20.00 Questions?cae Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL :LOT :FILING :\{5$( PHYSICALADDRESS:-:2-~5'--L_1.-=---!.....:...!..=~~---:..J..L.-'_ PARCEL II :?-/o>14 t.-OC;=-o 0 «'"(ContactEagleCo.AssessorsOfficeat 970-328-8640 forparcel II) ZONING:'t--= NAMEOFOWNER(S):Q~(SI\~A="WI C-SPAj MAILINGADDRESS:S'A:-.vL C . ..::-,.,Pi'lONE: OWNEH(S)SIGNATURE(S):'"liLJ.412i;,AJ ;llJ..~-------- NAMEOFAPPLICANT:\{14:('--\(I'\:L=L:.>.C?--(~.....,f)~~~"-.11---,lt,-,,,,--=1--,,G~~_ MAILINGADDRESS:':JJ Cz.~-'-~---1 ---=-~<-"':::'T-----'7"---------:--:---,----:n:=c=---Le:"eA)!J ~PHONE:'-{[~(p rt79 II.TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -$200 Construction ora newbuilding. o Additinn -$50Includes anyadditionwheresquarefootage is added 10 anyresidentialor ~commercialbuilding. o Minor Alteration -V Includesminorchangesto buildingsand site improvements,suchas,. reroofing.painting.windowadditions.landscaping.fencesandretaining walls,etc . E. D . B. c. F. G . GENERAL INFORMATION Thisapplicationisforanyproject requiringDesignReviewapproval.Anyprojectrequiringdesignreviewmust receive Design Reviewapprovalpriortosubmittin g for a buildingpermit.Forspecificinformation.seethe submittal requirements fortheparticularapprovalthat is requested .Theapplicationcannotheaccepteduntilallthc required inform ationissubmitted .Theprojectmayalsoncedtobereviewed by theTownCounciland/orthe Planning and Environmcntal Commi ssion.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a hulldlnj;permit isissued and construction is started . A.DESCRIPTION OF TH E REQUEST :fLtm.O\LcS.vVty~ DRBfeesarctobe paid at the time ofsubmittal .Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpermit,please identify theaccuratevaluationoftheproject.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefccaccordingtotheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. •'.A . .~. + + 5 5.00 + S7.00 • SO .25 + 55.00 • S20 .00 $3 7.00 h+,----1P1 $36 _00 • 554 .00• 53 9.00 + 537 .00 + 1r-7J IRE eElrT 1'0.._ , I, ~.•.-.".--•...,"NO ..._..TAX -":"'-COSTE.A..TOTAl.ITL"I ">,-~.~_.. ..-.._.--..,;.--_.-..~-.~-'"-.-.-:-:-~~,~-'::'. ::;ACCOU:ST .0",;0.-.-•• ;;;010000424 15 UNII-'ORMBUILDINGCODE tf 01000042415 UN IFORM PLUMBING CO DE ::01000041540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS g 01 000042415 UNIFORM l\1ECIlAN ICAL CODE Ji:01000042415 UNIFOR M FIRE CODE •;:(J[000042415 NATIO :-l:\L ELECTRICAL CODE E 01000042415 OTII ERCODE TlOOKS~1 ----';0:i-I--i;00~0 0i;-;;-4 ~1 5"'4':6S-+-T;I3i-LnUrFE;':'p~R;'-,-I~N""'Ti-S7.(l\c'i1:":;yCi-L-=iA=nR;rSo;-)----------+--t---t-""'.,--rurm.--------~ g 01000042412 XEROXCOP IES :=l~hiO:i-I-70c;:0'""O,;;-O--i4-:;;2--;-4.;-:12~--iS;;.T~U'TD~II;..,:S~:....:..:=----------------1---I----t--"'.::..:..::-=-t-.----~~ rr OJ 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM ~ "01 {){JOO 4 2371 PENALTYFEES I RE_INSPECTlO~N"'S------------t-----lI----t----=:..:..:..:...;;...t----------tr.':sl,. ;~-0,.1.---nc()(")(J.-;"'0,.-4;-;I'J'32~---;P"'I-.A"N,..,....R..E;.,-"V IE ~\'RE.,.;-C~I:;;IE~:C~K:-;;,F;;E;.E;,_L.:[S::..:4~0..:P..:.E:.:.:R,...:I..:.IR..:..:.L)----1-,-,+----1------1----1 "01 000042332 O FF 1I 0URS INSPECTION FEES fi- i}0 I 000041412 CONT RACTORS L ICENSES FEES :;:- ~~01 0{)00414 13 SIGN APPL ICATION -FEE ~ 01 (JOOO 4 1413ADD ITIONAI.S 1(1NAG E FEE .......J:::.S.:..:1..::.O O~P ~E .:..:R...::S~Q!.:..:..FT.:...",-]-+-----I---I----tf----l!~~.01 OOOoA ..[V lI'ARTPROJECTDONATlON .~ _~01 0(j(1O 4J"33};P1'R EPAJI)DES IGN REVIEWBOARDFEE dO ~ 01 (){)(I\Fil7]/1 INV ESTIGATION FEE(BU ILDI NG)'i: ,,3100 0045 11 0 TOYPARKINGFUND ~IT 01 000022027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISP ENSER FUND ,.,- 7:·O I OOl102 I JI2 TAXABLE~S%(STATE)'.:!"; ~•0 1 UOOO 41 0 I 0 TAXA .!!LE (ii!4 .QL(TOWl:!).~ ....01{){J0042371llU ILDINGINVESTJGATlON -i: o TIl ER ;:. -. S200 .00 CONDITIONA L USE PERMIT S200 .00 S20 0.00EXTERIORALTERATIONILESSTHAN100S().FT .Iis01000041330 ~ '[1ri0~1 7ooi7i"ii°i;°A4;i-1 -;,3 ,;-;3 0'rliK~m~riCri'~~R-i'T'r~~~F'-7>:ffin-r;..::>.;.:...:...:.L-_t_---t------+-<;-;=-'i~'Ki;__t_---F_t>'i_01000041330 S250.00 $25 0.00 S20 0.00 S200 .00 S I,OOO.OO SUBDIVISION VARlANCE ZON ING CODEAME NDMENTS RE -Z ONING SPEC IAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT rMINOR A MENDl SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT D ISTRICT rMAJORAMENDI 01 000041330 01000041330 0100004 1330 0 1 000041330 ,;01000041330 -';l----ii~~~~rl':,;-;:,:;:_;__IT_;;~'-'--------------_1--+--_1___,:=r"'""+--____Jo"!;j~~I----ii-_i___i_.~:_Ti_~c+i~iTi::i~~:r-;CT7;~i'<T7F<"T"""-------_+--+--_+__;:.~:'i;i;_t_--_r~~/---i;-~~~.;,i;--Fn-;;~~'i-ci?~:..::.:..:='-'==.:...::...:::--------f--+---+~~~----tia " I ~OJ 000041330 O TIIER TOTAL: OTHER ~ I~,!!.COMMENTS:__----tl~I"" r ~..RE~:""'_ TOWN OF l")l=I IL Miscellaneous Cash 09-17-97 10:3 \:1:2 8 Rece iP t #23077'01 Hccoun t #CK #2 5(18 I)H IL l}HLLE'l F.:OOF It-JG '-.DR B FEE Hrf,oun t .t.ende r ed >2(1.00 Item paid ct-,."ng e ret.urned > Rmount paid 20 .00 0 .00 THRNK YOU '/Qur cas hier REHTHR , II' TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL ,CO 81657 9 70 -479 -2138 DEPAR TMENT OFCOMMU NITY DEVELO PMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMITP ermit #:M96-0188 -: J ob Address :2572 AROSA DR Location :2572 AROSA DR Parc el No:2 103-142-05 -008 project Number : Statu s ...:ISSUED Applied ..:11 /13/1996 Issued ...:11 /13/1996 Expire s ..:05/12/199 7 APP LICANT BEAV ER CREEK PLUMBING &HEAT POBOX 625,AVON CO 816 20 CONTRACT OR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING &HEAT POBOX 625 ,AVON CO 81620 OWNER LEFEVRE RIC HARD R &GWENDOLYN L 2572 AROSA DRIVE,VAIL CO 81657 De sc r iption : I NSTALL NEW BOUILER Phone: P hone: Valuation: 3 0 3949 75 23 3 039 497 523 10 ,000.00 Fi re pla ce In fo rm at ion :Restri cted :#Of Gas App lia nce s:#O fGa s Log s:#Of Yood /Pa llet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMM ARY ********************************************************** Me chan ica l ---)200 .00 Re stuarant PlanReviell--).00 Total Calc ul ated Fees---)253.00 Pl an Ch eck---)50.00 OR B Fee-----------------).00 Ad ditional Fees ---------).0 0 Inve stigati on).00 TOTAL FEES --------------)253.00Total Permit Fee--------)253 .00 Wil lCa ll----)3 .00 Payments ----------------)253 .00 BALANCE OUE-------------).00 **********.***************.***********************.**************.*******************************.******************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 11 /13/1996CHARLIE Action:APPRCHARLIE DAVIS Item:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 11/13/1996 CHARL IE Action:APPRN/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC KF OR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3.IN STALLATION MUST CONF ORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT IONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21OFT HE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPL IANCE SSHALLBE VENTED ACC ORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AN D SHALL TERMINATE ASSPEC IF IED INSEC .906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5.ACCESS TO HEATING EQU IPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC .505 AND 703 OF THE 19 91 UMC. 6.BOI LERSS HALL BE MO UNTE DON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUS TIBLE CON ST. UNLE SS LI STED FOR MOUNTIN G ON COMBUST IBLE FLOORING . 7 .PERMITLPLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBE POSTED IN MECHANI CAL ROOM PKIO R TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST. 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHA NICAL ROOMS C NTAINI NG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS •.. I herebyack nowledget hat Ihave r ead thi sapp lica t ion,fill edouti nf ull the information required ,com pleted a n a ccuratepl o t plan,ann s tate th ata llth e informat ion provided a s required i s corr e c t .1 agree t ocomply with t hei nforma t ion and p lot p lan , tocomply wi th al l Tow n o rdinanc es a nds ta te l aws,a ndt o bu ild thi ss truct ure ac cordi ng to the Town ls zo ning and subdiv ision co ne s,de sign rev iewapproved,Unif orm Build lng Code and o ther ord inances 0 1th e To wn a ppl icab le ~h e r e t o . REQUE STS FOR I NSPE CTIONS SH ALL BE MAD E T~ENT Y -FO UR HOU RS I N ADVAN CE BY TELEP HON E AT 479-21 38 OR AT OUR OFFICEFROM8 :00 AM 5 :00PM SIGNA TURE OF O~N E R OR CON TRAC TORFOR HIMSELF AND O ~NER I "',.• **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0232 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#679 253.00 11/13/96 10:06 Init:CD Permit No :M96-0188 Type:B-MECH Parcel No:2 103-142-05-008 Site Address :2572 AROSA DR Location:2572 AROSA DR MECHANICAL PERMIT This Payment 253.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 253 .00 253.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PEID1IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 200.00 50.00 3.00 "• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 9 70-4 7 9-2 1 38 CEPARTMENT OF CO MMUNITY DEVELO PMENT NOTE:THIS PE RM IT MUS T BE POSTED ONJOB SITE AT ALLT IMES MECHA NICAL PERMIT Permit #:M96-0 188 Job Address :2 572 AROSA DR Location :25 72 AROSA DR Parcel No :2103-142-05-008 P roject Number : Stat us ...:I SSUED Applied ..:11/13/1996 Is su ed ...:11/1 3/1996 Expires ..:05/12/1997 APPLICAN T BEAVER CREEK PLUMB ING &HEAT P OBOX 625 ,AVON CO 81620 CONTRAC TO R BEA VERCREEK PLUMBING &HEAT P O BOX 6 2 5,AVO N CO 8162 0 OWN ER LEF EVRE RICHARD R &GWENDOLY N L 2572 AR OSA DRIVE,VAI L CO 81 657 Pho ne:30 39497523 P hone :30 394 97523 Description : INSTALL NEW BOUILER Va l uation :1 0,00 0.0 0 Fireplace I nfo rmation:Restri cted:nof Gas Appl iances :nof Gas Logs:nOf UoodjPallet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Mechan ical --->200 .00 Res t uaran tPlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fee s--->25 3 .00 Plan Check --->50 .00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Addi ti anal Fee5 --------->.00 I nve s t i gation>.00 TOTA L FEES-------------->253 .00 Tot al Permit Fe e-------->2 53 .00 Wi II Ca ll ---->3 .00 Payment s---------------->2 53 .00 BALAN CE OUE------------->.00 **************************************************************••****************************************************************** BU ILDING Di vi s ion : Divis ion:FIRE Item :05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN T Dep t: 11 /1 3/1 996CHA RLIE Actio n:APPR CHARLIE DAVI S I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : 11/13/1996 CHAR L IE Act io n:APPRN/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECT I ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COM BU STION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.60 7 OF TH E 1 991 UM C. 3.IN STALLATI ON MUS T CONFO RM TO MANUFA CTURES I NS TRUCTIONS AN D TO APPENDIX CHA PTER 21OF THE 1991 UM C. 4.GAS APPLIANCESS HALLBE VENTED ACCO RDING TO CH APTER 9 AN D S HALL TERMI NATEASS PEC IFIED INSEC .90 6OFTHE 1 991 UMC. 5 .ACCESS TO HE ATING EQU I PM ENT MU ST CO MPL YWITHSEC.505 AND 70 3OF TH E 1 991 UMC. 6 .BOILERSSHALL BE MOUNTEDON F LOO RS OF NONCO MBUSTIBLE CO NST. UN LESS LISTED FORMOUNTI NGON COMB USTIBLEFLOOR ING. 7.P E RM ITLPLAN S AND COD E ANALYS ISMIUSTBEPOSTEDI N MECHANICAL ROO M P KIORTO AN IN SPECTI ON REgUEST. 8 .DRAINAGE OF MECH ANI CAL ROO MS C NT AINING HE ATING OR HOT -WA TER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALLBE EQUIPPEDWITH A FLOOR DRA INPERS EC. 211 9OF THE 199 1 UMC . ******************************************************************************** DECLARA TI ONS .' hereby a cknowled ge th at Ihave read th is appli catl0n ,fill ed outin ful l the i nforma tionrequi red,co mp le ted ana cc urat ep l ot pl an,a nd st a te th at a ll th e informati on pr ovided a s r e q ulr ed i sco r rec t .1ag ree tocomply with th e inform ati on andp l o t pla n, t oco mp ly with a ll Town or dinan ces ands tatel aws,a nd to bu il d this s tructure acco rdingtoth e Town 's loning a nd su bdivi s ion c odes ,de sign review a pproved ,Uniform Building Code ando ther or dinance s o f t he Town appl icable ~h ereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAL LBEHADE TUENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVAti CE BY TELEPHONE AT4 79 -2138 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PI1 SIGNATUREOF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI MSELF AND OUNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO S tatemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Numbe r:REC-0232 Amo unt : Payment Method :CHECK Notation:#679 Permit No:M96-0 188 Type:B-MECH Parcel No :2 103 -142 -05-008 Site Ad dres s:25 72 AROS ADR Location:25 72 AROSA DR 253.00 1 1/13/9610 :06 Init:CD MECHANICAL PERMIT This Payment 253.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 253.00 253.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Amoun t 200.00 50.00 3 .00 PERHIT II--- ~**c o n t a~t Eagle Count y Asses~Office 4It~at 970-328-8640 tor Pa::=ly-~TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL II:9.1°3 -I q).-?!2--O~PERMIT APPLICATION -f9.RM DATE://-//-y~ ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED 1\*****************************PERMIT INFORMATIO~****~_*********************** [)-Building [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical [vr:Mechan~cal [)-Other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description:Lot Block Filing SUBDIVISION: Owners Name:I?t~,t..d j~-f£-,ja.i;Address:e..[ZJ../l,£PS/f .£7£Ph._ Number of Accommodation Units: _____________Ph._ [)-Additional [)-Repair [)-other _ ____________Address: 13tlLP&L Joe /l~"cbA,,-e Architect: ,General Description:_~;....;;...'/l:....:..,h::::e=-....::"_0-,,'(;.=-(1._...:::='-='-..;...:;;--'--=-'-'---:-:-4----'-_ Work Class:[)-New [~teration Number of Dwelling Units:_/~__ ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPliances~Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICA~'I(p-C>J9~OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:f7lfijJtl ,dV TOTAL:$ ~***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************~~neral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: .Plu mb ing Contractor: Address: Mechanical contractor~p-'l/e{L cl::-,£?I-( Address:.£X)><~I1 r~AJ c.o It{,2 CJ Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.No.liJt~ Phone Number: ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING p~J CHECK FEE: PLUMBING P~l CHECK 7EE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: .Comments:_ ~UP DEPOSIT IlEFDIlD TO, 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 officeof community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft .off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and a~knowledged by: ~--------- 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 ~03)479-2138 or 479-2139 office of community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Publ tc Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. All commercial (large or small)and all multi-family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements .Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime .However,if res identtal or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregard to necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite this . .permtt.as soon as possible. I,tbe undersigned,understandtheplan check procedureandtime frame. ~Agreed to by. )tprOject Name ~Date Work Communi ty Sheet was turned into the Deve lo o m ~~t Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED Job Name:._ Date:'--__-:-:-----:--::---;-__---:-;_--;-__ Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestionnaireregardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit": 1)Isthisanewresidence? 2)Isdemolitionworkbeing performed thatrequirestheuseoftheright ofway,easementsorpublic property? 3)Is anyutilityworkneeded? 4)Isthe driveway beingrepaved? 5)Isdifferentaccessneededtosite otherthanexistingdriveway? 6)Isanydrainageworkbeingdone affectingtherightofway,easements, orpublic property? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPermit" required?. 8)A.Istherightofway.easements or public property tobeusedforstaging, parkingorfencing? B.Ifnoto SA,isaparking,staging orfencingplanrequiredby Community Development? Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthese questions.a"PublicWayPermit"mustbeobtained. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmay be obtainedatthePublicWork'sofficeorat CommunityDevelopment.IfyouhaveanyquestionspleasecallCharlieDavis,theTown ofVailConstructionInspector,at479-2158. Ihavereadand answered alltheabovequestions. JobName Contractor'sSignature Date PUBLICWORKSPERMITPROCESS HowitrelatestoBuildingPermits: 1)Filloutourchecklistprovidedwith abuildingpermitappl ication. Ifyeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequestionsthena"PublicWay"is required.YoucanpickupanapplicationateitherCommunity Development, locatedat75S.FrontageRoadorPublicWorks ,locatedat1309VailValleyDrive. 2)Noticesignoffsforutility companies .Allutilitiesmustfieldverify(locate) respectiveutilitiespriortosigningapplication.Someutility companies requireup toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate. 3)Aconstructiont raffic controVstagingplanmustbepreparedona separate sheet ofpaper.Anapprovedsiteplanmayalsobeused.Thisplanwillshowlocat ions ofalltrafficcontroldevices(signs ,cones,etc ..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction ,Staging ,etc..).ThisplanwillexpireonOct.15th .andwillneedto beresubmittedforapprovalthroughthewinter. 4)Sketchofworkbeingperformedmustbesubmittedindicating dimensions (length, width &depthofwork).Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcont rol planorasite planforthejob. 5)SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWorks 's officeforreview.Ifrequired, locateswillbescheduledfortheTownofVail Electricians andIrrigationcrew .The locatestakeplaceinthemorningbut,mayrequireupto48hourstoperform . 6)ThePublicWork's Construct ion Inspectorw ill reviewthe application and approve ordisapprovethepermit.Youwillbecontactedastothestatusandanythatmay needed.Mostpermitsarereleasedwithin48hoursofbeingreceived,but please allowuptooneweektoprocess. 7)Assoonasthepermitisprocessed,acopywillbefaxedto Community Developmentallowingthe"BuildingPermit"tobereleased.Pleasedonotconfuse the"PublicWayPermit"witha"BuildingPermit"todoworkonaprojectitself. NOTE: *Theabove.processis .for workinapublic wayonly. *PublicWayPermitsarevalidonlyuntilNovember15th. *AnewPublicWayPermitisrequiredeachyearifworkisnotcomplete. cdl pway 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Community Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE,WITH PHYSICALDIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3.SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. 4.NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTJ.'iliLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. 75south frontage road vall,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 officeof community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20,1991,the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction si tes have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection.Please call 479-2160 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department.Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also,the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road par-ching ·as necessary.Such approval must be obtained prior to Fjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. J ~J~ M ( f<amen S upp 1 y C o. 4 36 950 N ott in gh am Road A von,CO i31 520 .~~H4Pf::,Av .c t= z £;-;7i-*oS4 f)e.. VA-I '- P hon e (3()3)949-4 300 ' LA~EV ER HOU SE FOR H TOZ ,REPAIR F AX '34'3 -4 04 E:: .,. BTUH LOSS8 1 79 4 GAIN 399 28 148 .72 BASEBOARD FT.@ 5 50 BT U/FT @ 1 8 0F . ll-c c"kA {6.,.IJ/;--_lL2 7./i-~.c ".tl v ,f-, F~OOM NUMBER ROOM NAME HE IGHT ,LENGTH, WIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH ,#WAL LS WITH p PENINGS EXPOSEDGLASSAREA 1 F AMI LYF:M 8.00 1 2 0 .0 0 2 0.00 56.00 2 72.00 2 ENT F.:Y 8.00 5.00 4 .00 14.00 3 45.00 3 OFFICE 8 .0 0 15 .00 '3 .00 '3.00 1 3 7.25 4 LAUNDF.:Y 8 .00 5 .00 5 .00 6 .00 TOTAL LOS S ~@ 1 00 BAS EBOAF :D FE ET @ GAI N / O .(J ..J .1880 o.0 5 335 O.05 1 74 ;-5 6 4 03 2 O.56 2520 0 ..5 6 2086.u . '" DTb ,It ~>'-'7 ''',33 57 4 0'36..til ...:,...::.,...::. 180 2 4 ~1 6.1 7 .4 56 37 230 2 251 7 L o S S E S I NFILTF:AT I ON, CE I LING '-, F LOOP SQ FT _ S LAB LINE AP Fi CO LD PAF:T rT I ON \-JALL GLASS .0 18 .04 5760 160 (1 .027 .04 432 8 0 .0 1 2 .04 12':i5 54 0 .0 4 0 .05 144 2 40 38 4 0 .7 o ROpM N U M B EF~ ROO M NAME HEI GHT LENGTH WIDTH E XPOSED WALL LENGTH #WALLSWITH OPENINGS EX POSEDGLASS AREA 5 BATHl+20 8 .00 6 .00 1 0 .00 1 1 '.,00, 6 BEDRM I 8.00 30.00 1 0.00 35.00 1 1 3 .50 7 LI V I NI3 F.:M 8 .00 2 1.00 1 8 .50 54.00 2 10 3 .00 8 HA LL 8.00 10.00 3.00 L o S "S E • S I NFILTF~A TION CE ILING FLO OF.:SO F T SLAB L INEAR F T CO LD PAF.:T I TION WALL ,. GLASS ', •(I . 0.\05 2 4 0 r 4 40 .012 .04 0.05 0.5 6 2880 1 200 7 55 .0 1 8 0 .05 0 ..55 55 '34 I b 45 5 7f,8 r bTA L ~O S S @ 100 DTD 'BASEBOARD FEET @ 180 GAIN 81E 1 ..5 61 5 '3 1 1.2 284 '3 .. 1 ~3 00 7 2 3 ..E. 6624 ROOM NUMBEP POOM NAME HEI GHT LE NGTH WIDTH E XPO SED WAL LLENGTH #WA LLS WIT H OPENINGS E XF'OSED GL ASS AR EA S H \IRS IE.OO 7 .00 1 (J .00 7 .00 1 10 CLOSET 8.0 0 '3 .0 0 1 0.00 1 0.0 0 11 PEC F:M 8.00 1 '3.00 1 '3.00 54 .00 3 12 I<:ITCHEN 8 .00 11.00 10.00 10.00 1 5 20 0.05 4 00 0.05 1 5 53 0 .0 5 3 38 448 0 .55 5 5 '32 0 .5 6 7 00 2312 400 1 9 734 24 24 4 .2 0 .7 3 5.'3 4.4 150 1 0 7 434 l E.71 L INF ILTRAT I ON.01 2 1 344 o CE ILING SFLOORSQFT SSLAB LIN EAR FT E CO LD PARTI TI ON S WA LL 0.05 GLASS 0.56 TOTAL LOSS @ 1 00 DTD BA SEB OA PD FEET @ 180 GAIN .035 1 0 3 '37 .03 1083 .0 12 1 0 55 .0 3 3 30 P00t:!NUM BER POOM NAME HEIG HT L ENI3T.H WIDTH E XPOSED WALL LENGTH #WALLS WITH OPENING S EXP OSED GLASS AREA 13 HALL 2 8.00 ::0 1 .00 5.0 0 1 4 BA TH2+20 8.00 11.00 5 .00 11.00 1 E..OO 15 ENTF.:Y2 8.00 5.00 7.00 5 .00 1 30.00 l E. BEDRM2 8.00 11 .00 12.00 23.00 -0.:. 32.00 0.05 410 0 .05 5 0 0 .05 7 60 0 .56 335 0.55 1680 0 .55 1 7 92 3 15 1 8'33 21 71 48 4'3 (J.5 3.4 3.'3 8 .8 0 1 2 0 4 1758 2652 L INFI LTRATION o CEI LING S FL OOP S Q FT S SL AB LIN EAR F T E COLDPART ITIO N S WALL GLASS TOTAL LOSS @ 100 DTD BA SEBOARDF EET @ 180 13AIN .0 3 ~3 1 5 .012 .03 E,34 1"')8 .012 .03 336 105 .0 1 8 1901 ..0 3 3'36 ROOM NUMBER ROOM NAM E HEIGHT L ENGTH WID TH EXPOSED WA LL LENGTH #WALLS WITH OPEN I NGS EXPOSEDGl_ASS AREA 1 7 BEDRM 3 8.0 0 11.00 14.00 2 5.()(:) 2 1 8 1 ,)20 L I NFI LTRA TION .01 82 2 18 0 CEILI NG .03 462 S FLOOR SQ F T S S LA B LIN EAR FT E COLD PARTITION S WALL 0.05 7 15 GLAS S 0 .56 3192 TOTAL LOSS @ 100 DTD BASEB OARD F EET @ 180 GAIN 658 7 12.0 .367 0 ROOM NUMBER 21 ROOM NAME HEI GH T L ENGTH WIDT H EXPO SEDWALL LENGTH #WAL LS WITH OPENI NG S EXPOSED GL ASS AREA LIN FILTRATIO N o !CE I L I NG S FLOOR S Q FT S S LA BLINEARF T E COLD PARTI TION S WALL GLASS TOTAL LOSS @ 100 DT D BASEBOARD FEE T @ 18 0 GAIN 22 23 24 1 t e ID:Illlll::'~{ Item:00539 Item:00540 I-'LHI'l-1-11\1HL L {U PW-FINAL At° BLDG-Fin.C/O REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 12/04/9&07:22 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:12/4/9& PAGE 14 AREA:CD ======================================================================~========; Activity:M9&-0188 12/4/9&Type:B-MECH Address:2572 AROSA DR Location:2572 AROSA DR Parcel:2103-142-05-008 Description:INSTALL NEW BOUILER Applicant:BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING &HtAT Owner:LEFEVRE RICHARD R &GWENDOLYN L Contractor:BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING &HEAT Status:ISSUED Constr:ASFR Occ:Use: Phone:3039497523 Phone: Phone:3039497523 Time Exp needed 15PSI AIRTEST DENIED POWER VNTR NOT TO CODE Phone:390-4312 CALL PLEASE Comments Action:APPR Action:DN Action:DN Item: I t em: I tern: Item: Inspection History ..••. Item:00200 MECH-Rough Item:00225 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH Item:00240 PLMB-Gas Piping 11/27/9&Inspector:CF 00310 MECH-Heating 00320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods 00330 MECH-Supply Air 00340 MECH-Misc. 11/25/9&Inspector:CF Action:DN DENIED Notes:require boiler and power venter spec's protect water line from freezing proper clearance on b-vent and power venter test gas line Item:00390 MECH-Final 11/25/9&Inspector:CF 11/27/9&Inspector:CF Item:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Inspection Request Information ..•.. Requestor:PHILP BANE -BC PLUMBING Req Time:08:00 Comments:BOILER-WILL Items requested to be Inspected •••Action 00340 MECH-Misc. --------------------------------------------==--==--==--~-~~~=====~. • 75 so uthfront age rd. vail,colo rado 81657 (303)476-7000 September9,1 982 Konrad Dberlohr Box 146 Vail,Colorado81658 Dear Mr,Dberlohr: • d epartm ent of com munity development s.u:>Re:Lot3,Bl ock CVail R~ A number ofweeks ago,Iask ed y ou to submit anumber of items concerning s ite work onyou lot.These items included: 1.A site i mprov em ent survey illust rating the s to rage areaa dja cent to the lot line. 2.Pl ans oft hewallsof t he new s tructures tamped byane ngineer. 3.Al andscape plan i llus trating re s torationof your lot,signed by adjacent p roperty owners. Th esema te rials have notbeensub mitted.Submit t hese materials within 15daysor the follo wing action will be t aken: 1.A s umn onsandco mplaint will bei ssued for c onstruction without abui lding perm it. 2.You will bea sked within as e tback. Co mmi ssion. to a pply for a vari ance fo r bUilding a s tructure Action will be t akenby t hePla nning and Envir onme ntal 3.All imp rovements will ber e quired t obe a pprovedbyth e Design Review Boar d. S in cerely, J I M~~ Planner JS :br ••TE ~lPO RAR Y . Ce rt ific ate of Occup ancy Co unty of Ea gle Depa rtme nt of Planning and Dev elop ment Bu ilding Division 1 Thi scer ti fi cate iss ued pursuant tot he requirements of Section 306ofthe Uniform Bu ilding Co de certifyi ng that at t he timeof issuance this structure was incompliance ~/i th the various resolutions ofth e county regulatin g building construction oruse for the following: NA ME Michael,Sarah,and Ann Lauterbach R-3UseClassification_,-"Re=s,,-,ie><dc=.e-'-'.n.>:..t 1,...,°a...,l Gro up --'--_ 1630 v Owner ofBuilding Michael Lauterbach P.O .Bo x 3451.Vail.Colorado 81657 Lot 3,Block C,Vail Das Schone #1 Building Official ~~~ Da te cz-,2-,ft) Bui 1ding Add res s_--""-"-"'-"'-.........,,'-'-"'""'-'-'--"'-''--"'-''-'-'---'''-''-'''-'''-'''-'-'''''-'-''''--''........_ .-.. DEPT.FILE COpy VALIDATION BUILDING II~ PERMIT L...-.--~~--- BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE ,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 (CONTR'S LICENSE)(STREET) 19 80 PERMIT No ._.",....-;'16 30 Box 3451,Vail,Colorado 816~57~~~ IND .) DATE 25 March Mjchae 1.Sarah andAnn LauterbcwgBREss -;~'-"':"=-'"..2-==,?-..:::..::c-,-",,:....::..:::..:::....---O:.APPLICANT 1 (PROPOSED USE) r.S .1F m;1 u NUMBER OFonstruct1nqea.J..LJ..,,)'J STORY ----,===-=;:-;-DWELLING UN ITS __-=--_ (TYPE or I MPROVEMENT)HO. PERMIT TO Lot 3.Block C••Vail das Schone #1 (NO.)(STREETI (CROSS STREET)(CROSS STREET) :;;BETWEEN ---------;-:;=-:c:-:==,.----------AND --;-:=:-:-==:;--_"'L-.:.-.:.:..;,....;.....;;;;..,;..;.;.;.;..:.:..;,....;..,;;.;;.;;..,;,..-' Vail das Schone 3 C.. uo BUILDING IS TO BE FT.WIDE BY FT.LONG By FT.IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m (TYPE) Must be connected to Must be connected to o Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION -:-:::-=_ ~ 0:o u,REMARKS:-.I!ll,~.......lJJ:.-...J.JIJ.UU.t:.1..J.,.t:1.I__l...IJ__U+J+l.t~...way..J...t::.--"-LU.-.U:~--.:u:ULL..L.J:u...L1.LLLILL ........L.J........~------------ (CUBIC !SQUARE FEET) 81657 Michael Lauterbach P.O.Box 3451,Vail,Colorado OWNER -;;:--:..;:-:-:=;:'-'--=-;~=7'c..::..;::;_.::.7_._-."._~-_._--=.....",,..,.------- ADDRESS --'-.:....=..~=.:..:......::....:-=..o'_'_....:...::....:_'_'___=_=...:..:::...:_.::.::"'_--=:..::..::..::..:_ (Affidaviton reverse sideof application to be completed by authorized agent of owner) • I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the ·owner of record andI have been authorized by the owner tomake this opplication -ns his authorized agent. SIGNATURE OF AGENT _ (CITY)(STREET)(NUMBER) ADDRESS __---::-::-::-:-:-::-::-:----::-::==-----::::=::--_ APPROVED BY TITLE _ DATE 19_. FIELD co py ~ BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 179 COURTHOUSE ,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328·6339, BUILDING PERMIT APP LICANT 19 80 PE R MI T NO ...---=.....#-<-"<--"<--"'-__ Box 3451,Vail.Co 1oradd (NO.'(STREET) 1 (PROPOSE D USE} Construct Si n91 e Fafllful S TORY ---c=:=:=7.":"o:-~W~mNalFUNITS __=-_ (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)NO. PE RMITTO AT (LOCATION)Lot 3,Block CO!Vail das Schone #1 (NO.)(STRE ET) ZON I NG D ISTR ICT _ (CROSSS TREE T)(CROS S STREE T) ::;BETWEEN -::---;-;:=-;:-;==,--AND ---,-;:=:-;:-c==;----r-r-__m '--;.....--' Vail das Schone C ~g BUI LDING I STO B E FT .WID E BY FT .LONG BY FT .IN HEIG HT ANDSHA LL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION <II (T YPE) o Z TO T YPE USEGROUP BAS EMENT WALLS ORFOU NDATION .,.-_ :; 0:o l.L REMA RKS:---J1'IU~.......l.C_......IUlICI.......:::u..__'"'U_.......flC"-.......,~u::......IUJ....L.u:;,J_.......LLl......u..JLY.lL....iL.L."-"JL...L.......------------ (CUBI C/SQUARE F'EETl 81657 Michael Lauterbach P.O.Box 345 1,Vail,ColoradoOWNER-i,r;i<'-'~_=_::=;;~~-=-<i-::::rr---,...-::c".._:_=_:r::-"7'i'I,.,...,...,..------- ADDRESS ..:.....;:.=..;::........:=:'-'-~=2_-=--=:...:...:'-'--....::.::....:...::..:...=_=___=_=_=..::..:._ INSPECTION RECORD DA T E N 0 T E PR O G R E SS -C R I T I C I SM S A N 0 R EM A R K S I NSP EC T O R l .....,-.'-.,'-..,,..,'.;.'. c i '.',.,:"""..:~.,,,'" '.."'"'...",~.~-;,."..-.~"......,-',··r '.~-','. ,'i,,~:I.~::..... 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0~••, Juri sdiction of "•.0 0• A pplicant to complete numbered spaces only."·"Jo e AOO illllE$S I LOT HO .:Ii 1 m I TOACV ..,I{l.E CO ...!".3 c.b ..s ~"IOSU:ATT ....CHED SH£.ETI1DESC".t:.o4c..HI DWNE"MA IL ....DO"~S$Z,•P HONE 2 /I'J I 'G~(,,1 "5,.,.L i "'-11,,"1.1.~Ie,.i ~e..J...6'X '34-SI VL,1 'f7l.~""R~ CONTIIl ....CTOilll ......IL AOO"£$$P HONE I..I C £N $[NO . 3 !J7 I 'c,"'-e-//....4."Ie.r b ~c.-L.130 ;(34S'1 V ..,,(4-7'.4f ~gt, ""CH I TECT OR DES IGNER ....AIL ADO.ESS PHONE L ICENS E vo , 4 'S.c.~~<t S e/)1...1-,...(.,.-!-,;, IENCO INEEiIlI ""'AIL AO OlllESS PHO"lE L ICENSE N O . 5 L [NDE"....A IL "'00 "£55 8 ........C... 6 7 US<o r t;~H:~,~(.,f".~I 8 Class o f w ork :DN EW D ADDITION D ALTE RATION D REPAIR DMOVE D REMOVE 9 Des cribe wor k:I,9 (J t1 "(II /,'II,'-<A I(re 4-•S"()(J tI (}f 4L'~4c.. C/I ,, 10 Change ofusefr om Ch angeofus e to - 11 Va luationo fwo rk :$(,,,,(J 0 0 P LAN CHECK FEE (./~f IPEHMITFE E ~'?(JR S PECIAL COND ITIONS:Type of occupancY~~~~1-'"2.-.-.Canst .Group OiviJi on Size o f Bldg.No .o t Max . (T o tal)SQ.Ft.Stories Occ.Lo ad F ire Us.Fire Sprink lers APPl.ICATI ON A CCEPTE D B Y P l.ANS CHECKED B Y ,APPROvED F OR I SSU A~C E BY Z o ne Z one Required Dves DNa N o .of OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES ' Dw elling U nits Covered I U nco ....e red NOTICE Special Approvals Requ ired Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL.PLUMB ·ZONING ING.HEATING.VENTILATING ORAIR CONDITION ING.HEALTH DEPT. THIS PER MIT BECOMES NULL AND V OIDIFWOR K OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED ISNOT COMMENCED WITHI N 120 DAYS.OR F IRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTIO N ORWORKIS SUSPE NDED OR ABANDONED S OIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DA YS ATAN Y T IME AFTER WOR K IS COMMENCED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE S AMETOBE TRUE AND C OR RECT. ALL PROVISIONS OFLAWSAND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS TYPE OF WORK WILL B E COM PLIEDWITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED HEREIN OR NOT.T HE GRANTING OF A PERMI T DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AU THORITY T OVIO LATEOR C ANCEL THE PRO VISI7f ANYO THER S TATE OR LOCAL LA W REGULATINGCONSTRUCTNORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION. /!n //SOGH A;{;;lflV /D HT (D A TE) 3·~',"tD SI GN ATU IllI[0"Ow",,£R I ,.OW E.1It Il UI LOl:lIt J D AT[I WHE N PROPERL Y VALIDATED (I N THIS SPACE I T HIS IS Y OUR PERMIT 11n.::(D PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK .M.O .CAS H PERMI T VA LIDATION CK .M.D.CA SH For m1 00.1 '-77 .' INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBACK TRE NCH c ',:" REINFORCING FOu'NDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOJ:ING . CONCRETESLAB F RAMING INT.LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT .LATHING MASONRY .,.,. FI NAL USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES,FOLLOW-UP,ETC. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 0•·z Jurisdiction of "•.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."ww Joe "00 11 ESS LOT NO.I""IT.AC :LE<AL I -1:O SEE ...T T4 C:IoI£0 $H E[T I1eesce.-t ,•HI'-. OW~E "M A IL A O D"[SS lOp P HONE 2 -I ./I J ~~J ~./I ,I J -v ""I V r 1 I ":'/ CONT RACTOR ""AIL ADD RE SS PHONE L I CEN SE NO . 3 I //.I ~s «I I f7~.,-;t""'''CH I1 EeT 0"OE SIc:.""UIl MA IL ....OD RESS P l1 0N£L ICENSE N O. 4 ,/.,,I "e...GINEE R M AI L AD D RESS PHONE L IC l,N5 £N O . 5 L ENDER MAL L AO D lltES5 6 1U,NC o-l 6 U S E 0 "S U ILOlNc:. 7 I J I,,, 8 Classof work :ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :/of •"¢I , ~"¢.,1-•',,,~~, 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuse to 11 Va luationo f work :$./I PER MIT F EE ·1 ~,.,I"PL AN CHECK F EE I ~~,,~ SPECIAL CONDI TIONS :Ty pe of Occ up ancy C anst .G ro u p I.)I D ivision 1-41.., S ize o f Bldg .N o.o f Ma x . (T o taH S Q.Ft.St ori es Occ .Load F ire Use Fire Sp r inklers APP L ICATIO~ACCEPTED BY PLM~S CHECKED BV A PPR OvE D fO R ISSUAfIICE B Y Z one Z one ReQuir ed D Ves ONa N o .o f QFFSTRE E T PARK IN G SPACES : Dwell i ng U n ih Cove r ed I U nc ov ered NOTICE Sp ecial A pprovals R equired Rece ived Not R equired SEPARATE PERM ITS AR E REQU IRED FOR E LECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZO NING l NG,HEATING ,VENTILATI NG OR AIR C ONDITIONING .H EALTH DEP T. TH IS P ERMIT B ECOMES NU LLA NDVO IDI F WORKO RCO NSTRUC· T IONA UTHORIZED ISNOT COMMEN CED W ITHINt 20 D AYS ,OR FIR EDE PT . IF CO NS TRUCTION O R WO RK ISS USP END ED OR ABAN DONED SO IL REPO RT FOR A PER IODOF 1 20 DAYSAT ANY TIME AFT ER WORK IS COMM ENCED.OT HER (Spoc lfy) I HER EB V CERTIF YT H AT I HA VE RE AD A ND EXAM INED T HI S A PPLICATION AND K NOWT HES AME TOBE TR UE AND CORRECT . ALL PROV ISI ONS OF LAWSAN D O RDINANCES GOV ERNI NG TH IS T Y PEOF WORKWILLBEC OMPLIED W ITH WHET HER SP ECIFIED HE REIN OR N OT.THE GR ANT ING OF APE RMITDO ES NOT P R ESUME TO GI VE AUTHO RITY T O VIOLATE O R CA NCELT HE PRO VIS IONS OF AN Y OTHE R STATE OR LOCA L LAWRE GULATING CONSTRU CTIO NO R THE PERFO RMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SI GNA T UftE 0"(O"lT R A,CT OIlt O llt A l/'TotOA IZ EO A GENT (O AT E I r-.-7 "-/ )-7 '*<'''', SI l;NA TU IIlE 0"OWNE IIl I "O WNEIIl a UILOUti OATE ' PLAN CHECK VALI DATIO N WHEN PROPE RLY VAL IDAT ED liN THIS SPACEI THI S ISY OUR PER MIT ( C K.M.O.CASH P ER M IT V A LIDATIONCK .·M.O.CAS H EXTRA COpy For m 100.1'·71 - 18 Mar ch YOUR APP LICA TION IS BE ING RET URNE D FOR THE FOLL OWI NG REASON : D I NCQ1·iPLET E IN FORi'lA TI ON •II VALUATI ON OF 140 RK NO T LI ST ED Ixxx I SIGNA TUREMISSIN G I I FEES NO T PAID cor r'l ENTS:Your building perm it will be issued promptly aft er receipt of theenclosed application withyoursi gnature on ".11. it. C o ~m un ity De velopment ,P.O .Bo x 179,Eagl e ,Co lor ad o 8 1631 (3 03)32 8 -7311 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0~•·z Jurisdiction ,EAGLE eOUNTY "•.0 0·Applicantto complete numbered spaceson ly ."~ ~ JO B ADD "E:SS .I LO T HO. l OCKe IT PACT 1015£[ATTA.CHE:O S HE ET)LE la.1.#3 vail Das Schone #110[sell:. OWNE '"ItAA'L ADDII:ESS z,.PH ONE 2 Michael,Sarah &Ann Lau terbach Box 3451 Vail 81657 476-4386 CONT"ACTOR MAI L ADDR E SS P IolON£LICENSE N O . 3 Michael Lauterbach Box 3451 Vail 476-4386 "'''CH ITECT O M O ES1(OH£A !wIAIL AD DRE SS PH ONE L.I CEHSE "0. 4 Fr itz Glade,AlA Box 2 2 3 ~ail <,476-4315 ["'CO rNEEA J,.4AI L ~A £SS )PH ONe LI CE NS E NO. 5 N/A <, LEND ER ""'''I I.AO OltESS \/BRANC H 6 N/A ...... U S EO F'B U ILDIN'-,\"/7 Residential 8 Class of work :'Xl NEW o ADDIT~L TE~ON o R EPAIR /0MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :2,9 92 sf ot li\ring are~583 'Sf of ga~e ,and 392 s f of decks \\/ 10 Change ofusef rom \\.)/ '\-/Change of us e t o ~".w 11 Valuation of work :$~-:o o~oC)/P LAN CH ECK FE ~}~I.11U IP ltRMIT F :3 '}~.OU SP ECIA LC OND ITIO NS :/Type o f Occupancy Div !"n~q 1JConst.Gr oup i....,'~r S ize 0 1B ldg.N o.o f Ma x .--_- (T otalt S Q.Ft.Stories occ.L oad Fire U,e F ire Sprin klers APP LICATION ACCEPlE O BY PLANS C HE CK ED B'Y APPR OVED FOR I SSUAN CE BY Z one Z one R equ ir ed Dves DNa N o .o f OFFSTREE T PARKING SPACES , Dwell i ng U nits C overed l U nc ov ered NO T IC E Special Approvals Requi red Received Not Required S EPAR ATE P ERMITS ARE R EOUI RED FOR ELECTRICAL,P LUMB -ZONING l NG ,H EATING ,VENTILATI NG OR AIR CONDITIONING .HEALTH DEPT . THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR F IRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPE NDED OR ABANDONED SO IL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS ATA NY TIME AFTE R WORK IS COMMENCED.OTHER (Spo<:IIV) I HERE BY C ERTIFY TH AT I HAVE READ A ND EXAMINED THIS APPLI CATlDN A ND KNOW THE SAME TD BE TRUE AND CO RRECT. A LLP RDVISIONS DF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HERE IN OR NOT.THE GRANTING O F A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHDRITY TD VIDLATE OR CANCEL T HE PROVISIONS OF ANY DTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTlor~OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. :5 IGN .A.TU'U.0,.CONTPt.A.CTOII:0 11I:A UTHOIII:IZED A GE N T tDATE) :5 1 N.A.T u lll:0 "o w...,t",,.O W Nt:1Il 8 UIL QE:IIlI D ATt ) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN TH IS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT J(,')"L CK.M.O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O . ~ CASH 1:'..........1 nn 11.7 7 INSPECTOR INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDAT IONS: SETBACK T RENCH REINFORCING FOUNDAT ION WALL & WEATHER PROOF ING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING . INT.LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT.LATH ING MASONRY FINAL US E SPA CE BELOW FOR N OTES,FOL LOW-UP,ETC. 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0:;~·, Jurisdiction .."•.0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."••J OB ADOA [55 LOT NO .laLK ImeT O SEE ATTACHED SHE£T )LEO"I1OEseR. OWNER MAIL AODl'lE5S ZIP Pl-tONE 2 CON TRACTOR MAIL AO Ofl£SS PHONE L ICENSEN O . 3 ....CHI T£CT OJil 01:5 110110I£.111 MA I L AC DR ESS P H ONE L I CENSENO . 4 ENGINEER MAIL A D DA ESS PHONE LICE"I SE NO. 5 LENDER ""'AIL AOO.ESS e ....IIl CH 6 U SE 01"eUILD ING 7 8 Classof work:DNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR DMOVE D REMOVE 9 Describe work : 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuseto 11 Valuation of work :$PLAN CHECK FEE IPERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Typ e 01 Occupancy C onst .Group Division Siz eo f Bldg .No.of Ma x . (T o tal)SQ .Ft.Stories occ.Load F ire Use Fire Sprin klers APPLICATION A CCEPH:.D B Y PL ANSCHE C ICEDB Y APPROvED h ISSU ANCE BY Z one Z on e n ecute ec D Yes DN o N o .of OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES ' Dwelling Units C overed I U nc overed NOTICE Special Approvals Required R eceived Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZONING ING .HEATING,VENTILATING QRAIR CONDITIONING .HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I FWORKOR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED ISNOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION DR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDO NED SOIL REPORT FORAPER IOD OF 120 DAYS ATANY TIME AFTER WOR K IS COMMENCED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANDKNOW THE SAME TOBE TRUE AND CORRECT . ALL PROVISIONS OFLAWSAND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NO T .THE GRANTING OFA PERM IT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO V IOLATEOR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . ~I G ~ATU R E 0"CO NTR ACTOR OR A UTHORIZEO AG ENT (D ATE) SI G NAT RE OF O WNEA II"O WNf.1IIl BUI LD ER O AT EI WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK .M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH F o rm 100.11·77 APPLICANTS 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 ~••z "> "'UII~',"""'VII •0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."•·JOB ""cDA [55 I LOT NO.IBLK IT"ACT (O~H.r.ATTACHED SHEETIL.EGAL 1 0[$(1'1. OWNElIl ""....L ACDRESS ZIP PHONE 2 CONTIII:ACTOIll ""'AIL ADDRE SS PHONE LICENSE NO. 3 ARCHITECT OR O[S IGNUI MA IL AO"A[S5 PHONE L IC£NS£NO. 4 ENGIl\lEEA MAIL.",OOA[S S PHON£LICEN SE NO . 5 LE.NOEA MAll.ACORES S O....N CH 6 U SE OF'BU I LDING 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work: 10 Change ofusefrom Change ofuseto 11 Valuation ofwork:$PLAN CHECK FEE I PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Type of Occupancy C onst .Group Division S ize of Bldg .No .o f Ma ><. (Total)SQ.Ft.Stories occ .Load Fire Use Fire Sprinklers APPLICAT ION AC CEPTEU BY PLANS CHEeKE 0BY APPROVED FOR I SSUAN CE BY Z one Z on e Recnnr ed Dves DNa N o.0 1 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACE S, Dwelling Units C overed I Uncovered NOTICE Special Approvals Required Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL .PLUMB·ZONING ING.HEATING.VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING .HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR FIRE O EPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMEN CED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE T RUE AND CORRECT . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLlEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLA TE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . SI GNATURE OF l:O NT FlAl:TOlt Ollt AUTH Ollt'ZEO AGENT (OA TE) "GN ATU ltE O F OWNE R ,,,O WNEIt a UIL OE"0 ...T(I WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS I S YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M .O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O.CASH 100.1 \077 BU ILDING PERMIT APPLICATION a 0•·< Jurisdiction ,.'V 0 >c .a a·Applicant to complete n umbered spaces on ly."••Jo e A O OA ES$ I COT NO ,l ocKe ITOA eTLE~"'L 3 O S E E A.TT "C~EO SIo4£ETI1OEseR. OW N£"MAIL AOD"£SS ZI P PHONE: 2 ,..~(.lal!...,~..E~.(.An'•'.tu...·'':::-....' -J ,,,-4 ',l 0;7 47 r ,.l:, CON TIU.C TOR .........11."0011I£"5 PHON£.LICENSE NO . 3 1~.,,e.L L.....,L•••,:~,1"'1:J J ·.l~':74 -, AlIICIot IT[CT Olt D(.S IGNER MA I L AC Ollt ESS PIolONE L ICE NSE.NO. 4 .'r_t'l.r L It.,"~I1,~,,'?:I~•d ....._,J!~1 ENG INEEIII MAIL AC OAEss PHDH £.LICEN SE vo . 5 / LE NDER MA IL "0011I [55 lUi.AN CH 6 , USE 0"IIU ILD ING 7 z_,- 8 Class of work :DN EW D ADDITION D ALTERAJION D REPAIR DMOVE D REMOVE, 9 Describe work :-..,,--•ft 10 Change of use from I ~, Change o f u se to 11 Va luationo f w ork :$A PLAN C HECK FEE IPE RMIT F EE S PECIAL COND ITI ONS :Type of Occupancy ccost .Group Division Size 0 1 B ldg .No.o f M.l)(. t r oran SQ.Ft.St ories Dec.Load Fire Use F ire Sprinklers A,PPlICA Tl ON A CCEPTED B Y PlA.....S CHECKED BV APPROVE D F OR I SSUAI'.jCE B V Zone Z one R equired DYes DNo N o c o t OFFSTREET PARKING S PACES , Dwelling U nits Covere d I Uncovered NO TIC E Specia l Approvals Req uired Recei ved Not R equired S EPARATEPE RMITS ARE R EQUIRE D FOR E LECTRICA L.P LUMB·ZONING I NG.HE ATING .VE NTILATING DRA IR CONDITI ONING.HEALTH OEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CDNSTRUC· TION AUTHOR IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR F IRE OEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.OTHER (Spoelfy) I HEREBY CERT IFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM INED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL B E COMPLIED WITH WHETHER S PECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OFANY OTHER STATE DR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 1 GNATURE 0 'C ONT ""'CTOlit 0 "A UTHOlll l IED AGEN T (O A T El S IGNA TRE 0 "OWNE".,.OWNEJIt e U ILD£l't)O A TE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN TH IS SPACE)TH IS ISY OUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VA LIDATION CK .M.D .CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK.M.O,CASH For m 100.1 '·77 AU DIT 1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION0~~·z Jurisd iction (,;l'~I ,-,"•.0 0• A pp licantt ocomplete numberedspaces on ly."·•Joe AOO A E5S LOT NO. ,BLK IT.ACT LEOAL I (OSeE ATTACHED SHEET)1 D ESC". OWNEf'MA ll AOO"ES S ZIP P.,.ONE 2 •.•'1..J •..J]'.'....d )"i -1..~.J • CON T""'CTOA MAIL AD O "ESS P HONE LICENSE NO. J c..•c.'L.,- ARCH I TECT 0"DES ICOHUI ""'A IL AD O R ES S "',",a...£LIC ENSE NO . 4 ...c·,~-.' E NGINEE R MAIL "'ODRESS PHO HE L ICE.N SE NO. S , LEN OER I<o4"IL ADOltr.ss 8 ""'N(H 6 U SE 0"a UIL DING 7 L'A 8 Class ofwork ;O NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MDVE o REMOVE ~ 9 Describe work;1...-c ,~- 10 Change of use fr om . Change of use t o 11 Valuationof work :$P LAN CHECK FE E IPERMIT FEE . SPEC IAL CONDITIONS ;Type o f Occupancy Const.Group Divisi on Size of Bldg .N o.of Max , (Total)SQ.Ft.Stories Occ .L oad Fire Use Fire Sprinklers APPllCA TlON A CCEP TED BY PL4NS CHECKEDBY APPROVED F OR I SSUA~CE B Y Zone Z one Required Dves DNa N o .o f OFFSTREET P ARKING S PACES , Dwelling U n its Covered I Uncovered NO TIC E Special A p pro vals Required R eceived Not Required SEPA RATE PERMI TS ARE REQUIR ED FOR ELECTRICAL.P LUMB -ZONING ING .HEATING,VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.HEALT H DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN t20 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT . ALL PRO VI SIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN ING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. S I GN ATU ltE OF'C Q"lT "A CTOlt O lt A UTHOlt lZ lO AGENT (DATE ] S IG NA T lilt 0"OWN["I "O WNEIt S U Il.D EIt DA Tt.1 WHEN PROPERLY VAL IDATED (IN TH IS SPACE I TH ISI S YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDAT ION CK.M .O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O.CASH Fo rm 1 00 .1 1·77 EXTRA EAGLE C OUNTY BUIUAJG P ERMIT A PPLICATION FINAL :C/O IN SPEC~N,LANDSCAPE INSPECTION .RM R e vi ew Routing F o rm (.0/)P r imaryR ou t ing ()R erouting ;>.-10,,;--:6 ~~L~ Date Referred Appl icant P ermit No. 4+3 (j#'(C/1 M ~. .LOCatiOn P l anni.,g Commission F ile No._ Review and return to the C ounty Building Official within 6w ork ing days R eco mmend Approval :~J,...L~b.,----\A~~~!:!'J~, No Reviewed by :Date :3-lt--r'o (J) Comments :_-:J:J..:::It~L~";:1.i.tQiJJ.~_.J..:.::L~~a=---b~(JC.S/._.a.c..l_--l;;~~5-1t@ Planning:Compl ies with : Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regul ations Site Plan (Land scap ing) County Engineer:Roads G rading Drai nage DODOo0o0 Recommend App roval :_ Comments:------- County Hea lth:Wate r S anita ti on o 0 DO Perc.t est 0 00-0 R ecomrend Approva l:_ C omme nts:(f)/'7U5+L>e ('()(Inr-u lt"L :t6 G{;:zZ'.e --c ",({Ie /..-4..11..-;.s»:(roe >'(.r»;'r-.c.T J Final Inspection :C/O Recommend Approval Comments: o 0 Filial Inspection:Landscaping Recommend Approval 0 0 Oornrner it s :------------------------------- b y _C/O I ssued Final Filing Date _ D ate._ .-~• Mr.LesDouglas Eagle County Building Offic ial Eagle,Colorado 8 1631 • March 5,1980 REeEI\': lc ou u ept iJI PJ1r:II.!,-&Ve~el. Eagle,County.CO lo. Dear Les, Several weeks a go,you received a building permit application accompanied b y plans and specifications for t he Lauterbach residence to be located on Arosa Drive in West Vail.As some detailing within the submittal wasva gue,issuance of a permit was denied per your letter dated February 4,1980.In order to resolve these deficienc ies, I have contracted with a structural engineer.The structural components have been modified to be built per the following specifications. CIP CONCRE TE Footer width -16" Footer de pth -8" Footer rebar -(2)#4's Wall thickness -8 " Wall height -Minimum 4 'above footers Wall rebar -#4'son 30"v ertical and horizontal centers Pier d imensions-2'x2'x8" Pier r ebar-(2)#4 's length and width BEAMS Reference revised structural drawings.Where multiple pieces of dimensional l umber are specified,pieces will be g lued and nailed with no sp lic es. FRAM ING Exterior walls -2x6 ,24 "D.C . Interior walls -2x 4,16"D.C. Garage floor joists -2 x12,16"D.C. Living area floor joists -2x10,16"D.C. FLOORING Garage floor -1 1/8"plywood Living area floors -1 11/32" with ,R<lr !=.o..sealer PRO VED "- Homas'o t;e ..I:A P.../,.-3.1.K,-fl::!1.._....-...-..._. Date ::..-.szu-'-';-'••-I F~_•••••••••••Permit =IF •.......l!'Z •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lnsp.E'A~CO i"i""I ""cO-LORADO'" • Page 2 of letter to Les Douglas ROOF Roof joists -2x12,16"O.C. Roof decking -!zIt CDX plywood Roof design loading -70 lbs per s.f. SHEATHING Sheath entire building with ~"CDX plywood DRYWALL 2x6 exterior walls -5/8"drywall 2x4 interior walls ..~"drywall Garage ceilings and walls -5/8"drywa ll • Please allow this letter to serve as an addendum to the plans and specifications dated January 24,1980 .If I have overlooked any requirements,please contact me at your earlies t convenience . Thank you in advance for y our cooperation. Hic ael Lauterbach Box3451 Vail,Colorado 81657 Seal: 47 6-4386 ..............-A PPROV ED Date _.-.._.:l.._L.4.:=_fC!2 Perm it #..._....~...2:0 -------..-. lnsp " ..EA-i?cOUN_····~COLORAOO..·····... 2 CASHCK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT lie 3Q PLUMING 'PERMIT APPLI~TION••0 <;,••• Jurisdiction of ,M ••00•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.M··;0%;/,O~s r.P....e ///t z-:«C,/-/( 1.0 T ",0 .IOLKc ITRA CT I ..... 0 5£1:A TTACHED 5HI££TI1;~:~~.#'3 2 °~~b'!,o ~.7k/~J.0'"zoo ~HO"'r. .y/.:;,~ 3 cO«')I:I?e-~,/~AOL Ale:C/</'t ~~,-::o~L ICE N Sr."to . ~~e t.-;,£es-u,~J:)" 4AO C(j'~"00oesr••eo VM A IL A D DllIlts S .H ON[I.I C[:H5£"0 . £..co ,...££.It MA li.A OC.l SS P loI ON I[L I CI.1\l5[....0 . 5 I..£NO£1t M AIL ADDR ESS II""''''CH 6 ...~L O F 8 U ll.0 1 '"co 7 8 Class ofwork:ANEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work:f///~~- V PERMIT FEES No .Tvpe of Fixture CK Item F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS :~WATER CLOSET (TOILET)$4 ~O I BATHTUB 2-C/7> o LAVATORY (WASH BAS INI .4-'d&'/) /"SHOWER -o OJ ~ I K ITCHEN S INK &D ISP.,r,.,( 'J D ISHWASHER ?'ern AItP lIC4l I0'"ACCfPTE 0BY PLANS C,",ECI(ED BY ....PPROvED F OR ISSU ANCEBY LAUNDRV TRAY /CLOTHES WASHER z,on '1 WATER HEATER '7 =, NOTICE UR INAL DR INKING FOUNTA IN I HERE BV CERTIFY THAT I H AVE READ A ND EXAMINED THIS IAPPLICATIONANDKNOWTHESAMETOBETRUEANDCORRECT.F LOQR ·-SINK OR DRA IN '7..d'{) ALL PR OVISIONS O F LAWS AND O R DIN ANCES GO VERNI NG T HIS SLOPSINK TY PE OF WOR KW I LL BE C OM PLIE DWI TH WHETHE R S PECIFIED GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUT LETS HE REIN O R N OT .T HE GRAN TIN G OF A P ER M IT DOES NO T WA TER PIPING &T REATING EQU IP. PRESU ME TO G iVEA UTHORI TY TO VIO L ATE O R CANC EL THE WASTEINTERCEPTDR PROVISIONS OF ANY OTH ER STATE O R LO CA L LAW R E GULATING CONST RUCTI ON O R THE PER FO RM AN CE OF CONSTRUCT IO N .VACUUM BREAKERS ».LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM '1 ~.;/SEWER CESSPOOL//£r .s.:SEPTIC TANK.PIT. S ........T Vlll'[0 "CON T IlIAC TO III O llt All r UR "'G l-NT 10 _T IEl PERMIT S 10 11'0 I TOTAL FEE S '\',nO"I,"N AT III 0 "OWN '[llI .,.O WIlIE.UI ..O IEIt)DA TE ) V PLANCHECK VALIDATION IN SPEGOR Form 1 00.21 1·13 IlI.0"0."~lto",:I NTERNA TI ONAL C ONP'ERKNCE 0,".UILDING OP'P'ICIALS .....e.W O""'III A".......IlI0AO.W HITTI .".CALI~....., ... County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~1790 TEMPO RARY • Job Nam e M:i .c.b.a ~l ..~.iH-!tex:l:l ~G.b . 2572 Aros a Dri ve E-V Da te of Application .lA.)l.px:lJ..19 ~Q . Electrical Co ntractor N.e.w I;.le.~tr.i.~. P.O..Box K Avon,Co lorado 81620 Building Valuation $.Applicant . Sllna ture E lectricalValuation $. APPROVALS Pennit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 12 .00$. $. $12.•.0.Q . Pl an Checker Date .....lA..Apr.i.1..1.9.80 . Date THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANC E NOTIC E REQUIREDFOR INSPECTIONS .Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. "ElECTR I!AL 'PERMIT APPlI ~TION Jurisdiction of_-=~~-=_-=-,=,c=:..::.....:....;it-_ 3 0 ~•·•M >•0 0•M••JOB A OOR (55 I L.OT ac , I.E ;...L l DE se "........'J ENGINEE:A 5 LEN DER 6 US E O F"B UI LOINlji 7 8 Clas s ofwork:~E W D ADDITION- M ....I L A OORt ss MAI L ACDRESS D ALTERATION P HONE D REPAIR L I CENSEN O . B RANCH ,// PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL COND ITIONS : RECEPTAC LE LIGHT SWITCH To ral Outlets APP LICATION ACCEPTED B Y;PLA NS CHECKED B Y APPRO VED F DA ISSU ANCE B Y LI GHTIN G F IXTURES To ral Fix tures R ANGES C LO .DRYER WTR .HTR . NOTICE I HEREBY C ERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED THI S APPLICATION A ND KNOW T HE SA ME TO B E TR UE AN D CO RR ECT. ALL PROV ISIONS OF LAWS A ND ORDINANCES GOVERNING T HIS TY PE OF W ORK WI LL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIE D H EREIN OR N OT .T HE G RANTING O FAP E RMI T DOES N OT PRESUME T O GIVE A UTHO RI TY TO V IOLATE OR C ANC EL T HE P ROVIS IONS OF A N Y OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULAT ING C ONSTRUCT I ON OR TH E P ER F ORM ANCE OF CO NSTR UCTION. GARBAGE D ISP.S TA .COOK TO P D ISH.WASH.CLOTHES W ASH . SPACE H TR.STA.APPL.Ii>H .P.MA X. MOTORS 'H .P. NO.T RANS. SIGNS NO .LAMPS SERV i CE 0·200Af-'--"------t---+--+---+--l20!·400A D NEW 40 !·600Af--,--------t---+--+---+--lDCHANGEOVER600A $ $ TOTAL FEE PERMIT ISSUING FEE TEMP.POWER !>(fPOLE U UNDGD. l OAT E.)SIGNATUIU 0 "O WN !.R I F OWNE e U ILO EA, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I I,U PLAN CHECK VA LI DATION ~i."-d rffU.-I- /Y -U-L~#.&;;..97 C K .M.O. #1(..,3D CA SH PERM IT VA LIDATION c12,1~;~CASH INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11-73 ".OAD!!R ~ROM ;INT ER NATIONAL C ON FE R ENC E OF B UI LD ING OF FICIALS.on60 S .WO RKMAN MI LL R 0 4D.W HITT IER .CALI'.U.O I ·') County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!!1836 Buildi ng Va luation $. Ele ctrical Valu ation $. • Job Nam e M.J~h 9.~.J...~.,~~!!.t.~r.~il..c;:.~. Da te of Application L~.\lf!~19 ?Q . ElectricalCon tractor Ke.n d ~.l.L.~.1~.(;tr .i .c;. Vail,Colorado 81657 Applicant . Stl nature APPROVALS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $32.•.00 . $. $n,.QQ . PlanChecker Date 5...June ..19.8Q . Da te DatePaid ~J.v.n~..J ~S Q .,. :ec~:~ype::~52~···6 ··rh.l.l.$.~ Buildi ng Permit #1630 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTIC E REQUIRED FORIN SPECTIONS 3 CASHCK.M.O .CASH PERMI T VALIDATION C K .M .D. WH EN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERM IT 18 :/2<0 ELECTtCAt 'PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK VALIDATION .. 0 as·z J urisdiction o f ~••0 0·Applica nt to co mplete numberedspaces o nly.~··J O~ADOA £S 5 /\U~}JWd67d-/l r uCf"J.J i»,IILOTNO.'"C:-I ~Y j ·Vl .Cf :#-/O SEE ATTACHED S HEET)L EGAL10Esc..,,'::[ 2 NE ~.(hC1e-\S.~LJ+erbchA'LAp~~i ~(j5 1 U1 il J1io4~lo PH ONE 3 c~·;~:D l/f:)PC+v/( MA IL AD DRE SS pli O NE L ICENSE N O . ()(J l ')y/ A~CH ITECT O R D E-Si GNER MA I L A ODIitE SS PHON E L IC ENS EN O . 4 E NGINEER MAI L A DOR ES S P HONE L ICENSEHO . 5 L E ND E R MA IL.ADD FlESS Il RANCH 6 7 USE 0'BU';;'nab_-!JA nv lA A U o AOO{TIO N o ALTERATION o REPAI R8Classofwork:D ~ 9 Describe work :..J,Ii7J1')r ..y-A .-C-J- .......... PER M IT F EES No.E ach F ee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Tota l RECEPTACL E Outlets LI GH T S W ITCH T otal LI GHTING Fix tures A.PPLICATION ACCEPTED BV :PL ANS C HECKED BY APPRO VED F OR ISSUANCEBV .FI XTURES RA NGES C LO.O RYE R WT R .HTR . NOTICE G ARBAGE DI SP.STA.COOK TOP IH E REBY CERTI FY T HA T I H AVE R E AD AND E XA M I NED TH IS DIS H.W ASH.CLOTH ES W ASH . APPLI CATION AND KN OW THE S AME TO BET RU E A ND CORRECT .S PAC E HTR .ST A.APPL .'I>H .P.MA X. AL L PROVI SIO NS OF L AWS AND OR DINANCES GOVERNING THI S TY PE O F WOR K WILL BE COMPLIED W I TH WH ETHER S PECIFIE D MOT ORS :H .P . HE REIN O RN OT.T HE G RAN TING OF AP ERM IT DOE S NOT P RE SUM E T O GIV E A UTHOR I TY T OV IO LATE OR CAN CE L TH E P RO VI S IONSO F AN YO TH ER STATE OR L OCAL L AW REGULATI NG CO NS TR UCTION OR THE PE RFO RMAN C EO F CONS T RUCT ION .N O .TRA NS. SI GNS NO.L AMPS TEMP.POWER U POLE U UN DG D. SER ViCE 0 ·200A 2 01·400A o N EW 4 01 ·6 0 0A S IGN ATU RE 0"C ONT RACTOR ORA UT H OR IZED A GEN T (D AT E)o C HANGEO VER 600A ()/Yl/J14 ,;j(l II H /)PA J1 r it )&J LJ /ro PERMI TI SS UING FEE S TOTA LF EE S .32.o r;5IGN ATU'U 0 "w 'f"OW NER e Ul LCE R T) V INSPECTO R .#-os20 ~.",J -It-1~;sD ~ lLJ ~'J F o rm 1 00.3 1 1 -73 R II!!:OR oER FRO M:IN T ER NAT IO NA L CO NF EREN CE O F BU ILDING OF FI CIALS.5360 s ,WO RKMAN M I LL ROA D.WHITTIER,CALlF'.9 061'11 2•-PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION .0 ~t •z Jurisdiction of ~••0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~ ~ ~J oe ...oo~(5 5 ;<57:2 !frh<.nyJ)r·J Uc0-).I L O T HO .IBLKe...IT~~Ji Y)q :J!/OsEE AT TACloIl O S HE:ItT ILEGAL1DESC".3 2 ~i~Cl d J .Lo.u +exbac..h L?::.~~~s l V~)tiP PHONE 4fu'l.f3Rb C ONT RAC TOR M A IL A OD"ES S PHONE LICENSE:NO . 3 5.j-L.11vYYlbi nCj N eww e:,+)e Co A R C H IT ECT a lit O [SI G HUt ~~kch ~g,:;;:;~iat I ()cUJ P H DN I[1.ICENS r:NO. 4 U 'r ~(,\f I ~\,L\110 -{~/n EN G INE EA MAIL A DD"ES S PHONE LICE:NSE NO . 5 LE NDItIll M AIL ADOIllESS IlIllANeH 6 7 u':~J .~H j,<7 -krm i 1\/ ':J ~6 ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR8Classofwork: 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fbrtu..or Item F .. SPECIAL CONDITIONS :L WATER CLOSET (TOILET)S 4-00 /BATHTUB .2 .00 :L LAVATORY (WASH BASIN'4-r>() /SHOWER .2 .fJO L.KITCHEN SINK &OISP.Q.n() /D ISHWASHER .;l .0 0 APP LIC A TION ACCEPTED BV Pt ....NSCH EeKE 0BY AP F-RQ VED F OR ISSU AN CEB Y LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER I WATER HEATER s;leo NOTICE UR INAL DR INKING FOUNTAIN I HER EBY CERT IFY TH ATI HA VE READ A ND E XAMINE D TH IS APP LICAT ION AN D KNOW TH E SAM E TO B E TR UE AN D CORR ECT.FLOOR --5INK OR DRAIN ALL P R OVI SI ON S OF L AWS AN D O RDI N ANCES GOVERN IN G T HIS SLDPS INK T YPE O F WORK WILL BE C OM P LIE DWI TH WHET HER S PECIFIED GAS SYSTEMS :NO .OUTLETS H ER EIN O R NO T .TH E G RANTI NG OF AP ERM IT OD ES N OT WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. P RES UME TO G I VE A UTH ORITY TO V IOLATE D R C ANCELT HE WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROV ISIONS OF A N Y OT HE R ST A TE OR L OCAL LAW R EGULATING C ON S TRUCT I ON O RT HE PE RFOR MAN CE OF C ON ST RUCTION.VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT S i GNATU R E 0 ,.CO NTPl"C TO"OR AUTH OR I ZEO AGEN T (OA T El I X ,(J) (J MM 10 .;:/!h jj r r!?:J J /l /JI )t//LJ.)ec PERMIT S I().V'JO TOTAL FEE SI ..:<'8 .00INATU"[0",,.C WNE.R a UI LOE'"OA ) V WHE N PROPERLY VALIDATED liN TH IS SPACE)TH IS IS YOUR PERMIT /U 10 PLA N CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH INSPECTOR F o rm 1 0 0.2 11 ~73 ~~ tt lEOtt D lEtt .....OM :I N TE RNAT I ON A LC ON FERE NCE OF BU ILD ING O F FI CI ALS ••uo •.W O "K MA N ..,L....II OAD .WHITTI EII.CALIP'....., •Al ctrrscnn sr.CQr ,T or.C ():'~l.·'1''J ~ 27,02 1.'.Cortina l .ane VAn.,,COLO ·ArO (-,57 476-SlY1 P.4 l iP :J (;J i( RE CEIVE,D h JU 11 a1~§Jl ' i~r •.~i 'lrs .11 C'11\('I1 I .autorh nc 'l .J'~'» Van .•Co lo rado Hlf,57 ..a,v ?2 .1930 D/J@PICbFb.",!>,.•..[Jeyel. E&!le,C1lQY9:Y f Calo. o 'lo reby pp rove your pllll1S and spec i f icatio n s s ubmitted f o r a s i.lr,lc fanily lous e o n Lot J .--!l oc k C,'ai l r as ::C'lo ne .Flli nr:11..r~!l o CO l1n t~/tnt'l t "l e f oU01 rl.n:s tipulations I S irfi ng to be s pruce or redwood .If d iffer net .c 'ioe k hac k·t ',u n , ":t1c ony po s ts to h e at l east 6 x f,. r exposed f'oundatdon ,exposed c one reto ,or exposed ~et.'\l. ~o a dditio 1 li ~un it 5"1a11 he developod within t'~m ;s tructu ros befo re s oo!d.w a nd o btnirring a p p roval f ron t l,o Eap,lo County pt . o f Pla nni.rP a nd ·'Ovolo }r.l e n t as t~10 lot a ppears too snan f or t l.'O cltmllinl,units u nder t he County Zon~l;oGol u tio n iJo cars or ot'lor o bstructions o n county road ,wh1c ',m Ul ~t bo c on pletely clnar Ilt 1111 t:l .mo s Lotso f landseapirw;,lncllldin~t rees . ~(l tal r oof a p proved a s po !'sample 5u hr.littod -stoal 1rotm ,lMra I'200 ~l 'woden ranees to be used ~f u ture additions .alterations including color c l,arr;es ,e tc ,must h e 3 ul:fn i tted f or ~pprovnl to t 'l e Arc 'l i tee tural Co!mi tteo . STEV E 'm D ,Consultant 47ft-J J1 "'~ ;/ R:b SC I E ID ~.G "E .,Gons hl tnnt l~?()-5?J? .// f1;;R Ell T SC IOj{PP .Consul t .nnt,·47/;-4312 .-- e s e ,Dept .o f PL a nnil1f"a n i r uvalopmo nt. F..nr;lo Cou n~y nE,'..I ,l S /10 30 REGUESTNINSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE JOB NAME TI MER ECEIVED AMPMCALLER ---:7-"""'t'":lr------;----,..,=:-;-4r7-+-f--++-:----=--r.--:-T-.;---==-~- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION C FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING FRAMING woesFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.~OCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR /l ~R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT CD-PONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS :) CORRECTIONS A e<M 1 u(j)~~~ DATE ,2-7-5i1 I • Hr.Les Douglas Eagle County Building Official Eagle,Colorado 81631 • 11arch 26,1980 Dear Les, Due to the obvious perils created by the current spiraling interest rates,I have been forced to shrink myhome per the accompanying plans dated l1arch 20,1980.Below is provided a brief summary of structural and mechanical specifications as will be strictly adhered to during construction. CIP CONCRETE Footer Width -16" Footer Depth -8" Footer Rebar -(2)#4's Wall Thickness -8" Wall Height -Minimum 4'above footer base Wall Rebar -114'son 30"vertical and horizontal centers Pier Dimensions -2'x2'x8" Pier Rebar -(2)#4's length and width BEA..'1S Reference structural drawings.Where multiple pieces of dimensional lumber are specified,pieces will be glued and nailed with no splices. FRAMING Exterior Walls -2x6,24"O.C. Interior Walls -2x4,16"O.C. Garage Floor Joists -2x12,16"a.c. Living Area Floor Joists -2x10,16"O.C. FLOORING Garage Floor -1 1/8"plywood with Gaco sealer Living Area Floors -1 11/32"Homasote • ,••Page 2 of letter to Les Douglas dated Ma rch 26,1980 . ROOF Roof Joists -2x1 2,16"O.C. Roof Decking -~"CD X plywood Roof Design Loading -70 lbs per s.f. SHEATHING Sheath entire building with ~"CDX plywood DRYWAL L .2x 6Exterior ~Jalls -5/8"drywal l 2x4 Interior Walls -!i "drywall Gara ge Ceilings and Walls -5/8"drywall ELECTRICAL Electrician must comply with all local codes,National Electrical Code,co de supplements and official interpretations. Please allow this letter to serve as an add endum to the plans dated March 20,1980.I f I have overlooked any required information, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 'ttlM1chaelLauterbach Box3451 Vail,Colo rado 81657 476-4386 Structural specifica tions approved this day of 1980by ,structural engineer. James L.Viele TOLL FREE NU MBE RS: Vail 619-5257Basal~927-3823 Mich ael,Sarah,and Ann Lauterbach Bo x 3451 Vail,Colorado 81657ADMINISTRATION E xt 241 EAGLE COUNTY • DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING &PL ANNI NG EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 TELEPHON E 30 3/328·7311 B OA RD OF COUNTY CO M MISSIONE RS E xt 241 ANI MAL SHE LTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN IN SPECTION E xt2 26 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER E xt 217 RE:Application for Bu ildin g Pe r mi t in Ea gle County Lot3,Block ~,Vail Das Shone #1 The Eagle Co unty Bu ilding De pt.r equires tha t applica tio ns for Bui lding Permits in Ea gleCountybe route d to t he Ea gle County Planning,Eng inee ri ng, and Environmental HealthDepartments for their commen ts prior to issuan ce of the permits.Your application was routed on CO U NTY ATTOR NEY Ext 2 42 ENGIN E ER Ext 236 Listed below are t he comm ents a nd r ecomm enda tions which were made by the a bove depa rtmentsduring the rou tin g pr ocedure.If.youhave anyques t ions orwishtoget further e xplana tion,plea se contact the a ppropriate dept. ENVIR ON MENTAL HE ALTH - E xt 2 38 EXTENSION AGENT E xt 247 Bui lding Depar tment -Not Ap proved.Your plans neglect to show details concerning framin g, footing,foundation,and design load on roofing. LIBR A RY E xt 2S 5 PU BLIC HEALTH E agle E xt 252 Vail 4 76·5844 PLA N NING E xt 2 26 or 229 PURCH ASI NG/ PERS ONNEL Ext 2 45 RO AD &BRID GE Ext 2 57 S HERIF F Ea gle E xt 211 Basalt 927·32·14 Gi lman8 27·575 1 SOCI AL SERVICES 3 28·6328 T REASURER E xt 201 I t wo uldbe t oyour advantage if youbegin to resol ve any pro blems and/or r equirem ents a s soonas po ssibles o asnot t o delay t he i ssuance of your boildi0 9 "em it ,oy 100 g,e th ,o o~e~ Les Douglas Eagle Cou nty Bu il ding Official LD/adj REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY ,-fl'ct..<_(!/u-t7.t'f ~ 9 17 -""!6 :>/ INSPECT'-NBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE 4'./'i -fj 0 JOBNAME _~=--)_)---..::;1,:..;.J:...:...l.-_.~~~..:....:,..,~=-''---'-----'',---,,:::::-,-,--=....:...~-=-:__ TIME RECEIVED_.-.J...=~__AM "YM)CALLER --..::.';1,;':("-'~"L-----"-a.:..L'-:f-'~'---L_L.J.'_~.=:L _ :.J BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: / o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON THUR FRI AMPM ~PP R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 •INSPECTI N REB-UEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :---"'-'-:-~-""-~-'-''-''-------------- o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS [!J'A P PRO VED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE -- J~.:30 REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY INSPECT.lN•\BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 ·6339 DATE ~.ILl Ro JOBNAME /1_:....---'--:....:..:~-'--,'-'-'-=-,.,.......-'-'-'--'--"""'-'::....:..:"-----=------ TIMERECEIVED ~:-')/)AM ~CALLER :....:.....--'-_'---.:.~~~__-'-=---f....:....::;:;:::z::._ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: LOCATION ----'----=-_ PLUMBING MECHANICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION: PARTIAL SHEETROCK COVER LOCATION : I " O YaJ do,-':x:.J dA-<--0OTHER PARTIAL. BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION: 1 //1--'1u 7J , '0 APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED //~P O N THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS <?{Ota 'I Y :!e::-. ~~/#:d ~"// o REINSPECT DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPECT N REBUEST { BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FINAL OODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM I COMMENTS:_ GJ APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ----_...:!......-'--...;,.:::~-'--=------~-=------------:=----- I DATE I / BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 •~,.lb30 1 INSPECTleN REGUEST ~ EAGLE COUNTY DATE _--J-=-+-+---=:"-""-,,L-_JOB NAM E __---Jdl~~'-----Att&;rl:t-----lU::::..-m':j).o:::::::::::....­ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -----l'-H--M~--_f\dt'\=1==Ht:H~~~JG.,..R_--- COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR -6'---------AM PM ,/.J / DATE '/I BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 •REGUEST ~ EAGLE COUNTY --=-,.=----r--+--L--'--JOBNAME ----=--=----~--___;_~---'~'--------"-..L.-'---_'__:_i~-- ____AMPMCALLER ----.-t-:-f-;:-''L::---->e.-+--.-.-7---.:--;;-T'---'--:;;-::-r--- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI'___AMPM o REINSPECToDISAPPROVED / / / ~GJ APPROVED COMMENTS:-----------------!'~';-"'::~+';;_';_-_____;_"7___O__----.,_~----- o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- / DATE <t"I 7 () /030 REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY ;> -f..,l ALldl ..cc:- S<'n A.'.f<~J,hc;c L INSPECTIIN•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE 1 ·d /-c-C JOBNAME _-=->(::.........ot1::::'-::::L::...~17:....:t..:..:""...:cL~Q::..:-f":...:::L:..-..:..:;::.;:=::::.=:....:..-....::..c"----_ TIME RECEIVED //"10 rAM).,eM CALLE R _----;~'-)_'_l'-"~J s,~,,----_==:"":::"':o::.:....:=~=-_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT WED READY FORINSPECTION MON o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------- DATE '!;J;)-Cr'2 EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 •INSPECTI N REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPMCALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR J [J APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE L/~--I _0' /~3 0 REBUESTN 1'6);,,'l{/,) EAGLE COUNTY Yr,,I /r ,.1,r r I~ INSPECTI• JOB NAME /)1 if AMPMCALLER -'-"'-'L.---!C..:.:....::-=....!....!...!;...:.....__---,,L..L""--...::..::::<......:.."'--__ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE 7 ·14 -eO TIME RECEIVED II ./11, BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING W DesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION -'--_ MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION »::THUR ~FRI AMPM 7t I If......, fJyy£([If /47 VnA/;-£j; F o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE ~/--/ EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 •INSPECTI N Ie REGUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY /~.:3C..) REGUESTINSPECTINBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE .£--..-dJ-?t:!JOBNAME ------:.....:.-~'------=---f.<..i..:-.:.=-'----='-=---___:__::_-__:_____:7"-- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _---';-:-'-'-"""'"--=--=-=---'-=:...>.."--'-_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woes FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ FRI AMPM r~/70/l.n /.I' READY FORINSPECTION TUE (W E ~THUR ~ ~<,/h1:~/A /Ji 'rc (.A2~4.11,_ .'-";,-I f MON o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE EAGLE COUNTY REGUESTNINSPECTBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE .?--.?/-cfo JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -:-_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o REINSPECTDAPPROVEDDDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING /CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------- DATE J Cr 30 REI3UESTINSPECTtt.NBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOBNAME ~/2--8.At'~;..2 ' TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~;Z e.--P~ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl. FRI s:~AM(§> P'/l #- / WEDTUEMON READY FORINSPECTION COMMENTS :--~~~.JL--+-..:::b."L.....q---':::::::;;:l::7--4J-.....L--;":"'~~~~::.!..e;$-.-~~~~~~~!­ /J!'-f o.(p '!ZL APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 'fa UPONTHE FOLLOWIN.G CORRECT~~r CORRECTIONS e-'"'J #~~r)-'" o REINSPECT DATE 6 -6-=-?i'5 ~~/(t?.j'O REGUESTBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE /I/;to ~!'TIME RECEIVED L -AM INSPECTI N EAGLE COUNTY LI?J .J ..,/.p,J ...,,/77J /M/'AJ ,).'/i',.p7'd /J?1 h Af"4 {/ .. BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING PARTIAL LOCATION: I MECHANICAL VENTrLATION PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ \ o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DAT -Y'-fd EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 •INSPECTI N //1.../'')----REGUEST / ;'/ DATE ~/~----JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM}CALLER -'--"'----'_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION STANDPIPE FRAMING FINAL woe S PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION; o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCA TlON _ [J /A P PRO VED (MON ) f f J f I TUE READY FORINSPECTION ...WED THUR o DISAPPROVED FRI I ....... o REINSPECT , o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- I r'~DATE .,_v/_"'.-I v I ..-:> EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 •INSPECTIJN ?'""] REGUEST DATE JOB NAME ----'---'-=--__--,-_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -,--_.,..--,:.._ ) PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: VENTrLATION PARTIAL MECHANICAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: INSULATION _ SHEETROCK VENEER _ ROOF PARTIAL COVER LOCATION : PARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION /M O ~TUE WED THUR I COMMENTS ~_-":..=....::..-~.!..-___.!..!.._~....:.c:==____-+__,!...-c.:::....---__=---'--''---:....--=---- / (jJ -APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ill UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : "l'CORRECTIONS ---'=-"-----'_-'-~'--~-'-______''_''_...L.____:__ DATE \., '/-I ( ./ • /&>'30 REBUESTINSPECTrBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TI MER ECEIVED AMPMCALLER ---"--""==..:.~--""~-=--=---'-""-"'---'--=_----;__r----- BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woesFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION )l eu ·f ~j,0Y1 f) D ;;::;:::::: READY FORINSPECTION MON FRI _--:::-=__»: / I APPROVED D DISAPPROVED REINSPECT DATE ??-;;1-/-~O EAGLE COUNTY I. BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 INSPECT N Iv'JO REGUEST DATE f5 '/(2 1'/\JOB NAME ---'-----!.--+'~_"_-.:....~.:...:....:~:..!.:...."'--"'------------- TIME RECEIVED c:;6,.~~P M CALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON READY FOR INSPECTION Q j WED THUR 2-:::11 ,.4 ~/J>:/I '///1 /hI ~7 r: I ' @ '--AMPM //t ~f "..r;..•. o REINSPECT o~/J (~-r;;et'/-'J'?.A!J/",:, /'/r _11 ....__I',-:r-- / ,f\tJ ~'~1.{-....,.. []~p PRO VE DODI SAP PRO VE D~N THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:r- CORRECTIONS ->:;:A'M a u /5ff;"d,..,,/U,p7~ / ""';.->--1 .•--...0 «-.... DATE I { / EAGLE COUNTY .....REGUESTNINSPECT•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBINGMECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE FINAL woes PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI....L-AMPM COMMENTS:.....:.....=-_ I• GI APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT -r o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS_____--L..-'---_ DATE /I -/( .,.,. /(p 30 REGUESTINSPECTI.NBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 /K3;b ,/EAGLEC0UN ~y DATE JOBNAME ~RtJ A adA ,;,J T IME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER A"I'~~~{;(' BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woes FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. FRI 4-r-c_AMc0 ITUEMON COMMENTS :_..:.....<'--'-''---__::...:::.....:::....<.''''-'--__-''4-.::......£::........::....'''-'-"'''''''_-=;,..,----:-_ /~ c:? o APPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE If you have any questions,please contact this office. At their Continued Meeting on 17 July 1978,the Zoning Board of Adjustment deniedyour request for aVariance from the minimum lot size inthe Residential Suburban Medium Zone. IDuringthe discussion,it was noted that theitem had been tabled from the 9JuneContinued Meeting for more information (refer to the attached copy of letter dated 14 June 1978) and that the required information had not been submitted. Acopy of the De nial/Approval page is enclosed., Re:File No.Zv-46-78Variance E G LE COU TV • Department ofPlanningand Development P.O.Box 179 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 cs < VJ j &->·LSe..--- 17 July 1978 • David IrwinandJosephVergara Box 3342 Vail,Colorado 81657 Th~~# t rrill Knight l1ting Direct ofPlanning BOARD OF COUNTY CO M MISSIONERS 328·6809 AD MINISTRATION 328·6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949·4292 ASSESSOR 328·6593 BUILDING INSP ECTION 328·6339 CLERK & RECORDER Ea gle 328·6377 Basalt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328·6674 ENG INEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328·7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328 ·6370 LIBRARY 328·7787 PUB LIC HEALTH Eagle 328·6594 van 476-5844 PLANNING 328·6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328·6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328-6611 Basalt 927·3244 Gilman 827·5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328·6328 TREASURER 328·6376 TK/kp cc:Zoning Board ofAdjustment Board of County Co mmissioners V.ANQE APPLICATION Action of Zoning Board of Adjustment on Variance Application Approval 0 conditions: Denial tQ.X reasons:(see Order of the Board,attached) File No.Z v-4 6-78 ,Irwin and Verg ara ~)r it7 f~:ting ----7 ~J!:11.iVvN V1.. Chairmen ..- Note:Section 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board- Any further appeal from the decision of the Board may be mede to the co urts,as providad by law,provided,however, that such appeal is made prior to twenty (20)days following the date of the not ification of the Board's decision. Paae 2 of 2 A GllE C UTY ••Department ofPlanning &Development Box 179 EAGLE ,CO LORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY CO MMI SSIONERS 328-&809 ADMINISTRATION 328·6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949 ·4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTION 328·6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eagle 328-6377 Basalt9 27·3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328·6674 ENGI NEER 328·6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328·7718 E XTE NSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle 3 28·6594 Vail 4 76-5 844 PLANNING 328 -6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 32 8 ·6591 SHERiFF Eagle 328 -6611 Basalt 927·3244 Gilman8 27-5751 SOCI AL SERVICES 328 -6328 TREASURER 328 ·6376 I f. r ( { b~-·,';'..':.. r- («>.L ........=/ June14.1978 David IrwinandJoseph Vergara Box 3342 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:File No.Zv-46-78 Variance ' At their continued meetingonJune9,1978,the Zoning .Bo ard ofAdjust mentt abledthea pplication tor eceive addi- tional info rmation fro m the applican t concerning theproposed structure,gradeof lot,site plan,and date ofpurchaseof the l ot.It is the applicant's responsibility toprovide the i nformationreq uested.The item is sche duled tobeheard on Thursday,July 13 ,1978. If you have any questions,please contact this office. /·A /~·1/.-L~.L{~~JtQ .h erri ll K:;~~( Acting Di rector ofPlanning TK/jk cc:Zonin g Bo ard of Adjust ment Bo ard of County Co mmiss ioners -..~.~.."',... iE A GlL1E COU NTY _ Department o f Planning and De~pmcnt P.O.Box179 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 • 12 May 1978 Your comm ents would be appr eci at ed p rior to that date. Re:F ile No .Zv-4 6-78 -I rwinan d V e rga ra V ariance File No.Zv-4 7-78 -Dodso n a ndS wen s en V ari anc e .. '16 West V ail Pro p erty O wner sA ssoc iation P.O.Box 4 90 Vail,Colorado 81657 The item will be revi ewed by the Zoning Bo ard o f Adjustment at their meeting on 8J une 197 8. Thank you _.;/-::j..vvJJ A Teji~K night Planner TK/kp The e nclosed a pp li ca tion is b eing sent to you for your review and comment. BOARD O F COU NTY COM MISSIONERS 328·6809 AD MINISTRATION 328·6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILD ING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & .RECO RDER E agle 328·6377 Basalt 927-3244 COU N TY ATTO RN EY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328 -7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328·6370 LIBRARY 328·7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eag le3 28-6594 vsu 476-5844 PLAN NING 328-6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eag le 328 -6611 Bas alt9 27-3244 Gil man '8 27·5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328·6376 E.l.~~~COU NTY .~•••..~~._.c -1,-,•.:."r,"l ...·,,.l .,·~..,.,t S taf f Reco mmendations -r n.2 3.F i I e t·)o .Zs -S ~-7::t -CF'and I s t e e l r:o rno r.1t ion A.!1 ('~u "'st:Soe cl al lise Pen nit fo r r r-e nsr-n rt n t l cn an d r al l r o ed I oe dln r o f cru s ~ed screened l i mestnn e . B.C.<t c ~qroU"l':I :f.t t he .".,ri l 1'1,1 '}7 ~,r:u!:.l ic ;'p~r l n ..,.t ;,p Pl .lnnin "l t o -e-I s slon cont i nu e ~t h~h~a r in~to ~~y 17,1 9 7 ~,i n or d ~r t o r ecp.ive r p s~o n s e s t :) t he f oll owin n c o~p nt s : 1.:nvl ro n f11~nt C"l l '"1n ;tct 't~tc""l'l t a .Su rf a ce-vat crI rao ac t,T~E'i rt f o r "'i'l t l ~n e s S!l"'r;itt-rl t e ~a !P c'~s n ot 3ddrcss l nc r ee se d s t or n wa t er r unoff d ue t o cons t r vc t Io n , to os o l 1 r e.eov e 1 "nrl c o-rc-c t l o no fs e !15 in t he ~:lC'''e r ea , ~.~pd i ~en t~t io n du p t o con struc t i",~n d on ~r rl tlon .7 ~E'i n fo r~~t ic n doE'S n~t r rov i ~~A "'~i nn A('ta i ls t C'i nrlicztp control ~e ..su res ~n t he ~l ant an d Qu pr ry slt~.trar s~or t ~tl on '~ci l i t y ~nd 10 1(inc, s ite. c .Und ern r oun d wat e r ,Ir.o ....a c t s t ..tcr-en t i n dl c e t e s t !'lat baseIlne s tur'Les ,.,1 1 1 t-e cnrr"'l ~t /'rl tit i\l e t e r d ..t e , d ,\/Il dllf e i M"'~1Ct.I,ft ho uro h a o~n~r'"o verv i c'v o f a r...;t w ll dllf e WaS l ncln r'ed,the b-ooc t s 'vvc ro ot ~(>...n '1u .:t ntif ip rl en d C")IJl d va r y e r e e tlv c'(>!"<,ndinn e n th f'!alt e r n e ti vc cbos e n. e .Socl o -cconcral c i n"rlct.0 rd y;a curs orv r ev l ew \","IS rr;>~€"I")f the so c la l ~n ci e conoe!ci moec t s ,The t ax r-e v enu e c se t-iar e s do nlJt in d icatewba t thev (O r e bas ~rl on ..m d \·.,t,a t ~rc",s .:!r'"e i r:clucle~. 5e con"!"rv i-:m2 ct s <'l nd !la us in.,n p.....~s a rf"not s 'Jff ic.i p.nt ly a ""-:'r css e':. f.Imn<'l ct s o n ..d jo ininll p ror"cr tv .;'l t ho un~S CI-.e cf !-sj~e k.,~c t s s ·.Jch ~s n ol s ~~re rlis c uss ~d .p va l u~t i o n o r n i t i ~~t i o n ~easu r ~s ar~~~t a dequ at e ly srecif ie d. g .Ap.s t hc ti c j moact.T r ~~"~\'T",,·'e r s <!I"Id It"l :JI rlino sit p.l oc at i o n alt e r · M ti vE's ...,hic h l"l i .,l ,t l "nrc ve vis ua l ;:!sopc ts ha v~no t be e~"lr e'ic :;t eG. h.~rlfe t v o ro ce~u r e s .P ro tecti o n fr o~s pl Il s ~n~tr ,~c v ~ccl c e~ts , es rec lal Iv ~t the Cou ntv ~o~rl (O~rl r ail r o a d s i te ,f'as ~o t ~een a ddr('sse ri • 1 .Use of ~Y-r rod u c t s .reman d for fin es anrl ~t h e r ty -o rodu cts e re no t quanttf l ~d.In the c ase o f ~~d i t i o n a l de~and f~r cu arry ~a t e r i a l , t he extent o f ope rations s hould ~~I n c l u d ~d. j .Commu nIty impacts.Th es e a lso occu r a s s ec ondarY t ~,pcts due to I nc rease Tn deM~nd for se rv ices and shou l d he eval u~t e~. 7.F li p.no ,r.-)'~7 B -n m h ~r r'ul l de r -s A.!!t·II :I ,.~t :"<1 C,".'(>fI ,.,f Iflt l l n c ural ut ili ty r;.l ".r:.r'".nt. K.~a c kn r oun~:Thl ~T t ~~Wrt ~r rp s~nte d t o t h ~~l ~nnl~~Co-~Issi o~a t t h ~ J\~ri l meet ln -r,The on n llc an t has s uhfT"it,.te d a le tte r r eo ues tl no t ~·H t ~e l t e -n ~P t eb le d in order to a t t e-ti me t o ~ul.,lI'I i t a dd l t I ooe l ln t'r r'"~tir.n . nil.·1"1 .,n o ve r s l t e-;t h.-1.·t h ·r ~".'!i n tlt 11(,·..,.,,1(".1 rur P I.1n"l n"(',1,,..1"50 1"'0 c ons l de r a tl on .The Conmi ss iol"\r cccr-c-cnce d de ni a l of t he r eece sr,The c omo l e t ef i le was ~r~s ('n t~~t o t he Po_,r d o f (nun ty r o o-L s s t cee rs a t t h "!lr mee t l n--o f Ap ril 26,19 7 ?.rt t ,·,h ie h tir-e t h"'y r c f c rr e d t ~..i t en l-,~cl<to th e P'l e nnln o Cor-ml s s Io n s o t hC'!t It cou l -i eva l ue te t he r c o ces t ~·ti t ~;:11 1 rtv al l a ~l e i nformation.T h~r.~w ~~t e ri~l s U ~Mltted ~v t he J ?oTiC3nt tnc l u ~~s s ite n la ~s fo r v ~r io us ~e s i n n a ltprn atl v es fo r t ~~a rp~. C.$t ,,,ff Pc com-rendat l on :pccoorocndd c n l a l •Al t hoo r-h th p dcsl c n r-r-cse nt ed does epoe ar to mce t County 5 t e nda r ds,the un i ts i zeapnea r s e x ces s i ve an d a n e l o'rt un it s tr uctu re wou lrl 1'1 1 v~the ap oe a r e nce of a h ioh e r dens i ty . An a l te r native cou ld be r e d uct ioni n t he nu~ber o f unf t s or r e du c t i ~n in size of t he un l t s . Fi le 'I..,."n ·:!t -7 ~-Gro us e Mo ur'l ta ln ltd.Hinor Su bd lvl ston fl.!=!ec ucs t:~inor SlJodlvi sioil t o s ollt an exis tl n "lot In to t hree lot'.Tehled fr C"t oe ~e .ti n o of 3/15/70 a nd 4/19/7S . e.B ~ct(n roun~:This iter.:•.,"'"t <'lb l ed from thp.p revious meeting i n o r c er to a 11O\,'t he a r.rl icant to s u!:l mtt additional info r- Mat ion i'S fo l l()1ys : I .i'lr..1 in o?C"e 0 1an. 2 .")~ns it v n e r l or (n :JiT.hp.r of d..,el lin~units and ot he r use al l o c "lti o ns ~. 3 .P r onose ""us es o f the l a nd. C.S ta ff F.p.:c o ~en ~a tt o n :Pe co~mcnd app roval .Th ~requested l nfornat ion has bp.en su ~m tt t ed a nd a ppe ars to bea deq uate. ~tl '!J F C T :s t ef f r e c cnrocndat lon s on I tems en pee r lnc J,E'f o r E't"'~Fa "le Count y °l annln!"COfTl"l is sion a t the Ir l'l'er.t lno on 17 f.18 May"19 78. FpnM :D eo~r t me n t of Plannin q an d Oevelo ow.c nt 5 .File :·IJ .r M-1 Q-7 ~-~J o nc s t e ?r1 "JHk Mfn(')r Sub d lv l s lon .fl..P.eOup.st:"in'i r r lJ'-,tilvl ..i on t o s enar at e ~I'l e xlst inn house ~rN"'l ,;0:1 ~y.ts t i rr:t L vo a ce mob il ",h('~pa rk.Ta bl ed frf')l'Tl t'e ~et ;n r,o f ~/15 /7R .nd 4/1 9 /7r.. S.;':ac!,;!]r('lunri:TJ,ls re nue s t is to s el l t ane xlstTng s lne le fer-rll v hous e ~n rl l ot f'r(r1 on ex l s tlno P~s oecc rM!1 11e home D ?r ~.~~~i t ('~~~s ~cp.n t ?bleA t~lce in o r der to al low t r~A "~lic~nt t o su~r it t ,~'o1 1 ~~in o In for mat ion: I "~~i !r ~'?n of t he ~u b rli visi on s h or~i nn ho use ,ra r k ing . ~~i l ~hf')M~s~ac~s,In t er ior ro~~s ~nd drivewa ys, c e ntr ~l t r?s~~i cku~. 2 .~.l a nds c ee l no D i an s bowln n size,so ec l es a nd location o f nl e n t Ine s• ~'I n.,1 ~I ~t ~r c oar~d ilcco r dinQ to s~e ci f ica tlons s et fo rt ~In ~('ctlons h.O;2 nd 4 .n3.0 1 of t h e E a~le Co unty ~u ~d ivi~l on re ~lll p t l o n ~. 4 .,b.ri "'l"!U;H c c onol c t lo n of o ue s tl c n 10b o f the Mino r Sub d lv l slon J::Pf'l u l a ti ons " 5 .A d rai n ?~~~I~n. C.$t Fl ff se corwendatIon :Pec o P"1~n<'de n ia l.Tile r eques t e d in~or ~atj ~n ~~s no t be en submitted. /o ·.·.·I ·,.·.T~AT ION ~:.<:.\,t./4 E OA;)~o r:CO UNTY c O ·.··.·15 SIO"'E~S ~,~·o .:=; :l LA "'"""'GJ:;3,6Ha ;;0 ),:)L B RIDG E J 2:H ~:n S-E =lIF'F' €J·I!323·;61 1a~:\;:!i :l r·32 44 C..,m ol"c;27 ·~7 S 1 SC CI"-L S ~=lvtCES .1':3·6323 T "E A S '~R E R J;:Hi 316 ASSE5SQR J:d,e5 9J 3JI !,.D!~G t~.S ~::C Tl O N .323·029 C LE:l ";~ ..t.CO~OE.R ~:;~Tt Jlli?lll4 CO Ij~j T V A ~T O =l "'E Y 3:91 ·6 67':' E.".GI~jEE R na ,6337 _"~".1 E N T A L.""__";510 N ':'~~',i 2:!·537C lI 3 ~:"J:l '" ;;~.i·;;37 :::'i:!~l:"'~A LT H ~J i ,e J:!3 ·65 5 4''''),1 ':'Hi ·~B *4 "ox 1 1 ~' r .\,~.r.COL OflAOO 0 1fo 31 , .-S taff ?~c~~cnda tio ns -P~. k ,t r eoscor e a tt oe .It is s t a ted in t he r coor t t hat t herewil l b~no s ion if ica nt ~f f~c t on tr ~ns n ~rt a t j Qn sy stp.ms;h o ~c ve r , '.!I t '.,t he need f or s u-ro l I cs end d ~i l y work fo rce,the i mp a ct s oou l d be ouen t i f i e d. 2 .P l a ns for S it e and Ore ra tion a.~~t er i als tr 2n s n o rt~ti on.Thrpe ~I tp.r na t i ves h ave bcen r evi ewed ; r.cN~v e r,dc t a i l edo l ens an d sr-ec l fl cat l o ns ha ve not been subml t ted for t he se l ect ed ~th()-:I .. b .ReveoA ta tl~n o lans.P roDosccl o lans are based on studies do ne in o ttte r ~rfV'l S .~:()on-rs lt e c c mna r l son was made to conf irm thep ro- nas al .e nn c on d it ion s may va ry o re~t ly amon9 s i te s . c.L ~a din~t ir~l~s ite.~o d e t a il ed ~I a n s an ~sp ecif i cations are ~resentcd f or t~is a rea . d.!la te r r l e'rts ,Al thrllJn'it annea r-s t h at a \o/::l ter supp ly i s ava ll a bl u,th ewe t e rrl nh t s ar e uncl e ar . e .Itus t ccn t rol .The»rooo s a l t o vse wa t er f or d ust co ntro l has no t h~~e nouoh sr~c i f i~Informati on ~u?m l t te rl to i n s ure a n e f fl c l en t \-J Orb l h l p s vs tee, f •.a ccess to site .lise of t he r oad as a c cess to the si te must be a oor-ovc c ':'!y t h~r orcs t Ser vice t o insure tha t therew i11 not be ...ne ed t o cut ;t new r oad , The Zeni na ~eso lu ti o n ,~p-ct ion 6 .00 C on ~i t i on~l a nd Special Usc Permits. states t he f o l1 o 'li n~r e o u i re~e n t s (in na r t): E.oO cc::nI Tlo :",L A':~~rE C l r.L nsts , 6.0~.C I r,ene r ~l c ~~u ir c ~c nts : A'-s·-I {s ·t~-r u-ri~re ·r:-thcZo n c nt s t r t c e Reoul ot lo ns,Cond i t l on a l a nds ccc t e t us es s h el l confo rm to ,'\11 req u i r emen t s li s ted t he r e und c r ,1 "1 ~e l scwher c in t his Pes cl u t l o n o lu s t he f ol l o wl ner -cou l r cmen t s: a .Util it ie s ~~c~u ~t c t o r r n v i ~c wut~r ~n d san it ~t ion s e r v ice 1:'l"lC;prf o n a c cc o te d cneil n eo rin o s t e nda rds and i"lr.nrQvl'"'!bv th e Coun tv ~n v l r onr oen t a l Hc el t h Off ice r ar.,;tl ,C Co l o r a r'o s r e tcnce or t r-cn t of lIe alt h .:'I r e either i n nl ~c c o r to c c c on ~tru ct c d in co nlunct io n wi th the p r Cl l)OS41 d ~r "'CI : h .S tr~e t ilifl roverr'l"nt5 .JdCr>U .l te to a ccommodate t ra fflc va lu"',:-....e nera tt:'d ">y t h~p r o posed use and to prC"v i de s<.Jf c,Cf"Jnvr-ni rnt il CCP.<;S t o th e l lSC ."'r e rd th cr I n r lace or t o b ~c ons tnlctcd in co nju nct ion \-llth t he rro!"osed :.Jl:;(',a s .::ln p rov~d l'y t he Coun tv Enoi nee r. c .D ~s i c n of t he ~ror)asf""lise is o r!lan ized t o r.>i n imize f r.~~ct on a nd fr o~ad i ~ce n t useS of l and t h ro u o~in- stall<'l t iC'ln of sc re e n f e nc~s o r l.:mdsc aoe mat er ia ls n n t ~c ~er l c h e r v of t h e lot ~nd b y l oca ti on o f intensively u ti liz('~~r c~sl aCC ~S5 ~o l nts,11 ~ht in q a nd s ians in su ch <I !l1 i\nn:;r ;')s t o nrMtec t cs t ab llshe.rl n ei ghh orhood cf,<ltacte r . 6 .00 .02 Ac~it i~nnl ~n ~c ific ~cnuJr enc nt s f or Ce rt a in Vse as Fo llows : g •,,--i n~u5 't -r-i~Yoi,~-r:~-don·T ncJurIYno cx-t~r ~c·tion :-p-inccs s·jrig"," fa h r ic<'lt ion,sto r~r e.s a lvag p.y ard a nd s anit ~r y la ndfi l l I prov!ce d:In cnvi ronr"l c nt<'ll I rrt nd ct r eport Is p rep a red i n acco rdance with t hi s Reso lut I on.by techni ca l ly qua l ifi ed nrof e s si on~l e xp ert s for th e ~'Ine r o f t hep ropo se duse dep l ctl n9 its·loca tion,s cope a nd d e si gn includln ~a s i te p l~n c nrl des io n.~n cl an ex ~lan ~ti on of its 0 ~e r ati~,a 1 c h i\r ~c t cri stics :nroof s,al l also be s u~~it t e~t ~a t t ~~ us e 5 h;,I I he de s i o nc d clO~ooc r-at ed i nc o-...l i en ce '.fj t h -3 11 a pnl i cabl c 1J'.'I5 an d r c cule tl o ns o f tf-cCoun t v ,r t e re .:l na Feder a l nove r nr-en t s <"noj 's h al l not ed v c rse I v »f f ec t : (1 )Exi sti ng Lawfu l us e of \...a t e rt h rcuo h ,L~~le tj on o r nol l ut ion of s u r f~ce ru n -of f s t re =~f l o~o r ~round WQt ~r . (2)Use of a d j acent l ~nd t~rou~h ccne rat ion of v ~~c r,cU5t ~ seoke,no ise,-rl e r e or v l b r e t i o -r,o r o t be r ~m ~'l2 t i o !"ls : (3 )\.'il d li fean d ooroes tl c e nlr-al st h r oue h c r ee tl o n 1')(hez e r-d- ous ~t t r ~c t i Q n s t ~Io c k adc of M i~ra t ion rout~s o r Dat te rns o r o ther rr.eans. C.Staff Rc co~e ndClt ion:Reco~c nd c on ti nuance of t he hea r l n=.The ~a jor r ema ln ln o c o t eco rl e s of o uc s t lc nsr-el e tl no to t'ie ZonlnoPe -tv l e t l o ns a r-ei - 1.Ad e~ua t~sc r e e n i n ~to m i t l~a t e o ff -s ltp.i ~o ac ts .A ~~et~i I~d fina l p l a n has no t been s ub ml t t e d f or t h e o rcj ece . 2.Proof of mi t i !'l a t j o n of effects o nFede re 11a ndse nd c o-o 11 an ce ""j t b r ecu l a tIo ns . 3.Comol e t e vre tc r r c o o r t ede r-es sI nr-l ewful US"".'Inri p 'rv sl ca l avall eb Ll i t v a nd ef fe ct o n ~ro un d~~t e r .. Thea po ll c an t i ndi ~a t P s t hot t he d e t e l led ol an fo r-iul e t i c n is o fa r"l al"n i- t ud e the t t hp.y wl l l root be i ni t i a t ed un ti l ane r r-l t is l s sued ,The ec r -al r , If a op ro vcd ,sh ou ld lncluc'e Q s tl n ul e t l c n t ha t It i ss u b j e c t t o f lna l p lan eec reve l p ri o r t o c or-nen c -uc c n t of dcve l oor-cn t o oe r e tl on s • 9.F i Ie "o .7 c -70 -7 O,-~!e lson Zone Chnn-te A .Reques t:Zonech ance fer-n se s cur c e (R)to Cor-roc rc le l r e ne r -e l (ru l . 8.:?ack oro unrl :The pa rce l f o r w'tl c h t hezo ne c~<,~("f C is r e ouc s t ed I s la ca t e d between t he f l .Ie be l a rc ?e ndt he To-m 01:"cs el t al o rv t ~.q"''l''I i'\f :'2 .T-e majo rity of the su rr oundlno c r c e i s acne d Pcso ur-cc ·,·:i tn aco r t l cn bcl n c r ece nt l y r ezone d to Pu r a l ~e ~i n~n t j ~l .- C.S ta f f Recormcn d e t i o n:Pe comotcnd den i al ,T ~E"'te s te r ?l M j n r:i C ;:l t ~s t ~.<'!: c ommc r-c l a l a rc es shou ld h,:"l c c c t c de t e xl s t ln -t c ente rs.Tbls c h en c c I .'::",\,;}(, h e an l sola t ed sno t zone I-/h i ch woul d or ono t cs t r i o co -me r c lnlz o n l a o 1.l-:i c :-: c r e er es e cd i ti o ne l t raf f i c (1 ~!"<'In~~<l !"l d rte t r e c t s f rr,.l t }o.>?e xi s t l n -co -r -e r-cic l .1 rC;;JS.P.chnnr·c to cOf"":"!l"'rci,11 i s i ncH:l nrn nri ."I t c ,.,t t ,l s r k ,r.,J ~J':t r;t -,~ un c ertain ty of ~i S ~~~Y con struct ion o lans.S ta tus e s ~l i ~it c ~~cc c ss hi nhlo'o1Y <lnc t l H'~n~("rf to n ur ch"c;e .l dt-fit ion;l l r i ff ~l t of ''I 2.\(.,,)o 50 si ~lY'in tl ;1('\'; l oc.ntlon,has no t r 'e~n ~st,l h l i s ~~c1 . 10.FT I e ~I O .7.c -71-7f:-qv ~rl v I.nn ~r.h..m ~c A.r:ell LJ e st :Zone.Ch MCH'l-fr-nn r c ~:;idcn tja l Subu r l'<l n ;~ed iu ::l C'c!l s itv (t'~S ".)t c Pesi cl e nt i~l r·'ulti rl e :'<,..,il y (?~-lF ). n .~~ck q rou nd:This n'1 rc ~1 a l~n(l 11a ttc r h o r n·C lrc l t"c c~t<Jin s ~n ex i st in'1 st ructu re (knm-rn .~~thf"l-;'O:.:n n Hou se l :)\-'hi-:h ~~·C'lS cons truc tor::;"3S ~h<>l-:~ bp.r.roo ,ll.t \-/elvp.l-,;l throt1;n unit \oI Ith ~central ~jt l':h -=n .1 nd rl i n i n ~f.:'lci li t/. Th e c u rrent O"·:n e r i s in t c r c s t ~cl in r c r'lO del i n!"!t h~struct u r e i nto ~~c l:r t h rce-be rfronm uni ts .T:,C l o t cont flins anoro x i rT't!te ly 25 ,O ~~s qua re f ee t. /\zon p.ch tml"l e to P.esi clr-n ti;'l l .~\1I 1 t i p l e F<I",ily ''/Qutd a l IO'.1 a j'l'l~x i r-\u..,(\f 12 un i ts flc r n<:!t dc \'("l o ;1 ,,~l c <"e r e. Th~~~p tI c ~n t I )~scs th e r ~~u c s t ,in n<l rt.on c~1n ~ed co n1it i cns I n t ha ~r e a .And i n ricnd th e <lrljo i ni nq l ot o n t he wes t is ~n II un it b u i ldina on a 'iM~l l l o t.TheFa ll Li ne aarJ Pa rk Ilc'U"kllvS f .n ~r t mcn ts "r c l oc.3ted a sho rt d l s t ~n ce t o the e~s t .Hos t of t he r e ~ai nin 9 area is vacant an d unsubdivi ded. ~t aT r ~cc::o~c n n <:l t lon s -Pq.~ S t e f f Peco-mcn da tl o n :Pc c orroe nd a on r ov e l•Lot s ize (1 }L.)~SOU·3f P.f e e t} :111,1 I.,t '.IIlI"·f i r....)"I,.,l"··d ll.11..·.1"'II I ','.r"·'.l f.I.,,,·.",',1,1.l,,·llt .·lr I ·.'ll ~1 1 o tbc r r-e qu i r c-aen t s c en bemet,make th is ~~r)C'l r t o b e a ~..c r ka'sle o r ceo se t • c . Fi l e r oo ~r.l -2E.-7C -Cha se 'li n o r !'u h di v i s ion h .Rr:C1u -=:s t:Hl nor ~u b d i v i5ion t o s p lit ;,n ex i s t i n~~u,l cx i rlto t H O se p ~r 3t e O\'IO c rs hl pS . B.n "'l cI~"'r ouncl :This duo l ex,n e~ri n "c o:""!n1 cti o n.·.-la s is su ~·.!;0 bu i ld in.,rc r.:-i t in '~7 b.The'mi n imu'l1 lo t s l 7.e r ~"lIir "'~.lF_n t (o r c ~OJr'Ir.x h ~s :::>t b'!"e~I'let; ho wcv p.r ,sln c ~-'p c~i t was i ssue d ,t ~i s ~~c o~e s a n o n-co n f c r ~i n;u ~~an ~ rn a )'t here fore ~p.cons l t'p.red f o r sU !:H!iv id in g. F i l e No .S f -"7-7t -ll l o h l a nd :~COl ~O'.,!S A..Pc oues t :S'lemI n c of a fi ne l p l a t f or a 1!5 l o tr es i de nt i a l s ubd l v l s i on , B.P.A:ko ro und :f'.p r'cll ml n z r v p l .l .t h as b ee n ep c r-ove cf or t h i s s u b d l v l sl cn • Th i s p la t i s In c onfo r -aencc \-1 1 th the eo o r ov cd nr e ll -nl n a r v p la n . C .S ta f f Rc conw~nrlA t l o n:~~c o~.~n d a o ~r o va l f'\eno i na ~ch~c k of t ~~fi n~l p l at a n d su bdi v is i o n a er ~e ~n t ~c ccn tan c ~.. rll ,.110 .,:(-.17-7 '-~'n ll n t il j n 1.l "."I.l·"r...,n ('"h r h .,·;~ ".r:p.'1llest :s l onl n e o f a f i n a l nl a t fo r o has e I con sist i n,.o f 16 lo ts . R.r "7 1 ~(I rO u n1 :rc un t al n 11 f".,drn-J Pan ch p r-el l rai n a rv n l a n !'as b ee n ~f'\f)r 'iv"'ri . Th is pla t I n vo lv es th e f irst ch ose o f ,~;o nc4 i s i n co nfo rr-a nce wit h t~c .nPflrl')ved p l ...n . C.S t ~f f r.e co~~c n ~a t l on:Fec o~c n d a~~ro va l n e ,,-li no ~c he c k of t ~e fi n <:ll pLH a nd s u bdi vis i on a q r ee-ien t e c ce n t e n c e , Fi le No .Se -2 "1 -7~-Ga i la nd a nd n e tl la "ea r s A.Recuc s t :Excr-o t l on f r o :ro Sub di v is i on r.c:,u la tio:"ls t o s o l t t of "1.7a cr-es fr ('lM 1O ~i'l C P "s ·. 8.Be ck o r ou n de Th is is ."oor t l on .cf ."la r o,;:narc ~l ,ql nn o t l'l ~Co lo ra:.:> r.iv e r.~h e ri ve r e ffe c t i velv r e n d~r s t his ~~r c ~I s~~~ra te a l thQ u~~ I ~o a l l y It i s a Dor ti o n of t ~c o r i ~in a l.Th is a ~ol l c at i c n i s ~a~e u n ~er th (·r u r a l h '1 ~1""5 't f'.s~ct'i o n or t he ~o n ln r;"',~5 (")l u t i :'n , c.St aff ?'{!c(,!"T.l ~nd et i on :"e c (t;""'~n -i t ah lin tl .ftt;l~':"lla t~info r "T'.lt i o;"l t o i ndica t e a sa f e bui l dino s l t ~.h ~s not h c ~n s u')·;:itt crl . Fi le uo .$f -~4 -7 2 -::=i'lsa lt In dus tri al Pa r k A.R ~~ucst :S i ~n in n o f a f ina l ~l .nt f o r ~n 12 l o t i n cus tr i il l s u ~d ivi s i o n . B.~~~I ".n ro ll nrl:.:p r ~lI l'Tl in~r y o l e n h as t-e en ann r o ve d f or t his s uh d i v i s I on • Th is pl at I S In c on f ormance w l t h t he ano r o v e d c r-e l i eil na r v o l e nc.Sta ff Rc co~~n ~at i on :~~c ~~e n 1 :l~~ro v (ll pe n1 i r.~~chp.ck of t ~~~ir.~l p la t a nd s u ~d i v T si c n ~~r e ~~c ~t ?ccc otance . Fi I e ~~o.~rn -2 5 -7 ~-Pu t n,ll:T:.:'lO ~E'l l i n...e r "'i n o r ;u !'~iv i si('l ~ 1\.~c C!u e st :Hi nor ~u '.J -l i vi s i c :\t o ~t l i t (I ."')"?c r '!s i:'l to 5 1 ...,t5 c.?:C'ck':1r ounti :l o t ;:~<:l S .~n 1"'x l s tin o st ructu re \'I l.i c '1 c C:1 t ,1i",:s 4:0 11r 'J:"it $ :'"~l·ms cons tru cted p ri o r t o Cou nty !on in n.This :l cn -c ~nf o r!"1 !n '1 l,;S ~ (clue t o m i n i ~ll Tl lo t s ize r eou ire lt e nt s'is c rOl)OSC~fo r c C:1 co-in i t.:-j ;:EtI "Y",. In o ~dc r t o ~n e t t ~p.~i n i n u~n~r~i no r c ~u ir e ~~n~.>~~~j~i~in ~v ac ~nt l o t IS r r opos l"c!f or IISC's t ri ct ly ::IS n"r1·if"ln,"?rt"f t re o ~rU nn l et "./il l be used f or the "r'fO:l1 fl 0 ""c r co n dol"lin iu rls <lnd pa r tf er t ~c ':)t~:;r l.n i ts I n t h{':a reJ , C.St <:lf"!=':cco r)~n d ;)t j o n:l"~ct"wl"'!"!n r.a p'"rov,J1 .S u~,i ~ct t o M n .~ndc d c a r ~~i n o: p l.-In Nh ich C0l":S n(lt tJSl"t he CClu n ty r i o:o ll t (If \'''~\I f o r :"J.?rl.in C". 1r;. 17. 19 . 16. 20. 18. V-1!ria nce f rOM t ~~.....i nhuM l ot ~i z e t o a l lo...t a d up l ex i n t he F':cs i d ent ia l S ~~u r ~an ~~ns i t v Zone5ack~r ou nd:T h ~V ~i l Oas 5ch o ~e Su b div is ion was de s i ~n ed o ri g i na ll y t o~ll~~d u ~lc T.cS en e ~~h l o t .~s Cou nt y zo nina was cesi cna ted f o r t he a r ea .a n in i ~~lot s i ze of ~.00n squa re fe ~t oc r m ~e l l i n a u nit wa sinc)u ~p.rl .V ~~e r c ur r e nt r e ~ul~t i ons,d up l exes ~re allo~~d onl ots o f 2t 1 ~3 s t 1 6.'~1 Sc U3 re f~~t ~rovi derl a ll o t her r e~u l a ti on s ~re c o m~l i ed wi t h such <:I S p<lrk i no.s etbac::k..l ot.,ov er a~e ,etc . ? Fi l e ':0 .Zc -72 -7 °-Sc l c o 1 Zon e Chil o "''''' A.R cr-ue s t :Z o n e c hon o o f r o e l)f"soll rc ("(r.)to fura l gc s l d c n t la l (noR). 3 .t"~c !;n r ou n d:'i l e h t t e n-ec r c oo r c el swe r-e a np rovedbv th e Eoe r d o fCounty C o ~i ss i on e r s t hrn u ~~t he cx p~~t jon p roces s in Fe b r uary of Ig74 .The~~n c r a l a r ea o f t he ~e ~~rc p.ls ~n d t he P r u~h Creek Vnl lr.y is ~on c d ~e s o u r cp..$i n c ~t wo exl s tinQ cwe l l i n ~u~its a r e o n a t en-a c r e ~a fce l ,the l ot and u n i t sa r c nt:ln-co nforn i n c.c.~t .?ff ~ecol'TT:"~n~a t i or.:~e cor:r..e n rl de n l al ,P.chenq c i n d en s i t y t o a r:i nl :",l,;:"'I si ze o f P -IO a c r es ,-ti t h n o o r ov l s Ion f o r p r ntect l on of g r ound- wat e r s ~n~l i c s is i n~on r~"r i~t e.T~is so~t z one c o ul ~t c r.d t os e t a,r?c~"'en t (or hi~l,~r dn n s l ti es w l t h no p r o vis i on fo r a dequa t e r o a d s, "ta te r an d s e-....c r s vs te-s . ~\h~'to •Zv-b t,,-~-rv,~ri'l A Se cve s t :Vnri .::1 nc e f rom t be mi n i mum l o.t size t o atlew a d up lex i n the Re s l d e n t l e l S u'aur h an ~'e rli ll m !'~n s i t y z o n e • ?;o c!-:.a rnu"d:T he \1;:.1 1 :"I:>s t;c ho n"!:Sub dl vl sl o n "'<)5 dc s l'1 ned o rlnl na ll v t o 211t.:to',~:.m l~x~s en e e ch l o t .t s Coun ty zo nl nq \'I-lS dn s lcn a te d fo r t he 2rC3.~f7'in i m._ln l o t sl z e o f p ,"j .')1')s cu are f ce t p e r dwe l li nq un i t was l nc lu ded •Unde r e ur r e n t r e e ul e tl on s,dup l e xcs a r e .,1 l owedo n lots of a t l ee s t I ).:)~~SC'1J 1re f c e t p ro"'itf....-j ...1 1 ot he r r e q u l e t l ons a r c c omp l i ed wi th su ch cs ;>arkin "s~t h -'le k .l ot ccve r e ne ,e tc.S t ~f f ~.~~nne n~a t ion:~~c o~~nd d ~n ia l .r;~I ~t ~iz ~is cons t dp.rab ly sr-a ll c r t l,an t be t .:d lOo'I~-l h v t h e Zon ln n lip-so lu t i o n.Th is a pp licatio n~oes rr e s c nt a v (>rv s rni111 l ot co v ~r (l ~~p roro~a l \'li th t hP-un It b e l n~o n l y l ,cf4 s ac nrc f eet nf rround c ove r~"e for an 11,325 s oua rp.f o ot lot (l ess t ~~~11 =c o v ~r ~~c ). F i le ':0.Zv -117-7 0.-~o<!s on -5\"tm so n !'••O p ....u~s t:Va ri o?nce f ro'"t l'le f ro n t Y.lr o s ct r..,c k r t'nu irel:'ents o f t he D.es i rl~.,t i a l ':)l:t>u r ~~,n "c ~i ll :"l "l:'ns i ty zo ne .~<1 c k ~r ':'tm c :This r l'!,.lcst i s t o e xn..n ~an c x is ti n ~u n it In t o t hef rontvar~s ~t~?ck ~rc~.The c urrent s ct ~a ck is ann rox ln~t e l y 2 0 f eet ,wit h t h to ,..r ~:.os cc s ~t ~?c :-t o bp ~I'o ut 1J f '!:c t.c .St:;f f :)('c()l"".....·.c n '-~,,~i l)n :r C C('l "1 "',~n d r'~n i ;".P.lt hounh t ht'"v"ri .ln ce \l oule not i il c r ~"'i ~t he r'(":"l",i tv i n t !"l ?a rp.(l ,i t may i ~r.;J ct t he p :lrk in r ~re a. It i',:,~",.:'!r s t h.'lt p::l r k i n(':f o r t'"'e un it i s on t he r o.,~ri '":ht o f \..ay .T he Co;.:nty r-av r c(!u i re t 'l~oar'·.i n9 t Cl b e r"O ved .This I1 rf'lno se cl a c!di tion vlOu l d c e c r ~?se th p s ~~c c ~v )i l~b l p-. C.C t2 ff C f'cc ~'H':~"t l 0 ,':np'cc'":-!lcnrl c n ul ui ,(,l t l l o l.<~11 1 LUIW,:r !>lo !t v i tI l": :tunn '·,'11......1n ro f o ur lin i r s (~O(''''i on t """1'<1 rt o "'I'"un rt~""'snn ;l b l e,t he l ncr-ea sc in ...lI O'....ebl e d c n s l t vi s no t ~OI..r ou rl a t c .(ollu l t ltllJ:>IIhlc...1t ..xl vt a ll to l s l o t a l so ex is t i n t j-e -c n e r-a l a re ...,r oweve r .li'r ~e a r ees o r !"l i ~;-~r ee -is r e v a r c not <>n"lr f\o ria t e fo r t he "e s t Va il e r ee.Th i s is a <;~f)t 7.on -::;'In-i c '")ll lrl 5"!t a o r e ccdcn t f or fn r thc r r ezonl ne rs, 13 . 12 . II . ." , ~to ff ~e co ~c n 1G t 1 o n -P:.7,."t ef f !".l"co fYllil cn :'.-:t io:"ls -ro .,.... Fi l e ::0 .~n -~~-7 J -l os ri :'loncs :st~t cs ~.Ftcoue s t:PCV iCH o f.)n rel Le i na r-v o len f Co r :"units on l r;,.f-I;c cr e s• G.r.acktl r oun cl:The "I ,"nnhr:ror:-r.i ssicn rev i ewed t h e s !:c tch n'~n ro r this s u b d lvl s l on (f ort'r r1~!lnt7.e "ub -t lvlsIon)on 21 o-c cr-t-e r 1 ~77 "''''~t-ad t he f o l im~i no c~~~r.ts: 1 .I n ?J ~r c s s l n9 t he w ~t p.r s u~nly,~ou ~i 9h t want t c inc lude you r we l lIn S Ofl"C sort o fscr ec -cn t v l t b r oS ~f'n z e saEs t ate s, 2 .I t mi ::ht he .;Io ~r('):')r i Cl t~to inc l u.~~b u ll d In u site l c c e t lon s (o r bu i l d l nq "cn ve I o nes "]~n tbe o r e!i m l narv n l e n , 3 .The US C"of t he r-x i s ti n n n r l vc tc r oar!:l S t 'rc occ c s s f or t he 4 uo~e r l~ts is no t ohi ec t io na t lp.. The p r e li mi n C'r y ~l ?n I s ~onsi$ta nt with t op.s k ~tc h p l~n 3nd ~I ~nn i n ~ Coeml s s I c n cc emen t s wi t b t he e xc ee t Ion t hat l n -ilvl d ual .,,('1 I s are pl a nn cd to o rov id e wnt e r s cr v lc~. C.St nf f P,cco~~n~a t io n s:r-~cn ~c~d a~n rov~1 su~je ct t o a recu ire ~ent t ~a t p ro fi le tcsts be t .,kcn o n e~c h l ot p rl o rt o i s su ~,c e o f a s er-tic t ~n k p erm l t , Fil e r!o .~n -l ,)2 -7&-"c r r v Cr ee k i'lPD A.Rcq ue s t:r'ev lc-v of ;;P l;,nn~tJ ne ve l o -n -en t n r e Il nl na r v o l en f''1r WI)t o 3~~u ni ts on ~1 2 ~c rps . B.t ock o rcund:T he pl ann l ne Ccrmls si o nen d ~;n~r G of c cu-ev r:-::-'n i ss i c:"lc rs r c v i ~\·!....(t t h e s ketch 7.0r.i>l fl -./lei 5 u ~:l iv i 5i('ln p l:"'n i n '1 Clr c h of',~;~.T i~e fn ll O'."h "i s ..li s t o f e ~rm'~nts fll <1 1e by t :'c C o "'ri s s i n ~('r s f ",r c~n s i(''7'r.:o ti"r. In t he n re l '~l n~ry Dia n su~~i tt ~l: 1.'.1;:1 t f"r 2.5c'..,~r sys tf'ms 3 .Acc ess -~e f i r.i n~t he r n .:'l ~w i ~t ~s ~n d o r ~~cs li .I'o~con t ro l C.St ..,ff ~ccor:yn~n d<l t i()n:!'c c ot ~c n d t ch l inq.The t'l r ':'J ~,)~~'!·..:.;t~r ?.,..,'i ~'/,:r s Ys t e m f'l i ans a rC'not c 0'1::l 1t:-t,.d t oa r'e sr!'c ~·,"'!i c h w i ll I l'l slI r ('a'J~il<!h il i tv of sc r vict".The s e lts r~"'l /H t i~rj.l;Me s that s ("~c Dot~ntj al ~Ho~l e:-s ex i st:hc~"evcr .the se c r itkal <'I r c;>s h(llv P'n"t h l":('n i n clicc"'tP,1 on t he ?l?n . Hinor c h"n"C':s ttl t hr.owen;:nt">s hou lcl ~p.ma::~i r.,/ol ...i n?: I .Lot c o~c ra ll e or "I o or .:li r e"r.1t io 2 .$~tha c k co ~t r ol to insu re t h 1 t a n ini r.<u":'of lfl fe et i s re t z i n ~~ i"l ct'·'c cn s t ructure s . 3 .Ocns i ty i n n U:"'l~cr of u nit s on t hp-m alt ip lc h-.i ly l ots s ho uld ~e rlp:si "n.:oterl . b l.::'ld"r t (,r;'I !,or ~r y s t r uctu re ,t he st t"l t e n e l'l t s :'oul d s l'I e ci fi c;,l l y Dro 1l1blt use as ;'\do,.,c I Ii :1 Q. 5 .P rote ction of l ots ~nd s tr uctu res f ro~i r rl Qation i ~oa c t. .".1t !1'H11h t he nu n n-um l o t s i ze I s t -ena cre s ,t he l ots sh 'J u l ~l-e t te r 1'1·'1··."·.It,·1 ','1,!j I !.,rl ·.•,Id •.i lrt'··"·,'.',J .~'I 'd ','''oJ''r,.·.·',",I.,.".,'" lar a e r. r>n....d s urf e ce s ."'l n r!n ,,"d ..,t~n ....n ee s hou ld be..c cnsl e'e r ed 'it sl.e t c h a bo 5 t e oe . .1'11-;''011<1 11 .,"i l ,l l i (,'t"'I .,,,i".i rH·]m',·d in :hr .u-r-t l co t l ....n ,I1 n I nt C"r- n r c t a t lono r ral t l ce t I on r-e os c rc s hove 'te en l n cl u dcd, C 1 u s tr.r i n~0&t h r rl cv ~lo pn~nt i n o r der to ~ra n t to s it~c on dit ions sh ou I d he c ons i ,~c re d. (.. 7. 2 6 . Fil e ::0 .~s o -1 0 ~-7 9 -Vni }So ri n~s Sk et c~P la n A.PP.Cl Ucst :?evic·..1 o f ,J s y:ptch ol.:'n fo r I )':l r e s Id en ti al u n its on 1523 ac r es. S.~a ck Cl rc :.!n d :T h ~p ro~c rt v.the fo r mer J o ufl as R ~n ch .h a s bp.e n rezone d to ro ric ultl!r u l ?(."s i~~n t i ;l1 I":-t ich ,:'lI l o .",!>('!mi n l rr:um l o t s i ze o f 10 ac r es.The r o ~r w ~i ch s e r ves t h~~rcpc rt v is t~c ~c l l y a c~e ~oad ~h i c h c o nn e ct s tothe 1-7 -:)i nt~r o:,<!O r c <It "c ico t t. C.S t~ff P ecorr"~,,~:'!t i on :R ~~n~nd thc o lan n "'M in at s ketch p lan s t age an d ",;we t he fn ll o·.··il"l<'l co nce rns a~~r"!:s sc "f o r r e s u ,mitta l: I.TMp.p ro ~ose~n~~i s i n ~~~ro "r i a t c . 2 .T~e r pco -rcn rl?t ions of t ~e tpchnic a l s tudi es s u b,i tted wit h t he s ~:et c h n l .1"!'I~ve no t b ~en (0 1 10 1\'('.1 i nt he sub div is i onde si gn . 3 .i h c su :·~iv j5 i c ~l,;-yo ut M d us~c nnc e "'l t do es no t r efl ect the Ilhysl c'i l c ;~r ?c t ~r i s ~j c s of t h~I ~n d . ~.l ive s t o c k c on t ro l s ho ulc =e i nclude d ~a s ed o n ch a r~ct er i sti c s and caoa c ity of t he soil .v ~c,~tati on And wa te r. 5 .The ~ar k a re 2S s houl d h e nDr e a po r oo r l ate l y de si~ncd f o r a s u bdi vi sion o f t his t ype a nd a n a in tenan ce p l an s hould ~c in c l uded . Ei l e "0 .~n -::!:?-7:::-Old Orch.u d :1ino r ~u~d ivisio n r ,r:~r1U<::5 t:!"inor su bd i vision to sol l t 15.t.a c res zo ned co rsne r c leI into F S ~r~r~t e ry ~ne r 5 h i c s . "B ~c :"'."ro u :ld :T:,i s t'l~rcf"l ,,'as r -ezon e d t o C o~c r cia l Llml t cd i n Ilay o f'''7<:,~t ~.•tt i r-c a s l t e el a n \Ic"'S s ub nl t t e dfo r it s hopol n q c en t e r on t~r.~i t e .The o l ~n ~s su ~rn l t tr.d di vi de s t he ~a rce l i nto i'\s e ri e s of s -a l l e r lo ts. r..S t~~f P.e c o~~nd ~t io n :Pec n~~nd ~pp ro v i11 pend i ng a dd iti o no f a n a cc ess e as e ~n t.~n d c ur b cut r e s tr i c ti o n o n t h~f i n a l p lat .The po int s of ac-:ess O;"l t o ~()nr i s ;)r i ve ~n('i ~~l l l it s L,mc sho u ld h ave a de t a i le d ~c ~i ~~t~vir.1 i n t o ~cc~u nt ~~~~uat~d j s t ~n c e f rOM the in t erse ct ion s an '!D 'ro !,,~r tu rn l ililc s. Fi l c "~.r_-:7-7 °-~'~r r ~s "i~n r $u~d i v i s i Q n «,"eo uc s t:::i nor s u'r dlv l s Lon t o s e l lr 2 r'c e r-es i n to r-o s e pe r e te N,''',~rc;~il"l''. ~""c:':"r ')u "\~;T h is a o nli co t lcnIn vo lv es <l r-c aub d lv i s l o n o r seve ra l se e ll ca r c el s l n to t h rC'~lots .T....·o d-cel l i n t1 unl t s e x-is t e nd wil l e ac 'rSe ve ,.,.-er c e t ...1 1oCt'1 to t h.·I'l.r u-e n(>\~hul I rl l no s lt e wil l '>C c r e at e bvtb i s su l'div ision .Tbc s e rwr col s are l o c ated i n t he Reso u r ce z~n c ~n o are t~~r efv r e n on -conf o~ino us es. C.Spff J':e c cwr'~n ci"'!t io;'l :Qec~~r:~t.J :,lino pend l nc s cbmi t t a l of l nf orna t lce t o l n -u c eee a s afe I-,ull-:'in:1 s I tc on t he vaca nt Jo t. F i l e "c ,c""'-21"-7'C:-:Iet ~r s /r:..nno n nupl es A .re oocs t :Hine r-s e bd i v i sio n to sp lit an ex l s tl neduo lex l ot i nt o t>..:o s c-c r e t e o cne r sb i o s, ?uc l~':'r~:J:"Ic':Th ls is a;,\ao o r oved d u olex l o t In the Lake Cre ek HcCldO'....s ~u .,~iv lsi o n.i~a u ll d lne "'~m i t ~"s been i ss ued en d t he struc tu r e i s n~~r jr~c o~~I~tjnn . C .:::t .:of .f "eco -r-cn -te t i on:P ....(.Q~:'l d t a~li n ~ec nd l no subm l tt a l o f ~n ~c'~cu~te l a :'l ~s c~"'e a nd dra ina~e p lan: C.St:Jff :'l cconl('nd:1t ic:1:"c c orrr-c nd t e b l Ln o pen dl nn s ubml t t a l of .:'I n .";(f,...t.,I"I~l :m !t;,(.:"(',"'I n,1 "r .""n ,~'1 '"p lo n, 22. I The ~c h ool l~n r.df'~l c"t io n fp.p.o ro ~n s .:lll s~oul d hp.s u~m i t t c~. .. EAG IL E COUNTY Department of Planning and Development P.O.Box 179 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 • BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328·6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eag le 328·6377 Basalt 927·3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328·6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle 328-6594 Vall 476·5844 PLANNING 328·6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328-6611 Basalt 927·3244 Gilman -827 ·5751 SOCIAL SERVI CES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 12 May 1978 Kathleen Le ll,Editor Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagle,Colorado 81631 Re:Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 8 June 1978 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a "Legal Notice"in the 18 May 1978 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you ~W·~//p~M"th:T~Blair Director MSB/kp .. EAG L co TY • D epa rtment of Planning and Dev el oprnent P.O.Box17 9 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 • BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS 328·6809 . ADMINISTRATION 328·6674 ,ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328 ·6593 BUILDING INS PECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORD ER Ea gle 328-6377 Basalt 927·3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328·6674 ENGINEER 328 ·6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328·7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328·6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUB LIC HEALTH Eagle 328·6594van476-5844 PLANNING 328·6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328 ·6611 Basalt 927·3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328·6328 TREASURER 328·6376 12Ma y1978 Editor The V ail Tr ail P.O.Box 10 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Noti ce of Public H e aring Zoning Board of Adjustment 8 Jun e 1978 Ple ase publis ht he att ached noti ce o f Public H eari ng as a "L egal Noti ce "i n t he 18 M ay 1978 publication o fy ourp aper. Please bill a nd send a ffid avit of publication t o this office. Thank you !#;~L /5/~- Michael S.Bl a ir Director MSB/kp ., .-NOTICE OFPUBLIC HEA~ .COUN.TY OF EAGLE.COLcB'DO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M.on 8 June 1978,in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution.Said Hearing will include the following: File No.Zv-46-78 David Irwin and Joseph Vergara Request:Variance from Section 3.05.05 -minimum lot size in the Residential Suburban Medium zone. Location:Lot 3,Block C,Vail Das Schone Subdivision,Eagle County, Colorado File No.Zv-47-78 Dodson and Swansen Request:Variance from Section 3.05.08(1)-front yard setback in the Residential Suburban Medium zone. Location:Lot 3,Block G,Vail Das Schone Subdivision,Filing #2,Eagle County,Colorado File No.Zv-48-78 Sara Ellen and Gary F.Hall Request:Variance from 3.05.05 -minimum lot size in the .Residential Suburban Medium zone Location:Lot 10,Block E,Vail Das Schone Subdivision,Filing #1,Eagle County,Colorado This Hearing shall be held in the McDonald Building,County Commissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadway,Eagle,Colorado. Persons being affected bya decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing,or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained,and comments submitted,by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development,550 Broadway, Eagle,Colorado -Phone 328-6338,P.O.Box 179,Eagle,Colorado. by:Michael S.Blair Secretary,Zoning Board of Adjustment .. A G!UE COU y •Dcp ar t.ment of Planning a nd De v elopm e nt P.O.Box179 EA GLE,COLO RADO 81631 Re :File N o.Z v-46 -7 8 Variance If y ou h ave any qu e stion s ,pl ease con tact thi s office . Zo n ing Bo ard o f Adj us tmen t Board of County 'Commi s sion er s 1 8 May 1 978 At th ei r reg u lar me e ting o n 17 May 1 97 8,th e Eagle County Planni ng Commis s ion recom mended d en ial of you r V ariance a pplication.It was poin ted out d u ri ng the di s cussion t h at t his would be an inc rease i nd en sity.A l so ,t h e var i ance reques t e d is very sub stantial ,from th e requir ed 16,000 sq .f t.t o 11 ,325.6 sq.ft . Dav id I rwin a nd Jo seph Vergara Box 33 42 Vail,Colorado 8 1657 cc : Thi s r e commend ati on will b ep re sented t ot he Zo ning Boar d of A dju stme nt a t th ei rP u blic Hearing o n 8 Ju ne 1 97 8, b e gi n ni ng at 1 0:00 A.M .in t he County Co mm is sioners Mee t ing Roo m #103 ,55 0 Broadway,Eagle ,Colorado . ~',./:///~'l~r-j/ Terri'll K n igh t ~7#V Planner TK/kp " OO ARD OF COUNTY CO rMA ISS lON ERS 3 28 ·6B0 9 AD tAINISTRATI ON 328·6674 A NI M AL SHELTER 949 ·42 92 A SSES S OR 328·6593 BU ILDING I N S PEC TION 3 2 8 ·63 39 C LERK & R ECOR DE R Eag le 328·6377 Oa531t 92 "/·3244 C OUNTY A TTORNEY 3 28·6 674 ENG IN E ER 32 8 ·6337 EN V IRONME NTA L H E ALTH 328·77 18 E XT EN SION A GE NT 328 ·6370 LI B RARY 328·7787 PU BLIC HEALTH E agle 3 28·65 94 Va,l 47 6 ·58 44 PLANNING 32 8·6338 ROAD &B RIDGE 32 8·6591 SHE RIFF Ea g le 328·66 11 Basalt 92 7·3244 Gi lman 82 7 ·575 1 SOC I AL S ERVIC ES 3 28·6 3 28 T RE A SU R ER 328·6376 a P PLI CATION FOR V ARIANCE 'llfmm the Z on ing Reso lu tion of e ED:J I o Coun ty I Ool ora do to t he Zoning E3 0crd of Adju stme nts (mi ni mum 5 cop ies required;p rint o r typo ,exc ept !lignatures ) Sect ion 9 .04 .05 F ile NO,Z v-f'?c-7,f F ee P a id ..3'~dd D ate r eed.X-;:>!/'.7.J bY:~-...= A ppli cant /Owr,er I2A V Ia n W IN MF.!l Address -.&..x-..;.1J.;·~1:..:'I~2:"-'--lO.~"_~~,,-_~~.:...;.c~:::..:......:z...LI.~....:::z~~,--__ 1.R egul ation and Sectio!)~,u rnbe r (s )o f Zon ing RC'so lut ion from whi chV arl ence i s sought : 3 .OS.,,5 2.Present Zcne WJ?7 3.G e naral location o f p roperty (in relation t oa "-own ,Road,Strenm or oth er I ar.dm ar k): 1t~y!141 ;?I""~~~11 d ffit4".d ~,~I I -70. 4 .L eg al d e scrip tion cf property iii!;;744 ~w',-~__.cr, 7.St ateme nt: 1\ccrnol o t e I iet of .a f I O ....JllC rS :-~d~(e-s ~es,o f thr?p r operty propoae d fo rV ar lancc,a nd o f 6 1j owners o f !:~a d ]ec cnt t)r cpe:"U.o::s i s atl a (;h ~d h er e to;thi s s i g ~,atc ry is proper !y culhcd z sd t orn r ..L.;~qJ Pit ~tio n f or '..'e ri en-:c st ated h el€on . Mltd I "'?Vt/t.ZL___t?ta -Jc4 .1c:I f 7f Sig:10.!Ufl-"of authDr i zc c.;f.J:;jJ:i C PJl ~;owner ?y e;Date ru .tiux 15 l'B V~I I.Cul cr a d o B I t J OJ -4 7U -24 11 2 :Z V -4I.?-7? I ~ Il t k LfI ;1 I 'llies Vail,Colorado 81657"lchard M.Tof{~1 '----relfrey 8.Set by Augus t 4,1976 t-lE1-0 'ID:All Cooperating Broke rs FID-1:Gore Range Properties SUBJEC'l ':~Lo t;Lis t..i..r'q lDt J ,mock C ,Vail Das SdDne No .1 P RICE:$1 7 ,500 .00 ~:Cash SI ZE:.26 a c r es LISTED BY:Carol C .Fall< -.. -------------------- _C .tI/W 'JLJ f -ar~/YJ~/uft!rL ~_-------- ----(j ce:-c·~tf ---..--/7-t'7Z -/~~tt/n_ --------------------- •• -------------------- ---------------- -~------------- ---- -------- -------- .-_.~~.~7~~/~7c#vr/-~·-V ---'7t?Jf1T;I--~~-~ --;aM Wf'C -.pvr-p !p?'t?~';z/--~~7..J ~.~J~.'.";-;-.-.-----.---..--.6.~;7dvtT ;&·'?~1W'-~'7Kr fl?o/--'~~?J -'e'7Pi'7lr --,,?1V);';?V~~J c77~dcl;;'/tzu~/;J,/''JYA -.;r ~~rOOQ ~I/-.-.--_.-~-~7 l/;nfi ?viJ7'-uo "J'?';;h ~Jl/"/(;-111'''-¥~---'2fV-VV?'1V7~---'-'---=-'70 //lnU/{/_":~~_/~_~~7._-_~7L _~-~'7 i?£~~_--'-~_ ,~ ---'---_....·-;;;n~--~-----'lJ ·~-~---70 vm ~--/h,'Z Tr _.~~~~"-~-'-rrnr~p --?-1;r--.-7P~7'f-;U~::J,...--'V ~7 ~/l~-{-~llcn-d-?i-;£;/---'V~;;;t'7p --x;r -,- -?>'lll)/'7 ;r --'J lj12.--?r-~iYMT -'~~---v?J7 --~??'-'"----rr~--. --/?7?7,V -~~·??V1/-'4/---n ~;VUV ,~-~!712.'-;:;~~?7 w --_/.--- .~=-7 w -~/P"'-';;nr ~.tV.'",r,,{~:.¢<17!f-Jf~r---'-')J~U4'?(;/7~:r ~??~~~'--'~~'»'.f.jlJTr--7-.7t?t?}f'VIrI~'-J~ ..-'!?".!'@'rv'7-tff/P{#--~'J7 -piJ7 -~/J?!l7---Jt/Ypw"""'--- 7v7'lnY-9;,1 ~7~·-·7wV -W-?U':?Y ---·2Vl?7 7 -7 7/tV~i:J.r---y/~------.?-v/-z ~---.,.PfF 5P -;o/7/W7r -ry;~?~TV ---.,;;r;/,,1r -v -¥~p -~r 7'P '77 ~)'f-7'1rV7"""--- -_.-.-;;4r/??C-Tf7r 7l ~-0/7/.w7:--?a-~7'~-'77 P7iJ/l!/IZ -7??~?O ~Vl'~»:>:J 'f.7l.f,2V #7J -'¢?.-vy r ~~----.---.-?~y r 1*r-7T~'?J -»71),·;'.!}2"?~-~ --7 ·M i?',7 ?/..·-???ry.7'-'V -.;27?~1~-;r -~r ---?p ---.p:wnw"'-'---==~-.7:.~~f ~~~t>7!~_?~~;vr7_.!f r __PZ'~·":;(f~:~-.Q ~~~r .._ ____.-;J V 77_0y;-=~~r-~o~-i .._uy ~::0 .. •I • -._.--------*-_._.__.----------_.._-------_... ----,----------------------l~ ._--~~'l?~~~=-..-._-{~Z 'J~---- -----------------.~.----r.of~?Jnn*~v 'It (7(j7Wl1r;; -t.--c:7r j----'::AJ?-0'7 -4 -"Y!7771 ,....S-J -I-~,-vw-J--I---77V77..,-(-I I'I .-"..,ft-,{,..C7 -y'v .'-r" -----------'--!£i$-;j:V,.-----..Z'hT P-)I'0rr- ----C,~·~·~rAt~._.._--===~~~nz ~Z:-r:7~C I------ ----~:.--=-~~-__-__~-:__=__--:.._~F_~~~Ie.~ivcJ;_~_v ~o,..,...~ ••, ••- ------ --------------------------------- --~\_--- \ -----_.__._----------_._-_._--_.- -------_._---- ------_._---- --_._-------------------------------_._--_.- --_._-----..------------ ------ -.,...---------~ _.-------_.-------------- -------- .. EAGLE COUNTY Department of Plann ing and Development Bo x 17 9 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 5 April 1978 encl. If y ou have any questions,ple a se contact this office. TK/kp P?R ...J 1:;)/8 r:''":":'1 I .' LII::..,I ......j'l:unin6 6.ve'iel. f,egla County.~ Mr .D a vi d Ir win P.O.Box 3342 V ail,Colo r ado 81657 D earM r.Irwi n: We received your application for variance from lot size requirements in the Residenti al Suburban Medium Density on April 3,1 978. You mayr eapp ly,a t your convenience,m e eting the minimum submittal r equirements. This letter is to notify you that the applic ation has been rejected because ther equ ired5 copies and $35.00 filing fee were not submitted. s~~-v l rm Knight ~ Planne r ! BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328·6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eagle 328-6377 Basalt 927·3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH 328·7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328·7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle 328·6594 Vall 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD &BRIDGE 328·6591 SHERIFF Eagle 328·661 I Basalt 927·3244 Gilman 827·5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328·6328 TREASURER 328-6376