HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 4 LEGALPage 1 o f 1 BillGibson-2568 Arosa Drive (Lot 4,BlockC,VailDasSchoneFiling 1) From : To: Date: Subject: cc : HeyRob, BillGibson robf romvail@earthli nk.net 3/25/20109:59AM 2568ArosaDrive(Lot 4,Block C,Vail DasSchone Filing1) NinaTi mm FILE COpy 2568 ArosaDriveislocatedinthe Two-Family Primary/Secondary ZoneDistrict.The subjectproperty isless t han14,000 sq.ft.i n lotarea;th erefore,pursuant to Section 12-6D-8A,Vail To wn Code,o nly one single fami ly residential d welling isallowed onth is property.However,atw o-familyresidential d welling (duple x)maybe co nstructed on t hisprope rtyifo ne unitisdeedrestricted asa TypeIEmployee Housing Unit,pu rsuant to Section12-6D-8C,VailTownCode. Thereis currently alegallynon -conform ing two-family residential dwelling (duplex)structure locatedat2568 ArosaDrive that was originally constructed underEagleCounty jurisdiction prior tobeingannexedintotheTown ofVail. The existing tw o-family residential dwelling is"grand fathered"andmay continue to ex istinits current condition.However,please be aware that dueto itsno n-conform ing statusnoaddi tional grossresidential floor area(GRFA)maybe constructed onthe subject prop erty.Additionally,should t heexisting two-family residential dwelling bedemoli shed (destruction,demolition,orremovalof50%ormore of thegrossresidential floor area) itwillloose itslegally non-conforming statusandthe property must be brought intocompliancewiththeTown's zoningregulations. Thereareseveralopt ionst obringthi s property into complianc e withthe Town's zoningregulation s:consolidate theexisting two-family resident ial dwell ing into asingle -family residential dwelling,deed restrict one of the existing un its asa T ypeIEmployeeHousingUnit,demolishtheexisting structure andbuildasingle fam ily residentialdwell ing,ordemoli sh theexisting structure andbuildasinglefam ily residentialdwell ing andTypeI EmployeeHousing Unit. Pleasebeaware that pursuant toSection 14-10-6,VailTownCode,onlyone bulldinq willbe permitted onthis property regardlessofthe number of dwelling oremployeehousingunits. If youhaveanyquestions,pleasefee l freeto contact v ia emailorat 479-2173.If youhaveanyquestions specifically aboutemp loyee housingun it deedrestr ictions,please contact Nina Timm,Housing Coordinator,at 479-2144orntimm@vailgov.com. Sincerely, Bill Bill Gibson,AICP To wn Planner To wn ofVail p:970 -479-2173 f:970-479-24S2 bgib son@vailgov.com fi le ://C:\Documcnts and Scttings\Adm inistrator \Loca l Settings \Temp\XPgrpwise \4BAB3...03/25/2010 Page1 of 1 BillGibson -2568 Arosa Drive (Lot 4,BlockC,VailDasSchoneFiling 1) From: To: Date: Subject: cc: BillGibson robfromvail@earthlink.net 3/25/20109:59 AM 2568ArosaDrive (Lot 4,BlockC,VailDas SChone Filing1) NinaTimm fiLE COpy HeyRob, --------------------------------_. 2568ArosaDriveislocatedintheTwo -Family Primary/Secondary Zone District.The subject property isless than14,000sq.ft.inlotarea;therefore,pursuant toSection12-6D-8A,Vail Town Code,onlyonesinglefamily residential dwelling isallowedonthis property.However,a two-family residential dwelling (duplex)maybe constructedonthis property ifone unit isdeedrestrictedasaTypeIEmployeeHousingUnit,pursuant to Section12-6D-8C,VailTownCode. Thereis currently alegally non-conforming two-family residential dwelling (duplex)structure locatedat2568 ArosaDrive that was originally constructed under EagleCounty jurisdiction prior tobeingannexedintotheTown of Vail. Theexisting two-family residential dwelling is"grand fathered"andmay continue toexistinits current condition.However,pleasebeaware that duetoits non-conforming statusno additional grossresidential floor area(GRFA)maybe constructed onthe subject property.Additionally,shouldthe existing two-family residential dwelling bedemolished (destruction,demolition,orremoval of 50%ormoreofthegrossresidentialfloorarea) itwilllooseitslegally non-conforming statusandthe property mustbe brought intocompliancewiththeTown's zoningregulations. Thereareseveraloptionstobringthis property intocompliancewiththe Town's zoningregulations:consolidate theexisting two-family residential dwelling intoa single-family residential dwelling,deed restrict oneofthe existingunitsasaTypeIEmployeeHousingUnit,demolishtheexisting structure andbuildasinglefamily residential dwelling,ordemolishtheexisting structure andbuildasingle family residential dwelling andTypeI EmployeeHousingUnit. Please be aware that pursuant toSection 14-10-6,VailTownCode,onlyone building willbe permitted onthis property regardlessofthe number of dwelling oremployeehousingunits. If youhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreeto contact viaemailorat 479-2173.If youhaveanyquestions specifically about employeehousing unit deedrestrictions,please contact Nina Timm,HousingCoordinator,at 479-2144 or ntimm@vailgov.com. Sincerely, Bill BillGibson,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail p:970-479-2173 f:970-479-2452 bgibson@vailgov.com file://C :\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings \Tcmp \XPgrpwisc\4BAB3...03/25/2010 Planning Administrative Action Form Department of Commun ity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139 fa x:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:PERKINS APPEAL Project Description: APPEAL OFDENIALTOREPAINTHOME Participants: ADM Number:ADM040005 OWNER PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA06/14/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANT PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA06/14/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 License: Project Address:2568 AROSA DRVAI L Location:2568AROSADRIVE Legal Description:Lot:4Block:CSubdivision:VAI L DAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314205007 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:07/20/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemadew ithout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approp riate review committee(s). Planner:GeorgeRuther ADMFeePaid:$100.00 MEMORANDUM TO:VailTownCouncil FROM:Department of Community Development DATE:July20,2004 6=0 SUBJECT:AnappealoftheTownofVailDesignReviewBoard'sdenialofadesignreview application pursuant toSection12-11 ,DesignReview ,VailTownCode,toallow foraminoralteration(repaint)toanexistingresidence,locatedat2568Arosa DrivelLot 4,BlockC ,Va il DasSchoneFilingNo .1,andsettingforthdetailsin regardthereto . Appellant: Planner: MaryE.Perkins GeorgeRuther I.SUBJECT PROPERTY Thesubjectpropertyislocatedat2568ArosaDrive/Lot4 ,BlockC,VailDasSchoneFiling NO.1. II.STANDING OF APPELLANT Theappellant,MaryE .Perkins,hasstandingtofileanappealasthe property owner. III.REQUIRED ACTION TheTownCouncilshall uphold,overturn,or modify theDesignReviewBoarddenialof adesignreviewapplication pursuant toSection12-11,DesignReview,VailTownCode, toallowforaminoralteration(repaint)toanexisting residence ,locatedat2568Arosa Drive/Lot4,BlockC,VailDasSchoneFilingNo.1,andsettingforthdetailsinregard thereto. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5,VailTownCode,theTownCouncilisrequiredtomake findingsoffactin accordance withtheVailTownCode : "TheTown Council shaffonal/appeals make specific findings offact based directly onthe particular evidence presented toit.Thesefindings of factmust support conclusions thatthe standards and conditions imposed bythe requirements of this title(Zoning Regulations,Title 12)haveorhavenotbeenmet." IV.BACKGROUND OnMay3,2004,theappellant,Mary E.Perkins submitted aMinorExterior Alterations Application forDesignReviewtotheTownofVail Community Development Department. Pursuant totheTown 's established DesignReviewBoardsubmittalandmeeting schedule, theapplicat ion was scheduled forreviewbytheDesignReviewBoardonJune2 ,2004 . 1 OnMay19,2004,theDesignReviewBoardfirstreviewedanddeniedadesignreview application(DRB04-0157),pursuant toSection 12-11 ,DesignReview,VailTownCode,to allowforaminoralteration(repa int)toanexistingresidence,locatedat2568ArosaDriveby avoteof2-3 .Theminoralterationincludedarequesttorepaintanexistingresidencea different colorthenpresentlyexistsonthehome .Uponreviewoftherequest,theBoard deniedtheapplicationastheproposedcolorchangefa iled tocomplywiththedesign guidelines.IndenyingtheapplicationtheBoardplacedthefollowingconditionontheir motion: "The applicant shall submit a new application forDesign Review tothe Community Development Department proposing a revised color schemebyno later thanMay 24,2004.The applicant shall then appear beforetheTown of VailDesign Review Board on Wednesday,June 16,2004for consideration ofthe amended application. Depending uponthe outcome of the review onJune 1(fh,the apflicant shall be required to paint the residence thecolors approved onJune 16/or repaintthe residencethe original colors as they existed prior to illegally painting the residence without approval." OnJune2,2004,theDesignReviewBoardagainreviewedandden ied adesignreview application(DRB04-0189),pursuanttoSection12-11,DesignReview ,Vail TownCode,to allowforaminoralteration(repaint)toanexistingresidence,locatedat2568ArosaDriveby avoteof1-2.Theminoralterationincludedarequesttorepaint anexistingresidencea differentcolorthenpresentlyexistsonthehome.Uponreviewoftherequest,theBoard voted1-2todenytherequestedcolorchangeforfailuretocomplywiththedesign guidelines. OnJune14,2004 ,the applicant submittedanAppealsForm(ADM04-0005)totheTownof VailCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentappealingtheDesign ReviewBoardden ials. V.APPLICABLE REGULATIONSOFTHETOWNCODE Section 12-3 Administration and Enforcement (in part) Section12-3-3:Appeals(inpart) C.AppealOfPlanningAndEnvironmental Commiss ion Decis ions AndDesign Review BoardDecisions: 1.Authority :TheTownCouncilshallhavetheauthoritytohearanddecideappeals fromanydecision ,determination orinterpretat ion bythePlanningand EnvironmentalCommissionortheDesignReviewBoardwithrespecttothe provisionsofthisTitleandthestandardsandprocedureshereinafter setforth . 2.Initiation:Anappealmaybeinitiatedbyanapplicant ,adjacentpropertyowner ,or anyaggrievedoradverselyaffectedpersonfromanyorder,decision, determinationorinterpretationbythePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionor theDesignReviewBoardwithrespecttothisTitle ."Aggrievedoradversely affectedperson"meansanypersonwhowill suffer anadverseeffecttoan interestprotectedorfurtheredbythisTitle.Theallegedadverseinterestmaybe sharedincommonwithothermembersofthecommunityatlarge,butshall exceedindegreethegeneralinterestincommun ity goodsha red byallpersons. 2 The Administrator shall determine thestandingofanappellant.Ifthe appellant objectstothe Administrator's determ ination ofstanding,theTownCouncilshall, atameetingpriortohearing evidence ontheappeal ,makea determination asto thestandingoftheappellant.IftheTownCouncil determines thatthe appellant doesnothavestandingtobringanappeal ,theappealshallnotbeheardandthe originalactionor determination stands.TheTownCouncilmayalsocallupa decision ofthePlanningand Environmental Commission ortheDes ign Review Boardbyamajorityvoteofthose Council memberspresent. 3.Procedures :Awritten noticeof appeal mustbefiledw ith the Administrator within twenty(20)calendar daysofthePlanningand Environmental Commission 's decision ortheDesignReviewBoard 's decis ion becomingfinal.Ifthelastdayfor filinganappealfallsonaSaturday,Sunday,ora Town-observed holiday,thelast dayforfilinganappealshallbe extended tothenextbusinessday.Suchnotice shallbe accompanied bythenameand addresses (person'smailingand property'sphysical)ofthe appellant,applicant,propertyowner,and adjacent propertyowners(thelistof property ownerswithinacondominiumprojectshallbe satisfiedbylistingthe addresses forthe managing agentortheboardofdirectors ofthe condominium association)aswellas specific andarticulatereasonsforthe appealonformsprovidedbytheTown .Thefilingofsuchnoticeofappealwill requirethePlanningand Environmental Commission orthe DesignReviewBoard toforwardtotheTownCouncilatthenextregularly scheduled meetinga summary ofallrecords concerning the subject matter oftheappealandtosend writtennoticetotheappellant,applicant,property owner,and adjacent property owners (notification withina condominium projectshallbesatisfiedbynotifying themanagingagentortheboardof directors ofthecondom inium association)at leastfifteen(15)calendar dayspriortothehear ing.Ahearingshallbe scheduled tobeheardbeforetheTownCouncilontheappealwithinforty(40)calendardays oftheappealbeingfiled .TheTownCouncilmay grant a continuance toallowthe partiesadditionaltimetoobtain information.The continuance shallbeallowedfor aperiodnottoexceedanadditionalthirty(30)calendar days .Failuretofilesuch appealshall constitute a waiver ofanyrights under this Chapter toappealany interpretation or determination madebythePlanningand Environmental Commission ortheDesignReviewBoard . 4.EffectOfFilingAnAppeal:Thefilingofanoticeofappealshallstayallpermit activityandany proceedings in furtherance oftheactionappealedunlessthe administrative officialrenderingsuchdecision,determination or interpretation certifiesinwritingtotheTownCouncilandthe appellant thatastayposesan imminent periltolifeorproperty,inwhichcasetheappealshallnotstay further permitactivityandany proceedings .TheTownCouncilshallreviewsuch certification and grant ordenyastayoftheproceedings.Suchdeterminationshall bemadeatthenextregularly scheduled meetingoftheTownCouncil. 5.Findings:TheTownCouncilshallonallappealsmakespecificfindingsoffact baseddirectlyonthe particular evidence presented toit.Thesefindingsoffact must support conclusions thatthe standards andconditions imposed bythe requirements ofthisTitlehaveorhavenotbeenmet. Section 12-11 Design Review (in part) 12-11-1 :INTENT: 3 A.Attractive Attributes Recognized:VailisaTownwithauniquenaturalsetting, internationally knownforitsnaturalbeauty ,alp ine environment ,andthecompatibility ofmanmadestructureswiththe environment.These characteristics havecauseda significant number ofvisitorstocometoVailwithmanyvisitors eventually becoming permanent residents participating in community life . B.Area Character Protection :Thesefactors constitute animportant economic basefor theTown ,bothforthosewhoearn their livinghereandforthosewhoviewtheTown asapreciousphysical possession .TheTownCounc il findsthatnew development and redevelopment canhavea substantial impact onthe character ofanareain whichitislocated .Someharmful effects ofonelanduseupon another canbe preventedthroughzoning,subdivisioncontrols ,andbuildingcodes .Otheraspectsof development aremoresubtleandless amenable toexactrulesputinto operation withoutregardto specific development proposals .Amongthesearethegeneral formofthelandbeforeandafter development,thespatial relationships ofstructures andopenspacestolanduseswithinthevicin ity andtheTown ,andthe appearance ofbuildingsandopen spaces asthey contribute totheareaasitisbeing developed andredeveloped.Inordertoprovideforthetimelyexerciseof judgment inthepublic interestintheevaluationofthedesignofnew development and redevelopment,the TownCouncilhascreatedaDesignReviewBoard(DRB)anddesigncriteria. C .DesignReview :Therefore ,inordertopreservethenaturalbeautyoftheTownand itssetting,toprotectthewelfareofthecommunity,tomaintainthevaluescreatedin thecommunity,toprotectand enhance landandproperty,forthe promotion of health,safety,andgenera l welfareinthe community,andtoatta in the objectives set out inthisSection;the improvementoralterationofopenspace ,exteriordesignofall new development,andall modifications toexisting development shallbe subject to designreviewas specified inthisChapter. D.Gu idelines:Itistheintentofthese guidelines toleaveasmuchdesignfreedomas possibletotheindividual designer whileatthesametimemaintainingtheremarkable naturalbeautyoftheareabycreating structures whichare designed to complement boththeirindividualsitesand surroundi ngs .Theobjectivesofdesignreviewshallbe asfollows: 1.Torecognizethe interdependence ofthepublicwe lfare and aesthetics,andto provideamethodbywh ich th is interdependence maycont inue tobenefitits citizensandvisitors . 2 .Toallowforthe development ofpublicandprivatepropertywhichis in harmony withthedesired character oftheTownasdefinedbythe guidelines herein provided. 3.Topreventthe unnecessary destruction orblightingofthenatural landscape. 4.Toensurethatthe architectural design,location,configuration materials ,colors, andoverall treatment ofbuilt-upandopenspaceshavebeen designed sothat theyrelate harmoniously tothenatural landforms andnativevegetation,the Town'soverall appearance ,with surrounding development andwithofficially approvedplansor guidelines ,ifany ,fortheareasinwhichthe structures are proposedtobelocated . 4 5.To protect neighboring propertyownersandusersbymakingsurethatreasonable provisionhasbeenmadeforsuchmattersas pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surfacewater drainage,soundandsightbuffers,the preservation oflightandair, andthoseaspectsofdesignnot adequately coveredby other regulations which mayhave substantial effectson neighboring landuses .(Ord.39(1983)§1) VI.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends thattheTown Council upholds theDesignRev iew Board'sdenial pursuant toSection12-11 ,Des ign Rev iew,Vail Town Code ,toallowfora minor alteration(repaint)ofanexisting residence ,locatedat2568 Arosa Drive/Lot 4,BlockC,VailDas Schone subjecttothefollowingfinding : 1.TheVailTown Council findsthatuponreviewoftheevidenceand testimony presented atthispublichearingthatthe standards and conditions imposed bythe requirements ofTitle12(ZoningRegulations)havebeenimplemented and enforced correctly bytheDesignReviewBoard.Inmakingth is finding, theCouncilhasrelieduponthe interpretation ofthe Town's adopted design guidelines bythe appointed members oftheDesignReviewBoard. The Community Development Department recommends thattheTownCouncilmakesthe followingconditionpartofamotionto uphold theDesignReviewBoarddenial : 1.'The appellant shallsubmit a new application forDesignReviewtothe Community Development Department proposing a revised color schemeby no later than August 1,2004.The applicant shall then appear betorethe Town of VailDesign Review BoardonWednesday,August 4,2004for consideration of the amended application .Depending upontheoutcome ot thereviewon August 4th ,the applicant shallbe required to paint the residencethecolors approved on August 4th by no laterthan September 15, 2004,or repainttheresidencetheoriginalcolors as theyexisted prior to illegally painting theresidencewithout approval byno later than September 15,2004." VII.ATTACHMENTS A.Appellant's appealform B.Letterfromthe appellant datedJune10,2004 C.Publicnoticeandlistofnotified properties sentJuly2 ,2004 5 Attachment:A Appeals Form Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad.,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov .com 7/2 0 rCa General Information: Thisformisrequired for filinganappeal of aStaff,DesignReviewBoard,orPlanningand Environmental Commission action/decision.Acompleteformandassociatedrequ irements must be submitted tothe Community Development Department within twenty (20)calendardaysofthedisputed action/decision. Action/Decision be.ing appealed:-C"'"'"""'---------------------fx~.~~& Dateof Action/Decision:t5 f lq (uJ --0 (2 I C::£../..- Boardor Staff person rendering action/decision:_--=D=..!..R....l.;B:l-.L-_ Doesthisappeal involve aspecificparcelofland?(yes)(no) If yes,are youan adjacent property owner?(Yes~ Ne ...of Appellent!s),H.~E.Pen r Mailing Address:25£6 ~C{Gr·'. ______0-J-===:.....<..----=U;=-.~Q;~(....::E£=....::;£~Phone:q 10(('((,0-0-7:+ PhysicalAddressinVail:2 <;;'6'b /f-rQs:C/\Gr Vo..uI.-G g uS &, Legal Description of Appel~ant(s)Pr9Perty inVail:Lot:HBlock:CL Subdivision:i/oJ...c ~~~ Appellant(s)Signature(s):'1N':L€-L h ~I (Attach alist ;s;f)natures ifmorespaceis required).~ Submittal Requirements: 1.Onaseparatesheetorseparatesheets of paper,prov ide adetailedexplanation of howyouarean "aggrievedoradversely affected person". 2 .Onaseparatesheetorseparatesheets of paper,specifytheprecise nature of theappeal.Please citespecificcodesectionshavingrelevancetotheactionbeingappealed. 3.Providealistofnamesandaddresses(bothmailingandphysicaladdressesinVail)ofallownersof property whoarethe subject oftheappealandall adjacent property owners (including owners whosepropertiesareseparatedfromthe subject property bya right -of-way,stream,or other intervening barrier). 4.Providestamped,addressedenvelopesforeach property owner listedin(3 .). PLEASE SUBMITTHIS FORM ANDALLSUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWNOFVAIL,DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. ForOfficeUse °t:.I Cf DI.f. Date Recei ved:-----;:,........,---_ G~ F :IUsersl cdevIFORMSIA PPLIClA ppe als.doc Belb Perkins 'Attachment:B 2568 ArDsa Dr. Vall.CO 81658 910-416-2212 303-24&-4883 ceU bperllinsdeslgns@aol.com 06110/04 Dept.of Community Development 75South frontage Rd . VailCO81657 Towhomitmay concern, Thank youforthe opportunity tosubmitmyappeal.IhavebeendeniedtwicebytheVail DRBonmy selection of exterior paintcolors. Earlier thisspring,myself and co-owner,Kate Rider,madethe decision topaintthe exterior of ourhouseon2568ArosaDrive .Wefelttheneedtobeginassoonaspossible, sincethewoodsidinghadbegunto deteriorate .Wethenreacheda joint decision on colorselection .I submitted my application formtoJoeSutherattheTown of Vail.I wastoldthatIwouldbereceivinga call fromBillGibsonwithinthreedays,asto whether Icou ld beginpainting,orelse appear beforetheVailDRB . Afterthreedays,Ihadn 't receivedaphonecall.Ithenmadeseveral calls myself,tofind outwhatwas happening.Oneweeklater,IreceivedacallfromBillGibson.Hetoldme toappearattheDRB meeting onthe19th of May ,towhichIagreed. Meanwhile,Ihadbeen collecting bidsfromseverallocalpainters.Beingonabudget,I selected whatIfeltwasthebestbid,whichwas Mario's Painting byMarioCanella.Mr Canellais extremely busyandhadaverysmall window forourpaint job.Since I hadn't been contacted inthethreedayspromisedbytheTOV ,Ihad Mr.Canella beginpainting. The condition of thewoodsid ing was worsening rapidlyand becoming aworrytoMs. Rider andmyself.Ifiguredthat if westartedoutwith primer inour selected colors,that allwouldbewell . OnMay19th,theDRB committee paidavisittoourhometo discover the painting had commenced.Thiswastheday of myfirstmeeting.Iwasthen denied permission to proceed,basedonmychoice of colors. I considered whatwassaidtomeandmadea adjustment thatIthoughtwas appropriate . I resubmitted my application totheTOY.They scheduled meforthe subsequent meeting whichwasJune2,2004 .Iwasthen promptly denied asecondtime .Ihad been hoping thatwithmy adjustment thatallwouldbewellonceagain .Apparently not,whichiswhy Iamnow appealing totheVailTownCouncil. Beth Perkins 2568 Aresa Br. Vall.CO 81658 910-416-2212 303·246-4883 cell bperlllnsdeslgnS@aDI.c II.Nature of theappeal Ifeelthatthereis absolutely noth ing inappropriate aboutthe colorsIhaveselected .Ms. Garveyremarkedthatthecolors "don't gointhe environment."However,thisisnot tuue .The colors Ihavechosenareearthtones,infacttheyarethe colors of camouflage. Thisis exceedingly unfair ,especially sinceonmystreetalone ,onewillseethecolors of mauve,turquoise,coralandblue .However ,thesearemy neighbors andI don't dare complain abouttheirchoices.Ido understand thattheDRBisaviable committee . Ther e are certain colorsthatwouldnot be appropriate forthetown of Vail.I do agree thattherearestandardstouphold.However,inmycaseIfailtoseewhereIhave violated the aesthetic-sensibilities of thecommunity. Please letmeaddthatIhavemademylivingasan interior designer forthepastfourteen yearsintheVailValley .Iamwell respected and compensated bymyclientsforcolor consultations andselections.Ithinkit is important thattheTownCouncilknowsthis. Inclos ing,pleaseletme add thatIhavebeenaVaillocal since myfamilymovedherein June of 1978.Myyoungersisterand brother both graduated fromBattleMountainHigh School.Mylatemother,Lynnlovedth is community morethatanyone I've ever known . Istrivedailyto emulate her graciousness asa neighbor and member of the community. Sincerely, 0 1.;.q\JYtl A.J'vvJ Beth Perkins Attachment:C THISITEMMAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVENthattheTownCounciloftheTownofVailwillholda public hearing in accordance withSection12-3-3ofthe Municipal CodeoftheTownofVailon Tuesday,July 20,2004,at 6:00 PM intheTownofVailMun icipal Building .In consideration of: ITEMrrOPIC: An appealoftheTownofVailDesignRev iew Board's denialofadesignreview application pursuant toSection12-11,DesignReview ,VailTownCode,toallowforaminor exterior alteration(repaint)ofanexistingresidence,located at2568Arosa Drive/Lot 4,BlockC,Vaildas SchoneFiling1,andsettingforthdetailsinregardthereto. Appellant: Planner: Mary E.Perkins George Ruther The applications and information aboutthe proposals areavailableforpublic inspection during regular officehoursintheproject planner's off ice locatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75South Frontage Road. Signlanguage interpretationavailableupon request with24 hour notification.Pleasecall 479-2114 voiceor 479-2356 TDDfor information. List of propertyowner s :III. Belli Pelllins -25i&Arosa Dr. Vall,CO 81658 910-416-2212 bpellllnsdeslgnS@aol.com PhysicalAddress Will iamP .,Barbara &MichealP .Schaetzel2566Aro sa Dr .Vail,CO81658 2008 Palmer C t. Lawrenc e,KS66047 Chris tina andDavid Wilson 25 72ArosaDr. Vail ,CO81658 MarkandMargieStephens 2547Arosa Dr. Vail ,CO81658 PaulSmoyer 2547ArosaDr . Vail ,CO81658 CarlandRuthWalker 2557Arosa Dr . Vail,CO81658 Denn is,Dorothea and James Scalise P .O.Box2591 Vail,CO81657 Chamonix Chalets Corp. %KristieFoster 2470 Chamonix Lane H-l Vail ,CO81658 Chamonix ChaletsCorp . %KristieFosler 2470 Chamonix Lane H-l Vail,CO81658 2572ArosaDr.Vail ,CO81658 2547ArosaDr.Vail ,CO81568 2547ArosaDr.Vail,CO81658 2557ArosaDr.Vail,CO81658 2567ArosaDr.Vail,CO81658 2487 Chamonix Ln.Vail ,CO81658 2489 Chamonix Ln .Vail ,CO8 1658 Carl &Ruth Walker 2557 Arosa Drive Vail,CO81657 MEMO To :VailTownCouncil From:CarlandRuth Walker,2557ArosaDrive,Vail,476-5211 Re:Repainting of2568 Arosa Drive/Lot 4 ,BlockC ,VaildasSchone Filing 1,ownedbyMary E.Perkins Date :July16,2004 Weareneighborsdirectlyacrossthe street fromMary(Beth)Perkins' residence.Wehaveseenthecolorsshehasselectedandwanttolet theTownCouncilknowthatwe APPROVE hercho ice ofcolo rs. Pleasecallusifyouwanttoaskanyquestions(476-5211). {1j ~LJ~ C/)D.Walker [(~c:z/Lt~ Ruth E.Walker 142 •< 2 0 SW 613 3 M uslin SW 61 34 N etsuke SW 7012 Creamy SW 6385 Daver Whi te SW 6136 Harmonic Tan 2207@ AnliqueWhite Blanc Antique PRATT &LAMBERT ow SW 7013 Ivoryl ace ,~ '\.--/\VVl SW~6 r L AntiQu::;.)h:tl I I,, 1..::;;~~lJb1j ,.'..~:.~?;:.-~. ..:. '-, ;.,.";..!- ;?-':':,' ...2..Borrowe r:Beth Perkins SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTO ADDEND UM FileNo.:3A4 -071 Address;2 568 Ar osa D rive Cit:V a il 51:C O Zi :8 1657 Case No.:Summary Report Lender:G J ones Fi nan cial G rou FRO NT VIEWOF SUBJECT PROPERTY Appraised Dale:May3,2 00 3 Appraised Value :$4 25,00 0 REAR VIEWOF SUBJECT PROPERTY STREET SCENE ,A ••Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:PERKINS REPAINT Project Description: REPAINTHOME Participants: DRB Number:DRB040189 OWNER PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA05/24/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 License: APPLICANT PERKINS,LYNN 5.-RIDER,MA05/24/2004 Phone: 2568AR05ADR8 VAIL CO81657 License: Project Address:2568 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2568 AROSA DRIVE LegalDescription:Lot:4Block:CSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 ParcelNumber:210314205007 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:Hanlon SecondBy:Pierce Vote:1-2 Conditions: Action:DENIED Date of Approval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoes not constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult with Town of VailBuilding personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinal approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:GeorgeRuther DRBFeePaid:$20.00 tpplication forDesign Rliew DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,ColoradoB1657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us RECEIVED r 24 2004 Description of the Request: General Information:. Allprojectsrequiring designreviewmust receiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermit application .Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfo r theparticularapproval that isrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapsesunlessa building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval." k~A?~:=Pv:> Location of the Proposal:Lot:BlOCk:L-SubdiviSion:V~~~PhysicaIAddress:2 ~~~~GJ, ParcelNo.::2-J D~.....1.Lf.2 -DS T~EijecO .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes250additions &interior conversions). Forminorchanges to buildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. $20 $20 $250 $650 $300 NoFee $50 NoFee o separationRequest o ChangestoApprovedPlans Owner(s)Signature(s):_Yd~!.::...!I.:..~~~.B~.e.===--===~=_ NameofAPPlicant~~L~JCl.Jt;o S, Mailin,9Address:~~~~~CL ~,\/~~~~Phone:q--:pU'JrOAi3 i=L- E-mail Address:_C1D~Fax:_ -~Type of Review andFee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition Zoning:-------------------......,....---.-----------r...- Name(s)ofOwner(s):~~~"'t1It.-6 (~f:C':£~ Mailing Address:2~'~Q..,r-.~.d .01~~ __________-:----;-----,-_-,.--,Phone:_ o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) '111 _MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) For Office Use Only: FeePaid:-:2 Q r CheckNo.:7 ")4 3 Allpttcatlorrf)ate:~C:.z.::-'~-",,-~....:O:::.......:<I,---_ Planner:_ Page1 of 13/11/17/03 •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVA IL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: PERKINS R040005 868 Amount:$20.00 Check OS/24/200 4 12:18 PM In it:J S Notation:#7743 /BETH Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address : Lo cation : DRB0401 89 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR /DUP 2 10314205007 2568 AROSA DRVAIL 2568 AROSA DRI VE This Payment :$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALLPmt s: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST: Ac count Code DR00100003 1122 00 Desc r ipt ion DESI GN REVI EWFEE S Curre ntPmts 20 .00 Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material • Roof Siding OtherWall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand orDeck Rails Flues Flashlnq Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: = Please specifythemanufacturer's name,thecolornameandnumberandattachacolorchip. Page 6of 13/11/17/03 •• 142 SW70 12 Creamy SW70 13 Ivory lace SW 6385 DoverWh ite SW6119 AntiqueW hite ,.• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LEITER • I,(printname)(\.{U,f~f..1;;;rp ,8..dLc=.ajointownerof property located at (address/legal description)2Sbl6 .4-1~L a-.I~a_ provide thisletteraswritten approval ofthe plans dated.L.X,-,....'"which have been submitted totheTownof Vail Community Development Department forthe proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above,I understand thatthe proposed Improvements include: --ez-!er7W?cLuZ 'eAhrUL ~L~ srucc:.o I further understand thatminor modifications maybe made tothe plans overthe course ofthereview process to ensure compliance withthe Town's applicable codes and regulations. ;(Jt~(.ature) r Page 2of13/11/17/03 .-.. .. SUBJECTPROP ERTY PHOTO ADDE 'D Ui\I dorrower :Beth Perkins Address :2568Arosa Drive Cit :Vail 51:CO li :8 1657 fi le No.:3A4-07 1 Case No.:Summary Report Lender.GJones Financial Groll , ':>.. __~~::.....;..;::.'.~~U~=~- 3 -1d;q lCVv\.~~ q:>h~c 20 SW 6133 Muslin .'. Project Name:PERKINS REPAINT Project Description: REPAINTHOME Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us ORB Number:DRB040157 OWNER PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA05/03/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANT PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA05/03/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 License: Project Address:2568 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2568 AROSA DRIVE LegalDescription:Lot:4Block:CSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314205007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MotionBy:Rogers secondBy:Hanlon Vote:2-3 Conditions: Action:DENIED Date ofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activ ities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 . Approva l of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date of final approval,unlessabu ilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006449 The applicant shall submit anew application forDesignReviewtothe Community Development Department proposingarevisedcolorschemebynolaterthanMay24, 2004.The applicant shallthenappearbeforetheTown of VailDesignReviewBoardon Wednesday ,June16,2004 for considerationoftheamended application.Depending uponthe outcome of thereviewonJune16th,the applicant shallberequi red to paint theresidence the colorsapprovedonJune16thor repaint theresidencethe originalcolorsas they existed prior toillegallypainting the residence without approval. Planner:GeorgeRuther ORB FeePaid:$20.00 ... •"f Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 w eb:www .ci.vail.co.us RECEIVED j o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commerdal) ~i n o r Alteration .(single-fami ly/duplex) o Changes toApproved Plans o Separation Request $250 $20 $20 NoFee Forconstructionof anew building ordemo/rebuild . Foranaddition w here square footag e is added to any r esidential o r commercial building(includes 250additions &inte rior conversions). Forminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,f encesand retaining walls,etc. Formino r changestobuildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalreadyapprovedby Planning Staff o r the Design Review Board. ForOfficeUse 0J1ly:AA ("'\te' L.FeePaid:20 CheckNo.:7)O\f By:1'\Ct."~fl"';fir>'f ~l,fk'"'f.'lA...5 /"~1\Application Da te:----Le-""':....·--'Zo..o::~""'-"\t"____ORB No.::_---==-=---=---::------=--;:;;;;--.:;-_ J Planner:.Project No.:0,.....r flrl.,~17 a "•"J \....·vu Page1 of 13/11/17/03 't JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print name)(\.{~Cli ~edt...e=I a joint owner of property locatedat (address/legal description)2SbCb cfr-ns.cL &.\{L~G,a ~ providethis letter as written approval of theplans dated..<:.X-,-v wh ich have beensubm itted totheTownofVailCommun ity Development Department for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications maybemadetotheplansover the courseofthereview processtoensurecompliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. r Page 2 of 13/11/17/03 ·"' Building Materials Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material ()J ood UJ DOd. Wood ~(0J(), S l -tt;lL Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number andattachacolorchip. Page6 of 13/11/17/03 o . ******************************************************************************************** T OWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement *******•••*********•••*********•••••*********.**************••****************************** Statement Numbe r: Payment Method : ELISABETH PERKINS R04000 5735 Amount :$2 0.00 Check 05 /03/200403 :31 PM Init:JS No tation:#770 4/MARY Permit No : Parcel No : S ite Address: Location : This Payment : DRB040157 Type : 2 10 31 4205007 25 68 AROSA DRVAIL 2568 AROSA DRIVE $20 .00 DRB -Minor Alt ,SFR/DUP Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accou nt Code DR0010 00 0311 2200 Descr i ption DE SIGN REV I EW FEES Cu rrent Pmts 20.00 SU BJECTPROP ERTY PHO TOA DDED UM " Borrow er.Beth Perkins Address:2568 Arosa Drive Cit :Vail 51:CO Zi :81657 File No.:3A' Case No.:5n Lende r:GJ 20 5W6 133 Mu slin SW 6135 Ecru R EAR VIEW O F SU BJECT PR OPERTY DP·376SLATE Appraised Date:May 3.2003 AppraisedValue:$425.000 FR ONTV IEWO F SU BJECT P ROPERTY Gi~r GxtA1r¥~ ST REET SCE 'E C0ocx:Q -t--Yc Y'V'>cd-- Ytcv-&r~ Project Name:PERKINS REPAINT ProjectDescription: REPAINTHOME Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB040157 OWNER PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,rViA05/03/2004 Phone: 2568AROSADR8 VAIL CO81657 License: APPLICANT PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA05/03/2004 Phone: 2568 AROSA DR8 VAIL CO81657 .License: ProjectAddress:2568 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2568AROSADRIVE LegalDescription:Lot:4Block:CSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314205007 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTlON MotionBy:Rogers SecondBy:Hanlon Vote:2-3 Conditions: Action:DENIED DateofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for bUilding.Please consult with Town ofVailBuilding personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shallnotbecomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 ' Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006449 The applicant shall submit anew application for DesignReviewto the Community Development Department proposingarevisedcolorschemebyno later thanMay 24r 2004.The a pplicantshallth en appear beforethe Town of VailDesignReviewBoardon WednesdaYrJune 16r 2004 for consideration oftheamended application .Depend ing upontheoutcome of the review onJune16th,the applicant shallberequ ired to paint theresidence thecolorsapprovedonJune16thor repaint theresidence the or iginal colorsas they existed prior toillegally painting theresidence without approval. Planner:GeorgeRuther ORBFeePaid:$20.00 Project Name:PERKINS REPAINT Project Description: REPAINTHOME Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartmentofCommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Co lorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB040189 OWNER PERKINS,LYNN S.-RIDER,MA05/24/2004 Phone: 2568AROSADR8 VAIL CO81657 License: APPUCANT PERKINS,LYNNS.-RIDER,MA05/24/2004 Phone: 2568AROSADR8 VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address:2568 AROSA DRVAIL Location:2S68 AROSA DRIVE Legal Description:Lot:4Block:CSubdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:210314205007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MotionBy:Hanlon SecondBy:Pierce Vote:1-2 Conditions: Action:DENIED Date ofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuilding personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become validfor20days following the date of approval. Cond :202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:George Ruther DRBFeePaid:$20.00 -e fA+t-I f)I t:.-c. v rrd dt...{s&~( TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #:B98-0214 Job Address :2568 AROSA DR Location ...:2568 AROSA DR Parcel No ..:2103-142-05 -007 Proj ect No.: Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:08/04/1998 Issued ...:08/10/1998 Expires ..:02/06/1999 Description:REROOF BUR SAME FOR SAME Town of Vail Phone:9709455366 SPRINGS CO 81601 TOV/H mr;n 9 ~55366 8 -60"n-up Depos it Refund approved Le,--;;....;::~-:---- amount ~tJO."Nu!J!l:?~r of DWeJ:np~...i L.00 1Adjuste!1 <'\lA~uatio ·f '4U/8 :3_~0 ACE ROOFING COMPANY POBOX 276,GLENWOOD ACE ROOFING COMPANY POBOX 276,GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO PERKINS LYNN S-RIDER MARY KATH 2568 AROSA DR 8,VAIL CO 81657 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT F ire place Inf ormat ion:Restricted :#O{Ga s Appl ianc es :#0£Gas Logs :#Of Wo od /Pal let : Bu ilding -----> Plan Ch e ck ---> I nvestiga tion> wi ll Call ----> 1 35.00 9 7 .75 .00 3.00 Reatuara nt P lan Revi ew --> ORB F ee -----------------> Re creati on Fee ----------> c lean-Up Depos i t --------> TOTAL FEES--------------> .0 0 2 0 .00 .00 1 00 .00 345 .15 T ota l Ca lcul ated F ee s---> Ad dit ion al Fees ---------> T otal Permit Fee --------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 3 45 .7 5 .00 345 .75 34 5 .75 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division : 08/04/1998 JRM Action :APPR APPROVED JRM Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept :PLANNING Division: 08/04/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 08/04/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 08/04/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow ledge t hatI have r ead t his a p pl i cation ,filled o ut in f ul l t he information required ,comple ted an accurate p lo t p lan,and state t h at a llt he information provi ded «s r equired is correct .I agree t o c omply witht he i n fo rmat i on a nd plot p lan , to c omply wi t h al l Town o r di nanc es and s tate laws,and t o b uil d thi s structure accordi ng to the Town 's z oni nga nd subdivision code s,d esig n r ev i ew approved,Uni form Buildin g Code and other ordinanc es o f the To wn a pplica ble the reto. REQUEST S FORINSP EC'TIONS SHALL BE Y.ADE 'Th'EN7"i -FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY TEL_E~PH.:::O:;;~~A3T;:4;:7~.;:-2:;::;1~3-'.r;;O::R~Ai:T~~~::<:"<::;,,,~C--.;.~----- Send Clean-Up Depo si t To:ACE ROOPIN G PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #:B98-0214 as of 08/10/98 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILDPERMIT Applicant:ACE ROOFING COMPANY Job Address:2568 AROSA DR Location:2568 AROSA DR Parcel No:2103-142-05-007 Applied :08/04/1998 Issued:08/10/1998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .SMOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIREDINALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OFTHE 1991 UBC. ............•.•..•....................•................•.•...... T OWNO FVA IL,COLORADO Stat.emnt. ••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**.*•••••••••• Sta temnt Nu mber :R EC-0 4J4 Amou nt : Payment Me thod :CK Not at.ion :15668 3 45 .75 08 /1 0 /'8 10:28 Ioit :MAW Type:A-BUILD ADD /ALT S FR BUILD PE Parcel No:2103 -142 -05 -00 7 S ite Addre ss :256 8 AROSADR Lo cation:2568 AROSA Ox T his P aymen t J4 5 .75 Total F ee s : T otal ALL P mta: Balan c e: 345.75 34 5 .75 .00 Acc o unt.Co de De s cription Amount BP 0010 0003111 1 0 0 BUI LDING PERt-lIT FEES 1 35 .00 DR 001 000 0)112200 DESIGN REVI EWFE ES 20 .0 0 P F 0010000 3 1123 00 PLANCHECKF EES 87 .75 AD 0 2 -0EP 08 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 10 0 .0 0 we 0 0 1 0000311 28 00 WILLCALLI NSPECTION FEE 3 .00 Address:Owners Name: "~*6 n i:'a c t Eagle County AssesA;Office 'I Date Rae .oftd~'at 970-328-8640 for Parcel.TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI e'V~T /' PARCEL'1/:d /f',-?-P/~~t'~-£Jo 7 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AUG 04 1998 DATE:,(/t./h 'L . .)r , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MA~NOT BEACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INPORMATION ••••~.::••::-.:-;•••••••••••••, []-Building []-PlUmbing []-Electrical []-Mechani"cal [t o -Other r<".fc .t,::J-L Job Name:{2 I J ~/V I f.,./V I<.!l/j'Job Address::l ~<(,yo f h -o Cvt./; Legal Description:Lot 'i Block f r;/)Filing :td I 2",';{7.v";7r ()~.t > v·" ]-Repair [)Z]-Other lG.vod-F _____________Ph._ Y'Y fo L::U'/rf ~Ih.:;B tv{!- Address: '?.e.Q:<l u d.d {'ot"~Is:h S iSlA e ]-Alteration []-Additional [ Architect: Work Class~[]-New [ General Description: Number of Accommodation units:~2~~~_ *************************** own of Vail Reg.NO.]27 ---5 Phorie Number:'7~'t ~<iL-;(-,<1',.(,(2 Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ,***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION eneral Contractor:R(J ('-0 ,i-/C'..-' Address:n ,'"l G l.J'DuA-..--:;. Electrical Contractor: Address: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~ ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$~~r~l~'~>J~r~(_)__ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$;'--------- plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical contn-act.oz-. Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number:'_ ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTALPERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: (CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ·,t ",.',i.'-e r."e 75 soulh lronlage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-21,38 or 479-2139 o lllce 01 community dcvelopmenl TO: FROt-l: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYLREGISTEREDWITHTHE TO\'1N OF VAIL TOvm OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COt-frlliNITY DEVELOPMENT HARCH 16,19BB CONSTRUCTION PARKING&}~TERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand ,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department .Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified .The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in ,the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,p lease stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: >t ~f'-~{;??'~~-fJ'~, "~~~/<J'V rn.J 'f..~~~ositlOn/Relationshipto Project (i.e.contractor,owner) " 75 south fronlage road vell,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 olflce 01 community development BUILDING PERI 'iIT ISSUANCE TUIE FRA~lE If th is permi-t requires aTown of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"5 (Public Works)reyiew and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Department review,anda review by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks . All commercial '(l arge or small)and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of tim e.Ho wever,if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments \'Ii,th regard to necessary review,these projects may also take the three week period.. Every attempt vri llbemade by this department to expeo i te this . .pormite ss,qon as possible. I,tbe undersign ed,understand the plan check p~ocedure andtime frame " Sheet was turned into the Develorm~nt Departme~t. :' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name:g.)j '£..1 ~If?-ex k-I rv~ Data:--:-:_~-:__--_:__-_:__- Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Isthisa new res idence? Is demolition work being performed that requires theuseofthe right ofway,easements or public property? Isany 'utility work needed? Isthe driveway being repaved? Isd iHerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? Isany drainage work being done affecting therig ht 01 way,easements, or public property? Isa"R evocab le RightOf Way Permit" requ ired?. A.Istherightofway,easements or public property tobeused for staging, parkingor fencing? B.If noto8A,isa parking,staging or fencing 'planrequiredby Community Developme nt? /-... If you answered yes toanyof these questions,a "Public Way Permit"mustbe obtained. "Public Way Permit"applications may be obtained atthe Public Work's officeorat Community Development.Ifyou have any questions please call Charlie Davis,the Town ofVail Construction Inspector.at 479-2158.. Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-41§lelein-lJer 28,2000 Ace Roofing Attn:Gloria P.O.Box276 Glenwood Springs,Co.81601 Dear Gloria, Our senior building inspector advised metogo ahead and final these permits out and refundyour cleanup deposit without a final inspection,duetotheage of the permits.However.ple ase be aware that the permits will refleet that a final inspection wasnotdone .shonld anyone qn cstion thefact .If at sometime in the spring you would liketo request thatfinal inspections be don e on each of thes e permits,p lease call our inspection lineat 970-479 -2135 .If youhave any questions.please call meat 97Q..479-2 325 . Thank you, ~O±n'-1W~(\ Kathy Warren Permit Review Coordinator o RE CI·CI.EVPAPER .'. 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479.2138/479·2139 FAX 970-479-2452 December 1,2000 Ace Roofing P.O .Box 276 'Glenwood Springs,Co .81601 Attn :AceRoofing, Department of Community Development Our records indicate thatbuildingpermits#B96-0234 ,B96-0235 ,896-0250,B97-0278, and B98-0214 issuedtoAceRoofing,donotshowfinal inspections.Thereisatotal of $800 .00 in clean-up feesthatcanberefundedtoyouuponfinal inspections.Pleasecall our inspection lineat479-2135toschedulefinalinspectionassoonaspossible.Allfees willbe considered forfeited30daysfromthedate of thisnotification if inspections have notbeenperformed .If youhaveanyquestions,pleasecallmeat479-2325 . Thankyou, Kathy Warren Permit Review Coordinator '"S9lD·02~-"RC6~sr-I45'!3'>J:FS2 c.~~eD .• '69b'OZ~S"CA~A-294()t'I\~~~wc.~RP.• 'BQIo.CZ50·,5c.o2'P10 CPt-.\t>O·~..la\W.N'\&\OOW 1>2 ..0 ~~,..OZ.1g..~~..!O30 ec:c"l\.\C2t9-'02.0 e9'&·ot,\4 -fu",\~S •2.SbS 1><Zt:/!JP4.'0'2..' o RECYCLEDPAPl:JI 1 '~...C""..~f "f::J "'" ••r ;,~'CI2f S "".<M l ~~I<!;';..~l~KJ(·J,f3 (;.)n·.~1.;.)~,}"·Ql ....r ~.. ,t·o,·U"'ILI4--i ?Ju·.,A l\1 \,~?:~-.A rJAi -lMj ".C.(~S\~-ol'?c"i '::.J <r Vl~I/~.J\~.VII'lei ".(:·'~d '-1 (~~..\/lP:.l ......'j:.:.-.2S :'"\•':;''-\~7 .•~I(T ''-13~t:)m~(1 (~.~jo ~.~tANA ;-;-2 i .3 0 ·t·,,~ ,, 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Date:'o/l \/00 No.Of Pages __ Department of Commun ity Dev elopment Building Safet.y &Inspection Services Division FAX COVER SHEET TO:--'G.....,~f-Io"lOWUVIWI~A..",--_ COMPANY NAME:~R~\N.....ct"-i---------_ \, FAX NUMBER:970·~J5-=-·.3010=4'-"14=_ PHONE NUMBER:Q1o-9A6·o~\L._ FROM:Kathy Warren.Permit Review Co ordinator Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safety &Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 816 57 Phone 970.479.2325.direct line FAX 970.479 .2452 E-mail:kwarrcn @ci .vail.co .us COMMENTS,NOTES: -f\1 MiA.-?e2.¥ag l?E'lDEST:r:AM.?2C)'i'\Cl~---.-lt$O REC:tA20 lUGt P2D':')Ecr ~E:I.~Dee6Foe ~~ ~C'j)fl.OO~TANO\1.1 C:t ~\\.O UJCr~~n.~~.b18.l-\ 'b-e -m 0tE Lh""t'8':>1"StJatIE,2)u if.WO.>U\l\h-noU~t4.bLt UD"i BE..bBLE.TO "l:~pecr '1\-\'I.~W02~l.:ST\'--mE" ~~E2.yV};R.f...\~l..)p.~F UD\)~\IE;.-~~OL$.~• ~J UE----...._ o R ECYCLEnPAN;R ./:,.....ft ·,,.f- r-- ....'(/•J'I .,'\'1r;·14'.,.(.;I \')...~,,, 1 ',,_>c.»ro.r-.~•..::'J ,"-J ..r-,...r -·..'...J ~'.... l ·','!I.·r ~"d ·-··.OJ'-.'....,. "11.''•./",.I",""'..'!'"'I ",~}"....."","'.1 I ...I"J .,•:~I•.J ':J "1l......'.1 "_t .J I I....I i •'If ..r,~"'..:'",!., ':k",i J......··;::··",I "v ~<:,'"t/...'"I·.A l"......}....,.,..,....."...~......,•".•'1 "~'"'.'._1 .·..J"I...f "_~J ;J <.,\"j ('~,..r ..t . I I r r :''('P ·,:·:-:i I'',-.•\..",,'.J ~,J -...J .1 ')'u cui:»:I "....~.<"• ..~J I(1"..-....;!~",..,r ./.'.,,,..J l..j .....: •••,,.~I '''''f{',~J.,..:.::J~'-;"J .,..,:..1.'.., oJ..4 I''''',I ",",~",,\.,",,'.,.('t:"",\.,,,/1k "/._I '(l l ),..:'1'""'.~....:4.'.,.~tor',,.,."~.,!;)..'..J Q,J t _....,•.,I_.-.....'\.~ L •.A:-.,l":..,"'n "JO .....,.,....~..,-..1..,#r ~('j Jr,;:..:.l ,{J .:1 .•\,',-'1/1-;1 " I I 'I '..J -, (., ••",J ,'II ..~,I ),,-I ,J 1,...- •'...f..",1 "0 t;!.t ,•..y ~f ; I '_.J i ~.«'"·.J J :-,)~I .~; I • PREPARED 1 /02/0 1,11 :4B :31 PROGRAM MR4 15U Town of Vai l DEPOSIT REFUND RE PO RT ~UP DATE PAGE 1 CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE TX-DATE AJ-DATE DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT -ADJ AMOUNT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT 11 62 8 98-0 214 Ace Roofing DEPOBDEPOSIT D 2 8 /10 /98 1 /02 /0 1 1 00.00 100 .00 100 .00 -.00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE :D2 100 .00 100.00100.00 -.00 GRAND TOTAL: DEPOSITCOUN T: GIL BATCH CREATED: 1 BATCH-OO OOG 200 1 /01 USERID-J POPECK AP HELD 1 00 .00 COUNT- 100 .00 1.0 0 100.00- AMOUNT - .00 1 00.00 e e • TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS P ERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERM IT Permit #:M99-0020 Job Address . Location . Parcel No. Project Number : 2568 AROSA DR 2568 AROSA DR . 2103 -142 -05 -007 Sta tus ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: FINAL 03/15/1999 03/15/1999 09/11/1999 APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST,DENVER CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST,DENVER CO 80223 OWNER PERKINS LYNN S-RIDER MARY KATH 2568 AROSA DR 8,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:303-777 -7700 Phone:303-777-7700 Description: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS Valuation:1,500.00 Fireplace I n forma t ion:Restr ict ed:N #Of Gas App liances :#OfGas Logs:1 #Of Wood/Pallet : Mecha nical---:> p lan check---> Inv estigation :> wil l cal l ----> 40.00 10 .00 .0 0 3.0 0 Re etuar ant Plan Revi ew--:> ORB Fee -----------------:> TOTALPEES --------------:> .0 0 .0 0 5 3 .00 To tal Ca lcu lated Fees---:> Add iti onal Fee e ---------:> Tota l Permi t Fee --------:> Paym ent s----------------> BALANC E DUE---~---------> 53 .0 0 -53 .00 .00 .00 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••*•••*•••••••**•••••••*******•••••••••••***•••••••••••••••••••••••*•••• BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: Dept: CONDITIONS Dept: It~m:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/15/1999 KATHY Action :APPRSEE It~m:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/15/1999 KATHY Action :APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED AT TIMEOF GAS PIPING INSPECTION ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have re ad t h is appl i cati on,fi lle d out in full thei n forma t ion r equ ire d,compl e ted a n a ccurate pl ot plan,a nds tate that a ll t he information p rov ided as requi red is corr ec t.I agreet o c omply wi th t hei nformati onan d p lot p l an, to comply wi th al l Town ordin ances a nd statel aws,a nd t o buil d this struct ure acco rding t o the Town's z oning and subdivisi on codes ,de slg"r eview approved,unifo rm Buil ding Code a n d other o rdinan ces of t h e To wn appl ic abl et hereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S HALLBE MADE TW ENTY -FOUR HOURS I N ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 47 ~-213B OR AT OUR OFFICEFROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM SI GNATURE OF OWN ER ORCONTRA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER P ERl-lIT II ---- *kcon~[lct~agle County Assesso.ffice .•~at 970 -3 2il-8640 for Parcel U.TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCE~.II:I =?l/?2!TXtl/PERMIT APP:ICATION FORM ~~/031 tl20500r'/DATE:~-lq-qq tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPT ED }\*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** (]-Building ()-Plumbing (]-Electrical [~-Mechanfcal []-Other Job Name:Job Address:),5;5'fJY~:H.Dr V''hJ CO ?/&57 SlJRDTVJ S TO N: ,4rosa lX VI'l-,1 f:''17~~2272 g-/{,tf 7Ph._ F il ing ,---="""",,-,-,-..:...:..:.~,",,,,-,-_ Address: Address: Block._Legal Description:Lot _ Owner s Name:.Ly 00 Per¥..:..!lh"--'5.:...-_ Architect: General Description:&:m Vechl1j £rtl\y)l/)tJdd k Ott.5... Work Class:()-New (]-Altera~ion (]-Additional (]-Repair (]-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:Number of Accommodation Unit s: Nu mber a nd Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.Gas Logs Wood/Pell et _ ~*********************************VALUATIONS **********w********************** llUILOING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$-rtiS'"bF TOTAL:$'-------------- "***************************CONTRAqTOR IN;OR}~TION ***k***********************~en eral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO. Addres s:Phone Number:------- E lectrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor:,Town of Vail Reg.NO. Address:'Phone Number:------ Mechanical contractor:i?t:>dfe-t(_C!fVI99 -ooJO Town of Vail Reg.NO./5?).-,11. Address:?e55 Wp~~!t'k/d 8P227 Phone Number:~777-770Q ********************************FOR OFFICEUSE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ORB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION -Comments:._ .- .KCLEANUP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:Date Receive ' MAR 1 5 1999 "..~• 75 south Irontage road vail.colorado 61657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • olllce 01 community develop ment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED \-lITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVE LO PHEIIT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debri s or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town o f Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pav ement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.:Persons found violating this ordin an ce will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said materi al. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in ;the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: )l ":?i ~4J?-Q _ v CcM ~~osition/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ,~.U "J l ~or VH I L UII Ul-<rlU11 -PHI - ,I 1 .••"j i,ill:\.',<l.l'lIlt,r .>III~I-'1 I 111 I~OI 1\,,1"1 ,I ,[-uR c ~1 ;1"'')~HRLA:J 1<'I ---------_.----------------------------------.-.'I•1 .'~1l1i!11-'J '--fa."t /1.q Ty!"'~-1'1 LI -,~t "J .>,IILV 0 I ~"i Hi"'IGSrl [ "0 J'I I ..~-14L "'-"..J LJ((1I.,E 1 l l INyt:"I WfJU )lU GI-< -t ,..,e t,UU t"iH .L LUI''''"~y ~·'t I 0"E _,iiI {II (I ILl\!) Il·f~ll~..J ,I"11 ~I H.t--Id ,-. ,c 1"f UiJ H~11 ,l UI'II-'HI'i \I 'l r •II t:-!",1/'1 /(7 l ,/, c'l l::I I I;(~ II ~111 lfl~ I 11 JlJH J \-0 III .:(Ufo-L l f1hu ~:III I'.'I ~ULI LLH,I /L1~) 1\iJ.~I f".]ti III It l.O )1:;'Ilt"i tIe -t:t:' ~11·4 ! ,L I II l (I 1111 to j IL oJ -~---.J<r ./~--"'---~......-- T If <;(J c-r.i on t-r rs t o r-y ••••• I,eill:~I,·,;::.~~e,"'L-CH -1<lJltyh l"n:1<,11/1,::c'C:;,.11<[-'0~'rH N~L E.R I"<UlJu'i "m./j~,2,+'"~'L~1U be<.I 'i f,i ny "'II~1.IV'~.II(.,·CCj-(-t e.,.cl{).;j ;,xm"J{)....,"E:Lh~'C ~tl~_(.......t r.lfJ I ., eill.0\0 i,il ,LI-j-,'.II'L v -li f .-,~\':;...I,L t -1''1''oC ~I'".0.:.~'_L r-1 d l e-~1l(1",r j t t,f-INH L/l) ·. I.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTIONIIIIIIIV v I PERMIT NO. 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE HIRM II BUILDING ~{\{\{\ ELECTRICAL 750""'.0',"."~~ GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :~PLUMBING 2,000 Finish out 1/2 of basement level wi ~ bath and bedroom.>MECHANICAL nla ~~:liw~; department of community development TOBEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT g BU ILDING I!J PLUMBING g ELECTR ICAL 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALn·Z56 s-Arosa Drive TYPE GROUP DATE G.R.F A .VALUATION 5907 PERMIT FEES NEW ()ALTERATION (,}:)ADDITIONAL (X)REPAIR () DWEL LING UNITS VIR ACCOMMODATION UNITS _ I::. S1.00 50.00 30 .00/PC=S,0];#41314 Q 125.00BUILDINGPERMIT CLEAN·UPDEPOSITI 100.00 DESIGNREVIEWBOARD ($~O/prepaid) MECHANICAL PLUMBING I'1FCI'1FATION FEE PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL R-VALLUE NO.FIREPL ACES THICKNES STYPEIN;:,uLATION: FLOOR HEIGHT IN FT . MAIL ADDRESS L EGAL L OT 4 BLK__c DESC .FILING Vail Das Schone til J OB NAME :Perkins Basement Remodel I I OWNER I NAME Lynn perk;ns MAILADDRESS 4093 Spruce Way CITY Vail,CO pff.76-7272 AR CH ITECT I tFUjIR:.MML-_ f ~394.00 USETAX TOTAL PERM IT FEESGASELEC. ROOF EXT.WALLS PH. -------169=fi CITY GENERAL CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TE LE.949-0177 FIRM ...QeYC Rau;!;c Eleet:rie ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORI TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE.949 f1 ~II SOLAR ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED : 1.. ST.CUT BLASTING WOOD !i INITIAL I::Da.u.s..tanek .1127.193.._-__ BUILDINGOFFICIAL DAfE Jim Curnutte 1/27/93 IzoNING ADMINISTRATOR ----DATE-----I FIRM SnCPLUMBINGIowDun try Services CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .177-P TELE .949-2336 PARKING DEMO Ot FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTORITOWN OFVAILREG .NO . TELE . OTHER I.:...FIc..;Rc..;M _ TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. CONTRACTORI TELE. ..<II .~" jo,~/rt:,y,tV PERMIT NO•...-,;"c....:.'_--,-'_ PLUMBING ELECTRICAL BUILDING PERMIT RECREATIONFEE PLANCHECK MECHANICAL USETAX CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ELECTRICAL ....----.. INITIAL WOOD GAS IIIIII IV (i) ~ ABE HI AM VALUATION 12 2.34 f/6S-&' ADDITIONAL V')REPAIR ()n PLUMBING G.R.F.A . TYPE THICKNESSR·VALLUE NOTE --COpy OFPERMITTOBEKEPTON JOBSITE DATE ~'2~,/993 REG 'L JAN 2 5 199 J ___NO.FIREPLACES ELEC. SOLAR 1.TYPEOF CONSlRUCliON 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP VfJ(+lM,Tt--+t-.e Q(~V~h ,. I hereby acknowledqe that Ihaveread this application,filled out In full the Infonnation required, completed an accurate p lot plan ,andstate that allthe Information provided as required Is correct.I agreeto comply with the Informationand plot plan,to comply with all Town ord inances andstate laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning andsubd iv ision codes,design review approved,Un iform Building Code and other ordlna ~e Tow~pplic~l~her,;o. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~~~~~//J Joo '"/Jilt:I IGNATUR~OF OWNER OR CON ACTOR FOR HIMSELFf'...~,...,V V '9 L-P.AND THEOWNER . PARKING DWELLIN G UNITS ACCOMMODATI ONUNITS _ ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN BLASTING DEMO ST.CUT NEW()ALTERATION( CONSTRUCTION PERMIT JOB NAME : TOWNOFVAILREO .NO . OTHER I_FI_R_M _ OWNER CONTRACTORI TELE. TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT ~ HEIGHTlNFT . .,..ARCHITECT FIRM IV/It INSULATION: MAILADDRESS FLOOR --_... CITY EXT WALLS-- ROOF GENERAL - CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REO .NO . TYPE OF HEAT 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39.... • office of community development .. BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is perm it requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Eng ineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department reviewor Hea 1th Department review,andarevi ew by theBuildi ng Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeks. All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi-family permitswill havetofollow the above mentioned max imum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount of time.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may a1sotakethe three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this permitas.soonas possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtime frame. Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department . ..•~-~•... 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 offIce of community development TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL FROM:TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged ~Y:I5~.~/(-W~ Project (i.e.contractor,owner) 7 Position/Relationship to '£n Date • Plan ReviewBasedon the1991 Uniform Codes • NAME:PERKINS ADDRESS:2568 AROSA DR VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY :R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:1-27-92 CONTRACTOR :RUSTY WOOD CONST ARCHlTECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itemslistedbelow are not intended tobea complete listingofallpossiblecode requirements inthe adopted codes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsof the codes. The followingisnottobe construed tobean approval ofanyviolationofanyof the provisions ofthe adopted codesorany ordinance oftheTownofVail. I.SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS ASPERSEC.1210 OF THE 1991UBC. 2.EGRESS WINDOW REQUIRED FROM BEDROOM ASPER SEC.1204 OF THE 1991 UBC . 3 .MECHANICAL ROOM TOBE SEPARATED FROM BEDROOM AND BATH 5/8 DRYWALL WITH ADEQUATE COMBUSTION AIRANDFEILDINSP ECTION TO REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OF MECHANICAL ROOM. 4 .VENTILATION REQUIRED FOR BATHROOM. 5. j , :I i. ! I '-;>, •!i "0 1 1 :.I::V 'c.: •••.._.~-~ !IIi I I , I Il. I I Ii,.1P \I~:~I ! H ~iJ Q-..! \ V <,i I I I i i !I I , ,, /'~~.'...."-'.'.~p;'.:F \I \"{S t'--.... f ··_··..•I /.--.... i (nw'j 1'(/!.~.... j, :-"l !~'("II,,,'" }~~Y I- I I, II i \ I I i 1 1, ! i, I 1-1 I I ......-........._.-_._,..... DI:'-J1) "'-_....._. .....1.. •I j .t ·I . ••of . Project "Application Date P roject N ame :~/~IO~ P roj ect D escr i ption :~J~~~ C onta ct Person and Phone IJ!A i Design Review Board Date _ M otion b y: Secondedby :_ A PPROVAL DI S APPROVAL fr/~O(~~Cc;~t W;{{/f.-1ctfc dP V~;+.. ~v a l ,7 Town Planner q&~hg7 Da te : ..•L IS T OF MA TER IALS •NAME OFPR OJE CT :~~ LEG AL OE SCRI PT I ON'LOTrwCK~SUBOIVI S ION IJaJ ~YMiJ ~ S TREET ADDRE SS:1 ;:.e;(P~.<~__( DESCRIPTI ONOFPR OJE CT:- The f o ll ow ing i nforma tion is requ ired f or submittal to t he Design Re v ie w Boa rd bef or e a fin al a ppro v al can be gi ve n: A .BUI LDI NG MA TER IAL S : Roof Si di ng Othe r Wal l Mate ri als F as cia So ffits Wind ows Wi ndow Tr im Doo :::-s Do or T ri m Han d or DeckRa i ls F lu es F las hin gs Chimneys Tras h Encl o sures Gr een hou s es Othe :::- T YPEOF MATE R IAL WA COLOR B .LANDS CAPI NG:Name of Desi gne r : Ph one : PLANT MAT ERIALS:B ot ani cal Name CommonNa me Qua n tity Size * PR OPOSED TREES EX I STI NG TREESTO BE REM OVED -----_.- *Indi cate cal iper for d e ciduo us trees.Minimu m ca liper f or decidu ous trees is 2 i nc he s .I ndi ca te he i gh tf or conifer ous t re e s.Minimum h e igh t f or conifer ous tre es is 6 f ee t . 7 P LANT MATERI ~:Botanical Name co mmo dllkme Qua nti ty Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REM OVED *Indicat e size o fp ropo sed s h ru bs.Minimums i ze of shrubs is 5 g a ll o n. ~Sguare Footage GRO UN DCOVERS S O:) S EED TYPE OF IRRI GATION TYPE O~METHODOF EROSION CONTR Oz., C .LAN DSCAPE LI GHTING :I f ext er ior li g hti ng is propo sed ,p l ea se show the nu mber of fixtures an dl oc ati ons on a s e pa ra te ligh t ing plan .I dentify e ac h f i xturef rom t he li ghting pla n o n the lis t b e low a nd prov ide the watt age ,hei gh t ab ove grade an d type of li ghtp ropo sed . D .OTHER LAND SCAP EFEATURES (retaining walls ,f e nces ,s wimming p ools ,etc.)P lease s pe cify .I ndi ca te he igh ts o fr e ta ini ng wal ls .Ma xi mum height of wa l ls within t he f ront se tback i s 3 fee t.Maximu m he ighto f wall se ls ewhere on the pr operty is 6 feet . 8 ". LOT /6 Il83~ ...........7 ...2683...............,,,, , -',, • r3:47 ,.ACf6 TEXACO ill ( MEADOW CREEK SUBDIV/SIO S •DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICA TI ON RECEIVED : DATE OF D~B MEETING : ********** e revised 9/4/91 COLORADO REC'e :. .,.'- 2 THIS APPLICATION WILLNOTBEACCEPTED UNTIL ALLREQUIREDINFORMATION IS SUBMITTED *********1r I .P ROJE CT INF ORM ATI ON : A .DESCRIPTION : B .o--o/J~~~~ NewConst ruction ($20 0.00)~M i n o r Al ter at ion ($2 0.0 0 ) ____Additi on ($5 0 .00)Concept ual Revi ew ($0) C.AD DRESS :,;2:5 to t A-.!....:r~=u::.~;n,;;:;~~c :.=l.ffl:!....-i2....-_ D .LEGAL DESCRIP TION :Lo t ~Block ~/ Subd iv isi on Vq Da.a ~Wi''If / If prope rty is de scrib ed b y ameets a nd bO~dS lega l de sc ripti on ,p le ase p rov ide on a sepa rate s heet and attach t o this app licat ion . E .ZON ING :tis F . G . H . 1. LOTAREA :I f requ ired ,a pplic ant must pr ov ide ac u rren t sta mped su rv ey sh owing lo t ar ea ., l\']I.M E .OF A?P LI CANT :t 44 00 .S.his1.wo,-=~_ Malll nc Add ress :. /}-tflc,f JfrO<lx clK-ttTQ P ho ne ,.i;3a 3-9 74 -1xlk ~ .3 C~·'f I &'-:11 7&0 L {JE ~ NN~E OFAPPLICANT 'S REPRESEN TAT IVE:--~lJ~t~!~~~/V~---------- Ma i1 in g Add re ss :_ I J .Condomin i um Appr oval if app li c ab le . FEE SCHEDU LE :~ DRB F EE:ORB f e es ,as s hown a bove ,are t o be pa id at the timeo f subm itt al of ORB appl ication .La t er ,whe n applying fo r a b uildi ng permi t ,plea se iden tify the accura te valuat ion o f the pr op o s al .The Town o f Vail will adjust the fee acc ordi ng to t he tabl e bel ow ,t o fi J(J e ns u r e the c orre ct fee i s pa i d.$,)11';'-.~l ~l'f Ilr /0L FEE PAID:_r-v :\. VALU.ll..TIO N $0 $1 0 ,001 $5 0,001 $150 ,001 $500 ,001 $Ov er -$10 ,000 $5 0 ,0 00 $1 50 ,000 $5 00 ,00 0 $1 ,0 00 ,000 $1 ,000 ,00 0 FE E /' $20 .00 $50 .00 $1 00 .00 $2 0 0.00 $400 .00 $500 .0 0 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVALUNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . **NO APPLICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'SSIGNATURE 1 II .P RE-A PPLIC AT ~MEE T ING:•A pre-appl i cati on me eting with a membe r o f th e pla nning st aff is str ong ly e nc oura g ed t o dete rmi ne i f any a ddi tional a ppl ic a tioni nf ormationi s nee de d .I t i s the app li ca n t's r e spon s ib ility t o make an a p poi ntment wit h the sta ff t o determine if t he re are a dditio na ls ubmitt al requireme n ts. Pl ease note that a CO MP LETE appl i ca tionwill stream li ne t he approval pr ocess f o r you r pr oj ect . III .IM?ORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISS IO NS TO THE DRB : A.I n add ition to meet ing s ubmit tal requirements,the a pp lica n t must s tak ea ndt ape t~e pro ject site t o indic ate property li ne s ,bu il d ing line s and building co rn e rs .All t rees t o be r emov edmust b e tape d.All s it e tapings an d staki ng must be c omp let ed pri or tothe ORB si te visit .The a p pli cant must ensu re tha t st ak ing done during t he winte r is n ot buried b y s n ow. B.The re view pr o cess f or NEW BUILDINGS nor mally requires two sep arate mee tings of the De si gn Rev iew Board :a conc ep tual appr oval and a fin al appr oval .Applicants s ho uld p lan o n p resenti ng th e ir d eve lopment proposa l at ami nimumo ft womeetingsb ef or e obta ining f inal app rova l. C .Applicants who fa il to appear bef ore the Design Revi ew Board o n th e ir scheduled mee ting d ate and who ha ve n ot asked in advan cet hat d iscussi o n on their item be postpon ed ,will have t heiri tems re mo ved from t he ORB docket until su ch t ime as the it em ha s been republi sh ed. D .The followin g i tems may ,a t t he d i sc re t ion o ft he z oning adm ir.i s trator ,be appro ved by t he Comm u nity Devel opme nt Department st aff (i.e .a f ormal he ar ing bef ore the ORB may not be re q uired): a .Wi nd o ws ,s kylights a nd similar exte rio rc hanges wh ich d o ~ot alter t~c existing plane of t he bui lding ;and b .Building addi t ion p r op osa ls n ot vis ible fr om a ny ot ~er l ot o r public s pace.At the time such a pr op osal is submi t ted ,applicant s must i n cl ude letters fr om ad jacent p r o p er ty owner s and /or from t he age nt for o r manager o f any adjacent condom i ni um ass oc iat ion stating the a sso ciation approves of t he addit ion . E .I f a property is loc a te d in amapp ed h az ard area (i.e. snow av alanche ,roc kf all ,f lood plai n,debris flo w, wetland ,e tc ),a haz ar d study must be s ubmi tted a nd th e o wner mus ts ign a n affidavi t r ec o g n i zi ng the hazard re port pr ior to t he i ssuanceo fa bui lding permit. Appli ca nts ar e encou raged to check with aTown P lan ner pri or t o ORB applicat ion t o d etermin e the r ela tions hi p o f the p rope rty to a ll mapped haza rds. F.F or a ll r e si den ti al c o ns :ru cti o n: a .Clearly indicate o n t he floor p lans the in si de f aceo f the e xt er ior structural wa lls o ft he building ;and b .Indica tewith a das hed li ne on the s itep lan a fo ur foot di stance from the exter ior fa ce of the b uild in g wa lls o rs upporti n gc o lumn s. G .I f DRB approv es the applicati on with condit i on so r modific at ions ,all conditions of appr ova l must be resolved p ri or to Town is su anceo fa buil ding perm i t. 2 State of Colorado ) County of Eagle )ss Witnessed before me this 27th day of April 1992bL .,y ynn S.Perk1ns.L,tf&tbz d Myt)lt!'"..:.:,~:Y":'''~1'\'i:'2.!~,j SueA.Brandl -Notary Public 2271 No Frontage RdWest Vail,CO 81657 :i'i":<X .""""'~';:'~:';;'",';::l':::;,~%'>";'i'~"";.:::"';""":l,.,«g ":";";:"'~''''';\',>¢t(A~':#.';'<'M"'t'~'1'%';m,'~~:;'~#'M¥""~~~~'.#':;;ft:MW;;"~;':;'1.;~fi'N:'?;NW ,ti;;'~:;'",i""·"i';";tc~· ,'!1 I ·TO WN OFVAIlJ-~i~ fr W-c,DEPARTME~T OF COMMlJ'NITY DEVELOP :'vlENT ;~:;.;"."..'::-:::=::.'.::.-.~?~:.~;.SALES ACTION FORM .»;.;.:....~~:..,~:,1 ~.:,s;: $-;:-{:t .:. ~:~;:;{-n .'~:"-DhTE!L,&E-',$< x.~.,;tJvC=feL GILt ~ :.:>;-;,\~IE J-....<J ;;::~~. ;:':;,;-;:;:. ,,:::I :;;:.; :;;:~.:~:~. .,:;::;*::~:~:'f:{::~::X~C"C'd UN T::N O::rf:~~:rJ~;~:~~'{~i :l{;~;~;!~}~;r~;~~:t·~~2::;~~1:;1.ri~ltf }~f}~J.:R~irff~f!I:1 rt ~r§i{fe$t~!gW5it~~t}~G~~:ol~t+'~j~(t£o~T~EXti*;1{f8:TXt~:~~~r (sss -~~~K :ffi'- ,:;~:it,;::::I 1-f -;000041540 AJ"'D ADDRESS -..:":,:. :{:01 ZO:-1NG MAPS .,ss .oo .:.::.:'·:"x y:I ~'" ~}01 0000 4241 5 UNlFOR.\1 BUILDING COD E S50000 -tt- I 'k:~~;;:, 01 000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE S36000 ~r::::.~ :.~...::):: =:~I ~-::::. .:;~>0 1 0000 4241 5 UNIFOR.\1 MECHM1CAL CODE S32 000 ';{,·r I ~;~~:t 01 0000 42415 UJ',1F ORM FIRE CODE S36 .OO ·~t· ","I I Ii,-:-01 0000424 15 NATIONAL ELECTRI CAL CODE .530.00 }.;.I I rt~.::.01 0000 42415 O TI~E R CODE BOOKS:~., t::~;0 1 0000 41548 I B LUE PRINiS (MYLA RS)I 57.00 .~::;:. xo.~;, :'.-:; I I :::;., ~.:~01 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES SO .25 ;:';>":f -~~'. :~'.'0 1 0000 42371 I PENALTY FEES I RE·INSPECTION S ::~:';:;~ f:.:.::"i.x 0 1 OOCO 41332 PLA.'!REVIEWRE·CHECK FEE [54 0 FER HR.I..:: ;::01 0000 423n I O FF HOURS I;-.t SPECTIO N FEES .:.l.•.. ~.:..1).::" .:~...I ~t. •;;.;:;01 0000 4 1412 CONTRACTORS UC E.'ISES FEES tf:.":I I -..~~ .t/01 0000 41330 ODIER FEES § ?/0 1 0000 4141 3 I SIGN APPLlCATION FEE I 520.00 I ".Jo:o ~~" I ~:::;':~" :::;.', 01 0000 41413 IADDITIONAL SlGNAG E FEE [51.00 PER SQ.FI'.)I ;5t~ :';io~..,~In c I ,t.{:. ~:;01 0000 42<1.4 0 ARTPROJECT DONATI ON ~~;.~:;.f,,: ~:~'.0 1 0000 4 1331 IPRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE /7 /)C;::-?'f):/'{( L I J {: 01 0000 ;~1~;'~:'..*010000 21112 TAX (4%):.(....,:,.', ).i::~.-:.:~ *01 0000 41010 (4%){.;.:e;..TAXc:?~-.:.:-:•... t::~g: "'x ."«~;:;;.:.}..::.:.::;';::..~; :%:.:;:. ::::0 1 0000 4 1330 I ADDITIONALGRFA "250"I 5200.00 I .'(.', -f '.:-:.: .~"01 0000 41330 I CO/';1)ITIONAL USEPER....nr I 5200.00 ::}~. ;:;:;:. ::.':~01 0000 I ALTERATI ON ILESS THAN 100 SO.FT.l S200000 ::'~~....;:41330 EXTERIOR W::::. ';01 0000 41330 I E.XTERIOR ALTERATIO N l:-l0RE THAN 100 SOoFT.!S500 000 .}:~ "':'.:d 01000041330 I SPECIAL D E V ELO P~~'T DISTRICT !NEW!S1.5 00.OO I :m ~ :{010000 41330 IS PECIAL DEVELO P~IE !\'T D1 STRI CTIMAJOR AME."'DI 51.000.00 I x, ::~z:..;:. DISTR ICT [MINOR AMEND !szoaco :.,;<- :j;:01 oooo 4 1330 I SPECIAL DEVELOP1>IE NT ;::-:- ex- .::~;;;:01 000041330 ISUBDIVISION ,:-~:'':~'",~:,::01 0000 S250 .oo :.:-:.: ~1330 VARJ AJ'-1 CE ·:;:t' ::.~. 010000 4 1330 IZONING S250.OO :t!~·:X CODE A.\1E NDME."ITS {."0 1 0000 4 1330 IRE .ZONING S200 .00 .1:~;.:~;.:.;:::" ~~:01 0000 I ;~..;.'-: S e» '::;''.:~Si f1hJCL- ':~::':.:-:. :J 510 flJ ]A .(I-<t ¥:,,:' ':~-:: W~{,"C O ~l M E.!\'T S :':·">1 .-I //").:X.~:(. II 11 },rVIJI'I,Y I A V I In JI :--::,: ;;":::~~~~:'.;;I/V 'j ~~, ::':~:'», .:;;:..:...........»-..-.:.:'.'.;..;.::~~{-.::;;:-:=;:::{::::.:~::=::::>..;::::.::~r'::·::~.(~f::<:::·}?;::;···~~::::;~.\,.::.::<;.:::~;?::~x ~~.~:::'t:~:::i::::-:;·~:::::·::::::{::;:;::f::;·:~:;:;.-<:t:;·\::.~;:;:;::·\..-:.~::·i·)l;~}¥',;;;::"~~~~:::~;~;:w::~~:::~~:;:~::~~i=:;::t:;:;;:';~:~:::~:::;::{~:'"i'?t~~?~~~:;;,:;*.,:.;;.:~~>-;'>~:::~:~::~'.-.~'''. * * * ** ** *'* • ..r • T OloJH OF t ..I R IL Mis ce ll aneous Cash 15 :[16:52 .. ,. -.-~~. ._~.~~20.00 ,~20 .00 I I.~~1 00 T HR t-·U·"::V OU '..~a~~ler JEN~I F E R MON YLOCATION: DATE READY FOR INSPECTION : ,;(~- s:q u1 INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 2--/q I q 3 JOB NAME __&~(C ~t.:J q V '-1-~7{ r T CALLER ~z:~'\~[;J I)()c1 P (t j a '\../ TUE ®THUR FRI AMPM 1--0 S P..-nj.- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . I'S FRAMING /J "h e:P o ROUGH /WATER ,ROOF &SHEt R"-o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~PP R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,,,\,------------------------------------ DATE Z-9-93 INSPECTOR ..)I'"--". I.'.1' INSPECTION REQUE T TOWN OF VAIL W ED ~ C::C;07 READ YFOR LO CATION : PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~"l l9'-'>O--_J OB N AME --+--'-'-'-'c...l-.!.~7;-'-------------_-----.!... CORRECTIONS: . BUILDING:CU M B I !i9~ o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL 'ROUGH /DW.V.I ,L1!'t:iA h7 o FRAMING ROUGH /WATER d)~",K 74C .;)l.-<.~ ROO F &SHEER J o PLYWOOD NAILING o GAS PIPING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:('MECHANI CA"O o HEATING .J (~r,r 4 ~boTEMP.POWER /,'\~ o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS --~.u n'r t b .&:1 Q ... foCONDUIToSUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "t APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I NSPECTOR')-I -9i..-DATE _.:.-...--'--"------'~_ READY FOR LOCATION :__i...L_...L--'-'-'--'-----'-L~""'-'=~...:=...--_'"_''''____'_'__1__ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ;;;;P .:l?!q 3 JOB NAME -~-4;U~~---.L~¥2~~~--r-7"9----fIi BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STE EL o ROUGH /DW.V. ~FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INS ULAT ION o POOL /H .TUB - o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M EC HANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR , 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED OAT E ---""""'-_!:.........L-----L---""-------INSPECTOR THUR FRI/hREADYFORINSPECTION:MO N L OCAT ION :d C-b Y P ERMIT NUMBER OF 7 ROJECT DATE ~d ?J [q ..3 JOB NAME ----lL-.::-=--.:~::;:---;r--=--__f_}_----______;""~:....-- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TI NGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS P IP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING [)(ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS ,0 CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQU IRED 7 .7 o DISAPPROVED S /'-q jq.i/I, ,--0 JI:"."r -I / ).6 APPROVEDVrCORRECTIONS : ~ DA TE __--''----L-_----'-_INSPECTOR - .. •~_____AM INSPECTION REQUES;r TOWN OF VAIL PW~Q C A L L E ~~ TUES WED T HUR ~ )yu./'tf I MON GJW SR DATE READ Y FOR I NSPECTION: LOCAT ION :...J.9,~'5.c.lULQ---,-1)..L-------',""""-""",,,-~'--------"""'--l<::I.L.L..J.....L _ _--,,=,,6 g 0 '1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ~\4 \g ?f JOB NAME -BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /S TEEL o U NDERGROUND- o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER, ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB ~H'EE TR O C K NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL ~o FINAL //.4 o APPROVED V M'ruSAPPROVED ?~E I N S PE C T I O N REQU IRED7 CORRECT IONS : DATE 2--'5--r ?I NSPECTOR L~- _____AM INSPECTION REQUES TOWN OF VAIL p £;ek £-u$ V /..~~~L-"I /~,.CALLER £79-R 7l...?~~_ M ON TU ES W EDTH UR FR I -4k)',rfIJd<. D ATE LO CAT ION : READ YFOR INSPEC T ION: .1~h R P ERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT .<,-2//"'fJ JOB NAME --;-.LJ:.....:..::-'-"--=-=----:~______,------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o F OOTI NGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER RO OF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 ~'Teo 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHA UST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPP LY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS:__---"e-._ DATE -'-.::=-_I NSPECTOR ----____~~P MFRI 5 e fOl ;.:)r:"Jli {;, RE AD Y FOR INSPECTION : L OC ATIO N :;:)~)r X PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE 17 I )eJC,l JOB NA ME -s-s-s-s- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUN DAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING __--','-----_ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ~F INAL rfj PLUMBING : o UN D ERGROUND o ROU GH /D W .V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS P IPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT "..,--._ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EAT ING _ o EXHAU ST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FI NAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED D ATE 7-2/-'7 ::1)INSP ECTO R INSPECTION REQUEST ', TOWN OF VAIL .1 • PM {,FRI DATE _f--t--,,-~~--!---,3=--JOB N AME __-L--=--::+-,,-}'....!.......,..-:=---_.,..-,;:-~~--- READYFOR LOCATION :---.,,,-L-'--b'r:-w----'.::-'7!''-'-'''.:......I.e...::...----:-::....,J,,;:z..J.---'-------------__ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ------ o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING : o U NDERGROUND _ V._ ER _ ()flC'X f rn REINSPECTION REQUIRED OS _ 0 _ o FINAL _ G 'DISAPPROVED, f //)Ir ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ ,J o APPROVED I'//~ OORRECTIONS : / /' <rr:f I,r 7 " ~" ,\ :\ 1 \ ..\ I . ,, , \ I \, 'I\ (J'l COoo "II 8 LaC KC , dis,ance , ~\ -----_?-2.6.9·~·- NOTE: The plated f the Northerlyor.5 line of Lot 4 I •141.81 . LOT 4, t?BASE MENT°.o,-.s-ENTRANCE \ \ ~.ch \ \ \ \,..s-0VERHANG '~R O 'll t U a-.~'I -1 k~:.7...1·····..·· ..........\'f l ·~~.?.~.,~ pate \.i.->:".. n rll'\t =11=.·..······r ...~::.:··~;'o'i '"0 'f e .....',\~'I i."U- n .......CO\)~\·,__---~\ \nSt"'~AG \2.4.79' \\.00' ,..·~3.85'.... ~:;;;-"',~ ....\\.\a LEGAL UESCRIPTIO~ TWO STORY FRAM E Z DUPLEX. --- IHPROVEMENT LOCA nON CERTI r rCATE Lot 4,Block C,Resubdivision of Vail Das Schone,Filing No.I,. Eagle County,Colorado. I hereby certify that this improve~ent location certificate was prepared for Byron Brown,the improvement location being based ona previous property survey that has been Qonumented by others and that it Is not to be relied upon for tIle estaLlis llment of fence,building, or other future improvement lines. - _2.6 .2.\'.""'----- , \ \ \~ -~ t •.. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date,July 10,1978,except utility connections,arc entirely \oIithin the boundaries of the parcel,except as shown,that there are not encroac hments upon the described premises by improve- ments on any adjoining premis~s,except as indic ated,and tllat tllere 1s no evidence or sign of any casement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel,except as noted. .\ /(1 !/'1 r-//'/~ ,.,-I.I _......'c~.......~-r David L.Kunkel,K.L.S.141 09 \ \ i, .._"",".-...---_.-,"-._-.------.- Date JK/7&/204 ._.. --Il----- -L-SURIED ELECTRIC,T .V.,a (APPROX.) \ \ -'--___-~'~LUY (PHONE CALL) FO R -:5 ~iV')DATE'--6"·30 TIMJrJa:J~' M c '\.A V\V\.\-''€AI(~n 5 ~ J ~.""I"O F PHONED ~(}lL q 'oj")Y 1&-~;(:J:t RETDRNED PHO NE YOUR CALL A~EA COOF n .NIIMBEA EXTENS ION "l'MESSAG E ~.PLEASE CAll Ii.O-\v\lrJ L(-q-(p ~~':+0 0 W ilL CALL AGAIN ~~.st-I CAMETO SEE YOU WANTSTO,SEE YOU S IG N ED PI\..1JWl).1]"....TO PS !lip FORM 4003,. r ·.. C l: t' to :t> ~., ~ i, ~i !! IiI':\ !I!, !Jil 'I:'I i, i I i l\ -; ~I ,,'?('--' ·1S;,I8 t"fl , -~ -----,A '" 'il ....!7/:7?r ....i ~.sr~"'" ".\n i ~) -<- "!i ~ ,I , \~ <t"':l:-t-..-'"..... --1 -'<l~\l-+ 11\ 7!rro ~..'6 ....,."\I ~--S,\)~S i-J ~\o L- .----\ ~ '. -r I.:.. ... i ll rn o"','"fPff ~,~<J'-, I,18 'e I \ "'. "I,I,"------::'",.Y;":1i c;JJ6] -II q,t:I t.I ,I "~ ~ f*"I .~ \f.'......ex (;" 11701"".J"~"'''~Xy i- I __~11~~~~'£r·~~iC 1,:"-71 r I"'--I -,I II ,;;r,r:_.=t I \.:1 i:~," II a !"~I/~-_!l~~g~o.l-~~r:'~~~~-dsu]1 ••••.•••~...._._":d::..#llWJ,h£.-Sl . 7"-i~-;;.1"1::;;b············a:w. (]3 "0 U dd 'if r- ~ ;! \; ~!.,..r. l}-~ ~Ii ~ -..•I'r,. ,... r'I ~.t\ V __.__.cunn""o""'C,/'\--••u,,n,pa,,,,,ex"p,as "hnwn,'hat'f----...v c ,o"oa"~,",,'poo 'h,d'"""'dp,,,,,,,,"by 10p'nvo_ .on t son any ad In 1 n'ngp'00,"0',"""as indl to t ed,and tha,tI re coi.nn oV1den"n,"'gn 01 any 'as'.on,',n ""n,n,bU'd,n'n.any pa"of said parcel.except as noted. - ~ ./('/~/.,. ~I Ie L•S .--;'1'/,'1--:0:;';9'--- TELEPHONE UNEsJ ::::-__ ......../'/1/<.I •.'.» •,,\C<-=r'"--: DaVid L.Kunkel. ••Date I _I :;;:,,~_-~_UT!.-L,TY ~ASEM£I'.,-r ::....·1 l.;;;l L~;i ~'~JI .\,.. JulY-Lo,12.78, JKI76/204 _._..~_..__ .c:8URI E:0 E L E CT R,C,T .V.I a (APPROX .) --.---- --:-,,, DRB APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: EO AUG 31 1990 *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: \'"-1 V' '-I"-J-'\, .,.,'tl ...\).,-, 1n $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ $ $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 VALUATION Phone.-~.--:~~::~:~~..f;;~-e UJav - Vep I Q Q ID s3 I ~9~Phone 30 ?:,1+7 &-")..~1 L Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the-time a building permit is paid for. $0- $1 Q,..Q.0~1~-~~_--,,---;:..>U--,:,-:,-;.. (U _O-#J)J)l - $150,001 - $500,001 - $OVer F. G. B. E. C. D. A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by th~oni~minisSratorl.It is the applic~nt's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTI~N:/]j <,id .3 {e....I.U-kJd 1 _d 'W -+r HA Ul;/;4-~~-/~~ -dll :l 'UUc~j4-e 'Ll-r /:d -dk-c{~:;;j=-a= LOc:ATION OF PROPOSAL! Address ~2 S t,f{:tl [Q .5q -==t)r Legal Description Lot k j Block .(?-~--:::----:--r­5 ut-':1ivis~.on .~_;..LJ2;~<-~,"!1 ~o n.i n g----W I 'Jr7 Qf 7,J ,1 NAME OF APPLICANT:LL-f o~H>-f.~.-.}_ Mailing Address:f!'11/=i nk (~LJh (I GIl!8/to J7 ______________Phone fu -4=7&-2 21 7- NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:1 ae::r;;P,,{lti'o1 -5 e.6P 1 0 Mailing Address:I v ..\'/,;- I .r:\" I I ,~ (~-IU_I ;;Y tv o):Ie I ,I • LION ' JQJARE LODG [(r C ONnll.[NC[([N1 [11" 0 00 w 1I 0 N ~HEA D P LACE VA IL .C O L O~ADO 6'0~7 (JOJ )47 (>226 ' (JOJ)4 7(>74 2J FA)( • .....:.•.'..-.-"-.-..'"..:.:::.,"."..'.:..;..,.".....:.;'".::... , !., .! I I.I •I I I .I I i I I II;,I I I,I I :·,·1'....~I r :I I I ··1.;,I I !'·-I-·I'·,..j!I ;1.I./ ~~"'--+--I··j:I I . !. I ! J .I I , I .! i I I I I I !I,--~E""iti ___--l.I I \'i:-l • I Ii I t I I I iIttrI I I :."I ~ I :I i ./.II'j .;" 1 •••I I I I 'I .:t I 1I I , I , !I ', i ! I !iI I "I I ) i I - !I I !"! I !I I I'1I . I ,,;L .i I I I :i I ~.....~_1--...._-,.,.... .j I I r I I i I i I, f I ! ::r j,, §t ..! .!I , I .•j I .......I .'\I I i .'j I, I .I J,'.!!. I ,r I·i.,I .J I I I I l "j I I I, I ~",~ ,,,~, I' ,. I , ~I.. "I~I !i '"j t ~, I I ,!;I I I .'..t::"!'of,,!L i I I ", r"', .. ..•• • \- ~e~e l ~-tl he-ade(" tell Lv llldo--.J • BETSY'S PROJECTS 9/20/90 ALL FILES ARE ON BETSY'S TABLE. • VELASOUEZ landscaping/letter of credit expires 9/30 802 Potato Patch Drive Working with Sam Yantzer of Nelson/Zeeb 949-1913 tone 1118 Sam says the landscaping will be done this week.If not done by the 27th,we should cash the letter of credit. TIVOLI letter of credit expires October 1 Contact is Jay Peterson.He will bring this in on Monday with an agreement copied from Mike Mis sample agreement. Amount:2 lights @ $1500 1 light @ $2,000 Stonework bid by Tara Masonry 3,000 2,000 6,000 11,000 If we ask 125%of 11,000 =13,750 I suggested a due date of October 30,1991. NYSTROM HOT TUB EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE No drawings as yet.They may suggest a reconfiguration of the patio in order to make room for this enclosure. PERKINS WINDOWS The addition of windows in the 'basement would make the basement livable.This could be staff approved as soon as we can determine whether or not the ·lot can accommodate additional GRFA.Waiting for better floor plans so the GRFA can be calculated.I hope this can wait until I get back. CHARLIES'S GONDOLA SKI SHOP AND KEN FRIEDMAN'SSHOP File is in sign files.Ken may come in with an application for a sign variance.This is the request to have a separate sign for Ken,but staff determined that a wall would be needed between Ken,I s store and Charlie's in order for Ken to have a separate sign. HOLIDAY HOUSE FLUE CHASE Andy:Tabled to 10/3 DRB • •• Whohl.-"S I ~~ 60~X 3 /fJ// ;4/c2-c..ck.-----3-2.1/0 I 2 /II 2!,gf:X-/3!// flo.--»'"."..;2".lA//AIoJ-/ s-%.;k~~ 2 --1 . ~---U VST Side I ••, ~7 ,! CONSTRUCTION PERM IT TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT 04458 NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATETIlT v 11 1990,• PERMIT NO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIiVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL 1,0000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :i=«PLUMBING NEW METERSAND PANEL.IDENTICAL ::> ..J MATERIAL ANDCOLORS.-c MECHANICAL> TYPE GROUP G.R .F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 1,000 BUILDING PERMIT ~ PLAN CHECK ~~ELECTRICAL 44 ~:::::,.t'= NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()R E P A I R ~)PLUMBING DW ELLI NG UNI TS __AC COMMO DA TI ON UN IT S__MECHANiCAL HE IGHT IN FT .--NO .FIREPLACE S --RECREATION FEE INSULATION :TY PE TH ICKNE SS R-VA LLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD t"- FLO OR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT nl fYJEXT.WA LL S USE TAX -.. It) RO OF ""~TYPE ELEC GA S TOTAL PERMIT FEES $44.00 OF SOLAR WO ODHEAT ERNST GLATZLE JULY 11,1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS N~EDED :aUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- ~i<1- .!:i.INITIAL ~--------------ST.CUT ~\~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ~~.V \ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING \,,'J V Q "~'l'\UIDEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required i s correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision COd~~ review approved,Uniform BUilding Code and °di~~;e/oz:z:th~:'~1:J-I? SIGNATURE OF OWNER ~NTR~~~ELF AND THE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo o BUILDING :U ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ~GAL LOT 4 BLK C ESC.FILlNGV~DAS SCHONE III JOB NAME:KATE RIDER .. OWNER NAME DATE RIDER MAIL ADDRESS 2568 AROSADR. CITY VAIL PH .6-6534 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM HUNT ELECTRIC LECTRICAL 125-ETOWNOFVAILREG.NO.CONTRACTOR TELE.949-4061 FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . DATE~~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.•..P ERMIT NO.trq 5 s- £In I 'II .. 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 1 1I1IIIVV department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING If DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 z elECTRICAL ~\~~TOBE FILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTOISSUANCE OF PERMI T 0.. GENERAL D ESCRIP ~N OF WORK : .......PLUMBING TYPE OF PERMIT ....~~.,...\~,~0<\::l.... .,~N'E\-c MECHANICAL XoBUILDING0PLUMBING> g ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION j ., \"(C ,W1 ~p...L /Vlt:11To,d~/'t.0 ~~-:C:~o MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G R.F.A.PERMIT FEESVALUATION ~GAL LOT 't BLK c,BUILDING PERMIT ESC .FILING \)A 1\'\)~"#>J PLANCHECK \, JOB NAME :\::......~~~'7<...elECTRICAL ~4-4.'~ OWNER N4"~'-..~~"....,.o NEW ()ALTERATION()ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR l)(J PLUMBING (MAl!ADDRESS 2 S ~~,o..4M SS ~DWElLINGUNITS ~ACCOMMODATION UN ITS __MECHANICAl CITY "'_""~\'-PHk i{,,~~t.HEIGHT INFT .__NO.FIR EPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM ~:e.INSULATION :TYPE THICK NESS R·VAUUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT EX T.WAL LS CITY PH.USE TAX ROOF GENERAL FIRM ~*~. TYPE flEC GAS TOTAL PERMITJEE$7 ~J-\-4-~~CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD ~;.zIp ,~7-//-90TELE. FIRM 'Me'>'ST :J.\:ErtT:'9s.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:.-ILDINGOFFICIAl ----ll'ATE ----- LECTRICAL TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.2.0,,,\s:!!~-------- CONTRACTOR -------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.~4.C\'\.rl_\BLAS TING ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: FIRM ~U PARKIN G PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREGNO. CONTRACTOR DEMO TElE. FIRM ~'-&.I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl ication,fi lled out i n full the i nform ation required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as requ ired i s correcl.I CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.agree to comply with the i nformation and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and stat", TElE. laws ,and to build this structure according to the Town's zon ing and subdivision codes,design OTHER FIRM review approved,U niform Building Code and oth~d:nJHcablethe reto . K SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELFTOWNOFVAILREG.NO. com RACTOR TELE.ANDT HE OWNER. ~. ( INS _~TION REQUEST '1;~~TOWN OF VAIL 4- \\~i\~k\,CALLER ONTUES FRI "-~PM 0g)~ READYFOR I N S P E~T I O N : LOCATION :DJ.Sk~ PERMIT NUMBER OFP DATE "'\-~\)- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS ~ o CONDUIT ~0 SUPPLY AIR'(~~'2~)\\:~)\')\\~\'~\C\:0 [FINAL o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED~P PR O V E D /'f CORRECTIONS:/_ DATE --!.L -=--_INSPECTOR -;/I .LEGAL LOT 4 BLK C DESC .FILING Vai 1 Das Schone #1 JOB NAME :Kruger Res.Re-roof OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM Plath Cons t, GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE . OTH ER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE 12-9-82DATE 001240 PERMIT NO. r .TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I""'I~~, 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHI M BUILDING DIVISION12 2~4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :roof ~PLUMBINGtearoffexistingb/uroofapply4-=> ...J c( ply glass ply b/u roof >MECHANICAL re-roof 3400 TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3400 BUILDINGPERMIT 44.50 PLANCHECK 22.25 dELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR (X)PLUMBING I DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS MECHANICAL 00<} G.R.F.A.__BEDROOMS RECREATIONFEE I..nrb COMMERCIALSYST __COVEREDPARKING DESIGNREVIEWBOARD r<1_ HEIGHTINFT.__UNCOVEREDPARKING CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 ~dNOFIREPLACES--USETAX INSULATION /'I TO~l PERM r~~~\$166.75TYPETHICKNESSR·VALUE .,rJrij;o IJb 7 AiJAFLOOR J;&9~__ 3UTLDlNG O"FFrt:rAL DATE EXT.WALLS f---------------- ROOF ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT (zONING &BUILDING NOTES:new roofmust have same appearance asold ELEC:GAS:roof SOLAR:WOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstatethatallthe information provided asrequ ired is correct.I agreeto comply with the i nformationand plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure 00",,"'".to tho Town's 'O"'"~'O"000",''''." rev iew approved ,Un iform Bu ild ing Code and other ordinance~hT pplicable thereto.~'-> SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo _0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT to'~ department of community development ,. .r " TOBEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT t£1 BUILDINGtJELECTRICALoMECHANICAL • the printery /vall NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 12/"I ~....I)001219 11l11l 1@ PERMIT NO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H @4 BU ILDING DIVIS ION 12 2 ~z ELECTR ICAL0 >=GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK :Bc'-d&F'<PLUMB ING Jfjj'f"-o~f"1;.,&h~n f\'",~III fl!'~'r =>...J<Mq ~'t if -,pc t C-i.!.1e:>PI "j f~l l,)>MECHANICAL ~lll:>f'1f.1'....~iI'1 ,_$?4o.::3 ·~ TYPE GROUP So.FT .VALUATION PERMITFEES 'IT il-~-<~/t7C)BUILD ING PERM IT L./<t,S-o-, j s ,2:s-PLAN CHE CK ELECTR ICA L --- NEW()ALTERA TION ()ADD ITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING -..MECHANICAL ---DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS -G.R .F .A ,....-__BEDROOMS RE CREATlg~1 ~&E COMMERCIAL SYST __COVERED PARK ING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - HEIGHT IN FT .__UNCOVERED PARKING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT /o/.}.~o NO FIREPLACES USE TAX ---- INSULATION /c;bTOTALPERMITFEES 7vTYPETHICKNESSR·VALU E FLOOR EXT .WALLS BUILD INGOFFICIAL L -----DATE ----- ~sJ6 ..--L~¥e~ROOF 70'W"«AMINIS ATO R'.....L ATE HEAT ZONING &BUILD ING NOTES :~.f:1tJ sJ.:DF ....HYn:H4 \NE. ELEC :GAS :,,~........"A-urr.~"ol-y') /z\)L;ly.:. , SOLAR :WOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out i n full the information requi red, completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe i nformation provided as required is correc t.I agree to comply with the information and plot p lan ,to comply w ith all Town ord inances and state laws,and to build th is struc ture according t ot he Town 's zo n ing and subd iv ision codes ,de s ign review approved ,Uniform Bu i ld ing Code and other ordinances ofthe Town app licable there to. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . ·_~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lown 0 ,al c department of community development t TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PR IOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT o BU ILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0iOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL~~lla.6;'1Q11'.7.""~4ilnl'..:'<l',;]s:L8 <-"'.....~. LEGAL LOT 4 BLK e....- FILING V\\\Q\"e Sftnr,;.- DESC.'-v,,..,."'k .BNAME :~\f.J &t t:.~'i.~.(,£-(y"",F" OWNER NAM E 9i\~(\I;~,()t.,q..... MAil ADDRESS ;17D3 i'1 e-sr 7 9 'llp"t</BCl1').CITY L 'J 6(l,{:,u~~.P I¥·t/ilt ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM qt-tlt'n ;,.1j,(':~;-!'I!)CT"~"@\f. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.ti ff·a TELE.4/(,,-<;7)'13 FIRM IrECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHAN ICAL CON TRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. OT HER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the prtnlery N Il1 •. ECTION REQUES~ TOWN OF VAIL I I CALLER --=----=--_ DATE ----'----c-7---JOB NAME -----'--~------'----.:::.----':....------ _____AMPMTUESWEDTHUR(FRI/ "-- READY FOR LOCATION:_~-=-------!:....__----::__'_----'-__..L..:...__'__ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: n FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING_. o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 07 A .D/~I NA L o FINAL tM prtntlry/y~it INSPECTOR / DATE _---".:;._::....:...._-,--:::___'_ TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT _LEGAL LOT 4 BLK C DESC.FILING Vail Das Schone #1 JOBNAME :Kruger Res.Re-roof OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY ()PH GENERAL FIRM PlathConst. CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE . t ELECTRICAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . the prtnlery fvail NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 12-0 --,J PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H f R:M BUILDING DIVISION 12 2a ~4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKj r~of ~PLUMBINGtearoffexistingburoofapply4-:;) ...J pl y Qlass Dlv btu roof :;MECHANICAL re-roof 3400 TYPE GROUP SQ .FT .VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3400 BUILDING PERMIT 44.50 PLAN CHECK 22.25 r! ELEC TRICAL vY) NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (A )PLUMBING I DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL at<; G.R.FA __BEDROOMS RECREATION FEE Ln~ COMMERCIAL SYST __COVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD rn',- HEIGHT IN FT.__UNCOVERED PARKING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 C"b.s NO FIREPLACES USE TAX--I~dINSULATION') TO'(A~PERMIT FEES U 66.75TYPETHICKNESSR·VALUE FLOOR ·.l'~~c-lwL I ~_J:;-q ~~__ BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ' EXT .WALLS ROOF ~NING ADMINISTRATOR-----DATE---- HEAT ZONING &IfILDING NOTES:new roo must have same a ~pearance asold ELEC:GAS :roor SOLAR :WOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build th is structure according to the Town 's zon ing-and subdivision codes .design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other o ~ances of lhe)TOwn applicable thereto....L .~.~~~) SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHE OWNER . Y'l ~ o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT? tlJ BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL f ••'1'E ~1P O ll ,\ny Ce rtif i c~te of O cc up~n cy Coun ty of Eagl e Dep artmen t'ofPl'annin g and Develo pm ent Buil dingDivisio n Th i s ce rt if ic ate i ssued pursuant t oth e r equir eme nt sofs e ction 306 of the Uni for m Buil ding Code certifyin g t ha t at the t ime of i s suance th i s s tru c tur c was i n c o r~p l i an ce wi th t he var i ous r esol uti ons of the county _re gulat in g building c ons tr uct ion Ol 'us e for t he:fol l ow i nq: Richards/Kleis t R-1RemodeltwokitchensUseClassificationGroup----"-'-'=='-'-----'=-~'-'---'--'''-'''-'-'-''--'-'''''----------------------- vTypeConstructioTl_---'-Fi re Zone_:L-Us e Zone RS IBuildingPermitNo.-1534 Richar d ~/Kl ~i ~t,'Boi 2567,Vai l,Co lbrado 81 657 Kit Am Own er of Buildi ng'__----'--'---'--==-'---="--'-'--'--'''---'---''---''--'------'='-'=----'=-'''-'''-'---->---'--'''---'----'--'---'''-''-''-'LL......loI-----''"'--.I...I.Lo''--'--_ Bu il ding Address ------'--'---'---"------'-"-''----''--"---''-'~----''------>--''--''--''----'<--'---'''--'----'w--......--'--'----->-Ll..........---''''-'-'"-'-''-'-'-'"---t'-l-----'------- Co mm ents:Outlets on north wall of kitchen above countertop have openground- t op f loor .Lower flo or outl et _b ehine stove -open ground ·' ,~c !'• BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNrr,P.O.BOX 179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO .-PH.(303)323 ·6339 DATE PERMIT TO Richards/Kl e ist teft8t1el two kitch!¥.!s ) (TY PE OF IM PROVEMEN T)NO . CER TIFICA~IS SUE D d DATE '>~-:I--t - BUILDING PERMIT - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 316:;153 4.- (CONT R 'S LICENS E) (PROPOSED U SE) (NO.).(S TREET) (CROSS sTR eET)(CR OSS S TREET) ,.c4..West Vail .Vail das SC ho ne "g BUILDING ISTOBE -'-_FT .WIDEBY FT.LO NGB Y FT .I NHEIGHTAND S HA LL CONFORM IN C ONSTRUCT I ON III (TY PE) o ZTO T YPE USE GRDUP BASE MENTWALLS OR F OUNDA TION --.,.,,..,..,.....,..._ :lE <ton,REMARKS:--'--'-_ .>,,. '..•.. .... ..~ ....; ...1;1 IJ ~,q .;_,~.: ."-1 " DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE ofOCCUPANCYandCOMPLIANCE 'I r»I • Tobe filled in by:each di vision indicated hereon uponc ompletion or-its final inspection.! " , ; S .' I ~.r .!.. !..; z ...:.... (:2-3 f Date '''l.........I 9-r&=0 " ., ;Permit No ._-1--'-'-_=-<'--_ :! ! :' Approved by :i IRemarks~~"--____._-----"",,,,----- ..!I :, BUILDINGS Appro ved b Remarks..". !, P LUMBING ., I . ==========:;::==============="...., ELECTRICAL ~'I I.:Permi!.N,.O .,ffR 7 f .:'. Approved b~----.-----~.Date -5 -:..-/'1-8Q '.: ~'~J'"i '~t I ,.1 "\;.: 'I '.,I 'I I ..t ;! Remarks ",',.-; ;. -:.-,",:: ....." ',"; t r.\ '...l,,., I I,. ,. ",~.. ..;0 T.~E~i'_"--,,,,-,--,-...,--Per~iit No .---:---,---'--- I ~.•.,'./I .!,• .Appro ved by_··.,........__----.-L '-~_-;,_._Date '.', :.>-I ,Remarks .__-'-'-'-----;-----r----:---------,---,,.- I , .- I ;OTHE~---.,.--C........,-P ermit No.---'----:-:-:- ..,< .! . •.-.->• "..~'." f .•~,•"'~. ...•..~,." .Approved ~y":,-"",---,---,-"",-_---,--,,,:,-=--Date ,..;,-,- !Remarks~_____.____;_:__----.-____,----,.___,_---_-__,_-'---.,_ r BUILDING DIVISION O F EAGLE COUNTY,P.O .BOX179 •~ COURTHOUSE,EAGLE ~O .-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FILE COpy VALIDA TION OATE Richards/Kleist (P ROPOSED USE ) d1k .t h NUM BER OFremoetW01CeijLlSTORY===::-::=OW ELLING UNITS _ (TY PE OF'I MPROV E MENT)NO . PE RMIT T O (STREET)(N O .) ZONINGAT(LOCATION)__--;:;:-;---;-:,==O ISTRICT _ (CROSS STREE T)(CROSSS TREET) :::B ETWEEN -.==--;-;==AN O ==-:::==_ ~L...-..:..:.;;,:.:.:..:.,;,,;;.;.:,:.:.-___:..:=:.....:.:..:.:.:..:._' (TYPE) c4WestVail Vail das Schone-c u~BU ILOINGISTO BE FT.WIO EBY F T.LON G B Y FT .INHEIGHT A NO SH ALL CONFORM I N CONSTRUCTION o ZTOT YPE USE GROUP BA SEMEN TWALLSOR F OUNOATION --,-,,--,--_ :l; a:o..REMA RKS:_ 43,000 ~~~MIT $246.50 ::''"'~,,4 ¥(CUBI C/SQUAR E FEET) Ric hards/Kleist Box 2567 Vail,Colorado 8 1657 OWNER ..illL.I.Jl.Ll1.L.!.I:>J-.AJ==.l<-_ AOORESS ---~~.......'""",>_J..-JI-......--l--,.-J..u........="""I____o'.I,.U=_ AREA OR $ VO LUME -----;======::-ESTIM ATEOCOST (Affidavitonreve rse sideofapplicationto be CCIl11p1etecl by outhorized ogent of owner) • County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!!1679 Building Valuation $. Electrical Valuation $. Date of Application d::-...I~19 '2.9.. Electrical contractor..~O~. Applicant.. Slanature Permit Fee Inspection Fee $..:???2..'!?..... $. Plan Checker APPROVALS Date Total Fee ~..."..4Z .:.~.~-;;r ~.......././.-::./.:1/.7··:7.7··· ClIlef Building Offi cial Date Date paid ///4!.-::..7..7.. Received BY ",~~ ~F.5/~rt ~~#/5.3'/ THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Jurisd iction of _ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 3 0 -•0 z • "·I ~0 I 0 ~ "•• P HONE L.IC EN SE N O. O SEE.ATTACH ED SHEE T) Pl-I ON E ELECTtl:AL PERMIT APPL~ATION.. J oe ADD"ES S 2--J0 j? I L OT N O . L EGAL l DEsc l't. A ACHl"'rtCT 0 "D ES IGN ER 4 ""....I L.AOO RESS P HONE L IC ENSE N O. E NGI NEE:R M AIL.....D DRES S PH ONE L ICENSE NO. 5 L ENDER MA IL ....OD RE:SS BA....NCH 6 U SE OF'e U IL D ING 7 8Class ofwork :DNEW D ADDITION ~T E R A T I O N D REPAIR 9 Descr ibe work : PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS : RECEPTACLE LIGH T SWITCH Total Ou tlets APPL I CATION A CCEPTED B Y ;PLANSCH ECKEDB Y -APPRO V ED FO RISSUANCE B Y LIGHTING FI XTURES Total Fi xtures RANGES C L O .DRYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTI FY T HAT I HAVE R EAD AND E XA MINED T HiS APPL ICATION AND KNOW THE S AME TO B E T R UE AND C ORREC T. ALL PRO VI S IONS O F LAWS AND O RDINANCES GO VERNING THI S T YPE OF WO RK WILL BE CO MPLIED WITH W HETH ER S PECI FIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRAN T IN GO FA PERMIT DOES NOT P RES UME T OG I VE AU THOR I TY TO V IOLATE OR C ANCEL THE P RO VI SIONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE OR L O CAL L AW REGU LATIN G CONSTRUCTION OR T HEPE RF ORM AN CE OF C ONSTRUCTI ON . G ARBAGE DI SP.ST A .COOK TOP DISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH . SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.V,H .P .MAX. .MOTORS :H .P . NO.TRANS. S IGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERV ICE 0 ·200Ar---------+---r---+----r---1201·400A S IG NA TUR E 0 1"CONTR ....CTOA O RA UTHOR I Z ED ....GE NT IDAT El D NEW 401·600A1--'-':...:...:-"'-'------+--+--+---+---1DCHANGEOVER600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I t.7 1 CK.M .O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O. S IGN AT RE 01"OWNEA I '"O WN ER !!lUI LD EA ) PLANCHECK VALIDATION C AT E)TOTAL FEE CASH INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11 ·73 R EO lt DE R F RO M:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE O F BU ILD ING OFFICIALS.5 3150 S .WOR KM AN MILL RO AD.WH ITT IER,CA LI F.11061" ELECT CAL PERMIT APPL 3 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 0 5s•z Jurisdiction of "• ••.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."~••JOB AOOA E55...,,- L OT NO.I"LK IT.'CT OS EE ATTACHED SHEET ILlOALIloESe... DWNEFl MA IL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE 2 {.f-,..",r CONTRACTOR ,MA IL ADDRESS PHONE L ICEN SE N O. 3 "'_ ARCHI T ECT 0'"'DESIGNER MAIL ACDRE ss PHONE LIC£N SE NO . 4 ENG IN EER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE L ICENSE NO. 5 LEN DER M All.A DDR ESS BRAN CH 6 USE OF e UIL OING 7 8 Class ofwork:DNEW o ADDITION GALTERATION o REPAIR t . 9 Describe work:/I (,/"'~, PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPECIAL COND ITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECKED BY :APPROVED FORISSUANCEBY FIXTURES RANGES CLO.ORYER WTR .HTR . NOTICE GARBAGE OISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND E XAMINED THIS DISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORR ECT .SPACE HTR .STA.APPL.lIzH .P.MAX . ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS,H .P.HEREIN OR NOT .THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO V IOLA TE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE O R LOCAL LAW R EGULATING C ONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMAN CE OF CONSTRUCTION .NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERVICE O·200A 20 J·400A DNEW 40!·600A SI GNATURE O F CONTI'l:ACTOIlll:OR AU THO I'lI ZED AGE NT (OA,TE)o CHANGE OVER GOOA PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ S IGNATURE.0"OWNER IF'OWNER B UIL.DER)DA TE)TOTAL FEE $ r / PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CA SH ·73 REO~DER FROM:INTER ATIONAL CO a N'77 INSPEC"IIrDN REGUEST EAGLE CO UNTY .I!?15':1 f BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE '"/~p~)JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED--,.I~,--z~"'_AMPM -CALL,ER __.....,.-'...:..:....:--'-:--z---'-<-.:....;......c....=.:..:..-'-_----.'-'-'.L.---'----'-!...-.;'--__ I) PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woesFINAL PARTIAL COVER FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL BUILDING LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: ,. LOCATION _o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. 1:!=======db:=====-===d=======b======d==;;=;======:Mc:.(s ,),6, ,ab A . READY FORINSPECTION MON ~TUE WED THUR FRI .."I:.--I-'-''---''=---__ COMM':TS ;!'o't2 ~k "--~(h-, [tJ~O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328·6339 INSPEC ON REBUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CAL~ER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL E"LECTRlcAL 1-FOOTING --"INSULATION __i~ROUGH VENTrLATION ;:...TEMPORARY1-' I........FOUNDA TlON =SHEETROCK :="STANDPIPE I::JHEATING :::.....ROUGH :~F R A M I N G ~V e N EE R 1-woes I..-JHOODS IWFINAL1_FINAL I.-FINAL ROOF :~SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR I FR I_---,-_--=--__AMPM COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE , JBN CORP. 3101 S.PLATTERIVERDR. ENGLEWOOD,COLORADO 80110 303·761·6531 . V.niti.lII .~._._.__C..I......_..._..•.. JS:~..s,I .•Insp ~",..iA~".",. GArG eGYNTY.GOhORAg·ii···.'""".. \---.~ 1 ~/z n ·-"-If "p"r1"Bay W ,~do<N (b~+o ~(.=;epa-/'"O k..-r','OH Jt U)2 4-"'''3 Dl-I ..~I--ll)I't:o !J r- ~~'Z 4.~7JL-r I ~t()eZ4 ~~ :tJ \'..,\\o.)k",4'Gf.:l:~f -s:Ls63ftJ ~-~.~4-1 '-)W ~Z) r/?'-J ~5 F Z" ,I · e-KI~)~'.---,(""~<:-_.--=fr-r~~.","",:::. ~..,::::;ou /.~.\~~~~'gA-I~('tE ),~)\-.'\'-(..9~lQ ~..<:>~,3 N --·~">\K 'o ~~}.,....c-~.\I'<\~I -~ I ,,<::lo X "-.~~\J,.W ,,~"'--~-J,<\J -'$)~;.•./-70 -3-,()(2A 'ttl I ~it ·-"~-fl i,r-co ...~I -~,. ~I ~'"\- .~~::T--:-~j:;~\It ~.." -P I'...~.....-_...~.-...'7.-. J !I .>... "... APP RO , ,.Date .~V £D...-;Z ,,~72J.••••••••,.::•.:.::-:"••••••-:- Perm it #"","..,........................ Ii ii~...Q, d \.,...~}~vfO Ii I! I I I i n !><.> ..J .::)c '---,;If<--- #aJ..I v;r/£r.. 0 ,,, I ,.' <VA~,",;- h '",.,~ t:..e,.L i IVJ vv fJ lL 5 )(,)/o.~. H-e+ ~~H; »!"" r4 ,U.. ,".. ;~::- ",~, ! i/ t-------L--.--'-------------------.---------.---.-------....-..---..- r F't..,,-,c[1 r~.LV~-1 IG-..f'Jh--.--------- ---..,)(,11 n_L,..'_.r n I . ,p -I<;Ie>..,..~N oj."•IV w""LL.{ •~-_._--~-- !~i v r1 <'t ..,2.;-J.. l' /8 1- J 7 IR <:l Co • ~~'~~ -~.__.-------~~--~~~ \ I I (f) cooo NOTE: The for the li ne of .Lot I/41 ,87 . 26.9 ~· --, 80 .50 3IL6~' ,, .0'''\ \, \ \-S-0 V ER H AN G ~ROV ED7".P'\-l ie .:.....·····\If..··3 X .~::~n it If .._£~~~_ Insp.EAG .CO ~I Y,24 .79 '---, \1.00-~3.85 '--.-....4 "I ,.\0 "" L OT4 ,B LOCK C6..BASEME N T 0.~ENTRAN CE GRAVEL PARK ING -----~::--- z cooo UJ I'\) 22 .17 '1 ....__- LEGAL D£SCRrPTrO~ 7'UT/l/TY £A S F ~.A r:-OJ T __... --.......;- 78 -----, Lo,"B'o"C,"'Obd,V",o o of V."D.s S'ho o', ""0'No.".Eagle COun ty,COl o rado. r h"'by ""'f,'h.,'h','••'oV ,o,o,10""00 ""'f".,.v" P"P"'d f o,B"oo B'o'o,'h,'oP'OV 'o,o,10""00 b",.b",.0 0 , P,.Vio os PtoP 'tty '"'v'y 'hot ha s b"o moooo OO',d by "hocs oo d tI >a' "'S DO'~b,"'I 'd "00 f o,'"'S"LI'".,o,of f,o,.,b O"d'08 ,or Other fu ture improv em ent lin es . r fO"h"""'f,'h"'h,'.p,OV'.'o"0 0 'h'.bo v •d""'bed P"'"0 0 'h',d.","o'y 10,"",'x"p ,o""'Y '° 00 ""00',." '0 "'"y Vi 'h '0 'h,b OO Od ot ,,,0 f t h Pot""OX"p,..slw",",'hot 'hot.,,.00 ''.etoo<'o ,o"u po n 'h ,d'Sotlb,.P".'''"by ,."ov~ ·'0 's o n '0y .d10'0 '0''''.'''',ex"Pt as 'odj",ed,•nd tI,ot tI rer e 1.00 'V'd,o"0,sl,o of 'oy "".'0'"0"'0'0'bO'd,o'o••oy P."o f SaI d pa rcel ,except as nOted. - UJ <.0 co oi I I ---------- September 24,1979 The Building Inspector Eagle County Eagle,CO Dear Sirl The duplex presently standing at 2568 Arosa Drive existed as a duplex in the year 1974 with 2 kitchens (1 per unit),2 baths (1 per unit),4 bedrooms (2 per unit),and 2 living rooms (1 per unit),as it exists today. ~~~Ver1ficat10n 'i(',cJ,"'rds /K'Ie.i sf Dv..ple i >44'3~~« 3'tf'<-~-----------------,------.---- ( G-r4SS (.\re.1:i\.+0 te C.o n"erfe.d 1D jrt:<lie t d ri ie tAJa y are<\. z s: < f m"CDDL 'OF RoAh - EAGLE COUNTY BUI .G PER MIT APPLICATION _ FI NAL:C/O INSPECTION,LAN DSCAPE INSPECTION FOR M Rev i ew Routing Form (../)P rim a ry Rou ting ()R e rou ting ~.2-t 7 9'Jj~:-#KL-d D ate R eferred Appl Icant P erm it No . J-v-6 f ~~ L ocation Pt armir rq C ommiss ionF i le No .------ R e view and return to t he Co unty B uild i ng Offi ci al with in 6 working days Pl a nning :Compli esw ith :Y es N o R evie wed by:D ate: Subdi v i s ion Regulations 00 8 Z oning R egul ations Site Pl an(Landscapi ng)00 ~:~:.o ~R ec9mm end A p proval:___A~ COA::lt s~f!:~~z.°F:5~PL ~J<1 Recom mend Appro va l:~& oooo Co mme nts :-----------------------I-..t-------I-.+--- C ountyH e alth :W ater "l/ttj7 '7 S anitation Perc.test Count y E ngi neer:Ro ads Gr ad ing Draina ge Final Inspection :C/O R e commend Appro val Comm e nt s: DO Fi nalI nspect ion :L an dscapin g R e co mme nd App rova l 00 Co mm ents:------------------------------ C /O Issued by _Date _ F inalF ili ng Dat e _ EAGLE COUNTY BUIl#G PERMIT APPLICATION • FINAL:C/O INSPECTION.LANDSCAPE INSPECTIONTORM Review Routing Form ()Primary Routing c-Y-/Rerouting 9 -.;J...<;'-7 cl7?,t,I-r~i)(kL.~I <X L IDateReferredApplicant Permit No . Location Pf armir iq Commission File No ,_ Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Reviewed by:Date:9-.),L{'-79 Recommend Approval :y~{A Ale "'~ i1, Yes No BBo0 ~O Oornrner rts :-----------------------;4---------- Planning:Compl ies with: Subdivision Regulations Zon ing Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage o 0 DOo0 DO Recommend Approval:_ Comments:_ County Health:Water Sanitation Perc.test DO BSo0 Recommend Approval: Comments:------------------------------- Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DO Filial Inspection:Landscaping Recommend Approval 00 Comments:------------------------------ C/O Issued by _Date,_ Final Filing Date _ 1•~ BUILDING PE~IT ~~~ICATION 0 <; ("",•·'C..r"z Ju risdicti on of .~•-•0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly .0••Joe ADD"[55 A-(f..f~~~\J)~i xri:\jJ~\j~<\GLdS'~~~,?s'1l,,')7ILOT",O< I OL K C-1T.A CT h \\"'~LEliA L I1(;...."'d~,),L'~',v,~t /·(cr:D t:£AT TACHEp S HE E:T)1 O Em.t-j P.>loW(lCAL »;'-,...~,~ o w",.~,~.-l '/~! MA l L ADDR ESS lOP PHONE 2 \::k,("\r .ll .~"'.1 ~1.-,7 V~\\'i!;'"'5/t/lk 'i'ib 4!f «:41 b-l..j ~, 3 c013E~·{..\.\,;'rY\,V\€r<; MAIL "DORES S PHONE:L.I CE NS E NO . l.III i r.n.~1\1.,17 I 4 1k-b 't,C1 I ~1-35 ARC H I TECT O R OE.S IGNER ""A IL A OO'H :,,5 P H ONE L IC ENSE N O. 4 r.P>lG I HE £R M A.L A O Olll£55 PH ONE L I (£",5£NO . 5 L tNotl'l M AI L "00l1li£55 B IIlAN eW 6 USE 0 "e UH ..D INCo 7 8 Classo fw ork:O NEW o ADDITION ~A L T E R A Tl D N o REPAIR o MOVE o RE MOVE 9 Describe work:1'''..NvI'i'l A-.el T"""n k'~<1.t.v\<:I.@_V'UT",').3-11\~l .f]....r-e ~_d-,I'""' ~\.i \",,-~.:w-l..;l..>.~j r bMr.L~.:«:\."k ~b.I r--r--.{'L(..RriI.......~c YIN-..\\~J,7 \l fl'''''' 10 Change dus e fr om C Chan ge ofuset o 11 Valuationofw ork:$q "b OOD IP ERMIT FEE :2 '1(.~<7 PLAN CHE CK F EE ~ SP ECIALCO ND ITIONS :, Type of Occupancy Ca nst .G roup D ivision Size of Bldg .No ,of Max . (Total )SQ .Ft.St ories oce .Lo ad F ire Us.F ire Sprinkler s APPLI CA TlO N A CCE PlE 0 B V PLANS CH ECKED R Y APPROVED FOR I SSUANCE B Y Z one Z on e R equ tred D Ves ON o N o.o f OFFSTREET PAR KING SPACES ' Dwelling U n its Covered I U nc overe d NOTICE Special Approvals Requ ired Received Not Required SEPARATE PERM ITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL.,PLUMB·ZON ING l NG,HEATING,VEN TI LA TlNG ORA I RCO NDITIONING.HEALTH DEPT.T HIS PERMIT BECO MES NULL ANDVOID I FWORKOR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZE D ISNOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTIONORWORKIS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPOR T FO R APER IOD OF 1 20 DAYS ATANY TIME AF TER WOR KIS COMMENCED .OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IHAV E READ AND EXAMINED THIS AP PLICATION AN D KNOW T HESAME T O BE TRUE AND CORRECT. AL L PROVISIONS O F LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OFWORK WILLBE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIF IED HEREIN ORNO T.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOESNO T PRESU ME T~~TO VIO LATE OR CANCELT HEI~'S I O N S OF A Y OHERSTEOR LOCALLAW REGULATINGCNSTRUCTIEPEFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION. \c:tir\-Q{b'".....d'\-7 1 u "t"O "~O N T fII "'C TO lit O lt A U T HOR I ZED A,a.(NT (DATE, ","NAT lit E 01""O WN!:"'F'~WNI:f11 e U Il.D EA 'O A T £I - WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK.M.O .CAS H PERMIT VALIDATIO N CK.P LA N C HEC K VA LI DATION ~P-~~S3.:L Form 100.1 1·77 INSPECTOR M.O .CASH INSPECTION APPROVALS .---_.~ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS : SETBACK TRE~CH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHERPROOFING CONCRETESLAB FRAMING INT.LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT.LATHING MASONRY FINAL USESPACE BELOW FORNOTES.FOLLOW-UP.ETC. REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY/~.. INSPEC.ON <l_---.!=--=~---=,...;-:,,..--!-__JOB N AME t!...=--2CL-"''--'-'''-'''-_"''''---'---.:..-_.:..-....:.....--=---__ M .CALLER _ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION EMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woes FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: _________0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECToDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE 10--1-29,( EAGLE COUNTY REBUESTINSPEC I BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 f /DATE __....::..-JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE FRAMING woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MaN TUE WED FRI AMPM ./ GJ 'APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE I/} 7 (," )81- I 'Y'r OJ In r.$ )..).7/ 6L . -,\s';.s "- PI!? Vl9iJ.. 11 .) \---_.__.......-.-. ~-_._-- ",J -r '•.'!..:...#,1 '.....I •• Nemr ~J~_='.._..I ~~~.~L 6 .~~'"t-Th'IP .:·"'··_:~:.L ~-~--:,.~.:-f~};-~:-~....---.-------.--~ Addr~••_-=-?~5k8_j-\RI?5 A ..-=.:0 ;t?,._,--\J~.._I>.:!.Add "." Cit y __Wc.:".;[_VA II...-:.__.__Cily .._ ~-Shipping'D.l~~tl-"":"'~ff'!-,-------------C .hi n~t Slyl.I~.}fltil~-lJ.Ty.J .___Colur"J'1.it.:I L),a..1;.,. V.niU.-...___.._~__Co lor _ 0 .'~"""6"~,~fQra-t1~Yz /I I BOo !W I "'~\Oh>(Dct o.,1 Fl-'--/". ~r \J)2 4--:SOL-I I ~I--It)/'l'X;~ r : OJ.)<!.'24.~'OL-',~tVeZ430 ~,I , Ls63(p J:j'Sl\....)I\s.>o:I~'i ~.-e.:\.._.'.-._-----'l41")wFZj- ~'-I "-e F ~" , .z:-rJI k~Q -+-'((\rt (.::oS'~.~-::i;£II 0-~(\'7 .:::. (\~-r,~lL :::;ou .>.e>\~~~......0 £.'i2A~(l,E ,~.--![!('j \2 ,;..9"--.:::;-]or-e-0'\>J s>~~o '(\><~Ko~~I ?$I (Xl 'X.\~l:'J •..l:..\'.."::;l\>-W !~):,~. i ~'1:"'$)~-C ~'1 -3-J),z!51 -0 '00 I ~it .~::::.1'-'J ~:fl ~-0 , ~T h T ~(\ o • -r- _\v .....~,c---r--""'"..-0 -._~..-,~\..'."~.-.l '.. .....,/.- -,<",,- /""..' ! JBN CORP. 3101 s.PLAnE RIVERDR. ENGLEWOOD,COLORADO 80110 303·761·6531' ;::-;:>u I-L \/;1I~7'K,r-"".\/':'c--;T,..,. \Il .. ...........\\.,I ~l.-).~.]...v t·,..." /./.J E'>j l"'j ('-.:,) .. EAGLE COUNTY '/ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE II -!'I--7tf BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE woe S FINAL OOOS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. MON TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED e 1/(f /I I I U COMMENTS:_ A t?AI •• I _ o DISAPPROVED .........,, o APPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS__~~e.._...L..f,t..l44~.4L_/__,~~.qt.~~!!:...e:~~L---------- DATE /1 -(i)/71 /61 r N REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY ~~. - DATE --===:::::::1<5Bii~E ---_~.:::...::c:~:...l--r+--L..+:::....:....:::.::=...::!l=£-----=----- TIME RECEIVED _ -BUILDING DIVISION -PoO.BOX179 --===i:;;;::====~ PHONE:328 ·6339 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: .J'\ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON o APPROVED TUE o DISAPPROVED [B~P E CT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE :J _7 __~c) '...• . REGUESTN EAGLE COUNTY INSPEC /I ( BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 I'b '-ILl e. DATE JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLE R _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL i -, FOOTING r.........INSULATION ---ROUGH :-VENTrLATION ~T E M PO R A R Y., FOUNDATION I·SHEETROCK STANDPIPE -HEATING :="!ROUGH ,:...veNEER ~F I NA L woe S :,HOODS ~F I N A LFRAMING FINAL ::"ROOF :JSMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIA L.LOCATION _ MON TUE READY FORINSPECTION -?-. WED THUR / FRI I I AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED DDISAPPROVED [B-R E INS PECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE ( BUILDING DIVISIO EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 steve Boyd BUllDIN~ PERMIT FIELD COpy 0229 (CONTR'S L ICENS E ) P ERMIT T O M oye building (TYP E OF I MPROYEM ENT) (__)STO RY Rental Property NO .(PR OPOSED US E ) NUMBEROFOWELLINGUNITS _ 2572 Arosa D r.Vail JIlX D as Schone IHO.)(STRE ET) (CROSS S TR EET ) ~S U BO I VI S I ON -'Y;f..I..9'LJ.lc..'4-_..J..UL.::i-~;i-<:::..,,q..~4L.l.::"__LOT ¥ (CR OSSST REET) (T YP E) -c ~BUILDINGISTOBE FT .WID E BY FT .L ONG BY FT.INHEI G HT A ND S HALL C ONF ORMI NC ONSTRUCT I ON llJ o Z TOT YPE US E GROUP BASEMENTW ALLS OR F OUNDA T I ON _ ~a:ou,RE MAR KS:_ 13,000 1 BUILDtG PERMIT APPU c!TION • °;;s ...tYc;F ~4i z Jurisdict ion of ~••0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~••J OB A DO"[S5 1;0 "[}..£)/;...J.r oCj cJ..."/};-.IJ 617 7c 'J r>Jv JL loOTNO .li e,C IT"CT lJlJ iL (OS E[ATTACl-l ED Sl-l EET j",GU I ·21 Of)."7cJ1 M /-.II.l olSe lll : OWN!"S (}D -«MA IL "'CO"EI. Va"L. z,.PH ONE 2 l..e il L f3 OY 5 ur(CoLo <jj Ii <;'7 L.n 6-'3)!.jl! 3 cO ' T073°0 '/J C;ON MA IL."COIllESS P H O ~t 7-;·~~·06(;0 ;1.(7 T (J n i r:,0 r::J ~4 76-'3 7 'it{[a ,L. "''''M IT£eT OR ctS 1GH EJIII MA IL ADD''I:.5 5 P HO NE L IC ENSE NO . 4 - ENC INEER MA LL A ODIlIES S PHOro.E LI CEI<ol SE NO . 5 - LENDER Pr/~(J.r-IG-1-4....11.AOOIllES S B RA"'CH 6 7 USE O••u,e O'NG/?.12.Iv t a L l r 0 f)o r 1'I 8 Class of work :DNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR ~M O V E D REMOVE 9 Descr ibe work :f1 OV..e...-....e.X I e,T ;j\r.".70 7i1~Fou /II J ai n ;"t 41(L~7 1'4 I e.&]i s.; 10 Cha nge of use from - Change of u se to - 11 Val uation of work:$I }/DOD.00 IPERMIT FE E bf~PLAN CHECK F EE SPEC IAL CONDITIONS :Type of O c cupancyrOacJC1A7~c onst .Group Di vi sion Siz eo fB ldg .N o.o f Ma x . (Total)SQ.F l.Stor ies o cc .L oad F ire Us.F ire Sprin klers A PPLICA TION ACC EPTED BY :PLANSCH ECKED BY APPROVED F ORISSU ANCE BV Zone Z one Requ ired D Yes DN o~&tA~jlA-,N o.of O FFSTRE ET PARKING SPACES, D well i ng U n its C overed I U ncovered t:?NOTICE Special Approvals R equi red Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQU IRED FOR E LEC TRIC AL.PLUMB·ZO NING I NG .H EATING.VE NTILATI NG ORA IR CO NDITIONI NG.HEA LTH D EPT. T HISPER MI T B ECOMES NUL LA ND VOID I F W O RK ORCO N STRUC· TlON AUTHORIZED IS NOT CO MME NCED W ITH IN1 20 DAYS.OR FIR E DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION ORWOR K ISSUSPE NDED OR ABANDONED SO IL REPORT FOR A PERIOD O F 12 0D AYS AT ANY T IM E AF TER WORK I S COMMENCED.OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERT IFYT HATI HAVE READ AND E XAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS T YPEOF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECI FIED HERE IN OR NOT.THE GRANT ING O F A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROV ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL L AW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . S1G N&fuNT R :::.~m AGENT 6 tf 3 Iff')1./ I DATEI ,:l!imWNZ"/b:r6OI Oc:t ,«1 74 DAT E ' CASHCK.M.O .CASH WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERM IT INSPECTOR ~ R EO RD Il:""RO M:INTERNA TIONA l..C ONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFIC IALSForm100.1 11 -73 PLANCHECK VALIDATION -• EAGLE COUNTY Eagle ,Colorado.. OFFIC IALRE CEIPT ~D ate RECE IVED OF __-~ /12 -:3 -.1 9 ~ CASH I CHEC"l/t ACCT .,~,..AMOUNT I TEM CODE , Building Permit Fee..:tt ::J 2 t:j L9 ?4:) , App l ication For Subdivision App l ication Zone Change Conditional Use ~ Specia l Use Variance Appeal Fee Code :(Bu i lding)(Z o ning)(Subdiv ision) I T otal Received .-- 254N? A ll Items ar e r ece i ved for collection o nlyandth is r eceiptsha llb e cance lled for no -pa yment of an y i tem. .--INSPE REGUEST " EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME ~..,e.A TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~0 \~ PARTIAL EMPORARY ELECTRICAL PARTIAL WENTrLATION EATING 0005 MECHANICAL TANDPIPE woe S PARTIAL PLUMBING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING LOCATION: uMfJa:.! LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON •TUE WED B ~RI /1.''loS -G PM COMMENTS:d ~£~ku ~_Lf #F ~d<ll-l'~~~~::iY; o REINSPECT;K(APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE J()-IO -7r --,-p --..--.r".INSPE RECiUEST EAGLE COUNTY • JOBNAME ~§~AMPM 12CALLER L 7 # COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Ea.RATlNG __ENTrLATION iTEMPORARY STANDPIPE ROUGH FINAL woes FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: PARTIAL BUILDING DATE _ TIMERECEIVED _ LOCATION: IIIMlJoJ D OTHER D PARTIA l.LOCATIO N _ DATE 10--10 -71/ , INSPEC'ON REGUEST ()7'-/.'EAGL r C0UNTY DATE JOBNAME ~~~~ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLt;(/i BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH ENTrLATION TEMPORARY TANDPIPE EATING ROUGH FINAL woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON READY FORINSPECTION TUE WED @)FRI /"00 ft-fShPLn IA <A:~;Z;;-"'=IC,:,.J4.ehz ~'" I .0- 18!.APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR ·....:..-INSPEC RECJUEST ()-:r EAGL E-C0UNTY DATE JOBNAME ~~~rI TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALL.t;C/__'_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH ENTrLATION EMPORARY TANDPIPE EATING FINAL woe S PARTIAL PARTIAL ARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ /..J:::";FRI _~_ READY FORINSPECTION WED 8 I~,..;I-~--Z-&:'=:;,.I TUEMON ~APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- INSPECTOR DATE -, INSPEC'ON REGUEST COUNTY~p7..1 .EAGLE DATE JOBNAME C;;;~Q 8&~ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---=-rt-_ BUILDINGCOVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENTrLATION EMPORARY TANDPIPE INAL woes PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION ....L~~--.£~LJ..-¥-':dj:.?=-..",)...--- ~READY FORINSPECTION MON /w WED THUR FRI /:to AM ~ COMMENTS:~~.4.b.A1~A-t t7n.IJ &--'col A ....~.d:Z~Jl;tZ;;;:::=;i rJ IDAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DREINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE //-dft;-7'1 .-REBUEST COUNTY • DATE JOBNAME _~~~~!:s...;2.._~~~~~---------- TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---'_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH ENTrLATION EMPORARY TANDPIPE EATING INAL woe S PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. MON AM l";J l?:f APPROVED C DDISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE //-d 0-71./ , EAGLE COUNTY DATE 2h JOBNAME Sffi \I F R:x~d N -::?,D-:l0c:.C-0~,L.()p,;;8c..I~ TIME RECEIVED-'-~:...>.L..--'-~OJ'1.":..-,~M'CALLER ""-)e..,....\Q-a.. BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH ENTrLATION iTEMPORARY TANDPIPE woes INAL INAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: SERv~<:Z" ~OTHER E'lE<-:sE.e'/ICE 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON ~ COMMENTS:,P~ --n ~"I l Op-L ) WED THUR t>L /J.c.-" $""........v .ce <2?u-¥t r ~::::<.,-?» o REINSPECT DATE //--C7-6 -7y 7 /I INSPECTOR ,, Countyof Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT NQ 197 BuildingValuation$. ElectricalVa luation $5.0..0.:.//.0. Job-Name ~J..Ot:&9.~. Date ofApp lication .1I=:!...~_19 '2..1£. ElectricalCon tractor '-:}1...t<LJ.~~/. Applicant . Sianalure APPROVALS Datepaid .lI=..~.7..=..~..Y . Received By (l t:Q::(;;f.S .THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $:;l .D.:.Q..Q $B.Q.Q.. $;J.fl..Q.9... P lan Ch ecker ···Cbj~f·~g·~~····························· Date Date 'H E c .r,HDt tlCl L C D••DUVU U 190J 48 HOURSADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS .., - IUILD'NG DEPART ME NT I EAGLE COUNT Y,COLORADO PE RMI ~~~E j\j D ------._---------NOV 2 7THISf'ER,\-ll r VALID O NLY WH E N SIG ~IE O BY T H E CH If.F BLDG .!NSP.]CH4------.-. E LECTRICAL ADD RESS ,,.DqJ:l W,Iilon.,ir.G .;u:;';eJ. PERM I T OF JOil /IIW- ..,l!lluIlty.Colo. D ATE hf~_~~ ~A C TLY AS NA M E A PP EA RS ON LI CE NS E:: LI CE NSE ESTI M ATE DCOS TO F J OB CONTRACTO R ;(}f ,_1 f,L ~('J;('J('r>UC NUM B ER q ),// OWNER ,$ ;(D 6fgr L.!lJLLJ In 11J!.J..$00 .DO WH EN SIGNED AN DV ALIDAT E D BY BU ILDING DEPART MEN T.T HIS PERM I TA UTHOR IZES TH E ELECTRI CA L WOR K D ESCRI BED BELOW N o.of U ni t s FE E \ . T EM PORA RY M ETER I\./ \/-'\- - /CIRCUIT S LI GHT I NG \/------ H EAT I NG I\rOWER SUB -C IRCU ITS /\/ U<rlllTY (RArJ G E.D IS POSE (l.D I SH IVASH E'\1.COOLE R,F AN .DR YER.¢C.l ------- FI XT U RES -f-.-\-/ N U Ml\E R O VER -F ~--.---./- NEW ~VIC E ENTfANCE \/N UMBEO F A MPS - I C H A N G E~R V,lr ENTRA NCE \/l\M '-J1 )flT II PPI L{NUMBE R 0 AMP WI RING M ~7 S &CONTR OLS IM~~ N UMBER OF 0B URNER S.STO KERS.FORCED AIR STE MS .ETC_ SIGNS _~,R\I :/\NEON E XT R IOR S N A N DO N E TR A NSFOR ME NEON I N-vERIOR SI G\!A ;\JD ON E TRANSFORMltR \ AD D lTl iNAL TR ANSF~R MER S.E X TER10!~I NTER !OR\ I N CAr,ID ESC E N T E XTE R I'li/R SIGN O F 7.5 LITSO R L ESS \ N U~..m ER O F LI G HTS O 'l E ~5 /\ T f!'ANSFORMERS &REcT\FIER S,6NKS O F Y,KV A \ ,A DD ITION T O OLD WORK \./\ /MO TORS 1 HP OR L ESS Y \" ./M O TO RS O VER1H P LI ST U N1R EMAR KS \AD D I TI ONA LH P PER MO TOR. RE MA R KS:(JUllUEI? ,0'/F llf IiO !1 b _~_LUL~S.'i£JiL~£Po R..il..fl..U.S f rsai:WIlt; 11L~j}n~(JE-e ,72 11 .ao 00 TOTAL WHEN JOBIS R EADY.CA LL FEE TH EBU ILD INGDEPT .ONE -L..,..-W/?F (I rro c)r?06 0- WO RKING D AYBEF ORE I NSPECTI ONISWAN TED I $~,f .O O -~---- BU I LDINGD EPT.A PPRO'lI ,L B Y rO RA LL W ORK D O i'H£.UN DER lHI S PER M I T T He f'E R;\1 IT T~C I\r:CEPTS F ULL RES P ONS I BILI TY t--O R C O M PLIANCEW ITH T HF"" BU IL D IN G CODE A N D A LL O T HER A PPLICABLE OH Di NA NC r::S. CO NT RAC T OR IUELJ [LF .r:JJ!.Lr .IN C. CHIE F BU ILD IN G I N SPECTO R ADD ilESS E X A CTL Y A S N f.ME A PP ~A HS ONLI CENSE 2D X K -_A/~/lJ ,.C4 --JI{".)() C O NTR A CTO R 'S e v _7 )'/'-.v :-,-:"';..'..,. c --.J •EAGLE COUNTY .19 :J!.L Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPl Date /j-.:J 7 ~-eL;;RECEIVED o F -""'<.&~___'_"~'_d...:::I.<:'_d..a;...'_____ CASH I ~cifte't 'l A CCT. n AMOUNT ITEM COD E ,/tk:2'fI ff _OJ¥-{)OBuildingPermitFeeI. A pplicati on For »:00 Subdiv ision A ppl icati on Z one Chang e Conditi onal U se SpecialUse Varian ce Appe al F ee Code :(Bu ildi ng)(Zoning)(Subd iv i si on) To talReceived <;)/tJ(} All I t e ms a rere ce ived f orco llection o nlyandth isrece ipt sh allbe ca n celled for no -p aymen to f anyi t em. N?357 By